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ABHANDLUNGEN DER AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DER D D R Abteilung Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik
Convergence Structures and Applications, II
Akademie-Verlag • Berlin
ABHANDLUNGEN DER A K A D E M I E DER WISSENSCHAFTEN DER D D R Abteilung Mathematik — Naturwissenschaften — Technik Jahrgang 1984 • Nr. 2 N
Convergence Structures and Applications II Proceedings of the Conference held at Schwerin, G D R from May 16 to 20, 1983
Herausgegeben von
S. Gähler, W. Gähler und G. Kneis
BERLIN • 1984
Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Präsidenten der Akademie der Wissenschaften der D D R von Vizepräsident Prof. Dr. Heinrich Scheel
Dieser Titel wurde vom Originalmanuskript des Autors reproduziert
ISSN 0138-1059
Erschienen im Akademie-Verlag, DDR-1086 Berlin, Leipziger Straße 3—4 © Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1984 Lizenznummer: 202 • 100/069/84 Printed in the German Democratic Republic Gesamtherstellung: VEB Kongreß- u. Werbedruck, 9273 Oberlungwitz LSV 1035 Bestellnummer: 763 336 6 (2001/84/2 N) 03800
PREFACE The Mathematical Society of the GDR and the Institute of Mathematics of the A c a d e m y of Sciences of the GDR organized the conference "Convergence Structures and Applications,
from May 16 to 20, 1983 at Schwerin. The first such conference in GDR was held 1978 at Frankfurt/Oder
There are two important developments of the theory of convergence structures In the last time. On one hand the topic of applications of proper convergence structures is growing permanently. On the other hand the notion of convergence structure has been generalized in such a manner that the theory of convergence structures becomes more and more a general structure theory. According to this development structure theoretical investigations came in the field of interest. Participating at the Schwerin conference were the following 32 mathematicians : Averbuch, V. I. (Moscow)
Kratochvil, P. (Prague)
Beattie, R. (Sackville)
Lindström, M . (Xbo)
Boseck, H. (Greifswald)
Lowen, R. (Brussels)
Butzmann, H.-P. (Mannhelm)
Lowen-Colebunders, E. (Brussels)
Czichowski, G. (Greifswald)
Porst, H.-E.
Firmanty, M. (Szczecin)
Prleß, W . (Berlin)
Frig, R. (Kosice)
Przybylski, B. (fco'dz)
Gähler, S. (Berlin)
Rudolph, K.-P.
Gähler, W . (Berlin)
Sasin, W . (Warsaw)
Haase, H. (Greifswald)
Schmidt, H.-J.
Herrlich, H . (Bremen)
Spakowski, A.
(Greifswald) (Potsdam-Babelsberg) (Szczecin)
Hoehnke, H.-J. (Berlin)
Sulk, I. (Greifswald)
Ivanov, A . A . (Leningrad)
Terpe, F.
Janeczko,- S. (Warsaw)
(Greifswald) o Vainio, R. (Abo)
Kneis, G. (Berlin)
Zekanowski, Z. (Warsaw)
Koutnik, V. (Prague)
Zieminska, J.
In Schwerin 30 talks were presented of length between half an hour and one h o u r . Th.ls volume consists of the proceedings of the
and of additionally submitted papers (with starred titles in the table of contents) . "1) The proceedings of this conference were published in a separate volume titled "Convergence Structures and Applications to Analysis" in "Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR", 1979, Nr. 4N.
The contributions of this volume may be divided according to the fol lowing topics: 1° Proper convergence structures, especially filter convergence and »sequential structures; Cauchy structures (H.-P. Butzmann, R. Fric/V. Koutnik, R. Fric/F. Zanolin, D. C. Kent/G. D . Richardson, G. Kneis, P. Kratochvíl,
bunders, P. Mikusinski/J. Pochcial, E. Pap, J. Pochcial, H.-J. Schmidt, R. Vainio) 2° General theory of convergence structures and categorical
a n d algebra, fuzzy convergence (W. Gáhler, H. Herrlich, H.-J. Hoehnke, A . A. Ivanov, R. Lowen, H . - ¿ . Porst) 3° Applications of convergence structures, in particular to functional analysis, non-linear analysis, numerical mathematics, measure theory, summation theory, extremal theory (V. I. Averbuch, R . Beattie, S. Gáhler, H . Haase, M . P. Kaz, A . U. Khrennikov, M. LindstrSm. A. Spakowski, J. Sulk, F. Terpe) 4° Differential calculus and structures in differential
especially generalized differential structures", manifolds of mappings, general Lie theory (H. Boseck, M. Firmanty, 'II. Gáhler, 3. Janeczko, A . Kriegl, P. W. Michor, Z. Pasternak-Winiarski,
B. Przybylskl, '.V. Sasin/
Z. Zekanowski, R. Schmid, Z. Zekanowski).
Berlin, July 11, 1983
The editors
CONTENTS Averbuch, V. I., The Asplund-Rockafellar-Gregory Theorem and. Pseudo-Topologies
Beattie, R., The Closed Graph Theorem in Convergence Spaces with Webs
Boseck, H., Graded lie Algebras, Graded Hopf Algebras, and Graded Algebraic Groups
Butzmann, H.-P., Some Remarks on Extremal Compactifications of Convergence Spaces
Firmanty, M., Constructions of Generalized Differentiable Manifolds by Means of Path Structures
Fric, R., and V. Koutnik, Recent Development in Sequential Convergence
Fric, R., and P. Zanolin, A Sequential Convergence Group Having No Completion
Gahler, 3., Contributions.to the Theory of Discrete Convergence
Gahler, W., A General Theory of Convergence Structures
Gahler, W., On Generalizations of Differentiable Manifolds
Haase, W., On Convergence in Distribution of Closed Random Sets
Herrlich, H., Topological Structure Theory
Hoehnke, H.-J., Subfunctors Associated with Quasivarieties
Ivanov, A. A., Topological Type Structures
Janeczko, 3., On G-Stable Lagrangian Submanifolds
Kaz, M. P., On Some Properties of Linear Pseudo-Topologies Kent, D. C., and G. D. Richardson, Cauchy Spaces and Their Completions *
97 103
Khrennikov, A. U., Some Applications of Keller's Convergence Structure to the Nonlinear Functional Analysis*
Kneis, G., Completion for Some Concrete Categories over the Category of Uniform limit Spaces Koutnik, V., see R. Frio
119 37
Kratochvil, P., On the Form of Neighborhoods in Closure Spaces
Kriegl, A., AConvex Convenient Setting of Differential Calculus in Locally Spaces*
Lindstrom, M., Precompact Mappings between Equable Convergence Vector Spaces*
Lowen, R., Fuzzy Convergence versus Weak Convergence in Spaces of Probability Measures
Lowen-Colebunders, E., An Application of Cauchy Spaces to the Theory of Function Classes
Michor, P. W., Applications of Hamilton's Inverse Function Theorem to Manifolds of Mappings *
Mlkuslnskl, P., and J. Poohclal, On Bases of Convergence *
Pap, £., Triangular Funotlonals on Commutative Semigroups*
Pasternak-Wlnlarskl, Z., Differential Groups of Class
Dq *
Poohcial, J., On Metrlzability of Convergence *
Pochclal, J., see P. Mlkuslnskl
Porst, H.-E., Regular Decompositions of Semltopologlcal Functors
Przybylskl, B., Characterizations of Differential Spaces by Topological Algebras
Richardson, G. D., see D. C. Kent
Sasln, W., and Z. Zekanowskl, On Stokes" Theorem In Differential Spaces
Schmid, R., The Inverse Function Theorem of Nash and Moser for the
r-Differentiability *
Schmidt, H.-J., Locally Non-Euclidean Topologies in Space-Time .
Spakowski, A., Convergences and Topologies for Extremum Problems
'Sulk, I., Uniform Convergence in the Space of Summations
Terpe, F., Moore-Smith-Sequences of Measurable Functions
Vainio, R., On Connectedness in Limit Space Theory
Zanolin, F., see R. Fric
Zekanowskl, Z., On Quasl-2-Metrics and Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics Generated by Them on a Differentlable Manifold
Zekanowskl, Z., see '.V. Sasin
THE ASPLUND-ROCKAFELLAR-GREGORY THEOREM AND PSEUDO-TOPOLOGIES V. I. Averbuch 0. Intro duo til on The aim of this paper is to generalize, using pseudo-topologies, a result of Gregory £6 J ooncerning the equivalence of the directional differentiability of a continuous convex function and the upper semicontinuity of its subdifferential. This result is in turn a generalization of a result of Asplund and Rockafellar ClJ to the case where the subdifferential is not a singleton. The Asplund-Rockafellar-Gregory theorem covers only the case of differentibilities, associated with the topologies of uniform convergence on set systems. Our generalization allows to cover the case of differentiabilities, associated with the pseudo-topologies of convergence on filter systems, in particular the MB- and FB-differentiabilitiea [4]. 1. Notation and definitions Let X be a separated locally convex topological veotor space (over the reals). We denote by C and IP the filters of neighborhoods of 0 in X and E, respectively. Let f be a real-valued continuous convex function on X. For x £ X, t > 0 and h 6 X we define f t (h):^ f ( x+t i^- f ( x ), df (x,h):=lim f^.(h), and 0
i cf.
Then f is directionally
"Ej-dlfferentiable at x iff its subdifferential mapping ?f is T y -upper semi-continuous at x. If ¿7 is the filter system generated in a natural sense by a system Jr of bounded sets in X such that A f c i / 4 , A > 0 ^ X k e J 9 - , then«? satisfies the conditions of the theorem. In this special case we obtain the Asplund-Rockafellar-Gregory theorem (tsZ, Theorem 3.1). Other examples of suitable systems e? are MB and FB. In this case we obtain characterizations of the directional MB- and FB-differentiability of continuous convex functions. Corollary. For each continuous convex function f on X its subdifferential mapping is T ^ - u p p e r semi-continuous (at every point). This follows from the fact that every continuous convex function on X is everywhere directionally MB-differentiable (cf.
For the equable (lukovichny) modifications Vjf ([5], E2J) of pseudotopologies Tj> the theorem seems to fail (cf. ¡143, App. 5, A). But the following result holds (cf. C4j): Proposition. Let X and f be as above. Then, if 3 f is "T^-upper semi-continuous at x, then f is directionally HL*-differentiable at x. # Here
# =
The definition of directional HL 1 -differen-
tiability is quite analogical to the definition of HL'-differentiability
References Cll
Asplund, E., and R. T. Rockefeller, Gradients of convex functions, Trans. A. M. S. 139 (1969), 443-467. ["21 ABepGyx, B. Li., 0 HenpepiiBHOCTi: K0!.Ti0Hi;p0BUHL4,i, Math. Kachr. 75 (1976), 153-183. [•3] A B e p d y x , 3 . L i . , BanyKJiaa •jiyHKiuiH, si^wepeHuwpyeuaii no I ' a i o , peHUHpyeMas no iviai'lKJiy-EacTMaHK, Proc. Intern. Summer School on Convergence Structures and Appl. to Anal. (Frankfurt/O. 1978), Abh. Akad. Wiss. DDR, Nr. 4£ (1979), 7-9. C4J
ABepfiyx, 3. Li., »1 0 . Eyxepa £ 5 ] .
i p e j i n x e p , A . , H 3 . E y x e p , Miuj^epeKuiiajiLHoe ticmicjieiiKe 3 BCKTODHEX n p o c i p a H C T s a x 6e3 HOPMLI, j l u p , ;,iocxBa 1 9 7 0 .
R. CMOJIHHO:-», /lonojinemin K Km:re ¿»piijmxepa K
Gregory, D. A., Upper semi-continuity of subdifferential mappings, Canad. Math. Bull. 23 (1980), 11-19.
1) '
1) Introduction The first closed graph theorem, due to Banach [1], stated that if E and F are Frechet spaces, i.e. complete metrizable locally convex topological vector spaces and f : E »F is a linear mapping with a closed graph, then f is continuous. This theorem has proved to be one of the most important in analysis and there have been many attempts to generalize it to locally convex topological vector spaces (lcs). Among the most successful were those of Ptak [12] and Kelly [ 9 ] . Using different methods they showed the following: if E is an arbitrary lcs, F is a fully complete lcs and f : E >F is a linear mapping which has a closed graph and is nearly continuous, then f is continous. We explain these terms briefly. The notion of power convergence, i.e. convergence of a filter to a set has been defined in [9] and generalized in [3]. With respect to this notion, a linear mapping f : E »F is nearly continuous if, whenever a filter F converges in E , the image filter is power Cauchy in F , i.e. it is trying to converge to a set. Full completeness is the property that every equable or scalar [9] power Cauchy filter power converges. Dually, f is nearly continuous if its adjoint mapping between the continuous dual spaces f* : /. (F) * /-C(E) is continuous on its domain of definition. Full completeness is then the property that closed subspaces of 1-£(F) are weak*-closed [2], While the closed graph theorem was a strong generalization of Banach's, it had a number of difficulties. It is, in general, difficult to tell when a mapping is nearly continuous except in special cases, for example when E is barrelled [13]. But the main problem is that the class of fully complete spaces is small and difficult to work with. It has few permanence properties and excludes some of the more interesting spaces for analysis, e.g. the distribution spaces. Grothendieck [8] conjectured that by restricting attention to Frechet spaces E , the class A of spaces F for which a closed graph theorem would hold for a mapping f : E »F would have good permanence properties. In addition, a closed graph theorem for Frechet spaces would easily give rise to one for ultrabornological spaces so that if the class A were large enough, the closed graph theorem would encompass those lcs of importance in analysis. M. De Wilde [6] has provided a positive answer to this conjecture with his class of spaces with webs. ^ Dept. of Mathematics, Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., EOA 3C0, Canada
In this p a p e r we look at De W i l d e ' s webs from the point of view of c o n v e r g e n c e spaces a n d relate his theory to the p r e v i o u s w o r k of Ptak and K e l l y .
Web-spaces Let
be a v e c t o r space. A web
b a l a n c e d subsets of
consists of a sequence W^
is a countable family
. The c o l l e c t i o n
, as b o t h
constitutes the second layer. In the same w a y , for e a c h set
(W.) w h o s e u n i o n a b s o r b s F . For e a c h set 1 ) o f subsets of ^ W^ w h o s e u n i o n , as j
there is a sequence varies, absorbs
a r r a n g e d in layers as follows. The first
W. 1
is a sequence
(W. .. ) of subsets of W. . w h o s e u n i o n , as k varies, d 1J 1J K as a b s o r b s e a c h " p o i n t of W.y . The c o l l e c t i o n i > J and k vary c o n s t i t u t e s the third layer. And so on. By a strand
W., W.., W....... l 1J lj k
of the web
W , we m e a n any sequence of sets
one from e a c h layer, e a c h set, from the second o n ,
b e i n g one of those d e t e r m i n e d by its p r e d e c e s s o r . E a c h strand is clearly a filter base and the c o l l e c t i o n of strands g e n e r a t e s a c o n v e r g e n c e space in the sense of Kent
[10]. T h e r e is no r e a s o n to believe t h a t , in
g e n e r a l , this w i l l be a c o n v e r g e n c e space in the stronger sense tierung
the vector space o p e r a t i o n s . W i t h this in m i n d we say that v e c t o r web on strand
[7]) or that the c o n v e r g e n c e structure w i l l be c o m p a t i b l e
F , if, for any two strands S'
such that
+ S''
S' , S''
is a
there is a n o t h e r
=> S. W h i l e it is not clear how
tive this c o n d i t i o n is, it w i l l be shown to be s a t i s f i e d by a large class of spaces. H e n c e f o r t h If
is a web on
by the strands is called the d e n o t e d by ping
F ^ . We say that a cvs
i : F^
filter base in
will mean
"vector web" .
F , the c o n v e r g e n c e v e c t o r space F
associated with
generated and is
has a-web if the identity
F . F i n a l l y , we say
is fully
if, in
complete complete
T h a t c o m p l e t e n e s s and full c o m p l e t e n e s s c o m p l e t e n e s s conditions)
has a strict web
a d d i t i o n , one of the f o l l o w i n g equivalent c o n d i t i o n s
coincide on
(as well as several
It should be n o t e d that w e b - s p a c e s have a very strong p r o p e r t y , namely: there is a countable family a basis from
[5] lcs.
of sets such that for
F , there is a coarser convergent filter
III . This c o n d i t i o n is m u c h stronger than first
bility for a cvs.
is a s u r p r i s i n g result
s i n c e , in g e n e r a l , these p r o p e r t i e s are very d i f f e r e n t e v e n for
every n u l l filter
is c o n t i n u o u s , i.e. if e a c h s t r a n d is a convergent
3) Examples and permanence properties Example 1. Let basis of
be a Frechet space and let (U ) be a neighbourhood n 1 such that U , „ c U for all n . For the first layer n+1 £ n VT = iU 1 for all i . For the second layer, W ^ = iU 2 for
ill , let
of all
i, j . For the third layer W... = iU, ij K J ill
is a strict web for
The web-space
F^ = F .
Example 2 . Let
U? 1
and has essentially only one 'strand.
W , let
for all
W^ = U°
for all
i . For the second
i,j . For the third layer, W... = - 4 U? • XJ K
Continue in this manner.
L (F) and has counta- • c i s ^he Mackey or bornological
is a strict web for
bly many strands. The web space convergence on
i,j,k. And so on.
be the continuous dual of the Frechet space above.
For the first layer of layer, W.. = 1J
for all
i-Q(F) .
The above two examples in conjunction with the following theorem generate a huge class of cvs having strict vector webs, among them, the spaces of test functions and distributions. Theorem (1) If a cvs on
has a strict web
such that
(2) If a cvs
has a strict web
then there is a strict web (3) If a cvs
» F^ , then
has a strict web
W ill M W
linear surjection onto another cvs such that
is a quotient of
f : F
G , then under
F^ .
is a closed subspace of
such that and
is any other cvs structure
is a strict web for
= F^IM .
is a continuous
has a strict web
f .
In particular, quotients of cvs with strict webs have strict webs. (4) If
(F n )
] F n6N n
(5) If
(6) If
= P r °J
ill n
such that
V w
has a strict web
F = ind F
^ V »
, then the
= I • | (F ).. n n€N % Wn
then the
such that
(F ) is a sequence of cvs with strict webs
F.. w n
sequence of cvs with strict webs F = proj F^
inductive limit X
sequence of cvs with strict webs
has a strict web
projective limit P
has a strict web
, then the
ill^ such that
(7) If d i r e c t sum
sequence of cvs w i t h strict w e b s
2— F nEN n
has a strict web
, t h e n the
such that
(F„)w " n
The c o n s t r u c t i o n of the w e b s for e a c h of the above p a r t s can be in
[6], [11], or [14]
. T h a t the c o r r e s p o n d i n g w e b - s p a c e s behave as
i n d i c a t e d in the t h e o r e m is, in e a c h case, a s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d
tion. The above t h e o r e m shows, in p a r t i c u l a r , that the class of w e b spaces t h e m s e l v e s has e x c e l l e n t p e r m a n e n c e
4) The c l o s e d g r a p h
We now give the c l o s e d g r a p h t h e o r e m for cvs w i t h w e b s : T h e o r e m . Let f : E
be a F r e c h e t s p a c e ,
a cvs w i t h strict web
a linear m a p p i n g w i t h a closed g r a p h . T h e n
is c o n t i n u o u s a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y also
f : E
E , then
is n e a r l y c o n t i n u o u s Since
is strict,
v e r g e s in in
(f(U ))
is power Cauchy on
is a n e i g h b o u r h o o d F^
(see [4] or [14]). In a d d i t i o n F^
is fully c o m p l e t e a n d so
. Since the g r a p h of
E * F w and it easily follows that
»F .
P r o o f . We shall only outline the p r o o f . If basis for
f : E——»F^
is closed in
f : E
(f(U )) is scalar. (f(Un)) power E*F
, it is
(f(U )) c o n v e r g e s to
The f o l l o w i n g is a n easy g e n e r a l i z a t i o n of the a b o v e t h e o r e m
F^ . (see
(see [4]) : T h e o r e m . Let
be a cvs
a cvs w i t h a strict web closed graph. Then
inductive limit of F r e c h e t s p a c e s , let W
f : E
and »F^
f : E
a linear m a p p i n g w i t h a
is c o n t i n u o u s and so also
f : E
>F .
The point of the above t h e o r e m is not a g e n e r a l i z a t i o n of De W i l d e ' s c l o s e d g r a p h t h e o r e m from lcs to cvs but r a t h e r an i l l u s t r a t i o n of how c o n v e r g e n c e spaces can be u s e d in f u n c t i o n a l a n a l y s i s . Not only do the w e b - s p a c e s allow a m u c h sharper f o r m u l a t i o n of the c l o s e d g r a p h (the c o n t i n u i t y is into
a n d not just
F ) but they also relate
theory of w e b s to the e a r l i e r theory of fully complete spaces of Kelly a n d Ptak.
[1] B a n a c h , S . , T h é o r i e des o p é r a t i o n s l i n é a i r e s , W a r s a w
[2] B e a t t i e , R . , C o n t i n u o u s c o n v e r g e n c e and the c l o s e d g r a p h t h e o r e m , M a t h . N a c h r . 99 (1980), [3]
B e a t t i e , R . , H y p e r c o m p l e t e c o n v e r g e n c e s p a c e s , to a p p e a r Math.
[4] B e a t t i e , R . , C o n v e r g e n c e Math.
Nachr. spaces w i t h w e b s , to a p p e a r
[5] B e a t t i e , R . , C o m p l e t e n e s s in web s p a c e s ,
[6] De W i l d e , M . , C l o s e d g r a p h theorems and w e b b e d
R e s e a r c h N o t e s in M a t h e m a t i c s 19, P i t m a n , L o n d o n [7] F i s c h e r , H . R . , L i m e s r ä u m e , M a t h . Ann. 137
1978. 169-303.
[8] G r o t h e n d i e c k , A . , P r o d u i t s t e n s o r i e l s t o p o l o g i q u e s et
n u c l é a i r e s , Mem. A m e r . M a t h . Soc. 16, 1955 [9]
K e l l e y , J . L . , H y p e r c o m p l e t e linear t o p o l o g i c a l M i c h i g a n M a t h . J. 5 (1958),
[10] K e n t , D . C . , M i n i m a l c o n v e r g e n c e s p a c e s , T r a n s . A m e r . M a t h . Soc. (1971),
[11] K ö t h e , G . , T o p o l o g i c a l V e c t o r Spaces II, S p r i n g e r Berlin
487-499. Verlag,
[12] P t â k , V . , O n c o m p l e t e t o p o l o g i c a l l i n e a r C z e c h . M a t h . J. 3 (1953),
[13] R o b e r t s o n , A.P. a n d R o b e r t s o n , W . , O n the c l o s e d g r a p h
P r o c . G l a s g o w M a t h . A s s o c . 3 (1956), 9 - 1 2 . [14] R o b e r t s o n , W . , O n the c l o s e d g r a p h t h e o r e m a n d spaces w i t h w e b s , P r o c . L o n d o n M a t h . Soc.
(3) 24
GRADED LIE ALGEBRAS, GRADED HOPF ALGEBRAS, AND GRADED ALGEBRAIC GROUPS Helmut Boseck ^ ^ The development of graded Lie algebras was essentially influenced by considerations on supersymmetry in modern physics. In mathematics a differential geometric treatment of graded Lie theory was given by B.KONSTANT /4/, while V.G. KAC /3/ has settled the classification of simple graded Lie algebras. Meanwhile a rather extensive amount of papers on graded Lie algebras was published in physical as well as in mathematical journals. In these notes we try to put graded Lie theory in the framework of duality theory of graded Hopf algebras. This seems to be of some interest, at least from an algebraic viewpoint. We are concerned with graded versions of some problems centering around the TANNAKA duality theorem and its analogues for Lie algebras indicated by G.HOCHSCHILD /1/ and /2/. 1. Let K denote a fixed base field of characteristic shall sometimes assume to be algebraically closed.
0 , which we
A linear space V is called g r a d e ^ if there are given distinguished subspaces and Vy, such that V = V^ © V y . The elements of the subspaces are called homogeneous^ and even or odd A according as they belong to V^ or Vy respectively. Let V and IV be graded linear spaces. The tensor product V