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English Pages [312] Year 2001
Celestial Encounters that Changed My Life
In his mid-thirties, Ned Dougherty had everything; money, women, property, pres¬ tige, and power. He owned popular night¬ clubs in Palm Beach, Florida, and the Hamptons, Long Island's exclusive play¬ ground for the rich and famous. He lived in the fast lane every hour of the day, pursuing every pleasure money could buy. Then, one day, he hit a brick wall. In the midst of a heated argument with a business colleague, Dougherty toppled over and seemingly died of a heart attack. What happened next was an epic near-death experience, an event that completely devas¬ tated and reorganized Dougherty's sense of reality and launched him on a fifteen-year quest to accept, understand, and integrate the revelations he was given. Some of what he experienced was at first too fantastic even for himself to believe: meetings with the Supreme Being, messages from the Archangel Michael, an otherworldly amphitheater of thousands of bright souls, guidance from his deceased best friend, and apparitions of an enigmatic Lady of Light. Reeling, Dougherty felt compelled to search the world for answers. He consulted physicians, psychiatrists, and parapsycholo¬ gists, AA counselors and visionaries—he even traveled to Egypt where similar appari¬ tions of a beautiful celestial figure have been seen by thousands. After years of searching, Dougherty’s quest came full circle: On Long Island, he encountered a group of mystics which held the answers he sought, and helped him to finally understand the identity of the Lady of Dght and Her urgent message to the world.
Hampton Roads ''“'