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DEFENDI NG THE DEVI L My Story as Ted Bundy's Last Lawyer
Tr anscr i pt sofcour tpr oceedi ngsandi nt er v i ewsr epr oducedher ei nhav ebeenedi t edf orcl ar i t y .The namesofmi norchi l dr enhav ebeenchangedt opr ot ectt hei rpr i v acy .
Publ i shedbyEchoPoi ntBooks&Medi a Br at t l ebor o, Ver mont www. EchoPoi nt Books. com Al l r i ght sr eser v ed.
Nei t hert hi swor knoranypor t i onst her eofmayber epr oduced, st or edi nar et r i ev al sy st em, or t r ansmi t t edi nanycapaci t ywi t houtwr i t t enper mi ssi onf r om t hepubl i sher .
Copy r i ght©1994, 2018byPol l yNel son
Def endi ngt heDev i l I SBN: 9781626547757( casebound) 9781626547917( paper back)
I nt er i ordesi gnbyPaul Chev annesCov er desi gnbyAdr i enneNúñez
PREFACE Ihav en' tpar t i ci pat edmuchi ndi scussi onsaboutTedBundysi nceIpubl i shedt hi sbooki n1994.I hav ebeenhappyt omov eon. Butt heupcomi ng30t hanni v er sar yofhi sex ecut i onhasr enewedi nt er esti nTedBundy , andIam a wi t nesst ot hathi st or y .SoIam publ i shi ngasecondedi t i ont omakei tav ai l abl et ot hepubl i conce agai n. Thi sbooki sanat t emptt odescr i beascandi dl yaspossi bl emyownex per i ence,asanewl awy er unexpect edl yt askedwi t hpr ev ent i ngahumanbei ngf r om bei ngki l l ed.I ti snotadef i ni t i v ehi st or yof TedBundy , noranapol ogyf orhi scr i mes.Thati tdoesnothonort hepr eci ousl i v esofhi sv i ct i msi sa t el l i ngomi ssi onIonl ypar t l yunder st and. Thebooki sl oosel ydi v i dedi nt of i v epar t s. • Par tI .Ibecomeal awy er , andTedBundybecomesmyf i r stcase.Hei sschedul edt obeex ecut edi n 12day sf ort hemur derofKi mber l yLeach, oneofhi st wodeat hsent encesi nFl or i da. • Par tI I .TheU.S.Supr emeCour ti ssuesast ayofex ecut i onandIgett oknowmycl i entandhi spast . Ipr epar eourcaseundert hesuper v i si onofJi m Col eman, abr i l l i antpar t neratt hef i r m. • Par tI I I .TedBundyi sschedul edt obeex ecut edasecondt i me.Thi st i mef ort hemur der satt heChi Omegasor or i t yhousei nTal l ahassee, Fl or i da.Iam st i l l i nmyf i r sty earasal awy er . • Par tI V.Wegetdeepi nt oTed' spsy chewi t ht hehel pofr enownedf or ensi cpsy chi at r i st ,Dor ot hy Ot nowLewi s, andt hecandi dr ecol l ect i onsofTed' sf ami l yandpr ev i ousl awy er s.Tr anscr i pt sf r om our i nt er v i ewsandcour tt est i monyofwi t nessesbal dl ycont r adi ctt hecommonl y hel dbel i ef( cher i shedby Tedaswel l )ofTedBundyasacl ev erandcont r ol l edmast erofhi sownf at e. • Par tV.Tedi sschedul edt obeexecut edf ort het hi r dt i me, agai nf ort heKi mber l yLeachmur der .Our car ef ull egalst r at egyi sdest r oy edbyTed' si mpul si v ebehav i or .Theni ghtbef or ehi sex ecut i on,Ted r ef l ect sonhi sl i f e. •Par tVI .Ideal wi t ht heaf t er mat h. Af t ercompl et i ng t hi sbook,Iser v ed ont heD.C.Boar d ofPar ol ef orsev eny ear s,wher eI encount er edamor ecommont y peofi nmat e.Pr i mar i l ygui l t yofbei ngbl ack, poor , andhy per act i v eor dr ugaddi ct ed,t heyl angui shusel essl ybehi ndbar s.Unl i kespur nedpet s,t heyhav enochanceof r escue.Whenr el eased,t heyar eev enmor edi sadv ant agedt hanbef or e,dest i nedt ol i v eout si dean i ncr easi ngl yunf at homabl esoci et y . Thati saf argr eat ert r av est yt hanTedBundy ' sconv i ct i onandex ecut i on. But , atonet i me, IwasTedBundy ' sl awy er , andi twashi sl i f eIwassupposedt osav e.
Pol l yNel son Nov ember2018
PROLOGUE Thr eeweeksaf t erTedwasexecut ed, oneoft hemanagi ngpar t ner soft hel awf i r m cal l edmet ohi s of f i ce.Thatwasunusuali ni t sel f .WhenIar r i v ed,hegr eet edmewar ml y ,shookmyhand,andi nv i t ed met osi tdown.Fr om hi scor nerof f i ceont heni nt hf l oor ,wi t hav i ew bey ondhi sbal conyoft he st eepl esandr oof t opsofGeor get own, t hewor l dl ookedv er ymanageabl e. Hesai dt hat ,f i r stofal l ,hewant edt ocongr at ul at emeonaj obex cept i onal l ywel ldoneont he Bundycase.Pr obabl ynoot herl awy eri nt hef i r m woul dhav ebeenabl et ohandl eacasel i ket hat ,he sai d,orst i ckwi t hi tt ot heend.Thenhepassedanenv el opet omeandsai dt hati tcont ai nedmy annualev al uat i on,andt hathewasgl adt oseet hecomment swer eal lv er yf av or abl e,amar ked i mpr ov ementov ert hepr ev i ousev al uat i on.Hehesi t at edbef or ehewenton. Onemor et hi ng,hesai d,f i nal l y .Nowt hatt heBundycasei sov er , y oushoul dgi v esomet houghtt o whatdi r ect i ony ou' dl i key ourcar eert ogoi nf r om her e.Isai dIwoul ddot hat ,hav i ngr eal i z edear l i er t hatIhadt odev el opanewspeci al t y . Ther ewasanot hert el l i ngmomentofsi l ence. I nf act , hebeganagai n, weshoul dpr obabl ydi scusssomesor toft i mef r ame.What ev erseemsf ai r t hr eemont hs,si xmont hs.Youshoul dbeabl et of i ndaj obbyt hen.Youunder st and,hesai d,st r i ct l y f r om apr act i cemanagementpoi ntofv i ew, y oucoul dn' tbeal l owedt ost ayatt hef i r mi ndef i ni t el y . Iwentbackt ot hef ewpay i ngcasesIhadandt r i edt osetaboutl ooki ngf oranewj ob, butIhadn' t beenabl et odomuchofany t hi ngsi ncet heex ecut i on.I thadbeenbadenoughbef or e, butnowIcoul d bar el yl i f tapenorcomposeasent ence.Iwasaf r ai dt or et ur nphonecal l s.Ikeptex pect i ngt of eel bet t erwi t ht i me, nowt hatt heexecut i onwasbehi ndmeandIwasf i nal l yr el i ev edoft her esponsi bi l i t y ofsav i ngTed' sl i f e.I nst ead, If el twor se.WhenIcoul dnotwor kanot herday , Il ef t .Butt hatdi dn' tsol v e mypr obl em. Repr esent i ngTedBundycer t ai nl ywast hecaseofal i f et i me-j ustnotex act l yi nt hewayIt houghti t woul dbe.
Pol l yNel son Pol l yNel son, Wi l mer , Cut l er&Pi cker i ngy ear book, 1985
CHAPTER1 Iwasbor nt or epr esentTedBundy . Fr om anear l yage,i twasi mpor t antt omet omeett heneedsofot her s,par t i cul ar l yt hosewho seemedunhappy .Iwast heappl eofmyunhappypar ent s'ey esandIwant edt omaket hem happy . WhenIwast woy ear sol d,i ti sof t ent ol d,mymot herandf at herl aughedsohar dwhenIf el lof ft he coucht hatIcr awl edbackupandf el l of fagai n.Andagai nandagai n. WhenIwast en, Ikepta" Homef orRet i r edWor ms"i nt hebacky ar d.NotbecauseIl i kedwor ms, but becauseIt houghtt hati tmustbeat er r i bl et hi ngt obesougl yanddespi cabl e.Mygr andf at herwasa Lut her anpast orwhosesoci almi ni st r ywasi nf or medbyChr i st ' swor ds:What ev ery oudof ort hel east oft hem, y oudof orme.Wor msseemedt oqual i f y .Iwat er edapat chofgr ound, madeani cemudbat h, andbr oughtt oi twor mst hathadbeenst r andedont hesi dewal kaf t erar ai n.Iwant edt hem nott of eel soal oneandashamedt obewor ms,ast heysur el ymust .And,ofcour se,i fIwashel pi ngt hem, maki ngt hem f eel bet t eraboutt hemsel v es, Ihadnot hi ngt of earf r om t hem my sel f . Igr ew upi ncent r alMi nnesot a,anol destchi l dwi t hf oury oungersi bl i ngsandt wopar ent swi t h pr obl emsoft hei rown.Gr owi ngup,t heneedsoft hosesi xpeopl eseemedmor ei mpor t antt hanmy own.Thebenef i tofmyposi t i onast hecompet entper sonmaki ngot herpeopl ef eelbet t erwas obv i ous: Iwasav er yi mpor t antper soni nmyf ami l y .Thedownsi dewashar derf ormet osee.Ihadno cl ueast omyownf eel i ngs, needs, orwant s, ot hert hant obeper f ectandusef ul , adi sappoi nt mentt o noone.Theabsenceofper sonal f ul f i l l mentorcont ent mentdi dn' tseem anyr easont owor r y , howev er . Iwassur ei twoul dcomet ome.OnedayI ' df eell i kemy sel f ,know whatIl i ked,whatIwant edf or my sel f .Real Li f ewoul dt henbegi n. I tdi dn' tbegi ni ncol l ege.If l ounder edf orsi xy ear swhi l eear ni ngmyunder gr aduat edegr ee,unabl e t oset t l eonamaj or .Foronet hi ng, i tseemedt omemor al l ywr ongt oseekadegr eel i keev er y oneel se. AsIwasal r eadyav er yi mpor t antper son, i twasunt owar dt oacceptsuch super f l uoust r appi ngs.Atf i r stIwasi nt er est edi nst at i st i cs,t henIdr oppedoutt obecomeaweav er , st udy i ngi nSwedenandt r av el i ngt hear tf ai rci r cui t .WhenIr et ur nedt oschool , Ibegant owor kt owar d becomi nganar tt eacher , butnobodywoul dt al kaboutt hewhyoft eachi ngar t .Whatpr obl em wer ewe t r y i ngt osol v e?Icoul dn' tgetmy sel fi nt er est edunl esssomeonehadapr obl em t heyneededmet o sol v e.Iswi t chedt ochi l dpsy chol ogy , wher et hepr obl emswer e. Asgr aduat i onunav oi dabl yappr oached, Ist i l l hadnotf oundany t hi ngi nsi deofmet oactasagui de. Ihadnodesi r esofmyownt hatIcoul ddi scer n.I nl i euofadi scer ni bl ecar eerpr ef er ence, It ookal lt he ci v i lser v i cet est sIqual i f i edf or ;t hef i r str esponsecamef r om t hedi r ect orofasmal lcount ywel f ar e agencyi nnor t her nMi nnesot a.Ihadnot r ai ni ngi nsoci alwor k; mychi l dpsy chol ogycl asseshadbeen t heor et i calr at hert hancl i ni cal .But ,asanol destchi l d,Iwassur eIknew ev er y t hi ngandcoul ddo any t hi ng.Soci alwor kal sowasaf ami l yt r adi t i onamongt hecl er gyandl ay peopl eonmymot her ' ssi de oft hef ami l y .Thej obof f erhadacer t ai nr i ngofi nev i t abi l i t yt oi t .Att heMar shal lCount yWel f ar e Depar t ment , i nWar r en, Mi nnesot a, mymor alr esponsi bi l i t i esgr ewf r om myf ami l yofsi xt oahundr ed t r oubl edst r anger s,andIseemedt oseei nal loft hem ahur tchi l dt obeacknowl edged.Isomehow coul dn' tdet achappr opr i at el y .WhenIhadt or emov echi l dr enf r om anabusi v ehome, If el tt hepai nof t hepar ent s,t heempt i nessoft hei rhome,t hel ongi ngoft hechi l dr ent or et ur n.I ' df eeli tal lni ghtand ont heweekend.Howcoul dIbehappy , enj oymy sel fi nmyof f t i me, i fIwasr esponsi bl ef orsuchunhappi ness?If oundt empor ar yabsol ut i on i nt her ur al t av er nswher ef ar mer swai toutt hewi nt er . Af t ert woy ear sofdi r ectsoci alwor k,Iwasbeat .Ihadt or ment edmyi nv ol unt ar ycl i ent swi t h unwant edhomev i si t s;Ihadf el tt ot al l yr esponsi bl ef ort hei rl i v es;andIhadnev erf el tIwasdoi ng enough.Icoul dn' tbeobj ect i v e.Ibecamet ooi nv ol v ed.If el tt ooi nadequat ewhenIf oundIr eal l y coul dn' tdoany t hi ngt ochangesomeone' sdest i ny .Imov edbackt oSt .Paulandt ot heMi nnesot a Depar t mentofPubl i cWel f ar e( DPW)f ort henex tt hr eey ear s,l i censi ngday car ef aci l i t i es.Ther eI wasn' tdi r ect l yr esponsi bl ef orany one.Ishoul dhav ebeenr el i ev ed, buti nst eadt hej obf el tempt yand meani ngl ess.If el tsel f i sh, sel f i ndul gent , ener v at ed, andadr i f t .Icont i nuedt odr i nk. I fIatl easthadal i t t l ewi derr angeofi nf l uence,It hought ,per hapsI ' df eelf ul f i l l edandl i f ewoul d
begi nf orme.Si ncesoci alwor khadf al l enoutoff av orbyt henandDPW wast ooheav ywi t hmast er s ofsoci alwor kwi t hnopl acet ogo,Ideci dedt ogetal awdegr eet ost andouti nt hepack,becomea cer t i f i edsmar tper son.May bet henI ' dhav eachancet obepr omot edt oapol i cyposi t i on,andt he powert omaker eal changesi nt hewel f ar esy st em woul dgi v emesat i sf act i onatl ast . Ihadonef i nalsoci alwor khur r ah,j ustbef or eIl ef tapur eshotofcar et aki ngadr enal i n.Thest at e hospi t alempl oy eeshadgoneonst r i ke,andwebur eaucr at satDPW wer esentt owat chov ert he pat i ent s.Onenur seandIwer ei nchar geoff or t yorsosev er el ydi sabl edment al l yi l lpat i ent s, mostof t hem l obot omi zeddur i ngt hegr eatpsy chi at r i cex per i ment soft he1950sandnowbr ai nf r i edbyt he r esul t i ngsei z ur es.Ipl ay edt hegui t arf ort hem,wat chedt her oy alweddi ngofChar l esandDi anawi t h t hem ( somecl ai medt ober el at edt ot hegr oom) ,andser v eddoughnut si ft heywoul dsi tdownl i ke l adi esandgent l emen.Atni ghtIdr ankt oobl i v i onwi t ht heot hermanagementt emps.I twasaper f ect ex i st ence.Iwasneeded,andIwasst uckt her e.Noneedt of i gur eoutwhatIshoul ddoorwhatIwas supposedt owantt ododay t oday .If el tt henear estIhadev erf el tt obei ngf ul l yal i v e. Law schoolwasal i t t l el i ket hat ,t oo.Ist ar t edatt heUni v er si t yofMi nnesot ai nt hef al lof1981, whenIwast went y ni ney ear sol d.Iwasst i l lsi ngl e.Al t houghI ' v et r i ed, Ihadn' tf oundamanwhowas wi l l i ngt osol v et hepr obl em f ormeofwhoIwas.Shor toft hat ,Icoul donl yt r yt omi ndr eadi na r el at i onshi pguessathow t heot herper sont houghtIwassupposedt oact-whi chmadeev er y t hi ng v er ycompl i cat edf orbot hofus.Lawschoolwasmyr ef uge.Thr eey ear sspokenf or , nor ealdeci si ons t omake,noot herr esponsi bi l i t i es,nott r y i ngt ochangeany one;RealLi f esuspendedunt i laf t er gr aduat i on.Ienj oy edi tv er ymuch.AndbecauseIenj oy edi t ,because( unl i kef ormostl awst udent s) l awschool r epr esent ednotabur denbutaf r eedom f r om obl i gat i on, Idi dpr et t ywel l . Iscr upul ousl yav oi dedanysubj ecthav i ngt odowi t hdi r ectser v i cet opeopl e,cour sesl i kef ami l y l awandcr i mi nall aw.Theonet hi ngIknewf orcer t ai nwast hatIwoul dnev eragai nt akeonanot her i ndi v i dual ' si nt r act abl eper sonalpr obl ems.WhenIwr ot ef ort hel awr ev i ew,Ichoset hedr i est ,most mascul i nesubj ectIcoul df i nd:t hedef i ni t i onofbui l di ngsandst r uct ur alcomponent sf orpur posesof t hei nv est mentt axcr edi t .Thenexty ear ,aspr esi dentoft her ev i ew,Iusher edi nt opubl i cat i onev en mor eesot er i cbusi nessar t i cl es-t hemor eusel essanddi st antf r om t hel i v esofr eal humanbei ngst he bet t er .Byt het i megr aduat i onnear ed, myhor i z onshadex pandedbey ondmywi l destdr eams, cer t ai nl y bey ondDPW andhome.Ihadnoi deawhatel seI smi ghtwantt odowi t hmyl awdegr ee, butwhent he of f er scamei nf r om bi gl awf i r msi nt hebi gci t i es,Isawat i cketoutofmyol dl i f eandi nt oRealLi f e. Sur el yt hi swoul dal l l eadsomewher e, somewher eI ' df eel athomei nmyownski n. Af t eray ear ' sj udi ci alcl er kshi pwhi chwasbor i ngandt edi ousandwher er eall i f edef i ni t el ydi dnot begi n-Iwentont oWi l mer , Cut l er&Pi cker i ngi nWashi ngt on.Ihadwor kedt her ef oraf ewweekst he summeraf t ermysecondy earofl aw school ,andal t houghIact ual l yhadabet t ert i met henex t summer , whi chIhadspenti nNewYor katCl ear y , Got t l i eb, St een&Hami l t on, Iwassuspi ci ousoft hat . Goi ngbackt oCl ear y , wher eI ' dhadsomuchf unandhadf el tsowel come, seemed, wel l , t ooobv i ousl y appeal i ngt obet hepr operchoi ce.Bewar eofpr et t ybaubl es,It hought .Iguessedt hatt her easonI ' d beenl onel yandi gnor edatWi l merwast hatt hel awy er st her ehadsuchr i chper sonall i v est hatt hey coul dn' tbebot her edent er t ai ni ngsummerassoci at es.ThatwaswhatIwant edf ormy sel f . Wi l mer ,Cut l er&Pi cker i ngi soneoft hoseWashi ngt onl aw f i r mst hatmaj orcor por at i onst ur nt o whent heyar ei nr eal l ybi gt r oubl e.Thev er ynameev okessi ghsandr ev er ent i almur mur sf r om knowl edgeabl el awy er sofal lt y pes.Acor por at ef i r m of150st el l arl awy er s, Wi l merwasr enownedf or t aki ngoncompl i cat ed,cut t i ngedgel i t i gat i onusual l yi nv ol v i ngpi v ot almat t er sofpubl i cpol i cy .To suppor tt hatki ndofchal l enge,t hef i r m hadt hepol i cyandunquest i onedabi l i t yt ol eav enost one unt ur nedi npur sui ngt hecl i ent ' si nt er est .Noex pensewasspar edei t her , andt heychar gedaccor di ngl y . Asar esul t ,t heywer epay i ngt het opgoi ngr at et haty earf ornew l aw associ at es:f or t yt housand dol l ar say ear-near l yt hr eet i mesmysoci alwor ksal ar y .Onmywayi nt ot ownIboughtmyf i r stbr andnew, st or eboughtbedmat t r essi ncel ebr at i onofmyl ux ur i ousnewl i f et ocome, andmov edr i ghti nt o anunbel i ev abl ygoodr ent aldeal :Ishar edaf abul oussi x bedr oom t ownhousewi t honl yoneot her womanf or$450amont h.Iwast ednot i mei nf ul f i l l i nganot herf ant asybyr egi st er i ngf orr egul ar f aci al satTat y ana' sSki nCar eSal on, whosehandl et t er edsi gni nt hesecond-st or ywi ndowabov et he heal t hf oodsst or eonPSt r eetat t r act edmei mmedi at el y : I tl ookedl i keasal onwi t hi nt egr i t y .
AtWi l merIwasassi gnedt ot hePI ERgr oup:pr oduct sl i abi l i t y , i nsur ance, env i r onment al , andot her r egul at i on.Myf i r stt askwast or esear cht her ul esandr egul at i onsf orf r oz endai r ypr oduct s; It ol dmy mot hert hati fI ' dknownIcoul dbedoi ngi cecr eam l aw,Imi ghthav egonet ol awschoolsooner .My ot herwor ki nv ol v edexact i ngr esear chonmi nut ei ssuesofobscur eenv i r onment all aw.I twasn' t al way sasgl amor ousasi tsounds. Nat ur al l y ,It ooki tuponmy sel fi mmedi at el yuponar r i v alatWi l mert oor gani z et heot hernew associ at es.Inat ur al l yassumedt heywer eunhappyandneededmyat t ent i on.Igott hef i r mt osponsor aChr i st maspar t yatmynewhomewhi cheasi l yhel dt hehundr edorsopeopl ewhoat t ended.Or der i ng enoughl i quorhadbeenmyf i r stpr i or i t y .Att hepar t y-atwhi chIdi df eelasi fRealLi f ehadbeguna par t nert ol dme,wi t houtanypar t i cul arj udgmentoremphasi s," You' r edr unk,andy ouwer edr unkt he l astt i meIsawy ou." Ihadbeenwai t i ngf orsomeonet onot i ce.Inow coul dnotgowi t houtadr i nkwi t houtasmany dr i nksasIcoul dbef or epassi ngout af t erwor k.Thatpar tdi dn' tf eell i ker eall i f e.Wor se,somet i mes " af t erwor k"wasst i l latwor k,wi t ht hef i r m' sf r equent" happyhour s."Iwast er r i f i edoft hei mpendi ng consequences.Ihadmanagedt omov ef or war di nmyl i f e,j umpi ngf r om i cef l oet oi cef l oewi t hout seemi ngt of ai l , andIdi dnotwantt ohumi l i at emy sel font hi sj ob.I tseemedt obemyl astbestchance t of i nd-oratl easti nv ent my sel f .IhadnoPl anB. I near l yFebr uar y1986Iqui tdr i nki ngwi t ht hef i r mestr esol v eev er ,wi t ht hei nt ent i onofdr y i ngout f orsi xmont hsandr egai ni ngsomecont r ol .Wi t ht hatt hel astappar entbar r i ert or eall i f eel i mi nat ed, I ex pect edgr eatt hi ngs. I nst ead, IgotTed.
CHAPTER2 Al t houghev ent ual l yIr eal i zedIwasbor nt or epr esentTedBundy ,whenIf i r stgott hecasei t seemedqui t eacci dent al .I twassomet i meaf t erei ghto' cl ockonTuesdayev eni ng, Febr uar y21, 1986. I ' dcomet ot hatdr eadedpar toft henowf ami l i arpat t er nofwor ki ngl at eatt heof f i cewhenI ' dr unout ofdel ayt act i csandwoul df i nal l yhav et of acet het edi oust askathand.I ' dal r eadyeat enmyusual t ake-outChi nesedi nner( Szechuangr eenbeans,ex t r aspi cy ,nomeat )or der edt hr ought hef i r m' s spect acul ar l yhel pf ulser v i cesdepar t ment ,andi twast oosoont ogost ar eatt hesnackmachi ne.I di dn' tknowany onet ocal ll ocal l y -Ihadn' ty etdev el opedt hatr i chper sonall i f eI ' dex pect ed.AndIhad al r eadyt al kedt omymot heronhert ol l f r eephonel i neatwor k.Ther ewasonl yonet hi ngl ef tt odo:I t ur nedt ogazeoutt hewi ndowi nt ot heni ght . Iwasf aci ngat y pi calWi l merbr ai nt easer .I twasast andar df i r st y ear associ at esi z eassi gnment :a si ngl epar agr aphf orapossi bl ef or t not et oadr af tcommentonpr oposedagencyr ul emaki ng.And, l i kemostofwhataf i r st y earassoci at eatabi gl awf i r m wr i t es,i twoul dpr obabl ybecutbef or et he documentmadei tt ot hecl i ent .Thi sni ghtIwassupposedt ocomposeasi mpl e,mat t er of f act st at ement i l l umi nat i ng how one par t i cul ar l y ex pl i ci t phr ase i n an especi al l yt i ght l y dr awn env i r onment alr egul at i ondi dnotmeanwhati tsocl ear l ysai d, but ,i nst ead, meantt heopposi t e.Iwas t oshow t hati tmeantexact l ywhatourcor por at ecl i entneededi tt omeani nor dert ocont i nuet o di sposeofi t st oxi cwast ei nt heusualmanner :I nt ot hepubl i cwat ersuppl y .Thi swasnotsupposedt o bedi f f i cul tt owr i t e.Thepar t nerwhohadassi gnedi tt omecoul dhav edr af t edi twhi l eal sof i l l i ngout hi st i mesheetandbar ki ngor der st ohi ssecr et ar y .ButIwasst i l lnew,st i l lt r ai ni ngt obear egul at or y l awy eri nt hef i r m, andt het askf el l t ome. I ' dkeptmyof f i cepur posel ydar kt hatni ght ,ex ceptf ormydeskl amp.It houghtt hebl anketof dar kness,wi t honl yapi npoi ntofl i ght ,woul df ocusmymi ndbyspot l i ght i ngmypi l eofcasesand ev er yl egi sl at i v ebur pi nt er pr et i ngev er yl awandr egul at i onwi t hsi mi l arl anguageori nt ent .Pr act i ci ng l awt heWi l merway .Buther eIwasst ar i ngoutt hewi ndow,commi ser at i ngwi t hmyowni magei nan eeni echi ar oscur o,myf aceandhai rr ender edagar i shy el l ow byt hedeskl amp,myshadedey es l ooki ngbackatme.Accusi ngl y .WhenIt ur nedar oundt of acemydesk, ast r angef i gur el oomedi nt he door way . I tt ookmeasecondt omakeoutwhoi twas, st andi ngt her ebackl i tbyt hehal l l i ght . " Wor ki ngl at e? "t hebul kyf or m sai d.I twasJef fRobi nson, t heassoci at ef r om t wodoor sdown.Jef f hadnev erst oppedbybef or e; he' dappar ent l ynotf el tobl i gedt omakeaf ussov erorev engr eetanew associ at e,aswast hecust om.Hewasabl ackmanandqui et ,andIknew hehaddonesomeci v i l r i ght swor k.I ' df i gur edhe' dhadwei ght i ert hi ngsonhi smi ndt hanmaki ngsmal lt al kwi t hme.Iwas pl eased, t hen, t hathe' dst oppedbyt osayhel l ot oni ght . I tt ur nedouthehadapur pose. " Wannal i t t l epr obonopr oj ect ? "heasked. Hal l el uj ah!Anot herdi v er si onf r om t hewor kathanf r om heav en." Sur e, "Ianswer ed,wi t hout hesi t at i on. That ' si t .That ' showsi mpl yIwasambushedbyDest i ny . Iwassur pr i sedJef fhadt houghtt oaskme.Iwasex t r emel yf l at t er edhebel i ev edIcoul dhandl e somet hi ngonmyownal r eady .Jef fknewex act l ywhatanewl awy eront hel awr ev i ewcl er kshi pbi gl awf i r mt r ackt y pi cal l yknowsaboutt hel aw:ev er y t hi ngi nt heabst r actandnot hi ngi npar t i cul ar .SoI assumedi tmusthav ebeensomeper sonalchar act er i st i ci nmehe' dnot i cedf r om af art hatmadehi m t hi nkIwasequi ppedt ohandl eapr obonomat t er . Notso. AsJef fex pl ai nedwhenhe' dset t l edwi t hasi ghofr el i efi nt hechai rbymydoor , hehadmadeal i st ofal lt henewassoci at esandwasgoi ngt oappr oacht hem onebyoneunt i lhef oundat aker .Si nceI wassi t uat edcl osestt ohi sof f i ce, hecamet omef i r st .I twasn' tunt i l muchl at erIunder st oodwhyJef f wasonl ygoi ngt oappr oacht henew associ at es,andwhyhet houghtt hi spr obonocasewoul dbe suchahar dsel l .Thecasewasnotgoi ngt obepar t ner shi pt r ackmat er i al .ButIdi dn' tknowt hat .I n f act , whenJef fwentont oex pl ai nwhatt y peofcasei twas, It houghti twasex act l ywhatl awi sf or .
" I t ' sadeat hpenal t ycase,"hesai d." Aguydowni nFl or i dai sschedul edt obeex ecut edonMar ch f our t handneedsast ayi nt heSupr emeCour t . Ibondedi nst ant l yt ot hi sendanger edst r anger , whoev erhewas.I npi ct ur edhi m al onei nadar kcel l , l ooki ngdeat hi nt hef ace, asf r i ght enedasi magi nabl e, hi si nnerchi l dt r embl i ngi ncompl et et er r or . " Your ememberTedBundy ? "Jef fasked. " Sor tof .Whi chonewashe, t heguywhoki l l edt henur sesi nChi cago? " " No, t hatwassomeoneel se, Ri char dSpeck, may be.Bundywast heonewi t ht hecoedsi nFl or i da." " Oh, uhhuh." Idi dn' thav eaf i r mr ecol l ect i on,buti tdi dn' tmat t er .Jef fsai dmor eaboutt hecase,butmostofi t sl i ppedpastme.r eal l ydi dn' tcar ewhot hecl i entwasorwhatt hecasewoul dent ai l , asl ongasi twas di f f er entf r om whatIwasdoi ngr i ghtnow,somet hi ngt hatwor l dber ealandact i v eandwoul dn' tf eel l i keament algr i ndst one.Af r eshpr obl em t ot ackl e,oneIcoul dr eal l ygeti nv ol v edwi t h.Ibel i ev edi n t hi scause-sav i ngal i f e.I twoul dener gi z eme.Real Li f eWoul dBegi n. Obv i ousl y , accept i ngsuchacasewasenoughwor kf oroneni ght .AssoonasJef fl ef t , It ur nedof f t hel i ghtont hepr ecar i ousheapofunt ouchedr egul at or ymat er i al sonmydeskandwenthome. Onemi ghtt hi nkIwoul dhav epausedher et oconsi deri fIwer equal i f i edt ot aket hi scase;t oask howmuchwor ki twoul dbe; t ot hi nkaboutwhet herImi ghthav eat endencyt ogetov er l yi nv ol v edi na casel i ket hi s-t hati tmi ghtdr agmedownl i kemyat t empt satsoci alwor khad.ButIdi dn' t .Bei nga l awy er ,ar medwi t ht heusef ulanddependabl ef r amewor kofr ul est hati st hel aw,woul dmakeal lt he di f f er ence,It hought .Myj obwoul dbet echni cal ,notpsy chol ogi cal ;I ' dhav econcr et et ool st owor k wi t h.Andunl i kemypastat t empt st ohel pot her s,t hecl i entwoul ddoasIsayandbegl adf ort he adv i ce. JustasIassumedJef fknewmyl i mi t at i onsasanewl awy er( hedi d)andbel i ev edt hi scr i t i calwor k wel lwi t hi nmyr each( hef i gur edt hatwoul dcomewi t ht i me) , Iassumedwi t houtdoubtt hatJef fwasa messengerf ort hepower st hatbeatWi l mer( hewasnot ) , whower ehopi ngsomeonewoul dv ol unt eer ( t heydi dn' tev enknow t hecaseexi st ed) .Thi swasav er ybasi cmi sunder st andi ng.It houghtIwas doi ngwhatt hef i r m want edmet odobyt aki ngt hecase.Idi dn' tr eal i z eJef fwasact i ngonhi sown, at t her equestofaf r i endi nFl or i da, andt hatbyv ol unt eer i ngIwasaccept i ngt hecasef ort hef i r m.Idi dn' t r eal i z et hent hatt hef i r m woul dcomet ot hi nkt hatIhadsaddl edt hem wi t ht hi sunsav or ymi l l i ondol l ar case.Idi dn' tf i gur et hatoutf orav er yl ongt i me.NowonderJef fhadt houghti twoul dbeahar dsel l . WhenIwokeupt henextmor ni ng, wi t ht hesunshi ni ngt hr ought heshut t er s, If el tanuncust omar y t hr i l lofant i ci pat i onatt het houghtofgoi ngt owor k.Iwal keddownt ot heof f i cewi t hr enewed ent husi asm f ort hel aw.WhenIgott owor k, Jef ff i l l edmei nmor ef ul l yaboutt hi scaseIhadaccept ed, pr obabl yr epeat i ngev er y t hi nghe' dt ol dmet heni ghtbef or e.Thecasehadcomet oJef ft hr oughMi ke Mel l o,al awy eri nt heof f i ceoft heCapi t alCol l at er alRepr esent at i v e( CCR) ,t heFl or i dast at eagency char gedwi t hr epr esent i ngdeat hr owi nmat es.Techni cal l y ,CCRcoul dn' thandl eBundy ' scaseatt hi s poi ntbecausehi spet i t i ont ot heU.S.Supr emeCour twasst i l li nt he" di r ect "l i neofappeal , noti nt he " col l at er al "st aget hatcanf ol l ow. Di r ectAppealPr ocess ( 1)cr i mi nal char gei nst at et r i al cour t ↓ ( 2)hi ghestst at ecour t ↓ ( 3)U.S.Supr emeCour t Af t ert hedi r ectappeal spr ocesspr ov esf r ui t l ess,t hent hecol l at er alappeal spr ocessbegi ns.Onl y t hencanCCRbecomei nv ol v ed. Col l at er al Pr oceedi ngs
( 1)mot i ont osetasi deconv i ct i oni nst at et r i al cour t ↓ ( 2)hi ghestst at ecour t ↓ ( 3)habeascor puspet i t i oni nU.S.Di st r i ctCour t ↓ ( 4)U.S.Ci r cui tCour tofAppeal s ↓ ( 5)U.S.Supr emeCour t Sof art hi scasehadcompl et edonl yt wooft hef i r stt hr eest epsi ndi r ectappeal s:t het r i alandt he appealt ot heFl or i daSupr emeCour t .Aski ngt heU.S.Supr emeCour tt or ev i ew t hedeci si onoft he Fl or i daSupr emeCour twoul dbet hel astst epi nt hedi r ectappeal . Ay earear l i er , al soathi sf r i end' sr equest , Jef fhadt akent hecaseofSt ephenToddBooker , anot her Fl or i dadeat hr owi nmat e.Att het i me, Booker ' st hi r dschedul edex ecut i onwasonl yt enday saway .No onei nFl or i dat houghthecoul dbesav ed.Whi l ei nBundy ' scasewecoul dber easonabl yconf i dent we' dr ecei v east ay ,becausepr i soner swer enev eract ual l yex ecut edont hei rf i r stwar r ant ,at hi r d war r antwaspr esumedt obef at al .Bookerwasamar kedman.I mmedi at el ymar shal l i ngWi l mer ' s consi der abl er esour ces,Jef f ,al ongwi t hJi m Col eman,apar t neri nt hef i r m,st oppedt heex ecut i oni n i t st r acksandnowwer econt i nui ngonwi t ht heappeal .Thet wohadbeensoaccommodat i ngi nt aki ng ont hecaseatt hel astmi nut eandsospect acul ar l yr esour cef uli nsuccessf ul l yl i t i gat i ngi t ,CCR want edWi l mert ot akeanot herdeat hcaseof fi t shands. Jef fgav emet hephonenumberofMar kOl i v e, CCR' schi ef l i t i gat or , f orspeci f i ci nst r uct i onsonwhat t odonex t .Mar kOl i v ewasal ongt i mer ecr ui t erofv ol unt eerl awy er sf ordeat hr ow i nmat es-ev en bef or eCCRwasf or med-andhehadper f ect edt hear toft hesof thar dsel l .Wi t hhi sdeep,v el v et y Sout her ndr awl , Mar kOl i v eputt hepur ri nper suasi on.Nott hatIof f er edr esi st ance. Iwassur pr i sedwhen, af t erI ' di nt r oducedmy sel f , Mar kl aunchedi nt oasal espi t chonwhyIshoul d t aket hecase, andonwhyIshoul dt akei tser i ousl y : aman' sl i f ewasatst ake, amanondeat hr owwas ahumanbei ngl i keev er y oneel se,t hest at eofFl or i dawast r ampl i ngoni nmat es'r i ght sandt hey neededadv ocat esdesper at el y .It hought ,wasn' tt hatal li mmedi at el yobv i ous?How el sewoul d any oneseet hesi t uat i on?Deat hr ow i nmat eswer ehumanbei ngsi nt hewor stt r oubl ei magi nabl e.I hadl ongsi ncest oppedt hi nki ngofmy sel fasaChr i st i an, buti tst i l l r angt r uet hatt hesewer e" t hel east oft hem, "mostneedyofcompassi on. Ichoset oi gnor eMar k' sappar entassumpt i ont hatcor por at el awy er ssuchasmy sel fwer ecol d, hear t l esssel l out s,near l yi mpossi bl et omot i v at ei facl i entcoul dnotpay .Heseemedt oassumehe hadt obui l dupt he" publ i cdut y , "" const i t ut i onalr i ght s"gui l taspect sorIwoul dn' tf ol l owt hr oughwi t h t hecase,si ncet hecl i entwassohi deous.Buti tseemedcl eart ome.Amanondeat hr owneededa l awy er ;t i mewasr unni ngout .Whatel sewoul dany one,anyl awy eri naposi t i ont ohel patl east , possi bl yneedt oknow,t aket i met oconsi der ?Ienj oy edt hepi t ch,t hough,al l owi ngMar kOl i v e' s smoot h, i nsi nuat i ngv oi cet osl i t herov ermel i keawar m snake. Whent hesal est al kwasov er ,Mar kgav emeanov er v i ewofwhatneededt obedone.I tseemed pr et t ysi mpl e, asI ' dassumed.I nJanuar yt hi si nmat e, t hi sTedBundy , mynewcl i ent , myf i r stcl i entas al awy er , hadaskedt heU.S.Supr emeCour tt or ev i ewhi sconv i ct i onanddeat hsent ence.Thest at eof Fl or i dahadr espondedbyset t i nghi sex ecut i onf orMar ch4.Hehadt henaskedt heU.S.Supr eme Cour tf orast ay ,buthadbeent ur neddown,wi t ht hesuggest i ont hathegetcounsel .Oner easonhi s st ayhadbeent ur neddownwast hathehadnotf ol l owedt hecor r ectpr ocedur e.Becausei twast he Fl or i daSupr emeCour t ' sor deraf f i r mi nghi sconv i ct i onanddeat hsent encet hathadal l owedt he gov er nort osi gnadeat hwar r ant ,ast ayofex ecut i onhadt ober equest edf i r stf r om t heFl or i da Supr emeCour t . Ofcour se,pr esent i ngamot i ont ot heFl or i daSupr emeCour tf orast ayofex ecut i onwoul dbe usel ess-t her ewasnochanceofsuccess.Fl or i dai nt hoseday swasv y i ngwi t hTex ast obet hest at e wi t ht hemostex ecut i ons.Nonet hel ess,t hatwoul dbemyj ob:f i l eamot i onf orast ayofex ecut i oni n
t heFl or i daSupr emeCour t ,wai tf ori t si nev i t abl edeni al ,t henappl yagai nt ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t f orast ay ,wher eal lconcer nedex pect edi tt obegr ant ed.Thewhol epr ocessseemedsi mpl eand st r ai ght f or war d.Andi twas.WhatIdi dn' tknowwast hatt hi swasonl yt hebegi nni ngofal ongj our ney , t hebai t .Aqui ckandeasyf i r stst ayofex ecut i on. Iunder st oodt hepr ocedur alpost ur eoft hecase,butIhadnoi deawhatspeci f i cl egalar gument s usual l ywer emadet ost opanexecut i on.Ihadn' tgi v eni tmucht houghtbef or e, buti thadal way st ome t hatexecut i onsnev erwentt hr ough.Somel awy eral way sr anupsomecour t housest epswi t ha mot i onf orast ayandsomej udgeal way sgr ant edi t .NowIhadt ounder st andt hatpr ocessi nal i t t l e mor edet ai l .Byt heendofMar k' sspeechIhadpi ckedupaf ew sal i entpoi nt saboutt henecessar y l egal l anguage, andIsnappedf ul l yal er twi t hhi sl astwor ds: " Cal l y ourcl i ent ." Thathadmor eofasoundofhar dr eal i t yt oi t .Thewayhesai di tsoundedl i ke,Tal kt ot heman whosel i f ey ou' v et akeni nt oy ourhands,y ouv i l ecor por at escum.Andf aci ngt hatphonecal lwast he f i r stt i meIconsi der edhowscantmyqual i f i cat i onswer e.Ar ealper sonhadt or eal l ydependonme. Forhi sv er yl i f e. " Fl ar ' daSt at ePr i son." Ical l edFSPal otov ert henextt hr eey ear s.Thest af ft her ehadanemot i onl ess,mi l i t ar yst y l eof speaki ng, aJoeFr i dayl ackofsmal lt al k.Notasi ngl ewor dv ol unt eer ed.Ev eni nt het went yorsov i si t s Imadet her e,Inev erdi dhav ewhaty ouwoul dcal laconv er sat i onwi t hany oneatt hei nst i t ut i on.Asa deat hr owi nmat e' sout of st at edef ensel awy er , Iwascl ear l yanunwel comepr esencei napl acedut y boundt oputpeopl et odeat h.It hi nki twoul dhav ebeendi f f er ent ,t hecol dnesswi t hwhi chIwas t r eat edatFSP,i fmycl i enthadnotbeenani nmat ewi t hasent enceofdeat h.Wi t hot herpr i soner s, cor r ect i onalper sonnelcani ndul gei namor enat ur al ,ambi v al entat t i t ude.I nf act ,f ormostpr i soner s, t hei rj ai l er shav et obepr epar edt ol ett hem outoneday .Theyhav er eason,t hen,t ohopef ort hei r r ehabi l i t at i onandt oseet hem l eav ewi t ht hei rhumani t yr est or ed.Butwi t hdeat hr ow pr i soner st he pr i sonper sonnelhav et opr epar et osett hem i nt heel ect r i cchai r ;t oassi sti nt hei rex t i nct i on.I t r equi r esawhol edi f f er entmi ndset . Pl aci ngacal li nt oFl or i da' sdeat hr owhadt hesamef eel i ngaswal ki ngi n.I twasl i kegoi ngt hr ough aser i esofl ockeddoor s,bei ngt r ansf er r edf r om oneguar dt ot henex t ,t opl acesdeeperanddeeper wi t hi nt hepr i son.Pr i sonpr ocedur ehadaki ndofbeatt oi t , adeadser i ouscadencet hatnev erceased t oi nt i mi dat eme. " Fl ar ' daSt at ePr i son."Thesecondguar dsai d. " Super i nt endent ' sof f i ce, sai dt het hi r done. " Ham Mat hi s."Thi swast hemanIneededt ot al kt o. Super i nt endentHami l t onMat hi shadt woconcer nswhenIt ol dhi m whoIwasandt hatIneededt o speakwi t hBundy .Fi r st ,hewant edt omakesur et hatIwasi ndeedTedBundy ' snew l awy er ,sohe askedf ort hel aw f i r m' st el ephonenumber .Isupposedhewant edt omakesur eIwasnotsome gr oupi eorsneakyr epor t er ,butIwasal i t t l esur pr i sedIhadt opr ov eany t hi ngt ogett hr ought omy newcl i ent .Iwas, af t eral l , t heman' sl awy er .WehungupandSuper i nt endentMat hi scal l edbackaf ew mi nut esl at er , cl ear l yamazedt hatwhenhehadaskedt her ecept i oni sti fIwasal awy eri nt hef i r m, she hatr ef er r edhi mt oWi l mer ' sper sonneldepar t mentf ort heanswer .Iwaspar tofapr et t yf or mi dabl e i nst i t ut i onmy sel f . Super i nt endentMat hi sal sowant edt omakesur eIunder st oodt hatphonecont actwi t hani nmat e wasar ar e,andr ev ocabl e,pr i v i l eget hatwasat r emendousbur denont hesy st em.Aguar dhadt obe t akenof fdut yel sewher ej ustt osuper v i set hatonei nmat e.Phonecal l swer eappr opr i at eonl ywhen t her ewasal egaldev el opmentt hatr equi r edi mmedi at econsul t at i onwi t ht hei nmat eorwhen, asnow, t hei nmat ewason" deat hwat ch,"t hecel l sneart hedeat hchamberr eser v edf ori nmat eswhose ex ecut i ondat eshav ebeenset .Ot her wi se,hesai d,Icoul dj ustwr i t eor" y ourl aw f i r m canf l yy ou down. "Ihear dt hatasYourgr eatbi gf ancyWashi ngt onl awf i r m canj ustsacr i f i cesomeofi t sdoughi f i t ' sgoi ngt oputi t smuscl ebehi nddepr i v i ngFl or i di ansoft hei rr i ghtt oexecut ewhom t heypl ease.Mr . Mat hi sai dhe' dar r angef orBundyt ocal lmeback,col l ect .Ihadex pect edt obeputr i ghtt hr ough,but whatwasIt hi nki ng?I twasn' tasi fmycl i entwasi nahot el .
Ipushedmychai rbackandwai t ed.Out si demyof f i cesecr et ar i esi nt hei rcubi cl eskeptont y pi ng andanswer i ngphones.Lawy er si nshi r t sl eev esst r ol l edpast ,t al ki ngt oeachot her ,car r y i ngcupsof cof f eebackt ot hei rof f i ces.Ser v i cescamear oundwi t ht hemai lcar t .Anyt i menow,t hephonewas goi ngt or i ngandont heot herendoft hel i newoul dbeaper son, mycl i ent , cal l i ngf r om deat hr ow.And y et ,al lar oundmei twasbusi nessasusual .I twasl i ket het i mewhenIwasasoci alwor kermaki ng homev i si t sonacol dwi nt erday ;mycarhi tasl i ckpat chofi ceonal ong,empt yhi ghway ,andt her e wasnot hi ngIcoul ddobutl i f tmyf eetf r om t hepedal sandwai tf ort hei mpact .Whathadseemedso st r anget henwast hat ,ast hecarspunoutofcont r ol ,t her adi okeptonpl ay i ng,sameasbef or e,t he wi ndshi el dwi per skeptsweepi ngbackandf or t h,t heheat erkeptonbl owi ngoutwar m ai ral lasi f not hi ngatal l wer eaboutt ohappen. Iwassocar r i edawayi nt hef eel i ngt hatIwasst ar t l edwhent hephoner ang. " Col l ectcal l f orPol l yNel sonf r om TedBundy .Wi l l y ouacceptt he char ges? " Atl eastt hel ongdi st anceoper at orwasi nonmyr eal i t y .Iwonder edi fsher ecogni z edmycal l er ' s name. " Yes"Isai d. Thi swasi t ,t her ealt hi ng.Ir eal i z edsuddenl yIhadnoi deawhathewoul dbel i ke,t hi sdeat hr ow i nmat e.Hecoul dbeopenl yhost i l e,demandi ngt oknowmyqual i f i cat i onst ot akehi scase.Hecoul d be scar edoutofhi swi t s.Hecoul dv er ywel lbepsy chot i c, uni nt el l i gi bl e, del usi onal .Suddenl y , Idi dn' t f eel r eadyf ort hi s. " Goahead, "t heoper at orsai d. Deadsi l ence.ThenIr eal i zedshemeantme. " Hel l o? "Isai d. Agr uf fv oi cer esponded. " I st hi sPol l yNel son? " Oh, nohe' shost i l e.Thi si sgoi ngt obeawf ul ." Yes, hel l o, "Isai d. " Justami nut e, Ma' am, I ' l l putBundyont hel i ne."Whew, onl yaguar d. Thenanot herv oi ce. " Uh…uh… hel l o? " Thi sv oi cewast ent at i v e; t hi smansoundedi nsecur e.Icoul dhandl et hat .Ir el ax ed.Icoul ddeal wi t h t hi smanwi t hahesi t ant , deep, gr av el l yst ammer .Icoul dhel phi m. Butt her ewasonemor et hi ngIhadn' tt houghtof .How wasIgoi ngt oaddr esshi m,whatname shoul dIcal l hi m by ?Notj ust" Bundy , "ofcour se, asJef fandMar khadbeenr ef er r i ngt ohi m.Thatwas t oodi sr espect f ulf ort hi s, mynewl egalcl i ent .But" Mr .Bundy "di dn' tseem qui t er i ghtei t her-t oocol d underhi sscar yci r cumst ances, It hought , t oodi st anci ng.Iwant edt hi smanondeat hr owt of eelsaf e andsecur e.But" Ted"seemedt oocondescendi ngt ost ar toutwi t h.SoIav oi dedcal l i nghi m any t hi ng atal l . " Hel l o.Thi si sPol l yNel son.It hi nkMar kOl i v et ol dy ouIwoul dber epr esent i ngy ouont hemot i ons f orast ay ? " " Soy ou' r e...y ou' r e..t aki ngt hecaset hen? "hest ut t er ed. Whataquest i on!I thadnev eroccur r edt omet hathe, t oo, woul dt hi nkhe' dhav et omakeapi t chf or hi sowncase.Adeat hwar r antwaspendi ng,anex ecut i onwasschedul edi nt hr eeweeksofcour seI wast aki ngt hecase.Iwasshockedt hathet houghthemi ghthav et opasssomesor tofi nspect i on f i r st .Ii magi nedhi m st andi ngout si deapr i soncel londeat hwat ch, dr oppi ngdi mesi nt oapayphone, cal l i ngl awf i r m af t erl awf i r m, t r y i ngt ot al ksomeonei nt ot aki nghi scaseast heex ecut i ongr ewcl oser andcl oser .Whatagr i sl ypr ospect .Ther ear osei nmeaf i er cepr ot ect i v enesst owar dt hi smanI ' d nev erseenandknewnot hi ngabout .Exceptt hatt heywer et r y i ngt oki l l hi m. Fr om t hatmomenton, unt i lt hev er yl astday , If el t100per centr esponsi bl ef orsav i ngTedBundy ' s l i f e.Asi fTedbor enor esponsi bi l i t yatal l .Af t erawhi l e, af t eray earort wo, ev enIknewIwaswr ongt o f eelt hatsost r ongl y-f ormyownsani t yi ff ornot hi ngel se.ButIcoul dn' tchangei t .I ' dt r yt ot al ksense t omy sel f , t el lmy sel ft hatIhadn' tgot t enTedi nt ot hi smessi nt hef i r stpl ace, t hatt hei mpossi bi l i t yof t hecasewasduepr i mar i l yt of or cesbey ondmycont r ol ,begi nni ngi nnosmal lpar twi t hGod' sown
conducti ncommi t t i ngbr ut almur der sov erandov eragai n.Buti tnev ersanki n,i tnev err angt r ue.I wast her esponsi bl eone; i fIl ostt hecasei twoul dbemyf aul thedi ed. Tedwasnotsi mi l ar l ydel udedandheknewofnor easont ot akemyr epr esent at i onf orgr ant ed.I t wasgoi ng t o be a v er ydemandi ng and ex pensi v emat t er .Ted coul dn' tbe sur e oft he f i r m' s commi t mentt opr obonowor k,andheknewmuchbet t ert hanIt hef act sabouthi scaset hatshoul d hav egi v enmepause,t hesamef act st hatpr obabl yl edCCRt oseekal awf i r m out si deofFl or i daf or hi m.Suchashi snot or i et y , andt heconsequentf er oci t ywi t hwhi cht hest at eofFl or i dawoul dseekhi s ex ecut i onIdi dn' tknow t hat .Suchast hehor r i bl emagni t udeofhi scr i mesandhi sdemonst r at ed i nabi l i t yt ocooper at ewi t hhi sat t or ney s-Idi dn' tknow t hatf ul l y ,ei t her .Ihadbar el yr ecogni z edhi s name.Tomehewasj ustahumanbei ngwhowasaboutt obeki l l ed.Any body ,It hought ,woul dhel p suchaper son. Ist r ai nedt or ememberwhatMar khadt ol dmeIwassupposedt odo,soIcoul dsoundsemi i nt el l i gent .Imanagedasket chydescr i pt i on, andTeddi dnotpr essf ordet ai l s.Hedi dn' taskmeabout myqual i f i cat i onsei t her .Hej ustseemedr el i ev edt hathehadsomeonet or epr esenthi m,par t i cul ar l y someonewi t ht hebacki ngofl awf i r ml i keWi l mer-Mar kOl i v enodoubt ,hademphasi z edt ohi mt he adv ant agesoft hat .Wedi dnotl i ngeront hephonel ong.I nsi gni ngof f ,nowt hatwe' dmet ,nowt hat I ' v ehear dhi sv oi ceandf el thi sappr ehensi on, Ihadnot r oubl ecal l i nghi m byhi sf i r stname. " Goodby e, Ted. " Hewasmybabynow. Thatdayandt henext ,asIst r uggl edwi t hmyt hr eepagemot i onf orast ayi nt heFl or i daSupr eme Cour t ,Igotmyf i r stgl i mpseoft hebi t t ert oneofdeat hpenal t yl i t i gat i on.Ical l edJef fathi shomeon Wednesdayni ghtt or eadhi m myf i r stdr af t , whi chl ' dbasedonast andar dpl eadi ngf or m. " How' st hi s, Jef f ?' Def endantTheodor eRober tBundyr espect f ul l yr equest st hi sHonor abl eCour tt o Jef fst oppedmet her e. " St r i ke' Honor abl e. ' "Hef ai r l yhi ssed.Iev ent ual l ycamet ounder st andwhyhet houghtt hecour t si n t hesecaseswer esomet hi ngl esst hanhonor abl e, butIwasst i l lwetbehi ndt heear sasal awy erandI wasshocked. ByThur sday ,onl ymyseconddayont hecase,CCRhadal r eadygr owni mpat i entwi t hmyef f or t s. BecauseCCRhadal lofTed' sr ecor dsandhadr ecr ui t edmeonl yt ot akeont hef i nalst epi nt hedi r ect appeal , t heyst i l lbor et her esponsi bi l i t yofpr epar i ngt oi ni t i at ecol l at er alpr oceedi ngsi nt heev entt hat Iwasunsuccessf ul .Whenanexecut i oni spendi ng, ast ayofex ecut i oncannev erbet akenf orgr ant ed; al lcont i ngenci eshav et obecov er ed.Butev er ydayCCRcont i nuedt owor konTed' scasewast i me st ol enf r om t hei nmat ewhowasal r eadyschedul edt obenex ti nl i net obeki l l ed.Gov er norBob Gr aham di dhi sbestnev ert oal l owoneoft hosef ourspeci alcel l sneart hedeat hchambert ost and empt y .Mar kwant edTed' sst aybyFr i daysohecoul dspendt heweekendont henex tman' scase;he pr essedmet oj ustf axhi m myl awf i r m' sst at i oner yandl ethi m maket heFl or i daSupr emeCour tf i l i ng hi msel f ,undermyname.Despi t emyent hr al l mentwi t hhi sv el v et yv oi ce,t hatunf ami l i arSout her n dr awl ,Idi dnotf eelcomf or t abl ewi t hhi sr equest .Ther ewasnopoi nti nbei ngj ustapuppeti nt hi s case, andIwasconcer nedaboutt ur ni ngov ert hef i r m' sst at i oner yt oanout si del awy er-Wi l mermi ght consi dert hatabr eachoft r ust .WhenIbr oughtt hi spr obl em t oJef f , het ookmet oseeJi m Col eman, t hepar t nerwho, appar ent l y , wassuper v i si ngme. Ihadnev ermetJi m bef or e, butIwascer t ai nl yawar eofhi m.At al l mani nhi sl at et hi r t i eswi t hhor nr i m gl assesandanat hl et i cbui l d,oneoft wobl ackpar t ner si nt hef i r m,Ji m hadof t enboundedpast myof f i ceonhi swayt oseeJef f .He' dal way sst opf i r standwi nasmi l ef r om Jef f ' sot her wi sedour v et er ansecr et ar y .Att hef i r m' ssoci alev ent shei nev i t abl ycoul dbef oundr egal i ngacl ust erof spel l boundassoci at eswi t hsomet al eofmi sadv ent ur eont hel i t i gat i ont r ai l .Amongt hegener al l y r eser v edl awy er soft hi sv er yser i ousmi ndedl aw f i r m,Ji m Col eman' si r r epr essi bl eex uber ancewas def i ni t el yuni que. Ourf i r stmeet i ngwasbr i ef .Af t eral i t t l el i ghtbant erwi t hJef f ,Ji m swi f t l ydeal twi t hmydi l emma. Het ol dmewhatIwant edt oheart hi st i me, buti twoul dnotal way sbet her epl yIwashopi ngf orf r om hi m. " Dowhat ev ery out hi nki sbest , "hesai d." I t ' sy ourcase.You' r eBundy ' sl awy er ."
Tal l ahasseei st hecapi t alofFl or i da,buti ti snotex act l yt heki ndofpl acey oui magi newheny ou t hi nkoft heSunshi neSt at e.Iwassur pr i sed, atl east .Nev erhav i ngbeent oFl or i dabef or e, It houghtof t hewhol est at easapi nkandbl uev acat i onpar adi se; onebi gpi ct ur epost car d.I nst ead, emer gi ngont o t het ar macoft heTal l ahasseeai r por tf r om t hepr oppl anef r om At l ant a,If oundmy sel fi nAl l i gat or Count r y .Iwashi tbyabl astofhothumi di t yt hatmadei thar dt obr eat he; asi fI ' dbeenpunchedi nt he st omach.Thesmal lt er mi nalbui l di ngwassur r oundedbyspi ky ,spi ndl ypal mt r eessetagai nstagr ay sky .I nf act , t hesunr ar el yseemedt obeshi ni ngwhenIwasi nTal l ahassee. Iwal kedal lt hewayt hr ought hecoolt er mi nal bui l di ngwi t houtany onecl ai mi ngme.IassumedCCR hadbecomet oobusyt ospar esomeonet opi ckmeupandt hatIwassupposedt ot akeacabi nst ead. Justt hen,t hough,whenwewer epr act i cal l yt heonl yt wopeopl el ef ti nt hel obby ,Ir eal i z edt hatt he manIhadj ustpassedwaspr obabl yMar kOl i v e.Hehadn' tr ecogni z edmeei t her .Bot hofus, Isuspect , wer el ooki ngf orsomeonewhol ookedl i keal awy er . Per hapsI ' dgot t enal i t t l ecar r i edawaywi t ht hei deat hatIwast r av el i ngt osunny , v acat i onpar adi se Fl or i da,al lex pensespai dbyWi l mer ,Cut l er&Pi cker i ng.Asanassoci at eIhadmyowncor por at e cr edi tcar dandneedednopar t i cul araut hor i z at i onf ort r av el .Unchar act er i st i cal l y ,ev enf orme,Iwas wear i ngasnugpi nksui tandt ot t er i ngonheel s.Inev erdi dgett hel adyl awy erl ookI ' di magi nedI woul daspar tofmybr andnew l i f e-Icont i nuedt oi nt i mi dat emy sel fi nadar ksui t .Butst i l l ,Idi dn' t usual l ywearpi nk,andcer t ai nl ynothi ghheel s.Icanunder st andt hat" Washi ngt onl awy er "woul dnot hav ebeenanobser v er ' sf i r stguess,and" deat hpenal t yl awy er "woul dhav eseemedev enmor e i mpr obabl e. Mar kOl i v edi dnotl ookl i ket hel awy er satWi l merei t her .Hi sappear ance, t hough, wasany t hi ngbut adi saopoi nt ment .Thewhol esi t uat i onwaspr et t yi nt ox i cat i ng:at i cki ngt i mecl ock, aman' sl i f eont he l i ne,mycompl et ei nexper i enceandnaî v et é,af r eef l i ghtt oFl or i daf ort hef i r stt i me.Now add,i n per son,t hewi set eacherwi t hav oi cel i kesi mmer i ngmol asses,br ownhai rt hatf el lt ohi sshoul der s, wi r er i m ey egl asses, andbeat upbl uej eans.Forsomeonel i keme, whohadbeensex ual l yi mpr i nt edi n t he1960s,t hi swasapower f ulcombi nat i on.Whenhespokemyname,mykneesnear l ybuckl ed beneat hme. CCR' shumbl eof f i cest uggedmy' 60shear t st r i ngsaswel l .Ii magi nedt hatt hi smusthav ebeen whatt hebel eaguer edst or ef r ontci v i lr i ght sof f i ceshadbeenl i ke; unpr et ent i ousi nt heex t r eme.Box es off i l eswer est r ewnev er y wher e,ev er y onewasdr essedi nei t herol dj eansorl ongcot t onski r t s,t her e wer enoobv i oushi er ar chi calorpr of essi onalcl assdi st i nct i ons.I tcoul dn' thav ebeenmor eunl i ke Wi l mer , Cut l er&Pi cker i ng. Fol l owi ngi nt r oduct i onsal lar ound, Mar kt ookmet ot hatpor t i onoft hecl ut t erser v i ngashi sof f i ce. Her eadt hemot i onst hathadt akenmet wol ongday st odr af t , pr onouncedt hem " pr et t y , "andst ar t ed ov erf r om scr at ch.Ihadt houghtt heywer er eadyt of i l e.ButCCRdi ddoz ensofdeat hpenal t ycases ev er yy ear ,andt heyhadt hei rownwayofdoi ngt hi ngs.Wher eJef fhadbeenbi t t eraboutt he di shonest yoft hecour t si ndeal i ngwi t ht hesecases,CCRwasv enomous.Mymot i onswer ef art oo pol i t eand di spassi onat ef ort hem.Il ostal lhopeofmaki ng af av or abl ei mpr essi on on t hese i nest i mabl epeopl e. Ihadl ear nedal i t t l eaboutmycasei nt hesef i r stcoupl eday sont hej ob,al t hough,wi t hadeat h war r antpendi ng,t hemai nemphasi si sondoi ng,onget t i ngt hepaper wor kdone.Di d,i tt ur nedout , wasundert wosepar at edeat hsent encesi nFl or i da.Hehadr ecei v edt hef i r stf ort heJanuar y23, 1978, mur deroft wocol l egest udent si nt heChiOmegasor or i t yhouseatFl or i daSt at eUni v er si t y .The secondwasf ort heki dnappi ngandmur deraf ewweeksl at erofat wel v ey ear ol dgi r lwhohadbeen wal ki ngbet weent wocl assr oom bui l di ngsatLakeCi t yJuni orHi ghSchool whenl astseenal i v e.I twas t heChiOmegadeat hsent encef orwhi chTedwast obeex ecut edatt hi st i me.Idi dn' tev enwonder aboutt hest at usoft heLakeCi t ycase.Nonement i onedi t . Thebasi soft hest aymot i on i nt heFl or i da Supr emeCour twast hat ,gi v en t heundeni abl e ser i ousnessofatl eastsomeoft het went y t woi ssuest heyt hemsel v eshadt akenov ert woy ear st o deci de,apet i t i ont ot heU. S.Supr emeCour tcer t ai nl ywoul dnotbef r i v ol ous.Thosei ssuesr anged f r om t he si mpl e cl ai m t hata mi st r i alshoul d hav e been decl ar ed when t he j udge r epeat edl y acknowl edged a sl eepi ng j ur or ,t o such compl exi ssues as t he sci ent i f i cv al i di t yofposi t i v el y
i dent i f y i ngaper pet r at ort hr oughaphot ogr aphofabi t emar kont hev i ct i m' sbody .Undert hel aw, i fwe hadatl eastonear guabl ecl ai m wehadar i ghtt oast ayt opur suei t .Anex ecut i on,ofcour se,woul d mootal l r ev i ew. Whi l eMar kOl i v er ewr ot emymot i ont oi ncl udemanymor edet ai l sandmuchmor est r i dent l anguaget hanIhad,Iwasr el egat edt oaspotononeofCCR' sdi l api dat edcouches,wher eIsat sunkenwi t hmykneesnear l yupt omychest .If el tusel essl y" pr et t y "my sel f ,i nmypi nksui tandhi gh heel s,whi l et heCCRl i t i gat i onmachi nedi dwhati tdoesbest .I naddi t i ont ot hest aymot i on,CCR l awy er sr edi dt ot hei rownst y l et het edi oushal fdoz enot herdocument st hatal way sneededt o accompanyev er yf i l i ng:ani nf or mapauper i smot i ont owai v ef i l i ngf eesbecauseoft hei ndi gencyof t hepet i t i oner( i ncl udi ngnot ar i zeddocument at i on, al t houghanymoneyadeat hr owi nmat emayhav e hadi scer t ai nl ygonebyt het i mer ev i ew i ssoughti nt heU.S.Supr emeCour t ) ;ar out i neandr ar el y deni ed( oneoft hoser ar eexcept i onsbei ngTed' sf i r stchoi ceofcounselatt r i al )mot i onf oradmi ssi on pr ohacv i ce,t hati s,f ormet obeal l owedt omaket hi sf i l i ng" asi f "Iwer el i censedt opr act i cel awi n Fl or i da; al ongwi t hal engt hymemor andum i nsuppor toft hest aymot i on, det ai l i ngt heappl i cabl el aw, f act s,andar gument s.Al lt hi s,mi ndy ou,f oranut t er l yhopel essst aymot i ont hatIwasf i l i ngonl yt o gett her equi si t edeni al soIcoul df i l et her eal st aymot i oni nt heU. S.Supr emeCour t . Combi neal lt hedi f f er ent( andcr i t i calf or getev enoneoft hem andt hewhol epr ocesscomest oa hal t )pl eadi ngswi t ht henecessi t yofr ai si ngev er yav ai l abl el egali ssue,nomat t erhow smal lor hopel essi nor dert o" pr eser v et her ecor df orappeal "( t hel awmaychangeandi t spr ospect si mpr ov e) , andy oucanseewhyl i t i gat or sar esounpl easant . Submer gedi nt hecouch, apr act i cal l yi r r el ev antf i gur eheadi nt hepr ocess, Iwasnotatal lr esent f ul t hatCCRt ookov er t heywer et heex per t s.Oncei nagr eatwhi l emypr esencewasacknowl edged.A st af fl awy erpul l edupachai rabr upt l y , st r addl edi tbackwar d, andr ant hr ought hei ssuesheandMar k Ol i v ehadal r eadyi dent i f i edi nt hef ewday st hey ' dhadt hecasebef or eIt ooki t .Occasi onal l yapaper woul dbest uckundermynosewi t ht hecommand" Si gnher e! "Ther estoft het i me, howev er , Iwast he st i l l cent eri nani ncompr ehensi bl ewhi r l wi ndofact i v i t y .Iwasasgr at ef ul asIwashumbl ed. Whent hedocument swer ei nor der ,Mar kt ol dMi keMel l o,Jef fRobi nson' sf r i end,t odi gupt he communalcour tappear ancesui tj ackett hatl aycr umpl edi nacor nerandaccompanymet ot he Fl or i daSupr emeCour tcl er k' sof f i cet omaket hef i l i ng.Thi swasusual l ydonebyast af fper son,I suppose, butMar kmusthav et houghtIshoul dbeal l owedt odosomet hi ng, si nceI ' dcomeal lt heway downf r om Washi ngt on.Mi kecar r i edt hehef t yboxoft her equi r edt went ycopi esofeachdocument .I t r ot t edal ongsi de.Ther ewasn' tawhol el otoff anf ar ei nt heol df ashi onedcour t house.I twasl at ei n t heday ,t hecl er k' sof f i cewasqui et ;onl yacoupl eofempl oy eeswer est i l latt hei rdesksbehi ndt he count er .Wi t houtagl anceorgr eet i ng,t hecl er koft hecour tst ampedt hemot i onsRECEI VED,andmy mast er f ul l awy er l ydut i eswer edonef ort heday .If l ewbackt oWashi ngt on, myl eadst i l l r eel i ng. Ispentt heweekendpr epar i ngt hesecondar ydocument sal lov eragai ni nt hef or mr equi r edbyt he nex tcour tdownt hel i ne, t heU.S.Supr emeCour t .Mar kdi ct at edt hebul koft hememor andum i nsuppor toft heappl i cat i onf ort hatst ayt oWi l mer ' swor dpr ocessi ngcent er ,andIbel abor edt hef ew subst ant i v epar agr aphst hatwer emyr esponsi bi l i t y .If el tv er ypr oduct i v e.Iwasst ar t i ngt ocat chont o whi chendwasup, atl east . OnMondaymor ni ngatt enCCR f ax edmet heFl or i daSupr emeCour t ' sdeci si on:DENI ED.I ' d ex pect edt hat , ofcour se, buti twasst i l labl owt ol osemyf i r stl egalmot i on.TheU.S.Supr emeCour t paper swer el y i ngi nwai t , andt heywer ef i l edbyamessengerassoonast henewsoft hel owercour t deci si onar r i v ed.Thent her ewasnot hi ngt odobutwai tf ort hei rdeci si onandanswert hephones. Wi t ht heannouncementt hatt heFl or i daSupr emeCour thaddeni edTedBundy ' smot i onf orast ay ofex ecut i on, t hepr essl ear nedhehadanewl awy er .Me.Whatf ol l owedcameasacompl et esur pr i se. It houghtt hef i r str epor t erwhocal l edwaski ddi ngwhenheaskedmei fIwasgoi ngt oest abl i sha pr essof f i cet oansweri nqui r i es.I twasnoj oke, andIwasi nundat edwi t hcal l s.TheAssoci at edPr ess, t heTal l ahasseeDemocr at ,t heMi amiHer al d,newspaper si nSeat t l eandSal tLakeCi t y ,ascat t er i ng f r om el sewher e.CCRl at ert ol dmeaSwedi shnewspaperhadcal l edt hem t hatdayt oaski fIwer ea f amousAmer i candeat hpenal t yl awy er .( Icanonl yi magi neCCR' sr eact i on.)Whatachangeofpace f r om si xday sbef or e-f r om f acel essassoci at edr af t i ngf r ui t l essf oot not est of et ed" Bundy ' sl awy er , "
t het oastoft het own!Atl easti tf el tt hatway .Idi dn' tbot hert omaket hedi st i nct i onbet weenf ameand i nf amy .If el tsur et hatt her epor t er sawt hesi t uat i onasIdi d,t heywer esosol i ci t ousandagr eeabl e. Cl ear l yIwasanav engi ngangelsav i ngahumanl i f ef r om t heuni v er sal l ydespi seddeat hpenal t y .I coul dn' ti magi neany oneseei ngi tanyot herway . Oneef f ectofpubl i ci t yi nt hi scasewast ospureacht i measmal lr ashofl et t er spur por t i ngt oof f er f r eshev i dence,al way sexoner at i ngmycl i ent .I nt hi sf i r stbat chonewr i t ercl ai medt ohav eseent he mur der scommi t t ed, andt heywer enotcommi t t edbyTedBundybutby" Geor gePeppar dandhi swi f e El i zabet hAshl ey ,al ongwi t ht hei rsonDi r kBenedi ct ."Anot herwr i t ercl ai medi twashi sbr ot herwho hadcommi t t edt hemur der s;appar ent l yi twasapr obl em gener al l yamonghi sf ami l yandf r i ends, and i twasget t i ngonhi sner v es:" Al so.Ibel i ev et hatmypar ent sandnei ghborar econt i nui ngt hei r at t empt st omur derme.Ican' tl ett hatcont i nuef or ev er . " Mynewci r cumst anceswer eeasyt ogetusedt o.Ispectt her estoft hatf i r stf ul lweekont hecase t al ki ngont hephonewi t hr epor t er sal lday ,andcat chi nguponmynosegr i ndi ngr egul at or ywor kat ni ght .Her oi ne/ cel ebr i t ybyday ;schol ar / cor por at el awy eratni ght .Ihad ar r i v ed.Now t hi swas pr act i ci ngl aw!Il ov edanswer i ngpr esscal l s.I twassuchal ux ur y :Repor t er swer eanx i oust okeepme t al ki ng.dr awi ngmeout .Theynev erdi sagr eedwi t hme, andt hei rquest i onswer esi mpl ecompar edt o t her eali ssuesi nt hecase-Ihadt heanswer satmyf i nger t i ps, andIwasnev eri nt er r upt ed.It ol done af t eranot herwhathadbeenf i l ed, whatt heFl or i daSupr emeCour t ' sdeni al meant , whatt hel egal basi s wasf orast ayatt hi st i me.And,si ncet heywer er epor t er s,notj udgesorpr osecut or sorseni or par t ner s, Idi dn' thav et or espondt oanyquest i onIdi dn' thav eananswerf or .SuchashowIwasgoi ng t ost opt heex ecut i oni ft heSupr emeCour tdeni edt hest ay .Suchaswhati fIwer esosuccessf ult hat Bundyact ual l ywassetf r eei nt heend.Suchas," Whataboutt hev i ct i ms? "Repor t er susual l yknew t hant oask. OnWednesday , Febr uar y26, t woday saf t ert heFl or i daSupr emeCour tdeni al , t hedesi gnat eddeat h penal t ycl er kf ort heU.S.Supr emeCour tcal l edmet osayt heCour thadgr ant edt hest ay .Ihadbeen sonai v el yconf i dentaboutobt ai ni ngast ay -i ft heSupr emeCour twasn' tt her et opr ev entpeopl ef r om bei ngki l l edatt hehandsoft hegov er nment ,whatwasi tt her ef or ?-Iwasnotatal lgr at ef ulf ort he deci si on,t houghIwasgl adi thadcomedownsof ast .Thewai t i ngwasov er .Tedwoul dnotbeki l l ed Mar ch4.TheCour thadst ay edt heexecut i ont i l lMar ch29t oal l ow met opr epar easuppl ementt o Ted' spet i t i on.Anot herr ushofpr esscal l scamei n.Agai ni tseemedal lt her epor t er sshar edmyj oyat j ust i cet r i umphantandt hesanct i t yofhumanl i f eaf f i r med.I twoul dbeaf ew day sbef or eIsaw t he f i ni shednewsar t i cl es.Thest or ywasmor el i keBUNDY ESCAPES DEATH andki l l er ' sex ecut i on del ay ed. NowIknowI ' m pr ej udi ced,andt hathar dcasespr obabl ymakef orbadj our nal i sm -ast heymake f orbadl aw-butIwassur pr i sedt hr oughoutatt heuni f or mi t yofpr essr epor t sont hecase.Doz ensof r epor t er scal l i ng,t enort wel v eat t endi ngourcour tappear ances,andst i l lt heex actsamenewscopy ev er yt i me.Ther ewasoneof f i ci alv i ewoft heBundycase, l egali nt r i caci esandal l , andt hat ' sal lIev er sawpubl i ci zed.Asi ngl enewsser v i cecoul dhav eser v edt hem al l . Ir ecei v edav ar i et yofr eact i onsf r om peopl ei nt hef i r m.Atonepoi nti nt heday ,Ibur sti nt oJef f s of f i ce, cr owi ng, " I tmaybeonl yt empor ar y , butev endoct or sonl ypr ol ongl i f e! "Jef fandt heper sonwi t h hi m,aphy si ci anasi tt ur nedout ,l aughedoutl oud.Anot herassoci at ecamebyt osayt hathehad hear dmynameont her adi ot hatmor ni ng, di dIknowaboutt hat ?Ibr ushedhi sent husi asm asi dewi t h awav eoft hehand." Oh,I ' m al lov ert henewsnow."Het ur nedheelwi t houtsay i ngany t hi ngand wal kedaway .Ihadmeanti tt obecel ebr at or y ,notbr aggi ng.Mostsur pr i si ng,Inot i cedt hatt he secr et ar i esonmyf l oorst ar edatmewhenIwal kedby .AndInot i cedt heywer en' tsmi l i ng.Thei rey es sai d,How coul dy our epr esentsomeonel i ket hat ?Idi smi ssedt hei rr eact i onasl acki ngal awy er ' s per spect i v eondef endi ngt hei ndef ensi bl e. AssoonasIr ecei v edt henewsoft hest ay , Iputacal li nt oTed.WhenIt ol dhi m hewassi l entf ora moment , andt henhemanagedahoar seandquav er i ngwhi sper , " Thanky ou, Pol l y ." Icoul dj usti magi nehi mt her e-bent ,f r i ght ened,st andi ngbyt hephone,hear i nghewoul dnotbe ki l l edi nt wel v eday saf t eral l .Icoul dj usti magi nehi suni magi nabl er el i ef .If el tgoodt hatIcoul ddo
t hatf orhi m. I twashar dt omai nt ai nt hatf eel i ng,t hough,becauseTedwoul dn' tst i ckt ot her ol eIhadassi gned t ohi mi nmymi nd.WhenIt al kedt ohi m agai naf ew hour sl at er ,her epeat edhi st hanks,butal so ex pr essedannoy ancet hathewasst i l l bei nghel dondeat hwat chandhadnotbeenmov edbackt ohi s r egul arcel ly et .Ical l edSuper i nt endentMat hi s,whosai dTedwoul dbemov edsoon.Byt het hi r dcal l Tedwasst eami ngmad.Hewasv er ygr at ef ulf ort hel egalwor kIwasdoi ngf orhi m,hesai d,but get t i ngbackt ohi scel li mmedi at el ywasi mpor t antt oo,becauset hi swashi sl i f eaf t eral l ,andt her e wer enoexer ci sepr i v i l egesondeat hwat ch, andt heyhadbet t ernotsear chhi spr oper t yagai nwhenhe gotbackbecauset heyhadal r eadysear chedhi m ont hewayout ,andIshoul dcal lMat hi sagai nand demandt hathebemov edbackt oQ Wi ngt oday ,andi fMat hi sgav emeanyt r oubl e,t ocal lt he gov er nor ' sof f i ce, becauset heyknowwhatt hest andar dpr ocedur ei swhenawar r ant ' sbeencal l edof f , andev er yot herguywho' dev ergot t enast ayhadbeenr et ur nedt ohi sf or mercel lr i ghtaway ,and" I wi l l notbet r eat eddi f f er ent l ybecauseI ' m TedBundy ! " Icoul dseet hatTed' sper spect i v eonal lt hi swasal i t t l edi f f er entf r om mi ne.Butt hen,af t eral l ,he wasamur der er , appar ent l y ; hehadt obenut s. Tomei tshoul dhav ebeenenoughf orTed,atl eastf ort hatday ,t hathi si mmi nentex ecut i onhad beencancel ed.Ihal f hear t edl ycooper at edwi t hhi sr equest s,butIr eal l yt houghthi sat t i t udewas i nappr opr i at e.Fort hemostpar t ,t hough,Iputi toutofmymi nd.Thi swasmyv i ct or y ,af t eral l ,my comi ngouti nt or eall i f e, whi ch, i ncont r ast , wasj ustasIhadi magi nedi twoul dbe-acont i nuoushi gh, af eel i ngofbei ngpower f ulandef f ect i v e.AsIsawi t ,Tedwasv i r t ual l yi r r el ev antt ot hi scase.I twas st r i ct l yal egal mat t er , al bei tt ohi sbenef i t , ofcour se.Iwasgoi ngt osav ehi m andmakehi mf eel car ed f ori nhi shear tofhear t s, butnoti nhi sday t odayl i f e.
PARTI I CHAPTER3 COURTSTAYSEXECUTI ONOFBUNDY WASHI NGTON -The U.S.Supr eme Cour tor der ed Theodor e Bundy ' s ex ecut i on post poned i ndef i ni t el yWednesdaysot hathi snew def enseat t or neycoul dappealhi smur derconv i ct i oni nt he gr i sl ysl ay i ngsoft woFl or i daSt at eUni v er si t ysor or i t ysi st er si n1978. Bundyhadbeensent encedt odi ei nFl or i da' sel ect r i cchai rMar ch4.I nheremer gencyr equestf ora st ayofex ecut i on,Bundy ' sat t or ney ,Pol l yNel son,sai dshecoul dnotpr epar eBundy ' sappealbef or e hi sschedul edex ecut i ondat e. " Thi si sv er yhappynews, "sai dNel son, anassoci at ei nt heWashi ngt onl awf i r m ofWi l merCut l er& Pi cker i ng." Wet houghtt hecour twoul dr eal i z eweneededt i met obecomef ami l i arwi t ht hecase. Tal l ahasseeDemocr at , Febr uar y27, 1986 " Ver yhappynews."I twasal i t t l est ar t l i ngt oseemywor dsi npr i nt .Ihadt ol ear nnott osaychi r py t hi ngsl i ket hatt or epor t er s.Icoul dseet hat ,whenpr esent edi nt hecont ex toft hecr i mes,i nt he cont extofgr i sl ysl ay i ngs," v er yhappynews"l ookedsomehowi nappr opr i at e-bi z ar r e, ev en.ButIwas honest l ysur pr i sedt oseet hemur der sment i onedsopr omi nent l y .Formet hewhol ei ssuewast he deat hpenal t yand,l egal l y ,t hecr i meswer ei r r el ev antnow.Iwasappeal i ngonl yer r or si nt het r i al ,not t hespeci f i cf i ndi ngofgui l t .Ihadn' texpect edTed' snamet obepl acedsocl oset ot hemur der s, ei t her . Iwasn' tassumi nghewaspr ov engui l t y , andIhadex pect edt henewspaper swoul dn' tei t her .Ichoset o i gnor et hef actt hataconv i ct i onov er comesanypr esumpt i onofi nnocence.Besi des, sav i ngl i v eswas oft hehi ghestgood,andt heonl yl i f et hatcoul dbesav edatt hi spoi ntwasTed' s.Whywer et hey sensat i onal i z i ngt hi s? Af t eranot herdayort wooff r enzi edpr esscal l s,myphonef el lut t er l ysi l ent .Tedwasnol onger news.If el tsomewhatabandonedbymynewsui t or s,t hoseat t ent i v er epor t er s.Or di nar yl i f eseemed soqui et .Ir el uct ant l yr et ur nedt omyt edi ouspay i ngwor kandt ot hesuppl ementt oTed' spet i t i on.I di dn' tknowexact l ywher et obegi nwi t ht hesuppl ement , t hough. Iknewt hebasi cf act soft hecase.Tedhadbeenconv i ct edandsent encedt odeat hi n1979f ora 3: 00a.m.at t acki n1978onr esi dent soft heChiOmegasor or i t yhouseatFl or i daSt at eUni v er si t yi s Tal l ahassee.Fi v ewomenhadbeenat t ackedwhi l et heysl ept , bl udgeonedf er oci ousl ywi t hacl ub, and sexual l yassaul t edwi t hor di nar yobj ect si nt hei rownr ooms.Twowomenwer el ef tdead,andt hr ee mor ehadbeenser i ousl yi nj ur ed.Att het i me,Tedhadbeenont her unf r om Col or adoSpr i ngs, Col or ado, wher ehehadbeenont r i alf ort hemur derofanot hery oungwoman.Hehadbeenex t r adi t ed t oCol or adof r om Ut ah,wher ehehadbegunser v i ngaf our t eeny earsent encef ort heat t empt ed abduct i onofani net eeny ear ol dwomani n1976. Myj obnow wast osel ectanddev el opt het woort hr eei ssuesi nt heChiOmegacasest r ong enought oj ust i f yU. S.Supr emeCour tr ev i ewon" cer t ."A" cer t "pet i t i onaskst heCour tt oi ssueawr i t ofcer t i or ar i t ot hecour tt hatl astconsi der edt hecase, r equest i ngt hatt her ecor dbe cer t i f i edf orr ev i ew.TheU.S.Supr emeCour tr ecei v esmor et hanf i v et housandcer t .pet i t i onseach y earandgr ant sr ev i ew t ol esst han170.TheCour thascompl et edi scr et i onov erwhi chcasest o acceptf orcer t .r ev i ewandaccept sonl yt hosef ewt hatr ai seasubst ant i al const i t ut i onal i ssueonwhi cht heCour twi shest obehear d.Deat hpenal t ycasesar enomor el i kel yt obeaccept ed f orr ev i ewt hanot hercases,andev enwher ecer t .i sgr ant ed,t heCour tgener al l ywi l lonl yl ookatone oft hemanyl egal quest i onsacaser ai ses. WhenTedhadf i l edhi sowncer t .pet i t i onwi t ht heU.S.Supr emeCour ti nJanuar y ,hehadmadea t el l i ngsel ect i onofi ssueshehadt houghtwer emost" cer t wor t hy .Hechosenoneoft hedoz ensof i mpor t antl egali ssueshi spubl i cdef ender shadr ai sedonhi sbehal fathi st r i al .Hechosenoneoft he i ssuest hatr el at edt ohi sf act ualgui l tori nnocence.Norhadhechosenanyoft heot heri ssuest hat r ef l ect edonhi m per sonal l y ,suchast hosequest i oni nghi sment alst at eorabi l i t yt oactashi sown at t or neyorcocounsel .I nf act , hehadchoseni nst eadt hosef ewt echni call egali ssueshehi msel fhad
ar guedwi t houtbenef i tofcounsel .Egocent r i ci t y ,ev enatt hecostofhi sownbesti nt er est s,was t y pi cal ofTed. Accor di ngt ot hecer t .pet i t i onTedhadf i l ed,t hen,t het hr eemosti mpor t ant ,mostpi v ot al ,most cer t wor t hyi ssuesi nt heChiOmegacasewer et hathehadbeendeni edt hel awy erofhi schoi ce ( Mi l l ar dFar mer ,anexper tdeat hpenal t yl awy erf r om At l ant a,hadof f er edt or epr esentTedwi t hout char ge,butwasdeni edper mi ssi ont oappearpr ohacv i cebyt heFl or i dacour t s) ;hehadn' tbeen al l owedahear i ngont heef f ect i v enessofhi spubl i cdef ender si mmedi at el yaf t ert het r i al( sucha hear i ngi snotappr opr i at eunt i lcol l at er alpr oceedi ngs,af t ercompl et i onoft hedi r ectappeal ,butt he t r i alj udgehadmi sl edTedi nt obel i ev i nghehadt or ai set hei ssuei mmedi at el yorl oseal lr i ghtt or ai se i tl at er ) ; andhehadnotbeengi v enaf ai roppor t uni t yt ochal l enget hegr andj ur yt hathadchar gedhi m wi t ht heChiOmegamur der si nt hef i r stpl ace.Tedwasbl i ndt ot hef actt hatt heov er al li mpl i cat i onof hi spet i t i onwast hathewascl ai mi ngt ohav ebeenconv i ct edandsent encedt odeat honl ybecausehe hadt hewr ongl awy er sandaf l awedi ndi ct ment .Thatwasnotgoi ngt obeconv i nci ng.I nf act ,t her e wer emanymor esubst ant i al ,mor ecompel l i ng,andmor ebel i ev abl egr oundsf orcer t .i nt heChi Omegacase. Thev er ybestl egali ssuei nt hecasewasnoty et" r i pe"f orr ev i ew.TheU.S.Supr emeCour t orany appeal scour t ,f ort hatmat t er-doesn' tt akeev i denceorheart est i monyorconsi derl egali ssuest hat hav enotbeendeci dedal r eadybyal owercour t .Tedhi msel f( wi t ht heeagerconsentoft het r i al j udge) hadpr ev ent edanyev i dencebei ngt akenont hebesti ssue:hi sment alcompet encet oassi sthi s l awy er si ndef endi nghi m.Hi st r i all awy er shadt r i edt or ai set hi si ssuesev er alt i mes,asTed' s i r r at i onalconductbot hi ncour tandbehi ndt hescenesr ui nedt hei rl egalst r at egi esandat t empt st o sav ehi sl i f e.WhenTedobj ect edt ohav i ngt hesei ssuesai r edi nacompet encyhear i ng, t hej udgewent al ongwi t hhi m.Becauset heev i denceofTed' si ncompet encehadnotbeenal l owedont her ecor d, t hen,appel l at econsi der at i onofi twoul dhav et owai tf ort hecol l at er alchal l enges,whenanat t empt coul dbemadet of ul l yex pl or ei ti nanev i dent i ar yhear i ng. Si mi l ar l y , Ted' scl ai msr egar di ngchoi ceofcounselandef f ect i v enessofappoi nt edcounselneeded f ur t herf act ual dev el opmenti ncol l at er al pr oceedi ng.Thegr andj ur yi ssue, whi l enotagr eati ssue, was r i pef orr ev i ew.Iwassensi t i v eenought oTed' sf eel i ngst ohesi t at et hr owi nghi sent i r ecer t .pet i t i on outt hewi ndow,so,i nmysuppl ementt ohi spet i t i on,Ii ncl udedi t .I tdi dseem t opr esentanunf ai r cat ch22.I nFl or i da,agr andj ur ydeci deswhet herenoughev i denceex i st st oi ndi ctaper sonf ort he cr i mesal l egedbyt hepol i ce.I nnei t herofTed' st woFl or i dacaseswast heev i denceagai nsthi mv er y st r ong,buthehadal r eadyr ecei v edagr eatdealofpubl i ci t ybyt het i met hegr andj ur yconv ened,i n secr et , t oconsi derhi si ndi ct ment .Fl or i dal awgi v esadef endantt her i ghtt ochal l enget hei mpar t i al i t y ofagr andj ur yconsi der i ngev i denceagai nsthi m,butonl ybef or ei ti ssuesani ndi ct mentandi s di ssol v ed.Thecat chi st hatgr andj ur ypr oceedi ngsar ekeptsecr etunt i laf t erani ndi ct menti si ssued. WhenTedsoughtt ohav ehi si ndi ct mentquashedont hegr oundt hegr andj ur or swer epr ej udi cedby t heex t ensi v epr et r i alpubl i ci t y ,hi smot i onwasdeni edasunt i mel y-t hecour tr ul edheshoul dhav e f i l edi twhi l et hegr andj ur ywasst i l lconsi der i ngt hei ndi ct ment .I nsecr et .Tedbecamev er yhotabout t echni cal i nj ust i cesl i ket hat . I twasav al i di ssue,butnotl i kel yt oi nf l uencet heU. S.Supr emeCour tt ogr antcer t .Notonl ydi di t notgot ot heessenceofTed' sconv i ct i oni nawayt hatwoul dmakeaSupr emeCour tj ust i cet akean i nt er est , i twasnotgoi ngt ocl eart hehur dl eof" har ml esser r or ."Ev enacl ear l yunconst i t ut i onalr ul i ng att r i al won' tr esul ti nt heconv i ct i onbei ngov er t ur nedunl essi ti sr easonabl ypossi bl et hat" butf or "t he er r ort heout comeoft het r i alwoul dhav ebeendi f f er ent .I nt hi scase, anypr ej udi ceont hepar toft he gr and j ur ywas pr obabl yr ender ed const i t ut i onal l y" har ml ess"byt he separ at e and i ndependent j udgmentoft het r i al j ur yt hatul t i mat el yhear dhi scase. Theot hert woi ssuesIchosef ort hecer t .suppl ementdi dnothav ea" har ml esser r or "pr obl em.The out comeofTed' st r i almaywel lhav ebeendi f f er ent" butf or "t hest at e' suseofhy pnosi sort het r i al cour t ' scoer ci v e" deat hqual i f i cat i on"oft het r i al j ur y . Ni t aNear y , t hepr i nci paley ewi t nessi nt heChiOmegacase, hadbeenhy pnot i z edatt hedi r ect i onof t hepr osecut orandt hepol i cei nor dert of i l loutherdescr i pt i onoft hemanshesaw l eav i ngt he sor or i t yhousewi t hacl ubj ustbef or et hebodi eswer edi scov er ed.Butwhent est i monyhasbeen
enhancedbyhy pnosi s, t hewi t nessof t encannotdi st i ngui shbet weenwhatheorsheact ual l ysawand whatmi ghthav ebeensuggest eddur i ngt hehy pnot i csessi on.Thi scanmaket hewi t nessnear l y i mpossi bl et o cr ossexami nei nv i ol at i on oft he def endant ' s const i t ut i onalr i ghtt o conf r onthi s accuser s.Ther ewasagr eatdealofdi sagr eementamongcour t sar oundt hecount r yast ohow t o handl esucht est i mony-whi chi t sel fi sanex cel l entar gumentf orcer t . Thet hi r di ssue," deat hqual i f i cat i on,"concer nedt heex cl usi onofpot ent i alj ur or sbasedont hei r f eel i ngsaboutt hedeat hpenal t y .I na1968case,Wi t her spoonv .Wai nwr i ght ,t heSupr emeCour t deci dedt hatcour t scannotaut omat i cal l yex cl udepot ent i alj ur or swhoopposet hedeat hpenal t y ,as l ongast heycanst i l lbei mpar t i alast ot hequest i onofgui l tori nnocence.Ther easoni ngoft heCour t wast hataut omat i cal l yex cl udi ngsuchj ur or swoul ddepr i v et hedef endantofhi sorherr i ghtt oaj ur y t hatwasr epr esent at i v eoft hecommuni t y .Ther ei sal soev i dencet hataj ur ycomposedonl yofdeat h penal t ysuppor t er smi ghtbemor esuppor t i v eoft hepr osecut i on,mor e" conv i ct i onpr one,"t hana bal ancedj ur ywoul dbe.TheCour t ' ssol ut i onwast hatcapi t al t r i al swoul dbeconduct edi nt wophases. I nt hegui l tphase, anyj ur orwhocoul dbei mpar t i alaboutgui l tori nnocence, r egar dl essoft hei rv i ews ont hedeat hpenal t y ,coul dpar t i ci pat e.I ft hedef endantwer ef oundgui l t y ,t het r i alwoul dpr oceedt o t hepenal t yphase,wher eonl yt hosej ur or swhower ewi l l i ngt oconsi deri mposi ngt hedeat hpenal t y woul ddet er mi net hedef endant ' spuni shment . Af t erWi t her spooncour t sdi dconductcapi t alt r i al si nt wophases,butmany ,ont heur gi ngof pr osecut or s,cont i nued( andst i l lcont i nue)t oex cl udeal ldeat hpenal t yopponent sf r om ser v i ngas j ur or s.I nt heChiOmegacaset hej udgeandpr osecut orbadger edandconf usedev er ypot ent i alj ur or whoex pr essedr eser v at i onsaboutt hedeat hpenal t yunt i lheorshesai dsomet hi ngt hatappear edt o di squal i f yt hem.Notonewasal l owedt osi tont hej ur y . Ihadmyt hr eei ssues:i nabi l i t yt ochal l enget hegr andj ur y ;hy pnosi soft hest at e' swi t ness;and i mpr operexcl usi onofj ur or sopposedt ot hedeat hpenal t y .Ial sohadt heent i r et r anscr i ptoft het r i al , sentupbyCCR,whi chwasmor et hanf i f t eent housandpagesl ong.I t sf i f t yv ol umeswer ei nbox es pi l edupbehi ndme.Ji m andJef fwer est r i ct l yhandsof fandpr ov i dednomor egui dancet hanasmi l e andashr ug.Theyknewapost conv i ct i ondeat hcasewasast i ckyt arbaby , andt heywant edt omake sur er esponsi bi l i t yf ort hecaser emai nedwi t hme.Iwasonmyowni ndeci di nghowt opr oceed. It ookmycuef r om t hel i t t l el egalexper i enceIdi dhav e.Basedonmyy earasal awcl er k,Icoul d wel li magi nesomej udgegl ar i ngdownatmef r om ahi ghbenchandscowl i ng, " Youmeany ouhav en' t ev enr eadt her ecor di nt hi scase, Counsel or ? ! "SoIbegandoi ngj ustt hat , begi nni ngatpageone.Thi s wasnotagoodi dea, ofcour se, t hesheerv ol umeofmat er i almadei ti mpossi bl e.Icoul dn' thav eev en speedr eadt hewhol et hi ngbyt heMar ch28deadl i nef ort hesuppl ementand,wor se,t hef i r stf ew v ol umesoft her ecor dwer esof asci nat i ngIf oundmy sel fr eadi ngev er ywor dasi fi twer eanov el . Tol dent i r el yi ndi al oguel i ket hescr i ptofapl ay , t hei ndi v i duall i f est or i esofeachoft heseor di nar y ci t i zenscal l edt oj ur ydut ycamev i v i dl yal i v et hr ought hei rcandi danswer st or out i nequest i ons.Asa gr oupt hey ' dbeaskedwhatt hei rj obwas,t hei rl ei sur eact i v i t i es,whatnewspaper sandmagaz i nes t heyr ead.Onepi ct ur ewoul demer geofaj ur orwhoseansweront hef i r str oundwas" hai r st y l i st ,"on t hesecondr ound," goi ngt ot hebeach; "andont het hi r dr ound," Mademoi sel l e,Gl amour ."Anot her pi ct ur eent i r el ywoul dbeev okedbyt heanswer s" t r uckdr i v er , "" hunt i ngsomet i mes, f i shi ng, "and" Rod andGun."Eachwasuni que,di st i nct i v e,def i ni ngani r r epr oduci bl ehumanbei ng.Eachl i f eseemedt o bedr i v enbyi t sowni nev i t abl ei nt er nall ogi c.Ienv i edt hem t hei ror di nar yl i v es,unencumber edbyt he r esponsi bi l i t yofsav i ngamanf r om t heel ect r i cchai r .Af t eraweekoft hi sIknewIwasi nt r oubl e. Iwasr escuedonedaybyaseni orassoci at e,PatDougl ass,whohappenedt opeeki nmyof f i ce.I knew Patl i t t l emor et hanIhadknownJef fRobi nsonwhenhef i r stst uckhi sheadi n.Appar ent l y , t hough,Ihadsuchat er r i f i edl ookonmyf acewhenPatcasual l yaskedhowt hi ngswer egoi ngt hat shecamei nandsatdown. " I sn' tany onehel pi ngy ouwi t ht hi s? "sheasked. Icoul donl yst ar eatherwi t hwi deopeney es.Taki ngpi t yonme,Patgav emedi r ect i on.Forone t hi ng,shepoi nt edoutt hatt heent i r et r anscr i ptcoul dbesummar i z edf ormebyl egalassi st ant s pr act i cal l yov er ni ght-Ist i l lhadn' tcompr ehendedt heex t entoft hef i r m' sr e-sour ces.Shegav eme somesampl ecer t .pet i t i onst ouseasmodel s.Bestofal l , shet ookov erwr i t i ngt hehy pnosi ssect i on
her sel f . I twaspur ecoi nci dencet hatt hei ssuePatt ookov erwast heonl yoneoft het hr eet hatt ouchedon t hecr i mest hemsel v es.Ni t aNear yhadt est i f i edshe' dseenamanwi t hacl ubl eav i ngt hesor or i t y houseasshecamei nt hebackdooratt hr eeo' cl ockt hemor ni ngoft hecr i me.Wr i t i ngt hehy pnosi s ar gumentmeantcompar i ngev er ydet ai lofNi t aNear y ' sdescr i pt i onbef or e, dur i ng, andaf t erhy pnosi s; goi ngov ert hosef ewhor r i bl emi nut esov erandov eragai n.ByPatt aki ngt hehy pnosi si ssue,Icoul d cont i nuet oi gnor eal lt hat .I tj usthappenedt owor koutt hatway .Myownt woi ssueswer est r i ct l y pr ocedur al , hav i ngnot hi ngt odowi t ht hecr i mest hemsel v es.Justl i ket hei ssuesTedhadpi ckedout f orhi msel f .Wi t hPat ' shel p, Imett heSupr emeCour t ' sdeadl i neofMar ch28. Meanwhi l e,backatt hef abul oust ownhouse.Iwasnotbei ngav er ygoodr oommat e.WhenIf i r st mov edi n, I ' dbeenhomeal ot , av ai l abl et ochat , t ohel pout .Ihadn' tknownany onei nWashi ngt on, and Ihadbeengl uedt ot heki t chenbymyni ght l ydr i nki nghabi t-Ihadn' tdar edgoouti npubl i candendup danci ngont abl es.ButnowIwassober , gonef r om homeal l t het i me, notav ai l abl ef orcommuni cat i on wi t hmyr oommat e,whohel dt hel ease.Iwasi nt heof f i cebut ybei ng" Bundy ' sLawy er "atal lhour s. Howcoul dIt aket i mef orany t hi ngel se?Al i f ewasatst ake!Whatcoul dpossi bl ybemor ei mpor t antat anygi v enmoment ?Myr oommat e' sdog,whom I ' dcar edf orov ert hehol i day s,now bar kedatmy unpr edi ct abl ecomi ngsandgoi ngsasi fIwer eani nt r uder .Bymi dMar chmyr oommat ehadhadi tand t ol dmeI ' dhav et omov eouti namont h.Ipr oceededt oav oi dmaki ngpl ans.Icoul dn' tpossi bl yspend t i meatt hef r i v ol oust askoff i ndi nganapar t mentf ormy sel f ; Iwasengagedi napr of oundmi ssi on. Tedwassaf ef r om ex ecut i oni nt heChiOmegacasewhi l et heSupr emeCour tdeci dedwhet her t heywoul dgr antcer t .I ft heydeni edcer t .t hei rst aywoul dex pi r eandTedwoul dbev ul ner abl et oa deat hwar r antagai n.I twasmyf er v enthopet heCour twoul dhol dt hepet i t i onpasti t sJuner ecess andnoti ssueadeci si onunt i li tr econv enedont hef i r stMondayi nOct ober .Iwant edt i met ocl earmy headanddosomer egul arwor kf ort hepar t ner s.Ist i l lneededt ol ear nhowt obear eall awy er .The pr obl em was,ev eni ft heSupr emeCour thel dont ot heChiOmegacasef ort hesummer ,Tedhad anot herdeat hsent enceoutt her e. TheFl or i daSupr emeCour thadt akenf oury ear st ouphol dTed' sconv i ct i onanddeat hsent encef or t hemur derofKi mber l yLeachi nLakeCi t y , Fl or i da.Al t houghhi st wocaseswer ecompl et el ysepar at e, t heypr esent edmanyoft hesamegener ali ssues.Thecompet encyi ssuewasgoi ngt obev er yst r ong i nt heChiOmegacasebecauseTed' sl awy er shadt r i edsohar dt or ai sei tont her ecor dandt hej udge hadsocl ear l yer r edi nl et t i ngTedov er r ul et hem.I twasanel ementi nt heLakeCi t ycase, t oo, because Tedpr esumabl yhadt hesamement alcondi t i onhedi dsi xmont hscar l i eratt heChiOmegat r i aland si mi l ar l ybi z ar r et hi ngshappenedi nbot hcases.Howev er , Ted' sl awy eri nt hatcasehadnev err ai sedi t atal l . Bot hcasespr esent edt hei ssueofhy pnosi s,butt hent heLakeCi t ycasewast hest r onger .Whi l e Ni t aNear y ' sr ecol l ect i onofev ent satt heChiOmegahousehadnotr eal l ychangedmuchwi t h hy pnosi s, t her ecol l ect i onoft heal l egedey ewi t nessi nt heLakeCi t ycasewasv i r t ual l ycr eat eddur i ng hy pnosi ssessi ons.Thei ssuewasr i pef orU.S.Supr emeCour tr ev i ew,hav i ngbeent hor oughl y ex pl or edatt r i al andonappeal .Al l t henecessar yf act swer eont her ecor d. Thecr i mes, t hesuspi ci ons, andt hehi st or yofTedBundywer ewi del ypubl i ci z edi nFl or i daf r om t he t i mehewasar r est edi nFebr uar y1978.Somuchsot hat , i nMay1978,Tedt r i edt ogetper mi ssi ont o hol dapr essconf er encesohecoul dr ef ut et her epor t si nt henewspaper sandont el ev i si on.Thej udge deni edt hi sf ool har dyrhef el tcompel l edt o" sav eBundyf r om Bundy ."Hi sopi ni ondescr i bedt he publ i ci t yt hathadbui l tupi nt het hr eemont hssi ncehi sar r est : Vi r t ual l ynoaspectofBundy ' spastorpr esentl i f e, r eal ori magi ned, hasev adedmedi adi scov er y , anal y si sandcomment .Fact , specul at i ons, char act er i z at i onandi mpr essi onhav ecombi nedt ogi v e Theodor eBundy , want edornot , amy st i queofsor t s.Heenj oy s( ort ol er at es, ast hecasemaybe)a namei dent i f i cat i oni nt hi sar eaofFl or i daatl eastequal t ot hatofFl or i da' smostnot abl eper sonages. I npar t i cul ar ,t hemont hl ongsear chf orKi mber l yLeachf ol l owi ngherdi sappear ancei nFebr uar y 1978hadpr ompt edf r equentnewsr epor t saski ngf ori nf or mat i onandgi v i ngadet ai l eddescr i pt i onof
t hev i ct i m andwhatshewaswear i ngwhenl aseen.Ki mber l yLeachhadbeenr epor t edmi ssi ngby j uni orhi ghaut hor i t i eswhenshef ai l edt or et ur nt ocl assaf t erl eav i ngt or et r i ev eherpur sef r om anot herschoolbui l di ng.I twasn' tunt i lJul y21t hatt hegr andj ur yf or mal l ychar gedTedwi t ht he mur derofKi mber l yLeach,andi twasn' tunt i laweekaf t ert hatt hatt hest at eobt ai nedt heev i dence t hatwoul dconv i cthi m: t heal l egedey ewi t nesst est i monyofCl ar ence" Andy "Ander son. AndyAnder sonwaswat chi ngt el ev i si onatt heLakeCi t yFi r eDepar t mentwher ehewor ked,when hesaw anewsbr oadcastshowi ngTedbei ngl edf r om t hecour t houseaf t erhi si ndi ct mentf ort he Leachmur der .I nf act ,someonecal l edhi sat t ent i ont oi t ,say i ng," Ther e' sBundy ,t heguyaccusedof ki l l i ngt hecoedsandt heLeachgi r l . "Ander son, l i keal lofLakeCi t y , hadbeenf ol l owi ngt hecasesi nce i t si ncept i onandhadseent hef r equentnewsphot ogr aphsofbot ht hev i ct i m andTed, t henumberone suspect .Heal r eadyknewt hatTedhadbeeni dent i f i edbyt wot eenager sast hemandr i v i ngt hest ol en whi t euni v er si t yv ani nLakeCi t yt hedayKi mber l yLeachdi sappear ed.I naddi t i on, t hef i r est at i onwas i nt hesamebui l di ngast hepol i cedepar t ment ,andAnder sonknew t hedet ect i v eont hecase. Nonet hel ess, i twasn' tunt i lJul y28of1978, whenhesawt henewsofTed' si ndi ct ment , t hatAnder son t ol dhi sboss,t hedet ect i v e,andt hepr osecut ort hathet houghther emember edseei ngagi r lsome mont hsbackf i t t i ngt hedescr i pt i onofKi mber l yLeachbei ngl edf r om t hej uni orhi ghbyamanwho l ookedl i keTedBundy .Hehadnotcomef or war dbef or e,hesai d,despi t ef i v emont hsofpubl i c appeal sf ori nf or mat i onaboutt hecr i me, becausehehadn' tbeensur eunt i l j ustnow. Thepr osecut orhadl eaptatt hechancet opr esentaney ewi t nessatt r i al .Theonl yot herev i dence l i nki ngTedt ot hecr i mewast het est i monyofaf i beranal y stt hati twas" ex t r emel ypr obabl e"t hat someoft hef i ber sf oundont hef l ooroft hest ol enuni v er si t yv ancamef r om Ted' scl ot hi ngandsome ot her scamef r om t hecl ot hi ngofKi mber l yLeach.Notmuchf oraj ur yt ogoon,par t i cul ar l yt of i nd bey ondar easonabl edoubtt hatt hecl ot hi ngf r om t hoset wopeopl ehadbeeni nt hev anatt hesame t i me.Butanact ualey ewi t nesst ot heabduct i onwoul dt i ei tup.Unf or t unat el yf ort hepr osecut i on, howev er ,Ander son' sr ecol l ect i onst ur nedoutt obesket chy ,andwor r e,cont r adi ct edknownf act s. Mostpr obl emat i cal l y , hesai dher emember edseei ngt hi smanpi ckupagi r latt hej uni orhi ghi nApr i l , whi l eKi mber l yLeachhaddi sappear edatt hebegi nni ngofFebr uar y .Heal sosai dt hatt her ear wi ndowsoft hev anwer ecov er edup, sot hathecoul dnotseet hemanandt hegi r l af t ert heygoti n. I nor dert oi mpr ov ehi sr ecol l ect i on,t hepr osecut orandt hedet ect i v ehadAnder sonhy pnot i z edi n t hei rpr esence.Underhy pnosi s, hest i l lsai di thadhappenedi nApr i l , butheal sosai dt hatev ent hough hewasf ourcar sbehi ndt hev an, hecoul dseet hatt hegi r lwascr y i ngaf t ershegoti n.Hesai dt hathe wascomi ngof ft heni ghtshi f tatt het i me, andt hataf t er war dhewenthome, t ookashower , andwent t obed.That ,t oo,di dnotf i tt hef act s.Thepr osecut orcheckedandf oundt hatAnder sonhadwor ked t hedayshi f tt hedayoft hecr i me, sohewaswr ongagai n.Ander sonwassenthomewi t hi nst r uct i ons t ot hi nkabouti t .Het al kedi tov erwi t hhi swi f ewhot ol dhi mt hatKi mber l yLeachhaddi sappear edon Febr uar y9, t hedayoft hei rdaught er ' sbi r t hday . Thr eeday sl at erAnder sonwashy pnot i z edbyt hepol i ceagai n.Thi st i meheex pl ai nedt hat , y es, he di dwor kt hedayshi f tt hatday ,buthadr unhomef orashower ,andt o" eatapi eceofmybabygi r l ' s bi r t hdaycake."Heal sogav eamuchmor edet ai l eddescr i pt i onoft hemanandt hegi r l t hanhe' dgi v en bef or e-al t houghnot hi nghesai dhadn' tbeenpr i nt edi nt henewspaperdoz ensoft i mesbef or e.He sai dher emember ednowt hatt hev anhadagr eenandwhi t el i censepl at e( whi ch,aswaspr ov enat t r i al , i tdi dnot ) .Whi l ehewasst i l lunder , t hehy pnot i stt ol dhi m, " Youwi l lr ememberal lt hedet ai l st hat y oudi scussedwi t hme."I ndeed,att r i al ,AndyAnder sont est i f i edt ot hef act sashe" r ecal l ed"t hem dur i ngt hesecondhy pnosi ssessi on,butt ol dt hej udgehe' dr emember edal lofi tf r om t hev er y begi nni ng.The t r i alcour tt ook hi s wor df ort hatand deni ed Ted' s at t or ney ' s mot i on t o hav e Ander son' st est i monyt hr ownoutf orbei nghy pnot i cal l yal t er ed. TheFl or i daSupr emeCour thadav er ydi f f i cul tt i mewi t hAnder son' st est i monyandhy pnosi s,a maj or i t yf i nal l ydeci di ngAnder son' st est i monyhadi ndeedbeenal t er edbyt hehy pnosi st ot hepoi ntof unr el i abi l i t y , butt hati t sadmi ssi onhadbeen" har ml esser r or ."Thechi efj udgeoft heFl or i daSupr eme Cour tdi sagr eedv ehement l y , wr i t i ngt hatAnder son' st est i monyhadbeen" t hecr uci all i nki nt hechai n ofci r cumst ant i alev i dence"and t hathad Ander son' st est i monybeen al t er ed byhy pnosi s,t he conv i ct i onwoul dhav et obeov er t ur ned.Butsi nce,i nhi sv i ew,Ander son' st est i monyhadnotbeen
al t er edbyt hehy pnosi s, hev ot edt oaf f i r m Ted' sconv i ct i onaswel l . Gi v ent hesi mi l ar i t yoft hei ssuesi nt het wocases-nott oment i ont hati twoul dmakenosenset o t r ysohar dt osav eTedi nonecaseonl yt ohav ehi m ex ecut edi nanot her -i twascl ear l ynecessar yt o f i l eacer t .pet i t i oni nt heU.S.Supr emeCour tf ort heLakeCi t ycase.I twasal r eadypastdue.TheChi Omegacer t .pet i t i onhadbeenl at easwel l ,butt heCour taccept edi tont hegr oundt hatTedhadj ust obt ai nedcounsel .NowTedhadt hebacki ngofal awf i r mt hatwasemi nent l ycapabl eofr epr esent i ng hi mi nbot hcasesandt hatexcusewasnotgoi ngt of l yt wi ce.Iwr ot et oTed, t el l i nghi m It houghtwe shoul df i l eaLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i onassoonaspossi bl e.Tomyast oni shment ,Tedr espect f ul l y decl i ned,wr i t i ng," Icer t ai nl ydi dn' ti nt endt haty ouandy ourf i r m woul dbepul l edi nt ot heLakeCi t y case.TheChiOmegacasebyi t sel fi senoughofabur denI ' m sur e,andIf eelf or t unat et ohav ey our hel poni tal one." Iwonder edwhatgav ehi mt hei deahehadachoi cei nt hemat t er ?I twasdef i ni t el yt i met omeetmy cl i entf acet of ace.
CHAPTER4 Al t houghIhadbeenr epr esent i nghi mf ornear l yt womont hs,t hef i r stt i meImetTedBundyi n per sonwasonApr i l6, 1986.If el tsi l l ydr i v i ngt hebi gwhi t eOl dsmobi l eIr ent edt hatday , butIj usthad t odoi t .Theywer eonspeci al ,Iwasal one, andt hel awf i r m waspi cki ngupt het ab.Besi des, Iwasi n Fl or i danow,t hel andofex cess.Excesssunshi ne,ex cessl ei sur e,ex cessheat .Somehow,r ent i ngan ex cessi v el uxur ycarseemedl i ket het hi ngt odo. Idi dn' thav eacarofmyownbacki nWashi ngt on.WhenI ' dl ef tMi nnesot aI ' dcer emoni ousl y t r ansf er r edt het i t l et omyt r ust yPi nt ost at i onwagont omysi st erandherhusband,andt hey ' d uncer emoni ousl ydr i v eni tst r ai ghtt ot hedump.I thaddonegooddut y ,t hough,whenIwasasoci al wor ker .I tt r anspor t edt heei ghtI gnacz i ewskiki dsbackandf or t ht ot henundent i st ,t hei rf aces pr essedagai nstt hewi ndowsl i kegol df i shi nacompactf i shbowl .I tr aceddownr ut t edcount r yl anes f r om Gr y gl at oGat sbyt oGonv i chont hef areast er nendofMar shal lCount y , becomi ngai r bor neov er r ai l r oadcr ossi ngs.Butoh, t hosel andi ngs!ThePi nt odef i ni t el ycommuni cat edt hef eel i ngoft her oad. I ncont r ast ,t heshi nywhi t eOl dsmobi l eIr ent edatt heGai nesv i l l eai r por tf el tl i keanov er st uf f ed dav enpor tonanunf et t er edwat er bed.I tv i r t ual l ysl oshedf r om si det osi dear oundt heshar pspeed cur v esont hewayt ot hemai nr oad. Onceont hehi ghway , Isett hecr ui secont r ol , el ect r oni cal l ygl i dedt hedeepdr i v er ' sseatwaydown andwayback,andt ur nedt hest er eoonl oud.Al owr i deri nabi gcar ,If l oat edt hr ought hebl eak, scr uf f ycount r y si deofmi ddl eFl or i dal i keanal i eni naspacebubbl e.If el test r angedf r om t hewor l d out si de, conspi cuousi nmybi gwhi t ecar .St andsoft al lt r eesf l ankedt her oad, occasi onal l yr ev eal i ng ar amshackl ebeert av er norhot peanutst and.It houghtofhowunwel comeI ' dbei ft hepeopl ewho l i v edamongt hoset r eesknewmydest i nat i on, mymi ssi on. Myr ev er i eendedabr upt l yatSt ar ke. St ar kei sanof r i l l spr i sont ownsi xmi l essout hofFl or i daSt at ePr i son, mi dwaybet weenGai nesv i l l e andJacksonv i l l e.Al t hought hepr i soni sof f i ci al l yi dent i f i edwi t ht het ownofRai f or dwhi chi sact ual l y cl oser ,butsosmal li t ' seasyt omi ssmostpeopl er ef ert oFSPsi mpl yas" St ar ke."Cer t ai nl yt he t ownspeopl ef el tt hataf f i ni t yi nabi gway .Whenanex ecut i onwasi mmi nent ,t hepeopl eofSt ar t e woul dcheeront hehomet eam.Por t abl ef l ashi ngsi gnboar dst hatusual l yadv er t i seLi v eBaI tor MoWer sonSaLEwoul dr eadBur nBuNdyBuRNandFRyTeD. Theappr oacht oSt ar kef r om t hewestbeganwi t haf ewl ar gedi scountst or es,aphal anxoff ast f oodpl aces,t henashar pl ef tt ur nov ercr i sscr ossi ngr ai l wayt r ackswi t haj umbl eofdangl i ngut i l i t y l i nesswi ngi ngov er head.Ial way sf oundi tdi sconcer t i ng.Af t eraf ewbl ocksofsi ngl est or yst or ef r ont s, t het ownpet er edbackout .Att heSt opShopgasst at i onatt hef arendoft own,asi gnpoi nt ednor t h: FLORI DASTATEDEPARTMENTOFCORRECTI ONS.Ther eI ' dt ur nl ef tandst ar tdownt hel astsi xmi l es t ot hepr i son.Thef i nalst r et chwoul dal way saf f ectmet hesamewayi tdi dt hatf i r stt i me.Myhead
woul dbegi nt ol um.I ' df eel compel l edt osnapof ft her adi o.Acer t ai ndr eadwoul ddescendandI ' dget t hedi st i ncti mpr essi ont hatt her ewasnot ur ni ngback.I twasasi ft hepr i sonbr oadcastsomesor tof psy chi cr adart hathadcapt ur edmeandpul l edmet owar di t .Thet al lt r eesst eppedi ncl oserandcast l ongshadowsacr osst her oad.Mycar boat , si l entandcoolont hei nsi de, wast aki ngmesomewher eI wasnol ongercer t ai nIwant edt ogo. Abr upt l y ,t hedar kt unneloft r eesendedatt womansi z est oneboot hswi t hl ong,nar r ow,v er t i cal peephol es,l i nkedt oget herbyawr ought i r onsi gnt hatar chedov ert her oad:f l or i dast at epr i son. Bey ondt hatt her ewer enomor et r ees.Onl yabi gex panseoff i el donei t hersi deoft her oad-andmy f i r stsi ghtofmeni ncapt i v i t y .Spacedev enl yal ongt hedi t ch, adoz enmenal l bl ack, al l dr essedi nt hi n, bl uecov er al l smov edsl owl y , heav i l y , att hei rwor k.Theykeptt hei rheadsbowedev enwhi l et ur ni ngt o gazedi si nt er est edl yasIpassedby .If el tashamed.Ev ent houghIwasr epr esent i ngoneoft hem,a f el l owi nmat e,wi t hmybi gwhi t ecarandmyf r eedom t ocomeandgoIwasj ustanot herpar toft he sy st em t hatkeptt hem t her e. Att hemannedguar dt ower sIobedi ent l ysl owedt ot hepost edf i v emi l esanhourandr ol l ed caut i ousl yov ert hespeedbumps.Ii magi nedt hepi npoi ntsi ghtofar i f l et r ai nedont hebackofmy neck,t heat mospher eofcont r olwassost r ong.Mor epr i soner swer ewor ki ngt hegr ounds,t r i mmi ng t hehedges.Theywer eal li nbl ue.Al lcapt i v es.I nmychest , agaspcol l i dedwi t hasi gh, andIf eI tf i l l ed t obur st i ngwi t hadr eadf ul f eel i ngIcoul dnoti dent i f y . Scr upul ousl yav oi di ngt hespacesmar kedf orof f i ci alv ehi cl es, Ipar kedt hecari nt hel otandsatf or amomentbef or esur r ender i ngmy sel ft ot hi si nst i t ut i on.WhenIst eppedouti nt ot hepar ki ngl otwas near l ybl i ndedbyt hel i ght .Al t houghi twasst i l lear l yspr i ngandt heai rwasst i l lcool ,t hebr i l l i ant Fl or i dasunsentsear i ngr ay sofheatt ot heear t h.Gl eami ngcoi l sofr az orwi r espar kl edl i keaf ount ai n bet weent het wot al l f encessur r oundi ngt hepr i son.Bey ondt hef ences, l i mpTshi r t sandf l at , wetbl ue j eanshungdr y i ngf r om t hedar kwi ndowsoff ourorf i v el ar gecementbui l di ngs.Theai rwasf i l l edwi t h t hemuf f l edr oarofat housandhumanv oi cesmadewi l dbyconf i nementandusel essness.I twast he soundofanani mal house.If el tIwasent er i ngapr ohi bi t eddi mensi onofhumanex per i ence. " Hey ,dar l i n' ! "I ' dhear dt hatv oi ceont hephonesev er alt i mesal r eady .Iknewi tcoul donl ybeone man, al t houghi tt ookawhi l ebef or emyey escoul dseehi mi nt her el at i v edar knessoft heent r y way .J. Vi ct or" Bud"Af r i canohadbeenTed' st r i all awy eri nt heLakeCi t ycaseandhadhandl edhi sappealt o t heFl or i daSupr emeCour taswel l .Hehadapr i v at el aw pr act i cei nLi v eOak,at ownaboutanhour nor t hoft hepr i son.Hewasatt hepr i sont odayt oi nt r oducemet oTed,andi twasacomf or tt ohav e hi mt her e.Vi cwasabi ghear t edgoodol boyandanunr epent antl adi es' gent l eman.Fort heent i r et i me Ir epr esent edTed,ev enwhenIhadt opr epar et odi scr edi thi mi fnecessar y ,Vi cwasasgent l eand sol i ci t ousofmeasi fIwer et heonei ndangerher e. Vi ccar edaboutTed.Al t houghhehadl ongsi ncest oppedbei ngpai df ori t ,Vi cst i l lmadehi msel f av ai l abl et oTedwhenev erhewasneeded.Thei rassoci at i onwasmor et hansi xy ear sl ong,andVi c' s f ondnessf orhi m wasev i dent .ButVi cj ustast r ul ybel i ev edTedki l l edKi mber l yLeachanddeser v edt o di ef ori t .Vi cdi dnotseem t ohav et or econci l ehi sconf l i ct i ngf eel i ngs-hesomehow managedt o si mul t aneousl yl ov eTedl i keanephewandunabashedl ybel i ev eheshoul dbeex ecut ed. Ev enwi t hVi c' sr eassur i ngpr esence,If el tal i t t l eshakyandov er whel medbyt hemet i cul ous secur i t ypr ot ocolatt het hi r doft hef i v ei r ongat est hatar enev eropenatt hesamet i me.Thef i r stt i me t hr ought hemet aldet ect orIsetof ft heal ar m andhadt osl i pmyshoesof ft opasst hr ough-ev ent he t i nynai l st hathel dmyshoest oget herr egi st er edont hesensor .Thecapt ai ni nchar geaskedf ormy barcer t i f i cat et opr ov eIwasanat t or neyandkeptmydr i v er ' sl i censef oraposi t i v eI Dont hewayout . Hest ampedmyhandwi t hi nv i si bl ei nksot hatnoi nmat ecoul descapebydi sgui si nghi msel fasme. Vi ct ooki tal li nst r i de,ami abl yaddr essi ngt heguar dsbyt hei rf i r stnames.Hewasar egul arar ound t her eandal ocal guy .Hegott okeephi sshoesont hr ought hei nspect i onpr ocess. Wewer eescor t edt hr ought hel ong,empt yhal l wayt hatpr ecededt hef i nalgat e.Thesoundofmy cl i cki ngheel sbouncedof ft hehi ghwal l st hat ,l i keev er y t hi ngel sei nt hepr i son,wer epai nt edadul l i ndust r i al y el l ow.Noonespoke.Whenwer eachedt heendourescor tsi gnal edt ot heguar di nt henex t boot h, whonoddedback,andt hegat esl i dopent ol etuspass.Asanot herguar dbegant ol eadust o t her i ght , Vi ct ur nedhi sheadt ot hel ef tandcal l edoutagr eet i ng.
" Hey , Ted." Aboutt went yf eetaway , i nt hef i r stofsev er alunl i tst eelcagest hesi z eoft el ephoneboot hs, wasa wi r ymanwhol ookeddar k,war y ,andwi l d.Mydr eaddeepenedatt hef l eshandbl oodr eal i t yofa humanbei ngwhowasdependi ngonmet opr ev enthi sex ecut i on.Icoul dbar el yl ooki nhi sdi r ect i on. Wedi dnomor et hanacknowl edgeeachot herwi t habr i ef ,magnet i cst ar e.If ol l owedVi cdownt he opposi t ehal l way . IwasamazedwhenIsawt hesi z eoft her oom wher ewewer egoi ngt omeetwi t hTed.I twasnot whatIhadenv i si onedatal l .I tl ookedl i keagr adeschool gy mnasi um/ l unchr oom, wi t hi t shi ghcei l i ng, smal l r oundt abl es, andshor tst ool s.Vi cnot i cedmysur pr i se. " Al lt her egul arat t or neyi nt er v i ew r oomsi nt hewar den' sof f i cewer ebookedupt oday ,"he ex pl ai ned." Thi si st hei nmat ev i si t i ngr oom, wher et heymeetwi t ht hei rf ami l i esont heweekend." " Al l t oget her ? "Isai d, asIscannedt hespr awl i ngspace. " Yup.And,"headded,t i l t i nghi sheadt owar dt her i cket ywoodent oi l etst al l satendoft her oom, " backt her e' swher esomeoft hem hav et hei runof f i ci al conj ugal v i si t s." Secur i t yar r angement sappar ent l ywer eal i t t l emor ef l ex i bl ewi t hi nt hepr i soni t sel ft hanatt he gat es. Ther ewasonl yoneguar di nt her oom,andhesatwayov erbyt hedoor ,Si ppi ngt hr ougha magaz i ne.Toav oi dbei ngov er hear d, Vi candIt ookaseatatt heback, butt hel ongdi st ancebet ween usandt heguar dal somademef eeluneasy , TedandIwer enol ongerst r anger s, buti twasonet hi ng t ot al kt oacl i entont hephoneandcor r espondbymai l ,andanot hert hi ngent i r el yt obef acet of ace wi t habr ut almur der eri nacav er noushal l ,v i r t ual l yal one.Unt i lt henIhadn' tev ert houghtofTedt hat way ,asar eal ,act ualmur der er .Ihadn' tl etmy sel f .Asmycl i entTedwasent i t l edt omygoodwi l land r espect .I fIt houghtofTedasamur der ermysubconsci ousmi ghtunder mi nemywor konhi sbehal fal i nebentev ensl i ght l ywi l lsoonbegoi ngi nanot herdi r ect i onal t oget her .Butal i t t l espar kof r eal i z at i onst ungmewhi l ewewai t edf orTedt obebr oughti n:Thi smanIwasaboutt of acehadki l l ed peopl e.Hewasanundeni abl ydanger ousman.AndIwasundeni abl ymor t al . Suddenl y , t heonl ydoort ot hev i si t or ' sr oom bur stopenandTedwasl edi nbyaguar d.Hewasbent ov er ,hi shandswer ecuf f edbehi ndhi sback,andhewasbal anci ngabul gi ngf i l ef ol derbehi ndhi m. Thest onef acedguar dt ookt hef ol derf r om Ted,i nspect edi t ,uncuf f edhi shandsf r om behi ndand r ecuf f edt hem i nf r ont .Hol di nghi sf ol derwi t hhi sj oi nedhands, Tedsl owl yunf ol dedhi sbody .Ont he unspokenpr et extoft heguar d' spr esence,noneofusspokeasTedst r ai ght enedout .Idi dn' tknow wher et ol ook.Idi dn' twantt oembar r assTedbyv i ewi ngt hi sdehumani z i ngspect acl e, y etIdi dn' twant t oshunhi m ei t her .SoIl ookedbackandf or t hbet weenhi m andVi c.Vi c' sey eswer eanoasi sof comf or t .Whenev erIl ookedatTed,ont heot herhand,he' dqui ckl yl ookaway .Wemadeey econt act onl yatt hecor ner sofourey es. Tedl ookedsmal l ert hanI ' dexpect ed.Ev enaf t erhest r ai ght eneduphest ay edst opped, shor tofhi s f ul lf i v ef eetel ev eni nches.Hewasi ncr edi bl yl ean, t autascat gut .Icoul dseei nhi sf acehowoncehe hadbeenhandsome,butnowhel ookeddr awnandwor n.Hi shai rwasshor tandcoar se,adul lgr ay . Hi sski nwasl i f el ess,ashen.Tedl ookedl i keawal ki ngcadav er -ex ceptf orhi sey es.Justbar el ybl ue andcl earasgl ass,Ted' sey esl ookednewl ybor n,f ul l yal i v e,f ul l ycommuni cat i v e.I nf act ,whenev erI t al kedt ohi m If el tl i keIwashav i ngt woconv er sat i onsatonce, onewi t hourwor ds, andonewi t hour ey es.I twasasi fTed' sey eswer epeephol essomeoneel sewaspeer i ngoutof .Someonedeepi nsi de, pr edat i nghi shor r i bl ehi st or yandt hewor noutex t er i ort hatr ef l ect edi t . Tedof f er edhi scuf f edhandst oVi candVi cshookt hem war ml y .Hegal l ant l ydi dnotof f ert hem t o meandIwasgr at ef ul t hosehandcuf f sspoket ool oudl yf ormet oi gnor et hem y et .Wewal kedsi l ent l y t oourt abl eandsatdownf aci ngeachot her .If el tl i keaf ake, pr et endi ngt obet hi sman' sl awy er .I nhi s pr ecar i ousposi t i on,wi t hhi sl i f eatst ake,heneededsomeonewi t hex per i ence,someonewhoknew whatl ayahead.Iwaswor ki ngwi t hbl i nder son,l ear ni ngonest epatat i me.ButIwasi t ,andIwoul d becomecompet ent , andf ort hemeant i meI ' dhav et opr et end. Ted,f orhi spar t ,wast r y i ngt oi mpr essme,pl easeme,bl ockoutf ort hemomentwhatheknewI knewabouthi m.Hewant edmet oseehi m ashel i kedt ot hi nkofhi msel f : sophi st i cat ed, ur bane, pol i t e, r espect f ul .Het hankedmef orcomi ngdown, r ei t er at edhowgr at ef ulhewasf ormyr epr esent at i on.He
t ol dmet hatwhenhewasay oungmanhehadwant edt obewher eIwas, asuccessf ull awst udent , a newassoci at ei napr est i gi ousf i r m.He' dbeent hr ought hef i r sty earofl awschoolt wi ce.Hesai dhe wasdev ast at edt of i ndoutt hatt heot herst udent shadsomet hi ng,somei nt el l ect ualcapaci t y ,hedi d not .Hef oundt hecl assescompl et el yi ncompr ehensi bl e, hesai d." I twasagr eatdi sappoi nt mentt ome. "Heshookhi sheadwi t hr egr et . Tedr eal l ydi dt al kl i ket hat :" I twasagr eatdi sappoi nt mentt ome. "Sof or mal ,sost i l t ed,mor el i ke wr i t i ngt hancasualspeech.Ial way shadt hei mpr essi ont hathewasconsci ousl ycr eat i nghi msel f , hi s per sona.Hi snat ur al i nst i nct s, It hi nk, gav ehi m nocl uehowanor mal per sonwoul dact . Fr om hi sf ol der ,Tedpul l edoutmybul kyChiOmegacer t .pet i t i on.Heobv i ousl ywant edt osay somet hi ngi nt el l i gentabouti tt ome,buti nst eadhest ut t er edandst ammer edandgr ew r edwi t h embar r assment .Hehadnopr obl em,howev er ,whenhepausedt ocondescendi ngl ydescr i bet oVi c whatwasmeantbyt heWi t her spoonl i neofdeat hqual i f i cat i oncases.Tedmayhav et houghtt hatl aw st udent shadsomet hi nghedi dn' t ,butt hatdi dn' tst ophi mf r om t hi nki ngt hathewasabet t erl awy er t hanmost . Butdespi t eal lt hepost ur i ngandf auxl egalt al k( f r om bot hofus) ,If el tv er ymuchamer ehuman bei ngi nt hepr esenceofanot herhumanbei ng, whowasatt hesamet i mebot hv er ydanger ousandi n t er r i bl et r oubl e.Nonet hel ess, weal l j okedaboutmyf ancyOl dsmobi l e. Ted seemed mor t i f i ed t hatIhad t o be awar e oft he v er yci r cumst ances t hatr equi r ed my r epr esent at i on.Al lhi smov ement sandconv er sat i onwer edesi gnedt oshow met hathewasnota monst er , despi t eal ldocument ar yev i dencet ot hecont r ar y -whi ch, byunspokenagr eement , wasnev er ment i oned.Butheknewt hatIknew, ofcour se.Ihadj ustspentt womont hswi t ht hegr uesomef i f t een t housandpageChiOmegat r i alr ecor d.I twasmyj obt oknow.Besi des, Tedwassoacut el yawar eof al lt hepubl i ci t yconcer ni nghi msel ft hathet houghtev er yman, woman, andchi l di nAmer i caknew.As ar esul t ,Ted' sf acehadt hatper pet ual l y posedl ookofpeopl ewhof i ndt hemsel v est ooof t eni nt he publ i cey e, l i kepol i t i ci ansorf amousact or s. Tedal way smadeapoi ntofemphasi z i nghi sf ami l yt i es.Ont hi sv i si thebashf ul l yshowedme Pol ar oi dpi ct ur esr out i nel yt akenbypr i songuar dsf oraf eeonv i si t i ngday s.Ther ewasoneofTed' s wi f e,Car ol eBoone,si t t i ngwi t hherf our y ear ol ddaught er ,Ti na,atoneoft hesamet abl eswewer e si t t i ngatnow.Ther ewasoneofTi naal one, st i cki ngherchi noutandf l ashi ngabi ggr i ni nl i v i ngcol or . Ther ewasoneofTed, wi t hTi nar i di ngonhi sshoul der s. Tedhadar ealsof tspotf orTi na,whowasbor naf t erhehadbeenondeat hr ow f oral mostt wo y ear s.It hi nkTi mewast hekeyt oTed' st r ansf or mat i on,ofsor t s,i npr i son.I twasn' tt hathebecame r emor sef ul( hebel i ev edt hathehaddoneal lhecoul dhav et ol earagoodl i f eandhadbeenv i ct i mi zed byhi scompul si onasmuchasany oneel sehad)orwasbor nagai nasaChr i st i an( al t houghIt hi nkt hat , wi t ht hehel pofCar ol e,hedi ddev el opaf ai t horatl eastaneagerhope-i nt heabi di ngpr esenceof somesor tofbenev ol entspi r i t ualf or ce) ,butt heef f ectofTi nai nTed' sl i f ewast ogi v ehi m hi sf i r st gl i mmerofhear t f el tl ov e.Unt i lt henIt hi nkhehadbel i ev edt hatnosuchemot i ont r ul yex i st ed, t hatt he r estofushadbeenf aki ngi tt oo.Ti na' suncondi t i onal ,unguar ded,uncompl i cat ed,r eall ov ef orhi m t ouchedhi mv er ydeepl yandel i ci t edast r angenewf eel i ngt hatopenedhi smi ndt ot hepossi bi l i t yof t heex i st enceofl ov e.I twast hen, t oo, It hi nk, t hathebegant ogr i ev ef orhi sownl ostl i f e. Tedwasmostcomf or t abl eandr el ax edwhenhet al kedaboutTi na;hi sey eswer en' tasl oudwi t h subt ex tast heyusual l ywer e.Foronet hi ng, i twasasi mpl e, l i ght hear t edsubj ect i tdi dn' tt axhi smi nd. Foranot her , i twast heonet hi ngi nhi sl i f ehef el thecoul dt r ul yandpubl i cl yf eelgoodabout .I twasa v er ygr at i f y i ngex per i encef orhi m,bei ngapar tofhi sownf ami l y .Hewasv er ymucht heLeav eI tt o Beav erdad:f i r m, f ai r , andgent l e.He' ddescr i bet omest er n, husbandl yt al kshehadwi t hCar ol eabout chi l dr ai si ng.Theywer et heper f ect ,t hepl uper f ect ,f ami l y -ex ceptt hatt hef at herl i v edondeat hr ow, andal way shad. Att hi sf i r stmeet i ng, Tedt ol dmet hatTi nahadt r av el edwi t hCar ol et ot hepr i sonev er yweeksi nce shewasbor n.They ' dmeetev er ySat ur dayi nt hi sv er ysamer oom.Whenhi sex ecut i onwasschedul ed i nFebr uar y ,Car ol eshi el dedTi naf r om t henews.Nonet hel ess,shewasdeepl ydi st ur bedbyt he changei thadcr eat edi nherr out i ne. " WhenIwasputondeat hwat chi nFebr uar y ,"Tedex pl ai ned," Iwasn' tal l owedcont actv i si t s
any mor e;Icoul donl yseeCar ol eandTi nat hr ought hegl ass.Ti naf r eakedout .Shet hr ewher sel fon t hef l oori nat ant r um;wecoul dn' tcal m herdown.Wewer er eal l yconcer ned.So,ev ent houghwe wer en' tt ot al l ycer t ai nhowt hi ngswoul dt ur nout , ' causet her ewasal way st hepossi bi l i t yt hat…"Ted' s l owv oi cet r ai l edof ff oramoment .Thenhecont i nued. " Any way ,wedeci dedt hatCar ol ewoul dst opbr i ngi ngheral ongasl ongasIwasondeat hwat ch. Ti nawasr eal l yupsetaboutt hat ,t oo.Shekeptaski ngCar ol e,' When' sDaddycomi nghome?Ti na di dn' tmeanwhenwashecomi nghomet ol i v ewi t hherandCar ol e.She' dnev erknownt hatt y peof f ami l yl i f e.Al lshewant edwasf ort hemansheknew as" Daddy "t obebacki nt hev i si t i ngr oom at Fl or i daSt at ePr i son.Thi swast henor m wi t hi nt hef er oci ousl yt i ght kni tcommuni t yofpr i sonf ami l i es t owhi chCar ol eandTi nabel ongedi nGai nesv i l l e. Whent heexecut i onwasst ay edi nFebr uar y , t hi ngs, f orTi na, wentbackt onor mal .Herr out i ne,her f ami l yl i f e, wer er est or ed. " She' sf i ne, now, "Tedsai d, hi sot her wi sei mmobi l ef aceshapi ngi nt oasmi l e, " happyasev er ." Al t houghIwasspar edt hecondescensi onwi t hwhi chhet r eat edVi c, al yappr eci at edbyme. It houghtTedwasbei ngmel odr amat i c.If el tpr i v i l egedt ohav egot t ensuchani nt er est i ngand i mpor t antcasesoear l yi nmycar eer .Heconcl udedhi sl et t erwi t hawi nk-" Isupposey ou' l lbebuy i ng anOl dsmobi l enow, onewi t hcr ui secont r ol " and, asal way s, hi shumbl e, l ower case, f ar ewel l : peace, t ed.
Thanky oucar df r om Ted
CHAPTER5 MyApr i l15ev i ct i ondat ewasappr oachi ngf astandI ' dst i l lmadenoef f or tt of i ndanapar t ment . Thi swashi ghl yunusualf orme.I nt hesi x t eeny ear ssi nceI ' dl ef thomef orcol l ege,I ' dchanged r esi dencesatl eastt hatmanyt i mes.Hal fofmyst uf fhadnev ermadei toutofbox esbef or eI ' dmov e agai n.Iwasal way sl ooki ngf orsomepl acet hatwoul dmakemef eell i keme.Now her eIwasi n Washi ngt on,D.C. ,wher er eall i f ewoul dcer t ai nl ybegi n,awel l cr edent i al edl awy erwel labl et oaf f or d myownpl ace.Icoul dev enhi r epr of essi onalmov er sf orachange.Yet ,t het askofr el ocat i ngmy sel f now seemedcompl et el ybey ondme.Iwast ot al l yenmeshedwi t ht heBundycase.I twasahi ghpi t chedcr i si st hatnev erended.I twasn' tt hatIwaswor ki ngal lt het i me,butt hatatal lt i mesIwas ex t r emel ypr eoccupi edwi t hmyawesomer esponsi bi l i t y .Myonl yr espi t ecamei nt hef or m oft hose bi mont hl yf aci al satTat y ana' sSki nCar eSal on.I ' dspendt wobl i ssf ulhour si nt hehandsoft i ny , bl ond Tany a,anononsense" medi calder mat ol ogi st "f r om t heUkr ai ne;andZenai da,t hebeaut i f ulPer uv i an mani cur i stwi t ht het al lhi ghheel s.I twasdur i ngar egul arSat ur daysessi onundert hest eam machi ne t hatIwasst r uckbyt heper f ectsol ut i ont omyhousi ngdi l emma.It ol dTany aIwasmov i ngi n.I ' dpay mor ef ort hef ul l t i meuseofhersecondr oom t hanshegotf r om r ent i ngi toutspor adi cal l yt o f r eel ancemasseuses.Tany awast oost unnedt or ef use.It houghti twasaper f ectar r angement ,an admi r abl yef f i ci entuseofspace.Tany awoul dwor kt her edur i ngt heday ,I ' dsl eept her eatni ght , Sunday sI ' dhav et hepl aceal lt omy sel f , andonSat ur day sI ' dhav emyf aci al .Thatmayseem st r ange i nl i ghtofmysal ar yandposi t i onatt het i me-i tmayseem st r angei nanyl i ght butt ome, att het i me, i tseemedi deal . Themov i ngmenwer ecl ear l yi nt r i gued.Thi ngshadnotgoneal lt hatsmoot hl ybef or ewegott o Tany a' s.Themov er swer el at eandt heyr eekedofbeeratt eni nt hemor ni ng.They ' dt r i edt ocar r y whol est acksoff ur ni t ur eatonet i meandhadsmashedahol ei nt hest ai r wel lofmyol dapar t ment ( epi t omi z i ngf ormyr oommat e,nodoubt , myi gnomi ni ousex i t ) .Butassoonaswear r i v edatmynew pl ace,andt heysaw t henameont hedoorandTany a' sl i stofser v i cesont hewal l ,t hemov i ngmen per kedr i ghtup. " Doy oudomassage? " " I si tonl yf orwomen? " " Howl ongdoesi tl ast ? " " Howmuchdoesi tcost ? " WhenIwaspay i ngt hem att hedoor ,Icoul dnotbeart hewei ghtoft hei robv i ous,unsat i sf i ed cur i osi t y . " Woul dy oul i ket oseet hebackr oom? "Iasked. " Yes! "wast hei rent husi ast i cr esponseast heyf ol l owedmedownt hehal l .If l ungopent hedoorand shat t er edt hei rf ant asi es.Tany a' sbackr oom mor er esembl edadent i st ' sof f i cet hanabor del l o.Ther e wer et hepr i st i net ool soft heest het i ci an' st r ade:t wot i l t i ngt r eat mentchai r s,t hest eam machi nes, magni f y i ngl i ght s,v ar i ousi nst r ument sofder mat ol ogi calt or t ur e( i ncl udi ngmyper sonalf av or i t eel ect r i f y i ngul t r av i ol etr aygun) ,and,ont hewal l ,amedi cali l l ust r at i ongr aphi cal l ydepi ct i ngski n anat omyanddi sease.Themov er s' di sappoi nt mentwaspal pabl e. OnApr i l 13, Ir ecei v edanof f i ci alt hanky ounot ef r om Ted.Hedut i f ul l yacknowl edgedev er ynot abl e occasi onwi t hacar dorl et t er -eacht i meIv i si t edhi m atSt ar keorf i l edanex t ensi v ebr i efonhi sbehal f , eacht i mehi sex ecut i onwascal l edof f ,andev er yy earatChr i st mas.Ted' scar ef ul l yconst r uct ed f acadeconf or medr i gor ousl yt ost andar det i quet t e.I nt hi snot eTedwr ot ehow ni cei thadbeent o meetme,howf r ui t f uladi scussi onwe' dhad.Hewr ot et hathest i l lcoul dn' tdeci dewhet hert ol etme f i l eaLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on, t hough.He' dst i l lhav et oconsul twi t hCar ol e, hewr ot e, becauset hi swas a" f ami l ydeci si on,"but ,ofcour se," Mywi f e,Car ol e,andIandourf ami l yar edeepl yappr eci at i v eof y ourhel p."Ted' ssur r eal i st i cnor mal i t ygav emet hechi l l s.I tst r uckmeassophony ,socol d,so obv i ous.Li keat eny ear ol dwr i t i ng, " DearGr andma, t hanky ouv er ymuchf ort heni cesocks."Andy et
Icoul dt el li twassi ncer ei nsomeway .I tr epr esent edTed' sbestat t emptt oactand( Ibel i ev ei twas hi smostar dentwi sh)t of eell i ker ealpeopl edo.Thepr obl em wast hatTed' sobv i ousef f or tex posed hi sl ackofnat ur alhumanf eel i ngandwentagai nstmyi mageofwhatIwasdoi ng,whom Iwas pr ot ect i ng.Iwasdoi ngt hi swor kt osav eabeat i nghear t , af l eshandbl oodper sonwi t hahur t i ngchi l d i nsi de.SoIst eadf ast l ypr oj ect edt hati mageont oBedt ot heendandbey ond.Onl yaf ewt i meswas myv ei l bl ownasi de. IwentaheadandhadVi csendupt heLakeCi t yt r i alr ecor dandgotst ar t edoni tev enwhi l eTed wasst i l lagoni z i ngov erwhet herornott ol etmef i l ecer t .Acer t .pet i t i ont ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t neededt obedoneandIcer t ai nl ywasn' tl eav i nganydeci si onl i ket hatupt oTed.Notonl ywoul dt he Supr emeCour texpectt oseecounselont heLakeCi t ypet i t i on,butIhadseenwhatTedconsi der ed goodar gument s-hewasnotcapabl eofmaki nghi sowncase. Oneoft heendur i ngBundymy t hsi st hatTedwas" br i l l i ant ."Hewasnot .Super f i ci al l yheappear ed aboutasi nt el l i gentasaf ai r t omi ddl i ngcol l egeunder gr aduat e.Andhewashi ghst r unganddr i v en andcoul dsomet i mespr oducer eamsofwr i t t enmat t erwheni nt hemood.ButTedhadr ealdef i ci t si n j udgment ,awar eness,anddeepert hi nki ng.Hecoul dt al kandwr i t e,buthecoul dn' tcompr ehendor r espond.Hewr ot emeal ongl et t erdi scussi ngt hehy pnosi si ssuei nt heLakeCi t ycase,f orex ampl e, accur at el yr epeat i ngt hear gument spr ev i ousl ymadeathi st r i alandappeal .Hebel i ev edhewasan ex per tont hel egali ssueofhy pnosi sandi nsi st edIal l owhi mt ocont r i but et oanyl egalbr i efont hat t opi c.ButIdi scov er edt hatwhathehadwr i t t ent hatf i r stt i mewasal lhehadt osay .Ther ewas not hi ngel se.Hewasi ncapabl eofi ndependentt houghtorel abor at i on.I fIpr obedhi sst at ement s,he wasunabl et oexpl ai nhi msel fort akeani deaanydeeper .WhenIdi scusseddi f f er entangl esont he subj ect , hecoul dn' tf ol l owme.Henev ercont r i but edany t hi ngofuset ohi scase. Ted-l i keal mostanyi nmat ewhocanwr i t eknewhowt ouset her i ghtf or matf oraf i l i ng,andhe coul dwr i t esomet hi ngt hatl ookedl i keanar gument ,buthehadnoj udgmentwheni tcamet o choosi ngt hebestar gument .Agai n,l i keapr ecoci oust eny ear ol d,Tedwasv er yl i t er al .Hehad l anguageski l l s,butnounder st andi ngoft hel ar gerpi ct ur e.Ted' sdef i ci t s,t houghsubt l eandhar dt o pi npoi nt , wer er eal , andt heyar ecr i t i cal t ounder st andi ngwhohewasandwhatwentwr ong. Thenex tweeki tbecamei mper at i v et hatwor kbegi nont heLakeCi t ycase,and ev enTed r el uct ant l yagr eed.CCRcal l edt osayt hatt heSupr emeCour twasgoi ngt oannouncei t sdeci si onon t heChiOmegacer t .pet i t i ononMay5.Thi swasnotpubl i ci nf or mat i on,andCCRdi dnotknow t he Cour t ' sdeci si on, butmostl i kel yi twoul dbet humbsdown.Iwasex pect i ngt hat .Ihadhoped, howev er , t hatt heCour twoul dwai tunt i lt hef al lt oannounceadeci si on.Assoonast heSupr emeCour tdeni ed cer t .t hei rst aywoul daut omat i cal l yex pi r eandTedwoul dbeel i gi bl ef orex ecut i on.Andi nt hecaseof TedBundy ,t hegov er norwoul dpr obabl ysi gnanot herdeat hwar r antassoonaspossi bl e.Wi t ha deci si oni nChiOmegaduesoon,Tedwasnowmi l dl yper suadedt hatf i l i ngaLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on woul dhel pi mpr esst heCour tandt hegov er nort hatwewer epr oceedi ngex pedi t i ousl y ,andmay be woul df or est al l aChi Omegawar r ant , but , hewr ot e, " Ist i l l hav emydoubt s. " Whenwel ear nedt her ewoul dbeaMay5deci si on,al otoft hi ngschanged.Forone,Ji m Col eman hadnochoi cebutt obecomei nv ol v ed.Aseconddeat hwar r antwoul dnotbeaseasyt obeatast he f i r st ;Ted' sexecut i ondur i ngt henextf ewmont hswasar ealpossi bi l i t y .Upt i l lnow,Ji m hadkeptme ataconspi cuousar m' sl engt h.Theonl yt i meI ' dseenorhear df r om hi m, ot hert hanourf i r stmeet i ng, waswhenhe' dgr abt hedoorf r ameashef l ewbyonhi swayt ov i si tJef f .Hewoul dst i ckhi sheadi n myof f i ce,saysomet hi nghel pf ulandencour agi ngl i ke," Fi l edt hatpet i t i ony et ? "r ai sehi sey ebr owsi n mockquer y , andbeof fagai n.Ji m hadmeanti twhenhehadsai d, " Youdoi t .You' r eBundy ' sl awy er ." Par toft hi swasduet ocer t ai nassumpt i onsaboutpr obonowor katWi l mer .Al t houghnooneev er sai di t ,Wi l mer ,Cut l er&Pi cker i nghadat wot i er edpr obonopol i cy .Bi g,i mpor t antcases-pr obono mat t er swi t hwi der angi ngsi gni f i cance-wer et r eat edj ustl i ket hepay i ngcases.Theywer escr eened f orconf l i ct s,di scussedamongt hepar t ner shi pbef or et heywer eunder t aken, f ul l yst af f edwi t ht woor mor epar t ner sandahal f doz enassoci at es,andf oughtt ot hebi t t erendwi t hev er yr esour cemoney coul dbuy .Ev ent hought hef i r mr ecei v ednor ei mbur sement , t heset y pesofpr obonocaseswer egood f orpubl i cr el at i onsandal l owedev er y onei nt hef i r mt of eelt heywer edoi ngsomet hi ngmor et hanj ust maki ngmoney .Dur i ngmyt enur e, f orexampl e, t hef i r mt ookonaTennesseet ex t bookcase, per cei v ed
byt hepar t ner sasapr esentdaySt okest r i al , wher et hef i r m si dedwi t hasmal lschooldi st r i ctagai nst amot herwhowant edherchi l dexcusedf r om sci encecl assbecausei twasbasedont het heor yof ev ol ut i on.Af t ert housandsofmanhour sofpr epar at i on,t hef i r m sentsev er all awy er sandawhol e busl oadofl egalassi st ant sdownt ot hesi t eoft her uckus.Assoonast heyar r i v edt heyhadnew phonel i nesi nst al l edi nt hel i t t l emot elwher et heyst ay edi nor dert oaccommodat et hei rcomput er s, modems, andf axmachi nes.TheTennesseet ex t bookt eam r ol l edov ert heopposi t i onl i keanar mor ed t ank.Ther ewasgr eatcel ebr at i ont hr oughoutt hef i r m when, i nev i t abl y , t heywon. Thesecondt y peofpr obonocasewast hesmal l ,i nsi gni f i cantki ndl i ket heBundycase-handl ed sol el ybyanassoci at easawayofget t i nghi sorherf eetwetasal awy er .Ty pi cal l y , t hesewer ecases ofi mpor t anceonl yt ot hepar t i cul arcl i ent si nv ol v ed,casesi nv ol v i ngmat t er ssuchasi ndi v i dual di scr i mi nat i onsui t sort enant s'r i ght s.Fort heset y pesofcases,nospeci alper mi ssi onwasneeded, j ustapar t nerwi l l i ngt osi gnof foni tandappr ov eanymi norout of pocketex penses.Ji m Col eman hadsuper v i sedmor et hanhi sshar eoft hi st y peofpr obonocase,andmor et hanonceanassoci at e hadpani ckedatani mpendi ngor alar gumentorot her wi sedr oppedt hecasei nhi sl ap.Hewas det er mi nedi twoul dnothappenagai n. Wi t ht heSupr emeCour t ' sexpect eddeni alofcer t ., t hedi r ectappealoft heChiOmegacasewoul d becompl et e.Nowcol l at er alpr oceedi ngswoul dhav et obei ni t i at ed-st ar t i ngagai ni nt hest at et r i al cour tbef or ewi ndi ngt hei rwayt ot hef eder al di st r i ctcour t t or ai seanyi ssuest hatcoul dnothav ebeen r ai sedbef or e.CCRwasl egal l yboundt or epr esentTedatt hi spoi nti fnopr i v at el awy er sv ol unt eer ed. I nt heor y , Icoul dgetoutnowi fIwant ed, passt hecasebackt oCCCR.I nr et r ospect , t hi swasnot hi ng l esst hant hedeci si v et ur ni ngpoi ntofmyent i r el i f e.Nott hatIt hi nkIhadachoi cei nt hemat t er -I nev ercoul dhav echosent ogi v ei tup.Iwasheav i l yi nv est edspi r i t ual l yaswel laspr of essi onal l y .I ' d madeamor alcommi t mentt ot aker esponsi bi l i t yf orTed' spl i ght ,Iknew t hef act sandt hepl ay er s bet t ert hanany oneatt hi spoi nt , and-mosti mpor t ant-Ihadn' ty etobt ai nedt hatdef i ni t i v esat i sf act i on bor ncar et aker shopet oear n. Thedaywel ear nedt heSupr emeCour twoul di ssuei t sdeci si ononMay5, Ji m andJef fappear edat mydoor .Asusual ,nei t hert ookast epi nsi de.Asusual ,Ist ay edf ast enedt omydesk.Ov ert henoman' sl andbet weenus,Ji m askedmei fIwant edt okeephol dofTed' scasef ort hecol l at er al pr oceedi ngs.I tdi dn' tf eelasmuchast houghhewasaski ngaquest i onast hr owi ngdownagaunt l et : Ar ey ouacor por at edi l et t ant ewhowoul dwal kawayf r om apr obonocaseatt hef i r stoppor t uni t y , ora r eall awy erwhowoul dt enaci ousl yhangont ot heendr egar dl essoft heconsequences?Ji m andJef f seemedt oshar eCCR' sdi mv i ewofcor por at el awy er sasacl ass. " Ican' tdr ophi m, "Isai d." If eel I ' m Ted' sl awy ernow." " I t ' l l t akeupmostofy ourt i met hi ssummer , "Jef fwar nedweakl y . I ft hatwast hewor stt ohappen,Icoul dhandl ei t ,It hought .Onesummer ' swor kdi dnotseem ov er whel mi ng, al t houghIdi dn' thav eacl eari deaofwhatJef fmeant .Howwer ecol l at er al pr oceedi ngs anydi f f er entf r om whatI ' dal r eadybeendoi ng?Iassumedt heywer en' t ,ort hoseguy swoul dsay somet hi ng.Ji m andJef fshr ugged, nodded, l etgooft hedoorf r ame, andwentbackt oget hert oJef f s of f i ce.Ii magi net hatt her et heysai dal lt het hi ngst oeachot hert hatt heyhadn' tsai dt omeabout wher et hecasewasgoi ng,whati twoul dmeant ot akeoncol l at er alpr oceedi ngs,howawf uli twoul d al lbe.May bet heyt houghtaf ul ldi scussi onwoul dscar emeof f ;may bet heyt houghtt heywoul d of f endmei ft heyof f er edanyopi ni ons;ormay bet heywer ej ustuncomf or t abl ewi t hme.I nanycase, t hedi ewascast .Ihadi r r ev ocabl ysi gnedonf ort hedur at i onas" Bundy ' sl awy er ." Thef i r stt hi ngt odowast ot r ypr ev ent i ngaseconddeat hwar r anti nt heChiOmegacaseaf t erMay 5, usi ngacer t .pet i t i oni nt heLakeCi t ycasef orsomel ev er age.Al l t hepossi bl eappr oacheswer el ong shot s, butIcoul dn' tj ustsi tt her eanddonot hi ng.Fi r st , i fIcoul dl ett heU.S.Supr emeCour tknowhow si mi l art hei ssueswer ei nt het wocasesmay bet heCour twoul dhol dbacki t sdeci si onont heChi Omegacasef orpossi bl econsol i dat i onwi t ht heLakeCi t ycase.Theymadeani ceset-bot h pr esent edi ssuesabouthy pnot i zedwi t nesses, eachdeci deddi f f er ent l ybyt heFl or i daSupr emeCour t . Second, Gov er norGr aham, whowasmaki ngapoi ntofsi gni ngasmanydeat hwar r ant saspossi bl e ev enwheni nmat eshasnotexhaust edt hei rl egalopt i ons,cl ai medhi spur posewasnotv engeance, butt omakesur eappeal spr oceededex pedi t i ousl y ,( I tal sowaspossi bl ehi spur posewast obe
el ect edt ot heU.S.Senat e.Ex ecut i onofdeat hr owi nmat esi soneoft hef ewpol i t i cal i ssuesf orwhi ch t her ei snosi gni f i cantconst i t uencyi nopposi t i on.Notonl yt het i mi ngofwar r ant swasi nt hehandsof t hegov er nor ,butt hechoi ceofwhowoul ddi ewasal sohi s.Amongt henear l yt hr eehundr edmenon deat hr ow i natt het i me,manyhadbeenel i gi bl ef orex ecut i onf arl ongert hanTed.Butnonewoul d hav ebeenl esscont r ov er si al ,mor epopul ar , orwoul dhav egar ner edt hegov er normor epubl i ci t yt han t heex ecut i onofTedBundy .)Ipl annedt oassur et hegov er norI ' dagr eet oanyr easonabl el i t i gat i on schedul ei fhe' dr ef r ai nf r om si gni ngadeat hwar r antunt i lt hej udi ci alpr ocesswascompl et e.Ashe knew,l i t i gat i onunderdeat hwar r anti sex t r emel yex pensi v eanddi sr upt i v ef orev er yl awy erand i nst i t ut i oni nv ol v edt hest at e, t hedef ense, t hepr i son, andt hecour t s. Suchar equestandpr omi set ot hegov er norwoul datl eastbui l dar ecor dt hatIhadt r i edt o pr osecut ebot hofTed' scasesex pedi t i ousl yandi nanor der l ymanner .I tmi ghthel pt ocount ert he i nev i t abl echar geof" l ast mi nut edel ayt act i cs"whenwe' dnecessar i l yl andi ncour tonl yashor tt i me bef or et heexecut i ondat e.I nf act ,bui l di ngar ecor dofconsci ent i ousl i t i gat i onwast heonl yr eal i st i c r esul toft heupcomi ngf l ur r yofpaper , andi tdi dcomei nhandy . Abov eal l ,Iwant edt hewhol et hi ngt opr oceedunobt r usi v el y ,t oav oi dex ci t i ngpubl i ci nt er estand pr essur eont hegov er norandt hecour t st or usht owar dex ecut i on.Iwant edbot hcasest omov e smoot hl yandqui et l yt hr ought hepr ocesst ocompl et i on,wi t ht het hr eatofex ecut i onputof fi nt he i nt er i m.Nosuchl uck. Notmor et hanaweekl at er , ar epor t ercal l edandaskedi fIhadanycommentont heupcomi ngTV mov i eonmycl i ent .Thatwast hef i r stI ' dhear dofi t ,andasf arasIknew,nooneel seknew t he Supr emeCour twasgoi ngt oannouncei t scer t .deci si ononMay5.Butcoi nci dent al l yornot ,t hef i r st hal fofNBC' sTheDel i ber at eSt r anger , af our -hourmi ni ser i esbasedonabookbyanol dacquai nt ance ofTed' s,wasgoi ngt oai ronMay4,t heni ghtbef or et heSupr emeCour twasgoi ngt oannouncei t s cer t .deci si onsf ort heweek;t henextmor ni ngt heCour twoul ddenycer t .;andt hatni ghtNBCwoul d pr obabl yannouncet oi t saudi encet hatTedBundyhad" l osthi sappealt ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t ." And, att hesamet i me, r emi ndt hem ofwhyTeddeser v edt odi e. Thecasewasgoi ngt of l ashbacki nt ot hepubl i cconsci ousnessj ustwhenIneededi tnott o.I coul dn' tbel i ev et hi swashappeni ng.Somesi xy ear saf t ert hepubl i ci t yoft het r i al ,t hepassi onwoul d ber ei gni t ed.Fort hef i r stt i me, Ibecameaf r ai d.Iwasaf r ai df orTed.Iwasaf r ai df ort hecase.Thi ngs coul dgethy st er i calandoutofcont r ol .Thegov er norandot her swoul dbeev enl esswi l l i ngt obe r easonabl e.Ipr oj ect edal lt hi sf earont oNBCasf ur i ousanger .Theywer edel i ber at el yi nf l ami ngt he publ i cagai nstTedf ort hei rownf i nanci algai n.Theywer et hr eat eni ngmyTedasmuchasi ft heywer e st abbi nghi m wi t hakni f e.Hadt heynohumani t y ? May bet hesl ewofr epor t er swhocal l edmewhent heNBCmov i ewasschedul edknewt heSupr eme Cour tdeci si onwoul dcomedownt hesameday ,t oo,buti ft heydi dt heyconceal edi tf r om bot hme andt hei rr eader s.Sof ort het woweeksbef or eMay5,It houghtIwast heonl yonewhosaw t hi s spect acul arconv er genceappr oachi ng.Thebonf i r eofpubl i cout r agewasgoi ngt obel i tbyNBCTVon May5, andal l Icoul ddowaswai tf ori tt ohappen. Dur i ngt heusualt woday sofnonst opr i ngi ngt el ephonest hataccompani edev er ybl i pi nt hecase, r epor t er swant edt oknowi fIwasgoi ngt ot r yt ost opNBCf r om br oadcast i ngt hemov i e.It ol dt hem no,i twoul donl ygi v eNBCmor epubl i ci t y .Thatwast r ue,butmor et ot hepoi nt ,al awsui tcl ai mi ng sl anderori nv asi onofpr i v acywor l donl yhav ebl ownt hecasewi deopen.Tr ut hi sadef enset osl ander andTedpr obabl yl osthi sr i ghtt opr i v acybycour t i ngt hepr essi nt hepast .Icoul dn' tcl ai mt he br oadcastwoul dpr ej udi ceTed' scase, ei t her , becausei twasnowi nt hehandsoft hegov er norandt he cour t s, bot hofwhi ch, unl i kel ayj ur or s, ar epr esumednott obei nf l uencedbypr essandpubl i copi ni on. Oneoft heLaw' smanydecei t s. Ther epor t er swant edt oknowi fTedwasgoi ngt owat cht hebr oadcast .It ol dt hem no,hewasn' t i nt er est ed.Thi swasbasi cal l yt het r ut h,sur pr i si ngl y .Ihadcal l edTedwhenIhear dabouti tandwas t akenabackbyhi sr esponse.Thi swast hef i r stt i meI ' dseent heof f hand, wear y , cel ebr i t ysi deofTed. " I ' v eseenmy sel fi nt hemedi aenoughov ert hey ear s,"hesai dwi t hex agger at edr esi gnat i on." Iknow howI ' l l bepor t r ay edi t ' l l bet hesameol dt hi ng.I ' m notgoi ngt owat chi t .I ' v ewor kedt oohar dt oputal l t hatbehi ndme.I ' m anot herper sonnow.
" I twoul donl ymakemeangr y , "hesai d, abi tmor eomi nousl y , " andIcan' taf f or dt ogetangr y ." Ther epor t er swant edt oknowi fIwasgoi ngt owat cht hemi ni ser i es.It ol dt hem no, Iwoul dn' tgi v e NBCt hesat i sf act i on.Nott hatNBCcar ed,I ' m sur e,butatl eastIwoul dn' thav et ocommentoni tt he dayaf t eri tai r ed.Al so,Idi dn' tt hi nkIcoul dst andt owat chi tandseeal lt hatt hepubl i cwasbei ng r emi ndedof .Al l Ihadn' tal l owedmy sel ft ot hi nkabout . Idi dnott hi nkoft hel ar gerwor l dwhenIwor kedont hi scase.Idi dnotev ent hi nkaboutt hecr i mesmostofourl egali ssuesdi dnotconcer nev i denceoft hecr i mes.Ihadpur posel ynotr eadanyoft he hal f doz en" Bundybooks"publ i shedsi ncehi s1979conv i ct i on.Iwant edt oknow onl yt hosef act s r el ev antt omycase,onl yt hef act si nt her ecor d.Par t l yi twassoIwoul dn' ti nadv er t ent l ybr i ng nonr ecor df act si nt omyl egalar gument s.Buti twasal sobecauseIwashol di ngmy sel fbackf r om l ear ni ngTed' sf ul lst or y .Iwant edt oseehi m asacase, asacl i enti nneed, notasamur der erorev en asar eal per sonofanyki nd, wi t har eal pastov erwhi chIhadnocont r ol . Isentmyr equestt ot heSupr emeCour tt ohol dt hei rChiOmegacer t .deci si onunt i lt hey ' dr ev i ewed t hesov er y si mi l arLakeCi t ycase,whi chIpr omi sedt of i l ebyMay22.It houghtmay bet hey ' dbe mov edbyt hepr ospectt hati ft her ewer eani mpor t anti ssuei nt heLakeCi t ycase,i twoul dbe r ender edmootbyTed' sexecut i oni nt heChiOmegacase.Idi dn' tknowy ett hatwhatanycour tl ooks f ori nadeat hcase,f i r standf or emost ,i sanywayt oav oi ddeci di nganyofi t .Ical l edGov er nor Gr aham' sdeat hpenal t ycounsel ,Ar tWi edi nger ,andof f er edt oagr eet oanyl i t i gat i onschedul et o ensur espeedyexhaust i onofav ai l abl er emedi esi ft hegov er norwoul dn' tsi gnadeat hwar r antr i ght away .ThenIwor keddayandni ghtonper f ect i ngt heLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on. Whent heev eni ngofSunday , May4, ar r i v ed, Ir esol ut el ykeptt heTVof fandsatst i l li nt hequi etof Tat y ana' sSki nCar eSal on, awar eev er ymi nut et hatkni v eswer ebei ngpokedi nt omyTed.Iwasi nt hi s caset osav ehi sl i f eandNBCwasdr i v i ngnai l si nt ohi scof f i n.Theywer emaki ngmyj obev enmor e di f f i cul tandt hepossi bi l i t yofpr ev ent i nganex ecut i onev enmor esl i m.Thenex tmor ni ng,Monday , May5,1986,at10: 00a.m. ,t heSupr emeCour tannouncedi t scer t .deci si ons.Bundyv .St at eof Fl or i dawasamongt hedeni al s.Iwasaf f ect edmor et hanIt houghtI ' dbe. Nowi twasr eal l yr eal :Tedwasv ul ner abl et oanot herdeat hwar r antatanyt i me,andt hi sonecoul d act ual l ygot hr ough.I twasatt hatpoi ntt hatIl ostmynai v eopt i mi sm aboutt hecase.Ihadn' tr esol v ed t hemat t ermagi cal l yasI ' di magi ned:t hej ust i cesoft heSupr emeCour tmov edandper suadedbymy wat er t i ghtl ogi candcompel l i ngwr i t i ng.NowIcoul dseeTedr eal l ymi ghtbeki l l ednomat t erwhatIdi d. Icoul dn' tguar ant eei twoul dn' thappen.Ther ewer ef or cesatwor kher ebey ondmycont r ol . Ther eal i zat i ont hatImi ghtbehel pl esst opr ev entTed' sev ent ookt hef unoutofanswer i ngpr ess cal l s.Iwasn' tamusedbyhear i ngf r om r epor t er st hest at ement sofmyopponent s,t hegov er norand at t or neygener alofFl or i da.Iwasn' ti nt er est edi ndi scussi ngt hepossi bi l i t yofanot herwar r antand howIwoul dr espond.Repor t er sst ar t edl ooki ngt oJi m Col emanf orquot esi nst ead.Hewasal i t i gat or , hewasal way sr eadyt opar r yandspar .Butmywhol esel fwasatst akeher e,andIcoul dnol onger af f or dasenseofhumor . It r i edt odi smi sst heef f ect soft hemi ni ser i esandt hecer t .deni alont hepubl i cconsci ousness;I t r i edt opushi tal lbacki nt oacl osetsoi twoul dnotr ev er ber at eacr osst henat i onandi nt ot hef ut ur e. Asi fIhadt hepowert odot hat .OnMondayni ghtIkeptt heTVof fagai n.ButIwat chedt hewhol e t hi ngt hev er ynextday .Dar aWel l s, t hey oungsecr et ar ywhowoul dev ent ual l yaccompanyJi m andme t oFl or i da, hadt apedi ti ncasewewant edt ov i ewi tsomet i me.Dar awasv er yf or esi ght f ul .Icoul dsee i twassi l l yt okeepabl i ndey et owhatt hepubl i chadj ustseenaboutmycl i ent ,soIhadat el ev i si on br oughti nt omysmal lof f i ceandsetoutchai r sf ort heshow.Ipl annedj ustt oscant hr ought het ape wi t hJi m andJef f , l aughati t si naccur aci es.andr ai laboutt hei nj ust i ceoft hepor t r ay al .I tdi dn' twor k outt hatway . Ast het apepl ay ed,Ji m spuni nandoutofmyof f i cet owat chsni ppet sofi t ,butIwasabsol ut el y t r ansf i xedandwat chedt hewhol et hi ngf r om begi nni ngt oend.I twasst unni ngl yaccur at e.Themov i e wasv er ycar ef ult onotpor t r ayany t hi ngt hatwasnotpr ov enf act .Iwonder edi ft hepr oducer shad beenaf r ai dofal awsui taf t eral l .Al awsui tbyme,Bundy ' sl awy er .That ' swhatwassof asci nat i ng abouti t-i twassocl oset ohome.I twasl i kewat chi ngahomemov i e, ormay beamov i eIhadwr i t t en my sel f , i nt hati tdepi ct edscenesIhadonl yseenbef or ei nmyheadgl eanedf r om t housandsofpages
ofdr yt r anscr i pt s.Ther eont hescr eenwer eal lt hechar act er si nt hest or yIhadj ustcomet oknow, br oughtt ol i f ebyact or s.Ther ewast hest or yi t sel f , t hatI ' dl ear nedpi ecemeal , dr amat i z edcoher ent l y . Ther ewasTedi mi t at edsoaccur at el ybyMar kHar mon.Har monhel dhi sbodyasTeddi d,r i gi dand st ooped.Hewor eaconst ant l ysuspi ci ousex pr essi on,asTeddi dunl esshemadeanef f or t .The di f f er encewast hatHar moncoul dn' thi decompl et el yt hathewasaf ul l ydev el opedper son,wi t h char act erandsubst ance.I toccur r edt omet hatTed, i ncont r ast , seemedasempt yandi nsubst ant i al asdi scar dedpackagi ng. Ther ewassomet hi ngel seIwasseei ngf ort hef i r stt i measIwat chedt hemov i e, somet hi ngmuch mor edi st ur bi ng:t hev i ct i ms,per soni f i ed.I tt ookal i t t l ewhi l ebef or et heygott ome.Iwasbusy anal y zi ngt hemov i eandmar v el i ngatseei ngmyowncasepl ay edoutonscr een.Atf i r st ,whenJi m woul dpopi nIwoul dexci t edl ydescr i behow somescenewaspor t r ay ed,whathadbeeni ncl uded, whathadbeenl ef tout .Al l i sonZi ev e,t hel egalassi st antwhowasr escui ngmef r om t hemoundsof unr eadt r anscr i pt , waswat chi ngi twi t hme.Shemanagedaf ai ntsmi l ewhenI ' dt ur nt oherwi t hsome qui p,butmost l yshel ookedast houghshewasseeki ngsi gnsf r om meofhowshewassupposedt o r econci l et hi s st or y of a hor r i bl e mur der er wi t h our pr of essi onal l y det ached and z eal ous r epr esent at i onoft hatsameman.I nmymi ndIt r i edt odi smi ssherappar entr eact i onasanonl awy er ' s nai v et é.Ev ent ual l y , t hough, If el l si l entt ooandt r i ednott oshowwhatIwasf eel i ngi nsi de. Ther et heywer e:y oungwomenj ustl i v i ngt hei rl i v es, asIl i v edmi ne.Ther et heywer e:f ornor eason ot hert hant hatt heywer ey oungwomensel ect edr andoml yf orbr ut al i z at i onanddest r uct i onbyTed Bundy .Car ol eDeRonch, t heonewomanknownt ohav eescapedoneofhi sabduct i ons, wasnol onger apr obl emat i cwi t nessshewasabl essed mi r acl e.Thecr i meswer eno l ongercompi l at i onsof ev i dencet obeunder mi nedbutpr eci ousl i v est obemour ned.Aseachwomanwasappr oached,I r oot edf orher , Iwi l l edt hest or yt ot ur noutdi f f er ent l yt hanIknewi thad.Iwi l l edhert oki l lTedi nst ead ofbei nghar medher sel f .Toki l lhi m ov erandov er ,t ot earhi m apar t ,t or i phi mt oshr eds.Mymi nd shout ed,Whyam Idef endi ngt hi smer ci l essmonst er ? !Hedoesn' tdeser v emyhel p!A wav eof r ev ul si onr oset ot hesur f ace. Ipushedi tbackdown.Forbet t erorwor se,myemot i onswer eani nt egr alpar tofmywor kont hi s case.Theyhadgot t enmei nt oi t , keptmegoi ng.Ther ewasnowayt osepar at et hem f r om mydut yt o pr ov i deTedwi t hl egalr epr esent at i on.Iwasei t herwi t hhi m oragai nsthi m,Icoul dn' tbebot h.Idi dn' t dar ebebot h.Icoul dn' thol dsuchdi spar at ei mpul sesi nmyheadatt hesamet i me:t osav ehi sl i f e, t o he' dbeenki l l ed.I thadbeeneasyunt i lnow.Ihadf el tsost r ongl yaboutt hecasebecauseIhadf el tso st r ongl yaboutpr ev ent i ngadeat h, butt hatwaswhent heonl yl i f et her ewast osav ewasTed' s.NowI hadbeent hr ownbacki nt i me,backt owhenhi sv i ct i ms'l i v escoul dhav ebeensav ed,andIwas r oot i ngf ort hatt ohav ehappenedbyanymeanspossi bl e.ButIwasal soi nt hepr esent ,andi nt he pr esentIdi dhol dal i f ei nmyhandandi twasTed' s.Mycommi t menthadt obepur e.Ot her wi se, i fhe l osthi sl i f e, howwoul dIknowI ' ddoneal l Icoul d, t hatIhadn' tdonesomet hi ngunconsci ousl yt omake t hathappen?Imaynothav ebeent hebestl awy erhecoul dhav ef ound,andIwoul dcer t ai nl ymake mi st akes, butIcoul dcont r olmyt hought sandf eel i ngsandkeept hem pur e.ThatmuchIcoul ddof or hi m.Ihadt o.Forme. Iwasal onewhent hev i deocamet ot heend;ev er y oneel sehadl ef tsomewher eal ongt heway ,I hadt het el ev i si onr emov edf r om myof f i ceandt ookt heex t r achai r sback.Iwor kedonpay i ngwor k t her estoft hedayandgav et hecaseandt het apenof ur t hert hought .Ev enwhenIwal kedhomet hat ni ghti nt hedar k, andf el tav ul ner abi l i t yIhadnev erf el tbef or e, Idi dn' tt hi nkofTed.If el tawar e, asI ' d nev erf el tbef or e,t hatt her er eal l ywer ehumanbei ngsmenoutt her ewhowoul dat t ackandki l lan unknownwomanf ornor easonatal l ,nomat t erwhatshesai dordi d.ButIdi dn' tt hi nkofTed.If el t af r ai df ormeandf oral lwomen,becauseoft her ealex i st enceoft hesemen.ButIal sof el tt er r i f i ed t hatt hewhol ecount r yhadseent hatmov i eandnow woul dnev erl ett hegov er norgetawaywi t h del ay i ngTed' sexecut i onnomat t erwhatIpr omi sedt odo. Tedwr ot et omesoonaf t ert hemov i ehadai r ed, al lofasuddeni nsi st i ngIf i l eacer t .pet i t i oni nt he LakeCi t ycase.He' dcer t ai nl ychangedhi st uneont hat .Hesai dt hatt hemov i ehadenr agedt hepubl i c mor et hanhehadev erseenbef or e,basedont hesubsequentcov er ageandt hel et t er she' dr ecei v ed. Hewant edt omakesur et hatt her ewassomel egal act i ongoi ngonsot hatt hegov er norwoul dbel ess
l i kel yt osi gnawar r ant .I twast hef i r stt i mehehadex pr essedf eart ome.Het r ul ywasshookupand f r i ght ened.He, t oo, knewt hatasecondwar r anti nt heChi Omegacasewoul dn' tbej ustawar ni ngshot , ast hef i r sthadbeen.Secondwar r ant shadbeenknownt obef at al . Despi t e-becauseof i t sdeadaccur at emov i e,NBCwasnow mymor t alenemy .I thadst r uckmy woundedbi r d, mywar d, mychar ge, myTed.Al lIcoul dseewast hatNBChadr eckl essl yi nf l amedt he publ i cwi t houtat houghtt hatar ealper son,Ted,mi ghtbef at al l yaf f ect ed.Isoongotmychancef or r ev enge,andi twassat i sf y i ng.OnMay12,anNBCl awy eri nFl or i dacal l ed,not i f y i ngmet hathehad f i l edamot i oni nt heTal l ahasseet r i alcour tt oobt ai nt het apesoft hepol i ceemer gencycal lmade f r om t heChi Omegasor or i t yhouseont heni ghtoft hemur der s.NBCbel i ev edt hatsuchat apeex i st ed i nt heseal edpor t i onoft het r i alr ecor d.Appar ent l yt heywer egoi ngt obr oadcastadocument ar yt o f ol l ow upt hei rwel l r ecei v eddr amat i z at i on.Appar ent l y ,j ustasTedBundysol dnewspaper s,Ted Bundysol dTVpr ogr ams.It ol dNBC' sFl or i dacounselI ' dopposeanyat t emptt ounsealt her ecor ds andwoul dr equestadel ayt ogi v emet i met or espondandappeari ncour t .Hewasshockedt hatI ' d obj ect ,t hatI ' dt hi nkI ' dhav esomegr oundsuponwhi cht oobj ect :Whatpossi bl el egali nt er estcoul d wehav ei npr ot ect i ngasev eny ear ol dt r i alr ecor dt hathadr esul t edi nconv i ct i onany way ?Idi dn' t knowwhatgr ounds,butIknewwhyIdi dn' twantt het apesr el eased.Theywoul donl ypr ov i demor e f uel t ot hef i r eunderTed. It r i eddesper at el yt ogeti nt ouchwi t hLy nnAl anThompsoni nTal l ahassee,whohadbeenoneof Ted' spubl i cdef ender satt r i alandwasnow i npr i v at epr act i ce.Iwant edhi m appearf orusi nt he Tal l ahasseecour tt oopposeNBC' smot i on.Thehear i ngwasschedul edf ort henex tdayandt hej udge hadr ef usedmyr equestf orapost ponement .Mr .Thompson,whom I ' dnev ercont act edbef or e,di dn' t r et ur nmyi ncr easi ngl yf r ant i ccal l s.Thatwasapr obl em f ormenow, buti twasev enmor eomi nousf or t hef ut ur e.Wewer egoi ngt oneedal lofTed' sf or merl awy er st obackusupi nt hecol l at er al pr oceedi ngs.Wast hi sonegoi ngt obehost i l e,r eadyt ot est i f yt hatTed,whi l eobnox i ous,hadbeena per f ect l ycompet entdef endant ? Thenex tdayt hecour ti nTal l ahasseenotonl ygr ant edNBC' smot i onbut ,oni t sowni ni t i at i v e, cr ossedoutNBC' sdescr i pt i onoft heonet apei twant edandwr ot e" al lv i deoandaudi or ecor di ngs."I t wasgoi ngt obear eal l ybi gshow.Ther ecor di ngsandv i deoswer egoi ngt obepl ay edf ort hepubl i c t henex tdayandIhadabsol ut el ynoi deawhatwasi nt hem.Thi ngswer emov i ngt oof astf ormet o handl et hi sonmyown.Ji m Col emanst eppedi nandf ax edanemer gencyappealt ot heFl or i da Supr emeCour t . TheNBCl awy erwasf ur i ous.Thi swassupposedt ohav ebeenasi mpl emat t er ;t her ewer eno gr oundst oopposei t .Thenextmor ni ngt hepr essgat her edi nt hecour t r oom andpr epar edf ora per f or mance.Icoul di magi net her esul t i ngheadl i nes: THESECRETTAPESOFTEDBUNDY, THEONES HI SLAWYERSTRI EDTO SUPPRess.Justasi twasaboutt obegi n,howev er ,t heFl or i daSupr eme Cour tr ul edi nourf av or , cal l edt hej udge, andt heshowwasof f .CCR' spar al egalar r i v edj usti nt i met o seet het hr ongofdi sappoi nt edr epor t er swal ki ngbackt ot hei rcar s.Ahhhhh, al i t t l ev i ct or y .It houghti t wasagoodomen.I nal ll i kel i hood,howev er ,t heFl or i daSupr emeCour tpr obabl yonl ywant edt o pr ev entanyj udi ci aler r ororgr oundsofappealt hatmi ghtdel ayt heex ecut i onofTedBundy .Pr ess f r eedom pal edi ncompar i sont osuchapor t ent ousgoal . Wi t ht hatset t l ed, Iagai nt ur nedbackt ot heLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on.Thi sf i f t y pagedocumentont he si ngl ei ssueofhy pnot i zi ngAndyAnder sonwasbecomi ngar eal al bat r oss.Ihadhopedt of i l ei tbef or e t heMay5cer t .deci si on, buthadn' tmadei t , par t l ybecauseoft heNBCt apescaseandpar t l ybecause Iwassl owedbyi ncr easi nganxi et ynowt hatex ecut i onwasar eal possi bi l i t y , myf i r stcer t .pet i t i onhad beenunsuccessf ul ,andTedwasbackont hef r ontpages.Fi nal l y ,si ncet hel awf i r m wasmov i ngt o f anci erquar t er si nt hef al lany way ,It ackedt hewhol et hi ngdi r ect l yont ot hewal lofmyof f i ce,soI coul dseeev er yoneofi t sf i f t ypagesatt hesamet i me.Thi sseemedt ohel pgi v eor dert owhatf el tl i ke chaos. I nt hemi dstofal lt hi sCCRcal l edt osayt heywer esendi ngmet hepubl i cdef ender ' sf i l esi nt heChi Omegacase.Whent heyaskedwhet herIwant edt hem sentv i aUPSordr i v enupi naUHault r uck,I t hought asIhadwhent hatf i r str epor t erhadaskedi fIwasgoi ngt ohav eapr essof f i ce-t hatt hey wer eki ddi ng.Agai n, Iwaswr ong.Whent hebox esar r i v edUPS, col l ect t heyf i l l edat hi r dofmyof f i ce.
Pi l edagai nstt hewal lneart hedoor , t heyr oseal lt hewayt ot hecei l i ng.Iwascompl et el ysur r ounded: t hi r t yt housandpagesoft r anscr i ptf r om Ted' st wot r i al sbehi ndmeandanent i r ewal lofwhoknowswhati nf r ontofme.Box esandboxes,i nal ldi f f er entshapesandsi z es,ofev er y t hi ngt hepubl i c def enderhadaccumul at eddur i ngt heei ght eenmont hpr et r i ali nv est i gat i onandt r i aloft heChiOmega case.Pr esumabl y ,t heywer ef i l l edwi t hpl eadi ngs,f i l enot es,cor r espondence,and,wor stofal l , ev i dence.Theybal ancedpr ecar i ousl yat opeachot her ,t hr eat eni ngatanyt i met ot oppl edownand spi l l t hei rgr uesomecont ent s. Whent heyhadmenacedmel ongenough, It ur nedt heheatofpubl i cdef enderf i l esov ert oAl l i son, hopi ngt ohav et hem ni cel yi nv ent or i edandsummar i z edf orme,nev erhav i ngt ogot hr ought hem my sel f .ButAl l i sonwoul dn' tl etmeof ft hateasy .Onceshehadar r angedt hef i l esi nawor kr oom, she i nsi st edIcomeseewhatwast her e.It hi nkshewasl ooki ngf oracl ue, agai n, ast ohow, aspar toft he l egalt eam r epr esent i ngt hi sman,shewassupposedt or eactt osomeoft het hi ngsshewasbei ng f or cedt odealwi t hot hert hani nut t erhor r orandr ev ul si on.Speci f i cal l y ,Al l i sonwant edmet ol ookat t heev i dence.Icoul dn' tt hi nkofanyr espect abl er easont or ef use.SomeofwhatAl l i sonhadf ound washar ml essenough-exceptt hati twasr eal .At enni sshoei nTed' ssi z et en, f ori nst ance, wasi none box .I thadbeencompar edt ot hef oot pr i nt st hathadbeenf oundl eadi ngawayf r om t heChiOmega houseandi nt ot hewoods.Real , buthar ml ess.Sor tofcr eepy , buti tal sol ookedki ndofabsur d.Icoul d handl et hat . Somet hi ngswer eal i t t l ehar dernott or eactt o.Thesmal l , unmar kedboxcont ai ni ngpl ast ercast s oft hr eeset soft eet h, f orexampl e, upperandl ower .Ther ewasaf our t hi ndent at i oni nt het i ssuepaper -onesetoft oot hi mpr essi onswasmi ssi ng.Lat erIf oundt hatf our t hsetwhenIdr oppedi nonCCR andf oundsomebodycl i cki ngt hem atpeopl easi ft obi t et hem.Thosewer eTed' s.Wi t ht hedi scov er y oft hecastt eet h,t hi ngswer eget t i ngcr eepi er ,y etIst i l lmanagedapr of essi onalassessment .Oneof t hei ssuesatt heChi Omegat r i al waswhet hera" f or ensi cdent i st "coul dt est i f y , basedonphot ogr aphs al one,t hatt hebi t emar konav i ct i m' sbodycoul dhav ebeeni nf l i ct edonl ybyt heaccusedandby nobodyel se.Thi swasav er ynewandsuspectconcept ,andTed' spubl i cdef ender shadusedt hese set soff al set eet ht oshow t hatdi f f er entt y pesoft eet hcoul dl eav et hesamemar k.Thatwasj ust goodl awy er i ng.Not hi ngwr ongwi t ht hat .Not hi ngt obeupsetby . Butt hent her ewer et hephot ogr aphst hemsel v es, gi gant i cenl ar gement sf oruseatt r i al .Cl oseups ofawoman' sbut t ockswi t hanor di nar yr ul erl ai dacr osst hem t oshowscal e.Dar k, angr yt oot hmar ks mar r edt heski n' ssur f ace.It r i edt ol eav et hi si nt oal awy er ' sst or yf orAl l i son.Ist ar t edt osay somet hi ngl i ke," Lookathow i ndi st i nctt hosemar ksar e-t hey ' r ebar el yv i si bl e.How coul dany one cl ai mt hatt heycoul di dent i f yoneman? . . . "If el lsi l ent .I twast r uet hebi t emar kev i dencepr esent edat t r i alwasext r emel yweak.Bi t emar ksar en' tany wher enearasi dent i f i abl easf i nger pr i nt s,par t i cul ar l y f r om aphot ogr aphal one.Theev i dencedi dnotpr ov et heywer eTed' s. Buti twashar dt ohol dt het houghtt hatt hesci ent i f i ci nv al i di t yoft oot hmar ki dent i f i cat i onwasal l t hephot ogr aphsst oodf or .Ist ar edatt hepi ct ur es, unabl et oav er tmyey es.Bl ownupl ar gert hanl i f e wer et hebut t ocksofay oungwoman,l i f el ess,ex posedasshewoul dnev eral l owher sel ft obei fshe wer eal i v et odef endher sel f , ar ul erl y i ngacr ossherasi fshewer emer el yanot herobj ect .Somebody ' s t oot hmar kswer eonher .Thatwasaf actIcoul dn' tdeny ,nobodycoul ddeny .Whocar edt haty ou coul dn' tpr ov et heywer eTed' s?Theywer ei nf actTed' st oot hmar ks.Tedhadhur tt hatgi r l ;t ouched andbi t t enandki l l edt hatgi r l .Thesamer ev ul si onr oseupi nmet hathadsur f acedwi t ht heTV dr amat i z at i on.Forami nut ei tseemedast hought hi swoman' sdeat handmut i l at i onwast hepoi nt , notwhet hert heev i dencewasl egal l ysound.Butonl yf orami nut e.Ier asedt hatt houghtf r om my mi nd.Ihadt o.IwasBundy ' sl awy er . If i l edt heLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i ononMay21, asI ' dpr omi sedt heCour tandGov er norGr aham.Sof ar , t hegov er norhadnotsi gnedawar r anti nt heChiOmegacase.Sof ar ,sogood.May bet hegov er nor haddeci dedt ohol dof f ,si ncehecoul dseeIwasdoi ngev er y t hi ngpossi bl et omov et hel egal pr oceedi ngsal ongi nbot hcases.I tseemedonl ysensi bl e.I tseemedonl yf ai r .
CHAPTER6 Nosuchl uck. I nnor malappel l at el i t i gat i oni ti st hei ssuesi nt hecaset hatdr i v et heschedul e.Thecour tcan di smi sst hei nsubst ant i alcl ai msi mmedi at el y ,cal lf orf ur t herbr i ef i ngont hedi f f i cul tl egalquest i ons, andconductev i dent i ar yhear i ngsont hoset hatr equi r emor ef act ualdev el opmentbef or et heycanbe deci ded.Ther easonf ort hecour t e' car ef ulconsi der at i oni st hatappel l at edeci si onsar edeci si onsof l aw, notf act ; t heynotonl yappl yt ot hemat t erathandbutal sosetpr ecedentf oral lf ut ur ecasest hat r ai set hesamel egal quest i ons.That ' swhyi thadt akent heFl or i daSupr emeCour tf oury ear st odeci de t heLakeCi t ycase.Theywer enotgoi ngt oov er t ur nTedBundy ' sconv i ct i onnomat t erwhat ,butt hey cl ear l ywer edi st ur bedbyt heal t er at i onofAndyAnder son' st est i monyunderhy pnosi sconduct edby t hepol i ceandpr osecut or s.Theyf i nal l yi ssuedanopi ni ont hati thadbeenokayi nhi scase,butt hat t her eaf t er ,i nanyot hercase,suchhy pnot i cal l yal t er edt est i monywasnotconst i t ut i onal l yadmi ssi bl e asev i dence.Nott hatt heConst i t ut i onhadchangedi nt hemeant i me. Thati tt akest i met omakeappel l at edeci si onsi sr i ghtandgood, becauseeachoneappl i est ousal l andbecomeset chedi nt ot heU.S.Const i t ut i on.Thegr eat erandgr eat erl i mi t at i onsi mposedi nr ecent y ear sbyt hecour t sandCongr essondeat hpenal t yappeal s,f orex ampl e,al soaut omat i cal l yappl yt o peopl econv i ct edoft axev asi on, mai l f r aud, orr eckl essdr i v i ng. WhenU.S.Supr emeCour tJust i ceJohnPaulSt ev enswr ot e," Deat hi sdi f f er ent ,"hemeantt hat deat hpenal t ycasesnat ur al l ydeser v edcl oserscr ut i nysi ncet heconsequenceswer esouni quel y har shandf i nal .Butt hewayi nwhi ch" deat hi sdi f f er ent "t odayi st hatdeat hpenal t ycasesar e ex pedi t ed-andgi v enl essr ealconsi der at i ont hanot hert y pesofappeal s-t oaccommodat ear bi t r ar i l y setex ecut i ondat es.Onceadeat hwar r anti ssi gnedi ti st heex ecut i ondat et hatdr i v est hecour t schedul es.Subst ant i ali ssuesr ecei v er ealconsi der at i ononl yi facour ti swi l l i ngt ost ayt heex ecut i on f i r st .That ' sabi gst epand,asIf ound,cour t sar ev er yr el uct antt oactl i kecour t sundert hese ci r cumst ances.Adeat hpenal t ycaseunderwar r anti snotanor mal l egal case; i t ' sahotpot at o. Ar tWi edi ngerhadr easont osoundal i t t l euncomf or t abl e, t hen, whenhecal l edmeonMay22. " Ms.Nel son, t hi si sAr tWi edi ngerf r om Gov er norGr aham' sof f i ce. Howar ey out oday ? " " Fi ne, "Isai d, t r y i ngt osoundopt i mi st i c." Howar ey ou? " " Fi ne,t hanky ou,ma' am."Hepaused." Ah,Ms.Nel son,t hegov er nor ,ah,si gnedadeat hwar r ant agai nstMr .Bundyt odayi nt heChiOmegacase."Hepausedagai n." And,ah,t hewar denhas schedul edt heex ecut i onf orJul y2. " Somuchf orl i t i gat i onont hei ssues.Wewer enowi nar aceagai nstt i me.Jul y2, 1986, wast obean ex t r aspeci alexecut i onday ,acel ebr at i onoft het ent hanni v er sar yoft heendoft heU.S.Supr eme Cour t ' smor at or i um oncapi t alpuni shment .Thegov er norhad t akent heunpr ecedent edst ep of schedul i ngt woment obeexecut edonJul y2.The ot herman, Ger al dSt ano, wasbei ngr epr esent edbyanewl awy eratCCR. Ihadt ol dJi m andJef faf ewweeksback( i tal r eadyseemedl i keal i f et i meago)t hatI ' dst ayont he casef ort hecol l at er alst age.Ihadn' tdi scussedt hi swi t hCCR,t hough.Si ncet hewar r anthadbeen si gnedandt hecol l at er alst agewoul dbegi nnow,Iwant edt ot al kt oMar kOl i v eaboutwhet herhe want edt hecaseback.Af t eral l ,hewast heex per t .I thadmadesense,oratl easthadn' tmadeany di f f er ence, t hatt heef f or tt ogetast ayf r om t heU.S.Supr emeCour ti nFebr uar yhadbeenhandl edby aWashi ngt onf i r m.Samef ort heLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on.Butt hecol l at er alpr oceedi ngswer ea di f f er entmat t er .Al mostal lt hel i t i gat i onwoul dt akepl acei nFl or i da,and,ofcour se,t hecl i entwas t her e.Ther ewoul dbemor ei nt er act i onwi t ht heof f i cesoft heFl or i dagov er norandt heat t or ney gener al .Andcol l at er alpr oceedi ngswer emuchmor ecompl ext hant hedi r ectappeal ;i nv ol v i ngmany mor epl eadi ngsandcour t r oom pr esent at i ons.Ev i dencewoul dhav et obegat her edandwi t nesses pr epar ed.Iknewt hi swoul dal lbev er yi mpor t antt oadeat hpenal t yl i t i gat orasi mpassi onedasMar k. Butal lofasuddenhewasnev erav ai l abl ewhenIcal l ed.Thi swaspar t i cul ar l yper pl ex i ngbecause, what ev ert heymi ghtt hi nkofcor por at el awy er s,CCR wor ked har dt o cul t i v at eand suppor ti t s
v ol unt eer sandwer egener al l yext r emel yr esponsi v e.I twasev enmor esur pr i si ngsi nceawar r anthad beensi gned.CCRwoul dusual l ydoany t hi ngf oramanunderwar r ant .WhenI ' dbeendownt her ei n Febr uar y ,t heent i r eof f i cehadputdowni t sot herwor kt ohel pmemakemyf i l i ngatt heFl or i da Supr emeCour t .ButnowMar kdi dn' twantt ot al kt ome, andIhadnoi deawhy .If el tabandoned.What hadIdonewr ong? Tot hi sdayIdon' tknowwhyMar kOl i v ewoul dnotspeakt omear oundt hatt i me,butonet hi ngi s obv i ous.I fCCRhadwant edorev enbeenwi l l i ngt ot akebackTed' scaset heywoul dhav er et ur nedmy phonecal l s.Ihadal r eadygot t ent hef eel i ngt hatTedwasdespi sedwi t hi nCCRasmuchashewasby t her estoft hewor l d.CCRwasi nTal l ahassee, f oronet hi ng, whi chappar ent l yhadnev eragai nf el tas car ef r eeasi thadbef or eTedBundy ' sassaul tont heChiOmegasor or i t yhousehaddest r oy edi t s senseofsecur i t y .I tal soseemedt hatmuchoft hest af fatCCRwer emot i v at edbyt hebel i eft hateach par t i cul arcl i entdi dnotdeser v et hedeat hpenal t yf oronespeci f i cr easonoranot her .MostofCCR' s cl i ent shadabusedornegl ect edchi l dhoods;manyhador gani cbr ai ndi sor der sordev el opment al di sabi l i t i es.Thest af fatCCRal way scoul df i ndsomet hi ngt hatshowedapar t i cul arcl i entwasnot r eal l yanev i lper sonbutav i ct i m hi msel fi nsomeway s.Noonet houghtt hi saboutTedBundy .The appar entcol ddel i ber at enessofhi scr i mes, hi sseemi ngmocki ngofj ust i ceathi st r i al , pr ecl udedany suchsy mpat hy .Heseemedt obet heboynex tdoorwhoj ustdeci dedonedayt oki dnapandki l l women.Outoft hebl ue; j ustf orf un. Andt her ewasal sot hemat t erofCCR' sst at ef undi ng.CCRwasi napecul i arpol i t i calposi t i on.I t beganasapr i v at e,nonpr of i tgr oup-t heVol unt eerResour ceCent er -t hatf oundv ol unt eerl awy er sf or deat hr ow i nmat es.Ast her at eofexecut i onsi ncr eased,howev er ,i thadbecomedi f f i cul tt of i nd enoughv ol unt eer squi ckl yenough.Asar esul t , t heFl or i daSupr emeCour tf oundi t sel fhav i ngt oi ssue st ay sofex ecut i onatt her equestofat t or ney swhohadcomei nt ot hecaseatt hel astmi nut eand hadn' thadanychancet opr epar e.Fol l owi ngv i gor ousl obby i ngbyt heFl or i daSupr emeCour t ,among ot her s, t heCapi t alCol l at er alRepr esent at i v ewascr eat edasast at eof f i cewi t hsal ar i edl awy er st odo t hej obwhenv ol unt eer scoul dnotbef ound.Theywer epai dbyt hest at et ol i t i gat eagai nstt hest at e. Publ i cr eact i ont ost at epai dl awy er sr epr esent i ngTedBundymaywel l hav el edt oCCR' sdemi se. What ev ert her easonf orCCR' smy st er i ousmut eness, Igott hemessage:IwasBundy ' sl awy er ,f or keeps. Si nceTed' sment alcompet encywast hest r ongesti ssuei nt heChiOmegacase,Ineededex per t assi st ance.ButIwashav i ngt r oubl ef i ndi ngsomeonewi l l i ngt oconductament alev al uat i onofTed. None oft he Fl or i da psy chi at r i st s CCR r ef er r ed me t o woul dt ake t he case." No,"t hey ' d say i mmedi at el yuponl ear ni ngwhot hecl i entwas." Iwon' tbeabl et ohel py ou."Wi t hahast y , i nsi ncer e, " I wi shy ougoodl uck,"t heywer eof ft hephone.Igott hei mpr essi ont hatt hey ' dal r eadymadeupt hei r mi ndst hatTedwasnotment al l yi l l ; or , ev eni fhewer e, wasnotwor t hyoft hei ref f or t s. Ical l edsev er alnat i onal l yf amouspsy chi at r i st swhospeci al i z edi ncr i mi nalof f ender s.Out si deof Fl or i da, Ted' snamewasadeci dedpl usi nget t i ngpeopl et ot al kt ome.Butasi nt er est i ng, uni que, and newswor t hyast hi scasewasgoi ngt obe,t hesedoct or swer ev er yf i r m onchar gi ngt hei rusualr at e: t y pi cal l y$250anhour ,i ncl udi ngt r av elt i met oFl or i da.Thatwasgoi ngt oaddupf ast .Isai dI ' dget backt ot hem. Theweekaf t ert hegov er norsi gnedTed' ssecondwar r ant ,IHow t oNew Yor kt omeetwi t hAr t Nor man,apsy chol ogi stwhohadbeenhel pf ult oCCRi nt hepast ,andhi sassoci at e,RoyMat t hews. Ar tandRoywer ev i si t i ngNewYor kf r om Fl or i da, wher et heywer et r y i ngt ost ar tupaf or ensi cser v i ce especi al l yf ordeat hpenal t yl awy er s:Ar twoul ddot hepsy chol ogi calev al uat i on,Roywoul ddot he f act uali nv est i gat i on.Wemeti nt heapar t mentofaf r i endofDr .Nor man.I twassmal landr at herdar k, butf ur ni shedr i chl ywi t hant i quesandor i ent alr ugs.I nt hemi ddl eoft hei nt er v i ew Dr .Nor manl ay downont hef l oor ,say i ngheusual l ynappedatt hi st i meoft heaf t er noon.I tseemedst r ange,butI t houghtmay bei twassomehi ghl yev ol v ednat ur al i sm uni quet opsy chol ogi st s. Ji m wasv er yr el uct antt ocommi tt hef i r mt osi z abl eout of pocketex pensessuchasex per tf ees. Wher easourownat t or neyt i mecoul dbej ust i f i edast r ai ni ngandpubl i cser v i ce,cashmoneyoutof t hepar t ner shi pshar eswasadi f f er entmat t er .I twasal somuchmor econspi cuous.Ji mt ol dmet ot r y t ot al kapsy chi at r i sti nt ot aki ngtt hel i t t l edi scussi onwehadont hepoi nt ,hesuggest edt hatsi nce
Wi l merwasdonat i ngi t sser v i ces, ot herpr of essi onal sshoul dt oo.Onl yAr tNor mansai dhe' dgoahead andi nt er v i ewTedwi t houtaguar ant eeofpay ment .IaskedAr tandRoyt obegi nani nv est i gat i on, and we' ddi scussl at erwhet herWi l mercoul dpayt hem i t sel f ,i fwecoul dn' tgetacour tt opayt hei r ex penses. Thenex tweekIHav et oFl or i dat obegi nani nv est i gat i onofmi own. AtCCRImetwi t hSchar l et t eHol dman,af ei st ydeat hpenal t yv et er anf r om t heVol unt eerResour ce Cent erday s.Shehadt hesamesol i ci t ousbutcondescendi ngat t i t udet hatMar kOl i v ehadhad, gi v i ng met hei mpr essi ont hatshet ol er at edpr i v at el awy er sdabbl i ngpar t t i mei ndeat hpenal t yl awonl yas necessar yev i l s.Al t houghf r eei ngupr esour ces, suchl awy er s( suchasme)coul dnev erhav et hesame dedi cat i onandcommi t mentCCRl awy er sgav et oacase.Schar l et t edescr i bedal lt heev i denceCCR r out i nel ygat her edwheni nv est i gat i ngandpr epar i ngadeat hpenal t ycase:al lmedi calr ecor ds,al l schoolr ecor dsf r om pr eschoolon, al lpol i ceandpr i sonr ecor ds.Iwoul dneedt ocont actal l hi sf or mer at t or ney s,i nt er v i ewt hem aboutt hei rexper i enceswi t handi mpr essi onsofTed,andgetcopi esofal l t hei rr ecor ds.Iwoul dneedt ocont actal lofTed' sf r i endsandr el at i v esf oranyr emembr ancesofhi m, anydocument sorot herev i dencet heymayhav e.Iwoul dhav et ogoov erTed' sl i f ewi t haf i net oot h comb.Somet hi ngoutt her ecoul dhol dt hekeyt osav i nghi sl i f e; mi ssi ngi twor l dmeanhi sdeat h. Mymi ndwasswi r l i ngwi t hi nf or mat i on, t aki ngnot esofwhatIneededt odo, wonder i nghowIcoul d geti tal ldone.Theexecut i ondat ewasonl yamont haway .I twoul dn' tbet oodi f f i cul tt ogat heral lt hat i nf or mat i on.Ev ent housandsofdol l ar si npost age( usual l yov er ni ght ,handdel i v er y ) ,phonecal l s,and phot ocopy i ngwer enor malex pensesofl i t i gat i onatWi l mer .RoyMat t hewswasgoi ngt odi gupsome ofi t ,andJi m hadaut hor i zedRoy ' smodestf eeoft hi r t y f i v edol l ar sanhour .Wehadpl ent yofv i abl e l egali ssuesst r ongert hani nmostcases.Butwewoul dst i l lneedapsy chol ogi calr epor t .Acour t , whi l ei ti sconst r ai nedt ospeaki nl egalt er ms, i smadeupofhumanbei ngs.Wewer egoi ngt ohav et o makeourcasei nsuchawayast or ai seatl eastasci nt i l l aofdoubtagai nstt heuni v er salper cept i on t hatTedBundyabsol ut el ydeser v edt odi e.Wehadt odev el opsomet hi ngt oatl eastsuggestt he possi bi l i t yofment almi t i gat i on.Wehadt opr ov i desomecl ueast owhyTedBundydi dwhathedi d. Leav i ngCCR,Iwentupt hest r eett ot hepubl i cdef ender ' sof f i cet oseeMi keMi ner v a.Mi ner v awas now anempl oy eei nt heof f i ceheonceheaded-hehadbeenv ot edoutofof f i ceaf t erTed' st r i al . Al t houghanespeci al l ygent l eandhospi t abl emanbynat ur e,hegr eet edmewi t hgr eatt enuousness. Heseemedshel l shocked,war yofget t i ngi nv ol v edi nTed' scaseagai n.Mi ner v ahadkeptmet i cul ous not esofhi sexper i encewi t hTed,butwhenhepul l edt hem outandbegant or ev i ewt hem hepeer ed ov ert hepagesandaskedi fIhadaut hor i z at i onf r om Tedt or ecei v et hi si nf or mat i on. It ol dhi m Tedwasawar eIwasgoi ngt oseehi m,Ial r eadyhadhi sot herf i l est heonesCCRhad sentupand Ted had nev err ai sed any obj ect i on.Ev en t hough t he ex ecut i on dat e was f ast appr oachi ng, myassur anceswer enotsuf f i ci ent Mi ner v ahadbeenbur nedbadl ybyTedbef or e.Hedi d conf i r mf ormewhatIal r eadyknewaboutt hecompet encyhear i ngandhi sst af f ssev er alat t empt st o r er ai set hei ssuedur i ngt r i al ,buthewoul dnotdi v ul geany t hi ngel se.Wi t hobv i ousr el uct anceat hav i ngt oi nconv eni enceme, heputawayhi sf i l ewi t houtr ev eal i ngwhatIr eal l yneededt oknow:What hadoccur r edbehi ndt hescenes?WhathadTedr eal l ybeendoi ng?WhathadTedr eal l ybeenl i ke?Il ef t pr omi si ngt osendTed' saut hor i zat i on. Thenex tdayIdr ov et oSt ar ket oseeTed.Hesi gnedsomer el easesIhadt y pedupatCCR, andwe di scussedmypl ansf orf i ght i ngt hedeat hwar r ant .I twasal way si mpor t antt omedur i ngmyv i si t st hat Isoot het hef earIi magi nedhi mt obef eel i ngandnotal ar m orwor r yhi m mor e.For emost ,Iwant ed hi mt ot r ustme, t oknowIwasnotj udgi nghi m.Nonet hel ess, Ihadt ot el lhi mt hi st i met hatIwoul dbe dev el opi ngt hei ssueofhi si ncompet encyt ost andt r i al .Andher el uct ant l yhadt odi sagr ee. " Noonewi l lev erbel i ev eIwasi ncompet ent -Ihandl edmy sel ft oopr of essi onal l y , "hesai d." I twi l l l ookl i key ouhav eaweakcaset omakesuchaf r i v ol ouscl ai m.Any onewhowasatmyt r i alwoul d knowIwasany t hi ngbuti ncompet ent ." ButIwasn' tput t i ngt hi st oav ot e;i twast heonl yi ssuet hatwasgoi ngt obeofanygut i nt er esti n t hi scase-TedBundy ' sment alst at e.Notwant i ngt oseem ungr at ef ulorpushy , hedi dnoti nsi stt hatI f or got hecl ai m.Butheshookhi sheadati t susel essnessandcl ear l ywast ense.Thatsamedar kcol or camei nt ohi sf acet hatIhadseenwhenIf i r stsawhi mi nt hathol di ngcel l .Andt heni tpassed.He
r ecov er edhi spol i t eandgr aci ouscl i entmode, ex pr essi nghi sgr eatappr eci at i onf ormywor k, myv i si t , andmykeepi nghi m abr eastoft hecase.Het r ust edmyj udgmentcompl et el y , hesai d. Si ncei ssuesr ai sedi ncol l at er alpr oceedi ngsar enecessar i l yt hosenotr ai sedorconsi der edf ul l y bef or e, col l at er al pr oceedi ngsbegi nagai natt het r i all ev el , wi t ht hesamej udgewhopr esi dedov ert he or i gi nalt r i al .Duet ot heext ensi v epr et r i alpubl i ci t y ,Ted' s1979t r i alf ort heChiOmegamur der shad beenmov edf r om Tal l ahasseet oMi ami .Fl or i daCi r cui tCour tJudgeEdwar dCowar tpr esi ded. Asl uckwoul dhav ei t ,JudgeCowar t ,whohadgonei nt opr i v at epr act i cef orsev er aly ear s,had r ecent l yr et ur nedt ot hebench.Ihadseenpi ct ur esofhi mi nt henewscl i ppi ngsoft het r i al .Hewasa mammot hman,bui l tf ort hef l owi ngbl ackr obesofof f i ce,whohadnev erf ai l edt oappr eci at et he Bundycaseast heat er .Hehadbant er edwi t hTeddur i ngt het r i al , cat er edt ohi swhi msanddemands, andf i nal l yal l owedTedt odeci mat ehi sdef enset eam.Atev er yoppor t uni t y , JudgeCowar thandedTed t her opet ohanghi msel f .Heev enannouncedTed' ssent enceofdeat hi nt hemannerofaTVWest er n: " Youcoul dhav ebeenaf i ney oungman,buty out ookt hewr ongr oad,par dner ."Ted,ofcour se,had t houghtt hathe, t oo, wasachar act er t heher o, ofcour se-i namakebel i ev ecour t r oom dr ama, andhad r espondedt ot hej udgei nki nd.I twasnotunt i lhewassent encedt odeat hasecondt i me, si xmont hs l at er , t hatr eal i t ybegant osi nki n. OnJune10Ical l edJudgeCowar tandt ol dhi m Iwasf i l i ngt heusualpr ohacv i ceandi nf or ma pauper i smot i onsaswel lasamot i onf ort hepay mentofex per t s.Iex pl ai nedt hatt hemaj ori ssuehad t odowi t hTed' sment alst at eatt het i meoft r i al ,especi al l yhi sbehi ndt hescenesdeal i ngswi t hhi s l awy er s, andt hatIneededex per tt est i monyt oi nv est i gat et hecase.Wi t ht r adi t i onal Sout her ncour t esy , JudgeCowar twaspl easedt omakemyacquai nt anceandl ookedf or war dt or ecei v i ngt hemot i ons. Thr eeday sl at erhegr ant edt hef i r stt woanddeni edt hel ast .Twooutoft hr eedi dn' thel pusatal l .At l eastnow,si ncet hecour thadr ef usedt opay ,may beJi m woul dbewi l l i ngt ocommi tt hef i r m' s r esour cesf oranev al uat i on.Ihadnor ealcasewi t houti t .Ii nv i t edAr tNor manupt omeetJi m andt el l uswhathe' dcomeupwi t haf t erhi si nt er v i ewswi t hTed. Sat ur day ,June14,Fl agDay ,wasal sot hedayoft hef i r m pi cni c,t heonl yev entt hati ncl uded ev er y onewhowor kedatt hef i r m atal ll ev el sandt hei rf ami l i es.Ji m andJef fandImetDr .Nor mani n t hedeser t edof f i cebui l di ngi nanar r ow,wi ndowl essconf er encer oom.Iwashopi ngdesper at el yt hat wecoul dhi r ehi m.Idi dnotknowhowel seIwasgoi ngt oputav i abl ecaset oget her .Regar dl essoft he l egali ssueofwhet herTedhadbeencompet entt ost andt r i al ,t hekeywoul dbeunder st andi ngand ex pl ai ni ngwhyTedhadact edt hewayt hathehadatt het r i aland-al t houghi twasnotdi r ect l yati ssue att hi sst age-att het i meoft hecr i mes.Sur pr i si ngl y ,TedBundyhadbeensubj ect edt ov er yl i t t l e psy chol ogi cal ev al uat i oni nt het eny ear ssi ncehewasf i r sti ncar cer at edf orki dnappi ngi nUt ah. I twassost i l l andqui ett hatSat ur dayi tf el tasi ft heconf er encer oom hadbeenher met i cal l yseal ed. Ji m, Jef f , andIwer edr essedi nshor t sf ort hef i r m pi cni c, andwesatbackasDr .Nor manunv ei l edhi s t heor y , t het heor yIwoul dbecount i ngont osav eTed' sl i f e.Theai r condi t i oni ngi nt hebui l di ngwasof f , andwewer esl owl yusi ngupt heav ai l abl eox y genaswel i st enedt oanex pl anat i onofTed' sment al wor ki ngst hatwaswor set hanmywor stni ght mar e.Dr .Nor mandi dn' tsayt hatTedhadbr ai ndamage, hedi dn' tsayt hatTdwasment al l yi l l ,hesai dt hatTedj usthadwant edt oki l l .ForTed,Dr .Nor man sai d, i thadbeennodi f f er entt hanahunt ershoot i ngadeerandt y i ngi tt ot hehoodofhi scaronl yhe' d goneaf t ert hegamenooneel sedar edt o, t hegamet hatwast hemosthi ghl yv al ued:at t r act i v ey oung women.Tedwast he" super mal e, "he' dgoneal lt heway .He' ddar edt obr eakt heul t i mat e" t aboo."Dr . Nor manwasf asci nat edbywhatTedhadt ol dhi m.Hecont i nuedoni ngr eatdet ai laboutex act l yhow Tedhi msel fsawhi smur der s.Ther estofusdi dn' tspeakast her oom cl osedi n.Thecombi nedhor r or ofal lt hatDr .Nor manwassay i ngwast oomuchf orme.Mymi ndst oppedpr ocessi ngi nf or mat i oni n sel f def ense.Wheni twasmer ci f ul l yov er ,weal lshookhandswi t hDr .Nor manandpar t ed.Ihad ex changedsomeopeney edgl anceswi t hJi m,andt houghtIsawt hesameut t erdi smayIf el t ,buthe sai dnot hi ngabouti t .Igotnor eact i on,nof eedback.WhatwasIsupposedt ot hi nkaboutwhatwe' d j usthear d?IsupposeIwasi nt hesameposi t i onnowt hatAl l i sonhadbeeni nasshet r i edt oputt he gr uesomeev i denceoft hecr i mesi nsomepr of essi onal cont ex t .AndJi m wasgi v i ngmenocl ues. Ir odet ot hepi cni ccr ouchedi nt hebackofJef f ' sst at i onhi ski ds' i nt hei rcarseat st ookupal lt he seat i ngspace.Mymi ndandemot i onswer est i l lnumb, butmybodywasn' t .Myst omachwast ur ni ng
ov erandIf el tasi fIwassuf f ocat i ng.Ther i deseemedi nt er mi nabl e.Thatmor ni nghadhel dal lsor t s ofhor r or sf orme:t het er r i bl edet ai l soft hecr i mes,t hegl i mpsei nt oTed' sut t err emor sel essness,Dr . Nor man' sappar ent l yent husi ast i cembr aceofTed' ssel f j ust i f i cat i on.Thef actwast hatwehadl ess t hant hr eeweeksl ef t ;nomoneyf orot herex per t s;andnousabl et heor ywi t haconcl usi onot hert han t hatTedhadj ustmur der edwomenonpur pose, t osur passmenl acki ngt hecour age.Toev ent hi nkof t he" super mal e"const r uct : womenasmer epr ey , t hesubj ectofpur ehat r edi nt hehear t of hear t sofal l men.Tot hi nkt hatsuchat heor yev encoul dbespokenbyapr of essi onalmansuchasDr .Nor man. Di dsomet hi ngi tr i ngt r uef orhi m?Forl ot sofmen?Iwasdeepl ydi st ur bed.Idi dn' tmi ngl eatt hepi cni c. OnMondaywepr epar edt of acet hecol l at er alpr oceedi ngsi nbi g-l awf i r m st y l e:l i t i gat i onwi t hal l t het r i mmi ngs.Secondy earl awst udent swer ecomi ngi nt ot hef i r mf r om t hei rI v yLeagueschool sf or i nt er nshi psassummerassoci at es, andt hel uckyoneswer eassi gnedt oourcase.I magi net hem back atschool i nt hef al l , exchangi ngt al eswi t ht hei rf el l owst udent s: " Howwasi taty ourf i r m? "t hey ' dask. " Pr et t y good,"t hei rcl assmat e woul d answer ." Fi r stIdi d secondar y sour ce r esear ch on nonpr ef er r edst ockhol derl i abi l i t yf ornegl i gentomi ssi onsofmat er i al but i nsi gni f i cantf act s, andt hen, becauseI ' ddonesowel l ,t heyl etmegowi t ht hem t ot hepr i nt er soneni ght ,wher ewepr oof r eada dr af tpr ospect usunt i l dawn.Whatdi dy oudo? " " Ihel pedsav eBundyf r om t hechai r ."I thadani cer i ngt oi t .Andbesi des, ouri ssueswer egenui nel y i nt er est i ng. Wi t hJudgeCowar twewoul dr ai seonl yt hosei ssuest hatcoul dnothav ebeenr ai sedbef or e.I fwe di dn' tgetast ayt her e, we' dappealt ot heFl or i daSupr emeCour t .When, i nev i t abl y , t hatf ai l ed, we' df i l e ahabeascor puspet i t i oni nt heFeder alDi st r i ctCour tf ort heSout her nDi st r i ctofFl or i da.Ther ewe coul dpr esentf ort hef i r stt i mei nf eder alcour tal lt hecl ai mst hathadbeenmadei nTed' sor i gi nal Fl or i daappeal ,al ongwi t ht hosewe' dj ustr ai sedi ncol l at er alpr oceedi ngs.I fwef ai l edi nt heU.S. Di st r i ctCour twecoul dappealt ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal si nAt l ant a, and, f i nal l y , i fwor se camet owor se,t ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t .Idi dn' tex pectt ohav et ogoany wher eneart hatf ar , t hough.Wehadgoodi ssues.Theonl ywayacour tcoul dr ef uset ogr antusast ayofex ecut i onwoul d bet odi smi ssev er yoneofourcl ai msont hespot .Ouri ssueswer et oost r ongandnumer ousf ort hat . Iwasut t er l ycer t ai nt hatoncewegott ot hef i r stf eder alcour twher et hej udgesar eappoi nt edf orl i f e andnotel ect edf ort er msl i keFl or i dast at ej udges-wewoul dgetourst ayofex ecut i on. West i l lhadt hehy pnosi s,gr andj ur y ,anddeat hqual i f i cat i oni ssuesI ' di ncl udedi nmyf i r stcer t . pet i t i on,andt hef r eechoi ceofcounselandi nef f ect i v eassi st anceofcounseli ssuesI ' dl ef tout .We al sohadpr ej udi ci alpr et r i alpubl i ci t y ,sci ent i f i cal l yunr el i abl ebi t emar kev i dence,JudgeCowar t ' s i mpr operr ul i ngt hatTedcoul dr epr esenthi msel fwheni tbecamecl earhecoul dnotcooper at ewi t h hi spubl i cdef ender s,andev enasl eepi ngj ur or .Weal sohadacoupl eofboi l er pl at edeat hpenal t y i ssues-const i t ut i onalcl ai mscommont ocapi t alcasest hatwer ei ncl udedi nev er yappr opr i at ecase soast oper col at et hr ought hesy st em t owar dt heU.S.Supr emeCour t .I nal l , wehadsev ent eenbr oad cat egor i esofcl ai ms.Butt hest r ongestcl ai m byf arwasi ncompet ency . Mi keMi ner v ahadf i r stf or mal l yr ai sedt hei ssueofTed' scompet encyonJune1,1979,wi t ha mot i onsuggest i ngt hatTedwasi ncapabl eofassi st i nghi sl awy er si nhi sowndef ense,andwas uncompr ehendi ngoft hest r engt hoft heev i denceagai nsthi mi nt heChiOmegacase.Mi ner v ahad obser v edTed' si r r at i onalbehav i orov ert heent i r esi x t eenmont hper i odsi ncehi sar r est .Whenf i r st ar r est edTedhadaskedhi sl awy er sf oracour tor derpr ev ent i ngl aw enf or cementper sonnelf r om i nt er v i ewi nghi m out si det hel awy er s' pr esence.Then,atni ght ,he' di nv i t et hosesamepol i ceof f i cer s i nt ohi scel lf orl ong,r ambl i ngt al ks.Ast hei nv est i gat i onpr ogr essed,hehadbeenunabl et odeci de whet hert o acceptt hepubl i cdef ender ' sser v i cesort or epr esenthi msel f .I nt hemeant i me,he announcedt ot hecour tt hathewasr eadyt opr oceedt ot r i albutbel i ev i ngt hest at ehadnoev i dence agai nsthi m,hehaddonenot hi ngt opr epar e.Whent het r i alwaspost poned,hehadswi t chedgear s andf l owni nt oaf r enzy ,t aki ngni net ydeposi t i onsofpot ent i alwi t nessesi nt hef al lof1978.Noneof t hem ser v edanyusef ulpur pose,ot hert han,per haps,hel pi ngt osol i di f ywi t nesses'i dent i f i cat i onof hi m adeci dedpl usf ort hepr osecut i on.Al way sr ef er r i ngt ohi msel fi nt het hi r dper son, Tedwoul dask quest i onssuchas" Ar ey ouf ami l i arwi t hTedBundy ? "" Doy ouseehi mi nt her oom wi t hy out oday ? "
Byt hespr i ngof1979Tedf i nal l yhadaccept edt her epr esent at i onofMi keMi ner v aandhi sst af f andhadagr eedt oal l owt hem t opur sueapl eabar gai nt oencompassbot ht heChiOmegaandLake Ci t ycases.Butev ent houghMi ner v at ol dhi mt hi swoul dmeant heywoul dnotbepr epar edt ogot o t r i al ,t hatt hepl eanegot i at i onswoul ddamagehi scaseatanysubsequentt r i al ,Tedsi mul t aneousl y hadcont i nuedt osuggestt ot heassi st antpubl i cdef ender sway st heycoul dpr epar ef ort r i al .I nMay Mi ner v ahadaskedt headv i ceofDr .EmanuelTanay ,aDet r oi tpsy chi at r i standpr omi nentex per ton v i ol entof f ender s,whohadsuggest edt hatal t houghTedseemedt ohav eat enuousgr asponr eal i t y , hemi ghtbecompet entt oent erapl eabar gai n.Hi sagr eementt oent erapl eawoul dshow he under st oodt hewei ghtoft heev i denceandt hegr av i t yoft hechar ges.Ar ej ect i onofi t , howev er , woul d i ndi cat et hatTedwascont r ol l edbyhi sdel usi onsandi mpul sesandi ncompet entt oassi sti nhi s def ense. Thecar ef ul l ynegot i at edpl eawasl ostonMay31,whenTedwast ohav eaf f i r medi ti ncour t . I nst eadhehadmadear ant i ngmot i ont of i r eMi keMi ner v a, whohadmov edi mmedi at el yf oraj udi ci al det er mi nat i onofTed' scompet encet ost andt r i al .Tedhadobj ect edt ot hehear i ngandhadf i l eda mot i onf orspeci alcounsel" t opr ot ecthi m"agai nr ef er r i ngt ohi msel fi nt het hi r dper son-" f r om an at t emptbyhi spubl i cdef endert of i ndhi mi ncompet ent ." JudgeCowar thadgl adl ygr ant edTed' smot i on,gi v enhi m speci alcounself ort hecompet ency hear i ng,andex cl udedhi spubl i cdef ender s-whohadal lt heev i denceandhadr equest edt hehear i ng i nt hef i r stpl ace)f r om t hepr oceedi ng.Thespeci alcounsel , Br i anHay es, atTed' sr equest , hadar gued t hathewascompet ent .Thest at ehadar guedt hesamet hi ng.Dr .Tanaywasputont hest and,but onl yt odi scr edi thi sr epor t .JudgeCowar thadnot edt heuni quenessoft hesi t uat i onast hepr oceedi ng r eachedi t si nev i t abl econcl usi on:" Gent l emen, i ti sv er ysel dom, atl easti nt hi scour t ' scar eer , t hatwe hav eanoppor t uni t yt or ul econsi st entwi t hwhatbot hl awy er sar gued.Idon' tt hi nkI ' v eev erbeenabl e t odot hat ."Si ncenoev i dencehadbeensol i ci t edt ot hecont r ar y , JudgeCowar tf oundTedcompet ent t ost andt r i al ,f ul l yabl et oassi standcooper at ewi t hhi sl awy er s-who' dbeenl ef touti nt hehal l wi t houtasayi nt hemat t er .Tr i alwassett ocommencei nl esst hant woweeks,andTed' spubl i c def ender swoul dbest ar t i ngv i r t ual l yf r om scr at ch. Att het r i al ,Tedhadconduct edhi msel fex act l yasDr .Tanayhadpr edi ct edhewoul d:Hehad sabot agedt heent i r edef enseef f or toutofspi t e,di st r ust ,andgr andi osedel usi on.Tedhaddi sr upt ed t he pr oceedi ngs,bant er ed wi t ht he pr ess,and obst r uct ed hi sl awy er s.When hi sl awy er s had at t empt edagai nt or ai set hei ssueofTed' scompet ency ,t hecour thaddeci dedt or esol v et he ar gument sbet weent hem byf i r stmaki ngTedcocounselofhi sdef enset eam,t henf i nal l ychi ef counsel ,r el egat i ngt heassi st antpubl i cdef ender st o" st andbycounsel ."Dur i ngt hepenal t yphase, Tedhadbar r edhi sl awy er sf r om i nt r oduci nganyev i dence( suchasDr .Tanay ' sr epor t )ofanyment al di st ur bance.Thej ur ynev erl ear nedhi sment al compet encehadev erbeenati ssue.Tedwasconv i ct ed andsent encedt odeat h.Br i anHay es, whospokewi t hhi mi mmedi at el yaf t er war d, hadf oundhi mt obe " bl aséaboutt heconv i ct i on"andunconcer nedt hathehadj ustbeensent encedt odeat h. Thankst oTedandJudgeCowar t ' sbi z ar r ecol l usi oni nmaki ngsur enoonear guedort est i f i ed agai nstTed' scompet encyatt hesupposedcompet encyhear i ngt hati ssuehadnotbeent r i edbef or e. Wewer ecer t ai nt owi nt her i ghtt ohav eanev i dent i ar yhear i ngoni t .JudgeCowar d' skangar oo compet encyhear i ng,andTed' sdemonst r at edi ncompet encet oassi sthi sl awy er satt het r i alt hat f ol l owed, wer egr eat subst ant i v ei ssuesaswel l .Notonl ywer et heyonasol i dl egalf oundat i on, butt hef act smadei nt ui t i v e sense.Ther ealTedBundy , whohadseemedsuchaneni gmaatt r i al , begant ocomei nt of ocus.Ther e wassomet hi ng dr i v i ng Ted' ssel f def eat i ng behav i or ,somet hi ng ot hert han" di abol i calgeni us," somet hi ngbey ondhi scont r ol .Idol edoutoursev ent eeni ssuest ot heBundyt eam' sl egi onofsummer associ at esf orr esear chanddev el opment .Ji m pl annedourl i t i gat i onst r at egyast heex ecut i ondat e dr ew near .Wedi dal i t t l ebi tofpr el i mi nar yl egalspar r i ngwhi l ewewer est i l li nWashi ngt on.I none suchact i on, JudgeCowar tact ual l ygr ant edourr equest , despi t eopposi t i onf r om t hest at e, t ohol dt he st at ecour tpr oceedi ngi nMi ami( wher et het r i all adbeenhel d) ,r at hert hani nTal l ahassee( wher ei t hador i gi nat ed) .Wewer egl adf ort hat .I naddi t i ont obei ngt hesceneoft hecr i me,t heTal l ahassee t r i al cour t ' sr ecentact i onsi nt heNBCt apescasehadnotbeenencour agi ng.
OnSunday , June22,Iheadeddownt oFl or i daf ort hedur at i onoft hedeat hwar r ant , st oppi ngf i r st i nSt ar ket oseeTed,and,f ort hef i r stt i me,hi swi f e,Car ol e.IneededTedt osi gnt hepl eadi ngs, v er i f y i ngt hatt hef act swer et r uet ot hebestofhi sknowl edge.wasappr ehensi v eabouthowhe' dt ake myv er ypr omi nentcl ai mt hathehadbeenment al l yi ncompet entatt het i meoft het r i al .I fher ef used t osi gn,wi t ht heexecut i onschedul edf oronl yaweekaway ,we' dhav et oconsi derwhet herhewas pr esent l ycompet entt opr oceed.
CHAPTER7 Idr oppedof facopyofourpl eadi ngsatt hepr i sonanddr ov ebacki nt oSt ar ke.Iwant edt ogi v eTed t i met or eadourcl ai msbef or esi gni ngt hemandt ohav et i met odoi ti npr i v at e.Icr i ngedathi s r eadi ngt hecompet encycl ai m,gi v ent hathest i l ll i kedt ot hi nkofhi msel fascocounselont hecase. ButMi keMi ner v a' sf ast i di ousnot es-whi chhehadf or war dedt omepr ompt l yuponr ecei v i ngTed' s si gnedr el ease-hadt ol dadi f f er entst or y . Whi l eTedr ead,Iwentbackt oSt ar ke' sf ast f oodst r i pt omeetCar ol eBoone.Thi swasawoman whohadcomet ot heai dofanaccusedmur der ershe' dknownonl ycasual l ysev er aly ear sbef or e, whent hey ' dwor kedi nt hesameof f i ce.Shehadmar r i edhi m af t erhe' dbeensent encedt odeat hand conv i ct edofmur derasecondt i me.Herl i f eappar ent l yr ev ol v edar oundhi sneeds;shemov edf r om Seat t l et obecl osebyandv i si tasof t enast hepr i sonal l owed.Ihadapi ct ur ei nmymi ndofwhatsuch awomanwoul dbel i ke.Ii magi nedherasy oung,f l i ght ,mi ndl ess,dependent ,t ot al l yv ul ner abl et o mani pul at i on.Ipi ct ur edheral l dol l edupf orapr i sonv i si t .Butt hat ' snotwhatCar ol eBoonewasl i ke. Att heMcDonal d' swher eCar ol ehadsuggest edwemeet , awomanappr oachedmewi t hachi l dand ay oung mani nt ow.Shewast al land bi g boned,wi t hl ong aubur nhai rhangi ng st r ai ghtand unat t endedt o.Shewor eey egl asses.Thechi l dhoppi ngupanddownbesi deCar ol ewasagi r labout f oury ear sol d, herownbr ownhai rhangi ngi nherey es.They oungmanwasaboutni net een, wi t ht hi ck bl ackhai randast r ong,compactbui l d.Car ol ewasv er ybusi nessl i ke.Af t eraf i r m handshakeshe i dent i f i edt hechi l dasherdaught er ,Ti na,t hey oungmanasherson,Jamey .Thewar mt handst r ong bondamongt het hr eewasappar ent .Theywer eobv i ousl yav er ycl osef ami l y .Jameywassi l entbut ex t r emel yv i gi l ant .Hi spr ot ect i v est ancewashei ght enedbyhi si mposi ngbody bui l der ' sphy si que. Wehadl unchi nsi deandt r i edt omakesmal lt al k.Car ol easkedpol i t el yaboutmyt r i pandt hanked mef oral lmyef f or t s, t el l i ngmehowpl easedTedwaswi t hmywor k.Sheaskedhowweex pect edt he caset ogof orTedov ert henextf ewday s.Shemet okeepi ncl osecont actwi t hTed; Tedwasent i t l ed t ot hat .Sheaskedf ornot hi ngf orher sel f .Iwasi mpr essedwi t hhowcar i ngandconf i dentamot her shewas.Shet r eat edbot hherchi l dr enwi t hgr eatr espectandhandl edTi na' sgr owi ngi mpat i encewi t h ease.Nonet hel ess, i twasdi f f i cul tt ocont i nuet al ki ngi ncodewor dst oav oi dt i ppi ngof fTi nat hatTed wasi nt r oubl e, al t houghsheseemedt osenset het ensi onenought owantt ost aycl oset ohermot her . Car ol eandIt r i edt ot al kmor ef r ankl yi nt hepl ayy ar d,whi l eJameyent er t ai nedhi ssi st er ,butTi na woul dnotl eav eCar ol eal one.Fi nal l y , Car ol er el uct ant l yagr eedt ot akeawal kwi t hme, awayf r om her br ood. Att heedgeoft hehi ghway ,on a l i t t l epi eceofdi r tundera scr awnyt r ee,Iex pl ai ned t he compet encycl ai mt oCar ol e.It ol dherwhyi twassuchast r ongi ssue,howwel li twassuppor t edby t hef act s.I twast hebesti ssuewehadf orst oppi ngt hi sex ecut i onand, may beev ent ual l y , t or emov i ng hi sdeat hsent encesal t oget her .Af t erawhi l eInot i cedt hatCar ol ewasnotr espondi ng.Shest ood st i f f l y , st ar i nggr i ml yahead.Iaskedheri fIcoul dcountonhersuppor t .Car ol edi dnott ur nt of aceme asshespoke. " Tedwasnoti ncompet ent .Iwast her eatt het r i al ;hewasany t hi ngbuti ncompet ent .Ther ei s not hi ngment al l ywr ongwi t hhi m. Iswi t chedt act i cs,t el l i ngherIcoul dunder st andi fshedi dn' tagr eewi t ht hef act soft hecl ai m,but woul dn' tsheatl easthel pi mpr essTedwi t hhow necessar yi twast osav ehi sl i f e?Thr oughher cl enchedj aw, Igotmyanswer : " Tedwi l l nev ergof ori t .He' l l nev erl ety oucl ai m hewasi ncompet ent ." Ourconv er sat i onwasov er .Thi si ssuewasobv i ousl ynotnegot i abl e; i twasex t r emel yi mpor t antt o her , may bebecauseTedhadbeensov ehementabouti tatt het r i al , ormay bef orsomer easonofher own.I nanycase,i tsur pr i sedme.Ihadt houghtawomanwhohaddedi cat edherl i f et oamanon deat hr ow woul dsuppor tany t hi ngt osav ehi sl i f e.Appar ent l ynot .I tseemedast hought her ewas somet hi ngmor ecompl exatst akeher ef orCar ol et hanI ' di magi ned, per hapssomei mageofTedev en mor ei mpor t antt okeepal i v et hanTedhi msel f .
Idr ov ebackt ot hepr i sondr eadi ngt heconf r ont at i onahead.Di dTedf eelt hesamewayasCar ol e di d?Thet wooft hem wer esocl osel yi nsy nc,andTedhasst r essedbef or et hatal lcr uci aldeci si ons wer e" f ami l ydeci si ons."It houghtov ert hef act ual v al i di t yoft hecompet encyi ssuet or eassur emy sel f t hati twasanhonestcl ai m.Tedhadhadgood, dedi cat edl awy er sathi st r i alandt heyhadbel i ev edhe wasi ncompet ent .Ki ndl yandscr upul ousMi keMi ner v awoul dnothav er ai sedi tot her wi se, par t i cul ar l y i nt hef aceoft heobv i ousdi sbel i efofbot hTedandt hecour t .Tedhi msel f ,i nwhatappear edt ohav e beenast at eofex t r emeconf usi onandex ci t ement ,haddest r oy edhi sonl ycl earchancet oav oi dt he deat hpenal t y .Thepl eabar gai nhadbeenadonedealwhenhewentnut si ncour t , f i r edMi keMi ner v a andaccusedhi m ofsabot age, andt hencal ml yaskedhi mt opr oceedwi t ht hepl eahear i ng.Dr .Tanay hadsai dt hatTedhadament ali l l nesst hatpr ev ent edhi mf r om act i ngi nhi sownbesti nt er est , t hathe woul dev enai dt hepr osecut i oni fhecoul d.Thecompet encyhear i nghasbeenacl earsham, t het r i al a di sast er .Tedhadbeenf aci ngmur derchar ges,wi t hapossi bl edeat hsent ence,andal lt hathad mat t er edt ohi m appar ent l ywast hathebei nchar ge. Notonl ywast hecompet encycl ai mv er yst r ongoni t sown, It ol dmy sel f , i twasal sot hewi ndowwe neededonwhatr eal l yhadbeengoi ngonunder neat hTed' sot her wi sei nex pl i cabl ebehav i oratt het r i al . Suchashi sobnoxi ouspost ur i ngf ort hepr ess, hi sdi sr espect f ulanddest r uct i v ebant er i ngwi t hJudge Cowar t , hi sut t erl ackofconcer nf orwhatt hej ur ysaworhear d.Thi spubl i cbehav i orseemedt ohav e cont r i but edt ot hepubl i c' sheat edi nsi st enceonex ecut i on.Heappear edt ohav emur der edt hose womenwi t hdel i ber at est eal t handt henmockedj ust i cet oi t sf acebesi des.Buti f , i nst ead, Ted' ssel f dest r uct i v ebehav i oratt het r i alwasamani f est at i onofament ali l l nessov erwhi chhehadnocont r ol , ar esponsi bl e,humane,andhonestj udgewoul dnotbeabl et oi gnor et hei mpl i cat i ont hatTedhad beenment al l yunabl et oassi sti nhi sowndef ense.Wecoul dnotgot ocour twi t houtt hecompet ency i ssue.Notwi t ht hest akesast heywer e.Tedhadt osi gn.Ihadt oconv i ncehi mr i ghtnow,orwe coul dn' tcar r youtourpl ant osav ehi m. WhenIgott ot hepr i son, Il ear nedt omydi smayt hat , f ort hef i r stt i me, becausei twassocl oset o t heschedul edexecut i ondat e,Iwasnott obeal l owedi nt hesamer oom wi t hTed.Iwoul dhav et o speakwi t hhi mt hr oughagl assbar r i er .Tedwasnowon" phaseI I "ofdeat hwat ch.I twasnotagood si t uat i onf ordi scussi ngsomet hi ngsosensi t i v ewi t hTed.WhenIwasl edi nIf oundhi m si t t i nggl uml y atoneoft hest al l s; t heot herf i f t eenorsower eempt y .Twoguar dswer esi t t i ngdi r ect l ybehi ndhi m.I t wasn' tpossi bl et owhi sper , i twasdi f f i cul tenought ocommuni cat ei nar egul arv oi cet hr ought hel i t t l e speakeri nt hewi ndow.Tedwasbentov erhi scopyofmybr i ef .Iex pect edt hewor st .Tomysur pr i se, t hough,i twast hei nt er v i ew condi t i onst hathadTedt hemostupset ,notourbr i ef .Hi sr i ght swer e bei ngv i ol at edbyt hepr i son,hewhi sper edangr i l y ,andhewoul dnotst andf ort hat .Hesai dt hatt he pr i sonwaswr ong,hewasent i t l edt ocont actv i si t swi t hhi sat t or neyev enwhi l eondeat hwat ch.He wasbei ngsi ngl edoutf orext r ar est r i ct i onsagai n.Tedwasi nabadmood.I twasl ef tt omet obegi n di scussi ngt hecl ai msi nt hepet i t i on. Ispoker api dl yt okeepf r om hear i nganobj ect i on.Iemphasi z edhi speti ssue,hy pnosi s.It ol dhi m t hehy pnosi si ssuel ookedgood,Iwasv er yopt i mi st i ct hatwe' dgetast ay .I thadbeenagoodsi gn t hatwehadwonourmot i ont ohav et hecasehear di nMi amir at hert hani nTal l ahassee.ThenIt al ked ofhi sf ami l y , anot herf av or i t et opi c.Ihadhadagoodmeet i ngwi t hCar ol e, It ol dhi m.Shesentherl ov e; Ti nawasador abl e;Jameyseemedv er yni ce.Fi nal l y ,mybabbl eseguedi nt ot hecompet encycl ai m, howi twaspr i mar i l yt hepr ocedur aldef i ci enci esi nt hecompet encyhear i ngwewer eemphasi z i ngnot Ted' sbehav i or .We' dhadt oputal i t t l eoft hati n, butheal r eadyknewal lt hef act st hathadpr ompt ed Mi ner v at oaskf ort hathear i ngi nt hef i r stpl ace.I twasaf or m ofi nsani t yonmypar tt hatIt houghtI coul dputaspi nonmy125pagebr i efwhenhe' dj ustspentt hr eehour sr eadi ngi t .Tedal r eadyknew t hef ul lex t entofwhatI ' dwr i t t en,descr i bi ngi nci dent swher ehehadt houghthewasbei ngbr i l l i ant whenhewasact i ngst upi dl y ,outofi r r at i onalmot i v at i on.IguessIwant edt oov er whel m hi m wi t h wor dssohewoul dn' tt el lmewhathet houghtabouti t , andsoIwoul dn' thav et odealwi t hhi sr ef usal t oal l owt hecl ai m.Car ol eknewhi m bet t ert hanIdi dandshewascer t ai nTedwoul dchoosedeat h ov erdi sgr ace. Fi nal l yIst oppedt al ki ng.Li keCar ol e,Tedhadn' tsai dany t hi ngwhi l eIt al kedon.Hel ookedt ense andwoundup, dar kagai n.Webot hl ookedatt hepet i t i oni nf r ontofhi m.Wi t houtawor d, Teddr opped
hi sshoul der swi t hasi gh, si gnal edt heof f i cer sbehi ndhi mf orapen, andsl owl ysi gnedt hev er i f i cat i on wi t hhi susual bel abor edscr awl : " Theodor eRober tBundy . Mi ssi onaccompl i shed,If l ew t oMi ami ,r ent edacar ,andmetDar at osetupshop.Dar a,t he secr et ar ywhohadv ol unt eer edt ogot oFl or i dawi t hus, hadar r i v edear l i eri nt heday .Shewast went y oney ear sol dandhadnev erl ef thomebef or e, muchl essonapl ane.Butshe' dnev erment i onedt hat . Shehadmadet her eser v at i onsf oral lofus,t akenanadv ancef r om t hel aw f i r m,ar r angedf orher r epl acement ,l ear nedhow t ooper at et het el ecommuni cat i onssy st em,andt henherwhol eex t ended f ami l yhadseenherof fatt heai r por t .Dar awasonherownf ort hef i r stt i me.Wecheckedi nt ot he Hot el St .Mi chel i nCor al Gabl es, acr osst hest r eetf r om Zucker man, Spaeder&Ev ans, t hel awf i r mt hat hadagr eedt oactasl ocalcounselandt opr ov i deof f i cespace.( UnderFl or i dacour tr ul es,wewer e r equi r edt odesi gnat el ocalcounselt or ecei v enot i cesandt obeav ai l abl et oadv i seusonl ocal pr act i ce.)TheSt .Mi chelwasr eal l ymor eofapensi onet hanahot el .I thadaf ew smal lr ooms f ur ni shedi nant i ques,al ar gedi ni ngr oom t hatcat er edt ot hel ocalcr owdaswel l ,andani cecr eam par l or .Soonwewoul dbeont henewsconst ant l y -wewoul dbet henewsi nFl or i daandt hest af foft he St .Mi chelwoul d smi l e wi t h pr i de as we passed t hr ough t he t i nyl obby .We mayhav e been r epr esent i ngFl or i da' spubl i cenemynumberone, butwewer ecel ebr i t i esnonet hel ess.Today , howev er , wewer ej ustwel comecust omer sr ent i ngf ourr oomsf ort heweek-Dar a' s,mi ne,Ji m' s,andonef or Bi l l Dav i s, t hesummerassoci at eal ongf ort her i de.He' dhav et al est ot el l backatl awschool . Whent heBundyt eam wal keddownt hest r eetwel ookedl i ket heModSquad-ear nesty oung bespect acl edBi l l ; t al l , coolJi m; andme, t hebl onde.Wewer eeasyt ospotoncey ou' dseenusonTVandpeopl edi dspotus.Dar a,ont heot herhand,wasnev erseenwi t husi npubl i c,becausei fshe wasn' tneededatt heof f i ceshesnucksomesl eepordi sappear edwi t ht her ent edcar .Wheni twas t i met or et ur nt oWashi ngt on,Dar a' sr oom bor et hei ncr i mi nat i ngev i dence:ev er yi nchofspacewas cov er edwi t hunst eadypi l esofnew cl ot hesf r om TheGap.Homesi ck,Dar ahadsoughthav eni na f ami l i arenv i r onment .Dar aandIspentt hef i r stt woday sofourst ayi nMi amir at herl ei sur el y .We' d spendaboutni nehour satwor kedi t i ngt hemot i onswewer egoi ngt of i l ei nst at ecour t ,dr af t i ngt he i nev i t abl eappeal swehadt oant i ci pat emi ghtf ol l ow,wor ki ngont hewor dpr ocessi ngsy st em t hat wassupposed t o al l ow ust o hav et hedocument sr esear ched and dr af t ed i nWashi ngt onand t r ansmi t t edel ect r oni cal l yt ous.Thenwe' dgooutt oeatont hef i r m.Dar awasi mpr essed.Thi swas TheLi f e. OnWednesday ,June25,wi t hsev enday st ogobef or et heex ecut i ondat e,wehadourf i r stcour t hear i ngi nt hecase, ourf i r stout i ngi npubl i c, andourf i r stex per i encewi t ht hecamer as.Wear r i v edat t hecour t houseat9: 00a.m.andwer esur pr i sedwhent hebai l i f fsai dt hatt hej udgewant edt oseeJi m andmei nchamber s.Mustbesomet hi ngi mpor t ant .Theenor mousJudgeCowar tgr eet eduswar ml y andof f er eduscof f ee; heaskedgener al l yaboutourpl ans.Wechat t ednoncommi t t al l yandwonder ed whywewer et her e;wehadn' tt houghtt oaskwhot hemanatt heot herendoft her oom was( we' d assumedhewasacour templ oy ee)butwewer ei nt r oducedont hewayout :hewasaMi amiHer al d r epor t er .JudgeCowar tappar ent l yhadengi neer edt hemeet i ngt opr ov i dehi m wi t hascoop.Thatwas t y pi caloft hej udge' sappr oacht ot hi scase.Af t erpr onounci ngTeddeat hsent ence,f orex ampl e, JudgeCowar thadi nv i t edt heent i r epr esscor psi nt ohi schamberf ori nt er v i ewsandhadhadhi swi f e ser v ecake.Nowhehadasecondchancet ost epi nt ot hel i mel i ght .Theact ualhear i ngwasbr i ef .Ji m madet heor alar gument .Al awy erf ort hest at er esponded.JudgeCowar tr ul edagai nstus.Ther ewas noneedf oranexper tt oex ami neTedBundy ,hesai d.Hehi msel fhadseenTedi nact i onandi ft her e hadbeenanyev i denceofment ali l l nesshewoul dhav eseeni t .Heal sodi dn' tseeashowweneeded asymor et i met oi nv est i gat eandpr epar ecl ai ms.Mot i onf orst ayDENI ED.Nor ealsur pr i sesbut maddeni ngal l t hesame.Ineededt hatex per tassi st ance. Ther ewer ecamer asi nt hecour t r oom t hatday ,andwhenwel ef twewer epur suedbyapackof phot ogr apher sandr epor t er sshout i ngquest i ons.Whenwekeptonwal ki ng,oner epor t ert ol duswe hadt oatl eastst opt oal l owphot ogr aphsorr i skt hephot ogr apher si nf r ontofust umbl i ngbackwar d ov ersomebal cony .I tsoundedl i kebl ackmai l .Bywhatr i ghtcoul dt heyt el luswhatt odo?Thi swas notashowandwewer enotper f or mer s. Wespentt heent i r eni ghtdr af t i nganappealt ot heFl or i daSupr emeCour tandHowt oTal l ahassee
t henex tday ,Thur sday ,f ort heappealhear i ng.Ev erex pect ant l yl eani ngi nt hei nwhi chhewant edt o go, Ji m decl ar edwewoul dwi ni nTal l ahasseeandgost r ai ghthomet oWashi ngt onf r om t her e.I twas wi shf ult hi nki ngatbest ,del usi onatwor st ,butJi m mai nt ai nedabsol ut econf i denceofsuccessev er y st epoft heway .I t ' swhatkepthi m goi ng,Iguess.Andhi sconf i dencekeptmegoi ng.Andmi nekept Tedf r om f r eaki ngout .Ihopedhi st r ustwasnotmi spl aced. SoJi m, Bi l lDav i s, andIcheckedoutoft heSt .Mi chelandt ookourcl ot heswi t hust oTal l ahassee. Abewi l der edDar ar odewi t hust ot heai r por tandl ookedt er r i f i edassuddenl yshewasputi nchar ge oft her ent alcarandofcl ear i ngoutt heof f i cenowt hatwewer eonourwayt oTal l ahasseet owi nour appealandgetast ayofexecut i on.Whenweboar dedt hepl ane, ar oarofent husi asm ar osef r om t he r ear :Wewer eseat edsmackdabi nt hemi ddl eoft her epor t er sandphot ogr apher sf l y i ngupt ocov er ourFl or i daSupr emeCour tappeal .Theyhadusnow. Oncei nTal l ahasseewedr oppedof fourl engt hyappealpaper sandst oppedbyCCRt omakephone cal l s.Wi t hi nt hehourt hecour twasr eadyf orar gument .I fi twer eanyot hert y peofcasewewoul dnot hav emov edt ot hear gumentst agef ormont hs, wi t hadeci si onmont hsorev eny ear sl at er .Butdeat h i sdi f f er ent .Thecour twel comedJi m back-hehadr epr esent edSt ephenBookerbef or et hem and r ul edagai nstusi mmedi at el y .Whenwei nev i t abl yHewr i ghtbackdownt oMi amit hev er ysameday , t heSt .Mi chelwasov er j oy ed.Themanagerwassochagr i nedt hatt hemai dhadt hr ownoutt he shampooIhadi nadv er t ent l yl ef tbehi ndt hatheof f er edt of i r eher .Isai dt hatt hatwasn' tnecessar y . Thenex tdaywewor kedar oundt hecl ockt opr epar et hef i nalmot i onf orJudgeCowar t , aski ngf or r el i efont hemer i t sofourcl ai ms, r at hert hanj ustassi st anceandt i me.Thenewspaper swer emaki ng t hemostoft hi shor ser acebet weenTedBundyandt hest at eofFl or i da.Ev ent hought her epor t er s, whower ewel li nf or med,knew t hatwewer epr obabl ygoi ngt osucceedi nget t i ngast ayi nf eder al cour t ,t hei rar t i cl espl ay edt hest or yasi fTedwascer t ai nt odi e.I nt er est i ngl yenough,acoupl eof y ear sl at er ,dur i ngourdoomedf i ghtagai nstTed' sf our t hwar r ant ,t hepr essf annedt hef l amesby suggest i ngt hatwehadagoodchanceofsucceedi ng.TedBundy ' sex ecut i onwasent er t ai nment , not news, andt hepr opermi xoft hr i l l sandsuspensehadt obemai nt ai ned. Soi nf al seant i ci pat i onofTed' si mmi nentdemi se,t henewspaper scameoutwi t hex t ensi v e r et r ospect i v esofhi shi st or y .Toppi ngev er yonewoul dbehi ghschoolgr aduat i onpi ct ur esofsi xor ei ghtoft hey oungwomenhehadmur der ed.Al l egedl y , I ' dt hi nkt omy sel f .Icoul dn' tl ookatt hem.They coul dn' tber eal .Eacht i me, Ii gnor edt hatspr eadofpi ct ur esasi fi tdi dn' tex i st .Thent het ex t .Thet ex t woul dappeart odescr i bet heki l l i ngsi nUt ahandCol or adoi ndet ai l , i ncl udi ngamapwi t ht hel ocat i ons oft hecr i mes,emphasi zi ngt hei rr eal i t y .Ii gnor edal lt hat ,t oo.Basi cal l y ,ev ent houghmyv er yown casewasi nt heheadl i nesofev er yFl or i dapaper , r adi at i ngf r om ev er ynewsr ack, Inev err eadpastt he f i r stt hr eepar agr aphs.Ther est , Ted' spast , t hr eat enedme. Anot hermeasur eofhow ser i ousl yt hepr esspl ay edt hi sseconddeat hwar r antwast hesudden bar r ageofur gentmessagesf r om wr i t er sandr epor t er saski ngf ora" f i nali nt er v i ew"wi t hTedBundy bef or ehi sexecut i on.They ' d" uhhuh"pol i t el ywhenIt ol dt hem hewasnotgoi ngt obeex ecut ed,so t her ewasnoneedf oraf i nali nt er v i ew, t hent hey ' dgoont or epeatt hei rr equestf orone, " j usti ncase." Isai d" no"t ot hem al l . Butnoneoft hi swashel pi ngmyst at eofmi nd.Iwasget t i ngmor eandmor eanx i ous,par t i cul ar l y now t hatwewer egoi ngt hr oughacour tort woev er yday ,Then,onFr i day ,Igotal i t t l ebr eak.Ji m Col eman, t hel astcomput eri l l i t er at el awy eri nWashi ngt on, hadmadepl ansf orust ouseZucker man, Spaeder ' sphonest oconnectust oourWashi ngt onof f i cev i amodem.Hehadassumedt hi swas possi bl ewi t hut t err el i anceonhi sbasel essbel i eft hatcomput er swer eper f ect ,si mpl e,andi nst ant l y r esponsi v e( att hesamet i mer eser v i ngt her i ghtt osay" I ' v eal way sknownt hoset hi ngswer enodamn good"whensomet hi ngwentwr ong) .Nat ur al l y , t hen, whi l eIhadspentmostofJunewr i t i ngbr i ef sand, al ongwi t hJef f ,super v i si ngt hesummerassoci at esandl aw cl er ks,Ji m hadbeenor der i ngt he comput ert eam i nt oact i on.Theywer esupposedt odev i seasy st em sot hatwecoul deasi l ycont i nue t or ecei v esuppor t i ngmemor anda,dr af t s, andr esear chf r om t het eam i nWashi ngt on.Dar aandIhad spentnear l yal lofThur sday-whol epr eci ousdaydur i ngt hef i nalweekoft hedeat hwar r ant r y i ngt o r eal i z et hi sv i si on,butdi scov er edwecoul dnot ,duet osomei di osy ncr asyi nZucker man,Spader ' s phonesy st em.Ij umpedatt heof f eroft hemanagi ngpar t ner ,JohnEv ans,t owor koutofhi shome,
wher eourmodemspr esumabl ywoul dwor k.OnFr i day , wemov edt ot hecooldenofhi shouse, wher e t her ewasaswi mmi ngpoolj ustout si det hesl i di nggl assdoor ,awi descr eenTV,aki t chenet t ewel l st ockedwi t ht r eat sconsul t i nghopel essl ywi t ht hecomput ert eam backi nWashi ngt on.Dar awasi na pani c,mi ndf ult hatr ecei v i ngt hedocument swast r ul yamat t erofl i f eanddeat hand,wor se,her r esponsi bi l i t y .Iwasbl i ssf ul l yenj oy i ngt hi sr espi t eawayf r om t her ealcr i si s,aswecar eenedt owar d t heex ecut i ondat el esst hanf ourday saway .Li f ef el tsodi f f er ent , sopr i v at e, sopl easant , outt her eby t hepool . Tel ecommuni cat i onswi se,howev er ,t hi s at t empty i el ded onl yl i mi t ed success-we gott he document s, butt heywer egar bl edbecauset hef i l eswer et oobi g.Whenwegav eupandwentbackt o t heof f i ce, Dar aandIwor kedonpi er ci ngt oget hert hedocumentour sel v esont hecomput er .Bi l lDav i s was,asusual ,i nt hef i r m' st i nyl i br ar y ,t r y i ngt of i ndcasesuppor tf orsomenewar gumentt hatJi m hadj usti nv ent edbutj ustknewt her ehadt obepr ecedentf or .Hi m wasdr af t i ngmot i onsandpaci ng ar oundt heof f i ce,mai nt ai ni ngawi deber t har oundt hewor dpr ocessi ngv or t ex ,l i keacar t oonf at her hel pl essl yawai t i ngt hebi r t hofhi schi l d.I ,asusual ,t ookov er ,i nv ent i ngamat eur i shpr ocedur esf or spl i t t i ngt hi sst upi ddocumentandof f i ci ousl ydemonst r at i ngt hem t oDar a,nami ngt hef i l esPol l y .1, Pol l y .2, et c.; nott r ust i ngt ohandt hepr obl em ov er , notr eal l ywant i ngt of acet hel ar ger , r ealt ask.As i fIcoul ddel ayt heexecut i ondat ebybur y i ngmy sel fi nwor dpr ocessi ngmat t er s.Fi nal l yIt ookawal k i nt hedar kanddeser t edhal l soft heof f i cebui l di ngar ound3: 00a.m.Maki nggooduseofmyabsence, Dar aexper t l yspl i tt hef i l eswe' dal r eadyr ecei v edi nt ousabl esegment sandbeganpr i nt i ngt hem.I sawt hatt heywer enamedDar a.1, Dar a.2, Dar a.3.Wewer eabl et of i l et hef ul l br i eft henex tmor ni ng, aSat ur day .JudgeCowar tsetahear i ngf orMondayat9: 00a.m. Theheadl i nescont i nued:FOURDAYSUNTI LBUNDY' SEXECUTI ON; BUNDY' SLAWYERSSTARTTO RUNOUTOFTI MEI NFI GHTTOBEATOL' SPARKY.Thepr essspokewi t honev oi ceBundywasgoi ng t odi e.Ev er ydaywer ecei v edahundr edcal l s.Thesmal ll awof f i cehadseennot hi ngl i kei tbef or e, and t her ecept i oni stwasshockedt hatwewer en' tr et ur ni ngur gentphonecal l sf r om t hel i kesofConni e ChungorPeopl emagazi ne.Myadhocpol i cywast oanswerquest i onswhenar epor t erhappenedt o r eachme,butnott or et ur nphonecal l s.Thef ewi nt er v i ewsIgav ei nt hi shaphaz ar dmannerser v ed t hesamer edempt i v epur poset hatt heyhaddur i ngt hef i r stdeat hwar r antbacki nFebr uar y .I tf el t goodt ot al kt opeopl ewhosepr i mar ypur posewast odr aw meout ,t okeepmet al ki ngf ormor e quot abl equot es,andwhocar edonl yaboutt hebr oadestpar amet er soft hecase-nev ercomi ngnear t her eall egalhur dl est hatwer escar i ngmei nt oanemot i onalcoma.Onl yoccasi onal l ydi dsomeone dar easkt hequest i onIst i l ldi dn' thav eananswerf or ,t hequest i ont hatwoul dguar ant eet hatt he i nt er v i ewwasov er : " Whataboutt hev i ct i ms? " Weact ual l ygotaf ul lni ght ' ssl eeponSat ur dayand,onSundaymor ni ng,t heFl or i daBundyt eam metdownst ai r satt hehot elf orbr unch.I twasr eal l ymi dmor ni ngal r eady ,t hesunwasst r eami ngi n f r om t hewi ndows,andt hebanquett abl eswer epi l edhi ghwi t hf ood,i ncl udi ngt ant al i z i ngt r opi cal f r ui t sandsumpt uouspl at t er sofbr eadsandpast r i es.Cal m andat t r act i v el ocal si nSundaycl ot hes mi l l edabout .Ther ewasapotofcof f eeonourt abl eandr ealhal f andhal f .Ji m hadboughtacoupl e ofSundaypaper sandwasr eadi ngt hespor t ssect i on.Thet r oubl esomef r ontpagesandedi t or i al s scr eami ng" Deat ht oBundy "wer est r ewnont hef l oor ,upsi dedown.Bi l lDav i swascont r i but i ngt o mor al ebyj oki ngar ound,t easi ngJi mt oel i ci tgoodnat ur edgr owl s.Dar awasqui etandsuppr essi ng hersmi l es, t r y i ngherbestt opr et endt her ewasnot hi ngunusual f orherabouthav i ngaf ancybr unchi n ahot el i nMi ami .AndIf el tv er ycher r y .Anot herbr eaki nt hedr ama. Butt henJi m andIgott ot al ki ng.Jef fRobi nsonwassupposedt obepr epar i ngt hef eder alhabeas cor puspet i t i onbacki nWashi ngt ont hatweekend.Butweknew heal sowaswor ki ngonanot her pr oj ectt hatweekendf orapay i ngcl i entandademandi ngpar t ner andi twoul dbehar df orhi mt oget awayt owor konourcase.Hehadbeenassur i ngust hathe' dhav enopr obl em put t i ngt hepet i t i on t oget herandsendi ngi tdownwi t hal aw cl er konMonday .Theex ecut i onwassetf orTuesday .We wer ecer t ai nt ol oseourst aymot i onbef or eJudgeCowar tMondaymor ni ng,andt hent heFl or i da Supr emeCour tappealt hataf t er noon.Wewant edt ohav esomet hi ngsi t t i ngi nf eder alcour tbyt he endoft hedayMonday .Att hesamemoment ,wi t houtawor dbet weenus,Ji m andIst ar edateach ot herandbot hr eal i zedi twasnotgoi ngt ohappen.
Wi t haf ul lpl at ei nf r ontofmeatt hef i r str el ax edmealwe' dhadsi nceJi m hadar r i v edi nFl or i da, i nt endedt obeonl yt hef i r stofmanyot herhel pi ngsf r om t hebuf f ett abl e,Il eaptupandt ol da di sbel i ev i ngDar at hatshewasdr i v i ngmet ot heai r por ti mmedi at el y .Iwast oWashi ngt on.If el thi gh ont hepl ane,gi ddywi t ht hef astpaceofev ent s,gl adt obel eav i ngMi ami ,happyt ohav et heki ndof t askaheadIwasbestat :ov er ni ghtpr oduct i onofabr i efont hemer i t s,t hef act saboutTed' st r i alI knewsowel l .Ienj oy edwr i t i ngt hest or y .Asf at ewoul dhav ei tIwasbumpedupt of i r stcl assbecause t heRi ghtwasov er booked.Sowast heguynex tt ome.Asheknockeddownt hef r eedr i nks,I r ei nv ent edmy sel ff ort her i de.It ol dhi mt hatIwasaf r eespi r i t .t hatt hepur poseofmyl i f ewast o enj oymy sel fandt henmov eon.Fort hr eehour st hest r uggl ebacki nFl or i da,mur der ,ex ecut i on, seemedbutadi st antmemor y .Thi sguy , i tt ur nedout , l i v edonani sl andi nt heCar i bbeanandmadehi s l i v i ng bypr ov i di ng suppor tser v i cest o mar i j uanamagnat es.Hesai l edt hei rboat st o Mi amior wher ev er ,anysaf ehar bor ,hel pi ngt hem t oav oi dt axassessor sandpol i ce.Hewasonhi swayt ohi s mot her ' sf uner al .Whenhewassoakedsot hor oughl yi nal coholhewoul dhav ei gni t edi nt hepr esence off l ame, t hi smoder ndaypi r at egav emehi sphonenumberandmademepr omi set ov i si thi m onhi s i sl and.Suchaf r ee,unencumber edspi r i tasIwashar dt of i nd,hesai d.If el taf l ashofi magi nar y f r eedom f r om t hef or mi dabl e compl ex i t i esi nwhi chIhadmi r edmy sel f . Iar r i v edi nWashi ngt onl at eSundayaf t er noonandbur sti nonJef f .JustasJi m andIhadsuspect ed, hewast r appedi nanendl essmeet i ngwi t hanot herpar t nerandhi scl i ent .Myunex pect edar r i v alf r om Fl or i dagav eJef fanexcuset odi t cht hem t owor kwi t hmet ocompl et et hehabeaspet i t i on.Al l210 pagesofi t .Wecutandpast ed,dr af t edandedi t ed,andst oodbehi ndt heoper at or si nt hewor dpr ocessi ngcent er , ur gi ngt hem onl i kegal l eysl av es. Ikeptt hi nki ngofmyhomei nt hebeaut ypar l or , onl yaf ewbl ocksaway .Mybed, myf r eshcl ot hes, mybount i f ulsel ect i onofbeaut ysuppl i es.ButInev erhadev ent enmi nut est ospar e.Il ef tf orFl or i da at7: 00a.m.wi t habr i ef casef ul l ofcopi esoft hepet i t i ont hatwassupposedt osav eTed' sl i f e.Oneof t hecl i ent sofmyenv i r onment all awpar t nert ol dmel at ert hathehadbeenont hatsamef l i ght , buthe f oundmef astasl eepwhenhecamebackt osayhel l o.IguessImusthav edoz edof f . Thatmor ni ng,Ji m andBi l lDav i swentt ocour tf ort hesecondhear i ngbef or eJudgeCowar t .The r ul i ng was as expect ed:Judge Cowar tdeci ded t hathe had i ndeed conduct ed an adequat e compet encyhear i ng,andt hatnoneofourot hercl ai mshadanymer i twar r ant i ngev enaday ' s consi der at i on.St ayDENI ED.Weappeal edt ot heFl or i daSupr emeCour tandr ecei v edi t sdeci si ont he sameday .AFFI RMED. Whenwef i l edt hehabeascor puspet i t i onwi t ht hef eder aldi st r i ctcour twewer et ol dt hatt he hear i ngwoul dbehel dt henextmor ni ngbef or eJudgeWi l l i am J.Zl ochi nFt .Lauder dal e.Thatf i r st hear i ngbef or eJudgeZl ochwoul dshat t erf or ev ermyi ngenuousconf i dencei nt hef eder alj udi ci al sy st em.I twasTuesday , l esst hant went y f ourhour sbef or et het i met heex ecut i onwast ot akepl ace. Tedhadbeenmov edont ophaseI I Iofdeat hwat ch,wher ehehadbeenmeasur edf oracasketand askedf orhi sf i nalr equest sandhowhewant edhi spr oper t ydi sposedofaf t erhi sdeat h.Theyhadn' t y etshav edhi shead.Fort hef i r stt i me,Ted' sv oi cesoundedshakyont hephone.Buther emai ned st eadf ast . " I fy ou' r econf i dent , Pol l y , I ' m conf i dent . Af t erJudgeZl och' shear i ng, t hough, Iwasn' tsosur ewecoul dcount onany t hi ng.Hewasav er ygent l emanl yy oungj udge,newt ot hebench,aReaganappoi nt ee.Hehad beenadi v or cel awy eri npr i v at epr act i ce.Hehadwar medandhumani z edhi scour t r oom benchwi t ha shadeddeskl ampandanol df ashi onedcanedchai r -i tev enmayhav ebeenar ocker .Hewasnotatal l st er norunappr oachabl e.Hewast al l , bl ond, handsome, andf r i endl y , af or merf oot bal lpl ay eratNot r e Dame.Hehadnocl ueast ohowt ohandl eadeat hcase.Butheknewt hathewasnotgoi ngt obet he j udget hatcausedTedBundy ' sexecut i ont obest ay ed.Ihadex pect edt hatf r om t hest at ecour t s, but notf r om t hef eder al j udges.Ihadassumedt hey ' dappl yt hel awi mpar t i al l y . Whent hehear i ngbegan,JudgeZl ocht ol dust hathehadr eadourent i r e210pagepet i t i ont he ev eni ngbef or eandhadt hor oughl yr esear chedt hel egali ssues.Hewasdeny i ngal lsev ent eencl ai ms
ont hei rmer i t s-wi t houtahear i ng.Thepr osecut or s,sur pr i sedatt hebr eadt handswi f t nessoft he deci si on, askedi ft hej udgewoul dl i ket oseet her ecor d, becausei twasst i l ll ockedi nt hei rcar .Judge Zl ochsai dt hatwoul dn' tbenecessar y ,hecoul dt el lbyt hepet i t i ont hatt heact scl ai medt obet he r esul tofi nef f ect i v eassi st anceofcounsel ,f orex ampl e,coul dhav ehadr easonabl eex pl anat i ons. Fr om t hepet i t i onal onehecoul dt el l ,asamat t eroff act ,t hatt her ewer enosi gnsi nt her ecor dt hat TedBundymi ghthav ebeeni ncompet ent .
JudgeZl och' smi st akewast hatheby passedt hepur poseofahabeascor puspet i t i on,whi chi s si mpl yt ost at ei ssuest hatcanbepr ov enwi t ht her ecor d.I ti snotsupposedt ocont ai nal lt he ev i dencef ort hecl ai ms.I nef f ect ,JudgeZl ochwassay i ngt hatr ealhadbeenr ai sedbuthecoul d deci det hem wi t houtanyev i dence.Thi swasabi gmi st ake. Ji m keptspar r i ngpol i t el y ,al way sonhi st oes,aski ngJudgeZl ochquest i onsabouthi sr ul i ng.Of cour seaj udgei snotr equi r edt oanswerquest i onsf r om counsel , butJudgeZl ochwast oocour t eous t or ef use.WhenJi m askedhi m somet hi ng, JudgeZl ochwoul dgaz eatt hecei l i ngf ort hel ongestt i me, t hen,somet i mes,r ecesssohecoul dl ooki tup.Heseemedt ohav enoi deaofhi sessent i aler r or :He shoul dnothav ebeent al ki ngaboutt hef act satal l .I fwehadmadeav i abl ecl ai m wewer eent i t l edt o pr esentf act sont hatcl ai m,andwewer eent i t l edt oast ayofex ecut i ont oal l owt i mef ort hatt ot ake pl ace. ThenJudgeZl ochv ol unt ar i l ymadet hi ngswor sef orhi msel f .I tsuddenl yoccur r edt ohi mt hatt he Fl or i daSupr emeCour thadr ul edonourappeal t hedaybef or e.Hecr i t i ci z edus( gent l y )f ormaki nghi m wast ehi sent i r eev eni ngt heni ghtbef or er eadi ngourl engt hypet i t i on.Obv i ousl y ,i ft hest at ecour t s hadf ul l yhear danddeci dedt hesesamecl ai ms, t heycoul dnotal sobebr oughti nt of eder alcour t .Thi s washi sr eal l ybi gmi st ake.Undert he" doct r i neofex haust i on,"asaf eder alcour t esyt ot hest at es, cl ai msbr oughtagai nstst at ej udgment smustf i r stbedeci dedbyt hest at ecour t s.Thepet i t i onermust hav eex haust edhi sst at er emedi esbef or ecomi ngi nt of eder alcour t .Ot her wi se,ofcour se,wewoul d nev erhav ebot her edwi t hJudgeCowar tatal l . Tot opi tal lof f , ev ent houghhedeni edourst ay , JudgeZl ochdi di nf actbecomet hej udgedi r ect l y r esponsi bl ef orTedBundyr ecei v i ngast ayofex ecut i on.Att heendoft hehear i ng,Ji m askedhi mi f he' dgr antusacer t i f i cat eofpr obabl ecauset oappeal t ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal s.Thati s, woul dhecer t i f yt ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui tt hatwehadar guabl egr oundst oappeal ?Wewai t edi nsi l ence f ort heanswerast hej udgesear chedt hecei l i ng.Fi nal l y ,gal l ant l y ,hesai dy es.Wi t ht hat" y es"t he El ev ent hCi r cui t ' sst aywasguar ant eed.TheEl ev ent hCi r cui tt henhadnochoi cebutt oacceptt hecase f orappeal , andt husnochoi cebutt oi ssueast ayofex ecut i oni nor dert oheart heappeal .And, wi t hi n hour s, t hat ' swhathappened. Wewer ebackatZucker man, Spaederwhent henewscame.Thoughnof r i endsofTedBundy ' s, t he st af fatt hef i r m wer ehappyf orourper sonalv i ct or y andf ort hepr i v i l egeofbei ngt hef i r stt oknow. Par t i cul ar l ywhent hehandsomel ocalnewsanchorcamet oi nt er v i ewJi m,andahel i copt erhov er ed ov er headt ot r ansmi ti tl i v eont el ev i si on.Ji m di dn' tshar emysuper st i t i onaboutpr essi nt er v i ews. Tedwasgl adt ogett hest ay ,ofcour se,butabi tmi f f edt hatt heot heri nmat e,Ger al dSt ano,had got t enhi sday sbef or e." Andhedi dn' tev enhav eanyi ssues! "sai dTed,i ndi gnant l y .Ted' skeensense ofj ust i ce. Ther ear ebenef i t st ohav i ngy ourwor kcov er eddai l yi nt hepr ess. Yourf ami l yknowsy ourwher eabout s.Mycousi nBr uceandhi sf ami l y ,f ol l owi ngt hecaseont hei r sai l boat ' sr adi oandhear i ngoft hest ay , knewj ustwhent osai l i nt oNant uckett opi ckmeupf orav i si t . If l ew t omeett hem onJul y5,myt hi r t y f our t hbi r t hday ,andspentaweekgi v i ngmani cur est omy y oungcousi nsandenj oy i ngt het r anqui l mut enessi mposedbyt henoi sysea.
Thanky oucar df r om Ted
" TedBundy "i st oser i alki l l er sas" Kl eenex "i st odi sposabl ehandker chi ef s:Thebr andnamet hat st andsf oral l ot her s.Il ear nedt hi swast r ueev enamongdeat hpenal t ydef ensel awy er satt hei rannual conf er enceatar et r eatcent eri nr ur alVi r gi ni at hatAugust .Ji m hadr ecei v edani nv i t at i ont ot hi s ex cl usi v egat her i ngbecauseofhi swor dont heBookercase,butsentmei nhi spl aceasawayof f ur t heri ndoct r i nat i ngmei nt ot hecul tofdeat hpenal t yl aw-ormay bei twasj ustsupposedt obeani ce v acat i on.Theconf er encewashel dwhent heU.S.Supr emeCour tj ust i cesar eonv acat i onandst at es obser v eav ol unt ar yceasef i r ei nschedul i ngex ecut i ons. Sot her et heywer e,150orsomur der er s' l awy er s, al lt oget heri nani sol at edconf er encecent erout i nt hecount r y ,al lt al ki ngaboutt hei rcl i ent s,t hei rcl i ent s' cr i mes,t hei rcl i ent s' deat hsent ences.They wer er ealdeat hpenal t yl awy er s,notcor por at edi l et t ant es.Unl i keme,t heot her sdi dn' thav eonl yone caset owor konnear l yf ul l t i me, wi t ht heseemi ngl y endl essr i chr esour cesofal ar gepr i v at el awf i r m att hei rdi sposal .Mostwer epai dbyt hegov er nmentandhadt osqueez eev er ydi me.Unl i kemi ne, t hei r caseswer enotf r ont pagenewsi nUSAToday ,di dnotat t r actanyspeci alat t ent i on,di dnotel i ci tany speci alacknowl edgment .Thei rcl i ent shadnotbecomecel ebr i t i es,t heywer ej ustpeopl e,most l y y oung,most l ymal e,most l ybr ut al l yv i ct i mi z edt hemsel v es,whohadki l l edsomeone,usual l yhor r i bl y . Andt hesewer emost l yt r i al ,notappel l at e,l awy er s,whi chmeantt hedeat hsent encehadn' tbeen i mposedy etandt heyhadt her esponsi bi l i t yofpr ev ent i ngi t .Asanappel l at el awy erIwoul dhav et he l ux ur yoft r y i ngt obui l dmycasebybl ami ngt het r i all awy er sf ort hei rshor t comi ngsi fIcoul d.Andi t al someantt hati ft heydi dav er ygoodj obandt hepl anet swer ei napar t i cul aral i gnment ,t hei rcl i ent woul dnotonl yav oi dt odeat hpenal t y , hewoul dgof r ee.Theyhadt ober eadyt oembr aceassuccess t hatpossi bl er esul toft hei ref f or t s.Thatwasnotsomet hi ngIhadt obepr epar edf ori nTed' scase.My goalwast oov er t ur nt heconv i ct i on,wi nanew t r i alandhopet hatt hest at eofFl or i dawoul dof f er anot herpl eabar gai nt oav oi dgoi ngt hr oughi tal lagai n.Myul t i mat egoalwasal i f esent ence.Ther e wasnor eal i st i cpossi bi l i t yt hatTedwoul dgof r ee-andt hatwasf i newi t hme.Idon' tt hi nkTed hi msel fev enhadhopeshi sconv i ct i onwoul dbeov er t ur ned;hewasj ustl ooki ngf ort i me, j usthopi ng f ordel ay s. Soagai nIf el tuncomf or t abl y" pr et t y ,"adandi f i edcor por at el awy ert oy i ngwi t honehi ghpr of i l e post conv i ct i ondeat hpenal t ycase.Att hef i r stev eni ng' sr ecept i ont heot herpar t i ci pant sshar edt he st uf foft hewor kt heyhadi ncommon, t hest uf ft heycoul dshar eonl ywi t hcol l eagues.Wi t houtf earof j udgmentt heyr ecount edt hei rcl i ent s't or t ur edchi l dhoodsaswel last hei rmur der ousadol escences. Theydescr i bedout r ageoussummar yt r i al sandt heef f or t st hey ' dmadet ohol dbackdeat h' sgapi ng j aw.Ihadnot hi ngt osay .If el tsosmal l , sousel ess, sodi f f er entf r om t heot her s.Iwas, i nf act , adeat h penal t yl awy er .Idi d, i nf act , hav east or yt ot el l .ButIf el taf r audnonet hel essandkeptsi l ent . I twasaboutel ev ent hatni ghtwhenIsl i ppedoutoft her ecept i ont or i debackt omydor mi t or y , aboutahal fmi l eaway , ononeoft heconf er encecent er ' sbal l oont i r ebi cy cl es.Ihadr i ddent hi sr out e oncebef or e,i nt heday t i me,andi thadseemedsi mpl eenough:downawi ndi ngpat ht hr oughasmal l woods,upt hehi ghwayal i t t l eway ,ashor tt ur nt ot her i ght .Thedor m wasar el at i v el ybi gbui l di ng. cov er edi nwhi t epl ast er , l i keasmal l , unador nedmot el .It houghtnot hi ngaboutset t i ngouti nt hedar k, t houghIdi df eelpr et t ygoof ybounci ngupanddownont hespr i ngyseatofabi cy cl ewi t honl yone gear .I ' dbeendoi ngal otofr i di ngl at el yonmyhar dsaddl et enspeedbacki nWashi ngt on,f ast pedal i ngt obl ast i ngr ockmusi conear phonesunt i lmysenseswer eex haust ed.ThenIcoul dr el ax .But now, wi t hmydor mi t or yl esst hanami l eaway , t hi sj al opywasadequat et ot het ask. WhenIst ar t edoutIwasst i l li nci t y dar kness, t hel i ght sf r om t heconf er encecent erst i l lwi t hmeas Ient er edt hewoods.Icoul dst i l lseeper f ect l ywel l .Butaf t erashor twhi l e,wi t houtmynot i ci ngi t ,t he l i ghtf aded.Ihadf or got t enhow dar kni ghtr eal l yi s.Outi nt hecount r y ,i nt ot hewoods,ni ghti s compl et el ydar k.Icoul dbar el yseet her oadbeneat hme, muchl esst her oadupaheadort hebushes t ot hesi de.Ihadn' tt houghtt obr i ngal ongaf l ashl i ght .It houghtoft ur ni ngbackandaski ngf orar i de,
butIwasf arenoughal ongt ot hi nkt hatIcoul dmakei tt her estoft hewayi nt hedar k.Isl oweddown, r i di ngcaut i ousl ysoasnott omi sst hecur v esandf al lof ft her oad.Igr ew war y .Any t hi ngcoul d happeni nt hedar k, i nt hewoods.Any onecoul dbet her e. WhenIr eachedt hehi ghwayIt houghtI ' dmadei t .Af ai ntmooni nt heov er castskyal l owedmet o f ol l owt hewhi t el i neont heedgeoft her oad.I ' dbehomesoon.Ist ar t edl ooki ngf ort hesi der oadt hat l edt ot hedor m,t heoneont her i ght ,soonaf t ert hewoods.Ikeptr i di ng,f i ndi ngnot hi ngt hatl ooked r i ght .Fi nal l y ,Iknewf orcer t ai nI ' dgonet oof arandt ur nedar oundt or et r acet her out e.Acarpassed, f ul lspeedahead,br i ef l ypr ov i di ngt hensnat chi ngbackt hebr i ghti l l umi nat i onofi t sheadl i ght s.Iwas gr owi nghungr yf orl i ght .Ir odebackt owher et hewoodsmett hehi ghwayandst ar t edupt her i ght si deagai n.St i l l not hi ng.WhenI ' dagai ngonewhatIknewwast oof ar , It ookt heonl ysi der oadIf ound. AsIr odedowni t ,Ikeptst r ai ni ngt oseeanout l i neofamanmadest r uct ur e,t hedor m bui l di ng, somet i mesget t i ngof ft hebi cy cl eandwal ki ngbesi dei tbecauseact ual l yf eel i ngt hesur f acewast he onl ywayIcoul df i ndt her oad.I twassodar k.I twast heni r eal i z edt hatt her ear enoguar ant ees.ThatI woul df i ndt hedor m.ThatIwoul dn' tbesomeot herangr yman' sv i ct i m.I toccur r edt ouet hatIwas compl et el yv ul ner abl e. Icoul dn' tr at i onal i zeawayt hev ul ner abi l i t y , asIhadi nt hepast .Whenasast udentI ' dwor kedi nan i sol at edcar r eli nf or sakenst acksoft hel i br ar y ;whenasasoci alwor kerI ' dent er edt hehomesof v i ol entchi l d-abuser sand out of cont r olschi z ophr eni cs;when asadr unkI ' d depended on t he ki ndnessofst r anger s;whenasal awy erIhadwal kedhomegai l yonanunpeopl edsi dest r eetona dar kFebr uar yni ght ,exul t antaboutt he" l i t t l epr obonocase"I ' dj ustaccept edI ' dbel i ev edIwas i nv ul ner abl e.Iwasnott hev i ct i m" t y pe,"andser i alr api st sandki l l er shadbeenl ar gel yi nv ent edby newspaper s.That ' swhatI ' m al way sbel i ev ed. Butnow Iknew one.Iper sonal l yknew af l eshandbl oodhumanbei ngwhol ookedj ustl i ke ev er y bodyel seandhadki l l edwomenatr andom.Womenl i keme,womennotev enashel pl essasI wasnow.Losti nt hedar konawr ongr oadi nast r angepl ace. Ri di ng,somet i meswal ki ng,downt heasphal tr oad,Inol ongert r ust edmymemor yt hatt hedor m bui l di ngwasr i ghtof ft hehi ghway .May bei twasj ustal i t t l ef ur t herahead.Not hi ng.Not hi ngbutan occasi onalpat choft al lbushes.Ir odepastt hem qui ckl y .Ihear dt hest i r r i ngofsmal lani mal sandt he cr ackoft r eebr anches.Thecl oudsshi f t edawayf r om t hemoon.Icoul dseehouses.Ther ewer e housesbyt hesi deoft her oad.Iwasn' tal one.Mybr i efr el i efv ani shedwhenIsawt hatt heywer est i l l underconst r uct i on,empt y ,l i keghosthouses.Now i tr eal l yhi tme.Iwasdef endi ngone.Oneoft he menlcoul dn' tadmi tev enexi st ed.AndIhadj ustcomef r om ar oom whenpeopl ewer eshar i ngst or i es aboutt hehundr edsofki l l er st heyhaddef ended.Sy mpat het i cst or i es.We' dl aughedaboutt hem. NowIknewI ' dgonet oof ar .Wi t houtst eppi ngdown,It ur nedt hebi cy cl ear oundandheadedback t hewayI ' dcome.Atf i r stt hedi m moonl i ghtal l owedmet or i def ast er ,becauseIcoul dseet her oad al t houghaf at t i r eonespeedwi l lgoonl ysof ast , par t i cul ar l yunderar i derwhohasgr ownweaki nt he knees.Suddenl y , j ustasIcameupt oapat choft al lbushesal ar gef or m bur stout .Icoul dn' tseei ti n t hedar kness,butIcoul dheari t swei ghtwheni thi tt hepav ement .I twasheav y .Myhear tcont r act ed wi t haj ol t .Thi swasi t ,per f ectj ust i ce.Bundy ' sl awy erbecomesanot her ' sv i ct i m.Thef or m passed, pr obabl yadeer .Al i t t l ewayaheadIsaway ar dl i ghtandr odet owar di tseeki nghel p.WhenIgott her e Isawi twast hedor mi t sel f .Iwassaf e.I ' dbeenspar ed. Att hegener alsessi onsoft hedeat hpenal t yconf er ence,mycl i ent ' snamecameupof t en.Nothi s case,ofcour se,nott hef actt hathehadbeenschedul edt obeex ecut edt wi cet haty earal r eady .No, ev ent hesear dentdeat hpenal t yopponent sappear edwi l l i ngt ol etTedBundybeex ecut edhegav e capi t aldef endant sabadname.Hi snamest oodf ort heunmi t i gat edev i l doert hatt hei rowncl i ent s cer t ai nl ywer enot . " Unl i keTedBundy ,"someonewoul dst ar tout ," mostcr i mi naldef endant spr esentsy mpat het i c ci r cumst ancest hatwoul dmi t i gat eagai nsti mposi t i onoft hedeat hpenal t yi nt hemi ndoft hej ur or s." " We' v egott ogett hewor dout ,"anot herwoul dsay ," t hatTedBundyi snott y pi calofdeat hr ow i nmat es." Unabl et ost andi tanyl onger ,Ir oset oobj ectandwaspr ompt l yaskedt osi tdown.Shaki ngand hol di ngbackt ear s, Ispokemymi nd.Iwasshockedt oheart hi saudi encewi l l i ngt oseeTeddi e.I nmy
mi ndt hev er ypoi ntoft hi swor kwast hatal lhumanl i f ewassacr ed,wi t houtj udgmentordi st i nct i on, andt hati twast het r ul yhei nouscasest hatt est edwhet herweaspeopl eandasasoci et yr eal l ymeant t hat .Fur t her -mor e, TedBundywasnotasy mbol , amet aphor , acar dboar dcut out .Hewasar ealman, capt i v eandr ender edhar ml essatpr esent , madeoff l eshandbl ood. Ial sopoi nt edoutsomet hi ngnooneev erseemedt ot akei nt oaccountaboutTed:Ev eni nt he absenceofanymi t i gat i ngev i dencei nhi sbehal f , t hej ur yt hatconv i ct edhi m oft heChi Omegasor or i t y housemur der shadbeenhungatsi xt osi xf orl i f eordeat h, unt i lJudgeCowar ter r oneousl yi nst r uct ed t hem t hatt heywer er equi r edt obr eakt het i e.Wi t houtt hati nst r uct i onTedwoul dhav egot t enal i f e sent ence.Andnodeat hpenal t yopponentwoul dbesay i ngnowheshoul dhav ebeenex ecut edi nst ead. Ther oom wassi l entf oramoment ,t hent hemeet i ngpi ckedupwher ei thadl ef tof f .A f ew anony mousnot esofsuppor twer epassedt ome.Forabr i efmoment , Iwasoneoft hem. Att heendofAugust ,backatt heof f i ce,Ihear df ort hef i r stt i met henameoft hewomanwho woul dpr ov i det hecr i t i calmi ssi ngl i nki nourcase:ar ecogni z edment ali l l nesst hathadr ender edTed i ncompet entt oassi sthi sat t or ney satt r i al .CCR cal l edt osayt hatapr omi nentpsy chi at r i st ,Dr . Dor ot hyLewi s,wasgoi ngt obeconduct i nganex haust i v eev al uat i onofcondemnedadol escent sat Fl or i daSt at ePr i sonandt hatweshoul dt r yt ogetTedt est edwhi l ehert eam wast her e.IaskedCCRt o dowhatt heycoul dt omaket hathappen.Atl easti twoul dbeabegi nni ng.Anot herl awf i r m, Sher man &St er l i ngi nNewYor k, wasf oot i ngt hebi l l f ort hej uv eni l est udyaspar toft hei rpr obonocommi t ment . Ij umpedatt hechancet ogetsomef r eepsy chi at r i cassi st ance. I mmedi at el yaf t ert hest ayi nJul y ,Tedhadsenthi st hanky oul et t er ,al ongwi t hacar dhehad wr i t t ent hedaybef or et heexecut i ondat ei ncasei twashi sl astchance.Bot hex pr essed" mypr of ound gr at i t ude"f orourwor k.Hehadaskedf oral i stofal lt hepeopl ewhohadwor kedont hecasesot hat hecoul dsendt hem t hanky oucar dsaswel landhedi d,i ncar eoft hef i r m.Dar awasambi v al entat bestaboutr ecei v i ngher s.Iguessi t ' snotev er ydayal et t erar r i v esf r om aser i alki l l er ,addr essedt o y ouper sonal l y . Mybr andnamecl i entat t r act edt heat t ent i onofaLi f emagaz i ner epor t erwhowasespeci al l y per si st ent .Li ndaGomezcal l edf r equent l yaf t ert heJul yst ay ,want i ngt odoast or yonhi m.Shesai d shemi ghtbeabl et of unnel somemoneyt oCar ol eBoonebycal l i ngheral egal assi st antt ot hepr oj ect orsomet hi ngl i ket hat ,i fTedwoul dagr eet oani nt er v i ew.Fl or i dahada" SonofSam"l awpr ev ent i ng i nmat esf r om pr of i t i ngf r om t hest or i esoft hei rcr i mes. Tedwasv er yanx i ousf ormet oexpl or et hi spossi bi l i t y .Hewasal way st r y i ngt of i ndawayt oear n moneyf orCar ol eandTi na.Iwasv er ycool t ot hei deaofany onei nt er v i ewi ngTed, f orsev er al r easons. Fi r stofal l ,Iknew f r om f i r st handexper i encet hatt hef i nalst or ycancomeoutwi t hav er ydi f f er ent sl antt hany ouhadt houghti twoul d.Second, not hi ngTedcoul dsaycoul dhel pourcase, buthecoul d cer t ai nl ysayt hi ngst hatcoul dhur ti t .Tedwasscr upul ousl yhonesti nhi sownway ,andhi shonest opi ni on, ofcour se, wast hatourcompet encycl ai m washogwash.Heav enf or bi dsomeoneshoul dask hi mt hatquest i oni nani nt er v i ew.Fi nal l y ,al t houghTed' scur r entment alcompet encywasnoty etan i ssue,i twoul dn' thel pt ohav er at i onal soundi ngst at ement sbyhi mi nt hepr essort ohav ear epor t er abl et ot est i f yast ohowv er yment al l ycompet entTedseemeddur i ngt hei ri nt er v i ew.Ted,ofcour se, t houghti twasqui t ei mpossi bl ehewoul dev ersayany t hi ngt hatwoul dbedamagi ngt ohi scase-he wasf art oocl ev erf ort hat .Buthi st or yhadshownhi m wr ong.Nonet hel ess,hewast hecl i ent ,andI di dn' tf eelIhadar i ghtt odi smi sst hei deaoutofhandwheni tmeantsomucht ohi m, soIev ent ual l y agr eedt omeetMs.Gomezf orl unch. WhenJi ml ef tonv acat i onhet ol dmeasusual t of ol l ow myownj udgmentont hi s.If el tv er y uncomf or t abl ewi t ht hepr ospectofev enmeet i ngwi t har epor t er ,muchl essgr ant i ngaccesst oTed. So Isoughtt he adv i ce ofot herpar t ner s atmyhi ghpower ed,hi ghpr of i l el aw f i r m ofhi ghl y ex per i encedandhi ghl yopi ni onat edl awy er s.Butnoonewoul dgi v emeadv i ce.Noone.Thepar t nerI wor kedwi t ht hemostout si det heBundycaset ol dmehedi dnotwantt oi nt er f er ewi t hanot her par t ner ' scase, sohewoul dnotv ent ur eanopi ni on.Acommuni cat i onspar t nerwhor epr esent edmaj or TVnet wor ksonpr essi ssuest ol dmehehadnoopi ni ononwhatIshoul ddo." Ir eal l ycan' thel py ou, " hesai d,asher eachedf ort hephonebywayofdi smi ssi ngme.Fi nal l yIaskedav ener at edseni or par t neratWi l mer :I st hi set hi cal ?Shoul dIbenegot i at i ngwi t har epor t er ?Am Iex posi ngt hef i r m her e
i npar t i ci pat i ngi naschemet osubv er tFl or i da' s" SonofSam"l aw?Ther oom wasi nf usedwi t hagr eat st i l l nessasIawai t edhi sadv i ce." I nmyday , "hebegan, " wedi dnott r yourcasesi nt hepr ess.But , "he cont i nued, " t hi ngsseem t ohav echanged."I not herwor ds, hewoul dnotgi v emehi sopi ni onei t her . So,unar medwi t hanygui danceandwi t hgr eatr el uct ance,ImetLi ndaGomezf orl unch.Shehad ar r angedf orust omeetatt hef anci esthot eli nWashi ngt ont heWi l l ar d.AssoonasIent er edt hest i l l , cooll obbyIknewt hi swaswr ong.Wewer eseat edi nadi scr eetencl av ei nt hedi ni ngr oomt heent i r e di ni ngr oom wasdi v i dedi nt odi scr eetencl av es.I twasmadef orcl andest i nemeet i ngs.Ms.Gomez ur gedmet oor dersomet hi ngex pensi v e.Wr ong.Sheshowedmesampl esofot herar t i cl esshe' d wr i t t en;sheassur edmeherar t i cl ewoul dbesy mpat het i ct oTed.Wr ong,wr ong.Whent hecheck f i nal l ycameshegr abbedi t , i nsi st edonpay i ng.Iputmymoneyont het abl eanddashedout , unabl et o t akeanot hermoment .Icoul dhearherchasi ngaf t ermewi t ht hemoneyI ' dt hr owndown:" Don' tbe si l l y , l etmepay ! "Wr ong, wr ong, wr ong.IguessIhadmyansweronwhatt odomybodyhadt ol dme. Thatwast hel astt i meIgav eanyconsi der at i ont oar equestf orani nt er v i ewwi t hTed,al t hought hey nev erst oppedcomi ng. UnderFl or i dal aw acondemnedpr i sonerhasar i ghtt oappl yf orcl emencyandt oal awy ert o r epr esenthi mi nanycl emencypr oceedi ngs.Theonl yhopeofpr ev ent i ngawar r anti nt heLakeCi t y casei f( when)t heSupr emeCour tdeni edcer t .i nOct oberwoul dbet ohav eot herl egalpr oceedi ngsi n t hecasependi ngatt het i me.Ev eni ft hegov er norsi gnedawar r antany way ,t hecour tconduct i ng t hosepr oceedi ngswoul dbehar dpr essedt onotgr antast ayofex ecut i ont oal l ow t hem t obe compl et ed.Soi nAugustIappl i edt ot het r i alcour ti nLakeCi t yt obeappoi nt edTed' scl emency counsel .Tedwasnothappywi t ht hi sappr oach.Hest i l lbel i ev edt hebestwayt ohandl ehi scasewas t owai tf oradeat hwar r ant , andonl yt henf i l eanycl ai mswehad.Butbegi nni ngcl emencypr oceedi ngs hadachanceofpr ev ent i ngawar r anti nt hecase,atl eastf oraf ew mont hs,andcour t sar emuch mor el i kel yt ot akear eall ookatt hei ssuesi nacaset hatdoesnothav eanex ecut i ondat eset .Ev eni f wegotawar r anti nOct ober ,t hef actt hatIhadbeenex pedi t i ousl yseeki ngt henex tl ogi call ev elof r el i efex ecut i v ecl emencymi ghtpr omptahi ghercour tt ogr antast ayt oal l owmet oseet hatt hr ough. Theor et i cal l y . Iwentaheadi nAugustandwr ot eal lt hemot i onsnecessar yt obeappoi nt edTed' scl emency counseli nt heLakeCi t ycase.( Tedhadhadt hechancet oappl yf orcl emencyi nt heChiOmegacase but , t y pi cal l y , hadf i r edhi scounselandbl ownhi soppor t uni t yt opr esentanyr easonheshoul dnotbe ex ecut edi nt hatcase.)If i l edt hesewi t hJudgeWal l aceJopl i ng,t het r i alj udgei nt heLakeCi t ycase, andhepr ompt l yr ul edt hatmymot i onswer epr emat ur ebecauset hecasewascur r ent l ybef or et heU. S.Supr emeCour t ,andt hati ft heyul t i mat el yov er t ur nedt heconv i ct i onanyappl i cat i onf orcl emency woul dbemoot .Whataki ndf i b.Thatwast hebestr ul i ngIcoul dhav egot t en, t hough.Idi dn' thav et o doany t hi ngbef or et heSupr emeCour tact edand,whent heydi ddenycer t .coul dst ar tcl emency pr oceedi ngsi nt heLakeCi t ycase-andmay beav oi doropposeawar r ant -wi t houtbei ngaccusedof " l ast mi nut edel ayt act i cs" ;mymot i onsandJopl i ng' sdeci si onwoul dshow Ihadt r i edt omov et he caseal ong. Ted' scozyandst abi l i zi ngf ami l yl i f e,hi sr out i neofSat ur dayv i si t swi t hCar ol eandTi na,ended abr upt l yi nAugustof1986.Car ol e' smot herwasbadl yi nj ur edi nacaracci denti nSeat t l eandCar ol e, Ti na,andJameyr ushedt ohersi de.Fur t her mor e,t heywer egoi ngt ohav et ost ayt her ef orawhi l eCar ol e' smot herwasgoi ngt oneedmont hsofr ehabi l i t at i on.ButTedseemedt oknowt hemov ewoul d endupbei ngper manentandi twas.Af t ert hef r i ghtoft wodeat hwar r ant s,Car ol eneededt oput somedi st ancebet weent hem,i fnotf orher sel f ,cer t ai nl yf orTi na." Notbei ngabl et oseet hem any mor ewi l lbemor edi f f i cul tt hanIcansay ,"hewr ot e,mai nt ai ni ngast i f fupperl i p," butt hat ' st he wayi thast obe."Heseemedmor eanxi oust hanev erf ormet ot r yt ogetaphonecal l t hr ought ohi mnott oabandonhi m aswel l . Ihopet hatr epr esent i ngmehasn' tbeent oodemandi ngorunpl easant .Ir eal i z et hatal otofwor ki s i nv ol v ed.Iknow, t oo, t hatIam ani nt ensel yunpopul arf i gur e.Ther ewasmuchhost i l i t ydi r ect edatmy at t or ney sf ol l owi ngt hest ay .Di di tbot hery ou?I ft hi scasei scausi ngy oupr obl ems, l et ' st al kabouti t . Pl easedon' tkeepi tf r om me.
Asal way s, hesi gnedof fwi t h" peace, t ed"andaddedani mpl or i ngP.S. : " Andcal l ..pl ease." CCRper suadedDr .Lewi st oi ncl udeTedi nherneur opsy chol ogyt est satFSPwi t houtusi ngt he r esul t si nherst udy .Iwr ot eTedaski nghi mt ocooper at eandt osendar el easet oDr .Lewi s.Ted compl i edbutcl ear l yst i l lt houghtanycl ai m basedonsomeal l egedment aldef ectwasasf al seasi t wasusel ess.Tr ue, att hi spoi ntwedi dn' thav emucht ogoon.Ar tNor manwascont i nui ngt oseeTed i nt hehopewewoul dbeabl et of or mal l yhi r ehi m, butI ' dhear dnot hi ngf r om hi m si nceJune.Wehad Dr .Tanay ' sev al uat i onf r om t het i meoft hecompet encyhear i ng,buthi sdi agnosi s,whi l ehi ghl y pr edi ct i v eofTed' sbehav i or ,wasnotv er yspeci f i cast oi t scause.Onet hi ngaboutTed' scasewas t hatwewer enev ergoi ngt ogett hebenef i tofanydoubt ; wehadt onai ldownhi sspeci f i cpsy chi at r i c pr obl em bef or ewegott oahear i ng.Wehadt ohav eex per tt est i mony .Thecour t shadr ef usedt opay f oranexper t ,CCRhadnotr espondedt omyl et t eraski ngf ori nv est i gat i v eser v i ces,andJi m st i l lwas notwi l l i ngt ospendt hef i r m' smoney .Butt henDr .Lewi scal l ed, andt hi ngsst ar t edt of al l i nt opl ace. " Di dy ouknowt haty ourcl i enti sbi pol ar ? ! "Dr .Lewi si snotonet omi ncewor ds.Ev ent hought hi s wast hef i r stt i mewe' dspoken, sheby passedt hesmal lt al kandbl ur t edoutherdi agnosi sasi ft osay , Ar ey oui ncompet ent ? !How coul dy ouhav emi ssedt hi s? !Dr .Lewi shadwor kedonsev er alcr i mi nal casesandseemedt oappr oachl awy er sassumi ngt heywer enoti nt er est edi nsav i ngt hei rcl i ent sand pur posef ul l yav oi dedpot ent i al l yusef ulev i denceofment ali l l ness.I twoul dbeawhi l ebef or eshe t r ust edme. " Uh, no…"Isai d, st r uckasi fbyl i ght ni ngwi t ht hef i r str ayofhopei nt hecase.Ar eal ment al i l l ness? Tedhadar eal ,def i nabl e,r ecogni zedment ali l l ness?Dr .Lewi s' sunboundedsel f assur anceand cer t ai nt yaboutherdi agnosi s,whi ch meantt hatTed was mani cdepr essi v e and wentt hr ough uncont r ol l abl emoodchangest hatmi ghthav ei mpai r edhi sj udgmentatt het r i al , wasl i keahandt oa womanonal eakyr af t .Themor ewecompar ednot es-hert estandi nt er v i ewr esul t swi t hmyhi st or y oft hecase-t hemor et heent i r est or yf el l i nt opl ace. ThatwaswhyTedhadi nv i t edt hepol i cei nt ohi scel li nt hemi ddl eoft heni ght , andr ambl edonand onaboutt hecompul si onsoft he" Ot herTed,"whi l epl eadi ngwi t hhi sl awy er sdur i ngt hedayt ost op t heuncounsel edi nt er r ogat i ons!Thatwaswhyhehadaskedf orandsi gnedacar ef ul l ynegot i at edpl ea agr eementi nwhi chheadmi t t edhi sgui l t ,butt henst ay edupal lni ghtt y pi ngaf i f t eenpage,si ngl espacedmot i ont ohav ehi sl awy er sr epl acedbecauset heyt houghthewasgui l t y !Thatwaswhyhe pr ancedar oundt hecour t r oom l i keadandyi nhi sbow t i e,pl ay i ngt ot hepr ess,dest r uct i v eofhi s l awy er s'st r at egi esandobl i v i oust ot hehor r i f i edr eact i onoft hej ur or s!Hehadanabnor malbr ai n chemi st r y ,hehadbeenr espondi ngt oi mpul sesbey ondhi sr at i onalcont r ol .Bestofal l ,i tcoul dbe document edf ory ear sbef or et het r i al orev ent hecr i mes. Thecasewasshapi ngup.Wehadar ealhandl enow,t heki ndt hatacour tcoul dhangont o.Not j ustf orast ayofexecut i on, ei t her , butf orar ealr ev er saloft heconv i ct i onandmay beanot herchance atapl eabar gai nf orl i f ei npr i son. Bet weenJul yandOct ober1986,Tedwaspr ot ect edagai nstawar r anti nei t hercase.TheChi Omegacasewasonappeali nt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ;t heLakeCi t ycasewasawai t i ngaSupr emeCour t deci si ononcer t .Iwasabl et ot ur nmyf ul lat t ent i ont owor kf orot herpar t ner sandpay i ngcl i ent s, and ev ent akeasi gni f i cantr ol ei nal ar gei nsur ancedef ensecase:af ul l yf unded, f ul l yst af f ed, br eadandbut t erl egalmat t erhel pi ngabi gi nsur ancecompanyav oi dpay i ngonabi gcl ai m byt hegov er nment f orhugel yexpensi v e env i r onment aldamagescaused byt he i nsur ed' st ox i cwast e dumpi ng.I n anot heroft hef i r m' scases,oneofmybestf r i endswaswor ki ngdi l i gent l yt okeepadr ugcompany ' s i nsur ancecompanyf r om hav i ngt opaydamagesf ort hei nj ur i essuf f er edbyachi l di nocul at edwi t hi t s dr ug.Onet hi ngIl ear nedf r om mycor por at el aw ex per i encewast hati nsur ancecompani eswoul d r at herusey ourpr emi umst opayt hei rl awy er st odef endt hemsel v esagai nsty out hant opayy our cl ai m.I t ' saquest i onofav oi di ngbadpr ecedent . Ist i l lwasf i shi ngar oundf orar ol et osl i pi nt o,awayofbei ngal awy ert hatf el tcompet ent , comf or t abl e, andr eal .Iwasn' tl ooki ngt or ej ectanypossi bi l i t youtofhand, ev encor por at el aw, wi t hi t s pr of essi onal l ybl i ndey et oquest i onsofmor al i t y .Thel awy er satWi l merwer euni f or ml ybr i l l i antand ski l l f ul , att het opoft hei rpr of essi on.Eachonehadhadt hei rpi ckofj obsoutofl awschool .Anyofus
coul dhav echosent owor kf ort hegov er nment , f orl egalser v i ces, i nsmal ll awof f i ces.Wecoul dhav e beenpr osecut or sorcr i mi naldef enseat t or ney sany wher ei nt heUni t edSt at es, wecoul dhav ewor ked f ort her i ght sandadv ancementoft heabusedanddi sadv ant aged,wecoul dhav ehel pedt ogui de publ i cpol i cy .Webel i ev edi nal lt hoset hi ngs.I nst eadwehadgonet ot hehi ghestbi dder , t hel awf i r m wi t ht hemostpr est i geandt hehi ghestst ar t i ngsal ar i es.Li keme,whent heyf i r star r i v edatt hef i r m manyoft hesel awy er swoul dsayt heywer et her ej ustt or ecei v et het r ai ni ngandex per i enceabi gf i r m coul dpr ov i deandt hengodowhatt heyr eal l ywant edt odo, i nabet t erposi t i ont obeef f ect i v e.But , i n f act ,v er yf ew l ef tt hef i r mv ol unt ar i l y ,Ther ewer esev er alr easonsf ort hi s.Ther ewer et he" gol den handcuf f s"ofsal ar i est hatr oseei ghtt housanddol l ar say earwi t houtast r uggl e.Ther ewast hesame compet i t i v enessandur gef orappr ov alf r om super i or st hathadmadeussuccessf ulst udent si nt he f i r stpl ace.Ther ewast hebr assr i ngofpar t ner shi pdangl i ngatt heendofsev eny ear sasanassoci at e. Ther ewast he" Swedi shhost agesy ndr ome"ofcomi ngt oi dent i f ywi t ht hegoal sofy ourcapt or s,t he r esul tofwor ki ngl onghour sday s, ni ght s, andweekends.Anot hert hi ngI ' v el ear ned, notj ustatt hef i r m buti ngoi ngt ol awschoolwi t houti nt endi ngt opr act i cel aw:Becar ef ult hecompanyy oukeep.Iwas mor eper meabl et hanIl i kedt ot hi nk. I nl awschooly oul ear nt osetasi dey ourownpr i nci pl esandpr ej udi cesi nor dert oseecl ear l yt he st r uct ur eoft hel aw.I nt heor y ,t hepur posei st haty ouwi l lt her ebybei nabet t erposi t i ont ouset he l aw i nt heser v i ceofy ourper sonalv i si on.Butt houghl aw schoolaccompl i shest hedest r uct i onof assumpt i onsandbi asesv er ywel l ,i tpay sonl yl i pser v i cet ot hemor alappl i cat i onoft hel aw,t he r econst r uct i onofi ndi v i dualpr i nci pl es.I nt hi snonj udgment al f r ameofmi ndy ouar eper f ect l ysui t edt o t hewor kofal ar gel awf i r m,wher ey oumi ghtgetanyki ndofcase,f oranyki ndofcl i ent .Tobef ai r , oner easonIchoseWi l merwast hati thadex pr essedmor eofasoci alcommi t mentt hanmost .I nt he pasti thadt akenst andsagai nstser v i ngant i soci ali nt er est s.Theywoul dnotr epr esentt het obacco i ndust r y , f orexampl e.Theyhadasubst ant i alandent husi ast i ccommi t mentt opr obonowor k.Butt he t i meIwasatWi l merwasacr i t i calper i odf ort hepr act i ceofl aw.Thepar t ner s' cor por at ecl i ent swer e maki ngmor emoneyt hanev er , t hei rf r i endshadf ant ast i csal ar i esasi nv est mentbanker s, par t ner si n New Yor kl aw f i r mswer emaki ngahal fmi l l i ondol l ar say ear ,andpubl i cser v i cewasnoti nv ogue. Lostwast hei deaofbei nganof f i ceroft hecour t ,ani nt er medi ar ybet weent hedesi r esoft hecl i ent andpubl i cpol i cyasexpr essedi nt hel aw.I nst ead,t hegoalwast ogetwhat ev ert hecl i entwant edex empt i onf r om env i r onment all aws, pr ot ect i onagai nstl i abi l i t yf ordamagecausedbyt hei rpr oduct s, what ev er -i nanywayt hatmi ni mal l ymett hest andar dsofpr of essi onal r esponsi bi l i t y . Sot her eIwas,st r ai ni ngmybr ai nt omi si nt er pr eti nsur anceagr eement sconv i nci ngl ysot hatt he i nsur er swoul dnothav et opay .That ' swhatIwaspai dsowel lt odot ur nbl ackt owhi t e.Iwast r y i ng har dt opar t i ci pat ei nl i t i gat i onaspr act i cedbyt hebestoft hebest .Iwasopenmi ndedt ot he possi bi l i t yt hatamor albal ancecoul dbest r ucksomehow.Nooneel seseemeduncomf or t abl e.The f ew t i mest hei ssuecameup-f r om somecheekysummerassoci at eorbr andnew l awy er -some par t ner swoul dsayt hat ,f ort hem,i tseemedbet t ert ohav eagoodguyt hanabadguyont hewr ong si de.Theybel i ev edt hatt heyhel pedt omodi f yt hecl i ent ' sdemandsf orcompl et eex empt i onf r om l egalorr egul at or yaut hor i t y .Ot her scont r i but edgener ousl yt ol i ber alcauses,bel i ev i ngt heywer ea condui tt hr oughwhi cht hei l l got t engai nsoft hei rcl i ent sRowedt ot hei rv i ct i ms.Ir eal l yt r i edt o bel i ev ei tmy sel f .Mor et hanany t hi ngel se,Ineededt of i ti nher e.Thi shadt ober eall i f e.Ihadno al t er nat epl an.
CHAPTER9 Onewayi nwhi chTedwasnott y pi caloft hemenonFl or i da' sdeat hr owwast hathehadbeenf r ee mostofhi sl i f e.I tshowedi nhi st woescapeat t empt ssoonaf t erar r i v i ngatFl or i daSt at ePr i son, one ofwhi chhadexposedhi mt ot heot her .Thef i r sthehadi ni t i at edonhi sownandhadwor kedatni ght l y , f i l i ngawayathi scel lbar sandpast i ngt hem backt oget herwi t hdi r t dy edt oot hpast e.Whenhi swor k wasdi scov er edbyaguar ddur i ngar out i net appi ngoft hecel lbar s,hewast r ansf er r edt ot he di sci pl i nar ycel l bl ock.Ther e, t ohi ssur pr i seanddel i ght , hef oundhi msel fi nt hemi ddl eofanot herpl ot i npr ogr ess.Hi sf i r stni ghti nsol i t ar y , Tedt ol dmewi t hsomer el i sh, hehadhear dscur r y i ngout si dehi s cel l .Hecoul dn' tseewhatwasgoi ngonbecauset hecel lhaddoubl edoor s,wi t ht heout si dedoor hav i ngj ustenoughr oom t oshov emealt r ay st hr ough.Thenoi sehadsoundedl i ker at s,butt he shadowscasthadl ookedmuchl ar ger . Ont hesecondni ghtTedhadsentoutacodedmessageonabarofsoapat t achedt oast r i ng:" I knowt her e' ssomet hi nggoi ngon,l etmei n."Noanswer .Thenex tni ghtTedhadsenthi smessage outagai n,t hi st i mei ncl udi ngat hr eatt osqueal .Byr et ur nsoapbarhel ear nedt heyhadf ashi oned key swi t ht hei rt oot hbr ushesandwer eabl et ol ett hemsel v esoutatni ghtt or oam t hehal l wayand smokemar i j uanat heyboughtf r om t heguar ds.Tedwant edakey , so, asof t enashecoul d,hewoul d sendhi st oot hbr ushouti nt ot hehal l wayat t achedt ohi sl i ne, andanot heri nmat ewoul dr et r i ev ei twi t h anot herst r i ngwi t hahookat t ached.Theunof f i ci all ocksmi t hwoul dmakesomet ent at i v ecut sand sendi tbackdownt hel i ne.Tedwoul dt esti ti nhi sdoorandr et ur ni t .Hehadbeeni nl ov ewi t ht he pr oj ect . Fi nal l y ,t heni ghtcamewhenhest eppedouti nt ot hehal l way .Ther ewer et heot heri nmat es, mi ngl i ng, l oungi ng, get t i nghi gh. Tedhadsai d," Let ' sgo.I t ' sj ustamat t eroft i mebef or et hi soper at i oni sbl own.We' v egott ogo now." " Wecan' tgo, "t heot her shadpr ot est ed." Ther az orwi r ewoul dt earust oshr eds." Ted' sr eact i onwas," Sowhat ?I t ' sbet t ert hansi t t i ngher ewai t i ngt odi e.Atl eastwe' dhav ea chancet obef r ee! "Thent hei rr eal r easonf orst ay i ngbehi ndcameout . " Butwher ewoul dwegooncewegotout ? " Tedwasdumbf ounded. " Wher ewoul dn' ty ougo? " I nl at eSept ember1986Ir ecei v edacal lf r om awomanwhoi sent i f i edher sel fasDi anaWei ner ,a Fl or i daat t or ney .Shesai dt hatshehadbeenhi r edbyAr tNor mant oassi sthi mi nhi spsy chol ogi cal ev al uat i onofTedf orus, t oexpl ai nt ohi mt hel egal cont ex toft heev al uat i on.Ihadnoi deaDr .Nor man hadbeenconf usedaboutwhatwewant ed.Af t eral lt hi st i me.Heseemedt opr omi seev enl esshope ofasol ut i ont hanI ' dt hought ,but ,st i l l , hewaswi l l i ngt owor konspec.Dr .Lewi swasv er yanx i oust o f ol l owuponherpr el i mi nar yev al uat i onofTed' sment alcondi t i on,butJi m st i l lwoul dnotcommi tt he f unds.It ol dMs.Wei nerI ' daddhert ot hel i stofTed' saut hor i z edl egal v i si t or s. Ji m' sr el uct ancet oaut hor i zepay mentf orex per t si nt hi scasewasnotonl yamat t eroff i r m pol i t i cs al t hought hatent er edi nt oi t .Thr oughoutt hi scaset her ewasanet hi caldi l emmawecoul dnev er ( par t i cul ar l ysi ncet hecl i entwasTedBundy ,f orwhom t her ewasex t r aor di nar ypr essur et oex ecut e) al l owt ocomet ot hesur f ace.Buti twasal way st her ei nt hebackofJi m' smi nd:Thesy st em hadt o wor k.Thesy st em hadt opr ov i det heex per t snecessar yf ori ndi gentdef endant spar t i cul ar l yi ndi gent capi t aldef endant sr egar dl essofwhet hert heyhadl uckedoutandwer er epr esent edbyabi gl awf i r m t hatpr esumabl ycoul dabsor bt hosecost s.Thesy st em hadt osetr easonabl ef i l i ngdeadl i nesi ndeat h casesast heydi di nmostot hercasest hatbemetbynor mall awy er sundernor malci r cumst ances, notj ustbyl awy er si nbi gl aw f i r mswhocoul dr oundupsi xassoci at es,t hr eepar al egal s,andt wo secr et ar i est opr epar eanappealbr i efov er ni ght orev eni namat t erofhour s-i ft heyhadt o.Ji m was notasasIhadbeeni nex pect i ngt hej udi ci alsy st em t owor k, buthef el tast r ongobl i gat i ont omakei t wor k.Wi l mer ,Cut l er&Pi cker i ngwasapr i v at ebusi nessv ol unt eer i ngi t spr of essi onalser v i cest oai d t hecour t si ncar r y i ngoutt hei rl egal r esponsi bi l i t yt ouphol dt hel aw.Thel awpr ov i dedf ort hi s.Thel aw pr ov i dedf orcour tappoi nt edexper t swhennecessar yf orani ndi gentt opr ov eal egi t i mat ecl ai m.Ted
Bundywasi ndi gent ,t hel aw f i r m wasal r eadypr ov i di ngt ensoft housandsofdol l ar si nf r eel egal ser v i ces,aswel lassuppor tser v i ces.Wehadmadeawel l basedl egalcl ai mt hatTedwasment al l y i ncompet entt oassi sthi sl awy er satt het i meofhi st r i alandt hi scl ai m coul dnotbepr ov edwi t hout t heassi st anceofex per tt est i mony .Ther ewasnor easont hel awf i r m shoul dhav et opi ckupt het ab. Ibegant obr acef ort her et ur noft heBundybl i t zi nt hef al l .TheU.S.Supr emeCour twoul d r econv eneont hef i r stMondayi nOct ober , Oct ober6, andt heLakeCi t ycasewoul dpr obabl ybeoni t s l i stofcer t .deci si ons.Andt hatdeci si onwoul dpr obabl ybe:DENI ED.Tedt henwoul dbev ul ner abl ef or t hef i r stt i met oawar r anti nt heLakeCi t ycase.Att hesamet i me,t heChiOmegacasewasunder consi der at i onbyt heEl ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal si nAt l ant a.Ihadf i l edt heappealbr i ef( onan ex pedi t ed schedul e,ofcour se)i n August ,and soon t he El ev ent h Ci r cui twoul d schedul e or al ar gument s.AndIwasst i l l , ofcour se, sor t i ngi nsur ancedocument s. Jef fRobi nsonl ef tWi l mert obecomecounselt ot heSenat eJudi ci ar yCommi t t eeapl um.The summerassoci at eshadal lgonebackt oschool .Ici r cul at edamemot oal lt hel awy er sand,af t er descr i bi ngt het wocases, pl eadedf orassi st ance: Thev i r t ual unani mi t yofpubl i copi ni on-ev enamongt hosewhocl ai mt obeopposedt ot hedeat h penal t y i st hatourcl i entshoul dbeputt odeat hbyt heSt at eofFl or i dar egar dl essofwhet herhe r ecei v edaf ai rt r i al orwasev engi v ent heoppor t uni t yt ochal l enget hef ai r nessofhi st r i al .Asl awy er s, webegt odi f f er .I nourexper i ence, howev er , t heGov er norofFl or i daandt hest at eandf eder al di st r i ct cour t shav eact edi naccor dwi t ht hepubl i cv i ewandwi l l nott akenot i ceoft heconst i t ut i onal i ssuesat st akeher eunl essabsol ut el yf or cedt odoso. Wi t ht her ecentdepar t ur eofourbr ot her i nar msJef fRobi nson, t heofassoci at esont heBundyt eam hasnowdwi ndl edbyhal f .Weneedhel p.I nt hepol i t i cal cl i mat enowpr ev ai l i ngi nFl or i da, t hi scase r equi r esmor et hanev ent her i gor ousr epr esent at i onusual l ynecessar yi ncapi t al cases.Speci f i cal l y , weneedanot herl awy ert oassumer esponsi bi l i t yf ort heLakeCi t ycaseassoonaspossi bl e-t oday woul dbeni ce.Weal soneedl awy er st or esear chanddev el opdi scr et ei ssuesov ert henex tf ew mont hs. Al t hought heoddsar egr eat , t het aski si nnowaygr i m.Consi dert hecompany .Besi des, t het wo Bundycasesr ai sesubst ant i al i ssuesofconst i t ut i onal l awi nar i chf act ual env i r onment -wear enot gr aspi ngatst r aws.Theabsenceofanypost conv i ct i onev i dent i ar yhear i ngt husf armeansan oppor t uni t yt ocr eat eourr ecor donav i r t ual l ycl eansl at e.Thei nt ensepr essat t ent i onl ends undeni abl eex ci t ementt ot hecase, aswel l asanot herf act ort ocont endwi t h.AsJi m Col emanso f r equent l yr emi ndsme, asf arasal ear ni ngex per i ence, " Youcoul dn' tbuyt hi scase! " Pol l yNel son x 6111 Nooner esponded. Oct ober6cameandwentwi t houtaU.S.Supr emeCour tdeci si onont heLakeCi t ycer t .pet i t i on. Nowt hi swasar esul tIdi dn' texpect ,andIr eadi tasaf av or abl esi gn.Per hapst her ewasast r uggl e amongt hej ust i cesov ergr ant i ngcer t .i nt hecase;af t eral l ,t headmi ssi onofAndyAnder son' s hy pnot i cal l yal t er edt est i monyhadcr eat edav er ydanger ouspr ecedent , par t i cul ar l ysi nceamaj or i t yof t heFl or i daSupr emeCour thadf oundt hatt heonl yal l egedey ewi t nesst est i monyi nt hecasehad i ndeedbeenr ender edunr el i abl ebyt hehy pnosi sy etst i l luphel dt heconv i ct i on.Per hapst heU.S. Supr emeCour twasgoi ngt ogr antcer t .Myhopesr oseal i t t l e.Thi smi ghtnotbeabadaut umnaf t er al l .TheLakeCi t yst ayor dermi ghtst ayi nef f ect .Wemi ghtgett obr i efandar gueourcasei nt heU.S. Supr emeCour t .Wemi ghtev enwi n. Notl i kel y .Thenextweek, onTuesday , Oct ober14( MondaywasCol umbusDay ) , t heLakeCi t ycase appear edont heU.S.Supr emeCour t ' sweekl yl i stofcer t .deni al s.I t sabsencet heweekbef or e appar ent l yhadnotmeantany t hi ngatal l .Thent hecl er koft heEl ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal scal l ed t osayor alar gumentwoul dbehel di nt heChiOmegacaset henex tweek,onOct ober23.I nt he meant i meIhadt ot r yt opr ev entadeat hwar r anti nt heLakeCi t ycase,nowt hatt heSupr emeCour t
st ayhadbeenl i f t ed.Ir enewedmymot i onswi t hJudgeJopl i ngt obeappoi nt edTed' scl emency counsel i nt hatcase, andonOct ober20hegr ant edt hem.Gov er norGr aham di dnotcar e. Ont het went y f i r stt hegov er norsi gnedawar r antor der i ngt heex ecut i onofTed' sdeat hsent ence, not i ng," I thasbeendet er mi nedt hatExecut i v eCl emency..i snotappr opr i at e."Iappl i edt oJudge Jopl i ngf orast ayofexecut i onbasedonapr i soner ' sr i ghtt ocl emencypr oceedi ngs.JudgeJopl i ng sethi shear i ngf orNov ember7.Sonow Ihadt wohear i ngsschedul edi nt wodi f f er entcaseswi t hi n t hr eeweeksoft heSupr emeCour tannouncement andanex ecut i onschedul edt enday sl at er .How qui ckl yt hi ngschange. Ji m andIf l ewt oAt l ant af oror al ar gumentont het went y t hi r d. TheEl ev ent hCi r cui twaswher eourhopesf orr el i eff r om Ted' sChiOmegadeat hsent enceul t i mat el y l ay .Theappel l at ej udgeswer ebet t erv er sedi nt hel aw t hanJudgeZl ochandpr esumabl ysuf f er ed l essl ocalpr essur et oensur eTedBundywasex ecut ed.And,unl i ket heSupr emeCour t ,t heEl ev ent h Ci r cui thadt oacceptourcasef orappealbecauseJudgeZl ochhadsoki ndl ycer t i f i edt hatt her ewas pr obabl ecauset oappeal . Wehadt hebestt hr eej udgepanelwecoul dhav ehopedf ori nt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .Thechi efj udge oft heCi r cui thadchosenFr ankM.Johnson,Jr .whowasamongt hemostl i ber alont hecour tand whowasst i l lr ev er edasaci v i lr i ght sher of orhi sst eadf asti nt egr at i onst andsasat r i alj udgei nt he 1960s;JohnC.Godbol d,f or merchi efj udgeoft heci r cui t ,whosei nt egr i t yandhonest yaboutt he r equi r ement soft hel aw wer ei mpeccabl e;andRober tS.Vance,whowasconser v at i v eonl aw and or derbutaDemocr at i cappoi nt mentwi t hagoodci v i l r i ght sr ecor d( f orwhi chhewasassassi nat edby mai lbombt woy ear sl at er ) .I twasn' tt hemostl i ber alpanelwecoul dhav ehad,ort hemostskept i cal aboutt hedeat hpenal t y ,butt hatwasgood.Weneededapanelt hatwoul dber espect edbyt he ni net eenot herappel l at ej udgesont heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ,aswel last heU.S.Supr emeCour t .I fwe conv i ncedt hi spanelt hatt hel aw r equi r edTedBundy ' sconv i ct i ont obeov er t ur ned,t hei rdeci si on woul dst and.Weneededhonestpanel , apanel st r ongenought ouphol dt hel aw. I twascl earatt heor al ar gumentt hatt hepanel under st oodhowegr egi ousl yJudgeZl ochhader r ed. Ji m madeourar gumentv i r t ual l ywi t houti nt er r upt i on,wher east heassi st antst at eat t or neywas i mmedi at el ypel t edwi t hquest i onsandst at ement sofamaz ementt hatt hest at ehadal l owedt hi st o happen.I nf act ,t heassi st antst at eat t or neyhadt r i edt oahi ntt oJudgeZl ocht hatheneededt he r ecor di fhewasgoi ngt or ul eont hemer i t sbuthehaddecl i nedt or ecei v ei t .Nonet hel ess, t hest at e' s at t or neywasaneasi ert ar getf ort hepanelt hant hej udge, andhegoti tf ul lf or ce.JudgeVanceasked Ji m whet herwehadanexper twhowoul dbeabl et ot est i f yt hatourcl i enthadament ali l l ness.Now t hatDr .Lewi shaddi scov er edTed' sbi pol armooddi sor der ,hecoul dhonest l ysaywedi d.Af t ert he hear i ngconcl uded,wecommi ser at edwi t ht heshakenst at e' sat t or neyandl ef tt hecour t r oom el at ed. I tl ookedcer t ai nt hatt heChi Omegacasewoul dbesentbackdown. Ji m wentbackt oWashi ngt onandIf l ewdownt oJacksonv i l l e.Si nceTedwasnowunderwar r ant f ort heLakeCi t ycase,Ineededt or ev i ew Vi cAf r i cano' sf i l esf r om r epr esent i nghi m att r i al .Ial so neededt oi nt er v i ewVi cabouthi sencount er swi t hTedandTed' sconductatt het r i al ,f orev i denceof i ncompet ency .Vi c' sof f i cei nLi v eOakwasj ustonet ownov erf r om LakeCi t y ,Ki mber l yLeach' s homet own.Accor di ngt oVi c, r epr esent i ngTedBundyhadbeenpr et t ymuchofawashi nt er msofhi s car eeri nLi v eOak.I thadpr ov i dedst eadyi ncomef orawhi l e, buthe' dhadt ogi v eupmostoft her est ofhi spr act i cef ort hedur at i onoft het r i al .Theex t ensi v epubl i ci t yaboutt hecasehadcer t ai nl ygi v en hi m namer ecogni t i ongr eat ert hananyot herl awy eri nt her egi on,butt hathadnotal way st ur nedout t obeapl us,gi v enhi scl i ent ' scr i me.Af t ert het r i alwasov er ,Vi chadf i r stt houghthe' dex pandhi s pr act i ce,t akeonanassoci at e;butdespi t et hepubl i ci t y ,l egalwor ki nt hosepar t sst i l lcamei n handshakebyhandshake, andVi chadf oundhecoul dn' tdel egat et hatpar t . If oundhi sof f i ceof fadust yr oadont heout ski r t soft own.I twasi nasmal l , onest or ypr of essi onal bui l di ngwi t hal ar gepar ki ngl otsur r oundedbyt r ees.Thef r i endl yr ecept i oni stgr eet edmewi t hev i dent sur pr i seatanunf ami l i arf ace,andcal l eddownt hehal lt ol etVi cknow hehadav i si t or .Vi cwas al way sVi c,al way saj oyt osee.Wi t hawar m,wel l i nt ended," Hey ,Sweet i e! "heescor t edmei nt ohi s of f i ce." Comei n,hav easeat .CanIgety ouani cedt ea? "Al way ssosol i ci t ous.It hi nkhet houghtt hi s wasnocasef orawomant obei nv ol v edwi t h.Toohar sh,t oougl y .Hi sof f i cewasdomi nat edbya
t hi ckbel l woodcof f eet abl eandl ar gepi ct ur esofhi swi f eandchi l dr eni ncount r y west er nwear .I my sel fwasn' tmuchgoodatsmal lt al k,soIcamer i ghtt ot hepoi nt :" Vi c,weneedt opr ov eTedwas i ncompet entdur i ngt heLakeCi t yt r i al .I t ' souronl yr ealhope.How di dheseem t oy ou?Cany ou r ememberany t hi ngt hathappenedt hatmi ghtbehel pf ul ? "Vi c' ski ndnessandhospi t al i t ydi dnot ex t endt osay i ngany t hi nghedi dn' tbel i ev e." Nope.Hewasnot r oubl et omeatal l ,"hesai d." Hewas per f ect l ycompet enti nev er yway .Mor et hancompet ent , ev en." Thi swasnotgood.I fcal l edt ot hest andi nanev i dent i ar yhear i ng,Vi cwoul dnotcor r obor at eour compet encycl ai m.Wewoul dhav et opr ov eourcase-t hatTedhadbeeni ncompet entt oassi stVi ci n hi sdef ense-wi t houtt heconcur r enceofVi chi msel f .Vi cwasr ocksol i di nhi sopi ni ont hatTedhad beencompet ent ;hehadnodoubt s.Heobv i ousl ywassor r yt ogi v emebadnews,andt hathecoul d notbemor ehel pf ul t omycase, butt hatwast hebot t om l i ne. Wel l , Icoul dst i l l dr awmyownconcl usi onsf r om Vi c' sf i l es, soIl ookedf or war dt oseei ngt hem nex t . Thepubl i cdef ender s' f i l esi nt heChi Omegacasehadf i l l edanent i r ewal l i nmyof f i ce.Vi cpr esumabl y hadhadasmuch,butbyt hi st i met heyhadbeenscat t er edt ov ar i ousl ocat i ons;pr eser v i ngt hem i nt acthadnotbeenapr i or i t yf ort hi ssol opr act i t i oner ' sbudget .ButIneededt ot r ackdownatl east someoft hem.Thet r i alt r anscr i ptVi chadsentmei nt hespr i ngwasmi ssi ngsomeofi t sv ol umes, andIwant edt oseeatl eastsomeoft hei nv est i gat i onf i l est ogetaf eel i ngf orwhatwasgoi ngon out si deoft hecour t r oom.And, wi t hgr eatr el uct ance, Vi cent r ust edmewi t hhi smostpr i z edmement o oft hecase:agi gant i cal bum ofnewscl i ppi ngs.Theywoul dbeagr eatsour ceofpr essobser v at i ons ofTed' sbehav i or .Repor t er shadbeensoscr upul ousdur i ngt het r i al st onot eev er y t hi ngTeddi d,or sai d,orwor e,orl ookedl i ke,especi al l y ,ofcour se,any t hi ngwei r d.Thatwoul dbev er yhel pf ult ome now. AsIsati nVi c' sconf er encer oom r ev i ewi ngt hef i l eshehadcl oseathand, onei nv est i gat i onmemo caughtmyey e.Andmydesper at ei magi nat i on.Ther ewasaf ol deronal l egedsi ght i ngsofKi mber l y Leachaf t ershewassupposedt ohav edi sappear ed, r ai si ngt hepossi bi l i t yt hatshehadr unawayf r om schoolt hatdayandpossi bl ybeenki l l edbysomeoneel sel at er .Thought hesel eadshadappar ent l y gonenowher e, si nceVi chadnotemphasi z edt hem i nhi sdef ensecase, Ieager l ygr aspedt hi sst r awof hopet hatTedwasnotgui l t yoft hi soneatal l . I thadseemedapossi bi l i t ybef or e.Theev i dencei nt heLakeCi t ycase, ot hert hanAndyAnder son' s dubi oust est i mony ,wast heexper tt est i monyi dent i f y i ngsomeoft hef i ber sf oundi nt hev anTed al l egedl yusedt oabductKi mber l yLeachast hesamet y peasi nt hei rcl ot hi ngf r om t hatday .Wi t hout Ander son' st est i monyandTed' spr i orconv i ct i oni nt hehi ghl ypubl i ci z edChiOmegat r i a1,t hej ur y mi ghthav ehadt r oubl ef i ndi ngTed' sgui l tpr ov enbey ondar easonabl edoubt .Thatwaswhyt he hy pnot i cmani pul at i onofAnder son' st est i monynothav ebeen" har ml esser r or ." Butnow,ar medwi t h Vi c' sunusedf i l eonot hersi ght i ngs,Ii ndul gedi nt het houghtt hatIhadacaseofact uali nnocence. Af t eral l ,f ol l owi ngt heChiOmegat r i al ,ev er y onei nFl or i dahadknownwhoTedBundywasandwhat he' ddone,andt hey ' dseenonTVwhathe' dact edl i keatt r i al .Asonej ur ori nt heLakeCi t ycasehad answer edwhenaskedi fhe' dhear doft hedef endant :" You' dhav et obei nSi ber i anott ohav ehear dof TedBundy ."I twasnothar dt oi magi net hatTedcoul dhav ebeenconv i ct edofany t hi ngaf t erhewas conv i ct edi nt heChiOmegacase.May bet hi sonehadbeenami st ake.Theni twoul dn' tmat t eratal l t hatVi ct houghtTedhadbeencompet ent .Icoul dbasemyappeal oni nnocence. Thatni ghtIst ay edatamot elout si deofLakeCi t yt hatwasont hewayt ot hepr i son,wher eIwas goi ngt oseeTedt henextday .Al lsor t soft hought scamet omi ndasIdr ov ei nt ot hatpar ki ngl ot . Whati fsomeoner ecogni zedmynameont her egi st er , f oronet hi ng.Whati ft heyknewBundy ' sl awy er wasst ay i ngt her e?If el tt hateer i ef eel i ngofv ul ner abi l i t yagai n.Thev ansandpi ckupcamper si nt he l otr emi ndedmeofTed' smodusoper andi :snat chanddr i v e.If el tagai nt hatacut eawar enessoft he r eal i t yofr andom mur der , somet hi ngt hatusual l yseemedcompl et el yout si det her eal m ofpossi bi l i t y .I wasnotcomf or t abl easi twas, t hen, asIt r i edt oset t l edowni nmyr oom.Andt henIt ur nedont heTV, and, onev er ychannel , Ihear d" TedBundy , "" TedBundy , " TedBundy .I twasnotmyi magi nat i on.I twas el ect i ont i mei nFl or i daandev er ycandi dat ewasr unni ngagai nstTedBundy .Accor di ngt onews account s,TedBundy ' snamewasment i onedi nt hecampai gncommer i cal smor eof t ent hant he candi dat es' .Ther ewasacandi dat es'debat et hatni ght ,andt hev er yf i r sti ssuement i onedbyev er y
si ngl eoneoft hem washowmuchf ast erhewoul dki l lTedBundyt hanhi sopponent swoul d.Ispent t heev eni ngi nni ght mar i shsi l ence: unabl et owat chTV, t oospookedt ogoout . Ihadal otonmymi ndt henextmor ni ngasIdr ov et oseeTed.Ihadal ott opr epar ef ori nt henex t t hr eeweeks:myf i r stsol ocour tappear anceandor alar gumentonTed' sr i ghtt oappl yf orex ecut i v e cl emency ;t heexecut i onschedul edf ort woweeksl at er .Ast ayoft hatex ecut i onwoul dnotbesi mpl e t oobt ai n, ev ent houghi twast hef i r stwar r anti nt heLakeCi t ycase.Unl i ket hef i r stChi Omegawar r ant , t hi st i met heU.S.Supr emeCour thadal r eadydeni edcer t .i nt hecase; t hedi r ectappealwasov er ; and t heonl ywayt oappl yf orast aywoul dbei ncol l at er alpr oceedi ngs.I twoul di nv ol v eal lt hesamel ev el s ofcour t sandv ar i et yofpl eadi ngsaswe' dgonet hr oughi nJuneandJul yont heChiOmegacasewhenwe' dhadamuchbi ggerBundyt eam,mor et i met opr epar e,awel l document edcompet ency cl ai m,onl yoneact i v ecase,andmynai v eopt i mi sm.Wehadnoneoft hatnow.NowonderIf ound my sel ff ocusi ngont hemi nuscul epossi bi l i t yt hatTedhadbeenconv i ct edf al sel yi nt hi si nst ance.That woul dbeawhol eot herbal l game.I tcer t ai nl ywoul dhav egi v enmeener gy . TedandIhadn' tt al kedaboutt hecr i mesupt ot hi spoi nt .Hehadseemedsowor r i edt hatIwasor woul dbesor ev ol t edbywhathehaddonet hatIwoul dst opr epr esent i nghi m.AndIhadn' tr eal l yhada needt oknow, si nceourcaseshadconcer nedt het r i al s, nott hecr i mes.ButIhadhadt hosemoment s ofov er whel mi ngr ev ul si ont hatTedf ear ed.Ihadt ampedt hem downandkeptt hem f r om my consci ousness,f orf eart hey ' di nt er f er ewi t hmywor k.I ft her ewer eanychanceTedhadnoti nf act ki l l edKi mber l yLeach,Ir eal l yneededt oknow.I ' dbef r ee,ont hi sone.Fr eeofshadowyf eel i ngsof bet r ay i ngt hev i ct i m.Fr eet of eelcompl et el yr i ght .Fr eet of eelt hepowerofmycl i ent ' scausewi t hout conf l i ct .Abadman, y es; ev enamur der er , y es; butgui l t yoft hi sone-NO!Thatwasmybr i eff ant asy . TedandIsatt oget heri noneoft het hr eegl assencl osedat t or ney i nt er v i ewr oomswi t hi nt hesuper i nt endent ' sof f i ces.Tedwasgl adwi t ht her oom we' dgot t enbecause oneoft heot her shadanopenai rduct ,andhewasaf r ai dofbei ngov er hear d.Hesatwi t hhi s handcuf f edhandsont het abl ebet weenus.Heal way smadeapoi ntofnotl eani ngi nt oocl osel ysoas nott oof f endorf r i ght enme.Af t ersomet al kaboutwhatTi nawasdoi ngi nSeat t l eandhow wel l Car ol e' smot her ' sr ecov er ywasgoi ng, If i nal l ybr oughtupt hequest i on: " Ted,whenIwasatVi c' sy est er day ,Isawaf i l eofst at ement sf r om peopl ewhocl ai medt ohav e seenKi mber l yLeachsomet i meaf t ershe' ddi sappear edf r om school ." Tedsai dnot hi ng, butgr ewst i l l .Hecoul dseewher et hi swasheaded. " Onewasf r om amanwhor epor t edseei ngheratat r uckst opout si deoft ownaweekaf t ert he di sappear ance,"Icont i nued.Tedkeptst ar i ngatmewi t hanunchangi ngex pr essi on." Anot herwas someonewhosai dhe' dseenheront hest r eetwi t hanot hergi r l t woday saf t er ." Tedv ol unt eer ednot hi ng.Thi swast hef i r stt i meIwast al ki ngt o hi m ast heper pet r at oroft hecr i mes, notj ustasat r i al par t i ci pant , but Ist i l l di dn' tdar ebedi r ect . " Ted,"If i nal l yasked,af t ert hi nki ngofex act l yhow t owor dt hi s," i st her eanypossi bi l i t yt hese r epor t scoul dhav ebeent r ue? " Cont i nui ngt ost ar eatme,Tedwai t edanot hermomentmor e,t hanshookhi shead.Thatwashi s f i r stdi r ectadmi ssi onofgui l t . Myhear tsankwi t hdi sappoi nt ment .I thadbeenal ongshot .Vi cwoul dhav eusedi ti ft her e' sbeen anychancei twast r ue.Tednev erwoul dhav eputupwi t hbei ngconv i ct edofamur derhehadn' tdonei twoul dhav edeepl yof f endedhi sf i net unedsenseofj ust i ce.Myf ant asyev apor at ed. It ur nedt ot hemai npur posef ormyv i si t t oex pl or eanypossi bl egr oundsf orcl emency , t opur suei f JudgeJopl i nggr ant edast ayf ort hatpur pose.Tedonl ycar edt ot al kabouthow t hegov er norhad v i ol at edhi sr i ght sbynotal l owi nghi mt oappl ybef or esi gni ngawar r ant .Hecont i nuedt obel i ev et hat t her ewasnopoi nti nt r y i ngt or ai set hequest i onofhi sment alst at e,ev enasgr oundsf orcl emency , becausehi smi ndwasper f ect l ysoundandal way shadbeen.Heshookhi sheadr egr et f ul l yt hough, as i fhewi shedhecoul dobl i geme. Iwasf i neunt i lIl ef tt hepr i sonandst ar t edbackdownt her oadt oSt ar ke.ThenIwasov er come wi t hweakness.Tedwasnoti nnocentofki l l i ngKi mber l yLeach.I nf act ,hehadnowt ol dmehehad donei t .He' dnev ert ol dmet hatbef or e.I ' dnev err eal l yhadt ot i ehi scor por ealbody , t heTedIknew, t o
t heactofmur der .Addedt ot hat , v ehadnocase.Vi cdi dnott hi nkTedhadbeeni ncompet entt ost and t r i alandIhadnoot herdocument edpr oof .Ineededhel p.Ineededt hepsy chol ogi calr epor t ,ev en t houghIst i l l di dnothav eper mi ssi ont opayf orone. Ipul l edov erandcal l edAr tNor manf r om apayphone." Pl ease, Ar t , "Isai d." Pl easeseehi m.Ineed somet hi ngIcanuset ost opt hi sexecut i on."Ar tsai dhewoul dt r y .Iheadedbackt oWashi ngt ont o pr epar ef oral l t hatl ayaheadi nt henextt hr eeweeks. Thepar t ner schoset hi st i met ocompl ai nt hatIwasspendi ngt oomucht i meont heBundycase. Thei nsur ancepar t nerwasangr yt hatIwasnotasav ai l abl easIhadbeent hemont hbef or e.An i mpendi ngex ecut i ondat eseemedaexcuset ohi m.Thr eepar t ner sswoopedi nt omyof f i cesoonaf t er Igotbackf r om St ar ket oaskwhyIwasnotdoi ng" t hewor koft hef i r m."Thei rpr esencef i l l edt he r oom.Icoul dn' tbel i ev et hatt hesi t uat i onwasnotobv i ous.Aman' sl i f ewasi ni mmi nentj eopar dyand Iwasi nchar geofr epr esent i nghi m.Af ew associ at eswer ehel pi ngmewi t hr esear chonspeci f i c i ssues, butIhadf ul lr esponsi bi l i t yf ort hecase, andt hoseot herassoci at esdr oppedmycasewhena par t nerwant edt hei rt i meonanot hermat t er .Theywer epr ot ect i ngt hei rcar eer satt hef i r m.Ist i l lhad hopesmy sel foff i t t i ngi n.ButIcoul dn' tgetar oundt hef actt hatwhi l eot herassoci at eswer eav ai l abl e t odo" t hewor koft hef i r m, "t her ewasnoonet ot aker esponsi bi l i t yf ort heBundycasebutme. Thepar t ner sknewt hi s, andIexpl ai nedi tagai n, buti tseemedt omakenoi mpr essi on.I twasi fwe wer espeaki ngdi f f er entl anguages.Whatdi dt heyex pectmet odo?Dol esst ot r yt ost opt he ex ecut i on?" Bal ance"myr esponsi bi l i t yt opr ev entmycl i entf r om bei ngki l l edi nt hr eeweekswi t hmy r esponsi bi l i t yt ocat egor i z ei nsur ancedocument s?Theconf r ont at i onendedwi t hut t erf r ust r at i onon bot hsi des.Iwasshakendeepl y .Howcoul dmyv i ewofmycommi t mentt ot hi scasebesodi f f er ent f r om whatt hepar t ner sappar ent l yt houghtwasappr opr i at e?Andwhydi dt heyappr oachmedi r ect l y ? Whatwast hepoi ntoft hi sper sonali nt i mi dat i on?Whynotgot omysuper v i sor ,Ji m?Or ,i ft heyhad t al kedt ohi m al r eady , whyhadn' thewar nedme? I r oni cal l y ,ont heot hersi deIhadCCR,whoobv i ousl ybel i ev edIwasnotcommi t t edenought o sav i ngTed.Mi keMel l ohadbeenaghastwhenhesawmyappel l at ebr i efi nt heChiOmegacase.Ihad beensocer t ai nofJudgeZl och' spr ocedur aler r or sandwant edt ocommuni cat et hatcer t ai nt yt ot he El ev ent hCi r cui t-t hatI ' daddr essedonl yt hati ssuei nt heappealbr i ef .WhenCCRr ecei v edacopy , Mi kecal l edmei nadr eadf i l l edt oneofv oi ce.Hecoul dn' tbel i ev eIhadnoti ncl udedourcl ai msont he mer i t s,suchascompet encyandhy pnosi s,onwhi cht hecour thadr ul edwi t houtr ev i ewi ngt he ev i dence.Myt act i cwasal way st of i l ebr i ef st hatwer eascl eanandconf i dentasWi l mer ' son cor por at e mat t er s.Pl eas f orcompassi on notonl ywoul d be usel ess i n Ted' s case,t hey ' d be count er pr oduct i v ei twoul dl ookl i kewehadnor eall egali ssues.Ihadwant edt hej udgesont he appeal scour tt of or getaboutTedandt ot hi nkaboutt hel aw.ButMi kecl ear l yt houghtIwaspl aci ng l egal ni cet i esabov esav i ngaman' sl i f e. Ther ewasnof ol l owupt omyv i si tf r om t hepar t ner swhenIt ol dJi m abouti thel ookedangr y , but sai dnot hi ngandIpr oceededasIf el tIhadt o.Thenex tev entwoul dbemyhear i ngbef or eJudge Jopl i ngonTed' sr i ghtt omakeacasef orex ecut i v ecl emency .Iwast edmyf i r stor al ar gumenti ncour t t obeper f ect ,ofcour se.I twasadi scr et ei ssue:whet hert hegov er norhadar i ghtunderFl or i dal aw andpr act i cet odenyapar t i cul ari nmat eanoppor t uni t yev ent oappl yf orcl emency .Thear gument woul dbest r ai ght f or war d.Thest at ewoul dar guet hatt heU.S.Const i t ut i ondoesnotgr anti nmat es t her i ghtt obeconsi der edf orcl emency .Thatwast r ue.Iwoul dar guet hatFl or i dal aw andt he gov er nor ' sr ul esandst andar dpr act i ceshadcr eat edast at ut or yr i ghtt ocl emencypr oceedi ngs,and t hatTedhadbeensi ngl edoutf orexcl usi on,i nv i ol at i onofhi sU.S.const i t ut i onalr i ghtt oequal pr ot ect i onundert hel aw.That ,It hi nk,wasal sot r ue.Iknewi twoul dbecov er edbyt hepr ess,andI want edt odoandl ookmybest .Butf at ewor l dhav ei tot her wi se. Iwas pr epar i ng,att he same t i me,f ort he col l at er alpr oceedi ngs t hatwoul d commence i mmedi at el yi fIl osti nJudgeJopl i ng' scour t .Al t houghmanyoft hecl ai mswer esi mi l art ot hosei nt he ChiOmegacase,t heev i dencewoul dbecompl et el ydi f f er ent .Forex ampl e,t her ewasex t ensi v e pr ej udi ci alpr et r i alpubl i ci t yi nbot hcases.Butdi f f er entj ur or swer ei nv ol v ed,di f f er entpr essr epor t s. Mostsi gni f i cant l y ,whent heLakeCi t yt r i alwashel d,t her ehadbeenal loft headdi t i onalpubl i ci t y aboutt her ecentChi Omegacase, conv i ct i on, anddeat hsent ence.
Sev er al associ at eshadv ol unt eer edt ohel pwi t ht hev ar i ousbr i ef s, most l yatJi m' schi di ng, soIwas abl et of ar m outsomeoft hesubst ant i v ecl ai ms.Butgi v ent hepaceofev ent s, t hebr i efwasnotr eady t hedaybef or emyhear i ngi nLakeCi t y .I nst ead,mysecr et ar y ,PatBennet t ,andIwor kedt hr ought he ni ght .Patbecameandmor econcer nedwi t hhow Iwasgoi ngt ogetsomesl eepbef or emycour t appear ance-Patwor r i edaboutmyper sonalheal t handci r cumst ancesf orme.( Whenev erIwas f i ght i nganact i v ewar r ant ,mymot herwoul dqui taski ngf ormewhenshecal l ed.I twast ooscar y . I nst ead, she' dj ustaskPathowIwasdoi ngandPatwoul dr eassur eher .) Nearmor ni ngIknewsl eepwasnotapossi bi l i t y , butInev erguessedIwoul dn' tev enhav et hehal f hourt ospar et or unhomeandchangecl ot hes.Butt hat ' swhathappened.Ri ghtbef or emyf l i ghtI dumpedt hecol l at er al pl eadi ngonJi m' schai r , pi ckedupmycl emencymat er i al s, andt ookacabt ot he ai r por t .Iwasmeti nJacksonv i l l ebyMar gar etVandi v er ,av ol unt eerl egalassi st antwhohadwor ked wi t hCCR.WhenIt ol dherIneededt obuycl ot hesbef or ewedr ov ehal f wayacr ossnor t her nFl or i dat o t heoneo' cl ockhear i ngi nLakeCi t y , Mar gar et ' sf acer egi st er edheral ar m.Wedashedt oadepar t ment st or e, wher elboughtt hef i r stdar kdr esst hatf i t , asl i p, st ocki ngs, andapai rofshoes.Wewentback t oMar gar et ' ssoIcoul dshowerandchange, andt henwedr ov eoutt oLakeCi t yi nt i mef ort hehear i ng. Thi swasnothowIhadpi ct ur edt hedayofmyf i r stsol ocour tappear ance. I nLakeCi t ywewer emetbyDi ane,anot herv ol unt eer .Theset wowomenwer emyent our age. Theywer ei nmycomer , encour agi ngme, of f er i ngt or uner r ands, get t i ngcof f ee.Iwasbuoy edbyt hei r gent l esuppor t , gi v ensof r eel y .Wi t ht het el ev i si oncamer asbesi demyt abl e, andr epor t er sr eadywi t h quest i ons,Mar gar etandDi anest oodnear bypr ot ect i v el y .Thehear i ngpr oceededunev ent f ul l y .Iwas soner v ousIshookasIspokei ncour tf ort hef i r stt i mebl andl yr ect i f y i ngadr yandt echni cal ar gument onst at ut or i l ycr eat edcl emencyr i ght snodoubtdeadl ybor i ngf ort het el ev i si onaudi encet unedi nt o hearBundy ' sl awy erpl ead f ora st ay ofex ecut i on.Judge Jopl i ng gr aci ousl yr ef r ai ned f r om i nt er r upt i ngme.Thest at e' sat t or neypr esent edhi sr ebut t al .Thej udgeaskedaf ewpol i t equest i ons andt henpr ompt l yr ul edagai nstme: Thegov er norcoul dpr oper l ydenyonl yTedBundyt heoppor t uni t y ev ent oappl yf orcl emencyand,t hus,ast ayofex ecut i onwasnotwar r ant ed.Whent hehear i ng concl udedt hepr essconv er gedandIwasquest i onedaboutwhatIwasgoi ngt odonex t .Appar ent l yi t wasbr oadcastnat i onwi de, becausemycousi ni nMont anal at ert ol dmeshe' dbeenex ci t edt oseeme onTV, butwhywasIwear i ngsuchadopeydr ess? Pr essat t ent i on i sasbr i efasi ti si nt ense.Forf i v emi nut esa doz en peopl ewer epoi nt i ng mi cr ophonesatme, r epor t er swi t hnot epadscompet edt ogett hei rquest i onsi n.Theni twasov er .My handl er s,Mar gar etandDi ane,pr ai sedmyawkwar def f or t sandescor t edmeoutoft hecour t house.I cal l edHi m wi t ht her esul t sf r om aphonebyt hesi deoft hest at ehi ghwayanddr ov eont oSt ar ket o seeTedagai nbr i ef l ybef or eIf l ewhome.I twasNov ember13,andhewasschedul edt obeex ecut ed i nf i v eday s. Iar r i v edi nJi m' sof f i ceataboutel ev ent hatni ght .It hr ewmy sel font ot hecouchwi t hex hi l ar at ed ex haust i onandexcl ai med," TodayIam al awy er ! "Myex al t at i onatcompl et i ngmyf i r stcour t r oom appear ancewasshor t l i v ed.Ji m handedmet hecol l at er albr i eft hathehadf i nal i z edi nmyabsence andal r eadysentdownt obehanddel i v er edt oJudgeJopl i ngandt hepr osecut or si nFl or i dat hatsame day .Thi swasFr i dayandt heexecut i onwasschedul edf orTuesday .Atmi dni ght , st i l ldr apedov ert he couchi nJi m' sof f i cel i keamel t edchocol at ebar , Icasual l yst ar t edr eadi ngt hebr i efandnot i cedt hat mostoft hechangesPatandIhadmadet heni ghtbef or ewer enowmi ssi ng.I twasnotl i keJi mt o r ej ectmyedi t s, soIst ar t edt opr ot est , t hennot i cedt hatt hel astf ewl i nesofev er ypagewer emi ssi ng, t oo.Maj orwor dpr ocessi ngsnaf u. Ispr angof ft hecouch, Ji mr andownt hehal lt ogr abasecr et ar y , andwespentt her estoft heni ght cl eani ngupt hemessandf i gur i ngouthowt ogett henewcopi est oal lt hepeopl ewehadser v edso t hatwecoul dhav eourhear i ngf i r stt hi ngonMonday ,Anot hercoupl eofhundr eddol l ar si nov er ni ght del i v er yexpensesandanot herl ostni ght ' ssl eep.Ther ewasonesav i ngs,t hough.JudgeJopl i ngand t hest at e' sat t or neywer eat t endi ngt heLakeCi t yHi ghSchoolf oot bal lgamet oget heronSat ur day ni ght , sot heycoul dr ecei v et hei rcopi esatt hesamet i me.Howconv eni ent . SundaywasNov ember16,t woday sbef or et heschedul edex ecut i on.Ji m andIandouradhoct eam ofassoci at esandl egalassi st ant sf i nal i z edal lt hepaper swewoul dneed-i fwewer edeni edr el i efal l
t hewayupt ot heSupr emeCour t .Wewoul dhav et of i l eamot i ont or eopent hecasewi t hJudge Jopl i ng, pr i mar i l yont hecl ai mt hatheshoul dhav ehel dahear i ngatt het i meoft heLakeCi t yt r i alon Ted' sment alcompet ence.We' dhav et ober eadyt of i l eanappeali nt heFl or i daSupr emeCour ti f ( when)JudgeJopl i ngr ul edagai nstus.I f( when)wel ostourappealt her e,we' dhav et of i l eahabeas cor puspet i t i oni nt hef eder aldi st r i ctcour t .I f( notl i kel y ,It hought )wef ai l edt ogetast ayi nf eder al di st r i ctcour t , we' di nst ant l ybef or cedt of i l eanappeali nt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .Fi nal l y , i fal lel sef ai l ed, wewoul df i l eamot i onf orast ayi nt heU.S.Supr emeCour tt oal l ow t i met of i l eacer t .pet i t i on chal l engi ngt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ' sr ef usalt oacceptourappeal .Andwehadt ober eadyt odoi tal li n t hecour seofoneday , Monday , i fwehadt o. OnSundayI" l odged"ourmot i oni nt heSupr emeCour t ,notf i l i ngi tof f i ci al l ybutal l owi ngt hecour t t obepr epar edwhent het i mecame.ThenIsetoutf orSt ar ke.Ashehadi nJunef ort heChiOmega case, Tedwoul dhav et ov er i f yt hef act sofourcl ai ms.WhenIchangedpl anesi nAt l ant aIwasmetby av ol unt eerf r om t heSout her nPov er t yLawCent er ,whot ookt her equi r edt encopi esofourEl ev ent h Ci r cui tappealbr i eft obel odgedt her easwel l .WhenIsaw Tedhewast ensebutopt i mi st i c.We bel i ev edwewoul dbesuccessf uli nget t i ngast ayofex ecut i onbecauset hi swast hef i r stdeat h war r anti nt heLakeCi t ycase.Wedi dn' thav egr eatsuppor tf ort hecompet encycl ai mi nt hatcase, but t hehy pnosi sofAndyAnder sonhadbeenhar df orev ent heFl or i daSupr emeCour tt oaccepti nt he appeal t hatf ol l owedhi st r i al .Butwewer ev er y , v er ycl oset ot hedeadl i ne, andany t hi ngcoul dhappen. IspentSundayni ghti nJacksonv i l l eandaskedMar gar etVandi v ert oassi stust henex tday .Ji m ar r i v edl at et hatni ght .Thenextmor ni ng,aswepr epar edt ol eav ef ort he9: 00a.m.hear i ngi nLake Ci t y ,hedecl ar edwewoul dl eav eourt hi ngst her e,notcheckoutoft hehot eli nt hemor ni ngbecause wewer esur et owi nandr et ur nt oJacksonv i l l et hatev eni ng.Ji m' sboundl essopt i mi sm. Mondaymor ni ngJi m,Mar gar et ,andIdr ov et oLakeCi t y .Mer emi nut esaf t erwef i l edt het wohundr edpl uspagemot i onwi t ht hecl er k,JudgeJopl i ngannouncedhewasr eadyt oheart hecase. Ji m pr esent edourcase, oneoft hehal fdoz enst at eat t or ney satt hepr osecut or ' st abl ear gued" del ay t act i cs,"andJopl i ngpr ompt l yr ul edagai nstus,r ecal l i ngt hat" TedBundywasoneoft hemost compet entl awy er sIev erhadi nmycour t r oom.Icoul donl yi magi net her eact i onoft hest at e at t or ney s, l awy er swhoof t enappear edt her ei nJudgeJopl i ng' scour t r oom. Uponl ear ni ngt hatJopl i nghadconcl udedhi shear i ngbef or enoon,t heFl or i daSupr emeCour thad mov edupt hei rhear i ngonourexpect edappealt hataf t er noont o1: 00p.m.Mar gar etr ent edacarand dr ov et oOr l andot ol odget hef eder alhabeascor puscl ai mi ndi st r i ctcour t , andJi m andIr acedont o Tal l ahassee.LakeCi t ywasi nt hemi ddl eofnor t her nFl or i da, t hef eder aldi st r i ctcour ti nOr l andowas ont heshor et ot hesout heast ,andt heFl or i daSupr emeCour twasi nt henor t hwest er npanhandl e.I f TedBundy ' sl awy er scoul dn' tbei nt woort hr eepl acesatonce, wel l , t hey ' dj usthav et ogoaheadand ex ecut ehi mt hen.Wewentdi r ect l yt oCCRt oupdat eourappeal paper swi t hJudgeJopl i ng' sdeci si on. Atoneo' cl ockJi ml ef tt oar gueourappeali nt heFl or i daSupr emeCour tandIst ay edbehi ndt owor k onupdat i ngt heappealpaper st ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui tandkeepcont actwi t hMar gar eti nOr l ando.Our casehadbeenassi gnedt oDi st r i ctCour tJudgeKendal l Shar p. Ji m wasn' tgonel ong, andt heFl or i daSupr emeCour t ' sdeci si oncamei nr i ghtbehi ndhi m:APPEAL DENI ED.I not herwor ds,t hecour thadr ul edt hatwehadn' tr ai sedev enonear guabl ei ssuewor t hyof ev enonemor eday ' sconsi der at i on.Yeah,r i ght .It ol dMar gar ett of i l et hehabeaspet i t i onwi t hJudge Shar pof f i ci al l yandt of i ndoutwhenourhear i ngwoul dbe.JudgeShar p' scl er kcal l edbackt osaya hear i ng" woul dnotbenecessar y ."Wewai t edhel pl essl yi nTal l ahasseef ort hedeci si on.Mar gar et r epor t edl at ert hatal aw cl er kwoul dr unoutofJudgeShar p' schamber sf r om t i met ot i me,say i ng, " Onl yt enmor el ef t , "t hen" Fi v e, "t hen" Onemor et ogo! "JudgeShar pwasr ul i ngonanddeny i ng-ev er y cl ai mi ndi v i dual l ywi t houtev enpr ov i di ngusanoppor t uni t yt ost andbef or ehi m.I twas5: 00p.m. whenMar gar etcal l edwi t hJudgeShar p' sdeci si on:STAYDENI ED.Hehadwr i t t enat went y page opi ni oni nsuppor tofhi sj udgment .Thi sj udgehadl ear nedf r om JudgeZl och' smi st akes.Hehadhad t hest at edel i v ert heent i r ef i f t eent housandpaget r i alt r anscr i ptbef or et hecasewasev eni nhi s j ur i sdi ct i on,andi nhi swr i t t enopi ni onhecl ai medhehadr eadt heent i r et hi ng, Hewast r y i ngt omake hi sdeci si onappeal pr oofsot hatTed' sex ecut i oncoul dgot hr ough.Heev enr ef usedt ocer t i f yt he casef orappeal .Ical l edt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ' sdeat hcl er k( eachcour thadacl er kdesi gnat edf or
capi t alcasesunderwar r ant s,whi chr equi r edar oundt hecl ockav ai l abi l i t y )t of or mal l yf i l et heappeal I ' ddr oppedof fi nAt l ant aont hewaydownt ot hecour tt hedaybef or e. Dar kf el laswesati nCCR' scl ut t er edof f i ceswai t i ngf orananswerf r om t heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .I nt he ChiOmegacasewe' dhadast aybyf ouri nt heaf t er noon.Thi st i me,atei ghtt hecour t ' sdeat hcl er k admi t t edt heywer ehav i ngapr obl em get t i ngt hepaper st ot het hr eej udgesonourpanel ,t hesame panelasi nt heChiOmegacase.Theywer eal li nt hei rhomet owns,scat t er edamongt hef i v est at es cov er edbyt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .Sheaskedmet or eadhert hel i stofcl ai mscov er edbyt heappeal . Af t eral lt hatwr i t i ng,myemer gencyhandof fofappealpaper sSundayi nt heAt l ant aai r por t ,keepi ng t hecour ti nf or medev er yst epoft heway ,i thadcomedownt or eadi ngabar el i stofcl ai msov ert he phonet heni ghtbef or et heex ecut i on.Ibecamev er ydi scour aged.At11: 00p.m.t her ewasst i l lno wor d. Icoul dn' tst andt ospendanot hermi nut ei nCCR' sof f i ce.If el tconf i ned, suf f ocat ed; Iwant edt or un away ,orscr eam.Il ef tt ost andouti nt hest r eet ,t ogetoutoft hatpr essur ecooker ,butSchar l et t e Hol dmansentMi keMel l ot obr i ngmebackbecauset hest r eet swer enotsaf e.CCRwassmacki nt he mi ddl eoft heFl or i daSt at eUni v er si t ycampuswher e,bef or eTedBundy ,peopl ehadn' tev enl ocked t hei rdoor satni ght . Iwast al ki ngt oTedev er yt wohour s.Thepr i sonhadst ar t edser i ouspr epar at i onsf ort heex ecut i on. Tedr emai nedst eadf ast ,r ef usi ngt omakehi sl astr equest s.Theymeasur edhi mf orhi scof f i n.By mi dni ghtwest i l l hadn' thear d, al t houghwecont i nuedt obel i ev ewewoul dgetast ay . " Pol l y , I ' m conf i denti fy ou' r econf i dent , "Tedsai dagai n, " buti fi tev erl ooksl i kei t ' sgoi ngt heot her way , pr omi semey ou' l ll etmeknowaway .Pr omi semey ouwon' thi dei tf r om me.I t ' si mpor t ant .I fi t ' s goi ngt heot herway , t her ear esomet hi ngsIneedt odo." Ihadnoi deawhatt hose" t hi ngs"wer e,buti tsoundedomi nous.TedandIhadnev ert al kedabout t hepossi bi l i t yofar ealexecut i on.AndIwasn' tatal lpr epar edmy sel f .We' df ul l yex pect edast ayt hi s t i me.Wehadn' tgot t enadeci si oni nt heChiOmegacasey et ,butwe' dcer t ai nl yhadt hest r ong i mpr essi on att he or alar gumentt hatt hepanelwasgoi ng t o send t hecasebackf orf ur t her pr oceedi ngs,and Judge Vance had asked speci f i cal l yi fwe had an ex per tt o back up our i ncompet encycl ai m.Whywer et heyhesi t at i ngsol ongt hi st i me? I twasnear l y1: 00a.m.whent heEl ev ent hCi r cui ti ssuedast ayofex ecut i on, notr ecogni z i nganyof ouri ssuesort hei nappr opr i at enessofJudgeShar p' sr ef usalt oseeusorhi spr epr epar edopi ni on, but say i ngonl yt hatt her ewasi nsuf f i ci entt i mef ort hem t or ev i ewt hecasebef or et heex ecut i on.Ical l ed t hepr i sonand,t hi nki ngt hatIhadr eachedt hewar den,t ol dt heper sonwhoanswer edt hephonet hat Bundyhadr ecei v edast ay .Ther ewasal ongpauseont heot herendoft hel i ne;t hesur pr i sedpr i son guar d' sdi sappoi nt mentwaspal pabl e.Ther e woul dbenoex ecut i ont hatmor ni ng.Af t eral lt hat pr epar at i on. WhenIt ol dTed,hel etgoadeepsi gh." Oh,Pol l y ,"hewhi sper ed.If el tar ar emomentofhonest emot i onal ex pr essi onf r om Ted. Ji m andIcheckedi nt oahot eli nTal l ahasseeatt woo' cl ocki nt hemor ni ng,ourcl ot hesand t oi l et r i esal lt hewayacr osst hest at ei nJacksonv i l l e,spendi ngt heni ghti nadi f f er enthot el ,ont he f i r m.
CHAPTER10 Whi l ewewer ef i ght i ngTed' st hi r ddeat hwar r anti nNov ember1986, Dr .Lewi swasf i ni shi ngupher st udyofj uv eni l esondeat hr owatFSP.She' di nf or medmeshewoul dbeatt hepr i soni nNov ember , andJi m hadsai dwe' dpayherhour l yf eef ort hei nt er v i ew, butnotherot herex penses.Thenex tt hi ngI know,Ji m get sacal lf r om t heLegalDef enseFundi nNewYor k,aski ngwhatki ndofcasewewer e r unni ng,whywassuchani nexper i encedper sonasmebei ngal l owedt ohandl ei t ,andwhywasI l et t i ngDr .Nor manbr i ngascant i l ycl adwomani nt oseeTed?Dor ot hyLewi s,hesai d,wasex t r emel y al ar med.Notknowi ngwhathewast al ki ngabout , Ical l edDr .Lewi s.I tt ur nedoutt hatwhenshewent t oseeTedhewasj ustf i ni shi ngani nt er v i ew wi t hDr .Nor manandt hatwi t hDr .Nor manwasan at t r act i v ey oung woman.A CCR l egalassi st antwho had obser v ed t hi s encount erl at ercal l ed especi al l yt ot el lmewhatt hemy st er ywomanwaswear i ng:" Notmuch,andnot hi ngunderi t ."Dr . Lewi ssai dDr .Nor mant ol dherhe' dbr oughtt hewomani nt o" sof t enTedup." Ir eal i z edt hatt hi smustbeDi anaWei ner .Dr .Nor manhadassur edmeherv i si t swer enecessar yt o " hel pexpl ai nt omet hel egalcont extofmyex ami nat i on.Hewasessent i al l yv ol unt eer i nghi swor kat t hi spoi nt , andIwasst i l lhopi nghe' dcomeupwi t hsomeusef uli nsi ght .Ihadassumedt hataf t ert he st ayDr .Nor manwoul dqui tv i si t i ng,si ncet hatwast hepur posef orwhi chI ' daskedhi mt oseeTed agai nandwehadnev erf oundawayt opayhi m.Dr .Lewi swasv er yr el i ev edt oknowt hatwhatshe hadseenwasnotwhatI ' di nt endedbymyaut hor i z at i on. WhatIdi dnotr eal i z eaf t ert hest aywast hatDi anaWei nercont i nuedt oseeTedonherownal one andst i l l ont hebasi sofmyor i gi nal aut hor i z at i on.Byt het i meIknewt hi sf orcer t ai n, i twast ool at e. Thr eedeat hwar r ant swer eenoughf orme.Iwasgl adt ogett hest ay s,butt heywer egr ant edonl y t oal l owf ur t herpr oceedi ngs,mor eappealbr i ef s,anot heror alar gument .Idi dn' tseeanywayoutof t hi squagmi r easl ongasIst ay edatt hef i r m.Iwoul dal way sbet heoneul t i mat el yr esponsi bl ef or get t i ngt hewor kdone.It r i edt ost ar teasi ngoutoft hecase, t opassi tont osomeoneel se.Butt her e wer enot aker s.I nr et r ospect , Icanseet hatwhatIr eal l ywant edwassomer eal hel pandsuppor t .If el t asi fIwer edr owni ng. Whent heEl ev ent hCi r cui tf i nal l yhadgr ant edi t sst ayat1: 00а.м.onNov ember18, i thador der ed anexpedi t edappealschedul e; ourbr i ef swer edueDecemberl -t woweekst opr epar edocument st hat i nnor mall i t i gat i ont ookmont hs.Ev eni nt heChiOmegacasewe' dbeenal l owedamont ht ocompl et e t heappeal br i ef .Al t houghmypl anf orf ar mi ngoutt hei ssuesi nt hi sappeal hadseemedt obewor ki ng, ont hedat et hebr i efwasduesomeassoci at eshadn' tcompl et edt hei rsect i ons;t heyhadbeencal l ed awayonot herwor k," t hewor koft hef i r m."SoIf oundmy sel fonceagai nst andi ngbehi ndPatatt he wor dpr ocessoraf t erhour sont hef i r st ,di ct at i ngchangesanddr af t i ngt heaux i l i ar ydocument sup unt i lj ustmi nut esbef or emi dni ght ,whent hewai t i ngmessengerf r om t heai r l i nedel i v er yser v i ce v er i f i edt het i meandmar kedt hem RECEI VED.Ji m hadcomebyar oundt enandt henhadf l edwhen t hepr i nt er sbr okedown." Li kesausage, "hesai d, " l awi ssomet hi ngy oushoul dn' tseebei ngmade." Eachoft hesel ast mi nut espr i nt st ot hedeadl i newasl i keanot herdeat hwar r antt ome.Whi l e deadl i nesar ei mpor t anti nal ll egalcases,t heygener al l ycanbeex t endedf ornecessi t yort echni cal pr obl ems.ButInev erdar edt estt hi swi t hTedBundy ' scase.Ami sseddeadl i newoul dbeal lt he ex cuseacour twoul dneedt oav oi dhav i ngt odealwi t hourappeal , al l owt heex ecut i ont ot akepl ace, andbedonewi t hi t .For ev er .Iknewf oraf actt hatt hegov er norf acedeachcour tdeadl i newi t hpen poi sedov eraf r eshdeat hwar r ant , hopi ngf orasl i pup.Byme. Iwassav edeacht i me,ast hemi nut est i ckedt owar dmi dni ghtandt heot herl awy er sscat t er ed,by Pat( who, Isuspect ed, coul dcar el essi fTedTed' sl i f ewer el ost , butwhoknewmyl i f ewasatst akei n t hesemoment s)andChuckHal combe,ser v i ces' ni ghtsuper v i sor , whowoul dcal lt hedel i v er yser v i ce wi t ht hepr omi set hatt hedocument sr eal l ywer er eadyt obepi ckedup,andt hencaj ol et heant sy messengeri nt owai t i ngj ustami nut el onger , t henanot hermi nut e, unt i l onemi nut e bef or emi dni ght ,onemi nut ebef or et hedeadl i ne.I tseemedt hatt hebr i ef swer enev erdonesooner t hant hat .Onemi nut eaf t ermi dni ghtandt heycoul dhav ebeendeemedl at ebyt hecour t andt hecase l ost .AndIhadnor easont ot hi nkacour twoul dn' tbet hathar shwheni tcamet ot hecaseofTed Bundy .
Af t erf i l i ngt heappealbr i efi nt heLakeCi t ycase,Iappl i edf ort eachi ngposi t i onsatsev er all aw school s.Ji m f i nal l yt ook ser i ousl y myt hr eat st o qui twhen he r ecei v ed a cal laski ng f ora r ecommendat i on.Hecamef l y i ngupt omyof f i ce,ashockedl ookonhi sf ace.Hehadt ol dt hecal l er , " Shecan' tl eav e,andi fshedoes,she' st aki ngBundywi t hher ."Thatwasnotl i kel yt oenhancemy st andi ngasacandi dat e, butatl easti twast heacknowl edgmentIwashungr yt ohear . Par tofmeknewIneededt ogetr i doft hi scase,butt heot herpar tknewIcoul dnev erdr opi t .A man' sl i f ewasatst ake,andIhadt akenr esponsi bi l i t yf ori t .So,par tofmewentont hej obi nt er v i ew ci r cui t , andt heot herpar thel dmeback.I twasadi sast er .Thei nt er v i ewwoul dgowel l atf i r st , I ' df eel a r ushofopt i mi sm att hepossi bi l i t yofnewwor k, anewenv i r onment .I nev i t abl y , t hough,we' dcomet o t hequest i onofwhatki ndofwor kI ' dbeendoi ngatt hel awf i r m.Andt hent hequest i on,Whatwoul d happent ot heBundycase,how coul dIl eav ei t ?Thatwoul dal way sst umpme.A t r emendous smot her i ngwei ghtwoul ddescendonmeandf ewcoher entwor dswoul dcomeout . OnDecember12, 1986, Tedur gent l ywr ot et hathewasbei ngdi sci pl i ned-r ef usedout si deex er ci se pr i v i l egesf ort hi r t yday sast her esul tofr ecei v i ngt hest ayi nNov ember ." Thi shasgonet oof ar , Pol l y , "hewr ot e." Iam t i r edofbei ngsi ngl edoutf orabuse." Imadesomehal f hear t edat t empt st oi nt er v ene, cal l i ngAssi st antSuper i nt endentO' Nei l l andwr i t i ng Tedf ormor ei nf or mat i onaboutt heDR( di sci pl i nar yr epor t ) .Buti nf actIwasi nnomor et ohel p.Af t er al lt hewor kIhaddonet osav ehi sl i f ei nNov ember , Iwasf r ankl ynoti nt er est edi nex er t i ngmy sel ft o pr ot ecthi sex er ci ser i ght s.Iwant edmyownl i f eback.Iwant edTedt ot akecar eofhi msel ff orawhi l e. Butt hatwasn' thi sst y l e. OnJanuar y14Ir ecei v edacal lf r om JohnTanner , aFl or i daat t or neywhov i si t edTedaspar tofhi s l ayChr i st i anmi ni st r y .Het ol dmeThewasf r ust r at edt hatIwasnotkeepi ngi ncl osert ouch, andt hatI wasnotsuf f i ci ent l yf ol l owi ngupondet ai l sTedt houghtwer ei mpor t anti nt hecase.Iwr ot eTeda cr i sp,school mar mi shl et t err emi ndi nghi mt hathehadnotanswer edmyl astl et t erhi msel f ,andt hat al t houghIwaswor ki ngonget t i ngt hest at eat t or neyf i l esi ncl udi ngt hosehehadex pr essedconcer n aboutf ocusi ngont hedef i ci encyoft heSt at e' sev i dencedi dnotpr ov et obeasuccessf ulst r at egyf or y ourt r i al , andwi l l notbeanymor el i kel yt obr i ngy oupost conv i ct i onr el i ef . " Lat er ,whenIbegant ot r ackTed' sbehav i orbasedonDr .Lewi s' sdi agnosi sofmani cdepr essi on, t heseper i odsoft ensi onbet weenTedandme,andespeci al l yhi sl ackofl et t erwr i t i ng,st oodoutas depr essed per i ods.He r esponded t o myl et t eron Januar y20,1987,al so encl osi ng a bel at ed Chr i st mascar d: DearPol l y ,Chr i st mas,NewYear sandt he12day sofChr i st mashav ecomeandgone.If el tr ecl usi v e dur i ngt hehol i day sandcoul dn' tbr i ngmy sel ft osendseason' sgr eet i ngst oany one.Soi tgoes.ButI gotov eri t .Sopl easeacceptmyhear t f el tt hanksf oral l y ouhav edoneandmywi shest hatt hecomi ng y earwi l l gi v ey oumuchPeaceandJoy .Ted. I nhi sl et t er ,Tedwascont r i t e.Ial way sf el tIabusedmypowerwhenIr epr i mandedhi m.Ihel dt he ul t i mat eweapon-Icoul dqui tatanyt i me.Oratl eastTedt houghtIcoul d.Hewr ot e, " You' r er i ght .The bal li si nmycour t .Idoowey oual et t eraswel lasmanyt hanky ou' st oy ou,Ji m,andassoci at esf or t hespl endi dwor ky oudi dont heLakeCi t ycasebr i efr ecent l yf i l edwi t ht he1l t hCi r cui t .Sot hanky ou. Thebr i efi ssuper b."Tednot edt hatFSPhadr esci ndedt heDRwi t hamemoaf f i r mi ngt hati thadbeen ami sunder st andi ng,butheof f er edmenot hanksf ort hat .I twoul dbeawhi l ebef or eIr eal i z edTed wasnowr el y i ngonDi anaWei nert ohandl eper sonal mat t er sf orhi m. Nex tt ocomewoul dbet heEl ev ent hCi r cui tor alar gumenti nt heLakeCi t ycase,andIwas begi nni ngt opr epar ef ort hatwhenJi m camebyt osayheandMi keMel l ohadt al kedabouti tand deci dedJi m shoul ddot hear gument ,notme.Hesai dt heywer eaf r ai dt hecour twoul dt hi nkwe wer en' tt aki ngt hecasev er yser i ousl yi fI ,al owl yassoci at e,di di t .Somuchf or" Youdoi t ,y ou' r e Bundy ' sl awy er ."Iwasr el i ev ed, becauseIdi dn' tr eal l yf eelupt oi t , butIf el tcr ushedt hatJi mandnow hewasr el y i ngonMi keMel l o' sopi ni on, t oo-di dn' tt hi nkIwasei t her . Ihadbegant of eelasi fIwer ewal ki ngar oundwi t hawetbl anketar oundmyshoul der s.Andt he changewasbegi nni ngt oshow.Myf at hernot i cedi tf i r st :t hef l at nessi nmyv oi ce, myl ackofi nt er est
i ncar r y i ngonaconv er sat i on.Thatwasnotl i keme." What ' shappenedt oy ou? "hesai d." Youusedt o bet hel i f eoft hepar t y .Ev er y onewoul dl ookf or war dt owhenPol l ywoul dcomear ound.What ' s wr ong? "I ' dr epl yt hathi scal l i ngandbuggi ngmewaswhatwaswr ong.ButTany anot i cedi tt oo. Somet i meswhenIcamehomet ot hebeaut ypar l or , Tany awoul dst i l l bet her e, f i ni shi ngupaf aci al .As herl astcl i entl ayi nt hebackr oom underanher balmask,Tany awoul dt akemyf acei nherhands, ex per t l yr eadi ngsi gnsofst r ess." Thi sTedBundycasei snotgoodf ory ou, "she' dsay , " Thatcasei sal l r i ghtf oraman,buti ti snotacasef orawomant ohandl e."Sheappar ent l yshar edVi cAf r i cano' s f eel i ngsont hat ." Youshoul dt akeadr i nk,"she' dsay ." Idon' tdr i nk,"I ' danswer ." Youneedt ot akea dr i nknowandt hen, "shesai d." Thi si st oomuchst r ai nony ou." Wel l ,Iwasn' taboutt odot hat .Iwasat eet hgr i t t i ngnondr i nkerandIwasn' tgoi ngt ol etany t hi ng setmeback.Ihadbeensur pr i sedathoweasyi thadbeent oqui t .I ' dbeenconsumi ngt heequi v al ent oft wobot t l esofwi neathomeev er yni ghtf oral mostt woy ear swhenIdi d, f ol l owi ngsev er aly ear sof bardr i nki ng.Al t houghi thadgi v enmesomesenseoff i t t i ngi n-andcer t ai nl yr el i ev edmeofmy ov er dev el opedsenseofr esponsi bi l i t y publ i cdr i nki nghadbecomet oodanger ous.Anddr i nki ngal one athomehadbeent oodi smal .Iqui tcol dt ur keyi nFebr uar y1986Ihadt houghtf orsur eI ' dhav esome phy si calr eact i onand,whenIdi d,I ' dcal lAl cohol i csAnony mous.Buti tdi dn' thappen,soIdi dn' tcal l . I nst ead, Il ai dont hecouchl i cki ngf r ozenf r ui tbar sf ort hosesameev eni nghour sIhadbeendr i nki ng. Thr ought hespr i ngofmynewsobr i et yI ' dst i l lhadi nmi ndt hatI ' dst ar tagai n,wi t hacl eanbody . Getmyt ol er ancedown,besat i sf i edwi t honeort wodr i nks.Butwhenwewentt oMi amii nJunet o f i ghtTed' ssecondwar r ant ,IknewIcoul dnev erdr i nkagai n.Thest r essandf earwer eki l l i ngme,my i gnor anceoft hecol l at er alappealpr ocesshadmadet heex per i enceoneofhur t l i ngf or war dt owar da bl ackaby ss.Thet houghtofdr i nki nghadcomet omi nd, t hough, andt omysur pr i seIhadf oundt hatI wasv er ygr at ef ulIwasnotdr i nki ng,It houghthowl uckyi twasmysi xmont hswer enotupy et .For onet hi ng,t i mi ngwasev er y t hi ng.Wewer egoi ngt hr ought woort hr eecour t saday .Ihadt obe av ai l abl e,Ihadt okeepupwi t hi t ,Ineededt obesober .But ,mor ei mpor t ant l y ,i fIhadhadadr i nkI woul dhav ebeenunabl et ost andt heunbr eachabl edi st anceJi m al way smai nt ai nedbet weenus.I woul dhav ehadt obr eachi t .Ev enundert hosecombatcondi t i ons, whenwewer et ot al l ydependenton eachot her ,wher ei twasusagai nstt hewor l d-qui t el i t er al l y-Ji m nev ersai dany t hi ngt omet hat coul dn' tbepr i nt edi nt henewspaper .Noex pr essi onofper sonalemot i onov ert hecour tl osses-j ust occasi onalpr of essi onalout r ageatsy st emi ci nj ust i ceast heex ecut i onhournear ed.Noshar ed conf i dences,noper sonali nt er act i on.AsIhadt houghtaboutwhatwoul dhappeni fIt ookadr i nk,I knewt hatIwoul ddr i nkunt i lIwasdr unk.Iwoul ddr i nkt oanal cohol i cepi phanyandt henf or ceJi mt o dealwi t hmeper sonal l y .Iknew t henIwoul dnev er" dr yout "andbecomeanor maldr i nker .Iknew t henIcoul dnev erdr i nkagai n. OnJanuar y15,1987,t heEl ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal si ssuedi t sdeci si oni nt heChiOmega case: Thej udgmentoft hedi st r i ctcour tmustber ev er sedandt hecaser emandedf oror der l y ,car ef ul ,and del i ber at econsi der at i onoft heconst i t ut i onal i ssuest hatar ei nv ol v ed. Wr i t i ngf ort het hr eej udgepanel ,f or merchi efj udgeJohnechoedt hecour t ' smoodatt heor al ar gumenti nNov emberi nat er seandqui et l yseet hi ngopi ni on.Whi l epai nst aki ngl ydet ai l i ng, mi nut eby mi nut e,JudgeZl och' sf undament alpr ocedur aler r or si nr ef usi ngt ogr antast ayofex ecut i onand di smi ssi ngt hecaseoni t smer i t s, JudgeGodbol dsockedi tt ot hest at e' sat t or neyagai n: We cannoti dent i f ywi t h cer t ai nt yt he di st r i ctcour t ' sr at i onal ef ordi smi ssi ng t he pet i t i on.The conf usi onatt heor alar gumentont hemot i ont ost aywassubst ant i al l ycont r i but edt obyt hest at e.I n t he di st r i ctcour tand bef or et hi s cour ton appealt he st at e' sl esst hancandi d and mi sl eadi ng pr esent at i onsar edeepl ydi st ur bi ng.Li t i gant s,t hej udi ci alsy st em,andsoci et yatl ar gear eent i t l edt o hav ehabeascor puscases,andespeci al l ydeat hpenal t ycases,pr oceedpr ompt l y ,ef f ect i v el y ,and f ai r l y .Counsel f orFl or i daandf orot herst at esi nt hi sci r cui tnowwor k cooper at i v el yandwi t hhi ghpr of essi onalst andar dst owar dt hi send.Butsomehow t hi scasewent
ast r ay . JudgeGodbol dnot edt hatf arf r om bei ngi nsuf f i ci ent ,ourpet i t i onhadbeen" ov er ex t ensi v e," i ncl udi ngar gument sandf act st hatdi dnotneedt obeputf or t hunt i l ahear i ngwasgr ant ed.Att heend ofhi sopi ni on,JudgeGodbol d,whi l enot i ngt hathewasnotpr ej udgi ngt heout comeoft hecase, descr i bedourt womai ncl ai msi nway st hatmadei tcl eart hepanel under st oodt hem wel l : [ W] i t houtanal y z i ngal l ofhi snumer ouscl ai ms, t hepet i t i ondemonst r at esal i kel i hoodofsuccessi nat l eastsomer espect ssuf f i ci entt oj ust i f yast ay .Thesei ncl udeper mi t t i ngt het est i monyoft heonl y ey ewi t nessaf t ershehadbeenhy pnot i z ed.TheFl or i daSupr emeCour thel dt hi st est i monywas admi ssi bl e.Ei ghtmont hsl at eri nBundy ' ssepar at eappeal ar i si ngoutoft heLakeCi t ymur der , t he samecour thel dt hathy pnot i cal l yr ef r eshedt est i monywaspersei nadmi ssi bl ei nFl or i dabutt hati t s deci si onwast obepr ospect i v eonl y .I tmaybet hatt heset wocasescanbedi st i ngui shed.Butt he i nt er pl aybet weent hem, andt heconst i t ut i onal i mpl i cat i onsoft het wocases, r ai seser i ousquest i ons t hatcanbenei t heri gnor ednorbr ushedasi de. Anot herser i ousquest i oni sr ai sedbyt hest at ecour tdet er mi nat i onofBundy ' scompet encyt o st andt r i al .Noonei nt hehear i ngadequat el ydev el opedi nanadv er sar ymannert hei ssueofwhet her Bundywascompet ent , whi chwaswhatt hehear i ngwasal l about .Obv i ousl y , i ti snotananswert o quest i onsr ai sedconcer ni ngt heconst i t ut i onal adequacyoft hehear i ngt hatBundydi dnotwi sht obe f oundi ncompet ent -i fi nf acthewasi ncompet ent , hewasnotcompet entt omakesuchadeci si on. If el thear d.TheChiOmegacasewasgoi ngbackt oJudgeZl ochonanopi ni ont hatspeci f i cal l y not edt heappar entmer i t soft het womaj orcl ai msi tshar edwi t ht heLakeCi t ycase,whi chwasst i l l pendi ngwi t ht hepanel .Thi ngswer el ooki nggood.Fort hecase. Wor dcamet omet hatt hewasunhappywi t hmyat t empt st or ecr ui tmor el awy er sf ort heBundy t eam.Asi fi twer eacul t ,somet hi ngot hert hanar ealcase.Anew r ul ewassi l ent l yi nst i t ut edat Wi l mer : Nopr obonowor ki nt hef i r stsi xmont hsatt hef i r m, andt hennotwi t houtof f i ci al appr ov al . Ial sohear dt hatt hewomenpar t ner swer equest i oni ngt hei rpar t ner shi pshar esgoi ngt or epr esent amanwhohadspeci f i cal l yt ar get edwomen,f ormur der .Wasn' tt hi sl i keJewscont r i but i ngt ot he r epr esent at i onofAdol fHi t l er , t heywonder ed?Butnoonedi scussedi twi t hme. OnFebr uar y5,1987,Tedhadhi sf i r stpani cat t ack.Al t houghhe' dmai nt ai nedanunper t ur bed ex t er i or , al way si ncont r ol , al way scoolandsuper r at i onal , i nsi de, heappar ent l ywasdest abi l i z i ngaf t er t heev ent soft hepasty ear .Unt i lhi sf i r stdeat hwar r anthi sl i f eatFl or i daSt at ePr i sonhadbeen r el at i v el ypeacef ul ,especi al l yaf t erheandCar ol eandTi nahadset t l edi nt ot hei rweekl yr out i ne.The di sr upt i oncausedbyt hef i r stwar r antwasonl yt hef i r stt r emoroft hecr umbl i ngoft hatex i st ence.The TVmov i ehadbr oughtmor epubl i cat t ent i on, hat r ed, andunav oi dabl er emi nder soft hecr i meshehad putoutofhi smi ndf orsi xy ear s.Thesecondwar r anthadmadet hepossi bi l i t yofex ecut i onr eal t ohi m andt oCar ol e.ThenCar ol ehadl ef tf orSeat t l e,andTed' ssi x y earpat t er nofSat ur dayv i si t swi t hhi s at t ent i v e" f ami l y "wer eov er .Badmemor i eswer ebei ngdr edgedupf r om t hepastasDr .Nor man v i si t edspor adi cal l y ,spendi ngsev er alhour seacht i mepr obi ngTed' sr ecol l ect i ons,hi sdar ksi de.He wasspendi ngt i meal onewi t hDi anaWei ner .He' dal way sex pect edt obeper mi t t edt i met oappl yf or cl emencyi nt heLakeCi t ycaseaf t ercer t .wasdeni ed.I nst ead,hehadf oundhi msel fondeat hwat ch agai n,r ecei v i ngast ayonl ysi xhour sbef or ehi sex ecut i onwast ot akepl ace.Then,t ot opi tof f ,he' d beenwr ongl ypl acedi ndi sci pl i nar yst at usuponr ecei v i ngt hest ayanddepr i v edofout doorex er ci sehi s mostt r easur ed pr i v i l ege.The pr essur e was mount i ng,hi s peacef ulex i st ence was sl owl y unr av el i ng.Ev ent heEl ev ent hCi r cui tr ul i ngi nourf av orandr emandi ngt heChiOmegacasef orf ur t her consi der at i onwasnotnecessar i l yagr eatcomf or tt oTed.Forhi m,t hemer er esol ut i onofacour t casewhet heri nhi sf av orornot-meantt hathewast hatmuchcl osert or unni ngoutofl egal ammuni t i on. Tedl at ert ol dmehet houghthewasgoi ngt odi et hatmor ni ngofFebr uar y5.Hesai dhehadbeen f eel i ngf i nesi ncehi sr el easef r om t heDR,ex er ci si ngasusual ,doi ngy oga,av oi di ngcof f eeand chemi cal s.Tedv al uedsel f di sci pl i ne.Thepani cat t ackhi tatsi xi nt hemor ni ng,wi t houtwar ni ng.He sai dhel osthi sshor t t er m memor y ; l ostal lper spect i v e; hef el t" wav esofadr enal i ne, t er r orandpani c" ;
hewast r embl i ngandhi shandswer eshaki ng;hef el t" numbness,pi npr i cksont opofmybr ai n" ;he wasdi z z y ,hear dechoes,andhadr i ngi ngi nhi sear s.Hewr i t hedont hef l oorofhi scel lf orhal faday bef or ei tpassed.Subsequentat t ackswoul dl astl onger . " Mayy ourdaught er sal lbef al lt hesamef at easBundy ' sv i ct i ms,andmayy our emai nwi t hout v i ndi cat i onf ort hei rdeat hs, andr oti nhel l . " Ont hedayt heEl ev ent hCi r cui thear dor alar gumenti nt heCi t ycase,Mar ch5,1987,t heSt . Pet er sbur gTi mesnot edt hatt hecour thadr ecei v edmor eangr yphonecal l sandhat emai lt oanev er bef or east her esul tofgr ant i ngst ay sofex ecut i ont oTedBundy .Onel et t erbegan:" Thecr i mi nal j ust i cesy st em i nAmer i cahasaf est er i ng,pusdr i ppi ngsor ecal l edt heU.S.11t hCi r cui tCour tof Appeal s."Anot hercont ai neddeat ht hr eat sdeemedser i ousenought obet ur nedov ert ot heFBI .The cl er kofcour tdescr i bedi tasan" Iknowwher ey oul i v e, andt her e' sacont r actoutony ou, andt hey ' r e goi ngt of i ndy ourbodi esf l oat i ngi nt her i v er "l et t er .Some, i ncl udi ngoneaddr essedt ot he" Thr eeBl i nd Judges, "mer el ychar gedourpanel wi t hgr ossi nept i t ude.St i l l ot her susedst r ongerl anguage: " Judges l i key oucastshameont heent i r ej ust i cesy st em.I naci v i l i z edsoci et y ,Idon' tt hi nky ouhav eany ex cusef orbei ng. OnApr i l 2, 1987, t heEl ev ent hCi r cui ti ssuedi t sdeci si oni nt heLakeCi t ycase.Thi st i me, r at hert han i dent i f y i ngasi ngl eaut hor ,i twasapercur i am opi ni onoft heent i r epanel .Percur i am opi ni onsar e usedi nespeci al l ycont r ov er si alcasesori ncasesi nwhi cht hepanelwant st oemphasi z et hatt he deci si oni swi t houtdi ssent ,si ncet hecor r ectr esol ut i onoft hecasei ssel f ev i dent .I nt hi scase,I suspect edi twasusedt opr ev entanyonej udgef r om shoul der i ngt hebl ame.Cer t ai nl yt heLakeCi t y casehadbeenal i t t l et r i cki erf ort hepanelt hant heChiOmegacasehadbeen.Foronet hi ng.Vi chad nev err ai sedt hei ssueofTed' scompet encyatt r i al .Foranot her ,JudgeShar phadcov er edhi s pr ocedur albases.Asar esul t ,t hepanelf el tcompel l edt o acceptatf acev al ueJudgeShar p' s i mpl ausi bl easser t i ont hatbef or eheev erhear df r om us, he' dr eadt heent i r er ecor d, consi der edal lt he possi bl ecl ai msandal lanswer st or ebut t al st hatcoul dbemi neont hebasi soft hef i f t eent housandpager ecor d,andbeenr eadyt or ul eont hemer i t sofev er ycl ai m wi t hi nhour soff i l i ng,wi t houtev en al l owi ngust oappearbef or ehi mt oar gueourcase.Gi v ent hatassumpt i on,JudgeShar p' sf act ual f i ndi ngscar r i edapr esumpt i onofcor r ect nessonappeal ,andcoul dbeov er t ur nedonl yi fwehad shownt hatt heywer e" cl ear l yer r oneous,"av er yhi ghst andar dt omeet .Butt hepanelr ul edt hatwe had. [ A]def endanti sment al l yi ncompet entt ost andt r i ali fhel acksa" suf f i ci entpr esentabi l i t yt o consul twi t hhi sl awy erwi t har easonabl edegr eeofr at i onalunder st andi ng"andi fhel acks" ar at i onal aswel lasf act ualunder st andi ngoft hepr oceedi ngsagai nsthi m."Adef endanti snotent i t l edt oan ev i dent i ar yhear i ngonhi scl ai m ofi ncompet encyunl esshe" pr esent scl earandconv i nci ngev i dence t ocr eat ea' r eal , subst ant i al andl egi t i mat edoubtast o[ hi s]ment al capaci t y …meani ngf ul l y par t i ci pat eandcooper at ewi t hcounsel .Thest andar dofpr oofi shi gh.Thef act smust" posi t i v el y , unequi v ocal l yandcl ear l ygener at e' t hel egi t i mat edoubt ." Thedi st r i ctcour tdi smi ssedt hi scl ai m, f i ndi ngt hatBundywasnotent i t l edt oanev i dent i ar yhear i ng becausehehadf ai l edt opr esentsuf f i ci entev i dencer ai si ngal egi t i mat edoubtast ohi scompet ence t ost andt r i al .I nmaki ngt hatf i ndi ng, t hedi st r i ctcour tf i r stnot edt hatat r i alcour ti nLeonCount y[ t he ChiOmegacase]hadf oundBundycompet entt ost andt r i al .Thedi st r i ctcour tt henst at edt hat Bundy ' sf ai l ur et or ai set hi scl ai m att r i ali nt hi scasewas" hi ghl ysi gni f i cant "andt hat" [ i twoul dbea ' per v er si onoft hej udi ci alpr ocess' t oal l owpet i t i onert owai v eanychal l enget ohi scompet enceatt r i al andt henper mi tanewt r i al ont hegr oundst hathewasnotgr ant edahear i ngonhi scompet ence." Admi t t edl y ,wemustacceptt hedi st r i ctcour t ' sf i ndi ngt hatBundyf ai l edt opr oducesuf f i ci ent ev i dencegener at i ngal egi t i mat edoubtast ohi scompet encet ost andt r i alunl esst hatf i ndi ngi s cl ear l yer r oneous,Howev er ,ourr ev i ew oft her ecor dconv i ncesust hatt hedi st r i ctcour ter r edi n concl udi ngt hatBundywasnotent i t l edt oanev i dent i ar yhear i ngont hi scl ai m. [ T] hedi st r i ctcour ti mpr oper l ywei ghedt heev i dencei nt her ecor d.Al t houghdef ensecounsel ' s f ai l ur et oquest i onatt r i al hi scl i ent ' scompet encycanbehi ghl yper suasi v eev i dencet hatt he pet i t i oner ' scompet encet ost andt r i al wasnoti ndoubt , t hedi st r i ctcour tundul yemphasi z eddef ense
counsel ' s[ Vi cAf r i cano' s]f ai l ur et odosoher e.Asi ndi cat ed, t het r i al cour ti nt heLeonCount ycase det er mi nedt hatBundywascompet entt ost andt r i al .Becauset hi scaseandt heLeonCount y pr osecut i onwer econt empor aneousandbecauseacompet encycl ai mi nt hi scasewoul dhav er est ed onmuchoft hesameev i dencet hatt heLeonCount ycour tappar ent l yr ej ect ed, def ensecounsel may hav econcl udedt hatt het r i al cour ther eal sowoul dhav edeni edanyr el i efonacompet encycl ai m.He coul dhav er eachedt hatconcl usi onev ent houghheser i ousl ydoubt edBundy ' scompet encyt ost and t r i al .Ther ef or e, becauset r i al counsel ' sf ai l ur et or ai set hi scl ai m gi v esr i set oconf l i ct i ngi nf er ences, t hedi st r i ctcour tat t achedt oomuchwei ghtt ot hef ai l ur et or ai set hi scl ai m att r i al . Whet hert hedef endantbel i ev edhewascompet entt ost andt r i al i si r r el ev antf or , i fadef endanti s i ncompet entt ost andt r i al , hi sbel i eft hathei sabl et odosoi swi t houti mpor t .Wenot et hatany i nst r uct i onf r om Bundyt ohi st r i al counsel nott ochal l engehi scompet encydoesnotf or ecl oseour i nqui r y , I fdef ensecounsel suspect st hatt hedef endanti sunabl et oconsul twi t hhi m" wi t ha r easonabl edegr eeofr at i onal under st andi ng, "hecannotbl i ndl yaccepthi scl i ent ' sdemandt hathi s compet encynotbechal l enged. I ncont r ast , t hedi st r i ctcour tseemi ngl yi gnor edst r ongi ndi ci aofBundy ' si ncompet encet ost and t r i al .Af t ert hesent enci ngj ur yr ecommendedt hedeat hsent ence, def ensecounsel of f er edt ot hecour t t her epor tofDr .Tanay .Thet r i al cour ti nt heLeonCount ycaseappoi nt edDr .Tanay , acl i ni cal psy chi at r i st , t oexami neBundy .Dr .Tanayi st er v i ewedBundyanddef ensecounsel i nt heLeonCount y caseandex ami nedBundy ' sbehav i ordur i ngpol i cei nt er r ogat i onsandi nt hecour t r oom.Asar esul t , Dr . Tanayconcl udedt hatBundy" l acksar at i onal under st andi ngofwhati sf aci nghi m"andt hathe pr obabl yl acks" suf f i ci entpr esentabi l i t yt oconsul twi t hhi sl awy er swi t har easonabl edegr eeof r at i onal under st andi ng, "andr ecommendedt hatt hecour tconductani nqui r yi nt oBundy ' s compet encet ost andt r i al .Suchev i dencet heuncont r adi ct edopi ni onofaqual i f i edpsy chi at r i st di r ect edexpr essl yt owar dst her el ev antl egal st andar di sf armor esi gni f i cantt handef ensecounsel ' s f ai l ur et or ai set hi scl ai m att r i al .Thedi st r i ctcour t , howev er , f ai l edev ent oment i onDr .Tanay ' sr epor t . I naddi t i on, t her ecor dcont ai nssev er al i nst ancesi nwhi chBundyappar ent l yi gnor edt headv i ceof hi scounsel suchaswhenhegav est at ement st ot hepol i ceandwhenher enegedont hepl ea agr eement . Fur t her mor e, despi t ehi scounsel ' sur gi ngt ot hecont r ar y , Bundyr ef usedt oof f eranymi t i gat i ng ev i dencet ot hesent enci ngj ur y .I nst ead, Bundyi nsi st edonper f or mi ngamockweddi ngcer emony wi t hhi sf i anceebef or et hem.Suchconductst andi ngal onemaynotconst i t ut ea" hi st or yof pr onouncedi r r at i onal behav i or "war r ant i ngacompet encyhear i ng.Howev er , acour tmustconsi dert he aggr egat eef f ectoft hei ndi ci aofadef endant ' si ncompet ence.Bundy ' sbehav i ort hr oughoutt hi s pr osecut i onr ei nf or cesDr .concl usi ont hatBundyl ackedar at i onal under st andi ngoft hecaseagai nst hi m andt hatBundycoul dnotr at i onal l yconsul twi t hcounsel .Webel i ev et hatt hedi st r i ctcour tgav e t ool i t t l ewei ghtt ot hatf act . Fur t her mor e, i ti shi ghl ysi gni f i cantt hatbot hdef ensecounsel andt hest at emov edf ora compet encyhear i ngi nt heLeonCount ycaseaf t erBundyr ef usedt oacceptaj oi ntpl eaof f er .Bundy ' s behav i ori nr ej ect i ngt hepl eaof f erwascent r al t ot hest at e' sdeci si ont or equestacompet ency hear i ngi nt heLeonCount ycase.Becauset hej oi ntpl eaagr eementcov er edbot ht hi scaseandt he LeonCount ycase, t het r i al j udgei nt hi scaseat t endedt hehear i ngwher eBundyt heat r i cal l yr ej ect ed t hepl eaof f er .Bundy ' sbehav i oratt hathear i ng, at ophi sal r eadysuspectbehav i or , suf f i cedt o quest i onser i ousl yhi scompet encyt ost andt r i al i nt heLeonCount ycase.I thast hesameef f ecther e. Fi nal l y , t hedi st r i ctcour ter r edi ndeny i ngahear i ngont hegr oundt hat , becauseBundydi dnotr ai se t hi scl ai m att r i al , gr ant i nghi m ahear i ngnowwoul dbea" per v er si onofj ust i ce."Adef endantcannot wai v ehi sr i ghtnott ost andt r i al i fhei si ncompet ent .Thus, adef endantcanchal l engehi scompet ency t ost andt r i al f ort hef i r stt i mei nhi si ni t i al habeaspet i t i onand, i fhepr esent sf act sr ai si ngal egi t i mat e doubtast ohi scompet encyt ost andt r i al , hei sent i t l edt oanev i dent i ar yhear i ngi nt hedi st r i ctcour t . [ Ci t at i onsomi t t ed.] Ourcasei nanut shel l .TheEl ev ent hCi r cui tr emandedt heLakeCi t ycasebackt oJudgeShar psoa " f ul landf ai rdet er mi nat i onofBundy ' scompet enceatt het i meofhi st r i al "coul dbeconduct ed.I tal so
or der edt hepr oceedi ngt obeconsol i dat edwi t ht hecompet encyhear i ngt obehel di nt heChiOmega case,bot ht obeconsi der edbyJudgeShar pnotJudgeZl och.Foraf ew day saf t err ecei v i ngt hi s opi ni on,Ji m andIwer eel at ed.Bot hcaseswer eundercont r ol ,bot hwer er emanded,t heywer enow onecasef ort hecompet encyhear i ng.Wecoul dqui tf i ght i ngwar r ant sandpr ocedur albat t l es,doout i nv est i gat i on,pr epar eourcase,andputonourev i dence.I nst eadofj uggl i ngt wol i v ehandgr enades, I ' dhav eonenor mal ,consol i dat edl i t i gat i oncase.It hought .JudgeShar pbr oughtmeupshor tby i mmedi at el yset t i ngt hedat ef ort hecompet encyhear i ng-i twast ot akepl acei nonl yt woweeks. Suddenl yi twasnow" dr opev er y t hi ng"t i meagai nont heBundycase.Somet i mesi tseemedasi f ex ecut i ngTedBundywasr i ghtupt her ewi t hr i ddi ngt hewor l dofcommuni sm i nt er msofnat i onal pr i or i t i es.Whycoul dn' twehav et i met opr epar ear ealcane?We' dbeenpr ev ent edf r om doi ngt hi sf or ov eray eart hr oughnof aul tofourown,f or cedbydeat hwar r ant si nt owast ef ulst ayl i t i gat i onand unwar r ant edr ej ect i onsbycour t sanxi oust ot ossawayt hehotpot at o.Whyt her usht ohav eahear i ng? I fani nmat ehas,say ,onl yal i f esent ence,hi shabeaspet i t i onwi l ll angui shf ory ear swai t i ngf ora hear i ng,al ongwi t hal lt heot herci v i ll i t i gant swhosecasesar ebackedupi ndi st r i ctcour t .ButJudge Shar ppushedal lot hercases, al lt heot herl i t i gant s, of fhi scal endart omaker oom f ort heBundycase sohecoul ddenyi tagai nandbedonewi t hi t . Askedbyat el ev i si onr epor t eri fhet houghtahear i ngonBundy ' scompet encywoul dbeawast eof t i me, JudgeShar pr epl i ed, " Absol ut el y ."
AChr i st mascar df r om Ted, 1986
PARTI V CHAPTER11 Consi der i ngt hatIwasbor nt or epr esentTedBundy ,Iwasal way ssur pr i sedt hatIwasn' tenj oy i ng my sel fmor e.I twasapr i v i l eget obei nchar geofsuchani mpor t antcaseatt hev er ybegi nni ngofmy l egalcar eer .Thest akescoul dn' thav ebeenmor emeani ngf ult omeaman' sl i f e.Isetmyown schedul e, det er mi nedt hewor kf l ow.It r av el edt oFl or i daont hef i r m atmyowndi scr et i on.Mostoft he l egali ssuesi nv ol v edcompel l i ngquest i onsofconst i t ut i onalcr i mi nall aw.Cer t ai nl yot herassoci at es t houghtIhadi tmade-oneexampl ewast heassoci at ewhoannouncedatameet i ngt hathedi dn' tf eel f r eet odopr obonowor kbecauseIwasdoi ngmor et hanIwasent i t l edt o.Idi dn' thav eanast ypar t ner hov er i ngov erme;Iwasn' tr esear chi ngbi t sofdr y ,t echni cal ,l egalesot er i ca;andIcer t ai nl ywasn' t dr af t i ngf oot not est osuggest edcomment sonpr oposedr egul at i ons.Farf r om i t .Ev er y t hi ngIwr ot e madei ti nt ot hef i nal pr oduct , oneofmyseemi ngl ybi weekl ycour tf i l i ngs.Andmyv er ynameappear ed i nnewspaper s. Butt hatf i r sty earont hecase,whenIwast r y i ngt ogetmyf oot i ng,wasanunendi ngser i esof cr i ses.Andbyt heendoft hatf i r sty ear ,whenIf i nal l yf el tasi fIknewwhatIwasdoi ngandshoul d hav ebeenabl et ohi tmyst r i de,i twast ool at e.Iwasshel l shocked,const ant l ybr acedf ort henex t emer gency ,t henextdi sast er ,unabl et ol etmyguar ddown.Butt her ewasonebr i ghtspot .The concent r at edf act uali nv est i gat i onf orJudgeShar p' ssuddencompet encyhear i ngpr ov edt obea v i r t ualoasi sofpl easur abl eact i v i t y .Peopl et ol dt hei rst or i esand, f ort hemostpar t , al lIhadt odowas l i st en. Fi r stcameDr .Lewi s,mi r acul ousl yal r eadyi n Washi ngt on f orapr of essi onalconf er encet he weekendaf t erJudgeShar pschedul edt hecompet encyhear i ng.Dr .Lewi shadi nt er v i ewedTedt wi ce byt hen, i nSept emberandNov ember1986.We' dnev ermeti nper sonbef or e, al t houghwe' dhadmany phoneconv er sat i ons.Thef i r stwaswhenshe' ddemandedt oknow i fIknew mycl i entwasbi pol ar , andi fnot ,wasIbl i nd?Anot her ,ofcour se,waswhenshesetof ft hedeat hpenal t ycommuni t yal ar m t hatIwasmi shandl i ngt hecaseaf t ershegotal ookatDi anaWei ner .Mostofourot herconv er sat i ons hadconcer nedhert r av elar r angement st oandf r om FSP.Ot hert hancal l i ngmei nWashi ngt on,D. C. , Dr .Lewi sappar ent l yhadnomeansofget t i ngat ax i cabt oherhomei nNewHav en, Connect i cut , f ora r i det ot heai r por t .Af t eral l , shewasdoi ngusabi g, bi gf av orbyt acki ngTedont oherst udyand, byt he way , howwasshesupposedt ogetf r om t heai r por ti nFl or i dat ot hepr i son?WasIgoi ngt osendacar t opi ckherup?Howwoul dsheknowwher et ogo?Ihadhandl edherr equest sasbestIcoul d, andwas car ef ult or ef ert oheras" Doct or ,"r at hert hanbyherf i r stname.Idi dn' twantt opr esume.Cl ear l yDr . Lewi shadhadv er ybadexper i enceswi t hl awy er s.Ont hatSat ur day , Apr i l 4, 1987, Iknewi twashert he i nst antshear r i v ed, t umbl i ngoutoft het ax i cabwi t hhandf ul sofbagsandbr i ef cases, l ooki ngasy oung andl i v el yast heVassargi r l shehadbeent hi r t yy ear sbef or e-andaseccent r i casMar yPoppi ns. Dr .Lewi smesmer i zedusal l me,Ji m,andt woot herassoci at eswor ki ngpar t t i meont hecase, JohnSandageandAndyMunr o.Ther ewasnodoubti nDr .Lewi s' smi ndt hatTedwassuf f er i ngf r om mani cdepr essi on,whi chhadcont r i but edbot ht ohi scr i mesandt ohi ssel f dest r uct i v ebehav i or dur i nghi sChiOmegat r i al .Thecr i mes.shesai d,mostl i kel ywer ecommi t t eddur i ngdepr essi v e phases,whi chhehadat t empt edt oendt hr ought hest i mul usofst al ki ngandcapt ur i nghi sv i ct i m. Muchofhi st r i albehav i ori l l ust r at edhi smani cphase:t al ki ngt ot hePensacol apol i ceal lni ght ; wr i t i ng hi sl ongt i r adeagai nstMi keMi ner v at heni ghtbef or et hepl eabar gai nhear i ng;andt houghhewer e i nv i nci bl e.Thatmuch,asf arasDr .Lewi swasconcer ned,wasset t l ed.Whatmosti nt r i guedherwas t hepossi bi l i t yt hatTedal sosuf f er edf r om mul t i pl eper sonal i t i es. I twasachi l l y , dr i zzl ydayi nWashi ngt on.Mybr ot herI v arhadcomet ov i si tmef r om Mi nneapol i son apl anet i cketI ' dgi v enhi mf orChr i st mas,butheendedupex pl or i ngWashi ngt ononhi sownt hat ov er castday .Ev er yf ewhour she' dcal lf r om aphoneboot ht oseei fIwasf r eey et .Butt hataf t er noon, aswesati naconf er encer oom oft hef i r m' sbr andnewof f i cebui l di ng,Dr .Lewi schar gedt her oom wi t hener gy , asi fshewer eawal ki ng, t al ki ngnucl eargener at or .Shewassoi nt ense, sof asci nat i ng, so f asci nat edbyt hepuzzl esposedbyt hehumanmi nd.Af t erwe' ddi scussedTed' scase,andev en
t houghweal lhadot hert hi ngst odo,wecoul dnotl ethergo.Shedi dn' twast ewor ds,Dr .Lewi s;she di dn' twast et hought s.Herpowerofconcent r at i on spar ked and i l l umi nat ed ourmi nds and i magi nat i onsf orsi xhour s.I twasoneoft hoser ar emoment swheny oubecomeawar eoft her eal humanpot ent i al oft i me, ofmer ehour s. Dur i ngt hecour seoft heaf t er noon,Dr .Lewi sdescr i bedherf i r stf acet of aceex per i encewi t ha bonaf i demul t i pl eper sonal i t y ,acondemnedmur der eri nNor t hCar ol i na.Dr .Lewi shadmetwi t h Thel maBar f i el d, ademur emi ddl eagedwoman, whi l eherat t or ney swer eat t empt i ngt osav eherf r om bei ngex ecut ed.Shewascer t ai nBar f i el dhadbeensex ual l yabusedasachi l d,butwasunabl et oget hert oadmi tt oi t .She' dal sobeent ol dBar f i el dhadmul t i pl eper sonal i t i es, butshehadn' tseenanysi gn oft hi s.AsDr .Lewi swasgi v i ngup,howev er ,andt ur ni ngherbackt ol eav et her oom,shehear da r ough,gr owl i ng v oi ce r i se up behi nd her .Bar f i el d' s ot herper sonal i t y ," Bi l l y ,"had emer ged spont aneousl y .Dr .Lewi sbecameat r uebel i ev eri nmul t i pl es. " Bi l l y "t ol dheroft hesexualabuseBar f i el dhadendur ed, butsai dhehadt ol dThel mahewoul dki l lher i fshet ol dany one.I nt heend, i nt het y pi cal l yAl i cei nWonder l andwayi nwhi cht hecour t sdeal wi t ht he ment al l yi l l ," Bi l l y ' s"subsequentappear anceatt r i alonl yconf i r medf ort hej udget hatBar f i el dshoul d beexecut ed." Oneoft hem di di t , "t hej udgedecl ar ed." Idon' tcar ewhi chone."Thel maBar f i el dwas t hef i r stwomant obeexecut edaf t ert heSupr emeCour t ' smor at or i um wasl i f t ed.Ev ert hecur i ous sci ent i st , Dr .Lewi sseemedt ost andi nequalawest r uckwonderbot hat" Bi l l y ' s"cr uelv i ct i mi z at i onof Thel maandt hej udge' sspect acul ari gnor ancei nr ef usi ngt of i ndheri nsane. ThenextweekIwasr ar i ngt ogo,Dr .Lewi shadsuggest edal lsor t sofmat er i al st hatwoul dbe hel pf ulf orherev al uat i onofTed:t hedeposi t i onshehadt akenonhi sown;t r anscr i pt sofhi m at hear i ngs;v i deot apesoft het r i al s,i ft heyst i l lex i st ed;schoolr ecor ds-t hewor ks.Ihadacl earcont ex t f ort hei nv est i gat i onnow.Iwasgoi ngt odocumentTed' spat t er nofmani cdepr essi v ebehav i or ; possi bl yf i ndper i odsofamnesi aorot hersi gnsofmul t i pl eper sonal i t ydi sor der ;andot her wi set o showTedi ncapabl eofassi st i nghi sl awy er sdur i nghi st r i al s.Ial sowant edt of i ndany t hi ngi nTed' s ear l ychi l dhoodt hatmi ghtpoi ntt ot heor i gi nsofhi sment aldi st ur bance,andt her ebyr ei nf or cet he t r ut hofi t sexi st ence.Thi scompet encyhear i ngwoul dbeouronl ychancet opr esentt hecase.Al lt he ev i dencewoul dhav et obedugupnoworl ostf or ev er .Ther ewassomucht odo. Thef i r stser i esofi nt er v i ewst ookpl aceov ert hephone, i nmyof f i ce.I fwehadn' tbeenundersuch at i ghtdeadl i ne, wi t ht heev i dent i ar yhear i ngcomi ngupl i keat r ai natf ul l speedi nl esst hant woweeks, Ipr obabl ywoul dhav ef el tshyaboutcal l i ngupasmanyofTed' sr el at i v esasIcoul df i nd,wi t hout war ni ng,wi t houtapr ev i ousi nt r oduct i on,t oaskt hem t ot el lmeev er y t hi ngt heyr emember edabout hi m andhi sf ami l y .I fI ' dhadmor et i me,Ipr obabl ywoul dhav espenti tcompi l i ngal i stofaddr esses andphonenumber s, wr i t i ngl awy er l yl et t er st oeachoft hem, assur i ng t hem t hatIwasi ndeedr epr esent i ngTed,andt hatt hei nv est i gat i on,aspai nf ulasi tmi ghtbe,was necessar yt osav ehi sl i f e, etcet er a, etcet er a. I nst ead, Iwasont hephoneeachni ght , soI ' dcat chpeopl eathome.Ist ar t edmaki ngguessesast o t hewher eabout sofcer t ai nr el at i v es,cal l i ngdi r ect or yassi st ance,andr eachi ngt hem unawar e.The r esul t swer eenl i ght eni ngandgr at i f y i ng.Oncet heygotov ert heshockoft heunex pect edcal l , andhad al soov er comet heappar entf ami l yr ul eagai nstt al ki ngaboutTed,hi saunt sanduncl esandcousi ns, cogni z antoft hev er yr ealpossi bi l i t yofhi sex ecut i on,al mosti nv ol unt ar i l ybegant oopenupand r emi ni sce.Iwasmov edbyhowt heyent r ust edmewi t ht hei rst or i es.Somet i mesJi m woul dsi ti nmy of f i cef orawhi l el i st eni ngonanex t ensi on, buthe' dnev erspeak, Thef act swer emyt er r i t or y . Il ear nedt hat ,cont r ar yt oTed' sdescr i pt i onofani dy l l i cf ami l ybackgr ound,hi sgr andf at herhad beenav i ol entandbi zar r emanwhobeathi swi f eandt al kedal oudt ounseenpr esences.Ted' s gr andmot herhadbeenhospi t al i z ed f ordepr essi onsev er alt i mesandt r eat edwi t hel ect r oshock t her apy .Il ear ned t hatTed had had epi sodes wher e he woul d seem t ot ur ni nt o anot her , unr ecogni zabl e,per son.Agr eat auntwhohadwi t nessedonesuchepi sodesuddenl y ,i nex pl i cabl y , f oundher sel faf r ai dofherf av or i t enephewast heywai t edt oget herataduskdar kenedt r ai nst at i on. He' dt ur nedi nt oast r anger .Thesameaunt ,byt henov erei ght yy ear sol d,al sov ol unt eer edt hatshe hadknownf orsur et hatsomet hi ngwaswr ongwhen, somet i mel at er , hechanged" f r om ani ce, sweet , nor malboyt oaNi xonRepubl i can."Ted' scousi nt al kedaboutt het i met heyl i v edt oget her ,howTed
coul dchar m anywomani nt hebar ,howhecoul dbet hel i f eoft hepar t y .AuntAudi e,Ted' smot her ' s si st eri nPhi l adel phi a,wast hemosthel pf ul .Tedwast hr eemont hsol dbyt het i mehi smot her r et r i ev edhi mf r om t hef oundl i nghomewher eshe' dpl acedhi mf oradopt i onaf t erhi sbi r t h.Theyt hen l i v edwi t hherpar ent sandt wosi st er sunt i lTedwasf i v ey ear sol d.Hehadcomebackt ost aywi t h AuntAudi et wi ceasay oungman.Sher ecal l edt hat , att heageoft hr ee, Tedwasdi scov er edsl i ppi ng kni v esi nt ot hebedofhi ssl eepi ngt eenageaunt , herot hersi st er , andhowhehadj ustst oodt her ei na dazeassheawokei namaz ement .Thef ami l yhadconspi r edt ogetTedandhi smot heroutofher f at her ' shouse-andoutt oSeat t l et ost ar tanewl i f e. Ted' smot herdeni edt her ehadbeenanypr obl ems. Wi t ht i met i cki ngawayt i l lt heschedul edhear i ng,Iheadedf ori nt er v i ewswi t hTedandhi sf or mer l awy er s. Butf i r st , ofcour se, i nt hi scasewher esur pr i seswer ehar dl yasur pr i se, anot herdi v er si on.Changi ng pl anesi nAt l ant aonmywaydownt oseeTed,Iwasassaul t edf r om t henewsst andswi t hbr andnew i nf or mat i onaboutmycl i ent .Icoul dn' tbel i ev emyey es.Somet i mesr epr esent i ngTedwasl i kel i v i nga st r angedr eam.Ther ewasmycl i ent ' snamespl ashedbol dl yacr osst heheadl i nes.Forsomet hi ngI knewnot hi ngabout ; somet hi ngt y i nghi mt oanot heroneoft hemor ef amouscr i mi nal sofourt i me: JOHN HI NCKLEY CORRESPONDS WI TH SERI AL MURDERER TED BUNDY SECRET SERVI CE TO I NVESTI GATEHI NCKLEYBUNDYCONNECTI ON Gr eat .Wef i nal l ygett hecaset ur nedar ound, wont heoppor t uni t yt opr ov eacl ai mt hatmi ghtr esul t i nhi sconv i ct i onsbei ngov er t ur ned,andTedact supandmakest heheadl i nes.If el tbet r ay ed.What wasal l ourcar ef ul posi t i oni ngf or , i fTedcoul dactsor eckl essl y ? Byt het i meIgott ot hepr i son, t heSecr etSer v i cehadal r eadycomeandgone, meet i ngwi t hTedt o i nqui r eabouthi sr el at i onshi pwi t hJohnHi nckl eyandaski ngt oseet hel et t er sHi nckl eyhadsenthi m, whi l eatt hesamet i met hepr i sonof f i ci al sr ansackedhi scel l ,l ooki ngf ort hosel et t er st hemsel v es. Tedwasout r agedatt hi si nv asi onofpr i v acy ,andbyt het i meIgott her ehadal r eadydr af t edal ong l et t ert ot hej udgewhohaddeni edHi nckl ey ' sf ur l oughpassbecauseofhi sl et t er st oTed.He r emai nedi nat i z zymyent i r ev i si tandwewer eunabl et ogetanywor kdoneonShar p' supcomi ng hear i ng-i twasal lIcoul ddot ogetTedt oagr eenott ot akeanyst epsonhi sownt or espondt ot hi s. Ast her esul toft hi sr ev el at i on, Tedwaschar gedwi t hadi sci pl i nar yi nf r act i onf or" cor r espondi ngwi t h anot heri nmat ewi t houtaut hor i zat i on."Heev ent ual l ybeatt hatone,ar gui ngsuccessf ul l yt hatJohn Hi nckl eywast echni cal l ynotani nmat ei napr i son, butapat i enti nahospi t al( al bei tf ort hecr i mi nal l y i nsane) . Iwentont oTal l ahassee,af t erseei ngTed,checkedi nt oahot el ,andphonedmor eofTed' sf ami l y andol dacquai nt ances.Agai n,mycal l scamet ot hem r i ghtoutoft hebl ue.Bl unt l y ,I ' dsaysomet hi ng l i ke" Hel l o.Iam Pol l yNel sonandIr epr esentTedBundy .Wehav eoneshotatpr ev ent i nghi sex ecut i on, anev i dent i ar yhear i ngnextweek.Tel lmeev er y t hi ngy ouknow."Asbef or e,Iwast ouchedbyhow gener ousl ypeopl eopenedupandt ol dmewhatt heycoul dr emember .Hi sonl ybr ot her ,Ri char d, r emember edTedt aki nghi mt oabasket bal lgamewhenhewasay oungchi l d,andhowf l at t er edhe hadbeent hathi sol derbr ot herwoul dbot hert odot hatf orhi m.Ri char dt ol dmehet houghtTedhad beenf r amed; hewascer t ai nTedwasi nnocent .Butt hen, whydi dheseem soaccept i ngofTed' sf at e? Thataf t er noonIpai dav i si tt oDr .Pet erMacal uso,whohadbeent hej ai l ' sphy si ci anoncal latt he t i meTedwasbei nghel df ort r i al .Henow pr act i cedasan" addi ct i onol ogi st "i nTal l ahassee.Roy Mat t hewshaddi scov er edj ai lr ecor dsshowi ngt hatDr .Macal usohadbeenpr escr i bi ngt r anqui l i z er s andot herpsy chot r opi cmedi cat i onf orTedatt hev er yt i mehewasbei ngev al uat edf orhi sment al compet ency .Appar ent l y ,nooneel sehadknownt hi s-notMi keMi ner v a,whowasf i ndi ngTed i nex pl i cabl yer r at i candi mpossi bl et odealwi t h; notDr .Tanay , whowasex ami ni nghi m.Dr .Macal uso t ol dmehehadabsol ut el ynor ecal loft hi sper i odandhadnot hi ngt osay .Het ol dmehecoul d r ememberabsol ut el ynot hi ngout si deofhi sscantnot esi nt hej ai l ' smedi calr ecor ds.Heseemed af r ai d.
Ipi ckedHi m upatt heTal l ahasseeai r por tt hatni ght ,andi nt hemor ni ngwehadbr eakf astwi t h Mar gar etGood,anot herofTed' sl awy er satt heChiOmegat r i al .Tedhadseenherar oundt hepubl i c def ender sof f i ceandev ent houghshewasst r i ct l yanappel l at el awy er hadi nsi st edt hatshebeadded t ot hedef enset eam whenMi ner v ahadst eppedasi deaf t ert hepl eaf i asco.Ms.Goodhadonl ygood t hi ngst osayaboutTed.Hewassmar t , shesai d, compl et el yr at i onal .Hedi dnotcauseanypr obl ems t hatshe,atl east ,coul dnothandl e.Shedi d,t hough,descr i bet het i meTedj umpedupf r om t he counselt abl et oquest i ont hecr i mescenet echni ci an,wal ki nghi mt hr oughev er ydet ai lofwhathe' s seen, wher et hebl oodwas, whatt hebodi esl ookedl i ke, et c.Ms.Goodt ol dust hej ur or shadwat ched i nopeney edamazement ,l ooki ngbackandf or t hbet weenTedandCapt ai nPoi t i ngerl i kespect at or s atat enni smat ch.Theyknewatt hatmomentt heywer ewat chi ngt heki l l err el i v ehi scr i mes. Af ewmi l esout si deoft own, t hehumi di t yt hatbl anket sTal l ahasseegi v eswayt ot hebr eez eoft he Gul ft hati si t ssour ce.Ji m andIr odeoutl at ert hatmor ni ngt oseeTed' sot hert r i all awy er si nt heChi Omegacase,Ly nnThompsonandEdHar v ey .Thesunwasbr i ghtandt heskywascl earandi tf el t goodt obedr i v i ngi nt ot hecount r y , gat orcount r y .Wei nt er v i ewedt het womeni nEdHar v ey ' sof f i ce, a t r ai l erbehi ndacount ycour t house, ont heonest r eeti nt hesmal l t ownwher ehenowpr act i ced.Icoul d smel lt hebaymi l esaway ; andi nhear i ngt hei rst or i esIcoul df eelt hehear t beatoft her ealpeopl ewho hadl i v edwi t ht hi scaseati t smostcr uci alandconf oundi ngst age-t hedoomedpl eanegot i at i onsand t heChiOmegat r i al .Thesel awy er s,l i keMi keMi ner v a,wer er el uct antt ot al k.Foronet hi ng,t hey appar ent l ydespi sedTed;hehadbeennot hi ngbutt r oubl easacl i ent .Theyt ol dushow Tedhad deci mat edt hei rpl ans,how hi sact i onshadmadenosense,how JudgeCowar twoul dnotl i st ent o whatt hepr obl emswer e,how i thadseemedasi fTedwer ewor ki ngf ort heot hersi de.Theywer e r el at i v el ynewl awy er satt hatt i me, andbot hmensai dt hatnowt heywoul dhav ehandl edi tdi f f er ent l y , woul dhav ebeenmor ef i r m aboutTedt aki nghi spl aceast hedef endanti nt hecase, notast hel awy er . Ont hewayback, Ji m deci dedIhadacr ushonLy nnThompson, andr ef er r edt ohi mt her eaf t erast he " Rober tRedf or doft heSout h."Nocomment . Wei nt er v i ewedJoeAl oii nTal l ahassee.Compact , dar khai r ed, andhar dt al ki ng, Joewasnowabai l bondsmani napr ef abr i cat edof f i ceneart hej ai lont heout ski r t soft own.Hi spanel edof f i cewasdar k; t heshadeswer edr awn.Het ol dusaboutt heday swhenhewasani nv est i gat orf ort hepubl i c def ender ,t heday st hathespenti nt hecel lwi t hTedBundy ,atMi ner v a' sr equest ,t oal l owTedt oget t hi ngsof fhi schestsot hathewoul dst opi nv i t i ngt hepol i cei nt ohi scel l t ot al kt ohi m. JoeandTedwoul deachl i ei nabunk,andTedwoul dt al kaboutsex .Joesai dt hatwhenhewent homeaf t er war dshe' df eeldi r t yandf i ndi tdi f f i cul tt of acehi swi f e.Ji m askedhi mi fhet houghtTed wasi nsane;hi sanswerbot hr ei nf or cedandunder mi nedourcase." Oh,y eah,"Joesai d," hewasas i nsaneast heycome."Thatwast hehel pf ulpar t ." Buthecoul dcont r oli t , "hecont i nued, dashi ngour t hought sofcal l i nghi m asawi t ness." Hehadabunchofbox esi nhi shead,see,andhecoul dopen onewhenhewant edt o, hecoul dopenani nsaneonewhenhewant edt o.Hehadal lt hesebox es, see. "Whi l eJoebel i ev edt hatTedcoul dexer ci sesomecont r olov erhi schanges,t wi cehehadseenTed t ur ni nt oanot herper sonr i ghti nf r ontofhi m.Joesai dt het r ansf or mat i onwassocompl et et hatTed woul dchangecol orandemi tsomest r angeodor ; andhewoul dbecomei ncoher ent . Ther oom seemedt odar kenasJoespoke, ev ent hought hesunwasbeat i ngont hecl osedbl i nds. Thet hr eeofusseemedt or ecessi nt ot heshadows.Whi l eal lofTed' sf or merl awy er sot hert han Mar gar etGoodhadconv ey edast r ongsenseofper sonalf or ebodi ng,Joeex pr essedi tout r i ght . " Bundy ' sgotapower ,aspeci alki ndofpower .He' l lr ui ny ourl i v es.I ' v eseeni thappenbef or e.You' l l see,"hesai d,t ur ni ngt oJi m," he' l lmakey oui mpot ent ."" Andy ou,"hesai dt ome,wi t habi tmor e gal l ant r y , " he' l l makey ourhusbandl eav ey ou, i fy ouhav eahusband.Joeshookhi sheadgr av el yashe l eanedbacki nhi sbi gl eat herchai r ." Yeah, he' l l r ui nbot hy ourl i v es." Att heendoft hedayJi m andIt r ackeddownt hev i deot apesoft het r i al ,whi chhadbeenr ecor ded dai l ybyFl or i daSt at eUni v er si t yandbr oadcastni ght l yont el ev i si on.Ji ml ai doutal ar gechunkoft he f i r m' scashf oracopyoft hem,i nt hehopet hatt heycapt ur edTed' sbehav i orandcoul dbeusedt o bol st erDr .Lewi s' sev al uat i on.Hewascr ushedwhenwepl ay edt hem backatt hehot elandt hey t ur nedoutt obeonl ybr i efexcer pt s.Thenex tmor ni ngwel ear nedJudgeShar pwascancel i ngt he hear i ngbecauset hest at ehadappeal edt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ' sdeci si ont ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t .
Butnotbef or eTed' smot her , Loui se, t hi nki ngt hati twasr eal l yherf i nalchancet osaysomet hi ngt hat woul dsav eTed, cal l edmeatt hehot el t oadmi tt hatherf at herhadbeenv i ol entandpr obabl yhadbeat hermot her .I twascl ear l yav er y , v er ydi f f i cul tt hi ngf orhert osay . Sot hehear i ngwasof ff ornow, whi chwasgood, si ncewecoul duseal otmor et i met odi gestand f ol l ow uponal lt henew i nf or mat i onandmat er i al swehad.Buti twassor tofal et downaf t ert hat bui l dup.Andwewer el etdownf ur t herwhen,soonaf t er war d,t heEl ev ent hCi r cui tunconsol i dat edt he t wocases,agr eei ngwi t ht hest at et hatt heChiOmegacasewasnotf arenoughal ongt ohav ea compet encyhear i ng-i thadbeensentbackt oJudgeZl ocht ost ar tf r om scr at ch.Thecour tnot ed, howev er ,t hatt heywoul dconsi derr econsol i dat i ngt hecasesi fJudgeZl ochbr oughthi supt ospeed bef or eJudgeShar phel dhi shear i ng.Unt i lt hen,Iwasbackt ot wohandgr enades-butatl eastt hey bot hhadpi nsi nt hem f ort het i mebei ng. Tedhadbeenanxi oust omeetHi m-hehadonl yseenhi m ont el ev i si onbef or e,st andi ngont he st epsofonecour t houseoranot her , def endi ngTed' sr i ghtt oahear i ngonhi scol l at er alcl ai msbef or e bei ngputt odeat h.Nowt hatwewer ei nFl or i dat oget her ,andJudgeShar phadcancel edhi shear i ng, Ji m andIt ookt heoppor t uni t yt ov i si tTedandgethi mt ost ar tt al ki ngabouthi spast . Att hebegi nni ngoft hev i si t ,Tedsheepi shl ysl i dat hi cksheafofpapert owar dmeandwar ned, " You' r enotgoi ngt ol i ket hi s."Hewasr i ghtaboutt hat .Whi l eJi m begant hei nt er v i ew,myat t ent i on wasf i x edont hedocumenti nmyhands.I twasaquest i onnai r eusedbyt heFBIt oi nt er v i ew ser i al ki l l er sf orr esear chpur poses.Tedhadbeenseei nganFBIof f i cer ,Bi l lHai gmei er ,behi ndmyback.On t opoft heHi nckl eycor r espondence,t hi swasanot hert omydear l yhel dbel i eft hatIhel dcont r olov er t hi scase.Whathadhet ol dt heFBI ? Whatwoul dt heFBIsayabouthi scompet encyi ft hest at ecal l edt hem t ot est i f y ?Keepi ngTedoutof t hepubl i cey eandawayf r om any onewhomi ghtr epor tonhi sdemeanorwasi mpor t antt oour st r at egyofposi t i oni ngBundyast hement al l yi l lper sonhewas,asopposedt ot hecl ev ermast er pl annerhewasusual l ypor t r ay edas. Needt oexpandsect i onJ.Cr i mescenewi t hmor ei nputf r om of f ender .( Seeal sop.29quest i on45, 46andpage68PastOf f enseBehav i or ) . Wor se,t hough,waswhatTedBundy ,ser i alki l l erex per t ,haddonewi t ht hequest i onnai r e-wi t hout anyappar entunder st andi ngofwhati tsai daboutTedBundy , def endant -oraboutTedBundy , t heman. Heappar ent l yhadbeenespeci al l yf asci nat edbyonear eahet houghtt hequest i onnai r eaut hor shad notemphasi z edenough:" Thequest i onofwhet herornotanof f enderr et ur nst ot hepl acewher ebody l ef ti st ouchedoni npassi ng,i snotf ul l yex ami nedandi sessent i al l yov er l ooked.I fi tcanbe det er mi nedi f ,whenandunderwhatcondi t i onscer t ai nof f ender sr et ur nt oascenei tcoul dbeof enor mousbenef i tt oagenci esi nv est i gat i ngsuchcr i mes.Assi st antPr of essorBundyhadwr i t t eni na compl et esetofquest i ons, compl et ewi t hl i t t l ehanddr awncheckbox es.Ir eadt hem i nhor r or : Thi ssect i onshoul dbeexpandedt oi ncl udedat af r om of f enderaboutpl acewher ebodywasf ound. Amongar east obeex pl or edi ncl ude: 1.Reasonf orsel ect i ngsi t ewher ebodydi sposed( checkal l whi chappl y ) t oconceal cr i me t of aci l i t at epostmor t em act i v i t i eswi t hbody( i .e.sex ual mol est at i on) t odi spl ayv i ct i m' sbody t of aci l i t at edi scov er yofbody i mpul se conv eni ence nor eason ot her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.Pi ckedsi t epr i ort ot i memadecont actwi t hv i ct i m □y es □ no 3.Ret ur nt osi t eaf t erbodypl acedt her e □y es □ no 4.Numberoft i mes □1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □6 □ mor et hansi x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( no. ) 5.Ti mel apsebet weenv i si t st osi t e( day s) Bet weenor i gi nal di sposal ofbodyand f i r stv i si t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f i r standsecondv i si t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ secondandt hi r d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.Ti meofdayusual l yr et ur nedt osi t e □ ear l ymor ni ng □ mi dni ghtt o4: 00 □ mi dday □ 4: 008: 00 □ ev eni ng( af t erdar k) □ 8: 004: 00 □l at eni ght □ 4: 0012: 00 □v ar i abl e □t i mev ar i ed 7.Manneri nwhi chof f enderr et ur nedt osi t e □ dr ov ebysi t eonl ywi t houtst oppi ng □ appr oachsi t eonf ootbutkeptdi st ancef r om body □ appr oachsi t eonf ootandcamer i ghtupt obody 8.Reason( s)f orr et ur ni ngt osi t e( checkal l t hatappl y ) □ Tocheckf orandr et r i ev eev i dence □t or et r i ev eper sonal bel ongi ngsofv i ct i m □t oobser v ebody □t omut i l at ebody □t of ur t herconceal ( bur y , decapi t at e, et c.)body □t oengagei nsexual act i v i t ywi t hbody □ ot her( phot ogr aph, gener al cur i osi t y , et c.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9.Wheny ouwer er et ur ni ngt osi t e, di dy ouev ert hi nkt hatt he pol i cemi ghtbewat chi ngt hesi t e? □y es □ no Aquest i onnai r ebasedont heseei ghtquest i onsshoul dbepr epar edandadmi ni st er edt ot he36 subj ect sont heFBI ' ssexual homi ci dest udy . 10.Di dy oul ett hatconcer nst opy ou? □y es □ no Ther eneedst obeaddi t i onaldi scussi onabouthow t ousedat af r om t hequest i onsabov ei n mai nt ai ni ngsur v ei l l anceofasi t ewher eabodyhasbeendi scov er ed. Fort he nex tsect i on,Ted edi t ed t he FBI ' s own quest i ons,not i ng " Al so need quest i ons on char act er i st i csofbodyr ecov er ysi t e.( SeeVI CAPf or m quest i ons101t o105.I nt er pr eti nconnect i on
wi t hdat af r om Sect i onI , 814.) " 9.Howf ar( mi l es)wassi t ef r om pl acewher ev i ct i m cont act ed/ abduct ed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( mi l es 10.Howf arwassi t ef r om of f ender ' sr esi dence? ( mi l es) 11. ) 12. ) 13. ) 14. ) quest i on101104f r om VI CAPf or m 14a.Di dof f endert r anspor tv i ct i mf r om poi ntcont act[ si c]t osi t ewher ebodydi scov er ed □y es □ no i fnogot oquest i on13 15.Howf arwasv i ct i m' sbodyt akenf r om r oadwayof f enderusedt r anspor tv i ct i m □ notappl i cabl e.Di dnott r anspor t □ al ongr oadsi de □ 10f t 50 □ 50100 □ 100300 □ 300ormor e □ don' tknow 16.Whatat t emptmadet oconceal v i ct i m body □y es □ no 17.Whatwasdone( checkal l whi chappl y ) □t r anspor t edt or emot ear ea □ car r i edof fr oadway □ bur i ed □ cov er edwi t hdebr i s( br ush, t r ash) □l ef ti nt hi ckl ywoodedar ea □ ot her( i .e.pl acedi ndumpst er , dumpedi nbodyofwat er , cr emat ed, di smember ed, et c.) 20.Whatpr ecaut i onswoul dy out akewhenr et ur ni ngt osi t e( checkal l t hatappl y ) □t ooknounusual pr ecaut i ons □ woul ddr i v ebyar eaf i r st □ Iwoul dpar kcaratdi st ancef r om si t eandcar ef ul l yappr oachonf oot □ Iwoul dappr oachundercov erofdar kness □ woul dl ookf orout of pl acev ehi cl esnearbody □ woul dl ookf orf r eshf oot pr i nt snearbody □ woul dl ookt oseei fbodyhadbeenmov edordi st ur bed □ ot her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iwasspeechl ess.Iwasst unned.It uckedt hedocument si nt omybr i efcase.Iwasf i r m. " I ' mt aki ngt hi s, Ted." Hest ar t edt opr ot est .Hehadpr omi sedi tt ot heFBIagent .Hehadt obet r uet ohi swor d. " For geti t , Ted, "Isai d, st ar i ngdownhi spi er ci ngey es. Nev erwasIsocur twi t hhi m.Nev erhadIf el tsobet r ay edonsomanyl ev el s.Thatheshoul d
communi cat e wi t hl aw enf or cementbehi nd my back.Thathe shoul di ncr i mi nat e hi msel fso t hor oughl y , socar el essl y , asi fhewer eunt ouchabl e.Thatheshoul dhav esucht ot aldi sr egar df ort he hor r orofhi scr i mes.Thathe, i nst ead, shoul dhav esuchev i dentpr i de.Whycoul dn' theatl eastpr et end hewassor r y ? Isai dnot hi ngmor eaboutt hequest i onnai r eandl etJi m handl et her estoft hei nt er v i ew.Idi dn' t r eal l yf eell i ket al ki ngt oTher i ghtt hen.Ji m askedhi mt or ecounthi schi l dhood.Tedwasex t r emel y uncomf or t abl eatf i r st ,al way squal i f y i ngorr ecant i nganyst at ementt hathef el tr ef l ect edpoor l yon anymemberofhi sf ami l y .I twasn' tunt i lourt i mewasal mostupt hatTedst oppedcensor i nghi msel f andhi sst or ybegant of l ow.Buti twast ool at e.Thesuper i nt endentr ef usedt ogi v eusmor et i meand weal l par t edf r ust r at edt hatwecoul dn' tcont i nue. Iwr ot et oTedassoonaswegotbackt oWashi ngt on, say i ngIf el twe' dhadapr oduct i v ei nt er v i ew wi t hhi m andwer eanxi oust ocomebackdownt of i ni shwhatwe' dbegunassoonaspossi bl e.But Tedwasnothappyt ohav el ethi msel fgoatt heendoft hei nt er v i ew,andhewr ot ebackt hatwe needn' thur r ydown.Nonet hel ess,Ji m andIwentbackand,t hi st i meourgoalwast ogethi mt o descr i be.amur deri nt hef i r stper son, notpr et endi ngt obet al ki ngt heor et i cal l yorhy pot het i cal l y . Tedbeganwi t hast r i ngofdi scl ai mer s:" Thi si sv er ydi f f i cul tf orme,Ihav eal otofr esi st ancet o br i ngi ngt hi si nt ot heopen-i t ' sapar tofmet hatneededsi l encet osur v i v e,and" I ' l luset het er m" I " becauseIknowi twasme,i nt heconv ent i onalsense,buty ouhav et ounder st andt hati twasnott he sameper sonwhoi st al ki ngt oy ounow."Thenhedescr i bedt hest epsl eadi ngupt ooneofhi sf i r st mur der s, abl ondei nt hev est i bul eofherapar t mentbui l di ng.Hest oppedaf t err ecount i nghi sst i l l cl ear v i si onofherunconsci ousbodyl ai doutont hef l oor ,af t erhehadhi therwi t hacl ub,herl onghai r spr eadoutl i keaf anabov eherhead.Hecoul dnotgof ur t her ,hecoul dnotdescr i bewhathappened nex t , hechoked, heheav edwi t hsi ghs. " Ican' t .I twon' tl etme." Af t eramoment , heski ppedaheadandt al kedaboutpul l i ngt hewoman' sbodyi nt ot heweedsatt he backoft hebui l di ng, hi ssear i ngr emor seandhor r or , hi smant r aofassur ancet ohi msel ft hati twoul d nev erhappenagai n, t hebeasthadbeensat i sf i ed, t heGoodTedwoul dt akebackhi sl i f e.Hest i l l coul d notadmi tt ot hemur deri t sel f ,t heact ualmomentofki l l i ng,ormay bet her ewasar easonhecoul dn' t r emember .May behewasamul t i pl eper sonal i t yandhadamnesi af r om t hepoi ntt he" BadTed"t ook ov er . Twoweeksl at erwehadar ar est at usconf er enceont heChiOmegacasebef or eJudgeZl ochi nFt . Lauder dal e.Wi t ht hest at e' scer t .pet i t i onchal l engi ngt her emandor deri nt heLakeCi t ycasependi ng i nt heU.S.Supr emeCour t , t hi swasouroppor t uni t yt opl aycat chupwi t hChi Omegaandt r yt ogett he casesr econsol i dat ed.Wer ai sedsev er al mot i onsatt hi shear i ngt omov et hecasef or war d, i ncl udi nga mot i on,agai n,f ort heappoi nt mentofex per t ssot hatwecoul dpayf orDr .Lewi s' spsy chi at r i c ev al uat i on.The hear i ng l ast ed al lday ,wi t hl engt hypauses f r om t he bench,butnot hi ng was accompl i shed.Wehadl unchwi t ht hest at e' sat t or neyf ort hecase, Gr egCost as, wi t hwhom i tl ooked l i kewewer egoi ngt ohav eav er yl ongassoci at i on. Ihadnotspokent oDr .Nor mansi nceTed' sl astst ayofex ecut i onsi xmont hsear l i er .ButonedayI wasi nf or medt hatDr .Nor manwasouti nTacomaandhadbur sti nonTed' smot her ,i mpl y i ngt hatI had aut hor i zed hi m t o see her .Appar ent l yhe had at t empt ed t oi nt er v i ew her ,butended up br owbeat i ngher , t el l i nghershemusthav ebeenabadmot hernott ohav eseent hesi gnsi nTedashe wasgr owi ngup.Suddenl y ,Di anaWei ner ' scont i nui ngv i si t st oTedwhi chTedhadbeent r y i ngt o concealf r om me-di dnotseem soi nnocuous.Whatwer esheandDr .Nor manupt o?Whatnews woul dIwakeupt oheart omor r ow?Iwr ot et ot hepr i sonandt ol dt hem t hatMs.Wel l erwasnol onger aut hor i zedt oseeTedonourbehal f . Thi sbegant hel owpoi nti nmyr el at i onshi pwi t hTed-t heangr yper i od.Tedwasf ur i ouswhenhe l ear nedIhadcausedt hepr i sont ocancelDi ana' sv i si t s.Iwast i r edofbear i ngal lt her esponsi bi l i t yf or t hecaseandannoy edt hatTeddi dn' tshar emyv i ew t hathi sl egalcasewast heonl yt hi ngt hat mat t er ed. Juneof1987wasabadmont hf orbot hofus.Tedsuf f er edawhol eser i esofpai nf uland f r i ght eni ngpani cat t ackst hatl andedhi mi nt hepr i soni nf i r mar y .Thei ri nt ensi t yscar edhi m near l yt o
deat h.Hewr ot emewi t hdet ai l eddescr i pt i onsofhi ssy mpt oms-i tseemedt obehi swayoft r y i ngt o mai nt ai ncont r ol .Ov ert hecour seofhi sl i f e, Tedhadl ear nedt odr eadbei ngoutofcont r ol .Dur i ngone oft heseepi sodesIwasabl et ogetTedont hephoneandhookhi m upwi t hDr .Lewi s.I tcal medhi m t obeabl et odi scusshi sex per i encewi t hher .I mmedi at el yaf t ert hepani cat t acks,howev er ,Ted suddenl ybecameav er yact i v el et t erwr i t er ,endi ngupi nt r oubl ewi t hpr i sonaut hor i t i esagai n.One l et t erhewr ot et oDr .Lewi sshowedhi sst at eofmi nd:i ncont r astt ohi susualser i ousandet i quet t eboundwr i t i ngst y l e,i nst eadof" DearDr .Lewi s"i tbegan" Hi ,Dor ot hy ! "Hepi ckedupanew DR,f or anot herl et t er , andt hi st i mei tst uck.Ev ent houghhehadj ustsqueakedbyont hel astone, Tedwal ked r i ghtbacki nt ot r oubl ebyt r y i ngt osmuggl eal et t eroutt oJohnHi nckl ey ' spar ent s.Tedwant edt o assur et hem t hatJohnwasani ceboyandt hati tmeantnot hi ngt hathewaswr i t i ngt oanadmi t t edl y f amousser i alki l l ersuchashi msel f .Tedhadt uckedi ti napackageofmat er i al shemai l edt oJohn Tannert hathemar kedCONFI DENTI ALLEGALMAI L, whi chmeanti tshoul dn' tbeopenedbyt hepr i son censor s.Unf or t unat el yf orTed, howev er , t hepr i sonknewt hatJohnTanner , t houghal awy er , wasnot Ted' sl awy er .Tedwasenr agedatbei ngchar gedwi t haDRf orabusi ngt hel egalmai lpr i v i l egeand f or cedt ospendsi xt yday swi t houtout doorex er ci se.Hewr ot eangr yl et t er st ome,demandi ngt hatI assi sthi m.Iwasnotsy mpat het i c.How coul dhehav ebeensor eckl ess,how coul dher i skt he conf i dent i al i t yofourcor r espondencebyabusi ngt hel egalmai lpr i v i l ege?Theanswerwaspr obabl y t hati twasbecauseofwhohewas,becauseoft hesamedr i v es,del usi onsofgr andeur ,andl ackof i mpul se cont r olt hatgothi mt odeat hr ow,t hatmadehi m mycl i enti nt hef i r stpl ace.Buti twasannoy i ngal l t hesame. Theupshotwast hatTedmov edcl osert oDi ana,whohadr egai nedheraut hor i z at i ont oseeTed undert heauspi cesofaci v i ll awsui tonpr i soncondi t i ons.WhenIex pr essedmyf r ust r at i ont oJi m aboutDi ana' scont i nui ngpr esence, hebr ushedi tof fwi t h" Oh, y ou' r ej ustj eal ous. If el tv er yal one.Af i r sty earofl eapf r oggi ngdeat hwar r ant shadgi v enwayt oasecondy earofan endl esssuccessi onofar bi t r ar yy etexpedi t eddeadl i nesi nbot hcases.It houghtmyf eel i ngsof i sol at i onwer eduet obei ngt oor emov edf r om t her out i ne,wel l managedwor koft hef i r mt hatcoul d hel pgi v emesomeper spect i v e.Ibeggedt heassi gni ngpar t nert oputmeonanot hercase, andf i nal l y shedi d.I tt ur nedoutt obet hecasef r om hel lt hathadbeeneat i ngupassoci at esandspi t t i ngt hem outasscapegoat sf oramat t ert hatwaswayov erbudgetandgoi ngv er ybadl y .ButIdi dn' tknowt hat , andJi m di dn' twar nme. Ev enbef or et r oubl est ar t edonmynewcase,t hough,Iknewt hatj ustget t i ngdi f f er entwor kmi ght notsol v eal lmypr obl ems.I ' df i ndmy sel fst uckf oranhourort woort hr ee,st ar i nghel pl essl yata bl ankcomput erscr een, f r oz en, l ockedupi nsi de.Iwenti nf orcounsel i ngandwasr ecogni z edasa" dr y dr unk,"anal cohol i cwhost opsdr i nki ngbutcont i nuest or epr essanddenyt hei rt r ueemot i ons.I st ar t edat t endi ngasuppor tgr oup.Iwascomf or t edbyt hesepr ogr amsandt heybr oughtmebacki nt o soci alact i v i t y .ButInev erment i onedt heBundycase.Nott omycounsel or , nott omynewf r i ends.For onet heng, t heBundycasewasmypr of essi onalr esponsi bi l i t y , andIt houghti thadnot hi ngt odowi t h mypr i v at el i f e.Iwassi mpl yal awy erpr ov i di ngaser v i ce, Iwasi ncont r ol .Icoul dhandl eany t hi ng.The t r ut hwasIwasaf r ai dofwhatemot i onsl ayundert hesur f aceconcer ni ngt hecase.Iwasaf r ai dI ' dt el l someoneIwasr epr esent i ngTedBundyt opr ev enthi sex ecut i onandt hey ' dl ookdeepi nt omyey est o seehowt hatf el tf ormeandt hey ' dsee..what ?ThatIhadnof eel i ngs?I tseemedl i keIf el tnot hi ng. May beIwasacol d,mechani calper sonwhocoul ddealwi t hacasel i ket hi sandnotcar e-aboutt he v i ct i ms,aboutTed.Ormay beIhadst r ongf eel i ngsdeepi nsi de,sost r ongIcoul dn' tl ett hem out becauset hey ' dbet oopai nf ul ;may beI ' dl ooki nt ot heot herper son' sey esandseet hem seei ngt he f eel i ngsIcoul dn' tf eel i nmy sel f .Andt henI ' dhav et of eel t hem. I nJul yJudgeZl ochschedul edanot herst at usconf er encei nt heChiOmegacaseand,f ort hef i r st t i me,Idi dn' tgo.Ji m andAndyMunr oat t endedwhi l eIwasawaywor ki ngonmynewcase.I tf el tso st r anget omi ssi t .I tf el tsowr ongt obesor t i ngt hr oughar oomf ulofr out i nebusi nessdocument s i nst ead,r espondi ngt oabr oadandunpr oduct i v edi scov er ydemand.Att hehear i ngImi ssed,Judge Zl ochputhi sf ootont hegas.Heor der edal lt heal l egedf act si nt hecase, onal lt went y t wocl ai ms, t o bef i l edi namot i onf orsummar yj udgmentbySept emberei ght een.Bef or eIst ar t edont hat ,It ooka
l ongpl annedbi ket r i pt oFr ancewi t hanol df r i end,butwasunabl et of eelt hepl easur eofi t ,ev en t houghIcoul dt el l ,i nt el l ect ual l y ,t hati twasav er ypl easur abl eex per i ence.Myemot i onswer er eal l y l ockeddownt i ght -t hegoodwi t ht hebas. WhenIr et ur ned, Iwentst r ai ghtt oNewHav ent ost ar tput t i ngt oget herDr .Lewi s' sl engt hyaf f i dav i t i nsuppor tofourcompet encycl ai msi nt heChiOmegacase.Asusual ,Dr .Lewi swasbr i mmi ngwi t h i nf or mat i onandi deas,t hr i l l edt hatt hef act swe' dgl eanedf r om ouri nt er v i ewswi t hTed' sf ami l yand f or merl awy er sconf i r medandr ei nf or cedherdi agnosi sofbi pol armooddi sor der .Al t houghI ' dmeant t oseeherf oronl yt heday ,wewor kedi nt ot heni ght ,shei nsi st edIst ayov eratherhouse,t henwe wor kedal lt hewayt oNewYor kont het r ai nassher odet owor katBel l ev ueHospi t al .Atherof f i ce,I t y pedupournot esassher ani nandoutbet weenhercl i ni calappoi nt ment s,r ev el i ngi nsome connect i onwe' dmadebet weent hef act sori nsomenewi nsi ghtshecoul dcont r i but e.Byt heendof t hatt went y f our hourper i od, Dor ot hyLewi sandIhadbecomef r i ends. Thesummar yj udgmentmot i onf orJudgeZl ochwoul dhav et ocont ai nev er y t hi ngwehadont he ChiOmegacase:apl et hor aoff act sont hemostcr uci alofourt went y somel egali ssues,l engt hy af f i dav i t sf r om al loft her el ev antwi t nessest oTed' sbehav i orandf r om Dr .Lewi sonherconcl usi ons. Thi swesubmi t t edi nSept emberont het i ght , ex pedi t edschedul esetbyJudgeZl och, whodeni edour r equest sf orext ensi ons, andf r om whom, af t erwehadsubmi t t edourt ome, wedi dnothearagai nf or mor et hanay ear . JudgeShar p,ofcour se,wasnosuchshr i nki ngv i ol et .Assoonast heU.S.Supr emeCour t ,on Oct ober5,1987,t hef i r stMondayi nOct ober ,deni edt hest at e' sr equestt or ev i ew t heEl ev ent h Ci r cui t ' sr emandor der ,JudgeShar pagai ni mmedi at el yschedul edt heev i dent i ar yhear i ngonTed' s compet ency f orOct ober22.Appar ent l y , Wor l dPeacehungi nt hebal ance.Shar p' sor derpr ov i dedt hat eachsi dewoul dhav et wohour st opr esenti t sev i dence-andt hatwasal l .Heal soor der edTedt o at t end. WhenJohnSandageandIwentt oseeTedt odi scusst heupcomi nghear i ng, her ev eal edhi sl at est scheme:ahomegar deni ngv i deof orchi l dr en.Hewaspl anni ngt odoapr ot ot y pef orTi naandt hen mar keti tnat i onwi de.Atl easti twoul dhav enamer ecogni t i on.
CHAPTER12 Tomysur pr i se, Teddi dn' twantt oat t endt heev i dent i ar yhear i ngi nOr l andoanymor et hanIwant ed t ohav ehi mt her e.Hehadnotbeenout si det heFl or i daSt at ePr i sonsi ncet heendoft heLakeCi t yt r i al i nFebr uar y1980.Hel i kedhi sr out i ne,hef el tcomf or t abl ei nt hepr i son,andhehadnoi deawhati t woul dbel i ket obei npubl i cagai n. Idi dn' twanthi mt her ef orot herr easons.Fi r stofal l ,hi spr esencewasunnecessar y .Wewer enot goi ngt ocal lhi m asawi t ness.andt hei ssuewashi scompet encyatt het i meofhi st r i al s,notatt he pr esentt i me.Second,Iwaswor r i edaboutsecur i t y-hi sandour s-becauset hi swoul dbehi sf i r st publ i cappear ancei nov ersev eny ear s.Thi r d,wewer enotsur ewhet her ,wheni tcamedownt oi t ,i f act ual l y .di r ect l y ,askedbyt hej udgeabouti t ,Tedwoul di ndeedcooper at ewi t hourat t emptt o est abl i shhi si ncompet ency .Hedi dnotf i ndt hatcl ai m anymor ebel i ev abl eorf l at t er i ng-t hanheev er had. Weofcour seaskedJudgeShar pt or econsi derhi sar bi t r ar yt i mel i mi t sont heev i dent i ar yhear i ng andheofcour sedecl i ned.If i l edanappeali nt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ,andt hought hecour tdeni edt he appeal , somehowwor dgott oJudgeShar pt hathehadbet t eral l owust oputonal lourev i dence,not j ustt wohour s' wor t h, i fhewant edhi sdeci si ont ost i ckt hi st i me.Att hel astmi nut ebef or et hehear i ng, JudgeShar paddedf ourmor eday si nDecemberf ort hehear i ngt ocont i nue. Tedwasi nal at heronOct ober22whenJohnSandageandIwentdownt omeethi mi nt hehol di ng cel latt hef eder alcour t housei nOr l ando.He' dbeent akenf r om hi scel latFl or i daSt at ePr i sonatf our t hi r t yt hatmor ni ng, notal l owedt oshowerorshav e, pl acedi nt hebackofav ananddr i v ent oOr l ando i nhandcuf f sandshackl esandwi t houtaseatbel t .I twast heabsenceofaseatbel tt hatbot her edTed t hemost :" What ' st hepoi ntoft r y i ngt osav emyl i f eont hi ssent encei fI ' m goi ngt obeki l l edi nacar cr ash? ! "Hehadbouncedar oundt hebackoft hev anf ort hr eehour sonhi st r i pt oOr l ando, andnowhe wasbounci ngof ft hewal l soft hehol di ngcel l .Johnconv i ncedt heguar dst ol etTedusear az or , and wemanagedt ot al khi m down,butIwasaf r ai df orami nut et her et hatt hepubl i cwasgoi ngt ogett o seet heTedBundyt heyex pect edt osee-ar av i ngmadman.Wedi dnotneedanymor edi st r act i on; we al r eadyhadt hemenaci ngGuar di anAngel swhower epaci ngt hesi dewal ki nf r ontoft hecour t house, ur gi ngTed' si mmedi at eexecut i on." Fr y , Ted, f r y ." Theni ghtbef or ewe' dhaddi nnerwi t hourwi t nessesf ort heday ;Mi keMi ner v aandEdHar v ey .I t wasoneoft hoser ar ef ancydi nner sont hef i r mI ' denv i si onedwe' dhav eal otofont hel i t i gat i ont r ai l .I f el tf oroncel i kewer eal l ywer ebi gl aw f i r ml awy er s,gr aci ousl yhost i ngourwi t nesses( al t hough, unl i ke t he usualcor por at e case,ourcl i entcoul d notbe pr esent ) ,who had come down f r om Tal l ahasseet ot est i f yaboutt hei rexper i encewi t hTed.Ji m hel df or t honspor t sandsuch,asweal l becamecomf or t abl ewi t heachot her .Andt henI , al ongwi t h, Isuspect ed, ourguest s, ex pect edt oget down t o busi ness,pr ev i ew t hei rt est i mony ,and di scusst heupcomi ng hear i ng.Butt hatnev er happened.Att heendoft hef i nemealwewi shedoursl i ght l ybewi l der edwi t nessesgoodni ghtand t hatwasi t .Seey oui ncour t .OnceJi m hadseent hatMi keandEdwer ecomf or t abl ewi t hhi m,he deci dednott ot aket hef r eshnessoutoft hei rt est i monybyquest i oni ngt hem heni ghtbef or e.I nour pr ev i ousi nt er v i ewswi t hbot hmen,t hei rf eel i ngsoff r ust r at i onsandbaf f l ementwi t hTed' sconduct hadbeencl ear .Ji m want edt hem t ot el lt hei rst or i esf ort her ecor di nt hesamewayt hey ' dt ol dusf r om t hehear t . Soi nacour t r oom cr owdedwi t hr epor t er sandabusl oadofschool chi l dr en, bef or eJudgeShar p, on t hemor ni ngofOct ober22,1987,Mi keMi ner v av i v i dl ydescr i bedex act l yTedhadsabot agedhi sown def ense.
JI M COLEMAN:Ear l yi ny ourassoci at i onwi t hMr .Bundy ,y oumadet hef ol l owi ngnot et ot hef i l e:" I n myopi ni on,Bundywasnotcapabl eofmaki ngadeci si onandt hi shasbeenacont i nuat i onoft he v aci l l at i onf ol l owi ngnot et ot hef i l e:" I nmyopi ni on, Bundywasnotcapabl eofmaki nga deci si onandt hi shasbeenacont i nuat i onoft hev aci l l at i onhehasexper i encedt hr oughoutt het i me wehav ebeenconf er r i ngwi t hhi m,Ibel i ev ehehasabasi cdef ecti nhi sr easoni ngpr ocesswhi ch pr ev ent shi mf r om r ev i ewi ngt hi scasei nar eal i st i cmanner , Whatwast hebasi soft hatopi ni on?
MI CHAELMI NERVA:I twasbasedonwhatwehadbeenex per i enci ngi nourdeal i ngswi t hMr .Bundy f r om t het i met hatwef i r sthadanycont actwi t hhi m, whi chwast hathewoul dsayonet hi ngandt hen doanot her .Forex ampl e,i nt hear eaofwhet herhewant edt osubmi tt oquest i oni ngbyt hepol i ce,or notsubmi tt oquest i oni ng.Whet herhewant edcounselt or epr esenthi m ornot .Whenhewoul dt el lus t hathewant eduspr esent ,di dnotwantt ot al kt ol awenf or cementof f i cer swi t houtuspr esent ,and t henwoul dgoaheadanddoi tany waywi t houtcal l i ngonus.Andi nt hequest i onofpr epar at i onwhet herwewer egoi ngt ohel phi m orwhet herhewasgoi ngt odoany t hi ngt ohel phi msel f , andwhat st r at egyhewasgoi ngt oempl oy .Henev erseemedt oset t l eonacour seofact i onort heor yt hathe woul dper si sti n.Hewasal way schangi ng.Henev ermadeadeci si on.Henev ersai d, I ' v edeci dedt hi s i swhatI ' m goi ngt odo. J. C. :Dur i ngy ourr epr esent at i on,t hr ought heconcl usi onoft het r i al ,di dheev ercomeupwi t ha st r at egyt hathewoul dpur sueandst i ckt o? M.M. :No,si r .Thi swasoneoft hef at alf l awsi nt r y i ngt opr oceedi nt hi scase.Ther enev erwasand coul dn' tbebecauseofhi schangi nghi smi ndat heor yoft hecase,whi chi sessent i ali nmyv i ewt o t r y i ngt oany one.Youmi ghtmodi f yi tast i megoeson,butbyt het i mei tget st ot het r i alany way , y ou' v egott oknowwher ey ou' r et r y i ngt ogett owheny ou' r ef i ni shed.AndwhatIwasex pl ai ni ngher e i nt hi smemor andum per si st edt hr oughoutt heent i r et i met hatIwasassoci at edwi t hMr .Bundy . Namel y , t hatwhenhewasconf r ont edwi t ht heal t er nat i v esofwhatt odoandhav i ngt ocomet oapl an, hedi dn' t .Andi fwedi dagr eeonsomet hi nghewoul dpr ompt l ychangehi smi ndabouti t . J. C. :Mr .Mi ner v a,cany out el lt hecour tpl easewhatt heef f ectoft hi sbehav i orwasonMr .Bundy ' s def ense? M.M. :Wel l ,i tdev ast at edi t ,becausewewer egoi ngof fi nal ldi r ect i onsatonce.Her ei nmynot esI wr ot e, " Idonotbel i ev et hathewasbei ngor ner ywi t husorput t i ngonanact .Hehast akent hesame posi t i onofambi v al encef r om t hef i r stt i meIt al kedwi t hhi m whenhewasf i r stbr oughtt oTal l ahassee i nFebr uar y .Al t houghheappear st ohav et hei nt el l ect ualcapaci t yt omakedeci si ons,hel ackst he ment al abi l i t yt odeci deuponacour seofact i on." J. C. :Di dy ouropi ni onabouthi m andhi sabi l i t yt omakedeci si onschangeany t i medur i ngy our r epr esent at i onofhi m? M.M. : No, i tdi dnot . J.C. :Doy oubel i ev eMr .Bundy ' spar t i ci pat i oni nhi sdef enseascocounselhel pedt hedef ense? M.M. : No. J.C. :Di di thar mt hedef ense? M.M. : Yes.I nmyv i ew, i tdi d. J.C.:I nwhatway ? M.M. : Mr .Bundywoul di nsi stonusgoi ngdownal otofr abbi tt r ai l s, i nasense, pur sui ngev i denceand l eads,ar gument st hatwer ewast i ngourt i me,di v er t i ngusf r om t hemai ni ssues.Andatsomeoft he cour thear i ngshei nsi st edt hatwedev el oporpr esentcer t ai nev i dencet hatweknew woul dbe damagi ng, y ethewasv er yadamantaboutusdoi ngt hat . I nt het r i ali t sel f ,hepr esent edsomequest i oni ngofonewi t nesst hatbr oughtoutawhol el otof gor ydet ai l st hatwer et ot al l yunnecessar y , whi chwehadt r i edt okeepoutour sel v es.Dur i ngt hecr ossex ami nat i onofDr .[ Ri char d]Souv i r ondur i ngt r i al , f ori nst ance, concer ni ngt hebi t emar ki dent i f i cat i on, t hest at e' sev i dencewasbar ebones, Iwoul dsay , ast oDr .Souv i r on' sdi r ectt est i mony .Andt hecr ossex ami nat i ondonebyMr .Har v eywentt ot heessenceofi tweakenedi tt osomeex t ent .Wewant edt o st opi tatt hatpoi nt .Wef el tf ur t herquest i oni ngwoul donl ybr i ngoutmor ei ncr i mi nat i ngev i dence agai nstMr .Bundy . ButMr .Bundyper si st edi nsi st ed,r at her -t hatwedoamor edet ai l edandt hor oughcr ossex ami nat i on ofDr .Souv i r on, whi chr esul t edi nsomev er ydamagi ngt est i monygoi ngi n. Thesewer et het hi ngshedi di ncour t , nott oment i onwhathewasdoi ngt ot hedef enset eam i t sel f . J.C. :Whydon' ty oudescr i bewhatwasgoi ngon.Whatwashedoi ngt ot hedef enset eam dur i ngt hi s per i od? M.M. :Di v i si v enessi swhatwasspawned.Pl usal ackofdi r ect i on.Achangeofdi r ect i ont hatwewer e const ant l yunder goi ng.But ,i naddi t i on,si ncet her ewer esev er all awy er swor ki ngonhi scase,Mr .
Bundywant edt ocont r olwhi chl awy erdi dwhat .Hei nsi st edt hatMar gar etGood,whowasaf emal e at t or neyi nt heof f i ceswhohaddoneonl yappel l at epr act i ce, bemadeapar toft hedef enset eam, and t hatwasnotourpl an.ButMr .Bundykepti nsi st i ngt hatshepar t i ci pat e. Hemadet hel awy er swhower epr esent i ngt heopeni ngst at ement sr ehear sesev er aldi f f er ent v er si ons,andt henhepi ckedt hel awy erwhowasgoi ngt omaket heopeni ngst at ement .Andhedi d t hesamet hi ngwi t ht hecl osi ngar gument .And,i nef f ect ,keepi ngev er y bodyof fbal ance,demandi ng t obeseenatal lt i meswhenwer eal l yneededt obewor ki ngont hecase.Hewoul ddemandv ecome t ohi sj ai l cel l wheni twasr eal l ynonpr oduct i v et obedoi ngt hat . J.C.:Dur i ngt hi sper i od,upt oJanuar yof1979,whatwasMr .Bundy ' sev al uat i onoft hecaseagai nst hi m? M.M.: Whathet ol duswas, i twasn' tany t hi ngt oi t . J. C. :Anddoy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutwhet hert hatev al uat i onoft hecaseaccor dedwi t ht hef act s? M.M. : Nott omyv i ewoft hef act s, i tdi dn' t . J.C.:Di dy ouev erdi scusst hatwi t hMr .Bundy ? M.M.: Tr i edt o.Yes, si r . J. C. :Andwer ey ousuccessf ul ? M.M.: Idon' tt hi nkIwasabl et oper suadehi mt omyv i ew. J.C.:Di dheev erchangehi sopi ni onaboutt hequal i t yoft hest at e' scaseagai nsthi m? M.M. : Nott omyknowl edge. J.C. :Di dy ouev erdi scusswi t hMr .Bundyt hepossi bi l i t yofexpl or i ngcompet encet ost andt r i al ? M.M.:OnMar cht went y secondwet al kedaboutt hequest i onofcompet ency .AndMr .Bundyatt hat t i meagr eedt osubmi tt oapsy chi at r i cex ami nat i on.Wehaddi scussedal sot hepossi bi l i t yofan i nsani t ydef ense,andf ort hoset wor easonsIsuggest ed,orwesuggest ed,apsy chi at r i cev al uat i on. Weaskedhi mt odot hat . J.C. :Di dhesubmi tt oi t ? M.M.: Heagr eed, wi t hcer t ai ncondi t i ons. J.C.:Whatwer et hosecondi t i ons? M.M. : Nopubl i cr ecor doft heexami nat i on, andt her esul t swoul dbeconf i dent i al andpr i v i l eged. J. C. :Di dy oubel i ev et hati nsani t ymi ghtbeani ssuei nt hecase? M.M.: Yes, Idi d. J.C.:Wer ey ouabl et opur suet hei nsani t ydef ense? M.M. : Wewer enotabl et opur suei t .No, si r . J. C. :Whywast hat ? M.M.: Mr .Bundydi dnotwantust odot hat . J.C.:Cany out el lmewhet heri nMar chof1979y oubel i ev edt hatcompet encywasani ssuei nt hi s case? M.M.: Yes, Idi d. J.C.:Di dy oupur suet hequest i onofhi scompet ency ? M. M. : Yes, Idi d. J. C. :Cany out el l , descr i bet ot hecour t , howy ouwentaboutdoi ngt hat ? M.M. :Wecont act edDr .EmanuelTanay , apsy chi at r i sti nDet r oi t , andaskedhi mi fhewoul dbewi l l i ng t odot heev al uat i on, andhesai dhewoul d, andIsenthi m agr oupofmat er i al saboutt hecase.Isent hi m al et t erex pl ai ni ngwher ewewer ei nt hecase, andhei ssuedapr el i mi nar yr epor tbasedont hose mat er i al si ndi cat i ngt hathet houghtt hatMr .Bundyhadi twasapr obabi l i t yhehadapsy chi at r i c,or t heneedf orpsy chi at r i cev al uat i ont o det er mi nebot ht hesani t yquest i onandt hecompet ency quest i on. J. C. :Af t erDr .Tanayi nt er v i ewedMr .Bundyandconduct edapsy chi at r i cev al uat i on, di dy our ecei v ehi s r epor tpr i ort ot heMayt hi r t y f i r sthear i ng? M.M. : Yes, Idi d. J.C. :Di dy out akeanyact i oni nl i ghtoft hi sr epor tt odet er mi newhet hery oushoul dpr oceedwi t ht he pl eaagr eement ? M.M. : Yes, si r , Idi d.
J.C.:Cany oudescr i bewhatt hatwas? M. M. :Ical l edDr .TanayandIt ol dhi m whatwasi nt hewor ks,t hatt her ewasapl eaagr eement cont empl at ed,andaskedhi mi fhi sopi ni onwoul dbedi f f er enti fMr .Bundyi nf actent er edapl eat o t hechar ges, r ecei v i ngasent ence, andt henDr .Tanaygav emehi sr esponse. J.C.:Whi chwas? M.M.:Thati fMr .Bundywer eact ual l yt ogot hr oughwi t ht hepl eaagr eement , i twoul dbeev i denceof hi sr at i onal i t y ,whi chwoul ddemonst r at ecompet encet ost andt r i al .ButDr .Tanayex pr essedgr eat r eser v at i ons[ aboutwhet her ]Mr .Bundywoul dact ual l ybeabl et ogot hr oughwi t ht heagr eement becauseofhi sment al i l l ness. J.C. :Mr .Mi ner v a, somet i mei nt hespr i ngof1979, di dy oubegi nt odi scusswi t ht hest at eofFl or i daa pl eabar gai ni nt het wocasespendi ngagai nstMr .Bundy ? M.M.: Yes. J.C. :Andt hoset wocaseswer et heLakeCi t ycaseandt heLeonCount y[ ChiOmega]case? M.M.: Yes. J.C. :Cany out el lmehowt hosedi scussi onsdev el oper ? M.M. :Ar oundApr i l18,1979, Ihadaconv er sat i onwi t hLar r ySi mpson, whowast hechi efpr osecut or i nt heChi Omegacase, andhesai dt hatbef or et henex tschedul edr oundofpr et r i almot i onshadt obe hear d,t hathet houghtweshoul dconsi dert hepossi bi l i t yofpl eanegot i at i on.Thatt hosehear i ngs woul d dev el op agr eatdealofi ncr i mi nat i ng ev i denceagai nstMr .Bundy ,whi chmi ghtmakei t i mpossi bl et ol at erconcl udeapl eaagr eementoncet hepubl i cwasawar eof , say , al lt heev i dence.So hesuggest edt hatweexpl or et hepossi bi l i t y , andhewant edt oknow, sor tofasal astgr aspbef or ewe pl ungedal ongi nt hef ul ladv er sar ypr oceedi ngs, whet hernegot i at i onwasgoi ngt obepossi bl e, andhe askedi fMr .Bundywoul dber ecept i v et ot hat .It al kedt oMr .Bundyaboutt hat , aboutt hepossi bi l i t yof i t , andMr .Bundyr ej ect edi tatt hatt i me. J. C. :Now, subsequentt ot hi st i me, di dt hedi scussi onsr esume? M.M.: Yest heydi d. J. C. :Cany out el lmehowt hatoccur r ed? M.M.:It al kedwi t hJoeNur sey ,whowasal awy erassoci at edwi t hMi l l ar dFar mer[ t heAt l ant adeat h penal t yl awy erTedhadwant edt or epr esenthi m att r i al ] andJoeal sohadbeeni nourof f i cesandI t ol dhi mt hatt hest at ehadex pr essedsomewi l l i ngnesst onegot i at et hecaseandt hatMr .Bundyhad decl i nedt heof f er ,andMr .Nur seyt ol dmet hatMr .Bundyhadal way swant edt oorhegav eme i ndi cat i ont hatMr .Bundyhadi ndi cat edhewoul dacceptapl eabar gai nf orl i f esent ences.Sot hat wast hewayt hatbegan,andMi l l ar dFar mert hebecamei nv ol v edwi t hi t ,i nsof arast al ki ngt oTed, becauset hathadbeenadi f f er entanswert hanIhadgot t enwhenIspokewi t hTed. J. C. :Cany oudescr i bewhatt henegot i at i onswer ebet weeny ouandt hest at econcer ni ngt hi spl ea agr eement ? M.M.:Basi cal l y , i twast oent erapl eaofgui l t yt oal lt hr eeoft hependi ngmur derchar ges, t het woi n t heChi Omegacaseandonei nt heLakeCi t ycase, pl usal l t heaf f i l i at edchar ges, t hebur gl ar i esandso f or t ht hatwentwi t hi t .Andi nexchangef ort hepl ea, t hest at eandwewoul dj oi nt or ecommendt hr ee consecut i v el i f esent ences, whi chcar r i edt went y f i v ey ear seachwi t houtt hepossi bi l i t yofpar ol e, ora r eall i f esent enceofsev ent y f i v ey ear swi t hnopossi bi l i t yofpar ol e,pl usconsecut i v esent enceson ev er y t hi ngel se. J. C. :Now, cany out el lmewho, ont hest at e' ssi de, appr ov edt hi sagr eement ? M.M.:Ev er y bodywhowasi nv ol v edwi t ht hecase,whi chi ncl udest hej udges[ Edwar dCowar tand Wal l aceJopl i ng] .Ther ewer econf er enceswi t ht hej udgesi nbot hcasest el l i ngt hem whatt he agr eementwas,aski ngi ft heywoul dconcur .Theydi dconcur .Thest at eat t or ney ' sof f i cei neachof t het woci r cui t smadecont actwi t hal lt hel awenf or cementagenci est hatwer ei nv ol v edandwi t ht he f ami l i esofal l t hev i ct i msandt hev i ct i mswhohadsur v i v ed. J.C. :Di dal loft hem agr eet ot hepl eabar gai n? M.M. : Yes. J.C.:Mr .Mi ner v a, di dy ouconsi dert hi sagr eementt obei nMr .Bundy ' si nt er est ? M.M.: Yes, Idi d.Iconsi der edt hatt heev i dencet hatt hest at ehad, combi nedwi t ht hegr eatamountof
pr et r i alpubl i ci t y ,woul dhav emadei thi ghl yl i kel yt hatt hest at ewoul dhav ebeenabl et osecur e conv i ct i onsi natl eastt heChiOmegacase;andt hatt hepossi bi l i t ywasal sov er ygr eat ,becauseof t henat ur eoft heof f ensesandi nwei ghi ngt hest at ut or yaggr av at i ngandmi t i gat i ngci r cumst ances t her ei nt heFl or i dadeat hpenal t yst at ut e, t hatMr .Bundywoul dv er yl i kel yr ecei v eadeat hsent enceor sev er aldeat hsent ences.Toav oi dt hatpossi bi l i t yandkeephi m al i v e-wi t ht hehopet hatst ay i ngal i v e i sal way sbet t ert hanbei ngdead-t hatt hatwasdef i ni t el yi nhi sbesti nt er est .Becauset heal t er nat i v eI sawwasgoi ngt ot r i al andbei ngconv i ct edany wayandget t i ngt hedeat hsent ence. J.C. :Dur i ngnegot i at i onsdi dy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutwhet herMr .Bundywoul dacceptsuchan agr eement ? M.M.: Yes, Ihadanopi ni on. J. C. :Andwhatwast hatopi ni on? M.M.: Thathewoul dnev ergot hr oughwi t hi t . J.C.:Whydi dy ouhav et hatopi ni on? M.M. : Justf r om ev er yact i ont hathehadt akendur i ngt het i met hatIhadany t hi ngt odowi t hhi m.Hi swhatIspokeofear l i er , hi si nabi l i t yt ost i ckt oacour seofact i on.Thechangi ngnat ur eofwhathewas say i ngt ous.Dur i ngt het i met hatt henegot i at i onswer egoi ngon,r i ghtf r om t hev er yout setwhenI appr oachedhi m abouti t , het ol dmehewoul dn' tdi dn' twantt oconsi deri t . Then[ Ihear d]t hr oughMi l l ar dFar mer -andul t i mat el yf r om Tedhi msel faf t erhet al kedt oMr . Far mert hathewoul daccepti t .Thef i r stdayt hatwewentt oLakeCi t yt ot al kt ot hepr osecut or sand t hej udgeaboutt hecase, wewentt ot hej ai lt oseeMr .Bundyi nt hemor ni ngt ogethi sper mi ssi ont o maket hatov er t ur e.Butt hen, whi l ewewer egone, hecal l edt heof f i ceandl ef tal i stofi nst r uct i onson whatwewer et odot opr epar ef ort het r i al sohehadusgoi ngi nt wodi r ect i onsatonceont hatscor e. Andt henhi scont i nuedat t i t udeaboutt hepl eadur i ngt het i met hatt henegot i at i onswer egoi ngon. Ev enwhenhet ol dmehewoul daccepti theal sohadsomehol dbackquest i on,r eser v at i on,andj ust f r om t henat ur eoft hewayhehadbehav edt hewhol et i me,Idi dnott hi nkhewasabl et ogetupi n cour tandent erapl eaofgui l t y . J.C.:Now,di dy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutt heef f ectoft henegot i at i ononMr .Bundy ' ssubsequent t r i ali fhedi dnotacceptt heagr eement ? м.м. :Wewer eaf r ai dt hati ft hewor dgotoutt hathewaswi l l i ngt oent erapl eaofgui l t y ,[ t hat ]t hat woul dpr econdi t i onanypot ent i al j ur orany wher ei nt heci r cui t -pr obabl yanypl acei nt hest at e, because oft hewi despr eadpubl i ci t yt her ei nt obel i ev i nghewasgui l t y ,andt hi swoul dmakei tex t r emel y di f f i cul t , i fnoti mpossi bl e, t ogetaf ai rt r i al af t ert hat . J.C. :Di dy ouadv i seMr .Bundyoft hatf act ? M.M.: Yes, si r . J.C. :Anddi dheper mi ty out ogof or war dwi t ht henegot i at i on? M.M.: Yes, si r , hedi d. J.C. :Mr .Mi ner v a, woul dy oupl easedescr i beExhi bi tt en. M.M.:Ex hi bi tt eni samemor andum t hatIdi ct at ed.Ibel i ev eIwasi nmycaraf t erIl ef tt hej ai land wasont hewayt ot hecour t houset omeetwi t ht hepr osecut or s.Thi swasi nbet weent het i met hatI hadbeenatt hej ai lt al ki ngwi t hMr .Bundyandot her sf i nal i z i ngt hepl eaagr eement , get t i ngt hesi gned pl eaagr eementf r om hi m, andbef or ewemetwi t ht hepr osecut or sl at ert hatday . J.C. :Now,t hi smemor andum descr i best heci r cumst ancei nwhi chMr .Bundyul t i mat el ysi gnedt he agr eement ? M.M.:Yes, i tdoes.Thi si st het hi r t i et hofMay , 1979.Thepl eawasschedul edt obeent er edt henex t day ,andasoft heaf t er noonoft het hi r t i et hwedi dnothav eMr .Bundy ' ssi gnat ur e.I twasoneoft he condi t i onsoft heagr eementt hatt hepr osecut or shadaskedt hatwenotgof or war dunt i lwehadMr . Bundy ' ssi gnat ur eont heagr eementt oent ert hepl ea,andsoev ent hought her ewasor alagr eement t hathewoul ddoi t , wehadt ogethi mt osi gni ti nor dert oact ual l yhav eacour tsessi ont henex tday andt ogett hepr osecut or st osi gn.Sot her ehadbeenf orsev er alday sbef or et hi sanumberofpeopl e, i ncl udi ngMr .Bundy ' smot herandot herf r i endswhohadv i si t edwi t hhi m,aswel lasMi l l ar dFar mer , t r y i ngt oencour agehi mt oacceptt hepl eaof f erbecause, agai n, ev ent houghhehadsai dhewoul ddo i t , hehadn' tputhi snameont hedot t edl i ne.AndIwast ol dt hathewaswav er i ngonwhet hert oaccept
i tev enatt hatl at edat e. Sowewentt ot hej ai li nt heaf t er noonofMayt hi r t i et ht ogett hesi gnedagr eement ,andwhenI ar r i v edMr .Far merwast her et al ki ngt oMr .Bundyal one.Af t erMr .Far mercameout ,Iwenti nand t al kedt oMr .Bundyal one,andIhadt heagr eement s,andwet al ked.TedandIt al kedf oraboutf or t y f i v emi nut esaboutwhet herhewasgoi ngt osi gnt heagr eement s,andhej ustseemedaspar al y zed t henashehadbeenonot heroccasi onsasf arasgoi ngf or war dwi t ht hedeci si on.Andev ent ual l yI knew wewer er unni ngoutoft i me.Iaskedf orMr .Far mert ocomei n,becauseheseemedt ohav e mor ei nf or mat i onaboutMr .Bundy ' swi l l i ngnesst opl ead, hadmor ei nf l uenceov erhi m. It hi nkMr .Bundyt r ust edhi m al i t t l ebi tmor et hanhedi dme.AndIaskedMr .Har v eyt ocomei nsohe coul dwi t nesswhatwasgoi ngon, becauseIknewt hepl eahadt obev ol unt ar yandIdi dn' twantt hi st o beacoer ci v esi t uat i on, suchasi twoul dl at erbesai dt hatIhaddonesomet hi ngt of or cehi mt oent er apl eawhenhedi dn' twantt o.So,any way ,t het hr eeofussatt her eandponder edi t ,andMi l l ar d ev ent ual l yper suadedTedwehadnomor et i meandheei t herhadt osi gni tornotsi gni t .Andwi t h gr eatr el uct ancehesi gnedbot hagr eement s. J.C. :Di dhegi v ey oui nst r uct i onsaboutwhatt odowi t ht hesi gnedagr eement s? M.M.: Yes.Hedi dnotwant[ t hem]t obedel i v er edunt i l wewenti nt ocour t . J.C. :WhatwasMr .Bundyr equi r edt odot henextmor ni ngi ncour ti nt hepr oceedi ngst oent ert he pl ea? M.M.:Hewast oent erapl eaofgui l t yandofcour sebesubj ect edt ot hepl eacol l oquyt hateach j udgewasgoi ngt oputf or t ht oi nsur et hev ol unt ar i nessoft hepl eaandt hef act ualbasi soft hepl ea, andhewast omakenoext r aneousst at ement s.Thepr osecut or swer ev er ycl earont hi s:t hati fMr . Bundyequi v ocat edatal l ,i fhemadeanycomment sabouthi sl ackoft i met opr epar eoraboutt he qual i t yoft her epr esent at i onhehadr ecei v ed,or[ t hat ]hewasnotal l owedt ohav eMr .Far merashi s l awy er -i nanyot herwayt oseem t ohedget hedealwasof f .Mr .Bundywast oanswert hecour t ' s quest i onsbutwasnott ogoi nt oanysi dear gument sorat t emptt oequi v ocat et hepl eaatal l . J.C.:WasMr .Bundyawar eoft hosear r angement s? M.M. : Yes.Wet ol dhi m. J.C. :Cany oudescr i bewhatwassupposedt ohav ehappenedi nt hecour t r oom i nt er msofwhowoul d bepr esentandhowt hepr oceedi ngswoul dgof or war d? M.M.:Wehadaskedt hepr osecut or snott odi ssemi nat et hi si nf or mat i on.Wewer ehopi ngt hatt her e woul dbev er yf ewpeopl ei nt hecour t r oom f oracoupl eofr easons.One, i twoul dv er yl i kel yst ar t l eMr . Bundyorhav eanunset t l i ngef f ectonhi mt oseeabi gcr owdi nt her e, psy chol ogi cal l y t ost andupand hav et oadmi tgui l tt ocr i messuchast hese.Seemedt obeal i t t l ebi teasi eri fi twasnoti nabi g, ex ci t edat mospher ewi t hal otofpeopl ewat chi ng.Andal so, i nt heev entt hatt hepl eadi dn' tt ake, t hat hewant edt ohav easf ewpeopl ewi t nesst heat t emptaspossi bl e. J.C.:Wer ebot hJudgeCowar tandJudgeJopl i ng,t hej udgesi nt het wocases,pr esentf ort he pr oceedi ngs? M.M.: Yes. J.C.:Cany out el luswhathappenedont hemor ni ngofMayt hi r t y f i r st , 1979? M.M.:Yes, si r .Thedef ensel awy er smeti nt hepubl i cdef ender ' sof f i ce, andIwentov ert ocour tf i r st , asIr ecal l .AndwhenIgott her e[ If oundt hat ]Mr .Bundyhadpr epar edat y pewr i t t enmot i onwhi chhe wasdi st r i but i ngoraboutt odi st r i but eascour twasaboutt ost ar t .Andt hecont entoft hemot i oni n ef f ectwast ot al l yi nconsi st entwi t ht heent r yofapl eabecausei twasar equestf orot hercounsel ort o f i r eusand,y ouknow,j ustgener al l ysay i ngt hatwehadnotdoneourj obandweshoul dber emov ed ascounsel .AndwhenIgotwi ndofwhatt hatwasIaskedf orar ecesssot hatIandt her estoft he def ensel awy er scoul dt al kt oMr .Bundyaboutwhathi si nt ent i onswer e. J.C.:Di dy ouhav et her ecess? M.M.: Yes, wedi d. J.C. :Di dy ouhav eanoppor t uni t yt ot al kwi t hMr .Bundy ? M.M.:Yes, Idi d. J.C.:Cany oudescr i bet hatdi scussi on? M.M.:Wewentbacki nt ot hehol di ngcel l , andatv ar i oust i mesMi l l ar dFar merwast her e, Iwast her e,
JohnHenr yBr own,whoi sal awy erandal soaf r i endofMr .Bundy ' s,Ibel i ev eEdHar v eycamei n.I ' m notr ealsur ewhatt heef f ectofi twas.Wewer et r y i ngt of i ndoutf r om Mr .Bundywhatwasgoi ngon andwhathepl annedt odo.AndIr ememberMi l l ar dv i r t ual l ypr ay i ngov erTed, i nasense, t our gehi m t hat , andconv i ncehi m, t hatt hi swasi nhi sbesti nt er est .Thatt hi swasv i t al .Thi si swhatwehadbeen pushi ngf ort hewhol et i me,wast osav ehi sl i f eandt hathi sl i f ewaswor t hsav i ng.Andt hatt heonl y wayhecoul ddot hatwast oent ert hi spl ea,andt hati fher ej ect edt hepl eat her ewer enomor e chancesf orpl ea, andt hatt her esul t soft r i al woul dbedi sast r ousf orhi m.Theywoul dmeant hedeat h penal t y .Af t eral loft hatTedsai dhest i l ldi dn' tknow whathewasgoi ngt o do,andMi l l ar d' s assessmentwast hatt her ewasaf i f t y f i f t ychancet hatwoul dent ert hepl ea, butwest i l ldi dn' tknow. Andsowewentbacki nt ot hecour t r oom andwesatdown.Thej udgeswer epushi ngust or econv ene. Theywer ecool i ngt hei rheel swhi l ewewer egoi ngt hr ought hesedi scussi ons.Theywant edt of i ndout t heywer easki nguswhatwashappeni ng.Sowewenti nt ot hecour t r oom notknowi ngwhatwas goi ngt ohappenandt her ecor dwi l lshowwhatwassai d.Ibel i ev et hatIst oodupandsai dMr .Bundy hasamat t ert opr esentt ot hecour t , andsatdownandJ.C. :Letmeasky ou,wheny oumadet hatr epr esent at i ont ot hecour t ,di dy ouhav eanyi deawhathe woul ddo? M.M. :Idi dnotknowwhathewoul ddo.Hehadnott ol dmewhathewoul ddo.Soi twasasur pr i set o me. J. C. :Andwhathappened? M.M.: Heof f er edhi smot i ont or el i ev eusascounsel anddi dnotof f ert hepl ea. J. C. :Andasaconsequenceoft hat , whathappenedt ot hepl eaagr eement ? M.M. :Thepr osecut or swai t edunt i lhef i ni shed.Whenhehadcompl et edhi smot i onat t acki ngusand aski ngust ober el eased,t henhesor tofl ookedatmeandsatdown.Wehadal i t t l ewhi sper ed di scussi on-heseemedt owantt oent erapl eanowt hathe' dgot t ent hi sof fhi schest andt hepr osecut or sdownt het abl esai dnodeal , i t ' sof f . J. C. :Cany out el lme, Mr .Mi ner v a, whatwast heef f ectofMr .Bundy ' sr ej ect i onoft hepl eaagr eement ? M.M.: Wel l , t heef f ectofi tt henwast ohav et hemat t erbot hcases-gof or war df ort r i al .Thatwast he meani ngoft hat . J. C. :Cany out el lmewhatt heef f ectoft hepl eaagr eementwasont hedef ensel awy er s? M.M.:I tt ookal lt hewi ndoutofoursai l s,whatl i t t l ewi ndwehadl ef tatt hatt i me.Wehadwehad becomequi t eemot i onal l yi nv ol v edi nt hecase.Wewer epr et t ywel lex haust ed.Ourex pect at i onhad beengoi ngupanddownwi t ht hecasef oral ongt i me.Wet houghtwehadanendt oi t .Toav er y compl i cat ed,t ensi onf i l l edsi t uat i on.Wehopedwedi d,any way .Andt hedi sappoi nt mentt hatt hi s br oughtaboutpsy chol ogi cal l ywasqui t eabl owt ousand, i naddi t i on, i thadt hr ownuscompl et el yof f st r i dei nt r i alpr epar at i on.Wewer el esst hant woweeks,It hi nk,awayf r om t hebegi nni ngoft het r i al . Wehadi nt er r upt edt hev i t alt r i alpr epar at i ont i met hatoccur si nt heweeksi mmedi at el ybef or et he t r i al -get t i ngwi t nessesandpr epar i ngmemor andums,al loft het hi ngst haty oudot ogetr eadyf ora t r i al-becausewehadbeendi v er t edt hi sef f or tt obr i ngaboutt hepl eaagr eement .Andsowel ostv er y v al uabl et i meatav er ycr i t i cal t i mei ncasepr epar at i on. J.C. :Whathappenedaf t ert hepl eaagr eementwasr ej ect ed? M.M. :Wemadesomemot i onsf orcont i nuance.Meal somadeamot i ont ober el i ev edascounsel , andt henweal sowentf or war dwi t ht hepsy chi at r i cev al uat i onandr equest edacompet encyhear i ng. J.C.:Di dy our epr esentMr .Bundyatt hecompet encyhear i ng? M.M.: No, Idi dnot .Mr .Bundyr equest edot hercounsel . J.C. :Wer ey oucal l edasawi t nessatt hecompet encyhear i ng? M.M.: No, Iwasnot . J.C. :Di dy ouper sonal l ycont i nuet or epr esentMr .Bundyaf t ert hecompet encyhear i ng? M.M. : Toav er yl i mi t edext entonl y , andt hatwasi nconnect i onwi t ht hebi t emar kev i dence. J.C. :Andwhywast hat ? M.M. :Mr .Bundyhadmadeaper sonalat t ackonmeandIt r i edt oputt hatasi de.Iex pl ai nedt ot he cour twhenImadet hemot i ont owi t hdr aw t hatIt houghtt hatt her emi ghtbesomev est i gesof r esent mentt hatIwoul dnev erbeabl et ogetr i dof ,andt hatt hosemi ghtpr ev entmef r om bei ngas
z eal ousanadv ocat eonhi sbehal fasIshoul dbe,andIwaswor r i edt hatIwoul ddot hi ngs,ev en subconsci ousl y ,t hatmi ghtbedamagi ngt oMr .Bundy ,Sot hatwasoner eason.Anot herr easonwas t hatMr .Bundy ,i nhi smot i on, hadmadest at ement saboutmepr of essi ngabel i efi nhi sal l egedgui l t . Andt hatst at ementhadr ecei v edwi despr eaddi ssemi nat i oni nt hemedi a.Iwasaf r ai dt hati fI par t i ci pat edt oanyr ealsubst ant i alext enti nhi sdef enset hatj ur or swoul dr emembert hatst at ement and, consequent l y , t heywoul dt hi nkt hatIwasbei nghy pocr i t i cal i nt r y i ngt oar gueonhi sbehal fwhenI , my sel f ,bel i ev edhewasgui l t y ,AndIt hi nkt hatIt houghtt hatt hatwoul dbeav er ydamagi ngpost ur e f ormet obei nandwoul dcompr omi sehi sr i ghtt oaf ai rt r i al . J.C. :Compar edt oy ourownexper i enceasadef ensel awy er ,cany out el lmewhatt heexper i enceof t her emai ni ngat t or ney swasont hedef enset eam? M.M.:Wel l , noneoft hem, asIr ecal l , hadex per i ence, orv er yl i t t l eex per i ence, i ncapi t alcases, somy i mpr essi onoft hei rski l landabi l i t yt ohandl et hi scasewast hatt heywer ebei ngaskedt odo somet hi ngt hatt heywer enotr eal l yqual i f i edt odo. j .C.:Mr .Mi ner v a, i fy ouwi l lr et ur nt oExhi bi tf i f t een, pageei ght ? M.M.: Yes.Thi si sDr .Tanay ' sr epor tt ous. J. C. :I nt hef ul lpar agr aphonpageei ghtj ustabov et hemi ddl ehesay st hat" Iwoul dant i ci pat et hati n t heunl i kel yev entt hatt hepr osecut i on' scaseagai nsthi m,"meani ngMr .Bundy ," woul dweaken,he woul dt hr oughhi sbehav i orbol st ert hepr osecut i oncase."Now cany out el lmewhet hery our obser v at i onsofMr .Bundywer econsi st entwi t ht hi spr edi ct i on? M.M.: Yes, t heywer e. J. C. :Anddi dt hi st y peofbehav i ori nf actoccur ? m.m.: Yes, i tdi d. J.C. :Cany oudescr i bewhatt hatbehav i orwas? M.M.:Di sr upt i v e,i nawor d.Di sr upt i v et ot hecour t .Ther ewer eoccasi onsdur i ngt hatt i mewhenI wast her et hatMr .Bundyr ef usedt ocomeoutofhi scel l ; hemadedemandsont hedef enset eam.He camei nt ocour tsomet i mesdr essedi nasweat shi r t .Gav epr essi nt er v i ews,badger edt hedef ense t eam,cal l i ngt hem al lhour soft hedayandni ght ,maki ngt hem dot hi ngst hatwer edi st r act i ngf r om t hei rpar t i ci pat i oni nt hecase.Her ef used,orwasunabl et o,ordi dn' t -guess,wasunabl et or eal l y f ocusonat heor yoft hecase.Wegotal ocalat t or neynamedRober tHaggar dt oassi stusbecausehe wasf ami l i arwi t ht hecour tst r uct ur ei nMi amiandwasf ami l i arwi t ht heki ndsofpeopl ewhowoul dbe ser v i ngasj ur or s.WegotMr .Haggar dt ohel pusi nt hej ur ysel ect i on, andt henhest ay edonf orawhi l e i nt hecase.Andaf t erawhi l eMr .BundyandMr .Haggar dhadsev er ef al l i ngout s,whi chl edt oMr . Haggar d' swi t hdr awi ngf r om t hecasei nt hemi ddl eoft het r i al .Andt her ewast heconst antMr .Har v ey candescr i bet hi sbet t ert hanIcant heconst anti nt er pl aybet weenMr .Bundyandv ar i ouscounselas t owhowoul ddowhat ,andchangi ngofmi ndast owhatt hest r at egywoul dbe,pl ust heot her i nst ancesIment i onedwi t hDr .Souv i r on' st est i mony , whi chIsaw. j . c. :Now, di dy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutwhet herMr .But dywasdoi ngt hi ssol el yt odi sr uptorwhet her t hi swassomet hi ngt hatwasbey ondhi scont r ol ? m.m.:Myopi ni onwast hathewasdoi ngi tbecausei twasbey ondhi scont r ol , andIbaset hati npar t onwhatDr .Tanay ' sr epor thadsai d, andt hebehav i orofMr .Bundyf i tt hepr edi ct i onsofDr .Tanay . J.C. :Doy oubel i ev et hatMr .Bundy ' sbehav i oratt het r i alaf f ect edt heout comeofhi scase? M.M.: Yes, si r . J. C. :I nwhatway ? M.M. :Wel l , t her ewer esev er alway st oappr oacht hecase.One, y oucoul dj ustt r yt owi ni t , hopi ngf or a" notgui l t y ."Andanot herwoul dbet oy oucoul dt r yt owi ni twi t haf f i r mat i v eev i dencet hathedi dn' t doi t .Youcoul dt r yt owi ni tbycr eat i ngr easonabl edoubtast ot hest r engt hoft hepr osecut i oncase. Ory oucoul ddeci det hatt hebesty ouwer egoi ngt ocomeoutwi t hwasahungj ur y . Youneedt oknow t hatbef or ey oust ar tt het r i albecausey ouneedt oknow whatki ndofj ur or s y ou' r egoi ngt opi ck.Ar ey ougoi ngt opi ckj ur or swhoar egoi ngt obeabl et oagr ee, orar ey ougoi ngt o pi ckj ur or swhoar egoi ngt ohangup?Ther ewasnev eranyagr eementaboutt hatf r om t hebegi nni ng. Andal lt hr oughoutt het r i alt hequest i onofwhatsor tofanopeni ngst at ementt opr esent -whatwer e y ougoi ngt ocondi t i ont hej ur or sf orasf arasy ourdef ense?Whatwer ey ougoi ngt ot r yt oshow?How
wast hatt her egoi ngt obedev el opedt hr ought heev i denceandt hear gument st ot heconcl usi onof t hecase?Andt hen, whatdoy oudoi ft her e' saconv i ct i onandhowhast hatsett hest agef orwhat ev er y ouhav et odoi nphaset wot opr ev entt hedeat hpenal t yf r om bei ngi mposed?Al l oft hoset hi ngst hat goi nt ot hemakeupoft r i al st r at egyandt heor yofdef ensewer enev eragr eeduponwi t hMr .Bundy . Nowt hedef ensel awy er shadagoodi deaofwhatt heywant edt odo,butMr .Bundywoul dnev er al l owt hatt obei mpl ement edbyhi sdi sr upt i onandbyhi schangi ngandbyhi si nsi st encet hatcer t ai n wi t nessesbecal l edornotbecal l ed,orcer t ai nquest i onsbeaskedornotbeasked.Andcer t ai n ar gument smadeornotmadeandwhowasgoi ngt omaket hem, andkeepi ngev er y t hi ngi nast at eof t ot aldi sar r ay .Andsoi tt ur nedout .Imean,Igotof ft hecasef r om t hev er ybegi nni ngbecauseIf el tI hadl ostanyhopet hatIhadofhel pi nghi m ordef endi nghi m.Mr .Haggar ddr oppedoutoft hecasef or si mi l arr easons.Wehadt osendot herl awy er sdownt ohel pwi t ht hepenal t yphase,becauseMr . Bundyr ef usedt ol etusputoncer t ai nev i dence.Sot hewhol et hi ngwasnotapl anbutar eact i onday bydayt ohi swhi msandhi sdesi r esandy oucoul dnot , i nmyopi ni on, conductacompl i cat eddef ense ofacompl i cat edcasewi t ht hatki ndofact i v i t ygoi ngon. J. C. :Di dMr .Bundyev erexpr esst oy ouar at i onalunder st andi ngoft heev i dencet hatt hest at ehad agai nsthi m? M.M.: Nosi r . J. C. :Di dheev erappeart oappr eci at et heev i dence, t hesi gni f i canceoft heev i dencet hatt hest at ehad agai nsthi m? M.M. : Nev er . AsMi keMi ner v at est i f i ed,i twascl eart hati tst i l lbot her edhi m af t eral lt hesey ear st hathehadn' t beenabl et osav eTedf r om hi msel fandpr ev enthi sdeat hsent ence.Si t t i ngnex tt omeatt hedef ense t abl e, Tedhadt ear si nhi sey es; i twasev i dentt ohi m aswel l .Mi ke' scompassi on r eal l ygott ohi m. EdHar v eyt ookt hest andaf t ert hemor ni ngbr eak.Hebeganbyt est i f y i ngt hathehadbeenpr esent asst andbycounsel att hedeposi t i onsTedt ooki nt hef al l of1978, whenTedwasst i l l unabl et odeci de whet hert oacceptcounsel . JI M COLEMAN:Andasar esul tofy ourpr esenceatt hesedeposi t i onswer ey ouabl et oconcl udewhat Mr .Bundy ' spur posewasi nt hev ar i ousdeposi t i ons? EDHARVEY: Act ual l yno, si r .Iwasnotabl et omaket hatconcl usi on. J. C. :Wer ey ouabl et oev al uat et heusef ul nessoft hedeposi t i onst hatwer ebei ngt aken? E.H. :Wel l , Idoknowt hatl at eron, whenwegotact ual l yappoi nt edt or epr esenthi mi nt hatcase, most oft hedeposi t i onshadt obet akenov er .WhenMr .Bundywoul dquest i onawi t nesshewoul d somet i mest echni cal l yaskal otofquest i onsandf i ndoutsomeoft hei nf or mat i onbutnotr eal l yev er makeapoi nt .Nev erwentt oanyi ssuesoft hecase. J.C. :Cany out el lmewhaty ourr ol ewasont hedef enset eam af t erbecomi ngcounsel ,notj ust st andbycounsel , i nspr i ng1979? E.H.: Agai n, al otofmyr ol ewast ogot ot hej ai l , spendt i mewi t hMr .Bundy , athi sr equest . J. C. :Coul dy oudescr i bewhatt henat ur eofy ourcont actwaswi t hMr .Bundydur i ngt hi sper i od? E.H. :I t ' shar dt or ememberanyspeci f i coneoccasi on,butwhenIwascal l edouti twasusual l y becauseMr .Bundyhadaspeci f i cr equestt ocomeoutandhel phi m pr epar eacer t ai namountoft he cane.Whenwegott her ewewoul dt al kaboutbasebal lorr unni ngorheal t horsomet hi ngandusual l y t het i mewaswast ed.WhenIwoul dt r yt ogethi mt oconcent r at eont hesev ar i ousaspect sagai nwe woul dbasi cal l ywast et i me.Nev erabl et odot hat . J.C.:Whaty ouj ustdescr i bed, i st hatwhathappenedonsomeoccasi onsorf r equent l y ? E.H. : Ni net y ni neper centoft heoccasi ons. J. C. :Cany out el lmewhatMr .Bundy ' sr ol ewasi ndev el opi ngt r i alst r at egyi nt heChiOmegacase? E.H. :Wel l ,I ' m notsur eexact l ywhen,buthehadmadeapr osemot i ont obeappoi nt edcocounsel . JudgeCowar tgr ant edt hatmot i on.Att hatpoi nthebecamef ai r l yact i v ei nwant i ngcer t ai nquest i ons askedofwi t nesses,cer t ai nquest i onsnotasked,cer t ai nav enuespur sued.Oncewegoti nt ot he act ualt r i ali nMi ami , atsomepoi ntdur i ngt r i alt hecour tmadehi m chi efcounsel , andatt hatpoi nthe hadt heaut hor i t y , asIunder st oodi tf r om t hej udge, t omakeal l t hedeci si ons.
J. C. :Anddi dhepr oceedt oexer ci set hataut hor i t y ? E.H.: Yes, si r . J. C. :Cany out el lme,cany oudescr i be,basedony ourr el at i onshi pwi t hMr .Bundyandy ourabi l i t yt o obser v ehi m, whet herhewasabl et omakedeci si onsi nt hepr ocessoft hepr epar at i onf ort het r i al ? E.H. :Wel l ,henev ermadeanydeci si ont hatl ast ed.Di dn' tseem l i kei t .Andwhenwewoul dgetont o t hei ssuest hatwer ev er yi mpor t ant , especi al l ydur i ngt r i al , ev enwhenhesupposedl ymadeadeci si on, i twoul dseem l i keatsomecr uci alpoi nthewoul dbackof ft hedeci si onandputusatoddswi t heach ot her . J.C. :Wer ey ouev erabl et o, wi t hMr .Bundy , t odev el opadef ensest r at egyf ort heChiOmegat r i al ? E.H.:Wet houghtwehad.Wewer eal li nMi amiandmetwi t hhi m,andweal ldi scussedwhateach memberoft het eam woul ddoi nt er msoft het r i al .Ther ewer emanyar easoft het r i al ,andeach l awy erhadspeci f i cf unct i onst hatwewer egoi ngt odo, andwet houghtwehadcomet oanagr eement wi t hev er y oneconcer ned,i ncl udi ngMr .Bundy .Butasi tt ur nedout ,t hoseagr eement swer enotl i v ed upt o. J.C.:Cany ouexpl ai nwhathappened, asy ousay , " asi tt ur nedout ? " E.H. :Icangi v ey ouanexampl e.Oneexampl ewast hatwheni tendedupt hatmy sel f , Mr .Thompson, andMi ssGoodwer edownt her e,wer eal i z ednoneofusact ual l yhadgonet hr oughacapi t alt r i al .I knowIhadhandl edcapi t al cases, butI ' dnev ergonet ot r i al onone, andMr . Thompsonhadn' t .Mr .Haggar d, howev er , haddoneappr ox i mat el yt went y f i v ecapi t alt r i al s.Andal lof ust houghtt hatsi ncehehadhadt hatex per i encewi t ht hej ur yi ncapi t alt r i al st hathewoul dpi ckt he j ur y , maket heopeni ngst at ement , maket hesummat i on, andatl easthav et hatcont i nui t yi nt hecase. Andwehadapr et t ygoodst r at egyatt het i me.Butasi tt ur nedout , whenwewonsomeoft hepr et r i al mot i onsand[ i t ]l ookedl i ket hecasewasgoi ngourwayal i t t l ebi t , someoft heev i dencewaskeptout , t hat ' swhenIst ar t edt oper cei v eMr .Bundywasact ual l yt r y i ngt osabot ageourcase.Andbyt hatI meanhet al kedoneoft hel awy er si nt oget t i ngupandt r y i ngt opi ck t hej ur ywhi l et heot heronewassupposedt odot hat .Hel etMr .Haggar ddot heopeni ngst at ement , butofcour sehepi ckedsomebodyel sef ort hecl osi ngar gument s.Wi t ht heopeni ngst at ementhe want edmet opr epar et heopeni ngst at ementandMr .Haggar dt opr epar ean openi ngst at ementandhewoul dmakeuphi smi ndwhi chonehewant ed.Hedi dgoatt hel astmi nut e wi t hMr .Haggar d.I twast hoseki ndofi ssuest hat , oncewehaddeci dedwi t hhi m andwi t hev er y body , i twasof t enchanged. J.C. :Di dy oudi scusst hest at e' scasewi t hMr .Bundy ? E.H. : Yes, si r . j .C. :Anddoy ouhav eanopi ni onabouthi sabi l i t yt oev al uat et hatcase? E.H.: Yes, si r . J.C.:Whati st hatopi ni on? E.H. :Idon' tt hi nkhecoul dev al uat et hecase.Hecoul dl ookatcer t ai ni ssuesi nt hecaseanddi scuss t hem f ai r l yr at i onal l yoneatat i me, buthecoul dn' tseet hewhol ebi gpi ct ur e.Hecoul dn' tseehowone i ssuef i twi t hanot her . J. C. :Now, cany out el lmewhatwast heef f ectoft hepl eanegot i at i on, i ny ouropi ni on, ont hedef ense t eam' sabi l i t yt opr epar ef ort r i al ? E.H. :Wel l ,i twasmyopi ni onwewer ewi t hi namont hoft heact ualt r i aldat e,andei t herourt i me shoul dhav ebeenspentpr epar i ngf ort r i alorwor ki ngt hi spl eaagr eementout .Becauseoft hef act| t hat ]wehadt ospendal lofourt i mewor ki ngt hepl eaagr eementout , wewer eobv i ousl ynotpr epar ed f ort r i al .Andt heef f ect , wheni tf el l t hr ough, wasdev ast at i ng.Weknewwehadwast edal l t hatt i me. J.C. :Now,l etmeasky out ot ur nbackt ot hepl eanegot i at i on.Andcany out el lmewhaty our obser v at i onofMr .Bundy ' sappr oacht ot hosenegot i at i onswas? E.H.:He-I ' m notsur eIcandescr i bei tmuchbet t ert hanMr .Mi ner v adi d.Hewoul dt al kt oonesetof peopl eandsayonet hi ngs-It hi nkatl eastt ot hosepeopl ehesai dt hoset hi ngsandwhenhet al ked t oushewoul dsaysomet hi ngel set ome,speci f i cal l y .Idon' tt hi nkIev erhadadoubthewoul dnot ent ert hepl ea. J. C. :Whydi dy oubel i ev ehewoul dnotent ert hepl ea?
E.H.:Idi dn' tt hi nk, numberone, hecoul dwel l , l etmebackupal i t t l ebi t .Numberone, Ir eal l yt hi nkhe wassi ncer ei nt hi nki ngt hest at edi dnothav eacase,i nspi t eofal lt heev i dencet hatt heyhad, because, l i keIsai d, hecoul donl yl ookatonei ssueatat i me. J. C. :Di dy oushar ehi sopi ni on, byt heway , t hatt hest at edi dnothav eacase? E.H.: No, si r .No, si r . J. C. :Doy out hi nkt hathi sopi ni onwasconsi st entwi t ht hef act s? E.H.: No, si r . J. C. :Now, wer ey oupr esentatt hepr oceedi ngatwhi cht hepl eaagr eementwasof f er ed? E.H.: Yes, si r . J.C. :Cany ouj ustbr i ef l ydescr i bewhathappenedt her e? E.H.:Wel l , myper spect i v ewasal i t t l edi f f er ent .Ihadbeent her ewhent heagr eementwassi gnedt he ni ghtbef or e.Andasev er y bodyl ef tt her oom,Tedcaughtmyey eandj ustki ndofshookhi sheadno, andIdi dn' tknowwhatt hatmeant , butIhadmyi deas.Thenex tdaywegoti nt ocour tandIobser v ed whathappened.Hebasi cal l ygotus.Hehadt woset sofpaper s.Hehadpaper swi t ht hepl eat hathad beensi gned,andhehadt hemot i onagai nstMr .Mi ner v ai nourof f i ce.Andhesatupl i t er al l yf ora per i odoft i meandi nut t ersi l ence,goi ngbackandf or t h,andf i nal l ypi ckedone,andt heonewast he mot i on. J.C. :Now, dur i ngt het i met haty ouwer ei nv ol v edi nt hedef enseofMr .Bundy , di dy ouhav eaquest i on i ny ourmi ndabouthi sment alcondi t i on? E.H.: Yes, si r . J.C. :Cany oudescr i bei nt er msofy ourmeet i ngwi t hMr .Bundywhati twast hatr ai sedt hequest i on f ory ouabouthi sment alcondi t i on? E.H.: Hi st ot al r ef usal t oadmi tt hatt her ewasanyev i dence. J. C. :Now, di dy ouev erdi scusshi sment alcondi t i onwi t hMr .Bundy ? e.h. : Yes, si r . J.C.:Cany ouj ustbr i ef l ydescr i bewhathappeneddur i ngt hatmeet i ngwi t hMr .Bundy ? E.H.:Wel l , upunt i l t hatpoi ntwe, eachofus, hadt al kedaboutsomepar t soft hecasewi t hMr .Bundy , andnow al lofussatdownandhadr eal l ygoneov erev er y t hi ng.Andwet houghtatt hi spoi nthe neededt oknow.Hekeptondeny i ngt her ewasanyev i dence, andwet hought t hatheneededt ounder st andwhatt hesi gni f i canceoft hest at e' scasewas.Andbasi cal l ywedi dt hat , andwedi scussedsomedi f f er entopt i onst hatwer eav ai l abl ei ncl udi ngt hedef enseofi nsani t yand i ncompet ence, t hosei ssueswhi chMr .Bundyr ef usedt odi scuss. J.C. :Di dy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutwhet heri nsani t ywasadef enset hatshoul dhav ebeenatl east pur sued? E.H.: Yes, si r .Ihav eanopi ni on. J.C. :Whati st hatopi ni on? E.H. : Thatwast heonl ydef ense. J.C. :Di dy oudi scusst hatwi t hMr .Bundy ? E.H. : Yes, si r . J. C. :Andwi t hwhatr esul t ? E.H.:Mr .Bundywoul dnotdi scussi t .Hesai di twasnotani ssue.Hesai di nsani t ywasnotav i abl e def ensei nacr i mi nalcaseandi nsani t ywasnotani ssuei nhi scase.Hecoul dt al kt oapsy chi at r i st , butt her esul twoul dbet hesameasi fy out al kedt oat r uckdr i v er .Hesai dt hewel l pl annedmannerof t hei nci dent s, t hechar ges, t hepr i orchar ges, di ct at eagai nstani nsani t ydef ense. That ,byt heway ,wasoneofTed' scr az i estdel usi ons-t hesupposed" wel l pl annedmanneroft he i nci dent s."Byhi sownaccount ,bot ht heFl or i dacr i meswer ecompl et el yunpl anned.Bot hwer e chanceoppor t uni t i esatt i meswhenTedwasi nhi s" Ot herTed"st at eabackdoorl ef topenatt heChi Omegahouse;ay ounggi r lcr ossi ngt hegr oundsofLakeCi t yJuni orHi ghSchool ,neart hehi ghway . Butev ent hemor ni ngt hebl oodycar nageatt heChiOmegahousewasr epor t edont her adi o,Ted r emar kedt oar oommat et hati t" l ooksl i keapr of essi onalj ob."When, i nf act , i tl ookedl i ket hewor kof ar abi dani mal . j .C.:Wer ey ouawar eoft hecompet encyhear i nghel di nt heChiOmegacase?
E.H.: Yes. j .c.:Doy ouknowwhatt hebasi sf ort hemot i onf i l edbyt hedef ensewas? E.H. : I twasi npar tonDr .Tanay ' sopi ni onsandpar tonourobser v at i on. J.C.:Di dy out est i f yatt hathear i ng? e.h.: No, si r . J.C.:Di dt hest at e' spsy chi at r i st , whot est i f i edatt hathear i ng, i nt er v i ewy ou? e.h. : No, si r . Att hi spoi nt ,JudgeShar pi nt er r upt edEdHar v ey ' st est i monyt oask," Yousai dt hati twaspar t l y y ourobser v at i ons.Yethowwer et heyar t i cul at edi fy oudi dnott est i f y ? " Thatwasexact l yourpoi nt :Thel awy er swi t ht heact uali nf or mat i on,t her ealobser v at i ons,had beenex cl udedf r om t hecompet encyhear i ng. E.H. :Judge, Iunder st oodt hequest i onwaswhywehadmov edf ort hehear i ng.That ' swhywemov ed f ort hehear i ng.Idi dnott est i f y . J.C.( t oj udgeshar p) :That ' scor r ect .Thef actt hatt hedef ensel awy er sdi dnott est i f yi st hebasi sf or ourchal l engei nt heChiOmegacaset ot headequacyoft hehear i ng,Theywer eexcl udedbyor derof t hecour t . JudgeShar pnoddedsl i ght l y-nodoubtsor r yt hati nt r y i ngt opokeahol ei nEd' st est i monyhehad act ual l yr ei nf or cedourpoi nt andJi m cont i nued.
J.C. :Cany out el lmet heci r cumst ancei nwhi chhebecamechi efcounsel ? E.H.:Agai n,Ihav en' tbeenabl et ol ookatt her ecor df orsev enorei ghty ear s.Butatsomepoi nt dur i ngt het r i alMr .Bundyr ai sedanumberofi ssuesast ot hef actt hatwehadnotmetwi t hhi m ev er y ni ght ,spentt hr eehour sani ght .Hehadal r eadygot t enupandcr ossex ami nedawi t nesswi t houtour knowl edget hati twascomi ng.Hehadal r eadyt r i edt ot al koneofourl awy er si nt owor ki ngagai nstus. Andi twasobv i oust omet hathi sdeci si onandwhathewasdoi ngdur i nghi st r i al washur t i nghi msel f , andIwasawar eofDr .Tanay ' sr epor t .It houghtt headdi t i onalev i dencewassucht hatatt hi spoi ntwe coul dputonabet t ercompet encyhear i ng.Imadeamot i ondur i ngt hemi ddl eoft het r i alt ohav ehi m ex ami ned.Thi swasbef or ehewasappoi nt edchi efcounsel .Thecour tdeni edmymot i on,woul dnot al l ow ust ogetanyev i dencei nont hati ssue.Att hatpoi ntIf el tt hatt her el at i onshi pbet weenMr . Bundyandev er y bodyont hest af fwassuch( t hat )wecoul dnotet hi cal l ygoonandr epr esenthi m. Ther ewasnol awy er / cl i entr el at i onshi pl ef t .SoImadeamot i ont owi t hdr awascounselonbehal fof t heof f i ceoft hepubl i cdef ender , andasIr ememberagai n, Idon' thav et het r anscr i pt asIr ememberi t , t her esul toft hatwast hatt hecour tappoi nt edhi m aschi efcounselandr el egat edust ot heof f i ci al posi t i onofbei ngj ustst andbycounsel . J.C. :Nowy oument i onedt hatatsomepoi ntMr .Bundygotupandcr ossexami nedawi t nesswi t hout y ourknowl edge.Coul dy oudescr i bet hati nci dent , pl ease? E.H. :I twasl etmej ustgobackandexpl ai ni ti ncont ent .I t ' sanex ampl eofwhatwe' r et al ki ngabout . Ear l yoni nt hedi scussi onwehadt r i edt of i ndawayt hatMr .Bundycoul dpar t i ci pat ei nt hej ur yt r i al , t r yt omakesomepar t i ci pat i on,bef or et het r i alact ual l yst ar t ed.Howev er ,wedeci dedasat eamand Mr .Bundywasi nont hatdeci si on-t hati nf r ontoft hej ur yi twaspr obabl ybet t ernott ol ethi m dot hat . Andev er y bodywasi nagr eement .Thest at eputononeoft hef i r stpeopl et ot hescenei nt heChi Omegahouse.Whent hest at eputt heof f i ceronhewentt hr ough,[ i n]av er ybar ebonesmanner , descr i bi ngt her oom.Di dn' tdescr i beany t hi ngot hert hant hat .Di dn' thav eanyhar m[ onourcase] what soev er .Mr .Thompsonwassupposedt odot hecr ossex ami nat i onwi t honeort woquest i ons.At t hatpoi ntMr .Bundy ,myr ecol l ect i oni s,gr abbedt hef i l ef r om Mr .Thompson' shand,wal kedupand askedt hequest i onofIf or gethowhewor dedi t .Ther esul twast hatt heof f i cerhadt henachancet o got hr oughev er ygor ydet ai l t hathesaw, bl oodandev er y t hi ng. I thadat r emendousl ybadef f ectont hej ur y .I nf act ,whent het r i alwasov erandt heyi nt er v i ewed t hej ur or s, t hej ur ort hatwehadpi ckedt obeourst r ongestper soni nt hebegi nni ngoft het r i al sai dMr . Bunnyl ookedl i kea" beady ey edki l l er "whenheaskedt hosequest i ons.And
It hi nki t ' sanex ampl eofj ustwhatDr .Tanaysai d,t hati ft hedef ense' scasegotbet t erMr .Bundy woul dhel pt hest at e.Thatwasaper f ectex ampl eoft hatpr edi ct i oncomi ngt r ue. J.C. :Cany out el lmewhatt heef f ectofMr .Bundy ' sbehav i orwasont hecohesi v enessoft hedef ense at t or ney s? E.H. : I tj ustdr ov eusapar t . J. C. :Cany out el lmei nal i t t l emor edet ai lwhathappened? E.H. : Wel l , asanexampl e, f ori nst ance, Mr .Bundyhadconv i ncedoneoft hel awy er st heycoul ddoj ur y sel ect i onasgoodasal lt her estoft hel awy er s.Andev ent hought het eam madet hedeci si ont ohav e t wol awy er spi cki ngt hej ur y ,Mr .Haggar dandanot herone,Mr .Bundywasabl et oconv i nceanot her l awy ert hatsheoughtt ogetupandbeabl et odot hesamet hi ng.That ' sanex ampl eofwhenhewoul d hookont ooneoft hel awy er st ot r yt odr i v ewedgesbet weent hem bet weenusandr eal l yt r yt o sabot aget hedef enset heor y . J.C. :Youi ndi cat edt hatatv ar i oust i mesdur i ngt het r i alMr .Bundyr equi r edmember soft hedef ense t eam t omeetwi t hhi m? E.H. : Yes, si r . J.C. :Cany out el lmewhathappeneddur i ngt hosemeet i ngs? E.H.:Wel l , myr ecol l ect i oni st hatev er ymor ni ngwehadt obet her eatni ne.Wewentunt i ll at e.I twas appr oxi mat el ysi x ,sev enbef or ewewoul dgetoutoft hecour t r oom atni ght ,andhedemandednot onl yoneofus, butal l ofus, comeseehi m ev er yni ghtsohewoul dknow ev er y t hi ngt hat ' sgoi ngoni nt hecase.Andoncet hej udger equi r edusi nf actt odot hatbecausehe waschi efcounsel .Usual l ywhathappenedi s,wegot her eandhet al kedaboutr unni ngshoesorhow muchmai lhegotort el ephonecal l sorsomet hi ng.Ver yr ar el yont hecase.I nI nef f ect ,whathedi d wast akeupt woort hr eehour sofv er yv al uabl et i met heonl yt i mewehadt opr epar ef ort henex tday andsy st emat i cal l ydi di tdayaf t erday .Ev enaf t erwet ol dhi mt heef f ecti twashav i ngonus. J.C. :Cany out el lmewhet herdur i ngt hesemeet i ngs, dur i ngt het r i al , Mr .Bundywasi nv ol v edi nt hi ngs ot hert hanhi sdef ense? E.H.:Yes,si r .Hewasi nv ol v edi nset t i ngupsomeki ndofcor por at i on,ci v i lcor por at i on.Hewas i nv ol v edi nal lki ndsofmat t er st hatdi dn' thav eany t hi ngt odowi t ht hecase,andIcan' tr emember speci f i cal l y ,butIknowt hatoneoft hem wasbr oughtt omyat t ent i onaboutev er yday .Imean,t hat ' s whathewoul dspendhi st i meon.Wewer ef aci ngaj ur yt hathadt hepowert osendhi mt ot hedeat h penal t yont wocases, andwewer en' tt al ki ngaboutt hat .Wewer et al ki ngaboutot hert hi ngs. J. C. :Mr .Har v ey , basedony ourobser v at i onandy ourcont act swi t hMr .Bundydur i ngt het r i al , cany ou t el lmewhet herhi sov er al li mpactwasposi t i v eornegat i v e? E.H.: Negat i v e. J. C. :Anddi dMr .Bundyappeart oappr eci at et hef actt hathewashav i nganegat i v ei mpactonhi st r i al ? E.H. : No, si r . Thusended ourf i r stdayofhear i ngs.Thest at e' sat t or ney ,on cr ossex ami nat i on ofal lour wi t nesses,at t empt edt osuggestpossi bl er at i onalr easonsf oreachofTed' sseemi ngl yi r r at i onal act i ons, t akenal one.Butt hen, whatwast her at i onalbasi soft heent i r epat t er n?I twast hesamef l aw asi nTed' sownr easoni ng:I magi ni nganal t er nat eex pl anat i onf oreachpi eceofev i denceagai nsthi m, i gnor i nghowt heyf i tt oget her , addedup.
CHAPTER13 Whenwegotbackt oWashi ngt onwehadt opr epar ef ort hef ourr emai ni ngday sofhear i ngscomi ng upi nDecember .Ji mf l ew t oUt ahandCol or adot oi nt er v i ew t hel awy er swhohadwor kedwi t hTed t her e.It ookTed' sAuntAudi eupt oNewHav ent oi nt er v i ewheral ongwi t hDr .Lewi s.ThenIdi dal oop oft heot herFl or i dal awy er sandi nv est i gat or swhohadwor kedwi t hTed,endi ngonabal myni ghti n t heot her wi sesi l entanddeser t edof f i cesofLy nnAl anThompson,t heRober tRedf or doft heSout h. Yes, i nt er v i ewswer emyf av or i t epar toft hecase. I nNov ember ,Iper suadedTed' smot her ,Loui se,t of l yt oWashi ngt onandt ot r av elwi t hmet osee Dr .Lewi si nNewHav en.Thel awf i r m pai df orhert r i p,andImadeal lt hear r angement s.Loui sewas notaccust omedt ot r av el ,especi al l ywi t houtherhusband,Johnny .Shewasadi mi nut i v ewoman, pol i t e,caut i ous,andt i ght l ycont r ol l ed.Shet ookani mmedi at edi sl i ket oDr .Lewi sandi nsi st edt hat Tedwasi nnocentandt hatt her ehadnev erbeenanypr obl ems.Shewasi mpenet r abl e.Dr .Lewi s f i nal l ycal l edmei n,andt oget herweconf r ont edLoui sewi t ht hef actt hatTedhadi ndeedcommi t t ed t hecr i meshewassent encedt odeat hf or .St i l lnobr eaki nchar act er ,noemot i on,j ustf r ost i ngcov er edst eel yr eser v e. Loui seBundyandIspentmostoft her estoft hatni ghtonapol i shedwoodenbenchf aci ngt hebi g wal lcl ocki nNewHav en' sol df ashi onedt r ai nst at i on.Wehadmi ssedt hel astpl aneoutasDr .Lewi s andIt r i edt osqueez esomet hi ng, any t hi ng, outofLoui se, sowewer ef or cedt ot aket het r ai nhome.I t wassev er el ydel ay ed.Whenf i nal l yi tar r i v edat3: 00a.m.wel ear nedt hati thadki l l edt wot eenager s atacr ossi ng. Onanot herwi l dt r i p, Ji m andIwentt oNewYor kt opr epar eDr .Lewi sf ort heex t endedev i dent i ar y hear i ngi nDecember ,andendedupwor ki ngsol at e,wi t hsomuchmor et odo,t hatwer ent eda l i mousi nei nor dert ocont i nuet owor kwi t hDr .Lewi sonherwayhomet oNewHav en.Andt henDr . Lewi sgr aci ousl yi nv i t edbot hJi m andmet ost ayov er ni ghti nhercomf or t abl ehome,sowecoul d cont i nuet ot al k.Dur i ngt hel i mousi ner i de,wet al kedofourusualsubj ect s:r age,r ape,ser i almur der , andt hemani f est at i onsofmul t i pl eper sonal i t i es.AsIwaspay i ngt hedr i v erout si deherhome,he asked, " Ar ey oul awy er s? " Isai dy es." Wel l ,Idi dn' tcat chev er y t hi ng,buti tsur ewasi nt er est i ngwhaty oual lwast al ki n' about ." Li kehav i ngGer al doRi v er a' sshowr i ghti nt hebackseatofhi scar , Iguess. I twasi ndeedi nt er est i ng,al lt hi shi ghf l y i ngi nv est i gat i ng,eachnew f actl eadi ngt oanewi nsi ght andanew t wi sti nt hecase.Youcanj udgel awy er sbyhow t heydealwi t hf act si nt hecane.Att he l owestl ev el ,l awy er sdealonl ywi t hf act sf av or abl et ot hei rownsi deandi gnor et heot her s.Bet t er l awy er sdi sput eordi mi ni sht hef act si nopposi t i onandemphasi z et hatt hepr eponder anceoft he ev i dencesuppor t st hei rcase.Butt hebestappr oachi st ogl adl yembr aceal l t hef act s, nomat t erwhat , andshowt hatev er yl astoneoft hem onl yr ei nf or cest heunassai l abl ecor r ect nessofy ourposi t i on.As eachnewf actemer gedJi m andIwoul dr ol li tar oundi nourmi ndsl i keal oosemar bl eonaChi nese checker sboar dunt i l i tf el l neat l yi nt oi t ssl ot , consonantwi t ht heov er al l pi ct ur e.Per f ect . I twassoi nt er est i ng, i nf act , t hatwenev erhadt i met opr epar ef ort het r i al i t sel f .Ther ewoul dbeno r ehear sal f ormyf i r stt i mequest i oni ngawi t nessf ort her ecor d.Wewer ei nv est i gat i ngupunt i l t hel ast mi nut e, pl aci ngal l f ai t hi nourabi l i t yt ot hi nkonourf eetoncewegott her e.Thi swasal l wel landgood f orJi m Col eman-hewasanex per i encedl i t i gat orandspont anei t ywashi sf or t e.I ,howev er ,wasa r ankneophy t e. Myf i r stof f i ci alt askwental lr i ght ,t hough.OnSat ur day ,December12,1987,al ongwi t hMar k Menser ,t heassi st antFl or i dast at eat t or neygener alwi t hl eadr esponsi bi l i t yf ort heLakeCi t ycase,I t ookt hedeposi t i onofDr .EmanuelTanayi nav i nt ageAr tDecosky scr aperi nDet r oi t .Al t houghJi m andIhadi nt er v i ewedhi m bef or e,andhadcomeawayunsur eofwhet herhi sobser v at i onswoul dbe hel pf ult ous( Dr .Tanayobv i ousl yt houghtt hatTedwasadespi cabl epsy chopat h,al abelwewer e t r y i ngt oav oi d) , heshowedatt hi s, myf i r stdeposi t i onwhyhet r ul ydeser v edt het i t l e" ex per twi t ness. "St i l lt hi ckl yaccent edaf t ersomet hi r t yy ear si nt hi scount r y ,t hePol i shbor nDr .Tanaypr oj ect ed per f ectGer mani c conf i dence i n hi s psy chi at r i cf i ndi ngs,whi ch j usthappened t of i tourl egal
ar gument sper f ect l y .Yes,Dr .Tanayt houghtTedwasapsy chopat h,butheal sowasv er ycl eart hat Ted' spsy chopat hol ogyhadr ender edhi m unabl et oassi sti nhi sdef enseandwasadi seaseov er whi chhehadnocont r ol .Asabonus,Dr .Tanaymani f est edequal l yper f ectdi sdai nf ort heef f or t sof t hest at e' sat t or neyt ot hr ow myquest i oni ngof ft r ackort ounder mi neanywor dofhi st est i mony , goi ngi nt ospeechesont her ecor dabouthowMr .Menserwasi nt er r upt i nghi m, andhehadnev erbeen t r eat edsor udel y , et c. Emanuel Tanay , myher o. POLLY NELSON:Whatwer ey ouri mpr essi onsofMr .Bundywhen y ou exami ned hi m on May ei ght eent h, 1979? Dr .EMANUELTANAY:Myi mpr essi onswer et hathewasani ndi v i dualwho wasi ndeed r at her i nt el l i gentwhowaswel li nf or medaboutav ar i et yofmat t er s-but , j ustasIi ndi cat edi nmypr el i mi nar y r epor t ,basedondocument sonl y ,namel yApr i lt went y sev ent h,1979,heshowedat y pi calpi ct ur eof someonewhosuf f er sf r om al i f el ongper sonal i t ydi sor der .Someonewhowas,whatwewoul dcal li n psy chi at r y , ani mpul ser i ddent y peofi ndi v i dual , pr onet oact i ngoutandmor ei nv ol v edwi t hi mmedi at e gr at i f i cat i ont hananyl ongt er m concer ns.Hewaswhati nt hel i t er at ur ehasbeendescr i bedi nt he pastasat y pi cal psy chopat hi ct y peofper sonal i t y .Thi si sanol dt er mt hati snol ongerusedout si deof t ex t books, butnev er t hel ess, If oundi tqui t edescr i pt i v eofMr .Bundy . P.N. :Whatdoy oumeanbyt het er m" i mpul ser i dden" ? E.T.: Someonewhohasnocont r ol , oratl easti mpai r edcont r ol , ov erhi sorheri mpul ses.Mostpeopl e mi ghtper cei v eacer t ai ni mpul set oacti nacer t ai nf ashi on,becausei tmi ghtgr at i f ysomeki ndofa need, butt heywi l lr ef l ectabouti tandmakechoi ces.I mpul ser i ddeni ndi v i dual sdon' thav et hatabi l i t y . Theyar edr i v ent ogr at i f yt hei ri mpul sewi t houtsubj ect i ngi tt or ef l ect i on. P.N. :Tur ni ngt opagef ourofExhi bi tf i f t een,y oust at et hat" i nt henear l yt hr eehour swhi chIspent wi t hMr .BundyIf oundhi mt obei nacheer f ul ,ev enj ov i al ,mood.Hewaswi t t ybutnotAi ppant ;he spokef r eel y ;howev er ,meani ngf ulcommuni cat i onwasnev erest abl i shed.Hewasaskedabouthi s appar entl ackofconcer nsooutofkeepi ngwi t ht hechar gesf aci nghi m.Heacknowl edgedt hathe wasf aci ngapossi bl edeat hsent ence.Howev er , hesai d, I ' l lcr osst hatbr i dgewhenIgett oi t . Doy our ecal lt hati mpr essi on? E.T. : Yes, Ido. P.N. :Coul dy oudescr i bemor ef ul l ywhatMr .Bundy ' smoodandaf f ectwasl i keatt hatt i me? E.T. :Mr .Bundywasmor ei nv ol v edwi t hi mpr essi ngmewi t hhi sbr i l l i anceandhi swi tt hant ouset he ser v i cest hathadbeenar r angedf orhi m ofanex per t .Hewasi nf or medt hatIwassomeoneof nat i onalr eput at i onandt hathewast oav ai lhi msel foft heseser v i ces-Mi ner v aandot hermember sof t hedef enset eam hadsoi nf or medme-butt hatdi dnott akepl ace.Mr .Bundydeal twi t hmeasi fIwas ar epor t erf orTi memagaz i neorsomeot herpubl i cat i on.Hecer t ai nl ydi dn' tdealwi t hmeasi fIwasa psy chi at r i str et ai nedbyt hedef enset oassi sti ndef endi nghi m whenhewasf aci ngadeat hsent ence. Hepl ay edasi mi l argamewi t hmeashepl ay edwi t ht hei nv est i gat or s. P. N. :I nwhatway ? E.T. : Yousee, Ipoi nt edoutt ohi mt hataper sonwhocommi t t edt heset y peofsadi st i chomi ci desmay besomeonewhomayhav eav ai l abl et ohi mt hedef enseofi nsani t y , andIcl ear l yi ndi cat edt ohi mt hat i tmaybeusef ulf orhi mt odi scusst hatwi t hme;andj ustl i kehedi dwi t ht hei nv est i gat or s,hewas conf essi ngt hathedi dandIsay" conf essi ng"i nquot es, becausei twasn' tanof f i ci alconf essi on, but hewasl eadi ngmet obel i ev et hathei ndeedcommi t t edt heseact s.Justl i kehet ol dt he i nv est i gat or s, t ouset hei rownwor ds, t hathewast el l i ngt hem t hathedi di t , andy ethewasn' t . Sohewascr eat i ngt hesi t uat i onwher ehewasper suadi ngpeopl et hathecommi t t edt heseact sand y etmaki ng i ti mpossi bl ef ora psy chi at r i st ,l i kemy sel f ,t or ev i ew t hi si n amannert hatcoul d concei v abl yassi sthi sl awy eri nf or mul at i ngadef ense, andhepl ay edi t , y ouknow, het al kedt omebut nev err eal l yt al kedt omeaboutt hesi t uat i ondi r ect l y .Henev eracknowl edgedt hathecommi t t edt he act s, t her ef or ewecoul dnev erdi scusst hem, andy ethewasi ndi cat i ng, i namannert hatIcan' tr eal l y descr i bet oy ou, j ustashedi dwi t ht hepol i ceof f i cer s, t hathewast heonewhodi di t . P.N. :Whatwasy ouri mpr essi onoft her easont hatMr .Bundywasact i ngi nt hatway ? E.T.: Myi mpr essi onwast hati twast y pi cal behav i orofapsy chopat hwhol i kest odef yaut hor i t y , who
hasaneed,whoi sdr i v ent odef yaut hor i t y andt hati ncl udesl awy er s,psy chi at r i st s,l awenf or cement , j udgesandt hatwasmor ei mpor t antt ohi mt hansav i nghi sownl i f e.Hewast y pi cal l yr espondi ngt oa gr at i f i cat i onoft hemoment . P.N. :Younot eher eonpagef i v eofExhi bi tf i f t eent hat" Mr .Bundyr at i onal i zedawayev er ypi eceof ev i dencewhi chl i nkedhi mt ot hecr i me,andal i t t l ef ur t herdown," Mr .Bundyhasani ncapaci t yt o r ecogni zet hesi gni f i canceoft heev i dencehel dagai nsthi m.I twoul dbesi mpl i st i ct ochar act er i zet hi s asmer el yl y i ng,i nasmuchasheact sasi fhi sper cept i onoft heev i dencewasr eal i t yhemakes deci si onsbasedupont hesedi st or t edper cept i onsofr eal i t y ." Dot hosest at ement saccur at el yr ef l ecty ouropi ni onsconcer ni ngMr .Bundy ? E.T.:Yes.Ont hesamepageIam descr i bi ngormaki ngr ef er encet owhatIknew att het i met he ev i dencewasagai nsthi m,whi chcer t ai nl yIwast ol dbyhi sat t or ney swasper suasi v e.Byconf r ont i ng hi m wi t ht hei nt er v i ewIt r i edt of i ndouti fhewoul dr espondt omypoi nt i ngoutt ohi mt her eal i t yt hat hewasf aci ng, whi chhedi d.Hesi mpl yr ej ect edi t . P. N. :Att hebot t om oft hesamepagey oust at e," I ti smyopi ni on,basedonav ar i et yofdat a,t hathi s deal i ngswi t ht hecr i mi nalj ust i cesy st em ar edomi nat edbypsy chopat hol ogy ."Ar ey our ef er r i ngt her e mer el yt ot heal l egedcr i mesort oMr .Bundy ' sot herbehav i or s? E. T. :Bot h.Hewasdoi ngt hesamet hi ng,hewasbei ngt hesamepsy chopat hwhenhedeal twi t hhi s v i ct i mst hathet or t ur edandki l l edaswhenhewasdeal i ngwi t hl awy er swhower ehel pi nghi m,or i nv est i gat or s who wer et r y i ng t o sol v et he cr i me.He was behav i ng i nt he same mannerpsy chi at r i cal l yi twast hesame, ev ent hought heconsequenceswer eobv i ousl ynotast r agi c, si ncehe coul dn' thar m any bodyi namannert hathehar medt hev i ct i ms.Hewashar mi ngot herpeopl e.Hewas dest r uct i v et o hi msel f .He wasdest r uct i v et o hi sl awy er s.Myobser v at i onswer et hathe was mani pul at i ng peopl ear ound hi m,i ncl udi ng hi sl awy er s,ev ent houghi twasdest r uct i v et o hi m. Ul t i mat el yhewast hev i ct i m ofi tal l , buthewasv i ct i mi z i ngot herpeopl eev enwhi l ehewasi nj ai l . P. N. :I ny ouropi ni on, wast hi sbehav i orofMr .Bundy ' sunderhi sconsci ouscont r ol ? E.T. :No,i twasnot .Thi swaspar tandpar celofhi smal adapt i v eper sonal i t yst r uct ur e.Hewasdoi ng whatwasdi ct at edbyhi sper sonal i t ydi sor der . P.N.:Thi spsy chopat hol ogyt haty ounot e,wi t hwhi chhedeal swi t ht hecr i mi nalj ust i cesy st em,was t hatat empor ar yphenomenaorwasi tachr oni ccondi t i on? E.TI twasal i f el ongpat t er n.I twasnotat empor ar yphenomena.I twasanex pr essi onofhi sbasi c per sonal i t yst r uct ur e. P.N.:Woul dy oudescr i beExhi bi tone? E.T. :Ther ealbackgr oundofi ti st hef actt hatIt ol dMr .Mi ner v at hatIdi dnotbel i ev et hatMr .Bundy woul ddowhathewast ol dt odo, andmyr ecol l ect i onwast hatMr .Mi ner v awaswr i t i ngt hi st oconf i r m t hatIwasr i ght ,becauseIdi d-Ir ecal lMr .Mi ner v aex pr essi ngt osomedegr ee,Iwoul dhav et osay , admi r at i on,f ort hef actt hatIhadant i ci pat edwhatwoul doccur -Idi dnott hi nkt hatMr .Bundywoul d cooper at e. P.N. :Cooper at ei nwhatmanner ? E.T. :Wi t ht headv i ceofhi sl awy er si ncl udi ngev enMr .Far mer ,whosupposedl yMr .Bundygr eat l y r espect edandadmi r edandt hathewoul dt aket hegui l t ypl ea,becausei twasmyv i ewt hathewoul d not ,becauset hatwoul dt er mi nat et heshow,hi sabi l i t yt obet hecel ebr i t ywoul dcomet oanend,he woul dbej ustsomeonewhowasspar edf r om t hedeat hsent ence,andt heshow woul dbeov er . Wher eas, hi sneedwast ohav et hepr oceedi ngsgoonandoni nor dert ogr at i f yhi spat hol ogi cal needs. P. N. :I fMr .Bundymadet hedeci si ont or ej ectt hepl eabar gai n, i ny ouropi ni onwoul dt hathav ebeena r at i onaldeci si on? E.T. :No.I twas, i nmyopi ni on, cl ear l yani r r at i onaldeci si on, ev ent houghIant i ci pat edi t , notbecause i twasr at i onalbutbecausei twasconsi st entwi t ht hepsy chopat hol ogy ,t hement aldi sor derf r om whi chhesuf f er ed.I nf act ,hadhedonewhathi sl awy er sadv i sedhi mt odo,t hatwoul dhav ebeen r at i onal , si ncei twasf or eseeabl et hathewoul dbeconv i ct edandf acet hedeat hpenal t y . P.N. :WasMr .Bundy ' sbehav i orwi t hhi sat t or neyandhi sact i onsi nt er msofsel f r epr esent at i onand ot herdef ensemat t er s, wast hatani nt egr alpar tofhi spsy chopat hol ogy ? E.T. :Ver ydef i ni t el yso.Hebehav edl i keat y pi calpsy chopat hwi t hhi sl awy er sand,f ort hatmat t er ,
wi t hme. P.N. :Yout est i f i edatt hecompet encyhear i ngofJuneel ev ent h, 1979.Att hathear i ng, di dMr .Bundy ' s compet encycounsel , Mr .Hay es, expl or ey ouropi ni ont odev el opf act sonwhi cht omakeadeci si onas t oMr .Bundy ' scompet ency ? E.T. :Noonedi dt hat .Tobev er ysi mpl i st i cabouti t , myf eel i ngoft hathear i ngwasl i kesomeonewho dr essedupf ort hepar t yandar r i v edandt heycancel edt hepar t y .Iwasaskedv er yf ewquest i ons, and v er yl i t t l ei nf or mat i onaboutmyknowl edgeofMr .Bundyort hecasewaspl acedont her ecor d. P.N.:I ny ourexper i enceasanexper twi t ness, wast hi spr oceedi nguni que? E.T.hav et est i f i ed-Ibel i ev et hef i r stt i mewast hi r t yy ear sago,andIhav et est i f i edonmany occasi onssi ncebutt hi si st heonl ycasel i ket hat , wher eIhav ebeendecl ar edanadv er sewi t nesst o bot hpar t i es, andwher ei nf or mat i ont hatIhadwasr eal l ynotdev el opedbyt hemeansofanadv er sar y pr oceedi ng.Nor mal l y ,onesi depul l si nonedi r ect i on,t heot hersi depul l si nt heot herdi r ect i on,and consi der abl ei nf or mat i oni sel i ci t ed.Ial way sconsi dercr ossex ami nat i ont obeessent i alt odev el opa poi ntofv i ewt hatIam pr esent i ng. P.N. :Di dy ouf eelt haty ouropi ni onwasadequat el ypr esent edi nt hi shear i ng? E.T. :Notatal l .Notatal l .Ther ewasnoex pl or at i ont hatwasmyi mpr essi on, Imadesomenot esofi t t hatwasmyi mpr essi onofwhathappened,andwhenIr eadi tnow t hatj ustconf i r mst hatmy consi der abl ewor ki nv est edi nt hecasewasnotut i l i z edi nt hethear i ng.Imean,Idi dnotdev el opmy opi ni onandexpl ai nmyopi ni oni nt hi scase.Anex per twi t ness,unl i keal ect ur eri nacl assr oom, cannotf unct i ononhi sorherown.Heorshei scompl et el y ,say ,att hemer cyofwhoev ert akest he t est i mony P.N. :Di dy ouhav eanopi ni onatt het i meoft hehear i ngonJuneel ev ent hwhet herornotMr .Bundy wasabl et oassi sthi scounsel ? E.T.:Consi der i ngt henat ur eoft hef unct i onst hathewast oper f or m asadef endantcl ai mi ng i nnocence, i twasmyopi ni ont hathewasnotabl et ost andt r i al .Wheny ousayassi sthi scounsel , he washi sowncounsel . P.N.:Washecapabl eofchangi ngt hatbehav i orandnotbecomi nghi sowncounsel ? E.T.:I nmyopi ni on,hewasnot .Hewaspr edi ct abl yunpr edi ct abl e.WhatImeanbyt hati st hatone coul dant i ci pat et hathewoul dbegui dedmor ebyshowmanshi pt hanpr udence. P.N. :WasMr .Bundyabl emeani ngf ul l yt oassi sthi scounselatt hatt i me? E.T. : Hewasnot . P.N.:Ref er r i ngt ot hef i r stf act ori nt heFl or i dar ul esofcr i mi nalpr ocedur egov er ni ngcompet encyt o st andt r i al , doy ouhav eanopi ni onast owhet herMr .Bundywasabl et oappr eci at et hechar ges? E.T.: Yes, Idohav eanopi ni ont hathewasabl et oappr eci at et hechar gesi nt el l ect ual l y . P.N.:Wheny ousay" i nt el l ect ual l y ,"doy oumeant hatt her ewassomewayi nwhi chhewasnotabl e t oappr eci at et hechar ges? E.T. . :That ' st r ue.I ' m oft heopi ni ont hathedi dnotappr eci at et heser i ousnessoft hechar ges.He coul di nt el l ect ual l yt el ly ouwhatt hechar geswer e,buthej ustdi smi ssedt hem asr eali nsi gni f i cantbasedonhi sr i chi magi nat i onofl awenf or cementwhi chwasnott hecase. Cl ear l yt hechar geswer ebaseduponsol i dev i dence, butt hatwasnothi sv i ew. P. N. :Dr .Tanay ,wheny ousayt hatMr .Bundydi smi ssedt hewei ghtoft heev i denceagai nsthi m,was t hatmer el ycar el essnessonhi spar torwast hatduet oanemot i onalorment alf act or ? E.T.: I twaspar toft hei l l ness, hi sat t i t udewast hepr oduct , t heout come, oft henat ur eofhi si l l ness. P.N. :Looki ngt ot hesecondf act oroft heFl or i dast andar ds,wasMr .Bundyabl et oappr eci at et he r angeandt henat ur eoft hepossi bl epenal t y ? E.T. : Agai n, i nt el l ect ual l yhewas.AsIpoi nt edouti nmyr epor t , hesai dt hathewoul dcr osst hatbr i dge whenhecamet oi t ,whenIwasaski nghi m,Doy ouknowt haty ouar ef aci ngadeat hsent ence?He coul di nt el l ect ual l yacknowl edgei t , buthesur edi dn' tactl i keamanwhowasf aci ngadeat hsent ence. Hewasact i ngl i keamanwhodi dnothav eacar ei nt hewor l d.It hi nkIcomment eduponi ti nmy r epor t , t hathewascheer f ul andact edmor el i keamanwhowasnoti nj ai l butonst age. P.N.:Wast hatf actpsy chi at r i cal l ysi gni f i cant ? E. T. : Yes.I t ' sconsi st entwi t ht hedi agnosi st hatIhav epr ev i ousl ydescr i bed, ofsomeonewhoi st y pi cal
psy chopat horsuf f er sf r om aper sonal i t ydi sor der . P.N.:Dr .Tanay , di dy ouev erobser v eMr .Bundywi t hMr .Mi ner v a? E.T.:Yes.AsIi ndi cat edi nmyr epor t , Mr .Bundywasact i ngasi fMr .Mi ner v awashi st hi r dassi st ant andnotal awy err epr esent i nghi m. P. N. :Di dy oui nJuneof1979hav eanopi ni onast oMr .Bundy ' sabi l i t yt oassi sthi sat t or ney si n pl anni nghi sdef ense? E.T. : Idi dhav eanopi ni on. P.N. :Andwhatwast hatopi ni on? E.T. :Thathewasunabl et oassi sti npl anni nghi sdef ense.Tot hecont r ar y ,hewasi nt er f er i ngwi t h what ev ermeani ngf ulpl anst hedef ensemade.Hesabot agedpr et t yconsi st ent l ywhatt hedef ense l awy er shadwor kedout .Hi sconductwassy mpt omat i cofhi si l l ness, andi twasout si deofhi scont r ol . P.N.:Whatwasy ouropi ni onast oMr .Bundy ' smot i v at i ont ohel phi msel fi nt hel egalpr ocess? E.T. :Hewasnotmot i v at edbyaneedt ohel phi msel f .Hewasmot i v at edbyt heneedt obet hest arof t heshow,asIpoi nt edouti nmyr epor t .Hewast hepr oducerofapl ayi nwhi chhewaspl ay i ngabi g r ol e.Thedef enseandhi sf ut ur ewer eofsecondar yi mpor t ancet ohi m. P.N.:Washecompet entt oper f or mt hef unct i onsofcocounsel ? E.T. :Def i ni t el ynot .Ihav eabsol ut el ynodoubtt hathewasadi sast erascocounselorchi efcounsel ofhi sowndef enseandt hatwascl ear l yf or eseeabl e. Whent hedeposi t i onended, Dr .Tanayt ookmet ol unchwi t hchar act er i st i cal l ycont i nent alf l ai r , and sentmeof ft ot heai r por t , wher eIcel ebr at edt aki ngmyf i r stdeposi t i onwi t hamani cur eandpedi cur e bef or et heAi ght .Unf or t unat el y ,t her ewasnott i mef ort hepol i sht odr ycompl et el y ,soIhadt owear papersl i pper sont ot hepl ane. Ji m, JohnSandage, ourl egalassi st antLi ndaWi l l i ams, andIf l ewt oOr l andot henex tdayt osetup f ort hef ourday sofcont i nuedev i dent i ar yhear i ngsbef or eJudgeShar p.Ther ewer esev er alf r ant i c messageswai t i ngatourhot elf r om Di anaWei ner -whom Ihadst i l lnev erl ai dey eson,andwhose cont i nui ngpr i sonv i si t sTedgener al l yst i l ldi dnotdi scusswi t hme.Shewassay i ngt hatTedwasv er y upsetaboutt hehear i ng,soupsett hathemi ghtdi sr upti t ,andt hett hebestt hi ngf oruswoul dbet o aut hor i zet hesher i f f ' sdepar t mentt ol etherv i si thi m att hej ai l . Ical l edherbackandt ol dherIdi dnott hi nkt hatwoul dbenecessar y . I twast r ue, t hough, t hatTedwasnomor ehappyabouthav i ngt oappeari ncour ti nDecembert han hehadbeeni nOct ober .Ihadr ecei v edsev er all et t er sf r om hi m ont hesubj ect .Notonl yt hemat t erof seatbel t sandgr oomi ngsuppl i es( webr oughthi m cl ot hesandashav i ngki tt hi st i me) ,butTedal so t houghti twasunf ai rt hatt hel awenf or cementof f i cer sescor t i nghi m wor ebul l et pr oofv est s, whi l ehe -t hel i kel yt ar get -wasnotpr ov i dedwi t hone.Fort hi ssecondhear i ng,hewant edabul l et pr oofv est , t oo.Butmostst r i ki ngwashowTedhadbeen" t er r i f i ed, "asheputi t ,onhi swayt ot hatf i r sthear i ng, t o seepeopl eon t hest r eet sf ort hef i r stt i mei n near l yei ghty ear s.I tl ooked so st r ange,so uncont r ol l edt ohi m.Peopl ej ustwal ki ng,shoppi ng,obl i v i oust ot hepassi ngunmar kedv anandi t s cont ent s, oneTedBundy .Iwassur pr i sedt hatt hesi ghtdi dnotmakehi m wantt oj oi nt hepedest r i ans i nt hei rf r eedom, t hati tf r i ght enedhi m so.Al l hel ongedf orr i ghtt henwast or et ur nt ohi sci r cumspect , r egi ment ed, andpr edi ct abl el i f eatFl or i daSt at ePr i son. Ear l yi nt hef i r stdayofhear i ngsLi ndaWi l l i amst ol dusshehadbeenappr oachedbyawomanwho askedhert opassanot et oTed,butshehadr ef used.I twasnotunt i lt heendoft hatday ,whenshe i nt r oducedher sel ft oust oJi m, pr i mar i l yt hatIr eal i z edt hatt her av enhai r ed, dar key edy oungwoman whosel ongl egsemer gedf r om asl i nkybl uewr apdr essanddangl edi nt heai sl eoft hespect at or sect i onwasnoneot hert hanDi anaWei ner . TheDecemberhear i ngswer eal ongr i deonabumpyr ol l ercoast er ,butwegotev er y t hi ngont he r ecor dt hatwewant edt ogeti n.Justbef or ehert est i mony ,aswedr ov eupt ot hecour t house,Dr . Lewi spani ckedandbl ankedoutonal lt hef act s.Ji mf l edt hecari nt er r or , andDr .Lewi sandIst ay ed i nt hebackseat , i nt hepar ki ngl ot , goi ngbackov ert hebasi cs: " Okay , Dor ot hy , Iknowy our emembert hi s.Wehav et hef ourdocument edepi sodeswer eTedwent
t hr oughsomeal t er edst at e: t wi cewi t hJoeAl oi …" " Who' st hat ? !Idon' tknowwhot hati s! " " Mi keMi ner v a' si nv est i gat or .Youknow, y out al kedt ohi m ont hephonel astni ght ." " Yes, y es, y es, okay , okay , Ir emember . " Thent her ewasAuntEmi l yatt het r ai nst at i on, andt heepi sodenot edbyt heTal l ahasseej ai l nur se. .."et c. Soonsher egai nedherconf i denceand,onceont hest and,Dr .Dor ot hyLewi swasbr i l l i antcl ear , conv i nci ng,ar t i cul at e.Respl endenti nadeeppur pl esui t ,shei l l umi nat edt hecour t r oom.Thest at e' s wi t nesses,ont heot herhand,madeamocker yoft hepr oceedi ngswi t ht hei rbasel ess,nonsensi cal , andhy per bol i c" psy chi at r i cev al uat i ons."Iam notex agger at i ng.Thedi psi nt her i decamemost l yi n myar ena.Myt wowi t nesses,DonKennedy ,t hedef ensei nv est i gat ori nt heLakeCi t ycase,andLy nn Thompson,t heRober tRedf or doft heSout h,wer enowher et obef oundwheni tcamet i mef ormet o cal lt hem.JustasJudgeShar pwasl osi nghi spat i ence,Kennedywander edi nandIwasabl et o quest i onmyf i r stwi t nessi nopencour t .( Ly nnThompsonl at erpout ed," It houghtIwasgoi ngt obe y ourf i r st ! " )ButKennedydi dn' tseem t obepi cki ngupmyhi nt sast ot hesubj ectmat t erofhi s t est i mony .Anddur i ngmyexami nat i onofLy nn,t hej udget ookadi sl i ket omeandi mpat i ent l yr ul ed t hatal lofl ' ed' sconductbef or et heLakeCi t yt r i ali t sel fwasi r r el ev ant .Icoul dt ossoutmynot esaf t er t hat .Fi nal l y , Mar kMenser , t hest at e' sat t or ney , smel l i ngandachancef orr ev enge, st ar t edobj ect i ngt o ev er y t hi ngIsai d, andt hej udgekeptaut omat i cal l yr ul i ngi nhi sf av or .I twasnotmyshi ni nghour . Now,t hest at ei satadi st i nctdi sadv ant agei nanycl ai m basedont hedef endant ' sment alst at e. Near l yal lt hef act soft hecl ai m ar esol el ywi t hi nt heknowl edgeoft hedef endant ,t hedef endant ' s l awy er sanddoct or s,andt hedef endant ' sf ami l yandf r i ends.So,i fi tappear sasi fIam gi v i ngt he wi t nessesf ort hest at eshor tshr i f tasIr ecountt het est i monypr esent edatt hecompet encyhear i ngi n December1987, Iam.Theyhadnot hi ngusef ult ocont r i but e-ourr ealopponent st hr oughoutt hi scase wer et hecour t s,nott hepr osecut or .But ,i nor dert obef ai r ,I ' l lsum upt het est i monyel i ci t edbyt he st at eatt hi shear i ng: St at e' swi t ness, ondi r ectex amBundywasageni us.Ourwi t ness, oncr ossexam -y es,Iadmi tt hati ft hatoneexampl ey oument i onofTed' sst r angebehav i orwer et akencompl et el y outofcont ex t , i twoul dnotbei mpossi bl et oconcoctsomei magi nabl er at i onal ex pl anat i onf ori t . I nf act , t her esol ut i onofaquest i onofment alcompet ency , suchast hi s, especi al l yt hedef endant ' s abi l i t yt oassi sthi sat t or ney sr at i onal l yi nhi sowndef ense, t ur nsont hecr edi bi l i t yoft het est i monyof t hedef ensel awy er sandot herper sonswhoknewhi m best .Thus, i ti st hei rt est i monyIemphasi z e. Ourf i r stwi t nesswasBr uceLubek,byt henanAssi st antU.S.At t or neyi nUt ah,whohadr epr esent ed Tedasapr i v at eat t or neyf r om 1975t hr ough1976f ort heaggr av at edki dnappi ngofCar ol eDeRonchi n Sal tLakeCi t y .Hi st est i monyshowedhow consi st entTed' spat t er nhadbeenov ert i me:hi sl ackof compr ehensi onaboutt hewei ghtoft heev i denceagai nsthi m; hi si nabi l i t yt oconf or mt ol egaladv i ce; hi ssel f def eat i ngconcer nf orappear anceov ersubst ance. BRUCELUBEK:I nt heear l yst agesheseemedt omet obeaf ai r l yt y pi call awst udent , onewhof ound hi msel fi nanunusualpr edi cament ,andIf el thi sbehav i orwaspr et t yst andar df orsuchasi t uat i on,i f t her ewassuchat hi ngasst andar dbehav i orf oral awst udentchar gedwi t haser i ouscr i me. JI M COLEMAN:Di dt her ecomeat i mewhenhi sbehav i orchanged? B.L. :Wel l , i twaspar t i cul ar l ydur i ngt het r i alandshor t l ybef or e.Iwoul ddescr i bei tasv er yconcer ned abouthowheappear edasopposedt oasmuchconcer naboutt heact ual casei t sel f . J.C.:Anddi dt hi schangei nconcer nmani f esti t sel fi nhi sbehav i ordur i ngt het r i al ? B. L. :If el ti tdi d.Att het r i alIf el theappear edasnotahumbl el aw st udentwhowasi nt r oubl ebut r at herasacombat antwi t ht hepr osecut or . J.C.:Di dMr .Bundyt est i f yatt het r i al ? B.L.: Hedi d. J. C. :Andwhatwasy ourassessmentofhi st est i mony , hi sbehav i ordur i ngt hi st est i mony ? B.L.:I twast hathewasat t empt i ngt omat chwi t swi t ht hepr osecut or ,t hathewaspl ay i ngagame wi t ht hepr osecut or . J.C. :Anddoy ouhav eanopi ni onaboutwhet hert hatbehav i oraf f ect edt hedeci si oni nt hecase? B.L.: Ido.
J.C. :Whati sy ouropi ni on? b.L.: I taf f ect edi tgr eat l y .Negat i v el yf orMr .Bundy . Br uceLubekt est i f i edt hat ,ev eni nhi st r i ali nUt ah,Teddi dnotunder st andt hest r engt hoft he ev i denceagai nsthi m.I nt hatcase,Tedwasaccusedofat t empt i ngt of or ceni net eeny ear ol dCar ol e DeRonchi nt ohi scar .Hewasar r est edaf ewday sl at eraf t erbei ngst oppedbyt hepol i cef orer r at i c dr i v i ng.Lubeknot edt hatTed" wasar r est edi nar esi dent i alnei ghbor hoodi nt heear l ymor ni nghour s par kesi nf r ontofahome;asear choft hev ehi cl er ev eal edapai rofhandcuf f s,ani cepi ck,some l engt hsofr ope, andapl ast i cgar bagebag."Ted' sv i ew, howev er , whi chhenot edi nal et t ert oLubek' s cocounsel ,wast hatusi ngt hef act soft hatar r est ,a" compl et el yi mmat er i alev ent ,"t osuppor thi s subsequentki dnappi ngcase" wasj ustapl oyadv ancedbyadesper at epr osecut i on.Hi sat t or ney , Lubek,i ncont r ast ,t houghtt hear r estandt hecont ent sofhi sv ehi cl ewoul dbev er yr el ev anti nhi s ki dnappi ngt r i al .Tedwr ot el et t er st ot hej udgebehi ndhi sl awy er s'backs.Af t erhi sconv i ct i onf or aggr av at edki dnappi ng,Tedwasser v edi nLubek' spr esencewi t hanar r estwar r antf orahomi ci dei n Col or ado: B.L.: Ast heypr esent edi tt ohi m, hej ustst oodt her eandl i st enedt ot hem r eadi t , andIr ememberhi m smi l i ngal i t t l ebi t .Af t ert heyl ef t , hesai dt hatheex pect edt hi s, t hatnowt hatI ' m her et hi si spr obabl y openi ngt hef l oodgat es.Buthesai dhewasn' twor r i edabouti t ,t hati twasr eal l ynot hi ng,t hatt hey di dn' thav eany t hi ng, t her ewasnocaseagai nsthi m, andhewasl ooki ngf or war dt ogoi ngt oCol or ado, andhewasn' twor r i edabouti t .It ol dhi m heoughtt obewor r i edabouti t . Af t erTedwasext r adi t edt oCol or ado, hewr ot eLubekal et t er , ex pr essi ngconcer nsabouthi spubl i c def ender ,not i ngt hathedi dn' t" act "muchl i keal awy er ,and" hedi dnotgi v emet hest andar d-andI bel i ev eessent i alwar ni ngsnott ospeakorwr i t eany t hi ngaboutt hecaset oany onewi t houthi s consent .Januar y1977, TedaskedLubekt ohel phi m dr af tar equestf orwi t hdr awal ofcour t appoi nt ed counsel , i ncl udi ngar equestt or epr esenthi msel f .Mostt el l i ng, Tedal soaskedLubekt odr af tamot i on " f oranor derdi r ect i ngt headmi ni st r at oroft hej ai lort owhoev er ' scust odyIam i nt or ecei v emy ex pr essedwr i t t enconsentbef or eal aw enf or cementof f i cerorpr osecut i oni nv est i gat orwoul dbe al l owedaccesst ome.Andconsentmustbespeci f i cast ot i me,dat e,andof f i cer s.Tobesi gned. Wi t houtsuchanexpr essedwr i t t enconsentnoonewoul dbeal l owedt ot al kt ome." B.L.: It ol dhi m, i fhedi dn' twantt ot al kt oany onej ustnott al kt oany one. Ted al so sentLubeka " st at ementf ort hemedi a"whi ch cl ai med t hatan " i nv est i gat i on t hat conf i r medt hatMr .Bundywasi nnowayi nv ol v edi nt hedeat hoft hey oungwomani nAspent endst o showt hatIwasnotev eni nt hest at eofCol or adoatt het i meofherdeat h."Lubekknewofnosuch i nv est i gat i on.Nex tt ot est i f ywasJoeNur sey ,anat t or neyi nt heLeonCount ypubl i cdef ender ' sof f i ce att het i meofTed' sar r esti nPensacol a, Fl or i da. Hewaswor ki ngnowi nt heof f i cesofMi l l ar dFar meri nAt l ant a. JOENURSEY:Fr om Febr uar y1978unt i lOct ober1978,Isaw Tedv er y ,v er yf r equent l y ,pr obabl yat l eastt wot i mesaweek.It hi nkv er ysoonaf t erIbeganr epr esent i nghi m Igott hei mpr essi ont hatI wasdeal i ngwi t haper sonwhowasnotment al l yheal t hy .WhatIper sonal l yobser v edwasatt i meshi s moodswer eokayandot hert i meshewasex t r emel ydepr essed.AndIsawt hatwhenhewasunder per i odsofst r ess,l i keget t i ngcl oset oacour thear i ngorsomet hi ng,hebecamemuchmor eagi t at ed andhi smoodsbecamemuchmor edepr essed, andhewasatt i meshebecamemuchl essr at i onal . JI M COLEMAN: WasMr .Bundyabl et of ocusonadi scussi onofhi scaseswi t hy oudur i ngt hatper i od? J.N. : No. j .C. : Cany oudescr i bet hepr ocessoft r y i ngt ogethi mt odoso? J.N.:Iwoul dgooutt oseeTedatt hej ai lv er y ,v er yf r equent l y ,andgener al l ywhatwoul dhappeni s, wewoul denduphav i ngdi scussi onsaboutmov i est hatIhadbeent osee, aboutcur r entev ent s, about al l sor t soft hi ngsot hert hant hecase.Idon' tTedwascapabl eoff ocusi ngonhi scase. J.C.: Wi t hr espectt ot hedeci si onst haty oupr esent edt oMr .Bundy , washeabl et omakedeci si ons?
J. N. :No.Whenev erIt r i edt odi scussdeci si onst hathadt obemade,wewoul dendupdi scussi ngi t , di scussi ngi t , anddi scussi ngi t .ButTedwasi ncapabl eofmaki nganyki ndofdeci si on.Iwoul dendup maki ngal l t hedeci si ons, whathadt obedone. J.C. :Di dy oudur i ngt heper i odt haty our epr esent edhi m hav eanoppor t uni t yt oobser v ehi sabi l i t yt o ev al uat et hesi gni f i canceoft heev i dence? J.N.:Yes.Theonei nci dentt hatst i cksoutmostst r ongl yi nmymi nd, andIcan' tbesur eofaspeci f i c dat e-i twasdur i ngt hesummerof1978,It hi nki twasi nMay andt hest at ehadobt ai nedasear ch war r antf orabl uebl azert hatTedwor et ocour t .Theywant edt osear chi tf orhai randf i ber .Andi twas t hr ought heaf f i dav i tt ogett hi ssear chwar r ant( t hat )Ial sobecameawar eofsomeev i dencei nLake Ci t y , t hatt hest at ewassay i ngt her ewasaper sonwhocoul di dent i f yTedasbei ngt hedr i v erofav an i nt heLakeCi t yv i ci ni t y .Andf eel i ngt hatIshoul dt el l Tedt hi s, r at hert hanhav ei tpr esent edt ohi m bya pol i ceof f i cer ,Iwentoutt ot hej ai lt odi scusst hi swi t hTed.Iconsi der edt hatt obeanex t r emel y si gni f i cantpi eceofev i dencei nt heLakeCi t ycase.AndIwentoutt odi scusst hi swi t hTed,and ex pl ai nedi tt ohi m, andatt heendoft heconv er sat i oni twasl i kehedi dn' tcompr ehendwhatIt ol dhi m. I twasl i ke, t heonl ywayIcoul dr eal l ydescr i bei ti st hei mpr essi onIhadwhenIwaswal ki ngoutoft he j ai lgoi ngbackt omycar .Iwasj ustshaki ngmyhead,l i kewonder i ngi fIhadbeenspeaki ngt he Engl i shl anguage.Hedi dn' tseem t obeabl et ocompr ehendwhatIwast el l i nghi m. Tedwasi ndi ct edf ormur deri nbot hcasesi nJul y1978andr epr esent edhi msel ff orsev er almont hs. Hedi dnot hi ng, howev er , t opr epar e.Joewaspr esentont heOct oberdat eschedul edf ort het r i al , and af t err equest i ngacont i nuance, Mi ner v aandNur seyandanot herl awy ermetwi t hTedi nhi scel l . J. N. :Tedwaspaci ngbackandf or t hi nt hel i t t l ear eay oucoul dmov ei ni nt hei sol at i oncel lt heyhad hi mi nt hewhol et i me.Ev er yt i meIv i si t edhi m Tedal way sdi dt hi s,pacedbackandf or t h,i twas al mostcompul si v el yr aci ngbackandf or t hi nt hecel l .Andont hi spar t i cul ardayhewasdoi ngi ti nan ex t r emel yagi t at edmanner ,paci ngbackandf or t h,backandf or t h,v er yr api dl y ,f oracoupl eofhour s t hataf t er noon.Tedwast al ki ngi nav er yagi t at ed, v er yhur r i edmanner , andi twasal mostcompl et el y i ncoher entwhathe was say i ng,i tmade no sense what soev er .The f ew phr ases t hatwer e compr ehensi bl ef r om whathewast al ki ngabout( wer esomet hi ngaboutpeopl ebei ngoutt ogethi m orconspi r acyorsomet hi ngl i ket hat ,but[ i twas]al mostcompl et el yi ncompr ehensi bl ewhathewas say i ng.Iwentbackt ot heof f i ceandsi gnedanaf f i dav i tsay i ngIt houghthewasnotcompet entt o st andt r i al . Theni twasmyt ur nt opr esentmyt wowi t nesses.Donal dKennedy wast hei nv est i gat orf ort heLakeCi t ypubl i cdef enderandhadbeenassi gnedt owor kwi t hVi c Af r i canoont heBundycase.Kennedyhadnotbeenpar t i cul ar l ygr aci ousorf or t hcomi ngwhenI ' d i nt er v i ewedhi mi nhi sof f i cet hemont hbef or eheappar ent l ydespi sedTedandwasl ooki ngf or war d t ohi sex ecut i onandhewasal sonott hemostel oquentofwi t nesses.Mar kManser ' sf r equent obj ect i onsdi dn' thel pany .AsIsai d, notmyshi ni nghour . Idi dmanaget ogetKennedyt or epeatsomeofwhathe' dt ol dmeabouthi sassi gnmentt o " baby si t "Ted. DONALDKENNEDY:Iwasawar et hatsomeofhi sact i onswer eagi t at i ngt heat t or ney s,andIwoul d t al kt ohi m att i meswhenhe, t okeephi mr el ax ed, t okeephi m, mor eorl esst r yt osubduehi m, t okeep f r om doi ngwhathewasdoi ngasf arasagi t at i ngt hem.Idon' tknowwhet hermay bet hewor dagi t at ed i st her i ghtwor dt ouse,butbot her i ngt hem whi l et heywer et r y i ngt ol i st ent ot hev oi rdi r egoi ngon t her ei nLi v eOak. POLLYNELSON:Mr .Kennedy ,woul dy oudescr i bet hesubst anceofy ourconv er sat i onswi t hMr . Bundydur i ngt het r i al ? D.K. : Yes, ma' am.Wet al kedaboutwhatwewer egoi ngt ohav et oeatt hatday , Di scussedt heweat her , peopl esi t t i ngi nt hecour t r oom.Justpassi ngt het i meof dayt y peofcomment s. Af t ermanyat t empt s,IgotKennedyt ot est i f yaboutt hedr ugsandal coholTedwasr ecei v i ngdai l y dur i ngt heLakeCi t yt r i al i nt he" bagofgoodi es, "supposedl yheal t hf oods, f r om t heout si de.
P.N.:Mr .Kennedy ,oncey oudi scov er edt hedr ugsandal coholi nMr .Bundy ' sl unches,asy ou' v e descr i bed, di dy oucont i nuet opr ov i det hesel unchest oMr .Bundy ? D.K. : Wel l , f i r stofal l , Idi dn' tpr ov i det hem t obegi nwi t h.Iwasn' tt hepr ov i der , sot osay , I ' m sor toft he i nbet weent y pe,t hegof er ,sot osay ,butl et ' scl ar i f yt hatmat t er .No,Idi dnot ,notaf t ert hat ,af t er whatIdi scov er ed.Andaf t erIhadbr oughti toutt ot heat t ent i onoft heat t or ney s, myr equestwas, i s, t hatInotbei nv ol v edany mor ei nt r anspor t i ngt hel unchest oandf r om. P.N.:Mr .Kennedy ,y out est i f i edear l i ert haty ouhadknowl edget hatMr .Bundyhadaccesst odr ugs andal cohol becauseofhi sbehav i oroncer t ai noccasi ons.Coul dy oudescr i bet hoseoccasi ons? D.K. :Yes,ma' am.Thi swasi nt hef i r stweekoft hepr oceedi ngsher ei nOr l andoatt hecour t house dur i ngj ur ysel ect i on, whi chl ast edatl eastaweek, sev enday s, si xday s, sev en, ei ghtday s, anddur i ng t hatf i r stweekIhadobser v edTedonmor et hanoneoccasi on, t hi ckt ongued, wi t hsl ur r edspeechand unusualbehav i or .Andt hoseoccasi ons, onei npar t i cul arIr emember , wasdur i ngj ur ysel ect i on, wher e Tedbecameupset ,out r aged,bel l i ger ent ,what ev ert er my ouwantt oat t acht oi t ,r egar di ngaspeci f i c j ur orbyt henameof , Ibel i ev ehi snamewasPat r i ckWol sky , Wol f sky , ski , somet hi ngl i ket hat . Af t ert hepar t i cul armot i onwasdeni edbyt hecour t ,hebecameupset ,appr oachedt hebench shaki nghi sf i nger ,shaki nghi sf i ngeratMr .[ Jer r y ]Bl ai r[ t hepr osecut or ] ,andi nf or mi ngMr .Bl ai rt hat hewoul d" r ai nonhi spar ade"andy anki nghi sj acketof f , j er ki ngawayf r om oneoft hebai l i f f s.Al lt hi s t i mewi t ht hi ckt ongueandsl ur r edspeech. Kennedyt est i f i edt hatTedhadnotbeenconcer nedaboutt hev er di ct .I nst ead,hewasconcer ned abouthi smar r i age, hi sappear ance, hi sdi et" mor esot hant hepr oceedi ngsi t sel f ." Af t erTedhadbeenf oundgui l t yofki dnappi ngandmur der i ngKi mber l yLeach,andbef or et he penal t yphase,Vi cAf r i canopassedacopyofDr .Tanay ' sr epor tt oJudgeJopl i ng,asahi ntt hatTed mayhav ehadament aldi sor dert hatwoul dmi t i gat eagai nsti mposi t i onoft hedeat hpenal t y .Hedi d notar guet hepoi nt ,howev er .I nst ead,t hepenal t yphaseoft heLakeCi t yt r i alwasgi v enov ert oTed, sot hathecoul dr eci t ehi sweddi ngv owswi t hCar ol eBooneont hest and. TedandCar ol ehadbeent r y i ngt ogetmar r i edbehi ndt hescenesdur i ngt het r i al , butJudgeJopl i ng hadputast opt oi t .Ted, t hen, wasgoi ngt ousehi soppor t uni t yt ocal lwi t nessesi nt hepenal t yphase t omar r yi nt hepr esenceoft hej udgehi msel f , supposedl yv al i dat i ngt hemar r i age.Noot herwi t nesses wer ecal l ed, andnoev i dencewasputonagai nstTedr ecei v i ngt hedeat hsent ence.Thi swaswr ong.I f i twaswor t hwhi l et oputonadef ensei nt heLakeCi t ycaseev ent houghTedal r eadyhadadeat h sent encei nt heChiOmegacase,i twaswor t hwhi l eput t i ngonacaseagai nstt hei mposi t i onofa seconddeat hpenal t y .Wer et heChiOmegaconv i ct i ont ober ev er sedonappeal ,t heLakeCi t y sent encewoul dmaket hedi f f er encebet weenTed' sl i f eordeat h. P.N.: Mr .Kennedy , y oument i onedear l i erwhaty our ef er r edt oasamar r i agecer emony .Whendi dt hi s occur ? D.K.: Act ual cer emonyi t sel f ? P.N.: That ' sr i ght . D.K. :Thedayoft hepenal t yphase,onSat ur day ,Januar y ,orex cuseme,Febr uar yei ght horni nt h, somewher ear oundt her e. P.N. : Doy our ecal l ? D.K. : Ni nt h, Ibel i ev e. P.N.: Doy our ecal l Mr .Bundy ' sconducti mmedi at el ybef or et hepr oceedi ng? D. K. : Yes, ma' am.Hewasr eal upt i ght .Real ner v ous, Iguess, v er ysi mi l art oone' sbi gweddi ngday .But hewasr ealconcer nedaboutt hewayhewasdr essed,wi t hhi scut el i t t l ebow t i e.Youcoul dt el lhe wasr eal ner v ousabouthav i ngCar ol et aket hest and, andwhat ev erhehadt opr oper l ysayt ocompl et e t hecer emony , v er yconcer nedaboutt hat . P.N.: Di dy oudoany t hi ngext r aor di nar yont hatdat e? D.K. : My sel f ? P.N.: Yes. D.K.: IguessIwast hephot ogr apherf ort heweddi ng.Iguessy oucoul dsay . P.N.: Whatmanner ?
D.K. : Ij ust , Ihadmyowncamer at her eatt hecour t house.Andt ooksomephot osoft hegr oom. P.N.: Thi swasdur i ngt hepenal t yphase? D.K.: Yes, t hi swast hedayoft hepenal t yphase. P.N.: Wer ey ouawar ewhet herornott her ewer epr epar at i onsl eadi ngupt ot hi smar r i agecer emony ? D.K. : Awar eandi nv ol v ed. P.N. : Woul dy oudescr i bet hef i r stt i mey ouwer eawar eofsuchacer emony ? D.K. :Yes,ma' am.WhenVi ci nst r uct edmet onot ar i z et hemar r i agel i cense.Hadt obe,Iguess,at l eastt woweeksbef or et heact ualcer emonyi t sel f ,pr obabl yt hr eeweeks,backi nt hemi ddl eoft he t r i al . Oncr ossex ami nat i on,t hest at eat t empt edt osuggestt hatmay bet hepi l l swer ev i t ami ns,not Val i um; may beTedhadn' tgot t ent hatdr unk, andmay behehadmar r i edCar ol eBooneont hest andt o wi nt hesy mpat hyoft hej ur y .May be, butt hatwasnothowany oner emember edi t . ThenIquest i onedLy nnThompson, whohadbeencocounseli nbot ht heChiOmegaandLakeCi t y cases. P.N.:Mr .Thompson,whatr ol edi dMr .Bundypl ayi nt heLakeCi t ypr oceedi ngsi nr el at i ont oy ouas hi scounsel ? LYNNTHOMPSON: Hedi dnotpar t i ci pat ev er ymuchatal l i nt hatcase. P.N.: Cany oudescr i beMr .Bundy ' sconduct ? L.T. : Hemor et hanany t hi ngel seappear edt obedi si nt er est edi nt hepr oceedi ngs. P.N. : Whatwashedoi ngout si deoft hecour t r oom? L.T. : I nt heant er oom t hatser v edasourof f i ce, t her ewasat el ephonewhi chhadaWATSl i neorsome si mi l art y peser v i ce.Hewoul duset hephone,cal lpeopl ear oundt hecount r y .Hewoul danswert he phonei fhecoul dgett oi tf i r st ,say i ng" Bundydef enset eam,def endantspeaki ng"or" Cr i si sCent er ." That ' sout si deoft hecour t r oom.Tal kedasi gni f i cantamount ,i nmyopi ni on,aboutt hi spendi ng mar r i agecer emonyt oMi ssBoone.Agai n,t her ewer eal otofconv er sat i onsex t r aneoust ot he pr oceedi ngs, aboutr unni ngshoesandat hl et i cev ent sandsnowski i ngoutWest , t hatki ndofst uf f . P.N. : Di dMr .Bundyassi sty oui npr epar at i onf ort heLakeCi t yt r i al ? L.T. : No. P. N. : Di dMr .Bundyassi sty oudur i ngt hej ur ysel ect i onphaseoft hepr oceedi ngs? L.T. :Hedi dnotassi stt hatpr ocess.Hewasseat edbesi demet hr oughoutt hef i f t eenday s,howev er l ongt hatt ook.Uponoccasi onIwoul dt al kt ohi m aboutwhet herhet houghtapar t i cul arj ur orbe sat i sf act or y ,butasf arasanyi nputi nt ohowt oquest i onpeopl eorwhatquest i onst oask,hehadno i nputatal l . P. N. : WasMr .Bundyengagedi nanyot heract i v i t i esatt hi st i mei nt hecour t r oom? L. T. :Hewoul df r equent l yt akei naf i l ef ol derandi nsi det hef i l ef ol derwoul dbeamagaz i neorsome ot herr eadi ngmat er i al .Hewoul dper uset hatt hr oughoutt heday .He' dwr i t e-Idon' tknowwhatwas bei ngwr i t t en, buthewr ot eal ot . I nf act , Tedwasspendi nghi sday sandni ght sdur i ngt heLakeCi t yt r i al wor ki ngonhi smemoi r s. P.N. :Howdi dMr .Bundy ' sdemeanordur i ngt heLakeCi t yt r i alcompar et oot hercr i mi naldef endant s i ny ourexper i ence? L. T. :Ther ei sr eal l ynost andar ddef endant .Ther ei sat r emendousr angei naper son' sact i onsdur i ng t r i al s.Mr .Bundyi nt hatcaseIt hi nkwasuni quei nhi sseemi ngdi si nt er esti nt hepr oceedi ngs. P. N. :Di dy oubel i ev et her emi ghtbegr oundst oex pl or et hei ssueofBundy ' scompet encet ost andt r i al i nt heLakeCi t ycase? L.T. :Yes.Butt her ewasnopar t i cul aref f or tonmypar tt oencour ageadi scussi onofcompet encyi n LakeCi t y .Basi cal l y ,If el tt hati tcoul dhav ebeenv er ydi sr upt i v ei nt hepr oceedi ngsi nt heLakeCi t y case.Ibel i ev edMr .Bundy ' sr eact i onwoul dhav ebeennegat i v e, t hathewoul df or bi dt hatt ooccurand coul dl eadt oar i f tbet weenMr .Af r i cano, my sel f , andMr .Bundy . P. N. : Di dMr .Bundyseem concer nedaboutr ecei v i ngapenal t yi nt heLakeCi t ycase L.T. : No. P.N. : Doy ouknowwhathewasconcer nedabouti nt hecase?
L.T.:Asev ent sappr oachedt hehear i ngont hepenal t yphase,hi sat t ent i onwasdi r ect edt ot hi s mar r i agecer emonyt oMi ssCar ol eBoone. P.N. : Di dMr .Bundy , i nf act , meani ngf ul l yassi sty oui npr epar i ngadef ensei nt heLakeCi t ycase? L.T. : No. Nex tupwasMi chaelKor i n, whohadbeent heassi st antpubl i cdef endercal l edi nf r om Tal l ahassee t oassi stwi t ht hepenal t yphasei nLakeCi t y .Hear r i v edont hesceneonaFr i dayaf t er noon,t heday af t erTedhadbeenf oundgui l t y .Thepenal t yphasewast obegi nt henex tday . JI M COLEMAN: Di dy oudi scusswi t hMr .Bundyt hepenal t yphaseofhi st r i al ? MI CHAELKORI N: Yes, si r . J. C. : Cany out el l mewhatt hesubst anceoft hatdi scussi onwas? M.K. :Wel l ,Icant el ly out hatwhenMr .Kennedypi ckedmeupatt heai r por theact edsor tofl i ket he catt hatat et hecanar yandl i ket her ewassomet hi ngup.AndwhenIaskedhi m, wel l , whati sgoi ngon, hei ndi cat ed,wel l ,y ou' l lhav et ot al kt oTedorVi corLy nn.It henr ecal lImetwi t hMr .Bundy ,Iasked hi m aboutanywi t nesseshewant edt ocal latt hepenal t yphase, i ft her ewer eany , andatt hatt i mehe i ndi cat edt hathedesi r edt ocal l Car ol eBoone. J.C. : Anddi dhet el l y ouwhyhewant edt ocal l Mi ssBoone? M.K. :Myr ecol l ect i oni suncl earast owhet herhewoul dspeci f i cal l yt el lmewhyhewant edt ocal lher . Iwantt obel i ev et hathedi dn' tt el lmeexact l ywhy , andt hatIdi dnotf i ndoutwhyhewant edt ocal lher unt i l Ihadt her eaf t erseenMr .ThompsonandMr .Af r i cano. J.C. : Now, y ousayy ouwantt obel i ev et hat .Whydoy ouwantt obel i ev et hat ? M.K.:Becauseatonepoi ntIwasv er y , Iguess, upset .If el tduped, Iguess, i st hewayt o-y ouknow, i t wasnott het y peoft hi ngt hatIwor l dnot , Iwoul dn' twantt oi nt ent i onal l ypar t i ci pat ei nsomet hi ngl i ke t hat . J.C.: Andwhati st hesomet hi ngl i ket haty our ef ert o? M.K. : Themar r i age. J. C. : Di dMr .Bundypr ov i dey ouwi t hot heri nf or mat i ont hatcoul dbeusedi nt hepenal t yphase? M.K.: No, si r . J. C. :Whatwasy ourr eact i onwheny oudi scov er edt hatMr .Bundyi nt endedt ogetmar r i edatt he penal t yphase? M.K. : Wel l , hewas, l i ke, cocounsel , soIwoul dn' thav eany t hi ngt odowi t hcal l i ngherasawi t ness.He cal l edher .Ofcour se,i twoul dn' thav edoneanygoodf ormet ohav ecal l edherasawi t nessi ft he pur posewast oexchangev ows.Iwasn' taboutt oex changev owswi t hher , so J.C. : Di dy oudi scussy our-It hi nky out est i f i edear l i ert haty ouf el tduped? M.K.: Yes, si r . J. C. : Di dy oudi scusst hatwi t ht heot herat t or ney si nt hecase? M.K. :I ' m sur eIex pr essedmy -wel l ,Iwasn' tahappycamper ,t hat ' st heonl ywayIcanputi t ,att hat t i me. Oneoft heconcer nsoft hest at e' sat t or neywast hatwenothav et heoppor t uni t yatt hi shear i ngt o bui l donourcaseagai nstVi cAf r i canof ori nef f ect i v eassi st anceofcounsel .Twopossi bl egr oundsf or i nef f ect i v enesswer eVi c' sf ai l ur et or ai set hepossi bi l i t yofTed' si ncompet encywhenhehadDr . Tanay ' sr epor tandknowl edgeofsomeofwhathadhappenedt ot heChiOmegadef enset eam;and hi sf ai l ur et oputonanyki ndofcasedur i ngt hepenal t yphase, i nst eadal l owi ngTedt opl aywi t hi t , use i tf orsomepur poseot hert hanav oi di ngt hedeat hpenal t y .Wehadmadet hei nef f ect i v enesscl ai mi n ourhabeascor puspet i t i on,whi chJudgeShar phadr ej ect edi nNov ember1986,andi twasst i l l , t heor et i cal l y , pendi ngi nt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t , whi chwoul ddeci deoni taf t ert hecompet encycl ai m had beenr esol v ed.JudgeShar pcer t ai nl ydi dnotwantany t hi ngi nhi scour t r oom t ot r i ggeranot her ev i dent i ar yhear i ngi nt hi scase, t hi st i meont hei nef f ect i v enesscl ai m, sohecutof fal lquest i oni ngon whatVi ckneworwast ol daboutTed' sconduct . Gi v ent hatconcer n,i t ' snotsur pr i si ngt hatt hest at edi dn' tcal lVi ct ot est i f yatt hi shear i ng.Butwe wer ehol di ngourbr eat hsf ort hosef ourday s.Hewaspot ent i al l yt hest at e' sst r ongestwi t ness-Ted' s
l eadcounseli nt heLakeCi t yt r i al ,whobel i ev edt hatTedwasper f ect l ycompet ent ," mor et han compet ent , ev en. " J.C.: Wer ey ouawar eofpsy chi at r i cr epor t st hathadbeenonMr .Bundy ? M.K. : No, si r . J.C.: Cany out el l mewhatappear edt obeMr .Bundy ' sat t i t udeaboutt hepenal t yphase? M.K. :Hewasv er yi nt er est edi ncal l i ngMi ssBoone.Idon' tr ecal lanypar t i ci pat i onbyMr .Bundyi nmy pr epar at i onofanyj ur yi nst r uct i onsorl egal ar gument st hatIwoul dbemaki ngi nhi sbehal f . J. C. : Di dheshowanyconcer naboutt hedeat hpenal t y ? M.K. : No, si r . Kor i nt est i f i edt hathehadbeenawar ewhenhegott her et hatTedwasst i l lr ecei v i ngal coholi n j ui cecans.Hev er i f i edt hatt heonl ywi t nesscal l edf ort hedef ensewasCar ol e,andt hatTeddi dt he quest i oni ng.Hesai dt hatwhenTedsatdown,Vi ct ol dhi m he' ddonei twr ong,t heywer en' tl egal l y mar r i ed, hehadn' tdonet hev er sr i ght .Soonr edi r ect , hedi di tagai n. Dr .Lewi st est i f i edonTuesday ,Shebeganbydescr i bi ngt hev i ol enceandbi z ar r enessofTed' s gr andf at herandhi sgr andmot her ' shospi t al i z at i onsf ormani cdepr essi on.Shet ol dAuntAudi e' sst or y ofhowatt hr eey ear sol dTedhadpl acedkni v esi nhi ssi st er ' sbedandst oodt her est ar i ngatherand ex pl ai nedhowt hati ndi cat edhehadal r eadybeenex posedt ov i ol ence.Dr .Lewi st ol dhowTedcoul d notr ememberanyoft hi s. Shedescr i bedi ni t i al l yf i ndi ngsy mpt omsi nBedofmaj orment ali l l nessi nt hecour seofherst udy . Asshegr ewcomf or t abl eont hest and,Dr .Lewi s' smet i cul ousev al uat i onofourt housandsoff act s, document s,andper sonali nt er v i ewscamet oget herasaseaml essst or yofoneman' sbi pol armood di sor der . JI M COLEMAN: Dr .Lewi s, di dy ouf i ndev i denceofamooddi sor deri nMr .Bundy ' sbackgr ound? DOROTHYOTNOW LEWI S: Yes, Idi d. Wel l , f i r stofal l t her ei sev i dencet hatMr .Bundy ' smoodandt hathi sf unct i oni ngwi del y , andt hat[ t hey ] Auct uat edwi del y , Iwoul dsay , f r om atl east1967unt i lt hepr esent .Thef i r stev i denceofsev er emood di sor der ,t ot hebestofmyknowl edge,occur r edi n,It hi nki twas1967.Af t erMr .Bundyhadspenta y earatcol l egeandhadappar ent l ydoneadequat el y ,het ookasummercour seatSt anf or dUni v er si t y i nChi nesel anguage.Howev er ,att hatt i mehebecameex t r emel ydepr essed,andhewasunabl et o f anct i on,andhedi dnotat t endhi scl asses.Onoccasi onher et ur nedhomeand,accor di ngt ohi s mot her , hewasdi shev el edandhewasnothi msel f , andshenot edt hathewasex t r emel ydepr essed.I bel i ev ehewasal sot ear f ul att i mesand, asIsai d, doi ngv er ybadl y . Letmegi v ey ouaf ewquot esf r om hi m al so.Byt heway , Ishoul dsayt hat , whenIf i r sti nt er v i ewed Mr .Bundy ,hewas,asf arasIcoul dt el l ,subl i mel yunawar eoft hesef l uct uat i ons,andi twasi nt he cour seoft al ki ngwi t hhi m,ofaski nghi m aboutpar t i cul arper i ods,t hathecoul dgi v ei nf or mat i on aboutt heset i mes,buthehadabsol ut el ynoi nsi ghti nt ot hesewi def l uct uat i onsunt i lwe,y ouknow, hadki ndofdocument edt heupsanddowns. Hesai dt hatatt het i mewhenhewentt oSt anf or dhewasunabl et of ocusonhi sschool wor k.He sai d,quot e," Idi dn' tgot ocl asses,i tbecameani ght mar e.I t ' sl i kebei ngdi sconnect ed,apani cky f eel i ng, bei ngl ostandal one."Hewentonanddescr i bedi tasat i mewhenhef el tdespondent , hef el t f ear f ul . AndIaskedhi mi fhecr i edandhesai d" Icr i edl ot s.Ther ewasachapel .Iwoul dgoi nandweep.I askedabouthi sappet i t e, buthei nt er r upt edt her eandsai d" Iwassmoki ng, andI ' m notasmoker ."He di dsayt hatheski ppedmeal s,whi chi sof t enchar act er i st i c.Somet i mesdur i ngadepr essi onpeopl e eatandeatandeatandsomet i mest heyl oset hei rappet i t e. Andaccor di ngt ohi m hedi dnott aket hef i nalex ami nat i onatsummerschool .But ,equal l y i mpor t ant ,whenheat t empt edt or et ur nt ocl assest henex tf al latt heUni v er si t yofWashi ngt on,he wasunabl et oat t endt hecl asses, andhesay st hathedi dnott akehi sf i nal ex ami nat i onst her easwel l . Andhet hen, f oraper i odoft i me, Ibel i ev ehedr oppedoutofschool .
J.C. :Letmeaskt oy oul ookatpl ai nt i f f ' sEx hi bi tnumbert hi r t y t wo,whi chi st het r anscr i ptofMr . Bundy ' senr ol l mentatt heUni v er si t yofWashi ngt on.Andl etmedi r ecty ourat t ent i ont ot heaut umn quar t er' 67, wi nt erquar t er' 68, andcany out el lmewhet herhi sper f or mancedur i ngt hoseper i odswas consi st entwi t hwhathet ol dy ou? D. L. :Yes.Whati si nt er est i ng,act ual l y ,i st hej ux t aposi t i onoft hi sper i odagai nstt heot herper i odsi n hi sacademi cl i f e. Pr i ort ot hespr i ngof' 67, hehadgot t enB' sandC' sandanAher eandt her e.Theni nt heaut umnof ' 67,hewasf ai l i ngandwi t hdr awi ngf r om cour ses.Andwhenheat t empt edwi nt erof68,hesi mpl y ,I guess,wi t hdr ew.Hewasunabl et of unct i ont her e,sot hatt her ei saper i odoft i met hati si nmar ked cont r astt ohi sper f or mancepr i ort ot hatandsubsequent . J.C. : Di dy ouf i ndev i denceofanymoodchangesaf t ert hat ? D.L.: Yes.Hesubsequentt ot hi shadsev er edepr essi on. Ishoul dadd,byt heway ,t hati t ' sr ar et hatonecangetsuchni ceobj ect i v edocument at i onof i mpai r edf unct i oni ng.Usual l yi t ' sj ustt ol dt oy ouandi t ' ski ndofi nt er est i ngt haty ouhav ei ther ei n bl ackandwhi t e. Butsubsequentt ot hat ,hesai dt hatar oundMayof1968hi sdepr essi onbegant ol i f t ,andt henhe coul ddocumentwhatsoundedl i keaf ai r l ycl earmani cepi sodet hatl ast edf r om aboutMay' 68t o Nov ember' 68.Andatt hatt i mehebecameex t r emel yi nv ol v edi npol i t i cs.Hegoti nv ol v edi nt he campai gnf ort hel i eut enantgov er noroft hest at eofWashi ngt on.Goti nv ol v edi nt heRockef el l erf or Pr esi dentcampai gn.Heat t endedanat i onalconv ent i on.Heappar ent l ywor kedei ght eenhourday s.I bel i ev et hi swasal soaper i odoft i met hathegoti nt oki ndofadi r t yt r i ckst y peofbehav i ori nt hi ski nd ofpol i t i calwor kt hathedi d.Andhedescr i bedhi msel fatt hatt i meassay i ngt hathemet , quot e, " gr eat peopl e,andhef el tconnect ed,andhej ustsai dhewasmor esoci abl e,hewasmor eex ci t ed,hewas mor egr egar i ous.Hef el t" ont opoft hewor l d. AndIaskedhi m aboutr el at i onshi psatt het i me, andhesai dhewasmor esoci al l yadv ent ur ous.He sai dhewasabl et omakeconnect i onswi t hany oneandi mpr esst hem j ustby ,asheputi t ," t hef or ce ofposi t i v ev i br at i ons."Andhet al kedabouthi msel fbei ng" char i smat i c"att hatt i me.AndIaskedhi m whet herhewasev erout spokenoropi ni onat ed, becauset hati sof t enchar act er i st i cofamani ct y peof phase,andhesai dt hatt hi swasat i mewhenhewasmor eopi ni onat ed,somet i mesi ndi sagr eeabl e way s.Hesai d, " Ir ubbedpeopl et hewr ongway ." Hesai dt hather emember ed,act ual l yt hathecoul dr emembert i mesbef or et hatwhenhewasi n st at esl i ket hi s.Sot hi smaywel l hav eant edat ed' 67, butIwasn' tabl et odocumentpr ev i ousdat es.But hewoul dhav eepi sodeswher ehewoul dbedebat i ngpeopl e, madehi sopi ni onsknown, f el tcompel l ed t ogethi spoi ntacr oss.Hesai dhewoul dbecomecont ent i ous,cr i t i cal .Andhewoul dbecome i nt ol er ant ,hecoul dbecomei nsensi t i v e.Butal so,hewas,dur i ngt i mesl i ket hi sandher ecal l ed pr ev i oust i mes, somyguessi st her ewer eepi sodest hatant edat edt hatdepr essi on-t hatheal sowas ex t r emel yacademi cal l ysuccessf ul , whi chi s, byt heway , nott hatunusuali nahy pomani cst at e.When y ouar enotcompl et el youtofcont r ol , y ouspi ny ourwheel s, andy oudoal otofwor k. Soany way ,i tl ooksast houghhewenti nt ot hi smani corhy pomani cst at e,i t ' shar dt ot el l ,dur i ng 1968, dur i ngt hatcampai gn.I twasf ai r l yshor t l i v ed. Then, subsequentt ot hat , t her ewasanot herdown, andhet r i edt opul lhi msel ft oget her .AsIr ecal l , hewr ot et ohi sgr andf at herandhesai dt hathewasr eal l yget t i nghi sactt oget her ,andhewentt o Templ eUni v er si t y .Andaccor di ngt ohi m hehadal otoft r oubl et her e, hehadt r oubl econcent r at i ngon hi swor k,f el tl onel y ,unmot i v at ed.Hesai dhef el tr emov edf r om what ev erwasgoi ngonar oundhi m. Myr ecol l ect i on,t hough,i st hathedi ddot hewor katTempl e,sot hati twasf arf r om t hi ssev er e depr essi on.Her ecal l si tasadown,butIbel i ev e,Idon' tr ecal l ,Imi ghthav et het r anscr i pther e,butI bel i ev et hathedi dpasshi scour sest her e,sot hati twasnot .It hi nkhewasf unct i oni ngawhol el ot bet t ert hanhehadbeeni n, whatwasi t , ' 67. J. C. :Now,wast her eaddi t i onalev i dence,f ol l owi ngt heper i odt hathewasi nPhi l adel phi a,ofmood changes? D. L. :Letmef i ndt hi sagai n.Appar ent l yhet henwentback,accor di ngt ohi m,butIbel i ev ei t ' s conf i r medi npar tbyt het r anscr i pt s,hef el tt hathecoul datt heendoft hi sper i odgobackt ot he
Uni v er si t yofWashi ngt on, andt her ehi sr ecol l ect i onwast hathedi dbet t er .Letmej ustl ook, because wehav et hatt r anscr i pther e. Ri ght .Hecl ear l ywasdoi ngawhol el otbet t eri n" 70, ' 71, whenher et ur nedt oWashi ngt on. J.C. : Andhowl ongdi dt hi sper i odl ast ? D. L. : Wel l , l etmesee. Byt heway , asf arasIcoul dt el l , t hi swasnotj usta" doi ngbet t er , buti tsoundsasi fhehadst ar t ed t ogoi nt oasor tofhi ghagai n.Andhesai dt hathewor kedwel l ,hegotA' sandB' s,hecoul dwor kal l ni ghtl ong.Heal socoul dhav eapar t t i mej obwhenhedel i v er edf oramedi calsuppl ycompany .And heal sosai dhewasnotonl ydoi ngv er ywel lacademi cal l y ,hewasex t r emel ysex ual l yact i v ewi t ha gi r l f r i endofhi s.Andhest ar t edanewmaj ori npsy chol ogy .But , asI ' v enot edher e, Isai dt hatt hi shi gh wasf ai r l yshor t l i v ed,anddur i ngt hel astsemest eratt heUni v er si t yofWashi ngt on,hebegant o becomedepr essedagai n. Letmel ookatt hi sandsee. Now,att hev er yendheget sawi t hdr awalf r om hi sunder gr aduat er esear ch,andhement i onedt o mehewashav i ngal otoft r oubl eatt hatt i meconcent r at i ngonhi sownr esear ch.Sot hi swas, agai n, t hebegi nni ngofadown. J.C. : Now, Dr .Lewi s, att het i met haty oui nt er v i ewedMr .Bundy , andt her epor tt haty ouwer er ef er r i ng t o, di dy ouhav et het r anscr i pt sofhi scol l egeper f or mance? D. L. : No, Idi dn' t .I nf act , It hi nkIj ustsawt hesemay beaf ewweeksago. J.C. :Now,f ol l owi nghi sgr aduat i onf r om t heUni v er si t yofWashi ngt on,di dy ouf i ndev i denceof subsequentmoodchanges? D. L. :Yeah.Af t erhi sgr aduat i onhegotaj obi napsy chi at r i chospi t al ,andhesai dhel osti nt er esti n psy chol ogy ,andhesai d,quot e,he" f el tuncomf or t abl ei nsomeofmyr el at i onshi ps."Andhehad pl annedt ogot ogr aduat eschooli npsy chol ogyandhi spl anschanged.Hedeci dedhewoul dt r yl aw school .Andheenr ol l edi nani ghtpr ogr am att heUni v er si t yofPugetSound. Andagai n, hebecamebuti tl ooksasi fhe' sbeensl i di ngi nt ot hi sf orawhi l e-ex t r emel ydepr essed. Andagai n,hedi dnotat t endcl asses,di dnotgot ohi sf i nalex ami nat i on,andseemedt obei na si gni f i cantdepr essi onatt hatt i me.I ndeed, hedi dr eal i z et hathewasf unct i oni ngv er ybadl yandsohe appl i edt ot heUni v er si t yofUt ahLawSchoolatt hatt i me.Iguesshopi ngt hathewoul dcomeoutof t hi s.Andheconceal edt hef actt hathewasf l unki ngoutoft heUni v er si t yofPugetSoundLawSchool . J.C. : Now, whatwashi smoodl i keonceheenr ol l edatt heUni v er si t yofUt ahLawSchool ? D. L. :Myr ecol l ect i oni st hatatf i r sthehadnoty etcomeoutofhi sdepr essi onandt hathedi dbadl y . Buthewasst ar t i ngt ocomeoutoft hedepr essi on, andhemanagedt oconv i ncehi spr of essor snott o ki ckhi m out .Hewasabl et oi mpr ov et osomeex t ent , andbyspr i nghewasget t i ngC' sandaB, andI t hi nkhehadani ncompl et et her e.Andt henwhati si nt er est i ngi s,bysummer ,hehasbr oughtuphi s gr ades, he' sonl yt aki ngt wocour ses, buthe' sget t i ngB' s.Socl ear l ysomet hi ngt henpi ckedupagai n. J.C.:Yousai dt hati ni t i al l yhewashav i ngpr obl ems, andt henheseemed, t owar dst hesummeroft he schooly ear197576,Ibel i ev e,t ocomeoutoft hat .Butcoul dy oudescr i bewhatt hepr obl emswer e i ni t i al l yt haty oui dent i f i ed? D.L.:Wel l ,accor di ngt ohi m,hesai dt hathecoul dnotat t end.Hebecamev er ydepr essed.Hesai d t hathecoul dn' tat t endcl asses,sai dhest ay edhome,hewat chedt el ev i si on,andhehadnev erbeen i nt er est edi nt el ev i si onbef or e, di dn' tcar eabouti t .Andhesai d[ t hat ]ev enatt hatt i mehesmokedpot , whi chhedi dn' tusual l ydo.Andhesai d, quot e, " Ij ustcoul dn' tbr i ngmy sel ft ogot ocl ass.Iwoul dsl eep l at e, Ist ay edi nt hehouse, Icutt hegr ass.Iwasmanageroft hehouseIwasi n." Iment i onedt hatsubsequent l y ,dur i ngt hesecondsemest er ,hi smoodl i f t ed,andappar ent l yf ai r l y dr amat i cal l y , andhesai dt hathehadst ar t edt oenj oygoi ngt ocl ass, t hat" Imetal otofki ds, Igoti nt o acl i que,andhesai dt hatact ual l yi twasaboutamont haf t ert hebegi nni ngofhi ssecondy earatt he Uni v er si t yofUt aht hathewaspi ckedoutoft hel i neupandhewasar r est ed.Buthewasonan upswi ng, Iguess, att hatpoi ntanddoi ngbet t er . J.C.: Nowf ol l owi nghi sar r esti nUt ah, di dy ouf i ndev i denceofmoodchanges? D.L.:Ther eIwoul dhav et ol ookatmynot es.Wel l ,agai n,t hi si sasIunder st andwhatoccur r edi n t er msofwhathi sl awy er sdescr i bed.Thati ni t i al l ywhenhef i r stwasar r est ed, andhemethi sl awy er s,
or i gi nal l yheseemedl i keaper f ect l ynor malcl i ent ,whi chbyt hewayi schar act er i st i cofamani cdepr essi v ei l l ness.Ther ear est ageswher eaper soni sabsol ut el ycoher ent ,f unct i oni ngwel l ,doi ng okay ,ki ndofr emi ssi on,andt hen.Howev er ,i nt hecour seofhi st r i alsomet hi ngchanged,andhe st ar t ed t o become f l i ppant .He was,asIunder st and i t ,i nappr opr i at ei n cour t ,woul d cal lt he pr osecut orbyhi sname,woul d wr i t el et t er st ot hej udge.And,appar ent l y ,ev en when hewas conf r ont edwi t hanar r estwar r antf ormur deri nt hest at eofCol or ado, hebr ushedi tof f , t houghti twas not hi ng,andt hent hr ewhi msel fi nt obecomi nganex per ti nt hel awsofCol or ado.Soheatt hi spoi nt r eal l ydi dn' tseem t oappr eci at et hej eopar dyt hathewasi n, whatt heev i dencewasl i ke, butwaski nd ofhi ghasaki t e. J. C. : Fol l owi ngt hat , di dy oucont i nuet of i ndev i denceofmoods? D. L. : Wel l , agai n, whenhewasi nCol or ado, asf arasIcan i t ,t hi shi ghki ndofcont i nued,andt her ehespenthi st i mewr i t i ngmot i ons,wr i t i ngbr i ef s.Heev en,I bel i ev e,f i l edamot i ont oat t endaconf er encef ordef ensel awy er s.Thi ski ndofagr andi ose,f l i ppant , j ustat ot all ackofappr eci at i onofwhathi sci r cumst anceswer el i ke.AsIunder st andi torIcan r econst r ucti t , he, y ouknow, pl annedki ndofdar i ngsor t sofescapes, andi ndeedhedi descapeont wo occasi ons. Now,t heonet hatIaskedmostaboutandknowmostaboutwast hesecondescape,andIcoul d t el ly ouaboutt hat ,becauset her ewasadr amat i cki ndofser i esofev ent s,andadr amat i cchangei n moodt hatoccur r ed.Iwoul dhav et oagai nl ookatmynot es. J.C. : Whydon' ty oudot hatandl et ' st ur nt hent ot heper i odf ol l owi nghi ssecondescape. D. L. :Wel l ,whenhewasont her un,whenhehadl ef tCol or ado,heappar ent l yf el tt er r i f i c.Het r av el ed f r om -If or gett hewhol er out e, butIt hi nkhef l ewt oChi cago, t ookt het r ai nt oMi chi gan, If or getwher e hewent , andt hent ookt hecardownt oAt l ant a, wasgoi ngandgoi ngandgoi ng, andl et ' ssee, whatdi d het el l me? Hesai dhehadgonef r om Col or adoSpr i ngst oDenv er ,f r om Denv erbypl anet oChi cago,f r om Chi cagot oAnnAr bor ,Iguessbypl anef r om Chi cagot oAnnAr bor ,t henbyst ol encart oAt l ant a, Geor gi a.Hedescr i bedhi msel fasbei ng,quot e," hi ghasaki t e."AndIsai dt ohi m,wel l ,di dy ouhav e anydr ugsdur i ngt hi sper i odoft i me, becauset hatcoul dcr eat eahi gh, andhesai dhehadnot .Hesai d t hatheonl yhadbeerwhi l ehewasi nAnnAr bor . AndIaskedhi m whet hert her ewasanyt i mewhent hi ski ndofhi ghended,andhesai d," Icant el l y out hepr eci semomentt hati tended."Hesai dt hati tendedwhi l ehewaswai t i ngf orabusatt he OmniCent eri nAt l ant a,andhesai d," Al loft hesuddenIcoul df eeli tdr ai nout ,"andatt hatpoi nthe f el tdepr essedandf el tl onel y ,hef el tl ost .Thi swasar oundJanuar yt hi r dorf our t h, It hi nk.Andi twas att hatt i met hathewenti nt oadown,andIbel i ev ehewaspr obabl yi nt hatst at ewhenhear r i v edi n Fl or i da. J.C. : Thi si sJanuar yof1978? D.L.: Ri ght . J.C.:Now,f ol l owi ngt hat ,wer et her eot her ,wast her eot herev i denceofmoodsoncehear r i v edi n Fl or i da? D.L.:Appar ent l yatt het i mehewasar r est edhewasst i l li noneoft hesedowns, hewasr ambl i ng.He wasnotcoher ent .Hewasdi shev el ed.Hewasqui t eadi f f er entTedBundyf r om t hepr ev i ousonewho hadbeeni ncampai gns, what ev er .Hewoul dal soatt hatt i mest ayupl at eandt al kwi t hpol i ce, andj ust goonandon.Ihav el i st enedt osomeoft het apes,andhej ustseemst ohav eaneedt obewi t h peopl e, andt ot al kwi t hpeopl e.Andt heyar enotal way st hemostcoher entort hemostconci set hi ngs, butheseemedt ohav esomeki ndofneedt okeepsomet hi nggoi ng.May behecoul dn' tsl eepi t ' sv er y possi bl et hatwasoneoft hei ssues.Butappar ent l yhehadbeenwar nedandhadbeent ol dbyhi s at t or ney st onott al kwi t hany bodyandnott al kwi t hpol i ce,atl eastnotunl esst heywer ear ound.He wasabsol ut el yunabl et odot hi sdur i ngt hatt i me. Thenhewasappar ent l yi ndi ct edi nJul yof' 78, andatt hatt i meIt hi nkt her ewasabr i efper i odwhen hebecameov er conf i dent .Hesai dhewasr eadyt ogot ot r i al ,di dn' tunder st andwhyt hest at ewas wai t i ng.Howev er ,bet weenAugustandOct ober ,whenhewast ogot ot r i al ,he,t ot hebestofmy knowl edge,wasunabl et owor konhi scaseatal l .Thather eal l ydi dnot hi ngofanyusef ul ness.I n
Oct oberhehadt oaskf oracont i nuance. Theni nOct oberagai nt her ewasaper i odt hatwasf ai r l ydr amat i c.Wher eheagai nwenti nt ooneof hi shi ghs.Butt hi st i mehewaswor ki ngandwor ki ngandwor ki ng,buthewasr eal l yaccompl i shi ng not hi ng.I twasatt hatt i me, It hi nkbet weenOct oberandNov emberof' 78, t hatheact ual l yt ookni net y deposi t i ons.And,asIunder st andi t ,hewasbusy .Hewasr av enousl yeat i ngchocol at esandcandy andst uf fl i ket hat -byt heway ,appet i t echangesof t enoccurdur i nghi ghsandl ows.Andagai n,I r ev i ewedsomeoft hedeposi t i ons,andIam notanat t or ney ,butt heycer t ai nl ydon' tseem t ogo any wher e.Theyseem t obewor ds,wor ds,butnot hi ngt hati sex t r aor di nar i l yusef ult ohi scase.I under st andt hathi sat t or ney sdi dnotf i ndmanyoft hem usef ul andhadt or et aket hem.Buthe' sgoi ng andgoi ngandgoi ng,andhe' shi sownl awy ert hen.Appar ent l yhef i l edaf l ur r yofmot i ons,buthe coul dnotcompr ehendwhatt heev i dencewas, whi chhappensdur i nghi ghs. Andt hi smusthav egoneonf orqui t eaper i odoft i me. I nMayhewasev al uat edbyDr .Tanay ,andatt hatt i meDr .Tanaydescr i beshi m asgr andi ose,as ki nd ofor chest r at i ng wher et he sher i f f ' s deput i essi t ,ki nd oft aki ng ov er ,and cer t ai nl ybei ng i nappr opr i at e. Then,appar ent l yi nMayof1979,hewasof f er edapl eat hat ,i fheconf essedt ot hemur der sof whi chhewasaccused, hi sl i f ewoul dbespar ed.And, asIt r i edt or econst r uctt hat , i t ' snott hateasyt o r econst r uct ,t hatper i odoft i me.I tsoundsasi fhewasv er yconf used.Thathewasi nasor tof agi t at edst at e,wher eonet i mehet houghtandsawonet hi ng,anot hert i mehet houghtanot her .AsI under st andi t ,hesi gnedoneagr eementt opl ea,andt hensuddenl ychangedhi smi nd,st ay edupal l ni ghtt heni ghtbef or ehewast oacceptt hepl ea, andt hen f i r edhi sl awy er , Mr .Mi ner v a, anddeci dedt ot akeov erhi scase. Soher eagai ny ougett hi ski nd,t hesewi l df l uct uat i ons,andt hi ski ndofi nabi l i t yt of unct i on ef f ect i v el y . ThenIsaw someoft het apesoft heact ualChiOmegat r i aland,y ouknow,r eadsomeoft he t r anscr i pt s,andhet al kedandt al kedatl eastonsomeoft het apesIsaw, andseemedunabl et osor t ofgi v eupt hef l oor .Hewasnott er r i bl yef f ect i v ecounself orhi msel f ,andheappar ent l y ,ev enatt hat t i me,woul dcr ossexami newi t nesses,andhewoul del i ci tv er ydamagi ngki ndsofev i dence.Ther e wasonet i me,Idon' tr ememberwhot heof f i cerwas,butIt hi nkhewasi nt er v i ewi nganof f i cerwho hadf oundt hebodi es, andhecoul dn' tst ophi msel f , hewentonaski ngaboutt hedet ai l sandt hebl ood andwher ebodi eswer e,andt hesesor t soft hi ngs.Socl ear l yhewasnoti nast at ewher ehecoul d handl et hi si naj udi ci ousmannert hatwashel pf ul t ohi msel f . Heappar ent l yal sowoul dbeki ndofgl i b, hewoul dhav eandsay" Hi "t oaj ur or .Hewasv er yeager t ot al kt ot hepr ess,andasIunder st andi thi sl awy er sj ustf el tt heyhadabsol ut el ynocont r olov eri t , whatwasgoi ngon, andhecoul dn' tber easonedwi t h, coul dnotbef ocused. J.C. :Letmei nt er r upty ouf orasecondt ogobackt osomet hi ng.Youi ndi cat edt hatatt het i meMr . Bundywasi nv ol v edi nt r y i ngt odeci dewhet hert oacceptapl eaagr eement , t hatheappear edt obei n anagi t at edst at e, andy ousai dy oucoul dn' tt el lwhet her , whatt hemoodwas.Wast her eanyev i dence r ef l ect edi nnur se' snot esorpr i sonr ecor dst hatwoul dsuggestonewayort heot her ? D.L.:Wel l , Idon' tr ecal lt heexactt i mi ngoft henot es.Idi dr ev i ewnot esf r om t hej ai l , andt her ewasa per i odoft i mewhenIbel i ev ehewassui ci dal , andhewasputonsui ci dewat ch.Ther ewasaper i odof t i mewhen-Iam notsur ei ft hatwaswhenf l oodedhi scel l ,Ican' tr ecal lt hedat eoft hatwhenhe act edoutqui t epecul i ar l y .I fy oucoul dshowme. J.C. : Iam goi ngt ohandDr .Lewi sanent r yf r om t heLeonCount ysher i f f ' sof f i ce, butIbel i ev et hedat e i sOct obersi x t h, 1978. D.L. : Letmej ustsee.Fr om Jani ceTur ner , R.N. , y es.Thi si st henot et hatwasmor ei nt er est i ngt ome. I t ' sdat edOct obersi xt h,1978,andsay st hatdat ehehadhi scel l ,andwhenMr .Gol den-Iguesst he di r ect oroft hatpr i son-ar r i v ed,t heysai d" Mr .Bundy ' sv oi cewasl oudashewasspeaki ngt oMr . Gol den' squest i on,exactr epet i t i onofMr .Gol den."That ' scal l edechol al i a,andi t ' sapuz z l ebecause y ouof t enseet hi ski ndofechol al i ai nex t r emel ydi st ur bedpsy chot i ci ndi v i dual s.Somet i meschi l dr en r epeatexact l ywhati ssai dt ot hem, butt hi ski ndofl oudnessandr epet i t i onsuggest shewasi nav er y ex ci t edki ndofst at eher e.
Let ' ssee.Ther ewasar equesther et hathest andi nt hehal latacer t ai npl ace, andt henappar ent l y t hi sper sont houghthi sbehav i orwaspecul i arhest oodwi t hhi sr i ghtshoul deragai nstt hewal l ,he' d hadar ol l edupmagazi nei nhi sl ef thand,woul dn' tcommuni cat ev er bal l y .Andt hen,subsequentt o t hatl astr epor t ,t hathi scel ldoorv i br at edandt her ewasl oudbangi ngont hecel ldoor , oncet heygot hi m backi nt ohi scel l .AndsoIassumehewasi nt hi sv er yex ci t edst at e.Andt henappar ent l yi tended, andatf i v ep.m.hewasj ustcal m andr el ax ed.That ' swhatIr ecal l , andappar ent l yhi smoodsandhi s f unct i oni ngf l uct uat edt r emendousl ydur i ngt hatper i odoft i me. J. C. : Any t hi ngel seofsi gni f i cancei nt hej ai l medi cal r ecor ds? D. L. :On51779, t her ei sanot et hatsay s" Ser geantWadewasconcer nedandaskedmei fMr .Bundy wasonmedi cat i onbecauseheappar ent l yhadunst eadygai twhenl eav i ngt hesl ammer "-Il i ket hat " t hi sp.M.andSer geantWadeandmy sel fent er edt hesl ammerandf oundAt i v ant abl et s,t wo,st i l li n t hemedi ci necupont het opof "what ev eri twas." Medi cat i ont obegi v ent oni ght ." Soi t ' si nt er est i ngt hathewasat axi c[ unabl et ocoor di nat ev ol unt ar ymuscl emov ement s]t hen, and assumi ngt hi si snotsomet hi ngl i keabr ai nt umor ,t hi ski ndofnotbei ngabl et owal kst r ai ghtor what ev ersuggest st hathehadbeent aki ngsomeki ndofdr ugsormedi cat i onandcoul dn' twal k st r ai ght .Andt hent her ei sanot hernot at i onl at ert hatdayt hathi sspeechi ssl ur r edandhi spupi l sar e di l at edandr eact i v e.Andhesay sheadmi t ssav i ngAt i v anf r om l astni ghtandt aki ngt hesamebef or e noont hatday .So, andt hent heymakeanot et her et o" obser v ecl osel y . " Andt hent her ei sanot et hathe' sl et ' ssee-he' sal er tt henex tday .Thent heydeci det oi ncr easehi s At i v ani nt hemor ni ngt her ei sapuzzl e-on525,sosomet hi ngwasconcer ni ngt hem.Theydon' tsay whati twas, buton525, shor t l ybef or et hi sot herent r y , t heygi v ehi m mor eofwhatcausedt heat ax i a. Andt heni t ' sshor t l yt her eaf t er , ont het hi r t y f i r st , t hathei sdepr essed, andt hatheappar ent l yon 53179hadt akent hemedi cat i oni nt hemor ni ng, andt houghhewast ol dnott odot hat , andt heywer e qui t econcer nedabouthi m.Sohe' sdepr essedon531.It houghtt hatwast hedat et hatheact ual l y madet hepl ea.Icoul dbemi st aken.OrImeanr ej ect edt hepl ea.Andt henon6179he' spl acedon sui ci depr ecaut i on. Soatl eastf r om t hesedat ai tl ooksasi fhewasi nadownandpeopl ewer econcer nedabouthi m andt heywer econcer nedaboutsui ci dedur i ngt heweekspr i ort ohi sr ej ect i ngt hepl ea.Andcer t ai nl y ont hedayaswel l .I t ' si nt er est i ngt hatt heycont i nuedwi t ht heAt i v an,becausewi t hadepr essi v e per son,t hi ngsl i keAt i v anorVal i um andt hi ski ndoft hi ngwi l li ncr easedepr essi on,soi t ' saboutt he l astt hi ngy ouwantt odowi t hadepr essedi ndi v i dual . J. C. :NowDr .Lewi s, Ibel i ev ewehadgoneupt ot het i meoft hepl eaagr eementi ny ourdescr i pt i onof Mr .Bundy ' sbehav i or .Coul dy oucont i nuef r om t her e, pl ease? D. L. :Wel l , wehav egonebey ondt hat .Wehav egonet odur i ngt heChiOmegat r i ali t sel f , andatwhi ch t i mehewashi sownat t or ney , hef el tcompet ent , sor tofont opoft hewor l dandcapabl eofdoi ngt he cr ossex ami nat i onandwhat ev erheki ndoft ookt her ol eofdef endantanddef enseat t or ney .And woul dsay" Hi "t ot hej ur y .Hewasj usti nappr opr i at e,andaccor di ngt ohi sl awy er s,notef f ect i v e, unabl et of ocusont hei ssuesoft het r i al ,andmor econcer nedwi t ht heseot herper i pher alki ndsof t hi ngs. Al soatt hatt i met her ewasanepi sodewher ehebr okeal i ghti nhi scel l , wher eher ef usedt ocome t ocour t .AndIsawat apeofhi st al ki ngwi t ht hej udge,andi nt hi ski ndofv er yf ashi on,andpoi nt i ng hi sf i ngeratt hej udge,andwhatIr ecal li shi ssay i ng" Whoa"orsomet hi ngoft hatsor t , andt hej udge ki ndoft ookhi m upont hatandt r i edt oki ndofputhi m down, atl eastcont r olhi m abi t .Atwhi chpoi nt heki ndofpoi nt edathi sat t or neyi nst eadoft hej udge, buthewas-Iwoul dsayhewasf eel i ngnopai n. Whati si nt er est i ngi st hatappar ent l yev enwhenhewasf oundgui l t y ,ev enwhensent encedt o deat h, t her ewasnoev i dencet hathewaschast enedbyt hi sorf r i ght enedbyi tordepr essedbyi t .Thi s hi ghseemedt ocont i nue, t hi si nabi l i t yt oqui t eappr eci at ewhatwasgoi ngon. Agai n, t heLakeCi t ypr oceedi ngs:Icant el ly ouwhati tl ooksl i ket ome.I tl ooksasi fhewasst i l li n ahi gh.Al t houghhewasatt hi spoi ntnotbei ng hi sownat t or ney .Butheappar ent l ywasnot cooper at i ngwi t hhi sat t or neyei t her .Heagai ncoul dn' tseem t oappr eci at ewhatt hei ssueswer e, what t hej eopar dywast hathewasi n,buthewasi nt oabookdeal ,andhewasont hephone,somet i mes sev er alt i mesaday ,wi t hawr i t ernamedMi chaud,andatni ght sIt hi nkhemadedoz ensoft apes,
someofwhi chIhav ehear d, someoft hem r ambl i ng, somenott er r i bl ycoher ent .Andal sohewasv er y f ocusedonawi sht ogetmar r i ed,andt hi swassomet hi ngt hathekeptpushi nghi sl awy er st ohel p hi m wi t h, andpushi ngot herpeopl et ohel phi m wi t h. Andwhat , t heot hert hi ngt hatIt hi nki sv er yi nt er est i ng, andwhi chIhav eonl yt al kedwi t hhi m about br i ef l y , i st hathewast aki ngal cohol anddr ugsatt hi st i me.Cer t ai nl yapor t i onofi t .Hewasappar ent l y bei ngbr oughtal coholbysomebodywhowasv i si t i nghi m.It hi nki nhi sl unch.Andhewasal sobei ng gi v enVal i um,andhewoul dt akesomewher ebet weenf our ,f i v e,si xVal i umsaday ,andIaskedhi m, y ouknow,whyt hi swas,appar ent l yt hi shel pedhi mt obecal m andbr i nghi m downabi t .Sot hathe cl ear l ymusthav esensedt hathewasnoti ngoodcont r olandsowast aki ngt hesedr ugsandt hi s al cohol t ot r yt ocont r ol hi msel f . J. C. :Now Dr .Lewi s,i nJuneof1979,t her ewasahear i ngi nt oMr .Bundy ' scompet ence.Andhe obj ect edt ohav i nganypar t i ci pat i on.Wast her eanysi gni f i cancet ot hatt y peofbehav i or ? D.L.:Wel l ,Mr .Bundydoesn' tt hi nkt her e' sany t hi ngwr ongwi t hhi m.It hi nkt hatI ' m notsur e,buthe mayhav eobj ect i onst omebei ngher et oday .Hef eel st hathi sbehav i orhasal way sbeenr easonabl e andr at i onal , andt hathe-hi si nsi ghti nt ohi sownpsy chi at r i ccondi t i oni sni l . Myr ecogni t i oni st hati twasal sodur i ngahi ght hathef el tt hatDr .Tanaywaswr ong,t hathewas noti nanywayi mpai r ed, andt hathewasgoi ngt or unt heshow.Soi twoul dbeconsi st ent -byt heway , Ishoul dment i ont hatwhenpeopl ewi t hbi pol ari l l nessar eei t herex per i enci ngahi ghorev ena depr essi onall ow, t hei rj udgmenti sof t ensev er el yi mpai r ed.Youknow, wi t hahi gh, aper sonwoul dbe mor el i kel yt onotappr eci at ewhatwas, whatt hedanger swer e, andt obemor egl i bandj usteuphor i c. Dur i ngal owIhav eknowni ndi v i dual swhor eal l ywoul dnotpar t i ci pat eatal li nt hei rdef ense.Theyf el t hopel essandunabl et of unct i on. Sodur i ngei t heroneoft heseki ndsofphasesani ndi v i dualwoul dcer t ai nl ynotbecompet entt obe ofr eal l ygoodassi st ancet ohi msel f . J. C. :Now,Dr .Lewi s,t her ear er ef er encesi nt her ecor doft hi scaset oMr .Bundyappear i ngt ohav e mor et hanoneper sonal i t y .Di dy ouf i ndanyev i dencei nhi sbackgr oundt hatheex per i encedal t er ed st at es? D. L. :Yes.Thatheex per i encedal t er edst at es, y es.Thenat ur eoft heseIdon' tcl ai mt ounder st and, I ' m notsur ewhatt heyar e.Icant el ly ouwhatmydi f f er ent i aldi agnosi swoul dbe,butt her ear esome r epor t sf r om di f f er entpeopl e.Ther ei sar epor tf r om af ami l ymember ,f r om Vi r gi ni aBr i st ol ,ofan epi sode,andIt hi nkt hi swaswhenhewasatTempl e,whenhehadgonebackt oPhi l adel phi a,wher e shewasonapl at f or m wi t hhi m,Iguesswai t i ngf orat r ai norsomet hi ng,andsuddenl yhehad changedandshef el tsuddenl yhewasadi f f er entki ndofper son, t hathef r i ght enedher .Letmeseei fI hav enot esont hat .Imaynot . J.C. : Dr .Lewi s, appar ent l yatpagef i v eofEx hi bi tt hi r t y . D.L.:Ri ght .Her e,accor di ng t o Mr s.Br i st ol ,becauseI ' v eal so spoken wi t h herand Iwi sh I r emember edv er bat i m ex act l ywhatshehadsai d.Appar ent l yaf t erav er ypl easantev eni ngata concer t , ast heywai t edi nat r ai nst at i on, Mr .Bundysuddenl yst ar t edt or ambl e, andshesai dhemade nosenseandhel ookedcr az yandshef el tt hathewasnoti nt ouchwi t hher .Andshesai d," Iwas af r ai dt obeal onewi t hhi m."Sot hi swasoneoft heepi sodest hatoccur r ed. J.C. : Andt hi swasi n196D.L.: It hi nki twas' 68, i fI ' m notmi st aken.Ial sospokewi t honeoft hei nv est i gat or sont hecaset her e, Mr .Al oi , andhedescr i bedacoupl eofepi sodes.It hi nkIhav enot esaboutt hatOh, If oundi t .Mr .Al oi sai dt hathewasi nMr .Bundy ' scel l ,andt hi s,hesai d,occur r edaboutf i v emont hsaf t erhewas i ncar cer at edi nTal l ahassee.Andhesai dt heywer et al ki ng, hesai d, notaboutany t hi ngi mpor t ant , and hesai d, quot e, " Hebecamewei r donme."Hedi damet amor phosi s, abi tofabodyandf aci alchange, andhef el tt her ewasal mostanodoremi t t edf r om hi m.Hesai d," Al mostacompl et echangeof per sonal i t y "wi t hext r emet ensi on.Andhesai d, " Thatwast hedayIwasaf r ai dofhi m." Mr .Al oisai di tl ast edf oraboutt went ymi nut es,andsai dheknew t hat[ Mr .Bundy ]wasnot appr oachabl ebecause[ Mr .Bundy ]sai dhewasaf r ai dt hathemi ghthur tsomebodyand[ Mr .Al oi ]j ust wai t edunt i li tst opped.Andhedescr i bedi tasv er yscar y .Andt henheal sodescr i bedanepi sodet hat wassomewhatdi f f er entwhen,andIt hi nkt hatwasont hedayt hatKi mber l yLeach' sbodyhadbeen
f ound,andatt hi st i mehesai dt hatMr .Bundyf l ew i nt oar age,t hathewaspaci ng,t hathewas mut t er i ngt hi ngs,t hathewashy per v ent i l at i ng,andappar ent l y ,I ' m notsur ewho,butsomebodygav e hi m abagt oputov erhi sf ace. Thi s,byt heway ,doesnotsoundaspecul i arashi sf i r stepi sodewi t hMr .Al oi ,t hi ssor tofsudden met amor phosi sandt heepi sodewi t hhi saunt .Ther ei sal soanot heri nt er est i ngt hi ng, t hatatl eastt o mymi ndper hapsshedssomei nsi ghti nt ot hi s.Ir ev i ewedsor tofal ogoradi ar yorsomepaper st hat Mr .Bundyhadwr i t t enandIt hi nkt heywer ear oundt het i meof , ar oundt het i met hathewasi ncol l ege, andbef or et heseepi sodes,andt her ei sadr awi ngt hathedi d,andt her ei sani nt er est i ngki ndof met amor phosi si nt hedr awi ngandal soi nt hewr i t i ngont hepage. Letmesee, It hi nkIhav ei t .Doy ouhav eacopyofi t ? J. C. : YourHonor , I ' l l mar kt hi spet i t i oner ' sEx hi bi tf or t y one. D. L. :Andt hi s, whenIaskedMr .Bundyabouti t , f i r stofal l , hesai d, " Di dIdot hi s? "Hesai d, " Thi si smy wr i t i ng,"whi chIt hi nki squi t ei nt er est i ng,becausecer t ai ni ndi v i dual s,whent heyar ei nanal t er ed st at eorwhat ev er ,wr i t edi f f er ent l yf r om t hewayt heydoatot hert i mes.Andher ei sapi ct ur ewher e, f i r stofal l , t her ei sahead, aper sonofsomesor t , andt hent heheadenl ar gesandt heheadhast eet h l i keDr acul a.Andt her eal soseemst obeachangei nt hewr i t i ngr i ghtwi t hi nt hepagei t sel f .I tl ooksas i fhebecomesl essor gani z edorwhat ev eront hepage. And,byt heway ,whenIshowedt hi st oMr .Bundy ,hi sf i r str eact i onwas," Di dIdot hat ? "Hedi dn' t r ememberi t , andt henhesai d, " WasIondr ugs? "Idon' tknow, butt hi swasatcol l ege, andasf araswe know hewasnoti nt odr ugs.Andt hi sseemst obeasor tofv i sualr epr esent at i onofper hapswhat happenswi t hhi m whenhegoesi nt ot hesest at es. Whatcausest hem woul dr equi r eal otmor et i me, al otmor eev al uat i on.I tcoul dbeanynumberof possi bi l i t i es. J.C. : Butwhati st hesi gni f i canceoft heset y pesofepi sodes?Whatmaybet hesi gni f i canceoft hem? D.L. :Wel l ,y ou wonder ,when y ou seedr amat i cchangesi n an i ndi v i dual ,wher et heyar enot t hemsel v es, wher eaper soncannotr eacht hem, y ouwonderaboutapossi bl esei z ur edi sor der , wher e t her ei sav er ybr i efepi sodewher eaper soni sj ustnotwi t hi t .Thought hi si snotagr andmalsei z ur e, butanot herki ndofsei z ur e, y ouwonderaboutabnor malact i v i t yi nt hebr ai nf orashor tper i odoft i me. Youwonderaboutt hedi agnosi sofadi sassoci at i v est at e, whi chwoul dbeaki ndofst at esi mi l art oa f uguest at eorahy st er i calst at e, wher eagai nt hesear et i meswhensomet i mesi ndi v i dual sgoof fand don' tev enknowwhot heyar ef oraper i odoft i me,andwi ndupsomewher eel sei nt hecount r y ,don' t knowhowt heygott her e. That ' soneoft hedi f f er ent i al s.Anot herwoul dbeahy st er i calki ndofst at e.I ' mt r y i ngt ot hi nk, becauset her ear ecer t ai nl yot herpossi bi l i t i es.Ther ear eepi sodi cpsy choses,andwedon' tknowt he causesoft hose. Myguessi st her ei sabnor malbr ai nact i v i t y ,butwedon' t ,wej ustdon' tknow whatcausest hem. Cer t ai nl yt her ei ssomet hi ngepi sodi cal l ygoi ngont hati saber r antandabnor mal . J.C.:Dr .Lewi s,Iaskedy ouear l i erwhet hery ouhadf or medanopi ni onaboutwhet herMr .Bundy suf f er edf r om ament ali l l nessatt het i meoft het wot r i al si n1979and1980andIbel i ev ey ousai d t haty ouhad? D.L.: Yes. J.C. : Cany out el l mewhatt hatopi ni oni s? D.L. :Yes.Ibel i ev ehewassuf f er i ngf r om abi pol armooddi sor der ,ot her wi seknownasmani cdepr essi v ei l l ness. Dr .Lewi swentont odescr i behow Ted' ssy mpt omsmat chedt hecr i t er i af ort hei l l nessi nt he psy chi at r i st ' sr ef er encebook,t heDi agnost i candSt at i st i calManualI I I( DSM I I I ) .ThenJi m cont i nued hi squest i oni ng. J. C. :Dr .Lewi s,doy ouhav eanopi ni onwhet herhi sment ali l l nesssubst ant i al l yi mpai r edt heabi l i t y ei t hert or epr esenthi msel foft oassi sthi sat t or ney st or epr esenthi mi nt heLakeCi t yt r i al ? D. L. :Yes.Ibel i ev et hati tdi d.AsIunder st andi t , accor di ngt ohi sat t or ney s, hewasunabl et of ocuson t hei ssuest hatt heywer epr esent i ng, hewasunabl et ocompr ehendt heev i dencet hatwasbef or ehi m.
Hedi dn' tappr eci at e,Idon' tt hi nkheappr eci at edt henat ur eoft heev i denceorchar gesagai nsthi m. And, i naddi t i on, att hi st i mehewas, hewasi nv ol v edi nt heseki ndofper i pher al butv er yal l consumi ng act i v i t i es, l i kewr i t i ngabook, maki ngt apeaf t ert ape, di ct at i ngt heset apes, someofwhi ch, byt heway , ar er ambl i ngandar enotl ogi cal .Andt heni tv ar i edi nt oget t i ngmar r i ed.Theonl ypi eceI ' v eseenof t hatt r i al ,byt heway ,washi sat t emptt ogetmar r i edandt heki ndofi nappr opr i at eaf f ectt hathehad t her e. Sogi v ent hi sst at et hathewasi n, Ibel i ev et hathewasnotcompet entt oassi sthi sat t or ney s. J.C:Dr .Lewi s, t her ei sar ef er encei nt her ecor doft hi scaset oanopi ni onbyDr .Tanayatt het i meof Mr .Bundy ' spl eaagr eement ,t hati fheaccept edt hepl eaagr eementi twoul di ndi cat et hathewas compet ent ,buti fher ej ect edi t ,i twoul di ndi cat et hathewasi ncompet ent .Ar ey ouf ami l i arwi t ht hat opi ni on? D. L. : Yes, Iam. J.C.: Anddoy ouagr eewi t ht hatopi ni on? D. L. :No,Idon' t .Idon' tev ent hi nkMr .Bundywascompet entt oacceptorr ej ectapl eaatt hatt i me.I t hi nkt hathewashi ghasaki t e,hewasgr andi ose,hi sj udgmentwasi mpai r ed.Andwhet heratt he momenthehaddeci dedy esorwhet heratt hemomenthehaddeci dedno, hewasst i l lex per i enci nga mani cpsy chot i cepi sodeandhewoul dnothav e[ beencompet ent ] , Idon' tcar ewhatheanswer ed. Dr .Lewi s' st est i monyconcl udedourcase.WehadTed' sat t or ney s' t est i monyt hathedi dnotseem t ocompr ehendt heev i denceagai nsthi m andi nf actdi dnotassi st( t osayt hel east )i nhi sdef ense. WehadDr .Tanay ' sandDr .Lewi s' st est i moni est hathi sbehav i ori nt hatr egar dwasapr oductofa l i f el ongment ali l l nessov erwhi chhehadnecont r ol .Dr .Tanayascr i bedi tt opsy chopat hol ogy ;Dr . Lewi si dent i f i edabi pol armooddi sor derandasuggest i onofmul t i pl eper sonal i t y .
CHAPTER14 Thenex tdayt hest at eputonJudgeWal l aceJopl i ng, whohadpr esi dedov ert heLakeCi t yt r i al .He wasquest i onedbyAssi st antSt at eAt t or neyRi char dDor an. RI CHARD DORAN:Mr .Bundypr esent edar gumentt oy oudur i ngt hepenal t yphaseaf t ert hej ur y r et ur nedar ecommendat i on? WALLACEKI PLI NG: Yes. R.D. : Whatt y peofar gumentdi dhepr esenty ou? W.J.:I twasmucht hesameashepr esent edt ot hej ur y ,t hatt est i monywasnotsuf f i ci entt oj ust i f y t hev er di cti nt hef i r sti nst ance, andt hathewasbei ngper secut ed, t hatsor toft hi ng. R.D. :JudgeJopl i ng,di dy ouev erconductaf or malcompet encyhear i ngr egar di ngMr .Bundy ' sabi l i t y t oassi sthi scounsel ort oassi sthi msel fi nhi st r i al ? W.J. : No, Idi dn' t . R.D.: Coul dy ouexpl ai nf ort heCour twhyy oudi dnot ? W.J. :Thr eemai nr easons.Fi r st ,t her ehadbeenacompet encyhear i ngconduct edbef or eJudge Cowar t , emi nentj ur i sti nt heChiOmegacase, i ndet er mi ni ngoft hatcaseonl ysi xmont hsbef or et he caseIwaspr esi di ngov er ,andhehadbeenf oundcompet enti nt hat .Secondl y ,t hatt hei ssueof compet encywasnev err ai sedbef or emebyhi m orhi scounsel .Andt hi r d,andpr obabl ymost i mpor t ant l y ,wasbecauseIwasconv i ncedf r om t hewor dgot hathewasemi nent l ycompet entand capabl eofr at i onalunder st andi ngandconf er r i ngwi t hhi sl awy er , knewf ul l ywel lt heconsequencesof t hepr oceedi ngs. R.D. : Doy ouhav eanopi ni onast oTheodor eRober tBundy ' scompet encyt ost andt r i al ? W.J.:Iwoul dsay ,consi der i ng,Mr .Bundywasoneoft hemosti nt el l i gent ,ar t i cul at e,coher ent def endant sIhav eev erseen. R.D. :Doy ouf eelt hatMr .Bundyhadanappr eci at i onoft hechar geshewasf aci ngandt hepenal t yhe wasf aci ng? W.J. : Mostdef i ni t el y . R.D.: Coul dy ougi v emeaf act ual exampl ef ory ourr eason? W.J.:Hi sst at ement si nt hepenal t yphaset ot hej ur y ,sur el y ,t hewayheci t edt hecr uci f i xofChr i st , andot hert hi ngs[ t hat ]cer t ai nl yappl yi nt hedeat hpenal t yt ohi msel f ,andr eal i z i ngt hathewast hat , cer t ai nl yi ndi cat edt omet hatheunder st oodal l al ong. R.D.: Di dy ouhav eanoccasi onpr i ort ot r i al t oconv enef ort hepur posesofapl ea, accept i ngapl eaof gui l t yonMr .Bundy ' sbehal f ? W.J.: Yes, Idi d. IandJudgeCowar tmeti nTal l ahassee; weconv enedcour tj oi nt l y .Mr .Bundycamei nandwewer e i nexpect at i onoft hepl eabei ngent er edandt heusualdi al oguebeengagedi nbet weent hecour tand Mr .Bundy .Buthe,att hemomentwhent hatwasst ar t i ng,hear oseandbegant or eadf r om apaper at t acki ngMr .Mi ner v a, hi scounsel , andcl ai mi ngt hatMr .Mi ner v awasnotconv i ncedofhi si nnocence andwasnotst r ongl yenoughcont est i ngi tf orhi m.Whent hatwasdone,t hest at eat t or neyf ort he Thi r dJudi ci alCi r cui t , Iunder st and-Idi dnotheart hi sbutwi t hdr ewt heof f erofapl eaandt hehear i ng wasv er ysummar i l yt er mi nat ed. R. D. :JudgeJopl i ng, howwoul dy oucompar eTheodor eRober tBundy ' si ncompet encyt ost andt r i alt o al l t heot herdef endant swhoappear edbef or ey ouov ery ourmanyy ear sont hebench? W.J. : Iwoul dsayInev erseenay oungmant hatwasmor ei nt el l i gent , coher ent , ar t i cul at et hanhewas. Justast her ewer enobadf act s,f act st hatcoul dnotbef ol dedi nt oourt heor yoft hecase,t her e wer enobadwi t nesses.Ji m cr ossexami nedJudgeJopl i ng. JI M COLEMAN:Now,JudgeJopl i ng,y ouwer epr esentatt het i met hatMr .Bundywassupposedt o ent ert hepl eai nt het wocases.I st hatcor r ect ? W.J.: Yes, si r , Iwas. J.C.: Andy out est i f i edaboutwhaty ouobser v edatt hathear i ng? W.J.: Yes.
J. C. :AndIbel i ev ey out est i f i edt hatMr .Bundygotupandst ar t edt oat t ackMr .Mi ner v a.Thatwas unexpect ed? W.J.: Onmypar ti twas. J.C.: Whatwasy ourr eact i ont ot hat ? W.J.:Wel l , Iwoul dpr obabl ysaysomesur pr i seonmypar t , andsomedi sappoi nt mentt hatt hewhol e mat t erwasbei ngabor t ed.Seemedt omet hati twaswor ki ngt owar dar easonabl esol ut i onofal lof t hesepr obl emsandchar ges, andIcan' thel pt osayIwassomewhatdi sappoi nt ed. J.C. :Now, y oui ndi cat edt hatt her ear et hr eer easonst haty oudi dn' tr ai set hei ssueofcompet encyat y ourt r i al . W.J.: Yes. J.C.: Yousai dt hef i r stwasbecauset her ehadbeenacompet encyhear i ngi nChi Omegacase.I st hat cor r ect ? W.J. : That ' s, t hatwasone. J.C. : Coul dy out el l mewhyt hatwassi gni f i cant ? W.J. :Wel l ,numberone,asIal l udedt o,Ihadav er yhi ghr espectf orJudgeCowar t ,pr esi di ngj udge whomadet hatr ul i ng.AndIf el tt hatt her ul i ng, hi sr ul i ngwasent i t l edt or espectf r om me. J.C. : Soi si tf ai rt osayt haty ouf el tsomewhatboundbyJudgeCowar t ' sr ul i ng? W.J. : No, Idi dn' tf eel boundbyi t , butIf el ti twasr easonabl eandt hatIwoul daccepti t . J.C. :Wer ey ouawar eoft hepr oceedi ngst hathadpr ecededJudgeCowar t ' sdet er mi nat i ont hatMr . Bundywascompet ent ? W.J. :Idon' tknowexact l ywhatt i mei twas.Isawt hatpr oceedi ng,ImeanIhear dal loft he,r eadt he v ar i ousr epor t s.I twassomet i mel at ert hatIl ear nedaboutwhatwentont her e. J.C. : Nowt el l mewhaty oul ear nedaboutwhatwentont her e? W.J.:Wel l ,Il ear nedMr .Br i anHay eswasappoi nt edt or epr esentMr .Bundyi nt hatpr oceedi ng,Mr . Bundynotbei ngwi l l i ngt oMr .Bundycont endi nghewasent i r el ycompet entandMr .Hay eswas pr esent i ngt hatcont ent i ononhi sbehal f .Andt hathedi dmakesuchacont ent i on,t hatt heyhadt he t est i monyorr epor t sofDr .Cl eckl ey ,whodecl ar edhi mt obecompet ent ,andofDr .Tanaywho concededDr .Cl eckl ey ' semi nencei nt hef i el dofpsy chi at r yoft hi st y pe, andofDr .Tanay ' st est i mony , al l ofwhi chwasconsi der edbyJudgeCowar t . J.C. :Nowy ousai dt haty oubecameawar eoft hi satsomepoi ntf ol l owi ngt hepr oceedi ngs.Woul d t hathav ebeenf ol l owi ngt hepr oceedi ngsi nChi Omega, butbef or et het r i al i nLakeCi t y ? W. J.:Real l y ,Ican' tt el ly ouexact l ywheni twas.Ij ustcan' tsay[ at ]whatpoi ntIl ear nedmor eoft he det ai l sIj ustr eci t edaboutt hatcompet encyhear i ng. J. C. : Cany out el l mef r om whom y oul ear nedt hedet ai l soft hecompet encyhear i ng? W.J. : Pr obabl yf r om t hest at e, t hest at eat t or ney ' sof f i ce. J. C. :Andcany out el lmet heci r cumst ancesunderwhi chy oul ear nedt hedet ai l soft hecompet ency hear i ngf r om t hest at e? W.J. :Iam t r y i ngt or ecol l ect .Mayhav ebeenaf t ert hev er di ct ,af t ert hegui l t yv er di ct ,andmayhav e beenaf t ert hat . J. C. : I nChi Omega? W.J. : No, af t ert hegui l t yv er di cti nt heLeachcase. j .C.: I si tpossi bl et hati twasbef or et hegui l t yv er di ct ? W.J.: Coul dhav ebeenbef or et hat . J. C. :Andcany ou,doy our ecal lwhet hert hi swasameet i ngofal lcounselorwast hi sj ustameet i ng bet weeny ouandt her epr esent at i v e f r om t hest at eat t or ney ' sof f i ce? W.J. :Idon' tr ecol l ectanyoft hedet ai l soft hatbei ngf ur ni shed.Ir emembert hat ,Ir ememberseei ng t her epor t st hat , somet i medur i ngt hel at t erpar toft hi st r i al . J.C. :Myquest i oni s,whet herMr .Af r i canooranyoft hel awy er sr epr esent i ngMr .Bundywer eawar e t haty ouhadbeenpr esent edwi t ht hi smat er i al ? W.J. : Iam notcer t ai n.Icoul dn' tst andher eandsayIknowi fhedi d. J. C. : Soi t ' spossi bl et hatMr .Af r i canowasnotev enawar eoft hat ?
W.J.: That ' spossi bl e. J. C. : Now, di dy our eadDr .Tanay ' sr epor twhent hest at epr esent edi tt oy ou? W.J.: Yes, Idi d. J. C. :Andt hatr epor tr ai sedquest i onsaboutwhet herMr .Bundywascompet entt ost andt r i al .I st hat cor r ect ? W.J.: Wel l , t her epor tsuggest edt hat . J. C. : Suggest edt hathewasnotcompet entt ost andt r i al .I st hatcor r ect ? w.j . : Yes, Iwoul dsay , sayso. J. C. : Suggest edt hathewoul dacti nawayt oj eopar di z ehi sowncase.I st hatcor r ect ? W.J. : Idon' tr ecal l t hatspeci f i cal l y . J.C. :Letmeasky ou, y ouhav ei ndi cat edt haty oual sol ear nedt hatMr .Hay eshadbeenappoi nt edt o r epr esentMr .Bundyatt hecompet encyhear i ng. W.J. : Yes. J. C. :Anddi dy oual sol ear nt hatMr .Bundyhadr ef usedt ohav et hei ssueofhi scompet encyadv anced byhi sl awy er s? W.J.: Yes, si r .Yes, Iknewt hat . J.C. :Anddi dy ouknow t hatMr .Mi ner v aandt heot herl awy er swhor epr esent edMr .Bundydi dnot t est i f yatt hecompet encyhear i ngbef or eJudgeCowar t ? W.J. : Idi dn' tknowwhet hert heydi dordi dnot . J.C. : Youhadnoknowl edge? W.J.: No. J.C.:Di dy ouknow t hatbot hpar t i esi nt hecompet encyhear i ngar guedt oJudgeCowar tt hatMr . Bundyoughtt obef oundcompet ent .Wer ey ouawar eoft hat ? W.J.: Yes. J. C. :Hav ey ouev erseenacompet encyhear i ngwher et hr eemot i onshav ebeenf i l edt ochal l enge,t o r ai sequest i onsaboutwhet heradef endanti scompet ent , andnopar t yappear satt hehear i ngt oar gue i nf av oroft hemot i ons? W.J.: No, Ihav en' t . J. C. : Wheny ousayy ouhadhear dofJudgeCowar t ' sr ul i ngast ocompet ency , coul dy ouex pl ai nwhyi t wast haty ouf oundt hatwassi gni f i cant ? W.J.:Wel l , becauseIunder st oodt hatt her ehadbeenacompet encyhear i ng, l i keIsay .IknewJudge Cowar tandknewhi sabi l i t yandknewt hathewoul dhav er equi r edapr operhear i ngandt hathi sr ul i ng, i nmyopi ni on, woul dbeper suasi v eonme.Notbi ndi ng, butper suasi v e. J.C. :Sobaseduponwhaty ouknew aboutJudgeCowar tasaj ur i st ,i twasy ouropi ni ont hatt hat hear i nghadbeent hor oughandcompl et eandex pl or edal l t hel egal possi bi l i t i es? W.J.: Thatwasmyassumpt i on. Assi st antSt at eAt t or neyRi char dDor ancal l edBr i anHay est ot hest and,t heat t or neywhohad r epr esent edTedatt hecompet encyhear i ngandagai n,br i ef l y ,j ustaf t ert heChiOmegat r i al ,ona mot i onf oranew t r i al .JohnSandageandAndyMunr ohadi nt er v i ewedBr i anHay esaf ew mont hs ear l i erandhadf oundhi mt obeacor di alandt hought f ull awy erwhobel i ev edhi sassi gnedj obhad beent our geTed' scompet ence,notquest i oni t .Heal soacknowl edgedt hatbyt het i mehehadseen Tedagai natt heendoft het r i al ,hehadseemedst r angel yunconcer nedaboutt heout come.Wedi d notconsi derBr i anHay est obeanadv er sewi t ness. RI CHARDDORAN:Woul dy oudescr i bey ourappoi nt mentasspeci alcounselt oMr .Bundyatt heLeon Count ycompet encyhear i ng? BRI ANHAYES:Thi swasauni queappoi nt ment ,oneIhadnev erqui t ehadbef or e.Accor di ngt omy t i mer ecor ds,Iwascal l edbyJudgeCowar tonJunef our t h,1979,andheadv i sedmet hathewoul d appr eci at ei tv er ymuchandofcour seweasl awy er sknowwhatt hatmeans, whenhesay shewoul d appr eci at ei tv er ymuch,t hatmeantchangey ourcal endar -i fIwoul dr epr esentTedBundyf orone hear i ng, andhei ndi cat edatt het i met hatt hehear i ngwasgoi ngt obeacompet encyhear i ngandt hat he,JudgeCowar t ,hadr ai sedt hei ssuebecauset hedef endanti nt hi scasewasdi si ncl i nedt odoso
andhewasf ussi ngwi t hMi keMi ner v a, hi sl awy er , andappar ent l yt her ewasapendi ngmot i onf orMr . Mi ner v aei t hert ogetoutort obeaut hor i z edt ogetout ,andmay beamot i onbyMr .Bundyt ol ethi m pr ose[ onhi sown] . Hay esadmi t t edt hathehadnotbeenpr i v yt ot heconductofBundywi t hMi ner v abecauseMi ner v a hadf i l edwhatHay escal l edonl ya" bar ebones"compet encymot i on,si nceTedhadnotwai v edt he at t or ney cl i entpr i v i l ege.Het est i f i edt hathei nt er v i ewedBundyf oranhourandahal fonedayand t henf or t y f i v emi nut esbef or et hehear i ng. R.D.: Whatwasy ourr ol edur i ngt hehear i ngont hecompet encyi ssue? B.H.: Iwasappoi nt edt or epr esentt hedef endant , andmyr ol ei nt hatcasei snodi f f er entt hanmyr ol e i nanycase.Iwast oser v ehi si nt er est .Andt hatmeans, amongot hert hi ngs, ofcour se, doi ngwhathe want edmet odowi t hi n, ofcour se, t heet hi csofwhatIcoul ddo, andIt hi nkIdi di t . R.D.:Whatwast hebasi sofy ourar gumenti nsuppor toft hei deat hatMr .Bundywascompet entt o st andt r i al ? B.H.:Asi ndi cat ed,Ispentsomet i mewi t hMr .Bundyatt heLeonCount yj ai ladv i si nghi m ofwhoI was, whatIper cei v edmyf unct i ont obe.Hewasawar eoft hehear i ngcomi ngupandweconf er r edat somel engt h.Hewasv er y , v er yi nsi st entt hatdi dnotwi sht hedef enser ai sed, di dnotgoal ongwi t hMr . Mi ner v ar ai si ngi t , andwasupsetwi t hMi keMi ner v a, andpr oceededt ogi v eme, r ef er r i ngt omynot es, t henamesoff i v el awy er swhocoul dt est i f ynotonl yt ohi sl egalski l l ,buthi sknowl edgeoft hel egal sy st em andhi sabi l i t yt ogof or war d. Andbasedont hat ,mydi scussi onwi t hhi m,Icr ankedupf ort hehear i ngaccor di ngl y .Andast he r ecor dI ' m sur er ef l ect s, hewasawar eofwhatDr .Tanaysai d.I nf act , whenhecal l edmeathomehe i mi t at edt hev oi ceofDr .Tanayi nsor tofanEast er nEur opeant y pev oi ce-v er ygoodi mi t at i onbyt he way .Buthedi dn' thav emuchr egar df orDr .TanayorDr .Cl eckl ey[ t hest at e' sappoi nt edpsy chi at r i stat t he compet encyhear i ng) .Di dn' thav emuchr egar df orMi keMi ner v a.Hef el tt heP.D.of f i cewasn' tdoi ng t hei rj ob.Hehadwant edMi l l ar dFar merf r om At l ant at or epr esenthi m. R.D. :Letmeasky ou,i nt er msof ,y ousayy oucr ankedupf ory ourmot i on,wheny oucr ankedupf or y ourmot i on, di dy our ef ert ot hecr i t er i at hatar esetouti nt her ul est odi scusscompet ency ? B. H. :Absol ut el y .Butbeari nmi ndIwasr epr esent i nghi m andhedi dnotwantt oasser tt hatasa def ense-atal l .Ei t heri nsani t yatt het i meori nsani t yori ncompet encet opr oceedt ost andt r i al . R.D. : Coul dy ougi v eusy ourper sonal obser v at i onsofMr .Bundywheny ouf i r stmethi m? B.H. :WhenImetMr .Bundyatt hej ai li twasappr ox i mat el yonep.m., accor di ngt omynot es.Hewas wel l dr essed, wel l gr oomed, hi sshoesappear edt obeshi ned.Hewasv er yaf f abl et hatwor dhasbeen usedt oday , buthecer t ai nl ywas.Hewassmi l i ng, wechat t ed. R.D.: Washeabl et oshar ewi t hy oucer t ai nf act st ot hi spar t i cul armot i ont haty ouf el twer ehel pf ul ? B.H. :No,notr eal l y .Theonl yt hi ngt hathei ndi cat ed-hewasi nsi st entt hathewascompet entnow, t hathehadv ar i ouspeopl et hatcoul dcor r obor at ehi scompet ency , andt hatheseemi ngl yi ndi cat edhe wasgi v ent hesemedi calexamsort hesepsy chi at r i cex amsl ar gel ywi t houthi sconsent .I twas Mi ner v a' si dea.Andhet houghti twasabadt act i candbadj udgmentand,mostofal l ,i twasn' tt r ue. Hewascompet entast hedaywasl ongandhewant edt ogot ot r i al . R.D.: Di dMr .Bundyappeart oy out ounder st andt heconceptofcompet encyt ogot ot r i al ? B.H. :That ' sa-y ouknow,heappear edt omet ounder st andwhatIwassay i ngandheappear edt o under st andt hepur poseoft hehear i ng.Hedi dnotwantt obeadj udgedi ncompet entt ost andt r i al .He want edhi st r i alt obehad.Hi sonl yf usswast hathedi dn' tt hi nkhi sl awy er swer er eadyt ot r yi tr i ght t hen.Hehadf i l ed, It hi nkt hedaybef or e, amot i onf orcont i nuance.Butnot hi ngwasr ai sed, Imeanhe di dn' t i ndi cat et omet hathewasunf ami l i arwi t ht het est sf ori ncompet ence. AndIi ndi cat edt ohi mI ' m sur ewhatIt el lev er ydef endantwhowant st or epr esenthi msel f .Idon' t hav ei ti nmynot es,butIof t ent i mescomeacr ossdef endant st hatwantt or epr esentt hemsel v es.I t j usthappensi nourpr act i cet hat , especi al l yr epeatof f ender s, t heycomebackandt hey -Idon' tknowi f t hey ' v er eadsomel awbooksi nt hest at epr i sonsy st em, butt heywantt or epr esentt hemsel v es.AndI
hav eav er yst andar dl i t t l et al kIgi v et hem andI ' v ebeengi v i ngi tf ory ear sandIwoul dguessIpr obabl y t ol dMr .Bundyt hesamet hi ng, butIcan' tbesur e. I t ' sgener al l yagai nst , Ial mosti nv ar i abl yadv i seagai nstany bodyr epr esent i ngt hemsel v es, andIt el l t hem ast or yconnect edwi t ht hat ,andIusual l ysayI ' m notcompet entt or epr esentmy sel f .AndIt el l t hem ast or ywher eIwasi nv ol v edi nasmaI lci v i lcaseandhi r edal awy er ,andIkeptbadger i ngmy l awy ert hewhol et i me, unt i lhef i nal l yt ol dmet oshutupandsi tdownandl ethi mt r yt hecase, whi ch he di dandwhi chhewon,af ussov ersomei nv est ment .Ir eal i z edaf t ert hat , t hat ,y ouknow, Idon' tt hi nk har dl yany bodydoesav er ygoodj obofr epr esent i ngt hemsel v es.It hi nki t ' sal mostaphy si cal i mpossi bi l i t y .That ' sf r om awi sdom st andpoi nt , t hat ' snotf r om a, f r om t heact ualabi l i t yt ogot hr ough t hemot i ons.Ij ustdon' tt hi nki t ' sav er ysmar ti deaandI ' m sur eIt ol dMr .Bundyt hat . Br i anHay eswascr ossexami nedbyJi m Col eman. JI M COLEMAN:Now,wheny out al kedt oMr .Bundy ,di dheex pr essanyconcer natal laboutt he char gesagai nsthi m andaboutt heconsequencesi fhewer econv i ct ed? B.H.: No. J.C. :Di dheev erdur i ngt het i met haty ousawhi m,ei t herf ort hecompet encyhear i ngort heappeal andt hemot i onf oranewt r i al , ex pr essanyconcer n? B.H.:No.AndIf oundt hat -notnecessar i l yatt hecompet encyhear i ng,butatt hemot i onf oranew t r i al , whenIsawhi mi ncour t -her ewasamanwhowasconv i ct edandsent encedt ot hechai r , andIdi d r emar kt hatIf oundi tunusualt hathewasn' tex t r emel yanx i ousandupsetbyt hat ,becausei nmy ex per i enceal ldef endant scant al kaboutatt hatpoi nti swhen,how mucht i mehav eIgot .Tot hat ex t ent , Iwoul dconsi dert hatoutoft henor m, unusual . J.C.:Andi nf act ,hebasi cal l ydi smi ssedt hewhol et hi ngandt houghtt hatt her ewer esomel egal pr obl emst hatwoul dbet akencar eofonappeal .I sn' tt hatcor r ect ? B.H.:Theadj ect i v et hatcomest omi ndi s" bl asé"aboutt heconv i ct i onwhi ch,asIi ndi cat ed,If ound unusual . J.C. :Now i sn' ti tal socor r ectt hatdur i ngt het i met haty our epr esent edhi mi nconnect i onwi t ht he compet encymat t erhehadnoi nt er esti naddr essi ngt hemer i t soft hati ssue? B.H.:Hi si nt er estandhi si nst r uct i onst omewer et onotaddr ess, notgeti nt ot hef act s, f ori nst ance, ofDr .Cl eckl ey / sf i ndi ng ofsoci opat hybutcompet ent ,and Dr .Tanay ' sf i ndi ngs,Ibel i ev e,of per sonal i t ydi sor der .Hedi dnotwantmet oex pl or ei t , l esti tbei nt er pr et edt obeanadmi ssi ont hathe wassomehowi ncompet ent . J.C. : Ri ght .Andy ouabi dedbyt hatwi shonhi spar t ? B.H.:Yes.If el tIhadnochoi ce.Iwasappoi nt edt or epr esenthi m,andt hat ' swhathewant edt odo. Unl esshewasaski ngmet odosomet hi ngt hatbot her edmesomuchIwoul dhav et ogot ot hej udge t oadher et ohi swi shes, Iwasgoi ngt of ol l owwhathet ol dme. J.C. :Nowdi dn' ty oual sogett hei mpr essi ont hatMr .Bundy ' sr eali nt er esti nt hesepr oceedi ngswas t oappeart obe" asophi st i cat edl awy eri nahi ghpr of i l ecase" ? B.H.:If or medt hatj udgment , It hi nk, att hemot i onf oranewt r i al , af t ert al ki ngt ohi m andr eadi ngi n t henewspaper sandIdoadmi tIr eadal lt henewspaperaccount sofi t andIf or medasubj ect i v e per sonal j udgmentt hathewasi nt er est edi nbei ngahi ghpr of i l el awy er . Thest at ecal l edDr .Pet erMacal uso,phy si ci anf orLeonCount yj ai li n197879.Het est i f i edt hathe had pr escr i bed At i v an f orTed f oranx i et yand Li mbi t r olf oragi t at ed depr essi on and had al so di agnosedTedassuf f er i ngf r om " acut eanx i et yneur osi s."Hehador der edt het abl et scr ushed becauseTedhadbeencaughthoar di ngpi l l s, andpi l l shadal sobeeni nt er cept edont hei rwayi nt ot he j ai l .Hesai dhehadnotseenanysy mpt omsofamaj orment al i l l ness. Agai n,ev ent houghDr .Macal usowast hest at e' swi t ness,ev enhi sdi r ectt est i monywasv er y v al uabl et ous.Fi r st ,hi sr ecor dsandt henur se' snot eswer ei ndependentconf i r mat i ont hatTedwas hav i ngsomeki ndofment alpr obl em att het i meoft hepl eabar gai nandcompet encyhear i ngand ev ensi xmont hsear l i er .Second,het r eat edTedwi t hpsy choact i v emedi cat i on,wasunabl et ocont r ol
hi scondi t i on,r ecommendedapsy chi at r i cconsul t at i on,andnooneel seknew aboutanyofi t .Not Ted' sl awy er s, notDr .Tanay ,notJudgeCowar t ,Br i anHay es-noneoft hepeopl ewhower ei nv ol v ed i nev al uat i nghi sment al compet encyatt hatv er ysamet i me. Oncr ossex ami nat i on,Dr .Macal usowasnear l yasunr esponsi v eashehadbeenont hedayI ' d seenhi mi nTal l ahassee.Hecl ear l ydi dnotwantt obeher e. JI M COLEMAN: Di dy ouadv i seany bodyt haty ouwer epr escr i bi ngt hesedr ugsf orMr .Bundy ? PETERMACALUSO: Idon' tf ol l owy ourquest i on. J. C. : Wel l , di dy ouadv i seany bodyt haty ouwer epr escr i bi ngt hedr ugsf orMr .Bundy ? P.M.: Thenur seandMr .Bundy . J. C. : Doy ouknowi fMr .Bundy ' sat t or ney sar eawar ey ouwer epr escr i bi ngt hesedr ugs? P.M.: Iam notawar e. Ji mr ev i ewedf orDr .Macal usot hecont ent soft he1979j ai lr ecor ds.St ar t i ngont hef our t eent hof May ,Tedwasr ecei v i ngonet abl etofAt i v anatni ght .Then,ont het went y ei ght hhebeganr ecei v i ng t womi l l i gr amsdur i ngt hemor ni ngi ncl udi ngonMay31, t hemor ni ngoft hepl eaagr eementhear i ng.A nur se' snot et hatdayst at es:" Hewasdepr essedandneededt ot al kwi t hsomeone."Tedwaspl aced onsui ci de wat ch.OnJune1,hewasdi spl ay i ng+4anx i et y t het opoft hescal e.Thenot esst at e," Hewas ex t r emel yagi t at edwi t hsy mpt omsofdepr essi on."Thepl anofact i onwast ost opt heAt i v an,a t r anqui l i z er , andt r yot hermedi cat i on.OnJune8, Dr .Macal uso' snot est hatBundywas" sl i ght l ybet t er , "hi sanx i et yr educedt o+2,butwi t h+4r epr essedangeranddespai r .Thepl anofact i onwas psy chi at r i cconsul t at i onf oranypsy chot r opi cdr ugs.Hewasgi v enchl or hy dr at e,apsy choact i v e sedat i v e,onl yunt i lpsy chi at r i cconsul t at i oncoul dbeobt ai ned.I twasor der edt hatday ,butt her ewas noi ndi cat i oni tev eroccur r ed.Dr .Macal usocl ai medabsol ut el ynor ecol l ect i oni ndependentoft he r ecor ds. Fi nal l y ,t hest at eputoni t st wost arwi t nessest hei rpsy chi at r i st s.Nei t herhadconduct edan ex ami nat i onori nt er v i ewwi t hTedori nt er v i ewedhi sf ami l yorhi sat t or ney s,ot hert hanVi cAf r i cano, whowasi nt er v i ewedbyonl yoneoft hedoct or s, Dr .UmeshMaht r e.Bot hhadr ev i ewedwr i t t enr ecor ds pr ov i dedt ot hem byt hest at e.Thei rt est i monywassi mpl yi ncr edi bl e.Thef i r stt ot est i f ywasDr . Char l esMut t erwho,byhi sowncount ,hadt est i f i ed" appr ox i mat el yat housandt i mes."Heappear ed t obeagr eatadmi r erofTed. RI CHARDDORAN:Di dy ouseeev i dence[ i nt her ecor d]t hatMr .Bundywasabl et oappr eci at et he nat ur eoft hechar gesagai nsthi m andt heser i ousnessoft hepenal t i est hatwer epossi bl e? CHARLESMUTTER: Yes. R.D.: Wher edi dy ouseet hi s? C.M.:Ev er y wher e.It hi nkwhatt hi smandi dwasbr i l l i ant .AndIt hi nkt hathewasabl et o,i nhi sv er y det ai l ed, or gani z ed, met i cul ousr esear choft hef act sandt hei ssues, cer t ai nl yknewt hegr av i t yoft he char ges.Thi si s ev i denced i n hi s wor dby wor d ar gumentwhen he asked Mr .Mi ner v at o be di schar gedascounsel[ att heabor t edpl eahear i ng] .Andt hi si shi swor dsandt est i mony ,whi chi s ex t r emel ycompel l i ng.Ver yspeci f i cal l y , hedi dnotwantt hi smant obehi scounsel becausehi s bel i efwas, howcanamanwhodoesnotbel i ev ei nmer epr esentme.It hi nk, Idon' tt hi nky oucanbeat t hat .Thi si scompel l i ng.Thi si sl uci d.Thi si sr at i onal .Ev enamanwhosel l sacarorsel l sapr oduct mustbeconv i ncedabouthi spr oduct . Thi smancer t ai nl ywasawar eoft henat ur eofhi schar gesandgr av i t yoft hei mpl i cat i ons,andhi s r equest i ngt het y peofr epr esent at i on[ of ]somebodywhobel i ev esi nhi m, suppor t shi m, i sv er yl uci d.I f Iwer eadef endantIwoul dn' twantt ohav esomebodyt hatt houghtIwasal oserr epr esentme.Idon' t t hi nkt her e' sany t hi ngi l l ogi cal aboutt hat .Idon' tt hi nky ouhav et obeapsy chi at r i stt of i gur et hatout . Ofcour se, t hatwasoneofr easonst hatTed' sr ant i ngmot i onatt hepl eahear i ngwassocr az y :Ted hi msel fhadadmi t t edhi sgui l twhenheaut hor i z edpl eanegot i at i onsi nt hef i r stpl ace.Ther eal mal f easancewoul dhav ebeeni fMi ner v ahadnotbel i ev edTedwasgui l t yy ethadst i l lpur suedagui l t y
pl ea.Dr .Mut t ercont i nuedsi ngi ngTed' spr ai ses. C.M.:Iam al soawar et hatMr .Bundyhadl egalt r ai ni ng, becauset hi si spar tofhi shi st or y , andIt hi nk t hatt hebr i l l i anceofMr .Bundyspeaksf ori t sel fi nanot herway , i nt her ecor d, andt hat , t hatdur i ngt he t r i alt her ewer ev er yf ewt i mest hatt hej udgesust ai nedanyobj ect i onsbyopposi ngcounsel .Now, t he j udgecer t ai nl yi si ncont r oloft hecour t , heknowswhati sgoi ngon, andhi sar gument satt i meswer e br i l l i ant , v er yl ogi cal , andv er yl uci d.Theydi dn' twi n, butt heywer est i l lcompel l i ngandt heywer emor e i mpor t ant .Thei ssuei sment alst at usex ami nat i on.Ev er y t hi nghedi dwasor gani z ed.I twasgoal di r ect ed.I twasr easonabl et oaf aul t , pr act i cal l y . R.D. :Whatwer ey ouri mpr essi onsofMr .Bundy ' spr esent at i on,v i sàv i saf act ualunder st andi ngof t hecase? C.M.:Wel l , t her ewasnodoubtt hatwhathesai dwasv er ycompel l i ng.It hi nki twasdesi gnedt oel i ci t sy mpat hy ,t ohav esomebodyr ef l ectuponwhatwasgoi ngon,[ a]r ecapoft hef act soft hecase, [ i ncl udi ng]hi sbei ngupsetwhyani ndi v i dual[ was]pi ckedasaj ur orwhenhel ostopt i onst oIguess [ def endant s]hav e[ onl y ]somanyopt i onst oex cl udej ur or s.Iam notal awy er , buthecer t ai nl yknowsa l otmor e aboutt hi st hanIdo, andani ndi v i dualmi ghtpossi bl ybebi asedagai nsthi msel f , whi chwasoneoft he segment soft hi sar gument . Thei deaofhi sbel i efaboutt hepr ess,t hepoweroft hepr ess,andt hat[ t hepr ess]r eal l yt r i edhi m andconv i ct edhi m.Hi scompel l i ngar gumentt hatt heonl yl i v i ngi ndi v i dual ,ort heonl yper son,who coul dr eal l yex cul pat ehi m wast hev i ct i m.It hi nkt hi sav er ycompel l i ngar gument . See, i fwehav eaper sonwhoi smani corbi pol arorpsy chot i cori nsane, i tmeans, bydef i ni t i on, t hat t hesepeopl ear eoutoft ouchwi t hr eal i t y .Thatmeanst heydon' tknowwhati sr ealandwhati snot r eal .I fMr .Bundygav eanar gumenti nsent enci ngt hatwast ot al l yi r r el ev ant ,andoutofcont ex twi t h ev er y t hi ngt hathappened, hi st al kaboutsomebodywayouti nl ef tf i el d, t angent i al , notcoher ent , t hen cer t ai nl yt her ewoul dbeagoodr easonf orany onet oquest i ont hi sman' sment al st at e. Thi sman' sar gument swer ebr i l l i ant .Thi smani sbr i l l i ant .Hehasbeatt wodeat hwar r ant s.I st hat i nsani t y ? Ji m andIl i kedt ot hi nkwehadsomet hi ngt odowi t ht hosedeat hwar r ant sbei ngbeat en. R.D. :Doct or ,l etmet al kt oy ouamomentaboutMr .Bundy ' sr el at i onshi pwi t hhi sat t or neyMi chael Mi ner v a.Your ev i ewedt hedocument s,af f i dav i t sofMr .Mi ner v ar egar di nghi ssi t uat i onr epr esent i ng Mr .Bundy ? C.M.: Yes, Idi d. R.D. : Howdoy ouexpl ai nMr .Mi ner v a' sat t i t udesi ndeal i ngswi t hMr .Bundy ? C.M. :Ego.Her ei sanat t or neywhoi st r y i ngt odef endhi scl i ent ,andcl i entwi l lnothel phi m.May be cl i enti ssmar t ert hant heat t or ney , andi nt hi scase, orhasbet t ermy t hol ogi calor gani z at i on, andwhat el sei st hemangoi ngt osay ? R.D.:I ny ourr ev i ewoft her ecor d, di dy ouseeanyr edf l agst hatmi ghtcal li nt oquest i onMr .Bundy ' s ment al compet ence? C.M.: I nmyopi ni onmyj udgmentwasbasedonwhatIsaw-no.Ther ewasnot hi ngher et hatshowed t hi smanwasshowi ngsi gnsof[ bei ng]outoft ouchwi t hr eal i t y ,outoft hescopeofr eal i t yt est i ng,or doi ngt hi ngsunr easonabl e. Thest at et hencal l edDr .UmeshMaht r et ot hest and.He, t oo, cl ai medt ohav eseennoev i dencei n t her ecor dt hatsuggest edTedmayhav ebeeni ncompet entatt r i al . R.D. : Howaboutanyev i dencer egar di ngwhet herornotMr .Bundywasabl et or el at et ohi sat t or ney s? UMESHMAHTRE:No.I nf act , t heyr el at edv er ywel l .Mr .Af r i canoi ndi cat edani nci dent , whi ch, t ogeta poi ntacr oss, Mr .Buddyandhewer eget t i ngr eadyf ort hecl osi ngar gument s, andMr .Bundyt ol dhi m t hathewaswr ong.Mr .Af r i canopr ompt l ygotv er yupsetandangr yandt houghtt hat ,Gee,nobodyi s goi ngt ot el lmeI ' m wr ong.Hear guedMr .Bundyf oraboutanhourandf i nal l yconsi der edt hatMr . Bundywascor r ectandchangedhi sor alar gument .Thatshowst hatev ent hought heydi sagr eedand hadsomedi f f er ences, t heywer eabl et opat chi tupandgetonwi t ht hemai nt r ackagai nandpr ov i de auni t edf r ont .
R.D. : HowaboutMr .Bundy ' sabi l i t yt or espondt ot hechal l engeoft hepr osecut i on' swi t nesses? U.M. :It hi nkhehasdoneanext r emel ygoodj obofi t .Youknow,hehasdeposedal otofpeopl e.Dr . Li pkov i c[ t hemedi calexami ner ]t est i f i edhowMr .Bundyaskedhi m sev er alquest i onsaboutmaggot s andt hi ngsl i ket hat ,andhewasr eal l yi mpr esseddur i ngmyconv er sat i onwi t hhi m,t hathewas sur pr i sedt hatheknewsomuchaboutt hi ngst hatmostev enl awy er sdon' tknow. R.D. :Di dy our ev i ewanyoft her ecor dsoft heOr angeCount yj ai lr egar di ngt het i mepr i ort ot heLake Ci t yt r i al ? U.M. :Yes, si r , Idi d, andIdi dn' tf i ndany t hi ngofanyser i ousnessi nt hat .Goi ngbackt oLeonCount y , I hadex t ensi v econv er sat i onwi t ht het wonur ses,j ustt ol ett hecour tunder st andwhatshapeMr . Bundywasi n.Hehaswr i t t enal et t ert oJane[ si c]Tumert hatsher eadt omeont hephonei nwhi ch Bundyhadmadesev er alr equest s.Ther equest sf ordent alAossev enspeci f i edt hathewant edone unwaxedbecausei nhi sopi ni onunwaxeddent al Aossdoesabet t erj obt hant hewax edone.Heasked f ornai l f i l est omani cur ehi snai l s.Heaskedf orbodyl ot i ont okeephi sski ni nt act .Askedf orv i t ami ns. It al kedt oDor ot hyJohnson,whosai dt hatBundywasal way sv er yf r i endl y .Ev er yt i meany body passedbyhespentsomet i met al ki ngt oy ouandcar r y i ngonconv er sat i ons,andsheusedt hewor d t hathewasj ov i al ,di dnoti ndi cat ehewasex cessi v el yhappy ,butj ustal way sv er yj ov i alandmor e f r i endl yper son. R.D. : WhataboutMr .Lubek' sobser v at i onr egar di ngMr .Bundy ' sappear ance? U.M. :Wel l ,Mr .Lubekal sov er yemphat i cal l yst at edandt houghtsomet hi ngbadabout[ t hef actt hat ] Mr .Bundywaswel ldr essed.Hehasbeenv er ywel ldr essedt hr oughoutt het r i alher e.Bei ngwel l dr essedi snotsomet hi ngbad.I t ' ssomet hi nggood.Weal lr ai seourchi l dr ent o,say ,getdr essed pr oper l y .Bei ngwel ldr essedi ndi cat est hathewasnotdepr essed, i ndi cat est hathehadmot i v at i ont o keepuphi s appear ance.I fy our ev i ewedt henot esandev al uat i onsdonei nt hepastbysev er alpeopl e,oneoft he t hi ngst hatev er y bodywasv er yobser v antandi mpr essedabouti shi sneedf orper sonalappear ance. Ev eni nt heLeonCount yj ai lhewasconcer nedaboutdent alf l ossandhi sdent alcar e, hi sbodycr eam, hi sski ncondi t i on.It hi nkt hat ' sgr eat , showst hatMr .Bundydef i ni t el yi snotdepr essed. R.D.: Mr .Kennedyt est i f i edi ndet ai l aboutar r angement sr egar di ngt hemar r i aget oCar ol eBoone? U.M. :Yes,Ihav esather ej ustamaz edt hatpeopl ear esoupsett hatMr .Bundygotmar r i edi nt he cour t r oom.Whet herpeopl e shoul d getmar r i ed i nt he cour t r oom orsomewher e el se i st hei r pr er ogat i v e.Ihav eseenpeopl edr oppi ngwi t hpar achut est ent housandf eetf r om t heai rmar r y i ngon t hewaydown.Iwasmy sel fi nv ol v edi namar r i agewher epeopl ewer ebei ngf l owni napl aneget t i ng mar r i edandev er y bodyel sesatont hegr ound.AndIhav eknownofpeopl ewi t hgeari nt hei rmout h t aki ngv owsunder neat ht hewat er . I nconcl usi on,Dr .Maht r et est i f i ed," Ihav enodoubtt hatMr .Bundywasmor ecompet entt hanany ot herper sonIhav eex ami nedsof ar ."NodoubtTedenj oy edt hest at e' sev i dencemuchmor et han our s.Ji m askedDr .Maht r eonl yaf ewquest i ons. JI M COLEMAN:Dr .Lewi sr el at edi nhert est i monyani nci dentf r om Mr .Bundy ' schi l dhoodi nv ol v i ng kni v es.Doy our ecal l t hat ? U.M.: Wel l , ar ewet al ki ngaboutt hecat sanddogs? J.C.: No.We' r et al ki ngaboutt hekni v es. U.M. : Kni v es, y es. J.C.: Di dy ouf i ndt hatsi gni f i cant , t hatki ndofbehav i or ? U.M. : Wel l , Icomef r om at ownwher ei t ' snotunusual f orki dst ocar r ygunsandkni v es. J. C. : Att hr ee? U.M. : Att hr eeIhav eseenpeopl ecar r ykni v es. Wi t ht heconcl usi onofDr .Maht r e' st est i mony , t hest at ehadf i ni shedput t i ngoni t sev i dence.St i l l t o comewer ef i nalar gument st ot i eal lt het est i monyt oget her ,andt henanoppor t uni t y accor di ngt o JudgeShar pdur i ngt hehear i ngt or espondt ot heaudi ot apesandv i deot apesofTedt hatt hest at e hadpr esent edandt hatwehadnothadt i met or ev i ewort ohav eDr .Lewi sev al uat e.That ' swhatwe
t houghtwasst i l lt ocome.I nst ead,assoonast hel astwi t nesshadspoken,JudgeShar psai dt hat f i nal ar gument swoul dnotbenecessar yandhewasr eadyt oi ssuehi sdeci si oni mmedi at el y : Gent l emen, t heCour twi l l submi tawr i t t enf i ndi ngofandconcl usi onsi nt hi scase.Ofcour se, ev er y oner eal i zest hatt hi si st hesecondt i met hatt hi sCour thashadt hi scase.TheCour tr ev i ewed t hi scasel asty earandaf t erhav i ngr ecei v edbox esandbox esoft r anscr i pt sandr ev i ewedhundr edsof pagesoft est i mony , t r i al t est i mony , t hecour tconcl udedt hatMr .Bundywascompet entt ost andt r i al i nt heKi mber l yLeachcase. Thi si sav er ynar r owhear i ngi nwhi cht heCour twasor der edt ohav eanev i dent i ar yhear i ngt o speci f i cal l ydet er mi net hecompet encyofMr .Bundyt ost andt r i al i nt heLeachcase. Af t erhear i ngal l oft het est i mony , t heCour tnowconcl udest hathepr obabl yi st hemostcompet ent ser i al ki l l eri nt hecount r yatt hi st i me. Theev i denceshowst hathewasagr aduat ei npsy chol ogywi t hdi st i nct i on.TheCour tnot est hat t wooft hecour sesi nwhi chher ecei v edA' si nwer ei ndev i antbehav i or .Thel et t er sandt hewr i t i ngs t hatar ei nev i dence, t hev i deot ape, t heex hi bi t sbyt hewi t nessespoi ntoutv er ycl ear l yt hathei sa mosti nt el l i gent , ar t i cul at e, compl exi ndi v i dual .Thi sCour tv i ewshi m asadi abol i cal geni us.Cer t ai nl y hewasabl et ounder st andt hepr oceedi ngsandwasabl et oassi sti nt hepr epar at i onofhi st r i al . Iwoul dl i ket opar t i cul ar l ycommendt het eam r epr esent i ngMr .Bundy , t heydi damost commendabl ej ob, butIt hi nki twasmer el yanex er ci sei nsophi st r y , becauseIdon' tr eal l yf eel t hat any bodyt hatwasi nt hi scour t r oom ser i ousl y , ser i ousl y , quest i onsMr .Bundy ' scompet ency . Thepsy chi at r i st st hatt est i f i edi nt hesesev er al day s, t heCour twasmosti nt er est edi nl i st eni ngt o t hepsy chi at r i ct est i mony .Psy chi at r i st spr esentmostcompel l i ngt est i monyi nt hatt heyar ei nt el l i gent , t hey ' r ev er ybel i ev abl e.It endt obel i ev eev er y t hi ngapsy chi at r i stsay sbecauset hei rpr esent at i onsar e soor der l y .That ' swhyi t ' si mpor t antf orbot hsi dest obuyapsy chi at r i standhav et hem comei nher e andt est i f y . Thi scasehast hemostemi nentpsy chi at r i st si nt hecount r y , andev eni nt hewor l d, andt hat ' swhy i t ' snecessar yf oremi nentpsy chi at r i st st ocomeupandsaywhyt heot hersi de' sconcl usi onsar e i ncompet ent . Psy chi at r i st sar el i keNFLt ackl es, y ouhav et ogett hebestt ackl ey oucant or unov ert heopposi t i on, andi fy oucan' tdot hat , y ouatl easthav et ocancel t hem out .It hi nkt hat ' swhatwasdonei nt hi scase. JudgeShar pal sosai dt hatt hi scasewasnotaboutaser i ousquest i onofBundy ' scompet encebut acaseaboutt hedeat hpenal t y , i nt hatt hei ssuenev erwoul dhav ebeenr ai sedsov i gor ousl yi fi twer e metf ort hedeat hpenal t y .I fhi ssent encehadbeenl i f e, t hej udgesai d, t hi scasewoul dnothav ebeen br ought .Hesai dt hatdeat hcaseswer ecl oggi nghi scour t ,andt hel egi sl at ur eshoul dei t herabol i sh t hedeat hpenal t yal t oget herorf i ndawayt opr ev entt hi sendl essl i t i gat i on.Hef av or edt hel at t er . Despi t eDi ana' sear l i erwar ni ng,Tedwaswel lbehav eddur i ngt heent i r eweek,ev endet ached.He satbet weenJi m andme,wi t hhi shandsi nhi sl ap,nev erspeaki ngunl essIspoket ohi m,passi v el s passi ngont henot esbet weenJi m andme.Her emai nedcal m,ev enpeacef ul ,i nt hef aceofal lt he wor kt hathadbeendoneonhi sbehal f ,al lt hewi t nesseswi l l i ngt ocomet est i f yev ent houghhehad been so di f f i cul t .Judge Shar p' s deci si onal t hough sur pr i si ngl ysudden,v i t r i ol i c,and,agai n,so aggr andi zi ng ofTed was notunexpect ed,so nei t herTed nort he r estofus suf f er ed much di sappoi nt ment .Wehadmadeourcasef ort heEl ev ent hCi r cui t . Tedr el i nqui shedt hesummer yspor t scl ot heswehadboughtf orhi m,aswel last heni f t yshav i ng ki t , andwast akenbackt ot hepr i son.Ji m, John, Li nda, andIspentt hedayatDi sneyWor l d, wher ewe boughtTedaMi ckeyMousewat chasamement o,andr odet her ealr ol l ercoast er s,t heki ndt hat comet oahappyendi ng.
PARTV CHAPTER15 Ont hef i r stofJanuar y1988, Imov edoutofTat y ana' sSki nCar eSal on.Iwi shIcoul dsayt hati twas becauseIf i nal l yf oundi ti nt ol er abl yr i di cul oust obel i v i ngi nabeaut ypar l or ,shar i ngmyst ov ewi t ha potofsi mmer i ngl egwaxandmysof awi t hl adi esi nmudmasks.But ,i nf act ,t hebui l di ngwasbei ng t or ndown.Iwaspl easant l ysur pr i sedathow ni cei twast ohav emyownapar t mentagai nwhata l ux ur yt ocomehomeandnotf i ndst r anger si nmyl i v i ngr oom. Oncewe' dhadourcompet encyhear i ng,andI ' df i l edourappealofJudgeShar p' sdeci si oni nt he El ev ent hCi r cui tCour tofAppeal s, It ol dJi mt hatwasi t .Ir eal l ymeanti tt hi st i me.It ol dhi m Iwant ed of ft hecase.Mycar eerwasgoi ngdownt het ubes,andal t houghIpr obabl ycoul dn' tr epai rmy r el at i onshi pwi t ht hel awf i r m,atl eastIcoul dl ear nsomeski l l sot hert handeat hpenal t yl aw,whi chI i nt endednev ert opr act i ceagai n.Ji m sai dheunder st ood,hecoul dseehowIwoul df eelt hatway ,i t madeper f ectsense.But , nodeal .Thecasecoul dnotbedonewi t houtme, i twoul dbemal pr act i cef or t hef i r mt oassi gni tt osomeoneel se, hesai d.Ihadt ost ayon.Secr et l y , t hatwasIhadwant edt ohear : Iwasi ndi spensabl e. Tedwasf eel i ngant sy , t oo, pr obabl yf ort hesamer easont hatIwas, under neat hal lmypr ot est .The bet swer ei n,t hehor seswer er unni ng,t her ewoul dbeonl yonewi nneratt heend.I ft heEl ev ent h Ci r cui tr ul edi nourf av or , Ted' sconv i ct i oni nt heLakeCi t ycasewoul dbeov er t ur ned( and, i nef f ect , t he ChiOmegacaseal ongwi t hi t ,si ncet hecompet encyf act st her ewer eessent i al l yt hesamebet t er , ev en) .I ft heyr ul edagai nstus,af f i r mi ngJudgeShar p' sj udgment ,al lhopewasl ost-nosubsequent cour twoul dt akeusser i ousl y .Al t houghJudgeGodbol dhadr et i r edf r om t hebenchsi ncet hepanel hadl asthear dourcase;hehadbeenr epl acedbyShi r l eyKr av i t z ,anot herr espect edmemberoft he cour t .Wi t hourbl uer i bbonpanel ,what ev ert hei rdeci si onwaswoul dst i ck.Weex pect edawi n.We hadpr ov enev er y t hi ngwehadt ol dt hem wecoul dpr ov e-andmor e.Ourcasel ookedasgood,i fnot bet t er , t hani thaday earago, whent heEl ev ent hCi r cui thadf oundi tsocompel l i ng. Cer t ai nl yi twoul dnotbeeasyf ort hem t or ul ei nourf av or ,ov er t ur nTedBundy ' sconv i ct i on,and or deranew t r i al .Butt heymusthav ebeenpr epar edt odot hatwhent heysentt hecasebackf ora hear i ng.Andi twashar dt oi magi nehowt heycoul dwor danopi ni onaf f i r mi ngJudgeShar p' sdeci si on whenourev i dencewasuncont r adi ct edbyanycr edi bl et est i mony .JudgeShar pandt hest at ehad mer el yspecul at edt hatt her ecoul dhav ebeenar at i onalbasi sf orTed' sbehav i oreacht i mehehad seemedt obeact i ngi r r at i onal l y .But , t hen, t owar dwhatendwasher at i onal l ydi r ect i ngt hatbehav i or ? Thest at ehadsuggest edt hatTedwaspur posef ul l yseeki nghi sowndeat h-sabot agi ngt hepl ea agr eementandr ui ni nghi sdef ensel awy er s'ef f or t satt r i ali nor dert omakesur ehewasex ecut ed. JudgeShar phadi mpl i edTedhadbeenr at i onal l ydi r ect i nghi sbehav i ort owar danev ent ualappealby mast er f ul l yset t i ngdev i oust r apssoast oappear ,i nhi ndsi ght ,t ohav ebeeni ncompet ent .Nei t her scenar i ost oodupagai nstal lt heundi sput edf act si nev i dence-asdemonst r at edbyt hef actt hatt hey di r ect l ycont r adi ct edeachot her .So, exceptf ort hepubl i cpr essur e, ourcasel ookedv er ygood.Losi ng JudgeGodbol d,whoobv i ousl yunder st oodourposi t i oncl ear l y ,pr esumabl ywoul dnotmaket hat muchdi f f er ence-JudgeJohnson, atl east , woul dknowwhatneededt obedoneandhav et hecour age t odoi t .But , t her ewasal way st heBundyEx cept i ont owor r yabout . Tedwashi twi t hanot herDRwhenher et ur nedt oFSPf r om Or l ando, anunear neddepr i v at i onofhi s v i si t i ngandout doorexer ci sepr i v i l eges.Amongt hei t emsi nhi sf i l ef ol derofl egalmat er i al sont he LakeCi t ycasewasamapoft heLakeCi t yar eat hathadbeenusedathi sor i gi nal t r i al .Pr i sonof f i ci al s char gedhi m wi t hpossessi onofcont r abandescapemat t er , ev ent houghi twasy ear soutofdat e.Ted wasf ur i ous.OnJanuar y18, 1988, hewr ot eme: WhenIf i r stcamet oFSPIf ear edt hatt henot or i et ysur r oundi ngmewoul dr esul ti nmebei ng subj ect edt ot r eat menthar shert hanmycomr ades.I tnev erhappened.Thenaf t ert hr eewar r ant si n 1988Iencount er edi nt hepr i sonper sonnel aki ndoft ensi onandani mosi t yt hatIhadn' tsensedi nt he
pr ev i oussev eny ear s.Whet herornotIhav ebecomesomeki ndofl i ght ni ngr odf orf r ust r at i onov er t hedeat hpenal t yIdon' tknow, butIdoknowt hatt heof f i ci al sher ehav edemonst r at edt hatt heynow i nt endt omakel i f emi ser abl ef orme. Imustpr ot ectmy sel f .Thi st r endwi l l onl ycont i nuei fsomet hi ngi sn' tdonet ost opi t .Thef or mal gr i ev ancepr ocessi sachar ade, cont r ol l edasi ti sbyt hev er ypeopl e[ who]conspi r edt ohar assmei n t hef i r stpl ace.Thel ogi cal pl acef ormet ogonowi si nt hecour t s. Thatmeantt hepr i soncondi t i onsl awsui thehadgi nnedupwi t hDi anaWei nerasawayt oj ust i f yt o pr i sonof f i ci al st hei rcont i nued" l egal "v i si t s.Ted' sl et t er sst ar t edt aki nganof f i ci oust one,aski ngme t ocommuni cat et hr ough" Ms.Wei ner "whenev erIneededt ogetsomet hi ngt ohi m qui ckl y ,because shewashi st r ust edconf i dant e.Onav i si t , Iconf r ont edhi m: " Ted, qui tgi v i ngmet hi s' Ms.Wei nerst uf f . Iknowwhyy ouseeher , andi thasnot hi ngt odowi t hanyl awsui t .She' sbeaut i f ul , she' si nt er est ed, she cancomedur i ngl awy er s' v i si t i nghour s, andy oucanhav eunsuper v i sedl egal v i si t swi t hher ." Tedpaused, andt hengr i nnedbashf ul l y . " Thataboutsumsi tup, "hesai d. Butl at ert hatspr i ngIr ecei v edast ar t l i ngl et t erf r om Ted.Wewer est i l l wai t i ngont hedeci si onf r om t heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .I nhi sl et t er , Tedsai dt hathewant edt obegi ndev el opi ngast r at egyf orcut t i nga dealwi t ht hegov er norf orsomespeci f i camountoft i me,say ,t hr eemor ey ear s,t ol i v e.I nex change, Tedwoul dpr ov i deaf ul l ,descr i pt i v econf essi onofal lofhi scr i mesandagr eenott of i ghthi s ex ecut i onatt heendoft hatt i meper i od.Ted' sr at i onal ef ort het hr eey ear swast hati twoul dt akeat l eastay eart or econst r uctt hecr i mes,becauset heyhadbeensol ongr epr essedi nhi smi ndandi t woul dbesoemot i onal l ydr ai ni ngt odoso; t henex tt woy ear sofl i f ewoul dbehi sr ewar d. Ev enput t i ngasi deourf eel i ngsaboutt hemor al i t yofsuchanex change,Ji m andIbel i ev edTed' s pl anhadnochanceofsuccess.Ted' sex ecut i onwast oogr eatapol i t i calasset .Newl yel ect ed Gov er norBobMar t i nezwoul dnev erpassupt heoppor t uni t yt oex ecut eTedi nhi sf i r stt er m.( Bob Gr aham had,i ndeed,goneont owi nt heU.S.Senat eseat .)Besi des,l aw enf or cementhadal r eady pi ecedt oget herdozensofhi scr i mes;t hef ami l i esal r eadybel i ev edt hatt hev i ct i mswer edeadand t hatTedhadki l l edt hem.Theydi dn' tneedhi sconf essi on. ButTed' sl et t erwasi nsi st ent .Mostal ar mi ngl y , he suggest edt hati fwedi dnotwantt opar t i ci pat e i nt hepl an-andhest r essedt hati fwewer euncomf or t abl ewi t ht hei dea,ashesuspect edwewoul d be,heunder st oodcompl et el yanddi dnotwantt oi mposeonusheandDi anawoul dhandl ei t t hemsel v es.Thi swasmyni ght mar e.Af t ert woy ear sofwor k, wewer ewai t i ngf ort hedeci si ont hatwe r easonabl ybel i ev edwoul dbet hef i r stper manentst epdownt hest ai r sawayf r om t hedeat hchamber . NowTedwasgoi ngt obl owi t .Anyt y peofl eakoft hi sgr i sl ypl ant odol eoutdet ai l sf orf av or s, t omi l k t hemur der st ohi sadv ant age,woul donl yenr aget hepubl i cf ur t her .Amyt y peofconf essi onatal l woul dki l lt hemot i v at i onofanyappel l at ej udgewhoot her wi semi ghtv ot et ol etTedBundyr ecei v e duepr ocess. Ii mmedi at el yf l ewt oGai nesv i l l e. I twast i met ogethonest .I fTedwasev ent hi nki ngofconf essi ngt ot hemur der shehadcommi t t ed, ofdescr i bi ngt hem i nsuchdet ai lt hatl awenf or cementof f i ci al scoul df i ndt her emai ns, Iwasgoi ngt o needt oheari tf i r st . Onl yonce,wi t hJi m,hadIt r i edt ot al kt oTeddi r ect l yabouthi scr i mes.Thatt i me, Tedhadst ar t ed t owal kt hr ought hedet ai l sofacr i me, hi sf i r stmur der , buthehadbeenunabl et odescr i bet heact ual ki l l i ng.Iwasn' tsur ewhyhehadn' tbeenabl et obemor eex pl i ci t , buti twasi mpor t antt oknowwhy .I t coul dhav ebeenbecausehewasashamed,orj ustbecausehet houghtwe' dbesodi sgust edwe' d dr opt hecaseori tcoul dhav ebeent hatanot herper sonal i t yhadt akenov erf ort hef i nal deed. WhenIsawRedi nt hecageout si det hewar den' sof f i ce, heav er t edhi sey esashesai dhel l o.When hewasl edi nsi det omeetme, Icoul dseet hathewasner v ous.Wi t ht hi sconf essi onscheme, hewas t r y i ngt oasser thi msel f ,t akecont r olofhi sdest i ny .Buthewasnotcer t ai nofmyr esponse,andhe cer t ai nl ydi dnotwantmet odr ophi m.Hi sgl anceswer epar t i cul ar l yf ur t i v ewhenhesatdownatt he t abl eacr ossf r om me,l i keaner r antchi l duncer t ai nofhi spar ent ' sr eact i on,t eet er i ngont hel i ne bet weendef i anceandsubmi ssi on.
Tedal sokeptgl anci ngatt hegapi nghol ei nt hewal loft hei nt er v i ewr oom.Hekepthi sheaddown, bel ow t hel ev eloft hewai st l eghwi ndowsoft heat t or neyv i si t i ngr oom,andwasal way sont he l ookoutf oreav esdr oppi ngguar dsout si det hedoor .Hehadnev erbeenqui t esov i gi l antbef or e.Thi s conf essi onscheme, hi spossessi onoft hi ssecr etknowl edge, meantev er y t hi ngt ohi m.Hehadkepti t socl osel yguar dedal l t hesey ear st hati tf el tasgr eatasi tf el tt er r i bl e. Iassur edhi mt hatJi m andIwant edt ohel phi m sav ehi sl i f eandwer enotr ej ect i nganypl anoutof hand, butIneededt ohearwhataconf essi onwoul dsoundl i kenow. Af t eral ongpause, Tedsai d, " Tm notgoi ngt ot al kaboutt heFl or i dacr i mes.Inev erhav e.Iowet hat t ot hepeopl ewhobel i ev ei nmyi nnocence." " That ' sokay .Idon' tcar ewhi choney oudescr i be." Af t erabi tmor ehemmi ngandhawi ng, Tedf ocusedhi sgaz eonmyey esandbeganhi sst or y . Hehadbeendr i v i ngar oundi nt hehi l l sofI daho,get t i ngt oknowt hear ea,l ooki ngf orsaf esi t est o t akeav i ct i m.Hewasamet i cul ousr esear cher .I twasani mpor t antpar tofar i t ualsoel abor at et hat , whenIaskedhi m aboutr epor t st hathehadki l l edov eronehundr edpeopl e, heact ual l ychuckl edand shookhi sheadatt heofnonmur der er s:" Theyhav enoi deawhati tt akest odoone, whati tt akesout ofy ou." Iaskedhi mi ft hef i gur eoft hi r t y f i v e,whi chI ' dseeni not heraccount s,wascor r ect .Hepaused, st ar edatme,andscannedhi scensort odeci dewhet hert oadmi tt osuchadet ai lbecauset hatwas wher ehehadal way sdr awnt hel i nebef or e.Hehadf r eel yi mpl i edev er y t hi ng,butnev erout r i ght admi t t edonedet ai l , l i kesomesuper st i t i onschi l d' si deaofwhatcoul dbehel dagai nsthi m. Hef i nal l ynoddedandmumbl ed, " Yes." Whi l edr i v i ng, hehadspot t edahi t chhi ker , agi r lar oundf i f t eeny ear sol d.Hehadnotpl annedt odo any t hi ngwhi l escout i ng,butt her eshewas.Hecheckedt her ear v i ewmi r r orf orot hercar s.None.She goti nandst ar t edt al ki ngt ohi m.Hehadt oactf ast-hedi dnotl i kehi sv i ct i mst ot al k, hedi dnotwant t ogett oknowt hem, hedi dnotwantt oknowt heywer er eal .Her eachedbackf orhi st i r ei r onandhi t herov ert hehead.Shesl umpedi nt heseat , butawokesoonaf t er war d, moani ng. Heknockedheroutagai n. Inot i cedf ort hef i r stt i mehow st r ongTed' sar mswer e.Hehadhi sel bowsont het abl eandhi s f or ear msout st r et chedt owar dmeashet al ked.Hi sar mswer ef i r m andsi newy , wi t hbul gi ngv ei ns.Hi s handswer el ar geandbony .Il ookedathi sf ace.Ted' sski nwasdar keni ngashespoke.Hewasona r ol lnow,i nasor toft r ance,r ecal l i ngev er ydet ai lasher ev i ewedt hef i f t eensomey ear ol df i l mi nhi s head, f r amebyf r ame.Nodet ai l wast oosmal l t or ecal l , ev er y t hi ngwasi mpor t ant , ev er y t hi nghadmeani ng.Hewasl i kear ev er entdi sci pl edescr i bi ngaspi r i t ual r ev el at i on. Tedwasnol ongercensor i nghi msel f ;hehadsl i ppedi nt oawar m wav eofmemor yandwas t r anspor t ed.Fort hef i r stt i meev er ,Iwasaf r ai dofhi m,acut el yawar eofhowswi f t l yhecoul dr each mewi t hhi shandsi fhewant edt o, ofhowi twoul dbet ool at ebyt het i met heguar dsont heot hersi de oft hegl assr eact ed.I twast heabsol ut emi sogy nyofhi scr i met hatst unnedme,hi smani f estr age agai nstwomen,t hatl ef tmenopl acet or et r eatt o.Hehadnocompassi onf ort hi sv i ct i m atal l .I t wasn' tt hatTedt ooksadi st i cpl easur ei nt el l i nghi sst or y ,i twasj ustt hathewast ot al l yengr ossedi n t hedet ai l s.Hi smur der swer ehi sl i f e' saccompl i shment s.Tohi m,eachr ecol l ect i onwasapr of ound i l l ust r at i onofhi sski l l ,hi swi l l i ngnesst ogof or war d, hi sgoodl uck.Ther ehadbeennoguar ant eest o Ted, eachcompl et edmur derhadseemedl i keasmal l mi r acl e. Hedr ov eacr osst hest at el i net oasecl udedpl acei nt hewor dst hathewasal r eadyf ami l i arwi t h. Hel edt hegi r loutoft hecar ,assur i nghert hatnohar m woul dcomet oher .Hemadeherst r i pand kneelonherhandsandkneeswhi l ehet ookPol ar oi dpi ct ur esofher .( ForTed,anot hersmal lmi r acl e hadbeent hatwhenhi sapar t menthadbeensear cheduponhi sf i r star r esti nUt ah,t hei nv est i gat or s hadf ai l edt ocheckt hebui l di ng' sut i l i t yr oom.Whenhewasr el easedonbai lf ort heat t empt ed abduct i onofCar ol eDeRonchher et r i ev edt heshoeboxofphot oshe' dhi ddent her eanddest r oy edt he mostgr aphi candconcl usi v eev i denceoft het r uedept hofhi sdepr av i t y .) Shecr i ed. Hecoul dseet hel ookoft er r ori nherey es, herey esbeggi ngf ormer cy .Hekeptr eassur i ngher .He di dn' tl i ket oseet hei rhur t ,hesai d,hedi dn' tl i ket oseehi sv i ct i m asaper son-hewasn' tt heki ndof
per sonwhowoul dhar m anot her .Onsev er aloccasi ons, Tedhadt ol dme, " Bel i ev eme, Pol l y ,Iam not t heki ndofper sonwhowoul dhur taf l y .Inev erev enhi taman.Ex ceptonce,ont hepl ay gr oundat gr adeschool ,andIdi dn' tev enwantt odot hat ,butt heot herki df or cedme.If el tt er r i bl eaf t er war d, di sgust edwi t hmy sel f ." Thenhegotbehi ndher ,sl unganoosear oundherneck,andst r angl edherasher apedher .He' d cont i nuedt or eassur eherhewoul dl ethergo, andshehadseemedt obel i ev ehi m.Hesai dhe' df el ta l i t t l esadt hathecoul dnotl ethergo,t hathehadt oki l lher ,butshewoul dbeabl et oi dent i f yhi m,of cour se.Af t er war d,hepul l edherbodydeeperi nt ot hewoodsand,t henex tday ,dr ov ebackt ot ake mor epi ct ur esandt ocutherbodyi nt opi eces. WhenIgotbackt oWashi ngt on, Ji m' sf i r stwor dswer e, " You' v echanged." Changed?Whyshoul dIbechanged?Justbecausemycl i entwas,wi t houtadoubt ,t heDev i l I ncar nat e, aki l l i ngmachi nesetl ooseonsoci et yt odot hewi l l ofadi abol i cal power ? Isati nt hechai racr ossf r om Ji m' sdesk,unabl et ospeak.TheEl ev ent hCi r cui twast aki ngf or ev er t oi ssuei t sdeci si onf ol l owi ngourcompet encyhear i ng.Myi ni t i alconf i dencet hatt hecour thadseen t hatwehadpr ov edourcaseandwasagai nr ev er si ngJudgeShar pwasf adi ng.I ncr easi nganx i et y t ooki t spl ace.Wer et heyt aki ngsol ongi nor dert onai l downadeci si oni nourf av orsot hati twoul dbe cl earwhyt heyhadt or ul et hatway ,or -andt hi swashar dt obel i ev e-wer et heybl owi ngusawayon ev er ysi ngl ei ssue?Wehadn' thadahear i ngonany t hi ngot hert hancompet ency , andt her ewer eot her i mpor t anti ssuest hatcoul dnotbedi sposedofeasi l y ,suchasAndyAnder son' shy pnot i cal l yal t er ed t est i monyandVi cAf r i cano' sf ai l ur et oex pl or et hei ssueofTed' scompet ency . Nev er t hel ess, wel ost .Wel osti nanopi ni onwr i t t enbyt hemostl i ber almemberoft hepanel , Fr ank Johnson,t hatmadenol ogi calsensewhat ev er .Buti twaspol i t i cal l ycor r ect .I nor dert osav et he sy st em,ourpaneli gnor edt hel aw andr el i nqui shedt hedespi cabl eTedBundyt ot hemob.The deci si oncameoutonJul y7,1988,whent hecour twasal r eadyi nsummerr ecess.I ncr edi bl y ,Judge Johnsonwr ot et hatheandhi scol l eaguesagr eedwi t hJudgeShar pt hatt het est i monyofDr s.Mut t er andMaht r e" bet t eraccor dedwi t ht het est i monyofot herwi t nessesandt heassoci at edex hi bi t s"t han di dt het est i monyofDr .Lewi sandDr .Tanay .JudgeJohnsonci t edasev i denceofTed' sabi l i t yt o assi sthi scounselt het apeshewasr ecor di ngf ort hebookabouthi m.Henot edt hat ,onat apeTed madei mmedi at el yaf t ert hegui l t yv er di cthe' dsai d, " Icanr emembert hr oughoutt hecour seoft het r i al , mycounsel ,my sel f ,specul at i ngont her eact i onsofj ur or st ost at ewi t nesses,t her eact i onsofj ur or s t o def ense wi t nesses,specul at i ng on t he i nef f ect i v eness ofcer t ai n st at e wi t nesses,and t he conv i nci ngqual i t i esofourwi t nesses."ButTed' spompousr ambl i ngsont hoset apesonl yr ei nf or ced t het est i monyofal mostev er y onewhohadev erwor kedwi t horex ami nedhi mt hathewasmor e concer nedabout" pl ay i ngl awy er ,"act i ngl i ke" Per r yMason,"t hanhewasaboutt hepossi bi l i t yof bei ngsent encedt odeat h.Asusual ,t akenoutofcont ex t ,speci f i ci nst ancescoul dbei nt er pr et edas somet hi ngel sebutnoti nt hecont ex tofal lt hatr eal l yhappened.Whataboutt hepl eabar gai nl ost whi l ehewassecr et l ybei ngt r eat edwi t hpsy choact i v edr ugsbyt hej ai l s'phy si ci an?Whatabout choosi ngt of or goachancet opl eadf orhi sl i f ei nor dert oper f or m af ar ci cal mar r i agecer emony ? Now Tedwasv er yhott oconf ess.Al t houghwewoul dappealt ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t ,and al t houghnew i ssueshadar i seni nt hecour seoft heev i dent i ar yhear i ngt hatwecoul dbasenew cl ai mson, Tedknewaswel laswet hatJi m andIhadl ostourbestshot buthedi dn' tt hi nki thadbeen hi sl astshot .Al lal ong,Tedhadsecr et l yt houghtt hathewassi t t i ngonagol dmi ne-t het r ueaccount oft hr eedoz enmur der s, t hef i nalanswer st ounsol v edcr i mes, i nv al uabl ei nsi ghti nt ot het r uemi ndof aki l l er .That ' swhathehadmeantdur i ngt hel astdeat hwar r ant ,when,i nt hef i nalhour s,hehad pl eadedwi t hmet ot el lhi m assoonasi tl ookedasi fwemi ghtnotgetast ay ." Ther ear esomet hi ngs Ineedt odo, "he' dsai d. Atl ast , hewasgoi ngt obr i ngoutt hegol d, andbar t erf orhi sl i f e. Iwasr eal l ydr aggi ngnow.Wehadbeenr obbed.Wehadpr ov edourcaseandhadst i l l l ost .Tednow wasal mostsur el ygoi ngt obeexecut edi twasonl yamat t eroft i me.Yet ,I ' dst i l lhav et okeepgoi ng t hr ought hemot i ons:acer tpet i t i ont ot heU.S.Supr emeCour t ;t henal lnewcol l at er alpr oceedi ngs. Bef or eJudgeJopl i ngt est i f i edatt hecompet encyhear i ngwe' dhadnowayofknowi ngt hathe' dhad
di scussi onswi t ht hepr osecut or s, expar t e, wi t houtdef ensecounsel pr esent , aboutTed' sment al st at e andcompet ency ,andt hathehadr el i edi npar tonJudgeCowar t ' sonesi dedcompet encyhear i ngi n t heChiOmegacase.Weal so,ofcour se,hadt heent i r eChiOmegacasest i l lpendi ngbef or eJudge Zl och.Wi t ht heEl ev ent hCi r cui tdeci si onagai nstus,t hedi ewascast ;butev ent houghul t i mat e successwasv i r t ual l yhopel essnow,t hecasecoul dwel ldr agonf ory ear s, pul l i ngmebehi ndi tl i kea spentnag. Thecour tdi d, atl east , agr eet oex t endi t sst ayofex ecut i ont oal l owust of i l eacer t .pet i t i onaski ng t heU.S.Supr emeCour tt or ev i ewt hedeci si on.Theygav eusunt i lNov ember15.Ipl oddedt hr oughi t s pr epar at i ont hatf al lof1988and, asusual , f i l edatt hel astmi nut e, wi t ht hehear t st oppi ngex ci t ement oft heusuall ast mi nut ewor dpr ocessi ngbr eakdown.Agai n,t hegov er norwaspoi sedwi t hhi shand abov et hedeat hwar r ant ,hopi ngIwoul dmi sst hedeadl i ne.Hi sof f i cecal l edt heU.S.Supr emeCour t cl er kev er yhour .WhenIr ani nwi t ht hesi ngl ecopyt hatIhadcutandpast edf r om ear l i erdr af t s,t he guar di nt hecl er k' sof f i cesmi l edki ndl yandsai d, " Youmadei t ." Wi t hnoot herBundywor kpendi ng, Ibegancont ent edl ysor t i ngr oomf ul sofdocument si nr esponse t oadi scov er yr equesti nanot herhugepr oduct sl i abi l i t ycase.Tedsenthi sChr i st mascar dear l yt hat y ear .Hi shandwr i t i ngl ookedal i t t l eweak,al i t t l eshaky ,andhi sof f ,spel l i ngwasof f .Ther ewasa wear i ness, ar esi gnat i oni nhi ssi gnof f , " Thanky ouf oral l y ou' v edonef orme.peacet ed." I nmi dDecemberJudgeZl ochawokef r om hi sdeepsl eep.Sensi ngt hedi r ect i onoft hewi nd,af t er t heEl ev ent hCi r cui thadf l at l yr ej ect edourev i denceofTed' si ncompet encyandal lourot heri ssuesi n t heLakeCi t ycase,JudgeZl ochf i nal l ydar edt or espondt ot hesummar yj udgmentmot i onhe' d r equi r edust of i l e( onanexpedi t edschedul e)f i f t eenmont hsbef or e.Hesetaf ul lev i dent i ar yhear i ng onal lt hei ssuesi nt heChiOmegacase, t ot akepl aceonJanuar y23.Ev enJi m wasnotr eadyf ort hi s one.Wewer egoi ngt ohav et ogot hr oughal lt hatef f or tandt r emendousex penseagai n?Wi t hl ess t hanamont ht opul lt heev i dencet oget heronal lt went y onei ssues?Ist ar t edgoi ngt hr ought he mot i ons, buti twasl i ket r y i ngt or uni nani ght mar e. Thenewscl i ppi ngsIr ecei v edweekl yf r om Fl or i dashowedt hemedi awer epr edi ct i ngaqui ck deci si onbyt heSupr emeCour tandanex ecut i oni nt henex tf ew mont hs.Myphonest ar t edr i ngi ng wi t hcal l sagai n, aski ngi fi twast r uet hatTedwasgoi ngt obeex ecut edsoonandhowwasIgoi ngt o st opi t .AsIbegant omakear r angement sf orJudgeZl och' shear i ng,t hepr i sonwar nedmet hatt hey hadr ecei v eddeat ht hr eat sagai nstTed, andt hatweshoul dt akeex t r apr ecaut i onsour sel v esi fhewas goi ngt ohav et oappeari nFt .Lauder dal e.Ther ewas, agai n, nor easont ohav eTedatt hehear i ng, but t hi st i mewhenIsuggest edt oTedt hatweaskt ohav ehi m ex cl uded,hebal ked.Hecoul dn' tdeci de. Thi st i mehet houghtt hatwewer eupt osomet hi ng.t obesoeagerf orhi mt ost ayaway .Tedwas t aki ngbackcont r ol . Tokeephumanbei ngsf ul l yoccupi edy etcompl et el yunpr oduct i v e,y ouneedonl ypr esentt hem wi t ht wodi r ebutopposi ngpossi bi l i t i est opr epar ef or .Then,ev er yt i met heyst ar tpr epar i ngf orone ev ent ual i t y , t heanxi et ymount sandt hensuddenl yt heot heroneseemst hemor el i kel yanddemands t hei ri mmedi at eat t ent i on.Ther esul ti s.not hi ngget sdone.JudgeZl och' sbombshel l schedul i ngaf ul l ev i dent i ar yhear i ngi nt heChiOmegacasef orJanuar y23, whi l eIwasatt hesamet i meant i ci pat i ngat anymomentaSupr emeCour tdeci si oni nt heLakeCi t ycaset hatwoul dpr obabl ybeswi f t l yf ol l owed byaf our t hdeat hwar r antwi t hat i ghtdeadl i nehadj ustt hatr esul t . Iwaspar al y z ed.Ihadt opr epar ef ort hehear i ng,buti tseemedsowast ef ul ,sousel ess,so r edundant .Ihadt ocal lDr .Lewi st ost ar tpr epar i ngheragai n; Ihadt opr epar eTed' sf or merat t or ney s t ot est i f yagai n.Wewoul daskt hatt her ecor dofJudgeShar p' scompet encyhear i ngbeent er ed i nst eadofpr esent i ngal lt hesewi t nessesagai n, butt her ewer enoguar ant ees.Wehadt obepr epar ed t oputonaf ul lhear i ngt hatday .I twoul dbeanot hergr eatex pensef ort hel awf i r m.I fonl yt het wo caseshadr emai nedconsol i dat ed, i fonl yJudgeZl ochhadact edsoonenoughf ort hatt ohappen.St i l l , Iwentt hr ought hemot i ons.Ist r uggl edwi t hTed, andt hecour t , t ogethi m ex cusedf r om t hehear i ng; I wor kedoutasecur i t ypr ot ocolwi t ht hesher i f f ' sdepar t ment ;If i l edpr el i mi nar ybr i ef st oest abl i sht he par amet er soft hehear i ng.Ipr oceededasi fi twer egoi ngt ohappen.
OnFr i day ,Januar y13,Igotat i p.TheSupr emeCour twoul dbei ssui ngi t sdeci si ononTuesday Mondaywasahol i day , Mar t i nLut herKi ng' sbi r t hday .Somehow, Iknewwhatt hatmeant .For getJudge Zl och' sr edundantev i dent i ar yhear i ng;t her ewasgoi ngt obeadeat hadwar r ant .Ispentt heweekend begi nni ngt opr epar ef ort hat ,andpr ompt l yat10: 00a.m.onTuesdayt heSupr emeCour tannounced t hatcer t .wasdeni edi nt heLakeCi t ycase-t heCour thadchosennott or ev i ewt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ' s cowar dl yandf eebl emi ndeddeci si ondeny i ngev er yoneofourcl ai ms.Bynoon, Gov er norMar t i nezhad si gnedadeat hwar r ant , t hesecondi nt heLakeCi t ycase, andsett heex ecut i onf oranunpr ecedent ed sev enday sl at er . Thi swast hef i r stt i met hat , onr ecei v i nganunf av or abl edeci si on, Ji m wasunabl et ocomeupwi t h somewayi nwhi chi twas" Per f ect !Wehav et hem j ustwher ewewantt hem now! "I nst ead,f oraf ew mi nut es,Ji m andIsatf aci ngeachot heri nl eadensi l ence.I twasar ar eshar edmomentbet weenus: OurTedwasl ost . Ispentt heni ghtt hr owi ngt oget herwhat ev erdocument sIcoul d.It r i edt oant i ci pat eal lt hedoz ens ofdi f f er entf i l i ngswewoul dhav et omakei neachoft hef ourcour t swewoul dbeaddr essi ngst ar t i ng t omor r ow.Mar kMenserr ef usedmyr equestt hatt hest at ej oi nusi naski ngJudgeZl ocht opost pone hi shear i ng,andJudgeZl ochr ef usedmymot i ont opost pone.Per hapshet houghtt hatwehad engi neer edt hi sexecut i ondat easacl ev ert r i ckt ot hr owhi m of ft r ack. Ar oundmi dni ghtar adi ot al kshowpr oduceri nSeat t l ecal l edmeatt heof f i ce, aski ngi fI ' dgoont he ai rt oex pl ai nwhatwashappeni ngwi t ht hecase.Iusual l ysai dnot ot heseki ndofr equest s, because al l any onewant edt oknowwas" whataboutt hev i ct i ms? " , f orwhi chIhadnoanswer .Butt hepr oducer assur edmet hatt hehostwant edt ot al kaboutt hedeat hwar r antandwhatwewoul ddot ot r yt ost op i t .Iwant edabr eakf r om t hef r ant i cpr epar at i ons,andi twasaSeat t l est at i on,notonei nFl or i da-I f i gur edIwoul dn' tbedoi ngt hecaseanyhar m-soIagr eedt ogoon.Af ewsecondsl at er , Iwasont he r adi o,bei ngi nt r oducedbyt hehost ,andhi sv er yf i r stquest i onwas:" Mi ssNel son,Iknowy ou' r eTed Bundy ' sl awy er , butwhataboutt hev i ct i ms? " Ar ound4: 00a.m. ,Ir eal i z edwewer egoi ngt oneedhel p.Oncewegott oFl or i da,wewoul dbe spr i nt i ng-Ji m woul dbear gui nganddr af t i ng,Iwoul dbedr af t i nganddeal i ngwi t hTedandt hecour t cl er ks.Weneededsomeonet ot akecar eofus.Ical l edMi keOl l en, ourl awcl er k, athomeandt ol dhi m hewasgoi ngt oFl or i daat7: 30a.m.andt obr i nghi sAmer i canEx pr esscar d. The t hr ee bl ur r y ey ed member s oft he f i nalBundyt eam metatNat i onalai r por tatsev en Wednesdaymor ni ng, Ji ml ooki ngexpect ant l yatmydocumentcar r i er s, hopi ngt heycont ai nedt hekey t ost oppi ngt hi sex ecut i on.Wef l ewt oGai nesv i l l e,wher ewemetwi t hTedandDi anaWei ner .Di ana hadt r i edt or eser v eal lt heat t or neyt i mer emai ni ngunt i lt heex ecut i onf orher sel fandhadt akena hot el r oom neart hepr i sonsot hatshecoul dkeepascl osecont actwi t hTedaspossi bl e.Di anahadal r eady appr oachedGov er norMar t i nezwi t ht hei deaofpost poni ngt heex ecut i ont ogi v eTedt i met oconf ess. Theybel i ev edt hatt henextbestst epwasanal l outmedi acampai gnt ocr eat eagr oundswel l ofpubl i c suppor tf ordel ay i ngTed' sexecut i on.Af t ersomedi scussi on, Tedatl eastagr eedt ohol dof fanypubl i c announcementont heconf essi onsunt i lMonday , unt i lv ehadhadachancet ot r yt ogett heex ecut i on st ay edt hr ought hecour t s. I nLakeCi t ywef i l edourmot i onf orast ayofex ecut i on, basedonJudgeJopl i ng' sadmi t t edexpar t e communi cat i onwi t ht hepr osecut i onaboutTed' scompet encet ost andt r i al .Wehadourl astsi t down suppert oget heri nJacksonv i l l et hatni ght . Ther ewasasenseofdr eadont hi swar r antt hatI ' dnev erhadt of acebef or e.Bef or eIhadal way s bel i ev edt heexecut i onwoul dbest ay ed.Thi st i meIknewt her ewasv er yl i t t l echance.Ourbesti ssue hadbeencompet ency , andnowt hatwasdead.Besi des, capi t aldef endant snear l yal way sar eal l owed oner unt hr ought hef eder alsy st em.We' dhadour s.Mostcapi t aldef endant sgot hr oughmor et han once;newi ssuesar i seandar egi v enahear i ng.Ji m andJef fhadsav edBookeronhi st hi r dwar r ant , andt hi swasonl yTed' ssecondi nt heLakeCi t ycase.Butweknewt hatTedwasnotgoi ngt ogetany l eeway .I twast hegener alper cept i ont hatwe' dhadourshot ,andt hathow i twast i met ol ett he i nev i t abl ehappen.Asi fi tal lhadbeenonl yagame, oraper f or mance.Butj ustt omakei ti nt er est i ng,
t hepr essnowspecul at edt hatwe' dwi n. Thur sdayst ar t edoutwi t habang.Iwentdownt obr eakf astonl yt of i ndt hatJi m hadgot t enani dea f ory etanot herl egalmot i ondur i ng t heni ghtandhad dr i v enhi msel ft ot heai r por tt o putt he document sonapl anet oTal l ahassee.I tunner v edmet ohav ehi m gone.Wehadahear i ngatni nei n LakeCi t y , andJi m di dnotknowt her oadsofJacksonv i l l e.Mi keOl l enhadn' ti nsi st edondr i v i ngwhen Ji m hadknockedathi sdoorandaskedf ort hekey st ot her ent alcar .Mi kedi dnotmaket hatmi st ake agai n.Hest ay edcl oset oJi mf r om t henonwehadt okeepourf i ght eri nt her i ng. St ar t i ngt hatmor ni ngIhadt hef eel i ngoft i mesl i ppi ngawayl i kebl ooddr i ppi ngf r om af r eshwound. Ther ewasonl yal i mi t edsuppl y ; eachmi nut eoft i mel ostwasl ostf or ev er . Att heLakeCi t yhear i ng,JudgeJopl i ngdi squal i f i edhi msel ff r om pr esi di ngbecausehewasa mat er i alwi t nesst oourcl ai m.JudgePeachi mmedi at el yt ookhi spl aceand,af t eral l owi ngust hi r t y mi nut est or eadt hest at e' sbr i efi nr esponset oour s,hear dor alar gumentandr ul edagai nstus.He al soi nf or medust hatJudgeZl ochhadcancel edhi sev i dent i ar yhear i ngi nt heChiOmegacase.Not , wesuspect ed,f orj udi ci aleconomy ;notbecauseourcl i entwasi nl i t i gat i onov erhi si mmi nent ex ecut i on.JudgeZl ochmostl i kel ycancel edhi shear i ngt opr ev entanycl ai mt hati tent i t l edTedt oa st ayofexecut i on.Thenwewer eof ft oTal l ahassee,wher et heFl or i daSupr emeCour thadal r eady schedul edahear i ng, ant i ci pat i ngourl ossi nLakeCi t y , f or1: 00Fr i dayaf t er noon. Whenwegott her e,howev er ,wel ear nedt hati thadbeenmov edupt o8: 00a.m.Weal sol ear ned t hatt hecour t , andt hef ort hest at e, al r eadyhadcopi esoft hebr i ef swehadn' tev enf i l edy et , because t heU.S.Supr emeCour tcl er khadsuppl i edt hem f r om t hecopi eswehadl odgedwi t hhi m asa cour t esy , sot hatt heCour tcoul dmoni t ort hecase.Ev er y t hi ngwasskewedbecauseoft hegov er nor ' s ar bi t r ar i l ysetexecut i ondat e.Cour t sshar i ngi nf or mat i onwi t hpr osecut or s,hear i ngsschedul edone af t ert heot her , wi t hnot i mef ordel i ber at i onbyt hecour t , not i met opr epar et her equi r edpaper s, j ust becauset hegov er nordeci dedt oal l owonl ysev enday si nt hewar r antper i od.Justbecausenocour t want edt obet heonet odel ay , f orev enoneday , t hi shi ghl yant i ci pat edpubl i cki l l i ng. Wecheckedi nt ot hehot eli nTal l ahasseeonFr i dayaf t er noon, al lunderMi ke' sname, andpr epar ed t owor kov er ni ghtatCCRt ocr eat et hebr i ef sandot herpaper st obef i l edi nt heFl or i daSupr emeCour t t henex tday .It al kedt oTedont hephonet wi cet hatdayasIdi dal lt hatweek.Hewasex t r emel y di st r act edbyt hemeet i ngshewashav i ngwi t hl awenf or cementof f i cer sf r om t hewest er nst at es, and i twashar dt ohol dhi sat t ent i on.Her ei t er at ed, howev er , hi spr omi senott ogopubl i cunt i l Monday . At2: 00a.m. ,Icaughtf i r e.Myusualont her oadwr i t i ngbl ockbur standIt ol dJi m andMi ket ogo getsomesl eep.Ji m st r odeoutconf i dent l y , butMi kel aggedbehi nd, bewi l der edandmor et hanal i t t l e concer ned. " Tr ustme, "Isai d." I ' v egoti tundercont r ol ." Ihadasudden,f i r m senset hatIwasgoi ngt obeabl et ocompl et et hef i f t y pagebr i efandt hatI wasgoi ngt odoi tbysi xt hi r t y , i nt i met ocompl et et hewor dpr ocessi ngandcopy i ngby8: 00a.m.And Ji m knewi tt oo.Iwr ot ef ur i ousl y , nonst op, aI mostaut onomi cal l y , f orf ourhour s.Ther e' snot hi ngl i kea r eal deadl i nef orf ocusi ngt hemi nd. Fr i daymor ni ngIhadt osi ti nt heaudi encer at hert hanatcounselt abl ebecauseIwasst i l li nmy sweatpant sf r om t heni ghtbef or e,butt heFl or i daSupr emeCour thadt hebr i ef s.Andt hei rquest i ons t oJi m andt hest at e' sat t or neyshowedt hey ' dr eadt hem.I nf act , att heendoft hehear i ng, webegan t oal l owour sel v esagl i ntofanopt i mi sm wehadnev erex pect edt of eeli nst at ecour t .Byl unchwe wer epr act i cal l ygi ddy .May be,mi r acul ousl y ,ourquestf orast aywasov er .Butf i v emi nut esi nt omy nap,t hewor dcame:Wehadl ost .Ti met ocal lTed,t i met opr epar ef ort hepr oceedi ngsi nJudge Shar p' scour t r oom t omor r ow.Hi sl awcl er kkeptcal l i ng,demandi ngourbr i efi nadv ance.Whencoul d wehav epr epar edi t ?I tseemedpossi bl ewewer eact ual l yai di ngi nTed' sex ecut i onbymeet i ngal l t heser i di cul ousdeadl i nes.Shoul dn' twej ustt hr ow upourhandsandsayt hatwecannotar guet he casei nadi f f er entcour tev er ydayandpr epar eadoz enpl eadi ngsev er yni ght ?I twassoobv i ousl ya char ade,andourpar t i ci pat i onandabi l i t yt opr oducei nt hi smanneronl ygav ei tt heappear anceof
j ust i cet hatal l owedi tt ocont i nue.Butwedar ednotr i skTed' sl i f ebycal l i ngt hebl uf f . Patcal l edf r om Washi ngt ont owar nmet hatt hr eat eni ngphonecal l shadcomei nt ot hef i r m.I twas I naugur at i onDay , butTedpushedGeor geBushandhi spr omi seofa" ki nder , gent l erAmer i ca"of ft he headl i nesi nFl or i da.Onceagai n,Iwasabl et or eadaboutmyowncase,myownact i v i t i es,st andi ng ar m' sl engt hf r om t henewsr ack. OnSat ur daywef l ew f r om Tal l ahasseet oOr l andobef or edawni nadar kenedpr oppl ane,l i ke t er r or i st s.Theheadl i nei nt heai r por tnewsst andseal edourf at eev enbef or et hehear i ngbegan: BUNDYADMI TSTO12SLAYI NGS.Tedhadbr okenhi spr omi set owai tunt i l Monday ; heandDi anahad r el easedt het er msofTed' sof f erbel i ev i ngi twoul dcauseagr oundswel lofpubl i csuppor t ,despi t e ourwar ni ngt hati twoul dhav et heopposi t eef f ect .Nocour twoul dev erst i cki t sneckout t osav ehi m now;t her ecoul dbenopr et enseofl i nger i ngdoubtaboutgui l t ;t hepubl i cwoul dnev er st andf orast ayofexecut i onaf t ersuchapr ov ocat i v ewar mup. Wear r i v edatt hehear i ngt of i ndt hatJudgeShar phadt akeni tuponhi msel ft oi dent i f yandcal lal l t hepot ent i alwi t nessest obet her e.Hadhei nt er v i ewedt hem t oseewhatt hei rt est i monywoul dbe, t oo?Di dhehav eanot hert went y pager easonedopi ni onal r eadyi nt hewor dpr ocessor ?Oneoft hose cal l edt hi st i mewasVi cAf r i cano.Hel ookedex t r emel yner v ousi nt hecour t r oom -hewasnot comf or t abl ewi t ht hepossi bi l i t yoft est i f y i ngagai nstaf or mercl i ent( andf r i end) , andheknew wewoul dhav et ot r yt odest r oyhi scr edi bi l i t yi fhedi dbut ,al way st heSout her ngent l eman,hecal l ed me" Dar l i n"whenIshookhi sshaki nghand. Thest arwi t ness,howev er ,wasJudgeJopl i ng,whohadcomeupwi t hanex pl anat i onofhow he had happened t or ecei v e a copy oft he ChiOmega compet encyhear i ng t r anscr i ptf r om t he pr osecut or swi t houtt heknowl edgeofdef ensecounsel .Hehadbeenmi st aken,hesai d,whenhe' d t est i f i edatt heev i dent i ar yhear i ng.Hehadnotr ecei v edt hosedocument satt het r i ali n1980,ashe hadt hought ,buthadonl yt hem af ewday sbef or et hehear i ngi n1987,aspar tofhi spr epar at i on.He wasabusyj udge, andappar ent l yi twasdi f f i cul tf orhi mt or ememberwhet herhehadr eadsomet hi ng sev enday sorsev eny ear sbef or e.I nt hecour seoft hi si ncr edi bl er et r act i on,howev er ,t hehapl ess j udgebackedi nt oanot herhel pf ulr ev el at i on:Hehadcal l edJudgeCowar tdur i ngt heLakeCi t yt r i al andt al kedt ohi m,orhi ssecr et ar y ,ormay behehadj ustl ef tamessage( hest ar t edbackpedal i ngas soonashesawwher eJi m wasgoi ngwi t hi t ) ,but ,any way ,whathehadaskedf orandwhathehad got t enwasacopyofJudgeCowar t ' sopi ni oni nt heChiOmegacaset ouseasagui det ohi sown opi ni oni nt heLakeCi t ycase!Somuchf orani ndependentj udgmentofTed' sgui l tandpuni shment . I nt hebr i ef swef i l edt hatmor ni ngwehadsl i ppedi nani ssuet hatnei t herJudgeShar pnort he st at e' sat t or ney shadant i ci pat ed.Andbecauset hi shear i ngwasnotbei ngconduct edf ort hepur pose ofhear i ngus,butt ogetr i dofus,t hi sunant i ci pat edcl ai m sl i ppedr i ghtont hr ough.I twasani ssue t hatcur r ent l ywaspendi ngi nt heSupr emeCour t , andt heCour thadbeenst ay i ngex ecut i onsi ncases i nwhi cht hei ssuehadbeenr ai sed, t oal l owt hem t i met or ul e.Ati ssuewaswhet hert hedeat hpenal t y i sv al i dwheni mposedbyaj ur ywhoser esponsi bi l i t yf ormaki ngt hatdeci si onhasbeendi mi ni shedby t hej udgeort hepr osecut or ; i .e. , " You, t hej ur y , wi l lv ot ef orl i f ei npr i sonordeat hbyel ect r ocut i on, but , ofcour se, t hej udgehast hef i nal r esponsi bi l i t yf ori mposi ngt hatsent ence"or" Yourdeci si ononl i f eor deat hi smer el yadv i sor y ;t hej udgewi l lmaket hef i naldeci si on.I not herwor ds,don' tl ety our r el uct ancet oki l lst andi nt hewayofv ot i ngf ort hedeat hpenal t y ,becausei ti sr eal l yt hej udgewho deci des;i ti sr eal l yt hej udgewhoseconsci encebear st hebur den-noty our s.UnderFl or i dal awt he j ur y ' sdeci si oni sf i nalandonl ymaybeov er r i ddenbyt hej udgef orspeci f i ccause,soanyi mpl i cat i on t ot hecont r ar yi sf al se.Becauset hest at ehadn' tant i ci pat edt hatcl ai m,t heywer enotpr epar edt o ar guet hati twaspr ocedur al l ybar r ed,t hati s,i nel i gi bl eev ent obeconsi der edbecausei tshoul dhav e beenr ai sedt hel astt i mear ound.Asar esul t ,JudgeShar pdi smi ssedi tont hemer i t st husmaki ngi t el i gi bl ef orappeal-al ong wi t h ourcl ai m t hatJudge Jopl i ng had deni ed Ted t he r equi si t e i ndi v i dual i zedj udgmentbycopy i ngJudgeCowar t ' sopi ni onanddeat hsent ence.Anot hersi gni f i cant , usel essv i ct or y .
Atnoon,Ji m,Mi ke,andIr et r eat edt ot hehot elneart hecour t housei nOr l andof orl unchand ar r angedt of l ybackt oTal l ahasseeal ongwi t ht hest at e' sat t or ney si nt hest at epl ane.Thest at e at t or neynow i n char ge oft he case was Car ol y n Snur kowski ,who was especi al l ycour t eous, par t i cul ar l yi ncont r astt osomeoft hedeat hpenal t yz eal ot swe' dhadt odealwi t hbef or e.( Oneof t hem hadt ol danewspaperr epor t eraf ewy ear sbackt hathehadf i r st handknowl edget hatt hedeat h penal t ywasadet er r ent : Onet i mehehadbeensomadathi swi f e.hesai d, t hatonl yt het houghtofhi s ownex ecut i onhadhel dhi m backf r om t hebr i nk.) Weex pect edt opr epar eourr equestt ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui tf orper mi ssi ont oappealJudgeShar p' s r ul i ng( hehaddeni edacer t i f i cat eofpr obabl ecauseagai n)backatCCRt hatev eni ng.I ncal l st ot he El ev ent hCi r cui tcl er kf r om payphonesi nt hel obby ,howev er ,wel ear nedt hati fwewant edt of i l ean appealbr i ef ,wehadt odoi tbyt hr eet hataf t er noon.Wei mmedi at el ycheckedi nt oar oom and l i t i gat edi nout erspacet r appedi nOr l andowi t ht wohour st of i l eanappeal ,wewer ewi t houta t y pewr i t er ,al i br ar y ,ourf i l es,ort heev i dence.Susi eMur oandMar kLei mkuhl er al egalassi st antand anassoci at eatWi l mer-r ushedi nt ot hel awf i r mt hatSat ur dayaf t er noont osear cht hr ought hef i f t een t housandpaget r i alr ecor df orexampl esofJudgeJopl i ngort hest at eat t or ney sdi mi ni shi ngt he j ur or s'r esponsi bi l i t yi nsent enci ng.Isatont hephonesel ect i ngamongt hef r ant i cal l ycal l edout possi bi l i t i es" Nope,nope.Yes!That ' sper f ect !Sendi t !What ' snex t ?Nope,nope.Tr yt heex ami nat i on oft henex tj ur or ! "-whi cht heyt henf ax edt ot heEl ev ent hCi r cui t .AsJi m dr af t edpagesoft hebr i ef , Mi keOl l encal l edt hem i nt oasecr et ar yatCCRf r om t hephonei nt hebat hr oom sot heycoul dbe t y pedandf i xedt ot hecour t .At2: 30t hecour tcl er kcal l edt osayst op,wewer ej ammi ngt hei rf ax machi ne;t heyhadenough.By5: 00,t heEl ev ent hCi r cui thadr ul ed-r equestf orper mi ssi ont of i l ean appealDENI ED.Theappl i cabl el egalst andar df orsuchadeni ali st hatt hecl ai msar esof r i v ol oust hat t her ei snochancet hatanyr easonabl ej ur i stwoul df i ndt hatanyhadmer i t .Theywer ewr ongabout t hat . Wet ookacommer ci alf l i ghtt oTal l ahasseet hatev eni ng-t hest at e' sat t or ney shadgoneonhome hour sear l i erwi t houtbot her i ngt ot r yt of i l eabr i efatal l .Whenwegoti n, Ji m cr ashed, butMi keandI choset ol i v el i f eal i t t l ei nst ead.Wesati nanI t al i anr est aur ant ,sav or i ngt her espi t e,t henor mal i t yof t hesur r oundi ngs:f ami l i eseat i ngt oget her ,coupl esondat es.Wewentt oaKmar tt obuysomef r esh cl ot hesandl i nger edt her e,r oami ngt heai sl es.I tf el tl i kesuchasaf espot ,wel ll i t ,car ef r ee.Ispot t ed anout r ageousl ysl eazydanceski r tbl acknet t i ngandneonr uf f l esandst oodi nf r ontofi t , wi st f ul l y , f or t hel ongestt i me.Mi keboughtunder wearf orJi m asasur pr i se. ThenextdaywasSuperBowlSunday , andappar ent l yt hecour t swer enotgoi ngt ol etTedBundy ' s peskyl awy er sr ui nt hegamef ort hem.Thecl er ksf ort heEl ev ent hCi r cui tandt heU.S.Supr emeCour t r ef usedt ot akeourcal l sal lday ;t hej ust i cesoft heFl or i daSupr emeCour tl ef tt ownf oraconv ent i on. Ji m andMi kespent hedaywr i t i ngt het woU.S.Supr emeCour tbr i ef s,aFl or i daSupr emeCour tbr i ef ont hej ur orr esponsi bi l i t yi ssue( i ncaset heU.S.Supr emeCour tt houghti twasapr obl em t hatwe hadn' tf i l edt hatcl ai mi nast at ecour tbef or e) , andawhol enewcol l at er alpet i t i onf ort hecour ti nLake Ci t y ,cl ai mi ngt hatJudgeJopl i nghadsi mpl ycopi edJudgeCowar t ' sopi ni onr at hert hanmaki ngan i ndependentj udgment .Foreachoft hese,ofcour se,t her ewer et hehal f doz enaux i l i ar ydocument s t hatal way shadt oaccompanyt hem.Iser v edasex pedi t er ,keepi ngt r ackofwhatwasneeded, or gani zi ngi t ,pl acat i ngCCR' swor dpr ocessi ngst af fwhower eget t i ngsi ckofus.Dr .Lewi scal l edt o of f ert ocomedownt oFl or i da,t ohel pTedi fshecoul d,t obewi t hus." If eelsohel pl essupher e, t hi nki ngofwhaty ouar egoi ngt hr ought her e, "shesai d.Igl adl yaccept ed." Anddon' twor r yaboutme, "shesai d." Ti l cal l t heai r l i nesmy sel f . " Butmost l yt hatSundayIt al kedt oTed.Hewasdepr essed.Hehadcomedownf r om t heex ci t ement ofpl anni ngt heconf essi ondealandbegi nni ngt ot al kwi t hl aw enf or cement ,andnow hecoul dsee t hati thadcomet onot hi ng.Hehadexpect edt hati twoul datl eastf eelgood, t hathewoul dbet al ki ng t opeopl ewhounder st ood.Buti thadn' tf el tgood; i thadf el tdi r t y .Thel awenf or cementof f i cer shadn' t want edt ounder st and,t heyj ustwant edt hef act sandt heydi dnotwantt ogi v ehi m anysat i sf act i on f orpr ov i di ngt hem.Hehadwast edt hel astweekofhi sl i f e,undonet hedi gni t yandser eni t yhehad
bui l tupov erhi sy ear si npr i soni npr epar at i onf ort hi st i me.Isuggest edhecancelt hebi gpr ess i nt er v i ew hehadschedul edf ort henextday ,andhi sl aw enf or cementi nt er v i ews,andi nst eadmeet wi t hDr .Lewi sandI .Her eadi l yagr eed. Thatev eni ng,If l ewt oJacksonv i l l et omeetDr .Lewi s.( I magi net hi scasewi t houtar i chl awf i r m' s cr edi tcar ds.Asol opr act i t i onerwoul dhav ehadt ot hr ow upherhandsl ongbef or et hi spoi nt .)Her pl anehadbeendel ay edi nNewYor k, andshecal l edmef r om At l ant a, wher eshewasst r andedf ort he ni ght , butdet er mi nedl ypoi sedt ot aket hef i r stf i ghtouti nt hemor ni ng.WhenIcal l edSuper i nt endent Tur neratt hepr i sont ot el l hi m we' dbel at ei nt hemor ni ng.het ol dmegr uf f l yt hathewoul dnotex t end Dr .Lewi s' st i mebey ondoneo' cl ocki nanycase,and,byt heway ,Iwoul dnotbeal l owedt oat t end becauseTedwasonphaseI Iofdeat hwat chandwasnotal l owedanyf ur t hercont actv i si t swi t hhi s at t or ney s.Iar guedt hatDr .Lev i scoul dnoti nt er v i ewTedwi t houtmyassi st ance, t hatIknewt hef act s necessar yf orherwor k.Mr .Tur nerwasnoncommi t t al . Ly i ngheav i l yont heki ngsi zebedi nt heai r por thot el ,Ij ustkeptdi al i ngt hephone.Ical l edSusan Car ey , al awy erwhohadwor kedwi t hot heri nmat esi nt hel astday sbef or et hei rex ecut i on, andasked herwhatweshoul dbet hi nki ngabout .Shet ol dmet ohav eTedaskt hathi sf i nall egalv i si tandf i nal per sonalv i si tbecombi nedi nt oonef our hourv i si t .Mosti nmat eswer egr ant edper mi ssi ont odot hi s, whi chal l owedt hem t ohav emor epeopl ear oundt hem f oral ongert i meont heni ghtbef or et hei r ex ecut i on.Af t ert hatf our hourper i odof" noncont act "v i si t sacr osst hegl assbar r i er ,t hei nmat ewas al l owedanhour l ong" cont act "v i si twi t ht heper soncl osestt ohi m.Ial socal l edJi m, andaskedhi mt o at t endt heex ecut i on.Idi dnotwantTedt obeal oneathi sex ecut i on,andsomet hi ngmi ghthappen dur i ngt hepr ocesst hatwoul dr equi r eanadv ocat e.ButIcoul dn' tgoIwasaf r ai dIwoul dn' tbeabl et o t akei t .Ical l edTed' swi f eandmot hert ot el lt hem t hatwewer egoi ngt ol osehi m.Ji m wasst i l l pur sui ngast aybut ,i nf act ,t her ewasnohope.Theywer ef ur i ouswi t hTedandf el tdeepl ybet r ay ed t hathehadpubl i cl yconf essedwi t houtt el l i ngt hem f i r st .Theyhadmai nt ai nedt hei rl ov ef orhi m ont he basi sofhi si nnocence-oratl eastonhi sst eadf astasser t i onofi nnocence,howev eri ncr edi bl e.Bot h womenwer ebi t t ernow,t ohav ehadt hatbl anketofpr ot ect i onst r i ppedawayf r om t hem sohar shl y byr eadi ngi ti nt henewspaper sandhear i ngi tf r om r epor t er swhowant edt oknowt hei rr eact i on. Nei t herCar ol enorLoui secamet oFl or i daf ort heex ecut i on.Tedt ol dt hem t heydi dn' thav et o, butI don' tt hi nkt heywer ei ncl i nedt ocome,ei t her .I twasassi l entasat ombi nt hehot eldi ni ngr oom Mondaymor ni ng.Noonewasupy et ,ex ceptf ort heai r l i neempl oy eesbr eakf ast i ngi nt hei rbur gundy uni f or ms.Thewi ndowsl ookedoutont oast i l l dar kpat i o, wi t hi t swhi t el at t i cet abl esandchai r sbar el y v i si bl e,l i keghost l yappar i t i ons.Asmal lspot l i ghtl i tmeatmybi g,r oundboot h.Icoul df eelt hecool v i ny l oft heseatt hr oughmyski r t .Eachbr eat hIt ook, It ookcar ef ul l y . Att heai r por tIr ent edacar .Theagentwasgushi ngt ot hecust omerahead:" We' r ehav i ngan ex ecut i on! " Thecust omerdi dn' tseem t oknow." Oh, y es? " " Yes,"sai dt heagent ,col l ect i ngher sel fandsummoni ngamor epr of essi onaldemeanor ," t he gent l emanatSt ar ke." Dr .Lewi sar r i v ed,andi twasgoodt oseeher .Cool ,cr i spwi ndsofr easonandpr agmat i sm swi r l ar oundheratal lt i mes.Wedr ov et ot hepr i son.Wewer el at eal r eadybecauseshehadmi ssedher connect i oni nAt l ant a,andwewer edel ay edf ur t herbyr oadconst r uct i on.Ti mel ostnow wasnev er goi ngt obemadeup, ev er . Thi swast hel astdayofTed' sl i f e.Thepr i son' spsy chi cr adargr asped and hel d mef r om Jacksonv i l l eon, st r ongert hanev er , buzz i ngl i kest at i ci nmybr ai n.
Chr i st mas, 1988
CHAPTER16 AssoonasTedst ar t edt al ki ng,Iknew somet hi ngwasup.Hewasv ague,mumbl i ng,act i ngv er y f ur t i v e,v er yst r ange.Hewasact i ng,i nf act ,howy ou' dex pectamassmur der erondeat hr owt oact whi chwast hel astt hi ngTedhadev eract edl i ke.Dor ot hynot i cedi t , t oo. " Di dt heygi v ey ouany t hi ngt osl eep? "shesai d." Anymedi cat i on? " " No,Iwasaf r ai dt oaskf orany t hi ng.Idon' tr eal l yt r ustany one.ImeanI ,Ir eal l ycoul dn' t .Ihav en' t beeneat i n' , Ist opped.Ij ustst oppedeat i n' .I t ' ssohar dt oex pl ai n.Mymi nd' sj ustal lt or nup.That ' sal l , t heseday s." Idi dn' tknowwhatwasgoi ngon, butIdi dn' tbuyTed' ssuddendi sor i ent at i on-Ihadspokent ohi m sev er alt i mest hedaybef or eandhe' dbeenper f ect l ycl ear .Thepr i sonhadappar ent l ydeci dednott o r i skf ur t hercour tact i onbydeny i ngmypr esenceatt hi ssessi on,andIst ar t edt of eelangr yt hatTed wasgoi ngt owast ehi sl astr eal oppor t uni t yt or eal l ybehear d. " Tal ki ngaboutal l t hi sst uf fi sal i t t l ehaunt i ng, "Tedsai d, r ef er r i ngt ohi sl awenf or cementmeet i ngs. " I tmustbeani ght mar e, "Dor ot hysai d. " Wel l , i t ' sr el i v i ngi t , r el i v i ngi sani ght mar e.That ' swhyI …"Tedl ookeddi st r act ed. " Hav ey ouf el tgoodatal lt ohav egot t eni tof fy ourchest ? "Dor ot hyasked." Iunder st andf r om Pol l y y out ol dal otoft hel awenf or cementpeopl eaboutsomeoft hemur der s." " Ihav e,andi tdoesn' tf eelanybet t er .Noty et ,' causeIhav en' tr eal l yt ol dany body ,Idon' tt hi nk,t he whol est or y .Becauseal lt hey ' r egoi ngt odoi sex pl ai ni tf ort hei rownpur posesandt hi si saser i ous st at ementonmypar t ." Tedwassi t t i ngcr ouchedov er ,mumbl i ngi nt ohi shandcuf f edhandsont hesmal lt abl e.Iwas si t t i ngdi r ect l yacr ossf r om hi m;Dor ot hysatof ft ot hesi de.Now Tedr ai sedhi sey esandst eadi l y peer edi nt omi ne.Heseemedt or naboutcont i nui ngont hewayhewas.Hehadst ar t edt ospeak coher ent l yandseemedt owantt ocont i nue,butsomet hi ngwashol di nghi m back.Hemot i onedf or met ol eani ncl oser , andwhenIdi dhecuppedhi shandsar oundmyearandwhi sper ed, " Ar ey ougoi ngt ogof ori ncompet ence? " Hemeanti ncompet encyt obeexecut edandheknewbet t ert hant hat .Heknewt heonl ypur poseof ourv i si twast oal l owhi m asy mpat het i cearandahopeofgr eat erunder st andi ng.ButwhenTedhad abr upt l ycancel edt hebi gpr essconf er encehe' dschedul edf ort oday ,andt henIhadar r angedf orDr . Lewi sandmet oseehi mi nst ead,t hest at eandt hepr esswer ecer t ai nwewer egoi ngt ocl ai mt hat Tedwasnotcompet entt obeexecut ed,t hathewasnotpr esent l yi nament alst at ecapabl eof under st andi ngwhatwashappeni ngandwhy .Al t houghTedknewt hi shadnotbeenmyi nt ent i onwhen Il astt al kedt ohi m, appar ent l yhehadbegunt oconsi dert hepossi bi l i t yhi msel f .Thatwaswhyhewas act i ngsost r ange, souncommuni cat i v e: Hewaspl anni ngt of akei ncompet ence. " No."Iwhi sper edback." Youknow whywe' r eher e.I ncompet encyi snotav i abl ecl ai m her e." Thi ngshadcer t ai nl ychanged.Tedwasf eel i ngt her eal i t yofhi sdeat hsent ence-atl ast .Nowhewas t heonewhowant edt or ai sei ncompet encyandi nt hi scont ex ti twoul dbeaf al secl ai m.I nt hi s,t he mosthumbl esuppl i cat i onTedhadev ermadei nhi sl i f e,heseemedf oronceani nt egr at edper son, wi t houthi ddensubt extorr eser v e.Hegr abbedmyhandsandsai d, " Pl ease." It houghtmyhear twoul dbr eak.Ihadal way swant edt oseet hi sTed,t hi sTedt hatIhadt houghtI wasgoi ngt ohel pwhenIf i r stt ookt hecase, t hi sTedt hatwashel pl essandv ul ner abl eandi nf earf or hi sl i f e.ButIhadnev erseenhi m unt i lt hi smoment .Unt i lt hi smomentIwasnev err eal l yi mpor t antt o Ted, noti nt hewayIhadt houghtI ' dbe.Al lal onghe' dt houghthe' dhel dt heul t i mat ekeyt osav i nghi s l i f ehi sconf essi on.Thel egalr emedi est hatI ' dpur suedhad,t ohi m,beenl ongshot s,del ay i ng mechani smst oputof fasl ongaspossi bl et heneedt opl ayhi st r umpcar d.Buthi swel l guar ded t r easur ehadt ur nedoutt obef ool ' sgol d. IaskedDor ot hyt ost epoutoft her oom. " Pl ease, "he' dsai d.Ont hel astdayofhi sl i f e, Tedwassi ncer el yaski ngf orhel pf ort hef i r stt i me.I sear chedmyhear tf ort her i ghtr esponse.Ihadcomedownt oSt ar kewi t hDor ot hyt ohel pTedgi v e meani ngt ohi sl asthour s.Toal l owhi mt oex pl or ewhoher eal l ywas, whathadr eal l yhappenedt ohi s l i f e.Toal l owhi m spi r i t ualgr aceaf t eral lhi sf r ant i cgamesmanshi p,di gni t yi nhi sf i nalhour s.Af al se
cl ai m ofi ncompet encet obeexecut edwoul ddest r oyal l t hat .Iwoul dhav et ol i e, Tedwoul dhav et ol i e, Dor ot hywoul dhav et obeper suadedt ogoal ongandIhadnoex pect at i ont hatshewoul dgoal ong. Thent her ewoul dbemor ecour tact i on,f i l i ngs,t hest at ewoul dhav et hei rpsy chi at r i st sex ami nehi m. Thei rex ami nat i onwoul dbebr ut alandt hei rr esul t spr edet er mi ned.Theex ecut i onwoul dbeputof f anot herday ,ort wo att hemost ,whi l et hecour t sdeal tswi f t l ywi t ht hecl ai m,t hei rdeci si ons pr edet er mi nedaswel l .Tedwasgoi ngt odi et hatweeki nei t hercase. " Idon' tt hi nki t ' st hewayt ogo,Ted,"Isai d.Hi shandsst i l lgr aspedmi ne,wewer est i l ll ooki ng st r ai ghti nt oeachot her ' sey es, i nchesapar t .If el thi m hol di ngont ome, hol di ngont omywor ds.If el t hi mt r ust i ngmet ogui dehi mt hr ought hi s." I twi l lnev erf l y , "Isai d." I twoul donl ydi st ur by ourdi gni t y .I don' tt hi nky ouwantt ogot hatway ."Af t eramomenthenoddedandr el ax edhi sgr i p.Il ookedf or si gnsofdespai r , butheseemedatpeacewi t ht hedeci si on.Hi sey essof t enedandhi sf acedeased.Ical l edDor ot hy backi nt ot her oom. It ol dDor ot hyt hatTedandIhaddi scussedt hepossi bi l i t yofcl ai mi ngi ncompet encyt obeex ecut ed. Sheex pr essedt hef i r m opi ni ont hati twoul dnotbeagooduseoft her estofhi st i me.Heneededt o ber ealnow,notwast ehi st i meper f or mi ngachar ade.I twasi mpor t antt hathespendt het i me r emai ni ngonwhatr eal l ymat t er ed.Thi si nt er v i ew meantal ott oTed,somucht hat ,wheni twas f i ni shed,heaskedust omakecer t ai npor t i onsofi tav ai l abl et oot her ssot hatt heywoul dbet t er under st andhi m, Dr .Lewi sr ecor dedt hesessi ononat aper ecor der , aswasherusual pr act i ce. Dor ot hyaskedTedi ft her ewassomet hi nghet houghtsheshoul dknow t hathehadn' tt ol dher bef or e. TEDBUNDY:Wel l ,i t ' snotsomucht hatIhel dsomet hi ngbackf r om y ouort r i edt oconcealmy sel f f r om y ou.Butt her eshoul d, t her e' sal oty oushoul dknow. DOROTHYOTNOW LEWI S:Li kewhat ? T.B. : Idon' tknowspeci f i cal l y .I twasanev ol ut i onar ypr ocess. D.L.:Ev ol ut i onar ypr ocess? T.B.:Wel l ,y ousee,Idon' tdi sput ey ourf eel i ng,y ourbel i ef ,t hatt her e' ssomeki ndofpr ecur sor s, env i r onment al pr ecur sor s, t ot hi sv i ol entbehav i ori nmyear l yy ear s. Tedhadal way sbeenv er yuncomf or t abl et al ki ngabouthi schi l dhoodandf ami l y .Hewasal way son guar dt hatsomet hi nghesai dwoul dbei nt er pr et edt or ef l ectbadl yonhi sf ami l y . T.B. :ButImustt el ly out hatIdi dnotbegi nt odet ectany t hi ngconsci ousl yunt i l ,y ouknow,Iwas t wel v e, f our t een, f i f t een, andev ent hent her ewasn' tany t hi ngt hati nv ol v edact i ngoutaggr essi on. D. L. :I twasmor ef ant asy ?Letmet el ly ouwhyI ' m aski ng.Bef or eIcamedownher e,ont hepl ane,I r er eadMi chaud' sbook, andf r om myt al ki ngwi t hy ouandf r om whathet al kedabout , y out al kedabout " anot herTed,"y out al kedaboutanot herent i t y .SowhatIwaswonder i ng,whendoy out hi nkt hi s secondent i t ybegan?That ' swhyIaskedaboutani magi nar ycompani on. T.B. :Okay .Wel l ,t hi si s-" i magi nar ycompani on"Ii nt er pr et edassomechi l dhoodf ant asy ,butt he ent i t yt hatMi chaudt al ksabouti ssomewhatdi f f er ent .Andt hat ' st hewor dIused, Idi dn' twantt ouse anot herper son orper sonal i t y .Justy est er day Iwas t r y i ng t o ex pl ai ni t ,and i tcaut i ons my consci ousness-t hat ' st hebestIcandescr i be.Apor t i onofmyper sonal i t ywasnotf ul l y -i tbegant o emer ge D.L. :Howdi dy ouconcept ual i zei t ? T.B. :I twasunobt r usi v eatf i r st .I twassomet hi ngt hatwasj ustsomet hi ngt hatki ndofgr ewonme.I t became-byt het i meIr eal i zedhowpower f ul i twas, Iwasi nbi gt r oubl e.. Tedpausedher ef orsev er al moment s, t henbeganagai n. T.B. :I nmyhi ghschooly ear sIwasr eal l youtoft ouchwi t hmypeer sr eal l youtoft ouch.Imean,my ol dnei ghbor hoodf r i endswentont ogr oups, andhi ghschool , bei ng[ par tof ]abi ggercommuni t y andI
wassor tofj ustst uck.Ispental otoft i mewi t hmy sel f . D. L. :Whywer ey ououtoft ouch? T.B. :Idon' tknow.Thesummer somet hi nghappened,somet hi ng,I ' m notsur ewhati twas.Wel l ,I woul dt hi nkt hat ,att het i meIwasn' tt hi nki ng aboutany t hi ng i l l egalorcr i mi naloraggr essi v e necessar i l y .Iwoul df ant asi zeaboutcomi ngupt osomegi r lsunbat hi ngi nt hewoods,orsomet hi ng i nnocuousl i ket hat . D.L.:Andwhat , andy ou' r edoi ngwhat ? T.B. :I ' mj ustwat chi ngher..I twasbasi cal l yv oy eur i st i c.Imean,amongmysex ualact i v i t i eswast o l ookoutofmybedr oom wi ndow,whi chl ookeddowni nt ot henei ghbor ' sbat hr oom…Not hi ngr eal l y har mf ul ort hr eat eni ng, butt hi ngswhi ch, becauseIwast ot al l yonmyownandwasn' tshar i ngt hi swi t h any body -nobodycoul dsay , " Gee, t hat ' swei r d, don' tdot hat , y ousee.Imean, f ori nst ance, ov erat woort hr eey earper i od, Iwoul dgooutatni ght , awar m ni ght -wehadsomewoodsi nbackofourhouse-I woul dt akeof fal l mycl ot hesandr unar oundt hewoods. D.L.:Wheny ouwer et hi r t een, f our t een? T.B. :Yeah,agai n,Iwasn' tf l ashi ngonany bodyort r y i ngt oi magi nemest al ki ngany body ,buti twas j ustani nnocentki ndofspor t .Sot her e' snot hi ngatt hi spoi ntt hat ' sbad, butIseewhatwashappeni ng. Iwasbegi nni ngt ogeti nv ol v edi nwhatt heywoul dcal l ,dev el opedapr ef er encef orwhatt heycal l , aut oer ot i csexual act i v i t y .Andt hat ' sexact l ywhati twas. D.L.:Woul dy ouev ert hengooutandl ookt hr oughpeopl e' swi ndows? T.B. : No, Inev er , Inev erdi dt hat . D. L. :Justl ooki ngi ny ournei ghbor ' sbat hr oom? T.B. :Agai n, t hi si ssomet hi ngt hatal otofy oungboy swoul ddoandwi t houti nt endi nganyhar m, and t hatwasbasi cal l ywher eIwasatt het i me.ButIseehowi tl at erf or medt hebasi sf ort hesocal l ed ent i t y , t hatpar tofmet hatbegant ov i sual i z eandf ant asi z emor ev i ol entt hi ngsandhav eadesi r ef or t hemat er i al oft heenv i r onmentav i ol entnat ur e. Her e' sanexampl e,Icanbegi nt oseei tcoal esci ng.I nmymi dandl at et eenagery ear st her ewer e t heset woset sofcur r ent satv ar i ousl ev el sofex i st ence, ofcour se, l i keschoolandf ami l yandchur chbutamongt hem wasonecur r entwi t hi t si nt er esti nsomemor emor bi dmat er i al .I twasn' tnecessar i l y asex ual i nt er est-Idi dn' tmast ur bat ebuti twasdet ect i v emagaz i nes, booksoncr i mei nt hel i br ar y . D.L.:Whatwer ey oul ooki ngf or ? T.B. :Iwasl ooki ngf orbasi cal l yv i ol encei nbooksi nt hel i br ar y , buti twasmor et hant hat .Iwasal so l ooki ngf orbookst hathaddescr i pt i onsofsex ualact i v i t yandsuchasonecoul df i ndi nt hel i br ar yand so. Al lt hr ought hemor ni ng,Tedwoul dconcent r at eandf ocusf orawhi l eont het opi csDr .Lewi swas ex pl or i ng,r emember i ng t he past ,l ooki ng i nsi de hi msel f ,t hen t he r eal i z at i on ofhi s pr esent ci r cumst anceswoul dcr eepbacki nandwashov erhi m, br eaki nghi st r ai noft hought .Whent hi swoul d happenhewoul dshudderandst opspeaki ng.Tedwoul dbeatal oss;Iwoul dbeatal oss.Dor ot hy seemedt oi nt er pr ett hesel apsesasTedav oi di ngapai nf ulsubj ectex hi bi t i ngadef ensemechani sm agai nstt hepai noft hepast .It houghti twasamaz i nghecoul dt hi nkaboutany t hi ngbuthi spr esent si t uat i on.
D.L.:I t ' scl eari t sv er yhar dt ot al kabout .Youmustbeawar eoft hat . T.B. :I t ' shar dt ot al kaboutr i ghtnowbecauseI ' m goi ngt hr oughsomeot hert hi ngs.I ' m hav i ngahar d t i mear t i cul at i ng-we' r et al ki ngaboutsomet hi ngt hathappenedal ongt i meago. D. L. :Somet hi ngt haty ouf el twast hebegi nni ngt heent i t y .Goonandt el lmeal i t t l emor eabouthow y ouf eely ourent i t ydev el oped. T.B. :Ont heonehandi tdev el oped,y oumi ghtsay ,notanobsessi onnecessar i l y ,butav er yi nt ense i nt er esti nt hi ski ndofmat er i alandmay bewhoIwas.Ev enmor ei nf l ammat or ywasmyi nt er esti nt he det ect i v emagaz i neswhi chi ' v et ol dy ouabout .Ver ypot entmat er i al , t hei mager y , t hephot ogr aphson t hecov er , pi ct ur esofdeadbodi esi nt het hebook.
Tedpausedagai nher e,l ooki ngaway ,l ooki ngt hr ought hegl asswal l soft hei nt er v i ewr oom t ot he act i v i t i esoft hepr i sonst af fmov i ngaboutout si det hewar den' sof f i ce. T.B. :Excuseme.I t ' sj ustt hi sot herst uf f ,notr el at edt ot hi s,whatwe' r et al ki ngabout .Thi s-what ' s happeni ngwi t hmeher e.Ev er yoncei nawhi l ei tcr ashesi nonme.Her eIam ki ndofabsor bedi nour conv er sat i onandmemor i esoft hepast , andal l ofasuddenr eal i t ywi l l f l i pi nonmeandt her ewi l l bea r ush...Theonl yr easonIwasabl et osl eepi sbecauseofwhatPol l yandJi m ar edoi ng,andt henI woul dsayt omy sel f , wel l , t her e' sst i l l hope. D. L. :ButIcer t ai nl yknowwhatt hatwav eoft er r ori sl i ke. T.B.: Yeah. D. L. :We' l lst opev er ysoof t enand. T.B.: Takeadeepbr eat h. D.L. :Cr ossourf i nger s. T.B. : Takeadeepbr eat h.I ' l l beal l r i ght . WhenDor ot hy ' st aper anout ,Tedst oppedandchangedi thi msel f .Hehadbecomev er ypr of i ci ent atmanagi ngt aper ecor der sov ert hel astcoupl eofday s,ashespenthour sandhour sr ecount i ng mi nut edet ai l sofhi scr i mest ol awenf or cementof f i ci al sf r om Ut ahandWashi ngt on, wi t hDi anabyhi s si de. Tedt al kedt ousaboutt hef al l outofwhatwaspr obabl yt hepi v ot al t i mei nhi sdev el opment .Hehad beenr eachi ngahi ght hatsummerdur i ngcol l egei nf acthewasont hehi ghendofabi pol armood swi ng, al t houghhecoul dnev erseehi msel ft hatway .Hehadr egi st er edf orasummercl assi nChi nese atSt anf or dUni v er si t y , andhewasdat i ngay oungwomannamedDi ane, whom hegr eat l yadmi r edf or herbeaut yandsoci alst at ur e.Butbot hendeav or sendedi nut t erf ai l ur e.Hewasi mmedi at el yl osti na cl asst hatwaswayov erhi shead, andhef ai l edi nhi sat t emptt omakel ov et ot hi sy oungwomanwho wassoi mpor t antt ohi m-hewasunabl et oper f or m. T.B. :WhatIdi dwas, af t ert hei nci dentatSt anf or dandwi t hDi anet hatsummer , Ibegant ot ur nmor e t ot hef ant asyl i f eandpor nogr aphyt hanev erbef or e.I twasl i keIj ustr anf orcov eremot i onal l yand, of cour se,t hatwast heonl yt hi ngt hatmadesense.Not hi ngwasgi v i ngmegr eatsat i sf act i onnow,not ev enschool , andatl eastmast ur bat i nggav eat empor ar yki ndofgr at i f i cat i onandal lt hat .It hi nkt hat wasl i keanopeni ngofadooronachaot i csi t uat i ont hatal l owedt hesei nt er est st omol d, andatt hat t i memysexual pr eoccupat i onwasbecomi ngmor et i ngedwi t hv i ol entf ant asy . D.L. :Woul dt hef ant asybeofDi ane? Tedt ooksomet i met osear chhi smemor y . T.B. :Yes.It hi nki tchangedov erandIbegant o, shebegant oappeari nf ant asi eswher eIwasnott he per pet r at or , act ori nt hef ant asy .Thesewoul dbef ant asi esbasedont hi ngsIhadr ead. D.L.:Whowast heper pet r at or ? T.B. :Whoev er somebodyel se,butnotmeSomef acel esschar act er ,buti twasnotme.Whati s si gni f i canti st hatl at er ,when i tdoes become me,It hi nk t hat ' s anot herst ep,t hat ' s anot her br eakt hr ough.Taki ngt henextst epdownt her oad. D.L.:Whatdi dhedot oher ? T.B.:Wel l ,i twas…It hi nkher apedher ,…buthedi dn' t ,. . .hedi dn' t. . .Idi dn' t ,Idi dn' tt akei t...he di dn' tki l l herorany t hi ngl i ket hat . D. L. :Andwhendi dt heybecomeact i ons? T.B. : Oh… Tedpausedf oral ongt i me.Eacht i mehewasf or cedt omakeanact ualconf essi onhehadt ol eapa st eepbar r i erhehadbui l ti nsi dehi msel fl ongago.
T.B. :I nt hecour seoft henex ty ear ,myl i f econt i nuedi nt hi shi ghl ychaot i cst at e,t hi sv er ysadst at e, andIev ent ual l yf l edt hePaci f i cNor t hwestagai nandwentbackt oPhi l adel phi a,whi chi swher emy f ami l y ' sf r om.Looki ngf orsomesor tofr oot s, somewayt ost abi l i z emy sel f .Youcanunder st andt hat , ' causet her ewassomuchunhappi ness.Ihaddr oppedoutofschool ,andnot hi ngwasr i ght .SoI st ay edi nPhi l adel phi af orawhi l ebutst i l ldi dn' tf i ndwhatIwasl ooki ngf or -Idi dn' tj ustgol ooki ngf or myf at her ,perse.Imean,i twasj ustgoi ngbackt obewher eIwasf r om.Justl ooki ngf orsomet hi ng t hatmadesense.AndIcoul dn' tst ayt her ef orl ong.Idi dn' tgobackt her et obei nschool .Iwasj ust goi ngbackmor eorl essj ustt ogetaway . I t ' si near l y' 68.Iwentbackt oPhi l adel phi a,mademywaybackt oSeat t l e,andwor kedi npol i t i cst hatwasapr esi dent i aly ear al lsummerl ong.Gotaj obaf t ert hecampai gnswer eov eri nNov emberof ' 68,andIdeci dedIwasgoi ngt ogobackt oschool ,whi chseemedl i keani mpor t antdeci si on,butI coul dn' tgot oschool i nt hePaci f i cNor t hwest , soIdeci ded, wel l , I ' m goi ngt ogot oTempl e, whi chi si n Phi l adel phi a,agai ngoi ngbackt oPhi l adel phi a.Andsoi near l y' 69Idi dgot oPhi l adel phi af ort he secondsemest eratl ' empl e.I t ' satt hatpoi ntt hatIt hi nkagai nt hatIr eachedt hepoi ntofact i ngout .I n par tbecausei twasqui ckl yappar entt omet hatt hi spl ace,j ustachangeofpl ace,wasn' tgoi ngt o sol v eany t hi ng, andIwashopi ngi twoul dandschool wasj ust… D. L. :AuntAudi et al kedoft i mesy ouwoul dgoof f . T.B.:Yeah, wel l , shewaspr obabl yr ef er r i ngt ot hatt i me.Ther ewer emanyt i mesl i ket hati n, l et ' ssay , t hel at ewi nt er ,ear l yspr i ngof' 69.I t ' swhenwe' r est ar t i ngt oseet hi sent i t ybegi nt or eacht hepoi nt wher ei t ' snecessar yt oactout .Nol ongerj ustt or eadbooks,ort omast ur bat e,orf ant asi z e,butt o act ual l ybegi nt ost al k,t ol ook.Iwasst i l lv er yheav i l y..It hi nkwhatr eal l ygotmet ot hatpoi nt ,what pushedmeov ert heedgef r om t houghti nt oact i on,wasof t ent i mesIwoul dt aket hecommut ert r ai n f r om Phi l adel phi at oNewYor kt oFor t y secondSt r eet .Imean, wher ey ouhav et hehar destoft hehar d cor e, andt hi sf eel i ngwasy ouj ustcan' tgetanymor egr aphi ct hant hi s, buti tj usti sn' tenough. D.L.:Youact ual l ysawl i v epor not her e? T.B. :Most l ymagazi nesandbooksandt hi ngs.Iwasn' tanal y z i ngt hi sway ,i nt hesenseofwhatwas goi ngon, It hought , " Gee, t hi si sgr eat ! "ButIj ustkeptcomi ngupt oi tandI ' dwonderwhati twasr eal l y l i ke.Andt hatbegant hel ackofsat i sf act i on,gr at i f i cat i on,f r om anyot herpar tofmyl i f e,i ncl udi ng school .I tbegant obecomemor eappeal i ngbecausei tof f er edsomet hi ng,ev enshor tt er m,a…a senseofex ci t ement , senseofcont r ol , asenseofdomi nat i on, asenseofadv ent ur e, al l t hat .I tbecame v er yappeal i ng.I naddi t i on, i twasal loutofsi ght .Nobodyknewaboutt hi sbutme.Nobodycoul dsay , " St r ai ght enup, y ou' r eget t i ngpr et t ybi zar r eher e.Yououghtt oseesomebody , "Ihel di tsocl osel yt hat nobodycoul dt el lwhatwasgoi ngon,soIwasn' tsuscept i bl et oanyki ndofmodi f i cat i on.I twas ent i r el y , basi cal l yi ndependent .I twasat i mebomb. Andwhathappenedwas,f ori nst ance,If oundmy sel fatl eastononeoccasi on.Ir emember comi ngi nt oNewYor kt hi st i me, t hi sv er yf i r stt i meIwasgoi ngt ot r ysomet hi ng, y ouknow, ofcour se i twasv er y…amat eur i sh,becausewi t hmostanyact i v i t yy oul ear nbydoi ng.Andy oul ear n,y oucan r eadbooks, butr eadi ngbooksanddoi ngt her eal t hi ngi ssomet hi ngel se.Ri ght .Rat i onal l y , Iknewt hat t hi si snotoneoft hecaseswher eal otoft r i alander r orwasal l owed.Imean, i fy oumadeami st ake, t hatwast heendoft hegame-y ouwentt oj ai l .Sot hi swassomet hi ngwher eIknewIhadt obev er y t ent at i v e,becausear ealbl underwoul dmeant heendoft hel ear ni ngex per i ence,sot ospeak.SoI r emember ,i nt hel at ewi nt erof' 69,goi ngt oNewYor k,andI ' m doneal lt hoset hi ngs.Li keIboughta f akemust acheandboughthai rst uf fsomehai rdy e.Oh, Ir egi st er edi nsomeseedyhot el mot elunder af al senameandal l t heset hi ngs.Ihadt hi shor r i bl yi neptpl ani nmi nd, andIwasn' tsur eex act l ywher e i twasgoi ngt ogo. D.L.:Whatwast hepl an? T.B. :Fol l owi ngsomewomani nsomehot elt oherr oom andr ushi ngi nonheranddoi ng. . .Iwasn' t sur ewhat… It hi nksexual l yassaul t i ngher .Butbey ondt hatIr eal l ydi dn' t.. .i twasr eal l ysomehal f cockedef f or t . D. L. :Whatwer ey out hi nki ng?Di dy ouhav eanyambi v al ence? T.B.: Ambi v al ence?Youmeani ndeci si v eness?
Iwasst i l l t r y i ngt opul l somesenseofr emor seoratl eastmor al hesi t at i onf r om Ted, asIpr ompt ed, " Or , asy ouwer epr oceedi ng, t hef eel i ngt haty oushoul dn' tpr oceed? " T.B.: Wel l , y es.Ther ewasst i l l av er y , t her ewasst i l l , i nessence, abar r i ert her et ot hatki ndofconduct . That ' sanot hert hi ngwehav en' tdi scussedi show, i nessence, myot herer ot i cbehav i or -mast ur bat i on, f ant asy wasawayofdecondi t i oni ngf eel i ngsofi nhi bi t i onagai nstengagi ngi nconduct .Att hesame t i mei twasawayofdeal i ngwi t hr emor se, Imean, r epr essi nganyki ndofr emor seorgui l tbecauset he f ant asybecamemor egr aphi ceacht i mei twasar oused. D.L.:Whenwast hef i r stt i met haty ouact ual l yact ed? " Al l r i ght , "Tedsai d, andt henpaused.
D. L. :Youdon' thav et ot el lmei fy oudon' twantt o. T.B.:Wel l ,l at eront hatsamey ear ,i nt hespr i ng,Iwentt oOceanCi t y .OceanCi t y ,NewJer sey .And j usthangi ngoutatt hebeach,andl ooki ngatt hey oungwomen,t r ai l i ngt hem ar ound.Andmypl an agai nwasIhadnev erdoneany t hi ngl i ket hi sbef or e-Iwas, i twasv er yconf usi ng, ki ndof , andf ear f ul , andy etIf el tcompel l edt ocont i nuet o, sor tof , actoutt hi sv i si on… D. L. :Wast hev i si onst i l lofDi ane? T.B. : No, t hi st i mei twasj ustsomeone, someat t r act i v ewor an. D. L. :Wasi tnowy oui nt hev i si on? T.B.:Oh, absol ut el y .Bynowt hathadt akenpl aceandt hathadst ar t edIt hi nki t ' ssaf et osayi near l y 1969,may benotl ongaf t erIar r i v edi nPhi l adel phi a.Idon' thav eacl earr ecol l ect i onofonet i meor how t hi shappenedf ort hef i r stt i me,al t houghIdohav eav i si onsi mi l art ot hat .Okay ,soIwasj ust st al ki ngar oundt hedownt ownar eaoft hi ssmal lr esor tcommuni t yandIsaway oungwomanwal ki ng al ong.Andt her easonIpausedt hef i r stt i me-It hi nkImayhav emi sl edy ouandwant edt ost r ai ght en t hatout -Idi dn' tact ual l yki l lsomeonet hi st i me,butIr eal l y ,f ort hef i r stt i me,appr oachedav i ct i m, spoket oher ,t r i edt oabducther ,andsheescaped.Butt hatwasf r i ght eni ngi ni t sownway .Butt hat wast hef i r stt heki ndofst ept haty ouj ust t haty oudon' t -t hatIcoul dn' tev err et ur nf r om. D.L.:Di dy ouev ert hi nkaboutt al ki ngt oapsy chi at r i storsomeoneaboutt hi s? T.B.:No.Ial way s. . .f el t…ev ent houghsev er aly ear sl at er , i n1972, Iwasgoi ngbackt oschoolandI f el tIhadmyl i f ebackt oget herandIhadapur pose, andIwasgoi ngoutwi t hani cey oungwoman, Li z Kl oepf er ,andt hi ngsseemedt obegood.If el tl i keIhadmy sel fbackt oget her .Iwasdi st ur bedabout whatIwasdoi ngdur i ng1969i nPhi l adel phi a.And, y et , If i gur edt hati twasi ncont r ol , r eal l y .I twasn' t , I wasn' t , andIpr obabl y. D.L.:Doy our emembert hef i r stt i mey ouact ual l yki l l edsomeone? Agai n,Ted' sst r ongi nnerbar r i eragai nstr ev eal i ngt het r ut hofhi scr i mesr oseup.Hepaused, si ghed. T.B. : Look…I ' l l …. D.L.:Ar ey ouf r i ght enedt hatt hatwi l lj eopar di zey oursi t uat i onnow? T.B. : Notr eal l y , Ishoul dn' tbe, notatt hi sl at est age. D. L. :Howdoy ouf eeli tmi ght ?Idon' tt hi nki twoul d, butI ' l lr especty ourf ear s. T.B.:Yousee,noneoft hi smakesadi f f er ence..tmedealwi t hi tont hi sl ev el .We' l lt al kabout..i t wasacoupl ey ear sl at er ,butcanIj ustt al kaboutt hedi f f er encebet weent hatonei nci dentatOcean Ci t yandt hef i r stt i me? D.L.:Yes. T.B. :Thedi f f er encewast hati twassor tofhal f hear t ed, sor tofconf used, sor tof , t her e' sal ackof-i t wasaser i ous,ser i ous,mani f est at i on.Buti twasn' tacompl et e,t ot al ,f ocusedki ndofaggr essi on whenIknewwhatIwasdoi ng, IknewwhatIwant edandwasgoi ngt odoi t , andIhadt heex per i ence andski l lt ocar r yi tof f .Sev er aly ear sl at ert hi spr ocesscont i nued.Theact i ngout ,get t i ngcl oserand cl oser .Iknowt hatI , i nOceanCi t y , Ir eal i z edj usthowi neptIwas.Andsot hatmadememor ecaut i ous,
andsoIdi dn' tdot hatagai nf oral ongt i me.I tscar edme.I tr eal l yscar edme.AndwhenIst opped doi ngi tIwoul dgett hef eel i ng,y ouknow,l i keaper sonwho' sonadi et ,gett hef eel i ngI ' v el ostf i v e pounds.:" I ' m gr eat ,I ' m goi ngt obeokaynow."Andt hensomet hi nghappensandy oust ar teat i ng. Wel l ,Iwasf eel i ngt hatIwasont opoft hi s,I ' m okay .I ' m notgoi ngt odot hi sany mor e.Igotscar ed st r ai ght , nopr obl em.Andt henIdi dputmyl i f et oget heri n1972. D. L. :Di dy oucont i nuet ost al kwomeni nPhi l adel phi a? T.B.: No, t hatwast hat . D. L. :Justi n' 69i nOceanCi t y , andy out henst oppedev er y t hi ng. T.B. :Ri ght , r i ght .Andt hat ' st hepat t er nt haty ouwoul dseef ort henex tsev er aly ear s.Ther ewoul dbe act i ngoutandt hen,l et ' ssay ,t hi sf i r sti nci denti n' 69,i twast woy ear sl at erbef or eIdi danot herone, andt hensi xmont hsl at erbef or eIt r i edanot herone, andt henf i nal l yt hef i r st . D.L.:Act ualmur der . T.B. : Yeah. D.L.:Whi chwaswhen? Teddi dn' tanswer , soDor ot hypr ompt edhi m.
D.L.:I twoul dbe" 71bef or eanot herki ndofat t emptandt hen" 71agai nanot herat t empt ,andwho wast hef i r st ?Wher e? T.B.: Seat t l e.I twasi nSeat t l e. D.L.:I st hatoneoft heonesy ou' v et ol dt hem about ? T.B. :Ir eal l yhadn' tt al kedaboutt hem i ndet ai l .I nf act ,Idi dn' tt hi nkt heyment i onedt hename,ev en t hought henameoft hegi r l i sont hei rl i st . D.L. :Whoi si t ?Doy out hi nkt hati t ' snoti mpor t antbecausey out ol dt hem aboutl ot sofot herst uf f ? T.B.: Oh, no.Iknowi ti s.Thi swoul dbe1974. D. L. :Sot hat ' squi t eaf ewy ear sl at er .Andal lt hosey ear s…. T.B. :Ther ewer e…f ori nst ance,ononeoccasi on,i tmayhav ebeeni n' 72orso,Inot i cedt hatt hi s y oungwoman, awai t r esswhowor kedatacaf et er i anearcampus, woul dgetof fatmi dni ghtandwal k homeandIwoul dshel i v edi nabasementapar t ment andIwoul dl ooki nherbedr oom wi ndow.And soIst ar t edt of or mul at eapl anofwhatIwoul ddo.Inot i cedsomet i messhel ef tt hedooropent ot he basementar eawhi chl edt oherbedr oom.So…f ori nst ance, I… D.L.:Di dy oumakeanymov et owar dsher ? T.B. :Ir an,Iwentdownt her el at eoneni ght ,v er ydr unkwehav en' tgot t eni nt ot hi s,ofhow Iused al cohol t or eal l yl i ber at e, r eal l ydi si nhi bi tmy sel ft ot hepoi ntwher e… D. L. :Youknowy ouhav et ol dMr .Mi chaudaboutt hi s. T.B. : Thi si st r ue, t heef f ectofal cohol .Youmeanaboutt hi si nci dent ? D. L. :It hi nkso. T.B. :Wel l , any way ...Ir ushedi nt her e, st i l lsomewhati nept , deal i ngwi t hi magest hatcameoutoft he mov i es,andmov i esar enotr eal ,soIr ani nt her eandhoppedont opoft hebedandt r i edt oputaon t opoft hegi r l ' sf ace.Shest r uggl edandst ar t edt oscr eam andIr anaway .Endofst or y .Ev ent hi si sa st epf ur t her .Imean, goi ngt osomebody ' shousei sr eal l y… D. L. :Di dy ouev erhav easenseofanot herTed,oranot herper son?Di dy ouev eract ual l yt al kt ot he ot her ? T.B. : Oh, y es.I nf act oh, y esI ' dhav et hi sdi al ogue. D. L. :Idon' tmeant hi nki ng, " Gee, y ou' r enut st odot hi s."Imean, di dy ouev erf eell i keanot herper son? T.B. :I tr eachedapoi nt ,Iwoul dsayi n' 74,wher e..i twor l dhav econv er sat i ons.AndI ' m notsay i ng t hatIwasamul t i pl eper sonal i t y .Idon' tknow.Al lIknowi st hatt hi sot herpar tofmy sel fseemedt o hav eav oi ce, andseemedt ohav eaneed. D. L. :Whatwast hev oi cel i ke? T.B. : I twas...Icansor tofr ememberi twasj ustv er yl ow.ki ndofcr uel anddemandi ng. D. L. :Whatwoul di tsay ? T.B. : Oh, i twoul dwal kdownt hest r eet.
D.L.:Par don? T.B. : I ' dwal kdownt hest r eetandl i t er al l yheari tt al ki ngaboutwomenI ' dseen. D. L. :Whatwoul di tsay ? T.B. :Oh,i thadt hi scat egor y ,sy st em ofcat egor i z i ngy oungwomen,y ouknow,Ican' t ,Iusedt o,i t ' s beensol ongsi ncet hatIcan' tr emember . D. L. :I t ' sv er y , v er yi mpor t antt ounder st andhowt hi sev ol v ed, t hev oi ce. T.B. :Wel l ,i tseemed,t hemor e,especi al l yi n" 74par t i cul ar l y ,t hemor edeepl yIgoti nt ot hi s,t he st r onger , t hemor edomi nantandst r ongert hi sv oi cebecame.If el tcapt i v eoft hi swhol epar tofmy sel f . D. L. :Whendi di tt al kt oy ou? T.B. : Mostcl ear l ywhenIwasv er ymuchar oused.Andcer t ai nl ywhenIwasi nt ox i cat ed. D. L. :Theny ouwoul dheari t . T. B. : Yes. D.L.:Di di tev erf r i ght eny ou? T.B. : Wheni tf r i ght enedmei tscar edmet odeat handmademej ustcr youtt ost op. D. L. :Youwoul d? T. B. :Oh, y es.Li ket henextdayaf t ersomet hi nghappened.Af t ert hef i r stt i me, If el tl i keacapt i v e.If el t …Ican' t…If el tl i ke, up' t i l lt hatpoi nt , Isai d, " Okay , y ouhav en' tgonet oof ary et .I t ' sokay .You' r egoi ng t ost opnow."AndI ' dst opf oramont h, t womont hs, ort hr eeorsi xmont hs, andt henal lofasudden, i t ' dbeback.Thedayaf t ert hef i r stt i met hi shappenedIwasi napani c.I nhy st er i aoff earandsor r ow andhor r orov erwhathadhappenedandsai d," Whati nGod' snamehas,hav eIdoneher e? "Andt hen r emember i ng-i nt hecl earl i ghtofdaywi t hmyr at i onal , essent i al l ywhol e, mi nd-Iwasatr i sk.Andt hen, myr emember i ngt hatImayhav el ef tsomeev i denceatt hecr i mescene.ThenIf oundmy sel ft ohav e become, mor eorl ess, ahost age. * Whatdoy oumean? "Iasked.Inev erst oppedl ooki ngf orsi gnst hatTedhadbeenpower l esst o cont r ol whathedi d. T.B.:I nessence, t hatmor ni ngaf t ersy ndr ome.Thatst at eofmi ndwhenIwasnowcl earandr at i onal andnothar mf ulandr emor sef ul ,r eal i zedofcour sewhatIhaddone.I tmademedi st r essedbey ond ex pl anat i on,bey onddescr i pt i onabouti t .Butr eal i z i ngmysur v i v aldependedonmynor malsel f cov er i ngup.Becauset hi sot her…t hef or cewhi chener gi z ed,t hi sent i t y ,hadbeenex pended.One t hi ngt hathappened, i twoul dj ustsor tofr ecede.I twasl i keal lt hi sf or cewasex pended, al lt hi sl ustor desi r ehadbeenv ent ed, sor tofr eceded, andmyot herpar tofmy sel fcoul dt aket hef or ef r ont .Andy et , nowt hi sessent i al l y ,basi cal l y ,decentpar tofmy sel fwasf acedwi t ht hedi l emmaofdeal i ngwi t hmy sur v i v al , cov er i ngup. D. L. :Coul dt hi sent i t yhav edi sappear edorwoul di tt al kt oy ouorwhat ? T.B.:Notatt hi spar t i cul art i me,noti mmedi at el yaf t er ,butov ert i mei tseemedl i kei twoul dj ust si mpl ybegi nt or eemer ge. D.L.:Howaboutdur i ng, di dt hev oi cecomedur i ng? T.B. :Idon' twantt obegi n-Iwantt omakesur ey ouunder st andt hatI ' m notsay i ngt hatt hi sv oi ce…I wi sht her ewasawayofr epr oduci ngt hecl earmemor yofwhati twasl i ket hen.Iknowt hatt her ewas t hi ski ndofdi al oguegoi ngon,notj ustt al ki ngt omy sel fi nnocent l y .Real l ya" Gi v ei nt ome"ki ndof t hi ng. D.L.:Yousai di tsoundedcr uel , soundeddemandi ng.Di di tev ersoundl i keany oney ouknew? T.B. : No, Idon' tt hi nkso.Notl i keanyot herper son, notl i keany t hi ngel se. D. L. :Whatwoul di tsay ? Tedhesi t at edbef or eanswer i ng. T.B.:Youknow,i t ' ssohar dt or et r acet hatnow.Iwoul dt al kaboutt hi s,t hi s..i twoul dbet hi s compr ehensi onofav oi ce.AndIsayv oi ce.Andi tadv i sesmeaboutwomen, woment hatIwoul dsee i nt hest r eet s, i nav er yhat ef ulmanner , i nav er yangr y , i nav er ymal i ci ousmanner ." Lookatt hatbi t ch
t her e.Dot hi sandt hi sandt hi s, "orwhat ev er . D. L. :Dowhatandwhatandwhat ? IsawTed' spai natt hi sr ecount i ng.Iwant edt oassur ehi m hehadn' tl ostme,t hati twassaf et o ex pr esshi msel ft hi sl astdayofhi sl i f e.St i l lhol di nghi shandcuf f edhands, Isai d," Asy oudescr i bei t , r i ghtnow, t hi si snoty ou, becausei t ' sv er yhar df ory out osaywhati tsoi d." T.B. :Ial way smai nt ai ned, whenev erpossi bl e.It ol dt hepol i cet hati ft heyr eal l ywant edt oknowwhat wasi nmymi nd-Isayt hi si nal l honest y , t oanyl awenf or cementr esear cher sandt oy ou...Ihav e-I ' d bewi l l i ngt obett hatundert her i ghtci r cumst ances,I ' m notsosur enowbecauseIknowt hatIhav e changed.IknowIhav ebeenabl et odoal ott oheal my sel f , basi cal l yheal my sel f , whi chwaswhatwas wr ongbef or e.Buty ear sago, whenIwasf i r star r est ed, Iknowt hati ft hepol i cehadsatmedowni na r oom, l etmegetdr unkon, say , bour bonadr i nkt hatr eal l ymadememor ev i ci ous-har dl i quorand7Uporsomet hi ng,andshowedmesomer eal l yhar dcor epor nogr aphy ,Icoul dhav et al kedt ot hem i n t hatv oi ce.Icoul dhav et al kedt ot hem f r om t hatper spect i v e.I twoul dhav ecomeoutofmej ust ,i t woul dhav ebl ossomedr i ghtoutofme. D. L. :I tsoundsasi fy ouf eely out henbecamet hatv oi ce. T.B. :Wel l ,y eah.Mor eorl ess,i tt akesov ert hewhol e,i tt akesov ert hebasi cconsci ousness mechani sm, andmor eorl essdi ct at eswhat ' sgoi ngt obedone. D. L. :I tsay s, l i ke" Nowy ou' r egoi ngt odo?.. " T.B. : Di ct at esj ustl i key ouwoul ddi ct at et oy our sel ft haty ouar egoi ngt odosomet hi ng, y ouknow. D. L. :Hav ey ouev erbeent ol dt haty oudi dsomet hi ngy oudon' tr emember ?Ther easonI ' m aski ngi s t hatIam wonder i ng, becausey our ai sedt hei ssueofmul t i pl eper sonal i t y , t owhatext entar ey ou, who I ' mt al ki ngwi t hnow,r eal l ysepar at ef r om t heot herent i t y ,andt owhatext enti t ' sj ustav ar i antofa moody ouget . T.B. :Yeah.Ihearwhaty ou' r e say i ng.It hi nk t hatt her e' s mor e,an i nt egr at i on t her e,an i nt er r el at i onshi p,whi chwhent hemal i gnantpor t i onofmyper sonal i t yorconsci ousness,cal li twhat y ouwi l lt heent i t y i smor eorl essdi r ect i ngt hemoodandt heact i on.I ' m st i l lonanot herl ev el consci ousoft hi s, I ' m nott ot al l yunconsci ousof , orunawar eofi t . D. L. :I t ' sj ustt haty ou' r ei nasl i ght l yal t er edst at e. T.B. :I tcoul dcer t ai nl ybeanot herwayofdescr i bi ngi t .I ' m notsay i ng,t hi scer t ai nl yi sn' tast r i ct l y al t er nat eper sonal i t y . Tedpausedf oral ongwhi l e,t hensi ghed.He' dr et ur nedt ot hepr esent :" Iwasj usthav i nganot her f l ashback…af l ash, j ustaf l ashofwhat ' sgoi ngon. Weal l t hr eesati nsi l encef oramoment .Ther ear enosoci al r ul es, noet i quet t ebook, f orhowt oact , whatt osayt oaper sont hedaybef or ehei st obeki l l ed.
D. L. :Doy ouev erwor r yaboutbei ngcr azy .Di dy ouev ert hi nky ouwer ecr azy ? T.B.:Oh,y es.Ther ear et i mesI ' v e,t her ageandt hewasj ustsost r ong,Iwasj ustso...Ibe scr eechi ng, scr eechi ng, cur si ng, y ouknow.That ' swhenIwas, deepdowni nsi deIwaswat chi ngt hi s, I sai d, You' r eabsol ut el ymad.Thi si sj ustmadness.Oh, y es. D. L. :Onl ydur i ngt hi sper i od?Howaboutbef or e?Di dy ouf eelcr azy ? T.B. :No, notasaki d, notasay oungper son, ort eenager .Idi dn' tnecessar i l yf eelgoodaboutmy sel f , butIdi dn' tf eel cr azy . D. L. :You' v esai dt hatl at er , af t ert heent i t ybecamest r onger , i tdi dseem t ohav eav oi ce? T.B. : Yes.I tseemedt ohav easense, av oi ce, j ustl i keapoem hasa v oi ceorabookhadav oi ce. D. L. :Butdi dy ouact ual l yt al kbackt oy ourv oi ce? T.B. :Ri ght .Andt her ewoul dbet i mes,di st i nct ,sodi st i nctt hatadi al oguewasr eal l y ,y ouknow, happeni ng. D.L.; Youcoul dn' tshuti tof f ?
T.B. : No. D.L. :Di dy ouev ert el li tt oshutt hehel lup? T.B. : Ohy es.I twoul dn' t .I tj ustwoul dn' tst op. D.L:Di di tonl yt al kt oy ouwheny ouhadal cohol ? T.B.:Dur i ngt heday ,i fIwasi napar t i cul ar l yar ousedandt ensemood,andt her ewoul dbea,t hat senseof. . .f eel i ngbei ngcommuni cat edwi t hi nsuchawayt haty ouwoul dcal l i tal mostv oi cel i ke. D. L. :Howwoul dy our eactt owhaty ou' ddone? T.B. :Wel l ,agai n,ov ert hey ear sIchanged.I ni t i al l y ,ofcour se,Iwasj ustabsol ut el y…agai n,Iwas nauseat edandhor r i f i ed,j ustf r i ght ened,mor et hanIcansay .Icoul dn' tsl eepf orday st hef i r stt wo t i mest hi shappened.Ij ustcoul dn' tsl eep.Ij ustwas,l et ' sj ustsay ,appal l edbywhathadhappened. Nowast hey ear spassedandt hei nci dent shappened,Ir eachedt hepoi ntwher eIj ustsuf f ocat ed.I al way sf eelt hatsenseof...asenseof…despai randhor r orki ndofcombi ned,buti twoul dn' tr eal l y l astf ormor et hanaf ewhour s.Andt henI ' dgohomeandgot obedorwhat ev erandj ustgobackt o bei ngmy sel f .I…man, af t erev er yt i me, Dr .Lewi s, If el t , af t ereachoneoft hesei nci dent s, Iconv i nced my sel f , " Okay , t hi si si t , I ' v esat i sf i edmy sel f .Nomor e.I ' m okaynow.If eelgood.If eell i keIdon' tneed t hat ,Iknow Idon' tneedt hatany mor e."Icanr emembert hatv er yf eel i ng.I t ' sv er yst r ongi n1974, l eav i ngt hest at eofWashi ngt on, goi ngt ol awschooli nUt ah, f eel i ngal loft hi si sbehi ndme.Igott hi s ov ernow, t hi si sgoi ngt obeokay , I ' m goi ngsomewher enewnowt ost ar tout . D. L. :Whatwoul dmakei tst ar tagai n, doy out hi nk? Tedt ooksev er al deepbr eat hsandl ett hem outwi t hheav ysi ghsbef or eanswer i ng. T.B. :Speci f i cal l y ,al lki nd oft r i gger s,i nt er nalt r i gger s,ex t er nalt r i gger s.Imean,somet i mes, somet i mesj ustt hesi ghtofa par t i cul ar l yat t r act i v ey oung woman,orsomet i mesi twoul d be somet hi ngI ' dr eadorseeni namagazi neoronTV.Andsomet i mesi twoul dbespont aneous, j ustf eel l i keI ' v egott ogooutnowandst ar tl ooki ngf orsomet hi ng.Sot her e' snoonewayt hati twoul d, sor tof , t akecont r ol . Asser ti t sel fmi ghtbeanot herwayofl ooki ngati t .Nooneway .Buti twascy cl i calwheni tmadei t s appear ance.I twasj ustsi mpl ynonex i st entf orl ongper i odsoft i me,mostoft het i me.We' r et al ki ng aboutl esst han10per centofmyconsci ousness, mywaki nghour s, dur i ngmay bet het eny earper i od wer e occupi ed wi t ht hi s ki nd oft hi ng.It hi nk t hat ' st he one t hi ng peopl e hav e a har dt i me under st andi ng.Theyt hi nkt hatsomehow,t hi spr edi l ect i on,t hi ski ndoft hi nki ngt hatgoesal ongwi t h t hi ski ndofv i ol entbehav i ormor eorl essper meat esev er yaspectofy ourl i f eandt hought s,andi t ' s nott r ue-i tdoesn' t .I t ' sepi sodi candv er ycompar t ment al i z ed,i nsomeway .Yousee,t osur v i v eand t hi si sanot heraspect , t el lmei fI ' mr epeat i ngmy sel f , becausewe' v et al kedaboutt hi sbef or e-i nher ent i ni t sneedt osur v i v ei ssecr ecy .Imean,nooneel semustknow aboutt hi si nor derf ori t ol i v e.I t s i dent i t ywasbasedonsecr ecy ,becausef ori tt obecomeknownpeopl ewoul dei t her ,one,ost r aci z e me, orwor se.Orcer t ai nl yi fev er y t hi ngwer eknownt heywoul dt ur nmei nt ot hepol i ce. D.L. :Youseem t oassoci at et hi shappeni ngmor ewi t hdowns.notups, i st hatt r ue? T.B. :Wel l , y es, t hat ' st ent at i v el y , It hi nk, t hat ' st ent at i v e.Thatwascer t ai nl yar eal down, asequenceof di sappoi nt ment sandst r esseswoul dpr eci pi t at ei tmor eI ' m gl ady oument i onedi t -woul dmor el i kel y pr eci pi t at ei tt hanpr act i cal l yany t hi ngel se.I nf act ,whatwoul dhappenwoul dbeaser i esofdowns anddi sappoi nt ment st oget herwi t honeoft heset r i gger st hatIment i oned,wi t ht heal coholorsome par t i cul arv i sualst i mul i , woul dst ar tt o…Ther ear et i mes, wher el at eron, af t ert hi si smor et r uei nt he begi nni ngt hanl at er , y ousee, becauseoncei t , t hi swayofbei ngandact i ng, gai nedaf oot hol di tdi dn' t dependsomuchonmoods. D.L.:Thenwhatdi di tdependon? T.B. :I tseemedt odependonsomet hi ngl ess, somet hi ng, someki ndofcy cl i calt hi ngt hatIdon' tev en nowcompl et el yunder st and.Imean, whysomet i mesandnotot her s? D. L. :Tel laboutt hest at eofmi ndy ouwer ei nandhow, whatwasgoi ngonwi t hChiOmega. T.B. :Igoti nt own,gotapl acet ost ay ,f el tal i t t l ebi tcomf or t abl e,and,y et ,asI ' v eex pl ai nedIt hi nkI sai dt hi si nt heMi chaudbook,butI ' v et ol dpeopl ebef or eIl ef tCol or ado,wentt oChi cago,t henAnn
Ar bor ,anddr ov edownt oAt l ant a.Ther ewasashi f t .Imean,If el tv er yhi ghandont opofev er y t hi ng, butsomet hi nghappenedi nAt l ant a.Idi dn' t…al lofasuddenIf el tsomeol df eel i ngcomeback,l i ke obsessi v e,notl ong,i nt hesenset hatI ' m st andi ngi nt hi sbi gconv ent i oncent erwat chi ngev er y body wal kbyandal lofasuddenaf eel i ngofbei ngal i enat ed.Andt hatwasonme, t hatwaswi t hmewhenI ar r i v edi nTal l ahassee.Feel i ngsomewhat -obv i ousl yIwasal one-butj ustnot. . .Feel i ngt hatI ' ml ost t hati ni t i at i v eandf eel i ngsomeoft heseol dsensesofbei ng, ofl ackofsel fwor t handl ackof... D.L.:Yout ol dmebef or ey our emember edt heexactmomenti thappened. T.B. :Wel l , Ij ust , mymemor yi st hatIwasseei ng, l eani ngont her ai l i ngi nt heci v i ccent er , andal lofa suddenaf eel i ngcomi ngov ermel i ke, " God.Not hi ng' sdi f f er ent . D.L.:Sot her e' sar ealchanget her e? T.B. :Butst i l l ,I ,Idon' twantt omakei tmor epr of oundt hani twas-ev ent houghi twassomewhat pr of ound.Sot hatf i r stni ghti nTal l ahasseeIf el tt hatsor tofsenseoft heol dex ci t ementcomeback.I mean, i twasawar m, wet , st eamyni ght , andev ent houghi twaswi nt ert i me, i tr emi ndedme-because I ' mf r om t hePaci f i cNor t hwest , andi twasnotanyki ndofweat herIhadbeeni nbef or eandi thada, I can' tbl amei tont heweat her -If el ti fIwentouti nt ot hedar k,andatt hatt i meTal l ahasseewasnot , par t sofTal l ahasseewer en' tal lt hatwel ll i t , andIl ov edt hedar kness, t hedar knesswoul dex ci t eme, i t r eal l ywassor tofmyal l y , becauseIcoul dsor tofcr eepar oundi nt hedar kness.Andso, t her ewer en' t manyst r eet l i ght s,t her ewer eal otoft r eesandbr ushar oundt hehouses,al loft het hi ngs,asaboy ,I usedt or eal l ypayat t ent i ont oi t .AndsoIf oundmy sel fback, v er yqui ckl y , j ustcr eepi ngar ound, doi ng al loft heol dt hi ngs.Bui l di ngup,bui l di ngupt hatener gyt oaf ev erpi t chov eraper i odofaf ewday s. Wi t h, y ouknow, t heni ghtst al ki ngandt heshoppi ngar oundont hecol l egecampusdur i ngt heday t i me, t hatki ndoft hi ng.AndIhadnot hi ngel set odo-y ousee, her e' st hepr obl emnot hi ngel set oanchorme agai n.Nobodyt osay ,don' ty ouhav eaj obt ogot o, orwhatar ey out hi nki ngofr i ghtnow, ornoot her ki ndofgr at i f i cat i ont of i l l t hev oi d. D.L.:Nor eal i t y , r eal l y . T.B.:Sot hi si nnerr eal i t y ,suchasi twas,st ar t edt or easser ti t sel f .Af t eraf ewni ght s,Il ocat edt hi s onehousewher eI ' dseensomey oungwomen, andwat chedt hem t hr ought hebedr oom wi ndow.And Icamebackt ot hathouse,l et ' ssay ,l i ket henex tni ght ,oracoupl eofni ght sl at er ,andIsawanot her gi r lont hei nsi de,Ist ar t edt ot hi nkaboutwhatI ' dl i ket odot oher .St ar t edpl anni ng,get t i ngex ci t ed aboutpl anni ng, doi ngsomet hi ng, bui l di ngupt oi t , bui l di ngupt ot hepoi ntwher eIwoul dact ual l ydoi t . Ir ememberonapar t i cul arni ghtgoi ngdownt her e, deci dedt odosomet hi ng, wat chi nghert hr ought he wi ndow, shewasget t i ng..r eadyt ogoout .Herl eav i ngandl eav i ngt hedooropen.Andgoi ngi n, goi ng i nandset t i ngt hi ngsupsot hatIcoul dgeti nl at eron.Andt henwai t i ng,goi nghomeanddr i nki ng somemor e,dr i nki ngheav i l y .Ofcour seI ' v ebeeni nj ai lf oray earort wo,sot heal coholwas par t i cul ar l ypot ent .Andt hengoi ngbackatmi dni ghtorsoandseei ngt hatshe' dj ustgothome, butt he l i ghtwasst i l l on, andt hensay i ngI ' l l wai t' t i l l shegoest osl eep, I ' l l gobackanddr i nksomemor e. D. L. :Sot wi cey ouwentbackt her e. T.B.:Yes,butbet weent hepl acewher eIl i v edandt hi shouse,Iwaswal ki ngback,j usthappeni ngt o bewal ki ngal ongt her oad,andIwasj ustal lar oused,f ul lofener gy ,y ouknow,peakedf ort hi s.I happenedt ol ookov eracr osst hest r eetcasual l yandIsawadooropent ot hesor or i t yhouse.AndI j ustt ur nedandwal kedr i ghtf ort hedoor .That ' swhathappened. D.L. :Soy ouhadbeenpl anni ngonet hi ng, andt hesor or i t yhousej ustwast her e. T.B. : I tj ustwast her e.Imean, i twasj ustcoi nci dent al .I fIhadn' tt ur nedmyheadt ot hesi de. D.L.:Whathappened?Howdi dy oumanagesoqui et l y ? T.B. :I t ' snott hatsadl yenoughi t ' snothar dt ohar m peopl e,especi al l yatonei nt hemor ni ng,peopl e asl eepi nt hei rbeds.SoIj ustwal kedi n.Ther ewasnobody .Ev er y bodywasasl eep.Imean,Iwasn' t t hi nki ng.Mydegr eeofr eason,abi l i t yt or easonandt hi nkwasi mpai r ed,cer t ai nl ybyt heal cohol ,and bymyst at eofar ousal ,andemot i on,andy etIdi dt hi ngswhi chcl ear l ywer edanger ousi nt er msof get t i ngappr ehended.Ij ustwal kedupst ai r sandwentdownt ot heendoft hecor r i dorandwenti nt o t hef i r str oom Isaw.Wel l , I ' dpi ckedupal ogf r om t hi swoodpi l eand " Wher e? "Iasked, t r y i ngt or ei nf or cet hatt heChi Omegamur der s, at
l east , hadnotbeenpr emedi t at ed. T.B. : Justout si det hedoor . D.L.:Out si det hei rdoor ? T.B. : Idi dn' thav ei ti nmyhand. D.L.:You, y ouhadn' tpl annedt ousei tont heot hergi r l . T.B.:No..and...t hi si sv er yhar d,…hav i ngconv er sat i onsnot ,not ,l i ket hi s,i n,i nt hat ,Dr .Lewi s, y ou' r emor ei nt er est edi nmei n, i n, i nwhatwasgoi ngoni nmyheadandhowt hi sdev el oped.Cer t ai nl y f armor et hant hepol i cear e. D. L. :Ihopeso. T.B. :Buti t ' s,i t ' s,i t ' s,t hi spar t i cul arpoi nt ,t heact ualpoi ntt hat ,ofcour se,wehav ebeenf ocusi ngon f ort hepastf ew day s,andnot hi ngt i ght ensupmyheadandmakesmef eelnauseousmor et han hav i ngt ot al kabouti t . D. L. :I si tbecausey ouar eaf r ai dt hati twi l lhar my ouf ur t her ? T.B.: No, i t ' sj ustv er yunpl easant , awakeni ngt hev er ywor stmemor i esand, ofbr i ngi ngbacki tal l . D.L.:Whatst at edoy out hi nky ouwer ei n? T.B.: Whatst at e? D. L. :Yes.Whatdoy out hi nky ouwer ef eel i ng?Because,appar ent l y ,what ev eri twaswentonf orat l eastt wopeopl e.Andy oul ef tt her e,sot hatwhat ev ert hest at ewas,i t ' s,l et ' ssay ,notj ustanor gasm andi t ' st hr ough.Cany oudescr i bei t ? Tedl ai dhi sheadonhi shandsandIl ai dmyhandsonhi shead.
D. L. :Soy ouwer esay i ngt haty ouhad, byt hatt i me, becomeat hr eat . T.B. : Wel l , y eah, Imean, t hatwhol eki ndofconsci ousnesswasj ustt ot al l ydomi nant .Imean, t heneed, t het houghtt hef eel i ng,t heexci t ementofhar mi ng,ofget t i ngsomesor tofsex ualgr at i f i cat i onat har mi ngsomeone,wasabsol ut el ypar amount .Dr i v i ngme.Imean,t hatwascomi ngf r om some sour cewi t hi nme, andy eti twasnotme.Andi twasv er ypower f ul , v er yst r ong, v er yer r at i c, andwhen peopl ecomment ," Wel l ,gee,t hi s[ t heChiOmegamur der s]i sr eal l youtofchar act er ,t hi si sr eal l y di f f er ent , "wel l , i nsomeway si twas.Yett heyr eal l ydi dn' tknowt hewhol ehi st or yofwhatI ' v edone, so t heydon' tknowt hati t ' s…hadgonet hr oughaf r enz yepi sodeort wobef or e, sot hi s… D. L. :Doweknowabouti t ? T.B.:Wehav en' tt al kedabouti t ,Imean,y et .Wel l ,t her e' sj ustsomucht ot al kabout ,wher edowe begi n? D. L. :Dopol i ceknowabouti t ?Aboutt hesef r enzyepi sodes? T.B. : Notr eal l y , t heydon' tknowwhathappened. D.L.:Butt heyknowy oudi di t ? T.B. : The..t heyt hi nkt heydo, y eah.Wel l , any way . D. L. :Andi nt hi sst at e, whatwasi tl i ke?Cany oudescr i bei t ? T.B. :I twasj usta…howcany oudescr i bei t , t her e' snodescr i bi ngi t , not hi ngcandoi tj ust i ce, i t ' sj ust ahy per D.L.:I tt hewomanconsci ouswhi l ey ou' r edoi ngi t ? T.B. : No. D.L.:Soy ou, what , hi theront hehead, orwhat ? T.B. : Yeah, y es. D.L. :Youdi d…Sot hi si sal ly ou, wi t haf eel i ngl i keshe' sdead? T.B.: Ri ght . D.L.:May beev endead. T.B. :Buty ouseet hedi f f er enceher ei sI ' dnev er ,t hi si swhatI ' dnev erdonebef or e.I ' dnev erbi t t en any onebef or e,andt hi si sani ndi cat i on,y ouknow,how…Idon' tknow…super char gedorwhat ev er , best i al , ev en, Iwasatt hatt i me. D. L. :I ft her ehadbeenapol i ceof f i cert her e, coul dy ouhav est opped?
T.B. : Wher e?Somewher ei nt henei ghbor hood, y oumean, orout si de? D. L. :No, oncey ouhadst ar t ed, coul dy ouhav est opped, doy out hi nk? T.B. :Wel l , Iwoul dhav e…y es…andIwoul dequat et hatt oapr edat orhav i ngpul l eddownt hepr ey , i s appr oachedbyabi ggerpr edat or , andr unsof f .Fori t sownsur v i v al .Idon' tknowi ft hatmakessense? D.L.:I tdoes. T.B. :Thepr edat or yi nst i nct sandt hesur v i v ali nst i nct sar est i l li nt act .You' r enott ot al l yobl i v i ous-I wasn' tt ot al l yobl i v i oust omysur v i v al . D. L. :Iguessy oumusthav ehadt hati nt actt ohav egot t enawayf r om t her ewi t houtl eav i nganysi gns orany t hi ngort akenany t hi ngwi t hy ou.Par tofy ouwasst i l lobser v antofwhatwasgoi ngon. T.B. : Ri ght .I t ' st hatki ndofconsci ousness.Agai n, i t ' saconsci ousnesswhi chi scompar abl et ot hatof apr edat or .Onav er ybasi cl ev elofexi st ence,notal otofi nt el l ect ual ,mor al ,obv i ousconsi der at i ons i nv ol v edt her e.Just..a...I ' dbej ustt hi nki ngof , l i ke, t her eshei s, andknocki ngherunconsci ousand goi ngbackt ocov erup, st epbyst ep, j ust… D.L. :Wer et her et i mesdi f f er entf r om t hi s,wheny oukeptt heper sonconsci ous,wi t ht her ebei ng pl easur ei nherbei ngscar ed? T.B.:No.Wel l ,y es,t her ewer emanyt i mest hegi r l swer econsci ous,but andI ' m qui t eser i ousabout t hi s-Inev ergotof f , nev erwasar ousedorex ci t edi nanywaybyt hewomenbei ngscar ed. D.L.:Youwer en' t ? T.B. :Thatwasnev eraf acetofwhat ,whatIgotof fon.I twas.i nf act ,mor eof t ent hannot ,It hi nk, whatwasadr i v i ngf or cewas, Iwoul dhav et or est r ai nmy sel fsomet i mes, nott o...t okeept hev i ct i m al i v eal i t t l el onger . D. L. :Why ? T.B. :I twoul dseem t hat…becauset her ewoul dbet i mest hatIwoul dki l lt hev i ct i mr eal l yqui ckl y , and t henl at eronI ' df eel badl y , andI ' dsayt omy sel f , Whydi dn' ty oukeepheral i v eal i t t l el onger , et c.et c. D.L.:Whywoul dy ouhav ekeptheral i v eal i t t l el onger ? T.B.: Forsomesor tofsexual gr at i f i cat i on, but… D. L. :Wel l , y oucoul dst i l lhav esexualgr at i f i cat i oni fshewer edead. T.B. : Yes, buti t ' sdi f f er ent .Obv i ousl y , i t ' sdi f f er ent . D.L.:Lessr esponsi v e. T.B. :Wel l ,ev ent hat .Buti t ' sj ustdi f f er ent .Buti tseemedl i ket her ewast hi sdr i v i ngneedt ohav e ev er y t hi nghappeni naf l ash,l i kef i r stt het aki ngpossessi onorcont r ol ,andt henst r i ppi ngt hev i ct i m, andt hensomesor tofsexual act i v i t y , andt heni twoul dhappensoqui ckl y ; beat i ng, of t ent i mes. D.L.:Whataboutt het i meMi chaudwr ot eaboutwhen-Idon' tknowi fi t ' st r ueornot-buthei mpl i es t hatt her ewer et wopeopl ei nt hesamepl acebei ngwi t heachot her .I st hatt r ue? T.B. : Twopeopl e… D.L.:Yeah,t haty ouhadabduct edone,t henanot heront hesameday ,andt hatt heywer ebot hi nt he samepl ace, andy oui mpl i edt ohi mt hatonesawwhaty oudi dt ot heot her .I st hatt r ue? T.B.: No, t hat ' snott r ue. D.L.:I t ' snott r ue? T.B. : Imayhav ei mpl i ed. . . D.L.:I t ' sv er yi mpor t ant .Iwi shIhadt hebookher e…Younev erhadonegi r lwat chwhi l ey ouhar med anot hergi r l ? T.B. : No. D. L. :Sowher et hehel ldi dhe-y our eadt hatbookgett hatf orhi sbook.Wher et hehel ldi dhegett hat i dea? T.B. :Wel l , okay , Icant el ly ouwhyhehast hati dea, Agai n, wewer e, i nor derf orhi mt owr i t et hi sbook, att het i meIwasst eadf ast l ydeny i nganygui l tandsay i ngt hatIwasent i r el yi nnocent . D.L.:Andy ouwer est eadf ast l yhedgi ng. T.B.:Iwashedgi ngandt hatwast heunder st andi ng-t hatwewoul dseehowcl osewecoul dgo, we' d bear ound, andt r yt okeept heedi t or shappy .Andsowhenhecamedownt ot hatpoi ntandhewant ed t ot al kaboutLakeSam …Her ewasourpr emi se: t hatIwoul dspecul at ebasedupon-y ou' v ehear dt hi sbaseduponmyknowl edgeofwhatI ' dr eadi nt henewspaper s, andmyex per i encei nt hel aw, onwhat
happened.ButI ' dal so,andwhenIspecul at ed,Iwoul dmakesur et oal t ersi gni f i cantf act ssot he pol i cecoul dn' tsayt hatIwassay i ngt hi ngst hatonl ysomeonewho' dbeent her ewoul dknow,soI al t er edsi gni f i cantf act s,soi fany t hi ngt hey ' dsay ," Wel l ,obv i ousl yi fhebel i ev eswhathesai d,he coul dn' thav edonei t ."SoIt houghti twas, i nt hecaseofLakeSam, wher et her ewer et woi nf i v ehour st r et chorso,i twas..Ij ustt houghti twas..Icoul dsay ,andIdi d,t hatt heybot hwer eabduct edby somebodyandt akent osomepl ace. D. L. :ButMi chaudasked, coul donehav eseent heot her , andy ousai dy es. T.B. : Yes-whynot ? D.L. :Soy oumadey our sel fl ookf armor ecal l ousandcr uel .I tdi dn' toccurt oy ou? T.B. :No, t hatdi dnotoccurt ome.BecauseIknewt hepol i cewoul dknow, i nal ll i kel i hood, t hatt her e wasnosuchpl acet hatIcoul dhav edonet hat . D.L.:Ted, whatel sedoy ouf eelmayhav econt r i but edt ot hi sst at et haty ouhav en' tt ol dany one?That y ouhav ef el tdeepl y , ei t herashamedofort haty ouf el ty ouwoul dhur tsomeoneel se. T.B.: Ther ei ssomuch…Idon' tknowwher et obegi n. D.L.:It hi nkt hat ' swhatweshoul dr eal l yt al kaboutnow. T.B.: Ohy es.Yeah.I ' m goi ngt oneedt ot akeabi tofabr eak. Tedsatupandl ookedar oundout si det hegl assboot h.Noonewaspay i ngpar t i cul arat t ent i ont o us,butt her ewer emor ecor r ect i onalper sonnelmi l l i ngar oundt hanusual ,mor ecomi ngsandgoi ngs f r om t hesuper i nt endent ' sof f i ce.Lot sofpr epar at i onshadt obemadef ort henex tday .Het ur nedand l ookedwor dl essl yi nt omyey es,t hatper sondeepi nsi dehi m peer i ngoutatme,communi cat i ngwi t h me.Wewer eshar i nganunder st andi ngofhi sdeat h.Iwast her ef orTedt hatday .Iwaspur eofhear t . " Goahead, "hesai d.
D. L. :Whatdoy ouf eely ouhav enott al kedaboutwi t hany one,butt haty ouknow af f ect edy our behav i or ? Tedpausedf orawhi l e. T.B. :I ' mt hi nki ng.I t ' sagoodquest i on,butonet hatcov er sal otofgr ound.Justdon' tknowwher et o begi n.Idon' tknowwher et obegi n, butI ' l l t r y . Hesi gheddeepl y , sai dnot hi ngf oraf ewmoment s. T.B. :Whathav eInott ol dany onet hathashadani nf l uenceandef f ect ? . . .Iknowt hatI ' v eat endency t o…Imean, I ' v egot t ensor tof , becomef ondofdescr i bi ngi ti nacer t ai nway , ev ent houghIknowI ' v e l ear nedal otabouthow t hi sal ldev el opedov ert hey ear s.Isor tofgotasetscenar i o,andIhav ea f eel i ngI ' v et endedt or ul eoutsomet hi ngst hatIshoul dpr obabl yt al kabout .Fori nst ance,Ikeep comi ngbackt o-I ' v et al kedal otabouthow di f f er entl i f eev ent sandst r essi ncombi nat i on,and por nogr aphyandal loft hat…ButI ' v et al kedaboutt hatsomuch,somuchi tseemst oov er shadow t hi ngst hatar emor esubt l e, t hatar emor e…i mpor t ant .Whatdoy ouhel pmeoutal i t t l ebi ther e. D.L.:Yousai dy ouf el tv er y , v er yembar r assedandgui l t yaboutsomet hi ngsy out ol dmeaboutbef or e, t hi ngsi ny oury out h,t hi ngswhi ch,byt heway ,Idon' tt hi nky ouneedt of eelt er r i bl yembar r assedor gui l t yabout .Butmyguessi st hatt her ear eot herev ent si ny ourl i f et haty ouei t herf eelembar r assed f ory our sel f ,ormay bef orsomeoneel se,t haty ouf eelar et er r i bl e.Andy et ,t hatmi ghtshedl i ghton wi l tcoul dcr eat esuchf eel i ngsuchsexualf eel i ngsandsuchangr yf eel i ngs. T.B.:Ofcour se,we' r er i ghtdownt oi t .I ' v epi ecedt oget heranex pl anat i onofsor t swhi chmakes sense,andy etIdon' tknow.Iwi shIdi dknow.Imean,whydo,whyar esomeofusaf f ect edbyt he samet hi ngonewayandsomeofust heot her .Thev astmaj or i t yofpeopl ecanv i ewt heki ndofsocal l ed por nogr aphyI ' v e been t al ki ng aboutand notbe mov ed t hi s way .Why ?Imean,i t ' sa combi nat i onoff act or s, i sobv i ousl yuni quei nmanyway s.Whydi dy oubecomet heki ndofper sony ou ar e?Whydi dy oubecomeapsy chol ogi standnotabal l er i naort i ght r opewal ker ?I ' m not..t hat ' swhat
I ' dl i ket o under st and,why .It hi nkf ormesomet i mesi t ' s,sadl y ,j ustbecause.For gi v emef or di gr essi ngal i t t l e,may bet hi swi l lhel p.YouaskedmewhyInev ersoughthel p.Atf i r stIdi dn' tt hi nkI neededi t .ThenIsuf f er edf r om del usi onst hatIcoul dhandl ei tmy sel f .Theni twast ool at ebecauseI knewi fIsoughthel p, t hatwas-Idi dn' tt r ustany body . D.L.:They ' dt ur ny oui n. T.B.: Yeah.Yeah. D.L. :Whydon' ty out r yv er yhar dt or el ax,f eelv er y ,v er y ,v er yr el axed,sor el axedy oucan' tev enl i f tup y ourhead.Feelv er y ,v er yr el axed,y ou' r eal mostasl eep.Imean,sor el axedt haty ourheadi sf r eeof wor r y i ngaboutany t hi ngnow,andt hi nkway ,wayback.Whatel sei si tt haty ouar er emi ndedoft ot el l meabouty ourchi l dhoodandy ourf ami l yt haty ou' r epr et t ysur ey ouhav en' tt ol dmebef or e. Tedhadl ai dhi sheaddownonhi shands,buthi shandcuf f scuthi m andhewasunabl et o concent r at e.Icuppedhi sheadi nmihands.Ihadnev erbeent hi swaywi t hTedbef or e, t ouchi nghi m, comf or t i nghi m.Butt odaywasdi f f er ent .Todaywasv er y ,v er ydi f f er ent .TodayIwasahumanbei ng andhewasahumanbei ng,andi nsomewaywewer et hel astt wopeopl eonEar t honhi sEar t h,at l east ;i nhi sl i f et i me,atl east .Fi nal l y ,Tedspoke,f oramomentr eachi ngdeepert hanhe' dev ergone bef or e, t ouchi ngt hev er yessenceofhi st r agedy . T.B. :Wel l , l ooki ngbacknowIcoul dn' t , Icoul dn' t , cer t ai nl ydi dn' t , seei torunder st andi t .Icanonl ysay t hat..asay oungadul tengagedi nt hi ski ndofbehav i or ,whatIl ackedanddi dn' tunder st andand ex pr esswasl ov e.Now Iknow t hatsoundsi t ' sv er ybr oadt er r i t or yt her e,but…Andt her e' sal otof peopl e, It hi nk, whoar ehandi cappedi nonedegr eeoranot heri nt hei rabi l i t yt osenseandex pr esst r ue l ov i ng, compassi onat e, f eel i ngst r ut hf ul l yandhonest l y .Andy etIj ustf eel t hat. . . Byl ov e,Imeant heabi l i t yt osensesomeoneel se' sf eel i ngsandwhent ocomf or tt hem andt o pr ot ectt hem anddogoodt hi ngsf ort hem.Andi nt ur nhav et hatsameki ndoff eel i ng, bet hef ocusof t hatsameki ndoff eel i ng.If eel t hatwasn' tt her ei nmeImean, howel se?Ther e' snowayaper soncan hur tsomeone, phy si cal l y , ki l l someone, i fy ou' r eal ov i ngper son.Imean, t r ul yl ov i ng. D.L. :Youf eelt haty oudi dn' thav eanempat hyf ort hesepeopl e,andt hati thadsomet hi ngt odowi t h ear l yon. T.B. :Wel l ,y eah.Iknowt hat…sur e..hadonet hi ngbeendi f f er ent ,mywhol el i f ewoul dhav ebeen di f f er ent .Imean, y oucoul dpi ckami l l i onandonemoment sal ongt heway . D. L. :Whi chone?Whi cht hi ngwoul dy ouname?Somet hi ngi ny ourchi l dhood? T.B. :Theconnect i ons, t ome, wi t hwhatwe' r et al ki ngabouti nt er msofv i ol entbehav i orar ej ustmor e ev i denti nl at erl i f e.Ev ent houghIcanseet heysett hest age.Butev enupt ot het i meIwast went y y ear sol d, Imean, Ihadnotgonedownt hepat h.Iwasst i l l essent i al l yokay , hadn' thar medany one. D.L. :Yout houghtabouti t , buty ouhadn' t .Youknow, y oucanwonderwhet hert heonsetoft hebi pol ar mooddi sor derwast hest r awt hatbr oket hecamel ' sback.Becausey ouseem t odat et hef i r stt er r i bl e depr essi ont obei ngar ound' 67, ' 68. T.B.: Ri ght .That ' sagoodpoi nt . D. L. :Sot hatIwoul dguesst hat ,ev eni nmyexper i encey ousee,ev eni fpeopl ehav ebeenhor r i bl y bat t er ed,notj ustunl ov ed,buthor r i bl ybat t er ed,t hatal onedoesn' tcr eat et hatki ndoft hi ng.Andal so j usthav i ngaki ndofmani cdepr essi v eki ndofi l l ness, t hatusual l ydoesn' tcr eat et hatki ndoft hi ng, but somet i meswhent her e' ssomeki ndofphy si ol ogi calv ul ner abi l i t yf act or… T.B. :Ri ght .Somepr edi sposi t i onwhi ch, y ouknow, It hi nk, Idon' tknowt hatsci ence, orsoci alsci ence, hadr eachedt hepoi nt , t oi dent i f yt hi spr edi sposi t i on, what ev eri ti s. D. L. :But , y ouknow, i nmani cdepr essi v ei l l ness, t hel i mbi csy st em i sal sov er ymuchi nv ol v ed, because t hathast odowi t hf eel i ngsj oy ,sex,r age,what ev er .Sot hatwedoknow al i t t l ebi tabouti t ,andi t seemsv er yl i kel y ,t ome,t hatt hev ul ner abi l i t ymayhav emadei tpossi bl ef ory out ost epov ert hel i ne bet weenf ant asyandact . T.B. :Yeah.That ' s, t hatmakessenset ome.I nt hatv ul ner abi l i t y , asenseofsomehowbei ngr ecept i v e t ot hatki ndofnegat i v est i mul at i on, t hatki ndofpower f ul st i mul i . D. L. :Youknow, wedoknowt hatRi char dSpeck, It hi nkt hati twashet hatshotoutoft heTexast ower ,
t hathehadat umor-Ibel i ev et hati twasoft het empor all obe,andt het empor all obei spar toft he l i mbi csy st em.Ibel i ev et hathehadat umor ;unl i kemostpeopl ewhohav et umor s-t heydon' tgoand shootsomebody , ort hel i keheshotupat own, andmyguessi st hatt her ear eexper i ent i alt hi ngst hat ar ei mpor t ant .ButI ' dputmoneyont hef actt hatt hatt umoral socr eat edt hev ul ner abi l i t yt obe expl osi v e.I t ' sv er ypossi bl et hemooddi sor derdi dt hatf ory ou.I fy ouwant ed, i fy oul ost[ y ourappeal ] , l etusf i ndouti ft her e' sany t hi ngi nt hebr ai n.Becausey ouseem t osuspectt hatt her e' ssomet hi ng t hatj ustkeepsgoi ng,andi ti sn' texpl ai nedbywhet hery ourmot herl ov edy ouornot .AndIagr eewi t h y ou. T.B. : No, her eagai n, conv ent i onal r out esj ustdoesn' tseem t oex pl ai ni t . D.L.:No. T.B. : Wel l , I… D.L.:Youknow,Ted,ev eni fwewi ni nt hi s,andev eni f ,pl easeGod,wewi nandt heyspar ey ourl i f e, y oushoul dconsi derdonat i ngy ourbr ai nt hi r t yy ear sf r om now,ornow,saywhenev eri nor dert o under st andt hi st hi ng.It hi nk, f i r stofal l , l essmor bi dl y , t omakesuchadeci si on, t haty oushoul d.None ofuswi l lev erknowwhent heydoaut opsi eswhatpeopl ef i nd.I t ' ssomet hi ngt haty oushoul dabout ev eni fy ouwi n, t omakeacont r i but i ont ohumani t y , becausey oudon' twantot herpeopl et oj ust… Dor ot hyputherpadont het abl eanddr ewar epr esent at i onofabr ai n,ci r cl i ngasmal lar ea.Ted l eanedf or war d;hewasv er yi nt er est ed.He' dbeensear chi ngf orsomeunder st andi ngofwhyt hi shad al lhappenedt ohi m.Noonef act orseemedsuf f i ci entt ohi m,andt heex pl anat i onofi tbei nga combi nat i onoff act or swasunsat i sf y i ng;i tst i l lseemednot hi ngmor et hanamor alweakness.But whati ft her ehadbeenphy si calcause;somet hi ngphy si cal l yobst r uct i ngt hatpar tofhi sbr ai nt hat woul dhav ef el tempat hyf orot her s,f r om ot her s.Thel ov espot .Tedsai dhewoul dl i ket odoi t ,t o donat ehi sbr ai naf t erhi sdeat h,buthedi dn' twantt ocommi tt oany t hi ngbef or et al ki ngt oDi ana Wei ner .Hesai dhedi dn' twantt omaket hi sanyhar derf orhert obeart hani tal r eadywas.
D.L.:Doy ouhav eanyot herquest i onsy ouwantt oaskme? T.B. :Wel l , It hi nkt hatI ' v easkedy ouj ustacoupl emi nut esagoabout , t hebi gquest i oni s, y ouknow. ev enwi t hal l t haty ouseei nmychar t , howdoesi tex pl ai nt heuni quebehav i ort hatIwasi nv ol v edi n? D.L. :Idon' tt hi nki tdoes.It hi nki tj ustgi v esy ouahi nt .AndIt hi nkt hatt heseot hercont r i but i onsar e f armor ei mpor t ant , orcer t ai nl ymor ej ust i f i ed.Imean, whyshoul dy oul osei twhenot herpeopl edon' t ? And, t hen, Idosuspectt hatt her ear et hi ngsy oudon' tr emembert hatwer emor ei nt ensel ynegat i v e. T.B. : Yes. D. L. :And, j ustwi t houtt el l i ngme, doy our emembert hi ngsnowt haty ou' r enott el l i ng? T.B. :Honestt oGod,honest l y ,i f ,par tofi ti s,y ouknow,agai nwecangost epbyst ep,i nci dentby i nci dent ,butwedon' thav et i me.I ' m sur ewe' dcomeupwi t hnew st uf f .Buti fI ' m nott el l i ngy ou somet hi ngnow, i t ' snotbecauseIdon' twantt ot el l y ou, i t ' sj ustbecauseIdon' tr ememberi t . D.L.:Al lr i ght . T.B.: Andmi ghtr ememberunderdi f f er entci r cumst ances, notr i ghtnow. D. L. :Wel l ,l et ' shopet hati naf ewmoment swecanar r anget hosedi f f er entci r cumst ances,andt hen seei fwecan' thel py out or ememberorj ogt hememor y .Wepr obabl yshoul dst opnow. T.B. : Whatt i mei si t ? I twasoneo' cl ockwhenweshutof ft het aper ecor der .Iwentt ogett hewar den' ssecr et ar yt ot ake Ted' sl astr equest s.Shewasst ar t l edt hatIex pect edhert ot al kt ohi m di r ect l y , andshewasaf r ai dt o ent ert her oom.Shest oodatt hedoorwi t hherst enopadl i keawai t r ess," Andwhatwoul dy oul i ke wi t hy ourexecut i on? "Tedhadnoext r aor di nar yr equest s, nospeci al meal s.Hewant edt hr eet hi ngs: t o hav ehi sat t or neyandnonat t or neyv i si t i ngt i mescombi nedt oonef our hourv i si t i ngt i met hatni ght ; t o hav eDor ot hyaddedt ot hel i stf ort hef i nalv i si t ;and, f ort heone" cont act "v i si thewasal l owedatt he v er yendoft heni ght , hewant edt oseeDi anaWei ner . I twast i met ol eav e, ev ent hought her ewasst i l l muchunsai d.Ourt i mewasup, andTedhadabusy af t er noonahead.Hehadmor emeet i ngswi t hl aw enf or cement ,andhi sv i deoi nt er v i ew wi t hr adi o
ev angel i stTheRev er endDoct orJamesDobson.Att hedoor ,Iputmyar msar oundTedandhel dhi m f oramoment -f ort hef i r standl astt i me. Onourwayoutoft hepr i son, Dor ot hyandIspi edt hest at e' st hr eepsy chi at r i st si nt hel obbywai t i ng onst andbyt ocont r adi ctourexpect edcl ai mt hatTedwasi ncompet entt obeex ecut ed.
CHAPTER17 Ont hewaybackf r om t hepr i son,Dor ot hyandIst oppedf orl unchi nGai nesv i l l e.Iwasonasaf e spotont hegameboar d,i nacool ,empt ycaf éonaqui et ,sunnyst r eetwi t hanani mat edDor ot hy Lewi s.Shesor ar el yt ookt i meoutt ol uncht hatsheconsi der edi tar ar et r eat , andIwasnoti ncl i nedt o denyher .Wechat t edt her epeacef ul l yf orov eranhour , asi ft i mehadst opped.I thadn' t .Ji m andMi ke Ol l enhaddr oppedof fast aymot i oni nLakeCi t yont hei rwayf r om Tal l ahasseet oGai nesv i l l et hat mor ni ng-cr i sscr ossi ng mi ddl eand nor t her nFl or i dal i kebeesi ncl ov er .Ji m al r eadyhad had a t el ephonehear i ngwi t hJudgePeachi nLakeCi t yonournew cl ai m aboutJudgeJopl i ngcopy i ng JudgeCowar d' sopi ni on.We' dal r eadyl ost ,andJi m wasf ev er i shl ypr epar i nganappealbr i eff ort he Fl or i daSupr emeCour t ,whi chwasoutoft ownandoutofsessi onandwoul dr equi r eex t r aor di nar y measur est ogett hebr i eft o. Whenwegotbackt ot hehot elIf oundJi m gl uedt ot hephone.Downt ot hewi r e,ex haust ed,and l osi nghi sv oi ce,Ji m hadst ar t edt ocl i ngt ohi sout si desour ces,t hedeat hpenal t yex per t s.Ashe spentt hesel asthour st al ki ngwi t hMi keMel l oandot her s,If el tshutoutandusel ess.Idecl i ned Dor ot hy ' sof f erofabr andy . WhensheandIr et ur nedt ot hepr i sont hatni ghtatei ghto' cl ockwel ear nedt hatt hewar denhad deni edal lt hr eeofTed' sl astr equest s.May bei twast ot i ght encont r olatt heappr oachofsucha publ i cev ent ;may bei twast opr ev entusf r om comi ngupwi t hanyt r i cks,suchasDor ot hysuddenl y decl ar i ngTedi ncompet ent ;may bei twasj ustt oshow whowasboss.Ormay bei twast ogi v et he l oat hsomeTedBundyal i t t l eext r apuni shment ,al i t t l eex t r at ur noft hescr ew.What ev eri twas,i t shookme.I tseemedsounnecessar i l ycr uel .Ihadex pect edt hatbyei ghtwe' donl ybeonehouri nt o Ted' sf our hourcombi nedv i si t .Butnowi tt ur nedoutt hathi sf i nall egalv i si thadst ar t edatsev enand wasendi ngatni ne-shar p.Ihadonl yanhourl ef t .Al so, Dor ot hywasnotal l owedt ocomei nwi t hme. Af t ermuchnegot i at i on,t heguar dsatt henewl y er ect edcheckpoi ntatt heent r ancet ot hepr i son gr oundsf i nal l yl etmebr i ngheri n,soshewoul dn' thav et owai tout si dei nt hecol dwhi chhadbeen t hei ror i gi nalsuggest i onbutIhadt ol eav eheri nt hel obby .Undaunt ed, t heev erbusyDr .Lewi s, nev er onet owast et i me,whi ppedouthernot ebookandbegandr af t i ngar esear chpr oposalonsomeot her mat t er .Iwentt hr ought hei nnergat esandwasusher edi nt ot hev i si t i ngr oom bySer geantCr onauer , Ted' sdeat hwat chguar d.I tseemedt obehi sspeci al t y .Hewasar oundf aced,af f abl eman,war ml y smi l i ngandempat het i c.I twascl earbyt hef ami l i ar i t ywi t hwhi chheaddr essedmeas" Pol l y "t hathe hadcomet oknowmet hr oughTed, si t t i ngandt al ki ngt ohi mi nhi si sol at eddeat hwat chcel l , keepi ng hi m cal m andkeepi nganey eoutf orsi gnsoft r oubl e.Hi sj obwaseasi ngev er y one' swayt owar dt he ex ecut i on,pr ev ent i ng unpl easantscenes,doi ng hi spar tt o maket heend go smoot hl y .Li kea sol i ci t ousf uner al di r ect or .Toni ghthewashostf ort hef i nal v i ewi ng. Themor t albl owt omyhear tcamewhenIwasl edi nt ot hev i si t i ngr oom andsawt hatnoonewas t her ebutDi ana.Somehow Ihadt houghtt hatt her ewoul dbeagr oupofpeopl e,somehow Ihad al way si magi nedTedhav i ngal otofpeopl ei nhi sl i f e,al otofpeopl ewhowoul dcomet osaygoodby et ohi m.May bei twasal lt hepubl i ci t yt hatmademet hi nkt hat ,t hatgav ehi m anaur aof i mpor t ance.May behewas, publ i cl y ; butper sonal l yhewasi mpor t antt oal mostnoone.Car ol ewasn' t t her e,andshedi dn' twantaf i nalphonecal lf r om hi m,ei t her .Shewashur tbyhi sr el at i onshi pwi t h Di anaanddev ast at edbyhi ssuddenwhol esal econf essi onsi nhi sl astday s.AndCar ol e' sson, Jamey , di dnotv i si tTedt hatf i nalday ,al t houghhehaddonesodoz ensoft i mesov ert hey ear s.Theweek bef or ehehadbeggedTedt ospar eCar ol eandnotgopubl i c; butTedhadt r ampl edonherhear t .Soi t wasj ustTedandDi ana,al oneatt hef arendoft her oom,att hel astboot h.Theguar dsst ay eda r espect f uldi st anceback,att heot herend.Di anagav eupherchai rf orme.Thet hr eeofushuddl ed ar oundt hegl assbar r i er , l ooki ngateachot her , shar i ngt hatspacei nt i measf ul l yaswepossi bl ycoul d. It ol dTedaboutt hepr ogr essofhi sl egalcase.Wewer ewai t i ngont wodi f f er entappeal s,onei nt he Fl or i daSupr emeCour t ,t heot heri nt heU.S.Supr emeCour t .It ol dt hem howsor r yIwast hatDi ana wasnotal l owedatt heper sonal v i si t .It r ul ywassor r y .I fnot hi ngel se, Di anawasTed' sbestf r i endand Iwant edhi mt ohav ehercomf or t . Tedpushedapi eceofpaperupagai nstt hegl ass.I twast hewai v ert hatDr .Lewi shaddr af t edf or
per mi ssi ont ousehi sbr ai nf orr esear ch.Hel ookedbackandf or t hbet weenDi anaandme,say i ng, " Weshoul ddi scusst hi s."Iknew Di ana' sv i ewshewast ot al l yopposedt osomepar tofTedbei ng r emov edf r om hi sbodyanddeni edaf i nalr est i ngpl ace.Iknew t hatTedwasi nt er est edi nt he possi bi l i t yt hatr esear chwoul dshow whet herhehadsomephy si calbr ai ndef ectt hatex pl ai nedhi s i nabi l i t yt of eelnor malemot i ons,t of eell ov e.ButIwasn' thi sl awy erany mor e.Iwasahumanbei ng wi t hady i ngf r i end.Idi dnotwantt ogeti nt oat ugof warov erTed' sbr ai n. Tedt ol dmet hathehadgot t enal otoutofouri nt er v i ewwi t hDr .Lewi st hatmor ni ngandwi shed t hatwecoul dhav ehadt i met oexpl or et hosei ssuesf ur t her .Heaskedt hatIuseouri nt er v i ewst ohel p ex pl ai nhi mt oot her s, t oexpl ai nt hathewasnotamonst er .Hest ar edi nt omyey esandf i nal l yaskeda quest i ont hatwasobv i ousl yv er yi mpor t antt ohi m: " Ineedt oknow.Di dy ouandJi ml i keme? "Myhear tdr opped. " Ofcour se, Ted, ofcour se."It r i edt opusht hosewor dsi nt oTed' shear tandal l owhi mt obel i ev ei t , asheappar ent l ydi dnot .Idi dn' tcar ewhatt het r ut hwas. Iwascal l edoutf oraphonecal l .Ther ewer et womessagest or et ur ncal l s.Onewasf r om Ni ght l i ne. Wehadf r ant i cmessagesf r om t hepr essev er y wher ewewentnow.Icoul dn' tbel i ev et hei rper si st ence. Icoul dn' tbel i ev et hepr i songav emet hemessageasi fi twer eur gent .Whywoul dIwast et hi st i me wi t ht hem?Theot herwasf r om Ji m backatt hehot eli nGai nesv i l l e.I nsear chi ngf oraphonet ouse, I cameupont hesuper i nt endent ,whowaswai t i ngoutt heni ghtwi t hot herl aw enf or cementof f i ci al s, andwasi nt r oducedt oBi l lHai gmei er ,t heFBIagentwhohadbeenv i si t i ngTedf ort hel astf ewy ear s. Heexpr essedhi ssy mpat hyf orwhatIwasgoi ngt hr ough." IknowTedwasal way sr eal gr at ef ul f ort he wor ky ouwer edoi ngf orhi m, "hesai d.Whyhadn' thet r i edt ohel pt hen?Howcoul dhehav ej ustgone al ongf ort her i de, meet i ngwi t hTed, f or mi ngar el at i onshi pwi t hhi m, al lt het i meaccept i ngt hati twas goi ngt ot er mi nat ei nTed' sexecut i on? WhenIgott hr ought oJi m ont hephoneIl ear nedt hatt heFl or i daSupr emeCour thadr ul edagai nst us.Wewer est i l lwai t i ngf ort heU.S.Supr emeCour t ,whi chseemedt obehav i ngani nt er naldebat e aboutgr ant i ngt hest ay .Thatwasencour agi ng.It ol dJi mt ol eav ef ort hepr i sonr i ghtaway ,because t hel egal v i si twoul dbeendi ngi nt hi r t ymi nut es. WhenIr et ur nedt oTed,hehel dal et t eragai nstt hegl asst hathehadwr i t t ent omeandJi m, t hanki ngusf orourr epr esent at i on." Ihopey oul i kedme, "i tsai d." Ihopet hi swasn' tj ustanunpl easant l egalchor ef ory ou."Hi snot eendedwi t h, " If eelcl oset oy ounow."Becausehewasnotper mi t t edt o passany t hi ngt ousatt het i me, t hel et t erev ent ual l ywentt oDi anaal ongwi t hhi sr emai ns. Atni neo' cl ockIr oset ol eav e.Tomyamaz ement , Iwaspr opel l edagai nstt hegl asst oki ssandhug Ted,asbestwecoul d.Idi dn' tknowhowIgott her e;i twasaf or cef r om wi t hi n,bey ondmycont r ol .I l ef thi m al onewi t hDi anaf oraf i nalgoodby eandwal kedoutt hedoor .Ibur sti nt ot ear sandwas sur r oundedbyt hewai t i ngar msofSer geantCr onauer .Ihadn' tcr i edi ny ear s.Ted' sal oneness,t he f i nalcr uel t yofnotal l owi nghi m aper sonalv i si twi t hDi ana, hi scl osestf r i end, andt heut t erf i nal i t yof ourmeet i ngwel l edupi nmel i keaf i r ebal landbur st .Isobbedl i kenev er ,ev erbef or e.WhenDi ana cameout , wecr i edt oget her . Out si de, Dr .Lewi sandIr ani nt oJohnandMar ci aTanner , whower eont hei rwayi nsi det hepr i son. Theywer et obeTed' sonl ycont actv i si t or s.Bor nagai nChr i st i answhohadbeencounsel i ngTedov er t hel astf ewy ear s, t heygl owedwi t hsat i sf act i onatsendi nghi m onhi sway . " Yout wowi l l bet hel astt oseeTed, "Isai d. " No, wewon' t .Thel astwi l l beOurLor d, JesusChr i st ." Theycastt hei rey essky war d, t hei rf acesbeami ng. Ji m hadbeenst oppedatt hepr i soncheckpoi nt .Legalv i si t at i onwasov er .It r i edt oconv i ncet he super i nt endentov ert hephonet ol etJi m seeTed.Nogo.I tdi dn' tmat t ert hathewasl at ebecause t heyhadchangedt her ul eswi t houtt el l i ngus.I tdi dn' tmat t ert hatJi m wasl at ebecausehewasst i l l communi cat i ngwi t ht hecour t st ot r yt osav eTed' sl i f e.Thewar denhaddeci ded.Wedr ov ei nt he pi t chbl acknesst ot heconv eni encest or edownt her oad.St andi ngi nt hedar k,i nt hecol dJanuar y ni ghtai r ,weusedt hepayphonet ocal lt hegov er nor ' sandt heat t or neygener al ' sof f i cer s.Theywer e sy mpat het i cbutcoul dnothel p.Thewar denhadcompl et econt r olnow.Ji m,whohadbeenar gui ng
t hecasef ornear l yaweekst r ai ght ,wi t hl i t t l esl eepandnor est ,wassohoar set hathecoul dbar el y speak.Wedr ov eawayi ndef eat . Backatt hehot el , t henewswasi n.Byt het i mewegott her ei twasmi dni ghtandt heU.S.Supr eme Cour thad v ot ed 54 agai nstgr ant i ng Ted a st ayofex ecut i on.I twas al lov er .The hor r i bl e capr i ci ousnessofi twast hat54woul dhav ebeenenoughf ort heCour tt ot akehi scase, t oor deraf ul l br i ef i ngov ert hef ol l owi ngmont hs,t ohearor alar gument ,t oi ssueal ong,consi der edwr i t t enopi ni on somemont hsorev eny ear sl at er .Buti twasn' tenought opost ponet hei nor dert oheart hatappeal . TheSupr emeCour twoul dnev erhearTedBundy ' sappeal ,onl ybecauset hegov er norofFl or i dahad schedul edhi mt obeki l l edf i r st .Thosef ourv ot est ogr antast ayal somockedt heEl ev ent hCi r cui t ' s ex pedi t i ousdet er mi nat i ondeny i ng acer t i f i cat eofpr obabl ecauset o appeal ,t her ul i ng t hatno r easonabl ej ur i stwoul df i ndmer i tt oourcl ai ms. Ical l edTedatt hepr i son; i twasl i kecal l i ngi nt oaser i esofl ockedr ooms. " Fl ar ' daSt at ePr i son." " Mr .Tur ner , pl ease." " Tur ner , her e." " Mr .Tur ner , t hi si sPol l yNel son.Ineedt ospeakt oTed.Wehav eadeci si on. " Justami nut e.I ' l l puty out hr ough." " Hel l o?Ms.Nel son?Hol don, pl ease." " Hel l o?Pol l y ? " I twasTed.Hesoundedashehadt hev er yf i r st i mewespoke.Hi sv oi cewasdeepandgr av el l y .Hi s speechwashesi t ant .Ther ewer el ongsi l encest hatnei t herofusknewhowt of i l l .Buti tdi dn' tf eell i ke t hef i r stt i me.Iknewhi m now.Fort hr eey ear sIhadhel dhi sl i f ei nmyhandsasbestIcoul d, andnowI hadt ol ethi m go.Hewor l dgot her estoft hewayal one. It ol dhi m aboutt hedeci si on.Her ecogni z edt hei r onyi mmedi at el y . " Fi v et of our ?Doesn' tt hatmean? " Ri ght .I twasenought ogr antcer t ., butnotenoughf orast ay . " Webot hf el l si l ent . " I ' m sor r y ,"If i nal l ysai d,al t houghi tdi dnotseem appr opr i at e.Not hi ngseemedappr opr i at e.Icoul d t hi nkofnot hi ngt osay . Iknewhedi dn' texpectmet oapol ogi z ef ort heout come.Heknewt hatIdi dn' tex pecthi mt ot el l me t hati twasn' tourf aul t , t hatwehaddoneal lwecoul d.Webot hknewal lt hat .Oursi l encet r ansmi t t ed ourt hought s,ourment alcl aspi ngofhands,ourr epr essedsi ghs.Iwant edt ocomf or thi m,t opr ot ect hi m, t ogi v ehi m hope, butnowor dscame.Icoul dn' tt hi nkofanypr ecedent , anyanal ogoussi t uat i oni n r eall i f e.Hewasgoi ngt obeki l l edi nt hemor ni ng,andt her ewasnol ongeranypossi bi l i t yt hathe woul dbespar ed.Hewasn' tdy i ng, buthewasgoi ngt obedead. Fi nal l y ,whenwhatcoul dnotbeputi nt owor dsnol ongerneededt obeputi nt owor ds,whent i me hadt ur nedt hepage, Ispoke, sot hatmyv oi cewoul dbewi t hhi m.Hewasal r eadygone, t hough, i nt oa pl acesopr i v at e, sounknowabl ebyme, t hatIwasaf r ai dt oi nt r ude. " Ar et heTanner sst i l l t her e? "Iasked. " Uh...y es, "hesai d, wi t houti nt er est . " Di dy out al kt oy ourmot hery et ? " " Uh… no."Het r i edt opul lhi msel fbackt ot hepr esent ,backt ot her ol eofapr i sonercl osel y moni t or i nghi sr emai ni ngr i ght s.Buthi sv oi cewassof t ,cr acked." I ' m cal l i ngheratone.It al kedt o t hem ear l i er , andt hat ' st hebestt i mef ormet ocal l ." " Ar ey ougoi ngt ot al kt oCar ol e? " " That ' supt oher .Idon' tknowi fshe' sgoi ngt ocal l ornot .Idon' tt hi nkso." Myey eswer ef i l l edwi t ht ear s.Act ual l y , i tf el tl i keonebi gt earpr essi ngagai nstt hebackofmyey es anddr i ppi ngar oundt hesi des.Iwassi t t i ngi nt hemi ddl eofoneoft hedoubl ebedsi nJi m' shot el r oom, myst ocki ngf oot edf eett uckedunder neat hme, mysui tf eel i ngl i keast r ai t j acket , sur r oundedby car r y outbagsf r om t heTacoBel landf i l ef ol der sf i l l edwi t hpaper st hatoncebur stwi t hv i t alpot ent i al andnowl ayl i mp,usel ess,super f l uous.Ji m satont heot herbed,hi sey eshi ddenbyt hegl i ntofhi s
ey egl asses,l ooki ngdownathi sl egalpad,r ef l ex i v el ymaki ngmar ks,j ot t i ngawor doncei nawhi l e, t henunder l i ni ngi t ,t hendr awi ngal i nebackupt oapr ev i ouswor d,backandf or t h,backandf or t h, gr adual l ycomi ngt oast op.Ihandedt hephonet ohi m.Ex ceptf orev er y t hi ng,i twasl i kewewer e par ent st al ki ngt ooursonatschool ;i twasl i keIwast hemom andnowDadwoul dr epeatev er y t hi ng I ' dsai d, asi fwewer en' tsi t t i ngt oget her , asi fhehadn' tbeenl i st eni ngt hewhol et i me.Her e, Dear , say goodby et oourTed. Af t ert hephonecal l ,Ji m andIst ay edf r oz eni npl ace.Speechl ess.Hel pl ess.Mot i onl ess.Fi nal l y ,I pul l edmy sel ft ot hedesk, pi ckedupt hephoneanddi al ed, number by number , br eat hi ngl i keabel l ows t okeepmyt i ght eni ngchestf r om squeez i ngal l oft heai routofme, t hephonenumberofapl aceIhad cal l edsoof t enbutwoul dnev ercal l agai n. " Fl ar ' daSt at ePr i son." Anot herdeepbr eat h. " Mr .Tur ner , pl ease." " Justami nut e." " Tur ner . " " Mr .Tur ner , t hi si sPol l yNel son. " Hest ar t edt opr ot est ,t osayt hatIhadal r eadyspokent oTedaf t ert hef i naldeci si onandIwasno l ongerent i t l edt ospeakt ohi m.Iknewt hat .Ikeptont al ki ngr i ghtov erhi m-Ihadn' tcal l edt ot al kt o Ted. " Mr .Tur ner , Ji m Col emani sgoi ngt oat t endt heex ecut i ont omor r ow.Cany out el lmewhatt i mehe shoul dbet her ei nt hemor ni ng? " Unt i lt hi s moment ,Ihadn' taccept ed t hatt her e woul d an ex ecut i on and hadn' tmade any ar r angement swi t ht hepr i son.Tur nersoundedsur pr i sed, r eadyt oobj ectagai nsi ncei twasr at herl at e t o be addi ng t ot he l i stofv i si t or sal l owed t hr ough t he gat et he nex tmor ni ng.He chose an i nt er medi at eposi t i on,notcommi t t i nghi msel ft ogi v i ngper mi ssi oni ncaset hatwast hewr ongt hi ng t odo, i ncasehewoul dbet heonet oj i nxBundy ' sex ecut i on, nowt hati twasago. " Uhmm, f i v et hi r t y . " " Wher eshoul dhego? " Nowmychestwasheav i ng. Thesuper i nt endent ' sv oi cesof t ened. " Oh, t hey ' l lbemeet i ngi nt headmi ni st r at i onbui l di ng, Pol l y ."He' dnev ercal l edmebymyf i r stname bef or e. " Thanky ou.He' l l bet her e."
PARTVI CHAPTER18 Ihadpl annedt osl eept hr ough.I twasov erf orme.Ihadf i ni shedmy j ob.Ihadhadmycr y .I twasov er .Not hi ngl ef tt odobutgetusal l backhome.SoIhadn' tsett heal ar m. Foraf ul lweek,I ' dbeenl eapi ngoutofbedaf t eronl yaf ew hour s'r estf oranot herhear i ng,anot her br i ef ,anot hercr i si s.Nowt hatal lt hatwasov erIhadpl annedt osl eepunt i lt en,or derr oom ser v i ce, andr el ax . I tdi dn' twor koutt hatway . Myey esopenedatt heexactmomentoft heex ecut i on, at7: 06ont hemor ni ngofTuesday , Januar y 24,1989.Ipul l edt hem shut .Iwasgoi ngt osl eept hr ough.Theysnappedbackopen.Theyst ar edat t hecl ock.Thehandsont hecl ocknev erseemedt omov e.Ti mewoul dnotmov ef or war d.Mybody wasi mmobi l e,t oo.If el tdr ugged,par al y z ed,asi fIhadat er r i bl e,t er r i bl ehangov er .I twasnotov er .I wasst i l lapr i soner .Tr apped,conf i ned,condemned.Idi dn' tf eelany t hi ng.Notr el i ef ,notanger ,not sadness, notgr i ef , notpi t y , nothunger , nott hi r st .Idi dn' tt hi nkany t hi ng, ei t her .Iwascompl et el yi nt he gr aspoft hebuzzi ngpr i sonr adar ,sost r ongt hatmor ni ngt hati tr eachedpastSt ar ke,al lt hewayt o Gai nesv i l l e, al lt hewayt omybedi nt hehot elwher eIwasr egi st er edunderaf al sename.I thel dmei n suspensi on. Eonsl at er , af t ert hei ceage, af t ert hest oneage, i twast eno' cl ock. Ipul l edt hephoneov erandl abor i ousl y , pai nf ul l y , l i keani nv al i d, madet r av elar r angement sf orusal l .I gotoutofbedandmetDr .Lewi s.Wehadbr eakf astacr osst hehi ghwayatapancakehouset hat f eat ur edf r eer ef i l l sofFl or i daor angej ui ce.Dor ot hykeptl ooki ngatme,pr oddi ngme,t r y i ngt onose undert hev ei lofmypar al y si s.Si nceIwasn' tsay i ngany t hi ng, Dor ot hyhadt hef l oort oher sel f , andshe br oughtupasubj ectt hatwasonhermi nd. " Lastni ghtIof f er edy ouadr i nkandy ousai dy oudi dn' tdr i nk.Why ' st hat ? " " I ' m anal cohol i c, "Isai d. " Howdoy ouknow? " " BecausewhenIdr ankIcoul dn' tst op.I ' ddr i nkt en, t wel v edr i nksandi tst i l l woul dn' tbeenough." " Youknow, "shesai d, " sev er alofmypr i v at epat i ent s, whent heyf i r stcamet oseeme, t ol dmet hey wer eal cohol i cs,butev er yoneoft hem t ur nedoutt obecl i ni cal l ydepr essed.Wi t houtknowi ngi t , t hey hadbeent r y i ngt ot r eatt hei rdepr essi onwi t hal cohol .Andi tsoundsl i ket hat ' swhaty ouwer edoi ng." ThenDor ot hyt ookanapki nanddr ewadi agr am ofsy napt i cconnect i onsi nt hebr ai n. " Ant i depr essant sar et heonecl earcont r i but i onpsy chi at r yhasmadet ohumanki nd.I tmaybet he onl yr eal goodwe' v eev erdone." Sheshowedont henapki nhowt heser ot oni nf l owbet weent hesy napses, di sr upt edi ndepr essi on, i sr i ght edwi t hmedi cat i on.Thenshewr ot edownaname. " Her e' st henameofadoct ori nWashi ngt onIt r ustv er ymuch, shesai d." Cal l hi m.Tel l hi m It ol dy ou t ocal l .Askhi mt or ef ery out osomeonev er ygood.Notj ustany body -someonewho' sar ealex per tat t hi s." It ookt hedi agr am andr ef er r al , butIr esi st edt hesuggest i ont hatIneeded" dr ugs."I tseemedl i kei t woul dbeabet r ay al oft het r ustI ' dpl acedi nmysuppor tgr oups. Any way ,It houghtI ' dbef eel i ngbet t ersoon,now t hatmyt er r i bl er esponsi bi l i t ywasov er .Buti t woul dbenear l yay earbef or eIwoul dbegi nt or ecov er , andonl yt henwasIabl et oadmi tIneededhel p. Whenwegotbackt ot hehot el ,Dor ot hymar chedr i ghtupandknockedonJi m' sdoorasIpeeked outf r om mi ne.Idi dnotwanthert odot hat .Idi dnotwantt oseehi m.Idi dnotwantt oseehi sf ace.I di dnotwanthi mt ohav et of aceme.Hehadbeent her e.Hehadwat chedTedbeki l l ed.Idi dnotwant hi sf acet ot el l mewhathadhappened.Idi dnotwantmi net osay , OurTedi sdead. Ji m di dnotanswerhi sdoor .HeandMi keOl l endi dnotmakeourAi ght .Dr .Lewi sandIHewoutof Gai nesv i l l eonanoi sypr opel l erpl anet hatev ent ual l ymadeconv er sat i oni mpossi bl e.Butbef or e Dor ot hygav eupt r y i ngt omai nt ai nherv er bal l i f el i net ome, shespecul at edaboutwhatr eal l yhadbeen wr ongwi t hTed.
" I t ' sf unny , "shesai d." Ial way st el lmygr aduat est udent st hati ft heyf i ndmear eal , t r uepsy chopat h, I ' l lbuyt hem di nner .Inev ert houghtt heyex i st ed,It houghtpsy chopat hol ogywasj ustcov er i ngsome ot herdi sor der ,t her ealcause.ButIt hi nkTedmayhav ebeenone,at r uepsy chopat h,wi t houtany r emor seorempat hyatal l .I sn' tt hati nt er est i ng? " Wepar t edatt heai r por ti nAt l ant a.Dr .Lewi saskedi fIhadt i met owal khert oherpl anet oNew Yor k-shewasr el uct antt ol eav eme. Foronce, Iby passedt heoppor t uni t yt ospendaf ewmor emi nut eswi t hher .Icoul dnotspeakorhear anot herwor d.Iwascompel l edt of ol dbacki nwar d, awal ki ngcocoon.Backi nWashi ngt onIst umbl ed i nt omyapar t ment ,dr oppedmybagsont hef l oor ,pi l edal lt hequi l t sandbl anket sIcoul df i ndont op ofmybed,peel edof fmycl ot hes,andcl i mbedi nsi de.I twasst i l lmi daf t er noon.Thephoner ang.i t wasar epor t erf r om t hePhi l adel phi aI nqui r erwant i ngt oknowwhet herwhatDr .Nor manwasr epor t ed t ohav esai dt hatdaywast r ue-t hatTedhadki l l edmor et hanonehundr edwomen.Ist ar t edshaki ng undert hecov er s.Repor t er shadnev ercal l edmeathomebef or e.Ihadt houghti twasmysanct uar y , andnowi thadbeenv i ol at ed.If el tex posed, v ul ner abl e.It ol dherIhadn' thear dt her epor tandhungup. Ipul l edaqui l tov ermyhead.I t ' sov er , It hought .Don' tt heyknowi t ' sov er ? Ther epor t er ' sedi t orcal l edback.May be,hesai d,Ihadmi sunder st ood.Thequest i onwasn' t whet herIhadhear dt her epor tofwhatAr tNor manhadsai d,butwhet heri twast r ue.Isi ghedand sur r ender ed.Onet hi ngwasov er ,Ir eal i z ed.Idi dn' thav et opr et endanyl ongert hatTedwasnota mur der er .Thatwasov er .AndIdi dn' thav et oputaspi nonev er y t hi ngIsai dt omakesur et hati tdi dn' t har m Ted' scase.Thatwasov er ,t oo,t hepl ay .Thecur t ai nhadf al l enont hel astactat7: 06t hat mor ni ng.Iwasnol ongerBundy ' sLawy er .Iwassomet hi ngmor ehumansi z e. " Okay ,l etmeexpl ai nwhatwasgoi ngonwhenAr tNor manwasi nt er v i ewi ngTed,andwher et hat est i mat eofov erahundr edcamef r om …" Sl eepwoul dnotcomet omet hataf t er noonei t her , andIf i nal l ydr aggedmy sel fi nmybl anket st ot he coucht ost ar eatt het el ev i si on.Iwast r y i ngt opul lt i meal ong,awayf r om t heex ecut i on.Iwast r y i ng t obr eakt her oar i ngsi l encei nt heapar t ment , t ocol ort hegr eyt hatsur r oundedme.Butev er ychannel car r i ednewsofTed' sexecut i on,wi t hf i l msoft hewhi t ehear sebear i nghi sbodypastt hej eer i ng cr owdswai t i ngout si det heFl or i daSt at ePr i son.Iwoul dchanget hechannelatt hef i r stment i onof " Fl or i da"or" TedBundy "wor dst hatnowassaul t edmel i ker i ght i stdeat hsquadsbur st i ngt hr ought he door butIst i l l sawi tal l , myf i nal v i ewofTed. Twoweeksaf t ert heexecut i onJi mf or cedmet ot akeav acat i on:" Justdoi t .Tr eati tl i kean assi gnment .Ihadnoener gyandnoi magi nat i on, butguessedt hatsomet hi ngl i keCl ubMedpr obabl y hadamemor abl ephonenumber , somet hi ngl i kel 800Cl ubMed.I tdi d.Il ef tt henex tday .OnPar adi se I sl and, Iat eandat eandsl eptandsl ept , r egai ni ngt hewei ghtI ' dl ostl i t i gat i ngdur i ngt hel astweekof Ted' sl i f eand,t hus,undoi ngt heonl ygoodt hathadcomeofi t .Acl ubempl oy eel ookedex act l yl i kea y oungTed.Ikeptst ar i ngathi m andi magi ni nghow muchTedwoul dhav ewi shedt obehi mf r ee, al i v e,aj obamongt hebeaut i f ulpeopl e,nobl ackmar ksagai nsthi m.It houghtoft heWeekl yWor l d Newspr i nt i ngpi ct ur esofhi sdeadbody ,mut i l at edbyt heaut opsy .Iy ear nedf ort hi ngst ohav ebeen di f f er entf orhi m. Af t ert hemanagi ngpar t nert ol dmet ost ar tt ni nki ngaboutl eav i ngt hef i r m,It r i edt ogetbackt o wor konmyoner emai ni ngcaseandt opl anmyf ut ur e.Ii nt er v i ewedwi t hsomecompani es,butmy hear twasnoti ni t .Ist i l lwant edt obeundert hecov er s.SoIsor t edandpackedt her oomf ulofBundy f i l esandl ef tt hef i r m.Ir ecei v edanor derf r om JudgeZl ochatt hatt i meent i t l ed" Suggest i onofDeat h, "cancel i nghi spendi ngpr oceedi ngi nt heChiOmegacase," i thav i ngbeenr epr esent edt ot heCour t t hatt hepet i t i onerhasbeenxecut ed."Onmyl astday ,Bi l lHai gmei er ,t heFBIagentwhohad i nt er v i ewedTedbehi ndmyback, satwi t hmeami dt hebox esofbr i ef sandnewscl i ppi ngsandnot es andl et t er sandaskedmemor equest i ons.Hedi dnotwantt ol etgo.If i nal l ygav ehi mt heFBI quest i onnai r ef orser i almur der er st hatTedhadcompl et edandenhancedf orhi m butt hatIhad conf i scat ed.Ther ewasnor easont owi t hhol di tnow,ex ceptt hati twasanot herpi eceofev i denceof howTedwast hev er ydef i ni t i onofhear t l essev i l .AndIst i l ldi dnotwantt oknowt hat , t ohav et of ace i tbyot her sknowi ngi t .
WhenIf i nal l ycoul d,Iwat chedt hev i deot apeofTed' si nt er v i ew wi t ht heRev er endDoct orJames Dobson,whi chhadoccur r edonTed' sl astaf t er noon.Mymeet i ngwi t hhi mt hatsamedaycame f l oodi ngbackt ome.I twast hesameTed, t hesamehesi t antv oi ceandf ur t i v eey econt act , t hesame sel f consci ousf ace,t hesamewashedouty el l ow Tshi r t .Hewassi ncer ei nwant i ngt ogethi s messageacr ossaboutt hedanger sofv i ol entpor nogr aphy :Hehadal way swant edt odosomet hi ng abouti t ,t omakepeopl er eal i z et hepar ti tpl ay edi ncr eat i nghi m andot herv i ol entof f ender s.Hehad t r i edt oencour aget heFBIt ost akeoutadul tmov i ehousesandf ol l owt hepat r onsast heyl ef t .Hewas cer t ai n-f r om whathehadf el tanddone,andf r om whatot hermenondeat hr owhadt ol dhi m about t hei rownbehav i or -t hatt hemenwhopr ey edonwomenwer et her e. Tedhadbeenboundanddet er mi nedt omaket hatt apewi t hDobson.Ev ent houghi twast obe br oadcastonl yaf t erhi sdeat h,IhadaskedTedt odomeonef av or , ashi sl awy er ,andt onotdi scuss t heFl or i dacr i mes, j usti ncasewegotast ayofex ecut i onatt hev er yl astmi nut e.Ont het ape, Dobson askshi m aboutt hemur derofKi mber l yLeach.Tedhesi t at esandgl ancesar ound, deci di ngwhatt odo. Il ov et hatmoment .I ' m sor r y , t hatsoundschi r py , l i kebei ng" v er yhappy "aboutast ayofex ecut i onf or t hemur der erofi nnocentv i ct i ms.ButIl ov et oseeTedst r uggl i ngwi t hmyi nst r uct i ons,deci di ng whet hert or est r ai nhi msel fordoashepl eases, asser tcont r ol .Hef i nal l ychokesoutt hathecan' tt al k abouti t , t houghhe' dl i ket o. Thatf ew secondsoff i l mi sTed' sgi f tt ome.TheRev er endDobsoni nt er pr et shi shesi t at i onas ov er whel mi ngr emor se. Thatwasmygi f tt oTed.
Demonst r at or scheerasbodyofTedBundyl eav est hepr i son.COURTESYMI AMIHERALD
Anuni dent i f i edmanj umpsoutt ot ouchTedBundy ' shear seati tl eav est hepr i son.PHI LSEARS
EPI LOGUE Thedaybef or eTedwasexecut ed,Geor geBusht ookof f i ceaspr esi dent , t ouchi ngachor dwi t hi nt he publ i c' sconsci ousnesswi t hhi spr omi seofa" ki nder ,gent l erAmer i ca.Thedeat hpenal t y r ei nst i t ut ed i nt heUni t edSt at esi n1976,y etout l awedi nmostot herWest er ni z ednat i ons-i spar toft hecr uel er , har sherAmer i cai tseemswehav ebecome.I ti snotat r agedyt hatTedBundyi sdeadweal ldi esome day .I ti snotat r agedyt hatTeddi edf orhi scr i mes-hewasnotf al sel yaccused.Buti ti sat r agedyt hat t hest at eofFl or i daki l l edhi m.Thedel i ber at et aki ngofl i f ewi t hf or et houghti st hecr i mef orwhi ch soci et yr eser v esi t shar shestpuni shment , i t smostcompl et econdemnat i on.Yett hatdescr i bescapi t al puni shmentexact l y .Ted' sdeat hcer t i f i cat eaccur at el yl i st st hecauseofhi sdeat has" HOMI ci de."I t wasmyr esponsi bi l i t yt ost opTed' sexecut i on.Butt heent i r et i meIhadt hecaseIf el tasi ckf eel i ngof bl asphemy f orev en par t i ci pat i ng i nt he di scussi on.Deat hi s di f f er ent .I ti s notj ustanot her puni shmentont hecont i nuum, i ti snotmer el yonest ephar shert hanl i f ei npr i sonwi t houtpar ol e.I ti s t r ampl i ngonCod' st er r i t or y , j ustasTeddi d. Hal f wayt hr ought hi scaset hest at eofFl or i dacl ai medt hatat t empt i ngt oex ecut eTedBundyhad al r eadycostt hest at esi xmi l l i ondol l ar s.Li f ei npr i sonwhi cht hest at ehadagr eedt oi nt hepl ea bar gai nandwhi cht heChiOmegat r i alj ur yal mostr ecommendedev enaf t erf i ndi nghi m gui l t ywoul d hav ecostl esst hanonemi l l i ondol l ar s.Fort hehappenst anceofTedbl owi nghi sownpl eabar gai n whi l eondr ugssecr et l ypr ov i dedbyt hej ai l ' sphy si ci an,andCowar ter r oneousl yi nst r uct i ngt heChi Omegaj ur yt hati thadt obr eaki t s66deadl ockf orl i f e, mor et hanf i v emi l l i ondol l ar smor eoft ax pay er moneywasspent .That ' sf i v emi l l i ondol l ar st hatcoul dot her wi sehav egonef orschool s,orr oads,or ef f ect i v el aw enf or cement .Theexecut i ongorofTedBundydi dnotmaket hest r eet ssaf er .Hewas notdet er r edbyt hedeat hpenal t yandnei t herwi l l ot herpsy chopat hi cki l l er sl i kehi m bedet er r ed. Andi twasn' tonl yt hest at et hatpai d.Byt het i meTedBundywasex ecut ed,t hel esst hanone hundr edpar t ner sofWi l mer , Cut l er&Pi cker i nghad-r el uct ant l y , butunspar i ngl y -spent$1. 5mi l l i onon hi scase.That ' s$1.5mi l l i ont hef i r m ot her wi sewoul dhav eal l ocat edt opr ov i di ngot hert y pesofl egal ser v i cesf r eeofchar ge. Whatdi dwet hepubl i cgetf oral lt hatmoneyandl ostoppor t uni t y ?Asenseofr ev enge, ani l l usi on ofj ust i ce,ent er t ai nmentoft hel owestor der .Theoppor t uni t yt obr i ngchi l dr ent ot hegr oundsof Fl or i daSt at ePr i son, hangf r y i ngpansar oundt hei rnecks, andt eacht hem t ochant" Fr y , Ted, Fr y ."The oppor t uni t yf orl ocalt av er nst ocel ebr at ewi t ha" BundyBar becue."Theoppor t uni t yf orot her wi se decentandci r cumspectpeopl et owav eandsmi l ewi t hgl eeatapassi nghear sewi t houtf eel i ng embar r assedorashamed.