Encyclopedia of psychotherapy 0123430127, 0123430100, 0123430119

Psychotherapy is the dialogue between patient and therapist in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral, crisis, and me

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English Pages 1770 Year 2002

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Table of contents :
Cover Page......Page 1
Editors-in-Chief......Page 2
Associate Editors......Page 3
Preface......Page 6
Contents of Volume 1 (A - H)......Page 8
Contents of Volume 2 (I - W)......Page 11
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy......Page 15
Addictions in Special Addictions in Special......Page 23
Adjunctive/Conjoint Therapies......Page 29
Adlerian Psychotherapy......Page 37
Alternatives to Psychotherapy......Page 46
Anger Control Therapy......Page 54
Animal-Assisted Therapy......Page 62
Anxiety Disorders: Brief Intensive Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy......Page 69
Anxiety Management Training......Page 73
Applied Behavior Analysis......Page 82
Applied Relaxation......Page 106
Applied Tension......Page 114
Arousal Training......Page 120
Art Therapy......Page 124
Assertion Training......Page 128
Assisted Covert Sensitization......Page 136
Attention Training Procedures......Page 142
Aversion Relief......Page 149
Avoidance Training......Page 154
Backward Chaining......Page 158
Beck Therapy Approach......Page 163
Behavioral Assessment......Page 172
Behavioral Case Formulation......Page 191
Behavioral Consultation and Therapy......Page 197
Behavioral Contracting......Page 212
Behavioral Group Therapy......Page 217
Behavioral Marital Therapy......Page 226
Behavioral Therapy Instructions......Page 235
Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia......Page 239
Behavioral Weight Control Therapies......Page 245
Behavior Rehearsal......Page 254
Behavior Therapy: Historical Perspective and Overview......Page 259
Behavior Therapy: Theoretical Bases......Page 276
Bell-and-Pad Conditioning......Page 291
Biblical Behavior Modification......Page 299
Bibliotherapy......Page 306
Bioethics......Page 313
Biofeedback......Page 327
Breathing Retraining......Page 341
Brief Therapy......Page 345
Cancer Patients: Psychotherapy......Page 355
Chaining......Page 361
Character Pathology......Page 366
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic Principles......Page 375
Cinema and Psychotherapy......Page 395
Clarification......Page 401
Classical Conditioning......Page 408
Cognitive Appraisal Therapy......Page 423
Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy......Page 427
Cognitive Behavior Therapy......Page 443
Collaborative Care......Page 451
Communication Skills Training......Page 460
Comorbidity......Page 465
Competing Response Training......Page 470
Complaints Management Training......Page 475
Conditioned Reinforcement......Page 482
Confidentiality......Page 490
Configurational Analysis......Page 498
Confrontation......Page 503
Contingency Management......Page 511
Controlled Drinking......Page 519
Control-Mastery Theory......Page 531
Corrective Emotional Experience......Page 536
Correspondence Training......Page 541
Cost Effectiveness......Page 545
Countertransference......Page 553
Couples Therapy: Insight-Oriented......Page 557
Coverant Control......Page 562
Covert Positive Reinforcement......Page 569
Covert Rehearsal......Page 575
Covert Reinforcer Sampling......Page 580
Cultural Issues......Page 584
Danger Ideation Reduction Therapy......Page 595
Dialectical Behavior Therapy......Page 600
Differential Attention......Page 608
Differential Reinforcementof Other Behavior......Page 612
Discrimination Training......Page 619
Documentation......Page 625
Dosage Model......Page 632
Dreams, Use in Psychotherapy......Page 638
Eating Disorders......Page 647
Economic and Policy Issues......Page 657
Education: Curriculum forPsychotherapy......Page 678
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy......Page 684
Efficacy......Page 690
Electrical Aversion......Page 694
Emotive Imagery......Page 706
Engagement......Page 710
Existential Psychotherapy......Page 715
Exposure......Page 729
Exposure in Vivo Therapy......Page 734
Extinction......Page 742
Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing......Page 749
Fading......Page 758
Family Therapy......Page 763
Feminist Psychotherapy......Page 771
Flooding......Page 779
Formulation......Page 784
Forward Chaining......Page 792
Free Association......Page 797
Functional Analysis of Behavior......Page 800
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy......Page 807
Functional Communication Training......Page 812
Gambling: Behaviorand Cognitive Approaches......Page 818
Gestalt Therapy......Page 828
Gifted Youth......Page 838
Good Behavior Game......Page 844
Grief Therapy......Page 850
Group Psychotherapy......Page 855
Guided Mastery Therapy......Page 871
Habit Reversal......Page 875
Heterosocial Skills Training......Page 882
History of Psychotherapy......Page 888
Home-Based Reinforcement......Page 899
Homework......Page 904
Humanistic Psychotherapy......Page 909
Implosive Therapy......Page 918
Individual Psychotherapy......Page 924
Informed Consent......Page 933
Integrative Approaches to Psychotherapy......Page 941
Interpersonal Psychotherapy......Page 952
Interpretation......Page 963
Intrapsychic Conflict......Page 971
Job Club Method......Page 977
Jungian Psychotherapy......Page 982
Language in Psychotherapy......Page 995
Legal Dimensions of Psychotherapy......Page 1003
Logotherapy......Page 1018
Manualized Behavior Therapy......Page 1025
Matching Patients to Alcoholism Treatment......Page 1032
Medically Ill Patient: Psychotherapy......Page 1039
Minimal Therapist Contact Treatments......Page 1048
Modeling......Page 1053
Mood Disorders......Page 1061
Multicultural Therapy......Page 1071
Multimodal Behavior Therapy......Page 1080
Negative Practice......Page 1088
Negative Punishment......Page 1094
Negative Reinforcement......Page 1103
Neurobiology......Page 1110
Neuropsychological Assessment......Page 1125
Nocturnal Enuresis: Treatment......Page 1131
Objective Assessment......Page 1146
Object-Relations Psychotherapy......Page 1136
Oedipus Complex......Page 1150
Omission Training......Page 1158
Online or E-Therapy......Page 1162
Operant Conditioning......Page 1172
Organic Brain Syndrome: Psychotherapeutic and Rehabilitative Approaches......Page 1189
Orgasmic Reconditioning......Page 1198
Outcome Measures......Page 1205
Overcorrection......Page 1210
Pain Disorders......Page 1215
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia......Page 1221
Paradoxical Intention......Page 1227
Parent–Child Interaction Therapy......Page 1235
Patient Variables: Anaclitic and Introjective Dimensions......Page 1244
Positive Punishment......Page 1253
Positive Reinforcement......Page 1261
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder......Page 1267
Primary Care Behavioral Pediatrics......Page 1273
Progressive Relaxation......Page 1294
Projective Testing in Psychotherapeutics......Page 1301
Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Technique......Page 1307
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Overview......Page 1315
Psychodynamic Couples Therapy......Page 1323
Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy......Page 1330
Psychogenic Voice Disorders: Treatment......Page 1341
Psychopharmacology: Combined Treatment......Page 1346
Race and Human Diversity......Page 1355
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy......Page 1370
Reality Therapy......Page 1375
Reinforcer Sampling......Page 1381
Relapse Prevention......Page 1384
Relational Psychoanalysis......Page 1391
Relaxation Training......Page 1398
Research in Psychotherapy......Page 1407
Resistance......Page 1428
Response-Contingent Water Misting......Page 1434
Response Cost......Page 1442
Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy......Page 1446
Retention Control Training......Page 1451
Role-Playing......Page 1456
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders......Page 1460
Self-Control Desensitization......Page 1470
Self-Control Therapy......Page 1473
Self-Help Groups......Page 1479
Self-Help Treatment for Insomnia......Page 1484
Self Psychology......Page 1491
Self-Punishment......Page 1497
Self-Statement Modification......Page 1501
Setting Events......Page 1505
Sex Therapy......Page 1510
Short-Term Anxiety-Provoking Psychotherapy......Page 1526
Single-Case Methods and Evaluation......Page 1533
Single-Session Therapy......Page 1543
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy......Page 1547
Somatoform Disorders......Page 1553
Sports Psychotherapy......Page 1560
Spouse-Aided Therapy......Page 1566
Stretch-Based Relaxation Training......Page 1571
Structural Analysis of Social Behavior......Page 1578
Structural Theory......Page 1585
Substance Dependence: Psychotherapy......Page 1590
Successive Approximations......Page 1600
Sullivan’s Interpersonal Psychotherapy......Page 1602
Supervision in Psychotherapy......Page 1610
Supportive-Expressive Dynamic Psychotherapy......Page 1614
Symbolic Modeling......Page 1620
Systematic Desensitization......Page 1623
Tele-Psychotherapy......Page 1633
Termination......Page 1644
Therapeutic Factors......Page 1647
Therapeutic Storytelling with Children and Adolescents......Page 1658
Thought Stopping......Page 1667
Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy......Page 1671
Timeout......Page 1679
Token Economy......Page 1684
Token Economy: Guidelines for Operation......Page 1691
Topographic Theory......Page 1696
Transcultural Psychotherapy......Page 1701
Transference......Page 1711
Transference Neurosis......Page 1715
Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena......Page 1720
Trauma Management Therapy......Page 1726
Unconscious, The......Page 1733
Vicarious Conditioning......Page 1738
Vicarious Extinction......Page 1741
Virtual Reality Therapy......Page 1744
Vocational Rehabilitation......Page 1749
Women’s Issues......Page 1755
Working Alliance......Page 1763
Working Through......Page 1767

Encyclopedia of psychotherapy
 0123430127, 0123430100, 0123430119

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