Concentrating Solar Power Technology: Principles, Developments, and Applications [2 ed.]
0128199709, 9780128199701
This second edition of Concentrating Solar Power Technology edited by Keith Lovegrove and Wes Stein presents a fully upd
Pages 832
Year 2020
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Table of contents :
Front matter
Author bio
Primary editor and Chapters 1* and 2*
Editor and Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Introduction to concentrating solar power technology
History and context
Approaches to concentrating solar power
Parabolic trough
Central receiver tower
Linear Fresnel reflectors
Fresnel lens
Parabolic dishes
Deployment growth by technology
Future growth, cost, and value
Organization of this book
Fundamental principles of concentrating solar power systems
Basic principles
Concentrating optics
Solar radiation
Calculation of sun position
Limits on concentration
A limit from the second law of thermodynamics
Parabolas and paraboloids
Limits with flat receivers
Limits for cylindrical and spherical receivers
Secondary optics
Practical factors reducing concentration
Specularity error
Surface slope error
Shape error
Tracking error
Combinations of errors
Cosine losses and end losses
Focal region flux distributions
Prediction of focal region distributions
Measurement of focal region distributions
Losses from receivers
Radiative losses
Convection losses
Conduction losses
Energy transport and storage
Power cycles for CSP systems
Steam turbines
Organic Rankine cycles
Stirling engines
Air Brayton cycles
Supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles
Concentrating photovoltaics
Maximizing system efficiency
The second law of thermodynamics and exergy analysis
Heat exchange between fluids
Optimization of operating temperature
Optimization of aperture size
Solar multiple and capacity factor
Predicting overall system performance
Case study using the system advisor model (SAM)
Economic analysis
Stochastic modelling of CSP systems
Sources of further information and advice
Solar resources for concentrating solar power systems
Solar radiation characteristics and assessment of solar resources
Important solar radiation terms
Seasonal variation of global and beam irradiance
Influence of atmospheric constituents on direct beam irradiance
Spectral characteristics of solar radiation
Measuring solar irradiance
Thermal sensors
Photoelectric sensors
Deriving solar resources from satellite data
Annual cycle of direct normal irradiance
Auxiliary meteorological parameters
Air temperature
Wind speed
Recommendations for solar resource assessment for CSP plants
Summary and future trends
Site selection and feasibility analysis for concentrating solar power systems
Overview of the process of site selection and feasibility analysis
Market analysis
Regional or national study and site identification
Prefeasibility analysis
Feasibility analysis
Project qualification phase
Finalization of contracts and start of construction
Main aspects considered during the prefeasibility and feasibility phases
Economic assumptions
Solar irradiation
Land, topography, and soil
Grid access
Interconnection with other plants and processes
Roads and highways
Environmental impact assessment
Population and labour
Socio-economic impact assessment
Boundary conditions for a concentrating solar power project
Off-take and market
Incentives and support schemes
Specification of energy products
Dispatch mode: Storage and hybridization
Regulatory restrictions or technical plant concepts
Overall project viability
Long-term perspective: Political stability
Detailed analysis of a qualifying project location
Site-specific solar resources and meteorological patterns
Direct normal irradiation
Ambient conditions
Weather patterns
Land and surroundings
Orientation and slope
Topography and soil
Free horizon
Footprint and scaling
Ownership structures
Infrastructure interconnections
Electricity grid
Road network
Fuel availability
Hybridization with other fuels
Water: Sources, uses, and related requirements
Dry vs wet cooling technologies
Water requirements
Water-steam cycle
Process and service water
Mirror cleaning
Condenser cooling system
Water quality and volume requirements
Natural hazards risks and mitigation
Summary and future trends
Future trends
Socio-economic and environmental assessment of concentrating solar power systems
Environmental assessment for CSP systems
Life cycle assessment of CSP systems
Environmental externalities assessment of CSP systems
Socioeconomic impacts of CSP systems
Input-Output methodology
Framework for integrated sustainability assessment methodology
Application of FISA: Estimation of the sustainability impacts of CSP plant
Future trends
Environmental impacts projections
Socio-economic impacts projections
Summary and conclusions
Linear Fresnel Collector (LFC) solar thermal technology
Historical background
Commercial developments of LFC
Large-scale multitube receiver LFC
Large-scale single-tube receiver LFC
Solar Power Group (formerly Solarmundo, Solel Europe)
Frenell (formerly Novatec Solar/Novatec-Biosol/Turmberg)
Small-scale solar process heat LFC
Industrial Solar (formerly Miroxx/PSE)
Other process heat collector developments
Other commercial developments of LFC worldwide
Optics of LFC
Primary mirror field
Secondary optics
Comparison of design options
LFC receivers and thermal performance
Multitube receivers
Theoretical designs
Commercial design (Areva/Ausra/SHP)
Single-tube receivers
Single-tube cavity receiver
CPC receiver
XX-SMS Fresnel concentrator
TERC concentrator
Adaptive design concentrator (ADC)
Segmented parabolic secondary concentrator (SPSC)
Commercial receivers
Comparison of heat loss and collector efficiency
Future directions
Design targets
Advanced optical designs
Molten salt technology
Parabolic-trough concentrating solar power systems
Historical development
Commercially available parabolic-trough collectors
Large PTCs
Small PTCs
Parabolic-trough collector solar thermal power plants
Deployment progress
Design of parabolic-trough solar systems
Basic parameters of a parabolic-trough collector
Optical and thermal losses in a parabolic-trough collector
Energy balance in a PTC
Design of parabolic-trough solar fields for STE/CSP plants
Operation and maintenance of parabolic-trough systems
Thermal storage systems for parabolic-trough systems
Future trends
New working fluids
New technology improvements for the reduction of water consumption
Sources of further information
Central tower concentrating solar power systems
Basic configurations
History of central receivers
Early evolution
International test facilities and pilot plants
Solar one and solar two
Period of transition
Activities since 2005
Research, development, and demonstration
Commercial power plants
Design and optimization of central receiver systems
Determination of system configuration
The objective function for optimization
Items to include in the cost function
Fixed costs such as permitting, design, and access
Capital costs
Present value of subsystem operations and maintenance (O&M) costs
Choice of performance criterion
Design point or annual
Incident, absorbed, or delivered energy
Inclusion/effect of time-of-day pricing, sloped fields
Effect of constraints on optimization
Heliostat factors
Beam errors
Heliostat size
Focusing and facet canting
Off-axis aberration
Effects of tracking mode
Effects of heliostat size on heliostat cost and other factors
Reflectivity and cleanliness
Receiver considerations
Cavity vs flat vs cylindrical receivers
Field constraint
Reflective, radiative, and thermal loss of the cavity
Cost and weight
Effect of allowable flux density on design
Emissivity vs absorptivity vs temperature
Variants on the basic central receiver system
Polar vs surround fields
Beam-down systems
Use of compound parabolic concentrators as tertiaries
Optical beam splitting
Field layout and land use
Field layout for optimized systems
Major events since 2012
Future trends
Sources of further information and advice
Further reading
Parabolic dish concentrating solar power systems
Basic principles and historical development
Basic principles
Historical development
Developments in the recent past
Stirling Energy Systems
Schlaich bergermann partner
Infinia Corporation
Solar Cat/SouthWest Solar
Solar Systems
Australian National University
Current initiatives
Energy conversion, power cycles, and equipment
Stirling engines
Brayton cycle
Other cycles
Cooling system
System performance
Hybrid operation
Optimization of manufacture
Reflector fabrication
Trade-off between concentrator accuracy and cost
Strategies for site assembly and alignment
Future trends
System size
Energy storage
Hybrid operation
Sources of further information and advice
Concentrating photovoltaic systems and applications
Historical summary
Fundamental characteristics of CPV systems
Acceptance angle
Principles of photovoltaic devices
Energy payback and recyclability
Characteristics of HCPV and LCPV devices and their applications
HCPV-specific characteristics
Optical considerations
Two-axis tracking
Multijunction cells
Design of concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems
Levelized cost of energy
General system design considerations
System architecture
Optical method
Tracking type
Environmental control methodology
Cell management
Examples of CPV systems
Single dish reflective
Fresnel lens array
Complex reflective
LCPV reflective
Central receiver
Future trends
New generation optical systems
Next generation cells
System-level trends and research
Further reading
Thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar power plants
Introduction: Relevance of energy storage for CSP
Sensible energy storage
Two-tank liquid storage medium
Steam accumulator
Solid media storage concepts
Solid media with integrated heat exchanger
Packed bed
Direct heat transfer to solid particles
Latent heat storage concepts
PCM concept with extended heat transfer area
Composite material with increased thermal conductivity
Intermediate heat transfer fluid
Active PCM storage
Chemical energy storage
Reversible chemical reactions
Sorption heat storage
Selection of a heat storage concept
Storage in commercial CSP plants
Future developments
Hybridization with conventional fossil plants
Solar hybridization approaches
Fossil fuel backup/boosting of solar thermal plants
Solar-aided coal-fired power plants
Integrated solar combined cycle plants
Advanced systems
The role of different solar concentrators
Parabolic dish
Solar tower
Parabolic trough
Linear Fresnel
Fossil boosting/backup of solar power plants
Process integration and design of SEGS
Economic effect
Solar-aided coal-fired power plants
Hybridization process and arrangement
Case study design
Evaluation of different arrangements of solar-aided coal-fired power plants
Potential of systems in China
Integrated solar combined cycle power plants
Process integration and design
Medium temperature solar technology
High-temperature solar technology
Low-temperature solar technology
Major equipment design
Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)
Steam turbine
Balance of plant (BOP)
Typical demonstration plants and projects
Advanced hybridization systems
High-temperature solar-preheating air
Economic potential
Mid-temperature solar-driven chemical-looping combustion power plant
Mid-temperature temperature solar thermochemical hybridization plant
Solar photovoltaics and thermochemical hybridization plant
Conclusions and future trends
The long-term market potential of concentrating solar power systems
The role of CSP systems in the electric system
The role of solar concentrating technology in process heat applications and chemicals
Factors impacting the market penetration of CSP
Energy transition policies
System cost and performance
Competition with other technologies (PV and gas)
Additional contribution of the thermal storage to the electric system
Hybridization alternatives
Long-distance transmission to supply far geographical areas
Long-term CSP market potential
Natural geographical areas for CSP deployment
The key role of rational capacity expansion planning for a large CSP deployment
Case study for Spain
Reflections on CSP technology trends on the 2030 horizon
Summary and future trends
Further reading
Absorber materials for solar thermal receivers in concentrating solar power systems
Ideal selective absorber
Receivers for linearly concentrating collectors
Evacuated and non-evacuated receivers
Receivers for point concentrating receivers
Optical and thermal operating requirements
Characterization of selective absorber surfaces
Determination of thermal emittance
Determination of solar absorptance
Types of absorbers
Selective absorbers
Intrinsic absorbers
Surface texturing
Semiconductor-metal tandems
Multilayer absorbers
Metal-dielectric composite coatings (Cermets)
Selectively solar-transmitting coating on a blackbody-like absorber
Non-selective absorbers
Other considerations
Degradation and lifetime
Degradation processes
Diffusion processes
Redox reactions
Thermo-mechanical stresses
Other environmental stresses
Long-term stability and lifetime
Examples of receivers for concentrating collectors
Vacuum tube receivers
Standardised testing of vacuum receivers
Air-stable receivers
High-flux receivers for solar towers
Optimization of concentrating solar power plant designs through integrated techno-economic modelling
State-of-the-art in simulation and design of concentrating solar power plants
Energy yield calculations
Economic simulation
Design process for solar thermal power plants
Multi-variable optimization of concentrating solar power (CSP) plants
New methodology for integrated plant optimization
Overview of optimization methods
Case study definition: Optimization of a parabolic trough power plant with molten salt storage
Definition of optimization task
Applied energetic and economic plant models
Energetic plant model
Economic plant model
Case study results
Results of optimization by varying solar block variables only (the classical approach)
Results of optimization by varying solar and power block variables simultaneously
Optimized plant configuration
Evaluation of the stochastic optimization process applied
Discussion of case study results
Optimal solar field size
Optimal distance between parallel collector rows
Optimal storage size
Steam quality limitations (punishments)
Unacceptable steam quality at high pressure turbine exit
Unacceptable steam quality at low pressure turbine exit
Optimal upper solar field temperature
Optimal terminal temperature difference of oil-steam heat exchanger
Optimal live steam pressure
Optimal reheat pressure
Varying the power block design ambient temperature
Conclusions and future trends
Heliostat size optimization for central receiver solar power plants
Progress in the development of heliostats
Heliostat design issues and cost analysis
Design issues
Introduction to cost analysis
Category 1: Costs constant per unit area irrespective of heliostat size and number
Category 2: Size dependent costs
Reflector support structure stiffness
Representative drive units
Foundation or pier
Category 3: Fixed costs for each heliostat and other costs
Category 3: Fixed costs for each heliostat
Costs distributed among the categories
Cost analysis as a function of area: The case of the 148m2 ATS glass/metal heliostat
Installed cost/area analysis
Additional considerations in analysis of cost as a function of area for the 148m2 ATS glass/metal heliostat
Operations and maintenance
Optical performance
Learning curve effects
Parametric analysis for optimum size based on a single detailed design
Further reading
Heat flux and high temperature measurement technologies for concentrating solar power
Heat flux measurement
Gardon radiometer
Kendall radiometer
Double cavity radiometer
Heat flux microsensors
CAVICAL and SUNCATCH calorimeters
Camera-target method
Surface profile measurements and ray tracing
Flux mapping system case studies
Flux mapping at the DLR solar furnace
Heat flux measurement systems at PSA
The MDF direct heat flux measurement system
ProHERMES 2A indirect heat flux measurement system
High concentration dish flux mapping
High temperature measurement
Contact measurement techniques
Solar-blind infra-red camera
Concentrating solar technologies for industrial process heat
Components and system configuration
Collector designs
Linear concentrators: Parabolic trough (PT)
Linear concentrators: Linear Fresnel
Point focus systems
Heat transfer fluid
System integration
Case studies
Direct steam generation for a production process in Germany
Direct steam generation for a pharmaceutical factory in Jordan
Solar steam for enhanced oil recovery in Oman
Solar Heat for dairies in Switzerland
Solar steam cooking system at `Shantivan, the Brahma Kumaris complex at Taleti, India
Future trends and conclusion
Sources of further information and advice
Solar fuels and industrial solar chemistry
Solar chemistry
Thermochemical and photochemical reactions
Applications of solar thermochemistry to fuel production
Solar energy carriers and storage
Solar hydrogen from hydrocarbons
Natural gas steam reforming
Natural Gas Cracking
Gasification of solid hydrocarbons
Solar hydrogen from thermochemical water splitting
Solar-thermochemical CO2 splitting
Other carriers
Thermochemical energy storage concept
TCS material systems
Solar reactors
Solar reactor concepts
Multitubular solar reactors
Volumetric cavity reactors
Cavity dual cell reactors
Rotating disk reactors
Particle reactors
Aerosol flow reactors
Membrane reactor
SOLREF reactor
SOLHYCARB reactors
HYDROSOL reactor
Examples from lab to pilot scale plants
Sun-to-liquid project
CPR2 reactor
Solar fuels for end use
Methanol synthesis
Dimethyl ether production
Fischer-Tropsch process
Ongoing research into solar fuels
Other applications of industrial solar chemistry
Waste processing
Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
Synergy with carbon capture and storage
Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from the metallurgical industry
Concentrating solar power best practices
CSP historical development
Scope of the best practices study
CSP project organization and implementation
Project participants
Project sponsor
The project company
Investors/equity investment
Lenders/project debt
Independent engineer
Lenders engineer
Owners engineer
Key project contracts
Power purchase agreement
EPC contract
O&M contract
Finance contracts
Other contracts
Project phases
Development phase
Execution phase
Operation phase
Summary of best practice study results
Parabolic trough power plants
Receiver hydrogen issue
Collector interconnections
Heat-transfer fluid system
Collector technology
Thermal energy storage
Steam turbine
Control system
Molten-salt tower/central receiver power plants
Steam generation system
Project development
Site selection
Environmental and permitting
Wind assessment
Performance modeling
Engineering, procurement, and construction
Quality assurance/quality control
Operation and maintenance
Solar resource measurement and performance modeling