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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
УДК 811.111:796.912(024):796.077.5(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ Г53
Автор-составитель Я.И. Глембоцкая Рецензенты: кандидат педагогических наук доцент Шнайдер Н.А. кандидат педагогических наук Лепешкина С.В. Утверждено научно-методическим советом МГАФК в качестве лексико-грамматического практикума.
Figure skating. Фигурное катание: Лексико-грамматичесГ53 кий практикум по английскому языку. / Автор-сост. Я.И. Глембоцкая. – М.: Спорт, 2016. – 76 с. ISBN 978-5-906839-10-7 В лексико-грамматическом практикуме в доступной форме предлагается знакомство с лексикой избранного вида спорта, а также имеется большое количество лексико-грамматических и переводческих упражнений. В методических рекомендациях объясняется некоторый грамматический материал, даются рекомендации и ключи. Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку предназначен для студентов вузов физической культуры, а также аспирантов и магистрантов. УДК 811.111:796.912(024):796.077.5(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ
ISBN 978-5-906839-10-7
© Глембоцкая Я.И., текст, 2015 © Издательство «Спорт», издание, оформление, 2016
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
ВВЕДЕНИЕ .....................................................................................................4 ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАРЯДКА.......................................................................5 РАБОТА С ПРЕЦИЗИОННОЙ ЛЕКСИКОЙ ...............................................5 СЛОВАРЬ-МИНИМУМ К ТЕКСТУ.............................................................6 РАБОТА СО СЛОВАРЕМ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ..................................7 ТЕКСТ « FIGURE SKATING IS MY SPECIALITY» ...................................8 РАЗГОВОРНАЯ ПРАКТИКА ......................................................................20 CАМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА................................................................26 ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ (ПЕРЕВОДЧЕСКИЕ) УПРАЖНЕНИЯ .......................32 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ .....................................................56 КЛЮЧИ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ .....................................................................61 ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DICTIONARY ...........................................................64 ЛИТЕРАТУРА ...............................................................................................73
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Лексико-грамматический практикум предназначен для студентов вузов физической культуры, обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавров «Физическая культура». Основной целью настоящего практикума является формирование следующих компетенций: 1) общекультурных (способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной форме на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия) 2)общепрофессиональных: (способность организовывать и проводить соревнования, осуществлять судейство по базовым видам спорта и избранному виду спорта) 3) профессиональных (выявление актуальных вопросов в сфере физической культуры и спорта) Практикум построен по принципу наибольшего охвата грамматического, лексического (международные сокращения, идиомы, афоризмы, эпонимы), познавательного, игрового (ребусы и кроссворды), изучающего и просмотрового аутентичного материала спортивной направленности. Материал подготовлен на основе профессионально ориентированных текстов и нацелен на практическое овладение студентами иностранным языком с умением общаться, адекватно выражать собственные мысли и понимать собеседника в реальной ситуации. Практикум служит для активации спортивной терминологии по фигурному катанию на английском языке, поможет научить их переводить аутентичную научно-спортивную литературу по теме «Фигурное катание». Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку состоит из 4 модулей: 1.Фонетические и лексико-грамматические упражнения; 2. Самостоятельная работа; 3. Практические (переводческие) упражнения; 4. Глоссарий; и предназначен для студентов вузов физической культуры, а также аспирантов и магистрантов. Каждый модуль имеет следующую структуру: 1. Лексико–грамматический материал, 2. Аутентичный текст, в котором отражен обширный грамматический и лексический материал, 3. После текстовые упражнения направлены на проверку понимания текста. В модулях отражены следующие темы: история развития фигурного катания в России и за рубежом, техника фигурного катания, виды фигурного катания, терминология, спортивные сооружения, одежда фигуристов, знаменитые спортсмены и тренеры. Тексты и упражнения помогут студентам в развитии навыков поискового и ознакомительного чтения, навыков аннотирования и реферирования. В результате изучения материала практикума студенты получат возможность быть равноправными участниками диалога на английском языке на международной арене. 4
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАРЯДКА Произнесите скороговорки: [w] William always wears a very warm white vest in winter. [s] [e] Seventy seven benevolent elephants [ð] [ɔ] The socks that the shop had got in stock were not what I wanted. [v] [w] Very well, very well, very well … However, however. However Произнесите стихотворение, запоминая особенности произношения слов, мелодику фраз: Wintersports You Inbetween us sitting all the way a tabletop lake over there! of frosted silence. Me All that remains sitting all the way the question: over here! Who will go ice skating first?
РАБОТА С ПРЕЦИЗИОННОЙ ЛЕКСИКОЙ Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные: 8, 45, 30, 45.3, 496.3, 0, 9, 4, 7, 6, 3, 94, 8, 6, 79, 46, 63, 29, 74, 84, 63, 57, 67, 84, 57, 24, 987, 98, 76, 654, 3748, 78, Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие географические названия: Russia, Sochi, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, China, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Greece, South Korea, Salt Lake City, Utah, Vancouver Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие номера телефонов: 967-50-93-86, 509-36-40, 961-304-56-04, 5602-56-02, 845 – 30, 458 – 496 – 30, 940 – 76 – 94, 79 – 46, 375-60-87,509-98-24, 975-69-87, 453-67-91, 560-94-56.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
СЛОВАРЬ-МИНИМУМ К ТЕКСТУ Прочитайте и выучите новые слова: Speed skating – конькобежный спорт Long-distance – длинная дистанция Sprint – бег на короткую дистанцию, спринт Skating – катание на коньках Sliding – скольжение Tie – соединять, связывать Affix (to, on, upon) –присоединять Single skating – одиночное катание Pair-skating – парное катание Free-skating –произвольное катание, произвольная программа Spreadeagle – кораблик (скольжение на обеих ногах, расположенных в одну линию) Highlight – “гвоздь” программы, основной элемент The single lasso lift – поддержка лассо (за одну руку) The axel lift – поддержка аксель The split lutz lift – поддержка лутц шпагатом The catch – waist camel spin – вращение в положении ласточка “Shadow skating” – теневое катание To incline [in’klain] –наклоняться To clasp [kla:sp] –сжимать Spectacular – захватывающий Sequence – комбинация, последовательность, серия Merit – мастерство, качество Impression – впечатление Ability – способность To appreciate – ценить To output – победить по очкам To disclose – обнаруживать Point – очко School figures – фигуры школьной программы To admit – допускать, признавать Direction – направление Split jump – “Шпагат”
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
РАБОТА СО СЛОВАРЕМ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ Упражнение 1. 1.1 Образуйте слова, используя префикс unAble (способный), lucky (удачный), abolished (отменённый), academic (педагогический), alike (похожий), authentic (достоверный), balance (нарушать равновесие), suitable (подходящий), certain (определённый), certified (заверенный), comfortable (удобный), successful (удачный). 1.2. Образуйте прилагательные, используя суффикс – ful Hope (оптимистический), power (мощный), use (полезный), cheer (радостный), beauty (красивый), care (осторожный), success (успешный), fruitful (успешный), taste (искусный), wonder (замечательный), tact (тактичный), faith (надёжный), doubt (сомнительный). 1.3. Образуйте прилагательные, используя суффикс –ing To snow, to call, to increase, to relax, a rank, to dance, thrill, interest, to keep, to jump, to skate, to slide, to play, to ski, to amaze, to use, to greet, to talk, to move, to step, to sleep, to go, to follow, to spin. 1.4. Образуйте существительные из глаголов c помощью словообразовательного способа, который называется конверсия: To order, to spin, to choose, to grade, to turn, to prize, to win, to snow, to call, to step, to form, to increase, to relax, to skate, to break, to dance, to exercise, to part, to start, to result, to style, to control, to jump. 1.5. Напишите антонимы: Dull, uncertain, forget, tall, right, light, to reeze, full, difficult, slowly, accurately, up, beautiful, to love, joy, work, health, indoor, happy, regular, useful, give, lady, the best, wisdom 1.6. Напишите синоним: Amazing, thrilling, sure, awful, attractive, begin, dangerous, famous, fast, excellent, popular, stop, judge, wrong
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
ТЕКСТ « FIGURE SKATING IS MY SPECIALITY» Упражнение 2. Прочитайте и выполните абзацно -фразовый перевод: Skating is a very popular winter sport in our country. Skating is an important factor in the development of valuable qualities, such as speed, strength, endurance, etc. Skating includes speed skating and figure skating. Speed skating includes long-distance race, medium-distance race and sprint. In speed skating the body of the skater should be inclined forward from the hips. He may swing his arms freely, or clasp them behind his back. The essentials for speed skating are: 1. Swift and clean starting. 2. Straight run. 3. Run in the curve. Figure skating includes: single skating, pair-skating, free-skating and icedances. In ice figure skating both technical skill and style are tested. The competitions include three rounds: figures, a short compulsory program and a longer free program for individual skaters, men and women.
Compulsory figures
The first round is very often called the “school”. All sportsmen must skate four ice skating figures. In the beginning of the century the aim of competitions was to skate geometrically flawless figures and various combinations which made interesting patterns on ice. Today skaters must skate the figures “eight”, “three”, “loop”, and “rocker” and repeat them two times, following the pattern the skates had left on the ice. The performance is judged by many factors including the skates’ tracings, positions of hands, body and feet and the smoothness and steadiness of skating. The second 8
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
round is the short free-skating program which lasts not more than two minutes. The competitions are concluded by the 5 minutes free program. In the free program sportsmen and their coaches may show skills multiplied by their fantasy and added up by music. Pair skating is more complicated. Its elements include lifting of womanpartners and spirals that can only be performed by two people with utmost –-skill and care. Besides, very often the movements of both partners must be synchronized, no matter if they are together or in different ends of the rink. It should be also noted, that while in some other sports moral and physical tension of sportsmen is seen on their faces, in figure-skating all elements are performed with a smile as if there is nothing difficult. Our Olympic champions in pair skating Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin won the gold medal. Their result is 204,44 points and it is the world record. I started skating when I was five-year-old learning my ABC on the ice. Besides training on the ice the young figure skaters have ballet classes. When I have learned the basic elements of skating in the group environment, I joined a skating club and began to further develop those skills by working with a private instructor, or “Pro”. Figure skating became extremely popular in Russia. Anyone who steps on the smooth ice of the rink will soon discover that this is a sure way to forget your age, that’s why figure skating is called the sport of eternal youth. Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. Are you a figure skater? 2. When did you begin to take up skating? 3. What kinds of skating does figure skating include? 4. What races does speed skating include? 5. What qualities does skating develop? 6. What are the essentials for speed skating? 7. What skating do you like best, speed skating or figure skating? 8. Who is the champion of Russia in single skating, free-skating? 9. Who are the champions of Russia in pair-skating? 10. Who are the champions of Russia in ice-dances? 11. Name Olympic champions and Olympic prizewinners in single skating, pair-skating, free-skating and ice-dances. 12. Name Olympic champions – students and graduates of our Academy. Упражнение 4. Расшифруйте слова: manporsts, poramemgr, ntmemvoe, dilisng, ncebala, sultre, moctiticoon, katisng-regufi, nerpart, binacomtion, glifitn, mphtriu, rricaage, ghhilitgh 9
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Упражнение 5. Совместите слова из левой колонки с русскими эквивалентами из правой колонки: winter sport
за его спиной
an important factor
зимний вид спорта
важный фактор
speed skating
behind his back
Олимпийские чемпионы
конькобежный спорт
nothing difficult
парное катание
Olympic champions
ничего сложного
Упражнение 6. Соедините части предложений: The winner is placed first by Skating is a very popular Pair skating is Skating includes speed skating Figure skating became In ice figure skating both technical skill The first round is The competitions are concluded by Our Olympic champions’ result
extremely popular in Russia. and style are tested. and figure skating. the majority of judges winter sport in our country. the 5 minutes free programme. more complicated. is 204,44 points and it is the world record. very often called the “school”.
Упражнение 7. Соответствуют ли данные утверждения информации в тексте: Pair skating isn’t more complicated. Its elements don’t include lifting of womanpartners and spirals that can only be performed by two people with utmost – skill and care. Besides, very seldom the movements of both partners must be synchronized, no matter if they are together or in different ends of the rink. It should be also noted, that while in some other sports moral and physical tension of sportsmen is seen on their faces, in figure-skating all elements are performed without a smile as if it is very difficult. Our Olympic champions in pair skating Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin won the silver medal. Their result is 204,44 points and it is the worst result. 10
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Упражнение 8. Совместите слова из левой колонки с английскими эквивалентами из правой колонки: соревнования
не имеет значение
ничего сложного
no matter
длинная дистанция
“гвоздь” программы
to clasp
комбинация, последовательность
nothing difficult
Упражнение 9. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений: ценные качества, на гладком льду катка, это верный способ забыть ваш возраст, выносливость, быстрый и чистый старт, обязательная программа, представление, гладкость, устойчивость, движения обоих партнеров, мировой рекорд, стали чрезвычайно популярными, вот почему, спорт вечной молодежи Упражнение 10. Восстановите последовательность предложений: 1. The first round is very often called the “school”. 2. The performance is judged by many factors including the skates’ tracings, positions of hands, body and feet and the smoothness and steadiness of skating. 3. The second round is the short free-skating program which lasts not more than two minutes. 4. Today skaters must skate the figures “eight”, “three”, “loop”, and “rocker” and repeat them two times, following the pattern the skates had left on the ice. 5. All sportsmen must skate four skating figures. 6. The competitions are concluded by the 5 minutes free program. 7. In the free program sportsmen and their coaches may show skills multiplied by their fantasy and added up by music. 11
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски: complicated, popular, also, factors, includes, both, nothing, round, steps 1. Skating is a very ___ winter sport in our country. 2. Skating ___ speed skating and figure skating. 3. In ice figure skating ___ technical skill and style are tested. 4. The first ___ is very often called the “school”. 5. The performance is judged by many ___ including the skates’ tracings, positions of hands, body and feet and the smoothness and steadiness of skating. 6. Pair skating is more ___.7. It should be ___ noted, in figure-skating all elements are performed with a smile as if there is ___ difficult. 8. Anyone who ___ on the smooth ice of the rink will soon discover that this is a sure way to forget your age. Упражнение 12. Угадайте слово, прочитав определение: 1. P _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ _ g (noun): kind of skating which is more complicated. Its elements include lifting and spirals. Very often the movements must be synchronized. 2. S_ _ _ _ _ (noun): they have a toe-rake or “teeth” in front of the sole of the blades. 3. I _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ g (noun): kind of skating where are no elements which demand strength, like lifts. Dancers use movements which must be brief and show the style and quality of dancing. 4. F _ _ _ _ _ _ (noun): skaters skate “eight”, “three”, “loop”, and “rocker” and so on. 5. I _ _ _ _ s s _ _ _ (noun): an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, esp. one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence 6. L _ _ _ (verb): pick up and move to a different position 7. P _ _ _ _ _ (noun): marks are given for each figure. 8. T_ _ _ _ _ _ (n) someone whose job is to teach 9. C_ _ _ _ (n) someone who trains a person or team in a sport 10. R _ _ _ _ _ _ (n) the official who controls a sports event 11. S _ _ _ _ _ (n) one that skates 12. S_ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ (n) a place where you can skate Упражнение 13. a) Прочитайте и переведите следующий диалог; b) Разыграйте диалог; c) Подготовьте аналогичный диалог: A.: What have you been doing, John? B.: Watching sport program, Ben. They have been broadcasting the World Championship in Canada. When I watch performances of our athletes they take my breath away, because I am afraid to miss something important. A.: And how was it? 12
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
B.: You know, Ben, it was a magnificent sight. What grace, what ease and what elegance! A.: There is hardly a person who does not admire figure skating, is there? B.: I believe not. It is a splendid combination of ballet and skating. A.: I was particularly taken with pair events. Irina Rodhina and Alexander Zaitsev have been superb. Many thanks to our skaters for their great affords. And very few people know what it takes skaters to prepare their performance how much inhuman patience is needed to make all their movements perfect. You ought to have seen them, John. B.: But I have. We turned on the TV set in my office. A.: Mastering one’s body balance does seem a simple thing when you see them skimming along that ice mirror. B.: And what do you say about their rounding the turns? A.: They are too smart for words, John. B.: And the starting was so swift and clean with everybody. A.: Free skating was the best to my mind. B.: Oh, Ben! I did not see the whole of the event. I was called to the telephone when it was announced. A.: We shall see them again tomorrow. It’s a treat, isn’t it? B.: Yes, quite. Упражнение 14. Напишите данные слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения: 1. Norwegian, Axel, Paulsen, figure, (1855–1938), was, speed, a, and, skater. 2. Axel, jump, he, inventor, of, is, the, the, figure, skating. 3. Axel first publicly Paulsen executed the jump in at the World 1882 in Vienna while Championships wearing skates speed. 4. Championships Axel Paulsen at and fancy (figure) skating the Vienna events becoming World won both the speed skating the World Champion. 5. Paulsen in races professional skater was a competing. 6. He Speed Skating was 1882 to World Professional the Champion from 1889. 7. While, I, cry, performances, watching, sometimes 8. Olympics were in Sochi Games Winter the 22nd Olympic. 9. The of the Olympic governing IOC is body the Movement 10. The modern event Games are Olympic the international leading sporting 11. He first multi-sport major, modern, event of significance was international the Games modern Olympic. 12. Athletes, or, teams, gold, silver, are, awarded, or bronze, medals, for first, and third, second, place, respectively.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Упражнение 15. Совместите слова из левой колонки с определениями в правой: a) Figure skating
1. a twisting or spinning movement on one skate. This move is a required element in ice dancing competition
b) Axel (n.)
2. an event in competitive figure skating consisting of a set of required moves or elements. Also called the short program (or pattern dance in ice dancing).
c) Compulsory (n.) 3. sport has been featured at the Olympics since 1908, with four separate disciplines and new to the 2014 Games, mixed team skating. d) Free skate (n.)
4. a gliding step in ice dancing in which one foot displaces the other. Borrowed from ballet terminology
e) Lutz (n.)
5. a jump in skating from the forward outside blade edge of one skate to the backward outside edge of the other, with one (or more) and a half turns in the air. Named after the Norwegian figure skater
f) Chassé (n.)
6. a jump in skating from the backward outside edge of one skate to the backward outside edge of the other, with one or more full turns in the air.
d) Twizzle (n.)
7. an event in competitive figure skating that is set to music and has no required elements. Also called the long program.
Упражнение 16. Верны ли следующие утверждения: Ice skating originated from the North of America. Wooden or bone skates were fast because they didn’t stick to ice. Peter the Great visited Holland in 1968 and didn’t study different crafts there. The first skating club appeared in 1742 in Switzerland. The first competitions which were held according to the modern formula took place in 1875 in Australia. In 1855 the first ice figure-skating rink was opened in Petersburg. Figure-skating was first included in the Olympic Games in 1980, when the competitions were held on artificial ice only for men. 14
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In ice figure-skating only technical skill are tested. The first round is very often the short free-skating programme. Pair skating isn’t complicated. Упражнение 17. Ознакомьтесь с таблицами международных спортивных сокращений: ISU
International Skating Union
Международный союз конькобежцев
World Figure Skating Championships
Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию
“Europeans” European Figure Skating Championships
Чемпионат Европы по фигурному катанию
Grand Prix
Гран при
the short dance
Короткий танец
the free dance
Произвольный тане
compulsory dances
Обязательный танец
an original dance
Оригинальный танец
ISU abbreviations Прыжки T
Каскады прыжков
комбинаций прыжков
не выполнен обязательный каскада Вращения
Upright Spin
стоя «Винт»
Sit spin
сидя “Волчок” 15
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Layback spin
Combination spin
комбинированное (смена позиций не менее трех)
Pair spin
парное Типы дорожек
straight line step sequence
spiral sequences
подкрутки Поддержки (танцы на льду)
на месте
с движением по прямой
c движением по дуге
с вращением
движение по серпантину
reverse rotational
со сложным вращением
Цифра в конце (1,2,3,4) означает уровень поддержки В протоколах соревнований, проводимых по новой системе судейства, используется большое количестве аббревиатур. Они состоят из двух частей: цифры (1,2,3,4), соответствующей числу оборотов, и буквы, соответствующей названию прыжка: Упражнение 18. Расшифруйте и переведите сокращения: ISU, GP, CD, Sta, SD, 4S+2T, Tw, 3T+2T+SEQ, 3LZ+COMBO, CuLI3, RoLi1, Ro, ChSq, Li, Ups, FD, OD, RRo Irina Slutskaya won the GP Final. Slutskaya landed seven triples in the final segment, including two triple-triple combinations, and became the first woman to perform a 3Lz-3Lo combination in competition. After winning the SD at the 2001 World Championships, in the free skate Slutskaya became the first woman to land a 3S-3Lo-2T combination. She twofooted her 3Lz-3Lo-2T combination and had problems on two other landings. 16
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Упражнение 19. Зашифруйте и переведите выделенные слова, используя международную аббревиатуру: Lipnitskaya made her debut at the 2014 World Championship in Japan. She placed third in the short dance with a new personal best score of 74.54 points. She landed a triple lutz-triple toe loop combination, a triple flip and a double axel and earned level fours on all her spins and her steps sequence. She placed second in the free skate earning 132.96 points, and won the silver medal at her first Senior World Championships appearance at the age of 15 years. Упражнение 20. Прочитайте текст. Расшифруйте и переведите международные сокращения по памяти: Plushenko is the first male skater to perform the Biellmann spin in the senior competitions. At the 1999 NHK Trophy, he became the first skater to perform a 4T–3T–2Lo combination in competition. He has since landed the combination 26 times. Plushenko is also the first to land a 4T–3T–3Lo combination in competition. He first landed the combination at the 2002 Cup of Russia and has since landed it four times. He is the first skater to complete the 3A-3F combination. Plushenko is also the first to perform a 3T–3T–3Lo–2Lo combination, which he first did at the 2001 ARD Gala. At the 2006 Russian Figure Skating Championships, he landed a six jump combination (3T–3T–2Lo–2Lo–2Lo–2Lo) in his exhibition program. He performed a 3A-3T-3Lo combination at the exhibition finale of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Plushenko has consistently landed 4T in competitions and landed a 4S in Samara, Russia during the 2004 Russian Cup series. It is estimated that he has landed a total of about 100 quads in competition. Plushenko has worked on and landed 4Lo and 4Lz in practice, but has never completed any of them in competition. He has also worked on a 3A-4T combination. At the age of 16, Plushenko became the youngest male skater to ever receive a perfect score of 6.0. He received a total of seventy five 6.0’s before the new Code of Points judging system was introduced. Under the Code of Points system, he has set 13 world record scores (5 in the short program, 4 in free skating, and 4 in the combined total). Упражнение 21. Напишите правильную форму слова, данного справа: WHY SKATING IS SO GOOD Part I Over the years, I’ve done many types of exercise but in my opinion the __________of them all is skating.
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It _______________what age, shape or sex you are: skating suits everyone. There are many things that make skating a great physical activity for________ who does it. __________benefits include lowering your blood pressure and, although you may feel tired as you jog, skate and train helping to increase your energy levels.
It is also a great way of______________weight, burning around 450 calories in half an hour, compared with 250 when cycling.
______________, what I like most about skating is that it has a wonderful effect on the mind.
This is because skating releases substances in the body_________ endorphins, which are responsible for making us feel good.
Part II I need to buy a new pair of _____________. Ellie used to __________ for hours to learn to skate properly. That was the most __________ performance I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait for the next one.
Would you describe yourself as a _________ person.
Many professional skaters earn a _____________ these days.
FFKKR stands for Skating ____________ in Russia.
The gold, silver and bronze __________ took their places on the podium for the presentation ceremony.
In Britain, the money parents give their children is called pocket money. In America, it’s called an ____ _______.
I’m afraid the skating rink is closed at the moment as they’re carrying out some essential ___________
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Упражнение 22. Напишите слова в алфавитном порядке, начиная с “a” затем “b”, “c” и т.д.: Ice, country, game, shirt, skating, skates, rules, skaters, spectator, club, national, sport, world, sports hall, ice rink, sportsmen, team, championship, winner, footwear, injury, music, protection, different, angle, blade, allow, referee, slide, grace, equipment, amateur, events, Olympic, white, successful, against, professional, individual, competition, tournament, annually, coach, trousers. Упражнение 23. Выберите правильный ответ: THE TEST 1. Where did the ice-skating originate from? A) Russia B) the north of Europe C) the USA 2. Where was skating practiced as mean of transport? A) Norway B) Russia C) Holland 3. When did Peter the Great visit Holland? A) 1698 B) 1850 C) 1917 4. Where were the first all metal skates in Russia made? A) Moscow B) St. Petersburg C) Tula 5. How old are the bone skates? A) 3 thousand B) 1 thousand C) 1 hundred 6. Where were regular annual figure-skating championships held? A) Moscow B) Tula C) St. Petersburg 7. When was figure-skating included in the Winter Olympics? A) 1908 B) 1910 C) 1924 8. Who was the first Russian Olympic champion in figure skating? A) Salchow B) Zhuk C) Panin Kolomenkin 19
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9. When did the Soviet figure-skaters make their debut? A) 1950 B) 1956 C) 1960 10. Who were our first World champions and Olympic champions of icedancing? A) L. Pakhomova, A Gorshkov B) I.Moiseeva, A. Minenkov C) I.Rodnina, A Ulanov 11. What number were the Winter Olympic Games in Russian? A) XXI B) XIX C) XXII 12. Where were held the last Winter Olympic Games? A) in the USA B) in Russian C) in France 13. What disciplines appeared as part of a team event for the first time at the 2014 Winter Olympics? A) ladies’ singles B) pair skating C) men’s singles, ladies’ singles, pair skating and ice dancing
РАЗГОВОРНАЯ ПРАКТИКА Упражнение 24. Спросите собеседника: 1. What kinds of figure skating he knows; 2. What kinds of figure skating he likes best of all (ice dancing, pair figure skating or single) and why; 3. What Olympic champions – students, graduates of our Academy he knows; 4. What sport facilities connected with figure skating he knows; 5. What figures must figure skater perform. 6. What sports he likes; What sports he does; 7. What sports he is good at; 8. If he watches friends’ performance; 9. If he prefer to watch figure skating at the stadium or on TV; 10. If he wants to be a sports stat in the future; why; 11. If he watches sports on TV; 12. What achievements foreign and Russian sportsmen have; 13. How much faster and better you think skaters can perform; 20
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14. If sporting records continue to be broken; 15. How he sees the future of figure skating; Упражнение 25. Переведите с русского на английский язык: 1. Мой друг только что приехал с соревнований. 2. Мы часто обменивались впечатлениями о турнире. 3. Елизавета Туктамышева завоевала золотую медаль на Чемпионате Европы по фигурному катанию. 4. Чемпионат Европы по фигурному катанию проходил с 26 января по 1 февраля 2015 года в Стокгольме (Швеция) на арене Эрикссон-Глоб. 5. В фигурном катании выделяют 5 дисциплин: мужское одиночное катание, женское одиночное катание, парное фигурное катание, спортивные танцы и групповое синхронное катание. 6. С 2014 года в программу Олимпийских игр включены командные соревнования по фигурному катанию. 7. Евгений Плющенко, выиграл золотую медаль в командных соревнованиях, которые были впервые включённы в олимпийскую программу 2014г. 8. Российские фигуристы Татьяна Волосожар и Максим Траньков, завоевавшие золотую медаль Олимпийских игр-2014 в Сочи в соревнованиях спортивных пар. 9. В фигурном катании фигуристы выполняют 6 видов прыжков – тулуп, сальхов, риттбергер, флип, лутц и аксель. 10. Первенство является отборочным стартом к Всероссийским соревнованиям. 11. У него хорошая постановка головы и рук. 12. Победитель определяется большинством голосов членов жюри. 13. Федерация фигурного катания на коньках России – общественная организация созданная в целях содействия развитию фигурного катания на коньках в Российской Федерации, укрепления здоровья населения, укрепления позиций и повышения престижа фигурного катания на территории РФ и на международной арене. 14. На чемпионате 2002 года спортсмены соревновались в мужском и женском одиночном катании, парном фигурном катании и в спортивных танцах на льду. 15. Чемпионат России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2015 – проходил в декабре в 2014 третий раз подряд в Сочи. По результатам чемпионата была сформирована сборная команда России на чемпионат Европы 2015 года. Упражнение 26. Спросите собеседника, о ком идет речь: 1. He is a Russian figure skater. He was born 1982 in Dzhamku, Solnechny District, Khabarovsk Krai. His coach is Alexei Mishin. He is a four-time Olympic medalist (2006 gold, 2014 team gold, 2002 & 2010 silver), a three-time World 21
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champion (2001, 2003, 2004), a seven-time European champion (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012), a four-time Grand Prix Final champion (1999–2000, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2004–05), and a ten-time Russian national champion (1999– 2002, 2004–2006, 2010, 2012–2013). His four Olympic medals tied Sweden’s Gillis Grafström’s record for most Olympic medals in figure skating 2. The first Olympic Winter Games champion in the history of figure skating. He won the gold medal in special figures in 1908 Olympic Games in London. With this triumph started the history of Russian and Soviet Olympic victories in figure skating. 3. The Olympic Winter Games in 1972 in Sapporo were the beginning of the amazing career of _____, who became three-times Olympic champion in pair skating with two different partners. With her first partner _______ she won her first Olympic gold. Their performance was always energetic, expressing and fast. Her second gold she won with another partner _____ and a new trainer Tatyana Tarasova in 1976 in Innsbruck. To the high speed and energy a new trainer added emotionality in the style of this pair. Now the Deputy of the State Duma. 4. He and she began skating at age 15 and 16, respectively, rather late for serious skaters. Former Russian figure skaters won the first gold medal in 1964. They won Olympic gold medals in 1964 in Innsbruck, Austria and 1968 in Grenoble, France. 5. She is a Russian figure skater. She is a two-time World champion (2002, 2005), two-time Olympic medalist (silver in 2002, bronze in 2006), seven-time European Champion (1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), a four-time Grand Prix Final champion (2000–2002, 2005) and a four-time Russian national champion (2000–2002, 2005). She is known for her athletic ability, was the first female skater to land a triple lutz-triple loop combination. She is also known for her trademark double Biellmann spin with a foot change, which she also invented. With her women’s record seven-time triumph at the European Championships she is generally considered to be the most successful ladies’ singles skater in Russian history. 6. He trained at Dynamo. His skating partner was his wife. They were world champions from 1970 to 1974 and again in 1976, when they won their fifth world championship. At the 1976 Winter Olympics, they won the first gold medal awarded for ice dancing. 7. He is a Russian figure skater. Born in Saint Petersburg in 1980. His former coaches were Tatiana Tarasova and Alexei Mishin. He was the 2002 Olympic champion as well as a four-time World Champion, a two-time World Professional Figure Skating Champion, a three-time European Champion, and three-time Grand Prix Final gold medalist. 8. The team trophy was a competition of figure skating of the 2014 Winter Olympics held at the Iceberg Skating Palace in Sochi, Russia. The competition took place over three days between 6–9 February with the short programs taking place on 6 and 8 February, and the free skating and free dances taking place on 8 and 9 February. Can you name the Russian winners? 22
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9. She initially competed with Anton Sikharulidze with whom she is the 1994 and 1995 World Junior Champion. She teamed up with _______ in the summer of 1998. Together, they won the World Championship in 2000. They placed 6th at the 2002 Winter Olympics and 5th at the 2006 Games. They won a silver medal at the 2005 Worlds, and a bronze in 2006. Упражнение 27. a) Прочитайте следующий диалог; b) Выступите в роли переводчика: Tom: Hello, Anita! How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages! Anita: Здравствуй, Том! Все хорошо. Спасибо. Я тоже рада тебя видеть. Как насчет твоей учебы? Я слышала, что ты хороший фигурист. Tom: Not very good but I like this kind of sport very much. Anita: Будь любезен, расскажи, пожалуйста, об истории развития фигурного катания. Tom: With pleasure. You see, the first skates were made of wood. Skating originated in Scotland. The first iron skates were made in 1572. Anita: Мне кажется, это было важным в истории спорта. Tom: Oh yes! Figure skating has made considerable progress as sport since that time. Anita: Том, а ты знаешь кто был победителем на первом официальном чемпионате мира в Петербурге? Tom: The winner was German figure skater Gilbert Fuchs in 1896 Anita: Большое спасибо за такую интересную информацию. Tom: Not at all. Упражнение 28. Переведите на русский язык: Sally skates as fast as I do. This skating rink is not so large as that one. She is two years elder than her sister. The more you skate, the better you perform. He doesn’t know step sequences as well as I do. This method of training is more effective than that one. The World Figure Skating Museum & Hall of Fame is the international museum for the sport of figure skating. It is the only institution of its kind in the world. You can explore the history of figure skating from past to modern times. The greatest names in figure skating are honoured in the World and U.S. Halls of Fame. Упражнение 29. Обсудите с собеседником: Would you be interested in doing any of these jobs (coach, sportsman, recreation therapist (реабилитолог), sports psychologist, massage therapist)? What qualities /abilities/ skills (leadership, empathy, communication, etiquette, computer programming, creative thinking, work ethic, teamwork, decision making, positivity, time management, self-motivation, flexibility, problem-solving, critical thinking and conflict resolution) do you need to do each of these jobs well? 23
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Упражнение 30. Спросите собеседника, что он запланировал сделать на этой недели: Используйте образец: I’m meeting Mary on Monday and we’re going skating together. Упражнение 31. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных: Wonderful, wide, good, deep, beautiful, poor, bad, happy, interesting, rich, funny, little, exciting, correct, kind, serious, left, difficult, right, important, attentive. Упражнение 32. Соотнесите подписи с картинками: Death spiral Layback spin Pair spin combination A camel position Biellmann spin Ice skating boot Spin with catchfoot A basic sit spin in a Loop shoot-the-duck position
Упражнение 33. Дополните и переведите предложения: Their efforts contributed a great… Many of the tournaments were… 24
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We hoped that in this way… The tests used for referees officiating… Without any hesitation we would like… Thank you for ... Coach was busy ... It looked like ... The boy’s skate need . . . On that fine winter day the children liked ... Упражнение 34. Выучите английские идиомы и замените выделенные слова в предложениях на соответствующие идиомы: Идиома – оборот речи, употребляющийся как единое целое; фразеологическое сращение. Sport idioms
sporting chance
достаточно хороший шанс
in the long run
в конце концов
skate on thin ice
рисковать, быть на грани опасности, “играть с огнём”
stroke of luck
удача, везение
out of left field
skate on thin ice
no sweat
без проблем
win hands down
с легкостью
throw in the towel
get the ball rolling
get your skates on
skating over something
упоминать что-либо вскользь
1. I doubt that Glide has an opportunity of finding a good job. 2. I am still rather poor at skating, but I hope to make progress finally. 3. Trent was fond of adventure all his life. 4. It was lucky that I was able to get a couple of tickets for the World Figure Skating Championship. 5. – Talking about her problems in front of everyone was really nasty. – I didn’t mean to do that but I’m not going to apologize. – Well, since she is your boss you really are taking a risk here. 25
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6. – Are you sure you don’t mind giving me a lift home from training? – I’ll drive you home gladly. No problem. 7. – Do you think Ben will like figure skating? – Yeah, it might not be easy at first but you know how quickly he learns new things. 8. – Are you giving up already? – No, no, forget I said anything and let’s start. My partner is taking a risk because he failed his exam at skating school this year and I am really annoyed. 9. – We’d better hurry up, or we’ll miss the start of the performance. – No problem. 10. – I will have a semi-semester test next week. I’m terribly worry about that. – Why? – Because I didn’t concentrate on my studying. I didn’t finish all my homework. And I didn’t give it enough attention. – You know, don’t give up, but you need to hurry up otherwise you will take a risk.
CАМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА Упражнение 35. Напишите глаголы в нужной форме: ICE DANCING The first world championship in ice dancing _____(to hold) in 1952 in Paris where J. Westwood and L. Denny of Great Britain ___ (to win) the champions’ titles. In 1970 L. Pakhomova and A. Gorshkov ____ (to bring) the world title to our country and ____ (to win) it five more times. They ___ (to be) the first Olympic champions when in 1976 ice dancing ___ (to become) part of the Olympics. Ice dancing competitions ___ (to include) compulsory and freestyle dances. Like in ice figure-skating, judges ___ (to give) two marks: for the technical quality and for the artistic impression of each dance. The top mark ___ (to be) 6 points. Usually from 7 to 9 judges ___ (to be) employed, and all points ___ (to add) up to decide the winners. Sportsmen ___ (to use) the same type of skates both for figure-skating and ice dancing. The skates ___ (to have) a toe-rake or “teeth” in front and a hollow groove on the sole of the blades whose sharp edges ___(not allow) skidding. The skates ___ (to screw) to ankle-high skating boots. Women’s boots ___ (to be) usually white and men’s–black. Knowledge and skill ___(to need) to lace the boots correctly. When not on ice skate-guards of plastic ___(to put) on the blades. Women figure-skaters ___ usually___ (to dress) in one-piece suit with sleeves and a short skirt. Men ___ (to wear) long trousers and a short jacket. Sometimes, 26
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especially in free programmes, fantastic clothes ___ (to wear) which add to the artistic impression of the performance. Упражнение 36. Переведите в быстром темпе: Танцы на льду, утвержденный рисунок в форме “восьмерки”, дорожка шагов, парное катание, оценивать технику исполнения, произвольный танец, фигурист, произвольная программа, на внутреннем ребре лезвия конька, сопротивление воздуха, художественное впечатление, стальное лезвие конька, занять место, поворот, прикрепленное к деревянной подошве, дорожка шагов четвертого уровня, проводить соревнования в различных ледовых дворцах, крытый каток, состояние льда. Упражнение 37. Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами (in, on, for, by) или наречиями (besides, very, extremely, freely): Skating is a ______ popular winter sport _____ Russia. The skater may swing his arms ______, or clasp them behind his back. The essentials _____ speed skating are: 1. Swift and clean starting; 2. Straight run; 3. Run in the curve. Today skaters must skate the figures “eight”, “three”, “loop”, and “rocker” following the pattern the skates had left _____ the ice. In the free program sportsmen may show skills multiplied _____ their fantasy and added up _____ music. __________, very often the movements of both partners must be synchronized. Figure skating became ___ ___ popular in Russia. Упражнение 38. Вставьте пропущенные буквы: S _ ating, ice – rin _ , spr _ _ deagle, j _ mps, the d _ _ th spiral, the ki _ _ ian, sl _ ding, pres _ ribed, intr _ cate, specta _ _ lar, impre _ _ ion. Упражнение 39. Вставьте глаголы “do”, “go”, “play”, в соответствующей форме: He used to _________ jogging every day when he was at university. I love ________ a good game of chess from time to time. She _________ gymnastics for over five years now. This summer we _________ windsurfing every day on our vacation. He’s quite the athlete. He ________basketball, baseball and hockey, too. My wife________ horse riding twice a week. Why don’t we ______ a set of tennis? Some people think that _________aerobics four times a week is the best possible way of keeping fit. He ________ athletics for his local track club. His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to rent a sailboat and _______ sailing between the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. 27
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Упражнение 40. Дополните предложения предлогами: through, on, down, of, among, over, for, on, by, in, with, of, of, on, of, for, over, without, without by, of, over, of. FIGURE SKATING There is nothing finer than Russian winter. How thrilling it is to ski ___ the unbroken snow, to slide ___ hills ___ sleds or skim along ____ the mirror-like surface ____ a rink. There is not a winter sport that has not got its enthusiasts ___ people. Figure skating is one ___ the winter sports whose elegance and excitement are attracting more and more people. It is called the sport ___ eternal youth. Anyone who steps ___ the smooth ice of the rink will soon discover that this is a sure way to forget your age. The ranks ___ figure skaters, to say nothing of its fans, are increasing ___ thousands every year. The popularity ___ figure skating has grown fabulously ___ recent years. Figure skating tournaments have become the best entertainment ___ millions of fans all ___ the world due to the high aesthetic pleasure it affords. One cannot become a good figure skater ___ having an ear ___ music, ___ loving to dance or being able to subordinate one’s movements to musical rhythms. Besides training ___ the ice the young figure skaters have ballet classes. We are used to seeing four-and five-year-olds (earning their ABC on the ice side ___ side ___ adults who are past sixty. The truth ___ the Russian proverb: “Nobody’s old ___ the winter cold” is obvious to anyone. to say nothing of... – не говоря уже о ... , to know (to learn) one’s ABC – знать (овладеть) основы чего-либо has grown fabulously – сильно возросло we are used to seeing – мы привыкли видеть Упражнение 41. Напишите три формы глаголов: to begin, to hold, to call, to live, to last, to become, to wage, to take, to play, to watch, to compete, to change, to participate, to add, to praise, to honour, to give, to appear, to abolish, to work, to bring, to hope. Упражнение 42. Прочитайте в быстром темпе и перескажите текст: Figure skates are a type of ice skate used by figure skaters. The skates consist of a boot and a blade that is attached with screws to the sole of the boot. Inexpensive sets for recreational skaters are available, but most figure skaters purchase boots and blades separately and have the blades mounted by a professional skate technician. Figure skates differ most visibly from hockey skates in having a set of large, 28
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jagged teeth called toe picks on the front of the blade. The toe picks are used primarily in jumping such as the Lutz jump and toe loop and footwork, and should not be used for stroking or spins. Toe pick designs have become quite elaborate and sometimes include teeth on the sides of the blade. Figure skating boots are typically made of several layers of leather and the leather is very stiff to provide ankle support. In addition, the figure skate’s blade is curved, allowing for minute adjustments in balance and weight distribution. Ice dancers’ and synchronized skaters’ blades are about an inch shorter in the rear than those used by skaters in other disciplines, to accommodate the intricate footwork and close partnering in dance. Упражнение 43. Напишите сочинение по теме: “What do you think about when you’re skating” Упражнение 44. Соедините фото спортивных сооружений с названиями и городами, где они находятся: Venue: Energy Solutions Arena Country: United States, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002
Venue: Pacific Coliseum Country: Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2010
Venue: Palavela Country: Italy Torino, 2006
Venue: Iceberg Skating Palace Country: Russia, Sochi, 2014
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Упражнение 45. Определите о каком виде фигурного катания идет речь: 1) men or “ladies”; jumps, spins, step sequences, spirals; program free skating.
2) a couple skating together; intricate footwork, fluidity close dance holds, costumes; in time with the music;
3) a woman and a man; axis throw jumps, lifts pair spins, death spirals, spins in short unison, side-by-side, unison, jumps.
4)mixed-gender groups of 12 to 20 skaters; wheels; blocks, lines, circles, intersections.
Упражнение 46. Расшифруйте пословицы “перевертыши”: 1. Worse early than always. 2. One foot is worse than two. 3. North or south school is worse. 4. Die best rest.
Упражнение 47. Напишите реферат по теме: «Figure skating in Russia» Содержание 1.История возникновения фигурного катания. 2.Развитие и распространение фигурного катания в России и странах изучаемого языка. 3.Его место в «спортивном мире». Является ли олимпийским видом спорта? 4.Выдающиеся спортсмены (команды) этого вида спорта. 5.Фигурное катание в вашей жизни 6.Литература
Упражнение 48. Выучите наизусть стихотворение: “Sports” Sports inspire us, to compete. Winning over losing, is much more sweet. We do it because, we love the game. Life without sports, would not be the same.
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Упражнение 49. Сопоставьте русский перевод с английским афоризмом: Афоризм (греч. αφορισμός – определение) – оригинальная законченная мысль, изречённая или записанная в лаконичной запоминающейся текстовой форме и впоследствии неоднократно воспроизводимая другими людьми. Юмор – это плод мудрости, ос- The shortest way not to fail is to be троумие – интеллекта determined to succeed Знание никогда не бывает бесполезным
Be yourself and you’ll feel at home anywhere
Человек, работающий только по необходимости, никогда не добьется настоящего успеха
There is no ill luck in turning back if you are on the wrong road
Отдых особенно приятен, после A man can go a long way when he хорошо сделанной работы is weary – don’t give up Творить добро важнейшее дело The cheerful looser is a winner жизни Взаимопонимание – это кратчайшее расстояние между двумя точками зрения
Deal with the faults of other as gently as with your own
Не унывай – и усталый способен пройти длинный путь
Understanding is the shortest distance between two points of view
Никогда не бойся повернуть на- Humor is a fruit of wisdom; wit зад с неверного пути – the flower of intellect Будь самим собой, и везде бу- Leisure is sweet when it follows дешь чувствовать себя как дома work well done Лучший путь избежать пораже- To cultivate kindness is a valuable ния – это решимость победить part of the business of life Не любуйся ступенями, веду- The man who works merely щими наверх – поднимайся по because he has to, will never ним advance Если хочешь до чего-то дойти, надо идти.
You have got to keep going to get anywhere
Побеждает тот, кто проигрыва- Don’t stare up the steps – step up ет с улыбкой the stairs Относись к ошибкам других, как к своим собственным
There is no knowledge which is not valuable 31
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Упражнение 50. Напишите веселый рассказ по картинкам. Озаглавьте и напишите: 1. Вступление. 2. Основная часть. 3. Заключение.
ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ (ПЕРЕВОДЧЕСКИЕ) УПРАЖНЕНИЯ Упражнение 51. Найдите ошибки в тексте: PAIR SKATING Pair skating was a figure skating discipline. International Skating Union (ISU) regulations describe pair teams as consisting of “one ladies and one man.” The sport were distinguished from ice dancing but single skating by elements unique to pair skating, including overhead lifts, twist lifts, death spirals, and throw jumps. The teams also performed the elements in single skating in unison. 32
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Pair skating requires similar technique and timing on all elements by the performance, as well is practice and trust between the partners. The aim is to create on impression of “two skating as one”. On February 1908, pair skating first appeared in the World Championships, with three teams from Germany, the United Kingdom, and Russia competing at Saint Petersburg. Its Olympic debut was on October 1908, with three teams competing in London, one from German and two from the U.K. Since than, the discipline has been dominated by Canada, China and particularly Russia; from 1964 to 2006, Russia won every pairs Olympic gold medal. Упражнение 52. Прочитайте фразовые глаголы. Выучите их: Фразовые глаголы (phrasal verbs) – это глаголы, представляющие собой сочетание глагол + частица. Такие сочетания являются идиоматическими. to take after – быть похожим на кого-либо из старших родственников, если речь идет о характере и манерах. Everybody says that I take after my father, but my little brother Paul takes after my mother. to take away – убрать, унести прочь If you are not going to eat the cake, take it away. Could you take the children away, I don’t think they should see this film. to take off – снимать, убирать, взлетать (о самолете, вертолете) Take your coat and hat off, it’s quite warm in here. Let’s take the curtains off and wash them. When is the time for the plane to take to take off? to take back – отнести на место, вернуть Don’t forget to take the books back on the library. We made the girl take the dog back to its master. to take in – проводить “May I take you in to dinner?” he said, offering the lady his arm. to take up – заниматься We take up two new subjects this year. Let’s take up where we left off before our coffee break. to take down – снижать, записывать под диктовку I hate this picture on the wall up there and I want to take it down. Would you like to take my telephone number down? Let me take down your name and number. to take part – принимать участие в чем- либо Russian sportsmen always take part in the Olympic Games. to take place – проходить где-то The XXII Olympic Summer Games took place in 1980 in Moscow. to take care of – заботиться о ком-то Grapes are healthier than vines, take care of yourselves. Виноград полезней вина, принесет тебе пользу. 33
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to take over – контролировать. Military leaders have taken over the country. Упражнение 53. Заполни пропуски фразовыми глаголами: 1. The woman is old and she can’t _____ of herself. 2. He came home, _____ his shoes and changed his clothes. 3. Can I ask you to take this bicycle _____ to Peter? 4. He doesn’t want to ____ in this game. 5. I was surprised to see how much the boy ___ his father. 6. Two of our boys ____ in the championship last year. 7. We’ve got to take ___ all the portraits in the classroom and dust them. 8. Who will _____ in this trip? 9. I don’t need the magazine anymore, you can take them _____. 10. Look the plane is going to take ____. 11. Where did the football match ____? 12. What are all these books doing here? Why don’t you take them ____ to the bookcase? 13. The World championship will _____ in Moscow next month. 14. Who ____ of the child? 15. There are a few words that I want you to take ___ 16. The king ordered them to take the boy _____ and punish him. 17. The Olympic Games ____ in Canada. 18. When I was a child my grandmother ______ of me. 19. Do you know when the football match will take ____? 20. ___ matches _____ from the children! 21. When did you take ____ skiing? 22. The Government of Russian Federation _______ physical training of young people. 23. Please, take the children ____, it’s getting too cold out here. 24. She took ____ my telephone number. 25. Jenny took ____ the story when her sister forgot the next detail. 26. Our soldiers have succeeded in taking ____ some important enemy positions. 27. I was taken ____ by his rudeness. 28. I’ve often been taken _____ my daughter, to my delight. 29. Will you take the dog ____ for a walk or shall I? 30. I’ve just come in to take the dirty dishes ____. Упражнение 54. Соедините предложения 1. I must warn you that ... 2. When the letters have all been opened ... 3. Please, don’t take your hand away, ... 4. I put the telephone down and ... 5. Please, take the children out, .0. 6. He seemed ... 7. Larger companies are taking over ... 8. The traveller took the house for 8 hotel ... a took up my work again. b the noise is making my head ache. c and the owner’s daughter for a servant. d smaller firms by buying their shares. e anything you say may be taken down and repeated in court. 34
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f quite taken aback by the news. g taken them in to the director. h it makes me think that you don’t like me.
Упражнение 55. Переведите сложные и производные слова. Определите часть речи написанных слов: Sport, sporting, sportsman, sportsmanlike, sportsmanship, sportive; to move, moving, movable, movement, mover, movables, movies; to train, training, trainbands, trainbearer, training – college, trainer, train down, a train, trained; to water, water, waterfall, watering, water-melon, watered, watery, waterproof, water- polo. Упражнение 56. Выполните двусторонний перевод устно: The Iceberg Skating Palace is a 12,000-seat multi-purpose arena in Sochi, Russia. The venue hosted the figure skating and short track speed skating events at the 2014 Winter Olympics. The environment was taken into consideration in its construction. A local figure skating competition was held in October 2012 but the International Skating Union said more work was needed to be ready for the 2012–2013 Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final, a test event in December 2012. At the Grand Prix Final, competitors said they liked the venue but some spectators complained about handrails obstructing the view in the upper tier.
Дворец зимнего спорта «Айсберг» – ледовый дворец спорта на 12 000 мест в Адлере, Сочи, с ледовой ареной (60×30 м) и тренировочным катком для фигурного катания и соревнований по шорттреку (60×30 м), который будет использоваться во время зимних Олимпийских игр 2014 года. Начало использования: октябрь 2012. Тестовым соревнованием Международного союза конькобежцев в декабре 2012 года стал финал Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2012/2013.
Упражнение 58. Подпишите имена известных спортсменов: Irina Rodnina / Alexander Zaitsev, Maxim Kovtun, Sergei Voronov, Ksenia Stolbova / Fedor Klimov, Alexei Yagudin, Alexei Tikhonov / Maria 35
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Petrova, Povilas Vanagas / Margarita Drobiazko, Adelina Sotnikova, Lyudmila Pakhomova / Alexandr Gorshkov, Irina Slutskaya, Oleg Protopopov / Ludmila Belousova,
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Упражнение 57. Переведите с русского на английский: Людми́ла Белоу́сова (Протопо́пова) родилась 22 ноября 1935г. в Ульяновске – советская фигуристка, заслуженный мастер спорта СССР (1962; лишена в 1979) в парном фигурном катании, двукратная олимпийская чемпионка в паре с Олегом Протопоповым. В детстве она увлекалась разными видами спорта (гимнастика, теннис, конькобежный спорт), но начала заниматься фигурным катанием достаточно поздно – в шестнадцать лет. В 1954 году на семинаре в Москве познакомилась с Олегом Протопоповым. В 1957 году они были серебряными призёрами первенства СССР и мастерами спорта. В 1960-е пара значительно выросла как в техническом так и в художественном плане. Впервые ими была исполнены тодес вперёд на внутреннем ребре и т. н. «космическая спираль». Первый успех пришёл в 1962 году: они наконец впервые выиграли чемпионат СССР (с десятой попытки!) и заняли 2-е места на чемпионате Европы и чемпионате мира. На Олимпиаде-64 неожиданно, с преимуществом в один судейский голос обыграли безусловных фаворитов М. Килиус – Х.-Ю. Боймлер (ФРГ). Олег Протопопов и Людмила Белоусова придумали и первыми исполнили многие элементы, которые впоследствии вошли в обязательную программу соревнований фигуристов всего мира. Упражнение 59. Головоломка “найди слово”: sportsman carriage triumph lifting sliding programme highlight balance result partner competition movement combination figure-skating
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Упражнение 60. Переведите предложения содержащие одно и тоже выделенное слово со сложной семантикой: Семантика – раздел лингвистики, изучающий смысловое значение единиц языка. Многозначное слово (полисемия)– это слово, обладающее многими различными значениями. She skated with natural grace. She is graceful as always. Tom accepted the defeat with good grace. She rose her leg in one graceful movement. It wouldn’t be sensible to hope for immediate success. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where did you buy that costume? It will be tough competition so we hope just got to train hard and hope for the best. The team’s hopes of a championship are fading fast. This is hopeless, I’ll never learn to skate. The hope is that they will eventually improve their results in the European competition. His tracing was good. Skaters left interesting tracery on ice. Can you trace an intricate figure? The dancers were spinning in circles. He put a hand on her shoulder and spun her round. The blade of skates glided easily over the ice. She’s gliding like an eagle. A cascade of jumps and spins were followed by graceful gliding. This sportsman topped all I have ever seen. He topped his partner by a head. Skating wasn’t at the top of the list in his life. His partner fell on top of him. He won the top prize. The coach doesn’t think he can top pair’s skating. Упражнение 61. Переведите диалог: А. Алло, Боб, это ты? Б. Да, это я. А. Слушай, у меня проблемы с исполнением прыжка «Тулуп». Ты не мог бы мне помочь? Б. Я не уверен, что моя помощь будет тебе полезна. А. Как это так? Мне нужно, чтоб ты со стороны посмотрел, в чем моя ошибка? Ты ведь целый год тренировался. Б. Да, конечно. Но, во-первых, я сам учусь, а во-вторых, я не могу задерживаться после тренировки, наши тренеры это не приветствуют. У меня у самого были проблемы, но я ездил по студенческому обмену. 38
A. Hi, Bob, is that you? B. Yes, that’s me. A. Listen, I’ve got some problems with doing loop jumps. Could you help me? B. I’m not sure my help would be of any use to you. A. Why not? I want you to look at me from the outside and tell me where the mistake is. You have been training a whole year. B. Yes, of course, but first, I am a student, and second, I can’t stay late, my coaches don’t approve of that. I even had some problems, but I went on student exchange program.
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А. Ну, пусть будет, как есть. Б. Но это совсем не сложный прыжок. А. Да, многие даже считают, что он легкий. Б. Не во всех странах это так. А вот ты знаешь, другие прыжки? А. «Сальхов» и «Лутц», я делаю точно. Но не более того, другие плохо знаю... Б. Да, как это ни печально, знать все не возможно. Ну, да ладно. А. Вот здорово, знать все! Б. То есть как это? А. Можно построить программу из комбинации прыжков, причем под ту же музыку, как у чемпионов. Б. Мне такая мысль в голову не приходила. А ведь, и правда, похоже, как у американцев, кстати, которые всегда лидируют, что странно. A Почему? Б. Мне кажется, что у тебя не только со спортом, но и с историей спорта большие проблемы. A. Согласен, что история спорта – это сложный предмет. Б. Ну, нас трудно удивить, мы тоже не лыком шиты. А. Да, и у нас есть необыкновенно красивая и техничная пары. Я покажу тебе видео и фото, где мы с друзьями катаемся, и ты поймешь, что я имею в виду. Б. Да, это интересно. Приходи ко мне с фотографиями и видео. А современные соревнования? Ты говоришь, что они не полностью исчерпывают потенциал спортсменов? A. Да, безусловно. Я так считаю.
A. OK, let it ride. B. It’s not a difficult jump. A. Yes, lots of people think that it’s easy. B. It isn’t so in every country. And do you know another jumps? A. Salchow and Lutz I do exactly, but that’s all. B. Yes, sad as it is, but to know everything is impossible. Oh well. A. To know everything is cool! B. What do you mean? A. You may compose a combination according to a music, which champions use. B. I never thought about that; it’s really almost the same. Americans skate perfectly.
A So why? B. You seem to have big problems with history of sports, not only with sport. A. I agree that history of sport is a difficult subject. B. Well, it’s not so surprising for us. А. Oh, we have one of the most beautiful and technical couple. I’ll show you a video and photos where my friends and I skate and you’ll understand what I mean. B. Yes, it’s interesting Come show me the photos and video. And what about modern competitions? You say that sportsmen don’t exhaust their potential at the competitions. A. Yes, certainly! I think so. 39
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Упражнение 62. Прочитайте и напишите краткое изложение по тексту: EQUIPMENT AND COSTUME If you are talking about your practice lessons, then no, costume does not matter. If this is about competition, however, it does matter somewhat, in different ways. Judges may like to note if your dress/suit reflects the mode of your music or not. Of course, though, if you are uncomfortable in the costume, do not wear it under any circumstances. It could just lead to you being unable to complete some crucial techniques. The man usually wears a pair of slacks and a sports shirt if he skates in the summer months. For practice figure skating, skaters often wear leggings, tight fitting, flexible pants. They may also wear a skirt with skin-colored tights or a skating dress. The typical uniform for ice dancing takes more of a ballet approach including a black leotard with a skirt and beige tights. Some skaters also wear theatrical make-up and hairstyles during competitions. Matching costumes are not required in pair skating and ice dancing. Boots made to fit well and snug around the ankles, are the first essential. In order to avoid injury to the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and spine, the importance of a properly fitted boot shouldn’t be underestimated. A properly fitted boot not only adds more comfort around the foot and ankle, but overall gives a skater better control while skating. When breaking in new boots skaters should not have to endure as much pain and suffering as they sometimes do. The foot and ankle are the first shock absorbing mechanisms in the body. In figure skating, tremendous forces are generated through the feet, ankles, legs, knees, and spine when jumping. The landing force from a jump can generate 35 times a skater’s body weight. Minor problems and imbalances in the feet play a major role in skating performance due to the critical effect of foot function in maintaining precision balance while skating. If proper attention is not paid to the correct positioning of the bones in your feet and other factors, eventual irritations can lead to boney growths on the outside of the heel, arch, and on the inside of the ankle. Skates all have very much the same design today, but they vary in radius. Some are very much curved, others are less so.
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Упражнение 63. Сопоставьте оригинал с переводом. Найдите различие (добавления, опущения, генерализацию, конкретизацию): The 2015 Russian Figure Skating Championships (Russian: Чемпионат России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2015) will be held from 24 to 28 December 2014 in Sochi. Medals will be awarded in the disciplines of men’s singles, ladies’ singles, pair skating, and ice dancing. The results are among the criteria used to select Russia’s teams sent to the 2015 European Championships and 2015 World Championships.
Чемпионат России по фигуЧемпионат России по фигурному катанию на коньках 2015 – соревнование по фигурному катанию среди российских фигуристов сезона 2014/2015 года, организованное Федерацией фигурного катания на коньках России. Спортсмены соревновались в мужском и женском одиночном катании, парном фигурном катании и в спортивных танцах на льду. Турнир проходил с 24 по 28 декабря 2014 года третий раз подряд в Сочи. По результатам чемпионата была сформирована сборная команда России на чемпионат Европы 2015 года. Главным соперником Сочи на право проведения чемпионата был город Саранск.
Упражнение 64. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Найдите информацию о причинах травм; о видах трав; о разминке; об отдыхе; о питании: ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES IN FIGURE SKATING If you ever think about, it figure skating is the hardest sport in the world! Skaters have to have speed, balance, grace, guts, strength, and perfect timing. Injuries are common in every sport and figure skating is no different. In a sport where athletes fly through the air at top speed with knives on their feet, accidents, though rare, are bound to happen. Figure skating isn’t all just toe loops and twirls. Figure skaters fall. A lot. When learning a new jump or lift, they fall hundreds, even thousands of times. Accidents and injuries are at least ninety-five per cent due falls. Most falls are harmless. Falls are basically caused by 1.loss of timing; 2. inexperience on the particular time or move; 3. carelessness and collisions; 4. extremely bad ice conditions. According to the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, the most common figure skating injuries are caused either by overuse and/or trauma. Single skaters “have a higher incidence of overuse injuries, while pair skaters and ice dancers are more prone to traumatic injuries”. Many falls and collisions occur when one or the other member of the team is tired, distracted, angry and so on. 41
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Here are some examples of common figure skating injuries: Common Traumatic Injuries • Ankle sprains and fractures • Dislocation of the patella or shoulder • ACL and meniscal tears • Head injury and concussion • Labral tears of the hip • Lacerations Common Overuse Injuries • Stress fractures, most commonly to the foot or spine • Stress reactions, such as shin splints and medial tibial stress syndrome • Tendonitis – Achilles, patellar, or peroneal • Muscle strains of the hip • Jumpers knee or patellofemoral syndrome • Apophysitis – Osgood-Schlatter (knee) or iliac crest (hip) • Bursitis in the ankle • Lace bite, an irritation of the tibialis anterior and toe extensor tendon Knowledge and understanding of an item are two of the most important safety factors in all of figure skating. A warm-up is a vital part of injury prevention in every sport. It also helps to prepare you mentally and physically. Warm-ups should get the heart rate up to increase the flow of blood around the body, in preparation for more strenuous activity. It should also warm and stretch the muscles to ensure they are working to their optimum and do not sustain an injury due to being cold and inflexible. A warmup should consist of a minimum of 5 minutes cardio, pulse-raising exercise such as jogging, cycling, skipping etc. This should be followed by dynamic stretches. These have more recently replaced the use of static stretches. They include drills such as running with high knees, heels to bum and cariocas. This should be performed for a minimum of 5 minutes, up to a maximum of 20 minutes, with movements gradually becoming larger and faster. This is preferable to static stretching as it keeps the body warmer and heart rate higher, and more resembles the type of movements, which are required in most sports. Wearing the right kind of protective equipment is vital to avoiding injury in figure skating practices. Padding can be worn on most parts of the body. Gloves can be worn; however, few skaters are willing to wear a helmet. Resting is an important part of any athletes training program! Physiological changes within the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems in our bodies, occur when we are at rest. Overtraining often results in injuries due to fatigue causing poor technique and overuse type injuries. If you feel at all unwell, tired or in pain, you should rest until better. In order to play in the higher levels of any sport, training is vitally important. Training not only the cardiovascular and muscular systems but also techniques and 42
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tactics are required to make sure the body is strong, coordinated and flexible as well as the mind being prepared and focused to name but a few. Proper nutrition is important. A bad diet will prevent you from recovering from training sessions making you more prone to injury. A balanced diet is what you should aim for: 1. Carbohydrate is important for refueling muscles 2. Protein rebuilds muscles 3. If you become dehydrated then less blood will flow through muscles. The muscles will be more prone to injury 4. Vitamins and minerals are required for a number of reasons related to recovery. Much of what is discussed above should be part of your sporting routine. A biomechanical analysis can help identify possible injury risks. Orthotic devices can help. Also an assessment from a sports therapist or specialist can identify weak areas and possible injury risks. A course of exercises specific to your needs can give you the best chance of avoiding injury. Padded shorts; elbow and kneepads So, if you ever want to join figure skating, go right ahead! Упражнение 65. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя следующие речевые образцы: The title of the article is... The subject of the article is... The purpose of the article is to show... The main idea of the article ... The contents of the article is... The author says that… The author analyses/ explains/ characterizes/ describes… Some parts of the article deal with … The author gives interesting facts/ figures concerning… The author points out....../It is shown that... In conclusion the author says …/The author concludes that... To my mind …/ As far as I know.../ As a matter of fact… I found the article to be very educative/ interesting/ useful… Упражнение 66 . Прочитайте текст и переведите устно: TATIANA ANATOLYEVNA TARASOVA Tatiana Anatolyevna Tarasova was born on the 13th of February in1947 is a Russian figure skating coach and national figure skating team adviser. Tarasova has been coach to more world and Olympic champions than any other coach in skating history. Her students have won a total of seven Olympic gold medals in three of the four Olympic figure skating disciplines, in addition to 41 gold medals at the European and World championships. 43
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Competitive career Tarasova competed in pair skating with Aleksandr Tikhomirov and Georgi Proskurin. With Proskurin, she was a two-time Soviet national medalist. They finished 7th at the 1965 World Championships and 4th at the 1966 European Championships. At 18 years of age, Tarasova sustained a career-ending injury. Later career Tarasova started coaching at age 19, at her father’s insistence. Her most notable students have been Alexei Yagudin, Ilia Kulik, Natalia Bestemianova / Andrei Bukin, Oksana Grishuk / Evgeni Platov, Ekaterina Gordeeva / Sergei Grinkov, Marina Klimova / Sergey Ponomarenko, and Irina Rodnina / Alexander Zaitsev. In the mid-1990s, Tarasova launched the Russian All-Stars, an ice ballet. She coached for ten years at Simsbury, Connecticut’s International Skating Center before announcing her retirement from full-time coaching and moving back to Russia in 2006. Her students have included: 1. Mao Asada. She coached Asada from 2008 until 2010. Asada won the 2010 World title and 2010 Olympic silver medal under Tarasova. Tarasova continues to choreograph for her. 2. Shizuka Arakawa. Led her to win the World Championships in 2004 and Olympic gold medal in 2006 together with Nikolai Morozov. 3. Maxim Kovtun. Coached and choreographed his programs starting 2012. 4. Natalia Bestemianova / Andrei Bukin. Led them to four World Championships and the Olympic gold medal in 1988. 5. Artem Borodulin. Coached him and choreographed programs. 6. Shae-Lynn Bourne / Victor Kraatz. World champions in 2003 in ice dance. 7. Galit Chait / Sergei Sakhnovski.World bronze medalists in 2002. 8. Sasha Cohen. Coached 2002-2004. Was also her choreographer. 9. Annette Dytrt. Choreographed programs for her. 10. Barbara Fusar-Poli / Maurizio Margaglio. World champions in 2001 in ice dance. 11. Elene Gedevanishvili. Has worked with her during multiple periods of her career. 12. Timothy Goebel. Choreographed multiple programs for him. 13. Oksana Grishuk / Evgeni Platov. Led them to win four World Championships and two Olympic gold medals in 1994 and 1998. 14. Ekaterina Gordeeva / Sergei Grinkov. Four-time World Champions and twice Olympic gold medalists in 1988 and 1994. 15. Brian Joubert: choreographed his programs in the 2004-season. 16. Marina Klimova / Sergey Ponomarenko. Led them to three World Championships and the Olympic gold medal in 1992. 17. Ilia Kulik. Was also his choreographer. Led him to win the Olympic gold medal in 1998. 44
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18. Michelle Kwan. Choreographed a lot of her programs. 19. Evan Lysacek Choreographed multiple programs for him. 20. Kevin Reynolds. Choreographed some of his programs. 21. Irina Rodnina / Alexander Zaitsev. Led them to win six World Championships and two Olympic gold medals in 1976 and 1980. 22. Maxim Kovtun. Choreographed his programs. 23. Adelina Sotnikova. Choreographed her programs. 24. Denis Ten. Worked with him during periods of his career as well as choreographed programs for him. 25. Sergei Voronov. Choreographed programs for him. 26. Johnny Weir. Choreographed multiple programs for him. 27. Alexei Yagudin. Coached and choreographed him from 1998 to his retirement in 2003. Led him to three World Championships and an Olympic gold medal in 2002. Tarasova is assisted by choreographer Jeanetta Folle. Honours and awards Tarasova was awarded Order of Friendship of Peoples (1984). In March 2008, she was inducted into the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class (27 February 1998) – for outstanding athletic achievement at the XVIII Olympic Winter Games in 1998; Order of Honour (13 February 2007) – for outstanding contribution to the development of physical culture and sport and many years of fruitful activity; Order of the Red Banner of Labour, twice; Order of the Badge of Honour (1976); Order of Friendship of Peoples (1984); Honoured coach of the USSR (1975); Honoured coach of the RSFSR (1972); Honoured Artist of the RSFSR; Master of Sports of international class Упражнение 67. Напишите эссе (сочинение небольшого объёма) по теме: “Великие тренеры. Удача или каждодневный труд” используя примерную структуру эссе и фразы: 1. В первом абзаце (введении) необходимо сообщить читателю тему Вашего эссе, перефразировав ее, используя синонимы ключевых слов (показывая, что вы её осмыслили). It is generally agreed today that… – Сегодня общепризнано, что ... 2. В втором и третьем абзаце требуется рассмотреть аргументы “за” и “против” To begin with, … . Начнем с того, что ... The first thing that needs to be said is …Первое, что нужно сказать, это то, что ... . (Прежде всего, следует сказать, что … .) The second reason for ... . Вторая причина ... . 45
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It is a well-known fact that ... . Хорошо известно, что ... What is more, … . Более того, ... . Doubtless, ... . Несомненно, ... . The other side of the coin is, however, that ... . Однако, с другой стороны, ... . 3. В четвертом абзаце (заключении) эссе сделайте обобщающий вывод. To draw the conclusion, one can say that … . Подводя итог, можно сказать, что ... . Упражнение 68. Прочитайте текст и переведите выделенные слова: ORIGINAL TRAINING METHODS Alexander Vedenin worked out original training methods based on his 30 years of personal experience as a World and Olympic coach and development manager. He worked for a long time with the world’s best coaches such as Tatiana Tarasova, Viktor Kudriavtsev, Valentin Nikolayev, Alexei Mishin, Rafail Arutjunjan and Shanetta Folle, and this contributed a lot to developing the ideas and methods described below. A. “How To Teach Young Skaters” (Upgrade to Learn To Skate programs) Training methods and a system of exercises enabling young skaters to learn the basics of figure skating technique. These methods help acquire the technical skills that will provide a basis for adapting in a quicker way to the new requirements of modern figure skating. The general idea of these methods is the “Concept of Technique,” where the technique of difficult elements is built on the same principles as the technique of basic skating skills. B. “Concept of Technique in Figure Skating”. Principles of “Correct Technique” in skating. A system of exercises to teach the Elements of Single Figure Skating (Jumps, Spins, and Steps). From Single Jumps to Triple and Quadruple Jumps. From basic positions in Spins to difficult variations. C. “Skating Skills”. A comprehensive package of exercises for skaters to learn and improve their skating skills (Flows, Edges, Turns, and Steps) at different levels (from Preliminary to World competitors). Упражнение 69. Выберите из текста синонимы слов: Instructor, introductory, contemporary, modify, sportsmen, inclusive, get, gliding, named Упражнение 70. Сопоставьте имя человека с тем, что оно обозначает. Напишите эпонимы: Эпонúм (др.-греч. έπώνυμος – букв. давший имя) – реальный или легендарный человек или герой, в честь которого получил своё имя какой-либо спортивный термин. 46
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Axel Paulsen (Norway) Natalia Bestemianova (Russia) Denise Biellmann (Switzerland) Charlotte Oelschlagel (Germany) Ina Bauer (Germany) Nancy Kerrigan (USA) Alois Lutz (Austria) Ulrich Salchow (Sweden) Werner Rittberger (Germany) Brian Boitano (USA) Kayla Doig (Australia) Adam Rippon (USA) Nate Walley (USA)
Biellmann Axel Besti Ina
squat spin jump spiral
Kerrigan Charlotte Kayla Lutz Loop (Rittberger) Salchow Tano Walley Rippon
spiral Bauer jump catch jump lutz jump lutz jump
Упражнение 71. Переведите международные слова: Order, synchronize, lift, minute, rhythm, original, section, sport, meeting, discipline, moment, unison, start, sort, calendar, club, international, special, million, police, partner, program, President, university, universal, collage,form, opposite, organizer, position, group, champion, expert, vitamin. Упражнение 72. Ознакомьтесь с таблицей основных различий между британским и американским английским: BE the station the lamppost the cinema a centre a carpark a taxi a tram a flat block of flats the ground floor the first floor corridor, vestibule drawing-room
AE depot
Translation вокзал, железная дорога street light фонарный столб movies (movie theatre) кино (театр) center центр parking lot автомобильная стоянка cab такси streetcar, trolley трамвай apartment квартира apartment building многоквартирный дом первый этаж first floor второй этаж second floor коридор hallway гостиная living-room 47
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a wardrobe
closet (for hanging clothes) pants suspenders (high) shoes vest undershirt bathrobe (woman’s) tailor-made suit shades
kitchen sideboard tins a jug with juice frying pan a coach, a sofa a letter box a lift a cheque a cheque-book curtains
dresser can pitcher skillet davenport mailbox elevator check checkbook drapes
trousers braces boots waistcoat vest dressing gown costume
шкаф штаны подтяжки ботинки жилетка майка халат женский костюм солнцезащитные очки кухонный шкаф консервы графин сковорода диван почтовый ящик лифт чек чековая книжка занавески
Упражнение 73. Замените выделенные слова на AE: 1. – Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station? – Turn round and turn left at the lamppost. – Would you tell me how to get to the town centre? Will it take me long to get there? – No, it’s no distance at all. Take the tram №5 – Thank you. 2. – Excuse me, but I’m lost. Where’s the cinema? – Take the third on the right and go straight on. – Is there a car park? – No, you can take a taxi. – Thanks a lot. 3. – Can I help you, Madam? – I’d like to book a flat in this block of flats. – Would you like an expensive flat. – No I don’t want an expensive flat. 48
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– Would you like the ground floor or the first floor? – I’d like on the first floor with corridor, drawing-room and furniture. – What furniture would you like? – I’d like a wardrobe where I can keep my trousers, braces, boots, waistcoat, vest, dressing gown costume and sunglasses and others, kitchen sideboard with tins, tinned foods, a jug with juice, frying pan and comfortable coach. – Can I have a private letter box? – Certainly. – Is there a lift? – Yes. Would you like to see it? – Thank you very much. – This way, please. You are welcome. How will you pay? – I’ll pay by cheque. Here is my cheque-book. How much will it cost? – Fifty dollars per week, sir. Упражнение 74. Прочитайте глоссарий и переведите без словаря: GLOSSARY Assistant referee – Individual who assists the referee and is authorized to replace him or her if necessary. Coaches – Individuals who oversee the training and preparation of skaters for competitions; coaches provide final advice prior to performances. Technical delegates – Official who ensures that technical installations are in compliance with the standards of the International Skating Union (ISU). Referee – Official who is responsible for the eligibility of officials, skaters and the judging panel and the allow ability of controversial decisions. Timekeeper – Person who monitors the length of performances to ensure that skaters respect the allotted time. Judges – Officials who are responsible for evaluating performances; they award two series of marks for each performance, one for technical merit and the other for artistic interpretation. Judges – Officials who are responsible for evaluating performances; during international competitions, nine judges are chosen at random from the nations represented. Pair – Team formed of a man and a woman; like singles skaters, pairs take part in two events: the technical program and the free program. Axel – Jump of one and a half rotations with takeoff from the forward edge; invented by the Norwegian Axel Paulsen in 1882, it is considered the most difficult jump. Salchow – Single-rotation jump with takeoff from the back inside edge; the Swede Ulrich Salchow created it in 1909. 49
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Toe loop – Single-rotation toe jump with takeoff and landing on the same foot; it is considered the easiest of the toe jumps. Lutz – Single-rotation toe jump with takeoff from the back outside edge and landing on the opposite foot; the Austrian Alois Lutz invented it in 1913. Flip – Single-rotation toe jump with takeoff from the back inside edge and landing on the opposite foot; the flip is in fact a toe Salchow. toe pick – Small teeth at the front end of the blade; they serve as the pivot point during spins and also make it possible to take off and land during jumps. sole – Sturdy plastic or wooden sole that forms the bottom of the boot; the blade screws into the sole. eyelet – Small metal-rimmed hole through which the lace passes. lace – Narrow cord of fabric or leather, flat or round, that is threaded through eyelets or hooks to tighten the boot. hook – Small piece of curved metal used to attach the lace. blade – Narrow tapering strip of metal that is attached to the sole; the lower part is made of hardened steel to keep the edges sharp. edge – Part of the blade that bites into the ice; the blade has two edges (inside and outside), which are separated by a groove. stanchion – Vertical part that extends up from the blade to secure it to the sole. heel – Stiff part underneath the boot that supports the back of the foot. boot – Sturdy flexible boot with a lace; it protects and supports the foot and ankle and is made of leather or synthetic materials. backstay – Reinforcement at the back of the boot. lining – Padded layer of fabric or leather that covers and protects the inside of the boot. tongue – Piece that extends from the boot and prevents the foot from rubbing against the lace; it is lifted to slip the foot into the boot. dance blade – Blade whose heel is shorter and whose toe picks are less pronounced to facilitate the execution of complex movements and to prevent the toe picks from catching. free skating blade – Blade with toe picks that facilitate the execution of jumps and spins; its curvature is more pronounced than that of the dance blade.
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Упражнение 75. Напишите названия частей коньков, используя глоссарий.
Упражнение 76. Time for fun. Дойдите до медали:
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To be completed by the student First Name The date today is
Family Name Day of the week
GENERAL TEST 1. GRAMMAR 1. _____ International Skating Union is ___ international governing body for competitive ice skating disciplines, including figure skating, synchronized skating, speed skating, and short track speed skating. The / – The / the The / a 2. Figure skating was the first winter sport _____ in the Olympics, in 1908. including included includes 3. Which word is written right? asociation association assosiation 4. The first Championship, known as the Championship of the Internationale Eislauf-Vereingung, was held ___ Saint Petersburg ___ 1896. Of/in In/from In/in 5. He is _____ skater in our group. the baddest the worst the bad 6. Write the 3 forms of the verbs. to begin, to hold, to call, to live, to become, to compete, to change, to participate, to praise, to honour, to appear, to work, to bring, to hope, to help, to symbolize, to change, to include. 2. VOCABULARY 1. What word is different? a) famous; b)notorious; c) well-known; d) popular 2. What word is different? 52
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a) game; b) play; c) match; d) competition 3. What word is different? a) a team; b) a pair; c) blazer; d) a coach 4. Choose the synonym to the word «honour»: a) envy; b) respect; с) remember 5. Choose the antonym to the word «splendid»: a) brilliant; b) respect; с) dull Look at the following words. Can you match them up to form opposite. Make the sentences with the following words whiсh might be used when instructing someone in a sport. to relax tense to panic supple straights
stiff bent to be nervous to be calm relaxed
Translate into Russian. “How To Evaluate Figure Skating Injuries” Keep in mind that prior to or during the competitive season (October to March), skaters will be especially anxious to get back on the ice so it is important to have a thorough discussion about the importance of compliance. The particulars of figure skating are unique to a certain sect of athletes. Clinicians should recognize that youth, finances and external motivation are key factors in a skater’s treatment course. Not only must the health care provider treat the skater’s injury and contributing factors, he or she should educate the skater and his or her support system to ensure there is not a premature return to the ice that risks further aggravation or re-injury. Dr. Janowicz is a podiatrist for Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California and a member of the United States Figure Skating Sports Medicine Society. (Issue Number: Volume 19 – Issue 4 – April 2006 Author(s): Rachel A. Janowicz, DPM) 53
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3. Pronunciation Write the transcription 1. Championship 2. Competitions 3. Approximately 4. Essential 5. Translate the word “овцы”: a) ship; b) sheep; с) sheet GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT FIGURE SKATING 1. Figure skating was the first winter sport included in the Olympics, in _____.[ a) 1908; b) 1980; с) 1890 2. The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating a) judging and competitions; b) only the Grand Prix series; с) NHL 3. Olympic sports in figure skating comprise; a) Singles, Pair skating, Ice dancing; b) Singles, Pair skating, Ice dancing, Team event, Synchronized skating; с) Singles, Pair skating, Ice dancing, Synchronized skating; 4. Figure skating is formerly judged on a _______ scale. a) 100.0; b) 6.0; c) 10.0; 5. Who was a Norwegian figure skater (a three-time Olympic Champion) and film star (acted in Sun Valley Serenade) a) Adelina Sotnikova b) Gillis Grafström c) Sonja Henie 6. Where did the ice-skating originate from? a) Russia b) the north of Europe c) the USA 7. Where was skating practiced as mean of transport? A) Norway b) Russia c) Holland 8. When did Peter the Great visit Holland? 54
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a) 1698 b) 1850 c) 1917 9. When were the first all metal skates in Russia made? a) Moscow b) St. Petersburg c) Tula 10. When was the figure-skating included in the Olympic Games? a) 1908 b) 1910 c) 1925 11. Who was the first Olympic champion of the figure-skating? a) Salchow b) Panin c) Zhuk 12. From 1964 to 2006, figure skaters – _______________ (what country?) representing—won the gold medal in the pairs event, in what is the longest series of victories for one country in one winter event. a) Canada b) United States c)the Soviet Union, the Unified Team, or Russia GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE OLYMPIC GAMES Answer “YES” or “NO” Were women allowed to watch the competitions? Did the Roman Emperor Theodosius I abolish the Olympic Games in 394 A.D.? Did ancient athletes compete with any clothes on? Is the most important thing in the Olympic Games to win? Does the Olympic movement unite the organizations and individuals irrespective their political views, race, age, sex? Is the Olympic movement the development of professional sports? Are the Olympic Games an international sports festival? Were the competitions held every four years on the island of Peplos in Southern Greece? Did women compete in the same number of team sports as men in 2000? Were several sports added and stricken off? Were the Winter Olympics held in 2000? Has the program of the Winter Olympics been supplemented with competitions in Alpine skiing in Switzerland in1986? Are the Olympics Humanistic value for the whole of mankind? Is one of the principal aims of the Olympic movement to promote sport and the possibilities of using it as the mean of the physical, moral and aesthetical education of man? 55
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SPEAKING Read and dramatize the dialogue. A: Which do you prefer, skating or snowboarding? B: I prefer skating. A: Would you like to go skating tomorrow? B: Yes, very much. A: What are you going to do now? B: I’m going to train. USE THESE IDEAS TO HELP YOU WRITE YOUR DIARY FOR TODAY! My __________________ is good. My __________________ is terrible. I like ___________________ . I don’t like ______________. The Workbook is ____________. ______________ is nteresting. __________________ is boring. ____________ is difficult. _____________ is easy. My signature To be completed by the teacher Student Family Name_____________First Name_______. Year__________________________Teacher/s GENERAL PROGRESS AND RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT Language: • Grammar (20%) • Vocabulary (25%) • Pronunciation (20%) • General knowledge about figure skating (15%) and the Olympic Games (5%) • Speaking (10%) • Writing (5%). Signed
МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПАМЯТКА СТУДЕНТУ 1. Наличие в конце слова s не всегда является показателем глагола в третьем лице единственного числа или показателем множественного числа существительного. Конечное s может быть и словообразующим элементом как любая другая буква. Например:means –средство, способ; times – эпоха, время, а в сочетании с числительным означает раз.(five times – 5 раз) 2. Cуффикс – er является не только показателем сравнительный степени прилагательных (colder),но и суффиксом существительного, обозначающего действующее лицо, орудие действия или приспособление для совершения действия(designer, tester,washer). 56
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Cуффикс – er может иметь и чисто лексическое значение. Например,former – не только составитель, создатель, но и предшествующий, бывший. 3. C суффиксом –ing, кроме причастия I и герундия, может обладать существительное (engineering – техника), прилагательное (interesting), и наречие(according – соответственно). 4. Ряд существительных латино – греческого происхождения, относящихся главным образом к области науки и техники, сохранил латинскую или греческую форму множественного числа: analysis- анализ-analyses basis-базис- bases datum-данная величина – data ОБЩИЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ ПЕРЕВОДА Перевод текста рекомендуется делать в следующей последовательности: 1. Прочитать весь текст (а если он большой, то по отрывкам), чтобы уяснить себе его общее содержание, уловить мысль автора и иметь хотя бы представление о том, к какой области науки или спорта относится данная литература. Если это не удается сделать с первого раза, надо прочитать отрывок второй и третий раз. Нужно добиваться умения улавливать в общих чертах содержание текста без словаря. 2. Прочитать предложение. Прочитав предложение, не следует сразу искать в словаре значения всех незнакомых слов подряд. Необходимо сначала разобраться в структуре предложения и, опираясь на значение знакомых слов, найти «предмет суждения» – грамматическое подлежащее и «высказывание о нем» – грамматическое сказуемое, а затем выделить остальные члены предложения и установить основной смысл предложения. Пример деления на именные группы: The application | of new analytical methods and | the development | of new types of optical and electronic instruments | is receiving our attention as well. При всех случаях всегда нужно помнить, что построение английского предложения сильно отличается от русского. Поэтому дословный перевод часто искажает смысл предложения. 3. Найти в словаре значение незнакомых слов. Значение незнакомых слов следует искать лишь после предварительного ознакомления с содержанием всей статьи или отрывка. При выборе значения незнакомого слова следует помнить о многозначности английских слов и делать выбор нужного значения слова в зависимости от контекста как данного предложения, так и соседних, а также в зависимости от содержания главы или всей статьи. Отыскивать значение слова следует после того, как с помощью анализа предложения выяснено, какой частью речи оно является. 57
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4. Перевести предложение. Нужно тщательно разобраться в грамматических конструкциях текста, обращая особое внимание на те грамматические явления, эквивалента к которым нет в русском языке. Если перевод невозможен из-за фразеологической сложности, необходимо найти смысловой костяк и своими словами передать содержание, с тем чтобы впоследствии при литературной обработке текста найти более точную и эквивалентную форму передачи содержания такого предложения на русском языке. ЛИТЕРАТУРНАЯ ОБРАБОТКА ПЕРЕВОДА При литературной обработке текста нужно подобрать лексические эквиваленты в русском языке и составлять из них предложения с соблюдением всех норм грамматического строя русского языка. При литературной обработке перевода возможна, а иногда и необходима перестановка мест членов предложения. Иногда возникает необходимость как введения нужного слова или фразы, которых нет в оригинале, так и исключения ненужного слова из оригинала. При литературной обработке часто требуется расчленение длинных сложных предложений с громоздкими оборотами на несколько более простых. Эти положения можно проследить на переводе следующего предложения: Литературная обработка перевода требует творческой работы мысли в особенности при переводе предложений с какой-то степенью эмоциональной окрашенности, с образными словами или выражениями, которые в ряде случаев и создают лексико-грамматические трудности. При литературной обработке текста очень полезно читать свой перевод вслух, особенно если возникают сомнения в отношении стиля. МНОГОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОСТЬ СЛОВ Многофункциональность –совпадение по форме различных частей речи, весьма характерное явление в английском языке. При этом в некоторых случаях эти части речи близки по смыслу, а в некоторых – это совершенно различные по смыслу слова. Классическим примером многофункциональности слова, когда в одном предложении совпадают по форме несколько слов с различными значениями, может служить следующее предложение: I know that that that-that is written on the blackboard substitutes a noun. Слово that здесь означает: союз что, указательное местоимение это, субстантивированное местоимение that, относительное местоимение который. Все предложение переводится: Я знаю, что это that, которое написано на доске, заменяет имя существительное. 58
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МНОГОЗНАЧНОСТЬ СЛОВА Многозначное слово – это слово, обладающее многими различными значениями; омоним – слово, тождественное с другим по звуковой форме, но отличное от него по значению. Омонимы и многозначные слова часто встречаются в английском языке. Например, существительное plate переводится следующими словами: тарелка, посуда, сервировка, пластинка, лист, плита, дощечка, эстамп, гравюра, гравировальная доска, иллюстрация, фотопластинка, анод, приз, кубок, вставная челюсть, листовое железо, циферблат, черный глинистый сланец, обкладка (конденсатора). Такое многообразие значений одного слова обусловлено легкостью семантических сдвигов, т. е. изменений, происходящих путем переосмысления значения слов. В этом случае слово может сохранить и свое первоначальное значение, часто это значение отступает на второй план перед новым, а иногда и совсем вытесняется им. Большое разнообразие значений слова повышает роль контекста при определении его значения. Правильный выбор значения требуемого слова может быть обеспечен, если имеется в целом представление о переводимом контексте. Чтобы иметь правильное представление о переводимом тексте, необходимо, прежде чем приступить к переводу, прочитать его целиком, а если он большой, то прочитать один-два абзаца. Это общее представление о содержании данного текста поможет выбрать в словаре правильное значение слова. Избранное значение слова должно находиться в логической связи с контекстом как в узком, так и в широком смысле, а именно – как с соседними словами в предложении, так и с целым текстом. ТРАНСЛИТЕРАЦИЯ Транслитерацией называется передача букв одной письменности буквами другой. Целый ряд терминов передаются транслитерацией. К официальным обязательным танцам ИСУ относится только fourteen step, его русское название – марш. Programme – программа, Rythm blues – ритм блюз, swing dance – свинг, fiesta tango – танго фиеста, season – сезон, crossroll – кроссролл, twizzle – твизл. Название газет и журналов, компаний, корпораций, фирм передаются транслитерацией, при этом артикль опускается: Daily Worker –Дейли уоркер The Electrical Engineering – Электрикал энджиниринг Time – Тайм, Life – Лайф, General Motors Corporation – Дженерал моторе корпорейшн, United States Steel – Юнайтед стейтс сталь 59
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Слова, сходные по форме с русскими словами, но отличающиеся по значению В английском языке имеется целый ряд слов, сходных с русскими по звучанию, но имеющих иное значение. При встрече с ними следует проверить их значение по словарю. В противном случае получится неправильный перевод или искажение смысла предложения. Например: Article – статья, предмет (торговли) (а не только «артикль») actual –действительный, фактический (а не только «актуальный») clay – глина («а не «клей») conductor – проводник, провод (в электротехнике), (а не только «кондуктор») data – данные (а не «дата») ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТРУДНОСТИ 1. Прилагательные gold, silver, bronze также могут употребляться как существительные, (three golds (= three gold medals), four silvers (= four silver medals), ten bronzes (=ten bronze medals)). 2. Английское прилагательное sporting (спортивный) употребляется довольно редко и в основном в определенных словосочетаниях. Например: the sporting world (спортивный мир). Оно может также употребляться с несколько иным оттенком значения, а именно «любящий риск, борьбу, соревнование». Например: the sporting spirit (спортивный дух, т. е. дух честного соревнования), the sporting blood (смелость, готовность к риску). Прилагательное спортивный в большинстве случаев переводится как sport или sports (sport terms, a sport (s) society, a sports competition, sports facilities (спортивные сооружения), a sports , jacket (coat), a sports suit, a sports announcer (спортивный комментатор)) 3. При переводе словосочетаний типа занять... место, бороться за... место т. д. существительное место следует употреблять без артикля. Например, Russian ice –skating team won (took) first place in the world championship. Long before the opening of the Games everyone agreed that the fight for first place would be between Russian and the USA teams. 4. Предлог из в словосочетаниях типа Ирина Слуцкая из России переводится как of в том случае, когда речь идет об определенном представителе страны (города и т. п.) в каком-либо виде соревнования, когда подразумевается «известный спортсмен (певец, актер и т.п.) из...» например, The figure skater Irina Slutskaya of Russia won a gold medal in this event.
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КЛЮЧИ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ Упражнение 1.5. антонимы: dull – funny, certain – uncertain, forget – remember, tall -short, right – wrong, light – darkness, to freeze – to thaw, full – empty, difficult – simple, slowly – quickly, accurately – carelessly, up – down , beautiful – ugly, to love – to hate, joy – sorrow , work – rest, health – illness, indoor- outdoor, happy- unhappy, regular – irregular, useful – useless, give – take, lady- man, the best – the worst, wisdom – foolishness Упражнение 1.6. синонимы Amazing – wonderful, thrilling – boring, sure – certain, awful – terrible, attractive – beautiful, begin – start, dangerous – risky, famous – well-known, fastquick, excellent – good, popular – favorite, stop – finish, judge – think, wrong – mistaken Упражнение 5. Расшифруйте слова: Sportsman, programme, movement, sliding, balance, result, competition, figure- skating, partner, combination, lifting, triumph, carriage, highlight Упражнение 11. Заполните пропуски: 1. Skating is a very _ popular __ winter sport in our country. 2. Skating _ includes__ speed skating and figure skating. 3. In ice figure skating _ both _ technical skill and style are tested. 4. The first _ round __ is very often called the “school”. 5. The performance is judged by many _ factors _ including the skates’ tracings, positions of hands, body and feet and the smoothness and steadiness of skating. 6. Pair skating is more __ complicated _.7. It should be __ also _ noted, in figureskating all elements are performed with a smile as if there is __ nothing _ difficult. 8. Anyone who __ steps _ on the smooth ice of the rink will soon discover that this is a sure way to forget your age. Упражнение 21. Part I Best, doesn’t matter, everybody, its, loosing, however, called; Part II Trainers, practice, interesting, competitive, fortune, federation, medalists, allowance, maintenance Упражнение 23. THE TEST 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a 11. c 12. b 13. c 61
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Упражнение 26. 1. Evgeni Plushenko 2. Nicolay Panin Kolomenkin 3. Irina Ridnina 4. Lyudmila Belousova and Oleg Protopopov 5. Irina Slutskaya 6. Liudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov 7. Alexei Yagudin 8. Evgeni Plushenko (M), Tatiana Volosozhar / Maxim Trankov (P) (SP), Ksenia Stolbova / Fedor Klimov (P) (FS), Yulia Lipnitskaya (L), Ekaterina Bobrova / Dmitri Soloviev (D) (SP), Elena Ilinykh / Nikita Katsalapov (D) (FS) 9. Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov Упражнение 31. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных: Wonderful, wide, good, deep, beautiful, poor, bad, happy, interesting, rich, funny, little, exciting, correct, kind, serious, left, difficult, right, important, attentive. Упражнение 35. Глаголы в нужной форме: ICE DANCING The first world championship in ice dancing was held in 1952 in Paris where J. Westwood and L. Denny of Great Britain won the champions’ titles. In 1970 L. Pakhomova and A. Gorshkov brought the world title to our country and won it five more times. They were the first Olympic champions when in 1976 ice dancing became part of the Olympics. Ice dancing competitions include compulsory and freestyle dances. Like in ice figure-skating, judges give two marks: for the technical quality and for the artistic impression of each dance. The top mark is 6 points. Usually from 7 to 9 judges are employed, and all points are added up to decide the winners. Sportsmen use the same type of skates both for figure-skating and ice dancing. The skates have a toe-rake or “teeth” in front and a hollow groove on the sole of the blades whose sharp edges do not allow skidding. The skates are screwed to anklehigh skating boots. Women’s boots are usually white and men’s–black. Knowledge and skill is needed to lace the boots correctly. When not on ice skate-guards of wood or plastic are put on the blades. Women figure-skaters are usually dressed in one-piece suit with sleeves and a short skirt. Men wear long trousers and a short jacket. Sometimes, especially in free programmes, fantastic clothes are worn which add to the artistic impression of the performance. Упражнение 39 . Глаголы ”do”, ”go”, ”play” He used to go jogging every day when he was at university. I love playing a good game of chess from time to time. She has been doing gymnastics for over five years. This summer we did windsurfing every day on our vacation. He’s quite the athlete. He plays basketball, baseball and hockey, too. 62
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My wife does horse riding twice a week. Why don’t we play a set of tennis? Some people think that doing aerobics four times a week is the best possible way of keeping fit. He does athletics for his local track club. His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to rent a sailboat and go sailing between the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. Упражнение 40. Предлоги: FIGURE SKATING There is nothing finer than Russian winter. How thrilling it is to ski through the unbroken snow, to slide down hills on sleds or skim along over the mirror-like surface of a rink. There is not a winter sport that has not got its enthusiasts among people. Figure skating is one of the winter sports whose elegance and excitement are attracting more and more people. It is called the sport of eternal youth. Anyone who steps on the smooth ice of the rink will soon discover that this is a sure way to forget your age. The ranks of figure skaters, to say nothing of its fans, are increasing by thousands every year. The popularity of figure skating has grown fabulously over recent years. Figure skating tournaments have become the best entertainment for millions of fans all over the world due to the high aesthetic pleasure it affords. One cannot become a good figure skater without having an ear for music, without loving to dance or being able to subordinate one’s movements to musical rhythms. Besides training on the ice the young figure skaters have ballet classes. We are used to seeing four-and five-year-olds (earning their ABC on the ice side by side with adults who are past sixty. The truth of the Russian proverb: “Nobody’s old in the winter cold” is obvious to anyone. Упражнение 44. пословицы “перевертыши”: 1. Better later than never. 2. Two heads is better than one. 3. East or west home is best. 4. Live and learn Упражнение 68. Выберите из текста синонимы слов: Instructor – coach, introductory – basics, contemporary – modern, modify – improve, sportsmen – skaters, inclusive – comprehensive, get – acquire, gliding – skating, named – described Упражнение 70. Эпонимы Axel jump, after Axel Paulsen (Norway). 63
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Besti squat, after Natalia Bestemianova (Russia). Biellmann spin, after Denise Biellmann (Switzerland). Charlotte spiral, after Charlotte Oelschlagel (Germany). Ina Bauer, after Ina Bauer (Germany). Kerrigan spiral, after Nancy Kerrigan (USA). Lutz jump, after Alois Lutz (Austria). Salchow jump, after Ulrich Salchow (Sweden). Loop jump, in some countries (Germany and Poland, for example) this jump is called a Rittberger, after Werner Rittberger (Germany). ‘Tano lutz, after Brian Boitano (USA). Walley jump, after Nate Walley (USA). Kayla Catch, after Kayla Doig (Australia). Rippon lutz, after Adam Rippon (USA).
ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DICTIONARY A Accept the record – зарегистрировать рекорд Accident – травма Accuracy – точность Amateur – любитель Arabesque spin – вращение «ласточкой» Arena – каток Artificial ice – rink – искусственный каток Auditory – аудитория All year round – круглый год Assist – помогать Attempt – попытка Assistant помощник At once сразу же, немедленно Artistic impression/presentation – артистизм Announcer – (амер.) спортивный комментатор Award marks/to give marks – выставляют баллы Axis – присед, ось B Balance – равновесие Ballet jump – прыжок «Берлинер» Basic curve – основная дуга 64
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Bayer jump backward – прыжок «Байер» назад Beautiful – прекрасный Be related быть связанным Blade – лезвие Bracket – change – bracket – восьмерка на скобках Brake – тормозить Breaking – срыв (старта) Bronze – бронза C Camel – вращение «ласточкой» Carriage of arms – постановка рук Committee – комитет Ceremony – церемония Championship – чемпионат Change – менять, змейка Change foot flat spin – сложный стоящий волчок Change foot sit spin – сложный низкий волчок Circle -круг Complete – завершать Condition – условие Consist of – состоять из Coach – тренер Country – страна Coordination – координация Compulsory program (dance)– обязательная программа Compulsory figures (movements) – необходимыми вращениями на льду Competitors /contestants – участники Cultivate – совершенствовать Collective spirit – коллективный дух Continuity – непрерывность Contract контракт Club – клуб Composition – композиция Сomposition of the jury – состав судейской бригады Сomposition score – оценка за композицию Conclude – заключать, делать заключение Conclusion – заключение Correct – правильный Couple – skater – парный фигурист Curve – дуга 65
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Curve eight – восьмерка Curving step – шаг на повороте D Dance – танец Dance step – танцевальный шаг Death spiral – тодес Development – развитие Due to (thanks to) – благодаря Difficult – сложный Discipline – дисциплина Devote – посвящать Determine – определять Draw – жеребьёвка E Earn – зарабатывать Edge – ребро Effect – эффект, действие Emblem – эмблеиа Employed (gliding) foot – опорная нога Endurance – выносливость Enthusiastic – полный энтузиазма Event – состязание Exercise – упражнение Extra marks – дополнительные баллы Extend the program – добавить в программу выступления новые элементы F Facility – сооружение Fall – падать, падение Faulty – ошибочный Fan – фанат Fantastic – фантастический Fault – ошибка Favorite – любимый Festival – праздник; фестиваль Figure skating- фигурное катание Figure skaters – фигуристы 66
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Finals – финал Fit / to be fit – быть в форме Free dance (program) – произвольный танец Free skating – произвольное выступление Friendly – дружелюбный G Generation – поколение Glide on the edge – скользить на ребре Go in for sport – заниматься спортом Gold – золото Graceful – изящный Graduate from the institute – закончить институт H Half – loop jump –прыжок «Эйлер» Have one’s favourites— иметь любимчиков (о спортсменах) Health – здоровье Hero – герой Hobby – хобби, любимое занятие Hold a lead- удерживать преимущество Hold the fort – (амер.) держитесь! I Ice dance – танец на льду Ice show – костюмированный праздник Illumination of rink – освещение катка I’d like to see – я хотел бы посмотреть I’ve read a lot about it – я много читал об этом I know it very well. – я знаю это очень хорошо Include – содержать; включать Ice-rink – каток International – международный Individual championship – личное первенство In favour of – в пользу Indoor ice rink – закрытый каток International Skating Union – Международная Федерация по конькобежному спорту Intricate – запутанный; сложный Introducing entry – парад участников 67
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J Jackson Haines – вращение «ласточкой» Jerk – спотыкаться Judges – члены жюри Jump – прыжок Jump sit spin – сложный пируэт Jury – жюри K Keep fit – быть бодрым; быть здоровым Keen on – страстно увлечённый чем-либо Killian – «Килиян» Knee bend – присед L Lean – наклоняться Left foot stroke – толчок левой ногой Let us call it a day – на сегодня хватит Lift – поддержка Long axis – продольная ось Loop – петля Lutz jump – прыжок «Лутц» M Marking card – карточка участника соревнований по фигурному катанию, личная таблица исчисления очков Marks – for technical merit – оценки за технику исполнения Medical treatment – медицинская помощь Medium (middle) – середина Meeting – встреча Mohawk – танцевальный поворот с крюками Motion – движение Motto – девиз Movements – of his own choice элементы по своему выбору Musculature – мускулатура
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N National championship – национальный чемпионат Natural ice – естественный лед Narrow victory – победа, доставшаяся с трудом, победа с небольшим преимуществом Negotiation – обсуждение условий Number – номер, число O Organization – организация Olympic Games – Олимпийские игры Olympian – олимпиец One-foot eight crossing – восьмерка на одной ноге Open ice rink – открытый каток Open marking – открытое судейство Original program стандартных приемов Originality – оригинальность; новизна Outer curve – большой поворот Overcome – победить; превозмочь; преодолеть P Pair skating – парное катание Partner – партнер Participant – участник Participate – участвовать Perform — выступать Performance выступление Permit позволять, разрешать Permission – разрешение Pedagogic – педагогический Physical loading – физическая нагрузка Point total/total score – сумма баллов Position – позиция Prefer – предпочитать Professional – профессиональный Present – в настоящее время, подарок, дарить President – президент
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Q Qualifying events/heats – квалификационные состязания Quality of ice – качество льда Quick dance – быстрый танец Quickly – быстро R Recreative sport – спорт для развлечения Record – рекорд Record holders победителиRecovery exercise – восстановительное упражнение Referee – рефери, судья Relate – иметь отношение Remedial (curative) gymnastics – коррективная (лечебная) гимнастика Restore – восстановить Restoration – восстановление Result – результат Rhythm – ритм Rocker – крюк Romantic – романтичный Rule – правило Run back – бег обратно Run on the flat – бег на ступне Rush hour – час пик S Salchow jump – троечный прыжок Scale of marks-табло Semifinals – полуфинал Serial order of the pair – очередь старта пар Show – шоу Short program – короткие программы с обязательными элементами Set up a record – установить рекорд Signal skating – одиночное катание Sit spin – низкий пируэт Skating rink, skating area- каток Silver – серебро Splendid – отличный, блистательный Speciality – специальность 70
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Sport suit – спортивный костюм Sportsman – спортсмен Spring – прыжок Stadium – стадион Strike – отталкивать Strengthened arm – прямая рука Strong – сильный Struggle – борьба Struggle for a position – бороться за место Stipulated moves – обязательные движения Spin –вращение Spiral – спираль Step – шаг T Take it easy – не принимайте близко к сердцу! Take part – принимать участие Team – команда Technique – техника Three – тройка Throw – бросок Thrust – отталкивание Time – такт, время Toe jump – прыжок «Прейсекер» Top marks – высший балл Torch – факел Toss up – бросать жребий Tournament – турнир Tracing foot – опорная нога Train hard- тренироваться усердно Trainer – тренер Triple jump Type – тип U Universal – универсальный Union – соединение, сочетание Unity – единство Unison – синхронность 71
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V Variability – изменчивость; непостоянство Victory stand – пьедестал почёта Viennese waltz – венский вальс Vigorous man – активный человек Vote – голосовать W Walking – ходьба Warning- предупреждение Wide – широкий Width of the blade – ширина лезвия Will –power – сила воли Win on points – победить по очкам Winner – победитель World championship – чемпионат мира
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ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Английский язык для физкультурных специальностей/ Баженова Е.А., Гренлунд А.Ю., Ковалева Л.Я., Соколова А.В. – М.: Академия, 2006. – 344с. 2. Глембоцкая, Я. И. Учебно – методическое пособие «Спорт в англо – говорящих странах» (на англ. языке) / Я.И. Глембоцкая, МГАФК, 2008 год. – 103 с. 3. Глембоцкая, Я. И. Учебно – методическое пособие «Зимние Олимпийские Игры и зимние виды спорта» (на англ. языке / Я.И. Глембоцкая, МГАФК, 2008 г. – 78 с. 3. Дегтярева, В.В. English / В.В. Дегтярева– Киев: Высшая школа, 1975. – 381с. 4. Дмитрак, Т.В. Фигурное катание на коньках. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов II-IV курсов / Т.В.Дмитрак – Москва, 1981. – 106 с. 5. Миньяр-Белоручева, А.П. Topics: сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку / А.П. Минбяр-Белоручева – М.: Московский лицей, 1997.- 68с. 6. Митина, И.Е. English proverbs and sayings / И.Е. Митина – СПб: КАРО, 2003. – 334с. 7. Тимонова, В.М. Английский язык для институтов физической культуры / В.М, Тимонова – М.: Высшая школа, 1985. – 271с. 8. Шнайдер, Н. А. Особенности английского произношения и правила чтения на английском языке Н.А. Шнайдер – Малаховка.: МГАФК, 2002, 222с. 9. Britain in brief, составители В. В. Ощепкова, И. И. Шустилова – М.: Иностранный язык, 2000,-224с. 10. Focus on America, составители А. И. Бурлак, Дж. Г. Бурлак, Л.И. Кравцова – М.: Астраль, АСТ, 2000, 94с. 11. Sports and Hobby, составители Н. М. Карпышева, Г.В.Жулкевская – М.: Издательство деловой и учебной литературы, 2005, 203с. ЛЕКСИКОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ 1. Нечаев, И.В. Русско-английский спортивный словарь / И.В. Нечаев – М.: Рус. яз. – Медиа, 2006. – Х, 196 с. 2. Русско-английский, англо-русский словарь-справочник спортивной терминологии: Учеб. пособие для студентов фак. и ин-тов физкультуры и спорта / М-во образования Рос. Федерации. Дальневост. гос. ун-т. Ин-т иностр. яз.; [Л.П.Бондаренко и др.]. – Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 2000. – 482 с. 3. Терминология спорта. Толковый словарь спортивных терминов. Около 9500 терминов / Сост. Ф.П.Суслов, Д.А.Тышлер. – М.: СпортАкадемПресс, 2001. – 480 с.
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Автор-составитель Я.И. ГЛЕМБОЦКАЯ
FIGURE SKATING ФИГУРНОЕ КАТАНИЕ Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку
Художник А.Ю. Литвиненко Компьютерная верстка Е.И. Блиндер
Подписано в печать 14.12.2015. Формат 84х108/16. Усл. печ. л. 7,96. Тираж 500 экз. Изд. № 47 Заказ № Издательство «Спорт» 117218, Москва, Профсоюзная ул., д. 2, оф. 1 Телефоны отдела реализации 8-495-124-01-73 8-495-662-64-30 8-495-662-64-31 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] www.olimppress.ru Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленного оригинал-макета в типографии ООО «Красногорский полиграфический комбинат». 107140, г. Москва, пер. 1-й Красносельский, д. 3, оф. 17