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English Year 2014
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There is growing judicial, academic and political interest in the concept of common law constitutional rights. Concurren
161 62 8MB Read more
Taking as a starting point the widely accepted view that states confronted with terrorism must find a proper equilibrium
152 75 2MB Read more
There is a developing body of legal reasoning in the United Kingdom Supreme Court in which members of the senior judicia
166 113 5MB Read more
Colorado’s legalization of marijuana spurred intense debate about the extent to which the Constitution preempts state-en
150 110 2MB Read more
The European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL) is an annual publication devoted to the study of constitutional law.
105 96 4MB Read more
In this practical guide to the law for the young people of Canada, Ned Lecic and Marvin Zuker provide an all-encompassin
105 13 15MB Read more
How the words we use—and don’t use—reinforce dominant cultural norms Why is the term "openly gay" so widely
116 58 932KB Read more
In Constitutional Law for a Changing America, you will learn about how political factors such as arguments and input fro
109 48 13MB Read more
International human rights law is sometimes criticized as an infringement of constitutional democracy. Against this view
489 11 2MB Read more
Jamie Mayerfeld defends international human rights law as an extension of domestic checks and balances and therefore nec
110 50 1MB Read more