Directory Of Women's Studies Programs & Library Resources 0897745078, 9780897745079

As the women's studies movement enters its third decade, the scope and the complexity of its objectives continue to

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Directory Of Women's Studies Programs & Library Resources
 0897745078, 9780897745079

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EN'S STUDIES LIBl;u\l{Y ~SOURCES Edited by Beth Stafford



The rare Arabian Orvx is believed 10 have inspired the myth of the unicorn. This dcsen antelope became vinually extinct in the early 1960s. At Lhat time several groups of international conservationists arranged to have 9 animals sent to the Phocni,c Zoo to be the nucleus of a captive breeding herd. Today the Oryx population is nearly 800, and over 400 have been returned to reserves m the Middle East.

Copyright o 1990 by The Oryx Press 2214 Nonh Central Phoenix. Arizona 85004-1483 Publt!bed simultaneously in Canada

All rights reserved No pan of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted m any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from The Oryx Press. Printed and Bound


the United States of America


~ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National

Standard for lnformation Scicncc-Pem1anence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. ANSI 239.48, 1984.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Directory of women's studies programs and library resources I edited by Beth Stafford. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN 0-89774-507-8 I. Women's studies-United States-Directories. 2. Women's studies-Library resources-United States-Directories. I. Stafford, Beth. HQI 181.U5O57 1989 89-8864 305.4'07' I 173-dc20


Contents Foreword Jean F. O'Barr vii Preface ix List of Abbreviations xiii Features of an Entry xvii Main Entry Section 1 Women's Studies Programs Women's Studies Courses


3 95


Instit ut ion Index 1OS Wome n's Stud ies Credentials lndex 109 Discipline Orientation Index 117 Library Collection Subject Strength Index

l 45

Foreword by Jean F. O'Barr

As lhe women's studies movement enters its third decade, the scope and the com plexity of its objectives continue to expand. The DirectO?' of Wom· en's S1ud1es Programs and Library Resources aptly illustrates that expansion and makes a fundamentally important contribution to its future development. The Direc1ory represents a pathbreaking first step in a process filled with firsts. When the first courses on women were introduced into American colleges and universities in tbe late 1960s, instructors scrambled to find fragments of information to use in their own teaching and reproduce for th eir students. It was but a few years before they and their colleagues were off in lhe libraries, out in the field , and hunched over the terminals, generating the new scholarship on women that we now, 20 years later, more or Jess take for granted, The first round of scholarship produced thousands of books, hundreds of journals, and tens of thousands of courses. The impact of the new information generated by fem in ist scholars cannot be underestimated. It bas had and is having a profound impact on the ways in wbicb the disciplines conceptualize their subject mat1er, universities think about the liberal arts, and women create their place in the academy. It proved easier to generate new information from old than it did to organize that information in ways that were accessible to the next cohort of scholars and students. Every one of us in Women's Studies can recall with a mixture of pain and laughter the hund reds of times we and o ur students approached standard data sources to find that Lhey were not organized with women in mind. While they might well contain information about women

and about gender systems. one could not get at Lhe information without ellpcnding an extraordinary amount of effort. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of many at the Library of Congress aod the leadership of the University of Wisconsin system, among others, we are now mucb better equipped 10 locate information that will answer our newly formula ted questions and substantiate our recent observati ons. And the technological revolution in libraries has happily furthered this process. Beth Stafford's leadership in bringing together information on the characteristics of women's studies programs, along with their library resources, is an outstanding instance of just such an inspiration. Working with the National Women's Studies Association, the professional group of scholars and activists who have developed the field, she bad compiled annual directories of programs for several years, utilizing her skills as a Women's Studies lib rarian and her cllptrience with the associa1ion. The Direc1ory is a major boost to the effort to foster communication among fcminjst scholars, between institutions of b.igher ed ucation, and for scholars and academic institutions. By bringing together in one place, and usefully organized, information on individuals, programs, and collections, she has given us the resource we require 10 make new, efficient, and effective advances in knowledge. In reviewing this Directory I am reminded of what all of us in Women's Studies know but often do not act out. We know that librarians and the resources they command are at the hean of our enterprise to teach and research. And on an indjvidual basis, we work with them as panners. But

Jean F. O'Barr is editor, Signs: Jo11rna/ of Women In Cu/turf and Society and diree1or, Women's Studies l'mgram, Duke

Univcrsitr, Durham, NC.

viii I Dir«tory of Women's Stvdll~ Progrllffl• llnd Library ReSurcn

in programs and groups of ~holar.. we have been much slower to include library personnel tn our endeavors. How man) Program Ad, isory Board$ have a slot for a library representative? How many activities, from exhibits to acquisitions to student internships. are done tn active cooperation with librarians and program people? How many umes do library and program people strategizc together over pohc> issues that mfluence both? My own expenences as a D1rcctor of \.Vomen's Studies tell me that Duke's program would be all the weaker without its library connection. And my time as the

editor of Signs: Journal of ~romen 111 Culture a11d Society affirms the need for active cooperation between those who manage information and !hose who create ii. Every issue we do is better for the input of many parts of the library and its staff. We have here then in the Directory of 1-Vomen s Studies Programs and Library Resources a new tool to help us build bridges that foster feminist scholarship. r think I reflect the opmion of many in the world of Women's Studies scholarship when I say that we are indebted to Beth Stafford and 10 Oryx Press for their lcadcrsh1p m bnnging this iool to us.



The study of gender issues has become a salient featur~ of a wide variety of academic disciplines, reflecting the profound impact Women's Studies has had in a relatively short period of time. As tt:3ditional disciplines have been affected by feminist scholarship, educational institutions of all sizes, private and public, have altered and expanded ~ourse offerings to include many areas and subjects ignored or totally unkn0"-1l 22 years ago. when the word wscxism did not even exis1. As in any new field of endeavor, a key element is identifymg scholars with similar interests. This is particularly difficult m Women's Studies because people from so many tradnional disciplines arc involved. There arc no boundaries of geography, time, discipline, or language. It has been no less difficult to identify Women's Studies librarians. The American Librarv Association, the principal professional organization for all librarians, and its division. the Association of College and Research Libraries, have recognized an official Women's Studies Section only in the past two years. As teaching and research evolve to include new areas such as Women's Studies, ac~demic librarians have the responsibility to meet the needs of Women's Studies students, teachers, and researchers as effectively as p0ssiblc. The need for one centralized source o f information on Women's Studies professionals and programs is clear. Having compiled lists of fundamental data on Women's Studies programs for the National Women's Studies Association over the past several years, I decided 10 compile a more comprehensive source for the use of teaching faculty, researchers, librarians, students. community leaders, and administrators in higher education. Two v;taJ features make this reference tool unique. First, no other single source contains as much inforrnation on established Women's Studies ieaching programs, in terms of either program content descriptions or nationwide coverage. Second,

no other single source detailing nationwide library suppon for Women's Studies programs exists. It is hoped that this work will be a basic tool for feminist scholars, librarians, and those interested in Women's Studies to identify and communicate with each other and with their colleagues. It would be desirable to update this directory on a continuing basis. METHODOLOGY AND SCOPE


This directory contains 4 I 3 entries-the result of two separate surveys of over 2,000 U.S. institutions of higher education that bave a broad liberal ans academic orientation: trade schools and military schools were not included. Our survey of academic Women·s Studies programs was conducted in 1988. Every attempt has been made to include only lhose mstitutions offering a minimum of five academic cour5es on a contmuing basis. We have not listed courses taught infrequently or only during a panicular brief period of time. We conducted our survey of academic libranes in 1987. It ·was aimed at library systems supporting U.S. institutions of higher education. This approach was taken in an anempt 10 describe total suppon for Women's Studies within the fom1al library structure on each campus (i.e.. the network of all departmental or branch libraries), oot simply support in an undergraduate or History or Humanities library. By wsupport" we mean staff assigned to Women's Studies, the presence or absence of separate funds for acquiring Women's Studies library materials, and broad Women's Studies-related subject strengths of the total library collection on campus. Because of lhe extreme comple:uly of formulating appropriate questions and terminology for library collections, and because the focus Ln this book is on instructional programs, no attempt was made to include special collec• tions in individual Women's Studies research units on campuses.

x / Dirtctory or Wom,n's Swdles Proano'" and Uh!V)' R..ourcH



Courses arc listed as described in answer 10 our survey. On most campuses, courses considered 10 be Women's Studies courses are cross-listed with a traditional disciplinary rubric. For c11ample, a course eolitled ~women in lhe Labor Markel~ could be offered under 1he aegis of either an economics department or a Women's Studies unit, or both, depending on the individual institution. On most campuses, faculty teaching Women's Studies courses are members of disciplinary depanments and affiliate, this is a separate Women's Sludies unit of the school. After basic data such as address and telephone number, we list the namc(s) of the Women's Studies contact person(s) on each campus. Insofar as was possible, we have listed only the names of faculty who teach Women's Studies courses on a continuing basis. Occasionally, faculty/tcachmg affiliate informalion will be missing from an entry. For some schools, the Women's Studies faculty roster is 0uid enough to make !he compilation of a permanent listing impossible. Special resources such as the existence of a separate unit for Women in International Developmen t on a campus arc listed as separate entities. To summarize, each entry includes Lhe school and/or program name, address, contact person, and tele phone number. ln addition, listings may include: • • • • • • • •

Teaching facult)I Other teaching affiliates Courses offered Degree(s) offered Cenificate(s) offered Library contact person(s) library suppon services Special resou ~es

Abbreviations used throughout the directory arc defined in th e List of AbbreviaLions. ARRANGEMENT AND SPECIAL FEATURES

This directory 1s organized alphabetically by name of state or political entity and withm each state by ci ty and mstitutioo name. Four indexes provide access to factual information. Indexes lisl (l) the name of each institution; (2) credentials (indicating which schools offer degree options, such as a B.A. in Women's Studies, majors, minors, cenificates, concentrations, or other degrees with an emphasis on gender issues); (3) discipline orientation of courses offered; and (4) subject strengths of library collections. Specifically, the Women's Studies Credentials Index lists each institution under one or more appropriate categories, depending on which degrces/ccrtific~tes are offered by that school (e.g., UBA/BS in Women's Studies"; "individualized major in Women's Studies"; or uarea of concentration in Women"s Studies"'). The Discipline Orientation Index lisls each institution name under those categories that best reflect the nature of the courses (e.g., u African-American Studies"· offered • "History"; and "Psychology~). The Subject

Pr~face I ri

Strengths of Library Collection Index lists, under appropriate subject categories, those institutions whose library c-01lections reflect holdings in these areas (e.g., "Feminist T heory"; "Women and/in Religion/P hilosophy"; and wwomcn's History, U.S."). A minimal number of schools offer credentials such as minors in Women's Studies but did not show either evidence of consistently offering at least five courses or cou rse titles or teaching faculty names, and are therefore not included in this book. Finally, the second, shorter section of this book lists schools that offer courses in Women's Studies but did not at the time of the survey have a minimum of five on a continuing basis. The process of gathering, interpreting. and integrati ng such a massive body o f information has been a major undertaking. As with all works of th is nature, the need for additions and corrections will become apparent. The a uthor/editor takes full re-

sponsibility for those. At the same time, this volu me imposes some order on a variety of data not previously accessible and provides a starting point for those concerned with the field. Any emendations for the directory would be most welcome.


I wam to thank the University of Cllinois Research Board, University of Illinois Library Research and Publications Committee, and the National Women's Studies Association for their financial s,uppon. For their countless hours of work and advice, I thank Pat Boze, Bernice Carroll, Glenna Cilento. Jennifer Di Bello, Herben Goldhor, Pam Lindell, Jytte Millan, Yvette Schevcn, and Laura Severson. Beth Sta_/lord Women 's Studies/WID Librarian University of lllino1s al Urbana

List of Abbreviations

AA Associate of Arts AB Bachelor of Art.s Acad Academic Adm Admin istrat ion Adoles Adolescent Adv Advanced Afric-Amer St African-Ameri can, Afro-American Studies Alric St African Studies ALB Bachelor of Liberal Arts Allied HUh Allied Health ALM Master of Liberal Arts Amer America, American Amer Ind Native American Anal Anatomy Anthro Anthropolog) , Anthropological Arch Architecture Arts & Sci Ans & Sciences AS Associate in Liberal Arts Asian St Asian Studies Assoc AsSOol~ Da,id Klcn1mad( (Socio!): Eht10e Manin (Ger &. Russ), EliabetlJ McDonel (Psyct,ol); E,.., McMahan (Spl'Communic): Elizabeth Mttse (Engl): Many Morgan (uw); Alioe Parker (Ronunoe ungs & Cla1,1); John Smytla (Cnm Just) COURSESOITt:kEO WS 510: Spcoal Topics; WS S20: Women&. Work;

\VS SOOl501: lnckP(lldcnt Study in WS; WS S02/SO): Seminar in Teaching WS; WS 521 : WS Practicum: WS S40/54l: Seminar in WS; ws SSO. Womm in Amerk'.i, ws S60: Women & Pubhc Polley: \VS 590: Women & Law; WS S92; Women Ul the Labor Force; WS 594: Sex Discrimlnauon; WS 635: Scmtnu in Fmunist L11c:rary Criticism; WS S30' Women in Contemporary Socict): Feminist Theof)~ WS 532: ts~ &. Problems in WS Researth: \VS 570: Ocnder, Raoe, & Class-Cross-Cul1ll!lll Appr Ena) 216: lnU'O 10 Women Au1hon; ugl 316 Special Topics; En&) Sl6: Women Wri1ers & fem11USI 'l'boory, Hist 296: Women m American Wes1; Soaol 204: Sociology of Gender Roles; Sociol 304: ContcmJ)Orary Women's Problems. An1hro 404· Women in Cuhun,s DfuRE.,.S) OFrntF.D ug,1d minor ,n WS; ~ & snd of conceo1ra11on. ucz,,d & a,ad mdmdualized majors UllRAJlY SUl'l'ORr SERVlCES. No separal< WS rolkctJon in bbrary syttcm; cstunttcd 4, 230 monographs, IS WS ocriah. 10 manu.scnpl$, 24 A-V 1i1lC11's ti1; 1 371: Women in US History, 1880-1980; H1si 422: Soaal Histol'}' of American Women, G~n SI 33 t • Sexual lclendfie21roo; Rd 390: Women & Rehgion, Soc:rol 417 Famtly V10lcocc; Social 464 Women's Roles; Educ SIS: EducatJon of Women


l>l,Glllf/S) OfFEll£0 Proanm offeri BA in BS in abo ugtad minor & eon«11trat10R; 1h11 Dept offers BA & BS m Women & Soc 1n Eur. also MA & PhD m Wom~n in US Hist; Ju Progrun oJTcn BA in ws, ind1\/lduallzed ugnd major rn WS; EniJ DcPI offm a grad minor 1n WS in E.naJ I.ti PhD


LIBlaratt colleaiOll$. $1'tC1AL RE50U1\a5 Spcc,al mource is Women 1n lnlffll3lional De,'tlopm·3234 m vr., n COOTC11nator, Women's S1udie1 Program ~tNO _fACt lLTY Zabsych 300: Psychology of Women: WS 48>: WSStmioar D[QR£f.(.~) Ol+Ellf.C> ugrnd m,nor in WS UBKAR>' C'ONT,,c-r PERSOS(S) Joan Berman (WS lloblr) LIBRARY surl'ORT SOlvtct:S: No separate WS collecsion in hbra,y S)'>1cm; aratc V.'S acqui$it10ns ~ . oollcctioo subject ,111:,igths in US women's hisl. women & lana/commu.niclmcdoa. women & psycho~ women & rel/ phil. fominlst lh""'): S1ron8C51 in 11:fcrence collection matonals; Women's Ctttnglhs tn US & C'altfQml4 " 'Om Hum 55A: Women in Hi.story; Hum 558: Women 1n l.ttcralllre; Ham SSC: Femmut Thoory; Hum l 1'.? Women in Film; Hum 139W: Femin,$1 Spiritualny; Hum 139: Women & Agmg: HllDI 150' Feminist C\Jllural Studies; Rum ISS: Speaal Topit,; 1n WS; Hum 170: Women & Surrealism, Hum 170C8: Fem.inut ApprQaCilc$ lO Early Modtm Drama: Hum l 70CD: ~ nrude Stein & .~ AVI0I· Ganie; Hum I 70CLA: Women m An11qu1ty; Hum I 70FB: Romru,uc Autobiography; Hum 170GE: Producinil Womoo: Tbeatiscoorsc & Suualny; Com~ Ut 100: Ftminist Literary Crittciam: Compar 100 Women & Emplrc:. Comll'lr l.Jt 103: Co11nl) Love; Engl 139: 20th ~tury American Women Poets; Freil I 12· Womm, in 18th Century France; Frdt I 20C: Women Wntcrs; Ger 140: Top,cs or Lr1m11y Theory: Stories of Self & Gender. PsydlOalllll)-su & Femini&m: Hist 6A: Women m lndustnal Europe, 175-0-1918: lfat 1900. Women in Latin Amctica; Hist 1901': History or Amcncan Feminist Thought, UniJUis lSO: Sociolingllistlcs; L,ngui, 1$0: Language & Society. Speaktna of Sex; Soc 1:.co1 JI oo: Special Topic:: 0.y Risbts & the Law; Soc Ecol 148: Developmen1 of~ Dilfercnccs; Soc Ecol l 54· Wenk & Fam~y: Soc Sci 6 I 8: MarriJ$ & Family: Soc Sci 1140: Women & Wod: Soc Sci I 318: CrossCultural Studies or Gfflder; Soc Sci 134E: Women in Asia: Soc Stl IW: Women 10 Arabic Soaet>, Soc Sci 162M: The Sociology of Sa Roles; Soc Sci 169A: Parudpatory & Ftmini>1 Resean:b, Soc Sci CONTAM'

I79E: Thud World Women ,n America, Soc Sci 269B Ferrun,s1 Theory; Span 133: Chicana Wnte11; Span 185: H1sparuc Women's L11era111rc D£GREE(Sl OFFFREI> 8.-\ 1n Hum with ao empba,~ u, WS; uarad minor m WS; grad minor (PhD) 10 WS LIJIRARY CON IAC, l'CRSONISJ: Joan Aricl (Women\ Studies l.ibn.nan) UltRARY SUPPORT SlMYKti. No scp•ratc WS oollectaoo in library S)'$lem; stpsn11e WS 11CQuisitions budget; over S 10.000 spent on WS matenals annuaUy: esr.unated 60 WS senals; strongest m WS JOUmalsln""'Stl"pcn, nucrofunn 11t1cs. n:ference oolkctioo matcrilils.. mainsll'Wll lllld fcm,niwsmall p= monograph>.


WOMEN'S STUDIES Un" . of Oihfom,a. San o;eao, La Jolla, CA 92093 (6 19) S34-2138 C0:.7ACT Katbl}'ll She•'tlow (Cootduwor. Women's StuditS) TI;A(1UNG fA(\ILlY Eleanor Antin (Vis Arts), Rae Blumberg (SoClol), Mounira Owrad (Socio!), S•llll Davu (Communic); Abraham Du"'rra {Lu). Paac DullotJ (Llt), Frances FOSter {Lil~ Betll Holmami { Stephenie Jed (Lltl: lidtru: Kt) (Commun,cr. Susan Kirkpatrick (Lit), Racti;,I Klan (Hutt, l11,1 Lo!e (u1r. Stq>hanie MeCun-y (Hist), Louis Mon1r0se [Lit), Chandra Mukct]1 (Sociol); CMot l'lldden {Commun,c), Ca.rol Planiamuni (Mu.$), F111 John Ponter Poole {Anthro): Jaui,rer Roben,on (Aruluo). Mat) RUllat {Soclol): Kathryn Shevelow (Ut); Soun Smith (V~ Arts); Shirley Strum (Anthro), Jchannc Tetlbet (Vos Arts) Cynthia Tnwu (Hm), Sandra Vehrencamp (Biol), Cynlhi. Walk ( Mar) Walsllok {Socio!~ Jo,cqudine Wiseman (SOClol) cttRSE.~ 00-lilC; Hist 163A/D Hu1ory & Social Role of Women 10 thc US; H ,si 16,Q: Sdeclcd ToP1. ugrad mlnor m ws UllRARV CONTACT 1'f.ll50Nolog)• of0tO,y of Amo~ Women; Hist 167: Unde,stad Seminars; Commuruc St 198C: Semmar: Womtn ln Media: Engl 18r. Studios ta VictonilD Lltmuurc: DaUV)tcrs & Sisters; Engl 186: Seminar on Virginia Woolf:. Engl 259: Studies in Cntid.ffll: Feminist Theory; Hist l91C. Gender ,n Earl) American Socmy; Hist l 97F; Wocm:n in American Journalism; Hist t 970: Bl,oclc Women in M«lia; His1 l97U: Semmar. Japanese Women; Hi11 197V: Women 1n Early Modem Europe; Hum 184: Femirune Voice 1n Comparau,·e Litmtun:; l'bil l 92: Philosoph1cal Anal}"SIS of WOflten's Liberation; Pol Sci 179: lssu 231 : Seminar in Psycholoay of Gender. l'ubl Hilb 14 1: Women & ~ng. Soctol Mt 02: Sex Roles & Societr. WS 100: Lntro to WS; IVS 185D: Lesbian Studios· WS 197: Senior Seminar; WS 199: Independent Study; WS 129:' Womtn & Health; WS 143: Chi: WSIH1st 29: Women m Ammcao HISlory: WS/An 26 Women in An, WSIPsych 31: l')}cliOlog) of Women, WS/Mgt 90 Wome11 In \tana~ment. WS/Enit 37· Women 1n t.,1emure, WS/ Socio! JS Women in C,in1empor.,ry Sone1y


DEGRO:.S) Ofl'[R£0 IJiT'dd area of concrntnllJon m WS U.8k.A.JtY Sl!PPOR1 S£1t.v1ca Womtn's Center on campus

has. scpJJlllt


MOORPARK 26. MOORPARK COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 707 S Campus Rd, Moo.rpark College, Moorpa,t. CA 93021 (805) 3711-1452 C.arOI Gine1 (OlrfflOr. Women's Studits Program) TEACHING FAC'HLTY u,J Cap,iy (Soc Sa), Judy Fam:11 (Soc Sci); Carolt GmN (Soc Sci); unda Moore (Phy> Educ); Jean Scot1 (Tech/ CO. 8 WS seoals. S 1DJICm, "'paratc V.'S acquisitioas budget; SS,000.S I0,000 spent WS materials annually; col1C(l1on sub~ strcng111$ in US women's his~ v.-omen's diaries/biog, women & langloommunir/mcdin, women & soc:,oVsoc: wk, lesbian Win; suonJffi in rdm:ncc collection materials: WS Progr.un Office & Women's Center on campus have separate collections.



PLEASANT HILL 28. DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 121 Golf Count Rd., Diablo Valley Coacic, Plmant Hill CA 94523 (4 1S) 685.1230 co:.-r•CT Diane Scott-Summers (Om,ctor, Women's Studies Pr0&11m) TL'IOtL,'O FACUL1'\ Barban. Baldwin (Hm), Susan Brown (Ens!): Sharon Garcia {Hltb Sci); SUWI Ci'Oldstein (Soc Sci & Psycho!); AUure Jeffcoat (Hlth Sc,); Marge Lasky (Hut): Sherry Mac()regor (Hum); Ann Piper (Hum); Elaine Rehr (Psycho!); Reny Solomon (Engl); Elamc Steek (Engl): Robin wo1r (Pstchol) COU kSES Oerot£D- Er,gl 190: Women in Literature: filth S.:1 170: Women's Health; Hum 105 Women m Ftlm & the Ans; Ps)'cb 150: Ps)-.;hology of Women; Soc Sci 120: Jtistory or Women & Social Change ID Ame:riXtS) Joann Richter (lrutrue Svcs ubn) LIRltARY SUl'l'ORT S11,v1cr;s Small 5CP'ITT'te WS oollccuon; CS1imatc(I S,000 WS monographs, L2 WS joomats; collcc11on subject streng1la in 1''0mcn's diancslb10&, women & hl1h/sexualitl', women & rcl/phil, women & anthro; 5lrot18e$1 in microfonn title coUections: Women·, Center has separate ooll«lion.

POMONA 29, CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, ETliNIC & WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 5801 Temple Ave~ California SIJltc Polytechnic Univ., Pomona. CA 91763 (714) 869·3S93 eo,,,,cr Richard Saotillan (Acting Otait, Ethnic and Women's Studies Prognm)

TEACHtNO F•C'IJLTY LUlian Jones (WSJ; Patncia un (WS} rot R$£$OFFtREI> WS 14S: Intro to the S1ud)' of Women; WS 380, Women in Comtemporary Soemy; WS 390: The Ethnic Woman; WS 420: Racism & Sexism; WS 440: Women's Ph1kooph)' & Social 1'-wts D£GRE((S) OFF[Rto ugrad minor in WS U6RARY CONT4C'T PERSON!"> ~ n Haf\--ey (L,bn)

ws collcrtion m hbrary :!)">tern; estimated 1.000 monotntl)lls: separate WS acqui:sition$ budget. SS,000.SIO,OOO spent on WS materials annuaJJr. collcclion subJcct ,t,cngths 1n US women's hist, materials b)' or focusin& on US women or color, women & sporu/rcc, women m US soc &: pol mo,-emcnts, US ethnic WS; strongest in WS jownals/ncw,pap.,rs oollection materiali; Women's Center on campus has separai,: oollcct,on.

LIBRARY S\!PPOMT ,;E,R\'ll'ES No separate

REDLANDS 30. UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS, ETHNIC & WOMEN'S STUDIES PO Box 30.W, Un,v. or Redlands. Redlands, C'.>1. 92373-0999 (714) 793.212 1 c-osT,ti· Joan Haht-y (Director, Women's Studiesl n:,cHrNo r,n LlY Joan Hals~y (Engl): Judith Tschann (Etigl); Par Wasielewsld (Socio!}, Pam Walker (Phy> Educ), Betsy Wauon (Soc1ol) ()THE>< TE,OUNG AITTLIA11:.'I: Wendy Slatkin (Adjunct Fawlty io An); James Waddell (Univ Dean & MSOC VP, \\/lutchCJ1d Ccntcr of Ph ilosoPhYl (UCRSES OFA'REO: Art 18: Women in An; Engl 180: Images or Womtft in Literature:, Sociol 42: Women: History & COntempora') !!sues, Engl 8S: Womtn's Issues: A Film Senes: Johnston Center: Women & ReligiOfl, Phys Educ: Women & Sport; Engl 170: JBll< Auston; Soaol 170: W-n in Collective Acuon DEOREC(~) Orn:JtEO ugrod ffllD(l( in WS; IIJ/lld individualized ,najor in 1\/S

ws coDCCUon ID library Srttem: e,tiniated 750 monogaplis. 8 \\'S stnals; scparatr V.'S aequi>ition, budget; SS.000-$10,000 ll)Cnt on WS material$ annuany; oollecuon subject st,cng1'1s an US 1$; Women's Group; Femini\1 111crapy I, 11, & 111; Fem,nis1 Aestbcucs; Human Sexualuy: Ctoss-Culrural P~'tbolmen1al ProJJ\CT ~fa') McD. Gonion CDuma,, Wom(ll'S Studic> Prov.Im) TEA{HJN(i FA('tJLTY Cotbennc BcU (Rel S1~ Juduh Dunhar (FnaJ~ Jane, Aammang (Pol Sci). Batbara Gold (Class); Diane Jonu,-t>acc (Rel St); Jo Burr Margadan1 (Rist); Carolyn Miu-hell (Ena!); Bortr.m, Molon) (Hist), Helen Moritz {Ow) C>Jll1tSf..\OIH:ltEo EnaJ 168: Women's utetalwt I. Engl 16?· Women's Lllcra1un: n. Hot 101.: Women In Europe; 11,st 103: Women ,n -uia; Pol Sci l S4· Women&. Polilia; PI Sci 184: Women&. Public Pohcy, l'>)".ts; WS 143: Whuc Women, Rac"m & Ant1-Racosm: WS 14SA/8: Women o/ Color m the US; WS ISO: Women's C'wturc; WS 195A. Senior Them Seminar Amer St 103: Cu.i:unslup &: An~ncan Culture. Amer S1 114 Manum & Amencan Culture; Amtr St 127E: l\$ian-Amertean WOfOcn Amer St 157· Women & R.adJCII Socml Mo,-emrnis. WS 155: .Mcre; L,1/Span IOSE: Cnsls in Ceou-al Ammca lhtOUih L11Cnllure &. Film; ul/Spao I 12.B: Women in Lati1>-American Li1cnuurc & SOC!ety: Phil 168.: Women: Tb, PhdOIOJ)h1cal ls.ucs; Pol 80A; Sc,lllll PotiliC$. Ll-sb,an & Gay tibcrauon Mo"tmtnts; Pol ISi. Gender & Poloucs; l'S)ch I 20Q: Sotial Ps)'cbolol)' of Su & Gender; Ps)·cb I S3: Laagu.agc & the S.xcs; Psych I59: Otp,:u:zatiooal Psychology; Pi)-ch 159A Practicum in Orpm,a11onal Psycholog)·, Soeiol 80E: The Sociology of Lo,e; Soctol 11 Ien Leidennan (PS)clt); Suzanne L·ia Yanagl$lko (.-\nthro) roe R5a0fl'ERID fS l01/Hi51 173: Intro 10 Fmuni51 S1udics. l.$$UCS and Melhods· FS 103, 2031E,igl 263: Seminar in Frmin1s1 Studies; FS 104: Practicllm; FS l05, 106: Honors Work; FS 108: lntermhip 1n Feminw Sl\ldies; F'S I 55/At! I82X: 15Suc,; of Women and oodcr in Modem An· FS 160/Engl t 60: Women and Dilfereocec M11J}nali1y, An, and Poiitics; Engl 161B: Afro-Amencan Writini 1970-Present; Engl 177: Vit11nia Woolf: Engl _303B: Se.ual11y and Terror. l81h· Century Lrtrn11urc of lhe Gothic and S11pema1ural; FS 15_1/PhJI 177, 277: Feminism and Thtory; Rel St 158A: Buddhl!m and th< Feminine: Rel SI 236: Buddlnst Mcdi!Jluott Tem : Gender and Models of Personal Change; Span/Pon 295: Brat1lian Women: ,.

Mul11disc1pLinary Approach: Span/Pon Jl;OA; RcSCArch Scmirutr Latin Ammcan Women Wn1ers of the 19th Century, SpawPon 3608: Research Strongcst in microfomu,

THOUSAND OAKS 45. CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM CaUfomia LIJthcran Uru,•., Thousand Oaks, CA 913S9-9967 (80S) 493-3232 co,•rM, D111n1 A.,ellOD (A5:soaate Professor, Pbilosol)h}) TICACHIJoi)h) of Ftmtntffll, Pbysiol I 7S: Human Sexunl DilTcrcncts, Sociol 212. Nature of Scx\Ull lncquaht)~ Soaol 117: Panem• of Humao Intimacy, Soaol ?40: Women m lni=a110nal ~clopmcol Di:OKff;Sl ornJWkicl(S) UtTI:REI> u.rad minor in WS; BA lhnluy, lntcnlisc ~ives Prov,am, individualized MA. MS. OA, EdD wub an emphasis ,n WS UBAARV CONTACT l't:RSONjSJ, Arlene Gra:r (Rcl' Llbn) UBll,\ll' SliPPORl SERVIC1>: No separate WS collection in

library SY>ttm; cs1iniatcd 1,260 monogr.aphs, ll WS ierials, 2,000 mkrofonn

htles, lO A-V titlts; separate ws ooquw1ions bo«faet, under SS.000 spent on WS materials annual!)~ oollcction subject strcoatfts m "'Omen's blSI m VS & s[obally. feminist 1lteory. women in soc & pol mo,emtnts globally. ethnic WS a)oball>~ stron~t in WS journals/ newspapers. reference ooltec1,on malcrials.



51 . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, OFFICE OF WOMEN'S PROGRAMS & STUDIES 112 Student Svt$. Bldg.. Colorado Stat• Univ., Fon Collins, CO 80S2} (303) 491-6384 ('USTAC1. Karen J. Wedge (Direaor. Women's Programs & S1ud1es) T£AC'lilr'Chol): Carol Mitcllcll (Engl); Kathryn R1chrd-Figucma (1'$ychol). Kateo Wedte (Ckcup SI) rouRSfS Off'EREI> Engl 3}1A; lma;es of Women; Engl 331B: Modern Womtn Writm: Hilt 220: Womtn in Amcnca, WS 470: Women & Dcvclopmcn1, Phil 250: Philosophy of Sex&. Gender. Pol Sci 412: ScJt Discrimination & the Law; Pll)'Ch 296: Group Sludy: PS)'Ch 496 Wome~ &: Mental HCllth: Ps)'CholOBN:al Perspectives on Female Expenenoe: Sociol 333: Gender Roles 10 Society; WS 440: Women·, lsSUC$ in Social Wort; WS 200: Intro lo WS; WS 492: Sani"'1r ,n WS; WS 495, lndcpcndcnt Study LIBRARY a»-'TACT PER50"(~) tnrbaro Bronm.d (Soc Sci/Hum Libn)

53. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN COLORADO, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Un,,. orSou1bcm Colondo, Pueblo. CO 81001 (719) ~~2729 corWRffi'I OITTREO: ugrad :u-ca of concentrallOn ,n WS ueiuRv ClWTAC'T Pt:R50lUsoc wt~worb on MliU'I women; wooges1 in WS joumal$/new$1)11'¢1'1 collections.


STORRS 59. THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 417 Whitney Rd., U-181, The Univ ofC.Onncc1icut. Stom, CT 06268 (203) 486-3970 CONTACT UIC)' CrcevC} {Director, Women's Stud,cs Progrdltl)

"< 1 ·1TY land lk..:rs (Wl,'), Patri~ia llell-Sc:011 (Hum De,• & Fam St). Jud1tb Bridges (PS}chol): Irene Q Brown (Hum De• & Fam St); Jcnntfe,- Bro"n (WS}'; Ann Otarten (Engl): Scott Cook (Anthro), Lucy Cltt\,-.:y (Pol Sci>: Myra Man l'orrcc (Socwl); Margie Fre.1on (Nr!£). J~n Jo[fo HaU (Englt. E>-dyn Hanu (Soc10IJ. Marg.,ret Hrgonnet (Engl): 1\nnc Htskes (Phil); Richard Hiskei (Pol Sci); Farah lbrahim-Schrad,r (Educ l's)-chol). Henry Krisch (Pol Sci): Landa i,,,.,s (Edoc Ldrshp); Eleanor Lyon (Social); Dunc Margofu (Sodol): Jean Marsden (Engl): Di.nt Martell (WS); Barbara ~lcCa.nn (WS): Diana M~'CN (PhU): Ruth Mo~n,han (H1$tt, f(jm Phillip~ (Hist); Glr)• Po,.dl (Bus M11); Kathryn Stroditr Ratcliff (Socio!)'. Guido Rugpero (Hw~ Nanc> Sheehan (Hum Dt,• & Fam Rela1): Bene Tah·aa:aa (An): l.da.e Townsend (WSJ: Daryl Tress (H,.s1); Eil•m T r.-einslF.PORl Sl"R\'IC'ES. WS Prosram Offia: & Offia: or Women's R~uroes ba>c st,>aratc oou«t,on.

64. TRINITY COLLEGE, WOMEN STUDIES PROGRAM Michigan Avt., Tnruty Colleae, Wwmg10J1, DC 20017 (202) 939-5074 C No separate ws collection in hbra,y mtem. s,.,para1e WS acqunitions bu~ under SS.000 spent on ws lllllttmls annually. co&ebol Wom•n's Body/Wo,nen·, Mind, WS 4380: Human Serna! llehaviO D1reaed Research WS 4915: Scnunru ID IVS llEOO\ on IVS matenal>

anMany. colleruon sub1ec1 Strength~ ,n US woni, Sll'OngtSI , • rcfmmc:e rol!cctmn materials 73. GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM DepL of Philosophy, Grori;ia Sune Uruv.. Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 651-2285 .


74. SPELMAN COLLEGE, WOMEN'S RESEARCH & RESOURCE CENTI:R Bot 362, Spelman Collqe. Atlanta, GA lOJ 14 (404) 681-3643 CONTA(' I Bc>·erly Guy-ShdlaU (Director. Women's Ctn1er) aper collection,.

GAINESVILLE 76. BRENAU COLLEGE Education Dcp1, Washutgton Blvd.. Brtnau Coilegi:. Garnesvillc, GA


(-104) 53-4120

,n Vemoor KnowlC$ (Ass1sian1 Professor. Psycbolo8) ); Leslie Stul'al$ (,\ssilltan1 Professor, Humllllit,es) TEAfHING r Act;L I V" Jo Banle1 (NrsgJ, .\pnlc Holland (Bus): Vemoor Knov.lL'$ (PsY(hoVBek,, Sd~ Marcy Story (Ensl), Leslie Sttmns (Hist/Pol Sci) COURSES OFFEll.EO Hist Woml:fl ,n Hi!lory I, n. Elli! Worn (Voe Educ S1); Elaine Blmdc (Phys Educ): l tllu, Borusziowski (On & Pboto&t. Patnc,o Carrc:11 (Llngws); Joan Ca.slim (Hrsl CJf'FFJlrn uv,,d minor 10 WS Ull. ugrad minor In WS; gmd area o( con,:,on11Ution 1n WS; Phil Dtpt offers an MA with an emphasis mWS LIRl1on. IL 60208 (708) 491-5871 ro,.-r,cr Rae MOS nooually; caUectJ1>n subject Slffl!S1h.1 ,n US women·, bis!, "ontCo & erou/emplo), "'Omen'1 liL S)"1em,

NORMAL 89. ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSfTY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Wom,'n's Studies Program. Coll._., or Ans and Sctt11Ct$, lllu101s Sun, Umv., Nonna!. IL 61761 •3901 (309} 438-5669 CO,."tACT Bev Smith (Aclrng Director. Women's Sludlr, Women·, StudJcs Program) I 1.AOl1.,'G f ,CULTY Rill Bums (Rel St); Ann ('lark (Phil); Miriam C.()()l)ey (Math); Penny l = n (l>s~hol}. Ann Lou• (Engl): Ntcbotu Mi'}erhofcr (C-,c,J; Jmepb M,lltr (Psycl)ol~ Charks Poutsattt (Hist), Dougl.u Thorpe (Eogl~ l.Jnnca. Vaoca (Engl) COURSES OfTEREO Hist 324: Roi¢ of Women in American Hmory; Math 272: Women ,n Math; Ens) Lit 203: World L11eratutt by & about Wo~n: EnaJ Lit 359: Four Skinny Wom~n m the Round, Engl Lu 2:04: Dtnm of, Commor, UIJ\lll;\ge: ConteOJpOfllry Women'• F1e1100: WS 310: Ima~ of Women in Fietioo & Film: PsfCh 214: Men, Women & AJserlioll; P•)ch 402: Ps)'Chok>ti:Y or Women. Phd 2~6: Th< Concepl of Women ,n >\menl' Seminar in WS. Engl 42: Women & Literature. Hat 67: Women & Meo m US Society; Phil SO. Women & Philosophy: Pc~cx:

& Glob St 40: FrminLU11 & Pl'llce, Cl.ass 40: Women m Annquny;

l'sy,:h 71 • Psycholog), or Women. Rel 40: fcnunist Spmtualtt)' DU,R[l(Sl t'lfHRW 8,', in WS UAR,R\ (()..'TACT PFR'iON) stem,

no 5Cl)a!ate WS acq11isi11un, budget; WS Program Office bas separate oolkx1ioo.


SOUTH BEND 105. IN0IANA UNIVERSITY AT SOUTH BENO, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 700 Misha,.ua A>e., o.,,, of An, & Sctcncx:s, ln1 Educ); Ooroth) Schwlon: WSIAnlhro 131. 156· Wom(ll's Roles: A Cross-C\lltural Pcrspetti,e: WS/Enal 131.159: Reiional Womtn Writers; WS/En(ll 131161: Women ,n Litemure: WS/Engl 131.166: Thao:s Of>HEU WS 20 1· US Women Tod.\). l\n lo1erdm1phnary

ln1ro. WS 3%: Studies m WS: WS 498 lndCJ)(tldent Study. \VS 510: H11tory of Ammcan Won= Colonial Times to 1870: WS SI I Hmory of -\mcnlldget; o,·er ll0,000 lljlWREUS> Offl-R60 SA io WS; MA m liberal S1 With ronocntnlllon ,n WS: ugrad & v,id minors m WS: u;rad & grad areas of oooocn1ia11on in WS, ugrad & an,d iodividuah1,ed majon in WS; SGS with an emJ)ha$is in WS UllRAltY a>ITTACT PCRSOJ0mJlW UlnKi minor in ws unRA1t1· mNtAn- ,...,.,.,,.,~ Ma...,nc Snow (Htad, Rd' Dept) UbRAR I' SLWPt:S (>fl'f'Fl\Eo Antbra 203: Anthropoloey of Women & Men: l\tth 316: Resean:b Oil Women An:b11ecu; Arcit 411 : Women & the Arts: Biol 21 0: Human R,producu,c Sy,tems; Colloq 406-H· Women & ClutnifC in the Mid-East: Colloq 407: Fcm1n1s1 Liter.icy Crittc,sm & Women's Writiq; Commun,c 335: Gcndcf & l,he Cinema; Communtc 622: Scmtnar m Gm women·, n.cJ,I! penochcal, ,n microfonn coUecuoa: Office of Womto's Resouroes & Women's C.c:nler on -0111ural Pcr,pecme; Socio! 316: SocioloS) of Gender, Soc10l 3S8: Soc:iolocyofWomcn's Wort: Phil 265: Fem,rust Philosophy; WS 360: Oassic$ of Fcnunism:

MARYLAND I Wornen's Studies f'Toa ram• I l5


WS 320: Topics in WS; WS 4SO: WS Independent Study; Ena! 285: Earlier Womtn Wntcn; Engl 295: Contemporary Women Writers: Nrsg 308: Women & He.ilth: Bus 34'1- Women & Management; Anthro 132· Women in Cl'O$S-C'uhural Pmpcctivc; Communitoncal Themei.: Minority Women, Span 472: uuin-Amcrican Women Writers; Pbtl 270: Philosoph,cal Pel'IPCClives: Current Feminisl Tuts: Pbil 331: Concepts of Women: A Hi11orical Approach; Phil 440: Philosophical S)'51em5: Simone de Beau,-01r; Pb1·• Educ 44 l: The Am,:rican Woman 1n SPOrt; Psych 447: Sex Otffcrenca: Ps)-cbolop(al Perspoctives; !'$)'Ch 470: Seminar 1n Ps)-cbology: Sex Roles & Future Shock: A.nlhro 321; Sex Roles in Cross-Cultural Pcrspect"cs; Comm~n,c 205: Images or Women in film. Theat 305 Feminist Theater DEGREEISI OFFl-:KFD: BGS wtlh concentf1lrion in WS; ugrad minor m WS U8KARY surPOR't SER''IUS No separate WS oolleclioo tn library $)'1tem o,timatcd 1,500 monographs; separate WS llCQuisitions budgt1: under S5,000 spent OD WS material$ annually; eoll«tion subj~1 strenjths in women's b,st in US & glob3lly, "-orntn & eam/ employ worntn's lit, reminm t:hcory; strongest in reference collection maten;ls; WS Pf08J'ffll Office & Women's Center on camP Cnm Just 460: Women 1n Ctim,nal Just~: Engl 35S: Changjng Womicl( (Engl); Leslie Mo11M (Soclolt. Wench Owen (Engl): B:ubara Parl:cr (Nng), BemaNJ Rabin (PS)'Chol~ Wendy 5.llkind (Th('lltt. Sandra Self (Nrsg): Ro)-e Templeton (l'hlll OnAC,. I n K.11hy Mo(Jilln (Engl); Dan Recs (Socio!); Mana Wagi,er (Hill); Tim Weinfeld (Sp/Commun,c & Thcat); In, Zepp (Rel) COURSfSOfffRED: W!>: Women 1n Wes1ern Cuhlm: t & II: Hist Amenca's Women, Engl Women's I.J1era1un; lbeat Theater & Drama try & aoout Women, ~ l.t~IJon Mo,..mcou; Socio!: The

Family; Soc1ol: HumM Scxualuy: WS· Special Studies 1n WS uuad mmor ID WS l 18R,\RY SIJPPOat SElt\'IC£s. No S,J>312te ws CQ(lcaion U1 librarj system; no separate ws acqws111ons budaeL eoOcction atbjoct stn,ngtbs in US womco's hill, "'On~n & performing ans, ..omen & sporU/roc, women tn US !O< & pol mov-cmon1s; stmnges1 in WS JOurmlt/ncwSl)aper oollecuons. OE; WS Program Office, Women's Resources Office & Womrn's Center on campus have stpara1e col.ltction$,

BOSTON 132. BOSTON UNIVERSITY, WOMEN' S STUDIES PROGRAM 226 Bay S!lltc Rd., Bolton Univ., Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-294$ CONHCT S111an E. CarliMe (Coordina10,, Women'& Srud~) TEACIIINO FAC'liLTY Fran GIOS5mOD (Psydtol~. Emily Hanawalt (Oa.u);

Dcl:tornb Swedberg (Amer St) oTttFR ·r,AC-HIN(l Al't'lU A res Sho$hanna Ehr~ch (AdJunct Fa-cholngyofWomen; Psych 361: Racism, Sexism & Projudtcc; Journ 521: WootCD. Minorities & the Mcdi2; Sociol 308; Women, Health & Medicine U£0 RE[(S, Of'FEREO u,rad minof in ws, PhD in Amer SI with a concen1ration/dmena1,on in WS LIBAARY S{IP1'0kT Sl;RVICT.'i W$ Procram Office bas ,epa.rate oolle.ancs S 8am (Du-ector, Women\ Studies MlllOr Pr0gl1Jlt) I lACHL:."tor, Women's PYoa,:imsl DffiRl~s1 UNd mdividuahu,d ~or in WS; MA and PhD in EnaJ & Compar Lit with emphasis in WS IIBhRY ('ONT~CT P£IC,I !Nt~f Patrioa King (D111:ctor of Arthur & Elizabeth Schlu1nger Libra') on the History of Women m Americ~. RaddrfTc Colleet)



f.stlfflQICd 30.000 monographs. 4SO


serials.. 1SO manUS(ript collection,. 10.000 am:roform mks, 2.500 A· V m.111enals otal h.istories. SS.000 photograph$; ven,cal files, separate WS aequismons budget: over S10,000 spent on ws matenab annually; rollccuon ,ubJcct $1renJthl in US women's his.L "''Omen·s di.aricsl'lnog, ..-omen & educ, ftmlnisl thcry. women ID US soc & pQI mo•emeats. SIJ'OniCSI in WS journalvnewspapeC$, archival tNterials, m1eroform titles, n:fcrcnoe collecuon matcri.als. WS Program Ofl',cc, of Womcri"s Re...ources & Women's Cent« on c,mpus have scµar:111< collocuons.


Sl'll"1AL ~t\OURtf.S. Si>ecia) mourn,


Women & International

De,etopmcn1. Joint Haf\·ard/MIT Group, Harvard last,tutc for ln1erna1fonal O.-clopmcn1. One Eliot SL, C'ambridge. MA 02138 (6 17) 495-4249; Anna NC$i3h, Chair

141. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Humanniu Dep1. Rm 14£-316. M.I.T., Cambndgc, MA 02139 (617) 2S3~844 cosncr: Susan C.arcy (Dlrc·idual1zcd mlljor in WS, Socio! Dept offer; ugrad COOl Visual Symbols & M)'lh; WS: Social Services ln1cn>$h1p; PJ}thol PJ)'Cltologj of Sex Di.ffcrcm:r; FemtnlSl Theory & Practta: Dl:GREE(S.) s.Cultural Connructioo of Gender, Lu 112a: Women Wri1in1: 20lh.(,en1ury Fiction; Lil 268b: La1ina & Laun-American Women Wnters: Econ 222b: Women's Labor & the Erooomy; Educ 3lla: SellllllM m Humanism & Education; Engl 239b: Amcncan Women Poets: Ena! ~ Women & I.Jtcrature: Ftmini$1 Literary Theory; Cin 349b; Women & Cinemati~ Represe11tauon; Frcb 330: Modem French Civibuuon, Ger 227b: Topics in German Literatun; Govt Bia: f'roolcffl! in Political Development, H1s1 25Jb: Women's Histol)' in 19th-Ctntury Europe; HiSt 3$31: Research in Women's History: The Sophw Smith Collocuon: Judaic St 224b: Intro to Rabbtmc Texu: Phil 2,0a: Phllooophy & Women; Phil 304a. Sen1inar Value Tbcory: Phil 30S: Topics 10 Feminist T ~: Gender & Human Identity; Publ Pol 2S9a: Technology, Gender & Public Policy 10 CtoSH.'ullurnl l'e1'$1)CClivc; Psycll 276b: Psychology or Women: Psych 376b: Seminar: Topics ,n lb.e PsydlolocY of Women; Rel 330\Y. Seminar: Historical TbcoloaY Thcat 300a: Women in Theater; Afric-Amer St 278a; The SiJ: Stud,cs in American Art; Lit 223b: The \Vnuen Self: Forms of Autob1ogn,ph) Lil 275a: Tb,, Ep15tolary Novct Jame Vanpc; L,t 296a: Pro-Semmar. ContemP')rlU)' LUffllJ) Theory; Lit 3051: S1ud1es in the No,'CI; Engl 225a: Briti:sll Li1mmre in the Later 18th QntUI)': Ital 338: llilian Novd of the 19111 Century; Psych 243a, Adult Development; Rel 232b: Western Oins1ian Thought & Worship, 1100-1800; Socio! 212a: Clan & Socl::E) TEAnt1:-G f,cu r\' Ms. Agoiin (E,u.ra-Oq,1); ML Barstow (Thca1). M~ Bdl (Ea>n); Ms. Brcnul (Educ); Ms. O,an (WS); Mrs Q,aplin (Tecb Sl~ Mrs Cltncl!y (hydlalr, Mr. Cudjoe (Blk S1): Ms Oasluig (Bil< SI): M,. Doran (Phu); Ms. Elk1ns (Rel); Mio Entmachcr (Pol Sci). Mi. E)-ics (Educ). Ms. Friedman (An): Ms. fUJUJDoto (Psycho!); M$. Gascon-Vc111 {Span), MiiS Cidfcl1r, M'- Gran, (Pol Sci); Ms. Hannan (El\£)~ Ms. Het1z (Social); MJ. lninr (WS); Ms. Jones (Hm); Ms. i.e-·iu (l.:uli(s) & Lit(s)); Mrs. Ldlcowit1 (Class); Mrs Lynch (EoJ)IRUSt S1); Ms. Mauhac, (Econ); Ms. Mani, (llal): Ms. Merry (Antbro}. Ms. Misiacc:o (Frch), M~ Na1b.1tnsoo (Rd), Ms. Reimer (Engl); Ms. Respau1 (Frch); Ms Re>ert,y (WS); MJ. Roses (Span): Ms. Schumor (WS); Mr Scltecluer (Pol Sci): Ms. Schle:sinitt (Psycl,ol}, Mrs. Silbey (Social); Ms. Thomr (Psyci,ol): M5. Ward (Ger). Ms, Wasiersprina (Pol Sci) 269: The An1brapology of Sex Roles. Mamqe & ~ Family; Art 233: DomtSlic Arcbuecuire & Dall) Life, Afric--AmwAfm: S1 212: Blad: Womc,i Writers. Afdc-Amcr S1 22~ Ima~ of Blacks & Women in Amcncan Cinema. Afric-Amer/Afnc S1 225: 1'1)'ChotoaY & People of Color: Afric-Am'CholoS) or Gender; P,ycli 317: ScmUJar Psyd>ologtal Dc,,clopmcnl 1n Adulls: Ps),ch 32): Seminar: H1Sl?I)' of Plychol~; l'sych 340: Apphed Ps)'thol®~ Rel 243: Women m Judallm; Ri:I }16: Scmuu,r The Virgin Muy; Rel 3SI· Seminar Women & AsctJl Rdl&JOD. Russ J02: Ad>anced S1 lid)' of Modern Russia: Socio! I 11 Socioloar of lhc Family: Soc,ol 208: Soaal Cooslnlnion of Ciffldcr; Soc,ol 217· l'owl:r: Personal Social & lnm1utional 01mcn_s1ons: Soetol JI I: Seminar Family Studies; Span 209 The Spant•h· Amcncan Shon Namiuvt; Span 240: I.Jv1nt Women Wn1us of Spa,n, 1970-198S: Tech S1 209'. Womm & Tcchoolgy; SI 212: Images of Women ,n the Orama. WS 120: ln1ro to WS. WS 222, Women ,n Con1emporal)· Soc1eti·; ws 220: Women, Peace & ProtOSI; WS 250 ASian Women ,n An1enor, WS 310: Semm.,r. Women. Social Pohcy & 1bt S1att; WS 316: Seminar: Hatol')' & Politi~ of Scxuah1y in lhc US; WS 320: Womm & Hcal1b WS 330 Scmutar: 20th CcnlW) Feminist Movements OEORE!llSI On'l!R£P BA in ws uv,td minor 1n ws UllftAllY ,,.,Pl~lllT o;nv,(1"1 No separ;uc WS collecuao m l,bral)oystem, no sep:1nne WS acqws,uons budg,;1: collccuon subject Slrefl$lhs in US women"s lust. women m mtemat"I de.-, WORlOI, women', ht. siron,est in WS Journalslrw:ws:papcrs, a!dlival matcn.1ls, reference collccllQn ltlll1enals; Wdlc$ley Center for Refean:h oo Womco & ln ugmd minor ,n WS; ugn,d a~ of conccntranon ,n Libffltl St major C!.RllFl("JI TF1:SJ OFFERED· uvad ttnifica1e ID WS throu!}l Con11n Educ



WESTON 1S6. REGIS COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Wellesley St., Regis ('.olJegc. Wes1on. MA 02193 (611) 893-1320 CON1 A("T Mary Bf)-an (Coordmalor, Women's StudiC$ Provam) rF.A·chal); James Mch!J)s, Soct0I 446: Women in Socitty; Soaol 540: The Fanuly; Sociol >41 : Marnagi, & Family Prubleim, Social 545: Human Se'1"'1 Bcbavior & Socict)~ S1per, WS 4!>9: lndhidU.1!ized Study; Antbro 485: Anlhrnpology of Women; Gq 411: Women in Dcnloptng Countri Worn: Women & Langua,c; Li1 3306: US Mi1M1nty Women Wniers; Lil 5304. Worlcing C'bss Women', Lives; Compar St 3402: Women in Lillerauon Swgglcs; Compar St 3403: Jl'.'Wlsb Womeo In the US; Compar St 5401: Women, Colonialism & Undcrd-4018 CONTA(T Jan.e McDonnell (Diffi:tor, w~·s Studies Program & Concentration) lliAClri,,o FAct:LTY. Ann Braude (Rel); Maria ~ (Phil): Jane McDonntll (WS); Anne Patridc (Rd) COUl(SES OFFU£0 W'S IO'. Intro to WS; WS 5 I: Femini5m & Literary StudlCS: WS 6S: Molbenng: Coo1emporary Fcm1n1st Pe1tl)«lives; P~li JS: Ftmut1S1 Philosophy: Rel 39: Women in Amtriean Rchg10us Hutory; Rel 45; Women & Rctigjon: Rel 6S· Christian Feminist Theology OEOIIH(S) OffEREO· IJIT&d area of roncentra110n ,n WS: ugmd tnd1viduaLiud major in WS

182. ST. OLAF COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM St Olaf Collegt, Nonhfield. MN 5505 7 (S07) 663-3164 CONT,("!'· Joall R Gundencn (Din:ctor, Wo,nen's Studies Program) TUCHIN(l F,CULTY, Susan Alben inc (Engl); Deborah Ander.on (Psythol): Mary Cisar (Frcb); Maureeo Cole (Psycho!); Susan Collie (Sp/Commun1c); Rohen Entcnrunan (Hist); Lucy Fishet (Sociol): Jo Frnau (Pol Sci)'; )OQn Gundmcn (Hist); Judy H• (Biol); Joan Hepburn (Engl); George Holt (Fam Resourtes): Charles K.ammtr (Rel); Susan Lindley (Rel), John Maakesi.d (An): Rebecca Mark (Engl~ Sandra M - (Phtl); Bruce Nordstrom (Socio!); Ma'1/lret O'leat)· (Norw); Dolorc. Petcn (Histt, Samma Pe1crson (Sociol)'. Marilyn Po..-er (Econ); Barbara R...S (Rd); J1J1Ct Rintala (Pb)~ Educ;. Martdla Taylor (Ellil); Ann Wqner (Dance~ Oa,•id Wa: (Engl); Ulrike Wie1ba11s (Rel) OTlff.ll T1;.\CHINO '-ff!LlATES. Clwioue Donhow Hnnwig (ln1ucuil Llauon. Amer Mmority St) COURSES Of1'ElW> Fam Reso= 32: MaJTiage; fOJ11 Resources 53: Human Sauali1y; Fam RC50lll'()eS 42: Family Relationships: Hist 42: Women ,n America: Hise 67: Womloey of Women. Rd 36: Woma, in Jude.> Traditioo; Rel 88: The Sacred Female in Asta; Rel 9S: RM:l' & Violence:; Sp/Comm1Jo1r 123: ~oder & lotcrpcn;onal Communication; Engl 86: Women in Literature; Psych 42: Psycho!OC)> of~ Di1Tereoot$, So(iol 35: Men & Women ill Con1emporary Society; Dance 62. Dance & Gender in the American Cbutdi.: Gen S1 29: Womeo m 1be Vi:sual Arts; WS 21: Intro to WS: WS 99-; Ad,•anc,,d Topiu in WS OEOREE(S) OfFtlW> BA ill WS; lJll'lld minor in ws. ugmd individuali~ m,tjor in ws UBAARY SUi'l'OH SERVICES< Office of Women's ResourteS has separa1e alllectlon.

SAINT PAUL 183. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES SociOICS)' Dept., Hamline Univ., Saint Paul, MN SSIOd 1612) 641-2248 ro,-rA("t: Marprtt Jon:sen (Associate Profc,;sor, Sodolo&Y) TEACliJNO FA,:s 351 : Thcori uyad minor in WS LIBRARY sl/l'PORT Sfll.VIC-"5 Womtn's Center on campus has separ.ue collec.1ion.

205. RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY, SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & HUMAN SERVICES 505 RamaJ)O VaDcy Rd.. Ramapo Co~ of New Jorsei•, MAhwab, NJ 074,0 (201) 529-7625 COITTACT Manha Ecker (A55.s1an1 Prorcssor, SociolOFFERID •grad ~ificate in ws U3RARY CONTAC'"T PERSON,~, Oubara Bro"11 ( Dir. Collection De" Dept) UllllAR,· SUPPORT $llJl\"C'fS No ,eparatc

ws collccuon in lil,ntl')' s-,-stcrn; scpara.1e WS a(Qo1S1t1ons budgc:1; collecrion sub)eCI S1rt11g1hs in US "'Omen's hist, women & ccon/cmplo)', women & soc,ol/soc wk. women's hi. fem1n1>1 thCOI'}~ s1ronge\l in WS joornals/ne..-.papc:rs, miaofonn title collect10ns; WS Prot,ram Office bas scpar;1c oollcctffln.

BROCKPORT 220. STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT BROCKPORT (SUNY), WOMEN'S STUDIES Suite Univ. Collcg, al Broctpon. BroclQrate collection lo ltbrary


S)'1t OHl'kEO- ugrad minor m ws UBRAllY c ugrad major with an emplia,us in WS UBRAllY CONT•n) U8,V.~Y SI.IPl'ORT SERVI (Coordinator, Women's Studies Program) TEAO!ING FACl/1.TY: Ellal Carol DuBol> (Ames 10 WS. WS 400: CoUoquium in \VS; Psych 330: Ps)'Choloa)· of Se, Role 0.velopment; Hist 308· HislOty of Women m the US; Frch 423: lma,es of Women 1n Frt,J(;h L,1erature 0£011.E[{SJ OFrER.£0. ugrad minor on WS

60 / Women'• Studln ~''""' I NEW YORK

DRYDEN 23 1. TOMPKINS CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES Tompluns Cortlarul Commuru1y College, Dryden, NY IJOSO (607) 844-8211 CONTACT Silltdra Pollacl< (Coordimlor, Womrn·s S1ud1e\) 11,\CH!Ml FACI It n' Judy Ltavin (N~, Sarldn, Polucl: Alu' Hum); Taf Sqwre, (Coons) cou1tol!i0ffERl'D: WS JOO: Pr~°ll'< on Women. WS 120: Womrn & Health Care; WS 125· Women & Work; ws 200: lmagrs or Wo,ttn; WS 225 WS lmcmm,p; Sp/Commua,_r 250' NonDi=m,natOO' Communicauon, WS 250: Special Topia: O,ntemporl/) Women Wnter>; WS 250: Spec,al Topitt Women & 0

Art OHlkHN OfTIJt.EI> ugrad

minor in V.'S; ugn,d


or oonccntralion 111

IVS CERTIFIC41 EA~, CJFl-1..IIEI> uEJll(I cerufu:au: 1n WS LIBRARY CUr.-V !Ides; separate WS acquis1t1oos bud&el: under SS,000 spent on WS ma1enals; coUection subject =st~s rn women &. econ/employ, ll>omen & fine ans, women & 10C10ViOC wk. "''OlllCn & hlth/se1tuah1r

GENESEO 232. STATE UNIVERSITY COL.LEGE AT GENESEO (SUNY}, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM l'.ycholoc Dept, Stale Univ. COlltgt nt Geneseo (SI.JNY). Geaesoo. NY l44S4

(716) l45-S2 I I rnNT-'l'T Marpm Matlin (('Q(J(d1nator, Women's S1udi05 Program) TIAC1ll r'Chology of US Meo. S1 160: New Voices, New VwonS'. Rd St 252: Tu Ne,,; UteratUTt: Rtl St 254. The QuCSliOfl of God.; Rel St 4o2: Theology from Fem10,sl Pmp«l1'"t1, Sociol 221 Soaolog) of MU>Oritics. Social 225 Sociology of Fam1b"'- Sociol 340: Fcrmnist Social Theory

HAMILTON 234. COLGATE UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Colgate Uru, .. Ham01on, NY IJJ-46-1398 ()15) 824- 1000 '546 CO>'TACT AM J, Lane (Dutttor, Womm's Studies Program) TEAO!tNO l'ACUU'Y. Wanda Warrco lkrry (Phu/Rd): Glona B~ (Cbin). Jill Hamn (HISI); John Knecht (Fin< Ans); Deborah K.nutb (EnaJ)· Mn J, une [Hill); Mary Morsn (Antbro); Jo .\Me (Educ); M1clll1el Pelet( (An1hro): Jane Pinchin (Engl); Loordcs RoJas (Romance 1.anpt, Manlyn Tbte (Pb11/Rel) _ . OTHUt 11..AOIING Al'nUATtS: Mary llunt (Vag MIi PIO!, Rd); VK"ky McMiDa11 (Locl, Univ St) C'O\JR~l:S OFl'lRf.l) ws 202: Women's Lives ID My1h & Reality. M Intro 10 WS, WS 402: WS: MetllOds &. Problems; Educ 313: lnterducipbnary Pcrsperu,es on Women: The US & Great Bnwn. 1792-Fatll1': WS 2 l8: Love. Sex & Marriage in America: WS 21?: Biolog) & Gender; WS 241 · Women Ul Scienoc:: WS 302: W~n·s Li•·es 10 Biograplty & Aul0b1ography; Educ 214 Women ,n Ouna;

Hl\l 31 1: H.stori of Women 10 AmenC*: HIS! l•S History of Womtn in Europe, I 7SO.Prestn~ Ena) 305: The Femak f>rot.aiomst: En,i 40S: Tbc Bronles; Phtl 360. Philo!iOph)' &. fcmiatSID: Two Pcnods of American f CfflJnism. Rd 321: Women & Rdipan. SoctoV Anlhro JO I: Fanuly & KtMhiP\ s«ioVAnthro 315: Se• Role$ & Gender ,n Cros.-Cuhural Pmp«U- Soc,ol/Anl.bro 36S: Women 10 Thml World; SocioVAnlhro 171: Anthropological Paspcctivcs on Afncan Women, Span 226: Modem LlilJn-American Women Wntcrs, Educ 412 Women & Education Of.(;RE>(SJ OFFE1W> ugrad mioor in WS, ua,1d 11\di, idualized ma,o, ,n WS ,n conjunctloo with lUIOtbtt mlJOr LIBRARY SUPl'ORT SERVta:5. Women's Rcsoun:, Center & Social Science Lounge have separate collavadson (Soc Sci) eotrRSES Of'FERED- Sociol 106: Sexism in Society; Hist 119: US Womcn in HIS!ory: Eogl 206: Literature by Women, Honor\: Sociology of Womeo ID Lltera1u,e; Rel: Rehr,,on & Society & Gender, Socio!: Socaew Trends & Human fxyeJopmen1 OECREE!$ (Hui); Gili 11,rlage (Soool). Catolyn Cam1ody-fnel), A Cafarclb (Eagl/Compar ut)· L Calman (Pol Sci); C. Conrad (Econ), l. Crandoo (Anthro); M. · Srummcll {Econ); E. D.,.,on,Jones (Fn:h); J. Oodds (Al'I Hist); M. FerguSQn (EQl!l!Comp,ir lttJ: J. Franco (Span/Port); K. Cravdal (Fn:h); A. G~man (Hist); W Harris (Hatt, J.l Horowni (Enalf Co'!'par Lit); R. Hymes (H1i,I); S. Kilfcather (Engl/Compar lit); E.. Klein (Pol Sci): A. McCl1n1ock (Enll/Compar Llt). W. McKcnna (Psycho!); J. Mrrrick (H1>1): V Ni11ray (Rel); M. Phelan (WS), C Prall (Fn:ll); Q Prctl)maa (Enlll). T Rogers (Soc,olt, R. Rosenberg (HISIJ; B. Rui;b ( A> La~ & Cull) C. Scilcnck ~Compar l!t); F. Scb1m1no,1ch (Span/Port): N. StC!lln {Hut): E. Swam (Theat): R Voru (Ger~ D. Von Muck< (Ger); P. Wald (Engl/Compar lit): C WilUams (Pt)-chol): E. Wood (WS). V Zthzer (Socio!) C'OIJRSL, Off1-REI> Anthro VJ039: Women & Third World Qe..eloprntn~ Anthro V3009: People & Culturt1 of tho M1ddk f.llSl An Hist: Mod1evti Art at the OoiS1ers: Images & l..ucs or Womtn 10 the Middle ~ E AslJ!n St \'3635: Women ,n JapaJ>e$e litCtll111t'e, laagwigc & OJ!ture; Art Hist: Seminar Feminism & An; EcOfl BC2010: ~- OIICdminatioa & the D1v1st0n of Labor; Engl W33271y: Studies 1n Amencan Llterarure & Culture I: Women & 1he Amrncan literary Trad111on 10 191S: Engl WJ391. Fcmin1s1 & Theo,y; Eilg) W34SI: Literature of Empire n. Women & lmptri.ali.s.m, 19th & 20\h Ceatuncs; Engl WJ44S: Studie> in tru, Nov-et The Female Tradition; Eilg) 387Sy· S1ud1es in Ammcan Women PoelS; E!lil WJ930: Rcnawancc Llteraturc: Women Writers; E!lil W3933: Ideology of (',CSIW, EnaJ W3960x: Men & Women in Victorian Ficuoa; Engl Cl971: Femin1:>t Studies, Theories or Se•uabty; Engl l\C3997: Semor Seminar: Women ui Llter.nure: Engl W~•: Women Writen: Feminist Theory, Freh W3700: Women m French lilfflltutt; G~r BC:3061: Seminar on Cbrisia Wolf; Hist W3640: ~rican Social Hi.stmy; Hist V3650: The Family ,n Ch10esc Hmory; Hist W3729: Race, Gtad« & Sctcnc:e; Hist BC3082. Amcric:an Women In the 20th Ccatury; Pol Sci V3328· Womea in Polit~; Pol Sci BC3440: Colloquium on Women ID Wcstcm Poluica.l '!'bought; Psych 8(:'J 152; PS)Choloeical Aspects of Human Se1uabty; Psych BC337 I. Psychol01)' & Women: Psych BCl378: Females & Maicl'. A Psychobiologic:al PerspcC1Jvc; Rd V3700: Women & Reli$ian, Rel V3803: Gtoder Rolcs in the Hebrew Bible; Soaol V,013: Womca. Health & Health Catt; Socio! B)SSS: SocioloS) of Family lnsutot1001or WS BCJ113. Ma,or Texts of iht Feminisl T radii ion n: de lletuvolr to lht Pmcnt: ws BC 3117: Women & Film· WS/EnaJI BC3144· Minonty Women Writers in the US DEGREE(SI OffrJIW BA in WS. uarad minor ID WS; ugrad area of rona:ntration in WS; ~d 1ndividualu:ed ma,or tn WS UBAARY Sl!PPORT 51:RVJCF;S. No _,.1. ws collect,on ,n hbrAr) system: trumated 4.000 mOOOB1B1>b$; no separate WS ru:quLSitioro budget Wider $5,000 from other bu.I(,) ,pent on WS materials annually; oolleClioo $UbJe('I Wen,11!$ in US women's h1s1. women & 5QC/soc ~ women & pol scilpubl pol, women·1 hi, s(rooges! in ref=ce c:olkc1ioo rnatenal:,; \ll'S Prc,grun Office & Office of Womtn's Rtsowtto ha,-. scparatt cdletlions.


244. HUNTER COUEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (CUNY), WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 695 Pnrlc A,-c,. Hontcr College. CUNY, Ntw York City. NY 10021 (212) 772-568-0 cor,.,-.-c-r R~land Pollatj Petcbmy (Coord1na1or. Women's Stud~ Program) lEAC'lll:-'G r.-J)anic Women; WS/Anlhro 200.50: Women & DeveJopment. WS 200.SI : Women. law & Po,m)~ WS/Eilg) 200.52: Images of Women in Film & literature, WS 200.54: Women, Cnmc & Punishment; WS 200.H: Ammcan Women Anist1 of tile 20th Cctltul)·; WS 220.00 Molhcmood: Symbob'1II & linage!)'; WS 22 1.00: Women m the MiddJ• Easi; ws 301lS3/Anlhro: t.anauaae. Sex & 0..-ndcr; ws 300.)7 Women & Scicaa:, WS •OO.SO: Fanmlst PohucaJ Thought: WS 400.St , All Amencan Won}ea. WS 200.65: F,uruly & Sexual Violcnor: Aatbm 320.79, Women 10 Pn:hiJtory: C'hangina Pcrttpuons ofGcoder Roles ID the Pnlcoluh1t; Antbro 301/WS: Sex & Gender in Anlhropotos,cal p.,.pec1,v1; Bit & Pueno Ric St 276: Pueno Rican famil)~ Wk & Pucno Ric S1 290.66· The Blad: Family; 81k & i>ooio Rte St 318: Women m Afnca. Bit & Puerto Ric St 336: Afncan-Amcrican Wo,n;,n Wn1ers: Can 305: Women & Sl.wes in Clas,ic,il Aanquity; Eron 29S.SO: Women m the Econom)'; &loo 29j,S1: E£onomic Inequality. En,J 120: Exposi1ory Wn1ina: WS Sccnon, En&! 250.57 Women's Search for Self; Eilg) 250,67 Heroine:$; Enat 38S.SO: Top11:S in 19th C:cntury t.itenirnre: Monstros11ies & Ecstllllcs; Engl 386.SJ- Sclected Topics in Bn11sli Llteraiure: E•pmmcotal No1,c1s b)' Women: Ens! JS9.S4: One MaJOr Wntcr V1rgin1a Woolf, Engl 389.64: One Ma;or Wnt~ Cieo!J< l:1!01; Engl 398.SO: 20th•Century Novel, b) Women; WSIEngJ 398.58: Other Women Lesbian Votce, in the ZOtb Ccnlllr); Engl 399.50: Women in 19th· & 20th.Ceniury Literature; Eop 399.52: Edith Wbanon & Kathmne Anne Po~ Engl 399. 55. lmag,cs of W0rnto 1n Ameneaa Literature; Engl 389.67: Toni Moiruon. Ena! 250.80: A111ob10graplm,s by Blade Womtn uterary Artlsu; Fn:b 262: Perspcc:tn-cs of Women in Frc.och Literature: l:llth Educ JOO.SI: Women .i. Health; Hhh F.duc 322: Maternal & Cblld C~ Hlth Educ 340: Human Sel: Womco to !he Third World; Pol Sci J.40, Women m School Electmns., Pol So 408.SI Seminar in Political Bclm1or. The Polnll:$ of Gay & Ltsb1an RiglitJ; Pol Sc, 480.73: U1opia & Women. !'$}'Cb 170: Ps),:holoa>' of Human Sau•lity: Psych 23S: Psi'Choloay or Women. Rd J06.S4: Women & Religion; RUSS1an 259 56: Rirutan Women Wntm: Sociol 201 : Sociolo«) ofth< Family, Social 2S7: Sex Roles; Sociol 325.SI. Women & Work, Sociol 325.79: Cc:ncltr. Stxuali1y &. Rao,; WS.IThcat 247.54: Women 1n Theater 01,viu:E;,1 011·LR£1Y. BA in WS as pan of• doub!t ma)Or; ugrnd minor in \\'S; ugrad individualil.ed major in WS through Honor, Program LIBR ,R,· n)NTACT PFR'iO:-tudies Proi:,tm.1


245. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES 10 V.a1h1ng1on Pl N.,,.. Yor~ Lin,, .• :-ltw Yorl C.iv, NY IOCI03


1212) ~8-7999 . co~1 ACT Carol Sttmhdl (Du-.c1or. V. omen's Studieol IL" 111 "' r \l l LTY Ka1hkcn (',crson (Snc,ol~. "Ka)< G,n~burg (Anthrot.

247. STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT ONEONTA (SUNY), WOMEN'S STIJOIES PROGRAM Admm1sU1111p«:11\~ on Woau:n m Ammra. Anthro Vl40112: Women & Men: Anthropolog1cal PtrspectJveo: Anthro VIHlO.\I: Famdv & Kmsh1p; Biol V:!300,II: Rcproducu,c B,olog~ of Women, &:on ~'ll.0252 Women ,n the E(l()n()m)', FngJ \'410700: Amcricu Women Wn1m, IBS~-1976: Ens! V41 OHS. The lmaee ofWom1n m Ut! VS7.0014 Women m Conlcmpora,; Sortct)~ litst VS7.0IQ7; H.1S1on· of Women m the Wc:stmt World; Hist VS7 027()'. Womon ,n Med!C'al & Rcna,,sance Europe; Hist VS7 0615: Women 1n ~meman So,;,icty H,s, VS7 0637· Wome,, ,n ro10111al Amcria,, VS1 .0697· &mlJllr. Women 1n Amencan History-, Joum V54 0720 Woln\'n &. tht Media. Ll!liu,, V6U)02 I: 5c.._ G;,odcr & U,nguage: Urb St V9 ,n tht US. Home &: 262: The Cbilll81n& Role or Woincn in Modern 'loctt1y, Engl 373 Maior Authors Jane Au,ten. Lu 283 Women In Lt1muurc; Phy, Educ ISO: Self-Dcfcn>t for Women. Psych 243 Psycl>oloey of Womcn, Soct0l 137: Sociology of Womea; Socio! 23!>: Women & Worlc.; lntcrdisc l'mpe,ctl\'CS 294, Spcc,al Topio ,n WS; .\ 190: Spcciat ToPit> in WS. An 220c lmai!C$ of Wamt-n ,n Western in llu, 294 Spccial Topic, m V.'S; Lit 394: "mencan Women Wntcn: Local Color L,1 394: Ammcu Women Wntm Social Cnuc,sm; Ln 394: Amencao Women Wn1ers: Cather ond O'Connor. LIi 394 Sl>«'lal Topics in WS Women and Au1obl


LIBltAR) C.-O"T"C"r l'FR5() ~1SI Mary



grad manor ,n WS. ugrad indlviduafued major in

ws ws

C'rRTIFICHt:I Thcol(IC)~ Engl 026S: Amcncan Women's Poetry, Engl 026S: 20tli-CtntlJT} ldtnllt} No'lll'ls; Engl 179S: l'l>rtr.uu o( lite Lady: Stud«s m d>< l.t1era,; Images of Women: Ens) I 79S. Studies 10 Women's Fiction, EnaJ 26'>: '\mcncan Women Writers, Engl 287: Major Cnlical Thought: Fcminlsl Utefar}· Thcory; Fteh 104S: Women m Contemporary France; Frcb 1085: Frend! Women, M>ths. Rcohtles & the La"; Frch I59: Ftrrunist F1ct1on; Frcb 190S: Stud,es m • Conrempora,; Fi,ure· Hm 11ieol 13'>: Womc:a. Thcolog) & Churdl, H11l I06S: Women 10 Japan & Cbina, Hist 169Sl l 70S· The Soc:ial llls1ory of American Women, H1S1 171: A Hmory of Women in Europe: H,st J96S. Issue!> ,n Third Wotld Women's liiSIOf}: Hm 196S: Problems an lht Hmory of Women in Europe: Hilt 199: History of Women in Sc~ce &. Medic,oe. Hm JSI: ('olloqutum ,n Women·~ His!OI)'; lntc:rdoc Perspi;t;~1:cc,1 OFFOEO: ugrad mtnor 1n WS URIWIY SUPPORT SERVIOFFERED: ugnd cenificatt lD ws LIBRARY CONTACT PER50N(S1, Judith l)aso (I-lead. Documents Dept) UBRAllY St.:Pl'ORl S'£RVM.'U: No separate IVS oollccuon '"Library S)'>lcm; estimated J,SOO ll'IOnOtltll>lu. 8,000 microform titles; separate WS acqui$iuoos budaet; under$ S,000 SP (Educ Fdns), Lucille Pcdcoon (('ommunic Am). Ellen Ped (Engl): Kann Pendle (Mu, fhst & ut); Teni Premo (His1): Oat Afric-Anlet Sl· TI,e Peculiar S1skrtul, microfonn titles. ttferenct tollcctlon, pamph~cal file ooDection,; WS Program Office & Women's Center on campus hut, sc:p:1.r:ue collec1Jon$.


COLUMBUS 2TT. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, CENTER FOR WOMEN'S STUDIES 230 W 17th A,c., The Ohio S1a1e Unn'.• Columbu5.. OH 43210 (614) 292-1021 co~ r,n Susaa M Hartmann (Dm,ctot, Ceri1c:r for Wo111C11\ Smdics) 1 "-A(lllNO F~CIILTY Rwbcn Ahroni (Judaic & Near E l.aQ& & Lil): Lawrrnce &um (Pol Sci), LindJI Bernhard (W$1N"I): NanC)' !!ell (l'l) cv,,d ounor in WS UBIV.RY CONTACT l'l:lt50N(S)c NnJK:y Counncy (Ref Ltbn) UBRARY SUPPORT SEJ\VICf!I No separate ws collcmon in hbm)' S}~tcrn; estimated 3,356 monogral)lii.. 7 WS serial,, no scpara1< WS aQQuui11ons budgtt: collocuon WbJect strengths in US women's hjst, women & reVphil. women in bi; stronll($1 1n reference oollccll0t1 materials: ws Pnlpam omcc ha5 separate colkccion. OTHER TUOIINO AFFILlATf.S.

GAMBIER 279. KENYON COLLEGE, GENDER STUDIES Kenyon College, Gambler, OH 43022 (614) 427-S374 roi-,.\CT• Linda Smolu (COQrdinator, Gender Stud:!L women's d1ancs/bio,g, women's h~ "'Ol1lCO in US ioc & pol moYcmcnts; strongt3l in an:luval collection materials.

S)'Stcm. esumatcd 800 monogniph~ 12 WS

KENT 282. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Dept. of Po!iucal Sc1cncc, Krnt Stale Univ., Kent, OH 44242 (2 I6) 672-2060 CONT•CT: Trudy Steuernagel (Coordinator, Womeo·, Studies Cfnifiaite Program) 1'f.ACHINCi fACt.rlTY: Katbr Davis (Engl); Edna Eroi (('run JU.II); Patricia James (Phil~ M.,chclc PaludJ (Ps)'Cho!); Trudy Steucrlia,gel (Po! Sci)

COURSES OFl·ERFJ> Arn&. Sci: lniro 10 WS: Pol Sci 40771: Women & Politics; En~ 21056: lmqes of Women m I.Jtcrature; Phn 32091 Fn:nd! Fcmtnism: Crim Just 374 11• Womco m CTimc & Justttt: Psych 4062S: Dtvclopmoit of Sc, Rote & Identity; Fam &. Consum St 44022: ChAngmg Roi~ of Man & Woman, Anthro 38240; Cultu~ & PcJSOnalnr, Hlth Educ 22544: Humao Sexuality Ur.GRI~~ (»·n.Rl'.O. lljµlld minot Ill ws Cf'RTIFIC'ATEl~>OFl-'ERED ugrad ccni6cat, m WS

74 I Women's SrudltJ Proa,-&1115 I OHIO

MOUNT ST. JOSEPH 2B3. MOUNT ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES Moun I SL Joseph College. Moun1 St Joseph, OH 4505 I 1513) 244-4200 , or,r«-r V1ct0n,1 M FO!de. S.C (Coorchna1or, Women·, S1ud1es) rt,£rnNO r.a:LTY Mary Ooobcr. S.C. (lJberal S1 Proc), Kay Clifton (Soc,ol); Jan Donnely (Busr, MllJ)' Kay f1t1111n; (l'syrhol~ VIC1ori3 Forde, SC (Huni): Manta Goulcy, S.C (Rd S1); Fran Hannon (HiSI). ShatOll Kes1el'IOll•Boll¢11 (An); Kath)' Prezb,ndowslu (Biol/ Geri. Paula Russell. SC (Liberal S1 Prog): Bnice Websier (8101) OllltR TEAOtr. (216) 742-3415 CONTACT Birbara Brothen (Chair, Enalim Dcpanmcn1) tUL7i!'-. OR 97331 (503) 754-2826 CO.'flACf l=• Dost ( OU'CCtor, Wom,n Studies Program) TEA('HING l·AC,JLI V e Elocn Baumann (Sociol): Ben Beall) (Hist): Gw,neth Brillon (Educ): Su,anne Clari (Ena!): Sheila Cordra) (Soe,ol~ Jeanne Do.I (WS/Eron): James FO$tct (Pol Sc,): Lizalllgt); Warn,n Hovbnd (Reik Barbara lsd) (Soc,olJ: Margan,1 Lwnpkm (Educ): Alice Morrow (Fam Resource Mgt); ~dine Olson (Fam Rcsourn, Mgt~ Cl:l,,a Prnn (Hum De,· & Fam SI), Laura Ru:~-Sayre (Engl); Marcia Shaw (Sp1Commuruc): Sandnl Spanu:r (Engl). C'hns Sproul (ln1erna1I Educ); Ltsa Taubman (Psyrnol); Akxli Walker (Hum ~' & fam St~ Charles Wamath (Psyd,ol). Po1ncia Wdb -\dm) 11THfR n.c HING ,m11,ns Yl"onne Smith (GA. V.'S); Rev Lols Van Lte1 (V11 Prof, WS) COUJ&.SOFFOIED Anlhro 312; ,'¼le, Sc, & fanuly, Anthro ~7S Scnunar: Sc, Otff~ Anthro 472H: Oral H1$10ry: Coons SSO: Suul ('ounsdlns. Engl ~OA: Special T0p1c-s: Women's l.Jtcmture: Fam Ret0urtt M,gi }41 Pmonal & Family Finance; Fnm Resource M11 420: Famil) MJinag"11t(nl Sys1cmr, Fam Resource Mtt 441: Erooomm; of lhc fam~y: Fam Rtor, Womc,i's Procnim) n.c 111so F,c·urv K,ii-c Bany [Soc Sci); JO)-Ot Salisburi (En&11Fon:ign


l"OIJRSES OITIJerman (Anihro). Anita Wei$.) (lntcmJd St); Louisr Westhng (EnsJt, \fary Wood (Ena!). Virp, Zuck (Ger La. & Lit) 0 Tlt[R TrAOIIS0 '-ITTU~lTS. Jcnrut Bnckcr (GA, l:.ngl); 1 crrn Prewer (GA. Tbcal) HJlH) ws IOI· Intro lo WS: ws )3)13}4: History of W0n1cn irt the US I. n. ws 407: Fem1n1>1 Reseazth IS>uC$: \\'S 412 History & DevcJopment of ~minist Theory: Anlhro 310: Women & Culu1n, I. 11; An &fur 41 :!: Women & Tbrur An; Educ 4724:

Educobonal Hmory of Amcncan Women; Engl !60 Intro l0 Women Writen, Engl •989 Studies 1n Women & Liltrature: Frdl 4324 Modem Women Wnters, Frch 42H: AutobtOgraphi ugrad nunor ,n ws

IM('HINO FACL'Ln- Job3nna Brenner (WS/Sociol); Susan Druuel.on

(Engl): Nona Glazer (Sociol). Jan Huktn (Psycbol) N=y Poncr

( Eng)j; Chris Thomp!Oll (En,!) 0011RS[S OFFEIIED: WS IOI: Intro 10

ws. \VS 21 S History of

Ftm1ni5m; WS ) I5: Femint5t Th«,r). WS 415 Issues ,n 410/Soc10l 415: Sociol Ans

CHAMBERSBURG 301. WILSON COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES 1015 Pluladelpltia Ave.. Wilson Collegi,, Chambcrsb\Jll!,. PA 17201 (711) 264-4141 illS C'Ol,TA(1' l!e•·cdy A)ers-Nadlamk,n (Din:c1or. \I/omen's StUOCiol/ ,oc


INDIANA 30S. INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM 353 Sutton Hall 4, Indiana lin1v or Penns)lvarua. lndJan.a. PA IS705 (~12) 357-47H co,, 'T.\CT Maunen C MeHugh (Dirtttor, Women's Studlcs Progam) 'l'EACIUNG F,n LTY K.lutn Dill1durand (Engl), Maurtta C. McH ugh (Ps)-c:hol), Kai Snyder (Socio!); Carolyn 'l'hompson IPhys Educ); Dorollly Vogd (H1$1) u.,-.d cerufl Sa:i (EnJ)): Eliubetb Sqel rEngtt, ll«lcy Setlrff (linguii): Yolan Shelly (EnJJ}, Adeiaklc: Sulac:nnik (Uni' L1br Si-s); J>am Turley (Engl) Cynthia Vand,, (lntemall Educ); Rubre Watson (Anthro'Ea!t ASi.ln St); Ed,\•a,d Zuci:mnan (Cur Prob) IITHlll TEAOIINO AffiUAff.\ SU$1MI

Downie (Rtscareh Assoc. Engl,

RADNOR 312. CABRIN I COLLEGE ("abnnt C'ollqc. ludnor, PA 19087 1.19: lndepcndc:n1 Study t>ft ,RH,,> 11~FfHH> u.smd an:~ of oonccn1rauon ,n WS tlffURY 51.'PPORT Sf]Wlq), No separate ws oollett1on ID library• sy,tmr, no scpanue WS aaiu1st1Jom budi:tt. under SS,000 from other budgci(s) spent on WS matcnab unuall), oollccnon sub;ca strengihs m women ,I< educ, "Omen & p~ydlol

SLIPPERY ROCK 313. SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES COMMITTEE 8106 Balley Libra,;. Sl1ppt,; Rock Uru,·.• Sllpl)t'r} Rock, P.\ 16057 1412) 794.7451 n,r1arthmon: College. Swanlunore. PA 19081 (115) J28-8000 CY>""TAol), G ~ Moskos (Mod Lan&}, Marjone Murph)' (H 11:ACFUNO FAC\ll1Y, Amy Golaliny (Art); Emily Jtnsen (Engl); Ric:bard Morris (Hi.SI): John Piper (Hist); Kathl'}a Rrao (~)'chOl): Mary Wolf (Pol Sa) COi. RSl!li OFf'liRCO Art 339: Women in An; Engl 334: Women &

l.Jteralun,; Hist 310: Women 1n Hislory; Pol Sa 347: Women m Polmcs, Ps)'ch 341: Psrc:bology of Women Dl:OREf.(S) 0r•i-clm, WS 383: Women 1n the Greet & Roman World; WS 400: Topics 10 WS; WS 410: PS)'thololl)' of Sex Role Development, WS 422: Women Wnters in Eoglaod, WS 425: Women's Health: WS 432: Women in European lfuto,y. WS 434, PS)-chology of Gtnder; WS •SJ· Women 10 -\menean History: WS

4U: Rhe1or,c of the Womcn'1 Riglm Movement: WS 483· /\fncanAmorican Women in Amencan Soocty; WS 49 3: ln BA in WS: ugrad minor 111 WS Llll. .RY ~t·Pl'. No separate WS coOcction in lib~ &)~1em; no separate WS acqu1~itions budget, ooUcction sub]ffl strcngll" ,n US "'Oinen's ht>t, """"'n & econ/employ, "-omen & soc,oVs« wk. women & psycho!. fem,rufl theory; s1ronges1 1~ refen:n« collecuon matenals; V.'S Program OITic, & Women l Center oo cam))Us ha,-c $Cll.1ratc oollt'Clions.

MEMPHIS 326. MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM l hstory OeP1 . Mcmphu State Unav , Memplus. TN 33 I 52 (901) 454-1519 n>M•ct. Kdl Mitchdl (D1rrctor, Women's Studoc:s Prosnm) TcAet1 (AOtbro); L)'M Can.nOll (Soaol),

Bonnie Dill (Sociol). Ruth Be1h Finnenmao (Anthro); Eluabelh ~hginbotbom (Scctol) cot.RS!iS oF>ERU.>- Otod ~ nu.nor in wS. ua,ad mdJvidualJud ~or m


t lllllA.RY CONT ,er P£RSOO.r5) Pamela Palmer (A5sl Head. Ror DtptJ LlllRAAY SUPPORT I.Ell\ ICES No separate WS oollecdon in bbnof) system: estimated 3.S16 monosraplls. 21 WS setWs. 448. 700 rnanuscnp1 pieces, 2,1107 oiicroform utles.. 55 A-V Udo; no separate V.'S acqui-wtions budget; coilC(:Uoo $ubjcct strcngtbs in US womco'$ hin, women in US soc & pol mo,·emcnt.1, matenals by 0t r001~11& oo US \\-omen of color. US clhn,c WS. 11ronges1 ,o m,croronn mies. reference collcct100 mat.cnah: Wonw:o', C.tnter on campw b. C'.ctltcr for Rcscardi on Women ba,·c iel)arate coUccdoos. !>l>u1AL Rf-'illl/Rnli Spccilll resource II RCSt.&rtb Clcanng,ouie on Women of Color & Southern Women dsuibue.


VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM (comJnued) COUllSU OITEIW> WS/Econ II S: Gender m the Mari:etplact. WS I SOI Hum l56: Images of Women; WS l511Sociol 151: Women & Public Policy: WS/Pol So 209: Women & Politics: lmag,:s or Won1en & Po,,,-c:r; WSIHisi 286: Womtn's ElNTAcn Sarah Harder (Coordw1or. W0111e1's Studies Provam) nAClil,' (Collecuoo Mgi C'.ooro) ws collection in librat')' system; esiima1cd 2,800 monographs, 20 WS setlltls, 37 A· V !itks; no sepanuc WS acquisitions budget; eoBcction subiect strensths an US women's bi>1. women & eoon/crnploy, ~'Otnen & social/soc wk, women &. p0I Satat< WS collcct10n in hb~ $JS!ffll. C$llmaied 30.000 monoglllph1, 3,000 WS ~als; ~parau, ws aoqu1sniOM bud,ict: ove1 SI 0,000 SJ)Clll on WS malCrials annually. colkdioo subJCC1 S1"'119h~ m US & WC$tem European ~men's h1S1, "'Om

...,,.d mmor



cerbfitate in ws UBI\AR\' 5Ul'l'ORT SERVIC(S· No separate V.'S collec:uon In library system; separate V.'S a(Xlul$inons budge,; collcx:1ion sub.iee1 Slltrl&ths in "'Omen & line ans, women & psycho!. women's In, feminisl throry; V.'S Progr.un Office & Women's Center on C.UIIPuS h•vt $C1>lrate collections.

("ERTIFtC.,Tli(SIOFTI'Rfi> ugrad

STEVENS POINT 367. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, STEVENS POINT, WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM Eogfuh Dept.. Umv. o( Wl,mnsin, Stevens Point.. S1.--.:ns Pomt, WI 54481 (715) 3%-4.147 roNTACT Katherine Anne Ackley (Coordinator, Women'i Studies


n:.,om,c fM'.ULTY· Kathenne Anne Ackley (Engl); Nancy llsyne (Psycho!); Donald Flldner (Rel St), Pu Kemp (Home Ee}, Su,•,co PlSlono (H iSI); Jon Robel15 (Htst) 105: lnlro to WS; WS 300/S()O'. TopH;:S ,n WS: WS 196: Prae11cum, WS 499: Spe,:ial Works; P~yeh 28S: Ps)d!oioJ)• of Women. Eoal 285· Women in Llteralutt; HtSI 185/SSS: The American Woman, H111 321IS21: Women on European HISIOr)', Home Ee 367: Famtly Interaction; Home Ee 16o: Family Re!anons. Rel St 330: Sexual lm"llcs & M)ihs in ReJ,sion; Sociol 240: Ma""'*" & Ute Fanuly; Sociol 295: Sex Roles 1>EGRE6tSl Ofl'ERrn ugrad & grad minors in WS. ugrad indi.,.iduahud major 10 ws LIBRARY roNTACT PER5iOS(S) Alice R,ndldt (Acqu1s1t1ons ubn) UBllAl. ~ Hanns (Couns Educ); Ron Mcr&han (HiSI), B,U ~~• (An~ Glona Taavo!a (Pol Sci); Bill Wenninger (Phil) routsts orn.RU> An 3291529: Women ,n An. Commulll( 3101510: Women & film; C.owu 481/681: The FtmJllc World, COUM 77()' Asscnav~ness T ralrung & l.odcrslup Skilb; Coun.s 771: Coonsehn& Women: Couns 772: Won,en & Powe,: Hist 37)1573. Submn.s,oo & Rcbdl1on: HIS!ory of Women in Anuquhy, Ht$1 37SIS7S: Women m Amman Life & Thooalu. lfot 390/590 Eme,genl Women, Phil 3391S3~: Philosophy of the Women's Liberation Movement; Phys Educ }6()/™J: Women m SPOrt$. Pol Su 312/5 12: Women & t.he Cnmi11al Justice S),1cm; Pol Sc, 31 l/513: Wom,o's Rish1> & Po~t>es Depanment) TUCHIN0 fA( 'lJl TY Amacher (1-fllh. Phys Educ & R!); luffll Kust•Al.hman (So ugrad area of CQ!lCCntranon ,n WS; UJJlld

\lary .\liot M~llerlctlc (Acade,ruc Dcanl

rr.M'll!NG FA~:a n- Judith Bi&aln (ths1r, Norman Freund (Phd); Sarn Mt.Alpin (Ens!) COURSES of'FtJlro· Hlst 180: Women m lfutol): Pini 168: PbilMOl)hy of Worn-S223 C'ONT ,n- How.rd Jablon {Professor, History) TEACHIJ mnREO Hist: Women 10 lfutorr. Engl: lml&!), Karui Ray (Enal> COURSES OfrEIU:D Psych 103B: Gender 01ffcrenocs, Engl 290: Women

& ulcraturc; Hast 250: Women m Amencao l.tfe & Thought· !last lSO: Wonu,n in European ufe & Tho~ght ' U8KAR\' Mtl'l'OR . Law 470: Family LAw; Psych 319: l'>)uiology & Theological Perspecu,es on M,una~. Soc,ol 215: Women in AJllencan Soc1c1y; Bus 341: Mcu & Women m Mamgcment

NEWTON 388. AQUINAS JUNIOR COLLEGE AT NEWTON IS Walnut Pk., Aqumas Juruor College a1 Ne..1on. Newton. MA 02158 (617) 969-4400 x44 CONTACT Sr Mari Ryan (Prores101) TEACIIIN() FACULTY Sr Panchon Burie, CSJ (Hum/Sc:i); Sr Mary Eli,.abetb Glwon. CSJ (HunllScit, Sf Mari Ryan. CSJ (Hwn/Sci] covR,i:s Ofl'ERID Socio! 328· Womnn ,n a ChaJliing Sociery; i..1 329. Women m Literature: Lit 316. Men & Women in Rdatiomlup wilh Modem Li«:raturt; Phil 109: Pmooal Scan:b for MeaJlini CER1lF1U.1'EIS) OFFllltED ua,ad cenificate io ws

NORTH ANDOVER 389. MERRIMACK COLLEGE Div ofCon1u,umg Education, Mcrrinw:k Collcse, Non.b Andover, MA Oi84S (611) 683-1175 COl-'TAC'T· Ann Al'!enlult (Director, Special & Summer Programs)

TUCHlNO fAC'VLTY: Elamc Huber (Rcl St): Mary Ann Marusicb-Saulh (Socio!) COVltSllS Ofl'ERED. Rel Sr Feminist Theolog)~ Sociol; Sociology of Sex Roles

WENHAM 390. GORDON COLLEGE 255 Grill)AC'l.'1 W · Eleanor A>hton (l'$)Chol): Hekna Scmcij1111 (Hlth) «)URSI:.~ oms~w Hllh: FeminlJl Heath; IDlb: Women & Their Sc.u.ali1y: Hllh.: Research m Fcmi.n.i.~ tleal1h. P$l'dtol: !'1ycbology of Wonw,n IJ8RAJl Y SUPl'Ollr SER Vl('Y.,.; No ~ l e ws collection in library sr,stcm, csumaicd 800 monCJ$r•pb!,, 6 WS serial!: oo separate WS O('IU1$iuom budiet, rollecuoo sabjec1 ~ !JI US womc:n·s ha~ "'Ol1lefl & bllhlse,wdity. women & J)S)'Chol, women & spons/l't, women in US soc & pol movcmeots.

98 I Womrn's Studits Courses I MICHIGAN





392. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FUNT Hisiory Dept.. Uru,. of Miclusan, Fhn~ Flint. Ml 4850) t1>Nt.lR \'ICU

NEBRASKA BELLEVUE 397. BELLEVUE COLLEGE, WOMEN'S STUDIES AREA GalVUI Rd. at H.arvcU Dr., DIV. or Bch»sorn.1 & Soc1A1 Saenccs. ScUe\Cue College. Bclle,'tle, NE 6800S (402) 29.J..3772 or 29:1-3736 com"o Ro=nc SuU,,·an (Chall', Women·, Studies Atta) TEACHJNQ FACtJllY Clem Klaphake (Sooot); Elizabeth Klaphalre (Communic Ans); Jadoe S(!tolar (Natural Sci): Dd Sti le$ (Phil); Ro1U1J1nc L Sulh,•an (Ps}chol); 10$Cllb Wy£0REE1S1 OITTJlfl} ugrad uea of ooncentratJOn an ws CERTIFICATE(S}OITERED. llgllld certmcate ID \11S UBI\AIIY S\JPPORT suvrns: No separate WS oollectaoa m library system; no separate WS aociuifitioos budgcr: cclltttion subject stttogtbs m ",omen & law. [cmiruat theory; SU"Oll&dt in A-V tillo oolieetion marerials.


Andrtt Nicola·Md..augl~io (Planning Coordiruitor, Women's

Studies) ruc,mro FACULTY

Safiy,1 Bandtle (Studenl s,·cs); Kay Bro,.n (An); Don Quinn Kelley (Htslk Andree N[cola-Mcl.auibtin (Hum) CO\IRSES OFFERED: Hum 260: Woman & the Self: Hum 261: The Male/ Female Dilemma: A Woman's Penpeetivc; Hist. Afriean-Amcrican History I OEOJl!J

ll•RARY C01''1'•CT ~ 1 $ )

410. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AIKEN, HUMANITIES FOCUS PROGRAM 11 I Unl\" Pol Sci 321· Se,ual Politics & Pouttcal Theo')': Pol Sci 353: Sc, & the Law; Hum 211 ISSUC$ in ws, Social 301: Sociology of Gend,r Rolel 0£GRlE(S) OITlltlO: ugnd ltt.1 of ronoottrlll(HI in WS ~TIFIC',1tlst0Fl'l:AIO: ugrad ccrt1fit:21e ID WS LIBRARY ~\IPl'QRT 5ERVTC'ES No $tpjlr3tt WS oalkc11on Ill hbniy S)"Sl'!l', esumated 600 monov,iphs, IO WS serials. no separa1e ws ll(qUtSU10ns bud&cl. oollecl10n subject ,1rengihs in US 1>omr:n'1 hiSI, ~mm & law, women & psychol, "'1Kllen's Lit; WOTlfl"'it in WS 1oumaJSI-Sl)al)(1S. reference collection matmals.

WASHINGTON I Women·, S1udieo Course• 1 101





411 . OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY OF SAN ANTONIO 1300 San Pedro A•·c., HislOI)' Dept., Our l..ady of the 1.4kt Univ. of San Ao1onio, San Antonio. lX 73284 (512) 43~7I I C"Ol>'l'...CT· Jaoet Gnffin (ConUICt Person, Hmo,; D,:panmeo1) TI!A("HINO fACUU V Janet Griffin (Hist); Manly Niciloo (Rel SI) CWRSESOFfERm HJSI 3360 History of the Women·, Mo,·emcn1: Roi St 3382: Wom,,n & Relia,on

413. EASTERN MENNONITE COLLEGE Eadies Prosram, 104 Ea11 Carobna Uo,..,crsity.. Women's S111die1 Pn,sram, 268 El:$tem m1noi1 Un1vcn1I), Women·s Studies C"om,cll, 79 Eastern Mennon1h! C..oU~., ,. J 3

Ea.1,1uo U1uvcrsi1), Womt-n's S1""1.e:t. Proa,am. l 72

Etild1n 1'!'()1111U\I. 39 S.ngamon St:.itc Un1"'HS.U)'. Wom-cll'\ Sl\xflf.$ Protlam. 9J Sanla Oar1t Uni\·en.ily. Wom~n·s Stud1e1 Prosram. 41 Sarah Lawrcncr Ccl.Jqe, Maner An.s UI

Won11:1ue"1lle. Womer.n Studi~ ,,rogriam, 366 Uni..,·tt$.lly of Wi!.oCOMi.n. Ste,·ens Point. Women's S1ud1cs Prog,am. 167 UnJHn.ny o( W~os.i.:n., Stout. Women·~

Stud,eo, 362

108 I lnstl1utlon Ind~

Ul\hc-r-.n~· of W1.scon~n, Sup,enor W1Jmen's Program,, 36~ Univefflt) of W111,ron,.rn, \\.'huc-v.a1c1. \\omen·~

itudm lxpJ.nmrn1. 369 llnivenll) of W)Omin&, Wom~·, S1ud1,es

ProJTlffl, l 10

Webster UIIJ\'ffl.Jt) ,

tlrnnus Colkar. ln1.t1di'5C1pliur; Women's S1vd1. Womr:n'; Shadies Non.hem A.m:on.:\ Um,-eT11ty. Women's Studid

Non.hem Euex Comm,,muy CoH.ege. Wc:rm~'i Studic:s ("on«ntration. 14~ Northern Kentucky Umvrrs:1ty, Womtt1.'i S1udi>iSSJPPi, T~ Sat:ift hom Ctmt.r for Womc-n·s. StudJt1. l 87 l'a,,.·c:rstty of Missouri~Colu111bi.1, Women Studtes Protram t 84 l tnl..,cn.11y of Nr-brub. Wome-n's. Studies ProVim , 14b L"n,,.cr1-U)' of Ne,., Mtuco. \Vomc-n S1ud~ Prov,,m, 21 l Vn1\erii1,,, of Rhode" b land. Womcn·s Stud1n Pn,g,.m 318 Un1vcn.1t~· of 5cH111I (:arohtur., ;\t\en,

Hununst,a Fotu1, Pmgnm, 410

Umver"11)' of SotiJh C11rohn11, Coh.1mbia, W0tntn•; S.ud1c1,, 12 J Un1veni1,· ofSa\ltti r1onda. Women's Studies

Proeram 70 U ru,um,, of 8outtltm anrncnt of Women'-. S11.,nht1. ).«.4 Oregon State Un1vcnHt, Women S1udtC$ O..p111mcn1. 292

Pntsbiira State Un,-.en11y. Womeri·, St!Ktics Proa,am. 11 l State Ui,1,·etsd), WOft\e-'1'$ Stud,~,

Ce.n,lka1t P~ram. 296 Pnnttton Un1\C'~t)', J>rosrarn in Women's Stud,c,, 208 R,d,r Collect. Women·, s,oo,,._ 20• Rotln:stepartmmcn·, Studp,c-1

Unrvernty or BaJ,unor,,. 125 Unh·crs:u)' of Cahforni.a, Onu, Women's Studtts Propom. 14 um,·cmt) of Cahfornta. Sift D1e,o. Women·i S1udin, 19 Unrvcnn)' of Calcfomia, san.u. C.rut. Comm111cc oa Womfn·, S1ud1n . .;.2 UnivcrsJly o( C,ncmna.u Cena·,· for Womtll ! Stod,n. 2 7S

P-n:,gram.. 1 l I Moorhta.d ~l-31c Un1,·cmt}, Women's S.ud1a

Pmgr•m. 179 Mount Hol)'okc CC>IJf#. Womt'fl·, St..dae1

Prosram. UZ MundcJ~rn \ollc&t Wumcn·, Stud1~ Program



New Yorl UniverSll)', Won,ea·1, ~1ud1~ 24\ North Minor, 97 Ontnd Valley S1atc Unrvcrs:i1y, Wome-t1·s Stud,e, Program, 160 Haauhon CoUcgc. Women', Stud.Jrs Prognuo. 229 Hatnhnc Unwus:1ty, WotnC1n's Stud lei. I 83 Man..ard lJn1vcn:ity, Commmtc on De-i;t«s '"

Women's Studtes. J40 Hmun (:01-'l!C'I('. 2lS Hopt (.'Olld1u. 210 Tnnuy Conege.. Women Studic, Proc:ram, ti-4

RuloSCIJ Sage C'ollqc. Women'• Collcta•,rc. Women·,. S11.1d1ts

ProJram, &I

Univt'rsJt)' or l')covcr, Won11:n·s Studies Pro&ram, ,q Un.ivm-tty l1hnoi.s a.t 011.Q.S.O, Women•i Slud,ei Pro1ram, 84 Unlvrn.11y or ]Uioois 41 UrbaM•Clumpal.,-., Womtn·, Slvdtes Program 94 UnJ,•t:n1ty of lowa, Wom~n·s Proa.ram,


108 Unh'l-n:11y pJ KmtuclLy, Women•s Srud1es J>rogn, m. 116

Ur.h·«)Str or louJ1v1U~ Womcn·s S1ud~1

Proarnm. 117 un.. of M•ryw,d, Baltimo,t Count)', Women's 511>dte'-


Un.ivmJJ)' of Wl'&e:oruLn. Madlsoo. Women's Studte5- Proaram. l6 I Un1vml1y of w,soon..n, Oshkooh, Women\ Stud,.., 365 Unh·ffl.i1y of Wuooruin. ParUHSc. Womco's S1ud1meri'1

Un,,·c.NI)' or Wi.sconiin. PJauc"illc. Women's S1ud1C! Program, 366 Un1vtrs11y of Wixonsin, S1e-vtns Poiol,

Georgta Sw.1-e Uruversity, W()l'nt:n'i S tudlM

Women"i Studies P,o.,..m, .367

Pro111m. 112

~bnh.n11an,illc Coll(S(, Women's Studies, 250 Mankato Sum: Umvcrsuy, Women's S1ud1CS Dq,onmcn,, 176 Miami Uruvctsn), Wonwia·s Stu.di~, 28S Nonhc-m Esse:x Community CoUe-1.e-. Wom.m·l Studies Conccn1tat1on, t4S Nonh-crn llh.nou Uruvm1t}, Wc:,mcn's Studlt$ Prccram. &S Pi1c1fi1: LlltlM-r-.10 Unt..,~rslt) . (Kn~r Studies.

JS2 Purdue Un1,-e.rsn)', Calumet. Wonu:11'.s S1ud1t:1 Pro11ram, ~ Ra,nr,bo Sanuago Colltgt" ((or111t1ly SanLa At1:11 C'll ~, 22 1 f°,es.n() Ctt) C:olh.""g.e, Wamen'-t Stum, 116 Uruvenit)' of Nc...-ada., Las Veps, Women"s

Studies PN)Jtam. I97

Un1ven:i1y of Ne"' Mt-.xico, Woni.d1c-s Program,

15• W«1 Valley Jou11 Comn1un1t) Coll of 1bo ci.~mont Collcics (c/o Clamnont Oraduat• School), 1l Collet< of tllt A11J!n11c, lU Dcmson Uni,c-nlw. Women's Studu:s PrQ&r.1m 280 Easttrn nimo11 Unh c:rs11y. Womtn'i Studu~, C.ouoc,L 79 Eastc::m Mkhigan Un1,•ctUC), Wome.n·s Studies PrOJram. 172 £ancm Montana Collett. Womco•s S.ud10 Pro1ram, 396 Florida Allantit Unjvcrsny, Womoo's S1ud1g,mm. 2.43 M1d1\pn SUit(' Un1,·erstt). Women·.s Stud1ei Prot,nrm, 1~5 k.utgt"I"$, The Slate Univ~11y of New J~r-M~) . Fa,;ulcy of Ano & Sul.c Un1,..'Cf"Sll) Wo~n·s. S1udie.1 Progam, 26)

Rrs,an.,t, on Women. (NC'CROW), Worn,n',

Uru,-erstC) ofOrqon, Women's S1udiet l"mgnim, l94

St Cloud Stale U Womt11 '1 Studies


Tulant Umverft1y Ne~-comb Colt'*e C:Cn1er for


Women·, Studfl!:5 ln1tn.t1sc,J)Jtn.ary Unit.. 226 St.ate Uni\lc'l,1ty College 111 Onron1a fSUNY•.

Prosram, 124 Tufts Unh,t:rsJt)'. Wotnl"ll', S111d1es Pfo&ram. 1~6

Um,·em1)· of Cattfom1a.. S11nt.1 Crut,

C'.ommuu:c OCI Womc-n's. S tudlel-. 42

Um..-,c:rsuy of CmclBoaU. Ce.ntcr rOf Women's S1ud,.., l7S Un1vcQ1ly of D-'Y'lon, Womtn's S1udio Pro.gram, 2 78 Un1\ltts1ty of M...,ry-land, Coll(:£(' Puk. Woo\C.o's S1udla Pn>,:ram, 127 Univm11y of M1i3,oun, St l,,ou+,, Women's S1udi"5 Progmm. 192 Univcnit) of Nonheni f'ok>r.tdo Womtn·, Studies Proemm. Sl Uni,·enil) of Redlands. E1bn1c 4.. Wamc;n·, Studrcs, JO U'nivcnu) of Rhode- h.lal\d. W0tnt11·, Studt« Pl'Ol!lllm, )1$ Un1venU}' or Ri0rtmenl. 369 154

Yuba Coounun11y College. Women·, Studies Provam. 2S

Minor. l 74

Program, 43

£as1crn Wuhan:gton Un1vcm1y, Women') Program }48 Grot.alt t:nP,-crsu-y, Women's St\J.dl~ Dcl)Onmc,i1, 11~ ~h.swicbu.~tlJ (DSl 11U1C or TcdtnUS, Womrocra.m. 17 Callf01nu1 State Univcrii1y. Sacrarncn10, Women·, S1udics Program, 33 Cerural ti.hJ.iOun ~ate Uni~rsity, Womc1t's Studies, I 9S Cuy Un1\ltr'"t) of Ne,., Yort, Gradu11c School & Un1v-e-nJ1)' Ctntef'. Womeri's Stvd1c.1

Pros;mm. 2•l Aonda locrrnauonaJ Univcrthy, The: S-atc Unh·crsi1)' a1 MI-Bmt, Womert'\ Sludtei

c·e.ntc-r. 69 lnd,n~ Univtnaty, Bloom1n1.1on. Women's Scud,cs Pro.ram. 9S Kent State Um\'entl), Womc:.n's Sludie-:s

Ct11,n.,.,. Program, 282 LaS:aUt Unavt.n:11y. Women', S1udics Proeram.. 307 Loyola Uru,·t:tut) or Chac:1110. Women's Studies

l'n)smm. 80

\{1chtpn S11.1t Unlvtn.11)'. Women'$ Studies

Procnim 165 MQOme,1d St1tc Uni~rstl)'.'l Srudw::~

Prngr1m, 179 Northe»lcm lllmo,i UniVC1Sity, Womtn'1 Stud.Jc,. Program, 82 Un1.,'tNtty, W()m~l1.'i S1udltj.

Pro.,.m. 133

Proc,1m. 309 Un,~crsity of Rhode lslaDd. Womrn'i Studies Pro111am, 31 S

Old Dominion Uno-crsHy, Oepan.mcn1 or

University of \\'j5eonRn. Mjlwauk« , C"tt11cr for Women·, Sn1d1cs. 36' West ~1cr Uni\·cnity. Women's Stud1u

f>rognm, )IS SL. Cloud State UD1\-C-rsit)'. Womcrt') Sludttl

Women·, Sruchn. 34-4 Pcnns:)1,·ania; University, Women', Studies Pr0gr1m. li4 Southt:tn Jlhnoli UD1\'er,i1y1 Carbondale, Woc.nco·s Studn~s l'rognm. 78

Wake Fomt lJn,\·cnnt, Womal's StudJti J>to.gram. 170 Wollesfey CollCSro.,..rn, 316


or S0grtt.m\ 62 CoUcge. Women's Studits l>t:partment,

2'1 Bov.-doui CoHtgt, Women's Stud1r, Progtam Commllttc, 122 Brow..11 Uruvcttuty, WomC11', Stlldi~, JI 9 8uckndl Cru,,-tc111y. Women·, S.tudlu Pro,ram, l()b

Cahfonna State Urtivcn11y. S.u:rnmc,110. Womm·, Stud1c, Ptt1*1'(1m. 33 ("aliforn,a Siat, Un1,·ersnr. San Bernardino, Wo.mtni. Stud1es Pro11em. lS The Colotarov•m. 24) Oct1ison lin1\'Crshy WomcT1°\ Stl"11~, Program.

280 O,ckinson ColJca,c. J>ro111m 1n Womfo•s S1ud1e,., 300

Duke Uni,·tn1(). Women·, StudKl Proaram.

26) Eantrn M1ch,pn Un,~rsuy. Women':s S1ud1tt Prognm 112 Eas,etn Wa.Wina,on Unt'o'C'f'Stty. womth''I Prcs1am 348 Elon C-Olleg,e. Women's S1ud1ts Minor, 264

Fordham Ur,1vtTWI)' Womni's: Swd1e1 Program. 221 Ocorai:1 S.tatt Ut1n·cM1t}r. Womien's Stuibes Proan,m, 7l G1'1 Un1ven11y '11 Edw11rdmlk Womi:-n'i ~ludtc.., 86 ~uitr Um,•cn1t1· C'Q,Jlege 31 'Ile~ ~Ir, fSUNY), Womtn·, 'i1ud1d Program, 239 S1.att Un1,·ullt)· or ~cw Vort 11 Albany

{SUNYI, Womtt1·s ~tod,n Pros,am. 216 S..,'inhmo,c. Collieg,e. Warn.en's Suadie1 31-l S)ra-c11w.- lJ1w,en.11y. Wumnf1 S1ud1c,. Proaram Hl Tufts Unl,"Cf"IU), Won>en', \1udtn Program 146 lJni"cnit> of .\k1on, Women·, S1udin

Cieruficate Program., 172 1.;n,\·cmt) of Alabam111 .al Bmnina,ham. School of Social & Bdtas,oral Scirntud1Q & Proaram

C"olp1' U1m,ers11y Womr-n's S1udlts Prognm,

Th.e ColorM!o College.

Alb-ton Colk:e,e. Women's Studu:s C"ommmtt. 159

lfcnl)· Ford fo.mmunll> CO,lctt, Focus on Women PrQBJ11m 161 H1ra.n, Coll*, Gcnde-r ~udie1, 28t

Pro,n,m, 3J2

Women·, St\ld~s: Program, 107

Stud..._ 3S4 Kalamazoo CoU~. Wom-cn·s Sludies Program. 1611 Karua.s State Uruvers1t)'. Wom,n·s. Stud1e1 Pqmm1 11;: Kent< St•tc Colka,. 398 Kent State Unl\ersit)', Won1en·s S.1.udlt".I

Ccrur...,. Proaram. 282 Km, 141 Memphis Sunr Uruvt:nil), Women's S1ud1cs l'rugnm, )l6 Moro, \\omen·• S1ud1,:5 Proaram.167 Unt\e--1'"\,ltv or Nonhm:t Colo,a.dG. Worrn:-n's Stud1d ~Program, S:! Un1,en.11v of OlbhQma. Women's. Srud1e1 Program. 2&9 Un.lvmny of On-J:~n Womca·, S1ud>


Procram, 294

L1ruver1ttt,· of Pcnns), Women·, Studtt\ Pro,,ram. l09 Un1vl'1'SJ1)' of P,n.tbul'Jh. Women's Stud1e1 Pro&nm. li I Unt\ c:nity or l"~tl Sound Wotntfl·s. S1ud,4. )Sl Unn c-mt)' of Rtdtands. l;tbruc & Women·, S1•d11:., 30 l!nnc-rsu") of RJH.>de bJtrnd. Women·i Sludi~, l'roanm. li& Unu-crs&I) of Richmond 'women's Stud,c:s

P"'a,am, >4S Umvcmt) or South Caroltna, Columbia. WomlfqC!, Wo-mr:n', S:1udtelt Proa,>m. 1.12 Mundelein CoUeg,e:. WOn\Cn·, Sc.udu-::i1 J>mg:nun, 81 R£"1m. 116 Smnb Collqe, Worne•'s S1od,es Prugram, 149 Sou1hcro UlUIOll Un.t,·cn1t)' ll £d•·Atdiv1Ur

Womw's S1ud1""- 86 SW11rthmott Co!lqe. \Vomc-n·s ~tudK!i, 314 Tu'" Uni\lcn:tl)·. Women·, Stulleg_c, W o~n·t ~ tud1e.1 Prv11Jm, 299

OucknrU Unn•USJ1Y, Womcti't ~tud10 Proaram 306 ('obnDo Collq,. Women S1udm, 8 C~bnni CoHt-,:c, 3 12 \ahlorn.ia Sta~ Unt, CT$lly. Cluoo, E1bt11c & Women'i C-ttJte-r, 12

n,hfon1111 St1tc UnnenJty, Fresno. Women'1

P -.

S1ud1..-n Un1ver,1t). Women' \ S1ud~s Pro&rttn, }19 HISPANIC STUDIES

C'onDCCVI Collett, Wom,o·s S1u&nm, 75 Albton C61Jt-g~ Women·1 Stud ies Commmce,

159 Alfttd Un.ner-s1ty. Women·, Stl.ldie"' Proanm

211 Al'ltdo~ Valle)' CoHq-e, lntcrc.ullur'!..I &.

Women·, S1ud1.. Prognm. HI AppalathlaJ\ Sta1t. Uruvns1ty, f nt.erdJKrphn11ry

Studles. 260


141 Bury Uru\'t-t111y, \Vomcn11 Studio Proe:ram. 68


l 1n1~n11} of, Columlua. Womc:n

Program, 28 01c:Junson Collq,c. PtOSf.lm 1n Wt:lffl(n'\ Studie1 JOO Duke Uru,·mJt), Wom-c-n·\. '"ud1es J>roa,am•

Earlham CoUqt. Wome1f1 S11.1d1a Pm,ram,

Ce-nual ~ftcb1pn Un1\"et11ty, Womt-n's Studie,:


f>111blo Va.Ile) CoUesc. \\ omen·i Stud1c.1

Committee. 101 Bvnilrd CoJlegc, Wmncn·, SlU.datl OeJMnm.c-tH.

Commm«. 335 Venlwn Collq,. 312 Wci:Jc.yan Un1...eaB1ty, Women·, Studtes, 56 Wortmc-r S1a1e CoU,gc 39 I

Th-c Un-,,.t.tnn,- of Con.nttucu1. Women·• Srndic, Procram, .59

Otl~auw'r, Women·, S t w.d~, C'omm111«. 98

Womtt1'1i Stu.din P'fOgr.Ull. 33

S1ud,e. Pr01nm. 19S City Un1vc-nity or .NC\¥ Yo,-.. G111duau~ School & Vn,,.'c:nU) Ccnl82 n ori.trn. Women'.s St.ud..l~ Provam, 9, Coflt:J(!' or the- Cuy Unl\·enny of r--e..

Yori< (CUNY), Women·~ Sludi, ~· Orqon State Uruvtntt), Women Srudtei

Oepanmcr= I J• Shppn) Roel: Un1ve-rstty, Women's Stodies Comm,uce, ) I) Sn111h C'ollqe, Wom,n's S1Ud1cs Procrom 149 Sonoma. State Un,,.tnhy. \\ omeri·, Studies P,Qgrom, 32 .S.01.1tbeat.1tm Musaclru$e1a Uol\tr51t). Wmne:n's Studi;t~ f'rogram, 141

Sou1bcm Uhn-01) Uni" emt)' 11 Edwar'd-,\'1l1e. Womeo', S1U Tula.Pc Um'f'C~lly. NC'WCtttnb n:rJ.1IY o( Musoun, SL Lou,'- Womct1'1 Stud,.. P'°*"'m, 192 Unwtrstty of Ntl:,ruk.a, Wom~n·s SauJics

Proaram 196 Un, .. c-nnt) of Ne:w Mo1co, Women Stud1e1 Proaram, 2I J IJn,.mtty of New Otl._.ns, Collm, 111 UIDvcn1I) o r Pugel !)Ow)d, Womcn·s St1,1d10, 353 Un1vcn.1I} of R.hod~ bhnd, Womc.n•s St!.l-dt-«


UDJ\'COJI)' or RKhmoaa. Wo-lllC'o·s SmdLt.\ Progrom, 345 Un1ven:1t) of South Ronda Women'\ Studt!.!5 Provam.


lln1..,'C"r,11y o( Souilicrn Ma1nr Womr11's Studio Procram, 123 Uni,cr1-il)' of Tcnnnscc, Women·, Studies.. J2S Uru,·effi1y o( 11 ..\uuin, Worm-n's Studic-1 Proa,am J2q

Uo1-...t.rs11r at Dalliu.. Wnmen'1. S1tidits Proaram. H• Univm,11 of ToJCrogram. 336 Un1,cnit)' of Vermont, Womc-11', S1ud1c, Proaram. 338 Univ-rrsJl) of Vargm1i. Womtn·i Stoot~ ProJTom, J.4 2 Univ~h)' of Wi-.coniu;., Eau C,ain, Wornen·, Studies Proeram, H6 t:n1"cni1l or W1~1u,U,, W\f'Q'SM:., of Women'• Studtes. 359 Umvel'!.iC) o f WiU"Ofll-an. Madu,.on, Womtn 11 StodJ· of Nor1h

Carohoa at C~rlottc,

Womc;i,''- Stud1et Pro1,1-am. 262

Wcs1cm Waitungtnn Vnn-cr111y, Wc,m,rn•, Sludm, lAl

STIJDIES Lorvcrs.l1y of Wtu:onsin, Green Bay, Women's


StudieJ Commalttc. Jj7 HUMANITIES

Ac1u1no, C~i0nt ()radu'1c School). 13 Cum.- Coll•Ct-- Woi=n"• Stud~ M,nor, 1• 7 O\ll;t Uni""enit)-, Women'$ St\ld1c:s Progrun,

263 Oudro,d Coll of W1$4.-on1,1r, O1,M:o..,b, Women's. Stud.Jc, Pn,gnun 36l Ursinus Coiiece, tn1erdue:1phn.arv Wo~n·~


l'n1,er'!iily of M:Lry1and. Collqc Pirk. Worntt1'1 S1ud.Jos Pro111>m 121 U111vtrs11y of Mn:s3~httM?t tt. AmhCI'S't, Wotntt1's Studies f'roa,om. I JI

l'nivc-1!ii1y of V1f1JQ1e, Womtio's S:tudta Pniv,un. 342 JOURNALISM

Boston Umnl")Jt)'. \\omtn's Stud1C"1 Proa,ram. 132 Cahfom1-a suuc l rm..-cr1.r), Nonhnd~. Wo1n.eft StudJ.. Pn,vam. 21 Cthfomm St.tit Uni\-tNJI)", Sac:ramcnlo. Wc,imrn·, S1udtct- Ptt1t1,NUn. .33 C-(lltnal M u:tupn llniven,,y_Women", Stud11:, PrCJllntm. 170 E.111ern llhno,, L:n1~UMlY, Womc-n', Stud1n C'ouncJl, 79 Humboldt S11tt' tJni~rwt). Womc:fl's S1udic.1

r "'l'>m. 9$111 Suit, Unn~ly, Women's S1ud1cs PnJIJ2lll, I 12

M1ch1gan State- Ln,-.·ers.t)', Womcn'i Stud1C'\ Program. I65 t",;¢W Yott: t:n,vcnsty, Wumcn'i S1ud~. 2·.JS

Un1vem1y of M.:tt)'fand, Col"&~ Pule. Women•, Stud.Jn Pn,gram. 121 Um~enit)· of >,iU)Oun. Columbia. "omen S;.cho, Program, 189 WC!St Vup-rua Unn-t:rul)' Centa for Women's

Stud.Jes H~ JUDAIC STUDI ES The Amrnoat1 l:n"·rnll), Womcn'i S1udje.-t,

Prosnn, 61 Brown Un1"c-n1t~. Wom~r.{'I Studie-.-i Program.


The Ohio Stale t 1n1vtts.1t), Center ror Women·, Stud10. 277 Ru~tr$, The S1.1ue Un1vm1l)' of New Jersey. Facuhr or Arts & Sci= 206

Smuh Cullqe. \\ omen'$ Studtes P,o.,.atn. l ~9 Uruve:r1it)' of for Womc.a's Stud, ... ns Uruvtnuy of .DtD\'Cf, \\romm's Stud.lies

p...,..,,._ so

LABOR ANO INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS renniyh·arua St.ale lhmerJ1ty. Women's Stud1c, PTgnm. 3 I j Un1..,t1"s1ty of Manaclu.t\t11:t Amhern, Wom~n·,

Stud1ei Prusn,m 13 I

Stuwco. 406 Vassar,. Women's Stud?t> Provam. 2.-9 WcU~cy CoUqe, \\ ointn's ~tudlt:l P1ogram.


15~ Wells Colle.-,. Wom of Pin1bu'P1, Worn.t::n'!i Studrcs

Pro,v,tm, 3 I I

Univenuy ofTt,_~, 1tl -\ustrn, Women·s Studi:c.~ PrO&r'lJ11,l29 LITERATIIIIE

Tbe Amtrican l!nl\'Cl'$H)', Womc:n'1 Siudi~ Pro&""'- 62 Aquinas Juniot Collqe at Newton. 38S Au1u:suma CoOegc, Women ·s Studce.\ Concco1ratH).n, 92 Clar.moot C"ollcgn Con,omum, Office or


Women's Studies 1ht Claremont C4ilc-aei (c/o Oarcmoo1 ( lntdua1< School). 13 Du.kc: Un1vetSLl) , Womw's Stuchts f't0£nlm , ?6J Entcm M1cb.ig:at1 Um,-crs,ty. Worntn't S1ud.u Pl'Olram. 172 l::..a'\tcm Montana Cotlqe:, Wome.n's. Studtt:\ Procnom 396 E,ncuy Umventty. lntt1tutc of Women's S1ud1C$1 72 Fanle.1sh OtckJoso11 Un1,•tr,1t) Womc-n's Stud1e5 Propam. 209 F-loru!:& A1tan11c Uru,~1t), Wo-mm's Stud1ts. Cen.ttr. 6S Fk>tiool of Social .t 11 Prognm 192 t"m,·crs1ty of Tcnnt1!tt, Wotoen·i S1\l4M:\,,. l2S t.·n,"·erii1y of 111.-h, Womer,·, Stuebe, Propam.

})6 Un,,.1:ni1y of V1,gm1a. Womc:0'1 Siud1e1 Pr01n.m. 342 Wells Collect. W~mominioB Unh·mil), Depa_nmrnt or Women's StudlC1-. 344 r,u,bura St.a1c lfn11,c-rsity, Women~s Studi

TrtDIOD State Colt1?1!f., Women•, Stud~ .l JO 1Jn1vcri11)' of Cincannali, Cttt£r for Wornc~·t Stud,es. 275 Tht lJn1,·cr,1ty- or C'-0n11Cttt(lJt Wo1t1e11·, S1udi"' p,_..m SQ Unnct$-t1) of Mar')·land llal11more Cou.nt), W omtt1', S1ud1r1 Pn:J1TI1m. t 2(i lln1"¥cnu1· uf M1l1-10uri. St. Loujs., Wonw:n·1

Cabruu CollOd, ln1ierdtim"pfin.try Minors Wc.mlC:o's Studa:es,

203 Hamd1on College. Women's Studies Prc,gram. 21roiram,, 3lill Wtst OJ:es1t1 Urhvcri1t), Womtfl~ Studies Pn>crnm. ) I6


R006e,tlt Unl\·crt..1ty. Womc.n·111 Studte5, 83 PHYSIOLOGY Th~ Colorado \olksc. Wo,nc-n Studies

Progr;&m. '8 PLANNJNO

Umvul.11)' of CanC1.DoatJ. Center for Womerfs Stud,.., 21S

P'°""'"• 19J

W1)11t Suu e Un1vcnny, Wom.C'll's Stud1es. t64 Wellciley College, Women'• Stod,c, Proaram ll--1 Wdl.s C.Ollqc. Women·, Studies Comm11tcc, 218 wmian1> Collet,n Collrse o( Ncw k~y. Womt-a's Studtn Proaram. 212 Pc:n.nsylvanta Slatt Unh·cmty, Women's S1\JdJes Pro111m, ) IS Pnnrogra.m t.;nn·m1t) or llhnrogram, 94 Un1vtt11ry c,f l.Qo1,vi11e. V.omcn·, s,1.1d1cs Pn,yam, 117 Un1ntsllt of Mteh,1.m, Ann Arbc>r, Women·, Stt.1d1b Ptngram, I~ t Uruvttitl)' or \1~hipn. Oenborn. Wom.e-o'ti


Sludl°' Prugnun, 163

Un1,·tni.t) of M.u:tupt1 nrn,. 392 Uni\•cnil) of M1ru~t.0lll. Ouluth Oc:p11nment o( Womt-n'i btudJO.. P5 l"nJ''CfStl)

of M1t,;"°"'n, 1'.anu, \lly.',

Stud,ts Muior l fl Uni'-'ersl(y- olMnkJun, St- l..aul\.-. \\amtn'$ S1ud1m 89 lnditna Umvcnn) at 8tt1d. Wontt11·, Stud,e, Proaram. I 05 l1Hli.at1a t •n,vcrnt) , 8loom1ngion. \':!.

Swdtel Prcsmm 9S Jndi.ana t ·n,.,'cntl) of Ptnnsyh•arua. Womt11·~ S.1ud1C'\ Progrilm. 305 Indiana Unrvcn11y-PunluC" Unt\tl"1lty tt fL Wayne Womcn'i Srt.,dl-t, Proer1rn. 96 Indiana Un,\·~ttit}' So:uthclst. Women's Stueltes. 102 lr.drana l Of\'Crnty-Purdue Un1vcrsny a1 lnd1an.1poh~. Women·" S1"die1 Pl'()t;rarn 100 Iona Collt"ge., Womtn~l Stl.ldlC'1 Procmm. 240 lowo S.tate U1u ... ers11y of Scaenc:c- &. Tr.tht1olof:) Womr:o·s Su1du::s Program, 107 lt:ne)' Clt) Stact Colltgt Wo~n·, S1Ud1C'$

Ptgram, 202

Educa1oon )81 Colqe of ~onl £1Jzabe1b. 101

k.oll1.am11:roo Coll• . Worntn ·s Studio Pragr);m,

Colle-gt ()f SI Schobttiai.. Worm-n', Studies


Minor. 17'1

Colorado St:ite Uni\·ctMI)'. Offi~ of Womcn' r, Program., & Studoc,, SI Columbia Un,.,', Wome11's Studtei Prc>iram. 243 Connecticut CoUege. Wc~cn~, Stu.dres. $8 Camell C'oll Prosra1n. !09

t>anmouib C-0.lltc,t. Women's S1udic, Proe,am, 200 l>t-nu.on Unl\·cnu>. Womtn'i Stud,c, Proanim, lijO ~Pa11w Umvcrstt), Womc..o·s S1ud1a Con,mhtec, 98 Diab.lo \'111:t:y Collqc:, Women's Stodte\ Prag.tam. 28 Duke L;owcntt>• Women's S1ud1ts Progn.m., 263 Earlham C.ollecc. Women·, Studtcs Proarun. 104 F..i,tcrn \1tcbtpn l:nn'Crs11y Women's Stud.M-s PrOiflm, J72 f..Hlcrn Wa,bina;ton Unl'ttrs11y, Women•5 Program J•S fl Pasq Communit)' Colle-~ Wornen~t S1\l(he1 Progn,m. )32 Elon CoUegc, \\"orneri·, S111d1cs. Mi.nor. 264 l::mory Un1wns11y, lnJU1U1CI o( Wot:Mn's St tsd1e1, 72 Empg111 Sum: Unn·cmt)', 382 F11rlc,gti Ot3 M~I') Bald~l11 Collego. Women's Studo« Program, J.46 M•o;mount Collq,,, Tanytov.n, Women·, S1ud1c:,. 258 M11::."-QChu5e1u lM1ltu1e or T e¢hno!O&l,

Women•,; Stucbts Prog,rnm, J41 Mt'1'1'.:tT Count)· Commun1ty Collcae 400 \fctUr L'·cf1itt. Macon, College nf Ld~aJ Am.. 37S M1a,ni Un1,er,uty, Women·,, Prolf'l'm.

285 \11 ,dlipn St;i.te lfn1ven:uy Womtn's Studtc,

Proeram. 16S Middle Tennessee State Un.J,fflhy, Warncn·, S1udits 327;stpp1 State Uni-v.:n~ny 'A0tnct1'1.'>11whcs Cona:ntraltn. 186 Mon.mouth Col!qe. Womcf\'1 S1ud,cs Committee. 4,02

136 / Oi!tdplin< O riomc:o·, ~11.1d1cs Pro111am, 21

Sunoo's R""k of Bartl Coilos,:, Worn,,n's Studlc< ProJl'lln, IU

Moorhe.1d Stiltclma11 Colkgc. Women·, Rntard1 & Resource Ccot~. 74 Suinford Un1,.:™1)·. Pmaram ro f-cm1ntt1 Stud,cs, 4• !>t,1e l!n,...,rs,1y C'ollei,'C •t (Slll'lY).

Mount lfolyotc od Collqc, Offttt or Wom PtOJllm, 149 PUERTO RICAN AHO CARIBBEAN STUDIES

Ru1,cn Tb(' State tJnivUSJ:t)· of Ntw Jersey, f•cvlt)' of Anl & Scirnc, Womtn's Stud.1«

Wc"lc:yiln Um,·cnlty, Women's S1udic1. S6 W1l,cm ColJcr,e, Womcn'1 Shldi.., 30 1


Aqulna• CoUcge, Women', Cent«. 166 Avda Ci!lqe, Women's Studies Protfim, 190 llanmd Callqc, Women's Stud••• ()q)aruncn1

24 1 Vmve~c,, Wome-:n Studin Proanun~ 68 Brown tJru,•cnit), Womcn·s Sn1dje:s Propum. )()Ci



138 / Oi.ciplin• Orientation l ncle1

AOMANCE LANOUAGEfS) ANO LITVIATURE(S) Pnnct1on Univc-ntl)', ProgrJ.m in Womtn', S11.1die-s. ~08 Umvai.11) ofC-10CJlUUIIU. mc-si·~ S1udic, f>roV*m

C'omm1llt'C, I 12

Conntthi.:ut tJlett, Women·~ S1ud1d flrogrn.m, 249 SCIENTIAC THOUGHT Loyola Mal')mount Uo,~,u-y. Women',

Siucl1es Pro&nm. 11 SOCIAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT Unw'C'nll) of W1:scon.11n. C11"tffl Ba)'. Wo~n·s S1uool of Hum11ni1ie1 l8 Unwcnny or C-lhform,. R.ivcrsidt. Wornc;n~s S1udic, Minor ('omm,11«. J I U n1n:r-s-hy of Uhnou at Ch~a.go. Women's Slud1et Proenm s.a lJnive-rsJI)' of New 0rltan5. Coll("ic of I ,bcral An,, Womtn'~ S1ud1iei M,nM. Ill lJn1, erwt)' tlf Pt-nil~ lvanlJI, Womrn~s Stu.du,-.

Program, 309 Unl\·crMty of \\ u,c.'l>111m. Mad11'1 S-1ud11:1 Camtnltlce.

U9 Alfred Un1\.cn1t)', Women·, Scud1t, Program.

217 Tilc Amtru.'c&n Unaversl1y Women'" Stl.Mttt.i Pro8J8m. 62 An,cl.,.,. Val~) College, lntcrcoltoral & \\omt:n·s Studn•, f'nlgBm 371 Ap.palach~art Scau, Unwet11t)'. l ntcrdh.aphnu') S1ud10, 260 Aquinas Coflqe, Wom,:Q"& Center, 166 .\qumn J liDlOr Colltgt: •t Newton, la.ti

.\rizon11 S.111~ L'at,·enH), \\'omen's Su.uh-C'1

Proar1m. AnlOl'I~ State Uru~rstt>, Women·i 'ihkUtt

SOCIAL WOAK Auburn l.lnl..,r-n;1ty. Womrn s Studies, Au.bum tfo,ven.ity. Wornen·, Stud1ts, I Bcn1ldj1 State l!n"«-"*t)', Womcn·s Studt~ J•rognm, I 73

CsJ1f()NIU1s,~,c t1m~rs1ty Sacnmcn10.

Wom.ith'S St, 33 C.olorado Sbllt lJnaven1t), Off.« of Womcn·s

Proarams & S1udJn. SI Ca,$1 C-aro1in.a Un1ver111y. Women''" Sh.-,dt,N, Prom.m. 26& UJ1~m Wn51:U "llon Un1vert.,I)', \\'amen·, Progrnm, ) 48 Ka.tWJ St~te Un1vc-rsi1y. Wome-n·, Stu.die, Prog,-,m, 11 l

Pro1ran1. 5 AU,C.uSWl& Col~gt. Wumr.a~._ Sliicite,

Coocc-nU"3uon. 91 Ball St11c l!na\Jmll,'. Women's Stud1~

Comm,tttt, 101 Bamonl C.oliq,. Womc,,·, Stt>I Scienc>. 2 u.u or Ill1no1' tt U~n.11-Chamvalg.n.. Womc11•s Stlldtcs Pr05nm, 94 Univcni1y or Jowa,. WonK>n'i Stodics Program.,


Unwcn11)' of M1nl'tft0ta. Duh11h, Dcpanmtnl of Women·, Studies., 11} tJnrversdC)' or Miuouri. Columbwl Wom(iB Studtes Program_ 189

Uni~nll)' of NC'~' Harnp\tuf(', Womcn·r. Stud1c5 Prop1m. 19'9' ofQllahoma. W('tn,en's S1udit:1 Pro.,.m, 289 Unl,..C1i1y of Ptnsburgh. Women·, S1udltl

Progn,rn, 311 1Jul-,er,i1y of South Carolin.a, Columb1.a.

Women·, Su1dtt s, 313

lJn.,, eni1y of U11h. Wom~r,·-; 5',udie1 Prvg:r.lm, 336

Ca.hfom1a Statt Ur'll,:tN1)'. Sac~me:110. 11,a,ncn', Stlld1cs Progr.m. 33 Cahfarn._ State Uru,ersi1y. San Be-rnarchno.

Womcn·, S1"'1H:s P«lt!JlU)l. lS Cattow ColJcac:. Dcp:inmau of Women·• Stud,,., llO

Ccd•r Creu Collegf 1.Jhenil ,.rts. 322 Colptc: Uno·CN,t), Wom.rn'is S111d1t:S Pro~r11""



TI~ \ollege of Chutcs;too. Studta HtJtuanuans..


Collcac of Our Lad,· of the Elms, Contrnuil!J Education, ,87

Ol§ti pUrn, Orienta tion lnde• / 139 Callrge of SL Calhd1e1 Protnm,

16 The Gcorsc W1Uuni1on Umvcmty Wotnn, Wome.n"J S1ud1e< Program, 9$ lndt.Ana l)mvtr$1ty- Purdae U1til'l't:ri1ty al Ft. \\'atne, Women·, Studies Pto,ram1 96

Aru. 3H Mcmm.ock Col~gt. 389

M1.am1 Unt\'tfSJt). Women's S1ud1m. 315 Portland S tatt Uo1,~rs111. Women'J S1udil!lC

C:,,,,1ficatc Proeram. 296 Pnnceton Un1\'Cn1ty. l~gr3m an Wome:n·11 S1udics, 208 Purdue Um\·cr:sny, Calumet, Womeo·s Studies l'rgram 99 Qumnip&ac Coll'ers11y Cllesc 11 Gcnesc,, (SUNY), Won'&Cft'S Studl.. P....,.m. 2}2

Stilt Uruve:rnty C'oUege al New P".allr (SUNY). Women•, Stuctin Pr01TOm 2:19 Sme Unl\ mny College a& (JnMnt.1 ($UNY), Womcn·s Studte:. Pt()flim :?47

14-0 / Olsrnl Scttnc.., Uno:cnit)' o{ Alabam.. a1 81rm1nghoffll Sthool or SocW &. ~na, ,oral Sc,tacti. l Una,·1\, Weo & Mrn In Womc:11·1

S1udie, Proaram, SJ Univenity of Southern M1.1nc- Women's StudJtt Pmaram, ll) lJn1verSity of Tcnnewe~ Women's Studies•.US Univcn;uy o(Tc.1as at, Womcn·s StudttS


329 Univcnrt) or Texas al .DaJlai, Womcn·s Stoch~

Prosrom, JJ4

U11ivcn,1yofTolcdo, Won,eo's Studu:•, 287 Um"·u~ty of\Jiah. Wome.n'> StlJd~, Pro111rn. 1J6 t.t111,·cmt) or Vermoot. Womert'& S11>d1cs Pt'Ogt1lm JJ1! Un1,•e111L) of Wash.1.1t(I.Oft, Women Stodie,. JSl Un1,"CN1t)"

o.f £:su CQ:t.rt. Women·s

Studi" l'ropiun, 3;6

Uo1,-cr:&llt of WiKODiJh.. M•dlton. Womcn·i StudlCS


Jlj I

Un,vet11ty of W1scorwn, Pukstdc. Womt:n's S1ud1c. Progn,m. 358 Un1vmtt-y of Wiscorum, Stc,·cos Point. WQfflcn's Srudtcs l'rQfp'11m, )61

.?.ti Duclttcll t.;nn·ersJt), Women•, S1ud1t1 P,og:ram,

J06 Oll!tmllht Colte'ges C'on,oruum, Office of

Women·) Si udtt"J or cht Cbm:noa1 CoUego (c/o C.'lan,mont Gradll>tc ScbooO. 1l

C'ol,ate Unh(r,-·h-y, 'women's Studio Prova.m. 2)4 E..i.c"ood ('011.,., Wrnrn'• S1udin PrJtllm, 360 F0ll~ge Ta.n)1own. Women's Studlc:s. 2SB Slate C'oUqc Womca't. Su,dic,

Provan,.211 Mundelein I & 8cha'tor11I S o f (ihrom1a, San Du:-JO. Woin.e11's 19

Umvcntt) of Kansa°', Women's Su1dJes Projl;rnm. 11 I

U2 I Dlsdpllne 0,-ienrarlon Ind"


Un1-..~rsJI)' of Alllon.1. Commin~ on Womcn·s Studies. Unt,.,t-mt)· of Anzona.. Commnt«- on, Women's


Bcnuc,1)1 State Unl\·tml) \\ onicn·s StuJ1c, Pl"Olr•m. I 7J Oc-Pauw llt111-c-r..-1t)', Women's Scud1CiC'omro11tee, 98

Duke Un,~cnlt'f Womtn·, Stud,~ Procra.m,

263 Earlham Colk?gt. Won~n·-1- Slud1e1 Proeram,

Mer«:r Coun1} Comm,snity f'oU~~ 400

104 I:a\l C'a.rohna Un1ven11y, \\ umen·s StudJCs Proenm. 261i r-.ur-m Ut1n.o1s lJmvcrwt}, Women's Stud1a Council, 79 El.stem "ll1c Un,vcn1ty Colkg• >< New P11.11, (SUN'r1, Womco's Studt Progrom. H9 St•te Uniweo,t)' Coll•g• •t On.oota (SUNY J, Wom~n·s Stud1~ Ptoa,am 247 S1110 Un ..-cnll) Collogc 11 05•.,,o CSL','IYI Women·, S1ud1a Proaram 248 St11e Um""Tntt) of New Yo1k 1\1 A.Jbany rSIJNY). Women's Studt. JOI Wmcnbuts, Uuo·cn-1ty, Women's Stud,e,, 186 Yo.le Unwet,11). Womc-n', Stud)CJ, S7 WRfflNG

Un1'1'etWt)' or C:Ahfomi.a, Sanla Cn.1:1., Commmcc ()n Womto '1 Smd,es. •2 ZOOI.OGV

OIUo University, Womrn's Stud~ f>rognm, 27)

Uni'Y"t"l'\ily o( Tun •1 Ausun Women's S1ud1es Proiram, 329 Wushinatori Siatc Ur:11,crslty. Women•, S111dtc:i

PIOlflllll. l.lO


Library Collection Subject Strength Index Apparen t repetitions of terms are due to variations in local concep1ualizat1oas and practices.


Sttitt Urmt.~l)' Collc,e It Old WcstbUf)'

Connct"tlau ColK'l,C", Womcn'1 S1udu:1. S8

cSUNY). WOmt'Q', Scudic,. 246 Un1,., 86

Stltd,c1 l~rogr1m, 11

UBi,.,e:r~ily a( r..,1iromu1, Snn DtCJO. Women'• StudieL 19 Vnh·trshy o( Llhno1$ .it ('h,caga. Womcn·s Stud.Jtl Ptogram, 8.t

Uni1,,rr~i1y or Ollaboma. Womco':s Su>du~s Proeram. 289 FEMINIST THEORY

Albion t) Collection Subject S1ren111h lt11kx

Um\·crs1ty of MKh1pn ""n l\rixlr. Womea·, St1.1d10 Pros,am 161

\;nn·cnuly nf Nc\illhl Lu Vein, Wnhc-rn C'oforado. Women·~ Stud1~ Program. S~ l~nhc,~11~· of Soti1hcfn Ma1f\C', Womco·, S1ucliC"\ f'roenm 12) Un11,ers1t)' ofTcnnesStt, Wmttfs Su.1dl~ l2S Urmcn.lll of Ltah. Wornc:11'1 St.ud1t1 J•mg.nun, )36

Um1-en1t) or Walbm1100 Wom('n Stud1t$, JS I

n,,rc. Wumi:n·,

Stud1t':\ Pro1nm. 356 Unnerut)' (l(W11oOOn.s1n, Ccntc-1 for Women', StudJt5, 364 Um"r~1t) or WtK'lt)QStA, Osbkcxh. Wo,·ue1f1 Studm Program, l~S

Unu:1Ul Collta,c~ lnterd~phn1ry Women·, Studtei, -406 V,usar CoUegt-. Worm-n'1 Stud•eS- Propam. 249

Vjrsinia Pol)'techn1c lru.111u1, & Su11c-Un1,·tn1t). Womc-n'i S1ud1Cl Proin:m, J-tl Wakt F~1 Unj,·cnitt. Wom~n·, '.'i1udJc1 PrQgram. 210 Wa)nt Sl~\C Unii.crsil)', '-'omcti·, S1ud1n l6-4 WoK")'a.n Uno·crs1ty "- omtn·s Sn,dtot.l., S6 Wotc-rn "11chip,i Un,"crut), Wo~n·i S1ud1c,,


'.\ bC'.aton C~Uese-, Women's Studies Prot,ts.m ISO Un,,.crJily Women·, Studtcs rroa,am. 211 Barnard ront'S:\"', Womtr,·~ Stud1e; 1~p.utnu!nt

?•1 Brcruu C'oll-e&c-, 16 tahfomt1 St.z1tc Un1vcn1ty, San Bcrrundm,o,

Women's Studies P,osram . l.S Carlow C' 0>CJ>Qr1mt111 of Womc:t1·1 Stud1e,. 11 0

C:oUcgo of St C:.11hen0 Women'; StlKllr1h Aonda, CoJJcct of An, and

S·cn11y of N"" York. (CUNH

JnierdOOplina,y Ptoiram 1n Won,en~s S1udin, 222

Holyoke Colieie. Women·s SClldJei Ul Nonbcm Anz.ona Un1•,-rmt)'. Womtt1·s. Stud1t$. N'onhr:rn Arizona Uni.,crs.ny, Women's Stu.die).. Mount

Okla.1,oma S111c Un1vcnity. Women's- Slud.1es

P...,.,.,,,. 290

RadcUITe Colkgr. 142 Rtjis Colltc,. Women's Stud>dua1< School) 13 Fn:wo Cil) ColJegc, Worntn's S1udic:s Program, 16 S111c Un,.,e-rsh)', Womcn't, S1udic:s l'n>gnm. 112

Satah lau.T'C!l'lte C:olleg.e, MMtet of Arb In

Womcn·s Ht\l(try, 223 Seton Hill Colltg,,. )04 Tomp.kms C"Ottland C-0mmuruty CoUCf.C.

Women's S1udtH:, 231 Uni..,.crsity of Mal')·l~. B.tJtirnorc CoLlnt). Women's S1ad1ts Prog,-am, 126 Wake fOtC$1 Un.tvtffll}, Womcn"s Studies Pl'OJfOIIl,210 WOMEN ANO/ IN INTERNATIONAL OINELOPMeNT

.\ri>-on.a Slatt' u,w.. ett11y, Women's Su~d1cs Pro.,-,m. /\ri1ona State Un1'-'tt1;11y, Women~-' S1ud1M ProJIJ'lm. 5 Beloi1 Collcee. Wome11·, S1ud1e, Progr,un J5l 8gckoC'll Um,·cn1t1, Women·s Stud1t~ Pro,v,am.


r·ahforni.1 State Uruvcrsit)'. Chico. Eth.nN; & Wcinu·o·s Center. 12 Colonel() S1,1c Um,·crsitt. OtTtCC or Womco·s l'rogn,m, & Studies, ; I Ea.·•nern M1chr$11n Uni,cun,-. Women's Studlt$ Progn,m, l7l F~no C11t Colle&n StlCt Un1,·cruty



Program, 3 50 Well~lt) f"olk-gc, Womco's S1ud1c:s Progn.m,

I S4 Wcs1 Vltaµnu1 Un1vtr~l1y, CcntC'f for Wotne.1•''5 S1ud1es, JS4 Wes-1crn M1ch1s:1n Unn·tn1t), Women•, ~udl-.~ 169


Cstifcwnia State Un1veni1y. NO'Jlhndgc. Women Studio Jlrv,g:rnm. l7 C.atlO'-" Collqt. Dtt,anmc-n, of Womt"n's Studi,s, J 10 EdJe•ood Collese.. Women's Studies Pro111m. 160 lh.1mbold1 State Un1vcriity. Women·s Stlld.U

Prosr•m. q lo..,..,. Sttte Un1,·enu> ofSotnc.t &. lechncs

p,..,.m, 5-0 l.lru,rrstt; or .\.laf')b.nd. Rall,more C"oun1y. Won\Cn'~ Stl.Hhe, 12~ Uor•.crsit; of .\'1.us1M.Jpp1. The S:m1..h Isom Ctn1c1 fot Womc-n·~ S1ud1t,.. 1$7

L'm,·crsJt} or Rcdlu1dt, Etbtuc A. Woroco·s Stlldics. 30 Un1,-cJ"l1t)' of Wtscon-su1.. fl:aue,,1~. Wom-rn's Stooki Pn>irnm. 366

ni...- Ohio !)111c Unl\·cnn)'. Ccolcr (or \\omen'• S1ud1tum Ua1\·m,1y, Wome---n'i S1ud~

C".c-nifitatc Prosrarn. 296 l'urd11t. Nonb C~nrnl Campus. 379 Rea,, C'ollrog_t,,dl S;tge ('c>llege WomCTI·, \c>illc-:ge.. Womcn·1 Stud1it:, Proanm ?S9 South Oalc(>1a ~1'1e Urnvtn1ty Women's

S1udi-c"' ~rognm :l24 1Jn,veri,1y of N,w Orlcao,, Collea< or L•b, Womc.o·s S1ud~ CmmHI« H 7 Unwm1t) of WiJCCM')Jin.. Mll•"auktt. c~ntcr for Wornc:11·$,. Won'.M:n', Studies Prog,ram, 71 Uni,e-nJt)' Q( Oklahoma,·s Stud~ Program, 2*9 Wake f'Qtut Urnvc:mt) . Women's Stud at, Pro,ran,, 270 \\ c-stcn1 M1d11pn Um,·cn:n) Womcn·s S1udlC$. 169

1~2 I Librar) Collection Sub)ecl S1ttn11lh Index

Young,1n,-.-n \ 1a1c l 'n1,·(nH)' C'uUegc o( Aru & Sc-,cnce.,, :?88

t ·ni~tn1ty of M1snmpv,, 1n,t Sarah lw:m Cenu:r ror Woffl(o's. S1'MliCJ.. 181 tln1\i~f1U~ of Nc-.Mta,


Bill Su1e Un1\'CC$1l)' \VQmen·, St1"3JCJ C'omm1t1« IOI

Reno, Women'1 Slud,a Board. 198 Unw~f'J1t~ of Nonh C.arohna a, Ch1pd B11J, Women', StudteS Pro&n,m, 2.61

0..m.ard {'olkgc \\'omci1·, Studio Depanmc.n1. 241

, 1n1vC'f1'1ly of Oklahoma. Women', Stud1t1 Proiram, 289

Bov.·doin Cultc,ge \\ omen ~ ~ l.udtc,. Prognrn

llnlvC'ritty or Piu.lbtirah, Women', S1ud1t'C Program, 311 llni\'cn111 or Sogth C.1rc>hnt1 Cc1himb1a,

Comn-1111« l 22 Brov.n U1musi1~·. Wonw::n·s Stud,~ J>rngTPm, 319

Califom.11 S1a1t Unt'-ttsny Nonhndgt.. Women S1u,., 266 HU"\·ard Uni\lcffltt Comotllltt on lx'lftti In Women's Stodlff. 140

lhr,m Colka,. Gh,01ton Uruvcn:ny, Women's

J•rognm, J.48 Emory Um....,cn.ily, lnstttu1c of Women's 7l


217 4,mhem Colldm DtµartmmL 2 CoJl,ie. Women·, S1ud~ Prosnm Commmc.c. 122 Bowlm1 Grtttt SI.alt' Univemt)', Womc,fs s,ud1u Program. 2'~'l'"ll UnJ\'tf'Stl), Womr.n ·i Studies Pro,ram. }19 BuckntU Uruvcn1t}.'i S1.ud1~ Procnm. lOfl

O rbnllo Colld1cs Program. 1)6 lndnrna Umvcnu) Sou.Lhcilst, Womto~s. S1ud1unl Un1vcnt1y. Womc111, S1Ud1ti Program. 21 lo)'ob Un,.,.mu) at New Oriea_ ,m Women·,

Studies M1110t, I 19 Marlboro College, Women·, Stud,c. Group, 339 Marqwuc: UnJVtt\tl}', Womrn',-: S1udies P..,.,..,.. 363 Ma1Sacbuse1u lmtnu1t of hchoofogy, Women·s Sludits. ftt0e,am, l41

Mc:dpr E-..(.rs C.oJtq.c-_ Cny Uruvcn11y or NewYork, Wo,ncn'i Stud1e1. R~rch &

D for Women. 394 MonlC' State Colle-gt. WomCt1's. Stt1dtti Prollfllll\. 21 1

Moorf'lrad S11tc UnJ\'cn11y, Womffl's Studies l'n>v>m, 17'> Moorpart Coll C()llqe of NC"w ktMy. S.c-hool of Soc1aJ Sclt-1lt:~ & Jium,an Scr'\•1us.., 205 Rancho San11•ao C:0ll' of i'/onh Carol,., il C'h•rionc Women"s Stud1cs Prouam, 261

Yak Uni..,t't>1ty, 'n-01nt11·, Stl.tdies., .S7 Youn.guown S!At.e Unr,ct'Stt~. Collcat: of Ans &

Sc:1cn~~ 288

U,uvCfilt)' ofNonh C•rolinn at Greensboro, \\omeo·s Srnd,cs P'roar,.m, 2~7


U f Nonh F10, Womfn's Studies, )A 7 Whe.ion Colici0n Aro Community CoUe,e. Women's Stl)din., 409 W1Ut:n-\)l,ug Umvcrs.1ty, Women's St'Ud16, 28.b Wol'CC1.ter St11c College, 19 I

BETH STAFFORD Beth Stafford is Women's Studies WID Librarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She has been on the Coordinating Council of the National Women's Studies Association for several years and is immediate past Chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Women's Studies Section. Over the past 10 years she has published in both library and Women's StudiC"s literature.


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