Food and Its Constituents

Пособие содержит профессионально-ориентированные тексты на английском языке, а также лексические и грамматические упражн

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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Казанский государственный технологический университет»

О. Н. Григорьева, Э. И. Галиуллина

Food and Its Constituents Пища и её влияние на организм человека Учебное пособие

Казань КГТУ 2010

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 802.0075 ББК Ш143.21-923 Г Григорьева О. Н. Food and Its Constituents.Пища и её влияние на организм человека: учебное пособие / О. Н. Григорьева, Э. И. Галиуллина. – Казань: Изд-во Казан. гос. технол. ун-та, 2010. – 112 с. ISBN 978-5-7882-1223-4 Пособие содержит профессионально-ориентированные тексты на английском языке, а также лексические и грамматические упражнения. Цель пособия – совершенствование умений и навыков чтения и перевода текстов по специальности, развитие умений аннотирования и реферирования. Предназначено для аудиторной работы студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов института пищевых производств и биотехнологии, обучающихся по специальности 170600 «Машины и аппараты пищевых производств», 260504 «Технология консервов и пищевых концентратов», 240.902 «Пищевая биотехнология» Подготовлены на кафедре «Иностранные языки в профессиональной коммуникации» КГТУ. Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Казанского государственного технологического университета.

Рецензенты: доц. кафедры английского языка и методики его преподавания института языка ТГГПУ канд. пед. наук Поморцева Н.П. доц. кафедры РГФ КГУ, канд. филол. наук Каримова С.Г. ISBN 978-5-7882-1223-4


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CONTENTS Предисловие………………………………………………… Section I. Food and its Constituents……………………….. Text A. Why do We Eat?............................................ Grammar: Present Indefinite Tense………………... Text B. Digestion…………………………………… Grammar: Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем и прошедшем времени…………………………… Text C. What is Food? ………………………………. Grammar: Типы вопросительных предложений…. Дополнительные упражнения…………………….. Section II. The Nutrients…………………………………… Text A. The Nutrients………………………………. Grammar: Past Indefinite Tense……………………. Text B. Proteins…………………………………….. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense…………………… Text C. Fats ………………………………………… Grammar: Present Perfect Tense в сравнении с Past Indefinite Tense………………………………… Text D. Carbohydrates ……………………………... Grammar: Степени сравнения прилагательных…. Text E. Polysaccharides……………………………. Grammar: Сравнение Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Perfect…………………………. Дополнительные упражнения…………………… Text F. Vitamins…………………………………... Grammar: Present Continuous Tense……………… Text G. Water-soluble Vitamins…………………… Grammar: Сравнение Present Continuous Tense и Present Indefinite Tense…………………………… Text H. Minerals…………………………………… Grammar: Past Continuous Tense…………………. Text I. Minerals – продолжение………………….. Grammar: Сравнение Past Continuous Tense и Past Indefinite Tense……………………………………. 3

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Text J. Water………………………………………. Grammar: many, much, few, little………………… Дополнительные упражнения…………………... Section III Health disorders related to unwise food choice Text A. Heart Diseases…………………………… Grammar: Cтрадательный залог………………... Text B. Obesity…………………………………… Grammar: Способы перевода страдательного залога…………………………………………….. Text C. Eating Disorders…………………………. Grammar: Безличные и неопределенно-личные предложения……………………………………. Text D. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease…………. Grammar: Mодальные глаголы………………… Section IV. Diets…………………………………………. Text A. Vegetarians…………………………….. Grammar: Неличные формы глагола (герундий) Text B. Religious Groups………………………… Grammar: Неличные формы глагола (причастие) Text C. Customs, Traditions, and Festivals…………. Grammar: Неличные формы глагола (инфинитив) Section V. Food Cooking…………………………………… Text A. Food Cooking…………………………….… Grammar: Инфинитивные обороты. Cложное дополнение………………………………………… Text B. Moist Methods of Cooking………………... Grammar: Инфинитивные обороты. Cложное подлежащее…………………………………….. ... Text C. Dry Methods of Cooking………………….. Grammar: Инфинитивные обороты. Cложное дополнение (For + Infinitive)………………….. ... Text D. Frying……………………………………... Text E. Microwave Cookery……………………..... Приложение……………………………………... Библиографический список…………………… 4

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Предисловие Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для аудиторной работы студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов института пищевых производств и биотехнологии, изучающих английский язык. Главной целью пособия является совершенствование умений и навыков чтения и перевода текстов по специальности, развитие умений аннотирования и реферирования. Пособие также предполагает дальнейшее расширение словарного запаса, повторение и систематизацию грамматических структур. В учебное пособие включены 5 тематических разделов, такие как «Состав пищевых продуктов», «Пищевые вещества», «Диеты», «Способы приготовления пищи», «Правила здорового питания». Структуру каждого раздела составляют предтекстовые упражнения, тексты реферативного характера на английском языке, лексические программы, послетекстовые упражнения, грамматический материал и задания на его отработку. Предтекстовые задания подготавливают обучаемого к пониманию текстовой информации. Предлагается система упражнений на тренировку и овладение механизмом словообразования, раскрытие значений интернациональных слов, перевод форм глаголов, развитие смысловой и языковой догадки. Ведущее место учебного пособия составляют профессионально – ориентированные тексты, которые позволяют осуществлять работу по обучению различным видам чтения. Тематика текстов пособия (о роли и свойствах пищевых веществ, основах сбалансированного питания, способах приготовления продуктов и др.) рассчитана на повышение мотивации на занятиях английского языка. Послетекстовые упражнения выполняют следующие функции: усвоение лексико-грамматического материала, контроль навыков и умений чтения, совершенствование навыков устной речи. Задания предназначены для более полного проникновения в смысл текста и извлечения из текста 5

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необходимой информации, направлены на развитие навыков аннотирования и реферирования. Особое внимание авторы уделяют систематической работе над лексикой и грамматикой. Каждый текст сопровождается лексической программой, обязательной для запоминания. Пособие включает упражнения, направленные на формирование навыков практического владения языком через расширение и обогащение словарного запаса обучающихся и овладение грамматическими явлениями, характерными для научнотехнической литературы на английском языке. Единая общая тематическая направленность текстов способствует высокой естественной повторяемости речевых образцов и грамматических явлений. В силу специфики предмета иностранный язык учебное пособие имеет огромный воспитательный и развивающий личность студента потенциал: приобщает учащихся к здоровому образу жизни и правильному питанию. Авторы заранее признательны всем, кто найдёт возможность прислать свой отзыв и замечания по данному пособию. Адрес: 420015, Казань, ул. К.Маркса,68.


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I. FOOD AND ITS CONSTITUENTS Работа над текстом А Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. to comment ['kOment], Greek [grJk], philosopher [fi'lOsqfq], doctor ['dOktq], medicine ['medisin], to produce [prq'djHs], energy ['enqGi], modern






chemistry ['kemistri], organic [L'gxnik], carbon dioxide ['kRbqn dai'Oksaid] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to digest [dai'Gest] (переваривать) – digestion; nutrient ['njHtrient] (питательное вещество) – nutrition, nutritionist; to move (двигаться) – motion, movement; oxygen ['OksiGqn] – to oxidize ['Oksidaiz] III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT A. WHY DO WE EAT? No records exist who first began to think about why we eat or about various effects of foods, but ancient Greek philosophers and doctors commented these lines. Socrates said the purpose of food is to replace the water lost through the skin and the loss of heat from the body. Lavoisier thought that the combustion that produces body heat should occur in the lungs. Understanding of what happens to food from the time it is eaten until it is oxidized to produce heat and mechanical energy, could not be learned until the chemical nature of foods was discovered. They knew that all animals inhale oxygen, combine it with the food to produce carbon dioxide, heat, and the energy with which they could move. The chemistry of that time could not tell more. Foods are composed of organic substances too complex to be 7

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understood from the state of chemistry as it was in the first half of the nineteenth century. Modern work on digestion and nutrition began about a century ago. Now we know that we should eat to have energy. When a nutritionist uses the word «energy» he means the capacity to do work. To him «work» is movement; the more a person moves, the more energy he requires. Even when a man is asleep he is still partly in motion because his heart, lungs and most of the other organs are working. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What did ancient philosophers think about food? 2. Why did not ancient scientists understand the composition of food? 3. Why do we eat? 4. What does a nutritionist mean using the word «energy» and why? 5. What is the main idea of the text? Лексическая программа to think-thought-thought digestion [dai'GesCqn]

думать пищеварение

nutrition [njH'triSqn]


to exist [ig'zJst] various effects of food Purpose to replace to lose-lost-lost

существовать различное влияние еды цель заменять терять через, сквозь

through [TrH] Skin Loss

кожа потеря тепло

heat [hJt]

сжигание, процесс окисления

combustion [kqm'bAsCqn] 8

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происходить, случаться

to occur [q'kW] Lungs to happen to to inhale substance ['sAbstqns] Complex to understand-understood-understood to know-knew-known Capacity to require [ri'kwaiq]

легкие происходить с вдыхать вещество сложный понимать знать способность требовать сердце

heart [hRt]

Present Indefinite Tense Present Indefinite употребляется для выражения действия обычного, постоянного, то есть действия, происходящего вообще, а не в момент речи. All work requires energy. – Любая работа требует энергии. Present Indefinite совпадает с формой инфинитива (без частицы to) во всех лицах, кроме 3-го лица ед. числа, принимающего окончание s: to work – I (we, you, they) work, he (she, it) works. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do (does): Does all work require energy? All work does not require energy. V. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. Work involves motion. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Growing bodies require more food than bodies of older people. ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. 3. Animals inhale oxygen. 9

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………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. 4. The word «energy» means the capacity to work. ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. VI. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. We ………………. (not/ to know) exactly what primitive man ate. 2. Wheat ……..…. (not/ to keep) well with more then 14% of water. 3. ………. they (to take)………………………. part in his research? 4. Cooks ……………….. (to prefer) to make cakes from soft flours. 5. He …………………………….…. (to grow) maize in his garden. Работа над текстом B Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. physiologist ["fizi'OlOGist], portion ['pLSqn], hydrolysis [hai'drOlqsis], amino acids [q'mJnqu 'xsids], chlorophyll ['klLrqfil], cholesterol [kq'lestqrOl] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to nourish ['nAriS] (питать) – nourishing, nourishment; part (часть) – partly, to take part; process (процесс) – to process; to regard (принимать во внимание) – regardless; intestine (кишка, кишечник) – small (large) intestine, intestinal wall; stream (поток, ручей) – bloodstream; nature (природа) – natural; different (другой, отличающийся) – to differ, difference; certainly (конечно, точно) – uncertainty; to grow-grew-grown (расти) – growth III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT B. DIGESTION Very little natural food can serve as nourishment just as it is; 10

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glucose is nearly the only natural substance that can. While chemists were trying to find what foods are made of, physiologists were trying to learn what food is nourishment. It soon became evident to the physiologists that foodstuffs must undergo enormous changes in the human body, because the body tissues are very different from the foodstuffs that nourish them. Hair, skin, muscles and bones bear little resemblance to the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals which foodstuffs consist of. The word «food» is used loosely to mark anything edible whether it is a natural product such as wheat, fish, or potatoes; a partly processed product such as flour; or cooked foods such as an apple-pie. If it is edible – it is food, regardless of what must be done to it before it is eaten. Because of this uncertainty of meaning, the nutritionists use the word «foodstuffs» for those portions of the foods the body can use, mainly the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. All digestion is a reaction of the foodstuffs with water or what chemists call a hydrolysis. As the digested food passes along the intestines, it consists of 3 sugars (mostly glucose), about 20 amino acids and several fatty acids. There are also salts and some other substances that are in food, such as acids, chlorophyll, cholesterol and vitamins. Such is the food as it passes through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream to be distributed to the various tissues for growth, repair, or the production of energy. IV. Выберите утверждение, соответствующее содержанию текста. 1. The task of chemists and physiologists was a) the same; b) different; c) to define what foods were made of. 2. The food-stuffs undergo a) no changes in the body; b) great changes in the body; c) partial changes in the body. 3. Food is a) anything edible; b) only processed products; c) any natural product. 4. The meaning of the words «foods» and «foodstuffs» is a) not quite certain; b) equal; c) different only for nutritionists. 5. Digestion is a) the utilization of minerals by the body; b) a hydrolysis of food-stuffs; c) а reaction of sugars and about 20 amino 11

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acids. V. Прочитайте текст еще раз и расскажите о том, что

интересует 1) специалистов-химиков в области питания; 2) специалистов-физиологов в области питания. Лексическая программа nourishment glucose to be made of to become-became-become evident foodstuff to undergo changes enormous [i'nLmqs]

питание глюкоза быть сделанным из становиться очевидный продовольствие, продукты подвергаться изменениям огромный

tissue ['tiSu]


carbohydrate ["kRbq'haidreit] fats to be (not) much like to bear (much/ little) resemblance either … or


muscles ['mAslz]

жиры быть (не) сильно похожим походить сильно/ слабо схожесть или … или мышцы белки, протеины

proteins ['prqutin] loosely to mark edible

свободно указать, обозначить съедобный пшеница

wheat ['wJt] partly processed

частично обработанный мука

flour ['flauq] hydrolysis intestine

гидролиз кишка, кишечник 12

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amino acids chlorophyll cholesterol

аминокислоты хлорофилл холестерин кровоток

bloodstream ['blAdstrJm]

распространять to distribute [di'strJbjHt] repair восстановление Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем и прошедшем времени Местоимение Present Past I am was You are were He is was She is was It is was We are were They are were Глагол to be (быть) в настоящем времени переводится как «есть». Однако в русском языке «есть» в большинстве случаев опускается. Food is anything edible. Еда – это всё, что съедобно. The task of chemists was to find out food constituents. Задачей химиков было выяснить состав еды. VI. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. The purpose of food is to replace the water. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Glucose is the only natural substance that can serve as nourishment. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 3. Body tissues are very different from the foodstuffs that nourish them. ………………………………………………………………………. 13

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………………………………………………………………………. 4. There are very little carbohydrates in the human body. ………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………. 5. The word «food» is used to mark anything edible. ………………………………………………………………………. VII. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Bread and milk………………… (to be) both low in iron. 2. Honey …………….. (to be) nutritionally much better than sugar. 3. The term sugar for most people …………………….... (to mean) cane (тростник) or beet (свекла) sugar. 4. The plants ……..…. (to take) the carbon and oxygen from the air. 5. Fruits and vegetables ...… (to be) the best sources of organic acids. Работа над текстом С. Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. energy ['enqGi], material [mq'tiqriql], regulate ['regjqleit], process ['prquses], inadequate [in'xdikwit]; chief ['CJf] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. humanity (человечество) – human being; to grow (расти) – growth; science (наука) – scientifically speaking; to be able (быть в состоянии, мочь) – ability III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT C. WHAT IS FOOD? Food is essential to the nutrition of any human being or any form of life. If there is no food there is no life; if the amount or kind of food is inadequate, growth is stopped and the capacity to work is lost. The term «food» is commonly referred to those substances that we eat. Milk, eggs, tomatoes, and flour are accepted as foods. 14

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Scientifically speaking foods are not so much substances that we eat, as substances that supply us with certain nutrients when they are eaten. Foods supply us with energy, build and repair tissues, and regulate body processes. Foods which we eat are often complex substances, which meet more than one of these body needs. One food may supply with both energy and building material, another may regulate body processes and give energy. The contribution that a food makes to the body depends on its constituents and the ability of the body to utilize them. The chief constituents of foods are classified into six groups: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. The body's need for energy is met through carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Its need for building and repairing tissues is mainly met by proteins and minerals. The regulation of body processes is commonly regarded as particular function of water, proteins, vitamins, minerals, organic acids and cellulose. Though water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats make up the largest quantity of the food constituents, the others constituents are also important. VI.Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is food? (Name some foods.) 2. What do foods supply a human body with? 3. What are the chief constituents of foods? 4. How is the body's need for building and repairing tissues met? 5. What substances regulate the body processes? Лексическая программа essential [i'senSql] amount inadequate growth ability/ capacity to lose-lost-lost to refer to flour

существенный количество неадекватный рост способность терять относиться к мука 15

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to accept scientifically speaking to supply with nutrient to eat-ate-eaten to define to meet (met-met) needs contribution to depend on constituent [kqn'stitjuqnt] to utilize chief through ['TrH] though [Dqu] to regard particular cellulose ['seljulqus]

принимать научно говоря снабжать питательное вещество кушать определять удовлетворять потребности вклад зависеть от составная часть, компонент использовать главный через хотя рассматривать особенная целлюлоза, клетчатка

Типы вопросительных предложений 1. Отрицательное предложение. Подлежащее, вспом. глагол, not смысловой глагол. ☺, Vвспом, not, Vсмысл. Foodstuffs don’t undergo enormous changes in the human body. Body tissues are not different from the foodstuffs. 2. Общий вопрос. Вспом. глагол, подлежащее, смысловой глагол. Vвспом, ☺, Vсмысл. Do foodstuffs undergo enormous changes in the human body? Are body tissues different from the foodstuffs? 3. Разделительный вопрос. + Предложение без изменений, вспом. not, местоим. глагол, _________________________, Vвспом, not, ☺. Предложение без изменений, вспом. глагол, местоим. 16

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_________________________, Vвспом, ☺. Body tissues are different from the foodstuffs, are not they? Foodstuffs don’t undergo enormous changes in the human body, do they? 4. Альтернативный вопрос. Вспом. глагол, подлежащее, смысловой глагол,OR. Vвспом, ☺, Vсмысл, or. Do foodstuffs undergo enormous or little changes in the human body? Are body tissues different from the foodstuffs or similar? 5. Специальный вопрос. Вопрос. слово, вспом. глагол, подлежащее, смысловой глагол. ☺, Vсмысл. ? word, Vвспом, Where do foodstuffs undergo enormous changes? How are body tissues different from the foodstuffs? 6. Вопрос к подлежащему. Who /What (he/she), вспом. глагол (если есть), смысл. глагол. Who /What Vвспом, What undergoes enormous changes? What is different from the foodstuffs?


V. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Food is essential to the nutrition of any human being. …………………………………………………………………..……. 2. Food supplies body with energy and building material. ………………………………………………………………..….….... 3. The contribution of food depends on its constituents. ……………………………………………………………..….……… 4. Water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are also essential for human body. …………………………………………………………...…………… ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Соотнесите слова с переводом. digestion кровоток 17

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nutrition inhale lungs heart muscles intestine amino-acids bloodstream essential

сердце вдыхать легкие существенный кишка пищеварение питание мышцы aминокислоты

II. Вставьте необходимый предлог. 1. No record exists to tell us about various effects …………. foods. 2. Understanding of what happens ….. foods after they are eaten had to wait ……… several discoveries in chemistry. 3. Foods are composed ………… organic substances. 4. While chemists were trying to find what foods are made ………. physiologists were trying to learn what food must be used as nourishment. 5. The body tissues are profoundly different …… the food-stuffs that nourish them. 6. The term "food" is commonly referred ………. those substances that we eat. 7. Foods supply us……, build and repair tissues, and regulate body processes. 8. The contribution that a food makes to the body depends …….. its constituents and the ability of the body to utilize them. III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов. nо — никакой, ни один; neither... nor — ни... ни; either ... or — или ... или, либо ... либо; both — оба; both... and — как..., так и; either — также (при отрицании). 1. There are no records of the food of primitive man and so we can only guess what he ate. 2. With more than 14% of water neither wheat nor flour keeps well. 3. The flour can be made from either winter or spring wheat. 18

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4. Bread and milk are both low in iron. 5. They burned carbon in oxygen and measured both the heat produced and the amount of CO2. 6. Thiamine occurs in food of both animal and plant origin. 7. They didn't take part in this research either. IV. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Soft flours ………… (to be) the best to make cakes. 2. You should know that honey ……………….. (to be) nutritionally much better than sugar. 3. Cakes ……………………… (to be) made up of many ingredients. 4. In the course of cooking a great part of vitamins …... (to be) lost. 5. Maize can ………… (to be) grown in a wide variety of climates. 6. One must … (to be) very careful with salt and sugar in one's diet. 7. The amount of vitamins in food ………(to vary) with the time of cooking. 8. The body …………..(to use) substances from food to function correctly and to stay healthy. 9. Most foods ………………….(to contain) more than one nutrient. 10. Diet ………….(to mean) the food that a person normally eats every day. 11. At least 22 amino-acids …………………… (to occur) naturally. 12. Fat ………………(to provide) a concentrated source of energy. V. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. Food industry involves the commercial movement of food from field to folk. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 2. Both ancient and modern records show that farmers work long hours. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 3. The modern food industry is the result of technological and cultural changes over the last 150 years. ………………………………………………………………………... 19

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………………………………………………………………………... 4 Agriculture is the process of producing food by the cultivation of plants. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 5. In the U.S., consumers spend about US$1 trillion annually for food. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 6. In North America, over 50 % of the population were farm families only a few decades ago. ……………………………………………..……………….………… ……………………………………………..……………….………… II. THE NUTRIENTS Работа над текстом А Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. protein





["mxkrqu'njHtrient], sodium ['squdiqm], calcium ['kxlsiqm], potassium [pq'txsiqm], phosphorus [''fOsfqrqs], magnesium [mxgnJziqm], iron ['aiqm], zinc ['ziNk], copper ['kOpq], iodine ['aiqdin], selenium [si'liniqm], chromium ['krqumiqm], cobalt ['kqubLlt], saccharides ['sekqraidz], absorption [qb'zLpSqn] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. nutrition (питание) – nutrient; chemistry (химия) – chemical; vita ['vaitq] (жизнь) – vital; to grow (расти) – growth III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT A. THE NUTRIENTS 20

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There are five main groups of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Macronutrients are needed by the body in relatively large amounts. They include proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the mineral elements sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Micronutrients are needed by the body in smaller amounts. They include vitamins, essential fatty acids, and trace elements (the minerals iron, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, chromium, and cobalt). Water can also be called a nutrient, as it is vital to life. Proteins Our bodies are composed of millions of cells, which are constantly being replaced. As the body grows, new cells are added. Each cell contains a protoplasm, which contains (among other things) protein. Protein is vital to the growth, repair, and maintenance of the body. Protein can also be used to provide the body with energy. Fats They provide a concentrated source of energy, surround and protect certain vital organs, e.g. kidneys, glands, form a layer under the skin to preserve body heat and protect the skeleton and organs, provide a source of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are an important source of energy and they act as a 'protein sparer', so that proteins can be used for its primary functions rather than as a source of energy. There are three main carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Vitamins Vitamins are very important in nutrition even though they are required only in small amounts, but as the body cannot make most of them itself, they must be supplied by food. In general, vitamins are required to regulate the maintenance and growth of the body, and to control metabolic reactions in cells. There are two groups of them fat-soluble and water-soluble. Minerals Apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (the main elements that make up protein, fat, and carbohydrate), the body requires at 21

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least 20 other elements. They are called mineral elements and they are required for body building, control of body processes, e.g. transmission of nerve impulses. They are essential part of body liquid. Water Water is vital to life – 70 % of the human body is water, required for all body fluids, e.g. saliva, blood, sweat and urine, required as part of many metabolic reactions; some nutrients need to be dissolved in water for proper absorption. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Name main groups of nutrients. 2. What is the difference between macro and micronutrients? 3. What are the functions of protein? 4. What are the functions of fat in the body? 5. Why does the body require carbohydrates? 6. List the functions of vitamins. 7. What are minerals required for? 8. Why is water vital to life? Лексическая программа питательный макроэлемент macronutrient relatively сравнительно micronutrients питательный микроэлемент to include включать essential важный, необходимый trace незначительное количество to be composed of / to be made состоять из up of to contain содержать to maintain / maintenance поддерживать / поддержание to provide with обеспечивать cell клетка, сота, камера kidney почка железы, гланды glands [glxndz] 22

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at least transmission liquid / fluid saliva [sq'laivq]

по крайней мере передача, перенос жидкость, жидкий слюна

blood [blAd]


sweat [swet]


urine ['juqrin] to dissolve

моча растворять

Past Indefinite Tense Past Indefinite служит для выражения действия, которое совершалось или совершилось в прошлом. В предложениях с глаголом этого времени часто употребляются следующие обстоятельства времени: yesterday – вчера, the day before yesterday – позавчера, last week - на прошлой неделе, last month – в прошлом месяце, last night – вчера вечером, last time – в прошлый раз, last – в последний раз, two days ago – 2 дня назад, in 1917 - в 1917 году и т. п. Утвердительная форма глагола в Past Indefinite образуется путем прибавления окончания –ed к основе правильного глагола, а у неправильных глаголов используется вторая форма: to work – worked - работал to eat-ate-eaten – съел, ел Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did и первой формы смыслового глагола. Hippocrates thought that growing bodies should have more food. Hippocrates didn’t think that growing bodies should have more food. Did Hippocrates think that growing bodies should have more food? Глагол to be в прошедшем времени имеет формы was или were. Last century heart disease was a main cause of death. Last century heart disease was not a main cause of death. 23

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What was a main cause of death last century? V. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму (Present or Past Indefinite). 1. It soon …………….. (to become) evident to the physiologists that foodstuffs must undergo enormous changes in the human body. 2. Ancient people …………………... (to know) how to make cheese. 3. Certainly hair, skin and muscles ………….……….. (to bear) little resemblance to the proteins of eggs, milk or wheat. 4. Cheese and milk always ………… (to be) the most important diary (молочные) products. 5. High blood pressure ……….... (to make) the heart work harder and …………... (to speed up) the blocking of arteries. VI. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. Butter making originated in the countries with cold climate. ……………………………………………………………...………… 2. Freezers and microwave ovens helped to reduce the time of food preparation. ………………………………………………………………………... 3. A new method of preserving food was canning. ………………………………………………………………………... 4. The first cans were from glass. ………………………………………………………………………... 5. Liquids are very important to cooking. ………………………………………………………………………... 6. Fruits and vegetables keep better when cold. ………………………………………………………………………... 7. The engineer saw the results of the tests. ………………………………………………………………………... Работа над текстом B Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. protein ['prqutin], oxygen ['OksiGqn], carbon ['kRbqn], hydrogen 24

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['hidrqGqn], nitrogen ['naitrqGqn], sulphur ['sAlfq], phosphorus ['fOsfqrqs], biological ["baiqu'lOGikql], soya ['sOiq], gelatine ['Gelqtin] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. complete (полный) – incomplete; nature (природа) – naturally III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT B. PROTEINS Chemistry There are many different proteins and they are all complex molecules which contain these elements: oxygen (O), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N) and sometimes sulphur (S) and phosphorus (P). The protein molecules are made up of small units joined together in a chain. These units are called amino-acids. At least 22 different amino-acids are known to occur naturally, and each has its own chemical name. Different proteins are made when different numbers and types of amino-acids are combined. An enormous number of different proteins can be made from 22 amino-acids. (Think how many words can be made from the 26 letters of the alphabet.) Sources Of these 22 amino-acids: ten are indispensable for children, eight are indispensable for adults. Proteins that contain all the indispensable amino-acids (IAAs) in sufficient quantity are said to be of high biological value (HBV), or complete proteins. HBV proteins are found mainly in animal foods: meat, cheese, fish, milk, eggs. Proteins that lack one or more of the IAAs are said to be of low biological value (LBV), or incomplete proteins. LBV proteins are found mainly in plant foods cereals, pulses, nuts, vegetables. There are two exceptions to this: soya beans (plant) contain HBV protein, gelatine (animal) contains LBV protein. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What are the functions of protein? 25

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2. What chemical elements make up proteins? 3. What is an amino-acid? 4. What is an indispensable amino-acid? 5. How many indispensable amino-acids do children require, adults require? 6. What are (high) low biological value proteins and in which foods are they mainly found? V. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста. Лексическая программа chain to occur enormous indispensable adult to obtain sufficient amount / number / quantity value lack cereals pulses

цепь встречаться, происходить огромный необходимый взрослый получать достаточный количество ценность недостаток зерновые культуры бобовые растения

Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have и третьей формы смыслового глагола. Have (has) + V3 Present Perfect обозначает действие, уже совершившееся в предшествующий период до момента речи, но имеющее непосредственную связь с настоящим моментом. Эта связь проявляется двояко: а) в виде результата действия, ощущающегося в момент речи – He has lost his weight. б) в виде указания на период времени, который ещё не 26

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закончился, то есть включает и настоящий момент: today сегодня, this week - на этой неделе, this year в - этом году, this winter -этой зимой, since - начиная с какого-то момента и т. д. Since the invention of freezers and microwave ovens the time spent on food preparation has reduced. VI. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Food habits ………. (to change) to fit in (приспосабливаться) with rapidly changing lifestyle. 2. Semi-prepared foods (полуфабрикаты) ………. also ………. (to contribute – делать вклад) to the change in eating habits. 3. From earliest times grain …….... (to be) man’s chief means of life. 4. Since ancient times people ………………………….. (to use) salt as chemical preservative (консервант). 5. The inclusion of fats adds flavour to cooked food. This fact ………………… (to increase) the popularity of high fat foods, which are classified as junk food. 6. For the last 100 years the situation in agriculture ………………… (to change) dramatically. VII. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. I have known a woman once who had sixteen cows. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Julia felt hungry. Then she has remembered about the salad in the fridge. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 3. We’ve had enormous problems recently with ants in the kitchen. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 4. You haven’t yet explained clearly what you want me to cook. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… Работа над текстом C Упражнения 27

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I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. same ['seim], some['sAm], carbon ['kRbqn], oxygen ['OksiGqn], hydrogen ['haidrqGqn], glycerol ['glisqrOl], margarine ["mRGq'rJn], biscuit [''biskit], omega ['qumigq], blood [blAd], portion ['pLSqn] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to dissolve (растворять) – solution, soluble; to fill (наполнять) – full, fullness; vision ['viZən] (зрение) – visible, invisible; to require (требовать) – requirement; low (низкий) – to lower III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT C. FATS Chemistry Fats are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. At least 40 different fatty acids are known. They may be either saturated or unsaturated, according to the way in which their carbon and hydrogen atoms are arranged. Fats that are solid at room temperature are mostly made up of saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids occur mainly in oils and they are liquid. Sources Fats and oils are obtained from both plants and animals. Fat is present in food either as visible or invisible fat. Visible fat is easy to see in food: fat on meat, butter, margarine. Invisible fat is difficult to see: lean meat, egg yolk, fish, nuts, fruits, prepared foods, e.g. pastry, cakes, biscuits, fried foods. Requirements The body can adapt most fatty acids in food to suit its requirements. However, there are some fatty acids that the body needs but cannot make itself. These are called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Humans make special essential fatty acids from linolenic and linoleic acids in breast milk. This is one of the reasons why human breast milk is best for babies. Fish contain EFAs called 28

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omega 6 and omega 3. Omega 3 EFAs may help lower the blood cholesterol and help prevent blood clots. For this reason it is recommended that people eat two portions of oily fish per week. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What are the functions of fat in the body? 2. What is the difference between fats and oils? 3. What chemical elements make up fats? 4. Name plant and animal sources of fat? 5. What is the difference between visible and invisible fat? 6. What are essential fatty acids? Лексическая программа to be composed of to be made up of either … or saturated / unsaturated to arrange solid liquid ['likwid] to occur [q'kW] to obtain both … and lean egg yolk [jquk] e.g. - exempli gratia pastry to suit [sjHt] essential breast milk [brest] clot

состоять из или … или насыщенные /ненасыщенные располагаться твердый жидкий находиться / встречаться получать как … так постный желток например пирожное соответствовать важный грудное молоко сгусток

Present Perfect в сравнении с Past Indefinite 29

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Прошедшее время группы Indefinite всегда связано с прошедшим периодом времени (который может быть указан в предложении или ясен из контекста), тогда как при употреблении Present Perfect внимание особо привлекается к результату действия. To can maize, they put it into cans and added a hot solution of salt and sugar. – Чтобы законсервировать кукурузу, они положили ее в банки и добавили горячий раствор из соли и песка. They have canned maize. – Они законсервировали кукурузу. V. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. We ……………………… (to forget) to put food in the fridge and it ……………......... (to spoil) very rapidly. 2. Don’t eat this tart. It ……………………………………. (to spoil). 3. At the beginning of the 19th century, a Frenchmen, Nicolas Appert, ………………………………. (to discover) a method of sterilization. 4. Today scientists ………...…………...… (to improve) this process. 5. Another French scientist Louis Pasteur , later ………………….…. (to find out) that less severe heat also ……….…. (can) be effective in destroying microbes. 6. He and his colleagues ………………….. (to develop) this process. 7. Rye originally …………..…. (to appear) in the early Middle Ages. 8. A cookbook ……….… (to sell) more copies than any other books. 9. We ……………………………. (to be) at the restaurant yesterday. Работа над текстом D Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. photosynthesis ["fqutq'sinTqsis], сarbon dioxide [kRbqn monosaccharides



dai'Oksaid], ['disxkqraidz],

polysaccharides ["pOli'sxkqraidz], fructose['frAktqus], glucose ['glHkqus], 30

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galactose [gq'lxktqus], sucrose ['sHkrqus], lactose ['lxktqus], maltose ['mLltquz] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. present ['prezqnt] (настоящее, подарок) – to present [pri'zent], producer (изготовитель, режиссер-постановщик) – to produce, production; main (главный) – mainly; to dissolve (растворять) – solution, soluble; to vary ['vFqri] (меняться) – varying, variety [vq'raiqti]; sweet (сладкий, конфета) – sweetness; to cook (готовить) – cookery III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT D. CARBOHYDRATES Chemistry There are several types of carbohydrates, but they all contain three elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. Oxygen and hydrogen are present in the same proportion as in water (H2O), hence the term “hydrate”. Sources Carbohydrates are produced mainly by plants during the process of photosynthesis, in which the following reaction occurs: carbon dioxide (CO2) + water (H2O) + energy from sunlight = carbohydrate + oxygen (O2) Classification of carbohydrates There are three main carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides These are sometimes called simple sugars, as they are the common base units from which other carbohydrates are built, and they are chemically sugars. They are soluble in water and of varying sweetness. There are three main monosaccharides: Fructose Fructose is sometimes called fruit sugar because it is found 31

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mainly in fruits, plant juices, and honey. Glucose Glucose is the form of carbohydrate that the body uses for energy, and all other carbohydrates are turned into glucose during digestion. It is found into ripe fruits and some vegetables, e.g. onions, beetroot. Galactose Galactose is found in the milk of mammals, where it forms part of the milk sugar, lactose. Disaccharides These are sometimes called double sugars, as they are composed of two monosaccharide units joined together. They are soluble in water. There are three main disaccharides. Sucrose It is formed from one unit of glucose and one unit of fructose. Sucrose is used in cookery, and is obtained from cane and beet sugar. Lactose Lactose is formed from one unit of glucose and one unit of galactose, and it is found in the milk of mammals, to supply the infant with a source of energy. Maltose Maltose is formed from two units of glucose. It is sometimes called 'malt sugar', and is found in cereals such as barley, where it is formed during germination. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Why does the body require carbohydrate? 2. What chemical elements make up carbohydrates? 3. What is photosynthesis and why is it important? 4. Name three monosaccharides and give their sources 5. Name three disaccharides, describe their composition, and give their sources. Лексическая программа hence

следовательно 32

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term to build-built-built

термин строить сахар

sugar ['SHgq] to find-found-found honey ripe

находить мед зрелый лук

onion ['Anjqn] beetroot mammal to join to obtain cane infant malt

свекла млекопитающее присоединяться к получать сахарный тростник младенец солод злак, крупа

cereal ['siqriql] barley germination

ячмень прорастание

Степени сравнения прилагательных В английском языке качественные прилагательные, также как и в русском языке, имеют положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. Все односложные и двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на – y, - er, - ow образуют сравнительную степень путем прибавления суффикса – er и превосходную степень – путем прибавления суффикса – est. warm warmer the warmest happy happier the happiest clever cleverer the cleverest narrow narrower the narrowest Who is the youngest engineer in your office? Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения от других корней. good / well better the best bad worse the worst 33

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little less the least many more the most much Многосложные прилагательные и большинство двусложных образуют сравнительную степень при помощи слов more “более” или less “менее”, а превосходную степень - при помощи слов the most “самый”, the least “самый не”. wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful interesting less interesting the least interesting Salsa is the spiciest Spanish sauce. Plastic cutting boards are less porous then wood and are far less likely to harbor bacteria. V. Закончите предложения используя сравнительную или превосходную степени сравнения. 1. Some research have shown wooden boards are far ……..... (good). 2. Don’t worry. The situation isn’t so bad. It could be ……….. (bad). 3. It’s very stuffy here. You should ventilate the kitchen ……………. (often). 4. As broiling is a way of cooking without added oil, it is ……..……. (popular) in low-fat diets. 5. Boiling is ……………. (cheap) method of killing bacteria. 6. To make …………..….….. (smooth) sauce, all the vegetables are processed and blended. 7. At first I thought it would be tasty, but it was ………. (bad) of all. 8. It is ……………. (easy) to be cut with a dull knife, because more pressure is needed to make a cut. 9. What is …………………...……. (good) dish you have ever eaten? 10. They needed …………………. (much) fuel for this engine. 11. They were designing …………...… (new) blades for the turbine. Работа над текстом E Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. cereal ['siqriql], dextrin ['dekstrin], glycogen ['glaikOuGqn], pectin ['pektin], 34

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cellulose ['seljulqus], gel ['Gel], liver ['livq], muscle ['mAsl] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. suffix (суффикс) – prefix; response (ответ) – responsible, responsibility; store (запас, магазин) - to store, storage; to prefer (предпочитать) – preference; to supply (снабжать) – supplier III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT E. POLYSACCHARIDES These are formed from a varying number of monosaccharide units - the prefix “poly” means “many”. There are five main polysaccharides. Starch Starch is formed from many glucose units joined together like links in a chain. It is formed during photosynthesis in plants particularly in root vegetables, cereals, and pulses. During digestion, the chains of glucose units are broken down into smaller chains, then into disaccharides and finally into single glucose units, which are absorbed into the blood. Dextrin Dextrin is formed when foods containing starch, e.g. bread, are baked or toasted. The dextrin forms part of the crust on such foods. Cellulose Cellulose is formed by plants from glucose units joined together in such a way that a strong, structural material is produced. The plants use this for stems, leaves, husks of seeds and bark. Pectin Pectin is a complex polysaccharide formed by some plants, e.g. plums, apples, in their fruits and roots. It forms gel in water and is responsible for setting jam. Glycogen Glycogen is formed after digestion in humans and animals. Some glucose is turned into glycogen for temporary storage in the liver and muscles. When energy is required, it is turned into glucose. 35

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Carbohydrate requirements Carbohydrate should be used in preference to protein as an energy supplier, so that protein can be used for body growth and repair. Protein- and carbohydrate-rich foods are usually eaten together for this reason, e.g. meat and potatoes, bread and cheese. If someone eats more carbohydrate than the body requires, the excess is converted into fat and is stored under the skin. This is one of the major causes of obesity. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Name five polysaccharides, describe their composition, and give their sources. 2. What is the reason of eating together protein-.and carbohydraterich foods? 3. What happens if too much carbohydrate is eaten? Лексическая программа крахмал

starch ['stRC] chain particularly root pulse to break-broke-broken to absorb to bake to toast stem leaf – leaves husk seeds bark plum set temporary rich

цепь особенно корень боб ломать впитывать выпекать, печь подрумянивать ствол лист – листья скорлупа семена кора слива ставить, затвердевать временный богатый 36

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excess избыток to convert / turn into превращаться obesity ожирение Сравнение Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Perfect V. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Indians often ………...................... (to prepare) marinades with yogurt and spices. 2. Meats and fish ……….. (to be) the most common smoked foods. 3. The process of marinating …………….. (to last) seconds or days. 4. Stewing ………… (to be) a popular method of preserving meat till the middle of the 20th century. 5. Unfortunately hot smoke …………...………….. (not / penetrate) far into meat and fish. 6. The cereal foods ………………… (to play) and continue to play an important role in world history. 7. Toast ……….. (to be) a common component of many breakfasts. 8. For most of history, most cookbooks ….………... (not / to specify) the amount of food exactly, instead talking of “a nice leg of spring lamb” or a piece of butter “the size of a walnut”. 9. The sugar beet ………………………………….…….. (to spread) from Italy to northern Europe. 10. Salt pork and salt beef ………………. (to be) common foods for sailors before the days of steam engines. 11. Hot-smoking ……………………………………...… (to involve) holding the food directly above the fire. 12. Since ancient times salt …………………………………... (to be) the most popular chemical preservative. 13. Egyptians…..…… (to use) honey for the mummification process. 14. By the 15th century Venetian merchants ……………………… (to succeed) in establishing monopoly on sugar and ……………… (to keep) its cost quite high. 15. Phenol in wood smoke …..…………… (to slow) bacterial grows. VI. Постройте отрицательное вопросы к выделенным словам. 37




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1. The purpose of sugaring is to prevent food spoilage. ………………………………………………………………...…… 2. Jellied eggs are a delicacy in China ………………………………………………………………..…….. 3. Drying was perhaps one of the first methods of food preservation …………………………………………………………….………….. 4. In Italy spaghetti is longer than in other countries. ………………………………………………………………...…… 5. Wood smoke compounds act as preservatives. ………………………………………………………………………... 6. Marinades contain herbs and spices. ………………………………………………………………………... 7. The process of marinating makes the food tastier and easier to chew and digest. ………………………………………………………………………... 8. Reaction between creatine in muscle meats and amino acids caused by flame cooking, produces cancer-causing agents. ………………………………………………………………………... 9. Pickling began as a way to preserve food for out-of-season use and for long journeys, especially by sea. ………………………………………………………………………... 10. More than 300 years ago Alexander the Great brought sugar from India to Europe. ………………………………………………………………………... 11. The French and English royal courts used maize starch to powder wigs. ………………………………………………………………………... 12. The need for sugar has increased with the advance of civilization. ………………………………………………………………………... 13. People have enjoyed honey as food from the remotest times. ………………………………………………………………………... 14. Scientists have discovered many vitamins but there role in nutrition have not been determined yet. ……………………………………………………………………… 15. Experiments have shown canned foods to be as healthy as any form of preserved food. 38

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……………………………………………………………………… ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Соотнесите слова с переводом. nutrient sufficient saturated primary cane starch indispensable lack breast milk beetroot malt excess trace kidney clot

избыток крахмал солод сахарный тростник свекла основополагающий сгусток грудное молоко насыщенный почка недостаток достаточный незначительное количество необходимый питательный элемент

II. Вставьте необходимый предлог. 1. Water can also be called a nutrient, as it is vital ….. life. 2. Our bodies are composed ….. millions of cells. 3. Protein can also be used to provide the body ….. energy. 4. The protein molecules are made …... ….. small units joined together like links in a chain. 5. This means that amino-acids must be obtained ….. foods, as they cannot be made ….. the body. 6. Fats are solid ….. room temperature. 7. Starch is formed ….. many glucose units joined together like links in a chain III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов. the same – такой же, одинаковый 1. Different combinations of the same elements have different 39

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properties. 2. Fats and oils are the same in their chemical nature. 3. They perform the same function in nutrition. Like – подобно, как; likely – вероятно; unlike – в отличии от, непохожий; to look like – выглядеть, иметь вид 1. Vitamin E, like vitamin K, is fat soluble. 2. It is likely that the new type of stores will be more comfortable. 3. Unlike proteins fats cannot be dissolved in water. 4. This substance looks like protein. IV. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. The word “vitamin” ……….... (to mean) very “important for life”. 2. The transfer of population from rural regions to towns ……...……. (to continue), and the nature of the food supply ………….…. (to change). 3. He ………. (not / to seem) to be familiar with the experiments of other scientists. 4. Among common carbohydrates ……….... (to be) sugar and starch. 5. After that they …………………….…. (to begin) their experiment. 6. The modern food industry ……………….. (to rely) far more on technology then on human labour. 7. Science …………. (to make) many major advances this century. 8. Scientists ………………. (to make) some fundamental discoveries in the 18th century. 9. The modern food industry is the result of changes that …………… (to occur) over the last 150 years. 10. Food processing ………..…. (to be) the method used to transform raw ingredients into food.. V. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. Fats and oils come from both animal and plant sources. …………………………………………………………………….… …………………………………………………………………….… 2. The sugars, starches and cellulose are carbohydrates. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………… 40

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3. For most people sugar means cane or beet sugar. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 4. Your chickens have grown a lot since we last saw them. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 5. Farms in the western world included a small building called “smokehouse” where people smoked and stored meat. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… VI. Закончите следующие предложения. 1. Sugarcane can’t be grown in our region – it needs ………….. (warm) climate. 2. Beet sugar is much …………… (little) sweet than cane sugar. 3. Sugar harvesting is …………… (bad) and ………………….. (difficult) job. 4. I prefer smoked food to the others. It is …………….…. (tasty). Работа над текстом F Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. retinol






cholecalciferol ["kqulikxl'sifq"rOl], tocopherol [tq'kOfqrOl], dehydrocholesterol [di"haidrqkq'lestqrOl], antioxidant["xnti'Oksidqnt] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to maintain [mein'tein] (поддерживать) - maintenance ['meintqinqns]; rachitis [rq'kaitis] (рахит) – antirachitic; clot (тромб, сгусток) – to clot, clotting; nerve [`nWv] (нерв) – nervous system III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. 41

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TEXT F. VITAMINS Vitamins are a group of chemical substances, most of which have been identified during this century as vital to the body. At first, scientists labeled each with a letter, but when their chemical composition was discovered, they were all given names. However, the letter classification is still in use. Vitamins can be classified according to the substances in which they are dissolved. There are two groups: 1. Fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K. 2. Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin С and the vitamin-B complex. Fat – soluble vitamins Vitamin A (retinol) is required for growth, especially bones and teeth, and very important for eyesight. Vitamin A occurs in animal foods and in certain vegetables as carotene, which the body changes to vitamin A. Foods which are rich in vitamin A are butter, cheese, cream, eggs, fish oil, fruits, liver, milk. Vitamin D (cholecalciferol). The antirachitic or "sunshine" vitamin, really stores sunshine in food. When the body gets ultraviolet rays of the sun, a substance under skin (dehydro-cholesterol) is turned into cholecalciferol, which is stored in the liver, to be used as required. Vitamin D is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, which contain large amount of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps to absorb these minerals. Sources of vitamin D are: butter and egg yolk, fish liver oil, oily fish. Vitamin E (tocopherol) affects muscle tone and the condition of the nervous system. It is a very affective antioxidant. The best sources of vitamin E are the vegetable oils, butter, eggs, green leaves and liver. Vitamin K is necessary for normal clotting of the blood after an injury. Foods rich in vitamin К are cabbage, cauliflower, fish liver. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. List the functions of vitamin A and D. 2. List the sources of retinol. 3. List the food sources of vitamin D. 42

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4. What is the link between vitamin D and the minerals calcium and phosphorus? 5. What are the functions of vitamins E and K? 6. List the function and the main sources of vitamins E and K. Лексическая программа to identify to label composition still eyesight cream essential to absorb to affect condition injury ['inGqri] cabbage cauliflower [kOli"flauq]

устанавливать, отождествлять метить, категоризировать структура все еще зрение сливки, крем важный впитывать влиять состояние, условие рана, повреждение капуста цветная капуста

Present Continuous Tense Времена группы Continuous (настоящее, прошедшее и будущее) употребляются для выражения действий, которые совершаются в определенный момент в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. Present Continuous часто употребляется когда действие происходит во время момента говорения или когда действие происходит вокруг настоящего момента: Please don’t make so much noise. I’m working. He is performing an experiment. Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола. to be + V ing 43

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Глагол to be меняется в зависимости от стоящего рядом местоимения. I – am, he, she, it – is, we, you, they – are IV. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. The mechanical engineer is busy. He ……………….. (to replace) the broken parts of the fridge. 2. We more and more ………. (to use) freezing for fruit preservation. 3. Our builders ……..…… (to carry out) the plan for the plant reconstruction. 4. I want to lose weight, so this week I ………. (not / to eat) lunch. 5. How long …….. the food drying method ...................... (to exist)? 6. What ………… you ………………. (to do)? I ………………… (to purify) the liquid we will use. 7. Are you busy? Yes, I …………………………. (to correct) the mistakes, made in that test.

V. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. They are measuring the thickness of the film coating the surface. …………………………………………………………….………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2. The designer is examining the air compressor at this time. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 3. These problems are solving. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 4. The engineer is raising the pressure. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 5. He is reading the report with great interesting. ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………... 6. The professor is demonstrating several diagrams to the students. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….

Работа над текстом G 44

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Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. ascorbic [qs'kLbik], blood [blAd], citrus [΄sitrqs], substance ['sAbstqns], thiamine [Taiq'min], riboflavin ["raibqu'fleivin], dermatitis ["dWmq'taitis], conjunctivitis [kqn"GANkti'vaitis], nicotinic acid [nikq'tinik 'xsid], niacin ֽ ['naiqsin], appetite ['xpitait], stool [stHl], pyridoxine [◌"piri'dOksJn], heart ֽ [hRt], cobalamin [◌"kqubqlq'mJn], enzyme ['enzaim], bacteria [bxk'tiqriq], anemia [q'nimiq] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. producer (изготовитель, режиссер-постановщик) – to produce, production; cell (клетка, сота) – cellular phone; intestine (кишка, кишечник) – small (large) intestine; straw (солома), berry (ягода) – strawberry; part (часть) – partly, to take part; to irritate (раздражать) – irritability; to fail (провалить) – failure; rich (богатый) – enriched; leaf (лист) – leafy vegetables; digestion (пищеварение) – digestive tract III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT G. WATER – SOLUBLE VITAMINS Vitamin С (ascorbic acid) is required for the production of blood, for making connective tissue which connects the body cells together, absorbs iron from the small intestine. The best sources of this vitamin include: citrus fruits, peppers, black currents, strawberries, vegetables, tomatoes. В-COMPLEX VITAMINS

At one time it was thought that vitamin B was a single compound, but further research revealed that it is made up of at least 13 substances, that’s why it is called the vitamin – B complex. Thiamine (B1) takes part in metabolic reactions that release energy from carbohydrate. It is required for the normal growth, for the function and maintenance of the nerves. A deficiency may cause 45

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depression, irritability, difficulty in concentration, defective memory. Important sources of thiamine are: whole grain bread and cereals, meat, milk, liver, nuts, vegetables. Riboflavin (В2) is essential for normal growth, and is required for the release of energy from food, especially amino-acids and fat. A deficiency of riboflavin can result in failure to grow and skin dermatitis and conjunctivitis. Foods that are good sources of riboflavin are: whole grain or enriched bread and cereals, cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables, meat, liver, milk. Nicotinic acid (niacin) is essential for growth and normal functioning of the skin and the digestive tract. A deficiency of it results in dermatitis, loss of memory, depression, loss of appetite, loose and frequent stools. Foods that have niacin are: enriched or whole grain bread and cereals, meat, liver. Pyridoxine (B6) is essential for good health. It is especially important for cellular activities. Good food sources are heart, liver, meat, seeds and whole wheat. Cobalamin (B12) is required for the metabolism of aminoacids and other enzyme systems in the body. Cobalamin is produced in the intestines by bacteria, and is only found in useful amounts in animal foods. A deficiency of cobalamin causes anemia. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What are the functions of vitamin C? 2. What is the connection between vitamin C and iron? 3. List the main sources of vitamin C? 4. Name the vitamins in the B group. 5. List the functions and food sources of the B vitamins. 6. What is this text about? Лексическая программа connective tissue source pepper current

соединительная ткань источник перец смородина 46

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to think-thought-thought compound far-farther (further)-the farthest research / to research to reveal at least to describe to release deficiency whole grain essential especially to result in loss frequent

amounts / quantity / number cause / to cause

думать соединение далеко-дальше-самый далекий исследование / исследовать обнаруживать по крайней мере описывать освобождать, избавлять нехватка цельное зерно существенный особенно приводить к потеря частый количество причина / вызывать

Сравнение Present Continuous и Present Indefinite Present Continuous употребляется для выражения действий, происходящих в или вокруг момента говорения. Present Indefinite употребляется для действий, которые происходят в общем или регулярно. The water is boiling. Can you turn it off? Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Также Present Continuous употребляется для временных действий, а Present Indefinite для постоянных ситуаций. I’m living with some friends until I find a flat. My friends live in London. Present Continuous не употребляется со следующими глаголами: чувств – to like, to love, to hate умственной деятельности – to know, to realise, to mean, to believe, to understand, to remember принадлежности – to belong, to contain, to depend, to seem, to consist 47

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восприятия – to see, to hear, to smell, to taste С этими глаголами употребляется Present Indefinite. I. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Let’s go and see. He ……………………... (to continue) his experiment now. 2. By working the way you ………………………….. (to work) now you can hardly get an excellent result. 3. Hurry up! Everybody ………. (to wait) for you. 4. We usually …………….…. (to carry out) a lot of experiments but this month we ………………...….. (not / to carry out) any. 5. Ron is in the laboratory at the moment. He …….…. (to observe) the test. He ..…………….. (always / to observe) the experiments. 6. Don’t put the article away. I ……………………….. (to need) it. 7. She told me her assistant’s name but I ………………...……. (not / to remember) it now. 8. Air …………….….. (to consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. 9. Nobody ……… (to know) that they work with the new equipment. 10. I ………… (to see) that the pressure ………………(to increase). II. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. The engineer is changing the resistance very quickly. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 2. They are increasing the pressure up to 4 atms. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 3. He has a lot of new reliable equipment. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 4. He measures the resistance of the conductor every 2 hours. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 5 Our plant produces cars. ………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………... 48

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Работа над текстом H Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. carbon ['kRbqn], hydrogen ['haidrqGqn], oxygen ['OksiGqn], protein ['prqutin], carbohydrate ["kRbq'haidreit], essential [i'senSql], calcium ['kxlsiqm], iron ['aiqn], phosphorus ['fOsfqrqs], potassium [pq'txsiqm], sulphur ['sAlfq], chlorine ['klOrin], sodium ['squdiqm], magnesium [mxg'niziqm], iodine ['aiqdJn], copper ['kOpq], manganese ['mxNgqnJz], fluorine ['fluqrin], cobalt ['kqubOlt], nickel ['nikl], zinc [zink], chromium ֽ ['krqumiqm], selenium [si'lJniqm], haemoglobin [◌"hJmqu'glqubin], colour ['kAlq], cocoa ['kqukqu] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. strong (сильный) – to strengthen; clot (сгусток) – to clot; to live (жить) – life, lives; to exist [ig'zist] (существовать) – existing; to continue (продолжать) – continual, continually; to be sure (быть уверенным) – to ensure; day (день) – daily; to be tired (уставать) – tiredness; weak (слабый) – weakness III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT H. MINERALS Apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (the main elements that make up protein, fat, and carbohydrate), the body requires at least 20 other elements. These are called mineral elements and they are required for body building, control of body processes, e.g. transmission of nerve impulses. They are essential part of body liquid. Some mineral elements are required in relatively large amounts. These include: calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), 49

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potassium (K), sulphur (S), chlorine (Cl), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg). Others are required in the smallest amounts and are known as trace elements: iodine (I), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), fluorine (F), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), selenium (Se). Calcium. With phosphorus, it combines to make calcium phosphate, to strengthen bones and teeth and to make blood to clot after an injury. Calcium is found in good supply in milk, cheese, bones of canned fish, hard water. Humans have a constant need for calcium throughout their lives. While new bone is made, existing bone is taken away, so that in young children the whole skeleton is replaced over 2 years. In adults, the process takes between 7 and 10 years. Around the age of 30, calcium starts to be lost and is not replaced. Finally, the continual loss of bone mass can lead to osteoporosis, which means that the bones become weak, and break easily. Iron. Iron is a component of haemoglobin – the substance which gives red blood cells their colour. Haemoglobin is required to transport oxygen around the body to every cell, for the production of energy. Good sources of iron are liver, kidney, beef, cocoa, chocolate. To ensure that iron is properly absorbed, foods containing iron should be eaten with foods containing vitamin C. Red blood cells die after six weeks, and must be replaced. This process is continually occurring in the body, and iron must be replaced by a daily food supply. Because of the deficiency of iron, haemoglobin is not made properly, so not enough oxygen is carried around the body. This leads to tiredness, weakness, and a pale complexion. In severe cases it leads to anemia. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. List five mineral elements needed in large amounts , and five trace elements. 2. List the functions and main sources of calcium and iron. 3. What is the function of haemoglobin, and which mineral element is connected with it? 50

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4. Why do people recovering from injuries require extra iron? 5. What does a deficiency of calcium and iron lead to? Лексическая программа apart from transmission liquid relatively trace to clot

кроме передача, перенос жидкость сравнительно незначительное количество свертываться повреждение

injury [΄inGqri]

по всему, в течении

throughout [Tru'aut] hard water while to lose-lost-lost

жесткая вода в то время как терять взрослый

adult [q'dAlt] to lead-led-led properly to carry pale complexion

вести качественно нести бледный цвет лица жестокий

severe [si'viq]

Past Continuous Tense Past Continuous употребляется для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный момент прошлого. Этот момент может быть выражен точным указанием времени или другим действием. was / were + Ving We were discussing this question at 5 o’clock yesterday. When I came home he was listening to the radio. I. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 51

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1. Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking dinner. …………………………………………………………...………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2. The doorbell rang when I was cutting onion. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 3. This time yesterday we were pickling cucumbers. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 4. They saw a lot of beautiful butterflies while they were gathering herbs. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 5. At 7.45 yesterday evening I was watching a performance of a famous French cook. ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… II. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. Yesterday while the professor …………… (to check) the results of the first experiment, they ……………… (to carry out) the second. 2. When they came in, he ……………...….. (to solve) the equation with two unknown quantities. 3. He …………….…… (to speak) in a low voice and we could hardly hear his report. 4. At that time our mathematicians ……………………. (to multiply) 8.3 by 7 and then …………………………… (to subtract) their sum. 5. She stood at the blackboard and ……………………………….….. (to plot) the graph. Работа над текстом I Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. phosphorus ['fOsfqrqs], calcium ['kxlsiqm], function ['fAnNkSqn], sodium 52

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['squdiqm], chloride ['klLraid], potassium [pq'txsiqm], stomach ['stAmqk], climate ['klaimqt], diet ['daiqt], heart [hRt], disease [di'zJz], pressure ['preSq], fluoride ['fluq"raid], bacteria [bxk'tiqriq], mouth [mauT], tea [tJ], sea [sJ], iodine ['aiqdJn], hormone ['hLmqun], thyroxine [Tai'rOksin], thyroid gland ['TairOid glxnd], spinach ['spiniC], commercially [kq'mWSqli] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. some (некоторые) – the same; present ['prezqnt] (подарок, настоящий) – to present [pri'zent]; height [hait] (рост) – high [hai]; strong (сильный) – to strengthen, strengthening; to treat (лечить) – treatment III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT I. MINERALS Phosphorus. Phosphorus works in link with calcium and therefore has the same functions. Phosphorus is present in all plant and animal food, but meat and egg yolk are especially high in phosphorus. Sodium, chloride, and potassium. These are all required to maintain the correct concentration of the body fluids. Chloride is also required for the production of acid in the gastric juice of the stomach. These minerals are found naturally in fish, meat, and many other foods. They are also added as salt to foods. Sodium and chloride are especially necessary in hot climates where they are lost in sweat. It is sometimes necessary to place a person on a salt-restricted diet, for certain medical conditions, e.g. heart, kidney, or liver disease, high blood pressure. Fluoride. Fluoride is important in strengthening teeth against decay, making them more resistant to attack by the acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride is found naturally in tea, sea-water fish. In areas of the country where fluoride occurs naturally in the water supply, the number of people who need treatment for tooth 53

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decay is significantly lower than in other areas. Iodine. Iodine is required to make the hormone thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland in the neck. Iodine is widely distributed in foods, but is found in good supply in sea foods, milk, green vegetables, especially spinach, iodized salt (added commercially). A minute quantity is required every day, and in our whole life 2.8 g are needed by the body. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. List the functions and main sources of phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, fluoride and iodine. 2. Why is it necessary to take salt tablets in hot climates? 3. What is the result of a deficiency of these minerals? Лексическая программа therefore ['DFqfL]

поэтому, следовательно

egg yolk [jquk]

яичный желток

especially[is'pqSqli] to maintain fluid gastric juice to add hot


sweat [swet] to restrict decay [di'kei] to resist / resistant to occur [q'kW] significantly neck to distribute

поддерживать жидкость желудочный сок добавлять жаркий пот ограничивать гниение, разрушение сопротивляться / устойчивый происходить / случаться существенно шея распространять (ся) 54

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other ['ADq]


minute [mai'njut]


whole [hqul]

целый, весь

зоб goiter ['gOitq] Сравнение Past Continuous и Past Indefinite Мы употребляем Past Continuous, чтобы сказать, что ктото находилось в процессе совершения действия в определенное время: This time last year I was living in Brazil. What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night? I waved to her but she was not looking. Past Indefinite в основном употребляется для констатации отдельных фактов, которые имели место в прошлом или для перечисления ряда последовательно совершавшихся действий. We made this contract last year. He got up, shaved and washed. Не забывайте, что некоторые глаголы не употребляются в группе Continuous. I. Поставьте глаголы в нужное время. 1. Jane ……………….. (to wait) for me when I …………………. (to compare)the results of the second and third tests. 2. I was enjoying the lecture but Chris ………. (to want) to go home. 3. I …………………….…. (to walk) home when I met our dean. 4. The professor ………………………...………. (to demonstrate) several diagrams to the students. (2 variants) 5. When I was young, I ………………..... (to hate) stewed cabbage. 6. The change of pressure ……………………… (to affect) the result of the experiment). 7. The technician ………………… (to check) the device every day. 8. He …………….. (to go) to the research library three times a week and ………………. (to stay) there for three or five hours every time. 9. When they ……………. (to examine) the conductor, they ….………. (to find out) why the lamp ……………. (not/ to glow). 55

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Работа над текстом J Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. vital ['vaitql], intense [in'tens], to contain [kqn'tein], bacteria [bxk'tiqriq], minimum ['minimqm], litre ['litq], diarrhea ["dai'riq], lactation [lxk'teiSqn], blood [blAd] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. sweat [swet] (пот) – sweating; to add (добавлять) – in addition to; harm (вред) – harmful; ill (больной) – to be ill, illness III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT J. WATER Functions 1. Water is vital to life – 70 % of the human body is water. 2. Required for all body fluids, e.g. saliva, blood, sweat and urine. 3. Required as part of many metabolic reactions. 4. Some nutrients need to be dissolved in water for proper absorption. Sources. Many foods contain water, and some, such as fruits and vegetables, are composed mainly of water. In addition to the water that is taken in food, some water is produced during the many metabolic reactions of the body. Tap water is safe to drink in most developed countries where it is treated to kill harmful bacteria. Requirements. Water should be drunk every day, especially in hot weather when much is lost through sweating. A minimum of two or three litres per day is recommended. Extra water is required: 1. during illness where a raised temperature results in increased sweating. 56

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2. if vomiting or diarrhea has occurred. 3. in lactation, when extra water is required for milk production. 4. after intense physical activity such as sport. IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Why is water vital to life? 2. Apart from water taken in foods, how else does the body obtain it? 3. How is water lost from the body? 4. What is recommended daily intake of water? 5. When does the body require extra water? Лексическая программа fluid saliva [sq'laivq] urine ['juqrin] proper tap to be safe to to drink-drank-drunk through [TrH] to result in to raise [reiz] / to increase

жидкость слюна моча качественный кран быть безопасным для пить через приводить к увеличивать

Many, Much, Few, Little Количественные прилагательные many и much означают «много», few и little – «мало». Many и few употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными, а much и little – с неисчисляемыми. И much, и many можно заменить оборотом a lot of. I have many (a lot of) books. Sue drinks much (a lot of) tea. He has few friends. There is very little time. Наречия much (a lot) и little употребляются после глаголов. 57

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I usually read English a lot (much). They write very little at their English lessons. I. Заполните пропуски словами many, much, a lot of, a lot, few, little. 1. He makes good progress because he works very ……………….. 2. At first Victor could not solve …………….. of the equations, but then, however he solved them. 3. We have ………..… time. But there is still …….……. work to do. 4. There was ………. milk in the tea. 5. They can do ……………… to regulate the supply of water. 6. ……………….. depends on the results of the final experiment. 7. This laboratory hasn’t got financial problems. They got ………….. money. 8. Jim always puts ………….…. salt in his food. ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Соотнесите слова с переводом. composition essential eyesight connective tissue to reveal to release deficiency loss transmission liquid trace to clot injury to restrict yolk gastric juice goiter 58

нехватка обнаруживать перенос повреждение зоб структура слюна соединительная ткань ограничивать избавлять важный желудочный сок потеря жидкость зрение гниение свертываться

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decay saliva urine

моча желток незначительное количество

II. Вставьте необходимый предлог. 1. Foods which are rich ………. vitamin A are butter, cheese, cream, eggs, fish oil, fruits, liver, milk. 2. Vitamin D is essential ………. the development and maintenance of bones and teeth, which contain large amount ………. calcium and phosphorus. 3. A deficiency ………. cobalamin causes anemia. 4. Thiamine (B1) takes part ………. metabolic reactions that release energy ………. carbohydrate. 5. A deficiency of riboflavin can result ………. failure to grow. 6. Apart ………. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the body requires at least 20 other elements. 7. It combines with phosphorus to make calcium phosphate, to strengthen bones and teeth and to make blood to clot ………. an injury. 8. In severe cases it leads ………. anemia. 9 Phosphorus works ………. link ……….. calcium and therefore has the same functions. 10. Tap water is safe ……….. drink in most developed countries where it is treated to kill harmful bacteria. III. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1. I ………….... (to get) hungry. Let’s go and have something to eat. 2. What cars ……………………………. (your plant/to produce)? 3. What method of doing that job …….. they ……….. (to show) us? 4. Mary usually …………… (to phone) me on Fridays but she …………… (not / to phone) last time. 5. What’s the noise? What …………………...… (to happen)? 6. Bob and Alice ………………….…… (to be married) for 20 years. 7. I still don’t know what to do. I ……………… (not / to decide) yet. 8. When I first ….…… (to tell) Tom the news, he ……… (not / to 59

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believe) me. He …………… (to think) that I ……….… (to joke). 9. You look tired. – Yes, I ……... (to demonstrate) a new equipment. 10 Everything is going well. We ……... (to have) no problems so far. IV. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. 1. I’m looking for hydrochloric acid. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 2. To increase the pressure they use this air compressor. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 3. The electrician switched off the light and left. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 4. We were all surprised when made the liquid test. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 5. Ann didn’t see me. She was looking in the other direction. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… 6. Breach of the safety regulations causes many accidents. …………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… V. Заполните пропуски словами many, much, a lot of, a lot, few, little. 1. He is not very popular. He has ………………………....…. friends. 2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ………………..…. free time. 3. Ann likes playing the piano and plays ………….……………..…. . 4. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got …………….….……. to do. 5. The museums were not very crowded. There were too ………...…. people. 6. My son doesn’t like reading and reads …………………………... 7. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had ……..…. rain. 60

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8. We like our flat very ………..…………………………………… . 9. Did you take ………..…. photographs when you were on holiday? 10. Most of the town is modern. There are ………..…. old buildings. III. HEALTH DISORDERS RELATED TO UNWISE FOOD CHOICE Работа над текстом А Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий кореньв английском и русском языках. result [ri'zAlt], pump [pAlp], coronary arteries ['kOrqnqri 'Rtqriz], thrombus ['TrOmbqs], thrombosis [TrOm'bqusis], myocardial infarction ["maiqu'kRdiql in'fRkfqn], liver ['livq], circulate ['sWkjqleit], antioxidants ["enti'Oksidqnts], carotene['kxrqtin] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. wise (мудрый) – unwise, choose (выбирать) – choice, to block (блокировать) – blockage ['blOkiG], cause (причина) – to cause, to die ( умирать) – dead, death, to saturate(насыщать) – saturated fatty acids, strong (сильный) – strength, to strengthen III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT A. HEART DISEASES It’s unfortunate that many people suffer from health disorders that are the result of overeating in food or unwise choice of diet. An unbalanced diet, e.g. containing too much fat or sugar, can result in a variety of nutritional disorders, including: heart diseases, obesity, eating disorders, tooth decay and gum disease. To work normally, the heart muscle needs a supply of oxygen from blood in the coronary arteries so that it can pump blood through vessels to all parts of the body. If one of the coronary arteries becomes blocked with fatty deposits, the blood carrying oxygen cannot reach the heart. This is 61

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called angina. If there is a sudden and complete blockage in the arteries, caused by a blood clot (thrombus), no blood gets through, and a person suffers a heart attack. Doctors call a heart attack a coronary thrombosis (because of the blood clot) or a myocardial infarction (which means death of the heart muscle). Choice of food and heart diseases Researches have shown that our diet, especially the amount and type of fat we eat, can increase the risk of coronary heart diseases. Foods that are rich in saturated fatty acids may raise the level of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is found in some foods, and is also made in the body by the liver, mainly from saturated fatty acids in food. If cholesterol is oxidized (combines with oxygen circulating in the blood), it can be deposited in the linings of the coronary arteries, which start to become blocked. Antioxidants which are naturally found in foods, especially vitamin E, vitamin C, β-carotene, and selenium help to stop cholesterol combining with oxygen. To prevent heart disease people should: 1. eat various foods, fruit, vegetables, and salads. 2. eat less high-fat and sweet food. 3. take exercise and be active as this strengthens the heart. IV. Определите основную идею текста. V. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста, используя следующие выражения: The text deals with ...; The main idea of the text is…; From the text we come to known that…; The author describes…; He emphasizes the idea that …; It is pointed out...; It should be noted ...; In conclusion I'd like to say that .... 62

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Лексическая программа suffer health disorders e. g (exempli gratia) лат.

страдать проблемы со здоровьем например ожирение

obesity [qu'bisiti] tooth decay vessel ['vesql]

разрушение зубов сосуд

fatty deposits [di'pLzit]

жировые отложения

angina [xn'Gainq] clot research increase, raise

ангина, стенокардия сгусток исследование, исследовать увеличивать, повышать внутренняя стенка

lining ['lainiN]


selenium [si'liniqm] prevent little-less-the least

предотвращать мало-меньше-меньше всего

Страдательный залог Если подлежащее обозначает предмет, совершающий действие, то глагол употребляется в форме действительного залога. Columbus brought potatoes to Europe. Если же подлежащее обозначает предмет, подвергающийся действию со стороны другого предмета, то глагол употребляется в форме страдательного залога. Potatoes were brought to Europe by Columbus. Oбразование времен страдательного залога Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола. Таким образом, при спряжении глагола в страдательном залоге изменяется только глагол to be, смысловой же глагол имеет во всех временах одну и ту же форму - Past Participle. То 63

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есть, общая формула в страдательном залоге для времен группы Indefinite будет – be V3, Continuous – be being V3, Perfect – have been V3.


Past Future

Indefinite Be V3 am is invited are was invited were will be invited

Continuous Be beingV3 am is being are invited was being were invited Future Indefinite

Perfect Have been V3 have has

been invited

had been invited

will have been invited В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательной форме отрицательная частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола: Was my application accepted ? – Mое заявление принято ? Your application was not accepted. - Твое заявление не принято. После глагола в страдательном залоге часто употребляется дополнение с различными предлогами: 1)by указывает деятеля, совершающего действие. Our delegation was welcomed by the people. – Люди приветствовали нашу делегацию. 2)with указывает на орудие совершения действия. Bread is cut with the knife. - Хлеб режут ножом. 3)of указывает на материал, из которого сделан предмет. The knife is made of steel. – Нож сделан из стали. I. Определите время данных предложений и стоят ли они в пассивном или активном залоге. 1. Any living organism is made up of cells. 2. The viscosity of a liquid decreases as the temperature rises. 3. A. S. Popov has been respected and admired by everybody for his great invention. 4. Have you ever had a food poisoning. 5. The discovery of radium was followed by a number of important 64

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inventions. 6. The professor gave his postgraduate student a very useful report. 7. The problem may be approached from different standpoints. 8. You should lower the voltage in the circuit. 9. The greenhouse was being constructed during the winter. 10. To serve the flavour of food the cook was lowering the heat. 11. Water loss will be replaced from the soil through the roots. 12. In a pressure cooker of an automatic type an alarm will let you know that the heat should be turned off. 13. The formation of coal had been affected by time and depth of occurrence. 14. We had weighed the substance before it was dissolved in the liquid. Работа над текстом B Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. hormonal [hL'mqunql], major ['meiGq], varicose veins ['vxrikqus 'veins], diabetes ["daiq'bitiz], restore [ri'stL], kcal ["kilqu'kxlqri], alcohol ['xlkqhOl] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. obese [qu'bJs] (страдающий ожирением) – obesity; cause (причина) – to cause; desire [di'zaiq] (желание) – desirable, undesirable; to weigh (весить) – weight, overweight, to lose weight; diet – dietician ["daiq'tiSqn]; to release (избавлять) – releasing; high (высокий) – height [hait]; various ['vFqriqs] (разнообразный) – variety [vq'raiqti] III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT B. OBESITY Obesity is a very common nutritional disorder. It can be caused by hormonal disorders, but the major cause is eating more 65

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food than the body needs. The excess is stored as fat in the body. Years ago, it was considered desirable to be overweight, because it indicated that a person was wealthy and could afford to live richly. This idea has now changed, and obesity is known to be undesirable and unhealthy because obese people are more prone to heart diseases, chest infections, varicose veins, hernias, high blood pressure, diabetes and gall stones. Many people feel that they need to lose weight and take actions to do so. However some people who try to lose weight are not obese and even overweight. Girls and women in particular may feel under pressure to correspond to the “ideal” body image they see in magazines and on television. A person who is trying to lose weight should consult a dietician. Will-power, determination, and an understanding of how food affects the body are needed. The most effective and healthy way to reduce weight is to take less energy from food than the body needs every day. The body then restores the difference by releasing the energy it has stored in fat. Gradually the stores of fat are reduced. Depending on the weight, height, and age of the person, a diet providing 1000 – 1500 kcal per day is usually recommended. The weight-reducing diet should include a good variety of foods with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, and very little fatty or sugary food. High-protein foods and alcohol should also be restricted. Very low calorie diets often lead to loss of muscle instead of fat. IV. Определите основную идею текста. V. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста, используя следующие выражения: I’d like to tell about the text I’ve read. The title of the text is …; It … can be divided into ... .parts. The first (second, third, forth) part is about (is devoted to) ...; We come to know that…; 66

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The author points out that...; It should be mentioned that…; In conclusion I’d like to say…. Лексическая программа obesity major cause excess [ik'ses] store indicate afford [q'fLd] be prone chest hernia ['hWniq] gall [gLl] correspond to will-power determination reduce increase, raise depending on wholegrain cereals lose lost-lost, loss

ожирение главная причина излишек, избыток запас, запасать определять позволять быть склонным грудь грыжа желчный пузырь соответствовать сила воли решительность снижать увеличивать, повышать в зависимости от цельные хлебные злаки терять, потеря

Способы перевода страдательного залога Существует 4 способа его перевода на русский язык: 1. При помощи глагола быть и краткой формой причастия страдательного залога. Глагол быть в настоящем времени не употребляется. Дом построен. Дом был построен. Дом будет построен. 2. Глаголами, оканчивающимися на – ся. Дом строится. Дом строился. Дом будет строиться. 3. Неопределенно-личным оборотом с глаголом в 67

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действительном залоге в 3-м лице множественного числа. Дом строят. Дом строили. Дом будут строить. Если в предложении отсутствует дополнение с предлогом by, что часто бывает в страдательных оборотах, то оно переводятся неопределенно-личным оборотом: I was shown a new dictionary. – Мне показали новый словарь. 4. Действительным оборотом. При наличии дополнения с предлогом by, такие предложения часто переводятся русскими действительными оборотами:. I was shown a new dictionary by my brother. - Мой брат показал мне новый словарь Иногда английский страдательный оборот можно перевести двумя или даже тремя способами, в зависимости от соответствующего русского глагола и контекста: I was invited to the concert. 1. Я был приглашен на концерт. 2. Меня пригласили на концерт. The goods yesterday.


examined 1. Товары были осмотрены вчера. 2. Товары осматривались вчера. 3. Товары осмотрели (осматривали) вчера Present Simple Passive и Present Perfect Passive часто переводятся на русский язык кратким страдательным причастием без связки: The steamer is unloaded. Пароход разгружен The steamer has been unloaded I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Once food has been harvested it starts to deteriorate until it becomes unfit for consumption. 2. Food spoilage is caused by natural decay and micro-organisms. 3. Foods that spoil rapidly are known as perishable foods. 4. Micro-organisms which cause food poisoning are called pathogenic. 5. Different species of bacteria can be classified according to their 68

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shape. 6. Moulds are tiny types, which are just visible to the naked eye. 7. Radium was discovered by the Curies in 1898. 8. No electric charges have been observed of smaller magnitude than the charges of proton or electron. 9. The meat is being fried. 10. Harmful micro-organisms will be destroyed by prolonged heating. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Если какую-либо еду, например яблоки, порезать, то поврежденная поверхность потемнеет. 2. Бактерии могут быть обнаружены в различных местах, включая воздух, воду, почву, продукты. 3. Некоторые бактерии разрушаются при температуре примерно 60о. 4. Вопросу дальнейшего развития сельского хозяйства было уделено много внимания. 5. Если яйца хранятся при комнатной температуре, диоксид углерода и вода испаряются через поры скорлупы. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. If some foods, e.g. apples are cut, the damaged surface will turn brown. 2. Bacteria can be founded in many places, including air, water, soil, food. 3. Some bacteria are destroyed at around 60о. 4. The question of further development of agriculture was given much attention. 5. If eggs are stored under room temperature, carbon dioxide and water are vaporized through the pores in the shell. Работа над текстом С Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. 69

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anorexia ["xnq'reksiq], bulimia [bjH'limiq], patient ['peiSqmt], serious ['siqriqs], alternated [Ll'tWnqtid], potassium [pq'txsiqm], chlorine ['klLrJn], dental problems, leader –lead (led – led) II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to relate (относиться) – relations, relatives; can, to be able to (мочь) – unable, inability; to be sick (тошнить) – to make sick; private ['praivit] (личный, частный) – in private; to treat (лечить) - treatment III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT C. EATING DISORDERS Eating disorders have been widely researched since the beginning of the 1980s. Most attention was paid to anorexia and bulimia. These disorders have a lot in common, and a person may show symptoms of both. Causes of eating disorders There is no single cause of eating disorders. Many factors may lead to them, including: emotional shock or grief unhappy relations within the family unhappiness about body size and shape Anorexia This disorder affects mainly teenage girls and young women, and seldom boys and young men. Some patients with anorexia starve themselves to death. A person with anorexia refuses to eat enough, he believes and sees his body to be much bigger than it really is, has a great fear of becoming fat, has serious heart problems and constipation. In females it leads to infertility (being unable to have children). Patients with anorexia control their weight in one of two ways: 1. Eating very little, often no more then 200-300 kcal. 2. Eating food in various amount and then getting it out of their body, either by making themselves vomit (being sick) or by taking 70

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laxatives. The food leaves the body before it has been digested properly, and so does not give the body energy or nutrition. Patients are often very fussy about food, but talk a lot about it and like to cook for other people. They often exercise very hard to “burn off” any energy they have taken from food. Bulimia Patients with bulimia are prone to eat very large amounts of food, and then often make themselves sick or take laxatives to prevent putting on weight. It may happen several times a week and be alternated with periods of eating almost nothing. These patients often eat in private, hiding their problems from other people. They may suffer kidney problems, muscle weakness, constipation, and headaches through losing potassium and chlorine when they vomit. They also have severe dental problems caused by acid from the stomach when they vomit. Treatment for eating disorders is usually long, and it is often not possible to say whether a patient has been cured. IV. Выполните исследование. Obesity is a main health disorder and affects many people. Make a study of the help that is available in the media (TV, radio. magazines, etc) for people who are trying to reduce their weight. Investigate foods and drinks that are sold to encourage people to slim. Criticize (constructively) such products, and suggest how they could be improved or what alternatives could be used by people trying to lose weight. V. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста, используя следующие выражения: I’d like to tell about the text I’ve read. The title of the text is …; It … can be divided into ... .parts. The first (second, third, forth) part is about (is devoted to) ...; We come to know that…; The author points out that...; It should be mentioned that…; 71

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In conclusion I’d like to say…. Лексическая программа pay attention lead-led-led grief seldom starve / starvation refuse fear constipation infertility vomit

уделять внимание вести, руководить горе редко голодать / голодание отказывать(ся) страх запор бесплодие рвота слабительное

laxative ['lxksqtiv] leave-left-left

оставлять нервничать по…

be fussy about ['fAsi] burn-burnt-burnt be prone to amount put on weight/ lose weight hide-hid-hidden suffer kidney headache

сжигать быть склонным к количество набрать / потерять вес прятать страдать почки головная боль сильный, жестокий

severe [si'viq]


stomach ['stAmqk] treat, cure


Безличные и неопределенно-личные предложения В соответствии со строем английского предложения в нем обязательно наличие подлежащего при сказуемом, хотя бы формального. Поэтому русские безличные предложения (Холодно. Поздно.) и неопределенно-личные (Говорят, что он 72

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здесь.) передаются с помощью формальных подлежащих it, one, they, которые выполняют чисто грамматическую форму и не переводятся на русский язык. It is evening. Вечер. It is said that he has come. Говорят, что он приехал. It was impossible to dissolve the Было невозможно растворить вещество в воде substance in water. Для сильного эмфатического выделения употребляется оборот it is (was) … that (who, whom), причем выделяемый член предложения помещается в середине этого предложения. It was Popov who invented the Именно Попов изобрел радио. radio. It was in 1898 that Popov Именно в 1898 году Попов изобрел радио. invented the radio. Когда высказывание касается людей вообще или группы людей, объединенных общих признаком, то в качестве подлежащего употребляются местоимения one или they. One must (one should) переводится «нужно» One can переводится «можно». One must be careful when Нужно быть осторожным при handling mustard gas. обращении с горчичным газом. One can easily decompose mer- Можно легко разложить окись при высокой curic oxide at high temperature. ртути температуре I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. It was in 1896 that natural radioactivity was discovered. 2. It is difficult to liberate oxygen from a compound as most of its compounds are very stable. 3. It is the sun that steadily sends out a great amount of radiant energy. 4. On a physical map one can see seas, rivers and mountains. 5. The coming winter, they say, will be extremely cold. 6. One could hardly expect such a turn of circumstances. 7. It is disturbing that many people suffer from health disorders. 8. It is heart disease that is a major cause of death in many 73

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countries. 9. It has become clear that there is no single cause of heart disease, but many risk factors. 10. One must change habits or lifestyle to prevent or reduce risks. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Именно наша диета, особенно количество и тип жиров, которые мы едим, могут увеличить риск сердечных заболеваний. 2. Чтобы уменьшить количество холестерина, следует есть еду, которая содержит полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты. 3. Было доказано, что когда масло обрабатывается для приготовления маргарина, полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты могут превратиться в транс жирные кислоты. 4. Сложно изменить свои привычки в еде и образ жизни, но усилия того стоят. 5. Именно девочки подросткового возраста и молодые женщины больше всего страдают от булимии и анорексии. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. It is our diet, especially the amount and type of fat we eat, can increase the risk of heart diseases. 2. One should eat foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids to reduce the amount of cholesterol. 3. It was proved that when oil is processed to make it into margarine, the PUFAs ( polyunsaturated fatty acids) to trans fatty acids. 4. It can be hard to change your eating habits and way of life, but it is worth the effort. 5. It is mainly teenage girls and young woman that suffer most from anorexia and bulimia. Работа над текстом D Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. 74

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dental caries ['dentql 'kFErJz], periodontal ["pFriq'dOntql],


['kxlsiqm], phosphorus ['fOsfqrqs], micro-organisms ["maikrq'Lgqnizmz], plus [plAs], polysaccharides ["pOli'sxkqraidz], pH [pJeiC], eventually [i'venSuqli] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to turn (поворачивать) – to turn into; acid (кислота) – acidity; with, in – within; solution (раствор) – to dissolve; place – to place, to replace; to check (проверять) – unchecked; to move (двигать) – to remove; sense (разум, чувство) – sensible, sensitive; flame (пламя) – to inflame; blood (кровь) – to bleed; breath [breT] (дыхание) – to breathe [brJz]; to look ( смотреть) – to look at, to look for III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT D. TOOTH DECAY AND GUM DISEASE Many people worldwide, especially in countries where people often eat foods containing added sugar, suffer from tooth decay and gum disease. Dental caries is the name given to tooth decay. Periodontal disease is the name given to gum disease. Teeth form in the jaws long before they come through the gum and the covering enamel is 96% made of minerals (mainly calcium, and phosphorus). When food is eaten, a white, sticky substance called plaque forms on the surface of the teeth, especially next to the gum. Plaque is mostly micro-organisms, plus some water and polysaccharides. When sugar is eaten, it is turned into acid. pH is a measure of acidity. Plaque normally has a pH of 6.8, but when sugar is eaten it can fall as low as pH 4.5 within seconds. Below pH 5.5, the mineral part of tooth enamel dissolves. It cannot be replaced, and leaves a weak spot, which gets larger .and deeper until a cavity (hole) is made in the tooth (this is sometimes called 75

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'acid attack'). If unchecked, the decay will continue until the whole tooth is affected and has to be removed. Dental plaque also causes periodontal disease. This is where the gums become irritated and infected by micro-organisms in the plaque. The infection is called gingivitis. The gums swell, become inflamed and sore, and bleed easily. Eventually, the ligaments and bone that hold the teeth in place are destroyed and the teeth become loose and fall out. Bad breath is another symptom of periodontal disease. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What is the other name of gum disease? 2. What is the covering enamel made of? 3. What is plaque? 4. What is a measure of acidity? 5. How is a cavity made in the tooth? 6. Describe the causes and symptoms of periodontal disease. V. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста, используя следующие выражения: I’d like to tell about the text I’ve read. It … can be divided into ... .parts. The first (second, third, forth) part is about (is devoted to) ...; We come to know that…; The author points out that...; It should be mentioned that…; In conclusion I’d like to say…. Лексическая программа tooth – teeth decay gum to add to suffer from jaw

зуб – зубы разрушение, гниение десна добавлять страдать от челюсть 76

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to cover

покрывать эмаль

enamel [i'nxmql] % - per cent sticky

процент клейкий, липкий зубной камень, налет

plaque [plRk] surface measure to dissolve spot cavity, hole to affect to irritate

поверхность мера, единица измерения растворять пятно дупло, дырка влиять раздражать воспаление десен

gingivitis ["GinGi'vaitis], to swell – swelled - swollen to inflame to sore

опухать воспаляться болеть связка

ligament ['ligqmqnt] bone to hold – held – held loose

кость держать свободный, шатающийся

Модальные глаголы Модальные глаголы выражают отношение говорящего к высказыванию. Наиболее часто встречаются в английском научно-техническом тексте следующие модальные глаголы: must, have to, be to, should, ought to, can, may. Must выражает необходимость или неизбежность совершения действия в силу определенных обстоятельств, а также служит для выражения совета или приказания. Переводится на русский язык должен, нужно, надо, необходимо. Force must be applied to produce Чтобы вызвать движение, motion. необходимо приложить силу. Глагол have to выражает необходимость совершения действия и близок по значению к must, заменителем которого он 77

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часто выступает и переводится вынужден, приходится, надо, нужно. Our scientists had to solve many Нашим ученым пришлось complicated practical problems разрешить много сложных in the construction of the first практических задач при строительстве первой атомной atomic power-plant. электростанции. Глагол be to выражает необходимость, вытекающую из договоренности или намеченного плана и переводится должен. The new bottling line is to be Новая линия бутылочного commissioned next spring. розлива должна вступить в строй следующей весной. Глаголs should и ought to употребляются для выражения необходимости, обусловленной моральным долгом или советом и переводятся должен, следует, следовало бы. You should lower the voltage in Вам следовало бы уменьшить the circuit. напряжение в сети. He ought to know properties of Ему следовало бы знать свойства этой смеси. this mixture. Глагол can выражает физическую возможность, способность или умение совершать действие и переводится мочь, уметь. Man can subdue atomic energy. Человек может подчинить себе ядерную энергию. Глагол may выражает разрешение или позволение и переводится могу, можно, разрешено. You may touch the wire as the Вы можете дотронуться до circuit is open. провода, так как цепь разомкнута. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Most monosaccharides can exist as both open-chain and cyclic structures. 2. The protection of consumer’s rights should be regulated by a separate legislative act. 3. Proposals for legislation on labeling food products have to be 78

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addressed to ensure that they are practical and enforceable. 4. Pregnant women must not fast for more than 6-8 hours. 5. At what stage of production ought these farm products to be certified? 6. Scientists and environmentalists are to forecast correctly the possible development of the situation and to work out preventive measures. 7. The principle of substational equivalence may be the reason for the conflict with trade issues regulated by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) standards. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Все страны должны быть осведомлены о проблемах, связанных с облучением пищевых продуктов, даже если они не вовлечены в исследовательские проблемы. 2. Для того, чтобы убить вещества, вызывающие порчу, пищевые продукты должны быть нагреты до 1600 по Фаренгейту. 3. Невозможно сохранить молоко, не стерилизуя его. 4. Консервированные продукты могут храниться в течении очень длительного периода времени. 5. Метод о котором ты читал, должен быть использован для консервации яиц. 6. Мы вынуждены были заморозить мясо для того, чтобы сохранить его на длительное время. 7. Мы должны есть ,чтобы получить энергию. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. All countries must be aware of the problems associated with food irradiation even if not engaged in research problems. 2. In order to kill spoilage agents the food should be heated to 1600 F. 3. You cannot keep milk without sterilizing it. 4. The canned food may store for a very long time, 5. The method you read about is to be used for egg preservation. 6. We had to freeze meat to store it for a long period. 79

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7. We should eat to have energy. IV. DIETS Работа над текстом A Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. vegetarians ["veGi'tFEriqn], reason ['rJzqn], yogurt ['jOgqt], vegan ['vJgqn], polish ['pOliS], soya ['sOiq], tablet ['txblqt], synthetically [sin'Tetikqli], anemia [q'ni:miq] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to object [qb'Gekt] (возражать) – objection; diet ['daiqt] (диета) – dietary; to like – to dislike; to believe (верить) – belief; health (здоровый) – healthier – the healthiest; little (мало) – less – the least; directly (напрямую) – indirectly III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT A. VEGETARIANS Vegetarians are people who will not consume animal food, for which an animal has to be slaughtered or has suffered in any way. There are several reasons why a person may become a vegetarian, including: 1. Religious beliefs. 2. Objection to the slaughter of animals, because it is considered to be cruel, or economically wasteful (rearing animals is expensive and uses a lot of land). 3. Dislike of animal flesh. 4. Dietary reasons. 5. Belief that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a carnivorous (meateating) diet. In recent years the number of vegetarians has increased. There is some evidence that a vegetarian diet is better for long-term 80

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health, and that vegetarians may suffer less from diseases such as cancer and heart disease. There are two main types of vegetarian: lacto-ovo vegetarians vegans (strict vegetarians). Lacto-ovo vegetarians will not eat meat, or meat products, poultry, fish, lard, suet, fish oils, or gelatine, because producing these involves slaughtering the animal or fish. However, they will eat food products from animals, such as free-range eggs, milk, cheese, butter, cream, yogurt. The animal is not slaughtered to produce these. Vegans will not eat any food that is made directly or indirectly from an animal, even if the animal has not been slaughtered for that purpose. They also refuse to use products such as soaps, cosmetics, and polishes, which involve the use of animal oils or fats. With careful planning, vegan meals can be made appetizing and good to eat; and with knowledge of the value of foods, they can be nutritionally well balanced. There are several important points that must be taken into consideration when planning vegan diets: 1. Protein is found in relatively small amounts in plant foods, so a large bulk may have to be eaten. The richest sources are: soya beans, cereals, nuts. 2. Extra vitamins and minerals can be taken in the form of tablets and drops, providing that they are made synthetically and do not come from animals. Vitamin B is only found in animal foods. Vegans may be at risk of developing anemia and may need to take it in tablet form to avoid this. IV. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What are the main reasons for becoming a vegetarian? 2. What is the difference between a lacto-ovo vegetarian and a vegan? 3. Suggest suitable meals for each. Лексическая программа вегетарианец vegetarian ["veGi'tFEriqn ֽ◌ ] 81

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to consume to slaughter to suffer belief objection wasteful to rear flesh

потреблять, съедать забивать, резать ( скот ) пострадать убеждение протест, неодобрение неэкономный выращивать, разводить плоть плотоядный

carnivorous [kR'nivqrqs] evidence cancer

факты, данные раковая опухоль, рак строгий вегетарианец

vegan [´vJgqn] poultry lard

домашняя птица свиное сало нутряное сало

suet ['sjHit] polish to take into consideration bulk providing

лак принимать во внимание масса, большое количество при условии, если только анемия, малокровие

anemia [q'nJmiq]

Неличные формы глагола (герундий) Герундий является неличной формой глагола. Он имеет свойства как глагола, так и существительного и всегда выражает действие как процесс. В русском языке соответствующей формы нет. По своим функциям, герундий – существительное: smoking - курение understanding – понимание Формы герундия совпадают с формами причастия, и образуются по тем же правилам, что и причастия. Active Passive Indefinite reading being read Perfect having read having been read Отрицательная форма герундия образуется при помощи 82

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частицы not, которая ставится перед ним: for coming in time – за то, что пришел вовремя for not coming in time - за то, что не пришел вовремя Поскольку формы герундия в русском языке нет, то он переводится существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме и придаточным предложением. Герундий в форме Indefinite выражает действие одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым: I am surprise at hearing it. Мне странно слышать это. We think of going there in the Мы думаем поехать туда summer. летом. Герундий в форме Perfect выражает действие, предшествовавшее действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме: I don’t remember having seen Я не помню, чтобы я его him before. раньше видел. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Understanding of .the composition of foods had to wait for several discoveries in chemistry. 2. The engineers spoke about using a new press. 3. I insist on being given the opportunity of continuing of our work. 4. Arabia is believed to be the birth-place of cheese-making. 5. In making edible foods from cereals various methods for grinding the grain, for making the dough and for baking have been in use from the earliest times. 6. We can’t make good bread without knowing the properties of all the ingredients. 7. Practically no macaroni goods are produced now without being enriched. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Помещение пищи в рассолы определенной концентрации способствуют брожению. 2. Этот метод производства масла продолжает использоваться на некоторых заводах. 83

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3. Ферментация не помешала человеку извлечь практическую пользу из этого продукта. 4. Пищевые продукты часто являются сложными веществами, способными удовлетворять различные потребности организма. 5. Охлаждение широко используется как средство сохранения скоропортящихся продуктов. 6. Некоторые химические вещества способствуют консервации пищи, замедляя или предотвращая рост микроорганизмов. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. Placing foods in brines of certain concentration promotes fermentation. 2. This method of butter-making continues being used in some plants. 3. Fermentation did not prevent man from taking practical advantages of this product. 4. Foods are often complex substances capable of meeting different body needs. 5. Refrigeration is widely used as a mean of preserving perishable foods. 6. Certain chemicals help to preserve food by retarding or preventing the growth of microorganisms. Работа над текстом B Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. the Bible ['baibl], Kosher food ['kquSq], Jew [GH], Jewish ['GHiS], Talmud ['txlmud], gelatine ['GelqtJn], Islamic [iz'lxmik], Muslim ['muzlim], Hindu ['hindH], Buddhist ['budist] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to believe (верить) – belief, faith; to forbid (запрещать) – forbidden; 84

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Jesus Christ ['GJzqs kraist] – Christians; to teach (учить) – teaching; to create [kri'eit] (создавать) – creator [kri'eitq] – creature ['krJCq] III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT B. RELIGIOUS GROUPS Religious beliefs are important to many people, and some religions have rules about what should and should not be eaten. These include: The Jewish faith Jewish food customs and dietary laws are set out in the Bible. Foods that fulfill the requirements of the laws are called Kosher foods. Jews who observe these laws may eat only clean birds (these are listed in a collection of writings called the Talmud): only meat from cud-chewing, cloven-footed animals, i.e. beef, venison, and lamb; and only fish with scales and fins. Forbidden foods, which must not be eaten, include shellfish, (crab, lobster), pork, bacon, ham, eels, eggs with bloodspots, and gelatine. Some Jews will not eat milk and meat together, and may have separate cooking utensils for these. The Christian faith Christians remember and celebrate the life and teaching of Jesus Christ in a number of festivals. Jesus is also remembered in the celebration of Holy Communion, when bread (symbolizing his body), and wine (symbolizing his blood) are taken. The Islamic faith Muslims follow the religious teachings of Islam, and are not allowed to eat food from pigs. Other meat must be slaughtered by a special ritual, known as Halal. Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol. The Hindu faith Hindus are not allowed to kill cows as they are considered sacred, but they do eat milk and milk products. Strict Hindus are vegetarians and do not eat meat, fish, or eggs. The Buddhist faith 85

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Buddhists follow five rules for everyday life. The first instructs them to be sympathetic and helpful to all things that have life, and to be careful not to harm or kill any living creatures. As a result, many Buddhists are vegetarians. IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 1. List main types of religious groups. 2. Where are main dietary laws set? 3. Briefly describe their food customs. Лексическая программа Jewish ['Gu:iS]

еврейский, иудейский

faith ['feiT] custom to set out to fulfill requirement cud-chewing animal


cloven-footed ['klquvqn] beef venison ['venisqn] lamb [lxm] scales fin to forbid-forbade forbidden shellfish lobster pork eels [i:lz] utensils [ju'tensils] Holy Communion

привычка излагать выполнять требование жвачное животное парнокопытный говядина оленина ягненок, барашек чешуя рыб плавник ( рыбы ) запрещать ракообразное омар свинина угреобразные посуда святое причастие 86

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to allow [ə′lau] pig sacred ['seikrid] sympathetic harm living creatures [′kri:Cəz]

позволять свинья священный полный сочувствия вред живые существа

Неличные формы глагола (причастие) Причастие в английском языке представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, которая наряду со свойствами глагола имеет свойства прилагательного или наречия. Обладая свойствами прилагательного, причастие служит определением к существительному, т.е. обозначает признак предмета. Но в отличие от прилагательного, этот признак указывает на действие или состояние предмета (a running man, a dancing girl, a smiling boy), а не на его качества (a big part, a bad day, a good night): A broken cup lay on the table Разбитая чашка лежала на столе. Обладая свойствами наречия, причастие служит обстоятельством к действию, выраженному сказуемым: He sat at the table thinking. Он сидел у стола, задумавшись. Образование форм причастия. Participle I (Present) Participle II (Past) Active Passive Passive Simple сhanging being changed сhanged 1.изменяющий 1.изменяющи 1.изменяемый, (ся) йся, измененный изменявший (ся) изменяемый 2.когда, так как (его) 2.изменяя (сь) 2.будучи измененным изменили


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having changed изменив (шись)

having been changed тогда, так как, после того как (его) изменили Отрицательная частица not ставится перед причастием: not asking – не спрашивая not having asked – не спросив. Participle I Simple выражает действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым. She is looking at the woman Она смотрит на женщину, сидящую у окна. sitting at the window. Perfect Participle I употребляется для выражения действия, предшествующего действию, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым и переводится деепричастием совершенного вида, оканчивающимся на –в и –я или придаточным предложением причины. Having lived in Leningrad for Прожив в Ленинграде много many years he knew the city very лет, он знал город очень well. хорошо. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Knowing the volume, the pressure and the temperature of the gas, we can determine the state of its mass. 2. The apparatus roasting cocoa beans is called a roaster. 3. Roasters are classified as to the kind of fuel employed. 4. Of all the manipulations involved in the manufacture of chocolate the roasting of beans is one of the most important. 5. The mill reported to have been modernized has been incorporated by the firm. 6. Retarding the growth of microorganisms refrigeration furnishes conditions for food preservation. 7. Frozen foods when held at proper temperatures undergo changes slowly. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 88

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1. Плавающее тело вытесняет некоторое количество воды. 2. Проводя один из своих опытов, он серьезно пострадал. 3. Будучи помещенным на открытом воздухе, железо ржавеет и разрушается. 4. Развивающиеся бактерии используют пищевые составляющие для питания. 5. Улучшенная тара позволяет производить огромное количество консервированных пищевых продуктов. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. A floating body displaces some water. 2. Making one of his experiments he was seriously injured. 3. Being placed in the open air iron rusts and deteriorates. 4. The developing bacteria use food constituents for their nourishment needs. 5. The improved containers make possible the production of the great amount of canned foods. Работа над текстом C Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. occasion [q'keiZqn], ceremony ['serimqni], Jew [GH:], Jewish ['GHiS], Purim [pH'rJm], Passover ['pRs"quvq], Pentecost ['pentikOst], Rosh Hashanah [rOS hq'SRnq], Yom Kippur [jOm ki'pur ] , Christian ['krisCqn], Jesus ['GJzqs], Islamic [iz'lxmik], Ramadan ["rxmq'dxn], Muslim ['muzlim], Hindu ['hindH], Holi ["hO'lJ] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to fill in (заполнять) – filled; leaven (закваска, дрожжи) – unleavened; sun (солнце) – sunset, sunrise; to dry (сушить) – dried; to fry (жарить) – fried III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. 89

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TEXT C. CUSTOMS, TRADITIONS, AND FESTIVALS Many occasions and ceremonies (funerals, marriages, religious festivals, etc.) are celebrated with feasts or fasts, or special meals and foods only prepared at that time. Some examples are given below. The Jewish faith Purim is celebrated in late February/early March. The special foods include turkey, cakes and biscuits, pastries, and fruit. Passover is celebrated for a week, and special foods include bread (without yeast) and haroset (a sweet paste). Pentecost is celebrated in May or June, and a variety of dairy foods are eaten at this time. At Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Jews eat a special meal, including sweet foods such as apples dipped in honey, dates, and dried fruits. Ten days later, at Yom Kippur, Jews eat a meal before sunset, and then fast for 24 hours. The meal usually, includes chicken and rice, bread, and water. Hannukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, and lasts for eight nights. Each night a fried food is eaten, to remember oil which was used to light a holy temple in Jerusalem. The Christian faith Shrove Tuesday is the day before the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, which lead up to Easter. Traditionally, people are to eat and live simply during Lent, so they had to use up certain foods before it began. Pancakes were made to use up milk, eggs, and fat. Hot cross buns are eaten on Good Friday. and at Easter, eggs - symbolizing new life - are eaten. The birth of Jesus is celebrated at Christmas, which is a time of goodwill and enjoyment. Traditional Christmas foods include roast turkey, vegetables, Christmas pudding, and mince pies. The Islamic faith Ramadan is a very important Muslim festival. It lasts for a month, during which no food or drink is taken from sunrise to sunset. At the end of Ramadan, special feasts are held. The Hindu faith 90

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Holi is a festival to celebrate the beginning of spring. Feasts and parties are held, and foods such as coconuts are roasted on fires. Divali — the festival of lights - is held in October or November. Feasts, carnivals, and parties are held and favourite family foods are prepared. Лексическая программа funeral ['fjunqrql]


feast ['fi:st]

банкет, пир

fast ['fa:st]


filled pastry ['peisrty] Passover

пирожок с начинкой

unleavened [An'levqnd] yeast [jJst] paste Pentecost ['pentikOst] Yom Kippur to dip dates sunrise sunset temple Shrove Tuesday Lent Easter ['Jstq] pancake hot cross buns Good Friday goodwill enjoyment mince pie ['mins]

еврейская пасха пресный дрожжи халва, паста, сдобное тесто Пятидесятница День искупления макать, окунать финики восход солнца заход солнца храм; церковь последний день Масленицы великий пост Пасха блин горячие крестовые булочки великая пятница доброжелательность наслаждение, удовольствие круглый пирожок со сладкой начинкой 91

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to last to hold-held-held coconut

продолжаться проводить кокосовый орех

Неличные формы глагола (инфинитив) Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола) представляет собой неличную глагольную форму, которая только называет действие, не указывая ни лица, ни числа и отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать? (to read – читать, прочесть, to write –писать, написать). Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to. Active Passive Simple to ask to be asked Progressive to be asking Perfect to have asked to have been asked Perfect Progressive to have been asking Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится перед инфинитивом. The doctor told me not to cook in Врач велел мне не готовить на масле и жире. oil and fat. Инфинитив в форме Simple употребляется, чтобы выразить действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме или относящееся к будущему времени (после модальных глаголов may, must, should, ought и после глаголов to expect, to intend, to hope, to want и некоторых других.) We decided to raise the pressure. Мы решили поднять давление. He may come tomorrow. Он, может быть, придет завтра Инфинитив в форме Progressive употребляется для выражения длительного действия, одновременного с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме: The dough seems to be raising. Тесто, кажется , поднимается Инфинитив в форме Perfect употребляется, чтобы выразить действие, предшествующее действию глагола в личной форме. In some areas milk must have В некоторых районах молоко 92

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been one of sources of fat.

должно быть было одним из источников жира. Инфинитив в форме Perfect Progressive употребляется для выражения длительного действия, совершавшегося в течение отрезка времени, предшествовавшего действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме. They are said to have been Говорят, что они коптят smoking sausages for a long колбасы в течение долгого time. времени. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. The world’s first cheese might have been manufactured quite by chance. 2. The tribes which lived on the Iranian plateau some 5000 years ago are known to have kept domestic cattle. 3. The hams to be smoked are sent to the chill room. 4. Cacao beans can be turned into either chocolate or cocoa powder. 5. Food processing is the method and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food for human consumption. 6. The inclusion of fats tends to add flavour to cooked food. 7. Plastic cutting boards are less porous than wood and are considered to be less likely to harbor bacteria. 8. Double steaming is a Chinese cooking technique to prepare delicate food such as bird nests, shark fins etc. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Сохранить продукты – значит подавить деятельность бактерий и ферментов. 2. После этого они начали проводить эксперименты. 3. Все питьевое молоко должно пастеризоваться. 4. Тесту дают постоять какое-то время. 5. Рожь, вероятно, была сорным злаком в пшенице, и в некоторых районах она стала доминирующей. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. To preserve foods means to suppress the activities of 93

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2. 3. 4. 5.

microorganisms and ferments. After that they began to experiment. All fluid milk must be pasteurized. The dough is allowed to stand for some time. Rye seems to have been the contaminating cereal in wheat and in some areas it became dominant.

V. FOOD COOKING Работа над текстом A Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. micro ['maIkqu], through [TrH], bacteria [bxk'iqriq], yeasts [ji:st], cell [sel] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to fit (соответствовать, подходить) – to unfit; cause [kLz] (причина) - to cause; moist [mOist] (влажный) – moisture ['mOisCq]; to consume [kqn'sjHm] ( потреблять) - consumption [kqn'sAmpSqn]; result (результат) – to result in; to lose (lost-lost) (терять) - loss III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT A. FOOD COOKING Food spoilage Once food has been harvested, it starts to deteriorate until finally it becomes unfit for consumption. This deterioration is known as decay and leads to food spoilage. Food spoilage is caused by two main factors: 1 Natural decay within the food itself. 2 Contamination by microscopic forms of life (microorganisms). Natural decay in food is the result of moisture loss. Moisture loss is most easily demonstrated in vegetables and fruit, which contain large amounts of water. After harvesting, they continue to 94

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respire, and this results in loss of moisture through leaves and skins. Before harvesting, such water loss would be replaced from the soil through the roots. After harvest, however, lost water is not replaced, and its skin becomes wrinkled. Micro-organisms are microscopic plants or animals, many of which are single-celled. The main micro-organisms responsible for the contamination of food are: bacteria, moulds, yeasts. Each group has many members which are responsible for different forms of contamination. Foods that spoil rapidly are known as perishable foods and usually contain large amounts of water and nutrients. Examples are: milk, fruit, and meat. Foods that contain low amounts of water or high concentrations of salt, acid, or sugar are less readily affected. Methods of cooking Methods of cooking can be classified according to how heat is applied: Moist methods: heat applied through a liquid. Dry methods: heat applied directly to food. Frying: heat applied through fats or oils. Microwave: heat generated by electro-magnetic waves.

harvest ['hRvist]

Лексическая программа урожай

deteriorate [di'tiqriqreit]


decay [di'kei]

гниение, разложение

spoilage ['spoiliG]


contamination [kqn"txmi'neiSn] rapidly


perishable ['periSbl]

быстро скоропортящийся

respire [ri'spaiq]


wrinkled ['riNkld]


mould [mquld]

плесень 95

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to apply [q'plai]

влажный moist [mOist] Инфинитивные обороты. Cложное дополнение. Этот оборот представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже (my sister, Mr. Brown) или местоимения в объектном падеже (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) и инфинитива. Поскольку в русском языке нет оборота, соответствующего обороту Complex Object, он переводится на русский язык дополнительным придаточным предложением. I want him to help me. Я хочу, чтобы он помог мне. They expect the goods to be Они ожидают, что товары loaded. будут погружены. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. We know the weight of a body to be nothing but the pull of gravity toward the earth. 2. Research has shown the diet, especially the amount and type of fat we eat to increase the risk of coronary heart diseases. 3. The scientists found out the electric cell to consist of two plates of conducting material assembled together and immersed in an electrolyte. 4. We know extra water and salt to be taken more in very hot weather. 5. He expects the storage batteries to contain chemicals generating electric current under certain conditions. 6. Many people take a paced meal to work or school not to buy it in a canteen or restaurant. 7. Reynolds expected his number to provide a criterion for determining dynamic similitude. 8. Parents should guide their children to choose a healthy and varied selection of food. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 96

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Мы предполагаем, что он придет. Он попросил нас вернуться. Мы заметили, что смесь изменила свой цвет. Я попросил его информировать меня о результатах испытаний. 5. Мы знаем, что солнце чрезвычайно горячее. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. We expect him to come. 2. He asked us to return. 3. We noticed the mixture change its colour. 4. I asked him to inform me about the results of the test. 5. We know the sun to be extremely hot.

Работа над текстом B Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. etc [it'setqrq], process ['prqusqs], par boiling ['pR "bOiliN ] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. low (низкий) - to lower; to boil (кипеть) – boiling point; steam (пар) – to steam; to treat (лечить, обрабатывать) – treatment; result (результат) – to result in; gentle (мягкий) – gentler – the gentlest III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT B. MOIST METHODS OF COOKING Boiling Boiling is a common method of cooking. The liquid (usually water) is heated to boiling point and the heat is then lowered until the liquid is rapidly bubbling. This is used for rice, pasta, etc. Simmering When a liquid is simmering, few bubbles rise to the surface, and the temperature is just below boiling point. Foods that are cooked in hot water but require gentler treatment than boiling to prevent being tough (e.g. fish, meat), or to prevent the food falling 97

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apart (e.g. potatoes) should be simmered. Poaching It is the process of gently simmering, a very gentle method of cooking. It is suitable for fragile food such as eggs, fish or fruit which can easily fall apart. Par-boiling is the part-cooking of certain foods which then will be cooked by another method, e.g. potatoes and parsnips can be par-boiled before being baked (roasted) in fat in the oven. Steaming Food that is steamed does not come into direct contact with the water, but is cooked in the steam rising from boiling water. Braising Braising is cooking with a moist heat, typically in a covered pot with a little amount of liquid, resulting in a particular flavor. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What are in your opinion the disadvantages of boiling? 2. What is the difference between boiling and simmering? 3. Why is poaching a suitable method of cooking for delicate foods such as fish and eggs? 4. Why are potatoes are par-boiled before being roasted in the oven? 5. Name five foods suitable for draising. Лексическая программа liquid ['likwid] bubbling simmering surface ['sWfis] to prevent tough ['tAf] poaching fragile ['frxdZail] fall apart

жидкость кипение, выделение пузырьков варка, не доводя до кипения поверхность предотвращать жесткий варка на медленном огне хрупкий распадаться, развариваться 98

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par boiling parsnip ['pRsnip] to bake to roast oven ['Avqn] rise – rose - risen to braise [breiz] to cover ['kAvq] pot flavor ['fleivq]

варка на пару пастернак печь жариться на открытом огне духовка подниматься тушить покрывать горшок, кастрюля аромат

Инфинитивные обороты. Cложное подлежащее Complex Subject – это сложное подлежащее, состоящее из местоимения или существительного + инфинитив. Сказуемое может быть выражено глаголом в активном или пассивном залоге. They are said to know English well. Говорят, что они хорошо знают английский. This man proved to be a good Этот человек оказался хорошим работником. worker. Оборот Complex Subject употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено: - следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: to say (говорить), to report (сообщать), to announce (объявлять), to believe (полагать), to expect (ожидать), to know (знать), to see (видеть), to hear (слышать), to state (заявлять, сообщать), to understand (понимать), to consider (считать) и некоторыми другими: This plant is known to produce Известно, что этот завод tractors. производит тракторы. - следующими глаголами в активном залоге: to seem, to appear (казаться), to prove (оказываться), to happen, to chance (случаться): I happened to be there at that Случилось так, что я был там в 99

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это время. - глаголом-связкой со следующими прилагательными: likely (вероятный), unlikely (маловероятный), certain (несомненный), sure (верный). They are likely to come soon. Вероятно, они придут скоро. Предложения с оборотом Complex Object переводятся на русский язык при помощи неопределенно-личного оборота (говорят, вероятно, кажется), играющего роль главного предложения, за которым следует придаточное предложение с союзом что. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Salsa is known to become a popular side dish in the United States. 2. Mexican meals are considered to require time-consuming preparation. 3. The Arabic people happened to bring both the sugarcane reed and directions for its growth to Sicily and Spain in the eighth and ninth centuries. 4. Venice’s monopoly of sugar proved to be short-lived. 5. The human brain is known to require the energy from two teaspoonfuls of glucose per hour. 6. Aside from causing tooth decay, the main fault of sugar seems to be a lack of nutritional value. 7. The opening of the conference is understood to be fixed for the 15th of December 8. Glucose is likely to be the most important monosaccharide found in nature. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Кажется, у людей есть инстинктивная тяга к сладостям. 2. Оказалось, что молодые овощи и фрукты содержат природный сахар. Со временем сахар превращается в крахмал и растения теряют часть своего сладкого вкуса. 3. Предполагается, что рубщики тростника собирают тонну тростника за час. 100

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4. Несомненно, что еда богатая углеводами содержит самое подходящее топливо для продолжительных тяжелых физических упражнений. 5. Однозначно, что глюкоза, как продукт фотосинтеза, играет центральную роль в развитии жизни на Земле. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. Human beings are seemed to have an instinctive craving for sweets. 2. Fresh vegetables and fruit prove to contain natural sugar. As they age, the sugar turns to starch, and plants lose some of its sweet taste. 3. The sugarcane cutters are expected to harvest about a ton of sugarcane an hour. 4. Carbohydrate-rich foods are certain to provide the most appropriate fuel for prolonged heavy exercise. 5. As the product of photosynthesis, glucose is sure to play a central role in the development of life on Earth. Работа над текстом C Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. mixture ['miksCq], biscuit ['biskit], radiation ["reidi'eiSqn], radiant ['reidiqnt], barbecue ['bRbikjH] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. to cook (готовить, варить) – undercooked, overcooked; side (сторона) – outside, inside; liquid (жидкость, жидкий) – solid III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT C. DRY METHODS OF COOKING Baking is the cooking of foods such as flour mixtures (cakes, pastries, bread, biscuits), and fruits and vegetables (baked apples, 101

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potatoes) by convection in the oven, without the addition of fat, except to prevent mixtures sticking to cooking vessels. Roasting was traditionally carried out over an open fire, with the meat being rotated on a spit. Nowadays, roasting is generally described as the cooking of meat or vegetables in the oven, moistening them with hot fat to prevent drying and to develop colour and flavour. Grilling Grilling is the cooking of food by radiation under a gas or electric grill. The surface of the food is quickly sealed, and the flavour is well developed. The food must be turned often and moistened with fat to prevent it from drying out. The food to be grilled should not be more than 2.5-3.5 cm thick, to allow heat penetration. Barbecuing Barbecues are now a popular way of cooking food. Food is laid on a wire rack over hot charcoal, and cooks by radiant heat from underneath. The charcoal imparts a flavour to the food which adds to the enjoyment of eating it. The charcoal must not be too hot or the food will burn on the outside but be undercooked inside. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What foods are traditionally baked? 2. Why do we moisten food while roasting? 3. Why must food that is to be grilled be moistened with fat and turned frequently? 4. What are the main conditions of barbecuing? 5. What precautions should be taken when using dry methods of cooking? 6. Give examples of food for each method of dry cooking. Лексическая программа to bake to roast to grill

печь, выпекать жариться, особенно на открытом огне жарить на решетке 102

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to barbecue to fry flour ['flauq] pastry ['peistri] convection to stick vessels ['vesqlz] to carry out to rotate spit

жарить на вертеле жарить на сковороде мука пирожное теплообмен прилипать посуда

to describe [di'skraib]

осуществляться вращать вертел, шампур описывать

to seal [si:l]

запечатывать, герметизировать

flavour ['fleivq] thick


to allow [q'lau] penetration to lay – laid - laid

толстый позволять

wire rack ['waiq]

проникновение класть проволочная решетка

charcoal ['CRkqul]


underneath ["Andq'nJT]

под, внизу, ниже

to impart [im'pRt] to burn-burnt-burned

придавать гореть

Инфинитивные обороты.Cложное дополнение (For + Infinitive) Действие, выраженное инфинитивом, может относиться лицу, которое не служит подлежащим или дополнением предложения. В этом случае употребляется данный оборот, который переводится при помощи инфинитива или придаточного предложения. It is easy for him to say that. Ему легко это говорить. 103

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For Ann to become a singer was Стать певицей для Анны было a dream of her life. мечтой всей ее жизни. I. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. It is unlikely for the oxygen to be easily liberated from this substance under such a temperature. 2. It is prohibited for Jews to eat milk and meat together. 3. It is not allowed for Hindus to kill cows as they are considered sacred. 4. For food technologists it is very important to develop sensory analysis which helps to explain people’s reaction to a food through the senses of smell, sight, hearing and touch. 5. It is not easy for advertising agencies to convince consumers to buy the product. 6. It is very important for consumers to produce the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), which covers all advertising in magazines, newspapers, posters, cinemas, leaflets. 7. It is essential for fats to be stored in a cool place, covered, and away from strong odours which they could absorb. 8. It was very expensive for Europeans as a major item of the diet until the late 19th century. II. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык. 1. Мы ожидали, что примеси выпадут в виде осадка. 2. Не нам это решать. 3. Вам легко это сделать. 4. Рекламодателям не разрешается делать недостоверные заявления о своих товарах. 5. Эта еда слишком тяжелая для маленьких детей. Проверьте свой перевод. 1. We expected for the impurities to fall out as a precipitate. 2. It is not for us to decide. 3. It is easy for you to do it. 4. It is not allowed for to make false claims about their products. 5. This food is too heavy for small children. 104

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Работа над текстом D Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. temperature ['temprqCq], content ['kOntent], vitamins ['vitqminz], should [Sud], surface ['sWfis] ingredient [in'grJdiqnt] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. value (ценность) - energy value; nutrition (питание) - nutritionist; to increase (увеличивать) – to reduce [ri'djHs] reduction [ri'dAkSqn], liquid (жидкость, жидкий) – solid; coat (пальто) – coated; to beat (бить) – beaten eggs; crumb [krAm] (крошка) – breadcrumbs; to continue (продолжать) - continuously III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT D. FRYING Frying is a quick and popular method of cooking, which involves high temperatures. Solid fats or oils are used. When food is fried, some fat is absorbed and this increases the fat content of the food and its energy value. Nutritionists recommend a reduction in the amount of food cooked by frying. The temperatures are higher than used in boiling and this leads to the destruction of vitamins. There are four types of frying: deep frying, dry frying, shallow frying, stir-frying Deep frying Deep frying involves the putting of a food in a pan of hot fat, so that the food is covered by the fat while frying. Foods that are to be deep fried, e.g. fish, meat, fruit, should first be coated to prevent overcooking, the loss of juices, breaking up and absorbing too much fat. Suitable protective coatings include beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. Shallow frying 105

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Shallow frying involves the cooking of food in a layer of hot fat that comes about half-way up the food. Heat is conducted from the base of the pan to one surface of the food at a time. This means that the food has to be turned at regular intervals. Dry frying Some foods, e.g. bacon and sausages, can be fried without the addition of fat, as they contain sufficient fat to prevent them from sticking to the pan. Stir-frying Stir-frying originated in the Far East, and is traditionally done in a wok. All ingredients should be chopped. A little oil (about 1 tbsp) is heated in the wok, and the food is put in and stirred continuously. Few vitamins are lost, and the food remains crisp and well flavoured. It is a quick and healthy method of cooking. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What are the main peculiarities of this method of cooking? 2. Why don’t nutritionists recommend a large amount of fried food? 3. Name main types of frying. 4. Why must some food that is to be deep fried be coated first? Give example of suitable coatings. 5. Why is it important to turn food when frying? 6. Why is stir-frying a healthy method of cooking? 7. What is the subject of the text? Лексическая программа to involve destruction deep shallow stir [stW] pan to cover ['kAvq]

вовлекать разрушение глубокий мелкий мешать сковорода покрывать 106

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to lose-lost lost loss suitable ['sjutqbl] layer ['leiq] conducted sausages sufficient [sq'fiSqnt] sticking to originate wok to chop tbsp (table spoon) crisp

терять потеря подходящий слой проводить, пропускать колбаса, сосиска достаточный прилипание возникать котелок с выпуклым дном рубить столовая ложка хрустящий

Работа над текстом E Упражнения I. Прочитайте и переведите слова, имеющие общий корень в английском и русском языках. microwave ['maikrqweiv], electromagnetic [i"lektrqumxg'netik], process [prquses], radiation ["reidi'eiSqn] this [Dis], these [DJz], surface ['sWfis], should [Sud] II. Прочитайте и переведите слова, исходя из значений слов, данных в скобках. cause [kLz] (причина) – to cause; slow – slower ['slquq] – the slowest; great – greater – the greatest; long - longer – the longest; to require [ri'kwaiq] (требоваться) – required; brown (коричневый) – browned III. Прочитайте и переведите текст. TEXT E. MICROWAVE COOKERY Microwave ovens are now commonly used in many homes, shops, restaurants, offices, and canteens. 107

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Electromagnetic waves Energy can be transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. This process is known as radiation. It is the process by which light and heat from the sun reach the earth. If goes through the food, these waves can cause a rise in temperature within it. How food is cooked by microwaves Microwaves can penetrate up to 4 centimeters into food. They shake up molecules throughout the food, so the food heats up rapidly. During the traditional methods of cooking energy from the surface of the food goes to the inside, and this is much slower. In microwaves the only heat is generated within the food. Timing and cooking the food 1. Different foods need different cooking times, and this should be taken into account. 2. The greater the volume of food, the longer the time required to cook it. 3. If the food is very cold to begin with, it will take longer to cook than if it is at room temperature. 4. Foods that are traditionally eaten browned or crusty, e.g. meat, cakes, and bread, may need to be finished off in an ordinary oven or grill. IV. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. 1. What is radiation? 2. How do electromagnetic waves heat food? 3. Why does food heat up more rapidly by microwaves then by traditional methods of cooking? 4. What are the important rules of microwave cookery? 5. What are the advantages of microwave cookery? Лексическая программа столовая

canteen [kxn'tJn] to transmit to penetrate to shake-shook-shaken

передавать проникать трясти 108

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to reach

достигать повсюду

throughout [Tru'aut] rapidly to generate ['Genqreit] to take (took-taken) into account volume crusty ['krAsti]

быстро производить принимать в расчет объем хрустящий

Приложение Транскрипция имен собственных При письменном переводе текста возникает проблема правильной передачи имен собственных. Существуют два основных способа – транслитерация и транскрипция Транслитерация - формальное побуквенное воссоздание исходной лексической единицы с помощью алфавита переводящего языка, буквенная имитация формы исходного слова. Шекспир Shakespeare Транскрипция - это формальное пофонемное воссоздание исходной лексической единицы с помощью фонем переводящего языка, фонетическая имитация исходного слова. Ньютон Newton Общие указания Транскрипция применяется при переводе названий фирм, компаний, издательств, марок автомобилей, периодических изданий, например: Дейли телеграф The Daily Telegraph General Motors Дженерал моторс Новая газета Novaya Gazeta Subaru Субару Названия учебных заведений, как правило, подвергаются частичному или полному переводу: Western Michigan University Западно-Мичиганский университет Cherry Hill High School школа высшей ступени Черри Хилл 109

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Некоторые русские буквенные соответствия английским звукам е,ё e, yo (Semyenov) ч ch (Chekhov) ж zh (Zhukov) ш sh (Shukshin) з z (Kuzmin) щ sch (Khruschov) й ei, iy, ai (Chaikovsky) ы y (Bykov) х kh или h (Khruschov) ь ’ (Belen’kiy) ц ts (Tsokov) ю iu или yu (Yurkin) в v (Vologda) я ia или ya (Yakovlev) I Впишите в регистрационную карточку свои данные. Registration Form First name Surname Age Nationality Position University Address City Post Code Country Telephone e-mail


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Библиографический список 1. Антипова Л.В. Технология продуктов общественного питания/ Курчаева В.К., Курчаева Е.Е., Ряскина Л.О. Воронеж: 2006. - 128 с. 2. Зиятдинова, Ю.Н.. The Basics of Process Technology (Основы технологических процессов)/ Валеева Э.Э.; Безруков, А.Н. - Казань: 2008.- 80 с. 3. Кошеварова И.Б. Технология хлебопечения кондитерских и макаронных изделий/ Татаринцева И.А.- Воронеж: 2005.- 120 с. 4. Луганский А.С. Технология производства пищевых продуктов/ Хозяев И.А. - Ростов-н/Д: Изд. центр ДГТУ,2001. - 84 с. 5. Судовцев В.А. Учись читать литературу по специальности/ Богданова Г.В. - М.: Высш.школа,1993.176 с. 6. Тихомирова Н.А. Технология продуктов функционального питания. - М.: Франтэра,2002. - 212 с. 7. Тошев А.Д. Технология продуктов общественного питания/ Полякова Н.В. - Челябинск: Изд. ЮУрГУ,2002.41 с. 8. Фертман Г.И. Технология продуктов/ Шойхет М.И.- М.: Высш.школа,1976.- 343 с. 9. Щербакова Е.И. Технология продукции общественного питания/ Фукс Н.Е.- Челябинск,2004.- 86 с. 10. Щербакова Н.И., Звенигородская Н.С. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания. - М.: Academia,2005.- 319 с. 11. Health, Nutrition, & Population. - Washington: The Human Development Network,1997. - 99 p. 12. Learn to Read Science. - М.: Флинта: Наука,2007.- 357 с. 13. Tull A. Food and Nutrition. - Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996. - 282 p.