Deep Reinforcement Learning: Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence 9811382859, 9789811382857

This book starts by presenting the basics of reinforcement learning using highly intuitive and easy-to-understand exampl

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English Pages 203 Year 2019

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Table of contents :
1 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning..............1
2 Mathematical and Algorithmic Understanding of Reinforcement Learning..............19
3 Coding the Environment and MDP Solution..............28
4 Temporal Difference Learning SARSA and QLearning..............51
5 QLearning in Code..............64
6 Introduction to Deep Learning..............75
7 Implementation Resources..............89
8 Deep Q Network DQN Double DQN and Dueling DQN..............95

Deep Reinforcement Learning: Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence
 9811382859, 9789811382857

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