Table of contents : Contents......Page 7 Preface......Page 13 Ch 1: Introduction......Page 21 1.1: Overview of Digital Signal Processing......Page 22 1.2: A Brief Introduction to MATLAB......Page 25 1.3: Applications of Digital Signal Processing......Page 38 1.4: Brief Overview of the Book......Page 40 2.1: Discrete-Time Signals......Page 42 2.2: Discrete Systems......Page 56 2.3: Convolution......Page 60 2.4: Difference Equations......Page 67 2.5: Problems......Page 73 3.1: The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)......Page 79 3.2: The Properties of the DTFT......Page 87 3.3: The Frequency Domain Representation of LTI Systems......Page 94 3.4: Sampling and Reconstruction of Analog Signals......Page 100 3.5: Problems......Page 117 4.1: The Bilateral z-Transform......Page 123 4.2: Important Properties of the z-Transform......Page 127 4.3: Inversion of the z-Transform......Page 132 4.4: System Representation in the z-Domain......Page 138 4.5: Solutions of the Difference Equations......Page 148 4.6: Problems......Page 154 Ch 5: The Discrete Fourier Transform......Page 161 5.1: The Discrete Fourier Series......Page 162 5.2: Sampling and Reconstruction in the z-Domain......Page 169 5.3: The Discrete Fourier Transform......Page 174 5.4: Properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform......Page 185 5.5: Linear Convolution Using the DFT......Page 200 5.6: The Fast Fourier Transform......Page 207 5.7: Problems......Page 220 Ch 6: Implementation of Discrete-Time Filters......Page 232 6.1: Basic Elements......Page 233 6.2: IIR Filter Structures......Page 234 6.3: FIR Filter Structures......Page 248 6.4: Overview of Finite-Precision Numerical Effects......Page 259 6.5: Representation of Numbers......Page 260 6.6: The Process of Quantization and Error Characterizations......Page 275 6.7: Quantization of Filter Coefficients......Page 282 6.8: Problems......Page 297 Ch 7: FIR Filter Design......Page 311 7.1: Preliminaries......Page 312 7.2: Properties of Linear-Phase FIR Filters......Page 315 7.3: Window Design Technique......Page 329 7.4: Frequency-Sampling Design Technique......Page 350 7.5: Optimal Equiripple Design Technique......Page 364 7.6: Problems......Page 380 Ch 8: IIR Filter Design......Page 390 8.1: Some Preliminaries......Page 391 8.2: Some Special Filter Types......Page 394 8.3: Characteristics of Prototype Analog Filters......Page 405 8.4: Analog-to-Digital Filter Transformations......Page 427 8.5: Lowpass Filter Design Using MATLAB......Page 447 8.6: Frequency-Band Transformations......Page 452 8.7: Problems......Page 465 Ch 9: Sampling Rate Conversion......Page 478 9.1: Introduction......Page 479 9.2: Decimation by a Factor D......Page 481 9.3: Interpolation by a Factor I......Page 490 9.4: Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor I/D......Page 497 9.5: FIR Filter Designs for Sampling Rate Conversion......Page 502 9.6: FIR Filter Structures for Sampling Rate Conversion......Page 520 9.7: Problems......Page 530 10.1: Analysis of A/D Quantization Noise......Page 538 10.2: Round-Off Effects in IIR Digital Filters......Page 550 10.3: Round-Off Effects in FIR Digital Filters......Page 577 10.4: Problems......Page 589 Ch 11: Applications in Adaptive Filtering......Page 593 11.1: LMS Algorithm for Coefficient Adjustment......Page 595 11.2: System Identification or System Modeling......Page 598 11.3: Suppression of Narrowband Interference in a Wideband Signal......Page 599 11.5: Adaptive Channel Equalization......Page 602 12.1: Pulse-Code Modulation......Page 606 12.2: Differential PCM (DPCM)......Page 610 12.3: Adaptive PCM and DPCM (ADPCM)......Page 613 12.4: Delta Modulation (DM)......Page 617 12.5: Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) of Speech......Page 621 12.6: Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) Signals......Page 625 12.7: Binary Digital Communications......Page 629 12.8: Spread-Spectrum Communications......Page 631 Ch 13: Random Processes......Page 634 13.1: Random Variable......Page 635 13.2: A Pair of Random Variables......Page 648 13.3: Random Signals......Page 662 13.4: Power Spectral Density......Page 670 13.5: Stationary Random Processes through LTI Systems......Page 678 13.6: Useful Random Processes......Page 688 13.7: Summary and References......Page 704 Ch 14: Linear Prediction and Optimum Linear Filters......Page 706 14.1: Innovations Representation of a Stationary Random Process......Page 707 14.2: Forward and Backward Linear Prediction......Page 721 14.3: Solution of the Normal Equations......Page 737 14.4: Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error Filters......Page 750 14.5: AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters......Page 754 14.6: Wiener Filters for Filtering and Prediction......Page 763 14.7: Summary and References......Page 786 15.1: Applications of Adaptive Filters......Page 789 15.2: Adaptive Direct-Form FIR Filters......Page 835 15.3: Summary and References......Page 869 Bibliography......Page 870 Index......Page 875