English lexicology tests and seminar tasks: educational manual 9786010400443

This study guide is dedicated to the students of the third course of special departments: “Foreign philology”, “Foreign

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English lexicology tests and seminar tasks: educational manual

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T. T. Dzharasova, D. B. Rskeldieva

ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY TESTS AND SEMINAR TASKS Educational manual Stereotypical publication

Almaty «Kazakh university» 2020

UDK 811.111 BBK 81.2Анг. D 402 Recommended by the Academic Council of the Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages and Editorial and Publishing Council of KazNU

Reviewers: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor L.T. Kilevaya Doctor of Philological Sciences, Docent L.K. Zanalina Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent I.G. Orazbekova

Dzharasova T.T., Rskeldieva D.B. D 402 English lexicology tests and seminar tasks: educational manual. – Ster. pub. – Almaty: Kazakh university, 2020. – 74 p.

ISBN 978-601-04-0044-3

This study guide is dedicated to the students of the third course of special departments: “Foreign philology”, “Foreign language: two foreign languages” and “Translation Studies”. The contents of this book deals with the disciplines: “History Development and English Lexicology” and “Fundamental Theory of the English Language”. The study guide contains seminar assignments for lectures on English Lexicology and tests for each midterm control. The book includes two parts with the three variants of tests combining the different questions of lectures for RK-1 and RK-2 (rating control). The second part contains exercises and practical tasks for self-study work of students. Учебное пособие составлено на базе теоретических дисциплин «История развития и лексикология английского языка» и «Основы теории изучаемого языка» и рассчитано для студентов 3 курсов специальностей: «Иностранная филология», «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» и «Переводческое дело». Данное пособие включает тесты (300) по лексикологии, составленные на каждый рубежный контроль по три варианта, а также содержит практические задания и упражнения к семинарским занятиям.

UDK 811.111 BBK 81.2Анг. ISBN 978-601-04-0044-3

© Dzharasova T.T., Rskeldieva D.B., 2020 © KazNU al-Farabi, 2020


Midterm control №1 1st variant №1. Lexicology is the part of linguistics that studies … A. the grammatical system of a language B. the vocabulary of a language C. the phonemic shape of words D. the history of a language E. the relations between the language and social life. №2. The root of the word is … A. the basic unit of a language B. a derived stem C. a derivational affix D. a grammatical paradigm E. the basic part of a word which affixes are added to №3. The evolution of vocabulary forms is the object of … A. historical lexicology B. descriptive lexicology C. special lexicology D. general lexicology E. specialized lexicology №4. Word-formation is the process of creating … A. lexical homonyms B. affixal phonemes C. different kind of dictionaries D. new words E. root-morphemes 3 


№5. A prefix is … A. a derivational morpheme following the stem and forming a new derivative B. an internal structure. C. a derivational morpheme preceding the root D. a common element of words within a word–family E. an affix placed within the word №6. The parts of speech, especially affected by conversion, are … A. Pronouns B. Verbs and nouns C. Numerals D. Adverbs E. Adjectives №7. The denotational meaning is … A. the component of meaning that distinguishes one word from all others containing identical morphemes B. the connotational meaning C. the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words D. the component of meaning that considers emotive charge and stylistic reference of words E. the component of the lexical meaning which makes communication possible. №8. The words LA, TV, T.B. USA are cases of A. Acronyms B. sound interchange C. back-formation D. Graphical abbreviation E. Lexical abbreviation №9. Head of a cabbage is … A. a saying B. a metonymy C. a metaphor D. a euphemism. E. a proverb 4 


№10. mis, dis are … A. Infixes B. Interfixes C. Suffixes D. Inflections E. Prefixes №11. General Lexicology A. discusses the origin of various words, their change and development B. studies the vocabulary irrespective of any particular language C. devotes its attention to the description of the characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language D. deals with casual relations between the way the language works and develops and the facts of social life E. studies the correlation between the vocabularies of two or more languages №12. Functional affixes A. convey grammatical meaning B. form different words C. provide the structural completeness of a word-group D. convey emotional components of meaning E. form blendings №13. -er, -dom, -ness, -ation are … A. adjective forming suffixes B. adverb forming suffixes C. noun forming suffixes D. verb forming suffixes E. numeral forming suffixes №14. What are compound words? A. words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms B. class of lexical elements possessing the same lexico-grammatical meaning C. nouns denoting some feeling and state D. derivational morphemes stading before the root E. the smallest meaningful units 5 


№15. ____ are words belonging to the same part of speech, identical in style, expressing contrary or contradictory notions. A. homonyms B. synonyms C. motivations D. antonyms E. neologisms №16. Define the type of lexical abbreviation – aphaeresis A. it is the figurative meaning of the synonymic set B. copter (helicopter) C. maths D. exam E. com (computer) №17. These are words referring to smth unpleasant by using milder words and phrases so that a formerly inoffensive word receives a disagreeable meaning A. litote B. irony C. hyperbole D. euphemism E. metaphor №18. What is polysemy? A. the ability of words to coincide in their sound form B. the existence of contrastive meanings within a word C. the existence within one word of several connected meanings as the result of the development and changes of its original meaning D. words with opposite meanings E. the existence of only one meaning within words №19. Words are the same in spelling but different in sound is called … A. homographs B. homonyms proper C. homophones D. complete homonyms. E. partial homonyms 6 


№20. The words: electronic, automaniac, zebrule were created according to … A. Back-formation B. Compounding C. Blending or telescoping D. Reduplication E. Shortening №21. The only existing classification system of synonyms was established by … A. I.V. Arnold B. V.V. Vinogradov C. G.B. Antrushina. D. R.S. Ginzburg. E. A.V. Koonin №22. The word “math” is ... A. final clipping B. medial clipping C. Reduplication D. initial clipping E. sound interchange №23. Which of the following words are homonyms proper? A. tear (n) - tear (v) B. sea (n) - see (v) C. wind (n) - wind (v) D. bank (n) - bank (n) E. knight (n) – night (n) №24. The word “BBC” is an example of ____ A. shortening B. back-formation C. reduplication D. motivation E. sound-imitation №25. The words: brunch, magalog, motel were formed with the help of … A. Affixation 7 


B. Conversion C. Blending D. Shortening E. Sound-interchange №26. Find acronym of alphabetic reading. A. NATO B. UNO C. FIFA D. NASA E. VIP №27. Polysemy is … A. words with opposite meanings B. the ability of words to coincide in their sound forms C. the existence of only one meaning within words D. the existence within one word of several connected meanings E. the existence of contrastive meanings within a word. №28. Stylistic synonyms are … A. words which differ in connotations B. words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning C. two words having the same denotational meaning but differing in stylistic connotation D. words which differ in their morphemic structure but coinciding in their sound-form E. words which differ in shades of meaning. №29. Which of the following lines is not the source of synonyms? A. Shortening B. Prepositions C. Euphemisms D. Native and borrowed words E. Conversion №30. Homographs are … A. words identical in spelling, but different both in their sound-form and meaning 8 


B. words identical in sound-form but different in meaning C. words identical in meaning but different in spelling D. words identical in spelling and sound-form but different in meaning E. words identical in sound-form but different both in spelling and in meaning №31. Choose the antonym: “friendly”. A. young B. bright C. clever D. hostile E. capable №32. Define the French borrowing word. A. tomato B. council C. datum D. plant E. piano №33. The words consist of a root and affix or affixes are called … A. derivatives B. nucleus C. productives D. shortenings E. contractions №34. Define non-root morphemes or inflections A. friend, friendly B. active, inactive. C. please, pleasant D. child, childish E. teachers, teacher’s №35. Sound imitation, reduplication, clipping, abbreviation are … A. productive ways of word-building B. minor types of word-making C. principal ways of word-building 9 


D. ways of making up phraseological units E. ways of changing syntactic pattern and paradigm of words №36. Define the idiomatic compounds with partial changed meaning. A. Bluebottle B. bluestocking C. tallboy D. blackberries E. butter-fingers №37. Define the type of homonyms: “homophones”. A. a bank – a bank; B. piece – peace; C. to bow – bow; D. to tear – tear; E. desert – to desert №38. Define non-synonymic word. A. to astound B. to produce C. to create D. to make E. to fabricate №39. What is shortening? A. a common element of words B. a derived word C. the smallest meaningful unit D. a significant subtraction in which part of the original word is taken away E. blending №40. Which of the following words are blendings? A. beggar, to burgle, to edit B. hanky, nighty, radar C. M.P., USA, BBC D. ping-pong, topsy-turvy, walkie-talkie E. Interpol, slimnastics, netizen 10 


№41. Define the meaning of the adjective «dull» as «uninteresting». A. a dull book B. a dull day C. a dull girl D. a dull colour E. dull eyes №42. The word “bye-bye” is an example of A. shortening B. sound-imitation C. reduplication D. motivation E. back-formation №43. The word “cock – a – doodle - doo” is an example of A. conversion B. back-formation C. shortening D. sound-imitation E. reduplication №44. It is the way of word-building when a word is formed by imitating different sounds A. conversion B. blending C. back-formation D. compound word E. sound imitation №45. Define the word of native origin. A. father, tree B. enemy, crime C. status, method D. alarm, violin E. sky, skirt №46. Choose the synonym: “to stare”. A. to please 11 


B. to admire C. to gaze D. to flash E. to adore №47. Which of the following words were derived by means of back-formation A. to burgle, to envy, to escape B. to trust, to finger, to learn C. to show, to chat, to lift D. chortle, brunch, smog E. to babysit, to beg, to cobble №48. Define the type of lexical abbreviation – apocope. A. mart (market) B. phone (telephone) C. expo (exposition) D. bookstore E. net (internet) №49. Which of the following lines of words have derived stems? A. story-teller, match-box, friendly B. beautiful, girlish, activate C. distance, experiment, sequence, police D. ache, cup, look E. chortle, goody-goody, UNO №50. What are antonyms? A. words identical found form, but different in meaning B. words different in their sound-form, but identical or similar in some of their meanings and interchangeable at least in some context C. word a which are idiomatic and ready-made units D. words different in sound-form and characterized by semantic polarity of denotational meaning E. words which are typical in grammar



2nd variant №1. Special Lexicology… A. devotes its attention to the description of the characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language B. discusses the origin of various words, their change and development C. deals with the vocabulary of a given language of a given stage of development D. deals with casual relations between the way the language works and develops and the facts of social life E. studies the correlation between the vocabularies of two or more languages №2. Conversion is a word-building process in which words are built A. by combining parts of two words B. by joining two or more stems together C. by adding word-building affixes to stems D. by means of changing the paradigm E. by changing of affixes №3. Define the words with the borrowed affixes A. wisdom, freedom B. ugly, likely C. create, appreciate D. length, truth E. worker, teacher №4. A morpheme is ... A. the basic unit of a language B. a collocation C. a cliché D. an abbreviation E. the smallest indivisible two-facet language unit №5. Homophones are words identical in … A. spelling and meaning B. meaning but different in spelling 13 


C. sound-form but different in spelling D. sound and in spelling E. meaning №6. Semantically morphemes are classified as ... A. free morphemes B. bound morphemes C. semi-free morphemes D. root and affixational morphemes E. semi-bound morphemes №7. Derivational affixes serve A. to convey grammatical meaning B. to form different words C. to create the lexical meaning D. to form only neologism E. to study the word meaning №8. The lexical meaning is … A. the meaning proper to sets of word-forms common to all words of a certain class B. the component of meaning which makes communication possible C. the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions D. the component of meaning that distinguishes one word from all others containing identical morphemes E. the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words №9. Sound imitation is ... A. the derivation of new words by subtraction of a real or supposed affix from existing words B. opposition of words or word-forms. C. the naming of an action or thing by a more or less exact reproduction of a sound association with it D. lexical abbreviation E. reduction of a word to one of its parts. 14 


№10. By external structure of the word we mean … A. the morphological structure of the word B. the meaning of the word C. the stylistic structure of the word D. the emotional part of the word E. the utterance of the word. №11. Bound lexical morphemes are … A. roots B. articles, conjunctions, prepositions C. prefixes, suffixes D. -s, - ed, - ing endings E. blocked, unique №12. “Has been” in the following sentence "She had to be satisfied with the role of a has been" is the result of A. word-composition B. word derivation C. affixation D. polysemy E. conversion №13. Which of the following words are the case of shortened compound words? A. beg, housekeep, butler B. babble, chatter, giggle C. T-shirt, H-bomb, V-day D. flu, fridge, tech E. story, phone, cello №14. Ideographic synonyms are… A. words which differ in connotations B. words which differ in their morphemic structure but coinciding in their sound- form C. words which differ in all kinds of emotional, expressive and evaluative overtones D. words conveying the same notion but differing in shades of meaning E. words identical in their sound-form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning. 15 


№15. Absolute (or complete) synonyms are … A. words conveying the same notion but differing in shades of meaning B. words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic characteristics C.words which differ in connotations D.words conveying the same notion but differing in shades of meaning E.words identical in their sound -form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning №16. Define the type of lexical abbreviation – syncope. A. copter (helicopter) B. com (computer) C. exam (examination) D. maths (mathematics) E. chute (parachute) №17. Etymology investigates A. Different types of compounds B. General problems of the theory of the word C. Peculiarities of the English vocabulary D. Different kinds of dictionaries E. The origin and history of a word and its true meaning №18. What is the difference between the derivational and functional suffixes? A. a derivational suffix forms various new words while a functional suffix forms various grammatical forms of the same word B. a derivational suffix precedes and a functional suffix follows the root C. both of them precede the root D. both types of suffixes follow the root, a derivational suffix forms nouns, a functional suffix forms other parts of speech E. they are synonymous terms. №19. Define the type of homonyms: “homographs”. A. rite-right B. piece-peace C. see-sea D. a row – a row E. a ball – a ball 16 


№20. “write” – in the word “writer” is A. non-root morpheme B. prefix C. root morpheme D. suffix E. infix №21. Articles, conjunctions and prepositions are … A. lexical morphemes B. bound lexical morphemes C. bound grammatical morphemes D. free grammatical morphemes E. free lexical morphemes №22. Choose the synonym: “to amaze”. A. to gaze B. to create C. to glare D. to look E. to astonish №23. Which of these prefixes have the opposite meaning? A. bi-, co-, extraB. ultra-, sub-, preC. anti-, counter-, nonD. re-, co-, preE. de-, un-, over№24. English Word-formation is … A. the formation of words by adding derivational affixes to different types of basis B. part of Lexicology which studies the derivative structure of words and the patterns on which the English language builds new words C. a new word created from some existing word changing the category of part of speech D. the derivation of new words by subtracting a red or supposed affix from existing words through misinterpretation of their structure E. all the answers are correct 17 


№25. What are the main ways of word-building in English? A. sound-interchange, sound imitation, B. blends, morphemes, back-formation, C. affixation, composition, conversion, D. grammatical, lexical, bound morphemes, E. words-meanings, stress- interchange №26. The word “lady-killer” is … A. a simple compound B. a morphological compound C. a contracted compound. D. a derivational compound E. syntactical compound №27. The synonyms flat – apartment, Autumn – fаll refer to … A. dialectical synonyms B. stylistic synonyms C. absolute synonyms D. ideographic synonyms E. contextual synonyms №28. Define the Norman French borrowings. A. sky, skill, ski, skirt B. libretto, violin, opera, operetta C. court, judge, justice, crime, prison. D. whiskey, phoney, trousers E. yacht, dog, poodle. №29. The synonyms teenager and youth refer to … A. ideographic synonyms B. dialectical synonyms C. absolute synonyms D. stylistic synonyms E. contextual synonyms №30. Define the word of non-productive ways of word-building. A. Slanguist B. draughtsman 18 


C. CD-ROM D. music-lover E. a toy – to toy. №31. The word “OK” is an example of A. sound imitation B. shortening C. reduplication D. motivation E. back-formation №32. Define the words formed by vowel- and consonantinterchange. A. full (adj) – fill (v) B. serve (v) – serf (n) C. breathe (v) – breath (n) D. house (n) – house (v) E. ride (v) – road (n). №33. Define the prefixes with the negative meaning A. pre-, over-, inter-, exB. in-, non-, un-, imC. in-, pre-, dis-, exD. de-, re-,disE. inter-, re-, no-, im№34. Words are borrowed with their spelling, pronunciation and meaning are called … A. Morphemic borrowings B. Translation loans C. Semantic borrowings D. Phonetic borrowings E. Language structure №35. Define the verb derived from the noun. A. a monkey - to monkey B. a peel - to peel C. a help - to help 19 


D. a tramp - to tramp E. a jump - to jump №36. Which of these nouns are derived from the verbs? A. a pain, a tramp, a button B. a pen, a weekend, a drink C. a break, a catch, a jump D. a cook, a button, a monkey E. a fall, a windlass, an act №37. Archer, phaeton are … A. jargonisms B. common colloquial words C. dialectical words D. historisms E. vulgarisms №38. Define the type of conversion – “animal” A. to pin, to nail B. to rat, to fox C. to leg, to face D. to maid, to groom E. to cage, to pocket №39. Perfect homophones are: A. words identical in spelling, but different both in their sound-form and meaning B. words identical in meaning but different in spelling C. words identical in sound-form but different both in spelling and in meaning D. words identical in sound-form but different in meaning E. words identical in spelling and sound-form but different in meaning №40. Define the words with productive affixes A. length, truth, health B. childhood, manhood C. wooden, golden D. careless, miner, feeling E. dangerous 20 


№41. Define the neutral compounds A. tallboy, bedroom B. blue-eyed C. new-comer D. lady-killer E. golden-haired №42. Define the derivational compounds A. blackbird, blacklist B. music-lover, new-comer, reading-room C. tallboy, table-lamp D. bedroom, book-stores E. sunflower, broadcast №43. Define the type of word-building – “word-composition” A. TV-set B. parachute C. defence - fence D. expo, phone E. babysitter №44. “Smog, chunnel, faction, medicare” are the examples of… A. blending B. reduplication C. back-formation D. stress interchange. E. sound imitation №45. What is the productive type of word-building? A. Sound-imitation B. Back-formation C. Reduplication D. Conversion E. Stress-interchange №46. Define the noun-forming affixes A. -ly B. -ful 21 


C. -dom, -ship D. -less E. -ish №47. The word “blackbird” is ___ A. contracted compound B. derivational compound C. morphological compound D. simple neutral compound E. syntactical compound №48. Cross out non-productive type of word-building A. Back-formation B. Shortening C. Conversion D. Affixation E. Word-compounds №49. Define the derivational antonyms A. good – evil B. love – hate C. late - early D. cold – hot E. animate – inanimate №50. The word “rift -raft” is an example of … A. shortening B. back-formation C. reduplication D. conversion E. sound-imitation

3rd variant №1. Descriptive Lexicology … A. devotes its attention to the description of the characteristic in the vocabulary of a given language B. discusses the origin of various words, their change and development 22 


C. deals with the vocabulary of a given language of a given stage of development D. deals with casual relations between the way the language works and develops and the facts of social life E. studies the correlation between the vocabularies of two or more languages №2. A suffix is… A. a derivational morpheme preceding the root B. an affix placed within the word C. a common element of words within a word-family D. a derivational morpheme following the stem and forming a new derivative E. a connotational meaning №3. Homographs are words identical in … A. spelling, but different in sound and meaning B. sound-form but different in spelling C. sound-form but different in meaning D. meaning but different in spelling E. sound and spelling №4. Affixation is the formation of words A. by changing the root B. by joining two or more stems together C. by adding word-building affixes to stems D. by combining parts of two words E. by adding derivational affixes to stems №5. Structurally morphemes fall into … A. prefixational morphemes B. free, semi-free, bound, semi-bound morphemes C. stem morphemes D. suffixational morphemes E. root morphemes №6. Define the words with native affixes A. enable, able 23 


B. freedom, wisdom C. serious, dangerous D. accurate, graduate E. absent, decent №7. A stem is … A. a functional affix B. a derivational affix C. a prefix D. a suffix E. the part of the word that remains unchanged throughout its paradigm №8. Affixation, word-composition and conversion are … A. minor types of word-building B. non-productive ways of word-formation C. principal and productive ways of forming new words D. morphosyntactically conditioned combinability of words E. less known types №9. The connotational meaning is ... A. the component of meaning that distinguishes one word from all others containing identical morphemes B. the component of meaning that considers emotive charge and stylistic reference of words. C. the denotational meaning D. the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words E. the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words №10. Every word has two aspects A. the outer and the inner B. lexical and grammatical C. notional and emotional D. official and non-official E. notional and functional №11. Acronyms are read as ordinary English words. A. FDA 24 


B. CID C. SOS. D. VIP E. UNESCO №12. Semasiology is the branch of lexicology that deals with … A. the study of word meaning B. the phonemic shape of words C. the grammatical function of words D. a positional mobility of words within a sentence E. differentiation of vocabulary according to the sphere of communication №13. Define the type of homonyms: “homophones” A. to tear – tear; B. to bow – bow; C. piece – peace; D. a bank – a bank; E. desert – to desert №14. Define the words formed by vowel-interchange A. breathe (v) – breath (n) B. strike (v) – stroke (n) C. prove (v) – proof (n), D. believe (v) – belief (n), E. speak (v) – speech (n) №15. Historical Lexicology … A. devotes its attention to the description of the characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of the given language B. deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of development C. deals with casual relations between the way the language works and develops and the facts of social life D. discusses the origin of various words, their change and development E. studies the correlation between the vocabularies of two or more languages 25 


№16. The word dogged is… . A. root word B. morpheme word C. compound D. compound derivative E. derivative №17. By internal structure of the word we mean … A. the morphological structure of the word B. the stylistic structure of the word C. the meaning of the word D. the emotional part of the word E. the utterance of the word №18. The branch of the study of language concerned with the meaning of words is called ... A. phraseology B. lexicology C. semasiology D. stylistics E. morphology №19. The words lab and laboratory are different in … A. structure B. stylistics C. meaning D. affixation E. derivation №20. “Ness” in the word “readiness” is … A. free morpheme B. semi-bound morpheme C. root-morpheme D. semi-free morpheme E. bound morpheme №21. Choose the correct prefix to the adjectives: experienced, expensive. A. -il 26 


B. -in C. -im D. -un E. -mis №22. Define the type of lexical abbreviation – aphaeresis A. exam (examination) B. com (computer) C. copter (helicopter) D. fancy (fantasy) E. maths (mathematics) №23. Affixes which do not give any new coinages A. productive B. merging C. non-productive D. derived E. reduplicative №24. What is a prefix? A. a morpheme following the root B. a morpheme preceding the root C. a morpheme concluding the word D. a morpheme standing between the roots E. a morpheme which can function independently №25. A word having several meanings is called … A. Polysyllable B. Polysyllabic C. Polysemantic D. Monocemantic E. Monosyllabic №26. Compound neutral words consist of _____ A. two or more root morphemes B. one root morpheme, one or several affixes and inflexion C. one or more root morpheme and an inflexion D. two or more root morphemes, one or more affixes and an inflexion E. two or more root morphemes, an affix and an inflexion 27 


№27. What is allomorph? A. an affix placed within a word B. a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment C. an ultimate constituent of a word D. an association of a given meaning with a given sound E. a common element of words №28. -less, - ful, - ster, - ish are the suffixes A. added to adjective stems B. added to verbal stems C. added to noun stems D. added to adverb stems E. added to conjunction №29. Define the words which contain diminutive suffixes. A. heroine, actress B. booklet, hanky C. poetic, picturesque D. cloudy, girlish E. funny, sunny №30. Define prefixes which denote repetition or reversal actions. A. pre-, over-, inter-, exB. in-, non-, un-, imC. in-, pre-, dis-, exD. de-, re-, E. inter-, re-, no-, im№31. Definе prefixes which denote time, space, degree relations. A. de-, re-,disB. in-, non-, un-, imC. in-, pre-, dis-, exD. pre-, over-, inter-, exE. inter-, re-, no-, im№32. Choose the line with synonyms to the word to hope A. to expect, to look forward, to anticipate 28 


B. to look forward, to sway, to puff C. to wait, to plague, to anticipate D. to appeal, to sway, to look forward E. to controvert, to contradict, to glaze №33. Which of the following words are derived compounds A. boyfriend, back-formation, wallflower B. long-legged, blockbuster, three-wheeled C. overestimate, subdivided, pseudo-compounds D. refrigerators, appendicitis, violation E. forget-me-not, information, disagreement №34. The word “statesman” is the example of _________ A. neutral compounds B. morphological compounds C. syntactic compounds D. contracted compounds E. derivational compounds №35. Define the adjective-forming affixes A. -ness B. -ship C. -hood D. -er E. -ful, -less №36. Define the absolute (root) antonyms A. prewar – postwar B. friend – enemy C. known – unknown D. useful – useless E. appear – disappear №37. Define the type of word-building – “conversion” A. burglar B. ping – pong C. slim- to slim D. worker E. dining-room 29 


№38. The word “fridge” is an example of ______ A. shortening B. reduplication C. sound-imitation D. back-formation E. motivation №39. Acronyms are ______ A. a part of a word which serves for the whole B. items which are spoken as individual letters C. initialisms which are pronounced as single words D. items which contain two identical or very similar constituents E. combinations of lexemes which is highly informal in tone №40. Define the way the following words have been created: pingpong, chit-chat, rift-raft. A. by means of conversion B. by means of shortening C. by means of blending D. by means of reduplication E. by means of acronyms №41. Choose the line with the derivational antonyms A. appear - disappear B. slow – fast C. correct - incorrect – wrong D. temporary-permanent E. enemy – friend №42. Define the way the following words have been created: life – to live, blood – to bleed, song – to sing A. sound imitation B. sound interchange C. stress interchange D. reduplication E. back- formation №43. “Motel, brunch, smog, Oxbridge” are the examples of ______ A. blends 30 


B. back-formation C. imitation D. reduplication E. sound interchange №44. “Televise, double-glaze, baby-sitter” are the examples of ______ A. blends B. back-formation C. imitation D. reduplication E. sound interchange №45. Choose the line with synonyms to the word to look A. to see, to gaze, to blame B. to peep, to stroll, to sob C. to watch, to strive, to race D. to gaze, to glance, to peep, to stare E. to starve, to search, to wait №46. What are homonyms proper? A. words identical in meaning but different in spelling B. words different in sound and in meaning but identical in spelling C. words identical in pronunciation and spelling but different in meaning D. words of the same sound but of different spelling and meaning E. words of the same origin №47. What is the right definition of synonyms? A. words with identical sound and graphic forms B. words differing in their morphemic structure but coinciding in their sound form C. words identical in their sound-form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning D. words with contrastive meanings E. words different in their sound-form, but identical or similar in some of their meanings and interchangeable at least in some context 31 


№48. According to the structure the words: fridge, pub, tech, USA, exam are A. simple B. shortened C. compound D. derived E. blendings №49. Which of the following words are blendings? A. beggar, to burgle, to edit B. hanky, nighty, radar C. M. P., USA, BBC D. ping-pong. topsy-turvy, walkie-talkie E. brunch, heliport, sci-fi. №50. Choose the line with interjections A. purr, mew, cock-a-doodle-do B. quack, moo, buzz C. hiss, gibber, bray D. bang!, hush!, pooh! E. clash, crash, whip

Midterm control №2 1st variant №1. Metonymy is … A. degradation or of meaning B. a transfer based upon the association of contiguity of meaning C. amelioration of meaning D. a transfer of name based on the association of similarity E. a shift of names between things that are known to be in some way or other connected in reality. №2. The foot of the bed, bookworm, head of the school are cases of … A. a metonymy 32 


B. a euphemism C. a metaphor D. litotes E. an irony №3. What is monosemy? A. The ability of words to coincide in their sound-form but differ in their meaning B. The ability of words coincide in their sound form and meaning C. The existence of more than one meaning within words D. The existence of only one meaning within words E. The existence of contrastive meanings within words №4. Give the English equivalent for phrase “целый и невредимый”. A. high and mighty B. odds and ends C. safe and sound D. whole and mad E. thin as a rail №5. The system of grammatical forms characteristic of a word is called: A. a paradigm B. inflection C. formatives D. valency E. word formation №6. The word combinations a long distance, a long speech, a short path, a short time are cases of metaphor based upon … A. similarity of behavior B. the analogy between duration of time and space C. similarity in position D. similarity of function E. similarity of shape 33 


№7. Give the idiomatic phrase to the following definition: “decide to face a problem or difficulty instead of avoiding it”. A. pay through the nose B. let the cat out of the bag C. a night owl D. at a snail’s pace E. to take the bull by the horns №8. Define the American English word. A. luggage B. sweets C. flashlight D. rubbish E. petrol №9. Transference based on contiguity is also referred to as___ A. metonymy B. litote C. metaphor D. euphemism E. irony №10. Define the classification of a PU: “phraseological fusion”. A. to be in a good shape B. a big bug C. a home bird D. to be on the safe side E. white elephant №11. Where there’s is a will, there’s a way is A. euphemism B. taboo C. free word-group D. a proverb E. a cliché №12. Define the British English word. A. baggage 34 


B. sidewalk C. lorry D. subway E. gasoline №13. Dictionary of Mystery Writers Pseudonyms is … A. pharaselogical dictionary B. frequency dictionary C. specialized dictionary D. general dictionary E. explanatory dictionary №14. Choose the line with the sentence that has an idiom. A. there are two possible explanations about the origin of this famous phrase B. "why can't the mayor just cut all the red tape and let us have a parade without a permit" C. some idioms originated as colloquialisms or slang D. some idioms were well-known proverbs and short sayings that express practical, basic truth E. it’s time to go to bed №15. Define the word with British English spelling. A. dialog, catalog B. reflection C. color, honor D. favorite E. defence, offence №16. Informal words A. Colloquial B. Terms C. Learned words D. Poetic diction E. All answers are correct №17. Dictionaries of toponyms are A. dictionaries of the most difficult words 35 


B. general C. special dictionaries D. dictionaries of frequency E. explanatory dictionaries №18. Define American counterpart to “biscuit” A. Fall B. Cookie C. Chechers D. Pitcher E. Oatmeal №19. The following definition "coal, n. a black, hard substance that burns and gives off heat" is an entry from A. an etymological dictionary B. a dictionary of borrowings C. a bilingual dictionary D. an explanatory dictionary E. a pronunciation dictionary №20. The encyclopedic dictionaries are A. dictionaries which give information on all branches of knowledge B. unilingual books that give definitions of terms C. dictionaries explaining the origin of words D. word-books containing vocabulary items with their translation E. multilingual dictionaries №21. Never … till tomorrow that you can do today A. Put off B. Put on C. Put over D. Put down E. Put above №22. «Thesaurus» means A. a list of explanations of words, especially unusual ones at the end of a book B. an alphabetical list of words used in a book or collection of books by one writer 36 


C. an etymological dictionary D. a dictionary of abbreviations E. a collection of words put in groups together according to likeness in their meanings №23. Red flower is a (an) A. set phrase B. idiom C. free word-group D. phraseological unit E. word-equivalent №24. What is a polyglot dictionary? A. Multilingual dictionary B. Specialized dictionary C. Encyclopedia D. Bilingual dictionary E. Glossary №25. Lost time is never found A. Again B. Always C. Never D. Usually E. Actually №26. «Teach» – in the word «teacher»is A. non-root morpheme B. root morpheme C. prefix D. suffix E. infix №27. The term … is an expression substituted for another phrase which has acquired a negative connotation A. litote B. irony C. euphemism 37 


D. hyperbole E. metaphor №28. Choose the line where all the words have American spelling. A. travelling, centre, colour, offence B. jewellery, woolen, favour, metre C. armour, although, fibre, monologue D. humor, theater, program, thru E. telegramme, center, picturesque, favour №29. The words glamour, kilt, raid, came into English from … A. The Scottish dialects; B. Cockney; C. the Irish dialect ; D. Australian English; E. Canadian English №30. Define acronym with the alphabetical reading. A. NATO B. FIFA C. NASA D. IELTS E. VIP №31. The following words: pyjamas, khaki, mango, bungalow came from … A. Australia; B. New Zealand; C. India D. Canada; E. The USA. №32. A phraseological fusion is … A. a partially motivated word-group B. a completely non-motivated word-group C. a partially non-motivated word-group D. a motivated word-group E. a completely motivated word-group 38 


№33. Complete the following idiom as sly as … A. a cat B. a fox C. a rock D. an owl E. a rose №34. Complete the idiom "as like as two…" using one of the following words A. peas B. bears C. twins D. nuts E. cucumbers №35. Dialect words are … A. a peculiar type of word or phrase expressing a definite conception B. a variety of a language which prevails in a district, with local peculiarities of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. C. used in everyday conversational speech both by cultivated and uneducated people of all age groups. D. mainly associated with the printed page. E. slang №36. (To be) like a bull in a china shop means … A. to be a cause of anger B. to be an insensitive, crude person C. to feel very proud and happy about something D. to feel uncomfortable, ill at ease in one’s surroundings, situation E. to be a careless, clumsy person who may cause damage through lack of skill or care №37. Glossaries are … A. word-books containing vocabulary items in one language and their equivalents in another language B. unilingual books that give definitions of terms C. thing-books that give information about extra-linguistic factors D. dictionaries explaining origin of words E. dictionaries giving information about all branches of knowledge 39 


№38. Complete the following idiom of comparison as busy as … A. a bee B. a mouse C. a frog D. a dove E. an ant №39. According to the semantic classification word-groups fall into … A. motivated and non-motivated B. movable C. immovable D. communicative E. non-communicative №40. An idiom is … A. an expression or phrase the meaning of which is different from the literal meanings of its components B. a free word-group C. a proverb D. a familiar quotation E. a saying №41. Out of sight out of mind is … A. euphemism B. taboo C. free word-group D. a cliché E. a proverb №42. Vinogradov's classification of phraselogical units is based on … A. the criterion of function B. the criterion of structure C. the criterion of idiomaticity D. the criterion of fixed context E. the theory of word equivalence №43. Phraseological units differ from free word-groups in… A. their reproducibility in speech, idiomaticity and structural stability 40 


B. their reproducibility in speech and structural variability C. their structural stability and usability in the direct sense D. their ability to function as independent units of communication E. their ability to function as word-equivalents №44. Specialized dictionaries include … A. explanatory dictionaries B. dictionaries of neologisms and translation dictionaries C. dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, idioms D. etymological, rhyming and thesaurus type dictionaries E. dictionaries of frequency №45. Words to commence, to compute are … A. learned words B. common colloquial words C. dialectical words D. jargonisms E. vulgarisms №46. «I have told you 50 times» is an example of a … A. metonymy B. metaphor C. euphemism D. hyperbole E. litotes №47. Taboo is the main cause of such a linguistic phenomenon as a (an) … A. idiom B. euphemism C. hybrid D. etymological doublet E. metonymy №48. Choose the line with the case of a metaphor A. the Pentagon B. the bonnet of the car C. to kick the bucket 41 


D. at all E. tick-tack №49. Choose the line with the words belonging to terminology A. lovely, beautiful, colorful, handsome B. a book, a shop, a suit, a street C. telegraph, antibiotic, radar, metaphor D. to go to bed, to get up, to have breakfast, to clean E. three, above, are, far, straight №50. Seeds of evil is … A. metonymy B. simile C. litotes D. metaphor E. epithet

2nd variant №1. The White House, Boston, volt, mackintosh are cases of … A. a metaphor B. a metonymy C. a euphemism D. an irony E. litotes №2. What is polysemy? A. the ability of words to coincide in their sound form B. the existence of contrastive meanings within a word C. the existence within one word of several connected meanings as the result of the development and changes of its original meaning D. words with opposite meanings E. the existence of only one meaning within words №3. Define the classification of PU: “phraseological unities” A. a blue stocking B. a white feather C. baker’s dozen 42 


D. to make a mountain out of a molehill E. red tape №4. What is the meaning of the underlined parts of words?: monolingual, monosyllable, monologue A. one B. many C. all D. every E. each №5. What is the dominant synonym? A. it is the figurative meaning of the synonymic set B. a central word which meaning is equal and common to all the synonymic group C. ready-made, stable synonyms D. connotational meaning is equal to denotational E. indecent, rude, too direct meaning of synonymic group №6. Cross out non-somatic idiom A. to be good hand at something B. to live from hand to mouth C. to pay through the nose D. to stick to one’s word E. to keep your head №7. Point out the informal style of speech A. learned words B. literary C. professional terminology D. dialect words E. official letter №8. Define the American English word A. candy B. lift C. torch D. flat E. rubbish 43 


№9. Phraseological units differ from free word-groups in … A. their reproducibility in speech, idiomaticity and structural stability B. their reproducibility in speech and structural variability C. their structural stability and usability in the direct sense D. their ability to function as independent units of communication E. their ability to function as word-equivalents №10. Cockney is … A. The official language of Great Britain B. The regional dialect of London C. The dialect is spoken by educated person D. Slang E. Jargon №11. Find the word which is colloquial in style: A. Parent B. Father C. Ancestor D. Dad E. Mother №12. Vinogradov's classification of phraselogical units is based on A. the criterion of function B. the criterion of structure C. the criterion of idiomaticity D. the criterion of fixed context E. the theory of word equivalence №13. Find the synonymic dominant in the following series of synonyms: shine, -flash, blaze, -gleam, glister A. to shine B. to flash C. to blaze D. to gleam E. to glister №14. Find a noun built with the help of a suffix denoting diminutiveness … A. Hostess 44 


B. Booklet C. Cutter D. Decorator E. Reader №15. Choose the line with the synonymous phraseological units A. to take the bull by the horns; to wear one's heart on one's sleeve; to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs B. in the soup; in the pink; under a cloud C. to show one's cards; to look through one's fingers; to show the white feather D. through thin and thin; by hook or by crook; for love or money E. to wash one’s dirty linen in public; jack in the box; Jack of all trades №16. The following words hell, damn, shut up are… A. terms B. dialectical words C. vulgarisms D. slang E. synonyms №17. Which words are associated with the printed page? A. Slang B. All answers are correct C. Colloquialisms D. Dialectisms E. Learned №18. Define the word with American English spelling. A. encyclopaedia B. specialty, cozy C. centre, theatre D. favourite E. honour, colour №19. Complete the simile “as gentle as a ...” A. feather B. wolf 45 


C. fox D. lamb E. bee №20. A stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech is a… A. cliché B. proverb C. set-expression D. phraseological unit E. idiom №21. Phraseology studies … A. lexical homonyms B. graphical abbreviations C. synonyms and antonyms D. free word-combinations and phraseological units E. phrasal verbs №22. The selection of lexical units, arrangement and setting of the entries is one of the main problems in … A. Phonetics B. Lexicography C. Phraseology D. Lexicology E. Grammar №23. Lexical valency is the ability of a word A. to appear in various word combinations B. to lose its meanings C. to appear in various grammatical structures D. to acquire new meanings E. to generalize its meaning №24. The system of grammatical forms characteristic of a word is called… A. a paradigm B. an inflection 46 


C. formatives D. valency E. a word formation №25. As brave as a … A. Dog B. Tiger C. Cow D. Bull E. Lion №26. Actions speak louder than … A. Phrases B. Proverbs C. Words D. Sentences E. Texts №27. Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological collocation? A. to come into fashion B. to kick the bucket C. to show one’s teeth D. red tape E. to bear malice №28. Choose the line with set expressions that function like interjections A. in the pink B. by heart C. cat's paw D. by hook or by crook E. Oh Boy! My God! №29. Local variation of Standard English A. Colloquial B. Dialect C. Slang 47 


D. Term E. Euphemism №30. Frequency dictionary is a A. Concordance B. General dictionary C. Special dictionary D. Thesaurus E. Multilingual dictionary №31. Define the language from what the word “Blitzkrieg” is borrowed … A. French B. Italian C. Russian D. German E. Latin №32. Pronouncing dictionaries record only … A. Semantic features of words B. Neologisms C. Pronunciation D. Origin of words E. Historical development of words №33. The toponyms: Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Utah are… A. Indian words (of Indian tribes) B. Spanish words C. German words D. French words E. Italian words 34. Dictionaries with the explanation in another language are… A. Multilingual B. Glossaries C. Bilingual D. Polylingual E. Monolingual 48 


№35. Choose the definition of a phraseological unit A. words joined together to make up single self-contained lexical units B. any prepositional or postpositional phrases C. the smallest two-facet language unit D. functionally and semantically inseparable word-groups E. the basic unit of a language №36. Dictionaries of American English are … A. general dictionaries B. etymological dictionaries C. special dictionaries D. dictionaries of synonyms E. explanatory dictionaries №37. A stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech is a … A. cliché B. proverb C. set-expression D. phraseological unit E. idiom №38. Dictionaries of abbreviations, antonyms are … A. Glossaries B. special dictionaries C. general dictionaries D. rhyming and thesaurus type of dictionaries E. etymological dictionaries №39. The words glamour, kilt, raid, came into English from… A. The Scottish dialects; B. Cockney; C. The Irish dialect ; D. Australian English; E. Canadian English №40. Point out the informal style of speech. A. professional terminology 49 


B. official letter C. colloquial words D. learned words E. literary №41. What is a slang word? A. a man B. kid C. pound D. a child E. good №42. Define the total idiomatic compound word A. highway B. flower-bed C. money-box D. butter-finger E. blacklist №43. Word-groups with a completely changed meaning, they are not motivated the meaning cannot be deduced from the meanings of the constituent parts are called… A. praseological word-groups B. praseological unities C. praseological fusions D. praseological units E. praseological combinations №44. Glossaries are … A. thing-books that give information about extra-linguistic factors B. unilingual books that give definitions of terms C. word-books containing vocabulary items in one language and their equivalents in another language D. dictionaries explaining origin of words E. dictionaries giving information about all branches of knowledge №45. Choose the line describing the distinctive feature of proverbs A. proverbs function as word-equivalents 50 


B. proverbs are neither parts of statement, nor do they stand for the whole statement C. proverbs are completely non-motivated D. proverbs function as independent units of communication E. proverbs function as word-groups №46. Choose the line with the synonymous phraseological units A. through thin and thin; by hook or by crook; for love or money B. in the soup; in the pink; under a cloud C. to show one's cards; to look through one's fingers; to show the white feather D. to take the bull by the horns; to wear one's heart on one's sleeve; to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs Е. to wash one’s dirty linen in public; jack in the box; Jack of all trades №47. What is the dominant synonym? A) it is the figurative meaning of the synonymic set B) indecent, rude, too direct meaning of synonymic group C) a ready-made, stable synonyms D) when the connotational meaning is equal to denotational E) a central word which meaning is equal and common to all the synonymic group №48. Find the euphemisms to the verb «to die» A. to create, to imagine, to fancy, to evoke B. to have devil life, to have black night, to join the majority C. to yield up the ghost, to go the way of all flesh, to go West, to check out D. to be boiled, to close eyes, to delicate, to pay guest E. to glaze, to stare, to peep, to peer №49. Transference based on resemblance is also referred to as ___ A. metonymy B. litote C. euphеmism D. metaphor E. irony 51 


№50. There are 3 types of motivation. They are ___ A. morphological, lexical, structural B. morphological, phonetic, semantic C. semantic, special, general D. blending, shortening, clipping E. morphemic, lingual, lexical

3rd variant №1. A proverb is … A. a saying expressing some well-known truth B. a familiar quotation C. a free word-group D. a verb-adverb combination E. a traditional compound №2. Define the somatic idiom A. a cold fish B. kill time C. jump out one’s skin D. play with fire E. sick and tired №3. It is a transfer of the meaning on the basis of comparison A. metonymy B. elevation C. degradation D. litote E. metaphor №4. Give the English equivalent for phrase “важная шишка”. A. a main person B. a big man C. a good man D. a high bug E. a big shot №5. Metonymy is based on … A. pejoration of meaning 52 


B. harrowing of meaning C. contiguity of meaning D. extension of meaning E. amelioration of meaning №6. The only existing classification system of synonyms was established by… A. I.V. Arnold B. V.V. Vinogradov C. G.B. Antrushina. D. R.S. Ginzburg. E. A.V. Koonin №7. «Mother-in-law, Jack-of-all trades, forget-me-not» are the examples of… composition. A. neutral B. morphological C. simple D. idiomatic E. syntactical №8. What are hybrids? A. idiomatic compounds B. removal of the functional and derivational elements C. words which are made after existing patterns D. words made up of elements derived from two or more different language E. the smallest meaningful units №9. Choose the definition of a phraseological unit A. words joined together to make up single self-contained lexical units B. any prepositional or postpositional phrases C. the smallest two-facet language unit D. the basic unit of a language E. functionally and semantically inseparable word-groups №10. The American word «fall» is … A. Autumn 53 


B. Spring C. Winter D. Summer E. All answers are correct №11. Find a non-literary word (slang) … A. Mother B. Missus C. Wife D. Sister E. Husband №12. Choose the line describing the distinctive feature of proverbs A. proverbs function as word-equivalents B. proverbs are neither parts of statement, nor do they stand for the whole statement C. proverbs are completely non-motivated D. proverbs function as independent units of communication E. proverbs function as word-groups №13. Define the classification of a PU: “phraseological unities”. A. a white feather B. to make a mountain out of a molehill C. a blue stocking D. red tape E. baker’s dozen №14. An idiom is … A. an expression or phrase the meaning of which is different from the literal meanings of its components B. a free word-group C. a proverb D. a familiar quotation E. a saying №15. According to the semantic classification word-groups fall into A. communicative B. movable 54 


C. immovable D. motivated and non-motivated E. non-communicative №16. Classification of phraseological units cannot be based on … A. the degree of idiomaticity B. contextual approach C. functional approach D. on a combination of the functional, semantic and structural features E. only on the structural principle №17. Informal vocabulary is used in … A. Family B. Reports C. Scientific paper D. Newspaper articles E. All answers are correct №18. Give the English equivalent for phrase «важная шишка» A. a main person B. a big shot C. a good man D. a high bug E. a big man №19. The English-Russian Dictionary of Synonyms is … A. general, bilingual, diachronic B. specialized, diachronic C. explanatory, bilingual, restricted D. monolingual, restricted, synchronic E. encyclopedic, general №20. (To be) like a bull in a china shop means … A. to be a cause of anger B. to be an insensitive, crude person C. to feel very proud and happy about something D. to feel uncomfortable, ill at ease in one’s surroundings, situation E. to be a careless, clumsy person who may cause damage through lack of skill or care. 55 


№21. Complete the simile «as greedy as a …» A. wolf B. fox C. pig D. cat E. dog №22. A term is… A. a peculiar type of word or word combination expressing a definite conception B. a preposition C. a proverb D. a conjunction E. slang №23. Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological fusion A. take a fancy B. wash one's dirty linen in public C. show one's teeth D. to kick the bucket E. to come into fashion №24. Better late than … A. Never B. Always C. Ever D. Just now E. Usually №25. Which of the following phraseological units is not motivated? A. bear a grudge B. bear malice C. hot dog D. take a liking E. to show one’s teeth №26. A phraseological fusion is … A. a partially motivated word-group 56 


B. a completely non-motivated word-group C. a partially non-motivated word-group D. a motivated word-group E. a completely motivated word-group №27. To know the way the wind blows is … A. phraseological unity B. phraseological fusion C. phraseological combination D. familiar quotation E. proverb. №28. Define the language from what the word is borrowed «kindergarten» A. German B. French C. Italian D. Russian E. Latin №29. Etymology investigates… A. Peculiarities of the English vocabulary B. Different types of compounds C. The origin and history of a word and its true meaning D. Different kinds of dictionaries E. General problems of the theory of the word №30. Words borrowed from one language into several other languages are called… A. borrowings B. euphemisms C. synonyms D. international E. toponyms №31. Which of the following words are native English? A. devoid, interrogate, stomach B. vacuum, question, abdomen 57 


C. empty, ask, belly D. finish, complete, ascend E. compare, cry, commence №32. What does lexical assimilation of borrowings comprise? A. change in sound form and stress B. various changes in the semantic structure of the word and formation of derivatives from borrowed word-stems C. different changes in sound -form and grammatical paradigms D. changes in sound form E. structural changes №33. What does the native element of the English vocabulary consist of … A. Latin and Celtic elements B. Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian elements C. Indo-European and Germanic elements D. Indo-European and Celtic elements E. Celtic and Scandinavian elements №34. Barbarisms are … A. completely assimilated words B. semantically assimilated words C. partially assimilated words D. words which are not assimilated E. grammatically assimilated words №35. Which of the following words are of French origin? A. empty, ask, belly B. afternoon, and, ask C. beau, commence, chauffeur D. hyena, home, husband E. hippopotamus, guerilla, caftan №36. The words: ballet, buffet corps, bouquet, cliché are borrowings from… A. Latin B. Indian 58 


C. Spanish D. French E. Scandinavian №37. Choose the line with the native English. A. vacuum, exist, act B. machine, parachute, valley C. xylophone, epoch, chemist D. confetti, macaroni, tobacco E. summer, hope, life №38. The words “cheese, street, wall, wine” belong to the earliest layer of … borrowings A) Indian B) Latin C) Greek D) French E) Japanese №39. The difference between the British and American English is noticeable especially in the field of… A. phonetics B. grammar C. vocabulary D. rhythm and intonation of speech E. in all the fields of the language system. №40. Lexicography deals with … A. the word-making process in English B. variants of the English language C. classification of loan words D. the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries E. the etymological background of the English word stock №41. Choose the line with the words having American spelling. A. travelling, centre, colour, offence B. jewellery, woolen, favour, metre C. armour, although, fibre, monologue 59 


D. humor, theater, program, thru E. telegramme, center, picturesque, favour №42. Phraseology studies … A. graphical abbreviations B. free word-combinations and phraseological units C. synonyms and antonyms D. lexical homonyms E. phrasal verbs №43. Concept is … A. a referent B. an object C. a sound-form D. a meaning E. a thought №44. The following definition "coal, n. a black, hard substance that burns and gives off heat" is an entry from… A. an explanatory dictionary B. a dictionary of word-frequency C. a bilingual dictionary D. a dictionary of pronunciation E. an etymological dictionary №45. Which dictionary gives information about extra-linguistic world? A. bilingual dictionaries B. translation dictionaries C. glossaries D. thesaurus E. encyclopedia №46. Dictionaries of abbreviations, antonyms, borrowings, neologisms are … A. general dictionaries B. special dictionaries C. glossaries 60 


D. rhyming and thesaurus type of dictionaries E. etymological dictionaries №47. The selection of lexical units, an arrangement and setting of the entries is one of the main problems in … A. lexicology B. phonetics C. phraseology D. lexicography E. grammar №48. What are the main criteria used to distinguish between free word-groups and phraseological units? A. criteria of stability and lack of motivation B. criteria of stability, lack of motivation, criterion of function, context C. criterion of function, context D. criterion of stability, context E. criterion of non-motivated units №49. A list of words in which the entry words are arranged in alphabetical order starting with their final letters are… A. pronouncing dictionaries B. usage dictionaries C. dictionaries of word frequency D. dictionaries of slang E. reverse dictionaries №50. Dictionaries of toponyms are… A. general B. dictionaries of the most difficult words C. specialized dictionaries D. dictionaries of frequency E. explanatory dictionaries



Lecture 1. Lexicology as a Linguistic discipline. 1. Make up the new words from the root morphemes by adding affixes according to the model: prove – improve – improvement, improving, improvident. Lecture 2. Lexical Units. 1. Analyze the following lexical units according to their structure. Point out the function of morphemes. Speak about bound and free morphemes. Accompanied, computerize, expressionless, reservation, girl, quickly, management, engaging, agreement, lengthen, clannish, pleasure, pleasant, beautify, workaholic, reconstruction, counterproductive, specialize, rearrange, three-cornered, table, flower-pot, half-eaten, well-done, breadwinner. Lecture 3. Types of Word-building: Affixation, Word-composition. 1. Analyze the following derived words, point out suffixes and prefixes and classify them from different point of view: non-violent, nourishment, to encourage, inwardly, to accompany, to derestrict, dispensable, clannishness, to overreach, foundation, childishness, transgressor, reappearance, historic, resistance, wisdom, concentration, self-employed, brinkmanship, inaction, allusion, self-criticism, computerize, slimming, impatient. 2. Write the following compound words into four columns: neutral compounds, derived compounds, compound words consisting of three or more stems, compound-shortened words: sunflower, M-day, a high-pitched voice, U-turns, golden-haired, filmgoer, honeymoon, late-comer, V-day, absent-mindedness, shop-window, baby-sitter, mother-land, chairman, unladylike, radio-equipped car, match62 


breaker, H-bag, working-man, nobleman, air-conditioned hall, football, barefoot, TV-show, lady-killer, music-lover, salesman, lip-stick, good-fornothing, theatre-goer, well-dressed, bio-engineer. Lecture 4. Types of Word-building: Shortenings, Conversion. 1. Define the types and cases of Conversion. Explain the meaning of the words. To eye, a find, to slim, to airmail, to toy, to nose, handed, to dog, maker, runner, to pale, to weekend, to cool, to slice, the poor, to dry, to nurse, to lunch, to bottle, to face, to rat, to monkey, to rough, cut, walk, move, to dress6 viewer, the blind. 2. Analyze the following abbreviations. Define the types of abbreviations. CD-ROM, aggro /aggression/, AIDS /acquired immunity deficiency syndrome/, Ala /Alabama/, a.s.a.p. /as soon as possible/, IT /information technology/, BC /birth certificate/, burger /hamburger/, CALL /computerassisted language learning/, PA /personal assistant/, PS /postscript/, mg /milligram/, UN /United Nations/, PIN /Personal Identification Number/, expo /exposition/, el-hi /elementary and high schools/, fax /facsimile/, G-7 /group of seven: GB, Germany, Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Spain/. 3. Give the full form of the following abbreviations. NATO, UNO, BC, MP, NASA, UEFA, IQ, PIN, FIFA, VIP, UCAS, UFO, CD-ROM, IT. 4. Classify the following abbreviations into four groups: Apharesis, Apocope, Syncope, Both Initial and Final shortenings. Tec – detective, vac – vacuum, bus – omnibus, hols – holidays, com – computer, fan – fanatic, maths – mathematics, plane – aeroplane, fridge – refrigerator, phone – interphone, net – internet, flu – influenza, fend – defend, ad, advert – advertisement, chute –parachute. Lecture 5. Non-Productive Ways of Word-Formation. 1. Define the types of non-productive ways of word-building: edutainment, full– fill, to butle (butler), riff-raff, to af`fix -`affix, cuckoo, life – to live, to cobble – cobbler, to con`flict – `conflict, walkie-talkie, chi63 


chi, `contest-con`test, agreement, bark, bus (omnibus), to beg (beggar), brunch, ping-pong, buzz, slanguist, poor – the poor, miaow, tip-top, emote (emotion), slanguist, to clothe-cloth. 2. Write which words have combined to form the following terms: Oxbridge, interpol, emoticon, netiquette, netizen, technophobe, motel, heliport, slanguage, medicare, slimnastics, sci-fi, informecial. 3. Give the complete classification of the following words: rewrite, brunch, music-lover, CD-ROM, baby-sitter, blackberry, US, strong-strength, TV-program, export – to export, a toy – to toy, to do – doer, netizen, telecast (television broadcast), computer – to compute, ping-pong, Ph.D., firmly, internet- net, Str. – street, smog, marriage, cuckoo, sunflower-seed, V-day, action, blockbuster, draughtsman. 4. Group the words formed by sound-interchange into: 1) those formed by vowel-interchange, 2) those formed by consonant-interchange, 3) those formed by combining both means, i.e. vowel- and consonant-interchange. Long (adj) – length (n), speak (v) – speech (n), wreathe (v) – wreath (n), bake (v) – batch (n), strike (v) – stroke (n), house (n) – house (v), breathe (v) – breath (n), believe (v) – belief (n), full (adj) – fill (v), lose (v) – loss (n), prove (v) – proof (n), knot ( n) – knit (v), glaze (v) – glass (n), shelve (v) – shelf (n), wake (v) – watch (n), sing (v) – song (n), clothe (v) – cloth (n), bite (v) – bit (n), halve (v) – half (n), abide (v) – abode (n), serve (v) – serf (n), deep (adj) – depth (n), bathe (v) – bath (n), ride (v) – road (n). Lecture 6. Etymology of English Words. Borrowings. 1. Subdivide the following words into: Native English origin, Latin origin, Scandinavian origin, French origin, Spanish origin, Italian origin, Greek origin, German Origin. 1. Cherry, pear, plum, beet, pepper 2. Pupil, lesson, library, science, pencil. 3. Father, mother, brother, son 4. Libretto, violin, opera, operetta, alarm. 5. Hurricane, tomato, tobacco, chocolate. 6. Waltz yacht, dog, landscape. 7. Take, cast, die, law sky, skill, ski. 8. Anemia, criterion, hormone. 64 


2. Divide the following words of native origin into: Anglo-Saxon, Indo-European, Germanic languages: Goose, glad, must, under, head, bone, drink, night, woman, sun, moon, can, will, green, white, see, thick, father, brother, finger, rain, grass, they, four, but, good, oak, room, land, should, heart, whose, fir, tree. Lecture 7. Semasiology. Semantic Structure of English words. 1. Explain the different meanings and different usages, giving Russian equivalents of: Smart, adj. Smart clothes, a smart answer, a smart house, a smart garden, a smart officer, a smart blow, a smart punishment. Stubborn, adj. A stubborn child, a stubborn look, a stubborn horse, a stubborn resistance, a stubborn fighting, a stubborn cough, a stubborn depression. Blank, adj. Blank wall, blank verse, blank sheet, blank form, blank years, blank face, blank look. Root, n. The root of the tooth, the root of the matter, square root, cube root, family roots. Perform, v. To perform one’s duty, to perform an operation, to perform a dance, to perform a play. 2. Arrange the compounds into two groups: a) idiomatic, b) nonidiomatic. Say whether the semantic change within idiomatic compounds is partial or total. Light-hearted, butterfly, flower-pot, backache, water-melon, cabman, blackberry, bluebell, wolf-dog, highway, horse-marine, greengrocer, lazybones, blacklist, butter-finger, earth-quake, lady-killer, seaman, sun-flower, ladybird, bluecoat, money-box, flower-bed, sunflower-seed, air-kiss, culture-vulture. Lecture 8. Types of Semantic Relations. Synonyms. 1. Point out the synonymic dominant of each group and explain the connotative meanings of the following synonyms: 65 

journey – voyage – trip – tour – cruise – travel – hitch-hiking; road – path – way – track – highway; disease – illness – malady – ailment; to be anxious – to worry – to trouble – to bother. 2. Give several types of synonyms to the following words. Explain their meanings. to walk, to discuss, to love, angry, famous, pretty, snack, alone, vacant, various. Lecture 9. Antonyms. 1. Find the antonyms for the words given below: deep, narrow, clever, to reject, strong, bright, sad, to open, big, young. 2. Choose the correct prefixes (il-, in-, im-, ir-, un-, mis-, dis-) to the following words: personal, name, print, manage, legal, human, experienced, important, prove, patient, perfect, liberal, correct, moral, accurate, obedient, pleased, skilled, relevant, stable, regular, reasonable, expensive, capable, honour, lock, ability. Lecture 10. Homonyms. 1. Classify homonyms into homonyms proper, homographs and homophones. Explain the meanings of these words in English. а row [rou] – a row [rau], a fan – a fan, right (adj.) – right (n.), a piece – peace, bean (n.) – been (v.), made (v) – maid (n), a bow [bəu] (n.) – to bow [bau] (v.), tear [teə]- (v.) – a tear [tiə] (n.), sea (n.) – see (v.), a band – a band, week (n.) – weak (adj.), desert (n.) – to desert (v.), flour (n.) – a flower, a mole – a mole. 2. Work with the dictionary. Find fifteen homonyms, explain their meanings of these words in English and give their classification. Lecture 11. Euphemisms. Analyze the following euphemisms. – curvy, fluffy, full-figured or heavy-set instead of «fat»; – lost their lives for «were killed»; 66 


– ill-advised for ‘very poor or bad’; – pre-owned vehicles for «used cars»; – a student being held back a grade level for «having failed or flunked the grade level»; – sanitation worker (or sarcastically, sanitation officer or sanitation engineer) for «bin man» or «garbage man»; – alcohol-related, single-car crash for «drunk driver»; – specific about what one eats for being a picky eater; – intellectually challenged for «being mentally retarded»; – legal capital for «stated capital»; – gender reassignment for «sex change»; – differently abled for «disabled»; – chemical dependency for «drug addiction»; – dual-diagnosed for «having both mental illness and drug problems». Lecture 12. Neologisms. 1. Analyze the following neologisms from the point of view of neology theory and also from the point of view of their morphemic structure and the way they were formed. tourmobile, to de-dramatize , non-formals, to baby-sit, hide-away, to scrimp and save, fireside chat, cashless society, multinationals, hyperacidity, D-Day, religiosity, communication gap, laundered money, cheeseburger, micro-surgical, medicare. 3.        

Write a report or make presentation on the given themes: Types of Neologisms and their characteristics. Art and Music Neologisms. Neologisms used in Mass Media. Computing Neologisms. Sports Neologisms. Neologisms in Fashions, clothing, footwear. New Business Words and new meanings. The creation of Neologisms with the help of word-building.

Lecture 13. Phraseology. Word groups and phraseological units. 1. Analyze the following phraseological units according to their meaning, structure, syntactical function and the way they are formed. Give Russian equivalents. 67 


to leap into marriage; to stick your neck out; to be behind scenes; to be under someone’s thumb; to lend someone a hand; to pay through the nose; to jump out of one’s skin; as smart as paint; it’s my cup of tea; to be in the dog house; to get off one’s back; bosom friends; bitter truth; to ride the high horse; to spill the beans; to skate on thin ice; Cash and carry; to nose out; Berlin wall; a close mouth catches no flies; rain cats and dogs; to take the bull by the horns; a big bug; a fish out of water; a black look; to be green; to get into a jam; to stick your neck out; to be behind scenes; the green power; Green Berets; a home bird; a cat nap; to live from hand to mouth; Nuts and bolts. 2. Complete the following similes. Translate the phraseological units into Russian. 1. As busy as ... a. soot 2. As sharp as … b. a lamb 3. As cold as … c. a mouse 4. As white as … d. ice 5. As bold as … e. a fox 6. As changeable as … f. a razor 7. As greedy as … g. a bird 8. As free as … h. brass 9. As quiet as … i. a cat 10. As black as … j. a pig 11. As blind as … k. ABC 12. As cunning as … l. a bat 13. As gentle as … m. the hills 14. As easy as … n. a bee 15. As old as … o. chalk Lecture 14. Differences between American and British Variants of English. 1. Write the following words according to the British norms of spelling. woolen, humor, color, check, program, catalog, center, favor, jewelry. 2. Give American English equivalents. Block of flats. Petrol. Bill. Pavement. Postbox. Form. Lift. Railway. Motor-car. State school. Chemist. Underground. Biscuits. Rubbish. Torch. Curtain. Trolley. Tap. 68 

3. Match the words in American English with their British equivalents. American English words: 1. baggage; 2. blow-out; 3.gasoline; 4.round trip 5. line; 6. sidewalk. 7. subway; 8. tag; 9. truck; 10. vacation; 11. check; 12.yard; 13. wire; 14. drapes; 15. flashlight; 16. elevator ; 17. garbage; 18. French fries; 19. eraser; 20. purse. British English words: A) rubber; B) telegram, C) garden, D) lift. E) luggage, F) label, G) petrol, H) underground, I) queue, J) puncture, K) lorry, L) chips; M) bill; N) torch; O) curtains. P) handbag; Q) return; R) rubbish; S) holiday; T) pavement. Lecture 15. Formal and Informal Styles of Speech. 1. Match the Slang words with Standard English: Slang 1. Pal, mate 2. Guy, fellow, bloke 3. Kid 4. Cops 5. Buck 6. Quid 7. Broose 8. Down 9. Clear off 10. Chuck, sling 11. Fire, sack 12. Great 13. Sure 14. Watch it! 15. You’re having me on 16. Tap. 17. Ain’t (isn’t, aren’t, hasn’t, haven’t)

Standard English a. child b. dismiss c. good d. isn’t, aren’t e. You are cheating me f. pound g. friend h. man i. police j. alcohol k. dollar l. Thank you m. Be careful! n. to throw o. Of course! p. go away r. depressed.

Lecture 16. English Lexicography 1. Define which type the given dictionaries refer to: encyclopedic – linguistic, general – restricted, explanatory – specialized, monolingual – bilingual. 69 


E.g. The Macmillan Phrasal Verbs Plus is a linguistic, restricted, explanatory, monolingual dictionary. 1. The New Oxford Dictionary of English. 2. The Oxford EnglishRussian Dictionary. 3. The English Pronouncing Dictionary. 4. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5. The Longman Business English Dictionary. 6. The Cambridge Guide to Fiction in English. 7. A Dictionary of Neologisms. 8. The Macmillan Collocations Dictionary. 9. A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonyms. 10. The Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. 11. The Macmillan Study Dictionary. 12. The EnglishRussian Phraseological Dictionary. 2. Choose three words in the dictionary and analyze the nature of the information presented in the given entries. (See the presentation of illustrative material). Every dictionary entry begins with the head word in a bold сommand1 /kəma:nd / noun 1 [U] control over someone or something and responsibility for them командование, руковоство. The soldiers were under the command of a tough sergeant-major. ◦ Jones was in command (= the leader). 2 [C] B2 an order to do something приказ, команда 3 [no plural] B2 knowledge of a subject, especially a language знание, владение (предметом) She had a good command of French. 4 be at sb’s command to be ready to obey someone’s orders быть в чьум-либо распоряжении, быть к чьим-либо услугам 5 [C] an instruction to a computer команда сommand2 – verb formal1 [T] to control someone or something and tell them what to do командовать He commanded the armed forces. 2 [I,T] to order someone to do something приказывать (+to do sth) The officer commanded his men to shoot. 3 command attention/loyalty/respect, etc to deserve and get attention, loyalty, respect, etc from other people приковывать внимание/внушать предоннасть/уважение.



KEYS TO THE TESTS Midterm control 1 № 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.


1 variant 2 B E A D C B E A C E B A C A D B D C A C B A D A C E D C B A D B A E


2 variant 3 A D C E C D B A C A C E C D B D E A D C D E C B C D A C D A B C B D

Midterm control 2 rd

3 variant 4 C D A E B B E C B A E A C B D E C C A E B C C B C A B C B D D A B B


1 variant 5 B A D C A B E C A E D C C B E A C B D A D E C A A B C D A E C B B A

2nd variant 6 B C D A B D D A A B D C A B D C E B D A D B A A E C E E B B D C A C

3rd variant 7 A C E E C B E D E A B D B A D E A B C E C A D A C B C A C D C B C D 71 


1 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.



2 B D B A D E A C D E A C E C B D

3 A C D B E D A B E A D C D A E C

4 E B C A C D A B A B D C E B E D

5 B E B A A A E C A C A D B B C D

6 D C A B A C B D C B D A E C D B

7 C D E B C D D B E A E B D B C C


Tests ................................................................................................... 3 Midterm control №1........................................................................... 3 1st variant ..................................................................................... 3 2 nd variant ………………………………................................ 13 3 rd Variant ………………………………… ........................... 22 Midterm control №2 .......................................................................... 32 1st variant ……………………… .............................................. 32 2 nd variant …………………………………… ....................... 42 3 rd variant …………………………… ..................................... 52 Seminar Tasks …………………… ................................................ 62 Keys to the Tests …………………… ............................................ 71

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Dzharasova Toizhan Taibolatovna Rskeldieva Dana Baidibekovna ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY TESTS AND SEMINAR TASKS Educational manual Stereotypical publication Выпускающий редактор Г. Бекбердиева Компьютерная верстка Т.Е. Сапарова Дизайн обложки: Р.Е. Скаков

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