Texting Guide (Street Attraction) [1 ed.]

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Texting Mastery Everything a guy needs to know to succeed with women via texting

By : Street Attraction


Texting Mastery

Intro So you’ve been getting telephone numbers, but many of them are flaking and not actually leading anywhere. The aim of this guide is to help you convert more numbers into hot dates. First let's get real and acknowledge that each element of game is interconnected. If you’re constantly being rejected for dates, it might not necessarily be your poor texting, but the fact you have poor quality interactions during your pickups. You might have not created enough attraction or rapport for the girl to want to meet up with you afterwards. You may just be hustling the girl; forcing a number close, instead of concentrating on building solid connections. This guide will assume that your pickup was solid enough. For pre-number close pickup advice refer to our other resources on Street-attraction.com or arrange a one to one session with us. Pickup is full of potential traps and text game is no exception, this guide will help you avoid falling into those traps so you can increase your chances of turning telephone numbers into dates.

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When to send the first text?


How to correctly send a first text


The Short and sweet basic first text should include:


The fun/flirty first text


The Conversation continuation text


The tease followed by a question text


Call back humour text 3 Key things to remember when writing the first text:

10 10

20 Important Rules to follow when texting


Inviting her out for the date



16 18

If she responds with a counter offer


If she cancels for next week


If a girl replies to your date offer with 'I'll let you know'




If she doesn't pick up


How to respond if she flakes/cancels


If you need to cancel the date


PING TEXTS Examples of poor ping texts


The right way to send a ping


Humorous Pings


Picture pings


The ping gauges her enthusiasm






Other, more high risk dead number revival texts


Other Pings for girls that have fallen off


High risk cocky funny pings


Texting Mastery

NUMBER CLOSING Before we delve into texting, these are the Street Attraction steps for getting her number. Before you go for the number, make sure you initiate the end of the interaction. Example of how to end a pickup You; “Listen I gotta dash, I have a meeting to attend/ need to rejoin my friends/ whatever but you know what, it’s been fun speaking with you” Then go on to qualify her (it might not be the first time you qualify her). You; “Not only are you cute/stylish but you’re cool/interesting too.” You should then invite her out and ask what her number is. Don’t ask ''can I have your number'' instead assume that she’ll give it to you. Your frame should be “why wouldn’t she give it to me? I’m such a cool guy, of course she'd like to see me again'' You; ''Let’s grab a coffee/bubble tea/ cocktails tomorrow evening, what’s your number?'' Deliver this in a cool relaxed tone, without pauses, and have your phone ready assuming that she’ll give you her number without hesitation. Pass her your phone towards her chest and let her enter her number. When she hands it back say… You; ''I’ll give you a missed call so you have mine'' There’s nothing more frustrating than having a great interaction with a hottie and not saving the number properly (it’s especially easy to make errors with long foreign numbers). This is why you should give her a missed call. On many occasions a girl will text you first. She won't have that opportunity if she doesn't have your number. Make sure that when you’re giving her a missed call that you do it in a nonchalant manner. You do not want to give off the vibe ‘I’m giving you a missed call because I’m so used to girls giving me fake numbers that I feel insecure that you’ll do the same’. Have a neutral expression on your face that communicates that this is all very normal and routine for you.

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USING NICKNAMES After saving her number you can say: You; “I need something to remember you by, how about ‘Sarah Crazy Eskimo girl?” Nicknames keep it fun and accelerate a sense of intimacy. Have fun coming up with something together, create an inside joke. Come up with something a little bit more specific which is not just generic like 'Sarah hot' or 'Sarah beautiful'. Nicknames depend on the girl and what she can take. Some girls are very prudish, in which case it's best to use something sweet and light. Some examples of nicknames that I’ve used in the past: 1. Anna the Silly German 2. Sugar buns Samantha 3. Petra sweet midget 4. Strawberry shortcake 5. Little miss pretty face 6. Snow White 7. Goofy

For example if a girl was dressed in sexy black clothing with the name Dominique, you could give her the nickname ‘Dominatrix'. Use the nickname when you send the first text, this way she'll remember you and the fun playful vibe you two had when you met. The nickname also helps your text to stand out a little amongst the typical boring texts she gets from other guys. If you don’t give her a nickname, don’t worry it’s not a big deal.


Texting Mastery

THE FIRST TEXT Whenever texting a girl, keep in mind that it is not like a face to face interaction, where you are able to use your face and body language to soften and add nuance. Remember small errors in what you text will be magnified, everything is on steroids. Just like in the pickup, text game is a constant balancing act. Let’s start with examples of the usual ordinary first texts most guys use. We want to avoid falling into these traps.

“Hey Dorothy, how are you”? “Hi Martha, how is your day going?” These are low quality boring texts that offer no value to the girl and hide your sexual interest in her.

You; “Do you remember me? It’s Dave from last night” This demonstrates low value and implies you’re used to girls not remembering you.

You; “Hey babe, nice meeting you yesterday, want to meet tonight?’ You've put a lot of pressure on her straight away. Also, it's a non-specific date which can come across as scary to a girl.

When to send the first text? You should send the first text within 24 hours of meeting a girl. The reason why you don't want to wait too long before sending the first text is to do with her emotions and maintaining momentum. The more time you allow to pass by, the more her memory and positive emotions associated with you will fade. Play it cool and she may lose interest. The shorter the interaction was, the less time you should wait before sending the first text. If she is staying in your city for a day or two, you don’t have any time to waste, send it within an hour, trying to

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set up a same day date that will hopefully lead to a same day lay. There is no time for multiple dates so you have to work much quicker. The following text is an actual first text sent by a guy we know after he number closed a girl on Oxford Street.

“Hey Sara it was a pleasure to meet you on Oxford street this eve :) I would love to try those cool underground shisha places: I only know of a few :) It was great to know your passion for the arabic language I was pleasantly surprised :) I promise not to test your written skills, i will settle with you speaking nice things about me, not that I will know lol !!! Gosh I took so much of your time but it was really nice talking to you, I wouldn’t have minded staying longer as time passed so effortlessly :) Let me know which evening you are free and I will try and move my diary around to prioritise a catchup, but do let me know soon. P.S you have amazing dress sense seems that outfit attracts some attention but its all good perhaps a lucky outfit :)) PSS. cant believe that guy came by twice lol !!! have a good night :) This combines many of the errors highlighted above. It’s too long, too needy, shows a lot of availability and there is too much investment. It is mostly just kissing the girl’s ass, which is something to avoid falling into the trap of throughout your game. You won’t be surprised to know the girl didn’t respond in the end.


Texting Mastery

How to correctly send a first text The Short and sweet basic first text:

Hi Jessica, good running into you tonight :) Eddie - Leicester Sq. Hey Jessica, cool meeting you yesterday like that :) Eddie - Leicester Sq. It's a text you can send if you got her number in a rush or if there was no sexual escalation during the pickup. It is just an acknowledgement text, you’re not asking her any questions, it’s very non needy and doesn’t even really require a response. She will however respond if she likes you. This helps to screen her interest level so you can calibrate your future game accordingly. If she is interested she will usually respond within a few hours or less with something like “yes it was nice meeting you too…”. You can be quite certain that she is into you if she doesn't make you wait too long before replying. Also, if her message is longer than yours, this is another good indicator that she is keen.

The Short and sweet basic first text should include: 1. Her name: Use the girl’s name (or even better, her nickname) in your first text. This feels personal and reassures her that you’re talking to her. 2. A goodwill statement letting her know that you’re glad to meet her - It establishes communication, creates rapport and is confirmation that you like her and remember her. Sometimes guys take girls’ phone numbers and never text or call at all. Girls can get stuck wondering if you really liked her. Giving her a short, single sentence goodwill statement will set her mind at ease. 3. A smiley face - conveys warmth and good feelings. 4. Your name - Sometimes girls forget your name, no matter how much they like you and how deeply you connect. It has been known that a girl will sleep with you perhaps on several occasions before confessing that she doesn’t remember your name, it's an extreme example but it does happen! Forgetting your name can be downright embarrassing for them – so much so sometimes that they will avoid replying. Signing your name at the end of that first text allows them to save face and gives them your name just in case they forgot it. Also it prevent the whole "who’s this?" text exchange. Think of this experience: you send your initial text to a girl, then she responds with “who is this?” It gives you a feeling of low self worth. 5. Location - mentioning where you met, again will help her remember you better.

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The fun/flirty first text If the pickup went well and there was a spark of sexual energy when you number closed her, you might want to send a text like the ones below:

“Hey Kooky Norwegian girl with the braids, random but cool bumping into you :) Eddie - Leicester Sq.” “Is this the cute wacky Persian girl who owes me a thumb wrestle rematch? Eddie - Leicester Sq.”

The Conversation continuation text If you shared a joke or built rapport over a certain topic, recall it in your first text, essentially picking up the conversation from where you last left it.

“Hey Julia, just googled that thingy you mentioned, we need to discuss. Eddie - Leicester square” ''Hey Donna, after all that craziness last night had to ask if you made it to Heathrow? ''

The tease followed by a question text The playful tone of the tease balances out what might otherwise be a boring question on its own.

“Hey feisty Russian girl, how did your night eventually end? Eddie Leicester Sq.” “Hey nutty painter girl, did you end up finding your muse? Eddie National Gallery”


Texting Mastery

CALL BACK HUMOUR TEXT With call back humour, make sure to add specific details that remind her of something silly or fun that occurred during the pickup. You essentially get her to call back the emotion associated with that specific memory. She will in turn associate that positive emotion with you.

“Nice to meet you earlier… hope your ears have recovered after being exposed to all that audio sewage!” ''Eating my ice cream and chuckling to myself, remembering how you slipped down the stairs like that''

3 Key things to remember when writing the first text: 1. Keep it short, don’t over invest. 2. Don’t give a long explanation how the two of you met. 3. Don’t invite her out straight away, if she’s really interested, invite her out in the second text. If she does respond (especially if she replies quickly) you should assume that she’s attracted to you, at least a little. You can start thinking about inviting her out on a date pretty soon. For the girls that don’t reply to your first text, wait a few days before sending them a ping text; more on how to deal with unresponsive and flakey girls later.

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Texting Mastery

20 IMPORTANT RULES TO FOLLOW WHEN TEXTING 1. Be concise. Shorter texts get far more replies than longwinded ones. Your text should not be making more than 2 points. Try and keep your texts as long but preferably shorter than hers. 2. Never ask more than one question per text. Anytime you can turn a question into a statement, try and do so, for example;

"Do you want to meet up this Tuesday?" becomes "Hey let’s meet up this Tuesday" 3. Stay positive. No one likes a downer; bring good, positive energy to your texts. Girls should look forward to receiving texts from you. Let them receive texts from other boring, depressing life-draining guys, while you come along and lighten up their day. Remember this is a competitive sport, that hot girl you stopped earlier has probably got several other guys orbiting her. Make sure your tone is informal and light hearted as texts can easily be misconstrued negatively. 4. Don’t engage in long text exchanges, especially not before the first date. Avoid trivial banter - why entertain her without anything in return? You don't want to become her text buddy that she never meets up with. Constant texting back and forth will murder your chances with her. The longer it takes for you to meet up with her the more she starts to believe that there's no chemistry between you and her. 5. Try and adhere to a 1 to 1 ratio. Getting her attention is not about bombarding her phone with messages, it's also not about never texting her either. Generally for every text you receive from her, she should get one in return. Even better if you can get her to send you more than you send her, it puts her in the 'chaser' and you in the 'prize' frames. 6. Vary response times. It’s okay to vary your response times, but don’t reply more quickly to a girl’s text than she replies to yours lest you risk looking like you’re waiting by the phone for her reply with nothing better to do. Play around with varying response times; sometimes reply within minutes to a girl’s text; other times, let it take you hours. Building variability into your response time is a good thing to do, it makes you unpredictable and exciting. 7. If a girl takes absolutely ages to respond to your text. Make sure to take your time too.

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8. Avoid sending texts exactly on the hour. It seems like you waited on purpose to send it at that point. 9. The latest to text her should be around 10pm. Texting after 12pm will scare off certain girls. 10. Avoid sending texts to girls whilst rushing about, it can lead to stupid errors. You need to be precise with your texting, as errors are magnified. 11. DO the bare minimum to get to the next level with a girl. Don’t try and get too clever. Keep it simple, don't construct Oscar Wilde like witty messages that she won't understand. 12. Use simple casual language (especially if she’s foreign). Express complicated ideas in a simple way, don’t use overly long words for the sake of trying to come across as erudite. Be careful with abbreviations and slang. With young local girls it’s okay to use abbreviations, with older women, less so. Older or foreign girls might not be familiar with slang or abbreviations. 13. Punctuation. Don’t worry about commas and other things too much, obviously question marks are necessary sometimes to differentiate between a suggestion and an imperative. 14. Exclamation marks. Use exclamation marks from time to time to make your texts a little more fresh and engaging. Your texting shouldn’t be littered with exclamation marks or smiley faces like a typical girly text, but it shouldn’t be all full stops and commas either, find a middle ground. Here is an example;

Laura, morning! Strange Southeast Asian coffee tomorrow afternoon, fancy it? 15. Avoid capital letters. Tt looks like you’re trying too hard. Avoid capitalising whole WORDS, it looks too angry. 16. Emoticons. It’s ok to use smiley faces from time to time, especially if what you’re texting could come across as aggressive without an emoticon. 17. Avoid "LOL". Use “haha” instead, "LOL" is too girly.


Texting Mastery

18. Kisses XXX. Never be the first to text kisses, instead only reciprocate if she sends them, and return them intermittently. For every 3 kisses she sends you, give her 1 or 2. This is so that you don’t appear too keen. 19. Don’t let her dictate or lead the direction of the conversation, unless it’s to your benefit. You must lead and be decisive. You’re the man, which means leading constantly even when you are texting. All you have to do is acknowledge her statement or question and continue with what you want to say. For example;

Yes I can meet you Thursday! How’ve you been? I’m great thanks. So Leicester square tube station at 7.30pm is good? 20. Never retract, back pedal or profusely apologise. Hold a strong frame, if you've genuinely offended her, use the classic “hey just kidding”.

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Texting Mastery

INVITING HER OUT FOR THE DATE You should see texting primarily as a means to set up a face to face meeting as soon as possible. You want to be careful not to mess about too much with silly pointless conversation before actually asking her out (over long flirty texts with no action become stale quickly). Don’t get caught up in a lot of trivial banter, push towards a face to face encounter. However, if you got her number in a hurry or if she didn't appear very keen, you should engage her first and build more rapport via text or a telephone conversation before inviting her out. Asking her out straight away will often result in her not replying at all. Your aim in this case is to send her a couple of texts that spark positive emotions, grabbing her attention so she responds (See the Ping Texts Section further below to learn how to construct such texts). Once you've built up a text dialogue with her, only then invite her out.

The Invite Text If you sexually escalated in the pickup, if there was a lot of touching, if you kissed her or if she texted you first, then waste no time and invite her out in your second text. For example, after she replies to your first text:

Hi…., yes it was nice to meet you too, how are you? Acknowledge and respond to her question with a short reply then invite her out. Don’t start asking her how she is or any other questions. Keep it logistical, and suggest a date.

“I’m fantabulous. Fancy meeting up this Thursday evening for skating and cocktails?” Suggest an activity, day and rough time of day. Don't mention the specific location at this point, you only mention the location if she confirms a day. If she agrees only then suggest a specific time and place. Be specific and clear.

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“Leicester Square tube station, 7.30pm, sound good?” (Alter your timing depending on the season. Set your dates later for summer and as early as 7pm in winter) If she agrees to the time and place make sure to reply with a confirmation text;

“Cool, see you then :)” It's important to send a confirmation text promptly as some girls might flake if you don't.


Texting Mastery

UNCLEAR & INDECISIVE TEXTING Avoid unclear texting, you should be masculine and decisive, avoid sending texts like these;

“Hey Amy, we should hang out tomorrow or something” A text like this one makes you sound like a clueless kid. Also avoid inviting her to group gatherings;

“Hey Amy, me and my friends are going skating tomorrow, you should join us” Your first date should be just you and her, man to woman. Bringing your friends along is an effective way to friend zone yourself. From the first text to the date confirmation text, typically it should take between five to ten texts. Once the date is set up avoid starting a new text conversation, unless there’s more than three days left before the date. You can have longer and more flirtatious text exchanges with her once you've slept with her, or if she's in another country and you're running long game on her (that's a whole new topic that deserves its own guide). If you can, try and arrange first dates between Sunday and Thursday, preferably avoiding Fridays and Saturdays as you have a higher chance of the girls declining those offers. Instead try and reserve Fridays and Saturdays for going out, getting new leads, same night lays or sex with regular fuck buddies. Suggest the first date, two to three days in advance. Asking her out for the same day usually has a lower success rate unless she’s very keen or a tourist staying a day or two in your city. If she declines your date offer without giving you an alternate day when she’s free, chances are that she is not interested in meeting up, examples of this would be;

“Sorry I’m busy on Wednesday”

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You can choose to ignore and not reply to this text or you can respond with;

“no problem/ok, maybe next time” You should always be willing to walk away, you want to let her know that you like her but that you don’t need her. The best thing is to have options, then your non needy attitude won’t need to be faked. If you don’t have these options, still act as if you do. Fake it until you create it. Don’t be pushy and start suggesting another day, this will turn her off. Be patient and text her in a few days and start a new conversation, hopefully you'll catch her when she’s feeling a little more keen, lonely or horny. Your follow up text should not mention your previous invitation and it shouldn’t be another invitation, instead it should be a playful ping text, more on pings later.

If she responds with a counter offer “Sorry I’m busy on Wednesday, but how about Thursday?” If she suggests another day (that suits you too), this is a good sign however don’t instantly accept her counter offer (it'll make you look too eager), instead reply with:

“Thursday might be ok, will let you know” OR

“Not sure about Thursday, will get back to you in a bit” Wait a few hours and then confirm;

“Thursday’s fine. Let’s meet same time place, ok?”


Texting Mastery

If she cancels for next week If she declines and offers to meet you next week she’s probably a time waster, downgrade her, she is no longer a priority, reply with;

"next week I'm tied up, maybe another time" This reply preserves your male pride and value, she'll respect you a little more. Wait 3-5 days before getting in touch with her again, in the mean time focus on developing other leads. Remember, if a girl is genuinely interested in meeting up with you she can always do so in the next 2-4 days. A girl agreeing to meet you next week doesn’t mean much, another reply you could send;

“Sorry can’t next week, how about tonight/tomorrow instead?” This forces her to make a decision.

If a girl replies to your date offer with 'I'll let you know' If you receive any variant of this text from a girl;

"I'm not sure about Thursday/etc. I'll let you know" Don't fall into the trap of going along with it. You'll end up looking like a desperate beggar waiting about for her. Reply to these types of texts with;

"That's ok, I'll make other plans, maybe another time"

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Texting Mastery

CONFIRMING THE DATE To prevent wasting time getting ready and going to a date, just for her to not show up, you should confirm is she's coming first. A few hours before the date, send something like this;

“I hope you’ve dusted your shoes for tonight” OR

“Kiara, hey. Running a bit behind, my bad; will be there closer to 8:15. Still cool?” 'My bad' is a slang way to admit to a mistake, without actually apologising for it, basically it's a flippant apology (See Rule 20 above). If she doesn't reply with at least 'ok' or 'sure', chances are that she'll flake. If you haven’t heard anything, wait a while then give her a call, sometimes texts don’t go through. If she doesn't pick up or call/text you back, you'd be wise to assume that she's not coming.

The date confirmation call A few hours before the date, call her, if she picks up say;

“Hi .., how are you? Just calling to say that I'll probably be running fifteen minutes late. By the way, what will you be wearing? ..Oh ok, I'm planning on wearing my all pink Lacoste tracksuit with orange stripes/my best chicken suit so that you'll be able to spot me in the crowd easier”

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At this point she'll usually get the joke and laugh, getting her laughing is a good way to seal the date.

“Just kidding, I'll be dressed a little more stylish than that, anyway.. see you later” Keep the conversation brief and make sure you're the one that ends the call.

If she doesn't pick up Often younger girls might not pick up the phone, instead they might text you with;

“Sorry I missed your call, what's up?” Just deliver the above in shortened text form. She'll almost certainly reply back with

“LOL, ok, see you then!” If she doesn't text or call back, you can send one last text

“Hey…, didn't get a reply, shall we reschedule tonight?" If she doesn't reply then assume it's a flake.


Texting Mastery

How to respond if she flakes/cancels Never get reactive, ignore it. Send her a ping text (Check out ping text section below) a few days later, if she replies then invite her out again. If she flakes for medical reasons just say;

“I hope you feel better, holler at me when you’re fighting fit and want to hang out” You're putting the ball in her court, if she's interested then she'll get in touch with you.

If you need to cancel the date Call her if you need to cancel the date. Cancelling a date via text is weak.

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Texting Mastery

PING TEXTS A Ping text is usually a brief text message used to arouse her emotions and get her attention. Ping texting a girl every so often helps you stay in touch with her, as well as keeping you on her mind. Pings can also be used to restart a text conversation with a girl you've not heard from in a while, or a girl that declined your date invite.

Examples of poor ping texts ''How's your day going?" "What are you up to?" "Hope you got home safe" "Have fun tonight" None of these texts create any emotion apart from annoyance. Avoid sending such boring and plain texts. Don't think that you need to be a texting goofball either always trying hard to make her laugh.

The right way to send a ping You want to give her just enough of the right attention otherwise she’ll get bored and jump to the next guy. You should ping girls 2-3 times a week (once a week for girls that have been unresponsive or flakey to create a vaccuum). A good ping text should make it easy for her to reply. One thing you can do is send her an interesting or funny anecdote about your day (conversational in style), followed by an evoking question or statement

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related to her. Structured this way, you’ll almost always hear back from her. Below are some examples, draft your own utilising the same principles;

“Katie, morning! Just had a mind altering pancake… so good. How was the Aesop Rock concert?” “I just finished balancing my chi, what mischief are you up to on this beautiful overcast day?” “Just ate a chicken sandwich made by the hand of God..yummy. What are you up to on this divine Tuesday? ” ''Just treating myself to some post gym broccoli and boiled eggs, btw did you make it to your lecture?" "In St. James' feeding the mallards, so damn relaxing. You in your cubicle slaving away?" "In Fortnum & Mason having tea with scones, worth every extortionate penny… you about in central later?" "Hey Barbara, just finished salting my chips, how was Amsterdam?" "Just walked past a dude playing the best butchered Eleanor Rigby rendition on a 3 string violin, hilarious, what you listening to atm?"


Texting Mastery

"Hey Sue, just watched movie X and finally figured out which actress you remind me of" “Hey Donna, just saw the cutest little squirrel in the park gathering nuts and it made me think of you”

Humorous Pings “i need your help” “what is it?” “* 183y - (527*84) = 12x + 45y solve for x and then graph”

''knock, knock" Use any knock knock joke you find amusing

Picture pings Take a few funny, interesting or intriguing pics and then send one with a caption, very much like you would on Instagram (ask the kids about it). For example you can tease her by sending her a picture of a cute but goofy looking animal with the caption 'saw this and it made me think of you :)'.

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The ping gauges her enthusiasm How (or even if) she responds to your ping text will help you to determine how into you she is. If she responds with detail, enthusiasm or a follow up question, this is a good sign; you can then try and set up another date (see 'the date invite text' above). Don't invite her out if she responds with something curt, no enthusiasm or follow up question. If she doesn't respond at all, don't give up completely, just give her a whole lot of vacuum, then try and re-engage her a week or two later with another ping text. If you still get nothing, file her number away, don't delete it, it will come in handy further down the line when sending batch texts (See 'Dead number revival method' below).


Texting Mastery

THE DEAD NUMBER REVIVAL JEALOUSY TEXT Over time you'll have a lot of dead numbers saved in your phone of girls that flaked, interactions that went nowhere or just of girls that have disappeared off the face of the earth. You can send a batch text to these numbers with the aim to catch a few who are interested, freshly single, horny or maybe a little lonely (best to send it between Sunday and Wednesday). The dead number revival text;

“Hey babe, show starts 8.30pm, did we say cocktails at 6.30 or 7pm? X” This aim of this batch text is to create jealousy (an effective attraction switch), with her thinking that you've accidentally sent a date confirmation text to the wrong girl. The objective is to make her feel that she's missing out, to get her mind wandering, "Who is this girl that he's meeting? Is she hotter than me?" When sending it out, expect about half to not respond at all, the other half will usually respond in 3 ways;

“I think you sent this to the wrong person” For this type of reply, you can respond with;

“Oops my bad, sent to the wrong recipient. Anyway, its been a while, how've you been [insert her name]?” This opens the doors to re engage her

“Who's this?” You can reply with;

“I can't believe you haven't got my number saved, I thought my number was inscribed upon your heart”

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She'll usually reply with;

“I'm so sorry, but tell me who are you?” You reply with;

“Your future ex husband” Finally in your third text you stop with the jokes and get real with her and progress into normal conversation.

“Mmm, cocktails at 7 sounds good” You'll get this type of reply from a keen 'yes' girl, just proceed and invite her out;

“Cool, how does Thursday [any other day] evening sound?”

Other, more high risk dead number revival texts “Just saying hi and wondering if that morning-after pill worked” “I think I left my belt on your floor, I'll get it this weekend” This one is a bit more ambiguous, you can always say that you left it at a guy friend's place.


Texting Mastery

Other Pings for girls that have fallen off Try the following;

“Hey silly, are you still alive, should I send out a search party for you” “Hey Sarah, haven’t heard from you in a while, is this still your number? I’m deleting numbers to clean up my phone” “hey how’s it going? Wanted to touch base in case you get rich” “Hey, just been sorting out my phonebook and found out I have three ’s, which one are you......the crazy one, the hot one, or the shy suggestive one?”

High risk cocky funny pings “Hey I was just thinking about you" ''Really?" "Yep, wish you were here so you could cook me something and do my laundry/fetch me a drink and give me a foot massage/clean my house" Be careful with this these;

“Hey you cheeky-slag, orgy starts at 10pm, but be there early so you can get me while I'm still fresh" “Hey slut, come on over so I can get you drunk and bust a load off on your face”

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The girl could either take this as a joke and have a sense of humour about it, or be angry .. in any case you have created an emotional response which you can then work with. If she is annoyed respond with;

“Oh I must have mistook u for someone who had a sense of humour, hehe but I still love you - so don’t go jumping off a building or anything :)”


Texting Mastery

After reading this guide you should be armed with a set of strategies to be able to run game effectively though your texts messages. As men it’s easy to think of texting as an inanimate mechanism to simply organise things with other people, rather than a vehicle to communicate feelings and emotions, as well as deeper messages with a woman. Throughout history women across various cultures would fantasise about communicating with a romantic partner often using handwritten ‘love letters’ which were sometimes delivered using a go between such as a maid, or sometimes even by pigeon. Texting is just the modern technologically updated version of this same fantasy. Texting therefore is now an integral part of game. A woman wants to feel a connection with her man even when she’s not in his presence so make sure you deliver solid game when sending a text message. We hope you’ve learnt a lot, go out and practise, have fun! If you want training to improve your game whether you are a beginner or already at an advanced level of game, please visit our website: street-attraction.com or email eddie@ street-attraction.com.

Street Attraction www.street-attraction.com


4 Simple Steps to Overcome Your Approach Anxiety in 30 Days One of the most common questions we get when coaching is “How do I deal with approach anxiety?”. The good news is that you can take steps to deal with it and eventually conquer it. It might not be easy at first. After all, you are trying to tackle a big fear that most men have. Reading great advice without applying it is a complete waste of time. It might seem obvious to state, but results are only

Step 1

achieved through taking actual action. If you apply the simple tips in this guide on a daily basis, within one month you’ll find that your approach anxiety will have dramatically decreased to the point where you no longer find approaching attractive women intimidating. Every single day for the next 30 days make sure to do four of the following action steps:

Take a 30 minute walk in a busy area Rain or shine take a walk in a busy area where you’ll meet plenty of people. Find a park, a busy street or a shopping centre nearby. Walk whilst keeping your back and neck straight, this will instantly make you appear taller and more confident. Don’t look down, instead look straight ahead, when you do this people will start getting out of your way. It’s a very powerful feeling. Don’t wear shades or headphones, look people in the eye and smile. With your confident posture, eye contact and smile, people will start noticing you more. The smile, even if slightly forced, will help to make you feel happier and sociable. After a few minutes you might even get an impulse to start talking to someone.

Step 2

Say “Hi” to at least one person you meet Greet someone with a “Hi” or with any other greeting you like. It doesn’t have to be the hottest girl on the street. You can say “Hi” to an old lady or a shopkeeper, anyone. You are not necessarily seeking a reaction from them. They don’t even have to greet you back or even look up. If you feel like greeting more people then do so. The more people you interact with the more relaxed you will start to feel and the easier the next step will be. Some people will react really well, they might even start a conversation with you. If this happens, engage with them. Realise that deep down most people have a desire to be acknowledged and to interact with others. Recognise that they might also be feeling some sort of social anxiety but might have never addressed it. These first two action steps should help you to feel relaxed enough to start talking to almost anyone.

Step 3 How are you?

Start a conversation with someone Great

Make small talk with at least one stranger. It doesn’t matter whether they’re male or female, young or old, friendly or unfriendly. The stranger could be an old lady in the supermarket, a barista in a coffee shop or even a Jehova’s witness handing out bibles. It’s easiest to start conversations with sales persons and representatives since it’s their duty to be communicative and sociable with customers. Adopt a positive and friendly attitude. Ask them a question whilst maintaining nice eye contact. You can keep it simple, ask them how their day is going or for their recommendation on something related to their task or job. For example, if they’re a sales assistant, ask them if a particular shirt would look good on you. It doesn’t really matter what you say, you’re re not trying to get them into bed. You are just trying to become more comfortable with starting conversations with strangers. The goal is simply to start a conversation, with no intent other than filling in the silence with a question or a pleasantry. The conversation doesn’t have to progress beyond a comment and a response. If idle chatter doesn’t come naturally to you, scan news headlines before you leave the house. Small-talk topics include: The weather: “It’s so dark and miserable outside. I’m glad we’re stuck inside”. Sports: “Did you watch the Arsenal game last night? I couldn’t believe what….”. Current events: “Did you hear that the Ukraine-Russia conflict has escalated? What do you think Putin’s going to do next?”. Entertainment: “Have you seen the new Tarantino movie? Apparently it’s really good” Remember the answer doesn’t matter. Whether you receive a long reply or a grunt in response, you’ve completed the step simply by opening your mouth and speaking to a stranger. Don’t put pressure on yourself to come up with great statements or questions. What you say doesn’t have to be sophisticated, funny or even interesting. All that matters is that you’re talking, that’s it. With time your conversations will become more fun, interesting and longer.

Step 4 I had to stop you

Approach a woman that you are attracted to Cool

When you see a woman that is pleasing to the eye, walk up to her. Approach her from the front, there should be at least an arm length’s distance between you and her. You can also approach from the side, with your head turned back over your shoulder. Just make sure not to invade too much of her personal space by getting too close. You can make your approach on the street, in a cafe, shopping centre or wherever you’re comfortable. Smile when you approach. Even if a grin doesn’t come naturally, fake it. It predisposes the woman you’re about to engage to respond positively. On a subconscious level, it signals that you’re a friend and not an enemy. Make sure to speak loudly enough so that she hears you. You can start the conversation with any statement or question you wish. For example you could open with “Hey there, you look like a person that might know the answer to my question. Do you know where the nearest Topshop is?” As soon as she answers, even if it’s just to say “I don’t know”, you’ve made your approach. Tell her “Thanks for your help” or “Thanks anyway” if she doesn’t have a clue and leave if you want. Or continue the interaction. The choice is yours.

4 Simple Steps to Overcome Your Approach Anxiety in 30 Days Let go of your outcome One of the biggest problems men have with approaching women is magnifying the meaning of the interaction and focusing intently on achieving one specific outcome, whether it be exchanging phone numbers, making out, having sex or beginning a romantic relationship. Emotionally detaching yourself from the outcome, while rationally working toward your goal will significantly alleviate your anxiety. This is why it’s good to take small easy to accomplish goals rather than large, difficult ones. Remember people can be very random, unpredictable, chaotic creatures. Sometimes you may truly be surprised. That’s why approaching is so much fun. So why constrain the possibilities of a new encounter by being dependent on a particular outcome?

There is no such thing as rejection, only feedback If after reading this, you still have a crippling fear of social rejection, then go out and try and get rejected. Every accomplished pick up artist has a ton of rejections under his belt. That’s simply the price you have to pay for excellence. To quote Michael Jordan, “I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost three hundred games. Twenty six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” After a few rejections, you’ll see that it’s not so bad, that rejection really has nothing to do with who you are. It’s more like somebody flicking you in the shoulder with a finger. You know it happened, but it doesn’t hurt you or really even bother you. After you do a few approaches, you’ll notice that everyone’s responses vary. Adjust your attitude to expect nothing and be prepared for everything. There is no such thing as rejection, only feedback. A lot of guys get discouraged and give up after a single setback or rejection. They tend to take rejection personally, seeing it as a comment on who they are rather than what it really is: feedback on what they’re doing. Every time you approach and something goes wrong, you’ve been presented with an opportunity to learn why they responded negatively and what you could have done to prevent that. Having said that, you will sometimes come across certain people who will act in a rude or mean manner. When you do come in contact with such a person (fortunately they are rare), make sure to not take their negative behaviour personally. It’s really not about you. It’s all about them. They are probably deeply unhappy with themselves or their life and are taking their rage out on you. It’s best that you just ignore them and leave. Remember, normal happy people will never act in a nasty manner without genuine provocation. Fortunately, the vast majority of people that you’ll meet will be decent and friendly.

Conversation Don’t put pressure on yourself over the content of the conversation. It might sound lame but you want to be able to talk to women about nothing. If you get stuck just ask a normal everyday question such as “Where are you from?” or ‘How do you like this place?”. If you want to spice things up and make your questions more interesting then you can check out our ‘Question Guide’ which includes loads of examples of evoking questions to ask a girl. Also worth checking out is Approach 2 Lay where Eddie shows you how to run a successful interaction from the approach all the way to sex.

Measuring progress By doing these four steps daily for the next thirty days you will rewire your brain, developing a mindset where approaching strangers (hot ones or not) is no big deal at all. Approaching women will become a natural and normal part of your everyday life. In order to stay motivated and to track your progress, we’ve created a simple checklist that you can print out. Just add a tick in the box each time you complete one of the four steps. As the cliche goes, “What gets measured, gets done”.

Approach Anxiety Checklist Day S1 S2 S3 S4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Day S1 S2 S3 S4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Over the next thirty days try and complete all four steps daily, tick the relevant boxes for each step accomplished. Filling in the checklist will help you to keep on track and motivated. The ‘Approach Anxiety Guide’ that comes with this checkbox explains everything in detail. Every day for at least 30 minutes go somewhere where there is a high volume of people. Say ‘Hi’ to a random stranger, then start a conversation with someone (it could be anyone) and lastly approach at least one attractive woman. This will guarantee that within one month you should have no problem approaching women that you are attracted to. If possible try and vary the places that you go to. One day you could go to the shopping centre, the following day it could be a busy high street and so on. If you miss three days in a row then you should start over. Being busy is not an excuse. Remember that you are working on an important skill that will not only improve your dating life but other areas also. All the best!