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English Pages 196 [206] Year 2023
思辩纵横 Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate Developing Advanced Proficiency in Chinese through Debate provides lesson plans for holding high-level debates in the classroom. The lesson plans in this textbook were created based on the standards of the Oral Proficiency Interview held by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. These lesson plans train students in advanced language tasks such as giving thorough descriptions and narrations, comparing abstract concepts, and establishing hypotheses. The lesson plans in this textbook will train students in dialectical thinking and give them opportunities to improve their ability to summarize, make inductions, and contrast hypotheses. The debate topics of each lesson plan emphasize areas that are familiar to the lives and interests of Western students while still allowing them to engage with differences between Chinese and Western culture. The lesson plans address a wide range of topics, such as employment, financial management, psychoactive drugs, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, every lesson plan includes material to help students practice listening and contains lesson-specific vocabulary, discussion questions, debate prompts, debate tactics, and grammar practices. Accompanying e-resources are available at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/. This book is suitable for students who have acquired high levels of proficiency in Chinese or who have taken at least three years of college level study of Chinese as their second language. Teachers will also be able to use the structure of the lesson plans in this textbook to assist them as they design assessments for their students. ShuPei Wang is a Chinese professor at Brigham Young University. She is a recipient of two university awards. She mentored students who participated in the international Chinese Bridge speech contest in 2016 and 2019. One student placed in the top ten and another student finished in the top three at the global stage, becoming the North American champion. Yina Ma Patterson is an adjunct Chinese instructor at Brigham Young University. Her Chinese teaching experience ranges from beginning to advanced level courses at BYU and at the summer language program at Indiana University. She worked in the Chinese Flagship Program at Indiana University for five years. Her research interests include Chinese linguistics, Chinese pedagogy, and second language studies. Lin Guo is an adjunct Chinese instructor at Brigham Young University. He received a master’s degree in second language teaching with emphasis on Chinese teaching from Brigham Young University in 2018. He obtained a JD (Juris Doctor) from Northwest University of Law and Politics in China in 2004.
思辩 辩 纵 横 Developing Advanced Prof iciency in Chinese through Debate ShuPei Wang, Yina Ma Patterson, and Lin Guo
Designed cover image: PeopleImages via Getty Images First published 2024 by Routledge 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2024 ShuPei Wang, Yina Ma Patterson and Lin Guo The right of ShuPei Wang, Yina Ma Patterson and Lin Guo to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-032-49989-5 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-032-49988-8 (pbk) ISBN: 978-1-003-39636-9 (ebk) DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369 Typeset in Times New Roman by Apex CoVantage, LLC Access the Instructor and Student Resources: https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/
目录 Contents 前言 Foreword 致谢 Acknowledgments Users’ guide
vi viii ix
第一章 高校毕业生就业难? (上)
第一章 高校毕业生就业难? (下)
第二章 穷人与富人思维 (上)
第二章 穷人与富人思维 (下)
第三章 一带一路 (上)
第三章 一带一路 (下)
第四章 海洋垃圾 (上)
第四章 海洋垃圾 (下)
第五章 大麻使用的利弊 (上)
第五章 大麻使用的利弊 (下)
第六章 基因编辑与人工智能 (上)
第六章 基因编辑与人工智能 (下)
第七章 娱乐亦或赌博? (上)
第七章 娱乐亦或赌博? (下)
第八章 中国婚姻制度 (上)
第八章 中国婚姻制度 (下)
辩论技巧160 Appendix: Debate skills Index
175 192
前言 Foreword 《思辩纵横》这本教材根据 OPI (the Oral Proficiency Interview Held by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 的口语测试等级标准编写而成,和普 通教材相比,在我看来,它具有以下新意: 首先,它是一本难得的专为辩论而编写的中文学习教材。辩论是一种非常有益的 语言操练形式,和单人的听、说活动相比,它更具团体性,对年轻的学生有天然 的吸引力;和普通的表述类的语言操练活动相比,它更具抗辩性,更宜培养学生 多角度综合思考的能力及语言表达的概括性、全面性和逻辑性。美国杨伯翰大学 的王老师、马老师和郭老师专门编写的辩论教材,可以说在一定意义上弥补了教 材领域在这一方面的空白点。 其次,本教材所选话题新颖广泛,富有实用性,可以说从中国到世界、从宏观到 微观,都有精心选择。全书既有处于科学前沿的人工智能,也有贴近大学生活的 毕业、找工作以及中外关注的一带一路、大麻合法化等话题。全书既有具体的生 活分析,也有偏哲学性的关于贫富影响思维观念的思考等,内中折射出了中外文 化理念的变化与差异,帮助学生在掌握语言知识的同时,也能够更清楚地辨析中 西文化价值理念的发展及差异。在我看来,这样广泛的话题,不仅可以让学生围 绕相关社会热点问题来扩大中文词汇量,提升中文语言表达水平,也可以扩大知 识面,更好地提升跨文化理解能力。 再次,它并非传统的纸质教材,而是配备了相当数量的视频资料,甚至配备有专 门的教学网站。它和互联网时代的新技术资源全面配合,可以说是一本在新技术 时代运用新的学习方式的教材。 在教材的具体编写上,本书也很有特色。它以提升学生的辩论能力为中心点,每 一课围绕一个热点话题,通过充分的辩论准备,包括先从相关网站听取学习内容 并回答问题、相关词语、句型练习、相关话题的预热讨论等,然后再来开始实战 练习,鼓励学生在辩论时唇枪舌剑,以充分加深对某一话题的理解和表达能力, 这在众多教材中是有自己的风格的。
前言 vii
三位编者王老师、马老师和郭老师都具有中西方语言文化的深厚素养,又有多年 的教学实践经验,设计了很多特色栏目,如 “真实语料来源” 为学生提供了更多 更真切的语言体验;中英对照的设计使学生学习更为便利。教材所包含的诸多话 题不仅给了学生更广泛的选择,在词汇、句型、语法点的选择和难度上也非常注 重循序渐进,给学生提供了一个从易到难、逐步提升辩论能力的机会,体现出了 全书框架设计的合理性和科学性。附录特意提供了相关辩论策略、流程和一般框 架设计,可让学生的学习更为规范、更有成效。 我们中国南京大学和美国杨伯翰大学有长久、融洽的合作教学关系。我本人非常 幸运的,是在从1990年代末至新冠疫情爆发前的2019年这样漫长的时光里,都有 机会承担项目班的教学工作。学生们大都是有信仰的年轻人,他们的善良认真、 热情助人、聪颖好学、对中文和中国文化的浓厚兴趣,都给我留下了深刻、美好 的印象。包括王老师在内的杨伯翰大学的领队老师也都非常敬业、为人和善,在 和他们的教学例会和各种谈话中,我和南京大学的许多老师受益匪浅。承蒙杨伯 翰大学的王老师、马老师和郭老师邀请,为这本新颖的教材撰写前言,这确实也 是我本人一个很好的学习机会。 2022注定是个不平凡的年份。回想年初的1月1日,我收到大纽约地区中文教学学会 理事何勇老师的邀请,为《美国中文教学与研究》撰写了介绍2021年出版、中美合 作编写、由我主编的《中国当代经典电影赏析》的文章;而收到王老师、马老师和 郭老师为本书撰写前言的邀约时,适逢年底。他们都是国际中文教育领域富有教学 经验的学者,这两份邀约首尾相应,似乎是一种巧合,让我不胜荣幸。这份关照和 信任,在这新冠疫情肆虐的特殊寒冬,更带来了春天般的温暖,唤起我内心深处对 于这份热爱的、充满乐趣的工作的种种快乐记忆。在此祝愿本书取得成功,让更多 学习国际中文的莘莘学子们如虎添翼,成为熟谙中西文化的专业人才! 中国南京大学
丁芳芳 2022.12.29. 于古城金陵
致谢 Acknowledgments We would like to thank all those who have made this journey possible. Our special appreciation goes first to the Routledge boards and Andrea Hartill, who made the publication of this textbook possible. Thank you to Mr. Hui Qi (祁辉), Ms. Yuzhao Wang (王彧钊), and Ms. Miao Qi (祁妙) for lending their voices to the audio recordings. The creation of the audio recordings and voiceovers would not have been possible without their much-needed help. Thank you to Iola Ashby and the editorial team for assisting in editing our manuscript and for the book cover design. We would also like to express gratitude to our three reviewers and our colleagues Ms. Shasha Yang (杨莎莎) and Ms. Min Hu (胡敏). Their valuable advice has given breadth and depth to this project. In addition, we want to thank Professor Fangfang Ding (丁芳芳) from Nanjing University for writing the foreword and Mr. John Cheng (郑大智) for setting up the web page. We would also like to thank Mr. Tyler Parsons (赵乐) and Ms. Emma Adams (亚怀恩), who spent time reading numerous drafts of this textbook and provided us with insightful feedback. Most of all, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our families. Without their numerous prayers, love, and support, we would not have been able to finish this textbook. All these people played a major role in the development of this project. Last, thanks to pixabay.com and pxhere.com for providing the photos used in the textbook and the videos.
Users’ guide
This textbook was created based on the standards of the Oral Proficiency Interview held by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. The debate topics of each lesson train students in advanced language tasks such as giving thorough descriptions and narrations, comparing abstract concepts, and establishing hypotheses. The lesson plans in this textbook will train students in dialectical thinking and give them opportunities to improve their ability to summarize, make inferences, and contrast hypotheses. The textbook contains eight chapters (with two lessons each) and is organized to help students gradually become more competent in effectively expressing and defending themselves in debate activities. Teachers will be able to use the structure of the lesson plans in this textbook to assist them in designing assessments for students. •
辩论准备1 (Debate preparation 1) includes materials to help students practice listening skills. After viewing a video clip, students will have a chance to answer questions about its content in general and in detail. Alternatively, some questions are fill-in-the-blank style and require students to fill in key vocabulary from the video. The vocabulary list given before the questions aims to aid students in the task. 辩论准备2 (Debate preparation 2) contains lesson-specific vocabulary, which give the characters, pinyin, and definitions as used in the video clip (alternate meanings of some words may not be listed if they are deemed irrelevant in the given context). A. At the end of each vocabulary list appears a few collocations made up of the words and commonly used/heard expressions in the list. This is designed to prepare students to hear these phrases when listening to the video clip. Isolating key terms from the report and asking students to make connections are useful ways of helping them focus on the sentence structure and vocabulary words in the video clip. B. 句型结构/词汇练习 (Sentence structure/vocabulary practice) lists some of the patterns found in the video clips at the end of each lesson. It provides numerous examples of each sentence pattern and allows you to orally practice creating your own sentences or translations using the vocabulary words and sentence patterns in each unit. 辩论准备3 (Debate preparation 3) is designed to give students a chance to discuss thought-provoking ideas, allowing them to think about the issues for themselves or ask each other questions about the issues presented in the report. It also helps them use and expand on what they have just listened to and prepare for the debate questions. The appendix includes debate tactics, debate procedures, and formats. It is very useful for students to get familiar with different linguistic and rhetoric tactics to be more effective in stating their opinions, making rebuttals, and defending their standpoints. The debate procedures and formats can be adapted to different settings and curriculums.
Our companion website (https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/) includes video clips for each chapter, more listening practice questions, authentic listening materials, and various teacher resources.
第一章 高校毕业生就业难 高校毕业生就业难? (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l1-obtaining-employment-part-i Photo credit: paseidon/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 高校 (n.) gāoxiào 就业 (v.) jiùyè 文凭 (n.) wénpíng 视为 (v.) shìwéi 敲门砖 (n.) qiāoménzhuān
colleges/universities (institutions of higher learning) to get a job, to obtain employment diploma to view/see as, to consider to be a stepping-stone to success DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-1
2 高校毕业生就业难? (上)
一、泛听题: 1. 中国高校毕业生为什么面临就业难的问题? 2. 什么样的思想让许多人把大学文凭视为敲门砖? 3. 根据视频的内容,高校录取率的提高带来了哪些好处? 词汇: 扩招 (v.) kuòzhāo 万般皆下品, 惟有读书高 (common saying) wànbānjiēxiàpǐn, wéiyǒudúshūgāo 流传 (v.) liúchuán 命运 (n.) mìngyùn 摆脱 (v.) bǎituō 不二法门 (idiom) bù’èrfǎmén 录取率 (n.) lùqǔlǜ 普及 (v.) pǔjí 素质 (n.) sùzhì 拉动 (v.) lādòng 内需 (n.) nèixū 繁荣 (adj.) fánróng 事业 (n.) shìyè 基础设施 (n.) jīchǔshèshī
to expand admission/increase enrollment (扩大招生) Compared to education, everything else is inferior
to spread, to circulate, to hand down destiny/fate to shake/cast off, to break away or free oneself from the one and only way acceptance/admission rate to make universal, to become common inner quality to fuel, to give incentive to domestic demand (economic) flourishing, thriving, prosperous career, enterprise infrastructure
二、精听题: 1. 随着高校的不断扩招,我国高等教育步入了__________________时代。 2. “__________________” 的思想在中国流传了几千年,许多人将大学文凭视为 就业的 “敲门砖”,对农村的孩子来说,更是_______________________的不二 法门。 3. 高等教育的更加普及,不仅提高了__________________,缩小了我国与国 际________________________。 4. 高校扩招拉动了____________,繁荣了教育事业,带动了学校__________及 相关建设的投资,扩招学生的消费也带动了_________________________。 真实语料资源 please visit our companion website for additional authentic 真实语料资源: materials https://advancedchinese.byu.edu
高校毕业生就业难? (上) 3
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 我国 (v.) wǒguó 实行 (v.) shíxíng 高校 (n.) gāoxiào 扩招 (v.) kuòzhāo 政策 (n.) zhèngcè 随着 (prep.) suízhe 不断 (adv.) bùduàn 步入 (v.) bùrù 大众化 (v.) dàzhònghuà 与此同时 (phrase) yǔcǐtóngshí 就业 (v.) jiùyè 巨大 (adj.) jùdà 冲击 (v.) chōngjī 现象 (n.) xiànxiàng 战略 (n.) zhànlüè 利与弊 (phrase) lìyǔbì 首先 (conj.) shǒuxiān 万般皆下品,惟有读书高 (common saying) wànbānjiēxiàpǐn, wéiyǒudúshūgāo 流传 (v.) liúchuán 文凭 (n.) wénpíng 视为 (v.) shìwéi 敲门砖 (n.) qiāoménzhuān 农村 (n.) nóngcūn 命运 (n.) mìngyùn 摆脱 (v.) bǎituō 不二法门 (idiom) bù’èrfǎmén 录取率 (n.) lùqǔlǜ 其次 (conj.) qícì 普及 (v.) pǔjí
my/our country to put into effect, to implement colleges/universities (institutions of higher learning) to expand admission/increase enrollment (扩大招生) policy in the wake of, along with unceasing/constantly/continuously to walk into, to enter to popularize at the same time, meanwhile to get a job, to obtain employment huge, enormous, immense to pound, to impact/affect appearance (of things), phenomenon strategy advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) in the first place, first of all Compared to education, everything else is inferior
to spread, to circulate, to hand down diploma to view/see as, to consider to be a stepping-stone to success rural area, the countryside destiny/fate to shake/cast off, to break away or free oneself from the one and only way acceptance/admission rate second, next, then to make universal, to become common
4 高校毕业生就业难? (上)
不仅 (conj.) bùjǐn 素质 (n.) sùzhì 缩小 (v.) suōxiǎo 国际 (adj.) guójì 差距 (n.) chājù 储备 (v.) chǔbèi 人才 (n.) réncái 带动 (v.) dàidòng 拉动 (v.) lādòng 内需 (n.) nèixū 繁荣 (adj.) fánróng 事业 (n.) shìyè 基础设施 (n.) jīchǔshèshī 相关 (v.) xiāngguān 建设 (v.) jiànshè 投资 (v./n.) tóuzī 消费 (v.) xiāofèi 当地 (adj.) dāngdì 经济 (n.) jīngjì 增长 (v./n.) zēngzhǎng
常见词组、词语搭配 实行~(的)政策 步入~时代 巨大冲击 ~的利与弊 将~视为 万般皆下品,惟有读书高 ~的不二法门 一圆~之梦 带动~增长
not only (often used with 而且、并且、也、and 还) inner quality to reduce (in width, size, scope, etc.), to shrink international gap/disparity to reserve, to store for future use, to lay up talent, a person of ability to drive/spur on to fuel, to give incentive to domestic demand (economic) flourishing, thriving, prosperous career, enterprise infrastructure mutually related/interrelated to build/construct to invest; investment (can be a noun or verb) to consume local economy increase; growth
高校毕业生就业难? (上) 5
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请谈谈你所了解的国内就业情况。(Description) 2. 你认为哪些因素可能影响就业率? (Explanation) 3. 请说明教育普及对一个国家的发展可能带来的影响。(Narration) 4. 你同意“大学文凭是就业敲门砖”的看法吗?拥有大学学历和没有大学毕业的人, 在就业时有哪些不同的优势和劣势? (Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 实战辩论 三、辩论题: 1. 大学毕业生就业市场竞争激烈,未来大学学历会贬值 (biǎnzhí: to depreciate, depreciation) 得越来越严重。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (一) 1. 随着~ (along with, in the wake of) 随着 refers to when two things (that complement one another) happen at once. It is generally used at the beginning of a sentence or before a verb to indicate the conditions on which an action, behavior, or event depends. 例句: 1. 随着经济的发展,人民的生活水平也不断提高。 Along with the development of economy, people’s living standards are continuously improving. 2. 随着社会的快速发展,科技日新月异,人们的竞争力和压力越来越大,心理 健康的作用也越来越重要了。 As society rapidly develops and technology advances every day, competition and pressure are increasing, and the role of mental health is becoming more and more important.
6 高校毕业生就业难? (上)
3. 随着年龄的增长,孩子对父母的爱与感恩越来越深刻。 With age, children’s love and gratitude to their parents become more and more profound. 4. 时间会来处理你的感情,冲突会随着时间的流逝而变淡。 Time will come to process your feelings, and conflict will fade with time. 5. 随着掌声的响起,舞台上的每一位演员都激动地流下泪来。 With the sound of applause, every actor on the stage was moved to tears. 练习题: 1. 你同意 “快乐总是随着年龄的增长而减少!而烦恼又总是随着年龄的增长而递 加!” 的说法吗? 2. 随着网络的普及 . . . (出现了哪些新的现象?) 3. 随着春天的到来 . . . (产生了哪些变化?) 4. 随着智慧医疗 (移动医疗) 的出现,使患者能用较短的等疗时间,支付基本的 医疗费用,就可以享受安全、便利、优质的诊疗服务。[翻译]
2. 步入~ (gradually or slowly step in) The difference between “步入” (gradually step in), “进入” (enter), and “跨入” (step astride in) is usually a difference in speed. The speeds indicated are slow, medium, and fast. In addition, the focus is also different, and “跨入” often used to describe an era or milestone of a development. For example: “我国的计算机工业已经跨入了世界先进 行列” (our country’s computer industry has entered the world’s advanced ranks); “疫 情过后,人类将跨入历史新纪元” (After the epidemic, mankind will enter a new era in history). “步入” is more used for age, a certain period or stage of life. For example: “步 入中年” (entering middle age); “步入社会之后,身边的人发生了很大的变化” (After entering the society, the people around me have changed a lot). “走入” usually means an action. For example: “他走入一个房间” (He walks into a room). 例句: 1. 他给即将步入大学殿堂的学生三个建议: 不要拖延、不要躁进、不畏困难。 He gave three pieces of advice to students who are about to enter the university hall: don’t procrastinate, don’t rush into it, and don’t be afraid of difficulties.
高校毕业生就业难? (上) 7
2. 勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。 Diligence is the passport to the door to success. 3. 刚步入社会时,很多都不习惯,但经过一段时间的磨合后,一切正步入正轨。 When I first entered the society, there were many things I was not used to. After a period of adjusting, everything was right on track. 4. 随着高校的不断扩招,我国高等教育步入了大众化教育时代。 With the continuous expansion of college recruitments, our country’s higher education has entered the era of mass education. 练习题: 1. 就你而言,“步入社会” 意味着什么? 你会给即将步入社会的自己什么样的忠告? 2. 一旦步入成年,我们可能会面临哪些改变? 3. 在小学老师的辛勤培育下,我们都顺利地步入了中学阶段。[翻译]
3. ~化 (-ization) [e.g. 现代化、全球化]; ~化[的] (-ized) “化” is similar to the English “become/-ify” or suffix “-ization.” It is important to remember that “化” can be used with many words in Chinese that “-ization” may not be used with in English. The Chinese version of the suffix is used differently as two characters “x化” turns the usage of the word into a verb, e.g. 美化环境 (beautify the environment), 绿化 城市 (reforest the city), 简化程序 (simplify a procedure). However, usually when two or more characters are used, like “xx化,” the word should be used behind a causative verb, e.g. 使城市现代化 (to modernize the city), 让学校设备电脑化 (to computerize the school equipment), 将国家工业化 (to industrialize the country); 其他例子: 优化 (optimize); 激 化 (intensify); 净化 (purify); 商业化 (commercialization); 工业化 (industrialization). 例句: 1. 5G网络的发展,将让医疗行业信息化进一步提速。 The development of 5G network will further accelerate the informatization of the medical industry. 2. 优化营商环境指的是针对我国经济社会面临的发展瓶颈精准发力。 Optimizing the business environment refers to making precise efforts to address the development obstacles (bottlenecks) faced by our country’s economy and society.
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3. 前沿技术是推动城市治理现代化的必由之路。 Cutting-edge technology is the only way to promote the modernization of urban governance. 4. 引进先进技术、提高可再生和新能源的利用效率,将有助于优化能源结构。 Introducing advanced technology and improving the efficiency of renewable and new energy will help to optimize the energy structure. 练习题: 1. 大城市的污染比较严重,有什么方法可以改善此情况? (用 “~化” 回答) 2. 个人投资理财重要吗? 如何能让个人收益最大化? 3. 我们已经步入智能化时代了吗? 智能化时代的到来,能给我们的生活带来哪些 好处? (用 “~化” 回答,例如,简化、信息化、网络化) 4. 网络化的广泛使用为人们提供了便利,但对于作业网络化这件事,老师和学 生的看法却有着差异。[翻译]
4. . . . . . . 。与此同时~ (meanwhile, in the meantime) “与此同时” means that something happened or is happening at the same time as another thing that needs to happen, will happen, is happening, or has happened. 例句: 1. 为了降低血糖,除了需要改变饮食习惯,与此同时,也得加上适量的运动。 To lower blood sugar, along with changing dietary habits, it is also necessary to add a moderate amount of exercise. 2. 我国高等教育步入了大众化教育时代,与此同时,出现了就业难现象。 Our country’s higher education has entered the era of mass education, and at the same time, the phenomenon of employment difficulties has appeared. 3. 最近一段时间,平台币一路上涨,与此同时,加密货币交易所彼此之间的竞 争正呈白热化。 In recent times, platform currency has been rising; at the same time, the competition among cryptocurrency exchanges is heating up.
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练习题: 1. 为了提升外语能力我每天学习一百个新的词汇, . . . (用 “与此同时” 完成句子) 2. 就业市场竞争激烈,如何能让自己脱颖而出 (tuōyǐng’érchū: stand out)? (用 “与 此同时” 回答) 3. A large amount of food is wasted every day in developed countries. In the meantime, people in many impoverished countries are hungry. [翻译]
5. 将/把~视为~ (see/consider ~ as ~); A 被视为~ (A is seen/ considered as ~) When “视为” is used, an object may also be placed between “视” and “为” to emphasize its importance. For example, the meanings of “他视金钱为生命” (he considers money to be life) and “他将金钱视为生命那样重要/他将金钱视为生命” (he takes money to be of the same importance as life) are similar, but the former is more concise and emphasizes that “money” is what he cares about the most. 例句: 1. 儒家思想将 “仁爱” 视为最高的道德理想。 Confucianism regards “benevolence” as the highest moral ideal. 2. 民调显示,九成美国人将中国视为竞争对手。 Polls show that 90% of Americans see China as a competitor. 3. 在国外,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花。 In foreign countries, carnations are regarded as flowers dedicated to mothers. 4. 任何人,在未被确认有罪之前,都应被视为是清白的。 Any person should be considered innocent until proven guilty. 5. 大熊猫被视为中国的国宝。 Pandas are regarded as China’s national treasures. 练习题: 1. 我们可能会视哪些为理所当然 (take for granted)? 为什么? (用 “视 + Obj. + 为” 回答)
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2. 你可以将困难视为阻碍,也可以将其视为 . . . (用 “视 + Obj. + 为” 完成句子) 3. 哪些作家或作品被视为国宝或无价之宝? 4. He has never considered his success to be accidental or taken it for granted. [翻译]
6. 不二法门 (the one and only way) 例句: 1. 许多人视 “努力” 为成功的不二法门。 Many people view “hard work” as the only way to succeed. 2. 多多用英文与人沟通,再加上脸皮厚,是学好英语的不二法门。 Using English to communicate with people and having thick skin is the only way to learn English well. 3. 获得幸福的不二法门是珍惜你现在所拥有的,忘记不愉快的过去。 The only way to be happy is to cherish what you have at present and forget the unpleasant past. 练习题: 1. 保持身心健康的不二法门是什么? 2. 对你而言,有没有所谓的 “成功的不二法门?” 为什么?
7. (一) 圆~之梦 (to have a dream of ~ come true) 例句: 1. 他努力了二十多年,终于圆了明星之梦! He worked hard for more than 20 years, and finally realized his dream of being a star! 2. 退休后,希望能一圆旅游欧洲之梦。 After retirement, I hope to fulfill my dream of traveling in Europe. 3. 他放弃了高官厚禄,只为圆一个服务乡民之梦。 He gave up a high-ranking position with high pay just to fulfill a dream of serving the villagers.
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4. 贵州一位八十岁老人为了圆梦,花了二十年用石头和废弃材料打造一座价值 连城的神秘之谷。 An 80-year-old man in Guizhou spent 20 years building a valuable and mysterious valley with stones and discarded materials. 练习题: 1. 你有没有什么一直希望实现的梦想? 你会做什么来一圆此梦? (用 “一圆 + Obj. + 之梦” 回答)
第二章 高校毕业 高校毕业⽣ ⽣就业难 就业难? (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l2-obtaining-employment-part-ii Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 升学率 (n.) shēngxuélǜ 形势 (n.) xíngshì 严峻 (adj.) yánjùn 培养成材 (idiom) péiyǎngchéngcái 考研 (v.) kǎoyán 考博 (v.) kǎobó
DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-2
entrance rate (of students entering higher education) circumstances, state of affairs stern, severe to cultivate talent to take entrance exams for a graduate program to take entrance exams for a doctorate program
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一、泛听题: 1. 升学率越来越高,为什么就业形势更严峻? 2. 一些大学为什么不能很好地把扩招来的学生培养成材? 3. 为什么许多大学毕业生选择考博考研? 词汇: 市场 (n.) shìchǎng 趋于 (v.) qūyú 饱和 (v.) bǎohé 门槛 (n.) ménkǎn 师资 (n.) shīzī 软件 (n.) ruǎnjiàn 硬件 (n.) yìngjiàn 配置 (v./n.) peìzhì 良莠不齐 (idiom) liángyǒubùqí 薪资 (n.) xīnzī 福利 (n.) fúlì 待遇 (n.) daìyù 前景 (n.) qiánjǐng 逃避 (v.) táobì 简历 (n.) jiǎnlì 含金量 (n.) hánjīnliàng
the market to tend towards (sth.) to be saturated threshold persons qualified to teach (teachers) software hardware to configure; configuration the good and bad are mixed together wages/pay welfare salary or treatment prospects/future opportunities to escape, to evade CV, résumé real value/importance, golden content
二、精听题: 1. 毕业生人数过多,就业市场_________________,就业形势越来越严峻。 2. 一些大学急剧扩招,____________越来越低,学校 ___________及各种_______ _________良莠不齐。 3. 一些高校毕业生不想被大材小用,只愿意从事 ______________、______________ 好、_________________好的工作。 4. 很多人毕业之后考研考博,除了_________________,还希望提升_______ _________。 真实语料资源 please visit our companion website for additional authentic 真实语料资源: materials
14 高校毕业⽣就业难? (下)
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 升学率 (n.) shēngxuélǜ 市场 (n.) shìchǎng 趋于 (v.) qūyú 饱和 (v.) bǎohé 形势 (n.) xíngshì 严峻 (adj.) yánjùn 据 (prep.) jù 统计 (n.) tǒngjì 规模 (n.) guīmó 增幅 (n.) zēngfú 均 (adv.) jūn 创新高 (v.) chuàngxīngāo 达到 (v.) dádào 同比 (adv.) tóngbǐ 首次 (n.) shǒucì 突破 (v.) tūpò 百万 (n.) bǎiwàn 前所未有 (adj.) qiánsuǒwèiyǒu 急剧 (adj.) jíjù 门槛 (n.) ménkǎn 师资 (n.) shīzī 软件 (n.) ruǎnjiàn 硬件 (n.) yìngjiàn 配置 (v./n.) peìzhì 良莠不齐 (idiom) liángyǒubùqí 从而 (conj.) cóng’ér 培养成材 (idiom) péiyǎngchéngcái 无法 (v.) wúfǎ 大材小用 (idiom) dàcáixiǎoyòng 从事 (v.) cóngshì
entrance rate (of students entering higher education) the market to tend towards (sth.) to be saturated circumstances, state of affairs stern, severe according to statistics scale/scope/extent increasing range, growing rate all (literary form of 都) to set a new record, reach a new high to achieve/attain/reach compared with the same period of the previous year for the first time to break through, to make a breakthrough one million (literally “one hundred ten-thousands”) unprecedented (did not exist before) rapid, sharp, sudden threshold persons qualified to teach (teachers) software hardware to configure; configuration the good and bad are mixed together thus/thereby to cultivate talent unable/incapable wasting talent on a petty job to undertake, to deal with
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薪资 (n.) xīnzī 福利 (n.) fúlì 待遇 (n.) daìyù 前景 (n.) qiánjǐng 高不成低不就 (phrase) gāobùchéngdībùjiù 导致 (v.) dǎozhì 愈发 (adv.) yùfā 艰难 (adj.) jiānnán 考研 (v.) kǎoyán 考博 (v.) kǎobó 逃避 (v.) táobì 提升 (v.) tíshēng 简历 (n.) jiǎnlì 含金量 (n.) hánjīnliàng 求职 (v.) qiúzhí 顺利 (adj.) shùnlì
wages/pay welfare salary or treatment prospects/future opportunities to be unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one to lead to, to cause or result in all the more, even more difficult/hard to take entrance exams for a graduate program to take entrance exams for a doctorate program to escape, to evade to promote CV, résumé real value/importance, golden content to seek employment/apply for a job smooth, successful, without a hitch
常见词组、词语搭配 ~市场趋于饱和 ~创新高 ~的门槛 从事~工作 高不成低不就 ~的含金量
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请谈谈你所了解的 “就业市场饱和” 的现象。(Description)
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2. 你认为美国大学也有类似 “降低门槛”、 “良莠不齐” 的现象吗? 请举例说明。 (Explanation) 3. 请说明为什么高校毕业生会面临 境。(Narration)
4. 谈谈 “毕业后先就业” 和 “毕业后考研考博” 哪一个更适合你? 为什么? (Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 拥有更高的学历比拥有更丰富的工作经验,更有助于 “提升简历的含金量” 让 自己的求职之路更顺利。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (二) 1. ~率 (lǜ: rate) “~率” can only be used for words that can be quantified, such as success rate, birth rate, and admission rate. It cannot be used with abstract, sensory terms, e.g. happiness rate, worry rate, using “degree” to describe happiness or worry instead. 例句: 1. 自从有了清洁的水资源和卫生的公用厕所后,儿童死亡率降低了30%。 Since having clean water resources and sanitary public toilets, the child mortality rate has been reduced by 30%. 2. 不少发达国家的政府都为出生率偏低烦恼。 Many governments of developed countries are troubled by the low birth rate. 练习题: 1. 翻译以下的生词并造个例句: 就业率: ________;事业率: ________;点击率: _______;投资回报率: _______;
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成功率: ________;录取率: __________;经济成长率: ____________; 犯罪率: __________; 收视率: ________
2. 趋于~ (to tend to be, to tend towards) 趋于 vs. 趋向。“趋于” refers to the development of a situation in a certain direction. “趋向” (to incline; inclination) is often used to describe a tendency to an opinion, choice, or feeling. Also, “趋向” can be a verb or a noun, but “趋于” can only be a verb. For example, “近些年,室内设计的风格趋于现代实用” (In recent years, the style of interior design has tended to be modern and practical), “年长者的饮食一般趋于清淡” (The diet of the elderly generally tends to be light), “从舆论的趋向看来,是转向不利于政府的 方向” (Judging from the trend of public opinion, it is turning in a direction that is not conducive to the government), “年轻人趋向反叛,爱好冒险” (Young people tend to be rebellious and adventurous). 例句: 1. 据了解,全国多地的疫情形势已逐渐趋于稳定。 It is understood that the epidemic situation in many parts of the country has gradually stabilized. 2. 政策调控见效,国内粮食价格基本趋于稳定。 Policies have been effective, and domestic grain prices have basically stabilized. 3. 随着各项科学的不断发展,心理学也趋于完善。 Along with the continuous development of various sciences, psychology is improving. 4. 年轻人消费正趋于时尚化、个性化。 Young people’s way of expenditure is becoming more fashionable and personalized. 5. 经过几个月的动荡后,股票下滑逐渐趋于平稳。 After months of turmoil, the stock slide is gradually leveling off. 练习题: 1. 数据显示,新增就业趋于平稳,但失业率仍偏高。[翻译] 2. “房地产趋于饱和” 是什么意思? 会产生什么样的影响?
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3. 社交平台的发展,让人类社会更趋于理性还是非理性? 4. 中美关系趋于冷静,对两国的影响为何? 5. 填空题。用 “趋于” 还是 “趋向?” A. 中美间紧张的关系很快将_________缓和吗? B. 从美国地方选举可以看得出民意的_________。
3. 据~ a)据 + verb (e.g. 据悉,据说,据称,据了解);b)据 + [possessive noun] (optional) + noun (must have) (e.g. 的报道/ 的统计/的分析) “据” may be followed by a verb. For example, 据称 (as stated), 据报道 (according to the report), 据说 (it is said), 据悉 (it is reported that). Another use is very similar to the English phrase “according to” but has one important difference that many students tend to overlook. In English, the “according to” can be followed by a proper noun and then the rest of the sentence. For example, “According to CNN . . .” is a common phrase. However, when using “据,” a proper noun must always be followed by another noun such as “report,” “understanding,” or “statistics.” For example, “据新华社 . . .” is not correct. This sentence should be, “据新华社的报道 . . .” or “据报道,” simply omitting the possessive noun “新华社.” This is a small difference but is a common mistake among learners. 例句: 1. 据[新华社的]报道,中国国家男篮新教练将于下月就任。 According to [Xinhua News Agency], the new coach of China’s national men’s basketball team will assume the post next month. 2. 据统计,开车时发短信造成的意外比酒醉驾车更多。 According to statistics, accidents are more often caused by texting while driving than by drunk driving. 3. 据悉,“福建舰” 是我国完全自主设计建造的首艘弹射型航空母舰,是一艘电 磁弹射航母。 It is reported that the “Fujian Ship” is the first catapult-type aircraft carrier completely independently designed and built by China. It is an electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier.
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4. 据消息人士分析,华为公司已经储备可使用两年时间的芯片,以保护其业务 得到足够的缓冲期。 Huawei has stockpiled chips for two-year use to protect its business with enough buffer, according to the source’s analysis. 练习题: 1. It is reported that Minister of Finance promises to speed up economic efforts in the summer. [翻译] 2. Nuclear power is the safest way to make electricity (发电) according to the study. [翻译] 3. 是非题。如果下列的句子不正确,请改正。 A. ___据华尔街日报,越来越多的人选择出国留学,中国留学人员数量急剧 上升。 B. ___据称,中国已经独立掌握使用3D打印机在国际空间站上打印出自己所 需的零部件的技术。 C. ___据说,多吃蔬菜有利于提升我们对维生素的吸收,能有效提高免疫力。 D. ___据中国市场的调研,中小企业提供的工作机会占比近九成。
4. A、B、[C] . . . . . . 均 (all) note: “均” is used in formal/written 例句: 1. 长城、寺庙和古老建筑均能体现中国的历史文化。 The Great Wall, temples, and ancient buildings can all embody the history and culture of China. 2. 妈妈出国前,把家里的大小事均已安置妥当。 Before my mother went abroad, everything at home was properly arranged. 3. 两队为了赢得比赛,均使出了浑身解数。 Both teams tried their very best in order to win the game 练习题: 1. 哪些方法有助于提高学习效果? (用 “均” 回答) 2. 你认为人工智能、高端技术和机器人,都无法完全取代人类来执行所有的任 务吗? (用 “均” 回答)
20 高校毕业⽣就业难? (下)
3. 两起交通事故中,均未出现伤亡,幸亏都系了安全带。[翻译] 4. All candidates are willing to win the election at all costs. [翻译]
5. [adj.] + 达 (to reach [as ~ as]) + number/a level/an extent/a certain point The portion following “达” indicates a current degree, extent, level, or number. In addition, “达” is often preceded by an adjective used to provide emphasis, such as: 高达 (as high as/as much as), 低达 (as low as/as few as), 多达 (as many as), 远达 (as far as), etc. 例句: 1. 上海今冬气温低达零下15摄氏度。 The temperature in Shanghai during this year’s winter has reached as low as -15 degrees Celsius. 2. 这段时间的失业人数又达纪录新高。 The number of unemployed individuals has reached a record high during this period. 3. 京沪高铁十年内累计运送人次已达13.5亿人次。 Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail has transported as many as 1.35 billion passengers in 10 years. 练习题: 1. 未来十年,中国的科技水平能达另一个新高吗? 为什么? (用 “达” 回答) 2. 血压高达200以上很危险吗? 该怎么办? (用 “达” 回答) 3. 经商失败让他的负债高达三千多万。[中翻英] 4. Xinjiang’s railway network is further improved, forming the world’s first desert railway loop to reach 2,712 kilometers long. [翻译]
6. 前所未有 (unprecedented) 例句: 1. 这项工程的规模之大,前所未有。 The scope of this project is so big, it is unprecedented. 2. 这样的司法案例是前所未有的。 Such a judicial case is unprecedented.
高校毕业⽣就业难? (下) 21
3. 他们公司的发展,出现了前所未有的好势头。 The development of their company has shown unprecedented momentum. 4. 面对突如其来的金融风暴,当地的中小企业都面临着前所未有的严峻考验。 Faced with the sudden financial turmoil, local SMEs are facing unprecedented severe tests. 5. 这个高科技项目,是前所未有的尖端科学。 This high-tech project is unprecedented cutting-edge science. 练习题: 1. 基础设施的建设,拉动了中国西部前所未有的发展。[翻译] 2. 人类智慧达到了前所未有的高度,却仍无法解决一个最基本的二难困局:经 济发展与环境破坏的矛盾。[翻译] 3. Manufacturing smart robots was unprecedented, but it’s now a reality. [翻译] 4. There has been an unprecedented flood recently. [翻译]
7. 良莠不齐 (the good and bad are intermingled) 例句: 1. 网络上的东西良莠不齐,需要小心分辨,理性上网。 The internet has both good and bad; you need to be careful to distinguish between good and bad and surf the internet rationally. 2. 社会里的人良莠不齐,交友时要特别当心。 People in society are mixed, so be careful when making friends. 3. 学生的程度良莠不齐,老师需要因材施教。 The level of students varies, so teachers need to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. 练习题: 1. The quality of these new recruits varies, and management must be strengthened. [翻译] 2. Food companies are mixed, and there are hidden concerns about food safety. [翻译]
22 高校毕业⽣就业难? (下)
8. 大材小用 (give an able person a small job) 例句: 1. 拥有这么高的学历,来做这么样的小职,有点大材小用了。 With such a high degree of education, to do such a small job is a bit overkill. 2. 自恃才高的人,常以为自己被大材小用。 People who pride themselves on being talented often think that they are overqualified. 3. 高校毕业生不想被大材小用,只想从事薪资高、福利待遇好、发展前景好的 工作。 College graduates do not want to be overqualified and only want to work in jobs with high salaries, good benefits, and promising development prospects. 练习题: 1. 高校毕业生在担任第一份工作时,更容易感觉被大材小用吗? 为什么? 2. 当你是主管时,如何能避免让职员大材小用的现象?
第二章 穷人与富人思维 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l3-way-of-thinking-part-i Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 之所以 (phrase) zhīsuǒyǐ 贫穷 (adj.) pínqióng 富有 (adj.) fùyǒu
“the reason why” poor, needy, impoverished rich, wealthy DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-3
24 穷人与富人思维 (上)
背后 (n.) bèihòu 彩票 (n.) cǎipiào 中奖者 (n.) zhòngjiǎngzhě 穷困潦倒 (idiom) qióngkùnliáodǎo 外在 (adj.) wàizài 与否 (phrase) yǔfǒu 训练 (v./n.) xùnliàn 思维 (n.) sīwéi 掌握 (v.) zhǎngwò
behind lottery ticket the person who drew the prize-winning ticket in a lottery destitute, frustrated, and down on one’s luck external, extrinsic whether or not (at the end of a phrase) train, drill thought/thinking to grasp, to master/know well
一、泛听题: 1. 穷人之所以贫穷,富人之所以富有,背后可能的原因有哪些? 2. 为什么大多数彩票中奖者在五年内就变得穷困潦倒? 3. 外在的财富一定能决定一个人富有与否吗? 如果不是,还需要掌握什么? 词汇: 财富 (n.) cáifù 积累 (v./n.) jīlěi 归结于 (v.+prep.) guījiéyú 群体 (n.) qúntǐ 思维 (n.) sīwéi 差异 (n.) chāyì 挥霍 (v.) huīhuò 财产 (n.) cáichǎn 穷困潦倒 (idiom) qióngkùnliáodǎo 不见得 (adv.) bùjiànde 致富 (v.) zhìfù 规律 (n.) guīlǜ
wealth/riches to accumulate; accumulation (resources, funds, wealth, talent, etc.) to come to a conclusion, to sum up a group thought/thinking difference, diversity to spend freely, to squander property destitute, frustrated, and down on one’s luck not necessarily to become rich, to make a fortune regular pattern
二、精听题: 1. 富 有 家 庭 出 生 的 孩 子 有 更 多 的 ___________________, 让 他 们 有 更 多 的 _____________。也有人说应该归结于两个群体的__________________。
穷人与富人思维 (上) 25
2. 在 过 去 2 0 年 美 国 的 彩 票 中 奖 者 中 , 大 多 数 得 奖 者 在 5 年 内 就 因___________________而变得穷困潦倒。 3. 外在的财富并不见得能决定一个人富有与否,没有内在的_______________, 就无法掌握________________________。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 之所以 (phrase) zhīsuǒyǐ 贫穷 (adj.) pínqióng 富有 (adj.) fùyǒu 背后 (n.) bèihòu 究竟 (adv.) jiūjìng 两者 (n.) liǎngzhě 出身 (n.) chūshēn 财富 (n.) cáifù 积累 (v./n.) jīlěi 归结于 (v.+prep.) guījiéyú 群体 (n.) qúntǐ 思维 (n.) sīwéi 差异 (n.) chāyì ~项 (mw) xiàng 调查 (v.) diàochá 彩票 (n.) cǎipiào 中奖者 (n.) zhòngjiǎngzhě 得奖者 (n.) déjiǎngzhě 挥霍 (v.) huīhuò 财产 (n.) cáichǎn 穷困潦倒 (idiom) qióngkùnliáodǎo
“the reason why” poor, needy, impoverished rich, wealthy behind used in questions to press for an exact answer, e.g. “What actually happened?” both sides family background, class origin wealth/riches to accumulate; accumulation (resources, funds, wealth, talent, etc.) to come to a conclusion, to sum up a group thought/thinking difference, diversity measure word for “item” to investigate, to look into, to survey lottery ticket the person who drew the prize-winning ticket in a lottery the winner of a prize to spend freely, to squander property destitute, frustrated, and down on one’s luck
26 穷人与富人思维 (上)
外在 (adj.) wàizài 不见得 (adv.) bùjiànde 与否 (phrase) yǔfǒu 训练 (v./n.) xùnliàn 掌握 (v.) zhǎngwò 致富 (v.) zhìfù 规律 (n.) guīlǜ
external, extrinsic not necessarily whether or not (at the end of a phrase) train, drill to grasp, to master/know well to become rich, to make a fortune regular pattern
常见词组、词语搭配 之所以~是因为 归结于 (e.g. 因素、原因) 挥霍~(e.g. 金钱、财富、财产) 变得穷困潦倒 不见得 + Auxiliary Verb (e.g. 能、可以、会)
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 你认为富有家庭的财富和资源,能为孩子提供更多的人生选择吗? 请说明理 由。 (Explanation) 2. 你同意 “思维的差异” 可能带来不同的人生吗? 请举例说明。(Narration) 3. 请谈谈你个人对 “贫穷” 和 “富有” 的定义。你认为两者间最大的不同在于什 么? (Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 外在的财富不见得能决定一个人未来是否富有,没有内在的思维训练,就无 法掌握致富的规律。(Hypothesis)
穷人与富人思维 (上) 27
句型结构/词语练习 (三) 1. 之所以 . . . 是因为 . . . (the reason why . . . is because . . .) The common “因为 . . . 所以 . . . ” sentence structure expresses cause and effect. When speaking Chinese in formal situations, you usually state the cause before the effect with the “之所以 . . . 是因为 . . .” sentence structure. “之所以” is optional and can be omitted sometimes. You can also add modifying phrases before “是因为” such as “之所以 . . . 主要/可能/很大程度上是因为 . . .” etc. 例句: 1. 电动车之所以价格高,是因为其电池造价高。 The reason why electric vehicles are expensive is because their batteries are expensive. 2. 普及防疫知识的行动之所以有效,是因为通过普及防疫知识也为其他的防疫 措施铺平了道路。 Spreading knowledge about epidemic prevention is effective because it also paves the way for other epidemic prevention measures. 3. 影视剧之所以可以带动多个产业的发展,主要是因为影视剧作品天然地具有 传播效应,影响的人群非常广泛。 The reason why film and television dramas can drive the development of multiple industries is mainly because film and television dramas naturally have a dissemination effect that affects a wide range of people. 练习题: 1. 你认为成功者能够成功的原因是什么? (用 “之所以 . . . 是因为 . . .” 回答) 2. 信念之所以宝贵, . . . (用 “是因为 . . .” 完成句子) 3. 许多诗作之所以 “没有味道,” 一半是因为没有真实性,一半是因为没有技巧加 工。[翻译]
2. 究竟 (exactly; actually; on earth) When 究竟 is used in a question, the speaker truly wants to know the answer of the question, such as the real intent/reason/situation. Such a question is also typically asked
28 穷人与富人思维 (上)
in an emphatic tone. 到底 vs. 究竟。到底 has a meaning similar to 究竟, although it is more often used in informal sentences. Furthermore, whereas 究竟 can be used as a noun with a meaning similar to 原委, 到底 cannot. 例句: 1. 妈妈常说,吃核桃能补脑,这究竟有没有科学依据? Our mothers often said that eating walnuts can nourish the brain. Is there actually any scientific basis for this? 2. 一次性木筷究竟 “吃” 掉多少木材? How much wood do disposable wooden chopsticks “eat?” 3. 有些高档名牌包、服饰,价格在几万元以上。如此价格不菲,究竟好在何 处? Some high-end luxury bags and apparel cost more than tens of thousands of yuan. They are too expensive, what’s so good about them? 4. 不少创业者到了失败时,还不知问题的究竟。 Many entrepreneurs don’t even really know what the problem is when their business fails. 5. 妻子看到丈夫钱包里的一堆账单,十分生气,准备等他回来问个究竟。 The wife was very angry when she saw a pile of bills in her husband’s wallet, and she was prepared to ask exactly what happened as soon as he came back. 练习题: 1. 很多人对幸福的定义都不同。就你而言,幸福究竟是什么? 2. 最近,脸书、微软、苹果等科技巨头投入大量资源来开发 “元宇宙” yǔzhòu: metaverse) 相关的技术。元宇宙的概念究竟是什么? [翻译]
3. 对于年轻人来说,你认为一份稳定的工作和对梦想的追求究竟哪一个更重要?
3. 因(为) . . . 而 . . . (because . . .) Similar to “因为 . . ., 所以 . . .,” the pattern “因(为) . . . 而 . . .” expresses cause and effect. In both structures, you may replace 因为 with 由于. However, “因(为) . . . 而 . . .” is more often used in formal contexts and is usually more succinct. It allows only one subject, following the pattern: [subject] + 因(为) + cause 而 + effect.
穷人与富人思维 (上) 29
例句: 1. 该公司的一位职员因滥用职权而被免职。 An employee of the company was fired for abusing his position. 2. 在疫情期间,政府提醒人们,不要因恐慌而抢购物资。 During the epidemic, the government reminded people to not rush to buy supplies out of panic. 3. 如果每天仅实用代餐食品,有可能会因未摄入足够的营养物质而损害身体健 康。 If you only eat meal replacement foods every day, you may damage your health by not ingesting enough nutrients. 4. 这种药物的副作用因人而异。 The side effect of drugs varies from person to person. 5. 人类历史上由于人为失误而导致的巨大灾难数不胜数。 In human history, there are countless catastrophes caused by human error. 练习题: 1. The well-known chain brand “McDonald’s” is popular in various countries for its delicious burgers and competitive prices. [用 “因 . . . 而 . . .” 翻译] 2. 你会因考虑别人的感受而讲善意的谎言吗? 请举一个例子。 3. 生活,不会因你抱怨而改变;人生,不会因你忧伤而变化。[翻译]
4. 不见得 (not necessarily) 不见得 vs. 未必. “未必” (“not necessarily”) is synonymous with “不见得,” but it is usually used in formal situations. 例句: 1. 美联储加息并不见得会刺激美元升值。 The Federal Reserve increasing the interest rate does not necessarily stimulate the dollar’s appreciation.
30 穷人与富人思维 (上)
2. 拔罐、针灸等深受很多外国人的喜爱,不见得作为一种医疗手段,却毫无疑 问地成为一种时髦、新鲜的体验。 Cupping, acupuncture, etc., are deeply loved by many foreigners, not necessarily as medical treatments but undoubtedly as trendy and novel experiences. 3. 经济增长快不一定必然引发通货膨胀,经济停滞也未必不出现通货膨胀。 Neither rapid economic growth nor economic stagnation necessarily leads to inflation. 练习题: 1. 有人认为,女性比男性更适合从事一些工作,例如秘书 (mìshū: secretary) 或接 待员 (jiēdàiyuán: receptionist) 等;也有人认为并不见得如此。你认为呢? 2. 有人认为付出一定会获得成功,也有人认为付出了也未必会获得成功。你认 为呢? 请举例说明。 3. Ethnicity, family income, parents’ education level, etc., are not necessarily directly related to a family’s emphasis on their children’s education. [翻译] 4. 专家表示,居家办公未必更省钱。[翻译]
5. ~与否 (whether . . . or not) ~与否 is a formal expression similar to 是否~, 是不是~, and A-not-A questions. 例句: 1. 一个国家的强盛与否,人民的富裕与否,都可以归结为经济实力的强弱。 Whether a country is strong or not and whether its people are rich or not can be attributed to its economic strength. 2. 衡量一个地区安全与否,可以考虑这一地区的犯罪率、自然灾害、贪污程度 以及经济情况等因素。 To measure whether an area is safe or not, factors such as crime rate, natural disasters, corruption, and economic conditions in the area can be considered. 3. 药价稳定与否关系到老百姓的切身利益。 The stability of medicine prices is related to the personal interest of the common people.
穷人与富人思维 (上) 31
练习题: 1. 你认为衡量一个人成功与否的标准包括什么? 2 Rephrase the following sentences using 与否. A. 无论你是否愿意,这件事已成为事实。 B. 一个人的判断力可以直接反应出他是不是成熟。 C. 参不参加是你的自由,我无权干涉。 D. 无论此次比赛精不精彩,主办方都付出了很多人力和物力。
6. 穷困潦倒 (destitute) 例句: 1. 很多艺术家在世时都穷困潦倒,默默无闻,因为没有人欣赏他们的作品。 While alive, many artists are poor and unknown because no one appreciates their work. 2. 他早年享尽荣华富贵,却因后来家族的衰落而变得穷困潦倒。 He enjoyed great wealth in his early years but later became poor due to the deterioration of his family. 练习题: 1. 对于穷困潦倒的人,你认为政府有责任帮助他们,还是应该让他们自力更生 (zìlìgēngshēng: self-reliant)? 2. 他担任村长 (cūnzhǎng: village head) 20年,带领一个穷困潦倒的村走出了一条 致富路。[翻译]
第二章 穷人与富人思维 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l4-way-of-thinking-part-ii Photo credit: Dorothe/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 消费 (v.) xiāofèi 满足 (v.) mǎnzú 需求 (n.) xūqiú 规划 (n.) guīhuà 节省 (v.) jiéshěng 投资 (n./v.) tóuzī 视野 (n.) shìyě 局限 (adj.) júxiàn DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-4
to consume to satisfy or meet (needs, demands, etc.) requirement/demand program/project/plan to economize, to use (sth.) sparingly investment, to invest field of vision, a view limited/confined
穷人与富人思维 (下) 33
着眼于 (v.+prep.) zhuóyǎnyú 利益 (n.) lìyì 眼界 (n.) yǎnjiè 开阔 (adj.) kāikuò 清醒 (adj.) qīngxǐng 迷失自我 (idiom) míshīzìwǒ 计较 (v.) jìjiào 暂时 (n.) zànshí 盈亏 (v.) yíngkuī
to focus on profit/benefit field of vision, an outlook tolerant, open, (or to expand/widen as a verb) clear-headed, sober, to become clear-headed to lose oneself (metaphorically) to haggle over, to fuss about/dispute temporary, for the moment to gain and lose (of the moon, to wax and wane)
一、泛听题: 1. 穷人和富人对金钱有什么不同的看法和做法? 2. 这里提到的投资不一定是金钱上的,也包括哪些方面的投资? 3. 穷人和富人在投资上的视野有什么不同? 词汇: 目的 (n.) mùdì 手段 (n.) shǒuduàn 即使 (conj.) jíshǐ 风险 (n.) fēngxiǎn 值得 (v.) zhídé 轻易放弃 (phrase) qīngyìfàngqì 得失 (n.) déshī 过人之处 (idiom) guòrénzhīchù
purpose, aim, goal, objective means or a method, can be a trick (with subtlety) even if, even though, notwithstanding . . . risk, hazard to be worth sth., to deserve to give up easily gain and loss, success and failure the things one excels in, one’s strengths
二、精听题: 1. 穷人把赚钱当作_____________,而富人把金钱当作____________________。 很多穷人赚了钱以后就会用来______________,来满足_______________; 而富人往往有更_______________________,他们会把一部分钱节省下来用 于____________。 2. 比如在投资中,穷人可能会因为一点儿_________________而迷失自我。反 之,富人一旦制定了长远的目标,就不会____________________。即使未来 存在_________,只要他们认为是值得的,就不会__________________。
34 穷人与富人思维 (下)
3. 不计较眼前的___________,努力________________,为未来的______________ ___,这就是富人的几点过人之处。 真实语料资源 please visit our companion website for additional authentic 真实语料资源: materials
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 赚钱 (v.) zhuànqián 当作 (v.) dāngzuò 目的 (n.) mùdì 手段 (n.) shǒuduàn 满足 (v.) mǎnzú 需求 (n.) xūqiú 规划 (n.) guīhuà 节省 (v.) jiéshěng 用于 (v.+prep.) yòngyú 投资 (n./v.) tóuzī 人际关系 (n.) rénjìguānxì 比如 (conj.) bǐrú ~顿 (mw) dùn 仅仅 (adv.) jǐnjǐn 用餐 (v.) yòngcān 打下基础 (v.) dǎxiàjīchǔ 视野 (n.) shìyě 局限 (adj.) júxiàn 着眼于 (v.+prep.) zhuóyǎnyú 利益 (n.) lìyì 眼界 (n.) yǎnjiè 开阔 (adj.) kāikuò 往往 (adv.) wǎngwǎng 清醒 (adj.) qīngxǐng 迷失自我 (idiom) míshīzìwǒ 反之 (conj.) fǎnzhī 一旦 (adv.) yīdàn
to make money (or a profit) to treat or regard as purpose, aim, goal, objective means or a method, can be a trick (with subtlety) to satisfy or meet (needs, demands, etc.) requirement/demand program/project/plan to economize, to use (sth.) sparingly to use (sth.) in/on/for investment, to invest interpersonal relationships for example, for instance, such as measure word for “meal” only, merely, alone to have dinner, to have a meal to lay down a foundation field of vision, a view limited/confined to focus on profit/benefit field of vision, an outlook tolerant, open (or to expand/widen as a verb) often/frequently clear-headed, sober, to become clear-headed to lose oneself (metaphorically) conversely, on the other hand (literary conjunction) once …, In case (something happens)
穷人与富人思维 (下) 35
制定 (v.) zhìdìng 长远 (adj.) chángyuǎn 目标 (n.) mùbiāo 计较 (v.) jìjiào 暂时 (n.) zànshí 盈亏 (v.) yíngkuī 即使 (conj.) jíshǐ 风险 (n.) fēngxiǎn 值得 (v.) zhídé 轻易放弃 (phrase) qīngyìfàngqì 总之 (conj.) zǒngzhī 得失 (n.) déshī 过人之处 (idiom) guòrénzhīchù
to formulate, to draw up long-term; long-range objective, target, goal/aim to haggle over, to fuss about/dispute temporary, for the moment to gain and lose (of the moon, to wax and wane) even if, even though, notwithstanding . . . risk, hazard to be worth sth., to deserve to give up easily in a word, in brief, anyway gain and loss, success and failure the things one excels in, one’s strengths
常见词组、词语搭配 把~当作~ 为~打下基础 ~的视野/~的眼界 为~而迷失自我 一旦~就~ 是~的过人之处
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 文章里提到 “穷人把赚钱当作目的” 而 “富人把金钱当作致富的手段,” 请举例 说明这两个概念。(Description) 2. 你认为,什么样的投资更有效或更值得? (Explanation) 3. “高风险、短期获利” 和 “低风险、长期获利” 你更倾向哪种投资? 为什么? (Comparison)
36 穷人与富人思维 (下)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. “不计较眼前得失,为未来的长远目标投资” (Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (四) 1. 把 . . . 当作 . . . (to see/treat sth. as) Similar phrases include 把 . . . 看作/作为/视为, of which 视为 is the more formal. In addition, 把 can be replaced by the more formal 将, e.g. 将 . . . 看作/作为/视为 . . . etc. In certain contexts, the formal expression 以 . . . 为 . . . is used. Common phrases using this expression include 以 . . . 为目的/目标/理由/方式/手段. 例句: 1. 中国政府称,反对把人权当作干涉别国内政的工具。 The Chinese government says it opposes the use of human rights as a tool to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. 2. 在毕业典礼上,校长嘱咐我们,要将终身学习当作一种精神追求和生活方 式。 At the graduation ceremony, the principal urged us to take lifelong learning as a spiritual pursuit and a way of life. 3. 人民日报称,将继续把改善民生作为宏观调控的出发点。 The People’s Daily said that it will continue to take improving people’s livelihood as the starting point of macro-control. 4. 公司不应将员工休病假视为自动离职。 Companies should not treat employee sick leave as automatic resignation. 5. 经营者不得以排挤竞争对手为目的,用低于成本的价格销售产品。 Operators should not sell products at a price lower than cost to crowd out competitors.
穷人与富人思维 (下) 37
练习题: 1. 在你的班级里,调查一下你同学的梦想,并用 “把/将 . . . 当作/看作/作为/视为” 或 “以 . . . 为 . . . ” 来报告一下调查结果。 2. 你同意 “强者把挫折看作财富,而弱者则把挫折看作深渊 (shēnyuān; chasm)” 这句话吗? 为什么? 3. 面 对 就 业 的 激 烈 竞 争 , 许 多 高 校 毕 业 生 将 考 研 当 作 一 种 推 迟 就 业 的 手 段。[翻译]
2. Subject A + V. + O.,而 subject B 则 . . . (. . ., while . . .) This pattern indicates a contrast of characteristics in a comparison. It needs to be preceded by a subject-verb-object phrase. 而 in this context means 然而, and 则 can be replaced by 却. Occasionally you may see 而 or 则 can be omitted. 例句: 1. 黄金价格下跌,而美元则略有回升。 Gold prices fell, while the dollar slightly recovered. 2. 据统计,中国90%的老人选择传统居家养老,7%左右选择社区养老,而另 外3%的老人则会去机构养老。 According to statistics, 90% of the elderly in China choose traditional home-based care, about 7% choose community-based care, and the other 3% go to institutional care. 3. 电脑已成为我们工作和学习的工具,而互联网的出现,则使 “不出门便知天下 事” 成为可能。 Computers have become a tool for our work and study, and the emergence of the Internet has made it possible to “know the world without going out.” 4. 美国的公立大学主要靠联邦和州政府拨款,而私立大学却全靠自己筹集资金。 Public universities in the United States rely mainly on federal and state grants, while private universities raise their own funds. 5. 可可的生产以非洲最多,咖啡的生产则以南美洲最多。 Africa produces the most cocoa, while South America produces the most coffee.
38 穷人与富人思维 (下)
练习题: 1. 大城市与小城市的生活有什么不同? 找出两个方面说一说。(用 “而 . . . 则 . . . ” 回答) 2. 在你的国家,老一代人 (older generation) 和年轻一代人 (younger generation) 有 什么不同? 选择两个方面说一说。(用 “而 . . . 则 . . . ” 回答) 3. 在你的眼中,中国人与西方人的观念在哪些方面有所不同? (用 “而 . . . 则 . . . ” 回答)
3. 为 . . . 打下基础 (to lay the foundation of . . .) Common phrases take this basic grammar structure and then may add a modifying adjective to describe what kind of foundation is being laid. For example, 为 . . . 打下坚实 的/良好的基础 etc. 例句: 1. 他在每一场直播前都会仔细彩排;每次直播完都会对细节进行反复考量,这 些都为他直播电商的成功打下基础。 He carefully rehearses before each live broadcast; after each broadcast, he analyzes/goes over the details. This has laid the foundation for his success in live broadcast e-commerce. 2. 《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》的实施,为全民参与垃圾分类打下了坚实的基础。 The implementation of the “Beijing Municipal Waste Management Regulations” has laid a solid foundation for all people to participate in waste classification. 3. 国家和地方出台了一系列政策,为实施可再生能源替代行动打下了良好的基础。 A series of policies have been issued by the state and local governments that have laid a good foundation for the implementation of renewable energy alternative actions. 练习题: 1. 请给大一的学弟学妹们建议:在大学期间应该做哪些事,来为今后的学业和 工作打下基础? 2. 如果你是你们国家刚上任的新总统,你会实施哪些政策,来为经济发展和社 会稳定打下良好的基础? 3. If you work in a city where you don’t have personal connections, you should expand your personal network to lay the foundation for future development. [翻译]
穷人与富人思维 (下) 39
4. 着眼于 (focus on) 例句: 1. 跨国公司投资,往往着眼于未来,寻求长期稳定的回报,对制度环境有着更 高要求。 Multinational investment companies often focus on the future, seek long-term stable returns, and have higher requirements for the institutional environment. 2. 非营利组织的功能是实现社会公益,而不是着眼于营利。 The function of non-profit organizations is to achieve social good rather than focus on profit. 3. 中国着眼于金砖国家与发展中国家群体崛起的大局,从宏观和长远的角度给 出了中国方案。 With the overall situation of the rise of BRICS and developing countries in mind, China has given its plan from a macro and long-term perspective. 练习题: 1. 你认为一个企业要想得到长远的发展,应当着眼于哪些方面? 2. 请把下面的句子补充完整: A. 解决一个国家的环境问题,不仅应着眼于污染治理,更应着眼于 . . . B. 提高一个国家的综合实力,既要着眼于 . . . ,又要着眼于 . . . 3. 我国教育事业的发展需要着眼于大力提高质量和效益。[翻译]
5. 反之 (on the contrary; otherwise) The meaning of 反之 is similar to 相反/相反地. 例句: 1. 基尼系数越大,收入分配就越不平均;反之,基尼系数越小,收入分配就越 平均。 The larger the Gini coefficient, the more uneven the income distribution; conversely, the smaller the Gini coefficient, the more even the income distribution.
40 穷人与富人思维 (下)
2. 对外依存度越低,该国面临的风险就越小;反之,对外依存度越高,该国面 临的风险就越大。 The lower the degree of external dependence, the less risk the country faces; conversely, the higher the degree of external dependence, the greater the risk the country faces. 3. 一个地区劳动力供应充足,则劳动力成本 (工资) 较低,反之则较高。 If the labor supply in a region is sufficient, the labor cost (wage) will be lower and vice versa. 练习题: 1. 请把下面的句子补充完整: A. 家庭收入越少,在食品上的开支占收入的比重 (bǐzhòng: proportion) 就越 大,反之, . . . B. 所有的投资都有风险和收益两重性 (liǎngchóngxìng: duality),风险大,投 资者要求的收益就越高;反之, . . . 2. 请说一说电脑游戏的利与弊。(用 “反之” 回答) 3. 政府的高税收和低税收分别会给社会带来哪些影响? (用 “反之” 回答)
6. 一旦 . . . 就 . . . (once . . . then . . .) This pattern indicates a consequence under a certain condition. It can help to think of it like, “If . . . happens, then . . .” (假设 . . . 发生的话 . . .) 就 can also sometimes be omitted without affecting meaning. 例句: 1. 食物一旦变质了,就不能再食用了。 Once the food has spoiled, it cannot be eaten anymore. 2. 泡沫经济一旦破裂,将波及到一个国家的大多数产业甚至国际经济的走势。 Once the bubble economy bursts, it will affect not only most of the industries in a single country but even the trend of the international economy. 3. 企业一旦不在乎顾客的需求,只是盲目追求自身利益的最大化,是注定要失败的。 Once an enterprise ceases to care about the needs of its customers and only blindly pursues the maximization of its own profit, it is doomed to fail.
穷人与富人思维 (下) 41
练习题: 1. 约翰·洛克 (Yuēhàn Luòkè: John Locke) 认为,一旦人们觉得政府不再保护他 们的
天赋权利 (tiāfù quánlì: natural right),人们就有权废除政府。[翻译]
3. 请描述下列情况下会产生什么样的结果。 A. 一旦你成为明星 . . . B. 一旦北极的冰川融化 . . . C. 一旦人类有能力穿越 (chuānyuè: travel through) 时空 . . .
7. ~之处 ~之处 means ~的地方. It is usually part of concise formal expressions such as 过人之 处, 相同之处, 不同之处, 异同之处, 共同之处, and 与众不同之处. 例句: 1. 商务套餐无论从卫生角度还是从营养角度来说,都是白领们解决午餐的最佳 方式,不足之处是价格贵了些。 A combo meal is the best way for white-collar workers to solve what to do about lunch, from both a hygiene and nutritional perspective. The downside is that they are more expensive. 2. 与汉民族相比,中国的少数民族在文化与习俗上都有自己的独特之处。 Compared with the Han people, the culture and customs of the ethnic minorities in China have their own unique points. 3. 持道德相对论的人认为,道德的标准随着时代、民族、阶级的不同而变化, 有共同点也有不同之处。 Those who hold the theory of moral relativism believe that moral standards change with different times, nations, and classes, because we all have commonalities and differences. 4. 这部歌剧的过人之处在于其优美的音乐和吸引人的剧情。 What makes this opera stand out is its beautiful music and engaging plot.
42 穷人与富人思维 (下)
练习题: 1. 人人都有自己的特点,你认为自己的与众不同之处是什么? 2. 选择一部你最喜欢的影视剧 (yǐngshìjù: movies and TV dramas) 作品,说一说此 剧的成功之处在于什么? 3. 选择两个你所熟悉的城市,比较一下两者的异同之处。
第三章 一带一路 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l5-the-belt-and-the-road-initiative-part-i Photo credit: NoName_13/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 西安 (n.) xī’ān 国际港 (n.) guójìgǎng 驶出 (v.) shǐchū 穿过 (v.) chuānguò 亚欧大陆 (n.) yà’oūdàlù
Xi’An, capital of Sha’anxi Province international port to leave port to go across/through the Eurasian continent
DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-5
44 一带一路 (上)
最终 (n.) zuìzhōng 德国 (n.) déguó 建成 (v.) jiànchéng 贸易 (n.) màoyì 进出口 (n.) jìnchūkǒu 海运 (n.) hǎiyùn 一带一路 (n.) yīdàiyīlù 组织 (n./v.) zǔzhī 签订 (v.) qiāndìng
final, ultimate, finally, at last/in the end Germany to establish, to build trade/commerce imports and exports sea transportation; ocean shipping the Belt and Road Initiative organization; to organize to conclude and sign (a treaty, agreement, contract, etc.)
一、泛听题: 1. 中欧国际列车从哪里驶出? 穿过哪里? 最终到达哪个国家? 2. 中欧国际铁路建成以后极大提高和缓解了什么? 3. 一带一路的 “一带” 和 “一路” 分别指的是什么? 4. 目前有多少国际组织签订了合作计划? 词汇: 受益于 (v.+prep.) shòuyìyú 项目 (n.) xiàngmù 截至 (v.) jiézhì 线路 (n.) xiànlù 倡议 (n./v.) chàngyì 转进 (v.) zhuǎnjìn
to profit by, to benefit from item/project by/up until (a specified time) a circuit, a line/route a suggestion/proposal; to propose to turn into
二、精听题: 1. 中欧国际铁路是受益于_______________________的国际合作项目之一。 2. 截至 2022年,此线路已通达欧洲_________个国家__________个城市。 3. 一带一路倡议于 2013年提出。该倡议中的一带指的是以__________为起点, 往西经过中亚、南亚、中东、俄罗斯,再到_____________,而一路指的 是从福建往南,到_____________、___________、______________,再转 进______________的这条路。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
一带一路 (上) 45
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 一列 (n.) yīliè 满载 (v.) mǎnzài 器材 (n.) qìcái 货物 (n.) huòwù 列车 (n.) lièchē 西安 (n.) xī’ān 国际港 (n.) guójìgǎng 驶出 (v.) shǐchū 途经 (v.) tújīng 哈萨克斯坦 (n.) hāsàkèsītǎn 罗马尼亚 (n.) luómǎníyà 匈牙利 (n.) xiōngyálì 捷克 (n.) jiékè 穿过 (v.) chuānguò 亚欧大陆 (n.) yà’oūdàlù 最终 (n.) zuìzhōng 到达 (v.) dàodá 欧洲 (n.) ōuzhōu 境内 (n.) jìngnèi 德国 (n.) déguó 受益于 (v.+prep.) shòuyìyú 一带一路 (n.) yīdàiyīlù 项目 (n.) xiàngmù 建成 (v.) jiànchéng 贸易 (n.) màoyì 进出口 (n.) jìnchūkǒu 量 (n.) liàng 缓解 (v.) huǎnjiě 海运 (n.) hǎiyùn
a series, list, or row of sth. to be fully loaded, to be laden with equipment, material goods, commodity, merchandise train Xi’An, capital of Sha’anxi Province international port to leave port to go by way of/via . . . Kazakhstan Romania Hungary Czech to go across/through the Eurasian continent final, ultimate, finally, at last/in the end to arrive; to reach Europe area inside the borders Germany to profit by, to benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative item/project to establish, to build trade/commerce imports and exports a quantity/amount, to measure to relieve, to alleviate, to ease sea transportation; ocean shipping
46 一带一路 (上)
截至 (v.) jiézhì 此 (pronoun) cǐ 线路 (n.) xiànlù 倡议 (n./v.) chàngyì 于 (prep.) yú 提出 (v.) tíchū 该 (pronoun) gāi 指的是 (phrase) zhǐdeshì 以~为~ (phrase) yǐ . . . wéi . . . 起点 (n.) qǐdiǎn 中亚 (n.) zhōngyà 南亚 (n.) nányà 中东 (n.) zhōngdōng 俄罗斯 (n.) éluósī 福建 (n.) fújiàn 东南亚 (n.) dōngnányà 非洲 (n.) feīzhōu 转进 (v.) zhuǎnjìn 组织 (n./v.) zǔzhī 签订 (v.) qiāndìng 合作计划 (n.) hézuòjìhuà
常见词组、词语搭配 满载~的列车 途径~穿过~最终到达 截至 + Time 签订~(e.g. 合同、合约、计划) 缓解~的压力
by/up until (a specified time) this/here and now (literary) a circuit, a line/route a suggestion/proposal; to propose in/on/at/to/from to put forward, to pose/raise (a question, etc.) the above/before mentioned what something refers to to view (sth.) as (sth.) starting point Central Asia South Asia Middle East Russia Fujian (a province in China) Southeast Asia Africa to turn into organization; to organize to conclude and sign (a treaty, agreement, contract, etc.) a collaborative plan
一带一路 (上) 47
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 你认为 “一带一路” 对参与国可能带来哪些影响? 请举例说明。(Explanation) 2. 请描述 “一带一路” 所经之地。(包括经过了多少地区? 涵盖了多少国家和城 市?) (Narration) 3. 请谈谈 “古代丝路” 和 “一带一路” 的异同。(Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. “一带一路” 项目将会重演 “古代丝路” 的繁荣。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (五) 1. 途经 (by way of; via) 途经 vs. 经过. Both words can mean passing through some places on the way. However, instead of 途经/经过 + place, 经过 also has the structure 从 place + 经过. For example, 他每天下班都从那儿经过。(He passes by there every day after getting off work). In addition, 经过 can also mean going through or undergoing a process or a time period. For example, 经过这一段时间的培训,她终于上岗了。(After this period of training, she finally took up the job); 经过五年时间,中国在这一领域取得了突破的进展。(After five years, China has made breakthrough progress in this field.) 例句: 1. 第二十一届世界大学生运动会火炬传递历时109天,途经全国30个省、自治 区、直辖市和香港、澳门特别行政区,总行程2万多公里。 The torch relay of the 21st Universiade lasted 109 days, passing through 30 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Hong Kong, and Macau Special Administrative Regions, with a total distance of more than 20,000 kilometers.
48 一带一路 (上)
2. 上海市将进一步加强来自或途径澳门来沪人员健康管理。 Shanghai will further strengthen the health management of people who come to Shanghai from or through Macau. 3. 参加骑行活动的 30多名老年人骑自行车从吉林出发,历时 49天,途经 13个省 市,骑行上万公里。 More than 30 elderly people who participated in the cycling activity set off from Jilin on bicycles, which lasted 49 days, passed through 13 provinces and cities, and rode tens of thousands of kilometers. 练习题: 1. 哈大铁路北起哈尔滨,南到大连,途经长春、沈阳等108个大中城市。[翻译] 2. 选择美国的一条公路,用 “东起 . . . 西到 . . . ,途经 . . . ,全长 . . . ” 来描述一 下这条公路。 3. 描述一次令你难忘的旅行线路。(用 “途经” 回答)
2. 受益于 (to benefit from) This phrase means 从/在 . . . 中受到益处. 受益 is also used in phrases such as 从/在 . . . 中受益 or 受益匪浅 (to benefit a lot). 例句: 1. 受益于国家西部大开发、西气东输、西电东送、南水北调等大型基础设施建 设项目需求的推动,公司近年来业绩高速增长。 Benefiting from the demand for large-scale infrastructure construction projects such as the country’s Western Development, West-East Gas Transmission, West-East Power Transmission, and South-to-North Water Diversion, the company’s performance has grown rapidly in recent years. 2. 我国体育得益于举国体制,改革开放后又受益于社会主义市场经济。 Our country’s sports benefit from the state system, and, after its reform and opening benefit from the socialist market economy.
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3. 方便食品的日益推广在很大程度上受益于添加剂的不可替代的作用。 The increasing promotion of convenience foods has largely benefited from the irreplaceable role of additives. 4. 在信息化推动下,城市管理水平提高,交通、环保、救灾、教育等部门率先从 信息化中受益。 Driven by informatization, the level of urban management has been improved, and departments such as transportation, environmental protection, disaster relief, and education have taken the lead in benefiting from informatization. 5. 本次会议气氛热烈,内容充实,与会者均认为受益匪浅。 This meeting had a warm atmosphere and substantial content, and the participants believed that they had benefited a lot by attending. 练习题: 1. 你同意 “每一个民族的觉醒,无不受益于各种各样的危机” 这句话吗? 请举例 说明。 2. 中小出口型企业极大受益于电子商务的普及。[翻译] 3. 谈一谈全球经济一体化的益处 (用 “受益于” 回答)。除了受益者外,全球经济 一体化有没有受害者?
3. 自/自从 . . . 以来 (since . . .) 自 . . . 以来 is used more often in formal genres than 自从 . . . 以来. 自/自从 is sometimes omitted. In addition, 自/自从 does not appear in some phrases such as 长期以来, 一直以来,一年以来, 近一年以来 etc. 例句: 1. 她是自上世纪以来唱片销量最高的女歌手。 She is the highest-selling female singer since the last century. 2. 美国国债自金融危机以来迎来最大的牛市,发债规模占到全球30%以上。 U.S. Treasury bonds have ushered in the biggest bull market since the financial crisis, with bond issuance accounting for more than 30% of the world’s total.
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3. 长期以来,世界各国为保护城市中的历史文化遗产付出了很大的努力。 For a long time, countries around the world have made great efforts to protect the historical and cultural heritage in cities. 4. 此次发布的新手机是华为一年以来自主研发的最新成果。 The new mobile phone released this time is the latest achievement of Huawei’s independent research and development of the past year. 练习题: 1. 由于对美国经济前景担忧,消费者信心指数自去年十月以来连续三个月下 降。[翻译] 2. 下面是历史上的一些重大事件,说一说我们的社会在这些事件后发生了怎样 的变化。(用 “自/自从 . . . 以来” 回答) A. 文艺复兴 (Renaissance) B. 人类登上月球 C. 911事件 D. 冷战
4. ~量 (volume, amount) 例句: 1. “十三五” 时期,我国天然气储量和产量均快速增长。 During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, our country’s natural gas reserves and production have grown rapidly. 2. 本市今年将落实500项节水措施,达到年节水量1.7亿立方米的目标。 Our city will implement 500 water-saving measures this year, reaching the goal of saving 170 million cubic meters of water annually. 3. “五一” 假期杭州各景区接待总游客量达343万人次。 During the “May 1st” holiday, the scenic spots in Hangzhou received a total of 3.43 million tourists. 4. 该院始建于1941年,现开放病床1231张,年门诊量84万人次。 Founded in 1941, the hospital now has 1,231 beds and an annual outpatient volume of 840,000.
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5. 义乌小商品市场由于受战争和疫情的双重影响,4月份的客流量、成交量和出 口量等降幅均在30%以上。 Due to the dual impact of the war and the epidemic, the Yiwu small commodity market saw a drop of more than 30% in passenger flow, transaction volume, and export volume in April. 6. 张掖是全国典型的缺水地区,人均水资源量仅为全国平均水平的57%。 Zhangye is a typical water-scarce area in the country, with per capita water resources only 57% of the national average. 练习题: 1. 翻译以下的生词并造个例句: A. 进口量: ______________________ B. 资源量: ______________________ C. 工作量: ______________________ D. 含氧量: ______________________ E. 出口贸易量: __________________ F. 供货量: ______________________
5. 此 (this) 此 is a formal expression that means 这/这个. 此 is often preceded by a noun such as 此 公司 (this company), 此校 (this school), 此人 (this person), 此事 (this matter). However, sometimes 此 can stand alone in certain phrases. For example, 因此 (therefore [literal meaning: because of this]), 为此 (for this), 到此为止 (stop here), 就此而言 (in this regard). 例句: 1. 此人因诈骗罪被判处8年有期徒刑。 This man was sentenced to eight years in prison for fraud. 2. 超市因物品丢失扣员工工资,律师认为此事违法。 The supermarket deducted the wages of employees due to missing items, and the lawyer believes that this is illegal.
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3. 招商银行应用软件显示,此次股东大会观看人数仅为1200人,关注度远不如 以往。 According to the application software of China Merchants Bank, the number of viewers at the shareholders meeting was only 1,200, and the attention was far less than before. 4. 我国新能源汽车累计销量为200.3万辆,累计同比上涨111.2%。由此可见,新 能源汽车销量正快速增长。 The cumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles in our country was 2.003 million, up 111.2% year-on-year. It can be seen that the sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly. 5. 我们的合作到此为止。 Our cooperation ends here. 练习题: 1. 美国最高法院否定了堕胎权应受宪法保护,有人认为此举保护了胎儿的生命 权,也有人认为此举剥夺了妇女的堕胎权,你认为呢? (用 “我认为此举 . . . ” 回答) 2. 科技进步以及由此而来的现代经济的发展,使得世界各地区间的政治、经济 和文化联系不断加强。[翻译] 3. 翻译以下的生词并造个例句。 A. 从此以后: ________________________________________ B. 仅此而已: ________________________________________ C. 原来如此: ________________________________________ D. 由此看来: ________________________________________
6. 该 (the said/the one just mentioned/that) 该 is a formal expression that refers to the entity mentioned earlier in the discourse. It cannot stand alone but have to precede a noun. For example, 该事件 (the event), 该国 (the country), 该校 (the school), 该院 (the hospital).
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例句: 1. 新西兰基督城2日凌晨发生里氏5.5级地震,地震导致该市1万户家庭停电,但 未造成人员伤亡或财产损失。 An earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale struck Christchurch, New Zealand, in the early morning of the 2nd. The earthquake caused power outages to 10,000 households in the city, but no casualties or property damage were caused. 2. 记者7月21日从省委文明办获悉: 该办日前印发《关于全面推进农村精神文明 建设的实施方案》。 The reporter learned from the Civilization Office of the Provincial Party Committee on July 21st that the office recently issued the “Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Rural Spiritual Civilization.” 3. 在2002年奥运会气步枪比赛中,中国选手陶路娜蝉联了该项目的冠军,并打 破了该项目的世界纪录。 In the 2002 Olympic Air Rifle Competition, Chinese player Tao Luna won the title of the project and broke the world record of the project. 练习题: 1. 近年来,电子商务 (e-commerce) 的兴起对实体经济造成了极大的冲击,你认 为该现象会对你的生活带来哪些变化? 2. 特斯拉汽车今天公布了该公司的2022年第二季度财报。[翻译]
7. 以 . . . 为 . . . (use/take . . . as . . .; regard/consider . . . as . . .) 例句: 1. 6月份以来,以汽车、家电为代表的大宗消费增长明显。 Since June, bulk consumption represented by automobiles and home appliances has grown significantly. 2. 此品牌以主打年轻时尚的休闲路线为主。 This brand mainly focuses on young and fashionable leisure lines.
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3. 为了企业自身的生存和发展,企业必须以市场为导向,以创新为手段,以效 率为核心,重建企业形象。 For the survival and development of the enterprise itself, the enterprise must be market-oriented, with innovation as the means and efficiency as the core to rebuild the corporate image. 练习题: 1. 谈一谈你们国家年轻人的主要娱乐方式。(用 “以 . . . 为主” 回答) 2. 请把下面的句子补充完整。 A. 2022年,俄罗斯以___________________________为由,向乌克兰 (Ukraine)发动了战争。 B. 电影《乱世佳人》(Gone with the Wind) 以_______________为背景,讲述了 __________________________________。
第三章 一带一路 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l6-the-belt-and-the-road-initiative-part-ii Photo credit: Steve Bidmead/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 宗旨 (n.) zōngzhǐ 区域 (n.) qūyù 交流 (v./n.) jiāoliú
aim/mission/purpose region, area, district to exchange; intercommunion DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-6
56 一带一路 (下)
促进 (v.) cùjìn 互利 (n.) hùlì 共赢 (n.) gòngyíng 刺激 (v.) cìjī 岗位 (n.) gǎngwèi 掀起 (v.) xiānqǐ ~股 (mw) gǔ 留学热 (n.) liúxuérè 反对者 (n.) fǎnduìzhě 称 (v.) chēng 争夺 (v.) zhēngduó 政治 (n.) zhèngzhì 影响力 (n.) yǐngxiǎnglì 糖衣 (n.) tángyī 进一步 (v.) jìnyībù 崛起 (v.) juéqǐ 乃至 (conj.) nǎizhì 引领 (v.) yǐnlǐng
to promote (an idea/cause) mutual benefit win-win to provoke, to stimulate a post, a job to lift, to begin/set off (a campaign) measure word for “trend” or “wind” study abroad “fever” an opposer to say/state to fight/contend/scramble for politics influence/impact sugar-coating to go a step further to rise abruptly (to prominence) and even (literary) to lead/guide
一、泛听题: 1. 一带一路的宗旨是什么? 2. 中国给非洲的基础设施建设带来了哪些影响? 3. 反对者对中国的一带一路有什么看法? 词汇: 修建 (v.) xiūjiàn 铁路 (n.) tiělù 公路 (n.) gōnglù 机场 (n.) jīchǎng 港口 (n.) gǎngkǒu 互办 (adj.) hùbàn 文化年 (n.) wénhuànián 艺术节 (n.) yìshùjié 电影节 (n.) diànyǐngjié 涵盖 (v.) hángài
to build, to construct railroad, railway a highway, road airport port/harbor host mutually Year of Culture art festival film festival to cover, to encompass (a range of topics, etc.)
一带一路 (下) 57
全球 (n.) quánqiú 宏大 (adj.) hóngdà 工程 (n.) gōngchéng
the whole world grand/great engineering, an engineering project
二、精听题: 1. 中国与一带一路沿线国家在____________、____________、____________等 各领域建立了合作。 2. 中国是非洲最大的___________________,近年来为当地修建了____________ 、____________、____________、____________等一系列基础设施,有效刺 激了当地的经济增长,为其创造了几十万个______________________。 3. 一带一路也推动了国家间的_______________________,沿线国家经常互办 ____________、____________、____________等活动。 4. 作为一个涵盖__________________人口的宏大工程,一带一路的利与弊,对 整个世界都有着深远的影响。 真实语料资源 please visit our companion website for additional authentic 真实语料资源: materials
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 宗旨 (n.) zōngzhǐ 加强 (v.) jiāqiáng 区域 (n.) qūyù 交流 (v./n.) jiāoliú 促进 (v.) cùjìn 互利 (n.) hùlì 共赢 (n.) gòngyíng 沿线国家 (n.) yánxiànguójiā 领域 (n.) lǐngyù 建立 (v.) jiànlì 伙伴 (n.) huǒbàn 修建 (v.) xiūjiàn 铁路 (n.) tiělù
aim/mission/purpose to strengthen, to enhance, to reinforce region, area, district to exchange; intercommunion to promote (an idea/cause) mutual benefit win-win countries along the line of (一带一路, 高铁, etc.) domain, territory, area to establish, to set up, to found partner, companion to build, to construct railroad, railway
58 一带一路 (下)
公路 (n.) gōnglù 机场 (n.) jīchǎng 港口 (n.) gǎngkǒu 一系列 (n.) yīxìliè 基础 (n.) jīchǔ 刺激 (v.) cìjī 其 (pronoun) qí 岗位 (n.) gǎngwèi 掀起 (v.) xiānqǐ ~股 (mw) gǔ 留学热 (n.) liúxuérè 巴基斯坦 (n.) bājīsītǎn 华 (n.) huá 迅速 (adj.) xùnsù 往来 (v.) wǎnglái 互办 (adj.) hùbàn 文化年 (n.) wénhuànián 艺术节 (n.) yìshùjié 电影节 (n.) diànyǐngjié 反对者 (n.) fǎnduìzhě 称 (v.) chēng 争夺 (v.) zhēngduó 政治 (n.) zhèngzhì 影响力 (n.) yǐngxiǎnglì 糖衣 (n.) tángyī 进一步 (v.) jìnyībù 崛起 (v.) juéqǐ 乃至 (conj.) nǎizhì 引领 (v.) yǐnlǐng 涵盖 (v.) hángài 全球 (n.) quánqiú 宏大 (adj.) hóngdà 工程 (n.) gōngchéng 深远 (adj.) shēnyuǎn
a highway, road airport port/harbor a series of, a string of a base, a foundation to provoke, to stimulate his/her/its, it (refers to sth. preceding it) a post, a job to lift, to begin/set off (a campaign) measure word for “trend” or “wind” study abroad “fever” Pakistan abbr. for China rapid, swift, speedy to come and go host mutually Year of Culture art festival film festival an opposer to say/state to fight/contend/scramble for politics influence/impact sugar-coating to go a step further to rise abruptly (to prominence) and even (literary) to lead/guide to cover, to encompass (a range of topics, etc.) the whole world grand/great engineering, an engineering project far-reaching, profound and long-lasting
一带一路 (下) 59
常见词组、词语搭配 ~的宗旨 沿线国家 贸易伙伴国 刺激经济成长 掀起~热 推动~交流 ~的利与弊 对~有着深远影响
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请描述 “一带一路” 对非洲和沿线国家的教育、经济和文化交流等领域带来的 影响。(Description) 2. 请说明对 “一带一路” 持反对意见者的看法。你是否同意? 为什么? (Explanation) 3. 你对 “一带一路掀起了一股中国留学热” 有什么看法? 请举例说明。(Narration) 4. 请谈谈 “基础设施建设” 对发达国家和发展中国家各有什么重要性。(Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. “一带一路” 对全球的影响 (包括政治、经济、教育、文化交流、基础设施建 设) 利大于弊/弊大于利。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (六) 1. 宗旨 (purpose) 宗旨 vs. 目的. Both words have the meaning of “purpose”; however, 宗旨 more often refers to the purpose or mission of an organization, institution, company, treaty, agreement etc.
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例句: 1. 立顿以其明亮的黄色向世界传递它的宗旨----光明、活力和自然美好的乐趣。 With its bright yellow, Lipton conveys its mission to the world—bring light, vitality and the joy of nature and beauty. 2. 各国应严格遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨、原则和国际法基本准则,以和平方 式解决国际争端。 All countries should strictly abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms of international law and resolve international disputes by peaceful means. 3. 以满足企业需求为办学宗旨,致力于培养高素质应用型人才,是高等职业教 育的成功之路。 The purpose of running the school is to meet the needs of the enterprise, which is committed to cultivating high-quality applicable talents and is the road to success in higher vocational education. 练习题: 1. 根据你的理解,或搜索到的信息,说一说下列比赛、组织、条约的宗旨是什 么。 A. 奥运会 B. 联合国 C. 《巴黎协定》(Paris Agreement) 2. 本企业的服务宗旨是 “质量为本、客户至上。” [翻译]
2. ~热 & 热~ (fever, hotly, popularly) 热 can be used to describe something popular. For example, 冬奥主题旅游持续走 热。(Winter Olympics-themed tourism continues to gain momentum). 健康养生在中 老年中是一个很热的现象。(Health preservation is a hot phenomenon among the middle-aged and the elderly). In addition, it can be used as a suffix or prefix as part of a word. When used as suffix, it can form a noun. For example, 留学热 (study abroad fever), 追 星热 (star chasing fever), 名牌热 (famous brand fever), etc. When used as a prefix, it can form a verb or noun. For example, 热播 (to be popularly broadcast), 热销 (to be popularly sold), 热议 (to hotly discuss/hot discussion), etc.
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例句: 1. 房地产热导致社会投资规模和信贷规模再度膨胀,严重脱离了国民经济正常 发展的轨道。 The real estate boom has caused the scale of social investment and credit to expand again, seriously deviating from the normal development of the national economy. 2. 从近两年研究生报考人数的加速涨幅来看,考研热短期很难降温。 Judging from the accelerated increase in the number of postgraduate applicants in the past two years, postgraduate fever will not cool down any time soon. 3. 随着哈利波特手游的上线,哈利波特热再次蔓延开来。 With the launch of the Harry Potter mobile game, Harry Potter fever has spread again. 4. 导演庞好的新剧《人到四十》时下正在各大卫视热播。 Director Pang Hao’s popular new drama People Forty and Above is currently being broadcast on various TVs. 5. 该车型自上市以来,已累计热销5万辆。 Since its launch, the popular model has sold 50,000 units. 练习题: 1. 近期,社会上的什么问题引发了人们的热议? 2. 说一说今年网络上的热搜词汇。 3. In recent years, China’s investment immigration fever has continued to heat up. [翻译]
3. 不仅如此 (not only that) This conjunction phrase is to give additional information. Similar phrases include 不但 如此, 此外, 另外, 除此之外/除此以外, etc. 例句: 1. 白米饭吃得过多,会导致糖尿病的风险提高。其实后果还不仅如此,有研究 显示,过多食用细粮还可能导致其他疾病。 Eating too much white rice can lead to an increased risk of diabetes. In fact, the consequences are not only that; some studies have shown that excessive consumption of refined grains may also lead to other diseases.
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2. 昨天有消息传出,篮球巨星姚明开始涉足红酒业。不仅如此,“姚明红酒” 限 量版零售价也达到了3800元。 Yesterday there was news that basketball superstar Yao Ming began to get involved in the wine industry. Not only that, the limited-edition retail price of “Yao Ming Red Wine” has also reached 3,800 yuan. 练习题: 1. 说一说吸收外来文化对本民族文化的影响。(用 “不仅如此” 回答) 2. 你认为智能手机对人类的生活利大于弊,还是弊大于利? 请说明两点理由。 (用 “不仅如此” 回答) 3. 不断研究和创制新的药物,是我国人口健康领域的紧迫需求。不仅如此,作 为高新技术产业,医药工业的发展将带来极大的经济效益。[翻译]
4. 有 . . . 称 (it is reported that/some . . . said that) When the resource is not definite, you can use the structure 有 . . . 称. In addition to 称, other words such as 表示 and 透露 are also used. 例句: 1. 有知情者称,飞机失事是超载所致。目前空难原因正在调查之中。 A person familiar with the matter said that the plane crash was caused by overloading. The cause of the crash is currently under investigation. 2. 今年国庆长假的旅游消费反弹明显。有专家表示,这是一种弥补疫情期间无 法出门的 “报复性旅游消费”。 This year’s National Day holiday tourism consumption rebounded significantly. Some experts said that this is a kind of “retaliatory tourism consumption” to make up for the inability to go out during the epidemic. 3. 有消息透露,特斯拉将进军智能手机行业,车企与手机企业的融合,可创造 出更大的市场想象空间。 It is reported that Tesla will enter the smartphone industry, and the integration of car companies and mobile phone companies can create greater market imagination.
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练习题: 1. 有报道称,核科学家证实了平壤的核武计划。[翻译] 2. Witnesses at the scene said multiple gunshots were heard at the time of the incident. [翻译]
5. 乃至 (even) 乃至 vs. 甚至. “乃至” means that one thing causes another thing to happen, which is expected; “甚至” has a kind of unexpected meaning; something was not expected to happen, but it happened. “乃至” has the meaning of parallel: “just like . . . and,” “not only . . . but also.” “甚至” means a turning point and can also be understood as strengthening the tone. In term of usage, “乃至” is used in the list of items whose degree progressively increases. “甚至,” on the other hand, can be used more freely, for example, 他甚至还有 些嫉妒 (He’s even a little jealous). 例句: 1. 他在学校的表现特别优秀,别说是同学和老师,乃至校长都知道他的大名。 His performance in school was exceptional, not to mention his classmates, teachers, and even the principal knew his name. 2. 直播带货已成为中国企业追逐的热潮,几乎各个行业的商品,一盒水果、一 支牙膏,空调汽车,乃至火箭发射服务都可以在直播间里看到。 Live streaming has become a craze for Chinese companies. Commodities from almost every industry, a box of fruit, a toothpaste, an air-conditioned car, and even rocket launch services can all be seen in the live broadcast room. 3. 一些恶房东擅自涨租、不续租乃至提前解约,极大侵犯了租屋族的权利。 Some bad landlords arbitrarily increased rents, failed to renew rents, and even terminated contracts in advance, which greatly violated the rights of renters. 4. 这次活动举办得相当成功,甚至可以说是空前绝后! 举办成功进行了补充说明和语气的强调)
The event was quite successful; it could even be said to be unprecedented! (Here, “even” is supplementary explanation and tone of emphasis on the success of the previous hosting).
64 一带一路 (下)
5. 他的成绩在班里属于适中,可是这一次的高考却名列前茅,甚至是他的父母 都没有预料到的。(这里的甚至有转折的意味,是出乎意料的,突然的结果)。 His grades were moderate in the class, but this time he was among the best in the college entrance examination, which even his parents did not expect. (Here, “even” means a turning point, which is an unexpected, sudden result.) 6. 大麻对青少年身心健康更具破坏力,严重影响未成年人的心理素质和青春期 发育,甚至可能使其在日后完全丧失工作、生活或学习能力。(这里是强调问 题可能到达的最严重程度)。 Marijuana is more destructive to the physical and mental health of adolescents, seriously affecting the psychological quality and puberty development of minors, and it may even make them completely lose their ability to work, live, or learn in the future. (Here, “even” emphasizes the worst possible extent of the problem.) 练习题: 1. 用 “乃至” 改写下列句子。 A. 中华文化宝贵的精神财富,不仅在中国,而且在日本、朝鲜、东南亚和世 界五大洲,都有影响。 B. 1997年的金融危机,使许多东南亚国家和地区的股市暴跌,金融系统和整 个社会经济受到严重创伤。 2. 第一次工业革命,是人类发展史上一个重要的转折点,给英国乃至世界带来 了怎样的影响? 3. 虽然我们还是学生,不能为家庭乃至社会创造财富,但是我们也不能只会坐 享其成,要努力学习。[翻译]
6. 涵盖 (cover, contain) 涵盖 vs. 包括. Many times, the two words are interchangeable. However, 涵盖 is only used with abstract nouns, while 包括 can also be used with concrete nouns. For example, 很多民宿会为客人提供早餐,包括咖啡、三明治、培根、酸奶等。(Many B&B will provide guests with breakfast, including coffee, sandwiches, bacon, yogurt, etc.) In addition, 涵盖 can only precede nouns, while 包括 can be followed by verb phrases. For instance, 科学的调查研究包括发现问题、分析问题和解决问题三个基本程序。 (Scientific investigation and research include three basic procedures: discovering problem, analyzing problem, and solving problem.)
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例句: 1. 公司产品主要涵盖消化类,精神类,心血管类,妇科类等多个产品细分领 域。 The company’s products mainly cover digestive, spiritual, cardiovascular, gynecological, and other product segments. 2. 该《规划》涵盖环境质量、污染减排、风险防控、生态保护、低碳发展五大 领域。 The Plan covers five major areas: environmental quality, pollution reduction, risk prevention and control, ecological protection, and low-carbon development. 3. 地理学的涵盖面广,涉及自然科学和人文科学的许多领域。 Geography covers a wide range and involves many fields of natural sciences and humanities. 练习题: 1. 根据下列话题,用 “涵盖” 完成句子。 A. 联合国的事务 B. 北约 (NATO) 的势力范围 C. 启蒙运动 (qǐméng yùndòng: the Enlightenment) 影响的领域 2. 美国的《清洁能源与安全法》是一部比较繁杂的立法,它非常全面,几乎可 以涵盖气候变化应对的方方面面。[翻译]
海洋垃圾 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l7-marine-pollution-part-i Photo credit: Dorothe/Pixabay
辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 海洋 (n.) hǎiyáng 垃圾 (n.) lājī 塑料 (n.) sùliào 占 (v.) zhàn
ocean garbage, trash, waste plastic to make up, to account for
DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-7
海洋垃圾 (上) 67
总体 (n.) zǒngtǐ overall, total 污染 (v./n.) wūrǎn to pollute; pollution 一、泛听题: 1. 海洋垃圾对海洋环境的影响有多么严重? 2. 塑料类的海洋垃圾占总体海洋垃圾的多少? 3. 海洋垃圾怎样影响了海洋环境? 4. “白色污染” 的现象是怎么造成的? 词汇: 投入 (v.) tóugrù 微不足道 (idiom) wēibùzúdào 并非如此 (phrase) bìngfēirúcǐ 景观 (n.) jǐngguān 威胁 (v./n.) wēixié 生物 (n.) shēngwù 安危 (n.) ānwēi 生态系统 (n.) shēngtàixìtǒng 生产量 (n.) shēngchǎnliàng 亿 (n.) yì 吨 (n.) dūn 回收 (v./n.) huíshōu
to throw into too insignificant to mention (idiom) it is not the case landscape to threaten; threat living things safety and danger ecosystem production volume 100 million a ton (unit of weight) to recycle; recycle
二、精听题: 1. 海洋垃圾是破坏__________________的主要原因之一。 2. 塑料类的海洋垃圾占__________________,是总体海洋垃圾的__________ ________。 3. 从前,人们认为,将垃圾投入大海所产生的影响__________________。 4. 海洋垃圾不仅严重影响到了__________________,更极大威胁到了________ __________的安危,对于海洋__________________造成了严重的破坏。 5. 截至目前,全球塑料__________________约83亿吨,其中仅6%左右得到了有 效的__________________。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
68 海洋垃圾 (上)
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 海洋 (n.) hǎiyáng 垃圾 (n.) lājī 破坏 (v.) pòhuài 环境 (n.) huánjìng 人工 (n./adj.) réngōng 废弃物 (n.) fèiqìwù 渔网 (n.) yúwǎng 金属 (n.) jīnshǔ 玻璃瓶 (n.) bōlipíng 塑料袋 (n.) sùliàodài 等 (aux.) děng 属于 (v.) shǔyú 类 (n.) lèi 占 (v.) zhàn 总体 (n.) zǒngtǐ 将 (prep.) jiāng 投入 (v.) tóurù 微不足道 (idiom) wēibùzúdào 事实 (n.) shìshí 并非如此 (phrase) bìngfēirúcǐ 据 (prep.) jù 估算 (v.) gūsuàn 仅[仅]~就 (conj.) jǐn[jǐn]~jiù 漂浮 (v.) piāofú 达 (v.) dá 吨 (n.) dūn 不仅~更 (conj.) bùjǐn~ gèng 景观 (n.) jǐngguān 极大 (adj.) jídà 威胁 (v./n.) wēixié
ocean garbage, trash, waste to damage, wreck, destroy environment, surroundings man-made (artificial) litter fishing net metal glass bottle plastic bag etc., and so forth belong to, pertain to, be affiliated with kind, type, class, category to make up, to account for overall, total a literary form of 把 to throw into too insignificant to mention (idiom) fact it is not the case according to, on the grounds of to estimate only/just ~, then ~ to float, to drift to reach, to amount to a ton (unit of weight) not only ~ but also landscape enormous, maximum to threaten; threat
海洋垃圾 (上) 69
生物 (n.) shēngwù 安危 (n.) ānwēi 生态系统 (n.) shēngtàixìtǒng 严重 (adj.) yánzhòng 食物链 (n.) shíwùliàn 哺乳动物 (n.) bǔrǔdòngwù 鲸鱼 (n.) jīngyú 海豚 (n.) hǎitún 海豹 (n.) hǎibào 死于 (v.+prep.) sǐyú 污染 (n.) wūrǎn 截至目前 (phrase) jiézhìmùqián 全球 (n.) quánqiú 生产量 (n.) shēngchǎnliàng 亿 (n.) yì 回收 (v.) huíshōu 原料 (n.) yuánliào 高分子 (n.) gāofēnzǐ 树脂 (n.) shùzhī 稳定性 (n.) wěndìngxìng 状态 (n.) zhuàngtài 降解 (v.) jiàngjiě 土地 (n.) tǔdì 资源 (n.) zīyuán 日益 (adv.) rìyì 污染 (v./n.) wūrǎn
living things safety and danger ecosystem serious, grave, critical food chain mammal whale dolphin seal (the animal) to die of/from pollution up to now the whole world production volume 100 million to recycle raw/rough material high polymer resin stability, steadiness condition, state of affairs to decompose land, soil, territory resources increasingly, day by day to pollute; pollution
常见词组、词语搭配 产生~的影响 ~类 (e.g. 塑料类、哺乳类、鱼类) 据估算
70 海洋垃圾 (上)
生态系统 总生产量 得到~ (e.g. 利用、表扬、保护) 土地资源 造成~ (e.g. 破坏、危害、污染) 占用~ (e.g. 资源、时间、空间) ~污染 (e.g. 海洋污染、塑料污染、白色污染)
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 你认为什么环境问题是人类最需要解决的? 请选择一个环境问题,详细说一说 这个问题所产生的原因,造成的危害,以及你认为人类可以怎样解决这一问 题? (Description) 2. 塑料垃圾会对海洋、陆地生物以及人类造成哪些影响? 在这些影响中,你认为 哪一方面最严重,最需要解决? 为什么? (Explanation) 3. 请回忆一下,在你的生活中,你有没有哪些行为导致了环境污染或资源浪费? 请举例说明。(Narration) 4. 如 果 你 是 你 们 家 乡 的 市 长 , 你 会 出 台 哪 些 措 施 改 善 你 们 家 乡 的 环 境 ? (Hypothesis) 5. 你认为政府应将环境污染还是经济发展放在优先地位? (Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 实战辩论 三、辩论题: 1. 在不远的将来,绿色能源,如水能、风能、太阳能等将完全取代煤炭 (méitàn: coal) 或石油 (patrol: shíyóu) 等传统能源。(Hypothesis)
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句型结构/词语练习 (七) 1. 仅 . . . 就 . . . (only/just ~ alone, ~) To emphasize a short period of time, small space, small number, etc., usually to emphasize the significant contribution or consequences it has on a larger (educational, business, economic, etc.) context. 例句: 1. 这些公司仅一年就亏完过去10年净利润。 These companies have lost all net profits from the past ten years in just one year. 2. 未来二十年,仅国内航空市场就需要3000多架新飞机,约有3900亿美元的市 场 空间。 In the next 20 years, the domestic aviation market alone will need more than 3,000 new aircraft, with a market space of about $390 billion. 3. 仅靠一张文凭就能换一个好职业的时代结束了。 Gone are the days when relying on a diploma alone could be exchanged for a good career. 4. 上海国际农产品展览会仅举行了两次就成为国内代表性的农产品展览会。 The Shanghai International Agricultural Products Exhibition has only been held twice and has become a representative agricultural product exhibition in China. 练习题: 1. 随着通货膨胀水平的上升,每月仅汽油、杂货 (záhuò: groceries)、家用产 品等基本开支 (kāizhī: expenditure),就会花掉人们一大笔预算 (yùsuàn: budget)。[翻译] 2. 就你而言,要想增加储蓄 (chǔxù: savings),仅每月节省开支就够了吗? 3. 用 “仅 . . . 就 . . .” 完成下列句子。 A. 环境污染对人类的影响巨大,__________________________________。 B. 此公司今年经济状况不佳,____________________________________。 C. 失业人口的比例日益增多,____________________________________。
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2. 不仅 . . . 更 . . . [不但 . . . 更 . . .] (not only . . . but also . . .) Conjunction phrases that have similar meanings include 不仅 . . . 也/还/而且 . . . [不但 . . . 也/还/而且 . . .]; However, 不仅 . . . 更 . . . may have more emphasis on the content after 更. 例句: 1. 科学家走红毯不仅是礼遇,更是对科技创新精神的崇尚。 Scientists walking the red carpet is not only a courtesy but also an advocacy for the spirit of technological innovation. 2. Z世代不仅是互联网的中坚力量,更是未来新经济、新消费、新文化的主导力 量。 Generation Z is not only the backbone of the Internet but also the leading force of the new economy, new consumption, and new culture in the future. 3. 这款运动轿车不仅外观时髦,而且能带来不错的驾驶乐趣。 Not only does this sports sedan look stylish, but it also offers decent driving pleasure. 练习题: 1. 人类需要采取什么样的措施才能更好地保护环境? (用 “不仅~更~” 回答) 2. 如果你成为下一任的美国总统,你会处理哪些迫切 (pòqiè: pressing) 的社会问 题? (用 “不仅~而且~” 回答) 3. 一些毕业生称,他们找工作时不仅看重职位的薪酬和职业成长机会,更关注 灵活性以及职场环境。[翻译]
3. 占 (account for, make up for) + proportion/number/~% “占” is followed by a proportion (e.g. 百分之~, 几分之几, 一半, 全部). Sometimes “占到” may be used, as it has identical meaning. 例句: 1. 海洋占地球面积的四分之三。 Oceans account for ¾ of the Earth’s surface.
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2. 非洲国家洲内贸易额仅占非洲大陆整体贸易总量的百分之十五。 Trade between African nations only accounts for 15% of the overall trade of the African continent. 3. 截至今年,中国接受高等教育的适龄人口占一半以上。我国已进入高等教育 普及化阶段。 As of this year, more than half of China’s school-age population has received higher education. China has entered the stage of popularization of higher education. 练习题: 1. 运动、工作、学习各占你生活中多少时间? [用 “占” 回答] 2. 我国中产阶层人数已经过亿,占全国成年人口的一成多。[翻译] (*一成= 10%) 3. Minority nationalities [少数民族] account for six percent of the population. [翻译]
4. ~于 (on, in, at, from, to, with) 于 is a character from classical Chinese that is still used in formal Chinese today. It can be interpreted as 在, 从, 自, 对 or “on, in, at, from, to, with.” Different from other prepositions in modern Chinese, 于 is often used after a verb or an adjective, but sometimes it can also precede a verb. The following are common phrases and what they express: The phrase expresses
位于 (lie in), 处于 (in), 产于 (be made in), 毕业于 (graduate from), 任职于 (work at)
生于 (born in), 成立于 (be found in), 于 . . . 举行 (be held on)
object, recipient
集中于 (focus on), 满足于 (be satisfied with), 有利于/有助 于 (be beneficial to)
direction, goal
致力于 (be committed to), 从事于 (work in)
aspect, reason
用于 (used in), 死于 (die from), 忙于 (be busy with), 乐于 + V (be happy to)
74 海洋垃圾 (上)
例句: 1. 中国的储蓄率位于世界前列。 China’s savings rate is among the highest in the world. 2. 联合国表示,海地仍处于严重的政治和体制危机之中。 The United Nations says Haiti remains in the midst of a serious political and institutional crisis. 3. 白天他们从事于令人羡慕的白领工作,晚上则去街上摆摊,人们俗称他们为 “白领摆摊族”。 They work enviable white-collar jobs during the day and street vending jobs at night. They are commonly known as “white-collar vendors.” 4. 人民币贬值有助于中国商品的出口。 The devaluation of the renminbi is good for the export of Chinese goods. 5. 中共中央将于11月12日举行新闻发布会。 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will hold a press conference on November 12. 练习题: 1. 下文为王振的个人简介,请用 “~于” 的词组改述加粗的部分。 王振,1985年8 出生在中国河北省,2008年从 从北京大学毕业 毕业。2008年至今,曾在 在谷歌、阿 月出生在 任职,致力在 致力在大数据、云服务器、人工智能等领域。 里巴巴等公司任职 2. 据统计,在2003年中国广告市场中,主要收入来源集中于四大行业: IT产品、 手机、汽车和房地产。[翻译] 3. 目前,无人机主要用于哪些方面? 4. 未来十年,你认为投资于什么领域将会带来丰厚 (fēnghòu: rich; abundant) 的 回报?为什么? 5. 你今后乐于从事什么样的职业? 为什么?
5. 微不足道 (negligible; insignificant) 例句: 1. 达成梦想和目标的方法只有一个,就是累积微不足道的小事。 There is only one way to achieve your dreams and goals, and that is to accumulate the insignificant things.
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2. 有分析者认为,这份声明对于缓解目前的紧张局势微不足道。 Some analysts believe that this statement is insignificant to ease the current tension. 3. 70年间,中国经济占世界经济比重由微不足道上升到18%,成为第二大经济 体。 In the past 70 years, the proportion of China’s economy in the world economy has risen from insignificant to 18%, making it the second largest economy. 练习题: 1. 你同意 “达成梦想和目标的方法只有一个,就是累积微不足道的小事” 这个观 点吗? 请举一个例子说明你的看法。 2. 有人认为,个人隐私和公共安全相比微不足道。请说说你的看法。 3. 农业生产在其国内生产总值中所占的比重只有4.36%,微不足道。[翻译]
6. 并非如此 ([it] is not the case) The informal meaning of this phrase is 并不像这样/并不是这样. 并 is used to show an emphatic tone. This phrase is often used to deny an opinion and state the truth. 例句: 1. 有人认为精英学校入学考试有利于亚裔,然而事实并非如此。 Some people think that selective school entrance exams favor Asians, but this is not the case. 2. 所谓的价格涨了多少,最多只是商家的零售价变化,整个行情并非如此。 How much the so-called price has risen is, at most, only the retail price of the merchant and not the case for the wholesale market. 3. 将比特币作为避险资产的想法,主要来自那些从事加密货币交易的人员。实 际情况 并非如此。 The idea of Bitcoin as a safe-haven asset mainly comes from those who trade cryptocurrencies. This is not the case in practice. 练习题: 1. 请对下面的两个观点发表你的看法。以 “我认为确实如此” 或者 “我认为并非 如此” 作为开头,然后说明你的原因。
76 海洋垃圾 (上)
A. 很多人认为,政府有责任帮助学生偿还 (chánghuán: payback) 学生债务 (zhàiwù: debt)。 B. 很多人认为,没有爱情的婚姻不应该继续。如果夫妻之间没有了感情的 话,最好选择离婚。 2. 按理说,市场提高菜价,菜农应该是直接受益者,收入一定会增加。但是事 情并非如此。[翻译]
第四章 海洋垃圾 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l8-marine-pollution-part-ii Photo credit: Blandine Joannic/Pixabay
辩论准备 :点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 碎片(n.) suìpiàn 间接 (adj./adv.) jiànjiē 义务 (n.) yìwù
a fragment, broken bit, splinter indirect; indirectly duty, obligation DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-8
78 海洋垃圾 (下)
一、泛听题: 1. 塑料碎片为什么可能间接危害到人类的身体健康? 2. 我们对于海洋的环境、资源和生物有哪些责任和义务? 3. 很多国家确定了关于什么问题的相关法律? 4. 我们可以从哪些小事做起以便改善海洋环境? 词汇: 底层 (n.) dǐcéng
the bottom, lowest rung
罹癌 (v.) lí’ái
to have cancer
不孕 (n.) bùyùn
畸形 (n.) jīxíng
birth defects
循环 (v.) xúnhuán
to circulate, to cycle
一次性 (adj.) yīcìxìng
disposable (one-time-use)
制品 (n.) zhìpǐn
goods, products
分类 (v.) fēnlèi
to classify
二、精听题: 1. 这些塑料碎片会被_________________的小鱼吃掉,最后 . . . 被人类吃进肚子里。 2. 这些塑料碎片会留在___________,危害我们的_____________,甚至导致人 们________、__________或____________。 3. 我 们 每 个 人 都 有 __________保 护 海 洋 环 境 、 善 用 海 洋 _______、 善 待 海 洋________。 4. 截至目前,很多国家已经确定了关于治理塑料污染的____________,其中 也包括可降解塑料的研发和生产的政策支持,为降低塑料__________和发 展______________做出了巨大的贡献。 5. 我们也可以从__________做起,从________做起,改善海洋环境。比方说, 不乱扔垃圾,少用____________制品,多使用____________制品,_______ ________,等等。 真实语料资源 please visit our companion website for additional authentic 真实语料资源: materials
海洋垃圾 (下) 79
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 碎片(n.) suìpiàn 处于 (v.+prep.) chǔyú 底层 (n.) dǐcéng 端上 (v.) duānshàng 危害 (v.) wēihài 甚至 (adv.) shènzhì 导致 (v.) dǎozhì 罹癌 (v.) lí’ái 不孕 (n.) bùyùn 畸形 (n.) jīxíng 义务 (n.) yìwù 善用 (v.) shànyòng 善待 (v.) shàndài 守护 (v.) shǒuhù 家园 (n.) jiāyuán 治理 (v.) zhìlǐ 相关 (v.) xiāngguān 法律 (n.) fǎlǜ 研发 (n.) yánfā 政策 (n.) zhèngcè 循环 (v.) xúnhuán 经济 (n.) jīngjì 巨大 (adj.) jùdà 贡献 (n.) gòngxiàn 自身 (n.) zìshēn 一次性 (adj.) yīcìxìng 制品 (n.) zhìpǐn 分类 (v.) fēnlèi 一点一滴 (idiom) yīdiǎnyīdī 力所能及 (idiom) lìsuǒnéngjí 告别 (v.) gàobié 指日可待 (idiom) zhǐrìkědài
a fragment, broken bit, splinter to be in (a certain condition) the bottom, lowest rung to serve (food, tea, etc.) to harm, endanger, jeopardize even (to the extent that) lead to, result in, cause to have cancer infertility birth defects duty, obligation to put (sth.) to good use, be good at using (sth.) to treat well to guard, to defend, to take care of homeland, homestead to govern, administer, bring under control mutually related, interrelated law research and development policy to circulate, to cycle economy huge, enormous, gigantic contribution (to contribute) self, oneself disposable (one-time-use) goods, products to classify every little bit (idiom) in one’s power (idiom) to say goodbye to just around the corner (idiom)
80 海洋垃圾 (下)
常见词组、词语搭配 食物链底层 端上[餐]桌 守护[~]家园 可降解塑料 绿色循环经济 做出[~]贡献 不乱扔垃圾 一次性[~]制品 环保制品 一点一滴 垃圾分类
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请先科普一下什么是碳足迹 (tànzújì: carbon footprint),再按照你的理解说明并 举例。(Narration) 2. 你认为提高民众对塑料污染的意识重要吗? 请说明理由。(Explanation) 3. 请描述你所居住的地方有什么与环保相关的法律或规定? 你认为这些法律或规 定的效果如何? 为什么? (Description) 4. 你会担心食用的产品内可能含过量有害物的残留吗? 你会怎么应对这个问题? 请举例说明。(Explanation) 5. 你认为 “水资源污染” 和 “空气污染” 相比哪一个对人类的影响及危害更大? 请 说明理由。(Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 政府必须强制 (qiángzhì: enforce) 实施塑料产品的使用限制并加重惩罚或课税 (kèshuì: tax),才可能减少白色污染。(Hypothesis)
海洋垃圾 (下) 81
句型结构/词语练习 (八) 1. 导致 (to cause) + a situation/result of . . . [usually a problem] 导致 vs. 引起。“导致” is similar to the English “to lead to,” which is commonly used to describe the aftermath of something, e.g. 地震导致巨大损失 (The earthquake led to tremendous damage). “引起” is equivalent to the English word, “to evoke . . . [one’s interest], to draw . . . [one’s attention], or to initiate . . . [discussion],” e.g. 引起 . . . 的兴趣 (to evoke one’s interest); 引起 . . . 的注意 (to draw one’s attention); 引起激烈讨论 (to initiate an intense discussion). It can also be used as negative: e.g. 引起火灾 (to ignite/ cause a fire). 例句: 1. 通货膨胀在一定程度上拉大贫富差距,减低民众购买力,从而导致生活水平 下降。 Inflation widens the gap between the rich and the poor to a certain extent, reduces the purchasing power of the people, and thus leads to a decline in the living standard. 2. 塑料污染不仅危害环境,甚至可能导致人们罹癌、不孕等健康问题。 Plastic pollution not only harms the environment but may even lead to health problems such as cancer, infertility, etc. 3. 消极的态度是导致许多社会新人找不到工作的关键因素之一。 Negative attitudes are one of the key factors that lead to many people in society being newly unemployed. 练习题: 1. 不当使用精神药品,可能导致什么样的问题? 2. According to common health beliefs, intaking too much saturated fat (饱和 脂肪:bǎohézhīfáng) and too little exercise can easily lead to heart problems. [翻译] 3. 什么样的话题可能引起激烈的讨论或媒体的关注? (用 “引起” 回答) 4. 填空题。用 “导致” 还是 “引起”? A. 老师可以采取什么的方法来 ____ 学生的兴趣? B. 供应链危机 ____ 全球汽车制造商损失超五千亿美元。
82 海洋垃圾 (下)
2. 截至 (as of) + a specified time 截至 means up to or by a specified time. The 至 in 截至 has the same meaning as 到 “to,” “up to,” or “until,” with emphasis on arriving at a certain time. This time can be further extended after the 截至 according to statistical need. There must be a time object after 截至, such as 截至昨天 (up to yesterday) or 截至某月某日 (up to a certain month and day). 截至 vs. 截止。The difference between 截止 and 截至: speaking from the perspective of meaning, 截止 includes “stop” in its meaning, whereas the 至 in 截至 has the same meaning as 到, or “to, up to, or until.” Speaking from the usage perspective, you cannot use a time object after 截止。You cannot use a time object after 截止, such as 昨天 or 某月某日 to express the concept of “up to yesterday” or “up to a certain month and day” unless followed by a preposition (e.g. 到, 在, 于). 截至 must be followed by a time object, such as “up to yesterday” or “up to a certain month and day.” 例句: 1. 截至5日,手足口病患者数已增至近一万两千例,二十六人死亡。 As of the 5th, the number of hand, foot, and mouth disease patients has increased to nearly 12,000, and 26 people have died. 2. 本店优惠活动的截止日期为11月30日。 The deadline for our store’s promotions is November 30th. 3. 据AutoForecastSolutions最新统计,截至目前,芯片短缺已致全球汽车市场累 计减产115.7万辆。 According to the latest statistics from AutoForecastSolutions, up to now, the shortage of chips has caused a cumulative reduction of 1.157 million units in the global auto market. 练习题: 1. According to a news report, the Guangdong’s province has confirmed another case of H5N8 avian flu (禽流感 qínliúgǎn). Up to now, there have been 12 cases reported. [翻译] 2. 数据显示,到年底为止,高校毕业生就业率高于去年同期。(用 “截至” 改述 此句)
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3. 填空题。用 “截至” 还是 “截止”? A. 我想报名暑期游泳班,请问是哪一天____? B. ____昨天,全球因流感死亡的人数已达数万人。
3. 从~做起 (start by/from doing ~) 例句: 1. 我们可以从自身做起,来改善海洋环境。 We can improve the marine environment by starting with ourselves. 2. 预防近视,从现在做起,要养成良好的阅读和书写的习惯。 To prevent myopia, from now on, we must develop good reading and writing habits. 3. 提升全民的素质要从我做起,从身边小事做起,而不仅仅是纸上谈兵。 Improving the quality of the nation must start with me, by doing the small things around me in practice, not just on paper. 练习题: 1. 为了节约能源,可以从什么做起? 请从自身、企业、政府等角度谈一谈。 2. 为了减少塑料垃圾,我们可以从什么做起? 3. 为了降低受病毒感染的风险,我们可以从什么做起?
4. 告别 (saying goodbye to ~ habits, issues, problems, an era, a phase of life, etc.) 例句: 1. 面对生活最好的方式之一就是告别过去,活在当下,迎向未来。 One of the best ways to face life is to say goodbye to the past, live in the present, and embrace the future. 2. 今年的新目标包括告别拖延、告别焦虑、告别抱怨,用新的姿态为梦想全力以赴! This year’s new goals include saying goodbye to procrastination, saying goodbye to anxiety, saying goodbye to complaining, and making an all-out effort for your dreams with a new attitude!
84 海洋垃圾 (下)
3. 互联网企业都需要告别流量红利时代,探寻出新的发展路径。 Internet companies need to bid farewell to the era of traffic dividends and explore new development paths. 练习题: 1. 生日舞会一结束,我向主人告别后就离开了。[翻译] 2. 就你而言,为了更上层楼,你需要先告别哪些习惯或想法? 3. 你认为,实现 “告别手机控,拒做低头族” 这个目标容易吗? 为什么?
5. 力所能及 (do everything in our power) 例句: 1. 在生活指导方面,家长应该鼓励孩子做到力所能及的事,培养独立自主的 精神。 In terms of life guidance, parents should encourage their children to do what they can and cultivate an independent spirit. 2. 退休后,他还是闲不下来,总是找些力所能及的事来忙。 After retiring, he still can’t rest and always finds something to do within his power. 3. 灾害发生后,当局应尽快提供力所能及的援助和临时补助方案。 After the disaster, the authorities should provide assistance and temporary subsidy programs as soon as possible. 练习题: 1. 哪些情况下,你会先做到力所能及的部分,然后才会寻求他人的帮助? 2. 为了快速告别烦恼,我们可以先从哪些力所能及的事做起?
6. 指日可待 (will be within our grasp soon, will be just around the corner) 例句: 1. 只要你下定决心,每天坚持锻炼,掌握好这个语言指日可待! As long as you make up your mind and keep exercising every day, mastering this language will be within your grasp soon.
海洋垃圾 (下) 85
2. 随着科技的不断创新和突破,人工智能技术的全面应用,指日可待。 With the continuous innovation and breakthrough of science and technology, the comprehensive application of artificial intelligence technology will be just around the corner. 3. 按照现在国内城市 GDP 的增长速度,上海超越纽约、东京指日可待。 According to the current domestic urban GDP growth rate, Shanghai will surpass New York and Tokyo just around the corner. 练习题: 1. 你认为一个人如果能做到哪些事,成功将指日可待? 2. 在医学发展方面,你认为哪些疾病能找到治疗的方法指日可待?
第五章 大麻使用的利弊 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l9-pros-and-cons-part-i Photo credit: Sergei Tokmakov/Pixabay
辩论准备1:点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 数据 (n.) shùjù 显示 (v.) xiǎnshì DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-9
data to show, to display
大麻使用的利弊 (上) 87
大麻 (n.) dàmá 依赖性 (n.) yīlàixìng 不如 (v.) bùrú 烟草 (n.) yāncǎo 酒精 (n.) jiǔjīng 推广 (v.) tuīguǎng 合法化 (n.) héfǎhuà 无害 (adj.) wúhài 生理 (n.) shēnglǐ 心率 (n.) xīnlǜ 血压 (n.) xuèyā 下降 (v.) xiàjiàng 记忆力 (n.) jìyìlì 集中力 (n.) jízhōnglì 协调性 (n.) xiétiáoxìng 成瘾 (v.) chéngyǐn 敬而远之 (idiom) jìng’éryuǎnzhī
marijuana dependence (e.g. on a drug) not as good as (sth. else) tobacco alcohol to popularize, to spread legalization harmless physiology heart rate blood pressure to drop, to decrease memory (as a whole, not a specific memory) concentration (ability to focus) coordination to become addicted to sth. to stay a respectful distance away from sth
一、泛听题: 1. 近几年来欧美很多人推广大麻合法化的其中一个原因是什么? 2. 在生理上,大麻的使用可能造成哪些问题? 3. 在中国,一般人对大麻的看法是什么? 词汇: 医学 (n.) yīxué 杂志 (n.) zázhì 柳叶刀 (n.) liǔyèdāo 刊文 (v.+n.) kānwén 数据 (n.) shùjù 曾 (adv.) céng 显示 (v.) xiǎnshì 列为 (v.) lièwéi 毒品 (n.) dúpǐn 消遣 (n.) xiāoqiǎn
medical science, medicine a journal (academic publication) or magazine the Lancet, an English peer-reviewed medical journal publish an article (in journals, magazines, etc.) data indicates that an action or state happened previously to show, to display to be classified as drugs (narcotics) a pastime, something to divert oneself
88 大麻使用的利弊 (上)
二、精听题: 1. 英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》刊文的数据曾显示,大麻造成的_____________ 及_________都不如烟草和酒精。 2. 但是如果因此就认为大麻对人体无害,则又走向了____________________ ________。 3. 在中国,大麻被列为_______________。 4. 大麻在使用上分为两种:一、是______________使用;二是______________ 使用。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 医学 (n.) yīxué 杂志 (n.) zázhì 柳叶刀 (n.) liǔyèdāo 刊文 (v.+n.) kānwén 数据 (n.) shùjù 曾 (adv.) céng 显示 (v.) xiǎnshì 大麻 (n.) dàmá 依赖性 (n.) yīlàixìng 不如 (v.) bùrú 烟草 (n.) yāncǎo 酒精 (n.) jiǔjīng 推广 (v.) tuīguǎng 合法化 (n.) héfǎhuà 无害 (adj.) wúhài 则 (conj.) zé 误区 (n.) wùqū 生理 (n.) shēnglǐ 心率 (n.) xīnlǜ
medical science, medicine a journal (academic publication) or magazine the Lancet, an English peer-reviewed medical journal publish an article (on journals, magazines, etc.) data indicates that an action or state happened previously to show, to display marijuana dependence (e.g. on a drug) not as good as (sth. else) tobacco alcohol to popularize, to spread legalization harmless then (indicates a cause, condition, contrast) a mistaken notion physiology heart rate
大麻使用的利弊 (上) 89
血压 (n.) xuèyā 下降 (v.) xiàjiàng 短期 (n.) duǎnqī 记忆力 (n.) jìyìlì 集中力 (n.) jízhōnglì 协调性 (n.) xiétiáoxìng 长期 (n.) chángqī 成瘾 (v.) chéngyǐn 列为 (v.) lièwéi 毒品 (n.) dúpǐn 敬而远之 (idiom) jìng’éryuǎnzhī 消遣 (n.) xiāoqiǎn
blood pressure to drop, to decrease short-term memory (as a whole, not a specific memory) concentration (ability to focus) coordination long-term to become addicted to sth. to be classified as drugs (narcotics) to stay a respectful distance away from sth a pastime, something to divert oneself
常见词组、词语搭配 数据显示 对~的依赖性 ~不如~ 依赖成瘾 ~被列为~ 对~敬而远之
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 近年来很多欧美人会根据英国医学杂志的一项研究结果,推广大麻合法化。 请说明该项研究的目的及结果。(Narration) 2. 请描述大麻在生理上可能造成长期和短期的影响。(Description) 3. 在长期大量使用大麻的副作用当中 (如,依赖成瘾、人际关系、心率和血压 下降、记忆力和集中力下降、运动协调性下降),你最担心哪一个? 为什么? (Comparison)
90 大麻使用的利弊 (上)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 医学研究的结果足以让大麻使用者安心。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (九) 1. 不如 (be inferior to, be not as good as; it would be better) Indicates that the person or thing mentioned earlier (including, a choice, a result) is inferior to (or not as good as) the one mentioned later. 例句: 1. 对一些正值青少年的孩子来说,父母对他们的影响远不如朋友的。 For some teenage children, parents have far less influence than friends. 2. “人算不如天算” 的意思是,人的智谋再高,也难胜天意。 “Man’s reckoning is not as good as heaven’s reckoning” means that no matter how high man’s ingenuity is, it is still hard to beat the will of God. 3. 遇到困难时,与其怨天尤人,不如想办法应对。 When encountering difficulties, instead of complaining about others, it is better to find a way to deal with them. 4. 与其担心人生无常,不如好好把握现在。 Instead of worrying about the impermanence of life, it is better to seize the present. 练习题: 1. 你同意 “吃药对减重的效果不如饮食控制和运动来得好” 这个说法吗? 为什么? (用 “不如” 回答) 2. “应届生找不到专业对口的工作,不如自己创业”? 你对这个想法表示支持或反 对? 请说明理由。(用 “不如” 回答) 3. 你觉得“在家靠父母出外靠朋友”和“求人不如求己”这两句话相互矛盾吗? 为什 么? (用 “不如” 回答)
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2. 如果~则/若~则/如果~就 (If . . . then . . .) 例句: 1. 如果有足够的耐心,很多事情则能迎刃而解。 If you have enough patience, many things can be solved easily. 2. 如果你学不会谨言慎行,则会为你的工作带来很多麻烦。 If you don’t learn to be careful with your words and actions, it will bring a lot of troubles to your work. 3. 若能在最想放弃的时候坚持下去,则成功指日可待。 If you can persevere when you want to give up the most, then success is just around the corner. 4. 公司若能善用人才,则能提升其竞争力。 If a company can make good use of talented personnel, then it can enhance its competitiveness. 练习题: 1. 为了成功,真的能走捷径吗? (用 “如果 . . . 则 . . ./若 . . . 则 . . .” 说明你的看法) 2. 小病如果疏忽不治疗,有可能发展成重病吗? 3. 如果没有你这位得力助手的协助,这个项目成功的几率则会低很多。[翻译]
3. 列为 (list as/arrange as ~) Arranging people or things into a list or a class of things. For example, “下周来访的教 育局长被学校列为贵宾” (the Secretary of Education, visiting next week, is listed as VIP by the school), “公司把礼仪课程列为培训重要内容” (the company lists etiquette courses as an important part of training) “国家当局将教育事业列为重要任务之一” (State authorities have listed education as one of their important tasks) 例句: 1. 在中国,大麻被列为毒品,一般人对大麻也是敬而远之。 In China, Marijuana is listed as a drug, and most people keep it at a distance.
92 大麻使用的利弊 (上)
2. 根据《经济学人》的一项最新统计,日本的首都东京被列为全球最安全的城市。 According to a new statistic from The Economist, Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is ranked as the safest city in the world. 3. 被列为世界文化遗产的明孝陵坐落于南京市玄武区。 Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, listed as a world cultural heritage, is located in Xuanwu District, Nanjing City. 4. 1994年自由式滑雪的空中技巧被列为正式比赛项目。 In 1994, the aerial skill of freestyle skiing was listed as an official competition. 练习题: 1. 酒精被列为一级致癌物,所以政府应该对其征收高额消费税以保护民众的健 康吗? 2. 将重要的历史文化遗产或濒危物种列为国家一级保护资源,是有必要的吗? 为 什么? (用 “列为” 回答) 3. 在中国,大熊猫被列为一级保护动物。[翻译]
4. 对~敬而远之 (respectful but apprehensive and unwilling to approach) On the surface, they show respect, but in actuality they are reluctant to approach. Also used as a sarcastic word for not wanting to approach someone or something. 例句: 1. 他是一个十分自大且自私的人,很多人对他都敬而远之。 He is a very arrogant and selfish person; many people are apprehensive and unwilling to approach him. 2. 农村居民对摸不着商品的网购,一开始是抱着敬而远之的态度。 Rural residents initially kept a distance from online shopping for goods they could not touch. 3. 他对股票或热门投资,一向是敬而远之。 He has always stayed away from stocks or hot investments. 4. 除了烟酒之外,任何不健康的食物她也是敬而远之。 In addition to tobacco and alcohol, she also stayed away from any unhealthy food.
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练习题: 1. 有些人对于高风险的运动,如跳伞、潜水,敬而远之。你会对什么事情敬而 远之? 2. 一些人生病的时候会寻找偏方来治疗,你对不确定是否安全的医疗方式或偏 方持什么样的态度? 为什么? (用 “敬而远之” 回答)
第五章 大麻使用的利弊 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l10-pros-and-cons-part-ii Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 癌症 (n.) áizhèng 艾滋病 (n.) aìzībìng 辅助 (adj.) fǔzhù 治疗 (n./v.) zhìliáo
DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-10
cancer AIDS supplementary cure, medical treatment; to cure, to treat (a disease)
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增进 (v.) zēngjìn 食欲 (n.) shíyù 减轻 (v.) jiǎnqīng 疼痛 (adj.) téngtòng 缓解 (v.) huǎnjiě 癫痫 (n.) diānxián 偏头痛 (n.) piāntóutòng 神经性 (adj.) shénjīngxìng 病状 (n.) bìngzhuàng 化疗 (n.) huàliáo 恶心 (adj.) ěxīn 症状 (n.) zhèngzhuàng 青少年 (n.) qīngshàonián 青春期 (n.) qīngchūnqī 发育 (n./v.) fāyù 丧失 (v.) sàngshī 攻击 (v.) gōngjī 防止 (v.) fángzhǐ 吸毒 (v.) xīdú 入门 (n.) rùmén
to enhance, to promote appetite to lighten, to ease to ache/hurt to relieve/alleviate epilepsy migraine of the nervous system symptom (of a disease) chemotherapy nauseous symptom teenagers puberty growth; to grow to lose/forfeit to attack to prevent/guard against to take addictive drugs (narcotics) gateway
一、泛听题: 1. 大麻在辅助治疗中经常用来做什么? 2. 大麻对青少年的身心健康可能带来哪些影响? 3. 防止大麻成为吸毒的 “入门” 是什么意思? 词汇: 心理 (n.) xīnlǐ 素质 (n.) sùzhì 严格 (adj.) yángé 控制 (v.) kòngzhì 吸食 (v.) xīshí 滥用 (n./v.) lànyòng 后果 (n.) hòuguǒ
psychology (or someone’s mental state) quality, character, disposition strict, rigid to control/command, to govern to suck, to take in (liquid foods, narcotics, etc.) abuse, misuse; to abuse, to misuse consequence, aftermath
96 大麻使用的利弊 (下)
二、精听题: 1. 大 麻 对 青 少 年 身 心 健 康 更 具 破 坏 力 , 严 重 影 响 未 成 年 人 的 ___________ _和________________,可能使其在日后完全或部分丧失工作、生活或学习能 力,甚至导致__________________行为。 2. 全球的大多数国家,包括大麻合法化的国家,对____________大麻的使用都 有______________________。 3. 如 何 定 义 大 麻 , 除 了 需 要 了 解 其 医 学 作 用 之 外 , 更 需 要 掌 握 其 对 ____ _______、 ___________及 ___________方 面 所 带 来 的 副 作 用 和 危 害 , 才能防止大麻成为吸毒的 “入门,” 避免因吸食大麻而发展成________________ ____________的严重后果。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 某些 (n.) mǒuxiē 晚期 (n.) wǎnqī 癌症 (n.) áizhèng 艾滋病 (n.) aìzībìng 辅助 (adj.) fǔzhù 治疗 (n./v.) zhìliáo 增进 (v.) zēngjìn 食欲 (n.) shíyù 减轻 (v.) jiǎnqīng 疼痛 (adj.) téngtòng 缓解 (v.) huǎnjiě 癫痫 (n.) diānxián 偏头痛 (n.) piāntóutòng 神经性 (adj.) shénjīngxìng 病状 (n.) bìngzhuàng 化疗 (n.) huàliáo 恶心 (adj.) ěxīn 症状 (n.) zhèngzhuàng
some (things) terminal stage (of a disease) cancer AIDS supplementary cure, medical treatment; to cure, to treat (a disease) to enhance, to promote appetite to lighten, to ease to ache/hurt to relieve/alleviate epilepsy migraine of the nervous system symptom (of a disease) chemotherapy nauseous symptom
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值得注意 (phrase) zhídézhùyì 青少年 (n.) qīngshàonián 未成年 (n.) wèichéngnián 心理 (n.) xīnlǐ 素质 (n.) sùzhì 青春期 (n.) qīngchūnqī 发育 (n./v.) fāyù 丧失 (v.) sàngshī 攻击 (v.) gōngjī 严格 (adj.) yángé 控制 (v.) kòngzhì 水能载舟, 亦能覆舟 (phrase) shuǐnéngzàizhōu yìnéngfùzhōu 定义 (n.) dìngyì 作用 (n.) zuòyòng 副作用 (n.) fùzuòyòng 防止 (v.) fángzhǐ 吸毒 (v.) xīdú 入门 (n.) rùmén 吸食 (v.) xīshí 滥用 (n./v.) lànyòng 后果 (n.) hòuguǒ
常见词组、词语搭配 缓解~的症状 心理素质 青春期发育 丧失~能力 水能载舟亦能覆舟 ~的入门
notable, worthy of attention teenagers minors psychology (or someone’s mental state) quality, character, disposition puberty growth; to grow to lose/forfeit to attack strict, rigid to control/command, to govern Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it definition action, effect side effect(s) to prevent/guard against to take addictive drugs (narcotics) gateway to suck, to take in (liquid foods, narcotics, etc.) abuse, misuse; to abuse, to misuse consequence, aftermath
98 大麻使用的利弊 (下)
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请描述大麻用于医疗方面,可以缓解患者的哪些症状。(Description) 2. 请说明 “大麻可能成为吸毒的入门” 是什么意思? 你认为这个说法值得考虑吗? (Explanation) 3. 请说明大多数的国家为什么对消遣大麻的使用有严格的控制? 青少年使用可 能对其心理健康有什么样的影响? (Narration) 4. 就你而言,“依赖成瘾” 对身体还是心理健康造成更大的危害? 请说明理 由。(Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 大麻合法化有助于加强政府监管力度,从而减少非法/黑市买卖。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十) 1. 其 (its, his/hers, their) or an object meaning (it, him, her, them) or a subject meaning (it, he, she, they). It is more commonly used as a possessive in reference to a pronoun previously stated. Note: when used as a possessive pronoun, 其的 + N. is incorrect. For example, 这个城 市的博物馆以其的收藏丰富著称 (X);这个城市的博物馆以其收藏丰富著称 (O)。 例句: 1. 哲学家们终其一生在寻求人生问题的各种答案。 Philosophers spend their lives seeking answers to life’s questions. 2. 近年来,中国为非洲国家修建了一系列基础设施,有效刺激了当地的经济增 长,为其创造了几十万个就业岗位。 In recent years, China has built a series of infrastructure for African countries, effectively stimulating local economic growth and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs for them.
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3. 篮球究竟有何魅力,让那么多人为其疯狂? What is the charm of basketball that makes so many people crazy about it? 4. 自动驾驶发生交通事故时,谁该为其负责? Who should be responsible for an autonomous driving accident? 练习题: 1. 我国22岁天才科学家,他的成果足以改变世界,三大专利领先全球。(用 “其” 改写句子) ______________________________________________________________ 2. 教育孩子必须协助其发展思维,培养其主动性、创造性的学习能力。[翻译] 3. 是非题。如果有误,请改正。 A. ____买新的手机之前,最好先了解其的功能,才能做出正确的选择。
2. 所 Verb When the demonstrative pronoun “所” is combined with a verb to form a word group, the word “所” plays the dual role of indicating the object involved in the pronoun. This word group can be used as subject, object, and predicate in a sentence. For example, “他的所作所 为都是为了家庭” (everything he does is for the family), “电动车所使用的能源有别于 传统的化石能源汽车” (The energy used by electric vehicles is different from traditional fossil energy vehicles), “很多人因他所研究的成果而获益” (Many people have benefited from the results of his research). 例句: 1. 我所了解的世界,往往反映的是我有限的生活经验。 What I know about the world often reflects my limited life experience. 2. 这个广告是针对年轻消费者的需要和兴趣所设计的。 This ad is tailored to the needs and interests of young consumers. 3. 人体所摄入的主要营养素包括哪些? What are the main nutrients the human body consumes? 4. 个性化客服是人工智能所带来的便利之一。 Personalized customer service is one of the conveniences brought by artificial intelligence.
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练习题: 1. 如何定义大麻,除了需要了解其医学作用之外,更需要掌握其对生理、心 理及精神方面所带来的副作用和危害。[翻译] 2. 人们终其一生所追求的究竟是什么? (用 “所 Verb” 回答) 3. 你觉得我们在海洋环境的保护方面所采取的措施及成效如何? (用 “所 Verb” 回答)
3. ~入门 (gateway to ~, introduction to a subject) means entering the door; a handbook indicating the way for beginners 例句: 1. 这是一本很有效的股票投资入门书。 This is a very effective introductory book to stock investing. 2. “下苦功、勤练” 几乎是所有学习技艺的入门。 “Work hard and practice hard” is the entry point for almost all learning skills. 3. 楷书是初学书法者的入门字体。 Regular script (Kaiti) is an introductory font for beginner calligraphers. 4. 这是一本当代经济学的入门读物。 This is an introductory handbook to contemporary economics. 练习题: 1. 哪些是新手创业最容易入门的项目? 2. 就你而言,掌握正确学习方法的成功入门是什么? 3. 一些企业把过去的入门级工作变为如今不需付薪酬的实习工作,从中省了一 大笔钱。你对这种现象有什么看法? 4. 对于优良的汉语入门课本,你有没有什么推荐?
4. 值得注意的是, . . . (it is worth noting that. . . .) 例句: 1. 值得注意的是,大麻对青少年身心健康更具破坏力。 It is worth noting that marijuana is even more damaging to the physical and mental health of adolescents.
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2. 值得注意的是,大麻很可能成为吸毒的 “入门”, 因吸食大麻而发展成多种毒品 滥用的严重后果。 It is worth noting that marijuana is likely to be the “gateway” to drug use, which can lead to serious consequences of multiple drug abuse. 练习题: 1. “梦想是行动的指南” 说明了 “梦想” 的重要性。然而,没有了行动,一切梦想 都将成空。(改用 “值得注意的是, . . .” 表达上述的论点) 2. 运动有利健康,然而,若是没有良好的饮食和生活习惯配合,其成效则有 限。(改用 “值得注意的是, . . .” 表达上述的论点)
5. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟 (while waters can bear a boat, they can also capsize it) 例句: 1. “聪明” 像翅膀一样可以助你成功,但水能载舟,亦能覆舟,将聪明用在错误 的地方反而会害了你。 “Intelligence” is like wings that help you succeed, but just as water can carry a boat and also overturn a boat, intelligence used in the wrong places can hurt you. 2. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。同样,大麻的使用有利也有弊。 Water can carry a boat or capsize it. Likewise, marijuana use has pros and cons. 练习题: 1. 请举个 “水能载舟,亦能覆舟” 的例子。 2. “钱” 的确在生活中扮演着不可或缺 (indispensable) 的角色,然而 . . . (用 “水 能载舟,亦能覆舟” 完成句子)
第六章 基因编辑与人工智能 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l11-gene-editing Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 基因 (n.) jīyīn 编辑 (v.) biānjí 技术 (n.) jìshù DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-11
gene (biology) to edit technology/skill
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遗传 (v.) yíchuán 疾病 (n.) jíbìng 准确性 (n.) zhǔnquèxìng 精准 (adj.) jīngzhǔn 基因组 (n.) jīyīnzǔ 修改 (v.) xiūgǎi 基因片段 (n.) jīyīnpiànduàn 插入 (v.) chārù 删除 (v.) shānchú 替换 (v.) tìhuàn 突变 (v./n.) tūbiàn 阿尔茨海默症 (n.) ā’ěrcíhǎimòzhèng 器官 (n.) qìguān 移植 (v.) yízhí 短缺 (v.) duǎnquē 涉及 (v.) shèjí 伦理 (n.) lúnlǐ 道德 (n.) dàodé 法律 (n.) fǎlǜ 定制 (v.) dìngzhì 完美宝宝 (n.) wánměibǎobao 特定人群 (n.) tèdìngrénqún 永久性 (adj.) yǒngjiǔxìng 强化 (v.) qiánghuà 不公 (adj.) bùgōng 强制 (v.) qiángzhì
to pass onto the next generation a disease/illness accuracy accurate, exact, precise genome to revise, to modify, to alter a gene fragment (a piece of DNA) to insert, to plug sth. in to delete, to strike/cut out to replace, to substitute for to mutate; mutation (biology) Alzheimer’s disease an organ (of the body) to transplant (e.g. organs/skin grafts [in medical contexts]) to lack or become short of sth. to involve or to touch upon sth. moral principles ethics, morality law or statute to customize a designer baby a special group permanent to strengthen, to consolidate unfair, unjust to force/compel (sb. to do sth.)
一、泛听题: 1. 基因编辑技术为医学领域提供了什么方面疾病的新策略? 2. 基因编辑能如何对基因组进行编辑? 3. 未来,基因编辑技术如何可能解决器官短缺的问题? 4. 此项技术也涉及了哪些问题? 也可能导致什么问题?
104 基因编辑与人工智能 (上)
词汇: 应用 (v.) yìngyòng 植物 (n.) zhíwù 改良 (v.) gǎiliáng 双刃剑 (n.) shuāngrènjiàn 合理 (adj.) hélǐ 披荆斩棘 (idiom) pījīngzhǎnjí
to apply/use a plant to improve/reform a double-edged sword rational, reasonable, equitable to go through many difficulties
二、精听题: 1. 基因技术能够以极高的______________,精准地对基因组进行编辑。 2. 就像修改一份 word ,可以将一组基因片段_________、_________、_________, 为人类基因_________引起的_________疾病提供了一个更安全高效的治疗手段。 3. 未来,基因编辑技术也可应用于植物和动物的__________________。 4. 科技是把_______________,但只要___________利用,就能够帮助我们披荆 斩棘。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 新一代 (n.) xīnyīdài 基因 (n.) jīyīn 编辑 (v.) biānjí 技术 (n.) jìshù 问世 (v.) wènshì 备受瞩目 (idiom) bèishòuzhǔmù 生物医学 (n.) shēngwùyīxué 根本 (n.) gēnběn 遗传 (v.) yíchuán 疾病 (n.) jíbìng 策略 (n.) cèlüè 准确性 (n.) zhǔnquèxìng 精准 (adj.) jīngzhǔn 基因组 (n.) jīyīnzǔ
the new generation gene (biology) to edit technology/skill to be published, to come out high-profile biomedicine foundation, base, root (adj. fundamental) to pass onto the next generation a disease/illness tactics/strategy accuracy accurate, exact, precise genome
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修改 (v.) xiūgǎi to revise, to modify, to alter 文档 (n.) wéndàng a file/document (on a computer) 基因片段 (n.) jīyīnpiànduàn a gene fragment (a piece of DNA) 插入 (v.) chārù to insert, to plug sth. in 删除 (v.) shānchú to delete, to strike/cut out 替换 (v.) tìhuàn to replace, to substitute for 突变 (v./n.) tūbiàn to mutate; mutation (biology) 阿尔茨海默症 (n.) ā’ěrcíhǎimòzhèng Alzheimer’s disease 依然 (adv.) yīrán still, as before 十分 (adj.) shífēn absolutely (100%) 因素 (n.) yīnsù a factor, a determining cause/element 概率 (n.) gaìlǜ probability/chance (esp. in mathematics) 曙光 (n.) shǔguāng dawn 应用 (v.) yìngyòng to apply/use 植物 (n.) zhíwù a plant 改良 (v.) gǎiliáng to improve/reform 致力于 (v.+prep.) zhìlìyú to devote/dedicate oneself to sth. 器官 (n.) qìguān an organ (of the body) 移植 (v.) yízhí to transplant (e.g. organs/skin grafts [in medical contexts]) 短缺 (v.) duǎnquē to lack or become short of sth. 涉及 (v.) shèjí to involve or to touch upon sth. 复杂 (adj.) fùzá complicated/complex 伦理 (n.) lúnlǐ moral principles 道德 (n.) dàodé ethics, morality 法律 (n.) fǎlǜ law or statute 定制 (v.) dìngzhì to customize 完美宝宝 (n.) wánměibǎobao a designer baby 特定人群 (n.) tèdìngrénqún a special group 进行 (v.) jìnxíng to carry out, to proceed 永久性 (adj.) yǒngjiǔxìng permanent 强化 (v.) qiánghuà to strengthen, to consolidate 不公 (adj.) bùgōng unfair, unjust 强制 (v.) qiángzhì to force/compel (sb. to do sth.) 双刃剑 (n.) shuāngrènjiàn a double-edged sword 合理 (adj.) hélǐ rational, reasonable, equitable 披荆斩棘 (idiom) pījīngzhǎnjí to go through many difficulties
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常见词组、词语搭配 ~的问世 备受瞩目 研究显示 遗传因素 基因编辑 为~带来曙光
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 你认为基因编辑技术有可能在将来解决人类的癌症问题吗? 请说明理由。(Explanation) 2. 请描述在动、植物上进行基因改造,例如转基因生物 (GMO),的利和弊各有 哪些? (Description) 3. 你对 “定制完美宝宝” 有什么看法? 如果你担心宝宝受到遗传的不良影响,你 会考虑采用基因编辑的技术吗? (Hypothesis)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 如果基因技术得到广泛应用,人类世界将会变得更加完美。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十一) 1. 受~瞩目 (attracted attention due to prominence) “瞩目” means “conspicuous.” Often appearing in the form of four-character words, for example, 备受瞩目 high-profile, 举世瞩目 world-renowned, 全国瞩目 nationally acclaimed, and 万人瞩目 tens of thousands of people’s attention.
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例句: 1. 朝鲜 (N.Korea)和伊朗(Iran)的核活动以及其政治形势备受全球的瞩目。 North Korean and Iranian nuclear activities, as well as their political circumstances, have received the attention of the entire world. 2. 刘慈欣备受瞩目的新作,《三体3: 死神永生》于本月隆重上市。 Liu Cixin’s high profile new work, “Three-Body Problem 3: Death Immortal,” was released this month. 3. 我国基础设施整体水平实现跨越式提升,在重大科技设施、水利工程、交通 枢纽、信息基础设施等方面取得举世瞩目的成就。 The overall level of our country’s infrastructure has improved by leaps and bounds, and world-renowned achievements have been made in major scientific and technological facilities, water conservation projects, transportation hubs, and information infrastructure. 4. 全国瞩目的高考临近,莘莘学子们正在为自己的梦想进行最后的努力。 The college entrance exam, which attracts national attention, is approaching, and students are making their last efforts to reach their dreams. 5. 美国科学家在基因方面的研究已经取得了举世瞩目的成果。 American scientists have achieved remarkable results in genetic research. 练习题: 1. 在人类历史上,哪些事件或成就受全球瞩目? (用 “受~瞩目” 回答) 2. 新⼀代基因编辑技术的问世,近年来备受瞩目。[翻译]
2. “以” 的用法 “以” is most commonly used as a) use, with, or through [followed by a noun or noun clause]; b) so as to [followed by a verb] 1. 以= with [followed by a noun or noun clause] 以民众需求为主 (Set the public needs as priority);以行动表示 (Express through one’s actions);以脚投票 (Use one’s foot to vote [An expression: having disappointment towards something to the point of leaving or giving up]); 以极高的准确性,精 准地对基因组进行编辑 (Accurately edit genomes with extreme accuracy).
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2. 以= so as to [followed by a verb] “以” (= so as to) has a similar meaning as “以便.” They are both used at the latter half of a sentence to indicate that the purpose in the text that follows is intended to be accomplished. For example, 中国积极开展高铁项目以/以便缩小城乡发展的 差距。 “以” vs. “以便.” “以” is followed immediately by a verb, whereas the verb that follows “以便” can be preceded by a prepositional phrase. For example, 必须加 快速度以便在10月底前完工。(It must be accelerated to be completed by the end of October.); 我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。(I left a note so as to get in contact with her.) Note: “以 + Verb” must only be used in the middle of a sentence, not the beginning. In other words, one must first describe the action taken before using “以” or “以便.” 例句: 1. 中国计划建立东西走向的高铁以[便]促进该国西部的发展。 China plans to establish an east-west high-speed rail to promote the development of western China. 2. 我需要多运动以[便]增强体力。 I need to exercise more to enhance physical strength. 3. 中美双方进行磋商以[便]解决贸易争端。 China and the United States conducted consultations to resolve trade disputes. 练习题: 1. 为了有效的投资理财,你会做什么? (用 “以” 回答) 2. 你会用什么样的心态来面对生活中不可预知的挑战? (用 “以” 回答) 3. 我得让自己做一个时间管理的高手以提升职场竞争力。[翻译] 4. China strengthens its economic development based on infrastructure construction. [翻译] 5. 是非题。如果下列的句子不正确,请改正。 A. ____以实现我的目标,我要更积极和努力。 B. ____以科学的方法看世界,世界会更理性吗? C. ____公司需要采取反制措施以避免受到黑客的攻击。
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3. 为~带来曙光 (bringing a ray of light, seeing a silver lining) “曙光” means the sun at the break of dawn, a metaphor for the bright future that is already in sight. 例句: 1. 疫苗及治疗药物的研发成功为疫情的结束带来曙光。 The successful development of vaccines and therapeutic drugs has brought light to the end of the epidemic. 2. 据专家分析,股市下个月将迎来新曙光。 According to expert analysis, the stock market will usher in a new dawn next month. 练习题: 1. 你认为基因编辑的研究,将为遗传疾病的治疗或预防带来曙光吗? 为什么? 2. 会谈能为两国之间的战事带来和平的曙光吗? 3. 主力球员的稳定表现为球队迎来了胜利的曙光。[翻译]
4. 致力于 (devote oneself to) for a long period of time 致力于 is a phrase usually used in formal settings. It is only used in sentences containing long-term goals or dedication and is not used with immediate or temporary actions. For example, it can be used in a sentence such as, “He devoted himself to the study of the Chinese language.” However, it would not be used in a sentence such as, “He dedicated himself to completing today’s Chinese homework.” 例句: 1. 这位科学家一生致力于研究治疗及预防癌症的方法。 This scientist dedicated a lifetime to researching both a cure for and methods of preventing cancer. 2. 林教授终其一生致力于中国西北部少数民族文化的传播。 Professor Lin throughout his life devoted himself to the dissemination of the culture of ethnic minorities in northwestern China.
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3. 我国持续致力于改善医疗服务品质,提升患者就医获得感。 Our country is continuously committed to improving the quality of medical services and enhancing patients’ sense of access to medical treatment. 练习题: 1. 红十字会组织的宗旨是致力于 . . . ? (用 “致力于” 完成句子) 2. 为了提升综合国力,国家的领导人必须致力于什么? (用 “致力于” 回答) 3. 袁隆平先生一生致力于水稻技术的研究,对于世界粮食有巨大的意义。[翻译]
5. 涉及[到] (involve, involve with/in, range over, touch upon) 例句: 1. 这个案子非常棘手,因为它涉及[到]商业法的许多领域。 This case is very thorny because it is involved with many areas of commercial law. 2. 外交部发言人拒绝回答该名记者提出的问题,因为其提问涉及[到]了个人隐私。 The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to answer the question raised by the reporter because his question involved personal privacy. 3. 本届20国集团峰会涉及[到]国际金融危机、新兴能源合作及应对气候变化三大 议题。 The current G20 summit touches upon three major topics: the international financial crisis, emerging energy cooperation, and climate change. 练习题: 1. 你专业涉及到哪些知识领域? (用 “涉及[到]” 回答) 2. The G20 representatives touched upon a very specific topic in the last conference, which is how to increase the supply of drinkable water in this area. [翻译]
6. 披荆斩棘 (overcoming thorns) 是一个成语,最早出自于南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·冯异传》。披荆斩棘指拨开荆 丛,砍掉荆棘;比喻开创事业或在前进道路上清除障碍,艰苦奋斗。It is an idiom, originally from the Southern Dynasties Song Fan Ye’s Book of the Later Han Dynas-
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ty FengYi zhuan. Overcoming thorns and cutting thorns refers to pulling away thorns and cutting off thorns; it is a metaphor for starting a career or clearing obstacles on the way forward and working hard. 例句: 1. 科技是把双刃剑,但只要合理利用,就能够帮助我们披荆斩棘。 Technology is a double-edged sword, but as long as it is used reasonably, it can help us overcome obstacles. 2. 失望是常态,但愿我们都能够披荆斩棘,活出自己想要的样子。 Disappointment is the norm; I hope we can all overcome difficulties and live the way we want. 3. 这一年过得很辛苦,一路披荆斩棘,希望明年一切都会雨过天晴! This year has been very hard, and I have overcome difficulties all the way. I hope everything will be “after rain comes fair weather” next year! 练习题: 1. 你同意 “创业是一条披荆斩棘的路” 吗? 为什么? (用 “披荆斩棘” 回答) 2. 愿我们毕业之后都能初心不改,勇往直前,一路披荆斩棘![翻译]
第六章 基因编辑与人工智能 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l12-artificial-intelligence Photo credit: OpenClipart-Vectors/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以下 辩论准备1: 问题 词汇: 人工智能 (n.) réngōngzhìnéng 息息相关 (idiom) xīxīxiāngguān 自动 (adj.) zìdòng 吸尘扫地机 (n.) xīchénsǎodìjī 折衣机 (n.) zhéyījī 烹饪机器人 (n.) pēngrènjīqìrén 做家事 (v.) zuòjiāshì 喂养 (v.) wèiyǎng DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-12
artificial intelligence closely linked/bound to, interrelated automatic (moves on its own) vacuum cleaner a clothes-folding machine a cooking robot to do household chores to feed, to raise
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宠物 (n.) chǒngwù 深度 (n.) shēndù 代替 (v.) dàitì 探测 (v.) tàncè 排爆 (v.+n.) páibào 救灾 (v.) jiùzāi 勘灾 (v.) kānzāi 善后 (v.) shànhòu 大规模 (adj.) dàguīmó 失业 (v.+n./adj.) shīyè
a pet (degree of) depth, profundity to replace, to substitute for to survey, to probe bomb disposal (EOD) to provide disaster relief to survey the disaster area to deal with the aftermath of a disaster large-scale to lose one’s job; unemployment
一、泛听题: 1. 请举出智能机器人如何与人们的生活息息相关的几个例子。 2. 智能机器人能代替人类从事哪些危险的工作? 3. 人工智能可能带来哪些负面/坏的影响? 词汇: 独居 (v.) dújū 相当于 (v.+prep.) xiāngdāngyú 家庭保姆 (n.) jiātíngbǎomǔ 功能 (n.) gōngnéng 过度 (adj.) guòdù 利大于弊 (phrase) lìdàyúbì
to live alone equivalent to a housekeeper/nanny function excessive, overthe pros outweigh the cons
二、精听题: 1. 智能机器人,除了____________以外,还能陪伴孩子写作业、喂养宠物、帮 忙____________。这种机器人也能与_________________进行深度聊天对话, 相当于⼀个家庭____________的功能。 2. 智能机器人能代替人类从事许多危险的工作,如____________、____________, 还能扮演_______________________的角色。 3. 虽然人工智能的影响有好也有坏,包括可能导致______________________, 使人产生_____________________及其所带来的___________问题,等等。但 是总体看来,是 _____________________的。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
114 基因编辑与人工智能 (下)
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 人工智能 (n.) réngōngzhìnéng 飞速 (adv.) feīsù 智能化 (v.) zhìnénghuà 机器 (n.) jīqì 居家 (v.) jūjiā 出行 (v.) chūxíng 息息相关 (idiom) xīxīxiāngguān 市面 (n.) shìmiàn 自动 (adj.) zìdòng 吸尘扫地机 (n.) xīchénsǎodìjī 折衣机 (n.) zhéyījī 烹饪机器人 (n.) pēngrènjīqìrén 逐步 (adv.) zhúbù 迈向 (v.) màixiàng 普及化 (v.) pǔjíhuà 做家事 (v.) zuòjiāshì 喂养 (v.) wèiyǎng 宠物 (n.) chǒngwù 独居 (v.) dújū 深度 (n.) shēndù 相当于 (v.+prep.) xiāngdāngyú 家庭保姆 (n.) jiātíngbǎomǔ 功能 (n.) gōngnéng 代替 (v.) dàitì 探测 (v.) tàncè 排爆 (v.+n.) páibào 扮演 (v.) bànyǎn 救灾 (v.) jiùzāi 勘灾 (v.) kānzāi 角色 (n.) juésè 灾区 (n.) zāiqū 善后 (v.) shànhòu
artificial intelligence at full speed to “make smart” machine/machinery to live at home, to run a household to go on a journey/trip closely linked/bound to, interrelated market automatic (moves on its own) vacuum cleaner a clothes-folding machine a cooking robot step by step, progressively to stride/march toward to make universal, to popularize to do household chores to feed, to raise a pet to live alone (degree of) depth, profundity equivalent to a housekeeper/nanny function to replace, to substitute for to survey, to probe bomb disposal (EOD) to play the part of, to act as to provide disaster relief to survey the disaster area a role the disaster area/region to deal with the aftermath of a disaster
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大规模 (adj.) dàguīmó 失业 (v.+n./adj.) shīyè 过度 (adj.) guòdù 总体看来 (phrase) zǒngtǐkànlái 利大于弊 (phrase) lìdàyúbì 意想不到 (adj.) yìxiǎngbùdào 奇迹 (n.) qíjì
large-scale to lose one’s job; unemployment excessive, over“Overall, it seems as if . . .” the pros outweigh the cons previously unimagined miracle
常见词组、词语搭配 随着~的发展 与~的生活息息相关 迈向普及化 相当于~的~ (e.g. 功能、标准、水平) 扮演~角色 灾区善后 大规模~ (e.g. 生产、失业) 利大于弊 创造~奇迹
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请说明机器人能给人类生活带来的便利与挑战。(Description) 2. 在你的生活中,你有没有使用过人工智能的产品? 请举例说明。(Narration) 3. 你认为未来智能化机器人真的能够得到普及吗? 请说明理由。(Explanation) 4. 如果你能发明一项机器人,你认为什么样的机器人将最有助于你的生活? (Hypothesis) 5. 文章提到 “总体看来,人工智能的影响是利大于弊的,” (Comparison)
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实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 如果我们的世界处处充满机器人,我们的生活会变得更加便利、幸福。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十二) 1. 逐步 V (step by step, progressively) 例句: 1. 疫情发生以来一直走在防疫前列的中国,经济运行正逐步迈向常态化复苏。 China, which has been at the forefront of epidemic prevention since the outbreak of the epidemic, is gradually moving towards a normalized recovery in economic operation. 2. 经过多年的奋斗,他终于逐步走出困境。 After years of struggle, he finally got out of the predicament step by step. 3. 北京第四季度的房地产市场呈现逐步复苏的势头。 Beijing’s real estate market in the fourth quarter showed a gradual recovery momentum. 练习题: 1. 人工智能的发展正逐步取代了什么? 与此同时,该领域的发展也逐步带来了什么? 2. 中国的新能源汽车产业能逐步进入欧美市场,乃至引领全球在该领域的发展吗?
2. 相当于 (be equivalent to) “相当于” means “close,” “almost”; the word is also limited in scope. 例句: 1. 智能机器人能帮忙照顾家人、打理家中的大小事,相当于一个家庭保姆的功 能。 Intelligent robots can help take care of family members and take care of family affairs, which is equivalent to the function of a family nanny.
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2. 你知道一小包薯片的热量相当于两、三碗米饭吗? Did you know that a small packet of potato chips is equivalent to two or three bowls of rice? 3. 给自己留后路,有时相当于告诉自己不必全力以赴。 Leaving yourself a way out is sometimes the equivalent of telling yourself you don’t have to over-exert yourself. 练习题: 1. 如果把人生比作一天的时间,青年相当于一天中的哪个时间段? 2. 一万美刀相当于多少人民币呢? 3. 边境牧羊犬 (border collie) 的智商相当于7–8岁的孩子,学习能力和理解能力特 别强。[翻译] 4. 这个商品的售价是其成本的4–5倍。(用 “相当于” 改述这个句子)
3. 从事 (to pursue/engage in . . .) + 工作/事业 (a job/career) “从事” means to do something as a profession or work. 例句: 1. 他从事这本小说的翻译工作已达20年之久。 He has already been working on this novel’s translation for 20 years. 2. 智能机器人能代替人类从事许多危险的工作。 Intelligent robots can replace humans in many dangerous jobs. 3. 这些歹徒以孤儿院 (gū’éryuàn: orphanage) 为幌子 (huǎngzi: pretense, guise) 从事 非法活动。 These criminals are using an orphanage as a guise in order to engage in illegal activities. 练习题: 1. 未来你希望从事什么样的事业? 为什么? 2. 从事什么样的工作有时可能需要冒生命的危险? 3. 一般而言,从事什么样工作的人容易被人忽略,但其实应该备受敬重?
118 基因编辑与人工智能 (下)
4. 扮演~的角色 (to play the role of ~) 例句: 1. 每个人在生活中都扮演着许多不同的角色。 Everyone plays many different roles in life. 2. 智能机器人能扮演救灾勘灾的角色,协助人类进入灾区去善后。 Intelligent robots can play the role of disaster relief and exploration, assisting human beings to enter the disaster area to deal with the aftermath. 3. 美元在全球经济中扮演着重要角色,不仅作为支付手段支持国际贸易,也是 价值贮藏的重要选项。 The U.S. dollar plays an important role in the global economy, not only as a means of payment to support international trade but also as an important store of value option. 练习题: 1. 你认为在缓解中、日之间的冲突上,美国扮演着相当重要的角色吗? 为什么? 2. 媒体、网络在你生活中的哪些方面扮演着重要的角色? (用 “扮演~的角色” 回答) 3. As the United States’ close partner, it is also very appropriate for the United Kingdom to play the role of the intermediary between the U.S. and China. [翻译] 4. 改革开放以来,中国长期扮演全球主要外资吸收国的角色。[翻译]
5. 息息相关 (closely related) [synonym] 休戚相关 (xiūqī xiāngguān) 例句: 1. 一个人的健康状况与其生活品质息息相关。 A person’s health is closely related to their quality of life. 2. 国家领导人的重大决策与人民的生命安全息息相关。 The major decisions of national leaders are closely related to the safety of people’s lives. 练习题: 1. 你认为环境和自然界与我们的生活息息相关吗? 请举例说明。(用 “息息相关” 回答) 2. 你认为时间管理与成功实现目标息息相关吗? 为什么? (用 “息息相关” 回答)
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6. 利大于弊 (the pros outweigh the cons);弊大于利 (the cons outweigh the pros);利与弊 (the pros and the cons) 例句: 1. 人工智能的发展,总体看来,是利大于弊的。相信在不久的未来,人工智能 将会创造更多我们意想不到的奇迹! The development of artificial intelligence, in general, has more advantages than disadvantages. I believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence will create more miracles that we did not expect! 2. 这次汇率改革意味着中国购买力的提高,人民币更加坚挺,对国民经济的影 响利大于弊。 This exchange rate reform means an increase in China’s purchasing power and a stronger renminbi, which will have more advantages than disadvantages on the national economy. 3. 加入世贸组织对我国的经济发展是利大于弊,还是弊大于利? Does joining the WTO do more good than harm to our country’s economic development or not? 4. 大学生找兼职前不能过于盲目,需要弄清兼职的利与弊。 College students should not be too blind before looking for part-time jobs and need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs. 练习题: 1. 请说明全民医保 (universal health care) 的利与弊。 2. 你认为标准化考试利大于弊还是弊大于利?
第七章 娱乐亦或赌博 娱乐亦或赌博? (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l13-recreational-activities-part-i Photo credit: 毓伟李/Pixabay
辩论准备 1: 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 下问题 词汇: 娱乐 (n.) yúlè 戏剧 (n.) xìjù 舞蹈 (n.) wǔdǎo 棋牌 (n.) qípái 京剧 (n.) jīngjù DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-13
entertainment/recreation drama/theater dance chess Beijing opera
娱乐亦或赌博? (上) 121
豫剧 (n.) yùjù 黄梅戏 (n.) huángméixì 越剧 (n.) yuèjù 围棋 (n.) wéiqí 程度 (n.) chéngdù 相对 (adv.) xiāngduì
Henan opera Huangmei opera Shaoxing opera Go (one of the oldest board games in the world) degree/level relatively/comparatively
一、泛听题: 1. 中国古人最喜爱的娱乐活动有哪些? 2. 中国各个地方几乎都有具有特色的地方戏剧,最知名的有哪些? 3. 哪些活动往往是中国文化程度相对较高的人的娱乐方式? 词汇: 专属于 (v.+prep.) zhuānshǔyú 娱乐 (n.) yúlè 面向 (v.) miànxiàng 麻将 (n.) májiàng 迅速 (adj./adv.) xùnsù 逢年过节 (idiom) féngniánguòjié
to exclusively belong to sb. entertainment/recreation to turn towards/face sth. mah-jong (Chinese game with dominos) rapid; rapidly “on New Year’s or other festivals. . . .”
二、精听题: 1. 舞蹈在中国古代是专属于_________________的群体的娱乐方式。但是发展到 今天,舞蹈已经成为_________________的娱乐。 2. 明朝后期,中国出现了_________________。这种四人在一参加游戏的娱乐活 动迅速成为当时,甚至是今天_________________________。 3. 逢年过节,亲朋好友聚在一起的时候,_________________________总是 第一选择。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 娱乐 (n.) yúlè 天性 (n.) tiānxìng
entertainment/recreation nature/natural instincts
122 娱乐亦或赌博? (上)
舒缓 (adj.) shūhuǎn 情绪 (n.) qíngxù 汉朝 (n.) hàncháo 蹴鞠 (n.) cùjū 戏剧 (n.) xìjù 舞蹈 (n.) wǔdǎo 棋牌 (n.) qípái 京剧 (n.) jīngjù 豫剧 (n.) yùjù 黄梅戏 (n.) huángméixì 越剧 (n.) yuèjù 专属于 (v.+prep.) zhuānshǔyú 面向 (v.) miànxiàng 大众 (n.) dàzhòng 本土 (n.) běntǔ 迪斯科 (n.) dísikē 交谊舞 (n.) jiāoyìwǔ 街舞 (n.) jiēwǔ 引入 (v.) yǐnrù 尤其是 (adv.) yóuqíshì 围棋 (n.) wéiqí 往往 (adv.) wǎngwǎng 程度 (n.) chéngdù 相对 (adv.) xiāngduì 麻将 (n.) májiàng 迅速 (adj./adv.) xùnsù 逢年过节 (idiom) féngniánguòjié
unhurried, leisurely, relaxed mood, feeling, morale (can be used for “sulky”) the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) ancient Chinese football (soccer) drama/theater dance chess Beijing opera Henan opera Huangmei opera Shaoxing opera to exclusively belong to sb. to turn towards/face sth. the public, the masses, “popular” one’s native country disco social dance break dancing/hip hop to draw/pull into especially (in particular) Go (one of the oldest board games in the world) often/frequently degree/level relatively/comparatively mah-jong (Chinese game with dominos) rapid; rapidly “on New Year’s or other festivals. . . ”
常见词组、词语搭配 舒缓~的情绪/心情 专属于~的群体 相对较 Adj. 逢年过节 定期举行~ (e.g. 比赛、会议、活动)
娱乐亦或赌博? (上) 123
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 你认为什么样的娱乐方式最适合你? 为什么? (Explanation) 2. 中国人古代的娱乐方式是怎样的? 从古代到现代发生了怎样的变化? (Narration) 3. 在你的国家,现代人的娱乐方式与中国人的有任何异同之处吗? (Comparison) 4. 你们国家年轻人和老年人的娱乐方式存在不同吗? (Comparison) 5. 随着电脑、电视等科技的出现,人们的娱乐方式发生了改变吗? (Description)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 现代社会,越来越多的娱乐方式让人们变得日益消沉 (low-spirited) 了。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十三) 1. 专属于 (exclusive to) 例句: 1. 话语权并非专属于富人。 The right to speak is not exclusive to the rich. 2. 成功往往专属于那些专心一致的人。 Success often specially belongs to those who are focused and consistent. 3. 阳光、戏水、冰饮料这些都是专属于夏日的快乐。 Sunshine, playing in water, and having iced drinks are all joys exclusive to summer. 4. 舞蹈在中国古代是专属于社会地位高的群体的娱乐方式。 In ancient China, dance was a form of entertainment belonging to groups of high social status only. 5. 这一款3D软件能让你轻松进行房屋设计,打造专属于你的完美新家。 This 3D software allows you to easily design houses and create a perfect new home especially for you.
124 娱乐亦或赌博? (上)
练习题: 1. 为低头族设专属于他们使用的 “专用通道” 是纵容还是保护? 2. 你认为一家专属于年轻人的移动社交招聘平台,有助于提升毕业生就业率吗? 为什么?
2. 面向 (face towards, turn in the direction of; aspect) “面向” means “to face; to stand or sit facing. adapt to the needs of; focus on” or as a noun “aspect.” 例句: 1. 发展至今,舞蹈已经成为面向大众的娱乐。 Since its development, dance has become (turning the direction of) an entertainment for the public. 2. 高等教育改革的三大方针是,面向现代化,面向世界和面向未来。 The three major principles of higher education reform are to face modernization, face the world, and face the future. 3. 面向未来的100项颠覆性技术创新包括增强现实 (AR)、区块链 (Blockchain)、 聊天机器人和无人驾驶。 The 100 revolutionary technology innovations facing the future include augmented reality (AR), blockchain, chatbots, and autonomous driving. 4. 中央人才工作会议上,习近平总书记强调要坚持四个面向,要坚持面向世界 科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康。 At the Central Talent Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to adhere to four aspects: facing the frontier of science and technology in the world, facing the main economic battlefield, facing the major needs of the country, and facing the life and health of the people. 练习题: 1. 有报道称,“新能源电动汽车将面向世界!中国将迎来弯道超车的机会。” 你对这句话有什么看法? 请说明理由。 2. 你认为中、日两国的关系,必须建立在 “面向历史” 的基础上,才可能真正地 展望未来吗? 为什么?
娱乐亦或赌博? (上) 125
3. 相对 (relatively) + (e.g. 更/较 adj.; adj. 一些/一点儿/得多) “相对” means “under comparison,” and if it is followed by an one-word adjective, then it must be followed by a second object and its comparison with the first object (i.e., more/more Adj.; Adj. some/a little/much). For example, two cell phones may have same functions, but one is relatively more expensive [这两款手机的功能相同,但A款 相对贵了些]. Another example is 医生的收入相对稳定. Also, “相对而言” and “相对 来说” are four-letter words that appear frequently with “相对.” For example, the average income in California is higher and the cost of living is relatively much higher than elsewhere [加州的平均收入比较高,生活费用相对而言 (相对来说) 也比其他地方 高得多]. 例句: 1. 美国车一般比较大,耗油量也相对而言比较多。 American cars are generally larger and consume relatively more fuel. 2. 围棋,往往是中国文化程度相对较高之人的娱乐方式。 The game of Go is often an entertainment method for people with relatively higher education in China. 3. 和其他国家的外语教育相比,中国的英语教学方式相对生硬一些。 Compared with foreign language education in other countries, China’s English teaching method is relatively rigid. 4. 中国的家长普遍认为美国中、高学生的升学压力相对少得多。 Chinese parents generally believe that American middle school and high school students have relatively less pressure to go to school. 5. 人生中的好与坏其实都是相对的,关键在于你如何看待它们。 The good and the bad in life are actually relative, the key is how you view them. 练习题: 1. 亚洲学生的学业和就业压力一般都很大,美国的学生呢? (用 “相对” 回答) 2. 一般而言,什么样的工作相对自由而且时间多? (用 “相对” 回答) 3. 什么样的专业比什么样的专业,更受大学生欢迎? (用 “相对” 回答) 4. 什么样的产品比什么样的产品,更受消费者喜爱? (用 “相对” 回答)
126 娱乐亦或赌博? (上)
4. 尤其 vs. 特别 “特别” is an adjective and adverb; “尤其” is only an adverb. “特别” can be used as an adjective to modify a noun, such as “特别会议.” Do not say “尤其会议”; “这人的名字 可特别了,” do not say “这人的名字可尤其了.” “尤其” is mainly used to introduce the one that needs to be emphasized among similar things. For example, 在许多需要处理的 事情当中,这件事尤其需要注意。(Among many things that need to be dealt with, this matter especially needs attention). When “特别” and “尤其” are used as adverbs, they can basically be freely replaced except when “特别” is used as the meaning of “specially.” For example, 我特别为你准备了这顿晚餐。(I made this dinner specially for you.) 例句: 1. 他是一位运动健将,什么球都打得很好,尤其是篮球! He’s a great athlete and can play any ball well, especially basketball! 2. 他是一位运动健将,什么球都打得很好,特别是篮球! He is an athlete who can play any ball well, basketball in particular! 3. 做领导的,尤其需要有长远的目光,知人善用。 As a leader, you especially need to have a long-term vision, know people, and make good use of them. 4. 做领导的,特别要有长远的目光,知人善用。 As a leader, you particularly need to have a long-term vision, know people, and make good use of them. 5. 他是一位特别勤奋努力的学生。 He is a particularly hardworking student. 练习题: 1. 你所旅游过的地方,哪些最特别? 2. 你读过的书当中,哪些话或故事尤其令你印象深刻? 3. 除了舞蹈以外,还有哪些娱乐活动越来越火,尤其是在年轻人当中? 4. 是非题: A. 中国近年发展迅速,尤其在科技领域方面。 B. 为了准备高考,他做出了一份尤其学习计划。
娱乐亦或赌博? (上) 127
5. 填空题: “特别” 还是 “尤其”? A. 运动有益健康,_______对中老年人。 B. 他______买了一束花给她做生日礼物。 C. 他______为了避免堵车,绕道而行。
5. 往往 vs. 常常 “往往” and “常常” both are adverbs. “往往” indicates that a certain situation will recur regularly under certain conditions. For example, 休息的时候,他往往去公园散 步。(When he is resting, he often goes for a walk in the park.) If you just say “他往往去 公园散步” when you take “休息的时候” out, it will be a little strange and sound incomplete. In the absence of conditions, it is completely okay to say “他常常去公园散步.” “常常” can be used when an event happens more than once, the time interval is short, or when it is not limited by other circumstances and conditions. For example, 他工作积 极,常常受到表扬。(He works actively and is often praised.) In addition, “常常” can often be used for future events, indicating the frequency of future events, while “往往” is not, often used for the frequency of events that have already occurred. For example: 1. 欢迎你常常来青岛玩儿!√ 2. 欢迎你往往来青岛玩儿!× Furthermore, 常常 but not 往往 can be used in questions. For example: 1. 你每次休假都常常到海边去玩吗? (不可以用 “往往”) Finally, from the point of view of the regularity of the occurrence of things, “常常” just means that things happen frequently, without regularity, and “往往” means things happen frequently with regularity. For instance: 1. 最近几天,青岛常常下雨。(不可以用 “往往”) 2. 每到夏天,青岛往往会有很多游客。(可以替换 “常常”) 例句: 1. 下班以后,他们往往会一起看个电影再回家。(可以替换 “常常”) After getting off work, they often watch a movie together before going home. (can be replaced with “常常”)
128 娱乐亦或赌博? (上)
2. 最近老师常常批评他,因为他常常迟到。(cannot be replaced with “往往”) Lately, the teacher often criticizes him because he is often late. 3. 夏天的温度在这里往往高达摄氏一百多度。(可以替换 “常常”) The temperature in summer is often as high as over 100 degrees Celsius here. (can be replaced with “常常”) 4. 这两周下午常常下雷阵雨。(不可以替换 “往往”) These two weeks have frequent afternoon thunderstorms. (cannot be replaced with “往往”) 5. A. 你一般去哪儿吃饭呀?
Where do you usually go to eat?
B. 在学校上课的时候,我往往去学校食堂吃饭。(在一定条件下)
When I am in school, I often go to the school cafeteria to eat. (under certain conditions)
C. 我常常去学校食堂吃饭。(不受条件限制)
I often go to the school cafeteria to eat. (not subject to conditions)
练习题: 1. 填空题: “往往” 还是 “常常”? 或是都可以? A. 他______工作到深夜才睡。 B. 做事太冲动,______会导致后悔。 C. 他______把自己的问题看得过于严重。 D. 记得要______给家人打电话! E. 遇到困境的时候,悲观的人______只看到事情的消极面。 F. 我______回忆起小时候和家人欢度春节的情景。 G. 围棋,______是中国文化程度相对较高之人的娱乐方式。
6. 逢~ (“encounter, each time” usually followed by a period or circumstance) 例句: 1. 每逢春节前后,高铁的客流量都会大幅增加。 Every year around the Spring Festival, the passenger flow of high-speed rail will increase significantly.
娱乐亦或赌博? (上) 129
2. “逢十进一” 的意思就是每计满十个数时就向高位进位。 The meaning of “every ten decimal adds one to the higher digit” means to carry to the higher digit every time the tenth number is counted. 3. 各级各部门和广大党员干部都要抱定 “逢冠必争、逢一必夺” 的信念,推动发 展。 All departments at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres must hold the belief that “every championship must be fought, and every first place must be won” to promote development. 4. 他经常感叹自己生不逢时。 He often laments that he was born at the wrong time. 练习题: 1. 逢年过节,你会选择什么样的娱乐活动? (用 “逢~” 回答) 2. 他待人的原则就是 “逢恶不怕,逢善不欺。” [翻译]
7. N. 的最爱 (one’s favorite) 例句: 1. 这款汽车不仅颜值高而且续航牛,是年轻人的最爱! This car is not only good-looking but also has a good battery life. It is the favorite of young people! 2. 路易·威登 LV的女包是时尚女性的最爱! Louis Vuitton LV handbags are a favorite of fashionable women! 3. 据重庆大众推荐菜榜单的排名,火锅是许多吃货的最爱。 According to the ranking of Chongqing’s popular recommended dishes, hot pot is the favorite of many foodies. 4. 温暖潮湿的环境是微生物和病菌的最爱。 A warm and humid environment is a favorite of microbes and germs. 练习题: 1. 有没有什么体育活动或比赛是你的最爱? 2. 有没有什么品牌、音乐、舞蹈、文学、电影或娱乐是你的最爱?
第七章 娱乐亦或赌博 娱乐亦或赌博? (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l14-recreational-activities-part-ii Photo credit: Rosa Rugosa/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 属性 (n.) shǔxìng 变身 (v.) biànshēn 赌博 (v.) dǔbó 昼夜不停 (idiom) zhòuyèbùtíng DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-14
attribute/property to turn into, to undergo a transformation to gamble continuously, without stop, 24/7
娱乐亦或赌博? (下) 131
观众席 (n.) guānzhòngxí 呐喊 (v.) nàhǎn 博彩 (n.) bócǎi 操纵 (v./adj.) cāozòng
auditorium (of a theatre), audience seats shout, a rallying cry the lottery to rig; rigged
一、泛听题: 1. 很多曾经深受大众喜爱的娱乐方式,现在都变成了什么样的活动? 2. 请说明什么是 “牌友”? 3. 当你在观众席上为比赛呐喊的时候,你可能不知道,这是一场什么样的比赛? 词汇: 高端 (adj.) gāoduān 管理人才 (n.) guǎnlǐréncái 反目成仇 (idiom) fǎnmùchéngchóu 不胜枚举 (idiom) bùshèngméijǔ 获得 (v.) huòdé 丰厚 (adj.) fēnghòu 利润 (n.) lìrùn 不合理 (adj.) bùhélǐ 手段 (n.) shǒuduàn 收买 (v.) shōumǎi 教练 (n.) jiàoliàn 裁判 (n.) cáipàn 踢假球 (v.) tījiǎqiú 偏袒 (v.) piāntǎn 某一方 (n.) mǒuyīfāng 精彩 (adj.) jīngcǎi 丧失 (v.) sàngshī 体育精神 (n.) tǐyùjīngshén
high-end, upscale managerial talent to fall out with sb. (friends/family) too numerous to mention one by one to obtain/receive generous, ample profits unreasonable measure/method, also tricks to pay off, to bribe instructor/sports coach/physical trainer referee rigged game, to throw a match to discriminate in favor of one side wonderful/marvelous to lose/forfeit sportsmanship
二、精听题: 1. 2003 年,澳门大学还开设了_____________________专业,培养该行业的______ ____________________人才。 2. 亲友之间,同学之间,同事之间,因为打麻将赌博而 _____________________ 的例子不胜枚举。
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3. 博彩公司为了获得_____________________,通过不合理的手段收买______ _______、_____________,甚至是_____________。 4. 球员在赛场上踢假球,裁判员在场上偏袒某一方球队,这些都让本来精彩 的比赛完全丧失了______________________。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 深受 (v.) shēnshòu 悄然地 (adv.) qiǎoránde 属性 (n.) shǔxìng 变身 (v.) biànshēn 赌博 (v.) dǔbó 赛马 (n.) sàimǎ 区分 (v.) qūfēn 合法化 (v.) héfǎhuà 澳门 (n.) àomén 宣布 (v.) xuānbù 支柱 (n.) zhīzhù 行业 (n.) hángyè 博彩 (n.) bócǎi 高端 (adj.) gāoduān 管理人才 (n.) guǎnlǐréncái 大街小巷 (idiom) dàjiēxiǎoxiàng 昼夜不停 (idiom) zhòuyèbùtíng 纯粹 (adj.) chúncuì 培养 (v.) péiyǎng 促进 (v.) cùjìn 一旦 (adv.) yīdàn 反目成仇 (idiom) fǎnmùchéngchóu 不胜枚举 (idiom) bùshèngméijǔ 观众席 (n.) guānzhòngxí
to receive in no small measure quietly (a sorrowful quiet) attribute/property to turn into, to undergo a transformation to gamble horse racing to differentiate/divide into categories to legalize Macau (city near Hong Kong) to declare/announce/proclaim a pillar trade, profession, industry the lottery high-end, upscale managerial talent streets and alleys continuously, without stop, 24/7 pure/unadulterated to cultivate/breed/nurture to promote (an idea/cause), to advance once to fall out with sb. (friends/family) too numerous to mention one by one auditorium (of a theatre), audience seats
娱乐亦或赌博? (下) 133
呐喊 (v.) nàhǎn 操纵 (v./adj.) cāozòng 获得 (v.) huòdé 丰厚 (adj.) fēnghòu 利润 (n.) lìrùn 不合理 (adj.) bùhélǐ 手段 (n.) shǒuduàn 收买 (v.) shōumǎi 教练 (n.) jiàoliàn 裁判 (n.) cáipàn 踢假球 (v.) tījiǎqiú 偏袒 (v.) piāntǎn 某一方 (n.) mǒuyīfāng 精彩 (adj.) jīngcǎi 丧失 (v.) sàngshī 体育精神 (n.) tǐyùjīngshén
shout, a rallying cry to rig; rigged to obtain/receive generous, ample profits unreasonable measure/method, also tricks to pay off, to bribe instructor/sports coach/physical trainer referee rigged game, to throw a match to discriminate in favor of one side wonderful/marvelous to lose/forfeit sportsmanship
常见词组、词语搭配 将~ Verb 化 (e.g. 合法化、现代化、合理化) 支柱产业/支柱行业 开设~专业 培养~人才 大街小巷 昼夜不停 纯粹为了~ ~的例子不胜枚举 丰厚的利润 偏袒~方 丧失~精神
134 娱乐亦或赌博? (下)
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 请描述一下赌博行为可能对人们造成的不良影响。(Description) 2. 在你的生活中,你或你身边的人参与过任何形式的赌博活动吗? (Narration) 3. 你认为被博彩公司操纵的比赛是一种普遍的现象吗? 请说明理由。(Explanation) 4. 假如你是一国的领导人,你会怎样对待赌博产业? 为什么? (Hypothesis)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 博彩业的合法化对社会利大于弊。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十四) 1. ~(的)支柱 (pillar [figurative]) 例句: 1. 当今世界能源短缺,核电已与水电、火电并列为电力工业三大支柱。 There is a shortage of energy in the world today, and nuclear power has become one of the three pillars of the power industry alongside hydropower and thermal power. 2. 在中国古代封建思想结构中,儒、释、道三教是三大精神支柱。 In the feudal ideological structure of ancient China, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are the three spiritual pillars. 3. 该公司发展到今天已成为拥有商贸、房地产、实业、旅游、证券金融五大支 柱产业的多元化集团公司。 The company has developed into a diversified group company with five pillar industries of commerce, real estate, industry, tourism, securities, and finance. 练习题: 1. 在似乎看不到曙光的困难时刻,你的精神支柱是什么? 2. 深圳市高新技术产业已成为当地最重要的支柱产业。[翻译]
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2. 深受 (to receive a large amount of sth.; be deeply affected by; to suffer greatly from) 深受 is commonly used in certain expressions including 深受 . . . 的喜爱 (strongly favored by)/欢迎 (well received by)/好评 (highly praised by)/青睐 (qīnglài: strongly favored by)/影响 (deeply affected by)/困扰 (deeply troubled by), or in four-character words such as 深受感动 (deeply moved),深受其害 (deeply suffer from it),深受启发 (deeply inspired),深受打击 (hit hard) etc. 例句: 1. 她的诗歌内容贴近人民的生活,读起来自然流畅,因而深受读者的喜爱。 Her poems are close to people’s lives and read naturally and smoothly, so they are deeply loved by readers. 2. 该著名制药厂生产的产品因效果显著、信誉良好,深受千家万户的青睐,市 场占有率很高。 The products produced by this famous pharmaceutical factory are strongly favored by thousands of households and have a high market share due to their remarkable effects and good reputation. 3. 该产品投放市场后,以其卓越的质量、低廉的价格和优质的售后服务,深受 用户的好评。 After the product was put on the market, it was highly praised by users for its excellent quality, low price, and high-quality after-sales service. 4. 面对这一切,徐洪刚既深受感动、鼓舞,又感到惶恐 (huángkǒng)、沉重。 In the face of all this, Xu Honggang was deeply moved and inspired but also terrified and heavy. 练习题: 1. 请讲一个令你深受感动的故事。 2. 有没有一本书、一个故事、或一堂课让你深受启发? 请说一说。 3. 说一个最近在你的国家深受消费者喜爱的品牌,并说明其原因。
3. 大街小巷 (streets and alleys, everywhere) The idiom is often used to describe something commonly seen everywhere.
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例句: 1. 这首曾经火遍大街小巷的流行歌曲,如今仍有很多人在传唱。 This popular song that used to be popular all over the streets and alleys is still sung by many people today. 2. 羊肉串是近些年流行起来的美味风味小吃,无论是大街小巷,不管是城镇乡 村,到处都有烤羊肉串的。 Lamb kebabs are a delicious local snack that has become popular in recent years. There are kebabs everywhere in the streets, in towns and villages. 3. 年三十晚上,大街小巷张灯结彩,一派喜庆气氛。 On the evening of New Year’s Eve, the streets and alleys are decorated with lights, creating a festive atmosphere. 练习题: 1. 最近在你的国家,大街小巷的人们都在谈论什么话题? 请分享几个给同学们。 2. 一个流行语可以在一夜之间红遍大街小巷。[翻译]
4. 彼此 (each other) 彼此 vs. 相互 vs. 互相. 彼 in 彼此 means 那个 (that) and 此 means 这个 (this). 彼此 is a pronoun referring to each of two or more entities mentioned earlier in reciprocal action or relation, i.e., each other. 彼此 can be used as a subject such as 同学之间有矛 盾时,彼此要学会互相谅解. (When students have conflicts, they should learn to understand each other). In certain expressions, it can be used as an object such as 不分彼 此 (regardless of each other). 相互 or 互相 (each other) do not have these usages. They can be used as an adverbs that modify a verb, for example, 互相/相互支持 (to support each other), 互相/相互理解 (to understand each other), etc. In many situations, 彼此 also modifies a verb in front it serving as the function of an adverb, for example, 彼此 信任 (to trust each other), 彼此了解 (to understand each other), etc. In most of these cases, 彼此 and 互相/相互 can be used interchangeably, although 彼此 is used more formally. Finally, different from 互相, 彼此, and 相互 can also be used to modify a noun. For example, 彼此的利益 (each other’s interests) and 相互的尊重 (each other’s respect).
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例句: 1. 微软不仅提供有竞争力的待遇,还提供有吸引力的环境,让每个研发人员都 有彼此切磋、彼此学习的机会。 Microsoft not only provides competitive treatment but also provides an attractive environment where every R&D personnel has the opportunity to learn from each other. 2. 中国政府称,希望各国和平共处,尊重彼此国情,遵循平等互利原则,不断 扩大国际合作。 The Chinese government stated that it hopes that all countries can coexist peacefully, respect each other’s national conditions, follow the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and continue to expand international cooperation. 3. 在阿盟的框架内,各成员国需通过谈判、调解、协商和仲裁 (zhòngcái),和平 解决彼此之间的争端。 Within the framework of the Arab League, member states need to resolve disputes peacefully through negotiation, mediation, consultation, and arbitration. 4. 约沙法说: “我们本是一家,不分彼此。我的人民和您的人民一样;我的马匹 与您的马匹相同。” Jehoshaphat said, “We are one family, and we are not one from another. My people are like your people; my horses are like yours.” 练习题: 1. 你认为朋友间产生矛盾时,彼此需要做什么来缓解矛盾? 2. 如果婚姻中的夫妻两人缺少信任,你认为他们应该采取什么方法来增进彼此 的信任? 3. 国际法和国内法之间是彼此联系、彼此补充的。[翻译]
5. 进行 (v. conduct, carry out [进行 + N]; undergo [N + 进行]; n. carry-out, progress [~的进行]) 进行 is used with formal and continuous activities in written texts such as 分析, 研究, 调查, 讨论, 工作, etc. When used as a verb, there are two sentence patterns: a) the object following 进行 is the activity such as 1.–4.; b) the subject preceding 进行 is activity such as 5., 6.,
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The activities used with 进行 need to be disyllabic. No monosyllabic words can be used such as 看, 想 in these situations. Moreover, in sentence pattern a) when the activity following 进行 involves an object, it cannot follow the activity, but has to be placed before 进行 using a prepositional phrase such as 1. 进行 can also sometimes be used as a noun to mean the carry-out/progress of some activity, such as 7. 例句: 1. 我国的语文工作者对国内的少数民族语言进行了广泛的调查。 Chinese language workers have conducted extensive surveys on the minority languages in the country. 2. 该国首脑将在马来西亚进行为期4天的正式友好访问。 The country’s head of state will be in Malaysia for a four-day official goodwill visit. 3. 当代国际社会正在进行一场新技术革命。 The contemporary international society is undergoing a new technological revolution. 4. 语言是发展的,规范化的标准也应该随着语言的发展不断地进行调整。 Languages evolve, and normative standards should be constantly adjusted as languages evolve. 5. 文化传播可以通过多种途径进行,如迁徙、通商、战争、教育、学术交流、 旅游等。 Cultural dissemination can be carried out in many ways, such as migration, commerce, war, education, academic exchanges, tourism, etc. 6. 为了挽救更多的生命,搜寻救援工作进行了两天两夜。 In order to save more lives, the search and rescue work was carried out for two days and two nights. 7. 随着医疗改革的进行,以及公民保健意识的增强,我国医药市场环境得到很 大改善。 With the progress of medical reform and the enhancement of citizens’ awareness of health care, our country’s pharmaceutical market environment has been greatly improved.
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练习题: 1. Rewrite the following sentences using “进行:” A. 政府需要严格地监督此项目的落实情况。 B. 对外部环境的分析可以从以下几个方面考虑。 C. 记者随校领导一起参观了纪念堂。 D. 他们演出了三个小时。 2. 大火连续燃烧了两个多小时。抢险工作连夜进行。[翻译] 3. This article provides an in-depth (深入的) study of China’s economic situation. [用 “进行” 翻译此句]
6. 反目成仇 (to turn against each other) 例句: 1. 因争夺家产,他们兄弟反目成仇,家庭四分五裂。 Due to competition for family property, their brothers turned against each other, and the family was torn apart. 2. 婚姻中不要互相猜疑对方,要不然可能会因一点儿小事而导致夫妻反目成仇 。 Don’t suspect each other in marriage, otherwise the husband and wife may become enemies due to a little thing. 3. 昔日盟友反目成仇,土耳其军方发生政变。 Former allies turned against each other, and the Turkish military staged a coup. 练习题: 1. 描述一个你知道的家人间、朋友间或国家间反目成仇的例子。 2. 为了个人利益,兄弟反目成仇,走上法庭。[翻译]
7. 不胜枚举 (too numerous to list, the list goes on and on) The idiom means something is too many to be listed one by one. Other idioms that mean a large amount of number include 不计其数, 数以百计, 数以千计, and 数以万计.
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例句: 1. 古今中外的战争中,以少胜多的战役不胜枚举。 In the ancient and modern wars both home and abroad, the battles in which outnumbered armies triumphed are too numerous to list. 2. 世界各地的民族和教派冲突,领土和资源纠纷不胜枚举。 Ethnic and sectarian conflicts along with territorial and resource disputes abound around the world. 3. 男女同工不同酬、家庭暴力、贩卖妇女、女童失学辍学 (chuòxué) 等例子不胜 枚举。妇女的人权状况迫切需要得到改善。 Examples of unequal pay between men and women for equal work, domestic violence, female trafficking, and the issue of girls dropping out of school are too numerous to list. The human rights situation of women urgently needs to be improved. 练习题: 1. 用 “不胜枚举” 改写下列句子。 A. 从古至今,因为贪图小利而被骗钱财的事例多得无法一一列举。 B. 1968年起到现在,这个恐怖组织制造了无数的恐怖活动。 2. In the history of human beings, there are countless examples of being punished for violating the laws of nature. [翻译]
第八章 中国婚姻制度 (上 上)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l15-marriage-in-china-part-i Photo credit: BooLee/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 婚姻 (n.) hūnyīn marriage 核心 (n.) héxīn core/nucleus 门当户对 (idiom) méndānghùduì well-matched (in terms of social status) DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-15
142 中国婚姻制度 (上)
男才女貌 (idiom) náncáinǚmào 媒人 (n.) méirén 充分 (adj.) chōngfèn 双方 (n.) shuāngfāng 信息 (n.) xìnxī 判断 (v.) pànduàn
an ideal couple matchmaker ample/sufficient, full both sides/the two parties information, news, message to judge/determine
一、泛听题: 1. 在中国古代婚姻制度中,长期保持的核心内容是什么? 2. 什么是 “门当户对”? 媒人在这方面扮演的角色是什么? 3. 什么是 “父母之命”? 词汇: 绝对 (adj.) juéduì 优先权 (n.) yōuxiānquán 缔结 (v.) dìjié 当事人 (n.) dāngshìrén 无权 (v.) wúquán 自由恋爱 (v. phrase) zìyóuliàn’ài 维护 (v.) wéihù 地位 (n.) dìwèi
absolute/unconditional priority/preference to conclude (an agreement) person/party concerned (legal) to have no right (to do sth.) freedom to choose who you court/marry to safeguard/defend status
二、精听题: 1. 和 “男才女貌” 相比,“门当户对” 往往有着_________________________。 2. 媒人要对男女双方在___________________、___________________、和_______ ____________等各个方面进行充分了解。只有男女双方在上述方面都类似的 情况下,才可以尝试___________________。这就是所谓的 “媒妁之言”。 3. 在古代,婚姻的当事人,青年男女,____________________,无权决定自己的 婚姻。 4. 婚姻往往被看作是维护并提高家庭的____________________,_____________ _____ 的有力工具。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
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辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 核心 (n.) héxīn 便 (adv.) biàn 门当户对 (idiom) méndānghùduì 男才女貌 (idiom) náncáinǚmào 犹如 (v.) yóurú 鱼和熊掌不可兼得 (phrase) yúhéxióngzhǎngbùkějiāndé 相比 (v.) xiāngbǐ 绝对 (adj.) juéduì 优先权 (n.) yōuxiānquán 缔结 (v.) dìjié 判断 (v.) pànduàn 媒人 (n.) méiren 充分 (adj.) chōngfèn 上述 (n.) shàngshù 尝试 (v.) chángshì 所谓 (adj.) suǒwèi 媒妁之言 (idiom) méishuòzhīyán 信息 (n.) xìnxī 父母之命 (idiom) fùmǔzhīmìng 总之 (conj.) zǒngzhī 当事人 (n.) dāngshìrén 无权 (v.) wúquán 自由恋爱 (v. phrase) zìyóuliàn’ài 维护 (v.) wéihù 地位 (n.) dìwèi 常见词组、词语搭配 门当户对 郎才女貌 ~的核心便是
core/nucleus precisely well-matched (in terms of social status) an ideal couple appearing to be you can’t have it both ways to compare absolute/unconditional priority/preference to conclude (an agreement) to judge/determine matchmaker ample/sufficient, full aforementioned to try/attempt so-called (not ironic) on the matchmaker’s word information, news, message parental mandate anyway, in short . . . person/party concerned (legal) to have no right (to do sth.) freedom to choose who you court/marry to safeguard/defend status
144 中国婚姻制度 (上)
犹如鱼与熊掌不可兼得 绝对的优先权 缔结婚姻 最终决定权 所谓的~ (e.g. 媒妁之言、父母之命)
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 在你的文化中,男女双方结婚时存在类似 “门当户对” 的现象吗? (Description) 2. 俗话说 “面包[指的是经济能力]比爱情更重要,” 你的看法呢? (Comparison) 3. 如果你的结婚对象受到来自你家庭的反对,你会怎样做? (Hypothesis) 4. 在你的国家,现代人的婚姻观和传统的有哪些异同处? 各有利弊吗? 请举例说 明。(Description)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 在进行婚姻、事业等方面的选择上,子女不应听从父母的建议。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十五) 1. ~便是 ~ (that is, which means),相当于 “就是、 ” “正是” 例句: 1. 在中国古代婚姻制度中,长期保持的核心内容便是 “门当户对” 和 “男才女 貌。” In the ancient Chinese marriage system, the core content that has been maintained for a long time is “matching the family” and “male talent and female appearance.”
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2. 学会合作便是制胜关键。 Learning to cooperate is the key to success. 3. 有效理财便是致富之道。 Effective financial management is the way to wealth. 4. 过分在乎自己可以从中获得什么便是一种利己主义。 It is egoism to care too much about what you can get out of it. 练习题: 1. 你认为哪些行为可以体现对他人和自我的尊重? (用 “~便是~” 回答) 2. 就你而言,“勇气” 这个词的定义是什么? (用 “~便是~” 回答) 3. 什么样的作品,能称得上是好作品? (用 “~便是~” 回答)
2. 犹如 (seemly as if, [adv.] like, appearing to be) “犹如” vs. “好像.” “犹如” means the same as “如同” with a high degree of metaphor and is often used in written language. For example, 她的微笑犹如冬天的暖阳。(Her smile is like the warm sun in winter.) “好像” can have a similar meaning with “犹如” and “如同,” though it is used more colloquially. In addition, “好像” has another meaning of “not sure/not sure” or “seems.” For example, 我好像认识他。(I seem to know him [but not sure].); 他好像迷路了。(He seems to be lost.) 例句: 1. 对大多数人而言,“财富” 和 “青春” 犹如鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 For most people, having both “wealth” and “youth” appears to be impossible. 2. 他跑步的速度之快,犹如一阵风! He runs so fast as if on a gust of wind! 3. 这件事情他急得犹如热锅上的蚂蚁! He is so anxious as if he is an ant on a hot pan! 4. 伯父伯母非常疼我,待我犹如亲生的子女。 My uncle and aunt love me very much and treat me like their own child.
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练习题: 1. 小女孩红通通的脸蛋,犹如一颗红苹果。[翻译] 2. Her big bright eyes are like shining stars in the sky. [翻译] 3. 请用 “犹如” 造一个句子来形容你家乡的特色 (可以是风景、天气、食物、文 化、生活方式,任何方面的特色)
3. 和~相比 (compare ~ with ~) 例句: 1. 和 “男才女貌” 相比,“门当户对” 往往有着绝对的优先权。 Compared with “male talent and female appearance,” “right match” often has absolute priority. 2. 和大自然相比,个人真的犹如沧海一粟! Compared with nature, the individual is really like a drop in the ocean! 3. 和过去相比,现在的他已经不可同日而语! 相比。
Compared with the past, he is no longer the same as he is now! In other words, you can no longer compare him to the past. 练习题: 1. 拿自己的劣势和他人的优势相比,这样做好不好? 为什么? (用 “和~相比” 回答) 2. 在中国,你更愿意搭乘高铁还是飞机? 请你的说明理由。(用 “和~相比” 回答) 3. 选择工作的时候,生活环境和工作待遇相比,哪一个会优先考虑? (用 “和~相 比” 回答) 4. Compared with the opponent, our team’s offense is not as good as the opponent’s, but the defense is stronger. [翻译]
4. 缔结 (to conclude an agreement [such as, marriage, treaty, etc.] or to form/enter into diplomatic relations, alliance) 例句: 1. 我们经常用 “缔结良缘” 或 “缔结连理” 来形容和祝福美好的婚姻。 We often use the phrase “forge a good relationship” or “form marital ties” to describe and bless a good marriage.
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2. “门当户对” 的意思就是男女双方在家庭的社会地位、经济状况两个方面都很 相似,这种情况下缔结婚姻是最合适的。 The meaning of “matching the family” means that both men and women are very similar in terms of social status and economic status of the family. In this case, it is most appropriate to conclude a marriage. 3. 《美韩共同防御条约》是美国同韩国于1953年缔结的军事同盟条约。 Mutual Defence Treaty between the United States and the Republic of Korea is a military alliance treaty concluded between the United States and South Korea in 1953. 练习题: 1. 你认为婚姻的缔结取决于哪些因素? (用 “缔结” 回答) 2. 国与国之间通常会为了哪些原因或目的而缔结盟约? (用 “缔结” 回答) 3. The capitals of the two countries will soon become sister cities. [翻译] 4. 二十家企业、协会、机构,缔结了战略合作协议。[翻译]
5. 所谓的 (so-called [could be used in either ironic or not ironic way]) 例句: 1. 所谓的 “公平交易权” 是指消费者在购买商品或接受服务时,能够享有公正、 合理的权利。 The so-called “right to fair trade” means that consumers can enjoy fair and reasonable rights when purchasing goods or receiving services. 2. 媒人要对男女双方在家庭背景、社会地位、和经济条件等各个方面进行充分 了解。只有男女双方在上述方面都类似的情况下,才可以尝试缔结婚姻。这 就是所谓的“媒妁之言”。 The matchmaker should fully understand the family background, social status, and economic conditions of both men and women. Marriage can only be attempted if both the man and the woman are similar in the above-mentioned aspects. This is the so-called matchmaker’s word. 3. 所谓的 “普罗大众” 其实就是普通民众的意思。 The so-called proletarian public actually means ordinary people.
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练习题: 1. 请查查以下的词,并用简单明白的方式说明其意思。(说明时请以 “所谓的 . . .” 开头) A. 元宇宙 B. 九九六 C. 内卷 D. 被调剂 E. 直播带货 2. 所谓的安全帐户是由网络诈骗者开设的,别上当! [翻译] 3. 你认为我们的看法和想法,有时也会被所谓的 “标准” 所局限吗? 请举例说 明。(用 “所谓的 . . .” 回答)
6. 从而 (conj. = thus, with the result that) “从而” indicates a result or further action resulting from the aforementioned cause. It is a conjunction that is used to state the results, purposes, and to serve as explanations for the reasons, methods, etc. above. For example: “Recently, the technology industry is advancing rapidly, so as to provide fast and convenient services for life.” 例句: 1. 我们可以多读好书,从而增加自己的知识阅读量。 We can read more good books to increase our knowledge and reading abilities. 2. 他对这种疾病进行了多年的研究,从而研制出了治疗的方法。 He has studied the disease for many years, leading to the development of a cure. 3. 改变自己的认知和行为模式,从而改变自己的人生。 Change your cognition and behavior patterns, and thereby change your life. 4. 双方的父母再根据媒人提供的信息作出最终的判断,从而决定是否能够在这 两个家庭中建立婚姻关系。这就是所谓的 “父母之命”。 The parents of both parties will then make a final judgment based on the information provided by the matchmaker to decide whether a marriage relationship can be established between the two families. This is the so-called parental mandate.
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5. 所谓的 “演而优则导” 指的是从演员的角色中脱颖而出从而能执导拍片。 The commonly used colloquial saying “superlative actor turned director” refers to actors whose exceptional performances have opened the path for them to graduate into the role of a film director. 6. 家长要教育子女生活的原则,从而能让他们为自己做出正确的决定。 Parents need to teach their children the principles of life so that they can make the right decisions for themselves. 练习题: 1. 如何突破自我,从而进一步提升自己? (用 “从而” 回答) 2. 人类从大自然中受到了哪些启发? 从而发明哪些东西或创造了哪些理论? (用 “从而”回答) 3. 一种不轻易放弃的人生观,从而让他产生十分坚毅的性格。[翻译] 4. 通过锻炼身体和良好的饮食及睡眠习惯,从而提升免疫力。[翻译] 5. 为了建立良好的人际关系,你认为需要注意哪几点? (用 “从而” 回答) 6. 你认为先具备什么样的条件再就业,更容易找到心目中理想的工作? (用 “从 而” 回答)
第八章 中国婚姻制度 (下 下)
Watch video at https://advancedchinese.byu.edu/l16-marriage-in-china-part-ii Photo credit: Pexels/Pixabay
辩论准备 点击上面的按钮或网址听正文并口头回答以 辩论准备1: 下问题 词汇: 户口 (n.) hùkǒu 社会福利 (n.) shèhuìfúlì 流动 (v.) liúdòng 不公 (adj.) bùgōng DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-16
registered household (colloquial) social (gov.) welfare to flow, to go from place to place, to be mobile unjust/unfair
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现象 (n.) xiànxiàng 优势 (n.) yōushì 一线城市 (n.) yīxiànchéngshì 谈婚论嫁 (idiom) tánhūnlùnjià 极其 (adv.) jíqí
phenomenon superiority, advantage a first-tier city to discuss marriage (e.g., with a partner) extremely
一、泛听题: 1. 什么是 “户口”? “户口” 直接影响一个人的哪些方面? 2. “户口制度” 造成了哪些社会不公的现象? 3. 拥有一线城市户口,为什么是谈婚论嫁的一个极其重要的优势? 词汇: 农村 (n.) nóngcūn 对象 (n.) duìxiàng 绿卡 (n.) lǜkǎ 相应 (adj./adv./v.) xiāngyìng
rural area/village partner (boyfriend or girlfriend) green card (permanent residency permit) corresponding; correspondingly; correspond to
二、精听题: 1. 中国的户口分为_____________户口和_____________户口。 2. 户口的不同,直接影响一个人的_____________、_____________、_________ ____和_____________。 3. 拥有城市户口,尤其是拥有像北京、上海、深圳等_____________的户口仍然 是_______________的一个极其重要的优势。 4. 从前拥有这些城市的户口就好像是拥有美国的_____________。 . . . 很 多中国人也会选择与北京人,上海人,深圳人结婚,这样就可以得到 ___________________。 真实语料资源: please visit our companion website for additional authentic materials 真实语料资源
辩论准备2: 核心词汇学习 辩论准备 一、生词表: 中华人民共和国 (n.) zhōnghuárénmíngònghéguó the People’s Republic of China 成立 (v.) chénglì to establish/found
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户籍 (n.) hùjí 称之为 (phrase) chēngzhīwéi 户口 (n.) hùkǒu 单位 (n.) dānwèi 农村 (n.) nóngcūn 社会福利 (n.) shèhuìfúlì 存在 (n./v.) cúnzài 流动 (v.) liúdòng 诸多 (n.) zhūduō 不公 (adj.) bùgōng 现象 (n.) xiànxiàng 整体 (n.) zhěngtǐ 优势 (n.) yōushì 渐渐地 (adv.) jiànjiànde 因素 (n.) yīnsù 深圳 (n.) shēnzhèn 一线城市 (n.) yīxiànchéngshì 仍然 (adv.) réngrán 谈婚论嫁 (idiom) tánhūnlùnjià 极其 (adv.) jíqí 对象 (n.) duìxiàng 绿卡 (n.) lǜkǎ 相应 (adj./adv./v.) xiāngyìng
常见词组、词语搭配 ~称之为~ 户口制度 人口流动
census/household register to call it . . . is known as . . . registered household (colloquial) unit (of measure) rural area/village social (gov.) welfare existence; to exist, to be to flow, to go from place to place, to be mobile a good deal, a lot of (used for abstract things) unjust/unfair phenomenon as a whole, the entire entity/body superiority, advantage gradually element/factor Shenzhen, special economic zone in Guangdong a first-tier city still, yet to discuss marriage (e.g., with a partner) extremely partner (boyfriend or girlfriend) green card (permanent residency permit) corresponding; correspondingly; correspond to
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~和~相比 ~比~有优势 一线城市 谈婚论嫁
辩论准备 3: 脑力激荡、畅所欲言 二、讨论题: 1. 根据你的知识或者网络搜索到的信息,中国为什么要实行户籍制度? (Explanation) 2. 你或者你身边的人有没有经历过升学不公或其他的社会不公现象? (Narration) 3. 在你的国家,城市的居民比农村的居民有更多的升学、工作、婚姻上的优势 吗? (Description) 4. 设 想 一 下 , 如 果 你 的 国 家 实 行 了 户 籍 制 度 , 可 能 会 出 现 什 么 样 的 情 况 ? (Hypothesis) 5. 谈婚论嫁时,你认为学历、经济、外貌等因素更重要,还是性格、价值 观(value)等因素更重要? (Comparison)
实战辩论: 唇枪舌剑、辩才无碍 三、辩论题: 1. 在缔结婚姻时,物质基础比感情基础更重要。(Hypothesis)
句型结构/词语练习 (十六) 1. 受到 (get, receive, suffer from) 受到 vs. 收到. 收到 can be followed by a concrete noun, such as 收到礼物 (receive a gift), 收到证书 (receive a certificate), 收到货款 (receive payment), 收到效果 (receive the effect) etc., while 受到 is only followed by abstract nouns and is often translated as the passive voice in English. The nouns after 受到 can be categorized based on the tone they convey:
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Passive tone
受到伤害 (get hurt), 受到批评 (receive criticisms), 受到打击 (get struck by), 受到压迫 (get oppressed by), 受到损失 (suffer a loss), 受到威胁 (is threated by)
Positive tone
受到欢迎 (receive welcome), 受到喜爱 (is favored by), 受到青睐 (qīnglài; is favored by), 受到追捧 (is sought after by), 受到启发 (receive inspiration), 受到认可 (receive acknowledgement)
Neutral tone
受到关注 (receive attention), 受到重视 (receive attention), 受 到影响 (is influenced by [whether the influence is good or bad depends on the context])
受到 vs. 得到. Except for the previous nouns conveying a negative tone, 受到 can be interchangeable with 得到 (get, receive, gain, obtain). For example, people often say 得 到关注, 得到重视, 得到认可, etc. Different from 受到, 得到 can also be followed by concrete nouns such as 得到礼品 (receive a gift), 得到金钱 (receive money). In addition, 得到 can appear in the following phrases that are not interchangeable with 受到: 得 到机会 (gain an opportunity), 得到结果 (receive a result), 得到锻炼 (get exercise), 得 到发展 (obtain development), 得到改善 (obtain improvement), 得到加强 (get strengthened), and 得到体现 (get manifested). For example, 中国的民生得到了改善。(People’s livelihood in China has improved.) 这一原则在宪法中得到了广泛的体现。(This principle is widely reflected in the Constitution.) 例句: 1. 当一国的生产成本与物价水平普遍上升,使其相对高于其他国家,则该国的 出口会受到抑制,而进口则会受到刺激。 When a country’s production costs and price levels generally rise, making it relatively higher than other countries, the country’s exports will be suppressed, while imports will be stimulated. 2. 偷盗毕竟不是光彩的行为,应当受到社会舆论 (yúlùn) 的谴责 (qiǎnzé)。 After all, stealing is not a glorious act and should be condemned by public opinion. 3. 随着东亚经济的崛起,儒学受到世界上许多学者的关注。 With the rise of East Asian economy, Confucianism has attracted the attention of many scholars in the world.
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4. 在印度人民眼里,甘地是一位相当受到尊敬和爱戴的人物。 In the eyes of the Indian people, Gandhi is a very respected and beloved figure. 5. 国际奥委会考察团于4日抵京,受到当地人民的热烈欢迎。 The IOC delegation arrived in Beijing on the 4th and was warmly welcomed by the local people. 练习题: 1. 最近在你所在国家,什么社会议题受到社会各界的广泛关注? 2. 你认为教科书中历史事实的客观性会受到政治、意识形态 (yìshìxíngtài: ideology) 等因素的制约 (zhìyuē: constraint, to constrain) 吗? 3. 你有没有受到文化冲击 (culture shock) 的经历? 可以给大家分享吗?
2. 称之为 (to call it, to call, to be called) 之 in 称之为is a formal expression for 他/她/它(们). See the following sentence 1. However, in many cases, the meaning of 之 is transferable, meaning that 称之为 can be used the same way as 称为 such as 2.–4. 例句: 1. 《医生杜明》是他的首部中篇小说,有读者称之为 “中国版的《沉默的羔羊》”。 Doctor Du Min is his first novella, and some readers call it “the Chinese version of The Silence of the Lambs.” 2. 资产价值超越实体经济的现象,在经济学中被称之为 “泡沫经济”。 The phenomenon that the value of assets surpasses the real economy is called “bubble economy” in economics. 3. 在消费心理学上,这种对品牌趋之若鹜 (qūzhīruòwù) 的消费行为称之为 “品牌 效应”。 In consumer psychology, this kind of consumer behavior of rushing to specific brands is called “brand effect.” 4. 蘑菇味道鲜美可口,营养丰富,是居家及筵席上的珍品,西方人更将其称之 为 “上帝的食品”。 Mushrooms are delicious and nutritious. They are treasures at home and at banquets. Westerners even call them “God’s food.”
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练习题: 1. 下面是一些城市的别称,用 “称之为” \ “将其称之为” \ “被称之为” 造句,在句 子中可以加上这些别称的原因,例如: 伦敦的天气潮湿多雾,又因为曾经受到 严重的污染,所以经常被人们称之为 “雾都”。 A. 纽约—大苹果 B. 威尼斯 (Venice)—水城 C. 维也纳 (Vienna)—音乐城 2. 黄河,中国人亲切地称之为 “母亲河”。 [翻译]
3. 非 (not; non-, in-, un) 非 vs. 不. Different from 不, 非 as negation usually appears as part of a word. You may know words such as 非常 (very [literal meaning: not commonly]), 非凡 (extraordinary [literal: not ordinary]), 非法 (illegal [literal: not legal]). It usually acts as a prefix in words such as 非人道 (inhumane), 非正义 (injustice), 非金属 (non-metal), 非营利性 (non-profit), 非国有 (non-state), 非农业 (non-agricultural), 非义务教育 (non-compulsory education), etc. Moreover, 非 is often used in words such as 并非 (not), 而非 (instead of; rather than), 绝非 (by no means), 无非 (nothing more than). 例句: 1. 咨询的地点一般为非医疗机构,如学校、社区、企业。 Consultation generally takes place at non-medical institutions, such as schools, communities, and enterprises. 2. 高等教育属于非义务教育,学校依据国家有关规定,向学生收取学费是合理 合法的。 Higher education is non-compulsory education, and it is reasonable and legal for schools to charge students tuition fees in accordance with relevant state regulations. 3. 政府规定,非营利性医院可以享受免税、政府补贴等一系列优惠政策。 The government stipulates that non-profit hospitals can enjoy a series of preferential policies such as tax exemption and government subsidies. 4. 性骚扰 (xìngsāorǎo) 意味着一种非自愿的性行为或基于性的其它行为。 Sexual harassment means a non-consensual sexual act or other behavior based on sex.
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5. 在很长一段时间,摩托车在中国是 “非主流”, “不上档次” 的存在。最近,摩 托车行业开始回暖,并持续保持热度。 For a long time, motorcycles in China were “non-mainstream” and “not upscale.” Recently, the motorcycle industry has begun to pick up and continues to be a hot topic. 6. 国际人道主义法明文规定禁止任何拷打和其他非人道待遇及处罚的行为。 International humanitarian law explicitly prohibits all acts of torture and other inhumane treatment and punishment. 7. 增加收入的途径究竟是什么? 无非是两条,一是开源,二是节流。 What exactly is the way to increase income? There are no more than two ways; one is to find a source of income, and the other is to reduce expenditure. 8. 在实行外汇管制的国家,汇率由一国政府人为规定,而非由市场供求决定。 In countries with foreign exchange controls, the currency is artificially regulated by the national government rather than determined by market supply and demand. 练习题: 1. 你同意下面的说法吗? 为什么? 请在回答中尽量用上 “并非” 或其他带 “非” 的词语。 A. 世间各行各业,只有当官最容易,无非是摆摆架子 (put on airs),训训人 (admonish people),画画图 . . . 。 B. 机遇是偶然的,但认识与利用机遇的能力却绝非偶然。 C. 赡养父母应该属于法律责任,而非仅限于道德义务。 2. 双方将于9日举行第二轮非正式会谈。[翻译]
4. 谈婚论嫁 (talk about marriage) This phrase means someone is talking about or thinking about marriage. 例句: 1. 没多久,俩人相爱了,感情非常好,甚至到了谈婚论嫁的程度。 It didn’t take long for the two to fall in love, and the relationship was very good, even to the point of talking about marriage. 2. 中国的男女青年到了谈婚论嫁的年龄,很多父母会开始张罗着给他们找对象。 When young men and women in China reach the age of talking about marriage, many parents will start to look for a partner for them.
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练习题: 1. 在谈婚论嫁时,你会看重对方的什么条件? 比如: 性格、外貌、经济基础、学 历等。 2. 说一说中西方谈婚论嫁时的不同习俗或观念,比如相亲、门当户对、彩礼、 剩男/剩女等。 3. 他们恋爱了三年,已经到了谈婚论嫁的阶段,分手的消息传出,让我们很是 难过。[翻译]
5. 相应 (v. echo; adj. corresponding; adv. accordingly) 相应 means “to echo” and “reflect” as a verb such as the usage in 1. It is also often used to modify a noun or modify a verb meaning that something or some action is in correspondence or accordance to the previous event, activity, condition, etc. 例句: 1. 写文章要结构严谨、条理清晰、首尾相应。 Writing articles should be well-structured and coherent. The ending should echo the beginning. 2. 当外界的刺激作用于人的眼、耳、鼻、舌、身等感觉器官时,就会在大脑中 引起相应的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉等的反映。 When external stimuli act on human eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and other sensory organs, it will cause corresponding visual, auditory, olfactory, taste, and other reflections in the brain. 3. 在此计划的实施过程中,企业应定时予以监控,及时发现问题并采取相应的措施。 During the implementation of this plan, enterprises should monitor it regularly, find problems in time, and take corresponding measures. 4. 任何外汇供求的失衡会引起价格 (即汇率) 的相应变动。 Any imbalance in the supply and demand of foreign exchange will cause a corresponding change in the price (i.e., the exchange rate). 5. 在美国经济上行、美元保持升值的条件下,人民币在国际市场也会相应地升 值,从而影响中国外贸出口的国际竞争力。 Under the condition that the U.S. economy is on the rise and the dollar keeps appreciating, the RMB will appreciate accordingly in the international market, thus affecting the international competitiveness of China’s foreign trade exports.
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6. 随着企业的不断发展壮大,人力资源的需求也会相应增加,相反就会相应减少。 With the continuous development and expansion of enterprises, the demand for human resources will also increase accordingly, and on the contrary, it will decrease accordingly. 练习题: 1. 用 “相应(的/地)” 改写下列句子。 A. 任何违法行为,都要承担法律后果。 B. 劳动力市场比较紧张时,聘用新员工的难度会有所增加。 C. 我国工商企业应从我国的基本国情出发,制定市场营销目标和策略。 2. 教育随着人类社会的产生而产生,随着人类社会的发展变化而发生相应的变 化。[翻译]
附录 辩论技巧
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
辩论的过程有助于发展中文学习者的高级语言能力,并提高其批判思维及辩证思 维的能力。一般来说,一场辩论赛分为正方与反方两组,每方首先进行开篇立论, 再分别详细阐述己方论点,向对方提出质疑、反驳,并进行回击,最后两方对整 场辩论进行总结。本附录将介绍一些辩论中常用的论证、语言及表达技巧,以帮 助中文学习者通过辩论的形式有效提高自身的语言水平。
1. 一辩开篇陈词、立论 开篇陈词中,一辩首先介绍己方观点,阐明本组的主要论点,构建逻辑框架。 重点突出,合理控制时间 (3分钟),不要过分强调细枝末节,以免偏离主题。 对于辩题中的关键词进行明确界定,后续的辩论可能会一直围绕这些字词进行 DOI: 10.4324/9781003396369-17
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(请 参考以下论证技巧中 “定义概念的方法”)。 ◊ 开篇陈词的常用格式及句式:
. . . ,就今天的辩题,我方持赞成/反对观点。
运用连接词: 首先、其次、再次、此外、最后 第一、第二、第三 在~方面; 就~方面 从~来看; 从~的角度/方面上; 从~的角度/方面分析
综上所述, . . .
由此可见, . . .
总而言之, . . .
总的来说, . . .
我方陈词完毕, . . .
162 附录
2. 二辩/三辩辩驳陈词 在开篇立论后,二辩/三辩负责向对方的论点提出质疑和反驳。 反驳中可以找出对方论点中的弱点。例如,对方的论点无法支持其结论,或 其论点中有前后逻辑不一致之处,亦或是质疑对方论据的有效性等。 在进行驳论时,应明确表示你正在回应的是哪个论点,如 “对方辩友提到~ (论点) ,但是我方认为~” 反驳时自信果断,但不要咄咄逼人,要做到礼貌谦让、语气平和、语速平稳。 很多情况下,我们可以先肯定对方的论点,再指出其不足,这样既能对对方 辩友表示尊重,又能表示出即便对方的论点有一定的可行性,但仍无法根本 解决问题,从而突出己方论点更具说服力。 ◊ 反驳时的常用句式:
我方很赞同你方对~/在~方面的看法,但我方认为在~问题上, 你们的看法值得商榷。
我方并不否认~ (+ e.g. 的重要性),但是~
请问对方辩友,你的意思是 . . . 吗?
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3. 四辩总结陈词 最后是四辩的总结陈词环节。 总结时,可以先简洁地重申本组的立场,接着总结在本场中本组给出的强有 力的论 点以及向对方强有力的回应。最后,总结升华主题,给观众留下强 烈、持久的印象。 将一场辩论的全部内容浓缩成3–4分钟的总结实属不易,总结时应选择最核心 的内容来呈现给评委和观众。 ◊ 总结陈词的常用格式及句式 (可参考开篇陈词的相关句式):
谢谢~,大家好。 请允许我重申我方观点
我不得不指出对方辩友的几点错误 对方辩友不断强调 . . . ,但请问 . . . 对方辩友一直坚持 . . . ,不知道我方 (一辩/二辩/三辩) 中提到 的~,您要如何回答? 对方辩友一直回避 . . . 的问题, . . .
总而言之, . . .
4. 质询环节 辩论中往往设有两方进行自由提问的质询环节。 在此环节中,辩手可就对方的论点、论据或论证方式中存在的漏洞提出质疑、 进行攻击,或就对方的提问加以回应。
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比如,如果你对对方的论据的有效性提出质疑,可以提问: “请问你的数据是 哪一年的?” “请问你的数据的样本多大?”等。如果你注意到对方给出的论点有 所矛盾,你可以让他们作出进一步解释: “我注意到你的论点有前后矛盾之处: 你一开始提 到. . . ,然而后来你又提到 . . . 。” 在辩论前,辩手可以就辩论中可能出现的争论焦点做适当的准备,写出对方 可能会 提出的论点,对你方的论点会存在哪些反驳,你方可以如何反击等。 ◊ 质询常用句式:
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
1. 定义概念的方法 对于辩题中的关键词,辩论时应给出明确的定义和范围。 定义可来源于字典的注释、权威的解读、词语在现代社会的延伸意义、相关 政策的规定等。一般来说,辩论双方会采取对己方有利的定义。但需注意, 定义要符合辩 题的语境和人们的常识,不能为了赢得辩论而牵强定义。
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◊ 例如,在辩论 “堕胎是否为谋杀” 一题时,双方可能会就生命的起点给出 不同的定义方法。再比如 “大麻是否应合法化” 一题中,双方可能会就区 分医用大麻还是娱乐大麻,针对大麻的生产还是销售等方面是否应合法化 给出不同的定义标准。
~的概念包括三个要素 . . .
2. 常见的论证方式 为了说服另一方,辩手需要对论点进行有效的证明以使人信服。在此介绍几种常 见的论证方法。 A. 举例论证: 包括列举事例、数据、事实/现象等。 ◊ 比如,要想证明 “人工智能将对就业市场产生负面影响” 这一论点,可以 列举 Oxford Economics的数据: 2000–2016年间,全世界被自动化取代的制 造业工作岗位有170万个。
事例: 比如/例如/比方说 举例来说/打个比方/拿~来说/以~为例 ~就是一个例子 历史上,~的例子数不胜数/不胜枚举 古今中外,无论是~(例1),还是~(例2),都~
数据: 据报道, . . . 据~报道, . . . 根据~的研究, . . . ~的一项研究指出, . . .
166 附录
事实/现象: 众所周知, . . . ~是众所周知的事实 ~现象引起了社会的广泛关注 当今社会,~的现象比比皆是
B. 道理论证: 引用名言警句、经典著作等。 •
~说过, . . .
~曾言, . . .
~有言, . . .
常言道, . . .
俗话说, . . .
古人云, . . .
~说得好: “ . . . ” (e.g. 中国的一句谚语说得好: “远亲不如近邻。”)
正如~所说/所言, . . .
C. 类比论证: 通过比较两个对象在某些属性上的相同或相似,得出其在其他属 性上 的相同或相似性。 类比时,应注意两个事物存在的条件和情境,以增加其可比性。 ◊
举例来说,大麻禁令的反对方可能会将其与禁酒令的失败加以比较, 通过两项 禁令的相似性得出大麻禁令也会失败的结论。
D. 比喻论证: 将某一事物与含有喻义的事物相比较。 虽然此论证不就有证明的能力,但可使论证更加形象,富有感染力。(请 看语言技巧中的比喻修辞方法) 在提出论据后,还应说明此论据如何证明了论点,才能使你的逻辑更加清晰。 ◊ 例如,在证明以上 “人工智能将对就业市场产生负面影响” 的论点时,在 提出 Oxford Economics 的数据 “2000–2016年间,全世界被自动化取代的 制造业工作 岗位有170万个” 后,可以作出解释 “数据中制造业工作岗位的 减少意味着大批低学历的人会出现就业难的问题。随着人工智能的快速发 展,这个趋势将更加严重。” 最后,可以再重申论点 “因此严重影响着就业 市场的发展,” 以增加观 众对你方结论的印象。
~(现象、数据等) 意味着~
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~(现象、数据等) 说明/表明/显示~
可见, . . .
由此可见/由此看来, . . .
3. 常见的论证谬误 此部分将介绍一些辩论中常见的论证谬误,以助于你在辩论中分辨并避免类似的 错误。 A. 模棱两可、偷换概念 对一个词或概念的定义不清,就会出现概念模棱两可的现象。而如果辩论 方在辩论中擅自改变一个词的含义,扩大或缩小其定义范围,就是偷换概 念。 ◊
例如,不同党派对 “民主” 的解释会有所不同,不同人对 “家庭价值 观” 的看法也会不一样。如果对这些词的定义不清,或在辩论中改变 其定义,就犯了上述的 错误。
B. 以偏概全 在证据不足的前提下草率地得出结论。 ◊
比如,仅以纽约州一个州为例而下结论推出全美国都应遵守同一个法 案,然而 并没有给出证据证明纽约州可以作为全美国的代表。
C. 错误类比 将看起来类似但其实并不具有可比性的事物进行对比。 ◊
例如,因为炒股和赌博活动均有较高的风险,而将炒股和赌博相提 并论,而忽 视了这两种活动在其他方面的差异性。
D. 错误因果 看到某些现象间存在相关性,而误将其当作因果关系。另外,有的原因 和结果存在一因多果或多因一果的情况,比如误将其中一种原因当成主要 原因。 ◊
打个比方,某学生前一次考试没考好,受到家长责骂,这次考试进步 很大。结 论: 责骂有利于成绩的提高。然而,此学生此次成绩的提高 可能出于多种原因,如考试的不确定性,学生自身的努力等,因而需 要更多证据证明家长责骂的有效性才能做出结论。
E. 诉诸大众、诉诸传统、诉诸权威、诉诸无知 在举例论证时,不能以 “我身边的人都如此”,“大多数人都这样做,” 或者 某一政 策等 “一贯如此” 等理由来支持一个观点。
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此外,也不能盲目相信权威,而要考察权威的观点是否是在其擅长的领域 内。即便 是其擅长的领域,也要看是否有足够的证据支持,不能盲目轻信。 最后,不能以这个证据 “我没有听过,” 或者 “只有科幻小说里才会有” 等 说辞就 否定对方的观点,应该抱着谦虚的态度做进一步调查。
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
1. 合适的语体 辩论活动通常涉及较正式的话题与场合,辩论者应根据具体信息来采用合适的语 体。高年级的汉语学习者应试着使用更正式、精准以及多样化的词汇。 ◊ 例子: → 赚取更多的利润
最重要的事情就是 . . . → ~的关键在于 . . .
→ ~市场很繁荣/很有前景
→ ~不会对~造成严重的影响
然后,他也说, . . .
→ 其次,~也指出, . . .
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2. 词语的感情色彩 一些词语虽然基本义相同,但感情色彩相差甚远。有经验的辩论者往往通过使用 不同感情色彩的词来传达自己的观点。有些诡辩者甚至通过巧妙地运用带有强烈 感情色彩的词来起到无形中操纵观众情绪和思想的目的。 ◊ 例子:
3. 修辞手法 A. 比喻句 比喻分明喻和暗喻两种类型。与暗喻不同的是,明喻有明确的比喻词。 辩论中,运用比喻的方法可使原本抽象、难懂的观点变得更具体而便于 理解。此外,比喻的运用也可以增强感情色彩,使你的语言更加生动、 形象。
好像 . . . ;像 . . . ;如同 . . . ;如 . . . ;犹如 . . . ;仿佛 . . .
好像 . . . 一样;像 . . . 一样;如同 . . . 一样;如 . . . 一样;犹如 . . . 一样;仿佛 . . . 一样
好像 . . . 似的;像 . . . 似的;如同 . . . 似的;如...似的;犹如 . . . 似 的;仿佛 . . . 似的
明喻的例句: 父爱如山,母爱如海。 干部脱离群众,就好像鱼儿离开水一样,脱离了基础。
暗喻的例句: 书是智慧的钥匙。 幸福是暖炉,能融化坚固的冰块,给寒冷的人以温暖。
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B. 反问句 反问句不是真正的提问,而是用提问的形式,表达一个明显的事实。反问 句的运用 可以起到加强语气,引人思考的作用。 在辩论中,多使用反问句能够突出要表达的观点,增强己方的气势。
难道 . . . (吗)?
怎么 . . . (呢)?
怎能 . . . (呢)?
例句: 这难道是公平的吗? (这肯定是不公平的。) 这难道不值得我们学习吗? (这肯定值得我们学习。) 不付出怎么会有收获? (不付出一定不会有收获。) 夫妻间怎能缺少信任呢? (夫妻间一定不能缺少信任。) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? (冬天来了,春天一定不会远了。) 谁不爱自己的母亲? (毫无疑问,每个人都爱自己的母亲。) 这不正是人类应当追求的吗? (这就是人类应当追求的。)
C. 设问句 设问句是提问者自问自答的一种句式。设问句的作用是提醒听者注意,引 发其对答案的思考。 在辩论中使用设问句也可以起到强调己方观点,加强语气,吸引听众的目 的。 ◊
何谓 “普世价值?” 通行的说法是 “放之四海皆准的价值。”
事实是这样吗? 并非如此。
生活的意义是什么? 生活的意义在于不断地追求幸福。
D. 对偶句、排比句 所谓对偶句,就是运用两个字数相等或相似、结构相似、意义相对的短语 或句子的 修辞方式。而排比句,就是并排运用三个或以上像对偶句结构的 修辞方式。 在辩论或演讲中,运用对偶或排比句能够增强语言的气势,使感情更加强 烈。
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我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛: “我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的—人人生而平等。”
我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能 够和昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,共叙手足情谊。
我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州这个正义匿迹,压迫成风的地 方,也将变成自由和正义的绿洲。
我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是 以他们的品格优劣来评价他们的国度里生活。 . . .
有了这个信念,我们将能一起工作,一起祈祷,一起斗争,一起 坐牢,一起维护自由;因为我们知道,终有一天,我们是会自由 的。 —- 节选自马丁·路德·金《我有一个梦想》
Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
1. 表达时充满自信和热情,但不要与对方争吵发怒,态度应当谦逊。 2. 说话时发音清晰,使用合适的语速,根据所传递的信息调整语气的轻重缓 急,并注意音调的抑扬顿挫,在强调处增加重音、停顿。说话时富有感情, 可以引起观众的共鸣,但注意不要过分夸张。
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3. 与观众保持眼神交流。合理运用面部表情帮助信息的传达,如在讲述严肃的 话题时表情凝重,而面对对方或评委提问时可以面带微笑,以免疏远听众。 巧妙使用肢体语言,避免不必要的肢体动作,如身体前后左右摇晃等。 4. 语言简明扼要,避免口头语的使用 个”等)
5. 条理清晰,多给观众结构上的提示,如使用衔接和过度的词句。 6. 表达准确、具体,避免大而空的用词。例如 “~很好”、“~很重要” 等词并不 能给观众提供很多信息,应进一步具体说明为何重要,如前面所述的列举例 证、数据等。 7. 使用形象化的语言,注意语言的色彩 (请看 “语言技巧” 里的介绍)。 8. 在辩论中不断制造高潮,吸引观众的注意力,如以引人入胜的方式开篇;以发 人深省的方式结尾等。语言上可使用以上提到的反问句、排比句等修辞手法。 9. 在辩论过程中不断重复己方的立场、态度和结论,以此突出己方结论的重要 性,强化观众对你方结论的印象。 注: 2–8项部分内容参考奥斯丁·J.弗里莱《辩论与论辩》
Photo credit: Mark Hultgren/Pixabay
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这部分将介绍一些可在课堂上运用的多种辩论形式,以丰富课堂活动内容,满足 不同教师与学生的需求。
1. 传统辩论形式 A. 议会制辩论 议会制辩论以美国议会制辩论与英国议会制辩论为主。 两种辩论形式均分为政府方及反对党一方。辩论由正方 (政府方) 开始陈述 议题, 此后由反方 (反对党) 对本方的观点进行陈述并对正方进行反驳。 美国议会制辩论中正反两方各一组,每组两人。英国议会制辩论中正反两 方各两 组,每方分上院及下院,各代表领袖和党鞭的角色。 议会制辩论不设自由辩论环节,反对方可在规定时间内,在对方发言时提 出质疑, 要求对方做出回应。
2. 现代辩论形式 A. 四角辩论 此形式将辩手分为四组,分别代表全部赞成、部分赞成、部分反对和全部 反对。辩论时,辩手分别站在教室的四个角落,代表自己的一方。在一轮 辩论结束后,辩手可选择是否继续留在此队,或加入到别的队伍。 此形式可防止学生对辩题陷入 “非黑即白” 的二分法中。 B. 角色扮演辩论 此形式中,辩手以个人或小组为单位扮演辩题中的各个利益方。 比方说,在辩论 “酒吧是否应为顾客醉酒驾驶负责” 一题时,辩手可扮演 酒吧老 板、贩酒商、警察、在醉酒车祸中遇难的孩子母亲、当地反酗酒组 织代表等角色。 因为此辩论形式涉及辩题的各方面,因此也可防止学生陷入黑白两面的思 维定势中。 C. 思考-配对-分享辩论 此形式中,辩手首先自己独立思考辩题,再与其他一个辩手配对,在小组 内为辩题 的正反两方各整理出论点。其次两两小组合作讨论,对论点进行 优化,并决定支持 哪一方。最后,以四人为单位,将结论和论点与全体同 学分享。 此形式特别有助于提高学生分析辩题、建立论点的能力。
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参考文献 奥斯丁·J.弗里莱 (1996):《辩论与论辩》(李建强等译),保定: 河北出版社。(第一 版原著出版于1961年)
Appendix: Debate skills
1. Process and common sentences in debate
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
The debate process will push students to engage with the Chinese language at an advanced level while simultaneously helping them develop skills in critical thinking and empathy. The general process involves two teams that argue for and against some issue. A speaker from each side introduces their teams’ point of view, and then team members take turns to introduce and expound on their main arguments, make rebuttals against opposing arguments, and then end with concluding remarks. This appendix outlines the common phraseology and skills to give students the resources they need to be able to debate in Chinese.
176 Appendix
1. The opening statement and argument The first speaker starts by introducing the point of view and main arguments of their group within a logical framework. Focus on the main points and avoid minor details to stay focused on the topic of debate (keep this to about three minutes). Provide clear definitions for how key words of the debate will be used. Subsequent portions of the debate may revolve around these words and their definitions. ◊ Common formats for opening statements: Opening Greeting:
Making a Point:
. . . ,就今天的辩题,我方持赞成/反对观点。
Establishing the Framework:
运用连接词: 首先、其次、再次、此外、最后 第一、第二、第三 在~方面; 就~方面 从~来看; 从~的角度/方面上; 从~的角度/方面分析
Summarizing the Argument:
综上所述, . . .
由此可见, . . .
总而言之, . . .
总的来说, . . .
Appendix 177
Restating Your Position:
Ending Acknowledgement:
我方陈词完毕, . . .
2. The rebuttal arguments After the opening argument, the second and third debaters are responsible for challenging and refuting the opponent’s arguments. A rebuttal is comprised of identifying weaknesses in the opposing argument. For example, it could point out if an opponent’s argument does not quite support their conclusion, if their argument contains logical inconsistencies, or if the validity of their evidence is questionable. When making a rebuttal of an argument, the speaker needs to clearly indicate which (part of the) argument they are responding to. For example, “对方辩友提到~(论 点),但是我方认为~” Although it is important to be confident and decisive when you make a rebuttal, it is also crucial to be polite and humble. To avoid coming across as aggressive, speak in a calm tone and at a steady pace. In most situations, it is appropriate to begin by affirming the opposing team’s arguments prior to pointing out their shortcomings, so as to show respect for them and the work they put in to prepare for the debate. After doing so, you can then demonstrate that even though the opposing side has some feasible arguments, their arguments ultimately have some shortcomings that are resolved by your own arguments, highlighting that yours are more convincing. ◊ Common Sentences Used in Rebuttal: Expressing Gratitude:
178 Appendix
Affirming and Refuting:
我方很赞同你方对~/在~方面的看法,但我方认为在~问题上, 你 们的看法值得商榷。
我方并不否认~ (+ e.g. 的重要性),但是~
Requesting an Explanation:
请问对方辩友,你的意思是 . . . 吗?
Clarifying the Topic Under Debate:
Emphasizing a Point:
3. Concluding remarks The debate ends with a concluding speech by the fourth debater. When it is time to make a conclusion, start by succinctly restating your group’s position, followed by a summary of the strong arguments of your side and responses given to the other side. Then reiterate the theme and leave a strong and lasting impression on the audience with any final remarks. Note that it is not easy to condense an entire debate in a three-to-four-minute summary, so be sure to choose the most central elements to present to the judges and the audience when giving the concluding speech. ◊ Common Formats for Making Summarizing Statements (see also the relevant sentence structures used in the opening statements): An Opening Greeting:
Reiterating Your Group’s Viewpoint/Arguments:
Appendix 179
Summarizing the Opposing Fallacies:
我不得不指出对方辩友的几点错误 对方辩友不断强调 . . . ,但请问 . . . 对方辩友一直坚持 . . . ,不知道我方 (一辩/二辩/三辩) 中 提到 的~,您要如何回答? 对方辩友一直回避 . . . 的问题, . . .
Reiterating Your Position:
总而言之, . . .
Thanking the Audience:
4. The questioning session Debates often feature a Q&A portion in which both sides are free to ask questions back and forth. During this portion, debaters may challenge, attack, and/or respond to the opponent’s questions about holes in their arguments, evidence, and way of arguing. For example, if you question the validity of an opponents’ evidence, you could ask questions such as “请问你的数据是哪一年的?” or “请问你的数据的样本多大?” Alternatively, if you notice inconsistencies in the arguments they give, you could ask them to expound on those, “我注意到你的论点有前后矛盾之处:你一开始 提到 . . . , 然而后来你又提到 . . . 。” Before the debate, groups should prepare by considering and writing out which arguments the other side may present, which counterarguments they may use against your side, and what responses you may give, etc. ◊ Common Sentences for Questioning: 请问对方辩友~ 请对方辩友解释一下~
180 Appendix
2. How to make an argument
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
1. Methods for defining concepts You should provide a clear definition and scope for key words in the debate. Definitions can come from dictionary entries, authoritative interpretations, extended meanings of words as used in modern society, and/or how related policies are defined/ regulated. Generally, each side will adopt the definition that is more favorable to their side; however, any definition should still fit the context of the debate and should not be stretched beyond common sense as a ploy to win the debate. ◊ For example, in a debate on whether abortion is murder, both sides may have different approaches to defining the beginning of life. In a debate on the legalization of marijuana, opposing sides may have differing definitional criteria for distinguishing between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana or for what the “legalization of marijuana” encompasses. Methods for giving a definition:
Appendix 181
~的概念包括三个要素 . . .
2. How to make a good argument A debater will need to effectively prove an argument in order to persuade the other side. This section contains some common methods of persuasion. A. Making an argument by using examples, such as data, facts, phenomena, etc. For the argument that “AI will have a negative impact on the job market,” one could cite data from Oxford Economics: 1.7 million manufacturing jobs were replaced by automation worldwide between 2000 and 2016. ◊ Commonly Used Sentences: Using general examples:
Using data:
据报道, . . .
据~报道, . . .
根据~的研究, . . .
~的一项研究指出, . . .
Using phenomena:
众所周知, . . .
B. Moral arguments: using quotations/classical works Commonly used sentences:
182 Appendix
◊ ~说过, . . . ◊ ~曾言, . . . ◊ ~有言, . . . ◊ 常言道, . . . ◊ 俗话说, . . . ◊ 古人云, . . . ◊ ~说得好: “ . . . ” (e.g. 中国的一句谚语说得好: “远亲不如近邻。”) ◊ 正如~所说/所言, . . . C. Argument by analogy: making a comparison between two objects/scenarios that are similar in some attributes in order to conclude that they are the same/similar in other attributes. When making analogies, try to pay attention to any difference in the conditions and/or contexts of the two things to try to ensure their comparability. ◊ An example of making an argument through analogy would be if opponents of marijuana prohibition tried to compare it to the failure of the American Prohibition of alcohol and concluded that marijuana prohibition would also fail for similar reasons. D. Metaphorical argument: compare one thing to another thing metaphorically. Although these kinds of arguments do not offer proof, they can help the audience visualize an argument better and make it more inspiring. (See the section “Metaphorical sentences” in “Rhetorical techniques.”) • After presenting the evidence, you should also explain a clear logical connection of how the evidence supports your argument. ◊ For example, when using the previous example of “AI will have a negative impact on the job market,” in addition to presenting data from Oxford Economics (i.e., 1.7 million manufacturing jobs were replaced by automation worldwide between 2000 and 2016), a debater could say something like “This reduction in manufacturing jobs means that a large number of people with low education will have difficulty finding employment. With the continuing development of artificial intelligence, this trend may become even more severe.” This could be taken further by adding “thus seriously affecting the job market” to increase the emotional response of the audience. Common sentences to explain evidence:
~(现象、数据等) 意味着~
Appendix 183
~(现象、数据等) 说明/表明/显示~
可见, . . .
由此可见/由此看来, . . .
3. Common argumentative fallacies This section covers common logical fallacies that debaters make in the course of the debate. Familiarizing yourself with these are helpful both in order to avoid them yourself and to recognize in the arguments of others. A. Ambiguity and “stolen concepts” An ambiguous definition of a word or concept can lead to a misconception. And if one side of the debate changes the meaning of a word in the debate (without consensus), expanding or narrowing its definition, then it becomes a “stolen concept.” ◊ An example of this is how different parties interpret words like “democracy” and “family values” differently. If the definitions of these terms are unclear or if the way they are used during the debate changes, one might make the mistake described earlier. B. Over-generalizations This is often the result of making hasty conclusions based on insufficient evidence. ◊ For example, if someone used the state of New York as an example to conclude that the entire United States should comply with some policy but provided no evidence that New York is representative of the entire United States. C. False comparisons When someone compares and contrasts things that look similar but are not actually comparable. ◊ For example, comparing stock speculation to gambling because of the high risk associated with both activities may ignore other ways in which the two activities differ. D. False cause fallacy The result of mistaking a correlation between certain phenomena for causality. In addition, some causes and effects may have the relationship of one cause and multiple results or multiple causes and one result. For example, this fallacy would apply for mistaking one of these causes as the main cause.
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To show an example of this fallacy, let’s say that a student who failed a previous test was scolded by their parents and then showed great improvement on their next test. A false cause fallacy would lead someone to the conclusion that scolding is directly leads to improved performance. However, this student’s improvement could be due to a variety of reasons, such as the test being less difficult than the previous one, the student putting in more effort than before, etc. Therefore, more evidence would be needed for such a conclusion to be made. E. Making appeals to the public, tradition, authority, or ignorance If you use an example to make an argument, you cannot support that point with reasons such as “most people do it” or “it has always been this way.” It can be easy to blindly trust an authority when referred to in an argument. It is important to examine whether a given authority is an expert in the field they are commenting on, and, even if it is within the area of their expertise, examining whether there is enough evidence to support their point. Last, it is insufficient to use your own ignorance to dismiss another person’s argument. Saying something like “I have never heard of that” or “that only exists in science fiction” is not a rebuttal. You should humbly do further investigation to learn more about it.
3. Language skills
Photo credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
Appendix 185
1. Appropriate language style Debate activities usually concern more formal issues and occur in more formal contexts, so debaters should use a style appropriate to the specific topic and context. As your Chinese level gets more advanced, you should try to use increasingly formal, precise, and varied vocabulary. Example: ◊ 赚更多的钱
→ 赚取更多的利润
◊ 最重要的事情就是 . . . → ~的关键在于 . . . ◊ ~市场很好
→ ~市场很繁荣/很有前景
◊ ~不是太大的问题
→ ~不会对~造成严重的影响
◊ 然后,他也说, . . .
→ 其次,~也指出, . . .
2. Loaded language The basic meaning of some words can sometimes vary depending on the emotional tone of the speaker. Experienced debaters often color words with different emotions to convey their points. Some sophists even use loaded language to subtly manipulate the audience’s emotions and thoughts. Examples: ◊ Positive words
Negative words
3. Rhetorical techniques A. Metaphorical sentences A metaphor compares one thing to another in order to highlight some aspect of the object. Similes are a special type of metaphor that use a direct comparison (e.g. “You are as slow as a sloth.”) whereas other metaphors state that something is something else, challenging the user to understand an indirect meaning (e.g. “My mind is a labyrinth.”)
186 Appendix
Metaphors help make an otherwise abstract and difficult point more concrete and easier to understand. In addition, the use of metaphors appeals to emotion and makes language more vivid and imaginative. ◊ Commonly used metaphorical language: 好像 . . . ;像 . . . ;如同 . . . ;如 . . . ;犹如 . . . ;仿佛 . . . 好像 . . . 一样;像 . . . 一样;如同 . . . 一样;如 . . . 一样;犹如 . . . 一样; 仿佛 . . . 一样 好像 . . . 似的;像 . . . 似的;如同 . . . 似的;如 . . . 似的;犹如 . . . 似的; 仿佛 . . . 似的
Examples of simile: 父爱如山,母爱如海。 干部脱离群众,就好像鱼儿离开水一样,脱离了基础。
Examples of metaphor: 书是智慧的钥匙。 幸福是暖炉,能融化坚固的冰块,给寒冷的人以温暖。
B. Rhetorical questions Rhetorical questions are not true questions but rather use the format of a question to express an obvious fact. Rhetorical questions serve to both strengthen the tone of the speaker and elicit thought. In a debate, using rhetorical questions can emphasize the point you are trying to make and increase your momentum. ◊ Common Phrases: 难道 . . . (吗)? 怎么 . . . (呢)? 怎能 . . . (呢)?
Examples (and the point intended): 这难道是公平的吗? (这肯定是不公平的。) 这难道不值得我们学习吗? (这肯定值得我们学习。) 不付出怎么会有收获? (不付出一定不会有收获。) 夫妻间怎能缺少信任呢? (夫妻间一定不能缺少信任。) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? (冬天来了,春天一定不会远了。)
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谁不爱自己的母亲? (毫无疑问,每个人都爱自己的母亲。) 这不正是人类应当追求的吗? (这就是人类应当追求的。) C. Interrogative sentences An interrogative sentence is a sentence in which speakers ask a question and then answer it themselves. The purpose of asking a question in this style is to draw a listener’s attention to the question and then provoke them to think about the answer. The use of interrogative sentences emphasizes your point of view, strengthens your tone, and engages the audience while allowing you to expound upon your point. ◊ Examples: 何谓 “普世价值”? 通行的说法是 “放之四海皆准的价值”。 事实是这样吗? 并非如此。 生活的意义是什么? 生活的意义在于不断地追求幸福。 D. Antithesis and parallelism An antithesis is a rhetorical expression that uses two phrases or sentences of similar word count and structure and of similar or opposite meaning. On the other hand, parallelism uses three or more sentences/phrases (that resemble each other) side by side. In speeches and debate, using either antithesis or parallelism enhances the momentum of the language and increases the intensity of feeling. ◊ Examples: 我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛: “我 们认为这些真理是不言而喻的—人人生而平等。” 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子将能够 和昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,共叙手足情谊。 我梦想有一天,甚至连密西西比州这个正义匿迹,压迫成风的地 方,也将变成自由和正义的绿洲。 我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以 他们的品格优劣来评价他们的国度里生活。 . . . 有了这个信念,我们将能一起工作,一起祈祷,一起斗争,一起坐 牢,一起维护自由;因为我们知道,终有一天,我们是会自由的。 —- 节选自马丁·路德·金《我有一个梦想》
188 Appendix
4. How to express yourself
Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay
1. Speak with confidence, enthusiasm, and clear enunciation. A debate is not an excuse to argue. Although there will be conflicting viewpoints due to the nature of debate, be humble and avoid contention. 2. Speak with emotion, which can resonate with the audience, but do not over-exaggerate. Speak clearly and use an appropriate speed of speech, match your tone of voice to your message, and pause for emphasis when fitting. 3. Maintain eye contact with your audience. Use facial expressions intentionally to help convey your message, such as a “stony” expression when talking about a serious topic and occasional smiles when facing the opposing party or the judges to avoid alienating your audience. Body language can serve to emphasize or distort your intended message, and unnecessary body movements, such as rocking back and forth, can pose a distraction. 4. Use concise language. Avoid using filler words (“嗯,” “ 啊,” “这个,” “那个,” etc.). 5. Be well organized and give the audience structural cues to help them follow the debate. The sentence/phrase suggestions provided throughout this appendix are great for this. 6. Avoid empty words by speaking accurately and specifically. Stating that something is “good” or “important” does not actually give the audience much information. Take
Appendix 189
it a step further and specify why it is important by citing examples, data, and critical analysis with relevant consequences and outcomes. 7. Use figurative language and pay attention to the color of the language (see “Language Skills”). 8. Present your debate as a story working towards an overarching climax to help attract your audience’s attention. Try to open with a good hook, use rhetorical devices, and end in a thought-provoking way. 9. Throughout the debate, repeat your position, attitude, and conclusion(s) to highlight their importance and to reinforce the audience’s impression of your conclusion. *Note: Items 2–8 are inspired by Austin J. Freeley ’s Argumentation and debate.
5. Common forms of debate
Photo credit: Mark Hultgren/Pixabay
This section will introduce some of the many forms of debate that can be used in the classroom to both enrich classroom activities and meet the varying needs of different teachers and students.
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1. Traditional debate format A. Parliamentary debate This style of debate is that of the American and British parliamentary systems. In this debate, the state party presents an issue and their view on it, and then the opposition party presents their side with a rebuttal of the first. In the U.S. parliamentary system, there is one group of two people on each side of the issue being debated. In the British system, there are two groups of two people for each side of the issue, providing a representative from the upper and lower houses on each side of the issue. A parliamentary debate does not have a free debate session, but the opposing party can ask for a response by raising questions during the other party’s speech (as long as the questions are asked within a certain time frame).
2. Modern forms of debate: A. Four corner debate This format divides debaters into four separate groups: one group that is all for, one group that is somewhat for, another group that is somewhat against, and a final group that is all against the issue up for debate. During the debate, the debaters stand in a corner of the classroom that represents their side. At the end of the debate, the debaters choose whether to stay on the team they started with or to walk over to join another team. An advantage of this format is that it can help students avoid falling into a “black and white” dichotomy on the debate topic. B. Role-play debate In this format, debaters (individually or as a group) must play the roles of the various stakeholders in the topic under debate. For example, in a debate on whether a bar is responsible for the drunk driving of its patrons, debaters may be separated into the roles of the bar owner, an alcohol vendor, a police officer, the mother of a child killed by a drunk driver, a representative of a local anti-alcohol group, etc.
Appendix 191
Because this debate format involves all aspects of the topic, it also prevents students from falling into a black and white mindset and additionally helps students to develop empathy and practice considering issues from different viewpoints. C. Think-pair-share debate This debate style challenges debaters to first think about a topic on their own. After they have had time to do this, they are then paired up with another debater and given time as a partnership to write down arguments for and against the issue under debate. Then, each pair works with another pair (groups of four) to share their arguments with each other, optimize their arguments, and decide which side they will ultimately support. Finally, these groups of four can share their conclusions and arguments with the entire class. This method is particularly helpful to strengthen students’ ability to think through an issue and develop an argument.
Citation Freeley A. J. (1996). Argumentation and debate. (J. Li et al. Trans.). Baoding, Hebei Publishing House. (The 1st edition of the original work published 1961)
一旦(once) 33, 34, 40, 132 一次性(disposable) 78, 79 一系列(a series of) 57 一带一路(the Belt and Road Initiative) 43–45, 56, 57, 59 人工(artificial) 68; 人工智能(artificial intelligence) 112–115 人才(talent) 4, 131, 132 人际关系(interpersonal relationship) 34, 89 入门(gateway) 95, 96, 97, 99 乃至(even) 56, 58, 63 力所能及(in one’s power) 79, 84 于(on, in, at, from) 73, 74; 处于(in) 74, 77; 位于(lie in) 74; 受益于(to benefit from) 44, 45, 48; 致力于(be committed to) 73, 105, 109; 着眼于(focus on) 32, 33, 39; 趋于 (tend towards) 13, 13, 17; 专属于(belong to) 121–123; 归结于(sum up) 24–26 工程(an engineering project) 57–59 下降(decrease) 87–89 大材小用(wasting talent on a petty job) 13–16, 22 大麻(marijuana) 87–89, 95–98 大街小巷(streets and alleys) 132, 136 与此同时(at the same time) 3, 9 与否(whether) 24, 25, 30 门当户对(well-matched) 141–144 门槛(threshold) 13–15 义务(obligation) 77–79, 156 之处(points, things) 41; 过人之处(the things one excels in) 33, 35, 41 之所以(the reason why) 23–26 丰厚(generous) 131, 132 天性(nature) 120 无害(harmless) 87, 88 艺术节(art festival) 56, 58 支柱(pillar) 132, 134 不二法门(the one and only way) 2, 3, 10, 36 不见得(not necessarily) 24–26, 29, 见“未必”
不仅(not only) 2, 4, 61, 67, 68, 72; 不仅~更(not only~but also) 68, 71; 不但~更(not only~but also) 72; 不仅如此(not only that) 61 不如(not as good as) 87, 88, 90 不胜枚举(too numerous to mention) 131, 132, 140 区域(area) 55, 57 尤其(especially) 121, 126, 127, 151 互办(mutually host) 56–58 互利(mutual benefit) 56, 57 内需(domestic demand) 2, 4 水能载舟,亦能覆舟(while waters can bear a boat, they can also capsize it) 101 手段(means, method) 33–36, 54, 104, 131, 133 长远(long term) 33–35, 38 长期(long period) 35, 38, 49, 89, 142 化; 工业化(industrialize) 7;智能化(to “make smart”) 114, 115; 大众化(popularize) 3 反之(conversely) 34, 39 反目成仇(to fall out with) 131, 132, 139 反对者(an opposer) 56, 56 从~做起(start by/from) 78, 83 从而(thus) 148 从事(undertake) 13, 14, 74, 75, 113, 117 公路(road) 56, 57 风险(risk) 33, 35, 61 文化年(Year of Culture) 56, 56 文凭(diploma) 1, 3 计较(haggle over) 33–35 户口(registered household) 150–152; 户口制度 151 户籍(census/household register) 151, 153 心理(psychology) 95–97 引领(lead/guide) 56, 58 以(with/so as to) 107; 以来(from) 49, 52 双刃剑(a double-edged sword) 103, 105 未必(not necessarily) 29, 见“不见得” 打下基础(lay down a foundation) 34, 35, 38 功能(function) 39, 113, 114, 125
Index 193
节省(save) 32, 33, 34 平均(average) 125 占到(account for, make up for) 72 目的(goal) 33–36, 59, 89 目标(target) 33–36 生态系统(ecosystem) 67–69 生理(physiology) 87–89 失业(unemployment) 113, 114 代替(replace) 113, 114 用餐(dine) 34 市场(market) 5, 13, 15, 54 训练(training) 24–26 记忆力(memory) 87, 89 加强(strengthen) 55, 98, 154 考研(to take entrance exams for a graduate program) 12, 13, 15; 考博(to take entrance exams for a doctorate program) 12, 13, 15 扩招(to expand admission/increase enrollment) 2, 3, 15, 13 共赢(win-win) 56, 57 亚欧大陆(Eurasian continent) 44, 46 机场(airport) 56, 57 过度(excessive/over-) 113, 115 协调性(coordination) 87, 89 而~则(while) 36 达(reach) 20; 多达(as many as) 20; 远达(as far as) 20 列为(to be classified a) 87–89, 91 成瘾(become addicted) 87, 89, 98 毕业生(graduate) 2–13, 15 此(this) 51; 为此(for this) 51; 因此(therefore) 51, 81 师资师资 (persons qualified to teach (teachers)) 13, 14 当作(to treat or regard as) 33–35; 作为(to treat or regard as) 36, 57, 58, 75; 视为 (view ~ as) 36; 看作(regard as) 36, 142 因(为)~而(because) 28 吸食(suck/take in) 95–97 回收(recycle) 67, 69 伦理(moral principles) 103, 105 血压(blood pressure) 87–89 后果(consequence) 61, 95–97 合作计划(collaborative plan) 44, 46 合法化(legalization) 87–89, 96, 98, 132, 134 危害(harm/endanger) 70, 70, 78–80, 96, 98 争夺(fight for) 56, 58, 139 冲击(impact) 3
交流(communication) 55, 57, 59 污染(pollution) 67, 69, 70, 78, 80 安危(safety and danger) 67, 68 农村(village) 2, 3, 151–153 导致(lead to) 15, 61, 70, 78–80, 96, 104, 113, 139 并非如此(definitely not like this) 67, 68, 75, 76 如果~则(if~then) 91; 如果~就 (If~then) 91; 若~则 (If~then) 91 形势(state of affairs) 12–14 进出口(imports and exports) 44, 45 扮演(play a role) 113, 114, 118, 142 均(all) 14, 19 投资(investment) 2, 4, 16, 32–35, 39 严峻(severe) 12–14 求职(seek employment) 15, 16 医学(medicine) 87–89, 96, 103, 104 入; 步入(enter) 2, 3, 7; 进入(enter) 7; 跨 入(step astride in) 7 男才女貌(an ideal couple) 141, 142, 143 岗位(a job) 56, 57 财富(wealth) 24–26 告别(farewell) 79, 83–84 利与弊(the pros and the cons) 3, 4, 57, 58, 119; 利大于弊(the pros outweigh the cons) 59, 62, 113, 115, 118, 134; 弊大于利(the cons outweigh the pros) 59, 61, 118; 利益(benefit) 33, 33, 136 估算(estimate) 69 体育精神(sportsmanship) 131, 133 犹如(appearing to be) 143, 145 究竟(actually) 25, 27 穷困潦倒(destitute) 24–26, 31 良莠不齐(the good and bad are mixed together) 13–15, 21 改良(improve) 104, 106 环境(environment) 7, 39, 67, 68, 70, 78 青少年(teenagers) 95–97 现象(phenomenon) 3, 15, 60, 67, 134, 144, 150–153 规划(plan) 32, 32 规模(scale) 14, 113, 114 垃圾(garbage) 66–68, 70, 78 拉动(to fuel) 2, 4 披荆斩棘(go through many difficulties) 104, 105, 111 其(his/her/their) 98 事业(career) 2, 4, 92, 110, 144
194 Index
事实(truth) 67 刺激(stimulate) 56, 57 奇迹(miracle) 115 软件(software) 13, 14 国际(international) 4, 44, 45; 国际港 (international port) 45 贬值(depreciation) 5 制定(draft) 33, 34 货物(cargo) 45 依赖性(dependence) 87–89 往来(come and go) 58 往往(often) 33, 34, 39, 121, 122, 126, 127, 142; 常常(frequently) 127, 128 彼此(each other) 136 所谓的(so called) 147 命运(destiny) 2, 3 贫穷(poor) 23–26 饱和(saturated) 13–15 底层(lowest rung) 78, 79 废弃物(litter) 68 放弃(give up) 33, 34 法律(law) 78–80, 103, 105 治疗(therapy) 94, 95, 96, 104 学历(degree of education) 5, 16, 153 宗旨(aim/mission/purpose) 55–60 视为(treat as) 1–3, 9 视野(field of vision) 32–34, 见“眼界” 建成(build) 44–45 建设(construct) 2, 4, 56, 59 降解(decompose) 69, 78 艰难(difficult) 15 线路(route) 44, 46 经济(economy) 4, 17, 57, 59, 62, 70, 80, 144, 147, 153 毒品(narcotics) 87, 89 政治(politics) 52, 56, 58 政策(policy) 3, 4, 78, 79 挑战(challenge) 115 指日可待(just around the corner) 79, 84–85 挥霍(squander) 24, 25, 26 相比(compare) 143 相对(comparatively) 121, 122, 125 相当于(equivalent to) 113, 114, 116–117 相应(correspond to) 151 威胁(threat) 67, 68, 154 研发(research and development) 78, 79 面向(face sth.) 121, 122, 124 战略(strategy) 3
显示(to show) 61, 86, 87, 88 便利(convenience) 115 修建(build) 56, 57 促进(improve) 56, 57, 132 待遇(salary or treatment) 13, 15 逃避(to evade) 13, 15 食物链(food chain) 69 食欲(appetite) 95, 96 独居(to live alone) 113, 114 贸易(commerce) 44, 45 差距(disparity) 4, 108 迷失自我(to lose oneself) 33, 34 前所未有(unprecedented) 14, 20–21 前景(prospects) 13, 15 总之(anyway) 35, 143 突破(break through) 14, 47 误区(a mistaken notion) 88 昼夜不停(continuously, without stop) 130, 132 盈亏(to gain and lose) 33, 35 统计(statistics) 14 素质(quality) 2, 4, 95, 97 热(hotly/ popularly) 60–61; 热议(hot discussion) 60, 61; 留学热(study abroad fever) 56, 58, 60 配置(configuration) 13, 14 破坏(damage) 64, 68, 96 逐步(progressively) 114, 116 圆~之梦(fulfill dream) 10–11 铁路(railroad) 44, 56, 57 特别(special, specially) 126, 127, 见“尤其” 称(to say/state) 56 称之为(to call it) 152 值得(to deserve) 33, 35, 97, 98, 100–101 息息相关(interrelated) 112–114, 118–119 途经(via) 45, 47–48 逢(encounter) 128–129; 逢年过节(on New Year’s or other festivals) 121, 122 高校(university) 1–3, 13, 16 高铁(high-speed train) 57, 108 症状(symptom) 95–98 疾病(disease) 61, 103, 104 烟草(tobacco) 87, 88 酒精(alcohol) 87, 88 涉及[到](involve) 110 消沉(low-spirited) 123 消费(consume) 2, 4, 32, 53 消遣(pastime) 87, 89, 98 海运(ocean shipping) 44, 45
Index 195
海洋(ocean) 66–68, 70, 78 流传(to circulate) 2, 3 调查(survey) 25, 62, 138 谈婚论嫁(to discuss marriage) 151–153, 158–159 娱乐(entertainment) 120–124, 131 推广(prompt) 87, 88, 89 培养成材(to cultivate talent) 12, 14 据17; 据报道(according to the report) 18; 据说(it is said) 18; 据称(as stated) 18; 据 悉(it is reported that) 18 基因(gene) 102–104, 107; 基因片段(a gene fragment) 103, 105; 基因组(genome) 103, 104; 基因编辑(edit gene) 102, 103, 104 基础设施(infrastructure) 2, 4, 56, 57, 59 辅助(supplementary) 94, 96 眼界(field of vision) 33, 34, 见“视野” 崛起(rise abruptly) 39, 56, 58 移植(transplant) 103, 105 得失(gain and loss) 33, 35 彩票(lottery ticket) 24, 25, 见“博彩” 领域(field) 47, 57, 59, 62, 103 率(rate) 16; 录取率(admission rate) 2, 3, 17; 心率(heart rate) 87–89 深受(to receive in no small measure) 131, 132, 135 涵盖(cover) 47, 56–58, 64–65 情绪(mood) 122 随着(along with) 2, 3, 5–6, 123 婚姻(marriage) 137, 139, 141, 144, 147, 153 提升(promote) 13, 15, 16 博彩(lottery) 131–134, 见“彩票” 对~敬而远之(stay a respectful distance away from) 87, 89, 92 棋牌(chess) 120, 122 硬件(hardware) 13, 14 暂时(temporary) 33, 35 掌握(know well) 24, 25, 26, 96 量(quantity) 45; 产量(production volume) 67, 69; 含金量(real value) 13, 15, 16 景观(landscape) 67, 68 遗传(to pass onto the next generation) 103, 104, 106 赌博(gambling) 122, 124, 130–133 短期(short term) 35, 89 程度(degree/level) 27, 121, 122 集中力(concentration) 87, 89
循环(circulate) 78, 79 就业(to get a job) 1–5, 13, 13, 15 普及(to make universal) 2, 3, 5, 114, 115 道德(morality) 103, 105 港口(port) 56, 58 富有(wealthy) 23–25 属性属性 (attribute, property) 130, 132 强化(consolidate) 103, 105 强制(compel) 80, 103, 105 媒人(matchmaker) 142–143 缓解(to alleviate) 44–46, 95–97 缔结(conclude) 142, 143, 146, 147, 153 编辑(edit) 102, 103, 104, 104 摆脱(to shake/cast off) 2, 3 概率(probability) 105 碎片(fragment) 77, 79 签订(to conclude and sign) 44, 46 简历(CV, résumé) 13, 15, 16 微不足道(too insignificant to mention) 67, 68, 74 数据(data) 86–88 塑料(plastic) 66, 67, 70, 78, 80; 塑料 袋(plastic bag) 68 满足(satisfy) 32, 33, 34, 73 滥用(overuse) 95, 97 福利(social welfare) 13, 15, 150, 152 截至(by/up until a specified time) 44, 46, 73, 78, 82, 83 碳足迹(carbon footprint) 80 需求(demand) 32, 34, 62, 107 赚钱(make money) 33–35 舞蹈(dance) 122–124 敲门砖(stepping-stone to success) 1, 2, 3, 5 缩小(to reduce) 2, 4, 108 增幅(increasing range) 14 影响(influence) 5, 47, 56–59, 62, 67, 69, 70, 80, 89, 96, 98, 106, 113, 135, 151, 154; 影 响力(influence) 56, 58 操纵(to operate/control) 131–133 薪资(salary) 13, 15 器材(equipment) 45 器官(organ) 103, 105 糖衣(sugar-coating) 56, 58 瞩目(high-profile) 104, 106 曙光(dawn) 105, 109 繁荣(flourishing) 2, 4, 47 癌症(cancer) 94, 96, 106 最爱(favorite) 129