Elements of Stuttering
 9998978300, 9789998978300

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Elements of Stuttering

Courtney Stromsta Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan

Atsmorts Publishing P.O. Box 533 Osh temo, Micl1iga11 49077-0513

Cop\. 11gh t 1986 bv Courtnc\. Strom ... ta Librar\ ol Congl'\.'Ss Catalog Care.I Nunib'-•r: 86-90366 Printed in the lJnit\.·c.I States of America

No part of 1hi ... publictition n1a\ be 1cproduccc.I or u.1n,,1n111'-·d 111 an' 101111 orb\ c111\ means. clct.lron1t. or mcchan1cal including photc \Ve can understand that efforts concerned \Vi th isolating organic or consti-

Stuttering: A Frame of Reference


tutional correlates of stuttering have not been conclusive 01· very pro ductivc. What \\IC must reali.£e is that the various systems o( th~ body which col lectively and synchronously generate speech arc in son1e manner directed, monitored, and controlled by an estimatelUl lCr"\·ation of J ones ( 1966) \\'herein complete remi ssion oJ stullering occurred in tour cases folio\\ 1ng neurosurgery fur unrelated lesions i11 011c of tJ1cir ccrcb1 al hcn1i.,JJt1c1 l!S. According lo Junes . the 1cmi.,s1on of stuttering fron1 a une-sicJl.'d opera· tion coul d signify "a n interference of one hemisphere \\'ith the spt·ech performance o( tl1e other' in stuttering. His interpretation c.oulring and control. Thus, the bilateral broad tuning of alpha act1vitv of nonstutterers cou lignif) that. in a probab1J1-,t1c scnsl.', the)' l1avc

E lements of Stuttering


fe\ver c h a nces for the ga ting in of sti n1uli and gating out of syncJ1ronous bi lalc ral pallcrns for speech. The su ggllt£1eri11g? Witl1 regard lo tl1e i11consistencv of intrapl1oncmic disruptions, an inherent fcatt1rc of correlation anal\sis - is tl1at as a function of time it -viel, the , Un1\crs1t\ of lO\Va - - - , an, I 33 cn1ot 1onal a rousa I dur 111~. I 3o 141, nuenc) periods during. 141 - 151 , goal ol, 116, 117, oatutc of, 115 116 . See c1/~o Group therapv: Svn1ptorn therapy , procedures ol ~' n1ptun1 therapy, proccJure'i of. 117 152, discnm1nate basic stuttering \Cr,us \.Otnplic:aung bcha\ ior'> (pha-.c thr('e) 120-124, discuc;'> compll•-..it\ of spcc..:h (phase one), 118-119, discuss no11nal speech produc.:uon (ph.1se t\\'O), 119-120, object1fv percentage of -.tuth.•11ng \'ersus normal i.pecch (phu.,t.• lour). 124-126; O\crcomc rmpassctrclapse {phase seven), 141-151; prac:tict: and strengthen coartt\.ulation (phase five), 126-136; preparation tor pu