City of Splendors: Waterdeep (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Supplement) 0786936932, 9780786936939

The first in-depth look at Waterdeep, the shining jewel of the Forgotten Realms setting, in many years.City of Splendors

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English Pages 168 Year 2005

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Table of contents :
......Page 1
Table of Contents......Page 4
Locations......Page 5
Monster Substitutes......Page 6
Melairbade......Page 7
Blackcloak Hold......Page 8
Age of War Lords......Page 9
Reign of Guildmasters......Page 11
Reign of Piergeiron......Page 12
Culture and Society......Page 14
Sidebar: Read all About it......Page 15
Roads and Trade Routes......Page 16
Spells and Portals......Page 17
Coins and Tradebars......Page 18
Table 1-1: Goods and Servies in water deep......Page 19
The Melairshield......Page 21
Table 1-2: Research in Waterdeep......Page 22
Organizational Format......Page 23
Blackstaff Tower......Page 24
Laeral Silverhand Arunsun......Page 25
Enclave of Red Magic......Page 27
Halaster's Heirs......Page 28
Trobriand The Metal Mage......Page 29
New Olamn......Page 30
Other Practitioners......Page 31
Maaril the Dragon Mage......Page 33
City Guard......Page 34
City Navy......Page 35
City Watch......Page 36
Sample Watch Patrol (EL6)......Page 37
The Gray Hands......Page 38
Church of Cyric......Page 39
Clergy of Lathander......Page 40
Order of the Aster......Page 41
Church of Loviatar......Page 42
Church of Mystra......Page 43
Church of Oghma......Page 44
Order of the Blue Moon......Page 45
Church of Shar......Page 46
Church of Tymora......Page 47
Holy Order of the Knights of Samular......Page 48
Order of the Even-Handed......Page 50
Fences and Smugglers......Page 51
Guild Masters......Page 52
Lords of Waterdeep......Page 53
Mercenaries and Guides......Page 56
Dragons......Page 57
The Unseen......Page 58
Nobility......Page 60
Adarbrent......Page 61
Moonstar......Page 62
Thann......Page 63
Wands......Page 64
Agents of the Eye......Page 65
Bull Elk Tribe......Page 67
Chief Hagar Hlutwigsson......Page 68
The Shadow Thieves......Page 69
Alauneth "Black Viper" Orrane......Page 70
Independent Agents......Page 71
Zabbas Thuul......Page 72
Sages and Loremasters......Page 73
The Harpers......Page 74
The Kraken Society......Page 75
Red Sashes......Page 76
The Tel Teukiira......Page 77
Becoming a Gray Hand Enforcer......Page 78
Table 3-1: They Gray Hand Enforcer......Page 79
Gray Hand Enforcers in the World......Page 80
Side Bar: Swift and Immediate Actions......Page 81
Class Features......Page 82
Table 3-2: The Knight of the Blue Moon......Page 83
Encounters......Page 84
Moonstar Agent......Page 85
Table 3-3: The Moonstar Agent......Page 86
Moonstar Agents in the game......Page 87
Encounters: Kyriani Agrivar......Page 88
Table 3-4: The Sun Soul Monk......Page 89
Sun Soul Monks in the World......Page 90
Sun Soul Monks in the Game......Page 91
Sea Ward......Page 92
North Ward......Page 93
Northward Structures......Page 95
Ward Map......Page 94
Sea Ward Map......Page 96
Castle Ward......Page 97
Castle Ward Structures......Page 99
Sea Ward/North Ward Map......Page 98
Sea Ward/Castle Ward Map......Page 100
Trades Ward Structures......Page 101
North Ward/Castle Ward/Trades Ward/City of the Dead map......Page 102
City of the Dead
......Page 103
Dock Ward Structures
......Page 105
Castle Ward/Dock Ward/Harbour Map
......Page 104
Castle Ward/Trades Ward/Dock Ward/ South Ward Map
......Page 106
South Ward Structures
......Page 107
Deep Water Harbour/Harbour Map
......Page 108
......Page 109
Harbor/Dock Ward/South Ward
......Page 110
......Page 112
Black Well Court (EL 7)
......Page 113
The Hand That Sings
......Page 114
The Prowl (EL 4)
......Page 115
Catacombs of Yintros
......Page 116
Crypt of Chauntea
......Page 117
The Fireplace Level
......Page 118
Maldiglas's Refuge
......Page 119
Umberlee's Cache
......Page 120
Wonderstar Garrison
......Page 121
Sewer Features
......Page 122
Sewers of Waterdeep Map
......Page 124
Encounter Chance
......Page 125
Table 5-2
: Common Sewer Encounters......Page 126
Table 5-3: Rare Sewer Encounters
......Page 127
UM L4: The Farms Level
......Page 128
UM SLG: Murial's Gauntlet
......Page 129
Ilvastarr Vault
......Page 130
Ilvastarr Vault Map
......Page 131
Pits A and B: Guardgoyle Pits (EL 5)
......Page 132
V6: East Vault (EL 5)
......Page 133
V7: Visageway
......Page 134
CR Table......Page 135
......Page 136
Leucrotta, Changesteed
......Page 138
......Page 139
Walking Statue of Waterdeep
......Page 140
......Page 141
......Page 142
Wraith, Sea
......Page 143
Table 7-1: New Feats
......Page 145
Jester's Magic
......Page 146
......Page 147
Gurt's Geataxe
......Page 148
Ring of Research
......Page 149
Griffon Lancesaddle
......Page 150
Side Bar: Lords' Apparel
......Page 151
Rod of Lathander
......Page 152
Ensul's Soultheft
......Page 153
Halasters Fetch V
......Page 154
Side note: Halasters Drifting Portals
......Page 155
Laeral's Crowning Touch
......Page 156
Palarndusk's Fire Breath
......Page 157
Side bar: About the Author
......Page 158
Back Cover
......Page 159
Web Enhancement
......Page 160
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City of Splendors: Waterdeep (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Supplement)
 0786936932, 9780786936939

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. DESIGNER: Eric fC. Boyd ADDITIONAL DESIGN: Ed Greenwood, James Jlcdbs, Steven E. Schend, Sean K Reynolds DEVELOPER: Richard Baker -; EDITORS:Cindi Rice; Gary Sarli EDITING MANAGER: Kim Mohan . DESIGNMANAGER: Christopher'Perkins DEVELOPMENT MANAG& Jesse Decker SENIOR ARTD ~ E C T O RRPG R&D: Stacy Longstreet DIRECTOR OF,RPG R&Q: Bill Shvicsek PRODUCTION~MAN~~RS: ~ o s Fischer, h Randall Crews -.. F~RGOTTEN REALMS ARTDIRECTOR: Mari Kolkowsky COVER ARTIST: Scott M. Fiicher' INTERIOR ARTISTS: Steve.Belledin, Steve Ellis,Wayne England, RJpa ~or&y,'wiliiamO'Connor, Lucio Purillo, Vinod ~ B i n ~ i i c Sk .. GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Dee Barnett CARTOGJQI~PHER: Dennis Kauth, Robert Lazzaretti GRAPHI~, PRODUCTION SPECIALIST: Angelika-Lokotz IMAGE-TECHNICIAN: Jason Wiley . SPECIAL THANKS: .Thomas . M. Costa, Elaine hnningham, George &hos, Alex ~ o b e r t' s >

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Based on the original DUNGEONS & ~RAGONS' mles cre , Jonathan Tweet, Monte cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This vizards of the Cpgst game product contains no Open Gam~Content.No portion of To learn more about the Open


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