Concrete Hell: Urban warfare From Stalingrad to Iraq 9781849087926, 9781472895820, 9781782003144

Throughout history cities have been at the center of warfare, from sieges to street-fighting, from peace-keeping to coup

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Table of contents :
CHAPTER 6-WAR IN THE CASBAH The Battle of Algiers, 1956–57
CHAPTER 7-THE LONG URBAN WAR Operation Banner, 1969–2007
CHAPTER 8-URBAN DEATH TRAP The Russian Army in Grozny, 1995
CHAPTER 9-INVADING THE URBAN SANCTUARY Operation Defensive Shield and the Battlefor Jenin, 2002
CHAPTER 10-SYSTEMATIC URBAN WARFARE “Ready First” in Ramadi, 2006–07
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Concrete Hell: Urban warfare From Stalingrad to Iraq
 9781849087926, 9781472895820, 9781782003144

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HELL Concrete Hell is a masterful study of the brutal realities of modern combat, tracing the development of military operations in an urban environment from the Soviet defense of Stalingrad in World War II to the recent operations of the US Army in Iraq. The author has synthesized 24 years experience in the US Army, where he wrote several of the key doctrinal manuals including FM 3-06 Urban Operations (2002), and in doing so created a blueprint for urban warfare in the future.



LOUIS A. DIMARCO © Osprey Publishing •

Former Lieutenant Colonel Louis DiMarco describes nine urban conflicts with an expert eye; Stalingrad 1942, Aachen 1944, Inchon and Seoul 1950, Algiers 1956–57, Hue 1968, Northern Ireland 1969–2007, Grozny 1995, Jenin 2002, and Ramadi 2006–07. He highlights the different challenges posed by conventional or counterinsurgency operations and the developments that took place as the 20th century became the 21st, covering tactical, strategic, operational, and political considerations in this most challenging form of combat. DiMarco describes the warfare of the future where the classic battle in the open field will no longer take place, where military operations will be conducted in cities and urban environments instead, and where war will still be hell but it will be a concrete one.




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DEDICATION Over the course of a lifetime associated with the military and traveling around the world I have had the good fortune of working and serving ZLWKVRPHRIWKHÀQHVWVROGLHUVDQ\ZKHUH7KUHHRIWKHPVWDQGRXWDV representing the soldierly virtues of tactical and technical excellence, scholarship, and most important, leadership. This book is dedicated to them and their inspiring example. I would follow them anywhere. They are: Colonel French L. MacLean, Colonel Thomas A. Dials, and Colonel Peter Wells.

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CONTENTS Foreword List of Maps List of Plates 1 Urban Warfare, Past and Future 2 An Operational Debacle

9 11 13 15 27

Stalingrad, 1942

3 American Urban Warfare


Aachen, 1944

4 Urban Warfare from the Sea


Inchon and Seoul, 1950

5 Complex Urban Warfare


The Battle for Hue, 1968

6 War in the Casbah


The Battle of Algiers, 1956–57

7 The Long Urban War


Operation Banner, 1969–2007

8 Urban Death Trap The Russian Army in Grozny, 1995

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9 Invading the Urban Sanctuary


Operation Defensive Shield and the Battle for Jenin, 2002

10 Systematic Urban Warfare


“Ready First” in Ramadi, 2006–07

11 Urban Combat in the 21st century Bibliography Glossary About the Author Index

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211 217 221 223 225

FOREWORD 7KLV VKRUW KLVWRU\ LV PHDQW WR GHVFULEH WKH XUEDQ EDWWOHÀHOG DV LW HYROYHGRYHUWKHODVWKDOIRIWKHWKFHQWXU\DQGLQWRWKHÀUVWGHFDGH of the 21st. In describing the past, I believe, it also describes the future. Regardless of the basis of one’s view of the future, whether it be focused on competition between major world powers such as the US and China, or a persistent struggle between the forces of radical Islam and the west, the 21st century is going to be a century RIFRQÁLFW,EHOLHYHWKDWFRQÁLFWZLOOODUJHO\RFFXULQFLWLHVDQGWKH NH\VWRXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHFRQÁLFWVRIWKHIXWXUHDUHLOOXVWUDWHGLQWKH XUEDQEDWWOHÀHOGVRIWKHSDVW Urban areas are often absolutely critical strategic objectives. They JDLQWKHDWWHQWLRQRIWKHSROLWLFDOOHDGHUVRIERWKVLGHVLQDFRQÁLFWDQG often of the civilian population as well. They often have a political value that is of much greater strategic importance than the purely material military advantage they provide to either side. Thus, before and during urban combat, there must be close coordination between the tactical actions and requirements and the strategic goals and objectives. Operational-level commanders provide the link between the tactical and strategic level of war and often their understanding DQGLQWHJUDWLRQ RI WKH WZR YHU\ GLͿHUHQW OHYHOV RI ZDU LV FULWLFDO WR VXFFHVVRQWKHXUEDQEDWWOHÀHOG 7KHSDVWLOOXVWUDWHVPDQ\RIWKHHVVHQWLDOWDFWLFVRIXUEDQFRQÁLFW Many urban tactical techniques essential for success have been developed over the last half century. These include the requirement IRUWKHEDWWOHWREHDQDOODUPVFRQÁLFWWKDWLQFOXGHVDKRVWRIHTXDOO\ important capabilities as diverse as the need for armor and the requirement for well-trained snipers. Another more recent tactical need that has shown itself critical in the complex urban environment is a comprehensive intelligence system adapt at analyzing and understanding the human component of the environment. Past urban battles also describe operational and strategic requirements for successful urban battle. One of the basic operational essentials of urban battle success is isolating the enemy combatants inside the city. The history of urban combat makes plain that when

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Concrete Hell

the enemy is isolated then success follows. When the enemy in the urban battle is not isolated from outside support, success may EH PXFK PRUH GL΀FXOW RU LPSRVVLEOH$ FRUROODU\ WR WKLV KLVWRULFDO observation is that often the battles outside the city to isolate it from VXSSRUW DUH PRUH GL΀FXOW FRQVXPH PRUH UHVRXUFHV DQG DUH PRUH GHFLVLYHWKDQWKHDFWXDOKRXVHWRKRXVHÀJKWLQJLQVLGHWKHFLW\ The battle histories described in this work are the result of research in primary sources and the most authoritative secondary sources available. Many of the battles described here, such as the battle for Stalingrad, have been the subject of multiple excellent histories E\ VRPH RI WKH ÀQHVW PLOLWDU\ KLVWRULDQV 7KLV ZRUN LQ QR ZD\ LV D substitute for those superbly researched detailed battle histories. My intent in this work is to make three contributions. First, provide a basic XQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHPXOWLSOHGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHXUEDQEDWWOHÀHOGWKH EDWWOHÀHOGZKLFK,EHOLHYHZLOOGRPLQDWHZDUIDUHIRUWKHQH[WFHQWXU\ 6HFRQG SURYLGH DQDO\WLFDO LQVLJKWV UHJDUGLQJ WKH XUEDQ EDWWOHÀHOG based on the historical record of urban combat. That is, to point out critical tactical, operational, and strategic considerations which KDYH UHOHYDQFH WR WKH EDWWOHÀHOGV RI WRGD\ DQG WRPRUURZ )LQDOO\ this work, by examining the evolution of the military experience on WKHXUEDQEDWWOHÀHOGVLQFHZLOOVKRZKRZWKHXUEDQEDWWOHÀHOG KDV HYROYHG IURP UHODWLYHO\ VLPSOLVWLF FRQYHQWLRQDO EDWWOHÀHOG RI Stalingrad and Aachen, to the purely insurgency war of Algeria and 1RUWKHUQ,UHODQGDQGÀQDOO\WRWKHKLJKO\FRPSOH[K\EULGPL[WXUHRI conventional and insurgent combat found in places like the occupied territories, Chechnya, and Iraq. Thus, the goal of this book is to use PLOLWDU\KLVWRU\WREHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGWKHPLOLWDU\DͿDLUVRIWRGD\DQG tomorrow. American Civil War General William T. Sherman famously described war as hell. This book does not challenge his description, but makes the simple point that in the recent past and in the coming future war has been and will be not just hell, but concrete hell.

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LIST OF MAPS 2.1 German Summer Offensive, 1942 2.2 The Sixth Army Attack into Stalingrad, September–November 1942 2.3 The Soviet Counteroffensive, November 1942 3.1 The Battle for Aachen, October 1944 4.1 The Inchon Landings, September 1950 4.2 The Capture of Seoul, September 1950 5.1 The PAVN Capture of Hue, January 1968 5.2 The Battle for Southern Hue, January–February 1968 5.3 The Battle for Northern Hue, January–Feburary 1968 6.1 Major Events in Algiers, 1956–57 6.2 Deployment and Actions of the 10th Para Division, Algiers, 1957 7.1 British Army Deployment and Major Events, Northern Ireland, 1969–2007 8.1 The Initial Russian Attack into Grozny, December 1994 9.1 Operation Defensive Shield, March–April 2002 9.2 The IDF Attacks Nablus, April 2002 9.3 The IDF Attacks Jenin, April 2002 10.1 Al-Anbar Province, Iraq, 2006 10.2 Deployment of 1BCT in Ramadi, Iraq, 2006–07

31 38 43 48 70 75 84 87 91 108 115 128 154 173 179 184 192 205

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LIST OF PLATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

A siege tower. (istockphoto) Siege of Orleans, 15th century. (David Nicolle) Fortress of Neuf-Brisach. (Getty) German infantryman at Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) JU-87 Stuka over Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) German infantry captain with sub-machine gun. (Bundesarchiv) German infantry dug in, Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) German assault, Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) StuG IIIa, Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) Tank factory, Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) German StuG IIIa and infantry, Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) German PzKpfw IIIj, advancing to Stalingrad. (Bundesarchiv) US Sherman tank in town near Aachen. (NARA) Field Marshal Walter Model. (Bundesarchiv) Colonel Gerhardt Wilck. (NARA) US infantry fighting, Aachen. (US Army) US Sherman tanks supporting infantry, Aachen. (NARA) US M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage, Aachen. (NARA) US 75mm antitank gun, Aachen. (NARA) US antitank position, Aachen. (NARA) US M-4 tank, Aachen. (NARA) German prisoners, Aachen. (NARA) USMC F4U-5 Corsair, Korea. (USMC) US Marines assault Inchon. (USMC) US Marine squad on approach to Seoul. (USMC) US Marine squad moving through Seoul. (USMC) US Marine squad suppressing sniper fire, Seoul. (US Army) US Marines evacuate wounded comrade, Seoul. (USMC) Raising of American flag in Seoul. (Getty) US Sherman tanks after Seoul. (US Navy) General Douglas MacArthur. (US Navy) US M-48 tank supporting Marines, Hue. (USMC) US M-48 tank overlooking bridge, Hue. (USMC) 13 © Osprey Publishing •

Concrete Hell

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US Marines overwatching a walled garden, Hue. (USMC) US Marine Ontos crewman, Hue. (NARA) US Marines wearing gas masks, Hue. (Getty) US Marines fighting house to house, Hue. (Topfoto) General Jacques Massu. (Getty) Larbi Ben M’Hidi. (Getty) Casbah, Algiers. (Topfoto) French paras enter Algiers. (Getty) Saadi Yacef. (Getty) Patroling soldier in Belfast, Northern Ireland. (IWM, MH30550) British soldiers fire at rioters, Northern Ireland. (IWM, HU41939) British soldiers patrol in Belfast, Northern Ireland. (IWM, TR32986) British soldiers marching to control riot in Londonderry. (IWM, HU43396) British troops guard a barricade, Northern Ireland. (Topfoto) Aftermath of PIRA bombing, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (Fred Hoare) Russian soldier in Grozny. (Topfoto) Chechen fighter in Grozny. (Getty) Destroyed Russian BMP2 armored personnel carrier, Grozny. (Getty) Chechen fighters, Grozny. (Getty) Ruins of Grozny. (Topfoto) Israeli infantrymen, Jenin. (IDF) Israeli Merkava tanks, Jenin. (IDF) Israeli infantry, West Bank. (IDF) Israeli infantry enter building, Jenin. (IDF) Israeli Merkava tank observing Jenin. (IDF) US soldier senter Ramadi hospital. (Defense Mil) Euphrates River, Ramadi. US infantry providing security, Ramadi. (US Military) US Marines in urban combat in Iraq. (USMC) US M-1A1 tank in firefight, Iraq. (USMC) USMC infantryman, Ramadi. (USMC) Rebel forces, Libya. (Getty) Libyan rebel army, Tripoli, Libya. (Getty) Syrian rebel forces, Aleppo, Syria. (Getty)

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URBAN WARFARE, PAST AND FUTURE Urban Warfare – a military term that received unprecedented attention just prior to and after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 – describes the conduct of military operations in cities. As the US military entered combat in Iraq in 2003, the American military and public were both in awe of urban combat and made nervous by the challenges it posed. 6XSUHPHO\FRQÀGHQWLQWKHLUDELOLW\WRÀJKWDQGZLQDEDWWOHRIDUPRUHG YHKLFOHPDQHXYHUWKH86$UP\ZDVPXFKOHVVFRQÀGHQWDERXWXUEDQ warfare. To the US Army it was a new, mysterious, and particularly nefarious type of warfare for which the US military was historically unprepared, and of which the US military was particularly wary. That such a view prevailed in 2003 is not surprising given the generally poor knowledge of history within the general public and even among some of the professional military. The facts are, however, that urban warfare is not a new phenomenon; the US military has quite a bit of experience with urban warfare; and though, like all war, urban warfare can be brutal and costly, it is not unusually more so than warfare in many other environments. Urban warfare became the norm for US military operations in Iraq between 2003 and 2011. The nature of those operations in Iraq, including tactics, and operational and strategic context, was a natural extension of the type of urban warfare that developed over the latter half of the 20th century, since World War II. Modern urban warfare, in many respects, is not too GLͿHUHQWIURPXUEDQZDUIDUHDVSUDFWLFHGWKURXJKRXWWKHKLVWRU\RI warfare. Given how warfare has evolved in the last decades of the WKFHQWXU\PDQ\H[SHUWVEHOLHYHWKDWWKHFRPSOH[XUEDQEDWWOHÀHOG

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Concrete Hell

will be the common environment for warfare in the 21st century. If that is the case, then military history is going “back to the future,” as an examination of military history reveals that urban warfare is common, and in fact is more common in the history of warfare than FODVVLFEDWWOHLQWKHRSHQÀHOG Urban warfare has existed since men began to wage war on other men. War is fundamentally about one group imposing its will on another group. The 19th-century German military philosopher, *HQHUDO &DUO YRQ &ODXVHZLW] GHÀQHG ZDU DV SXUVXLQJ SROLWLFV E\ other means. The word politics comes from the Greek word politika. $ULVWRWOHGHVFULEHGSROLWLFVDV´DͿDLUVRIWKHFLW\µ,Q*UHHNWKHZRUG for city is polis. In the modern world, as in the ancient, political discourse mostly takes place in large urban areas. Cities are where laws are passed and leadership resides. Logically then, to use force to impose political will on a group of people often requires that that force be exercised where the people live, where their leadership resides, and where they carry out their political activities – in cities. Politics, cities, and warfare are inextricably linked, and because of that connection, military forces through history have devoted much RIWKHLUFDSDELOLW\DQGHͿRUWWRÀJKWLQJIRULQDQGDURXQGFLWLHV Beyond the general nature of politics, there have been, and to this GD\UHPDLQUHDOLPSRUWDQWPLOLWDU\UHDVRQVIRUÀJKWLQJLQDQGIRU cities. One of the most important reasons for attacking a city was to capture the enemy’s political, economic, or cultural center, thereby destroying his morale, his ability to sustain a war, and his capability to govern. In other words, the city was attacked because it was the enemy’s center of gravity. This resulted in numerous battles for capital cities such as Rome and Paris. In ancient times, the Persian (PSLUH·VHͿRUWVWRVXEGXHWKHLQGHSHQGHQW*UHHNFLW\VWDWHVFHQWHUHG on the most important city-state and its capital, Athens. Between 492 and 479 BC, the Persians mounted three separate unsuccessful campaigns to capture the Greek cultural and economic center. The Greeks succeeded in defending Athens in a series of brilliant battles fought not in the city but on its land and sea approaches. These victories were central to the Greeks’ successful resistance to the Persian invasions. In 1453, the successful siege and capture of the Byzantine capital of Constantinople by Muslim forces not only spelled the end RIWKH%\]DQWLQH(PSLUHEXWDOVRHQGHG&KULVWLDQHͿRUWVWRGRPLQDWH theMiddle East. Thus, the successful attack or defense of a key city could decide the outcome of the campaign, the war, or the fate of an empire.

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Urban Warfare, Past and Future

Attacking the urban political center of an opponent was often, but not always, decisive. The Persians eventually did capture an abandoned Athens but it did not lead to the success of their campaign. The capture of Mexico City by US forces in 1847 did not compel the surrender of Mexico. Napoleon’s successful capture of Moscow in 1812 did not compel the capitulation of Russia for, as historian David Chandler explained, the French capture of Moscow allowed the Russians to seize the initiative in the campaign and then wait for “General Winter” to wreak havoc on the French army. Napoleon’s focus on capturing the enemy capital and not on destroying the HQHP\·VÀHOGDUP\FRQWULEXWHGGLUHFWO\WRWKHIDLOXUHRIKLV5XVVLDQ campaign and his disastrous retreat. Attacking an urban area as a means to defeat a nation required careful evaluation of the military situation, geopolitical factors, culture, and economics before executing operations. An incomplete understanding of the role and importance of the urban area to the opponent could lead to an extensive expenditure of time and resources with little operational or strategic gain. A compelling reason to attack urban areas was military operational necessity. Commanders sometimes attacked an urban area to destroy an enemy force located there or because of the strategic location of the urban area. Often the urban area contained a capability that was necessary for future operations. When defending, a commander often located his forces in an urban area because of his inferior capability and the increase in combat power provided by the inherent defensive qualities of the urban terrain. These reasons compelled commanders to engage in urban operations for purely military reasons. Strategic geographic position was an important reason for deciding to attack or defend a city. Wellington’s bloody siege of Badajoz in 1812 was necessary to secure the primary invasion route into Spain. During the American Civil War, General Ulysses Grant’s decision to capture Vicksburg was primarily motivated by that city’s strategic location on the Mississippi River. When Vicksburg surrendered on July 4, 1863, the Union gained unchallenged control of the river and divided the Confederacy geographically. This success greatly inhibited support and communications between the eastern and western Confederate states and was a devastating blow to the South’s morale and prestige. Often urban operations were required to acquire a capability for future operations. This capability may have been an advance base, logistics facilities, or a harbor. In June and July 1758 during the Seven