Table of contents : Introduction I. The Importance of National Struggles to Communism: the european experience (Finnish-Russian anti-imperialist alliance 1900-1917) II. False Internationalism in China (european intervention in the Chinese Revolution 1920-1935) III. New Afrikan Anti-Imperialism in the 1930s (the struggle to support Ethiopian independence) IV. Settler "communism" (how european settler "communists" tried using neo-colonial alliances to dominate Arab, Asian and New Afrikan revolutionaries) "From One Generation To The Next!" V. Freedom Now! (1960s Civil Rights Movement) VI. The Vietnam Catalyst (how the struggle between imperialism and the Vietnamese Revolution pushed political development within the u.s. empire) VII. Birth of Euro-Amerikan Anti-Imperialism (solidarity with national liberation movements: lsm & wuo) VIII. Black Power & New Afrikan Revolution ("ghetto" uprisings, nationalism and new revolutionary organizations) IX. Nyack—The Road To Nowhere (neo-colonialism & the revolutionary armed task force)