Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology [Revised] 0877287538, 9780877287537

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Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology [Revised]
 0877287538, 9780877287537

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H L. Cornell, M D.



Encyclopaedia of

Medical Astrology

Encyclopaedia of

Medical Astrology by

HOWARD LESLIE CORNELL, M.D., LL.D. (Honorary Professor of Medical Astrology at the First National University of Naturopathy and Allied Sciences, Newark, N J .) Author of "Astrology and the Diagnosis of Disease", 1918, a bound volume of his "Magazine Articles on Medical and Biblical Astrology", 1924. Member of The New York PsychicaiResearch Society; National Geographic Society; The British Institute of Medical Astrology and Metaphysical Science; Permanent Member of the National Eclectic Medical Association. Formerly National Secretary of the National Astrological Society of the United States, and of the American Astrological Society.

THIRD REVISED EDITION Introduction by Laurel Lowell


York Beach, Maine

First paper edition published in 1992 by Samuel Weiser, Inc. Box612 York Beach, ME 03910

This work was first published in 1933 Second edition, 1939 Third revised edition, 1972

Introduction copyright © 1972 Llewellyn Publications and Samuel Weiser, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cornell, H. L. (Howard Leslie), b. 1872. Encyclopaedia of medical astrology I by H. L. Cornell. -- 1st paper ed.

p. ern. Originally published: 3rd, rev. ed. 1972. 1. Medical astrology--Encyclopedias. I. Title. BF1718.C73 1992 133.5' 861 '03--dc20 92-26219 CIP ISBN 0-87728-753-8 EB

Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials 239.48-1984.




NEWARK, N.J. COMBINING N. ~. ;htning-(See "Battle" in this sec9th H. at B.; malefics in the 9th H., tion). and affl.; the hyleg in the 9th H., and :uassacre-Death In Abroad-(See affl. by the 6 or evil asps. of malefics; "Battle" in this section). one or more malefics in the 9th H., or lUutiny-Death in Abroad-( See "Batin 6 in the 9th at a Solar Rev., and tle" in this section). the hyleg affl. by a train of evil directions; lord of the 9th in the 8th, danNative Land-Should Remain I n ger of death Abroad; lord of the 8th Should Remove-(See "Native Land" in the 9th and in 6 lord of the As c.; under Native; "Place of Birth" under lord of the lOth in the 9th; t!1e 2nd Place). dec. of on the Asc., ruled by the ]) ; Pirates-(See "Battle" in this secplanets ruling the anaretic places betion. Also see Pirates). ing in the cadent houses, and espec. Residence Abroad-(See Residence). if the ]) be in one of the anaretic places, or in 6 or 8 asp. to them; the Sickness Abroad-Lord of the 6th in 0 or ]) affl., and the ]) or lord of the the 9th, or lord of the 9th in the 6th, 1st be near violent fixed stars, or a sickness Abroad, or at Sea; lord of malefic or violent stars ascending, the 1st, or the ]) in the 6th, 8th, or danger of an untimely death Ahroad; 12th, or if combust, peregrine, or 6 or the ]) sepr. from o- and applying to evil asp. a malefic, much sickness or the 0. indicates a violent death in a distress Abroad; the 9th H., its lord, strange land if Abroad at the time; 1;! or the O or ]) affl., denotes sickness in the 12th H. at B., and affl., causes and disaster Abroad; h afflicting the the danger of detention in out-of-theSigs. of travel, or 12 in 9th, ruler of way places Abroad, by accident; h or 9th, or affl. lord of the 9th, sickness, o- in the 9th H., and affl.; malefics in or chronic ill-health Abroad. (See the 9th H., and affl. the hyleg. (See "Accidents", "Health" in this section). Sea, Ships, Shipwreck, Travel, vVar. Soldiers-Death or Injury Abroad in See "Sickness", and the various paravVar-(See "Battle" in this section. graphs in this section). Also see \Var). Assassinated Abroad-(See AssassiSuffering-And Distress Abroadnation). (See "Accidents", "Sickness", and other Battle-Death or Injury in Battle paragraphs in this section). and \Var Abroad-0" lord of the 8th, Travel Abroad-(See "Health", "Naand in the 9th H.; o- affl. the significative Land" in this section. Also see tors denotes death in battles Abroad, Travel). or by pirates, fire, mutiny, massacre, or lightning. (See War). Untimely Death Abroad-(See "Accidents" in this section). Death .\.broad-(See "Accidents", and the various paragraphs in this secYioience-:Meets with Violence, or a tion). Case-Death Abroad at 40 years Violent Death Abroad-The ]) sepr. of age-(See "Ellis", No. 830, in 1001 from 0" and applying to the 0. a vioN. N.). lent death in a strange land, or meets Detention Abroad-From an Accident with violence; 0" affl. in 9th H.; 0" ruler -(See "Accidents" in this section). of the 8th, and in the 9th. (See "Accidents", "Battle", in this section. Also Disaster Abroad--:\fay Meet \Vithsee War). (See "Accidents". "Sickness", and other paragraphs in this section). 'Var-Death or Injury in Abroad(See "Battle" in this section. Also see Distress Abroad-( See "Sickness" and War). the various subjects in this section). FalJs-Suffers from Abroad- (See ABSCESSES-Imposthumes-A Circumscribed Cavity Containing Pus-A disHeights). ease of the ]) and 1J.; a disease of the Fire-Suffers Froin-Death By-(See ~ sign, and caused by afflictions in ~; "Battle" in this section). due to corrupt blood; 1J. causes abForeign Travel- Unfortunate I n scesses due to blood changes and acMeets with Accident, Death, Falls, Incumulations of fluid in a part; 1J. in 'P; jury, or Sickness In-(See the various 1J. affl. in 8, abscesses of the throat or paragraphs in this section). Also see neck, and over the body due to blood Pirates, Sea, Ships, Shipwreck, Travel). disorders; 1J. in 111. and affl., and espee. Health-Good Health Abroad-Illwhen in 6th H.; caused by afflictions Health Abroad-The benefics in 9th to the ]) or 1f. at B., or by dir.; 1f. in signs which rule the arms, hands, legs H., and this house free from affliction,





Absent Party

Vulva- (See "Abscess" under these and feet tends to abscesses in these parts; II or o in angles at B., occL of subjects). the 0, and ori, of the }) , and li in ABSENT PARTY-These influences are familiarity with o, the frequency and especially to be noted in Hor'y Quesnumber of abscesses are increased; o tions. and li holding dominion at B., in faCuts To-or Stabs-(See "'\Veapons" miliarity with each other, and with o under Cuts). affi. the hyleg, and elevated above the Danger-Absent Party Has Been in Luminaries; 'i' affl. by malefics; abGreat Danger-Has Been Ill, But Will scesses are denoted by afflictions in or Recover-(See "Recovery" in this secabout the 25' of [I or :::, or in the 21' tion). of cp or =::=. See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement. Dead-Absent Party Is Dead-The 0 and J) aff!., and lord of the 8th affi. the Arms-Abscesses In-~ in signs rulSig. also; the }) sepr. from the c) or ing the arms. (See Arms). evil asp. lord of the 8th, and without Aural Meatus-Abscesses In-(See the assistance of any benefic ray that Ears). could save, he has been deceased for Back-(See "Abscesses" under Back). so many days or months as there are Bladder-(See "Abscess" under Bladdegrees between the signs; the Sig. der). affl., and lately in D or 8 asp. a malefic; the Sig. combust in the 8th H., or the Blood-From Blood Disorders-From 0 be lord of the 8th; translation of Impure Blood-(See "Impure Blood" light between the lord of the Asc. and under Impure). lord of the 8th; lord of the 8th in the Body-Abscesses Over the Body-~ Asc., and lord of the Asc. in the 8th; affl. in 8. lord of the 8th in the 4th, or lord of Boils-(See Boils). the 4th in the 8th, and e:Spec. if the Bowels-(See "Abscess" under BowSig. be affl. by evil asps., and malefic els). planets in angles, and the benefics cadent; lord of the Quesited's Asc. in Braln-(See "Abscess" under Brain). the 4th or 8th, may be dead; Sig. of Breasts-(See "Abscess" under the party in the 12th, in D or 8 a Breast). malefic, or the 0 or }) unfortunate in Carbuncles; Causes of Abscess-(See like manner; lord of the Asc. in the the first part of this Article). 4th in D the }), the party is dead, or near great danger; an Infortune transCorrupt Blood-Abscesses Caused By lating the light of the lord of the 8th -(See "Impure Blood" under Impure). to him is a symbol of death; lord of Ears-(See "Abscess" under Ears). the 1st, or the }) in c) lord of the 8th Enteritis- With Abscess-( See "Inin the 8th or 4th, he is dead, or if in flammation" under Bowels). the 6th, he will die; lord of the 1st, or the }) in the 8th, combust, or in the Feet-Abscess In-if affl. in :7{. (Sec 4th, he is dead, or if in their fall or R. Feet). he is at the point of death; the Sigs. Frequency of-(See the first part of combust or R. and c) a malefic or lord this Article). of the 8th, indicate certain death, and Frontal Bone-Abscess In-¥ in cp, that the absent party is dead. (See the and espec. when affl. by the 0, h. or various paragraphs in this section). 0. (See Frontal). Death-Is at the Point of DeathGenerative Organs-Abscess In-(See (See "Dead" in this section). "Abscess" under Secrets). Feverish-(See "Absent Party" under Ha,nds-Abscesses In-(See Hands). Fever). Impure Blood-Abscesses Caused By Good Health-In Good Health-The -(See "Impure Blood" under Impure). 0 in the 6th H.; the }) in good asp. lord of the Asc.; the J) in the 8th, or Increased-(See the first part of this 12th, and not afflicted; Lf, 'i', or Q j.n Article). the Asc.; 1f or 'i' in good asp. the cusp Kidneys-(See "Abscess" under Kidof the 1st, or 6th; lord of the Asc. free neys). from affl. by lord of the 8th; lord of Liver-(See "Abscess" under Liver). the Asc. in dignity, and not affl. by h. o, or lord of the 6th; no malefics in Loins-(See "Abscess" under Loins). the 6th; a benefic in the Asc., M. C., ~Iastoid; Neck-Abscess In. and on and the 0 and }) well asp., and the the back of the Neck-(See Neck). lord of the Asc. in a good house. Ovaries-Abscess of-(See Ovaries). Great Evil-Some Great Evil Has Pharynx; Phlegmonous- PhlegmonOvertaken the Absent Party-The Sig. ous Enteritis with Abscess-(See "Incombust in all Hor'Y Q. of one absent. flammation" under Bowels). Mind-Absent Minded-(See Mind). Privy Parts-(See "Abscess" under Near Death-Has Been Near DeathSecrets). Lord of the Asc. sepr. from lord of the Pus; Pyaernia-(See Septic). 8th H.; lord of the 1st and 8th in c) Pyonephrosis-(See "Abscess" under in the 8th, or in 8 from the 6th or 8th. Kidneys). Not Dead-Absent Party Is Not Dead Pyorrhoea; Reins; Retropharyngeal- -The Sig. of the party strong, in a (See "Abscess" under Pharynx). good house, and sepr. from a benefic. Secrets; Septic; Sores; Stomach; SupPrison-Lord of the As c., or )) , sepr. puration; Throat; Ulcers; Urethra; from lord of the 12th, has been in

Absorption prison, or great trouble; the Sig. of the party combust. Reeovery-(1) No Hope of-}l Sig. applying to the cl or evil asp. lord of the 8th H., or in the 8th, and if no good asps. interfere, absent party will die. (See "Dead" in this section). (2) V>ill Soon Recover-If the }J, or lord of the 1st sepr. from lord of the fith or 8th, and the benefics give a good asp. Reported Dead-But is Alh·e-If the lord of his Asc. be in the 9th, lOth or 11th houses, ~ or 'i' lord of the Asc., and either in the ~"-sc., and in no asp. to lord of the 8th. Siek-(1) Has Lately Been SickLord of the Asc. sepr. from the illasp. lord of the 6th; the ll sepr. from the 0 or 8 or![ or e. (2) Absent Party is Sick-Lords of the 1st and 8th in c1 in the 8th, or in 8 from the 6th or 8th. (See "Absent Party" under Fever). '\Viii Die-(See "Dead", "Recovery" in this section). ABSORPTION-The Absorptive System -Absorbent Vessels-Ruled in general by '2}. The }l in 8, II, and e::;; rules and affects the absorbent and lymphatic vessels of the Respiratory System, the throat and lungs, etc. (See Lymph, "Absorbent Vessels" under Moon). Chyle-Abated Absorption of- (See Chyle). Tissues-Absorption of- (See Tissues). (See Assimilation, Nutrition, Phagocytes, "Resolution of Tissues" under Resolution; Resolvent). ABUNDANCE-Abundant-Plenty-ExcessiveBlood-Abundance of Blood in a Part -e in the sign ruling the part. (See Plethora, "Too :\Iuch Blood" under Blood; "Blood" under Head; "Blood Vessels" under Rupture). Energy- (See "Abundance" under Energy). Hair-(See "Abundance" under Hair). Health-(See "Abundance" under Health). Heat-(See "Abundant" under Heat). Humours- (See "Abounding" under Humours; "Humours" under J\ioist). ;}Joist Humours-Abundance of-(See "Humours" under Moist). Superabundance- (See Excess. Excesses, Increased, Overabundance, Plenty, Superabundance). Vitality-Abundance of-(See "Good" under Vitality). ACCELERATION-The work of e. (See Exaggerated, "Accelerated" under Motion; Rapid). ACCIDENTS-Accident- AccidentalCasualties-Unexpected Events, etc.This is a big subject, and there is perhaps more said along this line in the textbooks of Astrology than upon any other subject. The general planetary causes of accidents, their nature and kind, etc., will be given in the various paragraphs of this Article, and especially under the headings of "r'an~es", "Dang-er of", etc. From an Oc.,ult standpoint Acc.idents are not always considered as matters of


Accidents chance, but may come, and do come, upon scheduled time, according to a prearranged plan of the Higher rowers and Hierarchies, or they may' come upon a Nation or individual by a special decree, all which must be considered for the good of the individual, the Nation, or for the advancement and betterment of the Planet as a whole. Some star maps of birth show practical immunity from accidents, or violence, while others contain many influences which would lead to them, or a violent death. }]very part and organ of the human body may be subject to a hurt, injury, or accident, according to the planetary positions and configuations at B., and the influences by direction, transit, or progression. Many of the subjects which have to do with Accidents are considered and also listed under the subjects of "Hurts", "Injuries", and these subjects should be studied and referred to along with the study of this Article. See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered here, and especially look for "Accidents", "Hurts", "Injuries", "Wounds", etc., under each subject. Abdomen; Aeroplanes; Amusements; Animals; Ankles; Arms; Bathing; Battle-(See War). Beasts; Bites; Blindness; Blows; Bones-(See Bones, Fractures). Breasts; Brother; Bruises; Buildings -(See "Buildings" under Falls). Buried Alive-(See Burial), Burns-(See Burns, Fire, Heat, Scalds). Buttocks; Casualties-(See "Death", and the various paragraphs in this section). Cattle; Causes of Accidents-General Causes-Ptolemy held that planets oriental at B. indicate accidents, and planets occidental, disease, but this rule does not always hold good, as the opposite is often the case. Many planets in violent signs of the zodiac at B., and espec. in angles, indicate more danger of accidents. Accidents are to be judged from the planets which may happen to be exactly rising or setting at B., and those in configuration or aspect with the 0 and }l, or the ascending degree. The afflictions of the malefic planets to the Q, }J, Asc., M.C., or hyleg at B., and by dir., and espec. when these places were affl. at B. by malefics, are common causes of accidents. The J sign on the Asc., 6th or 12th H. at B.; ruler of the 8th H. at B. in the 4th H. at a Solar Rev.; Fixed Stars of the nature of e ascending at B. make one more or less liable to accidents along thru life under the evil directions of these stars, or of the malefic fixed stars, to the places of the Q, }l, Asc., or Hyle.g; the violent fixed stars, as Antares, Betelguese, etc., tend to cause accidents by their afflictions to the planets at B., or by dir. (For further influences see the various subjects in this Article). Cltildbirtlt-(See Parturition),



Childhood-(See "Accidents" under Childhood). Children; Clavicle; Concussions; Contusions-(See Blows, Bruises, Falls). Cranium-(See Skull). Crippled; Crushed; Cuts; Danger of Accidents-Liable to-Tendency toIn judging of the danger of accidents, note the Asc., the cusp of the 6th H., and whether the malefics ~ or o afflict the Luminaries at B., or by dir. The following planetary aspects and influences tend to make the native more liable to accidents, be in greater danger of, and to have a more violent map, and with greater danger of death by violence, the result of an accident. The 0 affl. by e at B., or by dir.; the 0 or ]) to the c) or ill-asp. e in the zodiac or mundane; the 0 in fixed signs at B., and coming to the c) or ill-asp. by dir.; the 0 to the c) or ill-asp. \)1, ~. or Iji by dir., and espec. when in the card. or fixed signs at B., or when the directions fall in this class of signs; the O or ]) rising at B., and affl. by the c) or ill-asps. of e, or other malefics; the O or ]) in the oriental Quadrants between thC' Asc. and M.C., or between the Desc. and Nadir, and affl. by the c) or 8 of e. produces accidents; the 0 or ]) affl. in ori. Quarters; the 0 ori., and affl. by the malefics at B., is apt under evil directions of the malefics to the 0 to result in an injury causing death; the prog. 0 to the D or 8 the radical ]), and the parts of the body subject to injury are ruled by the signs containing the Luminaries; the pr. 0 or )l to the 6 or ill-asp. e at B.; the )l in asp. to ~ or cl' by tr. or dir., or passing the 6 of their place at B.; the same influences and directions that apply to the O will also generally apply to the ]) ; the ]) to the 6 or ill-asp. e by dir., and e affl. the )l at B.; a Lunation, as the New or Full )l, falling on the place of any malefi" at B, and espec. if there are also evil primary directions to the hyleg at the time; the J) at a Solar Rev. passing over the place of ~ or e at B.; the J) to the 6 or P. asp. \! by dir., and the ]) hyleg, and \! afflicted at B.; the ]) to the 6 P., or ill-asp. H or and the ]) hyleg at B.; the ]) rising at B., and affl. by ~ or e; the J) to the 6 or illasp. ~. Ijl, or W by dir., and the accident will be of the nature of the afflicting planet, and espec. if the ]) be hyleg at B., or affl. by the malefic; the ]) 6 e in the M.C. at B., and in evil asp. to Antares; the ]) in any evil asp. to e at B. predisposes to, and to bring the danger of accident when the J) is affl. by the adverse directions of e; the pr. ]) to the c) or ill-asp. any of the malefics in the radical map; the ]) c), D. or 8 H, ~. or e at a Solar Rev.; 1_jl passing the place of I;I at B. by tr.; 1_j1 coming to the 6 or ill-asp. by dir., danger of accident on the water, or shipwrPck; Q in the 8th H. at B., afflicted, and afflicting the hyleg by dir.; W in the 9th H. at a Solar Rev., and affl. by the lord of the 8th H. (For other 1_jl influencfS tending to accidents, see Drowning, Journeys, Shipwreck, Travel); P,I in 111. or :::: at B.,




Accidents and affl.; H tends to cause accidents espec. by explosions or machinery; Iji affi. at B., and coming to the evil asps. e or the Asc. by dir., or to the illasps. his own place at B.; Ifi exactly rising at B., or within 1 or 2° of the ascending degree, and affl. by a malefic; Ixf c) or P. the 0 at a Solar Rev.; lzi 6 II in cp, and espec. if Ifi be affl. by an evil asp. in the l\I.C., or in an angle; lji c) e in angles; l:;I c) \! in II, nv. === or ::::; Iji in the Asu., 3rd, 9th H., or M.C. at B., and affl., and the accident is usually in that part of the body ruled by the sign containing P,I at B.; Iji c) the As c. by dir.; a tr. of Iji, T2 or cl' coming to an evil asp. the places of the pr. 0 or J), and espec. if these places coincide with an evil dir.; 1;I or e in 6 or 8 asp. at B .• in card. signs, or angles; ~ to the 0 or evil asp. the Asc. by dir., and espec. if the Asc. is hyleg; II ascending at B., and afflicted, or affl. the hyleg; II exactly rising on the Asc. at B. tends to serious accidents from time to time; ~ in the Asc. at B., and ill-asps. of the 0 or j) to h by dir.; transits of h over the places of the pr. 0 or J) or in evil asp. to them, and espec. if these aspects coincide with an evil dir.; ~ c) or 8 cl' in angles and card. signs at B., and when affl. by evil directions; ~ c) or evil asp. the 0 in fixed signs; h c) or ill-asp. the ]), and the planets ori.; ~ ruler of the Asc. at B., and in ill-asp. the benefics; ~ in the l\LC. at B., afflicted, and elevated above the Luminaries; the Periodic Dir. of ~ to the radical e; e afflictions, transits and progressions affl. the 0. J), Asc., or M.C. at D., and espec. when afflicted any of these places at B., but not so dangerous when e is in good asp. to them at B.; e D or 8 the 0 at B., and by dir.; e eleYated in the East, or in the Asc., and in c) or ill-asp. other malefics, or a.ffl. the O or ]) ; e c), D. or 8 the Asc.; e to the c) or ill-asp. the Asc. by dir. e 6 ]) in the M.C. at B., and evilly aspected by Antares; cl' in the Asc. at D., and affl. by the ill-asps. the 0 or J) by dir.; e 6 or illasp. ~ in angles or card. signs at B.; e at a Solar Rev. passing the radical place of ~ or H; e ruler of the Asc. and affiirting the benefics at B. or by dir.; cJ D or 8 the 0 or J) at B.; e afflicting the 1st or lOth houses at B., and by dir.; e afflicted in 'I' or fl.; e the ruling planet, or ruler of the As c.; e pr. in 6 or ill-asp. the 0, J), As c., J\~.C., or any malefic planet; cl' in the J\I.C. at B., and elevated above the 0 and J); e rising at B., and again at a Solar Rev.; l;i affl. at B., and the J) to the ill-asp. \) by dir.; \! affl. by the maleJ'ics at B., liable to accidents under the evil directions of the maletics to \5 ; the Asc. a fiery sign, and containing a malefic, and afflicted; the Asc. to the 6 or ill-asp. the malefics by dir., and espec. if the Asc. is hy!eg; a planet in the Asc. at B., and affl. by the 6 or ill-asp. a malefic, and the injury is in the part of the body ruled by the sign ascending, or that occupied by the afflicting planet, and espec. if in a card. sign; t on the Asc., or planets in t. (See the various subjects in this Article).




Dangerous ~~ccidents-Serious Accidents 01' lnjuries-Tl:e 0 or }J to the 6 or ill-asp. 0" by dir., and espec. if o affi. the C or }J at B.; the 0 ori. at B., and atll. by the malefics; the }J in the 8th H. at B., and affi. by I;I, !2, or o; the }J in the obnoxious signs at B., as in cp, 8, ~. Tit, or V)', and in her Kodes, or in extreme Lat., and the malefics brought up to the Luminaries; It to the 6 or ill-asp. d by dir.; It exactly rising on the Asc. at B.; It or o 6 the(), }J, or Asc. by dir.; o in the 8th H. at B., and badly aspected by the 0 by dir.; transits of over the places of the 0 o1· }J at B., or in 8 to them; the Asc. to the 6. P., or ill-asp. h by dir., and ori. at B.; the Asc. to the 6 or P. asp. 1,! and l;i affi. at B.; malefics in angles at B., and the 0 and }J in 6 or 8, brought up to them. (See Excrescences). Death by Accident-Accidental Death -Casualties-Fatalities-Causes and Indications of an Accidental DeathThe O or }! affi. by maleflcs at B., or by dir., and "With no assistance from the beneflcs; the 0 and }J ori., and affi. by malefics, and espec. by It or c!; the 0 and }J in evil asp. to d at I3., or by dir., and d on the Asc. at B., and afflicted; the 0 or ]) to the 6. P., or ill-asp. d by tr. or dir., and espec. when afflicted the hyleg at B., or was in the 8th H., or in the Asc., or J\I.C.; the O or ]) in e\'il asp. to o at B., or under the directions of o to the 0. ]), or Asc.; the 0 or ]) to the 6 or ill-asps. o by dir., and o affl. the 0 or ]) at B., or be in the Asc.; the 0 or ]) rising at B., and am. by h or o; the 0. ]), and other planets, in the Asc. at B. with Regulus; the 0 or ]) Sig., and coming to the 6 or ill-asp. o by dir.; the afflictions of t:;, the ruler of the water and the Sea, tend to accidental death by drowning. (See Drowning); the afflictions of H tend to aceidental death by bathfng at home, in pools, or at the Sea Shore, and also death by machinery in the employment, by electricity, lightning, explosions, and sudden and unexpected death. (See these subjects); I;I in the 8th H. at B., and afflicted, or affl. the hyleg; h causes an accidental death by falls, bruises, contusions, fractures, dislocations, crushes, suffocation, fall of buildings, buried alive by landslides, falls from heights or precipices; trampled by mobs, cattle or animals, strangulation, etc. (See these subjects); It 6 the Asc. by dir. when It is not ruler of the As c.; h rising at B., and to the 6 the Asc. by dir.; It and cJ both affl. the 0 or ]) at B., or by dir.; II in the 8th H. at B., and afflicted, or affl. the hyleg at B., or by dir.; directions of !2 falling· in the 8th H., and affl. the hyleg; Of Sig. 6 o, and o ill-dignified; 0 causes accidental death by burns, cuts, bites, stabs, assassination, loss of blood, murder, kicks, injuries, wounds, gun-shot, fury, madness, scalds, in \Var, by operations, knife-wounds, by iron, sharp instruments, fire-arms, fractures, abortions, miscarriages, childbirth, mob-violence, on railroads, in vehicles, etc. (See these sub.iC'cts); d in the 8th H. at B., and a!fiicted, or




Accidents am. the hyleg by dir.; evil directions of o falling in the 8th H., and affi. the hyleg; o to the 6 or ill-asps. the 0. ]), Asc., or hyleg by dir; o rising at B., and to the 6 of the Asc. by dir.; o and It both affl. the 0 or ]) at B., or by dir.; 0 Sig., and ill-dig. at B., and to the 6 the 0. ]), Asc., or hyleg by dir.; o in particular predisposes to accidental death, and espec. by violence, and o in the 8th H. at B. indicates a sudden and violent death, and by some accident. In Hor'y Questions, 0 in the 8th H., and ruler of the 8th, or alfi. the ruler of the 8th, or the cusp of the 8th., or malefic planets in the 8th, indicate an accidental death, and usually by violence of some kind; \! when ori., and affl. the hyleg in a train of fatal directions, the accident and the death will be of the nature of the planet with which \! is in asp.; many planets in violent signs at B.; a strong 6th H., and the hyleg affi. by malefics; lord of the 8th a malefic, and in the 8th, and affl. by lord of the 6th or 12th, and espec. if the lord of the Asc. and the hyleg be affl. at the same time; the 14" 1lJl on the As c.; the 28" on the Asc. at B. (For further influences along this line, note cArefully each subject in this section and Article). Deformities; Directions-(See Directions, Events). Dislocations; Distortions; Dron'ning; Earthqnnkes; Electricity; EmployInent; Escapes-Narrow and Hairbreadth Escapes from Accidents, Injuries, or an Accidental Death-These are always brought about by the intervention of the benefic planets 'll and 'i' taking part in the configuration and directions, and espec. if these planets were strong, dignified, wellaspected and placed at B., and in good asp. to the 0. ]), Asc., M.C., or the hyleg; Of and 'i' ori., in angles, and elevated above the malefics. (See "Victims" in this section. Also see Rescue). Events-(See Directions, Events). Excrescences; Explosions; Extraordinary Accidents-Sudden, Peculiar, and Unusual Accidents-These are caused by the afflictions of ljf, as his influence is sudden, unexpected, and acts in a peculiar, singular, strange, and unusual way. The following aspects and influences, in which If! takes part, are said to cause this class of accidents,-I:f affl. at B., and in 0 , P., or evil asp. the .0. ]), Asc., M.C., or the hyleg; I;I in the 8th H. at B., and affl. the'hyleg at B., and by dir.; I;I in the 8th H. at the Solar Ingress of the 0 into 'f', and affi. the ]) or planet ascending; the 0 hyleg, and with I:I in the 8th H. and Anareta, and the 0 to the 6. P., or evil asp. If! by dir.; the ]) to the 6 or evil asp. lji by dir.; o to the 6 or ill-asp. the radical I;I by dir., or vice versa. These same influences may also cause a sudden, peculiar, singular, unusual and extraordinary death, as many accidents caused by ljf prove fatal. (See Extraordinary, Peculiar, Strange, Sudden, Unusual, etc.). Case-Of an Extraordinary Accident-See "Extraordinary", No. 182, in 1001 N.N.




Extremities; Face; Falls; Fatal Acddent-Case-See "Fatal", No. 346, in 1001 N.N. (See "Death", and the various subjects and paragraphs in this section). Father; Feet; Females; Femur; Fire; Fire Arms-(See Gunshot); Floods; Foetus; Fractures; Fury; Geni~aJ.s­ (See "Mens' Genitals" under Gemtals). Groins-(See ''Injuries'' under Groins). Gunshot; Hands; Haunches; Head; Heat; Hentorrhnge- (See "Lesions" under Hemorrhage). Hips; Horary Questions-In Hor'y Questions, if the l>, lord of the As c., or the Asc., be applying to the P., or any ill-asp. of the malefics, and espec. to f). or 0 , there is danger of an accident just ahead, and espec. if the l> or lord of the 1st be in 8 or D. unless great care and caution are used, and dangers avoided. In Hor'y Questions, if the l> or lord of the Asc. are separating from the or ill-asp. of a malefic, and applying to the 6 or good asp. of a benefic, there is little danger of an accident in the near future, or on a journey contemplated. The Asc. alil.d the l> have affinity in denoting the accidents of life, and become the Significators of such events. (See Horary). Horses- (See "Hurts By" under Horses. Also see Bites, Kicks). Houses-(See "Buildings" under Falls). Human Hauds-(See "Hand of Man" under Man). Hurts-(See "Violent" in this section. Also see Hurts). Husband; Illness-Illness and Disease from Accidents-Sickness and Illness may result from accidents caused by Iji, where there was great shock to the nervous syst~'m, as Iji by his afflictions tends to greatly weaken the nervous system, and to cause collapse. H strongly afflicting the O. l>, Asc., or hyleg at B., and by dir. Injuries-By Accidents-(See Hurts, !"juries. Also see "Violent", and the various subjects in this Article). Intestines-See "Injuries" under Bowels). Inventions-(See Employment, Machinery). Iron; Jaws; Joints; Journeys; Kicks; Killed; lUnd of Accidents- (See "Nature Of" in this section). Knees; H:nife Wounds-(See Cuts, Instruments, Stabs). Lacerations; Lamenes"; Landslides(See f). influences under "Death" in this section. Also see Crushed). Left Side of Body-(See Left). Less Liable--To Accidents-Born under the Airy Signs D, "'"'· : , also known as the whole signs, and with these signs upon the Asc. at B., or with the O well-aspected in these signs. These signs when strong at B., tend to keep the body more intact, and to be free from accidents, injuries, or mutilations. Liable to Accidents-Hurts and In-



Accidents juries-(See "Danger of" in this section. Also see "Liable to" under Hurts; "Tendency to" under Injuries). Lightning; Limbs; JUachinery; lUndness; Mahned; lUales; lUangled; iUarriage Partner; ltlines; Miscarriage; JUobs; lUother; iUurder; lllutilated; Narrow Escapes-(See "Escapes" in this section). Nature of Accidents-Kind of-The planets each have a specific nature of their own, and tend to produce accidents or injuries after their nature, and to injure the part, or parts of the body, ruled by the Signs or Houses in which they were posited at B., or in which they may be by tr., dir., or progression. The afflictions of tj! tend to accidents by water, drowning, shipwreck, etc. The accidents of lfl are sudden, extraordinary, or unusual, such as by lightning, electricity, inventions, machinery, explosions, at bathings, on railroads, and in connection with the employment. Saturn governs accidents by falls, bruises, contusions, crushes, buried alive, fall of buildings, suffocation, etc. Mars rules accidents by cuts, stabs, loss of blood, wounds, burns, scalds, injuries in quarrels, and "Where violence is present in some form. The 0. :D. 'i', and \5 are passive, and do not usually act as the cause of accidents unless they are afflicted by one or more malefics, or are united with them in common action. (See the Introduction under "Hurts". Also see each of the planets in the alphabetical arrangement as to their special influences). Operations-Danger of Accidental Death From-Caused by 0 . (See "Dangerous" in this section. Also see Operations). Painful Accidents-Caused especially by 0 , and when this planet enters into the configuration, and with loss of blood, violence, etc. (See Pain). Paralysis-Resulting from Accident( See "Blows", "Injuries", and other subjects under Paralysis). Parents; Parts of Body-Liable to Accident and Injury- These are known by the Sign and House confaining the malefics at B., and the malefic afflicting planets by dir. The 0 or l> rising at B., and affl. by the o or ill-asp. o, or other malefics, tend to injury in those parts of the body ruled by the sign containing the Lights, or the afflicting planets. The first 10' of a sign show the upper part of an organ afflicted. The middle 10', the middle part of an organ, or region, and the last 10 ', the lower part of the organ, or part. If o be in the 3rd H., it shows injury to the left side of a male, or to the right side of a female. For accidents to the various parts of the body, see the part, or organ, in the alphabetical arrangement. (See Decanates, "Left Side" under Left; Lower, Middle, "Parts of the Body" under Parts; "Right Side" under Right; Upper). Parturition; Peculiar-(See "Extraordinary" in this section). Pirates; Pleasure; Poison; Precipices -(See Heights).



Precipitate; Predisposes-To Accidents-(See "Danger" in this section). Prevalent; Public; Quadrupeds; Quarrels; Railroads; Rash Acts- (See Rashness); Relatives Reptiles; Ribs; Right Side-Of Body-(See Right). Scalds; Sea; Serious-(See "Dangerous" in this section). Serpents; Ships; Shipwreck; Shocks; Shoulders; Sickness-(See "Illness" in this section). Sister; Skull; Spine; Sports; Stabs; Steel-(See Iron); Stings; Storms; Strange; Strangulation; Sudden; Suffocation; Suicide; Sunstroke; Surgical Operations- (See Operations). Sword; Teeth; Tendency To-(See "Danger" in thi-s section). Testes; Thie"\·es-(See Highwaymen, Robbers, Thieves). Thighs; Time of Accitlents-The Asc. and the ]) have affinity in denoting the accidents of life, and become Significators, and directions to the ]) and Asc. espec. show the times of possible accidents. Accidents are indicated by directions, and espec. when the directions are formed in the Ori. Quarters of the heavens, as between the 1st and lOth houses, and the 7th and 4th, and affi. the 0. ]), Asc., M.C., or hyleg at B. Accidents, injuries, or illnesses usually occur when the 0 or ]) are transiting the places of the four maletics at B., and espec. 7 and o, or when h and 0 , and other malefics, are on the places of the radical 0. }), or Asc., or in evil asp. to them, and at these times more care and caution are necessary, espec. if the hyleg was afflicted at the previous New or Full ]). Fixed stars of the nature of o, when ascending at B., make one more liable to accidents at the times when they form evil asps. to the O. ]), Asc., M.C., or hyleg in the radical.map by dir. (See Directions, Events, "New :Moon" under Moon; Time; "Hurts" under Travel). Tornadoes-(See Wind). Trampled; Travel; Treachery; Uncomnwn-(See "Extraordinary" in this section). Unexpected-(See Sudden, Unexpected). Untimely; Unusual-(See Extraordinary, Peculiar, Uncommon, Mysterious). Vehicles; Victims-Of Accidents-The victims of accidents, and those who suffer death, or great injury from them, are those who have LJ. and 'i' weak at B., affl. the hyleg, or some vital place in the map, and also at the same time are under evil directions or transits of the malefics to the hyleg, and with no assistance from the benetics in the configurations. (See Escapes. Also see "Escapes" in this section). Violent Accidents-Hurts, Injuries, or Death, by Violence-The 0 and 1> are the positive, heat-producing, and electric planets, and afflictions to them by directions, transits, or progressions, are more apt to result in accidents accompanied by hurts, injuries, violence,

Aches loss of blood, fractures, wounds, etc. People who are born under the strong influence of o, or who have o badly affl. at B., are more subject to violent accidents. Strong lji, Jz, and o afflictions to the 0. ]), Asc., or hyleg at B., and by dir., and with little or no help from the benefics; the ruler of the Asc. a malefic, and evilly aspected by malefics; malefics in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses at B., and afflicting the 0, ]), Asc., or hyleg. (See Hurts, Injuries; "Death" under Violent). Volcanoes; Yoyages-(See Abroad, Sea, Ships, Shipwreck, Voyages). "\Var; "\Vater; Weapons; Wife; Wild Animals-(See Wild). Wind; "\Vomen; "\Vounds. ACCOlUJIODATION-The Focus of the Eyes-Defects and Errors of Accommodation are ruled by the }), and are considered ]) diseases. For the various errors, and disorders of Accommodation, see Astigmatism, Eyes, Hyperopia (Far-sighted); Mydriasis, Myopia (Near-sight); Presbyopia (Old Age Vision); Sight, Vision. ACCUMULATIVE-7 exercises a strong influence for the accumulation of wastes in the body, and the retention of waste matter which should be thrown off, and to accumulate the poisons of the body in the various tissues and organs, which wastes and deposits tend to hardening, suppressions, etc. (See Crystallization, Elimination, Hardening, Obesity, Retention, Saturn, Stoppages, Suppressions, Tumors, Wastes). LJ. tends to accumulate fluids in localized parts of the body, and in the blood vessels, causing Apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, swellings, tumors, abscesses, etc. (See these subjects). The ]) also has an accumulating tendency of the fluids to circumscribed parts of the body, when affl. at B., or by dir. (See Congestion, Fluids, Functions, Oedema). ACEPHALOCYSTS-Taenia Echinococcus-The Bladder Worm-A 'i' disease. 'i' affl. in m. (See Worms). ACHES-Lingering Pains-ChronIc Pains-Continuous, or Throbbing Pains -The h influence is the principal cause of slow, continued, and throbbing aches and pains, while o tends to the more sharp and acute pains of brief duration. See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement. Backache-(See Back). Bellyache-(See Belly). Body Suffers-From Aches and Pains -The ]) to the 6 or ill-asps. h by dir.; h rising at B., afflicted, or affl. the hyleg at B., or by dir.; h to the 6 or ill-asp. the 0 or ]} by dir.; h tends to retard and stop the functions of the body, cause retention of the wastes and excretions, and the deposit of Uric Acid over the body, which tends to general Malaise and depression. (See Deposits, Excretion, Malaise, Uric Acid, etc.). Earache-(See Ears). Feet-Aches In-(See Feet). Headaches; Heavy Aches-And Pains -All heavy and dull aches and pains

Achilles Tendon


are ruled by fL. and caused by his afflictions to the 0. }), Asc., or hyleg at B., or by dir. (See "Pains" under Dull). Hips and Thighs-(See "Aches" under Hips). Legs-(See "Aches" under Legs). Pains and Aches-(See "Heavy" in this section). Parts of Body-Afflicted by Aches(See the various subjects in this Article). Stontachache- (See "Ache" under Stomach). Thighs-(See "Hips" in this section). Throbbing Aches-!2 influence. (See Throbbing). Toothache-(See Teeth). ACHILI,ES 'I'ENDON-Contraction of is caused by II affl. in :.~. and often resulting in Club Feet. (See "Club Feet" under Feet). ACHONDROPLASIA-(See Cartilage). ACIDS-Acid-Acidity-Sodium Phosphate, the Salt ruled by the Sign, is said to be connected with the Acids of the body. Acids are said to be under the rule of the negative Signs of the Zodiac, and the negative planets, and remedies to produce more acidity in the system are ruled by the negative planets, the ]) , V. !)., 'i'. A predominance of the planets in the negative signs at B. tends to an over-production of the acids of the body, while the positive sig·ns tend to too much alkalinity. Also the negative planets prevailing at B., and afflicted, tend to acidity, and in those parts of the body ruled by the signs containing them at B., and the afflicting planets. For Acids not listed here look for the subject in the alphabetical arrangement. Gastric Acidity-Acidity in the Stomach-\!', "· 'i' or the }l in e::;; or 10> at B., and afflicted. (See Gastric, Juices, Stomach). Hot Acids-The c] influence in and over the body, and over acids in general, corresponds to hot acids, and to burning astringents, pungent odors, etc. (See Pungent). Hydrochloric Acid-(See Hydrochloric, Digestion, Stomach). Hydrocyanic Acid- (See Hydrocyanic). Signs-Acid Signs-(See the first part of this Article). Stomach-Acidity of-(See "Gastric" in this section. Also see "Over-acidity", "Hydrochloric" under Stomach). Urine-Acidity of-The Til sign rules the Urine, and the negative planets in m. and affl. at B., or by dir., and espec. !). in m. tend to acid urine. (See Alkaline, Impure, Positive, Negative). ACNE-Inflammation of the Sebaceous Glands from Retained Secretion-A 0 and cp disease; 0 affl. in cp; 0 D or 8 ]) or As c. at B., or by dir.; cJ affl. in 8 tends to Acne Rosacea, or chronic congestion of the skin of the face; afflictions in the cardinal signs, as such signs denote the skin; II affl. in cp or 8, as !). tends to retention, and disordered functions of the glands of the skin of




Lhe face. Caused by subluxations at M. C. P., the 3rd, 4th and 5th Cervical vertebrae, and by afflictions in cp and i:3, the signs which influence these vertebrae. This disease is also contributed to by disturbed kidneys, and Subs at KP, Kidney Place. (See Pimples, Sebaceous, Skin, Verteb1·ae). ACONI'I'E-A !). remedy, and ruled by "· and is opposed to e and e diseases. Is antipyretic, diuretic, and a cardiac sedative. Aconitum Napellus is one of the 12 typical Polycrest Remedies, and corresponds to the cp sign. (See "Polycrest" under Zodiac). ACQUAINTANCES-The ]) and \i rule Acquaintances. Death of-An Acquaintance-The }l to the place of Cor Scorpio by dir. (See Execrated, Friends). ACQUIR)!]D DISEASES-Those which arise after birth. Ruled by the }). Indicated by the condition of the }l at B., and her evil aspects. The }l is functional, while the 0 is organic and constitutional. The }l denotes the acquired diseases and tendencies arising fron1 external causes, as environment, climate, food, habits, clothing, etc. Acute diseases, and those of short duration, are generally acquired, while the chronic and lasting diseases result from organic and inherent weaknesses and defects, and the fundamental inability of an organ, or the constitution, to recover from the evil effects of an acute disease, shock or injury, (See Acute, Chronic, Congenital, Constitution, Consumption, Deformities, Environment, External, Functions, Heredity, Inherent, Organic, Structural, Susceptibility, Tendencies, etc.). ACROJIEGALY- (See "Enlargement" under Extremities). ACTINIUJU-A metal of B. Commercialized Zinc is obtained f1'om it. ACTION-:\Iars is the planet of action, of insistent action, and of dynamic energy.


of the planets, hO\'Vever,

have their definite and specific modes of action in and o,·er the mind and body, for good or ill, according to the aspects and influences at B., and by their transits, directions, and progressions. (See "Desire Body" under Desire). Accelerated Action-d influence. (See Fever, Inflammation, 1\Iotion, Quick, Rapid). Automatic Action-(See Automatic). Coordinated Action- (See Coordination). Crantped Action-(See "A_ction" under Cramps). Disturbed· Action-In Mind and Body -(See Disturbed, Disease, Erratic, Exaggerated, Incoordination, Irritable, Irritations, l\Iental, l\Iind, l\Iotion, Movement, Rapid, Spasmodic, Slow, ~Walk, etc.). Duii-(See Dull). Erratic Action-(See Erratic, Incoordination, Jerky, Spasmodic, Tics, ·walk). Ernt>tiV, or :; caused by the cl of several superior planets in airy signs, and due to the maximum of planetary influence. (See Cholera, Contagious, Epidemics, Miasma, Noxious, Pest i 1 en c e, Plague, "Public Health" under Public, Typhus). Dark Air-(See "Corrupt" in this section). Dryness of the Air-(See Drouth, Dryness, Famine, Fountains, "Dry and Hot Air" under Heat; "Hot Winds" under Wind). Epidemics-(See Cholera, Epidemics. See the Introduction to this Article). Equilibrium-Of the Gases of the Air Disturbed-(See "Corrupt Air" in this section. Also see Gases)". Ether-The Ether is ruled by Ill· (See Ether). Foul Air-Foul Vapors-(See "Corrupt" in this section; "Foul" under Vapors). Fowls-Of the Air-(See "Birds" in this section. Also see Fowls). Gas-Gases-(See Gas). Good Air-(See "Healthy" in this section). Healthy Air-Good Air-Pure AirTemperate Air-Pleasant Air-Clear Air-Wholesome Air, etc.-1j. in 8, e:::o, =::=, 111,, J, \0>, :, and 7E at the Vernal Equi., and lord of the year; 1j. in an angle at an Equinox or Solstice, and receiving the application of the ]) at the New ]), and espec. that nearest the Equinox, tends to temperate, good and wholesome air; d in e:::o, direct in motion, and lord of the year at the Vernal. Heated and Turbulent Air- (See Comets; "Hot" under Wind; Weather). High Winds-(See Wind). Hot and Dry Air-Little Rain-Extreme Heat-(See Drought, Famine, Heat, Weather). Impediment-In the Air-(See "Corrupt" in this section). Lungs-Air Cells of-(See "Air Cells" under Cells). Malignant Air--The 0. j) and 1j. conjoined in ::=. (See "Corrupt" in this section). Moist Air-Overmoist Air, and Suffering from-Excess of Rain-FloodG -(See "Abundance" under Moisture; Rain). Night Air-(See Miasma). Obnoxious Air--When d is in e:::o, in N. Lat., or when rising or setting with Arcturus, Attair, Oculus Taurus,

Air Cauda Delphini, Procyon, Sirius, the bright star in the Crown, Orion, Regulus, Hyades, Antares, or Spica, causes a windy, tempestuous, sultry and obnoxious air, leading to public illhealth. (See "Corrupt" in this section). Obscuration-Of the Air-Comets appearing in :. (See Comets). Overmoist Air-(See "Moist" in this section). Oxygenation-(See Oxygen). Parched Air-(See ''Corrupt'', "Heated", "Hot" in this section; "Extreme Heat" under Heat). Pestilential Air-Pestilential Winds -(See "Corrupt Air" in this section. Also see Epidemics, "Winds" under Pestilence). Pleasant Air-(See "Healthy" in this section). Pressure-Air Pressure-(See Caisson, Compressed, in this section). Pure Air-(See "Healthy" in this section). Signs-The Air Signs-Sweet SignsWhole Signs-Nervous Signs-The Air signs are Il, ::=, and :, which signs are in f:l aspect to each other, and in harmony. The fiery and airy signs are opposed to each other in the Zodiac, as 'P and ""'· rr and J, [! and :. The Air Signs are connected with Gases, Air Cells, Intercellular Spaces, Arteries, Veins, and the Capillaries of the body. The Airy and Earthy signs are the least excitable. They are related to the Intellect, and tend to worry and nervous troubles, and are classed as Nervous Signs. Air is cooperative, self-conscious, and impersonal. The 0 in an airy sign gives a strong constitution, but of a refined and mental character rather than physical. These signs are next to the fiery signs in degree of vitality. The Air Signs are good for the j), and the }l iR better placed in these signs. than in fire signs, and tends to more normal and regular functions and secretions, as the airy signs are moist and warm, and especially :. The j) in these signs also gives a tendency to worry, anxiety, and mental strain, and liable to Anaemia, Blood, Kidney, and Skin Disorders. The Air signs tend to diseases arising from Corrupt Blood, as Gout, Leprosy, etc. Air Signs on the Asc. and 6th H. at B., or at decumbiture, or the Significators of the disease in an airy sign at the beginning of an illness, show Gout, Cutaneous Diseases, Scrofula, Corrupt Blood, etc. Afflictions in Air Signs tend to broken bones, and also to impure breath. People born under Air Signs, and with many planets in these signs, should sleep and work in well ventilated rooms, as they require more oxygen, and it is also well to live in a high altitude. Collectively the Air Signs rule the Lungs (D), the Kidneys (::=), and the Blood (::). They also rule the Breath, the Houses of Kin (Brethren), of Partners, Marriage, and Friends, and also give the Sanguine and Artistic Temperament. (See the subjects mentioned in this para-

Alba Dolens



graph. Also see Air, Altitude, AquarBlindness, Blows, Calamities, Cuts, ius, Atmosphere, Blood, Breath, BrethDanger, Death, Disease, Disgrace, ren, Eruptions, Ether, Events, ExterEnemies, Face (Injury to); Falls nal, Friends, Gases, Gemini, Intro(Death By); Fire, Hanging, Hot Disspection, Kidneys, Libra, Lungs, tempers, Ill-Health, Indisposition, In"Amiablen under ~Ianners; :\Iarriage, juries, :I>Iilitary, Peril, Pestilence, "Operations" under Xature; Orator, Pirates, Putrid Fevers, Rashness, Red Oxygen, Partner, Pestilence, Refmed, Hair, Ruin, Sickness, Sight, Soldiers, Residence, Sanguine, "Sweet Signs" Stabs, Stars, Strain, Strangulation, under Sweet; l:ranus, "Signs" under Surgeons, Trouble, Untimely Death, ·whole, etc.). Yiolence, Yiolent Death. For Bull's South Eye, see Oculus Taurus, Stars. Sultry Air-(See "Obnoxious" in this section). ALEXIPHARJIIC-A :!\Iedicine Neutralizing a Poi~on. A Therapeutic PropStagnant Air-(See "Corrupt" in this erty of Cj.. (See Antidotes). section). Superabundance-Of Air-Death or ALGENIB-A Yiolent, unfortunate star of the 2nd magnitude, in the 2nd face Diseases From-Caused by '2j. when of re, of the nature of rf and ~. The the dominion of death is \"ested in him. ::'II.C. directed to tends to imprisonment, and many adversaries. (See Temperate Air-(See "Healthy" in Enemies, Forgers, In1pris·onment, this section). Libel). Tidal Air-In the Lungs-(See Tidal). ALGOL-Caput Algol-:!\Iedusa's Head Turbulent Air-(See "High \Vinds", -Gorgon's Read-e\ star of the nature "Tornadoes", and other subjects under of 7. and '2j., situated in the 5th face Wind). of 8, and considered to be the most Unhealthy Air-1Jnwholesome Airevil Cif all the fixed stars. The M.C. (See "Corrupt" in this section). directed to Algol tends to make the native murderous, riotous, turbulent. Vapors-Foul Vapors-(See Vapors). The j) directed to tends to make the Vitiated Air-(See "Corrupt" in this native dangerous and violent. Algol section). when in line of the R.A. of the 0 or Wal'Ill Air-\Varm, Pestilential AirJ) in a violent nativity tends to make (See "Corrupt", "Pestilential", in this a murderer, and to lead to an unsection). timely end, and a tragic death. Robespierre was an example of this. (See "\Veather; Wholesome Air-(See Pearce's Text Book of Astrology, "Healthy" in this section). Chap. XIX, page 120). The Algol "\Vind. region of 8 also tends to Apoplexy, For further subjects which relate to and death by Spasms. (See Apoplexy, the Air, its composition, action, etc., "Death" under Fits). In Hor'y Quessee Altitude, Apparitions, Carbon, tions, the lord of the Asc. conjoined Comets, Distentions, Eclipses, Emphywith Algol gives danger of death by sema, Events, Hydrogen, Lightning, illness or accident. (See Burns, De::viiasma, Nitrogen, "Operations" under capitation; Goiter; Hair, "Death by Nature; Perigee, Perihelion, "Vital Sentence" under Judges; Operations). Force" under Vital; "Vocal Cords" ALDIENTARY CANAL-Alimentary under Voice, etc. System-Alimentary Tract-The DiALBA DOLENS-Phlegmasia Alba gestiYe Tube and Accessory GlandsDolens-(See "::\Iilk Leg" under Legs). Alimentation-Ruled by the j) and the e::;; Sign, and has to do with nourishALBU!UEN -Albuminuria-Albumen is ment. Planets afflicted in e::;; tend to ruled by the e::;; sign. (See Proteids). disorders of Alimentation, and of the Albun1inuria-Albumen in the Urine Alimentary System. Such disorders -The work of 'l/-, and is a 'lf. disease; are also cawsed by Subs at SP, the '2j. or 'i' affl. by the D of T2; '2j. 8 ! do.o1 ~. ""' or :::; the 0 affl. by I~ in males, or a1:.d copper is one of th~· b'·;-;L jntf•.swith females the j) 6 or ill-asp. It; Unal rernedies for diarr1H·n, (ly;-l"l1lPry, Pte., and is a ren1cdy tal:~~'n f1·o1:1 the I the 8' .Q or ::: containing the 0, j), or malefics at B., and afflictions to this Aneient and 01'iPntal ·l)l'OT 1 influence especially tends to long arms, hands, fingers, legs and feet. II on the As c., when modified by planets rising, may give long arms, but with short and fleshy hands and feet. Short Ar1ns-The }) gives; the )) ascending at B.; ~ influence tends to short and fin-like arms and legs; the 4th and 6th face of :::: on the Asc.; the 1lJ1 influence tends to brevity of members. (See "Short" under Legs). DISEASES OF ARJIS-Diseases, Infirmities and Afflictions to the ArmsSee the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered hereAbs(_>esses In-(See '')\rms'' under Abscesses). Accidents To-Cuts, Fractures, Hurts, Injuries, Wounds, etc.-Generally caused by the afflictions of !2 or d', or both, in signs which rule the different parts of the arms, as in II, e:o, 1:1. or 11]1; afflictions in II or J; the }) in II and afflicted by the 0 or d'; }) to place of the Pleiades or Praesepe; h 6 d' in the Asc. or l\f.C., in the latter degrees of II or +; d' affl. in II or J; d' affl. in in the 6th or 12th H.; d' 6 the 0 or }) in in the 6th or 12th H., and affl. by the beneflcs; d' affl. in II, 11]1, or +, and 6 or evil asp. the As c. by dir.; \! ill-asp. by d'; II on the Asc .. and affl. by d'. or with d' in II in the Asc., espec. tends to fractures and wounds to the arms; maleflcs and afflictions in the mutable signs, and with such signs on angles, as all the mutahle, or common signs, as II, 11]1, +, jf, afflict each other, and the parts ruled by such signs. (See "Broken" in this section; "Fractures" under Legs). Affected-The arms tend to be affected by the 0 ""'; }) 11]1; h 'J'; '2L ::::; d' I1 or \0>; 'i' +; \! £1 or Til. (See Table 196 in Simmonite's Arcana). All Diseases In-Are signified by the 3rd H., the II Sign, the planet \! and its afflictions, and also afflictions in the mutable signs and cadent houses; planets afflicted in II, or the opposite sign J, tend to the greatest number of diseases and afflictions to the arms, as listed in the textbooks of Astrology, Many of the influences which tend to afflict the arms also afflict the lungs, bowels, hips, thighs and feet, parts ruled by the common signs. Subs at LCP, the 6th and 7th Cervicals, and at AP, the 1st Dorsal, and at HP, the 2nd Dorsal vertebra, tend to various disorders of the arms, hands and shoulders. (See Vertebrae. Also note the various subjects in this section). Aneurysm; Ankylosis; Arntless "\\7 onder-Case- (See "Armless Wonder", Case No. 054, in 1001 N.N. Also see "Missing" in this section). ArnJpit-Tenderness I n - (See Axillae).



Diseases of Arms Artb1·itis Defortnans-In the A_rms(See Arthritis, Joints). Atrophy of Arms-Caused by h. and with h afflicted in signs which rule the arms; caused by Subs at LCP, the 6th Cervical, and at AP, 1st Dorsal, the "\rm Place. (See Atrophy, Vertebrae). Axillae-Tenderness In-(See Axillae). Blood In Arms-Disordered-Impurities of-The 0 in signs which rule the arms governs the blood in these parts, and tends to blood poisoning and blood impurities. Also "4 in these signs tends to blood disorders in these parts. Dones of Arm-Enlargement of Radius-Osteitis of Radius-Outgrowth of Bone (Exostosis)-The o' influence tends to enlargements, inflammation, and d' in the signs which rule the arms. The deposits of h tend to enlarged parts of the bone, and outgrowth, as in ankylosis, while d' tends to enlargement thru heat, inflammation, etc. The \1! influence also tends to enlargements. Also caused by Subs at LCP, the 6th Cervical, and at AP. (See Bones, Enlargement, Inflammation, Radius, Vertebrae). Broken Arms-(See "Accidents in this section). Cases-See "Broken Arm", No. 140, 141, 142, 157, in 1001 N.N. Also see Case mentioned in Daath's Medical Astrology, Chap. 13, page 97. See Fig. 22 in ":Message of the Stars" by the Heindels. Burns-Arms Contracted By-CaseSee "Extraordinary Accident", No. 192, in 1001 N.N. Carpus-Carpal Bones-(See Wrists). Circulation-The Circulation Obstructed in the Arms and Legs-B 6 o' in II, and 8 "4 in +, and also afflicted by D asps, from 1lJ1 and ~; h 6 "4 in II or +, or in 8 from these signs; the h influence tends to obstructions in the circulation when in 6 or illasps. the rulers of the circulation, lj. and 'i' ; h and planets in common signs. (See "Circulation" under Legs. Also see Circulation). Clavicle-Afflictions t o - (See Clavicle). Clonic Spasm- (See "Myoclonia" in this section). Contractions-Ijf or h in signs which rule the arms. (See Burns, Cramps, in this section. Also see Contractions, Spasmodic). Cramps In-I:f afflicted in II, and signs which rule the arms. Caused by Subs at HP, the 2nd Dorsal. (See Cramps, Vertebrae). Cuts To-(See "Accidents" in this section). Cysts-(See Aneurysm). Deformities- Common signs on the Asc., and containing the malefics, and espec. U or o', and these planets in 6 or evil asp. to each other. (See Arml0SS, Arthritis, Missing, in this section. Also see Deformities). Diseases Of-Infirmities In-II signifies all diseases and infirmities in the

Diseases of Arms


arms, hands and shoulders, and accidents to these part~; afflictions in signs which rule the various parts of , the arms, as in II, e:::;, [L TfQ, and also ·~ with any of these. signs on the Asc. at B., and afflicted by malefics; !2 or o' affl. in II; !< in ~; the 0 affl. in II, ""=, or :[:; the T> affl. in II, [1, TfQ, or :[:; '!affl. in 8, II, or :; 0' affl. in II, :[:, or 0'; 'j! affl. in II, "=', or t; suffer from asp. to the lord of the 5th, or the cusp great sterility; ::: is more fruitful than of the 5th, there may be suspicion of barren; the lord of the 11th H. a maladultery, or that the child is not the efic, and in the 5th H. and afflicted; child of the Querent. Also if the lord planets which promise or deny chilof the 9th is in the 5th, and espec. if dren, when posited together in prothe lord of the 5th afflict the lord of lific signs, and in c\, or afflicting each the Asc., the husband may have chilother, tend to deny children or cause dren by other women, or the wife by their early death, or very few will other men. (See Adoption. Also see be reared; a barren sign on the As c. Case No. 688, "Illegitimate Birth" in or cusp of 5th., and espec. on the 1001 N.N.}. cusps of both the 1st and 5th at the BATHING-Bathings-The planet If! same time, as II on Asc., and 11J1 on the has special rule over bathing, swim5th; barren signs in, or on cusps of ming, etc., and his afflictions tend to 1st and 5th, without their Sigs. being bring dangers in connection with in reception, good asp., or translation, bathing and the water, and to cause the party will not conceive; a barren the unexpected. There are times when sign on thA cusp of the 4th H., the it is dangerous to go near water, or house denoting the end of all things, to bathe in the Ocean, and the many gives little hope of ever having childeaths recorded from Sea bathing, dren in Hor'y Questions. Barrenness is and by drowning while bathing, have also caused by Subs at the Private a close relation to the afflictions of B. Place, PP, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Lumand also to the afflictions of W for the bar vertebrae. (See Vertebrae). For time. Accidents by water and bathing collateral study, and for further inusually come on scheduled time unless fluences along this line, see Abortion, you are forewarned of the dangers. Children, Conception, "Cold and Dry and keep away from large bodies of Body" under Dry; Fruitful, Gestation; water, or even be careful in your own "Anchorite" under Husband; Impotent, bathtub, when these adverse planetary Maimed, Men, Pregnancy, Unprolific, aspects are operating. (See "DangerWife, Women. ous", "Disease" in this section. Also BASAL GANGLIA-The Ganglia at the see "Water" under Skin). base of the Brain-(See "Basal" under Ganglion). Bath House Keepers-Good influences for are rJ and 'i' rulers of the emBASHFULNESS-Shy-A h influence; h in the 1st H. at B.; h ruler of the ployment and I;I conjoined with them. Asc. at B., and afflicted; a characterCold Baths-Tabulated statistics istic of h people; the I1J1 influence also show that the 8 people are averse to tends to make one "Bashful as a Virtaking cold baths. gin". (See Backwardness. Modesty, Dangerous to Bathe-Dangerous to Prudery, Reserved, Retiring, Shy). Go Near ·water-Possible Death at BASTARDS-Illegitimate Birth-ChilBathings-Drowned While Bathingdren Born Out of \Vedlock-The 5th H. The )) to the cl or ill-asps. l;l: by dir.; tj! by transit over the radical place of should be especially noted. d', and d' afflicted at B. in a watery General Canses- W in the 5th H., or sign; W in the 8th H. in :if, ~nd affl. by afflicting the 5th, or planets in the d'; If! affl. in e:::n or jf, should be warned 5th; h ruler of the 5th H. at B., and against bathings in ponds, rivers, or by dir. in cl or evil asp. the Asc., and










at the Seashore; I;I in the 8th H., aftlic- i B.; h gives a thin beard when he ting the hyleg at B., and by dir.; cJ" builds the body; "2j. in &, in partile asp. by periodic direction to the ill-asps. the Asc., the beard is usually thirl.ner and lighter than the hair of the head; of I;I. Here is the birth data of a case l;i people have thin beards, little of death while bathing in the Ocean. See "Death by Drowning", Case No. beard, and often no beard at all; l;i strong and rising at B., and free from 402, in 1001 N.N. the rays of other planets, a scanty Death from Batbing-(See "Dangerbeard, and little hair on the chin; 1& ous" in this section). influence, and with 1& on Asc. (See Demoniacal Complaints-From BathBaldness, Hair). ing-(See "Bathing" under Demoniac). BEASTS-Bestial-Beastly-The BesDisease, Illness or Injury-From tial Signs, the Feral Signs, those of Bathing-The C ruler of the 6th H. animal form. are 'f', 8. [l, J, 1&. (See at B., and to the 6 or ill-asp. I;I by "Brutish Signs" under Brutish). See dir.; the )) to the 6 or ill-asp. I;I by the following subjects, which have to dir. (See "Dangerous" in this section. do with Animals, Beasts, Quadrupeds. Also see Cold, Drowning, Exposure, Animals-Attacks By-Injury or "Perils by \Yater" under \Vater). Death By-Death of, etc.-See Ani:Uud Baths-(See "Mud Baths" under mals). Healers). Attacks By- (See Animals, Cat t1 e, BATTERIES-(See Assaults, Blows). Horses. Also see the various paraBATTLE-Death or Injury In-( See graphs in this section). Soldiers, War). Beastly Form-If at conception the O BEAR-Cynosura-Little Bear- (See and )) are in the 6th or 12th houses in Cynosura). four-footed signs, and the malefics angular, the embryo will be of beastly BEARD-Whiskers-The Beard is ruled form, but if a benefic give testimony by the 8 sign, and espec. the chin the child will be of human shape, beard. but of savage disposition. If l;i be in Auburn Color-Sad Color-Next to good asp. the )) the faculties will be Black-Typical of a l;i person. improved, altho the body will be illBarber's Itch-(See Barbers). formed. The shape will be much better if the 0 and )) be in signs of Color Of-( See the various paragraphs human form. (See Dogs, Foetus, Inin this section). human, Monsters). Flaxen Beard-Sandy Flaxen-Given Bestial Signs-(See the first part of by "2j. influence. this Article). Full Beard-(See "Much" in this secBites by Beasts-(See Bites). tion). Cattle-Injury or Death By-(See Heavy Beard-(See "Much" in this Cattle). section). Death by Beasts- h ori. in fixed Light Beard-The Beard Lighter signs, D or 8 the 0 at B., or occi. in than the Hair of the Head-")j. Sig. of fixed signs, in D or 8 the )) , and h in the person; "2j. Sig. in 1&. a brutal sign. (See "Hurts", "Wild Little Beard-(See "Thin" in this Animals" under Animals. Also see section). Cattle, Elephants, Horses, Quadrupeds. lUuch Beard-Full-Heavy-ThickNote the various paragraphs in this The 0 gives much hair on the beard; section). theOrising at B.; the )) gives; "2j. in Devoured By-After Death-(See J in partile asp. the As c.; "2j. in the "Birds" under Air). Asc. (See ''Abundance'', "Bushy", Dogs-The Offspring resembles Dogs, "Hairy Body", under Hair). etc.-(See "Dogs" under Children; InNo Beard-Often No Beard At Allhuman, etc.). \! as Sig. in Hor'y Questions denotes. Elephants-Death of-Death or InRed Beard-Reddish-Characteristic jury By-(See Elephants). of cJ" people; cJ" strong at B., in the Embryo-Of Beastly Form-(See Asc., or rising; d" in fiery or airy "Bea~tly" in this section. Also see Insigns, and with fixed stars of his own human). nature, a deep, sandy red; in Hor'y Questions 6 Sig. denotes reddish Epidemics Among-Of Cat t 1 e and beard and hair, but this is according Sheep-(See Epidemics; "Virus" under to the sign, except he be with fixed Pestilence; Sheep). stars of his own nature. (See "Red Form- Offspring of Beastly FormHair" under Hair). (See "Beastly" in this section). Sandy Beard- (See "Flaxen", "Red" Furious Beasts-Injury or Death By in this section). -The )) to the 6 d" by dir. (See Scanty Beard- (See "Thin" in this "Wild Animals" under Animals). section). Great Beasts-Death or Injury ByThick Beard- (See "Much" in this (See Cattle, Elephants, Great, Horses). section). Horses-Hurts, Injuries, Kicks ByThin Beard-Little Beard-Scantyh in 'f'; h signifies a thin, weak beard, (See Horses). and with the 11 sign 1& upon the As c.; Hurts by Beasts- (See "Injury", and in Hor'y Questions h or l;i as Sigs. of the various paragraphs in this secthe party, indicate one of a scanty, tion. See Animals, Cattle, Elephants, thin and spare beard; h ascending at Horses, etc.).



Injury By-The ]) to the 6 c] by dir.; the ]) to the 6 the Ascelli. (See Animais, Cattle, Elephants, Horses, etc.). Kicks-(See Horses, Kicks). Q,uadrupeds-Death or Injury By(See Animals, Cattle, Elephants Horses, Quadrupeds, etc.). Reptiles-Death or Injury By- (See Reptiles). Sickness-The Sickness or Death of Beasts-(See "Death" under Animals; Epidemics, "Virus" under Pestilence; Sheep, etc.). Signs-The Bestial Signs- (See the first part of this section). Travel-Attacks by Beasts During Travel- (See "Wild" under Animals; "Travel" under Cattle; "Dangers" under Travel). Venonwus Beasts-Injuries By-(See Venomous). "\Vild Beasts-Death or Injury By(See "Wild" under Animals; "Dangers" under Travel; Wild, etc.). BEATEN- (See Assaults, Blows, Iron, Lynching, l\f o b s; "Deaten in Prison" under Prison; "Assaults" under Stones; Sword·, etc.). BEAUTIFPL-Beauty- Elegantly Formed-Handsome, etc.-All Constellations of Human Form, both within and without the Zodiac, tend to give due proportion to the body, and a handsome shape. Also the signs of I' give when on the Asc., as 8 and o::=, or with I' in the Asc., or rising and wellaspected. The :~ sign on the Asc. is notable for the beauty it gives, and many times with white hair in youth, or before middle life. :B~or further influences along this line see the following subjects,-Body, Comely, Commanding, Compact, Complexion, Dimples, Elegant, Eyes, Face, Fair, Fine, Graceful, Hair, Handsome, Harmony, Neat, Refined; "Pure Skin" under Skin; Stature; \Veil-composed, \Veilfavored, Well-proportioned, Wellshaped, etc., under "\Vel!". BED-Taking First to Bed in Sickness -(See Decumbiture). Bedridden Invalids- (See Confinement, Hospitals, Invalids). Bed Sores-Caused by the excess heat of the 0 or c] in the sign ruling the part affected, or afflicting such sign and part. (See Sores). Bed-Wetting-( See "Incontinence" under Urine). BEES DESTROYED-cl in 1 at the Vernal Equinox, and espec. in Places and Countries ruled by J. Droning Of-Humming Of-Said to be ruled by \jJ. BEGGING-Murmuring-(See "Exhibition of Maladies" under Exhibition). Beggarly-Lives Beggarly and Carelessly-The ]) ill-dignified at B.; '2J- Sig. D or 8 f on the Asc., thru worry and brooding; caused by Subs at Li.P. For Birth Data and Cases of Gall Stones, see Figures lOA and lOB in the book, "Astra-Diagnosis" by the Heindels. (See Stone). Headache-(See "Bilious" under Headache). Humours-Choleric Humours- (See Choleric). Hypochondria-(See this subject). Jaundice-(See Jaundice). Liver-(See the various subjects under Liver). Li-Yerishness- (See ' Biliousness" in this section). IUelancholy-Atrabile-Black Bile(See "Black Bile" in this section. Also see Atrabile, Melancholy). Nausea-Bilious Nausea-(See Nausea). Obstruction-Of the Bile PassagesIf, I;f, or II in TI, and affl. the 0 or j). Pain-In the Ga 11 Bladder-(See "Cholic" in this section). Stenosis-Of the Gall Ducts- (See "Ducts" in this section). Tcinperament-The Bilious Temperament-(See Choleric). Treatment-(See Signature). Vomiting-Bilious Vomiting-(See Nausea, Vomiting). BINDING-Limiting-RestrainingConfining-The influence and action of 1[, and also of the 12th H. (See ChroniC, Confinement, Hospitals, Invalids, Limitations, Retraction, "Influence of Saturn" under Saturn; Twelfth House). BIOCHE:liiSTRY-The Chemistry of Living Tissues. The study of the Chemistry of the human body in its relation to the Zodiac, and the Tissue Salts of the body under the rule of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. (See "Salts" under Zodiac). BIRDS-(See "Birds of the Air" under Air; Fowls, Vultures). Bird Features-(See ·l\Ionsters). BIRTH-Births-Born-etc.- (See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement,Abnorntai Births-(See Abortion, "Excision" under Foetus; Premature, Stillborn, etc. Note the various subjects in this section). Abortion; Aehy Of-c afil. in Jll. (See Hypertrophy). lniposthuines-(See " . Abscess" in this section). Incontinen entering into the configurations which otherwise cause blindness. Also caused by II and ?;> afflicting the Lights. (See "Eyestrain" under Eyes; Reading, Study). Mutes-Blind and Deaf- (See Mutes. Also see "Deaf and Dumb" in this section). Natural Defects-Blindness By-(See "Defects" in this section). Nearly Blind-The ]) Sig. the O. and both near the Hyades, Pleiades, or Praesepe. (See Sight). Nyctalopia- (See "Day Blindness" in this section). Obstructing Growths-Blindness By -(See "Gro\\~ths" in this section; "Growths' under Eyes). One Eye-Blindness In-Lo~s of One Eye-The 0 directed to Praesepe, Hyades, Pleiades, Castor, Pollux, and other stars of the nature of the ]) and o combined, and espec. if Praesepe be on the Asc., or with the 0 or ]) in an angle; the ]) 0 , and with the Pleiades; the ]) in an angle, in the Ase. or Desc., . or 8 the 0, and connected with a Nebulous Spot, as the Cloudy

o o




Blindness Spot of e::o, the Pleiades of i:J, the Sting of Scorpio, the Arrowhead of J, the :C.Iane of f), or the Urn of ""; the D in the 1st or 7th H., in exact D. or 8 the 0. and affi. by I;!, It, or o, or with any Nebulous Spots, such as just mentioned; the ]) affi. in the 22° IJ; II with Regulus. (See Right, Left, in this section. Also see "One Eye" under Eyes). One-Half Vision- (See "Hemianopia" in this section). Optic Nerve-Inhibition of-(See Optic). Over-Study-Blindness From-(See "Eyestrain" under Eyes; the \5 influences under "Causes", and "Mental Exertion" in this section). Partial Blindness- (See "Amaurosis" in this section). Piles-Blind Piles-(See Hemorrhoids). Pl'ivate Injury-Blindness B y Caused by 0' influence in the configuration. (S, or J.E, and afflicted, or 'lf. affl. the 0. )! , As c. or hyleg from these signs. (See "Remedies" in this section). Purpura-Hemorrhages into the Cutis -(See Purpura). Putrefaction-In the Blood-A disease of '!; '! affl. in +; a :tE disease, and afflictions in }E. (See Impure, Putrefaction). Red Blood-(See "Coloring" in Sec. 1 of this Article. Also see Arteries, Circulation, Haemoglobin, Iron, "Blood" under Red). Remedies-For Blood DisordersPurple, the color ruled by '! in the Solar Spectr.um, and purple rays, are valuable in the treatment of blood and liver disorders. The therapeutic properties of the O. )!, B. o and t;? are classed as being favorable to the relief of blood disorders. (See Alteratives). Renal Hemorrhage- (See "Hemorrhage" under Kidneys). Rich Blood-Too Rich-Gross Blood -o D or 8 '!. (See Impure, Too Much, in this section). Rubefacients; Rupture - 0 f B I o o d Vessels-(See Apoplexy, Hemorrhage, "Rupture" under Vessels). Rush of Blood-To the Head, or a Part-A o influence. (See "Blood" under Head; "Abundance" in this section). Scrofulous Blood-(See Scrofula). Scurvy-(See Purpura, Scurvy). Septicaemia- (See Septic. Also see ''Poisoning" in this section). Seru:m~Of the Blood-Disorders of(See Serum). Shedding-Of Blood-A influence and affliction, as in Accidents, Cuts, Injuries, \Var, etc. (See Accidents, Cuts, Effusions, Hemorrhage, Menses, Murder, Shedding, Stabs, Sword, War, Wounds, etc.). Skin-Skin Disorders Thru Blood Affections-(See Centrifugal, Eczema,


Disorders of the Blood Eruptions, Impure, Purpura, Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin, Syphilis, etc.). Sluggish Blood- (See "Poor", "Sluggish", under Circulation). Spitting of Blood- (See Haemoptysis). Stabs-Loss of Blood From-(See Stabs). Stagnant Blood-Polluted Blood-~ 6 'lf. or '?, the rulers of the circulation; '! 6 ~. and also affl. by the )! and '?. (See Impure. Also see "Sluggish" under Circulation). Sugar-In the Blood-(See Sugar). Surface-Blood Driven to the Surface-(See Caustic, Centrifugal, Eruptions, R u befacien ts). Surfeits-(See "Blood" under Surfeits. Also see "Too :VIuch" in this section). Sweat-Bloody Sweat-(See Sweat). Syphilis-Syphilitic Blood- (See Syphilis). Thin Blood-Hydraemia-Impoverished- Watery-Caused by the predominance of the watery signs at B., and espec. e::n and :tE. and with these signs on the Asc. (See "Poor" in this section. Also see Anaemia, Dropsy, Emaciated, Pale, Sickly, Vitality Low, \Vasting, etc.). Thrombus-Blood Clot-(See Thrombus). Too Much Blood-Gross Blood-Vascular Fullness-High Blood Pressure -The )! to the ill-asps. 'lj. by dir., the blood is gross and corrupted; the )! in 8 or [1, and affi. by the 0 or o when taken ill; the )! or 'lf. in o:=, affi. by the 0 or 0 when taken ill, the patient is grieved with a plenitude of blood, and feverish disorders from too much blood; a 'lf. disease when 'lf. is afflicted at B., and due to excesses in eating; '! affi. in o:= tends to inflammatory diseases, Piles, etc., from too much blood; 'lf. affl. in :::: tends to flying pains, fevers, many diseases and complications from too much blood; the Asc. to any asp. of 'lf. by dir., and with danger of pleurisy; all conditions of vascular fullness are considered 'lf. diseases. (See Arteries; "Sluggish" under Circulation; Eruptions; "Blood" under Fevers; Impure, Plethora; "High Pulse" under Pulse; Surfeits, Upper, etc. Also see "Pressure" in this section). Toxic Blood- (See Impure, Poison, Septic, Toxic, Urea, Uric Acid. Also see "Poisoning" in this section). Treatment-Of Blood Disorders-(See "Remedies" in this section). Tumors-Blood Tumors-(See Haematoma). Ulcers-From Bad Blood- (See "Blood" under Ulcers). Upper Parts-(See "Blood" under Upper). Uremia; Uric Acid; Urine--Blood In(See Urine). Veins-Venous Blood-(See Veins). Vessels-Blood Vessels- (See Vessels).



VOiniting-Of Blood-(See Vomiting). Watery Blood-(See "Poor", "Thin" in this section). Watery Humou ..s-'\Vith Bloody Discharges-(See Discharges, Dysentery, Fluxes, Humours, \Vatery). '\Veakest Part-Blood the '\Veakest Part~The 0 affl. in 1; )) hyleg, and affl. in a female natiYity. "'bite- White B 1 o o d Corpuscles(Sec Leukocytes). '\Vind in Blood-(See \Yind). '\Vonten-(See "Blood" under \Yomen). BLO'I'CJ-IES-Blemishcs-The ]) in nt, and affi. by the 0 or r5 when taken ill, due to corrupt blood; the )) to the Bull's Horns by dir.; afflictions in 7;loeations-Luxa tions-(See Dislocations). Disorders Of-h weak, afflicted, and ill-dignified at B.; h affl. the O. }), Asc., or hyleg; the afflictions of h are at the bottom of all diseases of the bones, and also of the teeth, which latter are ruled by h. (See the various paragraphs in this section). EnlargeiUents Of- (See Ankylosis, Deposits, En 1 a r gem en t s, Minerals, Rickets, etc. Also see "Exostosis", "Inflammation" in this section). Exostosis-An abnormal outgrowth of bone-Exostosis in Arms- (See "Bones" under Arms). Femur-Broken Femur-(See Femur). Fraetures-Accidents or Injuries to the Bones-Broken Bones-(See Fractures. For the fractures of the various bones of the body, see the bone, or part, in the alphabetical arrangement). Fragile Bones-(See "Brittle" in this section). Hardening-Hard-(1) The Bones Unusually Hard at Birth-See Case, "Short Life", No. 371 in 1001 N.N. (2) Morbid Hardening of-Morbid Ossification-A h disease; h affl. the Asc. or hyleg; h in the 6th H. (See Hardening). Head-Fractures To-(See Head, Skull). Humpback-(See Spine). Inflammation-In Uie Done-Osteitis -Danger of-d' 6 h. and in the part ruled by the sign containing them. (See "Enlargements" in this section). Injuries To-(See Fractures). Knock Rnces-(See Knees). Legs-Fractures of- (See Ankles, Femur, Fibula, Legs, Limbs, Tibia). Lhnbs-Broken-(See Arms, Legs, in this section). Long Bones-Softening of-(See Rickets). Luxations-(See Dislocations). lllalformations-Of the Bones- (See Arms, Deformities, Feet. Legs Malformations, etc. Also see "Misshaped" in this section). !\!arrow-Disorders of-Inflammation of- (See "Osteomyelitis". "Spine" in this section. Also see l\Iarrow). iUineral Deposits- (See "Deficiency" in this section). lllissha)>ed Bones- (See Ankylosis, Caries, Deformities, "Club Feet" under Feet; "Humpback" under Spine; "Knock Knees" under Knees; "Bow Legs" under Legs; Malformations, Monsters, Rickets). l\Iorbid Ossification- Unnatural Ossification-Caused by h afflictions; h affl. the Q, }), Asc., or hyleg, and espec. when h is in the 6th H. Ossification-::\Iorbid- (See "Morbid" in this section).


Osteltis-(See "Inflammation" in this section). Osteomyelitis-Inflammation of the Marrow-Osteomyelitis, or Pus in the bones, resulting from injury, is apt to result in any long bone when the part is afflicted by d', and other malefics; ·ljf or d' 6 h in the sign ruling the part. (See "Osteomyelitis" under Femur; Marrow). Case-See Fig. 15C, in "Astra-Diagnosis", by the Heindels. Pain in the Bones-A h disease; h in an earthy sign in the Asc., 6th H., or l'vi.C., and affl. the O. }) , As c., or hyleg; the }) in (l, and affl. by the 0 or d' when taken ill. (See Dengue). Periosteitis-Infiammation of the Periosteum-A d' affliction; d' in the sign ruling the part; d' 6 h. (See "Periosteitis" under Femur). Pus in the Bones- (See "Osteomyelitis" in this section. Also see Cloaca). Radius-Fracture of-(See Radius). Rheumatism-In the Bones-Born under h; h ruler of the Asc., and affl. the Q, }) , or hyleg; h in asp. to the Asc., and affl. the ]) or lord of the Asc. (See Rheumatism). Rickets-( See Rickets). Softening Of-(See Rickets). Spinal !\!arrow-Disorders of- (See "Marrow" under Spine). Subluxations-Of the Yertebrae-(See Subluxations, Vertebrae). Teeth-Decay and Disorders of-(See Teeth). Tuberculosis-Of Bone-Caused by h afflictions in earthy signs, and with h in the Asc., 6th H., or l\I.C., and affl. the Q, }), Asc., or hyleg (See Tuberculosis). Ulcerous Inflammation- (See Caries, Jaws, Teeth, Ulcers). Vertebrne-(See Vertebrae). "\Yrists-Fracture of- (See Wrists). For Disorders of the Bones, with Case Records, etc., see Figures 15A, 15B, and 15C, in "Astra-Diagnosis" by the Heindels. BOOTES-Left Shoulder of Bootes(See Arcturus, Disgrace, Ruin). BORBORYGJIUS-(See Bowels). BORN-(See Abortion, Birth, "Excision" under Foetus; ::\Iiscarriage, Parturition, Stillborn). BO"\V-LEGGED-Bandy Leg- (See Legs). BO"\VELS-Intestines-Intestinal Canal -Enteric-The Bowels are principally under the internal rule of the 11l2 Sign. They are also ruled by the }) , i;i, and the 6th H. The bowels are also influenced and affected by :tf. the sign opposite to 11]2, and also by all the common signs. The 6th House is said to rule the intestines, even to the Rectum. The common signs on the 6th H., or on angles, greatly influence the bowels for good or ill, according to the nature of the p 1 an e t s in these signs at B .. and by dir., and the aspects formed. The Large and Small Intestines are ruleci by 11]2. The ('nlon, Jejunum, Ileum, Ileo-Cecal Valve, and



other parts of the Intestinal 'l"ract, and accompanying diseases, are listed alphabetically in this section. The Bowels, as a receptacle, are ruled by the }). The J'.Iesentery, or the Peritoneal Attachments of the Small Intestines, are ruled by 11]1. The Colon and its different parts are ruled by Til. (See Colon). The Lower Excretory Bowels, and the Rectum, are ruled by m. (See Colon, Rectum). The Intestinal Branches of the Solar Plexus are ruled by m. (See this influence under Ductless Glands. See Ductless). The Intestinal Ganglia and Plexuses are ruled by rJ and the 1TL sign. The }) in 11J1 rules the glands and functions of the bowels. t1 in 11J1 rules the nerves and nerve fibres. !(. in 11J1 rules the Spleen. 'lf in 11J1 rules the Arteries. rJ in 11J1 rules the Muscles. 'i' in 11J1 rules the Veins. See the following Diseases and subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered hereAbdomen; Abdominal Cramps-H in 11]1. (See Colic, Cramps, Flatulence, Gas, Gripings, 'Wind, etc.). Abdominal Phthisis-(See Phthisis). Abscess in Bowels-~ affi. in 11]1. Accidents To-(See "Injuries"· in this section). Action of Bowels- (See the various paragraphs in this section). Affected-The bowels tend to be affected with the 0 in J, CO>; }) [1, 11]1, ~. 1TL. +; I;I e::;; h 8. IJ; '2t ')", 8. [1; rJ ')", [1. 11]1, ?{; 'i' ?{; l;i m. ::::. See Table 196 in Simmonite's Arcana. See "Disordered", and the various paragraphs in this section). All Diseases Of-All Infirmities and ·weaknesses of-All Irregularities of -Signified by the 6th H. and the 1!J1 sign, and planets in them. Antiperistalsis-~ affi. in j{; !(., rJ, or I;I in ?{, and afflicted, and with the 1!J1 sign weak at B. and unoccupied. (See "Peristaltic" in this section). Anus; Aphthae; Appendicitis-(See Appendix). Arteries Of~Disordered-~ affi. in 11]1. Asiatic Cholera-(See Cholera). Assimilation-Impaired-(See Assimilation). Belly-Any Disease In-(See Belly). Bilionsness-(See Bile), Bloody Discharges- (See Dysentery, Flux, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Typhoid, Ulcers). Borborygmus-Gas in the BowelsCroaking and Rumbling-(,5 affl. in 11J1; a 11J1 disease, and afflictions in n~. (See Flatulence, Gas. Also see "Pains" in this section). Bowel Complaints- (See the various paragraphs in this section. See "'\Vet Feet" under Feet). Caecum-Disorders of-( See Caecum). Cancer Of-(See "Bowels" under Carcinoma). Catarrh Of-(See "Bowels" under Catarrh). Cholera; Cholera Infantum- (See Cholera).

Bowels Chyle-Disorders of-(See Chyle). Chyme-(See Chyme). Circulation- Obstructed, Restricted, or Slugg1sh-I;I 6 }) in 11)1, and affl. '2f and I'; h affl. in 11]1; h 6 }) 11J1; h 11J1 6, D, or 8 '2t or 'i', obstructed or sluggish. Cold in Bowels-The }) 11J1 6 or illasp. any of the malefics as promittors and espec. to !(.; !(. in an angle, occi: of the 0 and ori. of the }) ; !(. in 11)1. (See Cold). Colic-1;[ or l,l affi. in 11)1. Mucus Colic, and FIat u I en t Colic in Bowels are caused by Subs at KP, and PP, the 2, 3, 4 Lu_mbars. (See Colic, Flatulence, Gas, G r 1 p 1n g s, '\Vind, etc. See Borborygmus, Cramps, Croaking Pain Spasm, in this section). ' ' Colon-Disorders of-(See Colon). Color-In the Treatment of Bowel D1sorders-(See Yellow). Congestion-In Bowels-!(. 11J1. (See Congestwn). Constipation; Consumption Of- (See "Abdominal" under Phthisis). ..costi~en~ss- (See Costiveness. See Sluggish' m th1s section). Cr~mps In-I;I or l,l affi. in 11)1. (See Colle, Pam, Spasmodic, '\Vind in this sectwn). ' Croaking·-Rumb!ing- (See Borbory_gmus, Gas, Pain, Wind, in this section). Death-:-From Bowel Disorder-Common S1gns show, and afflictions in them, and espec. when on angles or the 6th H. Diarrhoea; Diet-Bow e 1 Disorders from '\Yrong Diet-'lt affl. in 11)1, (See "Evil Diet" under Diet). Digestion- Disorders of Intestinal Digestion-(See Chyle, Indigestion). Diseased Intestines-The Bowels Affected-Disorden;d-Affiictions in ~. the 6th H., and 1n the common signs. (See "Disorders", and the various paragraphs in this section). Disorders Of-Disordered-The Bowels Afflicted-Enteric Disorders-Distempers In-Liable to Bowel Disorders -:-The 0 affl. in 11]1, J, !&, or ?{; the 0 m 11J1, 1&, or ?{, 6 or ill-asp. any of the malefics as promittors; the 0 11J1 and affl. by 1+; }) diseases and afflictions· born under tJ:e affl. in 11]1, ~. or +; }) affl. m 11J1 or +, and espec. affi. the hyleg therefrom; the }) hyleg in 11]1, and afflicted, and espec. with females; ¥ or Iti affi. in 11J1 in 6th H.; !(. affl. in 11J1 or I&; h or l3 in 11J1 and afflicted; !(. in 11J1 occi., and affl. the 0. }) , or Asc.; h 6 rJ in 11]1, and espec. in an angle at a Solar Ingress at an Equinox; ~ignif;ied by h in 8. TI, or ~; !(. or o m 11J1 m the 6th H.; !(. affl. in the 6th H. in a flexed or mutable sign; 'lf affl. in ')", 8, [1, 11]1, or ~; '2f in TI or 11J1 in the 6th H., and afflicted; rJ affi. in ')", [1. 11]1, or ?{; o in 11J1 6 or ill-asp. the O; rJ promittor in and in 6 or illasp. the O; rJ in 11J1 in the 6th H.; 'i' in 11J1 and affi. the }) or Asc.; 'i' affl. in 11)1, ~. or ?{; 'i' in 11J1 in the 6th H., and afflicted; \i affl. in 11]1, ~. m, 1&, or ::::· t1 affi. in 1&, due to worry and mel;,n-

»; »





choly; common signs denote, and espec. afflictions in 11)1, or with common signs on angles or the 6th H.; ;rt; on the As c.; earthy signs on Asc.; the malefics, or afflicting planets in common signs; a Stellium in 11J1 or the 6th H.; 1TJ1 on cusp the 6th H. (See the various paragraphs in this section. Also see Heredity). Distempers I n - (See "Disorders" in this section). Dropsy-Of the Glands of-W affl. in 11)1, dropsy and wasting; }J affl. in 11)1, as the JJ rules the glands and functions of the bowels. Drngs-(See "Opiates" in this section). Duodenum--Disorders of-Afflictions in 11)1. (See Duodenum). Dysentery; Eating-Bowel Disorders from Improper Eating-; Subs at LCP, AP, and HP. (See "Chronic" in this section). Catarrh-Bronchial Catarrh-The J) in 8. TI, or e::;; tends to. (See Catarrh).




lord of the year at the Vernal Equinox. Chest; Chronic Bronchitis-h affi. in (See Air, Epidemics, "Wind). 8, II, or o::;;; 7 in ~ and affi. the 0 or }) in II; 7 cS ~ in II in 3rd H.; 0 cS }) BRONCHOCELE-(See Goitre). in II and in D to h in 7. Consu1nption-Bronchial Consumption (Sec Anguish, Anxiety, Dejection, De-Malefics in 8 tend to; a 8 disease; pression, Despondency, Fears, Gloon1, h 8. (See Consumption). Introspection, Melancholy, Retrospective, \Vorry, etc.). Cough-Bronchial Cough-Afflictions in II or J; the O. cf, 'i'. or ~ in II or Imaginary D isea.s es-Im ag ina ry J, and afflicted; the 0 or }) in the 6th Troubles-Brooding O\·er-7 to the illH., in fixed signs, and afflicted; r,r and asps. his own place by dir., or tr.; cJ o' in 111. on the Asc.; 7 lord of the 3rd affi. in m>; \) in the Gth H., and affi. by H., aml afflicting 'i'; h afflicted in the: !;I, 7, or 6. (See Hypochondria, Imag6th H. in fixed signs; afflictions in C3. inary). (See Cough). BRO'rHERS-:\Iuch that is said here Death-From Bronchitis, and Bronwill abo apply to sisters. Our brothers chial Trouble-h or cf in II, and affl. and sisters are shown and ruled by the hyleg at D., or by di~; cf occi. at the 3rd H., and our rei a tions to them, B., and affl. the hyleg at B.; afflictions wheth~r for good or ill. Their sickin fixed signs, and espec. when on the nesses are also largely denoted hy the cusp of 3rd, 6th, or 8th H., and affi. conditions over the IJ t:3ign in your the hyleg; lord of the 8th in II, and map or birth. affi. the hyleg at B., and by dir. Brothers Indieate rules Brutish Signs-[1 and the 2nd half of black, and dark brown. Bro·wn is also J, and those born under them are said ruled by the 7th H. to be brutish, savage, and inhuman; Complexion-Brown Complexion,\/. or the 2nd half of J on the Asc. at Brown Skin-\! ascending at D., and B., or the 0 or }J in either of them, free from the rays of other r1lanets; and the malefics in angles, render the \5 ori. at D.; \5 in 'P or \Qo; It indicates native fierce, cruel and brutish. (See one of an earthy, brown, swarthy, Cruel, "Human Signs" under Human; dark, or dusky complexion; 'J.!. gives l\Iadness). when rising and well-aspected; ';' in BRYONIA-Bryonia Alba-One of the m.; 'T'. m., and :Qo giYe. (See Olive, Sun- typical Polycrest Remedies correspondburnt, Tan, under Complexion). ing to the II sign. Also a typical drug Eyes-Brown Eyes-(See "Drown" of cJ. (See Resolvent; "Polycrest" ununder Eyes). der Zodiac). Hair-Brown Hair-( See "Brown" un- BUBO-Bubo Inguinal Tumor-A Swellder Hair). ing in the lymphatic gland of the Skin-(See "Complexion" in this secGroin-A m. disease, and by reflex action). tion affecting the Parotid Gland ruled by 8; caused by Subs at PP, the 2, 3, BRUISE§-Contusions-Concussions4 Lumbars, and also at KP. (See GonThe subject of Bruises is largely conorrhea, Groins). sidered under the subjects of Blows, Bubo Plague-Bubonic Plague-Afand Falls. flictions in m.: a m. disease; It 6 :.t in Accidents By-Hurts and Injuries By the first 6 de g. of the cr sign; a d' dis-Liable To-ft causes hurts and inease and caused by d' afflictions; the juries by bruises, blows and falls; It 0 affi. in [1; eclipses of the 0 or }J ascending at B.; It rising or setting at tend to, and in Nations ruled by the B.; It by transit in 6 or ill-asp. the 0. Sign in which they occur. No Plague }J, 'J.i.. or '1' in the radix; It in cp, or from eclipse can affect the whole J, 6 or ill-asp. the As c. by dir.; It earth, an nor endure more than 4 months affi. the 0 at D., and by dir.; It rising, or 4 years, according to the nature and affi. the 0 or }J at B.; It ruler of and duration of the eclipse. Caused t11e 4th or 8th H., and to the ill-asps. by Subs at CP, KP, LPP. (See Eclipse, of d'; It 6 d' in the 0 atfl. in \Qo; the 0 and }J ori., and am. by It or d'; the Plague). 0 directed to the Cratch _(Praesepe) in BFDDING-Reprod uction By- (See the 6° [1; Iti to the ill-asps. his place Gemmation). (See













BUILD-Of the Body-( See Appearance, and elevated in positive signs of the Body, Corpulent, Defects, Deformities, Zodiac. (See "Active Body", "Active Fat, Form, Good, "Ill-Formed" under :\lind", under Active; Cheerfulness; Ill; "Muscular" under Muscles; Shape, "Abundance of" under Energy; "ExShort, Stature, Strong, Tall, Thin, cess of" under Force; Hope, Joy, Mirth, ·weak, etc.). Optimism, Positive Nature, Power; "Strong Will" under Will, etc.). Building of the Body-The body is built a Ion g the lines of its Astral -BURGLARS-Injury or Death By-(See Double, and each of the planets have Highwaymen, Robbers, Thieves). their part in the work, according to BURIALthe parts they rule. Thus h builds the Buried Alive-Danger of Premature bones, framework, skeleton, etc. (See Burial-'!' in 8th H., and due to Trance Blood, Bones, Cells, Processes, Tissues, conditions simulating death; h causes etc. See the influence of each of the death, being buried alive, as by landplanets, and also of the Signs of the slides, fall of buildings, etc. (See AvaZodiac). A good description of the lanches; "Fall of Buildings'' under building of the body, from an Occult Buildings; Crushed, Trance, etc.). standpoint, and its evolution from the No Burial-The Body Not Interredearliest stages of Humanity on this No Church or Regular Burial-Several planet, can be gotten from the various malefics ruling the Anaretic places, or books on Rosicrucianism, Theosophy. occupying them; If!, h, or cS claiming BUILDINGS-Houses-Death or Injury prerogative in the Anaretic Places, by Falls from Buildings, or by the and with no assistance from the beneFall of Buildings-(See Crushed, tics to the 4th H., or to the Anaretic "Earthquakes" under Earth; "BuildPlaces. ings" under Falls; Incendiarism). Body Devoured-The body may be deBULBAR PARALYSIS-(See Medulla). voured by beasts or birds after death if the malefics are in signs assigned BULKY BODY-'f in the Asc. tends to to beasts and birds, and also when give bulk to the body. (See Corpulent, the benefics offer no assistance to the Fat, Fleshy, Lumpish, Stoutness, etc.). Anaretic Places, or to the 4th H., the Bulky Organs- Enlarged -Over-dehouse which rules the end of life. (See veloped-( See Enlargements). "Birds of Air" under Air; Vultures). BULLA-(See Blisters). Buried Under the Earth-I:f or h in BULLS-Oxen-Large Cattlee::;;, ""'• or \0', in the 4th H., and in 6, D. or 8 the 0 or d'; h in 8, 11)1, or \0', Attacks By-(See Animals, Cattle, c\, D. or 8 the Asc. by dir., and h Quadrupeds). holding the dominion of death, danger Bull Fighter-Killed in Bull Fightof being buried alive under the earth, ing-Case-See "Bull Fighter", No. as by Cave-ins, Avalanches, Land063 in 1001 N.N. slides, etc. (See "Buried Alive" in this Bull's Eyes-Bull's South Eye-(See section). Oculus Taurus). BURNS-Burning-Searing-Scalds, etc. Bull's North Eye- (See Aldebaran, -Burns are caused by the 0 and d', "Death by Fire" under Fire; "Good the positive, electric, and heat-producHealth" under Health; Pestilence). ing planets. The following subjects are connected with Burns, Burning, Bull's Horns-Dull's North HornFire, Injuries or Disorders from InDull's South Horn-Situated in TI, and tense Heat within or without the of the nature of d'. The Bull's N. Horn, body; Scalds, Hot Liquids or Metals, when crossing the Asc. of ruling signs Searing, etc., which see in the alphaof a Country or City, tends to great betical arrangement when not considfires, calamity, and loss of life. This ered herewas the case in London in the year 1866, the year of the Great Fire, when Accidents by Burns-(See "Danger", this star was passing thru TI, the Asc. and the various paragraphs in thi~ of the .City of London. (See Lilly's section). Astrology, page 5). For the various Arms-Burns To-The 0 or cS aft!. in influences of the Bull's Horns, see AmTI, and signs which rule the arms. bushes; "Pains" under Arms; Blotches, (See "Burns" under Arms). Fury, Inflammation, Intoxication, Blindness By- (See "Burning" under Rashness; "Strangury" under Urine· Blindness). Violent. ' Burned Alive--Danger of-The O diBUNIONS-Corns-A ~ disorder, and rected to the Ascelli; the l! Sig. c\ 0 afflictions in ~; If!, h, d', 'i', or l;l aft!. or cS; cS in fiery signs and 6 the Asc. in ~; 'i' ~ in 6th H., and afflicted; 'i' by dir. ~. and aft!. the 0 or j); the )J hyleg Burned at Stake- (See "Stake" in in a female nativity, and afflicted. this section). (See Crusts; "Skin" under Hardening; Scales). 'Danger of Bums-Liable to BurnsBUOYANT- Vi v ac i o us-Hop efu 1 - Subject To-Accidents By-The O or l! Cheerful-Full of Life and Activityhyleg, and to the 6 or ill-asps. cS by LJ. influence; '2f rising in the As c. or dir.; the progressed 0 or l! to the 6 M.C., well-aspected and dignified, and or ill-asps. cS; the l! 6 cS in the 1\I.C., also the 0 and d' in strong positions and evilly aspected by Antares; the j) at B.; fiery signs upon the Asc. at B., Sig. 6 the 0. subject to burns and and many planets in these signs; scalds; )) Sig. D or 8 0. and espec. if cardinal signs on the angles at B.; the d' aspect the O; caused by d' afflicmajority of the planets at B. rising tions; d' aft!, in /:1., or the fiery






signs; d' affl. in the 6th H., and espec. in a cardinal or fiery sign; d' affl. in the 4th H., and espec. in a fiery sign, burns due to fire in the home; d' affl. in the As c. or :1\I.C.; d' D or 8 the 8 at B., and by dir.; i;S Sig. 6 the 0 and the 8 ill-dignified; 'P on the Asc.; fiery signs in the Asc. or 6th H., or the )) in a fiery sign at B., threatens burns under the evil directions of 6 to the )), or d' in or to the Asc. or 6th H. (See "Danger" under Fire. Also note the various paragraphs in this section). Death by Burns-Burned to DeathDeath by Burning or Searing-The )) affl. by d', and d' descending, and if d' also be configurated with i;S, it happens from an accident in sports, or by robbers; the )) hyleg, and to the 6 or ill-asp. d' by dir.; d' in ~ near Caput Algol, or in TTL in 8. and in D or 8 to the 8 or )) ; d' ori. at B., and affl. the hyleg by dir., and espec. if d' be in a violent sign; d' in 8 or TTL, and affl. the hyleg·; d' afflicting from fiery signs. Cases-See "Burned to Death", No. 687, and No. 889, in 1001 N.N. (See "Burned Alive" and "Searing" in this section. Also see "Death" under Fire, Scalds; "Hot Liquids" under Heat). Electricity; Explosions; Eyes - I n jury to by Burns-(See "Burning" under Blindness; "Accidents" under Eyes). Face-Burns To-6 affl. in 'f', and espec. in the Asc. Case-Left Side of Face and Neck severely burned-See "Extraordinary Accident", No. 192 in 1001 N.N. (See "Searing" in this section). Father-Burns To-(See "Burns" under Father). Fevers-High, Burning Fevers-(See "High Fevers" under Fever). Fire-Danger or Death By-( See Fire. Also see the various paragraphs in this section). Gun Powder Burns-(See Gunshot). Home-Burns in the Home-Danger of-d' affl. in the 4th H. in a fiery sign. (See "Fire" under Home). Injuries by Burns- ( See "Danger", and the various paragraphs in this section). Journeys -Travel- Voyages-Burns on Journeys or in Travel-Malefics, and espec. d', in the 3rd or 9th H., and afflicting the 8 or )) in fiery signs. Liable to Burns- (See "Danger" in this section). Lightning; Liquids-Burns or Death by Hot Liquids-(See "Hot Liquids" un.der Heat. Also see Scalds). Mother-Burns To-Death By-(See "Burns" under Mother). Ne~k-Burns To-(See "Face" in this section). Pains-Burning Pains in the Stomach -(See Belching). Powder Burns-(See Gunshot). Robbers-Burned By- (See "Death" in this section). Scalds; Searing-Injury or Death By - 6 in 8 near Caput Algol, or in TTL in 8 aspect, and in D or 8 the 8 or )). (See "Burning" under Eyes).


Sensations-Burning Sensations(See Belching, "Heartburn" under Heart; Paraesthesia, Sensations, etc.). Sports-Burned During-(See "Death" in this section). Stake-Burned at the Stake-CaseSee "Savonarola", No. 459, in 1001 N.N. Stomach-Burning Pains At-(See Belching). Travel-Burns During- (See "Journeys" in this section). Voyages-Burned During- (See "Journeys" in this section). "\Vater-Burns by Hot \Vater-(See "Hot Liquids" under Heat. Also see Scalds). BURSA-A small sac between movable parts. Bursitis-In the Knee- 'i' affl. in \&. (See Joints, Synovial). BURS'l'ING-Rending-Tearing-Rupture-Laceration, etc.Blood Vessels-Bursting of-(See Apoplexy, Cerebral, Hemorrhage, "Blood Vessels" under Vessels). Parts-Bursting and Rending of(See Hernia, Lacerations, ~upture). BUSHY-(See "Bushy" under Eyebrows, Hair; "Curly" under Hair). BUSINESS-The Trade or EmploymentDeath In-Accident, Injury or Illness In-(See Cares, Employment, Explosions, Machinery, Occupation, Partner, Ruin, Vocation). BUTCHERS-a' strong at B., or the ruling planet, tends to make good Butchers, Cutters and Surgeons; the 0. )) , or a' well-asp. in TTL; a' in the Asc. or ::\LC. in TTL. The TTL influence should predominate at B. to make good Surgeons, Cutters, or Butchers. (See Surgeons). BUTTOCKS-Nates-Gluteal RegionRump-Haunches-Ruled by "" and the 7th H., and the parts adjoining the Hips, included in the Haunches, are ruled and influenced by Boils On-(See "Buttocks" under Boils). Diseases In-Afflictions in "" and :t. Fistulous Tumors-A disease, and afflictions in :f. Heats In-Humours In-A "" disease, and afflictions in ""; a' affl. in "" or :t. Hurts To-Accidents or \Vounds ToAfflictions in +; 1< or a' affl. in :t. (See Haunches, Hips, Ilium, Loins). BUZZARDS-Vultures-Fowls of the Air- The Body Devoured By After Death-No Burial-(See "Birds of the Air' 'under Air; "Body Devoured" under Burial; Fowls; "Vultures Eat the Body" under Vultures). BUZZINGBuzzing Noises-In Ears-(See "Buzzing" under Ears). Buzzing Sensations-As in the Spine or Nerves- Usually caused by pressure upon the nerves, or sublaxations of vertebrae, and should be studied locally, and the planetary afflictions noted in the sign ruling the afflicted part. (See Paraesthesia). Droning-Buzzing-(See Humming).






c CACHEXIA-A Depraved condition of llany Calamities-The 0 to the 6 or Nutrition- (See Anaemia, Anticachecill-asp. h. d'. or the malefics by dir.; tic, Assimilation, Emaciation, Nut r ithe 0 Sig., and to the 6 or ill-asp. h tion, Pale, Sickly, Unhealthy; "Vitalby dir.; the 0 to the ill-asps. I;[ by ity Low" under Vitality; Wasting, dir.; the 0 6, or to the place of AldeWeak, etc.). baran, Antares, the Ascel!i, Arcturus, Cor Hydra, Fomahaut, Hircus. Markab, CADAVEROUS-Pale, Corpse-like, UnPleiades, or Regulus, and espec. when healthy-(See Pale, Unhealthy, White). culminating, tend first to great honCADENT HOUSES-As the 3rd, 6th, 9th ors, to be followed by the greatest and 12th H., and correspond to the calamities; the ]) sep1·. from h and Mutable Signs. These houses are idenapplying to the 0 at B., or by dir.; the tified with disease, and tend to give a ]) with Antares or Aldebaran in the 1st weak constitution, and espec. when or 1Oth H.; the ]) to the place of Heroccupied by the O. ]), and many planets cules; 1). to- his own ill-asps. by dir.; at B. The 6th and 12th houses are the the 1\I.C. to the place of Algenib, Anmore evil of the cadent houses. The tares, Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Procyon, 6th H. is more noted for acute disor any star of the nature of d' and \5; eases, and the 12th H. denotes lingerPraesepe rising with the 0 or ]). and ing and chronic diseases. (See Houses, espec. in 6 in an angle, causes every Mutable). calamity upon the native. (See Evils, CAECUli-Ruled by 111.· Reverses, Ruin, etc.). Inflammation Of-T y ph I it is-Perilloment of Birth-Calamity Fromtyphlitis-d' aft!. in Til. Caused by Subs l\Ialefics with the 0 or ]) at B., and at PP, the 2nd and 3rd Lumbars. (See aft!. the hyleg. This is espec. true of Appendix). Excrescences,Distortions, Lameness or Paralysis. (See these subjects. Also Ileo-Caeeal Valve-(See Ileum). see "ll1omcnt of Birth" under Birth). CAESARIAN OPERATION-(See "Excision" under Foetus). Sea-Calamities at Sea- (See l\Taritime, NaYigation. Ocean, Sea, Ships, CAISSON DISEASE-Symptoms from Shipwreck, Waters). working under increased air pressure -Compressed Air and Gases are ruled Serious Calnn1ities~ Or Disastersby Iji, which planet strongly rules over Danger of- Lord of the 6th in the the ::::: sign. An ::::: disease; the 0 aft!. lOth H., and afflicted, meets with many in :::::. (See Air, Compressed, Ether, downfalls, or serious disasters in life, Gases, Pressure). and espec-. if lord of the 6th is a malefic. (See Disasters). CALAMITY-Ca tastrophies-DisasterMisfortune-Tragedies, etc.Strange CalamitieR-Or Catastrophies -Subject To-W or I;f in the Asc. or Great Calamities-Are heralded by li1.C. at B., and aft!. the O. ]) , or hyleg the appearance of Comets, and espec. at B., or by dir.; I' Sig. in V);. (See to People, Individuals, and Countries Extraordinary, :l\Iysterious, Peculiar). ruled by the sign thru which the Comet is seen to pass. Great CalamiSudden Calamity-The 0 to the 6 or ties to the individual, as disgrace, ruin, ill-asps. I;I by dir. (See Sudden). scandal, breakdown in health, etc., are Threatened-Calamity or Disaster indicated when one has eminent fixed Threatened-tV in tr. over the place of stars of the nature of h in the angles h at B.; a total eclipse of the 0 fallat B., and with the 0 or afflicting the ing on the place of the. O at B. (See angles or the 0 by dir.; also caused Disaster). by h afflicting his own place at B. by tr. or dir., or h passing the place of Travel-Calamities During-(See the O. Asc., M.C., or hyleg, or severely Journeys, Maritime, Navigation, Railafflicting these places. h is considered roads, Sea, Ships, Travel, Vehicles, the planet of Calamity to those who Voyages). are not living right, as he is the Violent Calamities-Death by Violent Tester, the Chastener, the Judge, to Catastrophies-0 to the 6 d' by dir .. mete out justice, and to punish and and d' aft!. the 0 at B.; 0 joined with correct the evils in the life of the the Ascelli at B., or by dir. (See Vionative. (See Comets, Events, Disgrace, lent). Misfortune, Ruin, Trouble, Sorrow). '\Vind-Calamities By- (See ·wind). Impending Calamity- Fear o f - The For collateral study see Affliction, 0 or ]) to the 6 or ill-asp. h by dir.; Anguish, Anxiety, Assassination, the ]) to the 6 or ill-asp. d' by dir., Catastrophies. Death, Desert. Disaster, and espec. if d' afflict the ]) at B.; the Disgrace, Dishonor, Earthquakes, Frog. ]) to the 6 or ill-asp. h or d' by Rnemies, Execution, Floods, Famine, dir.; W afflicted at B.; W D or 8 I;I at Highwaymen, ::IIisfortune, Pirates. B., and by dir.; Iji aft!. in X or the 12th Prison, Reputation, Reversals. Ruin. H. at B., or by dir.; h aft!. the 0 or ]) Sickness, Sorrow, Suicide, Sudden, at B., and 7 to the 6 or ill-asps. the Storms, Thieves, Trouble, Untimely, Lights by dir.; the transit of h over Volcanoes, etc. the place of the O at B., and espec. if h afflict the 0 at B., and have no dig- CALCES-Calx-Calcium- (See Chalk, nity in the sign of transit. (See AnxLime). Coral is a form of Calcium, or iety, Fear, Obsessions). Lime. (See Coral).




CALCULATOR-Lightning Calculator(See Prodigies). CALCULUS-Stone-like Concretions in the Body-Lithiasis-(See "Gall Stones" under Bile; Concretions, Deposits, GraYel, Minerals, Sand, Stone). CALLOLIS-Hard- Indurated- (See Hard). CALJI-"\Yhen a patient is nen·ous, excitable, and of an angry disposition, he can be more ertsily calmed in a ![ hour. (See "Hours" und, or ::: warns of cold and chills to the system; ~ in and espec. colds in the head; ~ 6 or ill-asp. the 0 in common signs; ~ in the 1st H.; ~ in any sign or hou.~e tends to colds and chills in the parts of the body ruled by the sign containing !2 at B.; h in :X. colds in and thru the feet; 1;\ affl. in e::n or !:), and espec. when 1;\ partakes of the naturtivity-Held In-(See Captive). dense; to harden. A h influence, and the work of fi. (See Concretions, Chronic DisNtses-Conftned By-(See Crystallization, Clots, Density, HardChronic. Infirmities, InYalids, Lameening, Nitrogen; "Operations" under ness, Paralysis, etc.). Nature; "Saturn Influence" under SatDeformities- :'.Tal formations-Conurn). ftnement By- (See Deformities, MalCONDUCT-Behavior-Deportmentformations, Monsters, etc.). Actions-The conduct of the individual Exile-(See Exile). has much to do with health and disease, of both mind and body. ThereHospitals-Confinement I n - ( S e e fore, a number of subjects relating to Hospitals). conduct, habits, morals, etc., have been InvaliCon­ the native more subject to contagious sumptive" in this section). diseases; caused and ruled by 0' afflictions; a 0' and 11l disease; 0' Sig. 6 the Hectic Fever of Phthisis-( See Phthi·:J. The 11l sign, having an excess of sis). magnetic power, tends to attract disInward Parts-Consumption of-(See ease, and espec. contagious and in"Consun1ption" under lteins). fectious complaints, and the 11l people Knees-Consumpti\'e Pains In-(See fall easy victims to epidemics. (See Knees). "Corrupt Air" under Air; Amulets, Cholera, Epidemics, Eruptions, ExterLaryngeal Consuntption- (See Larnal, Infectious, Influenza, Magnetic, ynx). :\Ieasles, Pestilence, Plague, Pox, ScarLiable To-(See "Consumptive" in this let Fever, Smallpox, Venereal, Vessection). icles, Pte.). For Contagious Diseases Ling·ering Consum1>tion-Long Connot listed here, see the subject in the tinued-Earthy signs in the Asc. or alpha be tical arrangement. 6th H., or the )) in an earthy sign at Death By-Death By a Contagious or B., or at decumbiture; h the afflictor Infectious Fever-The planetary influin the disease; !2 in the 6th or 8th H., ences causing contagious and infecin a common sign, and affl. the hyleg. tious diseases are much the same, and (See Ague, Chronic, Lingering; "Disdeath by these diseases and fevers is eases" under Long; Prolonged, Slow, espec. caused by the severe afflictions Tedious). of 0' to the hyleg at B., and by dir. Lungs-Consumption of-Tuberculo(See Infectious, Mars, Perihelion, Scorsis of-(See "Pulmonary "under Phthipio, etc.). sis; Tuberculosis). Lupus-A Tubercular Skin Disease- COI\''l'ENTJ\IEN'I'-Contented- Content of Mind-Health of Mind-Peace of (See Lupus). Mind-The 0 well-asp. at B., and l\Iother- The :IIother Afflicted with espec. by the ]) and 0', and the 0 to Consumption-Death By-(See "Conthe good asps. the As c. by dir.; the O sumption" under :IIother). or ]) to the 6 or good asps. 11 by dir.; Night Sweats Of-(See "Night Sweats" the 0 directed to Arista; the )) wellasp. at B., and to the 6 or good asp. under Phthisis). '1/, 'f, or the As c. by dir.; the ]) to the Pains-Consumptive Pains in Knees 6 [6 by dir.; 11 at a Solar Rev. passor Thighs-(See Knees, Thighs). ing the place of the radical )) , and the Phthisis-(See Phthisis). )) well-asp. at B., or 11 passing over Pulmonary ConsuJnption-(See "Pulthe radical h if h be in one of his monary" under Phthisis). strong signs and well-asp. at B.; the Asc. meeting the good directions of Reins-Consumption of-(See Reins). the benefics; the As c. to the place of Scrofula-Tubercular Tendency InCrater or EB by dir.; good asps. to 'f (See Scrofula). and the ""' sign; Arista ascending at Skin-Tubercular Skin Disease-(See B. The benefic asps. and influences at Lupus). I3., and by dir. tend to bring peace and contentment. (See Cheerfulness, Suprarenal Capsules-Consumption, Comforts, Discontentme.nt, Fortune, or Tuberculosis of-(See Adrenals). Happiness; "Good Health" under Symptoms of Consumption-S y m p Health; Hope, Jovial, Joy, "Peace of toms of Spleen-The j) in D, D or 8 !1. :IIind" under Mind; Optimistic, Pros(or ~ if he be of the nature of h) at perity, Restlessness, etc.). the beginning of an illness, or at decumbiture (Hor'y). (See "Consump- CONTESTS-Killed or Injured in Some tive" in this se'ction). Contest-The 0 Sig. to the D or 8 0'; the 26° II on the Asc. at B. is said to Tendeney·To-(See "Consumptive" in bring such a fate. (See Disputes, this section). Duels, Feuds, Fighting, Gunshot, InThighs-Consumptive Pains In-(See struments, Quarrels, Sword, War, etc.). Thighs). CONTINUITY -Continuous-Continued Tuberculosis- (See Tuberculosis). -The Continuity of Disease is asso--various Forms of Consuntptionciated with the Fixed Signs. The afCaused by the afflictions of !2 at B., flicting planet stationary tends to conand by dir.; the Asc. 6 or ill-asp. h by tinuity, duration of effects, and condir., and h occi. at B.; earthy signs on stancy of the disease. Direct motion the Asc. or 6th H. at B., or at decumof the afflicting planet favors conbiture, or the Sigs. of the disease in tinuity of the disease. A planet E< such signs. tends to disorganization of the disWasting A-way-Or Consumptionease when the afflictor, and to solu(See Emaciation, Hardening, Tabes, tion of continuity. (See Amelioration, Wasting, etc. Also note the various "Better" under Disease; Chronic, Conparagraphs in this section). stancy, Course, Crises, Direct, Duration, Fixed Signs (see Fixed); IncurCONTAGIOUS DISEASES-Contagions able, Interrupted, Invalids, Lingering, -The Process of Transfer of Specific Long Diseases (see Long); ModeraDiseases-Infectious Diseases-Comtion, Prolonged, Relapse, Resolution, municable Diseases-The 0 affl. in 11l Retrograde, Sequence, Return, Tedious, or :tt; the 0 to the 6 l5 by dir.; the ]) Worse, etc.). people become easy subjects to contagious and infectious diseases and Continued Fever-See "Constant", fevers; Iji affl. in the Asc. at B. makes "Low", under Fever; Flux),




Continued Sickness-The Disease Prolonged-The afflicting planets in fixed signs; the 6 of the rulers of the 1st and 6th houses unless free from affliction. Continuous fevers grow worse towards sunset. (See the references in the first part of this section). Disease "\Viii Continue-The Disease ·wm Continue Until, etc.-The lord of the 1st H. in the 6th, and the lord of the 6th in the 1st H., the disease will continue until one of them quits the sign he is in, and then if he meets the 0 or 8 of li. cS, or lords of the 4th or 8th, it is a symbol of death. (See Duration). Life-Continuity of After Birth-(See "Continuance" under Life). lUuscles-Continued Contraction of(See Contraction, l\Iuscles, Tetanus; "Tonic" under Spasmodic). Pains and Aches-Continuous-(See the various paragraphs under Aches, Headaches, Neuralgia, Pains). Solution of Continuity-(See the Introduction to this section). Spasms-Spasmodic Action-Continuous-(See ":c\'Iuscles" in this section). CONTORTIONS- Contorted- Twistings -A I;I disease. The organ of Coordination is under the rule of 8. and reflex afflictions in 8 from 111., the exalted sign of J;I, tend to contortions and twistings of parts. Awry Gait-A Twisted Walk-(See "Awry" under Gait). Rigid Parts-Contortions of-(See Rigid). "\Vry Neck-Torticollis- (See Neck). See Congenital, Con trac.tions, Coordination, Deformities, Distortions, Erratic, Face, Features, Genitals, Lameness, Muscles, Paralysis, Spasmodic, Spine, Subluxations, Trunk, Twistings). CONTRACTIONS-Contracted-Contracting-li is contracting in his influence, and also the influence of Cold, and Astringent Drugs, which he rules. Cold Diseases, ruled by li, are accompanied by contractions. is contractive and astringent. I;I tends to spasmodic contractions by his afflictions to the Center of Coordination ruled by 8; It[ in. the 6th H. tends to contractions, spasmodic and erratic diseases; the }! am. by Ijf; li influence; li 6 or ill-asp. I;I. Parts of the body ruled by the signs containing the malefics, tjJ, It[, and h at B., or parts afflicted by the asps. of these malefics, are subject to contractions, and the list of diseases associated with contractions would be too long to list here. Look in the alphabetical arrangement for the subject you have in mind. Also see the following subjects,-Astringent, Capillaries, Clonic, Cold, Colic, Compressed, Constrictions, Contortions, Convulsions, Coordination, Cramps, Deformities, Depressions, Distortions, Dwarfed, Epilepsy; "Movements" under Erratic; Exaggerated, Expansion; "Crossed Eyes" under Eyes; "Club Feet" under Feet; Fits, Gripings; "Orifice" under Heart; Hyperkinesia, Imperforate, Incoordination, Inertia, Irregular, Jerky, Legs, Limbs, Muscles; "Wry Neck" un-


dcr Neck; Opisthotonos; "Spasmodic" under Pain; Retraction, Rigidity, Saint Vitus Dance; "Spasms" under Spasmodic, Tonic; Spine, Stature, Stenosis, Stiffness; "Pylorus" under Stomach; Strictures, Tetanus, Tics, Torsion, Torticollis, Tremors, Twistings, Windpipe; "Hour Glass" under Womb; "vVry Neck" under Neck, etc. CONTRACTSContracts Diseuse Easily-}! people; born under the strong influence of the }!, or with the }! much afflicted at B. by the 0 and malefics, and with little assistance to the )) from the benefics. (See Attracts, Contagious, l\Iagnetic, Resistance; "Low" under Vitality). Injury Thru Contracts-Death Thru Contests, Quarrels, etc. (See Contests, Duels). CONTRARIES-(See Antipathy, Hippocrates). CONTROLlllinll-Lack of Control Over-(See Anger; "Brain Storms" under Brain; Chaotic, Coma, Confusion, Delirium, Demoniac, Fears, Furious, Fury, Hypochondria, Idiocy, Insanity, Intemperate, l\Iadness, l\Iania, Melancholy, Mental, 'l>Iind, Obsessions; "Self-Control" under Self; Spirit Controls, Suicide, Temper, Uncontrolled, Vicious, Violent, vVorry, etc.). llluscles-Lack of Control Over-(See Erratic, Incoordination, Involuntary, Jerky :1\Iuscles, Paralysis, Spasmodic, Tics, Twitchings, Uncontrolled, etc.). Self-Control-(See this subject under Self). Spirit Controls-(See this subject). Voice-(See "Control" under Voice). CONTROYERSIES- D "at h or Injury By- (See Contests, Duels, Fighting, Quarrels, etc.). CONTUSIONS-(See Assaults, Attaasmodic Cough-H affl. in IJ, from the lungs. (See "Convulsive" in this section. Also see Spasmodic). Stomach Cough-I;I affl. in e::;; tends to a hard, dry, spasmodic and convulsive stomach cough, and from stomach disorders; o c=; cl or ill-asp. the 0: a e::;; sign disease, and afflictions in e::;;; Subs at SP. Throat Cough-I;I, Jt, or c affl. in 8; a 8 disease; I;I affl. in 8, a hacking, tickling, spasmodic throat cough; Subs at LCP, and SP (7D). (See "-Iucus, Phlegm, Throat). Violent Cough-The ]) ~. and affl. by the 0 or o when taken ill; o configurated with influences which tend to cause cough make the cough more severe and violent. Whooping Cough-(See \Vhooping), COl.il\'TEXANCE- Face -ExpressionLook-Features- Visage, etc. -This subject is largely considered under such subjects as Appearance, Aspect, Complexion, Expression, Eyes, Face, Features, Look, etc. In this section, however, some subjects which have to do with the countenance will be considered and listed alphabetically. Disease, Conduct, Habits, Ill-Health, Pain, Suffering, etc., tend to change the countenance, and it would take considerable space and time to list here every subject related to countenance. Therefore, if the subject is not listed here, or under the subjects mentioned, look in the alphabetical arrangement

Course of Disease

for the subject you ha\'8 in mind. See the following subjects,-Anaemic, Animal, Appearance, Aspect, Austere, Beautiful, Blemishes, Bold, Cheeks, Cheerful, Chin, Commanding, Complexion, Contented. Cruel, Debauched, Dimples, Dissipated, Downward Look (see Look); Effeminate, Expression, Eyes, Face, Fair, Features, Fierce, Fiery, Glances, Gloomy, Good, Grave, Handsome, Harmless, Humane, Indifferent, Intellectual, Intemperate, Jaundiced, Kind, Lean, Long, Look, Lowering, Lumpish, Lustful, Mouth, ::-fose, Open, Oval, Pale, Peaceful, Pensive, Piercing, P 1 e as ant, Pimpled, Pockmarked, Red, Refined, Robust, Round, Ruddy, Sad, Savage, Scarred, Scurvy, Sensual, Serious, Severe, Sharp, Sickly, Slender, Smiling, Smooth, Solid, Sympathetic, Sober, Stern (see Austere); Strong, Surly (see Aspect); Teeth, Thin, Thoughtful (see Grave); Unhealthy, Yiolent, Visage, Voluptuous (see Amorous, Sensuous); \Yhite, \Vicked, \Vide, \Vrinkled, Youthful, etc. COUXTER-IRRITANTS-Ruled by o. (See Caustics, Rubefacients, Vesicant). COUXTRIRS RULED BY SIGNS--Nations-The different Countries, Nations, Cities, and Parts of our Globe, have been assigned to the rulership of the different Planets and Signs of the Zodiac. A list of these rulerships can be found in Lilly's Astrology, and other textbooks. In travel, and espec. for health, it is very important for people to avoid Countries ruled by the Signs in which they have the malefic planets at B., unless such planets have dignity and power in the sign, and are well-aspected. Under the subject of "Nations", the rulership of the different Countries and prominent Cities is given. Also see Location; "Native Land" under Native; "Place of Birth" under Place; Residence, Travel, etc.). COURAGE-(See Bold, :;vrars, Positive, Resolute, Servitude). COURSE OF DISEASE-As no two people are born exactly alike, and have varying inherent, natal and prenatal qualities, there can be almost a limitless number of ways in which a disease may manifest itself, and the course it will pursue. In makiong a prognosis as to the course any particular disease will pursue, you should make a detailed study of the map of birth, the prenatal epoch map, and also the map of the heavens for the time of decumbiture, the beginning of the illness, or when the patient takes to his bed, and interpret it according to the Laws of the Science, The transits, directions, and progressed influences now working over the native should be studied. The nature of the signs and houses containing the afflicting planet, or planets, should be considered, and the afflicting planet, and the times when such planet, or planets, will change signs or pass into the next house, etc. (See Continuity). Disease tends to take its course when the 0. \!, or \l are in the 8th H. at B., as there is less resistance by the mind under these conditions. Also in nega-



tive people illness is more apt to take its own course and time, as such people give up easily, and lack willpower, resistance, grit and determination. Danger In Course Of-The lord of the Asc. in evil asp. the }! ; the malefics affi. the hyleg at B., and by dir., and espec. when the hyleg is affi. by a train of adverse directions, and without the favorable intervention of the benefics '!- and 'i'. (See "Certain", "Sure", under Death; Fatal; "High" under Fever; "Dangerous" under IllHealth; Malignant; "Disease" under Severe; "Violent" under Sickness; Vehement, Worse). Irregular Course-l;l diseases. (See Irregular). Peculiar Course-(See Peculiar). Various Course-i;l diseases. (See Erratic, Irregular, Peculiar, Various). For further study along this line see the following subjects,-Acute, Alteration, Amelioration; "Better" under Disease; Changes, Chronic, Complications, Constancy, Continuity, Convalescence, Crises, Critical, Curable, Curtailed, Cycles, Dangerous, Death, Direct, Disease, Disturbances, Duration Ease, Elimination, Erratic, Extraord~ inary Fever, Grievous, Ill-Health, Improvement, Incurable, Intermittent, Lingering, Long, ?.Iild, :\Ioderation, Modification, Negative, Painful, Peculiar, Periodic, Periodicity, Periods, Pernicious, Positive, Prognosis, Prolonged, Quick, Recovery, Recuperation, Recurrent, Relapses, Remission, Remittent, Resistance, Res o I uti on, Retrog-rade, Return, Severe, Sharp, Shifting, Short, Shortened, Sickness, Slight, Slow, Solution, Stamina, Stationary, Susceptibility, Swift, Symptoms, Tedious, Termination, Variable, Various, Vitality, Wasting, Worse, etc. COURSES-(See Menses). Bad Courses- (See "Conduct" under Evil; Debauched, Dissipation, Drink, Drunkenness, Men, Morals, Passion, Sex, Women, etc.). COUSINS-Ruled by the 3rd House. (See Reiations, Third House). COVERINGSOf the Bowels- (See Peritoneum). Of the Brain-(See Brain, Meninges). Of the Lungs-(See Pleura). Also see Membranes, Mucous Membranes, Respiratory, Serous, Skin, Spine, etc. COWPER'S GLANDS-Ruled by m. (See Urethra). COXALGIA-Pain In the Hip Joint(See Hips). CRAMPS-Gripings-Spasmodic Muscular Contraction with Pain-Cramps are partly caused by lack of coordination, and afflictions to the Organ of Coordination ruled by [3. The principal planet causing cramps and incoordination is Ij.[, and in the part ruled by the sign containing Ij.[ at B. Jii and l;l, when associated together, also tend to cause cramps, and in the parts ruled by the signs containing them. Also ~ by his binding and restricting

Cramps influences tends to cause cramps in that part of the body, or organ, ruled by the sign he is in at B., and espec. in the limbs when in signs ruling the limbs, and afJlicted, or in configuration with TjL Also '!- may cause cramps indirectly, due to gorging, excesses, gluttony, indigestion, etc. Cramps are also considered a 0 disease, and espec. when the 0 is configurated with I,f. (See Uranus). The following subjects have to do with Cramps in the various parts and organs of the body, and the causes of Cramps, which see in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered hereAbdominal Cramps-J;I or \! affi. in 11Q. (See "Cramps" under Dowels). A.Iedi-, cines, ::>.Ioderation, ::>.Iajority, ::>.Iutable, Kative Land, Xature, Kegati,·e, Opposites, Polarity, Posit i ,. e, Praeincipients, Prolonged, Reco,·ery, Relapse, ' Remedies, Return, Short Diseases (see Short), Subluxations, Sure Death (see Death), Sympathy, Tedious, Treatment, Vehement, Vertebrae, Violent, etc. crRIOrsCurious Death-(See Extraordinary). Curious Diseases- (See Mysterious, Strange). Curious Forel>odings-(See Forebodings). Curious Studies-(See Occult). crRSED-Cursed by the ::IIultitude~ (See Execrated). CrRTAILED-Shortened-ModifiedDisease-The Disease Is Curtailed(See Amelioration, Course; "Better" under Disease; Duration, ::>.Iodification, Recovery, Recuperation, Resolution, Short, Solution, etc.). crRYATrRE-Of the Spine-Kyphosis -(See Curvature, Humpback, Pott's Curvature, Tubercular, under Spine). CUTANEO"LS-Pertaining to the Skin. (See Skin). Cutaneous Asphyxia- (See "Cutaneous" under Asphyxia). Cutaneous Diseases-(See Eruptions, Skin). Cutaneous Inflanrmation- (See "Inflammation" under Skin). Cutaneous Spots-(See :\Ioles). CUTICLE-The Epidermis or Searf Skin-Ruled by !;. (See "Epidermis" under Skin). CUTIS-The Derma-Corium-The True Skin-(See Derma, Skin). Hemorrhages Into-( See Purpura). CUTS-Incised ·wounds-Knife ·wounds -Stabs-Injuries by Sharp Instruments, the Sword, etc.-d' afflictions predispose to, as d' is the instigator of quarrels, disputes and violence. The 0 and d' both tend to incised wounds and injuries, as they are the positive, electric, and caloric-producing planets. 0 in the Asc. at B., liable to; d' in the 8th H. at B., and affl. the 0, :D. or hyleg; d' D or 8 the O; d' by dir. 6 or evil asp. the 0. }), As c., or M.C.; d' ruler at B., ruler of the As c.; people born under the strong influence of d'; the O or :D ori., and affl. by d'; the 0 or j) in fire signs; the 0 affl. by d'; the 0 or )) to the 6 or ill-asp. d' by dir.; the Pro g. 0 or :D to the 6, D. or 8 d'; the Asc. to the 6 or evil asp. d' dir.,

Cuts and espec. if d' is in a fiery sign; the Asc. to the place of the Pleiades, Hyades, or Castor; Fixed Stars of the nature of e ascending at B. (See the various paragraphs in this section). Absent Party-Cuts or Stabs To-( See "\Yeapons" in this section). Arms, Hands, Shoulders-Slight Cuts To-d' in IJ; .laking Incisions-(See Operations). Paralysis-From Cuts-Or Stabs( See Distortions). Severe Cuts-The 0 or :D ori., and affl. by d'. (See Severe). Shoulders-Cuts To-(See "Arms" in this section). Slight Cuts-To Arms or Hands-(See "Arms" in this section). Surgery-(See Operations). Sword-Cuts By-(See Duels, Sword, \Var). Throat-Cuts His Own Throat-Suicide By-(See "Cuts" under Throat). Travel-Journeys-Voyages-Cuts or Stabs During-d' in the 3rd or 9th H. at B., and affl. the 0 or :D at B., or by dir. Violent Death-By Cuts-(See "Death" in this section. Also see Violent). Voyages-Cuts On-(See "Travel" in this section). 'Veapons-Cuts by Sharp Weaponsa in the 8th H. at B., or by dir., and affl. the 0. }), Asc., or Hyleg; d' in the 8th H. in a Hor'y Map, and affl. the O, :D, or As c., indicates the absent party may be wounded by cuts or stabs. (See Instruments, Iron, Sword). For collateral study see Accidents, Assassination; "Shedding" under Blood; Blows, Contests, Enemies, Falls, Hurts, Injuries, Iron, Lacerations, Mobs, Murdered; "Death" under Quarrels; Riots,




Robbers, Stabs; "Flying Stones" under mentioned in Wilson's Dictionary sevStones; Suicide, Sword, Violence, War, eral times as having an evil influence. Wounds, etc. (See "Much Evil" under Evil; "Much Sickness" under Sickness; Thieves). CYANOSIS--Blue Discoloration of the Skin and Nails-Nonoxygenation of CYSTITIS-(See "Cystitis" under Bladder). the Blood-Afflictions in D or:; II affl. in [!; many planets in fixed signs. CYSTS-A Membranous Sac containing (See Asphyxia, Breathing, Circulation, Fluid. Nails, Oxygen. Case-See "Male", Chap. Arms-Cysts in the Arms, Hands, 8, page 48, in Daath's Medical AstrolLegs and Feet-(See Aneurysm, Vesogy. icles). CYCLES-(See Climacteric, Crises, CritBrain-(See "Cyst" under Brain). ical, Periodic, Periodicity, Periods, Breast-Cyst of-\? affl. in ~; \? in ~ Years). Good books on the Law of in the 6th H., and afflicted; \? afflicting Cycles are "Periodicity", by Dr. James the J) or Asc. (See Breast). Buchanan, and the book, "The Law of Cycles", published by the Aryan TheoDisorders-Disorders Attended with sophical Press, Point Lorna, Calif. Cysts-'? diseases. Hollow-Cystic and Hollow Tumor CYCLOPS-A Monster with Eyes Fused Formations-'? diseases. Into One. The following influences Hydatid Cysts-Caused by J+ affl. in have been noted to exist in the natal (See "Cyst" under Brain). maps of these cases,-The 0 and J) in the 6th or 12th H., and affl. by ljl:, II, Sebaceous Cysts-(See Fat, Wen). and o; ljl:, II, and o in the 5th, 6th, or Steatoma-(See Wen). 12th H., or afflicting these houses, or Tongue- Cystic Tumor under the the cusp of Asc.; ljl:, h. and cJ in fixed Tongue-Ranula-( See "Cystic Tumor" signs in 6 or 8 asp.; 8, 111., or 1& on the under Tongue). As c.; many planets in 1111 in the 6th or 12th H., and afflictE:d. Case-See "Male", Wen-A Sebaceous Cyst-(See Wen). Chap. 8, page 48 in Daath's Medical Astrology. (See Congenital, Deformi- CYTOPLASTEJUA-The CytoplastemaTo \j! belongs cell development in a ties, Monsters, Prenatal Epoch). plastic fluid, the Cytoplasm, and inCYNOSURA-A Northern Constellation dependent of other cells. (See "Cyto-Ursa Minor-The Little Bear-Is plastema" under Cells; Plastic).

D DAMPNESS-(See Exposure, Moisture, Vapors, Water, Wet). DANCING--Dancing Spasm-(See "Saltatory" under , Spasmodic; "Dancing" under Sports). DANGER-Dangers-Perils-The malefic planets strong at B.. and affl. the 0. J), Asc., or hyleg, predispose to unusual dangers all thru life, and espec. when the Asc. is afflicted by evil directions; the J) Sig. 0 or 8 o, passes thru innumerable dangers; the J) incr. in light, sepr. from 1+ and applying to 0 in a nocturnal nativity; the J) with Antares or Aldebaran in the Asc. or M.C.; 1+ ruler of the 1st H., and to the ill-asps. II by dir.; cJ 6 1.5; Comets appearing in 111. tend to great perils generally. (For further influences see the various paragraphs in this section). For the dangers and afflictions which accompany the various diseases, and when the disease may become dangerous, and for the dangers which any organ, or part of the body may be subject to, see in the alphabetical arrangement the subject you have in mind. Also note the alphabetical list at the end of this Article, which deals with sources of danger, the kinds of danger, and the classes of people especially subject to dangers and perils in their various phases. Death of the body is the ultimate result of all dangers, and for the various kinds and causes of death, and the dangers contributing to death, see the various

paragraphs under Death, Disease, and also in this section. Here are a few of the more abstract subjects concerning dangerBeset with Dangers-\!! affl. in the 12th H. Dreams of Danger-(See Dreams). Fond of Danger-People born under strong cJ influence, as with cJ in the Asc. or M.C., or cJ rising in one of his own signs in 6 with the 0, J), or Asc., or ·o rising and ruler of the Asc., etc., such tend to be fond of danger, risks, and exposures. Great Dangers-(See "Many" in this section). Great Perils Generally-Comets appearing in nt. Has Endured Many Dangers- (See Escapes, Foolhardy). Many Dangers-Subject To-The 0 Sig. 6 o and cJ ill-dig.; the 0 or J) to the place of Antares; the J) to the 0 or 8 the 0 by dir., great dangers; the J) with Antares or Aldebaran in the 1st or lOth H.; cJ Sig. 0 or 8 h. meets with much danger and suffering, or a violent death, and espec. if II be stronger than cJ (see "Short Life" under Life; "Death" under Violent); Antares, Aldebaran, Regu I us, Deneb, Frons Scorpio, or the Shoulders of Orion, when directed to the 0. J), or Asc., bring danger, violence, trouble, or sickness. (See Perils, Precarious, Sickness, Trouble).



Near Some Danger-h. r5, or 13 in the Asc. or 7th H., peregrine, E. or in detriment, some danger or misfortune near according to the quality of the Significators, and of the houses those planets are lords of which afflict the j) (Hor'y). (See Imminent; "Some ::.lisfortune Near" under ::.Iisfortune). Premonition of Danger-Fear of(See Calamity; "Danger" under Fear). Rushes Into Danger-Born under rf. (See "Fond of" in this section). Secret Dangers-(See Ambushes; "Secret Enen1ies" under Ene1nies; "Poison Death" under Poison; Treachery). Sudden Dangers-(See "Danger" under Sudden). Unknown Danger-Fear of-(See "Danger" under Fear). For further infiuences along the lines of Danger, see the following subjects,-Abroad, Accidents, Acquaintance, Aeroplanes, Air, Animals, Assassins, Aunts, Bathings, Beasts, Bloodshed (see Blood); Blows, Brethren, Brothers, Bruises, ' Buildings, Buried AliYe (see Burial); ' Burns, Calamity, Cattle, Childhood, Children, Cold, Criminals, Crushed, Cuts, Dampness, Dangerous, Daughter, Desert, Directions, Disaster, Disease, Disgrace, Drink, Drowning, Duels, Earth, Earthquakes, Eclipse, Electricity, Employment, Enemies, Escapes, Events, Execution, Explosions, Exposures, External, Extraordinary, Falls, Father, Females, Fire, Fire Arms, Floods, Food, Foreign Lands, Friends, Great Men (see Great); Gunshot, Hanging, Heat, Heights, Highwaymen, Homicide, Honor, Husband, Impalement, Imprisonment, Infancy, Injuries, Insects, Instruments, Intoxication, Journeys, Kings, Life, Lightning, Liquids, Machinery, "!'dales, 1\Iembers, Men, Middle Life, Military, Mischief, Misfortune, Moisture, Monarchs, Mother, Murder, Navigation, Nobles, Old Age, Operations, Parents, Peculiar, Perils, Periods (Danger Periods); Pirates, Plots, Poison, Presidents, Princes, Quadrupeds, Quarrels, Railroads, Rain, Relatives, Reptiles, Reputation, Rescues, Reversals, Robbers, Ruin, Rulers, Sailors, Scalds, Scandal, Sea, Seduction, Sharp Instruments (see Instruments); Ships, Shipwrec]>, Short Journeys (see Journeys); Sister, Sons, Stabs, Storms, Suffocation, Suicide, Surgeons, Sword, Thieves, Travel, Treachery, Uncles, Vehicles, Venomous, Volcanoes, Voyages, War, Water, Weapons, Weather, Wife, Wind, Women, Wounds, Young, Youth, etc. (For subjects not listed here look for them in the alphabetical arrangement). DANGEROUS-Fierce-Savage-Vicious-Violent, etc. Accidents- (See "Dangerous" under Accidents). Chronic Diseases-(See "Dangerous" under Chronic). Community and Society-Dangerous To-(See Anarchists). Dangerous Accidents-(See Accidents).

Darkness Destructi-veness-Dangerous Destructiveness- (See Anarchists, Destructh·eness). Disease Not Dangerous-Lord of the Asc. strong, angular, and not afflicted, the disease is not dangerous. (See Course, Crises; "Better" under Disease). Dispositlon-Dangerous-(See Beastly, Cruel, Fierce, Savage, Temper). Feyers-Dangerous Fevers-(See "Dangerous" under Fevers). Illness-Dangerous Illness-(See "High Fever" under Fever; Fierce, Grie\·ous, Rapid, Severe, Sharp, Vehement, Violent, etc.). Internal Disease-Dangerous- (See "\Yomen" under Internal). Lunatics- (See "Dangerous" under Insanity). Operations-Surgical-(See "Dangerous" under Operations). Periods-Dang·erous Periods in Life(See Climacteric, Crises, Critical; "::.Ienopause" under ::.'lenses; Parturition, Periods, Puberty, Years, etc.). Sickness-Dangerous Sickness- (See "Illness" in this section).

DARK-DarkenedAir-Dark Air-(See "Corrupt" under· Air). Black-(See Black). Brunettes-(See "Dark" under Complexion; "Black" and "Dark" under Hair). Brown-Dark Brown- (See "Dark" under Hair). Complexion-Dark Complexion-(See "Dark" under Complexion). Darkened Desires-(See "Darkened" under ::.rind). Degrees-The Dark Degrees of the Zodiac- (See "Dark Degrees" under Zodiac). Eyes-Dark Eyes-(See "Dark" under Eyes). Figure-Dark Personal Figure-h indicates a person of a black, earthy, or brown complexion; h occi. at B. Predominant in people born under Southern Parallels, and who have the 0 continually in their Zenith, and are scorched by his rays. (See Black, Negro). Hair- (See "Black", "Dark", under Hair)'. Marks-Dark Marks on Body-(See "Dark" under Marks). lllind Darkened-(See Mind). Races-Dark Races-(See "Figure" in this section). DARKNESS-Governed by h. Fear of the Dark-Fear in SolitudeIf affl. the j) or I;S ; W afflicted in one of the houses of mind, as in the 3rd or 9th H.. and also in the 8th H., more liable to obsessions and morbid fears. (See Claustrophobia; "Morbid", "Solitude" under Fears). Case-See "Strange Case", No. 379 in 1001 N.N.




DAUGHTERDEAFNESS-(See "Deafness", and the various paragraphs under Hearing). A Daughter Born-A Daughter Promised-(See "Birth of a Female" under Deaf and Dn1nb- (See "Deaf and Female; "First-born Child" under ChilDumb" under Hearing. Also see Mute. dren). DEATH- Dissolution-The Terminus Danger to a Daughter-Ill-Health of Vitae. The 8th H. is known as the -Damage To-The M.C. to the illHouse of Death, and the death dealing asps. the ]) or 'i' by dir.; the ]) to the forces act the strongest thru this place of Hercules by dir., damage to. house. The 4th, 8th and 12th Houses Death To-Danger of-(See Eclipse; are called the Terminal Houses, and have to do with the close and end of "Death" under Females, Women). life, and the death of the physical III-Health Of-(See "Danger" in this body. (See Fourth, Eighth, Twelfth, section. See "Ill-health" under FeTerminal). The m Sign, affiliated with males; '",Vomen" under Misfortune). the 8th H., is said to give the death DAY-Diurnal-The Daytime-Day Nasting, and the malefic planets, h and tivities, etc. The Daytime is electric, 0' to cut the Silver Cord. (See "Silver and ruled by the 0. and the influence Cord" under Silver). The general inof the 0 by day is to restore the vitalfluence of h especially is to bring ity, and destroy morbid germs. (See death of the body by his affiictions to Magnetic). The day is more vitalizing the Hyleg. h is called the Planet of than the night. The ]) rules the night. Death. He is The Tester, Father Time, (See Elevated, :iVIagnetic, Night). and it is his business to ultimately Blindnt'ss-(See "Day Blindness" unseparate the Soul from its earthly veder Blindness). hicle, and set the Soul free. h is the principal Significator of death by disDay Dreamer-(See Dreamy). ease, and 0' by accident or violence. Day of Death-(See "Day", "Hour", The Benefics do not of themselves "Time", under Death). cause death, and even their evil asDeath by Day-(See "Wild Animals" pects will often aYert death when they under Animals). fall in a train of evil directions. However, the Benefics, when holding the Disease by Day-The Disease Is Betdominion of death, do largely conter or \Vorse by Day-'< or 0' by Day tribute to the causes leading to death. in Disease-0' is more malignant by (See Saturn, J\Iars, Jupiter and Venus day as the 0 adds to his heat and dryInfluences. Also see Scorpio). The ness. II is less malignant by day as New Moon implies decay, disintegrathe 0 moderates his coldness. Thus tion, and death, and the preparation h is less malignant in day nativities, for a new cycle, and is the low ebb of and 0' more so. However, as Anareta, h and. 0' are e qua II y destructive the physical forces. (See "New i\Ioon" under Moon). The Killing Place is whether by day or night. (See Epicalled the Anareta, and death depends lepsy, Fits, Insanity, Night). upon the one, or more, killing planets Insanity by Day-\Vhen Caused in a which occupy an Anaretic Place at B. Day Nativity-(See the II and 0' in(See Anareta). The 0 aspect by direcfluences under Insanity). tion from the Killing Planet to the Pain-The Pain Less by Day-(See hyleg is known as the Killing Arc. "Pain" under Night). The Diseases and Affiictions which tend to cause, produce, contribute to, Parents-(See "Day" under Parents). and be the immediate cause of death Patient Better by Day-Better by of the physical body, are legion in Day-Worse at Night-(See Magnetic; number, and too numerous to list here. "Diseases", "Pain", "\.Vorse" under For Death by the various diseases, see Night). the disease subject in the alphabetical Signs-Diurnal Signs-(See "Nocturarrangement. For death by Accidents, nal Signs" under Night). Bruises, Blows, Hurts, Injuries, Violence, vVounds, etc., see the various, DAYSheadings under these subjects. Only Critical Days-(See Crises, Critical). the more abstract subjects concerning Days of the Week-(See Week). death will be listed and considered here, such as Arguments for, Causes, Hour of the Day-Best Hour to Give Kinds, Manner, Quality, etc., and also Medicines-(See "Hours" under Plana number of subjects listed for your ets). attention, which you might overlook. Treatment-Best Days and Times For See "Death" under the following subin Individual Cases-(See "Days of the jects in the alphabetical arrang-ement Week" under Week). when not more fully considered here, DEAD-Deadlywhich subjects have to do with death, Absent Party is Dead-(See "Dead" causes of death, the manner, time or under Absent). place of death, death to others, death by others, etc.Corpse-(See Corpse). Abortion; Abroad; Absent Party-( See Deadly Diseases-(See "Fatal Illness" Absent). under Fatal). Accidents-Accidental Death-(See Fugitive Is Dead-(See Fugitive). Accidents). Tissue-Crusts of Dead Tissue. (See Acquaintance: Adversary-Death By Crusts, Gangrene, Hardening, Scales; -Death of-(See Enemies). "Crusts" under Tissues). Womb-Dead in the \Vomb-(See Aeroplanes; Aged People- (See Old Still born). Age).



Air-(See Air, Gases). Ambushes; Amputations-(See Operations). Anareta-The Killing Planet- (See Anareta. Also see "Arguments" in this section). Animals-Death By-Death of-(See Animals, Beasts). Arguments for Death-Danger of Death-Death Threatened-The Causes of Death-The Life in Danger, etc.The influences in this paragraph are given in the following order,- Sig. 6 the O; t;> Sig. 2nd Dec. is motive-mental; the 3rd D or 8 the ]) ; characteristic of the nega.tive .signs; many planets in bicorDec. is motive-vital. The Bodily Tern-


151 I


poreal signs; a 11l influence when this DEFECTS-Defective-TmperfectionsSJgn 1s badly affhcted: charactenst1c Absence of a Part or Organ, etc.of bad .~ and :y maps when under I Defects may occur in any part or orstrong ¥ aff!Jc:twns; deceptwns are ' gan of the bodv and may be congenalso ruled bv '"'· (See Cheat1ng, D1s- ! . . . •• • . honest, Dual: E\·il, Forg-ers, Gambling, i 1tal: from b1rtr1, or acqmred. For the Hypocritical, Liars, :\Iischief, :\Iock-: Yarwus Defects of Parts of the Body, ery, Pettifogging, Shrewd, Swindlers, Organs, Functwns, etc., see the Part, Thi~\·es, Treachery, etc.). [ Organ, or Function in the alph"';betical Deceitful neJatives-Injured By-The, arrangement. The 0 1n the d1fferent j) Sig. C or 8 C+; lord of the lOth in Signs, if afflicted, tends to cause orthe 12th; lord of the lflth a malefic, ganic and structural defects in the a,nd in the 11th H., and afflicted. (See . part or organ ruled by such sign. Also EnemJcs, Plots, Treachery). I the malefics h and o in tho various DECLIXATIO~--(See Latitude, :\odes)., signs at B. tend to defects, marks, deDECLI::\"ES- (See Chronic, Consump- ! formities, and afflictions to the part, tions, Emaciation; ":\Ialnutrition" unor organs ruled by the sign containder Xutrition; \Yasting Diseases, etc.). ing them. The planet h especially DECOJIPOSITIOX-(See Decay, Degencauses defects in the personal appeareration, Putrefaction, Disintegration). ance when he is in the Asc. B.t B., or DECREASE-Decrease of-Decreasedrising, and afflicting the Q, )), or Asc. (See Diminished, Lack of). at B. The Prenatal Influences, and the Birth Rate Deereased-(See "Birthplanetary afflictions during Gestation, rate" under Birth). also account for many of the bodily, Death Rate neereased-(See "Death physical and mental defects, which deRate"" under :\Iortality). fects exist from birth, and are conJloon-Decrease of-(See "Decrease" spicuous thruout the life. Heredity under C\Ioon). also accounts for many clefects, and which a1·e handed down from parent lUotility-Dccreased :\Iotility- (See to child from generation to generation, :\lotion, :\Iotor, :\Ionement, Neuroses, such as Birthmarks, Marks, Moles, DeParalysis, Retarded, Slow, etc.). formities, Insanity, etc. For the DeThe Disease \Yill Deercase-(See "Defects which arise from disease, such crease" under Reco\·ery). as Blindness, Deafness, Lameness, ParDECREPITl:DE-S nile Feebleness-ll alysis, Stiff Joints, and a multitude is the planet of, and of decay. (Sec of subjects, look for the disease and the subject in the alphabetical ar"Senility" under Old Age. Also see rangement if not listed here. The folDecay, Feeble, Infirm, \Yeak). lowing subjects are suggestive along DECUJIBITURE-This means "Lying the lines of Defects, which see in the Down", the beginning of an illness, or alphabetical arrangement,-Abnormalwhen the patient first takes to his bed ities, Accommodation, Acquired, Apin the illness. A Horary map made up pearance, Arms, Atrophy, Azimene, for this time giYes very valuable inBaldness, Barrenness, Beastly :B'orm dications as to the nature and prog(see Beasts); Breathing, Births, Blemnosis of the disease, and when studied ishes, Blind, Blood, Blotches, Body, along with the map of birth. The )) Brain, Breasts, Broken, Build, Chest, and Asc. are always taken as hyleg at Children, Circulation, Cloaca, Comdecumbiture in Horary Questions. The plexion, Conge nita 1, Constitutional, affiictine; planet, or planets, in cardinal Contortions, Contractions, Crippled, signs at decumb. show a more rapid Crooked, Cyclops, Deaf, Deaf and disease, and soon over. The afflicting Dumb (see Hearing, Mutes); Deficient, planet in a fixed sign shows continuDeformities, D 1 gestio n, Diminished, ity, a prolonged or tedious disease, Disabilities, Displacements, Disfigureetc. (See Acute, Cardinal, Chronic, ments, Distortions, Dumb, Dwarfed, Continuity, Crises, Duration, Fixed Ears, Enlargements, Eunuchs, ExcresSigns under Fixed; i\Iutable, Particucences, Eyes, Eyesight (see Sight); Jar, Prolonged, Short Illnesses under Face, Faulty, Feet, Foetus, Freaks, Short, Praeincipients, Prognosis, SympFreckles, Gait, Growth, Hair, Hands, toms, Tedious, etc.). Heart, Heredity, Hermaphrodites, IdDEEPiocy, Ill-formed, Imbecility, ImperfecDeep Cardiac Plexus-(See Cardiac). tions, Inefficient, Inhuman, Insanity, Deep Forehead-( See Forehead). Insufficient, Irregularities, Joints, Judgment, Knees, Lameness, Left Eye Deep. Lines-(See \Vrinkles). (see Left); Legs, Limbs, Locomotion, Beep ~Iind-(See J\Iind). Lungs, :\Iaimed, Malformations, Marks, Deep-Pitted-Pitted or Deep Degrees Matrix (see \Vomb); Members, Memory, of the Zodiac-(See Pitted). J\Iental, Mind, Missing, Moles, ManDeep-Seated Diseases-(See Chronic, sters, Mutes, Mutilated, Naevus, NatHeredity, Organic, Structural). ural, Nerves, Ocular, Organic, Organs, Deep-Set Eyes-(See Eyeballs). Paralysis, Personal Appearances (see Deep Vexation-Sickness From-(See Appearance); Physical, Posture, PreVexation). natal, Pressure, Rectum, Respiratory Organs (see Breathing); Right Eye Deep Yoiee-(See Voice). (see Right); Rigidity, Savage, Scars, Deep Yellow-(See Yellow). Sex Organs, Sight, Skin, Speech, Spine, DEFECATION-Evacuations-(See Stature, Stooped, Structural, Teeth, Evacuation, Faeces). Throat, Tongue, Vision, \Valk, etc. !I

Defensive Forces


DEFENSIVE FORCES-Of the BodyAre under the especial rule of 'lf, and ·assisted by 'f and tj!. (See Cells, Phagocytes, Preservation, Recovery, Recuperation, Resistance, Tissues, Vital, Vitality). DEFICIENT- Deficiency-Deficiencies -Are ruled over strongly by 12, as h tends to slow up the functions, retard, suppress bodily activities, and espec. when he is badly afflicted at B., or afflicting the vital centers, as the 0. ]) , Asc., or hyleg. The influence of tj! when conjoined with h. and affi. the rulers of the circulation, '2f and 'f, also tends to increase the afflictions of h along this line. (See Obstructions, Retardation, Stoppages, Suppressions). Blood-Deficiency of Red Blood Corpuscles-(See "Blood" under Red). Circulation-Deficiency of Circulation In a Part- (See "Deficiency" under Circulation). Degrees-Deficient Degrees of the Zodiac-(See Azimene). Devoid Of-(See Void). Fluids-Of the Body-Deficiency of(See Fluids). Functions-(See "Suppression" under Functions). Insufficiencies-(See Insufficient). Lack Of-(See Lack). Loss Of-(See Loss). Lymph-Deficiency In-(See Lymph). Mentally Deficient- (See "Deficient" under Mental). Mineral Salts-Deficiency of in Blood -(See "Blood" under :Minerals). · lUucus-Deficiency of on Respiratory lYiembranes-(See "Respiratory" under Mucus). Organism-Deficient Development of -(See Diminished; "Deficient", "Undersized", under o'·gans). Red Blood Corpuscles-Deficiency of -(See "Blood" under Red). Secretions-Deficient- (See Fluids, Glands, Secretions, Suppressions). Stomach Juices-Deficiency of- (See Digestion; "Ailments"· under Fluids; Gastric, Juices, Stomach). Void Of-(See Void). For Deficiencies in any part of the body, of any organ, function, etc., and which may not be listed here, see the subject in the alphabetical arrangement. Also see Defects, Diminished, Imperfections, Inefficiency, Irregular! ties, Suppressions). DEFLUXIONS-Catarrh-A Downward Flow of Humours-Defiuxions are diseases of the 0. ]), and h· (See Catarrh, Fluxion, Humours, 1\Iucus, Phlegm; "\Vatery Humours" under \Vatery). Cold Defluxions-h diseases. Head-Defiuxions of Rheum From'll affi. in 'r. (See Catarrh; "Rheum" under Head). Rhcum-Defluxions of-(See Rheum). DEFOR:liiTIES-Deformed- Imperfect in Body-Disablements-These may be congenital or acquired. The congenital deformities are usually the result of prenatal afflictions during gestation,

Deformities assisted by strong afflictions of the malefics at birth, or with what are known as the Broken, Imperfect, or Mutilated Signs on the Asc., strong, or occupied by malefics. (See Broken, Distortions, Mutilated, Prenatal). The following subjects have to do with deformities in the various parts, and organs of the body, and also with mental deformities, defects, and deficiencies, which subjects see in tl1e alphabetical arrangementAbdOJnen; Accidents; Acquired; Action; Ana to rn.i cal Changes-(See Anatomical). Animals; Amputations- (See Operations). Ankles; Ankylosis; Antenatal- (See Prenatal). Anus-Imperforate Anus-(See Anus). Appearance; Arms-Armless \Yonder -(See Arms). Arthritis Deforrn.ans-(See Joints). Atrophy; Azimene Degrees-The Lame Degrees of the Zodiac-( See Azimene). Beastly Form-(See Beasts). Birth-Deformed from Birth- (See Congenital, Infancy, Prenatal). Blind from. Birth-Born Blind- (See Blindness). Body Deformed-Deformed in Body and Mind-Body Incomplete-(See "Armless" under Arms; "Deformed" under Mind; Hands, Incomplete, Legs, Members, Missing, Organs, etc. Also note the various paragraphs in this section). Bow Legs-(See Legs). Breast-Chicken-Breasted, PigeonBreasted-(See Breast). Broken-Broken Bones- Broken Limbs-Broken Signs-(See Broken). Causes of Deformities-The planetary influences at B. attributed to deformities are as follows,-The 0 and ]) affi. in the 6th and 12th H. at B.; '!! afflictions and diseases; deformities are largely ruled and controlled by \;1; I;!, h. and 0' closely associated, in 6 or 8 in fixed signs; F;I, h. or 0' in the 5th, 6th or 12th H., or afflicting t h e,'s e houses or cusps by aspect, or affi. the Asc.; h and 0' joined anywhere in the map, arid espec. in angles, or in their own nodes, or in the Lunar Nodes; 'f Sig. D or 8 h; many planets in 11J1 in the 6th or 12th H.; l:l, ~. 111., !?, or the last part of and [1, when on the Asc. at B., or occupied by malefics, are said to cause deformity; people born under the broken signs, [1, 111.. and tend to be deformed in some way. (For further influences see the various paragraphs in this Article). Channels- (See "Channels" under Genitals. Also see Cloaca). Chest; Chicken-Breasted- (See Breast). Children-(See "Deformed" under Birth, Children). Chronic Deforntans-( See "Ankylosis", "Arthritis", ''Rheumatism'', under Joints).




Cloaca; Club Feet-(See Feet). I Congenital- (See Birth, Congenital, Heredity, Prenatal). I Constitution- (See Constitution, De-~ fects. Also note the various paragraphs in this section). , Contortions; Contractions; Crippled; Crooked; Crossed Eyes-(See Eyes). Cur'>·ature; Cyclops; Deafness; Deaf and Dumb-(See Mute). j'

Defects; Deficiencies; Depressions; Diminished; Disabilities; Disfigurements; Dislocations; Displacements; Distortions; Dogs-

Resembles Dogs, Animals, etc.- (See "Dogs" under Children). D'l-varfe, Asc., or hyleg; also a ~ disease and affliction; Subs at Atlas. (See Fears, Hallucinations, Hearing, Hysteria, Ideals, Ideas, Illusions, Imagination, Insanity, Judgment, Madness,' Mania, :Mental Disorders, Notions, Obsessions, Paranoia, Per sec uti on, Spirit Controls, etc.). Delusive-(See Deceitful, Dual, Hypocritical, Liars, l\Iockery). DEMENTIA-A Profound Mental Incapacity-A Toxic Psychoses-The influences causing Dementia are much the same as those causing Fears, Idiocy, Imbecility, Insanity, '\Veak Mind, etc. (See these subjects). Dementia Praecox-A form of Dementia occurring at the time of puberty, and thru disturbanes at this period. (See "Trouble" under Puberty). DEMONIAC- Demoniacal AffectionsOne supposed to be possessed with a Demon, or Evil Spirit-Imagines Himself to Be Possessed vVith a DemontV in and affl. the J>, As c., or hyleg; IV in in the 6th H.; 9 affl. in 111.; W affi. in the 12th H.; W 8 Antares; W adding his evil asps. to those of ~ and CJ', and affl. the }>, ~. Asc., or hyleg; ~ and the }J unconnected with each other or the As c., and with ~ and rJ' in angles ruling the scheme, and with 0' the strong ruler by day, or ~ by night, and espec. if the malefics be in ~. 11)!,


cr; \)



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or "'; TJ_ ruling the }) at the time of a DENTS-A Dent in the Body, Mark, or New }), when the }) is coming to the Scar Indicated-(See Marks, Scars). 6 Q. but the }) ruled by o' when the, DENL"DES-Denuding-Depletion}) IS at Full, and"espec. ''hen It may i \Yeakening-!2 denudes, depletes, and happe1_1 In 1 or "· then under these weakens the physic a I constitution, conditiOns 1f the malefics be m the while 0 intensifies and accelerates its East":rn Parts and, m ai'gles, and. the action. (See Depletion, Saturn Infiubenencs 1n. the \\est, ,he demomacs ence under Saturn). become furwus, unmanageable, wound, ing themse!Yes and uttering myster- DEP~~TION-The work of '2 and W; ious sayings; TJ_ and e in angles, ele~_he v• }), Asc., or hyleg affi. by h or Yated above };I, c;s, and the }) , and if I:I. ¥ at B., and by dlf. Any part, organ, b, and the }) be unconnected with each or functiOn of the body tends to be other by good asps., and affi. by TJ_ or weakened and depleted when 'l_ lS 1ll o. and with no assistance from "!- or the sign at B. ru!Jng such part or I!' tend to demoniacal affections, and functiOn, and espec. when h JS afalso to epilepsy; TJ_ and 0 in angles fi1cted, or a,ffi1ct1ng the v1tal parts of orL, and with "!- and I! setting and the map. '1 he bod1ly forces are also occL, the demoniac utters mysterious ?,epleted when the watery s1gns "=' or sayings, becomes furious, or wounds ".are_ on the Asc. at B., and the con, himself; the }) 6 0. and go.-erned by st1tutwn rendered more. W';Ltery a_nd h. or the }) 8 the 0 goyerned by c{', phleg};natlC. (See ConstJtutw,';', Echpand espec. when in ~. J, or "'; lords ses; Q';l~rters of th~, l\Ioon under of the 1st or 6th in cp and affi. by H; :\loon; M,()on!Ight under Sleep; Subs at AT and AX usually exist in Strength; v1tahty, Weak). these cases. (See "Delirium Tremens", Constitution Depleted-The Tissues "\Yild", under De 1 i r i u m ; Epilepsy, Depleted-The 0 affi. in the 6th H., the Fears, Fury, Hallucinations, Imaginaconstitution and vitality are depleted. tions, Insanity, ::\Iadness, ::lfania; (See "Lessened", "\Yasted" under Vi"Brain" under ::\Toisture; Narcotics, Obtality. Also see the first part of this sessions, Pineal Gland, Spirit Controls). section). Bathing-Demoniacal complaints as a Energy Depleted- (See "Depletion" result of bathing are caused by H. and under Energy. Also note the various espec. when the ruler of the 1st, or paragraphs in this section). 6th H. is in and affi. by Ij. (See Funetions Depleted-The }) affi. by h Bathing). at B., and by dir. (See "Suppression" DEJIULCENT-A mucilaginous subunder Functions). stance allaying irritation. A theraHeart Action-h affi. in [)_ tends to peutic property of \!. (See Venus). weak and depleted heart action. (See DENEB_ Cauda L e 0 n i s _ Lion's Tail. "\Veak Heart" under Heart). (See Lion's Tail). Nerve Fluids-Depletion of-Ij! D or 8 Asc. (See Fluids, Nerves). DENGl:E-Break-Bone Fever-SomeVital Fluids-Depletion of-W D or 8 times called Rheumatic Fever.' A zyAsc. (See "Fluid" under Vital). motic disease, with pain in the bones, swollen Joints, fever, and an eruption Vitality-Depletion of-(See "Constiwhich resembles measles. A c{' distution" in this section). See Atrophy, ease; 0' affi. the As c. at B., and by dir. Collapse, Decay, Debility, Dissipation, :\Iany of the influences which cause Emaciation, Enervation, Exhaustion, :\Ieasles will also apply to this disease. Feeble, Neurasthenia, \Veak. Also h usually is configurated in the DEPOPULATION-(See Mortality). afflictions, affecting the bones and joints. (See "Pain" under Bones; Erup-· DEPOR'l'JIENT-Behavior- (See Conduct, Morals, etc.). tions, Joints, Measles; "Fever" under DEPOSITS- Sediments-Collections of Rheumatism; Zymosis). Morbid Particles In the Body-Mineral DENSITY-Compactness-The work of Deposits-Deposit of Wastes in the 'J_. (See Cirrhosis, Condensation, ConTissues, Organs, and various Parts of sistency, Consolidation, Crystallizathe Body-The various mineral detion, Fiber; "Density" under Fluids; posits of the body are precipitated by Hardening). 'J_. Some are constructive, and help to DENTAL-Dentist-Dentition-Perform the bones and the normal harder taining to the Teethstructures. Others are poisonous and destructive and tend to cause disease, Decay of Teeth-Disorders of- (See hardening of the arteries, articulaTeeth). tions, joints, organs, tissues and parts, Dentition-Teething-Convulsions at membranes, and to cause gout, rheuTime of-Difficult Dentition, etc.-( See matism, contortions, cirrhosis, deaf"Dentition" under Teeth). ness, deformities, gravel, stone, sand, concretions, lameness, retentions, supDentist-Makes a Good Dentist-c{' in pressions, tuberculosis, sclerosis, argood asp. to Ij!; 0 in the 10th H., and terio-sclerosis, gall stones, congeswell-asp. by the 0. }) , or I;I. The intions, disturbed functions and eliminafluences given under Chemists and Surgeons also apply here, as 0 , and tion, excretion, secretion, etc. The inthe e influence, is usually predominant fluence of Cold, which is ruled by 'J_, also tends to abnormal and morbid dein the maps of those who succeed in posits and precipitations over the Surgery of any kind, and the use of body. See these subjects. Especially tools and sharp instruments. (See note the subjects of Cold, Concretions, Butchers, Chemists, Healers, OperaCrystallization, Gravel, Growths, Hardtions, Surgeons). II




ening, Lime, Leokocytes, Minerals, Osseous, Pressure, Sand, Saturn Influence, Stone, Tumors, Urea, Uric Acid, \Vastes, etc.). DEPRAVED-Depravity-Total Depravity- Dycrasia- Depraved Tastes, Desires, and Habits-Turpitude-etc.The 0 conciliated with the ruler of the mind, and being cadent and occidentally posited; tjl affl. in the 5th or 7th H.; tjl in the 5th H., and afflicted, depraved habits and dissolute vices; ~ 6 or ill-asp. 'i'; ~ in e::n or 7( and affl.; ~ to the ill-asps. 0' by dir.; 0' Sig. D or 8 'i'; 'i' ill-dig. at B.; 'i' to the 6 0' by dir.; 'i'. D. or 8 the malefics, and 'i' ruler of the horoscope; 'i' affl. at B., and to the 6 or ill-asps. the As c. by dir.; the 3rd De g. of ""' on Asc., drunkenness, licentiousness, etc. (See Appetites, Debauched, Desires, Dissolute, Drink, Drunkenness, Habits, Harlots, Indecent, Infamous, Lascivious, Leprosy, Lewd, Licentious, Low, Lust, Morals, ·obscene, Passion, Perversions, Shameless, Sottishness, Tastes, Turpitude, Vices, etc.). Depraved Blood-(See Impure). DEPRESSANTS-An agent reducing functional activity-(See Anaphrodisiac, Narcotics, Palliatives, Sedatives, Tobacco, etc.). DEPRESSED- Depressions-Depressed in Mind-Depressions in the BodyBody-Depressions In-Caused by ~. (See Contractions, Dents, Hollow). Compressions-(See Compressions). Diseases-Diseases Arising from a Depressed Mind-~ affl. in the 6th H., or affl. the hyleg or Asc. (See Aches, Functions, Melancholy). Extreme Depression-Of Mind-Mor. bid Anxiety Concerning the Health( See Hypochondria). Mental Depression - Cast Down Atrabilarious Attacks-Melancholy-A ~ disease and influence, and of the ~ sign k)>, which sign produces a depressing and lowering tendency; the transit of ~ as promittor over the place of the radical :D or on the Asc. (See Anxiety, \Vorry). Appetite; Assimilation; Belching; Bowels-Intestinal Indigestion-(See "Digestion" under Bowels). Chronic Indigestion- (See Indigestion). Chyle; Chyme; Cold-(See "Cold" under Indigestion). Defect-Some Defect in the Digestive Organs-Born under ~Diet; Digestive Disorders -Digestive DIFFICI:LT-Difficul tyTroubles-The C. j), or 'f in e:::;, and Breathiug Difficult-(See "Laboured" affi. by malefics; the 0 or j) affi. in e:::;; under Breathing). the 0 or )J in the 6th H., in card. signs. Difficult to Cure---(See Chronic, Fatal, and affi.; the 0 to the o or P. the j) by Grieyous. Incurable. InYalids, Long dir.; the 0 or j) in e:::;, and to the 6 or Diseases, Malignant. C.Iorbid, Slow Dis-. ill-asp. the malefics; the 0 to the illeases, Tedious, "\Vastings, etc.). asps. '}f; the 0 in 8. due to rich foods; the 0 in e:::; and affi. by 1!-; the 0 or JJ Feminine Functions-Difficult and affi. in]!)>; the JJ affi. in 11J1; the JJ affi. at B.. Slow-(See "Difficult" under Menses). and to the evil asps. the Asc.; the j) D Food-Difficulty in Retaining Foodor 8 '+ or 'i'; the j) in the 6th H., and (See Food). affi. by '+; the j) applying to 6. or conjoined with him in a day geniture; W iUicturition Difficult-(See Urine). or Jj! affi. in e:::; or \!)>; J2 in e:::; or ]!)>; 1?. 6 Swallowing Difficult- (See Deglutij), and espec. with females; '}f affi. in tion). See such subjects as Constipa""" or ]!)>; '+ D or 8 j); 6 affi. in ~ or ]!)>; tion, Deafness, Hearing, Retardation, 6 D or 8 )J; 6 affi. in 4th H., and Sight, Slow, Speech, Suppressions, espec. by the D or 8 asps.; 'i' affi. in ]!)>; Walk. etc. Look in the alphabetical arcaused by 'i' when the dominion of rangement for other subjects which death is vested ir. her; t/ affi. in e:::;, you may have in mind along this line). 0 the r influences affecting the digestion are given in the various paraDIFFIC"GLTIES-See such subjects as graphs of this section, and also under Accidents. Disaster, Disease, Disg-race, Belching, C h y I e. Dyspepsia, Gastric, Dishonour, Hurts, Ill-Health, Injuries, Indigestion, Stomach, etc. Cases of Di).Iiseries, Reverses, Ruin, Sickness, gestive Disorders. Birth Data, etc.Sorrow. Trouble, "\Vorry, \Vounds, etc .• See Fig. 17. 18, in the book, "Message and other subjects you may have in of the Stars" by the Heindels. mind. The influences of 1?.. and also the 12th H .• are to place difficulties, Dyspex>sia; Eating; Emaciation; delays, hindrances. obstacles, etc., in Eructations-(See Belching). our path, and to meet with self-undoFer1ncntation-In the Stomach-(See ing, prolonged sickness and affliction, "Fermentation" under Stomach). unless we can qualify. resist, overcome, and become Masters of our DesFlatulence; Fluids-Of the Stomachtiny. Digestive Juices-Disturbances ofLacking-ft. affi. in e:::;, (See Acids, DIFFUSIVENESS-A ScatteringFluids, Gastric, Juices). Energy-Diffusiveness o f - (See DisFood; Functions-The Digestive persions, Dissipation, Energy, ScatterFunctions Disturbed-Afflictions to '}f. ing, Vacillating). as '+ rules the digestive functions; '+ affi. in e:::; or ]!)>; the 0 or }) affl. in e:::; DIGESTION-Co c t ion-Digestive Oror \!)>,the digestive functions are weakgans-Digestive System-D i ges ti ve ened, causing functional derangements Canal-Digesti Ye Tract-Alimentation of the Digestive System; the j) hyleg -The Conversion of Food into Chyle in e:::;, and afflicted, and espec. with feand Chyme, etc.-Digestion is a funcmales; 1?.. I£[. or W in TI and affi. the 0 tion of the e:::; sign, and the Digestive or }). (See Functions; "Functions" unOrgans and System are under the inder Stomach). ternal rule of e:::;, (See "Fifth Thoracic" under Ganglion). Digestion is also Gas in Stomach-(See Gas). ruled and influenced by 'f and the 4th Gastric Juices-Gastric T r o ubI e s H. The Coction Process in the body is (See Gastric, Stomach. Also note the ruled by 6. The following subjects various paragraphs in this section). have to do with Digestion, the DigesGluttony; Good Digestive Powers-6 tive System, and their activities, which well-asp. in the 4th H. see in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered hereHindered- Digestion Hindered-Obstructed-!?. affi. in e:::; or ]!)>. Absorption; Acids- T h e Stomach Acids-( See Acids, Fluids, Gastric, HyHu1nours-Raw Humours in Stomach drochloric, Juices). -See Indigestion). Activity-Digestive activity is ruled Illness from Indigestion- (See Indiby '+ and the j). gestion). Alimentation-(See Alimentary). Impaired Digestion-Imperfect-(Sec Dyspepsia, Indigestion). Anxiety-Digestive Disorders from Particular About Diet-(See "Fastidious" in this section). Rich Diet- (See "Rich Foods" under Food). Surfeits from Diet- (See "Ailments", "Evil", "Excesses", in this section. Also see Surfeits). Yomiting-From \Vrong Diet- (See "Ailments" in this section. Also see Nausea, Vomiting). "\Vrong Diet-Illness from-(See "Ailments" "Evil" "Excesses" in this section). ' ' '




Impurities of the System-Digestive affl. the 0 or )) ; watery signs on the Disorders Arising From-The 0 affl. in Asc. or 6th H., and the )) in a water (See Impurities, Wastes). sign at B., or at decumb. (See "Disorders", and the various paragraphs Inability to Digest Food-W in "=' and in this section. Also see Dyspepsia, Inaffl. by lji and II; W "=' in 8 lji ]()>, and digestion). both affl. by the D of II. the food is often undigested and appears in the Weakened- (See "Functions", "Orstools in pieces; II in "=', and affl. by gans", and the various paragraphs in the c), D. or 8 of W and I;I. (See this section). "Chronic Indigestion" under IndigesWeakest-The digestion is weakest tion). when the 0 is affl. in e:;; or ]()>,and these Indigestion- (See the various parasigns on cusp the 6th H. graphs under Indigestion). \Vomen-Digestive Disorders In-The Intestinal Indigestion- (See "Diges)) hyleg in ""· and afflicted; II cS the )) ; tion" under Bowels). 'lf D or 8 the )). Irregularities-Of Digestion-11]1 on \Vorry-Digestive Disorders Thru the Asc. (See "Digestive Disorders", '\Vorry and Anxiety-(See "Anxiety" in and the various paragraphs in this this section). section). Juices-Lack of Digestive Juices- DILATATIONS-Dilation-DilatedDilatation of a Vessel or Organ-See (See "Fluids" in this section). the following subjectslUalnutrition-(See Assimilation, NuAneurysJn; Arteries-Dilatation oftrition). (See Aneurysm; "Dilatation" under ~Ietabolism-Metabolism of the DiArteries). gestive Tract Disturbed-The Prog. )! Blood Vessels-Dilatation of-(See in "=' or 11]1, and c), D. or 8 the place of Aneurysm, Cap ill a.r i e s; "Dilatation" malefics at B. (See Metabolism). under Arteries; "Vaso-Dilator" under Nausea; Nervous Indigestion-(See Vaso; Vessels). Indigestion). Bronchial Tubes- (See. "Dilatation" Nourishment-(See Nutrition). under Bronchial). Obstruction-Digestion ObstructedCerebrai-(See Apoplexy; "Vaso-Dila(See "Hindered" in this section). tor" under Vaso). Organs of Digestion- Are r u I e d by Face-Dilatation of the Capillaries of the )! , 'lt, the "=' and 11J1 signs, .including the Face-Morbid Red Face- (See the Stomach, Duodenum, and Intesti"Red Face" under Face). nal Digestion. These Organs are weakHeart-Cardiac Dilatation- (See ened by the 0 affl. in "=', 11]1, or ]()>. Aneurysm; "Dilatation" under Heart). Poor Digestion-(See "Digestive DisOesophagus-Dilatation o f - (See orders" in this section. Also see DysOesophagus). pepsia, Indigestion). Pupils of Eyes-Dilated-(See "MydPowers-The Digestive Powers-(See riasis" under Iris). "Disorders", "Good", "Promoted", "Weak", and the various paragraphs Scrotal Veins-Dilatation of-(See in this section). "Varicocele" under Scrotum). Promoted- The Digestive Powers Stomach-Dilatation of- (See "DilaPromoted and Streng·thened- The )! tation" under Stomach). well-asp. in "='· (See "Good" in this Varicocele; -varicose Veins- Dilated section). Veins-(See Varicose). Raw Humours-In Stomach-(See InVaso-Dilator Aetion-(See Vaso). digestion). Veins Dilated-( See Varicose). See Stimulateself-Causes His Own Illnesses-Mars people; 0 ruler, and strong at B.; the ill-asps. of 'i' by dir. to the ]), o. Asc., or M.C .. and brought on by free living; ]) in 6th H., affl. by 'i', thru disorderly conduct; 11l on the Asc. at B., and thru anger, folly, peevishness, rash acts, etc. (See Debauchery, Dissipation, Drink, Excesses, Extravagance, Folly; "Free Living" under Free; Gluttony; "High Living" under High; "His Own Worst Enemy" under Enemies; "Loose Living" under Loose; Plethora, Rashness, Surfeits). Brooding Over Disease-(See Brooding, Hypochondria, Imaginary). Business Cares-Diseases Caused By -(See Business, Cares). Cadent Houses-And Disease- (See Cadent). Cancer Sign-Diseases of-(See Cancer). Capricorn Sign-Diseases of-(See Capricorn). Cardin'al Signs-And Disease-(See Cardinal). Cares-Diseases From-(See Cares).


Causes-(1) Causes of Disease-(See the Introduction to this Article). (2) Causes His Own Illnesses-(See "Brings Disease" in this section). Certain-The Disease is More Certain and Pronounced-When evil Directions agree with the radical afflictions; when the Diathesis agrees with the Hexis, or permanent habit in disease, the disease is more certain and pronounced. Thus if the Directions agree with strong 0' affliction at B., the disease will tend to be acute, a fever, an inflammation, or perhaps bring a surgical operation, and so on with the nature of each planet. (See Diathesis, Severity). Changes-(1) The Disease Changed(See "Complications" in this section). (2) The Disease Changes for the Better or Worse-(See "Better", "Worse" in this section). ( 3) Changes to Some Other Disease-Or a Relapse:_(See Chronic, Complications, Crises, Relapse, Return, Worse). Childhood-Children-Diseases of(See Childhood, Children, Infancy). Choler-Diseases Arising from Too Much Choler-(See Choler). Chronic; Clothing; Cold; Colds; Comn>on Signs-And Disease- (See Mutable). Complaining; Complaints- (See the various paragraphs in this section). Complications-In Disease- Planets in the Signs show the Zones of the body afflicted, but complications, as when inflammation and congestion attack an organ at the ~arne time, or where Plethora accompanies a nervous condition, the aspects and influences of the planets themselves must be considered, and the nature of each planet involved in the disease condition. Each planet imparts a special type of disease to an organ, but the disease may become disguised, modified, or changed by cross aspects from other planets. (See Complications, Zones). Concealment-Of Disease-'l.f. in the Asc. or M.C., in a strong sign, wellaspected and elevated above the malefics; the influence of wealth, rank, or command given by 'l.f. well placed at B.; \l .well configura ted with 'l.f. gives the addition of skillful Healers, the proper treatment and remedies. (See Exhibition). Congestions; Considerable Diseases

Ensue- (See ":Many Diseases" under Childhood: Complications; "Ill-Health All Thru Life", "Signs of Ill-Health", under Ill-Health; Increase; "Much Sickness" under Sickness. Also see ":vrany" in this section). Conspicuous; Constancy;

Constitutional; Contagious; Continuity; Contracts Disease Easily -(See Contracts). Convalescence; Convertible-(See Curable). Corrupt Diseases-(See Corrupt, Foul, Impure, Pus, Putrid, Hotten, etc.). Course of Disease-(See Course).



Courts Disease-(See Yirgo). Crises; Curable-Cure of-(See Curable). Curious Diseases- (See :1\Iysterious, Strange). Curtailed; Dantpness-Diseases From -(See :1\Ioisture, Vapors, \Yater, Wet). Danger-Danger in Course of-Danger of Disease-(See Course. See "Threatene.d", and the various paragraphs in this section). Dangerous-The Disease is Dangerous-The Disease is Not Dangerous(See Dangerous). Day-The Disease is Better or "\Vorse by Day-(See Day, Night). Death-The Disease Ends in DeathThe Disease ·which is the Immediate Cause of Death-(See "Certain", "Immediate", under Death). Debauchery-Disease From-( See Debauchery). Debility; Decay; Decrease-The Disease "\Vill Decrease-(See "Decrease" under Recovery). Decrepitude; Deep-Sea t e d - (See Deep). Degeneration; Deg·ree-The Degree of Disturbance in Disease-(See Disturbed). Delayed-(See Chronic; "Long Siege" under Ill-Health; Lingering, Prolonged, Tedious).


Disturbance-The Degree of Disturbance in Disease-(See Disturbed). Dorsal Discases-(See Dorsal). Dreadful Diseases - (See Dread f u I, Terrible). Dress-As a Cause of Disease-(See Clothing, Colds, Dress, Exposure; "\Vet Feet" under Feet; Linen, Moisture). Drink-Diseases from Excesses In(See Drink, Drunkenness, Intoxication). Drought- Diseases From- (See Drought, Dryness, Famine, Pestilence). Dryness-Dry and Hot Diseases-Diseases Concomitant with Dryness-Dry and Cold Diseases-(See Dryness). Duration- Of Disease- (See Constancy, Continuity, Course, Duration). Ease-Intervals of Eetse-(See Ease). Eating-Disease from Improper Eating-(See Diet, Eating, Food). Effects Of-Duration of the Effects of Disease-(See Constancy, Duration). End of the Disease-(Sce Curable; "Certain Death" under Death; End, Fatal, Incurable, Recovery, Resolution, Termination, etc.). Endern.ic; Endurance - Endurance Against Disease-(See Endurance, Immunity, Recuperation, Resistance, Vitality, etc.). Endures Disease Cheerfully-(See Complaining, Endures). Deliriunt; Derangements; Ene~nas and Disease-(See Enema). Destructive Diseases-(See Destructive). Enlarged Scope-Of the Disease-(See Enlarged). Deteriorations; Detriment; Entire Body Disordered-( See "\Vhole). Deviations; Diagnosis; Diathesis; Diet -Diseases from "\V ron g Diet- (See Environment-And Disease-( See EnDiet). vironment, External). Difficult to Cure-( See Cure, Difficult). Epideinics; Erratic Course- (See Course, Erratic, Irregular, Various). Direct ~lotion-Of the Planets in Disease-( See Direct). Escape-The Sick Will Hardly Escape -(See Escape). Directions and Disease-(See Directions). E-..-ent-The Event, or Time of Disease-When Due, etc.-(See Events. Disabilities; Disco~nfort-In Disease Also see "Time" in this section). -(See Anguish, Malaise, Pain, Plethora, Suffering). Every Species of Disease-Causes of Diseased Body-(See "Body" in this -(See South Scale, Species). section). Evil End To-(See "End" in this section). Disguised- (See "Complications" in this section). Excesses-Diseases From-(See ExDisorderly Conduct-Disease Brought cesses). On By-(See "Brings Disease" in this Excrescences; Exercise-Disease from section). Over-Exercise and Fatigue-(See Exercise, Fatigue). Disorders-(See Disorders. Also note the various paragraphs in this secExhibition of Maladics-(See Exhibition). tion). Dispersions; Disposition-The TranExopathic-(See External). sient Disposition in Disease-(See DiExposnre-Diseases Arising Fromathesis, Directions). (See Exposure). Dissipation-Disease By-(See DeExternal Causes-Of Disease- (See bauchery, Dissipat-ion, Drink, Excesses, External). Habits, etc.). Extraordinary Diseases- (See ExDissipation of Forces-(See Dispertraordinary). sions). Extravagance-Health Under m in e d Distempers; Distressful DiseasesBy-(See Extravagance; ~·undermined" (See Anguish; "High Fevers" under under Health). Fevers; "Diseases" under Pain; SufferFalling Off-Of the Disease- (See ing, etc. Also look in the alphabetical arrangement for the subject you have Amelioration; "Action" under Morbid; Moderation, Recovery). in mind).



Famine-Disease, Suffering or Death From-(See Famine). Fatal; Fatigue; Fear of Disease-(See Fear, Taurus). Female Diseases-(See Female). Fierce lUaladies-(See Fierce). Fixed Signs- And Disease- (See Fixed). Fluidic System-Diseases of-(See Fluids). Folly-Diseases From-(See Folly). Food and Disease-(See Diet, Digestion, Eating, Food, Stomach). Force of the Discase-(See Force). Foul Vapors-Disease From-(See Vapors). Frame--The Whole Frame Is Disordered-(See ~Whole). Free Living-Disease From- (See Free). Frequent Attacks-Of Disease- (See "Ill-Health All Thru Life" under Life; "Much Sickness" under Sickness). Full -llloon and Disease-(See °Causes" in this section ; "Full Moon" under Moon). Fulminating-Sudden Severity of Disease-(See Fulminating). Functional Diseases-(See Directions, Functions). Gemini Diseases-(See Gemini). General Ailments-(See General). Gives Up Easily-To Disease-Does Little for Himself-Drifts with the Tide of the Disease-The 0 affi. in 8 or 11)1; h in 11J1 in the 6th, 8th, or 12~h H.; Jt ruler of the As c., in 11)1, and In the 6th, 8th, or 12th H.; h affi. in 8 in the 6th H.; 8 and 1TJ1 influence; common signs on the angles; many planets in feminine signs. (See Brooding, Hypochondria, Majority, Negative, Taurus, Virgo). Gluttony-Diseases From-(See Gluttony). Good End to Disease- (See Curable, End, Recovery, Resolution). Grievous Diseases- ( S e e Grievous, Severe, Vehement). Habit-The Permanent Habit in Disease- (See Diathesis, Directions, Hexis). Hard to Cure- (See Chronic, Cure, Difficult, Grievous, Incurable). Healers; Health Bad - ( See Health, Ill-Health, Invalids, Sickness, etc.). Heat-Diseases from Excessive Heat -(See "Excessive" under Heat). Heaviness-All Over the BodyHeavy and Sad Sickness-(See Heaviness, Whole). Hemorrhages; Heredi-Q·; Hexis-T~e Permanent Habit in Disease-(See DIathesis, Directions, Hexis). High-The Disease Runs High-(See ""Worse" under Crises; High; "Diseases" under Pain). High Living-Diseases From-(See High). Hot Diseases-Hot and Dry Diseases -(See Fevers; "Dry and Hot", "Hot Diseases", under Heat).

Disease Houses-Diseases Ruled by the Houses-(See Angles, Ascendant, Descendant, Houses, Midheaven, Nadir, Terminal, etc.). Humours; Hygiene; Hyleg and Disease-(See Hyleg). Identified with Disease--The Common Signs and Cadent Houses are identified with disease. (See Cadent, Mutable). Ill-Health- (See the various paragraphs under Ill-Health). Illusory Diseases-(See De 1 us ions, Hallucinations, Illusions, Imaginary, Insanity). Imaginary Diseases- (See Brooding, Hypochondria, Imaginary, Psychic). Immunity; Impairments; Impedin1ents; Imperfections; Important-The Disease is Not Important-(See Mild, Slight). Improvement; Imprudence-Diseases From-(See Folly, Imprudence, Indiscretions, Rashness, etc.). Ineipient-(See Praeincipient). Increase-In the Disease- The Disease Will Increase- (See Crises, Increase, \Vorse). Increased Resistance-To Disease(See Resistance). Incurable; Indicated-Disease Indicated-(See "Causes", "Threatened", in this section). Indicators-Of Disease-(See "Significators" in this section). Indiscretions-Diseases From- (See Indiscretions). Indispositions; Indulgences; Infancy -Diseases of-(See Infancy). Infectious; Infirmities; Inflammations; Inherent Tendencies- In Disease(See Constitutional, Diathesis, Heredity, Inherent, Organic, Structural). Innate--In born-Inherited Diseases( See Heredity, Innate). Intemperance- Diseases Arising From- (See Debauchery, Dissipation, Drink, Drunkenness, E,;:cesses, Intemperance, Intoxication, etc.). Intensity-Of the Disease-Severity of-(See Cardinal; "Direct Motion of Planets" under Direct; Fulminating, Increase, Intensity, Severity). Internal Diseases-Internal Ease in Disease-(See Ease, Internal). Interrupted Sequence-In Disease(See Interrupted, Sequence). Intervals of Ease-(See Ease). Irregular JUaladies- Irregularities(See Irregular). Irritations; Journeys-Diseases On(See Journeys, Travel). Judgment-Of the Dis.ea.se- (S~e Diagnosis, Judgment, MaJOrity, Modification, Prognosis). Jupiter Diseases-( See J!J.piter). Kings-Diseases To-(See Kings). Latent Diseases-(See Constitutional, Diathesis, Hereditary, Hexis, Latent, Organic, Structural, etc.). Left Side of Body-Diseases In-(See Left).



Length ot the Disease-(See Course, Crises, Duration, Long, Prolonged, Short, etc.). Leo Diseases-(See Leo). Less Liable-To Disease-(See "Good Health" under Health; Immunity, Recuperation, Resistance, Strong, Yitality Good, etc.). Less Power--To Throw Off Disease(See Inability; "Resistance Lpw" under Resistance; "Slow Recuperation" under Recuperation; "Yitality Low" under Vitality; "\Veak Body" under \Veak, etc.). Lethargy; Liable to Disease-(See "Causes", ), are apt to produce distortions of body and limbs; malefics in angles, and the 0 or ]) in or brought up to them; the 0 or ]) 6 or 8 h. in angles, and espec. if the ]) be in her nodes, or in extreme Lat., or in hurtful signs, as 8. e::n, lll. or v.>,-under these conditions if the 0 or ]) be in 6 with h or d', the defect will be from birth, but if h or c3' be in 8 to the 0 or ]) , or h or c3' in the M.C. in 0 the 0 or ]), it will be from Cuts, Blows, Stabs, Falls from Heights, Injury by Robbers, Quadrupeds, by Shipwreck, and in Accidents;






the }J in obnoxious signs, as 8. ~. 111., or 0>, in her nodes, or in extreme Lat., and the malefics brought up to the Luminaries, the body is afflicted with Excrescences, Distortions, Lameness, or Paralysis. The calamity takes place from the moment of birth if the malefics be with the 0 or }J, but if the malefics be in the 10th H., and elevated above the Lights, or in 8 to each other, then the t r o ubI e arises from Falls from Heights, Attacks by Robbers or Quadrupeds, or by some dangerous Accident, Cut, Stab, etc. (See Excrescences). Features Distorted-(See Features). Gait-Awry Gait from Distortions(See "Awry" under Gait). Limbs Distorted-(See Limbs. Also see "Causes'..' in this section). Teeth Distorted-(See Teeth). Views Distorted- (See Chaotic, Confusion, Eccentric, Erratic, Ideals, Ideas, Judgment, Notions, etc.). See Accidents, Animals, Birth, Calamity, Congenital, Contortions, Contractions, Crippled, Cuts, Defects, Deformities, Dwarf, Excrescences, Face, Falls, Feet, Fingers, Gait, Hands, Heights, Imperfections, Infirmities, Injuries, Lameness, Legs, Limbs, Maimed, Malformations, Monsters, Mutilated, Neck, Paralysis, Quadrupeds, Robbers, Shipwreck, Spasmodic, Spine, Stabs, Twistings, Walk, etc. For Distortions of the various organs or parts of the body not listed here, look for the subject in the alphabetical arrangement. DISTRACTION -Distracted of Mind(See Anguish, Anxiety, Dejected, Depressed, Despondent, Distress, Grief, Hypochondria; "Low Spirits" under Low; Melancholy, Miserable, Sadness, Sorrow, Trouble, Worry, etc.). DISTRESS-Distressful-SufferingAbroad-Distress and Suffering Abroad-( See "Distress" under Abroad). Death- Death Without Distress(See "Easy Death" under Death). Dreams-Distressful Dreams- (See Dreams). Every Rind-Of Distress-Ruled and Denoted by the 12th H. (See Twelfth). Maladies-Distressful Maladies-( See Fierce, Grievous, Heavy, High, Painful, Severe, Sharp, Vehement, Violent). Mind-Distress of Mind-The 2nd Decan. on the Asc. (See Anguish, Disgrace, Dishonour, Distraction, Reputation, Reversals, Ruin, Trouble, et~ Other references are given under Anguish. For other kinds of Distress, see in the alphabetical arrangement the subject you have in mind. DISTURBED-DisturbancesBrain-The Brain Disturbed- (See "Disturbed" under Brain). Circulation-Circulation of the Blood Disturbed-(See Arteries, Blood, Circulation, Congestions, Determination, Heart, Impure, Pulse, Rush, Veins). Degree of Disturbance-In DiseaseThis is greater when the tempo of the movements of the planets is slower in forming or separating from aspects,



as when the planets are R, Stationary, Slow of Motion, etc. The rate of progression of the planets varies from day to day, and in disease the daily motion, or rate of movement of the planets, should be studied in helping to form a judgment. Planets rapid and direct in motion, and at their normal daily rate, tend to more rapid dissolution of disease. (See Direct; "Planets" under Motion; Retrograde, Stationary). ~lind Disturbed-(See Anguish, Anxiety, Insanity; "Irritations" under Mental; "Diseased l\Iind" under ·Mind; Worry, etc.). Sleep Disturbed- (See Refreshment, Rest; "Insomnia" under Sleep). · System Disturbed-(See Constitution, Disease, Derangements, Disorders, IllHealth, Infirmities, Sickness; "Disordered" under System). DISUNION -Of Cells- (See "Division" under Cells; Death, Decay, Disintegration, Dissolution, etc.). DIURESIS- Excessive Secretion of Urine-(See Diabetes; "Excess", "Polyuria", under Urine). DIURE'riCS-A Medicine Increasing the Flow of Urine-A Therapeutic Property of 'i' and 'i' remedies, and also of f; '). or cJ affl. in '"='; '). in asp. or relation to planets or signs which rule the appetite; cJ affl. in o:::;; cJ Sig. D or 8 '+ or ¥; cJ ::D, D or 8 ;,;!, :J. or I'; cJ affl. in l:l; cJ l:l. D or 8 ~·. !;I, :.;., or I'; I' in l:l. e::::;, or 111.. and affi. by "!, !2, cJ. or the ]), tend to o\·erindulgence of the appetite and indisposition therefrom; I' Sig. in \&; I' in ::D, and affl. by the D or 8 cJ; 1;5 affl. in l:l; I' affl. in ""'; I' in o:::; and affl. by the ]) ; ¥ affl. in the 5th H.; 1;5 in [1 or 7E warns against overeating and indiscretions in diet; the Asc. to the ill-asps. I' by dir., and I' affl. at B.; 7t on the Asc. or 6th H. at B., and the 0. ]) , or other planets in :tt. and afflicted; afflictions in 111. tend to overeating, excesses in drink, food, etc., and disease from; i::l, e::::;, 11J2, \&, or 7t on the Asc., and afflicted. (For further influences along this line see "Abnormal" under Appetite; Carbuncles, Cravings, Diet, Digestion, Drink, Epicureans, Excesses, Extravagance, Feasting, Food, Gastric, Gluttony, Habits; "High Living" under High; "Impure Blood" under Impure; Indigestion, Indulgence; "Enlarged Liver" under Liver; Noxious Growths, Obesity, Overindulgence, Plethora, Stomach, Surfeits, Toxaemia, etc.). Fast Eater-Bolts the Food-Eats Hurriedly-The ]) or "! in ::D, 6 cJ; !;I 6 }) in e::;;, and affl. by the D or 8 cJ; fast eating should be avoided when !;I is in 11J2 and afflicted; It in "=', and D cJ; cJ 6 }) in e::::;; ruler of the Asc. 6 cJ. Feasting-(See Feasting). Feeding-(See Feeding). Food-(See Diet, Food). Gluttony-Gormandizing-(See Gluttony). Great Eater-Goes to Extremes In Eating-(See "Excesses" in this section; "Fondness" under Food). Hearty Eater-Characteristic of l:l people; l:l on Asc., or 0 in l:l; '2} in 8. D or 8 0: 'll affi. in "=' in 12th H. (See "Excesses" in this section). Hurriedly-Eats Hurriedly-(See "Fast Eater" in this section). Imllloderate Enter-Abnormal Eater -(See "Excesses", "Hearty", in this section). Indiscretions-In Eating-Due to an afflicted '2} or I' ; '2} affl. in l:l or o::o; I' affl. in ~. (See "Ailments", "Evil Diet",



under Diet; Feasting, Gluttony, Indiscretions, Obesity, Overindulgence, Plethora, Surfeits. Also see "Excesses" in this section). Lives to Eat-(See Epicurean). ;uoderate---In Eating and DrinkingII influence- (See "Moderate" under Drink). Over-Eating-Tendency To-Sickness From- (See "Excesses", "Indiscretions", "Sickness", in this section). Sickness-From Overeating-'2} affl. in' l:l; '2} in o::o on the Asc., and afflicted; I' affl. in ""'; the l:l sign strong at B. (See "Excesses", "Indiscretions", in this section). Surfeits-From Excess In EatingSee "Evil Diet", "Excesses", under Diet; Obesity, Puffing, Surfeits. Also see "Excesses" in this section). Swallowing Difficult- (See Deglutition). "\\'rong TendencieS!- In Eating or Feeding-Should be avoided when cJ or I' are affl. in 11J2, or in the 6th H. (For further influences along this line see Assimilation, Digestion, Gastric, Indigestion, Intemperance, Nutrition; "Hot Stomach" under Stomach; Tumors, Wasting, etc.). ECCENTRIC- Eccen trics-Odd-Peculiar-Queer-Freakishness-Misunderstood By the Common People-Caused principally by the Ij:[ influence; Ij:[ ascending at B., or with the chief Signiflcator in the nativity; Ij:[ in the Asc., or 1st H.; Ij:[ in the lOth H.; Ij:[ in any asp. to 1;5, and espec. in D or 8 asp.; Ij:[ D or 8 It; I;I affl. in II, +, \&, ::::, or :tt; the }) to the 6 or ill-asp. Ij:[ by dir.; the }) and 1;5 unconnected with each other or the Asc., and with h and cJ angular and ori., the benefics setting and ori., and with Ij:[ and I' also partaking in the scheme. (See "Fastidious" under Diet; Dress, Erratic, Fancies, Ideals, Ideas, Imagination, Independent, Judgment, Misunderstood, Notions, Occult, Peculiar, Persecution, Tastes, etc.). ECLAlUPSIA-An Epileptic Seizure(See Convulsions, Epilepsy; "Puerperal Fever" under Puerperal; Spasms). ECLECTICS-The Medical School of(See Healers). ECLIPSES-Eclipses affect those individuals whose maps of birth have configurations similar to those at the time of the eclipse, and who may also be living under the shadow of the eclipse, or if it is visible to them. At a Solar Eclipse the Solar activity is depleted and low. At the New Moon, if an Eclipse of the }), the Lunar activity is more depleted than that of the 0. Eclipses are portends which should not be overlooked. (See Lunations). The effect of an Eclipse of the O endures a year for every hour the 0 is eclipsed, and a month for every hour the )! is eclipsed. An Eclipse of the 0 especially falling on the places of maleflcs in the radical map tend to renew and increase the original strength of such malefic, whether it relate to trouble, sickness, or death. No effect



of an Eclipse can be very good even tho falling on the place of a benefic, but the evil effects ascribed to them are very probable. The lord of an Eclipse being in a human sign, its evil effects will fall upon Mankind. (See "Human Signs" under Human). They are more important, and more serious in their effects if they happen on the birthday, and take part in the Solar Revolution. A male born at an Eclipse of the 0 may never breathe, or expire soon after birth, and so with a female born at an Eclipse of the ]). (For Cases and Birth Data of death of Males born at time of a Solar Eclipse, see "Austria", No. 152, and "Short Life", No. 775, in 1001 N.N.). An Eclipse of the 0 threatens some male member of the family with sickness, hurt, or death, and an Eclipse of the ]) some female member. An Eclipse falling on the ]) in a child's map denotes hurt to the mother; falling on the 0. hurt to the father; on the place of 'lf, hurt to an uncle; on the place of o, to a brother; on the place of \?, hurt to a sister; on the place of \!, to an aunt. (For the further mention of Eclipses, and the diseases and afflictions they cause, see Air, Bubo, Calamity, Cattle, Childbirth, Cholera, Cough, Death, Disaster, Drought, Earthquakes (see Earth); Endemic, Epidemics, Events, Fainting, Famine, Fever, Floods, Fruit, Functions, Influenza, Mankind, Middle Life, Miseries; "Full :Moon", "Me tonic Cycle", "New Moon", under 1\Ioon; l\1ortality, Murder, Old Age; "Virus" under Pestilence; Pirates, Plague, Public, Rain, Revolutionary, Rottenness, Scarlet Fever, Sedition, Shipwreck. Storms, Trouble, Volcanoes, vVar, vVeather, Wind). ECSTASY-Rei i gi ous Ecstasy-(See "Beside One's Self" under Excitable; "Ecstasy" under Religion). ECZEiUA-Infiammation of the Skin, with Lymph Exudation-vVeeping Eczema-A \0' disease; nfflictions in ""' and \0', or with these signs on Asc.; II or 1J. affl. in \0'; 'lf affl. in the 6th H. in 1&; Lf- in 1.0>, from sluggish circulation; 1J- in signs which rules the arms, hands, legs and feet tends to in these parts; 0 in ::::: and affl. the hyleg; \? in 'P or ""'• and affl. the ]) or Asc.; \? affl. in 'P or e:= in the 6th H.; the ]) or \? afflicted, weeping Eczema; the ]) hyleg in llJI, and espec. with females. Head and Face-Eczema of-\? affl. in 'P; \? in cp or ""' in the 6th H., and afflicted; 'i' in e:= and affl. the ]) or As c.; Subs at KP, and Local. (See Exudations, Herpes, Ringworm, Skin Diseases, Tetter). Salt Rheuin-Chronic Eczema-!?. affl. in \0'. (See Rheum). EDEMA-Oedema- (See Dropsy, Oedema, Serum, Swellings). EDGED TOOLS-Sharp Tools-Injuries By-(See Cuts, Duels, Instruments, Stabs, Sword). EDUCATION- (See "Active l\find" under Active; Dull, Genius, Intellect, Knowledge, Learning, J\Iental, Mind, Percept'ion, Reading, Science, Study, Understanding, etc.).


EFFECTSDirections-Effects o f - (See Directions). Disease-The Constancy and Duration of the Effects of Disease- (See Constancy). EFFEiUINATE-The Luminaries in female signs. configurated together with o and \? tend to make men effeminate, lustful, salacious, wanton, and to deviate from the limits of nature, and to make women masculine, and espec. if o and \? be also in feminine signs; the 0 and ]) both in masculine signs, configurated together, and with 0 and \?. females will be salacious, of a masculine turn, and men will be effeminate; the 0 Sig. 6 '!'. soft and effeminate; W in the Asc. with males; the bad asps. of W to the Sigs. tend to, as to the O. ]) , As c., l\I.C., or to \? or \!; \! in "'· partile the Asc., very foppish and effeminate; airy signs on the Asc., and people born under them, tend to be effeminate; the 3rd decanate of 'P on the Asc., ruled by \?; the ""' and ""' influences tend to, and with many planets in these signs, and when the positive planets, as the 0. J;I, and o are in positive, or masculine signs. (See Soft). Appearance-Effeminate In Appearance-a Sig. in e:=. (See "Feminine Degrees" under Female). Constitution-Effeminate In Constitution and Disposition-The 0 Sig. 6 \?; the 0 or \! Sig. in ~; ""' gives, and with""' on Asc.; the 6th face \0' on Asc., and to have a weak and vacillating nature; the ~ influence tends to, and with j.E on the Asc.; the 4th face 1 on Asc. (See "Dull" under Constitution). l\Icn-l\Ien Effeminate-The Voice Effeminate In l\Ien-Due to degeneracy, sex excesses, and afflictions to I) and 1Jl. A high and effeminAte tenor voice is often produced by castration, affecting the l:l and nl signs which rule the voice and I a r yn x, and many tenor singers in Italy are eunuchs. (See the first part of this section. Also see Deviations; "Castration" under Testes; "Coarse Yoice" under Voice). Signs-Effeminate Signs-~ is the oply one so called. Woinen-1\Iasculine \Vomen-(See the first part of this sPction. Also see Deviations; "Fixed Signs" under Fixed; "Degrees" under l\Iale; "Coarse Voice" under Voice). EFFERYESCENT-Bubbling Over-Effervescent ::\Iental Activity-OverActh·e l\Iind-o and the ]) influences combined, being fire and water. tend to displays of feeling, anger, and the dissipation and dispersed of brain force, and eruptive conditions. (See "Over-Actin? Mind" under Active; Anger, Dispersals, Hyperacth·ity, Impulses, Riotous, Temper, Violent). EFFLORESCENCE-Redness of the Skin- -Rashes-Exanthem-( See Eruptions, Exanthema, Rashes, Red, Roseola, Rubefacient, Skin). EFFUSIONS-Extra,·asation of Fluid Into the Body Tissues or CavitiesBlood-Effusion of Blood Prevalent-



A 0' affliction; c! in [1 at the Yernal Equi., and lord of the year, and chiefly in places ruled by [1 (see "Leo Rules" under Kations); :J in 1TQ at the Yernal, and lord of the year, and espec. in Northern Parts, and in places subject to lTQ. (See "Shedding" under Blood; "Virgo Buies" under Kations: "Xorthern Parts" under ::\'orthern: "\Yar and Bloodshed" under \Yar). Ears-Effusion of Blood From-(See "Blood Effusion" under Ears). :uenstrual Efl'usions-(See "Profuse", n-vicarious", under 11:enses). Protluyial Effusions-A Flowing Out -Discharges \Vhich Leave the BodyA }! disease and affliction. (See Discharges, Hemorrhage, Humours, Menses, \Yatery, etc.). Serous Efl'l!sions-(See Serous). Tissues-Effusions Into-( See Dropsy, Hemorrhage, Oedema, Osmosis, Tissues). For further influences along this line see "Loss of Blood" under Blood; Catarrhs, Discutient, Evacuations,. Expectoration, Fluids, Fluxes, Haemoptysis, Kicks, Rheum, Serum. Treatment for Efl'usion-(See Resolvent). EGOEgotistical-The influences of the fire, earth, and water signs are instinctively egotistical, while the airy signs are self-conscious. The D and 8 aspects to C)- tend to. In Hor'y Questions It Sig. in ""'· (See Pretender). Exaggerated Ego - Ego i s m - E g o Mania-ci' associated with IS, and usually by the 6 or 8: d' 6, D. or 8 IS. in angles, or in the 3rd or 9th H.: IS and the }!, the mental rulers, both afflicted, or afflicting each other. (See Character, Genius, Giants, Judgment, Opinions, Religion, Saint Vitus Dance, Selfishness, Self--Righteousness, Soul, etc.). Case-See Chap. 13, Daath's ::\Iedical Astrology. EIGHTH HOUSE-The house of 111., ruled by d'. and called the House of Death, and denotes the time and manner of death. It is classed as one of the evil houses, along with the 4th, 6th, and 12th Houses. It is a Terminal House, and forms one of the angles of the Terminal Triangle. (See Terminal). This being a terminal house, it indicates the end of physical life, the sundering of soul and body, the transition from the physical to the spiritual. It concerns disease, death, the nature, kind and quality of death. The different planets in this house at B. indicate the kind and nature of death, according to the nature of the planet. It is one of the Anaretical places of the map. (See Anareta). Benefics here at B. tend to an easy and natural death, and "1J. in this house tends to long life, and a natural death. Malefics in this house tend to a more sudden, accidental, or violent death. Neptune and the }! in this house tend to death by drowning; Iji here, a sudden death, as by an explosion; d' here, a violent death, as by accident, injury; IS here, death by consumption. This house also rules Fear, Anguish, the Bladder, the Privy Parts, Poisons, and Poison Death.

Electricity It is a feminine house, and denotes the Genitals and Sex Organs. Its Colors are gray and black. (See the subjects mentioned in this paragraph. Also see "Eighth House" under Death). Diseases Rule in the Asc., principally connected with the watery and afflicted. (See Dry). signs. (See Astral Body, Desires, ExConsumption-Emaciation vVith a citable, Fainting, Feelings, Hysteria, Consumption-Caused by I' when the Impulses, Psychic, Sensation, Sensadominion of death is vested in her. tional, Trance; "Signs" under Water). (See Consumption, \Vasting). Arrested Emotions-Emotional DeProgressive Emaciation-Gradual and terioration-Lack of Emotion- Weak Progressive-(See Malnutrition, Emotional Nature-ft. strong at B., as Tabes). in the Asc., or M.C., and affl. the 0. J), \!. or Asc.; many planets in air or earth Skeleton-A Living Skeleton-(See signs at B., and with an airy or earthy Skeleton). sign on the Asc., as these signs tend to EMBALIUING- (See "Silver Cord" undepress and restrain the emotions, der Silver; Undertakers). while the fiery and watery signs stimE~IBOLISM- The Ob stru cti on of a ulate them. Blood Vessel by a Blood Clot or EmDepressed Emotions-(See "Arrested" bolus-(See Clots, Infarcts, Obstrucin this section). tions, Thrombus). Discord-(See "Mind" in this section). EMBRYO-A Fecundated Germ Up To Disorders Of-'¥ strong in the map, the Fourth Month-The Foetus-(See but severely afflicted by malefics, or W Foetus. Also see Abortion, Concepaffl. the 0. J), \i, Asc., or hyleg; cf' affl. tion, Gestation, Miscarriage, Pregby W. Iji, or 1?,. (See Anger, Anxiety, nancy, Prenatal Epoch). Dejection, Dementia, Depression, DeEmbryonic Tumor-Embryonic Consires, Ecstasy, Equilibrium, Exaltanective Tissue Tumor-(See Sarcoma). tion, Excitable, Fear, Frenzy, Fury, EMERALD-A Mineral under the rule Hypochondria, Hysteria, Insanity, of the J). Madness, Mania, Melancholy, Passion, EMETICS-Emesis-An Agent Causing Perversions, Worry, etc. Also note the Emesis, or Vomiting-A Therapeutic various paragraphs in this section). Disturbances Of-Complaints Arising Property of I' and the J). The best From-Due principally to I' influence, time to give an Emetic is when the ]) and lord of the Asc. are above the and afflictions to I'; also caused by W horizon, and the ]) in one of the rumiand cf' influences. (See the various nant, or cud-chewing signs, as in paragraphs in this section). 8. or 10>. In using a drug to produce Emotionalism-The :D influence tends Emesis, Apomorphine and Ipecac are to; the 0 or :D in 7€; the :D 6 Iji in a standard in use among Physicians. fire or water sign; many planets in (See Antiperistalsis, Ipecac, Medicines, fire or water signs; I' affl. in m; the Nausea, Ruminant, Vomiting). 25° [), on the Asc. (See Romance).






Exaltation- Emotional Exaltation- E!UCNCTORY DUCTS-And OrgansElation -Devotional -Religious (See Excretion). Awakening-Caused by the afflictions of \j! and cJ'; 'i' progressed in or 6 ENCEPHALON-Encephalic-The Brain 11 in the radical map, or vice versa. -Pertaining to the Brain(See Ecstasy, Religion). Encephalic Ailments-Afflictions in 'f' or o::=. (See "Disordered" under Brain). Instability-Of the Emotions-Afflictions in fiery signs. (See Moods). E neephal itis-(See "Inflammation" under Brain). I disease, and afflictions in ]()>; h or (See Cosmetics; "Lotions" under Face). d' in v.l>; )]_ or d' in an angle, occi. of the 0. and ori. of the ]) , and IS in Cutaneous Eruptions-Skin Eruptions familiarity with rJ; a rJ disease; rJ in -v.l> diseases. (See the various sub'P, 8. v.l>, or :::::; rJ denotes death by; d' jects under Skin). in 8 or ::::: in the 6th H., and afflicted; Death By-(See "Eruptive Fevers" in d' in ::::: and affl. the ]) or Asc., erysipethis section). las in the lower parts; the hyleg much Eating-(See "Arms" in this section). affl. a B. by d'; caused by rJ when the dominion of death is vested in him; Eruptive Fevers-Exanthematous Fed' or IS holding dominion at B., and vers-The O or ]) hyleg, and the 0 to in familiarity with each other, with d' the 0 or 8 the ]) by dir.; the 0 affl. in affl. the hyleg, and elevated above the e:=, from overheated blood; d' affl. the Luminaries, erysipelas is increased; 0. ]), Asc., or his own place by dir. or cardinal signs show, and espec. afflictr.; d' cS or ill-asp. the ]) at B., or by tions in ]()>; fiery signs on the Asc. or dir.; d' in the A sc. at B., and affl. the 6th H.; Subs at HP (2D), KP (llD), hyleg; rJ occi., and affl. the hyleg by Local. dir., brings danger of death by an Arm-Upper Arm-Erysipelas In-rJ eruptive fever; afflictions in or :::::, affl. in 8 and the 1st face of the TI due to disordered blood; Subs at CP, sign; Subs at LCP (6C), AP, KP. (See KP, Local. (See "Corrupt" under Arms). Blood; Impure).




Death By-Caused by 0' when the dominion of death is vested in him. Extrenlities-Lower ExtremitiesLegs-Calves-Erysipelas In-a in : in the 6th H., and afflicted; a in :, and affl. the J) or Asc.; Subs at PP, LPP. (See Calves, Legs). Face-Erysipelas of-a affl. in '!' or 8, and espec. when in the 1st H.; Subs at :>ICP (3C), AP (7C), KP. Head-(See "Face" in this section). Increased-The Erysipelas Increased -(See the opening paragraph in this section). Legs-(See "Extremities" in this section). ERYTHEltiA-Erythematous-A Superficial Blush or Redness of the SkinA C\Iorbid Redness-Dilated Capillaries-Usually caused by T)_ afflictions. Also may be caused by '!- or \'. due to congestion of blood, plethora, surfeits, etc. (See Capillaries, Congestion, Dilatation, Pellagra; "Red" under Face; Red, etc.). ERYTHROJIELALGIA-A Painful Affliction of the Extremeties, with Purplish Discoloration of the Parts-(See this subject under Feet). ESCAPE-EscapesAccidents--Narrow Escapes From(See "Escapes" under Accidents). Death-Narrow Escapes From-Configurations which otherwise indicate early or untimely death are modified, and narro'\v escapes intervene if 1f or \' form good asps. by or 6 to the afflicted planet, or lord of the 8th; the malefics attacking one or both Luminaries, and with the or 6 of '!- or \' intervening; the 0 affl. in the 8th H., has many narrow escapes, and is often threatened with death; I;I 6 T)_ in and espec. if H is in the M.C., and afflicted; lji 6 \l in IJ, 11]1, ""'• or :, and afflicted. (See Averted). Prison or Bondage-Escapes From(See "Escapes" under Prison). Sick-The Sick Will Hardly EscapeThe 0 and J) with mRlefics, or in 6 with them, at the beginning of an illness. (See "Arguments", "Certain Death", under Death"; "Fatal Illness" under Fatal; "Death" under Fever; "Diseases" under Grievous; "Life Destroyed", "Small Hope", under Life; "Doubtful" under Recovery; "Disease" under Severe). Travel-Narrow Escapes from Accident or Death In Travel-(See "Escapes" under Travel). Vital Fluids-Escape of-( See "Fluid" under Vital). ESCHAROTIC-(See Caustic). Eschar-A Dry Slough-A Crust of Dead Tissue-a disorders, and caused by a. (See Crusts; "Tissue" under Dead; Sloughings). ESOPHAGUS-(See Oesophagus). E'I'HER-The Ether-Ethers-Ruled by lji and the : sign. Light is transmitted by the Ether, and thru I;I tends to adversely affect the eyes and the sight when affl. the 0 or J) at B., and cause





eye diseases or blindness. Electricity, which travels thru the Ether, tends to shock and injury under lji afflictions. It is said the Spinal Canal is filled with Ether during life, which is called the "Spinal Spirit Fire", which becomes condensed, and a fluid, when exposed to the air. (See Air, Azoth, Blindness, Electricity, Eyes, Gases; "Light Rays" under Light; Matter, Retina, Shock, Sight; "Spinal Canal" under Spine; Uranus). Etheric Fluid- (See "Fluid" under Vital). Etheric Parts of lllan-(See Astral). The Drug Ether-A typical drug of I;L Is also classed as a drug of Neptune because of its sleep-inducing and anaesthetic effect. (See Anaesthetics). ETHIOPIAN-(See "Black Skin" under Black; "Figure" under Dark; Negro). EUNUCHS-\' in an angle, configurated with l;l, and with T)_ and a elevated above her, or 8 to \', tends to produce Eunuchs or Hermaphrodites, OJ;" one devoid of the natural channels and vents; h and \' in the 4th H., and afflicted. (See "Channels and Vents" under Genitals; Effeminate, Hermaphrodites; "Castration" under Testes; Virile). EUPATORIU!li-A typical drug of 'J.. (See Jupiter). EUSTACHIAN TUBES-Ruled by \' and the 8 sign, and are espec. affected by the 0 or }J acting thru this sign, and with afflictions in or to (J. Also 1;l when in 8 greatly affects the tubes, and causes disorders of when afflicted, or afflicted in the 12th H., and which may lead to deafness and ear troubles. These Tubes are affected by Subs at AT, AX, and MCP (4C). (See Catarrh; "Cervical Ganglion" under Cervical; "Deafness" under Hearing; "Diseases" under Neck; Nose). EV ACUATIONS-Defacation-Evacuations of various kinds from the body tend to be more free and profuse at the time of the Full Moon when the fluids of the body are at high tide, as those thru the nose, bowels, the urine, perspiration, etc. (See Faeces). Bloody Evacuations-Are generally considered a diseases and afflictions. (See "Bloody Discharges" under Discharges; Dysentery, Effusions, Faeces, Fistula; "Bloody Flux" under Flux; Haemoptysis, Hemorrhage, Menses; "Epistaxis" under Nose; Rectum, Sweat, Typhoid, Urine, etc.). Morbidly Frequent-(See Diarrhoea). EVENTS-Accidents, Calamity, Sickness, etc., are events, and are usually precipitated by the aspects and movements of the J), and also by progressed influences, transits, and directions over the map. The }J tends to bring events to pass, as she is the time marker in Human Affairs and \Vorld Conditions, and on the dial of destiny corresponds to the minute hand, while the movements of the 0 represent the hour hand. The aspects of the }J, Lunations, New Moons, and Eclipses, indicate the times when directions and progressed influences will culminate into action.




Animals, Beasts. Cattle; "Earth Signs" Events, and the time of sickness, acciunder Earth; Floods, Fruits, Horses; dents, etc., are shown by the aspects "Human Form" under Human; l\Ianof progressed planets, transits and kind, Nature, Public, Quadrupeds, directions, as they affect the radical map, and thus in this way "Coming Scarcity, Seas, Sheep, Ships; "Signs" Events Cast Their Shadows Before." under vVater; Weather). Obstructions and impediments can be Past Events-(See "Coming Events" placed in the way of the planetary in this section). influences, thus greatly diminishing Prevention of Events~(See the Intheir force, or preventing them altotroduction to this section. Also see gether. E.vents can be altered and Prevention). modified by foreknowledge of their Sickness-The Event o f - (See "Illnature, and by the use of wisdom, Health" in this section; "Time of" unself-control, discretion, discrimination, der Disease). will-power, spiritual attainment, mastery of the lower nature, and by rulStrange Events-Sudden Events-Uning one's stars, conquering the Jl.1onexpected Events-The O to the iiisters of the Zodiac, etc. For thi& asps. I;f by dir.; the )) to the place of reason the Ancients instituted reme¥ at B. by dir. or tr. tends to sudden dies, preventatives, preservatives, and iii; F,I stationary near the place of the propitiations. The time of death, in0 or )) at B., or in evil asp. to either; juries, accidents, and dangers, is I:I ascending at B.; the asps. of lji to shown by the arcs of directions to the the 0. )) , Asc., M.C. by dir.; the evil Sig. for the event. asps. of d' to the 0. )) , As c., or M.C. also tend to sudden events, and genAccidents-The IDven t o f - (See eraiiy of an evil or violent nature, as "Time" under Accidents. Also see the accidents or injuries. (See Extraorfirst part of this Article). dinary, Mysterious, Neptune, PeculCalainity-The Event of-(See Calamiar, Strange, Sudden, Unexpected, Unity, Disgrace, Misfortune, Reversals, timely, Uranus). Ruin, Trouble, etc.). Sudden Events-(See "Strange" in Coming Events-Are indicated by asthis section). pects applying, and past events are Tiine of Events-(See the various shown by aspects separating. paragraphs in this section. Also see Danger-Near Some Danger-Danger Time). Is At Hand-(See Danger). Unexpected Events- (See "Strange" Death-The Event of Death-Time of in this section). Life is but one suc-(See "Time of" under Death). cession of events from the cradle to Directions and Death-(See Anareta; the grave, and for subjects not men"Arguments for" under Death; Directioned here, look for the subject in tions). the alphabetical arrangement. Especially note the following subjects,Disease-The Event o f - (See "Time Abroad, Accidents. Afflictions, Bereaveof" under Disease). ment, Birth, Blows, Bruises. CatastroEvil Events-(See "Good and Evil" in phies, Character, Climacteric, Comets, this section). Cuts, Cycles, Danger, Death, Destiny, Good and Evil Events-Good events Directions, Disease, Disgrace, Disare indicated by the )) forming favorturbances, Drought; Earthquakes (see able .. aspects to the Beneflcs, and evil Earth); Eclipses, Evils, Falls, Famine, events by the afflictions of the MalefFate, Fire, Fortune; Free Will (see ics to the )). The )) 8 0 by dir., and vVill); Hurts, Imminent, Injuries, at' the same time in 0 to a malefic, Journeys, Judges, Lunations, Malice, indicates a very evil time in the life, Mankind, Mischief, :Miseries, JI.Iisforillness, accidents, afflictions, reversals, tune; New .Moon (see Moon); Jl.'l:urder, and possible death, and under such a Periods, Prison, Prognosis, Progresconfiguration a remarkably evil event sion, Public, Railroads, Reversals, usuaiiy takes place. (See "Time" unRuin, Scandal, Seas; Secondary Direcder Evil). tions (see Secondary); Ships, Shipwreck, Sickness, Sorrow, Stabs, SuiGreat Event.o-Are coincident with cide, Travel, Treachery, Trouble, Vethe appearance of Comets. (See Comhicles, Violence, Volcanoes, Water, ets). Weather, Wounds, etc. Ill-Health-The Event of-(See "Periods of Bad Health" under Health; EVIL-Evils-Evilly"Long Siege of" under Ill-Health). Absent Party-Some Great Evil Has Injury-Event of-(See "Time of" unOvertaken the Absent Party-(See der Accidents). "Great Evil" under Absent Party). Modification of Events-(See the InCoinplexion-Evil Complexion- (See troduction to this Article; Destiny, Bad, Evil, Poor, Sickly, under ComFate, Prevention; "Free '\Vill" under plexion). Will). Conduct-Evil Conduct-Disgraceful Nature of the Events-The )) in signs Actions-Bad Courses-'\Vild Conduct of human form tends to events affect-The 0 to the ill-asps. I' by dir.; the ing Mankind; in air signs, the Air; in 0 Sig. D or 8 C!; the Sig. in :tE, not earth signs, the Earth and its fruits; inclined to action unless of the worst in water signs, the vVaters and Seas; kind; the> )) in bad asp. to I;I does not in quadrupedal or animal signs. cattle, improve the moral nature; I[ or d' Sig. horses, sheep, and ail four-footed 0 or 8 I'; d' at a Solar Rev. passing Beasts. (See "Air Signs" under Air; the place of the radical )) or I'; I'





Infiuences-Evil Influences-Evil AsSig. in m. and 'i' affi. by 1-2 or d', disgraceful actions, and with very evil pects-The evil aspects and influences propensities if '+ or the O do not asin a map, as related to the health of the body and mind, are increased sist by their good asps.; the Asc. to the ill-asps. 'j' by dir., and 'i' affi. by when augmented by the ill-asps. of the malefics, and diminished by the 1-2 or d' at B. (See Conduct, Criminal, Cruel, Debauched, Depraved, Disgrace, good asps. of the 0. '1/, or 'i'. (See Aspects, Benefics, Malefics). Dishonest, Drink, Drunkenness, Gambling, Lewd, Licentious, ='>Iischief; lUanners-Evil Manners-The )) sepr. "Loose Morals" under Morals; ?.Iurderfrom the 0 and apply. to 1;5 in a day ous, Perverted, Profane, Riotous, geniture. (See Manners). Thieving, Unnatural, Vices, Violent, ~lany Evils Upon Humanity- (See Wicked, etc.). "Every Evil" in this section). Deeds-Delights In the Most Evil Much Evil-Upon the Native, and Deeds- (See "Conduct" in this secUpon Humanity-( See "Every Evil" in tion). this section). Directions-Evil Directions-(See DiNobles and Grandees-Evil To-(See rections). Nobles). Disease--Evil End to the DiseaseQ,ualities of ~lind-Evil Qualities(See Death; "End" under Disease; An Evil Nature-Caused by the evil "Evil End" under End; Fatal). asps. of d' to the Sigs., the 0. )), 1;5, or Drink-Evils From-(See Drink, Asc. (See "Conduct", "Evilly DisDrunkenness, Intoxication). posed", in this section. Also see Malevolent). Events-Evil Events-(See Events). Serious Evils In Life-The )) to the Every Evil-(1) Every Evil Upon Huill-asps. 1-2 by dir. (See Saturn). manity-Many Evils Upon Humanity Sudden Evils-The 0 to the ill-asps. -The appearance of Comets tends to bring many evils upon Mankind, and Iji or d' by dir.; Iji weak and ill-dig. at B., or by tr. or dir. (See Sudden). to cause a deranged system; the Pleiades rising, or with the 0 or )), or Tendencies-Evil Tendencies- (See directed to the Asc., every evil that "Evilly Disposed" in this section). can befall Humanity; Eclipses of the Thoughts-The Mind Disturbed by )) in the 3rd Dec. of :;: ; 1-2. LJ., d', and Evil Thoughts-(See "Conduct" in this the )) conjoined in £(; TTl ascending at section; "Unclean" under Mind). the Vernal, and 1-2 6 d' therein, and Thne--An Evil Time for the Nativewith '1j. B, and 'i' combust; the Ascelli The 0 to the ill-asps. the )), 1-2. Lj., Iji, conjoined with the 0 or )). (See Asor d' by dir.; the )) to the ill-asps. the celli, Calamity, Castor,Comets, Eclipses; 0 by dir. (See Accidents, Affliction, "Public Grief" under Grief; Humanity, Calamity, Climacteric, Dangers, DirecMankind, Mischief, Miseries, Nebulous, tions, Disease, Disgrace; "Good and Pleiades, Public; "Much Sadness" under Sadness, Sorrow, etc.). ( 2) Every Evil Events" under Events; "Periods of Bad Health" under Health; Honour, Evil Upon the Native-1-2 affi. in the 12th H. denotes every evil that can Ill-Health, Imprisonment (see Prison); Injury, Judges, Misery, Misfortune, befall the native except death; the 0 Periodic, Reverses, Ruin, Scandal, Sickdirected to the Jaw of the Whale, ness, Sorrow, Suffering, Trouble; South Scale, Cynosura, or the Twins, "Time" under Accidents and Disease; tends to much evil for the native; the Unexpected, Worry, Wounds). )) to the 0 or 8 d' by dir., every evil; the )) directed to the Whale's Jaw, Occult teaches that Knees of Castor and Pollux, Belly of EVOLUTION-The Man's Mind and Body have evolved the Twins, or Cynosura, many evils; gradually thru many stages before the M.C. to the 0 or 8 d' by dir., many coming to their present efficiency. evils; lord of the 9th H. weak, B. or Man's early bodies were bisexed, hercombust, denotes great evils upon the maphrodites, and the separation of native; the Pleiades rising, or with the sexes began in the Lemurian the 0 or )), or directed to the Asc. Epoch, and Adam and Eve are consid(See Ascelli, Calamity, Castor, Cynoered types of the first of the separated sura, Disgrace, Honour, Pleiades, Polsexes. There are still remnants of lux, Reverses, Ruin, Trouble, Twelfth hermaphrodites in the World to-day. House, Whale's Jaw). Also in the early stag·es of the Earth, Evilly Dil'lposed-Evil Propensitieswhen it was hot and fiery, people Evil Tendencies-The )) Sig. in 7€: d" could not stand upon the Earth, and Sig. 6 or ill-asp. 1-2 or 1.), and espec. in their bodies were like gas bags, capangles, the disposition is very evil, able of living and floating in the air. and the person often fierce and vioThey also had a third eye in the back lent; 'i' Sig. in m. and affi. by 1-2 and d'. of their heads so they could see apand no good asps. from the 0 or Lj., proaching dangers from all sides. This very evil propensities. (See "Conduct", eye has now been drawn inward, and "Qualities", in this section). is the Pineal Gland. When language was needed, and a voice, the larynx Excesses-Evils From-(See Exand vocal cords, ruled by the 8 sign, cesses). were taken from m. the sex sign, and Habits-(See "Evil" under Habits). this is the reason why the voice and Indicative of Evil-The 0 with the the sex organs are so closely related, Pleiades, Hyades, Praesepe, the Asand why the voice in males changes celli, Castor or Pollux. (See "Every at puberty. Man's body is still far Evil" in this section). from being perfect, and is still evolv-

Evolved Types



ing and improving, and in future Ages Disposition- Excellent Disnosi ti onwill be a much better, and more highly Even Temper-The 0 Sig. t or ['o 1j.. spiritualized body than now. This sub(See Disposition, Generous, l\Iild, Temject of the Evolution of Man and his per, Temperament). Vehicles, is a big one, and only a few Health-Exce 11 en t Health- (See things can be mentioned here. If you "Abundance", "Good", under Health; are interested in the whole story of Immunity, Recuperation, Resistance, the Evolution of Man, and of the Robust, Ruddy, Stamina, Strength, Earth in its various Epochs, read the Strong, Tone, Vitality, eLc.). books, "Cosmo-Conception", by Max Qualities-Excellent Mental Qualities Heindel, and also the book, "The Key -Good .\bilities-(See "Abilities", To The Universe", by Dr. and Mrs. "Disposition", in this section). Homer Curtiss. These books also explain the two stories of Creation in EXCESS-Excessive-Excessively-Colthe Bible. (See Build, Character, Larliquative-Copious-Overflowing-Imynx, Pineal Gland, Puberty; "Separamoderate-Profuse- Redundant- 0' is tion of" under Sex). excessive. '2.i- is OYerftowing. ~ is reEVOLVED TYPES-(See Genius, Prodidundant and overflowing in quality. gies). (See Abundance, Colliquative, Copious, Increase, Jupiter, l\Iars, Plenty, ProEXAGGERATED-Exaggerationfuse, Redundant, Venus). Exaggerated Action-Ijf influence, as Ac>ldity-Excessive Acidity-(See in Cramps, Hernia, Ruptures, Shock, Acids). Spasms, etc. (See these subjects). The Albumin-Excess of In Urine- (See plus, or tonic action of 0', also tends Albumen). to exaggerated action of mind and body. Alkalinity- Excess of In System(See Alkaline). Exaggerated Ego-(See Ego). Animal Ht"at-Tn the Body-Excess Exaggerated Hysteria- ( See H y sof-(See "Animal Heat" under Heat). teria). Atmospheric PrN partile the As c.; ~ strong at B.; ~ Sig. of the party in Hor'y Questions denotes small, black, leering eyes; when ~ forms the body he gives small, black, leering eyes; ~ ascending, small, black, and deeply set; d' ruler of the Asc., and occi.; '? Sig. in ~. small greenish or gray; ~ on the As c. tends to small gray or bluish; I;S ruler of the Asc., and ori.; I;S in ~ partile the As c.; I;S Sig. in ·~ in Hor'y Questions; I;S ori. of the 0 except when I;S is in II. Soft Eyes-'lt gives soft blue eyes. Sparkling Eyes-Characteristic of d' people; born under d'; 'i' in the As c.; born under 'i', sparkling black, or sparkling dark hazel eyes; 'i' in J; I;S occi. at B.; """ on the Asc. (Se6 Bright, Fiery, Penetrating, Piercing, Sharp, in this section). Staring Eyes-The 0 Sig. in [l, large, staring eyes; [l gives. (See "Large" in this section). Steadfast Eye-'? in the Asc., strong and dignified at B. Sunken Eyes- Deep-Set- Hollow(See "Sunken" under Eyeballs). Tears-Given to Shedding TearsSheds Tears Easily- Watery Eyes(See Tears). Third Eye-(See Pineal). Tnnics-(See Choroid). Visage-(See Countenance, Face). Vision-(See Sight). Vitreous Humor- (See "Larger" in this section. Also see "Muscae Volitantes" in Sec. 2 of this Article). wandering Eyes-(See "Rolling" in this section). Wanton Look-Il gives. (See Wanton. Also see "Sharp" in this section). Winking- (See "Winking" under Eyelids). Women-Fine Eyes In-TI gives. (See "Fine" in this section). Yellowish Eyes-A Yellow TingeCharacteristic of d' people; d' as Sig. in Hor'y Questions denotes sharp, ferocious eyes, and rather yellow. (See Yellow).



-SECTION TWODISEASES OF THE EYES-Afflictions to the Eyes-Ocular DisordersAccidents to Eyes-Hurts or Injuries To-Blows or Strokes To-Blindness from Injury to Eyes-The 0 or j) in "f', 8, ~. [l, 0>, or ::::, and affl. by rna-

Diseases of the Eyes lefics or Nebulous Stars; afflictions to the 0 or 1> by the malefics or Nebulous Stars; the 0 with the Pleiades, Praesepe, Antares, or Deneb.; both of the Lights are generally afflicted, and with one of them rising and affl. by malefics or Nebulous places; the 0 to the P. asp, Antares by dir.; afflictions to the j) at B., and by dir.; the j) affl. by the 0. and the j) affl. at the same time by malefics, or near Nebulous Stars, such as the Pleiades; the j) to the bad asps. the 0 by dir., and f'alling near Nebulous Stars; the j) in an angle with the Pleiades, Praesepe, or Antares; the j) directed to the Pleiades, Hyades, Praesepe, or the Twins; the j) 6 or ill-asp. ~ or d' at B., and the j) on the radical place of ~ or d' at a Solar Rev.; the j) or ill-asp. d' in the [l sign, and d' aspected by the 0 or ~ near the place of the Bull's Eye; the j) in the Western Angle conjoined with the Pleiades; the Frog. j) 6 ~ or d' in "f' or the As c.; Fixed Stars of the nature of d' and the j) ascending at B.; the Asc. to the Pleiades, Hyades or Castor. Mars causes injuries to the eyes by burns, blows, strokes, explosions, wounds, gunshot, lightning, smallpox, the sword, etc., which may result in blindness, and espec. when affl. the 0 or j), and the Lights near Nebulous Stars and in angles. (See these subjects. See "Accidents", "Burning", "Explosions", and these various sub~ects under Blindness; "Eyes" under Exercise. Also see "Hurts", "Injuries", "Robbers", "Sports", in this section). Accommodation-Disorders of the Focus of the Eyes, as Far-Sighted, Near-Sighted, etc.-(See Accommodation, Sight). Affected-The 0. j), and planets in "f' tend espec. to affect the eyes. Also according to the influences listed in Table 196 in Simmonite's Arcana, the eyes are affected with 1t in """ or 0>; d' in "f'; and I;S in ~. (See the Introduction to this Article. Also see the various paragraphs in this section). Affections- E y e Affections- (See "Bad Eyes", "Eye Trouble", and the various paragraphs in this section). Amicted-In the Eyes-(See "Eye Trouble" and the various paragraphs in this section). All Diseases Of-All Infirmities InSignified by the 1st H. Also diseases of the 0 and )). Amaurosis-Partial or To ta 1 Blindness-(See Gutta Serena). Anisocoria-Inequality of the Pupils -(See Iris, Pupils). Aqueous Humor-Is ruled by cp and the 0 in "f'. Stomach Disorders and Indigestion tend to affect the humor, as by floating specks, blurring the field of vision, etc. (See "Muscae Volitantes" in this section). Argyll-Robcrtson Pupil- (See Argyll). Assaults-Injury to Eyes By-(See "Treachery" under Blindness; "Eyes" under Robbers, Sword). Asthenopia-\Veak or Painful Vision( See "Painful", "Weal, feeble and sickly; the watery signs e::n Left Foot-(See "Marks" in this secor on the Asc. at B. (For the varition). ous influences along this line see Long Feet-Slender Feet (and Hands) Ad yn ami a, Asthenia, Consumptions, 1j. indicates long legs and feet; 1j. in Debility, Decrepitude, Emaciation; the Asc. at B.; 1;i in II; 1;i ascending at "Bad Health" under Health; ImbecilB., and free from the rays of other ity, Infirm, Invalids; "Senility" under planets; the first face of 11J1 on the Asc. Old Age; "Low" under Recuperation, Resistance, Stamina, Tone, Vitality; ])larks-Moles On-(1) On Right Foot -Born under 1j. and 1j. ori. (See "Right Sickly; "Loss Of" under Strength, Vital; "Not Strong" under Strong; Foot" in Sec. 2 of this Article). (2) On "Weak Body" under Weak). Left Foot-Marks, Moles, or a Scar On -The 0, )), or malefics in ~; ~ on the Digestion-Feeble Digestive Powers As c.; a masculine planet in ~ in the -(See "Weak" under Digestion). male, and a feminine planet in 3-E in Health-Feeble Health-(See "Bad a female nativity. (See Left, Moles, Health" under Health; "Ill-Health All Right, Scars). (3) On One or Both Thru Life" under Ill-Health; Pale, Feet-A Mark, l\Iole or Scar on One or Sickly; "Much Sickness" under SickBoth Feet-The 0. 7, or o in ~; ~ on ness. See the references under "Body" the Asc., and espec. if I;:[, 7. or 0 be in in this section. ~. or afflicting a planet in ~. Left Side-(See "Feeble" under Left). Moles-(See ":\Iarl,s" in this section). Mind-Feeble Mind-(See Idiocy, ImOne or Both Feet-:\Iarks, Moles or becility; "Weak Mentality" under MenScars On-(See "J\Iarks" in this sectal). tion). Pulse-Feeble Pulse-(See "Faint", "Weak", under Pulse). Right Foot-Mole or Mark On-(See "Marks" in this section). FEEDING-Wrong tendencies in feeding, and improper feeding, should be Sears On-(See "Marks" in this secguardPd against when 0 or 'i' are in tion; Scars). llJI. (See Diet, Eating, Food). Short Feet-II signifies long arms, but FEELING-Sensation-The Sense of many times short hands and feet, Touch- (See Sensation, Sensibility, and fleshy. (See "Short Hands" under Touch). Hands). =:=





Short and Fleshy-(See "Fleshy" in this section; "Fleshy and Short" under Hands). Slender and Long- (See "Long" in this section). Strike Together-In \Valking-11 ascending at B. (See "Dragging" under Gait). Thick Feet-The )) gives thick hands and feet. (See "Broad and Thick" under Hands). Turned In-~ on the Asc. Uncomely-'+ in the Asc. - SECTION 'I'.WODISEASES AND AFFLICTIONS-To the FeetAbscess IJt- (See "Feet" under Abscess). Accidents To-Hurts, Injuries, and Wounds To-All hurts to the feet are signified by the 12th H., and afflictions in 7(, or afflicting a planet in 7(, and with 7( on the Asc.; 11 or o in the 1st or 7th H., and in the latter degrees of il, +, or 7(, and ori. of the 0 and occi. of the )) ; o affl. in e=o or 7(; o in the 9th H. in common signs, and afflicting I?; 7( on the Asc., and containing malefics. (See "Accidents" under Extremities. Also see "Injuries" in this section). Aches In-The )) in 11)1, 6 or ill-asp. 11 (or \? if he be of the nature of 11) at the beginning of an illness or at decumb. (Hor'y). (See Aches; "Pains" in this section). Achilles Tendon-(See Achilles; "Club Feet" in this section). Acromegaly-(See "Enlargement" in this section; "Enlargement" under Extremities). Affected-The feet are affected when the 0 is in e=o; the )) 7(; ljf or 11 in \0>; 1t in m or :::::; o o:::;; or e:=; 'i' cp or 11)1; I? 8 or [1. (See Table 196 in Simmonite's Arcana). Affilcted-(See the various paragraphs in this section). All Diseases In-All Infirmities InSignified by the 12th H; 7( diseases and afflictions in :tE; the 18' I& on the Asc., infirmities in the legs and feet. (See "All Diseases" under Legs; "Distempers", "Humours", in this section). Aneurysm-(See Aneuysm). Ankles-(See Ankles). Arches Fallen-(See "Splay Foot" in this section). Atrophy Of-Claw Feet-A 11 affliction; 11 affl. in 7(; Subs at LPP ( 4, 5L). (See Atrophy; "Wasting" in this section). Blisters-Bullas-o affi. in *· (See Blisters). Blood In-Stagnation of Blood In11 in 11J1 or 7(. (See "Feet" under Blood). Bones Of-Disorders of-11 affl. in 7(; Subs at LPP. (See Bones). Bowel COJnplaints-From \Vet, Cold and Damp Feet-A 7( disease and afflictions in r'al). Childhood-Disorders of Females In -Accidents In -Death In- (See Infancy, Childhood; "Early Years" under Early). Children-Children Given-Children Denied-Trouble and Sorrow ThruDeath of, etc.-(See Barrenness, Children, Fruitfulness, Maternity, llfother, Parents, \Vife, etc.). Chills and Fever-(See Chills). Chlorosis-Anaemia In Young Women -(See Anaemia, Chlorosis). Chronic Diseases-Suffer FromDeath By-(See "Death" under Chronic). Circulation h·regular- (See "Blood" in this section; "Females" under Circulation). Clitoris; Coarse-Coarse BodyCoarse Voice-(See Coarse). Cohabitation; Cold-Suffers from Cold and Chills-(See Chills). Complaints- Female Complaints- }J diseases, and the }J afflicted; the }J affl. in 1T(; 1T( diseases and afflictions in 1T(. (See the various paragraphs in this section, and under Women). Complexion; Conceived-A Female Conceived-(See "Birth of a Female" in this section). Conception; Conduct- (See Conduct; "Conduct" under Women). Constitution-The Strength or Weakness of the Female Constitution-The }J and 'i' strong, well-placed, wellaspected, and in good asp. to each other, strengthen the female constitution and favor good health, but when the }J is in bad asp. to 'i', the health is a continual source of trouble, and especially if h and 0' also afflict the }J and 'i', and take part in the configuration. (See Constitution, Strength, Vitality; "Health", "Il1-Health", in this section). Corrupt Blood I n - (See Impure; "Blood" under Women). Courses-The Female Courses- (See Menses). Danger To-(See Accidents, Blind, Childbirth, Death, Disgrace, Ill-Health, Seduction, and the various paragraphs in this section and under Women). Daughter Born-Promised- (See "Birth of a Female" in this section). Death of Females-Of Women-The

Female }J hyleg, and affl. by h at B., and by dir.; the }J and 'i' much affl. at B., and by dir., and the }J also without the good asp. of 'i' in the radical map. A female child born at an eclipse of the }J, and under its shadow, is apt to die immediately, or soon after birth. In female horoscopes, the 0 causes death by long, severe and painful diseases when afflicting the hyleg. (See Eclipses. Also see "Death" under Aunts, Childhood, Children, Chronic, Fevers, Fiancee, Friends, Grandparents, Infancy, Mortality, Mother, Relatives, Sister, Wife, \Vomen). Death by Females- (See Poison, Treachery; "Death by \Vomen" under \Vomen). Debilitated-(See Constitution, IllHealth, and the various paragraphs in this section; Debility). Degrees of Zodiac-The Feminine Degrees of the Zodiac-cp, 9, 22; (), 5, 17, 24; II, 5, 22, 30; -c;;, 8, 12, 27; [2, 8, 23; 11)2, 8, 20; ~. 15, 27; 1T(, 14, 25; J, 5, 24; \0>, 10; :::, 15, 25, 30; j{, 20, 28. The Asc., or its lord, in any of these degrees at B., the native is more effeminate in action or appearance, even though a male. (See Effeminate, Predetermination). Deranged Systcm-(See Constitution, Functions, Health, Ill-Health, and the various paragraphs in this section). Detriment to Females-To Women(See "Detriment" under Women). Digestive Disorders- (See "Women" under Digestion). Directions-The Effects of Evil Directions-When the malefics afflict the }J and 'i' at B., and by dir., and either the }J or 'i' are hyleg, there is great danger of serious illness, or death to females so born, and when under a train of such evil directions. (See "Arguments for Death" under Death; "Females and Directions" under Directions). Disappointments-To Females-To Women-The }J to the ill-asps. 'i' by dir.; h to the 6 or ill-asps. the }J or 'i' by dir. Diseases-Female Diseases-All feminine complaints come under the rule of the }J. The }J rules the female functions, and afflictions to the }J tend especially to upset and derange the female constitution. Also an afflicted Venus tends to female disorders, illnesses, or death. (See Health, IllHealth, and the various paragraphs in this section; Functions, Menses, Moon, Venus, Women). Disgrace To-Disgrace By-(See "Women" under Disgrace). Dissolute Habits- The }J affl. in 1T(. (See Dissolute). Drink- G i v en to Drink - ( S e e "Women" under Drink). Dropsical Blood-(See "Blood" under Dropsy, Women). Effeminate; Eminent Female--Death of-(See "Eminent" under Women). Emotions In-(See Emotions). Evil-Sudden Evil For-The or 'i' to the 6 Iti by dir. (See Evil).



External Influences- Susceptible To -The hyleg in Ill or )E. (See Environment, External, Negative, Susceptible). Eyes- (See "Blind" in this section; "Eye Trouble", "Women", under Eyes; "Eyes" under Left, Right). Face In-(See "Females" under Face). Faintings- Syncope-Swoon i n g s (See Fainting). Father-Death of-Detriment To(See Death, Detriment, under Father). Female Birlhs-(See "Birth of a Female" in this section). Female Child Promised-(See "Birth of a Female" in this section). Female Complaints- (See Functions, Leucorrhoea, Menses, Ovaries, Womb; the various paragraphs in this section and under Women). Feminine Degrees- Of the ZodiacFeminine Signs of the Zodiac- (See Degrees, Signs, in this section). Fevers In-Subject to Fevers-Danger .of-Death By-(See "Death", "Females", under Fever). I Fiancee; First Child-The First Born To-Sex of-And also of the 2m! and 3rd Child-(See "First-Born" under Children, First; Predetermination). Flooding-(See Menses). Fluids-Of the System- (See "Ailments" under Fluids). Foetus; Fond of Females- (See "Addicted To" under Men). Freedom- Unwomanly Freedom(See "Free Love" under Free; "Unwomanly" under Morals). Friend-Death of a Female Friend(See "Female Friend" under Friends). Fruitful; Functions In-DisturbedDifficult-Slow-The female functions are ruled by the and the affl. at B., and by dir., or the in incongenial signs, as in the fiery signs at B., tend to; the 6 or ill-asp. h at B., and by dir., tends to suppressed, slow, difficult, and retarded functions in females. The special functions in females are largely under the rule of the and the in the Asc: at B. has much effect upon the female constitution, according to the aspects to the IJ, After puberty, in female nativities, the regulation of the health, the regularity of the system, and the function of maternity, depend upon the and \'. (See Functions, Maternity, Menses, Regularity; Constitution, Diseases, Health, IllHealth, in this section). Generative System- Weakness o f (See "Weakness" under Generation). Genitals; Gestation; Good Constitution - Good Health(See Constitution, Health, in this section; Immunity, Vitality). Grandmother--(See Grandparents). Great Women-Death of-(See Famous; "Great Women" under Great; Queens). Grief-To Females-By Females-The or I' to the 6 or ill-asps. h by dir., grief, sorrow, and trouble to females, and women. (See Grief; "Grief" under


». »









Men; "Women" under Misfortune; Sorrow, Trouble). Habits- (See Dissolute, Drink, and the various paragraphs in this section; Conduct; Habits). Hair; Harlots; Hatred Of-(See "Females" under Hate). Headaches- (See "Women" under Headaches). Health-(1) Bad Health-The and I' weak at B., in evil asp. to each other, and also affl. by malefics at B., and by dir. (See Constitution, Diseases, Ill-Health, and the various paragraphs in this section). (2) Better Health-The Health Better-Stronger -When the is above the horizon in a night nativity, or below in a day geni ture, well-aspected, and espec. with the in e:::;; or )E, as these signs are watery, plastic, and more agreeable to the lunar nature. (See Day; "Better" under Health; Night). (3) Good Health-Good and Strong Constitution-The Health StrengthenedThe strong at B., and well-asp.; the above the horizon at B., and wellusp.; the on the Meridian, elevated above the malefics, and well-asp.; the to the good asps. the 0. 'J!., or I' by dir.; the and I' well-placed, in good asp. to each other, and not seriously afflicted by malefics; h in good asp. to the 'lt in 6 or good asp. the 0' in good asp. to the or I'. (See "Constitution" in this section; "Good Health" under Health). (4) \VeakerThe Health \Veaker-The below the horizon in a night nativity, and affiicted. (See Constitution, Diseases, Functions, Ill-Health, and the various paragraphs in this section; "Weak Body" under vVeak). Hermaphrodites; Hips and Thighs( See "\Veakness" under Hips). Houses-The Female Houses- (See "Odd and Even" under Houses). Humours-Moist Humours In the Feet-(See ''Humours'' under Feet; Humours). Hurts To- (See "Accidents" in this section; "Children" under Hurts). Husband; Hyleg-The or I' are the natural hylegs in a female nativity. (See Hyleg). Hysteria-(See Emotions, Hysteria). Ill-Health-For Females-For Women -Disordered System-The 0 to the 6 by dir., and espec. if it occur in the 6th H.; the affl. by the 0. h. or 0' at D., or by dir.; the in the 6th or 12th H. at B., in a weak sign, and affl. by th" 0 or malefics; the to the 6 or ill-asps. the O. h. or 0' by dir.; the to the ill-asps. 'lt or I' by dir.; the Frog. to the 6 or ill-asps. the 0. h. or Q'; the 6 h in the 1st H., and in v.> or m; the below the horizon in a night nativity, and afflicted, the health and functions are weakened; the to the ill-asps. her own place by dir.; the )) affl. in Jll, and generally from dissolute habits; h or 0' 6 or ill-asps. the at B., and by dir.; I' affl. the at B., and by dir. (See Constitution, Diseases, Functions, Health, and the various paragraphs in this section and under Women).




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lntpotent; Impurities-Of the System -The }) affl. in 11l tends to impurities in a female system. (See Impurities). Infamous- ( See Infamous, Scandalous). Infancy- Sickness or Death of Females I n - (See "Female" under Infancy). Inflammations In-(See "Females" under Inflammation). Injuries To-Injuries By-(See "Accidents" in this section; "Injured" under :C.Ien). Internal Complaints-(See "\Vomen" under Internal). Irregularities-Of the Functions-Of the System- The }) affl. in 111.. (See "Functions" in this section). Left Eye-Left Ovary-Left Side of Body-(See Left, Ovaries; "Eyes" in this section). Length of Life- The }) is hyleg in female nativities, or should be taken as such when possible, and the length of life may be determined according to her strength, weakness, aspects, sign and position, etc. (See "Duration of Life" under Life; "Long" in this section). Leucorrhoea; Libidinous-Viol en tl y Libidinous-(See Lewd, Lust, Vi\'ile). Life-Length of Life- (See "Length of Life" in this section). Liver Disordered-(See "Women" under Liver). Long-(1) Long Diseases-Death By -(See Chronic, Death, in this section). (2) Long Life-For Females-The }) well-placed by sign and house, wellaspected by the 0, 'lf, and !j?, elevated above the malef:lcs, and espec. free from the afflictions of !-). and 0". (See "Long Life" under Life; "Short Life" in this section). Love A1l'airs-(See Love). Lower Order-Of Females-Of Women -(See Harlots, Shameless; Unchaste" in this section). Lust In-Lustful-Unbridled Lust(See Impotent, Lascivious, Lewd, Lust, Nymphomania.; "Women" under Passion; Virile). Male Child Promised- (See "Births" under Male). Marriage- Early Marriage- Late Marriage-No Marriage-Not Inclined to Marry-Marriage Pa.rtner-(See Marriage, Marriage P a. r t n e r ; "Free from Passion" under Passion; Spinsters). Masculine-Females with Predominating Masculine Tra.its-(See Deviations, Effeminate; "Co a. r s e" under Voice). Maternity-(See Maternity; "Functions" in this section). Matrix-(See Womb). Menopause; Menses; Midwives; Milk; Mind and Body-Much Activity of(See "Active Mind" in this section). Minor Disorders-(See Colds, Leucorrhoea, Menses, Mild, Minor, Slight). Miscarriage; Misfortune To~(See "Women" under Misfortune).

Female !Uodesty; Jtloist Humours-(See "Humours" in this section). ltloon-The }) and Females- (See Moon. Also note the Introduction, and the various paragraphs in this section). lllortality Among-Much MortalityThe O, }), and '2f conjoined in ""; the }) or !j? lady of the year at the Vernal Equi., weak and afflicted; 0" in 1111 at the Vernal, and lord of the year. (See "Death" in this section; Mortality). lllother; :Uurders- Many Murders of Females-(See "Women" under Murders). Nataral Functions-In FemalesRuled by the }). (See "Functions" in this section; Menses). Nervous Disorders- (See Emotions, Hysteria.; "Disordered" under Nerves). Nurses; Nymphomania; Obesity; One Female Child-At a. Birth-Two Females At a. Birth-Three Females At a. Birth-(See "Birth of a. Female" in this section; Twins, Triplets). Opposite Sex-Dealings With- (See Opposite). Ovaries; Pain1ul Diseases-Much Suffering or Death By-(See "Females" under Fever; "Painful" under Menses; Pain). Parents-Death of-Afflictions ToThe }) to the 6 or ill-asps. !-). bY dir. (See Father, Mother, Parents). Parturition; Passion In-Passion in Females is ruled by !j?, and !j? much a.ffl. by the malef:lcs tends to disordered and perverted passions. (See "Lust" in this section). Peace of !Uind-(See "Peace of Mind" under Mind). Periods In-Periodic Illness-(See Menses). Planets-The Feminine Planets-The }) and 'j'. Poisoned- By the Treachery of Females- (See "Women" under Poison; Treachery). Pregnancy; Private Diseases In-( See Genitals, Gonorrhoea, Private; "Diseases" under Sex; Womb). Property-Wastes His Property and Substance On Bad Women- (See "Health Suffers" under Opposite Sex; "Bad Women" under Women). Prostitutes-(See Harlots). Puberty- (See Puberty; "Functions" in this section). Puerperal Fever- (See Puerpera I, Parturition). Q,uarrels- With Females- With Women-The M.C. to the D or 8 the or !j? by dir. (See Quarrels). Rape; Regularity-Of the Health and Functions- (See "Females" under Regularity; "Functions" in this section). Relative-Death of a Female Relative -Female Relatives are ruled by !j?. (See "Female Relatives" under Relatives). Reproductive Organs-Disorders of(See Generation, Genitals, GenitoUrinary, Ovaries, Regeneration, Reproduction, Sex, Womb, etc.).




Right Eye-Accidents To-Blindness In-Disorders of-(See "Eyes" in this section; "Eyes" under Right). Right Ovary-(See Ovaries). Robust-(See Constitution, Health, in this section; Robust, Ruddy, Strong, Vitality). Ruined-By Females-By WomenRuins Himself Among-(See "Ruined by Women" under Love Affairs). Salacious-(See Effeminate, Lust). Scandalous-(See Infamous, Scandalous). Seduction; Severe Illnesses- (See "Death" in this section; Dangerous; "Females" under Fever; Pernicious, Severe, Sharp, Vehement, Violent). Sex Gratification In-Sex ExcessesThe j) affi. in Til; o 6 or ill-asp. I'. (See Amorous. Cohabitation, Effeminate, Excesses, Lewd, Licentious, Lust, Nymphomania, Passion; "Secret Bad Habits" under Secret; Sex, Shameless; "Solitary" under Vice; \Vanton, etc.). Shameless; Short Life-The )) weak and ill-dig. at B., badly aspected by the 0 and the malefics, and with the malefics elevated above the j) at B. (See "Early Death" under Early; "Death" under Infancy, Qhildhood, Children, Youth; "Short Life" under Life; Vitality Low; "Weak Body" under Weak; Constitution, Death, Diseases, Health, Sickness, in this section). Sickness-Caused by 'Nomen-Much Sickness Among Women-(See Constitution, Diseases, Functions, Ill-Health, in this section; "Health Injured" under Men; "Much Sickness" under Sickness). Signs-The Feminine Signs of the Zodiac-The Even Signs, as 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. The Feminine Signs are 8. :':D, 1111, nt. 1&, :tE. These signs are considered weaker than the masculine, or odd signs, and are also called negative signs. (See "Negative Signs" under Negative). Single Women-Not Inclined to Marry - (See Celibacy; "Aversion" under Marriage; "Free from Passion" under Passion; Spinsters). Sisters; Skin-In females the :tE sign gives a clear, lucid skin, but very white. The 1111 sign gives soft, delicate, tender and beautiful skin. (See Complexion, Face, Skin). Son Born To- (See "Births" under Male). Sorro-w To-(See "Women" under Misfortune; Sorrow, Trouble). Spinsters- (See "Single Women" in this section). Sports- Indiscretions I n - (See "Indiscretions" under Sports). Sterility-(See Barrenness; "Unfruitful" under Wife). Stomach Disorders-Digestive Disorders-(See "\Vomen" under Digestion). Sudden Evils-(See "Evil" in this section). S-woonings-(See Fainting). Syncope-(See Fainting).

Female System-The System Disordered(See Impurities, IrregulaC"ities, in this section; "Disordered System" under System). Tomboyishness-Caused by the positive. or masculine signs, being prominent, and with the Q, j), tjJ, Ij!, 1j., and I' being obscurely placed. (See "Women" under Coarse; "Masculine" in this section). Tragical Death-By Women-( See Tragi cal). Treachery-Death or Injury By Female Treachery-(See "Injured" under 1\if:en; "\Vomen" under Poison; "Female'' under Treachery). Triplets-Three Females Born- (See Triplets). Trouble- For Females- By Females -(See "\Vomen" under Misfortune; Tragical, Treachery, in this section). T-wins; Two Females Born- (See Twins). Ulcers-(See "Vulva", "Womb", under Ulcers). Unbridled Lnst-(See Nymphomania; "Unbridled Passion" under Passion; "Lust" in this section). Unchaste-Danger of-cl' affi. in the 7th H. with females; I' 6 o in nt: h 6 I' in nt. (See Chaste, Lust, Unbridled Lust, in this section). Unmarried Women-(See "Single" in this section). Vag·ina; Venus-\?'enus Figure-Venus and Females- (See Beautiful; "Brunettes" under Hair; Venus. Also note the Introduction to this Article). Vexations-(1) By Females-By Women-The j) in tr. over (j at B., or to place of by dir.; the j) Sig. 0 or 8 I'; I' by Periodic Rev. to the ill-asps. the radical 0. (See "\Vomen" under Men; "Female Treachery" under Treachery; Vexations. Also see Treachery, Trouble, in this section). (2) To Females-To Women-(See "Women" under Misfortune; Sorrows, Trouble, Vexations). Virgin- Virginity- Chaste- (See "Chaste" in this section; Apathy, Aversions; "Free from Passion" under Passion; Spinsters). · Virile; Virtuous-(See Chaste, Virgin, in this section). Vital Spirit In-(See "Spirit" under Vital). Vitality In-(Scc Constitution, Health, in this section; "Good Health" under Health; Immunity, Resistance; "Little Sickness" under Sickness; Stamina, Strength, Strong, Tone, Vitality, etc.). Voice- (See Coarse, Effeminate; Gifted, Melodious, Musical, under Voice). Vulva; Weak Constitution- (See "Constitution" in this section; "Weak Constitution" under Cons tit uti on ; "Low" under Vitality; "Weak Body" under Weak). Wltites-(See Leucorrhoea). Widows; Wife; Woman with ChildIs Not with Child-(See "Woman" under Pregnancy).




\Vomanish-(See Effeminate). I FETID-Giving Out Offensive Odors"\Vomauly-(See "Chaste" in this secFetid Odors are ge~erally the work of tion· :\Iodesty). h and the_}). Themfiuences of '? also ' . I cause fet1d cond1t10ns, and usually W01ub; "loung_ W01nen;- (See Chlorresulting from over-indulgences, exOSIS, Love Affa1rs, Marr1age, Pube_rty, , cesses, gluttony, venereal diseases, etc. Young, Youth. ~lso note the vanous Read the Articles on the Moon, Saturn, paragraphs 1n th1s sectwn). and Venus. Also see such subjects as Zodiac-Feminine Degrees of- (See Abscesses, Axillae, Breath, Carcinoma, "Degrees" in this section). Catarrh, Corrupt Air (see Air); CorFE)IUR-The Thigh Bone-Is under the ruption, Decay,_ Decomposition, Disstructural rulership of char?es, Exudatwns, Faeces, Feet (see . . . · "Fet1d" under Feet); Foul, Gangrene, Accidents To-InJun e s-:-Broken-:- Gases, Halitosis (see "Foul" under Fr';lcture, etc.-The }) . affl. m +; h ;n Breath); Humours (see "Corrupt" un+ m the Asc.; rJ' affl. m J;I or +; C' ;n der Humours); Impure, Menses, Mois+ and affl. the hyleg; rJ' m or 1i0' m ture, Morbid, Mortification, Necrosis, the Asc ... and affliCted; on t~e Asc.; Noxious, Odors, Offensive, Pools (see + on or In the 6th H., and afflicted; + "Stagnant" under Pools); Pus, Puon the Asc., 6th, or 12th H.; ruler of trid, Putrefaction, Rottenness, Sores, t!'Je 6th H., and affl. by the progresSordes, Sweat, Ulcers, Vapors, Vegeswns or trans1ts of a malefic, and espec. tation Venereal etc by h or d; ruler of the 12th H., and ' ' · containing malefics, or a malefic affl. FEUDS~Deadly Feuds and Grievous the cusp of the 12th at B., and by dir. DissentJons Generally, and With DanCases-See Fig. 15A in Astro-Diagnoger To Life-Eclipses of the 0 in /. sis, and Fig. 6 in :\Iessage of the Stars, (See Ambushes, Conte~ts, Disputes, both books by the Heindels. (See "AcDuels, EnemIes, Enmity, Fightmg, cidents" under Arms; Bones, FracGunshot, Hatred, Quarrels, Revenge, tures; "Fractures" under Hips; Legs). Treachery, etc.). Dislocation-Of the Femur-d' affl. in FEVER-Fevers-Febrile Tndisposition :t. (See Dislocations; "Joint" under -Hot Complaints-Pyrexia-Feverish Hips; Thighs). Distempers-The 0 and d', the hot, Inflammation-Osteitis-(See "Infiamfiery, and electric bodies of our Solar mation" under Bones; "Marrow" in System, tend to cause fevers and the this section). combustion of tissue. Mars lights the )larro~ Of-Inflammation of-d' affi. fire of fever to burn out the poisons in :t. (See"Osteomyelitis" under Bones; and impurities of the system. Fevers Marrow). and Inflammation usually go together, as both are ruled by d', and both are Osteitis-(See "Inflammation" under processes of elimination and protecBones). tion to the body to burn up excess Osteomyelitis-Inflammation of the wastes, and to rid the body of its cinMarrow- (See "Osteomyelitis" under ders and ashes. Fevers are characterBones). istic of the Bilious, or Choleric Temperament. (See Choleric). The 'P people, Periosteitis-Of Femur-d' affl. in +; a sign ruled by d', have great power Subs at PP, the 2, 3, 4 Lumbars. (See to resist high fevers that would or"Periosteitis" under Bones). dinarily prove fatal to others. Some FERAL-(See Beasts, Brutish, Savage, people are more liable to fevers and Wild). hot diseases than others, according to the predominance of the fiery influFERJUENTATION-Zymosis-The Process of Fermentationences, the 0. rJ', and the fiery signs at B., while other classes of people, as Bowels-Fermentation of Food Inthose born with the earthy and watery (See "Putrid" under Bowels). elements strong at B., are less liable Stoinach-(See "Fermentation" under to fevers, and espec. high, burning, or Stomach). This subject is considered pernicious fevers. The motion of the further under Zymosis. (See "Hot and j) regulates fevers. The general causes Moist Body" under _Moisture; Zymosis). of fever, and also the various kinds FEROCIOUSand varieties of fever, etc., will be listed in the following subjects. For Animals-Hurts by Ferocious Anithe main planetary influences tending mals-(See "Ferocious", "Wild", under to cause fever, see the paragraph, "LiAnimals). able to Fever" in this section. Eyes-(See "Ferocious" under Eyes). Abatement Of-(See Remission). FERRUJII-(See Iron). Absent Party-An Absent Party Has FERTILE-Fruitful-Capable of ReRecently Been Inclined To a Feverish production-The j) and '? are fertile. State-The }) sepr. from the 0, or (See Conception, Fecundation, Fruit8 !]_ in a Hor'y Figure. (See Absent). ful, Prolific, Pregnancy). Acute Fevers-(See Acute). Fertilization-The j) is the planet of, Ague-Malaria-Intermittent Feverand of impregnation. (See Conception, (See Ague, Intermittent, Malaria). Fecundation, Pregnancy). FESTERING DISEASES-Denoted by Air-The Spread of Fevers Due to !]_. (See Pus). Noxious Air-(See "Corrupt Air" under Air; Contagions, Epidemics, PestiFESTINATION-The Peculiar ·walk of lence). Paralysis Agitans-(See "Festination" under Walk). All Feverish Disorders-cl' affi. in cp,

+ +







All Kinds of Fever-6 diseases; caused by cJ and his afflictions to the 0. lJ, As c., or hyleg at B., and by dir. Antipyretics-A Fever-Reducing Remedy-A Febrifuge- (See Antipyretic, Febrifuge). Approaching-A Fever Is Approaching-The lJ c), D, or 8 h (or I! if he be of the nature of h) at the beginning of an illness or at decumb. (Hor'y). Better-(See "Curtailed" in this section). Bilions Fevers-(See "Fevers" under Bilious; "High" in this section). Blood-Fevers Proceeding from Too Much Blood-Hot and Feverish Blood -(See "Fevers", "Over-Heated", and "Too Much Blood" under Blood; Sanguinary). Bowels-Fevers In-Enteric Fever(See "Fever" under Bowels; Typhoid). Brain Fever-(See Brain). Breakbone Fever-(See Dengue). Breasts-Fever In-Milk Fever-(See "Fever" under Breasts). Brief Fevers-Ephemeral-Lasting For a Day-(See Ephemeral). Burning Fevers-High-Bilious-Violent-Sharp-Severe- Fierce- (See "High Fevers" in this section; Pestilence). Crunp Fever-(See Typhus). Catarrhal Fever- (See Catarrh, Fluxes, Influenza). Causes of Fever--(See "Liable to Fever", the Introduction, and the various paragraphs in this section). Cerebral Fevers-Cerebro-Spinal Fevers- (See Brain, Cerebral, CerebroSpinal, Meninges). Childbed Fever- Puerperal Fever(See Puerperal). Childhood-Fevers In-(See "Fevers" under Childhood, Children, Infancy). Chills and Fever- (See Chills, Malaria). Cholera- (See "Epidemics" under Cholera). Chronic Fevers-Lingering-Constant -Continuous-LowF evers-Are caused by h afflictions and evil directions to the hyleg, as in Consumption, Phthisis, and Wasting Diseases. They usually get worse towards sunset, and during the night. (See Chronic, Complications, Consumptions, Grievous, Lingering, Wasting; Constant, Low, in this section). Cleansing-Of the Body .by FeversThe work of c]. (See Cleansing, Combustion, Eli min at ion, Inflammation. Also note the Introduction to this Article). Cold and Dampness-Fevers Arising From-Caused by lji and h. (See "Dampness and Cold" under Co I d ; "Cold and Dampness" under Exposure; 'Cold and Moist" under Moisture). Combustion- A Purify in g Agency Thru Fevers-(See Combustion, Cleansing, Inflammation; "Cleansing" in this section).

Fever Constant Fever-Continuous-LowChronic-The lJ in cp or 8, and affl. by the O. h. or cJ when taken ill (Hor'y); the lJ or ill-asp. h (or I! if he be of the nature of h) at the beginning of an illness or at decumb. (Hor'y); caused by !1, and also by e. when the dominion of death is vested in them. (See Chronic, Duration, Low, in this section; Continuity, Duration; the Introduction under Flux). Contagious Fevers-(See Contagious, Infectious). Continuance-Of Fever- (See Continuity, Course, Crises, Duration; Chronic, Constant, Duration, Ephemeral, Low, Slight, in this section). Continuous Fevers-Continuing-Synocha-(See Chronic, Constant, Fluxes, Habitual, Hectic, Low, in this section). Corrupt Air-Fevers Arising From(See "Air" in this section). Crises In-Critical Days In-(See Crises, Critical). Critical Days In-(See Crises, Critical). Curtailed Fevers-Better-Moderated -Shortened-Aspects of the afflicting planet sepr. from the 0. lJ, As c., or hyleg, tend to curtail and shorten the fever; the afflicting planet changing signs, or the lJ coming to a favorable asp. her place at the beginning of the fever. (See Abatement, Amelioration, Better, Crises, Duration, Hectic, Moderation, Recovery, Remission; "Duration" in this section). Daily Return Of- (See "Remittent" in this section). Dampness and Cold-Fevers Arising From-(See "Cold and Dampness" in this section). Danger--(1) Danger by Fevers-(See Death, High, in this section). (2) Danger of-(See "Liable To", and the various paragraphs in this section). Dangerous Fevers-( See Death, High, in this section). Death from Fever-Fatal FeversDangerous-The 0 affl. at B., and in D or 8 the }) or Asc., whichever may be hyleg, and the hyleg aftl. by a train of evil directions; the 0 or lJ Sig., and cJ by dir., and affl. by cJ at E.; an afflicted 0 causes death by fevers and severe illnesses in a female horoscope; the 0 to the place of Praesepe; the 0 joined with the Ascelli; the lJ c] in the Asc. at B. tends eventually under evil directions of 0' to death by some feverish complaint; the lJ to the or ill-asp. 0' by dir., the fever is often fatal, and espec. if e affl. the lJ and hyleg at B.; b' Sig. c), D. or 8 0 by dir.; e denotes death by; e affl. the hyleg by dir., and holding the dominion of death; in Hor'y Q. c] rulE;r of the 8th H., or in the 8th, or affl. the cusp of 8th; the As c. to the place of the Pleiades, Hyades, Castor or Pollux. (See "Arguments for Death", "Certain Death", under Death; Fatal; "High" in this section). Dengue--Break bone Fever-Rheumatic Fever-(See Dengue; "Fever" under Rheumatism). Diathesis-And Fevers-(See Diathesis).









Directions-And Fevers-(See Directions). Distempers-Liable to Feverish Distempers-(See "Liable To" in this section; Distempers). Dreadful Feyers-(See High, Portentious, in this section). Dry and Hot Diseases- (See Dryness· "Dry and Hot" under Heat; Parched)'. Duration of Fever-Continuitv of-A fever beginning under a 1unar sign partakes of the nature of that sign, and tends to run until the ]J reaches a sign of opposite elementary qualities. A fever beginning when the ]J is in a hot and dry sign, and just aft81" the New ./.), will continue and not be naturally modified until the 1st Quarter of the ]J, when the ]J reaches the e:::; sign, and meets with opposite qualities, cold and moist. Thus a fever is either terminated, ameliorated. or aggravated, according to the elementary qualities of the Sign and Lunar Quarter ruling at the beginning of the fever, and the qualities of the signs thru which the ]J passes on successive days, whether of the' same or opposing nature. Many of the same conditions which relate to the Duration of Disease, Crises Days, Critical Days, etc., will also apply here. (See Chronic, Continuance, Curtailed, Crises, Ephemeral, Habitual, Long, Low, Prognosis, and the various paragraphs in this section). Ease-Intervals of Ease-(See Ease; "Fever" under Intermittent; Remittent). Elimlnation-(See "Cleansing" in this section). Energy-Fever As Related To the Energies- (See "Fever" under Energy; "Cleansing" in this section). Enlarg·ed Scope-Fever and Inflammation Combined-(See "Scope" under Enlarged). Enteric Feyer- (See "Fever" under Bowels; Typhoid). Entire Body- Feverish Action Over the ·whole Body-The 0 directed to Cor Scorpio. (See Whole). Ephemeral Fevers-Brief-One Day Fevers-(See Ephemeral). Epidemic Fevers- (See "Corrupt" "Obnoxious", under Air; Cholera, Epi~ demics, Noxious, Pestilence). Eruptive Fevers- Exanthematous(See Eruptive). Exanthematous Fevers-(See "Eruptive Fevers" under Eruptions). Excesses-In d is c ret ions- Fevers From-(See "Slight" in this section). Excessively High-HyperpyrexiaBurning-Violent-(See "High" in this section). Extremes-Rapid Extremes of Temperature-d' with 11. and both the affiictors at the same time. Eyes-Hot Diseases I n - (See "Hot Diseases" under Eyes). Fatal--(See "Death" in this section). Father- Fevers To- (See "Fevers" under Father).


Fever Febrifuge-( See "Antipyretic" in this section). Fentales-Danger of Fever, Severe and Painful Diseases To, or Death by Fe,·er-The 0 or d' to the c) ]J by dir., and espec. if it take place in the 6th H.; an afflicted 0 causes death by fevers and severe illnesses in a female horoscope; the 0 to the c) the ]J by d1r.; the ]J to the c) the 0 or d'·by dir.; the Asc. to the place of J\Iarkab. (See "Death", "Ill-Health", under Females). Fever and Inflmnmatlon-(See "Enlarged Scope" in this section). Feverish Conditions-Danger of-Is L1able To- (See "Liable to Fever" "Patient Is Feverish"', and the variou~ paragraphs in this section). Feverishness-Causes of- (See "Liable To", and the various paragraphs in this section). Fierce Fevers-High-BurningSharp---; SeYe.re -- (See "High", "Pernicwus", 1n th1s section). Free from Feyers-Immunity-The earthy signs 8, ll]i, and \0' are cold signs, and in themselves free from fevers, and people born with an earthy sign on the Asc., and with the 0. ]J, and many planets in earth signs at B., are more immune to, and free from fevers. (See Immunity). Frequent Attacks-Of Fever-The 0 or d'· in and 'T' on the As c.· d' too much in evidence at B.; d' in' a fiery sign in the 6th H., and affi. the hyleg; cardmal s1gns on the 6th H. at B. (See "Liable To" in this section). Gastric Fe-ver- (See "Fever" under Gastric, Stomach). Generally-Tends to Fevers Generally -Subject to Fevers of Various Kinds -Diseases of the 0: the 0 hyleg at B., and affi. by d'. tends to fevers generally; the 0 in a fiery sign in the 6th H., and affi. by d'. Germs and Fever- (See Germs Miasma; "Virus" under Pestilence).' Glandular Fever-(See Glands). Habit-The Habit In Disease- (See Diathesis). Habitual Fever-Hectic- ChronicContinuous-( See Chronic, Continuous Hectic, Low, in this section). ' Hay Fever-(See Hay). Head- Hot Humours In-Feverish Head-(See Feverish, Hot Diseases, Humours, under Head). Heart and Lungs- Fevers from Obstructions Near the Heart or Lungs(See "Fever" under Heart). Hectic Fever-Habitual-Protracted -Constant- Continuous- ChronicThe Protracted Fever of Phthisis-The Hectic Fever associated with Phthisis follows the motion of the 0 and tends to be worse when the 0 is in D or evil asp. his own place by Tr. or Dir. and to diminish when the O is in tc,, and good asp. his own place· the d configurated with malefics whe{, D his own place tends to make the fever worse, and better when configurated with benefics; the ]J to the 0 or 8 7 by dir.; 11 in fiery signs at a decumb.,





and when the 0 is weak and affl.; a cJ disease when cJ is afflicted and associated with 'tppiness; rising or near the Asc. (3) The posi"Good Health" under Health; Poverty, tion and aspects of the ruler of the Riches, etc.). Asc. The Form of the body proceeds III-Fortune- Meets with ::\Iuch Illfrom the Asc., the 1st H., planets in Fortune-(See Business, Cares, Chilthe Asc.; from the 0 and ]), and the dren, Directions, Dishonour, Disgrace, asps. to the ]). Ptolemy says the Asc. Enemies, Events, Exile, Family, Fate, has the greatest power in forming the Grief, Health, Honour, Ill-Health, Imbody, and next after the Asc., the ]). prisonment (see Prison) ; Injuries, (See Relaxation). Many modifications Marriage, JI.Iarriage Partner, Mischief, of form arise from the various posiMiseries, ::\Iisfortune, Murdered, Povtions of the majority of the planets, erty, RelatiYes, Reputation, Reverses, whether rising, elevated, setting, or Ruin, Scandal, Sickness, Sorrow, Suibelow the horizon. JI.Iany planets in cide, Treachery. Trouble, Twelfth one sign tend to give the predominatHouse, Unfortunate, etc.). ing characteristics of that sign, both ltiallce of Fortune-Ill-Fortun0-Misin mind and body. Family Likenesses fortune-The ]) to the place of Cetl, are caused by having the same sign or the Hydra's Heart; the ]) incr. in a rising with different members of the night nativity, sepr. from 'I and apply. family. (See "Likenesses" under Family). to i2, if malefic planets afflict them; i2 in the lOth or 4th H., and affi. the Significators of Form-They are the 0 or ]) , malice of fortune is almost sign on the cusp of the Asc., or 1st H., certain, downfalls, reYersals, illor a sign intercepted in this house; health, etc., and espec. under evil i2 their lords; planets in the Asc., or in transits or directions to the hyleg, or any way aspecting the Asc.; fixed stars to his place in the radical map; 0 Sig. near the cusp of the Asc., and to these in 0 or 8 the O; cJ Sig. 6 0. sudden some add the Luminaries and the stars failures and downfalls; 'i' Sig. 0 or 8 that aspect them,-all these are Sigs. ]). (See "Evil", "Ill-Fortune", in this of both mind and body. For further section). consideration of Form and Shape, see Appearance; ''Beast 1 y Form" under Misfortune-(See "Ill-Fortune", "JI.Ialice of Fortune", in this section). Beasts; Body, Build; "Dogs" under Children; Congenital, Crooked, ConMo 12, section). 13, 14, 20; :::: 7, 16, 17, 20; 13, 10. If Lj. be ·in one of these degrees at B., FOR\VARD-The Body Bent Forwardor if on the cusp of the 2nd H., or lord (See Bending; "Downward" under of the 2nd be in such a degree, riches Look; Stooping).









FOSSAE- Fossa- A Depression, Furrow, or Sinus-(See Depression, Frontal, Nose). FOUL -·Loathsome - Offensiye- Unpleasant- Fetid- Foul Odors- Foul Diseases, etc.-See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered here-Foul Odors and Diseases are generally the work of !). and the }!. Also 'i' tends to fetid and foul conditions in the body, resulting from excesses, dissipation, etc. (See Fetid) .. Air-Foul Air-(See "Corrupt" under Air). Axillae-Fetid Perspiration o f - (See Axillae). Blood- Foul B I o o d - (See "Impure Blood" under Impure). Breath-(See "Foul" under Breath). Cancer- Carcinoma- (See Carcinoma). Catarrhs-(See Catarrh, Nose). Corrupt; Decay-Decomposition-( See Decay). Discharges;



Faeces; Feet-Foul Odors From-(See "Odors" under Feet). Fetid; Gangrene; Gases; Hurnours-

(See ''Corrupt'', "Offending", under Humours). Impure; ~lenses; ~lind-A Foul Mind -(See Obscenity). ~Ioisture---(See "Putrefaction" under Moisture). ~Iorbid; Noxious; Odors; Offensive; Perspiration-(See Sweat). Pools-Stagnant Pools-(See Pools). Pus; Putrid-Putrefaction-(See Putrid). Rottenness; Sores; Stagnant- (See Pools). Stomach-( See "Foul" under Stomach). Sweat-(See "Fetid" under Sweat). Tongue-A Foul Tongue-(See "Foul" under Breath, Tongue). Ulcers-(See Gangrene; "Putrifying" under Ulcers). Vapors-(See "Foul" under Vapors). Vegetation; Venereal Diseases- (See "Ulcers" under Venereal). FOUNTAINS-Springs-Drying Up ofComets appearing in 'T' or ""'; an eclipse of the 0 in the 2nd Dec. of ~­ (See Drought; "Fountains" under Dryness; Famine). FOUR-FOOTED ANDIALS- Injury, Hurts, or Death By- (See Animals, Beasts, Bites, Cattle, Elephants, Events, Horses, Kicks, Quadrupeds, etc.). Signs-The Four-Footed Signs of the Zodiac- Quadrupedal Signs-Animal Signs-'T', t:L [l, +, \0>. Those born with such signs on the Asc. at B. have many of the qualities of such animals, and especially if the 0 or }! be in the 6th or 12th H. at conception, or the malefics in angles. (See "Animal Signs" under Animal; Quadrupeds). FOURTH HOUSE- This is a terminal house, a part of the terminal triangle,


and denotes old age, the grave, decay, death, rest, the end of life, and the various conditions which affect the close of life, as its diseases, worries, the environment, wealth, poverty, etc. The nature of the death, or the end of life, will be according to the planets in this house, and the sign on the cusp denotes the part, or organ, wherein the complaint lies. The lords of the 4th and 8th H. are Significators of death. This is a feminine House, denotes the breasts and lungs, and is affiliated with the e:::;; sign, and is cardinal in quality. This house is the weakest of the angles, and is also an Anaretical Place. The vital powers are at their weakest when the 0 at B. is on the cusp of this house. This house rules the breasts, the milk, lungs, stomach; inheritance, the birthplace, place of residence, the home and domestic life generally; the mother in a male nativity and the father in a female horoscope; the mother-in-law in a male nativity, and the father-inlaw in a female. In Hindu Astrology, this house rules the mother, and the lOth H. the father. Benefics in this house at B. indicate that the native should not leave his native land, but remain at his birthplace all thru his life, if possible, for good health, good fortune, and a happy and peaceful ending to life. The parents usually die before the native if he has !). in this house at B. Mars here gives short life to the father or mother, according to the sex of the horoscope. l\Ialefic planets in the 4th H. indicate disease, worry, and distress in old age, and also hurt, sickness, and affliction to the father or mother. This house signifies all diseases in the lungs, breast, and stomach; the end of the disease, and diseases of the }! and the ~ sign. Red is the Color ruled by this house. (See Anareta, Angles, Breast, Cancer; "Fourth House" under Death; End, Environment, Father, Heredity, Home, In he ri tanc e, Lungs, Moon, Mother, Nadir; "Native Land" under Native; Old Age, Place of Birth (see Place); Red, Residence, Stomach, Terminal, etc.). FO'\VLS-Of the Air-Birds-VulturesBody Devoured By- After Death(See "Birds of Air" under Air; "Body Devoured" under Burial; Vultures). Deatll Of- Destruction o f - Eclipses of the 0 or }! in IJ or +, espec. of such as are eaten by man, and which are brought to death by human means for edible purposes; Comets appearing in IJ; !)_ in IJ, angular, direct in motion at the Vernal Ingress. (See "Virus" under Pestilence). Parrot Fever-(See Psittacosis). Resembles Fowls- (See Disfigurements; "Eagle Features" under Features; "Animal Forms" under Monsters). FRACTURES-Broken BonesCoinpound Fracture- cS with ~. and both the affiictors at the same time. (See "Violent" under Dispersions; "Scope" under Enlarged). Death By-Caused by !). or 6 when the dominion of death is vested in



them; h coming to the cusp. the Asc., causes a fracture, dislocation, and possible death from fracture if affl. the hyleg at the same time; rJ in 8. J, or 10', and in 8 the As c. by dir.; rJ in the 7th H., D or 8 the 0. and rJ in a four-footed. or quadrupedal sign, and with rJ just setting at B. (See Blows, Concussions, Falls, Heights, Quadrupedal). Falls-Fractures By- cf' by Periodic Rev. to the c), D. or 8 hf, and espec. if rJ is in the 4th, 6th, or 8th H. (See Falls). General Causes-Afflictions in J, and in IT by reflex action; J on the Asc., 6th, or 12th H.; afflictions to planets in J cause more broken bones than any other sign influence; afflictions in 10'; afflictions in airy signs dispose to; the }) affl. in J; the }) to the 6 or illasps. cJ by dir.; I;I afflictions show fractures, and espec. his evil asps. to the Sigs., the 0. }), Asc., or M.C.; h afflictions give broken bones; h ascending at B.; h to the 6 or ill-asps. cf'· by dir., and espec. if either be ori.; h by tr. in c), D. or 8 the 0. }), + or 'i! in the radix; h. I;I, or rJ affl. in any sign at B., and by dir., may result in a fracture in the part, or parts, ruled by such sign at B.; + affl. in rr; rJ affl. in J; rJ in J in the 6th or 12th H.; rJ in the 1st H., and affl. by +; rJ to the 6 or ill-asp. h by dir. (For Fracture of the various bones of the body see "Fracture" under such subjects as Ankles, Arms, Bones, Clavicle, Colles Fracture (see Wrists); Elbow, Face (see "Hurts" under Face); Feet (see "Accidents" under Feet); Femur, Fibula, Fingers, Forearm, Hands, Head, Hips, Humerus, Jaws, Knees, Legs, Limbs, Radius, Ribs, Scapula (see Shoulders); Shoulder, Skull, Thighs, Tibia, Ulna, Vertebrae, Wrists, etc. Also see Dislocations, Joints). Simple Fracture- P,I, h. or cJ acting alone as the afflictor, and not in combination. FRAGILE-BrittleAppearance-Fragile Appearance-+ affl. in e::::;, (See Pale, Sickly). Bones- Brittle and Fragile Bones(See "Brittle" under Bones). Hair- Dry and Brittle Hair- (See "Dry" under Hair). FRAIL- Frail Body- Frail Constitution- (See "Sickly", "\Veak", under Constitution). Frail People- D eat h of the Frail Among the Aged-(See "Aged People" under Old Age). FRAME-The Body-The SkeletonAthletic Frame-(See Athletics). Whole Frame Disordered- (See Whole). For the various conditions and descriptions of the Frame see such subjects as Appearance, Body, Constitution, Delicate, Disease, Feeble, Form, Health, Height, Large,· Long, Middle Sized, Shape, Short, Skeleton, Small, Stature, Strength, Strong, Stout, Weak, Weight, ·wiry, etc. FRANTIC-Frenzied-Excessive Excitement- (See Anger, Exci tab 1 e; "Causes" under Fits; Frenzy, Fury,




Madness, Mania, Raving; "High Temper" under Temper; vVild, etc.). FRATRICIDE-(See "Fratricide" under Brothers). ' FREAKS-Freaks of Nature-Mental and Bodily Freaks-Influences and Illustrations along this line with the planetary causes, etc., are given under the following subjects,-Anarchists; "Beastly Form" under Beasts; "Born Blind" under Blind; Congenital, Crazy, Cyclops, Deaf and Dumb (see Deaf, Dumb); Defects, Deformities, Demoniac, Dogs-Resembles' Dogs-(see "Dogs" under Children); Dwarfs, Eccentric, Effeminate, Fanatical, Fowls -Resembles Fowls-(see Fowls); Frog Child (see Forearm); Giants, Geniuses, Glass, Growth, Hermaphrodite, Idiots, Inhuman, Insanity, l.Ialformations, Mathematical, Monsters, Murderers, Peculiar, Perversions, Pituitary, Precocious, Prenatal Epoch (see Prenatal); Prodigies, Religion (see "Fan a tical" under Religion); Savage, Twins (see "Siamese Twins" under Twins); \Vild. FRECKLES- Lentigo- Circumscribed Spots On the Skin-Freckles are due principally to a predominance of Iron in the skin (Iron ruled by rJ), and rJ prominent at B.; rJ in the Asc., or rising, or a rJ influence or sign on the Asc.; rJ rising in cp tends to give a face full of freckles, and fiery red hair; the 0 in TTL; the }) in o:;;, TTL, or 3-i:; the }) Sig. in \vatery signs in Hor'y Q.; 'i! Sig. in [1 or ""'· or in these signs in partile asp. the As c.; the 4th Face of 'I' on the As c.; the 5th face of JTQ, the 3rd face of ""'· the 1st and 4th faces of J or '/./', or the 4th or 6th faces of on the Asc. Case-Red Hair and Freckled Face-See "Red Hair", No. 330 in 1001 N.N. (See Blemishes, Complexion, Defects; "Red Face" under Face; "Red Hair" under Hair; Marks, ~1oles). FREEFree Living-Loose Living-Diseases From-The }) to the ill-asps. 'i! by dir.; afflictions to 'i!; 'i! in bad asp. to the O; the ill-asps. of 'i! by dir. to the Asc. or M.C.; 'i! by Periodic Rev. to the illasps. the 0; the Asc. to the 6 or illasps. 'i! by dir., and 'i! affl. at B.; [1 on cusp the 6th H. (See Debauched, Depraved, Dissipated, Dissolute, Drink, Eating, Excesses, Feasting; "High Living" under High; Indulgence, Intemperate, Loose; "Loose C.Iorals" under Morals; Passion, Perversions; "Riotous Living11 urider Riotous; Sex, Vices). Free Love-Entanglements-Liaisons -Inordinate A J'f e c t ion-Clandestine Love Affairs-Committed To-The 0 c), D. or 8 I;f at B.; the 0. :D. or 'i! to the ill-asps. B by dir., and espec. if affl. by I;f at B.; principally a I;f affliction when under the lower vibrations of I;f; I;f affl. in [1, TTL, or the 5th H.; I;I affl. the 0. }), or 'i!; 'i! by Periodic Rev. in illasp. the 0. (See "Free Living" in this section; "Unwomanly Freedom" under Morals; Nymphomania, Perverse; "Clandestine" under Sex). Free from Passion- (See Apathy, Aversions, Bachelor, Celibacy, Deviations; "Free from Passion" under Passion; Perversions, etc.).





of the 12th in the 11th H. tends to Free "\Viii- (See "Free Will" under pretended friends, and private enemies. Will). Acquaintance-Death of-(See AcFRENZY -Phrenzy- Violent C\faniaquaintances). -Frantic-Beside Oneself-ExcessiveDanger-To a Friend-Ruler of the ly ExcitableNth H. affl. in the 6th H. at a Solar Causes of Frenzy-Due to religious, Revolution. and other excitement, caused by ¥ and Death-Of a Friend or Friends-The d' afflictions; W affl. in the 12th H.; the 1;1, h. or d', or the of two 0 Sig. D or 8 d': a d' disease, and ·with 0 or )) d' the afflicting planet; d' Sig. 0. and malefics in the radical or revolution~ ary 11th H., indicate a friend lost by with danger of the life being cut short death or misfortune; h to the or iiiby; d' Sig. D or 8 O; \S ill-dig. at B., asp. the 0. death of a near friend; the and espec. when also affl. by ''¥ or d'. 24, m on the Asc. at B., sorrow thru (See Anger; "Brain Storms" under the death of friends; malefics in the Brain; Demoniac, Emotions, Enthusi8th H. at a Solar Rev.; the tr. of maasm; "Beside Oneself" under Excitable; lefics thru the 8th H., and espec. if Frantic, Fury, H~·steriA., Impulsive, Inthey were in the 8th, afflicting the sanity, Madness, Mania, Raving, \Vild). 8th, or lord of the 8th H. at B. (See Death By-d' the afflicting planet and "Female Friend", "Short Life", in this holding the dominion of death; \i badly section). afflicted, and affl. the hyleg by dir., deDissipated-Thru the Influence of notes death by Frenzy. Friends-d' affi. in the 11th H. (See Delirium-Phrenitic Delirium-A Dissipation). Phrenitic C\Ian-(See "\Vild Delirium" Execrated-By Friends- (See Exeunder Delirium). crated). Religious Frenzy-Caused by \ji; W False Friends-Injured By-The )) affl. in the 9th H. (See "Religious ExSig. D or 8 1).; lord of the lOth in the citement" under Excitement). 12th H.; lord of the 10th a malefic, and affi. in the 11th H. (See Antipathy, FREQUENTDeceitful, Dishonest, Fortune Libel, Abscesses Frequent-(See "Frequen~" Mischief, Misfortune, Plots, 'Poison, under Abscesses). Reputation, Ruin, Scandal, Treachery, Chronic Ailments-Frequent Chronic Trouble, etc.). Ailments-The )) deer. at B., sepr. from Female Friend-Death of-The )) to 1!.. and apply. to ~- (See the )) influthe place of Cor Scorpio. (See Antares). ences under "Causes" under Chronic Diseases). Few Friends-Unpopular-The 0 illasp. by the )) and I' at B.; the J) in Fever-Frequent Attacks of-(See evil asp. to the 0 or I' ; malefics in "Frequent Attacks" under Fever). the 11th H. at B., a malefic ruler of Headaches Frequent-(See "Women" this house, and no benefics in the 11th. under Headaches). (See Antipathy, Enemies, Home). Ill-Health-Frequent Ill-Health-( See Many Friends-The 0 well-asp. by "Ill-Health All Thru Life" under Illthe )) and 'i' at B.; the )) or 6 1l, Health; "Much Sickness" under Sicksineere in friendships; 1!. or 'i' ruler of ness). the 11th H., or in the 11th, and with Perspiration- Frequent Perspiration no malefics in this house, or ruler of -(See "Frequent" under Sweat). the 11th; 1).. or 'i' ruler of the horoscope, and well-asp., and espec. when FRESH-Fresh Coloured and Handsome plaeed in the 11th H.; the malefics ob-Given by the or 6 asps. of d' to scure in the map, and not badly asthe 0. )), or Asc. (See "Good" unde'r pecting the Significators; the :::: sign Complexion; Handsome; "Complexion" when well-occupied and aspected, and under Ruddy). strong at B., and with other good asFRETFULNESS- Peevishness-Disconpects, tends to many friends, as :::: is tentment-\Vorry, etc.-h people fret related to the 11th H., and is known as and mope; h am. in 'f'; h Sig. D or 8 Sign of Friends. ·(See "Amiable", )) ; h in m. conspicuous fretfulness; d' the "Courteous", under Manners; Popular, to the cusp the 3rd H. by dir.; the 3rd Sympathy). Dec. of :::: on the Asc., ruled by the )). Short Life-Of Friends-Near and in(See Anguish, Anxiety, Dejected, Detimate friends are apt to die before pressed, Despondent, Discontentment, middle life when the lord of the 8th Fears, Irritable, Low Spirits (see Low); H. is in the 11th H., and afflicted, unMelancholy, Moping, Morose, No Peace less the hyleg be strong, or the Asc. of Mind (see "Peace" under Mind); well-asp. by lord of the 1st H. (For Patience, Peevish, Petulant, Repining, further influences see Companions, Restless, Seolding, Worry, etc.). Compatibility, Enemies, Family, HealFRICTION- Fremitus-Rubbing-Irriers, Home, Incompatibility, Love Aftation-Diseases Accompanied Byfairs, Marriage, Men, Parents, Rela(See "Dry Cough" under Cough; the tives, Residence, Social Relations, Vagvarious paragraphs under Dry; "Resabond, etc.). piratory" under Mucous; "InflammaSickness-On Account of Friendstion" under Pleura). Lord of the 6th in the 11th H. FRIDAY-Ruled by 'j'. (See Week). FRIGHT-Easily Frightened-The )) strong at B., well placed and digniFRIENDS-Ruled by the 11th H. Benfied. (See Darkness, Fears, Nervousefics here, and well-asp., give good and ness, Sensitives, Shocks). helpful friends. Malefics here tend· to false friends. and injury by them. Lord Shocks by Fright-!f[ cl )) in ment. Also see the various paragraphs in this section). Jluscles-(See "::\fuscles" unde1· Legs; Muscles). Nimble Step- Light-Quick- (See "Energetic" in this section; "Quick l\Iotion" under :\lotion; Quick). Paralysis Agitans-Peculiar Gait of( See "Festination" under \Yalk). Peculiar Gait-( See "Festination" under vValk). Pitches Forward-(See "Equilibrium" under vYalk).




Posture--( See the various paragraphs the }) in the 5th H., and afflicted; lt. under Posture). Sig. 6 'i'; o ruler at B., and afflicted, and also afflicting I;!; o Sig. in 8 or II; Proud Gait- (See Proud; Commando or 'i' in the 5th H.; 1;5 Sig. 6 d"; 1;5 ing, Firm, in this section). in the 5th H., and affl. by 7. or 0 , and Q.uick "\Valk-(Se.e "Energetic" in this espec. when I;! is in a water sign; lord section). of the 5th H. in the Asc., and afflicted; Rough In Carriagc-7. Sig. in 8 :t on the Asc., and the 5th H. affl. by (Hor'y). c; the 6th face of [1 on the Asc. (See Cheating, Deceitful, Dishonesty, ForShuffling Gait- (See "Dragging" in gers, Riches, Speculative, Shrewdness, this section). Thie\·es, etc.). Slow Gait-(See Dull, Feeble, Inactive, Inertia, Lassitude; "Slow ::\Iotion" GA:liES- Fond of Outdoor Sports and under C,Iotion; "Dragging", and the Games-Danger of Injury or Death By various paragraphs in this section). -(See Amusements, Exercise, Hunting, Sports). Smart and Q.uick- (See "Energetic" in this section). GANGLIOY-Ganglia-Nerve CentersSplay Foot-(See "Splay" under Feet). Chronic diseases begin their action in the Ganglionic Centers, while acute Staggering Gait- Swaying -Totterdiseases start with disturbances of the ing-Due to afflictions to \L and Inperipheral nerves. (See Acute, Chronic, coordination. (See Clumsy, EquilibPeripheral). The action of lt. by cold rium, Intoxicated, in this section). and chill, and by causing internal conStep Firm-Majestic- (See Comgestions, disturbs the ganglionic cenmanding, Firm, in this section). ters. (See Centripetal, Cold, CongesStooping- Heavy- (See Downward tions, Saturn). Look, Heavy, in this section; Stooping). nasal Ganglia- The O and }) acting Stoppage Gait-7. influence; 1, affl. in thru the 111. sign, by way of the Lumbar ~; Subs at LPP (4, 5L); also may be and Intestinal branches of· the Solar caused by l,'I influence, and due to inPlexus, affect and influence the Basal coordination, part i a 1 paralysis, etc. Ganglia of the brain, and also the (See Coordination, Incoordination, ::\Iedulla, the Pituitary Body, Ductless Stoppages, Suppressions; "Festination" Glands, Genito-Urinary System, Bladunder \Valk). der, Rectum, Anus, Uterus, Large Intestines, and give way to the Hepatic Strutting Gait-Swaggering-I;f setDiathesis. (See Diathesis, Ductless, ting at B., and not in a strong sign Liver; "Ribes", in this section). or house; lt. rising and affl. at B.; 12 Sig. of the party in Hor'y Q., and one Central Ganglia-(See "Vaso-Dilator" who knocks his ankles together, or under Vaso). who may be bow-legged or knockCerebral Ganglia- (See Brain, Cerekneed. (See Dragging, Equilibrium, bral). Proud, in this section). Cen·ical Ganglion-The O and }) actSwaggering-(See "Strutting" in this ing thru the Cl sign affect the Supersection). ior Cervical Ganglion, the pharyngeal Swaying- Tottering- (See Equilibplexus, the eustachian tubes, the rium, Staggering, in this section). throat and neck, and give way to the Renal Diathesis. (See "Cervical GanTottering-(See "Staggering" in this glion" under Cervical; "Lumbar", "Midsection). dle", in this section). Treading Gait- (See "Awry" in this Fifth Thoracic Ganglia- (Spinal)section). Influenced by the 0 and }) acting thru Turnetl to One Side-(See "Awry" in the ~ sign. The 5th thoracic (spinal) this section). ganglia, the left coronary, the hepatic, Twisted Gait- (See "Awry" in this splenic, diaphragmatic, and gastric section; Contortions, Twistings). plexuses, affect the organs of digestion, the pleura and their dependencies, and Unsteady-(See "Staggering" in this give way to the Crania-Abdominal section). Diathesis. (See "Middle Cervical" in "\Vadtlling Gait-~ on the Asc. (See this section; Diaphragm). Dragging,- Heavy, in this section). lmpar-The Ganglion Impar (in front GALEN-Galen taught the same theories of the Coccyx)-Acted upon by the O about the cure of disease as did Hipand }) in J. Also the 0 and }) in this pocrates. (See Antipathy, Hippocrates). sign, acting thru this ganglion and GALL-Bile- Gall Bladder-Cholerthe inferior hypogastric plexus, affect Gall Stones, etc.-(See Bile). the heart, the bladder, the muscular system, the hips, thighs, the gastroGALLO"\VS-Death On by Sentenceintestinal tunics, and give way to the (See Hanging, Judges). Thoracic Diathesis. (See Chest, Thorax). GAJUBLING-Gamblers are born under severe mental affliction, and Gambling Lumbar Ganglia-The 0 and }) in "'= is practically a mental disease. The act upon this ganglia, and also by 5th H. rules largely over gambling acting thru the aortic, hypogastric, and speculation. The· watery signs and renal plexuses, affect the hypopredominating at B., and also maleflcs gastrium, the renal system, the bladder in II or :t, or with these signs upon in infants, uterus in pregnant women, the Asc., and afflicted, tend to. The the small intestine, and give way to 0 Sig. in ~; I;I in strong asp. to the the Renal Diathesis. (See "Cervical" cusp of 5th H., or a planet in the 5th; in this section).




ll1iddle Cervical Ganglion-The 0 and Cramps; Death- By Escaping Gas]) in IJ, acting thru this ganglion, and Suffocated By- Case-See "Knights", the thoracic (spinal) ganglia, the right No. 270, in 1001 N.N. coronary plexuses, th€ deep cardiac, Distentions; Dyspnoea; Emphysema; the post-pulmonary plexuses, affect the upper limbs, the respiratory sysEscaping Gas-Death B y - (See tem, and give way to the Cranian "Death" in this section). Diathesis. (See ·"Fifth Thoracic", Ether; Explosions; Fermentation; "Splanchnic", in this section). Flatulence; Foul Gases-(See Foul). Pathological Formation-Of Ganglion Fumes; Gastralgin-(See Stomach). -'i' in r:r. Hydrogen; Indigestion; Inflations; Ribes-The 0 and ]) acting thru "f', thru the ganglion of Ribes, and also llleteorism- (See "Abdomen" in this section). thru the cavernous and carotid plexuses, affect the head and its dependl'tliasma; Nitrogen; Noxious; Odors; encies, and the cerebro-spinal ne1·vous Oxygen; Poisoning- Poison Gasessystem, and give way to the Hepatic Death By-I;f in the 8th H., and affi. Diathesis. (See "Basal" in this section). the hyleg; also Subs at Lu.P. (3D) Sentilunar Ganglion-Ruled by the ;>:::;; make the effects of Poison Gases more sign. depressive and dangerous. (See Poison). Spinal· Ganglion- (See "Fifth ThorPressure-Gas Pressure-Comprel'\sed acic", "Middle Cervical", in this secGas-Ill Effects of-( See Caisson, Comtion). pressed; "Atmosphere" under Pressure). Splanchnic Ganglia- The 0 and ]) Puffing; Pungent; Spinal Gas- The acting thru the 11J1 sign, thru thP Gas In the Spinal Canal-(See "Canal" Splanchnic ganglia, the solar and under Spine). mesentric plexuses, affect the abdomStomach-Gas In-Bloating-Indigesinal organs and their dependencies, tion-Fullness At Stomach-Caused by the loweT part of the stomach, and afflictions in ;>:::;;, 11J1, and ))>; o:::; on cusp give way to the Cranian Diathesis. the 6th H.; the ]) in o:::; D or ill-asp. (See "Middle Cervical" in this section; any of the malefics as promi ttors; the Cranium, Diathesis, Nerves, Plexuses). ]) affi. in o:::; tends to blo::1 ting from Vaso-Dilator Action- (See "Central" gas; Jtr affi. in o:::; or 11J1; h affi. in ;>:::;;; '2/. in this section). affi. in l3 or ;>:::;;; a Cj. disease, due to GANGRENE-The Mortification and surfeits; l;l aff!. in s tends to windiDeath of Soft Tissue-Gangrenous ness in stomach, and due to worry and Sores-A It disease, and caused usuanxiety; l;l affi. in 1111 or &; the As c. to ally by chill and cold, driving the the place of (J by dir. (See Bloatblood inwards, causing congestion and ing, Belching, Flatulence, Indigestion, mortification; Subs at CP and Local. Plethora, Pressure; "\Vind" under (See Carcinoma, Centripetal, Cold, Stomach). Congestion, Crusts, Decay, Malignant, Suffocation- By Escaping Gas- (See Mortification, Necrosis, Sores, Ulcers). "Death" in this section). Mouth-Gangrenous Sores In-CanSun .Spots- And the Gases of Our kers-Cancrum Oris-Aphthae-A TI Atmosphere-(See "Sun Spots" under disease; l< in the 6th H.; It affi. the Spots). hyleg or Asc. (See "Mouth" under Swellings- Caused by Gases, \Vind, Aphthae). etc., In the Body- (See Distentions, Pus-1\-Ialignant Gangrene with PusFlatulence, Inflations, Swellings, Tym(See "Gangrene" under Pus). panites, etc. Also note the various paragraphs in this section). GAS-Gases-Fumes-Air-Atmosphere -Ether-Vapor, etc.-Gases are ruled TympanitE"s-(SPe " .Abdon1en" in this by I;!, as this planet rules the Ether, the section; Tympanites). Air, the Atmosphere, etc. Also ruled Uranus-(See "Influence of I;I" under and influenced by the Airy Signs, and under Uranus). espec. the :.-: sign, the strong sign of I!L Vapors; '\Vind-(See "Bowels"; "StomThe following subjects and paragraphs ach" under \Vind). have to do with Gas, Gases, their compounds, influences, and effects in and GASTRIC-Gas t r o - GastronomicalGastro-Abdominal Disorders-Stomach out of the human body, which subDisorders-Gnstro-Intestinal Disorders jects see in the alphabetical arrange-The subject of Gastric is largely ment when not considered here. considered under Stomach, as Gastric Abdomen- Gaseous Distention o f means pertaining to the Stomach. A Meteorism-Ijl: affi. in 11J1. (See Abdofew subjects concerning the Stomach, men, Bowels, Distentions, Flatulence, which are especially referred to in the Inflation, Tympanites; "Bowels" under Textbooks as Gastric, will be listed in Wind). this section, and also referred to in Air; Aquarius; ~"-sphyxia; Belching; the section on Stomach. See the following subjects in the alphabetical Bloating; Borborygmus - ( See this arrangement, or under Stomach, when subject under Bowels). not considered here. Bowels- Gas I n - (See "Gas" under Abdominal-(See "Gastro-Abdominal" Bowels). in this section). Caisson Disea;;;e-(See Caisson). Acids- The Gastric Acids- Gastric Carbon; Colic; Compressed GasesAcidity--Hydrochloric Acid-(See Compressed Air- Ruled by I;L (See Acids, Digestion, Fluids, Indigestion, Caisson, Compressed). Juices, etc.).




Cancer--Gastric Cancer-(See "StomObstructions- Gastric Obstructionsach" under Carcinoma). ( See "Juices" in this section; "Obstructions" under Stomach). Catarrh-Gastric Catarrh- (See "Catarrh" under Stomach). Pepsin- Lack of In Stomach- (See "Pepsin" under Stomach). Deficient-The Gastric Juices DefiPlexuses- Gastric Plexuses- Ruled cient- (See "Stomach Juices" under by the c:c; sign. (See "Fifth Thoracic" Deficient). under Ganglion). Disorders- Gastric Disorders- (See Troubles- Gastric Troubles- Afflicthe various paragraphs in this section, tions in e::; or ~. (See the various and under Stomach). paragraphs in this section, and under Fever- Gastric Fever- Fever with Digestion, Indigestion, Stomach. Also Gastric Derangement- The 0 affi. in see Migraine). e::;; a e::; disease; afflictions in e::;; the ]) hyleg, and to the 6 or ill-asp. It by Tumor- Gastric Tumor- Tumor In dir.; cf' in c:c; in the 6th H.; cf' affi. in the Stomach-Afflictions in ~; a e:::;; dise::; or 11]1. Case-See Chap. 13, page 97, ease; the 0 in o::::;; and affl. by It; '2f or in Daath's :\Iedical Astrology. (See I' affl. in ""'· (Sec Tumors). Fever). Tunics- Gastro-Intestinal TunicsGastralgia- Pain In the Stomach(See "Impar" under Ganglion). The G to the 6 ]) by dir.; c! affi. in e::;; Ulcer- Gastric Ulcer- Imposthumes Subs at SP (7D). (See "Pain" under -Abscess or Ulcer In the StomachStomach). it in ~; 0' in e::o or ~. (See Abscess, Gastritis-Inflammation of the StomUlcers). ach-The 0 6 c· in e::;; the 0 or c· affi. Vein- The Gastric Vein- Ruled by in c:c;; H and cf' action in c:::; cf in ~ in the e::; sign. (See Veins). the 4th H. These influences tend to Acute Gastritis. Chronic Gastritis is GEJUINI-The Gemini Sign-This is the Third Sign of the Zodiac, and is affilicaused by It affi. in c:::;, or affi. the hyleg ated with the Third House. It is ruled therefrom. Subs at SP and KP tend by \!. The Symbol of this sign is "The to the various forn1s of Gastritis, as Twins". Gemini is hot, moist, and the acute Catarrhal form, with excesmental in nature, and disturbs the sh·e secretion of mucus, the Phlegnervous system. Gemini is in an airy, monous form, v.-ith excessive redness barren, hi-corporeal, changeable, comand s"·elling, the toxic fo.rm from manding, common, dexterous, doubleswallowing poison. Case-See "Gastribodied, dual, fortunate, hot, human, tis", Chap. 13, page 91, in Daath's masculine, mental, moist, motive, mutMedical Astrology. (See Inflammation). able, nervous, northern, positive as a Gastro-Abdontinal Disorders-Due to masculine sign, yet given to negativethe combined action of planets in the ness and passivity as a comn1on sign; e::;, 11]1, and ?-t signs, and in the 4th and restless, sanguine, speaking, sweet, 6th H. (See the Introduction under vernal, western, whole sign. This sign Disease: "Sixth House" under Sixth; corresponds to the atmospheric vibra"Innervation" in this section). tions, and has affinity with the sense Gastroenteritis-In flam rna t ion In of hearing. The Hebrew letter Zain Both Stomach and Bowels-cf' affl. in is connected with the TI sign the sign 11]1. (See "Inflammation" under Bowels; which rules the arms and h'ands, the Enteritis). instruments by which thoughts are Gastro-Intestinal- (See "Tunics" in executed. Breathing is a function of this section). this sign. It is a sign of Speech, along with i;j, the ruler of the sign. The }) Gastronomical- (See "Indiscretions" directed to the Right Foot of Gemini, in this section). in the Constellation Gemini, is said to Indiscretions- Gastronomical Indisbring good health. This sign on the cretions-(See "EYil Diet" under Diet; Asc. at B. tends to give a tall, slender Eating, Food, Gluttony; "Diet" under body, with long fingers, a straight Indiscretions). nose, fine expressive eyes, and with Inflammation- Gastric Inflammation good vitality. For the Countries and -(See "Gastritis" in this section). Nations ruled by TI see "Gemini" unInnervation- Gastro- Abdominal Inder Nations. The Colors ruled by TI nervation-The physiological action of are white mixed with red. (See "Air the i;j Group of Planets and Herbs Signs" under Signs). tends to produce, and by acting thru GE'liiNI RULES - Each Sign of the the Solar Plexus. (See "Mercury Zodiac has an external, internal, and Group" under Herbs). structural rulership over the parts of the body ruled by the sign. ExterIntestinal Tunics- Gastro-Intestinal nally, TI rules the shoulders and upper Tunics-(See "Tunics" in this section). arms. Internally, the breath, nerve Juices-Gastric Juices-Are ruled by fibres, and upper lobes of the lungs. the ~ sign. Saturn affl. in e::; or ~ Structurally, the cIa vic 1 e, scapula, tends to disturbances of these juices, humerus, or bones of the part. The deficiency of, abnormality of, lack of, following is an alphabetical and clasobstructions of, restraint of, sluggish sified list of the parts of the body, and action or production of, etc. Also Subs other matters ruled by TI, as listed at SP (8D) tend to disorders of. (See and mentioned in the various Text"Fluids" under Digestion). books of Astrology. See these subjects JUigraine--(See Migraine). in the alphabetical arrangement-Air, Neuroses-Gastric Neuroses-(See Arms, Atmosphere, Blood Making (see "Neuroses" under Stomach). Haematopoiesis); Breathing (Breath);

Gemini Diseases



Bronchial Tubes; Bryonia Alba, a typHearing-Disorders of-( See Hearing). ical drug of this sign; Capillaries; Hips-Disorders of-(See Hips). Chloride of Potassium, the Zodiac Salt lntagination-Disorders of-Deranged ruled by this sign (see Potassium); -(See Imagination). Clavicle (Collar Bone); Colors, white and red mixed; Countries (see NaImpure Blood-(See Impure). tions); Dorsal Nerves and Dorsal ReLiver-Disorders of-(See Liver). gion of the Spine; Drugs (see BryLower Limbs-Disorders of-(See onia, Potassium); Fingers, Function Feet, Legs, Thighs). of Breathing, Gases, Haematopoeisis, Hands, Hearing, Humerus ; Lungs Lungs-Disorders of-Consumption(upper lobes of); Mentality, Mind; Na-(See Consumption, Lungs, Phthisis, tions (see "Gemini" under Nations); Tuberculosis). Nerve Fibers; Nerves in General, the lUental Disorders-Disease s of the upper Dorsal, the upper Spinal; Nerv:.11ind-(See Intellect, Mental, Mind). ous System; Oxygenation of the Blood lUuscles-Disorders of-( See Muscles). (see Oxygen); Potassium Chloride, Radius, Respiratory System; Ribs Nervous Diseascs-(See Nerves). (Upper); Scapula, Shoulders and Oxygenation-Of the Blood-DisorShoulder Blades, Speech; Spine (Dorders of-(See Oxygen). sal Region of); Thymus Gland, TraPericardium-Inflammation o f - (See chea, Twins; Ulna, Upper Dorsal and "Pericarditis" under Heart; PericarSpinal Nerves and Upper Ribs. dium). GEMINI DISEASES-The Diseases Phthisic-(See Asthma, Consumption). and Afflictions Ruled by Gemini-The Phthisis; Pleurisy-(See Pleura). 0 afflicted in this double-bodied sign tends to two diseases at the same time. Pneumonia; Puhnonary DisordersThe pathological action of II tends to (See Lungs, Pulmonary). Negativeness, Passivity, Nervousness, Respiratory Disorders-(See Breath). and Restlessness. However, II is the Rheumatism-In the Arms, Hands, strongest of the common signs to conShoulders-(See "Rheumatism" under trol and fight off disease. See the folArms, Hands, Shoulders. Also see lowing disease subjects in the alphaRheumatism). betical arrangement when not considered hereRibs- Upper Ribs-Injury or FracAbdomen-Disorders I n - (Set\ "Disture of-(See Ribs). eases" under Abdomen). Scapula-Fracture of-(See Scapula, Accidents-To the Arms, Shoulders, Shoulders). or Hands- (See "Accidents", "FracShoulders-Disorders of-Hurts, Fractures", under Arms; Cia vicle, Hands, tures of-(See Shoulders). Humerus, Radius, Shoulders, Ulna). Thighs-Disorders of-(See Thighs). Anaemia; Arms-Diseases 6f-FracThymus Gland-Disorders of-(See tures-(See Arms). Thymus). Asthma; Bilious Complaints- (See HBiliousness" "Obstruction" under Torpid Liver-(See Liver). Bile). ' ' Trachea-Disorders of-( See Trachea, Blood-Blood Disorders-Impure Windpipe). Blood-(See Blood, Impure). Tuberculosis; 'l'wo Diseases-At the Bowels-Disorders of-(See Bowels). Same Time-,The 0 affl. in II. (See "Two Diseases" under Disease). Brain Fever-(See Brain). Breathing-Disorders of-(See Veins-Windiness In-(See Veins). Breath). Wasting Diseases- Wasting of the Lungs-(See Consumption, Lungs, Bronchitis-(See Bronchial). Phthisis, Tuberculosis, \Vastings). For Capillaries-Disorders of-( See Capilcollateral study see Castor, Doublelaries). Bodied, Dual-:'\Iinded, :'IIercury; ":'IIutChest-Disorders In-(See Chest, able Signs" under l.Iutable; Pisces, Lungs). Pollux, Sagittarius, Third House, TripClavicle-Collar Bone-Fracture oflets, Twins, Virgo. (See Clavicle). Consumption-Of the Lungs-(See GE;\IJUATION -Budding-Reproduction by Gemmation is under the rule of 1'. Consumption, Phthisis, Tuberculosis). and by division of cell, under C~. (See Corrupted Blood-(See "Impure Blood" "Division", "Gemmation", under Cells; under Impure). Fecundation; 0 varies, Proliferation, Dorsal Region- Disorders o f - (See Reproduction). Dorsal). GENERALFancy-All Disorders and Evils of Actions-General Actions-(See Conthe Fancy-(See Fancies). duct, Habits, :'IIanners, l.Iorals, etc.). Feet-Disorders of-(See Feet). Ailments-General Ailments and DisFlatulence; Fractures- (See "Acciorders-(See "Disorders" in this secdents" in this section). tion). Gout-In the Arms-(See "Arms" unBlood-General Debility o f - (See der Gout). "Blood" under Debility). Hands-Diseases In-Fractures, Hurts, Injuries To-(See Hands). Debility-(See "GenerRI Debility" unHead-Diseases In-Accidents Toder Debility; "Debility" under Nerves; (See Head). "Weakness" in this section).



Disorders-General Disorders and Ail-1 ments-Are go\·erned by the 6th H., i the sign on the cusp, or planets in the : 6th. (See Ailments, Disease, Disorders, Sixth House). Dropsy-General Dropsy-(See "Anasarca" under Dropsy). Eruptions-General On the Face or Over the Body-(See Eruptions; "Eruptions" under Face; :\Ieasles, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox, etc.). Headaches-General Over the Head(See "General" under Headaches). Health-General Health-(See "General" under Health). Ill-Health-General 111-Health-General \Veakness-(Scoco Debility, Feeble; "General", "Ill-Health All Thru Life", under III-Health; Infirm, Invalids, Sickly; ":\Iuch Sickness" under Sickness; "Low" under Vitality; "\Veak Body" under YVeak, etc.). 31alaise-General :\Ialaise-(See :\Ialaise). Relaxation-Genera 1 RelaxationLaxity-(See Relaxation). "\Veakness-General \Veakness-(See "Ill-Health" in this section). Whole Body-The Disease or \Veakness Is General Over the \Vhole Body -(See Whole). GENERATIVE SYSTEJI-Genera ti ve Organs-Generation--Organs of Regeneration-Sex 0 r g an s-GenitalsReproductive Organs-Privy PartsSecret Parts, etc.-Are ruled by cf', I', the 11]1, =, and 11l signs, and the 8th H. The external organs of generation are ruled by cf'. the and m signs. The internal organs of generation are ruled by I' and the 11]1, o::=, and 11l signs. :\Ialefics in 11J1, and espec. in 11J1 in the 6th H., tend to greatly affect and disturb the uterus and internal generative organs. The following subjects have to do with the organs of Generation, which see in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered here. Abscess I n - (See "Abscess" under Secrets). All Diseases In-Signified by the 7th and 8th H., and the and 11l signs; afflictions in Jll, and are 11l diseases; }! diseases, and caused by afflictions to the }!, and espec. with the }! in Til; cf' diseases, either in men or women; I' affl. in Jll. (See Genitals; "All Diseases" under Secrets). Barrenness-\Vholly Unfit for Generation-(See Barrenness). Cancer Of-(See "Generative Organs" under Carcinoma). Chancre; Chancroid; Death- From Disorders of-Afflictions in the fixed signs, al'ld espec. in m. Deformities Of-(See Eunuchs; "Sex Channels" under Genitals; Hermaphrodites, Maimed, Virile). Diseases Of-Afflictions in 11]1, o::=, Jll, the 6th, 7th or 8th H.; Subs at LPP (4, 5L). (See the various paragraphs in this section, and under Females, Genitals, Men, Privates, Reproduction, Secret Parts, Sex, Venereal, Women). Distempers In-Infirmities In-Mem-



Generative System bers of Generation Afflicted-(See "Diseases" under Genitals; "Distempers" under Secrets). Eruptions In-l,l affl. in m; 1,l in 11l in the 6th H., and affl.; "-!- in 11l and affl. the }! or Asc. (See Eruptions). Excessive Jiembers-(See Yirile). External Organs- Of GenerationDiseases of-Afflictions To-Hurts To -Afflictions to cf'; cf' affl. in or Til( See Genitals). Female Organs-Of Generation-Diseases of-Afflictions To-(See Females, Genitals. 0 varies, Yagina, Vulva, Womb, vVomen, etc.). Fruitfulness; Functions-The Generative Functions-Abuse of-(See "Passional Excesses" under Passion; Perversions; "Solitary" under \'ice, etc.). Genitals- (See the various paragraphs under Genitals). Genito-l:'rinary System-Disorders of -(See Genito-Urinary). Gestation; Glands Of- (See Glands, Glans Penis (see Penis); :Muciparous, Ovaries, Testes, etc.). Gonorrhoea; Hydrocele; Impotent; Infirmities In-(See All Diseases, Diseases, Distempers, and the various paragraphs in this section). Inflammatory Disorders Of-cf' affl. in m; I' in i:J or 11l in c), D. or 8 cf'. (See "Inflammatory" under Genitals, Secrets). Injuries To-(See Maimed). Internal Organs-Of GenerationDisorders of-Afflictions in 11J1 or 11l; affl. in Til with females; cf' affl. in 11J1 or m. and espec. when in the 6th or 8th H.; afflictions to I'. (See Ovaries, Womb). Leucorrhoea; illaimed; ill ale OrganOf Generation-(See Penis). ilialformations-1!! and lt in 8 or Jll. (See "Deformities" in this section). illasturbation-(See "Solitary" under Vice). Men- (See "Mens' Genitals" ·under Genitals). Menses; Muciparous Glands-(See Muciparous). Nervous Disorders Of-(See Nerves" under Secrets). Obstructions In-The O or 1t affl. in nt. (See Obstructions). Ovaries; Pains I n - (See "Pains" under Secrets). Parturition; Passional Excesses-(See Passion). Penis; Perversions; Powers OfStrong- Weak, etc.- (See Amativeness, Apathy, Barren; "Signs Of" under Children; Creative, Fruitful, Impotent; "Powers" under Sex). Pregnancy; Prenatal; Privates; Procreation; Propagation-(See Amative). Pudic; Puerperal; Regeneration; Reproduction; Scandalous Diseases(See Scandalous). Scrotum; Secrets-Secret Parts-Note the various paragraphs under Genitals, Reproductive Organs, Secrets, Sex, as they are ~Supplemental to thi~:> section).






Self-Abuse- (See "Solitary" under Vice). Semen-Seminal-(See Semen). Sensitive- (See "Generative Organs" under Sensitive). Sensuality; Sex- Sex Organs- Sex Diseases-(See Sex). Spei"J1latozoon-(See Semen). Sterility; Strong Powers Of- (See "Powers" in this section). Swellings In-(See "Inflammation" in this section; "Swellings" under Secrets). Testes; Tumors In-'2! or 'f affl. in m. (See Tumors). Uicer In-(See "Genitals" under Ulcer). Undeveloped-The Generative Organs Undeveloped-II influence; II affl. in 8 or m; II c:\ W in 8 or m; the W influence tends to undevelopment in the part ruled by the sign he is in at B. (See Defects, Deficient, Diminished, Undersized, Undeveloped, etc.). Unfit-Wholly Unfit for Generation(See Barrenness). Urethra; Uterus-(See Womb). Vagina; Varicocele- (See Scrotum, Varicose). Venereal Diseases-(See Venereal). Virile- Excessive Virile Members(See Virile). Vulva; Weakness-Of the Generative System-Planets in the fixed signs, and afflicted, tend to weaken the Generative System; planets in 8 by reflex action to m. and in and :::: by their D aspects to m; malefics in 111. at B., and affl. the hyleg; the }) hyleg in nt, and afflicted, tends to weaknesses and afflictions of the female generative organs; 'i' affl. in m. (See the various paragraphs in this section). Wol):lb--Note the various paragraphs under ViTomb). Women-See the various paragraphs under Females, Women). GENEROUS-GenerositY-'ll influence; '2! well-aspected in J or X; '2! in the Asc. or 1\i.C.; the }) c:\ '2! in J, X. the Asc., or M.C. (See Humane, Kind, Riches, Sympathetic). GENITALS-Genital Organs-The Genitalia-Pudic-Privities- Members of Generation- Secrets- Reproductive Organs- External Sex Organs, etc. Denoted by d. m. and the 8th H. The subjects of Generative Organs, Genitals, Secret Parts, Sex Organs, Reproductive Organs, Privates, etc., are practically one and the same, but are divided into several Sections and Articles in this book for handy reference, and under the headings mentioned prominently in Astrological Literature. See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not more fully considered here. A; 0 Sig. ings" under Secrets). in D or 10>; I? Sig. in 11J1 or 7€; 'j? * or 6 9; ~ ascending in 1111; ~ Sig. in :; ~ Syphilis; Testes; Trouble- With the Sig. * or 6 o; ~ Sig. in D, an ingeniGenitals-The ]) affl. in i:l, by reflex ous, pregnant fancy; e:::;; and 10> influence action in Jll. (See "Diseases", and the strong at B.; 10> on the Asc. When the various paragraphs in this section). ]) is Sig. in 10> the native is not inUlcer-In the Genitals- (See "Genigenious. (See "Judgment Good" under tals" under Ulcer). Judgment; Learning, Mathematical, Undeveloped- The Genitals UndevelMechanical; "Quickened" under Menoped-(See "Undeveloped" under Gental; "Good Mind" under Mind). erative). Inventors-(See :Mathematical). Urethra; "\'Tagina; ""\'"aricocele; Mathematical-(See Mathematics). Yenereal; Yents-And Channels-(See "Channels" in this section). JUechanical-(See Mechanical). Yirile JUembers-(See Virile). Jtlusicians- :Musical Geniuses- (See Vulva; '\Yhites-(See Leucorrhoea). Music). '\Vomb; Women- (Note the various Not Ingenious-The ]) Sig. in 10>. (See paraP,"raphs under Females, \Vomen). Dull). GE~ITO-I;RINARY SYS'rE31-The GenPig- A Performing Pig- Case-See ito- Urina1-y System, Tract, or Organs, "Performing Pig", No. 781, in 1001 N.N. are ruled by the 11l sign, and are (See Swine). strongly affected for good or evil by Precocious-Premature Mental Develthe 0, ]) , and planets acting thru this opment-(See Premature). sign, according to the aspects. The cJ Pregnant Genins-h Sig. in :; Sig. Group of Herbs have a pathological in m; \> Sig. in D, a pregnant and Inaction on the Genito-Urinary System. genious fancy. (See "Ingenious" in this The nerves of the Genito-Urinary System are ruled by I;I and 9, and the 1 section). arteries and veins by 'lJ-. The Glands , Prentature-(See HPrecocious" in this of are ruled by 1j1. I section).





Reading-Child Reads at three years of age, studies Darwin, Huxley, at eight years of age. See Case, "Wiener", No. 353, in 1001 N.N. (See "Child Prodigy" under Prodigy). Two Things at Once- A Male can write a letter and solve a problem at the same time-Case-See "Neptune", No. 352, in 1001 N.N. GENTEELGenteel Eody-(See Beautiful, Handsome, vVell-Proportioned). Genteel Carriage-(See "Genteel" under Gait). Genteel In lUanner-The 0 6 \) at B.; the ]J Sig. 6 or good asp. to 'i'. Not of Genteel Forin-(See Crooked, Deformed; "HI-Formed" under Ill; Ugly, etc.). GENTLE-Harmless-PeacefulGentle Disposition-Harmless-People born under strong 'i' influence; 'i' Sig. in J, :::, or )-(; the 0 Sig. in e:::o or )-(; the )) strong at B., and wellplaced and aspected; the 0 Sig. in 8, e:::o, or ;:-:; the )) Sig. or /':-, 'i'; 1t Sig. 6 \) and free from ill-asps. of maleflcs; 1t Sig. in )-(; the ::: influence tends to. (See Harmless, Mild, Temper) .• GEOCENTRIC- The System of Astrology which takes the Earth as a center, and the movements of the planets as seen from the Earth, and in the Earth's Zodiac. The most of the influences in this "\Vork are based upon this System. The Planetary Tables, used by Astronomers and Astrologers in general, and by the Navies of the World, are Geocentric. Also Raphael's Ephemeris gives the Geocentric positions and Longitudes of the planets for each current year. See Earth, Heliocentric). GERlUS- Microbes- Bacteria-Germinal-Pestilential Virus, etc.-( See Air, Cholera, Epidemics, Microbes, Microzymasis, Miasma; "Virus" under Pestilence; Zymotic, etc.). Germinal-( See Protoplasma). lUorbid Germs- (See Day, Night; "Night Action" under Moon). GESTATION-Pregnancy-The Prenatal Period-Maternity-The State of a Woman with Child-The Puerperal State, etc. -The )) rules the mother during Gestation. The 0, )), and Asc. at B., and their relation to each other, indicate whether the period of gesta-


tion has been normal, or plus or minus,

according to whether the )) is above or below the horizon at B., increasing or decreasing in light. (See Prenatal Epoch). The period of gestation is seven or nine months, at which times the )) forrns the D and /':-, aspects to her place at conception, and children born at these times live, but children born at the 8th month do not survive, as the )) forms no special aspect to her place at the 8th month. (See "Eight Months Children" under Children). The state of a woman with child is judged by the 5th H. and its influences. The subject of Gestation is also considered under Pregnancy. (See Pregnancy). The folloWing subjects have to do with Gestation, the


Prenatal Period, Pregnancy, the Foetus, etc., which subjects see in the alphabetical arrangement when not considered here. Abortion; Abnormal Gestation- Afflictions in 11]1, ""· or m, and also in the 5th H. Also caused by Subs at PP (2, 3, 4L). (See Abortion; "Death" under Children; Foetus, Pregnancy, Premature, Prenatal, Stillborn). Birth; Children; Conception; Eight Months Children- (See this subject under Children). Embryo; Foetus; Fruitful; lUaternity -(See Maternal, Maternity, Mother). Miscarriage; JUonstcrs; Jlioon- (See "Gestation", and the various paragraphs under Moon). Parturition; Pregnancy; Pre1nature Birth-( See Abortion, Premature). Prenatal Epoch-The Conditions "\Vhich Prevail from Conception to Birth-(See Prenatal). Quickening; Seven iUonths Children(See "Eight Months Children" under Children; Parturition, Premature). Two "\Veeks Before Time-Born Two Weeks Early, etc.-Case-(See Cases under Premature). GESTICUI,ATION -Gestures -Characteristic of the Fixed Signs, and especially of 8. (See Speech). GHASTl,Y LOOK- (See Pale, Sickly, White). GHOSTS- (See "Astral Shells" under Astral). GIANTS-Abnormally Tall-The tallest people, as a rule, are produced by the :t sign, and espec. when this sign is upon the Asc. at B., and with the 0 and 1t rising in this sign. The 26° :t on the Asc., a physical prodigy. Also lji rising tends to abnormal tallness. It is not always easy to determine the height from the natal map, and the prenatal conditions should be considered, heredity, ancestry, and also the inherent qualities of the Ego may enter into the matter. (See Enlarged; "Abnormal Growth" under Growth; Height; "Body" under Large; Pituitary, Tall, etc.). GIDDINESS-Dizziness-( See Dizziness, Fainting, Vertigo). GIFTED -Highly Accomplished- (See Excellent, Genius; "Good Mind" under Mind; "Natural Abilities"" under Natural). GINSENG-A Typical Drug of J+. (See "Typical Drugs" under Jupiter). GIVER OF LIFE- Hyleg- AphetaProrogator-(See Hyleg). Givers of Children- (See "Givers of Children" under. Children). GLANCES-The Look of the Eyes-(See Expression; "Glances" under Eyes; Look). GLANDS-Glandular System-GlansGonads-Organs of Secretion-The Glands are under the rulership of the 0, )), \¥, the mutable signs, and the internal rulership of )-(. The glands as a whole are under the rule of the



and "(, but individual glands are I also under the rule of other planets. The glandular processes generally are ruled by the }). Also 'i' acts strongly upon the glands, causing glandular, I and other swellings, at fixed points. The Glands are one of the manifestations of the Yital Body, and are the organs of secretion. (See "Body" under Yital). The Glands are subject to the physiological action of the planets and herbs ruled by '/. The Glands of the different parts of the body are ruled also and affected by the sign I of the Zodiac ruling the part, and the I lord of such sign, and are stimulated or suppressed according to the ! nature of the planets in such sign~. and the aspects to them at B., and by dir. The principal glands of the body are listed and mentioned in this Article. See the following subjects in the alphabetical arrangement when not more fully considered here. Addison's Disease-(See Adrenals). Adrenals; Affected- Tlw Glands Affected- Caused principally by afflictions to the C. }) , "(, and with afflictions in 3-E and the common signs. W rules the glandular system, and when in signs which rule the arms, hands. legs, and feet, tends to shrinking and withering of the limbs, and wasting of the tissues of the parts. (See "Dis~ eases" in this section; the Introduction under Aneurysm). Aneurysm; Arnts--Glands of Affected -(See "Affected" in this section; Aneurysm). Bowels-The }) in 11J1 rules the glands and functions of the bowels, and the }) affl. in 11J1 tends to glandular troubles in the bowels. Q in 11J1 tends to wasting of the glands of the bowels. (See "Glandular" under Bowels). Bubo; Cervical Glands- (See Cervical). Cervix- G 1 and s of Affected- (See "Cervix" under \Vomb). Clitoris-The Glans Clitoris- (See Clitoris). Cowper's Glands-(See Cowper). Cysts-(See Aneurysm, Cysts). Develops-The Glands-¥ in or !'c, the Asc. develops the Glandular System. Digestion-The Digestive G 1 and s (See Digestion, Gastric, Juices, Stomach). Diseases Of-Disorders of-The 0 in water signs tends to disorders of; afflictions to "! or the }) ; afflictions in :7t and the common signs; Subs at SP (7D). (See the various paragraphs in this section). Disorders Of-(See "Diseases" and the various paragraphs in this section). Ductless Glauds-(See Ductless). Endocrine Glands-(See Ductless). Feet-Glands of Affected- (See "Affected" in this section). Fever-Glandular Fever-The 0 or }) affl. by o; o in the various signs tends to glandular fever in the part ruled by such sign; Subs at CP, KP, and Local. (See Fever).



Glands Fixed Points- Glandular Swellings at Fixed Points- 'i' diseases. (See "Swellings" in this section). Gastric Glands-( See Digestion, Stomach, in this section). Genito-Urinary Organs- The glands of are ruled by \V, and W affl. in ~ or lll tends to disorders of. (See GenitoUrinary). Glans-Glans Clitoris-Glans Penis(See Clitoris, Penis). Gonads-(See "Reproductive" in this section). Groins- G Ian d s In Affected- Enlarged-(See Bubo, Groins). Hands-Glands of-(See "Affected" in this section). Head-Glands of-The Glands of the Head are affected and disturbed by the }) or W in ')'. (See Pineal, Pituitary, in this section). Inguinal Glands-(See Bubo, Groins). Intestines-Bowels-Glands of-(See "Bowels" in this section). H:idneys-Glands of-Afflictions in ~ tend to disorders of. (See Kidneys). Lachr·ymal-(See Tears). Lacteals-(See Milk). Legs-Glands of- (See "Affected" in this section). IAmbs-Glands of-(See "Affected" in this section). Liver; Lymphatic Glands- (See Lymph). Jlammary Glands- (See Breasts, ::\Illk). lUesenteric Glands-(See Mysentery). lUilk Glands-Lacteals-(See Breasts, Mrlk). iUoutlt-Glands of-(See Mouth, Salivary). Muciparous- 1\Iucus- (See Muciparous, Mucous). illumps-The Parotid Glands Affected -(See Parotid). Neck-Glands of Affected-Glandular Swellings In the Neck and Throat(See "Glandular Swellings" under Throat). Ovaries; Pancreas; Parenchyllla; Parotid; Penis- Glans Penis- (See Penis). Pineal; Pituitary; Prostate; Racemose-(See Pancreas). Repr01Iuctive Glands- Sex GlandsGonads-Ruled by o and the 111. sign. (See Ovaries, 0 v u m, Reproduction, Semen, Sex, Testes, etc.). Salivary; Sebaceous; Secretory-(See Secretions). Sex Glands- Gonads- (See "Reproductive" in this section). Skin-Glands of-Ruled by ~ and JD>. Disorders of caused by afflictions in these signs, and also by an afflicted !I or 'jl. (See Skin, Sweat). Softening-Of the Glandular Tissue~o -A 'i' and '"" disease. (See Softening). Spleen; Stomach-Disorders of Glands of-The }) in e::;; rules the glands of the stomach. Also W in