Contemporary Asian Bathrooms

Periplus Editions - 129 p. Publication: 2012 Language: EnglishWith over 180 photographs, Contemporary Asian Bathrooms pr

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contemporary as1an


Chami Jotisalikorn and Karina Zabihi photos by Luca lnvern izzi Tettoni


the new as1an bathroom out of the closet

Not that long ago, the bathroom was but a utilitarian space,

young designers in Asia are rapidly taking the lowly lavatory

hidden from view within the inner recesses of the home. Part and parcel of western domestic archit ecture for several

to a new level, with a creativity that continues to ra ise the bar.

rooms a distance away from the living quarters. The concept

to the pioneering vision of Australian arch itect Pete r Muller,

colder north Asian countries like Japan, was largely unknown

a radical new concept in hotel design . Breaking away from

centuries, the general practice across Asia was to keep bathof sitting in a tub, a common practice in the west and in the

and unnecessary in tropical Asia. The traditional Asian shower required on ly two items-a large urn and a scoop-and consisted of splashing bowls of rainwater over the body. Bathing

Originating in Southeast Asia, tropical resort bathrooms

came to the fore along with the t ropical resort vi lla, thanks

whose design for the Oberoi Bali in the mid '70s represented

the idea of a standard high-rise hotel room, he designed the hotel in the manner of a tra ditional Balinese village, with guests housed in traditional villas that offered bathrooms

took place outdoors where a breeze quickly dried the body

opening onto the outdoors as they would in a Balinese home.

The communa l aspect of bathing in Asia is well rooted in ancient times, when the communal bath, like the Roman bath

then set the standard in tropical resort design. His designs for many of Bali's top luxury resorts, including the Amandari

Indian civilizations built capacious public bathing tan ks that

who have adopted the ethnic architecture approach and have

after the bath.

in Europe, was a place to congregate and socialize. Ancient

Considered sensational at the t ime, his concept has since

with its stunning pool, have influenced a stream of fo llowers

resembled enormous square or rectangular pools with steps

taken it to new levels, as seen in the Four Seasons resorts

daily ablutions. These tanks were generally built into Hindu temple complexes, and were used in cleansing rites. These

concept of tropical resort villas, along with their exotic outdoor bath rooms has spread among resorts and spas, and to

leading down to wide landings where people performed their

types of public bathing tanks were transported along with

Hinduism to Bal i, where similar baths can be seen today. In

and the Begawan Giri Estate in Bali . Over the decades, the

private homes around Asia and as far as the US.

Another key inspiration driving the new wave in bathroom

other parts of the Asian region, bathing and washing along

design is the global spa movement that has gripped the new

munal bathing.

tional pain-is-gain spa treatments for the holistic rejuvenation

main house entered the tropical home only in the past century

become immensely popula r.

the rivers and waterways were other forms of outdoor comThe concept of an indoor bathroom that was part of the

as Asia ns turned toward western living standards. Initially, scant attention was given to the design or comfort of the

bathroom, since it was considered a functional space rather than an aesthetic one. Now, not only has contempora ry Asian

design embraced the concept of the bathroom as an art form,

mil lennium . With the western world discarding the ir conven-

rituals long practiced in the east, the Asian-style spa has now Both homeowners and designers are currently strongly

influenced by the luxury and beauty embodied in spa design,

and its ce lebration of bathtubs, hot tubs, steam rooms, changing rooms, and all man ner of state-of-the-art facil ities for cleansing and cosseting the body.


right The wa rm tones of the counter top complement the vibrant co lor scheme in th e bathroom. The framel ess m irror and large w indows and doors enhance the sense of a fluid, borderless space. opposite Th e interplay of geometric shapes in thi s open air patio bathroom in Bali makes for a defin it ive modern stat ement. Th e ivory toned wa ll provides a d ramat ic backdrop for the green t errazzo of the vanity unit.

With buzzwords such as " well ness " and "pampering"

and rely on natural, earthy materials for visual impact and

echoing in our ears, the new approach to wash ing transforms t he act of bathing from function to ritual. Likewise the hum-

ambience. The beautiful garden bathrooms at the Begawan Giri Estate, designed by Singapore architect Cheong Yew

closet to become something li ke a temple dedicated to body

complex of pools and water features, each offering expansive

ble bathroom has transcended f rom t he utilitarian water

Kuan, are a case in point. The villas are designed arou nd a

worship . Architects began to focus their attention on the

outdoor bathroom suites w ith waterfalls, bamboo shower-

atmosphere to relax the mind and delight the senses. Some distinctively Asian-style spas have impressed upon

stones, all set in the open air among a riotous profusion of fern s. Who wou ldn't wa nt to take a piece of such paradise

bathroom's design, creating a space of beauty, style and

people that a bathroom need not be the humdrum w hite-tile

construction. Noteworthy examples include the Lanna Spa at

the Four Seasons Chiangmai, designed to resemble a Tha i

heads, tubs carved from boulders, and natural rock stepping

back home with them 7

In contrast to their tropical garden counterparts, urban-

style bathrooms embody the western approach to bath room

temple, t he Oriental Spa in Bangkok and the Ama n Spa in Phu ket, designed in the manner of classic Thai teak homes-

design. They are enclosed within the dwelling, sometimes w ith no windows or direct access to the outdoors. The com-

cepts and exotic materials in transforming the ordinary bath-

glamor and min imalist chic, often ma king use of the latest in

these spas affirm the powerful use of interior design con-

room into luxurious fantasy world s of style and sensuality.

With many of the world's most popu lar and exotic spas

located in Southeast Asia, travelers and spa aficionados have been inspired to recreate the luxurious ambience of the Asian

mon element in urban bathrooms is a sense of high-tech

Europea n design such as Arne Jacobsen fi xtures combined

with surfaces in stainless steel, glass, cement, resin, and

marble. The pages of this book are adorned w ith impressive examples of th is: a bathroom in a Bangkok penthouse has a

spa back in their homes. In Thai land, a new development that

tubu lar, stainless-steel shower stall w ith a grey stone-tiled

spas located in renovated old houses; spa-goers who see t he

mascul ine ch ic; in a Singapore residence, an all-white bath-

continues to fue l the spa bathroom craze is the trend for day

charm ing ways in w hich tubs and steam rooms have been

installed in these old houses rea lize that similar renovations

f loor and a glass door, a striking embod iment of uber sleek, room w ith a perfectly rectilinear tub seems too pristine

for actual bathing, lest the addition of a human body mars

can be ach ieved in their own homes.

the room's beautifully proportionate li nes.

are currently emerging: the tropical garden bathroom and

variety, designers have managed to retain a unique Asian

tropical garden direction have taken inspiration from the many

designs with innovation and imagination. In the Philippines,

Two directions in contemporary Asian bathroom design

the sophisticated urban bathroom. Bathrooms following the

resorts and spas in Bali and Thai land that offer idyllic outdoor

bathroom suites. These emphasize the con nection to nature,


In both the urban bathroom and t he tropical garden

identity, often by incorporating native materia ls into bathroom

w here coconuts are an abundant natural material, coconut

shell tiles are used in bathroom cei lings and counter tops to


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left Architectura l firm HYLA m akes the most of the relatively sma ll guest bathroom of th is house in Singapore, using a sizeable mirror to create the illu sion of a much larger space. The g lass pane l dividing the va nity area from th e shower cubicle retains th e airiness of th e room whi le protecting bathers' privacy. opposite The see-throug h shower cubicle with its panel of green mosaic tiles and matching toi letries add subtle drama to the bathing expe rience.

create an exotically textured surface that is rich in tone and

'20s, it became popular as a warm weather material and was

soft to the touch. In Bali, gigantic stone boulders are scooped out and used as bathtubs, and wash basins are delicately

used extensively th roughout Florida and Californ ia in the '50s and '60s bu ilding boom . In Asia, terrazzo is the material of

room floor in a Bangkok high-rise is lined with snow-white

become increasingly fas hionable as the materia l for custom-

lined with beautifully iridescent mother-of-pearl inlay. A bath-

the moment, and has transcended from humble f looring to

pebbles through which black stone tiles form a dramatic path

designed tubs, vanity counter tops, wal ls and seating; in

Asian hou,\?,,ehold have been cleverly crafted into trendy bathroom fixtures. In a home in Bangkok, a wooden table is trans-

Another popular trend in Asia is to feature different bathroom styles within one home, so that each bathroom has its

to the toilet In some bathrooms, everyday objects from the

some cases, entire bathrooms are outfitted in terrazzo.

formed into a bathroom counter with the addition of a sand-

own the me and color, mood and identity. After al l, the most

Thailand, a hu mble kitchen wok has taken on a new identity

relatively sma ll size and multitude.

stone wash basin and a copper faucet At a beach resort in

as a stylish wash basin.

Textures are important because they immediately add

dimensions to the space. Plain white t iles have taken a step

back while stone, terrazzo, glass, marble, wood, stainless steel and cement are now the hot new favorites among

Asian bathroom designers. Glass-making techniques in Asia have developed to the point w here vast panes and glass

corn ers hitherto impossible now find their way into the

contemporary Asian bathroom . Frosted green glass, once

associated w ith retail design, adds sophistication and luxury while cement, an economica l material, gives the edgy,

industrial feel popular in minimal-chic bathrooms across Asia. One of the more popular materia ls among designers in

delightful aspect of designing bathrooms is their versatile, There is definitely a move toward more creative and

daring bathroom designs, fueled in part by the ease and habit

of global travel. W ith access to diverse cultures and a new

ta ste for international styles, both homeowners and designers find inspiration from all sources. Some Asian homes boast

bathrooms fu lly kitted out with t he last word in Ita lian design,

such as Boffi limestone basins and tubs, Hansgrohe power showers, and Alessi ceramic fixtu res, while others stick

closely to local ethnic themes, installing items of traditional

Asian decor such as antique hand-carved shutters and

Japanese wooden tubs in homes nestled in bustling cities.

Sti ll other bathrooms exhibit a successful cross-fertilization of

design lines, developing an "ethno-modern" approach. For

Asia is terrazzo . Used for centuries as flooring material,

example, an antique Indian door acqu ired from Kerala makes

sleek, low-maintenance surface is versatile and economica l,

Lumpur bathroom that combines Indian antiques with

terrazzo is no newcomer to the design scene. The attract ive,

an alluring ent rance to the creamy modern interior of a Kua la

although ext remely time-consuming to fashion. To manufacture

Phi lippe Starck fixtures to delightful effect

or cement that is cast and then smoothened and polished to

ment, designers and homeowners in Singapore and Bangkok

terrazzo, marble or stone chips are embedded in concrete

a high sheen . Popular as an Art Deco flooring material in t he

Undeterred by the restrictions of a metropolitan environ-

have succeeded in merging part of the bathroom with the


right The ro und, g reen tinted g lass was h basins aga inst th e m arble co unter top add a touch th at is elega nt yet p layful and fun at the sa m e tim e, c leverly enhanced by th e hal o of filtered lig ht shining t hrough the gl ass. below Th e shadow of t he louvers adds interest t o the simple and elegant combin ation of m arble, g lass and mirro r in thi s bathroom . Th e coo l w hite m arble of th e counter t op is enh anced by the dark co lored accessories, and the linea rity of the design, by th e rounded o utlin es of th e sink, glasses and t o il etries. opposite With its clea n lin es and geom et ric shapes, this bathroo m has a definite m asculine charm abo ut it .

outdoors, whethe r through the use of outdoor showers, sl iding doors, or picture w indows that open out to lush gardens.

In one Bangkok penthouse the bathtub is located on an open

balcony, w ith a sl iding glass wall partitioning off the bedroom

on the other side, al lowing the owners to enjoy an outdoor

soak with a view of the city spreading below them. Heavily influenced by Southeast Asia 's stunning tropical resorts and

spas, city sybarites in metropolitan Asia are now insisting on

outdoor showers in their metropolitan homes and high-rise

apartments, with the trend traveling further afield to Florida, Ca lifornia and around the US. Contemporary Asian bathrooms are riding the crest of

a new wave of creativity and inspiration, as homeowners

become more discern ing about design and more demanding

in their lif estyle habits. Asian decor motifs, w ith their serene lines, subdued grace and luxury of texture, have become

intrinsic to the overall concept of the bathroom as sanctuary.

Now a new status symbol of luxury living, the once secluded,

boxed-in water closet has come a long way.



going for glamor

A combination of luxurious elements creates the look and feel

of Hollywood opulence in this cavernous master bathroom created by IA49 for the Bangkok home of businessman Raymond Eaton .


above Wide marbl e st eps give the genero us bathtub the feel of a perso nal spa. The mirrored wal l do ubl es t he space for t hose w ho li ke liv ing large. left Both floor and cei ling are covered w ith w hite marble t il es from Italy, creat ing a pristine white surrounding-t he perfect backd ro p f o r th e artwork takin g center st age. On the wal l hangs a glazed ceram ic scu lpture by a local arti st , w hi ch t he owne r purchased in 1993. He bo ught the Philippe Starck stool much later but its curved lines and bold co lors complement those of the sc ul pture to se rendipit o us perfectio n. The stat e-of-the-art, high-t ech sca le is made by Soe hnl e, and the glass basi ns were imported from th e US.


fantasy & fishes

Water is without doubt integral to any bathroom. This powder

room created by Singapore-based designer Benny Cheng of space_craft offers the latest in innovative design and creative use of an outdoor- indoor space.

above This ethereal glass va nity unit is pure design genius. W hen the ta p is turn ed on , the water forms a mirage hovering above the pond. Accessories from The Natu ral Source provide the f inishing touch. left The garden and pool area lie be hind the " floating " mirror in the bathroom. The deck provides a perfect setting for unusual stone vases. right The use of granite for t he walls and f loors creates a sea m less t ransition from the bathroom to t he o utside poo l area. Th e unique g lass basin means guest s ca n look down into the pond. " I like the way it surprises," says Benny Cheng. " What we d id was to turn a little tunne l space into a feat ure of the home."


bathroom as temple

The owners of the grand Villa Ylang Ylang in Bali have

taken hedonism to new heights with this luxurious master bathroom that is part modern Roman bath, part tropical sanctuary.

above Th e blue scu lptured sto ne and wooden latticewo rk va nity unit emul at es the sto ne used in the sunken pool of the master bathroom. To rto iseshe ll boxes are f ill ed with hand t owels and th e large m irror framed in dark wood reflects and en hances the space. Customized accessories and bright flowers add the fini shing touches .


right The little details we incl ude in ou r bathrooms reflect ou r individuality and personality. Here a modern Balinese urn makes an unusual vase fo r these delicate, richly co lored flowe rs. opposite The attracti o n of th is m aster bathroom ca n be found in its modern Roman spa fee l. Pal imanan stone inlaid into bl ack pebbles sets th e color pa lette of the space. Recessed light ing casts a soft glow over th e sunken bath adorned wit h flowers. A large statue with its own landsca ped pool behind the bath completes the picture.

assorted flavorS

The novelty of having multiple bathrooms in one house widens

homeowners' design options. The four bathrooms in this Bangkok penthouse each reflects a different mood and theme, from country classic to futurist chic.

top This sta ll is a fantastic metal

cylin der made of brushed stee l that is all space-age cool. above Wood and earthenware evoke th e atmosphere of an o ldstyle Japanese ryokan, or inn. left Cem ent wa ll s, stain less-st ee l f ixt ures and a g lass counter, the standa rd bearers of masculi ne chic, fit perfectly with the city setting o utdoors. right Trad itiona lly eastern in use, pebb le and stone make unusual compa nions to modern Italia n san itary wa re in t his distinctly J apa nese design.


above The shower and toi let

are encased be hind sleek glass pane ls, elevating them from items of mundane everyday life to elegant display objects. left The bathtub fits snugly into an alcove. Pl aced on stone steps and adorned w ith gold lacquer accessories, Hermes bath towels and candles, the bath becomes a lu xurious and g lamo rous retreat.

below Raw brick wa lls and

recessed vertica l apertu res echo t he elega nt symmetry of Thai temple ruins. A counter top of dark wood continues the theme wh ile add in g a warm and earthy co lo r to the room. opposite A landscape mural cleverly compe nsates for the lack of a w indow in thi s powder room, t ransform ing a square cube into a vast rice paddy. The theme here is of a Thai country bathroom, w ith weathered wooden planks suggesting a rural farmhouse floor and a classic rainwater urn of the type traditiona lly used in country baths remodeled into a wash basin for city dwell ers.


the look is luxe

Space is often at a premium in central Bangkok high-rises. The

challenge of turning a cramped bathroom at Siri Sathorn Apartments into a haven of stylish luxury led interior designer Carolyn Corogin of C2 Studio to this approach.

left Echoing t he atmosphere of a luxury boutique, the color and textu re of f rosted green glass make thi s sm all bathroom seem so invit ing. Th e glass wall and door also let in natural light from th e bedroom, brighten in g the w indowless bathroom. rig ht To m aximize the limited space, a g lass wal l separates t he showe r w ith o ut obstructing the line of sig ht. The install ation of tub, wa ll- and cei ling-showers gives the user a complete range of bathin g opti ons. below Th e sink and f ixtures are simple but elega nt high-qua lity imports f ro m Italy.


practical magic

The bathroom is the one room in the house where practicality

is a must. With the help of Sim Boon Yang of Eco-id Architects, these bathrooms are more than just user-friendly-they are a triumph of form and function .

above With its non-slip chiseled

gran ite fl oo r as well as oodles of ambient li ght, the shower is w itho ut doubt th e highlight of the roomy master bathroom of th is Singapore apartment. All-wh ite accessories and soaps from Th e Natural Source offset th e dark wood shelves and beige marbl e of th e wa lls. left This bathroom scale, found in a shop in Tokyo, is both fun ky and function al. top right Bathed in soft lig hting, t he antique Burmese st oneware, which th e owners rescued f rom a rubb ish tip, is showcased in th e separate toilet. right T his asymmetrical van ity table, pa ired with th e mi rrorfronted storag e unit, creates an uncl uttered transition between th e master bedroom and bathroom, w hil e giving uninterrupted views of th e harbo r beyond. Sliding d oo rs maximize space. opposite Th e mast er bathroo m oozes quiet sophi stication with its li near f ixtures and fittings and soft beige granite. Made of planks of st ain ed chengai wood joined together, the vanity unit resem bles a butcher's block.



the COlOr COnnection

There's nothing elaborate in the design of this

connecting bathroom. Design team IA49 plays with bold colors to liven up the small space, and the simp le layout takes on a spontaneous character.

left Th e t oilet and showe r are sepa rated by the pa rtiti o ning wa ll in the m iddl e of the room , w hich prov ides pri vacy from the two doors that g ive entry o n both sides of t he bathroom .

above The bathroom 's brig ht color sc heme compleme nts the modern decor of t he adjace nt bedroom. A black m arble counter top provides a dramatic contrast to the y ell ow t iled wa ll. The bulbous figure in papier mache was bought on a wh im at a loca l department st ore because its cheerful personality matched t hat of the bathroom.



tropical white

Cool shades of white present the perfect backdrop to the modern tropica l

look. The bathroom of this Balinese villa, with its unmistakable emphasis on simplicity, clearly belongs to t he "less is more" school of thought.

above White and w icker creat e a tranqui l and restfu l atm osphere in thi s space w hich is part en suite bathroom, part dress ing room . Th e cleverly designed open shelves expose rows of wicker baskets to create th e "m inim ali st st orage" look. Th e unfini shed brush strokes of th e pa intwo rk on the mirror frame add an ethni c touch, w hil e a bamboo ladder comp leme nts the overal l look and prov ides a good ho lder for hang ing towe ls.

right A large w icker basket is

a great storage so lution f or rolls of whit e f luffy towels. opposite Bali is blessed w ith the ideal climate for outdoor bathing . A white stone bath adds a touch of the modern and sto ne accessories enhance t he lushn ess of th e foli age beyond. A Balinese sculpture makes an unu sual towel ra il.


shophouse chic

When is modern not too modern? These bathrooms retain

the character of a Singapore shophouse while introducing sensua l and luxurious elements to create a contemporary and understated opulence.


left Pl acing a bathtub under the wi ndow is an innovative use of a recessed niche. Tall fl owers like th ese Birds of Pa rad ise add heig ht t o the space and an exotic t o uch t o any bathin g experience. below The bathroo m o n the third f loor of th is sho ph ouse has an unusual shape as it w raps t he stairwe ll lead ing t o the master bedroom . A M appa Burle veneer aro und the va nity unit and t he glow f ro m co ncea led lig ht ing render thi s a restful and luxurious roo m.

opposite The white glazed

ce ramic-ti led wal ls in th is guest bathroo m set off the decorative pa nels of mosaic marble and al low fo r detail ing w ith wood. One of t he main features of this bath room is the frame less g lass shower cubicle w ith the ce ntral green m arble paneling. Playing on th e green th eme, the shelves showcase t he m edley of glass bottl es. The f loors are clad in Spa nish textured sandstone.

masculine OVertones

The dark hue, symmetrical outlines and streamlined style

of this guest bathroom give machismo appeal, while the splashes of color add a

sense of irreverence-just the look IA49 envisioned for this bachelor pad in Bangkok.

left The sleek mirror, lamp, glass co nsole and metal wash basin were brought from Italy by the owner, w ho shows an inclin ati on towa rd urban soph istication. opposite What a difference a bit of color makes. A slim silho uette and matte black finish add an air of so lemn power to the simple to il et. The owner's col lection of Cost a Bod a Danish blown glass bottles and plastic Alessi legged bowls inject s a touch of zest and humor to an otherwise seriou s "th rone roo m. "


sleek is sensual

Clean lines and understated sophistication-tools employed by

architects Antony Liu and Ferry Ridwan-transform the bathrooms at The Bale Hotel in Nusa Dua, Bali, into an oasis of cool, elegant calm.

above This bathroom literally steps down into the pool. "We wanted to m ake both pool and bathroom one unit to reduce the differen ce between th e outside and in side," say s Antony Liu. Th e stainless-st eel towel rail adds sleekness to the space. right Th e scu lptura l A xor taps are the ultimate in elegance and contemporary ch ic. left The "floating " terrazzo vanity unit enh ances th e clea n, m odern fee l of the bathroom. Simpl e ce ramic accesso ri es from Jenggala Kera mik add th e final touches .


surface story

Cold forged metals are used extensively in the bath rooms at

The Farm at San Benito-in this example, the round basin of polyurethane resin , and the ceiling lig hts made from ordinary water pipes are cold forged in bro nze.

T he dark colo red wa lls made of terrazzo inl aid wit h mot her-ofpearl g ive the bat hroom t he mysterious glam or of th e starry midnig ht sky.


Til es fas hion ed from pebbles are altern ated with those m ade of natural granite to give th e floor a textured contrast. The ceiling is fashioned from handcut coconut tiles .


see1ng light

Creating new dimensions in a square room is a challenge for any

designer. This en suite bathroom by IA49 in Bangkok shows how cleverly positioned shelves, mirrors and doors and the use of translucent materials can do just that.



left A frosted glass panel is a clever way to divide t he w ashing area and th e bath and toilet area without sacrificing natura l li ght. The cut-thro ugh shelf al lows the space to flow unobst ructed whi le add ing v isual interest. Th e dark wooden wa ll gives a sense of luxuri o us sophistication and the m irror reflects the window, doub lin g the natural light and further open in g up the space.

top Slidin g doors allow easy

access from both sides between the bed room and stu dy. Frosted panels g ive a coo l, contemporary edge w hile allowing more natural lig ht int o the bathroom from both sides. above Opaqu e window ti les let in plenty of light w hile g iv in g t he user privacy in the bathroom, w hich is on the ground fl oor.


open-air option

The top floor location of this Bangkok loft offers owners Vichien

Chansevikul and Michael Palmer the luxury of an outdoor bathroom in the heart of the city, whi le an enclosed atrium provides privacy from neighboring bui ldings.


above Extremely high fl oor-toceilin g g lass wal ls let in sunlight and ope n up t he narrow room. The toilet, located in a separate room, is accessible from both sides, and functions as part of the master bathroom and part of the guest powde r room. left Vich ien designed the loft w ith all rooms con necting in a circu lar configuration around a centra l atriu m. The left corner of the bathroom leads to a mirrored dressing room jo in ed to th e connecting corridor. Sliding glass doors al low access to the open air from all sides. right A friend from Paris handca rried these double ceram ic wash basins in a suitcase to Bangkok. Hand-crafted leather toiletries containers by Leather Paragon lend a sop histicated, masculin e look to the bathroom .


bathroom as art

Inspired by the way African women in Ndebele paint their

houses, artists Philip Lakeman and Graham Oldroyd used their bathroom as a blank canvas on which they created a wholly individual outdoor pamper room.


left Philip and Graha m are consta ntly redesigning the ir Bali house. In its present incarnation, the ope n-a ir bath room is an ode t o art. Th e huge wal l mu ral by the wa lkway, leading t o an o utdoor showe r, is African in sty le. below The va nity un it with the su nken sinks on a stain less-steel base was fa shioned by the two artists. Graham 's pai nti ng, enti tled " My Laptop," is how "we comm unicate to each oth er these days," they say. bottom Philip and Graham made eve rything , includ ing t hese soap di shes and vanity box.

above This mirror w ith its elaborate cera mic frame was designed and made by Philip and Graham, and reflects the open-a ir shower area . left " Wh en we bui lt the house, at f irst t here was a bath," says Philip, "but we neve r used it, so it got ditched and we rep laced it with an area t o sit ." Among their first acquisitions on arriving in Bali was thi s chair. "We loved it beca use it looked as if it was wa lking."


black magic

Black is back and looking cool. Nested in a converted shophouse

along the east coast of Singapore, this industrial-style bathroom with a breakaway shower cubicle is a timeless classic-just what the owners and designers desired.


above Glass tiles that "break

out " into the master bedroom, the sleek ra in showerhead and the space-age shower nozzle complete the ove ral l cont emporary feel of this bathroom. right Why enclose a powder room when a cleverly conceived pa nel of black mosaic tiles on an ex isting w hite wa ll works even better? This is a good example of eco nomy and versatility. The sta inless-steel accessori es and sink are a contin uation of the industrial theme f ou nd in the master bathroom. left The ch ic combi nati on of g lass bricks, cement and bl ack mosa ic tiles lends an enduring spaciousness and ultimately sexy feel to the bathroom. Th e Chemistry design t eam artfully ba lanced the sleek look of the sta inless-stee l accessories w it h t he soft mauve tones of t he flowers and soaps from The Natural Source whi le, as Marce l Heijnen of Chemist ry explains, "a subtle hint of blue-green is provided by the natural color of the g lass used. "


above The large su nken bath set in its own raised space in this treatment room is the definitive word in luxury. Th e teakwood lo uvered w indows let in ju st the right amount of am bient light. Candles, an array of soot hing lotions and potions and a co lor scheme that reflects the natura l environment of Sentosa signal pure relaxation. right The vanity bowls in the treatment room are constructed from a block comprising va rious types of granite, en hancing the color scheme. The wall-mounted taps, wh ich have been imported from Fra nce, are contempo rary and elegant.


Spa modern

You are enveloped in a sense of we ll -being and luxury the minute

you enter the Spa Botanica on Sentosa Island in Singapore. The earthy tones and soft lighting create a haven for those who believe in pampering their bodies.

Kathy Yuktasevi of th e fi rm Leo Designers, who worked on the int eriors of the Spa, w ant ed to "create an ind ividual st ate-ofthe-a rt shower and sc ulpt ural va nity area wh ilst mai nta ining a generic and organic feel of a re laxed sanctuary wit hin t he t reatment rooms." The cleve r use of recessed lighti ng be hind the mirror softens th e ambience w hile the co ntrast of da rk wood and natural tones of stone adds to the overa ll feel of indulgence. Gree n leaves enhance t he sense of being close to natu re.


OUt in the open

Enclosed villas give guests the luxury of an all-round outdoor

bathing and swimming experience at the Evason Resort & Spa Hua Hin in Thailand , where bathrooms and pools are design features in the outdoor landscaping.


above While the sink and toilet areas are indoors, the outdoor shower and adjacent outdoor bathtub open straight into the lotu s pond. left The swimm ing poo l t errace is fo un d on the other side of the lotus pond and bathtub. The lush fr inge of ban ana trees around the fence suggests a privat e hideaway. opposite Th e lily pond, sunken bathtub and swimming pool m erge seamlessly to form an integrated unit using innovative landscapin g that comb ines style with f unction.


right Be low the mirror, glass

shelves provide ample storage room in the limited space. A bamboo ladder performs double duty as a towel rack. be low The gold hand-beaten metal basin adds an element of romance to the bathroom. Ord inary drinking water takes on an icy look in a pair of frosted g lass bottles-enticing! left At the Evason Resort & Spa Hua Hin, indoor bathrooms are a simple but elegant affa ir. Eva Shivdasa ni, w ho ove rsaw t he design of t he resort, fashioned the hanging cylinder lamps out of a materia l that resembles rawhide but is actua lly resin. Vertica l windows flanking the m irrors open out to the outdoor shower on t he other side.


symmetry for all seasons

Using oodles of space and strong sculptural forms,

architectural firm HYLA has designed a master bathroom perfect for the modern Singapore woman-cool, clean and ultimately covetable.

above Bright accessories fro m Lifestorey co unterbalance the industrial look of the antique mirror and the concrete-an dAzu l-limestone van ity unit. The al uminum light fitting is itself a sculpture, and the abundance of light enh ances the o utdoor feel. left Little details such as these unusual soaps from Lifest o rey add personality, elan and charm to any bathroom.


left and bottom right The

rounded Hansgrohe tap and showerhead comp lement the linear contours employed in the master bathroom. below Th e expansiveness of light and space is accentuated by fl oo r-to-cei ling g lass doors. A sliding w indow brings in more lig ht from the air we ll . below right The ro un d shower cubicle contrasts w ith the rectilin ear forms of the other fittin gs. The shower curta in, a p leasant departure from the usual glass enclosu re, adds to the industrial yet elegant look.


tribal ablutions

Inspired by a love of ethnic cultures gleaned from the owner's

far-flung travels, this bathroom in landscape architect Bill Bensley's Bangkok home has a modern ethnic look which fee ls authentically earthy yet stylish ly au courant.

above Natural st o nes in the wash basin echo the loo k of a babbling brook. right A n alcove for artefact s and an Africa n tribal mask embody the concept of t he bathroom as an art gallery. opposite The unexpected and delicate elegance of the graceful ceramic wash basin, combined w ith th e masculine chun kiness of the setting, is the subtle twist that inj ects a touch of modern sophistication to th e otherwise primitive tableau.


the bare necessities

Creativity, daring and compatible materials form the basis

of good interior design. The design of the guest bathroom of this Kuala Lumpur home questions "what constitutes the conventional expectation of 'being finished'."


left "I recall that when I was a child, all the bathrooms in the hou ses we lived in were simply fini shed in bare cement plaster, typical of the first generation of houses in Petaling Jaya from the 1950s and 1960s. If it worked th en, why not now?" asserts homeowner and Malaysian architect Lillian Tay. Th e creative application of various shades of black gives the bathroom that sensual, "boud oir" quality. The polished Zimbabwe granite f loor co mplem ents th e clean cement wa lls and stainless-stee l fi xtures.

above The Nyatoh wood framed

mirror softe ns and complements the cou nter top made f rom black Zimbabwe granite while the interplay of shapes and textures of the white lilies and brush ed metal cand le hold er captivates the senses. top right Detai ls in contrasting colors make a stunning v isual statement. An electric-blue Thai fighting fish in a tall glass vase completes the picture of effort less style. above right Th e sleekness of the brush-finished stainless-steel bowl and cylindrical tap made from a chrome-plated brass pipe accentuates the richness of the enveloping black.



Nature is central to the overall plan of this bathroom created by Eco-id

Architects. The owners wanted "luxury in a garden setting," and what better way to bathe than in the company of birds flitting through the open space? Pure bliss.

above A 16th centu ry f igurine f ro m Cambodia adds texture to w hite marbl e and porcela in. left Fixtures and fitti ngs, like this streamlined showerhead f ro m Vo la, enhance the qu iet look of the bathroom. Th e symmetry of the identica l bottles from Club 21 adds t o th e overa ll harmony. opposite Veined wh it e m arble, a sunke n Jacuzzi, an abundance of plants and the modern touch of a Corbusier lounger combi ne to create a light, airy space. " When w e are in the showe r du ri ng a ra iny day," say th e ow ners, "we feel t hat w e are show eri ng in t he rain!" Three Indian urns an d th e stone sculpture reflect t he owners' love of antiques.


on public display

Outdoo, 'est,ooms seem to be the appmp,;ate appmach

when the seWng ;s the Evason Reso