Fats primer / Fat Primer by Johanna Budwig (Flax oil & Cottage cheese against cancer)

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Machine Translated by Google dr Johanna Budwig fat primer Hyperion Publishing Freiburg in Breisgau Machine Translated by Google dr Johanna Budwig fat primer Hyperion Publishing Freiburg in Breisgau Machine Translated by Google C IP abbreviated title recording of the German Library F ettfib el author Johanna Budw ig, 1st edition, Freiburg: HyperionVerlag, 1979 ISBN 3-7786-0378 7 @ 1979 by Hyperion-Verlag, 7800 Freiburg im Breisgau All rights, in particular those of the - including excerpts reprint, translation and distribution Movie , Radio and TV, Reserved. Reproduction of the work or individual parts by photocopy, microfilm or similar methods is not permitted without the written consent of the publisher. Printed in Germany Complete production in the Rombach+Co Gm bH printing house, Freiburg im Breisgau ISBN 3-7786-0378 7 Machine Translated by Google Contents I. A word for clarification ........................................ ..........7 II. Fats and oils .................................................. ............... 12

III. The preservation of the oils ................................18 IV. The energ y bal a na ce .................................. ..............29 V. Cancer a fat problem ................................................ ..34 VI. Correct choice and use of fats VII. The Consequences Today ........................................47 . . 38 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google I. A word of clarification on the confusion surrounding the fat issue Much confusion has arisen today on the fat issue. This does not only apply to advertising claims. The public media and the press also create confusion for the consumer. Example: The article can be found in the “Schwarzwälder Bote” of June 26, 1979 , ,margarine , relieved'. dpa. Bonn. According to the parliamentary state secretary in the Ministry of Health, Fred Zander (SPD), the federal government has no information that margarine promotes the development of cancer. In his response to a parliamentary question from the CSU member of the Bundestag, Glos, Zander explained in Bonn that an investigation mentioned in the news magazine Der Spiegel was a publication an American researcher. This author have After a later, more precise statistical examination of his examination, he emphatically repudiated a connection he had initially assumed between the consumption of highly unsaturated fatty acids and the development of cancer.” 7 Machine Translated by Google 1. As a former chief expert for fats, who also had to assess

advertising statements, I consider these statements to be misleading association advertising. This is my opinion. 2. When the American professor emphasizes that the “relationship between the consumption of highly unsaturated fatty acids and the development of cancer” should be “repudiated”, I am convinced , that this does not result in any “relief” for margarine. 3. If the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health F red Z at which should know no information what I doubt that "margarine promotes the development of cancer" has not yet been, proven to the contrary! Whether the “experts” for the Health Committee in the Bundestag and for the Ministry of Health are just making a scientific mistake when they work on behalf of the Unilever Margarine Union, I leave open. I emphasize with all possible clarity, legally expressly related to the statements of the Judge at the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, Klaus Roth Stielow in: , "Basic elements of constitutional jurisprudence": My evaluation of fats expressed here in this book, based on oils , Full of oils, natural, or alternatively to commercial ones Products, represents my scientific conviction , substantiated by scientific research 8th Machine Translated by Google also in the probation with the successful application on humans. In science, for example, my work is described as important and valid for clarifying cancer research by scientists of stature in Helsinki, Belgium, Austria. In Germany, the power potential of the fat company is so effective via so-called scientists that my work is suppressed, to the detriment of the consumer and to the detriment of medicine. Even the secured statistics from the Office for Statistics in Bonn on the Venusberg was suppressed in favor of my work. This to support my statement. This book is enjoyed by thousands of consumers pray with the question: Which fat should one eat now? Which fat can you heat? My realization in 1951/52 of the importance of highly

unsaturated fats was correct. My realization was correct that these “essential fats” are still rarely present in many commercially available products processed for the purpose of preservation. This fact of the importance of highly unsaturated fats is now being used in advertising, even though in many such products this statement does not correspond to the actual facts. For this reason I must, with expertise in the Make a contribution to the desired 9 Machine Translated by Google and urgently needed clarification. The great power potential of the Margarine Union must be taken into account in such a way that I say what is true or what represents my scientific conviction. However, this must be said in such a way that this company cannot trigger an expert dispute with me, as happened mutatis mutandis in the Contergan trial. The following factual arguments: 1. The oleochemical basics , confirmed by me and published in the Federal Institute for Fettfor You can find more detailed research on the first evidence of fats, fatty acids and highly unsaturated fats with bibliographical references, when and where published, under what title etc ., compiled in my book “Photoelements of life also for overcoming cancer” . 2. You will find the biochemical basics , scientifically worked out, published in the brochure: “The elementary function of respiration in relation to autoxidable nutrients. A contribution to solving the cancer problem by Dr. Johanna Budwig". 3. The biological effect described in the book The Fat Syndrome - The Fundamental Importance of Fats and Other Lipids was published after my additional study of the Medicine. 10 Machine Translated by Google Find the effect on medicine in the

, against cytostatic 4. treatment and application of synthetic radio elements in cobalt radiation, radium radiation, etc. and, in contrast, under the successful application of my oil-protein cure She comprehensively described in the two volumes "The Death of the Tumor" , Vol. I "The A etc eg", Vol. II . "The documentation" 5. " C rebs a F ettp rob lem ", 1954, a note for the housewife. 6. The result is: T h e crucial impor tance o f dietary fats today and for us. 7. The consequences today, described in the brochure "Photo elements of life also for overcoming cancer". The "fat primer" provides information: Which fats do we choose today and for ourselves? When and how do we heat fats? Everyone should then work out the background to these scientifically based explanations themselves. Depending on their level of knowledge, they can choose their own information. 11 Machine Translated by Google II. Fats and oils What is fat? (fat = lipos) Fats and oils are generally not soluble in water, but are soluble in essential oils, chloroformand petrol. The following applies: in living people and animals, fats are liquid; when they die, these fats become solid, hard (Encyclopaedia Americana). Fats and oils are naturally occurring substances. Little is known about the structure and how it came about. This is what fat connoisseurs, experts, still write in 1963 in the Encyclopaedia Americana. The question arises whether chemically modified fats are already "artificial cooking fats". Fats are made up of glycerol, which has three arms connected to three fatty acid chains. Saturated fats These fatty acid chains of links with carbon and Hydrogen and only a little oxygen are often evenly bonded.

They are called "satiated". These fatty acids were numbered from four to six and twenty links found. The greater the number of chain links, i.e. the longer the fatty acid 12 Machine Translated by Google chain is, the fat is usually the harder, i .e . unless “unsaturated bonds” are present. Unsaturated fats In this fatty acid chain, fats and oils are the links which have different strengths in the fatty acid chain connected, so-called “double bonds” occur. It is precisely these “double bonds” between the carbon atoms of these fatty acids that easily attach to other compounds, e.g. As water, oxygen, egg white substances, metals, etc As a result, this adduct becomes more easily soluble in an aqueous medium and more easily soluble in alcohol. This unsaturated fatty acid is broken down more easily at this "unsaturated bond", e.g. B. by enzymes. The number of unsaturated bonds in a fatty acid chain varies greatly. As the number of unsaturated fatty acid bonds increases, the fat becomes increasingly easy to melt, i.e. to oil. This is relatively dependent on the temperature. In the case of olive oil with the oleic acid typical of olive oil, the fatty acid has eighteen chain links. It contains an e unsaturated bond. The fatty acid is found in sunflower oil, but also in poppy seed oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil chain of eighteen links two double bindings 13 Machine Translated by Google gen. These two double bonds can be at different distances from each other. in the fat science has different names for it. These are included here for the sake of clarity for the reader remain unnoticed. As a rule, these doubly unsaturated fatty acids, the linoleic acids, present in these natural oils are considered “essentially necessary” for humans. , as "life

We will go into more detail on this later. It is important to note here: By definition and factually, these oils with the doubly unsaturated fatty acids are considered to be biologically valuable for humans if these doubly unsaturated fatty acids are present in the form in which nature has built them up. This is the cis form of the unsaturated bond. We will come back to the concerns about chemical processing and preservation. This creates z. B. the trans form of the fatty acid. In linseed oil , as part of the fatty acid chain with eighteen carbon members, in addition to the doubly unsaturated fatty acid there are also fatty acids in which there are also triply unsaturated carbon compounds in one chain, on one arm of the glycerol , e.g. B. in the “linolenic acid” . Since the highly unsaturated fatty acids are considered to be particularly rich in highly active electrons, this oil is also particularly active. This applies, for example, to active oxygen uptake. It also applies to the easy accumulation of protein as a bridge builder in the metabolism. 14 Machine Translated by Google Lipoproteins The compounds of fat and protein via the highly unsaturated fatty acids are called lipoproteins. Its importance in metabolism has been the focus of attention since 1951, when I first demonstrated this compound and its structure using paper chromatography and then produced it by synthesis. You can read individual publications about this in my brochure "Photo elements of life". With the discussion of lipoproteins we come to the big chapter of lipoids. L ipoids These fat-soluble substances contain in the large range of addition products to fats: phosphorus compounds, lecithins, iron compounds, magnesium compounds. These are for the life process, in particular of humans, of outstanding importance, e.g. B. for brain and nerve functions, for the membrane functions and secretions and for the dis continuous absorption, storage and conduction of the light, the sun as an energy source. However, in this “Fat Guide” I would like to emphasize the fats as a basis for the necessary differentiated consideration. There is a great deal of confusion here today. The attentive and interested reader will then, based on the knowledge about fats, continue to work himself to recognize the importance of valuable fats for the lipoids in the metabolism.

15 Machine Translated by Google Fats with a shorter fatty acid chain contain less often un saturated compounds. They can be integrated into the metabolism without these unsaturated compounds. However, this occurs more easily when the essential oils containing highly unsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids are also present. B u ter contains butyric acid as the essential fatty acid. It is a saturated fatty acid only four carbon atoms. In coconut fat, the saturated fatty acids essentially contain twelve carbon links in the fatty acid chain. In nature, as a rule, only the fatty acids with eighteen and more carbon members are provided with a varying number of double bonds. In the fish oils with twenty to thirty carbon links in the chain are often found in a fatty acid chain four or six double bonds. This increases the value and the easy degradability of these fatty acids in the Metabolism. Always is with increasing number of un saturated double bonds in the fatty acid chain are also associated with an increased willingness to absorb oxygen take. In the chemistry of fats, this process of oxygen absorption, the oxidation of fats, was initially called a “destructive process”. In fact, the fats are broken down by the oxygen intake. Idea and evidence that these highly unsaturated fats play a crucial role in oxygen uptake 16 Machine Translated by Google and utilization in the human metabolism, I succeeded for the first time in 1951. This was worked out by means of paper chromatography, and then also proved on living humans, see e.g. B. "The elementary function of respiration

in relation to autoxydable nutrients" (1953). 17 Machine Translated by Google III. The preservation of the oils Full oils or refined, deformed p rod uc ts? In many countries the use of the fairly fresh natural oils is still common. These oils are then easily perishable. On the one hand, the more unsaturated the oils are, the easier it is for them to absorb oxygen. Depending on the temperature, the presence of water, light or accompanying substances, it is all the easier for the various processes that lead to the "spoiled fat" to set in. This not only tastes bad, it is also biologically harmful. The accompanying substances in oils in particular play a very important role in preserving the oils and also in the fat metabolism in humans. They increase the digestibility of the oils. whole oils In the so-called full oils z. B. Vitamin E, phytosterols, vitamin A, carotenes and vitamin D. The mucilage contained in whole oils is also of great biological value. They consist largely of the valuable lipoproteins that form the bridge when building new cells when old cells are shed. They provide the bridge for electron transport in the living substance. they provide 18 Machine Translated by Google also the cell membrane and the membranes in the entire organism with the necessary electromotive force, which is newly fed from the electrons of the highly unsaturated fatty acids. The carotenes are also involved in this with their electron clouds (cis compounds), such as are found in the highly unsaturated fatty acids. These accompanying substances of the oils favor the proper transport of the electrons in the metabolism, the electromotive force in a biological way. Does the oxygen occur around in the presence of water or when the oils are “blown” onto the fatty acid chain, the abundance of electrons is destroyed. The fats, the full oils, are unnerved. The electron system in the full oils, accompanied by

the natural accompanying substances, the mucilage, the accompanying vitamins, represents the nervous system in the fat metabolism. In comparison, one could say: The freely moving electron systems, the electron clouds on the fatty acids, freely moving the higher the unsaturation, fulfill the brain function in fat metabolism. The accompanying substances such as mucilage, phytosterols and vitamin E, as well as carotenes, represent the nerve lines that direct and control the electromotive force from the electron clouds. A careful braking function, for example due to vitamin E, is important. These full oils, about whose great importance for the entire fat syndrome one could write books, are today for biological existence, for being human essential. 19 Machine Translated by Google This electromotive force, originating from the highly unsaturated oils, directed by the accompanying substances, built up together with the oils in the plant, mostly stored in the seeds, so that energy for the growth process and for the development of independence is available in the narrow space of the seed is, the large concentrated energy in a small space, biodegradable and developed, is able to prove itself as essential, as vital, even in humans. It controls all disease defenses via the lymphatic system (breast duct for the transport of fats). This electromotive force from the electron wol The development of the highly unsaturated fatty acids, biologically controlled by the accompanying substances in the oils in whole oils, is required for the entire membrane in humans function. This includes all secretions in all organs, e.g. B. in the liver, bile, in the stomach, in the upper cavities, connected with the sense organs on the head. It has also been proven that sexual function is dependent on the orderly supply of this electromotive force of the essential oils. Enormous undesirable developments for mother and child have been proven if these essential, vital electron systems that control all growth processes of the highly unsaturated whole oils are missing. In many peoples of the world, the various oils are used in their natural state and freshly pressed as food, for example in the Soviet Union. 20 Machine Translated by Google P reparation problems R

affination is a method used in civilized countries, including ours. The oil should be tasteless”. Much is destroyed "yeah in the oil, which is particularly valuable. I don't want to go into detail here and discuss in detail which methods the industry which is destroyed. The professional can do that read z. B. in the journal “Fette und Soaps". Why should oils be tasteless? Oils and fats in particular are suitable for absorbing and wonderfully developing flavoring substances that are fat-soluble. The aromatic substances of the plants, e.g. B. the essential oils are oil-soluble. With the abundance of wonderful herbs that are available to us from tropical countries today, using the “full oils” in salads or vegetable dishes is no longer a problem. The trade in spices and spices was already highly valued in ancient times. Nowadays, housewives have often left the knowledge of these important components of our food and their correct use to the manufacturers of finished goods. By using the good spices, a bad preserved refined deformed fat often camouflaged. But good fat does not have to be camouflaged. It emphasizes the wonderful aromatic substances, because essential oils, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E or carotenes, such as those found in saffron and curry, are chemically present 21 Machine Translated by Google related oil only really develop and have an impact. The refining of vegetable oils is often necessary because the oilseeds are extracted using petrol and petroleum-like products instead of cold pressing when they are extracted. These residual products, which are harmful to our health, must then be removed from the oil as food. In the process, valuable accompanying substances of

the oils, lipoproteins, vitamins and electronic systems of the highly saturated fatty acids, which are of course vital for humans, are destroyed. M a rga rin e m a n e t Napoleon 1866-1869 initiated the production of spreadable fats as a cheap substitute for butter. Animal fats were used. Around 1900, Norman succeeded in hardening fat, using vegetable oils to make margarine. On the one hand, fat hardening became extremely questionable for biological reasons. This fat hardening destroys the free energy in the electron-rich highly unsaturated fatty acids of the essential oils as food, however it has been modified again and again. I published a radio lecture about "fat in the tangle of advertising" in my book "The Death of the Tum or" Vol. II. The rearrangement of the electron systems from cis to trans bonding is discussed. , documentation" . 22 Machine Translated by Google As an aside, it should be noted: In 1977 (see “Fette und Seifen” No. 11/1977) Professor Kühnau received the prestigious On this “Norman Medal” award. occasion, the potentiation of offices and influence in the Federal Medical Association, in the Federal Ministry of Health and in the German Society for Nutrition among other things clearly. Professor Kühnau's speech is a song of praise for fat hardening. Those solid, spreadable fats and oils in today's margarine contain water. The Influence of W ater on the High Unsaturated fats causes destruction of the electron arrangement in oils. In the "Spiegel" of April 23, 1979, the increased influence of Professor Schettler becomes clear. He stands for them margarine one. In issue 1/January 1976 in “Fette und Sei fen” Professor G. Sch ettler published a comprehensive Sending work: "New results of clinical lipid metabolism research". The statements are basically identical to what I have worked out and published for 25 years about the essential fatty acids, the value of the lipoproteins, the detection of these substances in the human metabolism at Gesund health and disease. There is a difference: Pro fessor Schettler does not write whether these highly unsaturated fats and lipoids, which are so important as an energy source, are also contained in the product processed into

margarine are. I have reservations about this based on my scientific knowledge as a former chief expert on fats in the civil service. 23 Machine Translated by Google T he new way As early as 1952 I had a new one for this reason Way, the highly unsaturated essential electron-rich oils also in spreadable form for Ver to be available for the people today and with us. These full oils only have a very limited shelf life as oil. The form in which I had spreadable fats produced without water ensures that the large complex of biologically valuable accompanying substances, the lipoproteins, the fat-soluble vitamins A of the lecithins, the , Vitamin E and D and phosphorus compounds with the highly unsaturated fatty acids is preserved. The essential, highly unsaturated fatty acids with their freely moving energy in the cis-electron systems are only protected in this way and not destroyed. The new fats are anhydrous. The highly unsaturated oils are durable, as prescribed and necessary for commercially available goods. They have retained their features - once in the , the oxygen human organism reaches - intake, to stimulate cell respiration and to favor the gain of energy from fatty food. The way in which this was done is to be communicated here for the consumer. Hotels can do it too use. The company use would - as is common practice depend on the payment for the use of my patent rights. The idea underlying this new approach is as follows: The electron-rich highly unsaturated fatty acids 24 Machine Translated by Google are electrically negatively charged in excess in the free energy. The sulfur-containing protein compounds, e.g. B. in onions, pepper, paprika, also in oats, buckwheat and nuts are able to protect the negative charge of the highly unsaturated fatty acids if the positively charged protein carriers are heated with the saturated coconut fat, which has a neutral charge. Then the positive charge carriers

activated in this way, such as onions heated in coconut oil, are passed through a hair sieve into pre-cooled linseed oil, poppy seed oil, soybean oil, etc. and allowed to cool to spreadable fat. Examples: A slab of coconut fat (250 g) is heated with approx. 100 g onions or 50 g walnuts or 50 g coarse-grain oat flakes or 50 g whole buckwheat. Heat until these ingredients begin to brown . Never overheat until the protein carriers onion, oatmeal, nuts, etc. are burnt (roasted peanuts are unsuitable). Immediately pour the coconut fat prepared in this way through a hair sieve, e.g. B. in pre-cooled linseed oil (125 ccm). Stir and place immediately in the refrigerator or in the fridge cold. These fats are now of outstanding value. They should not be heated when used as a spread or for use at lunchtime. This heating would damage the highly unsaturated bonds in the linseed oil. 25 years ago the Diasan was made in this way, according to my instructions. 25 Machine Translated by Google I hope that these instructions of mine will be heeded today. The margarine-fat industry has in principle closed itself off to using this new route. Ver presumably it was for a new investment for the machines park not ready. I therefore offer the consumer the opportunity to produce these valuable fats themselves. For our children: Heat a plate of coconut oil (equal to 250 g) with oat flakes (approx. 100 g) until browning begins. When it comes to oat flakes, you choose large-grain varieties, such as “grainy” ones. After heating, pour the coconut fat through a sieve into a bowl and immediately add 50 g unsweetened chocolate mass to the hot coconut fat. After melting, mix immediately with the 125 g linseed oil, chilled. Now add a tablespoon of honey stir and chill. Again after cooling stir. Children like to use this fat as a spread on bread. This spread is healthy for our children. You can create more variations by using white chocolate (cocoa butter). A plethora of variations is now possible by adding essential oils as natural products (e.g. liquid vanilla and/or raspberry oil, orange oil, cherry oil, etc.). These natural

products are available in health food stores. For the housewife in a hurry, for the quick kitchen: Heat a slab of coconut fat (equal to 250 g) with a quartered onion and a pack of dried 26 Machine Translated by Google net mushrooms (approx. 50 g) until the onion begins to brown. Now remove the onion completely. Beat the coconut fat with the heated, dried mushrooms in a mixer and immediately pour into the pre-cooled linseed oil, chill. No water may get from the onion into the linseed oil. If you now add a little salt and some fondor, you have an excellent addition to soups, sauces, vegetables, rice, etc. With the abundance of dried Chinese mushrooms of excellent quality currently on the market, you can avoid questionable fats in instant soups. When frying and other heating, the use of coconut fat or butter is convenient. For instructions on how to do this, see my cookbook, Cancer is a Fat Problem. O ther spreads: In my opinion, butter is better than any margarine. It should be borne in mind that the anhydrous fats described above with highly unsaturated oils and diansan do not represent margarine by definition and in terms of rating. Butter consists primarily of saturated fatty acids, short-chain fatty acids that are more easily broken down and digestible than long-chain hydrogenated fats. It wasn't good economic policy to let the butter get old in the butter mountain and then give it away cheaply to the Soviet Union, while here margarine was warmly recommended by doctors. 27 Machine Translated by Google Homemade margarine: most households today have mixers. When preparing the anhydrous fats described above using the less sensitive olive oil instead of linseed oil, poppy seed oil, unrefined sunflower oil, then you can also use a mixer to stir 20 percent liquid into this anhydrous fat in a melted state, such as milk or buttermilk or yoghurt or kefir or even mineral water . Stored in the refrigerator, you can use this homemade margarine for 8 to 14 days without hesitation.

When using fats with essential highly unsaturated fatty acids, doubly unsaturated oils, storage with close contact with, water is not recommended. This is my advice. For use in the kitchen, see my 1954 cookbook Cancer is a Fat Problem for more advice. In the meantime, the types of margarine on the market have very often changed their content and value due to changes in the manufacturing methods. In my opinion, the margarine products on the market today and here are not to be recommended. I give my conviction a clear expression, although a giant corporation with an enormous power also in terms of capital still has the margarine products in Germany recommended by doctors as having a high content of highly saturated fatty acids. 28 Machine Translated by Google IV. The energy balance In nature we find the division of labor in the organism of plants and animals. In the sheet is under Using the sun's energy saves material energy and also transfers it to energy reserves. The fat-protein association, the lipoproteins, are soluble in the space between water and oil, in essential oils and in mucilage. They are particularly suitable to form a bridge for the transfer of electrons. They also lead in the Plant-built fat-like substances (lipoids) for storage as energy reserves, to the "oil tank" in seed. Here the easily activated energy is on the narrowest Spaces saved until spring by light and Moisture this stored energy can be reactivated for the manifold building processes: Growth, substance structure and formation of the differentiated cells with the different on gave, their membrane formations to the external conclusion of the cells and organisms, but also to regulate the internal tasks, secretions, substance transport. It all depends on the electromotive force stored in the electrons of the highly saturated fatty acids, e.g. B. in and on membranes. 29 Machine Translated by Google Humans need this concentrated energy reserve, stored in the “oil tanks of the seeds”, as an energy source for their entire

life function. The life function, all growth in the living human organism, requires this electromotive force from the seed oils, the stored solar energy, to regenerate cells and to break down old cells. This innovation (renewal) in the living organism is necessary to maintain the quality of life processes. This constant new construction alongside the dismantling of the old is dependent on the positive energy balance, the free energy from the photons of solar energy, stored and always re-activatable in seed oils. These always activate it bare bank account in the household of the metabolism. A bank account can also show the so-called “red numbers” on the balance sheet. The account can be overdrawn. Overdrawing the account is also possible in the energy balance in the life process. This must not become permanent. If in everyday life fats are constantly used as food instead of energyrich oils with the freely available energy, which lack these "photo elements of life", this is comparable to a company that constantly accepts inflation money or bad checks in payment. The energy reserve of this company is used up. Hardened fats no longer have this freely available energy for oxygen uptake. Also many animals 30 Machine Translated by Google Fats, especially from improperly fattened animals, are wasted fats with no reserves for energy balance improvement. Many oils, naturally rich in highly unsaturated fats, are heated for the purpose of "preservation", chemically preserved with "antioxidants" or they are already rancid or spoiled due to incorrect storage. The freely available energy, which is so important for the human energy balance, is used up through oxygen absorption or in association with water. Even in the freezer, this electronic Energy from the highly unsaturated fatty acids, otherwise freely available for the life process, is gradually broken down. You can observe this with the highly unsaturated fatty acids in fish products and their valuable flavorings, e.g. B. with lobsters, langustinos, scampis and deep-sea shrimp, these are gradually ent in taste and in the biological effect evaluates.

In delicatessen, e.g. B. at a well-known delicatessen mail order company in Bremerhaven, you know this very well. Short-term storage is advocated, even when frozen, for high-quality delicacies, e.g. B. with fresh fish, with crusts animals etc. The freezer is not an obstacle to gradually dissipation of the free energy from the electromotive force of the highly unsaturated fats. This one 31 Machine Translated by Google Lie degradation, the migration of electrons to balance the dipolarity, even in ice, is also scientifically proven. At the moment people and animals are craving more and more fat because the energy, the electromotive force of the oils is missing. For this reason, then take animals , and people are getting more fat. The admonition to eat less fat is not helpful. It is basically incorrect. Humans require better quality fatty foods than food. W e again need real fats as food in order to cover the need for life-appropriate, the "essential" fats. Just as the hunt for money was great in the years of inflation around 1920, the more money was devalued, so today people want more fat. Basically, the human organism today is looking for good oils as a source of energy. Nowadays it is important to pay attention to the quality of the oils. Instinct guides children, dogs and birds right here and now. Have a try! Attempt: Omit coconut oil with onions. You take: 250 g coconut fat 100 g quartered onions approx. 100 g quartered apples. Coconut fat is short with these ingredients until beginning to brown the onions. Now pour

32 Machine Translated by Google you pass this treated coconut fat through a hair sieve in pre-cooled fresh cold-pressed linseed oil. (Chilled in the cold compartment of the refrigerator, for example, while the coconut fat was treated hot). Mix and chill. This fat, used as lard, as a spread and with hot dishes, tastes great, if you add a little salt. Add this energy-rich fat produced in this way selection alongside other commercially available products Bread. Distribute each fat to be tested on a different slice of bread. Now observe children, dogs, birds. W hat they choose, you choose. Now you know which fats you should avoid and what foods you should eat. Well-being then very quickly confirms the better energy balance in the whole body, in the brain, in nerves, in respiration, in the liver, bile, and intestines Bladder. Construction and breakdown of cells and excretion products now function better. The better energy balance gives you resilience and joie de vivre. 33 Machine Translated by Google V. Cancer a fat problem C reb s an energy crisis "Always tired and listless" , this is how cancer patients have been telling me about the onset of their illness for decades. When the cancer patient reports himself, these connections become clear. Finally, when the disease, the lack of energy, has progressed, the aversion to wrong fats, especially in cured meats. At the beginning of my OIL AND IWHITE cure, the energy-rich, easily digestible preparations with linseed oil are then enjoyed with great appetite. The overall impact on people with cancer is clear. First you experience the restoration of the breakdown processes in the intestines, abdomen, testicles, stomach, in the upper cavities. The rejuvenation of the cells also occurs soon. Details about this can be found comprehensively in the patient information

judge, e.g. B. in the book "The death of the tumor" vol. . II "The documentation" Here in this fat primer I think it is important to point this out: to cancer patients or to others "therapy-resistant" patients is initially the Ener 34 Machine Translated by Google ducting the electromotive force from the natural, still unsaturated oils is made more difficult. W e give linseed oil, better soluble, easier to digest, in the form of a mixture of cottage cheese and linseed oil. In this situation, linseed oil seems more important to me than less effective, less active oils. We also make sure that chemical preservatives, e.g. B. saltpetre, in sausages for the activation of the already paralyzed fat metabolism are a hindrance. The entire digestive organs, stomach, liver, intestines, must first be gradually cleaned and retuned. One thing is certain: for restoring health to those suffering from cancer, rheumatism, Diabetics and the threat of a heart attack is the Application of the intensively acting highly unsaturated Linseed oil in the form of oil or spreadable fats styles, w it O leo lu x ” marked, highly important. " I call these new fat spreads "O leolux" because the , because in oil is stores freely supply

in a form that absorbs the light (= lux) of the sun's energy, it and discontinuously activates it and forwards it to available energy when needed. Everyone needs this of energy. Cancer patients particularly need this.

The “irradiation” of the cancer patient was initially based on a partly correct idea: the cancer patient lacks the freely available electrons. However, the wrong wavelengths were chosen, that of the vital radio 35 Machine Translated by Google tion of humans do not correspond. The wavelengths of sunlight are correct. They are in accordance with creation and, as has been newly recognized and proven scientifically, a help for the cancer patient. The experience of many doctors that cancer patients cannot tolerate the sun and that they have to avoid the sun is based on the fact that

cancer patients lack those oils which, as a correct resonance system, ensure the absorption, storage and biological transmission of solar energy; which ensure the utilization of the sun's energy and the biological electron transport. Cancer patients who, according to my advice, correct their fat metabolism, experience within a few days with a great feeling of happiness, with great joy, how wonderfully they can tolerate the sun again. In this sense, to restore the disturbed and destroyed biological fat metabolism in cancer patients, I use linseed oil. Good linseed oil, not spoiled, not rancid, is important here. From a biological point of view, I consider the administration of this linseed oil in the easily digestible form, together with quark, to be valuable. The trace elements in the linseed in the construction of linseed oil and its later activation in growth processes, I consider essential, also for the activation of linseed oil in the human lipid metabolism. Therefore, Linomel is administered at the same time. This is broken linseed, the cut surfaces of which were immediately covered with honey to protect them from oxidation. When you have cancer you are there to help 36 Machine Translated by Google some other advice is important. For example, proper elimination of toxins is essential, as well as supporting the activation function of the lymphatic system. For this we also use oils, applied externally, e.g. B. Eldi oils. Here I cannot describe the entire design of the therapy based on my oil and protein cure. The sick person requires individual treatment. What is wonderful, however, is the realization of how comprehensively and how quickly the effects of essential fats are and how comprehensively life-threatening fats can affect humans. Here to help is the meaning of the fat primer. You can't ignore it remain to mark where dangers to the consumers are present. All cancer noxae (chemicals that cause cancer) only develop their harmful effects if they are dissolved in bad, ie non-biological fats. For example, the benzopyrene in cigarettes loses this cancerpromoting effect if linseed oil is given at the same time. (Scientific studies

in the USA.) The trans-linoleic acids belong to these non-biological fatty acids. There is a wealth of scientific work on this. In my formulation: cancer, a fat problem , which I have used since 1954, it is contained that the fat metabolism controls the effects of all cancer noxae. 37 Machine Translated by Google VI. Correct choice and use of fats Linseed oil is a biologically valuable oil. The ability to activate oxygen, internal respiration, in the metabolism is at the expense of durability. Cold pressing is important. Storage requires specialist knowledge. For the housewife: Stored in a glass jar, cool and protected from light, the value of the linseed oil remains relatively intact. In the form of "O leoluxfette" the shelf life is better than in the form of the oil. Poppy seed oil, cold-pressed, is an excellent oil. It is one of the oils with the essential highly saturated fatty acids. It is very suitable, for example, to be made into "Oleolux fats" with oat flakes. The oil is excellent with salads. "O leoluxfett" with poppy seed oil is suitable for spreading on bread in combination with honey or jam. It can also be used on cakes, tarts, etc. Please note: in the production of "Oleolux fats" we heat coconut fat, a saturated fat with oat flakes or buckwheat or walnuts or pine seeds, etc. The poppy seed oil remains unheated. Sunflower oil is inherently a good oil, rich in diunsaturated linoleic acid. It belongs to the 38 Machine Translated by Google Fats with the essential fatty acids. This oil is widely used in the Soviet Union. It is there as full oil, unrefined, not preserved. In this form, preserved as "O leoluxfett", it could be of valuable service to us on the market prove When this oil comes onto the market “cold-pressed”, but refined, washed with water, then heated for two hours, and made durable , the real value of this oil is called into question. The further use of this oil treated in this way, e.g. B. in

margarine as a fat spread with the information "purely vegetable" leaves the question unanswered as to how this "purely vegetable fat" was treated until it is to be used today and by us as "food"? Soybean oil is a high-quality oil rich in valuable lecithin compounds. It is commercially available in Japan, also in the Canary Islands. On holiday there can you help yourself with that. W alnut oil is a particularly valuable oil. Cold-pressed, natural, it is of high quality. In addition to the doubly unsaturated fatty acids, it also contains the all-important threefold unsaturated linolenic acids, as well as lecithin compounds. At times we have cold-pressed, high-quality products on the market, but on the other hand we also have oils that are much too hot during pressing. It would be , It would be good if the consumer would motivate companies to bring the wonderful cold-pressed, natural walnut oil onto the market. This oil is delicious in salads, 39 Machine Translated by Google can also be used in conjunction with Quark. The production of “O leolux fat” with walnut oil is achieved using oat flakes heated in coconut oil. You can also heat walnuts with coconut oil until they start to brown. This fat is then poured into pre-chilled walnut oil or linseed oil. In this form as "Oleolux fat" the oils are better preserved while maintaining their biological value. I don't want to discuss many of the other oils that we have on the market, refined or heated or both. O liven oil is mostly in natural form here too shape in commerce. It's valuable. The essential, highly unsaturated fatty acids are hardly contained in significant proportions in olive oil. The unsaturated fatty acid present in olive oil is called oleic acid. It contains a double bond. Fat science knows: if the food contains the essential highly unsaturated fatty acids, then the olive oil in the food is also used in the fat metabolism. Interesting is the fact that in southern Italy it is popular to use olive oil mixed with linseed oil. We know from experience that this increases the digestibility and the integration of dietary fat into the metabolism. Of course you can use olive oil to produce "oleolux fats" that keep well. On a trip south, I would prefer olive oil to the

many art products of the “modern hotel kitchen”. 40 Machine Translated by Google Avocado oil from the lawyer pear is a valuable oil with highly unsaturated fatty acids. It is often used in cosmetics. As a food, it also has an effect beneficial to skin function, like all highly unsaturated fatty acids. As a natural product, avocados contain a lot of oil in the flesh. This can be built into the diet plan in a versatile and tasty way. See the cookbook: "Oil protein fare". Neem oil in India, used to support the circulatory system, Chaulmoogra oil in the Orient, used against leprosy, and many other oils are known in the world as important medicines. We were familiar with cocoa butter as a suppository until it was replaced by artificial products. I often find the latter questionable. Castor oil retains its old value. Grapeseed oil is of scientific interest. Badger fat, marmot fat, deer tallow, deer horn oil and Cod liver oil are still known today in medicine and Pharmacy. " M ü cken fat” is certainly not only made from the fat of the mosquitoes. Laurel oil, St. John's wort oil and rosemary oil are popular examples of vegetable oils. They contain fatty oils combined with essential oils. 41 Machine Translated by Google A u gu st B ier, surgeon, one of the most famous physicians around the turn of the century, of whom the Brockhaus says: he “reinforced confidence in the healing powers of the extensively used oils as is well known Nature" , Sliding slips for medicines! B u tter is the most important and proven spreadable fat in our zones where oil cooking is less common.

Butter is better than its reputation, I wrote in an article previous years. I am often asked about the value of butter after my presentations. In addition the following: Butter consists in the substantial parts of its fat acids from butyric acid. This is a saturated fatty acid with no unsaturated double bonds. The fatty acid in butterfat cannot be described as essential, vital. Saturated butyric acid consists of short chains with four carbon atoms. It is easily soluble, even in the aqueous phase. If the Russians in Ukraine eat butter in addition to sunflower seeds, sunflower oil as whole oil, then butter is welcome for human consumption. If the highly unsaturated fatty acids of whole oils are missing, then butter is not sufficient to fill the need for energy-providing fats as a food. Butter also contains water. It should always be fresh be used. If I'm faced with the choice of choosing butter or margarine for example on a trip - I definitely choose butter. I tune in to my counseling for cancer patients 42 Machine Translated by Google next butter out. There is scientific work in the USA, according to which butter is said to impair the dissolution of tumors. As a precautionary measure, I first switch off butter in such cases and give preference to the highly unsaturated oils. Coconut fat comes from the coconuts, the seeds of the coconut palm. This grows in warmer climates, in the tropics. There, all the fat squeezed out of the flesh of the coconut is liquid. There the fat is also called coconut oil. Coconut fat contains several predominantly saturated fatty acids. They are easier to digest because of their short chain length (6, 8, 10, 16 links) than hydrogenated 18-link fats, which were previously unsaturated then hydrogenated. The long chain fatty acids are more liquid the higher the unsaturation of these fatty acids. The result is: The solid fat, pressed from the natural coconut fat, is to be evaluated biologically completely differently than a naturally unsaturated fat (with long fatty acid chains), which has been hardened by removing the unsaturated bond through chemical intervention. If the naturally present unsaturated oils - unhardened - are made spreadable by adding coconut fat, are water-free and relatively well protected against premature oxidation with the protective natural products such as onions, oat flakes, etc., then you get a valuable spread with highly unsaturated fatty acids. If you prepare it yourself, the good

one is enough 43 Machine Translated by Google These fats can be kept for two to three months, even when using linseed oil. P alm kernel fat is related to coconut fat and should be evaluated in a similar way. ,, Animal fat “ To disqualify across the board is not justified. Since 1952 I have emphasized and represented the outstanding importance of highly unsaturated oils from seeds, cold-pressed and natural. When the animal dies, animal fats are stored in the hard in most cases, except here the poultry is fat. The latter is also biologically more valuable. When churning, the valuable fatty acids remain in the buttermilk dissolved. The discussion today and with us affects absolutely others Facts that need attention. In 1952 - when I was senior assessor for fats in the government service - fat hardening using chemical methods mainly concerned fish oils. These are long-chain (with 20 to 30 chain links) and highly unsaturated. I consider these “animal” fats, formed under normal conditions in the sea, to be a very important, high-quality food. As early as 1952, I considered the fat hardening of these oils to be very inexpedient. These oils were later hardened, “polymerized” by high harmful. heating. This " 44 Machine Translated by Google The fat hardening , also applied to vegetable oils, which also leads to oils as a result, but to harder fatty acids, was then called “partial hydrogenation” in technical jargon. As an expert in the field of fats, I do not think it is justified to describe chemically modified oils as "pure vegetable oil" or to medically favor these products over "animal fats". Animal fats are to be assessed differently. " Goose lard ", formerly a delicacy, is affected when the

goose has been chemically fattened. This need not be the case in all cases. It would be closed test. When it comes to butter, the cow's hormone supply already plays a role, as does the choice of feed. The word "butter from happy cows" has a certain meaning. T he animal fats from the fattened pet become more questionable the more questionable the "concentrate composition" becomes. From my official work as senior expert for fats, I know how fats were used in this "concentrated feed composition" for fattening cattle, which promote fat deposits and thus increase the weight of the animal. If man consumes these fattening fats, in camouflaged form, for example in sausages, well seasoned, it also promotes the accumulation of fat in humans. In the discussion today and with us, the Be prefer "animal fats" to "purely plant-based ones." 45 Machine Translated by Google fats" e.g. B. in the margarine not properly evaluated. In both cases remains in the public discussion Question openly, which animal fats are meant, in which condition, from which animal? Which vegetable oils are meant, in their natural state, unheated, unrefined, such as full oils with highly unsaturated fatty acids, or are we talking about vegetable oils that have been processed into margarine and are definitely modified, such as artificial fats? If the high value of the highly unsaturated essential vegetable oils is emphasized in the advertising statement, then this term and this value cannot be directly transferred to the finished margarine product. This advertising statement would have to be checked by the state. Read my essay: "Fats in the tangle of advertising". 46 Machine Translated by Google VII. The Consequences Today The medical influence on the health committee, on the medical associations and in the press reports in the The public becomes questionable, dangerous and no longer credible if, e.g. B. Check the following thoroughly:

In the "Spiegel" report of April 23, 1979, it can be seen how the large capital of the multi-company of the Margarine Union is effective through the massive commitment of Prof. Schettler. You can find out about Prof. Schettler as a reviewer also specific reports in my book "The Death of the Tumor" Vol. II . "The Documentation" In the magazine "Fettes and Soaps" , November 1977 (Kohlhammer publishing house, 7022 Leinfelden), on the occasion of the presentation of the standard medal to Prof. K ühnau you will find an overview of his increased influence in the Ministry of Health, in medical associations, in the Federal Health Office in Berlin and how the nutritional industry d he M argarineu nion here to the “bridge” becomes “from science to consumer”. At these bridges customs posts are set up. It is checked and monitored what may and may not reach the consumer via this “bridge” . In the comprehensive report by Prof. Schettler on 47 Machine Translated by Google "New results of clinical lipid metabolism research" ("Fette und Seifen", Jan. 1976), concerning the highly unsaturated fats, the lipoproteins, it was not clear whether these highly unsaturated fats, which are so important, are contained in commercial margarine or not. In this point it differs Publication by Prof. Schettler of my earlier work that he knows but does not quote. With the comprehensive advertising statement by the Margarine Union that margarine contains the "essential fatty acids", publications e.g. B. (see Medical Tribune of June 15, 1979): "Essential fatty acids damage the liver and kidneys". The Munich biochemist Dr. H. Brauer comes to the published result (Medical Tribune June 15, 1979): "If safflower oil were not a diet food but a drug approval by the Federal Health Office would be questionable". I agree with that statement, albeit for different reasons. A great deal of confusion arose about the value of essential fatty acids! The question of whether the "essential fatty acids" really damage the kidneys and liver was not clarified because margarine products and "safflower oil" were regarded as suppliers of the "essential fatty acids". The two products

mentioned offer no guarantee that they are suitable for clarifying strictly scientifically how the effects of the "essential fatty acids" on the organism are to be assessed. 48 Machine Translated by Google If, to clarify the question of the value of the "essential fatty acids", one were to eliminate all margarine, as well as questionably treated oils, but use the cold-pressed, natural whole oils, such as linseed oil, one would come to the statement that is rightly accepted worldwide has: T h e essential, ne o t to life, highly unsaturated fatty acids, e .g . are recognized , to life fromand natural seed oils acknowledged as essential for people. This is more true today than ever because many methods of preserving food require these oxygen-friendly fatty acids ability to absorb oxygen. This destroys the value of acting as an "essential life-sustaining fatty acid". The semi-hydrogenated fatty acids made from these “essential fats” (the trans fatty acids) have a wide range of health effects. Scientific literature is available. A clarification of the whole situation for the consumer is important here and now. Half-measures in the scientific communication as a bridge from the margarine industry to the consumer are as harmful as semi-hydrogenated fats. See e.g. B. the announcement in the new large Brockhaus about the highly unsaturated fatty acids in margarine. The statement there is factually incorrect. The author of this communication wrote that this version in the Brockhaus was "misunderstood". I think that in this respect this wording should be unmistakable in the new Brockhaus to be understandable. 49 Machine Translated by Google According to Consul Seibel, Unilever, “The food industry must act as a bridge between science and consumers take over"

, and this one has to Statement "w ith the use of all relevant media and with the participation of all opinion-forming circles are brought to the citizen in full". In my opinion, this is where the regulatory power of the state comes in Protect consumers from misinformation in the Advertising and in the "Health Magazine des Rundfunks" . It is clear: - the essential fatty acids in natural oils, the full oils, are important for the consumer, today more than ever. - The foodstuff butter retains its value. It should be supplemented with oil. - Many products that are offered as “with high content of essential fatty acids” , even under Specification of numbers are either directly wrong in their advertising statement or effected by cleverly th structure of the statement is misleading association advertising. Example: Sunflower oil contains highly unsaturated fatty acids. American researchers are now being quoted to underline this. Then follows: This margarine was made using these oils. It is not stated how these oils were modified during this processing 50 Machine Translated by Google Margarine. But this is crucial for the biological W en or even their harmful effect. In this fat primer I published my opinion as a fat expert and my scientific conviction: When semi-hardened unsaturated fatty acids are mixed with emulsifiers and with water, the effect of this end product is, today and in our country, regardless of whether natural oils are added or not, such that one cannot speak of the effect of the essential, vital, highly unsaturated fats as a whole from the effect of this fat product. Such a statement, related to margarine, is strictly forbidden in the USA and rightly so. T he way out : Choose full oils, cold-pressed and natural. Use it to prepare your spreadable fats yourself to, about the consistency of goose fat z. B. as "O leolux" greases.

Art , L to heat oil when frying. It would certainly be wrong to use linseed oil or sunflower oil to make a roast "healthier". These "healthy fats" would result in highly unhealthy products. However, it is possible to make a sauce for vegetables or rice dishes that is digestible and good using oil. You can even make potato pancakes with linseed oil 51 Machine Translated by Google or fats containing linseed oil in such a way that the potato pancakes do not taste of burnt oxidized linseed oil. Also, the biological impact remains excellent if one understands this art. About the sauce: Put a large onion, finely chopped, in the pan and add Oleolux or Diasan. Heat until the onion begins to fry. Adding a whole clove of garlic is beneficial. Now, while carefully observing the process, add a little linseed oil, then Diasan or "01eo lux" fats again, then yeast flakes, then paprika, roast spices and other types of pepper, possibly curry. When working quickly, these ingredients prevent a unwanted oxidation of the oil. If you quickly deglaze with a vegetable broth, you get an excellent sauce, rich in highly unsaturated oils and tasty. To bake potato pancakes: The raw potatoes are prepared as usual, but mixed with lots of freshly grated onions (about 250 g onions for 1 kg of potatoes). Now add finely chopped onions, Diasan or "O leolux" fat to the pan, let it heat up briefly and immediately fill the pan with the batter for the potato pancakes. While it is heating up until it starts to brown , you can quickly add linseed oil while watching carefully 52 Machine Translated by Google water to keep the temperature within limits. The potato pancakes taste good and are easily digestible; together with raw applesauce, they are even suitable for sensitive patients. The mastery of fats, protected from overheating

with onions, is part of the art of cooking with linseed oil. The energy policy for the family is in the hands of the housewife, in the kitchen. This is not a calorie chart issue. This is a question of culinary art. The fat primer may make a small contribution to this. 53 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google T hesecretinterior and keep calm Today more than ever, drastic damage to civilization is evident through improper nutrition! The consequence is also lack of oxygen. Lack of energy, inability to perform, weakness and restlessness consume the human organism because the internal combustion does not work. Promote your inner breathing too, use the vital oxygen through a sensible diet. Use the optimal balance of power and interaction of the fat and protein metabolism. EDEN helps you practice a healthy lifestyle. 1. Edendiäsan - cooking fat With this first water-free cooking fat, EDEN created the ideal, purely plant-based, hard-fat-free spread for a naturally healthy diet. Eden diäsan is strictly low in sodium and is particularly valuable due to the high proportion of coldpressed, natural linseed oil that is rich in the vital active ingredient linolenic acid. 2. E denv ull value flaxseed oil This unique edible oil is natural, cold-pressed and unrefined. With its high proportion of nutritionally important linolenic acid and the optimal ratio of essential fatty acids to tocopherols (vitamin E), Eden wholesome linseed oil helps to lower excessive chol Ideally suited for the oil-protein diet according to Dr. J. Budwig (quark

with linseed oil) - a high-quality combination of essential fatty acids with essential amino acids. Machine Translated by Google FL GGE Linseed - honey - granules - L in omel , to prevent protein deficiencies L o ke o n saturated fa tty ac ids fo r the f unc tio n , care of L iver, bile, stomach and intestin e to prevent , constipation (constipation) Available in all neu fo rm reform houses FL Ü GGE -D iät - 7 0 0 0 S tu ttg art 5 0 -Münster VITA - keep cooking oil empty healthy Try the vitamin-rich, coldbeaten and natural Vita-Oils: VITA SUNFLOWER OIL VITA linseed oil VITA OLIVE OIL £ UM Ü HLESEIT etc. Decades of professional experience. Selected oilseeds and careful processing guarantee the best quality of all Vita edible oils. Please contact: Reform Oil Mill FRITZKAUCHER 7860 Schopfheim/Baden PO Box 1106 Machine Translated by Google The skin is the spread carpet of the brain , say the Chinese Eldi oil to care for your skin with a beneficial effect on the

entire body, nerves and brain function! Eldi-Oil (according to Dr. Johanna Budwig) - a completely new discovery to store solar energy as a vital element and make it usable. Eldi-Oil for external use is commercially available as: Eldi-Oil with "rose blossom oils" Eldi-Oil "for women" Eldi-Oil with "herb blossom oils" Eldi-Oil "for children" Eldi-Oil "photoactive "Eldi-Oil "balsamicum" Eldi-Oil "for men" "Fats as a real help" - you will experience this every day through "Eldi-Oil" ETSYNTHA Obtainable through: CHEMISTRY Dr. Tillwich GmbH 7240 Horb-Ahldorf Good flax oil Reform house town hall drugstore Wolfgang Bloching Marketplace - 7290 Freudenstadt a whole oil, unrefined, tasty because fresh and excellent L in omel cold-pressed, flaxseed tasty because fresh D iä san fresh because well stored with linseed oil These are the three pillars on which the oil-protein diet rests. In addition, we also deliver A ro ma substances E ld i oils As a help for the housewife To the scientific Basis: essential oils for the quark linseed oil cream for external use the books: "Cancer is a fat problem" - "oil-protein diet" - the "fat primer" All books by Dr. Budwig. Also: "The death of the tumor" Volume 1 and II"Photo elements of life - also to overcome

the disease eformhaus R ang B lo ch la tz • 7 2

from cancer" R a th aus - D roger ie W o lfg in g M a rk tp 9 0 Freudensta dt

Machine Translated by Google BOOKS BY DR. JOHANNA BUDWIG O IL & WHITE F EST This cookbook helps the sick The insights of a physically and biologically trained and independently thinking scientist into our current nutritional situation with its influence on human health in our people resulted in a cookbook that represents a revolution in our eating habits, a selfprotection through a return to the natural basic elements of our food. Cancer - a fat prob le m Correct choice and use of fats This book gives housewives in the kitchen important tips and recipes for dealing with fats when caring for healthy people. When can fat be heated? etc. The fat syndrome The fundamental importance of fats and other lipids A book that gives a comprehensive overview of the great complex of effects of a healthy or disturbed fat metabolism and the causes that ensure fats such a wide range of effects. The relationships between lipid metabolism and liver-gallbladder syndrome, intestinal function, sexual symptoms and other organ functions are shown. Cosmic forces against cancer Electron biology The biological processes of the exchange of electrons, originating from the photons of the sunlight, stored in the seed oil, crucially important in growth processes, this is the fertile research area of the author. L ase rs ra h e lsagainstcancer Resonance phenomena as an anti-entropy factor of life Is there an irradiation of cancer patients that - in the true sense of the word - has a biological effect? In order to assess this, it is necessary to examine the significance of the effects of radiation on vital functions in terms of strictly scientific basic research. This is what happens in this book. Written in a way that is easy to understand, even for the trained layperson. Worth knowing for every doctor. T h e ele men ta re f unc tio n o f respiration in th eir relation to auto xydable foodstuffs This brochure gives the

reader an insight into the medical and biochemical connections and the fundamentally new ones scientific studies of the author, which gave the reason to deal with the question of nutrition and the problem of cancer. With this brochure in 1953, the importance of fats for the present was brought into the focus of modern science for the first time. Fats as true help Against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, cancer, etc A collection of lectures in a generally understandable form. All books by Dr. Johanna Budwig in Hyperion-Verlag, 7800 Freiburg im Breisgau Available from any bookstore Also self-published by the author: Death of the tumor I The way out! • Death of the tumor II The documentation photo elements of life - also to overcome cancer Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google