Early Writings, 1920-1934 0871270978, 9780871270979

The teaching of posture and the main structure as it moves in the upright position; and the teaching of better body bala

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Early Writings, 1920-1934
 0871270978, 9780871270979

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Mabel Elsworth Todd

Early Writings 1920~1934 I. Principles of Posture (1920) II. Principles of Posture, with Special Reference to the Mechanics of the Hip-joint (1921) III. The Balancing of Forces in the Human Being; Its Application to Postural Patterns (1929)

IV. The First Principles of Body Balance (1934)

With a New Introduction by Fritz E. Popken

Dance Horizons, New York, 1977

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Publisher. ISBN 0-87127-097-8 Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 76-49252 Printed in the United States of America Dance Horizons. 1801 East 26th Street. Brooklyn. N.Y. 11229


Mabel Elsworth Todd's primary life's interest and work concerned itself with the study and teaching of posture, and the human structure as it moves in the upright postion. The most definitive description of her methods and thoughts on the subject are expressed in her book The Thinking Body. The Hidden You was written late in life and tries to bring into focus her lifetime experiences in dealing with man's problems as reflected in his posture patterns. Her approach to teaching better body balance and greater freedom of movement was, and remains, unique. It did not involve the introduction of new exercises but rather a new procedure of thinking about movement. This publication makes available some of Todd's early publications, giving us thus an insight into the development of her basic concepts for posture and movement. Her first paper was published in 1920 in The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. In the introduction of the paper, Dr. E.G. Brackett states: "It is not possible that all of the theories and methods which are presented by Miss Todd will have complete acceptance." They still do not, and one wonders why. Her basic criteria for an acceptable method for teaching posture and movement are simple and direct: (1) do they enhance mechanical freedom, (2) are they true to anatomical fact, and (3) do they favor better functioning of physiological activities. Her primary concern in her early teaching was with the mechanical aspects of the balance of the skeletal structure and thus working toward a more efficient use of energy and the reduction of stresses and strains. She was fully aware of the fact that misalignment of one weight mass was accompanied by a concomitant deviation in another part, a point later well documented through the research studies of one of her students, Dr. Lulu E. Sweigard.

In the publication, The Balancing of Forces in the Human Being, Todd for the first time deviates from her sole emphasis on the mechanical principles of movement and introduces the importance of psychological principles in the study of posture. "With a concept of balanced adjustment as an active picture in our minds, concentration on that picture will result in such responses in the neuromusculature as are necessary to carry out the specific movement to affect the desired end." This was, and to some extent still is, a novel and unconventional concept. Yet it does work. With a now available better understanding of muscle contraction and nervous system activity her concept seems no longer untenable. While one may take issue with certain aspects of Todd's interpretations, one is nonetheless left with a sense of admiration for the vision, imagination and integrity that permeates her work. Fritz E. Popken



Principles of Posture (1920)

[Reprinted from the BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. clxxxii, No. 26, pp,. 645-649, June 24, 1920.]






E. G. BRACKETT, M.D., BOSTON. THE significance of the normal posture, and the importance of the part that it plays in the preservation of health need no emphasis at this time, certainly to the medical profession, and hardly to the people in general. However, in the wide interest and enthusiasm which has come in the recognition of the need of attention to this subject, there is much to be learned in the practical standardization in the determination of what the true normal posture may be, and in the methods of attaining this, particularly in the correction from the abnormal. It is also clear that much in the more popular methods of posture correction needs revision, as well as in the conception of what the normal posture should be, and we are therefore glad to welcome the results of the: study and experience of those who have been for a long time devoting themselves to this important subject. BY

Miss Todd, whose communication follows, has devoted her time for many years to this subject, and has formulated certain principles of true posture and me:thods of working to this end which deserve the study and discussion of those definitely interested in this work. It is not possible that all of the theories and methods which are presented by Miss Todd will have complete acceptance; there is yet too much to learn in the subject for a uniformity of opinion, but so much of truth, combined with common sense is in this that we are grateful to add to our knowledge from the experience she has gained. THE subject of posture: is so intricate and so closely related to the functioning of every part and organ of the body that we cannot approach it with too much respect. In this paper I shall consider it in its aspect to adjustment of the weight of the body at rest. It is important to start with correct position at rest, in order to attain proper coordination of muscles when the body is in motion. It is essential to find the posture which will secure to the entire me:chanism the greatest unity of force with the least expenditure of effort. In every posture assumed to be true three tests should be required,-:first, does it make for mechanical freedom ; second, is it true to anatomical fact; third, does it establish better functioning to one or more organs? Any 2

rigidity in a structure made up of articulated parts prevents coordinate action. Without coordinate action in the human frame the muscles have lost much of their freedom, and normal functioning, therefore, is impossible. Gravity is recognized as an elementary force. It acts upon the structure as a whole and also upon each separate part. Faulty adjustment in relation to this law causes interference with the proper reaction of articulated parts and free coordination of the muscles. The deeper we study the subject of mechanics, and of posture, the more we realize how far reaching this effect is upon the entire organism. Place on one side of an evenly balanced rod a fifty-pound weight. If you wish to retain the equilibrium of the rod you must either place the same weight on the opposite side, or apply your own energy to the amount of fifty pounds pressure. Cl

Move the fifty-pound weight back to the center of the rod and no effort is required to hold it up. It is balanced. Mechanical law explains that the nearer to center weight is maintained, the less expenditure of energy is required to keep it in equilibrium. It is evident, therefore, that if we dis3

cover the position of the best mechanical advantage, this position must correspond with anatomical facts. If the mechanical advantage and the anatomical fact are found in the adjustment, it must follow that every or-• gan of our body would have the most normal functioning possible, and energy, therefore, would not b~ wasted. Let us place three granite blocks in a perpendicular alignment. If the median line of the structure passes directly through the center of the weight of each block, gravity will then exercise an equal pull upon the parallel sides of each block. Swing the weight of one of these blocks out of its relationship to the center of the whole. If it has to be held in that position a power foreign to itself must be applied. Refer to fifty pound block.

In the human structure the three principal groups of weight are the skull, the thorax, and the pelvis; if these are· balanced at center in relation to the median line, all parts of the articulations will be subject to equal weight, hence there will be no unequal strain upon liga4

ments or muscles. I£ any one of these three bony blocks is not supported at the center of the structure it will require muscular effort to maintain it in the position out of that alignment. There is a natural alignment of all the bones to each other. I£ this natural relationship is disturbed it produces an unequal pull upon muscles and ligaments. Hence, any attempt to hold bones out of their natural alignment involves an unnecessary strain and a waste of energy. If the center of the weight of each of the three bony" blocks" is maintained at the median line of the structure there would be an equal distribution of energy in the muscles around the entire surface of the wall of each ''block.'' Thus by balancing the weight of the thorax at the center of the structure, the least muscular effort is required and the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles are thereby freed for normal functioning. An elevated sternum swings the weight of the thorax forward from its natural alignment in relation to the pelvis and the skull, and inequality of muscular action is the result; this position forces the shoulders back, thus pulling the weight of the shoulders and the weight of the thorax in opposite directions. The diaphragm has thus lost its normal alignment and its functioning, therefore, will be limited. The muscular attachments around tha scapula are also contracted to maintain the pull. The ribs in the back are pushed down, crowd-


ing the area around the dorsal vertebrae, and the clavicle pressing upon the first rib produces added strain in the dorsal spine. Assuming that the thoracic weight is perfectly balanced, there will be no muscular effort to hold the sternum in a fixed position and the ribs are thereby re-leased. The position of the shoulder should next be considered. The particular function of the shoulder-girdle is to protect the thoracic wall from the weight and strain of the shoulder and arm structure and the movements thereof. This is attained only when the clavicular attachment at the sternum is free. This b_eingthe only bony articulation between the shouldergirdle and the thoracic wall, equality of muscular action at this point is important. With the clavicular articulation fre:e, freedom can be attained for all muscles of the shoulder-girdle, and the shoulder-girdle can thus be made to protect the ribs and the spine from the manifold activities of the arm. Freedom of action of the muscular attachments of the clavicle and spina scapulae would give breadth to the shouldergirdle, and bring. the acromion directly abov0 the median line of the ribs at sides, thus protecting the ribs from the irregular contractions of the arm and shoulder muscles. This position of the shoulder-girdle would be similar to the wooden yoke on which the Hollanders carry their water pails. 6

By th is adjustment tlw vntebral border of 1he scapula will assume its normal alignment to the dorsal angle of the ribs, ,i.e., the perpendicular line of the dorsal angle of the ribs and the Yertebral border of the scapula will be: parallel. The ribs will thus be free from uneven pressure of clavicle and scapula, and equalized pull of all muscles of shoulder is attained. With the clavicular articulation free, the humerus will hang directly under the acromion, with equal pull on all muscular attachments between the arms and the ribs. The arms will thus hang in line with the crests of ilia. This position insures freedom for the action of the lungs and the heart, and for proper flexibility of the dorsal spine. Any muscular effort to hold the chest wall and shoulder superstructure out of this normal alignment in relation to each other is interefering with the freedom of muscular action for normal functioning of thoracic contents. If there is no antagonizing pull between the shoulders and the chest, the diaphragm is fre:ti to functionate normally, i.e., to deepen the cav7

ity of the chest, and to stimulate peristalsis. '£here will be greater freedom for the action of the intercostal muscles at the dorsal angle of the ribs, thereby securing larger capacity to the back of the lungs. The lung expansion cannot be complete in a fixed or tense wall; the mobility of the ribs must be retained at both their extremities, the spine and the sternum. A fixed position of any of the articulations of the body out of their natural alignment necessitates compensatory action to relieve the strain. If this compensatory action falls upon a part of the structure where normally no movement should be induced (such as the sacroiliac) there is an inequality of muscular action and a friction imposed upon all adjoining parts. The particular articulations which are the most important for normal posture are femur with pelvis, ilium with sacrum, sacrum with fifth lumbar; to these must be added, of course, the position of the sternum and of the clavicles. Of the first three, only one is a legitimate joint. The head of the femur in its relation to the acetabulum is the articulation on which the muscular coordination between the torso and the legs depends. Any loss of freedom in this joint imposes compensatory movement at the fifth lumbar and a strain on the sacro-iliac due to the inequality of muscular pull. 8

A lifted sternum and forward thorax increases the lordosis of the lumbar spine, thus stretching the abdominal wall and increasing the obliquity of the pelvis, thereby removing part of the support of the fifth lumbar and increasing its tendency to slide forward on the sacrum. This increases ligamentous tension and prevents muscular freedom of all pelvic muscles. If the center of the pelvis is directly under that of the thorax and of the head, we have the median line passing through each. The relation of the sacrum to the fifth lumbar will then be equal in pressure around the entire area of the articulating contact. This allows the pelvis to assume a normal position. When the normal position of the pelvis is maintained the: quadratus lumborum and psoas muscles assume their normal responsibilities and the muscles of the pelvic floor will also have equality of action. The normal muscular support of the femur in the ace:tabulum will be the result, i.e., the psoas and the iliacus at the front and the pyrif ormis and the obterators at the back will have equal pull upon the femur. The head of the femur will then be free in its articulation with the acetabulum. This insures normal muscular coordination betwe:en legs and torso without disturbing the natural alignment of pelvis. The weight of the skull upon the atlas should be perfectly balanced. The occipital condyles should rest evenly upon the superior articulat9

ing ~urface of the atlas. This attains a balanced and equalized relationship between the atlas and cervical vertebrae, thus giving normal perpendicular alignment to all supporting muscles at the base of the skull. In this balanced position of the skull the forehead will be slightly in advance of the chin. 'l'he perfect poise of the head would be the natural result of the normal alignment of the pelvis and the thorax, through the equalized maintenance of the muscles supporting these parts, and through the reaction of the normal curves of the spine, i.e., if the: lordosis of the lumbar spine is reduced the cervical spine assumes a more perpendicular position. It is impossibhi to correct one part of the body without influencing its reflex. In the following plates are shown the abnormal adjustments forced upon the bony structure by the varying postures of the past twenty years. Nos. 1, A, and 3 A and B. Plates No. 4, A and B, show the result of maintaining a well balanced position.





(From The Delineator.)







PL.4TZ 1111-lPU.

P L.4TII Ilb-1920. (From Vogoue.)





When there is effort to maintain the: weight of an integral part of a structure out of its alignment with the whole, equalized coordination between all parts is lost. This interdependence: of all articulating parts of the human structure requires a close study of the relationship of the articulations to each other, before normal adjustment of the whole can be attained. Reaction between parts is cc,nstant, due to the varying adjustment of weight to the median line of the structure. Therefore to correct one part, one must note the relationship of all others, or friction will be the: result. In assuming this attitude toward body mechanir,s, definite:, specific proof must be ascertained of the mechanical .. anatomical, and physiological advantage of certain position over others that might appear on the surface to be e.qually good. Most of us waste daily more energy than we use. Every man considers a waste of fuel in running his automobile a crime against his pocket-book. It is no less a crime against our organism to waste: energy through mechanical misadjustment, i.e., such adjustments. as would necessarily produce greater friction in the organism in performing its functions. The special features to be emphasized in summary are: First, balance of weight of pelvis, thorax and skull; Second, position of shoulders and sternum; Third, relation of head of femur to acetabulum; Fourth, the position of the fifth lumbar. 15



Principles of Posture, with Special Reference to the Mechanics of the Hip-joint (1921)

[Jwprinted from the BOSTON MEDIC.AL .AND SURGIC.AI.· JOURNAL, Vol. clxxxi.v, No. 25, pp. 667-673, June 23, 1921.]







IN the previous paper• the mechanics of the body were discussed from the standpoint of the distribution of the weight of the bones of the body in relation to the median line of the structure. It was demonstrated that when the median line of the structure passed through the center of each of the units of weight, the structure would be maintained with the least possible strain between its various parts ; and the muscles, therefore, would have the greatest freedom for movement. This law is universally applied in the world of mechanics, where the weight of the articulated parts of a mechanism is so adjusted as to facilitate freedom of movement with the minimum of wear and tear. When the human structure is governed by this law of balance, there will be an equality of pressure be.tween all articulating bony contacts and weight will be maintained at center with the least expenditure of muscular and nervous energy. • BOSTON




24, 1920.



Vol. clxxxii. No. 26,

The points to be discussed in this paper are: I. The Balance of the Principle Units of Weight in Relation to the Whole; II. The Interdependence of the Various Units; and III. The Signifrcance of Normal Mechanics of the Hip-Joint, at Rest and in Motion. THE






In considering this point, we note that every artioulated structure must have a ~dian line. That line may be either the mean line of the weight of the articulated groups, or the mean line of resistance between the articulated units of weight, in which each unit is being held away from center, or out of alignment. The following drawing illustrates this point: Figure I, line a, indicates the median line of weight of articulated groups, or equilibrium of the mass. Figure II, line a, indicates the degree of resistance between the units of weight, b, c, d. It matters not whether the motive power of the mechanism comes from within or without, the above law is operative under all conditions. The motive power may be steam, electrfoity, or nerve energy, the operation of this law must be considered in each case, if conservation of power is to be attained. In studying the mechanics of the human structure, the problem is to find the similarities of the functioning of the anatomical parts in relation to this mechanical principle. 2



Fm. II.

With the principal units of weight of a structure in perfect alignment, there would .be entire freedom of action in all the flexible parts. The main function of the pony structure is to support the weight of the hotly. The bones, being the most inert substance of the human structure, should be maintained in such equilibrium as will require the least possible muscular 'effort for maintenance of weight, and thus release all muscles for perfect coordinate action in movement. In the first paper, it will be remembered that the structure was divided into three principal units of weight, or bony "'blocks," the pelvis, the thorax, and the skull. If the median line passes through the center of weight of all the units, there would be equal pressure at all points of the wall of each unit, and these three units of weight would hang at the point of least resistance, or in equilibrium. Therefore, all parts of the structure contacting with 3

these balanced units of weight would be free from uneven pulls or strains. The conclusion reached was that if the three bony ''blocks'' and the shoulder girdle were not in equilibrium in relation to the central line of the structure, they must be maintained out of position by an increase of muscular effort. THE



Continuing the above argument, a fixed position of any part of the three bony units would tend to hold that part of the spine with which it is in contact, in a stiff position. A state of fixation in any one part of the spine naturally induces the necessity for greater motion in some other portion of the spine, and we thus have an unequal strain upon the spinal column. For example, when you ask anyone to stand erect, he usually does certain definite things; raises his sternum and stiff ens his ribs, thus maintaining the thoracic structure out of alignment at the expense of undue muscular effort. The struggle in the chest wall, induced by the above mentioned conditions, imposes an inequality of pull upon the spine, which interferes with normal functioning and is a waste of energy For instance, if the sternum were elevated beyond the position of equal pressure in the ribs around their entire area, the ribs would thereby be pulled forward, losing their flexibility at the point of contact with the dorsal spine, thus 4

bringing the weight of the thoracic wall out of position, or alignment, in relation to the skull and pelvis. The result would obviously ,be a tightening of all muscles and ligaments of the vertebrae of the dorsal spine. This would tend to produce an increased lordosis of the lumbar spine; as any lack of freedom in one part of the. spine requires compensatory movement in adjoining parts. With continued repetition this position tends to perpetuate itself, and finally becomes a habit. The muscles and ligaments adjust their structures to the constant strain and we lose our sense of normal balance through what we might term a '' false consciousness.'' With this false consciousness, or self-consciousness, ooordination, or the mechanical reflex action of the various parts in movement, is lost to a large extent. If the chest is lifted, the entire structure is laboring under a mechanical disadvantage. For many years this has been one of our glaring mistakes in physical education. If the thorax and the pelvis are in equilibrium, thus freeing the articulating surfaces of the ribs with the dorsal spine, the spinal muscles will he released for coordination, and the lumbar spine will have a tendency to maintain its normal curve. Fixation of the muscles of the dorsal spine, with increased lordosis of the lumbar spine, throws the weight forward and thus weakens the support of the fifth lumbar, allowing it to slip forward, and this, in turn, 5

tends to increase the obliquity of the pelvis, as will be shown presently under '' Mechanics of Hip-joint.'' By increased obliquity of the pelvis, the muscles connecting the head of the femur with the acetabulum, would have an inequality of pull and the weight of the torso is thereby brought out of alignment with its foundation, and its support at the head of the femur weakened. Any inequality of pull of the muscles of the lumbar spine, or of the muscles supporting the femur in the acetabulum, produces an uneven balance of the weight of the structure upon the head of the femur, with resulting strains and the consequent loss of the free action of the hip-joint. This will not only bring a strain upon the muscles of the pelvis and of the hip-joint, but will also produce a strain upon· the ~pine, owing to the unequal pressure upon the vertebrae and the inevitable compematory action of the fifth lumbar. An unequal pull of the deep-lying muscles and ligaments around the head of the femur would make normal functioning at this point difficult, if not impossible. The superficial muscles are thus called upon to assume part of the responsibility of supporting the weight of the body. In a general way, the function of the deep-lying muscles might be regarded as that of maintaining a pull upon weight back toward center; and the function of the superficial muscles, that 0f pulling weight a,way from center, as in the voluntary movements of the 6

limbs."'' This interplay of deep-lying and superficial muscles of the body equalizes inner and outer stress, thus maintaining equilibrium. The result is perfect coordination, and the weight o:fithe body is carried with the least expenditure of effort. Through coordination of the many groups of muscles of the body, there results a unity of force which secures freedom of action in all parts. The bony structure should be so balanced that every ligament and muscle receives the least possible strain, and every muscle of the body is re~dy for active coordination in the readjustment in the various units of weight, necessitated by movement. In a natural or perfectly balanced structure, every organ would be in a position for best functioning, and there would be a normal relation of all parts of the mechanism. This balance of parts should be maintained in movement as well as when the structure is at ease. If the weight of the pelvis is balanced in proper relation to the weight of the thorax at their mean center, as has been explained, it will be seen that the articular surfaces of the sacrum and the fifth lumbar vertebra will be in normal contact. The contact of this articulation is normal when the weight of the vertebrae of the spine rests evenly upon the sacrum, and all spinal muscles are free for coordination, otherwise weight of * By the superfical muscles are meant all muscles involved in the voluntary movement.a of the extremities.


the spine would be maintained at a disadvantage. The amount of weight to be adjusted is not important. The significant fact is that all structures, and parts of structures, must be balanced. Each integral part of a structure must rest evenly upon that part directly beneath it if freedom from strain, and ooordination of parts is to be attained. With the articulation of the fifth lumbar and the sacrum normal, the lumbar spine will retain its natural curve and the deep-lying muscles of this region will have their proper alignThis ment, or their normal perpendicularity. will bring the weight of the torso upon the center of the head of the femur in its contact with the acetabulum. Faulty adjustment of weight at one point or always impli'es mechanical readjustment necessary reaction of another point to compensate; and so we note that the interdependence of parts of the whole structure in its bony articulations and between its muscular groups is such as to produce great ,disadvantage to the structure if local freedom at any articulation is not maintained. THE













If the entire weight of the body rests evenlx upon the head of the femur the psoas and the iliacus muscles would have their normal aligns

ment. These muscles give the femur muscular support at the front (See Plate TV). With these muscles functioning normally, the weight of the leg, when in motion, is suspended from the center of the torso. The nearer weight is maintained in the center of a structure, the better. In obedience fo this law, the leg has support f:nom within the torso by the above deep muscles. while the superficial or voluntary muscles swing the weight of the leg in walking. For a mechanical example, let us suspend a fifty-pound weight on an iron chain from the ceiling and throw out from it a dozen ribbons to as many children,-you have formed a May-pole. Any child may pull on its ribbon in any direction ·and swing the weight, but the weight is still supported by the chain. LIGAMENTOT.;S



In the follo-wing illustrations we observe three aspects of the hip-joint and its ligamentons support. In Plate I we see the strength of the bony fibre in the head of the femur at the center of support and the apparent equality of pull of the deeper ligaments maintaining the femur in normal position. If the weight of the three bony gro-ups or units, the pelvis, the thorax, and the skull, were adjusted at the median line, an equalized stress at all parts of each group would result. The weight of the whole would then rest evenly upon the hea,d of the femur, thus freeing its 9



Pr,ATE 1.-All

..11....• 1:-. , ,



taken from Hand Atlas of Human by Werner Spalteholz.

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