Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods (Instructor Solution Manual, Solutions) [1 ed.] 1138492531, 9781138492530

"This textbook is a well-rounded, rigorous, and informative work presenting the mathematics behind modern machine l

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Table of contents :
Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data
Statistical Learning
Monte Carlo Methods
Unsupervised Learning
Kernel Methods
Tree Methods
Deep Learning
Recommend Papers

Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods  (Instructor Solution Manual, Solutions) [1 ed.]
 1138492531, 9781138492530

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Solutions Manual to Accompany Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods

Dirk P. Kroese Zdravko I. Botev Thomas Taimre Slava Vaisman Robert Salomone 8th January 2020




1 Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data


2 Statistical Learning


3 Monte Carlo Methods


4 Unsupervised Learning


5 Regression


6 Kernel Methods


7 Classification


8 Tree Methods


9 Deep Learning




We believe that the only effective way to master the theory and practice of Data Science and Machine learning is through exercises and experiments. For this reason, we included many exercises and algorithms in Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and Statistical Methods (DSML), Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2019. This companion volume to DSML is written in the same style and contains a wealth of additional material: worked solutions for the over 150 exercises in DSML, many Python programs and additional illustrations. Like DSML, this solution manual is aimed at anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the mathematics and statistics that underpin the rich variety of ideas and machine learning algorithms in data science. One of the main goals of the manual is to provide a comprehensive solutions guide to instructors, which will aid student assessment and stimulate further student development. In addition, this manual offers a unique complement to DSML for self-study. All too often a stumbling block for learning is the unavailability of worked solutions and actual algorithms. The solutions manual covers a wide range of exercises in data analysis, statistical learning, Monte Carlo methods, unsupervised learning, regression, regularization and kernel methods, classification, decision trees and ensemble methods, and deep learning. Our choice of using Python was motivated by its ease of use and clarity of syntax. Reference numbers to DSML are indicated in boldface blue font. For example, Definition 1.1.1 refers to the corresponding definition in DSML, and (1.7) refers to equation (1.7) in DSML, whereas Figure 1.1 refers to the first numbered figure in the present document. This solutions manual was financially supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Mathematical & Statistical Frontiers, under grant number CE140100049.

Dirk Kroese, Zdravko Botev, Thomas Taimre, Radislav Vaisman, and Robert Salomone Brisbane and Sydney 3






1. Visit the UCI Repository Read the description of the data and download the Mushroom data set Using pandas, read the data into a DataFrame called mushroom, via read_csv. We can import the file directly via its URL: import pandas as pd URL = 'http :// archive -learning - databases / mushroom /agaricus - lepiota .data ' mushroom = pd. read_csv (URL , header =None)

(a) How many features are in this data set? Solution: There are 23 features. mushroom .info ()

RangeIndex : 8124 entries , 0 to 8123 Data columns ( total 23 columns ): 0 8124 non -null object 1 8124 non -null object 2 8124 non -null object 3 8124 non -null object 4 8124 non -null object 5 8124 non -null object 6 8124 non -null object 7 8124 non -null object 8 8124 non -null object 9 8124 non -null object 10 8124 non -null object 11 8124 non -null object 12 8124 non -null object 13 8124 non -null object 14 8124 non -null object 15 8124 non -null object


6 16 8124 non -null object 17 8124 non -null object 18 8124 non -null object 19 8124 non -null object 20 8124 non -null object 21 8124 non -null object 22 8124 non -null object dtypes : object (23) memory usage : 1.4+ MB

(b) What are the initial names and types of the features? Solution: From the output of, we see that the initial names of the features are 0, 1, 2, . . . , 22, and that they all have the type object. (c) Rename the first feature (index 0) to 'edibility' and the sixth feature (index 5) to 'odor' [Hint: the column names in pandas are immutable; so individual columns cannot be modified directly. However it is possible to assign the entire column names list via mushroom.columns = newcols. ] Solution: # create a list object that contains the column names newcols = mushroom . columns . tolist () # assign new values in the list newcols [0] = 'edibility ' newcols [5] = 'odor ' # replace the column names with our list mushroom . columns = newcols

(d) The 6th column lists the various odors of the mushrooms: encoded as 'a', 'c', . . . . Replace these with the names 'almond', 'creosote', etc. (categories corresponding to each letter can be found on the website). Also replace the 'edibility' categories 'e' and 'p' with 'edible' and 'poisonous'. Solution: DICT = {'a': " almond ", 'c': " creosote ", 'f': "foul", 'l':" anise",'m': " musty ",'n':"none", 'p': " pungent ", 's':" spicy", 'y':" fishy "} mushroom .odor = mushroom .odor. replace (DICT) DICT = {'e': " edible ", 'p':" poisonous "} mushroom . edibility = mushroom . edibility . replace (DICT)

(e) Make a contingency table cross-tabulating 'edibility' and 'odor'. Solution: pd. crosstab ( mushroom .odor , mushroom . edibility ) edibility edible odor almond 400

poisonous 0

Chapter 1. Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data anise creosote fishy foul musty none pungent spicy

400 0 0 0 0 3408 0 0

0 192 576 2160 36 120 256 576

(f) Which mushroom odors should be avoided, when gathering mushrooms for consumption? Solution: From the table in the previous question, we see that the data indicates that all mushroom odors except almond and anise have observations that are poisonous. Thus, all odors other than these two should be avoided. (g) What proportion of odorless mushroom samples were safe to eat? Solution: We can calculate the proportion by obtaining values directly off the contingency table and directly calculating: 3408/(3408+120) 0.9659863945578231

Alternatively, we can find the answer without the table: mushroom [( mushroom . edibility == 'edible ') & ( mushroom .odor == ' none ')]. shape [0]/ mushroom [ mushroom .odor =='none ']. shape [0] 0.9659863945578231

2. Change the type and value of variables in the nutri data set according to Table 1.2 and save the data as a CSV file. The modified data should have eight categorical features, three floats, and two integer features. Solution: import pandas as pd , numpy as np nutri = pd. read_excel ('nutrition_elderly .xls ') nutri . gender = nutri . gender . replace ({1: 'Male ' , 2: 'Female '}). astype ('category ') nutri . situation = nutri . situation . replace ({1: 'Single ' , 2: 'Couple ' , 3: 'Family '}). astype ('category ') # create a dictionary that will be used for multiple columns freq_dict = {0: 'Never ', 1:'< once a week ' , 2: 'once a week ', 3: ' 2/3 times a week ', 4: '4-6 times a week ', 5: 'every day '} cols = ['meat ', 'fish ', 'raw_fruit ', 'cooked_fruit_veg ', 'chocol '] nutri [cols] = nutri [cols ]. replace ( freq_dict ). astype ('category ')


8 nutri .fat = nutri .fat. replace ({1: 'Butter ', 2: 'Margarine ', 3: ' Peanut oil ', 4: 'Sunflower oil ', 5: 'Olive oil ', 6: 'Mix of vegetable oils ', 7: 'Colza oil ', 8: 'Duck or goose fat '}). astype ( 'category ') # assign the float data type to the required columns cols = ['height ', 'weight ', 'age '] nutri [cols] = nutri [cols ]. astype ('float ')

We then verify that the modified data has the correct types for each feature: nutri .info () #< class 'pandas .core. frame .DataFrame '> # RangeIndex : 226 entries , 0 to 225 #Data columns ( total 13 columns ): # gender 226 non -null category # situation 226 non -null category #tea 226 non -null int64 # coffee 226 non -null int64 # height 226 non -null float64 # weight 226 non -null float64 #age 226 non -null float64 #meat 226 non -null category #fish 226 non -null category # raw_fruit 226 non -null category # cooked_fruit_veg 226 non -null category # chocol 226 non -null category #fat 226 non -null category # dtypes : category (8) , float64 (3) , int64 (2) # memory usage : 12.3 KB

3. It frequently happens that a table with data needs to be restructured before the data can be analyzed using standard statistical software. As an example, consider the test scores in Table 1.3 of 5 students before and after specialized tuition. Table 1.3: Student scores. Student



1 2 3 4 5

75 30 100 50 60

85 50 100 52 65

This is not in the standard format described in Section 1.1. In particular, the student scores are divided over two columns, whereas the standard format requires that they are collected in one column, e.g., labelled 'Score'. Reformat the table in standard format, using three features:

Chapter 1. Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data

• 'Score', taking continuous values, • 'Time', taking values 'Before' and 'After', • 'Student', taking values from 1 to 5. Solution: Up to a possible reordering of the rows, your table should look like the one given below, which was made with the melt method of pandas. # manually create dataframe with data from table values = [[1 ,75 ,85] ,[2 ,30 ,50] ,[3 ,100 ,100] ,[4 ,50 ,52] ,[5 ,60 ,65]] import pandas as pd df = pd. DataFrame (values , columns =[ 'Student ','Before ', 'After ']) # format dataframe as required df = pd.melt(df , id_vars =[ 'Student '], var_name ="Time", value_vars =[' Before ','After ']) print (df) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Student 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Time Before Before Before Before Before After After After After After

value 75 30 100 50 60 85 50 100 52 65

4. Create a similar barplot as in Figure 1.5, but now plot the corresponding proportions of males and females in each of the three situation categories. That is, the heights of the bars should sum up to 1 for both barplots with the same ’gender’ value. [Hint: seaborn does not have this functionality built in, instead you need to first create a contingency table and use matplotlib.pyplot to produce the figure.] Solution: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt xls = 'http :// www. biostatisticien .eu/ springeR / nutrition_elderly .xls ' nutri = pd. read_excel (xls) nutri . gender = nutri . gender . replace ({1: 'Male ' , 2: 'Female '}). astype ('category ') nutri . situation = nutri . situation . replace ({1: 'Single ' , 2: 'Couple ' , 3: 'Family '}). astype ('category ') contingencyTable = pd. crosstab ( nutri .gender , nutri . situation ) male_counts = contingencyTable . stack ().Male




female_counts = contingencyTable . stack (). Female xind = np. arange (len( nutri . situation . unique ())) width = 0.3 plt. figure ( figsize =[5 ,3]) - width /2, male_counts / male_counts .sum () , width , color =' SkyBlue ', label ='Men ', edgecolor ='black ') + width /2, female_counts / female_counts .sum () , width , color ='Pink ', label ='Women ', edgecolor ='black ') plt. ylabel ('Proportions ') plt. xticks (xind + width /2, contingencyTable . columns ) plt. legend (loc = (0.4 ,0.7))


0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

Men Women




5. The iris data set, mentioned in Section 1.1, contains various features, including 'Petal.Length' and 'Sepal.Length', of three species of iris: setosa, versicolor, and virginica. (a) Load the data set into a pandas DataFrame object. Solution: import pandas as pd urlprefix = 'http :// vincentarelbundock . github .io/ Rdatasets /csv/' dataname = 'datasets /iris.csv ' iris = pd. read_csv ( urlprefix + dataname )

(b) Using matplotlib.pyplot, produce boxplots of 'Petal.Length' for each the three species, in one figure. Solution: import matplotlib . pyplot as plt labels = [" setosa "," versicolor "," virginica "] plt. boxplot ([ setosa [" Sepal . Length "], versicolor [" Sepal . Length "], virginica [" Sepal . Length "]], labels = labels )


Chapter 1. Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data

8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 setosa

versicolor Species


Note that it is simpler to create a similar plot in seaborn via: import seaborn as sns sns. boxplot (x='Species ', y='Sepal . Length ', data=iris)


8 7 6 5 setosa

versicolor Species


(c) Make a histogram with 20 bins for 'Petal.Length'. Solution: plt.hist(iris[" Petal . Length "], bins =20 , edgecolor ='black ') plt. xlabel (" Petal . Length ")



30 25 20 15 10 5 0




4 5 Petal.Length



(d) Produce a similar scatter plot for 'Sepal.Length' against 'Petal.Length' to that of the left plot in Figure 1.9. Note that the points should be colored according to the ’Species’ feature as per the legend in the right plot of the figure. Solution: DICT = {0:( setosa , 'b','setosa '), 1: ( versicolor ,'g','versicolor '), 2: (virginica ,'r','virginica ') } for k in DICT: plt. scatter (DICT[k ][0][ " Petal . Length "], DICT[k ][0][ " Sepal . Length "], color =DICT[k][1] , alpha =0.5) plt. xlabel ('Petal . Length ') plt. ylabel ('Sepal . Length ') ()




2.0 Density


+ 131

(e) Using the kdeplot method of the seaborn package, reproduce the right plot of Figure 1.9, where kernel density plots for 'Petal.Length' are given.

6 5

setosa versicolor virginica

1.5 1.0 0.5




4 5 Petal.Length





4 Petal.Length



Figure 1.9: Left: scatter plot of 'Sepal.Length' against 'Petal.Length'. Right: kernel density estimates of 'Petal.Length' for the three species of iris. Solution:

Chapter 1. Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data sns. kdeplot ( setosa [" Petal . Length "], color = 'b',shade =True) sns. kdeplot ( versicolor [" Petal . Length "], color ='g',shade =True) sns. kdeplot ( virginica [" Petal . Length "], color ='r',shade =True) plt. legend (('setosa ','versicolor ','virginica ')) plt. xlabel ('Petal . Length ') plt. ylabel ('Density ')

6. Import the data set EuStockMarkets from the same website as the iris data set above. The data set contains the daily closing prices of four European stock indices during the 1990s, for 260 working days per year. Solution: import pandas as pd import matplotlib . pyplot as plt urlprefix = 'http :// vincentarelbundock . github .io/ Rdatasets /csv/' dataname = 'datasets / EuStockMarkets .csv ' stock = pd. read_csv ( urlprefix + dataname ) stock = stock .drop(" Unnamed : 0" ,1)

(a) Create a vector of times (working days) for the stock prices, between 1991.496 and 1998.646 with increments of 1/260. Solution: import numpy as np times = np. arange (1991.496 ,1998.646+1/260 ,1/260)

(b) Reproduce Figure 1.10. [Hint: Use a dictionary to map column names (stock indices) to colors.]

9000 DAX 8000 SMI 7000 CAC 6000 FTSE 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Figure 1.10: Stocks Solution: types = stock . columns . tolist () c = {'DAX ':'b', 'SMI ':'g', 'CAC ':'r', 'FTSE ':'c'}



for t in types : plt.plot(times , stock [t], c[t]) ticks = np. arange (1991 ,2000 ,1) plt. xticks (ticks , ticks ) plt. yticks (np. arange (0 ,1e4 ,1 e3)) plt. legend ()

7. Consider the KASANDR data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, which can be can be downloaded from tar.bz2. This archive file has a size of 900Mb, so it may take a while to download. Uncompressing the file (e.g., via 7-Zip) yields a directory de containing two large CSV files: test_de.csv and train_de.csv, with sizes 372Mb and 3Gb, respectively. Such large data files can still be processed efficiently in pandas, provided there is enough processor memory. The files contain records of user information from web logs in Germany as well as meta-information on users, offers, and merchants. The data sets have 7 attributes and 1919561 and 15844717 rows, respectively. The data sets are anonymized via hex strings. (a) Load train_de.csv into a pandas DataFrame object de, using read_csv('train_de.csv', delimiter = '\t'). If not enough memory is available, load test_de.csv instead. Note that entries are separated here by tabs, not commas. Time how long it takes for the file to load, using the time package. (It took 38 seconds for train_de.csv to load on one of our computers). Solution: Note that we must first ensure that train_de.csv is in our working directory. import time import pandas as pd start = time.time () de = pd. read_csv ('train_de .csv ',delimiter ='\t') print (" Import took {:.2f} seconds .". format (time.time () -start )) Import took 60.14 seconds .

(b) How many unique users and merchants are in this data set? Solution: print (" unique users :", len(de. userid . unique ())) print (" unique merchants :", len(de. merchant . unique ())) unique users : 291485 unique merchants : 703

Chapter 1. Importing, Summarizing, and Visualizing Data

8. Visualizing data involving more than two features requires careful design, which is often more of an art than a science.

(a) Go to Vincent Arel-Bundocks’s website (URL given in Section 1.1) and read the Orange data set into a pandas DataFrame object called orange. Remove its first (unnamed) column. Solution: import pandas as pd import matplotlib . pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns urlprefix = 'http :// vincentarelbundock . github .io/ Rdatasets /csv/' dataname ='datasets / Orange .csv ' orange = pd. read_csv ( urlprefix + dataname ) orange = orange .drop('Unnamed : 0' ,1) # remove unnamed column

(b) The data set contains the circumferences of 5 orange trees at various stages in their development. Find the names of the features. Solution: orange . columns . tolist () ['Tree ', 'age ', 'circumference ']

(c) In Python, import seaborn and visualize the growth curves (circumference against age) of the trees, using the regplot and FacetGrid methods. Solution: import seaborn as sns # setting sharex = False and sharey = False puts xticks and yticks on every subplot grid = sns. FacetGrid (orange , col="Tree", col_wrap =2, sharex = False , sharey = False ) fig = , "age", " circumference ") # adds axis labels to every subplot ( optional ) for ax in fig.axes: ax. set_xlabel ("age") ax. set_ylabel (" circumference ") plt. tight_layout ()



Tree = 1

Tree = 2 200




140 100 80 60 500 140

1000 age Tree = 3





1000 age Tree = 4



1000 age



120 100 80 60

150 100 50



100 50


175 150 125 100 75 50 25



1000 age Tree = 5



1000 age





1. Suppose that the loss function is the piecewise linear function: Loss(y, y0 ) = α(y0 − y)+ + β(y − y0 )+ ,

α, β > 0 ,

where c+ is equal to c if c > 0, and zero otherwise. Show that the minimizer of the risk `(g) = E Loss(Y, g(X)) satisfies P[Y < g∗ (x) | X = x] =

β . α+β

In other words, g∗ (x) is the β/(α + β) quantile of Y, conditional on X = x. Solution: Assume all expectation and probability operators are conditional on X = x and write g(x) = b y for short. We have E Loss(Y,b y) = αE(b y − Y)+ + βE(Y − b y)+ = α E[(b y − Y) 1{Y < b y}] + β E[(Y − b y) 1{Y > b y}]  =b y α P[Y < b y] − β P[Y > b y] + β E[Y 1{Y > b y}] − α E[Y 1{Y < b y}]   =b y (α + β) P[Y < b y] − β − (α + β) E[Y 1{Y < b y}] + β EY. Let y∗ be the β/(α + β) quantile of the distribution of Y, that is, P[Y < y∗ ] = β/(α + β) . Then, E Loss(Y,b y) − E Loss(Y, y∗ ) =     =b y (α + β) P[Y < b y] − β − (α + β) E[Y 1{Y < b y}] − E[Y 1{Y < y∗ }]     = (α + β) b y P[Y < b y] − P[Y < y∗ ] + E[Y 1{Y < y∗ }] − E[Y 1{Y < b y}] . Hence, if y∗ > b y, then E Loss(Y,b y) − E Loss(Y, y∗ ) = E[Y 1{b y < Y < y∗ }] − b y P[b y < Y < y∗ ] (α + β)  = P[b y < Y < y∗ ] E[Y |b y < Y < y∗ ] − b y > 0. | {z } >0



The case for y∗ < b y is dealt with similarly. An alternative solution is as follows. Suppose y∗ > b y. We have three cases to consider. (a) y∗ > Y > b y, so that Loss(Y,b y) − Loss(Y, y∗ ) = β(Y − b y) − α(y∗ − Y) > α(b y − y∗ ). (b) Y > y∗ > b y, so that Loss(Y,b y) − Loss(Y, y∗ ) = β(Y − b y) − β(Y − y∗ ) = β(y∗ − b y) > 0. (c) y∗ > b y > Y, so that Loss(Y,b y) − Loss(Y, y∗ ) = α(b y − Y) − α(y∗ − Y) = α(b y − y∗ ). Therefore, when y∗ > b y,    y − y∗ ) Y 6 y∗ α(b Loss(Y,b y) − Loss(Y, y∗ ) >   β(y∗ − b y) Y > y∗ . Hence, when y∗ > b y, ELoss(Y,b y) − ELoss(Y, y∗ ) > Eα(b y − y∗ )I{Y 6 y∗ } + Eβ(y∗ − b y)I{Y > y∗ } β α + β(y∗ − b y) = 0. = α(b y − y∗ ) α+β α+β We obtain the same result when y∗ 6 b y. 2. Show that, for the squared-error loss, the approximation error `(gG ) − `(g∗ ) in (2.16), is equal to E(gG (X) − g∗ (X))2 . [Hint: expand `(gG ) = E(Y − g∗ (X) + g∗ (X) − gG (X))2 .] Solution: Write `(gG ) = E(Y − gG (X))2 = E(Y − g∗ (X) + g∗ (X) − gG (X))2 = E(Y − g∗ (X))2 + 2E[(Y − g∗ (X))(g∗ (X) − gG (X))] +E(g∗ (X) − gG (X))2 , | {z } | {z } `(g∗ ) = σ2


where the second term is 0 because, by conditioning on X and using the tower property, E[(Y − g∗ (X))(g∗ (X) − gG (X))] = E[E[(Y − g∗ (X))(g∗ (X) − gG (X))] | X] + E[(g∗ (X) − gG (X)) E[(Y − g∗ (X))] | X] = 0. | {z } =0

3. Suppose G is the class of linear functions. A linear function evaluated at a feature x can be described as g(x) = β> x for some parameter vector β of appropriate dimension. Denote gG (x) = x> βG and gGτ (x) = x>b β. Show that E(gGτ (X) − g∗ (X))2 = E(X>b β − X> βG )2 + E(X> βG − g∗ (X))2 .

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


Hence, deduce that the statistical error in (2.16) is `(gGτ ) − `(gG ) = E(gGτ (X) − gG (X))2 . Solution: Since βG = argminβ E(β> X − g∗ (X))2 , we must have ∂ > ∗ 2 E(β X − g (X)) G = 0 . β=β ∂β In other words, after simplification, βG satisfies   2EX X> βG − g∗ (X) = 0 . Therefore, using the identity (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab, we obtain E(gGτ (X) − g∗ (X))2 = E(gGτ (X) − gG (X) + gG (X) − g∗ (X))2 = E((b β − βG )> X)2 + E(X> βG − g∗ (X))2 + 2(b β − βG )> EX(X> βG − g∗ (X)) . | {z } =0

4. Show that formula (2.24) holds for the 0–1 loss with 0–1 response. Solution: Since    Yi ) = (1, 1) or (Yi , b Yi ) = (0, 0) 0, if (Yi , b (Yi − b Yi )2 =  ,  1, if (Yi , b Yi ) = (0, 1) or (Yi , b Yi ) = (1, 0) we have (Yi − b Yi )2 = I{Yi , b Yi }. Therefore, the argument for squared-error loss applies here as well: n i 1X h 0 b bi } EX opT = EX I{Yi , Yi } − I{Yi , Y n i=1 n n i 2X h i 1X h 0 b 2 2 b EX (Yi − Yi ) − (Yi − Yi ) = EX (Yi − Yi0 )b Yi = n i=1 n i=1 n n  2X 2 X = EX [Yi b Yi ] − EX Yi EX b Yi = CovX (b Yi , Yi ). n i=1 n i=1 5. Let X be an n-dimensional normal random vector with mean vector µ and covariance matrix Σ, where the determinant of Σ non-zero. Show that X has joint probability density 1 1 > −1 f X (x) = √ e− 2 (x−µ) Σ (x−µ) , n (2π) |Σ|

x ∈ Rn .

Solution: By (C.27), write X = µ + BZ, where Z is n-dimensional standard normal and BB> = Σ. The joint probability density function of Z is n



f Z (z) = (2π)− 2 e− 2 z z ,

z ∈ Rn .

By the transformation rule (C.23), the joint probability density function of Y := X−µ = BZ is thus 1 1 n 1 > −> −1 1 > −1 n fY (y) = (2π)− 2 e− 2 y B B y = (2π)− 2 √ e− 2 y Σ y , y ∈ Rn . | det(B)| det(Σ)| The joint probability density function of X = µ + Y is obtained by a shift of fY ; that is, f X (x) = fY (y − µ), giving the desired result.


6. Let b β = A+ y. Using the defining properties of the pseudo-inverse, show that for any p β∈R , kAb β − yk 6 kAβ − yk. Solution: We have the Pythagorean identity: kAβ − yk2 = kA(β − b β) + AA+ y − yk2 = kA(β − b β) + (In − AA+ )(−y)k2 = kA(β − b β)k2 + k(In − AA+ )(−y)k2 − 2y> (In − AA+ )> A(β − b β) 2 2 = kA(β − b β)k + kAb β − yk , because (In − AA+ )> A = (In − AA+ )A = A − AA+ A is the zero matrix as per Condition 1 in Definition A.2. Hence, kAβ − yk2 > kAb β − yk2 with equality achieved when Aβ = Ab β. 7. Suppose that in the polynomial regression Example 2.1 we select the linear class of functions G p with p > 4. Then, g∗ ∈ G p and the approximation error is zero, because gG p (x) = g∗ (x) = x> β, where β = [10, −140, 400, −250, 0, . . . , 0]> ∈ R p . Use the tower β with b β = X+ y, assuming rank(X) > 4, is property to show that the learner gτ (x) = x>b unbiased: E gT (x) = g∗ (x) . Solution: To see this note that conditional on X, we have EX [gT (x)] = x> EX [b β] = x> X+ EX [Y] = x> X+ Xβ∗ = x> β∗ = g∗ (x) . The tower property then yields E[gT (x)] = E[E[gT (x) | X]] = g∗ (x). 8. (Exercise 7 continued.) Observe that the learner gT can be written as a linear combination of the response variable: gT (x) = x> X+ Y. Prove that for any learner of the form x> Ay, where A ∈ R p×n is some matrix and that satisfies EX [x> AY] = g∗ (x), we have VarX [x> X+ Y] 6 VarX [x> AY] , where the equality is achieved for A = X+ . This is called the Gauss–Markov inequality. Hence, using the Gauss–Markov inequality deduce that for the unconditional variance: Var[gT (x)] 6 Var[x> AY] . Deduce that A = X+ also minimizes the expected generalization risk. Solution: Let A = X+ + D for some matrix D that must satisfy g∗ (x) = EX x> AY = EX x> X+ Y + EX x> DY = g∗ (x) + EX x> DY for every x. In other words, EX DY = DXβ∗ = 0 . Therefore, DX = O, and the conditional variance is: VarX [x> AY]/σ2 = x> (X+ + D)(X+ + D)> x = x> X+ (X> )+ x + 2x> D(X> )+ x + x> DD> x = VarX [x> X+ Y]/σ2 + 0 + kD> xk2 > VarX [x> X+ Y]/σ2 .

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


The inequality holds for the unconditional variance as well, because we can write Var[gT (x)] = E[VarX [gT (x)]] + Var[EX [gT (x)]] 6 E[VarX [x> AY]] + Var[g∗ (x)] = Var[x> AY] . Since the last inequality is true for any x, we can take expectation with respect to X. We then conclude that the choice A = X+ also yields the smallest expected generalization risk (2.22). 9. Consider again the polynomial regression Example 2.1. Use the fact that EX b β = X+ h∗ (u), where h∗ (u) = E[Y | U = u] = [h∗ (u1 ), . . . , h∗ (un )]> , to show that the expected in-sample risk is: EX `in (gT ) = `∗ +

kh∗ (u)k2 − kXX+ h∗ (u)k2 `∗ p + . n n

Also, use Theorem C.2 to show that the expected statistical error is: EX (b β − β)> H p (b β − β) = `∗ tr(X+ (X+ )> H p ) + (X+ h∗ (u) − β)> H p (X+ h∗ (u) − β) . Solution: Using the fact that E[Yi − h∗ (Ui ) | Ui = ui ] = 0 and the identity (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 , we have n

1X EX `in (gT ) = E[(Yi − hT (Ui ))2 | Ui = ui ] n i=1 n n 1X 1X E[(Yi − h∗ (Ui ))2 | Ui = ui ] + E[(h∗ (Ui ) − hT (Ui ))2 | Ui = ui ] = n i=1 n i=1 n 1X ∗ =` + E[(h∗ (Ui ) − hT (Ui ))2 | Ui = ui ] n i=1 Next, recall that E[hT (U) | U = u] = EX Xb β = XX+ h∗ (u) = hH p (u), that is, the learner hT (u) is an unbiased estimator of hH p (u), conditional on X (or U = u). As a result of this, E[(h∗ (Ui ) − hT (Ui ))2 | U = u] can be decomposed as: E[(h∗ (Ui ) − hT (Ui ))2 | U = u] = (h∗ (ui ) − hH p (ui ))2 + E[(hT (Ui ) − hH p (Ui ))2 | U = u] . Therefore, n

kh∗ (u) − hH p (u)k2 1X E[(h∗ (Ui ) − hT (Ui ))2 | Ui = ui ] = + n i=1 n =

P i

VarX [x>i b β] n

k(I − XX+ )h∗ (u)k2 tr(VarX [Xb β]) + n n

Using the idempotent property of XX+ and I − XX+ : XX+ (XX+ ) = XX+ ,

(I − XX+ )(I − XX+ ) = I − XX+ ,


we can simplify k(I − XX+ )h∗ (u)k2 = kh∗ (u)k2 − kXX+ h∗ (u)k2 . As in Example 2.3, we can show that tr(VarX [Xb β]) = tr(VarX [XX+ Y]) = `∗ p. Therefore, the estimation error is `∗ p/n, ∗ 2 + h∗ (u)k2 the approximation error is kh (u)k −kXX , and the irreducible error is `∗ . n Finally, note that VarX [b β − β] = VarX [X+ Y] = X+ VarX [Y](X+ )> = `∗ X+ (X+ )> . Also, ∗ + E[b β − β] = X h (u) − β. Therefore, an application of Theorem C.2 yields: EX (b β − β)> H p (b β − β) = `∗ tr(X+ (X+ )> H p ) + (X+ h∗ (u) − β)> H p (X+ h∗ (u) − β) . 10. Consider the setting of the polynomial regression in Example 2.2. Use Theorem C.19 to prove that √ d −1 −1 n(b βn − β p ) −→ N(0, `∗ H−1 p + Hp MpHp ) , where M p := E[XX> (g∗ (X) − gG p (X))2 ] is the matrix with (i, j)-th entry: R1 ui+ j−2 (hH p (u) − h∗ (u))2 du , 0 and H−1 p is the p × p inverse Hilbert matrix with (i, j)-th entry:   p+ j−1i+ j−22 . (−1)i+ j (i + j − 1) p+i−1 p− j p−i i−1 Observe that M p = 0 for p > 4, so that the matrix M p term is due to choosing a restrictive class G p that does not contain the true prediction function. Solution: Examining the normal equations (2.14), we see that b βn is an M-estimator satis> > b fying X Y − X Xβn = 0, that is, n

1X ψ((Yi , Xi ); b βn ) = 0 , n i=1 where ψ((y, x); β) := x(y − x> β). Applying Theorem C.19 yields B := EX(Y − X> β p )(Y − X> β p )X> = EXX> (Y − X> β p )2 . Next, using the Pythagorean identity EX (Y − X> β p )2 = EX (Y − gG p (X))2 = (g∗ (X) − gG p (X))2 + EX (Y − g∗ (X))2 and the fact that `∗ = E(Y − g∗ (x))2 for any x, we obtain B = E[XX> (g∗ (X) − gG p (X))2 ] + E[XX> EX (Y − g∗ (X))2 ] = M p + `∗ H p . Also, in the notation of Theorem C.19 we have A := −E

∂ψ = EXX> = H p . ∂β

Therefore, the scale matrix of the normal approximation in Theorem C.19 is −1 −1 A−1 BA−1 = `∗ H−1 p + Hp MpHp ,

whence the result follows.

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


11. In Example 2.2 we saw that the statistical error can be expressed, see (2.20), as Z 1 2 β − β p )> H p (b β − βp) . [1, . . . , u p−1 ](b β − β p ) du = (b 0

√ By Problem 10 the random vector Z n := n(b βn − β p ) has, for large n, approximately a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector 0 and covariance matrix V := `∗ H−1 p + −1 H−1 M H . Use Theorem C.2 to show that for large n the expected statistical error is p p p E (b β − β p )> H p (b β − βp) '

−1 `∗ p tr(M p H p ) + , n n


Plot this large-sample approximation of the expected statistical error and compare it with the outcome of the statistical error. Solution: By Theorem C.2 we have that nE (b β − β p )> H p (b β − β p ) = EZ >n H p Z n = tr(H p V) −1 −1 = `∗ tr(H p H−1 p ) + tr(H p H p M p H p )

= `∗ p + tr(H−1 p M p ), whence the result follows. The plot looks like the following. 5





0 0








Figure 2.1: The statistical error as a function of the number of parameters p of the model. Superimposed on the figure is the large-sample approximation (2.54). 12. Consider again Example 2.2. The result in (2.53) suggests that E b β → β p as n → ∞, where β p is the solution in the class G p given in (2.18). Thus, the large-sample approximG ation of the pointwise bias of the learner gT p (x) = x>b β at x = [1, . . . , u p−1 ]> is G

EgT p (x) − g∗ (x) ' [1, . . . , u p−1 ] β p − [1, u, u2 , u3 ] β∗ ,

n → ∞.


Use Python to reproduce Figure 2.17, which shows the (large-sample) pointwise squared bias of the learner for p ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Note how the bias is larger near the end points u = 0 and u = 1. Explain why the areas under the curves correspond to the approximation errors. Solution: The following Python code reproduces the curves. Equation (2.19) shows that the areas under the curves are exactly the approximation errors. import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt u = np. arange (0 ,1 ,0.01). reshape ( -1 ,1) betastar = np. array ([[10 , -140, 400 , -250]]).T betas = [65/6 , np. array ([[ -20/3 ,35]]).T, np. array ([[ -5/2 ,10 ,25]]).T] gstar = u** np. arange (0 ,4) @ betastar for p in (1 ,2 ,3): y = (** np. arange (0,p), betas [p -1]) - gstar )**2 plt.plot(u,y)

13. For our running Example 2.2 we can use (2.53) to derive a large-sample approximation of the pointwise variance of the learner gT (x) = x>b βn . In particular, show that for large n Var[gT (x)] '

`∗ x> H−1 p x n


−1 x> H−1 p MpHp x



n → ∞.

Figure 2.18 shows this (large-sample) variance of the learner for different values of the predictor u and model index p. Observe that the variance ultimately increases in p and that it is smaller at u = 1/2 than closer to the endpoints u = 0 or u = 1. Since the bias is also larger near the end points, we deduce that the pointwise mean squared error (2.21) is larger near the end points of the interval [0, 1] than near its middle. In other words, the error is much smaller in the center of the data cloud than near its periphery. √ βn − β p ) has, for large n, approximately Solution: By Problem 10 the random vector n(b a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector 0 and covariance matrix V := `∗ H−1 p + −1 b H−1 p M p H p . So, β has approximately a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector β p and covariance matrix V/n. It follows that (asymptotically), Var[gT (x)] = Var[x>b β] =

1 > x Vx, n

which yields the desired result. 14. Let h : x 7→ R be a convex function and let X be a random variable. Use the subgradient definition of convexity to prove Jensen’s inequality: Eh(X) > h(EX) . Solution: Since h is convex, for each x0 there exists a v such that h(x) > h(x0 ) + v> (x − x0 )

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


for all x. The result then follows by replacing x with X, setting x0 = EX, and taking expectations on both sides to obtain: Eh(X) > Eh(EX) + v> E(X − EX) = h(EX) . 15. Using Jensen’s inequality, show that the Kullback–Leibler divergence between probability densities f and g is always positive; that is, E ln

f (X) > 0, g(X)

where X ∼ f . Solution: The function − ln is convex and so by Jensen’s inequality we have ! Z g(X) g(X) f (X) g(x) = E − ln > − ln E = − ln f (x) dx = − ln 1 = 0. E ln g(X) f (X) f (X) f (x) 16. The purpose of this exercise is to prove rigorously the following Vapnik–Chernovenkis bound: for any finite class G (containing only a finite number |G| of possible functions) and a general bounded loss function, l 6 Loss 6 u, the expected statistical error is bounded from above according to: E`(gGTn )

√ (u − l) 2 ln(2|G|) . − `(g ) 6 √ n G


Note how this bound conveniently does not depend on the distribution of the training set Tn (which is typically unknown), but only on the complexity (i.e., cardinality) of the class G. We can break up the proof of (2.57) into the following four parts: (a) For a general function class G, training set T , risk function `, and training loss `T , we have, by definition, `(gG ) 6 `(g) and `T (gGT ) 6 `T (g) for all g ∈ G. Show that `(gGT ) − `(gG ) 6 sup |`T (g) − `(g)| + `T (gG ) − `(gG ). g∈G

Since E`T (g) = E`(g), we obtain, after taking expectations on both sides of the inequality above: E[`(gGT )] − `(gG ) 6 E sup |`T (g) − `(g)|. g∈G

Solution: We have |`(gGT ) − `(gG )| = `(gGT ) − `(gG ) = `(gGT ) − `T (gGT ) + `T (gGT ) − `T (gG ) + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) 6 `(gGT ) − `T (gGT ) + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) 6 sup |`(g) − `T (g)| + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) g∈G


(b) If X is a zero-mean random variable taking values in the interval [l, u], then Hoeffding’s inequality states that the moment generating function satisfies ! t2 (u − l)2 tX , t ∈ R. (2.58) E e 6 exp 8 Prove this result by using the fact that the line segment joining points (l, exp(tl)) and (u, exp(tu)) bounds the convex function x 7→ exp(tx) for x ∈ [l, u]; that is: etx 6 etl

u−x x−l + etu , u−l u−l

x ∈ [l, u] .

Solution: From the convexity inequality (a special case of the Edmundson–Madansky bound), we have: EetX 6 etl

0−l u l u−0 + etu = etl − etu u−l u−l u−l u−l y(w−1) yw =e w − e (w − 1) = eg(y)

where y = t(u − l), w = g(0) = 0, g0 (0) = 0, and

∈ (0, 1), and g(y) := yw + ln(1 − w + we−y ). We have

u u−l

g00 (y) =

(1 − w)we−y >0 (1 − w + we−y )2

By Taylor’s theorem, we have g(y) = g(0) + yg0 (0) +

y2 00 g (ξ), 2

for some |ξ| < |y|. In addition, if we set we−y = b and a = (1 − w), then 0 < g00 (y) = Hence, g(y) 6

y2 8

ab 1 6 (a + b)2 4

= t2 (u − l)2 /8, whence the result.

(c) Let Z1 , . . . , Zn be (possibly dependent and non-identically distributed) zero-mean random variables with moment generating functions that satisfy E exp(tZk ) 6 exp(t2 η2 /2) for all k and some parameter η. Use Jensen’s inequality (2.56) to prove that for any t > 0, 1 1 tη2 E max Zk = E ln max etZk 6 ln(n) + . k k t t 2 From this derive that p E max Zk 6 η 2 ln(n) . k

Finally, show that this last inequality implies that p E max |Zk | 6 η 2 ln(2n) . k


Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


Solution: For any t > 0, we have the inequalities: tE[max Zk ] = E max(tZk ) = E ln max exp(tZk ) k



Jensen’s ineq.

6 ln E max exp(tZk ) k

6 ln E

n X

exp(tZk ) 6 ln

6 ln

E exp(tZk )


k=1 n X

n X

exp(t2 η2 /2) 6 ln(n) + t2 η2 /2 .


Therefore, E[maxk Zk ] 6 ln(n)/t + tη2 /2, with the upper bound minimized at √ t∗ = 2 ln(n)/η. Thus, we find the stated bound for the expected maximum of the {Zk }. The bound for the expected maximum of the {|Zk |} follows by observing that maxk |Zk | = max{Z1 , . . . , Zn , −Z1 , . . . , −Zn } and applying the first result to {Z1 , . . . , Zn , −Z1 , . . . , −Zn }. (d) Returning to the objective of this exercise, denote the elements of G by g1 , . . . , g|G| , and let Zk = `>n (gk ) − `(gk ). By part (a) it is sufficient to√bound E maxk |Zk |. Show that the {Zk } satisfy the conditions of (c) with η = (u − l)/ n. For this you will need to apply part (b) to a random variable Loss(g(X), Y) − `(g), where (X, Y) is a generic data point. Now complete the proof of (2.57). Solution: Note that Loss(g(X), Y) − `(g) is a zero-mean random variable ranging in the interval [l − u, u − l]. Hence, by Hoeffding’s inequality E exp(t{Loss(g(X), Y) − `(g)}) 6 exp(t2 (u − l)2 /2) . For each k = 1, . . . , |G| let Zk := `Tn (gk ) − `(gk ) =

n X Loss(gk (Xi ), Yi ) − `(gk ) i=1


Then, each Zk is a zero-mean random variable such that n Y

! Loss(gk (Xi ), Yi ) − `(gk ) E exp(tZk ) = E exp t n i=1  t n = E exp {Loss(gk (X), Y) − `(gk )} n " !#n 2 t 2 6 exp 2 (u − l) /2 = exp(t2 η2 /2), n √ where η := (u − l)/ n. Therefore, √ p (u − l) 2 ln(2|G|) E max |Zk | 6 η 2 ln(2|G|) = √ k n and the result follows.



17. Consider the problem in Exercise 16a above. Show that |`T (gGT ) − `(gG )| 6 2 sup |`T (g) − `(g)| + `T (gG ) − `(gG ). g∈G

From this, conclude: E |`T (gGT ) − `(gG )| 6 2E sup |`T (g) − `(g)| . g∈G

The last bound allows us to assess how close the training loss `T (gGT ) is to the optimal risk `(gG ) within class G. Solution: By definition, we have `(gG ) 6 `(g) and `T (gGT ) 6 `T (g) for any g ∈ G. We have |`T (gGT ) − `(gG )| 6 |`T (gGT ) − `(gGT )| + `(gGT ) − `(gG ) 6 sup |`T (g) − `(g)| + `(gGT ) − `T (gGT ) + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) g∈G

6 sup |`T (g) − `(g)| + |`(gGT ) − `T (gGT )| + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) g∈G

6 2 sup |`T (g) − `(g)| + `T (gG ) − `(gG ) . g∈G

Hence, taking expectation yields E|`T (gGT ) − `(gG )| 6 2E sup |`T (g) − `(g)| . g∈G

18. Show that for the normal linear model Y ∼ N(Xβ, σ2 In ), the maximum likelihood estimator of σ2 is identical to the method of moments estimator (2.37). Solution: Maximizing the likelihood of y over β and σ2 gives the maximization program 1 2 1 n max(2πσ2 )− 2 e− 2σ2 ||y−Xβ|| ≡ max −n ln(σ2 ) − 2 ||y − Xβ||2 . 2 2 σ β,σ β,σ | {z }

h(β,σ2 )

Note that for any fixed σ2 it holds that h(b β, σ2 ) > h(β, σ2 ), ∀β, where b β is the maximum likelihood estimator of β. It follows that 1 c2 = argmax h(b β||2 . σ β, σ2 ) = argmin n ln(σ2 ) + 2 ||y − Xb σ σ2 σ2 | {z } r(σ2 )

Taking the derivative of r(σ2 ) with respect to σ2 and equating this to 0 gives n 1 − 2 2 ||y − Xb β||2 = 0, 2 σ (σ ) whose solution gives the desired result.

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


19. Let X ∼ Gamma(α, λ). Show that the pdf of Z = 1/X is equal to λα (z)−α−1 e−λ (z) , Γ(α) −1


Solution: This is a consequence of the transformation rule (C.23): for any z > 0 we have fX (x) λα xα−1 e−λx λα z−α+1 e−λ/z fZ (z) = = = , (1/x)2 Γ(α)/x2 Γ(α)z2 which gives the desired result. 20. Consider the sequence w0 , w1 , . . ., where w0 = g(θ) is a non-degenerate initial guess and wt (θ) ∝ wt−1 (θ)g(τ | θ), t > 1. We assume that g(τ | θ) is not the constant function (with respect to θ) and that the maximum likelihood value g(τ | b θ) = max g(τ | θ) < ∞ θ

exists (is bounded). Let

Z lt :=

g(τ | θ)wt (θ) dθ .

Show that {lt } is a strictly increasing and bounded sequence. Hence, conclude that its limit is g(τ | b θ). Solution: As in (2.40), we can write Z 1 1 [g(τ | θ) − lt ]2 wt (θ) dθ = Vart [g(τ | θ)] , lt+1 − lt = lt lt where the variance is with respect to θ, whose pdf is wt (θ). This variance is zero if and only if either g(τ | θ) is independent of θ, or wt (θ) is a degenerate pdf. Since, by assumption, g(τ | θ) is not a constant function of θ and w0 (θ) (and hence any subsequent wt (θ)) is not a degenerate pdf, we conclude that the strict inequality holds: lt+1 − lt > 0. In addition, we have that Z Z g(τ | θ)wt (θ) dθ 6 wt (θ) dθ × sup g(τ | θ) = sup g(τ | θ) < ∞ . θ


Therefore, {lt } is a strictly increasing and bounded sequence with limit: lim lt = max g(τ | θ) . t↑∞


21. Consider the Bayesian model for τ = {x1 , . . . , xn } with likelihood g(τ | µ) such that (X1 , . . . , Xn | µ) ∼iid N(µ, 1) and prior pdf g(µ) such that µ ∼ N(ν, 1) for some hyperparameter ν. Define a sequence of densities wt (µ), t > 2 via wt (µ) ∝ wt−1 (µ) g(τ | µ), starting with w1 (µ) = g(µ). Let at and bt denote the mean and precision of µ under the posterior gt (µ | τ) ∝ g(τ | µ)wt (µ). Show that gt (µ | τ) is a normal density with precision bt = bt−1 + n, b0 = 1 and mean at = (1 − ωt )at−1 + ωt x¯n , a0 = ν, where ωt := n/(bt−1 + n). Hence, deduce that gt (µ | τ) converges to a degenerate density with a point-mass at x¯n . Solution: We use induction. The claim (am , bm ) = (ν, 1) is true for m = 0, by definition. Assume that the formula is true for m = t − 1, that is, gt−1 (µ | τ) is the pdf of N(at−1 , bt−1 ). To


show that the formula is true for m = t, we use the result (2.45) in Example 2.7 to calculate the mean and variance of gt (µ | τ): bt−1 n x¯n + at−1 bt−1 + n bt−1 + n 1 1 = . bt bt−1 + n at =

Hence, gt (µ | τ) is a normal density with limiting mean at → x¯n and limiting variance b−1 t → 0. 22. Consider again Example 2.8, where we have a normal model with improper prior g(θ) = g(µ, σ2 ) ∝ 1/σ2 . Show that the prior predictive pdf is an improper density g(x) ∝ 1, but that the posterior predictive density is !−n/2 (x − x¯n )2 . g(x | τ) ∝ 1 + (n + 1)S n2 Deduce that

X− x¯n √ S n (n+1)/(n−1)

∼ tn−1 .

Solution: Denote the future observation as x := x0 and set m := n + 1. Then, ! P (x − µ)2 + ni=1 (µ − xi )2 1 2 2 g(x | µ, σ )g(µ, σ | τ) ∝ 2+m exp − σ 2σ2 ! Pn 2 1 i=0 (µ − xi ) = 2+m exp − σ 2σ2 P ! mµ2 − 2µm x¯m + m x¯m2 − m x¯m2 + i xi2 1 = 2+m exp − σ 2σ2 P    (µ − x¯m )2 − x¯m2 + m1 i xi2  1 = 2+m exp −  σ 2σ2 /m ! ! S m2 1 (µ − x¯m )2 = 2+m exp − exp − 2 . σ 2σ2 /m 2σ /m Integrating over µ then yields ! S m2 1 p 2 g(x | σ )g(σ | τ) ∝ 2+m σ /m exp − 2 σ 2σ /m ! 2 (m/2)S m 1 = 1+m exp − σ σ2 ! (m/2)S m2 1 = (m+1)/2 exp − , z := σ2 z z 2


Now recall that

νν exp(−ν/x) Γ(ν) xν+1

is a pdf. Hence, Z

exp(−ν/x) Γ(ν) dx = ν ν+1 x ν

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning




Γ(ν) exp(−να/y) dx = ν+1 y (αν)ν

Therefore, g(x | τ) ∝ (S m2 )−n/2 ∝  1+ Therefore,

X− x¯n √ S n (n+1)/n−1

1  (x− x¯n )2 n/2 2 mS n

∼ tn−1 . iid

23. Assuming that X1 , . . . , Xn ∼ f , show that (2.48) holds and that `n∗ = −nE ln f (X). Solution: By independence, we have Z ∗ −`n = f (τn ) ln f (τn )dτn = E ln f (Tn ) = E ln

n Y

f (Xi ) = E

n X

ln f (Xi )




n X

E ln f (Xi ) = nE ln f (X) .


To show (2.48), note that ln gτn (τ0n ) = ln g(τ0n | τn ) = ln g(τ0n , τn ) − ln g(τn ) . Therefore, by independence Z E`(gTn ) = −E f (τ0n ) ln g(τ0n | Tn )dτ0n = −E ln g(Tn0 | Tn ) = −E ln g(Tn0 , Tn ) + E ln g(Tn ) = −E ln g(T2n ) + E ln g(Tn ) . 24. Suppose that τ = {x1 , . . . , xn } are observations of iid continuous and strictly positive random variables, and that there are two possible models for their pdf. The first model p = 1 is g(x | θ, p = 1) = θ exp (−θx) and the second p = 2 is 2θ g(x | θ, p = 2) = π


! θx2 exp − . 2

For both models, assume that the prior for θ is a gamma density g(θ) =

bt t−1 θ exp (−bθ) , Γ(t)


with the same hyperparameters b and t. Find a formula for the Bayes factor, g(τ | p = 1)/g(τ | p = 2), for comparing these models. Solution: We have g(τ | p = 1) =


g(τ | θ, p = 1)g(θ | p = 1)dθ Z bt exp(−θ(n x¯n + b) + (n + t − 1) ln θ)dθ = Γ(t) bt Γ(n + t) = Γ(t) (n x¯n + b)n+t

and g(τ | p = 2) =


g(τ | θ, p = 1)g(θ | p = 1)dθ Z P 2 bt 2n/2 = e−θ(0.5 i xi +b) θt+n/2−1 dθ n/2 Γ(t)π bt 2n/2 Γ(t + n/2) = P Γ(t)πn/2 (0.5 i xi2 + b)t+n/2


P Γ(n + t)πn/2 (b + i xi2 /2)t+n/2 g(τ | p = 1) = . g(τ | p = 2) Γ(t + n/2)2n/2 (b + n x¯n )t+n

25. Suppose that we have a total of m possible models with prior probabilities g(p), p = 1, . . . , m. Show that the posterior probability of model g(p | τ) can be expressed in terms of all the p(p − 1) Bayes factors: −1  X g(p = j)   g(p = i | τ) = 1 + B j | i  . g(p = i) j,i Solution: We have −1  X g(p = j)   g(p = i) 1 +  = P B j | i   g(p = i) g(p = i) + j,i g(p = j)B j | i j,i =

g(p = i)g(τ | p = i) P g(p = i) + j,i g(p = j)g(τ | p = j)

= g(p = i | τ) . 26. Given the data τ = {x1 , . . . , xn }, suppose that we use the Bayesian likelihood (X | θ) ∼ N(µ, σ2 ) with parameter θ = (µ, σ2 )> and wish to compare the following two nested models. (a) Model p = 1, where σ2 = σ20 is known and this is incorporated via the prior (µ−x0 )2 1 g(θ | p = 1) = g(µ | σ2 , p = 1)g(σ2 | p = 1) = √ e− 2σ2 × δ(σ2 − σ20 ) . 2πσ

Chapter 2. Statistical Learning


(b) Model p = 2, where both mean and variance are unknown with prior g(θ | p = 2) = g(µ | σ )g(σ ) = √ 2





(µ−x0 )2 2σ2


bt (σ2 )−t−1 e−b/σ . × Γ(t)

Show that the prior g(θ | p = 1) can be viewed as the limit of the prior g(θ | p = 2) when t → ∞ and b = tσ20 . Hence, conclude that g(τ | p = 1) = lim g(τ | p = 2) t→∞ b=tσ20

and use this result to calculate B1 | 2 . Check that the formula for B1 | 2 agrees with the Savage– Dickey density ratio: g(τ | p = 1) g(σ2 = σ20 | τ) = , g(τ | p = 2) g(σ2 = σ20 ) where g(σ2 | τ) and g(σ2 ) are the posterior and prior, respectively, under model p = 2. Solution: First, if 1/σ2 =: Xt ∼ Gamma(t, tσ20 ), then P(|Xt − 1/σ20 | > ε) 6

Var(Xt ) t = −→ 0 2 2 ε (tσ0 )2 ε2


gives the convergence in probability Xt −→ 1/σ20 . P P Next, let x¯n := i>0 xi /(n + 1) and S n2 := i>0 (xi − x¯i )2 /(n + 1). We have t


b − σ2

Pn (x −µ)2 i=0 i 2σ2

e dµdσ2 (2πσ2 )(n+1)/2 (σ2 )t+1 (n+1)S n2 √ b Z bt e− σ2 − 2σ2 σ 2π 2 = dσ √ Γ(t) (2πσ2 )(n+1)/2 (σ2 )t+1 n + 1 2 n /2 Z − b+(n+1)S σ2 bt e = dσ2 √ 2 )t+n/2+1 n/2 (σ Γ(t)(2π) n+1 t b Γ(t + n/2) = √ n/2 Γ(t)(2π) n + 1 (b + (n + 1)S n2 /2)t+n/2

g(τ) = g(τ | p = 2) =

b Γ(t)

Since Γ(t + n/2)/Γ(t) ' tn/2 and tt+n/2 σ2t 0 (tσ20 + (n + 1)S n2 /2)t+n/2 we have


1 − (n+1)S2 n −→ n e 2σ0 , σ0 2

n 1 1 − (n+1)S 2 lim g(τ | p = 2) = × n e 2σ0 √ t→∞ (2π)n/2 n + 1 σ0 b=tσ2 0

Therefore, 2

B1 | 2

(n+1)S n − (b + (n + 1)S n2 /2)t+n/2 Γ(t) 2 = e 2σ0 . n t b σ0 Γ(t + n/2)


To show that this agrees with Savage–Dickey, we first find the posterior: αt+n/2 e−α/σ , g(σ | τ) = Γ(t + n/2) (σ2 )t+n/2+1 2


where α = b + (n + 1)S n2 /2. Dividing by the prior g(σ2 ) gives Γ(t)αt+n/2 e−(α−b)/σ , bt Γ(t + n/2) (σ2 )n/2 2

which agrees with B1 | 2 when evaluated at σ2 = σ20 .




1. We can modify the Box–Muller method in Example 3.1 to draw X and Y uniformly on the unit disc: {(x, y) ∈ R2 : x2 + y2 6 1} in the following way: Independently draw a radius R and an angle Θ ∼ U(0, 2π), and return X = R cos(Θ), Y = R sin(Θ). The question is how to draw R.

(a) Show that the cdf of R is given by FR (r) = r2 for 0 6 r 6 1 (with FR (r) = 0 and FR (r) = 1 for r < 0 and r > 1, respectively). Solution: Take a disc Dr of radius 0 6 r 6 1. We have FR (r) = P[(X, y) ∈ Dr ] = πr2 /π = r2 , as required. For r , [0, 1] the value of FR (r) follows from the monotonicity of FR . (b) Explain how to simulate R using the inverse-transform method. Solution: √ For 0 6 r 6 1, solving u = FR (r) for r yields the inverse cdf r = −1 method by FR (u) = u. Thus, we can simulate R using the inverse-transform √ first drawing U ∼ U(0, 1), and then returning R = U. (c) Simulate 100 independent draws of [X, Y]> according to the method described above. Solution: Python code and example output is provided below. import matplotlib . pyplot as plt import numpy as np rand = np. random .rand R, Theta = np.sqrt(rand (100) ), 2* np.pi*rand (100) X, Y = R * np.cos( Theta ), R * np.sin( Theta ) plt.plot(X, Y, 'b.')



1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.5




2. A simple acceptance–rejection method to simulate a vector X in the unit d-ball {x ∈ Rd : kxk 6 1} is to first generate X uniformly in the cube [−1, 1]d and then to accept the point only if kXk 6 1. Determine an analytic expression for the probability of acceptance as a function of d and plot this for d = 1, . . . , 50. Solution: Note that the volume of the unit d-ball is given by πd/2 /Γ(d/2 + 1), and the volume of the region [−1, 1]d is 2d . The acceptance probability in d dimensions, p(d), is the ratio of these volumes: p(d) = πd/2 / 2d Γ(d/2 + 1). Python code for plotting p(d) is provided below. import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt from scipy . special import gamma d = np. arange (1 ,51) p = np.pi **(d/2) /((2** d) * gamma (d/2 + 1)) plt.plot(np. log10 (p),'b', plt. xlabel ('d') plt. ylabel ('log10 (p)')

linewidth =2)


0 10 20 0







Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


3. Let the random variable X have pdf     f (x) =   

1 2 1 2


0 6 x < 1,



5 2


Simulate a random variable from f (x), using (a) the inverse-transform method, Solution: The cdf of X is given by    0    2     x4 F(x) =   1  +   4    1

x−1 2

x < 0, 0 6 x < 1, 1 6 x 6 5/2 , x > 5/2 .

Hence, to draw from this distribution using the inverse-transform method, first draw U ∼ U(0, 1). If 14 6 U < 1, output X = 21 + 2U; otherwise, output √ X = 2 U. (b) the acceptance–rejection method, using the proposal density g(x) =

8 x, 25


5 . 2

Solution: The acceptance–rejection method with proposal density g(x) = 8x/25 has an acceptance probability of C = max06x65/2 25 f (x)/(8x) = 25 f (1)/8 = 25/16. To draw√ a random variable X ∼ g, we can generate U ∼ U(0, 1) and return X = 52 U (this is the inverse-transform way of drawing from g). Based on Algorithm 3.2.4, the acceptance–rejection algorithm is as follows. Algorithm 3.0.1: Acceptance–Rejection Method for this exercise 1 found ← false 2 while not found do √ 3 Generate U1 ∼ U(0, 1) and let X = 52 U1 . 4 Generate U2 ∼ U(0, 1) independently of U1 . ( 1, for 0 6 X < 1 , f (X) 5 Z ← Cg(X) = 1 , for 1 6 X 6 52 . X 6 if U2 6 Z then found ← true 7

return X

A histogram created from 10,000 random variables with pdf f is given in Figure 3.1.














Figure 3.1: Histogram of 10,000 samples from f . 4. Construct generation algorithms for the following distributions: α

(a) The Weib(α, λ) distribution, with cdf F(x) = 1 − e−(λx) , x > 0, where λ > 0 and α > 0. α

Solution: Solving y = F(x) ⇐⇒ y = 1 − e−(λx) with respect to x gives the inverse cdf 1 1 F −1 (y) = (− ln(1 − y)) α . λ Hence, to generate X ∼ Weib(α, λ), draw U ∼ U(0, 1) and return X = (− ln U)1/α /λ. Here, we have used the fact that if U ∼ U(0, 1) then also 1 − U ∼ U(0, 1). (b) The Pareto(α, λ) distribution, with pdf f (x) = αλ(1 + λx)−(α+1) , x > 0, where λ > 0 and α > 0. Solution: Let X ∼ Pareto(α, λ). The cdf of X is given by Z x F(x) = P(X 6 x) = αλ (1 + λ u)−(α+1) du = 1 − (1 + λ x)−α ,



By solving y = F(x) for x, it follows that the inverse cdf is given by    F −1 (y) = λ−1 1 − y −1/α − 1 , y ∈ (0, 1) . Therefore, to generate X ∼ Pareto(α, λ), draw U ∼ U(0, 1) and return X =   −1 −1/α λ U − 1 . Here, we have used the fact that if U ∼ U(0, 1) then also 1 − U ∼ U(0, 1). 5. We wish to sample from the pdf f (x) = x e−x ,

x > 0,

using acceptance–rejection with the proposal pdf g(x) = e−x/2 /2, x > 0.

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


(a) Find the smallest C for which Cg(x) > f (x) for all x. Solution: We require that C>

x e−x f (x) = = 2x e−0.5x , g(x) 0.5 e−0.5x

for all x ∈ R.


Thus, the smallest C is the maximum of 2x e−0.5x over R. We have d 2x e−0.5x = e−0.5x (2 − x) , dx and thus a critical point at x = 2. The fact that the critical point is a maximum can be verified by observing that the second derivative is negative at x = 2. Therefore, C = f (2)/g(2) = 4e−1 is the is smallest C that satisfies (3.1). (b) What is the efficiency of this acceptance–rejection method? Solution: The efficiency (acceptance probability) is given by 1/C = e1 /4 ≈ 0.6796. 6. Let [X, Y]> be uniformly distributed on the triangle (0, 0), (1, 2), (−1, 1). Give the distribution of [U, V]> defined by the linear transformation " # " #" # U 1 2 X = . V 3 4 Y Solution: As the original density is uniform and the transformation is linear, we have that [U, V]> is distributed uniformly on the triangle with vertices " #" # " # 1 2 0 0 = , 3 4 0 0

" #" # " # " #" # " # 1 2 1 3 1 2 −1 1 = , and = . 3 4 2 11 3 4 1 1

7. Explain how to generate a random variable from the extreme value distribution, which has cdf F(x) = 1 − e− exp(

x−µ σ )

, −∞ < x < ∞,

(σ > 0),

via the inverse-transform method. Solution: By solving y = F(x) for x, the inverse of the cdf of the extreme value distribution is given by F −1 (y) = µ + σ ln(− ln(1 − y)) . Hence, to generate X from the extreme value distribution, draw U ∼ U(0, 1) and return X = µ + σ ln(− ln U). Here, we have used the fact that if U ∼ U(0, 1) then also 1 − U ∼ U(0, 1).


8. Write a program that generates and displays 100 random vectors that are uniformly distributed within the ellipse 5 x2 + 21 x y + 25 y2 = 9 . [Hint: Consider generating uniformly distributed samples within the circle of radius 3 and use the fact that linear transformations preserve uniformity to transform the circle to the given ellipse.] Solution: Similar to Exercise 3.1, we could generate X uniformly on the disc X = {x ∈ R2 : x1 2 + x22 6 32 } by independently drawing an angle Θ ∼ U(0, 2π) and √ U ∼ U(0, 1), setting R = 3 U, and determining X1 = R cos(Θ) and X2 = R sin(Θ). A slight modification, which we will adopt here, is to start with Z1 , Z2 ∼iid N(0, 1) and rely on the fact that Z = [Z1 , Z2 ]> is equal in distribution to [RZ cos(Θ), RZ sin(Θ)]> for Θ as above and RZ an independent radius (see Example 3.1). Thus Z/kZk is equal in distribution to [cos(Θ), sin(Θ)]> , and we can multiply by R as above to obtain a point uniformly distributed on the disc. To summarize, generate Z1 , Z2 ∼iid N(0, 1) √ and U ∼ U(0, 1) independently, and return X = 3 U Z/kZk. Then X is uniformly distributed on the disc centred at the origin of radius 3. Now, to generate Y uniformly from within the given ellipse, we must determine the linear transformation which maps a point x inside the disc to a point y inside the ellipse. The interior plus boundary of the ellipse is given by Y = {y ∈ R2 : y> Σy 6 9}, where # " 5 212 . Σ = 21 25 2 Since Σ is positive definite, it has a Cholesky decomposition BB> = Σ, with √   5  0 B =  21 q 59  . √ 2 5



 So we may write Y = {y ∈ R2 : B> y > B> y 6 9}, from which it is clear that taking all points x ∈ X and setting y = (B> )−1 x returns all points in Y. Thus, generating X uniformly on X and returning Y = (B> )−1 X with B as in (3.2) will generate a point uniformly on Y, since linear transformations preserve uniformity. Python code and example output is given below. import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt Sig = np. array ([[5 ,21/2] , [21/2 ,25]]) B = np. linalg . cholesky (Sig) n = 100 Y = np. zeros ((n ,2)) r = 3

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


for i in range (n): Z = np. random . randn (2) norm_Z = np.sqrt(np.sum(Z**2)) U = np. random .rand () X = r * np.sqrt(U) * Z/ norm_Z Y[i ,:] = np. linalg .inv(B.T) @ X plt.plot(Y[: ,0] , Y[: ,1] , 'b.') ()

1 0 1 4





9. Suppose that Xi ∼ Exp(λi ), independently, for all i = 1, . . . , n. Let Π = [Π1 , . . . , Πn ]> be the random permutation induced by the ordering XΠ1 < XΠ2 < · · · < XΠn , and define Z1 := XΠ1 and Z j := XΠ j − XΠ j−1 for j = 2, . . . , n. (a) Determine an n × n matrix A such that Z = AX and show that det(A) = 1. Solution: We have that Z = AX, where   1 0 −1 1   A =  0 −1  . ..  .. .  0 ···

 · · · · · · 0 0 · · · 0 .  1 0 ..  . . . . . ..  . .  .  0 −1 1



  1 0 · · · · · · 0 1 1 0 · · · 0   ..   = 1 1 1 0 .  .  . . .  . . . . . ...   .. ..   1 ··· 1 1 1

with det(A−1 ) = 1 = det(A), because A is lower triangular. (b) Denote the joint pdf of X and Π as f X,Π (x, π) =

n Y i=1

 λπi exp −λπi xπi × 1{xπ1 < · · · < xπn },

x > 0, π ∈ Pn ,


+ 432

where Pn is the set of all n! permutations of {1, . . . , n}. Use the multivariate transformation formula (C.22) to show that  n  n  X X  Y f Z,Π (z, π) = exp − zi λπk  λi , z > 0, π ∈ Pn . i=1



Hence, conclude that the probability mass function of the random permutation Π is: n Y λπ P i , π ∈ Pn . P[Π = π] = k>i λπk i=1

+ 432

Solution: By the multivariate transformation formula (C.22), we have   n  X  f X,Π (A−1 z, π) Y λπi exp −zi λπk  , z > 0. f Z,Π (z, π) = = det(A) i=1


Hence, by integrating/marginalizing the z, we obtain fΠ (π) =

Qn i=1


λπi . λπk


(c) Write pseudo-code to simulate a uniform random permutation Π ∈ Pn ; that is, such that P[Π = π] = n!1 , and explain how this uniform random permutation can be used to reshuffle a training set τn . Solution: Algorithm 3.0.2: Simulating a Random Permutation input: Length of permutation n. output: Random permutation Π ∈ Pn . iid 1 Draw U 1 , . . . , U n ∼ U(0, 1) and sort them in ascending order. 2 Let Π be the permutation of {1, . . . , n} that satisfies U Π1 < · · · < U Πn . 3 return Π 10. Consider the Markov chain with transition graph given in Figure 3.17, starting in state 1. 0.5



0.3 0.5







4 1



0.8 5

Start 0.5

Figure 3.2: The transition graph for the Markov chain {Xt , t = 0, 1, 2, . . .}. (a) Construct a computer program to simulate the Markov chain, and show a realization for N = 100 steps. Solution:

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt np. set_printoptions ( precision =4) np. random .seed (123) P = np. array ([[0 , [0.5 , [0.3 , [0 , [0 , [0 ,

0.2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,

0 , 0.5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ,

0.3 , 0 , 0.7 , 0 , 0.8 , 0 ,

0.5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.9 ,

0], 0], 0], 1], 0.2] , 0]])

N = int (1 e2) x = np. array (np.ones(N+1, dtype =int)) x[0] = 0 for t in range (0,N): x[t+1] = np.min(np. where (np. cumsum (P[x[t] ,:]) > np. random .rand ())) x = x + 1 #add 1 to all elements of the vector x t = np. arange (N+1) plt.clf () plt.plot(t,x, ':') plt.plot(t,x, 'bo') ()

6 5 Xt

4 3 2 1








(b) Compute the limiting probabilities that the Markov chain is in state 1,2,. . . ,6, by solving the global balance equations (C.42). Solution: The global balance equations here can be written in matrix-form as πP = π, where π = [π1 , . . . , π6 ]. Taking the transpose of both sides yields P> π> = π> . Thus if v = [v1 , . . . , v6 ]> is a right-eigenvector of P> corresponding to eigenvalue 1, π = sign(v1 ) v> /kvk, where sign(x) = I{x , 0}x/|x|. lam , v = np. linalg .eig(P.T) print (np.real(lam))


[ 1.

-0.4931 -0.4931

0.3872 -0.2005 -0.2005]

pi = np.real(v[: ,0]/ np.sum(v[: ,0])) [0.012

0.0024 0.0359 0.2837 0.3186 0.3474]

(c) Verify that the exact limiting probabilities correspond to the average fraction of times that the Markov process visits states 1,2,. . . ,6, for a large number of steps N. Solution: We simulate the Markov chain Xt for 106 steps by modifying the code for the answer to part (a), and compute the proportion of time the simulated chain spent in each state. pi_hat = np. array ([ np.mean ((x == k)) for k in range (1 ,7) ]) print ( pi_hat ) [0.012

0.0024 0.0356 0.2837 0.319


The time spent in each state in the simulation matches the exact limiting probabilities up to three decimal places. 11. As a generalization of Example C.9, consider a random walk on an arbitrary undirected connected graph with a finite vertex set V. For any vertex v ∈ V, let d(v) be the number of neighbors of v — called the degree of v. The random walk can jump to each one of the neighbors with probability 1/d(v) and can be described by a Markov chain. Show that, if the chain is aperiodic, the limiting probability that the chain is P in state v is equal to d(v)/ v0 ∈V d(v0 ). Solution: This random walk can be viewed as a Markov chain with transition probabilities P(u, v) = A(u, v)/d(u) for u, v ∈ V, where A(u, v) = 1 if there is an edge connecting vertices u and v, and A(u, v) = 0 otherwise. Note that A(u, v) = A(v, u) holds, since the graph is undirected. P Defining c = v0 ∈V d(v0 ) and π(v) = d(v)/c, we have for any u, v ∈ V that π(u)P(u, v) =

d(u) A(u, v) A(u, v) A(v, u) d(v) A(v, u) = = = = π(v)P(v, u) , c d(u) c c c d(v)

so that π = [π(v), v ∈ V] satisfies the detailed balance equations and is therefore stationary for the chain. Since the chain is irreducible (as the graph is connected) and finite, if the chain is aperiodic, then the stationary distribution π is the (unique) limiting distribution. 12. Let U, V ∼iid U(0, 1). The reason why in Example 3.7 the sample mean and sample median behave very differently, is that E[U/V] = ∞, while the median of U/V is finite. Show this, and compute the median. [Hint: start by determining the cdf of Z = U/V by writing it as an expectation of an indicator function.] Solution: Let Z = U/V. We have, U  FZ (z) = P(Z 6 z) = P 6 z = P(U 6 Vz) = E 1{U 6 Vz}, V

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


where the expectation is taken with respect to the joint distribution of U and V, E 1{U 6 Vz} =

Z 1Z 0


1{u 6 vz} du dv =


Z 1Z 0


dv = 0



min{1, vz} dv. 0

Next, note that for z 6 1, we have min{1, vz} = vz for all v ∈ (0, 1). For z > 1, we have min{1, vz} = 1 for all v ∈ (1/z, 1), and min{1, vz} = vz for all v ∈ (0, 1/z]. Thus, R 1 z   z 6 1, R0 vz dv = 2R FZ (z) =  1/z 1  1 1 1  vz dv + dv = + (1 − ) = 1 − z > 1. 0





Noting that FZ (1) = 0.5, we have that 1 is the (finite) median. Next, we show that the mean is infinite. Taking the piecewise derivative of FZ yields the pdf of Z:    z 6 1,  12 fZ (z) =    12 z > 1 . 2z Therefore, EZ =

Z 0


1 z dz + 2


z 1

1 dz . 2z2

The first term on the right hand side above is finite (equal to 1/4), however for the second term, we have Z Z ∞ 1 1 ∞1 1 1 dz = [ln |z|]∞ ln |z| = ∞, z 2 dz = 1 = lim z→∞ 2 2z 2 1 z 2 1 and thus E Z is infinite. 13. Consider the problem of generating samples from Y ∼ Gamma(2, 10). (a) Direct simulation: Let U1 , U2 ∼iid U(0, 1). Show that − ln(U1 )/10−ln(U2 )/10 ∼ Gamma(2, 10). [Hint: derive the distribution of − ln(U1 )/10 and use Example C.1.] Solution: Defining X1 = − ln(U1 )/10 and X2 = − ln(U2 )/10, we note that X1 and X2 are iid. Moreover, we are asked to show that Z = X1 + X2 ∼ Gamma(2, 10). Following the hint, we shall determine the cdf F of X1 as follows. Noting that X1 > 0, given x > 0, we have F(x) = P(X1 6 x) = P(− ln(U1 )/10 6 x) = P(U1 > exp(−10x)) = 1 − e−10 x . We recognise F as a the cdf of an exponential random variable with parameter 10. Thus X1 , X2 ∼iid Exp(10), and further we know that the common mgf of X1 , X2 is given by MX (s) = 10/(10 − s) for s < 10. Since X1 and X2 are iid, the mgf of Z is given by MZ (s) = (MX (s))2 = (10/(10 − s))2 for s < 10. Referring to Example C.1, we recognise MZ (s) as the mgf of a Gamma(2, 10) random variable. Thus, we have shown that − ln(U1 )/10 − ln(U2 )/10 ∼ Gamma(2, 10).


(b) Simulation via MCMC: Implement an independence sampler to simulate from the Gamma(2, 10) target pdf f (x) = 100 x e−10x ,

x > 0,

using proposal transition density q(y | x) = g(y), where g(y) is the pdf of an Exp(5) random variable. Generate N = 500 samples, and compare the true cdf with the empirical cdf of the data. Solution: Python code and example output are provided below. import numpy as np from numpy . random import rand , choice from statsmodels . distributions . empirical_distribution import ECDF import matplotlib . pyplot as plt np. random .seed (321) N = int (5 e2) B = 0 # burn in period samples = np. zeros (N + B) samples [0] = 0 # x = 0 for i in range (1,N + B): Y = -np.log(rand ())/5 # Propose Y ~ g(y) # Compute the acceptance probability alpha = 100*Y*np.exp ( -10*Y)*5* np.exp ( -5* samples [i -1]) /(100* samples [i -1]* np.exp ( -10* samples [i -1]) *5* np.exp ( -5*Y)) alpha = min(alpha ,1) if rand () be a random column vector with a bivariate normal distribution with expectation vector µ = [1, 2]> and covariance matrix " # 1 a Σ= . a 4 (a) What are the conditional distributions of (Y | X = x) and (X | Y = y)? [Hint: use Theorem C.8.] Solution: First, note that Σ


" # 1 −4 a . = 2 a − 4 a −1

A direct application of Theorem C.8 yields   a (Y | X = x) ∼ N 2 − (x − 1), 4 − a2 . 4 Next, applying the same theorem to the permuted vector e X = [Y, X]> , with mean vector e µ = [2, 1]> and appropriately permuted covariance and precision matrices yields ! a2 (X | Y = y) ∼ N 1 − a(y − 2), 1 − . 4


(b) Implement a Gibbs sampler to draw 103 samples from the bivariate distribution N(µ, Σ) for a = 0, 1, and 1.75, and plot the resulting samples.

Solution: Python code and example output are provided below.

import numpy as np from numpy . random import randn import matplotlib . pyplot as plt n = 1000 b = 500# burn in period j = 0 plt.clf () for a in [0 ,1 ,1.75]: samples = np. zeros ((n + b ,2)) samples [0 ,:] = [1 ,2]# x = 0, y = 0 # calculate conditional variances v1 , v2 = 1 - (a**2) /4, 4 - a**2 s1 , s2 = np.sqrt(v1), np.sqrt(v2) for i in range (1,n + b): mu = 1 + a/4 * ( samples [i -1 ,1] - 2) samples [i ,0] = mu + s1 * randn () # X | Y ~ N(mu ,v1) mu = 2 + a* ( samples [i ,0] - 1) samples [i ,1] = mu + s2 * randn () # Y|X ~ N(mu , v2) samples = samples [b: ,:] # take post burn -in samples j += 1 plt. subplot (1,3,j) plt. title ('$a = {:.2f}$'. format (a)) plt.plot( samples [: ,0] , samples [: ,1] , 'b.', alpha = 0.4) plt.xlim ( -3.0 , 5.0) plt.ylim ( -7.5 ,12.5) ()

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods

12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5

a = 0.00




a = 1.00

12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5



12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5

a = 1.75



15. Here the objective is to sample from the 2-dimensional pdf f (x, y) = c e−(xy+x+y) ,

x > 0,

y > 0,

for some normalization constant c, using a Gibbs sampler. Let (X, Y) ∼ f . (a) Find the conditional pdf of X given Y = y, and the conditional pdf of Y given X = x. Solution: We have f (x | y) ∝ e−(xy+x) = e−(y+1)x , which, up to a constant of proportionality, is the pdf of an Exp(y + 1) random variable. Thus, f (x | y) = (y + 1)e−(y+1) , x > 0 and by symmetry f (y | x) = (x + 1)e−(x+1) ,

y > 0,

which is, up to a constant of proportionality, the pdf of an Exp(x + 1) random variable. (b) Write working Python code that implements the Gibbs sampler and outputs 1000 points that are approximately distributed according to f . Solution: Python code and example output are provided below. import numpy as np from numpy . random import rand import matplotlib . pyplot as plt n = 1000 b = 500 # burn in period samples = np. zeros ((n + b ,2)) samples [0 ,:] = [1 ,1]# x = 1, y = 1 for i in range (1,n + b):


samples [i ,0] = -np.log (1- rand ())/( samples [i -1 ,1]+1) samples [i ,1] = -np.log (1- rand ())/( samples [i ,1]+1) samples = samples [b: ,:] # take samples after burn -in period plt.clf () plt.plot( samples [: ,0] , samples [: ,1] , 'b.') ()

6 4 2 0







(c) Describe how the normalization constant c could be estimated via Monte Carlo iid simulation, using random variables X1 , . . . , XN , Y1 , . . . , YN ∼ Exp(1). Solution: Observe that Z −1 c = e−xy+x+y 1{x > 0}1{y > 0} dx dy ZR = e−xy+2x+2y e−x 1{x > 0} e−y 1{y > 0} dx dy . | {z } | {z } R gX (x)

gY (y)

Noting that gX and gY are both pdfs of an Exp(1) random variable, we may write iid c−1 = E e−XY+2X+2Y , X, Y ∼ Exp(1) , and therefore

 −1 c = E e−XY+2X+2Y ,


X, Y ∼ Exp(1) .

Thus, we can estimate c via Monte Carlo simulation via  −1 N   1 X −X Y +2X +2Y b c =  e k k k k  , N k=1


X1 , . . . , XN , Y1 , . . . , YN ∼ Exp(1) .

R2 R 2 16. We wish to estimate µ = −2 e−x /2 dx = H(x) f (x) dx via Monte Carlo simulation −x2 /2 using two different approaches: (1) defining H(x) and f the pdf of the √ = 4e U[−2, 2] distribution and (2) defining H(x) = 2π 1{−2 6 x 6 2} and f the pdf of the N(0, 1) distribution.

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


(a) For both cases estimate µ via the estimator b µ b µ = N −1


H(Xi ) .



Use a sample size of N = 1000. Solution: The exact solution is µ ≈ 2.3926. Typical estimates for Methods 1 and 2 are around 2.35 – 2.45. The Python code given in the solution to part (b) implements both approaches, referred to as method 1 and method 2 in the comments. (b) For both cases estimate the relative error κ of b µ using N = 100. Solution: The following Python code implements both methods, and computes relative errors as well as 95% confidence intervals (which will be used in part (c)). import numpy as np from numpy . random import rand , randn from scipy import stats N = 100 T = stats .t.ppf (0.975 , N -1) # critical T value # comment out one of the following parts #X = 4 * rand(N) - 2 # method 1 #H = 4 * np.exp(-X **2/2) # method 1 X = randn (N ,1) # method 2 H = np.sqrt (2* np.pi) * (np.abs(X) a2 × 1002 . Hence, for method 1: N > 230400 and for method 2: N > 48400. Carrying out the simulation with these choices of N = 230400 and N = 48400 yield confidence intervals (2.386, 2.396) and (2.389, 2.398) for methods 1 and 2, respectively. Note that, as expected, both confidence intervals contain the true value µ = 2.3926. 17. Consider estimation of the tail probability µ = P[X > γ] of some random variable X, where γ is large. The crude Monte Carlo estimator of µ is b µ=

N 1X Zi , N i=1


where X1 , . . . , XN is are iid copies of X and Zi = 1{Xi > γ}, i = 1, . . . , N. (a) Show that b µ is unbiased; that is, E b µ = µ. iid

Solution: Using the properties of expectation, and noting that Z1 , . . . , ZN ∼ Ber(P[X > γ]), we have N N 1X 1 1X Zi = E Zi = N E Z1 = E Z1 = P[X > γ] = µ . Eb µ=E N i=1 N i=1 N

(b) Express the relative error of b µ, i.e., p Varb µ RE = , Eb µ in terms of N and µ. iid

Solution: From the unbiasedness of b µ and the fact that Z1 , . . . , ZN ∼ Ber(µ), we have q  PN  p Zi Var N1 i=1 µ(1 − µ) = . (3.3) RE = √ Eb µ µ N (c) Explain how to estimate the relative error of b µ from outcomes x1 , . . . , xN of X1 , . . . , XN , and how to construct a 95% confidence interval for µ. Solution: An estimator of the relative error of b µ is obtained by replacing all occurrences of µ in (3.3) with b µ, i.e., p µ(1 − b µ) c= b RE . √ b µ N

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


Thus, an estimate from outcomes x1 , . . . , xN is given by replacing all occurPN 1{xi > γ}. We can construct a 95% rences b µ in the above equation with N1 i=1 confidence interval for µ via the normal approximation to the Binomial distribution, yielding the interval   p p  b b µ(1 − b µ) µ(1 − b µ)  b  , µ − 1.96 ,b µ + 1.96 √ √ N N which can also be written as   c b c . b µ − 1.96b µ RE, µ + 1.96b µ RE (d) An unbiased estimator Z of µ is said to be logarithmically efficient if ln EZ 2 =1. γ→∞ ln µ2 lim


Show that the CMC estimator (3.35) with N = 1 is not logarithmically efficient. Solution: As Z is a Bernoulli random variable here, E Z 2 = E Z = P[X > γ] = µ, and thus 1 ln EZ 2 P[X > γ] ln EZ 2 = , (3.5) = = 2 2 ln µ ln P[X > γ] 2 ln P[X > γ] 2 for any value of γ. Thus the CMC estimator is not logarithmically efficient. 18. One of the test cases in [70] involves the minimization of the Hougen function. Implement a cross-entropy and a simulated annealing algorithm to carry out this optimization task. Solution: First, we provide Python code and example output for the simulated annealing algorithm. import numpy as np from numpy import array , square , sqrt , zeros , ones import matplotlib . pyplot as plt def hougen (x,N): r= array ([8.55 , 3.79 , 4.82 , 0.02 , 2.75 , 14.39 , 2.54 , 4.35 , 13.00 , 8.50 , 0.05 , 11.32 , 3.13]) r=r.T z= array ([[470 , 285 , 470 , 470 , 470 , 100 , 100 , 470 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 285 , 285] , [300 , 80, 300 , 80, 80, 190 , 80, 190 , 300 , 300 , 80, 300 , 190] , [10 , 10, 120 , 120 , 10, 10, 65, 65, 54, 120 , 120 , 10, 120]]) z=z.T out= zeros ([N ,1]) for i in range (0 ,13): for j in range (0,N):


out[j]= out[j]+ square (r[i]-(x[j ,0]*z[i ,1] -z[i ,2]/x[j ,4]) /(1.+ x[j ,1]*z[i ,0]+x[j ,2]*z[i ,1]+x[j ,3]*z[i ,2]))/13 return out S = hougen np. set_printoptions ( precision =3) beta = 0.999 sig = 0.1 T=1 x= zeros ([1 ,5]) xx=x Sx=S(x ,1) while T >10**( -5): T=beta*T y = x+sig*np. random . randn (1 ,5) Sy = S(y ,1) alpha = np.amin (( np.exp (-(Sy -Sx)/T) ,1)) if np. random . uniform () eps).any (): X = np. random . randn (N ,5)* sigma + np. array (np.ones ((N ,5)))* mu Sx = np. hstack ((X, S(X,N))) sortSx = Sx[Sx [: , -1]. argsort () ,] Elite = sortSx [0: Nel ,: -1] munew = np.mean(Elite , axis =0) sigmanew = np.std(Elite , axis =0) betat =beta *(1 - np. power (1 -1/t,q)) mu= alpha * munew +(1 - alpha )*mu sigma = betat * sigmanew +(1 - betat )* sigma xx=np. vstack ((xx ,mu)) t=t+1 print ('S(mu)= {}, mu: {}\n'. format (S(mu ,1) , mu)) plt.plot(xx) () # print (S( array ([[1.2526 ,0.0628 ,0.0400 ,0.1124 ,1.1914]]) ,1)) # Optimal Solution from the Paper S(mu )= [[ 0.032]] , mu: [[ -7.723 -0.389 -0.278 -0.665 -0.191]]

19. In the the binary knapsack problem, the goal is to solve the optimization problem: max p> x ,


subject to the constraints Ax 6 c ,


where p and w are n × 1 vectors of non-negative numbers, A = (ai j ) is an m × n matrix, and c is an m × 1 vector. The interpretation is that x j = 1 or 0 depending on whether item j with value p j is packed into the knapsack or not , j = 1, . . . , n; The variable ai j represents the i-th attribute (e.g., volume, weight) of the j-th item. Associated with each attribute is a maximal capacity, e.g., c1 could be the maximum volume of the knapsack, c2 the maximum weight, etc. Write a CE program to solve the Sento1.dat knapsack problem at http: //, as described in [16]. Solution: We provide Python code and example output for the cross-entropy algorithm, incorporating constant smoothing for the vector of Bernoulli probabilities employing a penalization approach to incorporate the constraints into the objective function, as suggested in [16]. Note that the algorithm frequently (but not always) obtains the optimal solution. import numpy as np from numpy import array , square , sqrt , zeros , ones import matplotlib . pyplot as plt def SKnap (x,N): m=30 # Number of knapsacks # Object weights p= array ([2 , 77, 6, 67, 930 , 3, 6, 270 , 33, 13, 110 , 21, 56, 974 , 47, 734 , 238 , 75, 200 , 51, 47, 63, 7, 6, 468 , 72, 95, 82, 91, 83, 27, 13, 6, 76, 55, 72, 300 , 6, 65, 39, 63, 61, 52, 85, 29, 640 , 558 , 53, 47, 25, 3, 6, 568 , 6, 2, 780 , 69, 31, 774 , 22]) # Knapsack capacities c= array ([6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 4000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 4000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 6000 , 4000]) # Constraint matrix A= array ([[47 , 774 , 76, 56, 59, 22, 42, 1, 21, 760 , 818 , 62, 42, 36, 785 , 29, 662 , 49, 608 , 116 , 834 , 57, 42, 39, 994 , 690 , 27, 524 , 23, 96, 667 , 490 , 805 , 46, 19, 26, 97, 71, 699 , 465 , 53, 26, 123 , 20, 25, 450 , 22, 979 , 75, 96, 27, 41, 21, 81, 15, 76, 97, 646 , 898 , 37] , [73 , 67, 27, 99, 35, 794 , 53, 378 , 234 , 32, 792 , 97, 64, 19, 435 , 712 , 837 , 22, 504 , 332 , 13, 65, 86, 29, 894 , 266 , 75, 16, 86, 91, 67, 445 , 118 , 73, 97, 370 , 88, 85, 165 , 268 , 758 , 21, 255 , 81, 5, 774 , 39, 377 , 18, 370 , 96, 61, 57, 23, 13, 164 , 908 , 834 , 960 , 87] , [36 , 42, 56, 96, 438 , 49, 57, 16, 978 , 9, 644 , 584 , 82, 550 , 283 , 340 , 596 , 788 , 33, 350 , 55, 59, 348 , 66, 468 , 983 , 6, 33, 42, 96, 464 , 175 , 33, 97, 15, 22, 9, 554 , 358 , 587 , 71, 23, 931 ,

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods

931 , 94, 798 , 73, 873 , 22, 39, 71, 864 , 59, 82, 16, 444 , 37, 475 , 65, 5], [47 , 114 , 26, 668 , 82, 43, 55, 55, 56, 27, 716 , 7, 77, 26, 950 , 320 , 350 , 95, 714 , 789 , 430 , 97, 590 , 32, 69, 264 , 19, 51, 97, 33, 571 , 388 , 602 , 140 , 15, 85, 42, 66, 778 , 936 , 61, 23, 449 , 973 , 828 , 33, 53, 297 , 75, 3, 54, 27, 918 , 11, 620 , 13, 28, 80, 79, 3], [61 , 720 , 7, 31, 22, 82, 688 , 19, 82, 654 , 809 , 99, 81, 97, 830 , 826 , 775 , 72, 9, 719 , 740 , 860 , 72, 30, 82, 112 , 66, 638 , 150 , 13, 586 , 590 , 519 , 2, 320 , 13, 964 , 754 , 70, 241 , 72, 12, 996 , 868 , 36, 91, 79, 221 , 49, 690 , 23, 18, 748 , 408 , 688 , 97, 85, 777 , 294 , 17] , [698 , 53, 290 , 3, 62, 37, 704 , 810 , 42, 17, 983 , 11, 45, 56, 234 , 389 , 712 , 664 , 59, 15, 22, 91, 57, 784 , 75, 719 , 294 , 978 , 75, 86, 105 , 227 , 760 , 2, 190 , 3, 71, 32, 210 , 678 , 41, 93, 47, 581 , 37, 977 , 62, 503 , 32, 85, 31, 36, 30, 328 , 74, 31, 56, 891 , 62, 97] , [71 , 37, 978 , 93, 9, 23, 47, 71, 744 , 9, 619 , 32, 214 , 31, 796 , 103 , 593 , 16, 468 , 700 , 884 , 67, 36, 3, 93, 71, 734 , 504 , 81, 53, 509 , 114 , 293 , 31, 75, 59, 99, 11, 67, 306 , 96, 218 , 845 , 303 , 3, 319 , 86, 724 , 22, 838 , 82, 5, 330 , 58, 55, 66, 53, 916 , 89, 56] , [33 , 27, 13, 57, 6, 87, 21, 12, 15, 290 , 206 , 420 , 32, 880 , 854 , 417 , 770 , 4, 12, 952 , 604 , 13, 96, 910 , 34, 460 , 76, 16, 140 , 100 , 876 , 622 , 559 , 39, 640 , 59, 6, 244 , 232 , 513 , 644 , 7, 813 , 624 , 990 , 274 , 808 , 372 , 2, 694 , 804 , 39, 5, 644 , 914 , 484 , 1, 8, 43, 92] , [16 , 36, 538 , 210 , 844 , 520 , 33, 73, 100 , 284 , 650 , 85, 894 , 2, 206 , 637 , 324 , 318 , 7, 566 , 46, 818 , 92, 65, 520 , 721 , 90, 53, 174 , 43, 320 , 812 , 382 , 16, 878 , 678 , 29, 92, 755 , 827 , 27, 218 , 143 , 12, 57, 480 , 154 , 944 , 7, 730 , 12, 65, 67, 39, 390 , 32, 39, 318 , 47, 86] , [45 , 51, 59, 21, 53, 43, 25, 7, 42, 27, 310 , 45, 72, 53, 798 , 304 , 354 , 79, 45, 44, 52, 76, 45, 26, 27, 968 , 86, 16, 62, 85, 790 , 208 , 390 , 36, 62, 83, 93, 16, 574 , 150 , 99, 7, 920 , 860 , 12, 404 , 31, 560 , 37, 32, 9, 62, 7, 43, 17, 77, 73, 368 , 66, 82] , [11 , 51, 97, 26, 83, 426 , 92, 39, 66, 2, 23, 93, 85, 660 , 85, 774 , 77, 77, 927 , 868 , 7, 554 , 760 , 104 , 48, 202 , 45, 75, 51, 55, 716 , 752 , 37, 95, 267 , 91, 5, 956 , 444 , 529 , 96, 99, 17, 99, 62, 7, 394 , 580 , 604 , 89, 678 , 476 , 97, 234 , 1, 608 , 19, 69, 676 , 51] , [410 , 89, 414 , 81, 130 , 491 , 6, 238 , 79, 43, 5, 288 , 910 , 204 , 948 , 19, 644 , 21, 295 , 11, 6, 595 , 904 , 67, 51, 703 , 430 , 95, 408 , 89, 11, 495 , 844 , 13, 417 , 570 , 9, 429 , 16, 939 , 430 ,



270 , 49, 72, 65, 66, 338 , 994 , 167 , 76, 47, 211 , 87, 39, 1, 570 , 85, 134 , 967 , 12] , [553 , 63, 35, 63, 98, 402 , 664 , 85, 458 , 834 , 3, 62, 508 , 7, 1, 72, 88, 45, 496 , 43, 750 , 222 , 96, 31, 278 , 184 , 36, 7, 210 , 55, 653 , 51, 35, 37, 393 , 2, 49, 884 , 418 , 379 , 75, 338 , 51, 21, 29, 95, 790 , 846 , 720 , 71, 728 , 930 , 95, 1, 910 , 5, 804 , 5, 284 , 128] , [423 , 6, 58, 36, 37, 321 , 22, 26, 16, 27, 218 , 530 , 93, 55, 89, 71, 828 , 75, 628 , 67, 66, 622 , 440 , 91, 73, 790 , 710 , 59, 83, 968 , 129 , 632 , 170 , 67, 613 , 608 , 43, 71, 730 , 910 , 36, 92, 950 , 138 , 23, 95, 460 , 62, 189 , 73, 65, 943 , 62, 554 , 46, 318 , 13, 540 , 90, 53] , [967 , 654 , 46, 69, 26, 769 , 82, 89, 15, 87, 46, 59, 22, 840 , 66, 35, 684 , 57, 254 , 230 , 21, 586 , 51, 19, 984 , 156 , 23, 748 , 760 , 65, 339 , 892 , 13, 13, 327 , 65, 35, 246 , 71, 178 , 83, 3, 34, 624 , 788 , 200 , 980 , 882 , 343 , 550 , 708 , 542 , 53, 72, 86, 51, 700 , 524 , 577 , 948] , [132 , 900 , 72, 51, 91, 150 , 22, 110 , 154 , 148 , 99, 75, 21, 544 , 110 , 11, 52, 840 , 201 , 2, 6, 663 , 22, 20, 89, 10, 93, 964 , 924 , 73, 501 , 398 , 3, 2, 279 , 5, 288 , 80, 91, 132 , 620 , 628 , 57, 79, 2, 874 , 36, 497 , 846 , 22, 350 , 866 , 57, 86, 83, 178 , 968 , 52, 399 , 628] , [869 , 26, 710 , 37, 81, 89, 6, 82, 82, 56, 96, 66, 46, 13, 934 , 49, 394 , 72, 194 , 408 , 5, 541 , 88, 93, 36, 398 , 508 , 89, 66, 16, 71, 466 , 7, 95, 464 , 41, 69, 130 , 488 , 695 , 82, 39, 95, 53, 37, 200 , 87, 56, 268 , 71, 304 , 855 , 22, 564 , 47, 26, 26, 370 , 569 , 2], [494 , 2, 25, 61, 674 , 638 , 61, 59, 62, 690 , 630 , 86, 198 , 24, 15, 650 , 75, 25, 571 , 338 , 268 , 958 , 95, 898 , 56, 585 , 99, 83, 21, 600 , 462 , 940 , 96, 464 , 228 , 93, 72, 734 , 89, 287 , 174 , 62, 51, 73, 42, 838 , 82, 515 , 232 , 91, 25, 47, 12, 56, 65, 734 , 70, 48, 209 , 71] , [267 , 290 , 31, 844 , 12, 570 , 13, 69, 65, 848 , 72, 780 , 27, 96, 97, 17, 69, 274 , 616 , 36, 554 , 236 , 47, 7, 47, 134 , 76, 62, 824 , 55, 374 , 471 , 478 , 504 , 496 , 754 , 604 , 923 , 330 , 22, 97, 6, 2, 16, 14, 958 , 53, 480 , 482 , 93, 57, 641 , 72, 75, 51, 96, 83, 47, 403 , 32] , [624 , 7, 96, 45, 97, 148 , 91, 3, 69, 26, 22, 45, 42, 2, 75, 76, 96, 67, 688 , 2, 2, 224 , 83, 69, 41, 660 , 81, 89, 93, 27, 214 , 458 , 66, 72, 384 , 59, 76, 538 , 15, 840 , 65, 63, 77, 33, 92, 32, 35, 832 , 970 , 49, 13, 8, 77, 75, 51, 95, 56, 63, 578 , 47] , [33 , 62, 928 , 292 , 2, 340 , 278 , 911 , 818 , 770 , 464 , 53, 888 , 55, 76, 31, 389 , 40, 864 , 36, 35, 37, 69, 95, 22, 648 , 334 , 14, 198 , 42, 73, 594 , 95, 32, 814 , 45, 45, 515 , 634 , 254 , 42,

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods

29, 15, 83, 55, 176 , 35, 46, 60, 296 , 262 , 598 , 67, 644 , 80, 999 , 3, 727 , 79, 374] , [19 , 780 , 400 , 588 , 37, 86, 23, 583 , 518 , 42, 56, 1, 108 , 83, 43, 720 , 570 , 81, 674 , 25, 96, 218 , 6, 69, 107 , 534 , 158 , 56, 5, 938 , 9, 938 , 274 , 76, 298 , 9, 518 , 571 , 47, 175 , 63, 93, 49, 94, 42, 26, 79, 50, 718 , 926 , 419 , 810 , 23, 363 , 519 , 339 , 86, 751 , 7, 86] , [47 , 75, 55, 554 , 3, 800 , 6, 13, 85, 65, 99, 45, 69, 73, 864 , 95, 199 , 924 , 19, 948 , 214 , 3, 718 , 56, 278 , 1, 363 , 86, 1, 22, 56, 114 , 13, 53, 56, 19, 82, 88, 99, 543 , 674 , 704 , 418 , 670 , 554 , 282 , 5, 67, 63, 466 , 491 , 49, 67, 154 , 956 , 911 , 77, 635 , 2, 49] , [53 , 12, 79, 481 , 218 , 26, 624 , 954 , 13, 580 , 130 , 608 , 3, 37, 91, 78, 743 , 1, 950 , 45, 41, 718 , 36, 30, 534 , 418 , 452 , 359 , 759 , 88, 29, 499 , 55, 974 , 93, 56, 108 , 257 , 93, 171 , 13, 92, 63, 714 , 9, 84, 890 , 16, 930 , 967 , 748 , 5, 7, 6, 327 , 894 , 33, 629 , 448 , 21] , [9, 19, 7, 535 , 75, 3, 27, 928 , 21, 7, 864 , 27, 73, 61, 25, 75, 876 , 16, 92, 22, 248 , 11, 86, 944 , 872 , 996 , 252 , 2, 800 , 334 , 93, 107 , 254 , 441 , 930 , 744 , 97, 177 , 498 , 931 , 694 , 800 , 9, 36, 6, 539 , 35, 79, 130 , 860 , 710 , 7, 630 , 475 , 903 , 552 , 2, 45, 97, 974] , [17 , 36, 77, 843 , 328 , 22, 76, 368 , 39, 71, 35, 850 , 96, 93, 87, 56, 972 , 96, 594 , 864 , 344 , 76, 17, 17, 576 , 629 , 780 , 640 , 56, 65, 43, 196 , 520 , 86, 92, 31, 6, 593 , 174 , 569 , 89, 718 , 83, 8, 790 , 285 , 780 , 62, 378 , 313 , 519 , 2, 85, 845 , 931 , 731 , 42, 365 , 32, 33] , [65 , 59, 2, 671 , 26, 364 , 854 , 526 , 570 , 630 , 33, 654 , 95, 41, 42, 27, 584 , 17, 724 , 59, 42, 26, 918 , 6, 242 , 356 , 75, 644 , 818 , 168 , 964 , 12, 97, 178 , 634 , 21, 3, 586 , 47, 382 , 804 , 89, 194 , 21, 610 , 168 , 79, 96, 87, 266 , 482 , 46, 96, 969 , 629 , 128 , 924 , 812 , 19, 2], [468 , 13, 9, 120 , 73, 7, 92, 99, 93, 418 , 224 , 22, 7, 29, 57, 33, 949 , 65, 92, 898 , 200 , 57, 12, 31, 296 , 185 , 272 , 91, 77, 37, 734 , 911 , 27, 310 , 59, 33, 87, 872 , 73, 79, 920 , 85, 59, 72, 888 , 49, 12, 79, 538 , 947 , 462 , 444 , 828 , 935 , 518 , 894 , 13, 591 , 22, 920] , [23 , 93, 87, 490 , 32, 63, 870 , 393 , 52, 23, 63, 634 , 39, 83, 12, 72, 131 , 69, 984 , 87, 86, 99, 52, 110 , 183 , 704 , 232 , 674 , 384 , 47, 804 , 99, 83, 81, 174 , 99, 77, 708 , 7, 623 , 114 , 1, 750 , 49, 284 , 492 , 11, 61, 6, 449 , 429 , 52, 62, 482 , 826 , 147 , 338 , 911 , 30, 984] , [35 , 55, 21, 264 , 5, 35, 92, 128 , 65, 27, 9, 52, 66, 51, 7, 47, 670 , 83, 76, 7, 79, 37, 2, 46, 480 , 608 , 990 , 53, 47, 19, 35, 518 , 71, 59, 32, 87, 96, 240 , 52, 310 , 86, 73, 52, 31, 83, 544 ,



16, 15, 21, 774 , 224 , 7, 83, 680 , 554 , 310 , 96, 844 , 29, 61]]) # Optimum value : 7772 betap =-np.sum(p) # Penalty Constant to apply to the constraint function out= zeros ([N ,1]) for i in range (0,N): for j in range (0,m): if ([j ,:] ,x[i ,:]) >c[j]): out[i]= out[i]+ betap out[i]= out[i]+,x[i ,:]) return out S = SKnap n=60 # Number of objects np. set_printoptions ( precision =3) v = 0.5* ones ([1 ,n]) N =1000 Nel = 20 eps = 10**( -2) alpha =0.5 # Constant Smoothing vv=v xbest =ones ([1 ,n]) Sbest =np.Inf while (np.max(np.min(np. vstack ((v,1-v)),axis =0))>eps).any (): X = np. random . binomial (1,p=v,size =[N,n]) Sx = np. hstack ((X, -S(X,N))) sortSx = Sx[Sx [: , -1]. argsort () ,] Elite = sortSx [0: Nel ,: -1] vnew = np.mean(Elite , axis =0) if sortSx [0,-1]< Sbest : Sbest = sortSx [0 , -1] xbest = Elite [0 ,:] v= alpha *vnew +(1 - alpha )*v vv=np. vstack ((vv ,v)) print ('S( xbest )= {}, xbest : {}, v: {}\n'. format (-Sbest , xbest ,v )) plt.plot(vv) () S( xbest )= 7772.0 , xbest : [ 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0.

0. 1. 0.

1. 0. 1.

0. 1. 0.

0. 0. 1.

1. 1. 0.

1. 1. 0.

0. 0. 1.

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods

v: [[ 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.


0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0.] , 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0.]]

20. Let (C1 , R1 ), (C2 , R2 ), . . . be a renewal reward process, with ER1 < ∞ and PNt EC1 < ∞. Let At = i=1 Ri /t be the average reward at time t = 1, 2, . . ., where P Nt = max{n : T n 6 t} and we have defined T n = ni=1 Ci as the time of the n-th renewal. a.s.

(a) Show that T n /n−→ EC1 as n → ∞. Solution: By definition, T n /n = law of large numbers.

1 n


i=1 C i


and so T n /n−→ EC1 by the strong


(b) Show that Nt −→ ∞ as t → ∞. Solution: Considering the complementary event, we have 

  X P lim Nt < ∞ = P ∪∞ P[Cn = ∞] = 0 , n=1 {C n = ∞} 6 t→∞


where the last equality follows from the fact that EC1 P [limt→∞ Nt = ∞] = 1.

0, we have for all t = 1, 2, . . . that T N +1 T Nt t 6 6 t . (3.6) Nt Nt Nt Noting that T Nt +1 T Nt +1 Nt + 1 = × , Nt Nt + 1 Nt a.s.


and further that (Nt + 1)/Nt −→ 1 as t → ∞ (since Nt −→ ∞), we have that both a.s. sides of (3.6) converge a.s. to EC1 by part (a). Thus, t/Nt −→ EC1 as t → ∞ and a.s. so Nt /t−→ 1/EC1 as t → ∞. (d) Show that a.s.

At −→

ER1 as t → ∞. EC1

Solution: Write

PNt At =





Nt . t

62 a.s.


We have shown Nt /t−→ 1/EC1 as t → ∞ and, as Nt −→ ∞ as t → ∞, we may again apply the strong law of large numbers to the first term to see that PNt i=1


Ri a.s.

−→ ER1 as t → ∞. Combining these two observations yields the result a.s.

that At −→ ER1 /EC1 as t → ∞. 21. Prove Theorem 3.3: Theorem: Control Variable Estimation Let Y1 , . . . , YN be the output of N independent simulation runs, and let e1 , . . . , Y eN be the corresponding control variables, with EY ek = e Y µ known. Let ek . For each α ∈ R the %Y,Ye be the correlation coefficient between each Yk and Y estimator N i  1 Xh ek − e b µ µ(c) = Yk − α Y N k=1 is an unbiased estimator for µ = EY. The minimal variance of b µ(c) is Var(b µ(c) ) =

1 (1 − %2Y,Ye)Var(Y) N

q e which is obtained for α = %Y,Ye Var(Y)/Var(Y). Solution: First, we establish unbiasedness for all α ∈ R,     N   N   N h  i 1  X  1 X  X      (c) ek − e ek  + αN e Eb µ = E  Yk − α Y µ  = E  Yk  − α E  Y µ N k=1 N k=1 k=1 i 1h e+αNe e + αe NEY − α N EY µ = EY − α EY µ = N = µ − αe µ + αe µ = µ. Next, we derive the α that yields the minimum variance of b µ(c) . We have:  N  Xh  i 1 h i  1  e1 − 2 αCov(Y, Y) e . ek − e Varb µ(c) = 2 Var  Yk − α Y µ  = VarY + α2 VarY N N k=1 (3.7) Observing that not all terms above depend on α, we have n o n o e − 2αCov(Y, Y) e . argmin Varb µ(c) = argmin α2 VarY α∈R


Taking the derivative with respect to α and setting to zero yields the single critical point (a minimizer as the second derivative is positive) s √ e e Cov(Y, Y) Cov(Y, Y) VarY VarY = p = %Y,Ye . α∗ = p √ e e VarY Var Y VarY e e VarY VarY

Chapter 3. Monte Carlo Methods


Finally, substituting α∗ into (3.7) yields i 1h e − 2 α∗ Cov(Y, Y) e VarY + α2∗ VarY N s    1  VarY VarY e − 2%Y,Ye e  = VarY + %2Y,Ye VarY Cov(Y, Y)  e e N VarY VarY s   √    VarY VarY 1 e  Cov(Y, Y) = VarY + %2Y,YeVarY − 2%Y,Ye √  e VarY N VarY i 1 1h VarY + %2Y,YeVarY − 2%2Y,YeVarY = (1 − %2Y,YeVarY). = N N 22. Prove that if H(x) > 0 the importance sampling pdf g∗ in (3.22) gives the zerovariance importance sampling estimator b µ = µ. Solution: As H(x) > 0, we have |H(x)| = H(x), and thus g∗ (x) = R

|H(x)| f (x) |H(x)| f (x) dx


H(x) f (x) H(x) f (x) = . E f H(X) µ

The corresponding importance sampling estimator is then N N N 1X 1X 1X f (Xk ) f (Xk )µ b µ= = = H(Xk ) ∗ H(Xk ) µ = µ. N k=1 g (Xk ) N k=1 H(Xk ) f (Xk ) N k=1

23. Let X and Y be random variables (not necessarily independent) and suppose we wish to estimate the expected difference µ = E[X − Y] = EX − EY. (a) Show that if X and Y are positively correlated, the variance of X − Y is smaller than if X and Y are independent. Solution: We have Var[X − Y] = VarX + VarY − 2Cov(X, Y) . If X and Y are positively correlated, Cov(X, Y) > 0, while Cov(X, Y) = 0 if X and Y are independent. Clearly, the variance is smaller by 2Cov(X, Y) whenever X and Y are positively correlated. (b) Suppose now that X and Y have cdfs F and G, respectively, and are simulated via the inverse-transform method: X = F −1 (U), Y = G−1 (V), with U, V ∼ U(0, 1), not necessarily independent. Intuitively, one might expect that if U and V are positively correlated, the variance of X − Y would smaller than if U and V are independent. Show that this is not always the case by providing a counter-example. Solution: Consider the following simple example. Let U ∼ U(0, 1) and, for a parameter α ∈ [0, 1], set Vα = (α − U)1{U 6 α} + U1{U > α}. It is not hard to show that V ∼ U(0, 1), and also that Cov(U, Vα ) = 21 (1 − 2α3 ), so that U and Vα are positively correlated whenever α < 2−1/3 ≈ 0.7937.


Now suppose    0 , for x < 0 ,     F(x) =  x , for 0 6 x 6 1 ,     1 , for x > 1 ,

   0,     2 and G(y) =  y ,     1 ,

for y < 0 , for 0 6 y 6 1 , for y > 1 .

Note that we have simply taken X ∼ U(0, 1). Then√inverse–transform method tells us to simulate X and Y via X = U and Yα = Vα , respectively. One can 1 (1 − 2α5/2 ) which is positive only when explicitly compute Cov(X, Yα ) = 15 α < 2−2/5 ≈ 0.7578. Thus, setting α ∈ (2−2/5 , 2−1/3 ) gives a situation where U and Vα are positively correlated, but X and Yα are negatively correlated, and hence Var(X − Yα ) is greater than using independent U and V. (c) Continuing (b), assume now that F and G are continuous. Show that the variance of X − Y by taking common random numbers U = V is no larger than when U and V are independent. [Hint: Assume the following lemma of Hoeffding (1940): If (X, Y) have joint cdf H with marginal cdfs of X and Y being F and G, respectively, then Z ∞Z ∞ (H(x, y) − F(x)G(y)) dxdy , Cov(X, Y) = −∞


provided Cov(X, Y) exists. ] Solution: Observe that H(x, y) = P[X 6 x, Y 6 y] = P[U 6 F(x), U 6 G(y)] = P[U 6 min{F(x), G(y)}] = min{F(x), G(y)}, where the second equality follows by continuity of F and G. Hence, for any (x, y) ∈ R2 ,       F(x)(1 − G(y)) , for F(x) 6 G(y) ,  > 0, H(x, y) − F(x)G(y) =    G(y)(1 − F(x)) , for F(x) > G(y) ,   so that Cov(X, Y) > 0 from the lemma of Hoeffding. By (a), the variance of X − Y using common random numbers is no larger than when X and Y are independent (i.e., if U and V are independent).




1. This exercise is to show that the Fisher information matrix F(θ) in (4.8) is equal to the matrix H(θ) in (4.9), in the special case where f = g(·; θ), and under the assumption that integration and differentiation orders can be interchanged. (a) Let h be a vector-valued function and k a real-valued function. Prove the following quotient rule for differentiation: 1 ∂h(θ) 1 ∂k(θ) ∂[h(θ)/k(θ)] = − 2 h(θ)> . ∂θ k(θ) ∂θ k (θ) ∂θ


Solution: Write out the matrix using the ordinary quotient rule for real-valued functions: (h/k)0 = (h0 k − k0 h)/k2 . (b) Now take h(θ) = ∂g(X;θ) and k(θ) = g(X; θ) in (4.45) and take expectations with ∂θ respect to Eθ on both sides to show that    1 ∂ ∂g(X;θ)  ∂θ  −F(θ). −H(θ) = Eθ  g(X; θ) ∂θ  | {z } A

Solution: We have " 2 # ∂ ln g(X; θ) ∂[h(θ)/k(θ)] = ∂θ ∂θi ∂θ j ∂g(X;θ)

1 ∂ ∂θ = g(X; θ) ∂θ

(matrix) 1 ∂g(X; θ) ∂g(X; θ) − 2 g (X; θ) ∂θ ∂θ



1 ∂ ∂θ = g(X; θ) ∂θ

− S(θ; X)S(θ; X)> .

Taking expectations on both sides (remember that we consider the case f = g(·; θ)), we obtain    1 ∂ ∂g(X;θ)  ∂θ  −F(θ). −H(θ) = Eθ  g(X; θ) ∂θ  | {z } A



(c) Finally show that A is the zero matrix. Solution: This follows from an interchange of integration and differentiation: R Z ∂g(x;θ) ∂ ∂g(x;θ) dx 1 ∂ ∂θ ∂θ A= g(x; θ) dx = = O, g(x; θ) ∂θ ∂θ because, again by interchange of differentiation and integration, R Z ∂ g(x; θ) dx ∂1 ∂g(x; θ) dx = = = 0. ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ 2. Plot the mixture of N(0, 1), U(0, 1), and Exp(1) distributions, with weights w1 = w2 = w3 = 1/3. Solution: Figure 4.1 shows this mixture. 0.8

f (x)

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -3








Figure 4.1: The pdf of an equal-weight mixture of N(0, 1), U(0, 1) and Exp(1) distributions. 3. Denote the pdfs in Exercise 2 by f1 , f2 , f3 . Suppose that X is simulated via the following two-step procedure: First, draw Z uniformly from {1, 2, 3}, then draw X from fZ . How likely is it that the outcome x = 0.5 of X has come from the uniform pdf f2 ? Solution: By Bayes’ formula, we have f (z | x) ∝ f (z) f (x | z) ∝ f (x | z). 1 2 √ For the normal pdf, f (0.5 | z = 1) = e− 2 (0.5) / 2π = 0.3521, for the uniform pdf, f (0.5 | z = 2) = 1, and for the exponential pdf f (0.5 | z = 3) = e−0.5 = 0.6065. The posterior probabilities are thus 0.1789, 0.5106, and 0.3097. It is thus almost 3 times more likely that the outcome 0.5 has come from the uniform distribution than from the normal one. 4. Simulate an iid training set of size 100 from the Gamma(2.3, 0.5) distribution, and implement the Fisher scoring method in Example 4.1 to find the maximum likelihood estimate. Plot the true and approximate pdfs. Solution: Using the Python code below gives Figure 4.2.

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


import numpy . random import numpy as np import scipy . special import scipy . stats as stats import numpy . linalg import matplotlib . pyplot as plt alpha = 2.3 lam = 0.5 n = 100 x = numpy . random . gamma (alpha ,1/ lam ,n) meanx = np.mean(x) meanlx = np.mean(np.log(x)) psi = scipy . special . polygamma #psi(n,x) is n-th derivative of digamma def F(alpha ,lam): return np. array ([ psi (1, alpha ) ,-1/lam , -1/lam , alpha /lam **2]) . reshape (2 ,2) def S(alpha ,lam): return np. array ([ np.log(lam) - psi (0, alpha ) + meanlx , alpha /lam - meanx ]). reshape (2 ,1) thetas = np. zeros ((2 ,10)) thetas [: ,0] = np. array ([1 ,0.1]) for t in range (1 ,10): tmp = thetas [:,t -1]. reshape (2 ,1) + np. linalg .inv(F( thetas [0,t -1] , thetas [1,t -1])) @ S( thetas [0,t -1] , thetas [1,t -1]) thetas [:,t] = tmp. reshape (2 ,) print ( thetas [:,t]) xx = np. linspace (0 ,20 ,200) plt.plot(xx , stats . gamma .pdf(xx , a=2.3 , scale =1/ lam)) plt.plot(xx , stats . gamma .pdf(xx , a= thetas [0,-1], scale =1/ thetas [1 , -1])) plt. tight_layout () plt. savefig ('gammafig .pdf ', format ='pdf ')

0.175 0.150 0.125 0.100 0.075 0.050 0.025 0.000 0.0









Figure 4.2: The true (blue) and approximative (orange) pdf.


5. Let T = {X1 , . . . , Xn } be iid data from a pdf g(x; θ) with Fisher matrix F(θ). Explain why, under the conditions where (4.7) holds, n

1X S(Xi ; θ) ST (θ) := n i=1 for large n has approximately a multivariate normal distribution with expectation vector 0 and covariance matrix F(θ). Solution: This follows directly from the (multivariate) central limit theorem, as ST (θ) is the average of iid random vectors with expectation ES(X; θ) = 0 and covariance matrix F(θ). 6. Figure 4.15 shows a Gaussian KDE with bandwidth σ = 0.2 on the points −0.5, 0, 0.2, 0.9, and 1.5. Reproduce the plot in Python. Using the same bandwidth, plot also the KDE for the same data, but now with φ(z) = 1/2, z ∈ [−1, 1]. Solution: The following Python code reproduces the plot. Uncomment the second phi to produce the KDE for the uniform kernel. from numpy import sqrt , pi , exp import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt h = 0.2 h2=h**2 c = 1/ sqrt (2* pi)/h phi = lambda x,x0: c*exp (-(x-x0) **2/(2* h2))/N #phi = lambda x,x0: 1/(2* N)*((x-x0)/h > -1) *((x-x0)/h 0,

with initial condition f (x; 0) = δ(x − x0 ) (the Dirac function at x0 ). Show this. As a consequence, the Gaussian KDE is the solution to the same heat equation, but now

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


P with initial condition f (x; 0) = n−1 ni=1 δ(x − xi ). This was the motivation for the theta KDE, which is a solution to the same heat equation but now on a bounded interval. Solution: As t → 0, the Gaussian kernel function f (x; t) converges to the Dirac delta function at x0 . Moreover, 0 2

) 0 2 − (x−x 2t

(x − x ) e ∂ f (x; t) = √ ∂t 2 2π t5/2

0 2

) − (x−x 2t

e − √ = 2 2π t3/2



(x−x0 )2 2t

  (x − x0 )2 − t √ 2 2π t5/2

(x−x0 )2

∂ (x − x0 )e− 2t f (x; t) = − √ ∂x 2π t3/2

Taking the derivative of the last expression with respect to x gives (x−x0 )2

(x − x0 )2 e− 2t ∂2 f (x; t) = √ ∂x2 2π t5/2

0 2

(x−x ) e− e− 2t − √ = 2π t3/2

(x−x0 )2 2t

  (x − x0 )2 − t , √ 2π t5/2

which is twice that of the partial derivative with respect to t. 8. Show that the Ward linkage in (4.41) is equal to dWard (I, J) =

|I| |J| kxI − xJ k2 . |I| + |J|

Solution: First, write X X X kxk − xI∪J k2 = kxi − xI∪J k2 + kx j − xI∪J k2 k∈I∪J





kxi − xI k + |I| kxI − xI∪J k + 2



kx j − xJ k2 + |J| kxJ − xI∪J k2



Second, note that xI∪J =

|I| xI + |J| xJ . |I| + |J|


Hence, xI − xI∪J =

|J| (xJ − xI ) |I| + |J|


xJ − xI∪J =

|I| (xI − xJ ). |I| + |J|

Substituting these vectors into (4.1) gives the desired result. 9. Carry out the agglomerative hierarchical clustering of Example 4.8 via the linkage method from scipy.cluster.hierarchy. Show that the linkage matrices are the same. Give a scatterplot of the data, color coded into K = 3 clusters. Solution:

70 import scipy . cluster . hierarchy as h X = np. genfromtxt ('clusterdata .csv ',delimiter =',') Z = h. linkage (X, method = 'ward ') h. dendrogram (Z) # SciPy can produce a dendogram from L cl = h. fcluster (Z, criterion = 'maxclust ', t=3) import matplotlib . pyplot as plt cols = ['red ','green ','blue '] colors = [cols[i -1] for i in cl] plt. scatter (X[: ,0] , X[: ,1] ,c= colors ) ()

10. Suppose that we have the data τn = {x1 , . . . , xn } in R and decide to train the twocomponent Gaussian mixture model     2 (x−µ2 )2 1 1) √ g(x; θ) = w1 √ 1 2 exp − (x−µ exp − + w , 2 2 2σ2 2σ2 2πσ1




where the parameter vector θ = [µ1 , µ2 , σ1 , σ2 , w1 , w2 ]> belongs to the set Θ = {θ : w1 + w2 = 1, w1 ∈ [0, 1], µi ∈ R, σi > 0, ∀i} . Suppose that the training is via the maximum likelihood in (2.28). Show that n

sup θ∈Θ

1X ln g(xi ; θ) = ∞ . n i=1

In other words, find a sequence of values for θ ∈ Θ such that the likelihood grows without bound. How can we restrict the set Θ to ensure that the likelihood remains bounded? Solution: We need to find a sequence θ(1) , θ(2) , . . . such that the log-likelihood grows (m) (m) without bound. One such sequence is constructed by taking (w(m) 1 , µ1 , σ1 ) := (m) (m) (1/2, x1 , 1/m) and (w(m) ¯n , 1) (constant for all m). With this 2 , µ2 , σ2 ) := (1/2, x choice, we have n X i=1

ln g(xi ; θ) = ln g(x1 ; θ) +


ln g(xi ; θ)


    2 2 2 2  m e−(x1 − x¯n ) /2  X  me−m (xi −x1 ) /2 e−(xi − x¯n ) /2   +  . = ln  √ + ln  + √ √ √ 2 2π 2 2π 2 2π 2 2π i>2 Since 2 √m2π ↑ ∞ as m ↑ ∞, the first term can be made arbitrarily large. Assuming that x1 , xi for i = 2, . . . , n, we have P X  me−m2 (xi −x1 )2 /2 e−(xi − x¯n )2 /2  √ ¯n )2 i>2 (xi − x     + =− − (n − 1) ln(2 2π), lim ln  √ √  m↑∞ 2 2 2π 2 2π i>2 which is bounded. It is clear that to bound the log-likelihood from above, we need to impose the restriction that mini {σi } > c > 0 for some constant c.

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


11. A d-dimensional normal random vector X ∼ N(µ, Σ) can be defined via an affine transformation, X = µ + Σ1/2 Z, of a standard normal random vector Z ∼ N(0, Id ), where Σ1/2 (Σ1/2 )> = Σ. In a similar way, we can define a d-dimensional Student random vector X ∼ tα (µ, Σ) via a transformation 1 X = µ + √ Σ1/2 Z, S


where, Z ∼ N(0, Id ) and S ∼ Gamma( α2 , α2 ) are independent, α > 0, and Σ1/2 (Σ1/2 )> = Σ. Note that we obtain the multivariate normal distribution as a limiting case for α → ∞. (a) Show that the density of the tα (0, Id ) distribution is given by !− α+d 1 2 2 Γ((α + d)/2) . 1 + kxk tα (x) := (πα)d/2 Γ(α/2) α By the transformation rule (C.23), it follows that the density of X ∼ tα (µ, Σ) is given by tα,Σ (x − µ), where tα,Σ (x) :=

1 tα (Σ−1/2 x). 1/2 |Σ |

[Hint: conditional on S = s, X has a N(0, Id /s) distribution.] √ Solution: In this case, X = Z/ S . We have (X | S = s) ∼ N(0, s−1 Id ). Hence, Z ∞ α α α2 −1 − α2 s (s ) e 1 − 12 kxk2 s f X (x) = × 2 2 ds e d/2 Γ(α/2) 0 (2π/s) Z ∞ (s/2)d/2 − 1 (kxk2 /α+1)αs α α α −1 1 = × (s ) 2 ds e 2 Γ(α/2) 0 πd/2 2 2 Z ∞  d/2 1 u α 2 = e−(kxk /α+1)u u 2 −1 du d/2 Γ(α/2)π α 0 Z ∞ 1 α+d 2 = e−(kxk /α+1)u u 2 −1 du d/2 Γ(α/2)(απ) 0 α+d Z ∞ kxk2 /α + 1 2 e−(kxk2 /α+1)u u α+d 2 −1 − α+d Γ((α + d)/2)  2 2 = kxk /α + 1 du . Γ(α/2)(απ)d/2 Γ((α + d)/2) 0 | {z } =1

(b) We wish to fit a tν (µ, Σ) distribution to given data τ = {x1 , . . . , xn } in Rd via the EM method. We use the representation (4.46) and augment the data with the vector S = [S 1 , . . . , S n ]> of hidden variables. Show that complete-data likelihood function is given by Y (α/2)α/2 s(α+d)/2−1 exp(− si α − si kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 ) i 2 2 g(τ, s | θ) = . d/2 Γ(α/2)(2π) |Σ1/2 | i


Solution: The complete-data likelihood is given by g(τ, s | θ) = g(s | θ)g(τ | s, θ). The result now follows from the fact that the {(Xi , S i )} are independent, (Xi | S i = si ) ∼ N(µ, Σ/si ) and S i ∼ Gamma(α/2, α/2).


(c) Show that, as a consequence, conditional on the data τ and parameter θ, the hidden data are mutually independent, and ! α + d α + kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 , , i = 1, . . . , n. (S i | τ, θ) ∼ Gamma 2 2 Solution: This follows directly from (4.47), by viewing the right-hand side as a function of the {si } only. (d) At iteration t of the EM algorithm, let g(t) (s) = g(s | τ, θ(t−1) ) be the density of the missing data, given the observed data τ and the current parameter guess θ(t−1) . Verify that the expected complete-data log-likelihood is given by: Eg(t) ln g(τ, S | θ) =

nα α nd α n ln − ln(2π) − n ln Γ( ) − ln |Σ| 2 2 2 2 2 n n X α + kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 α+d−2X + Eg(t) ln S i − Eg(t) S i . 2 2 i=1 i=1

Show that α(t−1) + d =: w(t−1) −1/2 i (t−1) (t−1) (t−1) 2 α +k Σ (xi − µ )k ! ! α(t−1) + d α(t−1) + d Eg(t) ln S i = ψ − ln + ln w(t−1) , i 2 2 Eg(t) S i =

where ψ := (ln Γ)0 is digamma function. Solution: Take the logarithm and then the expectation of (4.47) to obtain the expected complete-date log-likelihood. The expectations follow from (c) and the fact that if X ∼ Gamma(α, β), then EX = α/β and E ln X = ψ(α) − ln β. (e) Finally, show that in the M-step of the EM algorithm θ(t) is updated from θ(t−1) as follows: Pn (t−1) xi i=1 w (t) µ = Pn i (t−1) i=1 wi n 1 X (t−1) (t) Σ = w (xi − µ(t) )(xi − µ(t) )> n i=1 i And α(t) is defined implicitly through the solution of the nonlinear equation:  Pn  (t−1) (t−1) α α (t) (t) ln(w ) − w α +d α +d i=1 i i ln −ψ + ψ( ) − ln( )+1+ = 0. 2 2 2 2 n Solution: For fixed α the expected complete-data log-likelihood is maximal when

n X i=1

kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 w(t−1) i

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


is minimal. This leads to the stated updating rules or µ and Σ. Finally, for any fixed µ and Σ, the expected complete-data log-likelihood is maximized when ! n  nα α α X α(t) + d α(t) + d nα α (t−1) (t−1) ln −n ln Γ( )+ ln(wi ) − wi ψ( ) − ln( ) + 2 2 2 2 i=1 2 2 2 is maximal. Setting the derivative with respect to α equal to 0 gives the stated equation. 12. A generalization of both the gamma and inverse-gamma distribution is the generalized inverse-gamma distribution, which has density f (s) =

(a/b) p/2 p−1 − 12 (as+b/s) , √ s e 2K p ( ab)

a, b, s > 0, p ∈ R,


where K p is the modified Bessel function of the second kind, which can be defined as the integral Z ∞ K p (x) = e−x cosh(t) cosh(pt) dt, x > 0, p ∈ R. (4.49) 0

We write S ∼ GIG(a, b, p) to denote that S has a pdf of the form (4.48). The function K p has many interesting properties. Special cases include r

xπ −x e 2 r xπ −x e K3/2 (x) = 2 r xπ −x K5/2 (x) = e 2 K1/2 (x) =

1 x ! 1 1 + x x2 ! 1 3 3 + . + x x2 x3

More generally, K p follows the recursion K p+1 (x) = K p−1 (x) +

2p K p (x). x

√ (a) Using the change of variables ez = s a/b, show that ∞


√ 1 s p−1 e− 2 (as+b/s) ds = 2K p ( ab)(b/a) p/2 .


Solution: We have Z


p−1 − 12 (as+b/s)



ab cosh(z) zp

e (b/a) p/2 dz




ds =



e− 0

ab cosh(z)

√ 2 cosh(zp)(b/a) p/2 dz = 2K p ( ab)(b/a) p/2 .



(b) Let S ∼ GIG(a, b, p). Show that

√ bK p+1 ( ab) ES = √ √ aK p ( ab)


√ aK p+1 ( ab) 2p = √ − . √ b bK p ( ab)





Solution: Using (a), we have Z ∞ √ (a/b) p/2 (a/b) p/2 1 ES = s p e− 2 (as+b/s) ds = √ √ 2K p+1 ( ab)(b/a)(p+1)/2 2K p ( ab) 0 2K p ( ab) √ √ bK p+1 ( ab) = √ . √ aK p ( ab) Next, similar to Exercise 2.19, it is not difficult to see that 1/S ∼ GIG(b, a, −p). It follows that √ √ √ √ aK ( ab) aK ( ab) −p+1 p−1 = √ , ES −1 = √ √ √ bK−p ( ab) bK p ( ab) using the fact that K−p (x) = K p (x). Applying the recursion (4.50), we see that the expectation of S −1 is given by (4.52). 13. In Exercise 11 we viewed the multivariate Student tα distribution as a scalemixture of the N(0, Id ) distribution. In this exercise, we consider a similar √ trans1/2 formation, but now Σ Z ∼ N(0, Σ) is not divided but is multiplied by S , with S ∼ Gamma(α/2, α/2): √ (4.53) X = µ + S Σ1/2 Z, where S and Z are independent and α > 0. (a) Show, using Exercise 12, that for Σ1/2 = Id and µ = 0, the random vector X has a d-dimensional Bessel distribution, with density:  √  21−(α+d)/2 α(α+d)/4 kxk(α−d)/2 κα (x) := K kxk α , x ∈ Rd , (α−d)/2 d/2 π Γ(α/2) where K p is the modified Bessel function of the second kind in (4.49). We write X ∼ Besselα (0, Id ). A random vector X is said to have a Besselα (µ, Σ) distribution if it can be written in the form (4.53). By the transformation rule (C.23), its density is given by √1|Σ| κα (Σ−1/2 (x − µ)). Special instances of the Bessel pdf include: √ exp(− 2|x|) κ2 (x) = √ 2 1 + 2|x| κ4 (x) = exp(−2|x|) 2  q  1 2 2 2 κ4 (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = exp −2 x1 + x2 + x3 π √  √  ((d + 1)/2)d/2 π κd+1 (x) = d + 1 kxk , x ∈ Rd . exp − (2π)d/2 Γ((d + 1)/2)

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


Note that k2 is the (scaled) pdf of the double-exponential or Laplace distribution. Solution: We have (X | S = s) ∼ N(0, Id s), so Z ∞ e−sα/2 sα/2−1 (α/2)α/2 1 −kxk2 /(2s) e × ds. f X (x) = d/2 Γ(α/2) 0 (2πs) Defining a = α, b = kxk2 , and p = (α − d)/2, we write the integral in terms of the density of the GIG(a, b, p) distribution as follows: √ Z 2K p ( ab) ∞ (a/b) p/2 − 1 (as+b/s) p−1 (α/2)α/2 f X (x) = × s ds √ e 2 (2π)d/2 Γ(α/2) (a/b) p/2 0 2K p ( ab) | {z } =1



1−(α+d)/2 (α+d)/4




πd/2 Γ(α/2)

 √  K(α−d)/2 kxk α .

(b) Given the data τ = {x1 , . . . , xn } in Rd , we wish to fit a Bessel pdf to the data by employing the EM algorithm, augmenting the data with the vector S = [S 1 , . . . , S n ]> of missing data. We assume that α is known and α > d. Show that conditional on τ (and given θ), the missing data vector S has independent components, with S i ∼ GIG(α, bi , (α − d)/2), with bi := kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 , i = 1, . . . , n. Solution: Writing out g(τ, s | θ) = g(s | θ)g(τ | s, θ), we see that the completedata likelihood is given by g(τ, s | θ) =

n (α/2)α/2 s(α−d)/2−1 exp(− si α − Y i 2 i=1

1 kΣ−1/2 (xi 2si Γ(α/2)(2π)d/2 |Σ|1/2

− µ)k2 )



As a consequence, conditional on τ, the components of S are independent and each has a GIG pdf, of the form (4.48). (c) At iteration t of the EM algorithm, let g(t) (s) = g(s | τ, θ(t−1) ) be the density of the missing data, given the observed data τ and the current parameter guess θ(t−1) . Show that expected complete-data log-likelihood is given by: n 1X (t) bi (θ)w(t−1) + constant, (4.54) Q (θ) := Eg(t) ln g(τ, S | θ) = − i 2 i=1 where bi (θ) = kΣ−1/2 (xi − µ)k2 and p √ αK(α−d+2)/2 ( αbi (θ(t−1) )) α−d (t−1) wi := p − , p (t−1) bi (θ(t−1) )K(α−d)/2 ( αbi (θ(t−1) )) bi (θ )

i = 1, . . . , n.

Solution: From (4.2) Q (θ) := Eg(t) ln g(τ, S | θ) = Eg(t) (t)

n X i=1


n 1X



α−d−2 1 α const. + ln S i − bi (θ)S i−1 − S i 2 2 2

bi (θ) Eg(t) S i−1 + const.



Now define w(t−1) := Eg(t) S i−1 and apply (4.52). i (d) From (4.54) derive the M-step of the EM algorithm. That is, show how θ(t) is updated from θ(t−1) . Solution: We need to maximize the quadratic form n X

w(t−1) (xi − µ)> Σ−1 (xi − µ) i


with respect to µ and Σ. Taking gradients with respect to µ and Σ and equating these to 0 and O, respectively, gives Pn (t−1) xi i=1 w (t) µ = Pn i (t−1) i=1 wi n 1 X (t−1) (t) wi (xi − µ(t) )(xi − µ(t) )> . Σ = n i=1 14. Consider the ellipsoid E = {x ∈ Rd : xΣ−1 x = 1} in (4.42). Let UD2 U> be an SVD of Σ. Show that the linear transformation x 7→ U> D−1 x maps the points on E onto the unit sphere {z ∈ Rd : kzk = 1}. Solution: The transformation z = U> D−1 x for points x on the ellipsoid gives (remember U−1 = U> ): 1 = x> Σ−1 x = (z> DU> )(UD2 U> )−1 (UDz) = z> DU> UD−2 UT UDz = z> z = kzk2 . 15. Figure 4.13 shows how the centered “surfboard” data are projected onto the first column of the principal component matrix U. Suppose we project the data instead onto the plane spanned by the first two columns of U. What are a and b in the representation ax1 + bx2 = x3 of this plane? Solution: For any vector x = [x1 , x2 , x3 ]> and its projection onto the plane, y = U2 U>2 x, the difference x − y is a normal vector to the plane. Scale this vector to a normal vector h = [a, b, 1]. Points on the plane are now represented by hh, xi = 0; i.e., ax1 + bx2 = x3 . The following Python program gives the numerical values for a and b. import numpy as np X = np. genfromtxt ('pcadat .csv ', delimiter =',') n = X. shape [0] X = X - X.mean(axis =0) G = X.T @ X U, _ , _ = np. linalg .svd(G/n) Y = X @ U[: ,0:2] @ U[: ,0:2].T normal = X[0 ,:] - Y[0 ,:]

Chapter 4. Unsupervised Learning


h = - normal / normal [2] print ("a = {}, b = {}". format (h[0] , h[1])) a = -0.5139978194692603 , b = 1.1504692429116332

16. Figure 4.14 suggests that we can assign each feature vector x in the iris data set to one of two clusters, based on the value of u>1 x, where u1 is the first principal component. Plot the sepal lengths against petal lengths and color the points for which u>1 x < 1.5 differently to points for which u>1 x > 1.5. To which species of iris do these cluster correspond? Solution: The following Python program (a slight modification of identifies and plots the clusters. We see that setosa in one cluster and versicolor and virginica are in the other cluster. import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt X = np. genfromtxt ('IrisX .csv ',delimiter =',') Xorg = X n = X. shape [0] X = X - np.mean(X, axis =0) U, D2 , UT = np. linalg .svd ((X.T @ X)/n) z =

U[: ,0].T @ X.T

# indices of the two clusters ind1 = np. where (z < 1.6) ind2 = np. where (z >= 1.6) # sepal (y) against petal (x) length plt. scatter (Xorg[ind1 ,2] , Xorg[ind1 ,0] , alpha =0.6) plt. scatter (Xorg[ind2 ,2] , Xorg[ind2 ,0] , alpha =0.6)

8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 1







Figure 4.3: Two clusters, with setosa (orange) on the left.





1. Following his mentor Francis Galton, the mathematician/statistician Karl Pearson conducted comprehensive studies comparing hereditary traits between members of the same family. Figure 5.10 depicts the measurements of the heights of 1078 fathers and their adult sons (one son per father). The data is available from the book’s website as pearson.csv.

Height Son (in)















Height Father (in)

Figure 5.10: A scatter plot of heights from Pearson’s data.

(a) Show that sons are on average 1 inch taller than the fathers. (b) We could try to “explain” the height of the son by taking the height of his father and adding 1 inch. The prediction line y = x + 1 (red dashed) is given Figure 5.10. The black solid line is the fitted regression line. This line has a slope less than 1, and demonstrates Galton’s “regression” to the average. Find the intercept and slope of the fitted regression line. Solution: (a) The average height of the fathers is 67.69 inches, and of the sons 68.68 inches. (b) Intercept b β0 = 33.9, slope b β1 = 0.514. 79


2. For the simple linear regression model, show that the values for b β1 and b β0 that solve the equations (5.9) are: Pn (xi − x)(yi − y) b Pn β1 = i=1 (5.40) 2 i=1 (xi − x) b β0 = y − b β1 x ,


provided that not all xi are the same. Solution: Let x = [x1 , . . . , xn ]> and y = [y1 , . . . , yn ]> . We can write the model matrix as X = [1 x] and, from (5.9), b β = [b β0 , b β1 ]> is given by #−1 " > # " 1 n nx > −1 > b P 2 y β = (X X) X y = x> nx i xi "P 2 " P 2 #" P # # P 1 1 y i xi − x xi yi i xi /n −x P i yi P =P =P 2 2 −x xi yi i − nx y 1 i xi yi i (xi − x) i (xi − x) P P where the inverse exist under the stated assumption. Since, xi yi − n x¯ y¯ = ni=1 (xi − x)(yi − y), we obtain the required expression for b β1 . Similarly, P P ( i xi2 − nx2 ) xi yi − nx y b β0 = y P β1 x. −x P = y −b 2 2 i (xi − x) i (xi − x) 3. Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. If v is a galaxy’s recession velocity (relative to any other galaxy) and d is its distance (from that same galaxy), Hubble’s law states that v = H d, where H is known as Hubble’s constant. The following are distance (in millions of light-years) and velocity (thousands of miles per second) measurements made on 5 galactic clusters. distance velocity

68 137 2.4 4.7

315 12.0

405 14.4

700 26.0

State the regression model and estimate H. Solution: This is a simple linear regression model with intercept 0; that is, the random velocity Y for a fixed distance x is given by Y = Hx + ε. The model matrix is X = [x1 , . . . , x5 ]> , where {xi } are the observed distances. Solving (5.9) gives P5 b = Pi=1 xi yi = 0.0368 . H 5 2 i=1 xi 4. The multiple linear regression model (5.6) can be viewed as a first-order approximation of the general model Y = g(x) + ε , (5.1)

Chapter 5. Regression


where E ε = 0, Var ε = σ2 , and b(x) is some known or unknown function of a ddimensional vector x of explanatory variables. To see this, replace g(x) with its firstorder Taylor approximation around some point x0 and write this as β0 + x> β. Express β0 and β in terms of g and x0 .

Solution: A first-order Taylor approximation around x0 is

∂g(x0 ) ∂x ∂g(x ) ∂g(x0 ) 0 = g(x0 ) − x>0 +x> = β0 + x> β . ∂x ∂x 0 | {z } | {z }

g(x) ≈ g(x0 ) + (x − x0 )>




5. Table 5.6 shows data from an agricultural experiment crop yield is measured for two levels of pesticide and tree levels of fertilizer. There are three responses for each combination.

Table 5.6: Crop yield. Fertilizer Pesticide





3.23, 3.20, 3.16

2.99, 2.85, 2.77

5.72, 5.77, 5.62


6.78, 6.73, 6.79

9.07, 9.09, 8.86

8.12, 8.04, 8.31

(a) Organize the data in standard form, where each row corresponds to a single measurement and the columns correspond to the response variable and the two factor variables. Solution: The following table gives the data organised in standard form.


Table : Crop yield data as a spreadsheet. Crop Yield



3.23 3.20 3.16 2.99 2.85 2.77 5.72 5.77 5.62 6.78 6.73 6.79 9.07 9.09 8.86 8.12 8.04 8.31

No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Low Low Low Medium Medium Medium High High High Low Low Low Medium Medium Medium High High High

(b) Let Yi jk be the response for the k-th replication at level i for factor 1 and level j for factor 2. To assess which factors best explain the response variable, we use the ANOVA model Yi jk = µ + αi + β j + γi j + εi jk , (5.43) P P P P where i αi = j β j = i γi j = j γi j = 0. Define β = [µ, α1 , α2 , β1 , β2 , β3 , γ11 , γ12 , γ13 , γ21 , γ22 , γ23 ]> . Give the corresponding 18 × 12 model matrix. Solution: The 18 × 12 model matrix is given by  1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1  1 1 0 0 0 X =  1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1  1 0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0

 0  0 0 , 0  0  1

where 1 and 0 are 3 × 1 vectors of ones and zeros, respectively. (c) Note that in this case the parameters are linearly dependent. For example, α2 = −α1 and γ13 = −(γ11 + γ12 ). To retain only 6 linearly independent variables consider the 6-dimensional parameter vector e β = [µ, α1 , β1 , β2 , γ11 , γ12 ]> . Find the matrix M such that Me β = β. Solution:

Chapter 5. Regression


The matrix M is given below:       µ 1 0 0 0 0 0   µ    0 1 0 0 0 0   α    α 1 1       0 −1 0 0 0 0   α2   −α1        0 0 1 0 0 0   µ   β1    β1         β2 0 0 0 1 0 0   α1   β2    0 0 −1 −1 0 0   β   β   −β − β  2     1  3  1  . 0 0 0 0 1 0   β2  = γ11  =  γ11          0 0 0 0 0 1  γ11  γ12   γ12         0 0 0 0 −1 −1 γ12 γ13  −γ11 − γ12    |{z}     0 0 0 0 −1 0  eβ γ21   −γ11  0 0 0 0 0 −1 γ   −γ  12    22    0 0 0 0 1 1 γ23 γ11 + γ12 | {z } |{z} β


(d) Give the model matrix corresponding to e β. Solution: We have Xβ = XMe β, so the model matrix A = XM can be explicitly computed to be the 18 × 6 matrix   1 1 1 0 1 0  1 1 0 1 0 1    1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1  , A =  1 −1 1 0 −1 0  1 −1 0 1 0 −1   1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 where 1 and 0 are 3 × 1 vectors of ones and zeros, respectively. 6. Show that for the birthweight data in Section there is no significant decrease in birthweight for smoking mothers. [Hint: create a new variable nonsmoke = 1smoke, which reverses the encoding for the smokers and nonsmokers. Then, the parameter β1 + β3 in the original model is the same as the parameter β1 in the model Bwt = β0 + β1 age + β2 nonsmoke + β3 age × nonsmoke + ε . Now find a 95% for β3 and see if it contains 0.] Solution: Python code and example output is provided below. bwt['nonsmoke '] = 1 - bwt['smoke '] formula = 'bwt~lwt+age* nonsmoke ' bwt_model = ols(formula , data=bwt).fit () bwt_model . conf_int () 0 Intercept 1954.252680 lwt 0.662190 age -55.220626 nonsmoke -1751.426898 age: nonsmoke 6.728281

1 3615.039973 7.369973 9.257946 136.557576 86.429335


Since 0 lies in this confidence interval, the effect of age on bwt is not significant for smoking mothers. 7. Prove (5.37) and (5.38). Solution: Recall the definition of rτ (β) from Example 5.10: n

 i 1 Xh T (1 − yi )x>i β + ln 1 + e−xi β . rτ (β) := n i=1 We seek to show that the gradient ∇rτ and Hessian H of rτ are given by n

1X (µi − yi ) xi ∇ rτ = n i=1 and n

1X H= µi (1 − µi ) xi x>i , n i=1 where µi =

1 > . 1 + e−xi β

To compute the gradient, we proceed as follows.

n  i 1 Xh T (1 − yi )x>i β + ln 1 + e−xi β n i=1 n  i 1 Xh T (1 − yi )(∇ x>i β) + (∇ ln 1 + e−xi β ) n i=1 # n " 1 1X −xTi β (1 − yi ) xi + ∇ (1 + e ) T n i=1 1 + e−xi β  T n   1 X  e−xi β (1 − yi ) xi − xi  T n i=1 1 + e−xi β n  1 X (1 − yi ) xi − (1 − µi ) xi n i=1 n 1X (µi − yi ) xi , n i=1

∇ rτ = ∇ = = = = = as required.

To compute the Hessian, we proceed as follows.

Chapter 5. Regression


H= = = = = = =

∂ ∇ rτ ∂β   n  ∂  1 X (µi − yi ) xi   ∂β n i=1 ! n 1X ∂ µi xi n i=1 ∂β ! n 1X ∂ xi µi n i=1 ∂β ! n 1 1X −x> β > i xi − ×e × (−xi ) > n i=1 (1 + e−xi β )2 n 1 X 2 (1 − µi ) −µi × × (−xi x>i ) n i=1 µi n 1X µi (1 − µi )xi x>i , n i=1

as required. 8. In the Tobit regression model with normally distributed errors, the response is modelled as:    Zi , if ui < Zi Yi =  , Z ∼ N(Xβ, σ2 In ),  ui , if Zi 6 ui where the model matrix X and the thresholds u1 , . . . , un are given. Typically, ui = 0, i = 1, . . . , n. Suppose we wish to estimate θ := (β, σ2 ) via the Expectation– Maximization method, similar to the censored data Example 4.2. Let y = [y1 , . . . , yn ]> be the vector of observed data. (a) Show that the likelihood function of y is: Y Y g(y | θ) = ϕσ2 (yi − x>i β) × Φ((ui − x>i β)/σ), i:yi >ui

i:yi =ui

where Φ is the cdf of the N(0, 1) distribution and ϕσ2 the pdf of the N(0, σ2 ) distribution. Solution: We have P[Y 6 y] = P[Y 6 y, Z > u] + P[Y 6 y, Z 6 u] = P[Z 6 y, Z > u] × 1{u < y} + P[Z 6 u] × 1{u 6 y} Z y = ϕσ2 (z − x> β) dz × 1{u < y} + Φ((u − x> β)/σ) × 1{u 6 y} Zu y = ϕσ2 (z − x> β) dz × 1{u < y} + Φ((u − x> β)/σ)(1{u 6 y} − 1{u < y}) −∞

= Φ((y − x> β)/σ) × 1{u < y} + Φ((u − x> β)/σ) × 1{u = y}.


Therefore, g(y | θ) = Φ((u − x> β)/σ)

ϕσ2 (y − x> β) × 1{u < y} Φ((u −

x> β)/σ)

+ Φ((u − x> β)/σ) × 1{u = y}.

(b) Let y and y be vectors that collect all yi > ui and yi = ui , respectively. Denote the corresponding matrix of predictors by X and X, respectively. For each observation yi = ui introduce a latent variable zi and collect these into a vector z. For the same indices i collect the corresponding ui into a vector c. Show that the complete-data likelihood is given by    ky − Xβk2 kz − Xβk2  1  1{z 6 c}. exp − − g(y, z | θ) = (2πσ2 )n/2 2σ2 2σ2 Solution: Since Y YZ > Φ((ui − xi β)/σ) = i:yi =ui

i:yi =ui


ϕσ2 (z − x>i β)dz


  2 (z−x> i β) Z exp − 2σ2 1{z 6 ui } Y dz = √ 2πσ2 i:yi =ui R ! Z Z kz − Xβk2 1 P = ··· 1{z 6 c}dz, exp − 2 i 1{yi =ui }/2 2σ2 R R (2πσ ) we have that Z Y Y g(y, z | θ)dz = ϕσ2 (yi − x>i β) × Φ((ui − x>i β)/σ). i:yi >ui

i:yi =ui

(c) For the E-step, show that, for a fixed θ, Y g(z | y, θ) = g(zi | y, θ), i

where each g(zi | y, θ) is the pdf of the N({Xβ}i , σ2 ) distribution, truncated to the interval (−∞, ci ]. Solution: Since ! kz − Xβk2 1{z 6 c} g(z | y, θ) ∝ exp − 2σ2    X (zi − {Xβ}i )2  Y  ∝ exp − 1{zi 6 ci } 2 2σ i i ! Y (zi − {Xβ}i )2 ∝ exp − 1{zi 6 ci }, 2σ2 i we can write g(z | y, θ) =


g(zi | y, θ),


where each g(zi | y, θ) is the pdf of the N({Xβ}i , σ2 ) distribution, truncated to the interval (−∞, ci ].

Chapter 5. Regression


(d) For the M-step, compute the expectation of the complete log-likelihood n n ky − Xβk2 EkZ − Xβk2 2 − ln σ − ln(2π) − − . 2 2 2σ2 2σ2 Then, derive the formulas for β and σ2 that maximize the expectation of the complete log-likelihood. Solution: We need the expectations EZ and EZ 2 , where Z ∼ N(µ, σ2 ), conditional on Z 6 c. Similar to Example 4.2, we obtain the formulas: EZ := µ − σ2

ϕσ2 (c − µ) Φ((c − µ)/σ)

EZ 2 := µ2 + σ2 − σ2 (µ + c)

ϕσ2 (c − µ) . Φ((c − µ)/σ)

With Zi ∼ N({Xβ}i , σ2 ), conditional on Zi 6 ci , define ai := EZi and b2i := EZi2 . Then, EkZ − Xβk2 = kbk2 − 2a> Xβ + β> X> Xβ = kbk2 − kak2 + ka − Xβk2 , which immediately yields a formula for the complete log-likelihood. Next, we maximize the expected complete log-likelihood. Differentiating with respect to σ2 and setting the derivative to zero yields: σ2 =

ky − Xβk2 + ka − Xβk2 + kbk2 − kak2 . n

Differentiating with respect to β yields and setting the gradient to zero yields: >


2X> a − 2X> Xβ + 2X y − 2X Xβ = 0. Therefore, β satisfies the linear system: >


(X X + X> X)β = X> a + X y. In other words, >


β = (X X + X> X)−1 (X> a + X y). 9. Analysis of Women’s Wages via EM Algorithm. Dowload dataset WomenWage.csv from the book’s website. This dataset is a tidied-up version of the women’s wage dataset from [91]. The first column of the data (hours) is the response variable Y. It shows the hours spent in the labor force by married women in the 1970’s. We want to understand what factors determine the participation rate of women in the labor force. The predictor variables are:


Table 5.7: Features for the women’s wage data set. Feature kidslt6 kidsge6 age educ exper nwifeinc expersq

Description Number of children younger than 6 years Number of children older than 6 years Age of the married woman Number of years of formal education Number of years of “work experience” Non-wife income, that is, the income of the husband The square of exper, to capture any nonlinear relationships

We observe that some of the responses are Y = 0, that is, some women did not participate in the labor force. For this reason, we model the data using the Tobit regression model, in which the response Y is given as:

   Zi , Yi =   0,

if 0 < Zi , if Zi 6 0

Z ∼ N(Xβ, σ2 I).

With θ = (β, σ2 ), the likelihood function for data y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) is:

g(y | θ) =


i:yi >0

ϕσ2 (yi − x>i β) ×


i:yi =0

Φ((ui − x>i β)/σ),

where Φ is the standard normal cdf. In the previous question, we derived the EM algorithm for maximizing the log-likelihood.

(a) Write down the EM algorithm in pseudocode as it applies to this Tobit regression. (b) Implement the EM algorithm pseudocode in Python. Comment on which factor you think is important in determining the labor participation rate of women living in the USA in the 1970’s.

Solution: The pseudocode is:

Chapter 5. Regression


Algorithm 5.0.1: EM algorithm for Tobit model input: Initial guesstimate θ1 = (β1 , σ21 ). Responses y and y that collect all yi > 0

1 2

and yi = 0, respectively, with corresponding predictors X and X. output: Approximate maximum likelihood estimate θt . t←1 n0 ← dim(y) >

3 4 57 6

C ← (X X + X> X)−1 while θt has not converged do Expectation Step: for i = 1 to n0 do

µ ← β>t xi

ϕ(µ/σt ) Φ(−µ/σt ) ϕ(µ/σt ) b2i ← µ2 + σ2t − µσt Φ(−µ/σt ) ai ← µ − σt

8 9 10

µ> ← (a1 , . . . , am ) P0 ς2 ← ni=1 (b2i − a2i ) Maximization Step: >

βt+1 ← C(X y + X> µ) σ2t+1 ← 11 12 13

ky − Xβt+1 k2 + kµ − Xβt+1 k2 + ς2 n

θt+1 ← (βt+1 , σ2t+1 ) t ←t+1 return θt

The following Python code implements the EM algorithm and displays the estimated coefficients β. import numpy as np from numpy import random from scipy . stats import norm # load data data = np. genfromtxt ('WomenWage .csv ',delimiter =',', skip_header =1) X = np. array (data [: ,1:]); n,p=X. shape y = data [: ,0] yu=y[y !=0]. reshape ( -1 ,1) Xu=X[y!=0 ,:] Xd=X[y==0 ,:] C=Xu.T@Xu+Xd.T@Xd;C=np. linalg .inv(C);


b= random .rand(p). reshape (p ,1);s =120; tol =1 # inital values while tol >10** -6: # E-step m=Xd@b a=m-s*norm.pdf(m/s)/norm.cdf(-m/s) b2=m**2+s**2 -m*s*norm.pdf(m/s)/norm.cdf(-m/s) ss=np.sum(b2 -a**2) # M-step bnew=C@(Xu.T@yu+Xd.T@m) tol=np. linalg .norm(bnew -b); b=bnew; s=np.sum ((yu -Xu@b)**2)+np.sum ((m-Xd@b)**2)+ss s=np.sqrt(s/n) print (b) [[ -187.58025183] [ 7.41516791] [ 6.23710946] [ 35.65870167] [ 72.53461786] [ -2.02751486] [ -1.37320273]]

10. Let P be a projection matrix. Show that the diagonal elements of P all lie in the interval [0, 1]. In particular, for P = XX+ in Theorem 5.1, the leverage value pi := Pii satisfies 0 6 pi 6 1 for all i.

+ 360

Solution: Let ui be the unit normal vector with a one in the i-th position. Then, pi = u>i Pui . Using the defining properties of the pseudo-inverse in Definition A.2, we have PP = P and therefore (I − P)(I − P) = I − P. Hence, pi = u>i Pui = u>i PPui = kPui k2 > 0 and 1 − pi = u>i (I − P)ui = k(I − P)ui k2 > 0. Therefore, 0 6 pi 6 1. 11. Consider the linear model Y = Xβ + ε in (5.8), with X being the n × p model matrix and ε having expectation vector 0 and covariance matrix σ2 In . Suppose that b β−i is the least squares estimate obtained by omitting the i-th observation, Yi ; that is, X b β−i = argmin (Y j − x>j β)2 , β


where x>j is the j-th row of X. Let b Y−i = x>i b β−i be the corresponding fitted value at xi . Also, define Bi as the least squares estimator of β based on the response data Y (i) := [Y1 , . . . , Yi−1 , b Y−i , Yi+1 , . . . , Yn ]> . (a) Prove that b β−i = Bi ; that is, the linear model obtained from fitting all responses except the i-th is the same as the one obtained from fitting the data Y (i) .

Chapter 5. Regression


(b) Use the previous result to verify that Yi − b Y−i = (Yi − b Yi )/(1 − Pii ) , where P = XX+ is the projection matrix onto the columns of X. Hence, deduce the PRESS formula in Theorem 5.1. Solution: We have that X

(Y j − x>j b β−i )2 6


X (Y j − x>j β)2 j,i

for any β. It follows that (b Y−i − x>i β)2 +

X X > 2 (Y j − x>j b β−i )2 6 (Y (i) j − x j β) . j,i

We also have X X X (i) > 2 > 2 (Y (i) − x B ) 6 (Y − x β) = (Y j − x>j β)2 + (b Y−i − x>i β)2 j i j j j j






for any β. Evaluating (5.3) at β = Bi and (5.4) at β = b β−i we obtain: X X β−i )2 . β−i )2 + (b Y−i − x>i b β−i )2 6 (Y j − x>j b (b Y−i − x>i Bi )2 + (Y j − x>j b j,i


But, since b Y−i = x>i b β−i , this implies that (b Y−i − x>i Bi )2 6 0 or, equivalently, that 0 = x>i (Bi − b β−i ), which is true for any arbitrary predictor xi only if Bi = b β−i . For the second part, observe that Y − Y (i) = (Yi − b Y−i )ui , where ui is the unit length vector with an entry 1 in the i-th position. Since, b Y = PY = P(Y (i) + (Yi − b Y−i )ui ) = XBi + (Yi − b Y−i )Pui = Xβ−i + (Yi − b Y−i )Pui , we have u>i b Y = u>i (Xβ−i ) + (Yi − b Y−i )u>i Pui . In other words, b Yi = b Y−i + (Yi − b Y−i )Pii , which after rearrangement becomes Yi − b Yi = (1 − Pii )(Yi − b Y−i ). Therefore, X i

(Yi − b Y−i )2 =

2 X  Yi − b Yi    . 1 − Pii i


12. Take the linear model Y = Xβ + ε, where X is an n × p model matrix, ε = 0, and Cov(ε) = σ2 In . Let P = XX+ be the projection matrix onto the columns of X. (a) Using the properties of the pseudo-inverse (see Definition A.2), show that PP> = P. + + + Solution: We have PP> = XX | {zX } X = XX = P. X

(b) Let E = Y − b Y be the (random) vector of residuals, where b Y = PY. Show that the i-th residual has a normal distribution with expectation 0 and variance σ2 Pii (that is, σ2 times the i-th leverage). Solution: We have E = (In − P)Y and so E has a multivariate normal distribution. Its expectation vector is 0, since Y and b Y both have expectation vector 2 Xβ. The covariance matrix of E is (In − P)σ In (In − P)> = σ2 (In − 2P + PP> ) = σ2 (In − P), applying question (a). (c) Show that σ2 can be unbiasedly estimated via S 2 :=

1 1 kY − b Yk2 = kY − Xb βk2 . n− p n− p


[Hint: use the cyclic property of the trace as in Example 2.3.] Solution: We have EkY − Xb βk2 = E k(In − P)Yk2 = EY > (In − P)(In − P)> Y = EY > (In − P)Y = EY > (In − XX+ )Y = E tr(Y > (In − XX+ )Y) = E tr(YY > (In − XX+ )) = tr({Cov(Y) +(Xβ)(Xβ)> }(In − XX+ )) | {z } = σ2 In >

> = σ2 tr(In − XX+ ) + tr(Xββ X − Xββ> X XX}+ ) | {z >




= σ (tr(In ) − tr(XX )) = σ (n − tr(X X)) = σ2 × (n − p). 2


It follows that ES 2 = σ2 . 13. Consider a normal linear model Y = Xβ + ε, where X is an n × p model matrix 2 and ε ∼ N(0, σ√ In ). Exercise 12 shows that for any such model the i-th standardized residual Ei /(σ 1 − Pii ) has a standard normal distribution. This motivates the use of the leverage Pii to assess whether the √ i-th observation is an outlier depending on the size of the i-th residual relative to 1 − Pii . A more robust approach is to include an estimate for σ using all data except the i-th observation. This gives rise to the studentized residual T i , defined as Ti =

Ei , √ S −i 1 − Pii

where S −i is an estimate of σ obtained by fitting all the observations except the i-th and Ei = Yi − b Yi is the i-th (random) residual. Exercise 12 shows that we can take, for example, 1 2 S −i = kY −i − X−ib β−i k2 , (5.45) n−1− p

Chapter 5. Regression


where X−i is the model matrix X with the i-th row removed, is an unbiased estimator 2 efficiently, using S 2 in (5.44), as the latter will typof σ2 . We wish to compute S −i ically be available once we have fitted the linear model. To this end, define ui as the i-th unit vector [0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0]> , and let Y (i) := Y − (Yi − b Y−i )ui = Y −

Ei ui , 1 − Pii

where we have used the fact that Yi − b Y−i = Ei /(1 − Pii ), as derived in the proof of Theorem 5.1. Now apply Exercise 11 to prove that (n − p) S 2 − Ei2 /(1 − Pii ) . n− p−1

2 S −i =

Solution: Define C := Ei /(1 − Pii ). Recall that kY − Xb βk2 = Y > (I − P)Y, where P is the projection matrix. Then, from Exercise 11 we have 2 (n − p)S 2 − (n − p − 1)S −i = Y > (I − P)Y − Y (i)> (I − P)Y (i)

= 2Cu>i (I − P)Y − C 2 u>i (I − P)ui = 2C(Yi − b Yi ) − C 2 (1 − Pii ) Ei2 Ei2 − 1 − Pii 1 − Pii Ei2 = . 1 − Pii


14. Using the notation from Exercises 11–13, Cook’s distance for observation i is defined as (i) kb Y −b Y k2 Di := . pS2 It measures the change in the fitted values when the i-th observation is removed, relative to the residual variance of the model (estimated via S 2 ). By using similar arguments as those in Exercise 13, show that Pii Ei2 . Di = (1 − Pii )2 p S 2 It follows that there is no need to “omit and refit” the linear model in order to compute Cook’s distance for the i-th response. Solution: We have

(i) Ei b Y −b Y = P(Y − Y (i) ) = P ui . 1 − Pii

Hence, Ei2 Ei2 Pii > > u P Pui = , (1 − Pii )2 i (1 − Pii )2 using the fact (see Exercise 12) that PP> = P. This concludes the proof. (i) kb Y −b Y k2 =


15. Prove that if we add an additional feature to the general linear model, then R2 , the coefficient of determination, is necessarily non-decreasing in value and hence cannot be used to compare models with different number of predictors. Solution: Suppose we initially have a model with p1 features, giving a residual of kY − Y (1) k2 and coefficient of determination R21 , and we add one or more features to obtain the new residual kY − Y (2) k2 and coefficient of determination R22 . From the Pythagorean identity kY − Y (2) k2 + kY (1) − Y (2) k2 = kY − Y (1) k2 , we have that −kY − Y (1) k2 6 −kY − Y (2) k2 . In other words, ¯ 2 kY (1) − Y1k ¯ 2 kY − Y1k ¯ 2 − kY − Y (1) k2 kY − Y1k = ¯ 2 kY − Y1k ¯ 2 − kY − Y (2) k2 kY − Y1k 6 ¯ 2 kY − Y1k ¯ 2 kY (2) − Y1k = R22 . = ¯ 2 kY − Y1k

R21 =

Hence, adding more predictors to the model never reduces the coefficient of variation, and is not suitable for model selection (it will always choose the most complex model).

16. Let X := [X1 , . . . , Xn ]> and µ := [µ1 , . . . , µn ]> . In the fundamental Theorem C.9, we use the fact that if Xi ∼ N(µi , 1), i = 1, . . . , n are independent, then kXk2 has (per definition) a noncentral χ2n distribution. Show that kXk2 has moment generating function etkµk /(1−2t) , (1 − 2t)n/2 2

t < 1/2,

and so the distribution of kXk2 depends on µ only through the norm kµk. Solution:

Chapter 5. Regression


Let X ∼ N(µ, 1). Then the moment generating function for X 2 is 2

MX2 (t) = EetX Z ∞ 1 1 2 2 = etx × √ e− 2 (x−µ) dx −∞ Z ∞ 2π 1 1 2 2 e− 2 [(1−2t)x −2xµ+µ ] dx = √ 2π −∞   Z ∞ 2 2tµ2 µ 1 − 1−2t 2 ( x− 1−2t ) − (1−2t)2 = √ e dx 2π −∞ √ Z 2 µ 1 1 − 2t ∞ − 1−2t tµ2 /(1−2t) e × √ = √ e 2 ( x− 1−2t ) dx −∞ 2π 1 − 2t 1 2 = √ etµ /(1−2t) , 1 − 2t where we use the fact that

√ 2 µ 1 − 2t − 1−2t e 2 ( x− 1−2t ) √ 2π

is the pdf of N(µ/(1 − 2t), 1/(1 − 2t)), and hence the integral integrates to 1. Next, we compute the moment generating function for kXk2 : MkXk2 (t) = EetkXk = Eet(X1 +···+Xn ) 2





= EetX1 × · · · × EetXn

etµ1 /(1−2t) etµn /(1−2t) = √ × ··· × √ 1 − 2t 1 − 2t tkµk2 /(1−2t) e = . (1 − 2t)n/2 2


17. Carry out a logistic regression analysis on a (partial) wine dataset classification problem. The data can be loaded using the following code. from sklearn import datasets import numpy as np data = datasets . load_wine () X = [:, [9 ,10]] y = np. array (data. target ==1 , dtype =np.uint) X = np. append (np.ones(len(X)). reshape ( -1 ,1) ,X,axis =1)

The model matrix has three features, including the constant feature. Instead of using Newton’s method (5.39) to estimate β, implement a simple gradient descent procedure βt = βt−1 − α∇rτ (βt−1 ), with learning rate α = 0.0001, and run it for 106 steps. Your procedure should deliver three coefficients; one for the intercept and the rest for the explanatory variables.


Solve the same problem using the Logit method of statsmodels.api and compare the results. Solution: from sklearn import datasets import numpy as np data = datasets . load_wine () X = [:, [9 ,10]] y = np. array (data. target ==1 , dtype =np.uint) X = np. append (np.ones(len(X)). reshape ( -1 ,1) ,X,axis =1) # ###################################################### def sigmoid (z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) theta = np. zeros (3) lr = 0.0001 for i in range (1000000) : g = sigmoid (, theta )) gradient =, (g - y)) theta -= lr * gradient print (" gradient descent : ", theta )

# ###################################################### import statsmodels .api as sm model = sm. Logit (y, X) result = model .fit () print (" statsmodels .api: ", result . params ) gradient descent : statsmodels .api:

+ 205

[ 6.82750898 -2.14602587 [ 6.8275091

+ 349



18. Consider again Example 5.10, where we train the learner via the Newton iteration (5.39). If X> := [x1 , . . . , xn ] defines the matrix of predictors and µt := h(Xβt ), then the gradient (5.37) and Hessian (5.38) for Newton’s method can be written as: 1 ∇rτ (βt ) = X> (µt − y) n

iterative reweighted least squares




1 H(βt ) = X> Dt X, n

where Dt := diag(µt (1 − µt )) is a diagonal matrix. Show that the Newton iteration (5.39) can be written as the iterative reweighted least squares method: βt = argmin (e yt−1 − Xβ)> Dt−1 (e yt−1 − Xβ), β

where e yt−1 := Xβt−1 + D−1 t−1 (y − µt−1 ) is the so-called adjusted response. [Hint: use

Chapter 5. Regression


the fact that (M> M)−1 M> z is the minimizer of kMβ − zk2 .] Solution: The Newton iteration (5.39) can be written as βt = βt − [H(βt−1 )]−1 ∇rτ (βt−1 ) = βt − (X> Dt−1 X)−1 X> (µt−1 − y) = (X> Dt−1 X)−1 X> (Dt−1 Xβt−1 − µt−1 + y) = (X> Dt−1 X)−1 (Dt−1 X)> (Xβt−1 + D−1 t−1 (y − µt−1 )) = (X> Dt−1 X)−1 (Dt−1 X)>e yt−1 . The last expression coincides with the minimizer to 2 (e yt−1 − Xβ)> Dt−1 (e yt−1 − Xβ) = kD1/2 yt−1 − D1/2 t−1e t−1 Xβ)k .

To see this, we use the fact that (M> M)−1 M> z is the minimizer of kMβ − zk2 . Therefore, substituting M = D1/2 X and z = D1/2 y, we obtain the minimizer (X> DX)−1 X> Dy of kD1/2 Xβ − D1/2 yk2 . 19. In multi-output linear regression, the response variable is a real-valued vector of dimension, say, m. Similar to (5.8), the model can be written in matrix notation:  > ε1    Y = XB +  ...  ,  > εn where: • Y is an n×m matrix of n independent responses (stored as row vectors of length m); • X is the usual n × p model matrix; • B is an p × m matrix of model parameters; • ε1 , . . . , εn ∈ Rm are independent error terms with Eε = 0 and Eεε> = Σ. We wish to learn the matrix parameters B and Σ from the training set {Y, X}. To this end, consider minimizing the training loss:  1  tr (Y − XB)Σ−1 (Y − XB)> , n where tr(·) is the trace of a matrix. (a) Show that the minimizer of the training loss, denoted b B, satisfies the normal equations: X> X b B = X> Y. Solution: By Theorem A.1, we have     tr (Y − XB)Σ−1 (Y − XB)> = tr Σ−1 (Y − XB)> (Y − XB)   = tr Σ−1 (Y> Y − 2Y> XB + B> X> XB) = tr(Σ−1 Y> Y) − 2tr(Y> XB) + tr(X> XBB> ).


Suppose that U is an all zero matrix with a one in the (i, j)-th position. Then, lim δ↓0

tr(X> X(B + δU)(B + δU)> ) − tr(X> XBB> ) = tr(X> X(UB> + BU> )) δ = [B> X> X] ji + [X> XB]i j

gives the derivative of tr(X> XBB> ) with respect to the (i, j)-th element of B. Clearly, ∂tr(X> XBB> ) = 2X> XB. ∂B Hence, taking a scalar/matrix derivative of the training loss with respect to B, we obtain: −2X> Y + 2X> XB . n Hence, the least-squares estimator b B satisfies the normal equations. (b) Noting that (Y − XB) (Y − XB) = >

n X

εi ε>i ,


explain why (Y − Xb B)> (Y − Xb B) b Σ := n is a method-of-moments estimator of Σ, just like the one given in (5.10). Solution: Since Eεε> = Σ, the average n

1 X > (Y − XB)> (Y − XB) εi εi = n i=1 n is an unbiased estimator of Σ. In practice, we do not know the parameter matrix B, but we can replace it by its least-squares estimator to obtain the (biased) estimator of Σ: (Y − Xb B)> (Y − Xb B) b Σ= . n This is the same argument used to derive (5.10).




1. Let G be a RKHS with reproducing kernel κ. Show that κ is a positive semi-definite kernel. Solution: Using the properties of the inner product h·, ·i on G, we have for every n > 1 and α1 , . . . , αn ∈ R, x1 , . . . , xn ∈ X , n X n X

αi κ(xi , x j )α j =

i=1 j=1

= = =

n X n X

αi hκ xi , κ x j iα j i=1 j=1 Pn Pn i=1 αi hκ xi , j=1 α j κ x j i Pn Pn h i=1 αi κ xi , j=1 α j κ x j i P k nj=1 α j κ x j k2 > 0.

2. Show that a reproducing kernel, if it exists, is unique. (2) Solution: Suppose that there exist two reproducing kernels: κ(1) x and κ x . Then we have for all f ∈ G: (2) (1) (2) h f, κ(1) x − κ x iG = h f, κ x iG − h f, κ x iG = f (x) − f (x) = 0 (2) (1) (2) for all x ∈ X . Taking f = κ(1) x − κ x above, it follows that ||κ x − κ x ||G = 0, and (1) (2) hence that κ x = κ x , giving uniqueness.

3. Let G be a Hilbert space of functions g : X → R. Given x ∈ X, the evaluation functional is the map δ x : g 7→ g(x). Show that evaluation functionals are linear operators. Solution: For any a, b ∈ R and f, g ∈ G we have δ x (a f + bg) = (a f + bg)(x) = a f (x) + bg(x) = aδ x f + bδ x g . 4. Let G0 be the pre-RKHS G0 constructed in the proof of Theorem 6.2. Thus, g ∈ G0 P is of the form g = ni=1 αi κ xi and hg, κ x iG0 =

n X

αi hκ xi , κ x iG0 =


n X i=1


αi κ(xi , x) = g(x) .


Therefore, we may write the evaluation functional of g ∈ G0 at x as δ x g := hg, κ x iG0 . Show that δ x is bounded on G0 for every x; that is, |δ x f | < γk f kG0 , for some γ < ∞. Solution: For f ∈ G0 , we have p |δ x f | = |h f, κ x iG0 | 6 k f kG0 kκ x kG0 = k f kG0 κ(x, x), which demonstrates that δ x is bounded on G0 . 5. Continuing Exercise 4, let ( fn ) be a Cauchy sequence in G0 such that | fn (x)| → 0 for all x. Show that k fn kG0 → 0. Solution: As ( fn ) is a Cauchy sequence on G0 , it is of necessity bounded in the norm on G0 ; that is, ||hn ||G0 6 B, for some B < ∞. Moreover, by the definition of Cauchy ε . sequence, for every ε > 0 there is an N such that for all m, n > N, || fn − fm ||G0 < 2B PT As fN ∈ G0 , it is of the form fN = t=1 αt κ xt . Since fn converges pointwise to 0, we can find an M such that for all n > M, fn (xt ) < ε/(2T |αt |) for all t ∈ {1, . . . , T }. Consequently, for all n > max(N, M), we have: || fn ||2G0 = |h fn − fN + fN , fn iG0 | 6 |h fn − fN , fn iG0 | + |h fN , fn iG0 | T X 6 || fn ||G0 || fn − fN ||G0 + αt hκ xt , fn iG0 t=1

6 || fn ||G0 || fn − fN ||G0 +


|αt | | fn (xt )|


ε|α1 | ε|αn | ε +( + ··· + ) = ε. 0 we can take N, M ∈ N such that for all m, n > M, || fn − fm ||G0 < 2Bε 1 , and for all m, n > M, ||gn − gm ||G0 < 2Bε 2 . Taking m, n > max(N, M), we have: |h fn , gn iG0 − h fm , gm iG0 | = |h fn − fm , gn iG0 + h fm , gn − gm iG0 | 6 |h fn − fm , gn iG0 | + |h fm , gn − gm iG0 | 6 ||gn ||G0 || fn − fm ||G0 + || fm ||G0 ||gn − gm ||G0 ε ε < B1 + B2 = ε, 2B1 2B2

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


so the inner product converges. The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality was used in the second line, since G0 is a valid inner product. (b) To prove that the inner product is independent of our choice of sequences, suppose that there exist Cauchy sequences ( fn ) and ( fn0 ) converging pointwise to f , and (gn ) and (g0n ) converging pointwise to g. By the same logic as above: |h fn , gn iG0 − h fn0 , g0n iG0 | 6 ||gn ||G0 || fn − fn0 ||G0 + || fn0 ||G0 ||gn − g0n ||G0 . By the boundedness of Cauchy sequences, there exists a number B < ∞ such that ||gn ||G0 6 B and || fn0 ||G0 6 B for all n. Also, since fn − fn0 and gn − g0n converge pointwise to 0, and hence also converge in G0 norm (by Problem 5), we have that for ε and all ε > 0, there exist a natural numbers N such that for n > N, || fn − fn0 ||G0 < 2B ε ||gn − g0n ||G0 < 2B . Thus for n > N we have |h fn , gn iG0 − h fn0 , g0n iG0 | < ε, proving that h fn , gn iG0 and h fn0 , g0n iG0 converge to the same number. (c) Suppose ( fn ) is a Cauchy sequence in G0 that converges pointwise to the 0 function. By Problem 5 it also converges in norm to 0. Hence, h0, 0iG = limn h fn , fn iG0 = limn k fn k2G0 = 0. Conversely, suppose that ( fn ) is a Cauchy sequence converging pointwise to f , and limn→∞ h fn , fn iG0 = limn→∞ k fn k2G0 = 0. Then we have for all x: | f (x)| = lim | fn (x)| = lim |h fn , κ x iG0 | 6 lim || fn ||G0 ||κ x ||G0 = 0, n→∞



so that f = 0. 7. Exercises 4–6 show that G defined in the proof of Theorem 6.2 is an inner product space. It remains to prove that G is a RKHS. This requires us to prove that the inner product space G is complete (and thus Hilbert), and that its evaluation functionals are bounded and hence continuous (see Theorem A.16). This is done in a number of steps. (a) Show that G0 is dense in G in the sense that every f ∈ G is a limit point (with respect to the norm on G) of a Cauchy sequence ( fn ) in G0 . Solution: By definition of G, any f is the pointwise limit of a Cauchy sequence { fn } ∈ G0 . We need to show that such a Cauchy sequence converges to f in k·kG . Note that we already have proved convergence in k · kG0 (Problem 5). Hence, for every ε > 0 there exist an N such that for all n > N, k f − fn kG0 < ε. As, for fixed n, k f − fn kG = limm→∞ k f − fn kG0 (by definition), we have || f − fn ||G = lim || fm − fn ||G0 < ε , m→∞

showing convergence with respect to k · kG . (b) Show that every evaluation functional δ x on G is continuous at the 0 function. That is, ∀ε > 0 : ∃δ > 0 : ∀ f ∈ G : k f kG < δ ⇒ | f (x)| < ε. (6.40) Continuity at the whole space then follows automatically from linearity. Solution: (Consider some f ∈ G and some Cauchy sequence ( fn ) in G0 converging pointwise to f . Let ε > 0. We combine three continuity/convergence results. First, by pointwise convergence, there exist an N1 such that for all n > N1 ,


| fn (x) − f (x)| < ε/2. Second, by continuity of evaluation functionals on G0 at 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that ||g||G0 < δ ⇒ |g(x)| < ε/2. Third, as a result of (a), we can choose an N > N1 such that || fn − f ||G < δ/2 for all n > N. In particular, we have || fN ||G0 < δ =⇒ | fN (x)| < ε/2 . Note that fN is part of the Cauchy sequence converging to f , so || fN ||G0 = || fN ||G . By taking || f ||G < δ/2 we have || fN ||G 6 || f ||G + || f − fN ||G < δ/2 + δ/2 = δ, which implies | fN (x)| < ε/2. Consequently, | f (x)| 6 | f (x) − fN (x)| + | fN (x)| < ε/2 + ε/2 = ε , meaning that || f ||G < δ/2 =⇒ |δ x ( f )| = | f (x)| < ε. Hence the evaluation functionals are continuous on G at 0. (c) Show that G is complete; that is, every Cauchy sequence ( fn ) ∈ G converges in the norm || · ||G . Solution: (Take some Cauchy sequence ( fn ) in G. By (b), we have that for any x ∈ X , k fn − fm kG < δ ⇒ | fn (x) − fm (x)| < ε. So ( fn (x)) is a Cauchy sequence in R. By the completeness of R, there exists some f (x) = limn→∞ fn (x) ∈ R for all x ∈ X . By the denseness result (a) there exists, for each n, a sequence (gn, j , j = 1, 2, . . .) ∈ G0 such that for j > Nn it holds that k fn − gn, j kG < 1/n. If we define gn = gn,Nn , then gn converges pointwise to f , since |gn (x) − f (x)| 6 |gn (x) − fn (x)| + | fn (x) − f (x)|, and both terms on the right hand side converge to 0. Next, note that ||gm − gn ||G0 = ||gm − gn ||G 6 ||gm − fm ||G + || fm − fn ||G + || fn − gn ||G , where all three right-hand terms converge to 0 as m, n → ∞. Hence, (gn ) is Cauchy in G0 . We noted in the proof of (a) that Cauchy sequences in G0 with pointwise limits in G also converge to those limits in || · ||G , thus ||gn − f ||G → 0. Since || fn − gn ||G → 0, it follows that || fn − f ||G → 0, and so G is complete. 8. If κ1 and κ2 are reproducing kernels on X and Y, then κ+ ((x, y), (x0 , y0 )) := κ1 (x, x0 ) + κ2 (y, y0 ) and κ× ((x, y), (x0 , y0 )) := κ1 (x, x0 )κ2 (y, y0 ) are reproducing kernels on the Cartesian product X × Y. Prove this. Solution: By definition, κ1 and κ2 are symmetric and finite. Hence, both κ+ and κ× are symmetric and finite. Also, we have that for every n > 1 and α ∈ Rn : n X n X

αi κ1 (xi , x j )α j > 0,

x1 , . . . , xn ∈ X

αi κ2 (yi , y j )α j > 0,

y1 , . . . , yn ∈ Y.

i=1 j=1


n X n X i=1 j=1

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


Hence, X

αi κ+ ((xi , yi ), (x j , y j ))α j =


i, j

αi (κ1 (xi , x j ) + κ2 (yi , y j ))α j

i, j



αi κ1 (xi , x j )α j +


i, j

αi κ2 (yi , y j )α j > 0,

i, j

which shows that κ+ is a positive semidefinite function. Since it is symmetric and finite, by Theorem 6.2 it is also a reproducing kernel. Similarly, we need only verify that κ× is a positive semidefinite function. From P P (1) 0 (2) (2) 0 0 the representation κ1 (x, x0 ) = i>1 φ(1) j>1 φ j (y)φ j (y ) i (x)φi (x ) and κ1 (y, y ) = given in (6.17), we can write κ1 (x, x0 )κ2 (y, y0 ) =




(1) 0 φ(1) i (x)φi (x ) ×



(2) 0 φ(2) j (y)φ j (y )

j>1 (2) (1) 0 (2) 0 φ(1) i (x)φ j (y)φi (x )φ j (y )

i, j>1



φk (x, y)φk (x0 , y0 ),


where the sequence of features {φk (x, y)} is identified in a one-to-one way with the (2) sequence of features {φ(1) i (x)φ j (y)}. The last equation shows that κ× is a positive semidefinite function. By Theorem 6.2 this means that κ× is a reproducing kernel. 9. A RKHS enjoys the following desirable smoothness property: if (gn ) is a sequence belonging to RKHS G on X, and kgn − gkG → 0, then g(x) = limn gn (x) for all x ∈ X. Prove this, using Cauchy–Schwarz. Solution: By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, |gn (x) − g(x)| = |hgn − g, κ x iG | 6 kgn − gkG kκ x kG ↓ 0 .

10. Let X be an Rd -valued random variable that is symmetric about the origin (that is, X and (−X) identically distributed). Denote by µ is its distribution and ψ(t) = R are > > Eeit X = eit x µ(dx) for t ∈ Rd is its characteristic function. Verify that κ(x, x0 ) = ψ(x − x0 ) is a real-valued positive semi-definite function. Solution: Real valued: The characteristic function ψ is real-valued iff ψ(t) = ψ(t) for all t ∈ Rd . Recall that in general for a characteristic function, ψ(t) = ψ(−t), which is the characteristic function of (−X). Thus, ψ is real-valued iff X and (−X) have the same distribution (i.e., the random variable X is symmetric about the origin).


Positive semi-definite: For every n > 1, α1 , . . . , αn ∈ R, and t 1 , . . . , t n ∈ Rd , we have n X n X

α j α` κ(t j , t ` ) =


α j α` ψ(t j − t ` )

j=1 `=1

j=1 `=1 n n X X

n X n X

α j α`


it >j x


j=1 `=1

−it > ` x


 n  Z X  X   n > >  α j eit j x   α` e−it ` x  µ(dx) µ(dx) = j=1


2 Z

X n T

α eit j x

µ(dx) > 0 , = j

j=1 since µ is a probability measure (and so in particular is non-negative). 11. Suppose RKHS G of functions from X → R (with kernel κ) is invariant under a group T of transformations T : X → X; that is, for all f, g ∈ G and T ∈ T , we have (i) f ◦ T ∈ G and (ii) h f ◦ T, g ◦ T iG = h f, giG . Show that κ(T x, T x0 ) = κ(x, x0 ) for all x, x0 ∈ X and T ∈ T . Solution: For any g ∈ G and T ∈ T we have g(x) = hg, κ x iG by definition. We also have g(x) = g ◦ T −1 (T x) = hg ◦ T −1 , κT x iG = hg, κT x ◦ T iG where the last equality follows from (ii). Hence, by uniqueness of the kernel, we must have κ x = κT x ◦ T for all x ∈ X, and for all x0 ∈ X it follows that κ(x, x0 ) = κ x (x0 ) = κT x (T x0 ) = κ(T x, T x0 ). 12. Given two Hilbert spaces H and G, we call a mapping A : H → G a Hilbert space isomorphism if it is (i) a linear map; that is, A(a f + bg) = aA( f ) + bA(g) for any f, g ∈ H and a, b ∈ R. (ii) a surjective map; and (iii) an isometry; that is for all f, g ∈ H, it holds that h f, giH = hA f, AgiG . Let H = R p (equipped with the usual Euclidean inner product) and construct its (continuous) dual space G, consisting of all continuous linear functions from R p to R, as follows: (a) For each β ∈ R p , define gβ : R p → R via gβ (x) = hβ, xi = β> x, for all x ∈ R p . (b) Equip G with the inner product hgβ , gγ iG := β> γ. Show that A : H → G defined by A(β) = gβ for β ∈ R p is a Hilbert space isomorphism. Solution: On one hand, the Riesz representation Theorem A.17 states that every element g ∈ G can be identified uniquely with an element β ∈ R p . On the other hand, given g ∈ G, the (unique) element βg ∈ R p can be identified via βg = g(e1 )e1 + · · · + p is any orthonormal basis of R p — for concreteness, take the g(e p )e p , where {ei }i=1 standard orthonormal basis, with ei the vector of zeros with a single one in the i-th position, i = 1, . . . , p. We now show the mapping A : R p → G defined by A(β) = gβ for β ∈ R p is a Hilbert space isomorphism. Linearity is directly verified, since A(aβ+bγ) = gaβ+bγ = agβ + bgγ = aA(β) + bA(γ) for any β, γ ∈ R p and a, b ∈ R. The map A is a bijection

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


by definition, and so in particular is surjective. Finally, by construction, the isometry property holds. 13. Let X be an n × p model matrix. Show that X> X + n γI p for γ > 0 is invertible. Solution: The matrix X> X is not only symmetric but also positive semi-definite, and as such all of its eigenvalues λ1 , . . . , λ p are real and non-negative. Thus X> X − λI p is only singular for non-negative λ. Setting λ = −n γ < 0 which cannot be an eigenvalue of X> X, and so the matrix X> X + n γI p is invertible. A similar argument applies to show invertibility of XX> + n γIn . Moreover, Sylvester’s determinant identity tells us that in fact det(X> X + n γI p ) = det(XX> + n γIn ) which we have just shown is non-zero whenever γ > 0. 14. As Example 6.8 clearly illustrates, the pdf of a random variable that is symmetric about the origin is not in general a valid reproducing kernel. Take two iid random variables X and X 0 with common pdf f , and define Z = X + X 0 . Denote by ψZ and fZ the characteristic function and pdf of Z, respectively. Show that if ψZ is in L1 (R), fZ is a positive semidefinite function. Use this to show that κ(x, x0 ) = fZ (x − x0 ) = 1{|x − x0 | 6 2}(1 − |x − x0 |/2) is a valid reproducing kernel. Solution: The characteristic function of the sum Z = X + X 0 is clearly ψZ (t) = ψX (t)2 which is real-valued, non-negative, and symmetric about the origin. Moreover, if ψZ is in L1 (R) (integrable), then it is proportional to the pdf of some random variable Z 0 on R. Consequently, the pdf of Z is proportional to the characteristic function of Z 0 . iid

Now, let X, X 0 ∼ Uniform[−1, 1] and consider the pdf of Z = X + X 0 which is fZ (z) = 1{|z| 6 2}(1 − |z|/2). Since the characteristic function ψZ (t) = sinc2 (t) is proportional to a pdf on R, fZ is a positive semi-definite function, and so κ(x, x0 ) = fZ (x − x0 ) = 1{|x − x0 | 6 2}(1 − |x − x0 |/2) is a valid reproducing kernel. 15. For the smoothing cubic spline of Section 6.6, show that κ(x, u) = min{x,u}3 . 6

max{x,u} min{x,u}2 2

Solution: Noting that κ(x, u) = hκ x , κu iH , we have κ(x, u) =






∂2 κ(x, s) ∂2 κ(u, s) ds ∂s2 ∂s2


(x − s)+ (u − s)+ ds 0




(x − s)+ (u − s)+ ds +






min{x,u} min{x,u}

(max{x, u} − s)(min{x, u} − s) ds + 0 + 0



(x − s)+ (u − s)+ ds +

max{x, u} min{x, u}2 min{x, u}3 − . 2 6



(x − s)+ (u − s)+ ds max{x,u}


16. Let X be an n × p model matrix and let u ∈ R p be the unit-length vector with k-th entry equal to one (uk = kuk = 1). Suppose that the k-th column of X is v and that it is replaced with a new predictor w, so that we obtain the new model matrix: e = X + (w − v)u> . X (a) Denoting δ := X> (w − v) +

kw − vk2 u, 2

show that > > e> X e = X> X + uδ> + δu> = X> X + (u + δ)(u + δ) − (u − δ)(u − δ) . X 2 2

e> X e differs from X> X by a symmetric matrix of rank two. In other words, X Solution: Direct computation shows that e> X e = (X> + u(w − v)> )(X + (w − v)u> ) X = X> X + X> (w − v)u> + u(w − v)> X + kw − vk2 uu> = X> X + X> (w − v)u> +

kw − vk2 > kw − vk2 uu + u(w − v)> X + uu> 2 2

= X> X + δu> + uδ> The second part of the result follows from the fact that (u + δ)(u + δ)> − (u − δ)(u − δ)> = uu> + uδ> + δu> + δδ> − − (uu> − uδ> − δu> + δδ> ) = 2uδ> + 2δu> . (b) Suppose that B := (X> X + n γI p )−1 is already computed. Explain how the Sherman–Morrison formulas in Theorem A.10 can be applied twice to come> X e + n γI p in O((n + p)p) pute the inverse and log-determinant of the matrix X 2 computing time, rather than the usual O((n + p )p) computing time.1 Solution: First let B1 := (B−1 + δu> )−1 and > −1 B2 := (B−1 1 + uδ ) .

e> X e + n γI p )−1 = B2 . To compute B1 , we use the formula Note that (X B1 = B −

Bδu> B , 1 + u> Bδ

which can be executed in O(p2 ) time. Similarly, B2 can be computed from B1 in O(p2 ) time. Since computing δ takes O(np) time, overall the computing time is O((n + p)p). 1

This Sherman–Morrison updating is not always numerically stable. A more numerically stable method will perform two consecutive rank-one updates of the Cholesky decomposition of X> X + n γI p .

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


In contrast, direct computation of the inverse of X> X + n γI p + δu> + uδ> takes O(p3 ) time. (c) Write a Python program for updating a matrix B = (X> X + n γI p )−1 when we change the k-th column of X, as shown in the following pseudo-code. Algorithm 6.8.1: Updating via Sherman–Morrison Formula input: Matrices X and B, index k, and replacement w for the k-th column of X. output: Updated matrices X and B. n 1 Set v ∈ R to be the k-th column of X. p 2 Set u ∈ R to be the unit-length vector such that uk = kuk = 1. 3

4 5 6

Buδ> B 1 + δ> Bu Bδu> B B←B− 1 + u> Bδ Update the k-th column of X with w. return X, B B←B−

Solution: The following code implements the Sherman-Morrison formula and will be used in the next Exercise. import numpy as np np. random .seed (123) def SherMorr (X,B,k,w): X=np. array (X);B=np. array (B) k=np. array (k);w=np. array (w) v=X[:,k -1]. reshape (n ,1) u=np. zeros ([p ,1]) u[k -1]=1 norm2 =np.sum ((w-v)**2) de=X.T@(w-v)+u*.5* norm2 B=B- B@u@de .T@B /(1+ de. T@B@u ) B=B- B@de@u .T@B /(1+u. T@B@de ) X[:,k -1]=w.T return X,B

17. Use Algorithm 6.8.1 from Exercise 16 to write Python code that computes the ridge regression coefficient β in (6.5) and use it to replicate the results on Figure 6.1. The following pseudo-code (with running cost of O((n + p)p2 )) may help with the writing of the Python code.

+ 217


Algorithm 6.8.2: Ridge Regression Coefficients via Sherman–Morrison Formula input: Training set {X, y} and regularization parameter γ > 0. output: Solution b β = (n γI p + X> X)−1 X> y. 1 Set A to be an n × p matrix of zeros and B ← I p /(n γ). 2 for j = 1, . . . , p do 3 Set w to be the j-th column of X. 4 Update {A, B} via Algorithm 6.8.1 with inputs {A, B, j, w}. 5 b β ← B(X> y) 6 return b β Solution: The following code implements the algorithm above using γ = 1 as a default value. def ridge (X,y,gam =1): n,p=X. shape A=np. zeros ([n,p]) B=np. identity (p)/(n*gam) for j in range (1,p+1): w=X[:,j -1]; w=w. reshape (n ,1) A,B= SherMorr (A,B,j,w) bhat=B@(X.T@y) return bhat

18. Consider Example 2.10 with D = diag(λ1 , . . . , λ p ) for some nonnegative vector λ ∈ R p , so that twice the negative logarithm of the model evidence can be written as −2 ln g(y) = l(λ) := n ln[y> (I − XΣX> )y] + ln |D| − ln |Σ| + c, where c is a constant that depends only on n. (a) Use the Woodbury identities (A.15) and (A.16) to show that I − XΣX> = (I + XDX> )−1 ln |D| − ln |Σ| = ln |I + XDX> |. Deduce that l(λ) = n ln[y> Cy] − ln |C| + c, where C := (I + XDX> )−1 . Solution: Using the Woodbury identities, we have (I − XΣX> )−1 = I + X(Σ−1 − X> X)−1 X> = I + X(X> X + D−1 − X> X)−1 X> = I + XDX> and ln |In + XDX> | = ln |In + XD1/2 (XD1/2 )> | = ln |I p + (XD1/2 )> XD1/2 | = ln |I p + D1/2 X> XD1/2 | = ln |D−1 + X> X||D| = ln |D| + ln |D−1 + X> X|. Hence, ln |In + XDX> | = ln |D| − ln |Σ|.

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


(b) Let [v1 , . . . , v p ] := X denote the p columns/predictors of X. Show that C



p X

λk vk v>k .


Explain why setting λk = 0 has the effect of excluding the k-th predictor from the regression model. How can this observation be used for model selection? Solution: We have C−1 = I + XDX> = I + [v1 , . . . , v p ]diag(λ)[v1 , . . . , v p ]> p X λk vk v>k , =I+ k=1

so that λk = 0 has the effect of excluding the k-th predictor from the regression model. One method to determine which predictors in X are important is to maximize the model evidence with respect to λ > 0 and check which components of the solution are nonzero. (c) Prove the following formulas for the gradient and Hessian elements of l(λ): (v> Cy)2 ∂l = v>i Cvi − n i> ∂λi y Cy   (v>i Cy)(v>j Cy) 2  > ∂2 l > 2  . = (n − 1)(vi Cv j ) − n vi Cv j − ∂λi ∂λ j y> Cy


Solution: Let u ∈ R p be a vector with uk = kuk = 1. Using the Woodbury identity (A.15), we have C(λ + uε) − C(λ) ∂C = lim ∂λk ε→0 ε h i−1   C−1 (λ) + εvk v>k − In + XDX> −1 = lim = −Cvk v>k C. ε→0 ε On the other hand, using the identity (A.16), we have ∂ ln |C| ln |C(λ + uε)| − ln |C(λ)| = lim ε→0 ∂λk ε −1 − ln C (λ) + εvk v>k − ln |C(λ)| = lim ε→0 ε −1 ln C + εvk v>k |C| = − lim ε→0 ε ln In + (εC)1/2 vk v>k (εC)1/2 ln 1 + εv>k C1/2 C1/2 vk = − lim = − lim ε→0 ε→0 ε ε > ln(1 + εvk Cvk ) = − lim = −v>k Cvk . ε→0 ε


It follows that ∂C y> ∂λ y ∂l = n > k + v>k Cvk ∂λk y Cy y> Cvk v>k Cy = −n + v>k Cvk y> Cy (y> Cvk )2 = −n > + v>k Cvk . y Cy

Also, using the chain rule for differentiation, we have 2(v>k Cy)(v>k Cv j )(v>j Cy)(y> Cy) − (v>k Cy)2 (v>j Cy)2 ∂2 l =n − (v>k Cv j )2 > 2 ∂λk ∂λ j (y Cy) > > [(y Cy)(vk Cv j ) − (v>k Cy)(v>j Cy)]2 = −n + (n − 1)(v>k Cv j )2 > 2 (y Cy)   (v>k Cy)(v>j Cy) 2  > > 2  . = (n − 1)(vk Cv j ) − n (vk Cv j ) − y> Cy (d) One method to determine which predictors in X are important is to compute λ∗ := argmin l(λ) λ>0

using, for example, the interior-point minimization Algorithm B.4.1 with gradient and Hessian computed from (6.41). Write Python code to compute λ∗ and use it to select the best polynomial model in Example 2.10. Solution: We can either use Algorithm B.4.1, or alternatively we can use the following simpler/shorter routine to compute λ∗ and the estimate of the coefficient β. import numpy as np from numpy . linalg import solve from numpy import sqrt from numpy import random n =1000; p=4 X = random . randn (n*p). reshape (n,p) beta=np. array ([1 ,0 , -4 ,0]). reshape (p ,1) y= X@beta + random . randn (n). reshape (n ,1) def modelSelect (X,y): n,p=X. shape XX=X.T@X # precompute lam= random .rand(p) # initial lambdas err =1 while err >10** -6: D=np.diag(lam) b= solve (np. identity (p)+D@XX@D ,[email protected]@y) b=D@b

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


Q=XX - XX@D@solve (np. identity (p)+D@XX@D ,D@XX) Q=np.diag(Q) s2=np.sum ((y- X@D@b )**2)/n lam_new =sqrt(np.abs(b. reshape ( -1))/sqrt(s2*Q)) err=sqrt(np.sum ((lam - lam_new )**2)) lam= lam_new return lam ,b lam ,b= modelSelect (X,y)

19. (Exercise 18 continued.) Consider again Example 2.10 with D = diag(λ1 , . . . , λ p ) for some nonnegative model-selection parameter λ ∈ R p . A Bayesian choice for λ is the maximizer of the marginal likelihood g(y | λ); that is, " ∗ λ = argmax g(β, σ2 , y | λ) dβ dσ2 , λ>0

where ky − Xβk2 + β> D−1 β 1 n+ p ln(2πσ2 ) − ln σ2 . − ln |D| − 2 2σ 2 2 To maximize g(y | λ), one can use the EM algorithm with β and σ2 acting as latent variables in the complete-data log-likelihood ln g(β, σ2 , y | λ). Define ln g(β, σ2 , y | λ) = −

Σ := (D−1 + X> X)−1 β := ΣX> y   b σ2 := kyk2 − y> Xβ n.


(a) Show that the conditional density of the latent variables β and σ2 is such that n n    −2 σ λ, y ∼ Gamma , b σ2 2 2     β λ, σ2 , y ∼ N β, σ2 Σ . Solution: As in Example 2.10, we can write ! (σ2 )−1 kΣ−1/2 (β − β)k2 nb σ2 g(β, σ , y | λ) = exp − − . (2πσ2 )(n+p)/2 |D|1/2 2σ2 2σ2 2

Hence, g(σ | λ, y) ∝ 2


g(β, σ2 , y | λ) dβ

! nb σ2 /2 1 ∝ 2 1+n/2 exp − 2 , (σ ) σ  which we recognize as the density of σ2 , where σ−2 ∼ Gamma n2 , Exercise 19. Similarly, ! kΣ−1/2 (β − β)k2 2 g(β | σ , λ, y) ∝ exp − , 2σ2   which we recognize as the density of the N β, σ2 Σ distribution.

n 2

 b σ2 ; see


(b) Use Theorem C.2 to show that the expected complete-data log-likelihood is >

β D−1 β tr(D−1 Σ) + ln |D| − + c1 , − 2b σ2 2 where c1 is a constant that does not depend on λ. Solution: Taking the expectation with respect to β, given y, λ, σ2 , we obtain >

ky − Xβk2 + β D−1 β + σ2 tr(Σ(D−1 + X> X)) 1 − − ln |D| + const. 2σ2 2 Since E[1/σ2 | λ, y] = 1/b σ2 , taking an expectation with respect to 1/σ2 , given λ, y, we obtain > β D−1 β tr(ΣD−1 ) + ln |D| − − + const. 2b σ2 2 (c) Use Theorem A.2 to simplify the expected complete-data log-likelihood and to σ)2 for i = 1, . . . , p. Hence, deduce show that it is maximized at λi = Σii + (βi /b the following E and M steps in the EM algorithm: E-step. Given λ, update (Σ, β, b σ2 ) via the formulas (6.42). M-step. Given (Σ, β, b σ2 ), update λ via λi = Σii + (βi /b σ)2 , i = 1, . . . , p. P P 2 > > Solution: Since ln |D| = i ln λi and β D−1 β = tr(D−1 β β ) = i βi /λi , and P tr(ΣD−1 ) = i Σii /λi , we need to minimize: X (β /b σ)2 + Σii i





ln λi .


Differentiating with respect to λi and setting the derivative to zero yields −

(βi /b σ)2 + Σii 1 + = 0. λi λ2i

Solving the equation, yields λi = (βi /b σ)2 + Σii . As with the solution of 18 d), we can use the MM algorithm (d) Write Python code to compute λ∗ via the EM algorithm, and use it to select the best polynomial model in Example 2.10. A possible stopping criterion is to terminate the EM iterations when ln g(y | λt+1 ) − ln g(y | λt ) < ε for some small ε > 0, where the marginal log-likelihood is n 1 1 ln g(y | λ) = − ln(nπb σ2 ) − ln |D| + ln |Σ| + ln Γ(n/2). 2 2 2 Solution: The following function implements the EM algorithm and runs it on the data used in Exercise 18.

Chapter 6. Kernel Methods


import numpy as np; from numpy . linalg import solve from numpy . linalg import inv; from numpy import sqrt from numpy import random n =1000; p=4 X = random . randn (n*p). reshape (n,p) beta=np. array ([1 ,0 , -4 ,0]). reshape (p ,1) y= X@beta + random . randn (n). reshape (n ,1) def EMalg (X,y): n,p=X. shape ; XX=X.T@X # precompute lam= random .rand(p) # initial lambdas err =1 while err >10** -6: Dinv=np.diag (1/ lam) S=inv(Dinv+XX) [email protected]@y s2=np.sum ((y-X@b)**2)/n b=b. reshape (-1) lam_new =np.diag(S)+b**2/ s2 err=sqrt(np.sum ((lam - lam_new )**2)) lam= lam_new return lam ,b lam ,b= EMalg (X,y)

Note that the stopping criterion here is kλt+1 − λt k < 10−3 , which is an alternative to the one suggested above. Overall, the EM algorithm does not perform as well as the algorithm in Exercise 18, because it frequently fails to force any of the λi ’s to be (close to) zero. 20. In this exercise we explore how the early stopping of the gradient descent iterations (see Example B.10), xt+1 = xt − α∇ f (xt ),

t = 0, 1, . . . ,

is (approximately) equivalent to the global minimization of f (x) + 21 γkxk2 for certain values of the ridge regularization parameter γ > 0 (see Example 6.1). We illustrate the early stopping idea on the quadratic function f (x) = 21 (x − µ)> H(x − µ), where H ∈ Rn×n is a symmetric positive-definite (Hessian) matrix with eigenvalues {λk }nk=1 . (a) Verify that for a symmetric matrix A ∈ Rn such that I − A is invertible, we have I + A + · · · + At−1 = (I − At )(I − A)−1 . Solution: Multiply both sides of I + A + · · · + At−1 = (I − At )(I − A)−1 by (I − A) to obtain (I + A + · · · + At−1 )(I − A) = I − At , which is true after expansion. (b) Let H = QΛQ> be the diagonalization of H as per Theorem A.8. If x0 = 0, show that the formula for xt is xt = µ − Q(I − αΛ)t Q> µ.


Hence, deduce that a necessary condition for xt to converge is α < 2/ maxk λk . Solution: Since I + A + · · · + At−1 = (I − At )(I − A)−1 and xt+1 = xt − αH(xt − µ) = (I − αH)xt + αHµ, we have xt = (I − αH)t x0 + α(I + · · · + (I − αH)t−1 )Hµ = (I − αH)t x0 + (I − (I − αH)t )µ. Hence, initializing the gradient descent iterations from x0 = 0, we obtain xt = µ − (I − αH)t µ = µ − Q(I − αΛ)t Q> µ. The second term converges to zero provided that |1 − αλi | < 1 for all i. Hence, 0 < α < 2/ maxk λk . (c) Show that the minimizer of f (x) + 12 γkxk2 can be written as x∗ = µ − Q(I + γ−1 Λ)−1 Q> µ. Solution: The solution of the ridge regularized minimization is x∗ = (γI + H)−1 Hµ = Q(γI + Λ)−1 Q> QΛQ> µ = Q(γΛ−1 + I)−1 Q> µ = µ − Q[I − (γΛ−1 + I)−1 ]Q> µ = µ − Q(I + γ−1 Λ)−1 Q> µ. (d) For a fixed value of t, let the learning rate α ↓ 0. Using part (b) and (c), show that if γ ' 1/(t α) as α ↓ 0, then xt ' x∗ . In other words, xt is approximately equal to x∗ for small α, provided that γ is inversely proportional to t α. Solution: Let λ = mink λk be the minimum eigenvalue. For small α, the dominant component in the asymptotic expansion of (I − αΛ)t is (1 − αλ)t so that (I − αΛ)t ' (1 − αλ)t I,

α ↓ 0.

On the other hand, if γ ' (αt)−1 , then as α ↓ 0 (I + γ−1 Λ)−1 ' (I + αtΛ)−1 ' (1 − αtλ)I. Since (1 − αλ)t ' 1 − αtλ,

α ↓ 0,

we conclude that (I − αΛ)t ' (I + γ−1 Λ)−1 and hence xt ' x∗ .




Exercises 1. Let 0 6 w 6 1. Show that the solution to the convex optimization problem min

n X

p1 ,...,pn

subject to:

n−1 X



pi = w and


n X

(7.28) pi = 1,


is given by pi = w/(n − 1), i = 1, . . . , n − 1 and pn = 1 − w. Solution: The Lagrangian function is L(p1 , . . . , pn , λ, µ) =

n X



 n−1   n  X  X  + λ  pi − w + µ  pi − 1 . i=1


Differentiation with respect to pi gives 2pi + λ + µ = 0, for i = 1, . . . , n − 1. Thus p1 = · · · = pn−1 = w/(c − 1), and pn = 1 − w. 2. Derive the formulas (7.14) by minimizing the cross-entropy training loss: n

1X ln g(xi , yi | θ), n i=1

where g(x, y | θ) is such that: ln g(x, y | θ) = ln αy −

1 p 1 ln |Σy | − (x − µy )> Σ−1 ln(2π). y (x − µy ) − 2 2 2

Solution: The cross-entropy training loss can be written as # n " p 1X 1 1 > −1 ln(2π) + (xi − µyi ) Σyi (xi − µyi ) − ln αyi + ln |Σyi | . 2 n i=1 2 2 115


This is equivalent to the minimization of:   c−1  ny 1X 1 X   , −ny ln αy + ln |Σy | + (xi − µy )> Σ−1 y (xi − µy )  n y=0 2 2 i:y =y i P where ny := i 1{yi = y}. Defining Dy =: Σ−1 y , we can re-write the log-likelihood as   c−1  X X     n 1 1 y  tr Dy (xi − µy )(xi − µy )>  −ny ln αy − ln |Dy | + n y=0 2 2 i:y =y i

This log-likelihood is convex in µy and Dy , so its minimizer can be obtained by setting the gradients with respect to µy and Dy to zero. Using the results in (B.5) and (B.6), yields the equation for µy : 1 X −1 2Σ (xi − µy ) = 0. 2 i:y =y y i P P In other words, we have i:yi =y (xi − µy ) = 0, whence we obtain b µy = n1y i:yi =y xi . Using the results in Examples B.1 and B.5, the equation for Dy is ny 1X + (xi − µy )(xi − µy )> = O. − D−1 2 y 2 i:y =y i

Hence, solving for Σy = D−1 µy yields y and substituting µy with its estimate b 1 X b Σy = (xi − b µy )(xi − b µy )> . ny i:y =y i

Finally, minimizing the training loss with respect to {αy } and subject to the constraints P αy > 0 and y αy = 1, yields the solution αy = ny /n for all y. This is because minimizPc−1 P ny ny /n ation of − n1 y=0 ny ln αy is equivalent to the minimization of c−1 y=0 n ln αy , which being a Kullback–Leibler divergence is nonnegative and zero when αy = ny /n. In summary, the estimates are: ny b αy = n 1 X b µy = xi ny i:y =y i X 1 b Σy = (xi − b µy )(xi − b µy )> . ny i:y =y i

These estimates coincide with the usual maximum likelihood ones for a multivariate Gaussian model. 3. Adapt the code in Example 7.2 to plot the estimated decision boundary instead of the true one in Figure 7.3. Compare the results. Solution: We found estimates " # " # 0.0628 2.1137 µb1 = , µb2 = , 0.0348 4.0610

" # 2.0421 0.7410 and b Σ= , 0.7410 2.0111

and the estimated decision boundary is very close to the true one.

Chapter 7. Classification


4. Recall from equation (7.16) that the decision boundaries of the multi-logit classifier are linear, and that the pre-classifier can be written as a conditional pdf of the form: exp(zy+1 ) g(y | W, b, x) = Pc , i=1 exp(zi )

y ∈ {0, . . . , c − 1},

where x> = [1, e x> ] and z = We x + b. (a) Show that the linear discriminant pre-classifier in Section 7.4 can also be written as a conditional pdf of the form (θ = {αy , Σy , µy }c−1 y=0 ): exp(zy+1 ) , g(y | θ, x) = Pc i=1 exp(zi )

y ∈ {0, . . . , c − 1},

where x> = [1, e x> ] and z = We x + b. Find formulas for the corresponding b and W in terms of the linear discriminant parameters {αy , µy , Σy }c−1 y=0 , where Σy = Σ for all y. Solution: Recall that Σy = Σ and hence g(x, y) = αy × √

1 1 > −1 e− 2 (x−µy ) Σ (x−µy ) . (2π) p |Σ|

Therefore, using the discriminant function (7.13) we can write: αy e− 2 (x−µy ) Σ (x−µy ) g(x, y) P =P − 12 (x−µy )> Σ−1 (x−µy ) y g(x, y) y αy e eδy (x) = P δy (x) =: g(y | {α j , Σ j , µ j }, x), ye 1


> −1

1 δy (x) = µ>y Σ−1 x + ln αy − µ>y Σ−1 µy =: zy+1 . 2

Hence, denoting

 > −1   µ0 Σ    [u1 , . . . , u p ] :=  ...  ,  > −1  µc−1 Σ

we can write    ln α0 − 21 µ>0 Σ−1 µ0    .. b = u1 +   , .   1 > −1 ln αc−1 − 2 µc−1 Σ µc−1

W = [u2 , . . . , u p ].

(b) Explain which pre-classifier has smaller approximation error: the linear discriminant or multi-logit one? Justify your answer by proving an inequality between the two approximation errors. Solution: We observe that the approximation error for the linear discriminant preclassifier is given by the Kullback–Leibler risk: E ln

f (X, Y) f (Y | X) f (X) = E ln g(X, Y) g(Y | X)g(X) f (Y | X) f (X) = E ln + E ln . g(Y | X) g(X)

118 f (X) Since E ln g(X) is the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the marginal pdfs f (x) and g(x), it is nonnegative, see Exercise 15. Therefore,

E ln

f (X, Y) f (Y | X) 6 E ln , g(Y | X) g(X, Y)

f (Y | X) and the approximation error of the multi-logit pre-classifier, E ln g(Y , is at least as | X) small as the approximation error of the linear discriminant pre-classifier.

5. Consider a binary classification problem where the response Y takes values in {−1, 1}. Show that optimal prediction function for the hinge loss Loss(y, y0 ) = (1 − yy0 )+ := max{0, 1 − yy0 } is the same as the optimal prediction function g∗ for the indicator loss:    if P(Y = 1 | X = x) > 1/2, 1 g∗ (x) =   −1 if P(Y = 1 | X = x) < 1/2. That is, show that E (1 − Y h(X))+ > E (1 − Y g∗ (X))+


for all functions h. Solution: We have E[(1 − Yh(X))+ | X = x] =


(1 − yh(x))+ P(Y = y | X = x)


= (1 − h(x))+ α(x) + (1 + h(x))+ (1 − α(x)), where α(x) = P(Y = 1 | X = x). Evaluating the last expression at the conjectured optimal g∗ (x) = sign(2P(Y = 1 | X = x) − 1) yields 2 min{α(bx), 1 − α(x)}. Hence, we need to show that for any real h(x) and α(x) ∈ [0, 1], we have (1 − h(x))+ α(x) + (1 + h(x))+ (1 − α(x)) > 2 min{α(x), 1 − α(x)}. Suppressing the x in the notation below, we consider three possible cases. First, h > 1 yields (1 − h)+ α + (1 + h)+ (1 − α) = (1 + h)(1 − α) > 2(1 − α) > 2 min{α, 1 − α}. Second, h 6 −1 yields (1 − h)+ α + (1 + h)+ (1 − α) = (1 − h)α > 2α > 2 min{α, 1 − α}. Third, for h ∈ (−1, 1) we have (1 − h)+ α + (1 + h)+ (1 − α) = (1 − h)α + (1 + h)(1 − α) > (1 − h) min{α, 1 − α} + (1 + h) min{α, 1 − α} = 2 min{α, 1 − α}. Therefore, in all three cases, whatever h is, the lower bound holds.

Chapter 7. Classification

6. In Example 4.12, we applied a principal component analysis (PCA) to the iris data, but ignored to classify the flowers based on their feature vectors x. Implement a 1-nearest neighbor algorithm, using a training set of 50 randomly chosen data pairs (x, y) from the iris data set. How many of the remaining 100 flowers are correctly classified? Now classify these entries with an off-the-shelf multi-logit classifier, such as can be found in the statsmodels and sklearn packages. Solution: The following code implements the 1-nearest neighbor algorithm and classifies 100 randomly chosen iris features. import pandas as pd , numpy as np import numpy . linalg as lin urlprefix = 'https :// vincentarelbundock . github .io/ Rdatasets /csv/' dataname = 'datasets /iris.csv ' iris = pd. read_csv ( urlprefix + dataname ) iris = iris.drop('Unnamed : 0' ,1) Xy = pd. DataFrame . to_numpy (iris) indtrain = np.sort(np. random . permutation (150) [0:50]) #we could also select 16 or 17 from each class indtest = sorted (set( range (150) ) - set( indtrain )) Xytrain = Xy[indtrain ,:] Xtrain = Xytrain [: ,0:4] ytrain = Xytrain [: ,4] Xytest = Xy[indtest ,:] Xtest = Xytest [: ,0:4] ytest = Xytest [: ,4] def guess (x): distlist = [] for i in range (50): dist = lin.norm(x - Xtrain [i ,:]) distlist . append (dist) val , idx = min ((val , idx) for (idx , val) in enumerate ( distlist )) return ytrain [idx]

tot = 0 for i in range (100) : x = Xtest [i ,:] if guess (x) == ytest [i]: tot = tot + 1 print (tot)

Depending on the training set, we found between 93 and 98 correct predictions. For the off-the-shelf classifier we added the following code to the previous one:


120 from sklearn import linear_model mdl = linear_model . LogisticRegression ( multi_class ='multinomial ', solver ='newton -cg') fitted = , ytrain ) tot = 0 for i in range (100) : x = Xtest [i ,:]. reshape (1 , -1) if fitted . predict (x) == ytest [i]: tot = tot + 1 print (tot)

We find a similar performance to the 1-nearest neighbor classifer, with typically 93 to 98 correct predictions.

7. Figure 7.13 displays two groups of data points, given in Table 7.8. The convex hulls have also been plotted. It is possible to separate the two classes of points via a straight line. In fact, many of such lines are possible. SVM gives the best separation, in the sense that the gap (margin) between the points in maximal.

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3








Figure 7.13: Separate the points by a straight line so that the separation between the two groups is maximal.

Chapter 7. Classification


Table 7.8: Data for Figure 7.13. x1 x2 2.4524 5.5673 1.2743 0.8265 0.8773 -0.5478 1.4837 3.0464 0.0628 4.0415 -2.4151 -0.9309 1.8152 3.9202 1.8557 2.7262 -0.4239 1.8349 1.9630 0.6942

y −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 1

x1 0.5819 1.2065 2.6830 -0.0734 0.0787 0.3816 0.3386 -0.1493 1.5554 3.2031

x2 -1.0156 3.2984 0.4216 1.3457 0.6363 5.2976 0.2882 -0.7095 4.9880 4.4614

y 1 −1 1 1 1 −1 1 1 −1 −1

(a) Identify from the figure the three support vectors. Solution: Visually, we can guess the three support vectors as follows: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3








Figure 7.1: Optimal “slab” separating of the two groups and identifying the three support vectors. (b) For a separating boundary (line) given by β0 + β> x = 0, show that the margin width is 2/kβk. Solution: The two margins are P1 : {x : β0 + β> x = 1} and P−1 : {x : β0 + β> x = −1}. Clearly, these are affine planes whose normal vector is β. Take a point x on P1 . How far lies x from P−1 ? The point closest to x must be of the form x + aβ, as β is the normal vector of both planes. As this point lies in P−1 , it must satisfy β0 + β> (x + aβ) = −1.


Since β0 + β> x = 1, it follows that a = −2/β> β = −2/kβk2 . The distance between x and x + aβ is thus 2/kβk. (c) Show that the parameters β0 and β that solve the convex optimization problem (7.24) provide the maximal width between the margins. Solution: Consider the SVM problem (7.20) and substitute: {Kα}i with β> xi , β0 with α0 , and α> Kα with β> β = kβk2 . As the data are perfectly separable here, the optimal solution will have β0 + β> xi > 1 for all i. Hence, we may remove the sum in (7.20) (which is zero for the optimal solution) and add the constraints yi (β0 + x>i β) > 1, i = 1, . . . , n. The factor γ in (7.20) is now irrelevant and we may set it to 2, giving (7.24). This is in turn equivalent to max 2/kβk β,β0

yi (β0 + x>i β) > 1, i = 1, . . . , n.

subject to:

That is, in view of (b): maximize the margin width subject to the points being separated perfectly. (d) Solve (7.24) using a penalty approach; see Section B.4. In particular, minimize the penalty function S (β, β0 ) = kβk − C 2

n X

n o min (β0 + β> xi ) yi − 1, 0


for some positive penalty constant C. Solution: Below, we minimize the costfunction S using the fmin method of sciply.optimize, setting C = 10. import scipy . optimize import numpy . linalg as lin import numpy as np from numpy import genfromtxt Xy = genfromtxt ('Xy.csv ', delimiter =',') X = Xy [: ,0:2].T z = Xy [: ,2].T C = 10 def costfun (u): b0 = u[0] b = u [1:3] return lin.norm(b)**2 - C*np.sum( np. minimum (( b0 + b.T @ X)*z.T - 1, 0)) xopt = scipy . optimize .fmin(costfun , [1 ,1 ,1] , ftol = 1e -10 , maxiter = 1000) print (xopt) Optimization terminated successfully . Current function value : 1.298388 Iterations : 296

Chapter 7. Classification Function evaluations : 543 [ 2.70314925 -0.47180565 -1.03720193]

We find β0 = 2.703 and β = [−0.4718, −1.0372]> , giving a maximimal margin width of 1.7552. (e) Find the solution via sklearn’s SVC method of the dual optimization problem (7.21). Note that, as the two point sets are separable, the constraint λ 6 1 may be removed, and the value of γ can be set to 1. Solution: import numpy as np from numpy import genfromtxt from sklearn .svm import SVC Xy = genfromtxt ('Xy.csv ', delimiter =',') X = Xy [: ,0:2] y = Xy [: ,2] clf = SVC(C = 1, kernel ='linear '),y) print (" Support Vectors \n", clf. support_vectors_ ) print (" Support Vector Labels ",y[clf. support_ ]) print ("Nu",clf. dual_coef_ ) print ("Bias",clf. intercept_ ) print ("beta",clf. coef_) Support Vectors [[ 1.8557 2.7262 ] [ -0.42393 1.8349 ] [ 2.683 0.42161]] Support Vector Labels [ -1. 1. 1.] Nu [[ -0.64933185 0.32486229 0.32446956]] Bias [2.70379174] beta [[ -0.47213216 -1.03731906]]

The β0 and β found as a result of this “dual” optimization method agree with (although are not exactly the same as) the ones found via the approximate optimization method used for the “primal” problem in (d). Of course one could have used there more sophisticated methods. 8. In Example 7.6 we used the feature map φ(x) = [x1 , x2 , x12 + x22 ]> to classify the points. An easier way is to map the points into R1 via the feature map φ(x) = kxk or any monotone functon thereof. Translated back into R2 this yields a circular separating boundary. Find the radius and centre of this circle, using the fact that here the sorted norms for the two groups are . . . , 0.4889, 0.5528, . . ., Solution: The center is (0, 0) and the radius is (0.4889 + 0.5528)/2 = 0.5209. 9. Let Y ∈ {0, 1} be a response variable and let h(x) be the regression function: h(x) := E[Y | X = x] = P[Y = 1 | X = x]



Recall that the Bayes classifier is g∗ (x) = 1[h(x) > 1/2]. Let g : R 7→ {0, 1} be any other classifier function. Denote all probabilities and expectations conditional on X = x as P x [·] and E x [·]. (a) Show that irreducible error

z }| { P x [g(x) , Y] = P x [g∗ (x) , Y] +|2h(x) − 1|1[g(x),g∗ (x)] Hence, deduce that for an learner gT constructed from a training set T , we have E[P x [gT (x) , Y | T ]] = P x [g∗ (x) , Y] + |2h(x) − 1|P[gT (x) , g∗ (x)], where the first expectation and last probability operations are with respect to T . Solution: We first show that for any classifier g, we have the identity P x [g(x) , Y] − P x [g∗ (x) , Y] = |2h(x) − 1|1{g∗ (x) , g(x)}. To this end, consider the four possible cases for the value of (g∗ (x), g(x)). (1, 1) case: here P x [1 , Y] − P x [1 , Y] = 0 = |2h(x) − 1|1{1 , 1}, so that the identity is valid; (0, 0) case: here P x [0 , Y] − P x [0 , Y] = 0 = |2h(x) − 1|1{0 , 0}, so that the identity is valid; (1, 0) case: here P x [0 , Y] − P x [1 , Y] = P x [Y = 1] − P x [Y = 0] = 2P x [Y = 1] − 1 = 2h(x) − 1 = |2h(x) − 1|, since 1{2h(x) − 1 > 0} = g∗ (x) = 1; (0, 1) case: here P x [1 , Y] − P x [0 , Y] = P x [Y = 0] − P x [Y = 1] = 1 − 2P x [Y = 1] = 1 − 2h(x) = |2h(x) − 1|, since 1{2h(x) − 1 < 0} = 1 − g∗ (x) = 1. Thus, in all possible cases, the identity is valid. Therefore, replacing g(x) with gT (x) and taking expectation with respect to T yields: E[P x [gT (x) , Y | T ]] − P x [g∗ (x) , Y] = |2h(x) − 1|P[g∗ (x) , gT (x)], as required. (b) Using the previous result, deduce that for the unconditional error (that is, we no longer condition on X = x), we have P[g∗ (X) , Y] 6 P[gT (X) , Y]. Solution: Since E[P x [gT (x) , Y | T ]] − P x [g∗ (x) , Y] > 0, taking an expectation with respect to X on both sides yields P[gT (X) , Y] − P[g∗ (X) , Y] > 0. (c) Show that, if gT := 1[hT (x) > 1/2] is a classifier function such that as n ↑ ∞ d

hT (x) −→ Z ∼ N(µ(x), σ2 (x))

Chapter 7. Classification


for some mean and variance functions µ(x) and σ2 (x), respectively, then ! sign(1 − 2h(x))(2µ(x) − 1) ∗ P x [gT (x) , g (x)] −→ Φ , 2σ(x) where Φ is the cdf of a standard normal random variable. Solution: Direct enumeration of the possible values of (gTn (x), g∗ (x)) immediately confirms the identity:  1{gTn (x) , g∗ (x)} = sign(2h(x) − 1) I{hTn (x) < 1/2} − 1{g∗ (x) = 0} . Therefore, taking by taking an expectation with respect to Tn , we obtain: P x [gTn (x) , g∗ (x)] = sign(2h(x) − 1)(P x [hTn (x) < 1/2] − 1{g∗ (x) = 0}). Since as n → ∞ P x [hTn (x) < 1/2] → P[Z < 1/2] with Z ∼ N(µ(x), σ2 (x)), we can write: ! ! 1 − 2µ(x) ∗ ∗ P x [gTn (x) , g (x)] → sign(2h(x) − 1) Φ − 1{g (x) = 0} 2σ(x) ! sign(2h(x) − 1)(1 − 2µ(x)) . =Φ 2σ(x) 10. The purpose of this exercise is to derive the dual program (7.21) from the primal program (7.20). The starting point is to introduce a vector of auxiliary variables ξ := [ξ1 , . . . , ξn ]> and write the primal program as min

α,α0 ,ξ

n X i=1

γ ξi + α> Kα 2

subject to: ξ > 0, yi (α0 + {Kα}i ) > 1 − ξi , i = 1, . . . , n.


(a) Apply the Lagrangian optimization theory from Section B.2.2 to obtain the Lagrangian function L({α0 , α, ξ}, {λ, µ}), where µ and λ are the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the first and second inequality constraints, respectively. Solution: We have L({α0 , α, ξ}, {λ, µ}) =

n X i=1

n n X X γ ξi + α> Kα− µi ξi − λi (yi [α0 +{Kα}i ]−1+ξi ). (7.1) 2 i=1 i=1

(b) Show that the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (see Theorem B.2) conditions for optimizing L are: λ> y = 0 α = y λ/γ 06λ61 (1 − λ) ξ = 0, λi (yi g(xi ) − 1 + ξi ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n ξ > 0, yi g(xi ) − 1 + ξi > 0, i = 1, . . . , n.



Here stands for componentwise multiplication; e.g., y λ = [y1 λ1 , . . . , yn λn ]> , and we have abbreviated α0 + {Kα}i to g(xi ), in view of (7.19). [Hint: one of the KKT conditions is λ = 1 − µ; thus we can eliminate µ.] Solution: The Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions for optimizing L are: λ> y = 0, (∂L/∂α0 = 0) γKα − K(y λ) = 0, (∂L/∂α = 0) 1 − µ − λ = 0, (∂L/∂ξ = 0) λ > 0, µ > 0 µ ξ = 0, λi (yi g(xi ) − 1 + ξi ) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n ξ > 0, yi g(xi ) − 1 + ξi > 0, i = 1, . . . , n. We can eliminate µ from these KKT conditions by observing that λ = 1 − µ, where 0 6 λ 6 1. Simplifying the KKT conditions further, we find (7.31). (c) Using the KKT conditions (7.31), reduce the Lagrange dual function L∗ (λ) := minα0 ,α,ξ L({α0 , α, ξ}, {λ, 1 − λ}) to L (λ) = ∗

n X i=1



1 XX λi − λi λ j yi y j κ(xi , x j ). 2γ i=1 j=1


Solution: The fourth term in (7.1) is 0 because λi (yi h(xi ) − 1 + ξi ) = 0 for all i. The first and P third term of (7.1) combine to i λi ξi . By the same equality, n X i=1

λi ξ =

n X

λi −


n X

λi yi (α0 + {Kα}i ) =


n X i=1

λi −

n X

λi yi {Kα}i =


n X

λi − γα> Kα,


where we have used the facts that λ> y = 0 and α = y λ/γ. Adding this to the remaining second term in (7.1) gives n X i=1


X γ λi − λi − α> Kα = 2 i=1 n X = λi − i=1

γ 1 1 [y λ/γ]> K[y λ/γ] 2 γ γ 1 X λi λ j yi y j κ(xi , x j ). 2γ i, j

(d) As a consequence of (7.19) and (a)–(c), show that the optimal prediction function gτ is given by n 1X gτ (x) = α0 + yi λi κ(xi , x), (7.33) γ i=1 where λ is the solution to max L∗ (λ) λ

subject to: λ> y = 0, 0 6 λ 6 1,


Chapter 7. Classification

and α0 = y j −

1 γ

i=1 yi λi



κ(xi , x j ) for any j such that λ j ∈ (0, 1).

Solution: Equation (7.19) gives the general form of g(x). By KKT condition 2 in (7.31) we have αi = yi λi /γ for all i. By strong duality (see Section B.2.3) the optimal λ for the dual program maxλ L∗ (λ) satisfies the KKT conditions, and so in addition to λ > 0, it must hold that λ> y = 0 (KKT condition 1) and λ 6 1 (KKT condition 3), leading to the required optimization program. That α0 is as stated follows from KKT condition 4. Namely, if λ j ∈ (0, 1), then ξ j = 0 and y j g(x j ) = 1 or, equivalently g(x j ) = y j ; that is, n

α0 +

1X yi λi κ(xi , x j ) = y j . γ i=1

11. Consider SVM classification as illustrated in Figure 7.7. The goal of this exercise is to classify the training points {(xi , yi )} based on the value of the multipliers {λi } in Exercise 10. Let ξi be the auxilliary variable in Exercise 10, i = 1, . . . , n. (a) For λi ∈ (0, 1) show that (xi , yi ) lies exactly on the decision border. Solution: From KKT condition 4 in (7.31) we have ξi = 0 and hence gτ (xi ) = yi ; so (xi , yi ) lies exactly on the decision border. (b) For λi = 1, show that (xi , yi ) lies strictly inside the margins. Solution: By KKT conditions 4 and 5, we must have yi g(xi ) 6 1 so these points, which are also support vectors, lie inside the margins. (c) Show that for λi = 0 the point (xi , yi ) lies outside the margins and is correctly classified. Solution: In this case ξi = 0, which implies yi gτ (xi ) > 1 by KKT condition 5, so the point is correctly classified and lies outside the margins.

12. A famous data set is the MNIST handwritten digit database, containing many thousands of digitalized numbers (from 0 to 9), each described by a 28 × 28 matrix of gray scales. A similar but much smaller data set is described in [63]. Here, each handwritten digit is summarized by a 8 × 8 matrix with integer entries from 0 (white) to 15 (black). Figure 7.14 shows the first 50 digitized images. The data set can be accessed with Python using the sklearn package as follows. from sklearn import datasets digits = datasets . load_digits () x_digits = digits .data # explanatory variables y_digits = digits . target # responses


Figure 7.14: Classify the digitized images. (a) Divide the data into a 75% training set and 25% test set. Solution: The following code reads the data and divides it into a 75% training set and 25% test set. It also imports sklearn methods that will be needed later on, and produces a plot of the first 50 images. from sklearn import datasets , neighbors , metrics , naive_bayes , model_selection , linear_model import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt digits = datasets . load_digits ()

#load data

x_digits = digits .data # features y_digits = digits . target # responses #Each feature is an 8x8 image of a digit , so a vector of dim 64 size = len( x_digits ) x_train , x_test , y_train , y_test = model_selection . train_test_split (x_digits , y_digits , test_size =.25) # How Figure 7.14 was made for i in range (5): for j in range (10): plt. subplot (5 ,10 ,i*10 + j+1, xticks =[] , yticks =[]) plt. imshow (np. reshape ( x_digits [i*10+j ,:] ,(8 ,8)),cmap=' gray_r ') ()

(b) Compare the effectiveness of the K-nearest neighbors and naive Bayes method to

Chapter 7. Classification


classify the data. Solution: The following code needs to be appending to the code above. # K neighbours with the best parameter K=3 kn = neighbors . KNeighborsClassifier ( n_neighbors =3) knfit = , y_train ) y_pred = knfit . predict ( x_test ) # metrics classification print ( metrics . classification_report (y_test , y_pred )) # confusion matrix print ( metrics . confusion_matrix (y_test , y_pred )) # Naive Bayes print (" Bayes ") NB = naive_bayes . GaussianNB () NBfit , y_train ) y_pred_nb = NBfit . predict ( x_test ) print ( metrics . classification_report (y_test , y_pred_nb )) print ( metrics . confusion_matrix (y_test , y_pred_nb )) precision


f1 - score


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.95

1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98

43 43 48 49 45 41 53 45 39 44

micro avg macro avg weighted avg

0.99 0.99 0.99

0.99 0.99 0.99

0.99 0.99 0.99

450 450 450

[[43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0] [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0] [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 42]] Bayes precision recall

f1 - score


1.00 0.83 0.78 0.84

43 43 48 49

0 1 2 3

1.00 0.85 0.87 0.93

1.00 0.81 0.71 0.78

130 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.95 0.90 1.00 0.87 0.53 0.94

0.91 0.90 0.98 1.00 0.90 0.68

0.93 0.90 0.99 0.93 0.67 0.79

45 41 53 45 39 44

micro avg macro avg weighted avg

0.87 0.88 0.89

0.87 0.87 0.87

0.87 0.87 0.87

450 450 450

[[43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 35 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 2] [ 0 0 34 1 1 0 0 0 12 0] [ 0 0 1 38 0 1 0 0 9 0] [ 0 1 0 0 41 0 0 2 1 0] [ 0 0 0 1 0 37 0 0 3 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 1 52 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0] [ 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 35 0] [ 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 5 2 30]]

We see that the 3-nearest neighbor classifier works better than the Bayes classifier. The latter has particular problems with the digits 8 and 9. (c) Assess which K to use in the K-nearest neigbor classification. Solution: Which K best predicts the test responses depends highly on on training/test split. The best K can range from 1 to 9, but the general trend is that a large K decreases the test performance. Prepend the following Python code to the previous ones. kmax = 30 def find_max_kn ():# comparison of nearest neighbours . Which is the best k ? best , rank , score_List = 0, 0, [] # initialization for K in range (1, kmax): kn = neighbors . KNeighborsClassifier ( n_neighbors =K) score_List . append ( , y_train ). score (x_test , y_test )) if score_List [ -1] > best: best , rank = score_List [-1], K # print ('K: %d KNN score : %f' % (K, score_List [ -1])) return best , rank , score_List best , rank , score_List = find_max_kn () print ('the best score is %f for rank %d' %( best , rank)) plt. figure () K_List = list( range (1, kmax)) plt.plot(K_List , score_List ) plt. title ('score of the K neighbours classification as function of K') plt. xlabel ('K') plt. ylabel ('score ')

Chapter 7. Classification


the best score is 0.991111 for rank 6

score of the K neighbours classification as function of K 0.995


0.990 0.985 0.980 0.975




15 K




Figure 7.14: The optimal K is here 6, but this depends on the training/test split used. 13. Download the winequality-red.csv dataset from https://archive.ics.uci. edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/wine-quality. The response here is the wine quality (from 0 to 10) as specified by a wine “expert” and the explanory variables are various characteristics such as acidity and sugar content. Use the SVC classifier of sklearn.svm with a linear kernel and penalty parameter C = 1 (see Remark 7.2) to fit the data. Use the method cross_val_score from sklearn.model_selection to obtain a 5-fold cross-validation score as an estimate of the probability that the predicted class matches the expert’s class. Solution: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn . model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn import svm df = pd. read_csv ('winequality -red.csv ', sep=';') y = df. quality X = df.drop ([" quality "],axis =1) np. random .seed (12345) clf = svm.SVC( kernel ='linear ', C=1) scores = cross_val_score (clf , X, y, cv =5) print ("CV score = ",np.mean( scores )) CV score =


14. Consider the credit approval dataset from http://archive.ics.uci. edu/ml/datasets/credit+approval. The dataset is concerned with credit card applications. The last column in the data set indicates whether the application is approved (+)


or not (−). With the view of preserving data privacy, all 15 explanatory variables were anonymized. Note that some explanatory variables are continuous and some are categorical. (a) Load and prepare the data for analysis with sklearn. First, eliminate data rows with missing values. Next,encode categorical explanatory variables using a OneHotEncoder object from sklearn.preprocessing to create a model matrix X with indicator variables for the categorical variables, as described in Section 5.3.5. (b) The model matrix should contain 653 rows and 46 columns. The response variable should be a 0/1 variable (reject/approve). We will consider several classification algorithms and test their performance (using a zero-one loss) via 10-fold cross validation. i. Write a function which takes 3 parameters: X, y, and a model, and returns the 10-fold cross-validation estimate of the expected generalization risk. ii. Consider the following sklearn classifiers: KNeighborsClassifier (k = 5), LogisticRegression, and MPLClassifier (multilayer perceptron). Use the function from (i) to identify the best performing classifier. Solution: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn . preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn . model_selection import KFold from sklearn . metrics import zero_one_loss from sklearn . neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn . neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn . linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn . compose import make_column_transformer def CrossValidate (X,y, model ): kf = KFold ( n_splits =10 , random_state =0) kf. get_n_splits (X) zer_one_err = [] for train_index , test_index in kf. split (X): X_train , X_test = X[ train_index ,:] , X[ test_index ,:] y_train , y_test = y[ train_index ], y[ test_index ] # fit the model model .fit(X_train , y_train ) # predict y_pred = model . predict ( X_test ) loss = zero_one_loss (y_test , y_pred ) zer_one_err . append (loss) return np.mean( zer_one_err ) np. random .seed (0) df = pd. read_csv ("") df. dtypes

Chapter 7. Classification

for cname in df. columns : if(df[ cname ]. dtype == 'object '): df[df[ cname ]=="?"] = np.nan df = df. dropna () numerical_vars = ['A2 ','A3 ','A8','A11 ','A14 ','A15 '] for var in numerical_vars : df[var] = df[var ]. astype ('float64 ') categorical_vars = ['A1','A4','A5 ','A6 ','A7','A9','A10 ','A12 ',' A13 '] response_var = ['A16 '] for var in categorical_vars : df[var] = df[var ]. astype ('category ') df[ response_var [0]] = df[ response_var [0]]. astype ('category ') y = df.A16 X = df.drop (["A16"],axis =1) preprocess = make_column_transformer (( OneHotEncoder () , categorical_vars )) X = np. concatenate (( df[ numerical_vars ]. values , preprocess . fit_transform (X). toarray ()),axis =1) y = codes . values

model = MLPClassifier () err = CrossValidate (X,y, model ) print (" MLPClassifier cross validation loss = ", np.mean(err)) model = KNeighborsClassifier ( n_neighbors =5) err = CrossValidate (X,y, model ) print ("KNN classifier cross validation loss = ", np.mean(err)) model = LogisticRegression ( solver =" lbfgs ",max_iter =100000) err = CrossValidate (X,y, model ) print (" Logistic regression cross validation loss = ", err) MLPClassifier cross validation loss = 0.1943822843822844 KNN classifier cross validation loss = 0.3535198135198135 Logistic regression cross validation loss = 0.16018648018648016

15. Consider a synthetic dataset that was generated in the following fashion. The explanatory variable follows a standard normal distribution. The response label is 0 if the explanatory variable is between the 0.95 and 0.05 quantiles of the standard normal distribution, and 1, otherwise. The dataset was generated using the following code. import numpy as np import scipy . stats # generate data



np. random .seed (12345) N = 100 X = np. random . randn (N) q = scipy . stats .norm.ppf (0.95) y = np. zeros (N) y[X >=q] = 1 y[X0): node.left = TNode (node. depth +1,Xt ,yt , lossType ) Construct_Subtree (node.left , max_depth , lossType ) if(len(yf) >0): node. right = TNode (node. depth +1, Xf ,yf , lossType ) Construct_Subtree (node.right , max_depth , lossType ) return node # split the data -set def DataSplit (X,y,j,xi): ids = X[:,j]t xi )]2

ω>t xi

#2 yi − S t (ω>t xi ) > − xi ω . + S t0 (ω>t xi )

Hence, we obtain the iterative reweighted least squares.

3. Suppose that in the stochastic gradient descent method we wish to repeatedly draw minibatches of size N from τn , where we assume that N × m = n for some large integer m. Instead of repeatedly resampling from τn , an alternative is to reshuffle τn via a random permutation Π and then advance sequentially through the reshuffled training set to construct m non-overlapping minibatches. A single traversal of such a reshuffled training set is called an epoch. The following pseudo-code describes the procedure.

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


Algorithm 9.5.1: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Reshuffling input: Training set τn = {(xi , yi )}ni=1 , initial weight matrices and bias vectors L L {Wl , bl }l=1 → θ1 , activation functions {Sl }l=1 , learning rates {α1 , α2 , . . .}. output: The parameters of the trained learner. 1 t ← 1 and epoch ← 0 2 while stopping condition is not met do iid 3 Draw U1 , . . . , Un ∼ U(0, 1). 4 Let Π be the permutation of {1, . . . , n} that satisfies UΠ1 < · · · < UΠn . 5 (xi , yi ) ← (xΠi , yΠi ) for i = 1, . . . , n // reshuffle τn 6 for j = 1, . . . , m do P jN b 7 `τ ← N1 i=( j−1)N+1 Loss(yi , g(xi | θ)) 8 9 10 11

θt+1 ← θt − αt ∂∂θ`τ (θt ) t ←t+1 b

epoch ← epoch + 1

// number of reshuffles or epochs

return θt as the minimizer of the training loss

Write Python code that implements the stochastic gradient descent with data reshuffling, and use it to train the neural net in Section 9.5.1. Solution: The following code implements the stochastic gradient descent with data reshuffling. Note that the code uses np.random.permutation(n) to simulate a random permutation. import numpy as np import matplotlib . pyplot as plt #%% # import data data = np. genfromtxt ('polyreg .csv ',delimiter =',') X = data [: ,0]. reshape ( -1 ,1) y = data [: ,1]. reshape ( -1 ,1) # Network setup p = [X. shape [1] ,20 ,20 ,1] # size of layers L = len(p) -1 # number of layers #%% def initialize (p, w_sig = 1): W, b = [[]]* len(p), [[]]* len(p) for l in range (1, len(p)): W[l]= w_sig * np. random . randn (p[l], p[l -1]) b[l]= w_sig * np. random . randn (p[l], 1) return W,b W,b = initialize (p) # initialize weight matrices and bias vectors #%% def RELU(z,l): # RELU activation function : value and derivative if l == L: return z, np. ones_like (z) else: val = np. maximum (0,z) # RELU function element -wise J = np. array (z>0, dtype = float ) # derivative of RELU element -wise


return val , J def loss_fn (y,g): return (g - y)**2 , 2 * (g - y) S=RELU #%% def feedforward (x,W,b): a, z, gr_S = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) a[0] = x. reshape ( -1 ,1) for l in range (1,L+1): z[l] = W[l] @ a[l -1] + b[l] # affine transformation a[l], gr_S[l] = S(z[l],l) # activation function return a, z, gr_S #%% def backward (W,b,X,y): n =len(y) delta = [0]*( L+1) dC_db , dC_dW = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) loss =0 for i in range (n): # loop over training examples a, z, gr_S = feedforward (X[i ,:].T, W, b) cost , gr_C = loss_fn (y[i], a[L]) # cost i and gradient wrt g loss += cost/n delta [L] = gr_S[L] @ gr_C for l in range (L ,0 , -1): # l = L ,... ,1 dCi_dbl = delta [l] dCi_dWl = delta [l] @ a[l -1].T # ---- sum up over samples ---dC_db [l] = dC_db [l] + dCi_dbl /n dC_dW [l] = dC_dW [l] + dCi_dWl /n # ----------------------------delta [l -1] = gr_S[l -1] * W[l].T @ delta [l] return dC_dW , dC_db , loss #%% def list2vec (W,b): # converts list of weight matrices and bias vectors into # one column vector b_stack = np. vstack ([b[i] for i in range (1, len(b))] ) W_stack = np. vstack (W[i]. flatten (). reshape ( -1 ,1) for i in range (1, len(W))) vec = np. vstack ([ b_stack , W_stack ]) return vec #%% def vec2list (vec , p): # converts vector to weight matrices and bias vectors W, b = [[]]* len(p) ,[[]]* len(p) p_count = 0 for l in range (1, len(p)): # construct bias vectors b[l] = vec[ p_count :( p_count +p[l]) ]. reshape ( -1 ,1) p_count = p_count + p[l] for l in range (1, len(p)): # construct weight matrices W[l] = vec[ p_count :( p_count + p[l]*p[l -1]) ]. reshape (p[l ], p[

Chapter 9. Deep Learning

l -1]) p_count = p_count + (p[l]*p[l -1]) return W, b #%% batch_size = 20 lr = 0.005 beta = list2vec (W,b) loss_arr = [] n = len(X) num_epochs = 1000 print (" epoch | batch loss") print (" ----------------------------") for epoch in range (1, num_epochs +1): perm=np. random . permutation (n) for j in range (1, int(n/ batch_size )): batch_idx = range ((j -1)* batch_size ,j* batch_size ) batch_idx =perm[ batch_idx ] batch_X = X[ batch_idx ]. reshape ( -1 ,1) batch_y =y[ batch_idx ]. reshape ( -1 ,1) dC_dW , dC_db , loss = backward (W,b, batch_X ,batch_y ) d_beta = list2vec ( dC_dW ,dC_db ) loss_arr . append (loss. flatten () [0]) if( epoch ==1 or np.mod( epoch ,1000) ==0): print ( epoch ,": ",loss. flatten () [0]) beta = beta - lr* d_beta W,b = vec2list (beta ,p) # calculate the loss of the entire training set dC_dW , dC_db , loss = backward (W,b,X,y) print (" entire training set loss = ",loss. flatten () [0]) xx = np. arange (0 ,1 ,0.01) y_preds = np. zeros_like (xx) for i in range (len(xx)): a, _, _ = feedforward (xx[i],W,b) y_preds [i], = a[L] plt.plot(X,y, 'r.', markersize = 4, label = 'y') plt.plot(np. array (xx), y_preds , 'b',label = 'fit ') plt. legend () plt. xlabel ('x') plt. ylabel ('y') () plt.plot(np. array ( loss_arr ), 'b') plt. xlabel ('iteration ') plt. ylabel ('Training Loss ') ()

4. Denote the pdf of the N(0, Σ) distribution by ϕΣ (·), and let Z ϕΣ (x − µ0 ) D(µ0 , Σ0 | µ1 , Σ1 ) = ϕΣ0 (x − µ0 ) ln 0 dx ϕΣ1 (x − µ1 ) Rd be the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the densities of the N(µ0 , Σ0 ) and N(µ1 , Σ1 ) distributions on Rd . Show that −1 > −1 2D(µ0 , Σ0 | µ1 , Σ1 ) = tr(Σ−1 1 Σ0 ) − ln |Σ1 Σ0 | + (µ1 − µ0 ) Σ1 (µ1 − µ0 ) − d.



Hence, deduce the formula in (B.22). Solution: First, we can write 2 ln

ϕΣ0 (x − µ1 ) |Σ0 | > −1 = (x − µ1 )> Σ−1 . 1 (x − µ1 ) − (x − µ0 ) Σ0 (x − µ0 ) − ln ϕΣ1 (x − µ0 ) |Σ1 |

Therefore, with X ∼ N(µ0 , Σ0 ) and repeated application of Theorem C.2, we can write ϕΣ (X − µ1 ) |Σ0 | −1 −1 2 E ln 0 = (µ0 − µ1 )> Σ−1 1 (µ0 − µ1 ) + tr(Σ0 Σ1 ) − 0 − tr(Σ0 Σ0 ) − ln ϕΣ1 (X − µ0 ) |Σ1 | |Σ0 | −1 Since tr(Σ0 Σ−1 1 ) = tr(Id ) = d and ln |Σ1 | = ln |Σ0 Σ1 |, we obtain: −1 −1 2D(µ0 , Σ0 | µ1 , Σ1 ) = (µ1 − µ0 )> Σ−1 1 (µ1 − µ0 ) + tr(Σ1 Σ0 ) − d − ln |Σ1 Σ0 |.

5. Suppose that we wish to compute the inverse and log-determinant of the matrix In + UU> , where U is an n × h matrix with h  n. Show that (In + UU> )−1 = In − Qn Q>n , where Qn contains the first n rows of the (n + h) × h matrix Q in the QR factorization of the (n + h) × h matrix: " # U = QR. Ih P In addition, show that ln |In + UU> | = hi=1 ln rii2 , where {rii } are the diagonal elements of the h × h matrix R. Solution: First note that h i "U# > U Ih = (QR)> QR. Ih Therefore, Ih + U> U = R> R and |R|2 = |Ih + U> U|. Hence, from the Woodbery determinant identity (A.16), we conclude that 2 ln |R| = ln |Ih + U> U| = ln |In + UU> |. From the Woodbery matrix identity (A.15) we also have (In + UU> )−1 = In − U(Ih + U> U)−1 U> . Since U = Qn R, we have U(Ih + U> U)−1 U> = Qn R(R> R)−1 R> Q>n = Qn RR−1 R−> R> Q>n = Qn Q>n , whence we deduce the desired result.

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


6. Suppose that U = [u0 , u1 , . . . , uh−1 ], where all u ∈ Rn are column vectors and we have computed (In + UU> )−1 via the QR factorization method in Exercise 5. If the columns of matrix U are updated to [u1 , . . . , uh−1 , uh ], show that the inverse (In + UU> )−1 can be updated in O(h n) time (rather than computed from scratch in O(h2 n) time). Deduce that the computing cost of updating the Hessian approximation (9.10) is the same as that for the limited-memory BFGS Algorithm 9.4.3. In your solution you may use the following facts. Suppose we are given the Q and R factors in the QR factorization of a matrix A ∈ Rn×h . If a row/column is added to matrix A, then the Q and R factors need not be recomputed from scratch (in O(h2 n) time), but can be updated efficiently in O(h n) time. Similarly, if a row/column is removed from matrix A, then the Q and R factors can be updated in O(h2 ) time. Solution: For simplicity, we illustrate the sequence of computations necessary for the efficient updating of (In + UU> )−1 = In − Qn Q>n in the special case of h = 3. In other words, starting with the existing Q and R factors in the QR decomposition of   u0 u1 u2   1 0 0   , U =   0 1 0   0 0 1 we need to update the values of Q and R so that their product equals:   u1 u2 u3   1 0 0   . Unew :=   0 1 0  0 0 1 To achieve this, we update the Q and R factors twice: first after removing the first column of U, and a second time following a removal of the (n + 1)-st row:       u1 u2  u0 u1 u2   1 0 0  remove column  0 0  remove row u1 u2   1 0  .    −→ U =    1 0  −→   0 1 0    0 1 0 1 0 0 1 For an arbitrary h, this removal of one column and one row takes O(h2 ) time. Finally, we update the latest values of the Q and R factors after adding a column and a row:       u1 u2 u3  u1 u2  u1 u2 u3      add column   add row  1 0 0  1 0 1 0 0 −→ −→       0 1 0  = Unew .   0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1


For an arbitrary h, the updating of the QR factors after the addition of one column and one row takes O(h n + h2 ) time. Therefore, for an arbitrary h  n the inverse (In + UU> )−1 can be updated to (In + Unew U>new )−1 in O(h n) time. e 7. Suppose that U ∈ Rn×h has its k-th column v replaced with w, giving the updated U. (a) If e ∈ Rh denotes the unit-length vector such that ek = kek = 1 and √ √ √ 2 > 2 kw − vk2 2 U (w − v) + e± e, r± := 2 4 2 show that e> U e = U> U + r+ r>+ − r− r>− . U [Hint: You may find Exercise 16 in Chapter 6 useful.] Solution: We have e = U + (w − v)e. U Set

kw − vk2 u. 2 Then, in Exercise 16 part a), we showed that δ = U> (w − v) +

> > e> U e = U> U + (δ + e)(δ + e) − (δ − e)(δ − e) . U 2 2

Hence, the result follows by recognizing that √ √ 2 2 (δ + e), r− = (δ − e). r+ = 2 2 (b) Let B := (Ih + U> U)−1 . Use the Woodbury identity (A.15) to show that   e> . eU e> )−1 = In − U e B−1 + r+ r>+ − r− r>− −1 U (In + U Solution: Applying the identity (A.15), we have eU e> )−1 = In − U(I e h+U e> U) e −1 U e> (In + U e> e h + U> U + r+ r>+ − r− r>− )−1 U = In − U(I e −1 + r+ r>+ − r− r>− )−1 U e> . = In − U(B (c) Suppose that we have stored B in computer memory. Use Algorithm 6.8.1 and eU e> )−1 parts (a) and (b) to write pseudo-code that updates (In + UU> )−1 to (In + U in O((n + h)h) computing time. Solution: Let C := (B−1 + r+ r>+ )−1 = B −

Br+ r>+ B , 1 + r+ Br>+

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


then (B−1 + r+ r>+ − r− r>− )−1 = C +

Cr− r>− C . 1 − r− Cr>−

This suggests the following pseudo-code for updating (In + UU> )−1 to (In + eU e> )−1 in O((n + h)h) computing time.. U Algorithm 6.8.1: Updating via Sherman–Morrison Formula input: Matrices U and B = (In + UU> )−1 , index k, and replacement w for the k-th column v of U. e and (In + U eU e> )−1 . output: Updated matrices U h 1 Set e ∈ R to be the unit-length vector such that ek = kek = 1. √


Set r± ←





5 6

2 > U (w − 2 Br+ r>+ B 1 + r>+ Br+ Br− r>− B 1 − r>− Br−

v) +

2 kw−vk2 e 4


2 e. 2

e ← U + (w − v)e. U e B return U,

8. Equation (9.7) gives the rank-two BFGS update of the inverse Hessian Ct to Ct+1 . Instead, of using a two-rank update, we can consider a one-rank update, in which Ct is updated to Ct+1 by the general rank-one formula: Ct+1 = Ct + υt rt r>t Find values for the scalar υt and vector rt , such that Ct+1 satisfies the secant condition Ct+1 1t = δt . Solution: Substituting into the secant condition, the scalar υt and vector rt must satisfy Ct 1t + υt rt (r>t 1t ) = δt . Hence, we can see that rt = γt (δt − Ct 1t ) for some constant γt , 0 that satisfies υt γt2 (δt − Ct 1t )> 1t = 1. It follows that Ct + υt rt r>t = Ct + υt γt2 (δt − Ct 1t )(δt − Ct 1t )> (δt − Ct 1t )(δt − Ct 1t )> . = Ct + (δt − Ct 1t )> 1t > Hence, one possibility is rt = δt − Ct 1t and υ−1 t = (δt − Ct 1t ) 1t .


9. Show that the BFGS formula (B.23) can be written as:  >   C ← I − υ1δ> C I − υ1δ> + υδδ> , where υ := (1> δ)−1 . Solution: Proceeding with a direct expansion, we obtain:  >    >   I − υ1δ> C I − υ1δ> + υδδ> = I − υ1δ> C − υC1δ> + υδδ>   = C − υC1δ> − υδ1> C − υ2 δ1> C1δ> + υδδ>     = C + υ + υ2 1> C1 δδ> − υ C1δ> + δ1> C , which is in agreement with (B.23). 10. Show that the BFGS formula (B.23) is the solution to the constrained optimization problem: CBFGS = argmin D(0, C | 0, A), A subject to A1 = δ, A = A>

where D is the Kullback-Leibler distance defined in (B.22). On the other hand, show that the DPF formula (B.24) is the solution to the constrained optimization problem: CDFP =


D(0, A | 0, C).

A subject to A1 = δ, A = A>

Solution: Incorporating the secant condition (B.21) and ignoring any constants gives the Lagrangian L(C, λ) :=

 1 tr(C−1 H−1 ) + ln |C| + λ> (C1 − δ). 2

Since C is constrained to be symmetric, this can be rewritten as L(C, λ) =

 1 1 tr(C−1 H−1 ) + ln |C| + (λ> C1 + 1> Cλ) − λ> δ. 2 2

With this modification of the Lagrangian, there will be no need to enforce the symmetry constraint explicitly. Differentiating with respect to C yields: 2 so that

∂L ∂X

∂L = −C−1 H−1 C−1 + C−1 + λ1> + 1λ> , ∂C

= 0 and the secant condition (B.21) imply that H−1 = C + C(λ1> + 1λ> )C = C + Cλδ> + δλ> C.

Applying the constraint (B.21) two more times yields the identities: H−1 1 = δ + Cλ(δ> 1) + δ(λ> δ), 1> H−1 1 = 1> δ + (δ> λ)(δ> 1) + (1> δ)(λ> δ).

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


Solving the last identity for λ> δ yields λ> δ =

1> H−1 1 − 1> δ . 21> δ


1> H−1 1 + 1> δ 1 −1 H 1 − δ. 1> δ 2(1> δ)2 It follows that, after elimination of Cλ and (Cλ)> , we obtain: Cλ =

C = H−1 − Cλδ> − δλ> C = H−1 +

1> δ + 1> H−1 1 > 1 δδ − > (δ1> H−1 + H−1 1δ> ). > 2 (1 δ) 1 δ

We have thus obtained the BFGS formula (B.23). For the DFP formula the Lagrangian is defined as L(C, λ) =

1 1 (tr(CH) − ln |C|) + (λ> C1 + 1> Cλ) − λ> δ. 2 2

Therefore, the solution of ∂L/∂C is: C−1 = H + λ1> + 1λ> . Using the secant condition yields the identities: 1 = Hδ + λ(1> δ) + 1(λ> δ), δ> 1 = δ> Hδ + (δ> λ)(1> δ) + (δ> 1)(λ> δ). The solution is λ> δ = (δ> 1 − δ> Hδ)/(2 δ> 1) and λ=

1 δ> 1 + δ> Hδ 1 − > Hδ. > 2 2(δ 1) δ 1

Therefore eliminating λ yields: C


δ> 1 + δ> Hδ > 1 =H+ 11 − > (Hδ1> + 1δ> H). > 2 (δ 1) δ 1

Application of the Woodbury matrix identity to the right-hand side of the identity above gives the formula:  #−1 " #−1 h i"   δ> 1 0 1>  C = H − 1 + Hδ, 1 > > > > > 3δ 1 + δ Hδ δ 1 1 +δ H  #−1 " # h i " 1> H−1 1 1> H−1 1 1> H−1 −1 −1 −1 = H − H 1 + δ, H 1 > −1 1 H 1 − δ> 1 1> H−1 1 1> H−1 + δ>  " # > −1 i  1 −1 1 h −1 1 H −1 −1   = H − > H 1 + δ, H 1  δ> 1 > − 1 1  1> H−1 + δ δ 1 1> H−1 1 = H−1 +

δδ> H−1 11> H−1 − . 1> δ 1> H−1 1

We have thus derived the updating formula (B.24).


11. Consider again the multi-logit regression model in Exercise 5.18, which used the iterative reweighted least squares for training the learner. Repeat all the computations, but this time using the limited-memory BFGS Algorithm 9.4.4. Which training algorithm converges faster to the optimal solution? Solution: We used the following Python code to implement both methods. import numpy as np; from numpy . linalg import solve from numpy import sqrt; from numpy import random np. random .seed (123) n =2000; p=4 X = random . randn (n*p). reshape (n,p) beta1 =np. array ([1 ,0 , -4 ,0]). reshape (p ,1) y =1/(1+ np.exp(- X@beta1 )); y=y< random .rand(n). reshape (n ,1); y = y*1 # simulated data #%% IRLS def IRLS(X,y,b): n,p=X. shape err =1; count =1; while err >10** -6: mu =1/(1+ np.exp(-X@b)) D=np.diag (( mu *(1 - mu)). reshape ( -1)) yt=X@b+np. linalg .inv(D)@(y-mu) b_new = solve (X.T@D@X ,( D@X).T@yt) err=np. linalg .norm(b- b_new ) b= b_new count = count +1 return b, count #%% training loss def f(theta ,X,y): n,p=X. shape mu =1/(1+ np.exp(- X@theta )) loss =(1 -y)*( X@theta )+np.log (1+ np.exp(- X@theta )) loss=np. array ([ np.sum(loss)/n]) # loss u=X.T@(mu -y)/n # gradient return u, loss #%% LM -BFGS def LmBfgs (u,g,dell): t = len(dell); q=u upsilon =np. zeros ((t ,1)); tau=np. zeros ((t ,1)) for i in range (t-1, -1, -1): upsilon [i]= dell[i].T @ g[i] upsilon [i]=1/ upsilon [i] tau[i]= dell[i].T @ q q=q- upsilon [i]* tau[i]*g[i] for i in range (t): q=q+ upsilon [i]*( tau[i]-(g[i].T @ q)) return q

* dell[i]

Chapter 9. Deep Learning

#%% BFGS def Bfgs(f,beta ,X,y): x = beta; n = len(x) h = 15 # length of LM -BFGS history delHist =[]; gHist =[] # BGFS history of updates x_best =x; f_best =np.inf grad=np. zeros ((n ,1)); dell=np.ones ((n ,1))*.1 print (" iteration : loss") for t in range (140) : grad_new , fval = f(x,X,y) if (fval < f_best ): f_best =fval x_best =x g=grad_new -grad; gHist . append (g) delHist . append (dell) if (len( gHist )>h): gHist .pop (0); delHist .pop (0) d = -LmBfgs (grad_new ,gHist , delHist ) alpha =10; u_t , loss = f(x+ alpha *d,X,y) tmp = (fval +10** -4*( alpha *d.T @ grad_new )) [0][0] while (loss >tmp): u_t , loss = f(x+ alpha *d,X,y) tmp = (fval +10** -4* alpha *d.T @ grad_new ) [0][0] alpha = alpha /1.5; dell= alpha *d; xnew=x+dell; x=xnew; grad= grad_new err=np. linalg .norm(grad) print (t,": ",fval) if (err 0, dtype element -wise return val , J

value and derivative # if last layer return identity RELU function element -wise = float ) # derivative of RELU

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


#%% def SOFTMAX (X): exps = np.exp(X - np.max(X)) return exps / np.sum(exps), None #%% def loss_fn (y,g): y_truth = np. zeros (len(g)) y_truth [y] = 1 return -y_truth @ np. log1p (g)

#%% def feedforward (x,W,b): x = x. reshape ( -1 ,1) a, z, gr_S = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) a, z = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) a[0] = x l = 1 for l in range (1,L+1): z[l] = W[l] @ a[l -1] + b[l] # affine transformation a[l],gr_S[l] = S(z[l],l) # activation function return a, z, gr_S #%% def backward (W,b,X,y): n =len(y) delta = [0]*( L+1) dC_db , dC_dW = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) loss =0 for i in range (n): # loop over training examples a, z, gr_S = feedforward (X[i], W, b) cost = loss_fn (y[i], a[L ][0]) # cost i and gradient wrt g loss += cost/n y_truth = np. zeros (3) y_truth [y[i]] = 1 delta [L] = a[L][0] - y_truth . reshape ( -1 ,1) for l in range (L ,0 , -1): # l = L ,... ,1 dCi_dbl = delta [l] dCi_dWl = delta [l] @ a[l -1].T # ---- sum up over samples ---dC_db [l] = dC_db [l] + dCi_dbl /n dC_dW [l] = dC_dW [l] + dCi_dWl /n # ----------------------------delta [l -1] =

gr_S[l -1] * W[l].T @ delta [l]

return dC_dW , dC_db , loss


def f(theta ,p,X,y): W,b = vec2list (theta ,p) dC_dW , dC_db , loss = backward (W,b,X,y) u_t = list2vec (dC_dW , dC_db ) return u_t , loss # -----------------------------def SteepestDescent (f,p,theta_t ,X,y): sz = len( theta_t ) alpha = 0.1 u_prev_t = np. zeros (sz). reshape ( -1 ,1) delta = 0.1* np.ones(sz). reshape ( -1 ,1) print (" iteration : loss") for i in range (1000) : u_t , loss = f(theta_t ,p,X,y) if(i % 100 == 0): print (i,": ",loss) g = u_t - u_prev_t hes = ( delta .T @ g ) [0][0] if(hes > 0): alpha = hes/np. linalg .norm(g)**2 else: alpha = 2* alpha delta = -alpha *u_t theta_t = theta_t + delta u_prev_t = u_t # load data np. random .seed (1234) df = pd. DataFrame (np. loadtxt (" seeds_dataset .txt")) df. columns = ["x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","x6","x7","y"] y = np. array (df.y. values . reshape ( -1 ,1) ,dtype =int) y = y -1 df.drop( columns =["y"], inplace = True) # split train test X_train , X_test , y_train , y_test = train_test_split ( df , y, test_size =0.5 , random_state =42) X = X_train . values ;y = y_train # define network p = [X. shape [1] ,100 ,3] # size of layers L = len(p) -1 # number of layers W,b = initialize (p) # initialize weight matrices and bias vectors

theta_t = list2vec (W,b) SteepestDescent (f,p,theta_t ,X,y)

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


# calculate the e generalization risk X = X_test . values ; y = y_test ut ,loss = f(theta_t ,p,X,y) print (" generalization risk = ",loss) iteration : loss 0 : [ -0.23135001] 100 : [ -0.60285647] 200 : [ -0.62050289] 300 : [ -0.6238952] 400 : [ -0.62650756] 500 : [ -0.62791439] 600 : [ -0.62965165] 700 : [ -0.63004884] 800 : [ -0.63307606] 900 : [ -0.63419632] generalization risk =

[ -0.23106999]

13. In Exercise 12 above, we train the multi-logit regression model whilst keeping z1 to be an arbitrary constant (say z1 = 0). This has the effect of removing a node from the output layer of the network, giving a weight matrix W ∈ R(c−1)×(p−1) and bias vector b ∈ Rc−1 of smaller dimensions (c − 1, instead of c). Repeat the training of the multi-logit regression model, but this time using a weight matrix W ∈ Rc×(p−1) and bias vector b ∈ Rc . Solution: We modify the softmax and the loss function code in the previous Exercise to obtain the following. def SOFTMAX2 (X): # pad X with zero X_tmp = np. array ([0 ,X[0][0] ,X [1][0]]) exps = np.exp( X_tmp - np.max( X_tmp )) exps = exps / np.sum(exps) return np. array ([ exps [1] , exps [2]]) . reshape ( -1 ,1) , None #%% def loss_fn2 (y,g): y_truth = np. zeros (len(g)) if(y!=0): y_truth [y -1] = 1 return -y_truth @ np. log1p (g)

Next, we only modify the definition of the network, with the rest of the code still unchanged. # load data np. random .seed (1234) df = pd. DataFrame (np. loadtxt (" seeds_dataset .txt")) df. columns = ["x1","x2","x3","x4","x5","x6","x7","y"] y = np. array (df.y. values . reshape ( -1 ,1) ,dtype =int) y = y -1


df.drop( columns =["y"], inplace = True) # split train test X_train , X_test , y_train , y_test = train_test_split ( df , y, test_size =0.5 , random_state =42)

X = X_train . values ; y = y_train # define network p = [X. shape [1] ,100 ,2] # size of layers L = len(p) -1 # number of layers W,b = initialize (p) # initialize weight matrices and bias vectors

theta_t = list2vec (W,b) SteepestDescent (f,p,theta_t ,X,y) # calculate the e generalization risk X = X_test . values ; y = y_test ut ,loss = f(theta_t ,p,X,y) print (" generalization risk = ",loss) iteration : loss 0 : [ -0.21124485] alpha = 0.1 100 : [ -0.43264695] alpha = 0.0012060439128182574 200 : [ -0.43528644] alpha = 6.824379332841874e -05 300 : [ -0.43764303] alpha = 0.0011627218236705203 400 : [ -0.43808258] alpha = 0.00027624515706391515 500 : [ -0.43822065] alpha = 0.00026509289170559925 600 : [ -0.43834471] alpha = 0.006971026764143862 700 : [ -0.43871281] alpha = 0.0021657789142644265 800 : [ -0.43884083] alpha = 0.0013479918278602348 900 : [ -0.43899964] alpha = 0.00018690830239791452 generalization risk = [ -0.25085326]

Thus, in this instance, removing an ostensibly redundant node from the network did not improve the generalization risk. 14. Consider again Example 9.4, where we used a softmax output function SL in conjunction with the cross-entropy loss: C(θ) = − ln gy+1 (x | θ). Find formulas for ∂C ∂g L and ∂S . Hence, verify that: ∂zL ∂SL ∂C = g(x | θ) − ey+1 , ∂zL ∂ g where ei is the unit length vector with an entry of 1 in the i-th position. Solution: Direct computation shows that 1{k=y+1} ∂C =− , ∂gk gk (x | θ)

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


and that ∂SL /∂zL is a matrix with (i, j)-th element ∂S L,i = gi (x | θ)(1{i= j} − g j (x | θ)). ∂zL, j Therefore, δL,k = −

pL X

gk (x | θ)(1{k= j} − g j (x | θ)) ×


= −gk (x | θ)(1{k=y+1} − gy+1 (x | θ)) ×

1{ j=y+1} g j (x | θ) 1 gy+1 (x | θ)

= −1{k=y+1} + gk (x | θ). 15. Derive the formula (B.25) for a diagonal Hessian update in a quasi-Newton method for minimization. In other words, given a current minimizer xt of f (x), a diagonal matrix C of approximating the Hessian of f , and a gradient vector u = ∇ f (xt ), find the solution to the constrained optimization program: min D(xt , C | xt − Au, A) A

subject to: A1 > δ, A is diagonal, where D is the Kullback-Leibler distance defined in (B.22) (see Exercise 4). Solution: We first substitute and simplify: 2D(xt , C | xt − Au, A) = tr(CA−1 ) − ln |A−1 C| + u> AA−1 Au − d = tr(CA−1 ) + ln |A| + u> Au + const. Assuming that A and C are diagonal, we then obtain: X X cj X + ln(a j ) + u2j a j + const. 2D(xt , C | xt − Au, A) = aj j j j If the inequality constraint is active for some k0 , then ak0 = δk0 /1k0 . Alternatively, if the inequality constraints are inactive for some k ∈ A, then the solution is obtained by differentiating 2D(xt , C | xt − Au, A) with respect to ak , k ∈ A and setting the result to zero: ck 1 − 2 + + u2k = 0, k ∈ A. ak ak Therefore, we have the quadratic u2k a2k + ak − ck = 0 with solution q −1 + 1 + 4ck u2k 2ck , k ∈ A. ak = = q 2 2uk 2 1 + 1 + 4ck uk Hence, the formula (B.25). 16. Consider again the Python implementation of the polynomial regression in Section 9.5.1, where the stochastic gradient descent was used for training. Using the polynomial regression dataset, implement and run the following four alternative training methods listed below. Note that the following code implements the neural network and will be required for running all the training methods.

168 import numpy as np; import matplotlib . pyplot as plt def initialize (p, w_sig = 1): W, b = [[]]* len(p), [[]]* len(p) for l in range (1, len(p)): W[l]= w_sig * np. random . randn (p[l], p[l -1]) b[l]= w_sig * np. random . randn (p[l], 1) return W,b def list2vec (W,b): # converts list of weight matrices and bias vectors into one column vector b_stack = np. vstack ([b[i] for i in range (1, len(b))] ) W_stack = np. vstack (W[i]. flatten (). reshape ( -1 ,1) for i in range (1, len(W))) vec = np. vstack ([ b_stack , W_stack ]) return vec #%% def vec2list (vec , p): # converts vector to weight matrices and bias vectors W, b = [[]]* len(p) ,[[]]* len(p) p_count = 0 for l in range (1, len(p)): # construct bias vectors b[l] = vec[ p_count :( p_count +p[l]) ]. reshape ( -1 ,1) p_count = p_count + p[l] for l in range (1, len(p)): # construct weight matrices W[l] = vec[ p_count :( p_count + p[l]*p[l -1]) ]. reshape ((p[ l], p[l -1])) p_count = p_count + (p[l]*p[l -1]) return W, b #%% def RELU(z,l): # RELU activation function : value and derivative if l == L: return z, np. ones_like (z) # if last layer return identity else: val = np. maximum (0,z) # RELU function element -wise J = np. array (z>0, dtype = float ) # derivative of RELU element -wise return val , J #%% def loss_fn (y,g): return (g - y)**2 , 2 * (g - y) #%% def feedforward (x,W,b): a, z, gr_S = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) a[0] = x. reshape ( -1 ,1)

Chapter 9. Deep Learning


for l in range (1,L+1): z[l] = W[l] @ a[l -1] + b[l] # affine transformation a[l], gr_S[l] = S(z[l],l) # activation function return a, z, gr_S #%% def backward (W,b,X,y): n = len(y) delta = [0]*( L+1) dC_db , dC_dW = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) loss =0 for i in range (n): # loop over training examples if(len(X)==1): a, z, gr_S = feedforward (X[i].T, W, b) else: a, z, gr_S = feedforward (X[i ,:].T, W, b) cost , gr_C = loss_fn (y[i], a[L]) # cost i and gradient wrt g loss += cost/n delta [L] = gr_S[L] @ gr_C for l in range (L ,0 , -1): # l = L ,... ,1 dCi_dbl = delta [l] dCi_dWl = delta [l] @ a[l -1].T # ---- sum up over samples ---dC_db [l] = dC_db [l] + dCi_dbl /n dC_dW [l] = dC_dW [l] + dCi_dWl /n # ----------------------------delta [l -1] =

gr_S[l -1] * W[l].T @ delta [l]

return dC_dW , dC_db , loss , a # ------------------------------------------def f(theta ,p,X,y): W,b = vec2list (theta ,p) dC_dW , dC_db , loss , a = backward (W,b,X,y) u_t = list2vec (dC_dW , dC_db ) return u_t , loss

(a) Implement the steepest-descent Algorithm 9.4.1; Solution: The following code implements the steepest-descent algorithm. def SteepestDescent (f,p,theta_t ,X,y): sz = len( theta_t ) alpha = 0.1 u_prev_t = np. zeros (sz). reshape ( -1 ,1) delta = 0.1* np.ones(sz). reshape ( -1 ,1) print (" iteration : loss")


for i in range (5000) : u_t , loss = f(theta_t ,p,X,y) if(i % 100 == 0): print (i,": ",loss [0][0]) g = u_t - u_prev_t hes = ( delta .T @ g ) [0][0] if(hes > 0): alpha = hes/np. linalg .norm(g)**2 else: alpha = 2* alpha delta = -alpha *u_t theta_t = theta_t + delta u_prev_t = u_t return theta_t

(b) Implement the Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm B.3.3, in conjunction with Algorithm 9.4.2 for computing the Jacobian matrix; Solution: The following code implements the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Note that we need a few extra sub-routines. def backwardLB (W,b,x,y): n = len(y) delta = [0]*( L+1) dC_db , dC_dW = [0]*( L+1) , [0]*( L+1) loss =0 a, z, gr_S = feedforward (x.T, W, b) cost , gr_C = loss_fn (y, a[L]) # cost i and gradient wrt g loss += cost/n delta [L] = delta [L] = np.ones (1). reshape (1 ,1) for l in range (L ,0 , -1): # l = L ,... ,1 dCi_dbl = delta [l] dCi_dWl = delta [l] @ a[l -1].T # ---- sum up over samples ---dC_db [l] = dC_db [l] + dCi_dbl /n dC_dW [l] = dC_dW [l] + dCi_dWl /n # ----------------------------delta [l -1] =

gr_S[l -1] * W[l].T @ delta [l]

return dC_dW , dC_db , loss , a def bpLevenberg (beta ,X,y,p): # vector input / output for Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm W,b = vec2list (beta ,p)

Chapter 9. Deep Learning

n = X. shape [0] G = np. zeros ((n,len(beta))) r = np. zeros (n). reshape ( -1 ,1) for i in range (n): dC_dW , dC_db , loss ,g = backwardLB (W,b,X[i],y[i]) grad= list2vec (dC_dW , dC_db ) r[i]=g[len(g) -1]-y[i] G[i ,:]= grad.T return r,G def LevenbergMarquardt (f,p,beta ,X,y): r,G = bpLevenberg (beta ,X,y,p) gam =100.0 n,m = G. shape t=0 d=np.ones(m). reshape ( -1 ,1) r_best =np.inf print (" iteration : loss : gamma ") while (np. linalg .norm(d) >10** -3 or t