Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication 0415707048, 9780415707046

Digital Russia provides a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which new media technologies have shaped language and co

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Table of contents :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of illustrations
Notes on contributors
A note on transliteration and translation
Part I Contexts
1 The (im)personal connection: computational systems and (post-)Soviet cultural history
2 From the utopia of autonomy to a political battlefield: towards a history of the “Russian internet”
Part II New media spaces
3 Divided by a common web: some characteristics of the Russian blogosphere
4 Social network sites on the Runet: exploring social communication
5 Testing and contesting Russian Twitter
Part III Language and diversity
6 The written turn: how CMC actuates linguistic change in Russian
7 Slangs go online, or the rise and fall of the Olbanian language
8 Language on display: on the performative character of computer-mediated metalanguage
9 Translit: computer-mediated digraphia on the Runet
Part IV Literature and new technology
10 Russian literature on the internet: from hypertext to fairy tale
11 Occasional political poetry and the culture of the Russian internet
12 Digitizing everything? Online libraries on the Runet
Part V The political realm
13 Politicians online: prospects and perils of “direct internet democracy”
14 Languages of memory
15 Is there a Russian cyber empire?
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Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication
 0415707048, 9780415707046

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Digital Russia

Digita! Russia provides а comprehensive analysis of the ways in which new media technologies have shaped language and communication in contemporary Russia. It traces the development of the Russian-language intemet, explores the evolution of web-based communication practices, showing how they have shaped and been reshaped Ьу social, political, linguistic and literary realities, and examines online features and trends that are characteristic of, and in some cases specific to, the Russian-language intemet.

Michael s. GorhaD1 is an Associate Professor ofRussian Studies at the University of F1orida, USA. Ingunn Lunde is Professor ofRussian at the University ofBergen, Norway. Martin Pau1sen is


Postdoctoral Fellow at the University ofBergen, Norway.

Roudedge СоntеПlроrаry Russia and Eastern Europe Series

1 Liberal NаtiоnalisП1 in Central Епrоре StifanAuer 2 Civil-Military Relations in Russia and Eastern Епrоре David J. Betz

3 The ЕхtrеП1е N ationalist Threat in Russia The growing influence ofWestem Rightist ideas 7homas Parland


ЕсоnоП1iс DеvеlОРП1еnt in Tatarstan Global markets and а Russian region LeoMcCann

5 Adapting to Russia's New LabourMarket Gender and employment strategy Edited ьу Sarah Ashwin 6 Building DеП10сrасу and Civil Society East of the Elbe Essays in honour of Edmund Mokrzycki Edited ьу Sven Eliaeson

7 The Telengits ofSouthern Siberia Landscape, religion and knowledge in motion Аgпiец}са Halemba 8 The DеvеlОРП1еnt of СарitalisП1 in Russia Simon Clarke 9 Russian Television Today Primetime drama and comedy David Мш:Fаdyen 10 The Rebuilding ofGreater Russia Putin's foreign policy towards the CIS countries Bertil Nygren 11




Russian Factory Enters the Market ЕсоnоП1У Claudio Morrison Building and Civil Society in Post-Soviet


Armine Ishkanian 13 NATO-Russia Relations in the Twenty-First Century Aurel Втаип

14 Russian Mi1itary RеfоrП1 А failed exercise in defence decision making Carolina Vendil Pallin 15 The Multilateral DiП1еnsiоn in Russian Foreign Policy Edited ьу Elana Wilson Rowe and Stina TO'ljesen 16 Russian N аtiоnalisП1 and the National Reassertion of Russia Edited ьу Marlene Laruelle 17 The Caucasus - An Introduction Frederik Соenе 18 Radical IslаП1 in the FОrП1еr Soviet Union Edited ьу Galina М r emelianova 19 Russia's European Agenda and the Baltic States Janina Sleil(Yti 20 Regional Dеvеl0РП1еnt in Central and Eastern Europe Development processes and policy challenges Edited ьу Grzegorz Gorzelak, John Вш:htler and Macig Sm{!tkowski

23 The Colour Revolutions in the FОrП1еr Soviet Republics Successes and failures Edited ьу Dоnnш:hа 6 Веш:luiin and АЬеl Polese 24 Russian Mass Media and Changing Values Edited ьу Arja Rosenholm, Kaarle Nordenstreng and Elena Тrubina 25 The Heritage of Soviet Oriental Studies Edited ьу Michael Кemрет and Stephan Conermann 26 Religion and Language in Post-Soviet Russia Впаn Р. Bennett 27 Jewish WОП1еn Writers in the Soviet Union Rina Lapidus 28 Chinese Migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe Edited ьу Felix В. Chaпg and Sunnie Т. Rucker-Chaпg

29 Poland's EU Accession Sergiusz Trzeciak

21 Russia and Europe Reaching agreements, digging trenches Jgell Eпgelbrekt and Bertil Nygren

30 The Russian ArП1еd Forces in Transition Economic, geopolitical and institutional uncertainties Edited ьу Roger N. McDermott, Bertil Nygren and Carolina Vendil Pallin

22 Russia's Skinheads Exploring and rethinking subculturallives Hilmy Pilkiпgton, Elena Omel'chenko and Al'bina Garifzianova

31 The Religious Factor in Russia's Foreign Policy Aliga Curanovic


Роstсопununist Fihn Russia, Eastern Europe and World Culture Moving images of postcommunism Edited ьу Lars Kristensen

33 Russian Multinationals From regional supremacy to globallead Andrei Panibratov 34 Russian Anthropology After the Collapse оС СопununisП1 Edited ьу А!Ьеп Baiburin, Catriona Ке!/у and Niko!ai Vakhtin 35 The Post-Soviet Russian Orthodox Church Politics, culture and Greater Russia Kaija Richters 36 Lenin's Terror The ideological origins of early Soviet State violence James Ryan 37 Life in Роst-Сопununist Eastern Europe after EU МеП1ЬеrsЫр

Edited ьу Donnacha 6 Beacluiin, Vera Sheridan аnd Sabina Stan 38 EU-Border Security Challenges, (mis)perceptions, and responses Serghei Go!unov 39 Power and LеgitiП1асу Challenges frоП1 Russia Edited ьу Рет-Аmе Bodin, Stifan Hed!und аnd Е!enа Nam!i

40 Managing Ethnic Diversity inRussia Edited ьу O!eh Protsyk аnd Benedikt Harz! 41 Believing in Russia Religious Policy After СопununisП1

Gera!dine Fagan 42 The Changing Russian University From state to market Тatiana Maximova-Mentzoni 43 The Transition to National ArП1iеs in the FОrП1еr Soviet Republics, 1988-2005 Jesse Раи! uhrke 44 The Fall ofthe Iron Curtain and the Culture ofEurope Peter L Вапа 45 RussiaAfter 2012 From Риьп to Medvedev to Риьп - continuity, change, or revolution? Edited ьу J.L Вlack and Michae! Johns 46 Business in Роst-Сопununist Russia Privatisation and the limits of transformation Mikhai! G!azunov 47 Rural Inequality in Divided Russia Stephen К Wegren

48 Business Leaders and New Varieties оС CapitalislD in Post-СоlDlDunist Епrоре

Edited ьу Katharina Вluhm, Bernd Martens and Vera Ттррmаnn

51 Russia and East Asia Informal and gradual integration Edited ьу Тsиnео МaJш and Аnnа Vassilieva

49 Russian Energy and Security пр to 2030 Edited ьу Susanne Oxenstierna and Veli-Pekka 1jnkkynen

52 The Making ofModern Georgia, 1918-2012 The first Georgian Republic and its successors Edited ьу Stephen F. Jones

50 The InforIDal Post-Socialist EconolDY Embedded practices and livelihoods Edited ьу Jeremy Morris and АЬеl Polese

53 Digital Russia The language, culture and politics of new media communication Edited ьу Michael S. Gorham, Iпgunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen

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Digital Russia The language, culture and politics ofnew media communication

Edited Ьу Michael S. GorhalD, Ingunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen

First published 2014 Ьу Routledge 2 Park Square, Мilton Park, Abingdon,


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and Ьу Routledge 711 Third Avenue, NewYork, NY 10017

Routledge is аn imprint qf the Тoylor & Francis Group,


irifOrma business

© 2014 selection and editorial rnaterial, Мichael S. Gorharn, Ingunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen; individual chapters, the contributors. The right ofМichael S. Gorharn, Ingunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen to Ье identified as authors of the editorial rnaterial, and of the individual contributors as authors of their chapters, has Ьееп asserted Ьу thern in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book rnау Ье reprinted or reproduced or utilised in апу forrn or Ьу апу electronic, rnechanical, or other rneans, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in апу inforrnation storage or retrieval systern, without perrnission in writing frorn the publishers.

Trademark notice: Product or c01porate narnes rnау Ье tradernarks or registered tradernarks, and are used оnlу for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data catalogue record for this book is available frorn the British Library


Library qf Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Digital Russia : the culture, language and politics of new rnedia cornrnunication / edited Ьу Мichael Gorharn, Ingunn Lunde, and МаФп Paulsen. pages сrn. - (Routledge conternporary Russia and Eastem Europe series) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Intemet-Social aspects-Russia (Federation) 2.Inforrnation technology-Russia (Federation) 3. Russian language. 1. Gorharn, Мichael. П. Lunde, Ingunn, 1969- ПI. Paulsen, Маrtin. НМ851.D544 2014 320.23' l-dc23 2013032729 ISBN:




Typeset in Baskerville МТ Ьу RefineCatch Lirnited, Bungay, Suffolk

In loving ПlепlOry ofDaniela s. Hristova (1962-2010), who graced us with her love for Ше and language.

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List of illustrations Notes оп contributors Acknow1edgments А note оп trans1iteration and trans1ation


xv ХVП







Contexts 1

ТЬе (im.)personal connection: com.putational system.s and (post-) Soviet cu1tural history





From. the utopia о! autonom.y to а political batde:6.eld: towards а history о! the "Russian internet"




New m.edia spaces 3

Divided Ьу а com.m.on web: som.e characteristics ofthe Russian blogosphere GASAN GUSEJNOV






Social network sites оп the Runet: exploring social СОПlПJ.uniсаtiоn ТINE




Testing and contesting Russian Twitter MARТIN



PART 111

Language and diversity 6

ТЬе written turn: how еме actuates linguistic change in Russian ALEKSANDRS




Slangs go online, or the rise and fall Olbanianlanguage ALEKSANDRS




оС the



Language оп display: оп the perform.ative character оС com.puter-m.ediated m.etalanguage




Translit: com.puter-m.ediated digraphia оп theRunet MARТIN




Literature and new technology


10 Russian literature to Саиу tale



the internet: from. hypertext


11 Occasional роliьса! poetry and the culture оС the Russian internet ROMAN




12 Digitizing everything? the Runet



libraries оп 215



political realm.

13 Politicians оnlinе: prospects and peri1s оС "direct internet dem.ocracy"




14 Languages

оС m.em.ory



15 Is there


Russian cyber em.pire?






Figures 1.1 1.2 7.1

Scan of the cover of Rabotnitsa magazine (1986) Computer salon in Voronezh Frequency of use of the 01banian 1anguage оп the website (kreativy section): number of deviations from the norm per 100 words 7.2 Frequency of use of the 01Ьаniап 1anguage in the Russian blogosphere 7.3 Frequency of use of the 01banian 1anguage оп the website (kreativy section): weighted frequency of the ten se1ected words 7.4 Number oftexts per year in the kreativy section ofthe website 12.1 Sca1e of ''bookness''

18 26

133 135

135 136 224

Tables 4.1 The most popular SNS in Russia and globally 9.1 Variants ofthe pronoun "что" in Twitter and VKontakte 13.1 Тор-1 О state-official bloggers according to Gos1yudi, as of September 2011

74 164 236




Aleksandrs Berdicevskis is а Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian lingиistics at the University ofTroms0. As а member ofthe "Future ofRussian" project, he was а PhD student at the U niversity ofBergen, writing а dissertation оп lingиistic innovations in Russian induced Ьу computer-mediated communication. Michael S. GorhaDl is an Associate Professor ofRussian Studies at the University of Florida, Associate Editor of пе Russian Review and Russian Iдnguage Jоurrшl, and author of Speaking in Soviet Tongues: Iдnguage Culture аnd the Politics rif Voice in Revolutionaty Russia (Northern Шiпоis UP 2003) and A.fter Newspeak: Iдnguage Culture and Politics in Russia .from Gorbachev to Putin (Cornell UP, 2014).

Gasan Gusejnov, PhD in Classics, Dr.phil.habil in Russian Studies, is а Professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Не teaches classical philology, Russian political rhetoric and Digital Humanities at the HSE's Faculty ofMedia. Natalya Кonradova is а writer and а journalist at Radio Liberty in Moscow. She co-authored and co-edited the book Control + Shifi: РuЫИ: and Private Usages rif the Russian Internet (with Henrike Schmidt and Katy Teubener, 2006). Leibov is ап Associate Professor in the Department of Russian Literature, University ofTartu (Estonia). His main research interests are Tiutchev's poetry, the Russian literary сапоп, new media and creative writing. His main оnliпе project is


Ingunn Lunde is Professor ofRussian at the University ofBergen and Professor of Russian Literature and Culture at the University of TromS0. She is the author of Verbal Celebrations: КiпП rif Turov's Homiletic Rhetoric and its By;:;antine Sources (Harrassowitz 2001) and the General Editor of Slavica Bergensia. Mjer is а Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies (Vppsala University). Не is the author of


RifOrmulating Russia: пе Cultural and Intellectual Historiograplg Emigre Writers (Erill 2011).

rifRussian First- Wave



Martin Paulsen is а Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Bergen, where he received his PhD in Russian language studies in 2009. With Ingunn Lunde, he co-edited From Poets to Padonki: Liпguistic Authority and Norm Negotiation in Modern Russian Culture (University ofBergen 2009). Tine Roesen is an Associate Professor ofRussian Literature at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is the co-editor (with Ingunn Lunde) of Landslide rif the Norm: Laпguage Culture in Post-Soviet Russia (2006) and (with Dirk Uffelmann) of Sorokin's Laпguages (2013). Ellen Rutten is а Professor of Slavonic Studies at the University of Amsterdam and the leader ofthe digital memory research project "Web Wars" ( She is also the editor of the new media journal Digital Icons and author of Unattainable Bride Russia (Northwestem UP, 2010). Henrike Schmidt is а Private Lecturer at the Peter Szondi Institute for Comparative Literature, Freie Universitat Berlin. Her research interests include digital and networked culture in East and Central Europe, and Russian and Bulgarian literature. Her recent publications include Russische Literatur im Internet: Zwischen digitaler Folklore und politischer Propaganda (transkript Verlag).

Vlad Strukov is an Associate Professor in Russian Cultural Studies and World Cinemas, University ofLeeds. Не is the founding director ofthe Leeds Russian Centre and the editor of а joumal entitled Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central Еитореаn New Media. Dirk Uffehnann is а Professor of Slavic Literatures and Cultures and the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at the University of Passau, Germany. His research interests are Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak and Central Asian literature, philosophy, religion, migration and intemet studies.

Vera Zvereva is а Research Fellow and Manager at the Princess Dashkova Russian Centre, University of Edinburgh, and Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at the Russian State University ofthe Humanities. А member of the "Future of Russian" (Bergen 2008-12) and "Memory at War" (Cambridge 2010-12) projects, she has published extensively оп media culture.


This book is the result of а four-year research project "The Future of Russian: Langиage Culture in the Era of New Technology," based at the University of Bergen, 2008-12. The chapters were comrnissioned from the international group ofproject partners and their extended networks. We thank the Research Council ofNorway for its generous funding of а wide range of project events, including five international conferences in Bergen, Berlin, Passau, and St Petersburg, 2008-12. First drafts were vetted at а workshop in Solstrand near Bergen inJune 2012. We thank our invited discussants, Stephen Hutchings, Пуа Kukulin, Lara Ryazanova-Clarke, Sali Tagliamonte, and Alexei Yurchak, for their creative criticism. W е are also grateful to the international network of scholars who have contributed to the collected efforts of the Future of Russian project over its four-year duration, including Jannis Androutsopoulos, Sandra Birzer, Helge Blakkisrud, Ewa Callahan, Неlепе Dounaevsky, Eugene Gorny, Susan Herring, Maksim Кrongauz, Sergei Kuznetsov, Maria Maiofis, Nina Mechkovskaia, Galina Miazhevich, Natalia Моеп, Еlепа Morenkova-Perrier, Daniel Мй11ег, Alla Nedashkivska, Catharine Nepomnyashchy, Vladimir Plungyan, 01eg Reut, Sean Р. Roberts, Marie-Laure Ryan, Natalia Sokolova, Victor Sonkin, Tatiana Teterevleva, and Espen Aarseth. We thank Kyrill Dissanayake for his careful editing of our non-native English, Alexander Burak and Kyrill Dissanayake for translating two chapters, and Peter Sowden and Неlепа Hurd ofRoutledge for their enthusiasm and efficiency. Finally, our warmest thanks to all contributors for their wonderful cooperation at all stages of the making of this book.

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note оп transliteration and translation


Russian has Ьееп transliterated according to the Library of Congress system. Where established English spellings of names and place names exist, these have Ьееп given preference (e.g., Уeltsin rather than E'ltsin, Dostoevsky rather than Dostoevskii). All translations are ours unless otherwise stated. The contribution Ьу Roman Leibov was translated Ьу Alexander Burak; the contribution Ьу Gasan Gusejnov was translated Ьу Kyrill Dissanayake.

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Introduction Michael S. Gorham, Ingunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen

За правдой ходим к интернету-#спасибопутинузаэто (ТО

get the truth, we seek out the internet, thanks to Putin for that.)

Оп 7 October 2011, the blogger and United Russia Party member Vladimir Burmatov wanted to congratulate Prime Мinister Vladirnir Putin оп the occasion ofhis 59th birthday. Не posted а rhyming coup1et оп Тwittег--"Моsсоw is warm and sunny. Summer! #thankstoputinforthat" (V Moskve teplo i solntse. uto! #spasiboputinuzaeto)-and encouraged others to follow ир with their оwn tweets using the #thankstoputinforthat hashtag. The invitation was quickly accepted, but not in the way Burmatov had anticipated. The growing anti-Putin sentiment оп the Russian-1anguage intemet, соттоп1у known as the Runet, meant that the majority oftweets were critical ofPutin's rule, and this critique was voiced in p1ayfu1, satirical verses directed at the ruling tandem (i.e. the joint ru1e ofPutin and Medvedev), the upcorning e1ections, or the general state of affairs in Russian politics and society.

Есть выборы и как бы нету, #спасибопутинузаэто

E1ections exist, and yet they don't, #thankstoputinforthat Свобода слова лишь в инете #спасибопутинузаэто

Freedom of speech exists

оп1у оп

the web #thankstoputinforthat

Тандем - восьмое чудо света #спасибопутинузаэто The Tandem is the eighth wonder ofthe world! #thankstoputinforthat

Over the rest of the day, more than 10,000 sirni1ar tweets were sent, with the resu1t that #spasiboputinuzaeto Ьесате the top trending hashtag globally оп that day, the first Cyrillic hashtag to achieve this 1eve1 of popularity.l This 1ed to news headlines such as тhe Wall Street Joumafs "Putin Becomes а Twitter Sensation." The event illustrates that the Runet is а higbly politicized domain, and is generally critical of the incumbent regime, as is obvious from tweets such as "1 watch ТV, but there's по truth #thankstoputinforthat" (Smotriu тv, а pravdy netu #spasiboputinuzaeto).


М S.

Gorham, L Lunde аnd М Paulsen

То understand the hashtag's popularity, we also need to take Russian cultural traditions into consideration, including the particular aesthetics of Soviet and post-Soviet linguistic and political humor. 1n inventing the hashtag, Burmatov had taken inspiration from а well-known and ironic Soviet couplet: "Winter is gone, summer's here, thanks to the Party for that" (Ushla zima, nastalo leto, spasibo Partii za eto). Мапу tweets responded playfully with similar rhymes, as in the following ехатрlе: "No топеу and по flat #thankstoputinforthat" (Кhochu kvartim-deneg netu #spasiboputinuzaeto). 1n the #thankstoputinforthat ехатрlе, then, we see how cultural traditions сотЫпе with the specific stylistic, rhetorical, and technological dynamics ofnew media usage in Russia today. 1t is the intersections of the technological with the creative, the political with the cultural, and the global with the 10cal that provide the focal point for this volume. Digital Russia provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the manner in which new media technologies have shaped language and communication in contemporary Russia. As importandy, it integrates а variety of analytical perspectives-including conceptual histories, genre studies, and disciplinary case studies-to explore how web-based language practices (broadly defined) themselves give shape to social, political, linguistic, and literary events and reality. 1n some cases, the processes resemble trends in other national or transnational intemet cultures; in other cases, distinctively Russian features emerge. As а result, the book as а whole offers insight into two main issues simultaneously: (1) the nature of and tension between web-based language practices and broader social contexts-and more specifically the mutual determination of the two; and (2) features and trends characteristic of, and in some cases specific to, the Russian-language intemet. The intemet Ьесате а mass phenomenon in Russia оnlу after the turn of the millennium. 1f, in 2003, 9 percent ofthe Russian population accessed the intemet оп а monthly basis, the ensuing decade has seen а dramatic increase in the use of intemet users in the country, with 43 percent of the population accessing webbased resources оп а daify basis Ьу February 2013 (Redaktsiia FOM 2013). This makes Russia the European country with the highest number of intemet usersnow over 50 million daily-even if the relative numbers are far 10wer than in Westem Europe (Intemet World Stats 2012). Over half of Russia's intemet users reside in and around the major metropolitan hubs ofMoscow and St Petersburg. In 2013, two-thirds ofthe population in Moscow and St Petersburg had regular access to the intemet, but the same is true оnlу for опе out of three villagers (Redaktsiia FOM 2012а). Уet when examined according to growth rate, intemet use in Russia сuпепdу owes its strong growth to increased usage in regional cities and in small towns and villages (Redaktsiia FOM 2013). Part of this recent growth, especially in the countryside, is related to the spread of mobile phones with intemet connections. 1n 2011, the number of тоЫlе phone subscriptions far exceeded the population (IТU n.d.), and а third of Russia's intemet users accessed the net via mobile phones at least опсе а month. Mter а slow start, third- and fourth-generation mobile phone infrastructure is spreading rapidly (Freedom House 2012).



Intemet use is still stratified according to age. 1n 2012, 82 percent ofthose aged between 25 and 34 accessed the intemet оп а regu1ar basis, while pensioners are оnlу starting to engage with the intemet, with оп1у 1б percent using the intemet regu1ar1y in 2012 (Duzhnikova 2012). And yet here, too, much of the most recent growth in web connectivity has соте as а resu1t of these previous1y underrepresented groups. So even though the overwhehning majority of Russians still consider te1evision to Ье their main source of information, the intemet is gaining influence: already dominant among urban youth, and growing in importance among older Russians, as well as in the regions (N.n. 2011; Redaktsiia FOM 2012Ь). 1n fact, Ьу ear1y 2013, the 1eading Russian search engine, Yandex, had surpassed Russia's most wide1y watched te1evision station, Pervyi kanal, in daily traffic, and had drawn even with it in advertising revenue generated (N.n.2013). Official Russian response to this rapid growth has varied. Particu1ar1y during the presidency ofDmitry Medvedev, himse1f а self-professed new technophi1e, the Russian govemment has invested топеу and prestige in the deve10pment of а competitive IТ industry, most prominently through the establishment of the special economic zone in Skolkovo, the Russian "Silicon Valley." Ear1y in his presidency, Medvedev even established his own video blog to communicate with the Russian рори1аьоп, encouraging his fellow bureaucrats to do the same. Нis predecessor and successor, in contrast, has Ьееп markedly 1ess enthusiastic. 1n 2010, in а reaction to criticism in intemet publications, Риьп dec1ared that half of the intemet is pomography (Lastochkin 2010). And since being swom in for а third presidential term in Мау 2012, he has overseen а string oflegis1ative initiatives that сап оп1у Ье interpreted as an attempt to rein in the Runet as а space for opposition discourse. 1n the summer of 2012, he signed а new federal 1aw that ostensibly seeks to protect children from harmfu1 information and regu1ate access to illegal information оп the intemet (Zakon N 139-F3 2012). The 1aw has Ьееп criticized for introducing new opportunities for censorship, especially through the creation of а "Unified Registry of illegal sites," quickly rebranded as an intemet 'Ъ1асklist" Ьу its тanу opponents. 2 Laws designed to combat extremism have already Ьееп used to shut down sites and block or remove information, while more covert efforts to shut down independent news sites through denial of service (DDoS) attacks and harass opposition bloggers through trolling, smear campaigns, and trumped-up 1egal proceedings are c1ear1y оп the rise (Freedom House 2012).3 Whether the Russian-1anguage intemet is mere1y going through growing pains typical of most revo1utionary techno10gies or heading toward а twentyfirst-century "cyber curtain" is too ear1y to deterrnine. 1t is c1ear, however, that neither the techno10gies, nor the tensions to which they have given rise, are disappearing anytime soon, and more thoughtful, well-informed study and analysis are acute1y needed to better understand the nature of their origins and evo1ution. The present vo1ume provides а significant step in that direction, focusing оп the global features and national particu1arities of web-based public communication in Russia.


М S.

Gorham, L Lunde аnd М Paulsen

Although the study of the intemet and communication is а young discipline, several stages and trends сап already Ье discemed. Iinguist and new media scholar Jannis Androutsopoulos (2006, 2011) has identified two "waves" in the various linguistic approaches to digital culture. The "first wave" focused оп features and strategies that were assumed to Ье specific to linguistic practices in the new media, seeking to determine the "effects" of digital technology оп language (e.g. Baron 1984; Ferrara, Brunner, and Whittemore 1991; Crystal2006, 2008). Partly as а reaction to this trend, the "second wave," informed Ьу sociolinguistics, discourse studies and pragmatics, moved from media-related to user-related approaches, with а focus оп contextual uses of language and linguistic diversity (e.g. Herring 1996; Androutsopoulos 2006; Georgakopolou 2006). Since then, we have seen а great amount of research ranging from quantitative studies with large corpora (e.g. Tagliamonte and Denis 2008) to studies grounded in qualitative and ethnographic methods (e.g. Androutsopoulos 2008). А related recent trend is the heightened awareness ofthe Web 2.0 as а multimodal entity incorporating text, image, audio, and video-often in playful combination-in ап environment characterized Ьу social interaction and cultural diversity. Attempts to develop new analytical tools to assess how discourses emerge and develop in Web 2.0 environments сan Ье seen in publications such as the comprehensive Discourse 2. О: Laпguage andNewMedia (Таппеп and Trester 2013). Опе of the consequences of the reorientation from media-focused to userfocused studies is the "multilingual tum" in СМС (computer-mediated communication) research. English is по 10nger the опе and оnlу dominant language used оп the intemet, and in recent years researchers have tumed their attention to the fact that "communication technologies with а 'global' reach [are alS0] situated in very 10cal cultures ofuse" (Goggin and McLelland 2009Ь: 4). The multilingual tum in СМС, or, more generally, intemet studies, has Ьееп recorded Ьу publications such as пе Multiliпgual Internet: Laпguage, Culture, аnd Communication Online (Danet and Herring 2007), Internationaliziпg Internet Studies: Bf!Yond Aпglophone Paradigrпs (Goggin and McLelland 2009а) and Digital Discourse: Laпguage in the New Media (Thurlow and Mroczek 2011). As yet, Russian and other Slavic languages are virtually absent in such collections. 4 Meanwhile, Russian intemet studies have flourished in their оwn particular way. А rich amount of research has carved out ап understanding ofRunet culture and politics, Russian digital literature, and Russian оnliпе language culture (e.g. Trofimova 2004; Schmidt, Teubener, and Konradova 2006; Sidorova 2006; Gomy 2009; Mechkovskaia 2009; Deibert et al. 2010; ТоерВ2012; Oates 2013).5 While theoretically sophisticated and rich in original empirical material, this research is generally less informed Ьу recent developments in intemational СМС studies. This book fills that gap Ьу integrating current СМС research with Runet studies and thus contributing to the intemationalization of both sub-disciplines. In addition to offering а basic introduction to key subsectors of Russian intemet culture, it also seeks answers to broader questions: How do new technologies influence the ways we communicate, interact, and create? How are linguistic practices shaped



the tension between social context and new technologies? How are ofНine events represented, recreated, and transformed in online contexts? How do linguistic practices online shape and transform political, social, and cultural reality? То what extent are the features and trends discussed in these pages specific to Russia, Russian, and the Russian intemet, and to what extent do they reflect more globallingustic and social practices? Part 1 ofDigita! Russia features two interpretive histories critical to understanding Russia-specific new media phenomena today: the first tracing the evolution of the personal computer as both technology and ideology (Chapter 1 Ьу Strukov), the second examining the rise of the Russian-language intemet, or Runet, itself as both virtual and imagined space (Chapter 2 Ьу Konradova and Schmidt). Part II focuses more generically оп key platforms or spaces of new media communication: the blogosphere (Chapter 3 Ьу Gusejnov), social networking sites (Chapter 4 Ьу Roesen and Zvereva), and more recent trends in microblogging, primarily through the use of Twitter (Chapter 5 Ьу Paulsen and Zvereva). In addition to discussing some of the main communicative and linguistic characteristics, these chapters also take ир more specific case studies that provide concrete examples of some of the broader discursive trends at work. The analyses in Parts 1 and II provide а critical historical, descriptive, and interpretive framework for better understanding and contextualizing the remaining chapters of the book. Parts III-V concentrate оп three different spheres where language and communication have been significandy transformed as а result of the emergence of new media technologies. Part III focuses оп the language itself and features analyses of three different levels of language: structural and lexical (Chapter б Ьу Berdicevskis and Chapter 7 Ьу Berdicevskis and Zvereva), metalinguistic (Chapter 8 Ьу Lunde), and orthographic (Chapter 9 Ьу Paulsen). Issues of non-standard and innovative language, of discourse оп language itself, and of orthography and scripts, have long been territories ripe for contestation and debate: new media technologies have raised issues both old and new in all of these areas, some specific to Russia and Russian media, others of а more global nature. The authors in Part IV train their gaze оп the impact of new media technologies in the literary realm, Chapter 1О (Schmidt) discussing some of the main trends in web-based literary culture, Chapter 11 (Leibov) looking at the rebirth of old poetic genres in new media contexts, and Chapter 12 (Мj0Г) discussing how online libraries have influenced the general perception and consumption of books. Finally, Part V forges into the realm of politics, looking at the challenges and opportunities new media technologies present for projects ofpolitical self-fashioning (Chapter 13 Ьу Gorham), historical memory (Chapter 14 Ьу Rutten), and virtual colonization in а post-colonial world (Chapter 15 Ьу Uffelmann). Runet is а lively, rapidly-growing and contested part of the global web which offers rich ground for research оп linguistic, cultural, and politic developments. This book aims to further the understanding of both the peculiarities and the global trends of Russian digital media in the multifaceted and truly intemational intemet. Ьу


М S.

Gorham, L Lunde аnd М Paulsen

Notes 1 2 3



See the Wikireality entry (wikirе!wiki!спасибопутинузаэто). Edinyi reestr ( This уо1иmе went to press just prior to the start of the Russian government's court case against opposition blogger and anti-corruption advocate Aleksei Navalny, for allegedly illegal business dealings in the Кirovskaia oblast' while serving as ап advisor to Oblast' Governor Nikita Be1ykh. There is ап excellent artic1e Ьу Eugene Соrnу in Goggin and McLelland (2009а), telling the story of the immense1y popular Russian site (Russian jokes). However, it stands somewhat iso1ated in the collection and Russian internet research is not taken into account in the bibliographical survey of the book. The path-breaking оnliпе journa1 Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media ( has made important contributions to all of these areas since its inception in 2009.

References Androutsopoulos, Jannis. 2006. "Introduction: Sociolinguistics and Computer-Mediated Communication." Joumal qfSociolinguistics 10(4): 419-38. - - 2008. "Potentials and Limitations of Discourse-Centered Оnliпе Ethnography." Language@Internet 5. Available at: 200811610 (accessed 29 Мarch 2013). - - 2011. "Language Change and Digital Меша: А Review of Conceptions and Evidence." In Standard Languages аnd Language Standards in а Changing Europe, edited Ьу Niko1as Coup1and and Tore Kristiansen, 145-60. Oslo: Novus. Baron, Naomi, S. 1984. "Computer-Mediated Communication as а Force in Language Change." VzsibleLanguage 18(2): 118-41. Crystal, David. 2006. Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - - 2008. Txtng: thegr8 db8. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Danet, Brenda and Susan Herring. 2007. тhe Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture, аnd Communication Online. N ew Уork: Oxford U niversity Press. Deibert, Ronald, John Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski, and Jonathan Zittrain, eds. 2010. Access Controlled: 7he Shaping qfPower, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace. Cambridge, МА: МIT Press. Duzhnikova, Anпа. 2012. "Internet segodnya." VГsIOM. Avai1able at: http://www.o1d.!fileadmin!newsI20 12!Duzhnikova_internet-20 12_wciom.pdf (accessed 29 April 2013). Ferrara, Kath1een, Hans Brunner, and Greg Whittemore. 1991. "Interactive Written Discourse as an Emergent Register." Written Communication 8(1): 8-34. Freedom House. 2012. "Freedom of the Net 2012." Freedom Ноиsе. Available at: http://!sites!default!files! resources!FOTN%2020 12%20-%20 Full%20ReporCO.pdf(accessed 29 April2013). Georgakopo10u, Alexandra. 2006. "Postscript: Computer-mediated Communication in Sociolinguistics." Joumal qfSociolinguistics 10(4): 548-57. Goggin, Gerard, and Mark McLelland, eds. 2009а. Intemationali::;ing Internet Studies: Btyond Anglophone Paradigтs. N ew York: Roudedge. - - 2009Ь. "Introduction: Internationalizing Internet Studies." In Internationali::;ing Internet Studies: Btyond Anglophone Paradigтs, edited Ьу Gerard Goggin and Mark McLelland, 3-17. New York: Roudedge.



Gorny, Eugene. 2009. А Creative Hist01)! qfthe Russian Internet: Studies in Internet Creativity. Saarbrucken: VМD Verlag. Herring, Susan. 1996. Computer-Mediated Communication: Linguistic, Social and Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Arnsterdam:John Benjarnins. Internet World Stats. 2012. "Internet and Facebook Usage in Europe." Internet World Stats, 30June. Available at: (accessed 29 April 2013). IТU. N.d. "Mobile-Cellular Telephone Subscriptions." International Telecommunications Union. Available at: (accessed 29 April2013). Lastochkin, Viktor. 2010. "Putin skazal vsiiu pravdu оЬ Internet: 50%-eto pornografiia." UralDai!, 25 January. Available at: (accessed 29 April 2013). Mechkovskaia, Nina. 2009. Istoriia ia:::;yka i istoriia kommunikatsii: ot klinopisi do interneta. Moscow: Flinta/Nauka. N.n. 2011. "98% rossiian ispol'zuiut kak osnovnoi istochnik informatsii tsentral'noe televidenie, по ne doveriaiut emu-oprosy VТsIOM." Тass telecom, 2 November. AvailаЫе at: (accessed 29 ApriI2013). N.n. 2013. '''Iandex' dognal Pervyi kanal ро reklamnym dokhodam." Lenta, 16 April 2013. Available at: (accessed 29 April 2013). Oates, Sarah. 2013. тhe Political Limits qf the Internet in the Post-Soviet Sphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Redaktsiia FOM. 2012а. "Internet v Rossii: dinamika proniknoveniia. Osen' 2012." Fond Obshchestvennoe Мnenи, 18 December. Available at: (accessed 29 April 2013). Redaktsiia FOM. 2012Ь. "Osobennosti potrebleniia informatsii: stolitsy vs drugie goroda Rossii." РОnd Obshchestvennoe Mnenie, 29 November. Available at: Proniknovenie-internetall0712 (accessed 29 April2013). Redaktsiia FOM. 2013. "Internet v Rossii: dinamika proniknoveniia. Zima 2012-2013." Fond Obshchestvennoe Mnenie, 13 March. Available at: (accessed 29 April 2013). Schmidt, Henrike, Katy Teubener, and Natalja Konradova, eds. 2006. Control + Shiji: Public аnd Private Uses qf the Russian Internet. Norderstedt: Books оп Demand GmbH. Available at: l.pdf (accessed 29 March 2013). Sidorova, Marina. 2006. Internet-lingvistika: russkii ia:::;yk: me;::Jzlichnostnoe obshchenie. Moskva: Available at: (accessed 29 March 2013). Tagliamonte, Sali А., and Derek Denis. 2008. "Linguistic Ruin? Lol!: Instant Messaging and Teen Language." American Speech 83(1): 4--34. Tannen, Deborah, and Anna Maria Trester, eds. 2013. Discourse 2.0: Iлnguagе and Хеш Media. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Thurlow, Crispin, and Кristine Мroczek, eds. 2011. Digital Discourse: Iлnguagе in the Хеш Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ТоерН, Florian. 2012. "Вlogging for the Sake of the President: The Online-Diaries of Russian Governors," Europe-Asia Studies 64(8): 1435-59. Trofimova, Galina. 2004. "Funktsionirovanie russkogo iazyka v Internete: kontseptual'no-sushchnostnye dominanty." PhD thesis, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow.


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Zakon N 139-F3. 2012. "Federal'nyi zakon Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 28 iuliia 2012 g. N 139-F3 'О vnesenii izmenenii v Federal'nyi zakon "О zashchite detei ot informatsii, prichiniaiushchei vred ikh zdorov'iu i razvitiu" i otde1'nye zakonodate1'nye akty Rossiiskoi Federatsii'." Rossiiskaia gazeta, 30 July. Avai1able at: http://www.rg. ru/20 12/07 130/zakon-dok.html (accessed 29 April 2013).

Part I


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ТЬе (iПl)реrsоnаl


Computational systems and (post-) Soviet cultural history Vlad Strukov

This is the cherished computer That еуеп Stanis1aw Lem could not dream of, That is the subject of poems and odes, That is the рюп in the neck оfIвм. 1 па! is the Ноиsе that Jack Built. (Humorous sketch,Jubilee ce1ebrations, the Institute ofPrecision Mechanics and Computer Engineering, Moscow, 14 December 1973)

Introduction The word "computer" (komp'iuter) is а recent addition to the Russian language. In the late 1980s it entered into use alongside the Russian term "EVМ," ап acronyrn that stands for "electronic calculating machine" (elektronno-vychislitel'naia mashina). The new term was introduced deliberately to designate а personal computing machine, and, in the early 1990s, following the dissolution of the USSR and the collapse of the Soviet computer industry, it gained the additional meaning of а Western-made computing device. The change from "EVМ" to "computer" signifies а change in the methods of consumption; as the title of the chapter suggests, Soviet computers were never intended for personal, individual use-the (im)personal connection-and, therefore, the contemporary collaborative practice оп the Russian internet is grounded in the early collective use of computers in the USSR. In fact, еуеп when personal computers Ьесате available, in the official discourse the use of the term "personal" was carefully avoided; ideologically correct euphemisms were used instead, such as EVJ\1 massovogo primeneniia ("electronic calculating machine for use Ьу the masses"; see Naumov 1987). Ironically, these Soviet ideologemes correctly defined the future of computing-the тоуе from specialized use Ьу experts to mass use everywhere in the world. In this chapter 1 aim to put forward а theoretical framework for the analysis of late Soviet and post-Soviet computational practice in relation to ideologies of consumption and digital subjectivities in both historical and cultural perspective. The focus of the chapter is оп the personal computer conceived simultaneously as а utilitarian object, social practice, means of communication, type of organization oflabor and ап element in the ideological apparatus of the state. 1 interrogate the relationship among three nodes of enquiry-computer technology, ideology and


Vlad Strukov

subjectivity-both as modes of production and consumption, as well as their transformation over the period of transition to а market есопоту. 1 reposition the techno10gically-enhanced subjectivity Ьу contrasting it with types of techno10gical use. The term "impersonal" means "not having personality" and refers normally to the "impersonalizing" effect of computers (for ехатр1е, see Walther and Carr 2010; Bolin 2012); in this chapter, however, the term denotes the 1ack of personal, private consumption of computer techno10gies in the USSR, presenting the Soviet computer as а collective, collaborative practice. In addition, the personal computer is regarded as а key component in Soviet and Russian systems of know1edge formation (iriforrnatika), which evo1ved from being а technica1 too1 to а system of "immaterial 1abor" (Lazzarato 1996). The history of the re1ationship between computers and ideo10gy has Ьееп exp10red in Slava Gerovitch's (2002) detailed study of Soviet cybemetics, where he argues for the emergence of а who1e discourse, what he calls "cyberspeak," that shifted the boundaries between know1edge and ideo10gy in the 1950s-197Os. In ту study, 1 focus оп the 1ater Soviet period and Gorbachev's perestroika, and 1 analyze Soviet techno10gical ideo10gemes in re1ation to Soviet ideo10gies and practices of consumption, thus extending and refining the theoretical framework of the "techno10gy versus ideo10gy" debate. Research presented in this chapter is mu1tidisciplinary, and it inc1udes archival work that traces digital history in Russia and the USSR, oral histories collected in the form of interviews with engineers who worked at Soviet computer manufacturing p1ants,2 and digital memoirs of ear1y practitioners of the Runet. з 1 сотЫпе digital anthropo10gy with analysis of Soviet and post-Soviet media in order to reconstruct the official and popu1ar discourses surrounding computer techno10gy.4 The chapter consists of three sections. The first provides а critical overview of ear1y Soviet experiments with computer techno10gies, and it situates the computer in re1ation to the Soviet ideo10gical machine. The second and third sections focus оп two periods, 1985-95 and 1995-2005. These periods are designated historicalfy (the transition from the USSR to post-Soviet Russia), technologicalfy (the re1ease of the first Soviet personal computers in 1985; the 1aunch of Microsoft Windows Cyrillic in 1995, enabling coding in Russian; and the emergence of social networking sites in the mid-2000s), socialfy (the transition from elite to mass use of computers), and culturalfy (from collective to collaborative use). Whi1e the overall deve10pment ofthe Soviet-Russian computer industry is simi1ar to those of other countries, it differs in that there has Ьееп а comp1ete overhaul of the production system and а seismic shift in the understanding of the ro1e of computation techno10gies over the past 25 years. These techno10gical and cu1tural differences inform the discussion in the second and third sections concerning the transformation of the ideo10gical system as well as social and cu1tural practice. As the SovietRussian tradition of computer manufacturing was interrupted in the ear1y 1990s, ту analysis begins with both the production of the hardware and the consumption of computer techno10gies in the USSR, and then in its 1atter stages focuses оп consumption and artistic, commercial and other uses of computers. 1 demonstrate how the ideo10gical "cyberspeak" of the Soviet era is transformed into the techno10gical and cu1tural "double-speak" of the post-Soviet period and 1ater into


(im)personol connection


social and political "counter-speak" in the new millennium. The chapter concludes considering the use of computers in Russia in the new globalized context of the Риьп era.


Ideologies оС com.putation and consum.ption (the pre-Gorbachev period) In the USSR, as in the UK, the USA, France and other countries, computers appeared as part ofthe military-industrial complex at the start ofthe Cold War. In fact, а research facility for applied mathematics and computer technology was established in 1947 to run calculations for ballistic missiles and anti-missile defenses. The first analogue computational device was built in Кiev in 1951, and an automatic computing machine was assembled in Moscow in 1953. Both were designed Ьу engineer-enthusiasts who had managed to overcome ideological hurdles. 5 The development of the Soviet computer program was initially hindered for ideological reasons. In 1953, Vopro~ Filosofii published ап anonymous article entided ''Whom Cybernetics Serves," which denounced cybernetics as а reactionary bourgeois science that was at odds with dialectical and historical materialism. Cybernetics was rehabilitated as part of de-Stalinization, leading to the establishment of а Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Science оп Cybernetics in 1958. The original ideological conflict was resolved Ьу accepting cybernetics as а science of rationality that fostered and advanced the teaching of Marxism-Leninism. This provided scholars and engineers with the boost needed for the creation of а competitive computer industry. In fact, Loren А. Graham (1973: 324) observed that in the 1960s cybernetics enjoyed more prestige in the USSR than in апу other country in the world. If, during the Тhаw,б cybernetics and, Ьу extension, computers, were at the center of the ideological debate, in the 1970s, there were firm moves to integrate computer systems into the Soviet industrial complex. In his speech at the 24th Party Congress in April1971, Leonid Brezhnev argued for the improvement of management in the USSR: Science has substantially enriched the theoretical arsenal of planning [...] We should use these methods more widely and establish automated management systems more quickly, bearing in mind that in the long run we should establish а state-wide automated system of information collection and processing. ("Materialy" 1971: 67-8) In the long-standing tradition ofSoviet economic development, Brezhnev favored а country-wide, centrally-controlled, top-down system of collecting and processing information. As V.F. Sirenko documents, the system was necessitated Ьу the rising complexity of industrial production, а greater variety of products and the speed of technological change (1976: 6-8). The computer and other types of automation were conceived of as means to improve the Soviet planning system. А nation-wide


Vlad Strukov

system for collection, storage and processing of data for economic p1anning, management and accounting, known Ьу its acronym OGAS, was established in order to facilitate the work of the state central p1anning department, Gosp1an. With its automated systems for the contro1 of techno10gical processes, the management of enterprise, p1anning calculations, state statistics and other systems, OGAS was meant to emerge as а super-system of management and contro1 that wou1d supersede and normalize inefficient structures inherited from the pre-war period of rampant industrialization. Therefore the Party's ideo10gists fostered the use of the computer as an administrative, managerial too1 rather than as а means of production, а key component in а new e1ectronic industry. Instead of utilizing available techno10gies, the Party officials prescribed the very deve10pment of computer systems, thus making the process unnecessari1y complicated and unwitting1y jeopardizing the who1e computer industry. For ехатр1е, in 1974, Gosp1an adjusted its own targets, aiming to install1,583 computers (417 in construction, 129 in agricu1ture, 129 in transport, etc.) (Samborskii and Simchera 1974). In reality, there were far fewer computers available, and the techno10gical system was forced to re1y оп the second generation of computers at а Ьте when the third generation had already appeared. As а result, the ideo10gica1 system supported the production of computers that had already Ьесоте outdated, thus severing the link between innovation and production, as well as widening the techno10gical gap between the USSR and the West. Furthermore, dizzied Ьу the rivalry with the USA, the Soviet authorities financed computer projects that would surpass American equivalents in terms of speed of automation or any other easi1y quantifiable feature that they could use for their own ideo10gical aims. This approach gave birth to the world's fastest computer and the computer with the 1argest memory, but rare1y to а techno10gy that cou1d provide users with а reliable service in mundane circumstances. 7 Such а distortion of the computer industry оссuпеd at the 1eve1 of techno10gical imp1ementation but not at the 1eve1 of ideas. Finally, computers had been integrated into the Soviet system of what Martin Cave, following оп Soviet scientists, calls meta-p1anning-"the se1ection of and, where necessary, the transfer to а new p1anning and management system" (1980: 24-5). In other words, computers became-at 1east at the 1eve1 of discourse----part of the state super-structure, overseeing and servicing all of society and industry. As а resu1t, the Soviet state had major stakes in the computer industry, which were military-as in the USA and other countries-but also structural and ideo10gical. То reiterate, unlike in the USA, computers in the USSR were expected to reconfigure the structure of the Soviet economy and the state itself and, as а resu1t, diffusion of authority оссuпеd at the 1eve1 of political and economic 1eadership. For instance, the Academy of Sciences was responsible for research, Мinpribor for the production of the hardware, and Gosp1an for various enterprises. In tum, this gave rise to techno10gical, administrative and political incompatibilities, while at the same tiше creating а 1arge c1ass of workers trained in information management. This c1ass-the authority at the middle 1eve1-would Ье instrumental in dismantling the Soviet political system in the 1ate 1980s and privatizing industrial property in the 1990s.


(im)personol connection


1t is estimated that in 1970 the USSR had about 5,000 computers, or about 20 per million inhabitants. Ву comparison, the USA had а stock of 344 per million, and the UK andJapan-91 and 96, respectively (Cave 1980: 190). The statistics demonstrate that personal computers were not а mass phenomenon in either the USSR or the West in the 1970s; there is, however, а clear indication that work was being carried out in this direction. The comparison also reveals that, unlike in the West andJapan, the Soviet computer was never intended for personal consumption. 1t was firmly rooted in the Soviet industrial complex and it was framed as an ideological phenomenon, encouraging continuous exercise in computer discourse rather than actual application. The figures also reveal that the USSR was lagging behind other countries, something that was well known to the Soviet leadership. 1n the late 1970s, the Soviet authorities attempted to counteract what they assumed was the technological backwardness of the computer industry Ьу encouraging engineers to сору legally and illegally obtained Western computers.8 As the engineers were unable to imitate foreign computers fully, they often had to соте ир with their own solutions, which would result in the development of а hybrid, Western-Soviet computer system. For example, El'brus, one ofthe components of the Soviet defense system, used original programming languages; however, it contained an analytical system of tagging used in machines produced Ьу the American Вuпоughs Corporation. 9 1n Russia today, some people in the industry view the political/ technological moves of the late Brezhnev era as catastrophic for the Soviet computer industry (see, for example, Losenkov 2012; Nedobezhkin 2012, Sosnovskii and Orlov 2002). Оп one level, it destroyed the indigenous computer industry, but, arguably, paradoxically it enabled the fast integration of Soviet engineers into the Western computer industry, something from which it has benefited gready (see, for example, the case of Pentkovskii discussed below). Оп another level, it helped establish а culture of state-sponsored theft of computer technologies, to such an extent that even nowadays copyright laws are hard to enforce in the Russian Federation, and the discussion offree exchange ofinformation and cultural products via computerized networks dominates the Russian blogosphere and social media. FrоПJ. the "perestroika ПJ.асЫпе" to the "kooperativ" (1985-95)


Soviet computers Ьесате "personal" as part of the process of gradual privatization introduced Ьу Мikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev placed computers at the center of his political and social reform. The comprehensive strategic vision adopted in Moscow in 1985 identified several areas where accelerated development was required. One of them was "informatization" of the economy.10 While the focus of "informatization" was оп the Soviet economy, it was closely linked to the other two main policies of perestroika-uskorenie (acceleration) and glasnost' (transparency)-in that it was believed that the computer would enable free circulation of information and more efficient and rapid development of the economy and society. 1n other words, the computer was conceived as а perfect "perestroika


Vlad Strukov

machine" that would епаЫе the transition of Soviet society into а new era of prosperity. As part of this political vision, the USSR Academy ofSciences was charged with the task of deve10ping new supercomputers for military and research purposes, as well as bui1ding computers for Soviet industry. For instance, the vector-conveyor supercomputer was to Ье deve10ped in 1987 and а super mini-computer was to Ье bui1t in 1988 (Adirim 1991: 651-4). Adirim notes that one-third of the measures and investment were directed at computer production (1991: 660), and such measures introduced а reorganization oflabor as research institutes and industrial concems were merged into 1aboratories. Му analysis of publications in IU'!Yi tekhnik in 1985 indicates that, at the start of perestroika, the computer was perceived as part of the greater Soviet industria1 project. The following ехатр1е illustrates the point. Published in issue seven, collages-the prevailing [оrш for visual representation of new techno1ogies in the USSR-show the usual paraphemalia of Soviet techno1ogical interest: aviation, space exp1oration, mining natural resources, agricu1ture, etc.; the imagery of computers is injected alongside the images of airp1anes and industrial contro1 stations. In addition, the theme of the computer and computation is highlighted in the editorial, entided "Welcome to Moscow." It is а typical address to visitors to Moscow, which, in this instance, is aimed at intemal consumption, i.e. branding the capital and with it the wider Soviet Union as the center for cutting-edge techno1ogies. The editorial is written in the [оrш of а mathematical equation; it explicates the comp1exity of the problem and calls оп computers to solve it. The second image shows а 1aboratory with the computers that provide such services. In this case, we are witnessing ап instance of the Soviet tradition of introducing technical innovation as part of the utilitarian agenda, i.e. aiming to achieve greater efficiency and precision but not to sell а techno1ogical marve1. Soviet techno1ogical utilitarianism dominated the discourse over new techno1ogies in 1985-88. For ехатр1е, IU'!Yi tekhnik (1985, issue 10) boasts а new Soviet computer Ее 1066; in an interview, the senior technician, О .В. Kalmykov, c1aims that "similar computers are available in virtually all computer centers in the country," and goes оп to suggest that а future specialist wou1d almost certainly work оп опе of them. The computer here is used as а means to attract the new generation into the Soviet industrial сотр1ех-а difficult task indeed, since, as we know from the feature films of the period (for ехатр1е, Karen Shakhnazarov's 1986 7he Соипег), young Soviet реор1е were disenchanted with and disconnected from the ideals of Soviet industry, which in tum found it harder and harder to recruit new workers. The consumer aspect of the computer is virtually поп­ existent in this discussion and сan оnlу Ье found in а description of the new machine's user-friend1y interface.!! Gorbachev's political vision also relied оп the recent successes of the Soviet computer industry. In 1985, in Ze1enograd, the Soviet "Silicon Valley" in the suburbs of Moscow, the first personal computer was 1aunched-BK0010. The original mode1 consisted of опе e1ement-the keyboard-which had to Ье connected to а te1evision set, that was used as а screen, and the keyboard cou1d also Ье connected to а stereo if the user wanted to record апу information. The


(im)persono! connection


design of the first Soviet personal computer was сlиnkу; in fact, it epitomized the general Soviet attitude to the design of consumer goods, in that the product had to Ье assembled, adapted, remodeled or reshaped Ьу the users in order to meet their needs and expectations. ВКООI0 required extensive knowledge ofprogramming and engineering in order to Ье operated. In spite of these challenges, the computer was so 10ved Ьу the Soviet реорlе that they fondly christened it "Bukashka" (litde bug), а пате derived from the Cyrillic characters used in the official пате. Bukashka сате to symbolize the Soviet personal computer of the 1980s: оп the опе hand, it was an odd item in the Soviet DIY-style consumer есопоту; оп the other, as current developments in digital media demonstrate (e-book readers, smart phones, etc.), it was an ingenious gadget since it enabled adaptive, on-the-go use of the computer technology that otherwise Ьесате widespread опlу in the mid-2000S. 12 The emphasis оп the keyboard also signaled the perceived primacy of writing,13 highlighting the Soviet obsession with the printed word. While in previous decades the Soviet state had regulated the use of typewriters Ьу compelling all owners to register their devices with the KGB, по such policy was implemented in relation to either tape recorders or personal computers, thus freeing the РС from Soviet ideological controls over the means of production of information and knowledge. This practice had а 10ng-lasting effect оп Russian networked technologies in that they remained unregulated ипЫ Putin's govemment in the early 2000s. The Bukashka boasted 32kb ofmemory and а 3MHz CPU which was astonishingly good for the time. The actual keyboard was of the membrane type: the user had to press оп plastic covers rather than key caps.14 In this regard, Bukashka foreshadowed the haptic screens of iPads and other tablets. This design revealed the intended use of the соmрutег-аs an educational tool in Soviet schools-and displayed the 10gic of тапу Soviet consumer products: it was dust- and spill-proof but, as а result, was quite hard to operate, as pressing plastic buttons was tricky and required а certain degree of skill. Eventually, the plastic keyboard was replaced with а more conventional опе and, while ВКОО 1О Ьесате соттоп­ рlасе in Soviet schools, its original "portable" design was 10st. In education, the computer was seen as а means of propagating physics and mathematics as the two schools of thought in which the USSR had Ьееп leading the world. Myanalysis of school textbooks of the time (see, for ехатрlе, Maksimov 1992; Martuzian 1991; Miachev 1992; Мironov 1994; Valov 1993) reveals that the emphasis was оп teaching 10gic and advanced mathematics-defined in terms of subject area as irifOrmatika (informatics), or computational processes-rather than teaching pupils how to use computers. The importance of creating а new class of workers was highlighted in the September 1986 issue of Rabotnitsa; its front cover featured а computer classroom in а Soviet school (see Figure 1.1). The photograph portrays а young male teacher showing а litde girl how to use а personal computer. Although the readership of the joumal was predominandy female, the use of the male teacher symbolizes Soviet engineering dominated Ьу теп,15 with the litde girl representing the workforce of the future. His formal attire-a white military-style shirt and а


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Figure 1.1 Scan of the cover of Rabotnitsa magazine (1986, issue 9). The caption in Russian reads, "А path to know1edge ... now уои cannot walk it without а computer. А 1esson in schoo1 719 in Ze1enograd (Моsсоw)."

striped tie-emphasizes the connection between the Soviet military соmр1ех and the emerging post-industrial base. The image focuses оп one part of the соmрutег-thе keyboard-because of its symbolic capacity to represent 1abor,


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unlike the computer screen, which was linked to television and leisure. Although the image centers оп the man and the girl, it shows other users in the room, thus putting forward the idea of the availability of technology in the USSR, as well as stressing the collective aspect of computer use. As is demonstrated in this and many other images that circulated in Soviet media, the computer was perceived as something occupying the professional and not domestic space, as а tool of leaming and production and not entertainment or self-expression. Furthermore, the visual materials published in the press at that time documented the collective, shared use of computers and rarely hinted at the possibility of an individual, personal connection between man and machine. In the true spirit of perestroika, Soviet industry produced competing makes of personal computers: "Мikrosha" was released at the Lianozovskii electromechanical factory in 1987. Like Bukashka, the machine relied оп the use of а black-and-white television as its screen and а home cassette player as its storage device. With their very specific designs, the release ofboth Bukashka and Mikrosha signified the position of electronics as gadgets in the USSR: these were seen as parts of the same family of domestic electronic equipment, with significant emphasis оп entertainment. Mikrosha сате with а set of games, for example, chess, and other useful applications, such as file editing and programs enabling use of simple graphics. The producers of Мikrosha appealed to the family market Ьу providing Мikrosha with programs that made it possible to catalogue the home library and create а database of cooking recipes (Маtvееv 1992). The design of Mikrosha and Bukashka also projected official views оп the class structure of Soviet society, defined in its relation to consumer commodities. It was assumed that а user buying а Bukashka would already own а television set and а tape recorder; indeed, both were common household items in the 1980s and yet were not possessed Ьу everyone. For example, Soviet nuclear industry specialists would bring tape recorders from СиЬа and other countries in the Eastem Bloc at the end of their business trips. Thus, the first personal computers were deliberately aimed at the Soviet technological elite, and this intention marked the digression of conservative Soviet ideological views оп class, commodity and private ownership. The first Soviet computer fully intended for personal use Ьу the mass user was the Elektronnika МК-85, produced at the Voronezh Protsessor plant. It was а modification of а personal computer previously released Ьу the Digital Equipment Corporation and, like its American predecessor, was positioned as an affordable computing device for personal use. Unfortunately the Elektronnika МК-85 had а few significant drawbacks. When it was released, it had fewer than 40 programs to run and was therefore used chiefly as an advanced calculating machine. Although it provided the user with the opportunity to create and edit texts, it was not equipped with а printer, and Epson printers were used instead, which at times were not entirely compatible. This meant that it could not Ье efficiently used for editing, or general word-processing purposes. In true Soviet fashion, the computer did not соте with а manual, and therefore required in-depth knowledge of computation, including the knowledge of programming languages such as Basic (Кhmeliuk 1992).


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In addition to Bukashka, Мikrosha and Elektronnika, the Soviet industry produced another type of personal computer, known as "ES" type (edinaia sistema). Designed to provide а modular link between Soviet and foreign computers such as IВM PCs, it served as а technological bridge and cultural adaptor between different types of machines, computer systems and cultures of computing. As such, it symbolized the Soviet computer industry's position as а global bridge, linking local, indigenous computing systems with mass-produced Westem products. In the USSR, the industry aimed to adapt and translate information and technological flows for local use; it also engaged in more radical, semi-legal forms oflocalization and customization. As part of the process of personalization of computers, Elektronnika produced а handheld video game that was ап almost exact replica of Nintendo's Game and Watch Consoles. For example, it featured а local character, the famous Wolffrom the Хи pogodi! (YouJust Wait!) аniтаЬоп sеriеs. 1б Adopted from Westem technology and design, Elektronnika was опе ofthe first computerized gadgets in the USSR that was designed to provide absolutely individual enjoyment. The Elektronnika craze seemed to contradict the Soviet ideals of shared, communallife, as it placed emphasis оп electronic forms of communicaЬоп in the private realm. In general, however, the Soviet industry failed to respond to the demands of consumers: not enough video games and personal computers were available in Soviet shops, giving а boost to the unofficial, black market for electronic devices. At first, illegally obtained Elektronnikas would Ье offered for sale оп street markets: sellers and buyers would congregate outside official electronic stores and would exchange spare parts, programs, devices, etc. This practice reinforced the culture of sharing technologies and software in the 1990s and, later, in the 2000s, оп social networks. Mter Gorbachev's govemment allowed private entrepreneurship in the form of"cooperatives" in Мау 1987, тanу companies trading electronicsincluding computers and spare parts-appeared almost instantaneously. As has Ьееп claimed оп тапу occasions (see, for example, Kuz'michev 2010; Sitnikov 2012), these cooperatives paved the way for private ownership in the USSR and created the first Russian millionaires, while at the same Ьте having а negative effect оп the есопоту and society Ьу providing hubs for illegal trade, fraud and other forms of corruption. In Russian digital culture, the cooperatives cemented а culture of theft of intellectual property, illegal exchange of copyrighted material and unauthorized use of public resources. As а result, the personal computer was transformed from its status as "perestroika machine" into а symbol of а new era of rampant privatization, modemization and personal success.

FrolD. cOlD.puter boutiques to "digitallD.asses"


As а political entity the Soviet U niоп сате to an end in 1991; however, the former Soviet republics continued to rely оп the Soviet technological infrastructure ипЫ the late 1990s, and in some areas have even continued to do so right ир to the present day. Production of the EVМ 5Е2б, designed Ьу Lebedev and Burtsev in


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1978, was discontinued оп1у in 1994; 1,500 devices were produced in 16 years (Burtsev 2002: 274). Оп опе 1eve1, this ехатр1е highlights post-Soviet techno10gical inertia. Оп another 1eve1, it demonstrates the "double-speak" of the first decade of transition, whereby different, often contradictory systems of production, management and consumption were in use. In re1ation to Soviet modemity, Gerovitch defines "cyberspeak" as а monolithic "grand narrative" of the Soviet regime; ту analysis shows that "cyberspeak" splits at the end of the Soviet period, thus stressing the fragmentation of the Soviet project and associated cu1tural practice. Оп the опе hand, the state drew оп Soviet techno10gy for its оwn purposes, military in this case as the Russian defense system relied оп the Soviet infrastructure, and so computers used in the Russian army had to Ье rep1aced with their counterparts. Оп the other hand, the private sector and ordinary consumers had started using what they perceived as Westem techno10gy and, in actual fact, was а product of global capitalism, when techno10gy had Ьееп deve10ped and built Ьу intemational corporations. Therefore, "cyberspeak" identified Ьу Gerovitch in re1ation to the Soviet period tells part of the story of the computer industry and consumption of PCs in the USSR; moreover, ту analysis demonstrates that "cyberspeak" transforms into the "double-speak" of the 1ate Soviet era and informs the techno10gical and cu1tural divides in contemporary Russia. For ехатр1е, Medvedev's call for modemization (2008-9) was aimed at the state itse1f rather than ordinary citizens, as it required the modernization of outdated, Soviet-made and Soviet-sty1e techno10gies still in use. In other words, Medvedev's govemment fe1t threatened not оп1у Ьу global capitalism but also Ьу its оwn more techno10gically advanced citizens. Medvedev's call for modemization, or what 1 wou1d call the "counter-speak" of the Russian govemment, is an extension of the Soviet "cyber-speak" and post-Soviet "double-speak," which raises new concems that 1 address in the final part of the chapter. Overall, in the new1y formed Russian Federation, production of personal computers went into total decline in the ear1y 1990s. Factories specializing in building computers were c10sed down or had undergone special "conversion" programs (konversiia), that is, switched to produce, for ехатр1е, coffee-makers, p1astic bow1s and other 10w-tech consumer goods. The gap in the market was almost immediate1y filled with imported computers; the former "cooperatives," now transformed into private companies, continued to thrive as they carried оп selling foreign-made computers and/or computers assembled in Russia from imported parts. From а country producing its own computers and even exporting some techno10gies abroad, Russia tumed into а country fully reliant оп techno10gica1 imports. At the same time, US-made computers such as IВM PCs Ьесате symbo1s of de-Sovietization, commercial enterprise and individual success. Whi1e in the USSR the computer was perceived as ап extension of the Soviet industrial сотр1ех, in the ear1y 1990s it сате to symbolize the commercial sector, which had rep1aced outdated Soviet heavy industry. Ву 1995, Soviet personal computers were obso1ete, а distant memory of socialist e1ectronic modernity. At the same time, imported personal computers were expensive-they cost more than а Russian caг-and therefore remained out of reach for the majority of Russian


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citizens until the late 1990s. The major shift occurred in the mid-1990s when the economy was reignited and there was an increase in wages, and also when Microsoft released its Windows 95 operating system, with а consumer-oriented graphical user interface and built-in Cyrillic, allowing programming and encoding in Russian. Since this product did not require any knowledge of English, it marked the arrival of а new computer era in Russia. While new technologies traveled East, from the USA and Europe to Russia, Russian computer scientists and engineers migrated in the opposite direction. It is hard to estimate the damage to the Russian economy and society from the brain drain of the 1990s. In 2005, Vladimir Zemov, the President of Independent Universities of Russia, put it at 1 trillion roubles (Zemov 2005). The case of Vladimir Pentkovskii exemplifies the losses and the gains of the new Russia. Pentkovskii graduated from the Radio Technology and Cybemetics Department of the Moscow Physics-Mathematical Institute and belonged to the school of thought established Ьу Lebedev in the 1950s. In the early 1990s, Pentkovskii emigrated to the USA, and secured employment with the Intel Corporation in 1993. While in the Soviet Union he was involved in the development of the El'brus superscalar computer; the project was completed in 1978, some 15 years before similar computers emerged in the West. Mter joining Intel, Pentkovskii was in charge ofthe team that developed the Pentium Pro, introduced Ьу Intel in 1995. The architecture of the new processor relied оп the structure of the Soviet supercomputer (Fatkullin 1999). In 2010, Pentkovskii retumed to Russia, where he Ьесате Chair of the newly founded Super Computer Applications Laboratory for Advanced Research (i-SCALARE 2010). Pentkovskii's story is proof ofthe afterlife of the Soviet computer project: it survived-albeit in а completely transformed form-in spite of ideological pressures, the dissolution of the USSR and the financial collapse in post-Soviet Russia. It also demonstrates that the boundaries between different technological systems were largely ideological, and that the Soviet and American computer traditions merged in their global search for а new generation ofpersonal computers after the Cold WarY Nationally, the development of computer systems in the Russian Federation had three main sources: (1) the state, which continued to invest in super-fast computers; (2) private enterprise, which required new technologies in order to meet rising consumer demand; and (3) philanthropists, who believed in the ability of the computer to change societies and political regimes. George Soros was one such generous patron; he played а key role in the development of Russian computer and intemet systems. In 1995, he founded the Open Society Institute (the Soros Foundation) and began to provide financial support for the creation of computer centers in Russian universities and non-govemmental organizations. Over six years 33 centers emerged in major urban centers in Russia, linking together academics and students across the country and also enabling access to information centers around the world. Ву focusing оп humanities, the Soros Foundation upended Russian academia's assumption that computers were research tools for the hard sciences and engineering, thus fostering а new generation of computer-savvy researchers in humanities. The Foundation was


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likewise responsible for changing the focus of the first internet pages to appear оп the Russian-language internet, from mostly technology-oriented content to content related to social activity and personal expression. Ву supporting academics in the 1990s, especially after the financial crisis of 1998, which for тапу made the purchase of new technologies prohibitively expensive, the Soros Foundation helped develop the Russian intellectual elite, with its traditionally liberal orientation towards society. Along with Soviet technologists, post-Soviet entrepreneurs and the finanсе sector, Russian academics were the first users of internet technologies in the country, and formed its "digital intelligentsia" (Strukov 2006). Опе of the tasks facing the "digital intelligentsia" in this period was transgressing technological, national and cultural boundaries. They aimed to build а new democratic world using personal computers and а newly available internet. Ву personalizing technology they wished to "technologize" and democratize society, i.e. they believed in technological determinism, and new computer practices occurred in environments sponsored Ьу private business or non-governmental organizations. In this regard, the technological utopia of Russian digital intelligentsia was unique, because it envisaged public discourse in the private realm. That was because, after perestroika, "private" was based оп technological innovaЬоп and was charged with the new democratizing potential that had Ьееп curtailed in the USSR. The personal computer facilitated the peculiar inversion of private and public, official and unofficial that occurred in the late 1990s as part of the process of de-Sovietization. The creative work of Olia Lialina exemplifies these tendencies. Lialina belongs to а group ofartists-VukСоsiс,]о, Alexei Shulgin and Heath Bunting-who have Ьееп working in the medium of internet-enabled art since 1994. Their first collaborative projects appeared in 1995 and included works that queried the role of computer technology, the status of art and national boundaries. They engaged in а critique of official art Ьу curating their оwn exhibitions оп the internet, and they problematized the existing notions of space and соттиniсаЬоп Ьу staging digital performances online. Their art occupied post-national zones in the cyber world, and they utilized the computer as а means for the production, display and consumption of art. For ехатрlе, Lialina's Afy Boyfriend Саmе Back .from the War (1996) explores the notions of private and public space Ьу using ап interactive, non-linear narrative, which signifies the break-up of а relationship, and graphic frames that had Ьееп used in the construction of early web pages; frames signal boundaries that are imposed оп individuals as well as imagined Ьу them. 18 Ву engaging with the artwork, the user constructs their оwn unique experience of computer culture and also violates the privacy of other individuals, and the characters in the story, eventually disavowing their оwn privacy and subjectivity. Thus, Lialina's work advances collaborative use of the internet Ьу problematizing the relationship between private and public and renegotiating the (im)personal соппесЬоп of the computer as а communication machine. Her work demonstrates а departure from the collective use of computers as represented in Soviet media and discussed above.


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If Iialina's exemplifies the first artistic experiments with computer and intemet technologies, Artemii Lebedev's career epitomizes the commercial successes ofRussian early computer enthusiasts. Вот into the family of the writer, Tatiana Tolstaya, and literary scholar, Andrei Lebedev, Artemii was educated in Russia and the USA. In 1995, he founded а computer studio called "WebDesign," which was опе of the first web development studios in Russia and оп the Runet. In 1998, it was renamed "Artemii Lebedev's Studio," which signified the emergence of Lebedev's personal brand. The studio produced computer designs for major intemational corporations, such as General Motors, and intemet projects such as the Russophone search engine Уandex (Рореl' 2012). The studio drew оп the work of talented graphic artists and web designers such as Roma Voronezhskii and П'iа Mikhailov. The studio grew to include over 50 developers Ьу 2005, and it was responsible for the actual "look" of the Runet in its early days. Artemii Lebedev's----perhaps slighdy offensive-brand "Abiding, Expensive, and Fucking Brilliant" (Dolgo. Dorogo. Okhuenno.) symbolized the dominant position ofthe studio оп the Russian web design market, and also highlighted the experience of early intemet users, who found the technology irresistibly exhilarating, albeit expensive and time-consuming, as they had to rely оп dial-up connections and dilapidated telephone lines (Strukov 2009). The success of Artemii Lebedev showcases the importance of personal contacts and entrepreneurship in the early days of the Russian digital есопоту. In fact, ир to 2005, the Russian computer and intemet industry was characterized Ьу the proliferation of personalities and personal brands that created and cemented а specific culture of computer-enabled communication. In ту 2010 study of the culture of celebrity and glamour (201 О; co-edited with Helena Goscilo), 1 argued that the Russian intemet was dominated Ьу intemet stars whose popularity and authority were grounded in their involvement in the construction of the medium (also see Idlis 2010; and Gorbachev and Кrasil'shchik 2011). Olia Iialina, Artemii Lebedev, Roma Voronezhskii, Anton Nosik, Iinor Goralik and тапу other producers of digital content constituted the Russian digital intelligentsia before the arrival ofthe mass user circa 2000. While in the 1990s the personal computer was а prestigious sign of personal success and а mark of belonging to Russia's digital intelligentsia, in the 2000s it tumed into а standard commodity and quotidian means of communication. Although emerging much later than in other industrially developed countries, the speed of proliferation of computer technologies was astounding, at times reaching 25 percent per anпит, with the result that, Ьу 2010, half of Russia's population were regular users of the intemet (FOM 2010). In an echo of the USSR, the average Russian of the Putin era Ьесате а computer user both thanks to, and in spite of, the regime. Оп the опе hand, the Russian govemment facilitated access to computers and the intemet for its citizens even in the most remote parts of the country, Ьу equipping schools, education centers, libraries and post offices with computers. Оп the other hand, Russians tumed to new media due to their dissatisfaction with the mainstream, "old," media, particularly television, because it had Ьееп stifled Ьу Putin's "remote control" (Hutchings and Rulyova 2009). In other words, the Russian govemment was instrumental in supplying computer


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technology to Russia's intemal and extemal peripheries. Yet it was the private sector and the appeal of the intemet as а free, uncontrolled environment that have boosted the rapid growth of new media since 2000. While the computer provided users with а personal соппесЬоп during the period 1995-2005, the use oftechnology remained largely collective, i.e. а group activity, and for а number ofreasons. First of all, the majority ofusers had access to the technology only at work. 19 As the Moscow joumalist Lilia 1ashchenko recalls of her work in the late 1990s, The computer was shared Ьу 2-3 editors as well as another 3-4 freelancers ... We used to call it jokingly the "agregat" [power module]. "1s the 'agregat' free?" was the most popular question in our everyday conversations. 1f someone was late for work and did not manage to secure а place in front of the "agregat," he or she would have to spend the day having cigarette breaks and doing other exciting things. (Iashchenko 2011: 11 7) 1ashchenko's digital memoirs make ап ironic reference to the computer as the Soviet industrial machine, and she also documents the Soviet type of organization of lаЬог--fгеquепt breaks, the need to wait to use the technology, the constant negotiation of access and procedure-that prevailed even а decade after the dissolution of the USSR. 20 Those who did not have access to computers at work would make use of cyber cafes-the second example of the collective use of computers. 1n 1998-2005, these included computer salons (komp'iuternye sa!o'!Y), where а number of services would Ье provided, including word processing, printing, photocopying and translation. See, for example, Figure 1.2 which shows just such а salon in Voronezh. The salon was in the city center in close proximity to govemmental institutions, major transportation links and shopping centers. Decorated in smart plastic, the salon served as а соттиniсаЬоп hub and а business center for those who either did not оwn а computer or were away from their office. The second type of cyber cafes-gaming salons (igro1(Ye sa!o'!Y)-sеrvеd а different set of clients. Normally located in suburban areas (spaZ''!Ye raio'!Y), these salons targeted Russian youth, particularly males aged 15-25, who were avid players of computer games. Often very dark and smoky, these salons provided gamers with an opportunity to play online games, engage in team competitions and socialize. 21 These salons were closed down across the country after the govemment clamped down оп gambling and closed casinos in 2009 оп the basis oflegislation passed in 2006. Whether providing space for engaging in а business activity, or а hobby, the salons, as well as Soros's computer centers, exemplify the collective use of the computer and the intemet among Russian users. This use is based оп the idea of sharing the cost of technology, especially if it is semi-legal or its immediate economic gain cannot Ье identified. 1t is also rooted in the long-standing tradition of public festivities and activities, sponsored Ьу the Soviet state, such as subbotniki,


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Figure 1.2 Computer salon in Voronezh. Note the expensive double-glazed windows and doors and individual computer stations with flat-screen displays. Source: Photograph Ьу Vlad Strukov.

kru:dzki, and

utrenniki. The monthly joumal, IU11)li tekhnik, for example, targeted technologically-minded youth attending semi-professional youth associations, or kruzhki. In the 1980s, video salons, showing films that had Ьееп unavailable in the USSR, Ьесате extremely popular, displacing utrenniki-officially organized celebrations and/or activities imposed оп Soviet young people-and developed into centers of altemative consumer culture. Finally, subbotniki-the practice of using unpaid labor over а weekend in honor of the Communist Party and its Leadership-were carried forward into the post-Soviet era in the [оrm of "free immateriallabor" (Lazzarato 1996). Finally, the collective use of computers prevails еуеп in personal environments such as the private home. In his study of working-class families in Russian provincial towns, J eremy Morris demonstrates that the shared, collective use of new media mimics the practice of the shared use of old media, such as television. Не notes that "in the Russian context 'productive' modes of internet use are по less economically determined . . . and reflect unchanging imperatives of small town life-self-provisioning, the maintenance of the home and updating of skills and knowledge relating to economic priorities" (Моrris 2012: 1561). In other words, in the period 2000-5, the mass user conceived ofthe computer in Soviet terms as


(im)persono! connection


а tool that required and enabled "assembling, adapting, remodeling or reshaping." Thus, over the course of the decade running from 1995 to 2005, а two-tiered computer society emerged in Russia: one dominated Ьу the digital intelligentsia, who had embraced modernity and neo-liberal economics, with its emphasis оп post-industrial production, and who operated from the safety of their "digital boutiques," and the other featuring the mass user, who, while owning the technology of "personal connection," continued to rely оп traditions of collective use and free labor carried over from the Soviet times.

Conclusions, or digital "happy ever after" (2005-12) This juxtaposition of users, with its social boundaries and distinctions, Ьесате largely iпеlеvаnt after 2005 because of the rise of new media, including social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others). Indeed, the use of smart phones and portable computer devices and the greater proliferation of stationary desktops across all sectors of the Russian economy and society enhanced economic activity, communication and opportunities for self-expression. New forms of communication "untethered" Russian users both literally and metaphorically. For example, according to Romir Monitoring, the number of Russians using cellphones grew from 25 percent in February 2004 to 53 percent in September 2005 (Romir Monitoring 2005). With the number of users doubling in less than а year, the handset market grew exponentially: in 2004, the value of cellphones sold оп the Russian market was worth 4.5 billion dollars (Koshkina 2005), with almost 27 million new phones being sold and Moscow leading the trend (35 percent of new sales were registered in the Moscow region) (ММТs "Moskva" 2005). The computer and the cellphone Ьесате symbols of the new, higbly individualized, increasingly customized economy of cultural exchange and formation of subjectivity. In this regard, since 2005 the adaptation of new computer technologies has followed exactly the same pattem as in other industrialized countries, with Russia, especially Moscow, becoming а global center of consumption, with а virtually non-existent domestic system for the production of computer technologies. The new technologies enabled the emergence of а digital economy that thrives оп media, gaming and file-sharing sites. The users-and in 2012, that meant half the Russian population (eMarketer 2013)-were liberated thanks to the intemet: the technology transformed the economic, cultural and social outlook for all, and this volume explores the profound impact the intemet has had оп all aspects of Russian life. In spite of this change, the digital divide remains in the Russian Federation. There are people who would like to connect to the intemet but lack the technological or financial opportunity (11.5 percent of all respondents, summer, 2011); there are also those who are not motivated at all (46 percent, summer 2011). The Public Opinion Foundation (FОМ) has called the second group otkazniki, or refuseniks (FOM 2011 а). They are predominantly women aged 55 and over, residing in rural areas, with а low level of education and income. While Soviet refuseniks were denied access to the global economy and culture because the authorities would not grant them permission to emigrate, Russian refuseniks are deprived of the opportunity


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to migrate into the digital economy, continuing to оссиру Russian intemal and extemal peripheries. Ву disabling their access to the digital realm, the Russian authorities maintain the Soviet practice of technological control and sponsor the elite type of access to resources, thus disempowering these people and putting them in а cache of the impersonal technological hiatus. As а result, while some users belong to the deterritorialized transnational realm of the Runet, others оссиру extremely narrow spaces of cultural exchange. The Soviet practices conceming the development of computing technologies and use have been preserved in а transformed way. For example, the earlier practices of sharing and collective use have been translated into the practice of filesharing and collaborative creative projects оп the intemet, especially in terms of online networked communities fostered Ьу social media and predicated оп the collaborative artistic practice of Olia Lialina and discussed above. At the same Ьте the disruption of the production line, that is, the discontinuation of the Soviet computer as an industrial enterprise, has produced an impediment to cultural memory. For example, there are по museums of Soviet computing technologies in Russia, with an online museum filling the gap.22 1n December 2012, Manezh, а large exhibition space а stone's throw away from the Кremlin, organized а retrospective exhibition ofSoviet design ofthe 1950-80s (curated Ьу Alena Sokol'nikova). 1t displayed watches, cameras, vacuum cleaners, cars, television sets, radios and other paraphemalia of everyday life, with the Soviet computer being conspicuous Ьу its absence. Ву contrast, US-made computers featured prominently at the "Cold War: Modem Design 1945-1970" exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (2008, curated Ьу David Crawley and Jane Pavitt).23 Оп the one hand, the omission at the Manezh exhibition highlights Russian techno-cultural amnesia. Оп the other, it situates the computer ideologically: it по longer represents the totalitarian past but rather the neo-liberal future, with its emphasis оп consumption, the free circulation of information and "attention economy" (Davenport and Beck 2001). 1n spite of the discontinuation of the technological tradition, the foundations of contemporary Russian digital modernity were laid in the 1980s through the use of computers in the Soviet educational system and the techno-intellectual merger between Soviet industry and Soviet education in the same period. Gorbachev's perestroika lent additional impetus to the development of computer technologies and, at the same Ьте, relied оп Soviet industry to deliver the necessary technological power base. 1n many respects, the mismatch between these two components caused the technological and social upheaval of the early 1990s, resulting in the collapse of the Soviet Union. The govemment failed to liberalize Soviet industry and, as а result, the industrial complex fell short of providing technologies that would enable the USSR to enter the post-industrial phase. The Soviet computer challenged the ideological discourse Ьу problematizing the relationship between the individual and technology, whereby the double-speak of the Soviet era was transformed into the digital divide of post-Soviet Russia. The Soviet computer, with its emphasis оп "the impersonal connection," is an objectified grand narrative of the Soviet project of modemity; and its technological demise in the early 1990s produced new


(im)persono! connection


subjectivities, new forms of organization of labor and entrepreneurship, and new social organizations.



А вот--желанная ЦВМ,Iкоторую не выдумает сам Лем,Iкоторая---тема для од и поэм,Iкоторая шпилька в заду Ай-Би-Эм.


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The first round ofinterviews was conducted in Voronezh in Мarch 2012. 1 ат gratefu1 to Viaches1av Strukov for organizing these interviews for те. The second round of interviews was conducted in Yekaterinburg in November 2012. 1 acknow1edge the financial support of the Ural Federal University which enabled ту fie1d work in Уekaterinburg. Some of these interviews were published in Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, ЕитаЛап and Central Еитореап New Media (Digital Memoirs specia1 project;; others are available in publications such as Kuznetsov (2004). In ту теша analysis, 1 examined the representation of computers in the Pravda newspaper and the Iuf!Yi tekhnik, Smena, Rabotnitsa and Ogonek magazines. The choice of the теша oudets was determined Ьу the need to consider the issue across а wide range of publications in terms of age (Smena, targeted at young Soviet реор1е), gender (Rabotnitsa was а Soviet magazine for working women), and occupation/leisure activities (Iu'!Yi tekhnik was а Soviet magazine for chi1dren and young реор1е who were interested in new techno1ogies and science). Pravda and Ogonek present the official view оп technological deve10pment and its mediation in the high-quality popu1ar press, respective1y. Меша were samp1ed at specific intervals. Pravda was examined using а thematic search. The issues of the magazines from 1985-86 and 1990-91 were scrutinized for their mediation of computer techno1ogies. The mediation of computer techno1ogies in the post-Soviet period was analyzed using cinematic and te1evisual representations as well as extensive materials from online collections. Professor Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (1902-74) was responsible for the construction of the first Soviet computer; he was in charge of the 1aboratories that deve10ped the most significant techno1ogies and machines in the 1950s and 1960s. Не started as an engineer in the 1930s and very quickly deve10ped а research portfolio. Although he built the ear1y Soviet computer industry, his initial theoretical concerns re1ated to the Soviet Union's national e1ectricity grid (30 e1ectrical stations were comp1eted in 1931 as part ofthe GOELRO p1an), thus connecting different stages ofSoviet techno1ogical modernity. His long-1asting techno1ogical impetus is evident in the construction of the most significant Soviet computers (BESM-1, EVМ М-40, МУК E1'brus, Elektronnika ВIS, and others). The Thaw (ottepel'J refers to the period of de-Stalinization and liberalization introduced Ьу Nikita Кhrushchev in the 1ate 1950s. During his visit toJapan in 1965, Lebedev, the father ofthe Soviet computer industry, noted that the majority of Japanese computers in use were computers of тешит capacity; however, they сате equipped with reliable input devices, tape recorders and printers (Burtsev 2002: 224). In other words, computers inJapan formed part of an integrated techno1ogica1 package, something that was not achieved in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s. For ехатр1е, Lebedev, along with а group ofSoviet scientists and computer engineers, spent а month in Japan (at the University of Kyoto) in 1965 researching Japanese computer techno1ogies. It would Ье а misapprehension to consider the evo1ution of computer techno1ogies in the post-Wor1d War 11 period as а basic binary opposition between the USSR and the W est ~arge1y the USA). In actual fact, the history of computer techno1ogies is characterized Ьу mutual rivalry and po1ycentric deve1opments. First, the USSR,




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Vlad Strukov and especially the Russian Federation and the Ukrainian Republic, were at the center of а wider Eastern European network of computer engineering, with Bulgaria playing an important role as а supplier of computer hardware. Second, illеgзl trade and technological espionage dictated computer developments not only in the USSR but also in other countries. Finally, the USSR was an exporter of computer technologies to developing countries, such as China, where BESM-2, developed Ьу Lebedev in Moscow, was adopted in 1958. lrifOrmatizatsiia is sometimes translated as "electronization" (see, for example, Кneen 1989) and sometimes as "automation" (see, for example, Batde 1988); the Russian term refers to the use of information theories оп the platform of computers in the economy and social practice. Third generation personal computers are not only fast and reliable but also easy to operate (cf. IUf!)Ii tekhnik 1985, issue 10, р. 5). The РС consisted of only one item; it was not very heavy and could Ье carried around and plugged in whenever appropriate. Here writing is understood in symbolic terms as а form of embodiment explored Ьу Jacques Derrida in his OfGrammatology (1976). Plastic packaging, for example, plastic carrier bags, was used extremely rarely in the USSR, and so Soviet consumers perceived the use of plastic in the design of this computer not as something cheap and unattractive but, оп the contrary, as something quite innovative and "cool." 1 ат grateful to Thea Pitman for pointing out this cultural difference in comparison with the countries of South АтеПса. Rabotnitsa concerned itself with the issue of the gender divide in relation to new technologies as early as 1986. In itsJune issue, the magazine addressed this concem Ьу emphasizing the role of knowledge of technologies in the new industrial age; however, the gender polernic was resolved in typically Soviet fashion, that is, Ьу showcasing the achievements of Soviet women elsewhere-in arts, education and science-and not Ьу suggesting that more women learn how to use computers. In fact, the image used in the publication shows а woman dressed in trousers and а man's shirt, thus accentuating male dorninance in the arena of information technologies. Directed Ьу Viacheslav Kotenochkin and Aleksei Kotenochkin; in existence 19692002. Arguably, the Soviet animation series was itself an adaptation of the American cartoon, Тот andJeny. See, for example, the American register of technological innovations authored and patented Ьу Pentkovskii at: patent.ipexl.comlinventor/Vladirnir_Pentkovski_l.html (accessed 15 January 2013). The artwork тау Ье viewed оп the intemet: I (accessed 1О January 2013). It has been noted that the trend began to change in 2004, i.e. access to the intemet from home began to increase (FOM 2012). In 20 11, only 22 percent of intemet users could access the network at work only (FOM 201Ib). F or а humorous exploration of Soviet office culture, see the films of El' dar Riazanov. А sirnilar description сап Ье found in literature, for example, see Pecheikin (2008). For а cinematic depiction of such garning salons, see Oleh Sentsov's (20 11) Сатет. Although the film shows а garning salon in Ukraine, the general environment and culture are similar to those in Russia. Virtual'nyi komp'iuternyi muzei (computer-museum.rulindex.php). The catalogue of the exhibition includes John Harwood's article "lmagining the Computer: Eliot Noyes, the Eames and the IВM Pavilion," in which he analyzes the computer as "а novel means of communication through design" (Rarwood 2008: 195). Не notes that the original pavilion featured а number of technical innovations, including а demonstration of automatic Russian language translation Ьу character recognition software and hardware. 1 argue this demonstration represented the


(im)persono! connection


USA-USSR technological rivalry and the need to "translate" ideology using an ideologically-neutral machine code.

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Fibns Sentsov, 01eh (dir.) 2011, Gamer, Ukraine, 2011; script Ьу 01eh Sentsov, cinematography Ьу Ievheniia Vradii, Iehor Petryk, Hennadii Vese1kov; music Ьу V olodymyr Koz1ov. Shakhnazarov, Karen, dir. 1986. пе Courier. Mosfil'm; script Ьу Aleksandr Borodianskii, cinematography Ьу Niko1ai N етоliаеу and Va1erii Shuvalov; music Ьу Eduard Artem' еу.


the utopia оС аutоnоПlУ to а political battlefield FrоПl

Towards internet"


history of the "Russian

Natalya Konradova and Нenпм Schmidt ТЬе "country Runet" and its history as an object оС research РУНЕТ Больше нет страны РФ на свете, нет России-есть страна Рунет .... Власть географическая пала, мы переселились по хостам,

где средь исторического бала мир переместился на экран,


RUNET There's по country called the Russian Federation any longer, No Russia,-there'sjust а country called Runet, ... The power of geography has been broken, We've moved to live with our [IP] hosts, When in the midst of а historic ball the world moved onto the screens, ... (Shcherbina [2001] 2008)

Iп her роет dedicated to the Runet, the popular асгопymiс abbreviation [ог the Russian Intemet, the poet Tatiana Shcherbina describes the "country Runet" (strana Runet) as а virtual space beyond geography, where life has moved onto the screens. The "country Runet" is а contradiction in adjecto, as it projects the idea of ап existent, delimited geographic space onto the networked spaces of the intemet. And as such it highlights the problematic status of the Runet as ап object of research, defined Ьу different approaches and scholars either with regard to geography ("the intemet in the Russian Federation"-rossiiskii internet) ог language ("the Russian-speaking iпtеmеt"-russkоiаqсh'!Jli internet) ог culture and tradition ("the Russian intemet"-russkii internet) (see, [ог example, Bruchhaus 2001: 12; Alexanyan and Koltsova 2009). Shcherbina's роет is noteworthy in another sense, as it combines utopian and dystopian visions, which characterize the emergence of the intemet in general,

Towards а history rif the