Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

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Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

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·. Edited by AN INTERNATIONAL COMMI TTEE Samuel N. C. Lieu Macquarie University Sydney Editor in Chief

AloYs van Tongerloo University of Gottingen Founding Editor in Chief

Johannes Van Oort University of Utrecht/ Nijmegen I Pretoria Editor in Chief


Vol. III . Texts from Central Asia and China · edited by . Nicholas Sims-Williams

· Part 2 Dictionary·ofManichaean Sogdian and Bactrian by

Nicholas Sims-Williams ,and Desmond Durkin-Meisteremst


Arts & Humanities Research Council



Dedicated to Werner Sundermann tyw 'ys ''wmr'z ky ZY �r'yt'y ZY rxwsnw kwn 'y

Contents Introduction Concordance 1. Sogdian texts in Manichaean script 2. Sogdian texts in Sogdian script 3. Christian�anti-Manichaean) Sogdian texts in Syriac script 4. The Bactnan fragmen� in Manichaea,n script References and bibliographical abbreviations Other abbreviations Symbols and conventions Dictionary ofManichaean Sogdian

© 2012, Brepols Publishers n.v., Turnhout, Belgium All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ill a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. D/2012/0095/117

ISBN 978-2-503-54501-l Printed in the E.U. on acid-free paper


vii xi xxi xxvi xxvi xxvii xxxvii xxxviii 1

Glossary to the Manichaean Bactrian f�agment Ml 224


English index


Introduction The first part of this Dictionary covers Manichaean Sogdian texts in both Manichaean and Sogdian script (marked Mand S respectively). It is intended to include all such material published up to mid2011, inclu�ing short passages and even individual words which have been cited in print. In the case of Manichaean· manuscripts combining texts in more than one language, or containing Sogdian names and titles in non-Sogdian contexts (e.g. BBB, Ml, M813i, MIKiii4979), only the Sogdian parts of the text are included. On the other hand, foreign (MP, Pa, Turkish, Chinese, Semitic) names, words or phrases are listed if they occur in a Sogdian context.1 Incomplete (unrestored) words of which the initial l�tter(s) are preserved are entered under a likely cognate if possible or after all other words beginning with the same letter(s). Partially preserved words whose initial letters do not survive and for which no likely restoration has been found are omitted, as are all forms which are wholly restored by an editor. In principle, unpublished material is not included here. There are a few exceptions, such as prevjously unread words occurring in published texts. yVords of which only a stem has been cited are given, where possible, in complete form; and occasionally, words adjacent to those in published quotations have been cited, when these help to establish the meaning or form of words in the published text. The Dictionary contains many corrections t� previously published read­ ings, but we have not been able to check every detail and cannot guarantee that all ghost-words and misreadings have been eliminated. In a few cases (M429 + M8p00 [Y.Y.]; M540e + M664 [Y.Y.]; M870b + M870c; M6934 + M6937) a join between two fragments has been noted here for the first time. In the case of texts in Sogdian script it is not always easy to decide on the religious affiliation of the writer. It is therefore likely both that a few Manichaean texts have been omitted and that a few non­ Manichaean fragments have been included in the Dictionary. For the Berlin collection we have in general followed the judgement of Christiane Reck, whose Mitteliranische Handschriften, Teil 1: Berliner Turfanfragmente manichaischen Inhalts in soghdischer Schrift (hereafter cited as 'Kat.'), is intended to cover all the Manichaean texts of that collection; 2 for a few exceptions see Yoshida 2008, 56. A number of texts in Sogdian script which have sometimes been taken to be Manichaean have not.been included, either because their Manichaean origin is disputed or unclear, or because they have no substantial religious content. Among the more significant texts thus excluded are 'P12', a collection of short maxims (Benveniste 1940, 130-33; discussed by Yoshida 2001, 110-11); the famous Paris ·and London fragments of the story of Rustam (Sims-Williams 1977, 54-61); and two texts in which Zoroaster plays a role, the so-called 'Fragment 4' of the British Library (ibid., 46-8) and the similar 'B�230' (Yoshida 1979, 187; Sundermann 2004, 519-20). Only one Christian Sogdian text in Syriac script is taken into account here, namely the anti-Mani­ chaean polemic of which the largest surviving portion was- published in Sims-Williams 2003 (cf. also the fragments in Sims-Williams 1995a, 291, 293). In this case only a few key terms (marked C) have been included in the Dictionary. The vocabulary of the unique Manichaean Bactrian fragment M1224 (published in Sims-Williams 2009) is included in a separate glossary (pp. 239-41). Where Manichaean Bactrian forms are referred to elsewhere in this volume they are indicated by the abbreviation B. The Berlin manuscripts are here cited by their current signatures, e.g. M1204 rather than Tia, so that the reference given here is often different from that under which the text has been cited in print. The 1 It should be noted that the numerous Sogdian names attested in the Mahmamag (Ml) are not included in Pavel Lurje's Personal Names in Sogdian texts (Iranisches Personennamenbuch Il/8, hereafter 'IPNB 11/8'), evidently because Ml is not a Sogdian text. (These names will be included in a separate volume of the IPNB which is being compiled by Iris Colditz, cf. Colditz 2011.) On the other hand, Lurje includes a large number of Manichaean names occurring in lists, captions to pictures etc., even in cases where neither the name nor the adjacent words are identifiable as Sogdian. This Dictionary therefore includes many names which are absent from IPNB 11/8 and vice versa. 2 We would like to express out thanks to Christiane Reck for providing a digital version of this work, which greatly simpli­ fied the task of collecting the text material cited therein.

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian



i, _ii,�tc. w sides f a folio a e eferr ed t by the abbreviati ns R and V,while he abb eviati ns n I . e g a le g n i s a n mns u l o c e r m p w e h t o t p �ncip�e efe t he w pages f a d uble-foli r des is si he f de e h t if d e k nma u t f le e a s d e V an ) A/B a e used ins ead f R/V ( Rec y a re e h t e e wh y all i c e es , a rbi a mes i met s e a ns i p y unknown bu it is likely tha these indica la n i e a u nacc i tl igh sl e b s al ma s p r e b m u n en i l � es, y y tak en v� fr m earlie publicati ns. The em l f n i ca di n i u h wi n i n i ed i c n e e b ave h nes i l e m r p pa rticula ly whe e passages f tw division. t



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F ms used as lemmata a e gen� ally given in a simp le/simplified fo m,with single lette s in r la� e , f d uble (with a e exce pti ns,n ably initial"; cf. als special cases such as p ccyk,f3ykky� n) ; m the case f lemma a in M script,we wri e t fo t,k for q,d fo d /dt,and mit inte nal ' and fm�l h­ F he alph abe ical a angement,k/q,t/t,h/h (in Bac ian als s/s,bu � t z/z) a e treated as eqmva� lent; d ubl ing f le tte s and final -hare ign ed. I n t ansli e ating M scnp ,R agoz a 1980 e xc�anges J with z and t wi h (see Sims -Williams 1981, 232); in citing his edi i n we have n rmalized he translite ati n in th�se esp ec s with u c mment. S me edi i ns of texts in S sc ipt,mainly but n t ex clusively fr m the 1980s and ea l ier,wri e y fo b h y and x. H e e y i s epl aced by x whe e app ­ cross - efe ence) . The diac itic ma ks w�ich fte� ac _ c mpany the p ia e (usually with u c mment _ lette z in S script ( subscript p oint,d ubl e-p int line) a e n t � p du� e_ d m he Dictionary entnes, since hei functi n diffe s fr m ne manusc rip t an the (see Sims-Williams 1978,257-8) . or


































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have been given whe eve his seems Refe ences t discussi ns f be found �n the when · they a � ud�d ncl i ll a u s u n e a y likel y t b e helpful. Such eferences MacKenzie �nd h, c evi Gersh b icles rt a f se a c e h t n I f. y c mmentary t the tex pub lica i n itsel ch e a d ecte ll c f mes u l v i e th t d e rr e f e p p s (Ge shevi Sundermann we h ave whe e p ssible se ca e h t n i ; ns i ec orr c ' s ho t u a he e ud ncl i ese h e c n i s , 1985; M acK�nzie 1999; Sundermann 2001) t an h t e h at ns i a c i l ub nal igi o e th o t ences efer ven gi e v p f articles by Henning,h weve ,we ha g n ni 1977). n (He his posthumously-published Selected Papers o




words in the secondary liter ature




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Notes on Sogdian orthography, grammar and grammatical terminology Orthography . . . . a -w r -h _ is ext �mely pseud - �ist nc�l) fm � In S gdian scrip he writing f a silent (hist rical m S gdian scnp use a fmal -y m he c mm n . A s h as been ec gnized b y Sunde m ann,some M ss XIX, 139ff, n he ve bal f ms BT e se -: t e f a l e v i s u cl x e y same manne , especially but n bf3 'ty SS127, 'w 'm' y SS128, SS118, n ' b' rt 'zy' SS116, n y y 'pxsynty SS114,b'rnty SS115, 'nxs'y y T e nt ' s b' m an 'x m ms fo nal i m n ! e y_ S�ll7,'stwny SS119. � p � y y f3'ty SS131,and he (n n - bliqu ) l e_-foh ub d e h es ud cl !1 i h c whi a h t s i n mm c s i l a n fi nt ile s y nly M an ich aean M s in which the and 18248, f which the first foli was published by Henning 1944,137-42 (ci ted he e as 182481) T XIX, , mann e d n Su by Ms, same e h t f � ments g a fr e ll sma al the sec nd foli ,t gethe with seve 86-9 ( cited he e as SS 108-139) ; is lated spellings . f the same typ e a e also attes ed at least m Ch/:U T avmd 6506Vl (ptywsb'rty, 3.sg. .pre .) and p e haps in 14410iR8 (m'ywny,f usual mywn ?). clea ly bu ms fo . l b . l ( obl. e ik l k l h c whi ) d n ki s hi f p any misun de standing,n minal f ms .". l b t n " ked a m y ll a d n t functi n as such are sp ecific o

















































































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· Nouns, adjectives and pronouns . al h se of I lya ene g n e r a Dictionary s hi n i d se u ns enti nv � T he grammatical te min ol gy and c athe numb e §by d cite y all u s u ', 'GMS e ft ea e (h Sogdian n Gershevi ch's Grammar of Manichea e bl. h h wi ms fo stem eav h t d te ric est r e he s i (obl. ique' l b y ) than by p age) . H weve , h e te m ' f ms, e.g. the �en.� l c.� a?l. �lu al ending -1, wher eas in GMS i is s metimes used f ltgh -stem . f heavy-stem forms which d n t b ea the bl. endmg but are bhq�e ,1.e : � n­ forms in -tya, he te m 'nume ativ e' (numv.) see Sims-W1lh ams n m inativ e',fr m a syntac i c p int f view. F 1979,339-42. o









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Since S gdian d es n t c nsisten tly differentiate y and y�, bl. an� di ect f� 1?s f heavy stems ending in -y are in p ac ice in distinguishable. The same applies,mu atis mut andis _ , t the pl. and n n­ stems en di n g i n t ( -d . C nse qu en tl , n fo ms f s e ms m -y a e defined as l . for ms of h eav ) y y p o

























(with he ex cepti t









f irregu la fo





ms such as
















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The ?e�initi n f a w d· as an adjective and c esp nding t anslati n sh uld n t be taken imply _ ne�e� used as a n ?un � as an adve b,si�ce these usages a e in principle possible fo any th�t it is . ad� ect�v e. Simila�ly,fo ms iden ified as dem ns a ive p n uns may be used eithe subs anti va lly r adJ ectivall y. Elat 1ve fo ms (G �S §1309-15) a e list ed unde the stem f he bas ic adj ect ive (with c ss - e fe enc es unde he p efix ed fo ms ) ,bu c mp a ati ves and supe latives a e eated as lemmata sepa a e fr m the und erl ying adje ctive.



















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obl. and n forms of s ems in -t/-d f:k'trt,pl. f f3 't 'b the ').











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Verbs In the case of ve b�l fo ms,th e c nventi ns and te min log used he e 'diffe fr m th se f GMS in y a num be � cases,m gene al foll wing BT XII and Sims -Williams 1989a. In p articula ,it sh uld be n ted hat hght and heav ve b al stems a e distinguished in he same way as light and heavy n minal � s ems, by the use f a f _ mal hyphen at the end f light s tems nly. Gershevi ch's ' esent assive' p (3.�g-� -ty_ ,?MS �7�6) 1s he e r ename� ' p esen middle' ( res.mid. ,cf. Sims-Wil p liams 1989a,187, p ) while his p ec�tiv_ e C?M� �805-13) is efe ed t as ' ative middle' ( t.mid.), cf. ibid.,188. I n p p GMS the only mJunc�i�e (mJ.) fo m menti ned is the 1.sg.inj. in -u (§688 ; he e we ec gnize als ) 2nd _and 3 d p ers n mJ. fo m�, b th sg. a �d pl._ (see Sims -Wqliams 1996 , s me f which we e ) p ev10�sly eg a ded as bel ngmg he subJunctive. F the ' abs ludve' (absol. ) and the ' enti al p abs lutlve' (p t. abs l.) see DTS,45-6,and Sims -Williams 2008a,379-80, espectively. r



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C e�ain n minal fo �s � nsis ing of a heavy present s em with u suffix r a light p esent s em with a fmal -y p esen a difficult p blem. _ In GMS su ch fo ms are ft en described as p esent infini ives, even (especially in BBB) as adve bs. He e the th ugh many ?f �h�1:11 pp ea � fu�ct10n as n uns � , e m p esent mfm1t ive (p es.mf.) is used f such fo ms nl y if they are governed by a ve b such as frm'y 't d e ',yw_- 't b e necessa y',pc'y ' o be p per',pyyj ' t intend'. Th ugh this est icti n is to s me ex en t ar�1t a y,_ he identifica �i?n f the forms in qu es i n as infinitives is supp rted by t h e fac t that th se which denve fr m t ansitive verbs typically g ve n an bject in the same wa y as fini e ve bs. o










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Acknowledgements _ ries f text-files and c nc dances c mpiled in the �int fo his £?icti?n�ry was a se 19?�s by the Literary and Lmgmst1c C mputmg Centre a Cambridge Unive sity fo Nich las Sims­ Wilham�,w�o had collec ed all th e published texts including the man sh r t passages and indi vidual y w ds cited m s ur�es uch as W. B. Hen�ng's editi n of the 'Bet- und Beichtbuch' (Henning � 193�), I lya Ge �h ev�tch s Grammar of Manzchean Sogdian, and M a B ce's Catalogue of the y lra�ian �anuscnpt� m Manichean script �n the German Turfan collection, Bey rlin,1960 (cited bel w as Cat. ,usuall� with ut p age -number,smce the fragments a e a anged in nume ical de ). In the 1990s the text-files we e refo matted for a e son al c m uter and fr m the p n on new material was p added fr time as it became kn wn; h ugh the initiative � time f J st Gippert,a ve si n was mad e available t � � e website f he TITUS p j ect at F ankfurt (Thesau us Ind germanische T ext­ und Sp achmat�n�hen,h�tp://titus.uni-frank:furt.de/indexe.htm in 1998 an d p artially evised in 2005. ) w_ k � �e Dictionary itself began in earnest in 2000 with the awa d f a la ge g ant t Nich las Si��-Wilhams by �he UK Arts and Humanities Resea ch B a d (later: R esea ch C uncil) fo th e Dictionary of �anzchaean Texts p oj ect. Du ing th e fiv e ears f this oj ect, n less than five y p sch l a s_ c ntnb ted t the com i la i n f the � p p esen v lume: Desm nd Du kin-Meiste e nst and F an�ms de Blms, the successive Resea c � _Assistants n the p j ect; Enric Mo an and Johnny Cheung,wh s e ': rk was sup rted by a_ dd1t10nal sh rt-te m funding fr m t he Bri ish Acad emy and � the S h � �l f On�ntal and African Studies; and Nicholas Sims-Williams . A ll of these made valuable c _nt ibut10 ns, whi h we a e ha � � ppy to ackn wledg e he e. Resp nsibil it fo the final fo m f th e Dzctwnary ests with the tw auth rs,Nich las Sims-Wi lliams and Desm ynd Durki n-M eiste remst. The starting-p






















































































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t e Dictionary ha� been g eatly aided by the existence f the catal gues f Mary Ou w rk �n _ h Boyce, Christiane R eck and Ennc M an , and by the avail ability f digi al ph t graphs f the r










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Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

· the website of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akad ma u cn· ts of the Berlin Turfan collection on o al� e We hav u ng/turfanforschung/dta/index:html). � �er \vissenschaften (http://www.bbaw.de/forsch emie Ir�n Trust m and India ient c An the at deposited had ac s to the Nachlass of Ilya Gershevitch, ing his annotated tr�nscnpts o f t�e written no• tebooks contain · e amb ri�:g: ' which includes hand . hile he was wo rkmg on the thesis B H g h s i So;i:� ;e are extremeJ_y grateful t� r�::: �=�:�e:�:.�t�:a�� h: �:�::;� :::i:�a� passing on many valuabl� suggestions � e 0 yoshida for carefully reading a first draft and t� ish acce_ss to_ d�afts of �s as yet unp i d Engl here by the initials Y.Y.) as well as for giving us � first ;e:d the 0 i editions of the. Bezeklik letters. and th��a;balgas�: :: �r::::;:! :::�1:b;� his edition of .n r draft and sent us useful correct10ns, w � erne: . also g ateful to Peter on as B! XXX. We. are ati c bli u p its f o e c an v ad in g the Gowisn z Grzw zznda ly gic al questions, to ��nstian Recrk . ho kind Zieme and Jens Wilkens for advice on Turcolo ils ; t a d e ' ;mg scripts, and to Ela Filippone or provi answered many questions about the Turf an . manu odern Iraman languages. on possible cognates in v arious m

Concordance This list is not yet another Catalogue (for which see Boyce, Cat.; Morano 2008; and Reck, Kat.). It merely indi cates in alphabeti c-numerical order the sigla under which the texts are ref erred to in the Dictionary _and the publications in which they are edited or cited. 1. Sogdian-texts in Manichaean script ANc20, ANe ed. Sundermann, BT XV, 35, 36 ARla ed. Boyce 1954, 122 BBB, BBBa-f ed. Henning 1937 CF ed. Henning 1948; CFv l ed. Henning 1948, 318 Fastl-5 ed. Henning 1945a GI/a-x ed. Henning 1940 Gl/y ed. Morano 2004 HLS�ed. D urkin-Meisterernst, BT XXIV KawC, E, G, IR, K, V ed. Henning 1943 Kaw IV ed. Morano 2011, 104-5 KG ed. Sundermann, BT XI L3, L72a-c, L74, L75, L117 ed. Ragoza 1980 [unfortunately the new Persian edition of these texts by Z. Zarshenas and L. Asgari could not be used] L73+ (i.e. L73+77) ed. Yoshida 2001, 111-12 Ml ed. Muller 1913 Ml4 ed. Walds chmidt-Lentz 1933, 547-8 M41 Vl1 (Sundermann 2001, 490) M44 ed. Colditz 1987, 299-304 M62 RlO (Cat.) M64 ed. Muller 1904, 92-3 M74 ed. Muller 1904, 75-7 . Ml07 iRi9 (GMS §1515), 10 (GMS §849), 11 (GMS §717, 1515), 12 (GMS §63), iRii4 (GMS §830), iVi9 (GMS §1076), iVii8 (Sundermann 2001, 146 n. 50), 8f (GMS §1510), 9 (GMS §457, 825), 10 (GMS §1014), 13 (GMS §568 n. 1), iiRi5 (GMS §52), 7 (GMS §1331 n. 1), 7f (GMS §1100), 9 (GMS §1214), iiVi3 (GMS §968), iiVii4 (GMS §1178), 5, 6 (GMS §1123), 7 (Gershe­ vit ch 1985, 12) Ml08 Rl (GMS §152a), 5 (GMS §1431), 7 (GMS §512), 8 (Sundermann 2001, 148 n. 106), 9-11 (Henning 1948, 316), Vl (GMS §704), 2 (GMS §178), 5 (GMS §572, 678), 8 (Gershevitch 1965, 159b; BT XII, 84; Kat., 200 n. 2), 9 (GMS §1517) Mll0 iRl (GMS §552), 3-5 (GMS §499, 1659), 8 (GMS §803), 9 (GMS §526, 980), 10 (GMS §1331 n. 3, 1332), iV3 (GMS §1441), 6 (GMS §894, 1068), iiR5 (GMS §886), 6 (GMS §374), 7 (GMS §1168), ,Sf (GMS §1659), 11 (GMS §870, 1659), 12 (GMS §199), iiV3f (GMS §885), 4 (GMS §1406), 7 (GMS §885, 1263), 8 (GMS §199), 9 (GMS §81), 10 (OMS §14) Ml15 ed. Muller 1907 Ml16 R4 (GMS §1302; Asmussen 1965, 238), 5 (GMS §283, 440; Asmussen 1965, 238), 5-7 (Hen­ ning 1937, 94), 6 (Asmussen 1965, 238), 7 (GMS §56, 855; Asmussen 1965, 238 n. 5), 8 (GMS §1269; Asmussen 1965, 238), 9 (GMS §1291; Asmussen 1965, 238), 10 (GMS §1300; Asmussen 1965, 238), 11 (Asmussen 1965, 238) 12 (Henning 1937, 98; Asmussen 1965, 238), 12 f (Sunder­ mann 2001, 823), 13 (GMS §52, 1648), Vl (Asmussen 1965, 238), V3f (Henning 1937, 86; As­ mussen 1965, 239 n. 18), 4 (Asmussen 1965, 238), 5 (GMS §1056; Asmussen 1965, 239 n. 19), 6 (Cat.; Asmussen 1965, 239 n. 20; Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 205), 7 (GMS §982; Asmussen 1965, 238, 239 n. 21), 8 (Asmussen 1965, 238), 8-10 (GMS §1695; Yoshida 2009a, 576), 9 (Henning 1937, 74; Asmussen 1965, 238), 10 (GMS §625), 10-12 (Henning 1937, 65), 12 (Henning 1936, 586 n. 4; GMS §652), 13, 14 (Asmussen 1965, 238), 15 (GMS §652; Asmussen 1965, 238) Mll7 2 (GMS §521), 3 (GMS §1015), 4 (GMS §1335), 4-6 (GMS §1421, 1560), 5 (GMS §99), 6 (GMS §16 n. 1), 7f (GMS §986), 8 (GMS §653), 9 (GMS §1356), 9f (GMS §1690), 12 (GMS §906), 12-14 (GMS §1308), 14 (GMS §1197)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M11 8 ihdl (Henning 1937, 11; Boyce 1975, 156; IPNB II/8, no. 769), iRl (GMS §621), 2 (GMS §1390; Weber 1970, 89 n. 24, 196 n. 352),4f (GMS §73 n. 1; Sundermann 2001, 151 n. 150), 6 (GMS §5), 6f(GMS §846 n. 1), 7 (GMS §1483), 7f (GMS §842), 8 (GMS §299; Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 180), 10 (GMS §610; Sundermann 2001, 147 n. 84), 11 (BT XII, 51), 12 (GMS §616, 1197), 13 (GMS §63,167, 880, 1362), 13-15 (GMS §1531), 14 (GMS §627), 15 (GMS §611, 1389),16 (GMS §50),16f (GMS §1248),iVl (GMS §16 n. 1),1-4 (GMS §1681),2 (GMS §1181, 1183), 3 (GMS §1641), 4 (GMS §1454), 5 (GMS §475, 627), 7 (GMS §167, 880), 8 (GMS §610),9 (GMS §895,1214,1249),11-18 (Waldschmidt-Lentz 1926,40),13 (GMS §706), 14f (GMS §73 n. 1), iiRhdl (Henning 1937, 64), iiR3 (GMS §1132), 4 (GMS §895), 5 (GMS §520, 1132), 6 (GMS §895), 7 (GMS §19; Gershevitch 1985, 10), 8-11 (GMS §285 n. 1), 9 (Henning 1937, 65 n. 1),11-13 (GMS §838),14-17 (Henning 1937,68), iiVhdl (GMS §825; BT XI, 149), iiV3 ( GMS §650; .Sundermann 1990, 28 n. 48), 5 (ibid., 28 n. 48), 6 (GMS §220), 11 (GMS §164),llf(Henning 1944,140 n. 3),16 (GMS §1084) M120 R3 (BT XI,184a),8 (GMS §653), V3 (GMS § 136), 8 (Weber 1970,204) M121 R3 (GMS §1022), 4 (GMS §170), V2 (GMS §1042; BT XV, 41b), 3 (GMS §863), 4 (GMS §386) M122 R3 (GMS §472) M123 3 (GMS §584; Cat.) M125 R2 (G MS §99),4 (GMS §96 n. 1), 5 (Sundermann 2001,146 n. 77), 7 (ibid.,150 n. 141), V (GMS §1102) M127 ed. Morano 2009,175-8 M128 R6 (Weber 1970, 182), 7 (Henning 1948, 314; GMS §865 n. 1), V7 (GMS §1184, 1665), 8 (GMS §1454) M129 ed. Sundermann 2001,877-88 M130a+ (i.e. Ml30a+601),M130b ed. Morano 2009,182-3 M134 iRhdl (Yoshida 2000, 110), iRl (GMS §542, 892), 1-5 (BT XI, 178), 2 (GMS §600, 892, 1377), 3 (Henning 1937, 60; GMS §890, 894), 4 (GMS §475), 5 (GMS §526, 892), 6 (GMS §890), 7 (GMS §1377), 9 (GMS §899), lOf (BT XII, 117), 11-14 (Henning 1936, 588), iVhdl (Henning 1937,98; BeDuhn 2004, 34a), iV2 (GMS §1035), 2f (GMS §1395), 3 (GMS §736), 4 (GMS §358,1068),4-6 (Sundermann 2001,840),4-12 (Henning 1944,144 n. 3),5 (GMS §299), 6 (Sundermann 2001, 151 n. 146), 10 (GMS §970, 1218), 11 (Henning 1937, 84; Sundermann 2001, 844),1lf (Sundermann 2001,840),12 (GMS §293),iiRl (Gershevitch 1985,15),3 (GMS §63), 7 (GMS §157), 9 (GMS §1221), 11 (GMS §459),12f (GMS §1199; Gershevitch 1985, 9), iiV4 (Henning 1937,63), 7 (GMS §486 n. 2,970),8-10 (Henning 1940,19-20),10 (GMS §624), 13 (GMS § 1120,1572),14 (GMS §525) [M135b R29 cited BT XIX,136,must be a mistake for some C text] Ml36 Rhdl (GMS §1101 n. 1), Rl (GMS §1454), 2 (GMS §514, 967), 3 (GMS §970), 4f (GMS §1662), 11 (GMS §1335), Vhdl (GMS §157, 514), V2 (GMS §706), 3 (GMS §514), 4-7 (GMS §1241), 7 (GMS §983), 7f (GMS §1489), 8-10 (Henning 1937, 54), 9 (GMS §1335 n. 1), 10 (GMS §342),12 (GMS §1132) M137 iiRhdl (GMS §525, 865 n. 1), iiRl (GMS §761, 1349), 1f (Sundermann 2001, 715 n. 39; Weber 2000,15 n. 16),2 (GMS §582, 892,1111,1390),2-11 (Provasi 2009,359 n. 58),3 (GMS §413,1174),4 (GMS §135 n. 1,761,974),5 (GMS §892),6 (GMS §125,396),6f(GMS §1393), 8 (GMS §894),9f (Henning 1937, 80),-U ( GMS §1294; BT XI, 178),12 ( GMS §761, 1113), 13 (GMS §1214), 14 (GMS §70 n. 1, 974), iiVhdl (Henning 1946a, 151; Morano 2008, 243), iiVl (GMS §135 n. 1), 2 (GMS §1350), 2-5 (GMS §807), 6 (GMS §70 n. 1), 7 (GMS §371, 610), 8f (GMS §1349), 9, 10 (GMS §974), 10-15 (Henning 1946a,151), 11 (GMS §135 n. 1), 12 (GMS §274,992,1316,1674),14 (GMS §135 n. 1,1273),15 (GMS §1273) Ml38 V4 (Cat.) M140+ (i.e. M140+1501) ed. Sundermann 2001,749-60 M141+ (i.e. M141+6795) R7 (Cat. under M6795), 12 (GMS §439,643),1� (Sundermann 2001, 144 n. 28, 159 n. 244), V6 (Sundermann 2001, 144 n. 20), 7 (Sundermann 2001, 701 with n. 34; Yoshida 2002, 194b), 11 (Henning 1943, 63 n. 1; 1958, 112 n. 7), 11-12 (BT XVII, 84), 11-13 (Henning 1946,71 8) .J



Ml l ( 6f(GMS §1683),7 (GMS §574),8 (GMS §1 21), V2 (GMS _ ti:i�/��� i�4�,��:, enmng 1940, 6), 5 (GMS §1268), 7 (GMS §253), 8 (Henning 1940, GMS §976) M143 Ri4 (!fenning 1937,68),5 (GMS §178,1174),Riilf (Yoshida 2000 46-7) Vi2 (GMS §l035) 5 (Hennmg 1937,68),Vii3-6 (BT XIX, 150),5 (GMS §1210) ' ' ' � :� R� (��f §934,1361),4 (GMS §879),4-6 (GMS §1511),5 ( GMS §957), V7 (GMS §1109) � b 2 ) M169 iR2 (GMS §63; Cat.),iVhdl (GMS §1076) M172 ed. MacKenzie 1995 M207 Rhdl (Cat.) M214 iR7 (Henning 1936,588) M247 R3f (GMS §1439), 4 (GMS §5), Sf (GMS §73 n. 1; Sundermann 2001 151 n 146 Vl (GMS §34, 510), 4 (GMS §972), 6 (Hennin g 1948, 309),'9 (GMS §1iis�'. �� M264a R4 (Sundermann 2001 155 n 208) 4f ( GMS § 5 G 8 (G s §�5), 7f (GMS §969), Sf (GMS §i620),' 13f (GMS §\ 3��),�� ��r:13�- �'6i�� } (� un : er� mann 2001, 155 n. 208), 4f(GMS §1407),5 (GMS §1394),Sf(GMS §1420) 6 (GMS §589 892 s undermann 2001 155 n 208) 7 (GMS §5 1 4 8 i��� §1420; Sunderma ' nn 2001, 155 ' n.' 208},9 (GMS §1284,15 92),10 (GMS §157t14 § M280 nRlf (GMS §1405), 2 (GMS §622), 4 (BT XV 45b), 7 (GMS §540 1060 8 GMs 135 . 1, 141? _ ,1536), 9 (GMS §956), 10-12 (GMS §1655), 1315 (GMS §1528a) 1l'ca�s §1£5 n. lIl , 962),nV12 (GMS §135 n. 1) ' M2�6 iR4 (GMS §1132),5 (GMS §526), 9 (Gershe vitch 1985,8),iV3 (GMS §1011),4 (GMS §99) nVl (GMS §63),2 (GMS §434),3 (Gershevitch 19 85,17),5 (GMS § 169) ' M296 ed. Morano 2009,178 M299f6,M309b 8 (Cat.) M329c ed. Morano 2005,218 -19 M337 Rl (GMS §1014),3 (GMS §1298),6 (GMS §1130),8f(GMS §806) M339 V7 (Sundermann 1993,163) M343 R3 (GMS §600,830), Vhdl (GMS §1152) M356 ed. Morano 2005,217-18 M3;! �t (�� \;���- ; � l �d: i�o� s 1;27 8; Sundermann 2001, 151 n. 146; Yoshida 2000, ) l S , ' ( os ,7 M370 R3 (GMS §550 n. 2), 5 (GMS §863, 1171 ; Weber 1970, 139), Vl (GMS §879), 5 (GMS §254�,Sf(Sims-Williams 1979,337 n. 6),6 (GMS §1179) M3 ; S §572), Vi2 (GMS §999), 6 (GMS §1609), :l��� �:i�����!61���� G�t;f:5 ( M373 ed. Morano 2009, 190-91 M388 ed. Muller 1904,28-9 M399 A ed. Sundermann 1968, 403-5, B2 (Gl\lS §1456), 3 (GMS §995) 5 (GMS §313 911) 6 (GMS §647,995),8 ( GMS §1381) ' ' ' M406 ed. Sundermann 2001,511 M420 2 (Cat.; Asmussen 1965,242),5 (Asmussen, ibid.) M423 4 (GMS §622; Cat.) M425 ed. Morano 2005,219-20 M427b R3,Vl,5 (Asmussen 1965,242) M428a R3 (Yoshida 2000,74), V4f( GMS §1473 ) M429 3 (GMS §1273) [M429 joins M8600 (Y.Y.)] M430a R2 (GMS §55),3 (GMS §275,825),4 (G MS §1482), V4 (GMS §169,318) M452b RS (GMS §1005),V2-4 (Henning 1948 309) M459d 3 (Cat.) ' M476 Vi9 (Sundermann 2001,150 n. 140) M481 ii3f (Henning 1937,12) M4 2000, 67), 7 (GMS §230, 318, 976), 7f (GMS §810), 8 (GMS :�9



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Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and B actrian

M485b 1 (Sundermann 2001, 701 with n. 34), 4 (GMS §124; Cat.) M498b-c ed. Morano 2009, 195-7 M5001 ed. Morano 2009, 183 M500m iR6 (GMS §1230), iV3 (Henning 1944, 140 n. 1), iiV6 (Cat.) M501g iR2 (Sundermann 2001, 126), iVl (Cat.), iiRl (Cat.) M50lh 3 (Cat.) M501i ed. Morano 2009, 191 M501j 3, M501k, M50115 (Cat.) M501m ed. Morano 2009, 184-5 M5021 Rl (Henning 1946, 733), Vl (GMS §542), 1f (Gershevitch 1985, 20; Henning 1948, 309), 2 (GMS §600), 3 (GMS §1316) M502n 1 (Cat.) M502o A3 (GMS §336), 5 (GMS §55), 6 (GMS §1078; Asmussen 1965, 243), B2, 5 (Asmussen, ibid.) M502p A2f (Henning 1945, 484), 3 (below s.v. nwB), B2 (Henning, ibid.; GMS §329, 1059) M502q 2 (Cat.) M503o B3, M503p A2 (Morano 2008, 248) M504 A2 (GMS §18), 3 (GMS §969; Asmussen 1965, 243 with n. 4 on p. 244), 5 (GMS §969), B1 (GMS §899), 2, 3, 4 (Asmussen 1965, 243-4) M513 3 (Cat.) M52la Rl (GMS §550 n. 2), 2 (GMS §1273) .. M52lb Aii5 (GMS §336), 7 (GMS §1638), 8 (GMS §81), 9 (GMS §1193), Bi9 (GMS §342), Bn2-4 (Henning 1948, 309) M530 R2, 3 (Asmussen 1965, 244), 4 (GMS §57), 5 (GMS §499, 760), V2 (Asmussen 1965, 244), 2-4 (Henning 1937, 62), 3 (GMS §379), 6 (GMS §600; Asmussen 1965, 244) M540e R2-4 (Yoshida 2000a, 75), V4 (GMS §102; Cat.; BT XVII, 132) [M540e joins M664 (Y.Y.)] M548 ed. Henning 1948, 317 M549i+ (i.e. M549i+1760) Rl-6 (Sundermann 1977, 202), 3-6 (Henning 1942, 243), 4 (Cat., 78), 5 (Yoshida 2002, 192b), 8 (GMS §351), 10 (GMS §57), 11 (GMS §219), 12 (GMS §1331 n. 3), V4 (GMS §3, 157), 5, 6 (GMS §157), 7 (GMS §3, 157; Sundermann 1977, 203 n. 13), 8 (GMS �157, 410), 10 (GMS §1181), 11 (GMS §1058; Sundermann 1977, 203 n. 13), 12 (Sundermann, ibid.) M549ii ed. Henning 1944, 142-4 M568 Rl (GMS §492; Gershevitch 1985, 16), 2 (Gershevitch 1985, 16), 5 (GMS §517), Vl (G�S §437; Gershevitch 1985, 12), 2 (Maue-Sims-Williams 1991, 491), 3 (GMS §492), 5 (Henmng 1946, 737 n. 1; BT XV, 53b) M575 iV3 (Cat.), iiV2 (GMS §825; Cat.) M579 R3 (GMS §853, 991), 5 (GMS §862), 7 (GMS §63, 1285; Cat.), V3, 4 (GMS §685), 7 (GMS §8, 685) M583 ed. Waldschmidt-Lentz 1933, 545-7 M591 Rl-10 (Boyce 1954, 15 with n. 4), 2 (GMS §214), 3 (BT XI, 188), 3f (GMS §1140), 4 (GMS § 1335 n. 1), 5 (GMS §579, 837), 6 (GMS §1335 n. 1), 7 (GMS §647), 8 (GMS §969), 11 (Gershevitch 1985, 7 n. 2), Vl (GMS §1499), 2f (Henning 1937, 98; GMS §536), 3f (Sundermann 1988, 184), 4 (GMS §1011), 6 (GMS §138, 182, 892), 8 (GMS §37), 9 (GMS §686, 701, 1356), 10 (GMS §697), lOf (GMS §1605) M594a 6, M594b 2 (Cat.) M594c B3 (Cat.; Wilkens 2000, 172) M598 Rl, 2 (Henning 1937, 82), 3 (Henning 1937, 62; GMS §526), V4 (Asmussen 1965, 245), 7 (GMS §1639) M599 V7 (GMS §1143) ., M600 R3, 4 (GMS §644), 5 (GMS §5 n. 1, 1015), V4 (GMS §580), 5 (GMS §1089) M617 iR2 (GMS §879), 4 (GMS §1192), 6 (GMS §1483), 8 (GMS §216, 674), 17 (GMS §290), V4f (GMS §1241), 5 (GMS §803, 890), 6 (GMS §561), 6f (GMS §1605), 7 (GMS � 1287), 7f (BT XII, 83), 8 (GMS §733, 927), 9 (GMS §391, 1017), 13 (GMS §1353), 16 (Henmng 1937, 101; GMS §768), 19 (GMS §1017), iiRl (GMS §730), 4 (BT XV, 49b), Sf (GMS §198 n. 1), 6 (GMS §736, 879, 1384), 9 (GMS §1105), 9f (GMS §1243), 10 (GMS §643, 645), 12 (GMS §730), V6



(GMS §622), 7 (GMS §1231), 8 (GMS §785), Sf (GMS §1635), 9 (GMS §1026, 1103), 10 (GMS §890, 1212), lOf (GMS §635 n. 2), 11 (GMS §983; Gershevitch· 1985, 11) 12 (GMS §892' 1070, r 1093), 13 (GMS §894) M625a 5 (Cat.) M628b A3 (Morano 2008, 249) M632 ed. Cat. M635 iRU (GMS §1329), 3f (GMS §1243), 4 (GMS §778), 5 (GMS §882), 6f (GMS §1396), iVl (GMS � 1314), 3 (OMS §1377), 4 (GMS §1014), 6 (GMS §14, 1500), 6f (Sunde rmann 1984, 306 n. 15), nRl (Cat.) M640 Rl (GMS §1327), 2 (GMS §1499) M655c Rl (GMS §1290), 4 (GMS.§699), 7 (GMS §536), 8 (GMS §928), 10 (OMS §536), 11 (OMS §285, 1177, 1332, 1606), 12 (GMS §1111, 1332, 1606), 14 (OMS §632), 15 (GMS §928)' V2 (OMS §107), 7 (OMS §1411), 8 (GMS §857), 10 (OMS §135 n. 1) M659 ed. Sundermann 2001, 820; M659Vfrg (Yoshida 2002, 195a) M662 ed. Morano 2009, 184 M664 R6 (OMS §591), 16 (OMS §1168 n. 1), 16-20 (Yoshida 2000a, 75), 17 (GMS §423) 18 (GMS §37), VS (GMS §1004), Sf (OMS §1658), 6 (GMS §1397), 7 (Henning 1948, 314; GMS §342 n. 2; BT XIX, 111), 8 (GMS §1277), 9 (OMS §342 n. 2; BT XIX, 111), 10 (OMS §341), 16 (GMS §43, 1026; Weber 1970, 135), 17 (OMS §96 n. 1) [joins M540e (Y.Y.)] M670 R2 (OMS §536; Asmussen 1965, 245), 4 (Asmussen 1965, 246 n. 2), 5 (OMS §916) 6f (OMS §1499), 8 (Asmussen 1965, 246 n. 5), V3 (Asmussen 1965, 246 n. 6), 4 (Asmussen 1965, 245), 6 (GMS §1101 n. 1; Asmussen 1965, 246 n. 7), 9 (Asmussen 1965, 246 n. 10) M672a A3 (Cat.), BS (GMS §731), 6 (Weber 1970, 138) M672b A3 (GMS §676), 5 (Henning 1937, 55; GMS §809), 6 (OMS §121, 1179), 7 (OMS §99' 1197), B3 (Sundermann 1981, 185 n. 177), 7f (OMS §56, 167, 509) M674 R�dl (Henning 1937, 67), R6 (OMS §1314), 7f (OMS §214), 8f (Henning 1937, 67), 10 (Henmng 1937, 98; OMS §536), lOf (GMS §96 n. 1), 12 (OMS §1203) , Vl (OMS §529; BT XV 43b), 3 (GMS §591), 4 (Oershevitch 1965, 159b; BT XII, 84; Kat., 200 n. 2), 6 (GMS §1453), 7 (GMS §1221), 8 (OMS §1017), 8-10 (MacKenzie 1999, 300), 9 (OMS §541), 10 (GMS §99' 459' 758), 13 (GMS §970, 1218) M684 R6 (GMS §641; Asmussen 1965, 247 n. 4), V4 (OMS §45, 899), 5 (OMS §1597), 6 (GMS §1316, 1673; Asmussen 1965, 247; Sundermann 1985, 58), 8 (Asmu ssen 1965, 247) M697 A2 (Asmussen 1965, 249 n. 1), 3 (OMS §630, 957; Cat.; Asmussen 1965, 249 nn. 2-3), 4 (OMS §1662; Asmussen 1965, 249 n. 4), 5 (OMS §1156), 6 (Asmu ssen 1965, 249), B2 (GMS §760; Asmussen 1965, 249 n. 6), 4 (Asmussen 1965, 249 n. 7), 5 (Asmussen 1965, 249), 6 (Asmussen 1965, 249 n. 9) M704 Al (Cat.) M712 ed. Morano 2009, 185 M715c iR3 (OMS §1033; Cat.), iV3 (OMS §520, 1205), 5 (OMS §39), iiRl (Cat.) M716b R4 (OMS §505; Cat.), V4 (GMS §516), 5 (OMS §616; Sunder mann 2001, 880 n. 21) M746c R4 (OMS §352; Cat.; Gershevitch 1965,· 159b), 5 (GMS §967), 6 (BT XII, 147 n. 114), 7 (OMS §1662), VS (OMS §519, 1183), 6 (OMS §725) M750 3 (OMS §67; Cat.) M760 ed. Morano 2009, 185-7 M765c V3 (GMS §547) M765d 2 (OMS §994; Cat.), 4 (GMS §342 n. 2), 9 (GMS §428, 910) M765f 8 (Cat.) M765k R3 (OMS §178), 4 (Henning 1945, 486 n. h), 5 (GMS §1155) , Sf (GMS §1645), 6 (GMS §85, 1156), 7 (OMS §883), 8 (OMS §27, 135 n. 1), Sf (Henning 1946 ' 722)' VS (GMS §1197)' 6 (GMS §695)

M767i Rl (GMS §848, 1585), 2 (OMS §571, 697, 701), 2f (GMS §1414), 4 (GMS §697), 5 (GMS §1553), Vl (GMS §22; Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 186), 1f (OMS §1422), 2f (Henni ng 1942 ' . 239), 4 (OMS §1409, 1449), 5 (GMS §536) M767ii ed. Haloun-Henning 1952, 203


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M769 Rl (GMS §640; Asmussen 1965, 250 n. 2), 2 (GMS §51 n. 1; Asmussen 1965, 250 nn. 3-4), 3 (GMS §661; Asmussen 1965, 250 n. 6), 7 (GMS §194), V2 (Asmussen 1965, 250 n. 9; IPNB II/8, no. 602), 3, 6 (GMS §1100; Asmussen 1965, 250), 8 (GMS §76) M771 R2 (GMS §60), 3 (GMS §1678), 4 (GMS §978), 5 (GMS §178, 499; Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 214), V2 (GMS §650), 3 (GMS §549), 6 (Henning 1937, 82), 8 (GMS §650) M776 R2 (GMS §1102, 1339, 1351), Vlf (Waldschmidt-Lentz 1933, 574), Vl-4 (GMS §1658), 2 (GMS §1214, 1635), 3 (GMS §114, 596, 1393, 1628), 4 (Henning 1937, 77), 5 (GMS §1192, 1350), 6 (Sundermann 2001, 816 n. 18) M778b A2 (GMS §1231; Cat.; Asmussen 1965, 251), 3 (GMS §230), 5 (GMS §167; Asmussen 1965, 251 n. 4), B4 (GMS §632), 5 (GMS §1171, 1662) M794a-c ed. Morano 2009, 192-4 M796 iR4 (Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 186), 6 (GMS §81), 7 (Cat.), 8, 10 (GMS §178), 12 (GMS §22; Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 186), 12f (GMS §1662); 13 (GMS §178), iVl (GMS §275), 2 (GMS §1316), 3 (GMS §830), 8 (GMS §260), 11 (GMS §81), 13 (GMS §1662), 14 (GMS §1678) M798e 3 (Cat.) ,M802 V3 (GMS §1641), 4 (GMS §1183) M807a 3, M807d 2 (Cat.) M810 R3 (GMS §135 n. 1), 4 (GMS §574), 7 (GMS §937), V4 (GMS §1227; Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 159b) M813i ed. Morano 2009a M814 iVl-4 (GMS §1680), 2 (GMS §43, 1026), 3 (GMS §539 n. 4), 6 (GMS §107), iiR4 (Cat.) M821 Aiil (GMS §50, 825; Cat.), Bi3 (GMS §205, 940; Sims-Williams 1984, 209 n. 23), 4 (Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 205) M834 iR3 (GMS §76; Sundermann 2001, 146 n. 65), 5 (Sundermann 2001, 146 n. 56), 6 (Sundermann 2001, 152 n. 156), 9 (GMS §831), 10 (Sundermann 1983, 67), iV9 (GMS §513), 10 (GMS §849), iiR2 (GMS §686, 1212), 5 (GMS §894), iiV5 (GMS §894) M840c iV2 (GMS §1058), iiRl (GMS §1148), 2 (GMS §14) M840k Ai2 (GMS §1118), Bii4 (GMS §629) M840p 3 (Cat.) M849a Rl (GMS §1022), 4 (GMS §1014), V2, 3 (GMS §19.8 n. 1), 5 (Yoshida 2000, 73), 7 (GMS §57) M857 Rl (GMS §), 2 (GMS §), 2 (GMS §) M858a 1 (Henning 1944, 143 n. 6), 2 (GMS §5 n. 1, 1015) M870b+ (i.e. M870b+c, see s.v. yzd'n) 2 (Cat.) M871j AlO (GMS §396; Cat.), B7 (GMS §230) M880 iR5 (Sims-Williams 1992a, 287-8 n. 23), 6 (GMS §459, 632), V5f (Gershevitch 1985, 22), 6 (GMS §1574), iiVl (Cat.) M882d AS (GMS §659; Cat.), B6 (GMS §994) M891a R2 (GMS §994), 7 (GMS §1253), 9 (GMS §931), V2 (Yoshida 2000, 67), 3 (GMS §1635), 6 (GMS §825) M894 iRl (GMS §525), 2 (GMS §494), 2-4 (Gershevitch 1985, 27), 3 (GMS §591, 652, 723), 4 (GMS §650, 723, 1290), 5 (GMS §14, 157), 6 (BT XII, 51), 10 (GMS §157, 1226), iV3 (Asmussen 1965, 251), iiR2 (Cat.) M896 Ri6 (GMS §157), Rii6 (GMS §269 n. 1), Vi6-Vii6 (Gershevitch 1985, 34), Viil (GMS §428, 956), 2 (Gershevitch 1985, 12), 3-6 (Henning 1937, 64) M900 A4 (GMS §48 n. 1; BT XII, 85), 5 (Gershevitch 1985, 121), B4 (GMS §1089), 5 (GMS §5, 1004, 1635) M910 iR3 (Cat.), 4 (BT XI, 184a), iiR2 (GMS §624), 5 (GMS §1014), iiV3f (GMS §1612, 1640) M915 ed. Haloun-Henning 1952, 206 M916b Vl (GMS §1452) M1060 5 (Henning 1947, 52 n. 1; GMS §611; Cat.; Gershevitch 1985, 53), 6 (GMS §1053; Cat.; below s.v. sk'r), 7 (GMS §30, 733, 1056 with Addenda on p. 249) M1063iV ed. Morano 2005, 220 M1063 iiV4, Ml064 2 (Cat.) M1070 2 (Cat.), 5 (Sundermann 2001, 144 n. 20) _J



M1071 3, M1082 3, Ml087 2, M1088 5, Ml101 1, Ml102 3, Ml103 - 1 (Cat.)M1134+ (i.e. M1134+3611) ed. Morano 2009, 187-8 Ml135 3, Ml 170 3, Ml173 2 (Cat.) M1200 Rl (GMS §399), V4 (GMS §724), 5 (Cat.) M1204 2 (GMS §367; Cat.), 6 (GMS §417, 839; Cat.) M1207 R4f(GMS §1629), 5 (Henning 1945b, 117) M1212 V4 (Cat.) M1340 ed. Morano 2005, 220-21 M1372 2 (Cat.) M1373 2 (GMS §828; Cat.) M1374 2 (Cat.), 4 (GMS §942) M1375 2, M1400 Vl, M1405 R2, M1459 R2, M1469 3, Ml517 iR3, iiR3, M1546 4, M1565 1 (Cat.) M1608 B (Morano 2008, 254) M1696 ed. Morano 2005, 222 M1697 3, M1698 2, M1699 4 (Cat.) M1790+ (i.e. Ml 700+2214+2219) ed. Morano 2009, 190 M1701 2, Ml719 1, Ml755 2 (Cat.) Ml762 R3 (GMS §1290; Cat.) M1763 2 (Cat.) M1764 3 (Cat.), 5 (Sundermann 1981, 184 n. 175; BT XIX, 111) Ml765 1 (Cat.) M1766 V2 (GMS §1022; Cat.) Ml768 ed. Morano 2009, 188-9 Ml769 3 (Cat.) M1770 ed. Morano 2009, 189 M1771 R4, Ml772 RS (Cat.) [Ml775: Sogd. according to Cat., but the words cited seem to be Turkish] M1775a 2 (Morano 2008, 255) M1773 3 (GMS §1082 n. 1) Ml777 3, Ml778 4, Ml779 6, Ml780 4, M1822 2, M1825 3 (Cat.) M1826 R2 (GMS §254), 3 (GMS §1103; Cat.), 5 (GMS §1059) M1828 ed. Sundermann 2001, 816-17 M1843 A9 (Cat.), B4 (Sundermann 2001, 158 n. 233), 7 (GMS §1253) M1846 A2 (GMS §521), 5 (Schwartz 1967, 28), 6 (GMS §1194), B3 (GMS §1335), 4 (GMS §728), 5 (GMS §1103; Cat.), 7 (GMS §728), 7f (Asmussen 1965, 252 n. 3) M1857 R4 (Henning 1944, 143 n. 6), V2-4 (Henning 1937, 66) M1909 iiR2, M1910 1, Ml920 1, M1922 3 (Cat.) M1950 A3 (GMS §163), B3 (Cat.) M1958 2, M1960 iRl, iiRl (Cat.) M1961 A2 (GMS § 1374), B1 (GMS §157; Cat.), _2 (GMS §597; Cat.) M1962 1, M2003 R3 (Cat.) M2005 2 (GMS §27), 3f (Henning 1937, 68), 5 (GMS §459; Cat.), 7 (Henning 1937 68· GMS ' ' §1571) M2006 4, M2009 iRl, M2010 3, M2022 hdl, M2025 3, M2064 3, M2065 1, M2073 2 (Cat.) M2074 1 (GMS §1014), 2 (GMS §1068), 3 (Cat.) M2076 6, M2083 6, M2085 1 (Cat.) M2090 2 (Cat.), 3 (GMS §1572) M2151 2 (GMS §1014), 3 (Cat.) M2155 4, M2159 3, M2162 4 (Cat.) M2166 2 (GMS §99; Cat.) M2167 2 (Cat.) M2204 ed. Morano 2009, 196 M2207 ed. Morano 2009, 193, 194-5 M2215 3 (Cat.) M2219 2 (GMS §247 n. 1), 3 (Cat.)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M2242 2, M2308 3 (Cat.) M2313 4 (GMS §210 n. 2; Cat.) M2316 3, M2319 4, M2320 1 (Cat.) M2329 3 (GMS §827; Cat.) M2333 iRl (Cat.; Asmussen 1965, 252), iiR2 (Asmussen, ibid.), 7 (GMS §536; Cat.; Asmussen 1965, 252) M2403 6 (GMS §219, 857; Cat.) M2405 1, M2408 3, M2417 1, M2452 2, M2804 2, M2805 1, M2806 3, M2807 3, M3028 1, M3030 2, M3031 iR8, M3033 1 (Cat.) M3034 2 (GMS §382 n. 2; Cat.) M3035 1, M3220 2, M3221 2, M3222 3 (Cat.) [M3223: Sogd. according to Cat., Turkish according to Wilkens 2000, 49] M3224 1 (Cat.; Sundermann 2001, 174) M3225 3, M3226 2, M3227 2 (Cat.) M3229 3 (GMS §63; Cat.) M3502 2 (GMS §1272; Cat.) M3600 5 (GMS §877 n. 2; Cat.) M3601 4 (Cat.) M3602 Rl (GMS §995), 2 (GMS §259; Cat.), V3 (GMS §1058; Cat.; BT XIX, 155) M3603 iR2, iiR2, M3604 2, M3605 3 (Cat.) M3606 3 (GMS §642; Cat.), 3 (GMS §199; Cat.) M3607 4 (Cat.) M3608 ed. Morano 2009, 189 M3609 3, M3610 1, M3612 2, M3701 1, M3823 1, M3849 2, M4153 3, M4158 2, M4162 3 (Cat.) M4164 ed. Morano 2005, 221-2 M4435 4 (Cat.), 11 (Henning 1937, 68), 14 (Henning 1944, 140 n. 3), 15 (Sundermann 1984, 306 n. 15) M4436 2 (Yoshida 2000, 55), 4 (Cat.) M4512 2 (Cat.) M4551 A2 (GMS §1014), 3 (GMS §640), 4 (GMS §1639), 6 (GMS §27), 8 (GMS §1014, 1156), B3 (GMS §730) M4701 2 (GMS §650; Cat.) M4720 3 (Cat.) M4721 2 (Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 159b) M4722 4, M4723 2 (Cat.) M4724 iV2 (Cat. ; Gershevitch 1965, 159b; BT XII, 84; Kat., 200 n. 2), iiR3 (GMS §1214), iiVl-3 (GMS §1648), 2 (GMS §1218) .M4725 3, M4751 3, M4823 4, M4862 1, M4867 3, M4868 3 (Cat.) M4869 ed. Morano 2009, 190 M4870 1, M4874 1 (Cat.) M4908 2 (BT XV, 47b) M4910 2 (GMS §569; Cat.) M4911 iR4 (Cat.), iiR2 (GMS §785), iiV2 (Cat.) M4917 1, M4922 4, M4950 2 (Cat.) M5030 ed. Morano 2009, 197-8 M5051 R2 (GMS §638), 4 (GMS §81), 6 (GMS §957; Gershevitch 1985, 37), 8, 10 (GMS §138 n.. 1), V4 (GMS §81, 1454), 4-9 (Gershevitch 1985, 37), 5 (GMS §385, 957), 9 (GMS §604) M5073 3, M5074 4 (Cat.) M5075 3 (GMS §1633; Gershevitch 1985, 7 n. 3) M5093 ed. Morano 2009, 198-9 M5166 3, M5229 2 (Cat.) M5264 R3 (GMS §285, 399; Sundermann 2001, 868 n. 18), 4 (GMS §38 n. 1, 63), 6 (GMS §978), 9 (GMS §761), 10 (GMS §1137), 11 (GMS §761, 1349), 132 (GMS §761, 1158), Vl (GMS §1316), 7 (GMS §1051), 10 (GMS §135 n. 1), 11 (GMS §1265)



M5266 R2f (GMS §1673), 2-11 (Henning 1948, 314), 4 (GMS §1174), Sf (GMS §147), 7 (Gershe­ vitch 1985, 14; Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 214), 7-9 (Sundermann 2001, 715 n. 39), 8 (GMS §396), 8f (GMS §499), 9 (GMS §894), 10 (GMS §22, 1230), 11 (Henning 1937, 73; GMS §1199), Vl (GMS §1143), 3 (GMS §1640; ·oershevitch 1985, 17), 6-9 (Yoshida 2000, 60), 9 (GMS §1162, 1667), 10 (GMS §291) M5271 Rl (GMS §1100), 3 (GMS §124), 6 (GMS §517), 7 (GMS §425), 9 (GMS §1113), 9f (GMS §1189), lOf {Sundermann 2001, 150 n. 142), 11 (GMS §1058), Vl (GMS §1206), 2f (GMS . §1648), 4 (Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 183), 5 (Henning 1942, 240 n. 1), 7, 8 (GMS §21), 9 (GMS §335 n. 1) M5384 1, M5446 2, M5453 3, M5454 2 (Cat.) M5563 A3 (GMS §633), 5-7 (Klimkeit 1986, 238 n. 40), 6 (GMS §499), B3 (GMS §243; Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 160a), 5 (GMS §957) M5571 R3 (GMS §254), V3 (GMS §178, 1179; Cat.), 6 (Gershevitch 1985, 11) M5588 Rl (GMS §1156), 1f (GMS §1060) M5591 2 (Cat.) M5592 ed. Morano 2009, 198 M5595 4 (Cat.), 6 (GMS §1156; Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M5596 1 (Cat.) M5597 4 (Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M5606 Aii2 (BT XI, 182), 3 (GMS §1053), 5 (GMS §312; Cat.; Gershevitch 1965' 160a) ' Bi2 (GMS §44) M5690 Rl (GMS §14, 618; BT XII, 51 n. 5; MacKenzie 1999, 300), 2 (GMS §1431), 2f (GMS §1586), 2-7 (Henning 1937, 74-5), 3f (GMS §1396), V2-7 (Henning 1936, 585), 6 (GMS §522) 7f (GMS §219 n. 1) M5701+ (i.e. M5701+6796) R3 (GMS §980; Sundermann 2001b, 183), 4 (Henning 1937, 54; GMS §1648), 6 (GMS §1431), 8 (GMS §999; Henning 1948, 314), 11 (GMS §1116), 13 (Henning 1937, 82), 14 (GMS §1216), 15 (GMS §1416), V2 (GMS §999), 3 (Cat. under M6796), 5 (GMS §463, 1454), 6, 7 (GMS §999), 9 (GMS §435, 1662), 11 (GMS §338, 1662), 14 (GMS §435, 1662), 16 (GMS §632), 17 (GMS §1014; Sundermann 2001b, 183) M5885 2 (GMS §622; Cat.) M5887 2 (Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M5888 2, M5889 2 (Cat.) M5912 R3 (GMS §249 n. l; Sundermann 1984, 307 n. 16; BT XIX, 156), 3-5 (GMS §1657), 6 (GMS §1450), Vl (Henning 1937, 88; GMS §1168 n. 1), 3 (GMS §755), 4 (GMS §96 n. 1, 755), 5 (Henning 1937, 104; GMS §516, 801), 6 (GMS §801, 1068, 1243), 7 (GMS §755, 1060) M5913 R4 (GMS §1495), 4f (GMS §1518, 1656), 5 (GMS §1316), 6 (GMS §187), 7 (GMS §1559), V3 (Henning 1937, 84; GMS §706), 3f (GMS §1495), 6 (GMS §1666), 8 (GMS §1014) M5928 5 (GMS §1644; Cat.; Gershevitch 1985, 7 n. 2) M5991 R3 (GMS §884), V3 (GMS §335), 4 (GMS §1055) M6011 ed. Sundermann 2001, 510 M6067 2, M6099 4, M6100 2 (Cat.) M6102 R3 (Henning 1936, 586 n. 4), 5 (GMS §269), 6 (GMS §982), V2 (GMS §198 n. 1), 4 (Gershevitch 1985, 11), 5 (GMS §801) M6132 ed. Reck 2003, 329-30 M6133 2 (GMS §1114), 3 (GMS §940; Cat.) M6134 2 (Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M6136 RS, V2 (GMS §1020) M6290 ed. Gulacsi 2001, 231 M6291 iV2, iiRl (Cat.) M6320 3 (Cat.; Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M6330 ed. Provasi 2011, 170-72 M6451 hdl (BT XIX, 50), Vl (Gershevitch 1985, 12; Cat.) M6457 3-5 (Gershevitch 1965, 160a) M6470 ed. BT IV, 94


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M6610 R3 (GMS §1284, 1285; Cat.), 5 (Sundermann 2001, 149 n. 126), 9 (GMS §1285), V7 (Yoshida 2009a, 582 n. 27) M6670 2, M6671 Rl, M6672 2 (Cat.) M6673 4 (Cat.), 5 (Sundermann 1984, 306 n. 15) M6702 2 (Cat.) M6760 A6 (Cat.), BSf(IPNB II/8, no. 1353), 6 (Sundermann 2001, 148 n. 117, 154 n. 192) M6761 2, M6762 6, M6764 1, M6765 iR4,iiR3, M6766 2, M6790 7, M6800 5, M6803 1, M6807 1, M6847 hdl, M6856 iR3, iiV2 (Cat.) [M6858: Sogd. according to Cat., Turkish according to Wilkens 2000, 433] M6860 ed. Morano 2009, 188 M6862 2, M6864 2, M6868 2, M6896 1, M6934+ (i.e. M6934+6937, see s.v. yrl-zng'n) 2, M6939 1, M6940 3, M6957 2, M7107 3, M7391+ (i.e. M7391+7392) 1 (Cat.) M7440 1 (GMS §1020, 1103, 1189, 1632; Sims-Williams-Halen 1980, 7; Sundermann 1984, 301) M7800ii ed. Sundermann 2001, 702-3 M7905 1 (Cat.) 'M7950 hdl (Cat.), Al (Sundermann 2001, 610 n. 88) M8000 4, M8001 3, M8151 4 (Cat.) M8200 ed. Gulacsi 2001, 238 M8224 2 (Cat.) M8225 2 (Sundermann 1984, 296) M8430 iiR2 (Cat.) M8533 ed. TT IX, 34 M8600 1 (BT XI, 184b), 4 (Cat.) [M8600 joins M429 (Y.Y.)] M9110 3, M9150 2 (Cat.) MIKiii4970c ed. Gulacsi 2001, 236-7 MIKiii4971a-c ed. Gulacsi 2001, 236 MIKiii4979 ed. Gulacsi 2001, 225-7 MIKiii4981a, c, d, fed. Gulacsi 2001, 242-3 MLl-2 ed. Sundermann 2008 01587 ed. IFOC, 170 05300 ed. IFOC, 172 06153+ (i.e. 06153+6177) ed. IFOC, 177 06163 ed. IFOC, 182 06179, O6180a-b ed. IFOC, 192 06182 ed. IFOC, 194 06186 ed. IFOC, 195 06188 ed. IFOC, 196 06191 ed. Yoshida 2003, 453-4 06196 ed. IFOC, 192-3 06210 ed. IFOC, 193 06224 ed. IFOC, 216 06228 ed. IFOC, 217-8 06233 ed. IFOC, 220 06252 ed. IFOC, 226 06255, 06256 ed. IFOC, 227 011077 ed. IFOC, 231 011078 ed. IFOC, 218 O/U513b ed. IFOC, 234 RH ed. Reck, BT XXII S6 ed. S alemann 1912, 2-3 S40 as read by Henning 1937, glossary s.vv. SLN50-53, SLN91-95 ed. Sundermann, BT XVII, 60-61 SLNak-am ed. Sundermann, BT XVII, 128-131 SS5 SS146-9 ed. Sundermann, BT XIX, 55, 92 Tal�A, B, D, E ed. Henning 1945 (N.B. for 'TaleC' see M127) _)



U55 R8 (Wilkens 2000, 317), R13 (ibid., 317-18) 2. Sogdian texts in Sogdian script Note: the signatures of the Berlin fragments 10000-21005 have been simplified by the omission of the initial 'So' or 'Ch/So', the numbers alone being sufficiently unambiguous. 10000(2) 2, 6, 10026+ (i.e. 10026 + 18292) Rl, 3-7, 12, 10030(1) R3 (Kat.) 10030(2) ed. Reck 2009, 395-6 10030(3) 4 (Yoshida 2008, 56) 10050 V2, 10053 Vl-3 (Kat.) 10077 ed. Reck 2009, 393 10081 ed. Reck 2009, 394 10082 A2, B2, 10085+ (i.e. 10085 + 13910 + 20186) R5-6, V3-5, 10100a 2, 10100b + (i.e. 10100b + 10102(1)) Vl, 3-4 (Kat.) 10100d R4 (Kat.), V4 (GMS §461) 10100e Rll-12 (Kat.), 12 (BT XI, 181b), V2 (Kat.), 8-13 (Yoshida 2008, 57), 9 (BT XI, 181b), 11 (Sundermann 2001, 270, 512), 14 (Kat.) 10100fR4 (Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 205; Kat.) 10100k+ (i.e. 10100k + 18249 + 18250 + 18251) Rl, 12-13, 17-21 (Kat.), 21 (Yoshida 2008, 57), 23, 26 (Kat.) 10100m R8 (Kat.), 10 (GMS §1611), 12 (Kat.), V3 (GMS §1611), 4 (Kat.) 10100m[a] Rl, 13 (Kat.), 10102(2) Vl, 3 (Sundermann 1985a, 642; Kat.) 10129 iV6 (IPNB Il/8, no. 1501), 7 (Sims-Williams 1972, 615 n. 1), 8 (GMS §1068), 9-10 (GMS §263 n. 1), 11 (Kat.), 12 (GMS §612), 13 (GMS §617), 15 (GMS §342 n. 1), 15-16, iiR12-13 (Kat.), 14 (BT XIX, 151) 10200(1) Rl, Vl (Kat.), 7 (BT XI, 185b) 10200(5) R6 (BT XXII, 34), 7 (Kat.), 7-9 (BT XXII, 34�5), 10 (Kat.), V6 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 57), 6-12 (Reck 2009c, 248-9), 9 (Kat.) 10200(6)+ (i.e. 10200(6) + 10201(6) + 20234) R2, 6, 10, VI (Kat.) 10201(1) (i.e. 10201(1) + 13506) R2, 4, V2-4, 10 (Kat.) 10202 ed. BT XI, 50 10203 2-4, 10237(1) hdl, 10237(4) R3-5, 10237(4) Rl, 4 (Kat.) 10239(1)+ (i.e. 10239(1) + 13512 + T I a) iRl, 4, 6, Vl, 5, iiRl, V2 (Kat.) 10239(2) A2, B2, 10260(1) A5-6, B4-5 (Kat.) 10261(1) R2 (Yoshida 2008, 57), V2 (Kat.) 10262(1) B3-4 (Kat.) 10263(1)+ (i.e. 10263(1) + 18182 + 18183) ed. Yoshida 2009, 289-91 10347 A2, 5, B4-5, 10349 A3, 10350 A4, B2-4 (Kat.), 3 (Yoshida 2008, 57) 10650(1) ed. Reck 2005, 338-41 10650(7) Al, 3-4, 6, Bl (Kat.), Bl-2 (Sunderman:n 2001, 752), B6 (Kat.) 10650(8) RI, VI (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 57), 2-3 (Kat.) 10650(10) R7 (Kat.), 10-12 (Sundermann 2001c, 76 n. 22), 10-13 (Sundermann 2002a, 173), 13, V9, 12 (Kat.) 10650(14)+ (i.e. 10650(14) + 20191) R2-3, Vl-3, 7, 10650(15) Rl-2, 3, 5, 6-7, V6-7, 10650(32) Rl, V7 (Kat.) 10700a+ (i.e. 10700a + 20193a) RI, 7 (Kat.), 9 (Kat.; Morano 2011, 107), 14, 17, Vl(Kat.), 6 (Morano 2011, 107), 7 (Kat.), 9, 10 (Kat.; Morano 2011, 107), 17 (Kat.) 10701a Rhdl, 1 (Kat.), 6 (Kat.; Morano 2011, 108), VI, 7 (Kat.) 10791(3) A2-3 (Kat.) 10920+ (i.e. 10920 + 19535) V2-7 (Yoshida 2000, 33; Kat.), 8-9 (Yoshida 2000, 38), 11-14 (Kat.), 12-16 (Yoshida 2000, 47), 13 (Yoshida 2009a, 574 n. 8), 16-17 (Kat.), 20 (Sundermann 2001, 151 n. 146), 22-3 (Yoshida WOO, 34), 25-6, 29 (Kat.) 10958 R2, 4 (Kat.), 10999 A2 (Kat.), B5 (Sundermann 2001, 154 n. 183; Kat.), 11010 R3, V4, 11400 R6-7 (Kat.), 11500 3 (Yoshida 2008, 56)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

11603+ (i.e. 20509 + 07223 + 09049 + Ch/U6330 + 11603) ed. Reck 2009a, 218-19 12398 Vl, 10, 12400 R, Vl-2, 13031 V2, 13101 Vl-2, 14-15 (Kat.) 13399aR, 13401R ed. Sundennann, BT XXX 13425(2)+ (i.e. 13425(2) + 13426(2)) Al-4, 13426(1)Al-2, Bl-2, 13427 R2, 13428 R3, 13450 R2, 13451 R3; 13452 R2 (Kat.) 13500 Vl (Kat.), 1-4 (Colditz 2009, 79 n. 27), 4 (Kat.) 13501 iR5, iV5, iiR2, iiV6, 13502 A2, BS, 13503 A2, Bl, 13504 A2, B2 (Kat.) 13505 Rl ed. Reck 2008, 329 13507 Al-2, Bl-2, 13508 A2-3 13510 A3, B2 (Kat.) 13700a ed. Reck 2009, 390-91 13880 A3, B3-4, 5 (Kat.) 13881+ (i.e. 13881 + 13882) ed. Sundermann 2001, 735-6 13942 A5-7, B6, 13943 R5-6, V3-4 (Kat.) 14000 ed. Sundermann 2001, 707-24 14001a Rhdl, 1 (Kat.), Vhdl (GMS §38 n. 1; Kat.), 1 (Kat.) 14030 R4-5 (Kat.), 4-7 (Sundermann 2001, 866), 8 (OMS §1316; Kat.), V4, 5 (Yoshida 2008, 58), 6 (GMS §1316; Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 58), 7 (GMS §1316; Kat.), 8 (OMS §999) 14030(1) RS (Kat.), V2 (GMS §1352), 4 (Kat.), 14040 B6-7 (Kat.) 14150+ (i.e. 14150 + 14156 + 14152) i ed. Reck 2009b, 229-31, 232 14151+ (i.e. 14151 + 14159 + 14155) i ed. Reck 2009b, 233-4 14153+ (i.e. 14153 + 14158) i ed. Reck 2009b, 235-6 14255 Rhdl (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 58), 4-5, Vhdl (Kat.), 1 (BT XI, 192b), 4-6 (Kat.) 14256 Rl, 16, Vl-3 (Kat.), 3 (Sundermann 2006, 211), 15 (Kat.) 14272 A8, B7, 14280 iR2-3, Vl-2, 14342 Al-3, B1-3 (Kat.) 14410i Rl (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 58), 3, 6 (Kat.), 7-9 (Henning 1946, 737), 9, 13 (Kat.), 16 (Reck 2010, 72), 20-Vl, 4 (Kat.), 5 (Gershevitch 1975, 209 n. 13), 9 (Reck 2010, 72), 11, 20 (Kat.) 14411iR ed. Kat. 14425+ (i.e. 14425 + 14427 + 14428 + 14460 + 14462) Rl, 8, 11, 16, 18, Vl (Kat.), 4 (Yoshida 2010, 20), 7-8, 10 (Kat.), 12 (Reck 2005, 339 n. 30), 17, 18 (Kat.) 14638 iRhdl, 1 (Kat.), 1-17 (Henning 1943, 70), 17-18 (Kat.), R18-V3 (Henning 1943, 69), R20-Vl (Kat.), V4 (Sundermann 2001, 579), 13-18 (ibid., 155 n. 217), 14 (ibid., 155 n. 205), 14, 17 (Reck 1995, 203), iiRhdl (GMS §994; Kat.), 1 (Kat.), 5 (Sundermann 2001, 151 n. 146), 17 (ibid., 155 n. 205), 20, iiVhdl, 1, 20 (Kat.) 14639 RI, VI (Kat.) 14700(1) ed. Sundermann 2001, 429-30 n. 7 14700(4) V3, 14700(7) Vl, 8, 10, 14700(10) R3-4 (Kat.) 14700(11) ed. Reck 2009, 392-3 14700(15) 1, 7 (Kat.), 14700(18) Al (Kat.), B4 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 59) 14715a V3, 12, 14715b Rl, 5 (Kat.) 14726 V6 (Kat.), 6-7 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 59), 15 (Kat.) 14730 R, Vl (Kat.), Vl-5 (Yoshida 2000, 33), 14 (Kat.) 14742V ed. Yoshida 2010, 11-12 14743 Vl, 4 (Kat.) [14744 included in Kat., but not necessarily Manichaean, cf. Yoshida 2008, 56] 15000(6) V3, 7, 15000(7) V3, 15421 Al, B2 (Kat.) 15500 R2 (Kat.), 5 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 59), V2 (Kat.), 6 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 59) 15501 V2, 9 (Kat.) 15502 RIO, Vl0-11 (Kat.), 10-15 (Sundermann 2009, 265), 11 (Yoshida 2008, 59; Sundermann 2001, 195 n. 85), 12 (BT XI, 42; Sundermann 2001, 195 n. 85; 238 n. 64), 13 (Kat.), 15 (HalounHenning 1952, 212) 15530 Rl (Kat.), 1-2 (IPNB II/8, no. 1344), 4-6 (Yoshida 2000a, 85), 6 (Kat.) 15800 ed. Reck 2009, 394-5 16201 ed. Sundermann 2002, 137-44 17150 A3, B3, 17151 RS, VS, 18055 R2, V2 (Kat.) 18058+ (i.e. 18058 + 18197) ed. Reck2009c



18101+ (i.e. 18101 + 18101a) Rl, 3, 13 (Kat.), 13-14 (Sundermann 2003, 264 n. 43), 16 (Kat.) 18102+ (i.e. 18102 + 18152) ed. Reck 2006 18110 R3-5 (Kat.), 4 (Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 205), V4-6 (Kat.), 5 (Yoshida 2008, 59) 18111 iR3, V3-4, iiRS, VS (Kat.) 18112 Rhdl, 3-4, 10, V2 (Kat.) [RIO is here taken to be Sogd. rather than Pa] 18114 Al (Kat.), Bl (BT XI, 191b; Kat.) 18120 R3-V14 ed. Morano 1982, 34 (with additions and corrections ibid., 40) 18121 R4, 18123 A2, B4, 18124 hdl, 18125 AS, B4, 18126 A2, Bhdl, 18128 A4, B8 (Kat.) 18131iiR1, 2, 7, Vl (Kat., 54-5), V3 (BT XIX, 39), V6 (BT XIX, 39; Kat., 55), V7 (Kat., 54) 1814�+ (i.e. 18140 + 13425(1)) iR6 (Sundermann 2001a, 260 n. 14), 6-7, 13, 18, V6 (Kat.), 6-7 (Yo­ shida 2010, 18), 7 (Sims-Williams 1991, 326 n. 14), 8, 13-14, 20 (Kat.), iiR6 (Sundermann 2001, 534), 6-8 (Kat.), 11 (Sundermann 1988, 183; Kudara-Sundermann 1992, 353 n. 16), 12 (ibid.), 13 (BT XI, 184b), iiV4-5 (Kat.), 6 (BT XI, 184a), 7 (Kat.), 9 (BT XI, 177a), 10 (BT XI, 184b) 18151 Vhdl, 18154 R2, 11, V6-8, 11, 18157 A6, B6-7, 18162 R3-4, V5-7, 18165 R4a, 5, V2, 8, 18190 hdl, Rl, Vl, 7 (Kat.) 18192 A2 (Kat.), 5 (Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 217), B2 (Kat.) 18195 hdl, R2, Vl (Kat.) 18196 ed. Yoshida 2001, 112-13 18199 V2, 18200 R4, V4-6, 18210 Al, Bl, 18211 hdl (Kat.) 18248i ed. Henning 1944, 137-42 18253 A3, B6, 18291 R4, 18298 Rl, 8, 18430 Ai4, 8, Bii3, 8 (Kat.) 18431 ed. Sundermann 2001, 861-3 18432 RS (Sundermann 1988, 181), 7-8 (Sundermann 2001, 857; Kat.), Vl, 7 (Kat.) 18433 Aii3-4 (Sundermann 2001, 857; Kat.), 7, Bi6 (Kat.) 18434-5 ed. Sundermann 2001, 860-66 [two extra lines at the beginning of 18435V first published in Kat. are cited as 18435V0] 18436 A2-4, B3, 18437 A2-3, 18438 Al-3 (Kat.) 18500 Al (Kat.), 3 (Sundermann 2001, 152 n. 154), 6 (ibid., 146 n. 65), 8, B2, 8 (Kat.) 18700+ (i.e. 18700 + M501e + MIKIII6261) ed. Reck 2005, 338-41 19504 Vl-2, 19507 Rii4-5, iii2-3 (Kat.) 19552 ed. Reck 2007, 59-60 19554 ed. Sundermann 2001, 731 20001+ (i.e. 20001 + Ch/U 6096 + ,[(x 09540) V2, 7-8, 14-16 (Kat.) 20002+ (i.e. 20002 + 19520 + 19521 + 19522) RO (Kat., 223), 1-2 (Yoshida 1993b, 129), 1-5, 19, 21, 25, 28, 31, 35-6 (Kat.) 20102 Vl-2, 6, 20103 Al, B2, 20129 Rl, V2-4, 20130 Vl, 20138 Vl, 11 (Kat.) 20146+ (i.e. 20146 + Ch/U 7080) V2-5, 20150 V2, 7-8 (Kat.) [20173 cited by Sundermann 2001, 153 n. 176, but probably not Manichaean] 20184 A2, B2-3 (Kat.) 20188 Rhdl (Sundermann 1993, 163-4; Kat.), Vhdl (Kat.) 20192 Rl, 5, Vl-2, 20193b R2, 10, V2, 8-10 (Kat.) [20202 included in Kat., but not necessarily Manichaean, cf. Yoshida 2008, 56] 20203 R2, 5, 20206 A6, B6 (Kat.), 20208a Rhdl (Sims-Williams 1989b, 322), 20217a A2, B2-3, 20217b Al, B1 (Kat.) 20220 iRhdl, 1 (Kat.), 3-4 (GMS §1290), 6 (GMS §1160), 22 (GMS §428), 24, iVhdl, 1 (Kat.), 5 (GMS §428, 826), 20 (GMS §212 n. 1), 22 (GMS §213 n. 2; Gershevitch 1985, 53), 22-4 (GMS §1517), 23 (GMS §1289; Gershevitch 1985, 14 n. 1), 24, iiRhdl, 1 (Kat.), 1-2 (GMS §417), 1-3 (GMS §843), 5-8 (BT XVII, 102), 6 (GMS §157), 7 (GMS §750), 8 (GMS §99), 9 (GMS §1485), 10 (GMS §763), 12 (GMS §157), 16 (GMS §869), 17 (GMS §659), 18 (GMS §750), 22 (GMS §586, 750), 22-3 (GMS §1484), 23 (GMS §1111 n. 1), 24, iiVhdl (Kat.), 1 (GMS §1497; Kat.), 3 (GMS §868), 4 (GMS §750), 13-14 (GMS, p. 248), 15-19 (GMS 247-8, 308), 20 (GMS §1111 n. 1), 22 (GMS §1497), 24 (Kat.) 20229 ed. Sundermann 2001b, 186-8 20230 Rl, Vl (Kat.), 7-12 (Sundermann 2001, 478), 9 (ibid., 482), 12-13, 37 (Kat.) 20231+ (i.e. 20231 + 20233) V2-5, 20232 Vl, 7-8, 20235 A2, 4 (Kat.)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

20237 R4, Vl (Kat.), 3 (IPNB II/8, no. 1296), 20238 A2, B4 (Kat.) 20240 Rl-5 (Kat.), 2 (Reck 1997, 588) 20502 Vl, 5 (Kat.), 20503 Rl-3 (Yoshida 2000a, 83-4, 85), 2, V4 (Kat.) 20504+ (i.e. 20504 + 20515) Vl-4 (Kat.) 2002, 20506+ (i.e. 20506 + Ch/U6540) Vl-8 (Sundermann 1998, 174-5), 2, 8-9 (Kat.), 11 (Yoshida 195b), 13-14 (Kat.) 6, V3, 6, 20507a V5-6, 20507b VS, 11, 20508 V3, 5, 20511 V4-5, 20512 VS-6, 20513 iVl, 6, iiR3, 0, 20514 Vl-2, 6 (Kat.) 21001 Vl (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 60), 5 (Kat.), 6 (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 60) 21002 V4, 11, 12, 21003 Vl-4, 16 (Kat.) 21004 1 (GMS §99, 970; Kat.), 6 (Kat.) 21005 R2, 6 (Kat.), Vl (Sims-Williams-Halen 1980, 6; Kat.), V4 (Kat.) AN ed. Sundermann, BT XI, 19-33 ANa, ANc, ANd ed. Sundermann, BT XI, 19, 33-35 BezA-C ed. Yoshida-Moriyasu 2000, 144-65 [more accurately printed than Yoshida 2000] :Bezeklik Inscription ed. Yoshida 201 la, 1 n. 1 Ch/U6046 ed. IFOC, 129 Ch/U6050 V2, 6056 V2, 4 (Kat.), 6084 R2, 4 (BT XIV, 42; Kat.), 6104 RO, 4, V3, 6, 11 (Kat.) Ch/U6126+ (i.e. Ch/U6126 + Ch/U6346 + Ch/U6861) V2, 4, 5, 9-11 (Kat.) Ch/U6143 Vl-3, 6146 V6, 8 (Kat.) Ch/U6225 R ed. Reck, Kat.; V [as Ch/U6224] ed. IFOC, 120 Ch/U6235 V3, 4, 6326 V2, 9 (Kat.) Ch/U6370 V ed. IFOC, 120 Ch/U6388 R ed. Reck, Kat.; V ed. IFOC, 120 Ch/U6392 Vl-2, 6394R, Vl-2, 6419 Vl-2, 10, 6434 Vl, 5, 6440 V3-4, 6445 Rl-2, V2, 6 (Kat.) Ch/U6506 V ed. IFOC, 120-21 Ch/U6523 V2-4, 6531 Vil, 5, ii3 (Kat.) Ch/U6536a+ (i.e. Ch/U6536a + Ch/U6871) V2, 7, 9, 13-15, 22 Ch/U6536b iV2, 6 (Kat.), iiRl (Kat.; Yoshida 2008, 60), 4, V2, 4 (Kat.) Ch/U6542 VI, 6545 Viii6, iv2 (Kat.) [Ch/U6577a Vl, listed in Kat. as Sogd. but more likely Turkish like the following lines] Ch/U6577b V2-3 (Kat. [described as Pa]; Yoshida 2008, 60) Ch/U6579 Vl, 5, 6699 R7, 9-10, 6704 V8, 15, 6759 V2, 4, 6782c V2, 9, 6806 VI (Kat.) Ch/U6827 ed. Sundermann 2001, 833-44 Ch/U6854 VI ed. Yoshida 1993, 365; V2 ed. Zieme, BT V, 68-9 Ch/U6879 V2 (Kat.), 3 (Yoshida 2004, 173), 6 (Kat.), 9 (Yoshida 2004, 173) Ch/U6886V ed. Yoshida 2010, 13 n. 17 Ch/U6926 VI, 2-3, 9-10, 6937b RI, V4, 7, 7000 V3, 6, 7058 V4, 9 (Kat.) [Ch/U7070R probably Turkish, see Yoshida 2008, 60] Ch/U7115 ed. Reck 2009a, 221 Ch/U7117 VI (Sundermann 2001, 611 n. 91; Kat.), 10 (Kat.) Ch/U7131 ed. IFOC, 121 Ch/U7134 V3, 5, 7141 Viil, 7172 VI, 7197 V4, 7201 V5-6, 7275 V2-3, 8030 Vil, 5, iil (Kat.) Ch/U8123a Rl-2, V2, 6, Ch/U8123b V2, 3, 5 (Kat.) Frg5, 6, 17, 28, 32 ed. Sims-Williams 1977 GGZ ed. Sundermann, BT XXX GlA-D ed. Sundermann-Zieme 1981 HC36.1R (Yoshida 1992, 140) HC36.1V-36.6 ed. Sundermann 1990, 23-5 HC36.7 ed. MacKenzie 1999, 296-300 HC36.8 ed. Sundermann 1990, 26-7 HC36.9 ed. MacKenzie 1999, 294-6 HC36.10, 36.12-19, 37.1-2 ed. Sundermann 1990, 27-32 of KB ed. Yoshida 1988a [except that fragment 9 is omitted from the reconstruction, the readings to fragments 2, 3, 6, 7 are revised according to Yoshida 1999a, line 19 is revised according .J



Yosh�da 2009b, 350, and several passages in lines 1, 6, 10, 12, 16 and 20 are revised according to Yo�hida 2011 and 2011a. These corrections are not individually marked. The only corrections which are marked �s sue� �re those resulting from an examination of the squeezes of Bouillane de Lacoste by N. S1ms-WI1hams and J. Hamilton.] KBfr8 ed. Yoshida 1988a, 35 KBfr9 ed. Yoshida 1999a, 217 KBfrlO ed._Hansen 1930, 23 KG ed. Sundermann, BT XI, 34-54 KG2 ed. Yoshida 2000a, 81 KG3 ed. Sims-Williams 1992a L2 ed. Ragoza 1980, 15 L27 ed. Sims-Williams 1981, 235 L29+ (i.e. L29 + HelsinkiC + Ch/U6456) ed. Morano 2009, 178-81 L30+ (i.e. 07122 + L30 + Ch/U6294) ed. IFOC, 119-20 L32 ed. Ragoza 1980, 28 L33 ed. Yoshida 2000a, 77 L37 e'd. Ragoza 1980, 30-31 L44, 45 ed. Ragoza 1980, 36 L59, 61, 63, 65 ed. Ragoza 1980, 43-5 L83d ed. Ragoza 1980, 57 L91+ (i.e.L91 + L97b + L97c) ed. Ragoza 1980, 62, 67 (lines 9-13 reconstructed following SimsWilliams 1981, 232-3) L95+ (i.e. L95 + 97a + 97d + 98a + 98b) ed. Yoshida 2001, 108-9 L97e, 103 ed. Ragoza 1980, 68, 71 Ll05+ (i.e. 07263 + Ll05 + 07358) ed. IFOC, 130 Llll R ed. Morano 2009, 181; Llll V ed. Sims-Williams 1981, 236 Ll18, 120 ed. Ragoza 1980, 76-7 Ladakh4 ed. Sims-Williams 1993, 159 Listl+ (i.e. Listi + List2 + 20510 + Ch/U8092) ed. Yoshida 2000a, 71-7 List3 ed. Sims-Williams 1985, 580 List4-7 ed. Henning 1940, 5-11 M491+ (i.e. M491 + M3417) V ed. Sundermann, BT XVII, 37 M632V, M1070 V4, 5, M1071 V2, M2019hdl, M2233 R2, V2, M2234 A2 ' B2' M5457 A2' B2' M6791 Vl, V3 (Kat.) Mainz180 A2, Bl-2 (Kat.) Mainz348d (Yoshida 2008, 56) Mainz390 R2, 5, 460b B2, 460c Al, BS (Kat.) MIKIII4614 ed. Reck, Kat. MIKIII4947 ed. Yoshida 2008, 60 [MIKIII6251 contains no clear Sogdian words] MIKIII 6918 ed. Reck, Kat. [MIKIII7251 contains no clear Sogdian words, see Yoshida 2008, 60] 01146, 1180 ed. IFOC, 55-6 01186+ (= 1186 + 1188 + 1321 + 1325) ed. IFOC, 59 01189, 1190, 1318, 1320 ed. IFOC, 57-8 01723, 1829, 1927, 1967, 1979 ed. IFOC, 64-9 02075 ed. Yoshida 1994b, 107-8 02314, 2483, 2495, 2517, 2586a, 2655, 2787, 4554, 4569 ed. IFOC, 72-89 04711 ed. IFOC, 112 05471+ (i.e. 05471 + 9077), 5537 ed. IFOC, 101-2 06191 V4 (Yoshida 2003, 454 note a) 06406, 7004+ (i.e. 07004-6 + 4705 + 4707 + 7124 + 7126 + 7244 + 7256 + 7265b + 7348a-b + 7352-3 + 7393 + 7461 + 7470 + 7493 + 7508 + 7518 + 7532 + 7545 + 9032a + 10017 + 10023)' 7014, 7035, 7060+ (i.e. 07060 + 7482), 7120, 7130, 7144 ed. IFOC, 110-24 07210 ed. Reck 2003, 336


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

, 7266 ed. IFOC, 126-32 07227, 7237, 7252+ (i.e. 07252 + 9076 + 10005), 7253 07281 ed. Yoshida 2010, 11_ 07447 + 7468), 7453 ( 07359 + 7552 + Ch/U6346), 7368, 7447+ (i.e. 07313, 7343, 7349, 7359+ 1.e. ed. IFOC, 133-41 07462, 7465 ed. IFOC, 129 07466 ed. IFOC, 143 07484 ed. IFOC, 132 07496 ed. IFOC, 101 07500, 7509 ed. IFOC, 123 07513 ed. IFOC, 129 07520 ed. IFOC, 149-50 07538 ed. IFOC, 123 10028) ed. IFOc , 152-9 07543, 9050, 9078, 9082, 9085, 9122+ (i.e. 09122 + 010001 ed. Yoshida 2010, 11 , 162-6 010024, 10031, 10052, 10088, 10126, 11088 ed. IFOC , O/U829, 830, 851 ed. IFOC, 167-9 Ps ed. BT XXVII 376-89 . . ' . RSH 1-65 ed. Reck 2007; RSH 66-178 ed. Reck 2009' 4 1s not mcluded m the compiled text' SLN9 of n versio S the [note· XVII BT nn, erma d un S SLN ed. on p. 74, but can be found in the 'critical text', p. 61] SS ed. Sundermann, BT XIX ST15 ed. Yoshida 2010, 11 TaleAS ed. Henning 1945, 465-9 TaleF ed. Sims-Williams 2010b TaleG ed. Reck 2003, 336-7 TaleH-K ed. Henning 1945, 477-87 TaleKa ed. Yoshida 1994 XV, 34 n. 156 U237+ i( .e. U237 + U296) R7 ed. Sundermann, BT U6021 ed. Sundermann 2001, 727 Xwl-2 ed. Henning 1940, 63-7 Xw/a-c ed. Sims-Williams 1991 3. Christian (anti-Manichaean) texts in Syriac scrip TIIB8 ed. Sims-Williams 2003 TIII52 ed. Sims-Williams 1995a, 293 4. The Bactrian fragment in Manichaean script M1224 ed. Sims-Williams 2009


References and bibliographical abbreviations AM = Asia Major, New Series AoF= Altorientalische Forschungen APAW = Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,Phil-hist. Klasse Asmussen 1965=J.P. Asmussen, XUastvanift. Studies in Manichaeism, Copenhagen BAI= Bulletin of the Asia Institute, New Series Bailey 1979=H. W. Bailey, Dictionary of Khotan Saka, Cambridge

BeDuhn 2004 = J. BeDuhn, "The cantillated Manichaean meal hymns of the Turfan Collection", Turfan revisited. The first century of research into the arts and culture of the Silk Road M ( ono­ graphien zur Indischen Archaologie, Kunst und Philologie 17, ed. D. Durkin-Meisterernst et al.), Berlin, 30-36 BeDuhn 2009 = J. BeDuhn (ed.), New Light on Manichaeism. Papers from the Sixth International Congress on Manichaeism, Leiden Benveniste 1940= E. Benveniste, Textes sogdiens,Paris Benveniste 1959= E. Benveniste, Etudes sur la langue ossete,Paris Ben�eniste 1979= E. Benveniste, Etudes sogdiennes (Beitrage zur Iranistik 9), Wiesbaden Bi-Sims-Williams 2011 = Bi Bo & N. Sims-Williams, "Sogdian documents from Khotan, I: Four economic documents", Journal of the American Oriental Society 130/4, 2010 [2011], 497-508 Boyce 1954= M. Boyce, The Manichaean Hymn-cycles in Parthzan, London Boyce 1975 = M. Boyce, A reader in Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian A ( cta Iranica 9), Tehran-Liege Boyce 1992= M. Boyce, "Mithra Khsathrapati and his brother Ahura", BAI 4, 1990 [1992], 3-9 BSO(A)S = Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African) Studies BT IV = W. Sundermann, Mittelpersische und parthische kosmogonische und Parabeltexte der Manichaer (Berliner Turfantexte IV), Berlin, 1973 BT V =P. Zieme, Manichaisch-tiirkische Texte B ( erliner_ Turfantexte V), Berlin, 1975 BT XI = W. Sundermann, Mitteliranische manichaische Texte kirchengeschichtlichen Inhalts (Ber­ liner Turfantexte XI), Berlin, 1981 BT XII = N. Sims-Williams, The Christian Sogdian manuscript C2 (Berliner Turfantexte XII), Berlin, 1985 BT XIV = G. Schmitt, T. Thilo, T. Inokuchi, Katalog chinesischer buddhistischer Textfragmente, Band 2 B ( erliner Turfantexte XIV), Berlin, 1985 BT XV = W. Sundermann, Ein manichaisch-soghdisches Parabelbuch (Berliner Turfantexte XV), Berlin, 1985 BT XVII= W. Sundermann, Der Sermon vom Licht-Nous (Berliner Turfantexte XVII), Berlin, 1992 BT XIX= W. Sundermann, Der Sermon von der Seele (Berliner Turfantexte XIX), Turnhout, 1997 BT XXII = C. Reck, Gesegnet sei dieser Tag. Manichaische Festtagshymnen - Edition der mittelpersischen und parthischen Sonntags-, Montags- und Bemahymnen (Berliner Turfantexte XXII), Turnhout, 2004 BT XXIV = D. Durkin-Meisterernst, The Hymns to the Living Soul (Berliner Turfantexte XXIV), Turnhout, 2006 BT XXVII = D. Durkin-Meisterernst & E. Morano, Mani's Psalms. Middle Persian, Parthian and Sogdian texts in the Turfan Collection (Berliner Turfantexte XXVII), Turnhout, 2010 BT XXX = W. Sundermann, Die Rede der Lebendigen Seele. Ein Verstext des ostlichen Mani­ chaismus (Berliner Turfantexte XXX), Turnhout, forthcoming Cat. = M. Boyce, A catalogue of the Iranian manuscripts in Manichean script in the German Turfan collection, Berlin, 1960 Colditz 1987 = I. Colditz, "Bruchstticke manichaisch-parthischer Parabelsammlungen", AoF 14, 274-313 Colditz 2009 = I. Colditz, "Manichaean time-management: Laymen between religious and secular duties", BeDuhn 2009, 73-99 Colditz 2011= I. Colditz, "Zur onomastischen ErschlieBung der mitteliranisch-manichaischen Texte fi.ir das Iranische Personennamenbuch", Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies e( d. M. Macuch et al.), Wiesbaden, 29-42


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

al end rical Dickens-S ims-Williams forthcoming = M. Dickens & N. Sims-Williams, "Christian c the Bible at nce e r e Conf e th of dings ee Proc fragments from Turfan", Living the Lunar Calendar. rd Oxfo Lands Muse um Jerusalem (ed. J. Ben-Dov et al.), Parthian DMT III/1 = D. Durkin-Meisteremst , Dictionary of Manichaean Middle Persian and 2004 , (Di ctionary of Manichaean T exts, Vol. III, Part 1), Tumhout e e de Touen­ DTS = N. Sims-Williams & J. H amilton, Documents turco-sogdiens du IX _x siecle 1990 , n o nd Lo III/3), Vol. houang (Corpus Inscriptionum Iranic arum, P art II, e und ihre Durkin-Meisterernst et a l. 2009 = D. Durkin-Meisterernst et al. (ed.), Literarische Stojf Dr. W. Prof von burtstags e G 70. s e d anlasslich Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Z eit. Kolloquium Sundermann (Beitriige zur Iranis tik 31), Wiesbaden Eqtedari 1955 = A. Eqted ari, Farhang-e Larestiini, T ehran 1334/1955 Erdal 1991 =M. Erdal, Old Turkic Word Formation I-II, Wiesbaden Filippone 2010 = E. Filippone, The fingers and their names in the Iranian languages, Vienna Gershevitch 1965 =I. Gershevitch, Review of Cat., BSOAS 28, 1965, 157-60 Emile Gershevitch 1975 = I. Gershevit ch, "Sogd ians on a frogplain", Melanges linguistiques offerts a , Benveniste, P aris, 195-211 renyi Gershevitch 1979 =I. Gershevit ch, "No Old Persian spii0maida", Festschrift for Oswald Szeme 291-5 m, a d ter s m A ), i y an on the occasion of his 65th birthday (ed. B. Brogy ms­ Gershevitch 1985 = I. Gershevitch, Philologia Iranica (Beitrage zur Iranistik 12, ed. N. Si Wi lliams), Wiesb aden H. S. Gharib 1975 = B. Gharib, "Old Iranian roots gauz- and gaud- in Sogdi an", Monume ntum Nyberg, I (Acta Iranic a 4), Tehran-Liege, 247-56 Gharib 1995 =B. Gharib, Sogdian Dictionary. Sogdian - Persian - English, T ehran GMS =I. Gershevit ch, A grammar of Maniche an Sogdian, Oxford, 1954 e nsee Grenet 2010 = F. Grenet, "Demons iraniens e t divinites grecques dans le manicheisme", P rn­ Tu l.), a et i zz e Mo ir Am M.-A. . ed ( u e Tardi l e grecque et sagesse d'Orient. Hommage a Mich hout, 2009 [2010], 283-92 m. Gulacsi 2001 = z. Gulacs i, Manichae an Art in B erlin collections (Cor pus Fontium Manichaeoru t Turnhou Series Archaeologica et Iconographic a 1), s and Haloun-Henning 1952 = G. Haloun & W. B. Henning, "The Compendium of the doct rine 184-212 3/2, styles of Mani, the Buddha of Light", AM e H amilton 1986 =J. Hamilton, Manuscrits oui'gours du 1xe-x siecle de Touen-houang, I, P aris auf dem d reisprachigen Denkmal von t Inschrif en Hansen 1930 = 0. H ansen, "Zur soghdisch 44/3 , e rienn K arab algasun", Journal de la Societe Finno-Oug Hansen 1940 =0. Hansen, "Tochar isch-iranische Beziehungen", ZDMG 94, 139-64 n der Hansen 1941 =0. Hansen, "Berliner soghdische T exte I. Bruchst ticke einer soghdischen Versio in l er B Georgspass ion (C 1)", APAW 1941, No. 10, Henning 1936 =W. B. Henning, "Soghd ische Miszellen", BSOS 8/2-3, 583-8 90, Henning 1936 a = W. B. Henning, "Neue Materialien zur Geschichte des Manichiiismus", ZDMG 1-18 10, Henning 1937 = W. B. Henning, "Ein manichiiisches Bet- und Beichtbuch", APAW 1936, No. Berlin, 1937 and Pa rthi an words", BSOS 9/1, 79-92 Henning 1937a = W. B. Henning, "A list of Middle Persian "' , BSOS 9/3, 545-71 ns a ri a 'Tokh e Henning 1938 =W. B. Henning, "Argi and th Persian", BSOS 10/1, 93-106 w e N n i s rd -wo Henning 1939 =W. B. Henning, "Sogdian loan n o Henning 1940 =W. B. Henning, Sogdica, Lo' nd Henning 1940a = W. B. Henning, '"Sulphur in Sogdi an", BSOS 10/2, 398 Henning 1942 =W. B. Henning, "An astronomic al chapter of t he Bundahishn", IRAS 1942, 229-48 Henning 1943 =W. B. Henning, "The Book of the Giants", BSOAS 11/1, 52-74 Henning 1944 =W. B. Henning, "The murder of t he Magi ", IRAS 1944, 133-44 Henning 1945 =W. B. Henning, "Sogdian tales", BSOAS 11/3, 465-87 Henning 1945a =W. B. Henning, "The Manichre an f asts", IRAS 1945, 146-64 Henning 1945b =W. B. Henning, "Brahman", TPS 1944 (1945], 108-18 Henning 1946 =W. B. Henning, "The Sogd ian texts of Paris", BSOAS 11/4, 713-40 Henning 1946a =W. B. Henning, "Two Central Asian words", TPS 1945 [1946], 150-62

References and bibliographical abbreviations

xxix 1947 = W. B. Henning, "Two Manichrean magical texts, with an excursus on the P arthian endmg -endeh", BSOAS 12/1, 39-66 Henning 1948 ::::; W. B. Henning, "A Sogdian. fragment of the Manichaean cosmogony" BSOAS ' 12/2, 306-18 He ing 1�52 = W. B. Henning, "A farewell to the Khagan of the Aq-Aqatar an ", BSOAS 14/3, 501;� Henni�g

Henning 1958 = W. B. Henning, "Mitteliranisch", Handbuch der Orientalistik I/IV/1, Leiden­ Cologne, 20-130 Hen�ing 1965 = W. B. Henning, "A grain of must ard ", Annali dell' Istituto Universitario Orientale d1 Napoli, Sezione linguistica, 6, 29-47 Henning 1977_ = W. B. Henning, Selected Papers I-II (Ac ta Iranic a 14-15), Leiden Humb ach-SkJrerv0 198� = H. Rumb ach & P. 0. Skjrerv0, The Sassanian inscription of Paikuli, Pa rt 3.2: Commentary, Wiesbaden IFOC = K. Kudara, W. Sundermann & Y. Yoshida, Iranian Fragments from the Otani Collection. Text Volume, Kyoto, 1997 Ill= Inda-Iranian Journal IPNB II/8 = P. B. Lurje, Personal Names in Sogdian texts (Iranisches Personennamenbuch II/8) _ ' Vienna, 2010 [2011] IA =Journal Asiatique Joly 1958 =R. Joly, Le paste ur Hermas, Paris IRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society K at. = C. _Reck, fv!itteliranische Handschriften, Teil 1: Berliner Turfanfragmente manichaisch en Inhalts m soghdischer Schrift (VOHD XVIII/1), Stuttgart, 2006 Kessel-� ims-Williams 2011 = G. K essel & N. Sims-Williams, "The Profi table Counsels of S em 'on d-T� ibfiteh. The Syri ac origi nal and it s Sogdian version", Le Museon 124/3-4, 279-302 . Khmkeit 198� = H.-J. Klimkeit, "Jesus' entry into Pa rinirva1_1.a : Manichaean identity in Buddhis t Central Asi a", Numen 33/2, 225-40 Klimkeit-Schmidt-G�intz_er 1984 = H.-J. Klimkeit & H. Schmidt-Glintzer, "Die tiir kischen Parallelen zum chinesisch-manichiiischen Trak tat", Zentralasiatische Studien 17 82-117 ' Korn 2010 =A. Korn, "Pa rthi an z", BSOAS 73, 415-36 . Kudara-Sun_dermann _ 1:87 = K. Kudara & W. Sundermann, ."Zwei Fragm ente einer Samm el­ handschnft buddh1st1scher Sut ras in soghdischer Sprache", AoF 14, 334-49 Ku�ara-S�?dermann 1992 = �- �udara & _ W. Sundermann, "Ein weiteres Fragment einer sogh d­ isc�en Uberset zung des Bhai$aJyaguruvau;laryaprabhatathiigatasutra", AoF 19, 350-58 _ Leunm 2004 _ = C. Leurini, "Pasiigrfw - ,, Thro folger" Manis", Turfan revisited. The first ce ntury of � research znto the m�ts and culture of the Silk Road (Monographien zur Indischen Archaologi e, . Kunst und Philologie 17, ed. D. Durkin-Meistererns t et al.), Ber lin, 159-62 . L�eu_ 1994 =S. N. C. Lieu, Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East Leiden Livs1c 1962 = V. A. Livsic, Juridiceskie dokume nty i pis'ma (Sogdijskie dok�menty s gory Mug 2)' Moscow Lii�ers 1936 =H. Lii ders, "Textilien im alten Turkistan " , APAW 1936, No. 3, Ber lin LurJ e 2010 = P. B. Lurj e, Review of Durki n-Meisterems t et al. 2009 Orientalische Literaturz eitung ' 105, 778-84 MacKenzie 1970 = D. N. MacKenzie, The "Sutra of the causes and effects of actions" in Sogdian ' London MacKenz�e 1971 =D. N. MacKenzie, A concise Pahlavi dictionary, London MacK enzie 1976 =D. N. MacKenzie, The Buddhist Sogdian texts of the British Library (Acta Ira nica 10), Tehran-Liege MacK enz�e 1985 =D. N. MacKenzie, "More thieves, fewer m embers", BSOAS 48, 121 MacK enzie _ 19�5 _ = D. N. Ma cK enzie, "»I, Mani ...«", Gnosisforschung und Religionsgeschichte. Festschrift fur Kurt Rudolph zum 65. Ge burtstag (ed. H. PreiBler & H. Seiwe rt) Marbu rg ' 1994 ' [1995], 183-98 MacKen�ie 19�9 .= D. N. MacKenzie, Iranica Diversa (ed. C. G. Cereti & L. Paul), 2 vols., Rom e Maue-Sims-Wilhams 1991 = D. Maue & N. Sims-Willi ams, "Eine sanskri t -sogdische Bi lingu e in Brahm1", BSOAS 54, 486-95


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Minorsky 1970 = V. Minorsky, Ifudad al-'alam, 2nd edition, London MMii = F. C. Andreas & W. B. Henning, "Mitteliranische Manichaica aus Chinesisch-Turkestan II", SPAW 1933, No. 7, Berlin Morano 1982 = E. Morano, "The Sogdian hymns of Stellung Jesu", East and West 32, 9-43 Morano 2004 = E. Morano, "Un frammento di glossario mediopersiano/partico-sogdiano da Turf an", Magistri5 nostri5. Per i cento anni di Giuliano Bonfante, Alessandria, 101-13 Morano 2005 = E. Morano, "Preparing the corpus of the Sogdian texts for the SOAS Manichaean Dictionary Project", Middle Iranian Lexicography. Proceedings of the conference held in Rome, 9-11 April 2001 (ed. C. Cereti & M. Maggi), Rome, 215-26 Morano 2008 = E. Morano, "A working catalogue of the Berlin Sogdian fragments in Manichaean script", Iranian languages and texts from Iran and Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick memorial volume (ed. M. Macuch et al.), Wiesbaden, 2007 [2008], 239-70 Morano 2009 = E. Morano, "Sogdian tales in Manichaean script", Durkin-Meisterernst et al. 2009, 173-200 Morano 2009a = E. Morano, "'If they had lived ...' A Sogdian-Parthian fragment of Mani's Book of Giants", Sundermann et al. 2009, 325-30 Morano 2011 = E. Morano, "New research on Mani's Book of Giants", Der ostliche Manichaismus. Gattungs- und Werkgeschichte (ed. Z. bzertural & J. Wilkens), Berlin, 101-11 Morgenstierne 2003 = G. Morgenstierne, A New Etymological Vocabulary of Pashto (ed. J. Elfenbem et al.), Wiesbaden Miiller 1904 = F. W. K. Muller, Handschriften-Reste in Estrangelo-Schrift aus Turfan, ChinesischTurkistan, II. Teil, Anhang zu den APAW 1904, Berlin Muller 1907 = F. W. K. Muller, "Die 'persischen' Kalenderausdrticke im chinesischen Tripitaka", SPAW 1907, 458-65 Muller 1913 = F. W. K. Muller, "Bin Doppelblatt aus einem manichaischen Hymnenbuch (Ma}:rrnamag)", APAW 1912, No. 5, Berlin, 1913 Muller-Lentz 1934 = F. W. K. Muller & W. Lentz, "Soghdische Texte II", SPAW 1934, No. 21, Berlin Provasi 2008 = E. Provasi, "A Son of the Manichaean Living Spirit", Iranian languages and texts from Iran and Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick memorial volume (ed. M. Macuch et al.), Wiesbaden, 2007 [2008], 297-316 Provasi 2009 = E. Provasi, "Versification in Sogdian", Sundermann et al. 2009, 347-68 Provasi 2011 = E. Provasi, "New Persian texts in Manichaean script from Turfan", The Persian language in history (ed. M. Maggi & P. Orsatti), Wiesbaden, 119-77 Ragoza 1980 = A. N. Ragoza, Sogdijskie fragmenty central'noaziatskogo sobranija Instituta Vostokovedenija, Moscow Reck 1995 = C. Reck, "Annaherung an eine soghdische manichaische Sammelhandschrift", Iran and Turfan. Beitriige Berliner Wissenschaftler, Werner Sundermann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet (ed. C. Reck & P. Zieme), Wiesbaden, 193-205 Reck 1997 = C. Reck, Review of Gharib 1995, Orientalische Literaturzeitung 92, 578-88 Reck 2003 = C. Reck, "Die Beschreibung der Daena in einem soghdischen manichaischen Text", Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli (ed. C. G. Cereti et al.), Wiesbaden, 323-38 Reck 2005 = C. Reck, "The tribulations of human existence: A Sogdian fragment corresponding to a passage of Burzoy's preface to Kalzlah wa Dimnah?", Il Manicheismo. Nuove prospettive della richerca [sic] (ed. A. van Tongerloo & L. Cirillo), Turnhout, 331-41 Reck 2006 = C. Reck, "Reste eines soghdischen Version von Huyadagman I in der Form eines Res­ ponsoriums zwischen Erwahlten und Rorer", Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie (ed. D. .;Weber), Wiesbaden, 2005 [2006], 153-63 Reck 2007 = C. Reck, "Die Bekehrung einer Christin zum manichaischen Glauben? Probleme bei der Interpretation eines fragmentarischen Textes", Inkulturation des Christentums im Sasanidenreich (ed. A. Mustafa & J. Tubach), Wiesbaden, 55-70 Reck 2008 = C. Reck, "Tage der Barmherzigkeit. Nachtrage zu den mitteliranischen manichaischen Montags- und Bemahymnen", Iranian languages and texts from Iran and_ Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick memorial volume (ed. M. Macuch et al.), Wiesbaden, 2007 [2008], 317-42

References and bibliographical abbreviations


Reck 2009 = C. Reck, "The Ascension of the Light Elements and the Imprisonment of Ahriman . The cosmogonical and eschatological part of a Sogdian 'Sammelhandschrift'", Sundermann et al. 2009, 369-98 Reck 2009a = C. Reck, "Soghdische manicliaische Parabeln in soghdischer Schrift mit zwei Beispielen: Parabeln mit Hasen", Durkin-Meisterernst et al. 2009, 211-24 Reck 2009b_= Reck, "A Sogdian version of Mani's Letter of the Seal", BeDuhn 2009, 225-39 Reck 2009c = C. Reck, "Snatches of the Middle Iranian 'Tale of the Five Brothers"' BeDuhn . 2009' ' 241-57 Reck 2010 = C. Reck, "Some remarks on the Manichaean fragments in Sogdian script in the Berlin Turfan Collection", "The Way of Buddha" 2003: The 100th anniversary of the Otani mission and the 50th of the Research Society-for Central Asian Cultutes (ed. T. Irisawa), Kyoto, 69-74 Salemann 1912 = C. Salemann, "Manichaica III", Jzvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk 1912, 1-32 Schaeder 1934 = H. H. Schaeder, Iranica (Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissens chaften zu Gottingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse, 3. Folge, No. 10), Berlin Schwartz 1966 = M. Schwartz, "Iranian *draw- 'to lead astray"', IRAS 1966, 119-22 Schwartz 1967 = M. Schwartz, Studies in the texts of the Sogdian Christians, PhD thesis, Berkeley Schwartz 1974 = M. Schwartz, "Sogdian fragments of the Book of Psalms", AoF 1, 257-61 Schwartz 1982 = M. Schwartz, "'Blood' in Sogdian and Old Iranian", Monumentum Georg Morgen­ stierne II (Acta Iranica 22), Leiden, 189-96 Sch:wartz 1990 = M. Schwartz, "Hospitalities and formalities (-fwaz, -fbraz)", Iranica Varia. Papers zn honor of Professor Ehsan Yarshater (Acta Iranica 30), Leiden, 200-207 Schwartz 2009 = M. Schwartz, "Apollo and Khshathrapati, the Median Nergal, at Xanthos " BAI 19 ' ' 2005 [2009], 145-50 Sch:Wei�er 2006 = G. K. Schweiger (ed.), Indogermanica. Festschrift Gert Klingenschmitt. Jndische, . 1ranzs�he und zndogermanische Studien dem verehrten Jubilar dargebracht zu seinem funfund­ sechzzgsten Geburtstag (Studien zur Iranistik und Indogermanistik, Bd. 3) ' Taimering , 2005 �00�


Sims-Williams 1972 = N. Sims-Williams, "A Sogdian ideogram", BSOAS 35, 614-15 S�ms-W�ll�ams 1975 = N. Sims-Williams, "Notes on Sogdian palaeography", BSOAS 38, 132-9 S1ms-Wilhams 1977 = N. Sims-Williams, "The Sogdian fragments of the British Library" III 18/1' 2, 1976 [1977], 43-82 Sims-Williams 1978 = N. Sims-Williams, Review of MacKenzie 1976, III 20, 256-60 S�ms-W�ll�ams 1979 = N. Sims-Williams, "On the plural and dual in Sogdian", BSOAS 42, 337-46 S�ms-W� ll�ams 1979a = N. Sims-Williams, "A Parthian sound-change", BSOAS 42, 133-6 S1ms-W1lhams 1981 = N. Sims-Williams, "The Sogdian fragments of Leningr ad"' BSOAS 44' 23140 Sims-Williams 1982 = N. Sims-Williams, "Some Sogdian denominal abstract suffixes"' Acta Orientalia 42, 1981 [1982], 11-19 Sims-Williams 1983 = N. Sims-Williams, "Chotano-Sogdica", BSOAS 46, 40-51 Sims-Williams 1983a = N. Sims-Williams, "Indian elements in Parthian and Sogdian ", Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien. Vortriige des Hamburger Symposions vom 2. Juli bis 5. Juli 1981 (ed. K. Rohrborn & W. Veenker), Wiesbaden, 132-41 Sims-Williams 1984 = N. Sims-Williams, "The Sogdian 'Rhythmic Law"', Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 16, ed. W. Skalmowski & A. van Tongerloo), Leuven, 203-15 Sims-Willi!ms 1985 = N. Sims-Williams, "The Manichean commandments: a survey of the sour�e� , Papers zn_ honour of Professor Mary Boyce II (Acta Iranica 25), Leiden, 573-82 . S�s-�1lhams 198� = N. Sims-Williams, "Sogdian "oprm and its cognate s", Studia grammatica 1ranz�·a Festschqftfur Helmut Rumbach (ed. R. Schmitt & P. 0. Skjrerv0), Munich, 407-24 : . S1ms-WI1hams 1986a = N. Sims-Williams, Review of J. Harmatta (ed.), From Hecataeus to al­ ijuwiirizmf, BSOAS 49/3, 588 Sims-Williams 1987 = N. Sims-Williams, "Sogdian kw and Slavonic kit ', Peredne aziatskij Sbornik 4, Moscow, 1986 [1987], 116-121


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Middle Sims-Willia ms 1989 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "New studies on the verbal syste m of Old and Irania n", BSOAS 52, 255-64 (ed. R. m Si s-Willia ms 1989a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "Sogdian", C omp endium Linguarum Iranic arum Sch mitt), Wiesbaden, 173-92 HuyaSims-Willia ms 1989b = N. Sims-Williams, "A new fragment from the Parthian hymn-cycle Paris, 7), ica n Ira dagmiin", Etud es iran o-ary ennes offertes a Gilb ert Laz ard (Cahiers de Studia 321-31

1990 = N. Si ms-Willia ms, "Chotano-Sogdica II. Aspects of the develop ment of of the First Euro p ean C onfe re nce no minal morphology i n Khota nese and Sogdia n", Proceedings the So cietas Iranologic a Europaea of Ir ania n Studies held in Turin, September 7th-11th, 1987 by (ed. G. Gnoli & A. Panaino), I, Ro me, 275-96 ents of Sims-Willia ms 1991 = N. Si ms-Willia ms, "The Sogdia n frag ments of Leningrad III: Frag m n ichaea n (Ma s e Ri Julien or the Xwastwanift", M anichaic a Select a. Studies presented to Profess Studies I, ed. A. van Tongerloo & S. Giversen), Louvain, 323-8 on our Sims-Williams 1991a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "A Sogdian greeting", C oroll a Iranic a. Pap ers in h 176-87 kfurt, n Weber), Fra of Prof Dr. D avid Neil M acKenzi e (ed. R. E. E mmerick & D. Indus, Sims-Willia ms 1992 = N. Sims-Willia ms, Sogdi an and other Irani an inscripti ons of th e Upper II (Corpus Inscriptionu m Ira nicarum, Part II, Vol. III/II/2), London . at the Sims-Willia ms 1992a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The Sogdian fragments of Lenmgrad II: Mam court of the Shaha nshah", BAI 4, 1990 [1992], 281-8 es of Sims-Willia ms 1993 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The Sogdian inscriptions of Ladakh", Antiquiti 151-63 z, Northern Pakistan. Reports and Studies 2 (ed. K. Jett mar et al.), Main Sims-Willia ms 1994 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The triple system of deixis in Sogdian", TPS 92, 41-53 Olaf Sims-Willia ms 1995 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "Christia n Sogdia n texts fro m the Nachlass of Hansen, I: Fragments of the Life of Serapion", BSOAS 58, 51-68 Olaf Sims-Willia ms 1995a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "Christian Sogdia n texts from the Nachlass of Hansen, II: Fragments of polemic and prognostics", BSOAS 58, 288-302 Au Sims-Willia ms 1995b = N. Sims-Williams, "A Sogdian version of the 'Gloria in excelsis Deo"', Gyselen), R. ed. 7, tales n carrefour des religions. Mel anges offerts a Philippe Gignoux (Res Orie Bures-sur-Yvette, 257-62 n a nd Sims-Willia ms 1996 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "On the historic present and injunctive i n Sogdia Chores mian", Miinch ener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 56, 173-89 Cina e Sims-Williams 1996a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The Sogdian merchants in China and India", 45-67 ce, n Flore ciotti), n La Iran da Alessandro Magno all a dinastia Tang (ed. A. Cadonna & L. of the Sims-Willia ms 1997 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The deno minal suffix -ant- a nd the formation es on ek e B P. S. t er b o R f o or n Khota nese tra nsitive perfect", S ound Law and Analogy. Pape rs in h o ), Lubotsky A. ed. 9, n pea the occasi on of his 60th birthd ay (Leiden Studies in Indo-Euro A msterda m-Atlanta, 317-25 Sims-Willia ms 2001 = N. Sims-Willia ms, "The Sogdian Ancient Letter II'', Phil ologic a et Linguis4. tica. Histori a, Pluralitas, Universitas. Festschrift fiir Helmut Humb ach zum 80. Ge burtst ag am Dezember 2001 (ed. M. G. Schmidt & W. Bisang), Trier, 267-80 YiidSims-Willia ms 2001a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "Middle Persian p adisiiy and Old Persian vasna", name-ye Dr Aftmad Tafa:r,z:,oli (ed. A. A. Sadeghi), Tehran, ?9-65 ,, . . . a ns , Sims-Willia ms 2003 = N. Si ms-Willia ms, "A Christian Sogdian pole mic agamst the Mamchae or Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of Profes� et Ceret1 G. C. (ed. 2002 r Gherardo Gnoli on the occ asion of his 65th birthd ay on 6th Dec embe al.), Wiesbaden, 399-408 Sims-Williams 2003a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "Three notes on Iranian words in Arabic sources", his Jranica Sel ecta. Studies in honour of Profess or Wojciech Skalmowski on the occ asi on of seventieth birthday (ed. A. van Tongerloo), Tumhout, 213-17 p ean Sims-Willia ms 2004 = N. Si ms-Willia ms, "The Parthian abstract suffix -yft", Inda-Euro 539-47 Oxford, ney), n Pe Perspectives. Studi es inH onour of Ann a Mor purg o Davies (ed. J. H. W. ersia e m Si s-Willia ms 2004a = N. Sims-Willia ms, "A Greek-Sogdian bilingual from Bulay'iq", La P Bisanzio (Atti 'yk, 'f3c'npc>yk s. fcmMy k St'f3c'npt 10100mV4* s. 'wc'wt S 'f3cmp6, 'f3cnp6 s. 'fcmbb S 'f3cp-, verb of unknown meaning S 'f3cp'ntw 3.pl.pres.(?) 01927.2 M "f3cr n. 'materials'. Loanword from Pa "bc'r, 'bcr. M "j3cr Ml 18iR14 S *'f3cy6 v.tr. 'to pour', past stem 'f3cy6t S 'f3cyc>t past inf. KG553 St'f3c>'ys PsAl.86 s. 'sk'f3b'ys M 'j3yyy M247R6 s. xwrmzt'f3y M 'j3j- s. {3jM 'j3j'xwty' s. {3j'xwty' M 'j3jng'ry s. {3jng ' ry Mt'f3jynyh M617iiV9* s. {3jwn M 'f3jyr'ync s. f3jyrny M 'f3nw v.tr.(?) 'to shake' M 'f3nwtyy 3.sg.pres.mid. CF26 [St'f3n'wtc>'r'nt 15502R10 s. {3j'w] MS "f3r v.tr. 'to bring', past stem "yt M "f3nY 2.pl.impv. M7800iiV2 M "f3rM' 2.pl.impv.(?) M356.13 M "f3rm[ l.sg.pres.(?) Ml768B2* (ed. (en) j3r(m)[, read (")f3r(m)[, Y.Y.) M "f3md 3.pl.pres. M6132B5 M "f3md#skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. Ml43Vii6fl< (BT XIX, 150 (''f3)[r'nt], better "f3r[nd] #skwn [Y.Y.]) M "yto'rnd 3.pl.tr.pret. M7800iiV9 M "y!b'rnd 3.pl.tr.pret. BBB588 M "y!o'ryh 2.sg.tr.pret. MIKiii4981f8 (mis­ printed -h) M m'f3r 3.sg.impf. M130a+Rl, M130a+V4 M m'f3md 3.pl.impf. BBB643

S "j3r'nt 3.pl.impf. L61.17 S "f3rt 3.sg.pres.(?) AN3* S "f3rt' 2.pl.impv. BezC15 S "j3rt' 2.pl.inj.(?) 18112R3 S "yto'rym 3.pl.tr.pret. KB12(1)* S »f3r's n. 'instruction, advice' S "f3r'sy obi. 11603+10 S "j3r'yc, "j3r'yn, "f3r'yt s. ''fryn S 'f3r'z'nt'k, 'j3r'z'nty, 'j3r'znt'k, 'f3r'znty s. f3r'zndy S 'f3r-s'r 'Abar-shahr', name of a region. Sundermann 2001, 327. S 'f3r-s'r KG359, KG396 (ed. 'f3r sxr), KG 404*, KG432 ('f3rs'r) M 'f3rw6 n. 'growth, plant'. Henning 1937, 118b. Benveniste 1979, 223 n. 1, restores a compound *wn'f3rwc> 'woodland, grove'. M 'f3rwot pl. M583iiV13 (ed. ](w)f3rwot, read ]'j3rw6! with Henning 1937, 118b) S "f3rxs'k Frg5 .11 s. pry-''f3rxs 'k MS "f3rxsy, M 'f3rxsy, S "(3'rxs'k, "f3rxs'y n.m. 'desire, lust' M "f3rxsy M1546.4* (Cat. "brxs(y)[, better "(f3r)xs(y)[) M 'f3rxsyy BBB568, BBBa6, M7800iiR18* S "f3'rxs'k HC36.3R4* S "f3rxs'y 14001aVl S "f3rxsy HC36.6Vl0 M "f3rxsymync, S "f3rxs'kmync a. 'lustful, las­ civious' M "f3rxsy#mync BBBb9fl' S "f3rxs'k#mync Frg5.8f S "f3rych, "f3ryn, "(3r yt s. ''fryn St"f3ryncnt AN133 s. ''fryn S "J3ryw'nh, "f3rywnh s. ''frywn S "f3rywncykw, "f3ryncykw s. ''frywncyk S 'f3s'yt s. fs'c S 'f3s'k s. fs'k S 'f3s'ntk n.m. 'child' S 'f3s'ntk GGZl.16 S 'f3s'wy, unidentified ethnic adjective s 'f3s'wy 01466ii1 S 'f3skr- s. fikrS 'f3.st't'k KG597. Unknown word, possibly a pp. 'stepped forward' with Lieu 1994, 32. S 'f3sy'ws s. fiy'ws S 'f3t, 'f3t', 'f3th, j3f, M 7 num. 'seven' M 7 BBB684, BBB685, BBB685, BBB686, BBBe23, CF118, Fastl.4, Fastl.11, [M264aR5 s. 7-zng'n], M767iiV5, M767 iiV6 S 'f3t 13700aB2 S 'f3t' 14030R8, 18058+Vl9, 18200R4, GlC il, KG493, KG494, KG496, KG3.16, KG


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

3.26*, KG3.32, SS131 S '(3th SS110 S '(3tnw obl. SS131 (thus Yoshida 1999, 163, ed. '(3t'w) S (3t' 14425+Rl S '(3t- v.tr. 'to enlighten' S '(3t'yny pres.pt. Ps624 S '(3t'o'ns. 'ft'b'n s '13t'kyspy s. 'f3tkyspM'(3t'myb, S '(3tmyo(?) n. 'week' 1 M '(3t'myoprm TaleD5* (s. prm) S 'j3tmyo... O1927.13* (doubtful restoration) S 'j3t'nty s. 'jtndy S '(3t' pyc n. 'radiance'(?). Cf. NP aftab 'sun'? Hardly an adjective as assumed in BT XXVII. S '(3t'pych Ps581, Ps581, Ps598*, Ps600 S '(3t'rn'kty HC36.19V3*. Unknown word. Sundermann 1990, 31a with n. 71, mentions two possible interpretations, as obl.pl. of *'(3t'm'k 'hyena-like' or (reading 'j3t'r'nkty) of *'j3t'r'nk 'Ursa major'. S '(3t'rtny ny a. 'having seven jewels' S '(3t'rtnyny Ps627* (doubtful restoration) M'(3t't-(3rywr-zng'n a. 'of seventy myriad kinds' M 'j3ft#(3rywr-zng'n CF62f St'j3t'w SS13ls. '(3t S '(3t'yny s. '{3tM'(3tkys p-, 'j3tksp-, S '(3t'kysp- n.m. 'the seven divisions (of the world)'. Only in the ex­ pression '(3tkyspy xwt'w 'Lord of the Seven Climes', a name of the Living Spirit, Hen­ ning 1948, 314. M 'j3tkspyl}. gen.sg. M5266R5 M 'j3tkyspy gen.sg. CF69 S '(3t'kyspy gen.sg. 14700(1l)A7* S '(3tmcyk s. 'ftmcyk S '(3tmp't n. 'beginning' S '(3tmp't HC36.l0R8 S '(3tmw s. 'ftmS '(3tmy6 s. '{3t'myb MS '(3tmyk a. 'seventh' M '(3tmyk CF108 M 7-myk ANe9 S '(3tmyk AN29*, 07004+ 19*(?) S '(3tmykw AN99 S '(3tnws. '(3t S t'(3ty PsAl.70. So ed., translated 'seven', but ]'(3ty is probably only the end of a word. S 'BY, 'BY', 'BYw s. 1 ptr­ M1>(3fp n. 'reach' M '(3y'p CF21 S 2'(3y'p, (3y'p v.tr. 'to understand', past stem '(3y'pt, (3y'pt

S '(3y'pt 3.sg.pres.(?) 07004+51 * S '(3y'pt kwn'nt 3.pl.pres.tr.pot. AN12* (ed. '(3y'(t)[ kwn'nt, read '(3y'p(t)[ kwn'nt with Yoshida 1988, 148) S (3y'p 3.sg.impf BezA105 S (3y'pt kwn'nt 3.pl.pres.tr.pot. AN45 S '(3y't n. 'memory'(?) [S t'(3y't AN12s. 2'[3y'p] S '(3y'L. 18432R5* S '(3y'tr s. fry 'tr S '(3y'wn'kw, t'BY'Wn'kw 10263(1)+R3* s. '{3ywny S '(3y-pxtky s. 'spwrk'ry .tws'rmy 'wb '{3y-pxtky S t'BYW'n'kw, t'(3ywnn'kw 10263(1)+R3* s. '(3ywny M '(3ywny, S '(3y'wn'k a. 'foreseeing', n.m. 'prophet'. GMS §434. M '(3ywnyt pl. M286iiV2 S '(3y'wn'kw 10263(1)+R3* (read '(j3y)'wn'kw in preference to all previous readings: '(j3)ywnn'kw, Yoshida 2009, 289, 290; 'BY'Wn'kw, Sundermann 2004, 522 n. 23; '(B)YW'n'kw, Sundermann 2001c, 74) S '(3z- s. {3}S '(3z'nk'r'k, 'f3z'nk 'ry s. {3jng' ry S '(3z'nxr'y a. 'ill-starred, unlucky' S '(3z'nxr'yt pl. KG564 S '(3z'wxty', '(3z'wxty'kh, '(3z'xtyh, '(3z'xwty', (3z'xwty'khs. {3j'xwty' S t'(3z'yyh 14000R32f* s. trytz'yyh S '(3z'yks. {3jyk M'(3zn- n.m. 'benediction'(?). BT XII, 117; Yoshida 1984a, 148-9; Schwartz 1990, 204-5. M '(3znw acc.sg. TaleB38 S '(3zy'k'ry a. 'evil-doing' S '(3zy'k'ry 14638iV14 S '(3zy(3r'n a. 'suffering' S '(3zy(3r'nt pl. GGZl.8 S 'j3zyk s. {3jyk M'(3[ M116Vll*, M501iR4* S '(3[ 18058+R14*, KG628, KG3.4, Ps396* M 'cs. 'jgnd 'gd 'c whyst MS "cs. ''be S "c'yt s. 2*"c'xs S 1" c'xs n. '( act of) grasping'. Inf. according to BT XI, 177a. S "c'xs 18140+iiV9 S 2*"c'xs v.tr. 'to grasp, understand', past stem "c'yt S "c'yt ... (3wt 3.sg.pres.itr.pot. KG382f S 'ckw- n. 'tear, teardrop'. OMS §385 n. 1. S 'ckw' ace.pl.(?) HC36.9V12 S 'cws. cw S 'c[ KG640

Sogdian M 'd s. wyspwhr 'd cnd'ty z'dg M 'd'ms. "b'm M "o'h, s "o'k s. ) 'by MS "c>'m, 'o'm, M 'd'm n.pr.m. 'Adam', the first man. Semitic name in Pa (-d-) or Sogd. (-o-) spelling, Sundermann 2001, 99 with n. 20 on p. 144. IPNB Il/8, no. 6. M 'd'm M1070.5* M "o'm M141+V6 M 'o'm BBBe19 M 'o'my KawK19 M "c Ymyy obl. M129R15 S "o'm 18248i18 S "o'my obl. 18162R3 (Kat. 'no'my) S 'o'm 18432R8*(?) S "o'y s. "by S t"o"ykw SS114 s. 'nbyk S "c>(3y, 'o(3y n.m. 'supreme god', used as designation of the Primal Man. Sunder­ mann 2001, 128 with n. 217 on pp. 155-6. Indian-Sogd. hybrid, Sims-Williams 1983a, 138-9. S "o(3y 10263(1)+V6, 14638iV14, 18192A5, SSl18* S "oo(3y 10263(1)+R3, 10263(1)+R6, Ch/U 7000V3*, L59.8* S 'oo(3y 10347B5, RSH72 S "oo(3yy obl. 07313.1 MS "b(3ry, S "o(3r'y a. 'fertile' or n.m. 'cornfield'. Sims-Williams 1986, 414-15. M "oj3ryy BBB570 S "o(3r'ytpl. L37.21 (ed. 'n6y(s)nt) S "o(3ry Ps132 MS "c>c, "c n.neut. 'something, thing'. With negative: 'nothing', a. 'not any', adv. 'in no way, not at all'. M "c M264aR5, M399A3, M760V3, M4874.1 M "Mc MIKiii4981d8 S "ch 10650(1)V3 (end of line) S "cw L45.1 (ed. 'yew) S "ocw 10100k+R20, 11010R3, 13426(1)A2, 14000R26, AN68, AN81, HC36.14Al, HC36.14A2*, KG335, KG467, Ps404*, Ps404, PsAl.77, TaleK19 Mt'oocw MIKiii4981c9 s. {3'b, cw M 'ogws. 'wyz 'bgw S 'okw s. 'ysyk 'bkw twtwx 'wyk' S 'Mm'ty' 14638iV17. Unclear, probably a f. abstract noun. Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 217, interprets the word as a designation of the 'Mother of Life' (cf. "o(3y 'supreme god' and m't 'mother'), but it can hardly belong to a heavy stem *'6om't 'supreme mother'.


S '6rmnws. smnw MS •�ry, S ory, MS 3 num. 'three' M 'oryy M137iiV12 (misprinted 'ory, GMS §1316), M5021V3, TaleBhdl M 3 BBBb8, BBBc25, BBBc43, BBBd13, Fastl.2, Fastl.9, KawKl7, M127R9*, Ml42R6, M428aR3, M575iV3, M583 iiR13, M583iiV16, M670R8, M767iiR1, M6100.2, M6132B2, [M6330Rl s. 3zwrnycyk], M6803.1, TaleBhdl, TaleB39, TaleB45 [M 3-smbo, 3-smbyd see s.v.] S 'ory 14700(1l)B7, 15800R8, 18058+RIO, 18248il7, 20192Rl, 20206A6, AN193, AN197, BezA3, BezA74, BezB2, BezB4*, BezB48, BezB52, BezB54, BezB56, BezB59, [BezC16 s. 'a ry -prw], KB19(2), KB20(2), KG489, List3.12, Xwl.16 S 'ory 'ory 20229Rl7 S ory 18112R4, HC36.8Rl2 S 3 [Ch/U6536biiR1 s. 16], 20220iVhdl M 'c>ryy-kn�'kyy(h?) M481.3. Cited as 'oryy kno-, Henning 1937, 12, as 'oryy kn6'kyy, IPNB II/8, no. 1008. If the last letter is -h, which is a mere guess, the word may be -a distributive adv. (cf. Gershevitch 1985, 27_9) meaning 'in each of the three cities'. S 'c>ry-m'x'k a. '(at the age) of three months' S 'ory-m'x'k 10263(1)+R9 S 'c>ry- prw a. 'three together, all three'. Cf. DTS, 73. S 'ory-prwty pl.obl. BezC16 S 'c>ry-znk'n a. 'threefold' S 'ory-znk'n L91+5 s 'os's. as' MS 'ow, 'ow' s. bw' s 'ow'-znk'ny s. c>w'-zng'n M "�w(3 n. '(act of) sticking'(?), in phrase y'r "ow(3 powj3 'picking a quarrel'(?) M "owj3 MLl.30 S '�wy-100, 'ow-100, M 200 num. 'two hun­ dred' M 200 KawGhdl, KawG4, KawG34, KawK7 S 'owy-100 10350B3* (Kat. '6wy '[, read 'owy-(100)[ with Yoshida 2008, 57) S 'ow-100 14638iR17 MS "by, S "Cl'k, "o'y, M 'oy(?) n.m. 'someone, person', pl. 'people'. With negative: 'no­ one', a. 'not any' (with non-personal refer­ ence: 14410iR7). M "o'h abl.sg. M264aR8 M "6yy ANe25, KawE18, M l 17.4, M5001 Al, M712A4*(?), M765kR6, M5093Al, M6800.5, TaleB2, TaleB44, TaleE51 M "oy"g BBB522, TaleB62


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M "bytyy obl. pl. BBBe7 M "bytyh obl. pl. BBBe4 M 'byy KawIV5(?) S "6'k 10100k+R12, 18190Vl, Ch/U6937b V7, HC36.7R12, KG483, RSH89 S "6'kw 10650(1)R3, 18700+Vl1, GGZl.11, Ps589, PsAl.73 S "6'y KG2.4, L27.4 S "b'ytpl. KG449 S "6'ytw pl. Ps404 S "by 10791(3)A2, 10920+V4, 11603+12, 14410iR7, ANll, AN20*, AN44, AN54, AN68, AN70, AN73, AN107, KG3.62*, TaleF3, TaleG13, TaleH27 , M "ayn', "byng n. 'Friday'. WMiran. loan­ word, cf. NP a6Ina, Henning 1945a, 153 n. 2. M "6yn' Fast3.14, Fast3.36 M "6yn'h Fastl.7*, Fastl.19* M "6yng Fast2.9*, Fast2.15*, Fast2.20*, Fast4.7, Fast4.15* M "Myng O6191R5 S »�ys Ps581. Unknown word. BT XXVII, 361a, suggests 'wonder'. s 'a[ 18248i21* M 'fcmM, fcmM, MS 'fcmp6, S 'j3c'npb, 'j3cnp6, 'j3c'mp6, 'j3cmp6, j3c'np6, j3cnp6 n.f 'world'. Sundermann 2001, 174-8. The expression 'four worlds' (e.g. M5701+R3) probably refers to the four quarters of the world, see Sundermann 2001b, 182-3. M 'fcmb6 CF119, Ml07iRi9, M141+R7*, M498ciiV2 (Ms 'fcmj36), M765f8, M1517 iiR3*, M3607.4, M570l+V17, M8600.4 (Cat. 'fcmb6( • )[, but 'fcmb6 is in fact a complete word) M 'fcmbM CF72, M767iiV6*, SLN95 M 'fcmbby obl. KG2332*, Ml43Vii6 M 'fcmb6yy obl. M134iV7, M767iiR6, M5701+R3, M5701+R13 M 'fcmb6yh obl. M6764.1* M 'fcmb6yyh obl. M5030V3 M 'fcmbMy obl. M617iR6 M 'fcmbMyy obl. M129V9 M 'fcmpM M3224.1 M fcmb6 Gl/r5, KawIR6*, KawV8, M1828 R5* M fcmb6y obl. KawKl7 M fcmb6yy obl. KawKl I* S 'j3c'mp6 10200(5)V9 (thus Kat., misprinted j3'cmp6, Reck 2009c, 249), TaleKa7f* ('j3c'm#p6) S 'j3c'np6 10030(2)A5, 10650(15)R5, 11603+ 12*, 14150+iV14, 14638iRhdl, 14638iR6, 14638iVl, 18070A3, 18128A4*, 18131

iiRl*, 18131iiR2, 20229Rhdl, AN49, AN107, AN123, HC36.7V6, HC36.9V6*, HC36.10V4, KG563, O2655Vl*, Psl32*, Ps600, RSH88, RSH149, SLN95* (ed. 'j3[c](')n(p6)['y, better 'j3[c](')n(p6)[ with IFOC, 62), SS112, SS117*, SS138, SS163 S 'j3c'np6'y obl. HC36.1Vl2, HC36.7V16 S 'j3c'npbh 20220iiV1 S 'j3c'np66h Ps651 S 'j3c'np66ty pl.obl. Ps651 S 'j3c'np6y obl. 10650(7)A3, 14150+iR4*, AN103, KB14(1), KB23(2)*, Ps619, PsAl.78*, RSH75, SS113, SS114, Talel7* S 'j3c'np6yh obl. 14255V5, 14638iR18*, KG2.10 S 'j3cmp6y obl. BezA14*, BezA60 S 'j3cnpb 1415l+iR8*(?) S 'j3cnp6y obl. 14700(1l)B9*, RSH70* S 'fcmp6 18154V6* (Ms 'p-) S j3c'np6 Ps51, Ps359(2) S j3c'np6y obl. Ps52, SS157 S j3cnpby ob!. SS158 M 'fcmbacyk a. 'worldly' M 'fcmMcyk M4551A2* MS "fryn, M 'fryn, S "pryn, "j3ryn, "j3r'yn v.tr. 'to bless, praise, worship; create', past stem MS "fryt, M 'fryt, S "pryt, "j3ryt, "f3r'yt [M 'fryn BBBd3 s. '.frywn] M 'frynm 1.sg.pres. Gl/a24 M "frynyt pres.pt.pl. M264aV7 (haplology, OMS §475) M 'fryty pp. M583iV7 M 'fryty pp. M583iV12* M "frytyy pp. M264aR9* M 'frytyy pp. M583iV17 M 'frytyt pp.pl. CF3 S "j3r'yc pp.f 14730V2 S "j3r'yn 3.sg.impf (?) 07120.3* S "j3r'yt'yt pp.pl. HC36.9R16 S "f3r'ytyt pp.pl. 07120.6* S "j3rych pp.f 10920+V8 S "j3ryn 3.sg.impf KG552, KG572 S "f3ryn"m l.sg.pres. Ps359(2) ("j3ryn-"m) S "j3ryn'm 1.sg.pres. Ps359(1) (Ms "j3rn(?)) S "j3ryn'nt 3.pl.pres. AN133 (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, ed. "j3ryncnt), HC36.9Rl5 S "f3ryn't 3.sg.subj. Ch/U6434V5 S "f3ryt'kpp . KG327, KG580*, Ps399, Ps401, Ps415*, Ps420*, PsAl.85* S "j3ryt'kw pp. Ps405*, Ps407* S "j3ryty pp. 10920+Vl7 (misprinted 1_11).(3-), 21005V4, KGJ.86*, Ps359(2), Ps400, Ps 580 S "j3rytyt pp.pl. Ps359(2) (Ms "f3ryty), PsA 1.77 .J

Sogdian S "fryn'm 1.sg.pres. 10650(15)R6*, 10650 (15)V7* S "fryt'kw pp. BezA5* S "fryty pp. BezAl7*, BezA39, BezA98, BezB12, BezB69, Ps127*, Ps410, Ps440* (ed. (')fryty, read ['](')fryty), Ps443, Ps444 S "pryn'yn'y pres.pt. Ps620* S "pry#nym I.pl.pres. Ps572* S "pryt'kw pp. Ps403, Ps566, Ps576, Ps588* S "pryt6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. Ps380 S "prytc pp..f l9507Riii2* S "pryty pp. Ps402*, Ps439 ("pry#ty) S "fryw'ncykw s. "frywncyk MS "frywn, M 'frywn, S "prywn, "pryw'n, "f3rywn, "f3ryw'n n. 'blessing, praise, pr..,ayer'. (For the title wz'rk'n "prywn see s.v. wz'rk'n.) M "frywn M858a2 M 'frywn BBBhdl44, BBB684, BBB696, BBB731, BBBd3 (Ms 'fryn, probably a scribal error rather than a MP loanword, cf. Henning 1937, 99), BBBdl3, Ml34iR13, Ml72iR18 S "f3ryw'nh HC36.9R15 S "j3rywnh KG408*, KG468, KG540, KG 542, KG552*, KG561 S "frywn 18120Vl3*, Ps51, Psl25 S "pryw'nh 18434R6, 18434V4* S "prywn 20208aRhdl*, 20217aA2*, Ch/U 6419Vl0* (Kat., 268, 'z[twny, more likely "[prywn with Yoshida, ibid., n. 2) S "prywnh 10085+V4*, Ps380, Ps567 M 'frywn 'w frystg 'Praise to the Apostle', Pa title of a hymn M 'frywn 'w frystg RH731* M t'frywnc M4153.3 s. ".frywncyk M "frywncyk, M 'frywncyk, S "fryw'ncyk, "pryw'ncyk, "f3rywncyk n. 'blessing, praise, prayer'. OMS §1015. M "frywncyk Ml72iV5 M 'frywncyk M600R5, M4153.3* (Cat. ]'frywnc [, better ]'frywnc[yk), M6330R9 M 'frywncyq BBBe26 S "�rywncykw TaleK13 (Ms "�ryncykw) S "fryw'ncykw BezA6, BezA62, BezA67, BezA104 S "pryw'ncykw BezA71, BezAlll S 'frz[ 21003V16 M 'fsny a. 'spreading'(?). Thus Henning 1937, 96, but cf. BT XII, 51: meaning unknown, possibly connected with C fsn- 'to trem­ ble'. M 'fsnyg BBBb84 M 'ft'�'n, S 'j3t'b'n n.m. 'bishop'. Loanword from MP haftadan '70\ short for haftadan


ud donan �72', the number of bishops in the Manichaean church (see M6330V4 and MMii, 33 n. 1). M 'ft'6'n M4435.15*, ML2.20* M 'ff()'n O6186R7* M 'ff6'nt pl. M6330V4* S 'j3t'()'n BezB78, Ch/U6854Vl, KG347 S 'j3t'6'nt pl. 14150+iR10*, SLNll 7* S 'f3t'()'nty pl.obl. KG411* S 'f3t'6'nw BezA20, BezA29, BezA114, BezB14, BezB24, BezB47, BezB68 S 'f3t'6'nyh obl. KBfr8.5 M 'ft'r, ft'r a. 'much, many' M 'ft'r M483.7 M ft'r BBB528 M 'ftm-, ftm-, S 'prtm-, 'f3tm- a. 'first'. Most commonly M 'ftmw, 'ftmy, ftmw, S 'prtmy, '�tmw adv. 'firstly, at first'. M 'ftmw adv. BBB626, BBBb4, BBBd6, SLNak41 M 'ftmw adv. O6163V7 M 'ftmww adv. MLl.13* M 'ftmy adv. Fast5.6, SLN92 M 'ftmyy adv. CF74 M ftmw adv. Ml29Vl2 S '�tmw adv. 10129iV11, 18432R8 S_'prtm'wh acc.sg.m.(?) 18248i18 (end of line) S 'prtmw acc.sg.m. 18248i21 S 'prtmy adv.(?) 07484.3* M 'ftmcyk, ftmcyk, S 'j3tmcyk, 'prtmcyk a. 'first' M 'ftmcyk Fast3.3 M ftmcyk BBBf68, M549i+R12 M ftmcyk M1lOiR10* S '�tmcykw 18111iV4 S 'prtmcykw 18248il6, SLN42*, SS126* M 'ftmyk, S 'prtmyk a. 'first' M 'ftmyk Ml07iiRi7 S 'prtmyk KG374* M 'ftndy, S 'j3t'nty a. 'burning, fervent'. Meaning established by C ftnty 'id.', Yoshida 2000, 105. M 'ftndyy Ml846A5 (STSC, 28, 'ptndyy, read 'f-) S 'f3t'nty BezB35 M 'ftrt s. ftyrS 'ftskwym BezB69 s. ptskwyM 'fwr'm 'w m'ny xwd'y 'We praise Lord Mani', MP title of a hymn M 'fwr'm 'w m'ny xwd'y RH805f* S "fwrysn '(hymn of) praise', MP word in Sogd. context. DMT III/1, 28b. S "fwrysn BezB48 M 'gd s. 'jgnd 'gd 'c whyst

6 i

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M "y'r n. 'splendour, lustre'. Henning 1944, 144 n. 3; BT XII, 149; Sims-Williams 2010, 292. M "y'r Ml34iV7 S "y'st s. 2 "y 'z MS 1"y'z n. 'beginning' M "y'z M882dA5* (Cat. ]•'y'z, read perhaps ](')'y'z) 2 M "y'zyy obl. M6939.1 (or a form of "y'z?) M "y'zyh obl. KawG24 S "y'z 18298Rl, [L65.l1 s. "y'zcyk], Ps583 MS 2 "y'z, M "yz v.tr. 'to begin' (+ inf.), past stem MS "yst, S "y'st M "y'z 2.sg.impv. BBBc23 M "y'z'ndk'm 3.pl.fut. M915R9* M "y'znd 3.pl.impf CF70 M "y'zt 3.sg.pres. SLNak41 M "y'znd 3.pl.pres.(?) M120R8 (cited as "y'z-, GMS §653) M "yst 3.sg.itr.pret. KawK18*, M583iiR12 M "yst].sg.itr.pret. BBB23, M14R19 M m'y'z 3.sg.impf M130a+R4, Ml134+V7*, Ml770R3, TaleD33 M m'y'z'nd 3.pl.impf M7800iiR3 M m'y'znd 3.pl.impf M7800iiR6* M m'yzym l.pl.impf MLl.8 S "y'st 3.sg.itr.pret. AN5, AN136, Ch/U7115 hdl, Ch/U7172Vl, L29+1 S "y'st8'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 14700(1l)B8 S "y'st8'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.34 S "y'z 3.sg.impf 10100k+R21, 11603+7*, 13500V3(?) S "y'z'nt 3.pl.impf 14638iR7*, KB10(4)* S "y'z'nt 3.pl.pres. TaleK16* S "y'znt 3.pl.impf 18435R2f* (ed. znt, restore "y']#znt with Skjrerv0 1997, 617) S "y'zt 3.sg.impfmid.(?) KG3.41* S "yso'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.20 S "yst 3.sg.itr.pret. 14638iRhdl, 14638iR18, 18120Rll, 18151Vhdl, 18162R3, HC36.9 VlO, HC36.10hdl*, KG396*, [Ps50, read 'yst], Ps373, Ps575, PsAl.88 S 'yst 3.sg.itr.pret. Ps50 (thus Kat., 121, ed. "yst) [S t"yst'nt AN47 s. 'nxz] S m'y'z 3.sg.impf 1811liiR5*, KG3.40 S m'y'z'nt 3.pl.impf KG3.36* S m'y'z'ntw 3.pl.impf 14255R5 S "y'zcyk a. 'initial' S "y'zcyk L65.11* (ed. "y'z, read "(y')z[cy](k)) S "y8ch L44.6 s. syr'y'5y MS ''y6y, S "y8'k n.m. 'wish, desire' M "yoy KG2330, [Ml43Rii2 s. syr'y'5y] M "y8yy M337R8 M "y86yy MIKiii4979Ri 1

S "y8'kw [ANc7* s. wysy-"y'5'k, BezB20 s. syr'yoy], KG626* S "y6y 14410iR20, 14742V20, BezA16*, BezA50, BezA92 S "ymp n. '(act of) walking' S "ymp Xwl.11 S 'yr'yw s. y ryw S "yrt'k a. 'splendid'(?). Sims-Williams 2010, 292 with n. 32. S "yrt'k HC36.9R4, HC36.16+17R3* M "yrtystr a. 'most splendid'(?). Sims-Will­ iams 2010, 292 with n. 32. The WMiran. equivalent was perhaps ['gr'wys]twm. M "yrtystr Gl/e6 S 'yryw s. y ryw S t'ys'nkw'y L44.14 s. 'xsnk'wy MS "yst, s 'yst s. 2"y'z MS "yt s. "f3r, 'ys, myo'yty, n'-"yt-frn S 'ytc, 'yty s. 'nyty M 'ytmzyn s. 'nytmzyn S "yw's ... "yw'st KB17(1)*. Two related forms, noun and past inf. respectively, reading and meaning of both unclear. S "yw6y n.m. 'cover, protection' S "ywoy 18196V4, PsAl.72 M t'ywn M6290V5 s. mywn M "ywnd v.tr. 'to cover' M137iiV3 1.sg.opt.mid. M "ywndytww (GMS §807: precative) S t"ywst AN85 s. 'nxwst-cxs'p'5mync M "ywsty n.m. '(act of) covering' M "ywstyh SLNak69* S t'yws'nt L37.12 s. xwsnd M "yyfJ v.tr. 'to desire' M "yybym I.pl.pres. BBBall S 'y -r[ 14153+iV9* M "y[ MIKiii497laV4 S 'y[ RSH97* M 'hw'y n.pr.f 'Eve', the first woman. Semitic name. According to Sundermann 2001, 144 n. 24, Sogd. 'hw'yy is an obl. form, but the name is also written with final -y in Pa, see ibid., n. 23. IPNB 11/8, no. 214. M 'hw'yy M129R9 S 'J:IYw s.f3r't M "j'n v., meaning unknown M "j'nynyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR3 M 'jmny'h s. jmnw M "jt s. "jy M "jwn, 'jwn, S "zwn, "z'wn n. 'child, son; liv­ ing being', perhaps also 'birth' (thus GMS §1085) M "jwn M915R10* M 'jwn BBBf67 M "jwnd pl. Ml72iV6, M264aV5, SLNak99,

Sogdian TaleB59 M "jwndtpl. M110iR4 M "jwndt pl. M894iR2 S "z'wn 14342B2* (Kat. ]• 'wn, read "](z)'wn), L59.1* (ed. ]n'wn, read "]z'wn with Sims-Williams 1981, 232) S "z'wnh 10263(1)+R5 (Ms "zw'nh), 10263(1)+V5*, TaleKl7* S "z'wnt pl. Ch/U6926Vl0, KG3.40* S "zwn 18700+V4*, 01927.6*(?) S "zwnh 10203.4, 10263(1)+R8, 10263(1)+ V2, 10263(1)+V3, 10263(1)+V8, 10263(l)+V10*, 18123B4, SSllO, TaleK 17, TaleKa25 S "zwnt pl. 14150+iR8* (misprinted ["](?)[wn](t)), 14153+iV13* (ed. "(zprt), read "(zwnt)), 18196V2, KG3.18*, L32.10 (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 237, ed. 'z'wnt), SLNl 17* (ed. "zw(')[nt, read "zw(n)[t with IFOC, 63) S "zwnth pl. KG565 S "zwnty pl.obl. 18196Rl2*, AN199, BezB6, GGZl.14, L29+22f* ("zwn#ty), 02075Rl1 M "jwyr'kc n. 'ill-will, spite'(?). BT XII, 61. M "jwyr"kc Ml27V5 M "jy, S "z'y, "zy v.itr. 'to be born', past stem M "jt, "jyt, S "zt, "zyt, "z'yt M "jtym l.sg.itr.pret. BBBb38 M "jtyty pp.pl.ob!. M4551A6* M "jy't 3.sg.subj. M7800iiV19 M "jyynd 3.pl.pres. SLNaklOO M "jyt 3.sg.pres. ANe14, M1960iRl(?) M "jyyt 3.sg.pres. CF28 M "jytyytt pp.pl. KawG17 S "z'ynt 3.pl.pres. AN32, AN101* S "z'yt 3.sg.itr.pret. 14638iR10*, TaleK17* S "z'yt 3.sg.pres. 20001+V14(?}, HC36.3R6* S "z'yt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. 20229V21 S "z'yt'yt pp.pl. 14638iR16 (Henning 1943, 70 n. 2) S "z'yth 3.sg.itr.pret.(?) L59.1 S "zt'nt3.pl.itr.pret. KG3.16 S "ztym 1.sg.itr.pret. GGZl.24 S "ztys 2.sg.itr.pret. HC36.10R7* S "iy'nt 3.pl.pres. AN34*, ANl10, ANl11, AN114 S "zy'y 2.sg.opt. 10263(1)+V2 S "zyt 3.sg.pres. 14000R5, 14000R27, 18700+V9, Talel37 S "zyt'kpp. 07014.2 S "zyt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. TaleK6 S "zytk'ry pot.absol. 11010R3 M "j[ Ml 170.3 S 'k TaleKa15* s. znkznk'n-'k


M "k'c n. 'sky'. Indian loanword, probably

borrowed, via Parthian. Sims-Williams 1979a, 135-6. M "k'cy obl. M5571V6* S "k'm ky pwz' 'Or who will save', also abbreviated to *'k'm ky, Pa title of the fifth canto of the hymn-cycle Huyadagman S "k'm ky pwz' HC36.9V9 S *'k'm ky HC36.7hdl (Ms 'km'm ky) S "k'nmp, *"k'mp s. "kmb S 'kb'r'm, 'k6'r'nt, 'k6'rty, M 'k6r'nd s. kwn­ S 'kory s. k'5 ry S 'km'm HC36.7hdl s. "k'm ky pwz' M "kmb, S "k'nmp v.tr. 'to suppress'. The attested S spelling is a compromise between *"k'np and *"k'mp. M "kmb 2.sg.impv. Gl/i9 S "k'nmpy 2.sg.pres. Ps576 (ed. "k'(m)py, read '(')k'nmpy) M *"kn v.tr. 'to fill' M m'k'nd 3.pl.impf M118iV5 (haplology, GMS §475) S 'krch s. kwnMS 'krt- s.f3w-, kwnS 'krt'nk'r'y s. 'kt'nyk'ry M 'qrt'ny, S 'krt'ny s. 'kt'ny S 'krt'ny-k'r'k, 'krt'ny-k'ry, 'krt'ny-kr'y s. ''kt'nyk' ry S 'krt'y Ps620* s. syrkty S 'krth Talel48 s. 'kt'ny M 'krty BBBb54 s. 'sj'r-'krty S 'krty TaleK8 s. {3y'ny-pskt'k, S 'krty SS151 s. f3wMS 'krty,, M 'kty', S 'krty'kh, 'krtyh n.f 'deed, action' M 'kqy' Gl/yl1* M 'krty'h GI/g7 M 'kty' BBBflO, M6132A6*, M6132B6 M 'kty' [BBB627 s. syr'kty'], BBBe3, BBB e14, SLNak26* M 'kty'h BBBe11 S 'krty' 20240R1* S 'krty'h 14638iiV1 S 'krty'kh 10263(1)+R7*, 18435V4*, HC 36.lOVlO S 'krtyh 20240R2, TaleG24 S kty' L30+V2 M 'krty'kry a. 'active, effective' M 'krty'kryyh Gl/y14 S 'krtyt GGZl.10 s. syrkty S 'krt[ RSH109* M 'kr[ M1701.2 S 'kr[ Ch/U6782cV9*, L45.l, PsAl.84 S t'kst[ AN158*. Ed. '(kst...)[, but the reading is quite uncertain.


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'kstyys. ksty M 'ksyc n. '(act of) grabbing'. GMS §343, 1002. (Cf. also Armenian akis 'hook', according to an unpublished note by Gershevitch.) M 'ksyc GI/ell MS 'kt-s. [3w-, kwnM 'kt'ny, kt'ny, 'krt'ny, S 'krt'ny, 'kt'ny' n.f 'sin' M 'qrfny MIKiii4981c6* (ed. -t-) M 'kt'ny O6163V6 M 'kfnyy BBBf24 M 'kt'nyy BBBf9 M kfnyy M6330Vl4 S 'krt'ny BezA34, L30+Vl, 07004+39, Ps384,Ps384,Ps385,Ps385 S 'krt'nyh Frg5.4, 07004+40*, 07004+45*, TaleI48 (Ms 'krt(h)) S 'kt'ny' L65.7 M 'kt'nyk'ry, S 'krt'nk'r'y, 'krt'ny-k'r'k, 'krt'nyk'ry,'krt'ny-kr'y a. 'sinful' M 'qfny#k'ryty pl.ob!. M129R3f S 'krt'nk'r'y 18248i32 S 'krt'ny#k'r'kw 18248i16f S 'krt'ny#k'rchf 18248i35f* S 'krt'ny-k'ryty pl.obl. Ps581* S 'krt'ny-kr'yt pl. 18248i43 S 'krt'ny-kr'yty pl. 18248i38 (not obl.) M 'kt'rk a. 'having performed one's work' M 'kfrktyy pl.ob!. KG2328 S 'kty SS150s. [3wM 'kty's. 'krty' S 'kws. 2kw M "kwc v.tr. 'to hang, suspend', past stem "kwyt M "kwcty]J 3.sg.pres.mid.(?) Gl/t4 M "qwytyy pp. M5030R7 M m'qwc'nd 3.pl.impf CF127 S 'kwc' 'Kucha',name of a city S 'kwc' 13881+R2* ('kwc's'r) MS 'kwcyk a. 'Kuchean' M 'kwcyk Ml.72 S 'kwcyk List7c3,O7466ii2 M 'kwrbb s. kwro MS 'kwt-s. kwtS 'kwts'r adv. 'whither,to which' S 'kwts'r KG330 S "kw[ 13500Vl S 'kw[ 14700(1)V3* s 'ky s. 1ky S 'ky' 14742V23s. 'nz'nprs'ky' S 'ky'kh HC36.10V l ls. "x'skrky' S 'kytys. kyZY M 'kyy[ O6153+Rl* S 'k••r 18102+R6*

S 'k[ 10791(3)A3 S 'Ip s. "y tnk ry /5' xwtpwlmys 'lpw pylk', 'lp twtwx 'wyk', 'lp'tmys snkwn S 'lp twtwx 'wyk' n.pr.m. 'Alp Totoq Oga'. IPNB II/8,no. 78. S 'Ip twtwx 'wyk' BezA123 S 'lp'tmys snkwn n.pr.m. 'Alpatm'is Sangun'. IPNB II/8,no. 71. S 'lp'tmys snkwn BezCl1 S 'lp'tmys snkwny obl. BezC15 S 'lp'yn'ncws. 'wywz 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw S "lpw, 'lpw s. "y tnk ry o' xwtpwlmys 'lpw pylk', 'lpw xwtlwy pylk', 'lpw yncw pylk', 'wywz 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw, 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy, tnk ry /5' 'wlwk pwlmys 'lpw xwtlwy 'wlwy pylk' S 'lpw xwtlwy pylk' n.pr.m. 'Alp Qutluy Bilga'. IPNB II/8,no. 79. S 'lpw xwtlwy pylk' KB13(1)* S 'lpw yncw pylk' n.pr.m. 'Alp Incu Bilga'. Not in IPNB II/8. S 'lpw yncw pylk' KB 20(1) S 'lpyn'ncw n.pr.m. 'Alp-'inancu'. Not m IPNB II/8. S 'lpyn'ncw KB1(3f)* S 'lxsntrh 'Alexandria',name of a city(?) S 'lxsntrh 07266.2 M 'm'ywn M767iiR6. Unknown word, hardly a variant of mywn. Haloun-Henning 1952, 203 n. 2. S "m'nks. ''mng S 'm'rzys. 'mrzy MS "m'ty,M "mty a. 'ready' M "m'tyy M635iV6 M "mtyy M894iR5 S "m'ty TaleI56 S "m'yks. ''myk S 'm'ysw n.pr.(?). Sundermann 2001,486 with n. 3,512. IPNB II/8,no. 90. S 'm'ysw lOl00eVll M 'mb'rs. pw-'mb'r M 'mbyr v.tr. 'to fill',past stem S 'mprt M 'mbyftt 3.sg.pres. CF35 S 'mprty pp. TaleF21 M 'm(3rty, S 'n�rty, 'nWrt'k a. 'brought together', i.e. 'well-governed(?)' (BezC4), 'summarized(?)' (cf. BT XII,76) M 'm�rtyy M501j3* (Cat. ]m�rtyy, restore ., ']m�rtyy) S 'n�rty BezC4 S 'nWrt'kw KG488 M 'md w[ 'There h�s come ...', MP title of a hymn M 'md w[ RH889

Sogdian M 'md xrwhxw'n 'A preacher has come', MP title of a hymn M 'md xrwhxw'n M64Rl (ed. 'my, read 'md with Morano 2008,241 n. 6) S "m6 s. 'pw-''mo S "mn n. 'power,arrogance' S "mn O2075V10 s 'mns. -mn M "mng, S "m'nk a. 'true' M "mnng M794ciiR2 S "m'nkw HC36.3R2* S 'mnws. -mn S 'mp'rs. pw-'mb'r S 'mprtys. 'mbyr M "mr� n. 'companion' M "mrMtyy pl.obl. M2159.3* S 'mrzy, 'm'rzy(?), unclear word forming part of a self-deprecatory formula. Yoshida 2000, 124-5. Cf. perhaps Pa h'mhyrz 'attendant' (DMT III/1,174a)? S 'm'rzy L118.5* (ed. ]m'rzy, restore ']m'rzy [Y.Y.]) S 'mrzy BezC2 MS "ms v.itr. 'to pay attention', past stem M 'ms't. Sims-Williams 1989, 257. The verb being itr., the pp. should have active sense 'attentive'. M 'ms'tyy pp. M116R8 (Asmussen 1965, 238 with n. 6) M "msyy M5264Vll* (context unclear, pos­ sibly obl. of "ms' with GMS §1265) M m'msw l.sg.impf Gl/alO S "msmk'm 1.sg.fut. L37.18 M "ms', 'ms' n.f 'attention'. Asmussen 1965, 238 n. 6. M "ms' ML2. 7,ML2.17 M 'ms' M116V3* MS "mtyc a. 'true' M "mtyc M286iV3,M591V4 S "mtyct pl. KG549 S "mtycw KG527,KG544 M "mtycy' n.f 'truth' M "mtycy' BBB614* M "mtyys. "m'ty S 'mw n.pr.m. 'Ammo'. IPNB II/8,no. 682. S 'mw 14150+iR6* M 'mwjd pd mn msyh'h 'Have pity on me, Messiah',Pa title of a hymn M 'mwjd pd mn msyh'h HLS1631 M 'mwrdn kl'n wysmnyd 'The pure (great?) assembly rejoices',Pa title of a hymn M 'mwrdn kl'n wysmnyd S6V4f (ed. 'mwrzn, read 'mwrdn with DMT III/1,41a) M t'mwrzn S6V4f s. 'mwrdn kl'n wysmnyd M t'my M64Rls. 'md xrwhxw'n


S 'mys. -m M "my n. 'refuse, dirt'(?). Henning 1940, 578; BT XII,97. M"my Gl/y28 S 'my' article 'the',loc.sg. GMS §1476. S 'my' SS160 S 'my'kcyk s. my'kcyk MS "myk, M 'myk, S "m'yk n. 'impurity, taint'. BT XII,97. M "myk ANe5 M 'myk Ml18iR2,M6330V13 M 'mykyy ob!. Ml18iR6 (cited as 'myk-, GMS §5) S "m'yk AN23,Ps389* S "m'ykw AN84 S "m'yky obl. AN25* S "myk AN87 S "mykw AN91,[BezA5 s. 'pw-"myk] S "myn interjection 'amen' S "myn 07237.5,07237.6* S 'myn article 'the', gen.sg.m.(?). Cf. GMS §1478; Wendtland 2011, §III.4. S 'mynh 07359+4 (uncertain,no context) MS "myny, S "myn'y n.m. 'summer' M "mynyy M14R8,M140+R12 S "myn'y TaleI41 S "myny TaleI41 M "myty a. 'tainted'. BT XII,97. M "myty BBBb30 S 'n TaleJ14s. 2[3yr S t"n"prs#'ky' 14742V22f s. 'nz'nprs'ky' s 'n'ws s. nw§ S 'n'yt s. 'nyS 'nf3'yts. 'n[3xs S 'n�'nts. 'n[3nd S 'n(3'r n. 'burrow' (of a rabbit) or 'lair, form' (of a hare). (Hardly 'store-house' with Lurje 2010, 782 n. 6, for which one would expect 'np'r.) S 'nf3'r 11603+9 S 'nWry obl. 11603+5,11603+7 S 'nf3'rt'ks. 'mf3rty S 'n(3'[ HC36.10Vl M 'n�yt s. 'n[3xs S 'nf3y[ TaleH16. Perhaps to be read "�y, s. ", f3y-. M 'nj3nd, S 'nf3'nt n. 'connection, conjunction (of planets)'(?). BT XIX, 149-50; Morano 2004,112. M 'nf3nd Gl/y58 M 'nf3ynd SS148* S 'nWnt [KB20(7) (Yoshida 1999a)s. wysnd], RSH169* S 'n�'nty obl. Xwl.9* (uncertain, perhaps as postp. 'because of')


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'nf3ndcyk a. 'connected'(?) M 'nf3ndcykt pl. M6940.3 S 'nf3rty s. 'mf3rty M 'nf3rz n. 'visit, ministration',only in phrase 'nf3rz f3r- 'to visit, minister to'. BT XII, 73 with n. 9; Schwartz 1990,203-6. M 'nf3rz M617iiR6,Ml207R5 S 'nf3rzkr n. 'minister' S 'nf3rzkr KB20(1),KB20(7) S 'nf:3rzkrty pl.obl. GGZl.9 M 'nf3s[ M3030.2 MS 'nf3xs v.tr. 'to distribute,divide',past stem M 'nf3yt,S 'nf3'yt M 'nf3ytwo'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. ML2.19* M 'nf3xsyy 2.sg.pres.(?) M4512.2 M 'nf3xs[ M655cR14 M mnf3xs 3.sg.impf M356.12,M5701+V16 S 'nB'yt'kpp . KG372 S 'nf3xst 3.sg.pres. 18700+Rl* M 'nf3yo v.itr. 'to kiss, contact (of lamps between each other)'. GMS §187. M 'nf3yot 3.sg.pres. M5913R6 (cited as 'nf3yo-,GMS §187) M 'nf3ynd s. 'nf3nd S 'n(3[ HC36.10R16* S 'nc'n n. 'cessation, rest' S 'nc'n AN201, HC36.6R7, Ps597, Ps624, SS156,SS156,TaleKa3 S 'nc'nh Ps597 MS 'nc'y v.itr. 'to cease,stop,stay' M 'nc'y 2.sg.impv. BBBcl7 M 'nc'y't 3.sg.subj. TaleD3 M 'nc'yn 1.sg.subj. Gl/r7* M mnc'y 3.sg.impf M760R5, M5093A2, TaleD28 S 'nc'y 2.sg.impv.(?) 17151V5 S 'nc'y'nt 3.pl.pres. AN126* S 'nc'yt 3.sg.pres. L91+11 S mnc'y 3.sg.impf ANl72,Mainz390R2* S 'ncyw--cykw TaleI52* MS 'ncmn s. 'njmn M 'ncyr n. 'fig' M 'ncyr BBB517 M 'nc[ M6290V5 s. 'njmn M 'ndrnyr, S 'ntrnyr n. 'sapphire'. Indian loanword. M 'ndmyr Gl/c12 S 'ntrnyrh 14000R14 M 'ndryk n. 'eunuch' M 'ndrykt pl. M3602R1* M 'ndwxc, S 'ntwxc, 'nt'wxc n.f 'anxiety, grief', phrase 'ndwxc xwr- 'to be anxious, sad' M 'ndwxc CF48,KG2335,M617iV7 S 'nt'wxc HC36.6R4

S 'ntwxc [14425+V4 s. 'ndwxcn'k], 14726 V15*,18196R4,BezC9,TaleJ8 S 'ntwxch Mainz390R2,Talel2* S 'ntwxcw 18157B7 S 'ntwxcy obl. Talel6* M 'ndwxcn'k, S 'ntwxcn'k, 'nt'wxcn"k a. 'anxious,sad' M 'ndwxcn'k Gl/u5* (ed. ]kcn'k, restore 'ndw](x)cn'k, probably translating a deriva­ tive of Pa tng), TaleD34,TaleE24 S 'nt'wxcn"k L44.l6 (ed. 'nt'wyc'n'k) S 'ntwxcn'k 18435V10 S 'ntwxc-n'k 14425+V4 (Yoshida 2010, 20, 'ntwxc nnk) S 'ntwxcn'k 'ntwxcn'k L37.13f* (ed. '[/// ///]h# [ ...]twywn'k, read '(ntwxcn'k) ['](n)twxcn'k, cf. Sims-Williams 1981,237 n. 6) S 'ntwxcn'kw ANc2 S 'ntwxcn'kw 'ntwxcn'kw ANc3* M i,ndwxs, S 1 'ntwxs n. 'striving, effort'. The fifth of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 51 n. 7. M 'ndwxs KG2374* S 'ntwxs 10202.7, GGZl.11, GGZl.18, Listl+ii6,TaleI27 M 2'ndwxs, S 2'ntwxs v.itr. 'to strive' M 'ndwxso' 2.pl.impv. TaleB14,TaleB25 S 'ntwxs'mskwn l.sg.pres.dur. 14742Vl3 (Ms 'ntwxs'-skwn),Ch/U6886V7 M i,ndwxsy, S 'ntwxs'k a. 'striving,zealous' M 'ndtwxsyh M684V4 M 'ndwxsy BBB710* S 'ntwxs'k 20240R3 (or to 2'ndwxsy?), RSH 63 M 2'ndwxsy, S 'ntwxsy(?) n. 'striving,effort' M 'ndwxsyy TaleB54 S 'ntwxsy 13942B6 (or to i,ndwxs, 2'ndwxs, 1 'ndwxsy?) s t'no'my s. "/j'm S 'no's v.itr. 'to be amazed',past stem 'no'st S 'n8'st'k pp. KG463 S mno's 3.sg.impf AN152 S *'no'w v.tr. 'to anoint',past stem 'n6wt S 'nowt past inf KG552,KG573 S 'no'yk s. 'nbyk S *'no'ys v.tr. 'to show' S *'n8ystw 3.sg.pres. SS150 (hypothetical emendation for nystw,Yoshida 1999,163) _fi *'no(3'y v.itr. 'to emerge'(?) S mof3'y 3.sg.impf KG3.71* MS 'nomy, S 'nom'k, 'nbm'y n.m. 'limb, part (of the body); canto (of a hymn-cycle)'. On the five limbs of the soul see BT XVII, 131-2, 137. Cf. also M14V17-23, which lists the '12 limbs of the sojourning soul'.

Sogdian M 'nomy M664Rl9*,SLNall14,SLNam127 M 'n6myy M540eR3 M 'nomy]J M670R4 (imprecisely cited, Asmussen 1965,246 n. 2) M 'nomyt pl. SLNak9 M 'nomytpl. AR1a13,BBB560,M776V2 M 'nomyyt pl. M14V18,SLNak22 M 'nomy°ty pl.obl. AR1a7 S 'nom'k KG374,KG375,KG376*,KG377*, KG378*, KG609,Pshdl16, [Pshdl18,given as legible in ed., in fact wholly restored], Ps389,Ps575 [S t'nbm'kh Pshdl19*, unlikely restoration for ]'kh] S 'nom'kt pl. 18700+R3 S 'nbm'kw PsA2.3 S 'nom'yt pl. RSHl76* S 'nom'yty pl.obi. HC36.10R12* S 'nbmy HC36.4hdl*, HC36.5hdl*, HC36.6 V5, HC36.6V6*, HC36.9hdl, HC36.9V9, HC36.9V10,Pshdl14,Pshdl16,Ps574 S 'nbmyt pl. 18700+Rl, Ps51, Ps658*, SLN 41*,SLN42* S 'nomy-n'm'k n.m. 'list of parts of the body' S 'nomy-n'm'k 16201.44* s 'nowt s. *'n/5'w MS 'noyk, S 'no'yk n. 'manner, custom'. BT XII,75-6. M 'noyk BBBf91,KawG29*,ML2.15 S 'no'yk KG486,KG632 S 'rnYykh KG525,KG529 S 'no'ykw SS114 (ed. "o'ykw) S 'noyk 18070B4*,[AN64 s. 1 jn-] S 'noykw 20507aV5 S 'noyky obi. AN65 M 'noyqy' s. mnd-'n/5yky' MS 'noysn n. 'example, model'. Benveniste 1979,275-6. M 'noysn BBB753 S 'noysn BezA3 [S t'noysnt L37.21 s. "/5{3ry] S 'noysnw BezA61 M 'nfr'sy n.m. 'scheming'(?). Thus Henning 1945, 470; differently GMS §655: 'Uuri­ dical) inquiry'. M 'nfr'sy TaleB51 M 'ngr'mnyy s. 'nyr'm M 'ngr'nd, 'ngmd, S 'nkr'nt n. 'cutting, laceration'. Henning 1944,143 n. 2. M 'ngr'nd M549iil9 M 'ngrnd BBB500 S 'nkr'nt HC37.2.14 M 'ngs, S 'nks, 'nk's n. 'cheek, face'. GMS §245. M 'ngs Ml42V4


S 'nks 14425+V12,18700+Rl0 S 'nk's 16201.34 M 'ngwpyn, S 'nkwpyn n. 'honey' M 'ngwpynyy obl. M137iiR11 S 'nkwpyn KG368* M 'ngwst, S 'nkwst n. 'finger' M 'ngwst M142V7 M 'ngwsty obl. ARla12 S 'nkwst 14425+V18,16201.57,16201.58* S 'nkwsty ob!. 1811liiVS M 'ngw[ Gl/el M 'ngyrp[ a. 'having the same form'(?). Skjrerv0 1995, 275 n. 32. Could alterna­ tively be read 'ngyr(f)[, cf. Henning 1943, 68 n. 6; Sims-Williams 1979,344 n. 69. M 'ngyrp[ KawG14* S 'ny'oc'yk n. 'prayer'(?) S 'ny'oc'ykw TaleK13 (thus Kat., 77; not 'ny'ocykw with ed., nor yr](j3) ny'cc'ykw with Yoshida 1994,27) S t'ny's 14638iV16 s. "x's S 'ny'tch s. 'nyty M 'nyr'm v.tr. 'to slander' M 'nyr'mnyy pres.pt. Gl/t2 (Ms -g-) S t'nys'y L111V5 (Ragoza 1980,73) s. 'xsnk­ M 'nytmzyn, 'ytmzyn a. 'completely arm­ oured' M 'ytmzyn M6330R5 M 'nytmzyn M5271V9*,SLNal120 S 'nytw adv. 'equally'. Cf. BT XII,57. S 'nytw AN140,PsAl.70 (or 'wholly'?) MS 'nyty,S 'nyt'k, 'yty a. 'whole,all' M 'nytc f KawIR6 M 'nyttc f CF35 M 'nyty M6940.3*,SLN95 M 'nyty M1828R5*,Ml134+R4 M 'nytyy]J BBBf47 S 'ytcf Ps52 S 'yty AN121 (cn'yty), HC37.2.8* (ed. (pr­ 'yty),better (pr 'yty) as two words),KG3.64 S 'ny'tchf AN103 S 'nyt'k 14000R24,KG338, KG463, KG555, KG575,Ps402,RSH42* S 'nyt'kw HC36.7V6, KG447, Ps600, SLN 95* S 'nytcf Psl32,RSH137* S 'nytch f AN49, KG563, TaleK13 (ed. 'nytwh) S 'nyty [AN17 s. cnyty], AN36, AN116, AN 156,AN159 MS 'nywn adv. 'like, likewise', also in phrase 'nywn 'YKZY 'as if,just like' M 'nywn BBBf62, [M5271R9* s. pw-'nywn, M6330V8,M7440.l s. f3y'n-'nywn] S 'nywn [BezB45, BezB63, BezB76 s. f3y'n-


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

'nywn], KG374, KG576, KG612, [O/U 851.1* s. [3y'n-'nywn], SS138, TaleHll* S 'nywncy� adv. 'like', in phrase 'nywncyb

'YKZY 'just like' S 'nywncyb HC37.2.9* S 'nywnw s. [3y'n-'nywn, pw-'nywn M 'nyz s. 'nxz M 'ny[ M5592Rl* M 'nj'w, S 'nz'w, 'z'w v.tr. 'to redeem, cause to live' M 'nj'wnyy pres.pt. Ml72iR3, M5266R9 (misprinted -ny, GMS §894) M 'nj'wynyy pres.pt. M137iiR8 S 'nz'w 2.sg.impv. Ps387 S 'nz'w'y 2.sg.pres. Ps604* S 'nz'wn'kpres.pt. KG544 S 'nz'wn'y pres.pt. BezA106, Ps383 (ed. 'nz'w'ny) S 'nz'wny pres.pt. Ps51 S 'nz'wnyty pres.pt.pl.obi. Ps56 S 'nz'wt-b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG524 S 'nz'wyny pres.pt. Ps56 S 'z'wn'y pres.pt. BezA76 M 'njmn, MS 'ncmn n. 'assembly, community' M 'ncmn M697A4*, M6290V5* (ed. 'nc[ restore 'nc[mn) M 'ncmnyy ob!. M750.3 M 'njmn BBBdl M 'njmnyy obl. BBB543, BBBf42 S 'ncmn 18196R7, BezA23, BezA30, BezA40, BezA40, BezA54, BezA116, BezA120*, BezB24, BezB69 S 'ncmny ob!. 14150+iR11* M 'njmnyk a. 'belonging to the community' M 'njmnyq M14V14 S 'nk's s. 'ngs S 'nkm'ny adv. 'openly, visibly' S 'nkm'ny KG445 S 'nkr'nt s. 'ngr'nd S 'nks s. 'ngs S 'nkwpyn s. 'ngwpyn S 'nkwst s. 'ngwst S 'np'r n. 'satisfaction' S 'np'r TaleKa24 S 'npt v.itr. 'to fall', past stem 'npst S 'npst 3.sg.itr.pret. TaleJ19 S 'npt'nt 3.pl.pres. AN15 [S t'npt'y ANl 5 s. "p] S 'nptk'n 3.sg.fut. Ch/U6326V2 M 'npwrty n.m. 'storehouse'(?). Doubtful res­ toration. M 'npwftyy M399A3* MS 'ns'c v.tr. 'to fit, fit out, fix, construct' M mns'c'nd 3.pl.impf CF89 M mns'cnd 3.pl.impf CF96

S 'ns'c'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R30 S 'ns'ky a. 'suitable, fitting' S 'ns'ky BezB5 S 'ns'k... O5537B2*(?) MS 'nsb' s. xM 'nspstky', 'spstky', S 'nsp'st'ky'kh, 'nspst'kyh n.f 'zeal'. Gershevitch 1979, 292-3. The second part of the third cardinal virtue and the sixth part of the fifth cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 139, 140. In M14, the twelfth 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M 'nspstky'h SLNak75* M 'nspstqy' M14V23 M 'spstky' M116V4, SLNak107 S 'nsp'st'ky'kh KG612 S 'nspst'kyh KG490 S *'ns'm v.itr. 'to chase'(?) S ms'm 3.sg.impf L37.4 (ed. ms'm) S 1,nsk'(3 n. 'split, disagreement'(?) S 'nsk'B 14638iV15 S 2'nsk'(3 v.itr.(?) 'to split' S 'nsk'Bt 3.sg.pres. RSH104* S mnsk'Bw l.sg.impf RSH106 M 'nsk'fyy s. m'n-'nsk'fy S 'nskr v.tr. 'to collect' S 'nskr'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000Rl6* S 'nskmt 3.pl.pres. 14000R14 M 'nskwx v.itr. 'to stumble'(?). Cf. BT XII, 178. M 'nsqwxym I.pl.pres.(?) O/U513b6 (ed. -m(• )[, but the -m is final) M 'nspr v.itr. 'to tread, walk' M 'nsprt 3.sg.pres. CF24 MS 'nst'y, S 'st'y v.tr. 'to show', past stem M 'nst't M 'nsft past inf MIKiii4981d6 M 'nst'Wrm 1.sg.tr.pret. TaleB21* (doubtful reading, cf. Henning 1945, 469 n. b) M 'nsfynd 3.pl.pres. M2207iR2 M 'nst'ynd-skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. M5690V7 M 'nst'yt 3.sg.pres. MIKiii4981f5 (ed. 'n••t'yt, read 'nst'yt) M mnst'yw l.sg.impf KG2335*, KG2376* S 'nst"y'nt 3.pl.pres. RSH82* S 'nst'y'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000Rll S 'nst'y't 3.sg.subj. GGZl.43* S 'nst'yt 3.sg.pres. AN67 S 'st'y'nt 3.pl.pres. 10200(5)Vll * S mnst'y 3.sg.impf Ps581*, RSH38* S mnst'yh 3.sg.impf HC36.12B2* (ed. m's(th), read mns(t)['y](h) with Yoshida 1992, 140) M 'nsynd'mndy n.m. '(act of) breaking'(?). BT XII, 59. M 'nsynd'mndy Gl/f16* (ed. ('nsynd')[, res.J

Sogdian tore ('nsynd')[mndy]?) M 'nsysty n. '(act of) breaking'. Left unex­ plained by Henning 1937, 56, but *'nsyst would be the past stem of *'nsynd, cf. · 'nsynd'mndy. M 'nsystyy BBB493 M 'ns[ Gl/p5* S 'nt TaleJ7 s. 'ys MS 'nt'c n. 'group, assembly' M 'nt'c[ 06153+VI* S 'nt'cy obl. BezB26, BezB37 S t'nt'wyc'n'k L44.16 s. 'ndwxcn'k S 'nt'wxc, 'nt'wxcn"k s. 'ndwxc, 'ndwxcn'k S 'ntmyrh s. 'ndrnyr S 'ntwxc, 'ntwxcn'k s. 'ndwxc, 'ndwxcn'k S 'ntwxs s. 1 'ndwxs, 2'ndwxs S 'ntwxs'k s. 1 'ndwxsy S 'ntwxsy s. 2'ndwxsy S 'nt[ 20506+V13, 07359+3 s 'nw'st s. 'nwz S 'nw'th s. 'nwt S 'nw'yz, 'nwyz v.tr. 'to gather, collect' S 'nw'yz'nw l.sg.subj. GGZl.56 S 'nw'yzt 3.sg.pres. 20203R2 S 'nwyzt 3.sg.pres. 18700+V4 ('it gathers the breath') M 'nw'z n. 'assembly, group' M 'nw'z M41Vll, M117.8 (GMS §986 'nw'zkyy, more likely 'nw'z kyw [Y.Y.]) S 'nw'z'k, 'nw'zy n.m. 'assembly, company' S 'nw'z'k 10237(4)R5*, RSH36*, RSH46* S 'nw'z'kw GGZl.20 S 'nw'zy [Ch/U6126V9 s. jry'nw'z], GGZ 1.10, 07484.4,Ps586, TaleJl0 M t'nw'zkyy M117.8 s. 'nw'z, kyw MS 'nwst s. 'nwz s 'nwsy s. nws MS 'nwt, S 'nw't n.f 'hope' (~ Pa frmnywg 'id.', Ps603). Usually translated 'refuge, protection, support', but cf. Sims-Williams 2001, 276, on C 'wt 'hope' etc. M 'nwt M172iR5, M3609.3 S 'nw'th 10920+V2 S 'nwt BezC16, TaleI8, [TaleI9 s. nw-'nwt] S 'nwth HC37.2.8 (ed. "wth), L27.2*, L27.7, Ps569,Ps581,Ps603,Ps624 S 'nwty obl. TaleI8 S 'nwtyh obl. 10920+V3, L44.2 M 'nwt�'rky' n.f 'hopefulness'. The second part of the fifth cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 140. M 'nwt#b'rky' SLNak104f M 'nwyj'mndy n.m. '(act of) gathering, clos­ ing' M 'nwyj'mndy BBBhdl43


M 'nwyj'mndyy BBB649* M 'nwysn v.tr. 'to purify'(?), past stem S 'nwysn't. GMS §475, 547 translates 'to make enter, initiate', but cf. BT XII, 76. M 'nwysynyyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR4* (GMS §475 'nwysn[y]yt, read 'nwysy[n]yt with BT XI, 178b, or better still -sy[ny]yt; for *'nwysnynyt, with dissimilatory loss of n ?) [M tm'wysnw M765cV3* read x]cy wyspw (Y.Y.), s. x-, wysp-] S 'nwysn't-c>'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG580 S 'nwyz s. 'nw'yz MS 'nwz v.itr. 'to assemble, gather, collect', past stem 'nwst, s 'nw'st M 'nwsfnd 3.pl.itr.pret. KawE7 [M t'nwz L75.5 s. c'nw] M 'nwznd 3.pl.pres. Fast5.6* M mnwz'nd 3.pl.impf KawVll* S 'nw'stk pp. TaleK 1 S 'nw'st'kw pp. KG487 S 'nw'sty pp. GGZl.20 S 'nwsty pp. Ps51 S mnwz'nt 3.pl.impf TaleJ6 S t'nx's 14638iV16 s. "x's M *'nx6 v.tr. 'to prick, goad', past stem 'nxst M 'nxstyy pp. BBBb13 MS 'nxr, S 'nx'r n. 'constellation, sign of the ·zodiac' M 'nxr CFl18, M767iR5, M910iiV3, Ml063 iiV4 M'nxrtpl. M140+R3 M 'nxqyh pl.obl. M767iiR4 M 'nxqyy pl.obl. M767iiV2* M 'nxry obl. L74Vl M 'nxryy obl. M767iR3, M767iiV4 S 'nx'rt pl. O/U829.4* (ed. ("x'rt)[, read ('nx'rt)[), O/U829.5 (ed. "x'rt) S 'nxr PsAl.51 MS 'nxrwzn, M 'xrwzn n. 'zodiac, zodiacal circle' M 'nxrwzn CFl 13, CF126, M108R9, M128 R6 M 'nxrwznyy obl. CFll7, CF123, KawKIS, M140+R2 M 'xrwzn BBBf37, KawK9 S 'nxrwzn 10026+R3, RSH167 S 'nxrwzny obl. 10026+R4 M 'nxstyy s. *'nxb S 'nxs v.itr. 'to withdraw, retire' S 'nxs'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R22 S 'nxs'ynty 3.pl.opt. SSl 16 s 'nxst s. 'nxz M t'nxsyp- M5563B3 s. m(r)xsyp(t)[ S 'nxw n.f 'mind'(?). The writing here is unclear, but 'nxw is attested many times in



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

the Vessantara Jataka (see Yoshida 2008, 59-60) and the variant 'nxwh in Vessantara Jataka 218 ('who has put it in your mind to disobey ...?'). S 'nxwh 20129V4 (thus Yoshida 2008, 59, Kat. 'xswn[) M 'nxw'n n. 'breaking (of a commandment)' M 'nxw'n BBBf20* MS 'nxw'y, M 'xw'y, 'xwy v.tr. 'to break, des­ troy, infringe (a commandment)', past stem S 'nxwst, *'wxst, 'wxwst M 'nxw'y't 3.sg.subj. BBBfl9* M 'nxw'ym 1.sg.pres. M670V9* (ed. ]xw'ym, restore 'n]xw'ym) M 'nxw'yt 3.sg.pres. Gl/f14* M 'xw'yt 3.sg.subj. BBBf15 M mnxw'y 3.sg.impf Gl/f25* M mnxwy 3.sg.impf M778bB4 (thus GMS §632; or to 'nxwy?) S "wxst kwnty 3.sg.pres.tr.pot. RSH143 (mistake for 'wxst k-?) S 'nxw'y't 3.sg.subj. RSHl16* S 'nxw'y'y 3.sg.opt. Frg5.7* S 'nxwst'kw pp. 20146+V2 S 'wxwsty pp. AN167 S mnxw'y 3.sg.impf AN165, KB19(1) MS 'nxwnc, M 'wxwnc n. 'struggle, conflict, battle' M 'nxwnc BBB519*, BBB670, KG2334, KG 2374* M 'wxwnc M900B5 S 'nxwnch KG349, KG391* S 'nxwncy obl. 20220iiR17 S 'nxwst s. 'nxw'y S 'nxwst-cxs'p�mync a. 'commandmentbreaking' S 'nxwst-cxs'pbmynct pl. AN85* (ed. "ywst cxs'pb(m)[ynct], rather 'nxwst- with Yoshida 1988, 149) M 'nxwy, 'wxwy, S 'wxw'y v.itr. 'to be bro­ ken'. Cf. GMS §541; Gershevitch 1985, 280. M 'nxwynd 3.pl.opt. AR1a7 ('as if they were broken and ...') M 'wxwy't 3.sg.subj. L 73+R7* S 'wxw'y't 3.sg.subj. BezA85* M 'nxyj v.tr. 'to arouse, bring into being' M 'nxyjt 3.sg.pres. BBB567 (or subj.?) MS 'nxz, M 'nyz v.itr. 'to rise; arise, come into being', past stem S 'nxst M 'nyzndtt 3.pl.pres. M502oA5 M 'nyznyh pres.pt. M834iiR5* M 'nyzynyy pres.pt. M834iiV5* M 'nxzt 3.sg.pres. ANe8 M mnxz 3.sg.impf M880iR6, O6228Al*

M mnxz'nd 3.pl.impf BBB545 S 'nxz'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R24 (or inj.?) S 'nxzt 3.sg.pres. 10650(l)R2* S 'nxst3.sg.itr.pret. KG3.31 S 'nxst'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. AN47 (ed. "yst'nt) S 'nxsty pp. AN150(?), Talel39* ('standing up') S mnxz 3.sg.impf TaleF14 M "ny v.tr. 'to lead, bring', past stem "nyt M "nyy 3.sg.impf BBBblO0 M "nyy 3.sg.opt.(?) Ml207R5 M "nyb' 2.pl.impv.(?) M356.13* M "nynyy pres.pt. Mll8iiR4, Mll8iiR6 M "nyt qwndyh 3.sg.pres.tr.pot. M765kR7 MS 'ny-, ny- a. 'other'. The generalized adverbial form 'nyw, nyw is used as an indeclinable stem, GMS §1194 n. 1, 1214, Sims-Williams 1989a, 185. M 'nyt pl. CF87 M 'nytpl. KawC7 M 'nyw B8B502, BBB522, M143Vi5, M549ii7* (ed. [st](y)w, perhaps rather ['n](y)w), M5093Al, TaleA47, TaleA50, TaleA56, TaleE46 M nyw M765kR6 S 'n'yt pl. 14638iR15 S 'ny nom.sg.m. [10650(8)V2 s. "ykwn], 13101V2 (as acc.?), SS113 S 'ny' abl.sg. 10100tR4 S 'ny' nom.sg.f ANl79 S 'nyt pl. ANlO, [AN14* s. "w'n], AN59 S 'nytt pl. 10100b+V4, 14000Rl9, KG345* (ed. [p'r'y](k)t, rather ['ny](t)t), KG347, KG 405 S 'nytw pl. 18248i38 S 'ny... KB21(1)* S nyw 18102+V5, [SS157 s. nyw-ywn] S 'ny'k s. ny'k MS 'ny'm, M 'y'm(?), S "y'm n. 'end' M 'ny'm CF9, M882dA5 M 'y'm SS146*(?) S "y'm AN195, TaleKa8, TaleKa16 S 'ny'm KG485 M 'ny'mcyk, S "y'm-cyk a. 'final' M 'ny'mcyq KG2326 S "y'm-cykw AN200 S 'ny's, 'ny't s. ny's S 'ny'wr s. ny'wr S_,'ny'zs. ny'z S 'ny'z'nk a. 'different, extraordinary, dis­ tinguished' S 'ny'z'nk ANl7*, 07359+5* S 'ny'z'nkw KB8(1)*, KB16(2+4) S 'ny'z'nk-krsny, 'ny'z'nkw:-krsny a. 'extra­ ordinary-shaped'

Sogdian S 'ny'z'nk-krsnyt pl. ANl00f (Ms 'ny'z'nkt# krsnyt) S 'ny'z'nkw-krsnyt pl. AN31 S 'ny'z'nkstr s. ny'zngstr S 'ny'zkyn a. 'needy' S 'ny'zkyn TaleK19 M 'ny'[ M7905.1 M 'nyms, S 'y'ms v.itr. 'to end' M mnyms 3.sg.impf AR1a8* S 'y'mst 3.sg.pres. HC36.16+17V7* S 'nyw'k 18055V2. Thus Kat., 175, but a read­ ing "yw'k is at least equally likely. Un­ known word. S 'nywby s. nywo S 'nyw-krsn, 'nyw-krsny a. 'of other shapes' S 'nyw-krsn 20229V15 S 'nyw-krsncf 20229R19 (ed. -krsn) S 'nyw-znk'n a. 'of other kinds' S 'nyw-znk'n 20229Rl1 S 1,nz'n n. 'confession' S 'nz'n Xwl.24 M 2'nz'n v.tr. 'to confess, acknowledge' M 'nz'n't 3.sg.subj. BBBe9 M 'nz'nd[ SS148 M mnz'n 3.sg.impf M501mB3 M mnz'nw l.sg.impf BBB614 M 'nz'n'mndy, S 'nz'n'm'nty n.m. 'confession' M 'nz'n'mndtyyh M769V3 S 'nz'n'm'nty Xwl.5*, Xwl.28* S 'nz'nprs'ky' n.f 'acknowledgement, con­ fession, thanksgiving'. Cf. C 'z'nprsqy' 'id.', BT XII, 206b. S 'nz'nprs#'ky' 14742V22f (ed. "n"prs#'ky') S t'nz'nt L120.6 s. "z'nd S 'nz'w s. 'nj'w S 'nz'wr a. 'strong' S 'nz'wr 05471+3 (ed. "z 'wy), 05471+9 (ed. "z 'wy), Ps576, Ps604 S 'nzy� v.itr. 'to cross over', past stems 'nzyst, 'nzyb't. Sundermann 1988, 180. S 'nzyb'n l.sg.subj. AN156 S 'nzyb't 3.sg.itr.pret. AN152 S 'nzyst �wt 3.sg.pres.itr.pot. AN159, AN196 (Ms 'nzysb �wt), AN201 (Ms omits �wt) S 'nzyst wWn l.sg.su�j.itr.pot. AN181 S mnzyb 3.sg.impf AN187 S 'nzyynt v.tr. 'to cause to cross over, transfer'. Sundermann 1988, 180. S 'nzyynt'nt 3.pl.pres. AN123 M 'nzr' n.f 'harm'(?). Uncertain reading, Hen­ ning 1944, 142 n. 3. M 'nzr' M549ii8* S 'n....y 01318.2 S "n[ 18154V7 M 'n[ M162bR2*, M427bV5


S 'n[ Ch/U6126V9, PsAl.52* S t'nn[ PsAi.94. Thus ed., but more likely 'nz[, "z[ or 'n'[. MS "p n.f 'water', also as name of the fourth son of the Primal Man. Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 65 on p. 146. M "p ANel7, BBB530, BBB721, Ll17R3, M14R24, Ml15Ril1, Ml15Vi12, Ml15 Viil1, M583iR2, M834iR4, M7800iiR4, MLl.22, SLNak6 M "ptyy pl.ob!. BBB495, SLNall18 M "pyy obl. M247V6, MLl.21, SLNak83 S "p 10700a+V17, 18102+V18*, 18102+ Vl9* S "ph 13700aA9*, 18500A6, 21005R6, AN 148, AN193, AN58*, KG553, KG572, L29+20, L29+21a, 07227.5, 07313.3, RSH101, SS136, TaleH25 S "pt pl. AN37, AN46, AN59, AN125, ANc24 S "pt'y pl.obi. ANIS* (ed. 'n]pt'y, better "]pt'y) S "pty pl.obl. AN9*, ANlO, SS162 S "pw KG551 S "py obl. 18102+V16, 18110V6, TaleJ19 S "pyh obl. HC36.8V4 S "p'k n. 'observation'(?) s· "p'k 14000R28 M "p'nc, "p'nz, "b'nc, "p'ncm'x, name of the eighth month M "b'nc Fastl.9 M "p'nc Fast2.22, Fast3.l7* M "p'ncm'xyy obl. Fast4.2 M "p'nz Fast2.5* S t'p'rmy 13881+Rl s. pncmy M t'p'rykt M7800iiR11* s. p'ryk S "p't a. 'prosperous, well-cultivated' S "p't GGZl.17 MS 1 "p'y n. 'understanding' M "p'y M172iR5* S "p'y BezC9, KB5(1)* MS 2 "p'y v.tr. 'to perceive, recognize, understand', past stem M "p't M "p't �wt 3.sg.pres.itr.pot. CF22 M "p'ym 1.sg.pres. BBBalO M "p'y[ M3603iR2 M m'p'y 3.sg.impf Gl/f9 S "p'yt 3.sg.pres. 10263(1)+R4*, AN12, AN 44 S "p(3y- n.m. 'the god Water' S "pj3yy nom.sg. (?) SS133 S 'pc't s. pc 't S *'pcxst'ny adv. 'kneeling'. Cf. pcxst'ny 'id.', GMS §1036. S *'pcxst'ny BezB34 (Ms 'ptxstc'ny)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S 'pb'mt'k a. 'blown up'(?) S 'p8'mt'k SS135 S t'pksy AN161* s. bwmph S "pkynch n.f 'glass' S "pkynch RSH139*, RSH141, RSH142* M "pkyny a. 'made of glass or crystal'(?). GMS §1053. M "pkynyy M5606Aii3* S 'pncmy s. pncmy S "pny a. 'of water' S "pny L33.ll S 'pr'yw s. 'pryw S "prs n. 'permission' S "prs 18140+iiV5 S 'prs- s. 2ps, M t'prs' M760Rl2 s. 2ps­ S 'prsy n.m. 'gratitude'(?) S 'prsy KG420 S t'prt'y 10263(1)+V2 s. 1ptr­ S 'prtm- s. 'ftmS 'prtmcyk s. 'ftmcyk S 'prtmy'n n.pr.m. Cf. IPNB II/8, no. 118. S 'prtmy'n L63R3* (ed. ]tmys, better ['pr]tmy'n) S 'prtmyk s. 'jtmyk S r,prw s. 1prw S 2'prw a. 'later', only in the phrase cnn 'prw my8 'in future'. In origin an adv. 'afterwards', cf. GMS §1142 n. 1. S 'prw SS109 S "prwby n.m. 'stream of water' S "prw8y L29+17 S "pryn, "pryt s. ''fryn MS 'pryw, pryw, S 'pr'yw, pr'yw, pr'w, prw adv. 'together', postp. 'with, together with', often with prep. 8n M 'pryw BBB672, BBBf35, KawG14, KawG 35, KG2333, M14V4, M130a+R5, M162b R2, M3611.2, M6132B3, M7800iiR17, M7800iiR18, M7800iiV15*, MLl.15*, MLl.21, MLI.30, ML2.9, TaleD31 M pryw KawIR5, M591R9, M776R2, M3600.5, M5051V7, O6252A3, RH731* (perhaps as adv. 'together' after a numeral, cf. BT XII, 220b; DTS, 73), TaleB26, TaleE50 M pryww M2159.3 S 'pr'yw 14256V15, 181lliiV5, 18434V3 S 'pryw 14638iV15, 14638iV18, BezA40, BezA54, BezA98, BezA118, BezB37, BezB37, KG3.89*, TaleH13* S pr'w 18248i43, AN25*, L29+23, TaleKal7 S pr'yw 18058+V16, 18248i14, 18700+R9, AN128, Ch/U7201V5, GGZl.15, KB9(2), KB10(2), KBfr9.3*, L120.5, RSH22,


RSH138*, RSH168*, TaleJ2* S prw 14150+iR8, KG3.62, KG3.81* S pryw 14410iR7, 20232V7, BezC8, BezC 10, BezC15, BezC15, KG3.48*, L91+7(?) S "pryw'n, "prywn s. ''frywn S "pryw'ncykw s. ''jrywncyk MS 'ps-, S 'ps't s. 2psM 'ps'k s. 1ps'k S 'ps'wyt- s. pswc S 'ps'wk s. pswk S 'ps'wxs- s. pswxs­ S 'ps'yp s. psyp S 'ps'ypw-w'�'k s. 'psypw-w'f3'k M 'pst'wy a. or n.m. 'renegade, apostate'. Cf. Bactr. a�La-mooayo, NP bistawa (Sims­ Williams 2007, 185a). Less likely a verbal form with Henning 1937, 101. M 'psfwyy BBBe20 S 'pstk'r'y, 'pstk'ry s. pstk'ry M 'pstw- v. itr. 'to renounce, dissociate oneself from (en)' M 'pstwyy 3.sg.opt. BBBfl0 S 'pswc, 'pswyt- s. pswc S 'psy8- s. psyaS 'psyp s. psyp S 'psypw-w'j3'k, 'ps'ypw-w'Wk n.m. 'slanderer' S 'ps'ypw-w'Wk l8248i29 ('psypw# 18248i24f* S 'psypw-w'Wkw w'Wkw), 18248i34 S 'psypw-w'Wky 18248i16 (not obl.) s 'ps'yrywy s. ps'yryw S t"ps'k 10263(1)+Rl1*. Sundermann 2001c, 75, reads ("ps')[k and translates 'pregnant', more likely ]#(m'x)['k with Yoshida 2009, 289, 290. s 'ps'k s. ps'k M 'ps'm s. ps'm s 'ps't s. ps'y S 'ps'•t-b'rt RSH40*. 3.sg.tr.pret. of an un­ identified verb. s 'p sn- s. 2psnMs 'pst'wn, S 'pst'w'n, pst'w'n n. 'injunction, command, admonition'. See Sundermann 2001a. M 'psfwn KG2382 S 'pst'w'nh KG344*, KG440 S 'pst'wnh 18140+iR6 S pst'w'n KG3.6 S./psty-, psty- v.tr. 'to enjoin, command', past stem 'pst't S 'pst't#8'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG344f* S 'pst'tw-8'r'm 1.sg.tr.pret. KG331* S 'psty'm-'skwn 1.sg.pres.dur. KG334* S psty'mskwn l.sg.pres.dur. KG3.7* M 'psyyk s. ywxn'-'psyk


s 'psys'r s. psy-s'r M "pt v.itr. 'to fall' M m'pt 3.sg.impf M5563A4* M m'pt 3.sg.impf M5592R4* s "pt s. "p S 'pt'ycs'r S; pt'ycy-s'r S 'pt'yn'k s: ptyny S 'ptywsty s. ptywnd S 'ptywsy BezB22* s. prm'nptyws'k M t'ptndyy Ml846A5 s. 'jtndy MS 'ptr- s. m't-'ptry, 1ptrS 'pts'k s. pts'k S 'ptskw'k BezB33, 'ptskw'n s. ptskw'n S fptskwt 19554.4 s. ptskw'n MS 'ptskwy- s. ptskwyS 'ptsm'r BezB22 s. nw-'ptsm'r S 'ptwy8 s. ptwyb S 'ptxstc'ny BezB34 s. *'pcxst'ny S 'pty'm s. 2pty'm S 'pty'mt s. ptymsS 'pw s. pw S 'pw-"mb a. 'unequalled'. Mistake or late form for *'pw-"mr6. S 'pw-"mo BezA73 S 'pw-'mp'r s. pw-'mb'r S 'pw-"myk a. 'untainted, immaculate' S 'pw-"mykw BezAS S 'pw'nk(?) 06191V4. Unclear scribble, Yoshida 2003, 454 note a. S 'pw"zrmy' s. pw'zrmy' S 'pw-(3ry'm a. 'endless' S 'pw-�ry'm BezA7 S 'pw-nwryzy a. 'without unhappiness' S 'pw-nwryzy BezB38 S 'pw-ptspnyh n.f 'uselessness'(?) S 'pw-ptspnyh TaleKa23 s 'pw-ptsm'r s. pwptsm'r M "pwx, "bwx, name of the tenth day of the month M "bwx Fastl.2, Fastl.3 M "pwx Fast3.9, Fast3.13 S 'pw-wyws a. 'without a dawn' S 'pw-wyws BezA6 S 'pxs, pxrs v.itr. 'to retire, withdraw' S 'pxsynty 3.pl.opt. SS114 S p'xrs 3.sg.impf 18435R7* (ed. [w](')xrs, read [p](')xrs with Yoshida apud Sunder­ mann 2001, 875) MS "py s. ''p M "pyk a. 'aquatic' M "pyk BBB512 MS 1,pz't, M pz't n. 'home, place of origin, native place' M 'pz'tyy obi. M286iV4 M pz't M672bA7


S 'pz't PsA2.1 S 'pz'th 14000R31, 20220iiR8 S 2'pz't, pz't(?) v.itr., past stem 'to originate' S 'pz'tys 2.sg.itr.pret. SS153, SS155 S 'pz'tyt pp.pl. 21004.1 S pz't 3.sg.itr.pret. 10030(2)A3 (or to 1 'pz't?) S 'pz't'yk s. pz'tyk S 'pzn'wtyh n.f 'acquaintance'. GMS §1079. S 'pzn'wtyh KG403 S "pznp n. 'river-bank' S "pznph TaleJ8, TaleJ9, TaleJ19 S 'PZY s. ' ty S 'p[ 07252+2, PsAl.44 S t"r SLN42* (['](')[r, BT XVII, 60, misprint for [']('t)[r, ibid., 68) S "r 'yn'l n.pr.m. 'Ar Inal'. IPNB II/8, no. 25. S "r 'yn'l BezC18 S "r 'yn'ly obl. BezC28 S "r'yt s. *"rxs S "r'k a. 'mad, wild' S "r'k L37.17 (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 237 n. 6, ed. 'zn'k) S "r'm n. 'abode'. Pa loanword according to Reck 2006, 161 n. 31. See further DMT III/1, 51a. S "r'm 18102+V13 S "r'ync n. 'elbow, forearm' S "r'ynch 16201.53 M 'rcyc n. 'tin, lead' M 'rcyc Gl/d30* M 'rd'w'n m' d, 'rd'w'n m't, 'ro'w'n m't, S 'r8'w'nm't 'Mother of the Righteous', Pa name of the Mother of Life, partially adap­ ted to Sogdian. Sundermann 2001, 155 nn. 213-14. M 'rd'w'n m'd M583iR16 M 'rd'w'n m'dyy obl. M476i7, M476i8f ('rd'w'n#m'dyy) M 'rd'w'n m't CF70 M 'rc>'w'n m't M771R5 M 'rcYw'n m'tyy obl. M5266R7 S 'r6'w'nm'th 10238(4)R4 M 'r6'wt s. 'rt'w S 'nYyp n. 'brightness, splendour' S 'r6'yp KG365 S 'rb'yp'kh n.f 'brightness, splendour' S 'r8'yp'kh 05471+14* S 'rb'yp'y a. 'shining, lustrous', as the desig­ nation of a god, perhaps 'Jesus the Splen­ dour'. Sundermann 2001, 838-9 (where 'nYyp'y is interpreted as a noun). S 'ro'yp'y Ch/U6827ii5 S 'rt>j3'n n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 138. S 'rol3'n KG404 M 'rbwky' s. 1-'rbwky'


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'rf,yf v.itr. 'to shine' M 'r6yfskwn 3.sg.iiz-impfdur.(?) M141+ R12 (cf. GMS §645) S 'ry n. 'value,worth' [MS 'ry s. pw-'ry] S 'ryy obl. 18196R8 MS 'rk n.f 'work,activity,business' M 'rk Gl/d8*,KawK3,M110iR3,M118iV18, TaleA25,TaleA27,TaleB54 M 'rq Gl/a19,Ml18iV14,TaleA22 M 'rkyy obl. M760R13 S 'rk 14410iR8, 14410iV1, 18058+V10, SS 153,SS155 S 'rkh 10263(1)+Rl, AN78, KB13(2)*, KB 15(1),KG333,RSH83,TaleAS6,TaleAS8, TaleK4*,TaleKa20 S 'rkw 18058+R8,BezA46* S 'rky[ 18140+iR18 S 'rk[ 10081A3* MS 'rk'ry n.f (?) 'work' M 'rk'ryy M121V2 S 'rk'ry AN120 S 'rkf3ynty a. 'setting (someone) to work' S 'rk(3ynty G1Aii3 S 'rkc'ny a. 'of (the city) Ark (i.e. Qarasahr)'. S 'rkc'nchf L44.7 S 'rkc'ny Ch/U6879V3 MS 'rkcyk a. 'of (the city) Ark (i.e. Qara­ sahr)'. DMT III/1,53a. M 'rkcyq Ml.88 S 'rkcyk List7c4,O7466ii3 S 'rkr'k a. 'working' S 'rkrchf 09122+4* M 'rkwsya n. 'encouragement to work' M 'rkwsyM M356.l M 'rmyn, name of the country 'Armenia' M 'rmyn M915Vl S 'rp'st'k, 'rpsty a. 'mighty,numerous' S 'rp'st'k KB22(1) S 'rpst'kw KB7(1),KBlO(lf)* S 'rpstyt pl. AN80 S 'rp'st'wy n.m. 'power,prosperity' S 'rp'st'wyh TaleK12 MS 'rsk n. 'envy,jealousy' M 'rsk BBBf63,Ml18iiV11,M880iR5 S 'rsk 18157B6* M t'rt TaleA44 s. 'rty M 'rt;t, name of the sixth day of the month M 'rt't Fast2.18*,Fast2.19* M 'rft Fastl.10,Fastl.11*,Fastl.17* MS 'rt'w, M 'rb'w a. 'righteous',also used as a designation of the Elect. The variant M 'rb'w is a WMiran. form in Sogd. ortho­ graphy. M 'r6'wtpl. M6330V6

M 'rt'w [M14R23 s. 'rt'w frwrty], SS147* M 'rfw [Gl/d18, Gl/r4 s. 'rt'w jrwrty], M5030 R11, [SLNak5 s. 'rt'w frwrty], TaleB5* M 'rfwt pl. ANe24,BBB536,BBBc21 M 'rt'wtt pl. BBBf81 M 'rfwty pl.obl. Ml374.2 M 'rt'wtyh pl.obl. BBBf40 M 'rfwtyy pl.obl. O6153+V3 S 'rt'w 10263(1)+V7, 13943V4, 14638iiV1, 18434R4*, 20001 +V8* (Kat. ]rtnw, read ']rt'w),Frg6.2,Ps140,SS152,TaleG16 S 'rt'wt pl. 10650(14)+V7*, 14150+iR12* (misprinted ['rt](wt),read ['rt'](wt)),14715a V12,AN102 S 'rt'wtt pl. 20217aB2,Ps586 S 'rt'wty pl. 18248i41 (not obl.) S 'rt'wty pl.obi. 13880A3, 20002+Vl9, KB 19(7),Ps581,Xwl.25 M 'rt'w frwrty, S 'rt'w (3rw'rty, 'rt'w (3rwrty, name of the first son of the Primal Man, corresponding to the element 'air'. Sunder­ mann 2001,127 with nn. 151-4 on pp. 1512. M 'rt'w frwrtyy M14R23 M 'rfw frwrty Gl/dl8 M 'rfw frwrtyh Gl/r4 M 'rfw frwrtyy SLNak5 S 'rt'w (3rw'rty SS135*,SS136*,SS137* S 'rt'w (3rwrty 18500A3*,SS139 S 'rt'wmyc a. 'of the righteous Elect' S 'rt'wmych Ps388 M 'rt'wspy', S 'rt'wspy'kh, 'rt'w'spy'kh n.f 'community of the righteous Elect' M 'rt'wspy'h CFhdl, MIKiii4981fhdl (ed. 'rt'yspy'h) S 'rt'w'spy'kh KG419 S 'rt'wspy'kh PsAl.62* (ed. 'rt(y wy)sp(w)[, but 'rt('w)sp(y)['kh is suggested in note ad loc.),PsAl.62* M 'rt'wxwst, 'rt'wxwstrwz, name of the third day of the month M 'rt'wxwst Fast2.24 M 'rfwxwstrwz Gl/d21* (ed. ['rt'](x)[w]st-, better ['rfw](x)[w]strwz) MS 'rt'wy', S 'rt'wy'kh, 'rt'wyh n.f 'state of righteousness,Electhood' M 'rfwy' M116R5 S 'rt'wy' 18120Vl0* S 'rt'wy'kh KG342*,KG586 S 'rt'wyh AN77 M t'rfxwstrwz Gl/d21. s. 'rt'wxwst M t'rt'yspy'h MIKiii4981fhdl s. 'rt'wspy' S 'rtmn s. 'rty, -mn S t'rtwt 14150+iR12 s. 'rt'w

Sogdian MS 'rtxwst, M 'rtxwst(3y-, name of the third son of the Primal Man, corresponding to the element 'light' M 'qxwst M834iR6,SLNak6 M 'qxwwst M14R23 M 'qxwwst M583iR2* M 'qxwst�YY nom.sg.m. Gl/dl9* (Sunder­ mann 2001,152 n. 156) S 'rtxwst RSH156* MS 'rty, 'rt-, S rty, rt- c. 'then, and' (linking clauses). Often written together with fol­ lowing enclitics and other words. M 'rt(3y M8001.3* M 'rtcn CF114 M 'qcn M2207iR2 M 'qf BBBb52,BBBb70,BBBb72,BBBb91 M M399A6*,M399B8,M1828V4 M 'qfyh BBBblO0 M 'rtfyy BBBb86,TaleA49,TaleE29 M 'rtfyy TaleE31 M 'rtk8 BBBf12,M1846B4 M 'rtk8 BBBf16,TaleE30 M 'ft#qb' TaleA44f M 'rtms M143Vii4 M 'rtms BBB582, BBB619, CF76, CF87, M399A4,M794aiiV3,M5030Vl2 M 'rtmstym CF83 M 'rtmy AR1a7, AR1a8, AR1a12, AR1a13*, AR1a13*,BBB642,TaleA13,TaleA29 M 'rtmyqM' M6856iiV2* (Cat. ]tmyqM', restore 'r]tmyqM') M 'rtpr CF93 M 'rtpts'r CF111 M 'rtpts'r CF73, KG2342* (ed. r]t(pt)s'r, read 'r]t(pt)s'r) M 'rtpts'r KawEl0*,KawE15,M5563B3 M 'ftpyst CF59 M 'rtsb M1961A2 M 'rtsn CFS, CF60, CF67, CFl16, KawVI 5, KawV19,SS146 M 'rtsn CF62, CF65, M399A2*, M5030V4, O11078A2* M 'rtsw BBBf56 M 1 'rtsw (s. -s) KawC13,TaleA37 M 2'rtsw (s. 2sw) TaleA34,TaleA54 M 'rtsy M664V6 M 'rtsy BBBel2, M794biR1*, M794biR2, O6228A7*,TaleA23 M 'rtsyy M5030R8,SLN95* M 'rtsyms TaleE16 M 'rtx' KawK2 M 'rtx' M549ii20 M 'rtxw KawV16,SLNak77* M 'rtxw TaleA6,TaleE33* M 'rty ANe8, BBB616, BBBf5, BBBfl0,



BBBf22, . BBBf27, BBBf31, BBBf35, BBBf36, BBBf38, BBBf40, BBBf42, BBBf61, BBBf75, CF22, CF26, CF104, CF125, CF126, KawE4, KawE6*, KawE7*, KawE19, KawE20*, KawV9, KawV20, KG2356, KG2360*, KG2364*, M14R3, M583iiR13, M5030R2, M6132 A4, MLl.24, ML2.9, ML2.10, ML2.16, ML2.17, O6163R3, O6163V6, SS146, SS146,SS147*,TaleA42 M 'rty BBB482, BBB551, BBBb61, BBBb 63, BBBc36, BBBc38, BBBe2, BBBe9, BBBf3, CFl0, CF14, CF28, CF40, CF42, CF69, CF75, CF79, CF85, CF90, CF96, CF106, KawC3, KawC4, KawC6*, Kaw G4, KawIR3, KawIV3, KawKlO, KG 2371*, L74R2, L74V5 (ed. rtY, read 'rty), M14R20,M14V27* (ed. ]y, Henning 1937, 120b, ['rt]y), M108Rll, M110iiR8, M118i V15, M129V3, Ml29V8, Ml30a+V3, M130a+V5, M130a+V6*, M130bR6*, M140+V5, M140+Vll, M399A7, M498c iiR3*,M501giV1,M501mA3,M501mA5*, M548R4, M548V2, M549ii9, M549iil7, M549iil8, M549ii24, M549ii26, M591V3 (misprinted rtY), M635iV6, M662A2, M712A2, M760R5, M760R8*, M760Vl, M760V9, M915R8, M915R12, Ml768Al, M1770V2*, M1828V6, M2005R3, M3031 iR8*, M4869A2, M5229.2, M5454.2, M5690R7, M6132A3, M7800iiV14, M7800iiV15, SLN51*, SLNak36*, SLNak 46, TaleA3, TaleA12, TaleA26, TaleA31, TaleA47, TaleA51, TaleA57, TaleA60, TaleB4,TaleB9, TaleB36,TaleB40, TaleD 13*,TaleD28*,TaleD32*,TaleE2, TaleE3, TaleE5,TaleE25,TaleE48,TaleE51 M 'rtyy M127Rl1,MIKiii4981f2 M 'rtyy BBBe18, CF33, CFvl40*, CFvl58, KawG6,KawG16,M118iR13,M130a+Vl, M130bV4, M530R5, M549ii7, M549iil0, M760R14, M760V7, M1699.4, Ml763.2*, M1828R3, M7800iiR2, M7800iiR3, M7800iiV5, M7800iiV10, M7800iiV12, O6153+R3,TaleB23 M 'rtyh BBBe21, CF24, CFvl59, KawG27, Ml134+R3, M1700+A7*, SLN50, TaleD 24 M 'rtyf3y ML2.2*,ML2.5 M 'rty(3y M6760B5 M 'rtymn M635iV3* M 'rtymyy TaleD38 M 'rtyny TaleA2 M 'rtypyst M399A5 M 'rtysn CF92,CF120


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'qysnM498biiV2,M549ii12 M 'rtysw BBBf13,CF74,CF107,M5001A2* M 'qysy BBBf25,Ml30bVl,M760V6 M 'rtysy M6132B5*,M6132B7 M 'qysyy CF21,Ml134+V3,TaleE36* M 'rtysy,b. M760R11 M 'qyxw TaleA15 S 'rtmn SS164,SS164 S 'rty 18435R8,Ps588,[PsAl.62 s. 'rt'wspy'] [S trt BezA35,read kt,s. kbwty] S rtj3 10263(l)+R3,TaleAS16 S rtj3y 18154R2,L44.9,RSH54*,RSH56* S rtj3n KG333, KG334, KG636*, [L37.10, read 'tj3n s. 'ty, -:fn], SSll0* S rtj3y 18436A4, Ch/U6434V5, GGZl.13*, KG420,Ps582,Ps620,SS152,TaleF6* S rtcn RSH83* S rtcnn 10200(6)R10, 18248i2, 20229Rl, KG461,KG512 S rtk6 10263(1)+V8, 18114Bl, 18431V2*, KG331,KG424,07004+27*,TaleAS21 S rtk6' 14639Rl,BezA37,BezB32,BezB35, BezC4,KG527,Talel40 S rtk6ry Ch/U6886V3 S rtkc>xw 07004+39* S rtm HC36.9V5,Ol723R3 S rtm'xw 20504+V3 S rtmn Ps386, Ps387, Ps389*, Ps603, Ps662, RSH19,SS163 10262(1)B3*, 10263(l)+R10*, S rtms 10650(10)R10, 10650(10)V9*, 13502B5, 14700(1l)B4, 14700(1l)B6, 14700(15)1, 18058+R10, 1810l+R13, 18140+iiR11, 18248i35, 18248i37, 18431R3, 18700+ V12, 20002+V28, 20232V7*, AN138, AN 175, BezA51, HC36.6R5*, KB18(7), KB 19(2), KB20(7), [KB23(1), read p'rZY, s. p'rty], KBfrl0.6,KG397,KG405,KG450, KG510, KG560, KG572, KG587, KG619, L95+6, Ps385, Ps651, SS109, SS109, SS112, SS113, SS117, SS118*, SS126, SS152,Talel16,Talel22,TaleK18 S rtmy 10100k+R26, 10102(2)Vl, 10102(2) V3, 15502Rl0*, 15800V6, 18131iiV1*, 18140+iR13, GGZI .21, GGZl.45*, HC 36.7V3,HC36.7V5,HC36.10R13,KG364, KG366,TaleASS,TaleASlO S rtnwkr O2075R2,SS112,SS119 10263(1)+R2, 10263(l)+R6*, S rtpts'r 10263(1)+V6, 18700+R2, KG353, KG 535*, KG539, KG635, 07359+6, SS116, Talel52,[TaleK16* s. c'nw] S rtpyst KG335*,KG340,KG416* (ed. (r)[ty ••](t),restore (r)[tpys]t),L29+25* S rtsc KG452

S rtsn 18110R5, 18435R4*, 20229R14, AN 15*, AN72, AN88, AN96, AN140, GGZ 1.11, HC36.1V8, HC36.2R3*, KG345, KG349*,KG370,KG473,KG485,KG500, KG504, KG570, KG591, Ps581, RSH88*, RSH169,SLN41*,SS112,SS137,SS137 S 1 rtsw (s. -s) 10200(6)R2, 14000R27, 20002+V21, AN160, KG466, KG543, KG551*, KG552*, KG572, KG3.6*, KG3.14, KG3.14, TaleKa16*, [TaleKa20, read rtxw],TaleKa24 S 2rtsw (s. 2 sw) AN81,TaleAS14 S rtiy 10030(2)A6,1008lB1*,10100k+R21, 13943V4, 14638iR10*, 14638iR12, 14638 iR13, 14638iR13, 14700(18)Al, 15500R2, 15500V6, 19552B5*, 20229R7, ANI 1, GGZl.47, KB18(2), KG378, KG465, KG 471,KG479,KG575,KG2.2, KG2.4, KG 3.69*, Ps594, PsAl.94, RSH30*, RSH59, RSH91*,RSH104,RSH132*,SLN41,SLN 94, SLN95, TaleAS7, TaleG15, TaleG24, TaleG27,TaleKa20,TaleKa21,TaleKa22 S rtw6 14000R26 S rtxh 11400R6, 1810l+Rl, HC36.15R6, HC36.16+17R4*,HC36.16+17V6,RSH73, TaleF28 S rtxw 10263(1)+V2, 18131iiV6, 18248i24, 18248i26, 18248i27, 18248i30, 18434R2*, 18434V3*, 18434V5*, 20002+V5, 20002+ Vl9, AN59, AN122, AN139, AN141, AN146,ANl76,AN194*,KG346,KG352, KG355, KG381, KG383, KG446, KG455, KG478, KG561, KG584, KG592, KG595, KG595,KG597, KG633, L30+Vl, L32.2* (ed. rty, read rt(x)[w]), Ps398, Ps600*, RSH106, RSH125, RSH166*, SS116, SS 117, SS136, SS136*, TaleK16*, TaleK19, TaleK20, TaleK20, TaleK21, TaleK22, TaleK23,TaleKa20 (ed. rtsw) S rty 10000(2)2*, 10026+R6, 10030(2)Al, 10077A1, 10081A2*, 10lO0eR12, 10lO0e V8, 10100eV11, 10100k+R19, 10100k+ 10263(l)+Rl, 10100k+R21, R20, 10650(1)V3, 4*, 10650(1)R V4, 10263(1)+ 11400R7, l0, 10700a+V )+R3, 10650(14 13700a 7, 13700aA 4, 13700aA , 13101Vl 14000R5, 13880B3, *, 13700aB9 B6, 14000R6*, 14000R9, 14000R10, 14000 .) Rl2, 14000R13, 14000Rl5, 14000R18, 14000R24, 14000R25, 14000R26*, 14000 R30, 14000R31, 14001aR1, 1400laV1, 14030(l)V4*, · 14150+iR5, 14151+iR9, 14255R4, 14255V4*, 14255V6, 14280i Vl*, 14342A3*, 14638iR1, 14638iR3, 14638iR7, 14638iR8, 14638iR19, 14638i

Sogdian Vl6, 14638iiR1*, 14638iiV20, 14700(4) V3, 14700(1l)A7, 14700(ll)B8, 14700 (15)7*, 14742V7, 15000(6)V3, 15421Al, 18058+R7, 18058+Rl7*, 18058+R21, 18058+V9, 18058+Vl0*, 18058+V12, 18101+R3, 181lliR3*, 18llliV3, 181lli V4, 18111iiR5, 18131iiR2, 18140+iV6, 18140+iiR7, 18140+iiV4, 18140+iiV7, 18157A6, 18162V6, 18248il, 18248il, 18248i5, 18248i13, 18248il6, 18248i40, 18248i42, 18248i49, 18432R7, 18434R5*, 18434V7, 18435V8, 18438Al, 18438A2*, 18700+Rl0, 18700+V4, 18700+V6, 20001+V2, 2000l+V7, 20001+V15, 20001+Vl5*, 20002+V25, 20002+V31, 20002+V35, 20103Al, 20203R5, 20220 iRl, 20220iR24, 20220iV24, 20220iiR5, 20229R2, 20229R5, 20229R8, 20229R15, 20229R16, 20229R18, 20229V5*, 20229 VS,20229V6,20229V9,20229Vl1,20229 V15, 20229V20, 20230Vl, 20230V7, 20230V12 (thus Kat., Sundermann 2001, 478, rwhy),20230V37,20231+V2*,20240 R2,20503V4,20506+V2,20511V5,AN6*, AN7* (ed. ](Z)Y, read r](t)y with Yoshida 1988, 148), AN19*, AN28, AN36, AN45, AN70,AN71,AN75,AN76,AN77,AN79, AN102, AN104, AN130, AN132, AN133, AN143, AN144, AN145, AN148, AN151, AN154, AN154, AN161, AN162, AN163, AN164, AN168*, ANl71, ANl72, AN178*,AN181,AN183,AN185,AN192, ANa2, ANa3*, ANc4, ANd4*, Ch/U6046 V3, Ch/U6104V3, Ch/U6104Vll, Ch/U 6225Vl*, Ch/U6394Vl, Ch/U6506Vl, Ch/U6536a+V13,Ch/U6579V5,Ch/U6926 V2, Ch/U7115.l, Ch/U7275V3, Frg6.6, Frg6.7, GGZl.15, GGZl.18, GGZl.22, GGZl.44, GGZl.46, GGZl.53, GGZl.54, GGZl.55, GGZl.56, HC36.2Rl, HC36.3 R3*,HC36.5Rl*,HC36.6R9,HC36.7R10, HC36.7Vl, HC36.7Vll, HC36.7Vl3, HC 36.8R3*, HC36.8R4, HC36.8R7, HC36.8 V3, HC36.8V4, HC36.8V7, HC36.9R13, HC36.9Vl, HC36.9Vl1, HC36.9V12, HC36.9V13, HC36.10R5*, HC36.10R10, HC36.10Vl, HC36.10V3, HC36.10V5, HC36.10V6*, HC36.10V9, HC36.10Vl1, HC36.10V13, HC37.1.11, HC37.2.1, HC37.2.4, HC37.2.9*, KBl7(1), KG328, KG331,KG337*,KG351,KG368,KG386, KG388, KG392, KG398, KG410, KG412, KG414, [KG416*, ed.(r)[ty --](t), restore (r)[tpys]t], KG426, KG429*, KG431 *, KG434, KG437, KG444, KG446, KG448,


KG449, KG453, KG454, KG467, KG468, KG470,KG483,KG499*,KG501,KG518, KG520, KG521, KG522, KG524, KG529, KG530, KG532, KG534, KG538, KG541, KG541*,KG545,KG550,KG553,KG555, KG566, KG567, KG569, KG574, KG577, KG579*, KG586*, KG588, KG590, KG 596,KG607,KG614,KG2.4, KG2.6, KG 2.8, KG2.9, KG3.3, KG3.5, KG3.9, KG 3.13, KG3.15, KG3.16, KG3.20, KG3.23, KG3.24*, KG3.26, KG3.27, KG3.28, KG3.29, KG3.29, KG3.30, KG3.33*, KG3.34*, KG3.37*, KG3.38, KG3.39*, KG3.40*,KG3.44,KG3.45*,KG3.49, KG 3.62, KG3.65, KG3.67, KG3.67, KG3.74, KG3.75, KG3.79, KG3.81, KG3.82, KG3.84, L29+4, L29+5a, L29+6*, L29+8, L29+16,L29+16a,L29+18,L29+20,L29+ 21, L30+V4, L30+V5*, L30+V6, [L32.2* read rt(x)[w]), L32.12, L37.l* (ed. ]w[, read r(ty) with Sims-Williams 1981,237 n. 6), L37.2, L37.3, L37.4, L37.5, L37.8, L37.8, L37.ll, L37.13, L37.14, L37.17, L37.20, L37.22*, L45.l, L61.4, L61.9, L61.14, L61.19, L83d3, L91+1, L91+5, L91+8, LlllRl, Listl+v8, O1723Vl*, 01723V3*, 02495.5*, 02495.7, 06406 Al*, 07004+10*, 07004+14*, 07004+22, 07004+35*, 07004+40, 07004+43*, 07252+2,07253+2*,07266.3,07359+2*, O7368V2, 07465.1*, 07465.2, 07484.3, 09078.1, Psl30, Psl32, Ps381, Ps382, Ps389,Ps397,Ps397,Ps409,Ps409,Ps569, Ps571, Ps581, Ps583, Ps587, Ps652, Ps659*, Ps662, PsAl.52*, PsAl.60, PsAl.81, PsAl.90, PsA2.3, RSH14*, RSH20*,RSH24,RSH35,RSH40,RSH52, RSH68*, RSH71*, RSH76, RSH77, RSH 81*, RSH97, RSH108, RSHll0, RSH115, RSHl17, RSH133*, RSH134, RSH140, RSH149, RSH153, RSH169*, RSH171, SLN41, SLN117, SS114, SS128, SS129, SS131, SS131, SS137, SS153, SS155, SS 156,SS156,SS157,SS157,SS158,SS158, SS159, SS159, SS161, SS163, TaleAS9, TaleAS12, TaleAS19, TaleAS22, TaleAS 25*,TaleAS29,TaleF2,TaleG9*,TaleG13, TaleG18,TaleG22,TaleH3,TaleH5,TaleH 11,TaleH15,TaleH19,TaleH23,TaleH27, TaleH28, Talel3, Talel15, TaleI25, Talel 30, Talel37, Talel45, Talel53, Talel54, Talel55, TaleJ3, TaleJ8, TaleJ9, TaleJ9, [TaleJl0 s. ryt], TaleJl0,TaleJl1,TaleJ15, TaleJ17,TaleJ17*,TaleKl,TaleK3,TaleK 4, TaleK6, TaleK7, TaleK8, TaleK12,


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

TaleKa2*, TaleKa3*, TaleKa4, TaleKalO*, TaleKalO, TaleKall*, TaleKa13, TaleKa 16, TaleKal7, [TaleKa17, read rty'M as a single word], TaleKa18, TaleKa24, TaleKa 26, Xw2.4, Xw2.12 S rty-'mn Ps570 S rty'M TaleKa17 (ed. rty 'M as two words) S rty-j)y Ps595, Ps619, SS154, SS155 S rty-cy-j)y 20230V1 S rtykb 01927.1 S rtyms 14638iR14, 20229Rll *, 20232V8 S rty-my TaleAS11 S rtynwkr L29+4a, TaleK14 S rty-sn AN39*, AN95, Ch/U6370V2, HC3 6.8R8fl< (rty#sn), KG361, L37.10, 07368 V4, TaleK5 (rtysn) s rty-snn 07447+4 S rtysnms 14638iR5 S rty-sw KG403f (rty#sw), L95+8*, PsAl.64 s rty-sy 124oov2, 17150B3 (rtysy), 18298 R8 (rtysy), AN42, Frg5.9 (rtysy), Frg5.12, KG3.4, KG3.11, KG3.51, L29+12f (rty#sy), L37.18, O10126A3, SLN42, TaleAS26fl< (rty#sy) S rty-wr HC36.7V7 S rtyZKn 20002+V36 S rt[ Ch/U6126V5, KG462, Ps127*(?), RSH 163* S 'rt[ Ps589 S 'rw'n s. rw'n M 'rw'ng'n s. rw'ng'n M "rwytky' n.f 'greed' M "rwytky' Gl/o3 S'rwrty'kh n.f 'lewdness, shamelessness'. Cf. M rwrt, rwrty'mync. (Less likely identical with S rw'rtyh 'delicacy', q.v.) S 'rwrty'kh Ch/U6506V2 M "rwxs n. 'greed, desire' M "rwxst pl. BBB566 S'rw[ O2655R6* S *"rxs v.itr. 'to take refuge (in), depend (on)', past stem "r'yt. BT XI, 196a. [S t"rxs'nt TaleKl7* (Yoshida 1994, 28) s. {3r'xs-] S "r'ytyt pp.pl. KG456 ('dependent') S "rxys n. 'caravan'. Turkish loanword. DTS, 45. S "rxys BezA109 S "rxysy obl. BezA58 S 'rxysy obl. BezC13 MS 'ry'm'n s. s'c5-' ry'm'n, yzd-' ry'm'n > S'ry> m > n-pwxr, 'ry m'nw-pwxr n.pr.m. IPNB Il/8, no. 683. S 'ry'm'n#pwxr BezA18f, BezB76f S 'ry'm'nw-pwxr BezB13

M 'ry'nwyjn, name of the land 'Aryana Vaejah' M 'ry'nwyjn KawG26 M 'r[ O6180aA3* S 'r[ 02495.3*, 02495.9* M 1"s n. '(act of) taking' M "s M549ii20 MS2 "s v.tr. 'to take', past stem M 'yt, S 'yt M "s 2.sg.impv. BBBc19 M "s pres.inf M142R5 M "smk'm 1.sg.fut. MLl.29, TaleD22* M "stww l.sg.impfmid. MLl.29 M "syt 3.sg.opt.mid. 06224.1 (doubtful, see s.v. 'jynd) M "syyskwn 3.sg.opt.dur. MLl.21 M 'yt6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. BBBb67 M 'yt6'rw l.sg.tr.plupf Ml30bR5 S "s'ntk'm 3.pl.fut. 20220iiV19 S "sky absol. BezC15 S "st 3.sg.impfmid. AN155, AN165, AN186, KB18(2), KG3.15, L61.8 S "st 3.sg.pres. 14030V6(?), AN119 S "st'nt 3.pl.impfmid. KB6(1)* S "sy fut.pt. BezC14 S 'yt#8rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.33f S 'yt8r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. KB6(4)* S's 02517.5 s. kwr-'s S "s'n-cwr n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 27. S "s'n-cwr O2586aV4 S 'sj3r'c'kw s. sf3r' cy S 'sf3sknt n. 'earthenware' S 'sj3sknt HC37.2.9* M 'sd hwrxsyd 'The sun has risen', MP title of a hymn. On 'sd see DMT Ill/1, 54a. M 'sd hwrxsyd RH882 MS'sk' a. 'high; loud', adv. 'above; aloud' M 'sk' M549ii22, SLNall17 S 'sk' AN147, KG561* (ed. 's(k)['tr], rather 's(k)['] with Lie11 1994, 32 n. 30), L44.10 (ed. 'sk'prn, read 'sk' pm as two words), Ps402, Ps403*, Ps412*, Ps576, PsAl.51, [PsAl.86 s. 'sk'f38'ys] S'sk'f3l>'ys n. 'high vision'(?) S 'sk'j)b'ys PsAl.86 (ed. 'sk' 'j38ys as two words) Si,sk'nt a. 'crippled' S 'sk'nt Ll0S+il* S 'sk'nty obl. KG523 .8 2'sk'nt s. *'sknS fsk'prn L44.10 s. 'sk',frn S 'sk'r s. sk'r MS 'sk'tr a. and (more often) adv. 'higher, more, any more', M 'sk'tr fy'tr 'furthermore, even more' M 'sk'tr BBB553, BBBb33*, M6330V8,

Sogdian M7800iiV3 S 'sk'tr 13943R6, 18058+Vl1*, 20138Vl (Ms 'sk'ty), BezB62, HC36.15R4 ('loud­ er'?), HC36.16+17R6*, HC37.1.12, KG 581, Ps412* (ed. 'sk(')tr(y), read 'sk'[t](r)), RSH34*,-RSH121, Talel33 S 'sk'ttr Ps576 S *'sk'try obl. 07313.1 (possible emendation for 'skytry, q.v.) MS'sk'tryk, M sk'tryk a. 'higher, more' M 'sk'tryq M617iV7 M sk'tryk M6132A7 S 'sk'tryk KG335 ('more (than necessary), superfluous') S 'sk'ty 20138Vl s. 'sk'tr S 'sk'w'k s. sk'wy S t'sk'wnt PsAl.74, misprint for 'skw'nt, s. 'skwS'sk'ywy[ Ps623*. Unknown word, perhaps a compound of 'sk' or 'sky. Certainly not a form of 'skw- as suggested in BT XXVII, 363a. S*'skn- v.tr. 'to engrave', past stem 'sk'nt S 'sk'nt'kw pp. SS111 MS 'skw-, skw-, S swk- v.itr. 'to stay, remain, dwell, exist, be', past stem MS 'skw't M 'skw' 2.sg.impv. Gl/f29, M880iV5 M 'skw'm 1.sg.pres. BBB647, BBB759*, BBBb26, BBBb33 M 'skw'nd 3.pl.pres. M915V12* M 'skw"t 3.sg.subj.(?) M8151.4 M 'skw't 3.sg.subj. M655cV8* M 'skw't 3.sg.subj. BBB582, BBBd7, L73+V9, M2403.6, M5266V8 M 'skw't past inf Ml30a+R5 M 'skw't w�nd 3.pl.inj.itr.pot. Ml10iiV7 (GMS §885: subj.) M 'skwM' 2.pl.inj. M1846B7 M 'skwnd 3.pl.inj. BBBf91 M 'skwnd 3.pl.pres. CF39, CF43, CF44, CF90, CF95, KawG29 (impf.?), M579R3, M674Rll*, M814iV4, M5912R5*, ML2.8, TaleE43, TaleE49 (inj.?), TaleE52 M 'skwndk 3.pl.pres.dur. S40iiR2* (thus Henning 1937, 120b; hardly skwndk with GMS §641), S40iiV6* (GMS §641) M 'skwndskn 3.pl.pres.dur. M14R10 M 'skwt 3 sg.subj.(?) BBBb50 (Henning 1937, 94; GMS §80) M 'skwty 3.sg.pres. O6163R7 M 'skwtyy 3.sg.pres. SS146 M 'skwtyy 3.sg.pres. M5030R4 M 'skwy 3.sg.opt. M504A3 M 'skwyyQ 3.sg.opt. M5030R7 M 'skwym I.pl.pres. M107iRil1, ML2.4*


M 'skw[ M548R1 M skwynd Jpl.opt. TaleB49 M skwyskwn 2.sg.pres.dur. M5592R3 S 'skw' 2.sg.impv. 11603+9 S 'skw'm 1.sg.pres. 14742V9, ANc2*, ANc3, Ch/U6886V4, Xwl.8 S 'skw'nt 3.pl.pres. 14150+iR9*, 14638iV2*, 18101+R14, 20229Rll, 20229V12, 20229 V19, AN129, BezC7, BezC19, BezC19, BezC27, HC36.7V9, HC36.9R2, KBfr9.11, KG472, KG499*, Ps408, PsAl.74 (mis­ printed 'sk'wnt), PsAl.78*, SS150, TaleF 7*, TaleKl S 'skw'ntw 3.pl.inj. 18196V3, S 'skw'ntw 3.pl.pres. KG503, Ps581 (impf.?), PsAl.82* S 'skw'skwnw 3.sg.impfdur. KB5(1)* S 'skw't 3.sg.subj. BezA84, KG484, KG529, [L91+11, read 'skwnt], TaleJ16, Xw/c2 S 'skw't past inf BezA63, TaleI52 S 'skw'tw 3.sg.subj. 18196Rl, 18196R10, 18196V15* S 'skw'y 2.sg.pres. Ps403, Ps586, Ps598 S 'skw'y 3.sg.opt. 10650(1)V7 S 'skw'yn'yt pres.pt.pl. KG607 S 'skw'yn'yty pres.pt.pl.obi. HC36.8R7, HC36.9V8* S 'skw'z 3.sg.az-impf 18434R8*, AN149, Ch/U7115.2 (Ms 'skws), KG353, KG398, KG558, KG615*, L29+11, L29+19, L29+ 24 S 'skw'z'nt 3.pl.az-impf AN142 S 'skwo' 2.pl.impv. KG329 S 'skw6' 2.pl.pres. 20508V5, GGZl.8, L44.10 (inj.?) S 'skw6'skwn 2.pl.pres.dur. KB15(1) S 'skwnt 3.pl.pres. L91+11 (thus SimsWilliams 1981, 233, ed. 'skw't) S 'skwntk-'skwnw 3.pl.pres.dur. BezB16* S 'skwntskwn 3.pl.impfdur. L29+12 S 'skwntw 3.pl.pres. BezA25 S 'skwnytw pres.pt.pl. BezB68 S 'skwty 3.sg.pres. 14000R23, 18700+R12, AN23, AN82*, Frg5.3*, KG372, KG420, KG512, Ps581, SSI 10* S 'skwy 2.sg.pres. Ps412, Ps412, Ps576 S 'skwy 3.sg.opt. KG466, L95+3*, 01318.3*(?), 07359+5(?), SS115* S 'skwyy 2.sg.pres. Ps585 S 'skwy6 2.pl.opt. KG339* (ed. ](••wy)b, restore [p'tk '](skw)y6?) S 'skwy6-k'm 2.pl.opt.fut. KG336* (ed. ['sk](w)yb, read ['s](kw)y6-(k)['m) S 'skwym I.pl.pres. 18154Rll, BezA55, KG 3.62, L44.15, Ps568, SS164


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S 'skwym'n I.pl.pres. BezC6 S 'skwymsk l.pl.pres.dur. 19554.3 S 'skwynytw pres.pt:pl. BezAl13, BezAl18 S 'skwyt' 2.sg.opt.mid.(?) 01967.3* S 'skw[ 18101+R16 S skw'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.6V10, HC36.8R7 S skwty 3.sg.pres. 14726V7*, AN22 S swk'nt 3.pl.pres.(?) L65.1*, L65.10 S 'skw'm'ntys. skw'mndy MS 'skw'mc, S skw'mc n. 'staying, existence; dwelling; (correct) behaviour'. BT XI, 196b. M 'skw'mc ARla7, M125V, M776R2 S 'skw'mc HC36.1V16*, HC36.4V2* S 'skw'mch KG487, L120.5 S skw'mch HC36.8Rl1* S 'skwn, 'skwnw durative particle. See under the preceding verbal form. M 'skwncyk a. 'present, contemporary'. Thus GMS §635 n. 2; Sundermann 1984, 311. Sundermann 2008, 415 with n. 81: 'indi­ genous'. M 'skwncykt pl. ML2.10* M 'skwncyqt pl. ML2.1l* S 'skws Ch/U7115.2. Mistake for 'skw'z, s. 'skwMS 'sky a. 'high', adv. 'above, up'. GMS §1216. M 'sky TaleE38* (here perhaps 'north', Henning 1945, 474 with n. 6) M 'skyy KawK8, M136V8, M5701+R14, M7800iiR13, [M7800iiV4 s. 'skys'r], TaleE33, TaleE36*, TaleE45 S 'sky 10026+R3, 10650(15)R2*, 18196V2, AN121, BezA87, KB12(6)* S "skys. "s MS 'skycyk, M skycyk a. 'superior, (dwelling) on high' M 'skycyq CF129 M skycyk M674V8 S 'skycykw BezA91 MS 'skys'r, M skys'r adv. 'upwards, above' M 'skys'r CF85 M 'skyy-s'r M7800iiR13, M7800iiV4 M skys'r M5592V3 M skyys'r SLNak21 S 'sky-s'r 14030V7, 18434R3* ('skys'r), 20229R2, 20229R14f ('sky#s'r), L37.2f ('sky#s'r), L37.5 S 'skytry 07313.1. Clumsily written, doubtful form; perhaps a mistake for *'sk'try, s. 'sk'tr. S 'sm'n, 'sm'nys. 1 sm'n S 'smwtryk s. smwt ryk

S "smys n.pr.f 'Asm:is'. IPNB II/8, no. 28. S "smys BezC26 MS 'sp- n.m. 'horse' M 'spy nom.sg. Ml15Ri10, Ml15Rii5*, M115Vi2 [M 'spyy M549ii19s. 'spy-ptxwng] S 'sp' abl.sg. 10129iV9 S 'spw acc.sg. L37.19 (as gen.) S 'spy nom.sg. 18248il1, TaleI22(?) S 'spy gen.sg. 13881+Rl(?), L37.15 MS 'sp'�, M 'sp'6 n. 'army' M 'sp'6 M500miR6*, M549ii26 M 'sp'by obl. BBB519 S 'sp'6 KB19(1) S 'sp'by obl. KB9(2), KB9(4)*, KB10(2) S 'sp'nc s. 'spnc S 'sp'nt or 'sp'nty a. 'holy, sacred'(?). Perhaps an epithet of 'earth', Yoshida 2008, 58-9. For the possible equivalent M 'spnd (M549ii14) see s.v. 1spnd'rmt. S 'sp'nty obl.(?) 14700(1l)B2 S 'sp'ry m'ks. sprymy MS 'sp's n. 'service' M 'sp's TaleB48 M 'sp'syy obl. TaleE44* M 'sp'syyh obi. TaleEhdl S 'sp's BezA26, BezA27, BezB16, BezB19, BezB19, KB12(1), L44.1* (ed. ](k)'s, read 's](p)'s), L118.2, Ll18.3*, 02314.3*, 07004+13*, 07004+30*, 07543.2* S 'sp'sy obl. List3.22 M 'sp'skr'nc n.f 'female servant' M 'sp'skr'nc MLl.30, MLl.31 MS 'sp'sy n.m. 'servant' M 'sp'syh BBBb92 S 'sp'sy 21002V4, 21002Vll, 21002V12* S 'sp'syt pl. 01829.3* [S t'sp's'yt TaleK21 (Yoshida 1994, 28) s. n'­ 'sp'xst] S 'sp'tz'n'wky adv. 'on bended knee' S 'sp'tz'#n'wky BezA35fl' s 'sp'xst s. n'-'sp'xst s 'sp'ynsts. 'spnc s 'sp'ys- s. spysM 'spnc, 'spync, S 'sp'nc, 'sp'ync n. 'rest-house, inn'. GMS §112. M 'spnctt pl. CF37 M 'spynct pl. CFvl37* _,S 'sp'nch 18248i9 S 'sp'ynst pl. PsAl.58* M 'spnd M549ii14 s. 1 spnd'rmt M 'spnd'k n. 'dunghill'(?). Asmussen 1965, 238 with n. 19. M 'spndt'k Ml16V5 M 'spnd'rmt s. 1 spnd'rmt

Sogdian M 'spnyny, spnyny a. 'made of iron' M 'spnyny M5991V4 M spnync f Gl/f27 (as n.f 'iron (instrument)'? Henning 1940, 35) S 'spnywr s. 'spzywr S 'sprymys. sprymy S 'sprymy-mync a. 'flowery, made of flowers' S 'sprymy-mynch TaleG26 M 'spstky's. 'nspstky' M 'spsty n.pr.m. GMS §1071 (with wrong etymology, cf. Gershevitch 1979, 292-3, on 'nspstky'). M 'spstyy Ml.71 (DMT III/1, 55a, 'spst, more likely 'spstyy with ed.) s 'sps- s. spysM 'spt-, MS 'spty, S 'spt'k, 'sptk a. 'complete' M 'sptww nom.sg.neut. M776V5 (GMS §1192) M 'spty BBB649 M 'sptyy BBB610, BBBf4 M 'sptyg BBBb49, TaleA43 S 'spt'k GGZl.53, GGZl.55, RSH42fl' ('spt#'k), TaleAS20 S 'spt'kw BezAl *, BezA3, BezB2, KBfr9.4*, KG383, KG438, KG439, Ps576 S 'sptkw GGZl.18 S 'spty 18196R13, BezA97, Ch/U6699R7 S 'sptyt pl. Ps387 M t'sptk M116V7 (GMS §982) s. 'spty'k M 'sptkrmy a. 'whose deeds have been accomplished' M 'sptkrmyt pl. M107iiVi3 S 'sptr- a. 'more complete, more perfect'(?). The one attested form, which corresponds to xwptrw in another copy of the text, is unclearly written. S 'sptrw(?) 14742V14 (Ms 'sptrw-rw(?)) MS 'spty s. 'sptMS 'spty'k, M 'spty'k n.f 'completeness, per­ fection' M 'spty'k Ml16V7* (GMS §982 'sptk, read 'spt[y]'k [Y.Y.]) M 'spty'q M591R4 M 'spty'k M504A2 S 'spty'kw BezA94 S 'spw�'nt'k n. 'horse's teeth'. This interpre­ tation presupposes an omission in the text ('there is one which has the teeth of a horse like those of men'). Differently ed. S 'spw6'nt'k 20229V7* S 'spwrk'ry tws'rmy 'w� 'f3y-pxtky 'perfec­ tion, love and lack of discord', MP phrase in a Sogd. context S 'spwrk'ry tws'rmy 'we> '�y-pxtky BezA103*


S 'spwrnk'r'y, 'spwrnk'ry a. 'bringing to com­ pletion, perfecting' S 'spwrnk'r'y Ps383 S 'spwrnk'rytpl. 14150+iR16* S 'spwrn-s. 'spwrnMS 'spwrny'ks. 'spwrny'k M 'spxst-s. spysM t'spyd[ M583iiR15* s. 1 spnd'rmt MS 'spyn a. 'criminal'. Henning 1937, 102. M 'spynd pl. KawE9* S 'spynt pl. Ps576 S 'spyn[ U6021.4* M 'spy-ptxwng n. 'killing of horses' M 'spyy-ptxwng M549ii19 S 'spypws. psyp s 'spys- s. spyss 'spz'nk n.m. 'person who looks after horses, groom' S 'spz'nk G1Aii8 S 'spzywr n., 'horse-ornament', perhaps used as n.pr. IPNB II/8, no. 171. S 'spzywr 15530Viii5 (thus IPNB II/8; Kat. -n-) S 'st'Bt'k s. stf3ty S 'st'k n. 'sapling, young shoot'(?). BT XI, 180a. Cf. also Khot. usta 'twig', Bailey 1979, 42b. S 'st'kt pl. KG503 M 'st'm s. stmb S t"st'nk Ps579, t"st'nkw SLN42s. ''stny S 'st'nt s. xS "st'r n. 'sin'. WMiran. word in Sogd. con­ text. DMT III/1, 55b. S "st'r 10650(14)+V3 S 'st'r'k, 'st'r'y s. st'ry M 'srts. xM 'st'ry s. st'ry M 'st'w v. itr. 'to be converted', past stem S "stw't. M 'sfwnyh lacks context, but is hardly a possible spelling of 'column' (S 'stwn). M 'sfwnygpres.pt.(?) M813iV4 S "stw't-o'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. KG588 (GMS §877 n. 2) S 'st'[ Ch/U6050V2* S 'st�t'k, M 'stBtys. stf3ty S 'st�tr-s. stf3trMS 'stk- n.m. 'bone' M 'stkyy nom.sg.(?) M141+Vll S 'stky nom.sg. 10260(1)A5, SLN42 M 'stk'njl n. 'skeleton'(?) M 'stk'njl BBBb37 S 'stm, 'stmp s. stmb M "stnky' n.f 'constancy, permanency' M "stnky' M264aR7*



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

MS »stn y, S"stn'k, M 'stny a. 'constant, permanent; original'. BT XVII, 109-10. On the 'three permanent (ones)' (M428aR3, BezA74) see Waldschmidt-Lentz 1926, 98 n. 11. M"stny O/U513b4* M "stnyy M264aR8 M "stnyy M591R8 M 'stnyy M428aR3 M 'stnyy[ O6233A3 S "stn'k O/U830.2, Ps579 (ed. "st'nk) S "stn'kw SLN42 (ed. "st'nkw) S "stny BezA74 S "s tnyk a. 'original'(?) S"stnyk KB20(1)* M 'strycs. 'stryc M 'stryts. st'ry S"stw'ts. 'st'w S •s twn n.f 'column' [S 'stwn 07496.1s. (3'm-'stwn] S 'stwny SS119 (not obl.) S •s twpl fk 20229R5, 'stwrp6'k, 'stwrp6y s. stwrpoy MS 'sty, 'sty-x'ts. x­ S •s t[ ANa6* S •sx•nt n. 'joke' S 'sx'nt TaleH25 M 'sxw'y n. '(act of) raising' M 'sxw'y ANe16 S 'sxw'y, 'sxwst-s. sxw'y M •s[ M870c2, M5001B1*, M1960iiR1 S •s[ 13507B2*, 14150+iR4, 14342Al, 18431 R6, 20229V2, KB13(2), L45.2 M "s, name of the ninth day of the month. Also in "s Mey, name of the eighth day of the month. M"s Fastl.4, Fast2.15*, Fast3.17, Fast3.22, Fast3.26, Fast3.30 S "s' m,kk HC36.6Rl1. Unclear formation from S "s'm 'to swallow' (Benveniste 1940, 175). s 'sj3'rs. sf'r S •sc>•k n.m. 'neck' S 's6'kw 16201.45* M •s:rr-•k rt y, S 'sj3'r'kty, s�'r'krty, s�'rkrt'k, sp'rkty a. 'put to shame, ashamed' M 'sfr-'krty BBBb54 S 'sj3'r'ktyt pl. Ps624* (ed. 'sj3'r'k(t)(y'] or 'sy'r'k(t)[y'], better 'Wr'k(t)[yt]) S sj3'r'krtchf KG618 S sj3'rkrt'k KG614 S sp'rktyt pl. 14410iR1 S 'sk'W n.f '(act of) gnashing' S 'sk'j3' HC36.8V5* S 'sk'r-, 'skr-, 'sk'rts. 2skr-

S 'skr•ywf n.pr.m. '(Judas) Iscariot'. IPNB II/8, no. 181. S 'skr'ywt' 18248i34 S 'skrcy TaleH14*s. 2 skrS •skrt n. 'conduct, what is to be conducted, schedule, service'(?) S 'skrt BezB42, BezB47 S 'skrtw BezB61 M 'skrtb'r'nd, 'skrtb'md,s. 2skrS 'sk rtpc>•nk a. 'turning away misfortune'(?) S 'skrtp6'nky obi. BezB11 S 'skwc's. skwy MS 'skwrbs. skwro S 'skwrby', 'skwrby'khs. skwroy' MS 'sm'r', S 'sm'r'khs. sm'r' S 'sm'ro'r6, MS 'sm'rts. sm 'r MS 'sm'xs. sm'x s 'sm'xprns. sm'x,frn s 'sn'kks. sn'k S "sn•s 'Asfoas', Turkish family name S "sn's KB6(1) S •sp•by, 'sp'o'y n.m. 'bowl'(?) S 'sp'6'y KG3.33* S 'sp'6y KG3.28, KG3.3l, KG3.32, KG3.36 S •sf, M 8 num. 'eight' M 8 [M143Vii5s. 8-zng'n], RH731 S 'st' G1Ci2 s 'st' 'st' 20229v13 s 'st'ys. 'nst'y s 'st'yks. styk MS 'stmyk a. 'eighth' M 'stmyk Fast2.16*, Fast2.17*, Fast2.18*, Fast2.19*, Fast2.20* M 8-myk ANe12, TaleD25 S 'stmyk KG3.27 S 'stmykw ANl08 MS 'styks. styk s » st[ 141s1+iVl8* M •st[ L74V7* S ·st[ 10030(2)B2* (restore 'st[yk 'third' or 'st[myk 'eighth') MS 'sy', s 'syhs. sy' S t'sy'r'kty' Ps624s. 'sj'r-'krty M "sync v.tr. 'to pour' M "syncyy 2.sg.pres.(?) M356.11 M m'sync 3.sg.impf M356.10 M 1,t prep. 'in'; M 't', S 't adv. (with following prep. kw) and prep. 'to', only in the addres­ _; ses of letters. GMS §1632; Sims-Williams 1997, 319-20. M 't M137iiV11, M137iiV14 M 't' M7391+1, M7440.1 S 't 10920+V25, 14730Vl, 20002+R3 (thus Yoshida 2008, 59, first word of the line; omitted in Kat.), 20102Vl, 21005Vl,

Sogdian ANc22, BezAl, BezA132, BezBl, BezB 76, Ch/U6143Vl, Ch/U6577bV2 (thus Yoshida 2008, 60, Kat. kt), Ch/U6854Vl, Ch/U6937bRl, L29+2, 01186+1, 01979.4, 07035.4, O/U851.1 S 'tkw 147J5bR1, Ll11Vl MS 2'ts. 'ty M 3 't,"ts. x� S "f n.pr.m. 'Adda'. IPNB Il/8, no. 31. S "t' KG347 M 't's. 1 't S 't'xws. 'ty, xw s 't�, 't�ys. 'ty, 1 S 't�ns. 'ty, -fn S 't6rmkw'ncs. smnwk'ny S 't6rmnw, 't6rmn[s. smnw S 'tkws. 1 't, 2kw S 'tm, 'tmys. 'ty, -m S 'tmss. 'ty, ms S 'tprs. 'ty, pr MS "tr n.f 'fire', also as name of the fifth son of the Primal Man. Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 69 on p. 146. M"tr ANe8, M583iR2, MLl.23 M"tr BBBb15, BBBb94, KawG38, M14R24, Ml15Ri8*, Ml 15Rii6, Ml15Vi9*, Ml15 Vii5, SLNak7 M"tr[ M834iR3 (GMS §76"tYY, read "t(r)[) S "tr 18435Vl (thus Sundermann 2001, 875, and Kat.; not read in ed.), 20150V7, 20217 bAl, AN183, HC36.8R6, HC36.16+17V8, HC37.2.2, HC37.2.3, HC37.2.10*, M2234 A2, Mainz180B1, RSH123, RSH156*, SLN42*, SS134* S"try obi. 18248i13, AN28, KBl1(2)*, KB 12(2) S "trn' y a. 'of fire' S"tm'y L33.6* M "t rys[ M6702.2 S 'tsy> kh n.f 'adultery'. Kessel-Sims-Will­ iams 2011, 299. S 'tsy'kh 18253B6 S 'tsy'kyh ob!. L95+3 s 'ts'ntys. cs'nt s 'tsns. 'ty, -sn s 'tsw, 'tsys. 'ty, -s M "tx•z, verb of unknown meaning. GMS §653. M"tx'z 2.sg.impv.(?) Ml17.8 S 'txws. 'ty, xw S 'txw'r'k a. 'Tokharian' S 'txw'r'k List7b5 M t"tYY M834iR3s. ''tr S "ty L65.10. Unclear word.


MS 'ty, 't, M -t-, S ZY, 'PZY c. 'and; that'; also encl. particle following the first word of a clause M 't [M765kR8 (GMS §135 n. 1), read 'tyy], SS148* M 't Gl/c27, M137iiR4, M169iR2, M280ii RlO M 'tcw M280iiV12 M 'tfn M915R7* M 'tfy KawC6*, MIKiii4981d9 (ed. -t-) M 'tfyh BBBb82, BBBb98 M 'tfyy BBBb57, MIKiii4981al M 'tmy M655cVlO M 'tmyy M127V9*, M127Vl3 M 'tmyy M137iiV1 (cited as 'tmy, GMS §135 n. 1) M 'tn' M5264V10 M 'tsn M635iiR1, M810R3 M 'tsy M14V13 M 'tsy M501mB3 M 'tsyy TaleE26 M 'tsyy Ml.18iR15 M 'tx' M280iiR8, M280iiR15 M 'txw M1771R4, SLN94 M 'ty ANel, ANe3, ANe4, ANelO, ANe17, AR1a7, AR1a13, BBBhdl44, BBB752, BBB754, BBBf4, BBBf8, BBBf9, BBBf 11, BBBf14, BBBf15, BBBfl7, BBBf30, BBBf32*, BBBf33, BBBf34, BBBf41, BBBf55, BBBf59, BBBf61, BBBt74, BBBf76, BBBf77, BBBf81, BBBf89, BBBf91, CF6, CF6, CF15, CF15, CF16, CF17, CF18, CF26, CF52, CF57, CFlO0, CF102, CF103, CF103, CF109, CFll0, CF113, CF115, CF115, CF116, CF118, CFl18, CF122, CF122, CF124, CF124, Fastl.17, Fastl.19, KawE9*, KawK14*, KawK20, KawV3*, KawV5, KawV17, L74 R6, L75.7, Ml.120 (see Henning 1940, 13 n. 1), M14R5, M14R6, M14R6, M14R8, M14R9, M127R4, M127R10, M127 R12, M127R13, M127V7*, M127Vl1, M127 V13, M130a+V3, Ml36V6, M143Rii2, M329cAiil*, M356.5, M483.7, M501gii Rl, M579R7, M583iR3, M583iR11, M583 iV2, M583iiR8, M583iiV4, M583iiV5, M655cR11, M664R16, M664R18*, M6765iR4, M6934+2, M834iR10, M2003 R3, M5051V6, M5051V9, M5690R6*, M5690V4, M5912R6, M5913R5, M6132 A2, M6132A5, M6132B3, M6132B4, M6457.3, MLI.6, MLI.8, MLl.9, ML 1.16*, MLl.18, MLl.19, MLl.19, MLI.21, MLl.22, MLI.23, MLI.25, [MLl.25, read 'tysy as one word], MLI.26, MLI.26, ML 2


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

1.27, MLl.27, MLl.28, MLl.29, MLl.30, MLl.31, ML2.3*, ML2.4*, ML2.9, ML 2.11, ML2.12, ML2.13, ML2.13, ML2.13, ML2.15, ML2.17, ML2.18, ML2.19, ML2.20, O/U513b6, O6163R4, S40iiR4, SLNak12, SLNak23, SLNak77, SLNak82, SLNak91, SLNak96*, SLNak98, SS146, SS148, SS149, SS149, TaleE6, TaleE7, TaleE9,TaleE17,TaleE43 M 'ty AR1a8, AR1a8, AR1a12, BBB535, BBB543, BBB588*, BBB625, BBB661, BBB705* (ed. 'H, restore 't[y), BBB713, BBB724*, BBB756*, BBB764, BBBb3, BBBb40, BBBb45, BBBb53, BBBb60, BBBb77, BBBb84, BBBc8, BBBc19, BBBc22, BBBc42, BBBd5, BBBelO, BBBe3, BBBe6, BBBe23, BBBe25, BBBf 7, BBBf29, BBBf63*, BBBf67, BBBf79, CF2,CF4,CF4,CF30,CF33,CF35,CF37, CF38, CF43, CF51, CF54, CF55, CF56, CF58, CF60, CF64, CF66, CF67, CF71, CF81, CF84, CF89, CF94, CF98, CF129, CFvl57, Fast4.13, Fast5.5, Fast5.7*, Kaw CS, KawClO, KawE8, KawElO*, KawG2, KawG6, KawG7, KawG20, KawG32, KawIR2* (ed. t'w(nty), rather t'w ('ty) [E. Morano]), KawIR7, KawIR7, KawV3, KawV21, KG2344, KG2346*, KG2353*, KG2354, KG2355, KG2357, KG2362*, KG2367, KG2374, KG2376, M14R7, M14V19, M110iiV4, M117.10, Ml18iiR8, M118iiV12, M129R6, Ml29R9, M129 Rl1, M129R12, M129Rl3, Ml29R14, M129V5, M129V10, M134iV6*, M134 iV7, Ml40+R3, Ml40+R7, Ml40+R9, Ml40+V9, M143Vii3, Ml72iR2, Ml72 iR5, M172iR9, Ml72iR15, Ml72iV5, M172iV6, M172iV7, M172iV13, M172 iV14, Ml72iV15, M296V2*, M3608B2, M373V3, M399Al*, M399A2, M399A3, M406.7*, M498biiR2, M498biiV3, M498c iR3, M498ciiR1*, M5001Al*, M548R5, M549i+R4* (misprinted -t-), M549ii5, M549ii6, M549ii8, M549ii23, M575iV3, M583iR10*, M583iV6, M583iV11, M583i V16, M591V4, M591Vll, M617iV5, M617iV7, M635iR2, M712A4, M712A5*, M712B2*,M760R2,M760Rl3, M760V12, M771V6, M794aiR2*, M794aiV2, M794b iiR2, M794biiR3, M794biiV3, M802V3, M813iR4, M813iR5*, [M896Viilf, read 'ty#sy as one word], M896Vii2, M915V2, M915V3, M915Vll, Ml134+R2, Ml134+ R6, M1372.2, Ml700+A3, Ml773.3, Ml780.4, M1828R8, M1857V3, M2005

R3, M3609.3, M4869A4*, M4869B2, M5030Vl0, M5030Vll*, M5093A3*, M5093B1, M5093B3, M5571V3*, M5588 R2, M5912R3, M7800iiR17, M7800iiV7, M7800iiV11, MIKiii497laV3, MIKiii 498lc6*, O11078A4*, O6153+R3, 06179 Al*,O6228A5, O6228B3,SLN50,SLN52, SLN52, SLN92, SLNak3, SLNak6, SLN ak9, SLNak15, [SLNakl8, read 'tysyy as one word], SLNak22, SLNak26, SLNak44, SLNak45, SLNak47, SLNak54, SLNak58, SLNak69, SLNak86, SLNal114, SLNal 116*, SLNal118, SLNa1119, SLNa1121*, SLNaml25, SLNam127, SLNaml28, SLNaml30, TaleA58, TaleA63, TaleB7, TaleB12, TaleB15, TaleB16, TaleB18*, TaleB22, TaleB26, TaleB30, TaleB33, TaleB43, TaleB48, TaleB50, TaleB57, TaleB57, TaleB61, TaleD3*, TaleD6, TaleD7*, TaleDl1, TaleD12, TaleD15*, TaleD18, TaleD27, TaleE13*, TaleE15, TaleE18, TaleE20, TaleE23, TaleE24, TaleE32,TaleE35*,TaleE52 M 'tyy BBB612, CF7, Fast2.6*, Fast2.7, Fast2.7, Fast2.8, Fast2.8*, Fast2.9, Fast2.9, L75.4, Ml27R9, M127R12, M127V3, M1696.4*, S40iV3, S40iiV3, S40iiV4, S40iiV5 M 'tYY BBB569, BBB696, BBBa9, BBBb47, BBBb89, BBBc13, CFvl35, CFvl36, CFvl 37, CFvl46*, Gl/y58, KawG2, KawGlO, KawG26, KawG29, KawG37*, KawK19*, KG2334, KG2335, Ml08Rl0, M130bV3, M373Vl, M399A3, M521bBii3, M548 V4*, M583iiV9, M674R10, M674V9, M765kR8 (Ms 'tyy, cited as 't, GMS § 135 n. 1, as 't[yy], Henning 1946, 722), M767 iiR3, M767iiR4, M767iiV3, M767iiV6, M1134+R8*, Mll35.3, M1909iiR2, M2073.2, M3222.3*, M6330R6, M6330 R9, M6330R10, M6330Rll, M6330R12, M6330V6, M7107.3, M7800iiR4, M7800 iiR5, M7800iiR9, M7800iiR10, M7800 iiR16, M7800iiR19, M7800iiV2, M7800 iiV8, M7800iiV13, O6191R7*, 06191 RlO*, O6191Vl*, O6191V3, O6191V9, SLNak28,TaleB19 M 'tyh Fastl.16, Fastl.17*, Fastl.19*, Fast 1.20, Fast3.2, Fast3.19*, Fast3.24, M264a _; V2,MLl.31,SS149* M 'M! BBB566, BBB577, BBB604, BBB 638, BBB664, BBB731, BBB734, BBB 736, BBB737, Bi3Bb73, BBBc15, BBBc 17, BBBc20, BBBc23, BBBe5, CF38, Fast5.9*, Gl/e9*, Gl/elO*, KawG38*,

Sogdian Ml18iV12, M118iiR9, M118iiR11, Ml18 iiR15, M129V6, M130a+R3, M130bR2, Ml40+R12 (ed. 't(y), read 'tyh), M144R5, M172iR18, M264aR9, M498ciR3*, M548 Vl, M548V2; M549ii3, M549ii19, M635 iR3, M7'.04Al, M760R3, M760R10, M915 RlO, M1770Rl*, M1962.1*, M2085.l*, M4868.J, M5030R12, M5030V6, M5030 VS, M5030V9*, M5266R6, SLN53, SLNak106, TaleB37, TaleB59, TaleD14, TaleD29* M 'tYYh CF127, M814iiR4, M880iiV1, M6330R13*,TaleE5 M 'tyyyh M769V8 M 'ty�y' TaleE35 M 'tyfn BBBf60 M 'tyfn TaleB12 M 'ty-mn M6934+2 M 'tymn M134iR2,M134iR7 M 'tyms Fast5.8*, M130a+R2, M794ciR1, M794ciiV2,M5030R10 M 'tymy TaleA25,TaleA28 M 'tymyy Ml30bV5, TaleAlO, TaleA20, TaleE27 M 'tynyy CF23 M 'tysn CF3, CF13, CF31, CF44, M583ii V12,MLl.23 M 'tysn AR1a12, CF46, CF50, KawG10, M129R5, M5021Vl, M549ii5, M794aiiR3, M5030V3 M 'tyysn CF47,.KawG19* M 'tysw BBBf52, BBBf56, BBBf58, BBBf 71 M 'tysw TaleD22* M 'tyswpr BBBf78 M 'tysy MLl.25 (ed. 'ty sy as two words) M 'tysy Ml29V15, M130a+Rl, M130a+V4, M617iV4,M896Vi6f ('ty#sy) M 'tysyy CF20,M5030R6* M 'tysyy CF54, M760R6*, M1134+V2*, O6228A2, O6228B5*, SLNak18 (ed. 'ty syy as two words) M 'tyx' M5690R2 M 'ty[ M6067.2 M cwtsn M280iiR14 S 'PZY 14638iV15, 01180, SS108*, SS119, TaleHl0,TaleK2 S 't 18140+iiR12, 18192B2, 05471+7, 07004+37, RSH69, RSH74*, RSHl19, RSH131*, RSH138*, RSH151*, RSH160, SSl 10,SS124*,Talel38 S 't'xw SS119 S 't� HC36.10V15 S 't�n 18248i49, 18248i6, L37.10 (thus Sims-Williams 1981,237 n. 6,ed. rt�n)


S 't�y Ps620,TaleH13 S 'tm HC36.7R5,HC36.7R14 S 'tms 181lOV4,GGZl.20 S 'tmy 10085+V4,HC36.1OR1*,TaleH17 S 'tpr RSH135* S 'tsn 18248i38,SS114 S 't#sw ListI+viii5f S 'tsy TaleH9,TaleH26 S 'txw 10263(l)+V2, 18102+V18*, 18248 i39, RSH126, RSH136, RSH150*, SLN 94*,SS110,SS132,SS133 S 'ty (always at the end of a line) 10085+R6, 10700a+R7,Ps444 S cwZY l4638iR5 S cwZYsn 14638iRI,14638iR3* S ZY 10026+Rl, 10026+R3, 10026+R4, 10026+R5, 10026+R6, 10026+R7, 10026+ Rl2, 110030(2)A2, 10030(2)B3, 10030(2) B4, 10030(2)B5, 10081B2*, 10100a2, 10100b+V3, 10100k+R13, 10100k+Rl3, 10100k+R20, 10129iiR12, 10200(5)RIO, 10200(5)V7, 1020l(l)+R4, 10203.2, 10203.3, 10238(4)Rl, 10238(4)R4, 10239(l)+iR6, 10239(l)+iiRI, 10261(1) V2, 10263(l)+Rl, 10263(l)+R3, 10263(l)+R4,10263(1)+R6,10263(l)+R7, 10263(1)+R9, 10263(1)+R9,10263(1)+R9, '10263(1)+Vl, 10263(1)+V3, 10263(1)+ V4*, 10263(1)+V5, 10263(l)+V6, 10263(1)+V7, 10263(1)+V9*, 10263(1)+ Vll*, 10650(1)R7, 10650(1)V6, 10650(7) Al,10650(8)Rl,10650(10)R7*,10650(10) RI 1, 10650(15)Rl, 10650(15)R2*, 10650(15)R6, 10650(15)R7*, 10920+V4, 10920+Vl3, 10920+V22, 11010V4, 11603+3*, 11603+8, 11603+13, 13031V2, 13101V2, 13425(2)+A4*, 13426(l)B2, 13428R3, 13452R2, 13503A2, 13507Bl, 13508A2, 13508A3, 13510A3, 13510B2, 13700aA5, 13700aA9, 13700aB2, 13700a BS, 13700aB7, 13880B4*, 13942A5, 13942A6, 13942A7, 13943R5, 14000Rl, 14000R2, 14000R3, 14000R4, 14000R5, 14000R6, 14000R7, 14000R8, 14000R9, 14000Rll, 14000R16, 14000R21, 14000 R21, 14000R22, 14000R28, 14000R29, 14000R29, 14000R30, 14000R32, 14000 R32, 14000R33, 14000R33, 14000R34, 14000R35, 14000R36*, 14000R38, 14000 R39, 14030R4, 14030R6*, 14030V7, 14030(1)R5, 14150+iR4, 14150+iRI1*, 14150+iR12*, 14150+iR16*, 14151+iV7, 14151+iV8, 14151+iV14, 14153+iV5, 14153+iV6, 14153+iV9, 14153+iV12, 14153+iV14, 14153+iV15*, 14255R4,



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian 14255V4, 14256Vl, 14256V3, [14410iR1 s. z'y], 14638iR8, 14638iR16, 14638iV1, 14638iV14, 14638iV20, 14638iV20, 14638iiRhdl, 14638iiV1*, 14700(1l)A6, 14700(11)A9, 14715aV12, 14742V3, 14742V4, 14742V6, 14742V10, 14742 V12, 14742Vl4, 14742V19, 14742V21, 14742V21, 14742V22, 14742V25, 15502 VlO, 15502Vl1, 15502V12, 15800R8*, 15800V7, 17150A3, 17151R5, 17151V5, 17151VS*, 18055V2, 18058+R19, 18058+ R22, 18058+V7, 18058+V8, 18058+V10*, 18058+V13*, 18058+Vl6, 18058+V18, 18058+V19, 18058+V21, 18058+V22, 18070B4*, 18101+Rl, 18101+R3, 18101+ R13, 18101+R14, 18101+R14, 18102+R3, 18102+V2, 18102+V14, 18110R4, 18110 VS, 18110V5, 18110V6, 18114Bl, 18120R6,18124hdl,18128B8*,18131iiR7, 18131iiV6, 18140+iiR8, 18140+iiV4, 18140+iiV5, 18140+iiV7, 18140+iiV9, 18157B6, 18157B6, 18157B7, 18162R4, 18165R4a, 18165V8, 18192A2, 18192B2, 18192B2, 18196R3, 18196R9, 18196Rl1, 18210Al, 18210Bl, 18248i4, 18248i4, 18248i8, 18248i16, 18248i12, 18248i14, 18248i14, 18248il7, 18248i20, 18248i22, 18248i23, 18248i27, 18248i29, 18248i32, 18248i33, 18248i36, 18248i40, 18248i40, 18248i41, 18248i44, 18248i50, 18253A3, 18253B6, 18298Rl, 18431R5, 18431R6*, 18431Vl, 18433Aii7*, 18434R10, 18434 V2, 18434V6, 18434V9*, 18435R5, 18435 R7, 18435Rl1*, 18435Vl *, 18435V3, 18435V6, 18436A3, 18700+Rl*, 18700+ R4, 18700+R4*, 18700+R7, 18700+R9, 18700+Vl, 18700+V7, 18700+V9, 18700+ V9, 18700+V10, 18700+V13, 19552B3, 20002+V21, 20103B2, 20129V4, 20130 Vl, 20146+V2, 20146+V5, 20150V8, 20217bA1, 20220iV1, 20220iV23, 20220 iiR2, 20220iiR2, 20220iiR5, 20220iiR8, 20220iiR24*, 20220iiV16, 20220iiV24, 20220iiV24,20229R5,20229R6,20229R6, 20229R8, 20229R10, 20229R14*, 20229 R18, 20229R20, 20229R21, 20229Vl*, 20229V3, 20229V4, 20229V4, 20229V8, 20229V9, 20229Vll, 20229V12, 20229 V14, 20229V18, 20229V19, 20229V21, 20230V9, 20230Vll, 20240Rl, 20240R3, 20504+Vl, 20506+V7, 20508V3, 20508 V3, 20511V4, 21001V5, AN4, ANS*, [AN 7, read r](t)y, s. 'rty], ANS, AN9*, AN9*, ANlO, AN11*, AN12*, AN12, AN14, AN14*, ANl7, AN22, AN22, AN23*,

AN23,AN24, AN24, AN29,AN29,AN31, AN31,AN32, AN32, AN33,AN37,AN38, AN38, AN40*, AN42, AN43, AN43, AN 43, AN44, AN44, AN44, AN47*, AN48, AN49,AN50, AN50, AN51,AN52,AN53, AN54,AN57, AN58, AN60,AN63,AN63, AN65,AN66, AN67, AN69,AN70,AN71, AN73, AN76, AN78*, AN79, AN80, AN81,AN82, AN83,AN84,AN85,AN86, AN86*, AN87, AN91, AN91, AN91, AN 97,AN98,AN99,ANIO0,ANlOl,AN103, AN104, AN105, AN108, AN108, AN109, AN109, AN110, ANl 11, AN112, AN113, AN113, AN115, AN115, AN116, AN116, AN116, AN117, AN119, AN120, AN124, AN125, AN125, AN126, AN126, AN129, AN130,AN132, AN133*,AN136, AN137, AN139, AN142, AN147, AN149, AN149, AN150, AN151, AN151 *, AN155, AN 155*, AN157, AN157, AN162, AN164, AN165, AN165, AN166, AN167, AN168, AN169, AN170, AN174, AN176, AN180, AN184*, AN186,AN186,AN187, AN188, AN189, AN191, AN192, AN193, AN194, AN199, AN199, AN200, AN201, ANa4, ANa6, ANc2, ANc23, ANc24*, BezA5*, BezA8, BezA9, BezA14, BezAl7*, BezA 24*, BezA29*, BezA36*, BezA41, BezA 41, BezA44, BezA44, BezA49, BezA50, BezA53, BezA55, BezA61, BezA62, BezA 72, BezA72*, BezA76, BezA76*, BezA78, BezA78,BezA78, BezA79, BezA79, BezA 80, BezA81, BezA83, BezA86, BezA88, BezA90, BezA92*, BezA93*, BezA107, BezA108, BezA117, BezB3, BezB5, BezB9, BezB9,BezB12, BezB14, BezB15, BezB18, BezB24, BezB25, BezB26, BezB 29, BezB30, BezB30, BezB31, Ch/U6046 Vl *, Ch/U6046V2, Ch/U6050V2, Ch/U 6104Vl1, Ch/U6126V2, Ch/U6126V9, Ch/U6126V10, Ch/U6126Vll, Ch/U6370 V2, Ch/U6419V2, Ch/U6419V10, Ch/U 6506V4, Ch/U6506V5, Ch/U6506V5, Ch/U6523V2, Ch/U6536a+V7, Ch/U 6536a+V15, Ch/U6704V8, Ch/U6704V15, Ch/U6759V2, Ch/U6886V2, Ch/U6886V5, Ch/U6886V7, Ch/U6937bV4, Ch/U7058 V9, Ch/U7201V6*,Frg5.5,Frg5.6,Frg5.6, _;Frg5.7, Frg5.8, Frg6.3, Frg6.8, Frg6.9, Frg32iRl, Frg32iiR5, GGZl.6, GGZl.6, GGZl.8, GGZl.8, GGZl.9, GGZl.10, GGZl.11, GGZl.11, GGZl.13, GGZl.14, GGZl.16, GGZl.17, GGZl.18, GGZl.18, GGZl.23, GGZl.24, GGZl.53, GGZl.55, GGZl.56, HC36.1Vl, HC36.1V2*, HC

Sogdian 36.lVll, HC36.1V15, HC36.2R2, HC36.6 Rl*, HC36.6R8, HC36.6R10, HC36.7R6, HC36.7Rl 1, HC36.7R13, HC36.7R14, HC 36.7R15, HC36.8R6, HC36.8R6, HC36.8 R7, HC36.8R13, HC36.8V5, HC36.8V5, HC36.8V7, HC36.8V8, HC36.8V9, HC 36.8V10, HC36.8Vl1, HC36.8V13, HC 36.8V14, HC36.9R3, HC36.9R6, HC36.9 RS, HC36.9R10, HC36.9R14, HC36.9V2, HC36.9V4*, HC36.10R3, HC36.10R5, HC 36.10R6, HC36.10R6, HC36.10R7, HC 36.lORll, HC36.10R13*, HC36.10V2*, HC36.10V7, HC36.12A4*, HC36.13B1, HC36.14A3, HC36.14B2, HC36.15Rl, HC36.15V6, HC36.15V7, HC36.16+17 R3*, HC36.16+17R6, HC36.16+17R9*, HC36.18Bl, HC36.19R5*, HC36.19V8*, HC37.2.10, HC37.2.11, HC37.2.12*, HC 37.2.13, HC37.2.15, HC37.2.4, KB 3(5)*(?), KB4(1), KB4(1), KB4(1), KB 4(1), KB5(1), KBS(l), KB6(1), KB6(4), KB7(1), KB8(1), KB8(1)*, KB8(2), KB 8(4), KB8(4), KB9(1)*, KB9(1), KB9(1), KB9(1), KBll(l), KB12(1), KB12(1), KB12(4), KB12(6), KB13(1), KB13(2)*, KB13(4), KB14(2), KB14(2), KB14(4)*, KB14(6), KB14(6), KB15(1), KB15(1), KB15(2)*, KB15(2), KB15(6)*, KB16(1), KB16(1), KB16(2), KB16(6), KB17(1), KB18(1), KB18(2), KB18(7), KB19(1), KB19(1), KB19(7), KB20(1), KB20(1), KB20(2), KB21(1), KB21(1), KB21(1), KB21(2), KB22(1), KB22(7), KB23(1), KBfr8.2, KBfr8.5, KBfr8.6*, KBfr9.5, KB fr9.6, KBfr9.8,KBfr9.8, KBfr9.9, KG329, KG330, KG330, KG333, KG338, KG339, KG347,KG348*,KG349,KG350,KG351, KG354, KG356, KG360, KG360, KG369, KG371,KG371,KG372*, KG373, KG374, KG378, KG380*, KG382, KG385*, KG389, KG394, KG399, KG399, KG401, KG402, KG402, KG407, KG410, KG411, KG413, KG414, KG415, KG419, KG420, KG421, KG422, KG425, KG427, KG428, KG429, KG430, KG432, KG435, KG435, KG436, KG438, KG439, KG440, KG447, KG449, KG457, KG461, KG465, KG468, KG469,KG470,KG472,KG475, KG476*, KG483, KG484, KG486, KG486, KG487, KG488, KG490, KG495, KG496, KG502, KG503, KG505, KG506, KG508, KG509, KG511, KG514, KG519, KG522, KG522, KG523, KG524, KG525, KG526, KG528, KG529, KG531, KG532, KG540, KG541, KG544,KG546, KG548,KG551, KG551*,

31 KG558, KG559, KG560, KG563, KG564, KG565, KG566, KG568, KG569, KG572, KG582, KG583, KG585, KG587, KG591, KG594, KG597, KG603, KG604, KG609, KG610, KG61l, KG615, KG6lp, KG622, KG622*,KG626,KG628,KG631,KG632, KG634, KG638, KG639, KG2.1*, KG2.3, KG2.6,KG2.6, KG2.7,KG2.8,KG2.9,KG 2.10*, KG3.6*, KG3.25, KG3.43, KG 3.48*, KG3.57,KG3.60, KG3.61, KG3.62, KG3.63, KG3.63, KG3.66, KG3.72, KG 3.78,L27.3,L27.5,L27.7,L29+4a,L29+5, L29+7, L29+15, L29+19, L29+20, L29+ 24, L32.12, L37.4, L37.6, L37.7, L37.8, L37.9, L37.12, L37.12, L37.14, L37.15, L37.19, L44.1, L44.2, L44.3, L44.16, L45.3, L61.7, L61.8, L61.10, L6l.ll, L61.l3, L65.5, L83d2, L91+5, L91+ 7, L91+10, L95+2, L95+2, L95+3, L95+4, L95+5, L95+7, L95+8, Ll18.2, L120.3* (ed. ]y, read Z]Y with Sims-Williams 1981, 237), L120.7, Listl+ii8, Listl+ivl, Listl+ vil, Listl+vii4, Listl+viii8, M2234A2, 01189.3, Mainz390R2, O1146.l*, 01927.4, 01927.5, 01927.8, 01927.9, O2075Rl1*, O2075V5, O2075V8, 02075 VlO, O2655R3, O2655R5, 07004+7, 07004+9, 07004+10, 07004+13, 07004+ 15, 07004+16, 07004+18, 07004+23, 07004+36, 07004+37, 07004+41, 07004+42, 07004+45, 07004+51*, 07004+52, 07004+53, 07004+53, 07004+54, O7210V4*, 07252+3, 07359+4, 07359+5, 07359+ 7, 07359+8, 07359+14, 07462.2, 07462.3, 09122+2, 010031.2, O11088Al, O/U829.2*, O/U 829c, Ps51, Ps51, Ps59, Psl23, Ps126, Ps126*(?), Ps130, Ps136, Ps137, Ps140, Ps359(1), Ps359(1), Ps359(1), Ps359(1), Ps359(2), Ps359(2), Ps359(2), Ps359(2), Ps359(2), Ps373, Ps380, Ps382, Ps384, Ps384,Ps384,Ps384,Ps384,Ps385,Ps385, Ps387,Ps387,Ps388,Ps388,Ps389,Ps390, Ps394,Ps395,Ps396,Ps397,Ps398,Ps398, [Ps398* s. "ykwncyk], Ps399, Ps399, Ps 400, Ps400, Ps400, Ps401, Ps402, Ps402*, Ps402,Ps403,Ps403,Ps403,Ps403,Ps403, Ps405, Ps405, Ps406*, Ps409, Ps410, Ps 412, Ps412, Ps412, Ps414, Ps414, Ps415, Ps417*, Ps418, Ps438*, Ps439, Ps440, Ps 441, Ps442, Ps443, Ps443, Ps444*, Ps444, Ps565,Ps566,Ps566,Ps566,Ps569,Ps570, Ps572,Ps575,Ps576,Ps576,Ps576,Ps576, Ps576,Ps576,Ps576,Ps576,Ps577,Ps578, Ps580, Ps581*, Ps581, Ps581, Ps581, Ps


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian 581, Ps581, Ps581, Ps581, Ps582, Ps583, Ps583,Ps583,Ps584,Ps584,Ps585,Ps586, Ps586, Ps587, Ps588*, Ps588, Ps588, Ps 589, Ps589, Ps590, Ps590, Ps590, Ps590*, Ps592,Ps593, [Ps593,ZY ryt given as legi­ ble in ed., but wholly restored], Ps593, Ps593, Ps593*, Ps597, Ps597, Ps598*, Ps598,Ps598,Ps598,Ps598,Ps599,Ps601, Ps601, Ps601, Ps601,Ps601,Ps603,Ps603, Ps604,Ps604,Ps619,Ps619,Ps619,Ps620, Ps621, Ps622*, Ps623, Ps623, Ps623, Ps 624, Ps624, Ps624, Ps624*, Ps624, Ps624, Ps627, Ps628*, Ps650, Ps651, Ps651, Ps652, Ps658, Ps658, Ps660*, Ps660, PsAl.43, PsAl.51*, PsAl.55, PsAl.64*, PsAl .66, PsAl.67, PsAl.69, PsAl.69, PsAl.69, PsAl.70, PsAl.70, PsAl.72, PsAl.77, PsAl.77, PsAl.77, PsAl.78, PsAl.78, PsAl.79, PsAl.82, PsAl.83, PsAl.85*, PsAl.86, PsAl.86, PsAl.86*, PsAl.86, PsA2.2, RSH7, RSH19, RSH29, RSH31, RSH39, RSH51, RSH52*, RSH53, RSH54, RSH56, RSH60, RSH61*(?), RSH69, RSH72, RSH74, RSH81, RSH82, RSH84*, [RSH84*, end of line, read Z(K), s. xw), RSH90, RSH92, RSH99*, RSH99, RSHlO0*, RSH101, RSH103, RSH106, RSH109, RSHl16, RSH120, RSH123, RSH124, RSH152, RSH155, RSH156, RSH164, RSH167*, RSH167, RSH168, RSHl72, SLN41*, SLN41, SLN41, SLN 41, SLN42, SLN42, SLN42*, SLN42*, SLN42*, SLN94*, SS108, SS108, SS109, SSll0*, SSll0, SSll0, SSll0, SS l ll, SS 111,SS112,SS114,SS114, SS114, SS115, SS115, SS115, SS116, SS117, SS118, SS 118,SS119,SS119,SS119,SS119,SS121, SS122, SS123, SS125, SS126, SS128, SS 129, SS129,SS129,SS131,SS131, SS135, SS135, SS136*, SS136, SS150, SS150, SS 150,SS151,SS151,SS151,SS152, SS153, SS153, SS155, SS157, SS157, SS157, SS161, SS162, SS162, SS162, SS162, SS162, SS163, SS163, SS163, SS164, SS164, TaleAS29, TaleAS31, TaleAS33, TaleAS34, TaleF4, TaleFlO, TaleF l 1, TaleF12, TaleF12, TaleF13, TaleF14, TaleFl7,TaleF20,TaleF23,TaleG8, TaleG 11, TaleG15, TaleG20, TaleG21, TaleG23, TaleG26, TaleHl, TaleH4, TaleH7, TaleH 7, TaleH8, TaleH12, TaleH21, TaleH22, TaleH25, TaleH26 (thus Yoshida 2002, 193a,not read in ed.), Talell, TaleI4, Talel 6, Talelll*, Talell4, Talell7, Talell7, Talell 8, Talel23, TaleI24, Talel26,


Talel33, Talel36, Talel38, Talel46, Talel 48, Talel49, Talel49, TaleI50, Talel51, Talel51, Talel53, Talel53, Talel56, TaleI57, Talel58, Talel59, TaleJ3, TaleJ7, TaleJ7, TaleJ14, TaleJ19, TaleKl, TaleK4, TaleK4, TaleK5, TaleKS, TaleK6, TaleK7, TaleK8, TaleK9, TaleK9, TaleK9, TaleK 10, TaleKlO, TaleKlO, TaleKlO, TaleKll, TaleKl1, TaleKl1, TaleK12, TaleK12, TaleK13, TaleK13, TaleK14*, TaleK15, TaleK15*, TaleK17, TaleK17*, TaleK18, TaleK19, TaleK19, TaleK20, TaleK20, TaleK21, TaleK22, TaleK23, TaleKa1, TaleKal, TaleKa2, TaleKa4, TaleKa6, TaleKa7, TaleKa7, TaleKa8, TaleKa9, TaleKal2,TaleKa16,TaleKa16,TaleKal8, TaleKa19,TaleKa19,TaleKa22,TaleKa23, TaleKa24,TaleKa25,TaleKa26,TaleKa26, TaleKa27, TaleKa27, TaleKa27, Xwl.7, Xwl.12, Xwl.13, Xwl.15, Xw2.6, Xw/c5, Xw/c7,Xw/c8,Xw/cl0 S ZY-'mn GGZl.15, Ps385, Ps386, Ps387, SS163,TaleF19 S ZY-'mnw BezA15, BezA15f!< (ZY#'mnw), BezA38 S ZY-'my Xw2.l,Xw2.10* S ZY-Bc GGZl.12 S ZY-By 13101V14, 14742V8, Ch/U6886 V3,L44.10 S ZY-Bn 18101+R3,20229V16,KG331 S ZY-By 11603+11 (ZYBy), GGZl.19, HC 36.10Vl3, Ps384, Ps397* (ed. [s'J(t) BY, read [ky ZJ(Y)-By), Ps565, Ps595, Ps596, SS153,SS154 S ZY-By-pr Ps597* S ZYms 20230V9* S ZY-my 15501V2, 18058+R19*, Frg6.4, GGZl.9, GGZl.9, GGZl.22, GGZl.43*, GGZl.44, GGZl.45, GGZl.47, GGZl.52, GGZl.52,GGZl.54,GGZl.54,HC36.7V2, HC36.19Vl*, KG362, KG442, KG545, KG567, O1723R6*, O2075R8, 07014.3, RSH55, TaleAS8f* (ZY#my) S ZY-sn 14000Rl6, 14700(11)B3, 18058+ V7*, 18430Ai8, 18433Aii7, 20229R12, 20229V14, AN67, AN90, AN141, GGZ 1.11, HC37.1.7, HC37.1.12, KG462, KG484, KG501, KG570, KG571, Ps406, _1TaleG21 S ZY-sw 18058+R9*, 20203R2, 20220iiR6, AN25, AN54, AN56, AN106, AN160, AN 184, KG537, KG573, L37.16, Listl+vi8f (ZY#sw),PsAl.61 (ZYsw),TaleKa26 S ZY-sy 18434VIO* (ZYsy), 18700+V5, 18700+Vll, 20229R4, 20229V10, 20507a

Sogdian VS, AN13* (ZYsy), AN158, AN189, AN 190*, AN191, Frg6.5, KG363, KG365, KG367, KG440, KG459, KG578,. KG3.45*, L95+5, Mainz180B2, Mainz390 R5, 07004+32, TaleK16* (not read in ed.; Yoshida 1994, 27, (ZKwy); read ZY-(sy) with Kat.,77) S ZY-wo GGZl.53 S ZY-wr HC36.8R7,HC36.8Rll,HC37.2.6 S 'ty[ 14151+iR4 S 't[ 02483.1* M 'w s. frywn 'w frystg, 'fwr'm 'w m'ny xwd'y, m'd 'w mn hwfry'd' M 'ww, ww, S 1 ZKw, 'w article 'the'. Prima­ rily acc.sg.m., but also used for acc.sg.f (e.g. KawV4, SS149,10263(l)+Rl,18248i 28,18248i36), ace.pl. (e.g. BBBe21,CF84, CF104, KawV15, M5563A6, TaleA53, TaleE51, Ps576), and occasionally other­ wise (e.g. M549ii9, M7800iiV12, AN29, AN83, AN93). GMS §1423-9; Wendtland 2011, §II.3. M 'ww BBBb58, BBBf88, CF75, CF84, CF104, CF106, CF126, KawV3, KawV4, KawV15, KawV21, M794biiR2, M6132 A6,M6132B6,TaleE51 M ww BBBb68, BBBe19, BBBe21, BBB e22, BBBf87, KG2357, M549ii9, M5563 A6, M5912Vl, M7800iiV12, SS149, TaleA53 S 'w 18248i23,18248i36 S ZKw 10026+R5, 10030(2)B3, 10077A2, 10100k+R19, 10238(4)Rl, 10263(l)+Rl, 10263(l)+R4, 10263(l)+V8, 10263(1)+ VlO, 13101V2, 13943V3, 14638iiV20, 14700(1l)A7, 14700(1l)B3, 14700(1l)B4, 18055R2, 18058+R18, 18123A2*, 18162 VS, 18162V6, 18192A2, 18200V4, 18248i 18, 18248i21, 18248i22, 18248i28, 18248i 32*, 18248i50, 18431V3, 18434R10, 18434V6*, 18434V9, 18435V6, 20002+ VS, 20220iiR7, 20220iiV1, 20220iiV18, 20232V8, AN3, AN18, AN29, AN43, AN 43*, AN52*, AN69, AN83, AN93, AN93, AN93, AN94, AN96, AN115, AN118, ANl18*, AN125, AN130, AN132, AN133, AN148, AN155, AN163, AN166, [AN170 s. 'wt,], AN180, AN197, [ANc22* s. kw], Ch/U6225V6*, Ch/U6506Vl*, Ch/U6523 V2, Ch/U6523V3, Frg32iR3, GGZl.6, GGZl.9, GGZl.14, GGZl.17, GGZl.18, GGZl.44, GGZl.45, GGZl.46*, GGZl.54, GGZI.55, GGZl.56, GGZl.57*, HC36.1 VlO*, HC36.lV13*, HC36.2V2*, HC36.5 V2*, HC36.6R5*, HC36.7V13, HC36.9


R14, HC36.9V12, HC36.10V10, HC36. I 0 Vl4*, HC36.12B1*, HC36.16+17R8*, HC37.1.6, HC37.1.16, HC37.2.12, HC 37.2.13*, HC37.2.13, KBlO(l)*, KG357, KG387, KG388, KG399, KG417, KG424, KG427, KG437, KG440, KG459, KG478, KG486, KG487, KG532, KG550, KG552, KG566, KG566, KG601, KG3.27, L37.2, L37.9, L37.13, L61.4, L95+3, L95+5, 01927.3, O7368V2, Ps381, Ps384, Ps384, Ps384,Ps384,Ps385,Ps385,Ps389,Ps389, Ps390, Ps420, Ps565, Ps576, Ps576, Ps 576*, Ps576, Ps581, Ps583, Ps597, Ps621, Ps623, Ps624, Ps624, PsAl.67, PsAl.75*, PsAl.94, RSH37, RSH57, [RSH59, restore Z(K)[wy], s. wy], RSH81*, RSH82*, RSH 113*, RSHl16, RSH121, RSH124*, RSH 140, RSH142, RSH154, RSHl74*, RSH 176, SS115, SS127*, SS128, SS131, SS 131, SS131, SS134, SS153, SS157, TaleG 17*, TaleG21, [TaleH30, read ZKwh, s. 1 w'], Talel6, TaleKl, TaleK4, TaleKal, TaleKa3, TaleKa4, TaleKa8, TaleKa9, TaleKa12*, TaleKa19, TaleKa25, TaleKa 26,TaleKa27,Xw/c7 M 'wq, S 2ZKw interjection 'O' preceding a _vocative M 'wb- BBBb55, BBBb64, BBBb79, BBBb 96,M5093B2 S ZKw ANl70 (Yoshida 1988, 149; Sunder­ mann 2002b,316 n. 51) S 'w ym' cnt(?),WMiran. title of a hymn. The reading of the last word is uncertain: Morano 1982,40,(--)t; Kat. (cn)t. S 'w ym' cnt 18120R9* S t"w" AN61 s. "w'n M »w'k, S 'w'k n. 'melody, mode'. Sunder­ mann 1993,163-4. M "w'k M339V7 S 'w'ky obi. 20188Rhdl (hardly nw'ky) S "w,n n. 'river'. Sims-Williams 1983, 46. In AN61 some words seem to have been omit­ ted: 'the river(s) is the deep wisdom ...'. S "w'n AN61 (ed. "w") S "w'nt AN14* (ed. 'n(y)[t "pt,rather "(w)['nt, cf. Yoshida 1988,148) S t'w'nkw 14638iR1. Kat. ('w'n)kw, but read rather 'wn'kw with ed.,s. 'wnw S "w'xs, "wxs adv. 'altogether, in total'. Loan­ word from Pa 'w'hs (DMT IIl/1,65a)? S "w'xs AN161 S "wxsh PsA2.2 S 'wf r r n. 'nest'. Sims-Williams 1981,237. S 'wWr L29+11,L29+14, Lll1R3*


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

MS 'wf3ty s, *,wfs M 'wc'w a. 'just, righteous'(?). Context un­ clear, but possibly the adjective underlying the abstract noun 'wc'wt. M 'wc'w M776V6 MS 'wc'wt n. 'justice, righteousness'(?). In M1828, identified by Sundermann (2001, 816 with n. 18) as a translation of John 16.8, this word seems most likely to corres­ pond to Greek c>tKmoovvri, Syriac zdyqwt'. M 'wc'wt M1828R7* (ed. 'yc'wt, with 'w- as possible alternative) S 'wc"wt 10100mV4* (Kat. '(f3c'npt), more likely '(wc"wt)) M 'wcwrcyk a. 'belonging to Ucur'. The city or country Ucur is variously identified, see Henning 1938, 568-9; DMT IIl/1, 65b; Yoshida 1993, 366-7; 2009a, 350. M 'wcwrcyk Ml.110 S 1 'wc> S. WCJY S 2'wc> s. )spwrk )ry tws,rmy )WO '{3y-pxtky S 'wf>'yz v.tr. 'to strangle, choke' S 'wb'yznt 3.pl.pres. HC36.9R8 M "w6m'n a. 'living in the same house' M "w6m'ndt pl. BBB540 (surely pl. despite Henning 1937, 67) s 'wop'r s. 'wrop'r s 'woy s. woy s "woyn s. 'wm ''woyn M *'wfs v.itr. 'to fall asleep, sleep', past stem MS 'wf3t M 'wf3tYY pp. M655cV8 S 'wf3tyt pp.pl. GGZl.13 S 'wyl'yw n.pr.f 'Oylayu'. IPNB 11/8, no. 185. S 'wyl'yw BezC26 S 'wyr n. '(act of) gulping' S 'wyr HC36.8V6 S "wywn adv. 'likewise' S "wywn AN174 S 'wywz 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw n.pr.m. 'Oyuz El Ogasi Alp-'inancu'. IPNB II/8, no. 188. S 'wywz 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw (ed. ('lpw yn'n)cw) KB3(1)* M 'wyz'mndy n.m. 'descent' M 'wyz'mndty M430aR2 S t'wy[ KG627 s. 2,wxz M 'wj'k s. wjk'k M 'wjy6, S 'wc'y6(!) v.itr. 'to dismount, descend, settle', past stem M 'wjyst M 'wjyMt 3.sg.pres. M549ii18 M 'wjystyy pp. BBB536 S w'c'ycYnt 3.pl.impf 10129iV9 (GMS §263 n. 1) M 'wjynd n. '(act of) dismounting'. Inf. accor­ ding to GMS §342 n. 1.

M 'wjynd BBB508 M 'wjyndyy obl.(?) Gl/f28 M *'wjyynd v.tr. 'to cause to descend, settle', past stem 'wjyyst M 'wjyyst#cfm l.sg.subj.tr.pret. BBB623f S 'wk' 'Oga', Turkish title S 'wk' KB2(3), KB3(1) [s. yyl'xr ,wk' 'wtwr], KB3(1) [s. yyl'xr ,wk, xwtlwy], KB3(3), KB3(5) S 'wk'prmys n.pr.m. 'Oga-bermis'. IPNB II/8, no. 190. S 'wk'prmys ANc8 S 'wk'sy s. ,wywz 'yl ,wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw, 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy C "wqnty a. 'cognate, of the same family', applied to the Manichaean view of both gods and souls C "wqntyt pl. TIIB 8R21 M "wkrsny, S "wkrsn'k a. 'homomorphic, having the same form', used as a name of the Column of Glory. Henning 1945b, 112 n. 1; Sundermann 2001, 128 with n. 233 on p. 158 and correction on p. 163. M "wkrsnyy M674Rhdl, M674R8 M "wqrsnyh M674R9 M "wqrsnyy M129V4, M129V5, M1843B4 S "wkrsn'k RSH166 M "wkw[ s. , ,ykwncyk S 'wlwy, 'wlwk s. tnkryo' ,wlwk pwlmys ,lpw xwtlwy ,wlwy pylk' S 'wm "wf>yn 'And while I', Pa title of the sixth canto of the hymn-cycle Huyadagman S 'wm "woyn HC36.9V10 S "wm'nty'kh n.f 'harmony, unanimity'. The eleventh of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 51 n. 13. S "wm'nty'kh KG604 MS "wmr'z n. 'co-worker, helper; companion' M "wmr'zt pl. KawG1 S "wmr'z AN166, AN166*, Ps603 S "wmr'zty pl.obi. 14256Rl, KG556 S t'wn 14342B2 s. ,,jwn S "wn'j3'k(?) n.m. 'compatriot' S "wn'B'k 07349.2* (ed. "wn'(f3)[, restore perhaps "wn'f3['k) S 'wn'k 14742Vl7 s. wrnw#,wn,k S 'wn'kw s. 'wnw M 'wnglywn, S ,wnklywn n. 'gospel'. Greek loanword. M 'wnglywn M116R13 M 'wnglywny obi. BBBcl8 S 'wnklywn BezB59 M t'wnylywn M4870.1*. Cat. 'wny[lywn, but the reading is doubtful and the restoration unlikely.

Sogdian S t'wnkw KG581* s. w,nw M 'wntn s. wndn MS 'wnw, S 'wn'kw, 'wny dem.pron. 'this'. Primarily nom.-acc.sg.neut., but also used for nom.-acc. without regard to number or gender. GMS §1431. M 'wnw M108R5, M399A6, M5690R2, M5701+R6 S 'wn'kw 10100m[a]R13, 11400R7, 14000 Rll, 14000R4, 14000R13, 14000R30, 14638iR1 (thus ed., Kat. ('w'n)kw), 14638i R3, 14638iR5, 15502Vl1, KG360, KG439, KG518, KG548, KG634, Ps583 (unclear), SS131 S 'wnw AN69 S 'wny AN102, ANl12, AN127 ' C"w-nyzny a. 'of the same nature'. Apparently refers to the Manichaean gods, viewed as essentially identical with one another. Sims-Williams 2003, 405. C "w-nyznyty pl.obi. TIIB8V13 MS 'wpt, M 'wp't v.itr. 'to fall', past stem S *'wpst. On the spelling M 'wp't see GMS §14. M 'wp't 3.sg.pres. ANe18 M w'p't 3.sg.impf M5690Rl M w'pt 3.sg.impf M6934+2* M w'ptnd 3.pl.impf M7800iiR2 S 'wpt'nt 3.pl.pres. AN19, AN37*, AN125*, ANc24*, HC36.7R3, HC36.7R9, HC37.2.5 S 'wpt'y 3.sg.opt. SS114 S 'wptn 1.sg.subj. HC36.7R7 S 'wptso 2.pl.itr.pret. 18248il3 (for *'wpsts6, GMS §473a) S w'pt 3.sg.impf KG619, L37.7 S w'pt'ntw 3.pl.impf 14255V6 S 'wpt'mnty n.m. 'fall' S 'wpt'mnty 14255Rhdl* (Kat. 'wptnm•[; Yoshida 2008, 58, 'wpt'm[nty) S 'wpwynty 'so be it!', Pa phrase in Sogd. context S 'wpwynty BezA108 S "wr'b'k n.m. 'companion' S "wr'b'k 20002+V35, 07349.3* · (ed. "w(r'b)[, restore "w(r'o)['k) S 1 'wr'm s. ,wrm S 2'wr'm v.tr. 'to make peaceful, make safe' S 'wr'm'ty 3.sg.subj. SS128 S 'wr'mty s. ,wrms S 'wr'yz n. '(act of) dropping' S 'wr'yz TaleKa4 MS 'wr6 adv. 'there' M 'wr6 CF89, L74V3, M549ii12, M549ii25, M5093A3 S 'wr6 KG533


MS 'wrbp'r, S_'wbp'r adv. 'there, beyond', a. '(dwelling) there, on the farther side' M 'wrbp'r M5701+Rll, MLl.6* S 'wbp'r AN156, AN160, BezA115, BezC18, KG2.4, KG2.9 S 'wr6p'r AN13*, AN54, SS158, SS 159 S 'wrkw s. twymys 'wrkw M 'wrm, S 'wr'm n. 'peace, calm'. The phrase 'wrm wrmyy'h in CF42 corresponds to S 'wr'm wrm[yh] 'in peace and quietness' in L91+10, cf. Sims-Williams 1981, 233. Differently GMS §213 n. 2. M 'wrm CF42 S 'wr'm L91+10 M 'wrms v.itr. 'to become quiet, be quiet', past stem S 'wrmt, 'wr'mt M w'rms 3.sg.impf. M1373.2 S 'wr'mty pp. AN22 S 'wrmty pp. AN82* (Ms 'wrmt) M 'wrmtky' n.f 'tranquillity'. The fifth part of the first cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 138. M 'wrmtky' SLNak53* S 'wrmzt n.pr.m. 'Ormazd'. Not in IPNB 11/8. S 'wrmzt Ch/U6577bV2* M "wrt n. ' (act of) turning' in phrase "wrt nwrty 'turning to and fro' M "wrt TaleE2 M 'wrtky' n.f 'resignation'(?). GMS §37. M 'wytky' M591V8, M664Rl8 M 'wryd frwxyy 'Come ye, bliss', MP title of a hymn M 'wryd frwxyy BBBd4f M 'wryz v.itr. 'to drop' M 'wryzt3.sg.pres. CF32 M 'wryzy n.m.(?), meaning unclear. Translates MP'skng. M 'wryzyh Gl/f24 MS 'ws' s. 'wts'r S 'ws'wc v.tr. 'to purify, convert', past stem MS 'wswyt, S 'ws'wyt, 'ws'yt, 'wsywt M 'wswyc pp.f CFlO, M583iV1*, M583i VlO*, M583iV15* M 'wswytyy pp. ANe4 M 'wswytyy pp. M6330R6 M 'wswxtc pp.f. M429.3 (GMS §56) S 'ws'yty pp. AN22*, AN84 S 'ws'wyt'kpp . GGZl.55, HC36.9Rll S 'ws'wytw-6'rt ];sg.tr.pret. KG437 S 'wsywty pp. Ps359(2) S 'wswyty pp. Ps359(1) S w's'wc 3.sg.impf KG385 S 'ws'wxs v.itr. 'to be purified, be converted' S 'ws'wxs'nt#k'm 3.pl.fut. KG413f!< MS 'wst, 'wsty, S 'wst'y v.tr. 'to put, place, set, lay, appoint', past stems S 'wst't, 'wstyt


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'wst'ndskwn 3.pl.pres.dur. MLl.23 ('to lay (a fire)'? Cf. Sundermann 2008, 409 n. 37) M 'wsty't 3.sg.subj. BBBf25 M 'wstyn 1.sg.subj. Gl/ilO M 'wstyt 3.sg.pres.(?) O6179A2 M w'st 3.sg.impf KawV22* M w'stnd 3.pl.impf CF79 M w'sty 3.sg.impf M583iiR16 M w'styy 3.sg.impf SLNak61, SLNakl03 M w'styy 3.sg.impf BBBe23, SLNak20, SLN ak33, SLNak48 M w'styy'nd 3.pl.impf MllOiRl M w'stynd 3.sg.impf CF121, CF128, KawG 10* S 'wst't 3.sg.itr.pret. Ps380 S 'wst't past inf(?) PsA1.77 S 'wst'tw-8r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 18248i24 S 'wst'ty pp. BezA61, BezB40, BezB41 S 'wst'y6 2.pl.opt. KG532 S 'wstyt 3.sg.pres.AN75 S 'wstyt6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.28*, TaleH6 S w'st'y 3.sg.impf RSH30 S w'sty 3.sg.impf KB20(7), KG446, TaleH26 S w'stym 1.pl.impf 07447+3 S w'st[ 07266.1* M 'wstnyy s. 1-'wstny MS 'wswyt, M 'wswxtc s. 'ws'wc M 'wswyt-m'n'ky' n.f 'pure-mindedness' M 'wswyt#m'n'ky' BBB732f S "wsxwn'y a. 'speaking to one another, interlocutor' S "wsxwn'yt pl. KG473 M 'wsynd v.tr. 'to crush, break'. GMS §601. M 'wsyndndk'm 3.pl.fut. ML2.13 M 'ws[ M5093A4 S 'ws n. 'dawn'(?). Doubtful word. S 'ws Ps586* MS 'wst, M 'wsty, S 'wst'y v.itr. 'to stand, take (one's) place, stay, be', past stem MS 'wst't. Also phrase p'6y 'wst 'to stand'. M 'wst'ndk'm 3.pl.fut. ML2.12 M 'wsrt 3.sg.itr.pret. TaleD34* (or past inf.) M 'wstyyt 3.sg.pres. M549iil1 M w'st 3.sg.impf BBB634, BBB638, BBBf 75, M2076.6*(?), M6896.l(?) M w'styy 3.sg.impf SLNakl7 S 'wst'nt 3.pl.pres. AN126 S 'wst't 3.sg.itr.pret. KG463, KG468*, KG 540*, KG542*, KG561, KG576 S 'wst'y6 2.pl.impv. KG529 (or opt.?) S 'wst'ynt 3.pl.pres. AN77 S 'wstky absol. BezA66 S 'wstnt 3.pl.pres. AN132 S 'wstyt' 2.pl.impv. BezC15 S w'st 3.sg.imp.f 10100k+R20, 18435R10,


Ch/U6394Vl, KB17(6), KG3.70 M 'wst'mnty n.m. 'existence' M 'wsfmntyy M6330V14 MS 'wswx a. 'modest'. Cf. C 'wswx, BT XII, 205b. M 'wswx O/U513b3 S 'wswx BezA31 S t"wth HC37.2.8 s. 'nwt MS 'wt'k n. 'place, region, country; Aeon' M 'wfkq BBBb71 M 'wfkt pl. CF3 M 'wfkt pl. CF65 M 'wt'qt pl. CFvl65* (ed. ]t'qt, restore 'w]t-), M813iR3*(?) S 'wt'k 20220iiR8, 20230V10, 20508V3*, KG339, SSl16* S 'wt'kh 18192A2*, KG589* S 'wt'kt pl. KB19(1), KB22(2), KG326*, KG 349, KG352, KG394, KG402*, [KG407, ed. (')[wt'](kt), doubtful restoration], KG 407, KG409, KG413*, KG414*, KG416, Ps359(2) S 'wt'kt 'wt'kt pl. KG425 S 'wt'kw AN49, SS115, SS115, SS117* S 'wt'ky obl. BezA39, KG398, Talel58 MS 'wt'kcyk a. 'local' M 'wfkcyk M4869A3* S 'wt'kcykt pl. KB21(2) S 'wtmys n.pr.m. 'Utm"is'. IPNB II/8, no. 203. S 'wtmys BezA126 M 'wtns n. 'sigh'(?) M 'wtns M329cAii4*, M356.8 M t'wts Gl/n7 s. n'wts MS 'wts'r, 'ws' adv. 'thither, there', also used as postp. with en 'from' M 'ws' M127V12 M 'wts'r 06210.3 S 'ws' BezC17 S 'wts'r 10100dV4, J0650(1)R7 (ed. [py]ts'r, more likely ['w]ts'r), 14000Rl0, AN150, AN151, KB4(3)*, O5537Al S wrts'r SS109 S 'wtwr s. yyl'xr 'wk' 'wtwr M 'wtzwys, meaning unknown M 'wtzwys M356.8 M 'wtzwys M329cAii4 M "wx'ny, S "wx'n'y a. 'living in the same house' _JM "wx'nyy M549i+R8 S "wx'n'yt pl. TaleKl* S 'wxmnyl)' or 'wxm'y6' 14151+iV8. Un­ known word, perhaps a 2.pl. verbal form. M 'wxnz n. '(act of) descending'. Inf. accord­ ing to GMS §342. M 'wxnz BBB490

Sogdian S 'wxp'zyk a. 'with a sad face'(?). Thus ed., but a noun denoting some part of the head or face (p'z , q.v.) is more to be expected. S 'wxp'zyk 16201.39 MS 'wxr v.tr. 'to abandon'. Differently Hen­ ning 1943, 74 n. 4. M 'wxryy .3.sg.opt.(?) KawV5 ('... abandon the abode of the gods and eternal joy and blessing') S 'wxrt 3.sg.pres.(?) L95+9* S 'wxr... 09122+3*, 09122+4* s 'wxrs s. wnxrs S "wxs s. "w'xs S "wxst, *'wxst s. 'nxw 'y MS 'wxst s. 2'wxz S 'wxv(y, M 'wxwy s. 'nxwy M 'wxwnc s. 'nxwnc S 'wxwsty s. 'nxw'y S 'wxy' 'Ohya', name of a giant. IPNB II/8, no. 208. S 'wxy' 14638iR10* M i,wxz n. '(act of) descending, descent'. Pos­ sibly a later form of 'wxnz. Inf. according to GMS §918. M 'wxz M136V10 MS 2 'wxz, S 'wxwz v.itr. 'to descend, come down, go down', past stem MS 'wxst. Also 'to go away', Sundermann 1984, 297-90. M 'wxstnd 3.pl.itr.pret. Mll0iiRl1 M 'wxz'nd 3.pl.pres. ML2.17 M 'wxzt 3.sg.pres. M521bBi9 (cited as 'wxz-, GMS §342) M w'xz'nd 3.pl.impf KawKlO M w'xznd 3.pl.impf KawG4 S 'wxst 3.sg.itr.pret. KG445, KG627* (ed. 'wy[, read 'wx(st)) S 'wxst'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. KG424 S 'wxwz'ntw 3.pl.pres. 10200(5)V9 S w'xz 3.sg.imp.f L37.8 S w'xz'nt 3.pl.imp.f 10261(1)V2 S 'wy, 'wyh s. wy, wy' MS 'wyywr 'Uygur', Turkish ethnic name M 'wyywr L73+V8* S 'wyywr 18196V13, BezA97*, KBl(l)* M 'wyjtk'ry n.m. 'trouble-maker'. Sims-Willi­ ams forthcoming. To be distinguished from wjtk'ry, wyjtk'ry (contra GMS §219). M 'wyjtq'ryy]] CF23 S 'wyk' s. 'lp twtwx 'wyk', 'ysyk 'okw twtwx 'wyk' S 'wyn, ZKn article 'the', primarily gen.sg.m., but also used for gen. without regard to number or gender and occasionally as a general obl. form (e.g. KB9(1), KB11(1), KG522-4, TaleAS15 as acc.; HC36.6V8 as


loc.). RareJy pers.pron.3.sg.m. 'him, his', gen. (GGZl.47, KG393, KG3.43, TaleK8). S 'wyn TaleKa5 S rtyZKn 20002+V36 S ZKn 10030(2)B5, 10129iV15, 10263(1)+ R5*, 10263(1)+Vl, 10263(1)+V4*, 10650(1)R5*, 10650(1)R7*, 10650(10) Rll, 10650(15)V7, 11603+8, 11603+10, 13880A3, 14000R2, 14638iR7, 14638iR9, 14638iV14, 14638iV17, 14730V2, 14742 V5, 14742V7, 14742Vl5, 14742V20, 18120R5, 18120R6, 18248i3, 18431 VI*(?), 18700+R3, 20203R5, 20206B6*, 20229R5, [20229R6*, rather [Z](K), s. xw], 20229R7*, 20229R8, 20229V7, 20229V8, 20229V19, 20514V2, AN48, AN52, AN66, AN86, AN87, AN87, AN97, AN98, ANl 48, AN164, AN183, BezB7 (Ms ZKh), Ch/U6143Vl, Ch/U6886V3, Ch/U7172Vl, Frg5.11, 'Frg6.5* (ed. (ZK) (r)[w'n, rather (ZKn)[?), GGZl.6, GGZl.7, GGZl.8, GGZl.9, GGZl.10, GGZl.10, GGZl.10, GGZl.12, GGZl.14, GGZl.16, GGZl.17, GGZl.17, GGZl.19, GGZl.22, GGZl.47, HC36.2V3, HC36.6Rl1, HC36.6Vl*, HC36.6V8, HC36.8V3, HC36.8V5, HC36.9V14, HC36.10R5, HC36.10Rll, HC36.10V5, KB9(1), KB 11(1), KB18(1), KG326, KG337, KG355, KG357, KG368, KG374, KG380*, KG389, KG393, KG398, KG410, KG411, KG434*, KG451, KG 452*, KG511, KG521, KG522, KG523*, KG523, KG524, KG525, KG526, KG527, KG544, KG546, KG548, KG556, KG560, KG564, KG569, KG577, KG582, KG583, KG583, KG590, KG593, KG2.1*, [KG2.2, error for ZKh, s. 1x'], KG2.6, KG3.5, KG 3.28, KG3.43, KG3.47, KG3.81, L29+15, L29+19, L30+V7, L37.3, L37.5, L37.6, L37.7, L37.8, L44.8, L61.2 (ed. ZKny), L61.15, L61.18, L97el, L120.4, L120.5 (read ZKh?), Listl+iii1, Listl+iv3, [Listl+ vi4, error for ZKh, s. 1x'], 01927.12, O2075V3, O2075V5, O2075V8, 07004+ 27, 07252+3, Ps51, Ps123, Psl32, Ps 359(1), Ps359(2) (Ms ZK), Ps383, Ps399, Ps402, Ps581*, Ps581, Ps581*, Ps586, Ps590,Ps59� Ps59�Ps603,Ps624,Ps819, PsAl.63*, PsAl.65, PsA2.2, RSH83, RSH 133, RSH145*, SLN40, SS117, SS131, SS139, SS151, SS152, SS156, SS163, SS164, SS165, SS165, TaleAS15, TaleAS 19*, TaleF5, TaleF8, TaleF9, TaleFlO, TaleF14, TaleF17, TaleF22, TaleG20, TaleH18, TaleI15, TaleI47, Talel50 (Ms


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

ZKh), TaleJ7, TaleJl4, TaleK6, TaleK8, TaleKal, TaleKa2*, TaleKa19, [TaleKa21, read ZKh,s. Ix'] S "wyst 20231+V4. Unclear, perhaps a past inf. connected with S "wystk 'confusion' (MacKenzie 1976,II,24; BT XII,73,149). S >wytwk'n 'Ottikan', name of a region. Yoshida 2011,79-80. S 'wytwk'n KB10(2)* M 'wyz 'bgw n.pr.f. 'Oz Adgu', Turkish name in partly Sogd.(?) context. IPNB II/8, no. 209. M 'wyz '8gw HLS1164* S >wyzt't BezC17. Unclear word. MS 'wz'm v.tr. 'to requite, condemn', past stem 'wzt M 'wz'm 2.sg.impv. Ml18iiR11 M w'z'm 3.sg.impf Gl/i8, M1134+R6 M 'wzty pp. Ml18iiR13 (GMS §838: -t-) S 'wzt'k pp. GGZ1.45 S w'z'my 2.sg.impf Ps621 S 'wz'n n. '( act of) killing' S 'wz'ny obl. TaleG20 M *'wzms v.itr. 'to be condemned', past stem 'wzmt M 'wzmM} pp. M123.3 (differently GMS §584) a mountain)'(?). "wzr M y n. 'side, flank (of Cf. C ,awzry,n93,R6 (unpublished). M "wzryy TaleE45 MS 'wzt s. 'wz'm M >wzxt 'pardoned',MP word in a citation(?). Sundermann 2008,410 n. 47. M 'wzxt ML1.34* M 1»wzy n.m. 'lake,pond' M "wzyy M127R8* M 2 "wzy n.m. 'turmoil'(?). Translates Pa "ywz 'id.', hence to be emended to *"ywzy, cf. C 'fiywzy 'id.', BT XII, 85? (Alternatively, the form in Gl/r3 could be the same word as 1 "wzy, but despite DMT III/1, 6b, there is no other evidence for Pa "ywz 'lake'.) M "wzyy Gl/r3 S 'wzy,verb of unknown meaning S 'wzy'y 2.sg.pres. Ps619 S 'w[ KG619,KG629*,09122+3,Xw/a4 MS "x'r n. 'food'. Indian loanword. (The form in L75.5 may be a different word meaning 'pace,step'.) M "x"r L75.5 (ed. "x'[///]r,read "x'(')r) S "x'r HC36.9R5* [S t"x'rt O/U829.4*,O/U829.5 s. 'nxr] MS "x,s,M 'x's,"xs n. 'struggle,fight,battle' M "x's BBB755, Gl/d27, KawG33*, KawG 36,M900B5,Ml134+R3

M 'x's M247R4 M "xs BBBf69 S "x"s KG617*,RSH117,RSHl75 S "x's 14638iV16 (Sundermann 2001, 155 n. 217,'ny's),HC36.10Rl4,RSH72* M "x'skrky',S "x"skr'ky'kh n..f 'fighting' M "x'sqrky' Gl/d28* S "x"skr#'ky'kh HC36.10Vl0f* M "x'skry n.m. 'soldier' M "x'sqryy Gl/d24* M "x'sqryyt pl. Gl/d25* M "x'sryjy a. 'bellicose' M "x'sryjyy Gl/d23* M "x'sw,by n.m. 'battlefield' M "x'sw'byy Gl/d22 M "x'zyyh M900A5. No context, form and meaning unclear. S 'xh s. Ix' S t'xnky L29+2 s. 'xsnk­ M 'xrwzn s. 'nxrwzn M "xrys[ Gl/y40*. Unknown word. M "xs s. "x's S >xsrw n.pr.m. IPNB Il/8,no. 65. S 'xsrw Talel31* M 'xswndtih s. xwsndy' S 'xs[ Xwl.3* S 'xs'nk-,'xs'nk'wy s. 'xsnk-, 'xsnk'wy S t'xs'nky 10920+V5f s. 'xsnkystr S 'xs'nt TaleG12. Unclear form, perhaps 3.pl. pres. of a verb *'xs-. s 'xs'w'n s. 'xs'wn S 'xs'w'ncyk s. 'xs'wncyk S 'xs'w'nb'r s. 'xs'wnb'r s 'xs'w'nmync s. 'xs'wnmync MS 'xs'wn, S 'xs'w'n n. 'power, dominion, realm' M 'xs'wn KawV18, M591R6, M767iiR5, M767iiV4*,M6330R4 M 'xs'wnt pl. O6l96A5* M 'xs'wnyy obl. M1200V5 S 'xs'w'nh KB4(2)*, KB5(1), KB6(1)*, KB 6(4)*, KB7(1)*, [KB15(4)* s. 'x.fwnb'r], KB18(2),KB19(2)*,KBfr9.7 S 'xs'w'nty pl.obl. KBfr9.9 S 'xs'w'ny obl. 07266.4 S 'xs'w'nyh obl. KB21(1)*, KB22(7), KB 23(1),KG536 S 'xs'wnh 20102V6*, KB7(1)*, KB13(4)*, TaleK8 S 'xs'wny obl. BezC4,KG3.87*,KG3.88* S 'xs'wncyk,'xs'w'ncyk a. 'of the realm' S 'xs'w'ncykw KB15(1) S 'xs'wncykw KB13(2) MS 'xs'wnb'r,S 'xs'w'nb'r n.- 'ruler' M 'xs'wnb'r L73+V7 .J

Sogdian M 'xs'wnb'rt pl. CF120 M 'xs'wnb'yty\lpl.obl. TaleB47 S 'xs'w'n8'r 18196V12, BezA42, KB7(1), KB 15(4)* (ed. 'xs'w'n(h)[, rather 'xs'w'n8['r), KB20(2),KB21 (2) S 'xs'w'n8'rty pl.obl. 10920+V14 S 'xs'w'n8'ry obl. KB15(1) S 'xs'wnb'r KB2(1),KB4(1),KB6(1) S 'xs'wn8'rt pl. KB6(1) S 'xs'wnb'rty pl.obl. 14150+iR5*, GIB2, KB 6(2)* S 'xs'wnb'ry obl. KB8(1) M 'xs'wnmync,S 'xs'w'nmync a. 'of power,of the realm' M 'xs'wnmync M1826R3 S 'xs'w'nmync BezA80 S ,xs,y(3f-xw'r,k a. 'milk-drinking' S 'xs'y�t-xw'r'k KG504 s 'xs'y�ty s. xsyf3t S 'xs'yb s. 'xsyb s 'xs'ynty a. 'ruling' S 'xs'ynty B ezA16 S 'xs'yntyt pl. 20102V2 s 'xs'yspt s. 'xsyspt s 'xs'ywn s. 'xsywn s 'xs'ywn', 'xs'ywn'y,'xs'ywny s. 'xsywny M i,xsn'm n. 'forgiveness,absolution' M 'xsn'm BBBfll, L73+Rl*, O/U513b7 (ed. -m(••)[,but the -m is clearly final) S *2'xsn,m v.tr. 'to propitiate', past stem 'xsn'mt. Denominative, like MP 'snwm­ 'id.' (cf. Henning 1940, 33; DMT III/1, 94a). S 'xsn'mtch pp.f 14730V3 ('worthy to be propitiated'?) S ,xsn'myk a. 'worthy of propitiation'(?) S 'xsn'mykw 10920+V26 M ,xsn,w, xsn'w v.tr. 'to satisfy, propitiate', past stem 'xswnd,'xwsnd M 'xsn'w't 3.sg.subj. M896Ri6 (cited as 'xsn'w-,GMS § 157) M 'xswndyy pp. TaleE52 M 'xwsndyy pp. TaleB49 M xsn'wt 3.sg.pres. Gl/f12* (ed. xsn[, read perhaps xsn(')[wt]) MS 'xsnk-, S 'xs'nk-, xsnk- a. 'excellent, mag­ nificent' M 'xsnk' nom.sg.f (?) M712Al * (uncertain restoration) M 'xsnkt' nom.pl. CF28 M 'xsnky nom.sg.m. M7391+1 (as acc.) S 'xs'nkt' ace.pl. BezA20 S 'xs'nky nom.sg.m. (as acc.) BezBIO, L44.3, Lll1V5* (Ragoza 1980, 73, 'nys'y; read '(xs'nky))


S 'xsnk' nom.sg.f or voc.sg.m. KG2.3 (as voc.sg.f) S 'xsnk' voc.sg.m. ANl70 S 'xsnkt' ace.pl. 14000R15 S 'xsnkw acc.sg.m. (as gen.?) 14742V15, 010001.3 S 'xsnky gen.sg.m. Ch/U6886V8 S 'xsnky nom.sg.m. [KG416* s. 'xs•[••]t­ k'm], Ps443,Ps598 S 'xsnky nom.sg.m. (as acc.) 21005Vl, Bezeklik Inscription 1 (as nom.pl.), L29+2 (misprinted 'xnky),Ll11Vlf* ('x#snky) S xsnky nom.sg.m. BezCl (as acc.) MS 'xsnk'wy, S 'xs'nk'wy, 'xsnk'w'k n.m. 'excellence,magnificence,glory' M 'xsnq'wyh Gl/a23 S 'xs'nk'wy L44.14 (ed. 'ys'nkw'y) S 'xsnk'w'k KG421,Ps390 S 'xsnk'wy BezA24, BezA36*, BezA41, L61.10,Ps409 S ,xsnkystr a. 'more excellent' S 'xsnkystr l0920+V5f ('xsnky#str, misprin­ ted 'xs'nky- in Kat.), BezA12 (Ms 'xsnystr), L27.6*,L27.9* M ,xsny n.m. 'moment'(?). Indian loanword. Sims-Williams 1981,239. M'xsnytpl. L74V6 MS ;xsnyrk n. 'sign'. BT XI,180b. M 'xsnyrk BBB759*, BBBf73, SLNall15, SLNam127* M 'xsnyrq O6228A4 S 'xsnyrk 14000R18, KG529, KG621, Mainz 180B2,Ps588*,Ps590 S 'xsnyrk' KG616,KG622,Ps660* S 'xsnyrkh Ps576, Ps578*, Ps593, Ps598*, Ps603*,Ps620 S 'xsnyrkw KB17(2), KB18(1)*, KG526, Ps619,Ps624 S 'xsnystr BezA12 s. 'xsnkystr M 'xsn[ M502q2,M2009iR1 MS 'xsp-, xsp- n.f 'night' M 'xsp' nom.-acc.sg. BBB697, M14R9, M136R2,M136V3,M684V5* M 'xspy' loc.sg. Fast3.7,Fast3.32 M 'xspy'h loc.sg. Fastl.3, Fastl.5*, Fastl.7, Fastl.9*,Fast3.14,Fast3.23 M xsp' nom.-acc.sg. Fast2.15*, Fast2.17*, Fast2.19, Fast2.21, Fast2.23, Fast4.4, L75.7, M760Rl, O6191R3*, 06191Vll, [RH733 s. nymy-xsp'-p'scyk] M xsp'h nom.-acc.sg. M136Vhdl S 'xsp' nom.-acc.sg. 13500V2, 14742Vl3, SLN42 (as numv.),SLN42*,SS159 S 'xsph nom.-acc.sg. Ch/U6886V7, KG555, TaleKa2*

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Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S 'xspy' abl.sg. KG461 S 'xspyh loc.sg. O/U829.4 (or abl.?) S xsp' nom.sg. SS158 S xsp'y obl. BezC8 (cf. Sims-Williams 1982, 14, on forms such as C pdq'y) M 'xspyk a. 'belonging to the night' M 'xspyk Ml36V6 M 'xswmyc, xswmyc, name of the twelfth month. Sims-Williams 2010a, 157-8. M 'xswmyc Fastl.13, 06191R4* M xswmyc Fast3.34* M 'xswndyy s. 'xsn'w MS 'xswny, S 'xswnyt'kw BezB2 s. 'xsywny S t'xswnL 20129V4 s. 'nxw M 'xsy-, xsy- v.itr. 'to rule, hold sway', past stems 'xsyt M 'xsyt-skwn 3.sg.pres.dur. ML2.16 M xsyyndk 3.pl.pres.dur. M767iiR6 S 'xsyt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. TaleKa8* S 'xsy'wn TaleJl O s. 'xsywn s 'xsyj3ty s. xsyf3t MS 'xsyc>, xsyb, S 'xs'yb, MLK' n.m. 'king'. The j3y'n 'xsyb 'king of the gods' (M5271 R9f, BezA74, Ps359) is the Father of Greatness; the byn'n 'xsy6 'king of the religions' (M5266R10) is Jesus. M 'xsy6 CFllO, M5266R10 M 'xsyy6 M5271Rl0 M xsy6 Ml.75, [M583iR7 s. sm'nxsyo] S 'xs'y6 07004+33, 07004+44 S 'xsyb 07266.5*, Ps51, Ps138*, Talel31* S 'xsyby obi. BezA74 S MLK' 18248i27, L59.3 S MLKw 18435Rl1, 20230V9 S MLKy 18248i30 (not obl.) S xsy6 Ps57 (j3y'nxsyb, written as one word), Ps359(1), Ps359(2) M 'xsyspt, xsyspt, S 'xs'yspt 'Lord of the empire', name of the first son of the Living Spirit. Humbach-Skjrerv0 1983, 99-100; Boyce 1992, 7-8; differently Schwartz 2009, 147a. M 'xsys#pt M583iR6f M xsyspt CF75 S 'xs'yspt Ch/U6827i2* s 'xsyt'nt s. 'xsys 'xsyw'nyty s. 'xsywny MS 'xsywn, S 'xs'ywn n. 'weeping, lamentation' M 'xsywn M1700+B4 S 'xs'ywn AN169, ANl71*, KG3.40, TaleJlO (Ms 'xsy'wn) S 'xsywn'y obl. HC36.8V9 S 'xsywnh GGZl.47 S 'xsywn'k, 'xsywnk s. 'xsywny

s 'xsywn'y s. 'xsywn, 'xsywny S 'xsywn'ymynch s. 'xsywnymync M 'xsywnky', S 'xsywnky'kh n.f 'kingship, sovereignty'. The first of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 50. M 'xsywnky' BBBb69 S 'xsywnky'kh 10202.1* MS 'xswny, MSC xsywny, MS 'xsywny, S 'xsywn'k, 'xsywnk, 'xsywn'y, 'xsywny, 'xs'ywn'y, 'xs'ywny, 'xsyw'ny n.m. 'king, ruler'. The Father of Greatness is referred to by titles such as 'xsywny j3yy 'king god' (Sundermann 2001, 128 with n. 208 on p. 155) or mzyx 'xsywny 'great king'. In TIIB 8 he is the 'yqwncyq xsywny 'everlasting king' or nwsy xsywny 'eternal king'. M 'xswnyt pl. M767iiV6 M 'xsywn' voc.sg. KG2343*, KG2351*(?), M89 l aR7 (GMS §1253) M 'xsywn' abl.sg. L73+R4 M 'xsywny M498ciiV3* M 'xsywnyh M5266R4* M 'xsywnyy CFl, Gl/dl4, M264aR4, M264a V3, M264aV6, M264aV8, M591R3, M591 R9, M635iR7 M 'xsywnyyh L73+VS M 'xsywnyt pl. M5266R3 M 'xsywnytyh pl.obi. M5271V3 M xsywnyt pl. KawIV7 S 'xs'ywn' voc.sg. Ps438 S 'xs'ywn'yt pl. HC36.10V3 S 'xs'ywny KB10(1) S 'xs'ywnyt pl. Ps438 S 'xswny BezB12 S 'xswnyt'kw pl. BezB2 (for *'xswn'ktw or a similar spelling) S 'xsyw'nyty pl.obi. Ps576 S 'xsywn'k 10920+V14, HC36.7V16, KB 17(1), KB17(1f)*, KB21(1), KB21(7), KB 22(2), KB23(2), L29+5a*, Ps660 S 'xsywn'kt pl. AN122 S 'xsywn'ktw pl. BezA91 S 'xsywn'kw 14151+iR6, L29+5, Ps390, Ps 400, Ps583, Ps588 S 'xsywn'y HC36.9V14 S 'xsywn'yt pl. TaleKa6 S 'xsywnk Ch/U6536a+V7 S 'xsywny 10200(5)R8, 18196Vl3, BezA 73*, KB2(1), KB9(1), KBll(l), KB11(4), KB12(1), KB12(4)* S 'xsywnyt pl. 18070A2*, BezA75, L91+9 S 'xsywnytw pl. BezA3 S xsywny Ps359(2) C xsywny TIIB8R21, TIIB8R23

Sogdian MS 'xsywnymync, M 'xsywnymyc, 'xsywnymnc, S 'xsywn'ymync a. 'kingly, roya1' M 'xsywnymnc SLNam124* M 'xsywnymyc SLNak97, SLNakl11* M 'xsywnymync SLNam129 S 'xsywn'y.rnynch HC36.7Vl1 S 'xsywnymynch 18430Ai4* M 'xsyw[ M1608B2* M 'xsyy[ M3226.2 S 'xs•[..]t-k'm KG416*, 3.sg.fut. of an unidentified verb. (Ed. 'xs(n)[ky j3w](t)k'm.) S 'xs[ 20146+V2*, KG628 MS 'xtw, 'xty'k s. 1xtw, xty'k S 'xw s. xw M 'xw'y s. 'nxw 'y S 'xwrmzt' 10100mR12 s. xwrmzt'f3y S 'xwrmztyc s. xwrmztyc M 'xws'ndy' s. xwsndy' S 'xws'nt s. xwsnd S 'xws'nty', 'xws'nty'ky, M 'xwsndy' s. xwsndy' M "xws v. 'to respect, give precedence'(?). The form "xwskyy translates MP 'yrks '(holding) the hands under the arms (as a gesture of respect)'. Cf. S "xwsyc below. M "xwskyy absol. Gl/bl5 S 'xws- v.itr. 'to grow, increase'(?) S 'xwsty-k'm 3.sg.fut. TaleKa22 M 'xwsndyy s. 'xsn'w S 'xwsp'ny, 'xwsp'nk n.m. 'shepherd' S 'xwsp'nk GlAii10 S 'xwsp'ny AN183 S 'xwst- s. 2xwj S "xwsyc n. 'respect, show of respect, prece­ dence'(?). Sims-Williams 1992a, 285-6; 2003, 404. S "xwsyc KG3.19 M "xwyrc> Gl/r3. Problematic. Looks like 2.pl.impv. of *"xwyr 'to feed' (thus GMS §733), but apparently translates Pa 2.sg. impv. "s 'come'. There is no other evidence for Pa *"s 'to eat (DMT III/1, 5a). S 'xy' 'Ahya', name of a giant. IPNB II/8, no. 221. S 'xy' 14638iR13 S 'x[ 10100a2, KG605, 01927.7 S 1"y n. 'period, interval'(?) in phrase pw "y 'without interval' (Henning 1945, 476-7), 'incessantly' (Reck 2003, 338)(?). Cf. C 1,y 'period' (BT XII, 206a). S "y TaleG12 S 2 "y, 'yy interjection '0' introducing a vocative. Cf. C 2'y 'id.' (BT XII, 206a). S "y RSH26 S 'yy 'yy TaleH9f


S "y tnkryc>' xwtpwlmys 'lpw/"lpw/'lp pylk' n.pr.m. 'Ay Tangrida Qutbulm:is Alp Bilga'. IPNB II/8, no. 38. S "y tnkryb' xwtpwlmys 'Ip pylk' KB1(1) S "y tnkryb' xwtpwlmys 'lpw pylk' KBhdl * (xwt#[pwlmys]), KB2(1)* S [... ]"lpw pylk' KBfr9.10 S "y'j3t, "y"�t s. ''yfs M 'y'm, S "y'm s. 'ny'm S "y'm-cyk s. 'ny'mcyk S 'y'mst s. 'nyms S "y'npn, "y'mpn s. ''ymbn S '>y'npnmyc a. 'of error, of heresy' S "y'npnmyew KG632 S "y'wz, "ywz(?) n. 'turmoil' S "y'wz HC36.19V8* S "y'wzh HC36.8Rl3* S "ywzy obl.(?) 07538.3* (see also s.v. M *"ywzy) MS "yj3t s. ' 1 yfs MS 'ye s. 'yoc S 'yc't a. 'safe, well, in a good condition'. DTS, 53. S 'yc't AN187, BezC6, BezC7, BezC19, Bez C19, L45.2 (ed. 'yc[///]t) S 'yc't'wy n.m. 'salutation'. DTS, 53. S 'yc't'wy BezA58 M t'yc'wt M1828R7* s. 'wc'wt S 'ycy s. xM 'ye, dem.pron. 'this', nom.sg.m. M 'yo M635iV6 S 'yb'k, 'y6'y s. 'yoy S 'y< Ykh HC36.12Al*. Unclear, hardly a form of 'yby. MS 'yc>c, 'ye, M 'ybc, S "ybcw, 'ybyc n.neut. 'thing'. With negative: 'nothing', a. 'not any', adv. 'in no way, not at all'. M 'ye M2090.3 M 'ybe BBBf13, CF27, L74V2* (ed. yyo, read 'y(b)[e), M372Vii9, M880iV6, TaleA 12, TaleA45 M 'yybc M5030V3 M 'y8c M7800iiV2 (misprinted 'cy8c) M 'yMc Ml34iiV13, MIKiii4981f9 S 'ye KG3.73 S 'yew [L45.l s. "&], TaleAS21 S 'ybc 10650(10)R7, RSH105 S "y8cw Ps400, Ps400, Ps400, Ps402, Ps 598*, Ps598* S 'ybew 14638iR1, 14726V15, 18058+Vl1, AN134, AN135, AN154, L95+7, RSH84*, TaleKa24 S 'ybye 18102+V5 S 'ybyeh Talel26 S 'ybycy obl. Ps412, Ps412, Ps412



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 'yb y, 'y6y, S 'y6'k, 'yo'y n.m. 'someone, person' M 'yoyy M143Ri4, M143Vi5 M 'y6yt[ pl. 06180aA5 M 'y6y[ M358A4* M 'yoyty\! pl.obl. BBB545, TaleB6* M 'yyoyy M813iR4 M 'yoyt pl. M4435.11 M 'yoyytpl. M2005.7 S 'yo'k KB15(1) S 'yo'kty pl.obi. BezA15, BezA94 S 'yo'yt pl. KB19(1)* S 'yo'yty pl.ob!. 21001Vl, KB16(2) s 'yoyc s. 'y& M "yfs v.itr. 'to err, go astray, be wrong, be perverted', past stem MS "yf3t, M 'yf3t, S ''y'f3t, ''y"f3t. BT XII, 163. M "yf3tYY pp. Gl/al1 M "yf3t[ M715ciiR1 M 'yf3tYY pp. SLN94* M "yfsnd 3.pl.pres.(?) M2329.3 M "yfstt 3.sg.pres. TaleE4 S ''y"f3ty pp. Xw/c5* (Sims-Williams 1991, 327) S "y'f3t 3.sg.itr.pret. KG3.69 S ''y'f3t'yt pp.pl. KG582 S ''y'f3tcyh pp.f obl. L95+3* S "yf3t'k pp. 1843lRl* S "yf3t'kw pp. SLN94 M 'yyrty'k n.f 'extension, diffusion, expansion'. GMS §518. M 'yyfty'k M6330Rl3* S 'ykt AN56*s. fcmbbyk S t'YKw 18112R3 s. ps'x'rycyk MS "ykwn, 'ykwn adv. 'forever' M "ykwn M625a5 M "yqwn CF26 M "ykwn "ykwn CF39, M1843A9 M 'ykwn KawIRS S "ykwn BezB21, HC36.7R10, HC36.9Rl5, HC37.1.10, KG416, KG3.58, L91+7, L120.5, Ps123*, Ps569, Ps572, Ps597, SS165 S 'ykwn 18120R7, AN21* (ed. 'y)[, Yoshida 1988, 148, 'y)[kwn) S "ykwnh HC36.6R5 S "ykwnw 10650(8)V2 (Kat. 'ny kwz(p), read "ykwn(w)), 18102+V3, Ps390, Ps390, Ps 569 S "ykwn[ List1+viii10 MS "ykwncyk, S 'ykwncyk, C 'yqwncyq a. 'eternal, everlasting' M "ykwncyk KawV4 M "yqwncyq SLN91* M "ykwncyq M635iV4, TaleB27* (Ms

"wkw[) S "ykwncyk HC36.7R15 ("ykwn-cyk), Ps Al.84* (ed. "y••[, read "y(kw)[ncyk), Tale Ka12 S 'ykwncyk 20240R4* S "ykwncykw 18248i15, BezA9, Ps398* (ed. [Z]Y kwncykw, read ["]ykwncykw) C 'yqwncyq TIIB8R21 S 'YKZY s. kbwty S 'YKZY-f3ys. kbwty, -f S 'YKZY-my s. kbwty, -m S 'YKZY-sy s. kbwty, -s S 'yl s. 'wywz 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw, 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy, 'yl mnkw 'yn'l, 'yl s'pmys, tnkryo' pwlmys 'yl 'ytmys pylk' S 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy n.pr.m. 'El Ogiisi Alp Qutluy'. IPNB Il/8, no. 229. S 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy KB16(1) S 'yl mnkw 'yn'l n.pr.m. 'EI Miingti Inal'. IPNB Il/8, no. 232. S 'yl mnkw 'yn'l BezCl7f S 'yl mnkw 'yn'ly obl. BezC13 S 'yl s'pmys n.pr.f 'EI Sapm'is'. IPNB 11/8, no. 236. S 'yl s'pmys BezC26 S 'ym, 'ymn, 'ymnw s. xM "ymbn, S "ympn, "y'mpn, "y'npn n. 'error, perversion, heresy' M "ymbn L73+R7, M664V16, M814iV2 S "y'mpnwh TaleKa15 S "y'npnyh obl. KG587 S "ympn BezA85 M t'yn S6V4 (GMS §641 n. 1) s. 'yn S 'yn'k, 'yn'y s. 'yny S 'yn'l s. "r 'yn'l, 'yl mnkw 'yn'l, swp'sy twyryl 'yn'l S 'ynch s. 'ync S 'yncmync a. '(connected) with women' S 'yncmynch KG338 S 'ync-skr'y n.m. 'womanizer' S 'ync-skr'y Frg5.5 S 'yncw pylk' tyr'k n.pr.m. 'lncu Bilgii Tiriik'. IPNB Il/8, no. 247. S 'yncw pylk' tyr'k BezC11 S 'ynt'wkby[3r'c n.m. 'Indian king' S 'ynt'wkoyf3r'c L59.2 S 'yny s. 'yny S 'yrks 'respectful greeting', MP word in _) Sogd. context(?). Ms 'y[, for which 'y[rks is a very hypothetical restoration. S 'yrks BezA3l* S 'yrkyn, 'yrk[ 07453.1* s. p'k 'yrkyn S 'yry[ 20001+V15 S 'yrz'nty s. 'yjndy S 'yrzn s. 'yjn

S 'yrzn'wy s. 'yjn'wy S "ys, MS 'yss. 'ys M 'ys'mndy, S 'ys'm'nt'k n.m. '(act of) coming' M 'ys'mndy Gl/e12 M 'ys'mndyh KawK18 S 'ys'm'nt'kw 14638iR17 S 'ysyk 'akw twtwx 'wyk' n.pr.m. 'isig Adgti Totoq Oga'. IPNB 11/8, no. 256. S 'ysyk 'okw twtwx 'wyk' BezC28 S 1 'ys S. XS *2'ys v.itr. 'to boil', past stem 'ystS 'ysty past inf HC37.2.7 s 'ysw s. yysw' s 'yswy'n s. yysw'y'n S 'ysw-[ n.pr. Incomplete form. IPNB Il/8, 461 (middle). s 'ysw-[ 07453.3 S 'ysy'ntk a. 'boiling' S 'ysy'ntc f HC37.2.12* (agreeing with the following 'f3z[y'?) S 'yt s. 2 "s S 'ytmys s. tnkryo' pwlmys 'yl 'ytmys pylk' S 'yw s. 'yw S "yw'k s. "nyw'k S 'yw'rx'nys. zm's'yktw 'yw'rx'ny S 'yw-'z(3'(3y a. 'having one taste, of one fla­ vour' S 'yw-'zf3'f3y AN59 s t"ywoy s. nywo S 'ywp'ryk, 'ywp'r'yk, M 1-p'ryk adv. 'altogether' M 1-p'ryk ML2.17 S 'ywp'r'yk 14000R4 S 'yw-p'r'ykw 10263(1)+V7* S 'ywp'ryk BezA5 ('yw-p'ryk), GGZl.55 S 'yw-p'rykw SS163 S 'ywp't, M 1-p't adv. 'at one time, once, once (only)' M 1-p't BBBf6 S 'yw-p't 11603+4, L29+16, Talel38, TaleKa6 ('ywp't) S 'ywp'zy s. 'yw-p'zy S 'yw-sytycyk a. 'of the first day of the month' S 'yw-sytycykw BezB53 S 'yw-sri>k a. 'of one year' S 'yw-srokw 18192B2 M 'ywst, S "ywst s. ''ywyz M 'ywst-ptywst a. 'excited and irritated'. Cf. GMS §929 with n. 1. M 'ywst-ptywst KawKSf* M 'ywst-ptywst KawKllf S 'yw-t'c adv. 'alone' S 'yw-t'c TaleK20


S "ywyz v.itr. 'to be disturbed, be excited', past stem M 'ywst, S "ywst M 'ywstyy pp. ML2.21* S "ywstyt pp.pl. AN85 S m'ywyz 3.sg.impf 07252+3 M *"ywzy n.m. 'turmoil'(?), possible emen­ dation for "wzyy in Gl/r3. See s.v. 2;'wzy. S "ywzy (listed under "y'wz) could also belong here. S 'yztyskfk n.m. 'idol-temple'. Adapted Pa loanword. GMS §104. S 'yztyskt'k KG464 S "y[ PsAl.84 s. "ykwncyk S 'y[ 14150+iV10, 19552A5, [AN21* s. ''ykwn], Ch/U6937bV7 S 'z s. 'z-mrm'ny MS "z n.f 'greed', used as the name of the evil principle Hyle, described as 'created by demons' (BBB665, cf. also the compound "zoywo't) M "z BBB665, BBB677, BBBf71* (doubtful, possibly to be restored "(z)[rm), M794bii V3, M7800iiR8, SLNaklO M "zy obl. BBBb12 S "z 10650(14)+R3, 14001aV1, [05471+3, 05471+9 s. 'nz'wr] S "zh 10100m[a]R13, 14256V2, 18248i39 S "zy obl. Xwl.9* M "z'd-(3'm n.pr.f DMT III/1, 7a. M "z'd#Wm Ml.145f M "z'd-dwxt n.pr.f IPNB Il/8,. no. 40. M "z'd-dwxt MLl.17 S "z'n(3r'k a. 'greedy, insatiable'(?) S "z'nf3r'kw Xw1.8* S "z'nt s. ''znd St'z'nt 10200(5)V7 s. 'jynd St'-z'nt ANcl s. 13-znk'n S "z'ntn'my n.m. 'story-book, parable-book' S "z'ntn'my ANc5, ANclO S "z'rms. ''zrm S "z'rt s. 1' 'zyr M t'zTqt Gl/b7*. Ed. restores ['z]'fqt, suppo­ sedly pl. of *'z't'k 'noble' (~ MP 'zn"n) but the form is quite implausible. S "z'ty s. "zty S "z'wn s. ''jwn S 'z'wn'y s. 'nj'w S t'z'wnt L32.10s, ''jwn S "z'y, "z'yt s. 'jy S "z'yr s. 1 "zyr S t"z'yty KB 15(6) s. "zty MS 'z(3'(3, M zWf3 n. 'taste, flavour' M 'zf3'f3 ANe26 M 'zf3'f3yy obl. M5051V8 M zf3'� SLN94




Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S 'z(3'f3 [10100k+R18 s. pw-'z/3'{3], AN61, KG367 S 'zf3'f3'y obl. Frg32iiV6 S 'zf3'f3y obi. AN16, [AN59 s. 'yw-'z{3'{3y], AN60 S 'zf3'f3yh obi. SS131 MS 'zf}'k, zf3'k n. 'tongue, voice; language' M 'zf3'k M662A4* M zj3'k M5051V8*, M7800iiRll S 'zf3'k 16201.29, KG383, L29+15, SS118 [S 'zf3'k' Frg6.3* s. swntk-'z{3'k'-{3r'k] [S 'zf3"k ANc14*. Thus ed., but the reading is very doubtful.] S 'zf3'kh KG399, List4.1l S 'zj3'kt pl. AN51* [S zf3"k Frg6.6* s. swntk-'z{3'k'-{3r'k] S zf3'k 14743Vl*, [18435R2* s. {3' rycyk], BezA105, Ps359(1), Ps359(2)* S zf3'kh PsAl.67* (ed. zj3'kcyk, misprint for zf3'k(c)[yk, more likely zl3'k(h)[ with Kat., 135) S zf3'ky obi. Xwl.10 S 'zf}'kwyx'k n.m. 'root of the tongue' S 'zf3'kwyx'k 16201.30 ('z(3'k-wyx'k), List4.12 S "zcn a. 'greedy'(?). Henning 1945, 480 n. g; GMS §1020. S "zcn Talel28* S 'z6m- v.tr. 'to breathe out'(?) S 'zbm'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.15V6 M "z6yw1 Yt 'Greed created by demons', designation of Hyle (cf. "z) M "zbywb't M8200Vl* M "z-byywb't SLNaklO S 'zy'm, zy'm adv. 'finally, at last; extremely'; with negative 'not at all'. BT XII, 59-60; Sims-Williams 1992a, 285b. S 'zy'm AN164, KG3.3, KG3.54, O2655Rl*, [SS156 s. przy'm] S zy'm KG3.64 S 'zy'nt s. . MS (:3'� adv. 'sometimes' M f3'6 BBBb60 M f3'M MIKiii4981c9 (ed. ](•)f3 'M(cw), read ]f3'M[ ](cw)) S f3'6 SS157, SS157, SS157 M f3''Y n. 'garden' M f3'y BBBaJ 1, TaleB56 M f3'yt pl. BBB568 MS f}'m n. 'r�fliance, glory, splendour' (HC 36.10V7, see Sundermann 1990, 28 n. 49); also used to render the Aramaic name of the god Ban rabba 'Great Builder'. Sunder­ mann 2001, 125 with nn. 12-14 on p.. 143. M f3'm [Ml.142 s. yyswf3'm, Ml.145 s. wrtn/3,m, Ml.146 s. »z,d-f3'm], M583iR5, M583iV5 S f3'm 14411iR1, 14700(1l)A4* S f3'mh HC36.10V7, [List6.15 s. nwy-/3,m] M f3'm-'stwn, MS f3'mystwn, S f3'm-'stwn 'Col­ umn of Glory', name of a deity. Sunder­ mann 2001, 126 with n. 106 on p. 148. M f3'm#'stwn M583iR13:f!< M f3'mystwn[ Ml08R8 S f3'm-'stwn[ O7496.0:f!< (ed. 'stwn[, restore


f3'm]#'stwn[) S f3'mystwnh KG612* S f3'msn n. 'dawn' S f3'msny obl. PsAl.78 M f3'my'n n.pr.m. M f3'my'n Ml.123 M f3'm[ M5074.4 S f3'nt s. f3wS f3'r n. 'burden, load' S f3'r AN105 s f3'r'xs s. (3r,xs­ s f3'r'y s. f3 )ry S f3'r'ycyk s. f3'rycyk M f3':rf:lry, S f3'r-f3r'y a. 'load-bearing, fruit­ bellring'. The second meaning may be in­ fluenced by WMiran. b'r 'fruit' (differently BT XIX, 143). M f3'rf3ry M136Vl2 S f3'r-f3r'yt pl. SS121 S (:l'ryn'k a: 'transitory'. Cf. C b'ry(ny)[, nl08, V2 (unpublished)~ Syriac 'bwr' 'id.'. S f3'ryn'k TaleKa25* S f3'rpy n.m. 'excrement, filth' S f3'rpy AN24, AN87 s f3'rxs s. f3r'xsM fJ'ry, S f3'r'y(?) a. 'riding, mounted' M f3'ryh BBB489 S · f3'r'yt pl. L29+3b (uncertain, no context) MS fJ'rycyk, S f3'r'ycyk n. 'riding animal, mount' M f3'rycyk M127V13, M503oB3* M f3'rycyqt pl. SLNSO* S f3'r'ycyk KG360 S f3'r'ycykw 18248i39 S f3'rycyk[ 18435R2* (ed. [z]f3'k (z••)[, read f3'r(y)c(yk•)[ with Kat.) s f3's'm s. ft'm MS f3't, M f3'fk'm s. /3w­ MS f3'trync s. f3trync S tf3'ty 20002+R5 s. f3ndy MS �•w v.itr. 'to approach, reach, arrive'. Sometimes followed by the past inf. of a near synonym (tys, prys), see Sims-Willi­ ams 2003, 405. M f3'w 3.sg.impf M760R3, M6807.1 M f3'wn l.sg.subj. TaleD38 S f3'w 3.sg.impf ANl60 S f3'w'nt 3.pl.impf TaleFl6 S f3'w'nt ].pl.pres. AN76 S f3'w'ynt 3.pl.opt. AN39 S f3'wn l.sg.subj. 01146.4* S f3'wtk-x't 3.sg.pres.dur.subj. BezA59 S 2f3'w s. f3wS tfrwn'k PsAl.86 (twice). So ed., translated 'sufficient', but neither example seems to


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

be a complete word. S [3'wn'ky' n.f 'sufficiency'(?) S f3'wn'ky' BezB61 S f3'y s. {3wS 13'ywn s. 2{3ywn M Wz', S Wz'kh n.f 'arm' M Wz' MLl.31 S B'z'kh 16201.51 S Wz'ytpl. 20229V12*, KG373* Sj3'[RSH67* S f3c s. -f, -c S f3c'npS, f3cnpc> s. jcmbb S f36'yn'k n.m. 'manner' S f3b'yn'k KG379 S f3bys s. joys ,s tf3y TaleJR (translated by Henning as 'bundle') s. 14-y'n MS (3y-, C by- n.m. 'god'; also (chiefly in the voc.sg. f3y', encl. f3y) 'lord, sir; madam (KG 3.10)' as a polite mode of address. Always inflected as a m. stem, even when referring to a woman or female divinity. Note that f3y- is often written as a single word with a preceding divine name, but is usually in­ flected as a light stem, even when attached to a heavy stem (exception: xwrmzt'f3y). [For forms not listed here, see under the preceding divine name.] M 'rtf3y voc.sg. M8001.3* M 'rtyf3y voc.sg. ML2.2*, ML2.5 M 'qyf3y voc.sg. M6760B5 M 'tyf3y' voc.sg. TaleE35 M f3y voc.sg. BBB749, KawE19, L73+V5* (not nom.sg. as implied by Yoshida 2001, 112), M530R5, TaleA7, TaleA18, TaleA24 M f3y' abl.sg. L73+R4, M337R9, M796iR7 M f3y' voc.sg. BBBb56, BBBb65, BBBb80, BBBb96, KawE18 (ed. [..]y'tym, read [j3]y' tym with Yoshida 2002, 193a), MIKiii 498lc8*(?), MIKiii4981d3 (misprinted '!) M f3y'h voc.sg. Ml37iiR9 M f3y'n gen.pl. M5271R9 M f3yw acc.sg. CF75 M j3yy nom.sg. Gl/dl4, KG2350(?), Ml18i V13, M6610V7, TaleB41 M f3yy gen.sg. M767iV4, TaleB34 (as abl., GMS §1179 n. 1) M f3yy1J nom.sg.(?) M118ihdl M f3yyy nom.sg. BBB752 (as acc.), Ml l8i Vl7, M125R5(?), M140+R4, M140+V4, Ml43Vii3(?), M264aR4(?), M264aV3(?), M264aV6(?), M264aVS(?), M481.4(?), M583iR5, M583iR5, M583iR 7, M583iR8, M583iR10, M583iV5, M583iV9, M583i V12, M583iiR17(?), M662A3 (as acc.),

M2207iiV2, M2405.1(?), M3220.2(?), M6330V2 (as acc.), O6196B6(?), SLNak56 M f3yyy gen.sg. BBB728, BBBbl, BBBf33, M813iR8, M137iiV11, Mll8iR8, M1950.3, M5690R7, M6330V9, M7800 iiR5*, 06191V7* [M f3yyy Fast3.1, Fast3.9, Fast3.30, Fast4.3*, Fast4.6, Fast4.9*, Fast5.2 s. f3yynwy] M f3yyy1J nom.sg. M583iR12 M f3yyysg pl. TaleE5 M f3yyst pl. BBBe25, KG2324*, KG2354*, KG2359, M4751.3*, M6470Rl* (BT IV, 94, b(y)[st; better (f3y)[yst, cf. ibid., 128) M f3yyst pl. M915V4, TaleE51 M f3yystt pl. CFS, M4436.4, M5690V2 M f3yysg pl. M7800iiV19, TaleE49 M f3yysty pl.obl. BBBb46, M118iV9 M f3yysty pl.obl. KawV3, M264aR13* M f3yysty1Jpl.obl. SS147* M f3yystyy pl.obi. BBBf48, CF14, M483.8, ML2.23* M f3yystyy pl.obl. BBBe13, KG2330*, L73+ RS, L73+V6, M116R6, M5266R3 M f3y[ M794aiiR3 S "f3y voc.sg. TaleH16(?) (ed. 'nf3y[, but cf. Henning's note ad loc.) S f3y voc.sg. 10200(5)R9, 10237(4)R3, 18196V9, 19554.3, 20230Vl, BezA35, BezA55, BezA57, BezA112, BezAll7, BezA122, BezA129, BezB32, BezB44, BezB46, BezB65, BezB70, BezB73, L44.15, TaleAS8, Xwl.4, Xwl.7 S f3y' abl.sg. 10237(4)R4*, BezAS0, HC36.1 V5* S f3y' nom.numv. SS 150 S f3y' voc.sg. KG369*, KG442, KG545, KG 567, KG3.10, Ps127, Ps390, Ps394, Ps412, Ps420, Ps439, Ps576, Ps651, Ps660, PsAl.59, PsAl.73*, PsAl.85, RSH38*, SS 156, SS158, SS160, SS165, Xw/clO S f3y'n gen.pl. HC36.2V3, O7368V2*, Ps57 (f3y'nxsyb, written as one word), Ps359(2), [SS118 s. pncw {3y'n] S f3y'nw gen.pl. BezA74, Ps359(1), [SS112 s. pncw {3y'n]

S f3y'y gen.sg. 10200(5)V7, 14411iR1, 18196 . R12, 18196V2, 18196V3, 18196V12 (or nom. pendens?), 19554.2, BezA48, BezA _; 52, BezA52, BezA56, BezA65, BezA82, BezA84*, BezA89, BezA95, BezA102, BezA125, BezB5, BezB15, BezB43, BezB 45, BezB63, BezB66, BezB67, BezB72, SS 155 S f3y'y nom.sg. (in many cases as acc.) 10129iV16, 10263(l)+R3, 10650(14)+R2*,

Sogdian 14410iR20, 18248i47, BezA2, BezA15*, BezA18, BezA42, BezA97, BezB3, BezB 13, BezB36, BezB76, HC36.6V3, 01186+ 6(?), 01967.2(?), Ps141 (as voe.) S f3y'yst pl. 10030(l)R3, 10030(2)B5*, [10100mR12* s. xwrmzt'f3y ], BezA91*, BezB28. (f3y'ysts'r), L59.6, 07447+2, RSH 69*, RSH72, RSH87*, TaleG18*, Xwl .17* S f3y'ystw pl. BezAlO0 S f3y'ysty pl.ob!. 18196V9f (l3y'y#sty), 21003 V4, 21004.1, BezAl, BezA3, BezA97, Bez Al06, BezB2, RSH133 S f3yw acc.sg. 20230V10*, Ch/U6577bV3, KG356, KG3.80, KG3.83, L27.2, L32.7 (ed. f3yzw), L95+7 S f3yy gen.sg. 10650(7)A4(?), 14700(7)Vl, 14742V5, 19504Vl, 20002+V36, 20203 R5, 21003V16, Ch/U6143V2, HC36.2V4, KBhdl, KB1(1), KB10(1) (first occur­ rence), KB11(2)*, KG357*, KG520, KG 534* (f3y-y misprinted l3yy-), TaleJ15 S f3yy nom.sg. 10000(2)6(?), 10200(6)R2, 10650(10)Rll, 14700(1l)A5*(?), 18101 + R3, [18101+R3 s. m'x{3y-], 20002+V25, Ch/U6827il*, Ch/U6827i2, Ch/U6827iil, Ch/U6827ii2, Ch/U6827ii3, Ch/U6827ii4, Ch/U6827ii5, Ch/U6827iii5, HC36.10R5, KB9(1), KBlO(l) (second occurrence), KB 11(1)(?), KB11(4), KB12(1)*, KB12(4), KB12(6), KB23(2), KBfr8.2(?), KBfr 9.2*(?), KG397, KG522, KG543, KG3.58, KG3.67*, KG3.76(?), KG3.85, L59.9, L63 Rl (as acc.), L63R2 (as acc.), 02483.2(?), 05471+2(?), O5537B1, 07252+1, Ps400, RSH19, RSH25, RSH148(?), RSH151, SSl13, TaleG24 (ed. f3yy-pt(y)[c], but pro­ bably to be read as two words), TaleG25 S f3yyst pl. 19507Rii5, 20508V3, AN122, Ch/U8123aRl* (IPNB II/8, no. 291), M2233V2, Ps588, PsAl.70*, PsAl.81, SS 110* (f3yy#st), TaleG11 S f3yysthpl. 20220iiV18 S l3yystw pl. 05537Al S f3yysty pl.ob!. 10920+ V26*, 14638iR2, 14715bR5*, 14730Vl, 14742V20, 18058+ V22*, 18154V7*, 19504V2 (l3yys-ty), 20102V l *, AN98, Ch/U6937bR1*, KB 2(1), KG517, M632V*(?), O/U851.2*, Ps 359(1), Ps359(2), Ps619*, SS109, SS112, SSl13, SS128 S f3y... 07281.3, 14153+iV15, Pshdl20, Ps hdl48 S ktf3y voc.sg. TaleAS3 S p'rZY-f3y voc.sg. L44.12 S rtl3y voc.sg. 18154R2, L44.9, RSH54*,


RSH56* S rty-cy-l3y voc.sg. 20230Vl S ZY-f3y voc.sg. 13101V14, 14742V8, Ch/U 6886V3, L44.10 C by' abl.sg. TIIB8R22 C byy gen.sg. TIIB8V3, TIIB8V22, TIIB8 V23, TIIB8V25, TIIB8V26 C byy nom.sg. TIIB8V21 C byyst pl. TIIB8Rl1*, TIIB8R20, TIIB8 R21*, TIIB8R22*, TIIB8R24, TIIB8R26, TIIB8V15* MS f3y'n-'nywn, S l3y'nw-'nywn, f3y"nw-'nywn a. 'godlike' M f3y'n-'nywn M6330V8, M7440.1 S f3y'n-'nywn BezB44f (f3y'n#'nywn), BezB 63, BezB76, O/U851.1* S f3y "nw-'nywnw Ch/U6854Vl S f3y'nw-'nywnw BezAl, BezA18, BezA132 (misprinted -g-), BezA37*, BezA52, BezA55*, BezA82, BezA89, BezB1, Bez B36, Ch/U6143Vl, 01186+1, 01979.2, 07035.4*, U6021.1 S l3y'n'yk, f3y"n'yk, tf3y'n"yk 20230Vl3* s. {3y'nyk

S f3y'n'ysp-'krty s. {3y'ny- pskt'k M (3y'n-f3xtm a. 'most divine of gods'. Sims­ Williams 1984, 208. M·f3y'n-f3xtm Ml375.2* (Cat. f3y'n bx[, read f3y'n-(f3x)[tm) M j3y'n-f3xtm M370V5 S f3y'nw-'nywn, f3y"nw-'nywn s. {3y'n -'nywn M (3y'nwt n.pr.m. M l3y'nwt Ml.117 S j3y'nxsyb Ps57 s. {3y-, 'xsycS MS f3y'nyk, S l3y'n'yk, f3y"n'yk, C by'nyq a. 'divine, of god' M f3y'nyk BBBhdl40, Ml21V2, M140+Vl4, M498biiV2, TaleB32 M f3y'nyq CF25, SLNak42 M f3y'nyyk CF51 S f3y"n'yk 20230V13* (Kat. l3y'n'('yk), more likely f3y"n('yk)) S f3y'n'yk KG533 S f3y'n'ykh KG367* (ed. ]ykh[, read [f3](y)['n']ykh with Lieu 1994, 27 n. 24), KG393*, KG512, SS126 S l3y'n'ykw 20002+R4, SSll0 S l3y'nyk 18102+V4, 18102+V16, BezA83*, 07496.3 S f3y'nykw 10203.4*, 13399aR1, 14280iR2*, 18102+V12*, 18102+V13, BezA4*, BezA 6, BezA13, HC36.16+17R8*, Talel8 C by'nyq TIIB8V12 S f3y'ny-pskt'k, f3y'n'ysp-'krty n.m. 'wedding, wedding-feast'. Schwartz 1974, 259-60;


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

BT XII, 95-6. S f3y'n'ysp#'krty TaleK7f" S f3y'ny-pskt'kw OOZl.14 M j3y'ptyc a. 'divine'. Formation obscure according to Oershevitch 1985, 10-11. Literally perhaps: '(standing) in the pre­ sence of god'. M f3y'ptyc BBBb71 S f3y'y'k s. {3yy'k S f3yf3yrt s. {3yyf3yrt M j3yk'nc, name of the seventh month M f3yk'nc Fastl.8 (Ms b-), Fast2.21, Fast3.13 M f3ymyc, S f3ymync a. 'godly, divine' M f3ymyc[ M1846B5 (thus OMS §1103, Cat. wrongly b-) , S f3ymync BezB35 S f3ymyncw 10200(5)R10 MS j3yn- n.neut. 'temple'. On the gender and inflection see Sims-Williams 1979, 342 with n. 40. (S f3yny, used as acc.sg., may replace older f3ynw on the analogy of m. stems, where nom.sg. -y tends to replace acc.sg. -w.) M f3yn' abl.sg. TaleE42 M f3ynyy nom.numv. TaleE46 M f3yny' loc.sg. TaleE52 M f3yny' obl.numv. TaleE48 S f3ynw nom.sg. OOZl.19 S f3yny acc.sg.(!) SLNll7*, SLNll7* S f3ynpt n. 'priest' S f3ynpt M6791Vl* S f3ynptw GOZl.19 M f3ynw', f3ynwyy s. f3yynwy M f3yny a. 'naked' M f3ynyy M123.3(?) M f3ynyt pl. Gl/h22* M f3ypsy n.m. 'Son of God, angel' M f3ypsyy CF80, CF128 S f3ypwr'k a. 'Chinese'(?) S f3ypwr'k KB1(5)* S j3ypwrstn n. 'China' S f3ypwrstnw KB9(2)* (ed. (ypwry•••)'s­ (tn)w), read kw f3yp(wr)st(n)w) M f3ypwryc, S f3ypwr'yc n.f 'Daughter of God, divine maiden'. Pa-Sogd. hybrid, Henning 1937, 73. On the rwxsn' f3ypwryc 'Light Daughter of God' (i.e. the Maiden of Light) and the 12 f3ypwryst 'Twelve maidens' see Sundermann 2001, 126 with nn. 103 and 118 on p. 148. M f3ypwryc M5266R11 M f3ypwryst pl. M583iV10 S f3ypwr'yc 05471+7* S f3ypwr'ysty pl.ob!. KG605

M j3yrw'n a. 'blessed', used of deceased clerics. Sundermann 2008, 406 n. 8. M f3yrw'n M635iV6, M4435.15, M6673.5, MLl.4, MLl.32*, ML2.18 S f3yspsy a. 'god-serving'. Sundermann 2001, 836 with n. 15. S f3yspsyt pl. TaleG 14 s f3yt- s. {3xsM f3yw� n. 'roof, ceiling'(?) M f3yw6t pl. Gl/fl1 MS f3yy'k, S f3y'y'k n.f 'divinity' M f3yy'k BBBb43 M f3yy'q M14V12, Ml16R5*, M670R7 S f3y'y'kw Xw2.2 S f3yy'k 20192R1 S f3yy'kh KO418, KG548*, KO636, RSH53*, Xw/b2 S f3yy'ky obl. BezA31, BezB25, BezB64 S f3yy'st'n s. f3yyst'n M f3yyf3yrt, S f3yf3yrt n.pr.m. Cf. IPNB II/8, no. 275. M f3yyf3yq Ml.87 (Ms byybyq) S f3yf3yrt 20002+R3 (thus Yoshida 2008, 59; Kat. •t'f3ykt) M j3yy-�'y n.pr.f M f3yy-o'y Ml.134 M f3yyfrn n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 289. M f3yyfm Ml.87 M f3yy-jw'n n.pr.m. M j3yy-jw'n Ml.85 M j3yynwy, f3ynwy n.m. 'New God, New Moon'. Henning 1945a, 146 with n. 1. M f3ynw' abl.sg. M5928.5 M f3ynwyy Fast2.15, Fast2.16, Fast2.17*, Fast2.19, Fast2.20*, Fast2.21, Fast2.22, Fast2.23, Fast2.24, S40iR4 M byynwy (for *j3yynwy, in a Ms which does not use the letter f3) Fastl.2, Fastl.3, Fastl.4, Fastl.5*, Fastl.6, Fastl.7, Fastl.8, Fastl.9, Fastl.10, Fastl.11*, Fastl.12* M f3yynwyy Fast3.35 M f3yyynwyy O6191R2*, O6191R4* M f3yyy-nwyy Fast3.1, Fast3.9, Fast3.30, Fast4.6, Fast5.2 S tf3yy-ptyc TaleG24* s. {3y-, ptycy M j3yyryj n.pr.m. M f3yyryj Ml.79 (Ms b-) M f3yyst'n, S f3yy'st'n n. 'place of the gods, .Jsacred place' M f3yyysfn TaleE41* S f3yy'st'ny obl. KG459* (ed. ](y)'st'ry, read f3y](y)'st'ny with Lieu 1994, 29 n. 27) MS f3yyst s. {3yM j3yyxyp6 n.pr.m. Not in IPNB II/8. M f3yyyxyp6 KG1627*

Sogdian S f3yy[ O7466ii4 M j3j-, 'f3j-, S 'f3z- a., n.f 'bad, evil'. GMS §1213. M 'f3jy' gen.sg.f (?) M107iiVii4 (GMS §1178) M f3jyy nom.sg.m. TaleE29 M c'f3yjt (or w'f3yjt) elat. M674R6* (GMS §1314) S 'f3z' acc.sg.f HC37.2.12* (ed. 'f3z[y', more likely 'f3z[') S 'f3zy' abl.sg.f BezA6 M f3j'w, S f3z'w v.tr. 'to add, increase', past stem S 'f3z'wt M l3j'w 2.sg.impv. M767iR2 S f3z'wt 3.sg.pres. AN36 (ed. f3n-), ANll7 (thus Yoshida 1998, 42, ed. l3n-) S 'f3z'wto'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 15502R10 (thus Y.Y.; Kat. 'f3n-) S f3z'wt-skwnw 3.sg.pres.dur. AN118 (ed. f3n-) M f3j'wk a. 'distressed'. Late form or error for *l3j'xwk, C bz'xwq. M l3j'wq TaleB60 M f3j'xwty', 'f3j'xwty', S 'f3z'wxty', 'f3z'wxty'kh, 'f3z'xtyh, 'f3z'xwty', f3z'xwty'kh n.f 'suffer­ ing, distress' M 'f3j'xwty' BBBb61f ('f3j'#xwty'), BBBb62, M5592R3* M f3j'xwty'h BBBa9 S 'f3z'wxty' 18102+V14* (ed. 'f3z'(•xty'), read 'f3z'(wxt)y') S 'f3z'wxty'kh 18055R2 S 'f3z'xtyh AN105 S 'f3z'xwty' 18700+V10 S 'f3z'xwty'kh HC37.2.13*, Ps601* (ed. 'f3z'xw(t)[y'k, restore -'kh) M f3jy�- v.itr. 'to mount', past stem f3jyst­ M f3jyMnd 3.pl.pres. Gl/bl* M f3jystyy pp. M127Vl1 M f3jynd n. '(act of) mounting'. fuf. according to OMS §342 n. 1. M f3jynd BBB509, M356.3 M f3jn- n.f 'mark, sign' M f3jn'h nom.sg. Gl/ql* M f3jng'ry, 'f3jng'ry, S 'f3z'nk'r'k, 'f3z'nk'ry a. 'sinful', n.m. 'evil-doer' M 'f3jng'rytyy pl.obi. BBB520 M f3jng'ryy SLNak24* S 'f3z'nk'r'kw PsAl.43 S 'f3z'nk'ryty pl.ob!. Ps581 S w'f3z'nk'ryst elat. 10650(10)R7 M (3jng'rystr a. 'most sinful' M f3jng'rystrt pl. CFl15 M f3jnk'r a. 'sinful' M f3jnnk'qyy pl.ob!. M900A4*


M f3jwn, 'f3jwn n. 'increase' M 'f3jwnyh ob!. M617iiV9* (GMS §1026 'f3j(y)nyh, but cf. ibid., p. 249) M f3jwn L73+R2* M f3jy- v.itr. 'to increase, be added' M f3jytskwn 3.sg.pres.dur. M14R3 M f3jyk, S 'f3z'yk, 'f3zyk, f3z'yk, f3zyk a., n. 'evil' M f3jyk BBBb14*, BBBell, SLNak35 M f3jyq BBBb19 M f3jyqt pl. SLNak19 S 'f3z'yk 20240R2, Ps621 S 'f3z'ykh Xw/c9* S 'f3z'ykw HC37.1.9 S 'f3zyk Ps130 S 'f3zykw 10650(1)R6, TaleI3* S f3z'yk 18101+Rl S f3z'ykw L120.4 S f3zykw BezB30 M f3jyrny, 'f3jyryny a. 'made of diamond'. fudian-Sogd. hybrid. M 'f3jyr'ync f CF25 (Ms -b-) M f3jymyl} M5271R11* S f3n s. -fn M f3n'j v.itr. 'to stumble'(?) M f3n'j6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. Gl/f13* (OMS §877 n. \; cf. also ibid., n. 2?) S f3n's n. 'deception' S f3n's TaleKa16 M f3n'w n. 'trembling'(?). Reading and inter­ pretation very doubtful. M f3n'w ML2.19* S tf3n'wt AN36, ANl17, ANl18 s. /3j'w s f3n'ys s. fnys M f3nd, f3ynd, S 1 f3nt n. 'bond; obligation; clo­ sure, refusal; bondage, prison' M f3nd [BBBf84 s. {3w-], M655cV2, M814i V6 M f3ndy ob!. AR1a12 M Bynd BBBf28 S f3nt 18140+iR7 S f3nth AN104, HC36.19R4*(?) S f3ntw 18248i15, RSH116* S f3nty ob!. Ps386, SS161 M f3nd'm, S f3nt'm n. 'penalty'. Sims-Williams 2007, 184b s.v. af3Lv6aµo. M Bnd'm BBB646 S f3nt'm BezB60, BezB66 M f3ndktyc, S f3ntktyc n.f 'prison' M f3ndktyc BBBb75 S f3ntktycy obl. HC37.2.15 M Bndskwn s. {3wM f3ndy n.m. 'slave, servant'; in letters, a self­ deprecatory term for the sender and his associates



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M f3ndy [AR1al2 s. [3nd], M7391+1 M f3ndyh BBBb87 M f3ndyy O11078A5 (IPNB II/8, no. 1670: end of a n.pr.?) S j3nt'k 20508V5 S j3nt'ktw pl. BezAlO, BezA92 S j3nt'kty pl.obl. BezB7 S f3nt'yt pl. TaleK11 S j3ntk 01186+2* S j3nty 14742V12, 14742V18, 20002+R5 (Kat. Wty), 20230Vl, 21005R2, BezA29, BezB23, BezB46, BezB50, BezB52, BezB 55, BezB57, BezB78, BezC3, BezCS, BezC6, BezC22, BezC24, Ch/U6886V6, 01190.1, 02314.5*, 02517.2, ST15.2 , S f3ntyt pl. BezC9 S j3ntytw pl. BezA49*, BezASl, BezA64, BezA107, BezB42 S j3nty[ PsAl.73*(?) S 1 f3nt s. f3nd S 2f3nt, f3ntk'm s. [3w­ S 3f3nt s. rwt' -[3nt S 4 tf3nt L120.4 s. y't-xw'r S f3nt'k, f3nt'y, f3ntk s. [3ndy S f3nt'm s. {3nd'm S f3ntktyc s. f3ndktyc S tj3ntwkwny 14280iV2 s. y'twkny S f3nty s. f3nd, f3ndy S (3ntymync a. 'servile' S f3ntymynch 01146.5 S f3r s. [3r-{3wo'n, [3r-[3wo'nt'k MS (3r- v.tr. 'to bear, carry, suffer', past stem j3rt M f3r' 2.sg.impv. BBBc22, TaleDl M f3r' 3.sg.impf KawCS M f3r'm I.sg.pres. M670V4 (Asmussen 1965, 245, nm'cbr'm, read n(m'cf3)r'(m)[ and cf. nm'c) M f3r'nd 3.pl.impf BBB613, KawV14 M f3r'nd 3.pl.pres. CF55, CFvl55* (ed. f3[, restore f3[r'nd) M f3r'! 3.sg.subj. KawIV3*(?) M f3qo'rnd 3.pl.tr.pret. TaleB37 M f3rWrM 2.pl.tr.pret. M617iiR6 M f3qo'rm I.sg.tr.pret. M370Vl (cited as f3qb'r-, GMS §879) M f3qo'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. M144R4 (cited as f3qo'r-, GMS §879) M f3rty 3.sg.pres. SS149 M f3rtyy 3.sg.pres. ANeS M f3rww I.sg.impf Ml37iiV7 M f3ryy 3.sg.opt.(Y.Y.) M1207R5 (cited as f3r-, Henning 1945b, 117) M f3ryynd 3.pl.opt. M813iV7 M f3rynyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR6

S f3r' 3.sg.impf (?) KG431 S f3r'm I.sg.pres. 10650(15)R6, 10650(15) V6, Ps359(1) (nm'cf3r'm cf. nm'c), Ps359(2) (nm'cf3r'm cf. nm'c), SS151, SS152 S f3r'nt 3.sg.impf 18110V6, O2655R2* S f3r'nt 3.sg.pres. 10650(15)Rl(?), L44.9, O2655R2*(?) S f3r'ntk 3.pl.pres.dur. BezB72 (nm'cf3r'ntk) S f3r6'skwn 2.pl.pres.dur. TaleH23 S f3ry 2.sg.pres. SS151 S f3rym I.pl.pres. 18154R2, BezA32, BezB 27 (nm'cf3rym), 010052.2* S f3r'ym I.pl.pres. L44.8, 010001.2 S f3r'ymn ].pl.pres. 07313.3 S f3mt 3.pl.pres. AN78, AN105* S j3rt 3.sg.pres. AN107 S f3rt past inf AN25, TaleKa23 S f3rtb'rnt 3.pl.tr.pret. SLNl17 S f3rtw-6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG635 S f3rty 3.sg.pres. AN92, SS114 S f3rty 3.sg.pres.mid.(?) BezA33 (nm'cf3rty), BezB28* (nm'cf3rty) S f3r... 17150B3 S (3r'cp or f3rcp- v.tr. 'to urge' S f3r'cp'nt 3.pl.impf KG593 S f3r'y'z s. fr'y'z S f3r'k s. fr'k, f3ry, swntk-'z[3'k'-[3r'k S f3r'm'y s. frm'y S j3r'n n. 'breath' S f3r'nw 14030V6 (thus Yoshida 2008, 58, Kat. f3rz'w) S f3r'np'n, tf3r'nk'n Ch/U6827iii4 s. fr'np'n S j3r's n. 'punishment' S f3r's L65.4 s f3r'sy, f3r's'ym s. frys MS (3r't, S 'I:IYw n.m. 'brother'. Irregular pl., GMS §1231. M f3r't M138V4 M f3r't BBB540, BBBf3, KawIRS, M118ii Rl0, M794biiR3 M f3r'!rt pl. M617iiV7 M f3r'trty pl.obi. BBBf41 M f3r'tr!YY pl.obl. Ml18iiR16, M778bA2 M f3r'ty obl. Ml696.4* M f3r'![ M1134+V8* S 'I:IYw 14030R8 (thus Kat., 93 n. 5; GMS §1316, lLPw), 18058+R8, 18058+R10, 18248i20, 18431V4*, AN172* (ed. '(I:I)[Y, _;restore '(I:I)[Yw), BezCl, [Ps359(1), Ps 359(2) s. 1 ptr-] S 'I:IYw'y obl. 18058+R15* S 'I:IYwtrt pl. 18058+R19*, 18058+V17* CI:IYw-trt) S 'I:IYw-trtw pl. BezAl13, B,ezAl18 S f3r't 13700aB10*(?), 14715bR1, 20503R2,

Sogdian ANc7, Frg28.3, Lll1V3 S f3r't' voc.sg. ANl70 S f3r't'rt pl. Bezeklik Inscription 1 S f3r't'rty pl.obl. KG348 S f3r'trt pl. 14150+iR13* S f3r'ty obL AN171 M (3r'tky adv. 'brother by brother, one brother after another'(?). Cf. Gershevitch 1985, 279. M f3r'tky Ml134+V6 S (3r'trk'n n. 'piece of land inherited by (each of a group of) brothers'(?). Thus Yoshida 1999, 162-3. S f3r'trk'nt pl. SS119 S j3r'wk n. 'eyebrow' S f3r'wk 16201.12 S j3r'wk-sry n.m. 'eyebrow' S f3r'wk-sry 16201.13 (thus ed.; not z'nwk sr(y) as in BT XII, 63) S j3r'wm n. 'Rome, Roman empire'. Loanword from Pa frwm (DMT III/1, 157b). S f3r'wmy obl. KG353, KG384 S j3r'wm'y'n a. 'Roman'. Pa-Sogd. hybrid, cf. Pa frwm'y 'id.' (DMT III/1, 157b). S f3r'wm'y'n KG394 S j3r'wm'yk, f3rwm'yk a. 'Roman'. Pa-Sogd. hybrid. S f3r'wm'ykty pl.obl. KG350 S f3rwm'yk List7bl * S f3r'wyscy s. fr'wycy M j3r'xs-, S f3rxs- v.itr. 'to congratulate, defer to (+ gen.)'. Henning 1940, 40, regards M f3r'xs- as a different verb 'to roast' on the basis of its likely MP equivalent brynz-, but the latter is a hapax (DMT III/1, 11la) which may well be synonymous and cog­ nate with S f3rxs-. M f3r'xs"m I.sg.pres. Gl/hl8* S f3rxs'nt 3.pl.pres. TaleK8, TaleKl7* (ed. [••]ys'nt; Yoshida 1994, 28, ["r]xs'nt; read perhaps [Br]xs'nt 'they defer (to that man to whom children have been born and who has not lost them)') S f3rxscykw fut.pt. BezA16 S f3rxsty 3.sg.pres. TaleK23 S (3r'xs- v.tr. 'to shoot, throw, throw out', past stem f3r'xsts Wr'xs 3.sg.impf AN155 S Wrxs 3.sg.impf 18434V7 S Wrxs'y 2. sg.impf 18431V1* S f3r'xstk pp. TaleKa3 S f3r'xsty 3.sg.pres. AN92 S f3r'xsy 2.sg.opt. 18431V3* S f3r'y s. f3ry S f3r'y6t KB9(1)* s. {3r'yt


s f3r'ys, f3r'yst s. frys S j3r'yst'k, f3r'ystk, f3r'ysty s. frysty s f3r'yst'y s. frys, frysty S [3r'ystmnc a. 'angelic'(?) S f3r'ystmnc 20230V8*(?) S (3r'yt, fr'yt v.tr. 'to help'. Sims-Williams 1989, 261. Cf. also s.v. *fryt-. S f3r'ybt 2.pl.impv. KB9(1)* (ed. f3(wc)6t, read f3(r')y6t; -bt by metathesis for -tb) S f3r'yt 2.sg.impv. [HC36.19V4, probably only the end of a word], KG442*, KG567, [SS121 s. {3'r[3ry] S l3r'yt'y 2.sg.pres. Ps604 S l3r'ytn'y pres.pt. Ps590 (ed. f3r'yt'ny) S fr'yt 2.sg.impv. KG545* (ed. c'yt, read (f3r)'yt with Sims-Williams 1989, 261, or rather (fr)'yt, with trace of point below the initial f3-) S *j3r'z v.itr. 'to shine', past stem f3r'zt S f3r'ztytw pp.pl. 'enlightened' BezA22, Bez BIS M j3r'zndy, f3r'znty, S 'l3r'znt'k, 'f3r'znty, 'f3r'z'nt'k, 'l3r'z'nty a. 'shining, glowing, res­ plendent' M f3r'zndtyy M6330V12 M f3r'zntyy M2074.2 S 'f3r'z'nt'kw BezB3, BezB26 S 'f3r'z'nty 18196V14 (misprinted f3r-), BezA 83 S 'l3r'znt'k 01979.3 S 'f3r'znt'kw BezA14, BezA31, BezA133, U6021.2 S 'l3r'znty 18196R1, BezA25' S j3r(3'nt n. 'deception' S f3rf3'nt RSH29 S j3r-(3w&'n a. 'fragrant' S l3r-l3w8nt pl. HC36.2R3 S (3r-(3w&'nt'k a. 'fragrant' S f3r-f3w8nt'kw HC36.9R9 S f3rcp- s. {3r'cp S f3rcy s. z'tyf3rc S (3rbf3'y- v.itr. 'to be spread, be diffused', past stem prbl3'y't S f3rbf3'yt-k'm 3.sg.fut. KG333 S pr6f3'y't-6'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG394* (cf. GMS §877 n. 2; differently GMS §293) S (3ry'm'k n.m. 'yearling, kid'(?). BT XI, 196. S f3ry'm'k KG503 S (3ry'w n. 'wealth' S f3ry'w 18210Al, Talell7 S j3ry'z n. '(act of) taking, grasping' S l3ry'z Xwl.11 S l3ryn- s. frynS l3rkst'k s. *2/rkrnd S f3rkyr s. frkyr


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S f3rk'yrny s. frkyrn S f3rm'y s. frm'y s f3rm'yst s. frmrz M tf3rm[ M1768B2* s. "{3r S (3rpt- v.itr. 'to fall, tumble' S f3rpt'n 1.sg.subj. HC36.7R7 M (3rtymbn, S f3rtympn a. 'enduring the strain' M f3qymbnd pl. M617iiV11 S f3rtympnw BezB39 MS (3rtpb a. 'informed, knowing'. BT XII, 148. M f3rtpb[ M513.3* M f3qpM M280iiR4 S f3rtpb 20237R4, BezA59, BezB44, Ch/U 7058V4 M (3rtpby', S f3rtpby'kh n.f 'information, knowledge' M f3qpby'l]. M280iiR1 S f3rtpby'kh KG471, Mainz390R5* S f3rtry' s. frtry' M (3rtwy a. 'ready'(?). Doubtful restoration. Comparison with S f3rtwx is uncertain in view of the final -y. M f3rtwy Gl/a14* S(3rtwx a. 'tranquil, secure, assured, confident'. Cf. C brtwx, BT XII, 148. S f3rtwx TaleKa14 S f3rtwxt pl. Ps577 S f3rtwxw Ps597 S (3rtxwy'kh n.f 'assurance, confidence' S f3rtxwy'kh RSH21* S f3rw'rty s. 'rt'w frwr ty S f3rwm'yk s. {3r'wm'yk S f3rwrt'k, f3rwrt'y s. 2frwr ty S f3rwrty s. 'rt'w frwrty, tf3rwrty 15502V12 s. zfrwr ty S f3rwx s. r'ymst-{3rwx, s'b-{3rwx, xw'r-{3rwx S f3rxs- s. {3r'xsS (3rxty 14410iV20. Unknown word. M (3ry, S f3r'k, f3r'y n.m. 'fruit' M f3ry [Gl/h27 s. jw'ndy-{3ry], M7800iiR1 M f3ryy CF32, M540eR4, M664R19, M7800 iiR4, SLNak35* S f3r'k 14000R36*, O2075V4, O2075V6 S f3r'kw O2075Vl1 S f3r'y HC36.3R5* (Sundermann 1990, 24 n. 15), Listl+ii2, Listl+iii5, Listl+iv8*, Listl+viii7, O2075V9 S f3ry, BRY s. {3r-, fry-, yny-{3ry, swntk-'z{3'k'­ {3r'k, z' ty . (In AN189, ]#f3ry is the end of an incomplete word.) MS (3ry' n.f 'air' M f3ry' CFlO (Ms b-), CF93, M583iV5, M583iV11, M583iV16, SS149 M f3ryy' SS148

M f3ry'l]. TaleE25 S f3ry' TaleH14*, TaleH19 S f3ry'm s. 'pw-{3ry'm S (3ry'n'k n. 'friend'. Cf. Pa fry'ng 'id.', here perhaps equivalent to MP 'ry'm'n as an epithet of 'Jesus the Friend' (cf. Sunder­ mann 2001, 129 n. 246). S f3ry'n'k 14000R35 M (3ry(3ryny a. 'fruit-bearing' M f3ryyf3rynyyt pl. CF31 S f3ryst'k, f3rysty s. frys ty M (3rywr, S RYPW num. 'ten thousand, myriad' M f3rywr [CF63 s. '{3t't-{3rywr-zng'n], CF93, M635iR2, M498ciiR2, M134iV9*, M7800iiV12*, M5913V6, Mll0l.1, M7800iiV14* M f3ryywr CF92 M f3rywqyl].pl.obl. O6153+R3 S RYPW 20230V37, 20513iiR3*, 20513 iiR6, 20513iiR6, 20513iiV3, 20513iiV3, 20513iiV6, 20513iiV6, Ch/U6084R2, Ch/U6536biiR1, Ch/U6536biiR4, Ch/U 6536biiR4, KB18(1), O/U829.6, 01979.1, [ST15.2* s. RYPWmyk] S RYPW RYPW RSH86 S RYPWty pl.ob!. BezA7 S f3rz'k s. f3rzy S tf3rz'w 14030V6 s. {3r'n S (3rz'yck a. 'long' S f3rz'yckh SSl10 M (3rzkw n. 'length'. GMS §999. M f3rzkwyy obl. M5701+R8 M f3rzqwyy obl. M372Vi2 MS (3rzy, S f3rz'k a. 'long' M f3rzyy M136R2 S f3rz'kw 10100k+R19 S f3rzy AN141, AN159, AN186, AN190, Bez A99 M f3r[ M6457.3 Sf3r[ 18700+V13, 05471+4, RSH28* S f3s'c s. fs'c S (3sp'ty a. 'prostrated, humble'(?) S f3sp'tytw pl. BezA21 MS f3st- s. {3ynd S(3swc v.tr. 'to sacrifice'. Cf. Cfswyty 'sacri­ ficed', BT XII, 211b. S 'f3s'wc 'to cut (the throat of an animal)' is probably a special sense of the same verb (contra GMS, p. .)245). S f3swc'nt 3.pl.pres.(?) O1723V2 S(3sw[ 20230V13* M tf3s M8200R*. Evidently (f3)s is a misprint for (f3)ys, but only -ys- is sure. S (3s'f, 20235A4. Unknown word.



S 1(3s'm TaleJ18. Unknown word. S 2f3s'm, f3s'mt-, f3smt- s. fs'm S(3s'y v.tr. 'to suffer, endure'(?). Benveniste 1940, 181. S f3s'yt 3.sg.pres. O7368Vl* S (3snyk a. 'trembling, cracking'(?) S f3snykh HC36.8V3 s f3t' s. '{3t S f3tryt- s. f3trync M (3trytky' n.f 'submission'. The fifth part of the fourth cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 139. M f3trytky' SLNak91 M (3trng n. 'oppression' M f3trnng M108Rl MS (3trync v.tr. 'to press, suppress, oppress, defeat', past stem S f3tryt­ M f31rync 3.sg.impf Gl/ill* S f3'tryncw 3.sg.impf KB7(1), KB18(6)* S f3tryty pp. 18196R7 (with active meaning 'defeating') S f3trync'y 3.sg.opt.(?) 18111iiV5 S tf3ty 21002V4. Thus Lentz (cited in Kat.), but probably only the end of a word. S f3tyr- s. ftyrS fH[ 18102+Vl7 MS (3w-, f3-, wf3- v.itr. 'to become, be', past stem 'krt-, 'kt-. Also used as auxiliary of the itr. potential (forms of which are listed both here and under the complete verbal form). For the inflection see GMS §787-802. M 'kqy 3.sg.m.itr.pret.(?) M116Vl (Asmus­ sen 1965, 238 restores n'] 'kqy 'undone', but the correct form of such a compound would be *n' -'kq, s. n'kt) M 'kqyy 3.sg.m.itr.pret. BBB542 M 'kqym 1.sg.itr.pret. O6233B4* M 'kqysf 2.pl.itr.pret. M121V4 M 'kq[ M697B6 (see s.v. tys) M 'kt' 3.sg.f itr.pret. M6860B2 (cf. GMS, p. 248, addendum to §861) M 'kt' wf3'nd 3.pl.pres.itr.pot. Ml134+R4 M 'kfnd 3.pl.itr.pret. KawE6, TaleB31 M 'kfndt 3.pl.itr.pret. KawK6*, KawK12 M 'kn 3.sg.subj.itr.pret. BBB645, BBB682, BBB747, SS5* (sy'kf[t, misprinted -qt-, cf. sy'; different! y BT XXVII, 8: sy'kt'[wy) M 'ktnd 3.pl.itr.pret. AR1a12, AR1a13 M 'kty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. BBB539* M 'kty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. Gl/b22 (ed. [p]srcyk a. 'lower' M c'6rcyq CF125 S c'br-kyr'n adv. 'below' S c'6r-kyr'n 10650(l)R6 MSc'brp'r, S c'p'r adv. 'underneath', postp. (with prep. en) 'under, below' M c'6rp'r SLNak23 S c'orp'r HC37.2.6 S c'p'r 13942A5, 13942A6, 13942A7 MS c'brs'r, c's'r adv. 'down, downwards' M c'6rs'r TaleE26, TaleE37*, M674V10 (c'6r-s'r), M794ciV3, M880iR6 (c'or-s'r) M c's'r Ml34iiR11 S c'ors'r 20229R12f (c'6r#s'r), AN90 (c'6r­ s'r), L37.6f (ed. cn6r-, read c'or#s'r with Sims-Williams 1981, 237), RSH102* S c's'r 14030V7, 18700+V5* M c'brstr, MS c'str a. 'lower', postp. (with prep. en) 'under, below' M c'6rstr CF112 M c'6rstr CF77 M c'str M2005.6 S c'str Talel33 M 1c'f, S 1 c'l3 a. 'how much, how many, as much, as many, much, many', adv. 'how­ ever, very', c. 'in as much as'. Also 'yw c'f 'several, many', see GMS §1586 (with addendum on p. 251), Sundermann 1984, 311 n. 44. M632.2*, M373V3*, BBBd2, M c'f ML2.9 *, M5690R3 , M767iR1, M767iiR2 a perhaps obscure, S c'l3 11603+8 (meaning 3 2, 18700+R , 15800V8 c'(3), different 20193bR2, 20229Rl8, AN75, AN80, AN184, BezA70, BezAl10, TaleKa24 S c'l3w 10100eV10 M 2c'f, S 2c'j3 adv. 'all around'. Cf. C c'f c'f, Schwartz 1967, 50. M c'f c'f BBBe24 S c'l3 c'B KG466f M c'fryb, S c'!3ry6 adv. 'as, as many' M c'fryM M767iV3 S c'!3ry6 14000R16 (thus Yoshida 2002, 193a, ed. c'Wyb) S c'y'zy[ 14153+iR15. Perhaps 'from the beginning'? s C:m- s. csmM c'm', S c'm'k prep. + pers.pron. 'from me, by me, etc.' M c'm' BBB538, BBB644, BBB681, BBBf 88 S c'm'k 10100k+R13, GGZl.6, GGZl.8, GGZl.11

S tc'ntr PsAl.78 s. cyndr

MS c'nw, S c'n'kw, c'nkw, c'n'w adv., c. 'how,

as, when, since, because; than' M c'nw ANe6, BBB476, BBB547, BBB628, BBB650, BBB728, BBB738, BBBbl, BBB cl4, BBBc24, BBBc36, BBBdl1*, BBBf 7*, BBBf43, BBBf60, CF71, Fast5.2*, Fast 5.5, L73+V4, L75.5 (ed. 'nwz, read (c)'nw [Y.Y.]), M117.13, M129V8, M130a+V2, M140+V9, M264aV9, M549ii9, M591R2, M765kR4, M760R8, M760V9, M765kR8, M794aiiR3, M813iR8, M1828V3, M2207 iiVI, M6132A4, M7800iiR2, M8200Vl*, MIKiii498ld7, MIKiii4981f10*, MLl.20, MLl.27, ML2.14, O6228A5*, S40iiR3, SLNak56, SLNak80*, SLNak81, SLNak84, SLNak93, SLNak96, SLNak109, SLNal 115, SLNalll7, SLNa1120, SLNam128*, TaleA19, TaleA28, TaleD18*, TaleD25, TaleD35, TaleD37*, TaleD40*, TaleE8, TaleE18 M c'nww M684V5, M1828R3 10263(1)+R3, 10260(1)A5, S c'n'kw 10263(1)+V9*, 13507Bl*, 13700aB3, 15421Al, 15800V5, 15800V7, 18123A2, 18131iiV7, 18248il, 20229R6, 20229R8*, 20229R10*, 20229R13, 20229V7, RSH24, RSH94, RSH99, RSH119, RSH122, [RSH 130 read c'nkw], RSH136*, RSH151 *, RSH169*, SSll0, SSlll, SS115, SS126, SS131, TaleAS4, TaleASlO, TaleJ4, TaleK 16* (not read in ed.; Yoshida 1994, 27, [rt](pts'r); read c('n'kw) with Kat., 77) S c'n'w 10000(2)2 S c'nkw 10347A5*, 10650(1)R3, 11400R7, 13880B4*, 13943V3, 14000R34, 14638 iV13*, 14726V6, 18101+R3, 18110V5, 18700+Vll, 18435V8, 18700+V12*, 20220iiR24, 20229R4, 20506+V4, AN39*, AN92*, AN131, AN144, AN151, AN157, ANl70, ANd4, BezA32, BezA48, BezA91, Ch/U6394V2, KBS(l)*, KB7(1)*, KB8(1), KB8(1)*, KB9(1), KB10(1), KB12(6), KB 13(1), KB13(7)*, KB16(1)*, KB16(7), KB 21(1), KB22(1), KB23(2), KG331, KG344, KG371, KG379, KG397, KG400, KG422, KG462, KG531, KG541, KG588, KG591, KG616, KG2.7, L37.16, L61.4, L61.9, L61.14* (ed. en[, restore c'[nkw), Ps388, Ps 583, RSH130 (misprinted c'n'kw), TaleF15, TaleKal, TaleKa18, TaleKa27 S c'nw 11603+4, 18196R14, 18196R17, 18196V8, AN37, [AN116 s. c'w], ANl71 (Ms c'wn), AN185, ANc24, BezB28, Frg32 iiV5*, KG3.37, KG3.47*, KG3.65*, L44.8,


O6406A2*, TaleJ9 MS c'ny s. m'nyc'ny, m'xc'ny, nwymy&'ny S c'p'r s. c'cSrp'r S c'ry BezB50 s. rst'wc'r MS c's'r s. c'ors'r M c's'r-pbyk a. 'connected with the lower parts (of the body)' M c's'r-poyk MLl.26 M c'smn n.f 'jasmine'. MP loanword, GMS §70 n. 1. For the gender cf. the variant j'smn in n.pr.f. zrywnc-j'smn. M c'smn M137iiR14, M137iiV6 MS c'str s. c' 6rstr M c'twxt s. twx M c,tyk a. 'deriving from a well' M c'tyk MLl.22 MS c'w n. 'tide'. Chinese loanword. Yoshida 1998, 42; Sims-Williams 2009, 265b (where the character)�� chao is misprinted). M c'w ANe15 S c"w AN116 (thus Yoshida 1998, 42, ed. c'nw) MS c'wns. en S c'yb'n n. 'Berna'. Sims-Williams 1981, 2367. S c'y8n L120.6 (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 236, ed. cn8n) S tc'yt KG545 s. {3r'yt S tc'ywyb Ch/U6146V6* s. prywyo Sc'[ 14638iV20, ANal, 07004+24 M cf-, S c�- v.tr. 'to steal' M cf 3.sg.impf SLNakll S c!3ty-k'm 3.sg.fut. 10203.3* M cy'ly n.m. 'baby'(?). An ingenious but very hypothetical restoration; the Ms has only cy'[. Translates MP qwdg 'young, small; baby' (for these meanings see MacKenzie 1971, 51). M cy'lyh M425V3* Scy'ny a. 'of Chaghan (i.e. Chaghaniyan)' S cy'ny List7b8* M cyn- n.f 'silk' M cyny' gen.sg. BBB527 M ck'stky' n.f 'ugliness' M ck'stky' M900B4* MS ck,t n. 'forehead' M ck't Gl/c28 S ck't 16201.6 MS ckn'c prep. + interrog.-rel.pron. + postp. 'from what, from which, from whom, con­ cerning which, etc.'. Sims-Williams 1986, 416. M ckn'c BBBb66, BBBb81, KawE19, M5913R5, SLNak98 M cqn'c TaleA38



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S ckn'c 14000R5, 14000Rl7*, 14638iV2, 20229V16,Ps444,PsAl.69,SS153,SS155 S ckn'ch Ps441*,Ps442,Ps443 S ckn"cw 20150V2* S ckn'cw HC36.7V2, SS119, TaleAS17*, TaleKa25 M ckstwny n. 'ugliness' M ckstwnyy M600V5 M t ckstyt ML2.7, ML2.8 (GMS §1089) s. 1 CXSty MS cm- s. csm­ M cm'n s. cnm'ny S cm'nprm adv. 'from the bottom of one's heart' S cm'nprm BezA51 M cmbt'ry n.m. 'string of a lute'. Sims-Willi­ ams 2004a,628-9 with n. 12. M cmbfryh Gl/al M cmxwy n. 'lute'. Henning 1958,80 with n. 2. M cmxwy Gl/g29 S cmxwyzyny n.m. 'lute-player' S cmxwyzyny GlAiiil* MS en, c'wn,cwn, S cnn,MN,c- prep. (+ abl.) 'from, by, by means of, concerning, at; than'. GMS §1610-21. The final -n/-nn/-wn was originally a demonstrative (Sims-Will­ iams 1990,277 with n. 5) and occasionally preserves this function (e.g. cnn 'from them',TaleKalO). M 'rtcn CFll4 M 'qcn M2207iR2 M c'wn M118iR16, M118iV1, M140+Rl*, M140+R8,Ml40+R14* Men ANe18, ANe23, ARla8, ARla12, AR1al3, BBB538, BBB605, BBB607, BBB608, BBB640, BBB644, BBB657, BBB658, BBB659, BBB660, BBB662, BBB681, BBB693*, BBB711*, BBB718*, BBB722*, BBB745, BBBb44, BBBb45, BBBb61, BBBb70, BBBb99, BBBc18, BBBdl,BBBd6,BBBe20,BBBf4,BBBf7, BBBIB, BBB�, BBBB9, BBBM0, BBBf 41, BBBf46, BBBf79, BBBf80, CF66, CF 104, CFl11,CF122,Gl/d3,KawE8,KawE 18, KawG3, KawG9*, KawG17, KawG18, KawG20, KawG24, KawIV3*, KawK7, KawK15, KawV21, KG2337, KG2367, L73+R3, L117R3, L117R4, M14R22, Ml17.5, M127R2*, Ml27V4*, Ml29Rl*, M129R3, Ml29R4, Ml29Rl2, Ml29V6, M129V8, Ml30bV6, M134iR10*, M134i V9, M137iiR10, M137iiR10, Ml37iiV4, M140+V3, Ml44R3, M264aR8, M264a R13, M296Vhdl*, M337R9, M428aV4,

M483.8, M498biiV2, M530V3, M548V3, M583iR15, M583iR17, M583iV1, M583i V2, M583iV4, M583iV5, M583iV7, M583i V9, M583iV10*, M583iV12, M583iV15, M583iV14, M583iV13, M583iV17, M583 iiR7, M591R2*, M617iiV10, M632.1, M659R2*, M674V8, M794ciR2, M794aiV1, M767iR2, V9, M794ciV3, M796iR7, M813i M857R3,M896Vii3,M910iiV3,M915 R2, M1134+R7*, Ml134+V7, [M1768B2* s. "{3r], M1828V7, M2005R3, M2151.3, M2207iV2, M2207iiR2, M2320.l, M4911 iR4, M5030R6, M5030Rl0, M5266R3, M5266R5, M5266R7, M5266R9, M5266 RIO, M5266V9, M5271V2, M5690Rl, M5690V7, M5690R4, M5690R3, M5928.5,M6132A5,M6330R2,M7391+1, M7800iihdl, M7800iiR3, M7800iiR4, M7800iiV18, M8200V2, MIKiii4981d2, MLl.10, MLl.21, MLl.31, O6153+V3* (ed. (c)[,read (c)[n),O6163R4,O6163R9*, O11078A4, Ol1078A6, SLN92, SLN92, SLN92, SLN95, SLNak49, SLNak59, SLNak72,SLNak87,SLNaklOl,TaleAhdl, TaleB6, [TaleB12 s. cw], TaleB34, TaleE hdl,TaleE22*,TaleE25,TaleE36 M cwn Ml18iV4,M583iV6 S c'wn ANS*, ANl1, AN89, AN103, AN 142, [ANl71 s. c'nw], ANl79 (Ms cw'n), AN197,Ch/U6235V4*,GGZl.44,KG3.73, M2234A2 Sen [AN114*, reading very doubtful], AN 121 (cn'yty, cf. 'nyty), [BezB6 s. fryt'tw­ cn], L103R3* (ed. 'yw [...]c>wt, read 'yw (c)[n Jo(l3t)#[y'), 02495.3* (ed. ]•n, read ](c)n?),09122+3*,SS151,SS162,Xw/b3* S cnn 10026+Rl, 10030(2)A3, 10030(2)A4, 10237(4)R4, 10263(1)+R7, 10263(l)+V3, 10263(l)+V5, [11603+3*, doubtful resto­ ration], 11603+6, 11603+9, 14000R19, 14000R28, 14000R37*,14153+iR7, 14638 iR18, 14638iiRhdl, 14700(1 l)A4, 14742 Vl, 18101+R16, 18110R3, 18111iV3, 18125B4, 18248i18, 2000l+V16, 20229 R12, 20229R14, 20229V21, Ch/U6506 V2*, Frg5.8, FrgS.12, Frg6.7, HC36.1V5, HC36.3R4, HC36.7Rl, HC36.7R15, HC HC36.8R3, 36.7Vl, HC36.7V4, HC36.9V4, HC36.12A3, HC36.15R4, HC36.16+17R5, HC36.16+17R6, HC 36.16+17R6, HC36.16+17V3, HC36.19 V2*, HC37.1.11, HC37.l.13*, KG338*, KG346*, KG360, KG366,- KG368*, KG 434, KG440, KG473*, KG508, KG519,

Sogdian KG523,KG527,KG530,KG535,KG549*, KG574, KG579, KG584, KG587, KG592, L27.3*, L27.8, L30+V6, L33.5, L33.10, L33.14,L44.2, L44.2,L44.6,L44.7,L45.2, L65.11, L95+6, Ol723V3, 07004+38, 07004+54, Ps386, Ps388, Ps388, Ps403, RSH33*., RSH70*, RSH75, SS108,SS108, SS109, SS109, SS109, SS114, SS115, SS 126, SS128*, SS129, SS130, SS136, ST 15.3,TaleK2,TaleK15,TaleK15,TaleK15, TaleK15, TaleK22, TaleKalO,TaleKal1*, TaleKa26,TaleKa26 S cs't 10100mR10 S cwnKG3.35 S cxwr 10100mV3 S MN 10129iV9, 10650(10)R7, 10650(14)+ R3, 10700a+V6, 10920+V4, 10920+Vl2, 13942A5, 13942A6, 13942A7, 13943R5, 14001aV1, 14030V4, 14150+iR4, 14150+ iVlO, 14255V6, 14256Rl, 14715bR5, 18140+iiV5, 18430Ai8, 18435R6, 18435 V4, 18438Al, 18700+Vl*, 20002+V21, 20220iiV19, 20238A2, 20238B4*, AN4, AN4, ANS*, AN16, [AN17 s. cnyty], AN 57, AN68, AN79, AN88, AN126, AN129, AN136,AN136*,AN146,AN156,AN167, ANl71, ANl77, AN199, AN199, ANa6, BezAl, BezA6, BezA7, BezA8, BezA9, BezAll, BezA50, BezA73, BezA74, Bez A77, BezB17, BezB29, BezB33, BezC2, BezC22, Ch/U6937bR1, Ch/U8123aR1, GGZl.14, GGZl.15, GGZl.24, HC36.7 R14, KB15(6), KB2(1), KB16(2)*, KB 16(2),KB19(1)*,KB19(2),KB21(7),KBfr 9.9 (Yoshida 1999a,217,ms,read ms MN with Hansen 1930, 22), KG3.71, L29+1, L29+20, L37.5, L37.6, L37.8, L91+4, L91+5, L91+6, L91+12, L91+13, L95+2*, L95+2,L95+3,Lll1V4,List3.1*,List3.4*, List3.7*, List3.10, List3.16, List3.20, List 3.24, M632V, M2019hdl, [MIKIII7251R6, perhaps Turkish man with Yoshida 2008, 60], 01186+4, O1723Rl, Ol723R3, O1723Vl, O1723V4*, O2075R9, 02314.2*, O5537B2*, 07227.4, 07368 V4*,O/U851.2,Pshdl16,Ps55,Ps56,Ps57, Ps58, Ps396, Ps412, Ps412, Ps412, Ps569, Ps576,Ps581,Ps583,Ps601,Ps622,Ps652, PsAl.51*, PsAl.69*, PsAl.69, PsAl.80*, SS150, SS151, SS151, SS151, SS151, SS 154,SS155,SS161,SS162,SS162,SS162, SS162, SS162, SS162, SS162, TaleGll, TaleG19 (ed. (m)[••• ], restore (M)[N]), TaleG22, TaleHS, Talel9, Talell0, Tale! 20*, Talel21, Talel32*, Talel33, Talel34,


TaleI34, Talel35, Talel36, Talel36, Tale! 46, Talel46, Talel51, TaleJ4, Xw2.4, Xw 2.6 S MNxypb BezA26, BezB18, 01186+2*, U6021.3* S *p'rZYen 18248i11 (possible · emendation for p'rZYsn) S rtcn RSH83* S rtcnn 10200(6)R10, 18248i2, 20229Rl, KG461,KG512 Men' s. wsn-cny S cn'yty s. cnyty M cn'wxy adv. 'from the heart, with all one's soul' M cn'wxy BBB 730 M cnd'ty s. wyspwhr 'd cnd'ty z'dg M cndn, S cntn a. 'how great,how much,how many' M cndn ML2.7,ML2.18, ML2.19, ML2.20* (Sundermann 2008,414 n. 68),[S40iiR1 s. cyndr] S cntn FrgS.10 M cndr s. cyndr M cndrstr adv. or postp. 'inside' Mendrstr M4922.4* S teno'n L120.6 s. c'ytS 'n S tenor L37.6 s. c'ors'r M cnyty, S cn'yty,MN 'nyty adv. 'altogether' Menyty KawIV5 S cn'yty AN88, [AN121 s. en, 'nyty], Ch/U 6759V4 S MN 'nyty AN17 M cnm'ny, cm'n adv. 'from the mind, with all one's heart' Mem'n M794aiR1 Menm'ny BBB731 S cnt s. 'w ym' cnt S cntn s. cndn S cntr s. cyndr, cyndrp'r, cyts'r Sentrp'r s. cyndrp'r S cntr-s'r s. cyts'r S cnw s. ptf3ywcn S ten[ L61.14 s. c'nw S cp'ys n. 'general, army-commander'. Heph­ thalite(?) loanword, Yoshida 2004a, 13032. S cp'ys SS115 S cpl>' adv. 'absolutely'. Usually translated 'immediately', but this does not suit the context in BezA26,cf. Yoshida 2000,48. S cpo' AN88,BezA26,KG465,TaleF30 S cps'r 20230Rl. Unknown word. MS cr'y n. 'lamp' M cr'y M5913R5 Ser'y TaleH4


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

MS crm n. 'skin' M crm M14l+V12 S crm 10260(l)A6, SLN42 MS crmkry n.m. 'leather-worker'(?). Both passages are uncertain. In GlAiii one might rather expect a word for 'drummer'. M crmkryy Gl/x5* S crmkry G1Aiii3* S cs't s. en, s't S cs,nt, 'ts'nt n. 'drink' S 'ts'nty obl. Ch(U6506V3 S cs'nt HC36.9R7, TaleG26 S cs'nty obl. Ch/U6235V4 MS csm-, cm-, S c'm-, cym- n.m. 'eye' M cmyy gen.sg.(?) M5051V5 ,M csmw acc.sg. BBB657*, BBBb59 S c'my gen.sg.(?) BezC9 S cmty' gen.pl.(?) 14425+R16 S csm'y nom.sg. 20229R9 S csmw acc.sg. 10791(3)A2, 14700(15)7, 18162V5, KG566 S csmy gen.sg. Xwl.10 S csmy nom.sg. 10920+V7 (as acc.numv.), 16201.14, KG380 (as acc.), KG562*, Ps59 (as voe.) S csmy' loc.sg. 18102+V6 S csm... 13501iiR2* S cym' abl.sg. or nom-acc.numv. L27.8 (as abl.numv.) S csm6n'k n.m. 'eye-socket' S csmbn'kw 16201.15* S csn'wky' n.f. 'thirst' S csn'wky' 18102+V15 M csnd'k n. 'drink' M csnd'k BBB592 s cst'yk, cstyk s. styk S ctf3'r, ctf3'rmyk s. ctf'r, ctf'rmyk S ct( r rm a. 'fourth' S ctf3'rm 07004+51 S 4-m 20220iR1, 20220iR24 S ct(r r-twyr'ystn, ctf3'r-twyry(?) 'country of the Four Tughr'. Cf. MP ch'r-twgryst'n, Henning 1938, 551; DMT III/1, 330b. (In L44.5, the restoration [ctf3'r-twy]ry sug­ gested by Sundermann 2001, 478, is quite uncertain; a place-name is not necessarily required here.) S ctf3'r-twyr'ystny obi. KB19(1) S ctf3'r-twyry L44.5*(?) M ctf'r, S ctf3'r, MS 4 num. 'four' M ctfr CF88, SS147* M ctfr BBBhdl47, KawG35*, L73+V9, M670R6 M 4 [BBB507 s. 4-p'by], BBB725, BBB726, Fastl.17, Gl/t8, KawGhdl, KawG21, M14

V12, M5701+R3, M7800iiV13, RH882, SLN95 M 4 4 CF88 [M 4-smbb, 4-smbyd see s.v.] S ctf3'r 10085+V4, 10085+V5, 14425+V10*, 18058+R18, 18196V15, 20229Rhdl, BezB 48, KB8(1), KB10(6), KB24(1), KBfr9.8, KBfr9.9, 07004+23, RSH154*, SS157, SS 158, Xw2.2, Xw/b2 S ctf3'r ctf3'r 20229V13 S 4 14030V7, [20220iR1, 20220iR24 s. ctf3'rm]

M ctf'rmyk, S ctf3'rmyk, stf3'rmyk a. 'fourth' M ctfrmyk CFlO, SLNak4 M 4-myk M140+R13 S ctf3'rmyk 13880B5, KG377*, RSH166* S ctf3'r-mykh 10202.5, 18248i33 S ctf3'rmykw- 10200(5)V6*, 18430Bii3, AN 18 (ctf3'r-mykw), L95+4*, SS123 S stf3'rmykw 20513iiV0 MS cw, S 'cw interrog.-rel.pron. 'what, which', mostly used with reference to in­ animate things, adv. 'why', c. 'if, because, in as much as' M 'tcw M280iiV12 M �w BBB501, BBB521, BBB524, BBB 565*, BBB589, BBB611, BBB631, BBB 657, BBB692, BBB700, BBB745, BBB 759*, BBB763, BBB765, BBB767, BBBb 8, BBBb27, BBBb34, BBBf36, BBBf76, BBBf76, KG2329, M107iVii9, Ml10iR3, M127R6, M129V3, M144R5, M337R8, M1958.2, Ml700+B3, M760R14, M2064.2, M5690R2, M5701+R6, MIKiii 4981c9* (ed. ](•)f3 'M(cw), read ]f3'M[ ](cw)), MIKiii4981d4, MIKiii498ld9, ML 2.16, ML2.18*, O6163Vl*, O6228B2, SLN53, SS149, TaleA22, TaleA25, Tale B12 (misprinted en), TaleB22, TaleB34, TaleE48 M cww BBB504, BBB529, BBB540, BBB 567, BBB583, BBB675, BBB692, BBB 729, M915R10 M cwtsn M280iiR14 S 'cw KG418*, KG440, KG609, TaleKa20 S cw 10030(2)A5, 10050V2, 10081B2, 10650(8)Rl, 10085+V4, 10085+R6, (clumsily 11603+10* 10650(10)R10, }Vritten, ed. (c)y), 13425(2)+A3 (Kat. c[, restore c[w), 13700aB7, [13942A7 s. cw f3yr pcny], 14000R30, 14000R33, 14638ii V20, 14742V21, .14743Vl, 15502Vl1, 18436A3, 20229R20, 20230Rl, [AN30 c. cwpr], AN58, AN66, AN.69, AN99, AN 108, AN113, AN119, AN120, AN124, Bez

Sogdian A56, BezA57, BezA93, BezA104, BezC7, Ch/U6050V2, Ch(U6370V3, Ch/U6506V4, Ch/U6886V6, HC36.6R10, KG3.10, KG 3.39, KG3.80, L30+V3, L95+1*, 01186+6, Ps380, Ps581, Ps658, Ps662, RSH35, RSH 68*, RSH71, RSH76*, RSH80, RSH108, RSH120*, RSH126, SS129, SS153, SS155, TaleAS6, TaleAS8, TaleG13, TaleH22, Talel33, Talel33, Talel34, Talel35, Talel 35, Talel36, Talel37, Talel43, Talel44, Talel45, Talel47, Talel48, Talel49, Talel 50, Talel53, Talel54, TaleJ3, TaleJ5, TaleJ 5, Xwl.11, Xwl.21*, Xw2.1, Xw2.10, Xw 2.12, Xw2.4, Xw/a4, Xw/c4 S cwZY 14638iR5 S cwZYsn 14638iR1, 14638iR3* S mscw 14151+iR8 S cw (3yr pcny (or pc'y?) 13942A7. Word or phrase of unknown meaning. S cw,c n.neut. 'anything' S cw'c BezC14 MS cwn, S cw'n ANl79 s. en MS cwpr adv. 'above, thereupon', postp. 'over', often with prep. pr M cwpr KawGll, M776V3, M776V5, M915 R7*, M6330V7, M6330V9, SLNak61, SLN akl02 S cwpr 14000R18, AN30 (cw-pr), BezAl1, BezA15, BezA82, BezA83, BezA94, Bez C16, KG446, KG553, KG573, L29+24, TaleF13 MS cwpr-s'r adv. 'above, thereupon' M cwpr-s'r SLNak48* S cwpr-s'r HC36.7R3* MS cwr s. whmn-cwr, xwm'r-cwr S ...-cwr n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1656. S ...-cwr O2586aV4a S CWRH, CWRyh s. yryw M cwtsn, S cwZYsn s. cw, 'ty, -sn S cwZY s. cw, 'ty S *cx'w6 n. 'Jew'. Loanword from MP jhwd (DMT Ill/1, 198b). The final -o, lost here before the pl. -t, survives in cxwo'ny and cxwbf3yo'ny. S cx'wty pl.obi. 18433Aii4* (Sundermann 2001, 857) M cxr- n.m. 'wheel' M cxrw ace.sg. CF129 M cxry gen.sg. ARla8 M cxryy nom.sg. CFl13 (as acc.) S cxrsnky O/U829c. Word of uncertain read­ ing and meaning, part of a n.pr. according to IPNB II/8, no. 1240. M cxs'm n. '(a particular kind of) ointment'. GMS §807.


M cxs'm Ml37iiV3 MS cxs'p6, cxs'pt n. 'moral precept, com­ mandment'. Indian loanword, probably via Pa cxs'byd (see Sims-Williams 1979a, 135). On the five commandments for the Elect (enumerated in M14Vl 7-23) and the ten commandments for Hearers see Sims­ Williams 1985. M cxs'pb BBBhdl31, BBBhdl33, ML2.l * (ed. ]y(x)'pb, read c](xs)'po, cf. Sunder­ mann 2008, 412 n. 51) M cxs'pM M14V20, MLl.7, MLl.12, ML 1.13, RH732 M cxs'poyy obl. SLNall13 M cxs'pMyy obl. MLl.24 M cxs'pt BBBf23 M cxs'pt BBBa4, BBBfl*, BBBf15, BBBf 18*, BBBf27*, Ml16R6, M2167.2* S cxs'po 10030(2)Bl, 10085+R6 (os'cxs'po), 10650(8)Rl, 13425(2)+A3*, Ch/U6388 Vl * (ed. xypo, read (cxs')pb with Kat.), KG488, KG501, KG506 S cxs'pot pl. KG486 S cxs'pt 19554.5, BezB47, BezB61, Xwl.15* S cxs'p6-mync a. 'relating to the command­ ments' S c�s'po-mynch AN198 [S cxs'pbmynct AN85* s. 'nxwst-cxs'pb­ mync]

S cxs'po-myncw AN105 M cxs'ptyk a. 'relating to the commandments' M cxs'ptyk M891aR2 S cxstwny n.m. 'inclination, aspiration' S cxstwny 18196R15* M 1cxsty a. 'inclined, desirous'. Yoshida 2001, 114; Sundermann 2008, 415 n. 76. Formerly read ckstyt 'ugly', GMS §1089. M cxstyt pl. ML2.7, ML2.8 S 2cxsty a. 'taught'. BT XV, 44b. S cxsty AN68 MS cxwc Yny a. 'Jewish'. MP-Sogd. hybrid. M cxwb'ncf. SLN94 S cxwo'nchf. SLN94 M cxw6(3y6'ny n.m. 'synagogue' M cxwbf3y8nyy Gl/yl7*, M425V6* S cxwr s. en, xwr S cxy6y adv. 'therefore, thereafter'. DTS, 47. S cxyby 19554.4 S cy 20230Vl s. sS tcy 11603+10* s. cw M cy6ny n.m. 'dagger' M cycmyh Gl/gl MS -cyk, adjectival suffix, often written sepa­ rately from the rest of the word of which it forms part


s cym- s. csms cym'nt, cymnt,

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

cym'nty prep. + dem.pron. 'from this, from these, etc.' S cym'nt HC36.7R13, L37.21 S cym'nty 20220iiV15* S cymnt KG3.42 MS cymyb, M cymyoy, S cym'y6 prep. + dem.pron. 'from this, from these, etc.' M cymy6 KG2378, TaleD18 M cymyM M617iR6, M5030R3 M cymy6yy BBBd2 M cymyMyy Ml18iR7 S cym'yo SS109, SS112 S cymyo KB9(1), KG469 S cymysn prep. + dem.pron. 'than these' 'S cymysn SSl13 S tcyn 18058+R20. The edition offers several alternative readings. Illegible. Scyn- n.f 'desire' S cyn' acc.sg. 02483.1 S cyn"kh acc.sg. TaleJ12 MS cyn'ncknb, S cyn'nck6 n.f 'Chinese city', used as a name of Qocho. Minorsky 1970, 271. M cyn'ncknoyy obl. Ml.55 S cyn'nckoy obl. 20230V10 S cyn'nckno BezA39 S cyn'ncknoy obl. 14700(7)V8 S cyn'wt, cyn'w't a. 'desirous' S cyn'w't 02314.4 S cyn'wt Ll18.4*, 07004+15 S cyn'wtw BezA28, BezB20 M cyndr, cndr, S cntr, cyntr, cynt'r, cyntry adv., postp. 'in, inside' M cndr BBBf90, CFl17, S40iiR1* (Henning 1937, 123b, cndn, read c(ndr)) M cyndr ANel7, BBB667*, Gl/rl, KG2366, M110iV3, M127R9*, M50lh3, M548R3, M591Rl1*, SLNak14, TaleE42, TaleE48 S cntr 11400R6, AN15, AN19, AN39, AN 53*, AN150, GGZl.24, GGZl.53, GGZ 1.56, HC36.7R9, HC36.9R2, HC36.19R7, KB16(6), KBfr9.6, KG500, KG506, KG 585, KG606, KG624, Ps403, Ps651, PsA 1.78 (ed. c'ntr), SSll0, SSll0, SS134 S cynt'r 14425+Vl, Ps54 S cyntr 10200(5)R7, 10650(15)R2*, 14255 RS, 18196V5, 18700+Rll, 18700+V4, AN 27*, AN29, AN33*, AN99, AN108, AN 115, ANl18, AN125 (Ms '(3y'tr), AN149, BezA60, BezB37, O2075R7*, 07266.1, PsAl.74*, SLN117, TaleH4, TaleH26 S cyntry 18700+V2* M cyndrcyk a. 'inner, internal' M cyndrcylq: pl. BBB671

M cyndr-kyr'n, S cyntr-kyr'n adv. 'inside' M cyndr#kyr'n M6330Vl0f S cyntr-kyr'nw BezA40, BezA47 M cyndrp'r, S cyntrp'r, cntrp'r adv., postp. 'in, inside' M cyndrp'r ML2.8 S cntr-p'r HC36.7V8, HC36.8R10, HC36.19 V7, KG3.29 (cntrp'r), SSll0 S cyntrp'r HC36.8V6, HC37.2.4 M cyngry' n.f 'harp'. Henning 1946, 727. M cyngry' Gl/g30 S cynt'r, cyntr, cyntry s. cyndr S cyntr-kyr'n s. cyndr-kyr'n M tcyntry M3608B2*. Ed. cy](n)try, but there is no context to support this restoration. S cyt'k s. cyty S tc[ytk]t L44.9 s. zwrny-zwrnycyk M cyts'r, S cntr-s'r adv., postp. 'in, inside' M cyts'r BBB601 S cntr-s'r AN88f!< (cntr#s'r), AN145 (Ms cntr y'r), AN182 MS(?) cyty, S cyt'k n.m. 'spirit, demon' M cyty TaleD23* M cytyy TaleD16* M cytyt pl. BBBe21, KawE3, KawE16 M cytytyl}pl.obl. BBB678 M cytytyy pl. obl. BBB672 S cyt'kt pl. SLN42 S cyty TaleG10 (meaning unclear, cf. Hen­ ning 1945, 476 n. d, and Reck 2003, 336 n. 83; perhaps only the end of a word?) M cyt[ M670R8 S cyw'yo, M cywo ANeRl s. cywyD M cywnd, S cyw'nt prep. + dem.pron. 'from that', cywnd mqs'r 'thereafter' M cywnd BBBb42 S cyw'nt L61.ll* (ed. wy(w)'nt, read (c)yw'nt) S cywsyn 20229V20 s. cywysn MS cywyb, cywyoy, S cyw'yo prep. + dem. pron. 'from that, from it, from those, etc.; than that; thereafter' M cywo ANeRl (scribal error?) M cywyo BBBf12, BBBf32, CF77, CF127, KawK5, Ml36Rl, M140+Vl2, M372Vii8, M5051V4, M6290V8, O6163R2*, 06228 Al* M cywyM Gl/dl*, M127R2*, M129R8*, _JM129V12, M767iiR6*, MIKiii4981c7, MIKiii498ld2 M cywyyoo M118iV1, M118iV4 M cywyMyl} CF27 M cywyMyy M128V8 M cywyoy BBBd3 M cywyoyy BBBc18, BBBd5, BBBd9*,

Sogdian M5701+V5 S cyw'yo 14000R23, Frg6.2*, Frg6.9, HC 36.8V10, HC36.8V14*, HC36.12A3*, Ps 398 S cywyo 14000R12, 14000R14, 14000R20, 14000R22; 14000R22, 14256V2, 15800R3, 18432R7*, 18436A2, 18700+V5, 18700+ VS, 20220iiV17, ANl, AN96*, AN134, ANc4, HC36.4Rl*, HC36.8V12, KB5(1), KB6(2), KB12(1)*, KB16(6), KBfr8.4*, KG326*, KG408, KG414, KG422, KG443, KG458, KG463, KG499*, KG507, KG554, KG573, KG589, KG3.15, L29+24, L91+5, L91+8, L91+12, M491+*, O1723R2, Ps 579, Ps580, Ps583, Ps597, Ps619, SS116, TaleF25, X wl.24* S cywyM 18058+Rll*, 18058+V12 S cywyoy PsAl.73 MS cywysn prep. + dem.pron. 'from those, from them' M cywysn M5912R6 S cywysn 14000R27, 14638iR15, 20229V20 (Ms cywsyn), AN71, SS112 S cywysnw HC36.7R5 S cyw[ 14153+iR12 M cy[ M760V13* S cy[ Ch/U6536a+V2, Frg32iR2 Scz BezA56*. Probably to be deleted (clumsy repetition of preceding cw). M c•q••byt BBB575* S c•wy Tale143 M c••n[ Gl/f6* Mc[ Ll17R5 (ed. sf[t, read ( •s)t c[), M452b V3, M498ciiR1*, M594a6, [O6153+V3* s. en], O6182Aii2, O6252A2*, SS147* Sc[ 10030(2)B4, 10100m[a]Rl*, 10263(1)+ VlO, 11603+9*, [13425(2)+A3 s. cw], 14153+iV10*, 18154V8*, 20240R2*, RSH 154, RSHl73, TaleAS35 M td'm M813iR7 s. n'm M dryst-rwsn n.pr.m. IPNB 11/8, no. 444. M dryst-rwsn MLl.28 C dw'-wry0y a. 'consisting of a mixture of the two (principles)' C dw'-wry8y TIIB8V15 C dw'-wry8ytpl. TIIB8V16 M dwl n. 'bucket', used as name of the sign of the zodiac 'Aquarius'. Pa loanword. M dwl M549i+R2*, M549i+V7, M549i+Vll M dwlyy obi. M767iiR1 M dwsystrwsn'n 'Most Beloved of the Lights', MP epithet used as a name of the Third Messenger. Sundermann 2001, 1312.


M dwsystrwsn'n Ml18iV12 M dwxt s. "z'd-dwxt M dyb s. mwhr dyb M dyncyhryft, oyncyhryft, S *6yncyry(3t n. 'behaviour in conformity with the religion', i.e. 'chastity'. Pa loanword. The third of the five commandments for the Elect and, in M14, the eighth 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M dyncyhryft BBBhdl36, MLI.24 M dyncyhryft BBB554, BBBa4 M oyncyhryft M14V21 S *oyncyry�t Listl+vii6 (Ms oyncr(3st) C dynd'r s. byn/3'r C dyw'stync s. 8yw'styc

M -b postp. 'with' M 'rtso M1961A2 S to7 Ch/U6536biiR1 s. 17 S 6' s. xwtlwy nzwk-/3' S 6'/3'r, MS o'(3r s. 2bf3rS 6'(3rw KG3.84* s. 1 bf3rMS 6'm n.f 'creation, creature, living world, world' M o"m BBB499 M 8m BBB498, BBB563, L74V5* (ed. 6's'­ zng'n, read 6'(m) 6-zng'n), M549ii5, M664 V8, M3849.2, SLNak28, SS149 M o'my obl. M140+V3 M o'myy obl. BBBb83, M549ii7 S o'm Ch/U8123bV5, Ch/U8123bV5, HC 36.19V2, [L27.7 s. 'zw'nty-b'm], SS153, SS154, SS155, SS157 (6'ms'r), TaleGlO, [TaleG19 s. 'zw'nty-b'm], Xwl.14 S o'mh 14000R39*, 20229R20, 20229V16, KG423, 01927.6, SS114*, SS128 S o'my obi. 10200(5)V10, BezA60, Ps581 (ed. smnwk'nc o'my, in fact written as one word with Henning 1937, 78), SS160, Talel49 S o'myh obl. GGZl.23 (pt'ynco'myh) MS 16'm' n.f. 'net' M o'm' M127R12 S o'm"y obl. HC36.19V6* S *26'm' prep. + pers.pron. 'with me' S o'm' 14150+iR8 (Ms t'm') M b'n n. ' grain (of wheat etc.)' M o'n BBB575 S b'p'tsyy n.pr.f IPNB 11/8, no. 416. S o'p'tsyyh List6.2* S 6'p'tsyr n.pr.f. IPNB Il/8, no. 417. S o'p'tsyrh List6.l MS b'r v.tr. 'to have, hold, keep, maintain'; also 'to wear (clothes)' (BT XII, 106), past stem M jyt-, S zyt-. (Forms in which o'r



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

functions as the auxiliary of the tr.pret. are listed under the complete verbal form, even if the past stem and auxiliary are written as separate words, except in a few instances where only the auxiliary is preserved.) M o'r pres.inf M670R5 M o'r 2.sg.impv.(?) O6228B3 M o'r'nd 3.pl.pres.(?) M2308.3 M o'ro 2.pl.impv. BBBf57 M o'ro' 2.pl.impv. TaleB18 M o'rmskwn I.sg.pres.dur. BBB489, BBB 692 M o'rnyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR1* M o'rsk 3.sg.impfdur. M483.2 M b'rt 3.sg.pres. SS146 , M b'q 3.sg.pres. TaleE3 (sy'b'q) M b'rt' 2.pl.pres.(?) M746cV6 M b'q'sk 2.pl.pres.dur. M1200V4* M b'ryy 2.sg.opt. M127V8* M b'ryy 3.sg.opt. M127V14 M b'rym I.pl.pres.(?) ML2.1* M b'ryym I.pl.pres. M7800iiV18 M M'rymskwn I.pl.pres.dur. Ml16R7 M b'ryf 2.sg.opt.mid. M373R3 (GMS §808: precative) M jyf]]. kwn'm I.sg.pres.tr.pot. BBB728 M jyf]]. wf3'mskwn I.sg.pres.dur.itr.pot. BBB a5f (as tr.!) M jyf wf3'[ M5595.4* M jyf wf3yy 3.sg.opt.itr.pot. TaleB58 M jytwb'rm l.sg.tr.pret. BBB523f (jytw# b'rm), BBB526, BBB632, BBB641f (jytw# b'rm) M jytwb'rn I.sg.subj.tr.pret. BBB677 M jytwb'qt 3.sg.tr.pret. L73+V5 S o'r 2.sg.impv. KG418,KG422,Tale14,Tale 117,Tale118,Talel24 (syr'kwb'r,s. 3syr'k) S o'r 3.sg.impf (?) 02495.4 S b'r'm I.sg.pres. Xwl.16 S o'r'nt 3.pl.inj.(?) BezC23 S b'r'nt 3.pl.pres. 10650(15)Rl*,18102+R14, 18140+iV6, 18140+iiV7, AN106, HC36.7 V12, KG478, L91+10*, Ps601, PsAl.52*, PsAl.74 S o'r'ntw 3.pl.pres. Ps619,PsAl.74 S o'r't 3.sg.subj. L59.5*,Talel12 S o'r'y 3.sg.opt. KG525 S o'r'ymn I.pl.pres. 07313.2 S o'r'y-skwn 2.sg.pres.dur. KG2.3 S b'rb 2.pl.pres. 20232V7,L30+V4(?) S o'rb'#skwnw 2.pl.pres.dur. 14153+iV4f S o'rky absol. BezC23 S o'rnty 3.pl.pres. SS115 (mistake for opt. according to BT XIX,140) S b'rt 3.sg.pres. 10100k+R17, 14151+iR14,

14742V19, 18700+R10, 20220iR24, [KG 434, auxiliary of tr.pret.], 07484.2*,SS134 S b'rt' 2.pl.pres.(?) 14742V4, 14742Vl9 (mistake for 3.sg.?) S b'ry 2.sg.pres. 13880B5, PsAl.56, [PsA 1.77,auxiliary of tr.pret.] S o'ry 3.sg.opt. L95+2*,L95+4 S o'rym I.pl.pres. 18162V6*,Ps569 S o'rymskwnw I.pl.pres.dur. KB11(1) S zyo'rtw 3.sg.tr.pret. 18196V8 S zytw-o'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. KB4(1), KB4(1)*, KB6(1)* S zytw-o'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KB5(1), KB7(1)*, KB14(6)* S zytw#o'rty 3.sg.tr.pret. 18248i39f S zyty past inf AN89,Tale151,TaleKa22 S zytym 1.sg.itr.pret. GGZl.24 M 6'r'mndy n.m. '(act of) keeping' M o'r'mndyy M107iiRi8 M o'rky's. 'nwto'rky' M 6'rwk n. 'wood' M b'rwk Ml15Vii8, M2006.4, M2074.3, ML 1.19 M b'rwq M115Rii9* MS 6'rwkyny a. 'consisting of plants, vegetable'. Henning 1937,57. M b'rwqycf SLNak28* (GMS §334) M b'rwkync f BBB498,BBB563 S o'rwkyncf Xwl.14* S o'rwkyncy fobl. GGZl.23 M to's'-zng'n L74V5s. o'm, 6-zng'n MS 16't n.f 'law, justice' M b'ty]]. obl. M3610.l S o't [AN153s. o't-pD't], KG3.55 S b'ty obl. KG3.65,Talelll,Talel14 S 26't n. 'wall'. (BT XI, 183a, cites M b'tfb't 'wall', but this does not seem to occur in published texts.) S o'tth KG464 S 6't'yk a. 'just' S o't'yk Ps131* S 6't(3r n. 'judge' S o'tf3r L91+8, L91+13* (ed. 6[///]t[, read ]6('tf3r)[ with Sims-Williams 1981,233) M 6'tcyk a. 'lawful, concerning the law' M o'tcyq Gl/g7 M o'tcyq M5030V13 S o'tkry n.m. 'law-maker, judge' S o'tkry Ps131 Sb'tnm'n a. 'judging justly' S b'tnm'n GGZl.44 S b't-pb't adv. 'rightly or wrongly, for good or ill' S o't-po't AN153

Sogdian S 6'w n. '(act of) daubing, plastering' S b'w 18140+iiR8 MS b'wns. Dn M b'ys. f3yy-t5'y S o'y n.f 'female servant' S 6'yh [List6.14 s. nny-8 'y], RSH57*, TaleK 11,TaleK23 S o'yss. 1 6ys. Mb'[ O6163V9* Sb'[ 20232V8*,KG3.32*,PsAl.75,PsAl.75 M obrt's. 1t5f3rM tbbyr M5606Bi2s. bpyr M 6j3'mbn, o[3'mb'n, MS of3'mpn, S oj3'm'n n.f 'lady,wife' M 6j3'mb'n MllOiiVlO M o[3'mbn M7l2A3* M 6[3'mbn' abl.sg. M712B3* (GMS §1224) M 6[3'mpn Ml27V9 S of3'm'n 14425+R18 S o[3'mpnwh KG451, KG3.1*, KG3.15, KG 3.15*,TaleJ4 S o[3'mpnyh obl. KG578 SbWn n. 'flame,blaze' S of3'n HC37.2.3,RSH105(?) Sbf3'nz a. 'thick' S 6[3'nz AN189,L95+5(?) M 6j3'nzk'wy n.m. 'thickness' M of3'nzq'wyy CF91 MS 6f3'r n. 'gift' M of3'r BBB751, BBBf34, M144R5, M1857 R4,M5030V7 S of3'r 13943V3,2000l+V8*, KG414, L45.3, SS130, Tale148, TaleKa25, Xwl.16, Xw 2.10 S 6[3'ry obl. Ps399 S ..A,j3'rky'kh n.f '(act of) giving ...', second part of a compound S ...J#of3'rky'kh PsA1.84* s 6[3'rt s. 2o[3rMS bf3't adv. 'perhaps' M 6f3't TaleD37 S 6[3't RSH116 S t6[3'yry'kh KG401 (Kat.)s. opyry' s 6f3'ys s. 1 of3ys,2 t5f3ys S 6f3'yz v.tr. 'to gain, acquire', past stem M 6[3xstS '6[3'yzt 3.sg.pres. TaleK3 M 6f3xstyy pp. Gl/a5 Sb(36'r a. 'two-edged'. Sims-Williams 1981, 237. S 6[3o'r L61.16 M 6(3jny� Gl/f4. Unknown word. Ed. [p](r) c>f3jny]]., perhaps to be read as a single word *prof3jnyh.


S 6(3m'nky' n.f 'doubt' S c>f3m'nky' 14150+iV6 MS(?) 6(3n- n.f 'doubt, fear, suspicion'. BT XU,86. M 6[3n' nom.sg. M6132A2*,MLl.27 S c>f3ny' gen.sg.(?) 14000R32* (uncertain res­ toration) M 6(3nstr a. 'thicker, thickest' M 6[3nstr Ml762R3 S of3nz'k BezCls. oynz'k MS 16(3r-, S 6'f3r- n.m. 'door,gate' M 6[3r' ace.numv. CF88, Gl/t8 (Sims-Williams 1979,340) M of3r'h abl.sg. TaleE22 M of3rt' ace.pl. CF86 (Ms -b-) M 6[3rf ace.pl. BBB676, CF94 M of3rty' gen.pl. BBBhdl42 M of3qy' gen.pl. BBB669 (as ace.pl.) M of3qy'h gen.pl. BBB648 M bBrw aec.sg. CF95 M 6Bryy nom.sg. M1340.3* M c>f3ry' loe.sg. M129V15,MLl.29 S 8[3rw ace.sg. KG3.84* S of3rt' nom.pl. ss150 S of3rw acc.sg. AN131,Ps384, Ps384, Ps385, Ps385 S 6[3ry nom.sg. KG466,KG563,KG571 MS 2b(3r- v.tr. 'to give',past stem bf3rt, S 6[3'rt M 6'[3r 3.sg.impf BBBb86, M129R6, M129 R15,M130a+R2,M794aiiV3 M c>'f3r'nd 3.pl.impf MllSiRl M c>'f3rw l.pl.impf BBB679,M130bR4 M 6f3r' 2.sg.impv. M767iR4 M c>f3r']]. 2.sg.impv. TaleA48 M c>f3r'nd 3.pl.pres. TaleA61 M of3r'ndskwn 3.pl.pres.dur. M5030V12 M of3r't 3.sg.subj. BBBelS M 6[3rnd-skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. M5690V2 M c>f3rnyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR3* M Mf3rt past inf M5030V8 M of3qo'q 3.sg.tr.pret. M247R8 (cited as oBrto'r-,GMS §879),M659V4* M 6[3qo'rnd 3.pl.tr.pret. M247R10 (cited as 6Brt6'r-, GMS §879) M of3qt#o'rm I.sg.tr.pret. BBB503f* (ed. oB(r)Hw]#[o](')rm, read -t[t]#- with GMS §879 n. 1) M of3qy 3.sg.pres.(?) M583iiR1 M o[3rtyy 3.sg.pres. SS146 M bf3qyy pp. TaleA44 (Yoshida 1979,188) M of3rym I.pl.pres.(?) ML2.3* S 6'[3'r 3.sg.impf RSH60 S o'f3r 3.sg.impf KB16(1),KB20(1), KG346, KG471,L32.3* (ed. o[, read 6'([3)[r]) S of3'rt kwnw I.sg.impftr.pot. 14726V6 (or


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

inj.?) S bj3'rt'kpp. TaleAS20 (Yoshida 1979, 188) S bj3'rt-b'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 18058+R13* S bj3r' 2.sg.impv. 10200(1)Vl, TaleAS23 S bj3r'ntskwnw 3.pl.pres.dur. KB18(7) S bj3r't 3.sg.subj. L59.5 S bj3r'ty 3.sg.subj. SS127 S bj3r'yn'kw pres.pt. 10650(32)V7 S 6j3r'yn'y pres.pt. Ps624 S bj3r6' 2.pl.impv. KB9(1) S 6j3rt past inf RSH56* (ed. ](t), restore 6j3r](t)?) S 6j3rtk'm 3.sg.fut. 20001+V8 S 6j3rtw-b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG488 S 6j3rty 3.sg.pres. 10100m[a]Rl, 20192V2, , HC36.6R2, TaleK6 S 6j3rt[ PsAl.52 S 6j3ry 2.sg.pres. SS156 S 6j3ry 3.sg.opt. 07004+22(?), Talel53 S bj3ryn'y pres.pt. BezB8 S 6j3ryny pres.pt. [13401R3 s. w'xs-bf3ryny], BezA16* M a(3ry n.m. '(act of) giving'. Inf. according to GMS §906. M bj3ryy BBB738 S 6j3rytws. rsty-wx'rs-bf3ry MS b(3ty- a. 'second, other'. (For 6j3tyw as an adverb see the separate entry below.) M bj3ty' abl.sg. KawG13*(?), M857R3, M7800iiR17(?), M7800iiV15*(?) M bj3ty' gen.sg. CF121 (Sims-Williams 1990, 279 n. 13) M 6j3ty' gen.sg. KawG15 M 6j3tyw acc.sg. M1846B3 S 6j3t#y' abl.sg. L103R3f* (ed. ]6wt, read ]6(j3t)#[y') S bj3tyh 10347A2 (no context) S bj3tyw acc.sg. 20232V7 (as abl.), AN94, HC36.9R14 MS a(3tyk, S bj3t'yk a. 'second, other', adv. 'secondly, again'. On the concept of the 'second death' (reconstructed in HC36.6 R9) see Sundermann 1990, 25 n. 27. M 6j3tyk BBBhdl34, CFlOl, Fast3.7, Fast 3.11, Fast3.15*, Fast3.24, Fast3.28, M14 V17, M127R10, M136V9, M140+Rl*, M583iR4, M655cR12, ML2.17 M bj3tyk AR1a7, BBB533, M591R4, M915 V11*, M3610.l* (Cat. ]j3tyk, restore 6]j3tyk), M5592V5*, SLN92*, TaleA4, TaleE47* M 6j3tyq Fast3.19 M 6j3tyq M591R6, M672aA3, M5030R9, TaleB52 M Mj3tykBBBal2

M bj3tykyy obl. BBB735 S 6j3t'yk 14000R25*, Pshd117, Pshdl18 S bj3tyk 14000Rl7 (misprinted byj3tyk), 20229V19*, HC36.6V5, KG337*, KG354*, KG375, KG472*, L37.12, L91+9* (ed. 6j3[, read ]6j3(t)[y](k) with Sims-Williams 1981, 233), List3.19, 07004+8, O11088Al, Ps hd119, RSH93, RSHl17, RSH122*, TaleK 2, TaleK2 S 6j3tykh 10202.2* S bj3tykw 14256Vl, 14638iR12, 14700(7) VlO, 18248i24, 20138Vl1*, 21003V3, AN 139*, AN145, AN147, AN166, AN190, BezA68*, Ch/U6440V4, HC36.4hdl, HC 36.5hdl, HC36.6R9*, KB6(4), KB17(1)*, Ps575, SS121, TaleJ18 S bj3tyky obl. 14000R37*, 14256V15, KG 3.81 MS a(3tyw adv. 'secondly, again' M bj3tyw Mll7.4 M bj3tyw M136Rl1 S 6j3tyw AN54, AN182, Ch/U7131.l(?), KG 596, Mainz460cA1(?), O2075R8, RSH 41(?), TaleKa26 M 6j3xst-s. bf3'yz s a(3xstc n. 'gain, profit' S bj3xstc Talel26 M *a(3y- v.tr. 'to extend, scatter', past stem 6yj3t-. GMS §293; Sundermann 1975, 56. M byj3tyy pp. M134iV12 MS 1a(3ys, S 1 6j3'ys n. 'harm, damage' M 6j3ys BBB529, BBBf13, Gl/a4 S 6j3'ys SS108, SS109, SS128 S 6j3ys SS151 MS 2b(3ys, S 2 6j3'ys v.tr. 'to harm', past stem 613'yst M 6j3ysm l.sg.pres. BBB483* M bj3ysnyy pres.pt. BBB488 S bj3'ys'nt 3.pl.pres. SS137 S 6j3'yst kwnty 3.sg.pres.tr.pot. TaleGlO* S bj3'ys... 14256Rl* S 6j3ys'm 1.sg.pres. Xwl.12 S bj3ysym-skwn 1.pl.pres.dur. Ch/U8123bV3 S a(3z- n.m. 'hunger'(?) [S toj3z Talel19*. The restoration bj3]z is very unlikely.] S 6j3z' abl.sg. KBfr8.6* (uncertain, perhaps rather 6j3n' 'fear'?) S �(3[ 10050V2*, 10100k+Rl, PsAl.71, RSH 3* M 6c'#pts. bs'pt S byt-s. *bync S bywt-, bywtrt s. bwytM bm'n n. 'dwelling, house' M bm"n SLNak45

Sogdian M bm'n KawV3 M bm'ny obl. BBB718* M tbmdw"j3 Gl/q6*. Ed. [om](d)w"j3[, but -md- is impossible in Sogdian and only ]•w'b[ or ]•w'(j3)[ (sic, with single aleph) can be read. Sampan. 'flash, spark'. Greek loanword. S ompo AN150, AN151* M bmptyr, S bmtyr n. 'lamp'. Greek loan­ word. M bmptyr Gl/hl1* S 6mtyr TaleH4* MS bn, 8wn, 6wn, S 6nn, 'M prep. (+ abl.?) 'with', often with postp. 'pryw M 8wn Ml17.6, M549iil1 (Ms 6w'n) M bn ANe7, BBBd4*, CF70, KawGhdl, Kaw G34; KG2333, Ll17R5, M14V3, MllOi R4, M501giiR1, M501giiR1, M549ii20, M776R2, M794biiV3, [M5446.2 read ](y)n], M6132B2, MLl.30, TaleD29 M bwn BBB671, BBB677, KawIR4*, Ml10 iiR9, M813iR5, M1846B5, M5051V5, M5051V7, M5051V7, M5051V8, M5051 V8, M5051V9 S 'M 10077B4, 10100fR4, 10129iV7, 14410 iR7, 14638iV14, 18058+V16, 18248i14, 18435Rl0, 18700+R4, 20232V7, 20512 V6, AN127, AN195, BezA98, [Ch/U6434 V5 s. r'm], Frg6.3*, HC36.10V4, KBlO(l), KG345, KG347, KG350, KG402, KG402, KG404, KG420*, KG472, KG539, KG556, KG613, L29+22, L45.2 (ed. rm), 02075 RlO, O2075R10, 07447+4, PsAl.73, RSH 167, SLN117?1st' nom.pl. L37.6 S ostt' nom.pl. 20229Vllfl< (bstt#') S ostw acc.sg. AN163, KG382, KG393, KG 446, KG532, KG533, KG546, KG568, KG 3.44, Ps568, RSH42, RSH139* S c>sty nom.sg. 16201.54, 20229R6, KBll(l) (ed. -w) S bsty' abl.pl. L37.6 S c>sty' Zoe.pl. or loe.sg. 18248i6, BezC13, Ch/U6056V4(?), KB18(2)(?) S c>sty'h Zoe.pl. or loc.sg.(?) 10100m[a]Rl*

S bst-'nc'l adv. 'with hands in the afijali posi­ tion'. Sogd.-Indian hybrid. S c>st#'nc'l BezB26f S c>st'ny's'k s. bstny'sy S 6stj3'r'k n.m. 'handiwork'(?). Cf. C dstwb'ry 'id.' (BT XII, 52)? Uncertain for lack of adequate context. S c>stWr'k 14700(18)B4 S 6stj3r'ky', 6stwf3r'ky' n.f 'authority, man­ date' S 6st[3r'ky' BezA89* S c>stw[3r'ky' BezA95* MS bst�ry, S c>stwf3ry a. 'having authority, mandated'. Sundermann 2001, 881-2; Yoshida 2000, 39. M bstf3ry M129R9 M 6stl3ryyh L73+V6 S bst[3ry 18196V10, BezA97 S c>stwf3ry BezA19, BezB14, BezB78 M bstny'sy, S bst'ny's'k n.m. 'one who takes the hand, guide'. Cf. MacKenzie 1999, 300. M ostny'syh M798e3 (Cat. ost ny'syh, to be read as a single word) S 6st'ny's'k HC36.7R12 S 6stny'tyc n. ' grasp (of the hand)'(?) S ostny'tyc 16201.55 S ostw[3r'ky', ostwf3ry s. bstf3r'ky', bstf3ry S 6stwj3ryh n.f 'authority' or 'handwriting'(?) S ostwf3ryh Bezeklik Inscription 2* S os-znk'nw s. bs'-zng'n S 6s[ Ch/U6392Vl* M bs'pt, c>c'pt n.pr.m. Yoshida 1991, 242-3. Differently Sundermann 2001, 495; DMT III/1, 142b. Cf. IPNB II/8, no. 448. M oc'#pt Ml.81f M os'pt Ml.68 M Mey, byscy, name of the eighth and fif­ teenth days of the month. Presumably used also for the twenty-third day (unattested). The eighth day also has the more specific name "s bscy; M bscyy Fastl.6*, Fastl.7, Fast4.14* M bscyh Fast3.26, Fast3.30 M byscy Fast2.6* M byscyy Fastl.20, Fast2.15* S Mn n. 'right hand'. WMiran. loanword. S Mn HC37.1.3*, RSH60 S §sny-w't n. 'South wind' as the designation of a god S Mny-w't Ch/U6827ii2 M bst'wc, bstwc, oys.twc, S ost'wc, bstwc n.f 'poverty'. The fifth of the five command­ ments for the Elect is Jrnxwndc bst'wc 'blessed poverty', which also appears in

Sogdian M14 as the tenth 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M Mt'wc M14V22 M bstwc M2805.1 M bystwc CF58 M bystwwe CFvl58* S bst'wch KG336 S bstwch TaleK18 S Mtw'n a. 'poor' S bstw'n 07004+27 S bstw'nty pl.obl. TaleK23* MS bt- n.neut. '(wild) animal' M otw aec.sg. BBB512 M Mtysttpl. ANelO S bt'yst pl. AN32, AN101 S btysty pl.obl. L120.5 M tbty'k M5887.2 s. tryty'k MS bw', 'ow', 'bw, 2 num. 'two' M 'bw BBBc7, M130bR1* M 'bw' BBB673, M372Vii9, M684V6, M697 A4, M7800iiR8 M bw' ANe15, M127R12 M 6yf3nw obl. TaleE48* (Sims-Williams 1979, 340 with n. 31) M 2 BBBa5, BBBf46, CF127, Fastl.12, L73+V6, M136V7, M549i+R5, M640Rl, M640R2, M767iiR1, M778bB5, M794bii R3, M794ciiR3, [M2319.4 s. 2-smbb], ML 1.29, O/U513b7, O6153+R3, O6182Aiil, O6191V7, O6228A6, RH805, RH889, S40iR6, S6V4 (ed. c, read 2 with Henning 1937, 134b), SLN95, TaleE46 [M 2-smbb, 2-smbyd see s.v.] S 'bw 10263(1)+R9 (elliptical for *'bw­ m'x'k), 10920+V7, 14638iR9* (read ](')bw, cf. Henning 1943, 70 n. 1), 18431V2, 18435Rl1, 18435V6, ANl12, AN138*, AN141, AN188, ANcl7, BezAl1 (mis­ printed -d-), BezA23, BezA39, BezA40, BezA41, BezA45, BezA75, BezA120, Bez B54, BezB68, L27.8, L37.4, L61.13, L103 Rl, 09122+3, RSH165, SLN42, SS115, SS 116, SS117*, Talel37 S 'ow' 18196V10, 18700+R9*, 20229R16, 20229V14, BezA32, HC36.lVlO, HC36.6 Vl, KG373, KG373, KG618, 01189.2 S bw' 20229R13, BezB36, [KG3.19 s. bn] S 2 20512V6 M bw'n M549iil1, S bw'n RSH22. Scribal errors for o'wn, s. bn. M bw'ts, MS 12 num. 'twelve' M ow'ts M14Vl7 M 12 [CF79 s. 12-ryty], Cf118, M14Rl, M14Rl, M14R2, M14R4, M140+R6*, M583iV9, M767iiR4, M6330V3, M8600.1


M 12 12 CF86, CF93f, CF99, M14R9f, M548R2 S 12 10100eV12, 10239(2)B2*, 18195hdl, [ANcl s. 13], G1Ci6, [KG471 s. 12pb{3r'k], KG491*, KG601, KG605, KG609, O/U829.4, O/U829.5, PsA2.3, RSH168, SLN41, SLN42, SLN43, SLN43, SS150, SS150 S 12-nw obl. KG346, KG476 M 6w'-zng'n, S 'bw'-znk'n a. 'of two kinds' M bw'-zng'n SLNak30* S 'ow'-znk'ny obl.(?) 10650(10)R13 MS bwyt-, M bwxt-, S bywt- n.f 'daughter'. Irregular pl., GMS §1231. M bwyf nom.sg. M760R7, TaleD38* M owxf nom.sg.(?) Ml30bR6* S bywth nom.sg. RSH26* (as voe.; restore perhaps oyw[ty?) S bywtrt pl. TaleKlO S c>wyt' notn.sg. 18700+R7 S c>wyth ace.sg. Mainz180A2 S bwyth nom.sg. 18248i7, TaleG14 (as pl.), TaleG25 S bwytrth pl. TaleK6 S bwytrty pl.obl. TaleK7, TaleK15* S bwyty voe.sg. 17151V5 M bwyt'ns'h n.pr.f M bwyfns'h Ml.148 MS &wk n. '(present) world, (present) exis­ tence'. Indian loanword. On c> < Indian 1 see Sims-Williams 1983, 135 n. 26. M owk O6233A2* S bwkh [L32.11 s. byk], Mainz348d S bwky obl. TaleG1 M bwkcyk a. 'worldly' M bwkcyq M337Rl M &wm, S owmph, bwnp', bwnph n.f 'tail'. M bwm is a late form with [m] from [mb], cf. GMS §453 (and below s.v. stmb). M bwm M127V14 S bwmph AN141, AN159, AN160, AN161* (ed. (')[pksy], read b[wmph]), AN195 S bwmpy obl. ANl77, AN186* S bwnp' 20229V8 S bwnph ANl84 (misprinted owmph) S ownpy obl. ANl80 M owns. bn MS w[ PsAl.75 M 6xsny[ Gl/q2*. Unclear word. M c>xst- n.f 'plain, desert' M bxst'h nom.sg.(?) Ml764.3 S l>xsfk a. 'ripe' S oxst'k TaleKa3 M byf3nw s. bw' M byf3tYY s. *'5{3yS tbyf3ty PsAl.65*. Unlikely restoration. S tbyf3tyk 14000Rl7 s. bf3tyk MS 6y(3zy (or byf3z-?) n.m. 'regulation'(?). Yoshida 2000, 67. M byf3zyy M483.6, M891aV2 S c>yf3zy BezA61 MS 6y6ym, S c>yc>'m n.f 'diadem'. Greek loanword. M bybym CF15, M6132B4* S byb'mh HC36.7Vll , HC36.10V16 S byoym Ch/U6084R4, TaleH6 M oyc>ym(3r a. 'bearing a diadem' M oyoymf3r SLNam126 (Ms -b-) M bybymf3q pl. SLNak99 MS c>yk n. 'letter'. Indian loanword with b < 1, Sims-Williams 1983, 135 with n. 26. M oyk SLNam125 M oyq SLNak97 S oykh 20237Vl, L32.11 (thus Sims-Willi­ ams 1981, 237, ed. c>(w)kh), L44.1 S 6ym n. 'eyeball'; also in a more general sense 'face' S bym 16201.18, KG566, List4.2 S l>ym(3ynfk, c>ymf3ynty n.m. 'trickster'. Hen­ ning 1945, 479-80. S bymf3ynt'ktw pl. TaleH12fl' (c>ymf3ynt# 'ktw) S oymf3yntyt pl. TaleH20 M oymnd, S bym'nt prep. + dem.pron. 'in this, to this, on these, etc.' M bymnd Ml36V7 S c>ym'nt 11603+12*, KG3.17 MS oymyc>, S bym'yb prep. + dem.pron. 'in this, of this, to this, to these, etc.' M bymyc> ML2.17, SLNak13*, TaleD23* M bymyM M14V24* (ed. myM, Henning 1937, 125a, [c>y]myM), M5030V6 S oym'yo KG547 S oymyo 14150+iV13, 18248i13, GGZl.10, GGZl.10, GGZl.12, KG568

MS c>yn n.f 'religion; religious community, church' M oyn BBBf6, BBBf29, L73+R6*, M129 R15, M129V2, M5093B4*, M5690V4, M6330R3, M6330V2 M oyyn CFhdl, KawK19, SLN94, TaleB23 M Myn M129R5 M oyn'n gen.pl. M5266R10 M oyny obl. O6180aA2* M oynyy obl. BBBe20, BBBf90, Fast5.8 M oynyh obl. BBB621 S oyn AN72, BezA77, Xw2.11 (byns'r) 1020l(l)+V10, 10030(2)A2, S oynh 11500.3, 18248i28, 18248i33, 18248i37, AN7, AN41, AN48, AN66, AN83, [AN 114*, reading very doubtful], AN l 18, AN 129, AN131, Ch/U6445V2, KB10(1), KB 11(2), KB 11(2)*, KB15(2), KB16(6), KBfr 8.2, KBfr8.6*, KBfr9.6, KG332, KG437, KG520, KG2.5, 01927.11, 07120.5, Ps 628, Ps628*, SLN94, SS118 S oyntpl. AN45 S bynw BezA85 S oyny obl. 14638iiRhdl, 18248i18, AN5*, AN136, BezA93, BezAlOl, MIKIII4614* S bynyh obl. KG500, KG505, KG507*, KG 519 MS byn'(3r, S byn'ffr n.m. 'Electus'. Sundermann 2001, 533-6. Cf. also S bynj3r below. M byn'f3r M5030R2, MLl.14*, MLl.38* M oyn'f3rt pl. MLl.6 M oyn'f3q pl. M l lOiiV4, SLN50 S byn'Wr 18102+R4*, 18102+R16, 18102+ Vl, 18102+V7* S byn"f3r AN93, AN93 S oyn'f3r 18140+iiV4* S byn"f3rtpl. AN57, AN93 S byn'f3rthpl. 10100eV2 ¥ oyn'(3r' BBBb44. Unclear form, perhaps a scribal error for oyn'f3ry', q.v. M oyn'(3r'nc, S *byn'f3r'nc n.f 'Electa' M oyn'f3r'nc MLl.15*, MLl.16*, ML l .17*, MLl.18, MLl.20, MLl.30 M 6yn'f3r'st pl. MLl.20, MLl.21 S byn'f3r'nc 18140+iiV4 (Ms -[3rnc) S byn"f3r"st pl. L45.4 S oyn'f3r'sthpl. 10100eV2* M oyn'(3r'nyg, S c>yn"f3r'ny a. 'connected with _;the Elect'. Pa loanword. M 6yn'f3r'nyg BBBbVhdl S c>yn"f3r'ny Ch/U6879V6 S 6yn'(3ry' n.f 'Electhood, state of being Elect'. Cf. also s.v. M oyn'f3r'. S byn'f3ry' 18140+iiR6 S 6yn'k s. ptkwn-oyn 'k

Sogdian S c,yn'k'n n. 'denakan', a type of coin. Yoshida 2008, 57. S oyn'k'n 10100eV13 MS byn'r n. 'dinar'. Latin loanword. M oyn'r TaleA9, TaleA48, TaleA54 S oyn"r TaleAS26 S byn'r TaJeAS23, TaleAS31 M byn'rtwspy', S oyn'rt'wspy', oyn'rt'wspyh, oyn'rt'w'spy'kh n.f 'community of the righteous (i.e. the Elect), church' M 6yn'qwspy' Ml72iR16 M oyn'qwyspy'h L73+R6 S byn'rt'wspy' BezA40* S oyn'rt'wspyh AN121 S oyn'rt'w'spy'kh KG608 S 6yn'yk s. oynyk S byn�r n. 'religious (person), Electus'. Mis­ take for oyn'f3r, q.v., or a different word, cf. MP dynwr 'id.'? Sims-Williams 1992a, 286b. S bynf3rt pl. KG3.59 S *bync v. tr. 'to pull, stretch out', past stem oyt-(?). Cf. Sogd. loanword in NP linJ- 'to pull out, extract' (Henning 1939, 104). Differently ed., where oyt- is tentatively translated as 'burned(?)'. S 6yt'y pp. RSH120 M byncyhryft, S c>yncrf3st Listl+vii6 = *oyncyryf3ts. dyncyhryft MS c>yno'r, M oynd'r, C dynd'r n.m. 'Electus'. On this use of C dynd'r (which means 'priest' in a Christian context) see Sims­ Williams 2003, 403. The M variant with -d- reflects the MP form of the word. M bynd'q pl. M6330V6 M byno'r M659Vfrg M byyrnYr M5030R11 M oyno'rt pl. BBBf32, MLl.27 M oyno'ryy BBBf30, O6163V5, TaleB5* (error for oyrnYr?) S oyn8r 13943V4, 20001+V8, SS126, SS 152, Talell0, Talell6* S 6yn8rt pl. KG35l S 6yn8rty pl. 18248i41 (not obl.) S oyno'rty pl.obi. 20217aA2 S oyno'ry obl. 14638iiVhdl, 14638iiV1* C dynd'ry obi. TIIB8R5 M 6ynl>'ry', bynt'ry' n.f 'Electhood, state of being Elect; community of the Elect'. The variant with+ reflects the MP form of the word. M byrnYry' ML1. 7* M oynfry' Ml16R5, M2083.6 M c>yn-fr'c> n.pr.m. M oyn#fr'o Ml.85f


MS l>ynmync, oynmyc a. 'religious; of the religion' M oynmyc ANe20, M7440.1 M oynmync L73+R8, M617iiV9 M Mynmync M6330R13 S oynmych KG434 S oynmync BezA36, BezA46, BezA79*, Bez A87, BezB11, 05471+15* S bynmynch AN62, AN104, ANl19, AN120 S oynmyncw BezB23, BezB41, KB17(1), KB22(2), KB23(1) MS bynmzt'yzn 'Mazdayasnian Religion', used as a name of the Nous. Henning 1942, 240 with n. 3 (misprinted with -t- for+). M oynmzfyzn Ml40+V4 (ed. oyn mzfyzn as two words) S oynmzt'yzn Ch/U6827iii3* M bynp�'ry n.m. 'those who preserve the reli­ gion' M oynpb'ryt pl. KG2368 S oyns'r s. byn, s'r M byns'rl fr n.m. 'head of the church' M oyns'ro'r M6330V3 M oynfry' s. oyno' ry ' MS oyny s. oyn, oynyfrn MS �ynyfrn, S oynyprn 'Glory of the Reli­ gion', the usual Sogd. name of the Nous. Henning 1942, 240. M 6ynyfm M14V13, M286iR9, M2090.2, M6132A5, M6132B2 M oynyy#frn BBB534f, M14V24f M oynyfmy obl. BBBb44 M oynyfmyh obl. 06210.2* M oynyfmyy obl. M14R28f (oyny#frnyy), M14V5, M14V16 S c>yny-fmy obl. 20238A2, BezA4, BezA90 S oyny-prn 10239(l)+iV5, ANl17, Ch/U 6699Rl0*, KG511, L97el* (ed. oyny (p)[, restore oyny (p)[rn?) S 6ynyprnw Ps566 S 6yny-prny obl. 14730V3, 18154V8* MS 6ynyk, S oyn'yk n. 'adherent of a (false) religion, heretic' M oynyktt pl. SLN94* S oyn'ykt pl. AN127, KG615 S oyn'ykty pl.obi. KG350, KG444, KG582 S oynykt pl. KB 10(1)* S oynykthpl. SLN94* S bynyprn'k a. 'of the Nous'(?) S oynyprncw f (?) BezB51 S bynz'k n. 'Child of the religion', as title of a Manichaean cleric? Thus read in Yoshida­ Moriyasu 2000, 160, but Yoshida 2000, 118, prefers oj3nz'k. S oynz'k BezCl


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M 1bys, S b'ys n. '(act of) building'. Inf. accor­ ding to GMS §914. M bys BBB494 S b'ysw 18140+iiR8 M 2*bys v.tr. 'to build',past stem bystM bystyy pp. M776V3 M byscy s. Mey S byst'ych s. oystyc M bystwc s. ost'wc M bystyy s. 2*c5ys Mc,ystyc, S byst'ych n. 'construction, build­ ing'. Sundermann 1990, 28 n. 48. In HC 36.10V6 perhaps 'embryo', cf. Pahlavi distag 'id.' (read 'dastak' by Henning 1946, 719). M bystyc Ml18iiV3,Ml18iiV5 S oyst'ych HC36.10V6 MS 1c,yw n.m. 'demon' M byw M140+V12,M1400Vl M byw'n gen.pl. M500miR6 M oywt pl. BBB761,CF103 M bywt pl. CF82, KawG4, KawG32, KawG 34, KawK7, M548R6, M5166.3, M5912R3 (thus GMS §1657; misprinted -t, BT XIX, 156),M7800iiR9 M bywty pl.obl. M129R12 M bywM!pl.obl. KawG18 M bywtyy pl.obl. CFl14, CF122, KawG9, M548V3* M bywtyy pl.obl. M583iiV10,M7800iihdl M bywtyy]J pl.obl. M247R3 S byw 18058+Vl1, 18058+V14, Ch/U6445 Rl S bywt pl. HC36.8R8*, HC36.10V2*, O/U 829.7,Ps576 S bywtw pl. 13508A3 S bywty pl.ob!. 14638iR16, 14638iR17, 18058+V16, 18248i6, 18248i14, KBll(l), KB12(1)* M 2c,yw a. 'unreliable, thoughtless'(?). Hen­ ning 1937,83. M 6yw BBB689 S byw'nt, byw'nty prep. + dem.pron. 'to that, to those,etc.' S oyw'nt KG3.45*,KG3.60 S byw'nty TaleK23 MS c,yw'styc, C dyw'stync a. 'demonic, devil­ ish'. Hardly a f. form as assumed in GMS §1277. On the C spelling see Sims-Willi­ ams 2003,404. M byw'styc M664V8 M byw'styycy obl. M549ii7 S byw"stych SLN42 C dyw'stync TUB SR13 S byw'yb s. c5ywyb

MS bywc,'t a. 'created by demons,demonic' M aywa't BBB665 [M byywb't SLNaklO s. "zoywo't] S bywb't RSH98 S bywmyc a. 'of demons' S bywmyc KG583 M aywny'ty a. 'possessed by demons' M bywny'tyy S40iiR5* Mc,ywstn n. 'abode of demons' M bywstn M247V9 MSbywya, S byw'yb, bywyby prep. + dem.pron. 'with that,of that,to that,in that, in those, etc.'; also used as an obl. form of the dem.pron. 'that' M bywyo BBBf24, M130a+R4, M760R5, TaleE42* (Sims-Williams 1979, 342), TaleE48* S oyw'yo HC36.6R7, 01146.4* S oywyo 14153+iV12, 18700+R10, 18700+ R14*, 18700+V2, 18700+V4, 18700+V6, Ch/U6536a+V22, KG326, L30+V9*, SS 117,TaleH8 S aywyoy 10238(4)Rl* MSc,ywysn prep. + dem.pron. 'with those, of them,etc.' M oywysn KawK13*(?) S bywysn KG350 S byx'w n. 'village' S ayx'w Ch/U6545Viv2 Mbyz- n.f 'fortress' M byz' nom.sg. SLNak85 M c,y[ O6233B4 Sb..t 14151+iR16* Sc,...k L59.9 S C)...W 20506+V14* Mb[ BBB585*, M501mA2*, M501mB4*, M548V4, Ml134+R5*, MIKiii4970cV2*, MLl.2, O6182Bii2*, O6196B5* Sc,[ 16201.69, 18102-t-R7*, 18131iiV1*, Ch/U 6225V5* (p't(3r's (6)[, misprinted as a single word), KG426, KG630*, KG3.90*, L2.2, [L32.3 s. 2bf3r- ], L59.9, 07004+31, 07004+9*, Ps572 (in red ink, probably n.pr.),Ps596,Ps658,SS137*, SS138*,Tale G28* M -f, S -13 pers.pron.2.sg.encl. 'you'. The simple -f/-f3 is used for acc., abl. (ZY-f3c, _, GGZl.12) and perhaps gen., while the obl. form -fy/-f3y is used for acc. and gen. GMS §1355-6. M 'rtf BBBb52, BBBb70, BBBb72, BBBb91 M 'rtfy]J obi. BBBb100 M 'rtfyy obi. BBBb86,TaleA49,TaleE29 M 'rtfyy obi. TaleE31

Sogdian M 'tfy obl. KawC6*,MIKiii4981d9 (ed. -t-) M 'tfyh obi. BBBb82,BBBb98 M 'tfyy obi. BBBb57,MIKiii4981al M qtfyy obi. M591V9 M ktfy ob!. Mll7.9 M ktfyy obi. M760V4 S 'tf3 HC36.10V15 S 'tf3y obl. Ps620,TaleH13 S 'YKZY-f3y obl. GGZl.13 S rtf3y obl. 18436A4, Ch/U6434V5, GGZ 1. 13*,KG420,Ps582,Ps620,SS152,TaleF 6* S rty-f3y obl. Ps595,Ps619,SS154,SS155 S ZY-f3c GGZl.12 S ZY-f3y obl. 11603+11 (ZYf3y), GGZl.19, HC36.10V13,Ps384, Ps397* (ed. [s'](t) f3y, more likely [ky Z](Y)-f3y), Ps565, Ps595, Ps596,SS153,SS154 S ZY-f3y-pr obl. Ps597* M f>msy 'Brahma-voice', Chinese name of a melody. Yoshida 1994a,300 n. 84. M fmsyy M74iR9 M frmyc s. fr'mync M f'rstm'nky' n.f 'cheerfulness'(?). BT XVII, 102,134. The third part of the first cardinal virtue,BT XVII,138. M frstm'nqy'h SLN ak52* (-ng- for -nq- in GMS §246,322,is an error) M fs'c s. fs'c M fin's s.fsn's M fcmbo s. 'fcmbb M fcmMyk, S 'f3c'npbyk, 'f3c'np8'yk, 'f3c'mpo'yk a. 'of the world,worldly' M fcmboyktpl. KawVlO,KawV23* S 'f3c'mpb'yk TaleKal1 S 'f3c'npb'ykt pl. AN37, AN55:fl< ('f3c'npo# 'ykt) S 'f3c'npbyk ANc26* S '/3c'npbyktpl. AN127 S 'f3c'npoykw ANc24,KB2(1)* M f6ymty' n.f 'mirage'(?). Cf. S '/38ymty' 'magic', B frlymyg 'illusion', Sims-Willi­ ams 2009,262b. M f6ymty' SS148* (ed. pb(y)[mty', but (f)o(y)[mty' is suggested in a footnote as a possible alternative reading) M fays, S f36ys n. 'appearance,vision; region'. Henning 1940,20; MacKenzie 1976,II,57. M f6ys Gl/a22 S f3bys 18102+V3* M -fn, S -f3n pers.pron.2.pl.encl. 'you', used for acc. and gen. GMS §1381. M 'qfn M399A6*,M399B8,M1828V4 M 'tfn M915R7* M 'tyfn BBBf60


M 'tyfn TaleB12 M ktfn Ml768B1 S 'tj3n 18248i6, 18248i49, L37.10 (thus Sims-Williams 1981,237 n. 6,ed. rtf3n) S ktf3n 14153+iR13* S rtf3n KG333, KG334, KG636*, [L37.10, read 'tj3n],SSl10* S ZY-f3n 18101+R3,20229V16,KG331 M fns'x, fs'x,fswx n. 'parasang' M fns'x M5701+V9,M5701+V14 M fs'x M498ciiR2*,M5701+Vl1 M fswx CF92,CF93 M fny- v.tr. 'to repudiate' M fny't 3.sg.subj. BBBf15, BBBf18 M fnys, S f3n'ys v.tr. 'to deceive' M fnys... Gl/cl* (ed. fn(y)[, restore fn(y)[s... with Schwartz 1966,119) S f3n'ys'y 3.sg.opt. Frg5.7 S f3n'yst-'skwn 3.sg.pres.dur. 10200(6)R2* M fr'b n. 'increase,improvement' M fr'b [Ml.86 s. byn-fr'b], M896Vii2 M fr'y'z, S �r'y'z v.tr. 'to begin'. GMS §325. Impf. forms can equally well be assigned to the synonymous verb fry'z,q.v. M fr'y'znd 3.pl.impf CF73 S f3r'y'z 3.sg.impf KG3.17* S_ �r'y'z'nt 3.pl.pres. HC37.2.7 M fr'k, S f3r'k n. 'morning', adv. 'early, in the morning' M fr'k BBB697, L75.7* (ed. ](')k, restore fr](')k?) S f3r'k KG559* M fr'kcyny adv. 'at breakfast time, m the morning'. Sundermann 1975,61. M fr'kcynyy Fast5.5 M fr'm'y s. frm'y M fr'mrz s. frmrz M fr'mync, *fr'myc v.tr. 'to remove (a gar­ ment), undress' M frmyc 3.sg.impf SLNakl02 (BT XII, 122) M fr'myncm 1.sg.pres. M530V4* M fr'm[ M662B3*, M2806.3, MIKiii4971c V4* M fr'np'n, S f3r'np'n n. 'breath', used as a name of the first son of the Primal Man, corresponding to the element 'air'. Sunder­ mann 2001, 840, as corrected by Yoshida 2002,193a. M fr"np'n Gl/dl7* (ed. fr"n•[, restore fr"n(p)['n] with Yoshida 2002,192b) M fr'np'n M3222.3 S f3r'np'n Ch/U6827iii4 (thus Yoshida 2002, 193a,ed. f3r'nk'n)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M fr'skyr'n n. 'south'. Henning 1937, 125a. M fr'skyr'n L72aii2 (Ms p-) M fr'whr, MP name of the first son of the Primal Man, corresponding to the element 'air'. Sundermann 2001, 127 with n. 152 on p. 151. M fr'whr M583iR1* (ed. ](phd), read fr'](whr)) M fr'wycy, S j3r'wyscy n. 'forgetfulness' M fr'wycyh BBB605 S j3r'wyscy 18102+V5 M fr'wz s. frwzM fr'xwrtyy SLNak58*. Meaning uncertain. Sundermann, BT XVII, 135, suggests 'made worthy', cf. NP faraxwar 'worthy (etc.)'. S fr'yt s. f3r'yt M fry'z v.tr. 'to begin'. Cf. also s.v. fr'y'z. M fry'zo 2.pl.impv. BBBf72 M fryn-, S j3ryn- n.f 'type, manner; species' M fryn' acc.sg. BBB767, M14R5, M430aR4, [M4164.5 s. fryr'm] S j3ryn' acc.sg. 18058+Rl1, TaleH29 S j3ryn'h acc.sg.(?) Ch/U6146V6 S j3rynh acc.sg. KB8(1)*, 07359+9*(?) M fryr'm M4164.5 (ed. (fr)yn'•, but fryr'm is clear in the Ms). Meaning unknown. M 1frkrnd n. '(act of) cutting, chopping' M frkrnd BBB501* M *2frkrnd v.tr. 'to cut out, cut off', past stem S j3rkst-. GMS §145. S j3rkst'k pp. SS112 M frkyr, S j3rkyr v.itr. 'to be indifferent, be negligent' M frqyrnd 3.pl.pres. M5690R5 M frkyrny pres.pt. BBB690, Ml134+Rl*(?) S j3rkyrn'kw pres.pt. 20220iV1 M frkyrn, S j3rk'yrny n. 'indifference, negli­ gence' M frkyrn BBB605 S j3rk'yrny AN189 (not obl.) M frkyrnyky' n.f 'indifference, negligence' M frkyrnyky' Ml16V9* S frm s. 1prm MS frm'n, S prm'n n.f 'order, command' M frm"n BBBhdl39, TaleB16 M frm'n BBBhdl47, BBBb2, KawE20*, M280iiR13, M915Rl*, M916bV1*, M7800 iiV6 (ed. prm'n, read (f)rm'n), ML2.ll, TaleA33, TaleB33 S frm'n 10650(15)R3, 14410iR3, 14410iV1, 14410iV4, BezA90*, BezB44*, BezB77 S frm'nh 15502Vl0 S frm'nw BezA19 S prm'n Ch/U8123aV6, GGZl.16, HC36.1

V3 S prm'nh Ch/U6926V3 (Ms prmnh), KB 12(1), KB21(2), KG356, KG358*, KG440, KG506, KG514, KG3.ll, KG3.13, 011088 B2, TaleAS13 S prm'nt pl. 14700(1l)A9 S prm'nw BezA59, BezA69, 01186+7, Tale! 24 S prm'ny obi. 18140+iiV5 s frm'n-'ptywsy, frm'nw-ptywsy s. prm'n­ ptyws'k M frm'y, S prm'y, j3rm'y v.tr. 'to order, com­ mand; to speak (used of Mani or other persons of high status)', past stem M frm't, S prm't. The impv. forms (with following past inf.) are used to express a polite request: 'deign to, please'. M fr'm'y 3.sg.impf M5001B3*, M7800ii R12*, TaleA30 M frm'tb'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. M5030V7*, TaleB42 M frm'Wryy 2.sg.tr.pret. MIKiii4981d9, Tale A41f (frm't#o'ryy) M frm'tyy pp. BBB729 M frm'y 2.sg.impv. BBBel7, MIKiii4981d6, ML2.7, ML2.17 M frm'y pres.inf BBBd3 M frm'yy 2.sg.impv. ANeRl M frm'yy 2.sg.pres. TaleA26 (or opt.?), Tale A39 (or inj.? Sims-Williams 1996, 181) M frm'yo 2.pl.impv. BBBd8, BBBdlO M frm'yoo 2.pl.impv. M617iV8 M frm'ym l.sg.pres. TaleB11 M frm'yt 3.sg.pres. BBB476, BBB547, BBB 629, BBB651, BBB738, M498biR2, M813i R9 M frm'yt 3.sg.pres. S40iR2* S j3r'm'y 3.sg.impf 10650(7)A6 S j3rm'y 2.sg.impv. (?) M1071V2* S j3rm'y... 20237Vl* S pr'm'y 3.sg.impf 10100eR12, 10100eV14, 18165R5, 20231+V4, KB12(1), KG552, KG572, KG573, KG581, RSH26*, RSH91 (Ms prm"y), RSH98, RSHl18, RSH134 (Ms prm"y), TaleAS12, TaleJ18 S pr'm'yy 2.sg.impf TaleAS9 (mistake for opt.), TaleAS17* (mistake for pres. or inj., Sims-Williams 1996, 181) S pr'm'y'y 2.sg.impf Mainz390R5 S pr'my 3.sg.impf KG3.59 _, S prm't 3.sg.itr.pret. KG380* S prm"t-o'r'y 2.sg.tr.pret. TaleAS19* S prm'to'rm l.sg.tr.pret. 20507bV5 S prm'to'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. HC36.6V7, KG531f (prm't#o'rt), KG3.68, KG3.86*, O7368V3 S prm'to'rty 3.sg.tr.pret. 18248i48

Sogdian S prm'y 2.sg.impv. RSH55, RSH56* (ed. p(r)[, restore p(r)[m'y?), Talel25 S prm'yt 3.sg.pres. 10030(2)B2 M frmrz v.tr. 'to remove', past stem frmst, · S j3rm'yst. Often translated 'to spoil', but see BT XV, 33 n. 140, 43b. M fr'mrz 3.sg.impf SLNak12 M frmst ·past inf(?) M674Vl (thus GMS §529; not frmsty with BT XV, 43b) S j3rm'yst'k pp. AN197* (ed. j3rm'(y)[st, res­ tore -t'k with Yoshida 1988, 149) MS frn, S pm n. 'glory, majesty; vou�'- The first 'limb' of the soul, BT XVII, 137. With pers.pron. '(Your) Honour, (His) Majesty' etc. M frn [BBB535 s. bynyfrn], BBB624, BBB al, L73+V2*, [Ml.87 s. wysyfrn, Ml.116 s. nwyfrn], M14R27, [M14V25 s. oynyfrn], M134iV7, M600R5, [M765kR6 s. n'-"yt­ frn], M1846B5, [M6330R7 s. frnw'xsyk], M6330R10, [MIKiii4979Rii4 s. sngfrn, MIKiii4979Rii6* s. frnxwnd, MIKiii4979 Rii7* s. frn'yt], SLNakl, SLNak49, TaleB 50 M frn's (s. -s) 'His Majesty' L73+V8 M frnyy obl. [M14R29 s. oynyfrn], M129 V14, M483.7, SLNak50 M frn[ KawVlO S frn 18196V4, BezA78, BezA83, [BezA89 s. frn-pb'ky'], BezA98 (prfm), BezA116, BezB4, BezB36, BezB45, BezB60, BezB 6�BezB7�O1186+�SS151 S frn's (s. -s) 'His Majesty' 18196Rl, 18196 V14 S frns'r (s. s'r) BezB43 S frny obl. [20238A2, BezA4, BezA90 s. oynyfrn], BezB26, BezB69, Xwl.25 S pm 10026+R12, [10239(1)+iV5 s. oynyfrn, 12400R s. wysyfrn, 15530R5 s. nwyfrn, 18121R4 s. xwty-prn, 20002+R0 s. pry­ prn], 20130Vl, [20230V9 s. k'yprn], 20230 Vl1, [20508V3 s. k'yprn, ANl17 s. oyny­ frn], BezA39 (prprn), BezA49, BezB70, BezC4 (prprn), BezC7 (prpm), [Ch/U 6225R s. wysyfrn, Ch/U6699R10* s. byny­ frn], HC36.2R2, KB4(1), KB8(2)*, KB 15(1)* ('sm'xpm), [KG511 s. oynyfrn], KG 609, [L2.1 s. n14Yjrn], L44.10 (ed. 'sk'pm, read 'sk' pm as two words), L59.6, [L97el* s. oynyfrn, List5.3 s. n14Yjrn], MIKIII4947 (thus Yoshida 2008, 60, Kat. pw(t)), 01146.6*, 02495.2, Ps441, RSH57, SLN 41, TaleH6, TaleHl1, TaleH12 S prns'r (s. s'r) BezC2, BezC22, BezC24 S prnw KG3.87, Ps387


S prny obl. [14730V3, 18154V8* s. oynyfrn], 01146.2, 'RSH53, TaleF5, TaleF8 S tw'pmy 'Your Majesty' obl. TaleF23 (s. frn) M frn,yt n.pr.m. Cf. IPNB II/8, no. 897. M fm'yt MIKiii4979Rii7* (ed. frn '(y)[, read frn'(y )[t]) M frnf:3'm n.pr.f M frnj3'm Ml.138 MS frnf3ry, S pmBry a. 'glorious'. Not 'happy' with OMS §1132. M frnBryy M286iR4 S frnj3ry BezB16, BezB38 (Ms frnfry) S pmj3rchf RSH152 S pmj3ry BezA25 S frn-p6,ky, n.f 'glory' S frn-po'ky' BezA85, BezA89f* (fm#po'ky') S fms'r s. frn, s'r M frnw,xsyk n., only pl. 'Glories and Spirits'. Gershevitch 1985, 17. M frnw'xsyqt pl. M5266V3* M frn-w'xsyqtyy pl.obl. M6330R7 M frnxwnd n.pr.m. Cf. IPNB II/8, no. 910. M frnxwnd MIKiii4979Rii6* (ed. frn xw[, read frnxw[nd]) M frnxwndky', S frnxwnt'ky'h, prnxwnt'ky'kh, prnxwntkyh n.f 'blessedness, bliss, glory' M frnxwndky' M483.8, M4158.2, M6102R3, M6330R10 M frnxwndtky'h Ml16V12 S frnxwnt'ky'h BezA78 S prnxwnt'ky'kh KG336*, KG337* S prnxwntkyh KB4(1), KB8(2), KB14(4) M frnxwndp6y, S frnxwntpoy, prnxwnpoy a. 'of glorious lineage' M frnxwndpbyy L73+V7 S frnxwntpoy 18196Vllf (frnxwnt#poy), BezBlO S prnxwnpoy BezA42 M frnxwndy, S fmxwnty, pmxwnt'k, pm­ xwnt'y, pmxwnty a. 'fortunate, blessed, happy, glorious' M frnxwndc f M14V22, M760R10f* (frn# xwndc) M frnxwndyy M617iV4, M635iV7*, M5597.4* (Cat. frnxw[nd, restore fm­ xw[ndyy; Gershevitch 1965, 160a, wrongly ]s'rj3wx(w)[) M frnxwndyy frnxwndyy BBBf50* M frnxwndyt pl. KG2328*, O6196A5* S frnxwnty 18196R8, BezA39, Ch/U6854V2 S pmxwnt'k KB22(1)* S pmxwnt'kw KB21(7) S pmxwnt'yt pl. 07120.2 S pmxwnty BezA72, Ch/U6699R7, HC36.1


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Vl*, TaleKalO S pmxwntyt pl. Ps395, Ps396*, Ps396* S pmxwntytw pl. BezB40, Ps394 MS frny s. frn, aynyfrn M frp's v.tr. 'to throw, dash (oneself on the ground)' M frp's'nd 3.pl.pres. M549ii24 M tfrsn BBBc19*. Henning 1937, 46, note ad loc., tentatively suggests a restoration [fr]sn 'reading, lection', but no such word seems to be attested. M frst- s. *fryj M frtpM a. 'informed' M frtpM ANeRl M frtr, S 1 prtr a., adv. 'more, better'. GMS §437; Sims-Williams-Tucker 2006, 591 n. 7. M frtr KG2329 M fqr Ml17.12, M2242.2 S prtr 10263(1)+ V6, [GGZl.17 s. prytr], L37.16, TaleF3, TaleI54 M frtrstr a. 'still better' M fqrstr M894iR4 MS frtry', S prtry'kh, prtry', f3rtry' n.f 'in­ crease, furtherance, improvement' M frtry' L73+R2*, M568Vl (GMS §437 wrongly+), M6896.l, ML2.18, ML2.18* M frtry' M617iiV9, TaleB15, TaleE4 S f3rtry' BezA79 S frtry' Ps13O* (ed. f(r) [..](y)', restore f(r)[tr](y)') S prtry' BezA53 S prtry'kh KG334, KG367* (ed. ](k)h, read (p)[rtry'](k)h with Lieu 1994, 27 n. 24), KG393* (ed. ](k)h, restore prtry']kh, cf. GMS §437), KG409* (ed. ](k)h, restore prtry'](k)h), KG533, KG546, KG568 M frwk n. 'flash, brightness' M frwwq Gl/e3 M frwrt, name of the nineteenth day of the month M frwrt Fastl.16, Fastl.18* M 1 frwrty s. 'rt'wfrwrty M 2 frwrty, S f3rwrt'k, f3rwrt'y, prwrt'k, prwrty n.m. 'letter, epistle' M frwftyy M915Vl*, M915V9 S f3rwrt'k 02075R3*, 02075R5 S f3rwrt'kw 15502Vll*, 15502V13, 02075 R7 S f3rwrt'y 15502V12 (misprinted -ty, Sunder­ mann 2009, 265), 15502V14 S prwrt'kw 15502Vl5 S prwrty 02517.4 M frwx'n n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 309. M frwx'n ML2.21*

M frwxspc>, name of a lunar mansion. Indian loanword, Henning 1942, 242 n. 1. [M frwxspo M549i+R4 s. prw-frwxspo] M frwxspM M549i+R4 M frwxyy s. 'wrydfrwxyy M frwyc> v.tr. 'to reach, affect'. Henning 1945, 484. M frwyMt 3.sg.pres. M502pB2 M frwz-, S prwz- v.itr. 'to fly'. Light stem (contra GMS §1638 n. 1). M fr'wz 3.sg.impf M5592V3* M frwzty 3.sg.pres. M521bAii7 S prwzo'[ 2.pl.pres. (?) 10239(1)+iR4* (Kat. pr(wr)b'[, perhaps rather pr(w)zb'[) M frxrws a. 'timid'(?) M frxrws BBB690 M frxw'k n. 'something chopped up'. Hen­ ning 1939, 99. M frxw'k Gl/f23 S fry s. fryhrw'n M fry-, S pry-, pr'y-, f3ry- a. 'dear' M fryy nom.sg.m. [M125R5, M583iR4f s. fryhrwsn], M1134+V3(?), TaleB61 M fry' voc.sg.m. BBBb56, BBBb65, BBBb 80, BBBb97, BBBf3 M fry'h voc.sg.m. M674R12 M fryyt pl. M894iR2 M fryw acc.sg. M7391+1* (Cat. fry•[, read fry(w)[) S f3ry nom.sg.m. 14150+iR6 (as abl.), KG3.3 S f3rytty pl.ob[. Ps590 S pr'y nom.sg.m. AN168, ANl77 (as abl.) S pry nom.sg.m. 10263(1)+V5, 18248i12 (as abl.), [20002+RO s. pry-prn], L61.16(?) S pry' abl.sg.f AN199 S pry' abl.sg.m. ANl79* (uncertain restoration) S pry' voc.sg.m. KG407 S pryt pl. 14150+iR7, AN142 S prytt pl. Ps388 S prytty pl.voe. 14000R34 S pryw acc.sg.m. 14715bR1, 14730V4(?), 21005Vl, L29+2*, LlllVl*, TaleKa26 (as abl.) M fry'm v.tr. 'to finish'(?). Cf. S 'pw-f3ry'm. M fry'mb'k'm 2.pl.fut. M399B6 M fry'nfrytr a. 'dearest of the dear' M fry'nfrytr M172iR3 M fry'nw'z, S pry-'nw'z n. 'company of triends, companionship' M fryy'nw'z CF49 S pry-'nw'zy obl. Ch/U6126V9 M fry'tr, fy'tr, S pry'tr,· 'f3y'tr, f3y'tr adv. 'more, moreover' M fry'µ- Mll6R9, M6330V8*

Sogdian M fy'tr BBB553, BBBb34 S 'f3y'tr [AN125 s. cyndr], Ps594* S f3y'tr 18433Bi6 S pry'tr 10920+V6, 14730V3, BezAlO, BezA 52 MS fry'wy n.m. 'love' M fry'wyy!J CF48 S fry'wy 18120V3* M fry{rm n.pr.f M fryf3'm M1.131 M fryybf Gl/al7 s. *frytM fryhrw'n, MS fryrw'n, S pry-rw'n a. 'soul­ loving', generally applied to Hearers. The spelling with -h- is Pa (GMS §63). M fryhrw'n M2316.3*, M5030R2 M fryrw'n M5690R7, M6330V6 M fryyrw'n TaleB44 M fryrw'nyyh obl. M915V2*(?) S fry-rw'n BezA127, BezB71 S pry-rw'n SS129 S pry-rw'nt pl. 14150+iR15* S pryrw'ntw pl. BezA44, BezA123 (pry­ rw'ntw) S pry-rw'nty pl.obl. BezC19 S pry-rw'nw BezClOf (pry#rw'nw), BezCl7 M fryhrwsn, fryrwsn 'Beloved of the Lights', Pa name of a deity. Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 77 on p. 146. M fryyhrwsn M583iV4 M fryyrwsn M125R5 (fryy-rwsn), M583iR4f (fryy#rwsn) M *fryj v.tr. 'to make straight, straighten out, settle, conclude', past stem frst-. BT XII, 132. M frsfh f3wt 3.sg.pres.itr.pot. TaleA2f (Sims­ Williams 1996, 175) M frstyy pp. BBBc37 MS fryrw'n s. fryhrw'n M fryrwsn s. fryhrwsn MS frys, S pr'ys, prys, f3r'ys v.tr. 'to send', past stem S pr'yst, f3r'yst. On the irregular impf. stem s pr'sy, pr's'y, f3r'sy, f3r's'y see GMS §129. M frys'nd-skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. M5690V4* M frystk 3.sg.pres.dur. S40iV3 (GMS §641) S f3r'sy 3.sg.impf KB21(2), TaleH25 S f3r's'ym 1.sg.impf (?) 15000(6)V3 S f3r'ys'ntskwnw 3.pl.pres.dur. AN124 S f3r'ys'ym 1.pl.impf L44.12 S f3r'yst'yt pp.pl. KG429 S f3r'yst#b'rtw 3.sg.tr.pret. KG404:f'I< S f3r'ystw#b'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. KG425:f'I< S f3r'ystw-b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG406* S frys 2.sg.impv. BezB44*(?) S pr's'y 3.sg.impf KG396


S pr'sy 3.sg.�mpf KG359, KG516 S pr'ys 18058+Vl3* (doubtful reading; hardly 3.sg.impf. with ed.) S pr'ystb'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. 02075R6 S pr'yst... 20502Vl* S prysy 3.sg.opt.(?) 07004+ I (ed. ]pry sy, read ]prysy as one word) M frystg RH731 s. 'frywn 'w frystg, tfrystg 06228A7* s. frysty M frystwrz n.pr.m. GMS §1299 n. 1. M frystwrz Ml.82 MS frysty, S f3r'yst'k, �r'ystk, f3r'yst'y, �r'ysty, �ryst'k, �rysty, pr'yst'k, pryst'k, prysty n.m. 'apostle', especially as a title of Mani; 'angel'. In Ps576, 'stykw pr'yst'k is the 'Third Messenger', see Sundermann 2001, 126 with n. 94 on p. 148. M frysty BBBc38, M1064.2, TaleB34, 06228A7* (ed. (f)[ry](s)t[g, better (f)[ry](s)t[y) M frystyg BBBc20*, KawE16 M frystyy BBBd4, KawEl*, KawE2, Kaw ES, M6330R3, TaleB40 M frystyt pl. KawGhdl M frystyt pl. CF6 M frystyt pl. CF90, KawG3, M129R2 M frystYYt pl. CF83, KawG8, KawG31, Kaw G37* M frystytyh pl.obl. KawG35* M frystytyy pl.obl. KawG5, M6330R6 S f3r'yst'k KBl7(2), KG397, KG471, KG620, RSH45, RSH52, RSH59 S f3r'yst'kw 18248i47, KG438, KG469 S f3r'yst'yty pl.obi. 07120.4* S f3r'ystk KG344, KG355*, KG445 S �r'ystkw AN115 S f3r'ysty AN41, AN48, AN83, AN131 S f3ryst'k RSH18*, RSH23 S f3ryst'kt pl. HC37.l.5 S �rysty AN72, Ch/U6542Vl* S f3rystyt pl. 14151+iR13* S frysty BezA16, BezA77 S frystytw pl. BezAlOO S pr'yst'k Ps576, Ps624, SLN41* S pr'yst'kw 14638iR20*, Ps819 S pryst'ktw pl. 18058+V18* S pryst'kty pl.obl. BezA77 S prysty 10100eR12, 10100eV9 S prystyt pl. 10650(15)R7, 07520.4 M frysty'n n.pr.m. Not in IPNB Il/8. M frysty'n M7391+1* (Cat. frysty') M *fryt- v.itr. 'to return, repent'(?). Translates MP "whr- (< *a-war0ya-, cf. Khot. bith- 'to twist'?), which itself corresponds in M97 Rii18 to Greek µEi:avoEw 'repent' (Joly


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

1958, 334). The attested form may show metathesis of -t8- to -8t-, cf. s.v. f3r'yt, in which case *fryt- < *fra-yata- 'to take one's (proper) place' may be the itr. equivalent of f3r'yt 'to help' < *fra-yataya- 'to put in place'. M fryyc>f 2.pl.impv. Gl/al7 (or pres. with GMS §725) MS fryt't, S pryt't n. 'love'. The first cardinal virtue, also its first part, BT XVII, 137, 138. M fryt't BBB626, BBB632, M14Vl, M915 V4, M1846A5*, M9110.3* (Cat. fryf•, res­ tore fryt'[t]), SLNak51, SLNak55 M fryyt't M14V12, TaleE13 S fryt'tw BezB35 S pryt't Ch/U6579Vl, KG417*, SLN41* S pryt'th 14726V7, KG610 S fryt'tw-cn, pryt'tc'n, pryt'tcn a. 'loving' S fryt'tw-cn BezB6 S pryt'tc'n AN95 S pryt'tcnw 13428R3*, BezA12* S fryz'ty a. 'son-loving' S fryz'ty Ps51 M frzynd s. r'ymst-frzynd M fr[ MIKiii497laV2* MS fs'c, S f3s'c v.tr. 'to train, instruct, accus­ tom', past stem M fsyt-, S 'f3s'ytM fs'c 3.sg.impf M130a+V5 ('he trained her to follow him') M fsytyt pp.pl. ML2.16 S 'f3s'yt past inf 14638iR8 (GMS §923) S f3s'ct 3.sg.pres. AN67 S fs'cny pres.pt. BezB8 M fs'k, S 'f3s'k, ps'k n. 'training, instruction; usage, custom' M fs'k [Gl/y22 s. psk], KawG28, M891aV3, ML2.15 (Ms p-) S 'f3s'k 14742V6 S 'f3s'kw Ch/U6886V2 S 'f3s'ky obl. 10085+R5*, 13425(2)+A2* S ps'kw BezB8 M fs'x s. jns'x M fsytyt s. fs'c M *fsn'y v.tr. 'to wash'(?). Uncertain, as the Ms has only f(sn)[. M fsn'ynyh pres.pt. GI/fl8*(?) M fsp- n.m. 'rug'(?). Thus Henning 1948, 31415, but 'beam' (NP farasp) or 'wall' (cf. MP parisp) also seem possible. M fsp' acc.numv. CF75 (Sims-Williams 1979, 340 n. 32) M fswx s.fns'x M fs'm, S f3s'm v.tr. 'to send', past stem fsmt-, s f3smt-, f3s'mt-

M fs'm'mk'm 1.sg.fut. M1828R2* M fsmtwo'rm l.sg.tr.pret. BBB719* M fsmtwo'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. M129Vll S Ws'm 3.sg.impf 10129iV13 S f3s'mt' 2.pl.impv. BezC29 S f3s'mty pp. BezC14 (with active sense: 'having sent') S f3s'my 3.sg.opt.(?) 14153+iR13 S f3smtw-8r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. KB22(1) M fs'ws s. fsy'ws M *fsk'w v.tr. 'to trip'(?), past stem fskwxt. The form of the pres. stem and the meaning are quite uncertain, but see BT XII, 178-9. M fsqwxto'm 1.sg.subj.tr.pret. BBB604 M fskr-, S 'f3skr- v.tr. 'to expel'(?), past stem S 'f3skrt. This is the meaning of C fskr-, BT XII, 211b, but is not in fact clear whether it suits any of the passages listed below. Reck 2009, 378, translates 'accomplish' in RSH 83. M fskqyh 3.sg.pres. M765kR3 M fskr... M3604.2* S 'f3skr'nt 3.pl.pres. RSH83* S 'f3skrty pp. KB10(1) M fsqwxtc>'m s. *fsk'w M fsmt- s. fs'm M fsn's v. tr. 'to recognize' M fsn's 3.sg.impf Gl/f9* S fsp'r 14425+V8. Unknown word. M fsrn M5093A4. Unknown word. M fst- s. 2psM fsy'ws, fs'ws(?), S 'f3sy'ws n.m. 'gentleman, master' M fs'ws Gl/x9 (ed. ]fs'ws, but possibly com­ plete) M fsy'ws TaleA18 S 'f3sy'ws TaleAS3 M ffr s. Jt'r M ftf3yj v.tr. 'to compel'(?). BT XII, 177; Morano 2005, 218. M ftf3yjM' 2.pl.impv.(?) M356.14* (ed. (p)tf3yjM', but the alternative reading with (f)- is mentioned in the commentary) M ftmcyk s. 'ftmcyk M ftmw s. 'jtmM ftr- s. ftyrM tftr'nd M549ii23* s. 2ptrM ftrwny n. 'increase, advantage'. GMS §473. 'M ftrwnyy M399A6 M ftry a. 'walking'(?) M ftryh Gl/c22 M ftyr-, ftr-, S f3tyr-·, *'f3tyr- v.itr. 'to pass; to pass on, continue, travel', past stem M 'ftrt M 'f!rtY pp. M286iiV5 (cited as 'ftrt-, GMS

Sogdian §169) M 'ftrtyy pp.(?) M430aV4 (cited as ftrt- [sic], GMS §169, 318) M ftrtyy 3.sg.pres. Ml08V2 M f!Yr!YY 3.sg.pres. M796iR8, M796iR10, M796iR13 S 'Wtyr 3.sg.impf AN146 S f3tyrm'n · I .pl.pres.(?) BezC 10 (for *f3tyr­ ym'n?) S fwre)my, f3wrc>my n.m. 'vegetation, plants'. GMS §415. Or 'fruit'? Cf. BT XIX, 156. S f3wrc>my 20192Vl*, SS162 S fwromy SS160 M fy'tr s. fry'tr M g'hyg 'Berna (hymns)', originally an adj. 'connected with the Berna (feast)'. MP word in a Sogd. context. M g'h'yg BBB23 M g'hyg zm'n 'time of the Berna (feast)', MP phrase M g'hyg zm'n RH732* M gbryhb, S kf3ryxf3, kpryxf3 n.pr.m. 'Gabr­ yahb'. IPNB II/8, no. 534. (The spelling kf3rykf3', cited ibid. and BT XI, 183-4, occurs in 12398V3, in Pa rather than Sogd. context, cf. Kat., 72.) M gbryhb ML2.19 S kf3ryxf3 KG539, KG542, KG556, KG577, KG584, KG589, KG596 S kpryxf3 KG557 M gryw ML2.6 s. rw'n gryw M gryw jywndg, yryw jywndy 'Living Soul', Pa name of a deity, partially adapted to Sogdian. Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 50 on p. 146. M gryw jywndg BBB680, BBB720* M yryw jywndy M107iVii8 (thus GMS §1510; not grywjywndy with Sundermann 2001, 146 11. 50) M gwysn 'y [...]'n r'y 'Chapter concerning ...', MP title of a chapter of Mani's 'Treasure of Life'. Haloun-Henning 1952, 206-7. M gwysn 'y [...]'n r'y M915R3f M gy'n s. tn-gy'n S y'b n. 'Gatha', referring to the hymns attri­ buted to Zoroaster [S y'o 14410iV1 is not a word but a sequence of letters used in divination] S y'oh SS119 S y'c,kyn 20506+V7. Uncertain word, possibly a variant spelling of y6kyn as suggested in Sundermann 1998, 175 with n. 50.


MS y'bwk, S yw'ok n. 'throne; Berna' M y'bwk CF109, KG2333* M y'bwq CF15, KG2373*, SLNak45 M y'bwqt pl. CF38, M521bBii3* M y'owkyy obl. M358A2, 06191V2 S y'6wky obl. RSH90 (scribal error for y'6wk?) S yw'6k TaleF12 (GMS §409) M y'bwke)'r n.m. 'king' M y'c>wk&'r 06255.1* MS y'm n. 'force, violence'. For another pos­ sible instance of S y'm see s.v. nz'm. In BezC the repeated phrase y'm n' pcy'z'nt is perhaps a parenthetical deprecation: 'may they not receive ( = suffer) violence l '. M y'm Gl/y16 S y'm BezC8 (ed. x'm), BezC20 (ed. x'm) MS y'mkyn a. 'rich' M y'mqyn M5912V7* S y'mkyn 18131iiR7, Ps578, TaleK4 S y'r v.tr. 'to watch over, guard' S y'r'nt 3.pl.pres. TaleG12 S y'ry n.m. 'watcher, guardian' S y'ry BezAI00 M y'w n. 'cow, ox' M y'w Fast2.13, Fast4.11, Ml.66, M115Ri3, Ml15Vi13, Ml15Vii6 S y'w 14410iR7 S y'wh TaleK22 M y'wrwyn n. 'butter' M y'wrwynyy obl. M568R2 S y'z n. 'raw silk'(?). Sundermann 2001, 736 n. 54. S y'z 13881+R4 S y(3s- v.itr. 'to strive, toil, make an effort', past stem M yf3tM yf3tyy pp. BBBf79 M yBtys#f 2.pl.itr.pret. M121V3f* (GMS §863 yf3tys, but the context favours the res­ toration yf3tys#[t') S yf3s'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R20* S yf3sty 3.sg.pres. 181lliR3, TaleK3 [S ty(3t'k pp. 20002+R3 s. yw/3-] S yf1- n.f 'wound'. A homonymous *yo­ 'member, organ' is sometimes assumed (e.g. BT XXVII, 366b), but see MacKenzie 1985. S ye>' nom.-acc.sg. HC36.13Bl*, HC37.1.9, HC37.1.13 S yo'kh nom.-acc.sg. PsAl.67* S yc>y' abl.sg. HC36.6R3 S y6y' gen.sg.(?) HC36.8V7 S yc>y'kh gen.sg. (?) HC36.l5R3 M yb(3k n. 'bitch'(?). GMS §239; Sims­ Williams 1995a, 301.




Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M yoj3k M130a+V3 S ybkyn a. 'wounded'. The existence of such a word is sure (see BT XIX, 136; Yoshida 1999, 162),but the passages listed here are both problematic. Cf. also y'c>kyn. S yokynt pl. SS119 (meaning obscure, cf. Yoshida 1999,162-3) S ybkynw SSll0* (uncertain restoration) M yby'[ BBBf64. Meaning unknown. Possi­ bly,despite Henning 1937,105,an abstract noun such as *yby'[k] 'thievery'. M yjt[ Gl/y51*. Unclear word. The restoration of a word for 'spittle' is problematic in view of the -z- of C yztwq 'id.' (cf. Hen­ ning 1946,719),but a form connected with , S yzt' 'debauchery', yztk'yn 'licentious' does not seem to suit the context. See Mor­ ano 2004,111. M ymbn, S ynpn,ympn n. 'effort,toil' M ymbn CF54,Gl/al5 (misprinted ym (b)[n] as two words) M ymbnyy ob!. BBBf79 S ympnh 18111iR3 S ynpn 14000R33 S ynpnh AN105, KG384, KG484, TaleK3, Xw/c6 M ymbn(3ry a. 'toil-weary, having performed strenuous labours' M ymbnj3ryyt pl. CFhdl S ymy- a. 'disgraced, despicable'. BT XII, 167. S ymy nom.sg.m. Talell M tyn Ml134+V7*. Ed. (yn?), but the reading is quite uncertain. MS yn- n.m. 'ability,skill,art' M ynyy nom.sg. O6163R2(?), TaleA63 (as acc.) S yn'y nom.sg.(?) KB19(6)* (Yoshida 1999a, 216,xw(p)[w,read perhaps y(n'y)[) S yny nom.sg. 10920+V13 (as abl.), 20504+ V3,Ch/U6937bV4,01318.2 S yny nom.sg. (as acc.) 14742V21(?), KB 5(1), KB8(4), KB14(2), KB15(1)*, KB 18(1) S yn'l3 v.itr. 'to lament,weep' S yn'j3'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.8Vl0, HC36.8 Vll* S yn'j3o'r'm l.sg.tr.pret. HC36.9V3 S yn'j3w 1.sg.impf HC36.9V12 S yn'j3y 3.sg.opt. TaleJS* (ed. yn'j3(w) or yn'j3(y); GMS §1309 n. 2 prefers -j3(y)), TaleJll S yn'l3n n. 'lamentation,weeping' S yn"j3n HC36.8V9

M ynd'k, S ynt'k a., n. 'evil' M ynd'k BBB513, BBBb19, BBBe3, BBB e14,BBBfl0,BBBf16 M ynd'q SLNak34 M ynd'ky obl. M107iiVii5, KG2378* (ed. y•[,read perhaps y(n)[d'ky]) S ynt'k Ch/U6419V2, Frg6.7, HC36.4Vl*, KB19(2), KG3.79*, 07004+30*, 07004+ 38* S ynt'k' FrgS.4 S ynt'kw 14638iR7,18248i21, 18435V4,AN 112,Xw/c4 M ynd'kry, S ynt'kr(?), ynt'kr'k, ynt'kkr'y, ynt'kry a. 'evil-doing' M ynd'kryy BBB556 S ynt'kr O2586aR2 (mistake for -kry?) S ynt'kr'k TaleKa19* S ynt'kr'kw 14030R4* S ynt'kkr'yty pl.obl. HC36.4hdl* S ynt'kry 20231+V2 MS ynkyn, S ynk'yn a. 'victorious,brave' M ynkynd pl. M813iR2 S ynk'ynty pl.ob!. 07120.5* S ynkynw KB13(1f)* (ed. ](k)ynw, restore y[n](k)ynw) S ynpn s. ymbn M yns Gl/h37,M2417.1. Meaning unknown. S ynt n.f 'stench' S ynty obl. 18110R4* S ynt'k s. ynd'k S ynt'kr,ynt'kr'k,ynt'kkr'y,ynt'kry s. ynd'kry S yntrw n. 'water-sprite'. Henning 1945, 482 n. 3. S yntrwy obl. Talel32 S yny-(3ry a. 'skilful' S yny-j3ry BezC1 M yn[ M632.2* MS yr- n.m. 'mountain' M yrt' nom.pl. M5701+R15 M yrf nom.pl. CF29, Gl/yll*,M452bV2(?) M *yrf' nom.pl. M118iV3 (Ms yqy", misprinted yqy'h in GMS §1681, scribal error due to abl.pl. yqy' two lines before) M yqy' abl.pl. M118iR17,M118iV1 M yqy' gen.pl. KawG21, SLNak82, SLNal 117 (Ms yry') M yrw acc.sg. TaleE39 M yryy gen.sg. KawG22 (smyryryy), ¥5701+R4,TaleE40,TaleE45 S yr' abl.sg. TaleI35* S yrt-y' gen.pl. SS162 (ed. yrt 13',Ms unclear, probably corrected) S yrw acc.sg. (as nom.) 18101+R16,AN147 S yry gen.sg. 14255R4

Sogdian S yr'(3 v.tr. 'to take hold of' S yr'j3t 3.sg.pres. 18102+V2 S yr'kws'k n.m. 'mountain-side'(?). Reck 2009,388: 'mountain border'. S yr'kws'k RSH103* M yr'my,S yr'm'k n.m. 'wealth' M yr'myy BBB680, M1405R2, M813iV8, M6760A6, S40iiR6* (Henning 1937, 128a, kyrmyy,read (yr')myy), TaleD30* S yr'm'k AN199,TaleK4 S yr'm'kw 18248i9,KBfr9.5, TaleKlO MS yr'n a. 'heavy; important, serious,great' M yr'n BBB487, BBBb48*, KawE20, M116 RS (thus Asmussen 1975, 238; not yw'n with Henning 1937,94),ML2.13 S yr'n 18102+R4*, 18102+Vl, AN105, AN 189, BezB33, BezC5, Frg5.4, Frg6.2*, HC36.7R3, KB15(1)*, KB18(1), KB19(1), KB19(7), KB22(1), KB22(2), KBfr8.4*, KBfr9.3,L27.3*, L27.7*,07004+41 M yr'ndr, S yr'ntr a. 'heavier,more serious' M yr'ndr M7107.3 S yr'ntr Talel35 M *yr'ns v.itr. 'to be annoyed', past stem yr'nd,S yr'nt M yr'ndyy pp. BBB644 S yr'nch pp.f 10100k+R19 S yr'ntyt pp.pl. 07447+3 S yr'n-str a. 'more important' S yr'n-str 10920+V6 S yr'y or xr'y 14153+iV16. Unclear. S yr'yk'yny a. 'made of clay,earthenware' S yr'yk'yny TaleKa4 s yr'yw s. yryw, yr'yw rwsn S yr'yw rwsn 'Light Soul'. If correctly res­ tored (cf. BT XI, 52 n. 17), this must be a transcription, partially adapted to Sogdian, of WMiran. gryw rwsn (Sundermann 2001, 146 n. 48; DMT III/1, 164-5), an alterna­ tive designation of the 'Living Soul'. S yr'yw rwsn KG607fl' MS yrj3 s. yrf, yrf-krtr, yrf-zng'n, n'-yr/3 MS yr(3- v.tr. 'to know',past stem yrj3't M yrj3' 2.sg.impv. BBBf3, M591Vl0, M760 V4,M3608A2(?) M yrj3'h 2.sg.impv.(?) M6762.6 M yrj3'm 1.sg.pres. TaleA27 M yrj3'm-skwn 1.sg.pres.dur. M127V5* M yrj3'skwn 3.sg.impfdur. Lll7V4, TaleA64 (GMS §645 n. 1) M yrj3't past inf M767iV5* (GMS §536) M yrj3'Wrm l.sg.tr.pret. M2333iiR7* M yrj3'Wryy 2.sg.tr.pret. Ml30bV5 M yrj3'tyh pp. M670R2 M yrj3oo'skwn 2.pl.pres. dur. M672aB5


(GMS §731) M yrj3ty 3.sg.pres. ANe25,M264aV2* M yrj3yy 2.sg.pres. TaleA22 M yrj3yh 2.sg.pres. M373Rl S yrj3' 2.sg.impv. RSH150,RSH170* S yrj3' 3.sg.impf 18435R5 S yrj3'm 1.sg.pres. SS155,TaleAS10 S yrj3'nt 3.pl.pres. AN56,Ps582,Ps588 S yrj3'ntw 3.pl.pres. Ps394,Ps397* S yrj3'skwn 3.sg.impfdur. KG401* (or azimpf.dur.) S yrj3't 3.sg.subj. 13503Bl(?),Ps398,Ps597 S yrj3'tb'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. Ps583 S yrj3'to'r'ntw 3.pl.tr.pret. Ps583 (Ms ywj3-), Ps620 S yrj3'ty 3.sg.subj. SS131 S yrj3'y 2.sg.pres. TaleAS6* S yrj3'yn'k pres.pt. Ps383 S yrj3'yn'ytw pres.pt.pl. Ps582 (ed. yrj3ny n'j3tw) S yrj3t' 2.pl.impv.(?) O2075R9* S yrj3ty 3.sg.pres. AN44, L29+16, L29+16a, SS152,SS153,SS153 S yrBty-skwn 3.sg.pres.dur. L32.5* (ed. [•••](t)y-skwn,read y(r)[B]ty-skwn) S yrBym'n-x't I.pl.subj. BezC12 MS yrWk, C yrb'q a. 'wise' M yr�'k TaleB43 M yrj3'kt pl. TaleA60 M yrj3'kty pl.obi. BBBf90* S yrj3'k 14000R2, 21001V5, BezC4, Ch/U 6536a+Vl,RSH136 S yrj3'kt pl. 10650(15)V7,AN127* S yrj3'kty pl.obl. 13101V15, GGZl.6 (or voe.?) S yrj3'kw 10920+Vll,AN130,Ch/U6523V3, KB2(1)*,KB4(1),KB13(1)*,L95+5, Taler 10 C yrb'q TIIB8V4*, TIIB8V20,TIIB8V21 C yrb'qy obl. TIIB8V8* · S yr(3'kstr a. 'wiser' S yrj3'kstr 18058+R17 MS yrWky', S yrj3'ky'kh, yrj3'kyh, yrj3'k'yh(?), C yrb'qy' n.f 'knowledge, wisdom'. The second of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 50 n. 4. The fifth cardinal virtue, also its first part,BT XVII,137,140. M yrj3'ky' ANe20, M14V3, M14V13, Ml72i Rll, M814iiR4*, M915V7, MIKiii4981f 4*, SLN51*, SLNak43, SLNak104*, SLN ak109,SLNam127 M yrj3'qy' M5690V5 M yrj3'ky'h M172iV1 M yrj3'ky"y obl. BBB637 (GMS §1266) S yrB'k'yh 07004+16* (error?)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S yrf3'ky' 10100eR11, 14151+iV6*, 18162 V7* S yrf3'ky'h 18070B3* S yrf3'ky'kh AN62, GGZl.55, KBfr9.6, KG 602*,KG61l,SLN41* S yrf3'kyh AN42*, AN52, KB8(4), KB14(2) (misprinted yrf3'ky'kyh), KB15(2), L120 '. 3* (ed. yrf3, read yrf3(')[kyh with Sims­ Williams 1981,237),Listl+iv9* C yrb'qy' TIIB8V18*,TIIB8V24,TIIB8V26 S tyrf3'w KG403. Ed. (y)[r](f3')w, translated 'many', but the form is impossible and the reading quite uncertain. S yrf3' y s. yr/3-, yrf3y, yrf MS yrf3ty s. yr/3-, yrf S yrf3w-znk'n s. yrf-zng'n M yr�y,S yrf3'y n.m. 'knowledge' M yrf3yy M5021Rl S yrf3'y KB5(1)* M yrf3yynyyt s. n'-yrf3yny M yrf3-zng'n,S yrf3znk'n s. yrf-zng'n S yrck'ny n.pr.m. (?). IPNB Il/8,no. 489. S yrck'ny 20503V4,20511V5* M yrf/, S yrb'kh n.f 'neck' M yrb' Gl/y41,M5030R7 S yrb'kh 10650(l)R8*(?),16201.38,L37.9 S tyrbm'n 15502Vll (Kat.)s. xr'bk'n M yrb-mrywndy n.m. 'clod of earth'. Since this is the meaning of the MP equivalent qwd'mg (DMT IIl/1, 213a; Vahman 1986, 255), it is likely that yrb- = NP gil 'clay' (cf. Henning 1940,58). Henning,ibid.,and Morano 2004, 108, prefer to interpret the word as 'throat-lump' (cf. yrb') = 'Adam's apple'. M yrb-mrywndyy Gl/y29 M yrf, MS yrf3 a. 'much, many', adv. 'very much' M yrf3 CF30, KG2333*, KG2375, L74Rl* (ed. ]rb, read ](yrf3)), M134iV9, M2207i Rl*(?),TaleB6 M yrf BBB545, BBBb21, BBBe3, BBBe4, BBBe6, BBBe7, M129Rl2, M129V9, M137iiR8, M664V5, M767iiR4, Ml060.5, M2090.3 S yrf3 10lO0b+V4, 10lO0eR11, 10100k+ R21,10263(1)+R8,10263(1)+R10*,13507 B2, 14000R28, 18248i3, 18700+V9*, 20229R15, 20229Vll*, AN99*, AN144, BezA124, BezA128, BezB61, Ch/U6046 V2, Frg5.6, Frg5.7, Frg6.1, Frg6.7, KB 5(1), KB7(1), KB13(2)*, KBI 8(7), KB 19(1), KB19(6)*, KB22(1)*, KBfr9.5, KG349,KG351,KG351,KG384,KG385*, KG388, KG414, KG449, KG586, KG587,

L30+V7, L83d2*, [L120.3 s. yr[3'ky'], 07520.4*, Ps130, Ps404, SSll0, TaleK3, TaleK3,TaleK4,TaleK6 S yrf3'y obl. BezC27 S yrf3t pl. KG412*,KG435 S yrf3ty pl.obl. BezC12 S yrf3w 13101V2,21001Vl,AN168,ANl76, BezC7, GGZl.23, HC36.10V12, 01723 Vl, TaleH12, TaleKS, TaleK8, TaleK9, TaleKlO, TaleKlO, TaleKll, TaleKll, TaleK12 S yrf3w yrf3w BezC3 (misprinted -b-), BezC 22 M yrf-krtr, S yrf3-krtr a. 'of many kinds, numerous' M yrf-qrtr SLNak18 M yrf-qrtrt pl. M5912R3* (thus GMS §1657; wrongly cited with -t, GMS §249 n. 1 and BT XIX,156) S yrf3-krtr KBfr8.3,L29+9,Ll11R2 M yrf-sm'ryny a. 'much-thinking, having many thoughts' M yrf-sm'rynyt pl. M127R13 M yrf-zng'n, yrf3-zng'n, S yrf3znk'n, yrf3w­ znk'n a. 'of many kinds' M yrf3-zng'n BBBb51* M yrf-zng'n M6934+2 (yrf is on M6934 and zng'n on M6937) S yrf3w-znk'n TaleKa7 S yrf3znk'n 14000R7 (yrf3-znk'n), Ch/U6506 V4,KG433,Ps581* MS yrm a. 'hot' M yrm M674R6 M yrmy obl. M2207iV2 S yrm SS157 S yrmtpl. 18101+R13 S yrm'yc n. 'porridge'(?). Sims-Williams 1992a,286a. S yrm'ych KG3.26, KG3.31, KG3.32*, KG3.33 M yrmy'n a. 'punished, banished'(?). GMS §1051. M yrmy'n M5264V7 M yrskry n.m. 'roller'(?) M yrskryyh Gl/y27* M yryk n. 'mud' M yrykyy obl. BBB496 S yrys'xk, unidentified ethnic adjective. Sims­ _., Williams 1992,72; Yoshida 1993a,153. S yrys'xk List7c5* MSC yryw, S 'yryw, yr'yw, 'yr'yw, CWRH n.f 'self, person, soul, body'; occasionally '(one)self' as a reflexive pronoun (BT XII, 163; Sims-Williams 1992a, 285b). The older meaning 'neck' may also be attested

Sogdian (Sundermann 2002, 142 n. 56), but the assumption of a sense 'upper body' (BT XV, 45b) seems unnecessary. For jwndy yryw as the Sogd. equivalent of Pa gryw jywndg 'Living Soul' see Sundermann 2001,125 with n. 51 on p. 146. M yryw BBB488, [BBB546 s. yryw-n'sy], M14R25, [M107iVii8 s. gryw jywndg], M134iV4, M549ii23, M776V3, M6330 Vll,ML2.13,SLNak8,TaleD42*(?) M yrywy obl. BBB640, BBBf82,· Ml30a+ V4,M583iV4,M583iV14* M yrywyl} obl. SLNak44 M yrywyy obl. BBBal1, M134iV3, M530 V3,M549ii2,M583iRl7,M583iV9 S 'yr'ywy obl. 10263(1)+V6* S 'yryw SS164,Talel42* S 'yrywy obl. Ps58,Talel51 S CWRH 10260(1)B4, 10701aV7, 14153+ iR7*, 16201.46*, 18500A8*, 18500B2, 18500B8, 20229R3, AN140, BezA45, Bez A83,BezB39,Ch/U6225V2,Ch/U6926Vl, KB17(4),KB20(1),[KG379*,unlikely res­ toration], KG613*, KG3.12, Ps406, Ps576, Ps578, Ps580*, Ps581, Ps584*, Ps590, Ps 593,Ps598,Ps620�Ps624,Ps627�Ps660, Ps819*,RSH157,TaleF8,Talel4,TaleJ2 S CWRyh obl. 10263(1)+R4, KG508, SS 131,Talel9 S yr'yw 14153+iV6*, AN106, AN155, AN167, ANl72, ANl78, AN180, AN195, L65.5,PsAl.52,TaleKa21 S yr'ywh AN23, AN130, AN133, AN158, AN161, ANl73, AN198, GGZl.56, RSH 27*,RSH57,RSH82 S yr'ywt'y pl.obl. HC36.9R12 S yr'ywy obl. AN3,HC36.12A2*,PsA2.3 S yr'ywyh obl. ANl97 S yryw 14425+Rl(?),02495.4*,Ps53 S yrywy obi. PsA2.2 S yrywyh obl. HC36.10R10* C yrywy obl. TIIB8Rl4 S yryw-mync a. 'of the soul' S yryw-mynch Xw/c6* M yryw-n'sy a. 'soul-corrupting'(?). Differ­ ently ed., where n'syy is taken as a noun, i.e. a synonym of n's 'corruption'. M yryw-n'syy BB546 MS ysn- a. 'stinking' M ysnd' nom.-acc.pl. M5912V5 (GMS §1204) S ysn'y nom.sg. (?) HC36.15V5 S tyty L97b3 s. knpy-str MS yw- v.itr. 'to be necessary, be desirable'. Governs a preceding pres.inf. (GMS §909,


916) or a pp. or fut.pt. (Yoshida 1979, 188). M yw'sk 3.sg.impf dur. M769Rl M yw't 3.sg.subj. TaleA46 M yw'[ M427bV1 M ywt 3.sg.pres. M142R5, M483.7, M670 RS,ML2.7* M ywt 3.sg.pres. BBBd4, BBBd7, FastS.8, Mll6V4*,TaleB46 M ywtk'm 3.sg.fut. TaleA44 M ywytyyh 3.sg.opt.mid. M337R8 (GMS §809: precative) S yw't 3.sg.subj. TaleAS22 S ywt 3.sg.pres. Ch/U6104V3, [Ch/U6225 Vl s. xyr], 09122+4*(?) S ywtk'm 3.sg.fut. TaleAS21 S yw'bk TaleF12s. y'bwk MS yw'n n. 'sin,fault' M yw"n BBB615 M yw'n BBB552 (scribal error for yw'n# w'cyy ptskwy'm? cf. Henning 1937, 68-9), BBBe9, KawE18*, [Ml16R5 s. yr'n], M130bV3,M130bV6*,M769V3,MLl.23 M yw'nd pl. MIKiii4981c5* (ed. w[•](•nd), better yw('nd)) S yw'n BezAl12,BezB30,[BezB45,BezB67 s. _yw'nkry], L65.5, 07343.1*, Ps384, [Ps 385 s. yw'n-w'c], Ps385,TaleJ3 S yw'nh 18140+iR7,[18435V7 s. pw-yw'n], L30+V3* S yw'nty pl.obl. 18432R7 (uncertain, Kat. xw'nty) S yw'nw 10650(8)V2 S yw'ny obi. 20001+V7(?), 02787.2*(?), 07004+51,Xwl.5,Xwl.28 S yw'ncyk a. 'necessary' S yw'ncyk 19552A4*,RSH81 S yw'ncykw L91+7 S yw'ncykstr a. 'more necessary' S yw'ncykstr 10920+VS (yw'ncyk-str), L27.5*,L44.3* S yw'ncyky' n.f 'necessity' S yw'ncyky' L91+4* (ed. ]w[, read (yw'n­ cyk)[y](')) M yw'nfr'sty n. 'enquiry concerning sins'(?). Reading rather uncertain. M yw'nfr'sty M530R3 MS yw'nkry, S yw'nkr'k a. 'sinful' M yw'nkryy BBB619,BBB688,BBBb4 M yw'nkryh BBB646 S yw'nkr'k 10100dR4 S yw'nkry BezB45 (yw'n-kry), BezB61, Bez B67 (yw'n-kry) ,Xwl.7*,Xwl.15 M yw'nkrystr a. 'very sinful' M yw'nkryy#str BBB554f*


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S yw•n-w'c v.tr. 'to forgive' S yw'n..:.w'c 2.sg.impv. Ps385 MSyw'nw•cy, S yw'nw'c'y n. 'forgiveness of sins' M yw'nw'cyy BBBe8*, BBBf6, CFhdl, M1857V3* M yw'nw'cyh BBBf2 S yw'nw'c'y RSH56 (thus ed., misprinted -cy' apud Reck 1995,200) S yw'nw'cy 20146+V2f* (yw'n#w'cy), 21003 VI*, BezA35, BezA121, BezA124*, BezB 32, BezB64*, BezB69, BezB73, BezC4, Ch/U6440V3, L65.8*, 01829.2, 01829.4*, 07060+1*, U6021.7, Xwl.4*, Xwl.26*, Xw2.7,Xw/a2,Xw/clO , MS ywf3 v.tr. 'to praise, glorify', past stems MS ywf3t-,S ywWt M ywf3nyt pres.pt.pl. M264aV6 M ywf3ty pp. TaleE7* M ywf3!YY pp. MI72iR2, Ml72iR8, Ml72i R15 M ywf3tyy pp. TaleE9* S ywf3'm 1.sg.pres. Ps659* S ywf3'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.7V14, HC36.9Rl4, Ps409,Ps565 S ywf3't'kw pp. Ps399 [S ywf3't6'r'ntw Ps583 s. yr/3-] S ywf3ch pp.f 10920+VS S ywf3t'k pp. 20002+R3* (Kat. yf3t'k, read (ywf3)t'k with Yoshida 2008, 59), Ps403, Ps415*,Ps576,Ps590,Ps660 S ywf3t'kw pp. BezA5, BezAl7, Ps402, Ps407*, Ps566, Ps578*, Ps593, Ps598*, Ps603,Ps619,Ps620,Ps624*,Ps625 S ywf3t'y pp. Ps401,Ps567 S ywf3t'yty pp.pl.ob!. Ps588 S ywf3tchpp.f 14730Vl,HC36.7V15 S ywj3tk pp. 10920+Vl6, L44.4 (ed. -t'k), 05471+5 S ywj3ty pp. 10920+Vl1, 14730V14, 20208a Rhdl, 21005V4, KG3.86*, Ps359(2), Ps 400, Ps410, Ps413, Ps438*, Ps439, Ps440, Ps441,Ps442*,Ps443,Ps443,Ps444 S ywj3ym I.pl.pres. Ps572 S tywf3cy' 20511V4 s. xw{3nMS ywf3ty',S ywj3ty'kh n.f 'praise' M ywj3ty' Ml72iV13 M ywj3ty'h M6330R9 S ywj3ty' 18120R4, 18120V14, 18162R4, BezA67, Ps50, Ps51, Ps123, Ps126, Ps381, SS165 S ywf3ty'kh HC36.2V2, KBhdl*, KBl(l), KG415,KG559,KG585,Ps390,Ps414 M yw6y, S yw6'k n.m. 'vessel,jar,pot' M yw6y M549ii21

S yw6'k TaleKa4 M ywkt n. 'sulphur'. Henning 1940a. M ywqtt KawG38* S tywly 13881+R3 s. xwlx Sywmyrny a. '(native) of Ghomir'. Yoshida 1993a,152-3. S ywmyrny List7b9* (ed. y(wmp'n)y, Yoshida,loc. cit.,ywm(yr)ny) S ywn SS157 s. nyw-ywn S ywn'k s. wyc5'sywny M ywn•y(?) n. 'hair'. Form unclear, cf. Hen­ ning 1946,718. M ywn'yy M141+V13 MS ywnc n. 'colour; visible object'. Gershe­ vitch 1985, 37. The expression ywnch CWRH corresponds to Skt. rupakaya 'material body',see BT XIX,145. M ywnc M664V5,M5051V5 S ywnch SS131 S ywncyh obl. SS131 S ywny s. rwz-ywny M ywr n. 'wild ass' M ywwr M127R14 MS 1yws n. 'ear' M yws BBB658,M5051V7* M ywwstyhpl.obl. SLNak43* M ywsyy obi. M549ii20 S yws 16201.19, 18162V6, KG381, List4.3, Ps59 S ywsy obl. Xwl.10* M 2yws n. 'substance' M ywst pl. Gl/a21 M 3yws, name of the fourteenth day of the month M yws Fast2.6,Fast4.13* M ywsf3ry n.m. 'ear-ring'(?) M ywsj3ryy Gl/m2*,M662B3* S ywsf3wn·th n.f 'ear-hole' S ywsf3wn'kh 16201.20*,List4.4 S ywstym s. 2wysM ywsy n.m. 'spy' M ywsytt pl. l\1L2.12 S ywsy S. 1 yWS,1 WySM 1ywtm n.pr.m. Cf. IPNB II/8,no. 501. M ywtm Ml.84 S 2ywtm n. 'relative' S ywtm TaleKa27 M ywzn n. 'deer' ¥ ywznyh obl. M662A2 S tyw••••str Ps651* s. *xwt'wstr M yw[ M6862.2 S yw[ 07060+2* M tyy6 L74V2 s. 'yc5c S yy6ryp s. yysyp

Sogdian MSyyr adv. 'late; for a long time' M yyyr M127V6,M579R7 S yyr 19554.2 MSyyrtr adv. 'later, afterwards', cywy6 yyrtr 'after that' M yyrtr BBBf12, BBBf32, M5266V9, MLl.26 M yyqr BBBc8,TaleE5 S yyrtr 14700(1l)Al*, 18058+Rl4, AN134, KB5(1)*,04554.1*,TaleK14 s yys'yp s. yysyp M yyscnk, S yyscn'k a. 'stingy,miserly' M yyscnk M3034.2 S yyscn'kw L120.6 Syyscyn'ky' n.f 'stinginess' S yyscyn'ky' 18199V2 MS yy'syp, S yys'yp, yyoryp n. 'damage, harm' M yysyp BBB523,BBB706,BBBb22 S yy6rypw 10263(1)+R4* S yys'yph AN3 S yysypw Tale130* S *yz- v.tr. 'to slander'(?), past stem yz't. Sims-Williams 1992a,286a. S yz't past inf KG3.21 M yz'n'nc s. xz'n'nc MS yzn- n.m. 'treasure' M yznyy nom.sg. M399A3*,M1405R2,Tale D30 (as abl.) S yznw acc.sg. TaleK4,TaleKIO* S yzny nom.sg. 13508A2* (as acc.), 18248i9, KBfr9.5* (ed. ](n)y, restore yz](n)y?), Tale! 17 (as acc.?) M yznf f m n.pr.f M yznj3'm Ml.148 M y-s'w[ BBBf66 Sy--rc,wn KB3(1)*(?) S y--y 18110V4* My[ [KG2378 s. ynd'k], M498biiV1, MIKiii 4971cV5*,O11078A7* Sy[ 10650(1)V9*, 12398Vl*, 13101Vl*, 14425+R16, 18500B2*, 18700+R13, 20002+V35, 20506+V9, HC36.8R2, HC 36.14A2, KB4(1), 07004+1*, Ps590, Ps 601*,RSHlO* M hrwt mrwt, names corresponding to those of the Amahraspands Hordad and Amur­ dad, whose function in the Manichaean system is unknown M hrwwt mrwwt Gl/al6 M hsyng s. mrdwhm hsyng M hwfry'd' s. m'd 'w mn hwfry'd' M hwnx s. xwnx M hwrxsyd s. 'sd hwrxsyd


M j'm, S z'm a. 'fine; refined, reverent'. GMS §285; DTS, 60. Mj'm TaleB36 S z'm BezA30, BezA37, BezA116, BezA 117, BezA121, BezA122, BezA135*, Bez B24, BezB27, BezB34, BezB69, BezB72, BezB79, Ch/U8123aV6, L91+3, L91+4; M5457B2* M j'm'wy, S z'm'wy n.m. 'refinement, rever­ ence' Mj'm'wyy Ml773.3 S z'm'wy BezA36,BezB65 M j'nwk Gl/y47. Meaning unknown. Accord­ ing to Morano 2004, 111, a variant of jnwwq,q.v. M 1j'r,S z'r n.f 'poison' Mj'r BBBb85, M107iiVii7, M5701+V3, [S40iiR3* s. j'rny] Mj'ryy obl. CF67 S z'r AN191,AN197,HC36.15V7,KG3.29 S z'r'y obl. 09050.2 S z'ry ob!. 20220iVhdl (or '1000' with Kat.?),Talel36 M 2j'r 'time (French fois)', MP word in a partly Sogd. context M BBBc8 M frny,j'ryny a. 'poisonous' Mj'rnyy BBBb36, S40iiR3* (Henning 1937, 126b,j'r,read perhapsj'(rn)[yy]) Mj'rynyh M840ciV2 Mj'smn s. zrywnc-j'smn M j' y,S z'y(?) v.tr. 'to speak',past stem j't Mj't past inf(?) M712B5* Mj'ynd 3.pl.pres. TaleE50 S z'y 3.sg.impf 18435Vll* (thus ed., but the restoration is unlikely) M j'yd'ny a. 'of the Berna'. WMiran. adjec­ tive in -I < *-Ig formed from a Chinese loanword (cf. c'y6'n). Henning 1945a, 155 n. l; Sims-Williams 1981,236-7. Mj'yd'nyy M44.9 M j' y[ M6803.l* MS[ M1082.3* M jj3- v. tr. 'to bite', past stem jf3't. Benveniste 1979,186. Mjf3'!y pp. BBBb16 M jf3yw 'yabyu',Turkish title Mjf3yw Ml.77 M jy'r n. 'call, shout'. Gershevitch 1975, 209 n. 13. Mjy'r S40iiV4 M jym-,S zym- n.f 'lie,falsehood' Mjym' acc.sg. Ml18iiR10 S zym' nom.-acc.sg. Frg6.3 (as abl.), 02075 V4,RSH80*(?)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S zymh nom.-acc.sg. Ch/U6506V4*, KG3.82 M jymkwcy a. 'speaking falsehood'(?) Mjymqwcy Ll17R2* (ed. jy(n)[t] (13)[, read perhapsjy(mq)[w](c)[y) M tjynt Ll17R2* s. jymkwcy M jyrt, S 'zy'rt, 'zyrt, zy'rt adv. 'quickly' Mjyrt BBBe22 S 'zy'rt 14000R31, 18058+R8, 18058+R12, KG358, 01190.2* S 'zyrt 18435R9, TaleFl1 S zy'rt AN163 Mjys- s. jxsMjyt- s. /Yr M jyw, jwy-, S zyw a. 'harsh, cruel', adv. 'very much, extremely' , Mjyw KawE9, M4720.3, TaleE23, TaleE28 Mjwyty' gen.pl. TaleEl S zyw 10100k+R20, 10100k+R21, 18700+ Vl, AN168, L37.13 (ed. [']xw) M jyyr, S 'zy'yr, zyyr, 'zyyr v.tr. 'to call, call upon, cry out, summon; name', past stem M jyyrt, S 'zy'yrt, 'zyyrt Mjyyr 2.sg.impv. M3222.3 Mjyyr'nd 3.pl.pres. KawG27 Mjyyr6' 2.pl.impv.(?) M4551B3 (GMS §730) Mjyyyrt 3.sg.pres.(?) O6163R6 Mjyyfty pp. BBBc15* MjyJrtyy 3.sg.pres.mid. Mll8iV13 (GMS §706) Mjyyftyy pp. M796iV3 Mjyyyftyy pp. M107iRii4 Mjyyrtyt pp.pl. M834iR9 Mjyyyftyt pp.pl. M910iR3* Mjyyyr 3.sg.impf CF107, TaleE26 S 'zy'yr'nt 3.pl.pres. Ps384 S 'zy'yr'nt-k'm 3.pl.fut. KG2.5 S 'zy'yrn'kw pres.pt. Ps383 S 'zy'yrt'yt pp.pl. KGS00 S 'zy'yrtcWnty 3.pl.tr.pret. SS118 S 'zyyr'nt 3.pl.pres. 14638iV3, TaleK13 S 'zyyrn'k pres.pt. Ps383 S 'zyyrty 3.sg.pres.mid. 14638iR12* S 'zyyrty pp. 14256R16* S 'zyyrym I.pl.pres. Ps51 S zyyr 2.sg.impv. Ps386 S zyyr'n 1.sg.subj. KG3.30 S zyyrn'kw pres.pt. Ps628 (ed. zyyr'nk(w)[, better zyyrn'k(w)[) S zyyyr 3.sg.impf KG403 M jkrystr a. 'very harmful'. Perhaps derived from jyk- (differently Henning 1937, 69, and GMS §287). Mjkrystr BBB555

M jmncyk, S zmnwcyk a. 'timely' Mjmncyq BBB 571 S zrnnwcyk Ch/U6104Vl1 M jmnw, jmn-, j' mn-, S 'zmnw, 'zmn-, zmnw, zmn-, zwrnn- n.neut. 'time; hour'; also 'day' (only in naming the days of the week, Henning 1937, 85). On the inflection see Sims-Williams 1979, 341 n. 37. M jrnny'h ' loc.sg. Fastl.14 Mjmnd' nom.-acc.pl. M14R2, M14R6, M136V5, Ml36V6 Mjmndy' abl.(?)pl. Ml4Rl Mjmnw BBB483, Fast5.3*, KawV7, KG 2380, [L72c*, readjmny'], L75.6, M14R10, Ml36R4, M136R5, M399B5, M767iiR3, M796iV13, TaleE19* Mjmny' loc.sg. Fast2.2*, Fast2.20*, Fast 2.21*, Fast2.22, Fast2.23, Fast2.24*, Fast 3.3, Fast3.11, Fast3.15, Fast3.28, Fast3.37, L72c* (ed. jmnw, better jm(ny')[), L74R6, M502pA2 Mjmny'h loc.sg. Fast3.7, Fast3.19, Fast3.24, Fast3.32 S 'zmnt' nom.pl. SLN43 S 'zmnth nom.pl. SLN41*, SLN42* S 'zmnw SS163, TaleKl* (ed. zmnw, read (')zmnw with Yoshida 1994, 20), TaleK18, TaleK22* S 'zmnyh loc.sg. PsAl.89, TaleK16 S zrnnw 14638iV13, 20507bV5, AN138, BezA68, BezA92, BezA99*, Ch/U7115.l, KG3.64, L65.11, L103Rl (thus Sims-Will­ iams 1981, 236, ed. nm'w), 09078.1*, Ps 659* (ed. (z)[, restore (z)[mnw), Xwl.11*, Xw/c4* S zrnnwh 20220iiR24 [S zmnwy' BezB75 s. m'hjmnw] S zrnny' zmny' loc.sg. 10200(5)V8 S zrnnyh loc.sg. KB17(1)*, TaleG13 S zwmny' loc.sg. 19554.6 M jmyky' n.f 'wintriness, winter cold'(?). Sims-Williams 2010, 291-2. Mjmykyy' M549ii27 M 1jn-, S 1 'zn-, 1 zn-(?) n.f 'knowledge'. The second 'limb' of the soul, BT XVII, 137. (See also s.v. 2jn-.) Mjn' nom.-acc.sg. [M118iiRhdl s. jn'­ ptnym], M760V14, [M896Vii5 s. 1n ptnym], MIKiii4981f7*, SLNak2, SLNak 59, SLNak60 (as abl.), TaleE31 S 'zn' nom.-acc.sg. 20507bV1l, Ps442* S 'znh nom.-acc.sg. . AN64* (ed. 'n[&yk], more likely ('z)[nh]), Ch/U6523V4, L120.3 (thus Sims-Williams 1981,. 237, ed. 'zyh), Ps383 (as voe.), Ps595

Sogdian S 'znt' nom.pl. Ps442 S 'zny' gen.sg. Ps380 S zn' nom.sg. 14040B6 M 2jn-, S 2 'zn-, 2zn- n.f 'body'. Gershevitch 1985, 36-7. Cf. alsojyn'[ below? Mjn' nom.sg. M5051V8 S 'zn' acc.sg. BezA66 S 'znh nom.-acc.sg. HC36.10R10 (as gen.) S znw acc.sg. TaleJ13, TaleJ13 (thus ed.; or 1 both examples perhaps to jn-: 'shall I not obtain knowledge of (you) dead (or) ... alive'?) M 3jn-, S zyn- v.tr. 'to play (a musical instru­ ment)', past stem M jt-, jyt-, S zyt-. Sims­ Williams 1978, 259. Mjnyy pres.inf TaleA41 Mjtyy past inf TaleA30 M jytw#&'rm 1.sg.tr.pret. TaleA33f S zyn'nt 3.pl.pres. KG477 S zyt'y past inf TaleAS12 S zytw-6'r'm 1.sg.tr.pret. TaleAS14 M jn' -ptnym, S 'zn'ptnym n. 'advisor, spiritual leader'. Gershevitch 1985, 33-9. Mjn'-ptnym Ml18iiRhdl Mjn'-ptnyym M896Vii5 S 'zn'ptnym Talell3 M jng n. 'fight'(?). MP loanword, Henning 1940, 57. Mjnng Gl/y22 Mjnngtpl. Gl/y57 M jnwwq Gl/q8. Meaning unclear. Henning 1940, 50, suggests a side-form of either znwk 'j aw, chin, cheek' (q.v.) or S z'nwk 'knee', cf. also Sundermann 2002, 138 n. 11; Morano 2004, 111. Mjt- s. 3jnM jw-, S 'zw-, zw- v.itr. 'to live', past stem S 'zw't Mjw'nd 3.pl.pres. M810R4 M jw't 3.sg.subj. M130a+V1 Mjwndk'm 3.pl.fut. KawIR5* Mjwt 3.sg.pres. M142R7 Mjwtk'm 3.sg.fut. M127V6 S 'zw't 13'y 3.sg.opt.itr.pot. SS160 (thus Yoshida 1999, 163, ed. 'zwnt l3'y) S 'zwyt 3.sg.opt.mid. TaleG9 S zwy-k'm 2.sg.fut. KG3.8* M jw'n, S 'zw'n, zw'n, C zw'n n.f 'life'. In M14, the first 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. Mjw'n BBB514, BBBf84, CF45, [Ml.85 s. f3yy-jw'n], M14R25, M14Vl8, Ml34iV8*, M760V12*, TaleB27 Mjw'nyh obl. BBBb99 Mjw'nyy obl. CF9, TaleE32


S 'zw'n 10920+V23, 14730V4, BezA9*, Bez Al1, BezB9, BezClO S 'zw'nh 18248i4, 20129V2, 20240R4, Ch/U 6143V3, HC36.3V2*, KG375*, KG641*, L30+V7, 01146.4, 07004+25, Ps398, Ps 570, Ps597, PsAl.84, TaleAS32, TaleG6, TaleG21, TaleK9 S 'zw'nw 14425+V8, 14425+V10, S 'zw'ny obl. 14425+V7, BezCl*, Ps399, Ps603 S zw'n HC36.10R8*, Ps60 C zw'n TIIB8R6 C zw'ny obl. TIIB8R13 M jw'ndy, jwndy, S 'zw'nt'k, 'zw'nt'y, 'zw'nty, zw'nty a. 'living'. On jwndy yryw as a Sogd. translation of gryw jywndg 'Living Soul' see Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 51 on p. 146. [Mjwndty-f3ry Gl/h27 (written jwndty-, with two points below) M *jwndyyf3ryy Gl/t7 (Henning 1940, 53, restores [mwrt]'jwndyyf3ryy, but an emen­ dation to *[brhy]' *jwndyyf3ryy seems more likely; the question cannot be settled, as the fragment is lost) M jw'nk n.pr.m. Mjw'nk Ml.85


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M jw'nmyc a. 'of life' Mjw'nmyc KawK13 M jw'nwtr ML2.14. Unknown title(?). If MP jw'n 'young' + wtr 'smallest, least, worst', perhaps 'junior novice' or something simi­ lar? Mjwy- s. jywM jwk, S zwk, brwk a. 'healthy; whole' Mjwk BBBf23, Ml16V7 Mjwq [M1846B7 s. jwktmb' ry], M5266V7, [M5588Rl s. n'-jwk] S 6rwkh 01146.1 S zwk 18196R2, Bezeklik Inscription 3, L44.11 (ed. nyk), L45.2 (ed. nwr), Ps604, Ps658* (ed. (z)[, restore (z)[wk?) , S zwkw BezA45 M jwktmb'ry a. 'having a healthy body' Mjwqtmb'ryt M1846B7 (cited as 'jwq-', Asmussen 1965, 252 n. 3, read jwq­ tmb'(r)[yt) M jwky', S zwky', zwkyh, zwky'h, 6rwky' n.f 'health, wholeness'. Used in formulae of benediction and greeting (like WMiran. drwd, DMT III/1, 139b): "ytys pr zwky 'welcome', zwkyh Wt tw' 'hail to you'. Mjwky' CF46, M134iR4, Ml72iV5, M821Bi3 (GMS §205 jyk', better j[w]ky' [Y.Y.]) S 6rwky' 17151R5, Ps59 S zwky' 14151+iR8, Ps52, Ps52, Ps52, Ps53, Ps54, Ps55, Ps56, Ps57, Ps58, Ps60, Ps130, Ps132*, Ps135, Ps136*, Ps137, Ps139, Ps 140, Ps141 S zwky'h GGZl.10 S zwkyh GGZl.6*, GGZl.7*, GGZl.8*, GGZl.9, GGZl.12, GGZl.14, GGZl.16*, GGZl.17, GGZl.19, GGZl.20 M jwky'mync, S zwky'kmync a. 'of health, of wholeness' Mjwqy'mync M172iV6 S zwky'kmynch 14700(1l)A3 M jwndy s. jw'ndy M jwsy, S zwsy n.m. 'offering, sacrifice' Mjwsy TaleD24* (ed. [p]wsy, better [j]wsy with Benveniste 1979, 222) S zwsy KB12(1)* M jwty', S brwty'kh n.f 'health, healing'(?). For brwty'kh cf. BT XIX, 144. If jwty' is a different word it may alternatively be 'chewing', cf. MP jwy-, past stem jwwd (DMT III/1, 199b), Khot. harµjv- 'to chew', root *Jyaw. Mjwty' BBB515 S 6rwty'kh SS127*

M jwxsk-, S 6rxwsk-, zwxsk- n.m. 'disciple' Mjwxsqty'h gen.pl. M5030V5 Mjwxskyy gen.sg.(?) M5264R3 (cited as jwxsq- [sic], GMS §285) Mjwxsqyy gen.sg. M655cR11 (GMS §1177) S 6rwxskt' nom. -ace.pl. BezA22, BezA64, BezB15, KG424, KG528 S orxwskty' gen.pl. KG531 S orxwsky nom.sg. KG526 S zwxskt' nom.-acc.pl. KG3.59 (as abl.), L91+9* (ed. ]kt', read [zwx](s)kt' with Sims-Williams 1981, 233) S zwxsky nom.sg. L91+5 Mjw[ M6290R M jxs-, jys-, S zxs- v.itr. 'to be maintained' Mjys' 3.sg.inj.(?) L73+V4 Mjxs't 3.sg.subj. M891aV6 S zxsym I.pl.opt. 18196V7 Mjyyyr s. jyyr M jyk- n.f 'damage, harm, defect' Mjyk' nom.sg. CF61, [M821Bi3 s. jwky'] M jym n. Chinese, the ninth of the 'Ten stems' Mjym M115Ri4, M115Riill*, M115Vi5, M115Vii10 M jymt 'Demeter', name of a goddess. Sims­ Williams-de Blois 1998, 152-3; Grenet 2010, 286-9. Mjymt M549ii25 M jymtyc, name of the eleventh month Mjymtyc Fastl.12, Fast2.9, Fast3.29 M jyn'[ TaleE15. Unclear form. It is possible that jyn- is a variant of 2jn- 'body' (Hen­ ning 1945, 474 n. 1, 484 n. 3), but the con­ text is fragmentary. Cf. also Gershevitch 1985, 37-8. M jyncry' n.f 'chains' Mjyncry' M5571V5 M jyryft 'wisdom', Pa word in a Sogd. context Mjyryft M140+hdl* M jyst'wc, jystwc, S zyst'wc n. 'hatred' Mjysfwc BBB633, CF49 Mjystwc BBBb18 S zyst'wc L65.6, O2075V2 M jystm'nky' n.f 'malice' Mjystm'nky'h BBB693* M jystrw'n a. 'malicious' Mjystrw'n BBB691 Mjystrw'ndy' n.f 'malice' Mjystrw'ndy' BBB606 Mjyyst-rw'ndy' BBB712fl' Mjystwc s. jyst'wc Mjytw#8rm s. 3jnMjywndg, jywndy s. gryw jywndg, w'ojywndy M j[ M169iR2*, TaleBhdl

Sogdian S 1 k'� n. 'fissure, crevice'. Cf. NP kaf 'id.'. S k'j3t'y pl.obl. 14255R5 M *2 k'� v.tr. 'to split', past stem *k'j3t. Cf. S k'j3 'id.', P21iii3 (Yoshida 1988b, 147), NP kaftan. Here the Ms has only q'[, but the MP equivalent 'sk'ft 'split' justifies Henning's restoration q'[j3t-. q'j3t... Gl/flO* S k'�m' n.pr.m. 'Kadmii'(?). IPNB II/8, no. 512. S k'&m' 13881+R2* M k'bws a. 'holy', WMiran. (originally Semi­ tic) word as part of the title of a hymn M k'6ws M62R10 M k'y�y', k'yb' n.f 'paper'. Greek loanword. On the form of the word see DTS, 48. M q'y6' M116Vll M q'y6y' BBB527 S k'kh, k'k'kh n.f 'palate'. Wendtland 2011, 84-6. S k'k'kh 16201.32 S k'kh 16201.31*, List4.13 M 1 k'm n. 'palate'(?). Thus Morano 2004, 110. In view of the meanings of NP kam, Ossetic kom etc. one could also consider translating 'mouth' or 'gullet'. M q'm Gl/y41 MS 2 k'm n. 'wish' M k'm ML2.10*(?) S k'm HC36.3R2*(?) S k'my obl. 18196Rll MS 3 k'm v.tr. 'to wish, desire' M q'm'nd 3.pl.pres. M5912V3 M q'm't 3.sg.subj. KawC12 M q'mnd 3.pl.pres. M5912V4, M5912V7 S k'm 3.sg.impf KB17(1) S k'm'nt 3.pl.impf (or pres.?) 10239(l)+iR1, KG3.77 S k'm'nt 3.pl.pres. 10263(l)+R2 S k'm#b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.17f S k'mnt 3.pl.impf 14256Vl S k'mt 3.sg.pres. 10263(l)+V3, 10263(1)+V6 S k'mt-skwn 3.sg.pres.dur. 18700+V8 S k'm... 20506+V5, PsAl.90* MS 4 k'm, future particle. See under the prece­ ding verbal form. (Incomplete form: S #k'm 14639Rl.) S k'my n.m. 'depression, gully'(?) S k'my AN145 (Ms k'sy?), AN182 S k'ns'r n. 'source'(?). Thus ed., but the implied comparison with Pa x'ns'r 'spring, well' (DMT III/1, 363a) is problematic. S k'#ns'r L29+17f M k'ny' n.f 'stupidity'(?) M q'ny' BBB716


M k'p n. Chinese, the first of the 'Ten stems'

M lk'ynch List6.20 (read thus in addenda to Henning 1940) S nm'n a. 'desirous'. Yoshida 2000,48. S nm'n BezA27*, L44.6, Lll8.4 (ed. ]'n, Yoshida 2000,48,n](m)'n) S nm'nw BezB19 S nm'n'k s. nm'ny M nm'nkyn, S nm'ny-kyn a. 'penitent'. GMS §1061. M nm'nkyn BBBb25 S nm'ny-kyn Xw/al* MS nm'ny, S nm'n'k n.m. 'penitence, contrition' M nm'ny Fast5.7*(?) M nm'nyy TaleA59 M nm[ Mll6R9 (Asmussen 1965, 238, translates 're[pentance', implying restora-


tion of nm['ny or a related form) S nm'n'k TaleAS29* S nm'ny Ml070V4 S nm'ny-kyn s. nm'nkyn S tnm'w L103Rl s. jmnw MS nm'y v.tr. 'to judge' M nym'y 3.sg.impf TaleA35 S nm'y't 3.sg.subj. GGZl.45 S nm'yt-k'm 3.sg.fut. RSH20 S nym'y 3.sg.impf TaleAS15 M nmb, S nnp(?) n. 'dew, moisture' M nmb BBB577 M nmby obi. BBB497 S nnpy obi. L33.9 (unclear, Yoshida 2000a, 77: 'moist(?)') M nmr- a. 'soft,meek,submissive' M nmrf ace.pl. M129R4 M nmry]]. nom.sg.m. M765kR9 S nmrw acc.sg.m. Talel24 S nmry nom.sg.m. 14000R29 S nmrtr- a. 'sweeter'. Uncertain, almost wholly restored. However, a light stem is indicated by the final -y and it is known that nmr- can mean 'sweet' (Sims-Williams 1983,42). S nmrtry nom.sg.m. KG368* (ed. n'mrtr](y), an impossible form; perhaps rather nmrtr](y) with Lieu 1994,27 n. 24) MS nmry'k n.f 'meekness, humility'. The fourth part of the fourth cardinal virtue,BT XVII,139. M nmry'q SLNak90 S nmry'k 18120V8 S nmry'kh List1+iii9 MS nmsy'k n.f 'humiliation,contempt'. GMS §828 n. 1; Yoshida 2000a,76. M nmsy'kyy obi. BBB607 S nmsy'k O2075V10 S nmsy'kh Listl +iii8 S nmy 20220iR24*. Unclear word. M nmy'k n.f 'contempt' M nmy'k BBB506, Ml17.9 M nmyzysn n. 'provocation'. MP loanword. M nmyzysn BBB503*,Ml16R12* M nm[ [M116R9 s. nm'ny], Ml372.2 S nm[ 13510A3 S nnp s. nmb M np'k n. 'hostage' M np'q SLNak15 S tnp'ky 15502V10 (Sundermann 2009, 265) s. npyk S np'sty s. npo­ S np'xst- s. 2npys S np'ys s. 1 npys, 2npys S np'yk s. npyk


s np'ysn s. npysn

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S np[ 18058+V2* Spy rwsn z'wr zyryf3t 'God, light, power, wisdom',Pa name of a melody 2


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S py rwsn z'wr zyryf3t 1441liRll S py'trx'n 'Bayatarxan',Turkish title S py'trx'n KB1(4)*(?),KB3(1)*,KB3(1) S py'ws'k s. pywsy S py'yz'n s. pyyj SC pyr- v.tr. 'to swallow'. C pyr- is also attested in n219, iiR14 (unpublished). The form in TIIB8 refers to the swallowing of the Light Elements by the forces of dark­ ness (wrongly Sims-Williams 2003,405). S pyr'ync pres.pt.f HC36.8V4 ('the gnashing and gulping of the swallowing waves of water and of the devouring wind') C p'yr 3.sg.impf TIIB8V8 S pys'k n.m. 'betrothed,bridegroom' ,S pys'k GGZl.14,GGZl.46* MS pyst- s. pyyj S pywnt,py'wnt v.tr. 'to uncover,reveal' S p'y'wnt 3.sg.impf HC36.6V4* S pywnty 2.sg.pres. HC36.1VlO* S pywst'ky' n.f 'revelation, explanation'. BT XIX, 98. S pywst'ky' 18120R14 (thus Hamilton 1986, 47,ed. -kyn) MS pywst- s. *pywyj M pywsy, S py'ws'k n.m. 'part of the face near the ear', perhaps 'temple'. Cf. Lari pigosa 'id.' etc., Eqtedari 1955, 70 (information kindly supplied by Ela Filippone). M pywsyt pl. Gl/y42 S py'ws'k 16201.21 S pywy() v.itr. 'to be revealed'. BT XI,196b. S p'ywy& 3.sg.impf KG470 M *pywyj v.tr. 'to conceal, hide', past stem MS pywst-. Cf. S 'pyw'yz 'id.', Gharib 1975,248. M pywstnd 3.pl.itr.pret. KawG7 S pywsty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. AN150* M pyyj, S py'yz v.itr. 'to be ready, intend'(?), v.tr. 'to make ready, prepare', past stem MS pyst-. The meaning is disputed. Morano 2009, 186, 198, translates pystyy 'styymwt 'has renounced, is prevented' following Gershevitch in BT XV, 49-50, but see GMS §917; Sims-Williams 1992a, 286a; and Bi-Sims-Williams 2011,506. M p'yyjnd 3.pl.impf M617iiR4 M pystyy pp. M760V5,M5030R9 S py'yz'n 1.sg.subj. ANl75 S py'yz't 3.sg.subj. RSHl17*,RSH132 S pys&'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.27 S tpy[ L65.2 s. ps[ M pjwk n. 'abortion'. On the distinction between pjwk and ps'k see Sundermann 2001,701.

M pjwq M530V3 M pjwwq M7800iiV12 M pjwkt pl. M7800iiV8 M pjwqt pl. M7800iiV1 S pk'rt n. 'ditch,trap'. BT XV,50. S pk'rt AN149, AN152, AN156, AN157, AN 161,AN181,AN192* S pk'ry adv. 'individually' S pk'ry BezC8 S pk'ry pk'ry BezC13 S pk'ws n.pr.m. 'Bacchus'. IPNB Il/8,no. 885. S pk'ws 20230Rl,20230Vl * M pmyr- v.itr. 'to die'(?). Only p- and -k'm are certain. M pmyrty#k'm 3.sg.fut. M127V9f*(?) M pn'nc n.f 'co-wife' M pn'nc Gl/a8, Gl/k4* S pn'ys v.tr. 'to lose',past stem pn'yst S pn'yst 3.sg.pres. 13101V2 S pn'ysty pp. Ch/U6536a+V14 MS pnc,5 num. 'five' M pnc BBB484, BBB498, BBB499, BBB 621, BBB623, BBB648, BBB669, BBBdl, BBBdl*, BBBhdl40, BBBhdl42, CF41, CF74, KawV13, M14R22, M14Vl, M14 V3, M14V3, M14V20, Ml18iR11, Ml34ii V13, M501k, M915R12*, M915R2, M915 VlO, M1212V4, M5563A6, M5563A7*, M6330R2, M6330V2, M6766.2, O/U513b 4, O6186R2, SLNakl, SLNak27, SLNak 29,SS147* M 5 Fastl.10, Fastl.3, M118iR4f (Sunder­ mann 2001,125 n. 150 'ymr&'sp#ndty,read 5 mr&'sp#ndty),M8000.4* S pnc 14425+V18, 18058+Vhdl, 18058+ V3a, 18058+V17*, 18058+V17, BezA74*, BezB56, BezClO, Ch/U8123bV5, KG 372*, KG495, KG606, KG613, 02517.3, 07484.5*, RSH72*,_ RSH174* (pncmro­ sp'nt),RSH176*,SLN41,Xwl.12 S pnc pnc KG492 S pncw 10263(1)+R9, 18126A2, 20129V3, 20229Rl7, KG488, KG489, KG599*, O/U 829.6, O/U830.2, SLN42*, SLN42, SS109, SS115, SS116, SS117, SS119, SS119, SS 119, SS119, SS119, SS119, SS126, SS 128*,SS136,SS137,SS137 S 5 O/U829.6* S pqc'm, pncm a. 'fifth',adv. 'fifthly' S pnc'm 07004+15 S pncmw SS124 S pnc-krtr, pncw-krtr a. 'of five kinds' S pnc-krtr SS160 S pncw-krtr O/U829.2 S pncmr&sp'nt s. pnc, rnrb'spnd

Sogdian M pncmx'-[ M549ii24. Unclear. Perhaps a designation of a divine pentad: 'Five great (Skt. maha-) ...'. Differently Henning 1944, 143-4, where the translation 'Fifthly, the ...' implies an analysis as *pncm 'fifth' (= S pncm) + the article x'. S pncmy, 'pncmy a. 'fifth' S 'pncmy ·13881+Rl (thus Yoshida 2002, 193a,ed. 'p('r)my) S pncmy HC36.9hdl*,HC36.9V9,SS131 MS pncmyk,M pnjmyk,S 5-myk a, 'fifth' M pncmyk CF18, Fastl.8* M pncmyq SLN53 M pnjmyk ANe3,Ml40+V2 S pncmyk 10202.7*, Frg6.2, HC36.7hdl (pnc-myk),KG377,KG625, 07004+53* S pncmykw 18058+Rl5*, 18131iiR7*, AN 22,AN83,L95+5 S 5-myk 20220iV24 M pncsmbyd, pncsmbo, pnzsmb& n. 'Thursday' M pnc-smboy obl. Fast4.14 M pncsmboyh obl. Fast3.3l M pnc-smboyy obl. Fast4.4*,Fast4.10* M pncsmbyd Fastl.2, Fastl.11*, Fastl.17, Fastl.20 M pnzsmbo Fast2.19 (pnz-smb&),Fast2.24 M pnzsmb&yy obl. Fast2.5* M pncts, MS 15 num. 'fifteen' M pnctsyb, obl. M5264Vl M pnctsyy obl. MIKiii4970cV2* (ed. ](•)ctsyy,read p](n)ctsyy) M 15 M1910.l,S40iR5 S 15 14425+R8, 14700(10)R4*, [21001V5 s. 15-myk] S pncw f3y'n 'Five Gods', Pa term for the five sons of the Primal Man (= Light Elements), partially adapted to Sogdian S pncw f3y'n SS118* S pncw f3y'nw SSl12 S pncw-sr()'k a. 'of five years' S pncw-sr&'k 18192B 2 M pncz'r num. 'five thousand' M pncz'r Ml37iiV13 M pnc-zng'n, S pncznk'n a. 'fivefold' M pnc-zng'n BBB639*,M6847hdl* S pncznk'n 10239(1)+iiV2,Frg32iiR6 S pnc-znk'n 10200(5)R10,SS156,SS160 S pncznk'nw SS119 S pnc-znk'ny obl. 10200(5)R6, Xwl.14, Xw 1.14 S pnc-100 num. 'five hundred' S pnc-100 L33.8* S pnc-160 num. 'five hundred and sixty' S pnc-160 PsA2.2


M pnd, S pnt a., adv., prep. 'near', also used as a noun 'kinsman,relative' M pnd TaleB61,TaleD38*,TaleD41 S pnt 18435R7, KG541, KG3.5, TaleF16, TaleH9,TaleI46 S pnty obl. BezA8,BezA25,BezB17 S pnt[ TaleI60 M pnjmyk s. pncmyk M pnjwg num. '(one)-fifth'. Pa loanword. M pnjwg 06191V9* S pnt s. pnd S pntr adv. 'nearer' S pnttr 10200(6)R10 M pnxry, pxry n.m. 'planet' M pnxryt pl. Gl/y57*,M664V10 M pxryyh CF118 M pxryyt pl. M767iiV6 M pxryty pl.obi. M910iiV4 M pxrytyl].pl.obl. M767iiV5 M pnzknc> 'Five cities', name of a city, better known by its Turkish name Bisbali:q. DMT lll/1,277a. M pnzknbyy ob!. Ml.45 M pnzsmb& s. pncsmbyd M pn[ O/U513b2 MS pr prep. (+ acc.) 'in, on, at, over, into, to, against, for, by, through, with, in respect of, concerning'. GMS §1625-8. Rarely used as a postp. governing a preceding enclitic pronoun. Also expresses a relationship between numerals, e.g. 'yw pr z"r 'a thousand to one', GMS §1329. M 'rtpr CF93 M 'tyswpr BBBf78 M pr ANe12, AR1a7, BBB486, BBB511, BBB519, BBB522, BBB536, BBB537, BBB559, BBB562, BBB564, BBB567, BBB568, BBB589, BBB601, BBB603, BBB613, BBB615, BBB622, BBB624, BBB648, BBB668*, BBB684, BBB701, BBB715, BBB726, BBB749, BBB752, BBB752, BBB758, BBB765, BBB767, BBBa5, BBBa6, BBBb5, BBBb12, BBBb16, BBBb18, BBBb21, BBBb27, BBBb46, BBBb47*, BBBb52, BBBb53, BBBb77, BBBb83, BBBd12*, BBBel5, BBBe22, BBBf6, BBBfl7, BBBf21, BBB f28, BBBf33, BBBf34, BBBf34, BBBf37, BBBf53, BBBf56, BBBf57, BBBf73, CF7, CF18, CF46, CF55, CF81, CF85, CF88, CF95, CF96, CF99, CFlOl, CF108, CF 109, CF118, CFvl56, CFvl57, CFv161*, Fast3.2, Fast3.10, Fast3.18, Fast3.28*, Fast 3.36, Fast4.l, Fast4.7, Fast4.10, Fast5.3, Gl/a18, Gl/e7, Gl/f4* (but see s.v. 6f3jnyh),



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Gl/y28, KawGl, KawGlO, KawG21, Kaw G28, KawIR2*, KawIR6, KawIR7, Kaw! R7, KawV9, KG2365, L3A2, Ml16R5, M116V3, Mll6V3, M116V4, M118iiR10, M127V10, Ml30a+R2, M134iV10, M134i VlO, M134iiV9*, Ml36V7, M136V8, Ml37iiR3, M137iiV2, Ml40+R6*, Ml72i R16, M172iR17, M172iV1, M172iV5, M172iV6, M264aR4, M339V7, [M430aR4 s. prymyc5], M498biiV1*, M5001A2, M502pA3, M501mA4, M50lmA2, M549i+R3, M583iiV2* (ed. ]rk(')ncyk, read p]r z'[y]cyk with Henning 1937, 140a), M583iiV5, M635iR1, M684V5, M765d9, M767iR5, M767iV1, M767iiV6, , M776V3, M778bB5, M813iV3*, M871j AlO, M891aR9, M915R3*, M915R6, M915R9, M915V7, M915Vl1, M1212V4, M1701.2, M1828R6*, M1828V6*, M1846 BS, M2003R3, M5030V13, M5093Bl*, M5093B3, M5166.3(?), M5446.2, M5690 VS, M6102V2, M6330V2, M6761.2, M6860B2, M7800iiR10, M7800iiV4, M7800iiV11, MIKiii498la4, MIKiii4981 fl, MLl.12, ML2.15, ML2.16, ML2.18, O6153+R4*, O6186V8, O6191R5, 06196 A2*, O11078B3, SLN50, SLNak16, SLN ak25*, SLNak27, SLNak41, [SLNal119 s. pw], SS146*, TaleAS, TaleA8, TaleB14, TaleB24, TaleB39, TaleB53, TaleDlO, TaleE19 S 'tpr RSH135* S pr 10100eR11, 10129iV10, 10200(5)V9*, 1020l(l)+R4*, 10238(4)R4, 10650(14)+ V2, 10920+V7, 11603+1, 11603+5, 13452 R2, 13700aB4, 13700aB7, 14030R4, 14150+iV6,14150+iV8*,14410iR1,14410 iVS, 14425+V8, 14425+V10*, 14700(11) BS, 14726V7, 14742V6, 14742V6, 14742 VlO, 14742V15, 15502Rl0, 18058+V7, 18058+V19, 18058+V21, 18101+R3, 18101+R14, 18101+R14, 18102+R19*, 18102+R20, 18102+V7, 18111iiR5, 18120 R3, 18140+iR13*, 18140+iiR7, 18162V7, 18195R2, 18196R5, 18196R7, 18196Rl0, 18196Rll, 18196V6, 18248i14, 18248i41, 18253B6, 18434V5, 18435R3, 18435Vl*, 18435V2, 18436A4, 18700+Rl, 18700+ RS, 18700+R9, 18700+Rl0*, 18700+Rl1, 18700+R13, 20001+V7*, 20002+V28, 20129V3*, 20146+V2, 20146+V4*, 20229 R18, 20229R20, 20229R21, 20229Vl, 20229V17, 20229V18, 20229V19, 20507b V5*, 21003V4, 21003Vl6, [AN30 s. cwpr], AN74, AN76, AN77, AN77*, AN

108*,AN147,AN172,AN178,ANd5,Bez AS, BezAlO, BezA13*, BezA13, BezA14, BezA19,BezA24, BezA27, BezA34, BezA 36,BezA36,BezA36,BezA39 (prpm),Bez A41,BezA45,BezA46,BezA46*,BezA52, BezA56, BezA64, BezA65, BezA70, BezA 81, BezA84, BezA84, BezA92, BezA93, BezA98 (prfm), BezA99, BezA99, BezA 101, BezA102, BezB4*, BezB8, BezB9, BezB13, BezB16, BezB29, BezB33, BezB 33*, BezB35, BezB36, BezB62, BezB65, BezB77, BezC4 (prpm), BezC6, BezC7 (prpm), Ch/U6143V3, Ch/U6326V2, Ch/U 6388Vl, Ch/U6392Vl, Ch/U6419Vl, Ch/U6886V2, Ch/U6886V2, Ch/U6886V4, Ch/U6886V8, Ch/U7058V9, Ch/U7115.1, Ch/U8123aV2, Frg6.1, GGZl.11, GGZ 1.13, GGZl.13, GGZl.18, GGZl.18, GGZ 1.20, GGZl.23, GGZl.47, HC36.2R2, HC 36.7R2, HC36.7V10, HC36.7Vl3, HC36.8 R2, HC36.9R13, HC36.9R14, HC36.19Rl, HC37.1.8, HC37.2.7, HC37.2.8* (ed. (pr­ 'yty), better (pr 'yty) as two words), HC 37.2.10*, KB4(1), KB5(1), KB8(1), KB 8(2),KB8(4),KB14(2), KB15(1),KB15(2) (Yoshida 1999a 8ynh, read pr 8ynh with Yoshida 1988a), KB16(1), KB16(6), KB 17(2), KB17(7), KB18(2), KB20(2), KB 20(7), KB22(7), KBfr8.5, KBfr9.6, KB fr9.8, KG325, KG328, KG332, KG339, KG343,KG355,KG372*,KG380,KG382, KG382,KG386, KG393, KG394, KG409*, KG412, KG424* (ed. (p)[, restore (p)[r), KG443, KG448, KG451, KG464, KG466, KG466,KG468, KG482*,KG488, KG489, KG491, KG492, KG496, KG497, KG516, KG517*, KG529, KG533, KG534*, KG 540, KG540, KG542, KG546, KG551, KG551*, KG553,KG561,KG561, KG567, KG574, KG580, KG584, KG586, KG589, KG596, KG606, KG606, KG608, KG615, KG617, KG620, KG639*, KG3.19, L27.6, L29+13, L37.3, L37.4, L37.9, L37.15, L37.19, L44.9, L44.12, L44.15, L61.2, L61.10, L61.10, L65.5, L65.7, L65.9, L91+3, L91+9, L103Rl, Ll18.2, L120.7, List3.13, O/U830.2, 01186+5, 01186+7, 01927.3, 01927.4, 02483.1, 05471+2, 07060+3, 07004+17, 07004+10, 07130.2,09078.1,Ps51,Ps51,Ps51,Ps51, Ps52, Ps52, Ps52, Ps53, Ps54, Ps55, Ps56, Ps57, Ps58, Ps59,. Ps60, Ps130, Psl30, Ps132*, Ps135, Ps136*, Ps136*, Ps137, Ps137, Ps137, Ps139, Ps140*, Ps141, Ps359(1), Ps359(1), Ps359(2), Ps359(2),

Sogdian Ps380,Ps381,Ps387,Ps398,Ps400,Ps400, Ps402,Ps409,Ps438,Ps565,Ps565,Ps566, Ps568,Ps571,Ps581,Ps586,Ps598,Ps598, Ps599,Ps601,Ps621,Ps65�Ps659,Ps66� PsAl.51*, PsAl.67, PsAl.85, RSH117, RSH138*, SS118, SS118, SS129*, SS129, SS153, [SS156 s. przy'm], SS158, SS161, SS161, SS163, SS 164, SS165, TaleFi2, TaleF27, TaleG18, TaleG26, TaleH24, TaleI13, TaleI18, TaleK3, TaleK8*, Tale K9,TaleKlO,TaleKlO,TaleKlO,TaleKlO, TaleKl1, TaleKl1, TaleKl1, TaleK12, TaleK12,TaleK12,TaleK19,TaleKa9,Xw 1.3,Xwl.8,Xwl.9*,Xwl.11,Xwl.13,Xw 1.15, Xwl.17*, Xwl.21, Xwl.23, Xw2.3, Xw2.9,Xw/a3*,Xw/b2,Xw/c6,Xw/c8 S ZY'-j3y-pr Ps597* M pr'bn n. '(act of) selling' M pr'8n TaleB57 MS pr'f', S pr'j3', pr'j3'k, pr'j3'kh prep. + pers. pron. 'in you, on you, to you, by you, through you (sg.),etc.' M pr'fh M617iV13 S pr'W Ps409,Ps571*,Ps581,Ps583 S pr'Wk GGZl.12,HC36.10R13,KG565 S pr'Wkh HC36.10R15, HC36.10V9, PsA 1.85* (ed. (pr)'j3'(k)[w],but (pr)'j3'(kh)[] is a more likely spelling) S pr'f HC36.1Vl (thus Yoshida 1992, 140, ed. -�-) M pr'gndy s. pr'kndy M pr'yt s. prys S pr'yt s. pryc, prys MS pr'kn v.tr. 'to sow',past stem S pr'k'nt M pr'kn'ndt 3.pl.pres. M399A2* S pr'k'nt'k pp. SS123* S pr'kn't 3.sg.subj. GGZl.54 M pr'kndy, pr'gndy, S pr'k'nty n. '(act of) sowing'. Adapted Pa loanword, as indica­ ted by the M spelling with -g-. M pr'gndy BBB570 M pr'qndyy TaleB55 M pr'kndyyl} BBBalO S pr'k'nty Xw2.6 S pr'm'kprep. + pers.pron. 'on me' S pr'm'k RSH54 S pr'm'n HC36.16+17V2*. Unknown word. S pr'm'y,pr'my s. frm'y S pr'mn'n'k a. 'Brahmanic' S pr'mn'nchf 18248i22 MC 1pr'ny n.m. 'insect'. Indian loanword. M pr'nytpl. BBB513 C pr'nyty pl.obl. TIII52R14 MS 2pr'ny v.tr. 'to lead,bring' M pr'nyt-8'mt 3.pl.tr.pret. M4910.2*


S pr'ny 2.sg.impv. SS164 S pr'nyny pres.pt. BezA8 (Ms pmwyny or pr'wyny),Ps60 M pr's L72aii2 s. fr'skyr'n s pr's'y,pr'sy s. frys s pr'st- s. *pry} S 1' 2pr'w s. 'pryw, 1 prw MS 3 pr'w c. 'therefore',usually with following 'ty or m'8 ZY 'for,because' M pr'w BBBf77,M127R5*(?) S pr"w KB6(1)* S pr'w [Ps661* s. xwt'w],SS114 (ed. 'then') S pr'xs- s. prxsS pr'y s. fryS pr'yc s. pryc S pr'yk s. 1 pryk S pr'ymy8 s. prymyo S pr'ynk s. 2pryng S pr'ys s. prys s pr'ys,pr'yst s. frys S pr'yst'k s. frysty S pr'yw s. 'pryw S pr'yw'y8,pr'ywyb s. prywyc5 S pr'yw[ 20240R4* s. prywyc5 S pr'[ KG343*,07004+22 MS prWr n. 'explanation,preaching'. Henning 1943,68 n. 3; BT XI,187a. M prWr Gl/e5, KawGhdl, Ml40+hdl*, M5913V3,SLN52 S prj3'r AN43,KG332,KG349 S prf3'rcy n. 'charioteer'(?) S prj3'rcy TaleH13* (read p(rj3')r(cy)[ at the end of the line with Yoshida 2002, 193a), TaleH19 S prj3'yr,prj3'yrt s. 1• prf3yr S tprj3'yr'n Ps624 s. 2prf3yr M pr(3yn n. 'gift'. The 'five gifts' (of the Light Nous) are the five cardinal virtues, see Asmussen 1965, 244 n. 5 (with many references); BT XVII,109. M pr�yn BBBhdl41,BBB621* M prj3ynd pl. M915R6*,M915Vl1 M prj3ynyg obl. M915R2 MS prf3rtbst, S pr�rcst adv. 'with arms crossed (in greeting)', see Henning 1940, 22.;3_ Gershevitch 1985, 11, translates the restored form in M5571V6 as 'crucified'. M pr�rtbst Gl/bl6,M5571V6*(?) S prj3r&stw BezB34 S pr�rt8stw BezA35* S pr(3rt-pby' adv. 'with feet crossed'(?) S prj3rt-p8y' ST15.4* S pr�rty s. 2prf3yr S 1pr(3yr, 1 prj3'yr n. '(act of) explaining, talk­ ing' 2


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S prj3yr 18140+iiV7 S prj3'yr KG338, KG425 MS 2 prj3yr, S 2prj3'yr v.tr. 'to tell, explain', past stems S prj3rt, prj3yrt, prj3'yrt, prj3'yr't M prj3yrn 1.sg.subj. M591V9 M prj3yrt 3.sg.pres. SLN92 M prj3yrt[ M2065.1 * M pryj3yrnd 3.pl.impf Ml34iiV10 S prj3'yr'n 1.sg.subj. 18248i49 S prj3'yr'nt 3.pl.pres. KG592 S prj3'yr't j3wt 3.sg.pres.itr.pot. KG383 S prj3'yr'tw-o'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG438 S prj3'yrn' pres.pt.voc.sg.(?) Ps624 (ed. prj3'yr'n 'proclamation') S prj3'yrt'k pp. KG4l1 ,S prj3'yrt-6'r'm l.sg.tr.pret. 20229Rl0 S prf3rty pp. AN52 S prf3yr't 20235A2, KBfr9.4* S prf3yr6'skwn 2.pl.pres. GGZl.6 S prj3yrnyty pres.pt.pl.ob[. GGZl.6 (or voe.) S prj3yrt#6'r'm l.sg.tr.pret. 20229Vl6f S prj3yrty pp. AN2* (ed. prj3yr('y), more likely prj3yr(ty)) S pryj3yr 3.sg.impf Mainz180A2 S pryj3yrw 1.sg.impf 14150+iV4, 14153+iR5 M prf3yrcy a. '(due) to be told'. GMS §1009 n. 1. M prj3yrcy M44.9 MS pre n. 'back; support, protection', obl. prey as adverb 'behind, after'. GMS §275. M pre ML2.6* (doubtful, see Sundermann 2008, 414 n. 72) M prey obl. M796iV1 M prcyy obl. M430aR3 (thus Ms, GMS §275 prey) S pre L37.19 S prch L37.15, Ps569, Ps577 S prey obi. 13881+R2* M prccyk a. 'posterior' M prccyk Gl/y48* S tpnYyty RSH16* s. wyb'yty S 1pr()'W n. '(act of) plastering' S pro'w 18140+iiR8 S 2 pr()'w n. '( act of) burning' S pro'w HC36.8R6 M *3pr()'W v.tr. 'to burn', past stem pr6wt M prbwty pp. BBBb15 M *prc,13'ny n.m. 'dust'. Cf S pr6j3'n'k, Yosh­ ida 2008a, 472. M pr6j3'n'IJ abl.sg.(?) M857Rl S prc>j3'y't s. f3n5{3'yM *pr6j3jnyh Gl/f4 s. of3jny/_J MS prc,l3n n. 'deception, deceit; damage, harm'. Schwartz 1967, 136-7. M prbj3n CF82, Gl/elO, KawC14, M549ii8,

M674V6* S pr6j3n L65.3, O2075V8 M prc,wk n. 'future world, future existence'. Indian loanword. On 6 < Indian 1 see Sims­ Williams 1983, 135 n. 26. M prc>wkt pl. O6233A2* M pr6wty s. *3pro'w M prbys n. '(act of) building'. Inf. according to GMS §914. M pr6ys BBB494 M prbyz n. 'garden, orchard' M prc>yzt pl. BBB571 S prfrn s. pr,frn S pry'm adv. 'perforce'(?) S pry'm 10650(1)V8* S pryn p n. 'skill, artifice' S prynpw SS118 S prys n. 'concubine'. Henning 1946, 737. S prys 18248i7, 20232V8 M pryt a. 'weary'. GMS §1285 n. 1. M pryt BBB713 MS pryt- s. p ryc M prytr a. 'wearier' M prytrt pl. M635iR4 s prk'st, prk'yst s. prkys MS prkn, S prk'yn n. 'ditch, moat' M prkn M128R7, M664V7, M5701+R8 S prk'yn AN196 S prkn AN193 S prkwxs n. '(act of) shrive1ling, becoming wrinkled'(?) S prkwxs TaleKa4* MS prkys v.tr. 'to imprison', past stem M prkst, S prk'st, prk'yst, prkyst. Sims­ Williams 1979a, 133-4. M prkst8rt 3.sg.tr.pret. BBBb74 (Ms -c>rt) M prykyys 3.sg.impf SLNak15 M pryqys 3.sg.impf M129Rl3 M pryqys'nd 3.pl.impf CF104, CF105 S prk'st'k pp. 11400R6 S prk'yst'k pp. SS110 S prkys't 3.sg.subj. RSH141* S prkyst'kt pp.pl. 20220iiR3 S prkyst'ym l.pl.itr.pret. 20220iiV14* MS 1prm postp. 'until, during', often with prep. kw M prm L73+VS, M399B5, M583iiV15, M767iiV3, TaleA31, TaleD5* ('j3fmy6:grm) S prm 14715bR5, 18196V8, [AN129 s. kwprm], BezA32, BezB27 (Ms f-), BezC6, KB21(7), KG395, �44.11, L91+7, L120.5, Ps569, RSH23*, SS137*(?), TaleAS12, [TaleG9 s. kwprm], TaleI9 (mrcprm)

Sogdian MS 2 prm prep. + article 'in the, at the, etc.'

M prm BBBb75, KawK8*(?), KG2341(?), M498ciiV2, M548V3*(?), ML2.10*(?) S prm l8248i2, KG423, SS136*(?), SS155, TaleG19 S prm'kyck -n. 'experience'. Cf. C prm'qycq 'id.', BT XII, 73. S prm'kyck ANa4* MS 1 prm'n s. pw-prm 'n MS 2 prm'n a. 'authoritative'. Indian loanword. Sims-Williams 2007, 251-2; · differently MacKenzie 1995, 188 n. 13. M prm'n Ml72iV8, [M7800iiV6 s. frm'n] S prm'n BezC5, BezC23, [RSH54* s. prm'ndy'] S 3prm'n s. frm'n M prm'ndy', S prm'nty', prm'nty'kh n.f 'mercy, forgiveness' M prm'ndy' BBB737, Gl/a3 M prm'ndty' Ml135.3* (Cat. ](')ndty', restore prm](')ndty'?) S prm'nty' BezB31, Talel12*, TaleI14 S prm'n#ty'kh RSH54f* S prm'nk(?) SS109* s. pw-prm'n S prm'nptyws'k, prm'npty'ws'y, prm'nptywsy, frm'n-'ptywsy, frm'nw-ptywsy n.m. 'ser­ vant' S frm'n-'ptywsy BezB22* S frm'nw-ptywsy BezA28* (misprinted frm'n-p-) S prm'npty'ws'yt pl. KG550 S prm'nptyws'k TaleK2l S prm'nptywsy 07281.2*, ST15.lf* (prm'n# ptywsy) S prm'n-ptywsc n.f 'female servant' S prm'n-ptywsch RSH58* S prm'nty', prm'nty'kh s. prm'ndy' S prm'ny' M1070V5*. Doubtful reading. S prm't s.frm'y S prm'tyrf3[ L65 .11. Unclear. S prm'ty s. m'nprm'ty S prm'y s. frm'y S prm'[ 19552A3 S prrnnh Ch/U6926V3 s. frm 'n M prmyc> BBBb25 s. p rymyo S prmyrt 18110V4. Unknown word. S prm[ L83d3 S pm s. frn, also oynyfrn, k'yfrn, nwyfrn, pry­ prn, wysyfrn, xwty-prn S prnj3rch, prnj3ry s. frnf3ry S prnf3yrty a. 'having obtained majesty' S pmj3yrty Ch/U6699R7*, KB2(1) S prnbr'[ M5457A2 S pmm TaleG9 s. kwprm


S prnpay a. 'glorious, fortunate'

S pmp8y K.821(1) S pmpb[ KB14(4)* S pms'r s. frn, s'r S pmwyny BezA8 s. 2pr'ny S pmxwnpoy s. frnxwndpoy S pmxwnt'k, prnxwnt'y, prnxwnty s. frnxwndy S pmxwnt'ky'kh, prnxwntkyh s. frnxwndky' S prnxwntystr a. 'more fortunate' S prnxwntystr BezA88, Ps397* (prnxwnty­ str) S prny'n n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 912. S prny'n TaleJR (thus Yoshida 2000a, 84, ed. pr'ys[t]) S tpmyx[wnt] 13880B3. Unlikely restoration, read perhaps prny/pr'y x[ as two words. S prn[ n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 916. S pm[ 20503R1 S prprn s. pr,frn M prp[ M549ii15 S prs s. s' ryy prs M prs', S prs'kh n.f 'side'; in astronomy 'period of one hour'. Henning 1948, 311. M prs' CF99, CF101 S prs'kh AN147, 16201.65* (ed. pr[, but see note ad loc.) S prs'kh-sry n.m. 'side (of the body)'(?). Hypothetical restoration for pr•[, see note ad loc. S prs'kh-sry 16201.66* S 1 prsm n. '(act of) rubbing, sweeping' S prsm 18140+iiR11 M 2 prsm v.tr. 'to rub, massage'. Cf. MacKenzie 1976, II, 51. M prsm'skwn 3.sg.az-impfdur. MLl.17* S prs--y 14700(18)B4* S prs'y, verb(?) of unknown meaning S prs'y 2.sg.impv.(?) O11088Bl S prs'yb s. 2prsyb M prsnxy n.m. 'small branch, twig' M prsnxyy Ml764.5 (misprinted -xy, BT XIX, 111) M prsnxyt pl. M664V9 M prsprn n.f 'pavement' M prspm CF25 MS prst'k n. 'equipment, armament' M prsfk SLNal116 M prsfq Ml10iR9, SLNak86 S prst'k L61.6, TaleK12 S prst'kw 18248ill MS prst't s. prst'y M prst'tr a. 'better prepared' M prsqr M6610R9 (misprinted -ft- in GMS §1285)




Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

MS prst'y, S prsty v.tr. 'to prepare, equip, arrange', past stems MS prst't, M prst'yt(?) M prsrtb'rM 2.pl.tr.pret. M134iV3 (misprinted -ft- in GMS §736) M prsrty pp. M118iR7 M prst'tyy pp. SLNak.80* M prsrtyh pp. KawG25 M prst'tyt pp.pl. CF59 M prsfymk'n l.sg.fut. M7800iiV3 M prsfynyy pres.pt. Gl/s3 M prsfyt 3.sg.pres. SLNak46, SLNam130 M prsfyt 3.sg.subj.(?) Gl/sl (~ MP subj. [wyr']y'd) M prst'ytyty pp.pl.ob!.(?) L75.2 M prysfy 3.sg.impf Gl/s2 , S prst't 3.sg.itr.pret. GGZl.19 S prst'yyskwn 2. sg. pres.dur. GGZ1. 17 S prst'yt 3.sg.pres. TaleK4 S prsty'znt 3.pl.az-impf L37.13 (ed. prsty"nt) M prstyh Gl/f25. Unknown word ~ MP 'skng (for which see DMT III/1, 92a). S 1 prsyb a. 'seated, rested'(?) S prsyb BezC5 M 2prsyb, S prs'yo, ps'yo v.itr. 'to sit, sit down', past stem S prs'yot M prsyM'[ M358A2* (contra GMS §877 n. 2, probably incomplete) M prsyc>t 3.sg.pres. M3600.5 S prs'y8 2.sg.impv. TaleF12 S prs'yb'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R32 S prs'ybt'k pp. 14000R23 (of a ship: 'an­ chored'?) S ps'y6t' 2.pl. 07237.4* (context unclear, possibly a different verb) S prt n. 'roll of cloth'(?). If so, Indian loan­ word, cf. Ltiders 1936, 24-8. S prt Ch/U6879V6* M 1prt'w n. 'bench, seat'. Henning 1948, 30910. M prfwt pl. CF38, M521bBii3 M 2prt'w a. 'powerful'(?). Thus Asmussen 1965, 247, but the word-order rules out his translation of the phrase. M prfw M684V6 S 1 prtr s. frtr S 2prtr v.tr. 'to wipe away' S prtry 2.sg.pres. Ps384 S prtr'nk n. 'oppression' S prtr'nk HC36.7R13 S prtrxs v.itr. 'to be oppressed' S prtrxs'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.7R4 S prt;ry', prtry'kh s. frtry' S prtrync> v.tr. 'to tie, fix'(?) S prtryn6 2.sg.impv. L37.16 (ed. prtry'6)

M prtxyz adv. 'on the point of setting' (Henning 1940, 26) or 'after sunset' (GMS §1142)? M pytxyz Gl/c26 MS 1prw, S pr'w, 'prw prep. + article 'in (the), at (the), etc.' M prw ANe9, ANe15, BBB583, BBBb8, BBBb76, BBBf14, BBBf59, BBBf71, BBB f75, BBBf83, CFhdl, CF30, CF44, CF45, CF47, CF48, CF49, CF50, CF51, CF52, CF 54, CF56, CF57, KawE4*, KawK3*, KawV 8, KawV19, KawV22, KG2344, KG2358, L3B2, L73+V3*, L74R4, L74V5, L75.6, M14R9, M14V14, M130a+R3, M373V2*(?), M140+R2*, M136V9, M399A6, M549ii2, M549ii23, M591R4, M591R6, M635iR2, M814iiR4, M4917.1, M5051V6, [M549i+R4 s. prw-frwxspa], M6803.1, ML 1.12, MLl.13, MLl.35, ML2.13, ML2.13, ML2.19, ML2.19*, SS149*, TaleA32, Tale B2, TaleB3l, TaleB45, TaleB46, TaleB54, TaleD35* M prww M794aiiV2 S 'prw 14638iR1 S pr'w 12400V2, AN138, Ch/U6926V9, L29+17, 01189.2(?) S prw 10000(2)6(?), 10650(10)R12, 14000 R8, 14030R5, 14638iR5, 14700(10)R3, 14700(15)7, 18101+R14, 18128B8, 18154 Vll, 18248i23, 18248i31, 18248i35, 18248i40, 18248i40, AN26, AN29*, AN 46*, AN49, AN49, AN50, AN51, AN59*, [AN60 s. prwyrt], AN60*, AN74, AN106, AN106, AN141, AN148, AN170, AN173, AN180, AN181, AN195*, AN198, Ch/U 6126V2, GGZl.16, GGZl.19, GGZl.45, HC36.7R3, HC36.7V12, HC36.8R4, HC 36.9V2*," HC36.9Vl1, HC36.9V12, HC 37.1.17, HC37.2.2, KB22(2), KG493, KG 3.18, KG3.24, KG3�39, KG3.40, KG3.41, KG3.43, KG3.55, KG3.57, KG3.60, KG 3.60, KG3.63, L29+25, L61.3, 01927.11, 07004+45, Ps400, Ps576, Ps581, Ps595, Ps600, Ps819, PsAl.72*, PsAl.78, PsA 1.78, PsAl.84, RSH21 *, RSH40, RSH44, RSH47*, RSH51*, RSH53, RSH97, RSH 101, RSH106, RSHl15, RSH123, RSH132, RSH159, RSH165, SLNll7, SSll1, SS 118, SS128, SS138, TaleAS13, TaleF12, TaleH6, TaleH19, TaleH26, TaleH27, Tale H28, TaleH30, Talel18, TaleI23, TaleJ6, TaleJ12, TaleK3, Ta_leK8, TaleK9, TaleK9, TaleK13, TaleKa9, TaleKa14 (ed. wm't, read wm't prw), TaleKa16*(?)

Sogdian S prwh 10026+Rl2, 18140+iR6, 18248i43, 20220iiR22, O1723R5, Ps384, Ps651, SS 118 S 2prw s. 'pryw M prw'nc, name of a city, better known by its Turkish name Aqsu. Henning 1938, 567. M prw'nc Ml.77 S prw'rt'k, prw'rty s. prwrty S prw'st s. prwyrt S prw'stw'xs'y a. 'where the language (must be) translated' S prw'stw'xs'yt pl. KG330 ('in those clever and foreign-speaking places') S prw•y AN69* S prw'y6 s. prwya S prw'yrt s. prwyrt M prw-frwxspe), name of a lunar mansion. Sogd.-Indian hybrid, Henning 1942, 242 n. 1. M prw-frwxsp6 M549i+R4 S tprwr8[ 10239(1)+iR4* s. frwzMS prwrt, S prw'rt v.itr. 'to turn, change (into something else), become, travel', past stem MS prwstM prwyt 3.sg.pres. M280iiR12, M796iR6 M prwrtt 3.sg.pres. M521bAii8, M796iV11 M prwrt'n 1.sg.subj. M579V7* M prwrtskwn 3.sg.pres.dur. M5051R4, M5051V4 M prwsc' pp.nom.sg.f M3502.2 M prwsn Ml700+B2* (perhaps a potential form) M prwstyy pp. ML2.6 M prywrt 3.sg.impf M910iiR2 [M prywyt BBBb52 s. prwyrt] M prywrtw l.sg.impf KG2350 S prw'rty 2.sg.pres. GGZl.11 S prwrt3.sg.pres. AN18 S prwrt'y 2.sg.pres. Ps599 S prwst past inf l8 l1 liiR5 S pryw'rt 3.sg.impf 14700(1l)A6 S prywrt 3.sg.impf L29+18 S prwrt'k s. 2frwrty, 1prwrty MS 1prwrty, S prwrt'k, prw'rt'k, prw'rty(?) n.m. 'turn', only in the phrase zwrt prwrty 'turning to and fro' and, preceded by a numeral, in the sense 'time, occasion (Frenchfois)'. GMS §962, 1327. M prwrtyy M640Rl, M8000.4, MLl.29, ML 1.29, S40iR1*, S40iR2 M prwytyy BBB557* S prw'rt'k KB22(1) S prw'rty 10262(1)B4 (unclear context) S prwrt'k KB19(1)* S prwrt'kw KB19(6)*


S prwrty Ch/U6104R4 (Ms pwrty) S 2prwrty 02517.4 s. 2frwrty S 3prwrty n.m. 'Fravashi, (pre-existing) soul'. BT XIX, 138-9. S prwrty SS 112 S tprwrtyt 10650(15)R7* (Kat., 58). Unlikely conjecture for prw(r)[. S prwrz n. 'care' S prwrz BezA13 M prwsc', MS prwst- s. prwrt s prwty s. )ory-prw S prwyc>, prw'y6 n. 'search, investigation', also in phrase prwy6 kwn- 'to institute pro­ ceedings, call to account'. Henning 1945, 484-5. S prw'y6 TaleJl6 S prwyo [BezB31 s. prywyo], GGZl.44, [PsAl.84 s. prywyo] S prwyoy obl. Ch/U6394V2 M 1prwyay n.f (?) 'striving'(?). GMS §962 implies a masculine. M prwyoyy M280iiR15* S 2prwyay n.m. 'advocate, mediator' S prwyoy Ps57 M prwyyb[ M5030Rl* M prwyj, S prwyz v.tr. 'to nourish, feed, care for', past stem M prwyj't Mprwyj'tyt pp.pl. M399A4* M prwyjnyy pres.pt. BBB628, Ml10iV6 S prwyz't 3.sg.subj. GGZl.54 S prwyzny pres.pt. BezA12, BezB6 M prwyj- v.itr. 'to nourish oneself' M prwyjynyy pres.pt. BBBb88 M prwyj'mndy n.m. 'nourishment' M prwyj'mndy M776V4 M prwyrt, S prw'yrt v.tr. 'to turn, change (one thing into another), alter, transform, cause to be; to transfer, ferry; to repeat, recite repeatedly', past stem S prw'st-, prwystM prwyrM 2.pl.in}. BBBf58, BBBf68 M prwyrtt 3.sg.pres. BBBf60 M prwyytk 3.sg.pres.dur. M684R6 M prwyytnyb.pres.pt. M137iiR5 M prywyyt 3.sg.impf BBBb52 (Ms prywyt) S prw'sto'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.25 S prw'yrt'ym I.pl.pres. KG2.7 (itr. 'be­ come'?) S prwyrt 3.sg.pres. 18700+R8, 18700+V6 ('it turns his head downwards'), 20503 V4(?), AN16, AN60 (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, Ms prw ryt), BezB49, BezB59 S prwyrtw 3.sg.pres.(?) BezB52 S prwyrty 3.sg.pres.(?) SS130 (BT XIX, 145) S prwyst8r6 2.pl.tr.pret. 20220iiR22 (thus


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

GMS §750; to C prwyd 'to seek' according to GMS §586) S prywyrt 3.sg.impf KG614 S prywyrt'nt 3.pl.impf KG559 S prwyrt'm'nty n.m. 'repetition, recitation'. Yoshida 2000, 112. S prwyrt'm'nty Ch/U6854V2 (thus Yoshida 1994b, 110; Zieme, BT V, 68, -mnty) s prwysto'ro s. prwyrt s prwysn s. prywysn S prwyt'k n.m. 'warp (in weaving)' S prwyt'k SSl10 S prwyz s. prwyj S prwz- s. frwzS prw[ O/U829c, PsAl.85 S prxm n. 'correct behaviour, morals'. ' WMiran. loanword. S prxm AN65, KG486 MS prxs-, S pr'xs- v.itr. 'to be left, be omitted, be abandoned, remain' M p'rxs 3.sg.impf TaleA57 M prxs't 3.sg.subj. L73+R8 M prxst 3.sg.pres. M430aR3 M prxstyy 3.sg.pres. M575iiV2 S p'r'xs 3.sg.impf AN160 S p'r'xso 2.pl.impf 18248i5 S p'rxs 3.sg.impf TaleAS28* S pr'xs'y 3.sg.opt. SS116 S pr'xsty 3.sg.pres. Xwl.23* S prxs't 3.sg.subj. 18196R16* S prxsty 3.sg.pres. 01927.1*, Xwl.24* S 1prxsy n. 'lamentation' S prxsyw GGZl.7 S 2 prxsy, prxs'y v.itr. 'to lament' S prxsyo'skwn 2.pl.pres.dur. GGZl.7 S prxsynyt pres.pt.pl. GGZl.7* S pryxs'y 3.sg.impf AN169 M prxsyct[ M373V5*. The reading (prxsyct)[ 1 and translation 'lamentations' (cf. ' prxsy) are both quite uncertain. MS prxy n. 'payment, wages' M prxyy TaleA14, TaleA43 S prxy TaleAS20 MS prxyz v.itr. 'to stand, be, behave; to occupy oneself, serve'(?). Pa loanword? M prxyznd 3.pl.inj. BBBf91 S prxyz't 3.sg.subj. 20507bV11 S prxyzynt(?) 3.pl.opt.(?) Ch/U7131.3 (thus Kat.; pcxyzyh in IFOC, 121, must be a mis­ print) S prxz'm'nt'k n.m. 'deportment'. BT XI, 1967. S prxz'm'nt'kw KG487 S 1 pry s. fry-, fry'nw'z, fryhrw'n, pry-"(3rxs'k, pry-tnp'r 2

S pry n. 'love'. MP word (friyI(h), DMT IIl/1, 282b) as part of the title of one of Mani's Epistles. Sundermann 2009, 266. S pry 15502V14 s pry' s. frys pry-"(3rxs'k a. 'lascivious' S pry-"�rxs'k Frg5.11 S pry'n TaleJ14 s. pry'n-prytm S pry'n-prytm, pry'npr'ytm a. 'dearest of the dear, most dear' S pry'npr'ytm TaleKa25 S pry'n-prytm 010001.4*, TaleJllf (pry'n# prytm), TaleJ14 (Ms pry'n), TaleJ18f!' (pry'n#prytm) S pry-'nw'z s. fry'nw'z S pry'tr s. fry'tr S tpry'w' AN79 s. 1 pry'y S pry'w'n[ HC36.7V5* MS pry'wr a., n. 'exterior, surrounding'. BT XII, 51. M pry'wr Ml18iR11 S pry'wrt pl. 1811liiR5 (pr pry'wrt 'round and round'?) MS 1pry'y n. 'pain'. Yoshida 1992, 140. M pryy'yy M598V4* (doubtful restoration) S pry"y HC36.10R3 S pry'y AN79 (ed. pry'(w)['], rather pry'(y)[]), BezA45, BezB40 S 2pry'y v.tr. 'to suffer', past stem pry'yt S pry'yo 2.pl.pres. GGZl.8* S pry'yt kwnty 3.sg.pres.tr.pot. 10650(1)V4 MS pryj3y n.m. 'cloud' M pry�y M4862.1, S40iiV5* M pry�yy M44.8 M pry�ytpl. SS148* M pry�Y!YY pl.obi. Ml40+R9 S pry�yyh 10100b+V3 MS pry�yr s. 2pr(3yr MS pryc, S pr'yc v.tr. 'to leave, abandon, omit', past stem M pryt-, S pr'yt-. The phrase tnp'r pryc (KB) 'to leave the body, die' is a calque on Turkish atoz qod-, see Hansen 1930, 29. M prytyy pp. BBB700, BBB747 M prycfx't 2.pl.subj. M894iR3 S p'ryc 3.sg.impf KB5(1) S p'rycw 3.sg.impf KB7(2)*, KB13(6)* S pr'yt-o'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. TaleKa16* S _pr'yt-o'rb 2.pl.tr.pret. 20220iiR7 S pr'yto'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KB13(1) [S tpr-'yty HC37.2.8* s. pr, 'nyty] S pr'yc... 18140+iR6 S prytchpp.acc.sg.f AN183 S prytwb'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. Ch/U7275V3 S pryty pp. 'remaining, other' BezCl1, BezC






27 S prycy 2.sg.pres. Tale17 (or opt.?) M prycy a. 'leaving'(?). GMS §899. M prycyy M504B1 M *pryj v.itr. 'to flee, escape', past stem S pr'st-. Cf. C pryz. S pr'st wWym 1.pl.pres.itr.pot. 20220iiV15f S 1pryk, pr'yk n.f 'witch, fairy' S pr'ykh 14030R6* S pryk'n gen.pl. 10129iiR12 S 2pryk a. 'remaining, other' S prykw 10650(1)V6 M prykyys, pryqys s. prkys S prym'nt s. prymynd MS prymy6, S pr'ymyo, prym'yo prep. + dem. pron. 'in this, on this, for this, in respect of these, thereby, etc.' M pr-'ymyoo M430aR4 M prymyo BBB533, BBB552, BBB558*, BBBb25 (Ms prmyo), BBBb34, M4721.2* (Cat. prymyn[d], better prymy(o)[ with Gershevitch 1965, 159b) M prymyoo BBB668, CF41 M pryymyoo M14R4 S pr'ymyo Ps397, Ps651, TaleKa7 S prym'yo Frg6.7*, HC36.lV12* S prymyo 10100eV10, 13425(2)+A2*, 18058+Rl0, KB23(1)*, KG419, KG545, KG571, L29+23, SLNl17*, Xwl.25*, Xw 2.7 S prymyoo 10085+R5*, 10085+V3*, 10650(8)Vl M prymynd, S prym'nt prep. + dem.pron. 'in this' M prymynd BBBb74, [M4721.2* s. prymyc>] S prym'nt SS158 M 1pryng n. 'damask (cloth)'. Henning 1946a, 150-57. M pryng Ml37iiV10 M 2pryng, S pr'ynk, ptynkk n. 'gums'(?). Ben­ veniste 1940, 211; GMS, p. 248 (addendum to §976). M pryng M142V4, Ml42V8 S pr'ynk List4.7 S prynkkh 16201.25 MS pryp v.tr. 'to lead; to marry (a wife)'. BT XII, 177. M pryp 3.sg.impf BBBb72 S prypt 3.sg.pres. TaleK5 S pry-prn n.pr.m.(?). Not in IPNB 11/8. S pry-pm 20002+R0 S pry-rw'n s. fryhrw'n MS prys, S pr'ys v.itr. 'to approach, reach, come (to)', past stem MS pr'yt M pr'yt 3.sg.itr.pret. M127R12*


M pr'yt 3.sg.itr.pret. TaleA59 M pr'yt past inf M6807.1* M pr'ytym l.sg.(?)itr.pret. M6860A2* M pr'ytyt pp.pl. M579R3 M pryso 2.pl.inj. BBBf55 (Henning 1937, 131b: pres.; GMS §735: subj.) M pryyso' 2.pl.inj. TaleB28 (GMS §729: subj.) M pryst 3.sg.pres. M128R6, M583iiR9(?), M3601.4(?) S pr"yt 3.sg.itr.pret. KG455, TaleAS30 S pr'yt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. KG348* S pr'yty pp.(?) 07130.4 S pr"ytym l.sg.itr.pret. L45.2 (ed. -'m) S pr'ys 3.sg.impf AN151, L29+20 (error?), TaleJ9 S pr'ys'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R32, TaleK19* (error?) S pr'yst 3.sg.pres. [TaleJR s. prny'n], Xw/c9* S pr'ystk'm 3.sg.fut. AN201* S prys'm l.sg.pres. 02787.2* S prys'ntk'm 3.pl.fut. 18140+iV7 (prys'nt­ k'm), 07035.3 S pryst 3.sg.pres. 10650(1)R7 s prys s. frys S pryst'k, prysty s. frysty M p;rysfy s. prst'y s pryt s. frys pryt't s. fryt't S pryt'tc'n, pryt'tcn s. fryt'tw-cn S prytm s. pry'n-prytm S pry-tnp'r a. 'loving (one's) body' S pry-tnp'r AN188 S prytr a. 'dearer' S prytr AN191, GGZl.17 (Ms prtr) M pryw s. 'pryw S pryw s. 'pryw, fry­ S pryw'rt s. prwrt M prywj v.itr. 'to be victorious' M prywj'ndt 3.pl.pres. GI/a9 MS prywrt s. prwrt M prywf! BBBb52 s. prwyrt MS prywy�, S pr'ywyc>, pr'yw'yo prep. + dem. pron. 'in that, in those, on that, at that, for that, thereby, etc.' M prywyo BBB532, BBB581, BBB584, BBB617, BBB645, BBB682, BBB707, BBBf91*, M549ii4, M6290V4, MLl.23, O6163V7 (misprinted -d) M prywyoo BBBa2, CF24, M674V6, M814i V3, M1857V2, M7800iiR8 S pr'yw'yo KG332, KG401 S pr'ywyo Ch/U6146V6* (Kat. c](')ywyo, more likely pr](')ywyo) S pr'yw[ 20240R4*


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S prywycS 14030V6, 14638iV13, 18102+ V13, l8433Bi6*, 20220iiR24, BezA51, BezAll1, BezB31 (Ms prwycS), KG325, KG329,KG352*,KG409,KG413, KG416, KG418,KG594*,KG625,KG627, KG633, KG3.32,L29+9,07060+3,Ps623,PsAl.84 (Ms prwycS),RSH6*,TaleK21 S prywyM TaleI25 M prywynd prep.+ dem.pron. 'at that' M prywynd KawV7 S prywyrt s. prwyrt MS prywysn, S prwysn prep. + dem.pron. 'in their,in them,by them,etc.'. GMS §1449. M prywysn CF61 S prwysn HC36.7R6,Ps585,Ps601 ,S prwysnw Ps586 S prywysn Ps414 S pryxs'y s. 2prxsy Spry[ 07538.2 Sprz(3r n. 'simile,parable' S prz�r 11603+4,KG3.68 S przy'm adv. 'at all'; with negative 'not at all, never'. S przy'm HC36.7Rll, SS156 (pr-zy'm), Tale Ka24,Xw/c2* (ed. ]'m) MSprzr adv. 'very, very much, extremely, altogether' M przr ANe2,BBBf5*,M116R8*; TaleE27 S przr 18435R8*, KG329, L29+6, L29+5a, [L37.1,L61.15 s. p 1z] S przwn v.tr. 'to nurture'(?). Cf. Pa przwn­ 'id.'(?), BT XXVII, 345a (not in DMT III/1). S przwn'y 2.sg.pres. Ps604 (thus ed.; Kat., 132, przw'ny) M pr•k[ Gl/y26* M pr[ O6186R6,S40iR6 S pr[ [13942A7* s. xypb, 16201.65 s. prs', 16201.66 s. prs 1kh-s ], 18102+Rl*, KG 3.79*, 07004+14, PsAl.79*, [RSH56* s. frm'y] M 1ps- n. m. 'sheep' M psy nom.sg. Ml15Vi4 M psyy nom.sg. Ml15Ril2,Ml15Rii7 MS 2ps-, 'ps-, S 'prs- v.itr./tr. 'to ask', past stems M fst-, S pst-, MS ps't, S 'ps't. This verb is sometimes transitive (cf. the tr.pret. forms), sometimes intransitive (cf. the active sense of the pp. 'asking (after someone's health)'). M 'ps' 3.sg.impf M760R12* (ed. ['pr](s)', better ['p](s)') M 'psym I.pl.pres. MIKiii498ld5 M fstwb'ryy 2.sg.tr.pret. M591V2f (rstw# b'ryy), M674RIO (cf. Henning 1937, 98, ry

and GMS §536, where these two unpub­ lished attestations may be alluded to) M fstyy past inf(?) M6957.2 M ps' 2.sg.impv. M880iV6 M ps' 3.sg.impf TaleA21,TaleE34 M ps'nd 3.pl.impf M118iR10,M118iV8 M ps'ndt 3.pl.impf BBB612 M ps'tcS'r'nd 3.pl.tr.pret. M127Vl1 S 'prs' 3.sg.impf 10100eV9, 14638iR20*, L95+7*,TaleI32 S 'prs'nt 3.pl.impf KG369 S 'prs'y 2.sg.opt.(?) RSHl14* S 'ps' 2.sg.subj.(?) RSH126 S 'ps'nt 3.sg.pres.(?) HC36.19R2 S 'ps'nt#k'm 3.pl.fut. TaleH21f S 'ps'ty pp. BezA124 S ps' 3.sg.impf TaleAS5 S ps'm l.sg.pres. GGZl.20 S ps'ty pp. BezC3, BezC12, BezC18, BezC 22,BezC24,BezC28,BezC29 S ps'y 2.sg.opt.(?) RSH68, RSH71, RSH87*, RSH108* S psb' 2.pl.impv. 20503R3, O2586aR4, TaleJ R (Ms pos', ed. pcSsn, see Yoshida 2000a, 84) S pst' 2.pl.impv. 15530R6 S psty-skwnw 3.sg.pres.dur. ANa5 S pstw-c>'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.10 M ps' s. 2ps-, pts'r MS 1ps'k, M 'ps'k n.f 'wreath,garland' M 'ps'k CF16 M ps'k KawV14, KawV22*, M6132B5, [ML 2.15 s.fs'k] M ps'kt pl. KawV15 S ps'k 18102+R16 S ps'kh 18430Ai4,HC36.9R9 S ps'kw TaleG27 S 2ps'k s. Js 1k M ps'kyc, name of the fourth month M ps'kyc Fast2.l8* S ps'ty s. 2psM 1ps'w n. '(act of) touching' M ps'w BBB663 M 2ps'w v.tr. 'to touch',past stem ps'wt M ps'wtb'rm l.sg.tr.pret. BBB576,BBB578 M ps'wcyky fut.pt.ob[. M5051V9* ('(what is) tangible') S ps'wyt- s. pswc S ps'ws'nt RSH70, ps'wxs- s. pswxsM psk Gl/y22. Unknown word, see Henning 1940, 57. Morano 2004, 104, has (f)s[']k, but there is not enoll;gh space for this resto­ ration. M pskwyoywn••h s. pw-pskwybywn••b

Sogdian Spst-, psty a. 'fallen; lowered' S pstw acc. BezA32,BezB27

S psty 14726V7 S pst't s. pts(t M pstk'ry, S pstk'r'k, S 'pstk'r'y, 'pstk'ry n.m. 'helper,assistant' M pstq'ryy M125R2 S 'pstk'r'yt pl. KG413 S 'pstk'ry TaleHl7 S pstk'r'k TaleK20 Spstn- n.f 'delay' S pstnh nom.-acc.sg. 10100k+R26 MS pswc, S 'pswc v.tr. 'to purify', past stem M pswyt-,S 'pswyt-,'ps'wyt-,ps'wyt­ M p'swc 3.sg.impf Ml29Vl0 M pswc 2.sg.impv. BBBf87,CF67 M pswyty pp.(?) M664R6 (cited as pswyt- in GMS §591) M pswytyy pp. M14R27,Ml087.2(?) M pswytyy pp. M118iiR16, M674V3* (cited as pswyt- in GMS §591) M pswyt[ O6182Aii4* S 'ps'wyt'kpp . KG599*,KG613 S 'pswc 2.sg.impv. Ps568 S 'pswc'y 2.sg.pres. Ps604* S 'pswcny pres.pt. Ps624 (ed. 'pswc'y) S 'pswyt'kpp. 14000R38* S 'pswyt'y pp. SLN41 S p'swcy 2.sg.impf Ps623 S ps'wyty pp. AN84 S pswc 2.sg.impv. Ps387 S pswcyn'kw pres.pt. Ps383 M pswk, S 'ps'wk n. 'purification'. BT XVII, 108. M pswq Ml4V5 S 'ps'wkw SS130 MS pswxs-, S ps'wxs-, 'ps'wxs- v.itr. 'to be purified' M pswxs't 3.sg.subj. Ml07iVii9 S 'ps'wxsty-k'm 3.sg.fut. KG415 S ps'wxs'nt 3.pl.pres. RSH70 (Ms ps'ws'nt), RSH75* S pswxs'nt3.pl.pres. SS161 S psxw'n n. 'defamation'(?) S psxw'n Talel21 M 1 psy s. 1 psMS 2psy n.m. 'inquiry, interrogation' M psyy M116V15 S psy ANc9 M psya n. 'fail,failing' M psyyb CF53 S psya-,'psyc>- v.itr. 'to fail,run out' S 'psyo'nt 3.pl.pres. HC37.1.10 S psyc>ty 3.sg.pres. 18102+R13


MS psyp,S 'psyp,'ps'yp n. 'slander' M psyyp M4435.14* S 'ps'ypw 18248i31,18248i42 S 'psypw 18248i35 (Ms 'spypw) S psypw l8248i26 M psypw'(3ky' n.f 'slander' M psypw'f3ky' Ml18iiV12 M psyr'mndy n.m. '(act of) cooling' M psyr'mndyy Gl/bl2 s ps n. 'lip' S pst pl. 16201.26,List4.8 M ps'bwty, MS ps'pwty n.m. 'after-Buddha'. GMS §1143 suggests that the 'after-Bud­ dhas' are 'those who come after Buddha'. M ps'bwMpl. M599V7 M ps'bwtYtYY pl.obi. Fast5.10* M ps'pwty! pl. M5266V1 S ps'pwtytw pl. 18196Vl MS ps >(3r,S pys"�r n. 'provisions' M ps'f3r M134iiV4 S ps'�r TaleI47 S pys"f3r KG366 M ps'yryw, ps'yrywy, S,ps'yryw'k, 'ps'yrywy n.m. 'deputy,successor'. Gershevitch 1985, 12, 13, 162-3; Sundermann 2001, 813-25; Leurini 2004. M ps'yryw M116R12 M ps'yrywy M1828V3 (misprinted -g-, Cat.) S 'ps'yrywy BezA38,BezBl S ps'yryw'k RSH5 l* M ps'h'ry s. ps 'x 1 M ps'k, S 'ps'k n. 'abortion'. Henning 1943, 53. On the distinction between pjwk and ps'k see Sundermann 2001,701. M ps'k M485b1 M ps'q M129Rl2 M ps'ktpl. Ml41+V7 M ps'kt pl. M7800iiR2, M7800iiR12, M7800 iiV6 M ps'q! pl. M7800iihdl,M7800iiR9 S 'ps'k 10263(1)+R10 M ps'm, 'ps'm V. 'to swallow, gulp'. Henning 1940, 23-4; GMS §892 n. 1; cf. also Pa 'bs'm- 'to swallow, consume', DMT III/1, 14b. M 'ps'mnyt pres.pt.pl. Gl/b20* M ps'm'nd 3.pl.pres.(?) Gl/b21* M psmty' kty, read [p]s](yn'k) with Lieu 1994,29-30 n. 27,or better still -w](yn'k)) M *ptkwxs- v.itr. 'to be pierced'(?),past stem ptkwyt-. Cf. MacKenzie 1970, 35; Gershe­ vitch 1985,54. M ptkwytyy 3.sg.m.itr.pret. BBBf74 (Hen­ ning 1937,132b: pp.) M ptk[ Gl/x4* S ptm,b'k n.m. 'curdling agent, rennet'. Cf. MP pym'dg '*id.', SS67. The root is *mad, cf. C m'dn 'leaven' (Sundermann 1981,187 n. 195), Pa m's-, MP m'syh- 'to coagulate', DMT IIl/1, 227a), Khot. may- 'to ferment' (Bailey 1979,329).


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S ptm'8'k GGZl.57*, HC36.10V5 MS ptm'k n. 'measure' M ptm'k ANe21, BBBf53 M ptm'k CF13 S ptm'k 14742V3, [RSH102* s. pw-ptm'k] S ptm'kh 18140+iV7 (thus Yoshida 2010, 18; Sims-Williams 1991, 326 n. 14, ptm'nh), ANl1, 07035.2 S ptm'n n. 'measure'(?). Doubtful reading. (Regarding a supposed ptm'nh in 18140+ iV7 see s.v. ptm'k.) S ptm'n Xw/b4*(?) S ptm'wyt- s. ptmync S ptm'wk s. ptmwk S ptms- v. 'to understand'(?). Cf. Pa pdms­ , 'id.' (DMT III/1, 269b)? Or perhaps a mis­ spelling of ptyms- 'to come to an end'? S ptms'ntw 3.pl.pres. Ps581 M ptmty KawKl7* s. ptyms­ MS ptmwyt- s. ptmync MS ptmwk, S ptm'wk n. 'clothing, garment' M ptmwk CF15 M ptmwk CF62 S ptm'wkh HC36.10R9 S ptm'wkw SS129 S ptmwkw 13943R6 MS ptmwxs- v.itr. 'to clothe oneself, be clothed' M ptymwxs 3.sg.impf M7800iiR10* S ptmwxs 3.sg.impf RSH105 (scribal error for *ptymwxs?) S ptmwxs'ntk'm 3.pl.fut. 20103B2* S ptmwxst3.sg.pres.(?) RSH160 (end of line, perhaps incomplete?) S ptymwxs'ntw 3.pl.impf 14030R7 S tptmwxt 14153+iV4* s. ptmync M ptmw[ M504B3* MS ptmyc,y, S ptmy8'y, ptmy8'k a. 'daily' M ptmy8yy BBB674, BBB720* M ptmybyh BBB750 M ptmyMyy BBBal S ptmy6'k 13943R5 S ptmy6'y SS129 S ptmy6y AN120, Xw2.10 MS ptmync v.tr. 'to clothe, dress', past stem MS ptmwyt-, S ptm'wyt­ M ptmwytyy pp. BBB488 M ptmwytyy pp. BBB561 M ptmwytyy pp. BBB667 M ptmync't 3.sg.subj. M915V8 (GMS §536: past inf.) M ptmyncm 1.sg.pres. M530V6 M ptmyncnyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR2 S pt'ymync 3.sg.impf KG607* S ptm'wyt'k pp. KG615

S ptmwyt8'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. TaleH7 S ptmwyty pp. 14153+iV4* (ed. pt(m)[wxt, rather pt(m)[wyty), 14153+iV7* (ed. pt(m/rwr )[, rather pt(mwyt)[y]) S ptmwyt... 20129V3* (Kat. ptmw[, Yoshida 2008, 59, ptmw[yt...) M ptmyr'k n. 'ruby'. Indian loanword, Hen­ ning 1940, addenda-slip. M ptmyr'k Gl/c11 S ptm[ Ps418* M ptn- n.m. 'town'. Indian loanword. M ptny'h loc.sg. BBB698 MS ptnwy, S ptnw'y, ptnw'k adv. 'anew, again' M ptnwyy M591R3 S ptnw'kw KG449 S ptnw'y O2075R9 S ptnwy ptn#wy AN75f* M ptnym s. jn'-ptnym, tryw-ptnym S ptnym n. 'companion'(?) S ptnymt'y pl.obl. 18434V10* M ptnyz v.tr. 'to roast' M ptnyyz'ndt 3.sg.pres.(?) Gl/h25* M ptnyyz[ Gl/hl6 S ptpt'yn a. 'contrary' S ptpt'yn KG483 S tptpw ..y KG482* s. ptkwn-ayn 'k M PtPYY s. pw-ptpy MS 1ptr-, 'ptr-, S 'BY, 'BY' n.m. 'father' M 'ptry nom.sg.(?) M771R5 (cited as 'ptr-, OMS §178) M ptr' abl.sg. M5571V3 M ptry gen.sg. Ml72iV13 M ptryy gen.sg. M172iR17, M5266R8 (as abl.) M ptryy nom.sg.(?) MIKiii4981a4 M ptryyh nom.sg. M143Ri5 (as acc., GMS §1174) S 'BY Ps650, SSl18 S 'BY' Ps390 (thus ed�, BTT XI, 166a, n�y'), Ps660 S 'BYw GGZl.17, KG3.3, KG3.14*, KG 3.22, KG3.41 *, Ps359(1) (Ms '}:IYw), Ps 359(2) (Ms [']I:IYw),Ps579, SS163 S 'ptr' abl.sg. 14153+iR7, HC36.1VS* S 'ptr' voc.sg. Ps576, Ps576, Ps585, Ps593*, Ps598*,Ps603,Ps620,Ps624* S 'ptr'y nom.sg. 10263(1)+V2 (misprinted prt'y) S 'ptrty' gen.pl. Ps439 S 'ptry gen.sg. 14742Vl5, Ch/U6886V8, GGZl.16* (Ms 'pt(r)), KG525, KG551 S 'ptry nom.sg. 14153+iR10*(?), BezA12, BezB6, Ch/U7275V2(?), frg28.1*, GGZ 1.9 (as acc.), HC36.7V14 (as acc.), KG419,

Sogdian 010001.3(?), Ps438* (as voe.), Ps439 (as voe.), Ps593 (as voe.) S ptry nom.sg.(?) 20506+V13, [ANcl3, un­ likely reading] MS 2ptr- v.tr. 'to pluck, pull out (hair)' M ptr'nd 3.pl.pres. M549ii23* (ed. (f)tr-, with (p)tr- as alternative) S p'tr 3.sg.impf Ch/U6704V15 S 1ptr'm n. 'quiet, peace' S ptr'm 18101+R14, SS127* MS 2ptr'm v.itr. 'to become still, cease', v.tr. 'to still, quieten', past stem S ptr'mt M ptr'mt 3.sg.pres. ANe19 S ptr'm'nt 3.pl.pres. AN133 S ptr'mt kwn'y 3.sg.opt.tr.pot. Frg5.9 S ptr'wp s. ptrwp S ptr'y8 s. 2ptryb S ptr'ys s. 2ptrys S ptr'z n. 'height'(?). Cf. Benveniste 1940, 181, on P2.964. S ptr'z 18432V7 MS ptrk'n n. 'patrimony; plot of cultivated land'. Henning 1937, 71. M ptrk'n BBBal1, TaleB56 M ptrk'ndt pl. BBB569 S ptrk'n GGZl.17 M ptrst- s. ptryj M ptrstr a. 'more exalted' M ptrstr M264aR14 M ptrwc, v.itr. 'to grow', past stem S ptrwst­ M ptyrw8 3.sg.impf. BBB580 S ptrwsty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. KG393 M ptrwp, S ptr'wp n. 'castle, fortress' M ptrwp BBBb36 S ptr'wpw KG584 S ptrwsty s. ptrwb S ptrwxs a. 'shining, bright'(?) S ptrwxs BezB17 S ptryj3nt BezC8. Unclear. M 1ptryc, n. 'mixture' M ptryM BBB581 MS 2ptryc,, S ptr'y8, C ptry8 v.tr. 'to mix', v.itr. 'to be mixed, associate', past stems M ptryst-, S ptry6t M ptry6 2.sg.impv. M568V5 M ptryb'nd 3.pl.pres. BBBf35 M ptry8t 3.sg.pres.(?) M6765iR4 M ptrysc' pp.acc.sg.f CFl19 S pt'yry8 3.sg.impf RSH99* S ptr'y8 3.sg.impf 14638iV18 (scribal error for *ptyr'y8? not a noun as implied by Sun­ dermann 2001, 155 n. 217) S ptr'y8t 3.sg.pres. RSH138 S ptry6t'kt pp.pl. O2075R10* S ptry8t'kw pp. SLN95*


S ptyry6 3.sg.impf KG3.29, KG3.32 C ptyry8 3.sg:impf TIIB8V6* MS ptryby a. 'mixed' M ptryMc" abl.sg.f. SLN92* (f. *-c + abl.sg. m. -'?) M ptry8yy BBB591, SLN95* S ptry6y SS157 M ptryj, S ptryz v.tr. 'to hold up, raise, erect', past stems M ptrst-, S ptryzt M ptrstw8'md 3.pl.tr.pret. CF85 M ptrstyy pp. GI/t6 M ptryj't 3.sg.subj. L73+R7 S ptryz't 3.sg.subj. BezA85 S ptryzty pp. 18196R10 M ptrysc' s. ptryb M 1ptrys n. '(act of) tearing' M ptrys BBB501 M 2ptrys, S ptr'ys v.tr. 'to tear, tear away, destroy' M ptfystt 3.sg.pres.(?) M8200V3 M ptyrys 3.sg.impf BBBb98 S ptr'ys'y 2.sg.pres. Ps576 M ptrysty n. '(act of) tearing' M ptrystyy BBB492 S ptryt adv. 'antagonistically, against' S ptryt GGZl.45 ('that he may not pass judgement against me') S ptryz, ptryzt s. ptryj M ptry[ M794aiiV1* M ptrzty a. 'exalted, high'. Cf. C ptrzty, OMS §1285. M ptrztyy M8224.2* (Cat. ]rztyy, restore per-haps pt]rztyy) M ptr[ M4720.3*, [M6320.3 s. ptx[] M pts'c v.tr. 'to form, fashion, arrange, organize', past stem MS ptsyt-, S pts'yt­ M pts'cym I.pl.opt. CF71 M ptsyc' pp.nom.sg.f CF40 M ptsytw#8'q 3.sg.tr.pret. BBB563f M ptsyty past inf CF73 M ptsytyy pp. CFvl40 M ptys'c 3.sg.impf. BBB666 M ptys'c'nd 3.pl.impf CF87 M ptys'cnd 3.pl.impf CF77, CF113 M ptys'cnd 3.pl.impf M549ii8 S pts'yt'kw pp. 10263(1)+R6 S pts'yt8'r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 14000Rl* S pts'yt8'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. 10263(l)+V9 S pts'yty pp. KB14(6) S ptsyty pp. KB7(1) M pts,c, n. 'shield'. Cf. S pts'8 'id.' with Schwartz 1967, 141-2, and translate: 'they took the men (as) a shield'? Differently Henning 1943, 69 with n. 3: 'shape, appearance'.


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M pts'b KawG7 S pts'yt- s. pts'c, ptsxsMS pts'k, S 'pts'k n. 'institution, order, arrangement, performance, activity, monu­ ment'. Henning 1937, 86. M p1S'k BBB725, BBBdll, L73+R8*, M14 V16, M871jA10 M pts'kt pl. Gl/bl4* M pts"qt pl. Gl/yl2* S 'pts'kw 18196R8, BezA23, BezA40 S 'pts'ky obl. BezA54, BezB37 S pts'k KBl(l), KBl7(1), KB22(2)*, KB 23(1) S pts'kh KG621 S pts'kw BezA87 MS pts'r, M ps' adv., c. 'then, thereupon' M 'rtpts'r CFl11 M 'ftpts'r CF73, KG2342* (ed. r]t(pt)s'r, better 'r]t(pt)s'r) M 'ftpts'r KawElO*, KawE15, M5563B3 M ps' MLl.40*(?) M ps'h BBB656, M712B4 M pts'r CF67, CF69, CF106 M pts'r KawC15*, M329cBil* (ed. Jts'(r), restore p]ts'(r)), M498biV2, M591R5, M760Vl1, M915R8, TaleA3, TaleA49, TaleD20*, TaleD26, TaleD42*(?) S pts'r 10077A3, 10200(6)R2, 13507Al*, 14000R10*, 14000R25, 18435R8*, 18437 A2, 20002+V25, AN156*, AN171, KB 11(4), KB14(1), KB22(6)*(?), KB23(2), KG3.15, KG3.27, KG3.58*, KG3.66, KG 3.74, KG3.84, KG3.85, L29+16, L29+16a, L37.14, RSH59*, TaleAS24*, TaleH5, Tale Kl, TaleK14 10263(1)+R6*, 10263(1)+R2, S rtpts'r 10263(1)+V6, 18700+R2, KG353, KG 535*, KG539, KG635, 07359+6, SS116, Talel52, [TaleK16* s. c'nw] S pts'rb s. ptsr/J S pts'rb'k s. ptsr8'k S pts'y n. 'deliverance'(?) S pts'y SS150 (thus Yoshida 1999, 163, ed. ptsny) M ptsyc' s. pts'c MS ptsyt- s. pts'c, ptsxsM ptsytr- a. 'better equipped' M ptsytryy nom.sg.m.(?) M6610R3 S tptsny s. pts'y S ptspnyh s. 'pw-ptspnyh M tptsr M64Rl. Thus ed., but read pt sr as two words, s. sr pt sr. S ptsr�, pts'rb(?) adv. 'afterwards' S pts'rb Talel12* (ed. pts[...], Gershevitch 1985, 34, pts['rb])

S ptsrb TaleG13 S ptsra'k, pts'rb'k a. 'yearly, annual' S ptsrb'k 13943R6* S pts'rb'kw SS129 M ptsrtky' n.f '(act of) being cooled' M ptsftqy' Gl/b13 MS ptsft, S pst't n. 'resistance, defence' M ptst't BBBf63, M6457.5* (Gershevitch 1965, 160a, pts(t)[, restore pts(t)['t) S pst't L27.3*, L27.8 S ptst't AN173*, AN175 M ptswxs- v.itr. 'to be lit', past stem MS ptswytM ptswytyy pp. M6330R7 (misprinted pt­ apud Yoshida 2000, 78) M ptswxsty 3.sg.pres. M5913R5* S ptswyt'kw pp. TaleH5 M ptsxs- v.itr. 'to be formed, performed', past stem ptsyt-, S pts'ytM ptsytyy 3.sg.m.itr.pret. BBBf74 (Henning 1937, 132b: pp.) M ptsxsyy 3.sg.opt. M549ii10 S pts'yty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. HC36.2R4, HC36.10 V4 M ptsyb v.itr. 'to appear'(?). Thus Morano 2009, 187, but the context is not clear. M ptysyb 3.sg.impf Ml134+V3 M ptsynd, S ptsynt v. itr. 'to agree, consent, be pleased' M ptsynd'skwn 2.pl.pres.dur. M617iiR10 (GMS §645) M ptsyndnyt pres.pt.pl. M617iiV12* S ptysynt 3.sg.impf KB12(1)*, KB16(1)* S ptysynt'nt 3.pl.impf TaleF6 M ptsynd'rmyk, S ptsynt'rmyk a. 'agreeable, pleasant' M ptsynd'rmykt pl. M617iiR9 S ptsynt"rmykw 10920+V15 M ptsyr- v.itr. 'to becom_e cold' M ptysyr'nd 3.pl.impf AR1a13 S pts[ Talel12 s. ptsro MS pts'aty' n.f 'rest, repose'. BT XII, 54. M pts'bty' M6102R5, M6330Vl S pts'My' BezA80, BezA8l S pts'nk n. 'cross'. Cf. C ptsnq 'id.', BT XII, 222b. S pts'nkyh obi. KG592 S pts'[ 14150+iV16 S ptsy[ PsAl.51 M 1ptsk'f n. '(act of) smashing' M ptsk'f BBB491, BBB509 M 2ptsk'f, S ptsk'/3 v.tr. 'to strike, break, smash' M ptsq'fnd 3.pl.pres. M549ii22 M ptsq'fyy 3.sg.opt. ANe7 ('when one strikes

Sogdian flint with flint') S ptsk'/3y 3.sg.opt. AN28* M *ptsk'w, S pck'w v.tr. 'to expel, reject'. BT XII, 179. The M form is uncertain, since a restoration ny]sk'wtq'[m] is equa11y possi­ ble, cf. nysk'w. M ptsk'wtq'm(?) 3.sg.fut. Ml700+A2* S pck'wt 3.sg.pres. AN20*, AN70 (Ms pckw't), AN73 S tptsk'w'k 10238(4)Rl * (Kat., 49). Unclear restoration for ptsk[. MS ptskw'n, S 'ptskw'n n. '(humble) speech, request' M ptskw'n M2022hdl* M ptskw'n BBBe16 S 'ptskw'n 19554.4 (ed. 'ptskwt, perhaps just badly writt�n -kw'n), BezB25, BezB33 (Ms 'ptskw'k), BezB65, BezB73, BezB79, 01186+6, 01320.4* S 'ptskw'nw 19554.5, BezA57, BezA58, Bez Al11, BezA130*, Ch/U6056V2 S ptskw'nh 20230V7, KB9(1)*, KB9(1), KB16(1), L44.1, L44.7, L44.12, 01146.5, 02495.2*, 02787.3*, 010052.1*, ST15.3* S ptskw'nw BezC7, BezC22 S ptskw'tyc n. 'request'(?) S ptskw'tycw RSH3*, RSH37*, RSH39* MS ptskwy-, 'ptskwy-, S ptskw'y- v.tr. 'to say (humbly), request', past stem MS ptskw't M 'ptskwyndM M121R4 (unclear form, GMS §170) M ptskw'Wrt 3.sg.tr.pret. M130bV2* M ptskwy'm 1.sg.pres. BBB748 M ptskwy'm 1.sg.pres. BBB618*, M420.2*, M1857V4 M ptskwy S pwty'k n.f 'buddhahood' S pwty'k RSH53* S pwtty'kh KG438 M pwty'n n.pr.m. DMT III/1, 287b; IPNB II/8, no. 966. M pwty'n Ml.65 M pwtyk, S pwt'yk n. 'boat' M pwtyk'h M137iiR4 (on the final -'h see GMS §974) S pwt'ykth pl. 14000R8 S pw-t[ a. 'without ...' S pw-t[ PsAl.73* S pwx'r a. 'Bukharan' S pwx'r List7b4 S pwxr s. ' ry'm'n-pwxr M tpwxt AR1a12 (Sundermann 1990, 16a), tpwx-ty (Henning 1937a, 87) s. pyx MS pwym'ny a. 'faultless'; also n.f(?), pro­ bably as the name of a text M pwym'nyy M134iRhdl S pwym'ny BezB51, BezB54 (misprinted -m'n) S pwyrwx 'buyruq, officer, minister', Turkish title S pwyrwxty pl.obl. KB16(1)* M pw-wyz'w a. 'inextinguishable' M pw-wyz'w M617iR8 S pwz' s. "k'm ky pwz' S pw-z'rcn a. 'pitiless' S pw-z'rcn HC37.2.3*, HC37.2.7


M pw-z'rcnwk, S pw-z'rcn'wk a. 'pitiless'. GMS §1164; Sims-Williams 1995b, 260b. M pw-z'rcnwq KawIV4* (or n'-z'rcnwq? ed. ny z'rcnwq), SLNak26fi' (pw#z'rcnwq) S pw-z'rcn'wktw pl. HC36.8R8* S pw-z'rcn'wkw HC36.8R6 S pwzk�ty s. pwskfty M pw-zrw a. 'ageless'. Sims-Williams 1984, 209 n. 23. M pw-zrw M821Bi3 S pw•y' 14425+Rl8* M pw•z[ Gl/y43* S pw[ 14700(1l)A3, KG325, L33.20, 010126 A2*, 05471+9, PsAl.67*, PsAl.79* S px'ns n. '(act of) turning away' S px'ns ss150 MS px'sw'cy a. 'quarrelsome' M px'sw'cy M2005R4 M px'sw'cyy Ml18iiR15 S px'sw'cy Ch/U6506V5* S pxl'w'n'k a. 'Parthian' S pxl'w'n'k KG399 S pxrk n. 'watchpost, frontier post'. WMiran. loanword. S pxrk KG400* M pxry s. pnxry M pxs•y Gl/q2*. Translates MP dxlg, but both words are unknown. Henning suggested 'butcher' (see DMT III/1, 148a), presu­ mably on the basis of S pxs- 'id.'. S pxtky s. 'spwrk' ry tws'rmy 'wt> '{3y-pxtky M pxw'k n. 'piece' M pxw'q BBB516, BBB528 M 1pxw'y n. '( act of) cutting off' M pxww'y BBBa7 MS 2pxw'y v.tr. 'to cut off' M p'xw'y 3.sg.impf MLI.16 S p'xw'y 3.sg.impf AN184, L37.9 S pxyz v.itr. 'to fall (on one's face)' S p'xyz 3.sg.impf L37.1 * (ed. p'y[, Yoshida 2001, 115 n. 5, p'xy[z]), L61.15* (ed. p'y[, read p'xy(z)[) M py n. Chinese, the third of the 'Ten stems' M pyy Ml15Ri10, Ml15Rii2 S tpy AN168. Doubtful reading. Read perhaps pr- as a false start for pr'y (a few words further on in the line). MS py'm v.tr. 'to heal', past stem S py'mt­ M py'mnyy pres.pt. Ml37iiR2 S py'm'n 1.sg.subj. KG535 S py'mo 2.pl.impv. KG530 S py'mt' 3.sg.f itr.pret. KG447 S py'mtw kwn'n 1.sg.subj.tr.pot. KG518 S py'mtw#b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG523f S py'myny pres.pt. Ps130* (ed. ••]•myny,

I ii'I.


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

read perhaps ](p)[y](')myny) M py't v.tr. 'to adorn', past stem pyst-, MS py'stM pyy'styt pp.pl. CFvl60* M py'tt 3.sg.pres. Gl/a24 M pystyy pp. CF28 M pystyt pp. CF56, CF60 M pystyyt pp.pl. CFvl56* (ed. Jstyyt, restore py]styyt) S py'styy pp. 18102+R17* M py> ty n.m. 'adornment, finery' M py'tyy CF17, CF63 MS py� n. 'elephant' M pyo M5690Rl s pyo 01004+23, ss111 MS py�'r postp. 'because of, on account of, for, concerning', often with prep. en M pyo'r BBB504, BBB522, BBB541, BBB 695, BBB713, BBBb66, BBBb81, KawE 19*, KawG25, KawKS, KawV2, Ml36Rl, M138V4, M428aV5, M659R3, M767iiR6, Mll02.3 (Cat. pyo'[, restore pyo'[r), M5030Rll, M5452.2, M6451hdl, TaleA38 M pyM'r MIKiii498ld2 S pyo'r 10085+R5*, 10791(3)A3, 10920+ Vl3, 10920+V29, 13101Vl, 13425(2)+A2, 14000R20, 14000R22* (ed. (p)[yo'r, but (p)[ystrw 'after' is also worth considering), 18058+R12*, 14638iV2, 14000R28*, 18248i3, 18432R8, 18435V5, 20220iiV17, 20502V5, AN2, ANl7, ANl73, Ch/U6506 V2, Frg6.8, Frg6.9*, GGZl.6, GGZl.8, GGZl.11*, GGZl.14, HC36.4Rl, HC36.8 V12, KB12(1), KG326, KG408, KG422, KG434*, KG443, KG458, KG499, KG507, KG3.23, L91+6, L91+8, L91+12, L95+6, L120.6, Ps398, Ps583*, PsAl.73* (misprin­ ted py(o)[r), SS108, SS109, SS130, SS151, TaleAS17, TaleF26, Talel55 S pyor Ps392 s. xwybk ky pyM z'nyb Spy�y TaleG19. Unknown word. Hardly a form of 2po- 'family' with ed. S pyk'ry s. tw-pyk'r S pyksy n.m. '(Buddhist) mendicant'. Indian loanword. S pyksyt pl. KG2.8 S pylk' s. 'lpw xwtlwy pylk', 'lpw yncw pylk', "y tnkryb' xwtpwlmys 'lpw pylk', 'yncw pylk' tyr'k, kwl pylk', tnkryb' 'wlwk pwlmys 'lpw xwtlwy 'wlwy pylk', tnkryb' pwlmys 'yl 'ytmys pylk', tnkryb' pwlmys kwlwk pylk', xwtlwy pylk' Spylyrzyny n.m. 'flute-player' S pylyrzyny G1Aiii2*

MS pyn v.tr. 'to open' M pynyh M4162.3 (no context) S pyn 2.sg.impv. Ps385 S pyny 2.sg.pres. Ps384 S 1pyr n. 'belief' S pyr Ch/U6370V2, RSH44* S 2pyr v.itr. 'to believe, believe in (+ pr)' S pyr"m l.sg.pres. RSHl1* S pyr'm J.sg.pres. [14153+iR10* s. pyrnm], RSH52* S pyr'nt ].pl.pres. Ps414 S pyr'ntk'm 3.pl.fut. 11603+4* S pyr'ntw 3.pl.pres. Ps397* S pyr't 3.sg.subj. 15530R5, 20503R2, ANc7, O2586aR3, TaleJR S pyr[ Ps583 s. pyrnmcyk S pyr�n n. 'saddle' S pyrony obl. L37.15, L37.19 S pyrn'm-s'r s. pyrnms'r MS pyrnm, S pyrn'm adv. 'formerly, before, first', postp. 'before, in the presence of' M pyrnm KawKl*, MLl.35, O6180aA3, TaleD39 S pyrn'm BezB26, BezC13 S pyrnm 14153+iR10* (ed. (py)r'm, more likely (py)rnm?), BezA31, Ch/U6419V10, KG3.64, KG3.85 MS pyrnmcyk a. 'former, first, primeval' M pyrnmcyk BBB755, KawG28*, O6196A4 S pyrnmcyk 18120R12, 18120R13, 18120 R14, ls-120V3*, 18120V4, 18120V5, 18120V6, 18120V7, 18120V8, 18120V9, 18120Vl0, 18120Vll, 18120Vl2*, 18120 V13*, 18120V14, BezA60*, KG616 S pyrnm-cykt pl. AN45 S pyrnmcyktw pl. Ps388 S pyrnmcykw BezB40, Ps579* S pyrnm-cykw 13101Vl5*, AN166, Ps583* (ed. pyr[...]w, but the restoration pyr[nm# cyk]w is implied by ihe translation) MS pyrnms'r, S pyrn'm-s'r postp. 'before, in the presence of' M pyrnms'r BBBe13, CF2, KG2327, M7800 iiV9*, TaleE6f (pyrnm#s'r) S pyrn'm-s'r Xwl.25 S pyrnms'r Ps417, PsAl.59* (ed. ](•nms'•)[, read py](r)nms'(r)[) S pyrnm-s'r 1020l(l)+R2, Ch/U6225V3, J5-G3.66, KG3.67, Ps651 MS pyrnmstr adv. 'formerly, first' M pyrnmstr ML2.l7 S pyrnm-str ANl73, �91+5 S pyrwt n. 'moustache'(?) S pyrwt 16201.35

Sogdian Spyrwz-wyspwxr n.pr.m. IPNB 11/8, no. 986. S pyrwz-wyspwxr BezA119 M pysny'tky' n.f Unknown word, abstract to an adjective *pys-ny'ty 'taken by ...'. M pysny'tky' M530R2 M pysty s. py't MS pysws 'Pesus', Pa and Sogd. name of the female abortion demon Nabroel or Nam­ rael, mother of the first human couple. Sun­ dermann 2001, 129 with nn. 243-4 on pp. 158-9; IPNB 11/8, no. 988. M pysws M14l+Rl4, M7800iiR10, M7800ii Vl4 M pysws'yy obl. M129R14 M pyswsyy obl. M7800iiV9 S pysws l4256V3 M pysy n.m. of unknown meaning. Morano 2009, 182, suggests 'magpie', but 'freck­ led' (Lurje 2010, 781 n. 5) or 'leper' (cf. C psyng 'id.', Hansen 1941, 26, identical with S 'ps'ynk' 'mottled (bird)', Gershevitch 1985, 164) are equally possible. M pysyy Ml30a+R5, Ml134+R7 S pys Xw/c6 s. pystryck S pys"l3r s. ps'f3r s pys'k, pys'y s. pysy Spysmwr� adv. 'after death' S pysmwro Frg6.5* Spysn(3'nt adv. 'one after the other'(?) S pysnl3'nt O2075R4 S pysnm'n 10100m[a]Rl. Unknown word, cf. perhaps MP psym'n 'regretful, penitent; regret, penitence' (DMT IIl/1, 285a). S pysnw 16201.52. Uncertain word, perhaps 'forearm'. S pysp�w adv. 'behind, after'. Differently Sundermann 2005a, 382-3: 'painting, pic­ ture'. S pyspow KG406 MS 1pyst adv., C. 'but' M 'qpyst CF59 M 'qypyst M399A5 M pyst L75.1* (ed. pys[, restore pys[t?), [M769R2 s. pysy] M pyst CFvl59*, KawIV3*, M794ciiR3, O6179B2, TaleE2, TaleE28, TaleE50 S pyst 18140+iV6*, 18140+iiR7, 20507b Vll, AN47*, AN60, AN67*, AN73, AN 131, ANl79, AN196, GGZl.47, KG2.9, KG3.7, L37.1, L61.15*, RSHl11, SS153, SS161, TaleKa13 S rtpyst KG335*, KG340, KG416* (ed. (r)[ty ••](t), restore (r)[tpys]t), L29+25* S2pyst a. 'sent'. Cf. Sims-Williams 1991a, 181.


S pyst Ll18.1 S pystrw posip. 'after'. Possible alternative restoration in 14000R22* (in place of pyo'r, q.v.). S pystryck a. 'future' S pys#tryck Xw /c6f* M pysty s. 2 pyz M pyswz'y n. 'inheritance, heirloom'. Cf. C pyswz'y 'id.', BT XII, 96. M pyswz'y SS146* MS pysy, S pys'k, pys'y n.m. 'limb'. Often in hendiadys with 'nomy, GMS §1635. Wrongly Benveniste 1979, 116 (cf. MacKenzie 1970, 48 s.v. 'stkpys'y). M pysyt pl. M769R2 (Ms pyst) M pysyt pl. AR1a13, BBB603, M776V2 M pyysyyt pl. M14R27 S pys'k 18126A2* S pys'y 20129V3 S pys'yt pl. KG372 S pysytpl. KG601* S pytm11603+9 s. ptyrn S tpyts'r 10650(1)R7* s. 'wts'r M pyx n. 'joint' M pyxt pl. ARlal2 (ed. pyxt; Sundermann 1990, 16a, pwxt; Henning 1937a, 87, pwxty [cf. Sims-Williams 1983, 44]; read p(y)xt with Yoshida 1992, 139b) M 1pyz n. '(act of) striking' M pyz BBB491, BBB509 S2pyz v.tr. 'to strike', past stem M pyst­ M pystytyy pp.pl.obi. ML2.13 S p-yzy 3.sg.opt.(?) Ch/U6392V2 Spyzt-, verb of unknown meaning, cf. perhaps Pa 1 pzd- 'to chase, frighten' or 1 pzd- 'to blow'. Less likely 3.pl.itr.pret. to 2pyz. S pyzt'nt 3.pl.pres.(?) 10053V2 M py[ M62Rl0*, M6291iiR1, Ol1078A4 Spy[ 10700a+V7, PsAl.70 M pz't s. 1 'pz't, S pz't s. 2'pz't M pz'tyk, S 'pz't'yk a. 'relating to the place of origin, native' M pz'tyk M2166.2 S 'pz't'ykw 14638iR4 Spzyyr v.itr. 'to shout, call out' S p'zyyr... impf 07252+4 M pzrn n. 'affliction, sorrow' M pzmM697A3 S pzty n.m. 'smoke' S pzty nom.sg. 10100b+V3 M tp•g[ M583iiR14* s. pt[ Sp•s'[ KG482* Sp..k'r KB21(1) S tp••p.. KB15(1) s. kwyzp­ Sp•.. t 18058+R21*


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Mp•..wtyy M767iiV1* S p....t 18058+V21* Mp[ Fast5.11, Gl/y31, KawE14, KG2365*, M5001Al*, Ml087.2, M1469.3, M1922.3, M2403.6*, M3229.3, M5592V2*, M6330 V15, O6153+V4, O6163V9, O6182Aiil*, O6182Biil*, O6188R2, O6188R4*, 06252 A3*, O6252B2* Sp[ 18190Vl*, 18435R6*, 18500B8*, 19552 B2, 20193bV10*, 20507aV5*, [BezA56* s. pwsty], BezA66*, BezAl00, Ch/U7058V4, Ch/U7058V9, Frg6.4, HC36.14Al*, HC 36.15R7, KB24(1), KG510, KG627, L61.13, L63R3, L91+13, [L97el * s. oynyfrn], 01320.1, O2655R7*, 05471+10, 07281.1*, 07004+23*, , 07004+10*, 07484.4, 09085.1*, 09122+2*, Ps414*, Ps Al.81, RSH148, SS135*, TaleGl, [TaleI47 s. 2pcy'y] S r'!3s. r'f S r'13'k 07144.2. Unknown word, perhaps a derivative of r'f. S r'l3'n, name of a king or of his people/ country. IPNB II/8, no. 997. S r'Wn 20506+V2, TaleJ8, TaleJll MS r'f> n.f 'way', also in phrase r'o sw- 'to travel' M r'6 BBB497 M r'M M765kV6, M5690V6, TaleB19 M r'oyy obl. BBB698 S r'o [10200(5)Rl0 s. 1 r't], 10200(5)V10, 14700(7)V10, AN144, AN148, AN153, GGZl.43, SS150, U6021.5(?) S r'o r'b AN146 S r'oh L29+27 S r'oy obi. AN146 MS r'c>c n. 'traveller', also used as a metaphor for the light particles temporarily residing in the bodies of the Elect M r'oc BBBal (Henning 1937, 89: adv. 'on the way') S r'och TaleKa27 S r'c>p'n n. 'robber' S r'op'nty pl.obl. GGZl.21* MS r'c>t'k a. 'dispatching, setting (someone) on the way' M r'Mfk TaleB9 S r'ot'kw L105+iii3, TaleG27 M r'f, S r'!3 n.f 'sickness, disease' M r'f CF47, M502pB2, MLl.26 M r'fyy obl. BBB699, M134iR4 S r'!3 18196R2, TaleI2 S r'!3h L91+3 S r'!3w KG3.87*

S r'!3y obl. TaleI53*(?) S r'!3yh obi. HC37.1.14*, KG518*, KG523, KG530, KG535, KG555, KG574* M r'fk'w a. 'ill' M r'fk'w M502oA6* M r'fkyn a. 'ill' M r'fqyn M5588Rlf* (Ms r'](f)#qyn) MS r'y n.f 'plain' M r'y CF36 M r'yt pl. M715ciV3 S r'yty pl.ob!. SS162 MS r'k n. 'vein' M r'k CF123, Gl/y37, M141+Vl1 M r"kt pl. Gl/y49*(?) M r'ktyy pl.ob!. KawK14 S r'k L33.4* S r'kh 10260(1)A5, SLN42 Mr'm, S *r'm, name of the twenty-first day of the month M r'm Fast2.8* S *r'm Ch/U6434V5 (Ms rm/'M) S r'm'nt-f3yrt-w'xsy a. 'fluent in speech, loquacious' S r'm'nt-!3yrt-w'xsyt pl. AN128 (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, ed. -w'xst) M r'mnd, r'm'nd, r'mndy, S r'm'nt, r'm'nty adv. 'always', with negative 'never' M r'm'nd BBB557*, BBB669 M r'mnd BBBb61, Gl/g23, TaleB13, TaleE 20 M r'mndt M264aR7 M r'mndyy CF129, M5030R8, M5266V6, TaleE3 S r'm'nt 13700aB5*, 14151+iV5, 20502V5*, KG417, KG421, KG633, KG2.4, L44.14, 07004+14*, 07004+9, O6406Bl*, TaleKa22 07004+17*(?), TaleI4, S r'm'ntw BezA58, PsA1.73 S r'm'nty 18058+V6, 20507bV5, AN82, BezA64, BezB20, Ch/U8123aV2, PsAl.58, SS163 M r'mr'twxf3y- n.m.(!) 'Joyful(?) God', a name of the Mother of Life. Sundermann 2001, 163, 560. M r'mr'twx!3yy nom.sg.(?) Gl/dl5* M r'mr'twx!3yyy gen.sg. Ml72iR18 S r'm[ 10958R2 M *r'nyck n. 'belt'(?). Uncertain. The Ms has rJ Jc[ corresponding to MP 'by'ng. See MacKenzie 1999, 506, for the suggestion (not noted in DMT Ill/1, 16a) that both words mean 'belt' a:o.d the tentative restor­ ation r['ny]c[q. M r'nycq Gl/e2* s r'st'w-c'rys. rst'wc'r

Sogdian S r'styk a. 'righteous, just'(?). Cf. perhaps Bactr. paptoyo, rstyg (Sims-Williams 2009, 264a). S r'styk 07144.1 MS 1r't n. 'gift' M r't M14Vl, SLNak47 M r'M� obl. Ml72iR4 M r'tyy obl. Ml4V3 S r't 10200(5)R10 (Ms r'6), 18120Vll, 20507aV6, [List5.5* s. nwy-r't], SS164 (thus Yoshida 1999, 163, ed. z't) S 2r't n. 'rajah, king'. Indian loanword. S r"t TaleKa6 S 3r'ts. 1r'y S tr'x RSH29 s. rnx MS 1r'y v.itr. 'to weep', past stem S 3 r't M r"yt 3.sg.pres. Gl/hl7*(?) M r'yynd 3.pl.pres. M549ii22 M r'ynyh pres.pt. Gl/e3 S r't past inf(?) 20506+V13 S r'to'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. KG3.9 S r'y 3.sg.impf AN168 S r'y'm-skwn l.sg.pres.dur. 14742Vl1 S r'yt 3.sg.pres. 07462.3*(?) M 2r'y s. gwysn 'y [. .. ]'n r'y M r'ycyk a. 'weeping'. Translates Pa brmg 'id.'. GMS §1018 tentatively suggests 'to be wept over'. M r'yycyq Gl/h15 S r'yh TaleG8. Unclear word. S r'ymst-f3rwx n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1007. S r'ymst-!3rwx BezA114, BezC21 Mr'ymst-frzynd n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1008. M r'ymst-frzynd M481.4 S r'ymst-yzc> n.pr.m. IPNB Il/8, no. 1009. S r'ymst-yzo BezB55* S r'yzs. ryj S r'z n.f 'secret, mystery' S r'z HC36.1V7*, HC36.1V9, HC36.6V4 S r'zh 10100k+Rl3, 20220iiV22 S r'zyh obl. Frg5.6(?) S r'z's[ 20206A6* S r'zy'n a. 'secret, mysterious' S r'zy'n KG479* Sr'zyk 07144.3. Unknown word, perhaps a derivative of r'z. Sr'[ 07004+54, 07144.5* S rf3'nw (or RB-?) 14742V22. Unknown word. S RBfrn n. 'Great Majesty', used as an honorific for high clerics S RBfm BezA65, BezA133, BezA25', U6021.2 S RBfmy obl. BezA31, BezA128, U6021.6 S RBprn BezA56 S RBks. mzyx


S RBkm'ny a._ 'arrogant' S RBkm'nyty pl. 18248i2 (not obi.) S RBky'khs. mzyxy' S RBprns. RBfrn S rc Y nk n. 'Ardahang', title of a work by Mani.

Sundermann 2005a. S ro'nk BezB54 Mrhnd, S rx'nt n. 'arhant'. Indian loanword. M rhnd KawIV6*, M169iR2, M286iiV1, M5264R4 S rx'ntty 18248i40 (not obl.) S rm Ch/U6434V5s. r'm, S trm L45.2s. on S rm'y n.m. 'flock' S rm'y Ps388 S rms SS152. Scribal error, cf. BT XIX, 152. S rm[ 20193bV9* Mrnf v.itr. 'to fight, strive', past stem S rn!3't. Yoshida 1994, 24-5. M rnfnd 3.pl.impf M1134+R2 S rn!3't 'ko'r'nt 3.pl.pret.tr.pot. TaleKal7 MS rnx n. 'lie, deception'. Cf. C rx 'id.', Reck 2007, 62. M rnx M2408.3 S rnx RSH29 (ed. r'x) S rnx'w s. rxnM rnyy SLNa1121s. "ztk'rny MS 1rst- n.f 'truth', also as predicative adjective 'true'. Cf. BT XII, 99, 224a. M rsf nom.sg. M591V4 S rst' acc.sg. Talell 1, Talel14 S rsty' abl.sg. KG549 MS 2rst-, rsty a. 'true' M rstyy M501giR2, TaleB20 S rstw acc.sg.m. Ps359(1), Ps359(2) S rsty 10200(5)V10, Ps576 S rstyt pl. 14150+iR16* S rsty[ Ch/U6225V3*, Ch/U7201V6* MS rst'wc'r, S r'st'w-c'r n. 'consolation'. Sundermann 1998. M rsfwc'ryy obl. Fast5.7* S r'st'w-c'ry obl. BezB50 S rst'wc'r TaleJ7, TaleJ15, TaleJ18* MS rsty'k n.f 'truth, rectitude'. The sixth of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BTXI, 51 n. 8. The fifth part of the third cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 139. The first of the five com­ mandments for the Elect and, in M14, the sixth 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M rsty'k M5690V4, MLl.13 M rsty'k M14V21, M1828V6* M rsty'q M664R16* Mrsty'q SLNak77 S rsty'k Ch/U6046V2*, Ps131 S rsty'kh 18102+V7*, KG450, KG453, KG 603*, KG637, Listl+v6*, Listl+viiil*,

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian


Ps384 S rsty'kw 10202.8 S rsty'ky obl. KG527 S rsty-wx,rs-bf3ry a. 'providing the right (way to) salvation' S rsty-wx'rs-0!3rytw pl. BezA21 S rt BezA35 s. 'rty S rtl3 s. 'rty, 2 -/3 S rtl3y s. 'rty, {3y­ S rtl3n s. 'rty, -fn S rtl3y s. 'rty, -f S rtcn, rtcnn s. 'rty, en S rtko, rtko' s. 'rty, ka S rtkory s. 'rty, kory S rtkoxw s. 'rty, ko, xw S,rtm s. 'rty, -m S rtm'xw s. 'rty, 1 m'x S rtmn s. 'rty, -mn S rtms s. 'rty, ms S 1tmy s. 'rty, -m MS rtn- n.m. 'jewel'. Indian loanword. M rtnt' ace.pl. ANe13 M rtnyy nom.sg.(?) M372Vi6 S rtnt' nom.pl. AN34, ANll0, SS119 S rttnt' nom.-acc.pl. 14000Rll*, 14000R15, 14000R30 [S rtnw 20001+V8* s. 'rt'w] S rttny nom.sg.(?) 18200V4 M rtnf3'myk a. 'resplendent like a jewel' M rtn13'myk M134iiR1 M rtnk n.pr.f M rtnk Ml.149 S rtnwkr s. 'rty, nwkr M rtnyny, S rtn'yn'k a. 'bejewelled' M rtnynyy CF63 S rtn'yn'kw Ps417* S rtpts'r, M trtpts'r KG2342 s. 'rty, pts'r s rtpyst s. 'rty, pyst s rtsc s. 'rty, -s, -c s rtsn s. 'rty, s rtsw, rtsy s. 'rty, -s MS rtw n. 'period of ten seconds, moment' M rtw Fastl.25, Fastl.26*, Fast2.23* M rttw M14R2, M14R4 M rtww Fast3.4, Fast3.8, Fast3.12, Fast3.20, Fast3.33 M rtww M767iiR2 S rtw rtw Xwl.22* s rtwo s. 'rty, woy S rtxh s. 'rty, 1x' S rtxw s. 'rty, xw S rty s. 'rty M trtY L74V5, M591V3 s. 'rty S rty-'mn s. 'rty, -mn S rty'M s. 'rty, on


S rty-!3y s. 'rty, -f S rty-cy-!3y s. 'rty, -s, f3y­ S rtyko s. 'rty, kb S rtyms s. 'rty, ms S rty-my s. 'rty, -m S rtynwkr s. 'rty, nwkr s rtysn, rty-snn s. 'rty, -sn s rtysnms s. 'rty, -sn, ms s rtysw, rtysy s. 'rty, -s S rty-wr s. 'rty, -wr S rtyZKn s. 'rty, 'wyn S rt[ s. 'rty MSC rw'n, S 'rw'n n.m. 'soul'. The variant spelling S 'rw'n (18112Rl0) is also attested in Buddhist texts, so is unlikely to be wholly due to Pa influence. M rw'n BBB622, BBBb57, BBBb66*, BBBb 81, BBBf14, BBBf17, M14V17, M134iV8, M598V7, M794ciR2, M6132A5, M6132 B3*, M6132B6*, [ML2.6 s. rw'n gryw], SLNak8 M rw'n' voc.sg. BBBb97 (GMS §1222) M rw'ndpl. KG2337, M814iV2, O6153+V2 M rw'ndyy pl.obl. BBBc14, O6153+V5* M rw'ntyy pl.obl. M6330Vll M rw'ny obl. M14R26* M rw'nyl_} obl. BBB679 M rw'nyy obl. BBBf39, M14R24, M14V24, SLNak8, SLNak22, TaleB15 S 'rw'n 18112Rl0 S rw'n 10077B3*, 10239(l)+iR6, 20203R2, AN191, AN194, AN200, [BezA127, BezB 71 s. Jryhrw'n], Frg5.12, [Frg6.5*, ed. (ZK) (r)[w'n, rather (ZKn)[?], HC36.7V2, KG 369, KG371, KG373, KG374, M2233R2, 07004+32, Ps130, Ps570, Ps818*, SS112, [SS129 s. fryhrw'n], SS134, TaleAS34 S rw'nh 20002+V5, 20129V3 (Ms rwnh), ( [ANl13 s. rw'nh-pt: n'kyh], AN181, SLN 41*, TaleG16, Talel28* S rw'nt pl. [14150+iR15* s. fryhrw'n], HC37.2.11, KG570, Ps389 S rw'nthpl. 18058+V20* S rw'ntw pl. BezA95, [BezA123 s. fryh rw'n] S rw'nty pl.obl. 10100b+Vl, [BezC19 s. fryhrw'n], HC36.8V8*, KG544*, KG564, Ps581, Ps586, Ps590, RSH47, SS164 S rw'nw 18700+R4, [BezCll, BezCl7 s.

fJYhrw'n] S rw'ny obl. L95+6, Ps60 S rw'nyh obl. HC36.10R6* C rw'ntpl. TIIB8R21 M rw,n gryw 'soul (and) body'. WMiran. phrase in Sogd. context. M rw'n gryw ML2.6

Sogdian S ... -rw'n'y a. 'having a ... soul' S ...-rw'n'yt pl. TaleKa10* S rw'ncn a. 'caring for the soul'. Yoshida 1999, 163. S rw'ncn SS129 M rw'ndy', rw'ndty' s. jystrw'ndy', systrw'ndy' M rw'ng'n, . 'rw'ng'n, S rw'nk'n n. 'alm.s'. WMiran. loanword. DMT III/1, 297. M 'rw'ng'n M858al M rw'ng'n Ml857R4 S rw'nk'n KG414 S rw,nh-ptz'n'kyh n.f. 'understanding of the soul' S rw'nh-ptz'n'kyh ANl13 MS rw'nmyc, S rw'nmync, rw'nymync a. 'spiritual' M rw)nmyc M6330R14, TaleE4 S rw'nmycw Ps389 S rw'nmync BezA80, Ch/U6782cV9* S rw'nmynch SLN41 * S rw'nmyncw BezB29 S rw'nymynch TaleKa20 M rw'nsp'sy n.f (?) 'soul-service'. Henning 1944, 143 n. 6; GMS §1428. M rw'nsp'syy M549ii9, M549ii10* S rw'rt a. 'fine, delicate, small'. GMS §100. S rw'rt AN165 S rw'rth 10100b+Vl(?) S rw'rtyh n.f. 'delicacy'. GMS § 100. (See also s.v. S 'rwrty'kh.) S rw'rtyh Listl+iii7 S rw'zy n.m. 'bliss'(?) S rw'zy BezA84 MS rwf3 n. 'mouth'. Benveniste 1940, 203. M rwl3 M137iiR7 M rwl3yh obl. BBB592 M rwl3yy obl. Mll7.6 S rwl3y ob!. BezA33, BezB29, 07004+9 MS rwc n. 'day', only used in combination with the names of the days of the month (cf. Sundermann 2008, 414 n. 72). OP loanword. M rwc Fastl.24*, Fast4.3, Fast4.6, Fast4.9*, Fast4.14*, O6191R10*, 06191 Vl1* M rwcy obl. M2319.4 M rwcyy obl. Fastl.2, Fastl.3, Fastl.4*, Fast 1.6*, Fastl.7*, Fastl.8, Fastl.9, Fastl.10, Fastl.11*, Fastl.14, Fastl.16, Fastl.17, Fastl.19*, Fastl.20*, Fast2.5*, Fast2.7*, Fast2.8*, Fast2.16, Fast2.18, Fast2.19, Fast 2.20, Fast2.21*, Fast2.22*, Fast2.23, Fast 2.24, Fast3.6, Fast3.10, Fast3.14, Fast3.27, Fast3.31 M rwcyh ob!. Fast3.22 M rwcyyh ob!. Fast3.l


S rwc Ch/U6_434V5 (Kat. kwc) S rwcn n. 'window'(?) S rwcn 15800V8* MS rwcyk, S rwc'yk, rwtcyk n. 'daily ration, daily food (provided by the Hearers for the Elect)', perhaps also 'daily fast'. BT XIX, 144. M rwcyk M399B3, M399B6 S rwc'ykw SS128* S rwcyk 13880B4 S rwtcykw SS129 MS rwl) v.itr. 'to grow', past stem rwst­ M rww6 3.sg.impf. BBB580 M rwo'nd 3.pl.inj.(?) Gl/o5 (Henning 1940, 47: subj.) M rwstyh pp. CF29 S rw8n l.sg.subj. GGZl.53 S rw8nt 3.pl.pres. 18700+R4* S rwot 3.sg.pres. RSH125, SS119 S rwsty pp. RSH153* M rwl)ny a. 'made of copper, brazen'. (GMS §547, following Henning 1940, 47, assigns rw6nyy in Gl/o4 to a pres. stem *rw6n 'to cause to grow', but the existence of Sogd. causatives in -n- is very doubtful. The MP equivalent rwynyy may be a noun 'brassi­ ness' according to Henning's alternative suggestion.) M rwonyy Gl/o4 M rwonyt pl. TaleE51 S rw�[ 20138Vl*, 010024.1* S rwyn n. 'oil' S rwyn Ch/U6104V3, KG550, KG552, KG 572, KG580 S rwyny obl. SS110 S rwnh 20129V3 s. rw'n S trwny 20230V12, read rty, s. 'rty M rwp v.tr. 'to reap' M rwp'ndt ].pl.pres. M399A2* M rwp,s, MS rwps n. 'fox'. Also as n.pr.m. Not in IPNB II/8. M rwp's M6011Rii6 (n.pr.m.) M rwps M2155.4 S rwps KG3.74, KG3.75 S rwpsy obl. 09122+5, TaleF15 M rwr- n.f. 'plant, medicinal plant'. GMS §492. M rwr' nom.-acc.sg. BBB517 (as gen.?), MLl.23 M rwrt pl. M568Rl, M568V3 M rwrttpl. MLl.19* S rwrty pl.obl. GGZl.22 (or to rwrt?) S trwrck AN187. Thus ed., but the reading is quite uncertain.





Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M rwrt a. 'lewd, shameless'. Henning 1937, 92. M rwrt BBBb93 M rwrty'mync a. 'of lewdness, lewd, shame­ less'. Thus Henning 1937, 92; Yoshida 2000a, 76. Benveniste 1940, 184-5, sug­ gests 'cruel'. (Cf. also S 'rwrty'kh.) M rwrty'mync BBBblO MS rwsty s. rwo S rws v.itr. 'to roar (of water)' S rws'nt 3.pl.pres. AN38 S rwsn'yt pres.pt.pl. AN124 (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, ed. rws'nyt) S rws' n.f 'roaring (of water)'. To be distin­ guished from S rws'kh 'stream' (Kudara­ ,Sundermann 1987, 343 n. 29). S rws' AN40 (misprinted rws'n) MS rwsn s. dryst-rwsn, fryhrwsn, yr'yw rwsn,

mnwhmyd rwsn, py rwsn z'wr zyryf3t, whmnrwsn S rwsn-pwxr n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1036.

S rwsn-pwxr BezAl18* S rwsn-pyrwz n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1037. S rwsn-pyrwz BezB53 M rwt n. 'river' M rwt M1134+V7 M rwwt M715ciV5, SLNak83 M rwttyy obl.(?) SS148 S rwt'-j3nt AN192. Unknown word. The emendation to *rww'n-�nt 'bond of the soul' (BT XV, 32 n. 136) is unconvincing. MS rwtcn a. 'compassionate' M rwtcn Ml779.6* (Cat. ]wtcn, restore r]wtcn?) S rwtcn BezA12 (Ms rwtch), BezB6 S rwtcyk s. rwcyk S rwx- n. 'cheek' S rwxth nom.pl. 16201.37 MSC rwxsn-, S rxwsn-, rwxs'n-, rxws'n- a. 'light, bright, luminous' M rwxsn' nom.-acc.sg.f M5266Rll (as abl. sg.f.) M rwxsn' nom.sg.f CF19 M rwxsn' voc.sg.m. BBBb56, BBBb65, BBB b80, BBBb97 M rwxsnd' nom.-ace.pl. BBBf46 (as abl.pl.) M rwxsnd'h nom.pl. CFS M rwxsndt' nom.-acc.pl. M5271Vl (as abl. pl.) M rwxsnt' nom.-acc.pl. M6330R4 (as abl.pl.) M rwxsnfh nom.-ace.pl. M684V6 M rwxsnww acc.sg.m. BBBb58*, CFl1 (as loc.sg.f.) M rwxsny nom.sg.m. ANc20(?), M140+R4, M6330Vll

M rwxsnyy gen.sg.m.(?) O6180aA2* M rwxsnyy nom.sg.m. BBBf80 (as abl.), M14V6, M129Rl1, M635iiR1 (as acc.), M715ciR3(?), acc.), M672bA7 (as M1469.3(?), MIKiii498lfl1(?), 06153+ R2*(?), Ol1078B4*(?), SLN92 (as abl.sg. f.), SLN93 (as nom.sg.f.) M rwxsn[ KG2338* M rwx[ M2207iiR2* S rwxs'nt' nom.-acc.pl. BezA33, BezA75 (as abl.) S rwxsn' nom.sg.f 14638iV20(?), Ps359(2) (as abl.) S rwxsn' voc.sg.m. SS157 S rwxsnt' nom.-acc.pl. BezB28, Ps359(2) (as gen.), Ps409 S rwxsnt'h nom.pl. Ps441 S rwxsntyh gen.pl. AN121 (as acc.) S rwxsnty' gen.pl. AN98 S rwxsny gen.sg.m. BezB26, BezB36, Ch/U 6699Rl0(?), Ps51, TaleKa2 S rwxsny nom.sg.m. 14638iR20 (as abl.?), 14638iV17, BezA4 (as acc.), 05471+10(?), Ps59 (as voe.), Ps127* (as voe.), Ps441, Ps 444* (as f.) S rxws'nt pl. Ps359(1) (treated as a heavy stem!) S rxwsn' abl.sg.m.(?) Ps406 S rxwsn' nom.sg.f 14700(1l)B7(?) (as pl.), Ps383 (as voe.) S rxwsn' voc.sg.m. KG567, Ps576 S rxwsn" PsAl.57 S rxwsn'y nom.sg.m. RSH13, RSH18 (as acc.), RSH22* (as acc.), RSH45*, RSH59 S rxwsnt' nom.-ace.pl. 10026+R6, 10026+ R7, HC36.14Bl*, Ps585, Xwl.17* S rxwsnt'h ace.pl. Ps599 S rxwsnty' gen.-loc.-abl.pl. Ps581, Ps587 S rxwsnw acc.sg.m. Ps604*, PsAl.77, RSH 127*, RSH132 S rxwsny gen.sg.m. KG437 S rxwsny nom.sg.m. 10239(1)+iV1*(?), 14700(10)R3 (as acc.), 18101+R3, 18248i 47, [HC36.3V2* s. nwsy], HC36.10Vll*, KG397, KG562, KG601 (as pl.), KG 620(?), Ps389 (as ace.pl.), Ps576, Ps581 (as acc.), Ps581, Ps594*, Ps595*, Ps598 (as voe.), Ps600 S qwsny' gen.sg.f Ps380 S rxwsn... 01967.3*, Ps628*, PsAl.73* C rwxsny nom.sg.m. TIIB8V4 MS rwxsn'yr6mn, S rxwsn'yrbmn, rxwsn'yro­ m'n n.f 'Light Paradise' M rwxsn'yromn CF36, CF41, CF68 M rwxsn'yrbmn'y obl. CFll

Sogdian M rwxsn'yromnyh obl. BBBf85* (ed. [rwxsn'yromny']h, better -y]h) S rwxsn'yrbmnwh Ch/U6806Vl, Frg6.8, TaleG18 S rxwsn'yrbm'nh RSH107* (ed. (rx)wsn'yromnh, read -m'nh with Kat., 102) S rxwsn'yrbm'ny obl. RSH89* S rxwsn'yrbmnh HC36.lV13* S rxwsn'yrbmnwh RSHl72* M rwxsn'yrbmncyk, S rxwsn'yrbmncyk a. 'of the Light Paradise'. The rwxsn'yrbmncyk 'xsywny �YY 'god King of the Light Para­ dise' is the Father of Greatness, Sunder­ mann 2001, 128 with n. 208 on p. 155. M rwxsn'yrbmncyk M264aR4 M rwxsn'yrbmncyq L73+R3 M rwxsn'yrbmncykt pl. BBBf48* S rxwsn'yrbmncykw 19507Rii4 M rwxsndr-, S rwxsntr-, rxwsntr- a. 'brighter, more luminous' M rwxsndryy nom.sg.m. M264aV9 S rwxsntry nom.sg.m. TaleI34 S rxwsntry nom.sg.m. HC36.16+17R7* (ed. rxwsn(tr), restore -(tr)[y]), KG366* MS rwxsny'k, S rxwsny'k n.f 'light, bright­ ness'. The last of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 51 n. 14. In M14, the third 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M rwxsny"q M14R25 M rwxsny'k BBB485*, CF44, CFvl65* (ed. ]y'k, but the translation 'bright]ness' im­ plies rwxsn]y'k), M129V9, M583iiRhdl M rwxsny'q M14V19 M rwxsny'ky obl. M129V12 M rwxsny'kyy obl. M674V7 S rwxsny'k 20129V2* (Kat. rw(xs)[, restore rw(xs)[ny'k), Ps54 S rwxsny'kh 14638iiR1, AN28*, Listl+vii8 S rwxsny'kw Ps51, Ps52 S rwxsny'ky obl. AN97 S rxwsny'k RSH165* (rxws(n)[y'k, misprin­ ted rxws(n)['k) S rxwsny'kh HC36.1V14*, HC36.3V5, KG 376, Ps594*, SS110, Xw/c7 [S rxwsny'kw SLN95* s. pwrwxsny'k] S rxwsny'ky obl. HC36.7V15, HC36.16+17 R7*, Ps624* (Ms -kr) M trwxsy'n Ml.100 s. rywxsy'n S rwxs[ 20129V2* s. rwxsny'k S rwz'[ 13450R2* S rwzywny a. 'desirable'. (Could alternatively be restored [ry](z)y(wn)y, cf. ryzywn'k.) S rwzywny KG3.80*(?) S rw•c[ PsAl.51 S rw[ 14153+iV10, 19552A2, PsAl.73


S rx'nt s. rhnd M rxmy n.m. 'filth'. Yoshida 1998a, 171. M rxmyh BBB530 [M trxmyy BBB576* s. txm-] MS rxn-, S rxyn-, rnx-(?) v.tr. 'to dare, ven­ ture, dare (to send)', past stem S rxynt. DTS, 69. M rxnym I.pl.opt.(?) M4436.2 S rnx'w I.sg.inj. 14742Vl7 (-nx- sic, scribal error?) [S trxn'm 19554.4 (Yoshida 2008, 59) s. 'st'm] S rxn'mk'm 1.sg.fut. L32.8* S rxn'n I.sg.subj. BezC7 S rxn'nt 3.pl.pres. AN134, AN135 S rxnty 3.sg.pres. TaleKa22* S rxnym I.pl.pres. BezB33 (or opt.?) S rxnym 1.sg.opt. 01186+6 S rxnymsk I.pl.pres.dur. BezA58* S rxyntb'rym I.pl.tr.pret. BezAl11 S rxynym I.pl.pres. BezA35, BezA57 S rxynym-'skwn I.pl.pres.dur. BezA71 S rxsynt'ykyr� 'Alexandria', name of a city in Egypt. Sundermann 2001, 285, 325-6. S rxsynt'ykyro KG395 S rxt interjection 'alas!'. BT XVII, 102. S rxt rxt 20220iiR5 s rxws'n-, rxwsn- s. rwxsns rxwsn'yrbm'n, rxwsn'yromn s. rwxsn'yromn S rxwsn'yrbmncyk s. rwxsn'yromncyk S rxwsntr s. rwxsndrS trxwsn'k RSH165* s. rwxsny'k S rxwsny'k s. rwxsny'k S rxwsny'kr Ps624*. Thus Ms (with Kat., 128), probably an error for rxwsny'ky, s. rwxsny'k. S rxyn-, rxynt s. rxnS ry(3'n 'Ere van', name of a city in Armenia. BT XI, 45-6. S ryWn KG536, KG578*, KG593, KG595, KG597 S RYFWmykw BezA28 s. RYPWmyk M 1ryj, S 1ryz, r'yz n. 'wish, desire'. The third cardinal sin, BT XVII, 138. M ryj BBB538*, BBB567, BBB585, BBB 678, M771V6, M7800iiR18, ML2.8, ML 2.10* M ryjyy obl. BBBb14* S r'yz 02075V6 S ryz 18101+R14, 18196Rll, 18196R14, 20507bV11, AN141*, BezA90, BezB3, BezB29, Ps571, RSH120*, RSH121 S ryzh SLN42* M 2ryj, S 2ryz v.itr. 'to be desirable, pleasing' M ryj't 3.sg.subj. M5690R7




Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M ryjt 3.sg.pres.(?) M794aiRl

S ryz'tk'm 3.sg.subj.fut. l8248i49* M ryjqrc n.pr.f M ryjqrc Ml.143 M ryj-wnw(3'm n.pr.f M ryj-wnwWm Ml.141 M ryjy s. "zy-ryjy, 1ryj M ryjy'n n.pr.m. M ryj#y'n Ml.lOlf MS rym n. 'filth,defilement' M rym BBB587*,M6330Vl3 S rym 10026+R5, 10085+R6*, 10650(l)R6, Ps601* MS rymny,S rymn'k,rymyn'k a. 'filthy,dirty' M rymnyy BBB583,CF64,ML2.21* M'rymnyh BBBb29, CFvl64 M rymnyt pl. ML2.14 (scribal error for rymny),ML2.15 S rymn'k 18700+V7 S rymny Ch/U6536a+V15 S rymnyt pl. 18058+V8* S rymyn'k 07004+53* S rync'kk-str s. rystr M rynck, S rync'k, ryncyk a. 'small, young', n. 'child' M rynck Ml36V7,Ml910.1 M ryncq M617iiV11,M6670.2 S rync'k SS157 S rync'kt pl. KG504 S rync'kw 16201.59 S ryncykt pl. AN46 Sryncwkstr a. 'swifter' S ryncwkstr TaleI36 S ryp n. 'bodily defect'. Gershevitch 1985, 48. S ryp KG575 Sryp'w a. 'having a bodily defect,disabled' S ryp'w 07004+26 (apparently complete; ed. ryp'w••[) S RYPW s. {3rywr S RYPWmyk a. 'ten-thousandth, least' S RYPWmykw BezAIO, BezA28 (Ms -F-), ST15.2* (RYPW-mykw) Sryr'kh n.f 'saliva' S ryr'kh 16201.28*, List4.10 MSrystr, S rync'kk-str a. 'smaller, shorter' M rystr Ml4R6 S rync'kk-str AN185 S rystr TaleI39 M rys v.tr. 'to tear' M ryys'nd 3.pl.pres. M549ii23 S rys'kh n.f 'beard'. ("Buddh. rys'kk", cited in Sundermann 2002, 141 n. 46, from Gharib 1995,348,is a misprint for rys'kh.) S rys'kh 16201.36

MS ryt n. 'face; point of view, respect', yrf ryt 'in many respects', ryt ryty 'id.'. Also ryty as adv. and postp. 'before, in the presence of, to'. In the Sogd. version of Mani's Psalms, ryt translates Pa p'dgyrb 'form, figure, shape' (DMT III/1, 258a). M ryt BBB642,BBBb22 M ryyt M549ii19 M rytyy obl. M6132A3 M rytyy obl. BBB642, BBBc39, BBBe15, KawE7 S ryt 16201.23(?), 18700+R6*, 18700+R8*, 18700+R9, 20229V9, [AN60 s. prwyrt], List4.5, Ps576, Ps584, [Ps593, given as legible in ed., but wholly restored], Ps603, Ps619*,Ps627,Ps660 S ryth 10100eR1l,Ps620 S ryty obl. BezA66, L30+V2, L37.2, TaleF 19, TaleG25, TaleH20, TaleJl0 (Ms rty nyz'nt,error for *ryty nyz'nt) S rytyh obl. 18195Vl,KG2.7 S ryt'ky',ryt'kyh s. krm'yr-ryt'ky' M rytywb n. 'face-cover, veil'. Translates Pa brywd, on which see DMT III/1,110b,and Henning 1958,74 with n. 1. M rytywM Gl/c27 M rytywwM Gl/hl4 MS rytr a. 'less; worse,worst' M rytr MSO115 M rytr M697B5 S rytr Talel49, TaleI54 ('what is one that is more and what is a thousand that is less?'), TaleI59 M rytry' n.f 'evil, harm' M rytry' TaleD12* M ryty s. krmyr-ryty, ryt, 12-ryty M rywxsy'n n.pr.m. DMT III/1,304a. M rywxsy'n Ml.100 (ed. rwxsy'n, read ryw­ with Weber 1972, 202) Srywys v.tr. 'to spin'(?). No context, but cf. C n'-rwyst 'unspun' (Sundermann 1988, 183). S rywys'nt 3.pl.pres.(?) 07004+46* S ryz s. 1• ryj M ryz' n.f 'rice' M ryz' M4164.2* Sryz'yby n.m. 'wish and desire' S ryz"yby 14410iV20 S ryz1wn'k a. 'desirable'(?). (See also s.v. rwzywny.) S ryzywn'k 07144.4* Sryzkr'k, ryzkry a., n.m. .'sovereign,ruler' S ryzkr'k 10077B2, 14700(1l)A9* S ryzkry BezAll, BezB9,TaleF5* S ryzy TaleKal6 s. nwryzy 2

Sryzy'n a. 'desirable' S ryzy'n AN64 Sry[ Ps589 Srzkry'kh n.f 'rectitude' S rzkry'kh Listl +iiS M r•----b M549ii25 M r[ Gl/m2, L72aii2, M548R6, [M662A4* s. 2 /3yr], Ml700+B7* Sr[ 20240R5*, ANd3, 07120.7, 09082.2*, Ps 588*,Ps589,Ps628,Ps657,PsAl.91*


S s'�rt a. 'healthy' S s'j3rtw KG538 MS s'c v.itr. 'to be proper, be necessary, behove'. Often governs a past inf. On the 3.sg.pres. s'st < *s'ct see OMS §260. M s'st 3�sg.pres. L74R6,M655cR8,M915V3 M s'st 3.sg.pres. BBBf14,M655cR12 S s'c'y 3.sg.opt. SS114 S s'cb'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. 10650(14)+V7*,Xw2.3, Xw2.11 (OMS,p. 248) S s'st 3.sg.pres. L95+7, 07004+36* (ed. ](')st, restore s]C)st?), 07447+4, Talel50, Talel51,TaleKa23 S s'stk'm 3.sg.fut. 10100k+R26 (s'st-k'm), KG3.9 S s'stw 3.sg.pres. AN175* (ed. s'st (m)[wrty, read s'st(w)[) M s'cq[ Gl/h21*. Unknown word. The reading and meaning of the MP equivalent, possi­ bly brz(yn) 'cushion', are also uncertain, cf. Morano 2005,221-2. MS s'cy n.m. 'what is proper,duty' M s'cyy BBBb2,BBBf89 S s'cy 14742Vl7(?),BezA63 Ss'y'wn n.pr.m. 'Sayun'(?). IPNB II/8, no. 1059. S s'y'wn 13881+R3 M s'hm, S s'xm 'Sahm', Iranian name of the giant Ohya. IPNB II/8,no. 1068. M s'hm KawC3*,KawC12*, KawIR4 S s'xm 10700a+R9*, 10700a+Vl0, 14638i Rll*,20193bV8,Frg17.4* MSs'k n. 'number; sum,total' M s'k CF3, [CFvl37*, Gl/b3*, KG2336, KG 2376* s. pw-s'k], M662B1 [M s'q CF37 s. pw-s'k] S s'k Ps399, Ps402,[RSHlOl s. pw-s'k] S s'kh AN43, KG488 MSs'n n. 'enemy' M s'n BBB556, CF23, M1565.l, M7800ii R14* S s'n L37.11,L37.13*,L59.4,L61.14,07368 V4 S s'nt pl. 18196R5, 18196Vl6, KG3.81*, Ps


624 S s'nty pl.obi. SS115, Talell, Talel21 S s'ny obl. L37.17 S ts'n't 10650(7)B6 s. sn­ S s'nkXwl.6 s. 3s'ny M s'nptwyrty, S s'n-ptw'yrt'k, s'ny-ptw'rt'k a. 'repelling the enemy,well-defended' M s'nptwyrtyyh GI/fl7* (ed. s'npt[w']rt[yy]].], better -pt[wy]rt[-?) S s'n-ptw'yrt'k SS115 S s'ny-ptw'rt'k SS117 S 1 s'ny s. s'n, s'nptwyrty S2s'ny '(in) number', Turkish word used as part of a formula for numbering the days of the month. Kat.,124 n. 2. S s'ny 14425+Rl, 14425+R8, 14425+R18, 14425+Vl S3s'ny, s'nk n.m. 'book, scripture'(?). Un­ certain, but in all three passages the word stands next to what may be a book-title. S s'nkXwl.6 S s'ny BezB55, 01189.3 S s'ny-ptw'rt'k s. s'nptwyrty S s'pmys s. 'yl s'pmys Ss'pyry a. 'belonging to the Sabir (people)'. For both reading and interpretation see Henning 1952,502 n. 5. S s'pyry List7dl * MSs'r postp. 'to, towards', often with prep. kw. More rarely attested in the combi­ nations pr ... s'r (CF89, KB15(2), L29+25) 'in,for' and en ... s'r (18101+R16) 'from'. M s"r TaleB8 (wstm'xs"r) M s'r [BBB641 s. f3yks'r], BBB734,BBBc21, BBBe25, CF68, CF89, Fast5.6* (n'fs'r), KawE14, KawE17, KawG4, KawG23, M14R3, Mll7.5, M127V7*, M127V14, Ml29R9, M129V4, M129V6, M129V7 (wstm'xs'r), M129Vl1, M143Vii6*, M296 R2*, M309b8*, M5001B2(?), M583iiR2*, M583iiR9, M662A3, [M674Vl0 s. c'l5r­ s'r], M760R3, M760Vl, [M880iR6 s. c'or­ s'r], M1134+R8*, M1134+V2, M1207R5, Ml846B3, M2005.7, M4724iiV3, M5592 R4 (mryyys'r), M6330V15 (j3ykqyr'ns'r), M7391+1, M7800iiR12, [M7800iiR13 s. 'skys'r], M7800iiVl, [M7800iiV4 s. 'skys'r], M7800iiVl7, MIKiii498ld5 (m'xs'r), MIKiii4981d8 (m'xs'r), MLI.26, MLI.28, O6228B4*, S6V5 (ed. s'rmync, read s'r myndk with Henning 1937, 134b), [SLNak48* s. cwpr-s'r], TaleAS, TaleA16, TaleA29, TaleA56, TaleBll, TaleD16*, TaleD32, TaleD37*, TaleD41, [TaleE7 s. pyrnms'r], TaleE38* (qyr'ns'r)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S s'r 10100k+R12, 10100mV4, 10200(5) pyrnms'r], s. Vll, [1020l(l)+R2* 10920+V9, , 10650(14)+R2, 10920+V25* 10920+V9, 12400Vl, 13508A2, 13881+ R2* ('kwc's'r),14000R9,14000R31,[14030 V7 s. 'skys'r], 14150+iR17, 14150+iV14, 14151+iV4, 14410iR20, 14742V4, 14742 V18, 15530R6, 18058+R20*, 18058+V20 (wstm'xs'r), 1810l+R16, 18248i48, 18430 Bii8, 18431R3, 18434R5*, 18434V7, 18434V8*,18435R7,18435V5,18435Vl1, 18700+R7*, 18700+R8, [18700+V3 s. 1 s'r], 18700+V7 (wy'ks'r), 20002+V35, [20193bR10 s. psy-s'r], 20220iiR1, 20220 iiR9*, [20229R2 s. 'skys'r, 20229R13 s. ,c'brs'r, 20229R15 s. 'skys'r], 20230V12, 20235A4, 20504+V4, 21001Vl, 21005V4, AN37, AN72, [AN89 s. cyts'r, AN90 s. c'brs'r], AN92, AN122, AN123, AN131, [AN164 s. syr, AN182 s. cyts'r], ANc9, ANc24, BezA7, BezA25', BezA33 (wrt'nt­ s'r), BezA56, BezA65, BezAl16, BezA 124, BezB28 (l3y'ysts'r), BezB43 (frns'r), BezB45, BezB50, BezB60, BezB66, BezB 72, BezC2 (pms'r), BezC12, BezC13, BezC18, BezC22 (pms'r), BezC24 (prns'r), BezC27, BezC28, BezC28, [Ch/U6225V3 s. pyrnms'r], Ch/U6225V4, GGZl.43, HC 36.3V3*, [HC36.7R3* s. cwpr-s'r], KB 7(1), KB9(2), KB15(2), KB21(2), KBfr 8.5*, KG356*, KG359, KG396, KG404, KG425, KG428, KG437, KG454, KG469, KG516*, KG589, KG594, KG619, KG 3.50, KG3.59, [KG3.66, KG3.67 s. pyrnms'r], KG3.83, L29+25, L32.7* (ed. s[,restore s['r]?),[L37.3 s. 'skys'r, L37.3 s. psy-s'r, L37.5 s. 'skys'r, L37.7 s. c'ors'r], L37.9*, L37.13, L44.5, L44.9, L44.16, L45.3, L45.4, [L63R4* s. pt'ycy-s'r], L111V3, Ll18.1, Mainz180A2, 01186+2, O2075R6, 02495.2, O2586aR4*, 07004+ 22*, 07227.1, 010088.1, Ps60, [Ps651 s. pyrnms'r], PsA2.l, RSH18, RSH25*, RSH57*,RSH157,RSH175,SS109,SS157 (6'ms'r), TaleAS2, TaleASl1, TaleAS28, TaleF9, TaleF16, TaleF18, [TaleG14 s. pt'ycy-s'r], TaleG18, TaleG23, TaleH25, TaleJ2*, TaleJ9, TaleJ9, TaleJ19, TaleJR, U6021.2, Xwl.13, Xwl.14, [Xwl.25 s. pyrnms'r], Xw2.2,Xw2.1l (6yns'r) S s'r'l3y s. s'rf3y Ms'r'r n. 'leader,chief'. MP loanword. M s'r'r MLl.25*,MLl.31 S s'r'st s. s'rst

Ms'r(3y, S s'r'l3y n. 'tower, castle'. See refer­ ences in BT XVII,133. M s'rl3yyy obl. SLNak14 M sr/3' 2.pl.impv. M7800iiR16 M swt 3.sg.pres. M142V2, SLNak84, TaleE2 M swyy 3.sg.opt. SLNall19 M swyb- 2.sg.opt. M765kV6 M swynyy pres.pt. Gl/06 M swyskwn 2.sg.pres.dur. BBBb63, M127 V12 M swytyy 3.sg.opt.mid. M130a+V5 (ed. swyty, read -!YY with GMS §809) M sw[ M697B4 S sw' 2.sg.impv. KG407, KG479(?) S sw' 3.sg.imp.f 18434R4*, 20506+V9


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S sw'nt 3.pl.impf AN144, L103V2 S sw'nt 3.pl.pres. 14000R9, 14000Rl2 S sw'ntk'm 3.pl.fut. 11603+3*, S S109 S sw'skwn 3.sg.impfdur. AN144 (as pl.), RSH102 S sw'-'skwnw 3.sg.impfdur. BezA109* S sw't 3.sg.subj. ANc9 (Ms sw't), RSH143* S sw'y 2.sg.opt. KG412(?) S sw'y 2.sg.pres. GGZl.11 S sw'y 3.sg.opt. KG594 S sw'ym I.pl.opt. KG3.67*, RSH19* S sw8-k'm 2.pl.fut. KG536* (ed. swc>', res­ tore perhaps sw8-[k'm with Lieu 1994, 32 n. 30) S swc>'skwn 2.pl.pres.dur. KG330 S swt 3.sg.pres. 14425+V8, 14425+V10*, 14425+V18* S swtk'm 3.sg.fut. SS109 (as pl.) S swy 2.sg.pres. KG3.8* (or opt.?) S swyk'm 2.sg.fut. KG3.83* (Ms swtk'm) S swym I.pl.opt. KG3.84, TaleFll S ytnty 3.pl.itr.pret.(?) SS108 (GMS §539 yt'ty) M sw'mndy, S sw'm'nt'k, S sw'mnty n.m. '(act of) going, course, cycle, behaviour' M sw'mndy AR1a8*(?) M sw'mndyh M14R11 M sw'mndyy BBB497, M674V8* S sw'm'nt'k 14000R25, KG483, KG621 S sw'mnty 14425+V7* S sw'mty n.m. 'course, behaviour'. Not neces­ sarily to be emended to sw'mnty, see Yoshida 1988, 149. S sw'mty AN66 S sw'y KG3.72. Unclear derivative of sw-, perhaps part of a compound adjective ...sw'y-w'xs 'fluent in speech'. MS 1swk a. 'silent, speechless' M swq M880iV5 S swk 20193bV2(?), AN82, AN132, KG3.61 S swkw AN126, KG3.62 M 2swk n.f 'pen' M swk BBB526 M swq Ml37iiV14 M 3swk, word of unknown meaning (possibly the same as 1 swk or 2swk) M swwq Gl/g25 S swk' n.pr.m. 'Asoka'. IPNB II/8, no. 1179. S swk' 18248i30 M swk'csmy a. 'insolent'(?). GMS §285 n. 1. M swk'csmyy Ml18iiR9 MS swkc's. skwy M swm v.tr. 'to sew'. (Cf. also ]-swmb'rt 3.sg. tr.pret. MLl.16, perhaps the same verb with an unidentified preverb.)

M swm'nd 3.pl.pres. Gl/a8 M swmny pres.pt. SLNakll0 (as n. 'tailor') M swmnyy pres.pt. SLNam129 (as n. 'tailor') M swmyy 2.sg.opt.(?) Gl/a7 s swn n. 'hip' S swn GGZl.17 M swny, S swn'ky dem.pron. 'this', nom.sg.m. Yoshida 2000a, 81 n. 10. M swnyy TaleE28 S swn'ky KG2.3 M swy n.m. 'motion'(?) M swyy M5051V6 MS sx- a. 'hard, solid, firm' M sxfb nom.pl. Gl/a2l M sxyy nom.sg.m. KawG36 (as acc.) M sxylJ nom.sg.m.(?) Gl/fl0 S sxh nom.sg.f 10263(1)+Rl S sxmyz't 'Sahm1zad', name of a giant. IPNB II/8, no. 1182. S sxmyz'ty ob!. 14638iR9 S tsxr KG396s. '{3r-s'r S sxrc Yry(3t n. 'dominion'. Pa loanword. S sxnYry�t KG49l S sxry'r-z'6'k n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1183. S sxry'r-z'b'kw BezA29 S sxtr- a. 'more solid' S sxtry nom.sg.m. 10263(1)+R7* MS sxw, S sxy adv. 'firmly; absolutely, very, very much' M sxww ML2.12 S sxw HC36.7V3, KG593, L37.16, L37.20 S sxy 14000R18, 18431R4, 18700+V2 MS sxy'k n.f 'hardship, trouble', sxy'k kwn'to take trouble'. Henning 1945, 475 n. 6. M sxy'q BBBf16 S sxy'k TaleF26 S sxy'kw Talel5 Ms sys. -s, s tsy 01004+1s. frys M sy', MS 'sy', S 'syh, Mwsy' n.f 'remem­ brance, memory, consciousness'. GMS §102. The second 'limb' of the soul and the third part of the fifth cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 137, 140. M 'sy' Gl/b4, Gl/b26*, Ml4R27*, M540eV4 (thus Cat.; BT XVII, 132, wrongly -'h) M 'sy'h Gl/b28*, M1207R4, TaleB17* M sy' BBB624, BBBf24*(?), Ml34iR12, SLN__ak105, SS5* (sy'kt'[t, misprinted -qt-, cf. �w-), TaleE3 (sy'b'rt, cf. b'r) M wsy' M7800iiR6 M wsy']} M207Rhdl S 'sy' Ps565 S 'sy'h SLN41* S 'syh 18500B2, 20129V4, KG427, KG600*,




KG609*, L91+3, Listl+v3 M tsy'kfwy M259c+R9 = SS5*. Restored sy'kt'[wy in BT XXVII, 8, but more likely sy'kf[t], s. sy', {3w-. MS sy'tr a. 'better, more excellent' M sy'tr' M137iiR11 (so GMS §1294, Provasi 2009, 359 n. 58 -t-; for the final -' cf. GMS. §974) S sy'tr 10263(1)+V4*, BezA88 M sy >wk a. 'remembering'. Translates an un­ attested(?) MP 2wyrwr 'id.' (not distin­ guished from 1 wyrwr 'male' in DMT III/1, 356b). M sy'wk Gl/s3* M sy'wky' n.f 'memory' M sy'wky' Gl/s4 S sykns. 's'ykn MS sykr s. 2skrS sykt- n.f 'sand, gravel' S sykth acc.sg.(?) 14000R13*, 14000Rl7 S syktth nom.pl.(?) 14030R6 S sykt[ 1l400R7* M sykt(3ry a. 'gravel-bearing' M sykWryy Mll0iiR6 MS sym'r s. sm'r S syn KB7(1)s. syr MS syr adv. 'very, very much', a. 'good'. GMS §1209, Sims-Williams 1989a, 185. M syr M137iiR6, M568V5, M5690R7, M6132B8*(?), [MIKiii4981ahdl s. syr­ ptycy], SLNak109*(?), SLNam128, TaleB 30 M syyr CF57, M760R7, TaleE23 M syrs'yr KawE5 (GMS §1634) S syr 10100k+R19, 10100k+R21, 10100k+ R21, [10920+Vl5 s. syrbryty], 13401R2, 18124hdl*, 18196R15*, 20503V4, AN64, AN141, AN147, AN151, AN157, AN158, AN163, AN164 (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, ed. s'r), AN168, AN186, AN187, [BezA26 s. syrbryty], BezA37, BezA51, BezA65*, [BezB5 s. syrn'my, BezBS s. syrm'ny], Bez B34, Ch/U7115.2, [GGZl.54 s. syrwk'r'k], KB7(1) (Ms syn), KB13(1), KB14(6), KB 15(1), KG3.2*, KG3.9*, L37.14, [L91+7 s. syrn'my, L91+8 s. syr{3r'n], L103R3, [Ll18.3 s. syr6ryty, List5.4* s. nwy-syr, Ps619, Ps620 s. syrkty], PsAl.52, PsAl.52, PsAl.83, RSH63, TaleF30, Talel27 S syr syr L37.ll* S syrt pl. 07120.4* (uncertain, context lack­ ing) S syrw TaleKa12(?), TaleKa25* M syr-, MS syry, S syr'y a. 'good', n.neut./m. 'what is good, well-being, blessing'. GMS


§1208, 1210. M syrw acc.sg.m. BBBf88, Ml846A6 (GMS §1194) M syrw nom.sg.neut. CF27, M617iR4 (GMS §1192) [M tsyry BBB627s. syr'kty'] M syryy KawV5, SLNak95 M syryyh M143Vii5 M syryt pl. M915Rll S syr'y Ps399 S syrw acc.sg.m. 14638iR6, 18196Vll S syry AN34, ANl12, BezA47, BezA53, BezA73, BezC4, 07462.3, TaleF19, Tale F20 S syry' loc.sg.m.(?) BezC16 (unclear passage) S syryt pl. AN109 MS syr'y�y, S syr-"yb'k n.m., S syr-"ybc n.f 'well-wisher, friend' M syr#"yby M143Riilfl< S syr-"yb'kw BezB20 S syr-"yc>ch f L44.6 (Sims-Williams 1981, 236) S syr'y6y BezA26 M 1syr'k n. 'goodness, kindness'. GMS §198. M syr'k L73+R2, M849aV3 M syr'kyy ob!. CFl3 M 2syr'k a. 'good'. Not distinguished from 1 syr'k in GMS §198 n. 1. Probably a spell­ ing variant of syrk. M syr'k M6102V2 (or 1 syr'k?) M syr'q M617iiR5 S 3syr'k a. 'good', adv. 'well', n.m. 'what is good, well-being, blessing'. It is impossible to be sure whether forms listed here belong to syry (see s.v. syr-) or to syrk. Some forms may even belong to 1 syr'k. S syr'k Bezeklik Inscription 1, [GGZl.10 s. syrkty], KG362, 02495.4, Ps598, PsAl.78, TaleKa25 S syr'kw 14742V8, 18070B4, 18125A5, 18140+iV8, 18195Vl, 20507bVll, BezA8, BezA55, BezA62, BezA93, BezA104, Bez B7, BezB37, BezB41, Ps444, Ps444, TaleF 25, Talel13 (Gershevitch 1985, 34: 'good­ ness'), Talel24* (syr'kwb'r, s. 6 'r), TaleK8 s 1 syr'kk s. syrk S 2syr'kk a. 'royal'. WMiran. loanword, Sims­ Williams 1992a, 287a. S syr'kk KG3.84 S syr'krt'k, syr'krt'y, syr'krty s. syrkty S syr'krty', syr'krty'kh s. syr'kty' M syr'krty'kryny n.m. 'one who performs good deeds' M syr'krty'krynyy M5690R5


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

MS syr'kty s. syrkty MS syr'kty', S syr'krtyh, syr'krty'kh, syr'krty', syr'ktyh, M syrkty', S syrkty'h n.f 'good deed, virtue, beneficence'. The tenth of the twelve 'limbs' of light,BT XI,51 n. 12. M syr'kty' BBBf36 M syr'lqy' TaleB3 M syr'kty'y obl. Ml18iiRhdl* M syrkty' BBBf38 M syrkty' M129V3 M syry'kty'y obl. BBB627 (both parts of the compound inflected, see BT XII, 133 n. 117; ed. syry 'lqy'y, but actually written as one word as stated in a note ad loc.) S syr'krty' TaleI48 S syr'krty'kh KG328,KG604*,SS130* S syr'krty'y KG569 S syr'krtyh AN97, AN195, Frg5.10, KG3.63, L95+6, 07004+31*, PsAl.90*, TaleAS35, TaleKa9,TaleKa19 S syr'kty' 20238B4,Ps136*,TaleI25 S syr'ktyh 20002+V28 S syrkty'h Ch/U8123aV2* S syr'kwo'r TaleI24* s. 3syr'k, b'r S syr'n 14742V24 s. syrng'ry S syr'nk'r'k,syr'nk'ry s. syrng' ry S tsyr'w 20511V4,read skwnw,s. 2wxns s syr'y s. syrMS syr(3r'n a. 'happy' M syr!3r'n TaleE32 S syr-!3r'n L91+8* (ed. syr !3[, read syr-!3(r'n) with Sims-Williams 1981,233) S syrc>ryty, syr-zyty a. 'friendly'(?). Yoshida 2000,47. S syroryty BezA26 (syr-bryty),BezA42 S syr-zyty 10920+VIS,Ll18.3 M syrywzy s. syrxwzy S syrh List6.13 s. nny-syr M syrk, S 1 syr'kk a. 'good, beautiful'. GMS §982 n. 2. (See also s.v. 2syr'k.) M syrk M6132A6 M syrq MIKiii4981f7,SLNak46 S syr'kk 18248i10, AN65, Ch/U6886V3, L29+6, L44.10, TaleK12, TaleKal1, Tale Ka12 M syrkty, syr'kty, S syrkrt'k, syr'krt'k,syr'krt'y a. 'beneficent, virtuous, pious, saintly'. Also written as two words,S syr'k 'krty. M syr'ktyy KawE16 M syr'ktyh Gl/el3* M syrkty KawV21* M syrktyh M2003R3 M syrktyt pl. M129R3 S syr'k 'krtyt pl. GGZI.10 S syr'krt'k KG442,KG545,L95+7,Ps590,Ps

628*,Ps660 S syr'krt'kw Ps576, Ps578, Ps593, Ps598, Ps 603*,Ps619* (syr#'krt'kw),Ps624 S syr'krt'y HC36.6V3*, Ps585*, Ps620* (syr# 'krt'y) S syr'krtyt pl. Ps581 S syr'krtyty pl. 18248i41 (not obl.) S syr'kty HC36.9V14,Ps55 S syr'ktyty pl.obl. Ps136* (or 'good deeds' with ed.) S syrkrt'k 10263(1)+V7* M syrkty',S syrkty'h s. syr'kty' MS syrm'ny a. 'happy' M syrm'nyy BBBf61 S syr-m'ny BezB5* MS syrn'm n. 'renown,good repute' M syrn'm KawV20 S syrn'm 14000R4* (ed. syr[, restoration syr­ [n'm suggested in note ad loc.), 18114Al, 18154Vll, GGZI.18,KBfr9.8,KG415* S syrn'my 13942A5 MS syrn'my, S syrn'm'k(?) a. 'renowned, reputable' M syrn'my TaleE7 S syrn'm'k Ch/U6225V4*(?) S syr-n'my BezB5,L91+7(?) (ed. syr z'my) M syrng'ry, S syr'nk'r'k, syr'nk'ry a. 'bene­ ficent,virtuous' [M tsyr#ng'ryy M133 (GMS §73 n. 1) = SLNak109f s. 2syr, ng' ry] M syrng'ryt pl. Ml755.2* (Cat. ]rng'ryt, restore sy]rng'ryt) S syr'nk'r' voc.sg.m. HC36.1 V3* S syr'n#k'r'k 14742V24f S syr'nk'ry TaleG9 M syrptycy a. 'blessed'(?). Cf. the phrase S syry ptycy 'in the presence of a blessing' (BezA47,BezA73,TaleF20). M syrptycyy MIKiii4981a11dl (could also be read as two words, syr ptycyy, with Hen­ ning 1937,135b,133a) M syrs'yr s. syr s syrw s. syr, syrs syrwk'r'k a. 'beneficent' S syrwk'r'k GGZI.54 S tsyrxwzty Talell* s. syrxwzy M syrxwzy, syrywzy, S syrxwz'k, syrxwz'y, syrxwzy n.m., S syrxwzc n.f. 'well-wisher, friend-' M syrywzy M530R4,M849aV7 M syrxwzyy M143Rii2*,M549i+RIO, TaleB 62 S syrxwz'k 10349A3*,Ch/U7134V3, TaleKa 26 S syrxwz'kw 18248i8

Sogdian S syrxwz'y L95+5 S syrxwz'yt pl. Ps624 S syrxwz'yty pl.obl. Ps590 S syrxwzchf KG2.1 S syrxwzy PsAl.93 S syrxwzyt pl; 14410iR1 (thus Yoshida 2008,58,Kat. s(')ryw'!3t) S syrxwzyty pl.obl. Talell* (ed. syr(x)[wzty],rather -(x)[wzyty]) MS syry s. syrM syry'kty'y s. syr'kty' S syrz'wy a. 'of good repute'(?) S syrz'wy BezA47 S syr-zyty s. syr-8ryty S syr[ 14000R4* s. syrn'm M sys,MS 30 num. 'thirty' M sys 36' M548R1 M 30 M549i+R5* M 30 30 CF97 S 30 20513iiR6 M sys- v.itr. 'to be scattered,dispersed'(?) M systyy 3.sg.pres. M5913V3 (GMS §706: 'present passive') MS sysky n.m. 'drop (of water)' M syskyy M137iiV7,M857V2, 149 S sysky HC36.9Rll M syst BBB701 s. systrw'ndy' M systrw'ndy' n.f 'inattention'. GMS §451 n. 1. M systrw'ndty' M116V9, BBB701f* (ed. syst,restore syst#[rw'ndty'?) M systy s. s's-, sys M sytyl n.pr.m. 'Seth', son of Adam and Eve. IPNB II/8,no. 1207. M sytylyy obi. KawK19 S s ...t 14151+iR5* Ms[ KG2368, M138V4, M1770R3, [M2319.4 s. 2-smbb], O6233B3 S s[ 10239(l)+iR6*, 18058+V8*, Ch/U6126 V2*, HC36.18Bl, KBfr9.9*, KG2.10, O7004+14,O/U829al*


s t'W,t'!3'k s. tf' S t'(3n'k a. 'burning,passionate,angry'(?) S t'!3n'ky obl. HC36.8V7 S t'!3t- s. 2t'p S t'c>yh n.pr.f 'Ta8iya'(?), Sogd. name of Queen Zenobia of Tadmor. IPNB II/8, no. 1212. S t'8yh KG2.2 S t'C>yyh KG450 S t'c>yst'n n. 'judgement'. WMiran. word as title of a letter of Mani, Sundermann 2001, 238 n. 64. S t' byst'nw 0207 SR7


S t'oyst'ny obl. 15502V12* (but the obl. ending is wholly restored) ,M t'f',S t'W,t'l3'kpers.pron.2.sg. 'you',acc. M ff KawC12,M5001B3* S t'W Ps51, Ps398, Ps409, Ps565, Ps569, Ps582,Ps582,Ps583,Ps588,Ps601,SS152 S t'!3'k 14030(l)V2, GGZl.20, KG457, Ps 659, Ps661,PsAl.60 S t'!3'kw Ps394 S t'ywt a. 'Tibetan' S t'ywt List7d3 M t'jyg'ny a. 'Tajik, Persian, Muslim'. Probably a Pa form,Sundermann 1993. M t'jyg'nyy M339V7 S t'z'yk'n'k KBfr9.7 S t'zyk'n'y KB20(7) S t'kw List7d2. Ethnic adjective, not surely identified. Henning 1940, 10-11, compares Tibetan Ta-gu, Sta-gu, on the river of cercen. M fm M8533V4. Unknown word in the title of a melody. MS t'm',S t'm'kpers.pron.l.sg. 'me',acc. M fm' TaleA19 M t'm'h TaleE35 S t'm' [14150+iR8 s. 28'm'], 18131iiV7, 20506+V7, 21001Vl (thus Yoshida 2008, 60,Lentz tnmn),ANa4,L37.15 S t'm'k GGZl.9, TaleAS4 S t'mp'r,t'mp'rmync s. tmb'r, tmb'rmync S t'n s. xwry t'n MS t'nm'n n. 'so-and-so' M t'nm'n M138V4 S t'nm'n 10920+ V9,10920+V25 S 1 fp S. t'py S 2t'p v.itr. 'to shine', v.tr. 'to seal', past stem t�t-,t'!3ts t'!3t8r'nt 3.pl.tr.pret. 10700a+Rl* S t'p'ntskwn 3.pl.pres.dur. 14638iiR1 S t'ph 3.sg.impf TaleH27 · S t'pt 3.sg.pres. Ps600 S t'py 2.sg.pres. Ps598 S t�t'k pp. KG466 S tt'pt L61.3 s. t'y MS t'py,S t'p'k n.m., S 1 t'p n. 'seal' M t'pyy MLl.7 M t'PYY AR1a12 S t'p'k KG466 S t'p'kw KG489,SSlll S t'pw TaleH26 S t'py Xwl.16 S t'r n. 'top of the head' S t'r 16201.4 S t'r' 18111iV3 s. t' ry



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M t'r'c, name of the final period of the world's existence. Haloun-Henning 1952,202. M t'r'c M767iiR5 S t'r'k,t'r'y,t'rc s. t'ry C t'r'qwny n. 'darkness' C t'r'qwny TIIB8V7 S tt'rn[ PsAl. 73 s. t'ry S t'rtr a. 'darker' S t'rtr Talel35 MSC t'ry, S t'r'k,t'r'y a. 'dark',n.m. 'darkness' M frcf BBBb75,CFvl65,SLN92 M fry O6163R7*,O6163V3 M t'ryy CF45 M fryyg SLNak13 M fryt pl. O6163V4 S t'r', abl.sg.m. 18111iV3, PsAl.73 (ed. t'rn[, read t'r' [) S t'r'k 18210Bl*,O2075V9*,RSH135 S t'r'kt pl. O2075Rl1 S t'r'kw 14638iV17, O2075V3, O2075V6*, O2075Vl1*, Ps624, SLN42, SLN42*, SLN94* S t'r'y Frg6.5*,HC36.1V14*,Ps624 S t'r'yt pl. KG565 S t'rcf HC37.2.2,KG614* S t'rchf HC36.13Al,TaleKa2 S t'ry l8430Ai8 S t'rytt pl. GGZl.24 C t'ry TIIB8V4,TIIB8V6 M fs'6 s. xw's'o t's'o M 1t's n. 'writing-tablet'(?) M fs BBB527 M 2t's v.tr. 'to chop (wood)' M t'sndskwn 3.pl.pres.dur. MLl.19 S t's L37.3 s. ts, S tt's L37.7 s. tys S t'syn-z'ak' n.pr.m. IPNB II/8,no. 1209. S t"syn-z'6k' BezC24 S t't'ywr n.pr.m. 'Tatayur'. IPNB II/8, no. 1218. S t't'ywr ANc6,ANc8,ANc9 MS1t'w n. 'strength,might' M t'w KawIR2 (ed. fw(nty), rather t'w ('ty) [E. Morano]), KawIR7*, M6330Rl2, Tale B12 S t'w 14742V12 (Ms wnw?),Ch/U6886V6 S t'wh GGZl.18 S2t'w v.tr. 'to endure'(?). Perhaps, with ed., a scribal error for pt'w 'id.'. S t'w'ynt 3.pl.opt. AN143 (ed. t'w'y't) M t'w'n n. 'penalty' M t'w'n BBBf70 S t'w'nt'k,t'w'ntk,t'w'nty s. t'wndy S t'w'n tr a. 'stronger' S t'w'ntr Talel39 S t'w'nttr 10263(1)+V4

St'w'nty-str a. 'mightier,greater'

S t'w'nty-str ANlO

M t'wndky' n.f 'power,might'

M fwndky' CFvl57* M fwndqy' CF57 M t'wndy, t'wnty, S t'w'nt'k, t'w'ntk, t'w'nty, t'wnty,M t'wnd a. 'powerful,mighty,huge' M fwndt M372Viil M fwndyt pl. CFS8 M fwndyy Ml18iV3,M129Rl1,TaleD30 [M fwnty KawIR2* s. 1 t'w, 'ty] M fwntyy M6330R5 S t'w'nt'k 14000R1 S t'w'nt'kw Ps576 S t'w'ntk Ch/U6434Vl S t'w'nty AN30 S t'wnty G1Ai5* St'y n. 'thief' S t'y 10203.3 S t'yt pl. L61.3 (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 237, ed. t'pt), L103R2, TaleH2, TaleH12, TaleH21*,TaleH30 S t'yty pl.obl. TaleH6* M t'yw'kcyk a. 'childish'(?) M t'yw'qcyk M2151.2* M t'ywny, S t'y'wny n. 'theft' M fywnyy BBBe6 S t'y'wny L95+2 S t'z'yk'n'k,t'zyk'n'y s. t)yg'ny St'[ Ps420*,PsAl.65 S*tj3'r' n.f 'grain,seed'(?). Uncertain, but see Sims-Williams 1995a,300,on C tb'r'. S tWry obl.(?) KG3.71 St�s- v.itr. 'to become hot' S t�sty 3.sg.pres. HC37.2.10* S t�t- s. 2 t'p Stay adv. 'there',especially 'there (where you are)' S toy 20193bV2, BezA122, .. BezB67, 07368 Vl,RSH140* M tfsnwk, S twf3snwk n. 'annoyance'. MP loanword according to Henning 1940, 48 (cf. DMT III/1, 325b), but treated as a native word in GMS §539,978. M tfsnwk ML2.13 S twf3snwkw BezB39* M ttg[ M2025.3 s. tx[ StyTt 'Tigris',name of a river S ty'l't .JRSH39* (ed. --'l't, IPNB II/8, 478, (ty)'l't) MS ty'm n. 'ford' M ty'm Gl/g27 M ty'm M769R3 S ty'm KG563



S tyn'ck', unknown noun denoting some part of the head S tyn'ck' 16201.5* MS tyt- s. *n'-tyt, tys MS tyw pers.pron.2.sg. 'you',nom. M tyw Ml27R2,M6132B8*,MIKiii498lf8 M tyw BBBB,M130bV5,M373Rl*,M5592 R2,TaleA25,TaleA36 M tyww TaleE34 S tyw 11603+9, 13700aA3, 14700(4)V3, 18131iiR2, 18431V5, 18435V3,· AN6*, AN168, Ch/U6326V9, Ch/U6536a+V14, Ch/U6926Vl, Ch/U7115.5*, Ch/U7201V6, HC36.1V4*, HC36.1V8*, HC36.1V9, HC36.10R9*, HC36.10R13, HC36.10V5, HC36.10Vll, KG417, KG538, KG543, KG562,KG2.3,KG2.6,KG2.11*,KG3.12, KG3.80, L91+12, Ps359(2), Ps399, Ps400, Ps401, Ps402, Ps403, Ps410, Ps415*, Ps 439, Ps440*, Ps567, Ps567,Ps568, Ps568, Ps570, Ps571, Ps579, Ps587, Ps588*, Ps 589, Ps597, Ps599, Ps604, Ps619, Ps621, Ps622, Ps623*, Ps650, Ps651, Ps652, PsA 1.65*, PsAl.73*, RSH150, RSH170*, SS 153,SS155,SS163, SS163, SS163, SS164, SS164, TaleAS9, TaleAS15, TaleF26, Tale H28,TaleI12 s 1tkws, tk'ws n. '(act of) looking, look'. BT XIX,152. S tk'ws KG3.41,TaleJ6 S tkws SS151 MS 2tkws v. 'to look',past stem M tkws't M tkws 2.sg.impv. Gl/al3*(?) M tkws pres.inf M7800iiV4 M tqws'nd 3.pl.pres.(?) Ml696.5* M tkws't past inf M7800iiR7 M tkws6' 2.pl.impv. M7800iiR14 M tqwsnyt pres.pt.pl. Ml34iR5 (misprinted t- in BT XI,178b) M tkwst 3.sg.pres. BBB565,M794biV2 M tyqws'nd 3.pl.impf O6228B6 S tykws 3.sg.impf 18434R2* MSC tm- n.m./f. 'hell'. GMS §1168 n. 1. M tm' abl.sg. TaleB7 M tmf nom.-acc.pl. M128V7 M tmy nom.sg. Ml10iiR7 M tmy acc.numv.(?) M118iR11 M tmyg gen.sg. M372Ri3 M tmy' gen.sg.(?) M118iV2 (GMS §1181: abl.,but §1183: loc. !) M tmy' loc.sg. Ml10iV3 M tmy'g abl.sg. M549i+V10 (GMS §1181) M tmy'b- loc.sg.(?) M3602V3* (GMS §1058 tmb'r,Cat. tm[b]'r,read tm[y]('b-)) S tm' abl.sg. 18111iV4, Frg5.13*, Frg6.5,


L33.2,L33.7,L33.12,L33.16,Talel34 S tmw acc.sg. · 18435V5, SS108, SS109, SS109 S tmy gen.sg. BezB30 S tmy' loc.sg. 14638iR4,HC36.7R8 S tmyh loc.sg. 10261(1)V2,18248i13* C tmw acc.sg. TIIB8R12 S tm'yk s. tmyk M tmb'r,tmp'r,S tnp'r,tmp'r,t'mp'r n. 'body' M tmb"r BBB691 M tmb'r BBBb37, BBBf73, M5266V7, SS146 M tmb'r BBB559, BBB666, BBBb54, BBBb 79,BBBfl4,BBBfl7*,CF52,CF61,M129 RIO,M140+V15*,M372Ri3,[M3602V3 s. tm-], M5030Rl2,SLNak9 M tmb'rt pl. BBB564,M8l0V4 M tmb'rty pl.obi. Ml40+V7 M tmb'ry obl. BBBb89 M tmb'ryg obl: BBB593,M598V7 M tmb'ryyg obl. M5030R3 M tmb (or twyp'6) n. 'archer'(?). Thus Henning 1940, 40-41, but cf. Sims­ Williams 1975,133. Differently IFOC,165 ('swift-footed'). M twyp'M Gl/h13 S twxp'o (or twyp'&) O10126B2* S twyr'ystn,twyrys. ctf3'r-twyr'ystn S twyryl s. swp'sy twy ryl 'yn'l M twj, S tw'z v.tr. 'to pay',past stem twytM twyt' kwnyy 3.sg.opt.tr.pot. MIKiii4981a2 M twj 3.sg.impf TaleA54 S tw'z 3.sg.impf TaleAS26 M twndy', S twnty' n.f 'violence,vehemence' M twndy' BBB636 S twnty' O2075V10* S twp'yt n. 'Tibet' S twp'yt KB19(4)* S twp'ytc'ny a. 'Tibetan' S twp'ytc'ny KB19(1) S tw-pyk'r 'the Two Images, (the sign of the zodiac) Gemini'. MP phrase as title of one of Mani's Epistles. Sundermann 2009, 2656. S tw-pyk'ry obl. 15502V13* S twrk n. 'Turk' S twrk KB6(1) S twrkc'ny a. 'Turkish' S twrkc'ny KB2(1) S twrkys n. 'Turgish (tribe)' S twrkys KB20(1f)*,KB20(2) S twswl Ch/U6536biiV4. Part of a n.pr.? IPNB II/8,no. 1268. S tws'rmys. 'spwrk'ry tws'rmy 'wa '{3y-pxtky M twwts. tw S twtwx s. 'lp twtwx 'wyk', 'ysyk 'okw twtwx 'wyk' M 1twty c. 'that', perhaps also 'then, and'. GMS §96. M twty BBBb68,M5912V4* M twtyy M674Rl1 M twtysy M664Vl7 M twtysy]]- M125R4 M twtysyy BBBe17 MS 2twty n. 'parrot' M twty M296Vhdl* (thus ed., misprinted t-, Kat.,270 n. 4) S twty L29+1, L29+14, L29+19, L29+22, L29+28 M twx a. 'swift'. Sims-Williams 1975,133. M c'twxt elat. M635iV1 (GMS §1314) S twx 07520.5,Talel44 S twxp'o O10126B2* s. twyp'b [M twyrt Ml775.3. Cited in Cat. as _Sogd., but probably Turkish tort 'four'. The following

Sogdian t(w)[ is presumably also Turkish.] S twz'nk a. 'normal,ordinary'. Sims-Williams 1994,45-6 with n. 7 on p. 51. S twz'nktpl. AN30*,ANlO0 S tw[ PsAl.52 MS txm- n.m. 'seed' M txmyy nom. sg. BBB576 (as acc.; ed. [r]xmyy,more likely [t]xmyy) S txm'y nom. sg. RSH123* S txmy nom. sg. SS112 S txm'nc n. 'family'(?) S txm'nch 18195R2 S txrn'ncw GGZ1.15 S txrn'ncy obl. BezA98 S txwm n. 'seed, family'(?). Quite uncertain. Hardly a mere variant of txm-, in view of the tre'atment as a heavy stem, but con­ ceivably a loanword from the cognate MP twhrn,Pa twxm (DMT III/1,330b,331a). S txwrnty pl.obl. 01189.2* M txyz n. 'setting (of sun and moon)' M txyyz M4551A4 M tx[ M2025.3. Cat. tg[,read t(x)[. M ty n. Chinese,the fourth of the 'Ten sterns' M tYY Ml15Ril2,Ml15Rii4,Ml15Vii3 S ty'kh RSH55s. prm'ndy' S ty(36't n.pr.m. 'Devadatta'. IPNB II/8, no. 462. S ty�o'tty 18248i32 (not obl.) MS tykws s. 2tkws S tykyn, tyk'yn 'tegin, prince', Turkish title. Irregular plural tykyt. S tyk'yn KB16(1)* S tykyn BezA126,KB2(3) S tykyt pl. BezA43 S tyk[ 15800V2* MS tym adv. 'still,yet,again,furthermore' M 'qrnstyrn CF83 M tyrn CF87, KG2329, MLl.16, MLl.20, MLl.24,MLl.29, MLl.37, S40iiR2,TaleE 46* M tyrn BBBb27,KawE18 (ed. [••]y'tyrn,read [�]y' tym with Yoshida 2002, 193a), M116R9, M116V8, Mll6V10, M406.7*, M767iiV5, SLNal119, TaleA12, TaleA45, TaleA47,TaleB40,TaleE16* S mstyrn RSH8* (ed. ](s)tyrn, restore rn](s)tyrn),Xw/bl* S tym 10030(2)Al, 10100eR12*, 10650(10) RIO, 10650(10)V9, 14638iR3, 14638iR19, 18110V4, 18248i37, 18431V3, 18431V6*, 20229Rl1, AN138, BezA104, Ch/U6046 V2, Ch/U6050V2, KG405, KG619, KG 3.83, L2.3, L29+4, L95+6, 07004+44, O7368V2, 09078.1, RSH87, SSl11, Tale


AS21,TaleAS23, [TaleJ13s. 'ys] M tyr 'Mercury',' name of the fourth of the 'seven planets'. MP loanword. Henning 1937,86. M tyr M115Ri6, Mll5Rii4, Mll5Vi4, M115Vii10 S tyr'k s. 'yncw pylk' tyr'k, xwtrwy tyr'k S tyr-zmncyk a. 'relating to Wednesday, taking place on Wednesday' S tyr-zmncykw 15500R5* (Kat. ]tyw nm'­ cykw,Yoshida 2008,59,](t)yr-zrnncykw) MS tys v.itr. 'to enter, go in; to begin', past stems tyt-,tys't(?) [MMs. *n'-tyt] MM' 'kq[ pret.itr.pot. Ml10iiR5 (GMS §886) MM'nd 3.pl.itr.pret. M7800iiV11 MMYY 3.sg.m.itr.pret. BBB593 MMYY pp. BBB579 M tys 3.sg.impf MLl.26 M tys 3.sg.impf M120V8,M501rnA4 M tyys'nd 3.pl.pres. M549ii21 M tys't 3.sg.subj. L74R5 M tyst 3.sg.pres. M583iiR4,S40iiR1 M tystskwn 3.sg.pres.dur. M14R5 S tyt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. TaleH3 S tyty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. 13881+R3, 13881+R4, KG585*,KG591 S tyty past inf AN39,AN76 S tyty pp. 13881+Vl* S tys 3.sg.impf [L37.3 s. ts], L37.7 (thus Sims-Williams 1981,237,ed. t's),TaleJl7 S tys'rn l.sg.pres. 07130.3 S tys'nt 3.pl.pres. HC37.2.5 S tys't 3.sg.itr.pret.(?) Ps51 (BT XXVII, 27 n. 27) S tysny pres.pt. BezB50 S tyst 3.sg.pres. SS131 S tysy 07004+52 S tysym I.pl.opt. BezA112 M tys'mndy, S tys'rn'nty n.m. '(act of) enter­ ing; beginning' M tys'mndyh BBB495 S tys'rn'nty B ezA72 S tyspwn 'Ctesiphon',name of a city S tyspwn 07252+5*,SLN117 M tys,name of the thirteenth day of the month M tys O6191R7* M tysfrn n.pr.m. DMT III/1, 333a; IPNB II/8, no. 1292. M tysfrn Ml.119 M tysyng n. 'Great Vehicle, Mahayana'. Chinese loanword. M tysyngyy obl. BBBdl



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S tyt 20230V12. End of an unidentified word (pp.pl.?). S tytyk n.pr.m. IPNB II/8,no. 1296. S tytyk 20237V3,Ch/U6394R M tY[ KG2349 S tz'kcwr n.pr.m. 'Taziik-cor"(?). (IPNB II/8, no. 1297, has "tytz'kcwr", based on differ­ ent word division, while Yoshida 2008, 58, suggests (wz)rkcwr.) S tz'kcwr 1340IR1* St•p[ 14153+iV12* S t..pt[ O10126B3* S t...kh 16201.33*. Unidentified word deno­ ting some part of the head. Mt[ M127V5* Mt[ , M501mB2, Mll0l.1, Ml134+R8*, M1134+V5*,M5093B2*,MIKiii4981c5 St[ 14272A8*, 18058+R20*, 18140+iV20, 20002+V28*,AN50 (ed. t['r'k]),KB3(1)(?), KBfrl0.2, L61.2, 01927.9, 04554.1 *, 05471+3*, Psl26, Ps406, Ps581, Ps601*, PsAl.69,[PsAl.73* s. pw-t[] M tu (i.e. w) MIKiii497laRl. Ed. HY u, but read rather ]tyy. Mwws. 'ww S ww SS162 (thus ed., but the reading is not clear), TaleKa22 (line-filler?) MS 1w', S ZKwh article 'the'. Primarily acc. sg.f and ace.pl., occasionally also used for acc.sg.m. GMS §1433-6. Wendtland 2011, §II.3, interprets many examples of M w' listed here as the elative prefix. M w" CF35 M w' BBBb67, BBBfl0, BBBf14, BBBf15, CF71, KawG8, KawK3, KawKlO, M549ii 4, M549ii26, [M5030R3 s. ptzm'n], M6132 B4, ML2.6*(?) S w' KG3.44 S ZKwh 10026+R5, 14000R2, 14000Rl8, GGZl.20, GGZl.43, GGZl.53, GGZl.56, KG344, KG345, KG430, KG452, KG486, KG517, KG520*, KG530, KG533, KG538, KG551, KG553*, KG558, KG558, KG586, KG614, KG638, L37.16, Ps385, TaleAS 26* (ed. [ZK]h, restore rather [ZKw]h), TaleH30 (thus Kat., 30, ed. ZKw), Tale! 17*, TaleI20 S 2w', elative prefix. See under the following word. (S w"#[, L59.7, may be the elative prefix to an adjective lost in the following lacuna.) S 1w'f3 n. '(act of) speaking, speech' S w'f3 18140+iiV7, HC36.9Vl2, KG338,

KG3.57(?),Xwl.10* MS 2 w'f3 v.tr. 'to say,speak',past stem wytM w'f3 3.sg.impf Ml27R7, M628bA3*(?), M655cRl1, M760V2, M760Vl1 *, M794a iiR2*, M794ciR1*(?), M5093B2, 06228 Bl*,TaleA7,TaleE27 M w'Wmk'm l.sg.fut. M4435.14 M w'Wnd 3.pl.pres. M140+V10,M5690R6 M w'Wnd-skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. ML2.16 M w'f3nd 3.pl.impf M7800iiV16 M w'f3nyt pres.pt.pl. Ml72iV7* M w'f3t 3.sg.pres. BBBf28 (unclear, cf. Hen­ ning 1937, 103,perhaps mistake for wWt) M w'f3n! 3.sg.pres. M549ii13 (GMS §76) M w'f3!k'm 3.sg.fut. M813iR1*, M1828V8f* (ed. w]('f3t), restore w]('f3t)#[k'm?) M wyt' wl3'! 3.sg.subj.itr.pot. BBBd2 M wytwo'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. M127R2, M127V3, MLl.28, ML2.5 M wytwo'r ... tr.pret. GI/m5* M wytyy past inf SLN ak44 S w'f3 3.sg.impf 10129iV16, 11603+8, 11603+11, 13700aA8, 17150A3, 17151R5, 18131iiV6*, 18131iiV7, 18437A3, 20504+ V2, 20504+V4, 21001V6, AN176*, Ch/U 6536a+V14, KG521, KG562, KG2.2, KG 3.42, KG3.66*, KG3.83, L32.10, L37.10, L37.15, Ps382, RSH38*, TaleF18, TaleH9, TaleH16,TaleH18,TaleJl1 S w'j3'n 1.sg.subj. 11603+11, KG3.68 S w'f3'n-k'm l.sg.fut. KG3.65* S w'j3'nt 3.pl.impf KG457,KG537 S w'j3'nt 3.pl.pres. 10650(7)Bl(?), 10650(10) RIO*,10650(10)V9, TaleG15* S w'j3'ntw 3.pl.pres. 10263(1)+V9 S w'j3'y-k'm 2.sg.fut. RSH35* S w'j3'ym I.pl.pres. KG3.62 S w'f3ky absol. BezC23 S w'j3t 3.sg.pres. KG634 S w'f3w 1.sg.inj. KG3.67 S w'f3ym I.pl.opt. KG3.85 S w'f3ysk 2.sg.pres.dur. KG3.80* S wyb'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. 18058+R18*,KG3.11 S wyb'rty 3.sg.tr.pret. 18248i35 S wyt pp.(?) BezC9 (mistake for wyty? or for neut. wytw?) S wyt'k pp. KG462 S wytw kwn'nt 3.pl.pres.tr.pot. Ch/U6370V3 S wyt�-b'r'm 1.sg.tr.pret. 18101+R3 S wytw-b'rt 3.sg.tr.pret. 18248i31 S wytw-b'rt' 2.pl.tr.pret. 14742V7,Ch/U6886 V2 S wytwb'rty 3.sg.tr.pret. 18248i26, 18248i 42* S wyty past.inf ANl35


S wyty pp. AN2 S wyt[ 20238A2* S 3 w'f3 s. 1w f S w'f3'k s. 'psypw-w'/3'k S w'j3'yb,w'f3ryb, w'f3yc> s. wfryb S w'f3cn a. 'capable of speech' S w'f3cn Ch/U7115.4 S w'f3y s. xwm'r-w'f3y M w'f3yj! s. /3jS w'f3z'nk'ryst s. f3jng'ry MS w'c v.tr. 'to release, let go, let, allow, forgive' M w'c'mk'm 1.sg.fut. KawC13 M w'st 3.sg.pres. M796iV8 (GMS §260) S w'c 2.sg.impv. [Ps385 s. yw'n-w'c], TaleI5 S w'c'ymk'm I.pl.fut. KG458* (ed. ](')c'ymk'm, restore w](')c'ymk'm with Lieu 1994, 29 n. 27) S w'cy 2.sg.pres. [20146+V3 s. yw'nw'cy], Ps384 s w'c'yo'nt s. 'wjyo M w'crn, S w'rcn n. 'market, bazaar'; in astro­ nomy 'period of twenty-four hours'. Hen­ ning 1948,311. M w'cm TaleA19 M w'cmdpl. CF97 M w'cmd! pl. M548Rl, M548R5* (ed. w'cr[, restore w'cr[nd!) M w'crnyy ob!. CF98, M548R2* S w'rcn'y obi. TaleAS4 M w'd, 1 w'c> s. wjyd w'd, w'ojywndy MS 2 w'6 n. 'seat,throne' M w'b M521bBii4,M6290V3(?) S w'c>y obi. KB8(1),KB15(1),KB17(7) M w'6'ny Ml16V13. Unknown word. S w'b'rty SS156 s. w'tc5'r M w'6jywndy, w'd-jywndg 'Living Spirit', Pa name partially adapted to Sogdian. Sunder­ mann 2001, 126 with nn. 83-4 on p. 147. M w'd-jywndg M583iR6, M583iV6 M w'b-jywndyy M118iR10 M w'ojywndyh KawG24* M w'Mjywndyy M5266R6 M 1w'f, S 3 w'f3 a., adv. 'so many, so much, so great, such'. GMS §1588. M w'f [BBB584*, BBBel1 s. w'.f-zng'n], M130bV2,M857Rl S w'f3 18248i42, 18700+R4, HC36.10R3*, KG3.67* M 2w'f v.tr. 'to weave',past stem wft­ M w'fnd 3.pl.impf CF124 M wftyy pp. M137iiV12 M w'fry6, S w'f3ryc>, M w'fyc>, S w'f3'yc>, w'f3yb a. 'so many, so much, so'. GMS §1592, 1594.


M w'fryc'S M264aV9* M w'fryM M767iV2 M w'fyoo M767iiR2 S w'j3'yb 18131iiV7, Frg6.1 S w'f3ryc> L44.8 S w'f3yo AN184, BezB27,L95+4 M w'f-zng'n a. 'of so many kinds' M w'f-znng'n BBB584*,BBBel1 S w'ywn'k a. 'such' S w'ywn'k 20240R3* [S tw'ywn'kk O2586aV2*. Thus ed., but the spelling is implausible.] S w'ywnc f Talel2 S w'ywnch f Ch/U6445V2* (Kat. w'ywn(c•)[,probably w'ywn(ch)[) S w'n' RSH43 s. w'nw S tw'n'k L63R3 s. w'xs S w'n'kh dem.pron. 'that', acc.sg.f GMS §1437. S w'n'kh L44.8* (ed. ]kh,read ](w)'n'kh) S w'n'kw, w'n'w, w'nkw s. w'nw M w'nd, MS w'nt dem.pron. 'those'. GMS §1438. M w'ndt CFl14 M w'ntt KawV16 S w'nt 18058+R10* S tw'nk L37.17,L61.7 s. wy'k MS w'nw, S w'n'kw, w'nkw, w'n'w adv. 'so, thus'. GMS §1603-7. Also occasionally a. 'such', nom.-acc.sg. (especially neuter, cf. BT XII, 59?), e.g. M7800iiV2, 10263(1)+ R8, 14000R7, TaleK18. M w"nw TaleB25 M w'nw BBB757, BBBe16, BBBf3, BBBf 13, BBBf28, BBBf29, BBBf57, CF40, CF 81, CF128, CFvl40, Gl/r6, KawC5, KawE 17, KawV6*, L74R6, L117V5* (ed. ]nw, read w](')nw), Mll0iiV3, M117.9, Mll8 iV15, Ml18iiR11, M125R4, M127R2*, M127V4*, M127V5, M127V7*, M127 V12, M130bR1, M130bV1, M373Rl, M423.4*, M498biiR2, M549ii3, M583ii V9, M583ii V12* (ed. ]nw, restore w']nw with Henning 1937, 136b), M591R2, M591Vl0, M617iV6, M628bA3, M655c R l 1, M659V2, M674R10, M674V9, M760 V2, M760V4, M760Vll, M813iV1*, M915R4, M915V2, M1134+V4, M1770 R2, Ml771R4, M1922.3, M5093B2*, M5690R6, M5912V4, M6762.6, M7800ii V2, M7800iiV16, M7800iiV18, MLl.18, MLl.20, MLl.22, MLl.28, ML2.5*, ML 2.7, ML2.8, ML2.16, ML2.17, O1587Al*, O6179Al, O6228Bl, O6233A4, TaleA7, TaleAlO, TaleAl7, TaleA21, TaleA23,


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

TaleA35, TaleA60, TaleB11, TaleB48, TaleB57, TaleD16, TaleEll*, TaleE27, TaleE31, TaleE34*, TaleE35 M w'nww M373R4 10263(1)+R8, 10200(l)Vl, S w'n'kw 10263(1)+V3, 10263(1)+V5, 13504A2, 1542182, 14700(1l)B9*, 13700aA8, 15800V6*, 18248i44, 18248i48*, 20229 VlO, GGZl.45, KG361, KG408*, KG2.7, 04711.01, 07004+40, RSH26*, RSH38, RSH43fl' (w'n'#kw), RSH68*, RSH71, RSH77*, RSH87, RSH91, RSH98*, RSH 99, RSH108, RSH109, RSHll0, RSH114*, RSHl18, RSH118*, RSH122*, RSH126*, RSH130*, RSH134*, RSH135, RSH150, , RSH151, RSH170*, SSll0, SSllO, SSlll, SS115*, SS137, TaleAS2*, TaleAS5, Tale AS7, TaleAS14* S w'n'w 10650(10)V9* S w'nkw 10100eR12, 10100eV9, 10100e Vll, 10100eV14, 10100k+Rl, 10129iV16, 10650(7)A6, 10650(10)R10 (w'nk(w, mis­ printed w(nkw, Sundermann 2001c, 76 n. 22), 14000R3, 14000R7, 14153+iV11, 14726V6, 17150A3*, 17151R5*, 18058+ R17*, 18110V5, 18165R5*, 18437A3, 18700+V9, 20504+V4, 20506+V6, AN9, AN22, AN50, AN142, AN155*, AN169*, ANl76, ANa3, ANd2, ANd4*, BezA63, BezA83, BezB9, GGZl.15, GGZl.18, GGZl.47, GGZl.56, KB9(1), KB12(1), KB13(1), KB17(1)(?), KBfr9.6, KBfr9.8, KBfrl0.4 (ed. wn'kw), KG327, KG334, KG339, KG356*, KG369, KG370, KG465, KG469, KG471, KG484, KG514, KG521, KG537, KG543, KG562, KG569, KG581* (ed. '](w)nkw, read ](w')nkw with Lieu 1994, 32 n. 30), KG582, KG594, KG634, KG642*, KG2.2, L29+4, L29+4a, L32.3, L37.10, L37.14, L37.20*, [L61.7, L61.9 s. wy'k], L95+5*, 07359+9*, Ps382, Ps387, Ps389, Ps581, Ps581, Ps581, Ps588, Ps597*, RSH8, TaleH3, TaleH9, TaleH14, TaleH16, TaleH18, TaleH21, TaleH23, TaleI5*, TaleI18, TaleK2, TaleK18 S w'nw 10650(7)Bl, 11603+4, 11603+8*, 1415l+iR15*, 14342B3, 14742V14, 18131 iiV7*, 20504+V2*, 21001V6, AN172, Ch/U6536a+Vl3, Ch/U6886V7, Ch/U6926 V9, Ch/U7058V4, KG3.10, KG3.ll, KG 3.18, KG3.21*, KG3.39, KG3.42, KG 3.68*, KG3.70*, KG3.80, KG3.83, KG 3.85, 07252+4*, SS155, TaleKa21 M w'p't, MS w'pt s. 'wpt

M tw'p! SLNam131*. Ed. (w'p!), translated 'woven' as if *wfty, but the form and the reading both seem impossible. M w'#ptzm'nd! s. ptzm'n MS(?) 1w'r n. 'rain, rainwater' M w'r BBB571, BBB577, SS149 M w'f!y pl.obi. M140+R9 M w'ryh obl. BBB496 S w'rt pl. 14700(11)B6 (quite uncertain, but hardly wnyt 'trees' with ed., which should be wnt') M 2w'r v.itr. 'to rain' M w'rt 3.sg.pres. SS149 M w'rytw 1.sg.opt.mid. M137iiV4 (OMS §807: precative) S w'r'k, MS w'rc s. w'ry S w'rcn s. w'crn S w'rcy' s. wrcy' M w'rms s. 'wrms M w'ry, S w'r'k a. 'empty' M w'rc f M672aA3 S w'r'k 14000R20* S w'r'kw KB18(2) S w'rcf 14001aR1 S w's v.itr. 'to blow' S w'st 3.sg.pres. 14000R29, 18110V4 (or 3.sg.impf. of 'wst?) S w's'wc s. 'ws'wc MS w'st s. 'wst, w's S w'st'y, w'sty s. 'wst MS w'st s. 'wst, w' C MS 1w't n. 'wind', also as name of the second son of the Primal Man. Sundermann 2001, 125 with n. 56 on p. 146. M w't SS149* M w't M14R23, M583iR1, M834iR5, SLN ak5 M w'ty ob!. SS149 S w't 14000R21, 14000R29, 18700+V3, [Ch/U6827ii2 s. osny-w't], Ch/U6827iii5, KG360, KG364* S w'ty obl. HC36.8V5, Talel36 M 2w't, name of the twenty-second day of the month M w't Fast2.8* S tw't' SS158 s. wndn S w't'rt'w n. 'Righteous Wind', used as a name of the second son of the Primal Man. BJ XIX, 146. S w't'rt'w SS133* MS w'tt>'r n. 'creature, living being' M w't6'r M140+R15* M w't6'rt pl. ANel1 M w't6'rtyy pl. obi. SS146 M w't6'f!yy pl.ob!. Ml34iV8

Sogdian S w'tc Yr 18248i3, L30+V7, SS160, TaleKa5 S w'tb'rt pl. AN11 *, AN32*, Ps137 S w'tb'rty pl.ob!. AN56, L65.6, SS156 (Ms w'8'rty), SS162, TaleG20* MS w'tny, M w'tyny, S w'tyn'k a. 'of wind; spiritual, - pneumatic'. Henning 1937, 81; OMS §1058. M w'tnyy M3602V3* M w'tynyy KawK14, M549i+Vll M w'tynyt pl. BBB678 S w'tny L33.1 S w'tyn'kt pl. SLN42* s tw'xrs (passim) s. wnxrs MS w'xs n. 'word, speech; strophe (PsA2.2); matter, business'. Used in its MP sense 'spirit' in the phrase zpq w'xs 'Holy Spirit', M172iV15, according to Sundermann 2001, 126 with n. 127 on p. 149, and MacKenzie 1995, 189 (but zpq w'xs 'holy word', M172iV8). M w'xs BBB612, BBBc37, M14V6, [M116 R12 s. w'xs ywjdhr], M116Vll*, Ml72 'iV15, M617iV16, M765kR9* (Henning 1946, 722, w'x[s!], more likely w'x[s]), ML 1.23, MLl.24, [ML2.16 s. w'xs 'y bxtgyy], ML2.17, TaleE31 M w'xst pl. ML2.7 M w"xstt pl. BBB544 M w'xsty pl.ob!. L74R5 M w'xsyy obl. Ml72iV8 S w'xs [13401R2 s. w'xs-bf3 ryny], 18120 R12*, BezAlOl, [KG509 s. w'xs ywjdhr], KG3.7, KG3.8, KG3.23, KG3.67, KG3.72, L44.15, L63R3* (ed. w'n'k, read (w'x)s), Ps A2.2, TaleF29 S w'xst pl. 20193bV9, [AN128 s. r'm'nt­ f3yrt-w } xsy] S w'xsy obl. 07004+52, SLN41 * M w'xs 'y bxtgyy 'spirit of discord', MP phrase M w'xs 'y bxtgyy ML2.16 M w'xs ywjdhr, S w'xs ywztxr 'Holy Spirit', MP form used beside its Pa equivalent wjyd-w'd. Asmussen 1965, 239 n. 15; Sun­ dermann 2001, 126 with n. 123 on p. 149. M w'xs ywjdhr M116R12* S w'xs ywztxr KG509 S w'xs'yk s. w'xsyk S w'xscwr n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1306. S w'xscwr O/U829b2 S w'xs-�(3ryny n.m. 'word-giver', i.e. 'patron, commissioner (of a manuscript)'(?) S w'xs#b�ryny 13401R2f M w'xsk s. w'xsyk


MS w'xsyk, S_ w'xs'yk a. 'spiritual', n. 'super­ natural being, spirit'. Adapted MP loan­ word, Henning 1937, 69. M w'xsyk BBB586*, BBBb23 (Ms w'xsk, cf. OMS §80), TaleD15 M w"xsyk M2167.2* M w'xsyq M802V3 M w'xsyk! pl. Ml765.1 [M w'xsyqtyy M6330R7 s.frnw'xsyk] S w'xs'yk KG505 [S w'xsykt AN70* s. xwnx] S w'xsykty pl.ob!. 10129iiR13, BezA78 S w'xsykw BezB70 M 1w'xsyk' BBB559. Unclear form, perhaps a mistake for *w'xsyky' n.f 'spirituality', cf. the immediately following abstract tny­ gyrdy'; wrongly Henning 1937, 69. [M 2w'xsyk' M3223.1. Cited in Cat. as Sogd., but probably Turkish with Wilkens 2000, 49.] S w'xsyt AN128 s. r'm'nt-/3yrt-w'xsy MS w'xz s. 2 'wxz S w'y interjection 'woe!' S w'y w'y 20220iiR5 S w'yk or wnyk 18102+V19*. Probably only the end of a word. S w'yry a. 'worthless': BT XI, 196b. S w'yryt pl. KG564 MS w'ywk n. 'hunter, trapper'. SundermannZieme 1981, 188-9. M w'ywk M127Rl2 M w'ywq M373R2 S w'ywk 20514Vl, G1Aii6 (thus Kat., 280, accidentally omitted in ed.) S w'ywktpl. O1723V6* S w'ywkw 20514V2, AN150, AN163, Ch/U 7115.1 S w'ywky obl. ANl48 M w'z n. 'wing'. BT XII, 83. M w'ztpl. M5563B5 MS w'z'm s. 'wz'm S w'-z'ry s. z'ry S w'-z'wr-kynstr s. z'wrkyn S w'•�k 18058+R18*. Unclear. M w'[ [Gl/gl8* s. y'xystr], M501iR7, M583ii Rl7, MLl.36* S w'[ 13700aB6, Frg32iiR2 MS w�- s. f3wM w(3'stgy' n.f 'narrative'. On the spelling with -g- (OMS §246) see s.v. w�sty. M wWstgy'h Gl/al8 S w�r's s. wyfr' s M w(3sty n.m. 'story, fable'. Henning 1940, 19-20. The spelling of the derived abstract noun wWstgy' with -g- suggests that w�sty


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

is an adapted loanword from a WMiran. *wbstg (cf. Pa wbstn 'to undo, take off', DMT III/1, 337b). M wf3sty M134iiV9 MS wf3yw adv., c. 'and, also', wf3yw ... wf3yw ... 'both ... and ... ' M wf3yw BBB586, Gl/ell*, M5592R2* M wf3yw ... wf3yw ... BBBb23f, BBBf20f S wf3yw 1810l+Rl, 1811liR3, KBfr9.9*, KG401, KG524, KG548, KG573, KG2.6, Talel2 S wf3yw ... wf3yw ... 14638iR6, SS162 S wc,rt adv. 'exactly' S wc'rt SS155 M wcny, S wcn'k s. wtsny MS yvcyt s. wycnS w6'y'6 s. w(5y S w6'ysth s. wow M w6rty, S w6rt'k s. *w(5yr MS w{)w nj 'wife' M wow TaleB59 S wo'ysth pl. TaleK5, TaleK7* S w'6w Talell8 S wowh 18248i7, fAN53 s. w6y], AN199 MS wby, w'6yo, S w8y6, 'wo, 'woy, encl. S -w6 adv. 'there' M w'6yb- M329cBi4, M583iiR2* (ed. w6[, restore wo[yh) M woyy M120V3, M127R9, Ml700+B6*, ML2.8 M w'6y'6 CF80, Gl/r7 M woy'6'6 CF76 M w'6yy'6 CF4 S 'wo 13943V4 S 'woy BezClO, BezC21 S rtw6 14000R26 S w6'y6 10100dR4, 11400R6, 18110V6, AN 19*, AN39, AN162, HC36.7R9, HC36.7 V9, HC36.8V6, HC36.9R2*, HC37.2.4, KG384, KG597, KG637* (ed. (w6•)[, res­ tore (wo')[yo?), L29+12 S w6y 11603+7, 18700+Vl, 18700+V9, AN 15, AN28, AN53 (Ms w6wh), Ch/U6394 Vl, Ch/U6445Rl, KG2.8 S w6y6 18140+iiR6, L61.5, O1723V2 S w6yM TaleHl S ZY-w6 GGZl.53 MS w{)y-, S wy6y-, wy8y- v.itr. 'to disappear, be extinguished'. In HC36.7V3 perhaps 'to become faint' (~ Pa 'zgrysp- 'to disappear', DMT III/1, 102a), despite MacKenzie 1999, 300. M wbyy't 3.sg.subj. M358B2* S woy't 3.sg.subj. BezA86 S wy6'yt 3.sg.pres. 20240R2*

S wyo'y[ HC36.7V3* (misprinted as a com­ plete word) S wyoyt 3.sg.pres. 18102+R6 S wc,ycyk a. 'belonging to that place' S w6ycykw O1320.2 M *wbyr v.tr. 'to arrange, adjust', past stem MS wort M w6rtyy pp. M483.9 M w6ytyy pp. M2403.6 S wort'kw pp. BezB40 M wbyr'mndy n.m. 'adjustment, correction' M w6yr'mndyyb- BBB736 s w6[ KG637* s. woy M wfr- n.f 'snow'. GMS §1175. M wfr' acc.sg. BBB577 M wfry' loc.sg. BBB496 M wftyy s. 2w1 M wgyn-, wyqn-, wyyn- v.itr. 'to be des­ troyed'. Pa loanword. DMT III/1, 353a. GMS §706 lists the 3.sg.pres. form as 'present passive' (i.e. 3.sg.pres.mid.), but this is not necessary. M wgyndy[ 3.sg.pres. CFvl65 M wyyndyy 3.sg.pres. CF51 (-y- mistake for -g-?) M wyqndyh 3.sg.pres. CF65 S wy'm'k a. 'travelling'(?). Cf. C wy'my 'stranger, foreigner', BT XII, 229b? S wy'm'kw 20220iiV18 ('travelling power' = 'ability to move'? cf. GMS, p. 308) S wy'mchf 14700(1)V2 (no context) S wy6'rt s. 2 w'/3 S wyr,s v.itr. 'to wake up', past stem MS wyr't, M wyyr't M wyr'tyy pp. BBB703* M wyyr'tnd 3.pl.itr.pret. BBBb21 S wyr's wyr's 2.sg.impv. TaleHlO S wyr's'nt3.pl.pres. GGZl.13 S wyr't'kpp. Ps584*, Ps660* S wyr't'kw pp. Ps576, Ps603, Ps620, Ps624 S wyr't'y pp. Ps619* S wyr'ty pp. Ps384*, Ps442*, Ps442, Tale! 40* S wyr't[ 14151+iV9 S wyr't'ky'kh s. wyyr'tky' MS 1wys-, S yws- n.m. 'joy'. GMS §517. M wysww acc.sg. CF7 M wysyy nom.sg. CF47 (as acc.), [Ml.115 s. wysy], M549ii6, M5271R6, M6330Rll M wysyy]} nom.sg. L73+V3* (as acc.) S ywsy nom.sg. BezB8 (as acc.), 01927.7(?) S wys' abl.sg. SS150, SSl.51 S wys'y nom.sg. HC36.8R9 S wysw acc.sg. 1810l+R14 S wysy nom.sg. 14425+Vl, 18102+R15, AN

Sogdian 96, KB23(1)* (ed. ](wyyw)s, read ](wy)sy), PsAl.70, TaleG24 S wysy nom.sg. (as acc.) 18196V6, BezA99, TaleG19 S wysyh nom.sg.(?) HC36.1V6* (end of line) MS 2wys-, wyws- v.itr. 'to rejoice', past stem s ywst[M twysn M834iiR2 s. wys'[] M wysynyt pres.pt.pl. M617iiV10 M wyywsnd 3.pl.impf TaleB30 (GMS §213 n. 1) S ywstym l.sg.itr.pret. GGZl.15 S wys' 2.sg.impv. TaleF19*(?) S wys'nt 3.pl.pres. HC36.7V10 S wysty-skwnw 3.sg.pres.dur. AN81* S wysym 'I.pl.pres. BezA51 S wyy'ws 3.sg.impf AN151, AN164, [KB 23(1)* s. 1wys-], L37.14 S wyyws'nt 3.pl.impf L37.12 M wys,[ M834iiR2*. No context. GMS §686 cites the form as wysn and takes it to be 1.sg.subj. of 2wys-, but such a form is very unlikely and the reading wys(')[ is equally possible. M wysndm'ny a. 'joyful-minded' M wysndm'nyt pl. M1846B8 (cited only as 'wysnd-', Asmussen 1965, 252 n. 3) M wysndy, S wys'nty a. 'glad, joyful' M wysndyy CF62 M wysndyyh M5266V7 (misprinted -h) M wysndyt pl. KawE6 S wys'nty 18196R4, BezA46, BezA84, L30+ V8* (ed. wys'(n)[t, restore wys'(n)[ty?) S wys'ntyt pl. 18248i4, GGZl.13 M wysy n.pr.m. DMT III/1, 340b, suggests that wysyy forms a compound name with the following xwnz'k. M wysyy Ml.115 S wysy-,,yb,k n.pr.m. Yoshida 2000a, 85; IPNB II/8, no. 1309. S wysy-"yb'kw ANc7* M wysyf3'm n.pr.f M wysyyf3'm Ml.142 M wysyfrn, S wysy-prn n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1310. M wysyfrn Ml.86f (wysy#frn), Ml.116 S wysy-pm 12400R, Ch/U6225R MS wysym'x n.pr.m. Not in IPNB II/8. M wysym'x Ml.57 S wysy-m'xw U237+R7 S wys[ 13426(1)B2*, KBfr8.3 MS wyt- s. 2 w'f3 S twywsty AN30* s. wswsy S wyyr v.tr. 'to soak'(?). Reck 2005, 339 with n. 33 on p. 340. The Ms has only ](xyrt)[ or


](yyrt)[ and .the restoration is quite specu­ lative. S wyyrt 3.sg.pres. 10650(l)Rl0(?) S wy[ 20001+V7, O11088Bl M wh'kr n. 'merchant'. MP loanword, GMS §63. M wh'kr M134iiR3 M whmn s. myhr-whmn M whmn,n zyndg'n 'Living Wahmans', MP phrase. BT XXII, 160. M whmn'n zyndg'n BBB535 M whmn-cwr n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1352. M whmn-cwr M406.10 M whmnrwsn 'Light Wahman', MP name of the Light Nous. Sundermann 2001, 127 with n. 192 on p. 154. Used here as a n.pr. according to IPNB II/8, no. 1353. M whmnrwsn M6760B6 (written as one word; Sundermann whmn rwsn) M whmns'!! n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1354. M whmns'h MLI.28 M whyst s. 'jgnd 'gd 'c whyst M whyzysn, S wx'yzysn n. 'movement, pro­ gression'. MP loanword. GMS §212 n. 1; DMT III/I, 342b. M whyzysn M2073.2 S wx.'yzysn 20220iV20 M wjk'k, 'wj'k n. 'letter (of the alphabet)'. GMS §472; Morgenstierne 2003, 12. M wjk'k Ml16Vl1 M 'wj'k M122R3 M wjp-, wyjp-, S wzp-, wyzp- n-.f 'terror'. GMS §510. M wjp' nom.sg. M247V2 M wjpy'h abl.sg. M794aiV1 M wyjp'h nom.sg. M6132A2* S wyzpy' abl.sg. HC36.9V4 S wzp'h acc.sg.(?) 20229V4 S wzph nom.sg.(?) HC36.8R13* S wzpyh abl.sg. L91+12* (ed. ]wz p[, read wzp[yh] with Sims-Williams 1981, 233) M wjt- n.f 'harm' M wjt' nom.sg. M5690V7* (as abl.; uncertain restoration) S wzt' nom.sg. BezAlOl M wjtk'ry, wyjtk'ry, S wyztk'ry a. 'harmful', nm. 'evil-doer'. GMS §219 (but on 'wyjt­ k'ry see above). M wjtq'rytyy pl.obi. M502oB2* M wyjtk'ryy M549i+Rl1* S wyztk'ry AN185 M wjxs- v.itr. 'to be separated'(?) M wjxstyyb- 3.sg.pres. BBBf39 (GMS §706 n. 1)


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M wjyd w'd, wjy6w'8, S wz'ybw'6 'Elect Spirit', Pa designation of the Holy Spirit. Henning 1940, 47; Sundermann 2001, 126 with n. 124 on p. 149. M wjyd w'd BBB643f, Ml16R12*, M6610 RS, O6186R5* M wjyWy, C wydb'y n. 'preaching, sermon,

exposition'. Henning 1965, 32 n. I; Sims­ Williams 2003, 403. M wybWy BBB734, BBBd6*, KawKl7, M670V6, M7800iihdl M wyMWy SLN52* (Ms -b-) S wyoWy 10701aRhdl*, I4001aRhdl, 14638 iiVhdl, 18248ihdl, 20002+Rl, 20220iRhdl, 20220iiRhdl, AN43, AN63, GGZl.6, KG 396, KG516, KG557, KG590, RSH80* S wy6Wyh PsA2.2 C wydb'y TIIB8R5 S wyb[ r yc n. 'preacher'. GMS §1003. S wybWycty pl.obl. KG411 S wyl>l3xs-, wybWxs- v.itr. 'to unfold, be spread, be propagated' S wybWxs 3.sg.impf KBfr9.8 S wyb�xsty-k'm 3.sg.fut. AN51 S twyb�xsty 18114Bl (BT XI, 191b) s. wy-[ n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1449. S xwrxsy6-[ BezAl14* M xwry n.m. '(act of) eating'. Inf. according to GMS §906, 910-11. M xwry M130a+R2 M xwryy M117.14, M399B5 S xwry t'n, words of unclear form and mean­ ing forming part of the expression xwry t'n kwnS xwry t'n BezB48, BezB51, BezB54 (Ms t'n), BezB56 (Ms xwry), BezB58 M xwsnd, S xws'nt, 'xws'nt a. 'joyful, happy'. Also as n.pr.f M xwsnd KawC16, Ml.138 (n.pr.f), M134 iRlO, M760V8, Ml770V3, M5030V12*, TaleB31 S 'xws'nt L37.12 (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 237 n. 6, ed. 'yws'nt), TaleF30 S 'xws'nty obl.(?) BezB38 S xws'nt 10100k+R18, AN164, KG595 M xwsndy', 'xwsndy', 'xws'ndy', 'xswndy', S xws'nty'kh, xws'nty', 'xws'nty', *'xws'nt­ y'kh n.f 'joy, happiness'. The fourth of the twelve 'limbs' of light, BT XI, 51 n. 6. The second part of the first cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 138. M 'xswndcy'h M5271R7* M 'xws'ndy' KG2345 M 'xwsndy' M6330Rll M 'xw§ndyy' M549ii6 M xwsndy' BBB523, L73+V4* M xwsndy'h SLNak51 S 'xws'nty' 18196V6, BezA79, BezA99 S 'xws'nty'k-y obl. BezB9 S xws'nty' 14150+iV4*, 14425+Vl, BezC5, Ch/U6419Vl *

Sogdian S xws'nty'kh 10202.6*, KB23(1), KBfr8.4, KG602* S xwsntyw'n a. 'delighting in sin'(?) S xwsntyw'nh 1843lRl* S txw'stw'nypt 20220iR6 s. L'-xw'stw'ny(3t M xwsfy s. x'wM xwsp'nymyz a. 'pertaining to a shep­ herd'(?). For *xwsp'nymync, i.e. S 'xwsp'ny (q.v.) + suffix -mync (GMS §1103)? If so, abbreviated spelling at the end of a line. M xwsp'nymyz O6163R8 (ed. xwsp'n ymyz as two words) M xwst- s. 2xwj MS xwstr, S xwst'r s. xwystr M xwstr- n.m. 'camel' M xwstryy gen.sg. M568R5 M xwstryyg nom.sg. M127V10 (as acc.) MS xwsty, S xwst'y, xwysty, xwystk n.m. 'master, teacher' M xwstyy M483.7 S xwst'y 13881+R4* S xwsty MIKIII6918ivR1, Ps136 S xwystk KG526 S xwysty 14742V5, 14742V9, Ch/U6886Vl, Ch/U6886V4 s xwsw s. wxwsw M xwsy n.m. 'growth' M xwsy M896Vii1 M xwsyy M765d9 (GMS §910: pres.inf.) M xwsyc[ MLl.17. Unclear. The restoration xwsyc[q 'reservoir' (GMS §1012) seems impossible, but the interpretation as f. of xwsty 'master, teacher' (Sundermann 2008, 408 n. 27) is also very unlikely. M xwsyb[ O6182Aii3*. Unknown word. M xwsyp n. 'whip' M xwsyp GI/bl7, Gl/bl8 M xwt'k n. 'foal (of a donkey)'. Cf. C xwt'q 'id.', Sims-Williams 1995, 60. M xwt'k M127R7* MS xwt'w, xt'w n.m. 'lord, ruler, king' M xfw M6330Rl (GMS §38, 222) M xwt'w CFllO, M118ihdl, M6136R5, M6136V2, [SS146* s. xwty], TaleE8 M xwfw CF70, Ml.89, Ml.111, M309b8, M5266R5, M5266R6, M5266R9 M xwfwt pl. KawIV7, TaleB46 S xt'wty pl.obl. BezC12 S xwt'w 14000R9, BezA38, BezB77, KG 578, KG593*, L27.2, L29+5, L29+5a, L32.6*, 07509.3*, 010001.5, Ps380, Ps 400, Ps622, Ps604* (ed. xwt[y], better xwt['w] ~ Pa xwd'y), Ps661 * (ed. [pr]'w, more likely [xwt]'w ~ Pa xwd'y) S xwt'wt pl. 20230V12, BezA127, KG435,


TaleKa7* S xwt'wtw pl. BezA44 S xwt'wty pl.obl. GIB4, KG402 S *xwt'wstr a. 'most kingly'. Hypothetical restoration based on the Pa equivalent xwd'ystwm 'id.'. S xwt'w#str Ps651* (ed. y(w)[....]#str, restore x(w)[t'w]#str?) S xwt'yn, xwtyn n.f 'queen' S xwt'ynh KG450, KG2.2, [MIKIII6251*, Ms only (x)[, not necessarily Sogd.; cf. also IPNB II/8, no. 692] S xwt'ynth pl. KG436 S xwt'yntyh pl.obl. KG402 S xwtynh 10920+V2 S xwtk'm'k a. 'self-indulgent' S xwtk'm'k KG484 S xwtlwy s. 'lpw xwtlwy pylk', 'yl 'wk'sy 'lpw xwtlwy, tnkryo' 'wlwk pwlmys 'lpw xwtlwy 'wlwy pylk', xwtlwy nzwk-o', xwtlwy pylk', yyl'xr 'wk' xwtlwy S xwtlwy nzwk-b' n.pr.m. 'Qutluy Nazuk­ da(?)'. IPNB II/8, no. 1469. S xwtlwy nzwk-6' Ch/U8123aR2 (Kat. q-) S xwtlwy pylk' n.pr.m. 'Qutluy Bilga'. IPNB II/8, no. 1470. S xwtlwy pylk' KB14(1)* S xwtpwlmys s. "y tnkryo' xwtpwlmys 'lpw pylk' S xwtrwy, Sogd. spelling of the Turkish name-element xwtlwy 'Qutluy '. IPNB II/8, no. 1467. S xwtrwy [BezC24 s. xwtrwy tyr'k], O2586aR3 S xwtrwy tyr'k n.pr.m. 'Qutluy Tirak'. IPNB II/8, no. 1473. S xwtrwy tyr'k BezC24 S xwtryz'k a. 'self-willed' S xwtryz'k KG483 M xwfsy BBBb35. Unknown word. Possibly forms a compound with the preceding word sym. MS xwty adv. '(my)self, (your)self, (it)self, (them)selves, etc.', emphasizing a personal pron. expressed or understood M xwty BBBf60, M540eR4, SLNak73, SS 146* (ed. xw(t)['w], more likely xwt[y] with Gershevitch 1965, 160a; certainly not xyb with Cat.) M xwty BBB559, BBBb63, BBBb78, M1828V5*, SLN93*, TaleA64 M xwtyy CFl7, Ml18iR2, M127V8*, M664 Rl9*, MLl.23, MLl.23, ML2.14, SLNak 50 M xwtyy BBB502*, BBB667, KawC14,



Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

KawG2, KawG15, M14V6, M137iiR2, M771R3, M796iV14, M3035.1*, SLNak 16, TaleA57, TaleB1 M xwtyh Ml44R4, M896Vii3, SLNak103, TaleB22 S xwty 10026+R6, 10030(2)A2, 10200(5) R7, 10200(5)V6*, 10203.4, 10260(1)A6, 13427R2, 12398V10, 10263(1)+V8, 13700aA6, 14000R34*, 14700(15)1*, 18058+Vl5*, 18101+R13, 21004.1, AN16, AN55, AN60, AN61, AN68, AN102, AN 117, AN120, AN165, AN193, BezA5, Bez A57, BezA98, BezA106, BezBl, BezB42, BezB44, Ch/U7201V6, HC36.6R10, HC 36.lOVll, KB5(1), KB6(1), KB13(1), K;B 16(1)*, KB17(1), KB19(2)*, KB20(1)*, KG418*, KG441, KG507, KG579, KG609, KG621*, KG3.33, KG3.46, KG3.53, L44.17*, L61.8, [L63R6* s. xw'r], L91+7*, 01927.10, 01927.12, 05471+11, O/U 829.5*, Ps130, Psl32*, Ps136, Ps137*, Ps138, Ps586, [Ps604* s. xwt'w], SLN41*, SLN41*, SLN42*, SLN42, SS112, SS117*, SS119, SS137, TaleAS29, TaleAS31*, Tale GS, TaleG27, TaleHl7, TaleH28*, Talelll, Talel29, Talel51, TaleJ16, TaleK18, TaleK 22, TaleKal 7 M xwty' BBBb62 s. {3j'xwty'b S xwtynh s. xwt'yn Sxwty-prn n.pr.m. Not in IPNB II/8. S xwty-prn 18121R4 Sxwtyxwyst'k n.m. 'friend'. Henning 1944, 139 n. 4. S xwtyxwyst'kw 18248i8 Sxwy'r adv. 'easily'. Henning 1946, 720. S xwy'r 14410iV20, RSH116, TaleK2 S xwy'r xwy'r 20220iR3f MS xwyc s. xw'c MSxwyck a. 'open, loose, umestrained, free' M xwycq AR1al2, BBB518, BBB676, MLl.25 S xwyck Ps386 S xwyckt pl. SS161 MS xwyck'wy, S xwyck'w'k n.m. 'explanation; deliverance'. Yoshida 2000, 80. M xwyck'wy M5030Vl3* M xwycq'wy M6451hdl*, TaleA61 M xwyck'wyy BBBdlO M xwyck'wyl} BBBbRhdl M xwycq'wyyh M14V28 S xwyck"w'k SS4* S xwyck'w'k KG494* (ed. ]•k'w'k, restore xwyc]k'w'k with Lieu 1994, 29-30 n. 27,), KG495, Pshdl39* (ed. ]•k'w'k, restoration suggested ibid., 286 note c)

S xwyck'wy AN53, AN64, BezA96, PsA2.3 Sxwyckkr'yn'k, xwyck-kryny a. 'making free, releasing' S xwyckkr'yn'kw Ps383 S xwyck-kryny Ps58 M xwycn'k s. xw'cn'k S xwycy'k s. xwcy'k S xwy6' 20506+V3. Unclear. Pa hwydg 'fortu­ nate' (as suggested by the editor) is hardly expected in this context. Sxwy6k ky pyfJr z'nyfJ 'Fortunate (is) he who knows the Father', Pa title of the first canto of the psalm Wuzurgan Afriwan S xwyok ky pyor z'nyo Ps392 Sxwy6km'n 'Fortunate for us', Pa title of a hymn-cycle S xwyokm'n HC36.6V5, HC36.6V6, HC36.7 hdl*, HC36.9hdl* M xwymny a. 'self-existent'(?) M xwymnyy CF19 M xwyn v. tr. 'to call, name' or v. itr. 'to be called' M xwyndyy 3.sg.pres.mid. M549ii25 (GMS §706: 'present passive') M xwynstrtyy s. xwystr M xwyr v.tr. 'to feed' M xwyrnyyt pres.pt.pl. M134iR1 M xwyro[ M6856iR3 S xwyr s. xwr S xwyrsn s. xwrsn S xwystk s. xwsty MSxwystr, xwstr, S xwst'r, M xwynstr n. 'superior, elder, presbyter, chief'. GMS §230. M xwstr M481.4, M7391+1 M xwstr M129R6 M xwstrt pl. BBB611 M xwstrtYh pl.ob!. M778bA3 (cited as xwstr-, GMS §230) M xwynstrtYY pl.ob!. BBBb45 (GMS §342) M xwystr Ml134+R8*, MIKiii4979V* (ed. x(ys)t(r), better x(w)[y](s)t(r)) M xwystrty pl. obl. ML2.11, ML2.13* M xwystrtyy pl.ob!. ML2.10, ML2.12 M xwyst[ M871jB7* S xwst'rtpl.BezA115* S xwstr BezC2, BezC4, 02495.3 S xwstrt pl. 14150+iR14, BezB14, BezC21 S xwstrtw pl. BezA21, BezB68 S xwstrty pl.obl. BezC24 S xwystr 14730R, KB16(1), 09085.2*, Ps 651 S xwystrt pl. 14150+iR11*, 18140+iiV5 S xwystrtth pl. PsAl.83* (ed. _ xwystr•t•[, read xwystr(t)t(h)[?)

s xwysty s. xwsty S xwyz s. 2xwj Sxwyz'y, xwyzy, xwyz'k(?), xwz'k(?) a. 'robust', adv. 'firmly, very' S xwyz'k 10263(1)+Rl* (ed. xwy(z)['kh, but -h is unjustified) S xwyz'y Ps401*,Ps576 S xwyzy 14i50+iV7 S xwz'k 18190Rl* (no context) Sxwyztr a. 'more robust' S xwyztr 10263(1)+R7 S xwz s. 1' xwj S xwz'm'nty s. xwj'mndy Sxwzpryck n. 'foam'. Cf. xwzpr'yck', xwz­ pryck 'id.' (MacKenzie 1976, I, 3 n. 1), for which xwnp'y'k (Muller-Lentz 1934, 547, line 4) is a superseded spelling. S xwzpryckh 13451R3* (Kat. x]wnp'y'kh, but x]wzpryckh seems equally possible) M xw[ Gl/hl9*, M5001A2, MIKiii4971aV5, [MIKiii4979Rii6* s. frnxwnd] Sxw[ 11603+3*, 13881+Rl*, 18120R3, 20504+Vl*, PsAl.56 S xy AN139, S xyy 20506+V3 s. xMSxy� dem.pron. 'that, those'. GMS §142022. Sometimes used to emphasize a follow­ ing adjective or adverb. M xyo BBB555, BBBb19,Fast4.11,Mll7.4, M144V7, M264aV5, M264aV8, M583ii V4, M4435.ll, [M8170.R7 (Cat.)= SS146 s. xwty], ML2.14, O6233A3, TaleB24, TaleD3*, TaleD27 M xyM M548V3, M549ii24* (ed. [qn]M, more likely [xy]M),M767iV1 S xyo 10200(6)R2, 14151+iR6, 14410iR8, AN26*, AN89, AN153, AN153, BezCS, KB9(4)*, L44.3, L44.3, L83d3, Ll20.8, 07227.2,RSHl73,Talel40,TaleI52 SxyfJyw n. 'lord'. Bactrian loanword. S xyoyw ss158 SxyMwkcyk a. 'connected with the world beyond'(?) S xyMwkcyk 14742V24 (m'xxyMwkcyk, s. 1 m'x) S xyoowkcykw BezAS0* (uncertain restora­ tion) S xyl'yb s. mnst'r xyl'yb MSxypb, S xyp a. 'my, your, his, their, etc.; (my) own, (your) own, etc.', usually refer­ ring to the subject of the sentence or to an immediately preceding pronoun in posses­ sive function. GMS §1391-6. On the late form xyp see Sundermann 2001,736 n. 51. M xypc> BBB622, BBB676, BBBf73, BBBf 87,KawK3,Ml18iiR10, M388V3, M583ii 2


Vl, M915V7*, M1828R6*, M1828V7*, M6099.4, M7800iiV1,MIKiii4981a5*,ML 1.30, MLl.35, ML2.6, O6153+R4, 06186 Rl, O6186R8, S40iiV3, SLNak49, SLNak 59, SLNak72, SLNak87, SLNaklOl, TaleE 3, TaleE9 M xypM BBB561, BBBb70, KawIR4, M110iR4, M129V14, M130bR3, M130b RS, M134iV2, M5030V5, M5563A7*, M5690R3, MIKiii4981a4, O6179Bl, Tale B14 S MNxypo BezA26, BezB18, 01186+2*, U6021.3* S xyp 13881+R2*, 13881+R3, 18196R7, 18196Rl1 S xypo 10026+R12, 10263(1)+Rl, 10650(10)R12*, 10920+V12, 11603+5, 11603+5, 11603+9, 13942A7 (Kat. xr (pr), read xy(pc>)?), 14000R10, 14000R31, 14001aRhdl, 14153+iV5, 14410iR1, 14410 iR8, 14410iV20, 14638iR4, 15530R2*, 18120R3, 18195R2*, 18291R4*, 18431V4, 18434R10*, 18434V9*, 18435V6, 20220ii R7, 20232V8, 20237V3*, 20507bV11*, AN16*, AN16*, AN74, AN74, AN78, AN 89, AN130, AN132, ANl78, AN183, AN 183*, BezC21, BezC24, Bezeklik Inscrip­ tion 2*, Frg32iR5*, Frg32iiV6*, GGZl.17, GGZl.56, HC36.1R3, HC36.1V3*, HC 36.6Rll*, HC36.7V12, KB17(2)*, KB 5(1)*, KB18(2)*, KB 19(1)*, KG417, KG 424, KG532, KG566, KG3.31, KG3.40, KG3.65, L2.1, L29+22, L44.6, 01146.3, 01186+6, 01318.4, 02314.2, Ps387, Ps 406, Ps406,Ps571,Ps581,Ps621,PsAl.56, PsAl.69, PsAl.89, PsA2.1, RSH82, RSH 115, RSH120*, RSH121*, RSH157, RSH 176, SS112, SS125, SS164, TaleG24, Tale H26,Talel28,TaleJR,TaleJ17,TaleKa21 S xypM 20217bB1 S xypoh 20220iiR23 S xypc>t pl. 02495.6*,Ps601 S xypoty pl.ob!. KG539 M xypb'wnd, S xypb'wnt, xypo'w'nt n. 'owner,master,lord' M xypb'wnd M767iiV1*, M7440.1, ML2.5, ML2.14* (misprinted xpo-),TaleA6,TaleA 52 M xypb'wndtyy obl. M116Rll M xypb'wndy obl. BBBf54 M xypb'wndyh obl. TaleA32 M xypb'wndyy obl. L73+V2*, M1950.3, M4435.4,M6330V9 S xypo'w'nt 10920+V16, 14730R, 20514V6, L29+3, 07281.1*, TaleAS25, TaleAS33


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S xyp6'w'nty obl. 18196V4, BezA125 (mis­ printed -wnty), 01146.3, TaleAS13 S xyp6'wnt 10920+V23, BezBll, BezC7, BezC21, 01186+6* S xyp6'wntw BezA15, BezA38, BezA48, BezA65, BezA69, BezA89, BezA107, Bez B36, BezB60, BezB72, BezB76, Ch/U6854 Vl, Ch/U6854Vl S xyp6'wnty obl. 19554.2 (Ms xyp6'wty?), 21003V16, BezA24, BezA52*, BezA56, BezA66, BezA82*, BezA95, BezA102*, BezA113, BezB15, BezB43, BezB45, Bez B63, BezB66, BezB67, MIKIII4614* MS xyr, S x'yr(?) v.itr. 'to go, depart; to elapse', past stem MS xrt M xn; 3.sg.itr.pret. BBB531, M594cB3 (Wil­ kens 2000, 172, kwt[, read xr1; with Cat.), M1134+V2* M xn; past inf TaleD33*(?) M xn;nd 3.pl.itr.pret. M813iR7 M xrty,h pp. Fast2.23*, Fast2.24*, Fast3.4, Fast3.8, Fast3.12, Fast3.16*, Fast3.20, Fast 3.33, Fast3.38 M Xfl:Yh pp. M767iV2 M xn;yy pp. M767iRl, M767iiV2 M xn;ym 1.sg.itr.pret. M697B6*(?) (Asmus­ sen 1965, 249 n. 9, 'kn;- [sic], better (x)rtym) M xyr 3.sg.impf M760Rl S x'yr 2.sg.impv. Ch/U6704V8*(?) S xrt 2.sg.itr.pret. 18435R3, BezA68, Ch/U 6225Vl (thus Kat., ed. ywt), [KB9(2) s. xr'm], KG454, KG590*, KG3.50*, RSH 20*, TaleJ2, TaleJ19 S xrtpast inf(?) KG3.48 S xrt'nt 3.pl.itr.pret. TaleKal7 S xrty pp. 13881+R2*, AN153, GGZl.16 S xrtys 2.sg.itr.pret. Ps580 S xrtyt pp.pl. BezC17 S xyr 3.sg.impf TaleF15, TaleH9 S xyr'yk'm 2.sg.fut. 18435V5* S xyr'k, xyry a. 'stupid' S xyr'k 11603+11, 18055V2 S xyry TaleF14, TaleF28 S xyrz' s. mn'st'r xyrz' M txystr MIKiii4979V* s. xwystr S xyz'n a. 'crawling' S xyz'n BezA64* M xz'n n. 'autumn', also as n.pr.m. (IPNB II/8, no. 1485) M xz'n Ml.84 (n.pr.m.) M xz'nyy obl. MLl.31 (n.pr.m.) S xz'n 20220iiVhdl M xz'n'nc, yz'n'nc, name of the sixth month M yz'n'nc Fastl.7


M xz'n'nc Fast2.20*, Fast3.9 S xzc>'n n. 'tomb'. MP loanword, Henning 1945, 479. S xz6'ny obl. TaleH4 M x[ KG2370*, M116V14, M715ciR3, ML 1.17*, O1587B2*, O6163V2, O6180aA2* S x[ 2000l+V7, 20503V4, Frg5.2*, L2.1, L59.l*, M1070V4, 07004+37, 07359+8*, O10126A3, Ps581, PsAl.52* S y' S; wy' M y'f3y a. 'roving, wandering' M y'f3yy TaleE20, TaleE22 M y'kwb, S y'kwf3 'Jacob', name of an angel. IPNB II/8, no. 1487. M y'kwb M6330R2 S y'kwf3 BezA77, KBl7(2) M y'kyy s. y'xy M y'lyncyy a. 'burning, fervent'. Turkish word (in place of a Sogd. word) in a gloss­ ary fragment. Translates Pa ['brw]j'gyn, an irregular spelling for *'brwc'gyn (DMT Ill/1, 14b; Korn 2010, 421 with n. 35). Despite Erdal 1991, 363 n. 414, yalmc1g is a real Turkish word (yal- 'to blaze' + suffix -(X)nclg?), also attested in Zieme 2009, 177-8. (For the Turkish references we are grateful to Jens Wilkens and Peter Zieme.) M y'lyncyy Gl/e4 S y'mcwr n.pr.m. IPNB 11/8, no. 1489. S y'mcwr ANc8 M 1 y'n Ml.102 s. ryjy'n S 2y'n n. 'wish, favour, grace'. Also as n.pr. (IPNB 11/8, no. 1490). S y'n 14742V20, 20130Vl, BezA2, BezA8*, BezA50, BezB2, Ch/U7141Viil* (n.pr.), [List5.2 s. nwyy'n, TaleJR s. 14-y'n] S y'n'kh dem.pron. 'this', nom.sg.f GMS §1497. S y'n'kh 20220iiV1, 20220iiV22 S y'nf3xs'k a. 'granting favour' S y'nf3xs'kw Ch/U6143V2 S y'nmync adv. 'by grace'(?) S y'nmyncw BezB38 S y'nt dem.pron. 'these', nom.pl. S y'ntt 18248i42 M y'r n. 'quarrel' M y'r BBB543, M2005R3, MLl.30 M y'ryy qbl. MLl.31 S y'r AN145 s. cyts'r M ty't M358B2 s. p/3yM y't s. xS y't'k s. y'ty S y'tkmync a. 'of flesh' S y'tkmync 18253B6*


M y'tny a. 'made of flesh' M y'tny BBBb78 S y'twkny n.m. 'sorcery'. Sims-Williams 1982, 19. S y'twkny List3.l1 S y'twkwny 14280iV2 (more likely than f3ntwkwny; Kat. offers both alternatives) S y't-xw'r a. 'flesh-eating' S y't#xw'rt pl. L120.4f (thus Sims-Williams 1981, 237, ed. f3nt xw'rt) MS y'ty, S y't'k n.m. 'meat, flesh' M y'ty M141+Vll M y'ty BBB762 S y't'k 10260(l)A5*, SLN42* S y'ty 20138Vl, L33.9, TaleG22 MS y'wr n. 'time (Frenchfois)' M y'wr ANe15, BBBe23 S y'wr 18248i17, Talel37 M y'w[ M2207iiR1* MS y'xy a. 'brave'. Also as n.pr.m. M y'xyy Ml.109 (n.pr.m.; Ms -k-), Ml37 iiR6 (thus Provasi 2009, 359 n. 58; GMS §396 y'xy; Ms -k-), M5266R8 M y'xytpl. M871jA10 M y'x[ M813iR5 S y'xy BezA4, KB4(1), KB17(1), L103R3 S y'xyn'k s. yxny M y>xystr a. 'bravest'. Translates MP cyyr­ twm 'id.', DMT IIl/1, 132-3. M y'xystr Gl/gl8* (ed. (w)'[, read perhaps y'[xystr) S y'xywrmzt n.pr.m. 'Ormazd the Brave'. IPNB II/8, no. 1501. S y'xywrmzt 10129iV6*, 10129iV11 s y'y s. xM ty'z M140+R13 s. pty'z S y'[ Talell6 S 1yf3'r n. 'care'(?) S yf3'r 14742Vl9 M 2yf3'r v.tr. 'to care for'(?) M yf3'ryny pres.pt. M617iV5 M ye>- n.m. of unknown meaning. Henning 1937, 93, suggests 'shape' on the basis of an etymology which no longer seems possible. M y6w acc.sg. BBBb36* M yc>yny a. of unknown meaning, presumably derived from y6M y&ynyy BBB590 S yyl'xr 'wk' 'wtwr n.pr.m. 'Yaylaqar Oga Oti.ir'. IPNB 11/8, no. 1503. S yyl'xr 'wk' 'wtwr KB3(1)* S yyl'xr 'wk' xwtlwy n.pr.m. 'Yaylaqar Oga Qutluy'. IPNB II/8, no. 1504. S yyl'xr 'wk' xwtlwy KB3(1)


S yyrt- a. 'wide', yyrtw adv. 'comfortably'(?). (M yyrt-, cited- GMS §138, seems to be unattested in this spelling, but cf. 'yyrty'k.) S yyrtw 14000R32 S yyrty nom.sg.m. AN157, 07120.1*(?) S yyrt'w'k n.m. 'width, the wide world' S yyrt'w'k KG412 S yk'n n. 'destruction' S yk'n HC36.7R13 S yk'nh HC36.19V8 MS ykn- v.tr. 'to dig out, destroy' M ykndy,h 3.sg.pres. M118iiV6 S yknynyt pres.pt.pl. HC37.l.5 M ykny n.m. '(act of) digging out'. Inf. accor­ ding to GMS §906. M yknyy BBB494 MS yks- n.m. 'yak�a, demon'. Indian loanword. M yksyy nom.sg. BBB556* M yqsyy gen.sg. BBB766 M yksyst pl. CF103 M yksyst[ pl. S40iiV2 S yksyst pl. Ps576 S yksysty pl.ob!. 14638iR16 M ykyn v.tr. 'to cause to dig out, destroy' M ykyn 2.sg.impv. Ml18iiV3 M ym- n.pr.m. 'Yima', name of a mythical king of the Iranians. IPNB II/8, no. 1507. M ymyh nom.sg. KawV8, KawV15 S ym' s. 'w ym, cnt S ym'krwsn n. 'Light Twin', Pa term for Mani's heavenly counterpart or 'Syzygos'. DMT IIl/1, 374a. S ym'krwsn KG622* M ymg-, MS ymk- n.m. 'yimki', name of a type of two-day fast, see Yoshida 2003. Perhaps also in a more general sense 'prayer, intercession', see Henning 1945a, 147-8; BT XI, 192b. Pa loanword, Sunder­ mann 2001, 613. M ymgy,h gen.sg.(?) M7950Al M ymgyy gen.sg.(?) M134iR13 M ymkyy nom.sg. Fast4.16*, O6191Rll*, O6191V2* M yymkyy nom.sg. Fast2.7* (ed. ](y), restore yymky](y)), Fast2.8*, Fast2.9* M ymqyy nom.sg. Fast5.4 S ymkw acc.sg. KG468, KG540 S ymky nom.sg.(?) 10030(2)Bl* (ed. ym[kyy, more likely ym[ky) S ymky'h loc.sg.(?) 18112V2 S ymtwk-s'ry a. 'curly-headed'(?) S ymtwk-s'rchf 16201.42 S yymys n.pr.f 'Yemis'. IPNB II/8, no. 1539. S yymys BezC26


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M tymyz O6163R8 s. xwsp'nymyz M ym[ M127R5(?) S tyn'ncw KB3(1) s. 'yl 'wk'sy 'lp'yn'ncw S yncw s. 'lpw yncw pylk' MS yp'k n. 'anger'. The second cardinal sin, BT XVII, 138. M yp"q M765kR4 M yp'k BBBbl7, M118iiV11 S yp'k 18434V5, KBfr9.3*, 09082.1*, SLN 42 S yp'kh 18435R3* S yp'kw HC36.8R4, O2075V4 S yp'ky ob!. 07227.4 MS yp'kl3ry a. 'angry' M yp'kf3ryy Ml18iiR3, Ml18iiR5 M yp'qf3ryy KawC4 S yp'kf3rchf 18431R4 S ypyw 'yabyu', Turkish title S ypyw KB20(1), KBfr9.7 S typwry...'s(tn)w KB9(2)* s. 2kw, f3ypwrstn S yp[ 13942A5 M yysw', ysw', yysw, S 'ysw 'Jesus; moon', used to refer to the historical Jesus of Naz­ areth and as the name of several partially distinct divine entities in the Manichaean system. Sundermann 2001, 5-12, 127 with n. 186 on p. 154; IPNB II/8, no. 1522. M yysw KawK18*, Ml72iR4, M5266R10 M yysw' M583iV14, M659Vl*, M767iV1, M796iR4, M3220.2, M6330Rl, [MIKiii 4979V* s. m'ny-yysw'], O6191Rll, 06191 V8 M ysw'yy ob!. M796iR12 M yyswyy ob!. M172iV1 S 'ysw 14000R35*(?), KG441*, KG531, KG 541, KG542, Ps380, RSH44 S 'yswy ob!. BezA19, BezA76, BezA90, Bez Al06, BezB77, Ps50 S 'yswyy ob!. BezB 14 M yysw'wrz, yyswwrz n.pr.m. M yysw'wrz Ml.68 M yyswwrz Ml.79 M yysw'y'n, S 'yswy'n n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 259. M yysw'y'n Ml.96, M406.9 S 'yswy'n 14730R, Ch/U6225R* M yysw'zyn n.pr.m. M yysw'zyn Ml.121 M yysw(3'm n.pr.f M yysw#f3'm Ml.141f M yyswwrz s. yysw'wrz S yt- SS108 s. swM ytkw- n. 'bridge' M ytqwy' loc.sg. M549ii21 S yty 20229V8 s. mrtxmy


MS yw, S ZNH article 'the', nom.-acc. GMS §1492-4; Wendtland 2011, §III.1-2. (See also s.v. 1 x'.) M yw CF28 S yw 20220iiR22 S ZNH KG549, 01180 M yw- n. 'barley'(?) M ywy' loc.sg. M746cV5 MS 1yw'r n. 'separation'. Henning 1948, 310. M yw'r CF50 S yw'r 18248i12, AN143, ANl77, AN180, L32.12*(?), TaleK15* (ed. [••]r, Yoshida 1994, 27, [yw']r), TaleK17 MS 2yw'r c. 'but' M yw'r L74R3, M14R7, M118iV11, M129 Vll, M659R3, M760V4, M760Vl5, M1700+A4, M1828V2*, M7800iiR15, MIKiii498la3 S yw'r 10100k+R18, 13700aB5, 14000R28*, 18140+iV8, 18435V3, AN16, AN38, AN 152, AN156, BezA67, KB6(1)*, L44.15, TaleF22, Talel27 S yw'r-h Ps417 (end of line) S yw'rks n.pr.m. 'George'. IPNB II/8, no. 1524. S yw'rks Ch/U6536biiV4 MS ywc v.tr. 'to teach, instruct', past stem M ywxt-, S ywyt-. (On the -x- of M ywxt­ see GMS §56.) M ywcn 1.sg.subj. M794aiiR3 M ywcnd-skwn 3.pl.pres.dur. M5690V6 M ywxtyt pp.pl. ML2.15 S ywcny pres.pt. BezB8 S ywct 3.sg.pres. AN67 S ywyty past inf 14638iR8 (or ywxty?) M ywy, name of a lunar mansion M ywy M549i+R1* S ywyk' n. 'yoke-bone'(?) S ywyk' 16201.41 S ywyt- s. ywc, ywxsM ywjdhr s. w'xs ywjdhr MS ywk n. 'teaching; maxim'. Yoshida 2000, 111-12. M ywk M891aV3 S ywk 14742V6, 14742Vl0, 15530Rl, Bez B7, BezB48, BezB51, BezB54, BezB56, BezB58, Ch/U6854V2, Ch/U7058V9 S ywk' Ch/U6388V3 S ywlgl Ch/U6886V2, Ch/U6886V5, L91+2, L91+6, O2586aV3 S ywkh ywkh L91+6* S ywk[ Ch/U6388R* MS ywn, 1 ywny, ywnyo, s ywn'yo adv. 'immediately', phrase xyo _ ywn, xyo ywnyo 'at that very moment'

M ywn M144V7 M ywnyy M5093A2 M ywnyb BBBf44*, M712B5, TaleD27 M ywnyyo M549ii17 S ywn 10100k+R26 S ywn'y6 KG470, KG550, KG553, KG574, KG596, SS114 S ywn'yM 18058+R9 S ywny AN26 S ywny6 AN89, KG446, KG467, L37.18, L61.15, RSH104* MS 2ywny, S ywn'k dem.pron. 'this', nom.sg. GMS §1495. M ywny M5913R4, M5913V3 M ywnyy TaleA18 S ywn'k KG327, KG409*, RSH105, TaleAS 3 S ywn'kw HC36.6R9 S ywny KG3.67 (as acc.) S tywtr 10200(5)R8, read f3wtk, s. f3w­ S ywx'y s. yxw'y M ywxn'-'psyk n. 'spilling of blood' M ywxn'-'psyyk M549ii18 S ywxs- v.itr. 'to learn', past stem ywyt-. (In some editions the past stem is read ywxt-; either reading is possible.) S ywyt'ym 1.sg.itr.pret. O7368R* S ywyty past inf. 20220iR22 (cited as ywyt-, GMS §428) S ywyty pp. ANc5* S ywytym 1.sg.itr.pret. 13401Rl, 20002+R2, ANc6*, O2586aV4, O2586aV5* S ywxsty 3.sg.pres. L91+6 S ywxsy n.m. '(act of) learning' S ywxsy 20220iV5 (GMS §826: inf.) MS ywxt- s. ywc, ywxsS tywz ANc14. Thus ed., but the reading is quite uncertain. S ywztxr s. w'xs ywjdhr M yw[ KawIV2* (ed. (s)[), M1608B1 S yw[ Ch/U6937bV4*, SLN40* M tyx'p6 ML2.1* s. cxs'po M yx's n. 'reproach'(?). Thus Morano 2009, 194, implying a comparison with C yxs- 'to reproach' (BT XII, 107). M yx's M794ciiV1 S yxn n. 'ice' S yxnw HC36.8V3 M yxny, S y'xyn'k a. 'remaining, left over, put aside'. Henning 1945, 469 n. 3; Sims­ Williams 1977, 59. M yxnyy TaleA56 S y'xyn'k TaleAS28 M yxs- n.f 'musk'. Henning 1946, 727-8. M yxs' acc.sg. Ml37iiV4 'I


M yxw'k n. 'part, division', probably referring to the four 'quarters' of the world. (Some­ what differently Sundermann 2001b, 183.) M yxw'k M5701+R3 MS yxw'y, S ywx'y v.tr./itr. 'to separate, divide', past stem S yxwst-. Sims-Williams 2003, 404-5. M 'yxw'y 3.sg.impf M129R5 (GMS §631; BT XII, 163) S ywx'yt 3.sg.pres. 18700+Rl* S yxw'y 2.sg.impv. Ps386 S yxw'y'nt 3.pl.pres. TaleKl S yxwst'y pp. 'distinguished, notable' BezA 82, BezB7, KB15(6)*, KB16(2) S yxwsty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. TaleKall* M yxwn- s. xwrnM yxwng, S yxwnk n. 'separation, distinction, meaning'. Sims-Williams 1985, 580 n. 58. M yxwng M129R2 M yxwnng Gl/g8 S yxwnk List3.18 M yxwngcyky' n.f 'discernment' M yxwngcyqy'h Gl/f7 M yxwngptz'nky' n.f 'discernment' M yxwnngptz'nky'h Gl/g5, Gl/g6 M yxwngptz'ny a. 'understanding distinc­ tions, discerning'. Cf. C ywxnq-ptz'ny 'id.', BT XII, 236b. M yxwnngptz'nyyt pl. GI/g4 S yxwnk-kr'wny n. '(act of) distinguishing' S yxwnk#kr'wny AN112f!< M yxwrn- s. xwrnS yxwst- s. yxw'y M yxwyn a. 'separated'. GMS §1027. M yxwyn BBBf80 M tyzd M894iV3 s. yzd'n M yzd'n 'gods, god', WMiran. word occurring in Sogd. confessional texts in the Pa phrase yzd'n 'sfr hyrz' 'god, forgive (sg.!) (my) sin' M yzd'n [BBB750 s. xw'nyzd'n], M870b+2 (yzd'n '(st)[ is on M870c, ](t)'r hy[ on M870b), M894iV3 (Asmussen 1965, 251, yzd, Ms yzd'n) M yzd-'ry'm'n n.pr.m. IPNB 11/8, no. 1541. M yzd-'ry'm'n MLl.28 M yzd-m'!! n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1542. M yzd-m'h ML2.14 M yzdygyrdy a. 'according to (the era of) Yazdegird'. MP loanword. M yzdygyrdyy O6191V5 (misprinted yzdy­ gyrydyy) S yzc s. nr'ys/3 yzb S yza'ys, yzt'ys n. 'idol'. Pa loanword. GMS §104.







Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S yzo'ys 18434R8 S yzt'ys KG583 S yzt'n-sxry'r n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1546. S yzt'n#sxry'r BezB50f My[M425V2* Sy[18500A8*, 20002+R3, Ps417* M z'dg s. wyspwhr 'd cnd'ty z'dg S z'ok', z'o'k' s. t'syn-z'ok', xw'r-z'b'k' M z'bmwrbw n. '(cycle of) birth and death, transmigration'. Wlran. loanword, GMS §138 n. 1. M z'omwrow M5051R8, M5051Rl0 MSz'k n.m. 'child' M z'k Gl/y40* M z'ktyy pl.obl. M1200R l S z'k KG3.22, KG3.25, KG3.29, KG3.31, KG3.38, KG3.39, 07484.5* S z'kt pl. BezA128, KG3.37, TaleJ2 S z'kty pl.obi. KG3.30 S z'kw KG3.9, KG3.13, KG3.24, KG3.60*, KG3.65 S z'ky obl. KG3.17, KG3.21, KG3.28, KG 3.44*, KG3.47 S z"k[ 14700(7)V8*(?) MS z'k'nc n.f 'girl' M z'k'nc MLl.26*, M6860B1*(?) S z'k'nch 21002V4 (Lentz n'kr'ch, read z'k'nch with Kat.), 21002Vll* (Lentz znkznk[, read z'k'nc[h?), 21002Vl2 (Lentz n'kych, read z'k'nch with Kat.), Ch/U6445 V6, KG517, KG530, KG535, KG554, KG 574 S z'k'ncyh obl. KG547, KG556, KG568, KG 578, KG579 S z'm s.j'm S z'm'sp n.pr.m. 'Jamasp'. IPNB II/8, no. 1551. S z'm'sp' 14030R5 S z'm'sph 18435Vl1* S z'm'spw 18248i25 S tz'm's'yktw BezA120 s. zm 's'yktw 'yw'rx'ny S z'm'wy s.j'm'wy Sz'mt'y, z'mty n.m. 'son-in-law, bridegroom' S z'mt'yt pl. TaleK11 * S z'mt'yty pl.obi. TaleK7 S z'mtyty pl.ob!. TaleK15 S tz'my L91+7 s. syrn'my S tz'nwk 16201.13 (BT XII, 63) s. {3r'wk-sry S z'nyo Ps392 s. xwyok ky pyor z'nyb Mz'r, S lLPw num. 'thousand' M z"r M635iR1 M z'r M137iiV12, M767iiR1, M767iiR2*, M5913R5, M7800iiV8 M z'r z'r M767iiV2*, M767iiV4

S lLPw 10100eV12*, 10350B2*, 10350B3*, [14030R8 s. {3r't], O/U829.6, TaleI54 S lLPw lLPw RSH85f S lLPwty pl.obl. BezA6 S z'r s.j'r Sz'r-(3r'k a. 'poisonous' S z'r-j3r'k RSH140 S z'rcn, z'rcn'wk s. pw-z'rcn, pw-z'rcnwk MSz'rcnwk a. 'merciful' M z'rcnwk MIKiii4981d3, O6153+V5 [M z'rcnwq KawIV4, SLNak27* s. pw­ z'rcnwk] S z'rcnwk Ps51, Ps130, Ps576, PsAl.83*, SS 161 S z'rcnwktpl. 18131iiR7 S z'rcnwkw 10263(1)+V7, Ps578 MSz'rcnwky', S z'rcn'wky'kh, z'rcn'wkyh, z'rcn'wky', z'rc'nwky' n.f 'mercy'. The fourth part of the first cardinal virtue, BT XVII, 138. M z'rcnwky' MIKiii498la5, MIKiii498lfl*, SLNak53* S z'rc'nwky' Ps129* S z'rcn'wky' Ch/U7115.2 S z'rcn'wky'kh KG517 S z'rcn'wkyh HC36.1V4, Ps385 S z'rcnwky' BezA34, BezB31, Ps137, Ps 384*, RSH47*, RSH54*, SS163, Xwl.3 S z'rkrsn a. 'having a thousand forms' S z'rkrsn RSH101* M z'rky adv. 'by the thousands'. Gershevitch 1985, 27-8. M z'rkyy M894iR3 S z'rmyk a. 'thousandth, least' S z'rmyk BezC5 M z'r-sm'ryny a. 'having a thousand thoughts' M z'r-sm'rynyy M127Rll MS1z'ry adv. 'pitifully' [M z'ryy M521aRl s. sy-] M z'ry z'ry M794biV2* S w'-z'ry elat. TaleJ11 S z'ry AN169, [TaleG21 s. sy-], TaleJ5 S 2z'ry s. 1j'r M z'rysy-, z'rysy't s. sy­ M z'rywfJ n.pr.m. M z'rywo Ml.53 MS z't s. 3znS tz't S§ 164 s. 1 r't MS z'ty, S z't'y, z't'k, z'tk, BRY n.m. 'son' M z'ty M127V9 M z'tyy Ml34iV6, M172iR3, M172iV1, M172iV14, M794ciiR2, TaleD29 M z'tytpl. M794ciiR3 M z'tYYt pl. Ka wG13


S BRY KG3.45 (Yoshida 2001, 107, shows that KG3.52 'xw 13•... [ and KG3.45 ](•y Z)Y (s)[y in fact belong to the same line, which he reads 'xw j3ry ZY (s)[y) S z't' voc.sg. 19504Vl, KG3.6 S z't'k 18248i-28, GGZl.17, KG407 S z't'kw 14150+iR6 S z't'y 18431V2 S z't'yt pl. KG3.16, TaleK6, TaleK6, TaleK 10 S z't'yty pl.ob!. TaleK15 S z'tk KG525, KG551 S z'ty 14638iR10*, 14638iR12, 14639Vl, 18248i6, 18700+R6, Ps650, TaleJ12, TaleJ 14, TaleJ19* S z'tytw pl. 18435V7*, BezA125* S z'tyty pl.obi. KG3.20 MSz'tyf3rc, S z't'kj3rc, z'tkj3rc n. 'womb' M z'tyj3rc M452bR5 M z'tyj3rcy obl. BBB579 S z't'kj3rctyh pl.obl. GGZ1.24 S z'tkj3rc GGZl.56 S z'ty-j3rcy obl. 18700+Rll, 18700+V3* Sz'w n. 'fame' S z'w Ps397* S z'w(3r n. 'helper'(?). Thus ed., implying reduction from *z'wrj3r. S z'wj3rt pl. Ps566 MS z'wr n. 'power, strength', also in phrase z'wr 8j3r- 'to help'. In M14, the second 'limb' of the 'sojourning soul'. M z'wr CF57, CFvl57, KawlR7*, M14R25, M14V18, M123.3, M134iV5, Ml72iR17, M549ii5, M5690V2, M6330Rl2, 06163 V4*, SS149, SS149*, TaleB13 M z'wryy obl. M134iiR9 S z'wr 10026+R5, 10026+R7, 10958R2, 14151+iR7, [14411iR11 s. py z'wr zyry{3t], 14638iV17, 14700(7)Vl, 14742 Vl1, 14742V12, 15800R5, 20129V2, 20220iiV18, [ANlO s. z'wrkynstr, AN104 s. z'wrkyn], BezA52, Ch/U6886V5, Ch/U 6886V6, HC36.lVlO, HC36.10V13*, KB 4(1), KB5(1), KB9(1), KG375, O2655V6, 07004+21, Ps51, Ps380, Ps594, Ps621, Ps Al.70, RSH127, RSH128, RSH132, RSH 135*, RSH145*, RSH173*, SS131, SS157, Talel53 S z'wrh GGZl.18, HC36.10Rl2 S z'wry ob!. 14638iV18, AN78, Ch(U6937b V7, HC36.l0Vl2 MSz'wrkyn a. 'powerful, mighty, stringent', n. 'powerful being, monster' M z'wrk'yn M6330R5 M z'wrkyndpl. CF7, CF56



M z'wrqyndpl. KawE15, M910iR3 S w'-z'wr-kynsir elat. AN104 (error for *w'­ z'wr -kynst?) S z'wrkyn 14700(1 l)A8*, AN35*, AN115*, Ps401, Ps402, Ps604, Ps651*, PsAl.60*, RSHlO0* S z'wrkynt pl. ANl00 (z'wr-kynt), Ps406* (ed. ](p/k)yrt, read [z'wr]kynt?), SLN94* (z'wr#kynt) S z'wr#kynt'y pl.obl. 20229V20f S z'wrkynth pl. 01723R5 S z'wrkynw Ps389, Ps576, Ps576, Ps581, Ps 595 S z'wrkynstr a. 'more powerful' S z'wr-kynstr ANlO* S z'wr•[•]• Ps406 (ed. z'wr(k)[yn](w), Kat. z'wr(z)['](r)). Unclear derivative of z'wr. M z'wy' n.f '(act of) filtering'(?). Cf. Khot. ysun- 'to pour, strain', root *zaw? M z'wy' BBB514 MS 1z'y n.f 'earth, ground, land, place, dis­ tance' M z'y BBBe22, CFl9, CF24, KawG3, Ll17 R4, Ml34iV10, [M502pA3 s. z'y-sny], M583iV3, M583iV17, M591R7, M794ci V3, MLl.18 M z'yy BBB487, BBB492, M549ii23, M583i R8," M583iV7, M583iV12, M5571V3 M z'yh BBB569, BBB578 M z'ytyy pl.ob!. SS148 S z'y 14410iR1 (thus Yoshida 2008, 58, Kat. ZY), AN144, BezA32, BezB27, BezClO, HC36.9V13, L103V2, SS158 S z'yy Talel33 S z'yh 14000R4, 14000R6, 14000Rll, 14000 R12, 14000R12, 14000R39, 14700(1l)B2, 18140+iiR11, 19507Riii3, 21004.1*, GGZ 1.53, HC36.3V4*, KB10(2), KB12(2)*, KG 326, KG571, L44.7*, Ll11V4, Listl+viil, PsAl.80, RSH115, RSH124, SLN94, SLN95* S z'yth pl. l4000R3 S z'ytyhpl.obl. 14000R2 S 2z'y(?) s.j'y M z'ycyk a. 'earthly' M z'ycyk M583iiV2* (ed. ]rk(')ncyk, read p]r z'[y]cyk with Henning 1937, 140a) S tz'yrkw AN42 s. n'ywk M z'y-sny n.m. 'earthquake'. (The immedi­ ately following word nwj3, q.v., shows that sny is not a verbal form.) M z'y-snyy M502pA3 M z'yxyzy a. 'crawling on the earth' M z'yxyzyy BBB512 M z'[M373V4, M5592V2


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

S z'[ PsAl. 73 M zf3'f3s. 'z(3'{3 MS zj3'k, S tzj3'kcyk PsAl.67s. 'z{3'k S z(3'yk, noun denoting an unidentified animal. Reck 2009a, 217. S zj3'yk 11603+6* (ed. (zf3)['yky, rather (zf3)['yk) S zf3'ykw 11603+10* S zf3'yky obl. 11603+8* S z(3yy'kh n.f 'excellence' S zf3yy'kh HC36.16+17R9* (ed. (n)f3yy'kh, read (z)f3yy'kh) S z(3y-, zyf3- a. 'excellent'. Usually read with initial n- (nf3y-, nyf3-, nywf3-, cf. GMS §445), but written with an unambiguous disjoined z- in BezA21, BezB12; cf. also brywf3'm'k. S zf3yy nom.sg.m.(?) BezA21 (as ace.pl.?), BezB12 S zyf3y nom.sg.m. AN62* (ed. (ny)[f3y], read (zy)[f3y]) M z(3nd n. 'quarrel'(?). Henning 1946, 715. M zf3nd BBB543, TaleB51 S z(3ryt'k a. 'roasted'(?). Reck 2009, 389. S zf3ryt'k RSH123 S zy'ms. 'zy'm S zym-s. jymS zym's'k, zym's'y a. 'lying' S zym's'k Ch/U7201V5 S zym's'y Frg6.4* S zymwycwy n.m. 'false witness' S zymwycwyt pl. KG3.82 S zy'rts. jyrt S zyb'rtw 18196V8s. o'r S zyr'nt'yk n. 'exudation'(?). Hypothetical interpretation based on 'zy'r 'moisture', Choresmian zyr- 'to leak, ooze', etc. (cf. BT XII, 60). Differently Sundermann 2002, 142 with n. 50. S zyr'nt'yk 16201.40 S zyt-, zytys. 8'r, syr8ryty S zyw s.jyw S zyyrs. jyyr S zyys'yy'ry 13942B6. Unknown word. S ZKs. xw S ZKh s. 1x' S tZKny L61.2, read ZKn, s. 'wyn S ZKws. 'ww S ZKwhs. 1 w' S ZKns. 'wyn S ZKwys. wy S ZKwyhs. wy' S tZKy 18110V5s. 1 ky s ZKZYs. 1ky M zm'ns. g'hyg zm'n

S zm's'n'ky Ch/U6879V2. Unclear, perhaps an adjective derived from *zm's as in zm's'yk. S zm's'yktw 'yw'rx'ny, unclear expression denoting minor functionaries (pl. -tw?) in the Manichaean hierarchy. Yoshida 2000, 85-6. S zm's'yktw 'yw'rx'ny BezA120 (misprinted z'm-) M zmb, S znp, zmp n. 'shore' M zmb ANe22, TaleD32* S zmph 10700a+Vl7* S znph AN26*, AN92 S znpy obl. 10030(3)4 S 1zmn- n.f 'earnings'. Alternatively, the stem may be zmn'kh, see Sims-Williams 1992a, 286a. S zmn'kh acc.sg. KG3.43 S 2zmn-, zmnws. jmnw S zmncykw 15500R5s. tyr-zmncyk S zmnwcyks. jmncyk M zmwxtwy, name of the twenty-eighth day of the month M zmwxtwy Fast2.7* M zmwxtwy Fast2.5*, O6191R9* M zmy, S 'zmy n.m. 'winter' M zmyy M14R8, M140+Rll* S 'zmy TaleI40*, TaleI42 M tzmyk M356.5 (Gershevitch 1985, 5) s. zmyx M zmyx n. 'earth, soil'. One expects *zmyk (= WMiran. zmyg), but the final -x is clear, see Gershevitch 1985, 278, and BT XII, 17'7. M zmyx M356.5 S zm[ M6791V3* S 1'2zn-s. 1' jnMS 3zn- v.tr. 'to procreate, bear, give birth to', past stem z't M z't past inf M915Rlb (wrongly GMS §865) M zndy 3.sg.pres. SLNam126* M znb' 2.pl.impv. M7800iiR19 S z'tw f3[ itr.pot.(?) SS137 (ed. 'geboren w[ird(?)') S z'tym 1.sg.itr.pret.(?) 14639Rl S zn' 3.sg.impf 14639Vl M zn'ndy a. 'bearing, giving birth to'(?) M zn'9dyh MllOiV6* S zn'wks. znwk M znd n. 'song' M znd M137iiRhdl M zndp'syk n. 'song-hymn'. Sogd.-Indian hybrid. M zndp'syk M137iiVhdl 2

Sogdian M -zng'n, S -znk'n, suffix forming adjectives from numerals and other quantifiers. See under the preceding component. (Incom­ plete form: S ]#znk'n 10081B2f.) S ZNHs. yw S znkznk'n-'k-a. 'of various kinds' S znkznk'n-'k TaleKa15* S tznkznk[ 21002Vll* (Lentz) s. z'k'nc S znps. zmb S znt 18435R3 s. 2 "y'z M znwk, S zn'wk n. 'jaw, chin, cheek'. Sun­ dermann 2002, 138 n. 11. M znwq Gl/q7* S zn'wk 16201.9 MS zprt, 'zprt, M zp'rt, S 'zp'rt a. 'clean, pure, holy' M 'zprf Ml72iR16, O6196B5, TaleB23 M zp'rt M107iiRi8 M zprt Ml72iV8, Ml72iV15, M617iiR9 M zprttYY obl. MI72iR5 S 'zp'rt 10026+R12, AN23*, AN64, AN84, AN95, AN102, KG2.5, KG3.33, L120.2, SS129 S 'zp'rth KG554, Ps658 [S 'zp'rty KG555s. mndzprt] S 'zprt 10026+R4, 10650(14)+V7, 18110R5, BezA33, BezB28, HC36.9R9, KG480* (ed. 'z...[, but 'z(pr)[t is suggested BT XI, 43 note j), SS165 S 'zprtw Ps402, Ps576, SS128 S zprt 14153+iV3*, GGZI.56, Xw/b4*(?) M zprtkry, 'zprtkry a. 'purifying' M 'zpf!:qryyt pl. Gl/q3 M zpf!:qryy M549ii16 M zprtr a. 'purer' M zprtr M6610R3 M zprtw't n. 'Holy Spirit' M zprtw't Gl/ol* M zr'ng, S zr'nk' n. 'salvation, deliverance' M zr'ng KawIV5 S zr'nk' Frg5.13, Frg6.6 s zr'wscs. zrwsc S zr'ync'k s. zrync S zr'ys s. l zrys M zryt-s. zrxs-, zrync M zrywnc-j'smn n.pr.f. Sundermann 2001, 503. M zrywnc-j'smn Ml.151 M zrywny, S zrywn'k a. 'green' M zrywncf M137iiR12 M zrywnyyt pl. CF31 S zrywn'k 10260(1)B5 M zrm n. 'distress' M zrm M617iiV12


MS zrny, S zrnk a. or adv. 'lost, wasted', only with xyr or f3w- 'to go to waste', with kwn­ 'to waste' M zrnyh BBB681 M zrnyy BBB531, M594c3 (thus Wilkens 2000, 172, Cat. zymyy) S zrnk 18140+iiR6* S zrny BezC23 M zrw- n.f 'old age'. On the inflection see Sims-Williams 1984, 209 n. 23. M zrw acc.sg.(?) [M821Bi3 s. pw-zrw], M6133.3 (no context) MS zrw'f3y-, 'zrw'f3y- n.m. 'God Zurwan', rarely S 'zrw', zrw' (without f3y-), Sogd. name of the Father of Greatness. Sunder­ mann 2001, 127 with n. 140 on p. 150. The Sogd. form zrw'byyy (sic, with -b-) is also attested in a Pa context in M476Vi9. M 'zrw'f3yw acc.sg. M3221.2 M 'zrw'h#f3yyy nom.sg.(?) M5271R10f M zrw'-�yy nom.sg.(?) M125R7 M zrw'�yyy gen.sg. CFI, Ml34iV5, Ml72i Rl7 (ed. zrw' f3yyy, to be read as one word) S 'zrw' BezA74, Ch/U7000V3, 05471+8, 07313.1, PsAl.73* S 'zrw'f3y' abl.sg. Ps57, Ps593 ('zrw'-�y') S 'zny'-�y' voc.sg. Ps399, Ps400, Ps403, Ps 405*, Ps414*, Ps415, Ps579 ('zrw'f3y'), PsA 1.77* S 'zrw'-f3y'y gen. sg. I0200(5)R8, Ps51 S 'zrw'f3y'y nom.sg.(?) Ps581 S 'zrw'-f3yy gen.sg. Ps651* S zrw' Ps410 S zrw'-f3y' voc.sg. Ps401, Ps402, Ps438*, Ps 440 S zrw'-f3yy nom.sg. L59.7 S zrw'f3yy nom.sg. Ps359(2) (as acc.) S zrwr n.pr.m. 'Zarwar, Zarer', opponent of the prophet Zoroaster. IPNB II/8, no. 1565 (but note that Lurje's statement that 'the case-endings are irregular' is not justified; zrwr is treated as a regular heavy stem). S zrwr 14030R6, 18434R2*, 18434R9*, 18434V5, 18435R6*, 18435V8* S zrwry obl. 18431R3, 18434R8, 18435Rll MS zrwsc, S zr'wsc, 'zr'wsc, Sogd. name of the prophet Zoroaster. IPNB II/8, no. 1566. Not a light stem as stated in GMS §399. M zrwscyy obl. M5264R3 S 'zr'wscw 18248i26 S zr'wsc Frg5.3, Frg6.2 S zr'wsch 18434R l *, 18434R4, 18434V7*, 18434V8*, 18435R5*, 18435R9* S zrwscy obl. 14030R5*


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

M zrxs- v.itr. 'to be saved', past stem zryt­ M zrytt 3.sg.itr.pret. M813iV9 M zrxsym I .pl.opt. TaleD4 MS zry- n.neut.(?) 'sea' M zry[ M452bV2 S zryw nom.sg. (?) RSHlO0 (as loc.) MS zrync, S zr'ync v.tr. 'to save', past stem zrytM zrytwo'rm l.sg.tr.pret. KG2379 M zrynct 3.sg.pres. M5021Vl, TaleB7 S zr'ync'k 3.sg.opt.(?) HC36.7R14 (differ­ ently MacKenzie 1999, 299) S zrync't 3.sg.subj. 10102(2)Vl* M 1zrys, s zr'ys n. '(act of) destroying; end, restriction' M z;rys BBB501* S zr'ys KB13(1) MS 2zrys v.tr. 'to cut off, bring to an end, destroy'. BT XII, 99 n. 28. M zyrysw 1.sg.impf BBB514 S zrysy 3.sg.opt.(?) 07004+40* M zrysty n. '(act of) destroying' M zrystyy BBB492 M zskwn s. swS zsty s. zysty S zw- s. jwS zw'n s. jw'n S zw'nty s. jw'ndy S zw(3'st'np'k, zw(3'st'npy s. zwstmby M zwfy, S zwf3'k n.m. 'mouth, jaws, abyss'. Gershevitch 1985, 19-20; Sims-Williams 1977, 60. M zwf abl.sg. (?) M5021V2 S zw(3'k HC37.2.6 S *zwym'ny a. 'hard-hearted'. Henning 1944, 141 n. 7. S zwym'nchf 18248i36 (Ms zwxs'nch) S zwytr- a. 'harsher, more cruel' S zwytry nom.sg.m. (?) Tale159 S zwyttry nom.sg.m.(?) Talel49 S zwyy'k n.f 'harshness, cruelty' S zwyy'kw 10650(1)V6 S zwk s. jwk S zwky', zwky'h, zwkyh s. jwky' S zwky'kmync s. jwky'mync S zwmn- s. jmnw MS zwrny, S zwrn'k n.m. 'time, period; tempest, storm.'. Sims-Williams forthcoming. M zwrnyy TaleD3, TaleD27 M zwrnyy zwrnyy Ml34iiV8*, M5690V5 S zwrn'k 18058+V19 S zwrn'kw 10650(7)B2 (Sunderm.ann 2001, 752, nwr'n'w), SS118 S zwrny BezA54, BezA68 S zwrny zwrny 10200(5)V8, 10200(6)R2*(?)

MS zwmycyk s. mywn-zwrnycyk, wyspw­

zwrnycyk, zwrny-zwrnycyk, 3-zwrnycyk S zwrny-zwrnycyk a. 'of various periods' S zwrny-zwrnycyk 18196Rl7* S zwrny-zwrny#cykt pl. L44.8f (thus Sims­ Williams 1981, 236, ed. c[ytk]t), RSH50f* M 1zwrt, S 1 'zw'rt n. 'turning back'; zwrt prwrty 'turning to and fro' M zwrt BBB557* S 'zw'rty obl. AN 154 M 2zwrt, 'zwrt, S 2'zw'rt v.itr. 'to turn, turn round, turn away, return', past stem S 'zw'stM 'zwrt 3.sg.pres. M117.5 M zwrt'nd 3.pl.inj. M674V10* (GMS §758: subj.) (misprinted with -t-, MacKenzie 1999, 300) M zwftyy 3.sg.opt. BBBf8 S 'zw'rt 2.sg.impv. KG519 S 'zw'rt 3.sg.pres. HC36.19R5* (Sundermann 1990, 30 n. 68) S 'zw'sty 3.sg.m.itr.pret. KG354* S 'zyw'rt 3.sg.impf TaleFl7 S zyw'rt 3.sg.impf KG521 *, TaleJl7 S zyw'rtw 3.sg.impf 07509.4* (or 1.sg.?) S tzwrt'y AN64 s. nwrty S zwr[ KG420* M zwstmbky' n.f 'tyranny' M zwstm.bky'h Kaw IR2 zwf3'st'npy, S zwf3'st'np'k, M zwstmby, zwst'npy a. 'tyrannical', n.m. 'tyrant'. Henning 1945, 485 with n. 4; Kat., 263 n. 2. M zwstmbyyt pl. KawES* S zwf3'st'np'kt pl. GGZl .21 S zwf3'st'npyty pl.obi. GGZl.44* S zwst'npy Ch/U6146V8*(?) s zwsy s. jwsy S zwty n.m. 'beer'(?). Cf. S zwt'k, discussed by Henning 1946, 719-20. S zwty 10262(1)B3 S zwxs'nch 18248i36 s. *zwym'ny S zwxsk- s. jwxskM zwyfJ v. tr. 'to threaten'. Context unclear, but the traditional interpretation of zywyoo as prep. + dem.. pron. (Henning 1937, 97: 'hierbei'; GMS §1458; Morano 2009, 176: 'to this') cannot be correct. M ZY"'fiY◊◊ 3.sg.impf M127R3 M zwyfJm' n.f 'threat' M zwyom.' SS146*(?) M zwynk or zwynk' n. '.brocade'. Chinese loanword? Only attested in a poetical text, where it is uncertain whether the final -'(h) is part of the word, cf. GMS §974.

Sogdian M zwynk'h M137iiV13 S zwyrt, 'zwyrt v.tr. 'to turn' S 'zwyrt 3.sg.pres. 18700+R7 S zwyrt 3.sg.pres. 18700+V5 ('it turns that child') S zyw'yrt'nt 3.pl.impf KG566 S zxky s. k'xy zxkS zxs- s. jxsS ZY s. 'ty S ZY-'mn, ZY-'m.nw s. 'ty, -mn S zy'm, 'zy'm. v.tr. 'to spend, expend' S 'zy'm.'t 3.sg.subj. L95+4 S zy'm.tskwn 3.sg.pres.dur. Ch/U6886V5 S zy'my n.m. 'expenditure'. Yoshida 2008, 57. S zy'm.y 10100eV10 S ZY-'m.y s. 'ty, -m M zy'n n. 'child'. Pres.pt. to *zy- 'to be born' (= WMiran. z'y-, DMT IIl/1, 380-81)? M zy'n M5563B2 (unpublished, reference kindly supplied by Y.Y.) M zy'nd pl. M7800iiR19 S zy'wr s. c5rjy'wr S ZY-f3c s. 'ty, 1, -c S ZY-!3y s. 'ty, {3y­ S ZY-f3n s. 'ty, -fn S ZY-!3y s. 'ty, -f S ZY-!3y-pr s. 'ty, -f,pr S zyyyr s. jyyr S ZYm.s s. 'ty, ms S ZY-m.y s. 'ty, -m MS 1zyn n. 'weapon, weaponry, armoury' M zyn SLNal116 M zyyn M500m.iV3, SLNak85 S zyn HC36.1OR13* S zynt pl. KBfr9.5*(?) MS 2zyn v.tr. 'to remove forcibly, take away (from), deprive (of)', past stem zyt M zyn'nd 3.pl.impf KawG9*, KawG19* M zytyy pp. BBBf78 S zynty 3.sg.pres.mid.(?) O1723R4 S zyt'k pp. TaleKa26 S zyto'ro 2.pl.tr.pret. 18248i4 S zyn- s. 3jnS zyncyk a. 'harnessed' or (despite Henning 1944, 140 n. 1) 'saddled' S zyncykw 18248i11 M zyndg'n s. whmn'n zyndg'n MS zyny n. 'deposit' M zynyy BBB764 S zyny 13881+Vl S zyny'kty a. 'deposited' S zyny'kty 13881+R3* MS zyr a. 'wise'. MP loanword. M zyftyy pl.obi. Ml72iR5 S zyrt pl. KG329


MS zyrn n. 'gold' M zym BBBf53, Ml15Ri5, Ml15Vi6, M2074.1, TaleA9, TaleA48, TaleA54 [M tzyrnyy M594cB3 s. zrny] S zyrn 14000R5, TaleAS23, TaleAS26 M zyrnkry n.m. 'goldsmith' M zymkryy M501mA3*, M662B2, M662 B4* M zyrnw'k n.pr.m. M zymw'k Ml.108 M zyrnyny, S zyrn'yny a. 'made of gold, golden' M zymyncf Ml37iiV14 M zymynyy TaleE47* S zyrn'yny TaleG15 MS zyrt n.f 'old woman' M zyrt M760V9 M zyyrt M760R8, M4722.4 S zyrth 10100k+R18 M zyrtk n.f 'old woman'. Thus Morano 2009, 186. Less likely 'old man' with GMS §984. M zyrtk M760R6 M zyrty a. 'yellow'(?) M zyftyh M746cR5 [M zyftyy Ml72iR5 s. zyr] S zyryf3t s. py rwsn z'wr zyryf3t M zyrysw s. 2zrys s zY-sn s. 'ty, -sn s zyst'wc s. jyst'wc S zysty, zsty a. 'hated, hateful' S zsty Frg6.4*, Frg6.9*, Frg6.9 S zysty KG3.17, 07004+43, Tale150 S ZYsw, ZYsy s. 'ty, -s MS zyt s. 2zyn S zyt- s. 3jnS zyty'kh n.f. 'music'. Sims-Williams 1978, 259. S zyty'kh KG477 S zyw'rt s. 2zwrt S zyw'yrt s. zwyrt S ZY-wo s. 'ty, w6y M zywr n. 'ornament, bracelet, necklace'. Benveniste 1979, 159. M zywr CFl7, M6132B4 S ZY-wr s. 'ty, -wr M zywyM s. zwyc5 S zywyrm[ s. 'zwyrm M zy[ O6228B5 M z[ M2166.2 S z[ 17151V5*, [18435R2* s. f3'rycyk], KB 11(1), [Ps658* s. jwk, Ps659* s. jmnw], RSH155* S Z[ RSH37*

1 I 236


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian


M 1 s. 'yw M Frc>wky' n.f 'sincerity' M 1-'r6wky' M664R17 M 1-'wstny a. 'having one origin' M 1-'wstnyy l\.1Ll.11 S lLPw s. z'r M 1-my wn s. 'yw-mywn, mnd-1-mywn M 1-p'ryk s. 'ywp'ryk M 1-p't s. 'ywp't M 1-p'zy s. 'yw-p'zy M l-p6ky a. 'having one rule' M 1-p6kyy MLl.11 M 1-smb6 s. 'yw-smbyd MS 2s. ow' M 2-smM, 2-smbyd n. 'Monday' M 2-smM Fast2.17, Fast2.22*, M2319.4* (Cat. 2 s[, restore 2-s[mb6) M 2-smMyy obl. Fast2.8*, Fast3.23, 06191 RIO*, O6191V4* M 2-smbyd Fastl.9, Fastl.14, Fastl.16 M 3 s. 'bry M 3-smM, 3-smbyd n. 'Tuesday' M 3-smM Fast2.18* M 3-smMyh obl. Fast3.27 M 3-smMyy obl. Fast3.6, Fast4.1*, 06191 Rl* M 3-smbyd Fastl.5*, Fastl.10, Fastl.16 M 3-zwrnycyk a. 'belonging to the three periods' M 3-zwmycylq pl. M6330R1 MS 4 s. ctf'r S 4-m s. ctf3'rm M 4-myk s. ctf'rmyk M 4-p'6y a. 'four-legged' M 4-p'6yh BBB507 M 4-smb6, 4-smbyd n. 'Wednesday' M 4-smM Fast2.23* M 4-smMyy obl. Fast3.10, O6191R3* M 4-smbyd Fastl.6*, Fastl.20 MS 5 s. pnc S 5-myk s. pncmyk M6s. wxwsw M 6-myks. wxwswmyk M 6-zng'n a. 'sixfold' M 6-zng'n L74V5 (ed. 6's'-zng'n, read 8(m) 6-zng'n; wrongly also Sims-Williams 1981, 239) M 7, 7-myk s. '{3t, '{3tmyk M 7-zng'n a. 'sevenfold' M 7-zng'n M264aR5 M 8, 8-myk s. 'st', 'stmyk M 8-zng'n a. 'eightfold' M 8-znng'n M143Vii5 (BT XIX, 150, 8-

(z)ng'n, read -z[n]ng'n [Y.Y.]?) M 9, 9-myk s. nw', nwmyk MS 10, S 10s s. os' MS 11 num. 'eleven' M 11 M583iiR10 S 11 14425+V18, 19554.6*, G1Ci5* S 11-myk a. 'eleventh' S 11-mykw Xw2.9 MS 12 s. ow'ts S 12-p6(3r'k a. 'divided into twelve ranks' S 12#p6�r'kKG471f M 12-ryty a. 'twelve-faced' M 12-rytyy CF79 S 13 num. 'thirteen' S 13 G1Ci7* S 13-myk a. 'thirteenth' S 13-mykw 10650(14)+V2*, Ch/U6536a+ Vl* S 13-znk'n a. 'thirteenfold' S 13-znk'n ANcl (thus Yoshida 1988, 149, ed. 12 '-z'nt) MS 14 num. 'fourteen' M 14 M128V7, M583iiR5* S 14KG540 S 14-myk a. 'fourteenth' S 14-mykw 20146+V4 S 14-y'n n.pr.m. IPNB II/8, no. 1578. S 14-y'n TaleJR (thus Yoshida 2000a, 84, ed. 14 �y) MS 15 s. pncts S 15-myk a. 'fifteenth' S 15-mykw 21001V5 MS 16 num. 'sixteen' M 16 S40iR1 S 16 ANc9, Ch/U6536biiR1 (thus Yoshida 2008, 60, Kat. wx'c 3) S 17 num. 'seventeen' S 17 Ch/U6536biiR1 (thus Yoshida 2008, 60,Kat. 67), Ch/U8123bV2 S 19 s. n'wts MS 20 num. 'twenty' M 20 M548R4 S 20 BezB48, Ch/U6104R4, Ch/U6536b iiR4, Ch/U7117V10, GlCiil* S 21 num. 'twenty-one' S 21 Ch/U6536biiR4, G1Cii2 S 22 num. 'twenty-two' S 22 G1Cii3, 02787.3 S 23 nurp. 'twenty-three' S 23 BezA131, G1Cii4* S 26 num. 'twenty-six' S 26 14425+R18*, 20513jiR3* S 27 num. 'twenty-seven' S 27 20513iiR3

S 28 num. 'twenty-eight' S 28 14425+Vl* M 29 num. 'twenty-nine' M 29 S40iR3 MS 30 s. sys S 31 num. 'thirty-one' S 31 20513iiR6 MS 32 num. 'thirty-two' M 32 KawG22, 05300.3 S 32 TaleG11, TaleG18 S 37 num. 'thirty-seven' S 37 20513iiV3* MS 40 num. 'forty' M 40 CF83 S 40 10239(2)B2, BezB51, BezB54, KB 18(1) S 41 num. 'forty-one' S 41 20513iiV6 S 42 num. 'forty-two' S 42 20513iiV6 S 43 num. 'forty-three' S 43 20513iV1* S 44 num. 'forty-four' S 44 20513iV1 S 50 num. 'fifty' S 50 13881+R4 S 58 num. 'fifty-eight' S 58 20513iV6 S 59 num. 'fifty-nine' S 59 20513iV6 (misprinted 58 inKat.) MS 60 num. 'sixty' M 60KG2372, M498ciiR2 S 60 13881+R3*, BezB56, BezB58, O/U 829.3* S 62 num. 'sixty-two' S 62KG491 S 63 num. 'sixty-three' S 63 Ch/U6536biV2* S 64 num. 'sixty-four' S 64 Ch/U6536biV2* S 65 num. 'sixty-five' S 65 Ch/U6536biV2* M 70 num. 'seventy' M 70 CFvl62* MS 72 num. 'seventy-two' M 72 Fast3.8, Fast3.11, M6330V4 S 72 Ch/U8030Vil* S 73 num. 'seventy-three' S 73 Ch/U6536biV6 S 74 num. 'seventy-four' S 74 Ch/U6536biV6 S 76 num. 'seventy-six' S 76 Ch/U8030Vi5* S 78 num. 'seventy-eight' S 78 Ch/U6531Vil*


M 80 num. 'eighty' M 80 M7800iiV7 S 82 num. 'eighty-two' S 82 Ch/U6531Vi5* S 83 num. 'eighty-three' S 83 Ch/U8030Viil S 84 num. 'eighty-four' S 84 TaleG13* S 88 num. 'eighty-eight' S 88 GlDl S 89 num. 'eighty-nine' S 89 GlD2* S 90 num. 'ninety' S 90 Ch/U6531Vii3, GID3* S 91 num. 'ninety-one' S 91 GID4* S 92 num. 'ninety-two' S 92 GID5* S 93 num. 'ninety-three' S 93 GID6* S 94 num. 'ninety-four' S 94 GID7* S 95 num. 'ninety-five' S 95 GID8* S 96 num. 'ninety-six' S 96 GID9* S 97 num. 'ninety-seven' S 97 GlDlO* S 98 num. 'ninety-eight' S 98 GlDll* S 99 num. 'ninety-nine' S 99 GlD12* MS 100 s. st-, '8wy-100, pnc-100 S 100-sr6'k a. 'lasting a hundred years' S 100-sr6'k TaleAS32 M 100-sm'ry a. 'having a hundred thoughts' M 100-sm'ryy M127R10 M 144 num. 'a hundred and forty-four' M 144 Fast3.33, Fast3.37* S 160 s. pnc-160 MS 180 num. 'a hundred and eighty' M 180 CFlO0, CFlOl S 180 PsAl.44 M 200 s. 'owy-100 M 216 num. 'two hundred and sixteen' M 216 Fast3.15*, Fast3.20 M 288 num. 'two hundred and eighty-eight' M 288 Fastl.25*, Fastl.26*, Fast2.23*, Fast 2.24*, Fast3.3f (2#88) M 360 num. 'three hundred and sixty' M 360 M6330V4f

, Glossary to the Manichaean Bactrian fragment M1224 1,(3 prep. 'to', also used to mark a direct object which is both human and definiteR4, R8 2 'f3 n. 'water' y'f3R4 'f3dyj- v.tr. 'to require'(?) 'f3dyjyd 3.sg.pres.V9 *'f3w'g a. 'pure' yf3w'gR8 'f3wd s. f3w'f3y'gyr- v.tr. 'to predict' (Skt. vyakar-) or 'to commemorate'(?) 'f3y'gyrynd 3.pl.pres.R19 'f3yl'd n. 'iniquity'VS* 'f3yr- v.tr. 'to obtain' 'f3yryycl 3.sg.pres. R14 'f3yrynd 3.pl.pres. R 7* 'f3yryynd 3.pl.pres.R3 'f3...dyyh, unclear word, possibly 2.sg.pret. of a past stem 'f3• ..dV13* 'cyd, cyd rel.pron. 'which', referring to an in­ animate object; perhaps also c. 'that' (Rl7). Repeated 'cyd ... 'cyd ... 'whether ... or ...; both ... and ...'. 'cydR8 'cyd ... 'cydVlO 'cyydR4, R17 'cydyh Vl* cydyV4 cydyhV3, V4 'cydyl} = 'cyd + -y 'dhn s. (yd 'dwxs- v. of unknown meaning 'dwxsynd 3.pl.pres.Vl7* 'dyyl a. 'such' or adv. 'thus, likewise' R7 'yd past stem 'to come' 'ydym l.sg.pret. V13 ]'yd n. 'tathagata', probably used like M myo'yty (q.v.) as a designation of the 'Righteous Elect' (differently Sims-Willi­ ams 2009, 259) VlO* 'qydyyh = kyd + -y 'lwg, unclear word (perhaps equivalent to S "owh 'majesty' according to Lurje 2010, 782)VlO* 'm..t a. of unknown meaningV12* 'nd'r a. 'other'V9* 'rw'n n. 'soul'V6, V7* 's prep. 'from'Rl1, V11 'ww dem.pron. 'that'R4, R12, V7 'wd, 'wt c. 'and' 'wd Rl, R3, R4, RS, RIO*, RIO, R13, R15, RlS, Vl, V2, V3*, V3*, V4, V4*, VS*, V6*, V6, V8*, V9, VIS, VIS*, VI6, VI6,

V17*, VI8 'wwdR2, R6 'wtV19 'wd'yyl}R 19* 'wdwmV13 'wdyhVIO*, Vl1, V12 'wd'yyh, 'wdyh = 'wd + -y 'wdwm = 'wd + -wm 'wywt n. 'secrecy' VS (Sims-Williams 2010c, 207) 'wjy'n n. 'killing'VI* 'wjyd past stem 'to kill' 'wjyd 3.sg.pret.VI* 'wst'm n. 'estate' VI6* 'wts. 'wd 'wwyh•f3, unclear form, probably containing 'ww 'that' (q.v.)R7* 'zpers.pron.l.sg. 'I', nom. V13 '•--•g a. of unknown meaningVI8 'sprymyyg n. 'flower'R3* 'yd dem.pron. 'this', pl. 'dhn 'dhnpl. 'these (things)'RI7, RI9 'yd V14*, Vl7, V18 'yg, y- article 'the' and ezafe (linking particle) 'ygVS, V7, V9, Vl3, V14, V18 y'f3 R.4 yf3w'gR8 'yz- or 'yzy- v.itr. 'to be born, spring (from)' 'yyzyd 3.sg.pres.R11* b'gyg a. or n. 'having a share, sharer' b'gygyndR13 b'gygynd = b'gyg + -ynd bwt n. 'Buddha'RI8* f3rg n. 'fruit'RI4 f3w-, 'f3w- v.itr. 'to be, become' 'f3wd 3.sg.pres.VI2 f3wd 3.sg.pres.VI8 f3wwd 3.sg.pres.V6 f3wlst"n n. 'garden' (hypothetical restoration, Ms only ](')'n)Rl* f3wrd past stem 'to bear, bring' f3wrdym l.sg.pret.V8*(?) f3wrd'w n. '(act of) bearing, (act of) suffering' V11* f3yzg a. 'wrong, evil'V4 f3yzg-qyrdg'nyg a. 'wrong-doing, (guilty) of evil deeds'V7* c"k'myg indefinite pron. 'whosoever'V9* c'p'syh, unclear wordV7* c >sq prep. 'over, upon, against'VS* cywwng adv. 'as'R3 cydy, cydyh = 'cyd + -y drf a. 'so much, such'V5, V9

, 240

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

drm n. 'dharma, (religious) law, righteousness' RIO* drwfr a. 'unfortunate'V13 fr s. lyn'ng fr fry'w n. 'profit, wealth'V16 frlymyg n. 'illusion' frlymygyndV16* frlymygynd = frlymyg + -ynd frwyng a. 'foreseeing'V8* fry'nyg n. 'friend, beloved'(?)V16* y"w n. 'cow, cattle' RS yly� n. 'theft'Vl hl3ysznng a. 'of many kinds, manifold' R9 hm'r n. 'count, reckoning'V19* hrc adv. intensifying an indefinite pron. 'abso­ luteiy (anyone), (anyone) at all', with neg. '(no-one) at all'V9 hyrz- v.tr. 'to release, let' hyrzyh 3.sg.opt. Rl hz'r num. 'a thousand' R14 h[V2* j'w n. 'tide' (Chinese)�� chao, misprinted !j[A in Sims-Williams 2009, 26Sb)V18 qdyl3ryyg n. 'layman, Hearer' (literally 'householder') R12* krm n. 'karma, (evil) actions and their con­ sequences' krmV5 qrmVll qyc indefinite pron. 'anyone', with neg. 'no­ one'VlO kyd, 'qyd rel.pron. 'who', referring to a person (R12); c. 'that, because', introducing a sub­ ordinate clause or direct speech 'qydyyh R12 kydVS,V9*, V13 kyydV13*(?) qyr n. 'act, action, deed'(?)V13 qyr- v.tr. 'to do', past stem qyrd qyrd 3.sg.pret.V3 n' qyry neg.3.sg.opt.VlO*(?) nyst qyrdwm neg.3.sg.pret. + -wm Vl1 (Sims-Williams 2010c, 207 n. 3) qyrdg'n n. 'action, deed' RlO qyrdg'nyg s. [3yig-qyrdg 'nyg qyxt past stem 'to count'(?) qyxtygynd 3.pl.pf V6* k•dwm'd, unknown wordV14* l'dl3r n. 'judge'V8 l'drst a. 'lawful' RIO l'hw'n, l"hw'n n. 'gift' l"hw'n R18 l'hw'n R7*, Rll lh- v.tr. 'to give' lhyyd 3.sg.pres. R12

lhyyh 3.sg.opt. RS lyn'ng fr 'Glory of the Religion', Bactr. name of the NousV12 lynlyryg n. 'Electus' lynlyrygVlO lyynlyryg"n pl. R8 m'h'nyg a. 'pertaining to months' Vl9 ml'm'ng a. 'this-worldly, mundane'V14 mwwl n. 'wine' R2 myydyg n. 'fruit' R2 myn'g a. 'resembling, like' myn'gyndV15* myn'gynd = myn'g + -ynd mynyndyg a. 'resembling, like'(?)VI7*, V18 m ..•.. •d, unclear form, possibly 3.sg.pres. V12* n' qyry s. qyrn' pydkstyy s. pydkst nj3yxt past stem 'to write' nByxtyg pp. (implied 3.pl.pf., -ynd being understood from context)V6* nr� n. 'hell' (Skt. naraka-) R15 nyst s. qyrp'yyd n. 'meat' R6 p'yyg n. 'milk' R6 ]pre, probably a compound containing *pre postp. 'after' R2 pdwy- or pdw- v. of unknown meaning pdwyynd 3.pl.pres.VI 7* pn'yyr n. 'cheese' R6 prdyjg or prdyzg n. 'orchard' or 'kitchen garden' RI* prmsyj3'w n. of unknown meaningV3* pww, unclear word, possibly 2.sg.impv. of a verb pww- 'to tremble, be afraid'V13 pwwn n. 'merit' (Skt. pmJya-) R9, R13, RIS pwnyng a. 'consisting of merits' R14 pwrj3'1ydgy� n. of unknown meaningV2* pws n. 'sheep' R5*(?) pyc prep. 'before, in the presence of'V8 pyd prep. 'in, by, etc.'; also (R14) expressing a relationship between two numerals pyd R13*, V5 ywg pyd hz'r '(at the rate of) a thousand to one, a thousandfold' R14 pyd'g a. 'evident, revealed'V6* pydhrl3 n. 'worry, toil'(?)V15 pydkst past stem 'to restrain, prevent' n' pydkst_yy neg.3.sg.opt.pret.Vl1* pydrwl3- v.tr. 'to receive' pydrwByd 3.sg.pres. R16 pydrwm- v.tr. 'to support'(?) pydrwmynd 3.pl.pres. R9* r'yyg n. 'evil'V9* rstyg a. 'just'V8

Bactrian rwc'nyg a. 'pertaining to days'V19 rwwyn n. 'butter' R6 ryms n. 'blame'V3 srd'nyg a. 'pertaining to years'V19 sxnd n. 'mockery'V3* smn n. 'Buddhist monk, Buddhist' (Skt. srama:Q.a-, Prakrit �amaQ.a-) smn'npl.R17 swh- v.tr. 'to escape, avoid'(?) swwhyyd 3.sg.pres. R15 syjg or syzg a. 'good' RlO* t'd c. 'so, thus, then' t'd Rll fd R13*,V7,V12 f'd RS, R9 t'dyhVS* t'dylJ = t'd + -y tymwng n. of unknown meaningVIS* tysygyg n. 'emptiness'(?) tysygygyndV14 tysygygynd = tysygyg + -ynd wl adv. 'there'V12 -wm pers.pron.1.sg.encl. '(by) me, my' 'wdwmV13 nyst qyrdwmV11 wmwrt past stem 'to destroy' wmwwrt 3.sg.pret.V4* wwmwrt'w n. 'destruction'V4* ws n. 'hay' R4 wyr'd past stem 'to believe' wyr'd 3.sg.pret.V5 wyrwg n. 'belief' V4* wysp, wys a. 'all' wysVl*, V2 wysp Rll, Rl3, R15, V3, V3, V4 wyspz'nyndyg a. 'all-knowing'VS wy[ n. of unknown meaningV6 w•..•wd, unclear word, probably 3.sg.pres. V7* x'sg n. 'clothing'V15 xw'f3 n. 'dream'V15*(?) xwf3 a. '(his) own', referring to the subject of the sentence xwByc R18 xwByc = xwj3 + -ye xwyn- v.tr. 'to say, appeal, claim' xwynyd 3.sg.pres.V12* xwynynd 3.pl.pres. RI 7 y'f3 = 'yg + 2,13 y'wyd'nzyg adv. 'forever, eternally' R16 yf3w'g = 'yg + *'f3w'g -y, -yh, -'yh pers.pron.3.sg.encl. 'him, it, of him, by him, to him, etc.' 'cydyhVI* 'qydyyh R12


'wd'yyh R19* 'wdyhVlO*,Vll,V12 cydyV4 cydyhV3,V4 t'dyhV5* -ye encl.adv. 'also, even' xwf3yc R18 -ynd 'they are', encl.3.pl.pres. of the verb 'to be' b'gygynd R13 (as sg.?) frlymygyndVl6* myn'gyndV15* tysygygyndVl4 ywg num. 'one' R14 zf3r'j n. of unknown meaningV18 zwz- v.itr. 'to rise' zwwzyyd 3.sg.pres.V18 zmbwd'ng a. 'worldly, earthly'V14 zyn• g n. 'body' R18 zyn'gyng a. 'pertaining to the body, bodily' V15


, l


English index This is not an English-Sogdian (English-Bactrian) glossary but merely an index to the Sogdian­ English and Bactrian-English glossaries. Therefore it should not be assumed that the Sogdian and Bactrian words are necessarily equivalent to the English words under which they are cited; the references merely indicate the heading under which some equivalent may be found. Except in especially important cases, personal names and titles of works are omitted. Ambiguous English words in -ing should be understood as adjectives unless they are marked as nouns (by context or by the abbreviation 'n. '). All references are to the Sogdian dictionary except those marked 'B '. abandon,to


'wxr pryc abandoned,to be prxs2wxsAbar-shahr '(3r-s'r abbot m'nyst'no'r'k ability '\ ynability to stand ptspry ablution sn'yws'ny wsn'm "r'm abode abode of demons oywstn abortion pjwk ps'k about to happen pcp'n above 'sk' 'sky 'skys'r cwpr cwpr-s'r absolutely cpo' sxw B hrc 1'xsn'm absolution krmswhn abyss zwfy ptcxsaccept, to ptyr/31pcy'z acceptance ptcxsy accomplished,whose deeds have been 'sptkrmy according to nywo account of,on pyc5'r fs'c accustom,to 2'nz'n acknowledge, to acknowledgement 'nz'nprs'ky' acquaintance 'pzn'wtyh xwcm'nky' acquiescence xwcy'k of3'yz acquire, to krm act B qyr swact,to action 'krty' B qyr B qyrdg'n B krm actions, evil

active activity actual Adam (first man) add,to Adda (disciple)

'krty'kry 'rk pts'k ko rycyk wyn'ndy


f3j'w "t' nir't' added,to be f3jyaddress srwq adherent of a (false) religion oynyk adjust,to *woyr adjustment woyr'mndy admonition 'pst'wn adorn,to py't adornment py'ty adult mzyx adultery 'tsy'kh advancement psp'ry pspr'mndy advantage ftrwny adversary pty'rkr'y adversity pty'r advice "{3r's advisor jn'-ptnym advocate 2prwyc5y Aeon 'wt'k affect,to frwyo affliction pzrn afraid, to be Bpww after k' ry pre psy-s'r psystr pyspow pystrw B ]pre after-Buddha ps'bwty after death pysmwro after-meal ps x ry after-meal, connected with ps'x'rycyk after that yyrtr afterwards yyrtr psy-s'r ptsro again of3tyk

against age ageless agree, to agreeable Ahriman Ahrimanic Ahya (giant) air air (element)

o(3tyw ptnwy tym pr ptryt B c'sq 1skwn pw-zrw ptsynd ptsynd'rmyk xwcsmnw smnwk'ny xy'

f3ry' 'rt'w frwrty fr'np'n fr'whr rxt alas! nksyntr Alexander 'lxsntrh Alexandria rxsynt'ykyro pcoalight,to ptspr'yw-mywn alike mnd-1-mywn alike, not wyjtry alkali wyjtryny alkaline 'nyty all mywn s't sytm'n wyspxm'k Bwysp 2c'f all around wysp'sprymy all-flowery all kinds, of wyspzng'n wyspyrf3'k all-knowing B wy§pz'nyndyg all periods, of mywn-zwrnycyk wyspw-zwrnycyk 'ory-prw all three sytm'n all together f3xsallot, to w'c allow,to rw'ng'n alms 'yw-t'c alone


Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

'yw-wsy xwok'r 'sk' aloud ms also wf3yw B -ye prwyrt alter (tr.), to styw although "w'xs altogether 'ywp'ryk cnyty przr r'mnd always 'no's amazed, to be 2wyo's nws ambrosia ambrosia, flowing with nws'.ft'k nwsyny ambrosia, made of "myn amen mre>'spnd Amesha Spenta my8'n amidst xm'yr Amir (title) 'niw Ammo (disciple) mr'mw myo'n among Amurdad (Amahraspand) hrwt mrwt ny'k ancestor 'r ty and 'ty ltwty w(3yw B'wd ptnwy anew f3ypsy angel Jrysty mre>'spnd (3r'ystmnc angelic ptzrn anger xbwk yp'k t'(3n'k angry yp'k[3ry stwrpoy animal bfanimal, wild nxsyr afijali position, having bst-'nc'l hands in nystyannounce, to ptzrn annoyance tfsnwk xbwk *yr'ns annoyed, to be ptsrb'k annual *'no'w anoint, to another time, belonging to ny'wr · answer p'tcyny pc(3'nt

ptw'f3 pdw'xtg Answer (god) pt ryt antagonistically psy anus 'ndwxc anxiety 'ndwxcn'k anxious 'ndwxc anxious, to be ko'm any any: s. also not any 'sk'tr any more B qyc anyone cw'c anything nykyr'n apart ptyn 1(3yk apart from nyskr'n mkr' ape 'pst'wy apostate apostle J rysty pty'm(3r B xwynappeal, to ptsye> appear, to sysyb appearance fays ptk'r' wyn'mndy wrcy' appeased 'wst appoint, to nf3ynd apportion, to 1{3'W approach, to prys prw'nc Aqsu (city) dwl Aquarius "pyk aquatic twyp'e> archer ro'nk Ardahang (scripture) B -ynd are rhnd arhant wrg Aries 'nxz arise, to tpn' ark 'rkc'ny Ark (Qarasahr), of 'rkcyk (3'z' arm bstprst'k armament 'rmyn Armenia mzyn armoured armoured, completely 'nytmzyn 1 zyn armoury arms crossed, with pr{Jrtost 'sp'o .J army cp'ys army-commander 2c'f around 'nxyj arouse, to prst'y arrange, to pts'c *w8yr

pts'k 1{3'w snarrived, not having n'-pr'yt "mn arrogance RBkm'ny arrogant lp'b arrow ynart krnw'ncy' prynp artifice ng'ry artist ' ry'nwyjn Aryana Vaejah c'fryo as c'nw kbwty B cywwng 'nywn as if kbwty JCJ as many c'fryo JC J as much 'sfr-'krty ashamed sk'r ashes 2psask, to 2:xwj ask for, to swk' Asoka sn'sry aspen cxstwny aspiration xrass ywr ass (wild) 'nwz assemble (itr.), to 'njmn assembly 'nt'c nw'z 'nw'z'k mr'z assistant pstk'ry 2ptryo associate, to {3rtxwy'kh assurance {3rtwx assured "yfs astray, to go smbtsr astrologer en at 2kw pr lprw przy'm at all B hrc prywyo at that prywynd 2prm at the Iprw ''ms' attention nyxy' ''ms attention, to pay nyx attentive 3 ptyws audible, to become nyws'k Auditor _ngws'kpt Auditor, head nyws'k'nc Auditrix

arrangement arrive, to





English index Auditrix, head authoritative authority

nyws'kpt'nc 2prm'n bst(3r'ky' ostwf3ry h p't'xs'wn'y'kkh authority, having ostf3ry authority, in p't'xs'w'n authorizing .p't'xs'w'n autumn pty'z xz'n avoid, to B swhaway (from) {3yks'r Baat (disciple) ptw baby cy'ly Babylon p'pyl back pre back door psy back of the h�ad ps'sry bad {3)bad-faced {3z-ryt'k baker nynw-p'c ball of thread spt'k banished yrmy'n bank of a river "pznp bark sr'k barley ywbasic number bwnmrg basil pwm'k basis m'sk ]pobath sn'm bathing (n.) sn'm battle 'nxwnc "x's battlefield "x'sw'oy bazaar w'crn Bayatarxan (title) py'trx'n be, not to nyst be, to 'skw'wst [3w2myn prxyz xB (3wB -ynd be, to cause to prwyrt beam fspbear, to {3rB f3wrd 3znbear (a child), to beard rys'kh bearing (n.) Bf3wrd'w bearing (a child) zn'ndy bearing a load f3'rf3ry bearing fruit f3'rf3ry /3ry /3ryny beat, to x'w beautiful krsn'w p'ryz


syrk krsn'wty' c'nw cw m'o p'rty 3 pr'w B kyd because of ptyrn py8'r become, to {3wprwrt B {3wbeer zwty before pt'ycy-s'r ptycy pyrnm pyrnms'r ryt Bpyc beggar tr'yynpt'yo'k 2"y'z begin, to fr'y'z fry'z tys beginning (n.) '{3tmp't l"y'z srtys'mndy beginning, from the c'y'zy[ behave, to prxyz beauty because



nwrty sw'mndy sw'mty behaviour, correct 'skw'mc prxm behind pre psy psy-s'r pyspow behold n'y behove, to s'c being (n.) s0(3 bejewelled rtnyny wysprtnyny belief Jpyr B wyrwg 2pyr believe, to 2wrnB wyr'd believing wrnkyn bellicose "x'sryjy belly ko'ry belly, belonging to the ko'ry-cyk beloved n'zwk Bfry'nyg Beloved of the Lights f ryhrwsn


c'br c'br-kyr'n c'brp'r c'brstr belt *r'nyck Berna c'yo'n y'bwk Berna, child of k'xy zxkBerna, of the j'yd'ny Berna feast, time of the g'hyg zm'n Berna hymns g'hyg bench 1prt'w bend (itr.), to n'j bended knee, on 'sp'tz'n'wky benediction '{3znbeneficence syr'kty' beneficent syrkty .{vrng'ry syrwk'r'k bent pckf3ty beside nf3nd best xwptr best of all wyspsyr bestow, to n(3'xsbetrothed pys'k better frtr sy'tr xwptr better, still frtrstr between my8'n beyond 'wrbp'r big mzyx bind, to (3ynd bird mrybirth ''jwn l"zy birth and death, cycle of z'omwrow Bisbali:q (city) pnzkno bishop 'ft'o'n bitch y8{3k bite, to j/3bitter trxkbitter, more trxkystr black s'w blame B ryms blaze of3'n blaze, to wyorf3sblazing wybrfs'n bless, to ''fryn blessed {3yrw'n frnxwndy syrptycy blessedness frnxwndky' blessing ''frywn ''frywncyk syr3s_y r'k blind kwr



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1 11


1I1rf 1 Il I�I


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1 :11

kwrm'ny frnxwndky' rw'zy s'twxy' xwrnblood blood, spilling of ywxn ' - 'psyk w's blow, to 'po'mt'k blown up wr'zk[ boar pwtyk boat tmb'rcyk bodily B iyn'gyng bodily defect ryp bodily defect, having ryp'w myekbodily fluids y ryw body 2jntmb'r B iyn'g

. blind-hearted bliss

body, having a healthy


ywnc body, material tmb'rmync body, of the body, pertaining to the B iyn'gyng 'Body and soul' (ceremony tn-gy'n or hymns) tngy'ny

pry -tnp'r body-loving 'Body of the Word'

boil (itr.), to boiling bond bondage bone book

sxwn tnb'r *2'ys 'ysy'ntk f3nd {3nd 'stknpyk pwsty 3 s'ny

book of parables/stories bore, to born, to be borne, to be both both ... and ...

"z'ntn'my swmb "jy B 'yi{3yrxwf>f3ty w{3yw B 'eyd wmnd orwn 'sp'oy knck zywr

boundary bow bowl boy bracelet Brahma-voice (melody) Brahmanic brain branch branch, small brave

English index

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian


f'msy pr'mn'n'k myz-


prsnxy ynkyn

y'xy mrt'ny' bravery y'xystr bravest rwony brazen nynbread 'nxw'y break, to 'wsynd 2ptsk'f fr'keyny breakfast time, at 'nsynd'mndy breaking (n.) 'nsysty

breaking (of a command'nxw'n ment) p'z breast {3r'n breath

fr'np'n 'zompys'k z'mt'y ytkwbridge nf3ndy bridle ptrwxs bright rwxsnrwxsndrbrighter 'ro'yp brightness 'ro'yp'kh frwk rwxsny'k ''f3r bring, to "ny 2pr'ny B {3wrd *tnybring in, to 'nxyj bring into being, to nysk'w bring out, to zwynk brocade sndws brocade, garment of 'nxwy broken, to be f3r't brother f3r'tky brother by brother

breathe out (tr.), to bridegroom

brothers, land inherited by

f3r'trk'n 'mf3rty brought together dwl bucket 'sprxs bud bwtBuddha pwts'kmn s'kmnw B bwt Buddha, coming after ps'bwty bwt'ny Buddha, of pwty'k buddhahood bwt'ny buddha-like bwt'ny _; buddhas, of the Bsmn Buddhist pyksy Buddhist mendicant smny Buddhist monk 2 *oys build, to 1oys building (n.) bystyc

proys pwx'r {3'r *3pro'w swc 'jtndy burning swc'y t'{3n'k y'lyneyy 2pro'w burning (n.) swc'kh swxsburnt, to be 'nf3'r burrow 'rk business w'xs p'rty but 1pyst 2yw'r y'wrwyn butter B rwwyn xryn buy, to xryc buying (n.) pwyrwx buyruq (title) en by pr Bpyd c'm' by me en by means of prywysn by them pr'f' by you (sg.) kysr Caesar 2kyn Cain pwstcake pb'nk calamity 'zy'yr'm'ntk call jy'r xrwstg Call (god) jyyr call, to wxwnwyo{3zxwyn pzyyr call out, to prwyo call to account, to jyyr call upon, to xwyn called, to be 'wrm calm wrcy' wyr'm'nty wyr'm calm, to xwstrcamel kpwr camphor 'nomy canto "rxys caravan

Bukharan burden burn (tr.), to

cardinal sins, five: 1/cyn -first yp'k -second l j -third ry mndyrf3'ky' -fifth cardinal virtues, five:. fryt't -first

-second -third

1 wrn'spwrny'k 'spwrnk'rky' f3wrt'rmyky' wyt'wp'zny' yrf3'ky'


-fifth cardinal virtues, parts of the first virtue: -first fryt't -second xwsndy' -third f'rstm'nky' -fourth z'rcnwky' -fifth 'wrmtky' -sixth nkf3tp'znky' cardinal virtues, parts of the second virtue: 1wrn-first cardinal virtties, parts of the third virtue: -first spwrnk'rky' -second 'nspstky' -third p'tyw'nky' wyk'ystm'n'kyh

-fourth trny' -fifth rsty'k cardinal virtues, parts of the fourth virtue: -first f3wrt'nnyky' -second wyt'wp'zny' -third xwcy'k -fourth nmry'k -fifth f3trytky' cardinal virtues, parts of the fifth virtue: -first yrf3'ky' -second 'nwtf>'rky' -third sy' -fourth Iptfr'w -fifth wyyr'tky' -sixth 'nspstky' care nyxy' care for, to careful carefulness carelessness caring for the soul carry, to carry out, to cartilage cast, to castle cat catch, to cattle cause cause, to

prwrz ly/3'r prwyj 2yf3'r nyx nyxy' pty'ry' rw'ncn {3r2skr2 *wrb ps'y ptrwp s'rf3y mwskyc ny's B y"w ptyrn kwn-


'nc'y ptr'm {3ywo f3wf>f3rn

cease, to


ceiling censer ceremonies following the meal ps'x'ry ce1iain, a 'yw cessation 'nc'n Chach, of c'en'y Chaghaniyan, of cy'ny chains jync ry' chalcedony krkon change (into) (itr.), to change (into) (tr.), to channel chariot charioteer chariots, of the chase, to chastity cheek

cheerfulness cheese chief

chief magus child

Child of the Berna


prwyrt mwry' wrtn prf3'rcy wrtncyk ns m dyneyhryft 'ngs jnwwq rwxznwk f'rstm'nky' B pn'yyr s'r'r srong sry'kyc xwystr mwyptw '{3s'ntk "jwn rynck z'k zy'n *)


k'xy zxk-

Child of the religion oynz'k 1skwn childhood childish t.'yw'kcyk chin jnwwq

znwk f3ypwrstn f3ypwr'k 'wb'yz wycn2 t's frxw'k 1frkrnd wycnmsyh' trs'k trs'k'n'k church byn oyn'rtwspy' church (Christian) kr'ysy'kh

China Chinese choke (tr.), to choose, to chop (wood), to chopped up chopping (n.) chosen Christ Christian

church, head of oyns'ro'r cities, in each of the three

'oryy-kno'kyy(!J?) kno s'ryst'n city-gate knf>{3r claim, to B xwyn1{3ywn clairvoyance, by clan knd kwtr clay, made of yr'yk'yny clean kr'n zprt clearing out (n.) pteyoy clever ptf3yoclod of earth yro-mrywndy close, to f3ynd closing (n.) 'nwyj'mndy closure {3nd cloth (cotton) wsyny cloth, roll of prt clothe, to *nywynt ptmync clothe oneself, to ptmwxsclothed, to be ptmwxsclothing (n.) nywsty ptmwk Bx'sg cloud myy pryf3y coarse stmb coffin tpn' cognate ''wqnty cold srt cold (of winter) (n.) jmyky' cold, to become ptsyrcollect (itr.), to 'nwz collect (tr.), to 'nskr 'nw'yz colour ywnc column 'stwn Column of Glory ''wkrsny f3'm-'stwn srwsrt come, to 'ys prys B 'yd 2 come down, to 'wxz come into being, to 'nxz come to, to prys come to an end, to nyjptymscome to nought, to nyst comfortably yyrtcoming (n.) 'ys'mndy command 'pst'wn frm'n command, to 'pstyfrm'y commander xm'yr


11 I



rL 248

Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian

Commander of the faithful mwmyn xm'yr cxs'pb commandment commandment-breaking 'nxwst-cxs'pomync commandments,keeping the sks'pt-p 'sy commandments,relating to cxs'ptyk cxs'pb-mync commandments for the Elect,five: rsty'k -first pw'zrmy -second dyncyhryft -third kwcyzprty' -fourth Mt'wc -fifth commemorate, to B 'f3y'gyrcommissioner (of a manuw'xs-of3ryny script) communal dwelling-place m'nyst'n of the Elect 'njmn community community,belonging 'njmnyk to the oyn community (religious) community of Hearers ny'ws'ky'kh community of the Elect 'rt'wspy' oyn'rtwspy' oynb' ry' "wnir'z companion "mro "wr'o'k ptnym companionship fry'nw'z 'nw'z'k company company of friends fry'nw'z rwtcn compassionate "wn'f3'k compatriot compel,to ftf3yj 'sptcomplete 'spwrn'sptrcomplete,more complete,to 2pty'm 2 skrcompletely armoured 'nytmzyn 'spty'k completeness 'spwrny'k 'spwrnk'rky' completion completion,bringing to 'spwrnk'r'y 1psprcompose,to trync compress,to wkwr comrade ptywby concealing

smwk en pr pyb'r ckn'c concerning which *fryj conclude,to prys concubine 'wz'1n condemn,to nz'm condemnation *'wzms condemned,to be 'skrt conduct skr'm'nty nwrty conduct (proper) 2 skrconduct,to 2 'nz'n confess,to 1 'nz'n confession 'nz'n'mndy 'nz'nprs'ky' xw'stw'nyft confession,not practising L'-xw'stw'nyf3t f3rtxwy'kh confidence wsyd'xy' {3rtwx confident ptk's confinement 'nxwnc conflict 2 sym confused ptywz confusion (3r'xscongratulate,to conjunction (of planets) 'n{3nd ptf3'ynt connect,to connected 'nf3ndcyk 'nf3nd connection ptf3nd m'nprm'ty conscience sy' consciousness nmconsent,to ptsynd consequences (of former krm acts) B krm mynconsider,to m'nprm'ty consideration ptsmyrconsidered,to be rst'wc'r consolation sm'tyh xwm'r xwm'r-w'f3y consoler xwncwy consort ''stnky' constancy "stny constant 'nxr constellation 'ns'c construct,to /3ystyc _; construction xwrconsume,to xwrndy consuming 'n(3yo contact,to 'skwncyk contemporary nmsy'k contempt nmy'k

conceit concerning

ptyby' ftyrcontinue,to ptf3rwsy contrary ptpt'yn nm'ny contrition p't'xs'w'n control,in 'ws'wc convert,to 'st'w converted,to be 'ws'wxs *pccook,to psty cooked,to be ptsrtky' cooled,being (n.) psyr'mndy cooling (n.) rwony copper,made of pcwzcopulate,to krn'kk corner (of a room) ''o{3ry cornfield tmb'rcyk corporeal tmb'rmync tnygyrd tnygyrdy' corporeality corpus (of scripture) sxwn tnb'r 'skw'mc correct behaviour prxm wbyr'mndy correction corrupting the soul y ryw-n'sy 1 n's corruption wsyny cotton cloth nf3yr'k counsellor p'xs'yn ptsm'r count Bhm'r B qyxt count,to nw-'ptsm'r countable, not ptsmyrcounted, to be pw-s'k countless 'wt'k country sw'mndy course sw'mty ''ywby cover ptywo ''ywnd cover,to ptywnd "ywsty covering (n.) nyb'm ptywo y'w cow B y"w pn'nc co-wife "wmr'z co-worker f3snyk cracking xyz'n crawling crawling on the earth z'yxyzy ''fryn create,to sfryn oywo't created by demons o'm creation sfry wn

:,1 Iljil l

Il '

English index

crevice criminal criminality cripple crippled crooked cross cross over,to cross over,to cause to

b'm sb/3 w'tb'r lk'/3 'spyn spyn'wy wy'm'n 1 'sk'nt pckf3ty pts'nk 'nzyb

'nzyynt prf3rt&t
