Intelligent agents for telecommunication environments 9781903996294, 1-9039-9629-5

Telecommunication systems become more dynamic and complex with the introduction of new services, mobility and active net

291 60 473KB

English Pages 112 Year 2003

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Table of contents :
Contents......Page 6
Foreword......Page 8
1. Mobile agents and security......Page 10
2. Agents: the future of intelligent communication......Page 20
3. Agents in telecommunication-based services......Page 32
4. Mobile agents in mobility support and service selection......Page 46
5. WTA-based mobile service management......Page 64
6. Service distribution and security......Page 76
7. Merkato™: a platform for market-based resource allocation......Page 86
E......Page 104
S......Page 105
W......Page 106

Intelligent agents for telecommunication environments
 9781903996294, 1-9039-9629-5

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