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Complementary Sports Medicine Philip Maffetone, DC
BLDG 10, 10 CENTER DR. BETHESDA, MD 20892-1150 _j Human Kinetics
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Maffetone, Philip. Complementary sports medicine / Philip Maffetone. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-88011-869-5 1. Sports medicine. 2. Alternative medicine. 3. Athletes—Wounds and injuries—Alternative treatment. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Sports Medicine. 2. Alternative Medicine. 3. Athletic Injuries-therapy. QT261 M187c 1999] RC1210.M24 1999 617.T027—dc21 DNLM/DLC 98-52399 for Library of Congress CIP ISBN: 0-88011-869-5 Copyright © 1999 by Philip Maffetone All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. Notice: Permission to reproduce the following material is granted to instructors and agencies who have purchased Complementary Sports Medicine', pp. 59-60, 61-64, 65-66, 67, and 73. The reproduction of other parts of this book is expressly forbidden by the above copyright notice. Persons or agencies who have not purchased Complementary Sports Medicine may not reproduce any material. Acquisitions Editor: Loam Robertson Developmental Editor: Kristine Enderle Assistant Editor: Amy Flaig Copyeditor: Joyce Sexton Proofreader: Erin Cler Indexer: Pilar Wyman Graphic Designer: Robert Reuther Graphic Artist: Stuart Cartwright Cover Designer: Keith Blomberg Photographer (interior): Photos on p. 11 © Rich Cruse/RC Photo, p. 80 © AeroSport, Inc., pp. 328 and 329 © Hyperbaric Technologies Incorporated. All other photos by Tom Roberts. Mac Illustrator: Sharon Smith Medical Illustrator: Kristin Mount Line Illustrator: Roberto Sabas Printer: Edwards Printed in the United States of America 10
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To Lauren
Preface.vii Acknowledgments .ix
Philosophy of Complementary Sports Medicine .1
Definitions for Complementary Sports Medicine.9
Complementary Medicine Specialties.15
Metabolism and Energy Production
Neuromuscular Systems .33
Hormonal Systems .41
Patient History and Dialogue .53
Functional Testing and Interpretation .69
Assessing Posture, Gait and the Neuromuscular System ... .85
Muscle Testing Procedures .105
Applied Kinesiology Assessment.191
Assessments of Aerobic and Anaerobic Function
Heart Rate Monitor Assessments.213
Treatment of Muscle and Neurological Dysfunction .225
Treatment of Cranial and Pelvic Dysfunction
Treatment of Vertebral and Extravertebral Dysfunction . . . .249
Pain and Pain Control.261
Diet Therapy
Nutritional Supplement Therapy.:.293
Ergogenic and Therapeutic Nourishment .311
Practitioner's Role in Training and Competition
Training and Competition Schedules.331
The Overtraining Syndrome .337
Training and Competitive Footwear
Carbohydrate Intolerance in Athletes .351
Weight and Fat Control.363
The Athlete's Triad of Dysfunction
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect .375
References .388 Index
About the Author.429
This text reflects my twenty years as a complemen¬ tary sports medicine practitioner. My patients have included a range of chronically injured people, from those who were unable to work out at all to worldclass champions. Complementary Sports Medicine offers a strategy for combining many nontraditional therapies into a complete individualized approach. These therapies include various hands-on techniques that address the acupuncture system, the neuromus¬ cular and skeletal systems, diet and nutrition, train¬ ing, and lifestyle issues—all with a focus of bringing forth healthier and more fit athletes who will re¬ main free of injury and reach their performance potentials. Complementary sports medicine may be hun¬ dreds of years old; its modem formats have evolved from a combination of alternative medicine, exer¬ cise physiology and biochemistry, and clinical ex¬ perience. The word complementary, as used in the title and throughout the text, implies that the infor¬ mation can be used with more traditional approaches to sports medicine, rather than in place of them. The ability to determine which therapy will work best for a given patient, as opposed to reliance on a predetermined cookbook approach, is a unique fea¬ ture of complementary sports medicine. This therapy can be applied in an office setting, on the field, or
on the road if one is traveling with a team or an individual athlete. In addition, this approach places significant emphasis on the interactive practitionerpatient relationship in which the practitioner is seen not only as a problem-solver but also as a teacher. This text is designed for professionals and stu¬ dents in the sport and health fields. Those in comple¬ mentary sports medicine now have a comprehensive text that provides referenced materials for clinical use and teaching purposes. Those in medicine, ath¬ letic training, alternative medicine, and other fields may want to add certain techniques to their existing practice. Coaches may find particular chapters use¬ ful; this book should help them make better deci¬ sions about referring athletes to the appropriate professional. Students will find in this text an intro¬ duction to a field they may not have been exposed to during their traditional courses. I would like to encourage the reader to become a “patient.” You and your staff and/or family may want to apply appropriate recommendations from the text to experience the process and be better able to re¬ late these issues to other “patients.” This text uses the words patient and athlete interchangeably, as all individuals are potential patients, and all people are athletes.
An endeavor such as this has involved many people and experiences that have influenced me through¬ out my professional life. I owe thanks to Dr. George Goodheart, who not only helped restore my health and fitness many years ago, but also taught me about complementary medicine. To Dr. Walter Schmitt, also my mentor, who reviewed the entire manuscript and helped me maintain a balance between art and science. And to all my patients, both the successes and failures, who helped me understand the real meaning of clinical outcome. In an indirect way, they are part of a process that will help other practi¬ tioners and patients. In addition, special thanks go to Dr. David Sea¬ man, who was most helpful in our in-depth discus¬
sions about the scientific literature; and Dr. Jerold Morantz who provided his clinic for photo sessions and his expert assistance in assuring accurate por¬ trayal of the techniques. And to his associate. Dr. Eric Schwartzberg, and to Maria M. Hernandez for their modeling. A special thanks also goes to all those who perform in the splendid game of re¬ search—without them our clinical ideas and obser¬ vations would not have a scientific component. And finally, thanks to the people at Human Ki¬ netics who took a chance on publishing a major work such as this—the first of its kind. The dissemina¬ tion of educational information is the foundation of improving people’s health and fitness.
Philosophy of Complementary Sports Medicine
ike all other fields, complementary sports medicine is associated with a specific phi¬ losophy. This philosophy includes the eth¬ ics, theoretical concepts, and conviction of the individuals who make up the profession—a profes¬ sion whose roots go back thousands of years. Early Hindu writings describe a balance between the body and mind that reveals the universe and living na¬ ture (or organisms and body systems) to be inter¬ acting wholes as opposed to a mere sum of elementary parts (Snook 1984). The book of Kung Fu expressed this as unity of the body and mind. In ancient Greece, analogously, sport was an integral part of a person’s upbringing and not a separate ac¬ tivity in one’s life (Leadbetter and Leadbetter 1986). This philosophy is maintained today in complemen¬ tary sports medicine. These ancient cultures produced the philosophi¬
ists. Only with the advent of modern medicine within the past century has there been a division of sports therapy into two distinct and competitive are¬ nas. Today, one area of sports therapy is more West¬ ern and allopathic, and the other is often referred to as “alternative.” Complementary sports medicine brings together the best of both.
COMPLEMENTARY SPORTS MEDICINE TODAY A number of important modalities are associated with complementary sports medicine, although these are not necessarily limited exclusively to this field. Complementary sports medicine uses a hands-on approach, through specific therapies, as¬ sessment processes, and work with many other
cal foundation of complementary sports medicine. Their approach to athletic care made use of many therapeutic tools and rendered particular care rang¬
aspects of the patient’s lifestyle and exercise train¬ ing. This makes for an approach more like that of the general practitioner than that of the specialist. The complementary sports medicine professional
ing from rest to activity, from diet to herbs. When needed, surgery was performed, usually by special¬
treats not only high-level professional athletes, but also the average local sport enthusiast—both the
Complementary Sports Medicine
weekend warrior and the beginner. Complemen¬ tary practitioners develop a one-on-one relationship with the patient rather than using a team or group approach. They spend more time in assessing, treat¬ ing, and educating each patient. Sometimes a spe¬ cialist is needed. In this case, the complementary practitioner works simultaneously with the special¬ ist. Thus in contrast to alternative medicine, comple¬ mentary sports medicine is linked with, rather than segregated from, traditional modem medicine. Perhaps more importantly, the assessment, treat¬ ment, and work with lifestyle factors in complemen¬ tary sports medicine focus at least as much on the functional aspect of patients as on their specific in¬ jury or condition of ill health. In addition, the ap¬ proach is function oriented rather than symptom directed. Complementary practitioners will often adopt information from clinical research and inves¬ tigation to explore new areas of treatment when working with a patient. The practitioner in this field not only approaches the patient differently than the traditional sports medicine and alternative medicine professional, but also sees himself or herself as an instructor or guide for the patient—part of the process of improving health and fitness. For example, the assessment and treatment processes are interactive; the patient is educated about the body and is required to share some of the responsibility. Practitioners play an ac¬ tive role in patient care and instruct patients to take an active role in their recovery and treatment. Ide¬ ally, complementary practitioners are also athletes on some level. Therefore practitioners can better relate to the patient and benefit from the experiences of their own knee pain, Achilles tendon problems, fatigue, and other ailments. This helps them to bet¬ ter understand patients and appreciate the healing process and the joy of getting better. Today one can choose from so many specialties, with so much diversity within each profession, that many patients are unknowingly choosing their own therapies. If a tennis player develops a chronic shoul¬ der pain, at some point he or she makes a decision to walk into a professional’s office. That professional will most often render his or her specialty for the shoulder problem. If the office is that of an acupunc¬ turist, the patient gets acupuncture. If the professional is a chiropractor, the patient will get spinal manipu¬
lation; if a medical doctor, usually drugs are given. The best care, however, may be a combination of therapies. With a more balanced approach and greater awareness and cooperation between professions and professionals, patients can receive superior care. More importantly, the complementary sports medicine prac¬ titioner may be able to provide a variety of different but appropriate therapies required by the patient. Today, many professionals are incorporating techniques from other fields into their approach. Some orthopedics are using nutrition, chiropractors are providing dietary guidelines, and many doctors are considering how mental/emotional stress im¬ pacts their particular type of therapy.
THE HOLISTIC VIEW Although the word “holistic” has been overused, abused, and misunderstood for the past few decades, it remains an appropriate word to use when one is referring to the field of complementary sports medi¬ cine. The true holistic approach of complementary sports medicine is one in which all aspects of the patient are considered. The information value of signs and symptoms is important; no sign or symp¬ tom is insignificant. Lifestyle, diet, and mental/ emotional state are considered as well as competi¬ tion and training schedules. In addition, the practi¬ tioner uses a holistic approach when helping and treating a patient, and considers the science of such therapy. In contrast, science and mainstream medi¬ cine usually focus on fragments of the whole by looking at signs of a disease and treating particular symptoms. As Willis W. Harman (1991) writes in his “A Re-Examination of the Metaphysical Foun¬ dations of Modem Science,” There is increasingly widespread agreement that sci¬ ence must somehow develop the ability to look at things more holistically. In a more holistic view, where everything, including physical and mental/emotional, is connected to everything, a change in any part af¬ fects the whole. In a holistic, science there is no cause and effect—only a whole system evolving. Only when a part of the whole can be sufficiently isolated from the rest that reductionistic causes appear to describe adequately why things behave as they do, do the ordi¬ nary concepts of scientific causation apply. In gen¬ eral, causes are limited “explanations” that depend upon context, (pp. iii-iv)
Philosophy of Complementary Sports Medicine
A complementary practitioner working with a runner who has chronic low back pain considers many factors beyond the low back. Whether this pain is due to a muscle imbalance, ligament sprain or strain, or joint dysfunction, the back pain itself may be an end result of a variety of imbalances that could have developed over a long period of time. It is not unusual for an asymptomatic foot problem to not only contribute to, but also cause, a low back problem. In some patients, muscle imbalance in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may be a primary factor. In others, several causative factors may ex¬ ist—all far from the site of back pain. By assessing the patient in a holistic way, through a complete inventory of the whole body and not just the low back, the practitioner can find and correct these obscure but often primary problems.
THE HOLISTIC PARADIGM AS AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE Another way of looking at the holistic approach is to view it as an equilateral triangle as described by Walther (1988). Each equal side represents one im¬ portant aspect of the patient’s health: structural, chemical, or mental/emotional health. Figure 1.1 represents this paradigm.
Figure 1.1 In complementary sports medicine, structural, chemical, and mental/emotional aspects of patient care are balanced as in an equilateral tri¬ angle.
The equilateral triangle concept is a simple rep¬ resentation and does not convey the complex inter¬ relationships that exist throughout the body. For example, within the structure of the muscles are intricate chemical reactions that allow the muscle to function. Our thoughts are also chemical reac¬ tions. And without the structural aspect of intesti¬ nal absorption, the function of the villi, our nutritional status would be severely compromised. However, the triangle concept provides a starting point for discussion.
Structural Health One side of the triangle portrays the person’s struc¬ tural health. This includes the skeleton, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The functions of all our structural parts are very much dependent upon each other. For example, the tibialis posterior muscle plays a major role in the bony stability of the foot. And the physical equilibrium of the bony pelvis, itself dependent upon good muscle balance, has an indirect but significant impact on neck motion. Our whole body is a kinematic chain that acts as one complex functional unit. Although we study the body in separate and distinct parts, we cannot treat it successfully that way in the clinic. The structural aspect of the body is often tended to by specific types of practitioners or specialists. Chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists, and massage therapists are among those professionals who focus much or all of their care on the structural aspects of their patients. Surgeons are also clearly structurally oriented. With complementary sports medicine and its ho¬ listic approach, caring only for the structural aspect of a patient may be less than adequate even if the problem appears to be purely structural. A recurrent painful spinal imbalance, for example, is often as¬ sociated with inflammation. If one treats only the inflammation with a local therapy such as aspirin or another anti-inflammatory medicine, the prob¬ lem may not completely resolve. The patient’s back may feel better, but the root of the problem has not been discovered. Perhaps the patient is wearing poorly fitted shoes or has a TMJ imbalance. In some situations, the complementary sports medicine prac¬ titioner can work with a medical practitioner in his or her expertise. For example, after surgery on a
Complementary Sports Medicine
tom meniscus, the patient may greatly benefit from specific nutrition to help the healing process. The complementary practitioner looks at a person’s en¬ tire structure.
Chemical Balance The chemical side of the triangle incorporates all the biochemical aspects of the individual. Specific foods, nutrients, or drugs will have certain effects within the body. Consider the wide-ranging effects of caffeine or other drugs, or the effect of diet on energy production. As with structural health, one facet of body chemistry can influence many others. For example, eating a large, highly refined carbo¬ hydrate meal before exercise may have an adverse effect on the use of fats for energy and endurance. Also, emphasizing either protein or carbohydrate may favor the specific production of neurotransmit¬ ters in the brain like norepinephrine and serotonin, and this may influence concentration—a vital as¬ pect of many sports. Many professionals attempt to manipulate the body’s biochemical systems. They do this with drugs, diet, nutritional supplements, and other ap¬ proaches including homeopathic remedies, herbs, and other substances. Traditionally, nutritionists, naturopaths, homeopaths, and practitioners of Chi¬ nese medicine are the more conservative practition¬ ers in this field, with many medical doctors and osteopaths frequently employing drugs. As with strict adherence to structural health therapy, caring only for the chemical aspects of the body may not be most desirable even when the problem appears to be only chemical. People’s chemistry can affect their structure, as is easily seen in the relationship between hormonal and nutritional status of the bones and the onset of osteoporosis. Conversely, people’s structure can affect their biochemistry. For example, for an athlete who has difficulty chewing because of TMJ or tooth problems, eating certain healthy foods
or properly digesting them may be difficult, affecting the nutritional status.
Mental/Emotional Wellness The mental/emotional side of the triangle incorpo¬ rates the behavioral aspects of the patient. The men¬ tal state may be referred to as cognition—sensation, perception, learning, concept formation, and deci¬ sion making. It is important for the practitioner to understand these aspects of the patient, since they can affect overall health and fitness. The emotional state, the affective aspect of the patient, may include pain, moods of anxiety or depression, and loss of enthusiasm or motivation. Traditionally, mental/emotional wellness is ad¬ dressed by psychologists, psychiatrists, and coun¬ selors. Certainly all professionals are trained to be aware of the mental and emotional aspects of pa¬ tients. For many patients, mental/emotional stress comes from trying to schedule training in relation to work and family obligations, from competitive anxiety, or from a pattern of frequent injuries. Complementary practitioners work with patients to balance their workout and competition schedules with structural health and chemical aspects as well as with their day-to-day life and family obligations. Complementary practitioners play a key role in help¬ ing to reeducate patients of all ages. In part, this is necessary because our society has promoted sport to an unhealthy level. Many young people think that playing hurt is good because of what they see and hear on television and radio; they think being all bandaged up in a game is a sign of superiority. And pushing oneself beyond the limit is something to strive for, people are told. Ad campaigns consisting of images that are not real are thrown at us and our children daily. This has helped to create attitudes and perceptions that contribute to the increase in sport injuries. Complementary sports medicine helps balance the message.
Philosophy of Complementary Sports Medicine
Case History Jane was very frustrated by the many professionals she had seen over a period of about two years. This young woman, who played tennis three times a week and hiked four times weekly, had sought care for her thoracic spine pain from an orthopedist whom her husband had once seen for his knee problem. The doctor ruled out structural causes and found no reason for the intermittent debilitating pain. Jane next saw a chiropractor. Al¬ though she gained relief, it never lasted more than a few days, so she saw an internist who did blood and urine tests and an upper gastrointestinal series. The doctor could not find a problem but prescribed antacids, which gave only minor relief. Jane then went to a nutritionist who did a bone-density test, which was normal. She saw the tennis pro to rule out mechanical problems; and then, on the advice of her family doctor, went to a psychologist. I saw Jane several weeks later. By now the pain was more diverse, with seemingly no pattern. Stress seemed to be the only common denominator, and I tested her adrenal hormones—cortisol, which was abnormally high, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate [DHEA(S)J, which was abnormally low. It was clear that excess adrenal stress was a problem, although it was difficult to say whether it was the cause or the effect. Through the combined use of several approaches, including acupressure, nutrition, and dietary changes along with modification of her workout intensity, Jane was asymptomatic within two weeks, and in six months her adrenal hormone levels were normal. My impression was that she required the right combination of structural, chemical, and mental/emo¬ tional therapies suited to her unique, multifactorial problem.
EVERYONE IS AN ATHLETE Another important aspect of this holistic approach is the fact that we are all athletes. We tend to cat¬ egorize the patient population into athletes and nonathletes. But “couch potatoes” are in actuality just out-of-shape, inactive athletes who are literally a step away from being more athletic. Because of the potential health benefits, such a patient is per¬ haps the most important one to help. Many patients are reluctant to start exercising because they per¬ ceive this activity as a situation of “no pain, no gain.” They see runners along the road who appear to be struggling, aerobic dance classes that look too ad¬ vanced, and weight rooms that are full of sculptured bodies. If these patients understood that gradually working up to a 30-min easy walk, four or five times a week, would dramatically improve their health, many would happily comply. In addition, many pa¬ tients are intimidated (and embarrassed) to work out
where others with seemingly “ideal” bodies are also working out. Education becomes an important tool for these patients. Likewise, we should not separate an athletic in¬ jury from all the rest. The patient who complains about shoulder pain from spring cleaning may have developed an imbalance not unlike that of the base¬ ball pitcher who overworks the shoulder in spring training. We should not treat a “sports injury” but rather the person attached to it, regardless of the activity or situation that created the imbalance or dysfunction. Worse yet is the fact that too often a name is assigned to an injury so that a predeter¬ mined therapy can be given. Athletes are not the only ones who can benefit from complementary medicine. The fact is, every rotator problem in the shoulder is unique, every fascitis is different, and no two Achilles tendinitis problems are exactly the same. It follows that each patient is different and individual.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Early sports medicine doctors viewed their patients as athletes; they trained patients in addition to treat¬ ing them. In Greece, athletes developed their skills under the direct supervision of sports physician train¬ ers or gymnasts, who were involved in all aspects of the athlete’s program (Leadbetter and Leadbetter 1986). This practice has been lost in recent times, as training has been given to specialists, including coaches, athletic trainers, and others who may not be aware of the functional status of the patient. Too of¬ ten, communication between the therapy specialist and training specialist regarding an athlete’s func¬ tion or dysfunction, as well as his or her specific needs, is not efficient or is altogether absent. In complementary sports medicine, variations in training specifically tailored to each athlete are an important part of the therapeutic process. Although in many cases the practitioner may not be with the athlete during the actual training, there is a clear understanding about each workout, and the goals are precise regardless of the level of sports train¬ ing. More importantly, techniques such as biofeed¬ back are used during training so that both caregiver and patient are more objectively informed about the training quality. Whether it is walking for the beginner or training for an Ironman competition, the patient’s program can be made more therapeutic with a variety of as¬ sessment workouts that give both practitioner and patient a clearer understanding of the program’s effi¬ ciency and direction. We should not have to wait for a symptom to occur, for performance to falter, or for another end-result indicator to appear to find out that a patient’s program does not match that person’s spe¬ cific needs. There are a variety of indicators, discussed throughout this text, that can be used to help round out the practitioner’s holistic approach.
ART AND SCIENCE The complementary sports medicine approach de¬ rives from both an art and a science perspective. The art is in the experience, expertise, and outcome, while the science includes basic physiology and its many models of energy production, neuromuscular actions, and biomechanical activity. An individual human being, however, may not always fit perfectly into a particular model. Work with an athlete can¬
not be accomplished effectively by either art or sci¬ ence alone; rather, a blending of the two helps make the outcome more successful. A practitioner who exemplifies this approach is like Michelangelo, whose knowledge about human anatomy is paral¬ leled by his ability to portray the body in his paint¬ ings; the practitioner’s artwork is a demonstration of his or her intellect. It is hoped that all clinicians practice both the art and science of their field through awareness of the uniqueness and beauty of the human body. The art of complementary sports medicine includes the practitioner’s ability to observe, experiment, and implement to find the optimal therapeutic outcome. This may be through diet, nutrition, exercise, or other therapy, but more often it is the proper combinations that best match the patient’s needs. Art is in the abil¬ ity to recognize when the body needs help—beyond what the patient tells us. Complementary sports medi¬ cine is an art also in the sense that some of the tools used in clinical practice have not been subjected to scientific scrutiny. Many assessment and treatment tools have not been researched; others have not been investigated thoroughly enough to establish why they might produce their results. Thus a tool may not have scientific acceptance. Instead of relying on science alone, then, the practitioner needs to be able to judge a tool by its usefulness for improving a specific clini¬ cal picture. In abstract terms, art is the body’s dance, with full orchestra. This dance can be analyzed with numbers; this is the science. The science lies in the objective abil¬ ity to measure the human body’s activity to deter¬ mine its needs—and most importantly to develop theories about the mechanisms behind the activity. Science is the knowledge we gain by studying text¬ books and journals—and it begins as art. An obser¬ vation is made, but it may be years or centuries before the observation is scientifically substantiated. Knowledge about dietary fiber is a good example. Some 150 years ago, Dr. John Kellogg and Sylvester Graham, separately and through observation, pro¬ claimed that fiber could reduce the risk of intestinal problems, cancer, and heart disease (McGee 1984). By 1974, science began to accept these observa¬ tions when British surgeons, writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reported that fiber could reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and
Philosophy of Complementary Sports Medicine
intestinal disease, including cancer (Burkitt et al. 1974). Today, it is a well-accepted fact that fiber is a crucial part of our diet. Of increasing concern is the fact that today, many art forms are being abandoned for high technology. One example is acoustic assessment of fractures. According to Siffert and Kaufman (1996) at New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center, “The technique has become a relatively ‘lost art’ as more sophisti¬ cated X-ray and other imaging techniques have been developed” (p. 614). The authors encourage the use of this art, along with new technology, stating, “Aus¬ cultatory percussion is a useful tool in clinical frac¬ ture management, and particularly where roentgenographic facilities are inadequate or not available” (p. 614). Combining art and science in the clinical realm makes for a more efficient and holistic approach, shifting the emphasis to the outcome as opposed to understanding and accepting the mechanism of a particular therapy. Today, more than ever, our ap¬ proach to sports medicine is highly fragmented, with specialties and subspecialties that sometimes involve more competition among the professionals than among the athletes. It is important to be familiar with each specialty; these will be discussed in chapter 3.
FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION In clinical practice, some patients present with clear problems of injury such as a fracture or a meniscus tear. However, many others do not have distinct in¬ juries or diseases, but typically have complaints re¬ lated to vague and less well-defined symptoms. The
Optimal health
Functional imbalance
same pattern may exist for chemical and mental or emotional “injuries.” These are referred to as func¬ tional problems, or a state of dysfunction, and are by far the most common problems seen in a comple¬ mentary sports medicine practice. For example, a person may complain of low back pain but show no positive neurological or X-ray findings. Another person may experience fatigue but show normal values in blood tests. Yet another patient has acute diminishing athletic performance but by all stan¬ dard medical assessments continues to be in opti¬ mal health. In addition, some patients possess various signs not related to an injury or disease state. Orthostatic or postural hypotension is common in athletes with heavy workout schedules; resting heart rate is elevated in others, and very low body tem¬ peratures are recorded in still others. In many cases, these signs and symptoms are manifestations of the preinjury state. To a complementary sports medi¬ cine practitioner, this body language indicates that if a person goes unchecked, he or she may develop more traditional, more obvious injuries, or even dis¬ ease (see figure 1.2). In the early functional stages of an injury, often no particular names are given to these imbalances— we simply say there is a functional problem, or a dysfunction. We could use the phrase “functional injury” or, in the case of an illness, “functional ill¬ ness.” In this situation it is better to describe the signs and symptoms, or preferably the clinical find¬ ings or neurophysiological dysfunction, than to ap¬ ply a name to the condition. For example, we would say, “The patient’s right latissimus dorsi is inhib¬ ited with a concurrent overfacilitation of the right pectoralis major muscle, producing shoulder joint
Functional injury
Symptomatic injury
Pathology or
disease Figure 1.2
The "black and white" model of functional injury and traditional injury definitions
Complementary Sports Medicine
dysfunction.” This athlete complains of an inabil¬ ity to throw the ball, rendering her unable to play effectively. Patients with functional problems do not necessarily fit into classical injury models; typically microtrauma exists without the classic cell atrophy, inflammation, or degenerative changes. In most cases, early injury is without pain. It is also important to emphasize that an injury is not always synonymous with pain, trauma, or obvi¬ ous debilitation. It is possible for an injury to be an asymptomatic dysfunction, one accompanied by more subtle and abnormal changes in joint motion, power output, or eye-hand coordination. The first scientific observation of functional prob¬ lems may have been made by Hans Selye (1976). In the 1920s, while still a student, Selye observed these general patterns of signs and symptoms and termed this a syndrome of “just being sick.” He eventually showed that there were clear physiologi¬ cal responses to a variety of stressors, all mediated through the adrenal glands, taking place before a clear illness began. Today, we can measure adrenal hormones and discover in some cases that they are not within normal limits in athletes who do not have pathology but do show various signs and symp¬ toms—indications of dysfunction (see figure 1.2). A functional injury is a dysfunction in the body’s structural, chemical, or mental/emotional process. It is somewhere between the state of optimal health or excellent function and some frank injury or disease. In some cases, the symptoms are very minor or vague and are ones traditionally discounted by many doc¬ tors. More importantly, subtle states of dysfunction may not produce any signs or symptoms in the pa¬ tient. In this case, it is up to the practitioner, through a complete assessment, to find and correct these rela¬ tively minor but important imbalances. All of these problems can not only affect sport performance but also interfere with the quality of life.
THE NEED FOR BALANCED CARE It would be wrong to think that only conservative therapy should be used in caring for all patients in a complementary sports medicine practice. Likewise,
many problems seen in athletes do not require sur¬ gery or drugs. The fact is that there will be times when the use of more radical care is necessary and times when a conservative approach will be suc¬ cessful. In instances in which a specialist is needed, especially if the need is for surgery or if one’s li¬ cense does not permit writing a prescription, the referral process not only is a necessary part of com¬ plete therapy but also contributes to harmony among all branches of health care. Presently, health care providers are as fractionated as ever, even within the same profession. Competition seems to some¬ times supersede the need to share information and refer to someone who can help in the assessment process or apply a more useful therapy. Referrals to specialists should also be accompa¬ nied by an understanding, on the part of all involved, that possibly during or after the work of the spe¬ cialist, more conservative services may be very valu¬ able. For example, a patient who requires knee surgery may benefit from specific dietary or nutri¬ tional factors, such as omega-3 oil that can increase natural anti-inflammation production, helping in the recovery process. Immediately afterward, improv¬ ing muscle function through acupressure or muscle therapy can help with postural balance and speed recovery, sometimes dramatically.
CONCLUSION The concept of balance in all that is done in assess¬ ment, therapy, and especially lifestyle work is the highlight of complementary sports medicine. Whether the philosophy comes from Chinese medi¬ cine (the balance of yin and yang) or considers simple mechanical balance of muscle groups or nutritional balance, the final goal is the same: the optimal balance of the whole person. Natural bal¬ ance in sports medicine was also recognized by the early Greeks (Leadbetter and Leadbetter 1986), who wrote of too much or too little of any component, referred to as disharmony. Around 1910, chiroprac¬ tic borrowed the philosophy of “too much or too little nerve energy.” Modern physiology uses the word homeostasis. Whatever the philosophy, the idea of balance is now universally accepted.
Definitions for Complementary Sports Medicine
s complementary sports medicine is a ho¬ listic discipline, much of the phraseology used in this field brings together otherwise disparate terminology. As such, many terms are de¬ fined in pairs: clinical and academic, health and fit¬ ness, aerobic and anaerobic, function and dysfunc¬ tion. Like the Chinese yin and yang, many paired terms relate to the need for balance within the body and mind, and not just to the concept that they are opposites or mirror images. In addition, the words within each pair of terms complement each other. While definitions of some of the terms used in complementary sports medicine are similar or iden¬ tical to the modem traditional definitions, other terms are interpreted differently. These definitions reflect a philosophical divergence and are part of the whole complementary paradigm. With such a strong emphasis on lifestyle and education of the patient, definitions become useful, easy to under¬ stand, and practical for the patient and practitioner
CLINICAL AND ACADEMIC Complementary sports medicine makes an impor¬ tant distinction between the words clinical and aca¬ demic. Clinical pertains to the observation and treat¬ ment of patients, and academic relates to the theo¬ retical and basic sciences. With few exceptions, definitions used in this text are based on clinical observation with an understanding of and respect for the fact that there is also an academic compo¬ nent. For example, in most clinical situations there is an academic element, and for a practitioner to better understand academic information, he or she must be able to relate to it clinically.
HEALTH AND FITNESS As is the case with many terms, health and fitness are so casually and globally defined, both profes¬ sionally and publicly, that many people are not clear on their precise definitions. As a result, the two terms
Complementary Sports Medicine
are often combined into one and their meanings are interchanged. Optimal health is an ideal state one can strive for but will not necessarily be able to obtain. It is more conditional and relative than the mere absence of disease or a subjective state of just feeling good. Optimal health is the perfect balance and function of all the systems of the body working in harmony, including the nervous, skeletal, muscular, hormonal, intestinal, and all other systems. Fitness, which is more definitive, relates to a person’s athleticism. It implies the ability to per¬ form work effectively. A runner who completes a marathon in under 3 hr is more fit than the one who finishes in 3.5 hr. Fitness does not necessarily im¬ ply competition; the walker who exercises five days per week is more fit than the sedentary individual. The most common misconception about health and fitness is that the two always exist simulta¬ neously. Many believe that athletes possess more health because of their fitness training. Unfortu¬ nately this is sometimes, but not always, the case. Proper sports training can and should provide great health and fitness benefits, but many people do not reap these benefits because of some disharmony in the process, such as preexisting physical imbalances, overtraining, or failure to meet nutritional demands. Millions of people who begin to exercise in hopes of getting healthy find out they become more fit, but their health has suffered as a consequence. In¬ jury, ill health, and other signs and symptoms that result from exercise imbalance are indications that overall health has suffered. Moreover, during this health-reducing process, fitness can even improve. The athlete who develops to a world-class level, only to find that he or she experiences fatigue and has allergies and chronic knee pain, is the classic patient seen in a complementary sports medicine practice. These individuals are fit but unhealthy. Ultimately, an unhealthy athlete will lose fitness, although this may take a long time. Often a young athlete who sacrifices health for fitness may not show signs or symptoms for years. Consider col¬ lege and professional football, basketball, and hockey players for example. But for many people with average fitness potential who take up tennis, running, or cycling, the same process can occur.
Among athletes, coaches, and other professionals focused on improving performance, (which empha¬ sizes fitness), health is sometimes neglected. A pri¬ mary concern for the complementary sports medicine professional is the balance of health and fitness. This is accomplished by looking at the whole person and improving areas that are not functioning optimally. Not only will doing so lead to enhanced performance, but this athletic improvement will continue for a longer time period than one might expect. It is important, then, that all the work done in training also be health promoting. An important long-term goal in training, in addition to improved performance, is to increase the quality of a person’s life—not just for the moment but throughout the person’s life span. This is accomplished by correct¬ ing and preventing an imbalance between health and fitness.
PREVENTION Various professions define prevention differently. In many cases, modem medicine sees prevention as the process of screening for disease. Annual physicals, mammograms, and blood tests check for diseases in their earliest stages. For a middle-aged overweight patient who wants to begin an exercise program, a physical examination is recommended—an impor¬ tant first step in the process. This evaluation screens for heart disease, diabetes, anemia, and other dis¬ ease states. But while the screening process may uncover a cardiac problem, for example, it may not find functional problems, many of which may be the precursor to a more serious future injury. Sometimes prevention is defined as avoidance of disease. Philosophically, this is the other extreme of the medical definition. But heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative processes may actually be a “normal” part of the aging process. Avoiding disease completely may not be a real¬ ity. But outliving disease is a reality. Many people maintain very good function through their 80s and 90s and die from nonspecific causes despite having evidence of heart disease, cancer, or other condi¬ tions. Complementary sports medicine prefers a defi¬ nition of prevention that incorporates the functional aspect of the patient and refers to the postponement
Definitions for Complementary Sports Medicine
or slowing of the onset of dysfunction and disease. Postponing dysfunction and disease occurs when we maintain a higher quality of life throughout our life¬ time. Epidemiologists refer to this concept as “squar¬ ing the survival curve,” an idea advanced by Fries and Crapo (1981). According to this concept, rela¬ tively high levels of structural, chemical, and men¬
© 1995 Rich Cruse/RC Photo
tal/emotional function are maintained throughout life and are diminished only at the very end of the life span; in some cases the diminution may not even be obvious (see figure 2.1). When applied to an ath¬ lete, function relates not only to health but also to fitness. Healthy and fit athletes maintain a high level of competitiveness for a much longer-than-average period, without injury (see figure 2.2). Through prevention, we can also improve the qual¬ ity of our lives. More importantly, each person—doc¬ tor and patient—must take responsibility for his or her own health and fitness. For the professional, edu¬ cating the patient in this regard is an important part of the complementary sports medicine approach. Figure 2.2 Mark Allen winningthe 1995 Ironman World Championships at age 37. Allen is a six-time winner of the Ironman Triathlon Championship.
Consider the definition of the word doctor, which means teacher. By teaching their patients how to be both healthy and fit, practitioners serve a vital role that goes beyond correcting someone’s knee prob¬ lem or even improving human performance.
Figure 2.1 "Squaring the survival curve" refers to maintaining a high level of structural, chemical, and mental/emotional function throughout life. A) A person maintaining a higher level of function throughout life. B) A person with loss of function earlier in life.
Training defined more holistically refers to both health and fitness, with patients ultimately under¬ standing balance and having an appreciation of bodily function. When defining training, comple¬ mentary sports medicine looks at the whole process rather than just the actual workout time. An equally important aspect of training is the rest phase. The complete definition of training includes the work¬ out plus the rest necessary for proper recovery, as seen in the equation Training = Work + Rest. The work is the actual workout—the specific training routine that builds muscles and improves
Complementary Sports Medicine
their efficiency, increases oxygen uptake, improves cardiac function, and so on. This part of training is sometimes referred to as the overload, and with ef¬ fective training comes a progressive increase in overload. For example, muscles must be worked slightly harder than normally in order to rebuild and improve their function. In many people we see undertraining or training deficiency—the lack of ac¬ tivity. The human body is made for activity, and without activity we can suffer imbalances and ill health. The balance of training can also be seen physio¬ logically as an equilibrium between anabolic and catabolic metabolism. Training can be seen as a con¬ tinuum of building up and tearing down. This bal¬ ance is controlled by many factors, including genetics, type of training, and hormonal activity. When one looks at the patient holistically, work¬ ing out is not always limited to an athletic training overload. For many people housework, yard work, or office work is an activity that may evoke a physi¬ cal overload or other stress in the form of a chemi¬ cal or mental/emotional overload. This activity works the muscles, stimulates the metabolism and nervous system, and may even increase blood lac¬ tate. Although such work may not necessarily help in a given athlete’s specific training, it must still be considered part of the training program because it is work. Rest is the other part of balanced, holistic train¬ ing. During the rest phase, the body recovers from training overload and prepares for the next session. During rest, there should be no real training, even in the form of other lifestyle activities that induce over¬ load. Included in this phase is the need for sufficient sleep. For patients who are unable to successfully rest and recover from their workout, the alternative is to reduce their workout time and/or intensity to maintain a balanced training equation. This is one of the most important mechanisms used to help the pa¬ tient secure a balance of health and fitness.
OVERTRAINING An imbalanced training equation is the simple defi¬ nition of overtraining. The most common cause of excessive or imbalanced training is overloading of the body to the point of trauma or abuse, or beyond
the point where an effective recovery can take place before the next workout. This may result from too much work, too frequent workouts, too little rest, or a combination of these. Unfortunately, many be¬ lieve the only way to reach their potential is to train more—an attitude of, or obsession with, “no pain, no gain.” And clinically, we know that this attitude can lead to structural, chemical, or mental/emotional injuries. The concept of “no pain, no gain” has been scientifically refuted. For example, Costill et al. (1991) showed that for a group of swimmers who trained twice as long as a second swim group, there were no additional improvements in the group per¬ forming the longer training. It is the author’s opin¬ ion that overtraining, including the mildest form of overtraining, is found in 60-75% of the athlete popu¬ lation. Overtraining is not only a common precur¬ sor to injury but also the most common cause of diminished performance. Both these problems oc¬ cur only after overtraining has gone on for a period of time—sometimes a long period. Overtraining must be distinguished from over¬ reaching. While overtraining produces imbalance, overreaching refers to a short-term period of increased training volume, increased intensity, or both. If the period of overreaching causes a physical, chemical, or mental/emotional imbalance in the individual, as it frequently does, it has turned into func¬ tional overtraining. As discussed in later chapters, a number of diagnostic markers are available to de¬ termine when and if overreaching has turned into overtraining.
AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC Two key words used throughout this text are aero¬ bic and anaerobic. The systems designated by these terms form the basis for a person’s being both healthy and fit. Aerobic and anaerobic are frequently defined according to their oxygen relationships— aerobic referring to oxygen utilization and anaero¬ bic to the absence of oxygen. Traditionally, athletes have sometimes been placed into one of two groups and thought of as aerobic or anaerobic athletes. The fact is that both systems work in any individual, both at rest and during activity. However, in complementary sports medicine, a clinical definition of each term is employed—one
Definitions for Complementary Sports Medicine
that is more useful and that allows easier measure¬ ment in an office setting. In this case, the aerobic and anaerobic systems are defined based on the ori¬ gin of their chief source of energy for adenosine triphosphate production. Fatty acids are the poten¬ tially predominant source of aerobic energy, while glucose is the primary anaerobic energy source. Aerobic refers to the increased utilization of fatty acids, and anaerobic to the increased utilization of glucose by the body. Even in people who utilize a high percentage of fat for energy, there is still a significant contribu¬ tion from glucose, especially to maintain beta oxi¬ dation. This contribution from glucose may be relatively small if activity is minimal, and large during times of higher-intensity workouts. (In some sprint and power sports, glucose [and creatine phos¬ phate] are the exclusive fuels.) As workout inten¬ sity increases, so does the demand for more glucose as the dominant fuel, with less reliance on fatty ac¬ ids. In this instance our definitions are still useful. As exercise intensity increases, the individual be¬ comes more anaerobic and less aerobic; low-inten¬ sity workouts are generally more aerobic. What makes these definitions relate more closely to an athlete’s functional state is the fact that many lifestyle factors can significantly influence our abil¬ ity to utilize fatty acids for energy. Some of these include the macronutrient makeup of the diet, train¬
Most importantly, with improved aerobic function and endurance comes the ability to utilize more fatty acids for energy. For the athlete, endurance is the ability to perform more work (e.g., to sustain a more rapid pace) while remaining at the same level or at relatively low levels of intensity (i.e., heart rate). This is accompanied by a reduced respiratory quo¬ tient (increasing the percentage fat utilization for energy) and a diminished dependence on carbohy¬ drate utilization. Traditional definitions of endurance vary greatly. McArdle et al. (1991) define endurance as “the time limit of a person’s ability to maintain either a spe¬ cific isometric force or a specific power level in¬ volving combinations of concentric or eccentric muscular contractions” (p. 756). Wilmore and Costill (1994) describe it as the ability to resist fa¬ tigue; includes muscular endurance and cardiores¬ piratory endurance. Endurance is traditionally evaluated using aerobic power as measured by VCfmax. However, not only is this impractical for the average clinician and athlete, but endurance can vary greatly among individuals with an equal V02max (Coyle et al. 1988).
not reflect the important aspect of endurance: fuel utilization. Clinically, endurance is also an expres¬
Through proper aerobic training comes more en¬ durance, which has just been defined as the ability to perform more work with the same or less effort. In the case of a runner, for example, this increased work capacity takes the form of more aerobic speed. Using the heart rate as a measure of effort, suppose a runner can go 5000 m in 18 min. After four months of improving endurance, he or she can run that same distance in 17 min. The concept of aerobic speed is also applicable to other sports. During the course of a game, the basketball player maintains the ability to run up and down the court faster with less effort (i.e., utilizing less energy) and fatigue. The distance cyclist, swimmer, or cross-country skier can go faster with the same or less energy and for longer periods. This gain in aerobic speed is accomplished by increasing the utilization of fatty acids for energy as shown in a decreased respiratory quotient. This form of speed
sion of aerobic function, including the quality and quantity of that aerobic function, in an individual.
is distinguished from anaerobic speed, which is called sprinting—here a short burst of energy is
ing intensities, and stress. Complementary sports medicine’s definitions of aerobic and anaerobic are useful to both clinician and patient. For the average athlete, the definition of anaerobic as “without oxygen” is not precise in relation to performance. During any activity, includ¬ ing rest, the body cannot survive without oxygen for more than a couple of minutes. In the case of microorganisms, however, the definition “without oxygen” would be most appropriate.
ENDURANCE If we define endurance as the time during which a given exercise intensity can be sustained, it still does
Complementary Sports Medicine
provided through glycolysis (and creatine phos¬ phate) and is limited to 2 to 4 min. The following list shows actual changes in an endurance runner over a four-month period. These 1-mile measurements were taken after a warm-up while the athlete maintained a heart rate of 145 beats per minute. April
CONCLUSION Alternative definitions effectively combine the philosophical, assessment, and therapeutic aspects of complementary sports medicine. Though the de¬ viation from academic definitions is not dramatic, the clinical emphasis allows for a more practical, patient-centered practice.
Complementary Medicine Specialties
ithin the health care community are many specialties collectively referred to as alternative therapies, alternative medicine, or, more properly, complementary medi¬ cine. While many practitioners within these profes¬ sions attend to the needs of athletes, no definitive statistics are available regarding the popularity of the practice among the many sports. Eisenberg et al. (1993) demonstrates that Americans made more visits to providers of alternative medicine (425 mil¬ lion visits a year) than to all U.S. primary care phy¬ sicians (388 million annual visits). In Europe (Christie 1991; Himmel et al. 1993), Canada (Verhoef and Sutherland 1995), Israel (Bernstein and Shuval 1997), and many other areas of the world, these therapies are referred to as complementary medicine. Many complementary and alternative therapies encompass practices outside the medical main¬ stream. However, certain specialties, such as physi¬ cal medicine and rehabilitation, have long included many of the therapies now being categorized as “al¬
ternative” (Kronenberg et al. 1994). In addition, even the nomenclature used in relation to diagnosis is quite varied and nonstandardized. Cashman (1988) showed that medical, osteopathic, and chi¬ ropractic nomenclatures describing very similar anatomical distortions of the spine contained 10 separate terms that were currently being employed. These variations in terminology only create more barriers between professions and the patients who seek improved care.
CATEGORIES OF COMPLEMENTARY SPECIALTIES Three general categories of complementary medi¬ cine specialties comprise practitioners or subgroups that provide sports medicine care. The first category consists of practitioners who predominantly provide hands-on care: chiropractic, traditional osteopathy, massage therapy, and other manual therapies. The second category includes those professionals who deal with lifestyle factors; they offer dietary or
Complementary Sports Medicine
nutritional advice, or dispense other types of non¬ drug supplements (i.e., homeopathics, herbs, and other remedies). This group includes specialists in the fields of nutrition, diet, homeopathy, and sport psychology. The third category includes profes¬ sionals who incorporate most if not all of the meth¬ ods mentioned into one approach—utilizing both hands-on techniques and lifestyle improvement, including nutritional, herbal, or other types of non-drug supplementation. The three predominant groups within this category are Chinese medicine, applied kinesiology, and naturopathy. While many people are not familiar with these professions, most are familiar with some of their individual elements. For example, Chinese medicine was the first to uti¬ lize acupuncture, herbology, manipulation, nutri¬ tion and diet, music and color therapy, and many other individual techniques. Applied kinesiology employs acupressure, diet, nutrition, manipulation, and similar hands-on techniques. Naturopathy in¬ volves a similar approach to patient care. To sum up, the three major categories of comple¬ mentary therapies are these: • Practitioners who predominantly or exclu¬ sively use hands-on techniques, such as chi¬ ropractors, traditional osteopaths, and massage therapists • Professionals who predominantly or exclu¬ sively use lifestyle-oriented treatments, such as nutritionists, dietitians, nurses, homeopaths, and sport psychologists • Professionals who combine hands-on and lifestyle-improvement techniques, such as applied kinesiologists, naturopaths, and Chi¬ nese medicine practitioners This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Hundreds of professionals and paraprofessional groups have evolved from the field of complementary medicine and are seeking autonomy, many dealing with the care of athletes. Some of these other approaches are Ayurvedic medicine (the original Hindu medical system based on body balance); biofeedback (the use of visual or auditory information about body function); herbology (the use of botanicals to treat the body); meditation (including many types such as transcendental meditation and other techniques
for personal relaxation and spiritual exploration); orthomolecular medicine (the use of high-dose vi¬ tamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, en¬ zymes, hormones); sensory deprivation (the use of flotation tanks); and many types of yoga (for physi¬ cal and spiritual discipline). There are also groups of professionals from mainstream medicine who are claiming their independence in the complementary field, including nurses (Geddes and Henry 1997). Moreover, many medical practitioners are utilizing nutrition and diet, acupuncture, or other comple¬ mentary therapies in their existing practices, some¬ times as an adjunct to their current approach or as a replacement for their previous specialty. At times, professionals in one field implement therapies more often used in another. For example, although most chiropractors perform spinal ma¬ nipulation, some also utilize diet and nutrition, acu¬ puncture, or other modalities. Also, many professionals incorporate sports training into their therapeutic regime, while many more review a patient’s training as part of an evaluation of the whole person.
METHODS OF ASSESSMENT On a basic level, methods of assessment help de¬ fine the various practitioners and health care pro¬ fessionals. Many such disciplines use a symptom-based assessment approach, in which a specific treatment or remedy is given for a particu¬ lar symptom. For example, calcium is often used by nutritionists when the athlete has tight muscles. A similar version of a symptom-based approach is providing a particular remedy for a specific condi¬ tion—the sum of certain symptoms gives rise to a named condition. For example, iron supplements are given to a patient with hypochromic-microcytic anemia. Symptom-based assessments are most ef¬ fective when all the patient’s symptoms are corre¬ lated with other findings during an examination of the whole person. v Instead of using symptom-based assessments, complementary sports medicine professionals ap¬ ply physiologically-based diagnostic methods, usu¬ ally in conjunction with a complete inventory of symptoms and other findings and lifestyle factors. For example, the athlete who complains of muscle
Complementary Medicine Specialties
tightness may have muscle imbalance as described by Walther (1988) and Janda (1996). Often there is a muscle inhibition opposing the overfacilitated muscle. In many cases, the muscle inhibition is more primary and asymptomatic, with the symptomatic muscle tightness as a secondary problem. One of the most frequently seen examples is tightness in the low back muscles; here abdominal muscle inhi¬ bition is common. In such a patient, giving calcium for tight muscles may or may not provide some symptomatic relief. In either case the primary cause has not been addressed. In the case of supplement¬ ing iron for patients with anemia, this treatment may not be completely effective if malabsorption or blood loss is the cause and this primary issue has not been addressed. Recently, however, many holistic approaches have turned into symptom-based approaches. Acupuncture (part of Chinese medicine) is tradi¬ tionally practiced by determining which meridians are out of balance, regardless of the patient’s com¬ plaints. Today, acupuncture is often practiced by symptoms: points a, b, and c are treated for symp¬ tom X or condition Y. Other examples of symptom
I 7
treatment include diet (“cholesterol-lowering diet,” “weight-loss diet,” “pregame meal,” etc.) and nu¬ trition (vitamin C for colds, creatine phosphate for energy, chromium for fat burning, etc.). It is unfor¬ tunate that so many professionals and individuals have turned to this “cookbook” style of health care when complete assessment and individualized care considering all of the body’s symptoms can be much more effective.
EXAMPLES OF COMPLEMENTARY SPECIALTIES What follows is a brief discussion of some of the major complementary medicine professions. There are many others that are usually some variation of the ones described here. Table 3.1 lists some comple¬ mentary medicine approaches and the related as¬ sessment, treatment, and lifestyle-improvement methods they typically employ. It should be em¬ phasized again that in many cases, a professional in a particular field may incorporate assessment meth¬ ods, therapies, and lifestyle recommendations from another discipline.
Table 3.1 Complementary Sports Medicine Disciplines and the Related Primary Assessment, Therapy, and Lifestyle Methods Employed Discipline
Primary assessment
Primary therapy
Primary lifestyle
Applied kinesiology
Muscle testing with all other standard methods
All aspects
All forms of standard methods
All aspects
Chinese medicine
Pulse and facial diagnosis
Acupuncture, herbs, massage/manipulation, qigong
All aspects
History, diet assessment
Dietary recommendations, nutritional supplements
Sport psychology
History, consultation
Counseling, visualization, mental imaging
Mental/emotional stress
Palpation, X-rays
Spinal manipulation
Traditional osteopathy
Palpation, posture, X-rays
Cranial-sacral therapy, spinal manipulation
Depends on practitioner
Massage therapy
Relaxation, posture
Homeopathic remedies
Depends on practitioner
Complementary Sports Medicine
Chiropractic While manipulation of the spine has been used for centuries, the chiropractic profession, which specializes in this technique, dates back to 1895. Chiropractors believe that spinal vertebra mis¬ alignments, called chiropractic subluxations, in¬ terfere with the normal activity of the nervous system to cause functional problems on a physi¬ cal, chemical, or mental/emotional level. The term subluxation in chiropractic has more functional meaning than the standard definition, which refers to a partial or incomplete dislocation (Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 1994). Subluxation refers to a joint that is dysfunctional within its nor¬ mal range of motion. This joint dysfunction may not necessarily cause pain, but will usually have some adverse effect on the person’s physical, chemical, or mental/emotional state. In this text, these types of spinal and other joint problems are referred to as a joint complex dysfunction as dis¬ cussed by Seaman (1997). Some chiropractors also address imbalances as¬ sociated with other joints including the temporo¬ mandibular joint and the joints of the feet, knees, wrists, and so on. Chiropractors have successfully treated patients with conditions ranging from back and neck pain to intestinal disorders and allergies. In the United States, chiropractors must receive a doctoral degree (DC) in a rigorous education nearly identical to that of medical school except that it does not include studies in surgery. Some chiropractors are also trained in other complementary disciplines, including diet and nutrition, applied kinesiology, and Chinese medicine. In the 1950s and 1960s, Major Bertrand DeJamette (1979), both a chiropractor and an os¬ teopath, developed his “Sacro Occipital Technique”, which included many manipulative therapies, es¬ pecially non-force techniques for improving pelvic and cranial function. DeJamette categorized pelvic distortions that are often primary structural faults causing other, secondary, mechanical problems. This technique is primarily used today by complemen¬ tary medicine professionals. Over the past several decades, chiropractic sports medicine and rehabilitation have been emerging fields within complementary medicine. Many professional, collegiate, and amateur teams
and individual athletes utilize chiropractic care as a major part of their sports programs, with chiro¬ practors becoming more accepted by mainstream practitioners.
Osteopathy Traditional osteopathy is a manipulative-based therapy using a conservative non-drug approach. There is a stronger focus on the bones of the head and neck and the musculoskeletal system in gen¬ eral; but other therapies are used by some osteo¬ paths, including acupuncture, diet and nutrition, and applied kinesiology. Osteopathy was developed in the 1890s by Andrew Taylor Still, but by the 1950s the majority of osteopaths were incorporated into mainstream medicine. Today, most osteopaths in the United States practice like medical doctors, having abandoned their traditional techniques. Their doc¬ tor of osteopathy degree (DO) is nearly identical to a medical degree. In many parts of the world, espe¬ cially Europe, many osteopaths have maintained their traditional roles, often utilizing other comple¬ mentary approaches. Cranial osteopathy, developed in 1939 by Will¬ iam Sutherland, DO, is a subspecialty within osteo¬ pathic manipulative medicine. A cranial osteopath focuses particularly on the movements of the cra¬ nial bones and their relationships with the spine and sacrum. This is referred to as the cranial-sacral mechanism. This mechanism is described as a dy¬ namic force within the living human body: the qi or energy of the central nervous system. Osteopaths describe precise movements of all 26 cranial bones, which constitute a significant part of the body’s selfhealing mechanism. This cranial bone motion is associated with the breathing mechanism as certain bones move in particular fashion with both inhala¬ tion and exhalation. The amount of movement is in the range of fractions of a millimeter. Concomitant with this movement is an oscillation of the cerebral spinal fluid, which is also in a rhythmic motion with the cranium and sacrum. Cranial osteopaths do not view the adult skull as a fused mass. They describe the cranial bones as fitting together with various grooves and gearlike articulations with each other. The sutures are com¬ prised of connective tissues, membranes, and blood vessels with elastic tissue that is identifiable micro-
Complementary Medicine Specialties
scopically. Holding this mechanism together is the dura mater, which is attached at the foramen mag¬ num, the second and third cervical vertebrae, and the sacrum. Cranial osteopaths believe that any dis¬ ruption in cranial movement may have an adverse effect on any part of the mechanism, interfering with the body’s self-healing abilities. Problems within the cranial-sacral mechanism can occur as a result of trauma (beginning with birth), daily microtrauma, breathing irregularities (especially improper breath¬ ing), muscular strain, or other imbalances. Assessment is done by palpation of the cranium, sacrum, and spine; by postural evaluation; and by other approaches depending on the practitioner. Cor¬ rection of cranial-sacral problems is accomplished manually by applying gentle pressures at certain points on the cranium and sacrum, often in conjunc¬ tion with inhalation or exhalation, or through ma¬ nipulation of certain spinal vertebrae. The goal is to correct an imbalanced cranial-sacral mechanism. In the 1930s, Frank Chapman, DO, theorized that specific reflex points on the body were related to certain organs and glands and that stimulating these reflexes might improve lymphatic drainage of the related organs or glands. These points are referred to as Chapman’s reflexes. George Goodheart, DC, later developed Chapman’s work and incorporated it into applied kinesiology with other traditional osteopathic techniques.
Massage Therapy (Therapeutic Massage) The profession of massage therapy comprises trained, licensed practitioners who provide various types of massage techniques. Massage therapy is being prescribed increasingly by both mainstream and complementary practitioners to supplement their own therapies for all types of patients, including athletes. Massage focuses on increasing blood cir¬ culation and lymph flow, reducing muscle tension and spasm, improving range of motion, and help¬ ing to reduce pain. It involves soft tissue manipula¬ tion of the body and aids in stress reduction, which can aid in recovery from training and competition or from injury. Smith et al. (1994) found reductions in delayed-onset muscle soreness and in creatine kinase and cortisol levels following massage therapy. Field et al. (1996) found that massage therapy can reduce anxiety, and Ironson et al. (1996)
showed a positive effect on the immune system. All these are key issues for athletes. A variety of techniques are used in sports mas¬ sage, including different types of Swedish massage. This sports massage includes the use of standard effleurage, petrissage, and vibration techniques; cross-fiber massage that involves friction techniques applied to create a stretching and broadening effect in large muscle groups; and trigger-point massage, which involves specific finger pressure into myofascial trigger points in muscle and connective tissue to reduce hypersensitivity and muscle spasms. Trigger points may cause restricted and painful movement of muscles, ligaments, and tendons, as well as referred pain, and were first described by Travell and Rinzler (1952). More recently, Lewit (1991) stated that trigger points are bands of mus¬ cular tissue that appear contracted while the rest of the muscle is quiescent. In addition to massage therapy, other methods described in this text can help relieve trigger points. Massage therapists can perform regular main¬ tenance care, treatments for specific athletic inju¬ ries, and massage before and after athletic events or training.
Nutrition and Diet Nutritional and diet therapy is widely used by so many professionals that it is difficult to categorize. Many within the field do not consider it an alterna¬ tive technique. For example, nurses and dieticians who work in an institution have been applying basic nutrition for decades as part of mainstream medi¬ cine. In addition, MDs and DOs who work in hospi¬ tals may use dietary or nutritional recommendations as appropriate for certain types of conditions. This work encompasses parenteral nutrition and addresses special needs of cardiac, diabetic, arthritic, and other patients. The differences between mainstream nu¬ trition and diet therapy and the complementary ap¬ proach are many; most importantly, practitioners of the latter consider the functional aspect of the pa¬ tient and specific nutrients that may improve func¬ tion, rather than waiting for a clear deficiency state before implementing treatment. Most importantly, the approach should be individualized: all patients are unique in their dietary and nutritional needs. When nutritional recommendations are applied.
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other aspects of the patient often need to be consid¬ ered, such as stress, training, intestinal function, and so on. Another clear division in the field of diet and nutrition is between so-called natural or unprocessed foods and processed foods. The same division ap¬ plies in the arena of vitamin and mineral use; some products are real, natural food supplements, and others are isolated or synthetic versions of what nature provides. Within the field of diet and nutri¬ tion, significant scientific and clinical data have emerged regarding sport performance enhancements with the use of various nutritional remedies and die¬ tary changes.
Homeopathy The history of homeopathy begins with its founder, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physi¬ cian. Hahnemann coined the word “homeopathy” (homoios in Greek means “similar”; pathos means “suffering”) to refer to the pharmacological prin¬ ciple, the “law of similars,” that is its basis. Homeo¬ pathy evolved in the United States through the work of Hans Gram, a Dutch homeopath, who emigrated to the United States in 1825. Today, homeopathy is widespread throughout the world, especially in Eu¬ rope, Asia, the Far East, Central and South America, Australia, and Russia. Homeopathy is based on the “law of similars” that was described by Hippocrates and has been uti¬ lized by people of many cultures, including the Chinese, Greeks, and Native American Indians. Hahnemann developed the “law of similars” into a systematic medical art and science. Immunizations, allergy treatment, and other medical approaches are based on this “law of similars.” The homeopath uses extremely low-dose sub¬ stances to treat a person’s problems. In effect, the practitioner seeks to find a substance that, if given in overdose, would produce symptoms similar to those a sick person is experiencing. The most con¬ troversial aspect of homeopathy is the dosages. Homeopathic doses are produced by a series of dilutions that result in an exceedingly low-dose sub¬ stance. This process is called “potentization” and refers to a specific procedure of serial dilution in which 1 part of a medicinal substance is diluted with 99 parts distilled water or ethyl alcohol; 1 part
of this latter solution is then diluted further with 99 parts distilled water or ethyl alcohol. This pro¬ cess of dilution may be continued to different num¬ bers of dilutions, most commonly 3, 6, 9, 12, 30, 200, 1000, 10,000, 50,000, or 100,000. When a homeopathic medicine is labeled “C,” this means that the medicine was diluted 1:99. A medicine labeled “X” or “D” was diluted 1:9. When a medi¬ cine is described as a “30X,” this means it was diluted 1:9 and that the dilution was repeated 30 times. If a medicine is labeled “LM,” it was di¬ luted approximately 1:50,000. Homeopaths have observed that the more a medicine has been potentized, that is, diluted in this fashion, the longer it generally acts and the fewer the doses needed to be effective. More startling is the fact that while homeopaths and scientists agree that solutions diluted beyond 24X or 12C may not have any molecules of the origi¬ nal solution, they assert that “something” remains: the essence of the substance, its resonance, its en¬ ergy. Homeopaths generally assess patients using history of symptoms.
Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathy is the holistic practice of natural thera¬ peutics, or natural medicine, which works with a variety of hands-on and lifestyle factors including diet, nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acu¬ puncture, physical medicine, exercise, and others. In addition to treating a variety of imbalances, the naturopath focuses on functional problems to pre¬ vent future illness and injury. These practitioners assess patients through physical examinations, blood and urine tests, nutritional and dietary evaluations, and other methods. Naturopathy began in the United States in the early 1900s, when many natural therapies that had previously existed were joined together. By the mid1900s, naturopathy rapidly declined as allopathic medicine was flourishing. Today, the naturopathic physician must obtain an ND degree from a fouryear graduate-level naturopathic college. In the United States, only eight states license naturopaths: Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Washington. Naturo¬ pathy is growing again as the complementary move¬ ment has expanded.
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Chinese Medicine This approach is one of the oldest known systems of assessment and therapy, and was perhaps the first true “holistic” method because it addressed every aspect of the patient’s life, including wellness treat¬ ments to maintain good health. Chinese medicine includes four main aspects: acupuncture; massage and manipulation; herbal medicines; and exercise disciplines called qigong, the most popular form being tai chi. A key focus in Chinese medicine is assessment, which relies heavily on observation and on palpa¬ tion of the radial pulses. In addition to pulse diagno¬ sis, important tools include observation of the face (facial diagnosis), the texture and look of the skin, and the odor of the breath. Pulse diagnosis is the foun¬ dation of Chinese medicine assessment. In this ap¬ proach, the radial pulse is palpated with three fingers, with the practitioner feeling a separate pulse in each. Each pulse also has a superficial and deep quality (each considered a separate pulse), providing 6 pulses on each wrist. These 12 pulses relate to the 12 “me¬ ridians” that according to Chinese theory are the chan¬ nels in which energy (called qi) flows through the body. (Chinese medicine is often called meridian therapy.) On each meridian, there are many different points that can be stimulated by manual pressure (acupressure), needles (acupuncture), heat (through the burning of the moxa herb, referred to as moxibustion), and electricity (electroacupuncture). These are called meridian therapy points, or acupuncture points (the term used in this text). The Chinese also incorporate herbal therapy, music and color therapy, and even psychotherapy to help balance qi. The basic theory in Chinese medicine is that an imbalance of qi—which consists of yin and yang energy—is the cause of dysfunction and ultimately disease. The balancing of yin and yang energy is therefore the goal of the practitioner, who may use any or all of the therapeutic tools to accomplish this depending on which is most applicable to the patient’s needs based on assessment. This balance does not stop with the individual but continues into society as a whole. The individual, as well as the surrounding society, is a delicate balance of yin and yang. Yin represents water, quiet, substance, and night; yang represents fire, noise, function, and day.
2 I
The two are polar opposites, and therefore one of them must be present to allow the other to exist; for instance, how can you experience joy if you do not understand sorrow? More interesting is the fact that many ancient Chinese visited their practitioners when they were well, paying the practitioner a re¬ tainer to keep them healthy. If they became ill, they stopped paying until wellness returned.
Applied Kinesiology Like Chinese medicine and some other approaches already described, applied kinesiology (AK) com¬ bines many existing therapies into one system. Ap¬ plied kinesiology is unique due to its use of manual muscle testing as part of an assessment process that focuses on the functional aspect of the patient’s structure, chemistry, and mental/emotional state. These assessment methods help the practitioner find the therapies that best match the patient’s specific needs. This process is done each and every time practitioner and patient come together. Between visits to the practitioner—referred to as sessions in this text—the patient makes appropriate lifestyle changes as recommended by the practitioner accord¬ ing to previous assessments. Through evaluation of the function of certain muscles pre- and posttreatment, therapeutic effi¬ cacy can be evaluated. Applied kinesiologists theo¬ rize that physical, chemical, and mental/emotional imbalances are associated with secondary muscle dysfunction—specifically a muscle inhibition (usu¬ ally followed by overfacilitation of an opposing muscle). Applying the proper therapy results in im¬ provement in the inhibited muscle. Leisman et al. (1995) showed that AK muscle testing procedures can be objectively evaluated through quantifica¬ tion of the neurologic electrical characteristics of muscles, and that the course of AK treatments can be objectively plotted over time. Another theory within AK is that specific muscles are associated with specific areas of the body: there are organmuscle, gland-muscle, meridian-muscle, spinemuscle, and reflex-muscle relationships. (The relationships between specific spinal nerves and specific muscles are better known.) There is not a specific academic degree for AK— rather, AK is practiced by those already possessing
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a license to practice in another field. Applied kine¬ siology is utilized worldwide mostly by chiroprac¬ tors, medical doctors, and osteopaths, along with a variety of other practitioners. Courses and certifi¬ cations are given by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, which has chapters through¬ out the world. Individuals either practice as applied kinesiologists or use AK as an adjunct to their par¬ ticular specialty. For example, chiropractors, medi¬ cal doctors, or osteopaths may predominantly practice their specialty but utilize AK assessment and treatment methods as an adjunct. This blending is very feasible because AK is an open system based on sound physiological principles, and many thera¬ peutic approaches can be incorporated according to the doctor’s expertise and interests. Applied kinesiology was developed by George Goodheart, DC, beginning in 1964. Goodheart no¬ ticed that significant postural improvements could be made immediately following manipulation of an inhibited muscle, specifically through stimulation of the muscle’s neurological components: Golgi ten¬ don organs or spindle cells. Gradually, a variety of existing modalities including acupressure, osteo¬ pathic techniques, nutrition, and many others were combined as treatment options, with use of manual muscle testing as one of the diagnostic aids. Goodheart added a muscular relationship to Chapman’s reflexes, theorizing that organ or glan¬ dular dysfunction was followed by specific muscle inhibition and observed that manually stimulating specific Chapman’s reflexes improved the related muscle function (and body posture). Today, it can also be confirmed clinically that adrenal dysfunc¬ tion, for example, such as excess cortisol produc¬ tion or diminished dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate [DHEA(S)], is associated with muscular inhibition of the sartorius or tibialis posterior muscle(s). Acupuncture meridians were also correlated with muscles; each meridian was found to have one or more corresponding muscles that reacted to the state of the meridian. For example, if a meridian was low in qi, the related muscle was usually inhibited, and the corresponding meridian with too much qi was associated with an overfacilitated muscle.
In addition to Chapman’s reflexes, acupuncture points, and muscle neurological reflexes, AK incor¬ porates manipulation of the cranium, spine, and extravertebral joints as described by the chiroprac¬ tic and osteopathic professions. In addition, many other techniques have been borrowed, refined, and incorporated into AK, including those directed at the nervous system, temporomandibular joint, and diaphragm muscle, as well as a system of nutritional assessment. The tool used most often to help the practitioner match the optimal therapy with the patient’s needs is manual muscle testing, which is always done in conjunction with other methods of diagnosis, including blood and urine tests, blood pressure measurement, and standard orthopedic, neurologic, and physical examinations.
Sport Psychology/Sport Awareness In 1956 Roger Bannister wrote, “Though physiol¬ ogy may indicate respiratory and circulatory limits to muscular effort, psychological and other factors beyond the ken of physiology set the razor’s edge of defeat or victory and determine how close an ath¬ lete approaches the absolute limits of performance” (Newsholme 1996, p. 246). Sport psychology is not necessarily considered an alternative medicine, but clearly it can be used in conjunction with both complementary and mainstream medicine. A vari¬ ety of psychological-type therapies are often con¬ sidered alternative, including hypnosis, use of mental/emotional imagery, biofeedback, and medi¬ tation. Hampf (1993) states that in “chronic pain cases, alternative [psychological] therapies merit consideration, even though they may generally be rejected by Western medicine as unscientific” (p. 15). But according to Crossman (1997), “Medical professionals realize the importance of incorporat¬ ing psychological strategies into rehabilitation from athletic injury, but often feel they lack the knowl¬ edge to do so” (p. 333). Communication between caregiver and patient, an important component of “bedside manner,” is the first step to improved awareness by the patient of his or her body and mind. As Laemmel (1996) writes, “The very earliest myths relating to the art
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of healing give great weight to the vital importance of human dialogue” (p. 863). Too many practitio¬ ners are unwilling to talk with their patients—a pri¬ mary complaint of patients. Under the rubric of sport psychology and aware¬ ness can also be placed many mental/emotional as¬ pects of sports medicine, including one rarely considered a sport psychology issue—education. Through lack of basic understandings about body function, athletes can bring on themselves signifi¬ cant stress. Likewise, when they obtain incorrect or improper information, for example when influenced by advertising or social trends, athletes can become more stressed. Obsession on the part of an athlete with dieting, bingeing and purging, or overtraining is an obvious example. Forming balanced goals and having a purpose for working out and competition are also key priorities for athletes. In many cases, athletes are unaware of their purpose in sports. For some, this may eventually lead to significant men¬ tal/emotional stress. As described earlier and as will be elaborated in more detail in a later chapter, stress plays a major role in sport and is a significant contributory factor in physical, chemical, and mental/emotional injuries. All practitioners can play a vital role in helping with sport awareness when working with athletes. Helping athletes to understand their body’s normal and abnormal function, including nutritional needs and exercise physiology, can help them overcome social pressures, media and advertising distortion, and other problems they may encounter.
CONCLUSION Millions of athletes, from professionals to local en¬ thusiasts, seek care from complementary practi¬ tioners each year. Most of these practitioners come from existing alternative or complementary medi¬ cine circles, although more mainstream medical doctors are now entering the arena. With the dra¬ matic rise in interest on the part of both patients and professionals in the United States, complemen¬ tary therapies are now being taught in nearly 30% of medical schools and family practice residency programs, with another 12% of such institutions planning or considering offerings in some comple¬ mentary therapies (Carlston et al. 1997). Whether one uses Chinese medicine, AK, or some combination of therapies, the important concern is outcome: Has the whole patient improved? This question can and should be asked and answered by both the practitioner and patient. If the question is to be answered properly, outcomes must also in¬ clude reassessments. If an injury causes pain and dysfunction, an effective therapy results not only in the elimination of pain but also in the restoration and improvement in function as evidenced by the same method of assessment originally used to di¬ agnose the problem. This adds an important mea¬ sure of objectivity to clinical practice. Later chapters in this book present a number of assessment meth¬ ods useful for evaluating function and dysfunction, and outline ways in which these methods can be employed to continually monitor the athlete.
Metabolism and Energy Production
his chapter is an overview of the mechan¬ isms by which the body derives energy, an important aspect of athletic function. The efficient conversion of macronutrients to energy— from the processes of beta oxidation, glycolysis, and protein degradation through the Krebs cycle (also called the citric acid or tricarboxylic acid cycle) and electron transport chain—is one of the key compo¬ nents in improving athletic efficiency. Improving the function of this system can be a powerful therapy to increase physical, chemical, and mental/emo¬ tional balance and athletic performance. The body has two general “energy systems” that it uses to convert fatty acids and carbohydrates into energy. These are the aerobic and anaerobic sys¬ tems, which encompass both structural and chemi¬ cal aspects of an individual. The systems generate energy from fatty acids and glucose to produce
The ability to generate energy from food not only propels an athlete to the finish line, but is the force used by the body for all activities, from postural muscle tone during resting to breathing and daily chores. If this energy-producing mechanism is somehow disturbed because of nutritional, dietary, or other factors including stress, energy production can be impaired. The result will be an imbalance and dysfunction in the individual. This may pro¬ duce almost any pattern of signs and symptoms ranging from fatigue to depression, from poor per¬ formance to a physical injury or a variety of com¬ pounding problems—any of which will become the patient’s complaints. Our body’s three important macronutrients are
fats, carbohydrates, and proteins; these are the
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sources of all energy used for daily activity, exer¬ cise, and recovery. In their natural state, these ma¬ cronutrients also contain the vital micronutrients and phytochemicals necessary if energy production and other bodily processes are to proceed efficiently. The first step in optimizing this energy-producing pro¬ cess is choosing the foods that contain the needed nutrients. The next two steps are of critical impor¬ tance and are often neglected in our society as a whole and by practitioners: aiding the efficient mechanism of digestion and the absorption of food into the nutrients used by the body. A variety of factors may adversely affect diges¬ tion, the most common ones being stress and exer¬ cise. Any dysfunction in the process of digestion may significantly affect the absorption of nutrients from food. For example, a patient who is under ex¬ cess stress may not digest a protein meal efficiently because of reduced stomach hydrochloric acid, re¬ sulting in less absorption of amino acids. Once the body ingests food as fats, carbohy¬ drates, and proteins, these substances undergo a variety of biochemical transformations. Carbohy¬ drates are broken down to glucose and undergo glycolysis. Fat is broken down to fatty acids and glycerol, with the fat portion going through the pro¬ cess of beta oxidation, and glycerol to glycolysis. Proteins are degraded into their base components of amino acids. All macronutrient by-products en¬ ter into the Krebs cycle. This process results in the release of hydrogen’s electrons in the electron transport chain with the final production of adenos¬ ine triphosphate (ATP). Certain vitamins and minerals are necessary in order for the Krebs cycle to function. These include riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid and the minerals magnesium, manganese, and iron (Mayes 1993).
ENERGY PRODUCTION All students learn about these energy-producing cycles and reactions. However, frequently many of the cofactors—in the form of micronutrients—are less familiar. In complementary sports medicine, understanding the ways in which these micronutri¬ ents play their crucial role can help in the improve¬ ment of the patient’s function. Figure 4.1 shows each aspect of this scheme in more detail. >
Fatty acids
Electron transport
Figure 4.1 General scheme of the Krebs cycle with macronutrient associations
Fats Triglycerides obtained from fat are a major source of energy. Lipoprotein lipase mediates the breakdown of circulating triglycerides into fatty acids that can be used by skeletal muscles for energy (Borensztajn 1979). The fatty acid molecules are carried by the blood, where they are called free fatty acids, to the muscle cell. Fatty acids enter the cell by diffusion. If the concentration of fatty acids is higher in the blood than inside the cell, more fatty acid will enter the cell and be available for energy. Factors that increase or decrease levels of fatty acids in the blood can have a significant impact on the availability of fat for en¬ ergy production. For example, a proper warm-up can increase free fatty acids. Excess insulin, which may be produced from excess carbohydrate consumption or in people who are insulin resistant, may diminish blood fatty acids. Two other factors are significantly related to the utilization of fat for energy. First, the process of beta oxidation occurs in the mitochondria, making the
Metabolism and Energy Production
aerobic muscle fibers the chief site of energy pro¬ duction from fat. Second, these triglycerides are car¬ ried to the muscles in the blood, so improved circulation favors more fat transport with the poten¬ tial of more fat utilization for energy. Any factor that adversely affects the muscle fiber or its mitochon¬ dria or the blood flow to the muscle can have a nega¬ tive impact on the utilization of fat for energy. Such effects may relate to contractibility of the muscle (which requires calcium), uptake of the fatty acid into the mitochondria (which requires carnitine), and circulation as impacted by a variety of nutrients (such as iron and hydration). Glucose utilization is also important for maintaining the use of fat for energy. The number of aerobic muscle fibers (compared to anaerobic), as well as efficient circulation, is impor¬ tant for effective glucose uptake and metabolic effi¬ ciency of insulin action (Utriainen et al. 1996). Finally, the fatty acid molecule undergoes trans¬ formation to acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), com¬ pleting beta oxidation. This process can also be influenced by coenzymes. Both flavin adenine di¬ nucleotide (FAOH2) and nicotinamide adenine di¬ nucleotide (NAD+) are coenzymes needed in order for beta oxidation to proceed; FAOFl2 is formed from the vitamin riboflavin, and NAD+ is formed from the vitamin niacin. Levels of these nutrients in the diet that are below what the individual requires can affect the process of beta oxidation.
Carbohydrates Vital to the process of aerobic function and fatty acid utilization is the continued catabolism of glu¬ cose. The breakdown of fats can continue only if sufficient oxaloacetic acid is produced in the Krebs cycle to combine with acetyl-CoA formed during beta oxidation. The process of generating energy via glucose is referred to as glycolysis. It involves a variety of steps, ultimately leading to the production of acetyl-CoA and oxidation in the Krebs cycle. Although glucose is the predominant sugar, this is also the primary path¬ way for both fructose and galactose from the diet.
in order for this process to proceed. The reaction in¬ volves not only a phosphate donor, but also magne¬ sium, as Mayes (1993) emphasizes. Low levels of dietary magnesium, or poor absorption, may have a negative impact on this mechanism. In addition, NAD+ plays a vital role, requiring niacin; fluoride has an inhibitory effect on enolase, a necessary en¬ zyme in the middle of the glycolytic pathway. The production of lactic acid is a characteristic feature of glycolysis. Lactic acid is formed from pyruvic acid. This step requires lactate dehydroge¬ nase. Lactate dehydrogenase requires niacin for its function. Pyruvic acid is also converted to acetylCoA, and this requires pyruvate dehydrogenase, a thiamin (vitamin B l)-dependent enzyme. If thiamin is not available, more pyruvic acid will convert to lactic acid. Lactic acid is continually produced by the muscles. When workout levels are low to moder¬ ate, the production is equal to the rate of its removal; only when intensity levels rise will lactic acid ac¬ cumulate. Quantitatively, the production of lactic acid can vary greatly from person to person, de¬ pending on stress levels, nutritional state, and work¬ out intensity. Excess lactic acid from the muscle is diffused into the circulation where it is buffered to form so¬ dium lactate. Sodium lactate reacts with oxygen and NAD+ and is oxidized in the liver. Lactic acid is an important pathway for energy production through its reconversion to pyruvic acid and ultimately glu¬ cose. Through this mechanism (called the Cori cycle), lactic acid helps maintain effective blood sugar and muscle glycogen levels. Another important aspect of glycolysis is that it is regulated by the enzyme phosphorylase. This enzyme can be influenced significantly by the hor¬ mone epinephrine, which is produced from in¬ creased sympathetic nervous system activity and is elevated during any stress.
Proteins Protein is a required component of the diet, but its
These sugars are ultimately converted to glucose. Glucose begins the process of glycolysis by phos¬ phorylation to glucose 6-phosphate via the enzyme hexokinase (and in the liver and pancreas as glucoki-
role in supplying energy is limited, though still im¬ portant. Up to about 10-15% of an athlete’s energy needs may be supplied from protein during very long workouts or very intense training. Protein (through
nase). A variety of nutritional factors are important
a series of intermediate reactions) may be converted
Complementary Sports Medicine
to glucose in the process of gluconeogenesis. The gluconeogenic pathway converts pyruvate into glu¬ cose. The precursors of glucose are lactate, glucogenic amino acids, and glycerol. As previously discussed, lactate is formed by active muscles when the rate of glycolysis exceeds the metabolic rate of the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain. Amino acids are derived from proteins in the diet. The hy¬ drolysis of triglycerides generates glycerol. Certain amino acids undergo a chemical transformation (transamination) and are used as intermediates in the Krebs cycle. For example, after losing two amine groups, glutamine forms alpha-ketoglutaric acid, aspartate forms oxaloacetic acid, and alanine forms pyruvic acid. Any disruption in the process of protein utiliza¬ tion can have a negative effect on the metabolism’s ability to produce energy. For example, if dietary protein is too low or is not effectively digested, amino acid absorption may be inadequate. In addi¬ tion, specific nutritional substances are required for many reactions. In the deamination of glutamate to alpha-ketoglutarate, for example, niacin is required for NAD+. These are examples of dietary or nutri¬ tional factors that may be related to a patient’s fa¬ tigue during the day and not necessarily directly related to working out. During athletic competition, fatigue may develop because of the accumulation of by-products. Lactic acid, for example, may lower the pH of the muscle, limiting energy for muscle contraction.
ENERGY SYSTEMS Traditionally, some texts list the production of en¬ ergy from three systems. McArdle et al. (1991), for example, discuss the immediate-energy or ATP-creatine phosphate system, the short-term energy or lactic acid system, and the long-term energy or aero¬ bic system. In this text, the immediate-energy and short-term energy systems are referred to as the anaerobic system, and the long-term energy system is called the aerobic system.
The Aerobic System In their evolution as hunter-gatherers, humans be¬ came highly dependent upon the aerobic system.
For the hunter-gatherer of thousands of years ago, being physically active for extended periods of time required a significant amount of energy from the aerobic muscle fibers; the modem marathon runner has the same requirement. These aerobic muscle fibers, a predominant feature of the aerobic system, are also referred to as type I fibers. In addition to their ability to utilize large amounts of fatty acids for energy, they can utilize carbohydrates and amino acids for energy. These fibers are highly vascular¬ ized, surrounded by a much larger number of capil¬ laries than anaerobic fibers are. The fatty acids used by the aerobic muscle fibers come from both endogenous (intramuscular lipid reserves) and exogenous (adipose tissue) sources. Gollnick (1985) and Karlsson et al. (1974) showed that the capability to utilize more fats for energy was dependent upon the type of training, with lowerintensity training increasing fatty acid utilization. The ability of endurance training to accomplish this task is attributable to the increased enzymes neces¬ sary for lipid oxidation (Hurley et al. 1986), spe¬ cifically by the high concentrations of mitochondria containing oxidative enzymes such as succinate dehydrogenase. Stored fat represents a tremendous reserve of po¬ tential energy, even for a lean athlete: up to 100,000 kcal of energy. For an 18-carbon fatty acid molecule, 147 molecules of ATP are generated through the com¬ bined efforts of beta oxidation, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Because of its greater quantity of hydrogen molecules, fat contains more potential energy than the other two macronutrients combined; each gram of dietary fat has potentially 9 calories of energy, with carbohydrate and protein pro¬ viding 4 each. This contrast is put into clinical per¬ spective by Newsholme (1977), who presents that the energy reserves from fat in a healthy athlete can power a run for 119 hr, with reserves from glucose allowing the energy for only a 1,6-hr run. During rest, fat may contribute significant amounts of energy, up to 60-80% of the amount needed. This may also be true during light and mod¬ erate workouts, and even during longer training periods and competitions, especially in athletes with good function. From an athletic performance stand¬ point, Lambert et al. (1994) and Muoio et al. (1994)
Metabolism and Energy Production
demonstrated improvements in performance after consumption of a diet higher in fat, which makes more fat available for energy. And Vukovich et al. (1993) showed that an increase in dietary fat spared stored glycogen during exercise, an important func¬ tion for endurance and competition. Much of this action of fat is highly dependent upon the health of the individual, the pre-workout meal, and the person’s fitness level. Hughes et al. (1994) showed that in certain individuals with impaired glu¬ cose tolerance, the beneficial effects of exercise on lipid indexes are not observed. Foster et al. (1979) showed that feeding of glucose 30-45 min before endurance exercise increases the rate of glucose uti¬ lization but impairs mobilization of free fatty acids and reduces the exercise time to exhaustion. An athlete’s level of fitness is an important factor when one considers whether a higher amount of fat can be used for energy. Improvements in aerobic function including that of the aerobic muscle fibers, avoid¬ ance of training stress, and proper nutrition are nec¬ essary for utilization of more fats for energy. The extensive number and volume of the mito¬ chondria are a dominant feature of the aerobic muscle fiber. Many other factors that allow this pro¬ cess to continue are important in order for the aero¬ bic muscle fiber’s mitochondria to generate energy from fats. These factors include dietary and nutri¬ tional considerations, stress factors, and training. But none of these processes can function effectively if sufficient oxygen is not delivered to the cells.
The Anaerobic System When short-term speed and power are required, the anaerobic system is well suited to the task. While anaerobic muscle fibers are much larger than their aerobic counterparts, their actions are very short¬
The anaerobic muscle fibers are also referred to as type II fibers and are further divided into three separate groups based on their metabolic proper¬ ties. The type Ha fiber contains anaerobic qualities but has a high capacity for aerobic function. This fiber’s aerobic qualities, combined with the great potential of type I fibers, allow tremendous possi¬ bilities for the utilization of fats for energy in most people. The only possible exception is the sprinter who is genetically endowed with a high number of type lib fibers and does not train his or her aerobic system. The type lib fiber contains the true anaerobic trait, generating energy only from glycolysis. While these fibers are found in all people, they are more numer¬ ous and better developed in sprint and power ath¬ letes. They have the ability to supply energy for short periods of time, but anaerobic fibers are not en¬ dowed well with capillaries. These fibers not only have less blood supply, but “may have no associ¬ ated capillaries at all” (Mountcastle 1974, p. 620). Bonde-Petersen and Robertson (1981) demonstrated in the cat that relative ischemia exists in anaerobic fibers, but not in aerobic ones, during both isomet¬ ric and isotonic muscle contractions. Colliander et al. (1988) states that “The higher the fast twitch fi¬ ber composition, the lower the attendant capillary density and content of aerobic enzymes, and thus the greater is the force loss and the less the recov¬ ery” (p. 84). Although these fibers do not depend on oxygen, the need for other nutrients still exists. Since all the different types of fibers are mixed within a given muscle in humans, it appears that the anaerobic fibers (especially type lib) are de¬ pendent on the aerobic fibers’ blood supply (see table 4.1). The type lie muscle fiber is not discussed much in the literature.
Table 4.1
Three Commonly Recognized Muscle Fibers in Humans Type 1
Type 1 la
Type lib
Other names
Mixed (aerobic and anaerobic)
Potential energy source
Fatty acids
Fatty acids
Complementary Sports Medicine
The amount of energy available for aerobic and anaerobic metabolism varies considerably. The availability of energy from carbohydrates is very limited. Only 36 molecules of ATP are generated through the combined work of glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Recall that a molecule of fat produces about four times this amount of ATP—or more, depending on the spe¬
In addition, inactivity can affect muscle fiber population. Haggmark et al. (1986) showed that in one athlete immobilized for surgery, decreases oc¬
cific fatty acid. In addition to the short-term energy potential of the anaerobic system, an immediate-energy system exists that is not dependent on glycolysis. This sim¬ pler mechanism utilizes phosphocreatine, some¬ times called creatine phosphate. In this anaerobic mechanism, the enzyme creatine kinase quickly converts phosphocreatine to ATP. Like glycolysis, this process does not require oxygen. The produc¬ tion of ATP through this action is very limited to only a few seconds of activity.
them aerobically deficient. One goal of training is to improve long-term en¬ durance and overall function. Unfortunately, short¬ term training of almost any type will result in improvements in a number of important factors, in¬ cluding V02max, oxygen consumption, muscle strength, and muscle glycogen content, but not neccessarily improve long-term endurance. Fox
TRAINING EFFECTS ON ENERGY SYSTEMS Training plays a major role in enhancing both the structural and chemical aspects of an individual’s muscle fibers. For example, endurance training will improve aerobic muscle fiber function, including increasing the number of mitochondria and the en¬ zymes that convert more fat to energy. The type Ha fiber will also benefit from endurance training. However, this training will not develop the anaero¬ bic type lib fibers. All muscles contain all the types of fibers; the proportions found in any one person are not deter¬ mined by genetics alone. While genes may play a role, our environment (e.g., training) may be even more important. Simoneau et al. (1985) showed that after 15 weeks of training, the proportions of fiber types changed. Specifically, endurance training sig¬ nificantly increased the proportion of type I fibers and decreased the proportion of type lib fibers. Abernathy et al. (1990) discussed a variety of tran¬ sitions between aerobic and anaerobic fibers based on the type of training; sprint training decreased type I fibers, and endurance training may convert type lib to Ha fibers and increase type I fibers.
curred in type I fiber content, from 81% to 58% after six weeks. Training restored the type I fiber content to 85%. It is also possible that those indi¬ viduals who are not physically active also have re¬ duced type I fiber content in their muscles, rendering
(1979) showed an approximately 10% increase in V02max during three types of training schedules— two, four, and five days per week. All participants increased V02max to approximately the same ex¬ tent during the training period. On average, all par¬ ticipants achieved a peak level of V02max after about seven weeks. Clinically, we know that many individuals who show short-term benefits will not continue their pro¬ grams. Beginning exercisers will often give up a program because of discomfort or lack of enjoy¬ ment. More serious athletes will sometimes become overtrained or injured and be forced to stop or greatly modify their workouts. Obtaining benefits from exercise is only the first step and by no means indicative that a particular program is effective. An individual’s needs will be constantly changing, and these needs must be continually assessed and modi¬ fied, when necessary, before signs or symptoms of imbalance occur. In this way the person will be less likely to give up and will continue to obtain bene¬ fits, without dysfunction, for years and decades rather than weeks or months. This type of care is an important component of complementary sports medicine. Dysfunction of the aerobic system may result from a variety of factors. Nutritional issues are im¬ portant, as already mentioned. In addition to nia¬ cin, riboflavin, thiamine, and magnesium, carnitine serves as a carrier for the entrance of fatty acids
Metabolism and Energy Production
into the mitochondria. Dietary factors, such as too little fat or protein or too many carbohydrates, may influence available fatty acids. These dietary and nutritional factors are discussed in chapters 18 and 19. Hormonal factors are also important for aerobic function; insulin is important, for example, because higher levels may promote carbohydrate use and lower levels may result in a greater amount of fat utilization. In addition, adrenal hormones, espe¬ cially epinephrine and norepinephrine, play a sig¬ nificant role in aerobic function. Cortisol and other adrenal hormones are important also and play a key role during stress. These are all factors that can greatly influence the function of the aerobic sys¬ tem; they are discussed in more detail in the appro¬ priate chapters.
CONCLUSION A working knowledge of the body’s metabolism, as well as an understanding of how energy is produced, is important, since manipulating these areas may prove to be a valuable therapy. Key areas include the energy potential of fats and carbohydrates, their use by aerobic and anaerobic muscle fibers, and the role of certain nutrients in making energy available. The ability to apply these aspects of physiology enables the practitioner to avoid “cookbook” thera¬ pies and to treat each patient as an individual, meet¬ ing the specific needs of each. Understanding how fats and carbohydrates are used by the aerobic and anaerobic systems will better prepare the practi¬ tioner to utilize specific complementary assessment methods, therapies, and training techniques.
5 Neuromuscular Systems he nervous system is a major player in all athletic functions. In complementary sports medicine, use of the neuromuscular system is a vital aspect of both the assessment and the thera¬ peutic processes. The behavior of this system is sometimes referred to as “body language.” Inter¬ pretation of the body’s posture and gait, as well as the use of manual muscle testing, is an important part of the assessment process. Dietary and nutri¬ tional changes to influence the chemical components of the neuromuscular system, as well as certain types of exercise training, are among the therapeutic op¬ tions. The neurological model presented here also helps explain how muscles are influenced by a va¬ riety of lifestyle factors, such as stress, diet, and
come is either facilitation or inhibition. Excitation occurs when facilitation reaches the threshold for depolarization, where the “all-or-none” phenom¬ enon takes place and a muscle contracts. (The terms conditionally facilitated or conditionally in¬ hibited might be more neurologically correct, but in this text the words facilitated and inhibited are used.) Facilitation occurs at the neuromuscular junction, with an action potential traveling the length of the muscle fiber resulting in facilitation and contrac¬ tion. Inhibition of the motoneuron occurs postsynaptically (and presynaptically on some neurons) and results in the decreased likelihood of contraction of the muscle.
FACILITATION AND INHIBITION Complementary sports medicine uses the words fa¬ cilitation and inhibition to describe the contraction and lack of contraction of skeletal muscles, respec¬ tively. It is understood that even though the central state of the alpha motoneuron is a reflection of mul¬ tiple facilitatory and inhibitory effects, the final out¬
NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION The connection between the motoneuron and the skeletal muscle fiber is a highly specialized region referred to as the neuromuscular junction (some¬ times called the motor end plate). Each muscle fi¬ ber usually contains its own neuromuscular junc¬ tion, which functions to transmit a nerve impulse from the axon of the nerve to the muscle. This area
Complementary Sports Medicine
also changes the electrical impulse of the neuron to a chemical impulse in the muscle fiber. This is ac¬ complished by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which causes excitation (followed by muscle con¬ traction) in the muscle. Acetylcholine is manufactured in the cytosol of the nerve terminal by the reaction of acetylcoenzyme A and the nutrient choline.The release of acetyl¬ choline is triggered by the uptake of calcium. Ace¬ tylcholine is quickly broken down by the enzyme cholinesterase. Sodium also plays a key role by diffusing inside the neuron to create an electrical potential. The amino acids gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine play a major role in neuro¬ muscular inhibition by increasing the permeability of the neuron to potassium and chloride. Inhibition is important in controlling the smoothness of ac¬ tions in some sports and helps protect the muscle from overcontraction.
Sensory neuron
NEUROLOGICAL MECHANISMS WITHIN THE MUSCLE Specific sensory areas within the muscle and ten¬ don are responsible for facilitation and inhibition of the whole muscle. These are the muscle spindle cells and Golgi tendon organs, and they are de¬ scribed by Guyton (1986). These receptors have an important protective action, providing the central nervous system with information about the muscles, joints, and limbs.
Muscle Spindle Cells Sensory information about changes in the length of the muscle fibers is provided by muscle spindles, and their reactions are facilitatory (see figure 5.1). Through their action, a muscle that is stretched will react with more contraction to increase power and function and is protected from damage.The muscle spindles are important in regulating posture and gait.
Figure 5.1
The muscle spindle cell mechanism
Neuromuscular Systems
Golgi Tendon Organs The tension and stretch of the muscle are detected by Golgi tendon organs, which are found within the tendon. When stimulated, these produce inhibition of the muscle (see figure 5.2). These sensory recep¬ tors react when a muscle is shortened, and in pas¬ sive stretching, protecting the muscle and ligament from potential injury during overload.
Figure 5.2
The Golgi tendon organ mechanism
MUSCULAR IMBALANCES Muscular imbalance refers to a deviation from the expected normal facilitated or inhibited muscle and is described by Janda (1986), Jull and Janda (1987), and Sahrmann (1987). This imbalance often begins as a muscle inhibition, due to some physical, chemi¬ cal, or mental/emotional stress, and it may cause secondary muscle overfacilitation followed by dys¬ function in the related joint(s). In some cases, muscle inhibition is secondary to joint dysfunction. This was described as early as 1965 by DeAndrade et al., and it has been more recently characterized by others (Fisher et al. 1997; Spencer et al. 1984). Physical causes of muscle inhibition are attribut¬ able to an imbalance between the external demand and the functional capacity of the muscle as de¬ scribed by Liebenson (1996). For example, over¬ training in running, cycling, or weight lifting may result in localized microtrauma that leads to a pro¬ tective response and an abnormal muscle inhibition. Macrotrauma is more easily observed and usually more acute. This is common in contact sports like football, hockey, and boxing. We can use lifting a weight with the biceps brachii muscle as an example of the common neuromuscu¬ lar mechanisms of facilitation and inhibition. In this action, the biceps muscle is normally facilitated. At the same time this action takes place, however, the triceps brachii, the antagonist, becomes inhibited, allowing facilitation of the biceps and the lifting of the weight (see figure 5.3). In most actions in the body, this balance of normal facilitation and inhibi¬ tion exists. When there is a neuromuscular imbal¬ ance, there is an abnormal facilitation or inhibition— typically both. The result is muscle imbalance that can adversely affect posture, gait, and joint func¬ tion; athletic performance is compromised. For example, if a patient’s pectoralis major clavicular (PMC) muscle is abnormally inhibited, the an¬ tagonist—the latissimus dorsi—is often overfacilitated. In this case, movement of the shoul¬ der joint is compromised and over time this can
Complementary Sports Medicine
Figure 5.3
Example of normal muscle facilitation and inhibition using the biceps and triceps.
produce dysfunction, including inflammation or pos¬ sibly other damage. In later stages of the problem, patients will usually complain of joint pain, but in the early stages they will typically feel the overfacilitated muscle as a “tightness” but not the inhibited muscle. As for the chemical aspect of neuromuscular function, nutritional and dietary factors play an im¬ portant role. Poor intake or absorption of calcium or choline, for example, may contribute to dysfunc¬ tion of facilitation. Poor protein digestion may re¬ sult in less-than-optimal amounts of certain amino acids, which may interfere with the chemistry of inhibition. Even lifestyle stress may affect muscle function through the adrenal cortex hormones that control sodium and potassium metabolism.
NEUROMUSCULAR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GAIT AND POSTURE One of the most important tools used in evaluating a patient is observation of both static posture and gait. Understanding the normal or expected state of the neuromuscular system will help one discover the abnormal, imbalanced condition. What follows is a discussion of gait and posture in the normal and in the dysfunctional state. In this text, dysfunctional muscles include those normal (nonpathological) muscles that are not receiving the proper signals, usually because of a nonpathological neurologic dysfunction. This problem may originate in the ner-
Neuromuscular Systems
vous system, within the muscle, or in other systems, such as the hormonal, gastrointestinal, or immune systems. In addition, as discussed in other chapters, the acupuncture system, cranial-sacral mechanism, and other nontraditional sources may also influence neuromuscular function. Pathological muscular dysfunction is beyond the scope of this text and is not discussed here.
Normal Gait If we observe an athlete in a walking or running posture (see figure 5.4), we will see a continual pat¬ tern of facilitation and inhibition. If a patient is placed in a gait position in which the right upper limb and left lower limb are flexed and the other two limbs are extended, we can assume the follow¬ ing neuromuscular state: the right upper limb flexor muscles are facilitated along with the left lower limb flexors, while in the same limbs the respective an¬ tagonists are inhibited. Likewise, the left upper limb flexors and the right lower limb flexors are inhib¬ ited while those extensors are facilitated. Table 5.1 lists specific muscles that match this example. More importantly, we can clinically evaluate the relative function of the flexors and extensors on the field or in the office by manually muscle testing the athlete in a gait position. Manual muscle testing, as described by Kendall et al. (1993) and Walther (1988), is a clinical tool used to determine the func¬ tion of the specific muscle. Taking the example just given, the right PMC muscle can be manually tested while the athlete is positioned in the gait. Figure 5.5a-b shows how the practitioner performs this test
Table 5.1
Figure 5.4 This runner shows flexor activity in the right hip and left shoulder muscles, and exten¬ sor activity in the left hip and right shoulder.
using two methods, with the patient standing and lying. If the muscle is functioning normally, it will be facilitated.
Some Muscles That Are Normally Facilitated and Inhibited During Gait Facilitated
Right upper limb
Pectoralis major clavicular
Latissimus dorsi
Left lower limb
Psoas major/Quadriceps
Left upper limb
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis major clavicular
Right lower limb
Psoas major/Quadriceps
Complementary Sports Medicine
Figure 5.5a-b
The practitioner is testing the patient's right PMC (a) standing and (6) lying while in a gait
Abnormal Gait Close observation of an athlete’s gait will often re¬ veal muscular imbalances. These may be the result of muscles that are facilitated or inhibited at the wrong time. For example, in figure 5.5a-b, the right PMC should be facilitated; this allows the arm to flex during the normal gait. If this facilitation does not occur, the flexion of the arm may not be com¬ pensated for by other flexors. The result is observed in the gait as a decreased forward action of the right arm during flexion as compared to the left (if the left shoulder muscles are normal). When this prob¬ lem occurs, manual muscle testing will reveal an inhibited right PMC when the person is being tested in a gait position. In other cases of abnormal gait, a muscle that is normally inhibited may be facilitated. As in the pre¬
ceding example, this can be diagnosed using both observation and manual muscle testing. For ex¬ ample, when the right PMC is facilitated in the flexed limb, the right latissimus dorsi is normally inhibited. While in the gait position, the person’s latissimus dorsi can be manually tested to deter¬ mine whether it is normally inhibited or abnormally facilitated. Many times, testing a patient’s posture in a neu¬ tral position—with the person either lying on an office examination table (or on the ground on the playing field) or standing—can reveal muscle fa¬ cilitation or inhibition that is normal or abnormal.
Normal Posture Like the gait, a person’s posture is generally re¬ flected in their neuromuscular function. Observing
Neuromuscular Systems
the static posture may disclose imbalances that can then be verified with manual muscle testing. For example, the practitioner can observe for shoulder balance by placing one finger on each acromion process. If one shoulder is noticeably higher than the other, a muscular imbalance may be the cause. Some instances of a previous bone fracture, surgery, or osseous anomaly may also result in a postural distortion. But the majority of postural deviations are the result of muscles being abnormally inhib¬ ited and abnormally overfacilitated. Normal posture occurs when neuromuscular function is balanced and all muscle tests in the standing position are nor¬ mal, that is, when none show inhibition.
Abnormal Posture If neuromuscular function is compromised, certain muscles will be abnormally inhibited and others abnormally overfacilitated during testing with the patient in the standing or lying position. Sometimes muscle testing in certain postural positions will show a pattern similar to that of a specific gait. For ex¬ ample, if a patient has an inhibition of the right latissimus dorsi, the left hamstrings, the left PMC, and the right psoas, it is as if the person’s neuromuscu¬ lar system is in the gait position depicted in figure 5.5a-b—even though the actual physical position is obviously not that way. This is the typical state of dysfunction that precedes an injury and often con¬ tinues after injury, helping maintain its chronicity. Once specific muscle imbalance is determined, correction of the neuromuscular system is accom¬ plished with specific therapeutic neurologic input. This may include manual stimulation of an acupunc¬ ture point, Golgi tendon organs or muscle spindles, or other therapies described in later chapters. What¬ ever the case, in most instances if an effective therapy is applied, the neuromuscular system will immediately change and function will return to nor¬ mal. In the case of a PMC that is abnormally inhib¬ ited, applying the proper therapy should result in an immediate change so that when the muscle is tested after the therapy, it will be normally facili¬ tated. Only occasionally is there a need for pro¬ longed rehabilitation in a patient who has been physically active. In the case of a patient beginning an exercise program, walking can serve both as ex¬ ercise and as an effective therapeutic tool.
STRENGTH, POWER, AND FUNCTION In all the relationships with muscle evaluations that we have considered, function is what is being evalu¬ ated, rather than strength or power. Muscular strength is the maximum force generated by the muscle. In a more clinical definition, strength is the maximum weight a person can lift at one time. The definition of power includes a time component. Power is the combination of strength and speed of the movement. Function relates to the normal movement of the muscle and appropriate balance of facilitation and inhibition, regardless of strength and power. A muscle that functions well may have a high or low level of power or strength. Even a very powerful weight lifter has muscle inhibition, and the weak¬ est, most out-of-shape elderly patient has muscle facilitation. If a patient has neuromuscular dysfunction, treat¬ ment is directed at finding the cause. This may re¬ late to local problems with Golgi tendon organs or muscle spindle cells or to other problems described in later chapters. However, treatment of this dys¬ function is usually not effective if the therapy is lift¬ ing weights or performing other activities that increase power and strength: the result will be a pa¬ tient who has more strength but still possesses neu¬ romuscular dysfunction.
AUTONOMIC BALANCE Throughout this text, reference is made to the au¬ tonomic nervous system and to the balance of sym¬ pathetic and parasympathetic function. For the practitioner, especially noteworthy are the relation¬ ships of the autonomic nervous system to training and overtraining, adrenal function, the insulin mechanism, and others. Certain structural, chemi¬ cal, and mental/emotional signs and symptoms may be attributed to autonomic imbalances. For example, increased sympathetic activity may be associated with specific types of overtraining, whereas other overtraining patterns correspond to a parasympathetic-dominant state (Lehmann et al. 1997). These are reflected in an increased resting and training heart rate with excess sympathetic stress or in a diminished resting heart rate with a
Complementary Sports Medicine
parasympathetic dominance. Blood sugar-handling stress may induce various signs and symptoms due to increased sympathetic activity (Tepperman and Tepperman 1987). Hydrochloric acid dysfunction and secondary malabsorption may result in either dimin¬ ished production, or in some cases an excess due to autonomic imbalance (McColl 1997). Malabsorption can lead to nutritional imbalances. The endings of the parasympathetic nerves se¬ crete acetylcholine (requiring choline), and most sympathetic nerve endings secrete norepinephrine (requiring tyrosine) (Guyton 1986). In general, sym¬ pathetic activity increases adrenal (medullary) function and catecholamine output, prolonging sym¬ pathetic stimulation, and increases the metabolic rate of all cells. It also increases muscle strength, an important sign of overtraining, and raises blood sugar. The parasympathetic system increases gas¬ trointestinal function, which is required for diges¬ tion and absorption of nutrients. Both aspects of the autonomic system are func¬ tioning at all times; this state is referred to as sym¬ pathetic or parasympathetic tone. The nervous system maintains a certain level of tone that is also influenced by various structural, chemical, and mental/emotional stresses. These may be either ben¬ eficial or harmful. For example, the onset of exer¬ cise, and especially the mental/emotional stress of competition, result in an increase in sympathetic
tone. This allows for a variety of important actions including shunting blood to the working muscles, raising blood glucose, and increasing muscle strength—all necessary for training or competing. Excess or unnecessary (unused) sympathetic tone, however, can be harmful, as already noted. This excess sympathetic stimulation was referred to by Selye (1976) as the alarm reaction, especially in relation to its effect on the adrenal glands, discussed in the next chapter.
CONCLUSION By understanding normal neuromuscular mecha¬ nisms and being able to physically evaluate them, the practitioner can specifically determine areas of dysfunction and can further individualize the thera¬ peutic component. More importantly, the neuromus¬ cular system should be used interactively (by practitioner and patient) as a key element in assess¬ ment and treatment of the functional aspects of the patient. This interaction helps the practitioner to assess the actions of the neuromuscular system and to measure the immediate outcome of a particular therapy. This ability to manipulate the neuromus¬ cular system, change the patient’s function, and measure the outcome is an important part of comple¬ mentary sports medicine.
Hormonal Systems
hysical, biochemical, and mental/emotional stresses have significant influence on ath¬ letic function. Hormonal systems react to all stress, including exercise activity, and provoke the body’s adaptation response. By understanding the normal function of the adrenal glands and other hormonal systems, the practitioner can best evalu¬ ate, then deter or correct much of the hormonal dys¬ function seen in patients while in its earliest stage. This discussion of hormonal function will not in¬ clude pathology. This chapter will also present a discussion of prostaglandins (though technically not hormones, these act like local hormones) and related com¬ pounds such as leukotrienes and thromboxanes, collectively known as eicosanoids. The ability of the practitioner to manipulate these chemicals in the patient, through diet and nutritional intervention, can have a great impact on the balance of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activity and other problems
ADRENAL GLAND HORMONES Adaptation to training and competition is a funda¬ mental requirement to the success of any training pro¬ gram and to the success of all sport performance. The optimal function of the adrenal hormones is vital for training and competitive achievement and for pre¬ vention of physical, chemical, and mental/emotional injuries. Any dysfunction in the hormonal system may affect the function of lipase and the whole spectrum of utilization of fat for energy. Cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA[Sj) are important adrenal cortex hormones—ones not only modified by training and competitive stress but also easily measured in the clinical setting. While the adrenal cortex produces over 50 steroid hormones, those that are important for our discussion belong to three classes: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and an¬ drogens. The adrenal medulla also produces an im¬ portant group of hormones called catecholamines.
common in athletes. In addition, the importance of immune function in sport will be considered, along
with the subject of oxygen free radicals and their
Collectively, glucocorticoids increase hepatic gly¬ cogen, promote lipolysis in the extremities, and
related antioxidants.
Complementary Sports Medicine
promote protein metabolism. Cortisol is the domi¬ nant glucocorticoid, responsible for gluconeogenesis. It is elevated with increases in structural, chemical, and mental/emotional stress, which ex¬ cites the hypothalamus to produce adrenocortico¬ tropic hormone. This anabolic effect may reverse to a catabolic effect if cortisol levels are physiologi¬ cally high, as seen in patients with excess stress (Bernton et al. 1995) including overtraining (Hoogeveen and Zonderland 1996). In addition, the high cortisol in these patients can promote lipogenesis in the face and trunk. In some patients over the age of 35-40, an accumulation of fat in the face and especially the abdomen is not uncommon, and may indicate high cortisol levels. Of great importance is the fact that increased production of cortisol reduces the output of other adrenal cortical hormones, in¬ cluding DHEA(S) and aldosterone (Parker et al. 1985).
Mineralocorticoids The mineralocorticoids, predominantly aldosterone, are important for the retention of sodium and the excretion of potassium in the kidney. This is vital since neuromuscular activity would not take place without regulation of these minerals. Indirectly, al¬ dosterone also assists in the balance of potassium and pH, since the kidneys exchange potassium or a hydrogen ion for each sodium ion reabsorbed. In addition, aldosterone increases blood volume, and cardiac output.
Androgens The most common androgen is DHEA(S), which is a precursor to other androgens—mainly those in extraadrenal tissues, namely estrogen and especially testosterone. These adrenal steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol that is obtained almost exclusively from plasma. Testosterone is an androgen important for a num¬ ber of physiological activities, including control of muscle growth (hypertrophy), growth and matura¬ tion of the skeleton, and increased protein synthe¬ sis. It is especially important for recovery through its anabolic action. Testosterone may increase or decrease in athletes during training, depending on the individual and a variety of factors including genetics, nutritional state, and training.
Catecholamines The catecholamines, predominantly epinephrine and norepinephrine, are two other important adrenal hormones and are among those synthesized in the gland’s medulla region. The medulla is actually part of the sympathetic nervous system, since pregan¬ glionic fibers from the splanchnic nerve end here. With appropriate neurological stimulation from the hypothalamus and brainstem, epinephrine and nor¬ epinephrine are produced. For these and other rea¬ sons, when looking at a patient clinically, we must view the hormonal and nervous systems as one “neu¬ roendocrine” system. Along with those of the adrenal cortex, the hor¬ mones of the medulla are a vital part of the adap¬ tation process observed in exercise, eliciting the so called “fight-or-flight” mechanism. This is es¬ pecially true in the serious athlete who undergoes intense physical, chemical, and mental/emotional stress in the context of competition. These neuro¬ logical and hormonal responses in such athletes are not unlike those of the overworked and over¬ stressed executive who may also exercise and be¬ come a patient. The catecholamines are synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine in a series of steps; the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine is calciumdependent. Evaluations of overtrained athletes have shown that many patients have an increased need for calcium in the diet or in the form of nutritional supplementation. More important is the increased need to utilize calcium once it is consumed. This includes its efficient digestion and absorption (which are diminished by stress) and removal by excess dietary glucose (typically through sports drinks), since glucose interferes with the tubular reabsorption of calcium in the kidney (Lemann et al. 1969). The catecholamines produce a variety of actions, including increased glycogenolysis in liver and muscle, increased metabolic rate, increased respi¬ ration and heart rate, release of free fatty acids (ac¬ tivating triglyceride lipase), and shunting of blood at the onset of exercise from the organs and glands to the working muscles. About 80% of the catechola¬ mines are in the form of epinephrine. Levels of this hormone increase with higher levels of exercise— generally around 70%-75% of VO^max—and in
Hormonal Systems
longer bouts of exercise, as described by Wilmore and Costill (1994). This may have significant im¬ plications for training heart rate levels. In healthy athletes, training results in lower resting epineph¬ rine levels (Bove 1984). This lowering of hormone is followed by a lowered resting heart rate and blood pressure as frequently seen with exercise programs. But in some athletes who train at high levels of in¬ tensity, the resting levels of epinephrine may be¬ come elevated (Kirwan et al. 1988) and can serve as a marker for overtraining. These athletes usually show an elevation of the resting heart rate.
TRAINING EFFECTS ON ADRENAL HORMONES During exercise, there is a normal rise in cortisol levels, especially during the first 60 min (Wilmore and Costill 1994). The degree of elevation is related to the individual’s conditioning, with untrained sub¬ jects showing higher cortisol responses (McArdle
Under high levels of chronic stress, including intense exercise, DHEA(S) levels are often reduced. For that reason, DHEA(S) has become very popu¬ lar with athletes in recent years, with this product now available over the counter. Orentreich et al. (1984) showed that DHEA(S) diminishes with age; the highest levels occur between ages 20 and 30, and then there is a 10% decline each decade. With reduced DHEA(S), lower levels of testosterone and estrogen are observed. Belanger et al. (1994) showed that in men, DHEA(S) contributed to about half the circulating testosterone; in women, DHEA(S) may contribute to 100% of the estrogen. Reduced DHEA(S) is an indication of potential overtraining, chronic stress, or both. In addition, insulin levels above normal can suppress DHEA(S)
hypothalamic dysfunction. The whole mechanism of adrenal stress is initiated in the brain; the hypo¬ thalamus (and sympathetic nervous system) is acti¬
production and increase its clearance by the liver. Administration of DHEA(S) also lowers insulin levels and significantly increases testosterone. Buster et al. (1992) demonstrated a nearly 300% increase in testosterone in women after oral DHEA(S) supplementation. These and other rea¬ sons are given by athletes for self-prescribing DHEA(S). The author’s clinical experience agrees with the position of Nestler (1994) and of Bland (1997), who states, “Given these observations, a better method for controlling DHEA(S) would not rely upon giving supplementary doses but on the ability of the body to regulate its own DHEA(S) levels through proper regulation of serum insulin levels and glucose management” (p. 33). In this case, this means assessing athletes and helping them correct their dietary, nutritional, training, and
vated during exercise, stimulating the pituitary, which in turn stimulates the adrenal glands. This system is referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-
lifestyle imbalances. Hakkinen et al. (1988) showed that certain types of training affect hypothalamic and pituitary func¬
adrenal axis. Exercise-induced high cortisol levels have also been associated with amenorrhea (Ding et al. 1988).
tion, with resulting increases in testosterone. How¬ ever, Keizer et al. (1989) reported that testosterone was diminished during certain periods of training in male runners. Hoogeveen and Zonderland (1996) use
et al. 1991). Stallknecht et al. (1990) showed that more intense exercise produced not only more cor¬ tisol but also produced adrenal gland enlargement due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia. In patients who have trained too intensively and may be overtrained, measurement of cortisol may help assess the over¬ training. Barron et al. (1985) showed that the impaired hormonal response in overtrained athletes indicated
In addition, De Cree et al. (1995) reported that in
affect males, with a potential impact on their repro¬
diminished testosterone, along with elevated corti¬ sol, as indicators of overtraining. Testosterone is also diminished during tetracycline therapy (Pulkkinen
ductive status. Roberts et al. (1993) showed that overtraining significantly increased cortisol and
and Maenpaa 1983). Adrenal hormone dysfunction is also related to
lowered testosterone levels in men; findings in¬
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) as described by Rosenthal et al. (1984) and its prevalence in athletes
women who exercise, this problem may result in decreased bone density. High cortisol levels can also
cluded a 47% reduction in sperm counts.
Complementary Sports Medicine
as outlined by Rosen et al. (1996). In the latter study, symptoms occurring mostly in the fall and winter months associated with SAD included impaired so¬ cial functioning, depression, poor sleep patterns, lowered energy and libido, decreased physical ca¬ pacity, and increased cravings for carbohydrates. Of the 65 college hockey players evaluated, almost half were classified as having some form of SAD: 51% were asymptomatic, 11 % met the obvious criteria for SAD, and 39% were classified as having a func¬ tional problem referred to as “subsyndromal sea¬ sonal affective disorder.” Kasper et al. (1988) and Rosenthal et al. (1984) describe the use of light therapy to successfully treat SAD.
PANCREATIC HORMONES Two pancreatic hormones, insulin and glucagon, are important in athletes. The onset of exercise normally increases glucagon and diminishes the production of insulin. This action by the pancreas promotes hepatic glycogenolysis, maintains glucose homeo¬ stasis, and increases the utilization of fatty acids for energy (Wasserman et al. 1995). Insulin is predomi¬ nantly a regulator of glucose metabolism, allowing transport of glucose across the cell membrane. In¬ sulin is also responsible for the filling of glycogen stores and for allowing amino acids to enter muscle cells, and it increases the activity of potassium and calcium at the cellular level. Separately, glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis during exercise, en¬ hances the oxidation of fat in the liver, increases the hepatic amino acid metabolism, and may play a role in nitrogen excretion. According to Wasserman et al. (1995), “Because of the important roles that glucagon and insulin play, any physiological or pathological condition that affects their secretion or efficacy will impact on the metabolic response to exercise” (p. 22).
Pancreatic Hormones and Diet
the glucose is converted to fat for storage. More importantly, insulin’s effect on glucose metabolism can vary dramatically from person to person (Reaven 1995). Coulston et al. (1993) showed that a high-carbohydrate diet increases insulin produc¬ tion even in relatively healthy men and women. A number of other factors may affect insulin pro¬ duction. Certain hormones including cortisol, epi¬ nephrine, growth hormone, estrogens, and progesterone in high physiological amounts can in¬ crease insulin production, possibly resulting in hyperinsulinemia. Increases in these insulin-stimu¬ lating hormones may come from overtraining, stress, or use of birth control pills. In turn, excess insulin is associated with significant hormonal imbalance, including lowered DHEA(S) production (Nestler and Jakubowicz 1996; Nestler and Strauss 1991). Excess insulin and high-carbohydrate diets have been implicated in a number of disease states (Reaven 1997), including heart disease, breast can¬ cer, polycystic ovary disease, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, hypertension, in addition to high blood cholesterol and triglycerides. This group of conditions originally was termed Syndrome X by Reaven (1988).
Hyperinsulinemia Hyperinsulinemia can impair the normal glucose mechanism and is associated with insulin resis¬ tance—a dysfunction of the normal biologic re¬ sponse to insulin (Reaven 1995). Insulin resistance occurs when the mechanism that recognizes insulin is no longer operative, reducing the number of func¬ tional receptors for insulin and reducing the amount of glucose entering the cell. This problem can oc¬ cur at an early age and potentially increase through life, resulting in disease. The author (Maffetone 1997) has termed the full spectrum of this condi¬ tion beginning in its earliest functional stage as car¬ bohydrate intolerance, which will be discussed in detail in chapter 25.
One key factor affecting pancreatic hormone func¬ tion is the diet. Granner (1993) describes insulin’s action on a glucose meal as follows: approximately 50% of the glucose is carried into the cells and converted to energy via glycolysis, up to 10% is converted to glycogen when these stores require replenishment, and approximately 40% or more of
Carbohydrate Intolerance Carbohydrate intolerance (Cl) can result in a con¬ tinuing vicious cycle of increased insulin pro¬ duction and insulin resistance, and often increases with age (Broughton and Taylor 1991). Di Pietro and Suraci (1990) showed that a family history of
Hormonal Systems
diabetes mellitus can be a risk factor for insulin resis¬ tance even in the presence of normal glucose metabo¬ lism. According to Groop et al. (1997), first-degree relatives of patients with non-insulin-dependent dia¬ betes mellitus (NIDDM) have a 40% risk of develop¬ ing NIDDM, with the risk being higher if the disease was inherited from the mother rather than the father. Carbohydrate intolerance is relatively common in the population; exact numbers vary depending on defi¬ nitions, opinions of its incidence, and when the con¬ dition can first be assessed. Potentially, up to three-quarters of the population, including athletes, have Cl. Moreover, many patients who require an effective exercise program already have more ad¬ vanced stages of Cl. In competitive athletes, Cl can have a significant impact on sport performance (Maffetone 1997). In some of these patients, normal glucose tolerance tests are obtained in the presence of excess insulin, indicating insulin resistance (Zimmet et al. 1992). In other cases, normal insulin levels exist in the presence of slightly impaired glu¬ cose tolerance (Swinbum et al. 1995). Bassett et al. (1990) demonstrated the existence of a category of patients who are “otherwise normal” but have carbo¬ hydrate dysfunction as indicated, sometimes tran¬ siently, by a distinct pre-beta band on lipoprotein electrophoresis (these are very low density lipopro¬ teins). These authors considered this a transitional state between normal and abnormal. The existence of a pre¬ beta lipoprotein may also be considered diagnostic of type IV hyperlipoproteinemia (Berkow 1992), an¬ other named condition within the full spectrum of Cl. Patients with Cl are at great risk for developing diseases in later years (Hughes et al. 1994). For example, patients with Cl have an estimated 10-fold greater risk for developing NIDDM. Some of these patients who become diabetic have had clearly mea¬ surable Cl and hyperinsulinemia for up to 20 years before the onset of diabetes (Zimmet et al. 1992). It is difficult to estimate the number of dysfunctional but disease-free years there have been previous to
cise training. Craig et al. (1989) reported that exer¬ cise training improved glucose tolerance in younger and older athletes, but the response of older ath¬ letes was well below that of the younger group and the changes did not affect the age-related differences in glucose tolerance. One important aspect of sport is the possibility of inactivity as a result of competitive off-seasons, injury, or other factors, especially in amateurs who work full-time. Rogers et al. (1990) showed that some masters athletes had a deterioration in glu¬ cose tolerance after only 10 days of inactivity. In clinical practice, it is not unusual to have patients who are former competitive athletes to now be out of shape, overweight, and sometimes obese. Im¬ provement in lifestyle factors, including properly matched training, can usually begin to improve the patient’s overall condition almost immediately.
age-related insulin resistance common in the popu¬ lation. But Seals et al. (1984) showed this to be the case only for some individuals. Hughes et al. (1994) demonstrated that carbohydrate-intolerant subjects
Physiological damage to tissues results in the pro¬ cess of inflammation. This damage is produced dur¬ ing all exercise, especially exercise of high intensity and during competition. Acute intense exercise in¬ duces immune and inflammatory responses com¬ parable to those in infections and trauma (Konig et al. 1997). The process of inflammation, however, has three beneficial features in that it is the start of a complex recovery or healing process; it prevents the spread of damaged tissue to other areas, which potentially can cause secondary problems; and it disposes of local cellular debris. Following dam¬ age, a number of chemicals are released, including prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes. Edema follows the flow of fluid into interstitial spaces, white blood cells increase, and ultimately fibroblasts continue the process of recovery with col¬ lagen synthesis. In the normal situation, this balanced mechanism results in healing. However, a number of factors may cause an imbalanced response to tis¬ sue damage, resulting in poor recovery or continued inflammation. Some of the important chemicals pro¬ duced by the body in response to injury—prosta¬ glandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes—are produced from certain dietary fatty acids and are
do not obtain some of the beneficial effects of exer¬
referred to as eicosanoids (Mayes 1993).
the onset of the early overt manifestations. It is clear that exercise in general can slow the
Complementary Sports Medicine
In addition to their role as an energy source, as a structural component of many cell walls, and as an integral part of the mitochondrial membrane, dietary fatty acids are important in the inflammatory pro¬ cess. Most importantly for the inflammation re¬ sponse, some of these fatty acids undergo enzymatic changes—desaturation (adding a double bond be¬ tween carbon atoms) and elongation (adding a pair of carbon atoms to make the fatty acid longer)— that result in the production of various pro- and anti¬ inflammatory chemicals. In addition to certain adrenal hormones that have anti-inflammatory effects, eicosanoids play a ma¬ jor role in recovery from exercise and in correction of micro- and macrotrauma. Because of the exten¬ siveness of the fatty acid cascades and the fact that eicosanoid terminology is not standardized, this topic is simplified here. Readers who wish to pur¬ sue the topic further are urged to consult the refer¬ ences in this text, as well as others on the subject. In clinical practice, it is relatively easy to ma¬ nipulate the patient’s fatty acid balance to create specific effects, especially to increase levels of those chemicals that produce powerful anti-inflammatory eicosanoids and to reduce levels of those that are pro-inflammatory. This also helps increase the pain threshold. These inflammatory and anti-inflamma¬ tory substances are produced by the body from spe¬ cific dietary fatty acids. According to Mayes (1993), “By varying the proportions of the different poly¬ unsaturated fatty acids in the diet, it is possible to influence the type of eicosanoids synthesized, indi¬ cating that it might be possible to influence the course of disease by dietary means” (p. 232). Konig et al. (1997) demonstrated positive therapeutic ef¬ fects through changing dietary fatty acid composi¬ tion in those with chronic inflammatory conditions. Gray and Martino vie (1994) saw significant im¬ provement with the use of essential fatty acids in patients who had chronic fatigue syndrome. The relationship of certain fatty acids to Cl has been demonstrated by Simopoulos (1994) and is dis¬ cussed in chapter 25. Clinically, practitioners in complementary sports medicine have found these techniques very useful in all types of inflammatory conditions, in certain ailments and injuries that pro¬
duce pain, and in Cl and insulin resistance (includ¬ ing diabetes mellitus). It is clear that a certain balance of fatty acids pro¬ duces specific inflammatory and anti-inflammatory activity through the action of eicosanoid synthesis and metabolism (Innis 1996). Most importantly, reduced essential fatty acid intakes increase the proinflammatory eicosanoids (Blond and Bezard 1991) as will be discussed later. This condition can occur in athletes consuming a low-fat diet. Two of these fatty acids are considered essential since the human body cannot synthesize them—linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. A third, arachidonic acid, can be synthesized from a by-product of linoleic acid me¬ tabolism, dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, and it is also found in the diet. Dietary eicosapentaenoic acid can also play a role in eicosanoid production. For the clinician, a general understanding that these three fatty acids are found in three distinct groups of dietary fats, and that they are converted to three separate groups of eicosanoids, will make applying these potentially complex biochemical cascades to a patient’s condition much easier. In this text, the three groups of dietary fats are referred to as Groups A, B, and C, and the chemicals they pro¬ duce as the Series 1, 2, and 3 eicosanoids. Each eicosanoid series contains prostaglandins, throm¬ boxanes, and leukotrienes. More specifically, the Group A end products produce the Series 1 eicosanoids, the Group B end products produce the Series 2 eicosanoids, and the Group C end products produce the Series 3 eicosanoids. Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids are anti-inflammatory, and Series 2 are inflammatory (see figure 6.1).
Group A Fats Group A includes most of the omega-6 fats (those with a double bond located six carbons from the methyl end of the chain) and includes the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA). These fats are found in most vegetable oils, especially com, peanut, and safflower oil, with smaller amounts in the vegetables themselves. Other sources of LA include produc¬ tion from the bacteria Escherichia coli found as part of the normal flora of the large intestine and large adipose tissue stores that may have accumulated due
Hormonal Systems
Group A fats
Group B fats
Group C fats ALA Delta-6-desaturase
Linolenic acid Elongase
Alpha-arachidonic acid I Delta-5-desaturase
Series 1 eicosanoids
Series 2 eicosanoids
Series 3 eicosanoids
Anti-inflammatory Vasodilation ^Platelet aggregation
Inflammatory f Pain Vasoconstriction T Platelet aggregation Allergy, asthma, menstrual cramps
Anti-inflammatory Vasodilation ^Platelet aggregation
Figure 6.1
Conversion of dietary fats to eicosanoids, and the required enzymes.
to excess dietary intake (Mantzioris et al. 1995). Group A fats are desaturated and elongated to form the Series 1 eicosanoids. The process begins with the conversion of LA to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) by the action of the delta-6-desaturase en¬ zyme. The GLA is then converted to dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA), which requires elongase, before being converted to the Series 1 eicosanoids. This last step requires the cyclooxy¬ genase enzyme.
Group B Fats Group B fats are synthesized to the Series 2 eicosanoids, which provoke inflammatory, allergic, and hypersensitivity (including asthma and men¬ strual cramps) responses. Group B fats contain arachidonic acid (AA), also an omega-6 fat, and are found in meats, dairy foods, and shellfish. Unlike
what occurs with the Group A and C fats, there is only one main step from AA to the Series 2 eicosanoids, cyclooxygenase enzyme. A unique fea¬ ture of this cascade is that AA can also be produced from DGLA, with the enzyme delta-5-desaturase required for this activity. Stimulation of this enzyme can cause increased conversion of DGLA to AA, resulting in more inflammatory Series 2 and fewer Series 1 eicosanoids (Medeiros et al. 1995). This enzyme activity is increased with insulin and thy¬ roxin (Bezard et al. 1994). Estrogen decreases both delta-5- and delta-6-desaturase enzymes, and in¬ creases in delta-5-desaturase are seen in aging (Medeiros et al. 1995). The Series 2 eicosanoids encompass two sepa¬ rate pathways. One results in the production of leukotrienes (requiring the lipooxygenase enzyme) and the other results in the Series 2-related pros-
Complementary Sports Medicine
Series 2 eicosanoids
Prostaglandin and thromboxanes
Alpha-linolenic acid is converted to linolenic acid through the action of the delta-6-desaturase enzyme, to alpha-arachidonic acid by elongase, and to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) by delta-5-desaturase. Conversion of EPA to Series 3 eicosanoids is stimu¬ lated by the cyclooxygenase enzyme. Like the Se¬ ries 1 eicosanoids, the Series 3 end products have significant anti-inflammatory action. In addition, this process is preferred over the Group A conver¬ sions (Umeda-Sawada et al. 1995).
Figure 6.2 ken down.
Series 2 eicosanoids are further bro¬
taglandins and thromboxanes, which may produce prostacyclin (requiring the cylooxygenase enzyme) (Koester 1993). Figure 6.2 shows these relation¬ ships. Leukotrienes activate leukocytes and stimulate their movement to areas of inflammation and in¬ jury. Thromboxanes stimulate platelet aggregation, and the Series 2-related prostaglandins mediate in¬ flammation and sensitize pain receptors. Prostacyclin is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a vasodilator, countering the inflammatory and pain-producing effects of the other Series 2 eicosanoids. It may also promote the repair of car¬ tilage (Dajani et al. 1991)—another reason athletes may not want to severely restrict or avoid foods containing AA. Prostacyclin is inhibited by aspirin (through Series 2 eicosanoid inhibition), as dis¬ cussed later.
Group C Fats The Group C fats take a path similar to that of the A fats, but contain the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. These are sometimes referred to as omega-3 fats because each has a double bond lo¬ cated three carbons from the methyl end of the chain.
It is important to note that all three series of the eicosanoids produced by dietary fatty acids have beneficial effects in the body. Only when there is an imbalance is there the great possibility of bio¬ chemical dysfunction. For example, Funk (1993) showed that the Series 2 eicosanoids in the brain are important for the normal response of the ner¬ vous system to pain. Locally, however, an excess production of the same Series 2 eicosanoids in¬ creases inflammation and the pain associated with it. Other actions of the Series 2 eicosanoids include vasoconstriction of the blood vessels and the pro¬ motion of platelet aggregation. Series 2 eicosanoids are also important for absorption of zinc from the small intestines (Song et al. 1998), and possibly other nutrients as well. Desimone et al. (1993), how¬ ever, showed that these chemicals could produce systemic bone loss, another example of the effect of excess Series 2 eicosanoids. Some fats are also vital in improving mineral metabolism. For ex¬ ample, increased levels of essential fatty acids in¬ crease both calcium absorption and bone calcium (Claassen et al. 1995). Krieger (1997) demonstrated, however, that calcium transport is inhibited by the Series 2 eicosanoids. Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids balance the Series 2 eicosanoids; Series 1 and 3 have anti-inflammatory effects, vasodilate blood vessels, and prevent platelet aggregation. A variety of physical, chemical, and mental/emo¬ tional factors may influence the production of eicosanoids. Eicosanoid production is influenced by training itself, especially with regards to intensity. Dietary manipulation also can affects eicosanoid balance, as can certain hormones. In addition, men¬ tal/emotional stress in athletes also affects the
Hormonal Systems
production of eicosanoids. Physical activity by it¬ self has a substantial influence on the production of the Series 2 chemicals, resulting in inflammation. Almekinders et al. (1993) showed that human ten¬ don fibroblasts produced a significant amount of Series 2 eicosanoids following repetitive motion. This effect increases with higher levels of intensity. Patients who walk, run, lift weights, or perform any other repetitive-motion action produce these proinflammatory hormones as part of the normal pro¬ cess of recovery, which also depends on the anti-inflammatory Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids. A number of biochemical factors influence eicosanoid production. As already noted, dietary manipulation can do so. Bezard et al. (1994) and Bouziane et al. (1994) reported that low-protein di¬ ets increase essential fatty acid requirements; the latter demonstrated that protein-deficient diets in¬ crease the Series 2 eicosanoids. According to Rudin (1982), low dietary fiber increases the demand for essential fatty acids. In addition, the use of specific nutritional supple¬ ments can influence eicosanoid production as dis¬ cussed in chapter 19; that is, GLA, alpha-linolenic acid, and EPA can significantly increase their re¬ spective levels of eicosanoids (Johnson et al. 1997). Certain vitamins, including niacin (Mayes 1993), vitamin E (Despret et al. 1992), vitamin C (Gardiner and Duncan 1988), and vitamin B6 (Maranesi et al. 1993), can increase Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids. Magnesium (Mahfouz and Kummerow 1989) and zinc (Eder and Kirchgessner 1996) also influence the conversion of fatty acids to eicosanoids. Most of these factors influence eicosanoid balance through their effects on the desaturase and elongase enzymes. The activity level of desaturation and elon¬ gation may be different in different organs and glands (Lopez et al. 1993). Other foods and hormones can inhibit delta-6desaturase. Among these are EPA, AA, excess al¬ cohol, glucose and fructose (Bezard et al. 1994), testosterone (Marra and de Alaniz 1989), thyroxin (Ves-Losada and Peluffo 1993), and epinephrine (Bezard et al. 1994). An increased intake of Group A fats can also inhibit this enzyme (Storlien et al. 1997), as can obesity (Blond et al. 1989). An ex¬ cess amount of dietary salt in hypertensive animals has also been shown to inhibit delta-6-desaturase
(Poisson et al. 1993). In addition, steroids and lithium may inhibit the desaturase enzymes, as can fasting (Bezard et al. 1994). Aging also reduces some of the desaturase en¬ zymes (Bordoni et al. 1988). The effect of age, how¬ ever, is more significant in the delta-6-desaturase activity of Group C fats (Ulmann et al. 1991); delta5-desaturase increases with age. As a result, AAmay increase with age (Maniongui et al. 1993). The delta6 enzyme activity of Group A fats is also more sen¬ sitive to seasonal factors, with diminished activity in the spring and fall. In addition, dietary fats may adversely affect the desaturase activity of Group C fats more than that of Group A. Other factors such as aging, seasons, and other diet issues can also af¬ fect eicosanoids. The delta-5-desaturase enzyme is a key factor in eicosanoid balance. As noted earlier, the conversion of Group A fats to Group B fats (i.e., DGLA to A A) requires the delta-5-desaturase enzyme. This en¬ zyme may be activated by insulin (Medeiros et al. 1995). Increased insulin production may occur in those with Cl, as previously discussed. Even in healthy individuals, increased insulin can also be produced from consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet (Coulston et al. 1993). Sesamin, a component of sesame seed oil, inhibits the action of delta-5desaturase (Chavali et al. 1997). This response, how¬ ever, is most active in the conversion of DGLA to AA and, for unknown reasons, does not seem to affect the production of EPA (Umeda-Sawada et al. 1995). In addition, EPA inhibits the delta-5desaturase enzyme. Other dietary factors also influence the essential fatty acid cascades, the most important being trans fats, which are contained in large amounts in hy¬ drogenated and partially hydrogenated oils such as margarine (Mayes 1993). These fats are manufac¬ tured by the chemical conversion of Group A fats but do not possess the functions of an essential fatty acid. Moreover, they can exacerbate essential fatty acid deficiency. Most importantly, trans fats can inhibit delta-6-desaturase and elongase enzymes and may stimulate delta-5-desaturase, causing eicosanoid imbalance (Simopoulos 1997). This can inhibit the production of anti-inflammatory Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids and potentially result in a rela¬ tive increase in inflammatory Series 2 eicosanoids.
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Mental/emotional stress can also have a nega¬ tive effect on eicosanoid balance by inhibiting the delta-6-desaturase enzyme. This may be due to the sympathetic nervous system reaction and the accom¬ panying production of catecholamines (Mills et al. 1994). Among substances that inhibit the conversion of fatty acids to eicosanoids, the most commonly used are aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and other nonste¬ roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This is accomplished by inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, and it results in inhibition of not only the pro-inflammatory eicosanoids but also the anti-in¬ flammatory ones. (Some inflammation, however, continues through the lipooxygenase pathway, which is not inhibited by NSAIDs.) The analgesic and antipyretic effects of aspirin are the most easily obtained; anti-inflammatory effects occur only with higher doses of NSAIDs (Amadio et al. 1993). A variety of side effects are attributed to the use of NSAIDs including delayed soft tissue, cartilage, and bone healing; as well as muscle dysfunction and others as described in chapter 17. Clinically, athletes who symptomatically improve after using aspirin or another NS AID, or those with chronic inflammation as measured by C-reactive protein or erythrocyte sedimentation rate, may re¬ quire balancing of essential fatty acids through the diet or through supplementation to accomplish simi¬ lar or identical outcomes without the dangers of the side effects of the drugs.
TRAINING EFFECTS ON IMMUNITY Cortisol and other glucocorticoids have a specific inhibitory effect on the immune system (Granner 1993). In general, this effect is anti-inflammatory through inhibition of the release of Series 2-related prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Physiologically high levels of cortisol may be related to overtrain¬ ing and the suppression of the immune system. Ac¬ companying the rise in cortisol in training is a diminished testosterone level (often due to a de¬ crease in DHEA[S] as discussed earlier). Hoogeveen and Zonderland (1996) showed that a lowered test¬
osterone/cortisol ratio may be related to overtrain¬ ing. Testosterone and cortisol are competitive ago¬ nists at the receptor level of muscle cells, and their measurement can be used as an indication of the anabolic/catabolic balance (Urhausen et al. 1997). In their experiments, Shepard and Shek (1996) showed that the onset of exercise is associated with the release of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids and is accompanied by immune dysfunction in some ath¬ letes. A high-intensity workout, for example, can suppress the immune system, but a light to moder¬ ate workout may stimulate it (Konig et al. 1997). Immune dysfunction is generally less pronounced in very young individuals. According to Pedersen et al. (1996), the immunosuppressive effect of highintensity workouts includes “suppressed concentra¬ tion of lymphocytes, suppressed natural killer and lymphokine activated killer cytotoxicity and secre¬ tory IgA in mucosa” (p. 236). Neutrophil activity can also be adversely affected, increasing with highintensity exercise. Both of these types of white blood cells are easily measured in the clinical setting, and abnormal levels are not uncommon in athletes. These problems are often associated with upper res¬ piratory tract and other infections seen in athletes. Upper respiratory illness can change an athlete’s gait and increase the risk of injury (Weidner et al. 1997). In addition, immune suppression is amplified one to two weeks after competitive events. During light to moderate training, the immune system can be enhanced (Pedersen et al. 1996). Ath¬ letes who train for up to 1 hr and at intensities of 60%-70% V02max often have improved immunity and fewer infections throughout the year. Immune dysfunction and associated infection including colds, flu, or other immunosuppressive signs or symptoms—even the most mild problems—may be an indication of chronic overtraining. It is important to note that the immunosuppres¬ sive action of intense training does not mean that athletes should never train intensely. Rather the im¬ plication is that after a boufof intense training, proper recovery is necessary so that the immune system returns to normal before the next intense session. On the other hand, if the same athletic end result can be achieved without such intense training, then more training should be of the less intense type.
Hormonal Systems
A number of nutritional factors are associated with immune function. Cordova and Alvarez-Mon (1995) discussed the fact that zinc levels in athletes can be very low. Not only can low zinc diminish endurance, zinc is also important for the produc¬ tion of anti-inflammatory Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids. Decreases in glutamine following intense training may also contribute to immune suppression since glutamine is essential for the normal function of immune cells (Newsholme 1994). Even a long en¬ durance event such as a marathon run results in sig¬ nificant glutamine loss in plasma. In addition to intense training, other factors are associated with immune suppression, including mental/emotional stress, nutritional imbalances, and quick weight-loss programs (Nieman 1997a, 1997b). The importance of considering the whole person is again emphasized.
OXIDATIVE STRESS An important aspect related to immune function is the potential of increased oxidative stress—the cel¬ lular condition of elevated reactive oxygen radicals that cause significant damage. These are molecules converted from the 02 form to a chemically unstable superoxide or the singlet oxygen state. Packer (1997) described a number of sources of this chemical stress, including mitochondrial superoxide produc¬ tion, ischemia-reperfusion mechanisms, and auto¬ oxidation of catecholamines. Oxidative stress increases with high-intensity or long-duration train¬ ing and competition. Evidence of exercise-induced oxidative stress comes from measurements of free radicals, oxidized lipids, and DNA and the measure¬ ment of glutathione. The continual production and action of oxygen radicals are balanced by our antioxidant defenses. This defense system acts against oxygen radical at¬ tack; it includes enzymes that scavenge harmful oxygen radicals and their by-products, as well as antioxidants. Two important enzymes in this sys¬ tem are superoxide dismutase and catalase. Both are contained in higher levels in the type I muscle fi¬ bers because of the increased mitochondria in this fiber type (Jenkins et al. 1984). Glutathione peroxi¬ dase is another important enzyme in the antioxidant
system. Not only does light to moderate training not seem to create the same oxidant stress as highintensity workouts, but Sen (1995) showed that submaximal training may even augment these anti¬ oxidant defenses. On the other hand, Tiidus et al. (1996) showed that not all who engage in light to moderate exercise of short duration derive these benefits. This may be attributable to a variety of lifestyle factors, including diet, nutrition, and stress. The level of intensity is important in relation to oxygen radical formation and other immune dys¬ function. Dillard et al. (1978) were the first to show that training at 75% VCfmax and higher significantly raised oxygen radical production as measured by expired pentane. Mills et al. (1996) showed in horses that oxidative stress induced by moderate training in a very hot and humid environment was at least equal to that induced by high-intensity exercise. The author (Maffetone 1996) developed a training heart rate formula to help determine optimal training in¬ tensities (using the heart rate) that are health pro¬ moting and theoretically do not raise oxygen radical production significantly. Injury, poor performance, and even disease may arise from increased exposure to oxygen radicals or from impaired defense mechanisms. Lawler et al. (1997) discuss the relationships of oxygen radi¬ cals to skeletal muscle fatigue, especially in the dia¬ phragm muscle. In addition, athletes with existing dysfunction may produce more oxygen radicals than normal. Laaksonen et al. (1996) found that young, moderately active and otherwise healthy diabetic men had increased resting and postexercise oxida¬ tive stress. Many studies, such as that of Dekkers et al. (1996), show that various nutrients in supplement form (commonly called antioxidants) are protective against skeletal muscle damage and inflammation following training, including specifically vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. Ghiselli et al. (1997) reported that the Mediterranean diet, with its high intake of antioxidants, fiber, and raw foods, pro¬ tects against oxygen radicals. Yu (1996) also showed that diet restriction without loss of nutrients can in¬ crease life span through improved control of oxida¬ tive stress.
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In addition to exercise, other factors may also in¬ crease one’s susceptibility to oxygen free radicals, including air pollution, excess alcohol, non-ionizing radiation (ultraviolet and microwaves), and psycho¬ logical stress (Moller et al. 1996).
CONCLUSION An understanding of the athlete’s hormonal system is the first step in recognizing dysfunction and being
able to manipulate and improve function. Adrenal hormone imbalance is essential not just for good health but also for optimal performance. Control of insulin can help to increase the amount of fatty acids and reduce reliance on glycogen during training and competition, improving endurance. The balance of fats and eicosanoids can affect inflammation and in¬ fluence the immune system. Careful assessment of the patient’s free radial status is important in helping to prevent injury and improve overall performance.
Patient History and Dialogue
ir William Osier said, “Never treat a stranger” (Terezhalmy and Schiff 1986). This quote applies well to complementary sports medi¬ cine as one very important component is the rela¬ tionship between practitioner and patient. Gathering information about an athlete’s physical, chemical, and mental/emotional state will be at its most com¬ prehensive during the history-taking process if this is done correctly. Too often, this procedure is ab¬ breviated—or worse, the seemingly rambling testi¬ mony of the patient is ignored by the practitioner. Many pieces of evidence emerge as one listens to the patient, and knowing when to stop the process is an important aspect of the professional’s art. To truly view the whole person, the practitioner may need to spend a significant amount of time in this initial appraisal of the patient. The only exception is during times of acute trauma when emergency care is the priority. Even then, certain information may be of great value if it is available.
TAKING A HISTORY Perhaps the most important aspect of care is taking a complete and effective history. Skilled history tak¬
ing, more than examinations or test results, is the key to a proper diagnosis (Fowler 1997). In a pro¬ spective study of 100 patients, Winkler (1979) showed that only 5% of the subjects that did evalu¬ ations other than the history established a diagnosis not made by history taking. Because of our emphasis on advanced technol¬ ogy, practitioners are potentially given such exten¬ sive diagnostic information that the one-on-one history is losing significance in our health care sys¬ tem (Laemmel 1996). Not only are the art and sci¬ ence of taking a successful history important in an initial patient visit, but maintaining dialogue on all subsequent visits is also vital. As patients progress, many changes take place (all positive ones, it is hoped); this means that on subsequent visits their structural, chemical, and mental/emotional state will be slightly or significantly different from before. Assessment, treatment, and lifestyle relationships must keep pace. Laemmel’s (1996) comments are representative of an optimal approach to the care of patients in a complementary sports medicine practice: “In order to achieve a true dialogue, it is necessary that [the practitioner] abandon the role-playing so common
Complementary Sports Medicine
to physician-patient relationships and that he meet his patient on a person-to-person basis. In this pro¬ cess he will reveal his self-perception, his relation¬ ship to fellow human beings and, not least, his idea of what it means to be a healer” (p. 863). Like many practitioners, many patients have be¬ come “specialists” with regard to the types of prob¬ lems they complain of. For example, it is not uncommon for athletes to complain about their knee pain while not considering gastrointestinal stress, in¬ somnia, or other seemingly unrelated problems they also have. Some patients may not want to discuss their other problems. In complementary sports medi¬ cine, the whole patient is assessed, including the workout history, athletic goals, stress, and other is¬ sues. It is important for the patient to understand this concept from the beginning of the relationship. There are two important aspects of taking a his¬ tory. The first aspect is the relationship developed in the one-to-one encounter between practitioner and patient. It is not possible to provide a minimum time frame for this. However, at least a 30- to 60-min history and sometimes longer, may be necessary in order for practitioner and patient to understand each other. An important part of this dialogue is that it allows the practitioner to obtain more information than has been noted on the patient’s forms. The second aspect is the use of forms. Much of the information obtained in the dialogue may also be revealed on the written forms. This repetition can be helpful rather than a waste of time. The du¬ plication helps confirm or verify the complaint or condition. In addition, some patients are likely to write more information on a form than they will give during dialogue—although in other cases, the converse is true. The additional time spent (usually much more than in mainstream medicine) and the more exten¬ sive use of forms (usually in much more depth than in mainstream medicine) are part of the difference and uniqueness of complementary sports medicine history taking. However, the most important differ¬ ence is in the questions asked through the forms and the interpretation of the answers—specifically the relationship of these questions and answers to functional problems rather than disease. Most of the forms contain questions that refer to functional signs and symptoms.
HISTORY FORMS This chapter provides examples of history forms, such as the symptom survey, merely to illustrate a complementary medicine approach to assessing the physical, chemical, and mental/emotional aspects of each patient. Many different types of history forms may work well. Some practitioners find that they work best from a form tailored to their specific needs. Symptom surveys have proven both reliable and valid for workplace ergonomics programs (Baron et al. 1996), as d discomfort and pain index (Franzblau et al. 1997), and as a questionnaire for musculoskeletal disorders (Laubli et al. 1991). These and other forms allow patients to state their main problems and to recall problems they may not think are important or do not think of as abnormal. For example, joint pain or insomnia may be more common in people over the age of 40 or 50 than when they were younger, and some think of these as a normal part of the aging process. In addition, the practitioner needs to know everything about the patient—not just about the pain, but also about drugs or nutrients taken, family history, stress levels, and the like. In addition to duplication with the dialogue, a particular form may contain ques¬ tions similar to those on other forms. This redun¬ dancy can also serve a purpose in ensuring that patients are consistent in their complaints and help¬ ing to place stress on the importance of particular questions. It is often best to give forms to patients before their initial appointment, with instructions to com¬ plete in full. In most cases this can be accomplished by sending the forms to the patient after the initial contact to schedule an appointment. This allows the patient to spend adequate time answering the ques¬ tions. The examples provided in this chapter con¬ sist of four different forms totaling about nine pages. As the accuracy of information is vital, allowing patients enough time in their own environments to complete forms properly can be important. In some types of practices, having the patient send back the forms ahead of the scheduled appointment also has its advantages, allowing the practitioner adequate time to read them. In either situation, it is important for the practitioner to see the forms before having the dialogue.
Patient History and Dialogue
At the end of this chapter, there are four forms that might serve as a beginning of the assessment process. Within the chapter are a description of each form and an interpretation of some content areas. These forms allow patients to write about their main complaints along with other problems they may have. In addition, as already mentioned, responding to forms prompts patients to think about other areas that they may not have considered talking about or areas they did not think were related to their problems. For example, a patient with low back pain may not have thought to consider a potential temporomandibular joint problem, which may turn out to be related to the back problem. Or people who are always fatigued may not think it is abnormal to get sleepy after meals. On the basis of the patient’s responses, or lack of responses, the practitioner can ask more specific ques¬ tions during the initial visit that will allow a fuller understanding of the patient’s system, how it reacts to stress and training, and possibly how the person would respond to certain therapies.
GENERAL INVENTORY Form 7.1 is an illustration of a general form used in private practice. It inventories most of the systems from muscles and joints, to eyes, ears, nose, and throat, to the gastrointestinal system, and so on. Patients can mark any area that pertains to them. On the second page are specific questions about the main complaint, secondary complaints, operations, medications, nu¬ tritional supplements, and other pertinent topics. This type of form serves as part of the general screening process, especially to help rule out more serious conditions that may not be appropriate for complementary sports medicine practitioners to deal with. These include disease processes. The general inventory form makes patients think about all the areas of the body, prompting them to note a variety of symptoms.
SYMPTOM SURVEY In previous chapters, we considered the usefulness of looking at all symptoms that the body creates rather than one symptom in one area. A four-page form (see form 7.2) is an example of an inventory of a number of common symptoms that in many cases may re¬ flect body dysfunction more than disease. The form presents items divided into groups based on certain
very general physiological indicators, and it may be useful to help one ascertain certain patterns of problems and their origins. These groups of symp¬ toms may be caused, in part, by specific nutritional, dietary, or other imbalances that need to be addressed. Note that a particular imbalance can produce symp¬ toms that may be clustered in more than one group. For example, those with increased sympathetic tone (Group One) may also have blood sugar-handling stress (Group Three). The following listing corre¬ sponds to the groups on the Symptom Survey: • Group One symptoms are sometimes associ¬ ated with excess sympathetic and/or diminished parasympathetic tone. • Group Two symptoms may be associated with excess parasympathetic and/or diminished sympa¬ thetic tone. • Group Three contains symptoms common in some patients with blood sugar-handling problems. • Group Four symptoms are related to some car¬ diovascular complaints. • Group Five contains some symptoms common to liver and gallbladder dysfunction. • Group Six symptoms are associated with other gastrointestinal dysfunction. • Group Seven symptoms may be associated with complaints from three hormonal systems: Sub¬ groups A and B relate to hyper- and hypothyroid function, respectively; Subgroups C and D to hyperand hypopituitary function, respectively; and Sub¬ groups E and F to hyper- and hypoadrenal function, respectively. • Group Eight A (Female Only) contains some symptoms that relate to general hormonal and men¬ strual problems. • Group Eight B (Male Only) contains some symptoms related to general hormonal and prostate problems. • Group Nine contains some symptoms of car¬ bohydrate intolerance. • Group Ten symptoms are associated with poor essential fatty acid metabolism. • Group Eleven and Twelve symptoms are re¬ lated to neurological dysfunction and potential nu¬ tritional needs for two distinct parts of the vitamin B complex.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Note that this form also includes a section in which patients list their five most important com¬ plaints. The responses here should correspond to the major and secondary complaints on the first form described (form 7.1). Some patients are un¬ able to decide on these major complaints. They may change their mind each time they are asked about their biggest problem, sometimes produc¬ ing a new list of complaints. This inability to de¬ cide may be associated with psychological or emotional stress. The symptom survey type of form is also useful to review as treatment progresses, with the practi¬ tioner asking the patient about certain signs or symp¬ toms that had been marked. Such a review can help to ensure that the patient’s more subtle problems are improving. In addition, the patient can fill out a new form after two to four months of therapy to provide more objective feedback regarding the ef¬ fectiveness of care.
NUTRITION QUESTIONNAIRE Form 7.3 contains more than 40 questions about nutrition, diet, and other possible habits of the pa¬ tient. As with the preceding two forms, there is some duplication between this form and others. This document is useful for the practitioner in help¬ ing patients with their eating or nutritional habits. For example, question 3 concerns the amount of water consumed each day, and several other ques¬ tions relate to caffeine and alcohol consumption— substances that may increase dehydration and offset water intake. This form may also be helpful for assessing certain metabolic problems. For ex¬ ample, question 26 is “Do you often feel hungry, no matter how much you eat?” This should prompt the practitioner to consider possible blood sugar or insulin problems, check the other forms for simi¬ lar indications, ask the patient more specific ques¬ tions, and begin to consider other tests to help rule in or out potential problems. As with the other forms, the questions here help both the practi¬ tioner and patient recall certain areas of diet and
nutrition that may be relevant to the overall as¬ sessment process.
DIETARY ANALYSIS Three basic types of dietary data collection tools are used by health care professionals and research¬ ers. These include direct weighing of foods, which may be the most accurate but is expensive and time consuming and requires a high level of participa¬ tion; the diet recall, which relies on the patient’s memory; and the diet diary, which may distort usual food intake. Each method has inherent strengths and weaknesses, but they all still have good clinical value for both practitioner and patient. De Castro (1994) concludes that “the diet diary technique is the method of choice for investigations of the ingestive behaviors of free-living humans” (p. 179). Bingham et al. (1995) found that although weighed records were the most accurate method of dietary assessment, the only other method that could ap¬ proach this level of accuracy was an estimated seven-day diary. The seven-day diary form (see form 7.4) allows patients to write down everything they eat and drink over a period of up to seven days. Keeping the di¬ ary can benefit patients in that this is often the first time they have recorded what and how much (or little) they consume. Recording can help raise their awareness level regarding the quality and quantity of their diet. For many patients, just this simple ac¬ tion is often followed by improved eating habits. The practitioner can gain further understanding about the patient’s physiology by seeing what foods are consumed. More importantly, computer analy¬ sis of the patient’s diet can help determine the macroand micronutrient status and any potenial imbal¬ ances. In many cases in which practitioners provide their patients with dietary recommendations, com¬ pliance is higher when patients see the outcome of their dietary analysis. Figures 7.1 and 7.2 illustrate information gained through the use of a simple com¬ puter program to analyze an athlete’s diet, giving an average one-day profile.
Patient History and Dialogue
Figure 7.1 Dietary analysis allows a practitioner to gather data on vitamins in an individual's diet. Reprinted by permission of NutrAnalysis, Inc.
Figure 7.2 Dietary analysis also allows a practi¬ tioner to gather data on minerals in an individual's diet. Reprinted by permission of NutrAnalysis, Inc.
Many athletes maintain an exercise or training di¬ ary. This may consist of notes on the calendar or a more formal daily journal. For patients who keep any type of diary, it is important that they bring it for their initial visit. Those who do not maintain a diary should be encouraged to do so, as it can be a valuable part of the assessment process at all stages. Making a copy of the patient’s training diary for office records is also an important part of the history. If a patient does not maintain a complete diary, the practitioner should include an interview regarding the patient’s program and should have the patient write out his or her current and/or past routine. Information should include at least the types of workouts (running, walking, biking, etc.), the total time of each workout, how the person felt during and after, and some measure of intensity (such as heart rate or perceived exertion). Other measures can include the distance covered, pace or speed, or other secondary variables. A list of competitions is also important, including all suc¬ cesses and failures, the patient’s subjective feel¬ ings, and other such information. An important item in a diary should be some goal orientation. This can relate to competition (i.e., com¬ pleting a 10,000-m run in under 40 min), personal fitness (being able to swim 25 laps), health (losing 15 pounds), or some combination of such aspects of the patient’s life. This goal setting is something the practitioner should carefully evaluate and dis¬ cuss with the patient, especially with regard to how realistic a goal is and how well it matches the patient’s structural, chemical, and mental/emotional state. If a patient has no defined goals, the practi¬ tioner should consider helping the person create some realistic goals that can be written in both the patient’s diary and the office records. In addition to the patient’s exercise routine (or lack thereof), an important issue is equipment and location. This includes any mechanical apparatus used (bikes, treadmills, free weights, etc.) and the
Complementary Sports Medicine
type of terrain if applicable (concrete streets, dirt roads, wooden gym floor, etc.)- In addition, the pa¬ tient should bring all training and competitive foot¬ wear to the first session for the practitioner to inspect. This issue is discussed in chapter 24.
CONCLUSION After taking a comprehensive history, the practi¬ tioner must choose between two options: either ac¬ cept or reject the patient. When patients are not accepted, they should be told why and should be given names of professionals whose work might fit better with their type of problem. In some cases, the patient’s problem may be outside the scope of the practitioner’s license or expertise. Occasionally, the practitioner may not feel comfortable with the mental/emotional relationship that developed, or did not develop, during the initial session.
Taking an effective history may be the most im¬ portant aspect of patient care. History taking requires the allocation of adequate time for the initial dia¬ logue and the completion of forms that prompt the patient to provide more information. In addition, the practitioner can use the completed forms as a guide through a more effective dialogue, asking the patient to expand on some of the important infor¬ mation presented. Each practitioner must decide which format to use to derive information from an initial visit, including .the forms to be used, ques¬ tions to be asked, and details to be gathered. Keep¬ ing accurate notes is an important aspect legally and ethically and also for good follow-up and future reference. Patients who are evaluated in a complete and efficient way will also generally have more re¬ spect for the practitioner, refer more patients, and more likely comply with any recommendations.
Form 7.1
General Survey
Home ohone
Work phone
Address Date of birth
No. of children
Marital status Referred bv
Please check the appropriate space for any of the following symptoms that you now have or have had previously. This is a confidential health questionnaire.
O = Occasional 0
C General
F = Frequent
C = Constant
C Gastrointestinal
C Cardiorespiratory
□ □ □ Allergy
□ □ □ Belching or gas
□ □ □ Chills
□ □ □ Colitis
□ □ □
□ □ □ Convulsions
□ □ □ Constipation
□ □ □
□ □ □ Dizziness
□ □ □ Diarrhea
□ □ □ High cholesterol
□ □ □ Fainting
□ □ □ Indigestion
□ □ □ Chest pain
□ □ □ Fatigue
□ □ □ Distension
□ □ □ Poor circulation
□ □ □ Fever
□ □ □ Excess hunger
□ □ □ Rapid pulse
□ □ □ Headaches
□ □ □ Gallbladder problems
□ □ □ Slow pulse
□ □ □ Insomnia
□ □ □ Hemorrhoids
□ □ □ Ankle swelling
□ □ □ Excess weight loss
□ □ □ Liver problems
□ □ □ Chronic cough
□ □ □ Excess weight gain
□ □ □ Nausea
□ □ □ Difficulty breathing
□ □ □ Nervousness
□ □ □ Stomach pain
□ □ □ Wheezing
□ □ □ Depression
□ □ □ Poor appetite
□ □ □ Sweats
□ □ □ Vomiting
□ □ □ Tremors EENT Muscle and Joint
Blood pressure:
Spitting up: □ □ □
□ □ □
□ □ □ Asthma
□ □ □ Arthritis
□ □ □ Colds/Flu
□ □ □ Foot trouble
□ □ □ Crossed eyes
□ □ □ Boils
□ □ □ Hernia
□ □ □ Deafness
□ □ □ Bruise easily
□ □ □ Low back pain
□ □ □ Dental decay
□ □ □ Dryness
□ □ □ Neck pain
□ □ □ Ear problems
□ □ □ Hives or rash
□ □ □ Poor posture
□ □ □ Enlarged glands
□ □ □ Itching
□ □ □ Sciatica
□ □ □ Eye pain
□ □ □ Varicose veins
Pain/Numbness in:
□ □ □ Near-sightedness
□ □ □
□ □ □ Far-sightedness
□ □ □
□ □ □ Gum problems
□ □ □
□ □ □ Hay fever
□ □ □ Bed-wetting □ □ □ Blood in urine
□ □ □
□ □ □ Hoarseness
□ □ □
□ □ □ Nasal obstruction
□ □ □
□ □ □ Nosebleeds
□ □ □
□ □ □ Sinus problems
□ □ □
□ □ □ Sore throats
For women only:
□ □ □ Frequent urination □ □ □ Painful urination □ □ □ Pus in urine □ □ □ Kidney stones □ □ □ Prostate problems
□ □ □ Menstrual problems
Date of last period (day 1): __
□ □ □ Hot flashes
Birth control:___
□□□ Irregular cycle □ □ □ Menopausal symptoms
Form 7.1 (continued) What is your major complaint?___ How long have you had this condition?_ Have you had this or similar conditions in the past?__ Is this problem getting worse?_
Is this interfering with work?_
Worse in morning?_
Evening? Other?_
What do you believe is wrong with you?_ List other problems you have now_
List past operations and dates
Have you ever been hospitalized other than for surgery? _____ Have you ever had any mental or emotional disorder?_ Have you had any other injury in the past two years?_ Are you taking medication?_
Are you taking nutritional supplements?_
Are you allergic to any foods, drugs, etc?_
Do you have any dental problems?_ Do you wear arch supports?_
Heel lifts?_
Date of your last physical exam?_
Special shoes?_
What is your shoe size?
Blood test?_
Habits (describe with amounts): Alcohol_ Cigarettes_
Drugs not listed above__
Describe your present exercise habits (or attach additional page):_
Please list the main health problems in your family: Name:
In case of emergency, please list the name and number of a friend or relative NOT living with you:
Your signature:
Form 7.2
Symptom Survey (Restricted to professional use)
Patient ___Doctor _
Date _
Instructions: Number the boxes that apply to you. Use (1) for MILD symptoms (occurring once or twice a year), (2) for MODERATE symptoms (occurring several times a year), and (3) for SEVERE symptoms (you are aware of the symptom almost constantly).
Acid foods upset
Gag easily
Appetite reduced
Get chilled often
8 9
Unable to relax; startle easily
Cold sweats often
"Lump" in throat
Extremities cold, clammy
Fever easily raised
Dry mouth/eyes/nose
Strong light irritates
Neuralgia-like pains
5 6
Pulse speeds after meal
Urine amount reduced
Staring, blink little
Keyed up—fail to calm
Heart pounds after retiring
Sour stomach frequently
Cuts heal slowly
"Nervous" stomach
Constipation, diarrhea
Joint stiffness after arising
Muscle/leg/toe cramps
Always seem hungry; feel "lightheaded" often
at night
Digestion rapid
"Slow starter"
"Butterfly" stomach,
Vomiting frequent
Get "chilled" frequently
Hoarseness frequent
Perspire easily
Circulation poor, sensitive
Eyes or nose watery
Breathing irregular
Eyes blink often
Pulse slow; feels "irregular"
Eyelids swollen, puffy
Gagging reflex slow
Indigestion soon after meals 35
Difficulty swallowing
in cold 41
Subject to colds, asthma, bronchitis
Eat when nervous
Excessive appetite
Hungry between meals
Afternoon headaches
Irritable before meals
Have bad. reaction to
Get "shaky" if hungry
Fatigue, eating relieves
"Lightheaded" if meals
sleep—hard to get back to
Heart palpitates if meals
missed or delayed
overeating sweets 52
Crave candy or coffee in
Moods of depression— "blues" or melancholy
Abnormal craving for sweets or snacks
Awaken after few hours
□ □
Hands and feet go to
Get "drowsy" often
sleep easily, numbness
Swollen ankles, worse at
Tendency to anemia
Muscle cramps, worse
"Nosebleeds" frequently
Aware of "breathing
during exercise; get "charley
Noises in head, or
High-altitude discomfort
Open windows in closed
Shortness of breath on
"ringing in ears" 72
Tension under the
breastbone, or feeling of
Dull pain in chest or
"tightness," worse on
Susceptible to colds and
radiating into left arm, worse
on exertion
blue" spots □
Bruise easily, "black and
Sigh frequently, "air hunger"
Afternoon "yawner"
(continued) 61
Form 7.2
Symptom Survey (continued) GROUP FIVE 83
Feeling queasy; headache
Sneezing attacks
over eyes
Dreaming, nightmare-type
Dry skin
Burning feet
Greasy foods upset
Blurred vision
Stools light-colored
Bad breath (halitosis)
Itching skin and feet
Skin peels on foot soles
Milk products cause
Excessive falling hair
Pain between shoulder
Frequent skin rashes
Bitter, metallic taste in
mouth in mornings
Sensitive to hot weather
Use laxatives
Burning or itching anus
Stools alternate from soft
Crave sweets *
to watery
Bowel movements painful or difficult
bad dreams
History of gallbladder attacks or gallstones
Worrier, feel insecure
Loss of taste for meat
Coated tongue
Lower bowel gas several
Pass large amounts of
hours after eating 100
Burning stomach sensa-
tions, eating relieves
Mucous colitis or "irritable bowel"
foul-smelling gas
Gas shortly after eating
Indigestion 1/2-1 hour after
Stomach "bloating" after eating
eating; may be up to 3-4 hours
Increase in weight
Abnormal thirst
Decrease in appetite
Bloating of abdomen
Can't gain weight
Fatigue easily
Weight gain around
Intolerance to heat
Ringing in ears
Highly emotional
Sleepy during day
Sex drive reduced or lacking
Flush easily
Sensitive to cold
Tendency to ulcers, colitis
Night sweats
Dry or scaly skin
Increased sugar tolerance
Thin, moist skin
Women: menstrual disorders
Inward trembling
Mental sluggishness
Young girls: lack of
Heart palpitates
Hair coarse, falls out
Increased appetite
Headaches upon arising,
without weight gain
hips or waist
menstrual function
wear off during day
Pulse fast at rest
Slow pulse, below 65
Eyelids and face twitch
Frequency of urination
Irritable and restless
Impaired hearing
Hot flashes
Can't work under
Reduced initiative
Increased blood pressure
Hair growth on face or
pressure (C) 137 138 139 140
Sugar in urine (not diabetes)
Low blood pressure
Masculine tendencies
Increased sex drive
Headaches, "splitting or rending" type
Decreased sugar tolerance
body (female)
Failing memory
Form 7.2
Symptom Survey
GROUP SEVEN (continued) /n In 157
Weakness, dizziness
Chronic fatigue
Poor circulation
Low blood pressure
Swollen ankles
Nails weak, ridged
Crave salt
Tendency to hives
Brown spots or bronzing
Arthritic tendencies
Perspiration increase
Bowel disorders
Allergies—tendency to asthma
Weakness after colds, influenza
on skin
Exhaustion—muscular and nervous
Respiratory disorders
GROUP EIGHT A: Female Only 173
Easily fatigued
Painful breasts
Hot flashes
Premenstrual stress
Menstruate too frequently
Menses scanty or missed
Painful menses
Vaginal discharge
Acne, worse at menses
Depressed feelings
Depression long-standing
Pain on inside of legs or
Migrating aches and pains
Tire too easily
Feeling of incomplete
Avoid activity
bowel evacuation
Leg nervousness at night
Lack of energy
Diminished sex drive
Fingers swollen or tight
before menstruation 177
Menstruation excessive
GROUP EIGHT B: Male Only 186
Prostate trouble
Urination difficult or dribbling
Night urination frequent
Sleepy after meals
Bloated after meals
High blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides
Poor concentration after meals
Diabetes in family
after exercise 205
Always hungry
Heart disease, stroke, breast cancer in family
Aspirin improves symptoms
Menstrual cramps
Chronic inflammation
Dry itchy skin or scalp
React badly to sweets or excess carbohydrates
Eat restaurant or fast food often
Spring allergies
Headaches with feeling of
Low blood pressure
Intolerant to noise
Poor circulation
Slow or irregular heartbeat
Slow metabolism
tight band around head 219
Carbohydrate intolerance
Tense, irritable, and
Poor fat metabolism
Overreact to caffeine
Restless, jumpy, and shaky
Tendency to spasm
Rapid heartbeat
High blood pressure
Form 7.2
Symptom Survey (continued)
Important: Please list below the five main complaints you have in order of their importance.
3. 4. 5.
(Please do not write below this line.)
Doctor's notes:
Form 7.3
Nutrition Questionnaire
Case No._
1. Are you taking medication?
If yes, list the kind and dosage and whether it is taken on a regular basis._
Do you feel the medication is helping you?_ 2. Are you taking nutritional supplements?
If yes, list the kind and dosage and whether they are taken on a regular basis._
Do you feel the nutritional supplements are helping you? For example, do you notice a specific improvement in the way you feel ?___ 3. Approximately how many regular-size drinking glasses of water do you drink per day?_ Is the water usually regular tap water, or special water such as distilled or well water?_
4. If you are a smoker, what do you smoke (cigarettes, pipe, etc.) and how many daily?
5. How often do you consume alcohol? Never_
Once in a while_
6. How many cups of regular coffee (caffeinated) do you drink daily?_ 7. How many cups of decaffeinated coffee do you drink per day?_ 8. How many cups of tea or glasses of iced tea do you drink per day?_ 9. Approximately what percentage of your food is of the "convenience" variety? (Examples: Hamburger Helpers, TV dinners, frozen pot pies, etc.)___ 10. When you eat out, do you prefer the "quick food" approach, such as McDonald's, Burger King, etc?_
11. Do you use extra salt on your food at the table?
12. Do you eat a lot of condiments such as catsup and other spicy foods?
13. Do you like sour foods such as lemon (unsweetened), dill pickles, and other pickled foods? 14. Do you avoid or cut fat from your meat? 15. Do you use butter or margarine?
16. Do you like oil-type dressings on your salad? 17. Do you enjoy eating cheese? 18. Do you drink milk?
How much per day?_
Is it pasteurized?
19. Do you like foods that have a high sugar content, such as pastries, donuts, etc.?
20. When you eat a donut, do you prefer to have it plain, with frosting, or filled?21. Do you eat sugar-coated cereal?
When you eat cereal, how many teaspoons of sugar do you use on an average-size serving? 22. How many teaspoons of sugar do you use in coffee or tea?23. How many soft drinks do you consume daily?
Form 7.3
24. Do you try, as often as possible, to drink sugar-free soft drinks and use artificial sweeteners with coffee and food? . 25. What kind of fruit do you prefer to eat?
26. Do you often feel hungry, no matter how much you eat?
Sugar-free —
No —
27. When you eat bread, is it white or whole wheat?___ 28. Do you usually eat breakfast?
No —
29. Do you usually feel better after eating?
No —
30. Do you usually feel worse after eating?
No —
No —
31. Do you snack a lot between the three major meals?
32. When you have a snack, what type of food do you prefer? For example, sweet roll, cookies, cheese, crackers, fruit, vegetables. ____s-—
33. Do you frequently skip meals?
34. Do you have to watch what you eat to avoid gaining weight? Do you have to watch what you eat to avoid losing weight?
No _
No _
35. Do you have more than one meal per day that lacks a vegetable other than corn, potatoes, peas, or green beans? .
No _
36. Are there days when you do not eat any raw vegetables? 37. Do any foods seem to irritate you in some way?
If yes, name the foods and describe the problem._
38. What foods do you especially like?
39. What foods do you dislike?
40. Do you feel that your diet is excessive in some respect?
If yes, describe._
41. Do you feel your diet is deficient in some respect?
If yes, describe._
Reprinted, by permission, from D. Walther, 1988, Nutrition questionnaire (Pueblo, CO: Systems DC).
Dietary Analysis
4th day—
Reprinted, by permission, from D. Walther, 1988, Nutrition questionnaire (Pueblo, CO: Systems DC).
3rd day—
2nd day—
1 st day—
5th day—
6th day—
7th day—
So that your diet can be accurately evaluated, write down everything you eat for one week. It is important to put down everything, including snacks, candy, coffee, and the amount of water you drink. Include the approximate amounts of the food, such as 2 tbsp. peas; 1 large hamburger patty; small glass orange juice. If the information is not typical of your normal diet—for example, if you are not feeling well and your appetite is poor—include this information either in the block for that day or attach an additional page.
Form 7.4
Functional Testing and Interpretation
ertain tests not commonly applied (or no longer used) in mainstream medicine may give general clues about the patient’s func¬
tional state. These evaluations have been used in complementary medicine for many years and can be performed by a trained assistant, paraprofessional, or practitioner, depending on local laws that may govern their scope and usage. When taken in¬ dividually, none of these tests should be construed as having significant meaning. Rather, they are meant to complement other findings made by the practitioner or signs and symptoms of the patient. These tests are reproducible and therefore can be used throughout a treatment period with confi¬ dence for the purpose of comparison and to mea¬ sure treatment efficacy. Although the main reason for utilizing these tests is to obtain more informa¬ tion about the functional status of the patient, in some cases, such as measuring exercise blood pres¬ sure in normotensive individuals, the observation of dysfunction may also predict potential future dis¬ ease (Mundal et al. 1994). Some tests described here are routine office assessments; these are suggested
for use during every new patient examination and some follow-up evaluations. Others are more spe¬ cialized and are useful in certain kinds of cases as described further on.
ROUTINE OFFICE ASSESSMENTS It is recommended that routine office assessments be part of each initial examination, as they may pro¬ vide clues to the patient’s functional state and are relatively accurate and reproducible. They can also provide a relatively objective marker for patient progress. Tests showing results that are not within normal limits can be repeated on each visit until the patient shows a normal test for three or more visits. In some cases, repeating all the tests periodically may be helpful.
Postural Blood Pressure In addition to blood pressure measurements to rule out hyper- and hypotension, evaluation of potential orthostatic hypotension and its functional orthostatic
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hypotension is important for patients in a comple¬ mentary sports medicine practice. The standard po¬ sition for measuring blood pressure is with the patient seated with feet flat on the floor; the left arm is used. After this, the assessment method to rule out postural hypotension involves measuring blood pressure in the lying position first and then immediately measuring it in the standing position. A decrease or lack of increase especially in the sys¬ tolic blood pressure on standing should be consid¬ ered abnormal. Pressure measurements can vary, depending on the patient’s structural, chemical, and mental/emotional state, and it is recommended that postural pressures be evaluated on each visit on all patients. Results should be carefully recorded for future comparisons. Berkow (1992) defines orthos¬ tatic hypotension as a fall in blood pressure of about 20/10 mmHg on assuming an upright posture. This is not a disease but rather a dysfunction of the mechanisms involved in regulating blood pressure. Functional aspects of this condition are much more common and can be seen with a fall of less than 20/ 10 mmHg. Normally, the postural change (increased gravity stress) results in an increase in systolic blood pressure of approximately 8 mmHg (Walther 1988). Failure of this rise is sometimes referred to as ortho¬ static hypotension, postural hypotension, or Ragland’s sign. The mechanisms involved in the normal changes of blood pressure include pooling of blood in the vessels of the abdomen and pelvis, which lowers the heart rate. The body compensates with increased baroreceptor activity in the aortic arch and carotid bodies, which speeds up the heart rate and raises blood pressure. This compensation is due to a sympatheticmediated vasomotor response and an increase in cate¬ cholamines, predominantly norepinephrine. Other hormonal activity—including that of al¬ dosterone from the adrenal cortex—is followed by a slight sodium and water retention. According to Berkow (1992), “When hormonal responses are faulty, these homeostatic mechanisms may be in¬ adequate for restoring the lowered blood pressure” (p. 434). If blood pressure is not compensated upon standing, the lack of orthostatic tolerance may cause the patient to experience light-headedness; but other symptoms may include visual changes, head and
neck discomfort, palpitations, anxiety, and in some cases syncope (Jacob et al. 1997). De Lorenzo et al. (1997) discuss the association of orthostatic hy¬ potension with chronic fatigue syndrome; highly trained athletes have this problem more often than average fit individuals (Convertino 1993). Patients with orthostatic hypotension may have a number of problems. Ruling out people with seri¬ ous conditions (such as hypovolemia and central nervous system disorders) and drug side effects (from diuretics, antihypertensives, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors), as* well as others reacting ad¬ versely to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (which may cause renal sodium reten¬ tion and inhibition of vasodilation by prostaglan¬ dins), the relatively healthy patient may often have a functional adrenal problem as described by Walther (1988). Orthostatic hypotension is common in patients with chronic autonomic failure and is especially aggravated with the ingestion of large meals (Puvi-Rajasingham and Mathias 1996). Yang and Chang (1990) showed that disease-free patients with orthostatic hypotension had normal epineph¬ rine levels in the recumbent posture but that this adrenal hormone failed to rise upon standing. Polinsky et al. (1980) studied 16 patients with ortho¬ static hypotension; 12 had deficient plasma cate¬ cholamine responses to hypoglycemia, and of these, 7 had almost no plasma epinephrine response. Frequently, patients with orthostatic hypotension will manifest other signs or symptoms relating to functional adrenal problems. These include symp¬ toms in Group Three (blood sugar dysfunction) and Group Seven F (adrenal dysfunction) on the Symp¬ tom Survey shown in the previous chapter, espe¬ cially an increased craving for salt. Researchers suggest salt as the first line of treatment in some patients with orthostatic intolerance. McCarthy et al. (1997) showed that despite in¬ creases in blood volume (which is expected to im¬ prove orthostatic tolerance), resistance training did not improve orthostatic tolerance. Levine (1993) discussed the frequent association between ortho¬ static hypotension and long-term endurance-trained athletes. Raven and Pawelczyk (1993) showed that those endurance athletes with higher VO.max lev¬ els (above 65 ml X kg1 X min1) were more likely
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to have an intolerance to orthostatic hypotension. These findings support results of authors who ob¬ served that more than half of new patients had some degree of orthostatic hypotension.
Exercise Blood Pressure Another important blood pressure assessment can be made during exercise. Exercise blood pressure normally increases with the type of exercise and correlates with intensity. In most test situations, an increased systolic pressure may be as high as 180-190 mmHg, with diastolic changes increas¬ ing by less than 10 mmHg. Exaggerated blood pres¬ sure responses in normotensive patients may be considered a predictor of future hypertension (Nazar et al. 1997). These blood pressure increases during exercise are in the range of >200 mmHg for systolic pressure at a workload of 150 W. These patients also show slightly higher cortisol and cate¬ cholamine levels and relatively higher heart rates, possibly indicating an early stage of overtraining. Mundal et al. (1994) showed that rises in systolic pressure of 48.5 mmHg during bicycle ergometer exercise at a workload of only 100 W was a sig¬ nificant predictor of cardiovascular mortality. Oc¬ casionally, a diminished blood pressure increase takes place during exercise. This poor exercise response may be due to a diminished cardiac re¬ serve (McArdle et al. 1991).
Oral pH The use of pH paper in the office setting permits a simple test that can be performed on each athlete. Allow at least 10-15 min after the patient has had anything to eat or drink and have the patient moisten a small (at least 1 cm) strip of pH paper with saliva for about 5 sec. Compare the color change with the color-coded indicators on the pH dispenser. Record the pH in the patient’s file and recheck regularly. The oral pH is regulated by the pH of the saliva and to a lesser degree by food remnants. According to Mayes (1993), the pH of the saliva is usually about 6.8 but may vary on either side of neutral; on the other hand, lingual gland fluid pH may be as high as 7.5. Hendrix (1974) states that salivary amylase is active up to a pH of 11.0. The salivary pH as it
relates to and reflects body function has been used in complementary medicine since Hawkins (1947), a dentist, first described it. His claims have been clinically validated through many years of use. Hawkins theorized that in the adult, salivary pH should be approximately 7.6, and in children slightly higher, 7.8. At these levels, very little tooth decay or periodontal disease occurred. If the pH was above or below this level, Hawkins proposed that certain dietary changes would help return the pH to its nor¬ mal levels. If the pH is above 7.6, patients should add more carbohydrate foods—potatoes, fruits, ce¬ reals, breads, and grains. If the pH is below 7.6, more protein foods (meats, fish, cheese), fats, and oils are recommended. Improvements in pH may take up to several weeks depending on what changes are required to correct the imbalances causing the abnormal pH. It may be associated with diet, exercise training, stress factors, and nutritional needs. It is possible, how¬ ever, sometimes to quickly change oral pH after one session, especially when treatment results in im¬ proved autonomic nervous system balance. The state of the autonomic nervous system has a significant effect on salivary quality and quan¬ tity. Anderson et al. (1984) showed that parasym¬ pathetic stimulation produced large amounts of saliva low in protein, whereas sympathetic stimu¬ lation evoked lesser amounts of saliva high in pro¬ tein. Asztely et al. (1996) demonstrated that circu¬ lating catecholamines from adrenal, extraadrenal, and extragland-ular sources reduced parotid aci¬ nar granules in rats. Chorot et al. (1992) found an inverse relationship between heart rate and sali¬ vary pH, possibly demonstrating a reduced pH in those with increased sympathetic activity. This low pH may be an important finding in the early, func¬ tional stages of overtraining. These dietary recommendations also seem to correlate very well with the metabolic state of the individual. Unpublished data by the author compar¬ ing salivary pH with respiratory quotient showed that people with a higher respiratory quotient gen¬ erally had a lower salivary pH, indicating that those who utilized more carbohydrates and less fats for energy (as indicated by a higher respiratory quo¬ tient) had a lower salivary pH.
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Temperature Body temperature is another easy measurement that can be made initially; it is a good general screening measurement. Taking the oral (under the tongue) temperature will show a normal temperature of 37 °C (98.6 °F), an above-normal reading, or a belownormal reading. Rectal temperatures are typically 0.6 °C (1 °F) higher than oral readings. Normal daily variations of perhaps a few tenths may exist, with morning readings being the lowest and late-afternoon temperatures the highest. Nighttime tempera¬ tures may also drop slightly, and stimulate sleep onset (Murphy and Campbell 1997). In addition to measurement of the patient’s tem¬ perature in the office, axillary temperatures can be recorded by some patients at home for several days up to one month. In some patients, below-normal temperatures may occur only at certain times of the week or month. Form 8.1 is a form commonly used by patients to record basal axillary temperatures at home. In this instance, the patient takes his or her temperature in the morning upon awakening, be¬ fore getting out of bed. Once the person gets up to move around, body temperature may rise slightly. Patients are instructed to keep the thermometer un¬ der the armpit for a full 10 min and to record the result on the chart. The basal axillary temperature range is 36.5 to 36.7 °C (97.8 to 98.2 °F) (Barnes and Barnes 1972).
Raised Temperature Temperatures above normal may indicate infection, inflammation, or other serious problems (although in the very young and elderly, and in some alcohol¬ ics, infections or inflammation may lower body tem¬ perature). A higher-than-normal temperature in an athlete may indicate a need for rest. Above-normal temperature is a strong indication to cease all train¬ ing until the problem is found or the temperature returns to normal. The only exception would be immediately after training or competition. For ex¬ ample, distance runners can have very high rectal temperatures of 41 °C (over 105 °F) after races of 5000 m, or after about 12 to 15 min of maximum effort (McArdle et al. 1991). Increases in core tem¬ perature most likely reflect the normal compensa¬ tion for intense activity. Saltin and Hermansen
(1966) found that increases in body temperature paralleled oxygen (02) uptake and exercise inten¬ sity. Exercise at 50% V02max can raise tempera¬ tures to about 37.3 °C (99 °F), and intensities of 75% V02max can elevate temperatures to about 38.5 °C (101 °F). Patients who are working in a very physical job, people under emotional stress, and active children may also show slightly elevated tem¬ peratures (Guyton 1986). All these factors should be considered when temperature is assessed.
Lowered Temperature Below-normal temperatures may indicate thyroid dysfunction or a subclinical hypothyroidism even when thyroid blood indexes are normal (Northover et al. 1983; Vana et al. 1990). Sehnert and Croft (1996) also showed that the temperature is a sensi¬ tive screening test, along with laboratory analysis, for the hypothyroidism seen following trauma, which they termed “posttraumatic hypothyroidism.” These observations of the relationship between body temperature and thyroid dysfunction were initially made by Barnes (1942), who eventually associated this problem to cardiac dysfunction (Barnes and Barnes 1972). The relationship between subclini¬ cal thyroid dysfunction and cardiac performance has also been described by Foldes et al. (1987). Saito et al. (1983) showed a close relationship between hy¬ pothyroidism and hypertension. Below-normal temperatures may be associated with symptoms noted by the patient on the Symp¬ tom Survey, Group Seven B. In addition to low tem¬ perature as a potential sign of a subclinical hypothyroid state, there are other symptoms that may be related to this imbalance. They include men¬ tal and physical fatigue, weight gain, depression, cold hands and feet, and crying spells. Those who feel good only after exercise stimulation may also have a subclinical hypothyroid condition. Skin prob¬ lems are very common (skin that is dry and chapped with frequent cracking around the heels and on the hands), as is hair loss, especially thinning of the lat¬ eral one-third of the eyebrow. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, inhibit prostaglandin production, which can affect thermoregulation (Murphy et al. 1996) with the result of decreasing body temperature.
Form 8.1
Basal Temperature
Case No.__
Dates started/ended. Directions
1. Shake down your thermometer and put it close to your bed. 2. Before getting up in the morning, put the thermometer in
4. Indicate the first and last days of your menstrual cycle (if applicable).
your armpit touching the skin. 3. Keep it there for 10 minutes; minimize movement. Read your temperature and record it.
5. If a day is skipped for any reason during the month of charting, note it on the chart,
93.0 —————————L Reprinted by permission of AeroSport, Inc.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Training Effects Inactive patients with thyroid dysfunction often have high respiratory quotient values and could benefit greatly from exercise, which raises body tempera¬ ture. O’Malley et al. (1980) reported that raising body temperature had a positive influence on thy¬ roid-stimulating hormones in hypothyroid patients. More importantly, thyroid hormones have a posi¬ tive effect on mitochondrial function; Muller and Seitz (1984) showed that T3 (triiodothyronine) di¬ rectly stimulated mitochondrial respiration and the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Vital Capacity The total volume of air that can be forcibly ex¬ haled in one breath is called the forced vital ca¬ pacity. This can be measured in the office or field setting with a small handheld spirometer. The vi¬ tal capacity is differentiated from total lung ca¬ pacity, which is the vital capacity plus the residual lung volume (the volume of air that remains in the lungs after forced exhalation); assessing total lung capacity requires more elaborate equipment. Also commonly measured is the forced expiratory vol¬ ume in 1 sec (FEV1), which also requires more specialized equipment. When measuring vital capacity in patients, it is best to do the testing in one posture, as different positions produce different results. The recommen¬ dation is the standing position whenever possible. Sitting postures produce lower vital capacity mea¬ surements. Patients should take as deep a breath as they can and exhale into the spirometer as hard, as fast, and as completely as possible. Perform three completed tests, recording all results. If the patient is unable to complete three tests, none of the mea¬ surements should be taken as valid. Spirometry measures the vital capacity in cubic centimeters (cc), which can then be converted to a percentage by considering the patient’s height. The absolute vital capacity can be useful for monitoring each patient’s progress. Tables for this conversion accompany spirometers.
Indication of Functional Capacity Spirometry is used in complementary sports medi¬ cine as a general indicator of the functional capac¬
ity in patients, especially with regard to the strength of their respiratory muscles and pulmonary com¬ pliance (distensibility of the chest and lungs). Benfante et al. (1985) showed that vital capacity was directly associated with overall health. When the patient’s pretreatment vital capacity is low, in¬ creased vital capacity after therapy is a general measure of success. Increases of 20% or more have frequently been observed by the author and other practitioners who measure vital capacity during the course of therapy. This increase can often be seen after one session of successful therapy. In addition, the author (Maffetone 1996) has found that brief exposures to a mild hyperbaric chamber (without added 02) can increase vital capacity significantly. Unfit patients with lowered vital capacity should be encouraged to start or increase exercise training. While training may not significantly change vital capacity, endurance training in older athletes appears to slow the decline with aging (Hagberg et al. 1988). More importantly, slowly warming up with low-in¬ tensity activity before training results in a signifi¬ cant increase in vital capacity during the training session (Kesavachandran and Shashidhar 1997), making training more efficient. Generally, vital capacity significantly increases from late childhood through adolescence, indepen¬ dent of growth (Burrows et al. 1983). From late adolescence into the early to mid-30s, little change takes place, but by the mid-30s the vital capacity begins to diminish with age. Sparrow et al. (1993) showed that physiologic concentrations of cortisol may speed the deterioration of ventilatory function that occurs with aging. Hitsuda (1994) demonstrated a positive relationship between thyroid hormones (specifically T3) and vital capacity.
Exercise-Induced Asthma Vital capacity may be useful in the assessment of exercise-induced bronchospasm or constriction, commonly called exercise-induced asthma. This condition is defined as a bronchial spasm or con¬ striction, causing diminished airflow, with symp¬ toms of wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and difficulty breathing, that is triggered by exercise (Weiler 1996). Assessment of this condition can be made with an exercise challenge by measuring
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vital capacity before and after easy activity. As already noted, easy exercise should result in an increased vital capacity. In patients with exerciseinduced asthma, the vital capacity does not increase after a warm-up of easy exercise, and the result is often a diminished vital capacity (Vacek 1997). In some cases, a hard effort may be necessary to al¬ low observation of these abnormal changes (Schoene et al. 1997).
Other Dysfunctions In addition to its relationship to health and fitness, vital capacity is associated with other factors and may indeed reflect dysfunction previous to the onset of more significant disease. Burchfiel et al. (1997) show that in men, vital capacity and other pulmonary func¬ tion tests are negatively related to subscapular skinfold thickness, electrocardiogram abnormality, heart rate, white blood cell count, and eosinophil count, but positively related to height, grip strength, physical activity, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. A number of other health-related fac¬ tors are also associated with vital capacity: • An increased blood leukocyte count and di¬ minished vital capacity are associated with in¬ creased total mortality (Weiss et al. 1995). Sparrow et al. (1984) also showed that the leu¬ kocyte count was inversely related to vital ca¬ pacity. • Vital capacity is inversely related to weight gain. Chen et al. (1993) showed that each ki¬ logram of weight gain was associated with a loss of 26 ml in vital capacity. • Nutritional factors are related to vital capac¬ ity. Van Antwerpen et al. (1995) showed a di¬ rect relationship between beta carotene levels and vital capacity in smokers. And Sparrow et al. (1982) found that copper was positively related to vital capacity. • Lange et al. (1990) suggest that there is an ac¬ celerated decline in vital capacity at the onset of diabetes mellitus. • Lower vital capacity is associated with the sub¬ sequent onset of hypertension (Sparrow et al. 1988).
• Chyou et al. (1996) reported that pulmonary function during middle age was a significant predictor of cognitive function later in life. • There are a number of immune system asso¬ ciations with lowered vital capacity: increased levels of serum immunoglobulin (IgE) (Shadick et al. 1996), increased skin-test re¬ activity to common allergens (Gottlieb et al. 1996), and increased histamine response in the lungs (Rijcken et al. 1988). In clinical practice, a portable, handheld spirome¬ ter to measure forced vital capacity is an accurate assessment tool (Rebuck et al. 1996). Measurements from these units should not be compared with mea¬ surements made with larger, more conventional devices. However, the accuracy of the smaller de¬ vices is echoed by Malmberg et al. (1993), who state, “The repeatability of the measurements with the pocket spirometer is close to that reported previ¬ ously for flow-volume spirometry” (p. 89).
Breath-Holding Time The breath-holding time, or breath-holding endur¬ ance, is a general test that measures respiratory re¬ flexes and respiratory muscle function. It also reflects vital capacity (Feiner et al. 1995), is a valid measure of endurance of physical discomfort (Hajek 1989), is a simple test of respiratory chemosensitivity (Stanley et al. 1975), and can be used to mea¬ sure the magnitude of dyspnea (Perez-Padilla et al. 1989). Evaluation of breath-holding time can be done early in the examination period—using the same postural position each time for consistency, since reevaluation will be necessary in some cases. The normal result used in complementary sports medicine for breath-holding time on inhalation is 50 sec. According to McArdle et al. (1991), breathhold after normal exhalation is about 40 sec. Gay et al. (1994) showed that people who had pulmonary disease, those with congestive heart failure, and those who smoked had breath-holding times nearly half that of others without disease (25 sec vs. 45 sec); this study did not show any differences be¬ tween breath-holding and age or sex. Taskar et al. (1995) demonstrated that breath-holding was lower in patients with sleep apnea compared to normal
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subjects, and Stanley et al. (1975) reported lower times in patients with chronic airway obstruction. Breath-holding results are relatively consistent when obtained from visit to visit, but Barlett (1977) showed that the time can be increased with succes¬ sive trials during a single session. Also, the Valsalva maneuver can increase breath-holding times. Alpher et al. (1986) reported that both a psychomotor task (hand dynamometer) and a mental performance task (mental arithmetic) during breath-holding increased the time. Madanmohan et al. (1992) found that 12 weeks of yoga significantly increased breath-hold¬ ing time. Exercise training may improve breath¬ holding time, but only if the basic physical, chemical, or mental/emotional problems causing a low time have been corrected.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio Tape measurement of the body can provide more information for the complementary sports medicine practitioner than scale weight alone. While a patient’s weight has some significance, it is mostly a measure of water content, not percentage body fat or fat distribution. The waist-to-hip ratio is a measure of body fat distribution, and may reflect all-cause mortality including that from cardiovas¬ cular and noncardiovascular diseases (Duncan et al. 1995). Specifically, an abnormal ratio is often as¬ sociated with carbohydrate intolerance. Two separate tape measurements are required to obtain the waist-to-hip ratio: the first is a measure of the circumference of the patient’s waist at the umbilicus (a), and the second is a measure of the hip circumference (b) (Nestler 1994). The ratio of a to b is noted (a divided by b). In men, a ratio greater than 0.9 and in women a ratio of 0.8 indicates an¬ droid body type (sometimes referred to as android obesity—but many of these patients are relatively lean). The android body type is larger on top and is sometimes characterized as “apple shaped” in con¬ trast to the gynecoid, or as a “pear-shaped” body type, which has a lower waist-to-hip ratio. In addi¬ tion to inactive patients, many active, trained ath¬ letes have elevated waist-to-hip ratios.
Common Laboratory Tests Traditional blood and urine tests are an integral part of a proper patient assessment in a complementary
sports medicine practice. These include at least a complete blood count and differential, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and a complete serum analysis. In addition, some patients may require further test¬ ing as an aid in the assessment process. C-reactive protein (a measure of inflammation), fasting insu¬ lin, glucose, and triglycerides (to consider carbo¬ hydrate metabolism disorders), and other values may provide additional vital information. Any abnormal or borderline result should be retested after a pe¬ riod of therapy. As Bunch (1980) states, “Physicians are con¬ ditioned to interpret blood test results outside ‘normal’ limits as being signs of disease. In endur¬ ance-trained athletes, such ‘abnormal’ test results may instead be indications of physical activity” (p. 113). Bunch presents data illustrating that ane¬ mia, liver disease, myocardial ischemia, or renal disease might be diagnosed erroneously unless the physician is aware of the exercise habits of the pa¬ tient. The most common example of this type of potentially misleading information is the levels of creatine kinase and creatine kinase MB band, which are released both after prolonged exercise and after an acute myocardial infarction. Staubli et al. (1985) showed that the levels of these two enzymes were similar in runners after a marathon and patients fol¬ lowing an acute myocardial infarction. Unfortunately, some patients have not been prop¬ erly screened with laboratory evaluations. And some have previously been incompletely evaluated. In an evaluation of iron status, for example, in addition to the more common tests such as hemoglobin, he¬ matocrit, and serum iron, a more comprehensive evaluation would include measuring ferritin, total iron-binding capacity and its percentage saturation, and transferrin. While some athletes are truly anemic, practi¬ tioners should be cautious about presuming this con¬ dition in athletes on the basis of symptoms alone, especially in women, without having the benefits of laboratory results. Labeling athletes with tradi¬ tional terms, such as “sports anemia,” is contrain¬ dicated in many male and female athletes who more often have normal complete blood counts (Douglas 1989). Even some positive laboratory results may be an improper diagnosis because of when blood is drawn. Recent prolonged exercise may produce a
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“dilutional anemia” by increasing serum ferritin lev¬ els, masking a true iron deficiency; these changes may require up to six days to return to normal (Dickson et al. 1982). Scheduling and interpreting the patient’s blood test should be done with care. It should also be noted that blood tests for vita¬ mins and minerals are commonly employed. How¬ ever, these merely reflect a particular nutrient’s level in the blood and not necessarily the level in the tis¬ sues. It is possible to have low tissue nutrient levels with normal blood tests (Miyajima et al. 1989) or deficient dietary intakes that are not reflected in a blood test (Lukaski and Penland 1996), which can adversely affect performance. The suggestion is that blood tests for nutrients may be useful as a screen¬ ing process and not as an absolute indication of nutrient status. Another common presumption made by some athletes and practitioners is that exercise automati¬ cally provides protection against conditions such as heart disease. As a result, sometimes certain tests are not performed. Blood tests in trained athletes to rule out potential disease are just as important as in people who are beginning an exercise program. Hubinger et al. (1995) failed to show, in athletes who averaged approximately 60 km (37 miles) per week, any improvements in lipoprotein(a). High concentrations of lipoprotein(a) are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Body mass index, gender, and sport type are fac¬ tors that may have varying degrees of relationship to blood test results. For example, Telford and Cunningham (1991) showed that hemoglobin con¬ centration, hematocrit, and red cell count were higher in athletes with higher body mass index and that these measures varied between sports. Women generally had lower red blood indexes and higher white blood cell counts.
SPECIALIZED TESTS In some situations, as the practitioner deems neces¬ sary, additional testing may be performed based on the patient’s history and evaluations. This supplemen¬ tal testing includes certain blood tests, the cold pres¬ sor test, salivary hormone evaluation, and respiratory quotient. These tests are used when additional infor¬ mation is needed regarding the patient’s function.
Special Blood Tests In certain groups of athletes, a higher incidence of some relatively uncommon problems is sometimes evident. In these cases, special blood or urine tests may be necessary. For example, lead levels may be a concern for patients who exercise in areas of high atmospheric lead. Orlando et al. (1994) found sig¬ nificantly higher blood lead levels in runners from various geographical locations in comparison to nonrunners. The levels in these runners significantly correlated with intensity and frequency of the work¬ outs. Blood tests for lead may be important in such cases. Another example is kidney stones. Irving et al. (1986) found that marathon runners had a significantly higher incidence of renal stone formation than the general population. Urine tests for calcium may pro¬ vide valuable information in these types of patients. Other specialized blood tests may be used in pa¬ tients suspected of having food sensitivities or al¬ lergies. Some patients absorb whole proteins resulting in the production of IgG, IgA, and IgE an¬ tibodies, which can be measured in the serum (Kolopp-Sarda et al. 1997). Common allergens in¬ clude proteins from cow’s milk, soy, and egg white. However, rather than routinely performing these tests, the practitioner may use them to verify the results of a good assessment process. In addition, proper treatment may eliminate most secondary food allergies, the type that is most common. Conse¬ quently these tests may be most useful in later ses¬ sions to assess any additional needs or in cases in which patients are not responding to the therapy.
Cold Pressor Test The cold pressor test helps determine whether the patient has sympathetic dysfunction; it is performed if one suspects a significant autonomic imbalance. One of the patient’s hands (up to the wrist joint) is immersed in ice water of about 8 °C (46 °F) for 2 min (Mishra and Mahajan 1996), and blood pres¬ sure is then measured. This produces a sympathetic/ adrenergic reaction resulting in vasoconstriction, tachycardia, and transient hypertension and serves as a general test for vasomotor function and sympa¬ thetic responsiveness (van den Berg and Smit 1997). Shimizu et al. (1992) demonstrated a significant increase in both epinephrine and norepinephrine fol¬ lowing the cold pressor test in normal subjects.
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While the cardiovascular responses to the cold pressor test are reproducible (Rashed et al. 1997), there may be considerable individual differences (Fasano et al. 1996)—some resulting from fitness levels, diet (i.e., caffeine intake), stress, and other lifestyle factors at the time of the test. In general, some patients show higher levels of sympathetic drive and increased response to the adrenergic stimu¬ lation of the cold pressor test (Herkenhoff et al. 1994). Typically, patients who are more fit have higher muscle sympathetic nerve activity both at rest and during the cold pressor test (Ng et al. 1994), but their cardiovascular responses may be signifi¬ cantly attenuated (Brandon et al. 1991). Individuals who do not exhibit an increase in blood pressure during or immediately after the cold pressor test may exhibit reduced sympathetic ner¬ vous system function (Sakai et al. 1996). As this test does not indicate what may be causing the dysfunction, the problem must be discovered by other assessment methods. In diabetes, the initial blood pressure response is significantly lessened (Luft et al. 1996). According to Sanderson et al. (1997), “In Syndrome X patients there is coronary endothelial dysfunction which is apparent in re¬ sponse to physiological stimuli induced by the cold pressor test” (p. 414). Instead of the normal dila¬ tion of the coronary arteries, these patients showed vasoconstriction with a significant decrease in blood flow. Given the variety of factors associated with the cold pressor test, no normal ranges are established. However, Seals (1990) showed in healthy subjects that systolic blood pressure increased an average of 24 mmHg and heart rate increased an average of six beats with a 90-sec test using one hand. (In this same study, muscle sympathetic nerve activity increased by 187%.) Changes above or below these general numbers may indicate dysfunction in the sympathetic nervous system, hormonal system, or both.
Salivary Hormone Tests It is possible to successfully and accurately mea¬ sure certain hormone activity through saliva. Pe¬ ters et al. (1982) showed that in the case of cortisol, salivary assay may provide results of greater diag¬ nostic significance than plasma concentrations. Salivary profiles for specific hormones may be
extremely useful in a complementary sports medi¬ cine practice; these include cortisol, DHEA(S), es¬ trogens, progesterone, and testosterone—all measurable through salivary means. Salivary col¬ lection, as opposed to drawing blood, is also useful since it samples patients in their own environments rather than in a doctor’s office, laboratory, or hos¬ pital, where they are often feeling added stress— which may affect the outcome of the test. In some cases, it may be most advantageous to measure these hormones four times oyer a 24-hr period. This is almost a priority for hormones such as cortisol, since cortisol level varies through the day and a patient may be normal in the morning but have a very high cortisol level at noon, at 4 p.m., or in the evening. In other cases, when regular hormone evaluation is necessary, such as during brief but high-stress train¬ ing periods prior to a competitive season, the con¬ venience of salivary testing is clear. In difficult cases, hormones such as estrogen can be measured for longer periods, for example during part or all of a menstrual cycle. Impaired hormonal function may be a diagnos¬ tic marker for overtraining (Barron et al. 1985), a common problem in sport. Various hormone tests, including measures of cortisol, DHEA(S), and the testosterone/cortisol ratio, can be used as an indica¬ tion of the anabolic/catabolic balance of the athlete (Urhausen et al. 1997). O’Connor etal. (1989) found that depression and cortisol levels were significantly higher during overtraining, and Ding et al. (1988) reported that high cortisol was also associated with exercise-related amenorrhea. This is in agreement with results of De Cree et al. (1995), who showed that high-intensity activities are associated with low estrogen. According to Keizer et al. (1989), DHEA(S) seems to be an even more useful marker during training than cortisol. Even patients with painful injuries, such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction, can show significantly higher cortisol levels due to pain (Jones et al. 1997). Salivary samples are collected with a kit contain¬ ing vials for each collection time. Each vial con¬ tains compact cotton. Patients place the cotton in the mouth, moisten it thoroughly, and place it back in the vial. When all samples have been taken, the kit is returned to the laboratory for evaluation. Avoidance of certain foods and drinks during the
Functional Testing and Interpretation
test period is specified by the laboratory in written instructions. Throughout this text we will consider
Table 8.1 Percentage of Kilocalories Derived From Carbohydrates and Fats
functional imbalances associated with abnormal hormone levels, especially cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA[S]).
% Carbohydrates
% Fat
Respiratory Quotient
As noted earlier, the vast majority of our energy
comes from the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. About 40% of the breakdown of glucose and fatty
acids is converted to adenosine triphosphate, with the remaining 60% being dissipated as heat. The con¬ version of glucose and fatty acids to energy depends on 02 availability, with the reaction producing car¬ bon dioxide (C02) and water; both of these gases are exchanged in the lungs. This pulmonary transaction normally equals the amount exchanged by the body’s tissues (Wilmore and Costill 1994). Direct calorim¬ etry measures this heat loss as a way to obtain infor¬ mation about energy production. This is expensive and not practical for the clinician, who can use indi¬ rect calorimetry to obtain similar information. Indi¬ rect calorimetry is a useful means of acquiring data on the amount of energy production from both glu¬ cose and fatty acids. By measuring gas exchange in the lungs, that is, the CO, exhaled in relation to the 02 consumed, it is possible to determine the amount of glucose and fatty acid used for energy during rest or activity. This ratio of C02 to 00 is referred to as the respira¬ tory quotient (RQ) or respiratory exchange ratio. During the complete oxidation of a molecule of glu¬ cose, six molecules of C02 are produced and six molecules of 02 are consumed. The RQ, then, for
Adapted, by permission, from W. McArdle, F. Katch and V. Katch, 1991, Exercise physiology, 4th ed. (Bal¬ timore: Williams & Wilkins), 153.
highly unlikely that a person would be utilizing 100% carbohydrate or 100% fat for energy (an RQ
By means of the chart shown in table 8.1, the RQ can also be converted to a percentage of glucose and fatty acids used as energy, making it a more helpful tool for educating patients. For example, in a person obtaining about half of his or her energy from carbohydrates and half from fats, the RQ would be 0.85; 40% carbohydrates and 60% fats is an RQ of 0.82. This method of determining the percentage of kilocalories from carbohydrates and fats does not consider protein sources of energy (which are gen¬ erally very small). Table 8.1 gives some of the non¬ protein RQ equivalents as a percentage (McArdle
of 1.0 or 0.7); rather it will be a combination of the
etal. 1991).
two that is used. Therefore, the RQ for a given indi¬ vidual is usually between 1.0 and 0.7. In chapter 2
Using Respiratory Quotient
glucose is determined: 6 C02/6 02 = 1.0. More 02 is required to oxidize fat, with different fatty acids yielding slightly different results. Palm¬ itic acid, for example, produces 16 C02 molecules for every 23 molecules of Cf,: 16 C02/23 02 = 0.69. The RQ for fat is usually considered to be 0.7. It is
we noted the importance of utilizing lower RQs for both endurance sports and overall health.
The practitioner may have many reasons to use RQ as an assessment tool. It is an accurate method of
Complementary Sports Medicine
determining substrate utilization; it ensures that the patient is building a high level of endurance; it moni¬ tors people attempting to lose body fat; and it may help assess imbalances in patients with recurrent structural, chemical, and mental/emotional injuries. It is also useful as a general screening tool and one that can be used for comparison with the Maximum Aerobic Function test described in chapter 13. Testing with a gas analyzer at one time was an optional assessment due to reduced availability and expense. With the advent of portable, accurate equipment and lower costs, determining the RQ may be more practical and an evaluation to consider with many patients. Compact and user-friendly equip¬ ment enables practitioners to measure RQ with a gas analyzer in a clinical setting or sports environ¬ ment (see figure 8.1). This technology allows the user to perform the test on a treadmill, on an ergometer, or on most exercise equipment (or at rest) and provides a printout of the results, which, in ad¬
Figure 8.1
AeroSport gas analyzer
Reprinted by permission of AeroSport, Inc.
dition to RQ, may include heart rate, volume of oxygen (V02), volume of carbon dioxide (VCOQ, and other results depending on the specific type of equipment used. Table 8.2 is an example of a print¬ out obtained with an AeroSport. When evaluating patients with a gas analyzer, it is important to adhere to a strict protocol, especially in doing reevaluations. Time of day, previous meal, and training schedule relationships must be consis¬ tent. During the evaluation, warm-up, workload, heart rate, and other issues should be consistent. The type of footwear the patient is using should also be noted, as oversupported shoes affect 02 uptake (Jorgensen 1990). Correlating the RQ with a spe¬ cific heart rate helps adjust to these many variables. For example, measuring the monthly RQ at specific heart rates during treadmill running is an effective tool for a runner training for competition. As RQ decreases at the same heart rate, the pace should improve (i.e., speed should increase).
Functional Testing and Interpretation
Table 8.2
AeroSport TEEM 100 Metabolic Analyzer
Patient ID# 1457
Weight kg 65.5
Predicted Values
BP 734 mmHG Female
Starting temp 20° Age 34 years
Height cm 175.3 BSA 1.892m2
BMI 21.41
BMR 33.53
RMR 1450 kcal/24 hr
MaxHR 186
co2% o2%
Total calories = 95.31 Total grams fat = 2.27 Total grams CHO = 17.97 Peak V02 = 2.66 and is 144% predicted BP = barometric pressure; BSA = body surface area; BMI = body mass index; BMR = basal metabolic rate; RMR = resting metabolic rate; HR = heart rate; VEs = expired ventilatory volume per minute-BTPS (body temperature pressure standard); VEb = expired ventilatory volume per minute-STPD (standard temperature pressure dry); Tru02 = true oxygen %; %CHO = % carbohydrate expended. Reprinted by permission of AeroSport, Inc.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Table 8.3 The Relationship Between Heart Rate and Respiratory Quotient in a Highly Aerobically Fit Athlete Heart rate
Table 8.3 shows actual relationships between an athlete’s heart rate and RQ. Applying these ideas is very simple and is helpful especially for the practi¬ tioner who does not have a gas analyzer. With the ease and convenience of these measure¬ ments come some limitations. As already mentioned, these determinations do not consider the protein contribution to energy. This can be determined by measuring nitrogen loss in urine and sweat, which is not possible for the average practitioner (and usu¬ ally not necessary). Since the amount of energy de¬ rived from protein is very small, especially under the conditions of measuring RQ, this error becomes relatively insignificant. Measurements of RQ should be made only dur¬ ing submaximal exercise or at rest. During highintensity workouts, the C02 produced in the lungs may not reflect the amounts in the tissues, perhaps because of the deep breathing that accompanies a hard effort. In addition, if the workout intensity is high enough to produce excess blood lactate (so that production is greater than the breakdown), tissue pH is lowered and the body attempts to raise the pH by producing more C02. Despite these relatively minor problems, RQ is an excellent assessment tool in the clinical environment.
Certain dietary or nutritional imbalances may ad¬ versely affect RQ. In patients whose aerobic sys¬ tem functioning is low, the ability to utilize fatty acids is also low. This is reflected in a higher RQ. Athletes with higher RQs may have a higher rate of injury; patients who adhere to an effective program including training, diet and nutrition, and other lifestyle factors typically show lower RQs. Those needing to decrease body fat can be monitored to ensure that the appropriate metabolic changes are taking place, and overall good health may be refleeted in a lower RQ. Individuals who are more aerobically developed are generally healthier and more fit. As aerobic func¬ tion improves, the patient’s overall health improves. This correlation was shown by Leaf and Allen (1988), who demonstrated the relationship between RQ and lipid profiles. Maffetone (1997) also showed a relationship between RQ and the patient’s subjec¬ tive complaints. Table 8.4 provides some examples of this relationship. *
Table 8.4 The Relationship Between Patients' Respiratory Quotients (as a Percentage of Substrate Utilization) at Rest and Their Subjective Complaints
RQ as percentage fat and sugar
88% sugar, 12% fat
Extreme fatigue, insomnia, 45 lb overweight
74% sugar, 26% fat
Afternoon and evening fatigue, asthma, headaches
62% sugar, 38% fat
4 p.m. fatigue, seasonal allergies, 10 lb overweight
55% sugar, 45% fat
Chronic, mild knee pain; indigestion
42% sugar, 58% fat
Occasional low back pain
37% sugar, 63% fat
Functional Testing and Interpretation
In addition to the assessment tools described in
this chapter, practitioners may wish to include other common tests, such as range of motion, split weight
Determining dysfunction begins with clues from the
measurements, Master 2-step tests, and others.
patient during the history-taking process, with addi¬
Without a complete picture of the patient’s physi¬
tional information from a document like the Symp¬
cal, chemical, and mental/emotional state, therapy
tom Survey and various tests. For example, a patient
becomes less focused and less specific, more ran¬ dom and more expensive. It is also likely to be less
who complains of fatigue as a primary problem may have checked many symptoms in Group Seven F
successful, and progression or regression will be more difficult to evaluate.
(hypoadrenia). This makes the practitioner think of a possible adrenal dysfunction as associated with the
Table 8.5 is a review of the tests described in this chapter.
patient’s fatigue. This information is further verified
Table 8.5
by a functional orthostatic hypotension. With more indicators pointing to adrenal dysfunction, the
Routine Office and Special Assessments
Name of test
Expected or normal
Possible abnormal
Postural BP
Take BP lying, then immediately standing
Increased systolic pressure by 8 mmHg
Functional or orthostatic hypotension
Exercise BP
Compare BP at rest and during exercise
e manipulation, lifestyle
extravertebral, spine, cranium (muscle imbalance,
factors (shoes, bruxism); if secondary: address primary
TMJ problems)
needs such as muscle imbalance
ASSESSMENT 4. Inflammation (over- or undertraining, eicosanoid imbalance due to diet and lifestyle factors)
TREATMENT Balance fats:
T and i specific fats as needed; supply
necessary nutrients; modify lifestyle factors
5. Fatigue (structural, chemical, and mental causes)
Assess and treat cause(s)
6. Triad of athletic dysfunction
Assess and treat causes
7. Misinformed athlete (social trends, media,
advertisements) 8. Feelings of depression and blood sugar-type mental or emotional stress symptoms (adrenal and
Improve adrenal dysfunction; balance diet (especially carbohydrates and omega-3 fats)
autonomic dysfunction, neurotransmitter imbalance) 9. Depression and anxiety (overtraining, Cl,
Treat cause; possible need to treat emotional reflexes
aerobic deficiency, tlactate)
STRUCTURAL INJURIES Perhaps the most common structural injury encoun¬ tered by practitioners is muscle inhibition due to localized micro- or macrotrauma, often making it a primary problem. This is frequently the result of acute trauma, such as a collision between two ath¬ letes in a team event, a fall from a bike or during a cross-country run, or a strain or sprain occurring during anaerobic training or competition. More of¬ ten, however, this problem results from more chronic activities, such as those performed by the athlete during the overtraining process and is an accumu¬ lation of localized stress. In many cases, poor aero¬
bic muscle fiber development, a problem associated with aerobic deficiency states, may be a major con¬ tributing factor. Muscle “tightness” (overfacilitation or sometimes spasm) may follow inhibition. This secondary ten¬ sion is usually symptomatic. However, the primary muscle inhibition is usually asymptomatic, espe¬ cially in its early stages, although the joint(s) it sup¬ ports will often be dysfunctional and symptomatic. The specific site of injury is often at the origin and/or insertion of the muscle, that is, the musculo¬ tendinous junction. Successful correction of this problem usually results in immediate improvement in muscle function, including improved range of
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
motion and significant reduction or elimination of pain. A rapid reduction in associated factors, includ¬ ing swelling, follows over the subsequent 24-48 hr. Assessment is made by taking the history and by manually testing the muscle(s) in question. Therapylocalizing the origin and/or insertion helps the prac¬ titioner establish the precise location of therapy. Correction of this type of muscle inhibition is
ians through stimulation of certain points, or dietary and nutritional modifications through diet recom¬ mendations and the use of supplements. For ex¬ ample, shoulder pain due to a teres minor muscle inhibition may require stimulation of Chapman’s reflexes for the thyroid and stimulation of acupunc¬ ture points on the TH meridian.
accomplished with manual pressure at the origin and/or insertion of the muscle, using a technique referred to as Golgi tendon organ (GTO)/spindle cell therapy. Muscle inhibition is treated by pushing the muscle away from its attachment and releasing it (allowing a rebound effect). This produces facilita¬ tion. It is important to be precise in the location of the therapy, to ensure that all muscle fibers are stimu¬ lated. The muscle is retested to verify that it has normalized. The patient is asked to perform some activity immediately after the procedure, and the muscle is then retested. A return of muscle inhibi¬ tion means that additional therapy is needed. In some cases, patients are asked to perform a brief bout of their normal training or competition activity (i.e., swinging a golf club, throwing a ball, running) so
that the effectiveness of therapy can be evaluated. In most cases, applying the proper therapy will al¬ low the patient to resume almost immediately a sig¬ nificant amount of training or competition without further damage.
SECONDARY MUSCLE INHIBITION Another common pattern of muscle inhibition occurs secondary to other, primary dysfunction, in¬ cluding organ or gland dysfunction (i.e., adrenal, thyroid, gastrointestinal), joint dysfunction (i.e., ankle or spinal, including cranial), acupuncture meridian imbalance, or dietary or nutritional imbal¬ ance. This type of muscle inhibition must be differentiated from the muscle problems described earlier, and can also result in further secondary muscle tightness and joint dysfunction. The treatment of this problem is not localized but rather is directed to the causes. This means treat¬ ment of Chapman’s reflexes associated with the organs or glands, correction of the specific joint dysfunction, balancing of the acupuncture merid¬
Another very common structural problem is joint complex dysfunction (JCD). Primary joint problems are usually the result of trauma, similar to the trauma causing localized muscle inhibition. Secondary JCD, the most common type, is usually the result of muscle inhibition such that the muscle does not support a joint or allow it to move in its normal range. These problems may not be observed on static X-ray examination since they are of a functional type, although later stages may demonstrate degen¬ eration, a displaced vertebra, or other pathology. Joint complex dysfunction can occur in any joint and may produce pain and dysfunction, limiting ranges of motion and potentially and ultimately caus¬ ing other secondary problems (muscle imbalance, inflammation, joint degeneration, etc.). In the very early stages, this problem may not produce pain but instead causes other dysfunction such as diminished range of motion or loss of maximum muscle func¬ tion. This early JCD, if not corrected by the body or with the help of a practitioner, typically worsens— producing more dysfunction, including pain. Joint complex dysfunction commonly occurs in the pelvis (sacroiliac), extravertebral joints (talus or first metatarsal), spine, wrist, or temporoman¬ dibular joint (TMJ). The most important therapeu¬ tic consideration is whether this joint problem is primary or, as is often the case, secondary. If it is secondary, the primary problems must be addressed therapeutically. With successful therapy, the second¬ ary structural problem is usually self-correcting. However, as discussed further on, concurrent in¬ flammation usually accompanies JCD, and this may not self-correct and may require further chemical intervention. Primary JCD most often occurs in the foot and ankle, taking the form of a talus bone dysfunction.
Complementary Sports Medicine
for example. This type of problem may be treated with gentle manipulation or non-force technique as discussed in earlier chapters. Associated primary lifestyle stresses are often contributing factors and include the type of shoes worn by the patient; shoes may be oversupported, may fit improperly, or both. “Weaning” the patient into a flatter, more healthy shoe may take time, as the leg and foot muscles must adapt to the changes.
CRANIAL DYSFUNCTION Another common type of primary JCD is cranial dysfunction, usually associated with phases of res¬ piration as described in previous chapters. Most fre¬ quently seen is the inspiration-assisted cranial fault, which is also the easiest to assess and correct. This problem typically causes numerous secondary muscle inhibitions; it may be associated with local pain or be a contributing factor to other pain syn¬ dromes, including JCD in the spine. With use of a secondary muscle inhibition as a tool, patients are asked to inhale and hold their breath; normaliza¬ tion of the inhibited muscle as a result is a positive sign for this common fault. There may be other ver¬ sions of respiratory faults, and some cranial faults are not associated with the breathing mechanism (i.e., the sagittal suture fault). Cranial dysfunction may be a long-standing prob¬ lem, possibly caused by stress during birth or by trauma to the head or neck at any time in life. Occa¬ sionally, muscle imbalance may be causal or con¬ tributory, especially inhibition of the sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius, or neck ex¬ tensors, or tightness of the temporalis. Temporoman¬ dibular joint imbalance, due to oral health problems such as a missing tooth or bruxism, may also con¬ tribute to cranial dysfunction or may be a primary problem in itself.
INFLAMMATION One of the most common, and damaging, chemical injuries in sport is inflammation. This term, how¬ ever, should be preceded by the word “excess,” as the inflammatory process is part of the normal re¬
covery from training and competition. Allowing the body to balance the inflammatory process may be the ideal approach rather than the use of nonsteroi¬ dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which in¬ hibit both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. Excess inflammation occurs when eicosanoid balance is not maintained because of imbalances of Group A, B, or C fats; or because of an insufficiency of nutrients necessary to convert the Group A and C fats to the anti-inflammatory eicosanoids (i.e., Series 1 and 3); or because of in¬ creased inhibitory products or lifestyle factors that inhibit the production of Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids (i.e., trans fats, excess insulin, stress, etc.). In most patients, a combination of these factors contributes to excess inflammation and the resultant conditions. Various names are attached to conditions associ¬ ated with, and often caused by, excess inflamma¬ tion—the “itis” problems. These include Achilles tendinitis, plantar fascitis, and arthritis, among oth¬ ers. Unfortunately, it is common in mainstream medicine to treat these conditions locally rather than to consider the cause of the excess inflammatory process (or other recurring structural imbalances that produce inflammation). In many cases, patients use aspirin or other NSAIDs to reduce the inflamma¬ tion and/or the associated pain. If these drugs are successful in their actions, this effect should inform the complementary sports medicine practitioner that the patient’s fats may not be balanced and that the patient is a good candidate for dietary/nutritional therapy. Apart from patients who are training regularly, those who are inactive and unfit may have inflam¬ mation as a result of the “deconditioning syndrome.” This is sometimes observed, for example, in the spinal joints. Eicosanoid imbalance is also evident in most of these patients. Although the acute phase may last up to 72 hr, the body may require many months to completely recover from an inflammatory process, even one that is not dramatic. For example, a chronic low back problem that includes an inflammatory process may take up to a year to fully recovery chemically. The signs and symptoms, however, can often be signifi¬ cantly improved within hours or days, with func-
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
tion restored quickly. Subsequently, dietary and nutritional balance must be maintained, not only to ensure complete recovery, but also to prevent the chemical injury from recurring.
FATIGUE Another very common chemical injury is fatigue. It is an end-result symptom of potentially many imbalances on a structural, chemical, and mental/ emotional level. Physically, poor diaphragm muscle function may contribute and may be related to cranial respiratory dysfunction. Chemical causes are the most common. While traditional conditions, such as anemia, are often mentioned but never di¬ agnosed, functional problems are most often the cause—carbohydrate intolerance (Cl), aerobic deficiency, and overtraining (the triad of athletic dys¬ function) being the most prevalent of these causes. Mental or emotional stress may cause adrenal dysfunction, producing fatigue. In addition, imbal¬ ances in neurotransmitters could result in a mental fatigue, as noted in connection with mental injuries later in this chapter. The symptom of fatigue itself may become a stress, leading to a vicious cycle. Thus adrenal dys¬ function is often associated with this problem, es¬ pecially chronic fatigue. Patients’ overall quality of life is often affected by fatigue, which impacts their structural, chemical, and mental/emotional capaci¬ ties—potentially leading to problems with work, family, or social life, and not just in sport. Fatigue is usually associated with a high respira¬ tory quotient—a diminished ability to generate en¬ ergy from fatty acids, thus a greater reliance on glucose. This is reflected in less effective training and competition performances and assessed by a worsening Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) test. In addition, many patients with fatigue have in¬ creased body fat content. Perhaps this chemical injury, fatigue, impels more patients to seek self-remedies than any other, espe¬ cially when medical tests fail to find the cause. Rem¬ edies include “diets,” low calorie or low fat, both often resulting in more fatigue in many patients. Self-prescribing nutrients is also common, with iron
being a popular supplement. This can be dangerous in many patients, especially men, because of the potential of excess iron storage (as ferritin) and its relationship to heart disease and oxygen free radi¬ cals. Perhaps the most common “remedy” for fa¬ tigue is caffeine—patients drink more coffee, tea, and cola in an attempt to “get more energy.” This puts further stress on an already dysfunctional ad¬ renal gland and can worsen the problem. Other dietary factors may also be a cause of fatigue; a common one is functional malabsorption. This is sometimes associated with hypo- or achlo¬ rhydria, causing secondary malabsorption of various nutrients. Autonomic imbalance may con¬ tribute to this problem. Dehydration is another dietary factor common in patients who are fatigued.
TRIAD OF ATHLETIC DYSFUNCTION A third chemical injury, perhaps the most common syndrome in sport, encompasses aerobic deficiency, adrenal dysfunction, and overtraining, as discussed in chapter 27 as the triad of athletic dysfunction. In its early stages, this condition is treated easily and is completely reversible. Proper care should not only restore normal function in the patient’s athletic abil¬ ity; but when the body’s structural, chemical, and mental/emotional states are well balanced, perfor¬ mance can reach its highest level. In the third stage of this triad, however, the chemical problems are difficult to treat, and longer-term care is necessary to restore health; often fitness never returns to very high levels. In some cases, quality of life is greatly diminished and the disease process is well defined.
MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL INJURIES Although not usually thought of as injuries, prob¬ lems may develop in patients with mental and emo¬ tional stress, including anxiety and depression, due to confusion and misunderstandings about their body. This type of injury is not uncommon. The 46year-old physically injured masters athlete who is
Complementary Sports Medicine
told that she is too old for competition, the young professional athlete—now considering retirement— who is unable to find relief from debilitating knee
pounds any existing stresses, especially those asso¬ ciated with overtraining, Cl, or adrenal dysfunction.
pain, and the overtrained athlete who no longer knows where to turn for help are examples of people in whom these frustrations can lead to mental/emo¬ tional injury. Many of these injuries are secondary but nonetheless significant, and pose a major prob¬
lem for many patients. The most common cause of this type of problem is a misunderstanding or indoctrination regarding normal body function. This can originate from sport tradition in the form of social trends, especially the “no pain, no gain” philosophy. Regular comments by sports announcers suggesting that an athlete is “tough” because he always “plays hurt” stay in the minds of many patients and, most unfortunately, children just being introduced to sport. Advertising campaigns that promote products through unhealthy commentary, quite evident in the athletic shoe mar¬ ket as already described, are another good example. Many companies spend billions of dollars to adver¬ tise their products seductively, and successfully, leaving the athlete miseducated—and eventually confused and stressed. It is the job of the practitioner to educate the pa¬ tient regarding balanced health and fitness (recall that the word “doctor” means teacher). This includes the realities of foot function and shoes, diet/nutri¬ tion and energy, and training and performance, to name three major issues patients may not properly understand. Practitioners who have an effective and well-trained (i.e., educated) staff can teach patients a great deal. Making reliable information available to patients can be crucial in the education process; in addition to one-on-one education, such informa¬ tion can take the form of notes on particular topics, copies of articles and books, and lectures by staff or practitioner.
Other common mental and emotional stresses are those secondary to blood sugar-handling problems triggered by excess sympathetic nervous system activity and adrenal dysfunction. These are listed on the symptom survey or other forms completed by patients and are discussed during the initial his¬ tory taking. They include irritability before meals or if eating is delayed, moodiness with intake of too many sweets, feelings of depression between meals or immediately after consumption of particu¬ lar foods, and anxiety. Thyroid dysfunction may cause similar symptoms, including reduced initia¬ tive. So-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may be associated with these mental/emotional injuries, developing during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. Some symptoms evolve as a result of neurotrans¬ mitter imbalance, especially between serotonin and norepinephrine. This may result from consumption of a diet too high in carbohydrates or from changes in blood sugar balance in the brain. Whatever the cause, this type of imbalance is relatively easy to assess according to the basic procedures discussed throughout this text. More advanced depression or anxiety may exist secondary to conditions such as overtraining and Cl. High lactate levels also can produce psychiatric symptoms. These mental and emotional injuries can be evident in patients with no psychiatric history.
PAIN AS AN INJURY As a separate entity, pain evokes structural, chemi¬
athletes with chronic structural and chemical dys¬ function who have unsuccessfully consulted many types of practitioners, taken many drugs and nutri¬
cal, and mental/emotional responses and is reviewed separately here. In addition to its protective and re¬ cuperative role, preventing the athlete from under¬ going additional training or competitive stress, pain can be viewed as an injury in the same way as the
tional supplements, followed many diets, and read many books, but are no better off—and frequently worse off—than when they started. This stress com¬
other nine impairments. Pain and the use of pain control techniques in complementary sports medi¬ cine were discussed in chapter 17.
A similar mental and emotional stress occurs in
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
The primary and most obvious task with a pa¬ tient in pain is to rule out more serious problems that may require emergency care or referral to a specialist. Having done so, the practitioner assesses and treats the cause of the pain. There is no special treatment for pain as such other than to correct ex¬ isting imbalances. In many cases, correction im¬ proves or eliminates most of the pain. However, in some cases, acupuncture therapy may reduce or eliminate pain that continues after the use of appro¬ priate therapy. For example, sometimes pain is due to inflammation and other damage in a tendon, liga¬ ment, muscle, or joint. Correcting the soft tissue and joint dysfunction may reduce the pain, but some pain may continue. Use of acupuncture methods may eliminate the remaining pain. In another case, if the patient has a painful fibula fracture, for example, and is also under the care of an orthopedist, the complementary use of acupunc¬ ture pain control can be very helpful. Such therapy may be especially beneficial in obviating the need
for aspirin or other NSAIDs, which can slow or delay the healing process.
CLINICAL NOTES Following are five case histories exemplifying situ¬ ations that typically confront the complementary sports medicine practitioner. Note especially the on-the-field care in the first case, and the differ¬ ence between the main complaint of the patient (“injury”) and the primary findings in the other four cases. The first case demonstrates the importance and potential effectiveness of acute or on-the-field care that may be necessary during an event (e.g., basket¬ ball, baseball, football), between events (e.g., track and field), or at other times, such as during an Olym¬ pics or a long stage race. In some cases a practi¬ tioner who travels with a team or individual athlete can transform a hotel room or recreational vehicle into an office setting.
Case History 1 Gary was in the final round of basketball for his school when he "pulled" his right hamstring and was in pain. He was unable to run with a normal gait or without pain, and also risked further injury if he played the next game that afternoon. Gary's right hamstring muscles were tested in the locker room and found to be inhibited; the testing was also very painful. Inhalation normalized the muscle and allowed a normal test with little pain. Therapy localization to the origin of the lateral hamstring (biceps femoris) and to the insertion of its short head were the only positive areas. The cranial fault was corrected and GTO therapy applied. The muscles then tested normal. Gary was asked to lightly run in place, which he could accomplish with an 80% reduction in pain. The hamstrings test continued to be normal. Gary was asked to mimic his actions during play (especially quick movements). Within about 30 sec, the pain returned. The hamstrings were tested and found to be inhibited again. Respiration no longer affected the muscle. Therapy localization to the insertion of the medial hamstrings was positive and corrected with GTO therapy. This allowed Gary to move quickly in a normal gait with about an 80% reduction in pain. An hour later, the hamstring muscles continued to be normal, and no cranial fault was present. However, a pectoralis major clavicular (PMC) tested standing was inhibited but was normal in the non-weight-bearing condi¬ tion. This was due to a calcaneal imbalance in the right foot, which was corrected with light manipulation. After this therapy, the weight-bearing PMC test was normal. Gary was able to play the whole game with no additional pain or further injury.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Case History 2 Andrea, age 36, presented with chronic bilateral knee pain. Previous X-rays had been negative. Her main concern was the knee pain, although a longtime goal was running a marathon. During the history, Andrea admitted to symptoms of exercise-induced asthma (EIA) that she had experienced since her teens but had not listed on her initial forms. Daily medication improved the symptoms. She also noted adverse reactions to dairy products, a worsening of symptoms during stress, and gradual weight gain over the past five years. The history and examination revealed signs and symptoms of adre¬ nal dysfunction. Andrea had insomnia, difficulty with night vision, and symptoms of blood sugar dysfunction including constant hunger, moodiness, and feelings of depres¬ sion if she missed meals. She was often light-headed upon standing quickly. Among the primary examination findings were orthostatic hypotension, a very low vital capac¬ ity and breath-holding time, below-normal oral temperature at 36.2 °C (97.2 °F), and inhibition of both the sartorius and the right tibialis posterior muscles. Dietary assess¬ ment revealed a high-carbohydrate, low-fat, and low-protein diet that included low-fat milk with cereal each morning. Andrea also consumed a popular sports drink before each workout. Her fat ratio showed very high Group A and B fats. Numerous second¬ ary structural problems were noted (not described beyond this point), including a pel¬ vic Category II fault, several spinal joint problems, and a talus bone dysfunction. A separate session was scheduled to explain the meanings of these problems, relate them to Andrea's signs and symptoms, provide clear recommendations about future sessions and expectations, and ensure that Andrea understood her role and was willing to co¬ operate. After agreeing, Andrea was scheduled for another session. At her next treatment session Andrea was given dietary recommendations, with ex¬ planations, that included avoiding all dairy products, increasing Group C fats and re¬ ducing Group A and B fats, increasing proteins, and avoiding all sugar and sugarcontaining food (including her sports drink). Correction of both sartorius and tibialis posterior muscle inhibition was achieved by stimulating Chapman's reflexes, and there was a positive oral challenge for choline (one tablet to be chewed every 3 hr for the first five days, then four times daily). After Andrea ran in place for 2 min, the right tibialis posterior muscle inhibition returned. This was corrected using GTO/spindle cell therapy. A recommendation for flatter running shoes was given. Training recommendations included using a heart monitor and not exceeding a heart rate of 140, avoiding all anaerobic training (including weights) and racing, and per¬ forming a MAF test. Andrea was scheduled for her next session in three weeks. It should be noted that this session totaled about 60 min. At the next session, Andrea stated that her left knee was 90% improved and the right 50%; EIA symptoms were 50% improved. Systolic blood pressure difference from lying to standing was about the same at 110 mmHg. Vital capacity and breath-holding were normal, and temperature remained the same. Dietary and training compliance seemed good. Her MAF test was 9:50 per mile. Several key factors were assessed and treated. The right sartorius was inhibited (the left was normal) and required stimulation of the right acupuncture point CX 9. The tibialis posterior muscles were normal. Running on a treadmill for 30 min caused the right sartorius inhibition to recur, which normalized only with zinc (one tablet, four times a day; Zinc Liver Chelate, Standard Process, Inc.) Andrea was scheduled for another session in five weeks. At her next session, Andrea stated that her EIA was 95% resolved and that her knee pain had improved 100% during the previous three weeks.
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
She claimed a reduction of body weight of 7 lb. Her MAF test was 9:05 per mile. Systolic pressure increased 6 mmHg upon standing, vital capacity and breath-holding remained normal, and temperature was 36.6 °C (98.0 °F). Muscle function was nor¬ mal. Andrea decided on her own to discontinue her asthma medication. Andrea continued to progress with an occasional brief but minor feeling of right knee pain and/or EIA symptoms during times of work stress (usually resulting from outof-town travel). After about 10 months, Andrea's MAF test was 8:40 per mile. It was agreed that regular sessions about every two months would help maintain body bal¬ ance. During these sessions, relatively minor imbalances were assessed and corrected, and about once each year her diet was reevaluated. Andrea's training was gradually increased and competition added, and about 18 months after the first session she suc¬ cessfully ran her first marathon.
Case History 3 Jack presented with chronic fatigue and three years of diminishing performances. He had always believed that performance was directly related to age, but two older train¬ ing partners who had improved their performances had made the referral. Jack's fasting triglyceride level was 324 mg/dl. His fatigue significantly worsened after meals, espe¬ cially after lunch, when he had to rest for about an hour before resuming work. Despite cycling about 15 hr/week, maintaining a consistent weight, and avoiding high-fat foods, Jack stated that his body fat had increased from about 12% to over 20% in the past five or six years. Jack's mother was diabetic. Examinations revealed many imbalances that appeared secondary to Cl. After these issues were discussed and the possibility of Cl was outlined, Jack agreed to perform the Two-Week test and was scheduled for his next session three weeks later. In addition, he would use a heart monitor during all his workout sessions and avoid all anaerobic training. Despite his understanding of what was required, during the subsequent three-week period Jack had to ask a staff member on several occasions to help him organize his eating plan and answer other questions, especially regarding fears of worsening his triglycerides. During his next session, Jack noted a dramatic improvement in energy. The majority of imbalances seen in the previous session's assessments were not evident. Of the remaining problems, PMC bilateral, quadriceps, and abdominal inhibition were pri¬ mary. Some were corrected by stimulating Chapman's reflexes and appropriate acu¬ puncture points (for the quadriceps and abdominals); the PMC inhibition responded only to an oral challenge using betaine hydrochloride, which was given (two tablets after each meal, Betaine Hydrochloride, Standard Process, Inc.). Other dietary sugges¬ tions were discussed, especially the importance of balancing fats, eating meals without stress, and avoiding "hidden" sugars in foods. Jack was scheduled for a fasting blood test the following morning. Several days later Jack was informed that his triglyceride level was 185 mg/dl. Jack's performances ultimately improved dramatically, surpassing his peak achieve¬ ments of a decade before. His next triglyceride test showed a level of 140 mg/dl, which remained. Jack continued sessions about every six to eight weeks. During these, minor imbalances were found and corrected. After a couple of years, Jack stated that per¬ forming the Two-Week test about every six or eight months helped keep him "on track" regarding his diet, especially in early January after the holiday stress.
Complementary Sports Medicine
Case History 4 Barbara was most concerned about her weight gain. She was unable to exercise be¬ cause of a chronic Achilles tendon problem that worsened during any physical activ¬ ity. Her premenstrual stress was high, and her menstrual periods were profuse. Her goals were just to get healthy and fit; she was not interested in competition like her husband, who had referred her. She was persuaded not to use scale weight but rather waist measurement as a gauge of fat loss. Important findings on her initial assessment were a very low oral temperature of 35.7 °C (96.4 °F) and postural hypotension. Di¬ etary assessment revealed a ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fats that was approximately 30:1. Positive oral nutrient challenges for linseed oil, calcium, and irorr were obtained, and supplements were recommended (Linum B6, three capsules three times daily; Calcium Lactate, two tablets three times daily; Ferrofood, one capsule with breakfast— all Standard Process, Inc.). Dietary recommendations included reducing Group A and Group B and increasing Group C fats. Barbara had inhibition of numerous muscles related to the hormonal system—primarily the tibialis posterior, teres minor, and glu¬ teus medius. Correction of the tibialis posterior, which entailed correction of a cranial respiratory fault and manipulation of the talus bone, allowed Barbara to walk on a treadmill without Achilles pain. However, she was unable to walk even at a slow, easy pace without her heart rate exceeding 145—her maximum aerobic training rate. It was recommended that she walk 20 min five to six days per week at a slower pace using a heart monitor. She was asked to perform a MAF test immediately and another one just before her next session in four weeks. At her next session, Barbara stated that her Achilles had been symptom free for the past two weeks. Her temperature was the same, but systolic blood pressure had in¬ creased 4 mmHg upon standing. Other assessments revealed a nutritional need for niacin and vitamin B6 (through an oral challenge using a recurrent inhibited teres minor muscle); one tablet twice daily was recommended (Niacinamide B6; Standard Process, Inc.). Barbara had just used up all her previous supplements, which were not replaced. Her first MAF test had been about 7:10 per quarter mile and the second about 6:30. Her waist measurement was about .5 in. less than before. She was sched¬ uled for another session in six weeks. At this session, Barbara stated that her past two menstrual periods were much im¬ proved, with about a 50% improvement in PMS symptoms. Her last two MAF tests had been 6:05 and 5:28 per quarter mile. Her Achilles was asymptomatic. Her tibialis posterior, teres minor, and gluteus medius muscles were normal. Her waist measure¬ ment was reduced a total of about 1 in. Barbara continued to show steady improvements. She lost an amount of body fat that was acceptable to her, the Achilles problem never returned, and the menstrual problems were about 85% improved after six months. Barbara chose not to continue further sessions because of insurance denial of coverage. Fourteen months later she returned as a patient, stating that during the previous two months her PMS had wors¬ ened and that her Achilles, over the past month, had been aching after her walks. Evaluation of her diet showed imbalances similar to those found initially, with similar physical findings. She was treated, and she returned in six weeks feeling much im¬ proved. Two months later she felt better, and subsequently continued her care about every two months despite not having insurance coverage.
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
Case History 5 Walter had chronic thoracic, lumbar, and sacroiliac pain that prevented him from con¬ tinuing his training and competition, which he had ended two years previously. In addi¬ tion, he was chronically fatigued, was gaining weight, was depressed, and sought almost continual professional care of various types with limited success. On the basis of the history, Walter appeared to be in the later stages of the triad of athletic dysfunction. There were numerous signs and symptoms of adrenal stress, aerobic deficiency, and overtrain¬ ing, as well as many secondary structural problems and indications for nutritional needs. His initial examination yielded four primary findings. First, he was dehydrated, and it was recommended that he drink at least 3 L of water throughout the day—more if his urine remained yellow. Second, he had an inhibited PMC bilateral, which responded to betaine hydrochloride (two tablets with each meal and one with each small meal or snack; Be¬ taine Hydrochloride, Standard Process, Inc.). Third, his abdominal muscles were bilater¬ ally inhibited; these responded to L-glutamine (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening on an empty stomach with water, L-Glutamine Plus; Nutri-West). These last two nutrients normalized all other inhibited muscles. The fourth finding was a primary cra¬ nial-sacral respiratory fault causing inhibition of both hamstring groups. Correction of these muscles also required treatment of other factors: the PMC muscles were secondary to a cranial-sacral fault, and the quadriceps and abdominal muscles were secondary to Chapman's reflexes. Walter was also given a variety of dietary recommendations includ¬ ing eating every 2 hr, avoiding all high-glycemic foods, and lowering his carbohydrate intake. It was recommended that he not attempt any workouts at that time. He was re¬ scheduled for another session in one week. At his second session, Walter's back pain was about 40% improved, and his energy was slightly improved (25%). He also claimed a 50% improvement in his mental/emo¬ tional state. Assessment revealed a recurrent inhibition of the abdominal muscles bilater¬ ally. These were normalized by correction of a sagittal suture fault, which immediately and significantly improved his back pain. Numerous other structural and chemical prob¬ lems were corrected. The importance of water and the dietary advice were further em¬ phasized. At this time, it was recommended that Walter begin walking slowly for 20-30 min each day. This was initially a difficult concept in view of the high level of training and competition that Walter was used to. However, he eventually agreed that it was the best starting point. He would return in two weeks. At his next session, Walter was feeling much improved; back pain was 90% improved, energy was 75% improved, and his mental/emotional state remained 50% improved. He had walked 30 min each day since his previous visit and was eager to train more. He had a reoccurrence of the PMC bilateral. Betaine hydrochloride did not affect the muscle inhi¬ bition, but the emotional stress points did; these were treated for about a minute, normal¬ izing the PMC muscles. Walter was asked to think about his past training and competitions, and this caused the PMC muscle to become inhibited again. It was determined that ST 1 required treatment, and this point was tapped for about 1 min. The mental/emotional challenge no longer caused muscle inhibition. Walter was told to continue his walking and his adherence to other recommendations and was rescheduled for three weeks later. On his next visit, Walter admitted having gone to the gym three days earlier to lift light weights for 30 min. He stated that he was feeling better than he had in a number of years (improvements in his back, energy, and mental/emotional state were over 90%). His back pain had returned that evening and continued. A recurrence of the cranial-sacral fault and sagittal suture was corrected, with complete alleviation of back pain. The importance of
Complementary Sports Medicine
maintaining a balanced program was reemphasized. Numerous other problems were found and corrected, and Walter was rescheduled for four weeks later, but would receive a phone call after two weeks to check on his program. , Walter slowly but consistently improved, experiencing total recovery from back pain, fatigue, and mental/emotional stress. There were occasionally some minor recurrences of one, two, or all three symptoms during times of stress. Although he never attained the same level of fitness as before, his health progressed dramatically. He continued care about every month. Eventually, Walter began coaching in his spare time, working with young athletes and hoping to help them understand balanced sport philosophy.
Table 28.2 lists the results of the five patients’ primary and secondary problems, the treatments found
Table 28.2
to be effective, the results, and the total time for maxi¬ mum resolution including the number of visits.
Five Case History Summaries Secondary problems Primary (complaints) problems
Time/Number of sessions
Case 1—Gary
Acute hamstring "pull"
Structural imbalance
Cranial; origin and insertion therapy; calcaneal manipulation
Function restored 100%
3 hr/1 session
Case 2—Andrea
Chronic bilateral knee pain; exercise-induced asthma
Adrenal dysfunction
Physical treatment; choline, zinc; dietary modification; avoid anaerobic work for 4-5 mo
Knee: 100% resolution; asthma: 95% resolution
4 wk/3 sessions
Case 3—Jack
Chronic fatigue; high triglycerides; poor competitive performances
Carbohydrate intolerance
Dietary modification; avoid anaerobic work for 3-4 mo
All: 100% resolution
3 wk/2 sessions
Case 4—Barbara
Achilles tendon pain; weight gain; premenstrual stress
Aerobic deficiency; hormonal imbalance
Linseed oil, B6; increase dietary fats; walking program
Achilles: 100%; acceptable weight loss; PMS: 85% resolved
Achilles: 2 wk/1 session; weight/PMS: 6 mo/4 sessions
Case 5—Walter
Chronic low back pain; failing performances; chronic exhaustion
Triad of dysfunction
Physical treatment; several nutritional supplements; significant dietary change; avoid all anaerobic work for 6 mo
Low back, fatigue, and mental stress: 100% resolution
8-10 sessions; continued care as necessary
Physical, Chemical, and Mental/Emotional Injuries: A Retrospect
CONCLUSION Obviously not all patients respond as well as those just described. However, these case histories are rep¬ resentative of those seen in a complementary sports medicine practice. There are always some patients whose problems are not compatible with the type of care complementary sports medicine offers and who are therefore not accepted. These individuals may be only seeking to eliminate their symptoms of knee pain, fatigue, or diminished performance and not willing to participate in the process. Others are too firmly entrenched in their workout ethics,
eating habits, or social relationships within sport to break away from these “addictions.” Clearly, some of these patients are willing to sacrifice their health for an attempt at more fitness. Rather than expend time and energy on patients unwilling to care for themselves, practitioners are encouraged to put great effort into helping those who do wish to understand their body and to make ap¬ propriate changes for the optimal balance of health and fitness with long-lasting performance improve¬ ments. They will reap the great benefits that comple¬ mentary sports medicine offers.
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CHAPTER 28 Nutri-West, Douglas, WY 82633. 800-443-3333. Standard Process, Inc. 1200 West Royal Lee Drive, Palmyra, WI 53516. 800-848-5061.
A abdominal muscles external oblique 132-133 relationships 192, 193/ Abeles, R.H. 305 Abernathy, P. 30 Abraham, S. 366 academic (term) 9 Achilles tendinitis 254, 257 active recovery 322-323 active warm-up 320-322 case histories 322, 323 in competition 323 acupuncture beginning and end points 269, 269/, 269-270 meridians 21, 106 for pain control 265-266 points 105-106 CV 8 232-233 on foot 234, 234/ KI27 232-233 locations of 106 muscle relationships 192, 193r, 233 relationships with nutrients, organs and glands, nerves, and 192, 193/ tonification points 266-268, 267/ 268/ Adams, P. 288 addictions 387 adductor brevis 154 adductor longus 154 adductor magnus 154 adductor relationships 192, 193/ adrenal hormones 41-43 effects on sodium 313-314 training effects on 43-44 aerobic (term) 12-13 aerobic challenge 207-208 aerobic deficiency syndrome 210-211 causes 208 signs and symptoms 208 aerobic function assessment of 207-211 building 324-326 walking and 326 aerobic imbalances 209 aerobic intervals 326 aerobic speed 13-14 aerobic system 28-29 aerobic system nutrition 304 AeroSport, Inc. 73/ gas analyzer 80, 80/ TEEM 100 metabolic analyzer 80, 81/ Ahmaidi, S. 323 Aitken, J.C. 305, 366 Alessio, H.M. 308 Ali, M. 283 Allen 82,222 Allen, Mark 11,11/325 allergic substances 200 all-or-none phenomenon 33 Almekinders, L.C. 49, 282 Alpher, V.S. 76 Alston, T.A. 305 alternative medicine 1 Alvarez-Mon, M. 51 Amadio, P. 50, 263 Amadio, P, Jr. 50, 263 amenorrhea 340-341
American College of Sports Medicine 314 American Medical Association 6 amino acids conditionally essential 307 essential 306-307 nonessential 306-307 semiessential 307 supplementation 306-307 Anacin 3 264 anaerobic (term) 12-13 anaerobic challenge 209 anaerobic function assessment of 207-211 building 327-328 case history 210 anaerobic imbalances 209 anaerobic system 29-30 Anderson, L.C. 71 Anderson, S.D. 308 androgens 42 anemia dilutional 77 sports 76, 304 ankle dysfunction 347-349 ankle problems 251-256 antioxidants 308-309 Antronex 265 Appelqvist, L. 302 applied kinesiology 17, 17/, 21-22 assessment 191-205 differentiating primary and secondary problems 203-204 muscle testing 191-192 Aragao, W. 229 arch function 346 Arena, B. 278,340,341 Argov, Z. 304 Armentia, Z. 195 Armstrong, L.E. 312 Aruoma, O.I. 304 assessment(s) of aerobic and anaerobic function 207-211 applied kinesiology 191-205 of autonomic function 203 of body fat 365 heart rate monitor 213-223 methods of 16-17 muscle evaluation 96-97 nutritional 294 of overtraining 337, 341-342 of oxidative stress 309 of posture, gait, and neuromuscular system 85-104 routine office 69-77, 83/ specialized tests 77-83, 83/ of temporomandibular joint dysfunction 229 vertebral, non-force 250-251 asthma, exercise-induced 74-75, 307-308 Asztely, A. 71 athlete-designed competition schedules 334-335 athletes 5-6 amenorrhea in 340-341 carbohydrate intolerance in 351-362 competitive 365-366 with predetermined competition schedules 332-333 with type 1 diabetes 362 athlete’s diet 358 athletic dysfunction, triad of 369-374, 379 noteworthy factors 373, 374/
athletic dysfunction, triad of (continued) stage 1 372, 374f stage 2 372-373, 374/ stage 3 373, 374/ stages of 372-373 athletic shoes 345-350 Austin, M.A. 280 autonomic balance 39-40 and nutrition 305-306 testing procedures for 203 autonomic function assessment of 203 challenge procedure 203 awareness, sport 22-23 B balance. See also imbalance autonomic 39-40, 305-306 body fat 364 macronutrient 288-292 between pro- and anti-inflammatory effects 283-286 sodium and potassium 315 balanced care 8 Bale, P. 340 Balon, R. 305 Bannister, Roger 22 Barbeau, W.E. 281 Barker, D.J. 353 Barletta, A. 76 Barnes, B. 72 Barnes, C. 72 Baron, S. 54 Bar-Or, O. 363 Barrett, J. 348 Barron, J.L. 43, 78 Basmajian, J.V. 346 Bassett, D.R. 45, 352 Bassey, E.J. 214 Baumgarten, C.R. 194 Beckett, PR. 281,294 Belanger, A. 43, 340 Bell, G.J. 324,328 Bell, J.M. 214 Bellinger, L.L. 275 Benfante, R. 74 Benson, J.E. 274, 340 Bentley, S. 271 Bentzon, J.W. 346 Berenshtein, E. 308 Bergman, E.A. 287 Bergstrom, E. 354 Bergstrom, J. 281 Berkow, M.D. 45, 70, 352, 359, 361 Bemardis, L.L. 275 Bernstein, J.H. 15 Bemton, E. 42 Berson, B.L. 324 Bertelsen, J. 359 Betaine Hydrochloride 300, 383, 385 beverages caffeine levels in 287, 287/ sports drinks 311,315-317 Bezard, J. 46,47,49,282 Biasioli, S. 194 biceps brachii muscle 118-119 facilitation and inhibition 35-36, 36/ relationships 192, 193/ testing 119, 119/ Bilisko, T. 348 Bingham, S.A. 56 Bird, S.R. 219,278 Bjomtorp, P. 278 Bland, J.S. 43, 282 Block, C.A. 352 Block, G. 286 Blond, J.P 46, 49, 282 blood pressure exercise 71, 83/ postural 69-71, 83/ blood tests 77 body fat assessment of 365 balance 364 excess 363-365 body language 33 body temperature. See temperature Bogdanis, G.C. 323
Bonde-Petersen, F. 29 Boone, T. 214 Bordia, A. 280,283 Bordia, T. 283 Bordoni, A. 49 Borensztajn, J. 26, 278 Borg scale 222 Borg-Stein, J. 231 Borkman, M.L. 352 Bosch, A.N. 278 Boulay, M.R. 213 Bouziane, M. 49, 284 Bove, A.A. 43 Bragg, L.E. 295 Brandao-Neto, J. 343 Brandi, G. 296 Brandon 78, 328 Brandt, K.D. 264 Bray, G.A. 357 breath-holding endurance 75 breath-holding time 75-76, 83/ Brener, J. 213 Brizuela, G. 348 Broadhurst, C.L. 279 Brodowicz, G.R. 314 Broughton, D.L. 44, 360 Brouns, F. 316 Brunner, G. 296 buccinator muscle 230, 230/ Buchman, A.L. 296 Buller, R. 305 Bunch, T.W. 76 Burchfiel, C.M. 75 Burdett, R.G. 347 Burke, L.M. 312 Burkitt, D P 7 Burrows, B. 74 Butterfield, G.E. 280 C caffeine 287, 2871 calcaneal dysfunction 254 case history 255 correction of 254, 254/ Calcium Lactate 384 Calderon, L. 96, 192 Callahan, R.J. 201 Campaigne, B.N. 361 Campbell, S.S. 72 Canfield, R.C. 231 Cao, G. 309 carbohydrate intolerance 44-45,351 in athletes 351-362 case histories 356, 357, 358 dietary fats and 359 factors associated with 360,361/ nutritional factors 359-360 Stage 1 353-356, 361/ Stage 2 356-357, 361/ Stage 3 357-358,361/ stages of 353 terms for 351 treatment of 358-360 carbohydrates 27, 276-278 dietary excess 289 kilocalories derived from 79, 79/ nutrients important for metabolism of 301 care balanced 8 patient 319-320 Carlston, M. 23 Carmichael, H.E. 366 carpal tunnel syndrome 258 Carranza-Madrigal, J. 280 Cashman, S.J. 15 Castaneda, C. 281 Castell, L.M. 297 Cataplex B 306 Cataplex E 303 Cataplex G 306 catecholamines 42-43 Cavanagh, PR. 219 Cazzola, P. 299 challenge 192 aerobic 207-208 autonomic function 203 chemical 195, 198-200
mental/emotional 195-196, 200-202 neurological sensory receptor 194-196 oral, potassium/sodium 315 structural (physical) 195, 196-198 Chamberlite bag 328/ Champagne, E.T. 296 Chan, J.C. 356 Chan, M M. 298 Chang, M.S. 70 Chapman, Frank 19 Chapman’s reflexes 19,106,235 Chardigny, J.M. 282 Chavali, S.R. 49, 282, 283 chemical balance 4 chemical challenges 195, 198-200 oral with allergic substances 200 with noxious substances 200 with nutrient remedies 199 chemical injuries 375-387 treatment of 375, 376/ chemicals, naturally occurring in pain control 265 Chen, Y. 75 chewing food 274-275 Chinese medicine 17, 17t, 21 chiropractic 17, 17r, 18 cholesterol 279-280 choline 307-308 Chorot, P. 71 Christen, S. 302 Christensen, L. 288 Christie, V.M. 15 Chyou, P.H. 75 Claassen, N. 48,282,341 Clark, J.E. 347 Clarkson, P.M. 270, 271, 294 Clarys, J.P 365 Cleak, M.J. 270,271 Clemons, P. 352 clinical (term) 9 Clyman, B. 264 Cohen, H.A. 308 cold pressor test 77-78, 83f Colliander, E.B. 29, 208, 322, 323, 328 competition active warm-up and recovery in 323 Maximum Aerobic Function test and 219-220 practitioner’s role in 319-329 predetermined season 333 competition schedules 331,332-335 athlete-designed 334-335 case history 335 predetermined 332-333 competitive athletes 365-366 competitive footwear 345-350 complaints, subjective 82, 82/ complementary sports medicine as art and science 6-7 case history 5 definitions vii, 9-14 disciplines 17, 17f philosophy 1-8 specialties 15-23 today 1-2 concussion 243 Connor, W.E. 280 Cononie, C.C. 360 Convertino, V.A. 70,314,317 Cook, N.E. 275 cooling-down 322 Corazza, G.R. 295 Corbould, A.M. 356 Cordero, D.L. 220 Cordova, A. 51 Cori cycle 27 correction of calcaneal dysfunction 254, 254/ of cranial respiratory faults 246 of cranial sagittal suture faults 242, 242/ of cuboid bone dysfunction 256, 256/ of expiration-assisted faults 239-240 of inspiration-assisted faults 239 of lateral talus distortion 253, 253/ of navicular bone dysfunction 255-256, 256/ of pelvic faults 245, 245/ 246/ 246-247 respiratory method 256-257 of sphenobasilar expiration-assisted faults 241-242
vertebral, non-force 250-251 of wrist joint dysfunction 258-259, 259/ Costill, D.L. 12, 13, 43, 79, 214, 221, 2811, 304, 312, 313, 320, 323, 328, 335 Coulston, A.M. 44,49, 276, 358 Craig, B.W. 45 Craig, W.J. 273, 297, 298, 309 cranial dysfunction 237-238, 378 treatment of 237-248 cranial faults respiratory 246 sagittal suture 242, 242/ 243 cranial-sacral respiratory faults 238-239 Crapo, L. 11,11/ Croft, A.C. 72 Crossman, J. 22 cuboid bone dysfunction 256, 256/ Cummings, J.H. 286 Cunningham, R.B. 77 CV 8 232-233,233/ D Dager, S.R. 305 daily menus with 15 grams of fiber 286 with 25 grams of fiber 286-288 Dajani, E.Z. 48, 264 Daly, M.E. 351 Davi, G. 280 David, M.J. 264 Davies, M.J. 308 Davis, C.M. 275 Davy, K.P. 360 de Alaniz, M.J. 49 DeAndrade, J.R. 35 De Castro, J.M. 56 DeCree, C. 43,78,340 definitions 9-14 DeJamette, M.B. 18, 237 de Jonge, L. 357 Dekkers, J.C. 51,308 de Klerk, A. 305 delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) 270, 271 De Lorenzo, F. 70 delta-5-desaturase 302, 302/ deltoid muscles 164-165 relationships 192, 193/ testing 165, 165/ Demaison, L. 278 Demopoulos, H. 308 Denyer, C.V. 283 Deschaumes-Molinaro, C. 200 Desimone, D.P. 48, 282 Despret, S. 49 Deuster, P.A. 279 de Wijer, A. 229 diabetes, type 1 360-361, 362 dialogue, patient 53-67 diaphragm muscle 190 Diaz, M.N. 280 DiBattista, D. 275 DiBona, G.F. 313 Dickey, W. 295 Dickson, D.N. 77 Dieppe, P. 264 diet(s) 364,379 athlete’s diet 358 fatty acid profile 284, 284/ imbalance 288-289 mental and emotional aspects of 288 and nutrition 17, 17/, 19-20, 366-367 pancreatic hormones and 44 diet (term) 364 Dietary Analysis 56, 57/ 67/ dietary decision making 289 dietary factors 286-288 affecting inflammation 282-286 balancing pro- and anti-inflammatory effects of 283-286 in overtraining syndrome 343 dietary fats 278-279 and carbohydrate intolerance 359 conversion to eicosanoids 46, 47/ imbalance in 48-50 dietary fiber 286-288 dietary macronutrients 276, 276/ diet therapy 273-292 differentiating primary and secondary problems 203-204 Dillard, C.J. 51
dilutional anemia 77 Ding, J.H. 43, 78, 340 Di Pietro, S, 44 disciplines 17, 17/ Djamil, R. 327 Doll, R. 288 DOMS. See delayed-onset muscle soreness Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 18, 191, 194, 213 Doucet, E. 305, 367 Douglas, P.D. 76 Dreon, D.M. 279 Drew, L.M. 286 drugs 264 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 263-264 over-the-counter 287, 2871 Drummond, S. 359, 366 Duchman, S.M. 316 Dudkin, M.S. 286 Dudley, G. 327 Dueck, C.A. 340,341 Duncan, B.B. 76, 355, 360 Duncan, J.R. 49 dysfunction 7-8, 75 calcaneal 254, 254/, 255 cranial 237-248,378 cuboid bone 256 extravertebral 249-259 fibula 257-258 foot 256-257 joint complex 377-378 muscle 225-235 navicular bone 255-256, 256/ neurological 225, 232-235 pelvic 237,243-248 rib joint 258 spinal 250-251 talus 252-253 temporomandibular joint 228-231 triad of 369-374, 379 vertebral 249-259 wrist joint 258-259,259/ E Eder, K. 49 eicosanoids 45-48 conversion of dietary fats to 46, 47/ conversion of Group B fats to 283, 283/ Series 1 and 3 302, 302/ Series 2 47-48,48/ Eisenberg, D.M. 15 Elbers, J.M. 365 electrolytes 313-315 Elliot, D.L. 364 Elmquist, J.K. 194 El-Sayed, H. 314 emotional challenges 195-196, 200-202 emotional injuries 375-387, 379-380 emotional problems, secondary 380 emotional wellness. See mental/emotional wellness endurance breath-holding 75 definition of 13 energy bodily functions used 274 from food 273-274 from macronutrients 25-26 energy bars 311,317-318,359 energy production 26-28 energy systems 25, 28-30 training effects on 30-31 Enright, T. 308 Erasuas, U. 285t ergogenic nourishment 311-318 Escherichia coli 46 Eston, R.G. 270,271 evaluation. See also assessment(s) muscle 96-97 exercise effects on water regulation 312 Blood Cholesterol in Adults 279 expiration-assisted faults 238 correction of 239-240 sphenobasilar 240, 241-242 external oblique abdominal muscles 132-133, 133/ external pterygoid muscle 230,231/ extravertebral dysfunction 251
treatment of 249-259 F Facchini, F. 354 Facchini, F.S. 355 facilitation 33 normal 35-36, 36/ during gait 37, 'Sit during head positions 235 overfacilitated muscles Golgi tendon organ therapy for 227, 227/ muscle spindle cell therapy for 228, 228/ Fagius, J. 355 Fahey, P.J. 361 Fasano, M.L. 78 fat control 363-368 fatigue 379 fats 26-27. See also body fat dietary 278-279 and carbohydrate intolerance 359 v conversion to eicosanoids 46, 47/ imbalance in 48-50 Group A 46-47 in common foods 285, 285t foods containing 284, 284/ Group B 47-48 conversion to eicosanoids 283, 283/ foods containing 284, 284/ Group C 48 in common foods 285, 285/ foods containing 284, 284/ kilocalories derived from 79, 791 unsaturated and saturated 285, 285t fatty acids 45-48 foods high in 280 profile 284, 284/ faults 237 cranial, sagittal suture 242, 242/ 243 expiration-assisted 238 correction of 239-240 sphenobasilar 240, 241-242 inspiration-assisted 238 case history 243 correction of 239 sphenobasilar 240, 241 pelvic Category I 243-244, 244/ 245, 245f 246 Category II 246/ 246-247, 247-248 respiratory cranial 246 cranial-sacral 238-239 sphenobasilar 240-242 fears 202 Feiner, J.R. 75 Fern, E.B. 281 Ferraris, R.P. 295 Ferraro, R. 364 Ferrofood 384 fiber daily menu with 15 grams of fiber 286 daily menu with 25 grams of fiber 286-288 dietary 286-288 fibula dysfunction 257-258 Field,T. 19 fight-or-flight mechanism 42 Fiocchi, A. 299 Fisher, N.M. 35 fitness 9-10 Fluori-Methane 231 Fogelholm, G.M. 365 Foldes, J. 72 food(s) chewing 274-275 concencrated carbohydrate 289 concentrates 297-298 energy from 273-274 glycemic index 276-277, 277/ Group A and C fats in 285, 285/ Group A, B, and C fat-containing 284, 284/ high in fatty acids 280 sources of nutrients related to carbohydrate metabolism 301 therapeutic effects of 273 unsaturated and saturated fat percentages 285, 285/ Food and Nutrition Board 294 foot function 345-346
gait reflexes (acupuncture points) on 234, 234/ foot problems 251-256 non-force respiratory correction of 256-257 footwear 345-350 forms basal temperature 73/ Dietary Analysis 67/ General Inventory 59/-60/ General Survey 59/-60/ history 54-55 Nutrition Questionnaire 65/-66/ Symptom Survey 61/-64/ Foster, C. 29,278 Foster-Powell, K. 277 Fowler, P.B. 53 Fox, E.L. 30 Franks, S. 357 Franzblau, A. 54 Freeman, R. 203 Freston, J.W. 296 Friedman, J.E. 280 Friedman, M.I. 275 Fries, J. 11,11/ Frizzell, R.T. 314 Fromentin, G. 275 Fry, A.C. 220,337,353 Fry, R.W. 327,335 Fuchs, C.S. 288 function 7-8, 39 functional capacity 74 functional carpal tunnel syndrome 258 functional injury 7/ 7-8 functional overtraining 337-338 functional testing 69-84 Funk, C.D. 48 G Gaesser, G.A. 222 gait abnormal 38 assessing 85-104 manual muscle testing in 37, 38/ muscle-acupuncture point relationships during 233 muscles normally facilitated and inhibited during 37, 37r muscle testing and 102-104 neurological influences on 85-86 neuromuscular relationships with 36-39 normal 37, 37/ normal actions that affect 86 gait reflexes 233-234 assessment of 234-235 on foot 234, 234/ gait testing with latissimus dorsi muscles 102-103, 103/ with pectoralis major clavicular muscles 102/ 102-103 Gallaher, D.D. 286 Gamow, R. Igor 328 Gamow hyper bags 328, 329/ Gardiner, N.S. 49 Gamer, William 237 gas analyzers 80, 80/ Gasbarrini, G. 295 gastrocnemius relationship 192, 193/ Gaur, S.N. 303,307 Gay, S.B. 75 Gaziano, J.M. 280 Geddes, N. 16 General Inventory 55, 59/-60/ General Survey 59/-60/ Genova, R. 299 Gerwin, R.D. 231 Ghiselli, A. 51 Ghoshal, U.C. 296 Gibney, M.J. 359 glandular preparations 299-300 glucocorticoids 41-42 L-Glutamine 296-297 L-Glutamine Plus 300, 385 gluteus muscles maximus 174-175, 175/ medius 156-157, 157/ minimus 158-159, 159/ relationships 192, 193/ glycemic index 276-277, 277/ Golay, A. 279, 366 Goldberg, L. 222 Goldfarb, A.H. 309
42 I
Golgi tendon organs 35, 35/ Golgi tendon organ therapy 225-228 general procedure 226 for inhibition 226, 226/ for overfacilitated muscles or muscle spasms 227, 227/ Gollnick, P.K. 28 Goodheart, George 19, 22, 192 Goodheart, G.J., Jr. 230, 266 Gottlieb, D.J. 75 Grace, T.G. 347 gracilis muscle 178-179 relationships 192, 193/ testing 179, 179/ Graham, Sylvester 6 Graham, T.E. 287 Gram, Hans 20 Grandjean, A.C. 276 Granner, D.K. 44, 50, 276, 360 Graves, J.E. 326 Gray, J.B. 46 Gray’s Anatomy 190 Graziani, G. 296 Greenleaf, J.E. 314 Greenlee, R. 328 Grey, N. 358 Gries, F.A. 359 Griffiths, A.J. 278,358 groin pull 255, 257 Gronbaek, M. 288 Groop, L. 45 Grundy, S.M. 278, 280 Grynberg, A. 278 Guerra, A. 299 Gupta, S.K. 307 Guskiewicz, K.M. 85 Guyton, A.C. 34, 40, 72, 86, 194, 220, 274, 280, 295, 296, 313, 346 H Haas, J.D. 304 Hagberg, J.M. 74 Haggmark, T. 30 Hahnemann, Samuel 20 Hainsworth, R. 314 Hajek, P. 75 Hakkinen, K. 43, 337 Hall, H. 200 Halliwell, B. 308,309 Halstead, C.H. 288 Hampf, G. 22 hamstrings 176-177 relationships 192, 193/ testing 177, 177/ Hanai, H. 286 Hanna, A.M. 346 Harman, Willis W. 2 Harper, A.E. 275 Hawkins, C.L. 308 Hawkins, H. 71 Hawley, J.A. 276,312 Hay, S. 219,278 head positions, normal 235 health definition of 9-10 structural 3-4 heart rate 214-215 changes during warm-up and recovery 321, 321/ 322, 322/ maximum aerobic 180-formula for 221 220-formula for 222 neurological aspects of 214 180-formula for 220 and respiratory quotient 82, 82/ 220-formula for 221 heart rate monitoring 213-223 case history 223 during exercise 214,214/ manual vs electronic 213-214 use of 213 Heinert, L.D. 219 Heinrichs, S.C. 275 Hendrix, T.R. 71 Henriksson, A.E. 296 Henry, J.K. 16 Herkenhoff, F. 78 Hermansen, L. 72 Hertel, J. 263,264 Hesse, S. 347
Hickson, R.C. 327 Higashide, S. 295 Hill, E.G. 284 Himmel, W. 15 hip adductor muscles 154-155,155/ Hippocrates 20 Him, J. 305 Hirokawa, K. 299, 308 history 53-67 forms 54-55 training diary and 57-58 Hitsuda, Y. 74 Hodgetts, V. 208,320 Holden, R.J. 354,357 Holder, M.D. 275 holistic view 2-3, 3/, 3-4 Hollmann, M. 357 Holman, R.T. 284 Holt, S. 277 homeopathy 17, 17?, 20 Hong, C.Z. 231 Hoogeveen, A.R. 42,43, 50 Horak, F.B. 86 hormones 41-52 adrenal 41-43 effects on sodium 313-314 training effects on 43-44 pancreatic 44-45 salivary 83( salivary tests 78-79 Home, L. 327 Houglum, K. 298 Hourihane, J.O.B. 194 Hsieh, C.Y. 101 Huang, Y.J. 359 Hubinger, L. 77 Hugenberg, S.T. 264 Hughes, V.A. 29, 45, 352, 355 Humbert, R 295 Hurley, B.F. 28 hydration 312-313 hydrochloric acid 295-296 hyperbaric chambers 328-329 Hyperbaric Technologies Incorporated 328/, 329/ hyperinsulinemia 44 hyponatremia 314
I Ikemoto, S. 359 iliacus muscle 136-137 relationships 192, 193? testing 137, 137/ iliotibial band syndrome 256, 257 imbalance aerobic and anaerobic 209 dietary 288-289 dietary fat 48-50 postural 87-88, 89/-95/ immunity 50-51 impingement syndrome 169 inflammation 45-48, 378-379 dietary factors affecting 282-286 diminishing effects 282-283 increasing responses 282 nutrients important for anti-inflammatory activity 301-303 infraspinatus muscle 172-173 relationships 192, 193? testing 173, 173/ inhibition 33 assessment of cranial-sacral respiratory faults with 238 assessment of sphenobasilar respiratory faults with 240 Golgi tendon organ therapy for 226, 226/ normal 35-36, 36/ during gait 37, 371 during head positions 235 piriformis 246 secondary 377 spindle cell therapy for 227, 227/ injury 375-387 black and white model of 7/, 7-8 case histories 381, 382-383, 383, 384, 385-386, 386r chemical 375, 376? clinical notes 381-386 definition of If, 7-8 functional If, 7-8 mental/emotional 375, 376?, 379-380 pain as 380-381
physical 375-387 structural 375, 376?, 376-377 Innis, S.M. 46 inspiration-assisted faults 238 case history 243 correction of 239 sphenobasilar 240, 241 International College of Applied Kinesiology 22 Iossa, S. 357 Ironson, G. 19 Irving, R.A. 77 Ishii, H. 229 Islam, S. 296 Ivaturi, R. 317
J Jacob, G. 70 Jacobs, I. 278 Jacobs, S.J. 324 Jacobson, B.H. 287 Jain, P. 297 Jakubowicz, D.J. 44 jamming 257 Janda, V. 17,35 Jay, G. 328 Jenkins, D.J.A. 289,358 Jenkins, R.R. 51 Jeong, B.Y. 86 Jeppesen, J. 279 Jimenez, C.C. 361,362 Joannic, J.L. 276 Johnson, L.R. 231 Johnson, M.M. 49 Johnson, W.G. 341 joint complex dysfunction 96, 377-378 joint support 347 Jones, B.H. 324 Jones, D.A. 78 Jorda, A. 281 Jorgensen, U. 80, 346 Julius, S. 356, 357 Jull, G. 35
K Kalmijn, S. 357 Kamal-Eldin, A. 283, 302 Kaminogawa, S. 281 Karlsson, J. 28 Karvonen, J. 222 Karvonen, M.J. 222 Karvonen method 222 Kasic, J. 328 Kasper, S. 44 Katch, F. 79? Katch, V. 79? Katzel, L.I. 354 Kaufman, J.J. 7 Keast, D. 213 Keizer, H. 43,78 Keizer, H.A. 214 Kellogg, John 6 Kelso, T.B. 297 Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L. 354, 355 Kendall, F.P. 37, 96, 101, 126, 128, 190 Kesavachandran, C. 74 Khan, M.I. 264 Khanna, N.K. 297 KJ 27 232-233, 233/ Kidd, J.M. 308 Kies, C. 317 kilocalories 79, 79? kinesiology, applied 17, 17?, 21-22 assessment 191-205 King, J.C. 194 King, S. 328 Kipnis, D.M. 358 Kirchgessner, M. 49 Kirwan, J.P 43 Klatsky, A.L. 288 Koester, M.C. 48, 264, 283 Kohrt, W.M. 365 Kolopp-Sarda, M.N. 77, 282 Komaroff, A.L. 203 Konig, D. 45,46,50 Koob.G.F. 275 Kouttab, N.M. 299 Kraemer, W.J. 220, 337, 353 Kram, R. 219
Krebs cycle 26, 26/ Kreider, R.B. 306 Krieger, N.S. 48,282 Kriketos, A.D. 360,367 Krishnaswamy, K. 309 Krivickas, L.S. 347 Kronenberg, F. 15 Kuipers, H. 214,271 Kummerow, F.A. 49 Kynast-Gales, S.A. 287
L Laakso, M. 354 Laaksonen, D.E. 51 laboratory tests 76-77 labyrinthine reflexes 235 Lacey, J.M. 296,307 lactic acid 304-305 Laemmel, K. 22, 53 Lairon, D. 286 Lamarche, B. 368 Lamb, D.R. 314 Lambert, E.V. 28,278,358 Lampman, R.M. 361 Landsberg, L. 305 Lange, P. 75 Larue-Achagiotis, C. 275 lateral talus distortion 253-254 lateral talus joint dysfunction 253, 253/ latissimus dorsi 100,184-185 gait testing with 102-103,103/ relationships 192, 193t testing 100, 100/ 185, 185/ Lattanzio, P.J. 86 Laubli, T. 54 Laughlin, G.A. 341 Lautt, W.W. 355,360 Lawler, J.M. 51 law of similars 20 Lawson, A. 96, 192 Lazarus, R. 355 Leadbetter, J.D. 1, 6, 8 Leadbetter, W.B. 1,6,8 Leaf, D A. 82,222,320 Leanderson, J. 347 Lee, J.Y. 213 Lefkowith, J.B. 282 Lehmann, M. 306 Lehmann, M.J. 39, 213, 220, 327, 335, 338, 339, 341 Leisman, G. 21, 96, 97, 101, 192 Lembo, G. 355 Lemon, P.W. 280,281 Lemon, P.W.R. 280 Lepers, R. 86 Lerman, R.H. 284 levator scapulae muscle 162-163, 163/ Levine, B.D. 70 Lewit, K. 19 Li, X. 86 Liebenson, C. 35, 96 light touch reflexes, stimulating 200-201, 201/ Linder, M.C. 280, 281, 285t, 287r, 294, 299, 301, 302, 304, 307 Lindgren, F. 352, 353 Linum B6 367, 384 Litchtenstein, A.H. 279 Liu.G.C. 279 Lombardi, E. 194 Lopez Jimenez, J.A. 49 Luft, D. 78 Luft, F.C. 312,314 Lukaski, H.C. 77, 194, 210, 293, 305, 341 M Macfarlane, G.T. 286 MacLaren, D.P.M. 278 macronutrients 274-276 balance 288-292 Two-Week test 289-292 dietary 276, 276/ energy from 25-26 quality of 276, 289 quantity of 289 self-selection 275-276 Madanmohan, D. 76 Maenpaa, J. 43 Maffetone, P. 44, 45, 51, 74, 82, 207, 210, 213, 257, 278, 283, 287r, 289, 296, 325, 349
MAF test. See Maximum Aerobic Function test Magnesium Lactate 367 Mahajan, K.K. 77 Mahfouz, M.M. 49 Malmberg, L.P. 75 Maniongui, C. 49 Mantzioris, E. 47, 283, 303 manual muscle testing 96-101 in gait position 37, 38/ types of 101-102 manufactured nutritional supplements 298-299 Maranesi, M. 49, 284 Marino, M. 101 Marquart, L.F. 293 Marra, C.A. 49 Marston, R.M. 284 Martin, M. 366 Martinovic, A.M. 46 Martinsen, E.W. 305 massage therapy 17, 17r, 19 masseter muscle 230, 230f Massey, L.K. 287 Massicotte, D. 316 Mathias, C.J. 70 Mattes, R.D. 194, 274 Maughan, R.J. 312,313 Maximum Aerobic Function test 213, 215-217 adjusting time and distance 217 case history 216 and competition 219-220 example 215, 215/ first-mile vs 5-km average mile times 219, 2191 5-mile 216, 216r frequency of 217 performing 215-216 plateau 217 results 216, 218-219 weather effects on 218 May, J.M. 308 Mayes, P.A. 26, 27,45,46, 49, 71, 294, 301, 304, 306, 308 McArdle, W.D. 13,28,43,71,72,75,79,79t, 215,221,270,281,316,320,327, 334, 363 McCarthy, J.P. 70, 328 McColl, K.E. 40, 295 McGee, H. 6 McGrath, S.A. 359 McKay, J. 339 McKinney, C.H. 297 McNamara, D.J. 279 McNeil, D. 308 McNeill, G. 366 McNeill, M.E. 200 mechanical challenge extravertebral 198 for spinal vertebrae 198 Medeiros, L.C. 47, 49 Mei, G. 360 Meigal, A.Y. 86 Meininger, C.J. 297 mental/emotional challenge 195-196, 200-202 case history 205 general procedure 201-202 for phobias, fears, stress 202 mental/emotional problems diet aspects 288 injuries 375, 376r, 379-380 secondary 380 mental/emotional therapy case history 202 light touch reflex stimulation for 200-201, 201/ mental/emotional wellness 4 mental imagery 200 Meredith, C.N. 306 meridians 21, 106 Mero, A. 306 Messina, M. 298 Messina, V. 298 metabolic analyzers 80, 81r metabolic obesity 339 metabolism 25-31 metatarsal problems 257 Meyer, K. 283 Michelangelo 6 Milam, S.B. 308 mild hyperbaric chambers 328/ 328-329, 329/ Miles, M.P. 270,271 Miller, C.C. 279
Miller, D.L. 366 Miller, G.D. 275 Miller, J.B. 277 Miller, W.C. 221,278 Mills, D.E. 50 Mills, P.C. 51 mineralocorticoids 42 Mishra, N. 77 Miyajima, H. 77, 294, 304 Moan, A. 355 Molina, P.E, 305 Moller, P. 52, 288, 308 Molnar, D. 364 monitors, heart rate 213-223 Moon, R. 328 Moore, A.D., Jr. 213 Moore, C.E. 280 Mortensen, PB. 286 Mosca, L. 280 Motyka, T. 192 Mountcastle, V.B. 29 Moy.C.S. 361 Muller, M.J. 74,353 multiple supplements 299 Mundal, R. 69,71 Muoio, D.M. 28,278,358 Murphy, PJ. 72,264 Murray, R. 316 Murray, R.K. 309 muscle(s). See also specific muscles by name neurological mechanisms in 34-35 neurological reaction of 195 normally facilitated and inhibited during gait 37, 37/ overfacilitated Golgi tendon organ therapy for 227, 227/ muscle spindle cell therapy for 228, 228/ relationships 192-194 acupuncture point 192, 193r, 233 with nutrients, organs and glands, nerves 192, 193/ temporomandibular joint 190 tested indirectly 190 muscle dysfunction 225-235 muscle evaluation 96-97 muscle fibers 29, 29/ muscle inhibition. See inhibition muscle pain 270-271 muscle spasms Golgi tendon organ therapy for 227, 227f muscle spindle cell therapy for 228, 228/ muscle spindle cells 34, 34/ muscle spindle cell therapy for inhibition 227, 227/ for overfacilitated muscles or muscle spasms 228, 228/ muscle testing applied kinesiology 191-192 example tests 97-101 and gait 102-104 interpreting 101 manual 96-101 in gait position 37, 38/ performing 96-97 types of 101-102 procedures 105-190 treatment of reflex points with 107 muscle testing devices 101 muscular imbalances 35-36 Mustafa, T. 283 myofascial trigger points 231-232 N Nakamoto, T. 287 Nakamura, T. 86 Nakasaki, H. 305 National Academy of Sciences 294 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) 278, 279 Nattiv, A. 287 naturally occurring chemicals 265 natural pain control 263 naturopathy 17, 17t, 20 navicular bone dysfunction 255-256, 256/ Nazar, K. 71 NCEP. See National Cholesterol Education Program neck extensors 188-189 relationships 192, 193r testing 189, 189/ neck flexors medial 110-111, 111/
relationships 192, 193t nerve relationships 192, 193/ Nesbitt, S. 357 Nestel, PJ. 278 Nestler, J.E. 43, 44, 76, 352, 354, 355, 362 neurological disorganization 232 neurological dysfunction 225, 232-235 neurological sensory receptor challenge 194-196 neuromuscular junction 33-34 neuromuscular systems 33-40 assessing 85-104 relationships with gait and posture 36-39 Newsholme, E. 28,51 Newsholme, E.A. 22, 192, 213, 296, 320 Ng, A.V. 78 Niacinamide B6 384 Nicholas, J.A. 101 Nicolaidis, S. 275 Nieman, D.C. 51 Noakes, T.D. 314 * nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 263-264 effectiveness of 264 side effects 264 Nordgaard, I. 286 Northover, B. 72 nourishment 311-318 noxious substances 200 NSAIDs. See nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NutrAnalysis, Inc. 276/ 277/, 284/ nutrients absorption 295-297 important for anti-inflammatory activity 301-303 important for carbohydrate metabolism 301 important for production of Series 1 and 3 eicosanoids 302, 302/ macronutrients 25-26, 274-276 oral chemical challenge with 199 relationships 192, 193/ nutrition 17, 17/ aerobic system 304 autonomic balance and 305-306 carbohydrate intolerance and 359-360 diet and 19-20,366-367 functional 293-294 lactic acid and 304-305 overtraining syndrome and 343 nutritional assessment 294 nutritional supplements 293-310 case histories 300, 303 manufactured 298-299 types of 297-300 Nutrition Questionnaire 56, 65/-66/ Nutri-West 300, 385 Nutter, J. 279
O obesity, metabolic 339 O’Connor, PJ. 78,341 office assessments 69-77, 83/ oils 285, 285/ Oldridge, N.B. 214 O’Malley, B.P. 74 180-formula 220 to calculate heart rate 220 training relationships and 222-223 onion (Allium cepa) 283 Oppliger, R.A. 366 opponens digiti minimi muscle 124-125, 125/ opponens pollicis muscle 122-123, 123/ oral challenges with allergic substances 200 with noxious substances 200 with nutrient remedies 199 potassium/sodium 315 oral pH 71,83/ Orentreich, N. 43 Orlando, P. 77 orthotics 347 Osier, Sir William 53 osteopathy 17, 17/, 18-19 overfacilitated muscles Golgi tendon organ therapy for 227, 227/ muscle spindle cell therapy for 228, 228/ over-the-counter drugs 287, 287/ overtraining assessment of 337, 341-342 case history 342 definition of 12
dietary factors 343 functional 337-338, 344; functional signs and symptoms 338-339 nutritional factors 343 parasympathetic 340, 344; preventing 336 recovery from 343-344 stages of 344, 344f sympathetic 339-340, 344; syndrome of 337-344 treatment of 342 oxidative stress 51-52 assessment of 309
P Packer, L. 51,308,309 pain 261-271 as assessment tool 262 benefits of 261 drugs and 264 as injury 380-381 muscle 270-271 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and 263-264 origins of 261-262 quality 262 sources of 261-262 visceral referred 263 words used to describe 262 pain control 261 -271 acupuncture therapy for 265-266 beginning and end point 270 case history 266 natural 263 naturally occurring chemicals in 265 tonification point 269 Palatini, P. 356 pancreatic hormones 44-45 Pariza, M.W. 282 Parker, D.R. 359 Parker, L.N. 42,313 Parmenter, D.C. 338 Parry-Billings, M. 192, 297 patient care 319-320 patient history 53-67 forms 54-55 taking 53-54 training diary and 57-58 Pavlov, I.P. 194 Pawelczyk, J.A. 70 pectineus 154 pectoralis major clavicular muscle (PMC) 98-99, 112-113 gait testing with 102/, 102-103 relationships 192, 193; testing 99,99f 113, 113/ pectoralis major sternal muscle (PMS) 114-115, 115/ Pedersen, B.K. 50 Pekkanen, T.J. 305 Peluffo, R.O. 49 pelvic dysfunction 243-248 treatment of 237 pelvic faults Category I 243 assessment of 243-244, 244/ correction of 245, 245/ 246 Category II 246-247 assessment of 247-248 case history 248 correction of 246/ 246-247 treatment of 247-248 Pendergast, D.R. 276, 278, 358 Penland, J. 293 Penland, J.G. 77, 294, 341 Perez-Padilla, R. 75 Perlman, M. 347 peroneus muscles longus and brevis 150-151,151/ relationships 192, 193; tertius 152-153, 153/ Perot, C. 96, 101, 192 Perseghin, G. 353 Peters, J.C. 275 Peters, J.R. 78 Petrella, R.J. 86 Peuler, J.D. 305 Pfeifer, M.A. 305 pH, oral 71, 83; Phillips, D.I. 353
Phillips, R.B. 101 Phillips, S.M. 281 philosophy 1-8 phobias 202 physical challenge 195,196-198 physical injuries 375-387 phytochemicals 297-298 Pichard, C. 365 Pichichero, D.M. 194 Pichichero, M.E. 194 Pigg, Mike 325 piriformis muscle 186-187 inhibition 246 relationships 192, 193; testing 187, 187/ piriformis syndrome 186 PMC. See pectoralis major clavicular muscle PMS 192, 193; Poehlman, E.T. 305 Poisson, J.P. 49 Polinsky, R.J. 70 Portanova, J.P. 263, 282 postural blood pressure 69-71,83; postural imbalance 87-88, 89/95/ posture abnormal 39 assessing 85-104 lateral view 87, 87/ 88, 88/ neurological influences on 85-86 neuromuscular relationships with 36-39 normal 38-39, 88, 88/ normal actions that affect 86 posterior view 86, 87/ 88, 88/ static 86-96 potassium requirements 314-315 sodium balance 315 potassium/sodium oral challenge 315 power 39 practitioner role 319-329 Pratley, R.E. 360 Prentice, W.E. 321,324 Preuss, H.G. 359,360 prevention 10-11 primary vs secondary problems 203-204 protein(s) 27-28, 280-282 psoas major muscle 134-135 relationships 192, 193; testing 135, 135/ psychology, sport 17, 17;, 22-23 Pulkkinen, M.O. 43 Puvi-Rajasingham, S. 70 Pyne, D.B. 271,308
Q quadriceps femoris muscles rectus femoris 142-143,143/ relationships 192, 193; vastus lateralis, intermedialis. and medialis 144-145, 145/ R Radomski, M.W. 354 Rainey, C.J. 287 Raitakari, O.T. 354 Ramani, R. 296 Rankin, J.W. 294, 365 Ranneries, C. 365 Rashed, H.M. 78 Ravaja, N. 354 Raven, P.B. 70 Ravich, W.J. 317 Ravussin, E. 365 Reaven, G.M. 44, 276, 351, 358, 366 Rebuck, D.A. 75 recovery active 322-323 heart rate changes during 321, 321/ 322, 322/ from overtraining 343-344 rectus abdominis 130-131,131/ rectus femoris 142-143,143/ Reed, M.J. 279 Reeds, P.J. 281,294 referred pain 263 reflexes gait assessment of 234-235 on foot 234, 234/
reflexes (continued) labyrinthine 235 light touch, stimulating 200-201,201/ reflex points 107 Report of the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus 360 respiratory correction method 256-257 non-force, of foot dysfunction 256-257 respiratory faults cranial 246 cranial-sacral 238-239 sphenobasilar 240-242 respiratory quotient 79, 83t heart rate and 82, 82t nonprotein equivalents 79, 79t subjective complaints and 82, 82t using 79-83 rib joint dysfunction 258 Rieth, N. 275 Rijcken, B. 75 Rindi, G. 305 Ring, C. 213 Rinzler, S.H. 19 Robbins, S. 86, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350 Roberts, A.C. 43 Robertson, C.H., Jr. 29 Rodwell, V.W. 307 Rogers, M.A. 45, 360 Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F. 354 Rolls, B.J. 366 Rosen, L.W. 44 Rosenthal, N.E. 43, 44 Rosolova, H. 360 Rossowska, M.J. 287 rotator cuff 169 rotator cuff syndrome 169 Rovere, G.D. 347, 348 Rowbottom, D.G. 297 Rubin, M.A. 360 Ruchkin, V.I. 296 Ruderman, N.B. 339, 354 Rudin, D.O. 49 Ruegg, R.G. 194 Russell, R.M. 296 Russell, T.L. 296 S Saco Occipital Technique 18 Safran, M.R. 225,271,320,321,327 sagittal suture cranial faults 242, 242/ 243 Sagiv, M. 326 Sahrmann, S. 35 Saito, I. 72 Sakai, K. 78 Sakellari, V. 86 salivary hormones 83r salivary hormone tests 78-79 Salonen, J.T. 298, 304 Salonen, M.A. 231 Saltin, B. 72 Saltzman, J.R. 296 Sanderson, J.E. 78 Sandvik, L. 214 sartorius muscle 140-141 relationships 192, 193t testing 141, 141/ Savdie, E. 312 Savendahl, L. 307 Sawka, M.N. 314 Saxton, J.M. 86 scalenus anticus, medius, and posticus 110-111 schedules competition 331,332-335 training 331-332 case history 336 one-year 333 Scheppach, W. 297 Schiavon, R. 354, 357 Schiff, T. 53 Schmitt, W.H., Jr. 101, 203, 264, 265, 269, 299, 302, 306, 309 Schneeman, B.O. 286 Schoene, R.B. 75 Schutz, Y. 364 Schwaiblmair, M. 194 Schwille, RO. 354 sciatica 186
Seacat, A.M. 308 Seals, D.R. 45, 78 Seaman, D.R. 18,96 seasonal affective disorder 44 Seaward, B.L. 213 secondary muscle inhibition 377 secondary problems differentiating 203-204 emotional 380 structural 369-371 Sehnert, K.W. 72 Seidell, J.C. 357,365 Seitz, H.J. 74,353 self-selection, macronutrient 275-276 Selye, Hans 8,40,314,338 Sen, C.K. 51 serratus anterior muscle 116-117, 117/ Shabert, J.K. 296 Shadick, N.A. 75 Shaper, A.G. 363 * Sharma, S.S. 283 Shashidhar, S. 74 Shek, P.N. 50 Shellock, F.G. 321,324 Shepard, R.J. 50 Shimizu, M. 77 Shimizu, S. 282 shinsplints, posterior 146 Shlik, J. 194 shoes 345-350 Shupert, C.L. 86 Shuval, J.T. 15 Siffert, R.S. 7 Sigleo, S. 286 Siguel, E.N. 284 Simi, B. 278 Simmons, R. 86 Simmons, R.W. 362 Simoneau, J.A. 30, 328 Simons, D.G. 231 Simopoulos, A.P. 46, 49, 352 Sisto, S.A. 208 Skinner, H.B. 324 Skouby, S.O. 301,356 small-intestine efficacy 296-297 Smit, A.J. 77 Smith, L.L. 19,271 Smith, R.L. 264 Snodgrass, S.R. 298, 302, 308 Snook, G. 1 Snyder, A.C. 335 Sobal, J. 293 sodium adrenal hormone effects on 313-314 potassium balance 315 soleus muscle 192, 193f Somers, S. 288 Song, M.K. 48, 299, 360 Sparrow, D. 74, 75, 355 spasms Golgi tendon organ therapy for 227, 227/ muscle spindle cell therapy for 228, 228/ specialized tests 77-83, 83f specialties 15-23 contemporary 15-16 examples of Ylt, 17-23 major categories 16 Speedy, D.B. 314 Spencer, J.D. 35 Sperling, M.A. 352 sphenobasilar expiration-assisted faults 240, 241-242 sphenobasilar inspiration-assisted faults 240, 241 sphenobasilar respiratory faults 240-242 assessment of with muscle inhibition 240 with normal muscle function 240-241 spinal dysfunction 250-251 spinal vertebrae. See vertebrae spindle cell therapy 225-228 for inhibition 221, 227/ for overfacilitated muscles or muscle spasms 228, 228/ spirometric reading 83f sport psychology 17, 17r, 22-23 sports anemia 76, 304 sports drinks 311,315-317 case history 317 customizing 316
suggestions to consider 316-317 sports medicine. See complementary sports medicine Spriet, L.L. 287 Spruijt, R.J. 229 squaring the survival curve 11, 11/ Srivastava, K.C. 283 Stallknecht, B. 43 Standard Process, Inc. 265, 300, 303, 306, 367, 382, 383, 384, 385 Stanley, N.N. 75,76 Staubli, M. 76 Steen, S.N. 294 Stein, J. 231 Steinmetz, K. 273 sternocleidomastoid muscle 108-109, 109/ Still, Andrew Taylor 18 Stoll, B.A. 359 stomatognathic system 229 Stone 220, 338, 340 Stoohs, R.A. 356 Storlien, L.H. 49, 359, 360 Stout, J.R. 365 Strauss, J.F. 44 Strauss, R.H. 308 strength 39 stress effects on nutrient absorption 295 mental/emotional challenge procedure for 202 oxidative 51-52, 309 stress (term) 371 stress fracture 257 stretching 323-324 structural (physical) challenges 195, 196-198 structural health 3-4 structural injuries 375, 376/, 376-377 structural problems primary 249-250 secondary 249-250, 369-371 subluxation 18 subscapularis muscle 168-169 relationships 192, 193f testing 168-169, 169/ Sugawa, M. 280 Sullivan, G.W. 287 supplements amino acid 306-307 glandular preparations 299-300 multiple 299 nutritional 293-310 supraspinatus 166-167, 167/ Suraci, C. 44 Surgenor, S. 314 Sutherland, L.R. 15 Sutherland, William 18 Svec, F. 351 Svintsyts'kyi, A.S. 296 Swaak, A.J. 264 swimmer’s shoulder 169 Swinbum, B.A. 45, 352, 365 Symptom Survey 55-56, 61/-64/ Group Ten 284 Szabo, A. 200 Szepesi, B. 276 T Taber, R. 328 Taha, A.S. 264,295 Taittonen, L. 354 Takahashi, O. 302 Talbott, S.M. 365 talus joint dysfunction 252-253 lateral distortion 253/, 253-254 Taoutaou, Z. 323 tapering 333 taping 347 Tamopolsky, M.A. 278,279,280,281 Taskar, V. 75 Taylor, R. 44, 360 team training 332 Tegelman, R. 343 Teitz, C.C. 347 Telford, R.D. 77 temperature 72, 83f basal 73/ higher or raised 72, 321 lowered 72
temporomandibular joint dysfunction 228-231 assessment of 229, 230 closed problems 230, 230f open problems 230-231,231/ temporomandibular joint muscles 190 tennis elbow 258 tensor fascia lata muscle 138-139 relationships 192, 193r testing 139, 139/ Tepperman, H. 40, 353 Tepperman, J. 40, 353 teres minor muscle 170-171 relationships 192, 193r testing 171, 171/ Terezhalmy, G.T. 53 terminology vii, 9-14 carbohydrate intolerance 351 diet 364 stress 371 tests and testing autonomic balance 203 functional testing 69-84 gait with latissimus dorsi muscles 102-103, 103/ with pectorahs major clavicular muscles 102/ 102-103 hormone tests 78-79 laboratory tests 76-77 Maximum Aerobic Function test 213, 215-217, 218-219, 219-220 muscle applied kinesiology 191-192 and gait 102-104 manual 37, 38/ 96-101, 101-102 procedures for 105-190 treatment of reflex points with 107 routine office assessments 69-77, 83/ specialized tests 77-83, 83/ Two-Week test 289-292 therapeutic massage. See massage therapy therapy localization 192, 195 case history 205 procedure 196-197 Thibault, L. 275 Thomas, D.E. 278 Thompson, J. 305, 366 Thomson, M. 283 Thonnard, J.L. 347 Thorsen, K. 282 tibialis anterior muscle 148-149 relationships 192, 193/ testing 149, 149/ tibialis posterior muscle 146-147 relationships 192, 193/ testing 147, 147/ Tiidus, P.M. 51 Tilles, S. 308 Tomaro, J. 347 tonification points 106, 266-268 location 266, 267/ 268, 268/ pain control with 269 Tordoff, M.G. 275 Torre, M. 286 Toth, M.J. 305 training 360, 367-368 definition of 11-12 effects 74 effects on adrenal hormones 43-44 effects on energy systems 30-31 effects on immunity 50-51 equation for 11 footwear for 345-350 formula for 332 and 180-formula 222-223 overtraining 12, 337-344 practitioner’s role in 319-329 team 332 training diaries 57-58, 332 training schedules 331-332 case history 336 one-year 333 year-long plan 334-335 trapezius muscles lower 182-183, 183/ 192, 193/ middle 180-181, 181/ 192, 193/ upper 160-161, 161/ 192, 193/ Travell, J. 19,231 Tremblay, A. 305, 367
triad of athletic dysfunction 369-374, 379 triceps brachii muscle 120-121 normal facilitation and inhibition with 35-36, 36/ relationships 192, 193f testing 121, 121/ 220-formula 221-222 Two-Week test 289-292 case history 291 steps 289-292 Tylenol 264
U Ulmann, L. 49, 284 Umeda-Sawada, R. 48, 49, 282, 283 Uphold, R.E. 314 Upledger, J. 237 Urhausen, A. 50, 78, 338, 339, 343, 352 U.S. Food Guide Pyramid 276 Utriainen, T. 27
V Vacek, L. 75, 194 Valium 264 Valtuena, S. 365 Vana, S. 72 Van Antwerpen, V.L. 75 van den Berg, A. 77 van der Beek, E.J. 293, 304, 305 van Der Hulst, R.R. 297 van de Vijver, L.P. 303 VanHelder, T. 354 Van Itallie, T.B. 290 Van Mechelen, W, 324 Van Reempts, P.J. 353 vastus lateralis, intermedialis, and medialis 144-145, 145/ Veera, R.K. 308 Velazquez, E.M. 357 Venkatraman, J.T. 278 Verhagen, H. 298 Verhoef, M.J. 15 vertebrae mechanical challenge procedure 198 non-force assessment and correction 250-251 vertebral dysfunction case history 251 treatment of 249-259 Verwaerde, P. 355 Veselov, A.I. 296 Ves-Losada, A. 49 Virkkunen, M. 354 visceral referred pain 263 vital capacity 74, 75, 83t Vredevoogd, J. 237 Vukovich, M.D. 29,278 Vuorimaa, T. 222 W Wabeke, K.B. 229 Wada, L. 194 Wadsworth, C.T. 101 waist-to-hip ratio 76 Waked, E. 345, 347, 348, 349, 350 Walker, K.Z. 358 walking 326 Walther, D. 229,231,232,237 Walther, D.S. 3, 3/ 17, 37, 70, 96, 101, 190 Wannamethee, G. 363
warming-down 322 warm-up active 320-322, 323 heart rate changes during 321, 321/, 322, 322/ Warner, J.O. 200 Wasserman, D.H. 44 water 311-313 water regulation 312 weather effects 218 Weidner, T.G. 50, 86, 192, 219, 338 weight and fat control 363-368 weight loss 365-366 weight-loss programs 363 Weiler, J.M. 74, 308 Weiss, S.T. 75 wellness 4 Welsh, S. 276 Welsh, S.O. 284 Westling, L, 229 Westrum, L.E. 231 » Whaley, M.H. 221 Wiesler, E.R. 324 Wiles, J.D. 287 Williams, C. 276 Wilmore, D.W. 296, 307 Wilmore, J.H. 13,43, 79, 214, 221, 287t, 304, 312, 313, 320, 323, 328 Wilson, L.A. 222 Wilt, T.J. 280 Winkler, P. 53 Wishart, J.M. 340 Wolever, T.M.S. 276 Wolf, G. 302 Wolf, S.K. 362 workouts 326 World Health Organization 280 Wright, V. 263,264 wrist extensor muscles 126-127,127/ wrist flexor muscles 128-129,129/ wrist joint dysfunction 258-259, 259/ Wu, G. 297 Wyndham, C. 328 X Xanax 264 Xie, H. 355,360
Y Yang, M.U. 290 Yang, T.M. 70 Yanuck, S. 192 Yee, L. 328 Yen, S.S. 341 Yoshida, T. 312,323 Young, J.B. 305 Young, V.R. 280 Yu, B.P. 51,309
Z Zhang, H. 360 Zhu, Y.I. 304 Ziegler, D. 359 Ziegler, T.R. 296,297 Zimmet, P.Z. 45,352,357 Zinc Liver Chelate 303, 382 Zmarzty, S.A. 279 Zonderland, M.L. 42, 43, 50
About the Vuthor
Philip Maffetone, DC, has more than 20 years of experience in private practice treating and training athletes in all sports including many world class and professional athletes. He lectures extensively on the topics of health and fitness, diet and nutrition, and lifestyle and stress management, and he serves as a consultant to athletes, sport teams, and corpo¬ rations. Author of several books on sport for general audiences, Dr. Maffetone is a member and former chairman of the International College of Applied Kinesiology—a comple¬ mentary medicine organization devoted to education and research. In 1994, he was named Coach of the Year by Triathlete Magazine. He is a member of the National Athletic Trainers Association and the Foundation for Allied Conservative Therapies Research. He attained his DC from the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Illinois.
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IMdise Stay ahead of the curve by offering your patients and athletes a full complement of care that focuses not only on their symptoms but also examines the varied and interrelated factors that contribute to their health. Complementary Sports Medicine shows you how to combine many nontraditional therapies that will help your athletes improve performance and avoid injury. You can use the plans outlined in this book to augment traditional therapies and develop a holistic approach that addresses athletes’ mental/emotional, physical, and chemical well-being. With Complementary Sports Medicine, you will be able to: •Discover and prevent the root causes of injury by understanding factors contributing to physical, emotional, or chemical imbalances •Teach athletes that they can impact performance and health when they understand and address their physical, emotional, and chemical needs •Determine which nontraditional therapies will work best for each athlete •Develop stronger, proactive practitioner-patient relationships Complementary Sports Medicine gives you the skills to enhance and augment traditional therapies in order to bring into focus the full and complex picture of overall athlete health.
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