Digital Disruption: Implications and Opportunities for Economies, Society, Policy Makers and Business Leaders 9783030544935

This book goes beyond the hype, delving into real world technologies and applications that are driving our future and ex

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English Pages 340 [317] Year 2020

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Table of contents :
Road to Paradise (or Hell)
An Inflection Point
The Digital World Does Not Merely Require More Regulation but a Different Approach to Regulation
A New Source of Wealth Creation at the Expense of Employment
About the Author
List of Figures
List of Tables
1: Introduction
1.1 A Precipitous Cross Road
1.2 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
1.2.1 What is at Stake?
1.2.2 The Need for Refreshed Government Policy
2: A Framework for Understanding Digital Disruption
2.1 The Digital Ecosystem
2.2 A Framework for Understanding Data and Technology Convergence
Part I: Data Connectivity
3: Data Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure
3.1 Unprecedented Growth: Limited Opportunities
3.2 Fit for Purpose Regulatory Policy
3.3 Promoting Investment
3.4 Rethinking Regulation
3.5 Clear, Nuanced Network Neutrality Policies
3.6 Rethinking Competition Policy
3.7 Unpicking the Hype Around 5G
3.8 Spectrum Policy to Drive Investment
3.9 New Players and Priorities for International Connectivity
3.10 The Re-emergence of Satellite Connectivity
3.11 Delivering IOT Connectivity
3.12 The Relevance of Universal Service Access
3.13 Facilitating Access to Public Land
3.14 Rethinking Network Sharing Policies
3.15 Re-emergence and Importance of Fixed Infrastructure
3.16 Numbering Relevant for Digital World
3.17 Progressive Cloud and Data Centres Policies
3.18 Customer Registration Regulations Fit for the Digital World
3.19 Recalibration of Sector Taxation Policies
3.20 Changing Operating Models
Part II: Data Capture and Distribution
4: Data Capture and Distribution
4.1 The Rise of Internet of Things
4.2 The Emergence of New Business Models Due to IOT
4.3 The Importance of IOT Interoperability
4.4 IOT Security and Trust Policies
4.5 Wearable and Medical Sensors: Potential and Hype
4.6 Energy Storage Innovations Driving IOT
4.7 Connected Home
4.8 Connected Car
4.9 Connected Government
4.10 Connected City
4.11 Connected Health
4.12 Connected Education
4.13 Connected Enterprise
4.14 Connected Agriculture/Mining
Part III: Data Integrity, Control and Tokenization
5: Data Integrity, Control and Tokenization
5.1 Data Value and Tradability
5.2 Data/Cyber Security Risks
5.2.1 Protocol Vulnerabilities
5.2.2 Network and System Threats
5.3 Creating Trust in the Data Ecosystem
5.4 Data Confidentiality: Cryptography and Encryption
5.4.1 Symmetric Key Encryption
5.4.2 Asymmetric Key Encryption/Public Key Cryptosystems
5.5 Data Integrity: Hash Functions
5.6 Data Availability and Access: Digital Signatures
5.7 National Digital Identities
5.8 Blockchain
5.9 Alternative Implementations to POW Blockchains
5.9.1 Lightning Network
5.9.2 IOTA
5.9.3 Ethereum
5.9.4 Cross-Chain Technologies
5.10 Regulating Blockchain
5.11 Smart Contracts
5.12 Token Economics, Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (ICO)
5.12.1 Token Classification
5.12.2 Regulating Cryptoassets, ICOs and Cryptocurrencies
5.12.3 The Debate Between Utility and Securities Tokens
5.13 Privacy and Data Protection
5.13.1 Anonyimization Techniques
5.13.2 Reliability and Accuracy Standards
5.13.3 Data Mobility
5.13.4 Open Data
Part IV: Data Processing and AI
6: Data Processing and AI
6.1 The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
6.1.1 Why the Sudden Excitement?
6.2 Impact of AI on Industry
6.2.1 AI in Health and Medicine
6.2.2 AI in Financial Services
6.2.3 AI in Public Sector
6.2.4 AI in Retail
6.2.5 AI in Agriculture
6.2.6 AI in Manufacturing/Logistics
6.2.7 AI in Education and Training
6.3 Impact of AI on Economies
6.4 Impact of AI on Society
6.4.1 AIs Impact on Employment
6.4.2 AI Likely to Put Downward Pressure on Wages
6.4.3 The Need to Rethink Education
6.4.4 The Risks of Further Inequality
6.4.5 Social Bias and Misuse
6.4.6 AI May Become a Threat to Humanity
6.4.7 Cyber Security Threats Likely to Increase
6.4.8 Mental Health
6.4.9 Political Manipulation and Fake News
6.4.10 The Risk of Creating Data Monopolies That Have Immense Power
6.4.11 Policy Responses to Date
6.5 Understanding How AI Works
6.5.1 Artificial Neural Networks
6.5.2 Deep Learning
6.5.3 Limitations of AI
Part V: Disruptive Data Applications
7: Disruptive Data Applications
7.1 Digital Assistants
7.2 Virtual and Augmented Reality
7.3 Digital Twins
7.4 Platforms
7.4.1 Size Matters
7.4.2 Platform Business Models
7.4.3 Platform Revenue Management and Governance
7.4.4 APIs Crucial for Platform Business Models
7.4.5 Data Protection Concerns
7.4.6 Competition Concerns
7.5 Autonomous Vehicles
7.5.1 V2X Communication
7.5.2 Ridesharing and Autonomous Vehicles
7.5.3 Cyber Security
7.5.4 Testing Environments
7.5.5 Licensing
7.5.6 Liability Regimes
7.6 Drones
Part VI: Other Enabling Disruptive Technologies
8: Other Disruptive Technologies
8.1 Nanotechnology
8.2 Quantum Computing
8.3 3D Printing
8.4 Genome Editing
8.5 Renewal Energy
Part VII: Enterprise Strategies
9: Enterprise Digital Transformation
9.1 The Need to Metamorphosis into Ambidextrous Digital Organisations
9.2 New Digitally Driven Operating Models
9.3 Reviewing Your Business Model: A Five Step Plan
9.4 A Vision with Purpose
9.5 Agility and Adaptability the DNA of the Digital Firm
9.6 Good Governance at the Heart of Digital Transformation
9.7 Leading the Transformation
9.8 A Roadmap for Digital Transformation
9.9 Learn Fast, Act Faster
9.10 Concluding Remarks
Part VIII: Policy Responses
10: Global Policy Responses: A Snapshot
10.1 Shift in Regulatory Focus
10.2 Government Led Versus Private Sector Led Approaches
10.3 Europe
10.4 USA
10.5 Asia
10.6 Middle East

Digital Disruption: Implications and Opportunities for Economies, Society, Policy Makers and Business Leaders

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