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AS Edexcel History ;
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Mark Gosling Series editors: Robin Bunce and Laura Gallagher
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Printed and bound in ]ndfo. A catalogue record £or this title is available fro:m the Brttisl, Llbrazy ISBN 97,8 1 444.15210 4
lntrod u ction
c tion 1 : The c l,all nges to t he Tsarist state . 1881-1906
Revised S
. The· extent of change in Russia, 1 881-1894 ......... = -~ ..... . .... Th e impact of Witte's policies on Russia, 1892-1903 ' :
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~ .... .i .. .... ........
The nature of Nicholas ll's regime and the effectiveness. of his rule
... ......'
Th e causes of the 1905, Russian Revolution
8 10
If"! . . . . . .
.... .. ... ., . '
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Political opposition to the Tsarist system of rule
Key events and ,o ons,e quenoes of the 1905 Revolution
12 14
Exam focus
........ . ~
ReVlsed Sec ion 2: Tsaris1T1 S last cha1,ce, 1906-1917
.............. .. .. .,........ ...... .. ... ... .,. . ......; .-.... .~
• r• "• •
~ '
...... --...... Revised ...~ ,......~
The· role and impact of the Dumas, 190&-1914
Why was Stolypin important in the period 1906-1 '9 11?
Th,e, impact of the First World War on the Russian armed forces The impact of the First World War on Russian politics and economy
22 24
Causes o,f the Russian Revolution, February "191 7
The February Revolution
28 30
Exam focus
Section 3 : February to Oct ober 1917
Difficulties facing the· Praivisional Government
The impact of Lenin 's return to Russia in AJpril 1917
To,e significance of the July Days and General Kornilov
The, key events of the October 1917 Revolution The· extent of Bolshevik support in October 1917
38 40
Why did the Bolsheviks succeed in October 1917?
Exam focus
.e .: ." .!I• •••.. ......... .... .. .. .. ~- . ... . ........... :......: ............. .......... .......... • • .!I !! • • •
Revised S e ction 4 : Keeping ar,d co,,solidating power. 1918-1924 c~
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iii ... · -
Establishment of the Sovnarkom ,and c losing of the Constituent Ass·e mbly
Early measures to secure Co,m munist control and establishment of the Po~ice 8tats
Th,e causes of the Russian Civil War
Reasons for the Communist victory and the importance of Wa.r Communism The, establishm,e nt of the USSR in 1922 .a nd the death of Lenin
52 54 56
Exam focus.
The causes and impact of New Economic Policy (NEP)
Introduction About Uni 1 Unit 1 is worth 50 per cent of your~ level. lt requires detailed knowledge ·Of a historical period and the ability to explain the causes consequences and significance 1
of historical events. There are no sources in the Unit 1 exam and the.refore aU marks available a.re awarded for use of you.r own kn.owledge.
ln the exam, you are required to answe.r two questions from a range of options. The exam lasts for one hour and twenty minutes, unless you have been avvarded extra time. 1he questions are all worth 80 marks and therefa.r e you should divide your time equally beu,veen the questions. Th.e questions you an.swer must be on diffe·r ent topics. This book deals exclusively with Topic D3: Russia in Revolution 1881- 1924: From Autocracy to Dictatorship. How·ever, you 1nust also be prepared to answer a question on another topi.c.
The exam v.;ill test your ability to:
sele·c t information that focuses on th,e ques tton
• • •
organise this information to provide an answer to the question show range and depth in the examples yoo provide analyse the significance of the information used to reach an overall judgement.
Russia in Rev oluti.o n, 1881 - 1924·: From Autocrac y to Dictatorship The ex.am board specifies that students should study four general areas as part of this topic: 1. The challenges to t.he Tsarist state, 1881- 1906.
2. Tsarism's last chance, 1906- 1917: the Dumas; Stolypin; th.e impact of war; the downfall of the Romanovs. 3. Februaiy to October 1917: the Provisional Government and th·e Bolsh·e vik coup _ 4 . Holding on to and consolidating power, 1918-1924: the civil war; changing economic policies; creating the Soviet state.
H w o use t is book
Key historical content
This book has been designed to help you to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the exam. The book is divided into four sections - one for each general area of the course. Each section is made up of a series of topics
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organls ed into double-page spreads. O·n the left-hand page, you v1ill find a summary of the key content you need to learn. Words in bold in the key content are, defined in the glossary (pages 62-64) . On the right-hand page, you will find exam focused activities. Together, these
1Mlo strands of the book will take you through the knowledge and skills essential for exam s ucc es s.
-., Exam-focused activities
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1 ll.-a r. 5he encoura9ed Jiim to s-pend more time with J..ir family i,i~eod of J...elpin9 to 9overll tJ...e Rvrs-ian Empi,-e . He wos- ver-y reJvctantto rho re poJ iti ea I power LNit'1 d ifferel'lt 9You pr i l'l RoS'5io .. tie could be rothler5 and encovra9ed ath:icks- on JeWiS'.h conimuppo rted by pea fa rits. TJ..,e 5oci a Ii s-t Revolc..,-tio r,aries v,ed vi oJenc e and ~ete respons-ible for the orra.rrination of tJ,,e Trot 1S' u,,c,e., Gtar\d Duke Ser9ejJ in 1'105. The 13oJ sJ-,eviks ond M erisl'levi kr o Jso played a ,..oJe by participotit19 in t},,e Petro9rad Soviet ir, 1'105. The Bol.s"J-,eviks: alro .helped ot9an;,e and patticipoted ;., +.ire armed upr,.riri9 ,,.., Moscow iri December 1Gf05. Liberah· svcJ.i or Pave, Milivko, eS"tablirhed political 9ro tJP5 svcJ.. as tJ,.,e i9nificar,tfacto1· i" tJ.-,e Boh·Jievik; 9oinirJ9 power. TolNatd:, t'-,e er,d of Au9vrt f