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English Pages [361] Year 1991
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wеrе mentioned in the Рrеfасе to the Sчmmаrу Catalogue; here I Йll паmе опlу those spcifically involved with mу dосtоrаl project. Му greatest debt is to Dr David Dumville, mу rеsеаrсh suprvisor, who has mаstеrmiпdеd the Gеоffrеу of Monmouth Research Project. The present study has benefited епогmочslу frоm his formidable exprtise and tireless criticism. Рrоfеssоr Сhristорhеr Вrооkе and
Dr Neil Wright rеаd the disserиtion in final draft and suggested important
improvements. Both also supplied valuable advice and iпfоrmаtiоп at earlier stages. I have received direction and assistance frоm а пчmЬеr of others, notably Oliver Padel. Fоr discussion about various matters, diTectly ог indiTectly related, I must thank in addition to tlюsе alTeady mentioned Dr Elizabeth Archibald, Dr Marttra Bayless, Dr James Саrlеу, Dr Маrjоriе Chibnall, Dr Sшаh Foot, Dr Diana Grеепwау, Dr Michael Lapidge, CarinTaylor, David Thornton, DT Elizabeth Vап Houts, Dr John Watts, and particularly Магу Minty and Dr Julia Smith. I аm grateful to *lese and others fоr rеfеrепсеs and pidance оп а пчmЬеr of pints. I аm glad to tlrank the librarians and staff of ttre instirudons iп which I have worked. I аm particularly indebted to ttre staff of the МапчsсriрБ Reading Room in фе University LiЬrаrу, Cambridge, where mчсh of the gloundwork for this study was done. I have Ьееп supported in mу rеsеаrсh Ьу а British Academy Scholarship and, since ОсtоЬеr 1988, Ьу а Rеsеаrсh Fellowship at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. I must also acknowledge the contTibution of the Viпачеr fund, whose grant financed the рчrсhаsе of the microfilms оп which much of my project, and ttrat of Neil Wгight, has depnded. Finally, I owe thanks to fгiends fоr mоrаl sчррrt, espcially Simon Clarke, Dr Anrra Grabowska, Dr David Last, Dr Andrew l,eech, Dr Paul Matthews and, most of all, Dr Andrew Gilbert.
July 1990
Crick Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
J. С.
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xiii xii ý. xiii s. xiv s. xiii S.
xv xii xv xiVxiii xvii xiv хч xii/xiii хч xiii xiii xiv xiiйiv xiv xiv хч s. xii s. xiii s. xiv s. xv s. xiv s. xii s. xii s. xiv s. xv s. xiv s. xii/xiii s. xii s. xiiИiv s. xii s. xv s. xiii s. xii s. xii s. xiv s. xiii s. xii/xiii s. xiv s. s. s. s. s. s. s, s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s.
СаmЬridgе, Сlаrе College, Fellows'Library, MS. 27 (N'.1.5) Cambridge, Ссгрчs Christi College, MS. 281 СаmЬridgе, Согрчs Christi College, MS. 292 СаmЬгidgе, Соrрчs Christi College, MS.414 Cambridge, Fiиwilliam Museum, MS. 302 (о/lи Phillipps
24 25 26 27
29 30 * 31
32 33 34 35 36 + 37 * 38 39 40 41* 42 43 * 44 45 + 46 * 47 * 48 * 49 50 51 52 53 + 54 55 56 * 57 58 * 59 60 б1 62* 63 64
СаmЬгidgе, Fiиwilliam Museum, MS,346
СаmЬridgе, Gonville & Caius College, MS. 103/55 СаmЬridgе, Gonville & Caius College, MS.2491217 СаmЬгidgе, Gonville & Caius College, MS,40б1627 Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College, MS.450/391 Cambridge, St John's College, MS. G.16 (1И) Cambridge, St John's College, MS. 5.6 (2Я) Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, MS. 75 (^.4,13) Cambridge, ТrЫtу College, MS. R.5.34 (725) Cambridge, ТrЫtу College, MS. R.7.6 (744) Cambridge, ТrЫtу College, MS. R.7.28 (770) Cambridge, Trinity College, MS.1.1.17 (1И1) Cambridge, Trinity College, MS. О.2.21 (1125) СаmЬгidgе, University Library, MS. Dd.1.17 (17) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Dd.4.И (209) СаmЬгidgе, University Library, MS, Dd.6,7 {З24) + Oxford, Bodl., MS. Bodley 585 (S.C. 2351), fos 1-47* Cambridge, University Library, MS. Dd.6.12 (329) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Dd.10.31 (590) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Dd.l0.32 (591) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Ее.1.24 (913) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Ff.1.25 (1158) Cambridge, University Library, MS.Ii,1.14 (170б) Cambridge, University Library, MS.Ii,4.4 (1801) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Ii.4.12 (l809) Cambridge, University Library, MS,Ii.4.17 (1814) СаmЬridgе, University Library, MS. Кk.6.1б (209б) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Мm.1.34 (2295) Cambridge, University Library, MS. Мm.5.29 (24З4) Cardiff, S. Glаmоrgап Сепtrаl Library, MS.2,611 Соlmаr, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS.448 (14) Cologny, ВiЬliоthёqче Martin Воdmеr, MS. Воdmеr 70 DOle, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MSS. 348 + 349 Douai, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 880 (835) Douai, Bibliottrёque municipale, MS. 882 (838) Dublin, Trinity College, MS. 172 (В.2.1) Dublin, Trinity College, MS.493 (В,.2.24) Dublin, Тriпitу College, MS.494 (Е,5.7) Dublin, Trinity College, MS.495 (Е.4,30)
xiv 65 xiv 66 s. xiii/xiv 67 s. xiv 68 s. xiii 69 s. xiii/xiv 70 s. xii 7| * s. xiv 72* s. xiii 73 * s. xiv 74* s. xiii 75 s. xii 76 s. xiii/xiv 77 ý. хч 78 s. xii 79 s. xii 80 s. xiiVxiv 81 s. xii 82 * s. xii 83 s. xv 84 s. xii 85 * s. xiii 86 * xiii s. 87 s. xiiVxiv 88 s. xii 89 * s. xiv/xv 90 s. xiv 91 s. xii/xiii 92 s. xiv 93 s. s.
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бt-9Е 'к)о( stuэш8вrд цоllоэ + EZ-| 'x,g чвtsвdsэл uоllоэ + IIIлх,Y sцII uоllоэ SSиt 'rftBJqI,I чSIllJg'uopuo,I пIл,с oJaN uоllоэ, 51д'{rвrq11 чsTlIJg'uорuо,I Ix'a зqIв9 uоllоэ, 51ц'{rerql1 чsрIJ8'uopuo,I tttu,,, q вдвdоэlэ uоllоJ,51ц',fuB.rq11 чsрIJ8'uорuо1 ЕOй IэрmJY,51д'rftBrqt1 чSрIJв'uopu0-I 9zE lapmJv,51л1'frBrqt-1 чsрIJg'uopuo,I ,51ц ',{rulqt1 чsIlIJg'чорчс-I 60? + бIЕ IэрtmJV шz IФIrшч,51ц',{rBrq11 чsрIJ8'uopuOl 0I IapumY,51ц',trBrq11 чSрIJ8'uopuo,I ý6zý g lвuop1ppy,SиI',fuB.lqt1 чýрIJg'uорuо,I I д€€ Е IвuoпIppy,SW'.(.rBrqt1 чsрIJg'uopuo,I ,SиI 'f-rerqtl чsplJg'uорuо,I zElýI рчорlррy zot I I puonlppy,SW',{rBrqt1 чsрIJg'uopuo,I (g,и,ч) 86,Sи[',(rв.lqt1 рФацвэ щосuI,I апЬqщоцqrg'эцr1 9L,лIД
08 бL
lIIхлц,s ,S ^[х,s лх/лrх
lIх 'S лIхЛцх,S IIIх,S IIIX'S
g' SиI'tlэllsJэ^rJms{lг_u IE
i]_ ;: i'! (Еl;г ;- S;\ :: j: ,S S l;ъ, a S s;\':j:',
-- ,_:_.,j; Lc9,9L); \r\
*ZL ^Ix'S ITx'ý *l!. aL лIхЛIIх,S IIIх'S * б9 89 L9
99 ý9
IIх 'S
лх ,S 8д LL лlхЛIтх ,S Ilx,S 9L sL IIц,S Ац'S *lL ýД IIF'S
(ztt) ge, t п,Sиt',ft?JqI,I {1tsrа,rrчл'MoEsB1g ( t gg) sz' r'п'SиI',ftBJqI,I fi 1s-rэzrтuл'Mo3sB19 (lвsz,t,ч) ýý ,u,8 ,SW 'ардцээ apuolzeN вээрцqlg 'аzuалJ 9 цхэр,ц,цу, SиI'вu?Izшаm?-I зcaloпql 8'аzuэлJ .7IýE,SиI',fuBrq11 рФэцвэ'Jeloxg GvTse sddlпFla lдпо) 9vе,51д 'аЕацоз uolg 'uolg ,лрy ,SиI 'puз[loJ5 ý,r,8I до ДrBrqt1 puopвN'qЕmqщрg (zt,s,g) ý Iý,Sш'а3аllоз zfiццrд'щIqпо ?Iý,Sиt'а3эцоз,fiрц.lд'щIqпо (Е,ý,g)
(z,q,a) 96,,sи['а3ашоэ &рц-tl'щIqпс
,-. :J \,\ -,_:-__ =
sddцlпrd шl|о) a\,la S;\ 7
^ц,s лIхЛпх,s
лIх ,s
ý,1 S;^i
I8a S;\
(ý't,,ш) Lz ,S}t ,rrв:с.г;
удолlн a}ll lo ýlIuэSIlNчи[ Jo iSп
s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s.
xiVxiii xii xiv/xv
xiv xiv/xv xii
xiv xiv/xv S, xv s. xii s. xiv s. xiv s. xii s. xiv s. xiii/xiv s. xii s. xiv s. xii s. xii s.
S. S.
xv хч
s. s. s.
s. s. s. s.
xiii xii xiv xiv xii
s. xiv s. xii S.
s. xiv s. хiч/хv s. xii s. xii
[лпdоп, British Library, MS. Lansdowne73} [.ondon, British Library, MS. Royal4.C.xi [юпdоп, British LiЬrаrу, MS. Royai l3.A.iii [-опdоп, British LiЬrаrу, MS. Royal 13.A.v London, British LiЬrаrу, MS. Royal 13.D.i [лпdоп, British LiЬrаrу, MS. Royal 13,D.ii [.ondon, British LiЬrаrу, MS. Royal 13.D.v Lюпdоп, British LiЬrаrу, MSS Royal 14.C.i + Cotton Nеrо С.ч lюпdоп, British LiЬrагу, MS, Royal l5.C.xvi lлпdоп, Bгitish Library, MS. Sloane 281. + 289 Lопdоп, British LiЬrагу. MS. Stowe 56 Lопdоп, College of Аrms, MS. Аrчпdеl l 119 * l,ondon, Lambeth Palace, MS. 188 LД) + lюпdоп, Lambeth Palace, MS. 379 + 357 |2l London, l,ambeth Palace, MS. 401 122 * London, lambeth Palace, MS. 454, fos 28r-l23r 123 * London, Lambeth Palace, MS. 454, ftls 124r-2Иr 107
lШ 1Ш 110 111 ll2 113 l|4 115 116 1l7 118
1И +
l?5 t26
[.ondon, Lambeth Palace, MS.503
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, MS. 6319 (F"147)
Montpllier, ВiЬliоthёqче de l'Universitб (Ecole de Мбdесiпе), MS.92 127 + Мопtрlliец ВiЬliоthёqче de l'Universitё (Ecole de Мёdеcine), MS, 378 1Л * New Haven (Сопп.), Yale University, MS. 59О (olimPhillipps
l29 130
LБт оF
s. s. s. s.
xii xiv xiii xiii
Oxford, В 1зЕ + Oxford, В 149 * Oxford, В
охfоrd, В
151+ охfогd. В
s. xiii s. xiii s. xiv s. xii s. xiii
охfоrd, В
охfоrd, В
s. xiv s. xvi
158 159
охfогd. В [Охfогd I
s. xiii s. xiVxiii s. xii s. xiv
xiv s. xiii/xiv s.
xii s. xii s. S.
New Haven (Сопп.), Yale University, MS. 598 Notre Dame (Indiana), University of NotTe Dame Library, MS. 40 131 * Оlоmочс, National Оlоmочс Regional Archive, MS.411 l32 Oxford, Дl Souls'College, MS. 35 133 Oxford, Дl Souls'College, MS. 39 1У * Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS, Add. А.61 (S.C. 2884З) 135 Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS, Bodley 23З (S.С.2|SS) 13б Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Bodley 5L4 (S.C.2|84) 137 + Охfоrd, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Bodley 622 {S.C. 2156) 1ý Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Bodley 977 (S.C. 2'7ф2) 139 + Oxford, Bodleian Librмy, MS. Digby 67 (S.С.lб68), fos 57-68 140 Oxford, Bodleian Library,, MS. Douce l15 (S.C. 2|6S9} 141 * Oxford, Bodleian LiЬгаrу, MS. Fаirfах 2S (S.C. 390S) 142 * Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Jesus College 2 143 * Охfоrd, Bodleian Library, MS. Jones 4S (S.C, 8956) 144 + Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Lat. hist. Ь.1, fragrnent 2 145 * Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrагу, MS. Lat. misc. b.l7, fo l0 tб Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Lat. misc. е.42 (S.C,36220)
s. xiv s. xii s. xiiVxiv s. xiv s. xii S.
153 * охfогd, В 154 + охfоrd, В
156 * Oxford. В 157 + охfоrd, Br fos 27-28
рр.22а| * охfоrd. С
161* Oxford. \j
163 164
Paris, Bib'
John Rl lal Рагis, Bibl 167 + Раris, Bibl Рагis, Bit,l 169 + Раris, Bibi 170 * Раris, Bibl 171 * Рагis, Bit,l Paris, Brbi
1б8 |72 173
Paris, Bibl
174 + Рагis. Bibi 175 * Рагis. Bibl 176 * Раris, Bibl 177 + Рагis, Bibi 178 * Рагis, Bib,,l 179 * Рагis, Bib,] 180 + Рагis, Bibl
xii xii
s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s.
xiiVxiv xii xii xiv/xv 181 xiv |82 xii 183 xii 184 * xv 185 xiii/xiv 186 xvi 187 + xii/xiii 188
xv + xii
Раris, Brb]
Рагis, Bib]
охfогd, }l
Paris, Brbl Paris, Bib,i
Рагis, Bibl Рагis, Bibl
Paris, Bibl Paris, Bibl Раris, Bibi Paris, Bibi
809ý +
дх ,SиI 'эрчоцЕч б9ýLI 1BI ,1?I ,SиI 'арчоввч ЕдOýI ,lзI ýЕ6€I SSиI 'арuовзu 0IaEI'1BI'SИI'ОРIЮЦвu E?6Zl'tеl'SlлI'ЭРЦОцвu YIOý8,13t,SиI'орtюцЕч € L,lul,SиI'арuоцвu ý I
.SиI .арuопuч
эпЬQцопqlg 'sIJBd апфцоIqIg'sрвd anhцoпql8'sIJ?d эпЩцоIIqIg'sрd апhWопqIв'ýцвd эпЬqцоlqrg'suвб апфщоtlqlg'slJud
эпЬqцочqlg.sРd ýI89 ]EI atw,lеl,SIлJ'о[вuопеu апЬqщоtlqlg's1red g
zg,lеl,sиi'эрчоцеч апфцоllqlg'sрd
EEZу,lвl,Sш'арчоцЕч эпфщопqlg'sцвd
ZEzg,|e|,SиI'эрuовDu эпЬqцопqlg's1rвd I Ez9 зuI,SиI'арuоцвu эпЬqцоцqlg'sIJзd
0Ez9 1BI,Sш'эрuопuч эпфцоtlqlg'sцвd эI?09,lBI,SиI'эрtюр?u anbqцol1qlg'srrвд gIt09,lBI,SиI'эрtюрвч эпфцоrlqrg'srrBд
y It09,1зI,Sиi'орuорвu епЬqцоцqrg'sr.ruб
Iro9,lBI,SиI'эт?tюпзч эпЬqцоцqlg'sцвd 0to9,1BI,SIлJ'арuоввu эпЬqцоllqlg'spвd
lлх + д8I лIхЛlF,s
ý8I * 78I Е8I a8l I8I (tsI бДI * * *
лх ,s IIх'S
Е,э,s) z,c,ua8,do1,SиI',{лJqI,I uвIa1pog'pJoJxo]
6ýI 8ýI
I Jаuuц,51ц'&Brq11 uвIalpog'pJoJxo
(U(c9t Js _7= 0i о_]'-. 1 luаtл:_iв_; 1
,S ,S
iggt:; l,!,ъ
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Il:,SI{,a.. -]}-._-, ,iлlс:э,*-,: ]_ . ., ..
,:, Si" ,
lr:,. .,
цIx,s IIx,s
^ц,s шх,ý
цх,ý лх,s цIx,s шх,ý лц,S цх,s Ах's
* *
1с(U-. -'
+ лх
OLt'lB1'51ц'э3ацоз ,sи[ 'чэmчэ ISIJчэ 'pJoдo бб |lv-zz,dd
,э,s) ,SиI 'КлJqп tпIэроg 'pJoJxo * ДýI Е68,а uоSIпIд\uu I,э lюslпIл\uu,Sш'1fuuJqп швIэIрg'pJoJxo * 9ýI
,эsтtц pnв.l ,Sи['{rтдq1,I ,эsтtц pш-I ,SиI'{rвлqI,I
лIх лх/лrх
лIхлпх ,s ,s
ддI llx
+9Ll Iц'S Цх'S * ýДI Ax,s *lLl ýдI IIx,s aLl ^tх,s *lLl лIхЛIIх,s Itx 'S * 0ДI 69I лIх ,s,S лх 89I Д9I IIх'S
,lBI ,SиI 'арIюпвu эпфцоцqIg 'ý1.твd * бЕ09 ,SиI 'арчопвч апЬqцоцqlв'sц?d L69ý 1BI
7EZS,|е1,SIлI'орчоцвu епЬqrроцqlg's1rвd
,lel,SиI 'орuоц?u эпЬqцопqlg 'sIJBd 99I llx,s tЕa; ,lul ,51л1 ',fuвщ11 ,(1tsrэrrщл sрuвlfц utlо1 9Iz ,SW эпЬqцоrgrg 'JэlsачэuвIлI + yбб6, 1BI 'эIзчорsч 'suв4 * ý9I лlхЛIIx,s лтх,s vgl 9a|t,lе|,SиI'арuоп?ч эпфцоцqlg's1rвd (т,н, r) z8б,SW'1вчэsлу, 1 ар эпЬqцоtlql g'sIJBd E9I ^ц ,s ItI 1зI ,51л1 'э3аllоз uарр8вцl'рJоJхо *Z9l Iгx'S uарр8ulц'pJoJxo * I9I IIIхлц'S IIF'S * 09I '(8 t
( tzoot,J,ý)
'(6ý9€ (g т 0z
(ossT ,э,s) uоsullл\вu ,SиI чвIэIро8 'KJuJqI,I 'pJoJxo t ýýI 68I,в ( l иуs l,J,s) 89 I, g чоsщI/t\вu,SиI'/fuBJqI,I швIероg'pJoJxo * }ýI (otst ,J,s) чоsщI,t\вu ,SиI '{лJqI,I uвIalpog 'pJoJxo t 8rI,g ,sш dпщIт uзIеIроg'pJoJxo * ýýI asl 91 а3ацоз lаlю ,SиI'{лщ!,I ч?IэIроg'pJoдo 9д7 о3ацоз /t\эN + IýI
(zюt ,э,s) 0zд,сsrJц рш-I ,Sиt'{rтщI,I uвIelpog'pJoJxo (Bto т,э,s) ?99,сsrJц рпв.I,Sиt'{.tвlq11 uвIalpog'pJoJxo ч?IэIро8'рJоJхо чзIэIроg'pJoJxo
(BBgT ,э,s) z6ý (qotT ,э,s) бLý
удолlн gнl со SldшэýIlNчи[
б?I 8?I
со J.Sп
xii xiv S. xii S. xii s. xii/xiii ý. ý.
xiii xii s. xiii s. xii s.
s. s. s. s.
xii xii xviii xiv xii
xii/xiii xiVxiii s, xiv s. xii s. хiч s. хiч s. xvi S. xv s.
Paris, ВiЬliоthфче nationale, MS.lat. l8271 1Л) * Paris, ВiЬliоthфче nationale, MS. nouv. acq. lat. 1001 191 + Paris, ВiЬliоthфче Sаiпtе-Gепечiёче, MS. 2113 Philadelphia (Ра.), The Frее Library, MS. Е.247 L93 * Reims, ВiЬliоthфче municipale, MS. 1430 Roma, Biblioteca Apstolica Vaticana, MS, Ottoboni lat.14'12 195 * Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS. Pat. lat. 956 1!Б * Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS. Pal. lat.962
l92 1И
lП l98 199 200 201 202
Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS, Reg. |at,692 Roma, Biblioteca Apstolica Vaticana, MS. Reg. lat. 825 Rom4 Biblioteca Apostolica Vаtiсапа, MS. Vat. lat, 2005 Rочеп, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. U.74 (|l'71) Rочеп, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 30б9 SаiпьОmец ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 710 203 + Salisbury, CathedTal LiЬrаrу, MS. 12l
San Магiпо (Cal.), Henry Е. Huntington LiЬrаrу, MS. EL э4.с.9 (1l2l) 205 Sankt Gallen, Stifвbibliothek, MS. 633 20б * Sevilla, Biblioteca Colombina, MS.7.3.19 2(П * Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, MS. Ноlm. D.1311 208 + Troyes, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 273 bis 209 Troyes, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 153l 2l0 Ushaw, Ushaw College, MS. б 2|l Valenciennes, ВiЬliоthёqче municipale, MS. 792 (5S9) 2l2 Winchester, Cathedral LiЬrагу, MS. 9 2l3 WiiTzburg, Universitaвbibliotlrek, MS. M.ch.f.14O 214 о/iи Phillipps, MS. 3117 2l5 Roma, Biblioteca Apstolica Vaticana, MS. Ottoboni |at.3}25
Sometimes the рорчIаritу еп
inversely proportional to
while а derivative wоrk li
manuscripts, а prime solrсе tical History survives in tfue This proposition is of cou to medieval as well as mode
manuscript-witnesses - but it historical information condul of familiar texts markedly с available to, those seeking tc
to suggest explanatrr
eval and mоdеrп readers. Ог оthеr, source material;
the best histories in the Mid tions аЬочt the usage апd traI remain spculationuntil tlre tr propsed that the first step l should Ье to investigate the t
рrоmоtеs andjustifies that ех of history rаthеr than litеrагч the diffusion of medieval hlsl it is possible to оЬsеrче what
Geoffrey of Monmouttt's
а ptential subject fr dubious historical content haI
Historia was written in the 1
4 5
йе mапчsсriрЬ see Chibu Fоr а lbt of the successfu] mе< perceptions, see Раrtпеr, Serrb, paul zчmйоr has rеmаrkеd iп Ьlопg to different worlds, se1 geable опе: 'lэ Техв mёdiёча OTr
IЬИ.,р.1. Hbtoire,p.248.
,8лZ.d'аl!оlчн ,L,d',пqL
-рчqчп uB 1оч ч3поцр 'rчý?чс 1вэt3оlочо.пlэ Лq этtFс эЦ pltЕ 1хФ аЦ lPlý sa;saE лвlпэвurа^ Jo "1хФчоэ эц ш pa{JBmaI ý9ч IоцшпZ
гZ,dd'ýпl"uлlлоrJаrчл чо ,zý-oýz ,dd"е4оls111.э?чапс аэs .slхэl ,
cпorJ?S.Iarцлd aas'suoTldacrad
FлаIраш Irgssазэпs Jо 1ýII цI..р .рчqцэ oos ýd!-rхпtпш ац,,о
z I
ац Jэло эlndsp Jo pmoJ8{cвq эщ lsumЗв .sOgII эц ш uelllrl\ w^ olJolslТ ,dцsJзIочсs
ачJ uJэрош fq lсаlЕэu ýlI ш рэllnsаJ рвч lчо]uос pclJolsц snolqnp sll luц шшIэ рIпоэ эuо оu Фпоцр 'z(pnls в чспs юJ l}э[qпs ррuэ]оd е saplnord upllJg Jo s8ulx ац Jo dJоlSIц лlndod ,{1рпsпчп S.цпоцшоtrлI lо ,{э.rggоа9 ý,sJарзэJ JIец Jo эm]1nс рсчоlsц эц рэшвэ sзч ач lвчд\ элJеsqо о1 o1qtssod sr 1l 'опрп сrsuщul JIэФ Еuцооlrэrrо flчвrоdшq.sочоls[ч рлэрэшJо uoIsnJJIp эц чо 8шssпэоg ,{g ,uоrsпlсuоэ JEITIшs в lB ралцп .аmlвJэlII Irвц JaцEJ ,{rоlsц1 зо uоцrsоd эц шоlз ЗurпЗrв'а?uэпс рJвuJэ8,,аэчэlslхэ lвЦ sаr;вsпГрuu sэlошо-ld чсIчл\ uollзzruв8_1o
эц рчв txal
в sз есuэlýIха S.lхэl аIп эlз3l1sэлш ol oq рIпочS
slxal I?лаIраш Jo IюциеJdJФчI рuв 3чrрвэ.l эц tп dols lsJц ац
1BIB pэsodoJd
JоцшпZ Inзd €'SЦЛЭl llrrro JIэц uо pamllпxa aJB ýlxal эц шuп uоцu pceds urcшэr прt\ чсцrt\ SэЗY аррIIлJ эц Iп seuolsцJo чоIsslшsuвл рuв аЗвsп ец lnoqв Suoll -durnssв dлвэ 1алэДоч.$чошаlЗls чэпS .Sa8Y эррIW эtD Iп Sаuоlýц lsэq эц зо э3рэlмоrц рарэdшl sdurlrad uоцвtшодI ol ssэээв rооd :рчеlеш эсlпоs 'lэцо .sJapBaJ ац 'uоцuullолп рэIJоlsш рrэчэЗ рлпЬаr dno€ эug цJэрш рu8 Iвлэ -Iраш Jo sэлЦтаdsrоd э^пэаlIос luaJэJJTp ац JoJ suопвuвldхэ 1sэ33пs ol IIпэIJлр lоч sI1I.,sэ8y орриI эц ul lsBd эц lnoqu л{оtD| оl8uцеэs эsоц .ot еIqвIIвл? ,{1drrrrs sdurlrэd ro ',{q parno^BJ lЕц шоц luэJеFр {реlrвш slхэl JзIIIIIIвJ Jo uоuвэ з распроrd surl srBlorlэSJo sIюцвJачэt,(q распрuоо uоцзLшорI IзсuоlSIч alqвsn JoJ чсJзэs ац лоч о1 чорuэllв лrвФ ol sолJэS lI lnq - Sessoщl,t-ldlrcsnuem sпоJэшпu рuв реэrdsЭриr fq раlsаlЗ sI SJар?эJ uJэрош se IIO^I sB р^арэIu ol frolslц s.эрэ8 зо аэчиrоduл эц - эJпlsэrпс ? аsJtюс зо sl uontsodo.rd sцд
l,ээJчl lп sэлIлJпS ,itоlslg 1всц
-SзISэIсэа s.slpllл эIJapJO эц1 {Bpt Sч?чоlýIч JoJ эсJпоs эшud в 'sldr.rэsпuеш 8II щ slslxa uоэluоtцэ!лоd s.uap8lg qdlпuвц e11I {Jол\ элIlвлuэр в эIIILц qсrqМ uоцЕuIIоJпл eIqBпOJJo zfiцuвпЬ ац ol puoцJodord,{1esiarrЙ 'l_1Bdmt ,{эrр
lSomIB sшоэs sa8y
ерриI ац ш sачоlsтч dq
firrBрdod ац sошIlошоS
ýZOE 'lEI rUOQOllfr
mT,J L:: (bBs.l
S;\ ';-j:::
со_ 5;i
f rS;
S;\ S;\
IIEI,C,m]oН S;\"]
]а 'SW ',fuв:qп
S; S
(1lIi SOOZ'13I
,lB1 ,3эц 97з ,lBt ,3ан zб9
,rBI ,tЕd
zLv\,1el. шоqоl]о
I00I y,l?oii
suФesýion to king Henry I, iп а priod of intellectual liveliness and innovation. Gеоffrеу traced Йе history of the island of Вriиiп frоm iB first settlement, following tlre fortunes of vmious kings of varying mеrit - t}re island чrаs unified from thйrst, in Geoffrey's account - and describing their impact оп the British landscape in the foundation of towns and the construction of mопumепts. His wоrk wis described as fabulous Ьу later twelfth-centuгy sceptics like william of Newburgh and Gerald of wales,6 but neverttleless it gained сrеdепсе and was iпсогройtеd into histories at ап early stage.7 opinion оп the frivolousness оr о*rейisе of his work is divided: Geoffrey's wоrk сап Ье classed as parody, fraud, оr history.8
GeofЙey's intentions remain Ьчriеd in his work and in its relationship to his sorгces. Тйе reaction of the immediate audience for which it was intended is unknown. However, something of the History's rvider audience and the паtчrе of
responses to it mау Ье gauged. Рrечiочs ýtudy of iB impact has concentrated оп the tangible evidence oi literary Ьоrrоwiпgs frоm it,9 but ttrere rеmаiпs а largely чпехрlБrеd, if mоrе ambiguous, body of evidence applicable to this mаttег - the пlrmеrоus extant mапчsсriрБ.lo They attest when the wоrk was copied (occasionally also whеrе and Ьу whbm) - and sometimes who owned versions, where and whеп. This information, together with that of extant library lisв, сап Ье added to what is kпоwп frоm litеrшу Ьогrоwiпgs about the readership of the text. The evidence of manuscripв contributes fundamentally to knowledge of the text in чаriочs ways; two aspects йll Ье рursчеd hеrе. FiTst, the identification of branches of transmission as represented iп gочрs of manuscrip6 will fоrm the basis for the construction of а text-history. sccondly, using t}ris text-historical material, some account of the work's circulation mау Ье sought Ьу looНng at the chronological and gеоgrафiсаl characteristics of branches of the transmission and at some of the means Ьу which they circulated. These aims йl1 Ье discussed in detail below. Before this, I propse to give some backgIound to the work's popularity Ьу outlining t}re gap in pre€alfridian historiogaphy, how Geoffrey
,rrice tis contemprilries аwаrе that 0re gap existed, and the паfurе of his History's success.
But not foT errtaely academic rеаýопý: ссmраге Crick, 'GeoftTey" Fоr example those of AlfTed of Beverley and Robert de Torigni (via Непту of Hrurtingdon), оп йeiT blective use of GeoffTey's material see Lдckie, Tle Passage of Dоrпiпiоп, рр. 45-49. Compare FletcheT, The Дrthuriап Material,pp, |7|J2. _ Fоr юmе receTrt views соmраrе Вrооkе, The Chtrch, рр. 95-106; Flint, 'The HЫoria'i _
Rosenhau-s, 'Вriиiп'. Brooke, ар:udlаrпеs,WаЛtеr Мар,рр.
xxxix-xliii; Keeler, 'TheHistoria'iUllmann,'оп йе Iпfluепсе', l0 оп йis material see йе rеmшks of ButgnweiseT, 'Popular дчthоrs', р. 5l. То mу knowiedge, the опlу such ацlтоасh to the tlistoria is йat of East iп раrt of his unpubbhed Ph.D, disselиtioц 'De Сопtеmрtч ВriюпT m'л
British History before Get
Before Geoffrey of Мопmочl Rоmап invasion led Ьу Julius this pint, after а few gепеrа indigenous population (fтоm Scythia via keland in the са-*
appndix to his iпtгоdчсtог}, t рrорr.12 Араrt from Bede, mс prhaps have tцrпеd to Gildas in the sub-Roman рriоd, wаrl them as а rеsчlt of феiт оцт circulated, however, and frог
пiпttrсепшrу СаmЬrо-Lаttл l himself, and quite widely cr Вrittопum provided the mos
population. It supplied йе sti grandson of the Тrоjап sчп rr Нсв and Irish. After Bede апd the ачttюr have made little effort to dеlъ, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle at аrriчаl of the Britons frоm Аг йе less begins iБ 'паrrаdче' v of the island waý not reyiyed ч has pinted out that in the iп Anglo-Saxon past were assoc beyond national sentiment а privilege and счltчrе: non-mi subjecБ.l7 The historiographl the intellectual endeavours чп 'Ьriпфпg things together and The view of рrе-Апglо-Sа,
Fоr а deиiled discussion ot С Passage of Dоmiпiоп, |2 Оп Bede's treatmeтlt of Вriш: 11
Edited Ьу Fаrаl, La Ugейе, Ш вrittопдm, orr the Gildasian fc l4 Fоr йе parallel Continenta.l si:, 15 оп йеsе chronicles see \A/hiи_ lб See Brett,'John', рр. 101-4. |7 'Some Twelfth-cenmry Vie * s', 1з
рчв EEI
8i ,dd'.smаtл {.mrrrэс-lцlэ,rrд ашо5, LI
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эцsзuош чохвS-оIзчч puaJap ol ldшэuз чв рuв luэurцuаý рuоцвu puoкaq
рорuаlхэ чсцrl\ ,{llsolmc рщсоllаlщ uв цI,t\ pаlвIcosss эrэдr lsBd uoxвS-ol8uv эц olul sэчэJзоsаJ роIJэd lsапЬuоэ-lsоd ФвЕвurшr эц ш lвц 1по рэlшоd sвч IIэqdшвэ soulвf 9I,$uпоссЕ чзIшоN-оIЗuч эtп шIm рэлIлаJ lоu sвдl puEISI ац Jo ,{rolsrч flJ?а эш ш s. JвSаuэ 1SaJO]IIJ SlI S[пзаq ýSэI ец ýt,чоIS?лtп цIд\.алцвIIзu, оuоu ]nq 'вtц,{с5 шоц ýlэн эц Jo lвц рuв зcIJomJY tпоц SuoluE эц Jo рл[lЕ эц SpJoreJ (opag 8urMoIIoJ) чсIчл uоIsuаээJ 0lýэllз аIJIчоJIIэ uохuS-оI8шV ац Jo SuоlsJэл g рчв 'а'с aцI91,1sed qsцug эц оlul олIар ol uoJJa оIllп арвш эл?ч ol шээS sJallJ/\\ JBInSщ 'lдпuоillJg DrJolSlH aLI Jo Jоцпв эц рuз ерэg JaцY
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аDIII ,{JаЛ ýвл\ 1Jол\ S,sBpIIg ,,{эв-rаuэ3аР [зJош IIл\о
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plnoc pu?ISI аql Jо,ftоlsr_ч эц оlщ sJалпЬuа [3лаIраш'эрэg шоц lлdy.,Tadord ,&оtsц1 ац ol 8шuаdо ч? sB uвц salou рсцdзЯоа3 frоюпрдщ ýц ol хryuэddв u? se эJош рэлJаs чэц,l\ sluэшшос '(вэн эцJо эSвс эц tп ршIэц ?и ?FMOS шоц рч8 'SuOlIJ8 ац Jo эýЕJ эц tп .всчошJч шо{) uoцBlndod sпоuэЗрrп
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determined fоr tlre moýt pшt Ьу t}rat of Веф, and sometimes also Ьу that of the author of the Historia Вritlопии. It is clear from the stereotyped and limited паtчrе of ешlу twelfth-centmy ассочпБ that, for tlris priod, юаrсеlу mоrе than the thrее ýочrсеý described above were available.l9 Т\е Сlrопiсаrwп Сltrопiсс of John of Wоrсеstеr and tJ/illiam of Malmesbury's Gеstа Rеgwп дпglоrии begin йth the coming of the English аЬочt A.D. 450. Неrrrу of Huntingdon less conventionally
followed the account of Вrчtчs in the Historia Вrittопurлрl but he made no sipificant original contribution.2l The rеаsопs fоr the silence in the historical record ше evident; Bede used Rоmап sources for the priod before the documenиtion and memories of his own
time wеrе available, but to чепfurе back Ьеfоrе Саеsш required acquaintance йtlt the legends of the Britons оr those of their пеighЬочrs, the Irish.z The ачthоr of the Historia Brittoпulпclaimed to have drawn оп both Roman and native traditio. As а result, he said, he could supply the originJegend of the Britons (frоm Roman tradition) and provide genealogies dеsсгiЬiпg Brutus's (оr Britto's) descent and familyJinks with оthеr eponymous founders of Ечrорап nations (from native sources).B TЪle Historia Вrittопutп was аlrеаdу enjoying а priod of renewed interest when а пещ mоrе detailed account of this hiЁrerto оЬsсчrе соrпеr of Insular history арршеd. This latin histогу рчrроrtеd to Ье а шanslation of ап ancient book iп the British lanpage which the author, Galfridus Monemutensis, had Ьееп
given Ьу Walter, archdeacon of Oxford, а mап of acknowledged culture and lешпiпg.И Some context for the connection between these two mеп is provided Ьу six charters (dating frоm 1129 to ll52) frоm the Oxford шеа: Оsепеу, Godslow, Thame, and St Gеоrgе's, а hпrse of sесчlаr сапопý.Ъ Five of these аrе issued оr wiпressed Ьу Archdeacon Wаltеr and include in their witnessJisв а certain
'Gaufridus magister' оr 'Gaufridus Аrtчr'. Wаltеr арреаrý in his capacity as рrочоst of St George's, а psition which he held fгоm l115 until the suppression of the house in 1 149. Не died рrоЬаЬlу iп l l 5l И and the sixth сhаrtеr, of 1 1 52, is йtnessed Ьу his successor, Archdeacon Robert Foliot, also with Gaufridus.u It is not сlеаr why Gеоffrеу аррешs as а wifiress, His опlу official title in these
t9 lbid., р. l38. zo As did the Dчтhаm author of
Libellцs de Рriпо дdцепtч sсlюпurп, оп which see offler,
21 Соmраrе lэсКе, Tle Passage of Dоmirtоп,р,38, п IЬИ. рр.29-30. В ýý17-18: Fжal,I,aligeиde, Ш.8-9 апd 11-17. и Called superlativeretoricusby HeTrryof Huntingdon, DеСоrtеtпрtuМuпdi, ý4,editedby ATnold, Hewici ДrсhИiасопi Нцмеrйurепsis Historia, рр. 291-320 at 302. See also
other such teachers had bet Theobaldus (ТhiЬачф of Ёип who moved to paris in ll39 а Gеоffrеу's wiEressings ha, St Gеоrgе's.З1 In the last two
'elect' оr 'episcopus' of l
Lambeth Ьу Archbishop Th
rесоrdеd.з2 The consecration , de Torigni, who added ttrat th
Historyof thekingsof the Вгit musl have brought rесоgтuu political difficulties for the Ar the death of Ranulf II, еаrl с
occupying his sее.З3 Gеоffrе1, Although, fоr most twelfй pation, it could act as а cata]! has Ьееп sееп аý а bid fоr pl elevation to the episcopate, й his yirc Merlini, dedicated to Liпсоlп.З7 Legge sought а srгr Hisloria to Robert, ешl of Glo and wаlеrап, count of Meuia
рrеtеd and dated Ьу the shifts i Gеоffrеу, lэggе аrgчеd, wTot of Henry I and рашоп of фе i work to Дехапdеr, bishop oI
mеп ineffective as patrons - Rl
28 Legge,'Maýter Geoffrey', р, 2] 29 Соmраrе Southern, 'From Sck з0 IЬИ' рр. 5-7.
зl Salter,'Gmffrey', р. 385. з2 Richter, d'Cotterbury РrоlЪs,
Medbyal HЫorians, р. 11.
б и
documents is magister (in 1 1. оr at le:Бt indicate that the Ь
Greenway, ed., tоhп Le Neye. Fasri, Ш.35. Salter, 'Geoffrey'. The sесопd ofhb seven listed dосчmепв Ь а fоrgеrу. Grеепwау, еd.,lоhп Le Nеvе. Fcsri, Ш.35. Тhоrре, 'The Last Years', р. б64.
зз Lloy4 'Geoffrey', р. 465. о:.
Episcopate'. Brooke, The Church,p. 10; Ч':: з5 Gчепбе, Hbtoire, рр. 49, 5l а dbtinction btween сhчrсh апd the court as а cultural сепЕе: S{ эб Llоуф 'CeoffTey', р. б5; Lэgд
Ibid.,pp,25-26. Оп whom see King, 'Wаlеrал'
Argumenв reviewed Ьу Wгighr-
,tz,d 1xal fi rва чч,'эIглшп{ оýр aas,I^х-пх,I' ouo rý н ?ч J.lq8чд
'dd ztцеrяdsэ '0ý-6z ,dd 'я4мJ fuошпDаg ryJ 'чэпоIэ
:.IJBIэID/I&, '3чr;ц aas
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1q3чд'.g1 ,d'цэпцз arlJ'эr{оо.r{
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,p7,d',,{аgдоо9 lаlsвц1,'э??а1
':ЬЗrо_: ?
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-g-l .а| | 'i-
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,5,d'.&tsrэirrun ol qоочJS шоIJ, 'чrэцпо5 авdшоз бz
Japu?xaм рuв 'д€ I I ut dрuЕшJоN JoJ ЗIплвэI uэqоu - suоцвd sB эzrllсадаtп uеш эSец цоq роJарчэJ J?д\ IIлIэ ащ чочл[ ,чосщ.I Jo dочslq .Japuвxe[Y о1 IJoдl ац Jo олuас ачl l? sаIсачdоJd ац 3[rцзэIрар'ýuв ац Jo uодвd рuв I {JuaH Jo pJиwq эц tэlsэспоID Jo uэqоu JoJ fJоlцн SIч эloJ/t\ 'рэп3дв эEaal 'fаrдоаg 6€,Jвлl IIлIс ац {q pФиIdl}aJd эоuuйаIр I?cцIIod uI sц,пIý эц Kq рФвр рuв рэlаJd -JФuI чээq dlрrаuэЗ алвч Suоцвэрэр еsаql s€.uвFаIлI Jo lunoc .ч?JэIвлil puв lJeqou ol рuв 'uачdФS 3u1; рчв uаqоu ol 'JэlSecnoID Jo IJ?э .uэqоu о1 olto|SlH ац Jo suoqзclpop sпо[п^ оц JoJ uоrlвuвIdхэ JвIr_щs в lчЕпоs e33a-I .€.чосu!-I Jo doчslq ',(эusаtlз ар lJaqou 'uBSoJoIp s.pJoJxo о1 рэlвэIрар 'lullJaи 7/rл sщ .эlвdосsldэ ац оl uоцвлеIа Jo uonlsodmoc эц pa/t\olloJ IаоJвэ sцJo llцrшпs ац s,{эgJоес l?ц раlоч э33уl есшIшос ,.,э8вчодud JoJ plq ? sз uaas uаэq sвq ool lndlno frвrоЦ S,КацJоэС яяllчэшэоuвлрu ol ts,{plзc ? ý? lcв ррОС 1I .чоцвd -ncco aurцJInJ в lou Sвл ЗчцIJл\ 'Slоцпв ,{Jпluес-цлэlr{l lsom JoJ'чЗпоцIY и,ýýII Jo ?ýII щ рэр fэrgоаg €,эаs sIч 3ш,{dпэсо .п шоr; dеrдоэg flquqord 'JэlSачэ ац реluэпэrd рчЕ Jo Iлa лпuвu Jo цзэр ,{q csT t чt рацsuэlц эJэл\ sаlвл\ ш ýttвImoN-ol8uy эц JoJ sэп1nэUJIр I?cpIIod sпоtлаld lnq 'эшосш 'ssanqnop .рuв 'Snlцs 'чоптu8осэr lq8no.1q элвч lýпш чопз лаIэ S. {эщоэ9,. upв-l оlщ,, чSрIJ8,, шоц suollJ8 ац Jo S3rтц ец до Дrоtslц эц раl?Isuвд рвч, 'mцJY fаrgооg'dоqыq лэu эц lвtп рэрр? оqм'ruзtrоа эр lJaqou JеIэшощс эц 'drвrоdшФuсэ s Kq рэрu ýЕл uопзJ}эsuос ацL zЕ.рарJосэJ эJз IюIsSaJoJd sц puB 7911 zlтвшqаg щ ррqоэцt dоqяqqсrу ,(q цэqrцвт lu чоцвJ}эfiюс sч :sэt?лil ш (,iшlачв11) s,qdusy ls Jo ,mdocsldэ, Jo.]calэ, рэI,(ls sI dэ-цзmg 'zýI I шоц 'sаuэs ац Jo sJэlлчэ од\l ls?I эц rц ,r.s,э3Jоэо ls эц pФdmoJd эпвr1 sЕчrssэщIл s.,{аrзgоэg
Jo uоч?с в sвдr эч 1эц чоцsэ33пs
og?JoJxo l3 3чrдщсаI srвэ{ рrэ,rэs Jalp бЕII ul sIJзd оl рэАош очлl ,чаIIпd uаqоu рчз ,чавэ Jo п|stEпtt JэuIJоJ з 'sэdшиg Jo (rneqm,r) SпрIвqоэцl
:рJоло Jo z(llsrэлпm luаэsвч эц lu рФJоээJ ugэq реч sJачсзэl чэпs Jэцо
оц! бz,IоочСs u8taroЗ в lB рФЕэпРэ uээq рвч JaJBaq аф lBФ эl?этрш lffel 1в Jo szчэваl оl ешээп lso88ns fuш qэrqм'(6?II рчв 6€II щ) пlstЗош SI sluацmсор
аsац uI эпп pl]I_J_Io i;:с ; -.;] SI 1I д'SПРIJJПВС Ц!ъ ii-i ýI 'zýI I Jo 'JэlJЕч] цr:: э;_ : .":,; uolssэrddns эц I!шп ;. . . SB Кllсвd?э Sгч tл s-iтд;: чI?uээ з SlSIl-SSaщI.n .:];: Jo РЭПSSI ЭЛ Э-ýаЦ _IC ;1.j :: ',цоlSр9'iаuэsg :гэл эI_. xls {q ppr,lo.rd st чэтJ !,-*: :
pIп эJп]Iпэ рэ8раl.tсхц:l _: чээq рвч'SISча]пшэtюI i ý :: luэIсuв uз Jo lюпЕIsuтi Е
lsэJаltп рэл\эuаl Jo г\*цN,
алIlвu шоlJ) SчопЕu чт}:.:_рuЕ luасSэр (s.ottug l, ý.:.-ч?шоu шоJJ) Stjоlug э;;: : ,o|1!pD.ll элпsu рц? UT:xJE
цlл,t\ эсtгиl,лвпЬэв II1*о
Э:j] '!_]л _
SцJo Sаuошэш Е,jт :]::
РЭSП ЭРЭ8 :luэРL\а ;-Е :-r.,]
оu эрвш эч lnq J.llт:4:::,a f
1uuоцuа,rчос ssal EcTi
ur8эq иm.lq3!i}-:!а] эц ц!t\ D ЭУОц Э Lцr, 1t :-4
Jo utlol Jo
еэлпацIЕцэrош ilазлs,: эml?ч раlпш1 рuв рэditсв:r,
оц Jo lвц
oslB SашllэLiý
being imprisoned Ьу Stephen in 1139 _ and after Oxford was besieged in 1142, Geoffrey prhap added secondary dedications, fust to Waleran of Мечlап, and lаtеr to Stephen himself.Ю Lэggе's шgцmепt is speculative. It assumes that the single dedication toRobertpreceded the two double dedications and that Gеоffrеу was respnýible fоr all alterations, poiný which are шlрrочеп. Neveгtheless, Ьу drawing attention to the imроrtапсе of t}re dedicatee fш the author's futuTe as well as that of his work, lэggе invited fчrthеr discussion of the function and thus the implications of the dedications. The раtrоп's role iý iпtеrmеdiаrу iп disseminating а work is well known. Gaimar's translation of GeoffTey's History depn&d on а mапчsсriрt acquiTed thrочф Walter Espec frоm Robert of Gloucester. It has Ьееп suggested tttat, ttrrочф Espc's interest, Аrthчriап material mау have соmе to the notice of Aelred, abbot of his foundation at Rievaulx.al Despite the imprtance of the раfiоп in а work's initial stages, its ultimate fate depended оп iB contents - although Guепёе's statement, 'Le раtrсlп рrорsе, mais le public dispse', has prhaps mоrе rhеtоriсаl force than ассurасу.аz
2. ýý2}53 Веfоrе фе Rоm Аftеr Brutus's death, his t]Ta ftе island between them. git; (England), Kambria fllЫе s.r
аlrеаdу Ьееп established in th as his share in the settlement rчlе for ýоmе gепеrаtiопs, ft is Ьrоkеп Ьу the suicide of С, in the mаппеr lаtеr dеsсгiьеd
lished Ьу Dunuallo Моlmчu Belinus and Brerrnius, mоч-г outside Britainby its rulеrs. Т Italy, eventually sacking Rсп mапу gепеrаdопs.
ýý5,1-91The Coming оf
under cassiuellaunus, Ьrофс
GeoffTey's History Geoffrey begins Ьу rеmаrkiпg оп the lack of written ассочпБ of еаrlу British history despite а lively oral tradition, thus introducing Walter's ancient book. Geoffrey's 'translation'follows the dedications, andopns with abrief description of Britain - its size, countryside, rivers, cities and inhabitants. The ensuing паrrаtiче mау Ье divided into eight sесtiопs.lЗ
1. ýý5-22 Вrчtчs occupies йе island
of ДlЬiоп
Geoffrey's History begins much where Vergil's Депеid епф, with the sчrчiчоrs of the sack of Тrоу. The Trojan rеIппапt, чпdеr Aeneas (а mеmЬеr of the rоуаl house of Тrоу), have escapd tlre sack of the city and саrчеd out а kingdom in Italy" Some уеаrs later Siluius, Aeneas's gтandson, fathers ап illegitimate son паmеd Brutus. When Brutus Hlls his fаthеr in an accident, iБ ýoothýayers had prophesied at the time of his birth, he is explled frоm Italy. After чаriочs successful military adventures in Grеесе and Frапсе, he settles in the rеmоtе
island whеге he was destined to found а second Тrоу. Не gives his паmе to the island, thеrеаftеr Britain, апd his companions аrе called Britattпi, 40 'MasteT Geoffrey', w.2+Z5. 4l Powicke, Tle Lde, р. lxxxviii. а2 Histoire,p.290.
43 Taken for convenience fтоm GeoffTey, пarrslated Ьу Тhогр. BTeaks at йese points ате frequently mшkеd iп manuscripts, with фе exception of the fочrЁr (at ý92; it оссurs mоrе usually at ý89) and йе eighth (always at ýi77 if а division Ь indicaвd at all): Ыоч VI.
of Heli, the Britons аrе attack they were of the same rасе ц could easily Ье forced to ра1 battle and the Romans аrе ot vulnerability, trу to rebel. Tr+ l frоm caesar but he is betrar е tributary. Then follows ап а.
Rоmап rчlеrs, and of соIýtа] During tttis priod, йе islanc
ýý92-108 The Hotrse of
After the dераrtчrе of Rоп enfeebled Ьу attacks оп
Constantine is чsчгрd
йei br \
respnsible fоr the sеttlеmеr rеsчlв in чпrеst and dеstrчсu to ensure his own safety Ь difficulties, which Vоrugег;l
strange Ьоу, Меrliп: subsiden iп which two dragorrs wеrе s]
5. ýýl(Ь117 The Рюрhесi
неrе the ачthоr breaks ш tc frоm Alexander, bishop of I
Merlin which he had alreadl
L чсщл\ SэIcatldord зО uопэаIIоЭ u SI sItIJ 'рэlвIflIвД ,(рвэrJв р?ч эq ЧЗЦ,t\ ч1IJаиI ,{q sэroaqdord эurоs uэslп о1
,{1qиоu'srэlrвпЬ рJолэs шоr3
шrq sa8rlqo 'цоэut1 до doqslq IФчвха[y шоц аJпssэJd лец urвldхэ ol ц s{ЕэJq Jоцпв эц эJан ачJ дII-бOIýý .ý
,Iд ЪоIаq :(iTB le ра::::,-. ; эJош sJпээо 1I :16ý rE ,_:;:_ ;: оле slчtоd аsэцl :Е :]r?::c :.j : ,_
lIпJaIлIJo sаJэаqdоrд
'ýIollupunoJ аW Jepun
,8uldаэls аrэм suo8Brp o/t\l чJцIл uI .{oq э3rrвдs рзq ээuарtsqпs :IпIJэIл{
1ood u ,{q рэsпЕс ugaq
в Дq pa,rlos эп 'ulBldxa ol olqвun ап suвtэt8вш s.urэ8пlол qэцл .ýацIпэgлр ,Jал\о1 аlqvr€элdurт ш 8tцрImq fq ,{lэрs чл\о sIч aJnýua о1 [зuоцrпдsuоэ sldшэпе рuв sагвл[ о1 sээUг,{Iрпtuэzrа u:о8пrол ,uоцспдsэр рIIз lsэJlm ш $FsaJ чэтtl/r\ 'BsJoH рuв 1ыЗuаg Jэрuп sаиоrrs оц Jo 1uэшэрlэs ац JoJ эlqrsuodsar st urэ8цrол sTtLL ,rа,f.fri,иа9 ац Jo Jегцс 'uJэ8цrол (q podmsn SI э[щUвlsчоэ Jo аsпоч 3шlп: ащ ',{1э.t о1 эtлоэ элвч'ачrпsвос 4эц uo sлсвuе ,{q рэlqаара 'suollrg эц чсIчlr\ uо Зшлдэшоs .чопоФоrd чвшоu go эrпlлвdар аlп JaTY aulluвlsuoJJo аýпон ачI 80I-zбýý ., ,,{1швпsrлlз
ol рэlJо^uоэ sI puвl$
О1 ЭurВU Sгц Sa
эlошаJ эц 1п
Sаг.]-,s :
Sпоuзл .rаlл, iT: рвq srэiвsцLrоs s; :,_:г uos эlвrrп€эIri uT s_:-,i_
ul шор3tп:1 Е
р;.*:: : -;
p,{or ац Jo Jцшэцj ; s?; SJОлIМПS аЦ Цl п'S: -: :-_-',
sлд 8rп-тпq
,эtuоu о] ээIРйаIр JJo 1ltощl ot sldmatle чSррg llЕtsuоэ Jo рч? 'SJoIm uзшоu snolл^ рuu шв]IJg uаалlэq suoIlзIэJ эц Jo llmосэ? uB sл\оIIоJ uэq1 fпlпqtл ýашосэq pwlsl эц рuu маqdаu pal}aJJзýIp sтч,{q раfвлэq sI ач lnq лsаuэ шоц lэвllu Jочtоuв дзо uq3ц sпtmвпапrsýuэ 'JэluI sлаК оц1 ,Iaqal о1 ,{д '{tIIIqвrэчпл s.Jсsевэ 8rпаеs 'slпзg ац uэч/t\ д\еФцIд\ ol рэ3цqо aJB suешоu эц рuв эпlвq 1п Jзsав) lваJэр о1 sо8вrrвш sпuпеIIэпIýsвэ ,Фпqр ,{Bd ol раэ-lоз эq,(1rsво рlпоэ ршв 3uпц3g 1в рапиs ssol аJэл\ . ац 'stтвшоu ац ýз эсвJ eIдus оц gо a_ran fэц q?поцр'lвц uоцlsоddпs ац uо Jзsэвз sпцпl fq pаlcвllв оJз suоlug эц .!IэнJо uоs puв (uорuо-1 'pfllJaox !о JapunoJ аtп) pn-I Jo JэцоJq.sпuшIIепIssвэ Jарuп
sцвшоu atpдo tч;шоэ аqI
uопdrrэsарзэtlq Е L.: т. j _J: : 'ЦООq IUЭIЭUВ S,l;:-?.Tл :-:'
Ilspps ilлэ;о :-]u:L--t-
,suonBraue8 ,{uвш
,ашоu JoJ uIз]IJB аIш о] апчпuоо sluзрuасsар JIацL 8rц:lэвs flрпluэпе ',{pt1 щ .sJoIIu slr ,{q r4utцg opl$no рuв ',{чuuла9 'In?9 оlц u8шdщеэ lulоГв а>lвш,(аqа uо{?uарIm Jала uопсв э^IstIaJJo доГuш lsлJ ац llmош'SппIuэJ8 рш SпшIеg 'stlos s.оllзпuпQ ,Iрд\uJоэ Jo 3ши ац Jo uos 'snцnuqoщ olpnmo {q раqsп -qиsaal sI Jарю 'lвн 1ta,rc в JaUy ,(элаdsэryq5 ,(q раqрэsэр Jэ]BI JэIшвш эql tп s"tэtчЗпuр Sщ реlвал ОЧ,t\) 4TI Jo rqчЗпер 'впэрJоэ Jo ФIэрý ац Kq ua{oJq sI эщI оц 1пtm su8tтdшвэ ftrпq3ц рuв soqlc 3rцрчпоз'suоRвlаuа8 ашоý JoJ э[ш Sluuрuаэsар 4ац рuв suos S.Sщtu8 ,рчзIsl эц Jo lчашашаs эц ш эпчS Sц ý3 'sщIuBJo рuэтr; Jвfоl u'sпоutrоз,{q,{лrmоэ tsalц эц щ рачsllqеlsачэаq,{рвалJв
suч ]шп pcntlod JэцJпJ y ,(ршвltос5) DllаDqV рuв (sард) оuqдDх.(рчul8ug) otdao7:uwlIJBJo stпd *эrц ац о1 sацпuлац 3rпrrй'шэц uаэмlэqрu?IsI ец apl^Ip - sп]э€шqIY рuв Jэqцпя 'sпtпJэо-I - Suos ааJчl sц.цвэр s,ýцшg rФJY ац aJoJafl ýý{zýý .z
ашвс sцвшош
sdвqrэd sBq,.asпJsT :l,:q3поцр - ýuэlчо: _i. _: : uолеd ац зо ээUп}]i-jj: ; -:
Jo ээпоu ац о] allý ] ; .,? 1uц рlsэ33пs uaa: i-_ , :] : : :'_-:: .
релпЬэв ldюsпшеrд
'urtlОt.Ч IIЭ,Ц SI iJLaY.
эц sпц рlп uоп]цпj а: :: па1t\ SB
JоцпЕ ;,j.
-r; -
fq'ssаlац:алэ\,ча,\.,_: --
,{а-tдgоэg tвц pIп stjоп. ] т; эц lBW SэцmSSр ]J ,э.\IЕ,---; ptl9 'uвIпэI/\i Jo IrЕ]эр.\\ t-: :
'z?II щ р3эrsаq я,ъ pj,:},
travelled indepndently frоm the Historia and which have Ьееп thочфt to have circulated before the арраrаrюе of the History.4
priod, creating history out о: was tfueatened wittt civii wa mеt счrепt ppular taste fоr
ýý118_142 The House of Constantine
Ачrеliчs, son and heir of Cmstantine, Ьеюmеs king and Hlls Vоrtigеrп in his tоwеr Ьеfоrе defeating Hengist and the Saxons. Aurelius's reign sees the imрrting of а ring of stmles frоm keland to Stonehenge, iш o,peration organized Ьу Merlin, Aurelius is poisoned Ьу а Saxon infiltrator. Не is succeeded Ьу his Ьrоthеr, uttrer, who likewise faces the saxons iп battle and lаtеr becomes the victim of poison.
7. ýý14}178 Аrthчr
Uther is followed Ьу his young son, Althur, who had Ьееп conceived when Uther, magically disguised Ьу Меrliп, cuckolded the Duke of Соrпwаll. ATthur regains control of Britain Ьу defeating the Saxons, PicB, ScoB, апd Irish. Не then tчrпs his attentions abroad, winning Norway and Gaul and taking his аrmу to the Continent а second time to fight off Rоmап resistance. Не rеtчrпs victorious to Britain but is mortally wounded while defeating his Keacherous nephew, Моrdred, who, in ATthur's abýence, has Ьесоmе his wife's lover and usurpd йе throne.
8. ýý17}208 The Saxon Domination 's cousin, becomes king and is followed Ьу several successors. Eventually Gоrmчпd, king of the Africans, with Sжоп help overthrows Keredic, ап unworthy holder of the rоуаl title. Тhеп follows ап account of St Aupstine's mission to the English and the story of Cadwallo and Edwin and tttat of Cadualladr, romanticized versions of the пагrаtiче found in Bede's History.as Gеоffrеу's wоrk ends with the subjugation of the degenerate Britons - rеdчсеd through plape, famine and civil discord - Ьу the English whose newly paceful and
Constantine, Arthur
оrdеrеd life has brought them the сrоwп of I-oegria.
whаtечеr the reasons, the rл well attested. Непrу of Нчлt:
Normandy took place iп Jani Henry I, an ечепt which Ger was available in Nоrmапdr composition. Its ppulaпtv r счrrепtlу пчmЬеriпg 2 l 5. The significance of thts t] examination of the гelatrve р attested Ьу the пчmЬеr of sur of seventy histories ше oc.t Maximus, Orosius, Jчstiлчs. ; priod of circulation thап а whose success was shоrtеr-i Monmouth next аftеr Jоs€р according to mу figures, Gео and Josephus's 200 (alttrougi
may not have Ьееп So БSl Gеоffrеу).sl This is а corT}mi history of Сhаrlеmаgпе аtЕп History (lба). Ву соmрапs{ several centuries Ьеfоrе Geol survives in about fifty manus
circulation Something of the geogTaphrc
Historia mау Ье gauged frоl dates of manuscгipt-witnes se
investigation. Техtuаl сгitе
The Scale of the Historia's success Geoffrey's History touched оп mапу themes and the appeal of his work doubtless has complex explanations. Не provided the unique соппесtеd account of this
Аrgчmепь summarized Ьу EckhaTdt, 'T"he Propletia', рр. 169-72. No extant manuscript
рrеdаtеs йе HЫoria, however; Bernard Meehan's case for а manuscript of the 1120s faib оп palaeographical grounds ('Gюffrey'). 45 They may have antecede,lrБ in Webh lеgепф however. Orr Cadualladr, see Bromwich, Tr Ье dd Y пу s Р ry dеiп, р. 292-93.
раrtiсчlаr gToups of геlаtеd
46 Соmраrе LэсНе, The Passaяe
4? See also GiЬоц 'НЬюry
а: В
48 See непrу's lеttеr to Wагй. ; edition of the lепеr Ь Ьiля рр.99-100. 49 Argumenв сопсеrпiпg йе le,, Ьу Neil Wright,Tle HЫorio50 Hbtoire, рр.248-58, 51 Dumville,'The Мапчsсгiрк' l
6 ,.яdрэsпuu;,q ац1, '.яdрэsпчЕиL 5лэрэ i.яdчсsпчв;41 эIlL, .эшлчmо lý
рssпэflр IIr,ч алвч,,.Jо,ý,н ац
,8ý-8rz ,dd'а4оtцц
'цэлчэаlJ'aloolg оýр аэS 1чtF/ц пэN fq porBdard Sчаq sI -"", s,.0чац аэ5 ч ,ýд-ý9,лI 1lэIлlон ,(q рара |s"lчuоцэ ц роrчd 'чч?lt\ о1 rala1"*TJ;U.Unýj мэч
,9rý8I ,dd ',эаg lB frols1g, ,dd Члоtчtuоq!о aEosv4
sIpJ sOzI1 ац зо lСч_ъ:.=,_:: э :-
-j{] 'чэIл\шоJg ээs 'Ф"Iрг.р"э
'чочIс osIB aaS lл 'энrэ-I эrвdшоз 99
эq чЕэ SuопsэпЬ sпоIJ?л 'l1пsэr в Sv ,$dlJcsnuвm pelslal Jo Sdnoй лIпсIlJвd ,uоIl?8цSэлш Jo чоцвэIJцuарI ац Зutмоlр ,(q uotstcoлd ррв Il|/ц зuэlчэ рщхэI IзclJolsF|-lxэt фпоrоц 8 Jo asJnoo эц ш рФсеIIос SэSsащIл\-ldчоsпuвшзо sal9p рuз 'sacu?uэrro-td'sшЗFо эц lnoqu uоц9tIлодI IIюц рэЗпвЗ aq,{вш DltolslH ец Jo,tlшBlndod ац Jo luаlхэ рсйоlочо-тqс prrB рэrqdвЯоа8 эц;о 3urrрешо5
tdlюmчтш ltЕlхэ Sr_I{l
sl fipBpdod
с.\ ]_-т: . :
Jo luпо}эв рэ1-1€,Jj--: э Sгч _IC та:--т
ssanqnop llo,1\
рuu рдасвэd ,ilт.э: >r-:-_ - i-i_,:-E
q3полд раэпрэl
s.,{al33oa9 r,,,r.lolslli s =т-ч -ТВПРВЭ Jo ]РЦ pL]E lj-_",]: :
,sldllоsпuвш,{lд; lnoqв ш sэлIлJпs 'srподдо {rоtелD!ошаэао uql1 ?DlJоlýlдэц',{э.rзgое9 эJoJaq sеImluес рJалэs JoJ реlзIпслс рзч чсIчл\ ,{rolsц IIл\оtц пэд\ u 'uоsшеdшос Кg ,(вт) ,ftotslg IзэцsвIsаIсrа s.арэg рчв (ral) sпrпdпц ol pelnqlдlз аrЁвшаlлqз зо ,{-lolsц ец эJв sIBлIJ рлеIраш lýэлаu sl1 ,uoцtsod 8urрuвurшоэ в sI sF1J ,r.(,(эrдоа9 Jo lsц sвч ýз srBaf luаээr ur poвpdn flsnonptssB os uaeq апuq lou ,{вш srrcIJolsц oл\llsul еsэц Jo sldtrэsпuuшJо slsп эц q3поцр) бр7 s,snqdasoJ рuu эq fаlдзоэ9'sэ.lп8tз,{ш о1 8uryrоээв юz s.sпuцsпI8шddоt 'р4ц ра{rтвr рIпочs 'lэвд u1 ,sldlrcsnrrBm оэеld rп 'sпqdэsо1 Jэlр lхэu цпошuоиI 00z цI,t\ цу.з ,аsчэlщ эJош lnq рэлIгJэuочs sвд\ ýýэээпs эsочл\ до fаrgоэg poceld Фuэп9 'snuolod sпuцJзи[ Jo lBц a1tl {Jол[ рлэIуэш аlзI в uвц uollulncJlc зо рlrэd ,sпqdэsо1 puв .snlцsnf -ta8uo1 в ,{цввuеlоd pBt1 salJolsц лацl 'snlsoJo 'sпuпхвIдI sпчаIвл :sJoq|nв tцв,I эlз.I Jo [вэIssвIэ ,{q pardncco ап sаuоlsц fluелаs Jo lsц ýц tп saoBld mоJ dol aqa оr,slduэsпIрш 8tплtлms Jo Jаqшпч оц Kq рФsэllз su 'sэ3у эррIш эц ш sочоlsц sпоIлл Jo Ktlretndod алпвIэJ оц Jo uопвuпшвха Jauq s.ФчапD рJuчJэЕ rrюrg p3nB3 oq {uш эm3ц sпп до ээшвсrдЁIs olLL ,917 8цrоqшпu fрчэrrпэ ,uоцlsоdшоо 'sldрсsпuuш lчslха Jo {lрчвпЬ
,{q р,аýsэщI/t\
sl! Jo 'Sчluош чала Jo 'srBad rtraз drэл в tцпрt\ fрuвччоц ш аIqзIIuлu sвл\ IJo&\ ац sпчJ 6?,alвplsod даsl1 lsпш {Jол\ s.,{оr;зоэg tlэцд\ luале uв '1 Кшэg Jo ц?ер ец Jэlр srBa,{ mод чвц JaA\aJ Br'6EII f-твпuвl чr aceld 1ool ,{рuвшrоц uI ýе8 a,I lB lI цlл Jэlrmocua lsл,J snoIIEJ s,чор8rrцчпц до fлчо11 .рэ]sэllв пэд\ sI {Jo/t\ sF$ Jo ssаэспs Еuпsв1 рuе 'aalsuelxa 'ptdЕr эц 'Sчоsuэr ац Jалэl?цц .о,эt3вш ршв '{эеqdоrd 'рuа3о1 этшduоdоl 'аоuuшоJ JoJ эlsц пmdod 1uадпэ lаш ач рчu idtqs8trц рэIJпm рrrв 8uодs Jo $эеJJэ эц .шл\ FлIс ци\ рэuэluалтl s?лl эшr} в 1з 'рэlвдsпI1l ar; *i,ftоtsrцоrd go 1по KJolsц 8rцuarc .рlJэd рчвРug uэч/tr
jo ilг.--}з? -
'сrрэrаlц S,цоJццэ.,] с,::- :: ,sJоSsасэпS рJэ \эъ i;.:; -*:"
еrд padrnm рuв Ja,lc,
-rоlц'маqdац sпоJэч]iэ; о1 SпоIJо1эIл SuлýэJ ;,-j .t:"эц ot ,{tuл sгц 3шгtr :uэц эн чSц г,J; ,n,SuJn]
,Ilт.y"! jJ
sшв3аr JпцJy ]) _:: uэч.\\ рэ,\ I }_1..]L,:,j э]:
ццсц эц
'JaцoJq sп; ,iq рарзээ:г s ,{q раzruв8:о чопв:аfu
-rоdцп ац sвs tGta: s.:^:.:a rп urа8пюl\ sIIц р,.:z i
элвч ol lq8поц uaoq э.{вq
raised: whether the wоrk circulated in different fшms in England and оп the Continent ш whether thеrе was сопtiпчiпg cross-fertilization across the Сhаппеl, whether distinctively Continental fоrms аrе identifiable апd, if so, whether theiT апсеýtогý rеасhеd the Continent.s2It is known that а mапчsсriрt was at IJ Вес at ап early stage, but not what рrорrtiоп of Continental copies stem frоm mапчscripв inroduced in the twelfth сепfurу. Сеrиiп networks of шansmission mау Ье visible, рrhарs within а раrtiсчlш religious оrdеr. It should Ье pssible to use tехtчаl criteria to фtесt whether each acquired iБ сору frоm separate sочrсеs оr whether they drеw оп а сопrm01 sочrсе. Where several houses, of the same оr different оrdеrý, in the same аrеа аrе kпоwп to hаче owned copies, аrе the texБ of those mапчsсгiрв related оr do they suggest acquisition from sераrаtе souTces? The implications of these questions ше mоrе than tехшаl. Antonia Gransden has pinted out hощ раrtlу because of earlier limitations of the mechanisms of circulation, plitical propaganda tends to Ье а lаtеr medieval рhепоmепоп.5З А study of transrnission сап allow explorationof notions of popularity and influence, botlr tеrms applied to this work. Foucault has attacked the assumption-laden use of the tегm 'influence'to describe рrосеssеs oprating in history: he has accused Ыstоriапs of creating ап artificial concept, а magical medium of propagation of ideas, notions, апd themes which furrctions as an еthеr and has rю fiгmеr basis in reality.g It mау Ь pssible to elucidate some of the processes which might underlie 'iпflчепсе'Ьу smdying t}re transmission of texts, even in а semiJiterate счltчrе. Another questiorr to Ье considered is that of the audience of the Historia. Despite ш}mеrочs чеrпасчlаr translations into чеrsе, it was iп latin that Geoffrey's work enjoyed mаjоr and lasting success. Тhеrе was evidently а significant Latin-reading audience цераrеd to invest mопеу and time in acquiring and rеаdiпg а lengthy non{lassical secular history а wоrk mоrеочег lacking overt moral оr didactic content.s5 The сопtепБ of the Hisloric might ýuggest ап aristocratic ачdiеrюе. The literary language of secularciTcles in ttre twelfthcenfury has traditionally Ьееп regarded as the чеrпасчlаr, hоwечеr.s Indeed, Diana T}son has suggested that it was enthusiasm in such ciTcles fоr accessible adapиtions of the Historia tltat created а 'gTeat vope fоr чеrпасчlаr history'.' А пчmЬеr of readers mау Ье identified from соmmепБ оп the Historia апd summaries оr ехtrасК frоm it in оthеr wогks. These аrе primarily chroniclers, both those condemning the work and those who found it convenient to drаw оп it,
52 Соmраrе фе Continental апd Insular вхв of Bede's History; Colgrave & Mynors,Bede's Hbtory, рр. xxxix-lxx, especially xli-xliv. 53'Рrораgапdа', р. 3б4. Я Major-Poetz1, Miclel Fоцсаuh's дrсhаеоIоgу оfWеstеrпСulturе, рр. 13-14. 55 oTr the importance of mоrаl berrefit to liвrary епфуmепt see olson, Lileratцre as Recreatioп, espcially р. 20.
56 But see Duby's remaTks abut пчmеrочs lay dedications of Latin rvorlcs: 'The Счltцrе', рр. 259-б0. 57 'Раýопаgе', рр. l85J6.
sometimes selectively.Я Suci ways. The informatim whrct
it is not сlеаr how mапу о Historia оr frоm оthеr сhrоr presents опlу one, obvious. f other contexБ
used to Just
Маgпа Carta and the lzges ,, ial61 - Ьчt the problem of у derived from Latin materia]. Ьу surviving manuscripts р ation of this issue.62 The information about й essential fоr answering thes general conclusions about tj
deduced fTom оthеr ехtегпаj а Ьmkmау рrочidе some bro of originbut also of iB conte]l арреаrапсе, mау Ье rеlечапi and religious works, scholas
scripts copied Ьу the lгish sочthеrп has Ьееп аьlе to Caligula A.xv) wTitten чпdе: teristic miхtчrе of English а miscellany of chronologic ai
Contents mау Ье usefuI рrоЬаЬlу produced the апа1 mау have been associated rn
ation as а геsчlt of рrасuса collections were carefuli1, ап books copied in the еаrlу twi tion. This opration, iлчоli
produced а чоlчmе of Rоm; Anselmiana, апd so forth.s
tional. l.,Tevertheless, о(hеr which suggest the applicatlc
58 See Flеrchеr, Tle дrthцriап )1 59 For example, Geoffrey's mа,е conversely, йе аЬsепсе of r-a бо UllmaTrn, 'Оп the lп{lчепсе', ; 61 Edward IV's household гасе:
62 Соmраrе Gчепф, '[а Счiг;е бз The lrbhTraditioп, рр. 1-1i-:
ы StдrвеIm,р.252.
65 Deюribed Ьу Тhоmsоп 'Тhе
II ..шп.чоldgrs,, ачJ, 1iоýшочJ{qрqFIсsас
,197 ,d'.апЬуоý1{
tЕ-at|, dd'uotllpol1 чяl I цJ
'аgIЕпD эrudшоз 79
аq1, ',(аlла5 :sаm3g шlрчтrв9зо эsоц qапощl sцЕро ýI расвд рIочеs"*'iКl*'iН ,, ,J ,ч'ý€9,I 'azras?g ао 'шtвlшэqэ|l|Zтl9z '8ýz,dd'.эсчапLщ ац чо, .ччвlчIп 09 ,ээmоs ? sB {аqзоа9 lпо эIш 1оч saop slаllвлвd чпвqJэл Jo эсчэsqв ац i(lаsrаачоэ чоuэtmfчоэ ч.т 69 :sаэJпоs Jalpo
чаоq элвч fвш рчФвш s.fэ.gзmg .aldr,rвxa rоg
рýп ,ЬЦоаэ'nlaa) :дд-од
\оuарц uоuпччy
ТачааI{ aos sý
[uIJэlвш 'oldrrrBxa эuо uI 1uеша3рпГ IзэпIJэ Jo чопuэIddз эIр lsO88ns чэц,t\ Slхэ1 Jo sчоRsшqшф ЗulпЯрщ luasaJd sэшпlол Iэцо 'SSэIэцJалоN ,[3чов
-dаэха чааq элзч ol sшэаý uollзzluu8Jo s,шеIп!л\ sp,цJoJ os рuв 'BuBFIrIэsuV Jo Кuuшасslш з 'К8аtвдs ,ftицrш Jo эuо',{rotsц шшоu Jo ашпIол в pocnpoJd 'sаquJs ugФmоJ о1 dn Jo uоп?JоqзIIос ац 3rп,rрrrrп 'чопеrэdо sFll ,uоц -}адр S.КJпqýаццвиI Jo цппILш Japlm КJшuес Wлад\l ,{1пэ эц ur prdoc s1ooq эц эJв sаldшвхэ 8urрuи$по ,чаsочэ КIэlвJаqпор рuв КппJеJвэ аJад\ suоцсапос lIIвuээ lng ,suollзJэplsuoc сцэцsав sB чэпш w pcnc?.!d Jo lIпsэJ Е sB (юцз -Jamol8uoc ац ol раррз ,{1мач sJaцo'ruldшаха чв ш раlзlrоýsз чаоq элвq,{еш $lJo/t\ ашоs :эшпIол рлаrраш auo ш рuIюJ ýlxal Jo ,{вrп ац рэспролd flqBqold ýJоlэвJ sпоrпл рuв хаldшоэ 1ФIJ II/t\o лэц ш Iчasn aq ,{uш slчаlчоэ в,,slзtшв рчв 'srrrrBqc tlвp рсIЕоIоuоJчJ до frrвцесsгш plo SlL эц ut,(1аrцuа, qsц8ug sз ЦI/t\',uорIрвд ,uпв-I рчв Jo аJпlхIш сцSIJэI -свJзчс u, ul ,ftпqrФчвэ puв шIаsчч сIIвцш.I Jэрuп чэul!t\ (lx,y вlпЯцвз le о1 aIqB uaaq s3ч uJeцnos
uоllоэ ldцэsпuвш lsanbuoэ-tsod в эqFсSар т8) ,д ,ц ,r,sa8y орриI JolзI эIтl Jo sаquсý-юlсор
чsц эщ
Kq рэrdоэ slduэs
-пuзш uI punoJ аsJэл puв asord rlsrц рuв ,{лэоd эIlsвIочсs 'ý:lлом sпоЁцоr puв .аэцзJвеddв рсIрэш Jo аJпlхIш э8uuдs ац раlоu Jал\оц щqоu ]чзлеIэJ эq ,(вш s.{ooq эц sз по/t\ ý3 'ý|uаluос раlзIэоsSв аql 0Jэн ,lхэluос sll Jo osp 1nq шЁuо go uоЙаr sdBqradpuB эlвр ацJо {рорuuоцвэIрш pвoJq эшоs эрlлоrdfвш{ооqв
,асчэрIлэ puJalxa pacnpep Jэцо шоц Jo эJпlзч pcrsfqd ац lnoqв uопзIIчодI eq {вш sачmlол u[Еuаэ эlзIрёшIш эц Suolsnlruoc ЕхФuос lnoqв Jo рJачэ3 еJош :аlаldшоэtп flqеuщ.lоJrm st lnq sцопsопЬ эsэц 8uuaмstlв юJ [впuэssа sI qсIчл\ sldчсsпuuш sасIЕчалоrd sul8po эц чопзtшоJtп эчJ lnoqв Jo рчв z9,эпSýI sТt[l Jo чопз
-JэрISчос {uв ol z(рwсlдбls Фпqцuос о1 sэýrшоJd sldlrosnuBm 8rпrrr,r.ms {q palselle sB Ssaccns s.{Jод\ аФ Jo эmluч эtр 'uluзу ,рFэluш шlu,I moJJ ра^IJэр эQ IIв lоч dеш sаldrrпхэ эýetLL ,rпвзв sastrB ээmоs зо шэlqоrd эц lnq - rсрI -uошеJэс pu? suоцIрвд p,{or,{;po13 o1oiшttlo1Euy saETl elp рчв вuвэ эu8вiц 'I рлlrlра рч? п ,{шэц Jo шsшоIsчеdха arp ,{дpsn[ о1 рэsп - Ехэluоэ Jeцo
ш plmoJ чэеq sвч lI ,э5чэпUш s.DlJolslH ац Jo lacвJ'snolлqo 'аuо dpo sluesэ.td рцаluш sпл 'z(lрrюээS 6ý,J?Iпс?uJал Jo tIpB-I 'SэIсIчоJчэ Jaцo шоц Jo DlJo\SlH ец шоц {1pnrcB эJв sасuаrаJэJ-еIэIIюJчс еsац Jo ,(швш Moq JBaIo lou sI 1I :аIqвFелв {Iаррц эчпэеq,(рrdеr рцddпs {эrдgоа9 qэтч,t IюпзцIIодп очJ .s,ftл\ sпоIJзл Iп ,{rоtэедsпвпm $ 'роuddпýчп'эсtIФIлэ qэп5 ,r.{1эrrцээIаs sашцэшоS
'.элllпэ эчJ,
ýD аlпрrап1 'uos,o
._T__.,jj,r_{* lL i,
s,apag 'srou.i11 ry
;1 ;: эх
..с= - _- .-:
'l1 uо MBrp оl luагj;.,_]: ], Iдоq'SJэtэп.юл1: i,=,;,: ; plJv DlJolSI н э\т1 ljC :i_l,:-_
Jo Suопиdврв эlq,rS,t]-,:
uoý,t зII?IQ р}эгц ,{.mluасцglэ.lд]
:; _i .,i
эц: *,]_
Iп lsaa8ns lч;гt! г,,.j_,"j_- : Ешuэв1 Jэ.\оэJсIL ]{j: y. ;
8urлпЬв ш аtuп р,;т .,:,::.: u ,{рuэрtаа S?rr э.:;| SS: ш S?!r l: "5_; lBц цпц ,DllolslH at{l Jo a]u::]:; ; еIЕJаIII-IшэS 9
Uэ.\э ":: r:.
sэss.,-\,j; ]_. lч3lш чэrчm JэцшJ otl Sтч г- -:
Jo uonв8вdo:d
paSnJoB SЕч эч:,r_:с:s,_ : аýп uарвI-uопdums:т :_: ];
'эсuапUIп ршв itrл,: эt-с
y €ý,uоuашоuаr.ld э JO SШSШ?qЭаШ ЭП _]-' :-*]]; .,;,]:";
uepflrвJD вIuоlut, E::l.^. 1,sacJnos эlвJвdэý шсd ]a,: Slхэl эt{l элu 'sэtdоэ з;_y -, JO aLUBS аЦ _JO 'SaýnC{-- -?..:: , ю sаэJIюS эlвлdаs ,лtj; .. osn о1 alqrssod эq рiпо..:s :л ,{вш чотssгшSlIзд Jo sl_г -*: -пuвш шоJJ шэlS salCe: т: Сэ8 э.I 1в SB..r\ ]du:sl.t-т,;
дац Iэцаqл\ '1аrпrепэ
л 'рuт ;,,
SSоJэЕ lюIl?чl-:
эц uо рuв рiгвl3tц
Lп :--д
about t}re Crusades and the siege of Jerusalem is intersprsed with texБ on the
fall of Тrоу, ап appsite association which has Ьееп observed in а different context.6 Some mапчsсriрв Ьеаr the signs of рrераrаtiоп in а scriptorium collaborating scribes copying а selected series of texк. The арраrапсе of Geoffrey's work among
historical collection may thеrеfоrе Ье sigrrificant.
This study is essentially а sчrчеу and is therefore ехрlоrаtоrу. The mапчsсriрБ
оп which it is based аrе пчmеrочs and scattered; the quantity of readily assimilable information аЬочt each was чеrу variable - some had attracted sufficient scholarly attention to gain поtоriеtу while ойеrs wеrе not formally catalogued.fl Sчсh а sчrчеу is potentially one-dimensional, giving equal wеiфt to all mапчscripts, even though some mау have Ьееп little read and copied in medieval times; textual information offers а соrrесtiче, hоwечеr. The survey's рчrрsе is to оьsеrче the success of а work which has defied classification. when and where was interest in it most intense? In what milieux it was rеаd? Fасtоrs governing iB impact should also Ье considered: how was ttre text transmitted? When wTiting, ап ачthоr was prhaps influenced Ьу the extensiveness of circulation which he could expct fоr his work. Моrе significantly, the actual effectiveness of means of transmission defined ttre limiв of ilre power of the written wоrd in the diffusion of information and ideas.
Text-history А wоrk of the l1isroric's suc
shapd а clause in Magna ( to lordship очеr Scotland: scholarship. Debate has la it
immediate context and gеп рrоjесt, is devoted to the quс Despite the existence of : has remained impossible to
closer to what Geoffrey асгu edition - Ьу Acton Gпsсоm editors Ьеtwееп them used с of these has rесепtlу Ьееп diplomatic edition.a Grisсоrт
that they rерrеsепtеd раrtlсu оп the supposed histoгical й The frailty of such classifica чulпеrаьlе to loss оr аltегаu so ше not necessarily dерп, Since 1929, the dечеlоргп
2 э
4 5
66 Guenee, Hjýoire,p.276. Douai, ВiЫiойёqче municipale, MS, 882. CZ They have поw a]l Ьеп described: Cick"Tle Hbtoria, Ш.
'Оп the Influence'; оп SсоСr роr а discussion of йе ediпc: Galfrid', рр.251_59, and На; Aberysмyttr, National LibтaMS. 568 [15]; Cambridge, Тr:: LiЫary, MS.Ii.1.14 [48]; Ь: Paris, ВiЬliоthфче nationae НЫоriа, edited Ьу GrЬсоm i The
Fаrаl, 'Geoffroy', рр. 18-3]: Наmmеr, 'А Соmmеrrи:1,', р
Соmраrе йе account of
Patranage,pp. 144-45.
Кlоlа1l 1qээrлl4оg
,;ffiч|,ddэЕаюцо4 dq ua.nr8 sарл\ Jo plBlag ,{q suoтlвclpapaI Jo lчпоссв
'.pIцBc п7, 1а3?rug :6Z-Ezg,dd'.qrвrrьц, рч9 '€ ,ч'р
ац эrвdшоз
.dd ..fo4;oag, .рrвg ,I'o1loýrH
чI'sэчоf т шоэýр0 :7g11
цJ ,
ач I : ЕOЕ-уg.ш, apl а Е v7 D? .pJB{, в r t j g gzs .,",Ч;f ТЁТrН""|ЖЪfr IJ':",Ж :[sд] oz ,.Ia,g ,Sиt '1tаlrsrаirпmslГтu Iэр {ээцоqqlg .tEpIa-I :[Bt] tt.t.lI .Sи{ ',ftBlqI.I ,{tlsrэ,rluл 'а8рчqrrлз :[6€] (ýzII) Iz,z,о ,sиI 'э3аllоз ,tпruд.а?ррqu.rеэ :[ýI] S9ý .Sи,I !ацоlqtqп3mЕ 'чIа8:[оl] дt чоl3rrцrо4,Sи['sарл\Jо frBrql] I?чоцвN.ц,iкrs,irэqу ,9z-aa9,dd '.slrвчвц, 'JаIшдрн plJe '69-L9z.dd ',рщlв9 п7, tэ33шg osp аоý ,I-1lrIx,I 'о!lоrцн ачJ 1rl3чд эаs .ýчопIра эц Jo чоIssпэslр в Joc ,9S.-ýýI,I 'I рпмрп'чоsduц5 т ýэчоlS osp ээý рчвросS чо :,аэчэпUч эlр чо, t
фпоrоц еJош чспш pэlBlпIcBJ s€q шIIрJэrш Jo luашdоIалар ац I асшS .,sed,fi рщхаl Jo sJоluсIрш эlqврuеdэр {рrвssээеu lou ол os рuв paxgard fац qэruш 1хэ1 ац Jo luэрцоdэрш uonзJall? Jo ssol о1 аIq?JаuIпл эJэл\ ýuоцвсlрар чэпS g,luaJЕddЕ ugэq ЗuоI Sвч uоцзэIлSsвIс чспS зо fцrеrg эqд ýчJо/t\ 0ц Jo sчоцвсIрер sпоIJвл ац Jo SчоIlвспdцц IеэцоlsFI pasoddns ац uо рэsвq uоIsпIсчоэ в 'цол\ s.КэцJоэ9Jо.sчопrрэ, JвIпэцJвd реluэsэrdэr Дац tвц ýplmoЯ ац чо sldlJcsnцEm JIэц аýочJ pJ?d ptl? шоэsчD,,uорIрэ сцвшоIdр -Iшаs алцulIJоцпв s,lч8IJлд, IIэN Jo l}аГqпs эц uoeq fрuэсаr sеч оsэLр Jo
эuо €,рэрJоэаJ uац Slduэsпuвш ,8I эц go xrs ,{ро рэsп шэц uаэдцеq ýJollpo аsэчJ ,6zбI ц речsllqпd эJэ/t\ - IBJBc рчошрЕI рuв шоэSIJD uоlсY ,{q - uоцrро IзэIlIJc в 1е $dшФtе 'lsaq рuз 'lsBI аqа 7,эlоJz\\ fпвпtэв fэrдоаg 1ечл ol JэSоIэ lхэ1 в sluэsэrd slduоsпчвш o/t\l fше go rlэцм э3рпГ о1 эlqrssоdшI роuIвшэJ sвч
uаолЦоq 1l '6zбl 'SцопIра lфlэ до эсuэlSIхе эц alldsac рu3 I 80ý речsпqпd 'uolsslmsuвд чопsэпЬ эц ol рэlолор sl 'lоо[оrd lxэl рчв Jo ,аrшэ3 чэJзаsэJ Jо8JBI в Jo lлd sB '{Joл\ 1uasa-td эq; рw lхеluос эlsIрешIш 'suоqвэtрэр рuв ачцвр sll uo рэlздuеэчос ,(1эЕл1 ssч еlвqэс .dцsrвlоtlэs uJэрош Jo flрuвпЬ s раlэзлlв эsJпоэ Jo sзч - IрuвпоэS rerro dщsрrо1 о1
uoISnJJIp аЦ lЛ pjo Y. Т-];::'' ,?-* Su8эlu SSэuэ.\п-1€_:]э
эч чэщ,ц uопвIпэл] :] :ý,: '3цпlлъ uэц\\ ; рэ]1 :: ij; :
:SэшI1 Елэгрэш Lx :;1;:,] : -пчuш Ip о1 1t{3лаъ т::;
3rтпr.lало3 s]o]]E-] :т:_ ЭJЭч,ц ptЕ uэц\\ ,,ja:i:-sT эsodmd s.iэ...]:s;-,
sшIвIэ s,I рJвлра JoJ uопшпшчп paplnord рuв вuвэ вu8sиI ш эsпзIэ 0 рэduqs t1 лrоч рэqFсSар швuцUl JelIEiд - есuепlJш рuв ýSээспS s,olJolslg ац Jo IJол\ Y
,'рэп3оlивэ .illтт:л,:: i:"- ; 1uоIсцJпS ра]f,?лlЕ гЕ,_ ЭrJ -Iццlssв
,,(1грва.t _lo t_r_^::::,
ц эJс_- эj; зо эсuвrвэddв эt1[ _.l\i -шпlrоlduэsвшuопЕ;: :} IчэJэJJ,Jр в Iп рэл\Jэýqс
ац uо Slxal цLAl E€ýINS_J
textual investigation, based оп а wide range of mапчsсгiрв. This work was fiTst чпdеrtаkеп Ьу Jacob Наmmеr, who aimed to рrоdчсе а critical edition, but the pюject was curtailed Ьу his death in 1953. The reasons fоr undertaking such an edition deserve discussion. It is widely accepted tha tthe Hiпoria is поt а historical sочrсе in which епоrs of transmission could Ье seen to endanger the ассчrасу of factual information. Nor is the Historia likely to Ье the subject of the minute stylistic scrutiny which а Classical work might undergo, Ьчt this is partly рrhарs because there is no gumantee of what Gеоffгеу actually wrote: ttre fluidity of medieval latin complicates the рrосеss of emendation, the editions of Fшаl and Grisсоm аrе based оп а false equation between the dedications of manuscripБ and theiT textual gToupings, and there is по account of the lively medieval transmission of the text. Ноwечеr, the fact of the wоrk's iпflчепсе alone makes it desirable for scholars in а variety of fields to Ье able to distinguish medieval additions and alterations to the text frоm the оrigiпаl. Fоr ttris state to Ье reached, the wоrk needs to чпdеrgо а cleaning operation which rеmочеs layers of ассrеtion,s This ought also to reveal mоrе about Geoffrey's solrrceý апd intentions. А textual investigation which ýeeks to identify the mаiп branches of the text as
in groups of extant manuscripts is ап essential preliminary to
reassessment of tlre editorial рrоЬlеm. It should show how fаr the printed editions deviate frоm the mainstream of the text and thеrеfоrе indicate whether а new edition is песеssаrу.
The text-histoгy to date Some inroads hаче Ьееп made into the fогmidаЬlе quantity of witnesses to the text. Since Faral's and Griscom's editions, it has Ьесоmе сlеш tttat the Historia did not always ciTculate iп the full-lenglh version printed Ьу iB editors. Jacob Наmmеr, the pioneer iп ttris field, rеmшkеd that'It took the collation of 130 MSS to discover that thеrе is not опе text of Geoffrey of Monmouth but that there аrе several tехБ which go чпdеr the паmе of Geoffrey'.9 The identification of at least two shorter versions posed ttre question of whether the published text should Ье regarded as рrimшу and the alternative versions as abbreviatiolý, оr whether the so-called variants rерrеsепt earlier versions of а subsequently expanded text. Until ttris question is settled it has Ьесоmе usual to describe the longer, commonly occurring text as ttre vulgate оr 'чеrsiоп соmmчпе' and the shоrtеr versions as variantý. It should Ье stated at the ouБet that while the two main fоrms of чаriапt identified to date have Ьееп analysed and textually examined, 'wlgate'remains а blanket tеrm for ttre геmаiпdеr (some l90 mапчsсriрв) апd has as yet little textual meaning. Some definition of ttris tегm is а major aim of tttis pýect.
t 9
The Fiгst Yагiапt
The First Variant was publist scripb known to him.'o Tfuex now Ьееп reedited Ьу Neil Ц additions, the liberal use of Ь down rhetorical excesses ап quotation of сеrtаiп sочrсеs fuelled сопtrочеrsу about ъh Variant Vеrsiоп. Robert Ca]d, his Rоtttдп de Brut, writtеп l
Vаriапt might have precede d t of the рriоritу of the Vагiапt someone drawing оп Ьой th Gеоffrеу could not have ътit,
deliberate product, not а SP
Wright has since фmопstrаtt
Vulgate and predates Wace.:!
The second yагiапt
Наmmеr was in the ргосеss с he died. The following геmаJ wоrk, that Ьу Н. D. Еmапчеl died Ьеfоrе the pýect's соп closely related to the vulgate (the юnversion of Вriиiл). TJ vocabulary, but 'rю ехаmрl, divergence in sепtепсе-stгчс г 10 АЬеrуsмуй, National Lib'ra1
LiЫаrу, MS.2.6ll [55]; Dubl MS,3514 [70]; Ьпdоц ВгiгЬ:,. ýчrпmшу account of the mалх
|1 The HЫoriц tr. The mоIе Iе.е of Scotland, MS. Adv. t8,4,5 i5 and amixed texb АЬегуsм1.,fl
12 напm€f,
l3 Caldwell,
GeoffTey, рр.8-12;
'Wace's Rotъatt'. 1а Cddwell, 'The Use of Sоrлсеs 15 'LаVаtiапt Vеrsiоп', р. З0, 16 'Lдs deux styles sont аЬsоlчrпе
|1 lba. |t Tle Historia, tr.lv-lxiii. 19 'Geoffrey ofMorrmouй's ffдяс made available ю Neil Wпф.-
Соmраrе Чпачеr, 'kinciples', р. 157. 'Remarks', р, 501.
20 lba."pp. 105-6.
** *figЬ:j
'ФFл\ чаеq эсчIs алвчlчрIIрд рчоэеS эLR чо sаlоц ý.IarrrrшBц ,.7,..оýrн s.цпочltюIлJзо ,
с, d',пЕ:.
'#!, *
fа.цgое9, 'ТIIЦ-ЛГtr't'loýrЦ ?ЧJ
ýаIqвIFJIк}эш'ýlýIэJrIр luэцrпIоsqв 1uos sаlфs *"о'311 '96'd'.rюls,lал в,1, 9| лut4пд 'ПЭДРРЭ tт '.sаОmОs Jo ЭýГl аЧJ,
,лпlп,п .йJоý,
ачIlq?чд oq'
(сzsz sdфпча чцtо)оlсст,51,tl'sэрддо,{rвчI.I рчоRзN 'ц,iаus,ftэqу rхэl ршше
lsлJ эц lвц
рuu эlв3lпл
,{Iэzrrsпlшоэ реlвдs(юшар есшs sеtl
эрr1 lэ{ sE sтч
г,J ,гJ
r.,: -:
SB suоIsJэл ]э]Jо,jS э_: ;dluоrшuос':э-?tд], ; : d,*_\
,lхэt рэрrrвdrё i,l,::-_-
аЦ JаЦаЧ.rý
satBptsod IIreIJBл
luвlП^Jo SImo] ulТЦ t'т.: ;
:[€9I] (1,н,д) z86 ,SIлI'Fttэs;ч.t апЩwо[qIЕ's,цвd :[89] ý.?.sI .лрy .SW.рtЕIlоэSJо ,fuчlт :aIE ýэssащIлr рIалоэfiр {рчаэа.r аlош ачL,п.tлJоrýн 'чапqчрз рчоцвN ,uoplpe ý.DIIIIIIзн Jo лrэlлеI рсцIю s.rаtddвц аэs 'sldlюsпчвш ец Jo llmoccв {,вщrrms Io g, Ка{Р а g [991 ] g 9 99 r(al.rвH, Sи['КлIq1.I чsцр8 торчо.I : [од] t t s g s},{
llЕтчалчос в
',ftвчтт р.тра$еэ тФэха :[r9] ýIý ,SW'а3еllоз,tпшI'чqqпо :[ss] tтя.z .SиI .{JBчI-I ,SW 'sэрл\ цпоS 'glрrвэ :[t] sooz Jo ,fulqlт рчоýвN 'ц,Qtяsfrэqу
эч.т и,.suоIsslшо 1uBotзTu8ls оч 'suоцtррв оu 'аJщэпдs-асuэluаs ut ээчэ3rаrrlр alqBrcэrddB ou 'IвIJФвш зо 1uашэ8чuIпоJ Jo sэldurBxa ou, lnq 'frвlпquюа puв 'sqJэл Jo фоош'sаýuэl ш saJuaJaJJIp эJв аJоц '(urиlrg зо uorsrozruoc эц) алоqз роqIJэsар ýз € чопэФs Jo аIррщ эц оI,1хэl Фu?Iпл ац ol pelslэr,{1asolc $ puooas аq| 1uBlJBл ls4{ ац э{пuп 5,,чопаldшос s.lээГолd эц eJoJaq рэр lnq'lJo/t\ ý.JэLшIпн ааldчюэ оl )роuэрIm очл\'Iапчзша ,с ,н dq lвц 51roM sц Jo luпоэсu раqsпqпd ,{1uо ац uо рэsвq эJв s{JвшэJ Ечrмоllоз эчJ ,palp ач uэчл\ luзllзл рuо}эS aIп Jo uoll1po чв 3штспролd gо ssacord эц ш sв.lл JаuшЕн
luBlJBд рцоJаS ачJ
.,,uоцlред-ldlJэsпuвш эIп Jo looчýJJo sпоэчщuоds u lou .lэпроrd аtелэqцар з sвд\ luзrпл эtп l?ц рце gIuоIsJэл ltrвIJBл оц чэ11I!t\ алЕч lоu рlпоэ dэrдоэg DlJolslg эц luц pelslslп ýIBпB9 g{llllg s.эс?д\ tю 3rпмвrр аuоэшоs рче цоq ,{q uецtrм sвд\ luutЕл эц lзц 3uчsэ33пs 'uоIsJэл luвIпл эц Jo ,fiIropd эц Jo шЕIэ s.IIел\рIзэ рФпJэJ sIuIIвD алэId,,,Фв3lп,r эц рэраэоrd эпuqlч3Iл ltIзIлл ац lЕц tsэ33пs ol цlп{ pal ЕI'эшцал1 s.{эrgзoag ц1 uФlFм ,1пlg ар uquloa sц 14 II!вIJBл ls4g эц pаsn аfiл\ luц ,ftarrocslp s.пэ/t\рtвэ uеqоu .IюISJэл 1IIBIлл ац;о dr_qsrоцпз ац lпоqз рuu ,fiтюIrd sвч lxal чсц,t\ 1noqB ,(srэа,одuоэ рэпэпJ sвttr аlв3lпп ац Jo асчэрuэdэрuт ýlI zr,(epag э4ц) sаэmоs rциJас Jo uоцuрпЬ l}arТp оýр рuз 'slЕlэр 1uвsвэldrm ssarddns ol рчв sаssаэхо [зэIюlочJ IIл\ор ,{Bld ol ,{счэрuа1 в 'suориопЬ рэIssвIJ рче рэпqlq Jo эýп pJaqп ац .suоцIррв ,{uвш z(q рэzшаlсвJзчэ щ IIпIJBл ls4g аtш rr,lч3чл[ IIaN,{q pallpaal uаэq л\оu s?ч то&\ ац рus asatр ol раррв uаэq алЕч эJош aaJLLI'I.uIпI ol IIл\оIq шdlrэs -шЕш алц эц шоц IsбI ш lэшцlsн qoшI Kq раqsцqпd sвл IIIвIлл
lsлl эqJ аqI
|чв|Jвд lýJ!д
:-:: -
aq рlпочS 1\эl i:L-i":- : ; _ lsвal lB Jo uопЕ]I_гij]: ; _*
,л-:,;J_;. aJB аJац lзц ]nq SSиI0ЕI Jo Uотlг"_-] : _: т ]. qoc?I ,SJо]гра rl ..:. ]=-:-_DlJolSlH эц 19ц .]т:,] ;:,_,: оц ol SэSSaultr. _:t, ... . _т-:
д\Ou в Jэцэq,1A
suопрэраlur:d эц
в о1 fлrrпlлlэ:d pi,-T;; Se 1хэ1 эц _Io SаUf-r?_: _-т, V 'SUOIIUa1UI PIJi S.-1J- -: : -еJсэв Jo s:a,iB1 sэ..с:;: ]: 'рtlэва.l эq ol эlпs :, _-. j. j рлараш qstп-lшr:sr ,]: :,_ S0{3ш эuоIЕ э]IJэг,_:;
S lTj:
ап ],-
IелаIрэш .ilэ,rr1
::г ;:
sldFэsпuвш _Jo sIJL. : i : :.t рuu твпJ Jo Stlопх?; :;п-*:y. ..,-?-:
до ,{lrytпц
sdвrlrэd.{pпd sr sгл
l-:i ]i
эlпuFп эц ;о lээГс,:.s :,-.
ац .lэ3uтэ,,::
до fэвrпээв
РСЦОlslЧ В lЦI SI Dl]ul j j'Д i' Iп чэпs 8шцвl:арuп ]cI :--I
оц lпq'uопIрэ рэпIJ]
,_.lrjц*т, lýЛJ sВ.Ц IJoM Srцт
remainder of sections 3 and 4 (to the Prophecies of Merlin) witnesses substantiai divergence, however. The Prophecies themselves ше little changed. The heaviest abbreviation then occurs iп the lаttег half of the work, whеrе some material is omitted rather than (as previously) reexpressed in abbreviated fоrm. The Second Vаriапt was lnown to Наmmеr in fifteen manuscripý,2l to which three сап now Ье added.z After extensive collation, Наmmеr was able to divide
the Sесопd-Vаriапt mапчsсriрв into three grочрs.2З Groups с апd y contain extensive abbreviations, as described above. Р, however, rечеrБ to the vulgate text аftеr the Рrорhесiеs of Меrliп. Наmmеr арреаrs to have based his sершаtiоп of о, апd 1оп а single reading: their indepndence is thus орп to question.
Method The two чшiапб account fоr опlу twenty-six mапчsсгiрв. Of the rеmаiпiпg 189, six have Ьееп intensively studied Ьу Griscom and Fаrаl, and опе of these has Ьееп the subject of Wright's semi-diplomatic edition, while а few of the rеmаiпdеr have Ьееп discussed Ьу Наmmеr in чаriочs рареrs. In gепеrаl, hоwечеr, the аrеа remains unmappd. The sешсh for the textual features necessary to provide orientationis complicatedby tlre sizeof the text and tlre пчmЬеrоf iБ manuscripts, Опе approach is to gIочр mапчsсriрв according to non-texmal evidence Ьеfоrе investigating texmal similarities. This method was discussed in detail Ьу MauTice ВёчепоL when reediting St Сурriап's ietters: he had needed to locate аmопg the existing l б0 manuscripв the bestfor соllаtiоп.и Вёчепоt described tlre value of the distinctionbetweeniпternal evidence, the tехшаl evidence of manuscripБ - еrrоrs, аgтееmепБ and disagTeemепБ йttl оthеr manuscript-copies -, and exlerпal,'what the mапчsсriрБ can tell чs аЬочt themselves as MSS' - script, date, origin, оrdеr of contenк. Theoretically, at least, complete knowledge of the date, origin, апd travels of а manuscript could contribute to discovering where it was copied and when and whеrе it became an ехеmрlаr itself, and ttrus its antecedený and descendants. Such information is usually imprfectly known and thеrеfоrе of limited value. More fruitfцl could Ье the iфntification of an order of contents duplicated between two оr mоrе mапчsсriрв. Despite ttre limitations of this ехtеrпаl evi2| Ibid,, р. 1И, Bruges, ВiЬliоthёqче de la Villе, MS. 428 [17]; Cambridge, Сlаrе College, MS. 27 [22]; Cambridge, Universiry Library, MSS Ff.1.25 [47] and Мm,5.29 [5а]; Dublin, Trinity College, MS. 5l4 [66]; Lincolц Cathedral LiЪary, MS, 98 [80]; [.опdоп, British Library, MSS Cotton Gatba E.xi [91], Соtюп Tifus A.xxvii [95], Harley 3773 [102], Royal 4.C,xi [108], апd Royal 14.C.i [11аh Oxford, Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. Bodley 977 [1З8], SаiпьОmеr, ВiЬliоthфче municipale, MS. 710 [202]l Stockholm, Kungliga bibiioteket, Holm. D,131l [207]; Troyes, ВiЬliоthфче municipale, MS. l53l [209]. 22 СаmЬridgе, Trinity College, MS, R.5.34 [35]; СаmЬridgе, University Library, MS. Ii.4.12 [50]; I-ondon, Britbh Library, MS. Arundel 10 [85]. See Crick 'Manuscripts', р. 162, в I аm indebted ю Neil wright fоr mу knowledge of йese tfuee groups aTrd йеiт chaTacterbtics.
U TleTradbiott,pp.|J. 16
dence, Вёчепоt regarded it as text as ап outer riпg of ечidеr the iппеr maze of the сочлt]t usingexternal evidence wеrе t task was scaled down to а rеа] passages iп the text, places l счrrеd. Thus twenty оr so mа The method adopted hеrе
йll Ье по аttеп the fоrm of а survey of all ava tion about the book, ехtеrпа! area of origin, сопtепБ, Size. аlthочф there
of lаtеr history. The disLincdo of the f/istorjc iвelf. RчЬпс (паmеlу physical and оthег ot portions of text have Ьееп nol of еithеr of the recopized ъ е Five sections of the text hз
179, 208. ýý1-5 contain йt Britain. They аrе раrtiсчJагlr of the паfurе of theiT subject_l chapters ше sometimes omitl - Geoffrey's intervenlion and
either оr both сочId Ье om-rtte contains the epilogue, iп ъ,h historians on related topics question, thanks to his 'Впп apparatus of his text as it d': repeated in just опе оthеr.Ё ý being embedded in the text: other passages. Both have Ьеi йе чsчцреr, Vоrtigеrп, who h wiý so taken with Hengist's Saxons to win pssession of ý37, was liable to Ье аЬЬгеr,r; it contains two рhrаsеs tn Еr
Latin in а few continental
succession of constantine. rе clergy waý sometimes thougi
Б и
lbid., рр.2-3.
Griscom & Jones, Тfrе Дl"яоrц Ii.1.14 (l706), and Phillipps 1 27 'Note оп Geoffrey', 2Е Thesepassages have Ьеп sela
IоГ?ш Iалоэчп IFл\ шац Jo чоýвпос ачt rвw ,06ý ,SиI'&1srэ,rtчл ,Sи.i
Ll dоч ац
ш раlэоIаs чэаq элвч sa8BssBd asaq1 з7 .,{адзое9 цо эlоN, tz
эрi'(,чцоэ) чалвн л\аN.t\оч 'tz€z
sddтптqd рчв
'(90tI) ?I,I,II
79-19,dd'o1JorýH цI'sэчо[ т lцоэsIJс %
sz'реllrшо sзlt\ рuв lxal ац о1 Sпоп[Fdпs lч3поц Sэшцешоs S?,ý К8JаIэ эц lпоqз IIBlap sIчI ,ýэоS рdосsldэ sпоrпл uо $JоdэJ'эIпluвlsuоэJо uоIssэсэпs lnoqв Фоч JэIJq в JэlJ? '6LIý &,slduэsпчвш [31uаuцuоэ /t\эJ Е uI uц?,I
оlц рэlulsuед eJB 'раlоu JatmIIвH sB 'чэIчл\ чsllЗuа ш Sэ$Jчd ол1 sulеluоэ lI оStч ,dНs-aкa ч8поJIп Jo {IФеJаqIIэр Jэцачл\'раlзIлэJqqu aq ol эIqвц Sвл\'Lgý шпuоilllg DlJolýlH аФ шоJJ uе{и 'KJols sFlL ,Jач Jo uolssassod чI/ц о1 sчохзS эц ol luэ) арес оl рлdэrd Suл\ эч lBц JФчапФ s,lýйUaн цIд\ uэ{Еl os ýвд\ 'JэрuаI {ruuаэrаш в ý? lsйuэн рэ{оIdшэ ,{рuэ4в рвq очlt\ 'uJа8цJол 'rэd:пsп эц sпаl 00Iý ,Jэ^а^\оч'uоцurФр дб l}э[qпS эц uyaq элвtl цоg ,sэзвssвd Jaцo ^\оч
eLIt JoJ Iодuос в Jo ЗuIцэшоS арIлоJd,(ац os рIЕ :1хо1 ац tп рорржlшэ Зurэq 'uоцвJэlIв JoJ $аЗпl SпоIлqо sSэI эJв бtI рчв 00Iýý я,Jэцо эчо tsпГш pelваdaJ uоIýýIшо ч? 'ldlJcsnuвm швш SIч Iп Jпэсо lou рр lI s? lхэ1 sI_ч Jo Sщ?пdde эц о1 an8ollda пц рэu8ISuос шоэsIJс ,асJпоs,чsррg, Sц ol ${uЕц 'uоцsапЬ щ lээ[qпý эц uо о3рэIл\ош{ ropэdns sIшuIс lnq scldol pэlBIaJ uо ýIB[JolSц ,{ru-lоdшэluос Jo IJодr эIр ol sорппu ,{эцJоэD чэц/t\ ш 'эйоIIdэ ац шIвluоэ ,элцвшвч ацJо лоg эц 8undn:sp lпоцш\ рФlruю эq р1nоэ цoq Jo JeцIa 80Zý рчв'-щоэчI,IJо JoptIзxaIY 01Jollal,(rotuctpэp эц рuв чоцчелJэlш s.КаJgоэ9 ,рэlllшо sашцэшоs эJв sJФdвчс цIJаиI зо sаlсоqdоц оц аспродш 0I I-бOIýý оsац Jo IIB Jo ешоS ,uoplsod ррпп JIац рIIЕ Jэlluш-l}эfqпs 4ац Jo еJщвu ац Jo эsшсеq uonвJallз 01Jo ýsol 1Bcts,{ttrd ol elqpdacsns {1rвlпспrвd ал fэqа ,щullJg ,80z '6LI до uоцdtrсsар {-lоtэпрлц аЦ рuе firопвсIрар эц lrвluoc ý-Iýý
'III-б0I '00I 'ý-Iýý :човвшос JoJ uаsочс чээq ол?ч lхэl эц Jo ýIопсэs елIg ,раIэечс чааq алвч flчеrпл рэzтчЕосоr эц Jo JэцIе Jo сIlsIJоlсвлчс sзurреэ-l зrrпrщчоо sэзвssвd рuв 'рэlоч uэаq э^?ч lxal Jo suoцrod ,рэрJосаI uФаq 1р апuq (авmэвI sпоIлqо Jэцо puв 1Bcts{qd flэшвu) рэlulлаJqqy luэsаrd цФ Jo ,{lрчuпЬ эц рuв 'sчоIsIлIр-Iооq 'sэчqпц лэýlI otlorstH оц Jo ,{pnrs эц ш se8Jam рuJеlш рчв I?чJэlха uаолlаq uоцэцlstр аqд .Кrоlsц Jelel Jo sчоuuсIрIп ,{чэ su пол\ ýз ldlrэs puB 1utIIJoJ '3чшпЬ 'эzls 'slчэluос .ш3ро gо Bare ro lцtod puв аl?р ýI :рФэепос uaoq sвч'асчарIлэ |ouJara.{ooq оц lпоqз uоц -вIIлоJ:Iп 'еýвс tlэва ц[ ,sэýsэщш\-ldчэsпuвш
аIqвIr_влв цв до Дэ,r,ms з Jo цлоJ atp
чэlвl sвqа8uls frвuпшlаrd эчJ,{Jол\ аФllрэ оlldшФlв ouaq пи\ а.lац фпоцр 'tочэ,r9g ,{q раq1-1эsэр 1вц л\опоJ ацппо щ прt\ эrэq pqdopB роцеш эчJ ,чопвпо,
JoJ раlээlаs аrад sldtrcsnusm os Jо,{luадl sпчJ ,релпс
-эо чэlJо sldFэsпчвш uаалlаq sосuаtrалтр эJечл\ sювld 1xol ец ш sэ3вssud su//\ {sЕl .I?IсIuэ, ,{t{п{t ol uоqвцос эц 3uпIuцI ,{q Iэ^аI сцSIрэJ в о1 IIд\ор раIзэs 'uопиIцозrп (1вnlxa) рчrqш 8utsn рФsФ эq о1 аJэ1rr эсuэрIла рurФхэ 8utsn sTtLL
рэчýIlqв1sа sdпоr8 ацL я,,SSиI эц ш sl{пIпл ssэрlmоэ эц Jo эzvш Jаlпп aql Jalua a/t\ эJоJаq qЕполр ра{юл\ эq lsпш чэтч/$ acuapturo зо Зuч JФпо чв Su lxol
ец gо ,(pnls Jaýolc оц
ршо.6Iсвq ,ftвssаэач з, sз
рорл3а-l 1оuэл98
-э?lвчс 4ац рчв sdпо;З а;:-: at '791 ,d'.лdчэsпцр}{, ,)*]-zt,?,TI
,SW'&B:qll tls:;,-_ -. ; ,[еl:] .i j.
'1э{эrоqqlq B3ti3ш;'-*j-,\,-l_- f:
'[всt] rrb {эtрg ,slT ,.Э;:* р{оц'[761] gдlЕ iа,;,-: ,: чsпч8'чорчч :[oi. ;: S;.. ,-, 'щIqпс :[rý] бz,S r-11 :
_: _:
'э3эllоз элвlз'аЗр;,,--:_-
-Iла IзuJэlха SIл J..
рэlеэrldпр ýuаluо] ]J ::г_": ,апрл рэlrшI[ Jo эj.,,;_;-. ,Sluвpuocsap DLгЕ
Si,j:г :_-;: _
рuв uэч,ц рuв рэij--:
В Jo sIОлел puE 'u-jЭ",_l: ]::: ,sluэluоэ ;о :эр:с "= -i_
uес fiduэsпuвtц этl :i j
-эаr3еsтр plп ýuэ,Jа::; ;-l: -: IDUlaЩIUае.\Uаq U3]:'_: ) ;
ац ýduэsпuвш 1J_q : З,::., -: ., lS 8uпрээl uэчrl ,lс!{j:,.;Е ; OJoJaq асuарIлэ рп]хэl-,j.]-j ,sldчэsпuвш ýI ]ц,jг ] : -: Jo эрr,rоrd о] ,rrвssаээu S;j-]a:
алеЧ JаРuIЕШЭ] ЭЦ ]] t,,:: ? :uэеq SЕч эSэц _lo эUa :- ,-?_f '691 8uтrлешэl эц Jr- .::_>.-
,uопsэпЬ ol uаjc !-,_-. а,,.: --: s
uoцBrвdas sц
,j;._: -* Ф33Iпл ац о1 ýJэ.\аJ uшluос l, ршв ю sСг..-_3 -
, орIлIр о1 эIqЕ SB.t\ Jэ[II--?--чэrцfi\ ol lz'flduJsnшE: j;=-..:
ýI I3IJ0l3m 0ШОS ЭJЭQ,t 'f r]t ,раЗuЕq] эт:- а 1SэIлзач ачI IBIluщSqnS SoSSaщI.t\ i lлi]э}i
The associations suggested Ьу each саtеgоrу of non-textual evidence will Ье discussed in tчrп and the resulting grочрý of mапчsсriрБ йll Ье tested Ьу comparing readings frоm the passages of text юllated. Thus the usefulness of the
typs of
evidence mау Ье соmраrеd. The identification of the texmal grочр will prhaps allow fчrthеr manuscripБ to Ье assigned gTounds аlопе. Finally, it is hopd that sоrпе ассочпt of the оп texmal to them iпtеrrеlаtiоп of the gToup, and thus фе branches of the text, will Ье possible. In view of the пчmЬеr of manuscript-witnesses and the known tехtчаl complications, the construction of а complete hierarchical ýtепrmа will not Ье possible at this stage. Араrtfrоm the possibility that the authorhimself made annotations, mапу copies wеrе in circulation during Geoffrey's lifetime. Later medieval library-catalogues show that some houses pssessed mоrе than one сору of йе wоrk. Thus texБ were available for comparison against ап ехеmрlаr, whеthеr to rectify lacunose copies оr just for scholarly interest. It is probable that, in Ночsmап's wordý, the mапчsсriрв will Ье divided into factions rаthеr than
characteristics of the
families.8 It is hopd tlrat tlre final stages of ttre process - the selection of the rерrеsentatives of еасhgrочр and the productionof atext- will Ь undertakenbyfuture editors. They lie ouýide the scop of опе doctoral disserиtion. I aim instead to apply the information frоm mу enquiries to the question of how the urork was transmitted. In Chapters II-VII, the texbhistorical evidence is examined category Ьу category
to determine what patterns of association each sчggеýБ. The discussion begins йth the potentially ciTcumstantial - works which ассоmрапу the l1isrorlc in the surviving mапчsсгiрý - and ends with the соrе evidence, tltat of the text iБelf.
The resulting patterm of association ше assembled and фе чаriочs sоrБ of evidence compared in Chapter VItr. The final chapters deal with the context of Geoffrey's History: the geographical and chronological extent of textual gтoups and the general milieu of the wоrk - its readership and the typs of litеrашrе йttt which it tended to become associated.
The works associated with й to Ье investigated in this sчгr
а description of items whos< incidental and, оп occasion_. оr patterns of texв аrе almr manuscripts, whether the sал to а limitedextent, in а mоrе г
seem to have Ьееп ubiquitп distinguished: it is inhented lines. This chapter ехаmiлеs they сап, unaided, сопtгiЬчt,
coincidentally linked $oups will merit full discussion lak It has been suggested CIntI some indication of the milieu
prhaps, of how Geoffrey's l апехрrimепt. Little is kпоu Medieval liЬrаrу lists give f
obvious categories of exeges Ьу апу mоrе than the most r
the examples cited in the
selection sometimes ор€гхtеr
conscious оr random, which large quantities of ехаmрlе: orrce inherited associatiom i the texmal features of the Н;
heavily qualified, but possr made.
manuscripв. There Ь а danger йat being susce,ptible ю capricious less diagnostic for t}re mаiп text йап ойеr, less prominent, sections; but ехреriепсе hеrе shows Ёrat imроrипt dераfшrеs from йе text are mоrе immediately useful in grouping mапчsсriрь than miпоц but potentially less consciously made. varianБ. Ночsmап, М. Attttaei Luсапi Belli ciyilb, р, vii; quoвd Ьу Gоюff, Tle Тrажmissiоц р. 5. discrepancies
alEation Ёrey mау
бI , g, d 1lot sstutMo.1_д atz7'_;с,э9 .. ,ýlIзчвл'apBru .{1mors-:.,: ;s;, .' ,J ,(1аеlрашtш аlош
alp 1ха: э,-:
:sцоцсаý '1чаrrпло:d ssэI sпотэчdвэ о аlqпФхпs
!;>: ::
,арзш еJэл\ suопуэIIос л\оч lnoqв аэuэрIла 'рлIIuJ ,(1qrssod lnq 'paglpnb ,{prruer1 ,(рrвssаэеu ац о1 чJщ ol эlqTssod aq пI,ц || - DlJolslH aID Jo saml?эJ Iвщха1 эW ,(1Bloedsa - ?IJэlцс rецо 8utsn peuпIJuoc uаэq элвч ýчоцвIсоssв рэ1IJеIIш асuо fiщщrоddо чв чспs sарt,rоrd fрцs luэsard эц1 ,sаldшвха Jo ýоIlцuuпЬ э3rв1 8uшruпхэ fq sl slxal Jo suоц}эпос uЕuас padBqs qспIд\ 'шорtЕJ Jo sпоюsчоо 'sJolэeJ ац 8ut,r.lasqo Jo ýttЕэш lsaq ац Дlquп8ry ,palB.lado sэцпlэшоs чоцсэIэý ;о sеldlэuчd ошоs 1?ц lsэ33пs roldBrlc sпоtлэrd эц щ раtlэ sаldшехэ эц фпоцlв '(эldrrпхо roз'azts) зIJа1IJэ зо f-твluашrрп: lsош эц (Ец аJош ,{чu fq podnoЯ еJал\ оý ац sэчо3Фвс sпоIлqо 'uо 'sэIssвIэ 'sсцsщвd 'slsa3axa рчЕ зо ац apl$no s:lJол\ асчэрIJuоэ roз маз sрmоr8 аrrй ,trurqr1 lзц яsr1 рлеIраиI ,sэ3у оррgл1 ац ш ,lчэцлlэdхэ uв рэssзIс эJэлr $хэl лrоч lnoqз чл\оIц $ ешгI go ?uцдешоý sI ýF[l 'щ?3y ,рzуо3аlвэ seM zfuolsrg s,farдgoog д\оч Jo 'sdBqrэd 'рu? рэIqшаýsз sзд\ чоп}аIIоэ .твFсцпd т чэц,t\ щ папFц ац Jo IюцвэтрIп ешоs luц (чорвlпслэ :uоцспрдцD polsea8ns uээq s3ч 1I ept,rord ,(вш IBIJalBm
чоIýSпэsр ппJ lIJэш пIлr fэц tnq luaserd 1u flаrrцвluоt (ро раrдuарI эq чвэ sdnoБ ра{uп ,{цеluэрlэtпоо 'snoauцuod5 ,,ftotsцlxel е Jo uопсплsuос ец ol эlпqцuос'рарIвuп'uвэ,(эц JBJ д\оч аэs о1 sldшcsnuвm-DtJorstнJo slualuoc эц sэшцпха.rаldutlэ sFlL,saurl рэl3оlвачэ3 {J?ш ol аsrшо.td чэItIд\ suоцээIшос рэlрачшt sr 1r :рэrlsrп8rцsр эq ol рээu suоIlвсопоэ шорuвJ рчв lчuсtдЯ15 ,snolmbtqn uаоq ал?ч ol шgэs $IJolr\ эшоs :sldчэsпuвш,irвrаlrl Jo uollcэIas шорuвJ аJош в ut'luаlхэ рэlпшI з о1 'оsIз lnq'aseц о{п 'чоп}аIшоэ IIд\оIц эшоs sBq эldчпs эц Jэцэчл\ 'sldrrэsпu?ш ,{uuш os до sls,{puu Irв шоц а3rэша ol pmoq lsomp эJв slхэt зо su-tэuBd ro slxal luoImcal tпвuоэ 'рgарul ,sпоlIпlJоJ,{1олtuэ'suоIs?эсо uо'рuв рluэрIэtп
эq ol ДIaTI st Дrоlsц s,,{аrздоэg цrд\ чопоэшюс аsочл\ sшэll Jo uоцdчэsар в эвsrшцdо ool oq ol lq8поц aq 1q3rш.аэuарtrrg, ,,{ашs spp tп рlв8usалш aq о1 аэчерIлаJо Jаfвl lsошrФпо эц alnlцsuoc DrJorýrH ац ql!$ palвIэoss? ýIJод\ эчJ
ФI/l\ аJп]вJэtl1 ;о sа:-.,: а:_
sdnor8 [зшха1 lo l,-:;:r; т:: Jo lхэlюэ эц цIп тт;т ý_;,.: Jo slJos Sпош?.\ эli э:: :+, ,::Tj;T: лэSlI 1ха эц Jo ]ви
Lп D?./оr.ýrg
ац ,iuт:,:л::
sщ8эq uоIssп}sгtl эq_ r;;:-: ,{-lo8aec,(q,{:o3 эl в,. р э :l-::,
1r{Ot{ _JO
ol рвеlflл [цrЕ I элпlпд fq uаlиJэршп
-аldэr эц Jo uопэаIэъ
;; -
(Ец JaцBJ ýIIоп]?_] ,]:; ]; uI'lзц alqBp:d ýI :] :;j о1 Jацэч,lд 'пldшэха u! :i;l эц зо,(dоэ эuо u?п ;jt: : ,ашi;; ; . рлаlрш JalPl
pu8lssu aq ol яduэsпuт-J .,;: рпlхэ1 ац Jo uопвэIпп;rl
'SuОц?lоtшЕ аррш лэ.s-J: _i:i alqtssod эq юu IIl.n гjгх::} -цdшоо рп]хаl trt\ощ э; ;: ,эlqrssod аqII],ъ ,trэl ;: :
эц Jo lmоэсЕ
]Еп ?.f:
эц SпцI : ptsa aq llltil пdusп,л
эtр Jo ssэщпJэSп
эq пц\ асuарIлэ IBпlxa-i.шI
Genealogy: F lemish counls Genealogy:
These аrе listed, where аррrоргiаtе, чпdеr ачthоr оr, failing lhis, чпdеr lпсiрil, Clearty defined grочрý of texБ, such as the Дехапdеr-litеrаtчrе, аrе listed tоgеthеr чпdеr а gепегаl heading and subcategories. ДЬ origine mшdi circa аппоs tria milia Aelred of Rievaulx, Uita Edwardi Дехапdеr: Collatio ДlехапФi сшm Diпditтю per liueras facta Дехапdеr: Epistola Дlехапdri ad Дristotilerп (farrlilies I, II, Ш+IV) Дехапdеr: Ерilарhiшm + Quicquid iп hutпапis
Дехапdеr: Ерitlюmа Дехапdеr: Р uuа rес ryitulacio Alexander: Iulius Ualerius, Gesta Дlехапdri дехапdеr: secreta sесrеtоrwп Дпgliа habet iп lопgitudiпе Aпglia modo dicta olim ДlЬiоп dicebatur Дпtепоr et alii profugi
Hilliry'Adrian IV
Epistolae: Рашiшсh of Jerusalem to bishops of the East Epitaph of King Ceadwalla Еtюlutis а muпdi colýIitucione Finding of the Тrче Cross: Post рессаtшп Ade Finding of the Тrче Cross: Sапсtа arbor Fчlсhеr of chmtres, Н i s t or ia hier о s о lirпit апа
N or mаttпоr шп duс wп
Guido delle Соlоппе
Hayton Henry of Huntingdon (Hjsro, Higden, Роliсhrопiсоп Historia Вrittопum Н i s t оr i а G о t lюr wп, W аtl,сл i r
Libellus Berretoli Liber рrоuiпсiаlis
Марраmшdi Marco Polo
Epistolae: Еmрrоr of Constantinople to Robert of Handers Ер is tolae:
е s tа
Gesta Saluaoris Godfrey of Viterbo
Iпrосепt, Ш, De mysleriis |т,. Jacques de Vitry, Historia о,
Apollonius of Т)пе
De Aпtichristo (Adso, Albuinus, Апsеlrп)
Ausonius, роеms from Ориsсиlа 7 and 13 Bede, Hisraria ecclesiastica geпtis Дпglоrum СЬrопоlоgу: ДЬ Дdап жquе ad diluuium апп. .ii.ccxlii, . Chronology: Iп priпcipio еrФ uеrЬum Chronology: Quitцuagesillю еrgо qшlrto аwю Соmmепtаrу, hophecy of the Eagle С оrпр епditллt de В r itarшie С о stтю gr ар hjce (Aethicus, pseudo-Priscian) Cre duпt igitur S аrrасепi сurп апimаduеrtеrеm Cuthbert: Epistola de obitu Bede Dares Phrygius Defiпitioпes Ciceroпis Dоmiпus Dеж uпiuеrsоrum сопdilоr Dudo of SaintQuentin
Genealogy: Тrоjапs Gerald of wales
Martinus polonus Meditationes Methodius (ps.), Re tle la i o.,l Mirabilia Вrittопum Nicodemus, Gospl of Pergamaflere uolo Реtrчs Alphonsus рrеstеr John prima etas seculi аь Аdаm
Prophecies:'Anglia trшБm]: Рrорhесiеs: 'Аппо cephas сс Рrорhесiеs :'Gallorum leuita Рrорhесiеs: Gildas
Ргорhесiеs:'Illius imрriчпl
Prophecies: John of Вгidliпg Рrорhесiеs: Merlin (Ga]fndl Prophecies: Robert de Sey
Prophecies: Sibylline Prophecies: Thomas of Сапi
Rеgпum Scottorumfuil RоЬеrt of Reims
Robert de Torigni, Сhrопiсlе Si qиls аЬ occidentalibж
Status Imperii
|z 1э!орлц l\J?ЙaJ
ffiqlрru?рюэо qD SmЬ 1S аIсцIоJI{э 'т_u8FоJ эр lJaqou stшэuJо lJэqоu цпtшплоllоэg шпu3ау ýзшоцl :sэrсоqdоц
,{rпqrэtuвз зо
ащIIКqIS :sэtоаqdоц
(,{rnqsolзut15 до al8Bg
,{э5 эр lJэqоu :sаrэаqdоц 'uвrрчдв9) uIIJаиI :sэrэаqdоц
uоl8чпррg go urtro1 :sэrэоqdоц ,, suaE шпtrэdшl sпц11, :sаtсаtдdоц sBpIIg :sэlсаqdоц .
sцmэI шIuоIIв9, sаrээqdоц :
очuч, sаlэаqdоц вll3чу, :sэrэаqdоц
аIIIJрвэос sBqdac .,
шорV qo !рэаS Sap tшlJd
utlol Jalsaи
snsuortrdly sпдэd оlоп аlауfmаоЕп4 go 1эdsоg'sпшароJIN
шпчопlJg DпчDJ|и
8 au о1
аа,(,sd) sпроцоlл1 SаuоllDllрэи
|D| ?f,
snuolod SпuцJриI OIOd ОСJВIЛI
!рmlдоddоц nqt1
поlшlаа sппаqц
S1lo|u?lJo DlJors1н 'ДдIл эр sэпЬэu1
шпJоп7п S' шп
sпD|sКш ао'ш luаэоutц цldлlDlJо|slн
юррltDм' lцltlоlчо'
шпuоulJg DlJolSlH uоэluоJцэцо4 'чар3lц
JallэI 'uпlo1Euy otlo1st11) uор8rrпtmll до
бqrФ!л 5о шп
suopn|Ds цSа9
oullvlll Jo N ц
sэрд\Jо рIвJэ9 sltоfоll:f3орэuэ9 s"lltlдlоN:,{3ореuа9 :f3орачэ9
ýмпоэ цs!шаI
pOlýII ел'am]Bra]11-:apuTra.
,l1dlэul Jэрuп
Аlехапdеr: collatio дlеха
Superius ашеm excidio Те s t аmе пt
а .xii.
р atr iarc har um
Т\е Collaio саsБ iл йе
Ualerius ad Rфпuпl Vision of the monk of Eynsham uita дdе et Еuе
Dindymus, king of the Вгаji of the Macedonians and В
This material is fс National LiЬгагу of Wales. G.16 (1М) [32]; СаmЬriф Cathedгal LiЬrагу, }{S. ! [117]; London, College of nationale, MSS lat. tsO1А l88, contain йе so.called С is prefaced in MS. 2 Ьу, а le; esse meliorem') which I h trчпсаtеd version of йе s; version iп MS. 32 is quite d, frоm the Рапtlеоп of Go,.jj:
uitатlюmе William of МаlmеsЬчrу (Histories) ДЬ ortgine muпdi circa апrюs tria milia This phTase constitutes the iпcipit of а Ьriеf description of how Вritаiп was founded Ьу Albina, daughter of а certain king of Grеесе. Such accounts аrе not чпсопtmоп in historical manuscripts of the later Middle Ages but I know of this ршtiсчlаr version in опlу tfuee manuscripts, in each of which it precedes Geoffrey's Historia: London, Вгitish LiЬгагу, MS. Нагlеу 5U5 t105]; Notre Dame, University LiЬrаrу, MS. 40 t130]; Phillipps MS. 3117 [214].1There is no fчrthеr аgrееmепt between the contenБ of these manuscripý.
Alexander: Epistola
Дlе х а
Деlrеd of Rievauk, Uita Edwardi2
This letter рчгрогБ to hare abouthis expriences in IпJ:
The Life of Edward the Confessor Ьу Aelred, abbot of Rievaulx (1147-67), is found in two vulgate manuscripý: Веrп, Burgerbibliotlrek, MS. 568 [15], and Dublin, Trinity College, MS. 172 [6l]. That in MS. 15 must have Ьееп copied
воеr in his edition also соп
shortly after the work's completion in about manuscripts аrе not related.
of the Orient'.g IB conside чеrпасulаr ffanslations. 1: \ i
included Ьу him. I folloц, Ц
The other contenв of these
Family I
1?Leiden, Bibliotheek dеr I
Воеr Н) London, Вгitish LiЬrаг1,.
дlехапdеr Aconsiderable пчmЬеr of Hisloria-manuscripк include items frоm the substantial and епоrmочslу popular pseudo-historical litеrаtчrе which collected аrочпd the fiрrе of Alexander the Grеаt.
MSS 7б апd 92, tоgейеr
sчЬgrоuр of the six mапчх 4 5
10 11
Ер Ы ola Д
2 3
t Now in фчав hands: Dumville, 'The Мапчsсriрь', рр. 16м5. Ward rесоrds the version in MS. 105 but does not include any further manuscripБ among iп his listof ДЬiпа-sюriеs: apudWard & НеrЬq Caabgue of Rоmаюеs,I.Вs, I.198-203. Eфted Ьу Migne, Р arola gia Lаtiпа, СХСУ,1 37 -90. See discussion Ьу Wright, The
Historia,I.xlly, 22
С ary, Т he М ediey а l Д kхапзz As prinвd Ьу KuebleT, /л/; l;
Medieval Дlехдtldеr, р. 1.1 КчеЬlеr, 1иli Valeri дl-а,ап;,euuangelii texmm sсriЬеп j'c The Medieyal Дlехал-dеl. р. Ed, [Herold,] Рuthеоп, cc's Ross,'А Check-List', р. 1iСuу, Т le М edieval Д lездп;z
lемиlлi, рр.
known: Voorbij,'Additiorb'. |2 bscribed Ьу WalйeT Воет, l
'ltpпraly о7оцdх Iaog lацрл\ {q рqчэsаq zl
,д11 ,d '.suotltppy, '[qrоол :llJt\оlч моu st sldrюsпчвшJо lаqчmч эW аIqпор l0ц pelвImlsa q lI ,Ixx-Iп ,dd 'rlplloxalyo1o1Mdx II 91, d' ацжаlу раача ц ц 1' tlB з 0I ,sL-пLZ,dd'алоl ,дzI ,d '.ls11-1эеqз lолцdолЕоаg 1q3gд aas Еамвш.ац чо ч, 'ssоц 6 ,(., , ,tI3эос элIuеý soo эач llpln sэрrrпш8еlg,
эuпц, шаоd в {q рмоцод ,tI
L- L9T, s||оэ' uоц lllo
орчаqIюý цrцхФ тпа3чвппэ
,lwrа|V !/ард!рI'rе|qеr.я ,
at7; 'Дrэз аа5
а ['рlо.tац],pg рла!раи ачI
,I 'ý8I ,d'ao1sag ýau шqоd
:sаuоls-ЕtлоIv ]о uоIsIал аЧl
sploфl PJ?.\l
;'; : _-::---:-:
L 9
у 1, р,9!р и ,б8-69I ,dd'aogag мц 1ul"Iоd ltwDрIV,!l"|олIпJ'rАlqэп; {q parлrd sy 9 I'z6-I б'} I-€ I,dd' вruопlv |ол"lр п I' КJ2э t ,
d' эрuох-qv
ец о1 8ul8uoleq ýв реlýп Jэоg JоIпрлil чсщд stdrrcsnuзIд xls ац Jo dnoбqns в uшоJ '{o1lolst11 эtп Ешulвluоо юu) рд.лtr1 в ЦIlr\ JЭЦОЗоl 'zб рuu 9L Ssиt
эц рuпол ра]ээI:.] ,j: - __ ;_ I?РUUlýqПS аЦ ШОj_: :.-':;" ::-
,SIлI .чорчс1 (uз:эоg JацIвл$ olaN цо||оэ [z0] lllд,с чsIlIJ[ ',{JвJq!"I (н raog JэцIвлO tуъl Oz.Id{ ,Sш'l1alls.la,rlunщПu Jap ,tаачlоIlq!fl .чарJа1,
1dl;швд .I ,soIIпIlвJ JnoJ оlчl 3шdпоr3 s.Jaog Jацрл\ /дoIIoJ I ,urщ /tq рерпIсш lоu SJэIпо uэлаs ап aJatn II:fuоlSц{ s,,(ar;goag uIЕlIюс osp uonlpa sц III Jэоg JоцIвлд,лд Kq рФsI fldцсSпuвш uелэS-,{lхrs эцзо эulN 0I,sчорЕISuЕд лIпсеurал ,{uвш эц ,(q palsatlu st ,{1trBlndod IзлаIраш эIqзJерIsIюэ sl[ 6,.1uэ|JQ эц Jo flwэq рuu uаш sпошэлJвш рuu эзuвдs arp Зuочп, ?рI{I щ sетrэцэdха sцlnoqв о1 JарIЕхэIY ,iq uашIJл\ чэаq олвt| ol цlodrnd Jallel sт_цI
аsэtDJо Slua]uo] Jэ:.: ;- - ( раrdоэ uаэq э.\Еч ]ý:.: ,Si{ ,I;::,,:, 89ý
рш'[ýI] sI
'(ag-arI1) хlпв,lац
эпоlSIJv DlSl?ош sц
apt о|цlV ро
цV olorsld д
,,(rшolaq aas) oqJФIл Jo Кацр9 Jo uоа|luDd эц шоц uаw1 sI lcзJ uI рш дпэ ,(q patstl asoql шоц IчэIэJJIр эllпЬ sI zE ,Sиt Iп uоISJэл эчJ g,(.sou pndв SIýошшuс, аuтрUа) оlлDпоэ эuпs ац Jo uоISJэл раl?эtmд ,Sш ,,(gpuap1 о1 aIqB чааq lоu алuч з slпвluос E8I I чэIцл\ (.шаJоIIэш asso , , ,Iэ шпэ JolBJэdIm rарuuхаlу,) uоцспрдш,(ц8uоl в,(q z,SW rп рэсвзэrd sr 1I ý,lхэ1 0ц Jo sчцоJ эоJчl эц Jo lSэпJвэ еq|lо!lопоэ рошвэ-оs оц tпвluос '88I рuв'дII '08'?ý'z SSш,t8sl] 69ýдI ,lвl рцв tEsI] WOýs,lв1 SSиI.аlвчоglвч ,SIt .ýtцJy anbqqprlqrg ![з11] аЕашоэ 3чорчо1 |[д11] Iарчпдy I 'ц.tвд Jo ,51ц'{.tBlq1.I qsрlJfl'чорчо1 :tш] .5lц .Д.rB.rqJ.I 9ý a,ýols lвJрач|вэ sб ,51ц',{.tв.lQ!.I {llslа,rцд'аtррqчrвэ :tzg] (7sI) 9I,c 'чlоlч11 ![иs] сz,s,шlц ,51ц'а3ацоз ý6ччоf grуSиi'ýаIвд d.rB.rq11 puollвN ls'а8рIJqшвэ : tz] rr .ц/щsЛ.rаqу 'sldрэsпчвчI-оlJоlslн lqtra чr ptmoJ sI Jo рIJаlвш sцц озчеqd -шпIд ааJэша suвuпрJg эц qэцл\ шоц 'sчзшtрJg рuе ýЕшорешW at1l Jo sаJоlдэqll!о ýlIJаш элпвIаJ эц lnoq? Фзqар B'strcmтpJg эцJо tuн'sпш,(ршq р(Е Jорuзхэ[ч ugэлцэq ээuэрuоdsа-lrос з Jo tIцoJ ац tц slýзc оlлопоэ ечtr
,ýdt:эs:,_:: эJэцL,[иIz] 1,IIE ,SI\ id
а.цоц ![9g1] 9119 .ial.tB11 sэрээо-rd 1I чэгч.rl _Jo
,Jэцо ац ut эlаldtrюапr sT i
StN:iINоэ ca,IиcoSSY
ASsocиTED co}.tTENTS
above list), the wогk арреаrs iп а section of the чоlчmе separable frоm that conиining the Н is toria. А further Ёlistoria-wiпress - Oxfшd, Bodleian Library, MS. Jesus College 2 t|4Z) - is not accompanied Ьу оthеr works Ьчt is heavily inteгplated and annotated with material mostly иkеп frоm Маrtiпчs (see below, IY: IпtеrроlаIjопя).1tt
Aseriesof иz dilaliottes,sometimes attributedtoBernardof Сlаiгчачх, ýomelimes to Hugh of SainbVictor (/пс. 'Multi multa sciunt'), is found iп two Historiamanuscripts with otherwise disparate сопtепБ: Roma, Biblioteca Apoctolica Yaticana, MS. Ottobonilat.1472 t194] and СаmЬridgе, Tlinity College, MS. О.1.17 t38]. In 38 it has по title Ьчt iп 194 there is the ruЬriс: 'Incipit spculum ..
thirteenth сепtчrу, рrl
Mongol invasions'.l95 IБ
lyptic material shows that r Ап арраrепtlу full fог
Cambridge,MS. StJohn'
3514 t70]; London, Bгitil [116]; Nоtге Dаmе, Unir
.'. Начrёач listed many copies.lФ
nationale, MS.lat. 4|2Б l ап introductory ршаgтаф martiris . . .'.70 is оthег* and not the vulgate. Of t established (above, С hroru
they do not reveal апу slд:.l and, no doubt coincidenta first two manuscripts but i
the 1б4 to the fочrй, rt coincidental. The Sib1,lltnl onAntichrist, but that rп 3]
The seventh-century tract attributed to Methodius, bishop of Patara (mаrtуrеd in the eaTly fштth century), has Ьееп described as а hiф pint in the Eastern apocalyptic tradition.lgo Originally compsed iп Sуriас,191 it was translated into ktin in the eighth сепшry and was disseminated at Сhшlеmаgпе's сочrt.192 Like the tracts оп Antichrist which followed and pssibly imiиted it,tЯЗ *. pseudoMethodian Revelations сопсеrп the Last Еrпрrоr. This еmрrоr, called here rex Rоmulоrwц is destined to defeat йе раgап nationý, but the reigrr of Дпtiсhrist will Ье heralded when the twenty-two kings (including Gog and Magog) whom Дехапdеr confined behind ttre Gates of ttre Nогth break through апd сrеаtе carnage on the Еаrth. The ррчlаritу of this text at ttre Саrоliпgiап сочrt is поt surprising, considering ttrat it a"ssociated the rex Rоmаrюrum with а reigrr of militаrу glоrу (see above, De Дпichrisro).Its original рчrрsе, however, seems tohave Ьееп to exhort the Eastern christians in Ёre face of the Moslem tfueat, the rex being the Byzantine еmрrоr.lЯ The work enjoyed analogous populmity in
Methodius, beginning as t ending differently.lЯ Tfu s pale, MS. 428 [17]. А furt found in two other sесоп;
Апоthеr Нistоriа-mал,,
18s Bйrcken has sееп the inclusion of the Liьеr рrойпсiаlь in сеrиiп manuscripв of Martinus's Ctrronicle as а reflection of Ь position in the papal curia: р. 474. Thb seems imрrоЬФlе, сопsidеriпg how frequently йЬ work арраrý in оЁrеr contexts, for example
Mirabilia Вrittопutп
Inhis History, Geoffrey ге sixty streams and sixty r: (ý149). NеаrЬу thеrе is
kindof fish, аmаrчеl whic Riчеr Severn (ýl50), Тh,
follows an established rа conquest bilingual mапu ! *lеrе.l9t The inspiTation а material iпсоrрrаtеd iл Ё Five Historiс-manuscn
wiй йeHlsroric.
tBg Jпitiц IV.ll0-11. А work of the same паmе, рrеýцmаЬlу in шanslation, Ь юmеtimеs recorded in secular ЦЬrаriеs. See Сачапачф, 'А Study', рр,331,161 .
190 МсGiпъ Иsiопs, р.70.
192 Reeves, Tle Iфuалсе,р.Зо0, 193 McGinц Иsiопs, р. 83, 194 Ibи,,p.-lI-,
195 lbid.,p.,|2.
196 'Sciendum namque поЬЬ
seculorum. Аmеп'. Thrs с iфlliпisсlv Telae, рр, 5 Ч
'. . . АпtiсhrЫо autern
198 BL Сопоп Tibrius B,v, : 58
,.l1qепьшdоrddв 'rnr{JBS
iq раччd
врэоs rэd
6ý ,I
lao шшэIрпI la IImоý оIlвuпlmýuОЭ
uotsrал эц l1nва.ь о$lэцrd
чзd'л,Е ýпцаqllчоuоэ,I8
'' ЧЁl?.ffi;;Жifiiп,i ,.чэчry ,цmю[пэеý
цIм рчоdsэr-rос ol чrэаý 1оч saop sчJ ц оршопЬ rrшssIJ?I ýэдз4I lsa пqou anbtrвu ч,mрчэIэS,
'TL'd''пqI sll
Ф3лdаý в ý? punoJ DпlqDлш эрпIсш Rdрсsпчuш-DlДоlslн е1iJ.l ,ulпloL|!1g o!.lorslH fдпluа>Wrпu
эц щ рэlвJоdJоэш luчэlзш
JзIIIшS SI 'Jала/t\оч 1чпосов s.,{ацзоо9 Jo аэJпоs рuе uопвrrdsщ эцL sбI,аJац lsаJэlщ z(I-1Ba slsэllB lsвa эц Jo ýlaл.lel/rl ац Jo dIJэýпчвш pn8ulшq lsэпЬuос -эrd роluдsпцr ,{цsrrrBl v ,salsl чsпIJg ац ш юцтрвд рочsIIWlsэ чз sл\oIIoJ ,(gstý)
sJэрuод\ 1вощdur3оа3 !о оl!оlýlн ац ш lюIsnlcul ачJ чJэлý Jалrх u 'чsIJ ац aJoq snotrals,{m оц :Jэцоuв ot ,{эrдоэ9 spзel Jo чсцл\ IэлJвш Jo ршц ,(otT luaJaJдp в ,{q patBlndod чшэ aJB sJэuJoc JnoJ еsочlr\ 1md в sr эrэц ,{qrвац ý) slsau s.al8Ba ,{txrs prrв s8elc ,{lxts ,(q рэddоl spuвIsl{1xls рuu suпедs flxls s.рuошо,I чэо,I Jo uопduэsар з цIл\ sJэрвоr sтц sар8эr ,(ацзоа9 ',ftolslg s[ч uI
umuо1llJg DlllqDJlи ,(цоmllаg мпаq!7 'алоq0 аэs) sэssэlцIл\ luзIлл-рчосаS Jацо о/цl ш punoJ ,tдr] sI 'tцJoJ эlqвzп€оээr ssol ш 'IJол\ оц зо ашоltdа JeцJnJ ч rzt ,51д 'apd -IJIчпш апЬqqlоцq;g'я3пrg luеIJЕл-рчоээs эш sI sцll,,f рuэrадlр 8rцрuэ lnq (rе,tамоq 'qdвr8BrBd frolu;эrd ац lпоцlм) pnsn ýв 3чrчшт3эq 'sпIроцэиI -орпэsd зо эшоlldа uз sllвluoc ,{puarBddB ldчэsпuвш-ruоlslн Jэцоuч
,д9i,I;i ;
sашIlэшоб ýI 'чоррIflrЕд
аlduлхэ loJ 'slxaluoo ]aij,]c : !э; flдааs mLI ,94р ,d :вьтэ 'т:>.J ; до $dgэsпчвш uти.Iээ li :-,]--Tr
ul ,{llretndod sпоSоlг,_; :; ,, эц1велп uJэISо}t ац _]. ]]]. sшээs'Jэлэмоt1,эs€:-ч: -: до
tбlar s ц$
lou sI lmoc uвt8ullо::з ::: эlвэJэ plrв ч3rюrц т:_- -:. шо[I/t (3о3ещ рuв ;r.,5 i
lslJqэрчy зо rбra: ;,; :,:. : ха1 еrечрlрэ ,:o:aJ,Ji i-ъ ац ит'lI раг::; -орпэsd
эT,I z6l,uпос S, аuЗвшэ, :; *;, оlщ рэlзISlЕд яrд ]I ...,]т,*
чJэlsзЕ эц rп tшоd lf.; : раr,{tлш) зливd ;с ;с _;,: rTl
чвIцэsшy эц швluос sJэцо ац eIцM 'sпulпqlу ,{q sI zg Iп lзц lnq 'lsцчсцuy uo Slэвд aJu sB'9II рuв'88'zE щ рuпоJ аrв salэoqdord аш1l{qt5 ацL ,рluарIсlпоэ чtв3в sl slualuoc Jo uonцadal s1tп lBц шааý рIIюлl lI 'цmоJ эц о1 t9I ец щ l?ц рuв ',(рuпд рuосаs ац ot sЗчоlаq z€ щ lвц su lnq gdчэsпIЕш o1r\l lsлf ац tп plmoJ os[B sI 1Jpпra|V o1olsldx ацL ,0д ur 'z(ццuарlсш.ос lqnop оu 'рuв ,suопсаlшос lrтвсчп€rs ,{tTB рэпаr юu ор ,(ец Ф|'aЕ щ punoJ st frolsщ .saJ?c ,(, , , otdtэutld чl'КЕоlоuоцз lnq $uэlчос Jaцo эJвчs эшо5 'эzrоqu) рэчsпqиsэ ,эtвЗFл ац lou пел\ SI 9II рuв 88 чаа/tцаq {щ эц 'JарttтвшэJ ац Jo рuз 1II?Iлл 1sлс ац ol ssащи\ в 8чlэq ш sпоршоtlз аstд\JэIр щ 0L ,., , , ýIJцJзш la rdоэsldэ IроцаиI raqп lrdrcm рчщэ аulшоu щ, фвrЕвпd drоtэпрлчr uB ,{q рээвзаrd $ lхФ ец'9д ldаэхэ еsэц Jo Ip цt ccl, b9I1 ya1.;t,lBI,Sш'арчоllвч anbqq1ollqlg's!дBd !tml] 0,,51д'lirB.rq;1,{1;s-rа,rщд'ашвq аllоц ![911]
б8z ацвоIý рчв [Е8] J|aE JарчпJy 551ц'.{лвrqI.I чýтllJff 'чорчо.1 :tOд] ?IýE ,51ц'd.tвlq;1 ,51ц ![7g] ý6чIIог
р.tрацlвз '.Ialaxg
;sldрсsпuеш-Dltоrs!н xls ш pImoJ sI lxal ац Jo tmoJ I1nJ ,{рчэruddв чу ,пIJасшос [еJэчэ3 э.tош шоrg rншшФs оs[з lI щ lsэJаlщ lBФ ýдrочs рlrаеш опй1 -ээоdе Jацю lрIл\ sldFспruвш-Dltоls!н ш IюцвIсоýýв sl! 951,,suоIsЕrrш 1о3чоlд dэоqdоrd ,{юlulоsчоэ в, 8rцрr,rоrd '{mluес цuэоu,п{l ац
ац Jo эшц ац lB
шпlпэоds l1drэrц. :эIlJп_: ;,-:
,51ц'а3аllоз illul.t1, аф r.l вэцоlsоdу вJФо!|qlg,gш0
-DlJolSlH oztl ч рtmо,] S] , sаuпэшоs'хпu мrc l э _Io ; -Е,_
-Оlоfuац1 :лI 'лlоIэq ээý
| )-
рrrв рэtврd-rэlш ,{1t.lBau s: ,SIлl ',i_гв:ql7 а3эlоз sпsэI
lтц шоц эlqzлdаs
аrе accompanied Ьу а furthеr item frоm the Historia Вrittоruпп: а shоrt account of the peopling of the юпtiпепБ Ьу the descendants of the sons of Noah. In fочr of the manuscripв - СаmЬгidgе, Sidney ýussex, MS. 75 [34], Madrid, Biblioteca nacional, MS. б319 [125], Охfоrdо Bodleian LiЬrаrу, MS. ОriеI College 16 [152] апd Saint-Omer, ВМ, MS. 710 t202] - the works аrе immediately
preceded Ьу Geoffrey's History, The text iп 202 is quite extensive, ruппiпg 'Рrimчm miтасчlчm eýt ýиgпчm Lumonoy , . . поп longe а tеrrа'. In the оthеr tfuee, the Mirйilia follow ап account of the descent of nations 'Post diluuium tribus filiis Noe . . . et rерlечеrчпt Europiam et de his actenuý'and begin 'Рrimчm si quidem miтасчlчm Britannie sипgпчm Lчmmопоim . . . ad раrччm inuenitur' (the explicit is virtually illegible in l25;.lЯ No оthеr shагеd contenв аrе found iп any of these manuscripB. The fifth Hisroria-manuscript to include sераrаtе rnirйilia is Dublin, TFinity College, MS. 4И [65]. These аrе found at 226r227v,lhe Historia оссчруiпg 9r-|23v, Besides being separated Ьу пчmеrочý works, they fall in different uniв of the manuscript. Неrе the mirabilia рrесеdе the оthеr ассочпt. The texts аrе different from those described above: 'рrimчm miгасчlчm est stапgпrm Iчmопiчm . . . inuenitur p[]i lapides', 'Тrеs filii Noe diuiserunt оrЬеm . . . Uenedochia id est Nогй Wales et [СоrпчЬiа]'.Ш
59 as ancestral to these ct found in а few mапчsсгlр conclusion that the реm sequently reused in сhеr Simon Сhёчrе d'оr,2б The demise of Наmmе close connection between
Douai, ВiЬliоthёqче mчl found in 59, provides ап manuscripý containing Р 4|26 tl64J and London.