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H A R V A R D E AS T A S I A N M O N O G R A P H S 224
Karl Gerth
Published by the H arvard U niversity A sia C enter and D istributed by H arvard U niversity Press C am bridge (M assachusetts) and London, 2003
© 2003 by che President and Fellows o f Harvard College Printed in the United States o f America
T h e Harvard University Asia Center publishes a monograph series and, in coordination with the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, the Korea Institute, the Reischauer Institute o f Japanese Studies, and other faculties and institutes, administers research projects designed to further scholarly understanding o f China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, and other Asian countries. T h e Center also sponsors projects addressing multidisciplinary and regional issues in Asia.
Library o f Congress Cataloging' in-Publication Data Gerth, Karl, 1966* China made : consumer culture and the creation o f the nation / Karl Gerth. p. cm. ~ (Harvard East Asian monographs ; 224) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0*674*01214*3 (alk. paper)
i. Consumption (Economics)**China**History**20th century. 2. Nationalism**China**20th century. 3. Manufacturing industries**China**20th century. 4* Boycotts**China**History**20th century. I. Title. II. Series. HC43 0 .C6 G4 7 2003
339*4 7 *095 i 0 9 0 4 " d c 2 l 2003011610
Index by the author
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For Pamela
In che lace 1980s, che U .S. mass media sounded an alarm. A steady stream o f reports suggested that Japanese foreign direct investment was “invading" the U nited States. T h e acquisition o f prominent symbols o f American wealth and power, such as Rockefeller Center in Manhattan and Universal Pictures in H ollywood, was front-page news. Newsweek even published an issue with the Statue o f Liberty draped in a kimono. T h e panic over “foreign'' control o f “our“ economy made the consumption o f Japanese imports controversial I experienced the angst o f chat era. O ne summer day as I drove with friends through D etroit, I felt acutely conscious o f the make o f our car, a N issan. I wondered whether locals would assault us for brazenly driving a Japanese car through the heart o f the nation s automobile industry. Since that cime, I have continued to note the ties between consumerism and nationalism in the United Sû tes. Recently television advertisements accused owners o f gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles (SU V s) o f treason for indirectly funding those responsible for the September 11 tragedy. These feelings o f fear and guilt were never enough to scop me (or most Americans) from buying Japanese produce then or gasoline now. But I think there were other effects.
Anxiety over imports is neither new nor exclusively American. This book charts the development o f a similar social anxiety in China during the early twentieth century, a time when China faced a genuine threat to its sover eignty and continued existence as an independent country. It was challeng ing to link nationalism and consumption in a vast country where the levels o f both were usually low to nonexistent. Naturally, the responses varied. Apa-
chy abounded. Many felt an obligation but, like me in the United States many decades later, stopped short o f direct action. Given the state o f mass communications in China, millions never even heard the call to action. Y et a broad history o f this anxiety uncovers a wide range o f effects and manifesta' dons that collectively demonstrate how nationalism became a central part o f consumer culture in China. T he path that turned a nervous motorist into a published author began at Harvard. Since my first semester o f graduate school, Philip A . Kuhn has generously shared his time and knowledge. I see this book as a combination o f the social history I studied with him and the political and economic his' tory I explored through W illiam G Kirby's classes and scholarship. Their ongoing advice has been invaluable. M any friends, colleagues, and students assisted me. Frank Bechter, John Carroll, Ken Chase, Hyung G u Lynn, Rana M iner, and Allison Rottmann critiqued all or large parts o f the entire manuscript. O thers who helped in clude Paul Frank, Chen Shiwei, M ary Buck, Caroline Reeves, Cheng Lins un, Anne Reinhardt, Eugenia Lean, Chang Li, Richard Belsky, Marc Busch, and Elaine Mossmann. Fellow scholars o f China commented on various parts. Parks Coble, Sherman Cochran, Prasenjir Duara, Antonia Finanne, Akira Iriye, Peter Perdue, W illiam Rowe, and W en-hsin Yeh were particularly helpful Several scholars o f American consumerism also advised me: Susan Strasser, Lawrence Glickman, Katherine Grier, and Kathy Peiss. I am cer tain each will still find points o f disagreement. A t the University o f South Carolina, I am especially grateful to Patrick Maney, W . Dean Kinzley, Anna Krylova, Lynn Shirley, Eric Cheezum, the staff at the Interlibrary Loan de partment, the students in my seminars on the history o f consumer culture in modem East Asia, and the members o f the Department o f History. I am also indebted to three anonymous reviewers o f the manuscript. Numerous individuals and institutions supported my research in Japan, China, and Taiwan as well as my revisions. A Japanese M inistry o f Educa tion (Mombushô) scholarship allowed me to spend two years at Tokyo University studying under Hamashita Takeshi, who has been a source o f coundess suggestions. Linda Grove, Kawashima Shin, and Harald Fuess also assisted me in Japan. The financial support o f Harvard University's Frederick Sheldon Fellowship, Graduate Society Fellowship, and the W eatherhead Center for International Affairs enabled me to make three re
search crips to China. In Shanghai, L i Yihai and the staff o f the Foreign Scholars Section o f the Shanghai Academy o f Social Sciences arranged two
o f my trips. M any scholars at the Academy took time to suggest materials, including Huang Hanmin, Chen Zhengshu, and Luo Suwen. For sharing their own sources on the National Products Movement, I am indebted to X u Dingxin and Pan Junxiang. I also thank the staffs o f the Tianjin M u nicipal Archives, the Num ber T w o Archives in Nanjing, the Shanghai M u nicipal Archives, especially Chen Zhengqing, and the Shanghai M unicipal Library, particularly Jeff Q in. Fu Dehua o f the H istory Department Library
of Fudan University provided early encouragement. Ac the Suzhou M unici pal Archives, Lin Zh ilin and Shen Huiying ensured chat I found everything that I needed. A Fulbright Foundation fellowship funded a year o f research in Taiwan. I am graceful to the scholars and staff at my institutional home there, the M odem H istory Institute o f the Academia Sinica, especially Lin Man-houng and Chang Rui-te. T h e H arold Gross Dissertation Award from the history department at Harvard along with grants from the Univer sity o f South Carolina's College o f Liberal A rts Scholarship Support and Taiwan's Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation funded my revisions. Lastly, I thank my family, especially Pamela, to whom I dedicate this book. K .G .
Map, Table, and Figures
The Elaboration of the Movement 5/ *Chinese People Ought to Consume Chinese Products" 13/ Overview 24 P AR T I
T he Crisis over Comm odities and the Origins o f the Movement
Foreign Exposure 33/ Symbolizing Lost Sovereignty 40/ New Commodities as Conduits of Nationalism 49/ The Ideological and Institutional Foundations of the Movement 57 a N ationalizing the Appearance o f Men
Ascribing Meaning to Men's Appearance During the Qing 74/ The Visual and Economic Significance of Chinese Clothing 80/ Late Qing Interpretations of Appearance 83/ The Appearance of Revolution, 1898-1911 88/ Nationalizing Appearance 93/ Lobbyingfor National Clothing 105/ The Legacy of Nationalistic Appearance Under the Republic 111 P AR T II
3 T he Movement and Anti'Im perialist Boycotts, 1905-1919 Institutionalization: The Anti-American Boycott of 190$ 127/ Early Anti-Japanese Boycotts 131/ *National Humiliation" and Consumption in 1915 133/ The Movement and Continuity Between Boycotts 145/ The Boycott of 1919 146
4 T he Movement and Anti-Imperialist Boycotts, 1923-1937
Part I: Boycotts, 1923-37 159/ Boycott of 1929: The May 30th Movement 168/ Part II: Standardizing the Meaning of "National Products" 18$/ The Practical Problem of Determining Product "Purity" 187/ The Formulation of National Products Standards 192/ The National Products Standards of 1928 194 PART I II
$ Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
Remaking Commodity Spectaclesfor the Nation 205/ Components of the Exhibitionary Complex 208/ Creating Nationalized Exhibitions 222/ Expansion Under the Nationalist Government 231 6 Creating a Nationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Making the Mythical 249/ Profitingfrom a National Polity 252/ T he Preparations 255/ Creating a Nationalized Space 258/ Mass Mediated Spectacle 266/ People and Products on Display 269/ Communities of Commodities Within the Nation 273/ Conclusion:
A Commodity Nation 281 PART I V
7 Nationalizing Female Consumers
The Image of the Consuming Woman 289/ A Year in the Life of a Patriotic Female Consumer 309/ Contesting Representations of Women as Treasonous Consumers 328
8 M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
National Products Movement Biographies 334/ A Capitalist with Chinese Characteristics 337/ The Limits of Patriotic Production 345
How Widely Elaborated Was the Movement? 358/ A MetaMovement 360/ Nationalistic Consumerism Viewedfrom North America 363/ Nationalistic Consumerism in Contemporary Osina 366 REFERENCE M A T TE R
Bibliography Index
371 425
M a p , Table, and Figures
Map 1.1
T reaty Ports as Showcases
36 Table
Chinese Foreign Trade
44 Figures
A N ation as Products
W h at Is Chinese?
Consum er and Consumed
W orshipping the Foreign
T h e Toothpaste Defense
Coercion and the Q ueue
Reinterpreting Q ing M ale Dress
T h e N ew M ale Orthodoxy?
Antithetical Interpretations o f the Queue
T h e Clothing Law o f 1912
N ew Uniform s for Diplom ats
T h e Sun Suit Compromise
W estern-Style Chinese-M ade Clothing
M ap, Table, and Figures
M arketing Humiliation in 1915
M arketing Humiliation in 1920
“N ational Humiliation Commemorative Poster"
"The Shamelessness o f the Treasonous Merchant"
Publicizing the Latest National Humiliation
Boycott Banner, 1925
Fanning the Humiliation
T h e M yth o f the Pure Product
National Product Certification, 1928
Nationalized Retail Space
T h e Chinese National Products Company
Nationalized Visual Spaces
Patriotic Smokers
Shanghai Commercial Products Display H all
Chinese National Products Exhibition
Main Gate o f the Exhibition
W est W ing o f the Exhibition
East W ing o f the Exhibition
Textile and Beverage Displays
N ested Identities W ithin Pavilions
Microcosm o f Nationalist Modernity
Mementos from the Exhibition
Students Visiting an Exhibition
Ceremonial H all o f the Exhibition
W om en as National Saviors
"Practicing N ew Life"
Fashionable Traitors
Conduits o f Imperialism
National Product Fashion Shows
Bashing Foreign Beer
Santa Selling Cigarettes
Map, Table, and Figures
Commercial W ar
Patriotic Footwear
Domestic Status Earned Abroad
Heaven s Kitchen M SG Bomber
Packaging Nationalism
W hat's a fashion-conscious teenager to do when all her favorite products are im ported from a country that's attacking her own? In "The Lin Family Shop" 1932). a short stoiy by the famous Chinese w riter Mao D un (1896-1981), the spoiled teenaged daughter o f a small m erchant returns home from school distraught after her classmates and teachers ha* rass her because her pretty new dress is made o f Japanese rather than C hi' nese material. T he girl understands their criticism. She knows that Japan has been expanding its control over China aggressively and that she is ex pected to boycott all things Japanese. Still, she loves her clothing, cosmetics, pencils, umbrella, and many other belongings, even though they are Japanese imports. She resents having to abandon them, but the social pressure has be come unbearable. T o avoid further torm ent, the girl informs her m other that she requires a new wardrobe made from Chinese fabrics immediately. T his young woman’s decision reveals the pervasive tensions between con sumerism and nationalism that were, as this book argues, central to the creation o f China as a modem nation. N ationality-bearing commodities impinge on every character in Mao Dun's story. T he schoolgirl's father comes under attack from local officials for selling Japanese products. Because every store sells such things, the hither considers this harassment an arbitrary shakedown by local officials trolling for bribes rather than a genuine attem pt to promote a nationalistic con sumer culture. Yet he has no choice. H e pays a bribe and begins trying to recoup his losses to earn enough to buy his daughter new clothing, but he does not remove the Japanese products from his shelves. O n the contrary, desperate for sales, he displays them boldly with reduced prices. Custom ers jum p at the chance to obtain a bargain; they do not avoid these im ported products. Business picks up, but the merchant's success only renews his original problem. H is store attracts the attention o f another official who,
under the pretext o f prohibiting the sale o f Japanese products, is looking for yet another payoff By now, other area merchants have also paid bribes to se cure permission to sell Japanese products. Showing their true colors, officials permit the sale o f diese goods once merchants remove the Japanese markings. Merchants and customers then participate in a charade o f nationalistic con sumerism by referring to the disguised goods as "Chinese products" or "na tional products" (Ë9 1 9 ), as goods made in China, by Chinese workers, using Chinese materials, under the direction o f Chinese managers, in Chineseowned factories were known at the time o f the story.1 A s a result, die local market becomes flooded, prices drop, and the merchant soon goes bankrupt. In this classic M ao Dun satire, greedy merchants, unethical officials, and self-interested consumers participate in a nationalistic consumer culture, but not necessarily with genuine commitment.i.2 Clearly, a new notion o f "product-nadonality” constrained consumers and enabled individuals to ad vance their interests by invoking that constraint. T he constraint was real. N one o f the characters denies that goods possess nationality or that there are nationalistic categories of consumption. Indeed, even M ao Dun himself, al though deeply cynical about the blatant manipulation o f these categories by self-proclaimed patriots, did not directly challenge the notion o f productnationality. A n exploration o f the history o f the categories that defined commodities as either Chinese or foreign must therefore transcend a simple identification o f Chinese consumption patterns. T he presence o f these cate gories alone, for instance, enables the girls classmates and teachers to humiliate her publicly and "legitimately,” even if their actual motivation is envy rather than patriotism. Likewise, far from providing evidence against the emerging hegemony o f a nationalized consumer culture, the decisions o f Chinese merchants to misrepresent (and sell) "Japanese” goods as "Chinese" serve to confirm the reality o f nationalistic categories o f consumption. T h e question for us then becomes: H ow the disjunction between "did
i. In fact, the Chinese equivalent o f the Oxford English Dictionary uses this story to define the term guohuo \&1H (national product) (Luo Zhufeng 1990. vol. j: 641). a. I share Thom as Richards’s concern over using the term 'consumer culture," which 'makes it sound like there is something uniquely modem about consumption* (1990: »68). By qualifying and contextualizing this culture (see esp. Chapter i), I hope to avoid such confu sion. T h e term 'material culture* is broader and refers to 'that sector o f our physical envi ronment that we modify through culturally determined behavior' (D eetz 1996: 35). I define consumer culture as a specific, mass-produced, and commodity-centered form o f material cul ture. O n the term 'consumption,' see D . Miller 1999c: 30 and D . Miller 1998.
do” and "ought to have done” creates room for political, social, and economic maneuvering». W h y do the consumers, merchants, and officials in "T he Lin Family Shop” go to such extreme lengths to maintain the appearance o f nationalistic consumerism? Indeed, this story accurately represents Chinese reality. In his classic study o f the competition between the British-Am erican Tobacco Com pany and N anyang Brothers Tobacco Com pany ( $ f
4 » ? ]), for instance, business historian Sherman Cochran writes that both companies 'recognized the need to disguise their foreign ties and appear as 'Chinese' as possible” (1980:111, ai8). But how and why did nationalism and consumerism intersect to create this deep and far-reaching constraint? W hat was the broader social context that made the appearance o f nationalistic consumerism so important? In early twentieth-century China, an emerging consumer culture defined and spread modem Chinese nationalism. China had begun to im port and to manufacture thousands o f new consumer goods. These commodities changed the everyday life o f millions o f Chinese who used, discussed, and dreamed about them. A t the same time, the influx o f imports and the desires they created threatened many in China. Politicians worried about trade defi cits and the new consumer lifestyles exemplified by opium dens and addicts. Intellectuals, who had begun to read works on W estern political economy, feared the loss o f sovereignty im plicit in the growing foreign dominance o f the commercial economy. A nd manufacturers, faced w ith inexpensive and superior imports, wondered how they would preserve or increase their mar ket share. T h e growing conceptualization o f China as a 'nation” with its own 'n a tional products” influenced the shape o f its consumer culture. T h is book demonstrates that consumerism played a fundamental role in defining na tionalism, and nationalism in defining consumerism. Nationalism molded a burgeoning consumer culture by applying the categories "national” and "for eign” to all commodities, creating, in effect, the notion o f "treasonous” and "patriotic” products. T h is nationalized consumer culture became the site where the notions o f "nationality” and o f China as a "modem” nation-state were articulated, institutionalized, and practiced. T h e consumption o f com modities defined by the concept o f nationality not only helped create the very idea o f "modem China” but also became a primary means by which people in China began to conceptualize themselves as citizens o f a modern nation.
Efforts to create a nationalistic consumer culture had innumerable social manifestations. A broad array o f political, economic, and social forces placed cultural constraints on consumption through a massive but diffuse social movement. T h e National Products Movement (B S Ä lS S Ij; hereafter, “the movement*), as it was known at the time, popularized the meaning o f mate rial culture around the duality o f "national products* (|3 V?) and "foreign products" (PßlR), and it made the consumption o f national products a fun damental part o f Chinese citizenship. T his movement included new sump tuary laws mandating the use o f Chinese-made fabrics in clothing (Chapter a), frequent anti-imperialist boycotts (Chapters 3 and 4), massive exhibitions and myriad advertisements promoting the consumption o f national products (Chapters 5 and 6), a W omen's National Products Year (Chapter 7), and the mass circulation o f biographies o f patriotic manufacturers (Chapter 8). These aspects o f the movement created a nationalistic consumer culture that drove modem Chinese nation-making.1 T h e role o f consumerism in persuading people in China to see themselves as members o f a modem nation-state in a world o f similarly constituted nation-states, although critical to understanding modem China, is surpris ingly absent from contemporary scholarship on Chinese nationalism. Early scholarship on the emergence o f modem nationalism in China attempted to locate China along a 'culturalism-to-nationalism ' continuum stretching from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. In political scientist James Townsends summary, "the core proposition is that a set o f ideas la beled culturalism' dominated traditional China, was incompatible with modem nationalism and yielded only under the assault o f imperialism and W estern ideas to a new nationalist way o f thinking" (Townsend 1996:1; see also J. Harrison 1969). In recent years, historians have greatly expanded our knowledge o f China's final dynasty and questioned the purported cul tural unity o f late imperial China by identifying regional and ethnic tensions (see, e.g., E. S. Rawski 1998; Crossley 1999; Rhoads 2000). Nevertheless, scholarship examining the emergence o f modem nationalism continues to take two general forms: top-down and bottom-up. T he first approach3
Rather than the term "nation-building," which suggests the nation is a top-down con
struction, I use "nation-making" to emphasize the much broader social participation. O n the difference between "nation-building" and "nation-making," as well as a discussion o f the use o f the term "nation" as employed here, see R. J. Foster 1995a.
explores the role o f intellectual, military, and political leaders in creating a nation.45T he second investigates the development o f nationalism within spe cific contexts, such as the expansion o f local customs and religious practices to broader arenas or sporadic anti-imperialist acts such as the killing o f for eign missionaries or the picketing o f foreign companies.1
A study o f nation-making through consumerism allows us to connect all levels o f Chinese society. T his book extends the top-down approach to re veal the broader institutional and discursive environments in which notions o f nationhood were conceived, diffused, and enforced.
Ac the same time, ex
amining nationalism through consumerism expands the bottom-up ap proach by integrating different levels o f Chinese society and connecting diverse phenomena over time. T his extension o f the analysis o f Chinese nation-making into consumerism should make it hard to imagine histories o f Sino-foreign relations, business enterprises, the lives o f leading figures, popular protest, the women’s movement, urban culture, or even the Com munist Revolution o f 1949 that do not consider the rise o f a nationalized consumer culture in early twentieth-century China.
The Elaboration of the Movement W hy did the Chinese government not nationalize consumer culture by ban ning or restricting imports through high tariffs? T he answer is simple: be cause o f imperialism, the Chinese state lacked the power to do so. As Chap ter 1 demonstrates, successive defeats by imperialist powers after the Opium W ar (1840-42) compounded deep institutional problems within the Chi nese state and culminated in the collapse o f C hinas last dynasty in 1911-12. Imperialist countries imposed a series o f “unequal treaties" that "opened" China to trade by, among other methods, denying China the ability to re strict imports by raising tariffs. W hen China recovered tariff autonomy in
4. Because the top-down approach is the predominant way o f studying the rise o f Chinese nationalism, there are too many citations to list here. T h e best-known example o f this ap proach is Levenson 196$. For a dated but annotated introduction, see F. G . Chan 1981. For a recent critique o f these approaches, see M iner 2000:7-1$. 5. T w o good examples are W atson 198$ and M . L Cohen 1994. For a more recent study on the role o f changing rituals in creating a new sense o f Chinese ethnicity and nationalism, see H . Harrison 2000. O n the homogenizing power o f nationalist narratives that arose among diverse local social groups, see Duara 199$: 115-46.
the late 1920s, it used internationally accepted means o f nationalizing con* sumer culture and immediately imposed tariffs to restrict market access. By one estimate, the tariff rate o f 1934 was seven times the pre'1929 rate (Zheng Yougui 1939:12). However, throughout the period discussed here, roughly 1900 to 1937, China saw itself as inundated with imports but powerless to use tariffs for a quick solution. Instead, interested parties tried to create other ways o f restricting foreign access and enforcing nationalistic consumption. T h e National Products Movement was the expression o f their manifold efforts. There was never one centrally controlled national products movement (think the civil rights movement, not the National Association for the A d ' vancement o f Colored People). Silk manufacturers, student protestors, women's organizations, business enterprises, government officials, and ordi nary citizens alike invoked the term 'N ational Products Movement.” M ore over, as the movement grew, its name, its slogans, and the categories o f na tionalistic consumption it created became ubiquitous in cities and even appeared in the countryside. Its manifestations included the Clothing Law o f 1912, the National Product Monthly ( | $ S ) and many other magazines, the government-sponsored "National Products” campaign o f the late 1920s, official "National Products Years” in the 1930s (W om ens in 1934, Childrens in 193$, and Citizens' in 1936), weekly supplements published in a major na tional newspaper (Shenbao) in the mid-i930s, thousands o f advertisements, regular national-product fashion shows, and specially organized venues— visited by millions— for displaying and selling national products, including museums, fixed and traveling exhibitions, and a chain o f retail stores. T h e movement, then, was not a bounded entity but an evolving, growing, and interactive set o f institutions, discourses, and organizations, which sought new ways to incorporate reluctant producers, merchants, and, above all, citizen-consumers. T he movement was initiated by a few groups, ex panded by others into new domains, and appropriated by still others, for multiple purposes, many o f them directly at odds with the interests o f movement supporters. Participants ranged from men leading recognized movement organizations to women organizing movement events as a way to take part in public life to entrepreneurs jum ping on the movement band wagon to sell products to gangsters manipulating movement discourse as a means o f extortion to consumers consciously or unconsciously acting on the nationalistic categories o f consumption.
MOVEMENT TERMS AND LABELS A key means for expanding the N ational Products Movement was the crea tion and popularization o f a vocabulary chat underwrote nationalistic cate gories o f consumption. T he most im portant terms were “national product" and "foreign product.” Guohuo S U ' is often translated "native goods" or "na tional goods." Although I occasionally use the term "Chinese goods" and others for variation, I prefer "national products" because this term invokes the attributes chat movement participants aspired to associate with their products: nationalism and industrialism rather than localism and handicraft production.6 For the same reason, I translate Guohuo yundong as "national products movement" rather than "native goods" or "national goods" movement. Similarly, as I point out in C hapter i, the influx o f im ported con sum er goods that were given the prefix "foreign” ( ^ ) helped to convey the notion o f "foreign commodities” ( ^ Ä ) more generally, and, by implication, the idea o f Chinese "national products."7 Likewise, the circulation o f goods labeled "domestic” and "foreign" served to teach "nationality” to consumers throughout China on a daily basis. T h e creation and application o f positive and negative nationalized social labels led to further elaborations o f the movement's vocabulary. A n "authen tic Chinese woman," as Chapter 7 shows, did not consume imports, lest she "betray her nation." O ne participant in the W om en’s N ational Products Year o f 1934 even suggested that such unpatriotic women be labeled prosti tutes because they degraded their bodies by consuming imports. Moreover, decades before Chinese historians in the People s Republic contrasted the patriotic "national capitalist"
whose work aided the nation,
6.1 also prefer to emphasize the exchange and sign values o f merchandise by using the term 'products* or 'com m odities* O n the construction o f the broader social meanings o f such values, in particular, see Appadurai 1986« and Baudrillard 199S. For a lucid introduction to Baudrillard's notion o f's ig n value,' see Kellner 1989. However, to avoid repetition, I also use the term 'good s.' N ote that 'com m odities' refers to the more contemporary meaning o f the term as all exchangeable goods rather than simply as primary materials such as grains. O n these distinctions, see Rowling 1987:7. 7. Another Chinese term for 'foreign products* was waiguohuo to waihuo
often shortened
T h e movement also used explkidy derisive terms to refer to imports. 'N o n -
Chinese' products were commonly called 'enem y products* ( ÿ lÿ f) , although by the late 1920s this term usually referred specifically to Japanese products. T h e movement also used the term 'inferior products’
! ) as a catchall for 'im p o rts'
and the treasonous 'comprador capitalist”
whose work
benefited foreign companies, the movement sought to create a marketplace that automatically distinguished genuinely patriotic Chinese capitalists from the traitorous agents o f foreign interests. W ithout relying on foreign assis* tance, the 'authentic Chinese capitalist,” as I show in Chapter 8, used Chinese capital, labor, raw materials, and management to produce goods that de* fended the domestic market by displacing imports. Although I do argue that the process o f nationalizing consumer culture was a primary mechanism for developing and extending nationalism in China, it was not the only one. O ther aspects o f Chinese life were being na* tionalized and given nationalized names with the addition o f the prefix “na tion" or “national” (US), including "national medicine” (HSISl), "national lan guage” ((Ü]n§), "national hither" (ËS 3 C; Le., Sun Yatsen or Sun Yixian îfé j& fllj, 1866-192$), and "national opera” (ËS|j$lj), as well as "national flag” (Hâtât) and "national anthem” (ËEIfâ).* These usages mutually reinforced and bolstered the idea o f nation as a primary classification and further natu ralized the notion o f national products. Personal and national racial hygiene, a concept widely circulated through ideas o f racial competition and eugenics in Republican China, mirrored the notions o f a pure economy and o f pure commodities.8 9 T he connection was not casual National Products Move ment literature often represented commodities as the "national blood” (ËSIiÛL) and invoked eugenics slogans.10 Attem pts to create representations o f "pure”
8. O n the recoding o f the "Peking opera* ( Ä I » ) into ‘ national drama* ( S I M ) , see G old stein 1999. For Chinese nationalists, perhaps the most important ‘ national* term was ‘ na tional essence* ( S 3 fô ). O n the history o f this late Q ing import from Japan, see Schneider 1976 and, more recently, L H . Liu 199$: 159-56. For additional examples o f similarly national ized nouns, see Mathews et al. 1966:550-51. T h e Mathews dictionary was originally compiled in 19)1 at the height o f the movement. 9. Scholar and reformer Liang Qichao
(1875-1919), for instance, conceptualized
all o f history in racial terms: "W hat is history? It is simply the story o f racial development and racial strife* (quoted in Pusey 198): 196). O n the spread o f racial discourses in China, see Dikötter 199a: 98-11$. In East Asia more generally, see the essays in Dikötter 1997 and Kaiwing C how 1997, aooi. For an overview o f the popularity o f racial competition in framing Chinese nationalism, see M iner 2000:158-6$. T h e links between discourses o f hygiene and cleanliness and consumer goods in China have not been studied. For a suggestive introduc tion to the connections in Europe and America, however, see Forty 1986:156-81. O n eugenics in China, see Dikötter 1998:104-18. 10. For instance, the movement publication Jilian huikan
fU, the official magazine
o f one o f the largest movement organizations, regularly printed the slogan 'Emphasize eugen-
national products thus paralleled and may even have been derived from eugenics.11 T he abundance o f related strands o f nationalized discourse clarifies my main point. My claim is not that early proponents o f nationalism conceived their ideas wholly through the movement. By the early tw entieth century, the idea o f the nation, in specific individuals or specific discursive forums, took many different forms. Rather, the movement was a driving force behind the spread o f nationalist sentim ent throughout China as a whole. It put “na tion" in front o f everyone's eyes, on everyone's back, and on everyone's a b le and tongue. T he elaboration, intensification, and institutionalization o f this movement, in turn, provided new platforms and points o f reference for fur ther developments o f nationalism. INSTITUTIONAL ELABORATION T he movement involved much more than new coinages and name-calling. A t its core, it also attempted to create, introduce, and reinforce new patterns o f group behavior and new systems o f social regulation and order and to in tegrate them into a nascent nationalistic consumer culture. T h e develop ment o f national product certification standards, examined in the second half o f Chapter 4, can serve as a model for understanding this institutional elaboration o f the movement as a whole. In the early sages, there was no dear-cut way o f defining and identifying national products. Various systems o f certification emerged in non-government organizations as makeshift cen trifuges for separating foreign contaminants from the Chinese market. Then, growing links between organizations popularized the desire for a single standard o f certification. Regular anti-imperialist boycotts intensified the need for explicit standards that identified precisely which products Chinese should and should not boycott. Finally, in 1928, a new national government
ics as the initial step in strengthening the country'
See, e.g.,
Jilian huikan 44 (1931.10.16): $0. 11.
In another national context, Ohnuki-Tierney (1995) notes that Japanese "white rice"
(hakumai Ö
was also known as "pure rice" (junmai
and "became a powerful meta
phor for the purity o f the Japanese self* (ibid., p. 232). She further notes the ways Japanese identity was constructed first against the notion o f Chinese rice and later against the meateating W est. See also O hnuki-Tiem ey 1993. Social scientists have long recognized the literal objectification o f cultural identity; see Bourdieu 1977*
formalized national certification standards. It made these standards law and institutionalized incentives for their application. Clearly, national product standards codified the pre-eminence o f product-nationality, but consumers did not automatically come to view prod ucts in this way. T h e more elaborate the movement, the greater the efforts o f recalcitrant individuals to circumvent it and hence the greater the need for further controls to persuade them to adhere to the movement's goals. Physical and visual spaces— what I call “nationalistic commodity spectacles”— functioned as forums to concentrate Chinese consumers' attention and condi tion them to recognize and valorize certified products. T he movement; then, included a specific form o f socialized or culturally constructed vision, a nationalistic visuality centered on training the eye to identify visual clues and to dis tinguish between the foreign and domestic across social life.12T his attempt to construct a nationalistic visuality was part o f all aspects o f the movement; for this reason, examples o f this visuality are reproduced and analyzed in every chapter. T h e National Products Exhibition o f 1928, to take one example, es sentially achieved the movement's goal in miniature by creating a completely nationalized visual and physical space intended for the nation as a whole. Everything— from the advertisements on the walls o f the exhibition hall to the dress o f attendees to every product on display to the towels in the men's room— was a certified national product. W ithin this miniature nation o f na tional products, consumers learned that they themselves could lead a life that was materially pure Chinese. Indeed, within this nationalistic commodity spectacle, it was impossible to visualize or live any other life.
Prominent commercial and industrial leaders, individuals with clear eco nomic interests at stake, formed the backbone o f the movement throughout China. These entrepreneurs became living examples o f two common expres sions o f the day: “Business enterprises rescue the nation“ (K TIÜ ^Ë S) and “Establish factories for national self-preservation” (n£ 0 Ê
A s Chapter
i explains, they established the businesses that formed the foundation o f this new consumer culture, manufacturing personal hygiene articles such as toothpaste and soap, textile products like towels and silk dresses, and
u . O n the cultural conditioning o f sight, see W alker and Chaplin 1997 and H . Foster
household goods such as light bulbs and electric fans, as well as the interna' tional icon o f this culture, plastic (G u W eicheng 1996). Zhang Jian $IHF (1853-1926), the reformer o f N antong in Jiangsu province, for instance, tried to save China nearly single-handedly by industrializing one town, and founded dozens o f companies, including the Dasheng C otton M ill jfeHjß) (N akai H ideki 1996). Am ong the m ost active movement participants in north China was Song Z ejiu
(1867-1956), the Tianjin merchant-
activist who established match and toothpaste companies as well as orga nized a local branch o f a key movement organization. Am ong the many other leading industrialists who participated were the powerful Rong brothers o f Shanghai, Rong Zongjing
(1873-1938) and Rong Desheng
(1875-1952), who became known as C hin as "flour and cotton kings” (H uang Hanm in 1996); C hin as "match king" Liu Hongsheng §!)Ï 9|* É (1888-1956) (Yang Chengqi 1996); and the founders o f C h in as modem chemical industry, Shanghai’s W u Yunchu
(1891-1953) (see Chap
ter 8) and Tianjin’s Fan Xudong fÈ jli, j|C (1883-1945) (H an Y in 1996). T h e movement also included innumerable less widely known proto industrialists, whose new consumer goods competed directly w ith imports. An example is Fang Yexian
(1893-1940), the co-founder o f the
China Chem ical Industries Com pany ( ^ I l î H t l ^ X l ï l f i ) , which made mosquito coils, tooth powder, food-flavoring powder, and soap. H e used movement ideology to promote his products and later helped establish a store on Shanghai's main commercial street, Nanjing Road, devoted exclu sively to selling national products (M a Bingrong 1996b). Likewise, the Jian jflj brothers formed the N anyang Brothers Tobacco Com pany and actively contrasted their "Chinese" cigarettes with the "foreign" British-Am erican Tobacco products (see Cochran 1980). Chen Diexian ßjC$3!{|lj (1878-1940), the founder o f the consumer goods company H ousehold Enterprises (I$c|i£ l i t t ) , was also a primary participant and wrote widely on movement and social issues under his pen name, Tianxu W osheng ticipants in the movement were Song Feiqing
ÜÜ^fcdÉ. O ther par (1898-1956), a co-
founder o f the East Asia W ool Textile Com pany ^ T P ß^ H ]), whose spun wool remains popular in China today (Z h ao Z izhen 1996), and the founders o f Three Friends Enterprises ( H 3 C Ä * t t ) . whose company capitalized on anti-imperialist sentiment by manufacturing and marketing "freedom cloth" ( Ê Ffe'ffr) and "patriotic blue cloth" (^ [H j £ jf c ) in the 1920s (L i D aofa 1996). Xiang Songmao
the (bunder o f the Five Continents Dispensary Company 4 *^ 1), China's most important distributor and, later, manufacturer o f pharmacological products such as soap and health tonics, also be came an active participant (Xiang Zenan 1996). Indeed, every industrialist participated in the movement in one form or another. Before the re-emergence o f a relatively strong state in 1927-18, much o f the organizational and financial strength o f the movement came from eco nomic interest groups formed by business leaders who owned consumer goods industries. Local chambers o f commerce, native-place associations, and newer ad hoc organizations specifically devoted to the movement had a huge financial stake in linking consumerism and nationalism to p ro tea what they had come to consider their home market. Throughout this period, as Chapter 1 shows, Chinese enterprises struggled to maintain market share and gain acceptance for manufactures that competed directly with imports. A s Chapter 1 shows, economic interest groups such as silk and hat manufac turers spread the notion o f nationalistic consumption. However, we can also find participants in the movement in unexpected quarters. M any other people became involved in the movement, sometimes unwittingly and often unwillingly. During the frequent anti-imperialist boy cotts discussed in Chapters 3 and 4, students o f all ages joined in the move ment. T h e more extreme among them vowed not to consume imports, forced merchants to adhere to boycotts, and even made and sold national products. Instead o f settling on any one group that beat the drum o f nation alism and drove the Chinese public to consume patriotically, this book iden tifies the multiple discourses and institutions that formed this context and thus reveals the consequences o f a nationalized consumer culture, conse quences unforeseen by the movement s original supporters and beneficiaries. N or did all the participants share the same motivation. A s I show in Chapters 3 and 4, zealous students and opportunistic hooligans often ap propriated these categories o f national and foreign products to justify vio lence against anyone refusing to boycott foreign goods or to "donate” to "pa triotic organizations.” In fact, the U .S. consul in the southern coastal city o f Fuzhou in the late 1910s concluded that movement organizations were "of ten a euphemism for black-mail gangs.”11 Indeed, according to two foreign
i). Fuzhou consul Samuel Sokobin, report to U .S. Secretary o f State, 1929.8.21, File 893 504/62, Central Records o f the Department o f State, RG$9 (National Archives) (hereaf ter, C R D S ]: ).
correspondents for the New York Times, “the confiscation and resale o f Japa nese gpods and the illegal 'fining' o f merchants” were typical parts o f the fre quent anti-imperialist boycotts (Abend and Billingham 1936:45). In one no torious case, the leader o f a large student organization used his position to enrich both him self and his cronies by extorting money from merchants. Angered by his betrayal, a group o f more radical students— the Iron and Blood Society ( Ë lik f f l) — assassinated him ”on behalf o f our 400,000,000 country-men.”14 Throughout China, merchants who refused to stop selling Japanese products were murdered. Such activities discredited the movement but reinforced the hegemony o f the notion that products had nationalities and that citizens within a nation owed their allegiance to its products.
W e tend to associate social movements with conspicuous activities such as marches, incendiary handbills, and slogan-filled rallies or subtle ac tions such as donations to a movement's organizations or support for movement-backed politicians. T he genius o f this movement was that every consumer was a participant. Even those opting to buy foreign products were participants in a negative way. Because every consumer could choose to support the movement, its goal was to ensure that every consumer— every citizen— did. *Chinese People Ought to Consume Chinese Products” Consumerism has become a key concept in analyzing the modem history o f N orth America and W estern Europe. Many academic disciplines have be gun to posit that individuals increasingly experience life as “consumers" liv ing in "consumer cultures.” Individuals are said to construct their identities increasingly through, as I have defined consumer culture, the consumption of branded, mass-produced commodities and the orientation o f their social life and discourse around such commodities. In American history, the ideol ogy o f this culture, consumerism, has been called the "real winner” o f the
14- Fuzhou consul to U .S. Secretary o f State, 19a0.1a.10, C R D S File 893.4366a. T h e Iron and Blood Society circulated a handbill to explain its actions and serve notice to other ‘ trai tors.* There are extensive reports o f such organizations enforcing boycotts. See, e.g.. the newspaper clippings on the attacks on the editor o f the Shanghai mosquito press newspaper,
Dajwgbao, in Shanghai Municipal Police (hereafter, S M P ] 5790, 1934.4-$: ‘ Anti-Japanese Movement— M osquito newspaper office attacked' and other articles. I examine this overtly coercive side o f the movement in Part II.
twentieth century and “the *ism* that won* (Cross 2000: i).15 Likewise, historians o f W estern Europe have identified a "consumer revolution" that ac~ companied or even predated the better~studied Industrial Revolution (M cKendrick et aL 1982). Historians continue to push the origins o f this revolution back by centuries and into historical subfields as diverse as gender and labor history«16
Although these concepts are less commonly applied to other areas o f the world, it is a mistake to assume, as these studies often do, that consumerism is a uniquely "W estern" phenomenon«1781Consumerism, this book argues, was critical to the creation o f modem China« More important, this book suggests that the development o f consumerism was not uniform around the globe. Studies o f the history and economics o f consumerism routinely emphasize the role o f the market in enabling the exercise o f personal choice (for the clas~ sic statem ent o f this position, see M ilton Friedman and R. D. Friedman 1982: esp. 7-21); indeed, as sociologist Zygmund Bauman (1988:7-8) observes, the very notion o f individual freedom itself has been conceptualized in terms o f consumer choice«16 In contrast, consumerism in China was not only, or even 15. Cross continues: "Consumerism* the belief that goods give meaning to individuals and their roles in society* was victorious even though it had no formal philosophy* no parties* and no obvious leaders.” Historians o f the United S û tes have begun to rethink every major aspect o f the country's history through the lens o f consumerism. For a collection o f represenutive essays* see Glickman 1999. 16. Consumerism has already been interpreted as an important component o f W estern European society dating back through the Renaissance (see Jardine 1996) and into classical antiquity (see Davidson 1999). O n consumption and gender alone* see* e.g.* the broad range o f essays and the literature review in de Grazia and Furlough 1996 and Scanlon 2000. O n labor* see Glickman 1997* 17. Many o f these studies begin by stating without evidence that their generalizations ap ply only to "the W est." See* e.g.* de Grazia 1996:1. Paul Glennie (19 9 5 :164) is more circum spect. W riting a review o f the historiography o f the study o f consumption* he notes that his generalizations are limited by the dearth o f scholarship on the history o f consumption outside Europe and the United States. For an exception* see Burke 1996. For a critique* see Clunas 1991:318. Likewise* D on Slater identifies the common equation o f consumerism and freedom: "Consumer culture denotes a social arrangement in which the relation between lived culture and social resources* between meaningful ways o f life and the symbolic and material resources on which they depend* is mediated through markets. Consumer culture marks out a system in which consumption is dominated by the consumption o f commodities* and in which cul tural reproduction is largely understood to be carried out through the exercise o f free personal choice in the private sphere o f everyday life" (1997:8). For a scathing critique o f the conflation o f American democracy and the discourse o f the marketplace* see T . Frank 2000.
primarily, about individual freedom, self-expression, and pleasure, and it would be a mistake for students o f consumerism to reach the same conclusions for China. R ather than solely providing agency- or freedom-generating mechanisms, the nationalization o f consumerism in C hina also imposed seri ous constraints on individuals. T he purpose o f the movement was to stress the national implications o f the behavior o f the individual consumer. A con sum er was either patriotic or treasonous. According to the movement’s rheto ric (exemplified in the heading o f this section, "Chinese people ought to con sume Chinese products," a common slogan), Chinese, newly defined as "citizens" or "national people" (S S f^ ), were to envisage themselves as mem bers o f the new political collectivity known as the Chinese "nation" {W M ) by consuming "national products" (IS Ä ).1902Through this simple equation o f citizenship, nationality, and consum ption, the movement denied the con sum er a place outside the nation as economy and nation became coterminous. T he movement did not recognize an abstract world o f goods; rather, it divided the world into nations o f products (see Fig. I.i). Freedom in the marketplace may be more the exception than the rule in the histories o f consumerism around the world. C hina is not the only coun try th at attem pted to nationalize its consumer culture and constrain per sonal choice. T he swadeshi (belonging to ones own country) and noncooperation movements in India (1904-8,1920-22) are the best-known and best-studied equivalents o f China's N ational Products Movement. Likewise, Americanists have been aware o f links between consumerism and national ism since late colonial times. These are not isolated cases. Japan, Ireland, Korea, Britain, France, Germany, Nigeria, and Spain, among other coun tries, also experienced similar "national products movements" with varying intensity in nation-m aking projects from late colonial times to the present.21
19. Movement literature explicitly drew such equations. See, e.g., “ G uohuo’ he g u o m in ' and "Zhongguo huo xianyao Zhongguoren ziji yong qilai.* O n the introduction o f and con nections between the concepts o f citizenship and nationality by journalists, see Judge 1996: esp. 83-99. 20. T h e best studies o f national products movements focus on late colonial American his tory. See, e.g., Schlesinger 1957 and Breen 1988. For a survey o f 'B u y Am erican' campaigns since the Revolution, see D . Frank 1999. 21. T h e terms applied to the histories o f other countries that overlap with the term 'n a tionalizing consumer culture,' as I use it here, include 'indigenization,* 'indigenism,* 'dom es tication,* ‘ import-substitution,* 'decolonization,* 'autarky,' and 'de-foreignization.' See, e.g..
Fig. I.i A Nation u Product! This advertisement, which appeared regularly in the national newspaper Shcnbao in the early 1930s, illustrates the goals o f the National Products Movement. Here an agglomeration o f na tional products represents the Chinese nation. T he advertisement cleverly plays on a widely shared fear o f national destruction that predicted the imperialist powers would carve up China like a melon and gobble up the country bit by bit like silkworms eating a mulberry leaf. T he Chinese characters superimposed on Manchuria (upper right), which in effect had been annexed by Japan in 1931» warn consumers that "buying foreign products" was the equivalent o f arming China's enemies while consuming national products would place these enemies in a "hopeless situation." T h e implication was that the production, circulation, and consumption o f national products acted as a figurative insecticide that ensured national salvation by pre venting foreign products (silk worms) from gradually conquering the Chinese market (mul berry leaf).
Indeed, advocates o f the movement in China regularly sought to inspire con sumers w ith reports on the activities o f similar movements in other coun tries.22 T h e movement in China, then, should be seen as one among many rather than a unique phenomenon. T h at is not to suggest these movements unfolded in a uniform way. W h at makes the Chinese case particularly inter esting for comparative purposes is that the country was not formally colo nized yet lacked many aspects o f sovereignty, including the ability to set tar iffs. It was, to use the common Chinese term for its situation, ''semi-colonial* And, for this reason, the movement was not, nor could it have been, solely state-directed. Despite the emergence o f such movements throughout the globe, histori ans have neither devoted much attention to them nor suggested that they are key aspects o f nation-making. W hen mentioned at all, the nationalization o f consumer culture is treated as a natural by-product o f the creation o f nation states. In fact, the causes and consequences o f nationalizing commodities played a crucial role in creating nations. I argue here that a Chinese nation did not precede the notion o f "Chinese products.” T h e two constructs evolved together. Nation-m aking included learning, or being coerced, to shape preferences around something called the Chinese nation and away from items deemed foreign— a problematic process reinforced by institu tional elaborations. M ost discussions o f consumerism have not placed it at the center o f na tionalism. N one o f the studies o f India, the most promising parallel to China, provides comprehensive accounts o f a national products movement; these studies generally subordinate aspects o f the national products move ment to either business strategy (e.g., attempts by Bengali textile producers to preserve their market share) or Mohandas Gandhi’s (1869-1948) attempt to promote spiritual revival through self-reliance.23 Indeed, the National
W . J. M acPherson 1987: 31; Constantine 1981; Robinson 1988: 91-100; N elson aooo; and Balabkins 198a. For a survey of the various approaches to 'indigenization' taken throughout Africa, see Adedeji 1981. O n South America, see O rlove 1997. O n Southeast Asia, see Golay et al. 1969. Similarly, consumption campaigns also create and solidify socially constructed categories other than nationality, such as ethnic awareness among African Americans (see, e.g., Skotnes 1994 and C . Greenberg 1999). O r, indeed, they may include both nationality and ethnicity, as in the anti-Jewish boycotts in p re-W orld W ar II Germ any (see Barkai 1989). aa. See, e.g., 'A iyo n g guohuo fengqi zhi puji," a. aj. See Sarkar 197) and Chandra 1966:111-41- O n Gandhi's ties, see J. M . Brown 1989:8990,163-64, and 103-$; and Bean 1989. A brief lecture by a prominent subaltern scholar, how.
Products Movement agenda provides a sharp contrast to Gandhi s emphasis on simple living and tradition.24 Likewise, survey introductions to national' ism rarely discuss attempts to nationalize consumer culture (see, e.g., Sm ith 1998). Finally, studies o f economic nationalism focus on the political d is' course o f economic and political leaders rather than on a widespread and multidimensional social movement.21 Studies that do integrate consumerism and nationalism emphasize volun tary participation in consumption (e.g., watching movies, reading newspa pers, going bowling); because such consumption is “shared,'’ it helps create the basis for a shared national identity (e.g., L. Cohen 1990). In contrast, consumption in China was often coerced. T h e movement contributed to nation-making not only by spreading a new consumer culture o f massproduced tastes and habits (that is, the basis o f shared, nationwide con sumption) but also by attempting to restrict consumption exclusively to national products, often through violence. “National products,“ moreover, were themselves closely scrutinized for national content in terms o f the four categories o f raw materials, labor, management, and capital Thus, the emphasis in my study differs significantly from the histories o f the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century United States, which, when ex amining the role o f consumption in creating a shared national identity, stress only that the consumption o f a particular article or activity took place do-
e r a , emphasizes the coercive component o f the swadeshi movement; see Guha 1991:1-18. For a subtle introduction to the origins o f swadeshi, see Bayly 1986. A s in the Chinese case, literature provides the most morally comptez portrait o f the participants. In 1919, the N obel Prize winning Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore captured the coercive side o f the swadeshi move ment in his novel Chart bairc (The Home and the World). 14. For an overview o f the anti-materialistic emphasis in Gandhi's ideas, see Misra 199$. Despite Gandhi's emphasis on limiting material desires and creating self-sufficient villages, his ideas did overlap with the movement on one fundamental issue. Both rejected a simple em brace o f capitalist relations that privileged price o r a provenance. Criticizing those who ar gued that the use o f home-spun was costlier than mill-made cloth, Gandhi said that if ex pense were the most important issue, then, by the same logic, we should kill our aged parents and young children 'w hom we have to maintain without getting anything in return* (quoted in Misra 199$: 35). a$. Moreover, some studies recognize 'nationality* as a significant category o f consump tion without explaining the historical origins. For instance, Joseph Tobin notes that 'in japan, before a food, an article o f clothing, or a piece o f furniture is evaluated as good or bad, expen sive or cheap, it is identified as either foreign or Japanese* (1991a: 15-16).
mesrically.26 For the Chinese movement, it would not have been enough for citizens simply to read the same nationally circulated newspaper and imag ine the same national events. Rather, regardless o f the event being reported or editorialized, citizens were expected to read papers printed on the prod ucts o f Chinese paper mills, produced by Chinese workers and managers, and owned by Chinese capitalists. Enforcing these principles led to the pro liferation o f specific institutions and laws. T he modem Chinese nation was not simply ‘’imagined”— it was made in China.
PROBLEMS OF PRB'EMINBNCB Participants in the movement clearly saw themselves as involved in an ag gressive campaign, to use their own terms, o f “cleansing China's national humiliations* ( I f §§ 5 b or simply 1 5 5 b)- Part o f this campaign was the forcible removal o f foreign elements from Chinese production and markets, thereby producing “authentic* ( X IE), "pure" (?£ !£ ), and “complete" ( ^ ^ l) Chinese products. T his was an impossible ideal, especially at this point o f Chinese economic and political development, and it was certainly never fully realized before the re-emergence o f a strong centralized state with the Communist Revolution in 1949. Still, the central problem for the movement was how to make productnationality the pre-eminent or most important meaning o f a commodity— that is, to 'nationalize consumer culture"— even in this problematic context. Price and quality certainly challenged the supremacy o f product-nationality. It is safe to assume that consumers wanted to buy the least expensive and best-made goods, which were often mass-produced imports. Brand loyalty, including loyalty to foreign brands, also hindered the ability o f the move ment to assert the pre-eminence o f product-nationality. Indeed, in 1937, Carl Crow, who established one o f the first advertising agencies in China, claimed Chinese consumers scrutinized brands and packaging to avoid ever-present counterfeit goods: “[Once they] have become accustomed to a certain brand, no matter whether it be cigarettes, soap or tooth paste, they are the world's most loyal consumers, and will support a brand with a degree o f unanimity
>6. Early influential studies include Boorstin 1973:89-164: Ewen and Ewen 1982; and Fox and Lears 1983. O n this approach within studies o f nationalism more generally, see, e.g., Anderson 1983:39, on activities such as newspaper reading.
and faithfulness which should bring tears o f jo y to the eyes o f the manufac turer" (Crow 1937:17-18). Considerations o f style were also o f clear importance to many urban consumers in China in the early twentieth century. In fact, foreign fashions, introduced by Japanese, British, American, French, and other imperialist powers, exerted a heavy influence. T o a great degree, imports o f any kind were by definition fashionable. Foreign residents o f the treaty ports, Chinese students returning from abroad, missionaries in inland areas, and a plethora o f new foreign and Chinese media exposed many in China to im ages that challenged the pre-eminence o f nationality within the marketplace. A s a result, the social requirement to appear cosmopolitan frequendy overwhelmed the injunction to "Buy Chinese." Then, as now, the power o f "Paris,” and, more generally, "the W est," was often unrivaled, certainly by any domestic equivalents. T h e question for the movement was how to push product-nationality to the forefront, given all these competitors— how to make it the foremost con sideration o f consumers in China. A s I have suggested, the campaign began with appeals to patriotism. But because the concepts o f citizenship and pa triotism were new and meaningless to many millions, such appeals were largely unsuccessful T he movement soon turned to more persuasive tactics ranging from legal institutions to brute force. Building national conscious ness in China was a long and complicated process. T h e movement played a key role in this process, but it was neither a uniform movement at all times and in all places nor an uninterrupted success story. A triumph in Shanghai might not be matched in Nanjing, let alone further away in the communica tions grid; gains were often followed by setbacks. N ationalizing consumer culture does not refer to the removal o f products or product elements simply because o f the non-Chinese origin o f their inven tion. A s one collection o f essays on the history o f imports in Latin America confirms, the notion o f a national product is in fact an "almost infinitely plastic concept" (Orlove and Bauer 1997: 13). Both "Chinese” and "foreign" were flexible constructs. T h e definition o f foreign could vary over time in order to stigmatize specific commodities, companies, and consumers (for in stance, two extreme periods o f hostility toward anything identified as "W estern" occurred during the Boxer Uprising, 1899-1901, and the Cultural Revolution, 1966-76). For stylistic simplicity, I use the terms "imports" and "foreign products" synonymously. However, within the movement, the term
'foreign products” came to include certain commodities made in China. Similarly, as I show in Chapter a, in the controversy over 'authentic styles” for Chinese men and women, movement advocates opposed certain clothing fashions not because the styles originated outside China but because they were made without (or with too few of) the four critical ingredients o f a national produce raw material, labor, management, and capital. Indeed, tradi tional Chinese clothing was susceptible to the same scrutiny and action, whereas goods o f W estern invention might be worn without censure pro vided such commodities met the movements production standards. The movement eventually enshrined these standards in a seven-tier classification scheme o f product purity based on the percentage o f domestic content in each o f the four categories (see Chapter 4). T his attempt to draw sharp distinctions between foreign and domestic products is not unique to China and is common today. "National cultural content' regulations are routinely used throughout the world to preserve na tional identities (often, to resist 'Am ericanization'). France, for instance, re quires theaters to reserve twenty weeks o f screen time per year for domestic feature films. Similarly, Australia demands that domestic programming oc cupy 5$ percent o f the television schedule. And in Canada, 35 percent o f the daytime play list o f radio stations must be devoted to Canadian content. In the Canadian case, music with 'Canadian content' is defined not with respect to form, instrumentation, or lyrical content but according to its conditions o f production, a direct parallel to definitions o f national products in China con sidered here. 'Canadian' songs are composed, written, and played by Canadi ans; presumably the subject matter or message o f the song is unrestricted.27 Similarly, within the National Products Movement, national product-brand tuxedos and electric fans qualified as perfectly 'C h in ese' (see Fig. I.2). This recognition o f the complexity o f commodities is not new. A s Karl Marx famously observed, analyzing them reveals that they are actually 'a very queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological
>7. O n the problem o f determining ‘ nationality,* see Anthony DePalma, ‘ It Isn’t So Sim ple to Be Canadian: Tough Rules Protecting the Culture Make for Confusion and Surprises,*
New York Tim a 1999.7.14: B i-a. For example, non-Canadian Lenny Kravitz’s song ‘ American Woman* is considered more Canadian than Canadian singer Celine Dion's *My Heart W ill G o On.* In contrast to Dion's song, Canadians wrote the lyrics and composed the music for ‘ American W oman.”
Fig. La W hat Ii Chinese* W hat is "Chinese" and what is "foreign" in this calendar poster o f women playing miniature golf in Shanghai from the early 1930s* T h e National Products Movement taught consumers to interpret the "nationality" o f a product as its preeminent attribute. T h e conditions o f pro duction rather than the national origins o f the style or type o f good defined productnationality. A pure "Chinese product" was made from Chinese raw materials, by Chinese la borers, under Chinese management, in a company owned by Chinese. Accordingly, the golf clubs could easily have been “more Chinese" than the silk qipao dresses, which quite likely were made from Japanese silk.
niceties" (1967, voL 1: 71). O f course, Marx and, lacer, Chinese Marxists "defetishized” commodities and criticized capitalism and imperialism by argu ing that commodities presented social relations between people as relations between things, thereby facilitating the alienation o f workers and products (see Jhally 1990: 24-63). For Marxists, labor is the pre-eminent meaning o f commodities. Chinese Marxists, in fact, had more in common with move ment business people than might at first be imagined. Both focused on production. But movement supporters emphasized that the provenance o f production, not the individual labor involved in production, was o f para mount importance as a unifying principle o f a people ("Consumers o f the Chinese nation unite!”). In essence, Chinese Marxists aided the movement in the 1920s and 1930s by promoting the elimination o f what they consid ered the concrete manifestation o f imperialism in China: foreign commodi ties. T h e business and government leaders involved in the movement did not return the favor; they asserted that "labor” and "capital” should "coop erate” ($^$$cW ^) in the interests o f developing the national economy. Strikes were "unpatriotic.” There are clearly countless possible meanings that can be assigned to commodities. Today various social movements have sought to elevate other concerns to a position o f pre-eminence in the marketplace (see Monroe Friedman 1999). For example, the environmental movement promotes the notion o f ecological impact as the chief meaning o f commodities. Environ mentalists stigmatize manufacturers (and consumers) that undermine their agenda. Similarly, the civil rights movement in the United States adopted slogans such as "Don't buy where you can’t work” to promote racial equality through consumer boycotts. W hen Americans became concerned that there was a 'glass ceiling" for women at major companies, John Kenneth Galbraith (1990) created a fictional character who promoted the idea o f disclosing the "female executive content” on all product labels. In contrast to these and all other conceivable criteria, proponents o f the National Products Movement claimed to uncover a different but truly pre eminent meaning o f commodities: nationality. Its advocates attempted to convince consumers that products— like Chinese consumers themselves (in deed, like consumers o f any country)— had essential or inalienable national identities. T h e movement insisted that wealthy and powerful nations in the industrial W est as well as Japan had already established the supremacy o f
product-nationality. In classic hegemonic fashion, the movement, like the social movements ju st cited, advanced a universalistic claim. Ironically, the movement's claim functioned to particularize the world. Overview A s the foregoing suggests, the movement was multidimensional. In this book, I do not provide an exhaustive treatment o f the movement; rather, in four parts, I explore its primary dimensions. Part I (Chapters i and 2) an swers the difficult questions o f when, why, and how the movement began. W h y did Chinese begin to define their material culture in terms o f nationality by 1900? O n what grounds did the movement attempt to nationalize con sumption and impose a nationalistic visuality? Chapter 2 focuses on exactly how specific objects and practices became "national'' or "Chinese" by show ing how hairstyles and clothing were constructed as visual cues o f patriotism and treason. Part II (Chapters 3 and 4) examines the movement as the foundation o f regular anti-imperialist boycotts, which popularized links be tween nationalism and consumerism and made anti-imperial resistance available to, indeed increasingly mandatory for, all Chinese. Part III (Chap ters 5 and 6) explores the ways nationalistic commodity spectacles such as product exhibitions, department stores, museums, and advertisements natu ralized and coded the link between consumption and nationalism in subtler, less contentious ways than boycotts. T h e final part (Chapters 7 and 8) un ravels the ways the movement helped define gender norms, particularly through its two central archetypes: the "treasonously wasteful female con sumer" and the "patriotic male producer."
As the movement expanded, the notion that there were such things as na tional products to which citizen-consumers automatically owed their alle giance gained currency. Increasingly, the lines became drawn, and a nascent state apparatus backed by revolutionary elements in the society became will ing and able to enforce nationalistic consumption. Thus, the movement was not im portant only, or even primarily, because o f its influence on immedi ately expressed market preferences. W hen given the option, plenty o f con sumers still chose inexpensive imports over patriotic "national products." Rather, it was significant because it made such alternatives increasingly un available. The ultimate irony, discussed in the Conclusion, is that the largest economic interests supporting the movement, those Chinese capitalists who
were involved in the production and circulation o f domestically produced commodities, may have inadvertently provided the noose the Communists used to hang them after 1949. T he logic o f a movement which insisted that products were ‘‘national'' was easily used to undermine the notion that prof its derived from selling such goods ought to be ‘‘private.” T he legacies o f the National Products Movement are visible across the twentieth century.
Contexts and Case Study
The Crists over Commodities and the Origins o f the Movement Everything which the people need for their well-being and sustenance, whether it be for food or clothing or even delicacies and superfluities, is abundantly produced within the borders o f the kingdom and not imported from foreign climes. — Oft-repeated seventeenth-century European assessment o f the tremendous wealth and self-sufficiency o f the Chinese economy (quoted in Lach and van Kley 199): 1593)
$219,213,000 — China's deficit in 190$
T h e origins o f efforts to nationalize consumer culture lie in a nineteenthcentury crisis over commodities. T he perception among people in China that they were members o f a self-sufficient civilization that produced tea, porcelains, and silks desired by the rest o f the world began to erode. They started to visualize themselves as members o f a weak "nation’ unable to con trol the flood o f commodities displacing Chinese exports in foreign markets and streaming into China. Goods started to acquire nationalities; commodi ties produced in China became "Chinese products" or "national products" (Ü9 Ä )- T his transition in the perception o f China from the cultural center o f the universe, the Middle Kingdom, to a single nation in a world o f homologous nation-states was not simply a product o f repeated military defeats. A t least as important was this redefinition o f commodities. A s anxi ety over the growth o f imports and decline o f market share for exports in creased, there was a growing perception that China’s material culture was being replaced subtly but pervasively by imports. Indeed, the names attached to many o f these imports helped undermine this earlier self-image because
embedded in the common terms for many categories o f late nineteenth* century im ports was the prefix "foreign" Tw o events bracket this long nineteenth-century economic crisis. In 1793, the Qianlong emperor (r. 1736-96) was sufficiently unimpressed w ith British wares to dismiss the diplomatic overtures o f King George III with the now famous line: "There is nothing we lack, as your principal envoy and others have themselves observed. W e have never set much store on strange or in genious objects, nor do we need any more o f your country's manufactures."12 A nd many Europeans shared the em perors sentiment; contemporary Euro peans often expressed a variation on the remark "China produces everything necessary for hum an life and thus does not need foreign trade" (Lach and van Kley 1993:1593).3 However, as this chapter demonstrates, perceptions o f the superiority o f Chinese material culture declined markedly over the course o f the nineteenth century. T he fruits o f industrialization in Europe, America, and eventually Japan— along with cheaper transportation costs— created among the Chinese many hungers in addition to opium, most nota bly the desire for W estern military hardware. A little over a century later,
1. For example, "foreign fire"
for matches, "foreign oil"
for kerosene, "for
eign needles" ( ? £ f t ) for imported needles. O ther examples include "foreign soap" "foreign yarn"
"foreign thread" ( ? ^ $ ) , "foreign umbrellas" ( f£ * k ) , and "foreign
lamps" ( $ È S ) . For additional examples, see Mathews et al. 1966:1084* A s I discuss below, not only did the varieties o f imported goods grow, but also the quantities expanded. T o cite one example, from the mid-i86os to the mid-i890s, the number o f imported "foreign nee dles" grew from roughly aoo million to over 2.4 billion per year. Moreover, the market for such products, unlike some luxury goods, extended into the countryside (Shanghai baihuo gongsi et al. 1988:4-6). O ther popular consumer imports at this time were lace, towels, hand kerchiefs, socks, cosmetics, perfume, and candies. T h e varieties and quantities o f these im ported mass-produced consumer goods were carefully recorded in the publications o f the Chinese Maritime Custom s Service, which during this time was run by foreigners, primarily British. T h e extensive statistical reports are summarized in many places; see, e.g., Hsiao Liang-lin 1974* 2. Qianlong s "Imperial edict to the King o f England" o f 1793* translated in T en g and Fairbank 1954:19 and countless other places cited in Hevia 1995: 238*113. Hevia reinterprets the context and implications o f this famous line and concludes that the Qianlong emperor was not rejecting trade with Great Britain but rather the excessive "claims about the gifts" sent by the English monarch (ibid.: 188,238-39). 3. O n the view among European visitors to late M ing and early Q ing China that the coun try had an impressive and abundant material culture. Lach and van Kley note that the "usual reaction to the fertility o f the land and the diversity o f its products was one o f amazement" (1993: 1593)-
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
Fig. 1.1 Consumer and Consumed (John Thom son 1874: vol. 1) Between the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries, in the minds o f foreigners and Chinese alike, the image o f China changed from an empire feared for its power and admired for its products to a country o f poorly equipped soldiers and indolent consumers exemplified in the popular image o f the prototypical wasteful Chinese consumer, the debauched addict o f "foreign smoke"
or "opium").
C hinas humiliation was complete. N o t only had the Japanese, popularly known by the derisive term "dwarf pirates" (ßSf nK), defeated China in war (1894-95), but by 1909 Japan also surpassed China as the largest exporter o f silk, a product virtually synonymous with China for thousands o f years (L. M . Li 1981:83-84) (see Fig. 1.1).4 Despite the growing anxiety over the future o f "Chinese products," na tionalizing Chinese consumer culture proved to be difficult. In Chinese
Indeed, the term "silk” comes from the Greek name for an area thought to be China
(Seres), where it was believed silk originated. T h e export market for another commodity syn onymous with China, tea (the English term for which is derived from a Chinese dialect), also collapsed in the early twentieth century, becoming the subject o f the same sort o f anxiety (Gardella 1994: 8, 141-60). In modem times, the Japanese, too, reconstructed "China" through a negative image; see, e.g., Fogel 1996:75-78.
fttM A g ty
Fig. 1.2 W orshipping the Foreign
(Jilian huikan 169 [June 15,1937]) Attem pts to nationalize consumer culture usually insisted that the provenance o f a style was not the issue. A n y style (Chinese or W estern) was acceptable as long as the products them* selves were Chinese made. A t the same time» the movement sought to counter the perception that spread during the nineteenth century that everything foreign was superior to anything Chinese« an equation that heightened demand for imports. Moving from top to bottom and from right to left» the eight captions» in what is billed as "The Story o f the Chinese»* read: *(1) Foreign mannerisms are superior! (2) T h e moon overseas is brighter! (3) Foreign huts are su* perior! (4) Foreign fish bones and fish heads are also superior! ($) W h at about being kicked around by foreign boots» is that a good thing? (6) Are foreign whips better? (7) Are foreign handguns superior? (8) A n d are foreign knives better?"
cities» efforts to nationalize consumption evolved in a milieu in which "for eign" implied "better" seemingly everywhere— from concepts o f male and female beauty to forms o f sport and entertainment to styles o f architecture and personal appearance to new institutions o f government, commerce, and leisure. Even (perhaps, especially) in places known as "antiforeign" such as Guangzhou (Canton), imports simultaneously created admiration and ani mosity (see Fig. i.2).s5
O n the popular ambivalence toward “the W est* in Guangzhou» see H o 1991. T h is fasci
nation with imports was not entirely new. O n interest in exotic imports and their influence on China during the T a n g dynasty (618-907)* see Schafer 1963.
T he Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovement
Foreign Exposure N ational consciousness in China did grow from direct exposure to W estern peoples and ideas. M ore significantly, however, it also grew indirectly from exposure to W estern material culture. During the nineteenth century, Europeans and Americans demanded access to China and eventually achieved it through force. A s die number o f foreigners living in China grew, so did the opportunities for Chinese to encounter a different material cul ture. By the mid-i870s, thirty years after first gaining the right to reside in five Chinese cities, some 4,000 W esterners (Americans and Europeans) were living in China. By the Revolution o f 1911, the foreign population ex ceeded 150,000, and by 1927, it was over 300,000/ During this period, a growing number o f Chinese diplomats, merchants, and students traveled abroad and returned to China; along with a zeal for reform, they shared an acquaintance with new products and new technologies. By 1911, for instance, tens o f thousands o f students had returned from studies abroad.6 78In the late nineteenth century, the number and variety o f contact opportunities rose geometrically.* And for most Chinese, contact with imperialism came not through encounters with foreign soldiers, officials, and merchants but through exposure to a new material culture.
T he basic history o f the W estern, and later Japanese, entrance into China is well known. From 1757, the "Canton system" o f trade severely restricted W estern economic relations.9 U nder this system, the Chinese government
6. These numbers are rough estimates and do not accurately reflect the influx o f W hite Russians after 1917» Koreans on the Chinese side o f the Yalu, or the growing Japanese popular tion in Manchuria following the Russo-Japanese W ar (1904-5) (Feuerwerker 1976:16-17). 7. T h e influence o f "returned students" ( @ ÿ * É ) cannot be overemphasized. Beginning with Yung W in g (Rong H ong
1828-1912), who returned to China in 1855 and later
joined the staff o f the famous reformer Z en g Guofan
(1811-72), such students played
a critical role in introducing new ideas and institutions. Like so many o f the reforms discussed in this chapter, the loss to Japan in 1895 greatly accelerated government reforms, including support for sending students abroad. O n the early period, see La Fargue 194a. O n the impact o f these students in the Republican period, see Y . C . W ang 1966. T h e number o f Chinese students studying in Japan, for example, went from a few dozen before 1898 to thousands by the 1900s (Sanetô 1939:544). 8. For a comprehensive treatment o f the rapid proliferation o f American companies and private investment in China, see Luo Zhiping 1996. 9. For an argument that the trade was somewhat freer than is generally assumed, see the revisionist account in H ao 1986:14-33.
quarantined W estern traders to an area outside the walls o f the southeastern city o f Guangzhou. Chinese officials forbade these traders to settle with their families and forced them to work through a limited number o f government' approved Chinese merchants (cohong). Beginning in the late eighteenth cen tury, G reat Britain repeatedly tried to negotiate better access to Chinese m ar' kets. But efforts such as the M acartney Mission in 1793 (which elicited the Qianlong emperor's response noted above) and the Amherst M ission o f 1816 met with Chinese refusal to change trade practices, open more ports, or allow foreign diplomats to live in Beijing (see M ui and Mui: 1984). Nevertheless, trade relations had already begun to change by the late eighteenth century. In a pattem repeated many times in the early twentieth century, W esterners first discovered a product that could stimulate demand and then battled for market access. For the British, the opium trade quickly became the critical final link in a lucrative triangle o f trade (India-ChinaBritain) on which its entire empire rested.101By the 1830s, the Chinese were importing more than 35,000 chests (approximately 130-60 pounds per chest) o f opium from British traders each year (M orse 1910, voL 1: 173-74, 209; Hsin-pao Chang 1964:223). By the middle o f the nineteenth century, opium accounted for nearly h alf o f China's imports and remained the country's primary import until 1890. In the seventeenth century, the silver China ob* tained in exchange for exports fueled economic growth. T h e growing impor tation o f a single consumer good, however, contributed to a net outflow o f silver, a trend that had disastrous consequences in the bimetallic world o f Chinese taxpayers, who had to exchange the copper coins they used for everyday transactions into silver at increasingly unfavorable rates (M orse et al. 1908: 323-51). T his outflow o f silver, combined with the corruption by of ficials colluding in the illegal opium trade, alarmed Chinese observers, who recognized the profound political, economic, and social impact o f the grow ing consumption o f opium at all levels o f society.11
In the mid-eighteenth century, the central government thought it had sufficient power to regulate consumption by prohibiting im ports and ban10. T h e entire imperial system on which Britain's trade was delicately balanced depended on the funds it could extract from other commodity trades through opium, either in tax or profit’ (Brook and Wakabayashi 1000a: 7). O n the place o f opium in the British trading sys tem, see J. Y . W on g 1998 and Blue 2000. 11. Opium is a good example o f the mass consumption o f imports that crossed social classes. Members o f every social group seem to have consumed opium, from eunuchs and members o f the imperial clan to coolies and farmers.
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
ning the use o f opium, the prototypical wasteful consumer product. T he court issued several edicts prohibiting its cultivation, trade, and use (M . Greenberg i9$u n o ). But the problem persisted: by the 1820s, there were more than a million addicts.12 T he Q ing policy became more severe in 1839, when the Daoguang emperor (r. 1820-50) sent Lin Z ero (17851850) to Guangzhou to suppress the opium trade.11 Lin's approach quickly escalated from moral appeals to the British government to the suspension o f W estern trade and the imposition o f an embargo. A fter Lin confiscated the opium stocks o f British traders, the British government applied force to gain access to the Chinese market. In a series o f m iliary confronations lasting from 1840 to 1842, the British convincingly dem onstrated the superiority o f one aspect o f their material culture, their military, and forced the Chinese to seek a settlem ent. Soon the British would introduce ocher aspects o f their material culture. T he T reaty o f N anjing (1842) that ended the O pium W ar became the first o f many nonreciprocal "unequal treaties” that broadened foreign access to China. These treaties required China to open an increasing number o f "treaty ports” and cede or lease territory that became bases for foreign opera tions in China; to pay huge indemnities that hindered the Q ing dynasty's ability to finance reforms; to perm it foreign control o f institutions such as the M aritime Customs; to relinquish the power to set tariffs ("tariff auton omy”); and to surrender judicial sovereignty over foreign nationals living in C hina ('extraterritoriality”). T he Treaty o f N anjing marked the end o f even the possibility o f an aggressive srate-led "Lin Z ero approach” to managing consum ption by limiting imports. For the next hundred years, treaty restric tions prevented Chinese elites from using the s a te to raise tariffs or deny m arket access to imports by any direct or simple means. Thus, Chinese na tionalisa could not use conventional approaches to ensure that their fellow Chinese consumed only domestic goods— they could not rely on the s a te to enforce a nationalistic interpretation o f consumer culture. Moreover, foreign aggression and encroachment on China as embodied in the Treaty o f N an jing initiated a century-long string o f treaties that contained many overt and subtle challenges to Chinese sovereignty.
12. For a discussion o f the number and location o f opium addicts, see Lodwick 1996: i j. O n the politics behind this approach to solving the opium problem, see Polachek 1992.
[ap i.i Treaty Ports in China as Showcases o f W estern Consumer C ulture
T he Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
CR EATIN G LIVIN G SH OW CASES OF W ESTERN CONSUM ER CULTURE H istories o f the “opening o f China“ rarely emphasize the countless ways treaty ports eased the entry into China not only o f foreigners but also o f their material culture. T he five ports stipulated in the Treaty o f Nanjing— Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, and Guangzhou— immediately became the m ost im portant channels for introducing W estern goods, customs, and ideas. T he opening o f the treaty ports and other annexed or leased terri' tories also attracted increasing numbers o f foreigners, not only traders but also missionaries, teachers, adventurers, and opportunists, as well as their families, not to mention the troops necessary to protect the newly acquired legal rights o f foreign nationals. These foreigners became walking advertise' m ents and displays o f foreign goods.14 T he number o f treaty ports grew to nearly fifty by the time o f the Revolution o f 1911; a few years later there were alm ost one hundred, spanning the entire coast o f China and lining its major rivers (see M ap i.i) (Feuerwerker 1976: a).is As expanding and interactive showcases for a new. W estern-inspired, in dustrialized consumer culture, the treaty ports provided a vision o f what was in store for the rest o f China. These living showcases gave Chinese firsthand knowledge not only o f foreign technology and ideas but also o f the W est's consumer and visual culture through departm ent stores, advertisements, drugstores, museums, zoos, parks, restaurants, dance halls, and many other businesses and forms o f entertainm ent originally designed to serve foreigners. M any o f these institutions had Chinese managers, who soon established equivalents for elite Chinese patrons. But Chinese o f any social class merely
14. A s Chinese animosity toward the treaty system grew in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, some foreigners increasingly came to understand that the treaty rights that permitted them to enter China also tainted their products, both commercial and religious. Christian missionaries, who often worked unprotected in the Chinese hinterland, were per haps the most outspoken opponents o f extraterritoriality and the treaty system. See, for ex ample, the case o f the American Presbyterian Gilbert Reid (1857-1927). discussed in T sou 1996:87-88. Indeed, the movement o f missionaries into the Chinese interior, where they be came 'th e only concrete manifestation o f the foreign intrusion,* led to the growth o f antiforeignism after i860 (P. A . Cohen 1963:269). 1$. T h e latter total includes ports open to foreigners by treaty and by the Chinese volun tarily on a restricted basis. T h e Chinese Maritime Custom s maintained stations at nearly fifty o f these sites.
had to enter the city to experience aspects o f this new culture.16 A nd enter they did, as urbanization accelerated in the late nineteenth and early tw enti eth centuries.17 W ith or w ithout new consumer goods and habits, a growing number o f sojourners in these cities returned to their rural hometowns with stories o f this urban-based culture.18 N ew Chinese media also extended awareness o f this culture throughout China. In late nineteenth-century Shanghai, for instance, an intellectual class emerged that made its living "peddling words" and promoting an image o f the city as a "big playground" (W .-H . Yeh 1997: 421-27).19 These words and pictures reached Chinese through a quickly expanding mass me dia o f newspapers and periodicals as well as novels and books.20 By 1910, there were some twenty-five times as many letters, newspapers, and maga zines in circulation in China as there had been in 1901 (M . C. W right 1968: 30).21 Even those who could not read could still gaze at representations o f this new culture in advertisements and illustrations. Soon new visual and au ral forms o f mass communication emerged, including movies, radio, gramo phones, and W estern-style plays.22 16. Indeed, even within the treaty port cities, the foreign aspects o f these living showcases, as I call them, were particularly concentrated. In Guangzhou, for instance, the foreign pres ence was concentrated on Shameen (Shamian) Island. Locals considered the island a symbol o f foreign imperialism but also admired its beauty and order as an "artifact o f W estern crea tivity and transforming power" (H o 1991:89-90). 17. For instance, the population o f Shanghai grew from nearly 1.3 million in 1910 to over 3.8 million in 1937 (Z o u 1980:1-14* 90-91). 18. Indeed, in Shanghai, throughout the twentieth century, the majority o f the population came from other places (ibid.: 114-17)* O n the institutional basis for the continuing links be tween Chinese living in Shanghai and their places o f origin, see Goodm an 199$. 19. Yeh notes, as I do, that Shanghai "simultaneously represented China's humiliation and its cosmopolitan modernity" (W .-H . Yeh 1997:421). Likewise, I argue that imports simultane ously represented humiliation and modernity. ao. T h e widespread use o f advertising was critical to the creation o f the thousands o f new newspapers and periodicals established around the time o f the Revolution o f 1911. Some pub lications devoted more space to advertisements than to articles. By the early twentieth century, even government gazetteers carried advertisements (Zhen 1997:40-44)* ai. O n the rapid proliferation o f print media at the end o f the Q in g dynasty, see L Lee and Nathan 1985. 22.
T his culture is the subject o f intensifying scholarly attention. For an overview, see
L. Lee 1999:3-42* O n the rapid expansion o f the Chinese press in Shanghai, see M a Guangren 1996. O n the introduction o f the gramophone and the creation o f a market for popular music, see Jones 1999. A t first, most films were imported. However, by the mid*i920s, Shanghai had over 300 film companies, which by 1937 had produced over 1,000 films (Rimmington 1998:24)*
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
M ISSIO N AR IES OF CONSUMER CULTURE IN THE IN TER IO R T he presence o f missionaries throughout China extended the reach o f W est' em consumer culture beyond the treaty ports. Even before the establishm ent o f the treaty system, C hristian missionaries had proselytized in China— first Jesuits, Franciscans, and Dominicans during the sixteenth through eigh' teenth centuries, and then Protestants from the early nineteenth century. But their num bers and field o f operations were extremely limited. T he T reaty o f Nanjing, however, allowed missionaries to proselytize in the treaty ports, and the Beijing Convention (i860) extended the perm itted area o f operations to the rest o f the country. A t the end o f the nineteenth century, several thousand foreign missionaries were spread out across China. By 1919 nearly 10,000 Catholic and Protestant missionaries lived in all except 106 o f the 1,704 C hi' nese counties. These Christian missionaries may have had as many as several million communicants. In addition, hundreds o f thousands o f children came into contact w ith W esterners and W estern material culture through mission ary schools (th e students o f which were not restricted to Chinese converts) and through charitable organizations such as hospitals, the YMCA, and the Salvation Army (Feuerw erker 1976:39,42-43).23 These missionaries may have had mixed success in making perm anent converts to C hrist, but their role in exposing Chinese outside the treaty ports to W estern consumer and visual culture was pivotal. Literally carrying W estern consumer culture on their backs through their dress and deport' m ent, missionaries acted as walking billboards for an alternative form o f life centered on new kinds o f commodities, and not only on new forms o f w or ship. T heir missionary compounds provided even more local exposure to a new m aterial culture and lifestyle.24 In many instances, missionaries even
23. T h e most comprehensive study is still Latourette 1929. See also P. Cohen 1963. O n the Y M C A , see S. S . Garrett 1970. 24. T h e innumerable memoirs o f Christian missionaries to China relate the introduction o f these new commodities and commodity-centered forms o f life to Chinese. T h e long-time Presbyterian missionary to Hainan island, Margaret Moninger, for instance, introduced new conceptions o f time through her strict work schedule and even more informally, but no less significantly, through birthday parties. T h e lifestyles o f such missionaries became the subject o f intensive local interest, so much so that she and other missionaries opened their com pounds to groups o f curious Chinese women (Lodwick 199$: 8$. $9). T h is does not, o f course.
introduced production techniques for foreign commodities (e.g., straw hats, lace, and hairnets) to alleviate rural poverty. W esterners brought this material culture to China, but the Chinese em braced it. Even before the establishment o f treaty ports, foreign firms em ployed Chinese. Naturally, these numbers grew after 1842, and by the turn o f the century some 20,000 Chinese were working for foreign businesses (H ao 1970:10a). These individuals became the basis o f a 'new urban elite* that already counted well over one million “affluent entrepreneurs* by the mid-nineteenth century (Bergère 1986:10). They, in turn, employed millions o f Chinese assistants and servants, who had direct experience w ith this new culture through their employers. T h e exact number is less significant than the fact that wealthy groups and their emulators increasingly turned to con sumption to express and reinforce social standing, especially after the aboli tion in 1905 o f the primary road to social standing for over a thousand years, the imperial examination system. By the early twentieth century, the Chinese had experienced nearly six decades o f direct and indirect exposure to Europeans and Americans and their material culture. These Sino-foreign interactions provided the intellec tual and social foundations for applying a new notion o f nationality not only to peoples but also to an emerging consumer culture and its representations.
Symbolizing Lost Sovereignty By the last third o f the nineteenth century, increasing numbers o f Chinese had concluded that a foreign commercial assault on China was accompany ing the more conspicuous military confrontations. Decades before the N a tional Products Movement popularized the issue, a discourse o f trade statis tics within elite political and intellectual circles was already a primary means o f comprehending C hin as lack o f sovereignty. In this discourse, C hinas weakness was sym bolized by a single num ber the trade deficit. W ithin this discourse, which became the foundation stone o f the movement, tariff autonomy and the unfair access to Chinese markets enjoyed by foreigners were singled out as undermining China's sovereignty. Participants in this discourse pointed to China’s tariff history. For nearly one hundred years, China's tariff rate remained at 5.0-7.5 percent o f the estimated value o f
mean that missionaries themselves did not adopt aspects o f Chinese material culture. See Chapter a and Stapleton 2000:43-4$.
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
goods. O n top o f this, despite inflation, the assessment o f the value o f im ports using price tables th at were decades old resulted in even lower actual tariff rates.25 O nce the tariff had been paid, im ports were exempted from all further levies, including internal transit tolls (o r lijin M & ) , a privilege that gave im ports a distinct advantage over their Chinese com petitors.26 In the initial years following the Treaty o f Nanjing, tariff control did not seem to be an im portant issue, and it did not even seem clear that the Chinese had ceded such control (M . C W right 1957:178-79). As nation-states came to see tariff control as central to sovereignty, regaining control became a focal point o f Chinese nationalism and anti-imperialism.27 W ithin the discourse o f trade statistics, China was engaged in a zero-sum game w ith the imperialist powers over the China market. All im ports came at the expense o f domestic economic development. T he dom inant popular con ception o f political economy was that the recovery o f economic sovereignty was more im portant than expanding economic activity and raising per capita incomes. Chinese control over a Chinese economy was seen as more im por tant than economic development controlled by foreigners. N o t surprisingly,
25. O n China's attempts to regain autonomy or, at least, to renegotiate higher rates, see S. F. W right 1938. By contrast, Japan, whose economic policies China closely watched, suc cessfully began raising its tariffs at the turn o f the century and regained tariff sovereignty formally in 1911. By 1908, Japan's average import duty had increased from 3.6 to 16 percent, and by 1911 it was 20 percent (Hirschmeier and Y u i 1975: 146-47)* N o r could Chinese policymakers tax goods at different rates; so imported luxury goods and raw material were taxed at the same rate. Chinese leaders were aware that whereas Japan could p ro tea its domestic cigarette market with a 355 percent tax on tobacco, China could not. T h is difference allowed consumer goods such as British-American Tobacco Com pany products unhindered access to Chinese markets, in sharp contrast with that company s inability to gain market share in Japan (Cochran 1980:41*42). 26. Similarly, beginning in the late Q ing, the same Chinese calling for tariff autonomy also promoted the abolition o f the transit tolls, which was not accomplished until 1931 (Mann 1987: 145- 51)* 27. A s one o f the early scholars to note the relationship between tariff autonomy and na tionalism concluded, the disadvantage to China o f its lack o f tariff autonomy was "keenly felt by Chinese intellectuals" and the issue was used by leaders such as Sun Yatsen to "arouse pa triotic sentiment" (Loh 1955:71-72). Similarly, by the 1930s, politicians around the industrial izing world recognized the utility o f protective tariffs— what one contemporary observer called a country's "main weapon"— to enforce economic nationalism at home. T h e treaty sys tem not only denied China tariff control but also prohibited other "weapons," including quo tas, embargoes, and international exchange controls. For an overview o f contemporary writ ings on this issue in the United States, see Hodgson 1933 (the quote comes from p. 8 ).
successive Chinese governments and popular pressure repeatedly brought foreign governments to the bargaining table to discuss domestic control over tariffs. However, until 19x5 the treaty powers refused to negotiate the restora tion o f tariff autonomy and even then delayed a final agreement. A s a result, China did not achieve tariff autonomy until the start o f the 1930s.28 A s the trade deficit grew along with anger over the lack o f tariff autonomy, trade statistics became a well-publicized index o f the nation's health. In 1864, the foreign-administered Chinese Maritime Custom s office began publishing annual trade statistics. These numbers— ironically, the foreign tabulation o f them strengthened their aura o f scientific objectivity— announced a yearly Chinese deficit, even though in actuality a deficit did not exist until after 1887 (Hazam a et al. 1996: ai; H ou 1965:93-94).” O fficial concern over the outflow o f silver had begun much earlier and contributed to the tensions leading up to the Opium W ar (H sin-pao Chang 1964: 95-96). In the 1880s, prominent Chinese scholar-officials such as Xue Fucheng Jianzhong
(1838-94) and M a
JS /£ (1845-1900) (both trained under the great Q ing statesman
Li Hongzhang
1823-1901) used trade statistics to argue that foreign
trade exacerbated poverty in China. By the publication at the turn o f the cen tury o f the translation o f Adam Sm ith's Wealth of Nations by the famous
scholar Yan Fu jfl$ M (1854-1921), Chinese elites considered the trade deficit a critical issue, a symbol o f economic decline that was continually noted.30T his
aS. In 1928, the newly established Nationalist government made achieving economic sov ereignty and recovering tariff autonomy a top priority. T h e Chinese foreign minister, W an g Zhengting :E ] E j£ (1882-1961). ultimately forced the issue by announcing the new govern ment's intention to terminate all treaties unilaterally in 1928. In response, the Americans con cluded a new agreement, and shortly thereafter nearly all the other treaty powers followed suit. T h e new treaty, set to take effect at the start o f 1929, promised to end the era o f unequal treaties on tariff matters. Even at this point, a deal could not be concluded. Because the United States stipulated that the "most-favored-nation* clause remained in effect, the new treaty did not take effect until China renegotiated tariff autonomy with the other powers. T h e Japanese, however, had much more vested in lower rates. A n d although, as promised, the Chinese government promulgated new rates in early 1929, it could not folly implement them until the Japanese consented in M ay 1930. After recovering tariff autonomy, the Nanjing gov ernment raised tariffs. See Kubo 1980. 29. Feuerwerker (1969: $0) notes that until 1887 imports from H ong K ong into China were included, thereby exaggerating Chinese imports and underestimating its exports. 30. Yan Fu completed translating the Wealth 0/Nations in 1900. O n his reinterpretation o f Smith's concepts o f "general interest* and "society* into state interest, see Schwartz 1964:11329. T h e outpouring o f elite writings on trade and commerce included M a Jianzhong's Fumin shou (Discussion on the wealth o f the people), Chen Chi's RfKfâ (1853-1900) Fuguo ze (Poli-
T he C risis over Commodities and the O rigins o f the M ovem ent
m undane issue became a central concern to all, including eventually well' known intellectuals such as Liang Q ichao (1873-1929), who grudg' ingly recognized the importance o f the crass world o f trade and merchants. Recovering tariff autonom y so th at China could reverse its trade deficit be' came a widely shared goal, especially after the defeat by Japan in 189$. It was also a key objective o f the N ational Products M ovement (see Table TH E SIG N IFICA N C E OF TH E "c h i n a m a r k e t m y t h " By the early tw entieth century, the highly publicized trade statistics and for' eign'controlled industries became prime evidence in the argum ent th at the economy was falling under foreign control Between 1900 and 1905, for in stance, China's trade deficit quadrupled. T he influence o f foreigners can fur ther be seen in the rapid expansion o f foreign investment in China. Between 1902 and the eve o f the W orld W ar I in 1914, foreign investment nearly dou bled.32 Likewise, the num ber o f British, American, French, Russian, and Japanese firms operating in China in the first decade o f the tw entieth cen tury rose from ju st over 1,000 in 1902 to nearly 10,000 by 1921.” These num bers provide am m unition for two connected and long-running debates. First, was there a m arket for foreign products in China, and, if so, did foreigners profit from it? A nd second, in accessing th at m arket, did
cies for enriching the stare), and W a n g Kangnian's T.Efc*f- (1860-1911) Lun Zhongguo qiu fit-
fang jizhou jixing zhi fa (Feasible paths on C hin as search for wealth and power) (see W . C han 1977: »511141). 31.
Countless articles relate the movement to trade; see, e.g., Lu Shouqian, T ic h a n g guo*
huo zhi yuanyin.' I am gratefol to Shanghai historian X u Dingxin for allowing me to copy his personal collection o f materials on the movement, including this article. See also W . C han 1977: »6-33, »50-51113». 33. Rising from U.S.$787-9 million in 190a to U .S 4 i.6 i billion in 1914. By 1931, total for eign investment had roughly doubled again, reaching U-S-$3-3 billion (Remer 1933a: 58). A d justed for the wholesale price index, however, the rate o f increase in the second period (i.e., during the movement) was considerably lower than the numbers suggest: 'O n ly about ao per cent during the seventeen years from 1914 to 1931' (H ou 1965: an). Using a broader definition o f "foreign investment,' however, the prominent Chinese historian W u Chengm ing (1958:45) found even greater foreign investment. 33. T hese statistics, compiled from Maritime Custom s data, are very rough estimates. *Firm' included everything from a small shop to a large company with many branches (Feuerwerker 1976:17-18).
Table i.i Chinese Foreign Trade: Import and Export Statistics, 1900-19)7 (1900-19)3 in 000s o f Haiguan taels and i9 ))-)7 in 000s o f Chinese National Dollars) N et imports
368 ,) 0 )
169.657 214.182
î *6 .7 )9
1904 1905
344 .0 ÖI
*59.487 227.888
447.101 410,270
3 ) 6,457 364 ,) 8 l
471.504 473.097 570 ,16)
foreign trade
) 7 0 ,o67 437.960
-52,074 -9 M 4 6
5* 9.545 541.0 9 * 583.547
674.989 646,737
-01,182 - 104.574 -219.213
-173.813 -152,021
3 ) 8.993 380,833
- 79.165 - 82,132
377.388 370,520
973.468 9 *5 0 6 8
-166,857 - 35.615 -34.610
569 .a4 l 45 4 .4 7 6
- 86,587
549»519 554 ,89 )
481.797 46 3 ,9 )3
1,040.776 1077,807
- 69,010
485.88) 630,809
945*050 9*3 0 0 )
1.599.94* 1,676,330
1924 1925
654.893 753.917 771.784 776 ,) 5 )
1.789.995 1,734018
1,134.331 1,013,9 )3
- 94,312
1929 1930
3.187.334 3081,466
-204.614 -250,092
l.) 09.756
89 4,84 4
* 0 0 4 ,5 9 9
1931 1932
1*4 ) 5.489
3 .343.965
1 ,0 4 9 0 4 7
1933 1934
1.545.567 1,039,655
613093 535.733
- 733.274
1.565,399 1095.510
- 493.932
1935 1936
- 234.754 -114,616
1937 souace:
941.545 9 5 ).)» 6
Hsiao Liang-lin 1974:2J-14-
The Crisis over Commodities and the O rigins o f the M ovem ent note to table i.i
(facing page): This a b le o f Chinese foreign crade should be considered as an illustra
tion rather than as a straightforward statistical table. Trade sacisrics as numbers, like the other National Produco Movement images reproduced in this book, were used iconically to convey a perceived truth. The movement popularized a discourse o f trade statistics that identified China's annual trade deficit as an embodiment o f China's lack o f sovereignty. These numbers represented the two problems confronting China. First, the deficit represented the absence or weakness o f Chinese control over China represented by the nation s inability to stop imports. And, second, it proved that China was a nation o f consumers with a weak sense o f patriotism. T he movement sought to correct both problems and continually invoked the deficit to browbeat consumers.
foreigners '’exploit” China? H istorians o f Sino-American relations have generally come to regard the period between 1890 and 1915 as one o f excessive optim ism regarding the potential for trade in China; in other words, the lu> crative Chinese m arket was a m yth.14 W hatever the actual conditions for foreign business, historians agree that W esterners rushed to China expect' ing to find, as the title o f a popular book in the 1930s promised, a country o f 400 Million Customers (C row 1937).15 T he actual economic effect o f foreign involvement in the Chinese economy is an issue not explored in this book. T he inform ation presented here cannot settle the issue o f w hether foreign capital underm ined the Chinese economy by ruining the handicraft industry, forcing a reorganization o f the agricultural sector, or "draining'' ('M /fî) the Chinese economy through the repatriation o f profits earned in China.36 For the same reason, the main issue here is not w hether the superior access o f foreign enterprises to capital, technology, and trained management gave these enterprises an "unfair" ad vantage over domestic enterprises.37 34> Sherman Cochran (1980:10) has qualified attempts to portray the China market as largely a m yth that required enormous effort for little returns and notes in his study o f Sinoforeign competition that the cigarette industry was enormously profitable for the BritishAmerican T obacco Com pany. Prominent studies on the 'm yth o f the China market* include V arg 1968: esp. chap. 3 and M . B. Young 1968. 3$. T h e related issue o f the nature o f foreign involvement in the Chinese economy has been even more contentious. A s the economic historian Thom as Rawski argues, T h e direct and specific influence o f foreign activity on the size and composition o f farm output, the money supply, the level o f capital formation, the rate and pattern o f modern-sector growth, interest rates, the size o f government budgets, and other significant economic indicators was generally sm all' (1989: 4). According to Rhoads M urphey (1970), foreigners did very little business outside treaty ports. 36. For a recent survey o f this debate, see X iao 1999:3-16. 37. For an overview, see Cochran 1980:1-9. See also Feuerwerker 1968 on Com m unist his toriography. Feuerwerker and C heng 1970 introduces works on foreign exploitation by C h i nese historians writing in the first decades after 1949.
R ather, the Chinese perception o f exploitation is the critical issue. A fter all, the Chinese m arket m yth had a Chinese side, too. In contrast to an earlier generation o f scholarship th a t sought mainly to debunk this m yth, I hold th a t the actual economic im pact o f foreign companies is less im portant than the dom estic reverberation o f this m yth. T he growing perception th at C hina had lost economic sovereignty was critical to the conceptualization o f the m odem Chinese nation. Foreign involvement in a largely agricultural country may have been minuscule as a percentage o f the gross dom estic product.** H ow ever, it was huge symbolically. Chinese believed foreign capital had inundated C hina. Both the expectations o f foreign companies o f endless profits to be made in C hina and the perception on the Chinese side th at foreigners had en gineered a "hostile takeover" o f the Chinese economy shaped notions o f inter national commerce at this tim e. T he discourse o f trade statistics reinforced this perception o f growing control, and these statistics were constantly cited as indisputable evidence o f expanding foreign control and, w ithin the move m ent, were used to attack the unpatriotic consum ers o f im ports.*9 FOREIGN CO N TR O L O VER M ODERN IN D U ST R Y Foreign control over new, high-profile industries came to signify "foreign dom ination" o f the Chinese economy as a whole. In the opening decade o f the tw entieth century, for example, foreign shipping companies controlled m ore than four-fifths o f the commercial shipping m arket (K . C. Liu 1962). T his control Chinese readily interpreted as a product o f imperialism because the unequal treaties enabled foreign firms to send ships into dom estic ports and inland waterways. D espite jo in t governm ent-private efforts to establish dom estic com petitors such as the C hina M erchants' Steam N avigation
) 8 . O r, in the words o f economic historian Albert Feuerwerker, ‘ Foreign trade and in vestment played a relatively small role in the Chinese econom y— even in the twentieth cen tury” (1977:9*)39. For a typical example, see Y u Z u o tin g 1935. M ovem ent literature often divided im port statistics into its com ponent parts to legitimize attacks on specific consumers. A s C hap ter 7 shows, for example, statistics for cosmetics and perfume were used as evidence o f female be trayal. T h e statistics were also cited to demonstrate the growing threat o f Japan, especially af ter 1931. See, e.g., Shiyebu 1933, which supplies 46 charts, diagrams, and tables to docum ent Japan's expanding role in the Chinese economy. I provide other examples throughout the book.
The Crisis over Commodities an d the O rigins o f the M ovem ent
Com pany (esc. 1872), foreign companies continued to control the majority o f the m arket right up to the eve o f the Second Sino-Japanese W ar (1937-45). In the 1930s, some thirty foreign shipping companies w ith over 700 vessels operated in Chinese ports (H o u 1965:60). T he introduction o f one foreign industry often required the creation or expansion o f another; shipping, for example, spurred the grow th o f coal mining (T im W right 1984: 50-76). Foreign shippers wanted cheap local sources o f the high-quality coal required by steamships in order to avoid im porting large am ounts o f coal M ining thus became another highly symbolic industry dom inated by foreign interests. O nce again, the turn o f the tw enti eth century marked a turning point in foreign involvement in the Chinese economy. Between 1895 and 1913, foreigners opened scores o f mines. M ining also led to the extension o f foreign economic operations beyond the treaty ports, som ething not sanctioned by the unequal treaties, deep into the C hi nese interior.40 Similarly, in commercial banking, foreign banks completely controlled the financing o f international trade and exchange transactions until the first m odem Chinese bank opened in 1898. Even after the Chinese government banks began issuing banknotes, Chinese continued to favor the more stable foreign banknotes. Because o f ongoing political and economic uncertainty, foreign banknotes remained popular during the Republic until the 1930s (H o u 1965: 52-58). These notes were a potent and om nipresent symbol in everyday life o f the foreign "control" o f the Chinese economy. A ttem pts by foreign companies to build railways in C hina fueled fears th at foreign-controlled technology would facilitate the "draining* o f the Chinese economy by introducing technology that would displace the labor ers who transported goods, allow greater foreign troop movement, disrupt local geomancy, and create yet more demand for im ported materials to con struct the railways (C -A . Chang 1943). A fter a few false starts, a highly visi ble scramble by foreign powers to secure railway concessions began at the end o f the First Sino-Japanese W ar in 1895 (L. Cheng 1935; Yang Yonggang i997)> T he im perialist powers deemed railroads critical for carving out a
T h e French obtained the first concession in 1895 in the southwestern province o f
Yunnan. Shortly thereafter, the Russians concluded agreements for mines in Manchuria. T hen, the Japanese, Germans, and British arranged to open mines within their spheres o f in terest. Affected provinces included Xinjiang, Mongolia, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, and S i chuan. See H ou 1965:68-79 for a survey o f these initial foreign mining efforts.
sphere o f interest, and by the time o f the Revolution o f 1911, Russian, Japa nese, French, German, and British interests owned over a,000 miles o f track, or some 40 percent o f China's relatively meager total railroad mileage (H uenemann 1984:37-80; H ou 1965:65)/1
M ADB IN C H IN A , BU T N O T "C H IN E SE * T h e earliest foreign-dominated industries— shipping, mining, banking, and railroads— became the first targets o f Chinese efforts to "recover” control over the domestic economy. A t the turn o f the century, however, foreign in volvement in manufacturing in China emerged as a much more widespread symbol o f imperialism. W h at emerged was anxiety not only over imports but also over commodities manufactured by foreign companies within China. W ithin the nascent N ational Products Movement, products made by for eign companies in China were not "Chinese.” T h e presence o f any foreign capital became symbolically significant, and this symbol grew as foreign in vestment intensified. T h e increasing volume o f imports and the growing trade deficit were not the only indicators o f the expanding presence o f foreign commodities and capital A s foreigners began seeking better access to the domestic market and cheaper labor costs in the late nineteenth century, the number and variety o f foreign manufacturing companies in China grew quickly. Before 1895, there were already over one hundred foreign-owned “factories.”4 142 A fter the First Sino-Japanese W ar and the T reaty o f Shimonoseki (189s), which granted Japanese extensive financial and territorial gains in China, this number ex panded dramatically. Further, a treaty concluded the following year gave all treaty powers the legal right to build factories in China and led to the quick
41. Moreover, foreign loans financed many o f the "Chinese-owned'* lines; see Morse 1910, vol. 3:449* Russia aimed to control Manchuria and northern China; Germany wanted to se cure its interests in Shandong; Britain concentrated on the Yangzi valley and a line to Burma; Japan eyed Fujian; and France had plans for Yunnan. Zhang Zhidong ?J k £ (1837-1909)« governor-general o f Hunan and Hubei, expressed a fear that railways would act as scissors with which the powers could cut up China. For a comprehensive table o f foreign investment in Chinese railroads, see Yang Yonggang 1997:169-77* 42. For a list o f such companies, see Sun Yutang 1957« vol. 1:234-41* O n the various types o f foreign business operations outside the treaty ports before 1895, see Allen and Donnithorne 1954:31-51.
T he C risis over Commodities and the O rigins o f the M ovem ent
expansion o f m odem industries in China. For this reason, historians usually assign 1895 as the start o f the m odem industrialization o f China.41 T hese companies did not export all their products. In the mid-nineteenth century, foreign firm s had begun to manufacture items for dom estic con sum ption, first for foreigners living in treaty ports and then gradually for an emerging Chinese market. For instance, in the 1850s several foreign compa nies manufactured pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and soaps. In the 1860s, other companies made W estern foods, candies, spirits, and flour. In the fol low ing decades, foreign-owned companies in Shanghai began producing ice, glass, bricks, concrete, and furniture. O ftentim es, foreigners established local companies to supply a Chinese demand created by imports. M atches, paper, soap, cigarettes, and cotton textiles all fall into this category. Because there was a huge Chinese demand for im ported cotton goods, many foreign textile operations were set up shortly after foreigners gained the legal right to estab lish factories in 1895. A n d foreigners continued to launch consumer goods companies aimed at local markets after the Revolution o f 1911.44 N ew Commodities as Conduits o f Nationalism A s the numbers, varieties, and uses o f new commodities expanded dramati cally in the early twentieth century,45 the burgeoning consumer culture in urban China became inseparable from social and political changes. T h e two m ost im portant o f these were the abolition o f the imperial examination sys tem in 1905 and the Republican Revolution o f 1911, which overthrew much more chan the Q in g dynastic polity. Elim inating the examination system ended the traditional and primary road to wealth, power, and status. For
4). James Reardon-Anderson summarizes the impact o f 1895: "In industry, as in other fields, 189$ marked a turning point, after which central authority declined and new forces took charge. T h is meant the bubbling up, here and there, o f new products, methods, forms o f management, and expertise that in the long run would shake China to the core* (1991:169-70). For the exact dimensions o f this economic expansion, see W a n g Jingyu 1957: a-13, and the tabulations in Feuerwerker 1969:38-39. 44. For example, in the decades preceding W orld W a r II, the Japanese and the British established over 100 machine works companies throughout China, making everything from bicycles and electrical goods to motors and other machines (H o u 1965:83.8$). 45. Unfortunately, there are only a few full-length studies o f the cultural history and im pact o f the new Chinese commodities discussed here. Contrast this dearth with U .S. histori ography, where even a popular line o f plastic containers (Tupperware) has its own scholarly treatise (Clarke 1999).
several decades, alternative routes had been developing, most conspicuously through m odem schools and study abroad. Ending the examination system, however, eliminated in one fell swoop the basis o f sumptuary legislation that reinforced the status o f officials through regulations governing all aspects o f their public lives, from the clothing they and their wives wore to the architectural style o f their houses. Abolishing the primary means o f certifying status, in effect, facilitated the semiotic reconfigurations discussed in the fol lowing chapters.46 In the decade immediately following the Revolution o f 1911, Chinese be gan to use a wide variety o f commodities to alter their personal appearance and to define their social standing visually. A whole range o f new Chinese industries emerged both to create and to serve these new needs. A growing number o f Chinese altered their appearance from head (hats) to toe (shoes and socks). T h is transformation affected such accessories as watches, eye glasses, and canes. These changes even extended to notions o f how Chinese ought to maintain their bodies, as new ideas o f hygiene accompanied the adoption o f particular commodities. Toothbrushes and tooth powders, per fumes and soaps, and new kinds o f cosmetics simultaneously created and filled new needs. In that first decade, industries emerged to supply these consumer products. In short, the decade surrounding the Revolution o f 1911 saw a transformation in personal appearance in China rivaled only by, first, the decades following the Com m unist victory in 1949 and, second, Deng Xiaoping's
(1907-1997) decision in 1978 to introduce market re
forms and re-establish extensive ties with capitalist countries. Chinese government sources introduce the new or improved commodi ties o f this emerging consumer culture. A 1935 M inistry o f Industry guide to the Jiangsu provincial economy lists factories producing fabrics (e.g., cot ton ginning, spinning, and weaving; silk reeling and weaving; knitting; and leather tanning), food (flour, rice, and oil milling), chemicals, building ma terials (cement, bricks, and tiles), and power plants, to name several basic categories. These and other industries produced a growing percentage o f
In China as elsewhere, an increasingly fluid social structure in the late Q in g dynasty
undoubtedly contributed to the need for and rise o f sumptuary laws. T h e percentages o f men with imperial degrees participating in elected assemblies reflected the dramatic transforma tion o f the Chinese social structure by the time o f the 1911 revolution. O n the eve o f the revo lution, nearly 70 percent o f the members o f the Zhejiang provincial assembly had imperial degrees. However, by 1921, under } percent had degrees (Bergère 1986:115).
T he Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
commodities in circulation, such as clothing, processed foods and season* ings, pharmaceuticals, educational supplies, and hardware. In addition, these industries supplied many consumer items that began as luxuries but often became necessities: cigarettes; hats; buttons; umbrellas; eyeglasses; toilet articles such as soaps, perfumes, toothbrushes, and combs; and household supplies such as ice, matches, thermoses, light bulbs, and towels.47 T h e best description o f the total transformation in the material culture in actual lives comes from literary sources, particularly the writings o f M ao D un. In his massive and widely read novel Midnight
1933), M ao
D un captures this profound transformation as a temporal, spatial, and vis* ual gap. In the opening o f the novel the Chinese civil war forces the father o f one o f the main characters to flee his comfortable but rustic country residence for Shanghai Through the response o f a member o f an older, ru ral generation to a son's extravagant urban lifestyle, M ao D un describes the new material life. T h e father, overwhelmed by a radically different material culture o f abundance (that, in the son's home alone, includes everything from W estern furniture to electric fans), drops dead after a few hours’ ex posure to China's most modem and cosmopolitan city. O f course, it was not ju st the wealthy families at the center o f Midnight who participated in this transformation. M any ordinary Chinese observed and participated, al though often only in inexpensive new forms o f leisure or simply in their discussions and daydreams.48 Poorer urban denizens, for instance, might have looked at magazines that advertised the new culture but could not have bought the products themselves. Likewise, they participated in this new culture through less expensive items— made possible, for example, by the emergence o f cigarettes as a substitute for pipe smoking, a transforma tion wrought by tobacco companies.49
‘ Factories1’ included both relatively advanced cotton-spinning plants and simpler
handicraft shops, which were considered factories because several people worked in a com mon location ( N i l 1935: xxii-xxiv, table o f contents o f ‘ manufacturing industries'). For an in troduction to many o f these industries in China, see Dingle and Pratt 1921. 4S. O n the popularization o f new forms o f commodified leisure, especially opium smok ing, see Des Forges 2000. By the late nineteenth century, thousands o f opium dens served every social stratum in Shanghai alone. 49. C f., e.g., the critical role London maids and servants played in the development o f fashion trends; see M cKendrick et al. 1982:9-33.
TH E PA TTE R N OF PROLIFERATIO N T h e entry and spread o f W estern consumer goods in China followed a p at' tern: first, a new item filled foreign demand within China; then, the market expanded to create and meet dom estic demand; and, eventually, particularly during W o rld W ar I, Chinese companies entered the market. M ost o f these industries and their products did not exist before the turn o f the twentieth century. T h e N ational Products M ovem ent, then, began at the start o f China s late, rapid, and uneven industrialization. Ironically, foreign representatives o f companies and creeds introduced many o f the products that Chinese soon recast as "national products." In the late nineteenth century, French missionaries, for instance, introduced the lace industry to Shanghai by teaching Chinese girls and women how to make lace at home ( N il 1935: 446). Indeed, many o f the schools set up by missionaries taught the skill, which quickly became an im portant com po nent o f the local econom y in places such as Shandong province's Z h ifo u (Chefoo), which until 1919 was the largest exporter o f Chinese lace (D ingle and Pratt 1921: report no. 116). T h is pattern occurred w ith many items. For instance, at the turn o f the century, Germ an manufacturers began selling underwear and hosiery in China. T h e Germ an success attracted a host o f com petitors from Japan, Am erica, and England. A s w ith so many o f China's consumer industries, shortly after the outbreak o f W orld W ar I, when im ports from Europe vir tually ceased, Chinese companies quickly emerged to supply substitutes for those imports. For instance, within tw o decades o f the start o f the war, there were 136 factories in Shanghai alone. Im port/export statistics demonstrate this massive transform ation in the Shanghai-based market for underwear and hosiery. O n the eve o f W orld W ar I, Shanghai alone im ported 1,786,296 pairs o f underwear. H owever, by the end o f the war in 1918, im ports had dropped by over a third. M eanwhile, domestic manufacturers not only won customers at home but also became net exporters o f underwear during this period, sending overseas more than a million pairs a year by the mid-1920s.50 T h e Japanese also introduced many new consumer products and initiated this pattern. T ow ard the end o f the Q ing, for example, Japanese began
50. These statistics do not differentiate between Chinese and foreign control in these do* mestic manufacturers. See N i l 1935:429» 443*
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
selling woven towels that were favored over the cloth towels that up to then had dominated the market. O nce again, the world war created oppor tunities for the first major Chinese competitor, which did not begin opera tions until 19I7.S1 T h e stiftest com petition in China, indeed throughout East Asia, oc curred over another recently introduced produce straw hats (that is, flattopped boaters and not the conical hats worn by farmers for centuries). Straw hats originated in Europe in the late seventeenth century and quickly spread around the globe, arriving in Am erica just before the Revolution. T h ey appeared in China in the 1860s. Foreigners living in Fujian province in troduced the technique for making these hats, which missionaries working in that province used. But they became popular elsewhere as a way to keep cool in the summer. T h e treaty port o f N ingbo became an early headquar ters for hat production. Export o f these hats began in the late 1860s, and within ten years, the industry employed thousands o f women and children and exported some fifteen million hats a year (Allen and D onnithom e 1954: 87; Dingle and Pratt 1921: report no. 93). Before the Revolution o f 1911, it was uncommon for Chinese to wear such hats. Upper-class men, for example, favored the black skullcap, which helped keep the queue hairstyle in place. However, after the Revolution, when men were forced to cut their queues, straw hats, particularly boaters, became ex tremely fashionable and spread throughout the country and across all classes.*2 In contrast to W estern-style suits, these hats became symbols o f new W estern/m odem dress and were affordable and widely available, espe cially because o f inexpensive Japanese imports. In many ways, this new com m odity was the ideal national product: it was easy to make and required very little technology.** M oreover, the raw materials were available domesti cally, because m ost straw braids came from the northern provinces o f Shan dong and H ebei. Originally, women working at home made these hats. Be cause the quality was considered inferior to European and Japanese hats, gradually production was centralized. Thus, by the early 1930s, there were
$1. T h is company was the T hree Friends Enterprises, which became a primary backer o f the movement and was known for its Triangle Brand products ( N il 19)$: 451-59). $a. According to one foreign observer, such straw hats were something that 'even coolies* could afford (van D o m 193a: 159-6*). $3. T h e tw o simple steps involved were sorting and sewing the plaited straw (M cD ow ell •99 »: 5», 60. S3).
nearly 90 factories in Shanghai alone producing nearly 100,000 straw hats. D uring the frequent anti-imperialist boycotts, Japanese hats became a com mon target o f protestors.54 Like straw hats, umbrellas were widely embraced as accessories o f modem/ W estem dress and new lifestyles. T h e history o f this object in China also underscores another broader change within Chinese consumer culture: the democratization o f fashion. During the Q ing dynasty, parasols were used primarily by the wealthy, and the poor usually wore large straw hats. (China did not distinguish parasols and umbrellas; traditionally both were made from bamboo ribs on which paper was pasted and oiled.) T he spread o f the new type o f umbrellas followed the usual pattem . First, for eigners introduced them. German and Japanese traders imported foreignstyle umbrellas made o f silk or cloth with metal ribs to China, but, as with so many other W estern fashions, they did not become popular until a few years after the Revolution o f 1911.55 In the 1910s, there were several attempts by Chinese to set up companies to compete with these imports. A s with so many companies founded during the movement, company names reflected the nationalist economic agenda. For example, the first Chinese factory (est. 1912) in Shanghai to make foreign-style umbrellas and parasols was called the Peoples Livelihood Foreign-Style Umbrella Factory ( ^j£$£). And a locally produced product that was a combination o f a parasol and an umbrella was known as a "patriotic umbrella" («§£|jj§^£). During this initial period o f the movement, Chinese manufacturers openly used some foreign components. Even "patriotic umbrellas" used Japanese frames, and traditional paper umbrella manufacturers used German dyes and Japanese cotton cords. However, the movement continually created new pressures for such companies to produce purely Chinese products. For example, in the mid-i920s, three prominent Chinese companies substituted hand-made rods, ribs, and struts for Japanese imports ( N il 1935:486-89). T h e market for soap, modem cosmetics, toothbrushes, toothpaste (or powder), perfumes, and other items in the toiletries category expanded
54. Some factories also produced more expensive felt hats, which were made out o f Aus* tralian or Chinese wool. See Yang Dajun 1933:572!? and N i l 1935:47**74« 55. According to M ao Zedong
(1893-1976), in the rural county o f Xunw u in
south China, foreign*style umbrellas controlled only 30 percent o f the market before the Revolution o f 1911 but had gained 70 percent o f the market by 1930 (M ao 1990: 96*97)« H is report also includes a list o f 131 types o f foreign*style goods (ibid.: 69*70) sold in this county.
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
greatly at the start o f die twentieth century. These items quickly replaced their early analogues, particularly in treaty port cities and among the upper and middle classes. U ntil 1921, nearly all the toothbrushes used in Shanghai and the rest o f Jiangsu came from Japan. In that year, Zhao Tieqiao (1886-1930) set up the Shuanglun Toothbrush Company
other Chinese entrepreneurs soon followed. Although most toothbrushes were produced to satisfy local demand, quite a few were exported to overseas Chinese communities, particularly in Southeast Asia. By the end o f the 1920s, Shanghai was exporting nearly 750,000 toothbrushes a year ( N il 1935: 515-17).56 Sim ilarly, the modem cosmetics market also boomed in the early twentieth century, leading to the establishment o f Chinese companies in Shanghai by 1911. Before the establishment o f these companies, cosmetics were luxury items. In cities, however, they soon became a daily necessity for a growing number o f women.57 In the early twentieth century, Chinese not only changed what they put on themselves but also what they put into themselves, creating one more area where new commodities became part o f everyday lives. T h e milling o f rice and wheat and the extraction o f vegetable oils were considerably less ar duous with machine power than with traditional methods. M illing rice ker nels into an edible grain, for instance, meant removing the husks and the thin brown skins and then grinding the kernels with stone powder to whiten them ( N il 1935:521-26).** M odem flour milling in China began with the es tablishment o f a German-owned mill in Shanghai in 1886; the first Chinese com petitor set up shop in 1898 (Lieu 1936: 41). U p to W orld W ar I, China had fewer than a dozen modem flourmills, most o f which were owned by foreigners. M ajor cities such as Shanghai imported their flour. A s with so many other domestic industries, however, the war stimulated the develop ment o f Chinese-owned mills. Between 1917 and 1922, 26 flourmills were es tablished. T h e manufacturing o f cooking oil changed in a similar way. D ur ing the war, Chinese acquired large foreign factories such as the Hengyu Com pany, which Germans had established in 1910 (Bergère 1986:72-73).
$6. O n soap and perfume, see N i l 193$: 498-508. 57. T h e tw o most important Shanghai-based manufacturers (Fang Yexian's China Chem ical Industries Com pany and Chen Diexians Household Enterprises) were heavily involved in the movement and sold their products throughout China and in Southeast Asia. 58. Even in the 1930s, companies continued to use older techniques, some as simple as crushing grains manually between millstones; see N i l 1935:527-28.
In this rapidly changing consumer culture, cigarettes lay somewhere be tween fashion accessories and food and medicine. T h e development o f the foreign-owned cigarette industry in China followed the pattern o f other products. First, imports developed the domestic market.59 Foreign compa nies soon realized that it would be cheaper to supply Chinese demand with domestic factories. Cigarettes were first imported from Britain in 1890 by the Am erican Tobacco Company's agent, M ustard Sc Com pany, which began manufacturing cigarettes in China the following year. T h e scale o f cigarette production grew dramatically when, in 1902, the newly merged British-Am erican Tobacco Com pany commenced production in China (H ou 1965: 87-88). By 1934, some 300,000 Chinese families were growing American tobacco (H ou 196$: 88). T h e cigarette companies engaged in extensive marketing efforts; the growth o f the domestic market— from 300 million cigarettes sold in 1902 to over 88 billion by 1933— confirmed their success (Cochran 1980: appendix table 9, 234). British'Am erican Tobacco, for instance, established a main factory near Shanghai as well as facilities in H ankou, Qingdao, Tianjin, H arbin, and other cities, and employed 25,000 workers (Allen and D onnithom e 1954:169-72). D uring the movement, the simple act o f sm oking cigarettes, itself a new practice, placed millions o f Chinese directly in the midst o f battles to nationalize the country's emerg ing consumer culture.60
$9. Although cigarettes were a new element in this emerging consumer culture, tobacco was not. Chinese had been growing tobacco, along with other N ew W orld crops, for sev eral hundred years, and had smoked tobacco with pipes. T h e existence o f this practice, in fact, helped create a market for the quintessential import o f the nineteenth century, opium, because ‘ the habit o f opium smoking in China was an offshoot and development o f tobacco smoking* (Spence 199a: 231). T h e history o f cigarettes in China is the best studied o f all the commodities discussed here; see Cochran 1980. 60.
N i l 193$: 622 reports that after the M ay Thirtieth Incident o f 192$, the subsequent
anti-imperialist boycott intensified ‘ the feeling among the masses that it was unpatriotic to smoke foreign cigarettes' In response, many Chinese tobacco companies sprung up to serve these patriotic smokers. T h e total number o f cigarette factories in the Shanghai area in creased from just 14 on the eve o f the incident to 18a three years later. After 1928, sharp price reductions by foreign companies helped drive many o f these Chinese factories out o f the market, proof that patriotism had its financial limits. Chinese were willing to spend only so much more for national products and often only under pressure (see Chapters 3 and 4).
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovement
The Ideological and Institutional Foundations of the Movement T h e growth o f Chinese industrial competition heightened trade tensions.61 N either the level o f foreign investment nor the actual level o f growth— the number and net contribution o f new Chinese companies in new indus tries— is the key to understanding the origins o f the movement. T h e criti cal issue is that Chinese industrialists, along with their political and public supporters, grew convinced that the number o f Chinese companies would be vastly higher without imperialism. N o t surprisingly, Chinese industrial ists became the most vocal agents behind the popularization o f the move ment agenda, as well as its strongest financial supporters. Sino-foreign competition in modem light industry began around the time o f the s u it o f the movement. Before the Revolution o f 1911, fewer than 600 Chinese-owned enterprises used mechanical power. Less than ten years later, however, there were approximately 2,000 such factories employ ing over 270,000 workers (Feuerwerker 1977: 16-17; Chen Zhen 1957-61, voL 1: 55-56).62 T his rapid growth led movement participants (as well as later P R C historians) to enshrine the era surrounding W orld W ar I,
61. T h is actual level o f growth remains contested, but, as noted, is largely irrelevant here. Scholarship extending back into the period itself has emphasized economic stagnation in the warlord period (1912-27) (see Yang Q uan 1923 and Eckstein 1977)- According to this line o f interpretation, political chaos undermined the possibility for economic growth; see, e.g., C h'i 1976 and Sheridan 1975. Scholars inside and outside China have demonstrated that there was much more growth than previous interpretations acknowledged. For example, Chi-m ing H ou finds "unquestionably that there was a significant trend toward 'economic modernization* be fore 1937" (H ou 1965:125). In his revisionist index o f industrial production in fifteen indus tries spanning the entire Republican era (1911-49)» John K . Chang (1969:71) found a high rate o f growth. And X iao Yanming (1999: 10-11) does Chang one better, concluding that the growth rate averaged 15 percent between 1912 and 1927 and was even higher from 1912 to 191$. Likewise, in a study o f this period, economic historian Thom as Rawski concludes, T h e sus tained expansion o f output per head became a regular feature o f Chinese economic life in the early [twentieth century]" (1989: 344)* For positive assessments o f the role o f foreign invest ment in this period, see Demberger 197$: 46 and Perkins 1969:133. 62. T h e vast majority o f these companies were located in Shanghai: 1,186, according to D. K . Lieu's influential estimate (Liu Dajun 1937)* T his count made use o f the 1929 Factory Law, which defined "factory" as a company using mechanical power and employing at least 30 workers. For a detailed table that shows the creation o f the larger enterprises by year, see D u 1991:107. By 1933, there were over 3,000 Chinese factories employing over a half million peo ple. For a breakdown by industry, see "1933 nian Huashang gongchang tongji" (Statistics on Chinese merchants' factories for 1933) in Chen Zhen 1957-61, vol. 1:57.
which greatly reduced competition from W estern firms not to mention the W estern imperialist presence as a whole» as a nearly mythical Golden Age o f modem yet autarkic economic development.61 Although this modem industrial economy grew quickly, it was still a tiny part o f the entire economy, accounting for only 3 percent o f the gross domestic prod' uct in 1933 ( T .'G Liu and K .-G Yeh 196$: 66). Its importance, however, lay in its power as a symbol o f China's future. Regardless o f the actual size o f foreign involvement, Chinese reformers and, later, the leaders o f these new Chinese-owned industries became vocal proponents during the subse quent decades o f the movement o f the notion that "foreign presence" equaled "foreign domination." Even the arguments o f historians that the years preceding the Golden Age were actually more golden (see X iao 1999) do not undermine my point: popular opinion in China (expressed through the movement) held that Chinese economic growth (ie ., the national at tainment o f wealth) was closely tied to lim iting foreign participation in the Chinese economy. Indeed, the prominent Chinese economist H . D . Fong remembered this period as "the most propitious moment in the history o f China's industrialization," a period "when imports had to be suspended and local products soared in prices" (Fong 1975:9). In the late nineteenth century, a newly industrializing United States (and later Germany) adopted a "home-market ideology" or protectionism as a means to protect the domestic market from cheap, mass-produced imports (see Crapol 1973; W olm an 1992:1-16). Similarly, Chinese elites came to be lieve that uncontrolled foreign access to Chinese markets undermined the country's ability to assert its sovereignty and build an industrial economy. T h is belief became the basis o f a discourse o f "commercial warfare" (SïîJSfe), an ideology that spread rapidly and became the basis for institutional re form.6 64 T h e language o f commercial warfare provided the vocabulary and 3 concepts through which these elites articulated C hinas relationship with the outside world. It formed the ideological frame through which the growing
63. T h e most comprehensive account remains Z h o u Xiuluan 1958. See also Bergère 1986:
63-9«. 64. O n the shared economic ideology of'com m ercial warfare' in late nineteenth-century China, see P. Cohen 1987:185-108. Cohen finds that W ang T a o 3 Ef@ (1828-97) was 'alm ost totally preoccupied with nonagricultural matters: transportation, mining, manufacture, and, above all, commerce' (ibid.: 18$).
T he Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovement
Fig. 1.3 T h e Toothpaste Defense
(SB 1933.6.3) T h is advertisement illustrates the popular notion o f commercial warfare. Here a Chinese national product, Sincere toothpaste, is a cannon poised to repel ships delivering imports. T h e banner reads: National Product Sincere Toothpaste. T h e slogan on the lower left explicitly invokes the terminology o f commercial warfare: 'Let's collectively strive to promote national products to recover economic rig h ts' T h e advertisement illustrates several key tensions within the National Products Movement. First, it was increasingly difficult to separate C h i nese and foreign things. Sincere was a large department store that featured imports. Under the growing pressure o f the movement, the company began manufacturing and selling na tional products. T h e advertisement, then, also reminds consumers and movement activists that it did so. Second, as the prominent foreign translation o f the product name on the label suggests, the advertisement also illustrates the persistent appeal o f appearing foreign.
trade deficit became the leading indicator o f national economic decline.61 M oreover, it became the ideological basis for nationalizing consumer culture during the movement in the early twentieth century (see Fig. 1.3). T he famous reform-minded official Zeng Guofan first advanced the concept o f “commercial war” in 1862. Z eng based his ideas on the ancient Legal ist concept of'agricultural warfare” fourth-century
b .c .
or JR J$), whose origins lay in the
philosophy o f Shang Yang. Shang Yang advocated sup
porting war efforts by taxing commerce but concurrently giving merchants more leeway to generate taxable income. Zeng adapted these ideas to the times and saw international trade as a weapon weakening China's economy and enabling its military conquest. T he imperial censor Li Fan ^ extended these ideas, arguing in 1878 that a policy o f commercial warfire would focus China's energies on developing domestic industry and commerce and gradually eliminating the potential for foreign economic domination (Pong 1985). A s Ding Richang
(1823-82), then the
6$. Between 1SS6 and 1905, Chinas trade imbalance grew from around 10 million Haiguan taels to nearly aao million. See also G u o Xianglin et a l 199$: 65-83.
Shanghai intendant, put it, if China adopted the strategy o f commercial warfire, foreigners would not make money in China and would soon depart (H ao 1986:166-67). T h e comprador-scholar Zhen g Guanying jtß H lS (1842-1921) popular ized the concept o f "commercial war" in essays written in the late 1870s and 1880s and later compiled in his Warnings to a Prosperous Age ( 50£tö:/ii l a , ca. 1893).66 T h is bestseller, which profoundly influenced M ao Zedong as a youngster and remains in print today, pushed the conceptualization o f "de fense industries” to industry itself as defense and explicitly articulated the threat posed by imports (Zheng Guanying 1998: 292-98).67 According to Zheng, trade represented a more insidious form o f warfare because it was slow and peaceful: "Being swallowed up by troops is a disaster men perceive easily, [but] conquest by commerce envelops the nation invisibly" (quoted in Fewsmith 1985:26). Therefore, Chinese nation-builders had to go beyond the narrow "self-strengthening" focus on defense-related industries and develop the domestic economy as a whole, particularly the modem industrial sector. It was not enough to build battleships, erect gun towers, establish arsenals, and create modem military forces. In Zheng's oft-repeated phrase, 'Practicing armed warfare is not as good as practicing commercial warfare." T o survive this war, Zheng argued, China needed to 'stim ulate commerce" (tiiP H fc HH) and practice "mercantilist policies" (
by promoting exports and
reducing imports. T h is would prevent the "draining" o f Chinese capital (H ou 1965:93-*94,131). Above all, the Chinese state needed to recognize the impor tant role merchants played in national survival
RECOGNIZIN G THE IM PORTANCE OF COMMERCE During the late nineteenth century, Chinese provincial leaders gradually expanded their support for industrial development, initially focusing on producer goods, particularly conspicuous heavy industries such as railroads, mining, and armaments. T h e efforts o f reform-minded provincial leaders6 7 66. O n Z h en g and the spread o f this concept among Chinese elites, see W a n g Ermin 199$: 233-381, C .-C . W u 1974: 96-152, and X ia Dongyuan 198$. For a survey o f recent studies on compradors, including Zheng, see Xie W enhua 1994. 67. M ao told Edgar Snow that Zheng’s book 'stimulated in me the desire to resume my studies* (Snow 1968:1)3-34: see also Spence 1999:5-6). T h e fact that Mao, then living in ru ral Hunan, had access to the book suggests how widely the text and its ideas spread.
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovement
such as Z en g Guofan, Li Hongzhang, and Z u o Zongtang
85) to develop W estern military technology inaugurated a period o f ‘’selfstrengthening” ( fi) fâ M ffli) and "W esternization” ($ Ë î£ iS!K l) beginning in the early 1860s and extending to the end o f the century. Am ong such leaders, there was a growing acceptance o f the need to update China's mili tary and improve China s understanding o f modem science and technology to preserve domestic order and resist imperialism.66 During the 1870s, selfstrengthening and W esternization broadened from a focus on producing armaments to competing with foreign companies. Q ing reformers, for in stance, established the China M erchants' Steam Navigation Com pany to challenge W estern domination o f coastal shipping and the Kaiping Coal M ines to compete with foreigners in mining (H ao 1986: 167; Carlson I957).6 69 8
A s China began importing goods such as cigarettes and textiles, the notion o f a commercial war came to encompass consumer goods. By the end o f the 1870s, government-sponsored industries included profitoriented light industries designed to supply the country's chief imports, particularly machine-made yam and cotton goods. Li Hongzhang was es pecially active in these efforts, and the Shanghai Cotton Cloth M ill (1878) became one o f his many new 'government-supervised, merchant-run” ( 1lr 1?fêîÜI?) enterprises.70 T h e establishment o f these enterprises marked an important transition toward a 'conscious tapping o f expertise and a vol untary cooperation in the pursuit o f policy” (Fewsmith 1985: 28). In con trast with earlier cooperation between government and merchants in the salt monopoly, the government's role in these new enterprises was to encourage the development o f industry and commerce. In theory, these enterprises operated under government protection and were granted
68. These changes included the establishment o f several go vernme nt -backed heavy indus* trial complexes, including several dozen modem provincial arsenals such as the Jiangnan A r senal and Shipyard (est. 1865) and the Fuzhou Naval Dockyard (est. 1866). Between 1861 and 1894» over 25 arsenals o f varying sizes were established throughout China. For an overview, see Liao Heyong 1987:58-78. 69. Interestingly, some 30 years before the start o f the National Products Movement made this standard practice, the founder o f the Merchants' Steam Navigation Company tried to ensure foreigners did not own any o f the company stock by requiring the disclosure o f shareholders' names and hometowns on share certificates. 70. O n the importance o f Li's sponsorship to such enterprises, see Lai 1994.
m onopoly rights to ensure profitability. In practice, these experiments were not successful econom ically.71* D espite their failures as econom ic enterprises, these businesses became powerful sym bols chat em bodied an early version o f the nationalistic eco nomic vision m anifest in the N ational Products M ovem ent. T hese enter prises propagated the notion that Chinese companies should avoid foreign capital and serve the nation by preventing the foreign dom ination o f dom estic markets. Likewise, despite the difficulties o f working under “official supervi sion,” merchants understood that, in the face o f fierce foreign com petition and w ithout strong legal institutions, they needed state protection to survive and prosper. A s a result, reform er-officials such as Z h ang Z h id on g gave more control to private investors (Bays 1978; A yers 1971). H e embraced a reform u lated “government-supervised, merchant-run“ model: “government-merchant jo in t management” (T=Tfêï
T w o such undertakings were the H ubei
C otton C loth M ill (est. 1889) and the H ubei C otton Spinning M ill (est. 1894). D espite prom ising starts, however, these efforts faced familiar problems: low levels o f reinvestment and a struggle between officials and merchants over control. These failures continued to undermine merchants' faith in govern m ent-led projects, and new efforts such as Zhang's attem pts to raise capital for a carpet factory met w ith tepid responses (W . Chan 1978:433). Finally, by the early tw entieth century, official-entrepreneurs such as Sheng Xuanhuai (1844-1916), N ie Q igui X uexi jo]
(1855-1911), ZhangJian, and Z h o u
(1866-1947) had begun to organize their own “merchant-run”
companies. T h eir official ties enabled them to operate w ith Unie gov ernm ent control, an im portant development, but such efforts, too, were ham pered by Umited capital (W . Chan 1977:9)/* A t the same time, a new business class in major cities such as Shanghai and G uangzhou pushed for more control. Gradually, the idea took hold that privately financed and privately operated m odem industries could help China achieve wealth and power.
71. T h e existence o f government-backed monopolies hindered the states industrial goals by stifling domestic competition. In turn, the lack o f competition left little incentive for pri vate investors to reinvest any profits in the fledgling enterprises. Industries were also at the mercy o f government officials, w ho often viewed the projects as private cash cows. Management positions were often assigned through nepotism and cronyism. By the end o f the 1880s, fewer and fewer Chinese merchants were willing to invest in these projects, and, ironically, many o f these enterprises eventually turned to foreign expertise and capital to $undie.The most complete account remains Feuerwerker 1958.
T he C risis over Com modities and the O rigins o f the M ovem ent
State support for a 'com m ercial w a r' fought by private enterprises expanded in the afterm ath o f China s hum iliating defeat by Japan in 189$. In the sum* mer o f 1898, reform ers called for the enactm ent o f copyright and patent laws, rewards for inventors, and the general encouragement o f commerce. T h e m ost famous reformer, Kang Youw ei
(1858-1927), who had been
deeply influenced by the notion of'com m ercial w ar,' proposed that China follow M eiji Japan's example by creating business schools, organizing trade fairs, and publishing business journals. H e also endorsed the creation o f a bureaucratic infrastructure to promote commercial and industrial develop* m ent, such as a m inistry o f commerce, provincial trade offices, and local cham bers o f commerce (K .-C . H siao 1975: 311-12, 319-31). A lthough en trenched bureaucratic interests soon overturned or undermined many o f the reform s, the setback was only tem porary (K w ong 1984; K .-C . H siao 1975). D uring the X inzheng jfêfrïfc, or N ew System s Reforms, o f the late Q in g governm ent (1901-10), institutional support for commerce expanded dra m atically at the national, provincial, and local levels. A t the national level, the Q in g established a new bureaucratic apparatus to develop the Chinese econom y, including new ministries for finance, industry and commerce, and education (Reynolds 1993: i).7} Provincial leaders followed Z h ang Zhidong's exam ple and established commercial bureaus. These dramatic changes in the dynasty s policy toward commerce extended to the local level, particularly in the establishm ent o f a legal framework for chambers o f commerce and the creation o f a system o f awards and titles for those investing in m odem en terprises (W . Chan 1977: 25-26). T h e state further codified support for in dustry in the second h alf o f the first decade o f the twentieth century w ith a series o f business laws dealing with, among other matters, patents, bank ruptcy, and incorporation.7 74 W ithin a decade, there were over a thousand 3 chambers o f commerce, w ith a quarter-m illion members, spread across
73. For a brief history o f the establishment o f the M inistry o f Com m erce, see W . C han 1977:161-69. T h e famous diplomat and statesman W u T ingfang
(1643-1922), w ho
became a prominent participant in the movement, led the efforts to create this ministry (Pom erancz-Zhang 1992). 74. For an overview o f these reforms, see Z h a n g Yufa 1992:13-21. O n the company law and its legacy, see K irby 199$.
China and in overseas Chinese communities.75 For the first time in Chinese history, “the state had recognized the legitimacy o f a private sphere distinct from and outside the scope o f the sa te ” (Fewsm ith 1985:3$).
PRECURSORS TO THE M OVEM ENT IN EARLIBR SO CIAL M OVEM ENTS A growing number o f overlapping social movements centered on economic nationalism in the 1900s directly contributed to the s u it o f the N ational Products M ovement. A t the beginning o f the twentieth century, increasing foreign visibility engendered local Chinese opposition. Protests politicized foreign economic involvement in China and insisted that the Chinese themselves should control their economy. By the early 1900s, the vocabulary for describing China's predicament continued to expand, and terms such as “na tional sovereignty” and “recovery o f sovereign rights” seemed to be “on nearly every page” (M . G W right 1968:4). Vocabulary and action came together in several social movements, often led by local gentry-business leaders, includ ing the Resist Russia M ovement (1901-5), the M ining and Railroad Rights Recovery M ovement (1905-11), and the anti-Am erican boycott o f 1905.
Foreign involvement in China was an extremely volatile political issue, frequently used against the Q ing government in its final decade and against subsequent Chinese governments. In the early tw entieth century, the Q ing governm ents inability to defend Chinese economic interests and territorial integrity became the focus o f increasing popular criticism. A t the end o f the Boxer Uprising, for example, Russian forces refused to withdraw from China. Russia clearly intended to consolidate its control over M anchuria, Mongolia, and Xinjiang by forcing China to sign a treaty. In protest, C hi nese elites and merchants in Shanghai organized meetings and passed out handbills protesting Russian aggression and calling on the government to rebuff Russian demands. Chinese students and elites in many cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Tokyo, San Francisco, and Singapore, formed Resist Russia associations (K .-S. Liao 1984: 57-58; see also Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan, Jindai shi yanjiusuo 1979). In
For a yearly breakdown o f the establishment o f new chambers o f commerce during
this first decade, see M a M in 199$: 256. T h e formation o f new professions and the establish* ment o f countless professional associations in the early Republic accompanied the creation o f chambers o f commerce (see X u Xiaoqun 2001).
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
Japan, Chinese students led protests against ongoing Russian activities in M anchuria and even formed an 'A nti-R ussia V olunteer Army” H Ü 9 ) in the spring o f 1903 (H arrell 199a).76 Although the origins o f the N ational Products M ovement predate 1905, the and-Am erican boycott o f 1905 is a very clear reason for emphasizing this year as its starting point.77 T o protest discriminatory U.S. immigration poli' des, Chinese merchants throughout China and overseas led a boycott o f American products in the summer o f 1905. As Chapters 3 and 4 o f this book elaborate, this and subsequent boycotts were the backbone o f the movement. T his first nationwide boycott inaugurated decades o f escalating anti' imperialism expressed through consumption, or rather nonconsumption, and ushered in the widespread use o f nationality as the primary mark by which to evaluate commodities and consumers. Local efforts to recover mining and railway concessions from foreign control, collectively known as the 'R ights Recovery Movement” MWi), politicized ownership by fomenting popular anger against imperialism and government reliance on foreign capital (E .-H . Lee 1977; Tim W right 1984). Foreigners had begun building railroads several decades earlier, but they became a top priority for the imperialists after the Sino-Japanese war. Com petition to finance Chinese railway construction became a part o f the W estern and Japanese 'scramble for concessions.” Beginning in Sichuan and quickly spreading to H ubei, H unan, and Guangdong provinces, popular re* sentm ent, fueled by local elites, led to provincial and local attem pts to build lines w ithout govemment'backed foreign assistance (Esherick 1976: 82-91; M i 1980). These protests yielded early successes, for example, in recovering the rigolt to construct the G uangzhou-H ankou railroad from an American 76. By mid-1901, the movement began to dissipate. However, in April 1903 anti-Russian agitation flared up again as Russia delayed its withdrawal from Manchuria. Students formed ‘ patriotic associations’ ( $ P 0 & ) in many cities. Criticism also emerged in China. In one no torious case during the anti-Russian campaign o f 1903, the Subao (Jiangsu Journal) published openly anti-Manchu articles. Although Q in g authorities wanted to arrest the authors for se dition, they could not do so. Ironically, the individuals accused o f treason lived in Shanghai's International Settlement, outside the reach o f Q ing law. In another ironic twist, the Q ing’s inability to extradite the accused from their imperialist-controlled sanctuary further under mined Q in g authority and emboldened its critics (Lust 1964). For many additional examples o f similar sentiments voiced in the first decade o f the 1900s, see Rankin 1971. 77. Because o f this boycott, Chinese reference books usually name 190$ as the inaugural year o f the movement. See, e.g., Yang Tianliang 1991«. A s this chapter makes clear, this date might easily be pushed back into the nineteenth century.
firm. T h e Guangdong provincial section o f the railway was supported by the issuance o f low-priced shares o f stocks that encouraged students, merchants, overseas Chinese, and others active in protests to take a direct role in recap turing the national economy (Rhoads 1975).
A lthough economic development based on patriotism quickly encoun tered financial, technical, and managerial problems, these efforts contributed to an environment in which growing numbers o f Chinese thought they needed to “recover” the Chinese economy from foreign control (M . C. W right 1984:117-38). A t the highest level o f government, these sentim ents led Sheng Xuanhuai, who became m inister o f communications in 1910, to work out a compromise. H e used foreign loans and technical assistance to build and run all the trunk lines, which he nationalized in 1911, but left the branch lines to provincial interests. T his set a pattem seen throughout the movement and highlights an im portant change in local elite protest: gone were the days, as in Guangdong province in earlier decades, o f direct attacks on foreigners and their economic interests.78 Now, local elites used more sophisticated tac tics— for instance, replacing Confucian canon with international law— to outmaneuver foreigners at the local level w ithout resorting to violence. O p position to perceived foreign control spread throughout China with the support o f native-place associations and the new chambers o f commerce (Y u H eping 1995: 329-40). These expressions o f economic nationalism further discredited the dynasty, fueling anti-dynastic sentim ent and contributing to the revolutionary environment. T he history o f many new commodities introduced in the early tw entieth century reveals the full circle made by the N ational Products Movement. Initially, as the next chapter demonstrates, groups o f traditional Chinese in dustries such as silk and satin guilds opposing changes in clothing led the movement. Later, however, the movement came to include domestic manu facturers o f W estern-style items such as buttons and hats. T he button in dustry, for instance, began in Shanghai only during W orld W ar I. In 1917, two new Chinese companies began producing buttons from domestic mate rials, especially oyster shells and animal bones. Business boomed, although misinformed participants in the movement periodically attacked these Chinese products. By the early 1930s, however, domestic manufacturers were competitive enough to begin cutting into button im ports (N il 1935:477-80). 78. See. e.g., the description o f the Sanyuanli Incident (1841) in W akeman 1966.
The Crisis over Commodities and the Origins o f the M ovem ent
All these new Chinese companies, producing seemingly "foreign" products, became active participants in prom oting the consumption o f their own and other "national” products. W h at does this commodity-centered revision o f the old story o f "China's struggle to modernize” reveal about the country at the start o f the movement around 1900? Above all, the foreign presence in China influenced th at country in profound but often overlooked ways. Indeed, foreign direct investment in C hina is significant for reasons different from those usually cited. By introducing and endorsing a consumer culture, foreigners— whatever their stated purpose for being in C hina— underm ined confidence in the traditional econ omy and created new needs and desires. T he Chinese, however, actively found ways to appropriate this new culture for their own purposes. T he everyday presence o f foreigners and foreign products became conspicuous reminders to the Chinese o f their lack o f sovereignty. O n the eve o f the movement, this lack o f sovereignty was acutely on display in the Russo-Japanese W ar (1904-5), in which two foreign countries fought a war on Chinese so il From political lead ers to local elites to Chinese students, economic sovereignty— defined as Chinese control o f a Chinese economy— became a primary way o f interpret ing C hina’s path to self-preservation and to wealth and power. By 1900, as re formers began demanding broader political participation, they also expected popular participation in the "commercial war” through the consum ption or nonconsum ption o f a growing variety o f everyday consumer products.79 T he growing production o f national products— the very measure o f a successful movement— symbolized and facilitated not only the elimination o f imperial ism and the creation o f national identity and pride but also the restoration o f China to its former glory as a land o f desirable commodities rather than a des tination for them . M any Chinese were, however, unwilling to relinquish their newly acquired desire for im ports. In the following decades, under the unify ing principle o f modem national identity, the movement made participation in the "war" increasingly mandatory.
Allow ing marchant« to formally participate in area« formerly reserved for the state was,
o f coarse, part o f a m uch broader effort to expand elite participation in governance, most no tably the lo c a l self-government movement* (Ife^r Ö fè ü ë fft) ; see Kuhn 197$, Thom pson 199$, Z h u Y in g 1991«, and 1991k « 5 -3 9 . A s M ary Rankin notes, 'A culture o f elite civic par ticipation was developing, with an agenda that was not always the same as that o f government officials' (1990: >73).
Nationalizing the Appearance o f M en C u t your queue, change your style o f dress, and revolt. — Com m on slogan during the Revolution o f 1911 Respectable citizens who were not disposed to change the habits o f a lifetime, or who saw no need to evidence a political change by an inconvenient change o f clothes and hairdress, were frequently forced to conform to the prejudices o f the new sch ool — Percy Kent, a British lawyer in Beijing (191a: >89-90) I f it's not a national product, don’t wear it. — Popular slogan o f the National Products Movement
T he N ational Products M ovement began by nationalizing specific aspects o f Chinese material culture. It began by creating, disseminating, and enforcing a new orthodoxy in male appearance, a new nationalistic visuality. T he previous chapter examined the general origins o f the movement; by focusing on men's appearance, this chapter provides a case study o f the complexities encoun tered in nationalizing Chinese material culture, especially its visual represen tations. T his example highlights several critical aspects o f the movement. First, it dem onstrates the general instability o f material culture and the highly mal leable, multiple, and linked interpretations o f things. T his phenomenon al lowed the movement to create and impute new meanings such as nationality onto material culture, particularly commodities. M aintaining those construc tions proved difficult, however. D irect appeals did not always work. Second, the chapter underscores the willingness o f the movement to impose its inter pretations, and even to legitimate violence in the name o f "national survival.” T hird, because the Chinese state was weak both internally and internationally, the movement could not simply compel nationalistic consumption by relying on such tools as laws and tariffs. It had to find new ways to ensure popular participation. Yet, w ithout a powerful state apparatus (th a t emerged only af ter 1949), its success was limited and tentative.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
Fig. a.1 Coercion and the Q ueue (Harlingue-Viollet) Coercion and violence lay behind effort* to create a new visual and material culture. During the Revolution o f 1911, Chinese men voluntarily removed or were forced to cut their queues by Republican soldiers (above) and their sympathizers. T h e queue had numerous associations. For many, a well-groomed, thick queue had become a symbol o f virility and civility. However, the new Republican government standardized and enforced an interpretation o f the queue as a symbol o f backwardness and issued a law requiring all men to remove them immediately.
By early 1912, revolutionary forces had overthrown China's last dynasty throughout southern China and established a Provisional Government in Nanjing. Like revolutionaries in France, the United States, and other coun tries (see Ribeiro 1988; Lauer and Lauer 1981: 171-201), the leaders o f the Revolution o f 1911 promoted and enforced their political agendas through a nationalistic visuality manifest in clothing and personal appearance. Order ing Chinese men to remove their queues o f hair was one o f the first acts o f this government (see Fig. 2.1).1 T o the new leaders, the hairstyle was the most visible and repellent custom enforced by the Manchu-led Q ing dynasty (1644-1912). It literally embodied China’s backwardness. Yet, this was only the most conspicuous symbol o f Manchu rule targeted for elimination. D e fining queues as un-Chinese or even anti-Chinese was part o f a larger rein
1. Throughout this book, 'queue* refers to both the single long braid o f hair and the shaved forehead and front part o f the scalp.
terprecation o f all aspects o f male personal appearance chat accompanied the rise o f the anti-Q ing revolutionaries.2 T o these revolutionaries, imposing a new nationalistic visuality by redefining the orthodox male appearance was inextricably a part o f creating a modem nation-state. N o t everyone agreed with the new orthodoxy. As a result, a uniform revi sion o f male appearance did not emerge immediately. Unlike the queue, other aspects o f male appearance were tied to powerful economic interests whose beneficiaries opposed any change.1 Above all, the rise o f W esterninspired clothing styles for men— such as replacing Chinese silk "longgowns” (J c t Ö ) w ith suit pants and jackets made o f im ported wool— threatened the powerful silk industry. M embers o f the silk industry appro priated the nationalism and anti-imperialism o f the revolutionaries and rede fined silk. Chinese silk— not silk as such or particular garments made with silk— became the actual indicator o f a product's nationality. In this way, manufacturers o f Chinese silk claimed status as the truly revolutionary force modernizing China, a claim premised on the division o f the world into "na tions.” Yet the uncertainty caused by the inability to enforce Q ing sum ptu ary laws had accelerated su m s competition through the consumption o f W estern styles and materials and made it difficult to elevate "Chinese” silk
a. Although I focus on hair and clothing, the controversy surrounding changes in 'appear ance' extended to hats (shapes and fabrics), shoes (traditional cotton versus new leather styles), and adornments (belts, watches, cigarettes, and many more 'W este rn ' items). M ore over, I see 'appearance' as a subcategory of'self-presentation,* which includes actions such as handshaking, blowing one's nose, table manners, and everyday activities discussed in Elias
1994. For an introduction to the symbolic transformation o f China wrought under the early Republic— including the meanings associated with hair, dress, calendars, flags, postures, eti quette, and much more— see Harrison aooo: esp. 14-85. 3.
T h e economic interests that supported the queue were considerably weaker. T h is style
required almost constant attention from barbers, who not only had to braid and rebraid the queue but also had to shave the forehead. According to one European traveler to Q in g China, barbers owed their very existence to the Q in g conquest and the imposition o f the queue (cited in Lach and van Kley 1993:1695-96). However, until the Yongzheng emperor (r. 1723-36) abolished formal class distinctions, barbers were members o f the most reviled and powerless legal class in China, the 'mean people* (R J R ), a category that also included prostitutes, ac tors, peddlers, and government runners ( C h u 1961:128-35). M ore recently, Harry Hansson (1988: 50) has classified barbers along with sedan chair carriers, cooks, and a few other kinds o f workers as 'semi-mean' and finds that, although treated as inferior, barbers were not sub jected to formal legal restrictions prohibiting them from participating in examinations. Hansson also enumerates the reasons for the low status o f barbers, such as their work with hair, considered 'polluted,' and their association with homosexual brothels.
N ationalizing the Appearance o f M en
to a position as the pre-eminent quality o f products.4 Dissuading elites from switching to W estern material culture would require organization and con siderable work. O ne group o f Shanghai guilds or "native-place associations" ( jà ff i, W fit# [r W H O immediately responded to the challenge by form ing a new organi zation that became an archetypical movement group. Shortly after the out break o f revolution in O ctober 1911, representatives from eight powerful Shanghai native-place associations established the N ational Products Pres ervation Association ( 4 , ^ ll 0 Ä # fi$ f^ # # hereafter N P P A ), one o f many movement organizations designed to disseminate the perception that pro tecting the economic interests o f domestic manufacturers was closely tied to the survival o f China as an independent country.5 In a brief speech at the in augural meeting o f the N P P A on December 12,1911, one o f the participants, M ei Z u o lü flfcfH S# illuminated this emerging connection between prod ucts and patriotism when he urged the assembled to consider him the very embodiment o f the new groups agenda. A s he told the group, "People should hold me up as an exemplar o f patriotic and appropriate appearance
T h is use o f consumption to achieve and maintain status was not new in China. Like
their European counterparts» scholars o f late imperial China have begun to identify the ori gins o f m odem consumer culture in the consumption patterns o f earlier centuries. For a summary o f this research that argues that popular consumption o f goods once deemed luxu ries— agricultural goods such tea» tobacco» sugar» and textiles as well as more specialized ob jects such as books— was at or above European levels until the early nineteenth century» see Pomeranz aooo: 116-27» 138-42. A s he also notes» the importance and popularity o f this sort o f competition varied by region» just as it did in Europe (ibid.: 149)* For instance» in the Jiang nan region» this style o f consumption was an essential part o f elite status by the late sixteenth century (Brook 1998:218-22). $. Translating the Chinese name for the N P P A
poses problems. I
chose a middle course between two issues— describing the purpose o f the organization versus finding a more literal translation. Rather than more common interpretations such as "pro mote»" I elected to translate wcichi /ffèfë as "preservation" to contrast it with its implied anto nym» which often appeared in the phrase "national annihilation" (Ù|j£|). "Preservation" im plies preserving not only the industries involved in the N P P A but also the Chinese nation through the "preservation" o f all industries» a core tenet o f the movement. A N P P A docu ment from 1925 translates the organizations name as "China Products Improvement Associa tion" ( S Z M A File 397). Although improving Chinese products was an explicit and central pan o f the agendas o f movement groups such as the N PPA» "product improvement" does not adequately invoke the foreign threat that promoting Chinese products implied. O ther trans lations for Zhongguo guohuo weichi hui are "Chinese Product Protection Society" and "Soci ety to Encourage Use o f National Goods" (Pom erantz-Zhang 1992:235).
i.Reinterpreting Q in g Male Dress (Kent 1911)
Statesman and future N P P A president W u Tingfang wearing the brimless cap. silk long' gown, padded silk vest, and cotton shoes that were typical upper-class male dress during the Q in g dynasty. T h e Revolution o f 1911 not only required men to cut their queues and adopt W estern-style haircuts, but also threatened to transform this style o f clothing into a symbol o f Chinese backwardness. However, members o f China's powerful silk industry led the fight to reinterpret such dress as a symbol o f modem Chinese nationalism.
because my brimless cap, long-gown, and doth shoes are all made o f domes tic materials’’ (see Fig. 2.2) (Z G W H 1912:9a). T h e significance o f these orthodox articles o f clothing as new signs o f pa triotic fervor and elements o f nation-making is not at first obvious. A l though Mei Z u o lu s physical appearance was orthodox under the pre revolutionary government, this was not the case in the early days o f the new Republic, which had swiftly and forcefully moved to impose a new ortho doxy in male appearance: the queueless hairstyle, with an unshaven forehead, and the Western-style suit (see Fig. 2.3). T his organization contributed to the broader nationalization o f Chinese material culture by successfully fighting the symbolic shifts surrounding the Revolution o f 1911. In the process, the N P P A helped uncouple two funda-
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
Fig. a.) T h e N e w Male Orthodoxy? (T an g W eikang and H uang Yixuan 1991:8) Republican revolutionary Sun Yatien (seated) and hi* son, Sun K e (Sun Fo, 1891-1973), on the eve o f the Revolution o f 1911. Following the overthrow o f the Q in g dynasty in 1911-1*. partici pants in the N ational Products Movement feared that the style o f clothing photographed here w ould fest become the new orthodoxy and the foundation o f an emerging visuality that blindly emulated the industrial W est, an appearance that for men included a queueless hairstyle, unshaven forehead, W estern-style wool suit, and leather shoes.
mental and long-linked aspects o f male appearance— queues and clothing styles. Advancing its members' interests, the N P P A sought to make wearing Chinese-style clothing a clear sign o f patriotism and fought the reactionary, pro-dynastic, and pro-Manchu linkages that traditional clothing was rapidly acquiring. T h e group also aimed to make it unpatriotic to wear W estern styles and even traitorous when those suits were made o f imported fabrics. Ultimately, this second qualification would supplant all other concerns. T h e organization opposed W estern styles not because the styles themselves were “foreign* but because the imported fabrics threatened to destroy a major Chinese industry. For the N P P A and every other movement organization, nationalizing consumer culture meant supporting or opposing the assimila tion o f novel W estern products based on China s ability to manufacture the given products itself.
T he N P P A prom oted an ethic of nationalistic consumption as part o f its strategy to compete against foreign companies in Chinese markets. T o un derstand the process o f constructing this ethic, we m ust examine the highly charged conflict over the competing interpretations o f material culture to see how everyday artifacts could be imbued with nationalistic significance. M ovement organizations such as the N P P A made the act o f consum ption a powerful locus for creating o f a new Chinese nation, a nation th at was mate rially bound to the individual through the consum ption o f Chinese goods. T his case study explores the development o f these links between con sum ption and nationalism. T he first half examines the battles over the meaning o f the Q ing hairstyle and clothing for men. T he history o f the Q ing interpretation o f male appearance and the challenges to its authority in term s o f male appearance illuminates the shifting role that objects and mate rials play in nation-making at the social, economic, and political levels. T he intense com petition among contradictory visions o f appearance surrounding the revolution confirms the difficulties o f recoding Q ing styles as fashionably nationalistic in the new Republic. T he second half returns to the N P P A and explains how its interpretation o f appearance successfully challenged an as cendant Republican orthodoxy. Revealing how one movement organization began labeling objects "Chinese” and “foreign”— that is, how it began nation alizing consumer culture— will provide a foundation for understanding the nascent N ational Products Movement. Ascribing Meaning to Men’s Appearance During the Qing Personal appearance is never personal. Bound into the word “appearance” is the notion o f an audience who sees. O ne appears to others. N o r is the mean ing o f appearance ever singular or straightforward. Rather than being unproblematically controlled by the “sender,” appearance always has the capacity to mean many things to different “receivers.” N P P A efforts, then, to get Chinese male appearance to pre-eminently signify product-nationality was difficult, if not impossible. T he ascribed meanings o f clothing, hairstyles, the body, adornm ent, and other aspects o f appearance have always, regardless o f area or epoch, been fundamental to the social construction o f gender, age, caste, class, and ethnicity, indeed to every category o f sociocultural subjectivity.6
6. The body of social science literature on the meaning of fashion is vast and growing. For general introductions, see Barnard 1996 and F. Davis 199a: 24-26. As the citations that follow
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
O rthodox male appearance in China was long a primary marker o f these differences. For millennia, cultural differences between China and its Inner Asian neighbors, in terms o f personal appearance, customs, and manners, defined Chinese culture. Indeed, an oft-quoted line from the Analects high' lights this use o f appearance to establish cultural difference: “W ith out (court retainer] G uan Zhong, we would have been reduced to barbarians with our hair down and robes folded to the left* (Analects 14.18). Queues and clothing buttoned on the left were in feet styles borrowed from “barbarian* peoples and were regarded by the time o f the revolution as “the diplom atic expres sion for non-Chinese ways and speaking o f all Tartars.“7 T h e initial framing o f these styles by Republican revolutionaries as impositions o f ethnically alien imperial rulers made the N P P A 's advocacy o f them a formidable task. W ith the crumbling o f the Q in g dynastic order, the use o f clothing and other objects remained key to the reintegration o f individual Chinese into a larger community but with a fundamental difference. Rather than simply em phasizing the type o f fabric or style o f clothing, Chinese manufacturers and merchants hoped to persuade others to assign primary importance to the national origin o f the fabric. T h e attem pt to do this would eventually re quire their participation in much broader political and cultural battles. T h e Q ing, like its predecessors, reinforced its military hegemony and re produced its authority to govern by defining and enforcing an orthodox in terpretation o f personal appearance. Studies o f personal appearance usually focus either on Q ing hairstyle or on Q ing clothing, w ithout integrating the two.* T h is is a mistake because these two aspects shared a common history and formed a mutually reinforcing semiotic system. T h e history o f this sys tem includes the initial imposition o f meaning in the early years o f the Q ing dynasty, followed by the repeated challenges o f revolutionaries, such as the Taipings in the mid-nineteenth century, and finally the system s demise with the dynasty itself in the second decade o f the twentieth century. T h e intensely politicized nature o f physical appearance, particularly hair, is apparent throughout the entire history o f the dynasty. A s the M anchus swept south and west, conquered men were forced to adopt the queue hair-
indicate, m uch le u that addresses the meaning o f fashion in China specifically has been written. 7. T h e Renascence o f Q ueue Cutting,* in N C H 1914.7.25. See also Shiratori 1929.
O n clothing, see any o f the recent books by Valery Garrett, esp. Garrett 1987. See also
C . Roberta 1997k O n queues, see Q iu 19)6,1938; W . C heng 1998; and Godley 1994.
style as an unambiguous sign o f surrender and submission, rather than al lowing all their hair to grow and coiling it into a topknot, as had been the case in the M ing dynasty (1368-1644) (K uhn 1990: » , 5a, 58-59).’ T he M an* chu ruler, the regent Dorgon ( i6 » -5 o), was initially reluctant to impose the M anchu hairstyle on the conquered ethnic H an men, who constituted the vast majority o f the male population. But by the middle o f 1645, he made the M anchu hairstyle obligatory for all laymen (W akem an 1985, esp. vo l 1: 646-50).9 101T he battles over the meaning o f the queue would continue even after the abdication o f the M anchu rulers in 1912. T he battles were so intense because many levels o f Chinese society con tested these issues. A nti-M anchu Chinese assigned meaning to the changes in appearance even before the establishm ent o f the new dynasty, and refusal to adopt the hairstyle quickly became a rallying point for opposition. Resis tance came in many forms. Some Chinese fought to the death out o f loyalty to the recently toppled M ing dynasty; others justified opposition as a refusal to commit the unfilial act o f altering the body received from one's parents.11 Chinese men also sought less martial ways o f dodging the edict by taking ad vantage o f a loophole. Because the order exempted Buddhists and Daoists, there were widespread accounts o f H an men becoming monks and priests to avoid persecution ( J. C Lynn 1928:157). In response, imperial authorities reinforced the official interpretation o f the queue w ith the full power o f the state. Because o f the seditious implica tions o f refusing to shave the forehead and maintain a queue, imperial au thorities strictly enforced the law. A popular expression put it this way: T f
Historian Philip Kuhn suggests that the "Manchus probably adopted the style to avoid obstructing the eyes while riding" (1990: 243*6). Although braided hair was popular among Han men by the end of the Mongol Yuan dynasty* the Ming dynasty quickly reversed the trend. Chinese men who wished to be considered "Han" were ordered to discontinue the hairstyle and revert to a more "Chinese" style* namely* wearing the haif long and tied up in a topknot (Godley 1994: 5$)* For illustrations and descriptions of hairstyles and clothing under the Ming and Qing dynasties* see Zhou Xibao 1996: 378-532 and Huang Nongfu and Chen Juanjuan 1995:312-83. 10. Among those exempted were Daoist and Buddhist clergy. The Qing code eventually mandated severe punishment for anyone who became a priest without first obtaining a license (W. C. Jones 1994:106). 11. Yishan* Q jngdai to n p h i, shangcc [first part: 294]* Resistance was particularly fierce in Jiangnan* a center of Chinese fashion. See* e.g.* Dennerline 1981 and Struve 1984* This senti* ment was expressed in the phrase: "Ones hair and skin is a gift from ones parents and should not be damaged" See also Hua 1989:76. 9.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
you w ant to keep your head, don't let your hair grow; if you let your hair grow, you w on't keep your head” Im perial power eventually crushed overt resistance, and Chinese men adopted the hairstyle. However, abandoning the style potentially signified anti-dynastic sentim ent throughout the Q ing— as rebels such as those in Taiw an and the Taipings dem onstrated. T he Q ing leadership was ever watchful for cases o f queue-cutting as a harbinger o f political unrest.1231 RECEDING HAIR LINES Initially a source o f bitter antipathy between conquerors and conquered, the overwhelmingly political significance o f the M anchu-im posed hairstyle gradually receded. Instead, the style became a visual means o f representing and reinforcing social su m s. As a foreign observer noted at the end o f the nineteenth century, ”Chinese people are now more proud o f their [queues] than o f any other characteristic o f their dress, and the rancorous hostility to the edict o f the M anchus survives only in the turbans o f the natives o f the provinces o f C anton and Fukien, coverings once adopted to hide the na tional disgrace” (A . H . Sm ith 1894:118-19). Indeed, the significance o f the queue as a status symbol grew over the course o f the dynasty, as customs, traditions, regulations, and even supersti tions surrounding the queue bolstered its position in Chinese society. Social practices suggested th at the longer the queue, the higher a man's social rank. T hose who could afford it added additional hair; others often lengthened their queues by adding a piece o f black cord, changing the color o f the cord to white, the traditional color o f mourning, at the appropriate times. As a re sult, queues often reached the knees or even the ankles (G odley 1994:62x52; Ball 1911:13). O ther regulations on body hair reinforced the status symbol o f a long, full queue. For instance, beards were prohibited to all males under the age o f 45, and even then men could only grow a goatee.11 A nd ju st as difficult-to-m aintain w hite collars have been used to indicate status in indus-
12. For an exploration of Qing sensitivity to the potentially seditious significance of cut ting even parts of the queue, see Kuhn 1990. 13. Prestige was often enhanced by wearing a tiny comb attached to a coat button and by stroking the growth of the beard. Only much older men, 6$ and older, were allowed to grow a full beard. There was one exception to these hirsute rules: mole hairs were allowed free reign (Ball 1911:1$; Conger 1909:51-52).
Fig. 2.4 Antithetical Interpretations o f the Queue (Ball 1911:12) W hen the Manchus conquered China in the mid-seventeenth century, they forced Han C h i nese men to adopt the queue as a symbol o f submission. During the Q ing dynasty, the hair style acquired multiple and antithetical associations. A n ti-Q ing rebels usually cut their queues and allowed the hair on their foreheads to grow as a symbol o f rebellion. However, for other men, the customs, traditions, regulations, and even superstitions surrounding the queue transformed the hairstyle into a status symbol.
trial societies, the maintenance o f the hairstyle helped identify social status and reinforce social divisions; the length o f the hair in those areas o f the forehead that were properly kept shaven revealed ones financial capacity to keep the forehead cleanly shaven. A clean forehead required frequent trips to the barber (Ball 1911: 18).14 W hen working, a man usually either rolled his queue into a knot at the back o f the neck or head or coiled it loosely around the head (see Fig. 2.4). However, this was considered informal, as one W est ern observer put it, "the equivalent o f our Western condition o f being in
14* For a description o f a typical visit to a Chinese barber and o f the pain involved, see Ball
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
one's shirt-sleeves." In the presence o f superiors, one was expected to unfurl the entire queue (Ball 1911:14). T he regulations governing queues reinforced this hierarchy o f hair. In deed, the social stigma attached to not having a queue was intense, and the queueless were the object o f mockery by "even the lowliest beggar" (C row 1944: 23). Although universally prescribed for laymen, there was one signifi cant exception: criminals. N o male in jail or guilty o f a crime was perm itted to m aintain a queue; he was often derided as "tailless" ($ & $ $ ). Those re leased from jail had to resort to wearing, as one observer put it, a "falsey" to avoid social stigma (G utzlaff 1838, vol. 1:479-80 ).15 Because o f the low status associated w ith those w ithout queues, Jesuit missionaries, who usually re m ained in China for life, usually opted to grow queues. Protestants stationed inland often elected to wear fake queues, which they detached when they needed to move between social worlds. Roman Catholic and P rotestant mis sionaries considered this practice so essential that, as one W estern observer recounts, nobody doubted that Paul, the most famous C hristian missionary, would have also adopted the custom; the only point o f contention being w hether he would have grown or bought his queue (C row 1944: 23; see also Peterson 1994)T h e accrued cultural significance o f the queue dem onstrates th at the military power o f the Q ing was not the only force upholding the queue. As studies o f the major rebellions during the Q ing have shown, challenges to the orthodox Q ing interpretation o f appearance were frequent and violent.16 Nevertheless, it seems clear th at the hairstyle wove itself into popular culture. C lothing styles and fabric hierarchies were even more deeply ingrained in Chinese society.
1$. For such examples, see Hardy 190$: 130-37. Conversely, Qing code also prescribed harsh punishments for removing someone else’s hair. Completely shaving off the hair of an other was punished with *60 strokes of heavy bamboo and penal servitude of one year” ( W . C. Jones 1994: aS$-86). 16.
T h e best-known challenge to Q in g orthodox appearance came during the T aiping Re
bellion (1851-64). T h e radical social policies o f these *hair bandits” ( 5 £ili£), as they were called, included cutting queues and changing clothing styles. For a comprehensive survey o f these changes, see Li W enhai and Liu Q ingdong 1991:31-52.
The Visual and Economic Significance of Chinese Clothing Although the queue was the most conspicuous symbol o f orthodox appear ance, the Q ing also regulated clothing by law and custom.17 Shordy after decreeing the universal adoption o f the M anchu hairstyle for laymen, the court ordered Chinese officials to adopt Q ing clothing styles. Adherence was initially lax, and again in early 1653 the court ordered Chinese to conform to Q ing styles. A s the order put it: "Each dynasty has its own regulations re garding hats and clothing, and O urs was issued long ago. Y et the colors and dimensions o f H an official clothing are not in accordance with this code. Be cause the H an must imitate M anchu styles, they cannot wear different clothes. From now on, H an must wear M anchu styles and no others” (quoted in Yan Changhong 199a: 238).18 A s with the regulations on queues, these laws on clothing were striedy enforced. O fficials had to observe explicit, detailed regulations on all items o f clothing, hats, and adornments, including styles and materials (E. T . W il liams 1923: 479-80).19 O fficials assumed summer and winter outfits on the day specified in the Beijing G azette, and special buttons and feathers on their caps indicated rank (H ardy 1905: chap ta, esp. 130-37).20 O n the other hand, women, babies, Buddhists, Daoists, actors, and temple satu es were permitted to wear the styles o f the previous dynasty (J. C . Lynn 1928:157; Vollm er 1977:21). Throughout Chinese society, fabrics also had a hierarchy o f prestige, with silk at the top (Vollm er 1977:16). Silk from China was recognized in ternationally and domestically as a precious commodity and was used by Chinese and foreigners as a form o f currency (Rossabi 1997: 7). For thou sands o f years, silk had played a critical role in Sino-foreign trade: silk was a 17. By the late eighteenth century, there were 48 official categories o f clothing determined by sex, status, rank, office, event, and season. M ost o f these categories addressed the clothing o f the emperor and imperial family (Guoli lishi bowuguan 1988: $). T his book contains an il lustrated overview o f these styles. 18. T h e Qianlong emperor reviewed and reinforced sumptuary legislation for all officials in the mid-eighteenth century and in 1759 issued the Huangchao liqi iushi (Illustrated prece dents for the ritual paraphernalia o f the imperial court). See also Medley 198a and G . Dickin son and L W rigglesworth aooo. O n the widespread observance o f clothing etiquette across social classes, see W alshe 1906:12-13. 19. For a survey o f clothing rules for officials over several thousand years, see Yang Shufan 1982. 20. T h e best-illustrated study o f these regulations is V . M . Garrett 1990.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
major com ponent o f Chinese gifts to foreign envoys and was bartered for M ongol horses and traded for Japanese specie. M ost important, from the m id-sixteenth to the eighteenth century, silk exports to the Spanish Am eri can market (via M anila) attracted vast quantities o f M exican and Peruvian silver bullion, profoundly altering the Chinese economy (L. M . L i 1981: 6265; Y ü Ying-shih 1967:158-59; A tw ell 1977). Although m ost Chinese wore cotton or hemp clothing, officials and wealthy men and women wore many articles o f silk, including hats, longgowns, petticoats, and detachable collars (L. C . Johnson 1995:43-44; V . M . G arrett 1994:12). T h is proliferation o f silk products led to the massive con sum ption o f silk, socially reinforced by centuries o f prestige surrounding its use. T h e significance o f silk as a luxury item and critical ingredient o f upperclass life seemed immune to a revolution that could make or break the queue— that is, until the wool suits and khaki uniforms o f anti-dynastic forces in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century began to threaten the privileged position o f silk. Because those directly and indirectly involved in the silk industry were so im portant to the initial development o f the N ational Products M ovement, it is w orth noting the growing fears concerning silk in Chinese life. China s de clining share o f the world market and the possible destruction o f the domes tic market by cheaper, better-made imported silk (and later rayon) generated alarms, as did the switch from silk gowns to wool suits.21 Silk was not only a symbol deeply embedded in Chinese material culture but also a critical part o f the Chinese economy, particularly in the major silkproducing areas o f Jiangnan (south o f the Yangzi River) and Guangdong. It is easy to imagine, then, why the possible destruction o f the silk industry caused such anxiety. M any people stood to lose their livelihoods. Silk pro duction was an extremely labor-intensive industry at every stage o f its pro duction.
From the planting and cultivating o f mulberry trees to the raising
o f silkworm s to reeling and finally to weaving, each step required massive la bor inputs, even after the introduction o f machines. For instance, silk production was extremely im portant in the Lower Y angzi-L ake T a i area. D uring the M ing and Q ing dynasties, silk became
>1. O n the gradual decline o f the Chinese silk export market, see Allen and Donnithorne
1954:60-68. aa. For an excellent description o f silkworms and their cultivation, see C . A . S. W illiam s I9 jj: 127-28.
the foundation o f the local economy. N o t surprisingly, the Q ing government understood sericultures critical role in relieving the growing pressure on land due to the rapid population growth and worked hard to promote it. T h e state encouraged the planting o f mulberry trees, bought cocoons from isolated farmers, and recruited experts to train locals (Shih M in-hsiung 1976: 5-7). T h e silk industry also provided critical supplemental and primary in* come opportunities for off-season and female laborers. W ith the introduction o f silver from the Am ericas into China and the development o f a m ar' ket economy, silk and silk textiles became an increasingly im portant part o f many local economies. T h e silk industry was intim ately connected with everyday life in these re gions. It was much more than a luxury com m odity whose fate would affect only a small fraction o f the population. Local social customs and taboos re flected the supreme importance o f the silkworms. Because the cocoons were sensitive to weather conditions and so valuable, families usually kept the co coons indoors, expending precious resources and risking disaster by using oil lamps and charcoal ovens to keep the rooms warm. In some places, women incubated silkworm eggs with the warmth o f their bodies. In other places, families kept the eggs under their blankets (Ball 1925:574). D uring the most critical weeks leading up to the boiling o f the cocoons and the reeling o f the raw silk, normal social intercourse com pletely stopped, and local custom proscribed "the making o f social calls, prying into ones neighbor s methods o f raising the silkworms, loud or profane talk in the silkworm room, tax col lection, and wedding celebrations or funerals" (Shih M in-hsiung 1976:10). T h e late nineteenth, early twentieth century was a tum ultuous time for the silk industry in China, which had already begun to undergo massive change.21 In the 1870s, ju st as the industry was recovering from the devastation wrought by the Taiping Rebellion, the introduction o f steam-powered filatures (which reeled the silk cocoons) began to facilitate the shift from household to factory production. T h is shift rapidly displaced hand-reeled silk and those working by hand, particularly in the export market where machine-reeled silk fetched significantly higher prices. By 1900, some thirty years after the introduction o f the first steam-powered filatures, 97 percent o f the silk exported at Guang-
a). These changes are summarized in Shih M in-hsiung 1976:29-32.
In contrast to
weaving remained largely a handicraft industry until the eve o f the Revolution o f 1911 Li 1981: 30-33).
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
zhou came from these m odem plants.24T h e resulting unemployment caused widespread social unrest but did not stop the spread o f the new steam tech' nology into the principal silk'producing centers. In a pattem that would repeat itself frequendy during the N ational Products M ovement, industry after industry came to blame '’foreign* (par ticularly Japanese) com petition both for causing China's relative decline and for preventing Chinese companies from effectively com peting with foreign commodities. A s noted in Chapter 1, in the afterm ath o f the First SinoJapanese W ar, foreign companies gained the right to set up factories in China. Foreigners w ith better access to capital began to provide stiff compe tition for Chinese-owned filatures and, later, textile companies. Japanese ascendancy in silk production and export relative to the Chinese threatened the long-term viability o f this Chinese industry. T h is caused con siderable panic among Jiangnan silk producers, even as absolute output in creased. Before Japanese companies could legally open factories in Chinese cities, Japan was already well along the road to replacing China as the pri mary supplier o f the world's silk. China went from producing 41.5 percent o f the w orld s silk in the decade preceding the Revolution o f 1911, to 26 percent by 1914; in contrast, Japan accounted for 20.7 percent in 1900 and 44.5 per cent in 1914, a near reversal o f the two countries' fortunes. Sim ilarly, Japa nese silk production expanded nearly sixfold between 1883 and 1912 (Shih M in-hsiung 1976: 66, 70). Even so, Chinese raw silk and silk fabric produc tion and exports expanded throughout this period and surpassed declining tea exports by 1887 to become China’s primary export item ( L M . Li 1981: 72-81). Ironically, this expansion gave more and more Chinese a stake in the survival and prosperity o f this key industry.
Late Qing Interpretations of Appearance Tow ard the end o f the Q ing dynasty, pressure to officially reinterpret changes in male appearance came from many directions, not least from within the M anchu leadership itself.25 Both M anchu and non-M anchu officials were anxious to link Q ing rule w ith newer symbols. Some members o f the Chinese 24. Data from Chinese Imperial Maritime Custom s Decennial Reports, compiled in Shih Min-hsiung 1976: table II.r. 17. 25. O th er East Asian countries faced similarly complex decisions over men s hair. O n the controversy over cutting the topknot in Korea, see Jang 1996. For a survey on these changes throughout East Asia, especially China, see Ryu 1990.
elite began to argue that the dynasty should allow the removal o f queues. O ffi cials advocating reform o f appearance usually downplayed the political sym bolism o f abandoning a hairstyle associated with the ethnic M anchu court. Instead, they argued that the queue was incompatible w ith m odem appear ance, w ith its emphasis on hygiene (among the many consequences, the queue left deep, dark stains along the backs o f clothing) and convenience. For these advocates o f change, such reform o f appearance fell within the purview o f a dynasty trying to p ro tea the welfare o f its subjects and was not necessarily a sign o f anti-M anchu sentiment (L i Shaobing 1994:51).26 T h e Q ing m ilitary supplied a powerful internal source o f pressure to re interpret appearance. D uring the N ew System s Reforms o f the late Q in g government, the uniforms o f the N ew A rm y followed the W estern example, by way o f the Prussian-style uniforms used in Japan.27 By 1905, for example, the troops o f the tw o m ost im portant m ilitary commanders o f the late Q ing, Yuan Shikai
iBUËsffl. (1859-1916) and Duan Q irui
(1865-1936), be
gan using W estern-style military uniforms. Abolition o f the queue followed, because it was difficult to wear under W estern m ilitary caps and because the troops objeaed to the trouble o f maintaining it (E. T . W illiam s 1923: 47879). T o be sure, for some, the queue continued to be a "badge o f loyalty." In the m ost famous case, General Zhang Xun's ’jfkB)] (1854-1923) army gained the label the Queue A rm y
because the soldiers kept the tradi
tional hairstyle. M any diplomats, students, and officials became aware o f negative images o f the queue during their time abroad. Some o f these people attempted to appropriate the meaning o f changes in appearance and strengthen the im age o f the imperial s a te as reformer. A fter returning from a tour abroad, for instance, the powerful M anchu court member Z aize
a grandson o f a Q ing emperor, "also urged the abandonment o f the queue
a6. T h e first o f many such arguments for clothing reform came in 1890. Such opinions are quoted extensively in W ang Ermin 1981: 61-65. For instance, during the Hundred Days Re forms o f 1898, a low-ranking official in the Board o f Rites submitted a memorial advocating a lengthy list o f suggestions for reviving the ailing dynasty, including the abolition o f the queue and the replacement o f Chinese-style dress with W estern-style clothing (A . H . Sm ith 1901, vol. 1:145-46). H e was not the only reformer to make such a suggestion. In fact, the inspira tional leader o f the reforms, Kang Youwei, suggested that China follow Japan's lead in re forming dress and hairstyle (K .-C . H siao 1975:34111146). 27. 1 follow Douglas Reynolds's (1993) use o f the term "revolution" to underscore the pro found changes begun during this period.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
and the national costume, as usage unsuited to the energetic life necessary in the m odem world" (N CH 1906.8.31). By the s u it o f 1910, many princes and high officials supported lim ited changes in clothing styles. O pponents and proponents met to discuss the matter and concluded in a report that the court should allow diplomats, m ilitary officers, and policemen to cut their queues and adopt W estern dress. H owever, they explicitly prohibited students from making these changes ("Change o f Costum e," N C H 1910.1.7). S h oitly thereafter, the Prince Regent decided to order Chinese men to change their clothing style the follow ing year ("T he Change o f Costum e," N C H 1910.1.14). Throughout the country and in Chinese communities overseas, pressure was m ounting to m odify appearance. A n observer said chat the entire coun try was calking about the queue, and the discussions were nearly paralyzing the government. Although a newspaper article on the subject said that most people in the country were in favor o f abandoning the queue, there were dis senting opinions. O ne rumor held that cutting queues would profit foreign ers because clothing would inevitably change with the removal o f queues. T h e assumed link between hair and clothing led H angzhou hat manufactur ers to oppose the removal for fear o f subjecting China to the "fickle goddess o f fashion" (N C H 1910.9.30).
QUEUELESS BUT LOYAL: ONE REFORMER S IN TERPRETATION T h e famous Chinese diplom at and statesman W u Tingfang, who served as the president o f the N P P A from 1913 to 1916, provides a good example o f these early, vocal efforts to redefine one dimension o f China’s visual culcure.2* H is ideas offered the Q ing a way to appropriate the potentially revo lutionary meaning o f queue cutting by suggesting the court itself sanction it. For the purposes o f the movement, however, he was especially im portant for his early efforts to separate and assign distinct meanings to the queue and Chinese dress. Before returning to Shanghai from the U nited S û tes in the spring o f 1910, W u began to lobby for the abolition o f the queue but the re-
18. For a biographical sketch o f W u Tingfang, see Boorman and H ow ard 1967-71, vol. j: 45}-56. Although W u s relationship to the N P P A and dress and queue reform is covered only briefly, Linda Pom erantz-Zhang's biography (199a) introduces his life and reform efforts.
cencion o f Chinese clothing styles.29 H e subm itted a memorial to the court advancing an interpretation o f appearance that remained unchanged even after the Revolution o f 1911: one could be queueless and loyal to the Q ing, but one could not wear W estern clothes and still be patriotic. T o support his contention that removing the queue had no political sig' nificance, W u Tingfang referred to practices among ethnic Chinese living in other countries. Based on visits to Chinese communities throughout N orth and South Am erica, W u concluded that 80-90 percent o f Chinese men overseas had already cut their queues, and the rest hid them coiled under their hats. For these men, he argued, the queue was an "empty form” devoid o f political significance. G etting rid o f one's queue was a practical choice. T h e queue was unhygienic and dangerously hindered the m obility necessary for the new demands o f factory life. Moreover, W u argued, China should follow the example o f Japan and the powerful nations o f Europe by abandoning long hair. Finally, ordering the removal o f the queue would also "show the world a sign o f renovation" and send an encouraging sign to the Chinese populace that the government was willing to make practical changes. W hile trying to reinterpret the meaning o f Chinese hair by denying its political significance, W u opposed sartorial changes by emphasizing the pro* found meaning o f clothing. A s W u informed the court, clothing was an in tegral part o f the body politic. In this area, the state, he wrote, should not al low "divergent practices." Clothing "should by no means be changed." Chinese clothing was sensible for all seasons, unlike the "starched collars, stiff sleeves, leather boots and silk hats o f foreigners." In short, Chinese clothing had its own tradition and was more comfortable and more elegant, not to mention less expensive. Like other reformers, W u pointed to Japan as the example to follow. According to W u, the majority o f the Japanese con tinued to follow traditional clothing styles but had cut their hair ("Removal o f the Queue," N CH 1910.8.5). T h e court rejected the reinterpretation o f appearance in these arguments and did not act on W u ’s first memorial on clothing (Pom erantz-Zhang 1992: 188). H e responded by writing an even longer one in July 1910, elaborating on the importance o f maintaining C h i nese clothing styles.
19. W u ’s most complete statement on the subject o f hair and clothing is 'Z o u q in g jianfa bu yifu zh e ' (A petition to the emperor requesting the cutting o f the queue but not the changing o f clothing), D ortrfartgzazhi 1910.8.2$; reprinted in D ing and Y u 1993, vol. 1: 358-60. See also Pom erantz-Zhang 1992:186-87*
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
O cher reformers wanted to eliminate both the queue and traditional clothing styles. A fter returning horn abroad, Prince Zaizhen
became a
vocal advocate o f abolishing the queue and reforming Chinese clothing. T he prince observed chat Chinese were often created badly because o f their ap pearance, citing the queue and court dress, which looked '’ridiculous.” O n his return to Beijing, the prince asked his father to support removal o f the queue and reform o f dress ”as if it were the most vital question.” Although unable to get his father's support, Prince Zaizhen convinced the regent o f the im portance o f clothing and hair reform and persuaded the regent to pass his suggestions on to the Cabinet. Eventually, the N ational Assem bly received a draft ('Prince T sai Chen’s [Zaizhen's] Proposal,” N CH 1911.8.26). W ith growing pressure to sanction changes in appearance, economic in terests stepped forward and began to push their own interpretation. These forces scored an early victory in 1910, when the newly convened N ational A s sembly took up the issue. In Decem ber 1910, the Assem bly passed a resolu tion calling for the abolition o f the queue and recommending changes in dress style. T h is caused a panic among Chinese in the clothing industry (Pom erantz-Zhang 1992: 188). Under pressure from commercial groups in Beijing, the court issued a decree on December 21,1910, forbidding the cut ting o f queues and rejecting appeals to sanction clothing changes; it cited the deleterious effect such changes would have on domestic industries. In re sponse, the N ational Assem bly again passed a resolution requesting both changes. However, on the eve o f its final collapse, the court again refused to approve additional changes in appearance and insisted that cutting queues and changing clothing styles remain unambiguous signs o f sedition. By con tinuing to tie the dynasty to symbols increasingly associated with backward ness and other undesirable attributes, M anchu rulers conceded a powerful symbolic weapon to anti-M anchu revolutionaries.
Pressure for change continued to mount outside the government. Frustrated in his efforts to get the dynasty to promote reform from within, W u T ingfang began to support unilateral action in defiance o f court decrees. O ver 40,000 Chinese and hundreds o f foreign observers converged on one o f Shanghai's most famous parks, the Zhang Gardens, on January 1$, 1911, for a rally. In a letter, W u informed the assembled that he had already cut his queue, and he encouraged the assembled to follow suit. Some one thousand
men did so. T h is was only one o f many such public acts o f defiance against the waning Q ing authority held throughout the winter and spring o f 1911 (N CH 1911.1.20; Rhoads 1975:205-6). O nce the revolution was well under way, the court made a last-ditch e f fort to undermine the revolutionary im port o f changing ones appearance by sanctioning the change. A fter the court rejected the N ational Assembly's O ctober bill to abolish the queue, the second session again raised the issue o f queues (see Japan Weekly Mail 1911.11.25,12.9, and 12.16; E. T . W illiam s 1923: 478-79).10 T h is time, however, the throne agreed. In an imperial decree o f Decem ber 1911, it authorized the immediate removal o f queues: "A ll O u r ser vants and subjects are hereby permitted to cut (remove) their hair (queue) at their own free will" ("Queues and Calendars," N CH 1911.12.16).11 But it was too late for the court to associate itself w ith these highly charged changes.
The Appearance of Revolution, 1898-1911 T h e imposition o f a new, revolutionary orthodoxy in male appearance fol lowed an old pattern o f attem pting to create a standard interpretation o f ma terial culture, a pattern repeated throughout the N ational Products M ove ment. By the late 1800s, aspects o f orthodox Q ing appearance had acquired, lost, and re-acquired often contradictory layers o f meaning. A single physical attribute could have many imputed meanings: the M anchu hairstyle could mean backwardness and subservience to a revolutionary, loyalty and obedi ence to Q ing officials, outlandishness to a foreigner, or the heart o f Chinese identity to a farmer. These interpretations increasingly came into conflict as their advocates struggled to impose— or maintain— identities for China. A s a new generation o f anti-M anchu nationalists gained the power to impose its interpretation, however, the growth in the number o f cases o f queue-cutting became a sign o f the revolutionary times. Increasingly, widespread antiqueue and anti-M anchu slogans blended into the revolutionary lexicon, as opponents o f the Q ing urged their countrymen to embrace their politics through their interpretation o f material culture: "Revolt, cut your queue, and overthrow the dynasty" (Yue 1994: 62-64). Moreover, revolutionaries com-3 1 0
30. A n earlier decree did allow diplomats to cut queues; see W ang, T h e Abolition o f the Q ueue,' A tla n tic M o n th ly , June 1911. 31. T h e same set o f decrees also called for the adoption o f the solar calendar. See also C R D S File 893.763 (1911.12.8).
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
pelled their ‘’compatriots* ([r ))K3 ), as fellow Chinese began to call one an other, to adopt their interpretation o f queuelessness as an expression o f na tionalism. T h is growing conflict culminated with the toppling o f imperial power and the creation o f a new state-sanctioned appearance. Like the Q ing some 270 years earlier, the new rulers imposed a new orthodoxy that in cluded hairstyles and dress. Queuelessness and the unshaven forehead quickly became badges o f surrender and submission to the Republic. H ow ever, a new orthodoxy for clothing took longer to define. Sun Yatsen, the leader o f the 1911 Republican Revolution, had gradually become aware o f the im portant symbolism o f the queue and clothing by the late nineteenth century. Following China s loss to Japan in 189$ and the col lapse o f imperial support for the reforms o f 1898, he fled China and went on a world tour. Because the Q ing had put a price on his head, once in Japan Sun sought to hide his identity by adopting the hairstyle and European dress favored by his Japanese associates. A s one historian observed, his re pudiation o f the queue was a final rejection o f constitutional monarchy. H enceforth, the queueless and W estern-dressed Sun was a confirm ed re publican revolutionary (T a n g 1930:23). Revolutionaries actively promoted their interpretation o f Q ing appear ance through innumerable representations that forcefully cast the queue and its wearers as backward and delegitimated those who defended Q ing styles.12 O ne pamphlet circulated in H ong Kong provides typical examples o f the in terpretation o f queues that revolutionaries disseminated. T h e pamphlet tells a sarcastic story o f a visit by the “G od o f the Queue* to a Chinese man in a dream. T h e god details the practical uses o f the queue and argues that the Chinese race w ill be finished if it continues to remove the queue. T h e pam phlet satirizes these supposedly beneficial uses o f the queue: a wife may tie a thread to it to keep track o f an errant husband; with a queue a Chinese man may im itate a dog to avoid being attacked by one; and the queue may p ro tea its owner from vultures and eagles, which, upon seeing it blowing in the wind, mistake it for a snake and will not attack the man. In the pamphlet, the god also reminds Chinese men that queues can cushion blows to the head and p ro tea the brain, and a a as a safety rope when climbing trees or walls. In an explicit reference suggesting that Chinese men with queues are
3a. For a comprehensive list o f justifications for removing the hairstyle that, among other things, “befouls your shoulder with oily stains,* see the circular o f the Chinese Sociological Party o f Nanjing, C R D S File 893.1044-
animals, the god suggests they sell their hair to foreigners when it falls out. Taking this last application one step further, the god also gives one legiti mate reason for cutting the queue: to sell it, grow it again, and continue to harvest the hair, like a shepherd and his sheep ("The Uses o f the Queue," N CH 1911.6.3).” M A N D A T IN G A N D E N F O R C IN G TH E NEW ORTH ODOXY
A s the revolt against Q ing rule spread, the revolutionaries quickly sought to consolidate their gains by forcing the Chinese to separate themselves from the Q ing through their appearance, most notably by forcing men to cut their queues, the figurative umbilical cords connecting them to an earlier political and cultural order. N ew ly independent provinces issued orders regarding the queue and clothing even before the establishment o f the provisional gov ernment in late 1911. T h e H ubei provincial military governor, for instance, issued a civil dress code that forbade the use o f Q ing dress. In Beijing, people were ordered not to wear the clothing styles o f officials. T h e newly established national government moved first to regulate hair. President Yuan Shikai, who him self had removed his queue only after the formal abdication o f the Q ing house in February, began imposing the new orthodoxy in M arch 1912, by having the Cabinet explicitly order Chinese men to remove their queues. T h e order addresses three themes raised throughout this chapter. First, advocates o f the reform underscored the po litical significance. T h e order informed the populace that the government was not simply asking that it shed an old custom; rather, it reminded the Chinese that the Manchus had forced the hairstyle on the Han. It also re minded them that many Chinese had died heroically resisting the initial im position o f the queue. In other words, Q ing appearance did have a negative political meaning. Second, the order to remove queues was part o f a larger effort to reform customs associated with the old order. Clothing and hats were explicitly made a part o f this larger bundle o f targeted relics, which the new government said had to be "washed away" before China could establish 3
33. For other examples, see Thom son 1913:69-70,81. H e notes: T h e Chinese o f Bangkok, Siam, were humorous in their methods [of promoting queue cutting]. T h e republican tri color was hoisted to the peak, and two hundred sheered queues were hoisted under it, up the flag pole!" (ibid., 81-82).
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
a modem polity. T hird, as in the Q ing, the order demonstrates the authoritarian way the new government expected to address the issue: it came from the top, required immediate compliance, and threatened to punish those who disobeyed.
W hile acknowledging widespread resistance to initial a t'
tempts to remove queues, the order urged that those who had not already cut their queues should "follow the lead o f urbanites" and do so. It ordered the M inistry o f D om estic Affairs ( r t iftp ß ) to have all provincial military governors command their subordinates to carry out the order everywhere ("The Q ueue-Cutting Campaign," N CH 1912.5.4). Citizens had twenty days to submit to the shears; holdouts were threatened with punishment.31 Republican-era definitions o f orthodox appearance were highly contested. Those who sought to express anti'M anchu, pro-republican sentiments cut their queues long before the proclamation o f these national and local orders. However, not everyone was eager to conform to the new orthodoxy. For most Chinese, the forcible removal o f the queue was, as one observer put it, a "humiliating disfigurement." In their eyes, the queue was less a "badge o f conquest" and more a badge o f nationality and identity (Crow 1944: 22). These Chinese had forgotten the original terms under which the hairstyle had been imposed and had no idea that it could signify allegiance to the Q ing. A s one observer noted, these men were not interested in "esoteric meanings o f fashion" and worried more about the present government en forcing "a matter o f personal taste" ("The Q ueue-Cutting Campaign,” N CH 1912.5.4).3 56 Indeed, some sixty years later, the famous Chinese economist 3 4 H . D . Fong recalled that as an eight-year-old boy living in the coastal city o f N ingbo he hid under the counter o f the family’s jew elry shop to avoid the compulsory shearing o f his "long and beautiful pigtail." It was only after he had learned to interpret the queue as a "symbol o f servitude" that he had it removed (Fong 1975:2). T h e new orthodox interpretation o f objects and customs justified violence through forced compliance against those im plicitly labeled as deviants. In the months immediately after the establishment o f the Republic, the revolution-
34. Lanshi zhengfu gongbao, no. 29 (1912.3.5); republished in Luo Jialun 1968:628. 35. Ibid. 36. Reports from Shandong indicate that residents in cities such as Zhifou feared that if they cut their queue, they would be mistaken for Japanese during any conflict among foreign powers over control o f the province. See, e.g., "Queue Cutting at Chefoo," N C H 1912.7.20, and T h e Queue*Cutting Crusade," N C H 1912.7.20.
aries, like their Q ing predecessors, vigorously enforced the new orthodox hairstyle. Although many men willingly cut their own queue, in some cities troops set up roadblocks and forcibly removed the queues o f unwilling C h i' nese men; 'better class men” were escorted to a barbershop ('Q ueue Cutting Campaign” [Nanjing] 1912.1.1, C R D S File 893.1044). Perpetrators o f the un solicited haircuts, often pro-republican volunteers known as the "D are-to-D ie Corps”
justified their acts as patriotic (C row 1944:25). Contem po
rary newspapers are rife with accounts o f queue-cutting teams throughout China (e.g., SB 1911.12.4,12.12,1912.1.6). Men in Guangdong province shed their queues quickly. In one particularly active day alone, more than 200,000 men had their queues cut. In Changsha, the provincial capital o f Hunan, as in many Chinese cities and towns, retention o f the queue was viewed as an ex plicit sign o f traitorous allegiance to the Manchus, and students and others removed the queues o f fellow students and pedestrians (Yue 1994:62-63). Sim ilar to the military revolution raging throughout China, battles were fought over the queue. O ne group near Shanghai established a society to en courage the réintroduction o f the queue. Its members were not necessarily expressing pro-M anchu sympathies; more likely they were expressing gen eral resistance to government involvement in local life (N CH 1912.9.7). Re ports from Z h ifou in Shandong province reveal the depth o f local resistance; after an evening during which 1,000 queues were forcibly removed, mer chants refused to open their shops because overzealous queue-cutters had injured the ear o f the leader o f the local chamber o f commerce (N CH 1912.7.20). Things got so bad that residents sent telegrams to Beijing warning that friction between soldiers and civilians could escalate (N CH 1912.7.20). Another observer confirmed that the new government encountered resis tance at all social levels and had a 'great deal o f trouble” imposing the new hairstyle on workers (P ott 1913:130-31). O ne man s decision to cut his queue personalizes the dilemma caused by the multiple meanings associated with this modification o f personal appear ance. T h e length and texture o f his queue had been a source o f pride for this man. But his queue came to signify an awkward backwardness that he longer wanted to convey. H e decided to cut it. However, the head o f his household, his mother, held a different opinion. For her, queue-cutting was a dangerous foreign fad that could get him killed. She also recognized the revolutionary significance o f removing the queue and warned him that, just as they had van quished the Taiping rebels a half-century earlier, Q ing forces would eventu
N ationalizing the Appearance o f M en
ally suppress the rebellion and kill its adherents, who would be easily identi' fied by their queueless appearance. For a while, the authority o f his mother served to prevent this forty-year-old from cutting his queue. Under relentless pressure from friends and strangers who continually threatened to cut his queue, he finally decided to abandon the hairstyle (Crow 1944:25-26).
Like the Q ing and earlier dynasties, the revolutionaries sought not only to regulate hair but also to effect a dramatic alteration in appearance in general A s imperial power and queues fell throughout China, confusion and com peting interpretations came to surround the question o f what Chinese ought to wear. Some Chinese suggested returning to pre-Qing (i.e., pre-Manchu) styles, including those detailed in one o f the most famous M ing novels, the
Water Margin ( tK M O I) (Yan Changhong 1992: 239-40). O thers promoted W estern-style clothing, arguing that it was an integral part o f building mod em, W estern institutions. T he resulting confusion was visible in Chinese cities. O ne newspaper reported "men were dressing like females, females like males, and prostitutes like female students and vice-versa.” M ost alarming in a country with a millennia-long tradition o f highly regulated official clothing, 'commoners were dressed like officials and officials like commoners” (SB 1912.3.20, cited in Yue 1994:49), a situation that persisted until the Sun Yatsen jacket ( ^ |il
became popular a decade later.
T h e destabilizing challenge to clothing norms came especially from revo lutionaries popularizing non-Qing styles. During and after the revolution, W estern-style dress, particularly the khaki uniforms o f the Republican troops, became a symbol o f the new order. T he slogan o f the day was ”C ut your queue and change your style o f dress”
T he emerging or
thodoxy seemed to be W estern-style clothing, and major Chinese cities ex perienced a ”W estern clothing craze” (?£J]fi$i). T he government quickly sought to impose order by example, law, and force.
Nationalizing Appearance T he N ational Products Preservation Association stepped into this morass o f unstable meaning surrounding personal appearance and promoted its own interpretation o f how Chinese men should dress. Inaugurated at the end o f 1911, the N P P A tried to shape the economic impact o f political and social
changes on its members' industries by severing the link between hair and cloches and attaching distinct meanings to each. T h is effort helped ensure the survival o f Chinese clothing, but in linking consum ption and nationalism it also had a long-term, subtler significance. T h e remainder o f this chapter examines the development o f an ethic o f na tionalistic consum ption through the early history o f this key organization in the movement. T h e creation o f this powerful interest group, its agenda, and its channels o f dissemination reveal the growing coherence o f the movement to nationalize consumer culture. A s we shall see, the nationalistic interpreta tion o f clothing advanced by the N P P A (and the movement in general) con tinued to be debated in the 1920s and 1930s and transformed the traditional styles worn by Chinese men such as M r. M ei, whose patriotic dress is noted above, into a symbolic and literal male uniform o f the movement.
TH E NPPA'S ROLE T h e nationalizing o f consumer culture was an integral part o f many changes occurring in China. T h e Revolution o f 1911 that led to the downfall o f China's last dynasty, for example, overturned state-sponsored symbols, insti tutions, and ideologies. There was, however, more chan one group contend ing to provide replacements. These contenders were anxious to consolidate power, and at the local level their struggles were often expressed in battles over symbols such as anti-footbinding campaigns, the cutting o f queues, the m odification o f clothing, the reorganization o f time through holidays, and the introduction o f the solar calendar (Li Shaobing 1994).373 8These conflicts over rival state-building agendas usually appear to be battles among political, military, and intellectual elites at one end o f the social hierarchy and stu dents, secret societies, and other mass movements o f resistance at the other. H owever, powerfid economic interests also m obilized resources to redefine the new symbols o f state. These reinforced and extended com peting narra tives o f the nation, its people, and its route to "national salvation" (^ClU]).3*
37. T h e new government initiated many o f these changes, including converting to the so lar calendar, changing terms o f address, and prohibiting footbinding. For a summary, see Yu e 1994* O n the controversy surrounding the replacement o f the reign-year system with a new calendrical method, see W an g Ermin 1981:66-70. 38. Indeed, I would argue that this ethic o f nationalistic consumption was very com peti tive and contributed largely to the emerging dominant narrative o f history rather than to *al-
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
T h e N P P A had pressing reasons for linking consumption and Chinese nationalism at a time when the new Republican government was vigorously attem pting to eradicate queues and introduce W estern-style dress for men. Because o f the close association between queues and Chinese-style clothing, the N P P A had a legitimate concern that the domestic silk industry was in grave danger. T h e immediate goal o f the N P P A was to prevent political lead ers throughout China from sanctioning the changes in dress that were ac companying queue-cutting, and they were successful in lobbying to mandate that Chinese clothing be made o f domestically produced materials, especially silk and satin. W h at may have been an immediate economic objective had symbolic consequences. In the recoding process, the organization managed to prevent traditional-style clothes from acquiring the negative connotations as sociated w ith the queue. Above all, the N P P A helped redefine the Chinesestyle long-gown as a patriotic style. Such reinterpretations not only ensured the survival o f Chinese clothing but also built an ethic o f nationalistic con sum ption that would define other products as national interests. T o defend against the threatening change in clothing styles, the powerful interests in the N P P A quickly built a sophisticated organization. T h is or ganization immediately sought to take advantage o f many opportunities cre ated by the fidl o f the Q ing, which allowed economic interests to form new, even more focused interest groups than the recently introduced chambers o f commerce. Indeed, the organizations o f Chinese sojourning in Shanghai (or native-place associations) that eventually formed the N P P A began organiza tional activities shortly after the outbreak o f the revolution. A fter two months o f preparations, the association held its inaugural meeting in Shanghai on December 12,1911, at the main hall o f the Qianjiang (H angzhou) native-place association (SB 1911.12.9).19 tentative' ones. For a discussion o f the concepts o f nationalism and narrative as they relate to modern Chinese history, see Duara 199$: 3-83. 39.
T h e goal o f the organizers was to create a permanent group, and they specified every as
pect o f the new organization including the name, membership rules, financing, recruitment, and election procedures. For more information on the preparatory meetings, see Z G W H 1932: *Huiyi jilu* section. M any scholars label the N P P A the first national products organization; see, e.g., Pan Junxiang 1989: $$; and Yang Tianliang 1991a: 348. However, a reporter attending the inaugural meeting o f the N P P A informed those present that there were already three smaller organizations in Shanghai. See Li Zhuoyun's short speech in Z G W H 1912:9a. Because most o f the native-place associations I discuss were in Shanghai and Jiangnan, 'native-place association' denotes both huiguan £ £ & (meeting hall) and gongsuo
(public office), the institutions es
tablished by sojourning merchants. O n these terms, see Goodm an 199$: 39.
Although the N P P A eventually became a large organization with hun dreds o f members representing native-place associations, industries, stu dents, and many other groups, it began as a small, ad hoc, 32-member group o f four representatives from each o f eight native-place associations (Z G W H 1912: 4b-$b).40 These associations represented the three indus tries most threatened by changes in clothing— silk/satin, hats, and pawn shops— and all were based in the prosperous coastal provinces o f Jiangsu and Zhejiang.41 O f these three, the silk industry was the most influential42 Despite these narrow origins, membership grew quickly, from slightly over 100 in its first year to nearly $00 members in its second, with more joining every year during its first few years. T he group also actively encouraged women to join (S Z M A File 454: o, 12, and 20-21). T h e initial bylaws o f the organization imposed strict criteria for membership (Z G W H 1912: 3b). However, in response to the outpouring o f anti-imperialism following Ja pan's presentation o f the Tw enty-O ne Demands in early 1915, the catego ries o f membership were expanded to native-place associations, commercial and industrial operations, and individuals. In addition, as the next chapter explains in detail, after 1915 domestic industries flocked to join the N P P A
40. This document ( Z G W H 1912) clears up some o f the confusion in the secondary and, indeed, primary literature concerning the establishment o f the N P P A . T h e exact number o f native-place organizations and representatives in the founding group is not clear. In its twentieth-year anniversary volume, the N P P A official history lists ten groups and forty members, see Z G W H 1932: "Huiyi jilu" section. T his is the number given by, among others, Pan Junxiang (1989: 5$) and X in Ping et al. (1991: 348-49)* Several scholars list the founding date for the organization as 1914 or 191$. Chen Zhengqing (1987)* for example, gives 1915, and Linda Pom erantz-Zhang (1992: 235) suggests that W u Tingfang organized the group in 1914* 41. T h e threat to pawnshops may be less obvious. T h e vast majority o f items pawned were clothes. By one estimate, clothing occupied "perhaps ninety per cent in value and ninety-nine per cent in space and labour required for storage." These shops often acted as community at tics for both poor and rich, who might not otherwise have the space or time to care for their clothing. See N CH 1914*7*4 and Gamble 1921:281. 42. T h e results o f the group's first elections show the importance o f the silk industry. In accordance with the bylaws, the association held an election at its inaugural meeting. Yao D i yuan $£$ c2 S , a representative from the pawnshop industry, received the most votes, and Zhang Ziyin
and H e jiafu
were elected vice-presidents. However, Yao D i
yuan said that because the most pressing issue confronting N P P A related to the silk industry, someone from that industry should lead the organization, and so he deferred to Zhan g Ziyin ( Z G W H 1932: "Kaihui" section. 13; Z G W H 1912:6 b, 8a).
N ationalizing the Appearance o f M en
and similar organizations as a way o f reinforcing their status as “Chinese'' companies.43
HIERARCHIES OF DISSEM INATION From the start, the N P P A faced three major obstacles. First, it needed the backing o f Chinese military and political leaders, many o f whom were al ready endorsing changes in clothing. It initially focused on cultivating lead ers in and around Shanghai, where its influence was strongest. Second, it needed support from national leaders. Finally, it had to gain support beyond the narrow group o f political and economic elites. W ith the collapse o f im perial power and the growth o f regional power centers, the members under stood that they would not be able to rely exclusively on state and elite pa tronage. In cultivating relations with
individuals and organizations
throughout China, the N P P A directly contributed to the establishment o f a nationwide N ational Products Movement. T h e N P P A prized the support o f powerful patrons and worked hard to gain early endorsements from influential politicians. T he N P P A invited Shanghai leaders, county and provincial officials, and representatives from military, political, commercial, and academic circles to its inaugural meeting and gave them prominent roles. In the months following the inaugural meet ing, the N P P A lobbied these political and military elites by writing letters, sending telegrams, and encouraging their attendance at organization func tions. These efforts yielded public letters o f support from such prominent Chinese as Sun Yatsen and Shanghai military governor Chen Q im ei fêt X U (1876-1916). Shortly after its establishment, the N P P A received a let ter o f endorsement from W u Tingfang inquiring about membership. T he N P P A immediately asked him to join and, as noted, in less than a year elected him president.44 T his early support helped establish the legitimacy and prominence o f the N P P A .
43. T h e number o f companies participating in the N P P A , for instance, grew from 49 in 191$ to 109 by the end o f the decade ( Z G W H 1932: *Huishi* section, 12). 44. Sun Yatsens letter to the N P P A was published in Nanjing's Lanshi zhengfu pnfiao 7 (1912.2.4); for Chen Qim ei'j assurances to the N P P A that clothing would be regulated, see his letter to the N P P A reprinted in the newspaper SB 19u.12.20 and republished in Shanghai shehui kexueyuan 1981:423-24. O n W u Tingfang, see Z G W H 1932: *Huiwu* jilu section, 3. T h e N P P A also received early letters o f support from lower-ranking officials, including one
From its inception, the N P P A hoped to provide a model for similar groups throughout China. It immediately began cultivating ties to chambers o f commerce and local governments in other provinces. T h e aim o f the cor* respondence was not only to secure support for the N P P A agenda but also to urge other cities and towns to set up similar groups, propagate common economic goals locally, and lobby local, regional, and national authorities. T o assist in the formation o f these organizations, the N P P A circulated ma terials on all aspects o f its organization. T h e earliest and most comprehen sive o f these was a 191a booklet that provided detailed information on the new group, including its initial membership roster, bylaws, and copies o f speeches from the inaugural meeting.4* It also provided form letters to use in lobbying local, regional, and national authorities. O ther movement organiza tions used these N P P A templates as the basis for establishing their own or ganizations and writing their own petitions.46 T h e N P P A 's appeal found immediate success in provinces and cities across China, including Tianjin, Fuzhou, Changsha, Tonghai, Anqing, Beijing, Nanjing, Jiaxing, Zhenjiang, Hankou, and Jinan, to mention only a few. By the mid-i920$, there were hundreds o f such organizations.47 T h e Shanghai-based N P P A had varying degrees o f contact with these organiza tions. It was directly involved in setting up some organizations; with others it only exchanged correspondence and official literature. Its relationship with
from the chairman o f the Commerce Bureau o f the Shanghai Municipal Government; see Z G W H 1912:2.
4 5 * Nearly every speech in this booklet addresses the importance o f helping to establish similar organizations in cities throughout China. See, e.g., the speech by Li Zhuoyun in Z G W H 191a: 9a. There was a large pool o f potential contacts. A s noted in Chapter i. by the end o f the 1911, there were over a thousand locals county-, and provincial-level chambers o f commerce in China. 46. Indeed, it became a common practice for movement organizations to send one an other copies o f their bylaws and organizational literature. Similarly, newspapers and move ment publications reprinted such materials. 47* For a partial list o f cities with such groups, see Huang Yiping and Y u Baotang 1995: 182. T h e N P P A log in Z G W H 1932 lists the establishment o f these groups by year. See Pan Junxiang 1996c: 19-20 for a list compiled from this log. T h e log also shows the breadth o f the N P P A correspondence with movement groups throughout China and among overseas C h i nese. T h e number o f movement organizations constantly changed. For a more general break down o f the kinds o f movement organizations active in the spring o f 1925, see Jiang W eiguo 1995: 75-83, which classifies the N P P A as a "p^ ucer/m arketer" movement organization (76-77). O n the N P P A in Tianjin, see Rinbara 1983:21.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
the group in Suzhou was particularly close. In July 1912, Suzhou became one o f the earliest cities to follow the N P P A lead in establishing an organization to promote the movement agenda. W ith a third o f its population working in the silk industry, Suzhou had much to lose if the silk industry continued its downward slide.48 A n influential Suzhou native-place association in the silk trade, the Brocade G uild
had been involved in the establish-
ment o f the N P P A in Shanghai T his association, working through the Suzhou General Cham ber o f Commerce, oversaw the establishment o f a lo cal branch. In writing to the office o f the Jiangsu provincial governor and city au thorities, eight members o f the new Suzhou group explained their purpose and requested official recognition in a petition drawn directly from the 1912 N P P A template. T heir petition, for example, blamed imports, especially wool, for the country's economic problems and dependence on foreign coun tries, which the Suzhou branch also held responsible for destroying Chinese industries. Furthermore, it tied the interests o f the silk industry to China as a whole by reminding Jiangsu officials that “enriching the country starts with commerce“ and that the government had a responsibility to “prevent the leakage“ (%'M ÏÏni) o f Chinese wealth abroad. In addition to acknowledging the need to improve silk products, the petition stressed the need to alter the Chinese “desire for imports“ by reforming Chinese laws on clothing (S Z M A File 840:8-12,27).
POPULARIZING THE MOVEMENT AGENDA From its beginnings, the N P P A used diverse channels to popularize its agenda, both formal (letters and petitions) and informal (word-of-m outh within native-place associations) and both new (telegrams, newspapers, pe riodicals) and traditional (meetings at teahouses, restaurants, and nativeplace association halls).
A t the most elemental level, the N P P A worked
through personal contacts by honoring members who brought in new re cruits. For example, participants in the inaugural meeting agreed to solicit
48. O n the establishment o f the Suzhou N P P A branch and its relationship to the local silk industry, see W ang Xiang 199a.
4 9 * T h e N P P A also continually developed new communication channels, such as the pa« rades, expositions, and periodicals discussed in subsequent chapters. For a brief introduction to such channels, see Pan Junxiang 1989: 55-59.
applications from fellow native-place association members by the end o f the month. T h e status afforded members who brought in new recruits is evident in the many lists o f new members in the organization's log, which carefully re corded the name o f the recruiter (e.g., Z G W H 1932: "H uw ujilu" section, 5-8). From its inception, the N P P A was concerned with conveying its message to as many Chinese as possible. For instance, one o f the documents in the booklet o f informational templates mentioned above was a synopsis o f what might be termed the N P P A s "mission statement” in colloquial Chinese (Z G W H 1912; 24a-25b). Additionally, the N P P A frequently printed and distributed handbills, leaflets, and newspaper advertisements nationally and overseas to boost membership, advertise N P P A activities, increase aware ness o f the movement, and promote specific national products. Print runs varied by subject and year, from several thousand to several tens o f thou sands o f copies. T h e total for all categories o f propaganda literature ranged from the tens o f thousands to the hundreds o f thousands o f pieces each year (Z G W H 1932: "H uishi" section, 16-18).50 By the early 1930s, the N P P A would claim that these efforts to publicize the notion o f "national products" had been so successful that even "all women and children know” about the importance o f buying Chinese products (Z G W H 1932: "H uishi" section, 2). In Shanghai, the N P P A also organized lectures and a variety o f forums to disseminate its message. A t the inaugural meeting in December 1911, members decided to hold a Promote N ational Products Rally, which drew over 3,800 persons. Buoyed by the success o f this event, N P P A members initiated a program o f Saturday evening lectures to teach Chinese that it was their responsibility to buy national products. T h e meetings su ite d out slowly: only four persons attended the first lecture. Gradually, the organizers learned how to attract crowds by varying the time and inviting famous fig ures to make speeches. Soon attendance grew into the thousands (Z G W H 1932: "Kaihui" section, I3).S1 These efforts culminated in the inauguration o f
$0. See Z G W H 1932, “H uiw u jilu* section, for hundreds o f instances o f printing up handbills, circulars, special ‘ product catalogs*
on silk and other products, and so on.
For instance, in its first year (Dec. 1911 to Dec. 1912), the N P P A circulated over $,000 copies o f a handbill encouraging Chinese to use domestic silk. $1. Meetings were held at both the Qianjiang (Hangzhou) and N ingbo native-place asso ciations. From 1912 to 1924, the N P P A held $9 such meetings. T h e first such rally was held in July 1912, and three more were held in September. From then until January 1914, meetings were held nearly every week. T h e N P P A log o f these talks gives the names o f speakers and brief summaries o f their talks.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
the annual N ational Products Salvation Rally, along with many other spec* tacles designed to nationalize consumer culture (see Chapters $ and 6). T h e N P P A publicized its agenda through the rapidly expanding mass media, which it considered an effective tool for shaping public opinion. T h is use o f the media began w ith the N P P A 's inaugural meeting, during which several reporters gave speeches expressing support for the organization. T h e N P P A invited reporters to attend subsequent meetings and urged its mem bers to write newspaper articles and place advertisements in periodicals (Z G W H 1911: i$a-i6b). In addition, summaries published in the local press gave N P P A rallies, and consequently its agenda, a wider reach.12 A s we shall see in subsequent chapters, the N P P A developed many more tactics to nationalize consumer culture. For example, it created a process to certify national products, established stores that sold only these products, assisted area manufacturers in marketing their products outside the region, and participated in organizing national expositions for Chinese products. T h is network o f movement organizations quickly spread the N P P A interpretadon o f Chinese clothing and facilitated the initiation and spread o f anti-im perialist boycotts and other activities in support o f Chinese manufac turers. In short, the organization and the network it helped form were in strum ental in creating the institutions behind the efforts to cleanse the C h i nese economy o f imports and imported product elements.
ELEMENTS OF AN ETHIC OF N ATIO N ALISTIC CONSUM PTION T h e messages transmitted through these numerous channels evince the ethic o f nationalistic consumption at the heart o f the N P P A and the movement agenda. T h e ethic reinforced the notion o f commercial war that had been developing since the late nineteenth century (see Chapter 1). In practical terms, the early documents o f the N P P A and the groups early activities demonstrate how the N P P A sought to separate the issue o f abolishing the queue from the question o f reforming Chinese dress by supporting the elimination o f the queue while arguing for the preservation o f Chinese-style
$2. For a good overview o f one such rally, see SB 1912.11.4. T h e N P P A convened its fif teenth rally on November 4 . > 9 », from 8 to 10 p .m . at the powerful Hangzhou native-place association, the Qianjiang huiguan. O ver 200 men and women attended the meeting, which featured nine speakers.
dress. T h e N P P A aimed to save the silk industry by establishing a link b e ' tween its interests and those o f the entire country. Clothing, the N P P A ar gued, was more than a m atter o f the health o f a few industries— it was an is sue o f national survival. T o strengthen this link, the N P P A advanced arguments that blended economic, political, symbolic, and nationalistic rea soning in an effort to appeal to a broad spectrum o f Chinese. Linking the health o f the economy and the well-being o f the nation was fundamental to the discourse animating this new ethic o f nationalistic con sum ption. T h e N P P A framed the economic consequences o f switching to wool suits, for example, as more im portant to China than the desire to ap pear "m odem '' to foreigners by wearing W estern-style clothing. A s move ment publications and speakers frequently warned, the scrapping o f cotton and silk gowns would have a devastating effect on the Chinese economy be cause o f silks central role in the Chinese economy. T h e sw itch to w ool would destroy a key Chinese industry w ithout creating one in its place be cause China produced alm ost no wool products.53 T h e raw materials would have to be imported, at least until China could develop a w ool industry. In the meantime, N P P A literature warned, the destruction o f the silk industry would throw millions out o f work and affect the entire economy. A t the personal level, the N P P A 's economic argument also featured an appeal to the pocketbook o f its audience. It would cost an individual a for tune to convert to W estern-style clothing. T h e notion that hundreds o f m il lions o f Chinese men stood ready to alter their mode o f dress may seem ludi crous now, but as the rise o f a Republican interpretation o f appearance suggests, and indeed as Sun Yatsen’s initial preference for suits indicates, the possibility o f a shift, at least among the upper classes, was seen as imminent. N P P A literature also frequently argued that international trade was even more detrim ental to the nation than a zero-sum scenario would imply: buy ing foreign products not only hurt the dom estic market for Chinese goods but also helped the nation's enemies. T o reinforce this claim, the organiza tion regularly invoked the concept o f commercial war. A s noted in Chapter 1, the main popularizer o f this concept in the late nineteenth century was the
53. Am ong the fabrics used in clothing, wool was “noticeably absent“ (V ollm er 1 9 7 7 : 16). In Jiangsu, for example, the first wool factory was founded in 1906 but went out o f business the year before the Revolution. It was several decades before the region had factories that were competitive with imported wool fabrics ( N i l 1935: 429)* O n the growing market, see Bard 1905:198.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
compradore-scholar Z h en g Guanying, who, in Warnings to a Prosperous Age, contended that international commercial relations represented even more o f a threat to China than die territorial am bitions o f imperialist powers. T o survive this war, China needed to "stimulate business." T h e N P P A invoked this phrase to enhance the social posidon o f economic elites and pressure governments to adopt m ercantilist policies. H owever, the N P P A and the movement added newer, universal implicadons to the concept o f commercial war. W hereas Z h en g had aimed his recommendations at Chinese elites, m odem mass communication extended the reach o f the message by encouraging Chinese consumers to enlist in the "war" by not buying what, after 1915, would increasingly come to be known as "enemy products" ({ J lÄ ).54 T h e spread o f the notion o f commercial war accompanied a growing obsession w ith China s trade deficit. T h e balance o f paym ents continued to serve as the single m ost im portant measure o f how the "war* was going. A s noted above, a discourse o f trade statistics emerged in the constantly published and republished tables, charts, graphs, and es says on China s foreign trade.5S A t the N P P A « inaugural meeting, a speech o f a key figure throughout the organization's history, W ang Jie'an 3 E ^ 5&T, typifies this preoccupation with the "loss o f economic control to foreigners* and the "drainage o f profits"
to name tw o central
terms o f the ideology o f commercial warfare. W ang was a member o f a Suzhou native-place association w ith a long history o f representing the in terests o f the silk industry, and he remained a leader o f the N P P A and the movement for decades: Today we convene this organization to preserve national products. China is an ex pansive land, rich in natural resources, with more than enough to meet its own needs. W hy, then, are commerce and the economy in such dire straits? It is all be cause China does not understand the W ay o f Commercial Warfare Foreigners say that “Military warfare makes a state powerful, and commerdal war fare makes a state wealthy“ But, China does not understand commercial warfare. It continually exports raw materials and imports finished prod ucts and thus allows the profits to flow into foreign hands.. . . When profits are drained in this way, China is losing in commercial warfare. Consequently, the economy faces hard times. Compatriots should research how to improve semi-
$4. O n the extensive use o f military metaphors in the movement, see Chapter 7. $$. For a typical example o f trade statistics as a scorecard for the movement, see G uang dong jianshe ting 1930.
finished produces and sell finished ones. Everyone should make preserving national products a main objective and not simply blithely follow fashionable trends. In this way, the preservation o f national products will be great.. . . Although the scope o f this group is small now, it is my hope that it will reach all provinces and get them to preserve national products. (Z G W H 1912:8b) But N P P A leaders such as W ang Jie'an also understood that it would take more than a "buy China" campaign to strengthen the Chinese economy. T h e ultim ate key to success lay in making Chinese industry more competitive, and N P P A members made frequent mention o f the need to make im provements. For example, the first N P P A president Zhang Z iyin went so far as to say that finding new uses for Chinese silk was akin to cherishing the "essence o f the Chinese nation”
(Z G W H 1912: 7b). In the in«
terim, however, members, in a proto-im port substitution argument, sought to prevent imports from destroying their industries. These leaders under stood that without tariff autonomy China could not use protective tariffs to shield the domestic market. In the absence o f a strong, sa b le government with the financial means to support economic development, Chinese com mercial and industrial leaders sought to erect non-tariff barriers to trade by encouraging clothing styles made o f nationally produced fabrics. T h e N P P A also tied its interests to those o f political elites by warning that the widespread economic disruption that would accompany any switch in clothing styles would have immediate political reverberations. A chain re action, begun by massive dislocations in the silk industry, would destabilize China as millions went hungry and began to wander the country in search o f food. M oreover, allowing foreigners to benefit at the expense o f the Chinese economy would delegitim ize the government. W hile re-establishing political order, the revolutionaries ought not allow the masses to navigate cultural changes on their own.56 In its initial months, the N P P A tried to convey a sense o f urgency sur rounding the clothing issue. A s one speaker described it, "The masses are us ing the opportunity created by the revolution to get rid o f old customs and habits o f clothing and adornment." T h e result was chaos, since nobody knew what the new orthodoxy was (Z G W H 1912: $b). Because the revolutionaries were preoccupied with re-establishing a political order and too busy to im pose a new orthodoxy, they were leaving the masses to sort through conflict-
$6. See, e.g., Z han g Ziyin's speech in Z G W H 1912: $b.
N ationalizing the A ppearance o f M en
ing signals regarding cultural changes (Z G W H 191a: 1). A s a result, many Chinese were adopting W estern-style clothes made o f imported wooL In addition to bringing the consequences o f this decision to the attention o f the government, N P P A leaders tried to convince their “compatriots” to use Chinese fabrics. Through the ethic o f nationalistic consumption, organi zations such as the N P P A sought to create a bounded Chinese ethnic mar ket based on the consumption o f Chinese products that elided all divisions between H an and non-Han. From the first N P P A president on, leaders o f movement organizations continually stressed that “all 400 million Chinese have this responsibility“ to promote the N P P A agenda (Z G W H 1912: 5b). In addition to the economic well-being o f the nation, Chinese independence was at stake because switching to wool clothing would not only benefit for eign economies but also encourage foreign imperialist powers to become more deeply entrenched in China. A s the next chapter explores, this anxiety grew quickly after the Japanese presented the Tw enty-O ne Demands in early 1915.
Lobbyingfor National Clothing A combination o f the new governm ents relentless efforts to eradicate queues and the long-standing links between queues and clothing gave the N P P A a legitimate concern that the two would disappear together, destroying the Chinese silk industry along the way. T he immediate goal o f the N P P A was to prevent political leaders throughout China from sanctioning the clothing changes accompanying queue-cutting throughout China.57 Another aim was a law mandating that Chinese clothing be made o f domestically produced materials, especially silk. A s noted above, in an attempt to build political support, N P P A members immediately began sending petitions and letters to, among others, officials, commercial organizations, and overseas Chinese. Shortly after the inaugural meeting, the N P P A sent petitions to the m ili tary governors o f Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. In a long document, later circulated throughout China, the N P P A repeatedly stressed the importance o f the silk industry to China and reminded the governors that the clothing, hat, and pawn industries depended heavily on the silk industry. It blamed the
$7. A t the preparatory, inaugural, and subsequent meetings, speakers stressed the need to seek government intervention. See, e.g., SB 1911.U.9; S Z M A File 404; Z G W H 191a: 9b; and SB 1912.1.12.
precarious position o f industry on the rush to abolish the queue and to change clothing styles. It also encouraged the new leaders o f China to consider the Japanese example: although the M eiji Restoration had occurred some 40 years earlier, commoners still adhered to pre-M eiji clothing styles (Z G W H 1912: io b -iib ). T h e draft o f a telegram sent to the Guangzhou and other chambers o f commerce put the N P P A message in its most distilled form: Our organization has been established to promote the cutting o f queues and to op* pose changes in dress clothing {ftflR ]. Moreover, dress and formal clothing should be made exclusively o f pure domestic materials. W e have already petitioned the heads of various places to implement this agenda. W e hope that your honorable organization will pass this along to all other groups so that we can collectively pre serve national products and prevent the massive outflow of profits. This would be o f great benefit to the whole nation. (ZG W H 1912:12a) A n early sign o f political patronage came on December 20,1911, when the influential, Shanghai-based newspaper Shenbao published a response to the N P P A appeals from the military governor o f Shanghai, Chen Q im ei, who had attended the organization's inaugural meeting a week earlier. In his let ter, he assured the N P P A , as well as the reading public, that formal and dress clothing as well as the uniforms o f the military, police, and other groups would be regulated; he promised that after the establishment o f the provisional government, regulations stipulating the use o f national products would be issued. In addition to publicly endorsing the N P P A agenda, Chen also adopted the phrases and terminology, along with the logic, o f the N P P A letter. In doing so, he further sanctioned and popularized the terms the N P P A hoped would inform the debate over clothing. M ost fundamen tally, he repeated the N P P A contention that switching from Chinese silk to W estern w ool would be ruinous to "national products" and thereby would allow "economic rights to go to foreigners" (SB 19n.12.20).58 A n even more important endorsement came a few months later when Sun Yatsen him self responded to an N P P A letter. T o enhance the status o f the organization and disseminate its goals, the N P P A reprinted the letter and distributed it to commercial and governmental organizations through out China and to Chinese communities abroad. In the N P P A s letter, which Sun summarized in his response, the group had urged Sun to be careful not
At the same time, Chen also urged the NPPA to respond to the growing popularity of Western-style clothing by devising ways to use silk and satin to make such articles. 58.
N ationalizing the Appearance o f M en
to give the Chinese people too much freedom in selecting clothing. Although the writers o f the N P P A letter took pains not to appear authoritarian by agreeing that the people themselves must ultimately decide what to wear, they quickly added that there must be a dear procedure lor moving from traditional dothing to any new style. T h e people, the N P P A letter warned, were unaccustomed to the absence o f political authority and were blindly abandoning old customs and practices regardless o f merit. T h e N P P A suggested the new government step in and restore order by issuing guidelines so that the people did not foolishly begin wearing W estern-style clothing made o f imported wool (Lanshi zhengfu gongbao [Nanjing] 1910.2.4). Although Suns response underscored many N P P A positions, it was far short o f a full endorsement. A fter all. Sun him self had already begun wearing a suit and tie. First, Sun acknowledged the current chaos in clothing styles and conceded that formal and dress clothing was an important matter o f state. H e also conceded that W estern-style clothing left "much to be improved” and that it might not be appropriate for China. Lastly, he accepted the N P P A link between the use o f national products and the state o f the domestic economy. H e concluded that both dress and informal clothing should be manufactured from Chinese materials. But he left open the most important question— what Chinese ought to wear in the interim. Rather than endorsing Q ing dress and ceremonial dothing, he recommended that the N P P A conduct more research to find dothing that was clean and hygienic, allowed for greater mobility, and was inexpensive. H e even supplied the names o f several W estern-style tailors (Lanshi zhengfu gongbao [Nanjing] 1912.2.4). By the summer o f 1912, the power to make a national decision on clothing shifted from Nanjing to Beijing and from Sun s hands and into Yuan Shikai’s. In mid'1912, the new government seemed poised to issue regulations on clothing (Zhengfu gongbao 1912.8.1). T h e initial draft, however, encouraged the use o f both silk and wool. T o avert the disaster o f state-endorsed use o f wool, the N P P A immediately sent its vice-president, Lü Baoyuan
to Bei
jing to lobby the newly established government to pass explicit regulations stipulating the use o f nationally produced fabrics, especially silk, in the manufacture o f Chinese clothing. A s with earlier N P P A propaganda, Lu s petition stressed the close relationship between clothing and the state:
Now that we are starting to build our nation, it is not easy to make laws regarding clothing styles for everyone or to get everyone to use materials exclusively made of national products.. . . We humbly request that the Provisional Council of Provin*
cial Representatives suggest that dress clothing continue to adhere to the traditional styles, in accordance with the wishes of the people, and that these articles be made purely of silk and cotton and make use of national products. Lü Baoyuan also specifically addressed the threat o f wooL Since the es tablishment o f the Republic, he wrote, Chinese have anxiously awaited darification on the clothing question; the uncertainty alone has hurt the silk and related industries in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. Regulations permitting the use o f both silk and wool would be more harmful than one might think. Although the proposed regulation did not call for the use o f foreign wool, this would be its unintended consequence, because China's wool industry was still in its infancy. For Lü Baoyuan, there was a clear link between patri otism and what one wore— no Chinese could wear wool and be a patriot. Each use o f wool was one less use o f silk. T his replacement would do double damage to the country by increasing imports and decreasing work and money within China. Lü pointed out that at least several hundred thousand people derived a livelihood from the silk industries and argued that China should adopt the practice o f other countries and use domestic products to make clothing for the domestic market. In short, he urged the elimination o f the character “wool" from the law.596 0 T h e N P P A 's efforts to enlist the help o f other organizations began to pay off, as different groups began to use N P P A literature to lobby the gov ernment. T h e most important support for the N P P A cause came from allies in Beijing. T h e Silk and Satin G uild
which controlled these
trades in Beijing, sent a petition to the Beijing General Chamber o f Com merce
which forwarded it to the Cabinet
forwarding the original petition, the Beijing Chamber added an endorse* ment requesting that the government take steps to ensure the "preservation” o f the silk industry by quickly adopting the petition s suggestions (Zhcngfu gongbao 1912.8J).61 59. "W eichi hui daibiao Lü liji cheng Canyiyuan wen" ( N P P A representative Lü petitions Council o f Provincial Representatives), SB 1912.7.19* 60. T h e Yuan-N ing dong guan, a large lodge for sojourners from Nanjing, housed the Silk and Satin Guild (Richard Belsky, pers. comm., Jan. 20,1996). 61. T h e N P P A also received support from other allies. In summer 1912, for example, the Suzhou silk industry repeatedly sent telegrams to the Ministry o f Industry and Commerce ( X $ ) p ß ) on the importance o f using domestic silk. T h e head o f the Ministry o f Industry and Commerce, W ang Zhengting, responded on July 2 with a reassurance that a favorable decision by the government was imminent: *The clothing case is presently being considered
N ationalizing the Appearance o f M en
In language reflecting the concerns o f che N P P A , the Silk and Satin G uild repeated the arguments to de-emphasize the use o f wool in the pro duction o f clothing by removing the characters “joint use o f silk and wooL” T h e guild s petition noted that China was presently unable to supply wool and that emphasizing its use would only lead to continued massive imports o f wool, the decline o f domestic industry, and further disorder. Although encroachment by foreign goods and the substitution o f wool for domestic silk had begun before the Revolution, the petition im plicitly blamed the revolutionaries for worsening the situation because o f their failure to prom ulgate new clothing regulations. T h e guild urged the government to address both issues by quickly issuing regulations that emphasized the use o f ‘’pure” (#6) domestic materials. Furthermore, it argued that opponents o f foreign fabrics were acting in the interests o f the nation by attempting to preserve “economic rights“ (^ Ijfê). Finally, the petition appealed to the self-interest o f the new government by reminding it that taxes on silk helped pay the salaries o f both soldiers and bureaucrats (Zhengfu gonghao 1912.8.1). Unlike earlier petitions on clothing such as the one sent by the N P P A to Sun Yatsen, the one forwarded by the Beijing Chamber o f Commerce ex plicitly rejected the need to change Chinese clothing styles. It challenged the contention o f the proponents o f wool that silk and satin were inappropriate for fall and winter and encouraged Chinese to continue the traditional prac tice o f wearing furs. For winter wear it suggested a for lining under an outer layer made o f silk or satin and confidently concluded that improving and ex panding rather than discarding the use o f these Chinese materials would ob viate the need for imported wool. A ny clothing law ought to reinforce these goals (Zhengfu gongbao 1912.8.1). T h e lobbying paid off. In O ctober 1912, President Yuan announced the Clothing Law (HS^JÜI) (see Fig. a.5).62 T he law confirms the success o f the N P P A and the silk industry in influencing state policy. In effect, it halted and reversed the initial official policy that had emphasized W estern styles and fabrics. Instead, it allowed, even encouraged, the use o f Chinese-style
by the Cabinet. It has decided to promote the use o f national silk as its basis. After the Provi sional Council o f Provincial Representatives passes the bill, it will be announced.'
6a. Shenbao,
which actively promoted the N P P A and the movement, beat the Zhengfu
jonjfcu by publishing a copy o f the law, including the illustrations, on its front page on 1912.8.20.
t f i i i P !7
M i« R- ■ ti
• s * |
which ran from October 1 to O ctober 20. Eighteen provinces and two special zones sent approximately 100,000 items (Nongshangbu (1918]).”
$1. This anicle includes a translation o f the June 10,191$, memorial to the president on the commission. 5a. Indeed, the name given to the foreign pavilions reflected this purpose. A s discussed in the following chapter, at the 1929 exhibition in Hangzhou, an English-language sign on the building read 'Foreign Exhibits,' whereas the Chinese sign labeled the exhibit a 'reference display' 53. Such exhibitions led directly to the establishment o f new industries. For example, the display o f Shandong lace products inspired Beijing entrepreneurs first to sell these products and then to manufacture their own (Dingle and Pratt 1921: Report #116).
Governm ent organizers could not have successfully prepared the exhibition or established the exhibition hall without the assistance o f movement organizations. In Shanghai and the surrounding area, groups such as the N P P A and the recently established Society to Encourage the Use o f N a tional Products
helped gather, certify, and subm it national
products. In summer 1915, to promote the exhibition and the movement as a whole, the N P P A and this society began publishing the National Products Monthly (ËtljUM $8), which featured extensive reports on the 191$ exhibition in Beijing.54 T h e monthly also published the M inistry o f Finances assurance chat products shipped to the exhibition would not have to pay transit taxes (“Fu hui zhi tiaogui"). A s with other N P P A activities, this journal spread the movement to Chinese far beyond Shanghai.15
S H A N G H A I C O M M E R C IA L P R O D U C T S D IS P L A Y H ALL “N ational humiliations” such as Japan's presentation o f the Tw enty-O ne Demands in 1915 prompted immediate reactions, but movement activists and sympathizers also responded to economic trends. A fter W orld W ar I, the return o f W estern soldiers, diplomats, merchants, and commodities to China quickly ended what contemporary Chinese observers called the coun try's Golden Age o f self-reliant economic growth.56 T h e creation o f a per manent display hall in Shanghai reflected this renewed sense o f national economic crisis. Although plans began as early as O ctober 1915, the Shanghai General Cham ber o f Commerce finally established the Shanghai Comm er cial Products D isplay H all
in 1921.57 In the face o f the
dumping o f products by hostile powers, one critic reminded readers o f the
$4> “Zhonghua guohuo weichi hui zuzhi quanguo guohuo zhanlanhui canguantuan m anyanshu ji zhangcheng" (1915). 55. Because this journal was distributed to 19 cities and provinces and to overseas Chinese
in such places as Singapore, it became an early and important vehicle for disseminating the movement agenda, particularly the idea o f organizing nationalized spectacles. For an intro* duction, see Chen Zhengshu 1987. 56. The development o f domestic industry in this period is extensively documented in Du 1991. The amount o f autonomy was relative, because the Japanese actively filled the vacuum
created by the departure of Western business interests. By one estimate, between 1914 and 1919» the number o f Japanese companies increased from 955 to 4*878 (Remer 1933a: 421* 4 5 0 * 57. T h e idea for creating such a hall, however, had been proposed as early as 190a (X u Dingxin and Q ian Xiaoming 1991:263).
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
central tenet o f the movement and the abstract purpose o f the halb "W e be lieve that military invasion definitely cannot destroy China but we fear that economic invasion can” (Pei Yunqing 1936).54 In a petition to Chinese offi cials regarding the plans for the opening o f the hall and the launching o f an inaugural exhibition, organizers underscored their fear that the réintroduc tion o f foreign consumer goods would destroy China s nascent light indus trial sector. O nce again, the writers warned, China would be relegated to providing raw materials to foreign powers and importing finished products ("Ben suo lici juban zhanlanhui zhi jingguo" [1936]). T o the halls organizers, it had helped prevent a reversal. T h e nationwide search for authentic Chinese goods itself disseminated nationalistic categories o f consumption while helping to identify and collect suitable products. Organizers used five techniques to find national products. T hey sent requests to the M inistry o f Agriculture and Commerce and pro vincial leaders soliciting samples, wrote letters to the general chamber o f commerce and local notables in each city asking for assistance, requested schools and individuals to submit model goods, obtained products from fa mous factories, and dispatched their own investigators. Thanks to these methods, the hall received over 30,000 items from 870 business leaders in over too locations. Although the goods came primarily from cities and coun ties in the surrounding and nearby provinces o f Jiangsu and Zhejiang, more distant provinces such as Yunnan and Sichuan also sent items ("D iyi ci zhanlanhui" [ipas]).59 T h e Display H all quickly became a central institution in the burgeoning movement in Shanghai, and a steady flow o f pilgrims to the nationalistic commodity fetish made their way to the hall. T h e activities o f the hall began in Novem ber 1921. Several hundred officials, industrialists, and foreign digni taries gathered at the Shanghai General Chamber o f Comm erce auditorium for the opening ceremony o f speeches and a guided tour o f the grounds. O ver the 30 days o f the event, some 61,$00 people visited ("Ben suo lici juban
$8. S S C 1936, a commemorative volume for the fifteenth anniversary o f the founding of the hall, contains many different types o f documents: an organizational chart, lists o f mem
bers, charts o f the different types o f products displayed and other activities o f the hall, essays by prominent government officials and members o f the business community, copies o f official correspondence, bylaws o f the organization, and photographs o f prominent leaders o f the hall, exhibits, and conferences. The collection is unpaginated. $9. For a complete list o f these locations and the number o f participants, see "Ben suo lici juban zhanlanhui zhi jingguo* (1936).
zhanlanhui zhi jingguo" [1936]). T h e number o f visitors to the hall varied by tim e o f year. D uring 1922, each day anywhere from a Stw dozen to several thousand visited (“Chongxin qiyao hou” [1923]). In 1923, several thousand visited each m onth (T in ia n nei” [1924]). T h e hall provided year-round access to thousands o f objects o f everyday life deified as talismans for national salvation. These were mundane item s. T h e hall categorized the vast m ajority o f these products as m anufactured goods, dyed and woven goods, chemical products, horticultural item s, enter tainm ent goods, food and drink products, and pharmaceuticals. In addition, the hall displayed a smaller number o f art objects, scientific instrum ents, hunting and shepherding tools, and aquatic products. Reflecting the growth o f the national economy, the total number o f objects displayed rose from approxim ately 5,300 items in 1922 to 8,695 items in 1936 ("Ben suo gezhong chenliepin” [1936]). T h e presentation o f these items underscored chat they were much more chan commodities defined strictly by their exchange-value. T hroughout the industrializing world, the introduction o f plate glass windows and dis play cases was subdy and decisively altering the relationship between com modities and consumers. Glass shut down the access o f tw o senses, sm ell and touch, and transferred more power to sight. T h e introduction o f plate glass windows had the same effect in China.60 Encasing Chinese articles in fancy glass display cases in an elegant and sanitized environment sim ulta neously provided access and created distance (see Fig. 5.5). A s historian W illiam Leach has noted for Am erican department stores, “the result was a mingling o f refusal and desire that must have greatly intensified desire* (1993: 63). W ith in the spectacles nationalized by the movement, however, this desire was valued not only for satisfying individual wants and selling goods but also for aiding "national salvation" (X iang Kangyuan 1936; T a o Leqin 1936). T h e Shanghai D isplay H all— along w ith other halls established in 1915— helped build a rudimentary national foundation for the exhibitionary
60. O n the introduction o f glass displays to storefronts in C hina in the 1920s, see Z h e n 1997:49. For an example o f the dramatic impact o f the introduction o f plate glass windows in one Chinese town in this period, see Thom as 1931:147-49. T hom as writes that the whole town turned out at night to see the illuminated display, and many o f the other shops in this town quickly followed suit.
Fig. 5.5 Shanghai Commercial Products Display Hall (est. 1921) ( S S C 1936)
These photographs show the hall's lounge (upper left), main entrance (upper right), and display cases of national products. By excluding foreign products from a building housing only certi fied Chinese national products and by putting these mundane commodities (which included automobile tires, bicycle wheels, kitchenware, and canned foods) in glass cases, nationalistic commodity spectacles such as this one helped define nationalistic categories o f consumption in China.
complex. T he halls provided representative commodities to regional, national, and international exhibitions. Between its founding in 1921 and its fifteenth anniversary in 1936, the Shanghai Display H all helped collect products for seventeen domestic fairs and organized delegations for fif teen overseas expositions.61 For instance, in 1929, the hall provided 9,842 articles to the W est Lake Exhibition in H angzhou .6263I t also organized five major exhibitions o f its own, such as the inaugural exhibition o f 1921 th a t coincided w ith the opening o f the hall and later displays o f the prod' ucts o f im portant Chinese industries such as silk, chemical, and seasonal goods.62 Even before the establishm ent o f a relatively stable central governm ent in 1928, an exhibitionary complex th at generated nationalistic com m odity spec tacles had emerged. M ajor display halls such as the one in Shanghai played a direct role in organizing similar halls and extending the notion o f nationalis' tic consum ption into other cities. In 1923, for the Suzhou Display H all, for instance, organizations such as the N P P A not only supplied inform ation on how to set up a hall but also helped collect product samples and publicize the event.64 In short, exhibitions already enjoyed widespread support among Chinese politicians, business leaders, student activists, and others attem pting to prom ote Chinese nationalism through the strengthening o f nationalistic categories o f consum ption. T his base provided a strong foundation for an even more comprehensive and organized complex o f displays th at developed during the following decade.
61. For a complete list, see "Ben suo linian juxing zhanlanhui ji daizheng chupin yi lan" (A look at each year that this hall hosted exhibitions and helped solicit products), in S S C 1936.
6a. "Lici daizheng chupin shuliang bijiao mian" (A comparative graph o f the numbers o f products solicited each time), in S S C 1936. The hall also organized delegations to participate in the International Silk Expositions held in N ew York in 1921 and 1923. T h e extensive prepa rations undertaken by the hall are exhaustively documented in Shanghai zong shanghui 1923: pt. II. 63. For full reports on these exhibitions, including photographs, see Shanghai zong
shanghui 1924. 64* S Z M A File 58 9:2 0 -41,70-72« Moreover, the N P P A continued to play an active role
in establishing such national product exhibitions. O n its role in an exhibition in W u county, Jiangsu province, for instance, see S Z M A File 1349 :1-9.12-17,57-94«
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
Expansion Under the Nationalist Government In 1928, two events accelerated and expanded the N ational Products Move m ent and its use o f nationalistic commodity spectacles: the establishm ent o f a new central government under the N ationalists (G uom indang or G M D ) and the massive nationwide boycotts that followed the outbreak o f fighting w ith Japanese troops in Shandong province. T his anti-im perialist environ m ent intensified the demand for certified national products and stim ulated Chinese leaders to accede to popular demands to impede im ports by endors ing the movement.65 T he restoration o f central su re power had an immediate impact on the movement. U nder the leadership o f its activist m inister, Kong Xiangxi, the M inistry o f Industry and Commerce supported the inculcation o f nationalistic consum ption by placing Chinese commodities on temporary and perm anent display (Z D L D G 1991: 7 4 5 - 5 S ) . 66 Indeed, the organization o f industrial exhibitions was part o f a much larger m inistry effort to promote industrial production. Among other efforts, the ministry created rules for rewarding and encouraging Chinese manufacturers, distributed instrum ents such as weights and rulers to help standardize production, and commis sioned special investigations o f various industries. A t the same time, it also drafted tradem ark laws, established rules for government takeovers o f failing industries, and created quality-control bureaus in commercial ports to prevent exports o f poorly manufactured goods (on these efforts, see Tyau 19 3 0 :19 1-2 0 9 ).
A lthough Kong’s m inistry was the most active, other government organs also supported the movement. For example, the M inistry o f the Interior cir culated detailed proposals specifying how every Chinese social and political
6$. Many types o f evidence confirm this heightened level o f movement activity. For in stance, commercial and industrial operations, for fear o f being labeled foreign, sought mem bership in these organizations as well as certifications o f national product authenticity. 66. The ministry also circulated these suggestions in the 1918 booklet Guohuo yundong (The National Products Movement). This ministry was formally established in March 1928,
after the successful completion o f the Northern Expedition, and was an amalgamation o f the Beijing government s Ministry o f Agriculture and Commerce and the Ministry o f Industry. In 19)1, the ministry merged with the Ministry o f Agriculture and Mining to form the Minis try o f Industries. Kong Xiangxi resigned from the ministry in 1931 but later became minister o f finance. O f course, other ministries participated and promoted efforts to collect and pro mote national products. For an overview, see Z G Z Z W 1929k pt. VII.
organization should contribute to the movement.*7 T hese proposals provide a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which movement term s and goals circulated throughout governm ent and society. In July, the central gov ernm ent issued a set o f recom m endations for prom oting national products th a t set specific responsibilities for fifteen different social and governm ent groups .6768 For example, N ationalist Party members and student groups were asked to organize teams to travel to tow ns and villages to lecture on the meaning o f buying national products. T he recom m endations also suggested th a t party members contact commercial publications and request th at na tional product advertisem ents receive reduced rates and th at publishers use national product new sprint whenever possible. For their part, cham bers o f commerce were requested, among other things, to “prom ote m orality among business people“ by teaching them “no t to sell im ports, unless they are essen tial" and not to grant cham ber m em bership to anyone who sold im ports. T he M inistry o f the Interior also instructed public security bureaus to pay special attention to the protection o f national product m anufacturers and shops and to allow them to hang national product advertisem ents and movement slogans on public-notice boards for free. All governm ent depart m ents were instructed to include a page urging the consum ption o f national products in each o f their publications .69 N A T I O N A L P R O D U C T S M U SE U M S : N A T IO N A L IZ E D CONSUM ER SPACES W ith the cooperation o f movement organizations, the new governm ent im m ediately moved to expand another central element in the exhibitionary com plex. In O ctober 1927, the M inistry o f Industry and Com m erce issued
67. A copy was published as “Fuyu: Neizheng buzhang tichang guohuo zhi juti banfâ* (192S). Several pieces o f Nationalist government correspondence on this matter during the
summer o f 1928 are republished in Z D L D G 1991:737-J968. These included the Nationalist Party, chambers o f commerce, trade unions, student organizations, women's organizations, Ministry o f Interior, Ministry o f Finance, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry o f Agriculture and Mining, Ministry o f Communications, universities and colleges, and the military, among others. For information on the 'su re corporatist* social management style introduced by the Nationalist government, see Fewsmith 198$: 159-66. 69. During 1928 and 1929, in accordance with these guidelines, many local and provincial
government organs and movement organizations published similar recommendations. The Nationalists published many guides to the movement, including Z G Z Z W 1929a. b.
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
the “Rules for N ational Product Museums" ("Guohuo chenlieguan tiaoli"), which required each province and city to establish a “national products mu seum." Although the ministry lacked the resources to enforce the rules, the initiative met with widespread acceptance (Lin Zhim ao 1928). Shanghai, the leading city in the movement, soon established a museum. So did many other cities. In 1928 alone, twelve cities and provinces, among them Beiping, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanxi, Fujian, Hebei, and Jiangsu, set up national products museums. W ithin two years after the establishment o f a national government in Nanjing, there were some 21 new or reorganized museums.70 Even the remote northwestern province o f Ningxia and the southwestern city o f G uizhou eventually set up such museums (Zhongguo bowuguan xiehui 1936:121-28,161-62). Nanjing, the new capital o f China, established one o f the most ambitious museums. Following a week o f activities designed to encourage citizens to adhere to the principles o f nationalistic consumption, the Capital N ational Products Museum ( t t * ^ IIS ^ $ 1^(1 S t) held an opening ceremony on a September afternoon in 1929.71 Addressing over a thousand representatives from the government, the N ationalist Party, and the business world, Kong Xiangxi called the museum “the first step“ in developing industry and com merce.72 Events such as this were in effect a national convention for move ment activists, as organizations in other cities sent representatives to the opening ceremonies. For example, the Shanghai Citizens Association for the
70. For the complete list, see Dong 1930:1-3. Sometimes these institutions grew out o f earlier ones. For example, at the end o f 192s, the Hebei provincial government’s Industrial and Commercial Affairs Office ( X f f f i K ) responded to the ministry’s order by reorganizing the Tianjin Commercial Products Exhibition Hall ( ^ $ f jSjnafiHi^JnJr) and renaming it the H e bei Provincial National Products Museum
SK^Utfl). Shanghai manufacturers
also planned to send a team to help with the reorganization. See H u Guangming et al. 1994: i$ii-!2. For additional information on this museum, including a list o f its award-winning products, see ibid.: 1512-24. 71. 'Gongshang bu guohuo chenlieguan zhanqi kaimu* (Opening ceremony postponed for the Ministry o f Industry and Commerce's National Products Museum), Gongshang banjue km 1.7 (1929.4): 1; 'Gongshang bu guohuo chenlieguan kaimu* (Opening ceremonies o f the M in istry o f Industry and Commerce’s National Products Museum), Gongshang banyut kan 1.17 (1929.8): 1; and Guoshiguan (Academia Historica) Presidential archives, 267:1683-77. 72. 'Gongshang bu guohuo chenlieguan kaimu* (Opening ceremonies of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce's National Products Museum), Shangyc zazhi 4.9 (1929.9): 2. For a collection of essays discussing the significance of the new museum, see Kong Xiangxi 1929.
Prom otion o f N ational Products sent a large delegation .73 In its first year, the highly popular m useum displayed over 7,000 objects and welcomed nearly a million visitors.74*In addition, as w ith museums in other cities, the C apital M useum also organized special exhibitions. For example, in spring 1930, the hall hosted a m onth-long A ll-China Silk and Satin Exhibition. As w ith m ost such exhibitions, foreign products were not perm itted to partici pate ("G uohuo chenlieguan jinxun" [1930]). T he museum also set up a per m anent national products marketplace th a t quickly attracted over fifty shops th a t rented space there ("Gongshang bu guohuo chenlieguan jishou zhm i xing banfa" [1929]). G radually, and through these museums and exhibitions, the idea o f consecrating national products m arkets was taking hold .73 Changsha, the capital o f H unan province, established an even m ore im pressive institution. A fter several years o f preparations, in 1931, the province began building the H unan N ational Products M useum, a massive threestory building at the site o f the form er imperial examination grounds (a fit ting symbol o f the new im portance o f commodity consum ption as a path to status ).76 T he project was finally finished in January 1934. T he largest na tional products m arketplace in the province occupied the first floor, along w ith a movie house, three restaurants, and a barbershop. T he second and third floors exhibited products collected from major cities throughout C hina as well as the province’s specialty products. O rganizers hoped to attract con sum ers year-round by using fans in the summer and heating in the w inter
73. For photographs o f this delegation, see Shangje zazhi $.3 (1930.3): Inside front cover. ‘ G uohuo gongchang daibiao dahui canjia G ongshang bu G uohuo chenlieguan kaimu jinian Guozhanhui* (N ational product manufacturers delegation to participate in the M inistry o f Industry and Commerce's exhibition to commemorate the opening o f the N ational Products M useum ), SB 1929.8.14:13. 74 . ‘Guohuo guan juxing jinian hui* (National Products Museum hosts anniversary meeting), Gongshang banjut kan 2.18 (1930.9): 2; and ‘Xuyan’ (Introduction), in Shiye bu, Guohuo chenlieguan 1931:1-8. 7$. O n e active participant in the movement asserted that selling national products at m u seums was essential to creating in the museum— and by extension in the products— a dy namic and up-to-date environment; see T ian xu W osheng (pseud, o f C h en Diexian), ‘ Gongxian yu guohuo chenlieguan’ (Contributing to the N ational Products M useum s), Jiiiaii
huikan 10$ (1934.10.1$): 3-$. 76. Similarly, Nanjing had used the former examination grounds for the Jiangsu Indus trial Exhibition of 1921. This exhibition became the basis of the first permanent industrial museum in Nanjing; see *Kiangsu Industrial Exposition,* Nanjing Consul to U.S. Secretary of State, 1921.2.9, CRDS File 893.607B: 1.
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
and added to die festive environment by broadcasting music throughout the building. T his building was a conspicuous fortress for the nationalized economy, and it drew the attention o f local Japanese, who complained about the official reference to prohibiting "Japanese products* ( 0 iH). Japanese pressure forced museum managers to replace the offending characters with the broader term "foreign products" (
(D ai 1996:420-21).
T H E E S T A B L I S H M E N T OF T H B SH A N G H A I M U N ICIPA L N A T I O N A L P R O D U C T S M U SB U M A closer look at one museum reveals how these institutions operated.77 Founded in August 1928, the Shanghai Municipal National Products Mu» seum was one o f the earliest within this new network o f government' sponsored national products museums. In contrast to the Shanghai Com mercial Products Display H all set up by the Chamber o f Commerce in 1921, the Social Affairs Bureau o f the local government, working under the di rection o f the M inistry o f Industry and Commerce, ran this museum.78 In Shanghai, as in other cities, the museum had two express purposes: gener ally, to promote the consumption o f national products and, more specifi cally, to investigate the nationality o f products and display only certified Chinese ones.79 Thus, the museum represented the visible culmination o f a much larger process that separated and then displayed national products. In achieving these purposes, the museum created nationalized spaces and in the process contributed critical elements to the emerging nationalistic exhibitionary complex.80
77. Museums and other movement institutions frequently published and circulated de tailed reports, as well as copies o f their rules and official correspondence; this may account for the similarity o f rules and events among these institutions. 7*. T his museum was not entirely new. It was created by the Shanghai municipal gov ernment in August o f 191s and based on the Bureau o f Agriculture, Industry, and Com merces Industrial Products Exhibition Room. Christian Henriot singles out Shanghai’s S o cial Affairs Bureau, and its chief, Pan Gongzhan, as especially effective agents within a very active municipal government (1993:211-26). 79. *Zhengli jingguo ji jihua” (Undertakings and plans), in S S G C 1933: 'G u an w u ' section, 9-10. So. T h e procedures for investigating and certifying ‘ national products,' a critical compo nent in the evolution o f the exhibitionary complex, are discussed in detail in Chapter 4.
T he museum reflected Shanghai's im portance to the movement. A ccord' ing to the second director o f the museum, D ong Keren , Shanghai was the "staging ground for foreign commercial economic invasion o f China; therefore prom oting national products in Shanghai was especially im por tant" (D ong 1930: 3-4). T o prom ote these products, the museum director and his staff carefully regulated the relationship between the observer and the observed ("Shanghai shi guohuo chenlieguan guicheng" [1930]). As w ith ocher sices in the nationalized exhibitionary complex, the museum had strict regulations governing the display o f products. T he first rule lim ited access to Chinese citizens and their national products .81 T o return to the national pilgrimage m etaphor adapted from W alter Ben jam in, the museum operators consciously worked to create a sacred space for national products, the m odem equivalent o f holy relics. T he museum was open every day to all Chinese citizens, but it stricdy regulated the personal appearance and deportm ent o f visitors and staff. For instance, visitors were asked not to chew tobacco or spit. N o r did it adm it "drunkards, the insane, the improperly dressed, those with livestock or dangerous articles, unaccom panied children under 10" or anyone deemed by the staff to be a nuisance. Inside the museum, patrons were requested to proceed through the building in an orderly m anner and not to shout or impede the viewing o f others .82 As Thom as Richards has rem arked on the Crystal Palace, putting commodities on display in this way generated reverence for the objects, and elevated "the commodity above the mundane act o f exchange" (1990:39). Because they were perm anent institutions, these national products muse ums became bases for the regular circulation o f inform ation and commodi ties. As the record o f museums such as the one in Shandong confirms, a growing num ber o f these institutions throughout C hina participated in product exchanges th at enabled museum visitors to inspect certified Chinese
81. ‘Shanghai shi guohuo chenlieguan zhengji chupin guize* (1930). The process aimed to be transparent, and the regulations were reprinted in many places; see, e.g., Gongshang banyut kan 1.8 (1929.4); 19-20. See also ‘Shanghai shi guohuo chenlieguan shencha chupin guize* (1930). Similar rules applied to products sold at the museum (see ‘Shanghai shi guohuo chenlieguan shoupin guize' [1930]). These regulations applied to museums in other cities, too (see ‘Gongshang bu guohuo chenlieguanjishou zhanxing banfa* [1919]). 82. ‘ Shanghai shi guohuo chenlieguan canguan guize* (T h e rules for visitors to the Shang hai Municipal National Products Museum ), in S S G C 1933, ‘ Guanwu* section, 3-4; and S S G C 1930:136-37.
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
commodities manufactured outside their region.*3 Moreover, the circulation o f these national products extended outside China. Ethnic Chinese commu nities in other countries regularly participated in this movement to establish museums or display halls for Chinese products; the ways national products solidified connections between overseas Chinese and China await further study .*4 These institutions, then, became an im portant venue in which even illiterate Chinese could make the nation a product o f their imaginations. A SPECTACULAR WEBK
N ational product exhibitions were often at the center o f broader movement events. T he first o f many combined local and N ationalist government efforts was the N ational Products Movement W eek o f July 7-13,1928. T he week inculcated the nationalistic categories o f consumption through three pri mary areas o f activity: public entertainm ent, the Summer and Autum n A rti cles N ational Products Exhibition, and the Conference on Improving Prod ucts. These areas corresponded roughly to the three stated objectives o f the week: generating broad public support for the movement, cultivating the domestic m arket for national products by raising awareness o f the range o f such goods, and improving the quality and competitiveness o f products by encouraging cooperation among producers.*5 A n impressive array o f carefully planned spectacles supported the week: a parade, parties, rallies, the scattering o f fliers from airplanes, and the posting o f slogans throughout the city. Both Shanghai business circles and the new
S). For a 193$ exhibition, for example, the museum displayed scores o f products from the Shanghai Display Hall as well as from other cities. For a complete list o f products displayed from other museums, see "Yinun lai lixing gongzuo* (Routine work o f this past year), in Shandong sheng guohuo chenlieguan 1936. 84. Shanghai, Suzhou, and other major cities routinely received requests for information about locally produced goods. For example, in winter 1928, the Jiangsu provincial government forwarded a letter to the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce from the Chinese Prod ucts Museum of Thailand. The lener explained that the museum was trying to help market national products to the many ethnic Chinese living overseas who wanted to express concern for their 'ancestral land* ( M S ) through consumption ('Xianluo Huahuo chenlieguan zhengji guohuo' (1928]). 8$. Many sources list these three goals: see, e.g., 'Guohuo yundong dahui taolun gailiang pinzhi huiyi ji* (1928). For a non-Chinese perspective on the week, see "National Products Exhibition, Shanghai, China,’ Shanghai Consul Huston to U.S. Secretary of State, 1928.7.26, CRDS File 893.607.
government made elaborate preparations for the week, which the Social Af fairs Bureau intended to be the first o f an annual series.16 U nder the bureau's direction, nearly every division w ithin the Shanghai municipal government participated. A special preparatory committee consisted o f some o f the m ost powerful men in Shanghai, including many national product m anufacturers. Collectively, these bodies convinced famous individuals and scholars to give speeches and w rite articles, and they persuaded all the major papers to publish special articles on the week. Movie theaters and radio stations also agreed to prom ote it. In preparation, the city printed tens o f thousands o f copies o f the official slogans for the week and required th at during the week all stores fly the national flag and post the slogans. O rganizers even asked th at all chamber members fly a “Use N ational Products” pennant on their (im ported) automobiles.8687 Shanghai's leading figures participated in the spectacle. T he opening ceremonies were held on the afternoon o f July 7,1928, a t the Shanghai G en eral Cham ber o f Commerce headquarters. Prom inent officials and industrial ists attended, including M ayor General Zhang Dingfan 3H JËI8 (1891-1945), the chief o f public security, the head o f the local sanitation bureau, and the head o f the municipal industrial office. M embers o f commercial organizations such as the general, county, and local chambers o f commerce also attended. T he three major movement organizations th at had participated in the prepa rations urged their members to attend. In addition to groups th at m ight be expected to participate enthusiastically in movement events, every conceivable social group was required to send representatives. A ltogether more than a thousand people attended ( “Shanghai guohuo yundong zhou” [1928]). Everything about the event reinforced the central messages o f the move m ent. T he chamber s auditorium was decorated for the occasion, and post ers w ith movement slogans were hung throughout the halL T he mayor, in the opening speech, outlined his vision o f comprehensive social participation in creating a nationalized economy: agricultural laborers would produce na tional products, merchants would sell only national products, Chinese con sum ers would “wholeheartedly” use them , and the government would sus tain this cycle by continually prom oting them . A nother speaker rem inded everyone that the events o f the week were to be more than ju st an advertise86. On these and other preparations, see 'Guohuo yundong dahui tiaoli' (National Prod ucts Movement Rally preparations), SB 1928.6.29:14.
$7. 'G u o h u o yundong dahuT (National Products Movem ent rally), SB 1928.7.$: i).
Nationalistic Commodity Spectacles
m ent, not something seen and soon forgotten. As the head o f the Social Af fairs Bureau explained, organizers hoped this week would “change the psy chology o f the people by causing them to develop a deep appreciation o f na tional products.“" T he introduction o f N ationalist Party and s a te resources politicized many movement events, including the N ational Products Movement W eek. A t the opening ceremony, for instance, a N ationalist represenutive at tem pted to claim as much credit for the party as possible. H e reminded chose assembled that this sort o f event would have been impossible just a few years earlier during the warlord period preceding the reunification o f China under N ationalist rule. As did other movement supporters, he argued that three major social goals o f China depended on the success o f the movement. “First, if China desires international economic independence, it must pro mote national products. Second, if China wants wealth and power, its citi zens m ust stimulate industry. And third, if Chinese desire freedom and equality, then everyone must cherish and use national products.“ H e pre dicted that under the leadership of the new N ationalist government and the party these long-cherished goals would be realized." A fter several hours o f speeches, the opening ceremony concluded with the mayor of Shanghai leading everyone in shouting the week's ten official slogans:88990 1. T h e N a tio n a l P ro d u cts M o vem en t is a m ovem ent o f national salvation! 2. C h in e se people sh o u ld n ot w elcom e foreign products! j. P ro m o tin g national products is th e responsibility o f all citizens! 4. T o resist th e foreign econ om ic invasion, w e m u st p rom ote n ational products! 5. T o stim ulate national prod u cts, w e m ust have lasting and genu in e preparations! 6. W o rk e rs m ust energetically im prove nacional prod u cts and im prove production ! 7. M erchan ts m ust energetically m arket national products! 8. T h e masses m ust energetically b u y nacional products! 9. N atio n a l p ro d u ct m anufacturers and m erchants forever! 10. Sh an gh ai Special M u n icip ality N a tio n a l P rod u cts M o vem en t forever!
88. For a description o f the opening ceremonies, excerpts o f the speeches, and a photo graph, see 'D ah ui kaimu qingxing" (Rally opening ceremony events), SB 1928.7-8: 1J. 89. Ibid. 90. Ibid., p. 14.
M ass media extended the reach o f the message to those who did not attend. Newspapers printed excerpts from the speeches, and a movie company film ed many o f the events.91 In addition, a Chinese record company recorded and distributed the speeches by M ayor Zhang Dingfan and Social A ffairs Bureau C h ie f Pan Gongzhan.929 3Because the recordings were aimed at ethnic Chinese living abroad, they also included English translations o f the speeches so that non-M andarin speakers could understand them. T h e mayor told listeners that the prom otion o f national products required adherence to a simple prin ciple: T f it doesn't exist, quickly make imitations; if it already exists, then quickly make improvements.” Pan devoted his speech to explaining the ambi tious goal o f the week and the movement: to stimulate nationalistic consump tion throughout China 'from Shanghai to every province, every county, every town, and every village, until throughout the country there isn't a single place that does not strive to promote national products.”99 O rganizers o f the week used many techniques to attract attention, often by creating spectacles within spectacles to disseminate the movement mes sage. O ne o f the best-attended events began on the morning o f the second day, when movie stars and workers from the China Film Com pany led an official N ational Products W eek parade. Some thirty industrial and com mercial enterprises participated, assembling nearly fifty vehicles. T h e parade followed extensive routes through the two areas o f the city.94 Because the event was not considered political, the International Settlem ent authorities perm itted the procession to cross the Settlem ent ("N ational Products W eek” [1928]). A long the routes, participants in the parade passed out fliers advertising the week to some o f the over 100,000 people lining the streets. According to the reporter for a local paper, it was the largest parade to date in Shanghai.95* 91. 'G u o h u o xuanchuan yingpian' (National product dissemination movie), SB 1918.7.9:14.
91. Excerpts of speeches printed in 'Guohuo huapian shouyinjiangci* (National products album records speech), SB 1918.7.8:14. 93. For copies o f all three speeches, see 'G u o h u o huapian yanshuo c f (T e r n o f speeches on the national products records), SB 1918.7.11:14. 94. T h e N anshi and Beishi parade routes were published in advance (see SB 1918.7.7:14).
9$. 'Zuori Nanbei shi qiche da youxing* (Grand vehicle parade yesterday in the South SB 1918.7.9:13. T h is article has the complete list o f participating companies
and N orth cities),
and several photographs o f the parade. Smaller spectacles included the 'amusement parties' ( £ o ä ^ ) hosted by the General Cham ber o f Com m erce throughout the week. T h e elabo rate entertainment programs included plays, musical performances, skits, speeches, and many other forms o f entertainment that usually promoted movement ideas. For example, one party
N ationalistic Commodity Spectacles
T h e main event o f the week was the Summer and Autum n Articles N a tional Products Exhibition
held at the Chamber
o f Commerce's Display H a ll Although the chamber hosted the event, many government and movement organizations helped organize it, including the N P P A and the Shanghai Association o f Mechanized National Products Manufacturers. Altogether, some sixty industrial enterprises exhibited their national products on the two floors o f the h all96 O n the afternoon o f the second day o f the week, nearly five hundred people attended a separate opening ceremony for the exhibition, which featured hours o f the now ritu alistic speeches on the importance o f promoting national products. Follow ing the opening ceremony, the mayor and other officials led a tour o f the display grounds. In addition to these guests o f honor, over 25,000 people viewed this representation o f a purely Chinese nation.97
Because China was unable toconfront andexpel the imperial powers and their commodities from the domestic market, these exhibitions displayed what might be termed "displaced anti-imperialism," in which the desire for the nationalized market was achieved in miniature. The strict rules govern ing participation reflected this dream. The first rule of the exhibition grounds made the goal of displaying only pure national products explicit: "This exhibition is established to promote national products. If an itemis not a national product, then it won't be permitted into the exhibition and thecompetition. Moreover, intheevent that therearecounterfeits [le., nonnational products], as soon as they are discovered, theywill be immediately included a performance by the Boycott Japan Quintet. For a more complete description o f the entertainment, see *Di'er ci youyi hui zhuiji’ (Recollecting the second amusement party), SB
1938.7.13:13: 'D isan
1938.7.13:13; "M od youyi 1938.7.14: >4; and 'Qianwan
ci youyi* (T he third amusement party), SB
hui zhi jianbian' (Highlights o f the last amusement party), SB
Z o n g shanghui relie youyi hui* (T he festive party the night before last at the General Cham ber o f Commerce), SB
96. See 'X iaqiu
yongpin guohuo zhanlanhui mingri kaimu* (Summer and Autum n A rti
cles National Products Exhibition opening ceremonies tomorrow), SB
1938.7.7:16, for
names o f exhibitors. 'X iaqiu yongpin guohuo zhanlanhui jinri kaimu* (Summer and Autum n Articles National Products Exhibition opening ceremonies today), SB
1938.7.8:14, includes a
layout o f the exhibition and a photo o f the entrance.
97. 'B en
suo lici juban zhanlanhui zhi jingguo' (T he course o f each exhibition hosted
this hall), in S S C
1936: 30-31;
'X iaqiu yongpin guohuo zhanlanhui zuori kaimu* (Summer
and Autumn Articles National Products Exhibition opening ceremonies yesterday), SB
1938.7.9:14. T h e article has a photograph o f the speakers. W ith
the exception o f one person,
all are wearing the long-gown, the male uniform o f the movement.
removed from the exhibition grounds and confiscated."9* M any similar rules were designed to ensure that the exhibition displayed only Chinese goods. Exhibitors were required to subm it a signed statem ent guaranteeing the pu rity o f their products and to agree not to exhibit or sell anyone else s prod ucts. These same strict regulations applied to other aspects o f the exhibition. For example, all advertisements by participating businesses had to be ap proved by the organizers. D uring the week, organizers continued to use various prom otional tech niques to stim ulate interest in the exhibition. Attendance at the exhibition grew by the day. O n the third day, for example, the organizers gave away thousands o f free samples.9 99 By the middle o f the week, attendance was so 8 large that the organizers decided to extend the hours o f operation.100T o ex pand the reach o f the exhibition, the bureau also arranged for the publication o f a National Products Catalogue (§ 9 ^ $ ; ^ ) o f the exhibited goods.101 Several months after the event, the Com m ercial Products D isplay H all com piled and printed a commemorative volume o f the week, which it distributed to gov ernment organs and social organizations throughout China.102 By this time, in addition to displaying objects, exhibitions such as this one often created spaces to sell authenticated national products. These exhi bition marketplaces served two purposes. First, like the exhibitions them selves, they were miniature models o f a nationalized market. Second, they made money by giving Chinese consumers an opportunity to buy national products on the spot. T o facilitate this transformation o f nationalistic sen tim ent into consumer desire, the Cham ber o f Comm erce s D isplay H all ar ranged for the articles o f some seventy companies to be sold. Item s included popular consumer goods, especially cosmetics, toiletries, foodstuffs, cooking condiments, pharmaceuticals, straw goods, and children s toys. Sales were
98. For this and other rules o f the exhibition, see 'X iaqiu
zhanlanhui juxing weiyuan hui
ji" (M inutes from the committee meeting for the Summer and Autum n Exhibition), SB
1928.7.2:14. 99. 'X iaqiu
guohuo zhanlanhui xiaoxi” (N ew s o f the Sum m er and Autum n N ational
Products Exhibition), SB 1928.7.11:1$.
too. 'Xiaqiu yongpin guohuo zhanlanhui xiaoxi yishu* ( A roundup o f news o f the Sum mer and Autumn National Products Exhibition), SB 1928.7.12: 13. 101. T h e movement produced many such catalogs. See, e.g., the one published by the Shanghai Association o f Mechanized National Products Manufacturers, Guohuo jangben 1934. 102. 'X iaqiu guohuo zhanlanhui yuwen* (Additional news o f the Sum m er and Autum n National Products Exhibition), SB 1928.9.16:14.
N ationalistic Commodity Spectacles
very brisk.101 T h e exhibition earned an estimated $100,000 in just seven days, making this the most profitable national products sale up to this time.10 104 3 T h e success and utility o f the exhibition marketplace convinced many gov ernment officials and business leaders o f the need to establish permanent marketplaces devoted to selling exclusively national products. Exhibitions held in other cities provide additional evidence o f the spread o f a complex o f nationalistic spectacles. In the beginning o f August, shordy after the end o f the Shanghai N ational Products Movement W eek, the N a tionalist capital o f Nanjing hosted the Capital National Products Traveling Exhibition. In some ways, this event was a continuation o f the Shanghai week. It relied heavily on the support o f movement organizations from Shanghai. A ll the members o f the powerful Shanghai Association o f M echanized N ational Products Manufacturers sent products.10S A s with other exhibitions, this one also set up a temporary marketplace to sell the certified national products o f more than eighty companies. Despite the hot weather, the event was very popular. O n the first day, over 3,000 people vis ited. T o promote the event, organizers posted placards with movement slo gans throughout the city and hired sound trucks to roam the streets o f N an jing advertising the event.106 M ost important, products collected for this exhibition formed the basis for the permanent national products museum that opened in the capital the following year. T his museum, in turn, became the headquarters for many movement activities in Nanjing during the fol lowing decade.107
Before Chinese could "consume nationalism," they had to leant to visualize commoditiesasbelongingtooneoftwocategories: national andforeign. They hadtolearnanationalisticvisuality. Inthefirstthirdofthetwentiethcentury, 103. 'X iaqiu
yongpin guohuo zhanlanhui xiaoxi yishu* (A roundup o f news o f the Sum
mer and Autum n National Products Exhibition), SB
104. "Xiaqiu
1913.7.12: 13.
guohuo zhanlanhui xiaoxi" (N ew s o f the Summer and Autum n National
Products Exhibition), SB 1928.7.14: >4.
10$. "Ji
shoudu guohuo liudong zhanlanhui" (N otes on the Capital National Products
1928.8.5:14. 106. "Shoudu guohuo zhanlanhuiJinri kaimu' (Capital National Products Museumopen ing ceremonies today), SB 1928.8.9:17. 107. For instance, the museum organized a week o f activities on March 16-22,1931. For descriptions and photographs, see "Shoudu tichang guohuo yundong xuanchuan zh o u ' (1931). Traveling Exhibition), SB
T h e museum also hosted numerous special exhibitions (see "Jiangsu techan zhanlanhui"
[1931]). For a summary o f all the activities during 1930, see "Ben guan zuijin yinian" (1931).
an exhibitionary complex o f nationalized product museums, exhibitions, advertisements, stores, and marketplaces emerged to constitute the institutional core o f the movement. T h is burgeoning complex transformed com m odity spectacles into events that enacted the movement's goal o f nationalizing con* sum ption— that is, conferring nationality on commodities— and thereby set ting the foundation for persuading, even compelling, Chinese to consume nationalistically. Through these carefully orchestrated spectacles, the exhibitionary complex helped produce and internalize nationalistic categories o f consumption that underlay the imperative to buy national products. A s a re sult, the power o f price, quality, and especially fashion— the twentieth cen tury's most enigmatic signifier— to convey the essential or primary meaning o f material culture was challenged. Created by and channeled through the movement, anti-imperialist outrage and nationalist pride as well as profits and political propaganda prevented commodities from simply being interpreted as nation-less commodities circulating as pure exchange-values. Dom estic manufacturers and Chinese consumers who were the initial supporters o f the movement welcomed the rapid expansion o f nationalistic com m odity spectacles made possible by the re-establishment o f central sure power. A s Chiang Kai-shek, then chairman o f the new government, noted in his opening speech for the huge Chinese N ational Products Exhibition o f 1928, such a large and comprehensive event would have been unthinkable had the N ationalist Party and army not been successfid in reunifying the country (G SB 1929,2:8a-ioa; SB 1928.11.2). T h e new leaders not only helped bankroll and organize nationalistic spectacles but also became increasingly willing and able to enforce nationalistic consumption through governmentsupported boycotts as well as through more customary means such as tariffs. T hus, sa te power added considerably to the social pressure, suggestive spec tacles, and onging boycotts underlying the movement's efforts to encourage and force individuals in the Chinese sa te to consume nationalism. T h e appropriation o f the movement by the state reveals a larger trend that unfolded in subsequent decades o f Chinese history. A s Chiang Kai-shek also intimated in his speech, state support came with the premise that the econ omy served the nation, not vice versa. T h e Chinese business community— as part o f a much broader social movement— had tied its identity closely to the nation-state. But that identity had a cost. A s products became ''national,'' they undermined the assumption that profits should remain private. Chinese capi talisa steadily lost control and ownership o f their enterprises (see Bergère
N ationalistic Commodity Spectacles
1986 and Coble 1980). Furthermore, by launching and participating in the movement, they unintentionally helped supply the instruments for their own destruction. Private capital itself was increasingly ‘’nationalized* in the more traditional sense o f the word. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the state turned from taxes and extortion to outright expropriation. T h e exigencies o f the Sec ond Sino-Japanese W ar and the ongoing civil war with the Comm unists ac celerated the Nationalist regime's takeover.108Moreover, more than one po litical party linked commodities and the nation-state. A fter the Communists gained control in 1949, they quickly nationalized Chinese capitalists by confis cating private property during the early 1950s and formally abolishing the capitalists as a class later that decade. Ironically, under the Communists, the isolation o f imported products in special 'friendship stores* ( & n Ê fêi/£ ) lim ited the exposure o f Chinese consumers. Chinese consumers, too, had been captured within the narrative o f na tionalistic consumption. A fter the Communist revolution in 1949, they were to consume nationalistically not for "national salvation" by way o f Chinese
manufacturers and at their own discretion
but direcdy through inescapable
participation in the national socialist economy. T h e movement had helped open private and family consumption to wider scrutiny decades before the height o f the Cultural Revolution, when nonfictional boys and girls not only refused to wear the figurative Japanese long johns but also turned their mothers over to the people s courts for treason.
O n the Nationalist government's dramatic expansion o f economic mobilization and
control, see Kirby
199a. According to
Kirby s estimates, by
194a the main arm
ment's economic bureaucracy, the National Resources Commission, controlled the industry in the territories under Nationalist rule.
o f the govern«
40 percent o f
Creating a Nationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928 T h e construction o f material things as "objects" o f a particular character is not per* ceived as problematic. T hin gs are what they are. T h ere is little idea that material things can be understood in a m ultitude o f different ways, that many meanings can be read from things, and that this meaning can be manipulated as required. A lthough we are familiar with the way in which advertisements, for example, select and manipulate images o f material objects in relation to their associative and relational potentials, it is not understood that the ways in which museums "manipulate" material things also set up relationships and associations, and in fact create identities. — Roland Barthes, Image, M usic, T ex t (1977) I f you want to understand patriotism, it is completely incorporated in these three words: Use N ational Products [ffl fcÜÄJ* — M inister o f Industry and Com m erce K on g Xiangxi at the opening ceremonies o f the Chinese N ational Products Exhibition o f 192s T h e N ational government wants to prom ote national products, revive industry and commerce, and recover rights in order that foreign products have no markets in China and that everyone uses national products to destroy imperialism.
— Chiang Kai-shek at the opening ceremonies ofthe Chinese National Products Exhibition of 1928
A s Roland Barthes would have expected and the quotes o f K ong and Chiang confirm , the com m odity spectacles o f the N ational Product M ovem ent had an agenda. In Novem ber 1928, less than four months after the N ational Products M ovem ent W eek, Shanghai hosted a much larger com m odity spectacle. O rganizers crammed over 7,000 rigorously authenticated national products from 24 provinces into a refurbished three~story building. In the next tw o months, well over h alf a m illion people visited the Chinese Na~
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
tional Products Exhibition.1 T h is exhibition was the most spectacular com m odity fair in China since the Nanyang Industrial Exhibition o f 1910 and was a milestone in the movement’s efforts to create nationalized spaces and spectacles. In many ways, it was the culmination o f the two decades o f work described in the previous chapters: the use o f a sophisticated system for identifying and certifying 'national products” (Chapter 4), the complete regulation o f exhibition space, the extensive use o f entertainment and atten dance programs, and, m ost significant, the growing manipulation o f the ex hibitionary complex by the state (Chapter 5). A s w ith other spectacles organized in conjunction with the central gov ernment, the exhibition o f 1928 joined the underlying ideology o f nationalistic consumption and a newer, more centralized sociopolitical force: the N ation alist sa te . T h is chapter brings these two forces— the movement and the N a tionalist s a te — together around the notion o f the myth-making embedded in the event. There were two myths (or stories based on fact and fantasy that be came, in the notion o f Roland Barthes, society's 'com m on sense') at work in the exhibition: the m yth o f national political/territorial integration and the m yth o f economic integration.123These mutually reinforcing myths created a third myth, direcdy inscribed on the exhibition s specators, or ideal subjects, themselves. From the exhibition, organizers hoped, specators would learn to align themselves as 'C h in ese' citizens o f a Chinese nation-sate (replete w ith a Father o f the N ation in Sun Yatsen) and members o f a Chinese economy, represented by every 'national produce' T h e esablishm ent o f the Nationalist state in 1928 intensified the politicization o f commodity specades. T h e organizers intended the exhibition to promote the political myth by commemorating the nominal unification o f China under Chiang Kai-shek and his N ational Revolutionary Arm y in the Northern Expedition.1 T o be sure, the toppling o f the corrupt and discredited Beijing-based national gov ernment was a significant symbolic and m iliary accomplishment. T h e army and its allies destroyed several o f the deeply entrenched regional militarists,
1. G S B 1929, vol. 6: "Benhui mein guanlan renshu tongji biao" (A statistical table o f daily visitors). 2. O f course, the larger myth underlying both was that o f "national unity,” that "China” should be a single political unit. For a contemporary's observations on the centrality o f this concept in Chinese life, see "W atchwords" in Morgan 1930:166-71. 3. Led by Chiang Kai-shek, the N orthern Expedition o f the National Revolutionary Arm y began in the southeast province o f Guangdong in June 1926 and ended with the capture o f Beijing in the summer o f 192S; see Jordan 1976.
knownas"warlords,"suchasWu Peifu (1874-1959), SunChuanfang (1885-1935), and Zhang Zuolin (1873-1928). However, new warlords sprang up in their territories, and the Nanjing governments actual control overmost ofChina remainedtenuousor nonexistent. The total num ber of provinces increasedduring 1928 from22 to28.4*Of these, theNational ist government directlycontrolledonly a handful inthe Lower Yangzi valley and worked constantly to maintain alliances with the warlords controlling otherareas.1In addition, Chinawas severelyconstrainedbytheunequal trea tiesandwouldlosetheprovincesofManchuriatoJapanin1931-32. N ationalist leaders used the visual forum o f the product exhibition to represent sym bolically what they hoped to accomplish in practice: genuine national reunification and integration under the N ationalists and the exer cise o f com plete national sovereignty. Given the fragmented state o f China, any claim that an exhibition was national in scope was certainly a fantasy. Indeed, many pavilions and activities at the 1928 exhibition contradicted the central message o f national unity by em phasizing provincial and native-place affiliations. In many respects, the exhibition was a weak and anxious claim to national representation and internal coherence.6 Still, considering the obsta cles, it was quite an accomplishment. W hen placed alongside the com m odity spectacles explored in the previous chapter, its size, scope, and number o f participants are striking. T h is exhibition went further than earlier ones in developing the symbolism o f the pure Chinese nation. In more practical terms, it also inspired many similar myth-making spectacles that followed both throughout China and in ethnic Chinese communities.7
4. By 1936, the Nationalist government controlled only ten provinces (Tien 197s: *9-9$). $. In 1928, there were five primary centers o f regional power: (1) the Lower Yangzi-based Nationalists; (a) the Guangxi fiction, in control o f most o f H ubei, Hunan, and Guangxi; (3) the 'C hristian G eneral' Feng Yuxiang
(1882-1948), who occupied Shaanxi and H enan as
well as parts o f Shandong and Hebei; (4) Yan Xishan ROd r i l l (1883-1960), who ruled Shanxi and indirectly the Beijing-Tianjin area; and ($) Z h an g Xueliang
(1898-2001), w ho
dominated the northeast. Moreover, local warlords still dominated large areas, including the southwestern provinces o f G u izhou and Yunnan as well as Sichuan (W ilb u r 1983:191-94).
6. Indeed, it is possible to view entire spectacles such as this one as temporary and volatile alliances. See Paul Kramer's revisionist article on Philippine participation in the St. Louis World's Fair o f 1904, in which he argues that this and other American fairs are best consid ered 'fractured and cobbled together* and 'shot through with irresolvable contradictions' rather than 'centrally coordinated 'events" (1999:77). 7. T he speeches— indeed the 1928 exhibition itself and the entire movement— provide an
opportunity to plumb one o f the more contentious questions in the historiography o f the
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Making the Mythical O n Novem ber 1,1928, more than 50,000 people attended the opening cere' monies o f the two-month-long M inistry o f Industry and Commerce's C h i' nese N ational Products Exhibition ( X $ j p ß c|:,$ [ jlI lt 'J ii) l! £ ') (N CH 1928.11.3). T h e long list o f powerful people attending the opening ceremony underscores the importance o f the event. Political leaders turned out in force. Am ong the attendees were the chairman o f the newly established N ational' ist government (ȧ KiEfcÆf), Chiang Kai-shek; the new president o f the Control Yuan and founder o f C hinas most prominent research institution, C ai Yuanpei Ziw en
(1868-1940); banker and M inister o f Finance Song (1894-1971; better known in English as T . V . Soong); and
the N ationalist elder statesman W u Zhihui
(1864-1953). N ational
and local industrial and commercial leaders, such as Shanghai General Chamber o f Commerce leaders Feng Shaoshan iM 'Jtlli (b. 1894) and Y u Xiaqing üK fê’ÆP (1867-1945), also participated. M any other leading Chinese figures attended, including the influential widow o f Sun Yatsen, Song Q ingling
(1893-1981) ("Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui kaimu
shengkuang” [1928]). T h e sights and sounds o f the opening ceremonies were rich in movement symbolism. T h e event began during the afternoon with a procession leading from the nearby South Railway Station along the newly built National Products Road (H SÄ S S) to the main gate o f the exhibition grounds on the former site o f the N ew Puyu Benevolent Association (jjjfr^f W ^ ) (Fig. 6.1). A s the head o f the ministry that had organized the exhibition. M inister o f Industry and Commerce Kong Xiangxi led a procession o f several thousand people who carried banners, passed out leaflets, and shouted slogans urging their compatriots to use national products. W hen the parade reached the entrance to the grounds, the organizers held elaborate opening ceremonies, which featured firecrackers, gun salutes, and ten different brass bands.
Nanjing Decade (1917-37): What level— if any— o f institutionalized and informal account ability was imposed on the Nationalist regime by such classes and social groupings as land lords, merchants, industrialists, and intellectuals? The issue is beyond the scope o f this book, but the evidence supports the views o f Richard Bush (1982) and Joseph Fewsmith (198$) that there was significant interpenetration o f business and Nationalist interests in the Nanjing Decade.
'40k' Fig. 6.i Chinese National Products Exhibition ( G S B 1929) Photographed are som e o f the guests at the opening cerem onies for the C hinese N ational Products Exhibition in Shanghai in 1916. A t this and other m ovem ent events, m ost industri alists and politicians chose to represent them selves in the long-gow n, rather than W esternstyle suits, as they often did in other situations. Earlier, m ovem ent participants had reinter preted the long-gow n as a sym bol o f Chinese nationalism , and it became the de facto m ale uniform o f the m ovem ent.
Immediately before the ceremonies, two airplanes Hew overhead and dropped leaflets prom oting the idea o f nationalistic consumption. Chiang Kai-shek, who had made a special trip to Shanghai just for the event, cere moniously hoisted the N ationalist flag, M inister K ong officially opened the gate to the grounds, and the students o f the Shanghai Jinde G irls School sang the official "Song o f the N ational Products Exhibition* ("01 fö "), which began: "Arise! Arise! Chinese people quickly rise w ith enthusi asm! I f we fail to pay attention to national products, foreign products will abound" (G SB 1929,2:7b). N ationalist government symbols also enveloped the event, a sign o f the growing support for the movement among the new rulers. D uring the exhi bition, party and N ationalist flags blanketed the grounds, Revolutionary Arm y soldiers lined the entranceway, party members frequently gave
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
speeches, and Nationalise holidays, such as the birthday o f Sun Yatsen, were officially observed.* Originally, the exhibition had been scheduled to begin on the most sacred holiday o f the Republic, National D ay or Double T en D ay (O ctober 10), on the anniversary o f the W uchang Uprising and the start o f the Revolution o f 1911, which proponents o f the movement hoped to link to economic nationalism.S .*9 However, the Nationalists had already planned to use this day to formally bunch their government in the new capi tal o f Nanjing and the inauguration o f the Five-Power system o f government fbrm ubted by Sun Yatsen. Because this presented scheduling conflicts for the national leaders who wanted to participate in the opening ceremonies o f the exhibition, it was postponed. T he speeches and essays that accompanied the opening set the tone for the event and reveal the messages China s leaders delivered through this and other movement events. Above all, they expressed the desire to transform the Chinese permanently into patriotic consumers. In a foreword to a special supplement o f a nationally distributed newspaper published on the opening day, one writer warned that support for the movement had often waned with the close o f earlier exhibitions: "Although Shanghai had just had a very successful National Products W eek and Summer and Autum n National Products Exhibition, since then, enthusiasm for national products has dwindled. This exhibition is intended to revive the spirit." H e and other planners hoped that the much more comprehensive scope o f this exhibition would make it "easier for consumers to select and buy national products."10 A t the opening ceremonies, M inister Kong reminded everyone that the exhibition had three purposes, all o f which linked patriotism and consump-
S. November 11,1928, was the sixty-third anniversary of the birth o f Sun Yatsen. O n the commemorative activities at the exhibition, see SB 192S.11.1j: 1$. 9. Attempts to connect state holidays to the movement were as old as the Republic. In 1919, for instance, one Jiangsu orphanage celebrated the holiday by parading children through the streets singing the song 'Use National Products' ('JH W lf" ) and having them go doorto-door selling items from specially prepared boxes o f national products ('Zhenjiang pin'er frifantuan juxing fanmai guohuo kaimu yishi’ (Zhenjiang orphan peddler teams hold Sell Na tional Products inauguration ceremony], M ingue ribao 19:9.10.1}; republished in Z D L D G 1992:23j). O n Nationalist attempts to connect the Double Ten holiday to the movement, see Z G Z Z W 1929a, pc. VII: 47. On the creation o f National Day and its importance as a sym bol, see H. Harrison 2000:93-12$. 10. Chong Gan, 'Yinyan* (Preface). For these and other speeches and photographs o f the exhibition organizers and the grounds itself, see *Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui tekan' (Chi nese National Products Exhibition special publication), SB 1928.11.1:12.
non. Events such as this one, K ong argued, developed "the patriotic spirit o f the Chinese people,” which could be measured by im port statistics. T h e Chinese, he suggested, had much to learn from the Japanese, w ho "wouldn't think o f betraying their country by using imports” and who demonstrated their patriotism by choosing domestic products over superior foreign ones. In summary, T f you want to understand patriotism , it is com pletely incor porated in these three words: U se N ational Products.” Patriotic purchases also aided one's com patriots. O nce again, K ong invoked Japan as the model to follow . T h e Japanese either did w ithout foreign products or quickly learned to manufacture substitutes. T h e Chinese also needed to improve the quality o f domestic products to com pete w ith foreign ones and thereby keep China's wealth within the country. Finally, M inister K ong inform ed those assembled that patriotic consumption would improve China's international standing by elim inating its foreign trade deficit (G S B 1929, 2: ab-4a; SB 1928.11.2) . O ther speakers underscored the usefulness o f exhibitions in teaching Chinese to identify everyday opportunities to practice patriotism . T h e fa mous educator C ai Yuanpei emphasized that the exhibition would provide the necessary visual clues to decipher China's increasingly com plex consumer culture. C ai argued that the Chinese understood the close connection be tween economic productivity and national welfare, but they sim ply did not know "which things were national products.” A s with the popularization o f the N ational Products Standards, the exhibition, he claimed, would remedy this problem because it took "the best national products and put them on display” in Shanghai, the commercial heart o f China (G SB 1929,2:7a-b; SB 1928.11.2) . Profiting fro m a N ational Polity
At the opening ceremonies of the exhibition, the new chairman of the Na tionalist government gave, by far, the longest and most acerbicspeech (GSB 1929, 2: 8a-ioa; SB 1928.11.2). On one level, Chiang Kai-shek's speechsimply echoed the ideas of other speakers by emphasizing the importance of the movement for teaching Chinese the need to learn to see the nationality of products. Chiang's recitation of these movement points demonstrates the extent to which the discourse of the National Products Movement had permeated China. However, he also adapted the message of the movement tosuit his particular political concerns.
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1908
Chung began by reminding those assembled not to trust their eyes in the marketplace because the things found there might mesmerize them into acts of unpatriotic consumption: “Ladies and gentlemen,... today is the opening day of the Shanghai National Products Exhibition. All of us know that... when we come to Shanghai, we see mile after mile of foreign stores and tens of thousands of foreign products—so much so that the scene almost completely fills our eyes.” He reminded Chinese to sensitize themselves to the national origins of goods and, therefore, to what the movement advanced as the pre-eminent meaning of these things: “If we consider where these things come from, everyone certainly understands that in the end these are imported by foreigners. How much money do we want to hand over to foreign countries?“ As had so many others, Chiang reminded his listeners that individual purchases of imported products added up to a staggering total. But, in contrast with speakers earlier in the movement’s history, he frequently referred to the writings of Sun Yatsen to bolster his position: Every compatriot must have seen in our president’s Three Peoples Principles in the Nationalism section where he says that every year we Chinese give foreigners $1.2 billion. This $1.2 billion is thus money we Chinese reverently present to foreigners, and it's destroying the nation.... Yet this still isn’t enough— we humiliate ourselves by allowing foreigners to suppress us to the point that we have no food to eat, no clothes to wear, and no houses to live in. It has reached the point that we Chinese can’t even travel on our own roads. What sort of logic is this? This comes from the fact that foreigners have seized economic power and have used it to suppress us and destroy China. If every Chinese person continues to use foreign products, and if everyone promotes foreign products, then we Chinese won’t need foreigners to use weapons to attack us. In another ten years, one by one all of us will have starved to death.. . . Even the police are foreigners! We Chinese already have almost no powers of independence and freedom and yet we wish to turn ourselves over completely to management by foreigners.
Chiang then raised the catastrophic consequences of unpatriotic con sumptionandtheprimarymeansof redress: “What shouldwe do ifwe don’t want foreigners to come and humiliate us?This isverysimple. If one byone each compatriot does not buy foreign products, then foreigners won’t hu miliate China. Otherwise, the Chinese race will soon be de stroyed by foreigners.“ The opening of the exhibition was a sign both of great hope andofdespair
I don't knowabout thefeelingsofmycompatriots, but yourstrulyfrombirthuntil nowhasbeenaroundforty-twoyears, andI haveneverseensuchaglorious day. So today, asweopentheNational Products Exhibition, it isthemostgloriousdayfor all four hundredmillionChinese. All ofusshouldunderstandthat today, whenwe come to the National Products Exhibition, we are not hereto seebeautiful things nor toparticipateintheexcitement.... Todayour openingofthis event is aglori ous thingbecause, on theonehand, we bringtogether inone place national products fromover twenty provinces. Indeed everyone is thrilled andjubilant. But, on theother hand, westill havedeeppains. For onething, national products arenot in everywaygood. And for another, becauseour national productsareinthisstate, we still cannot developtheeconomytorealize [Sun Yatsen’s] Principleof thePeople's Livelihood[fâçdÈâîIft]*... So weareexcitedandthrilled, but atthesametimewe arefilledwithgriefandsadness. Compatriots, howcanweridourselvesofthisgrief andsadness?It's veryeasy. Eachcompatriot needonly returnto his or her house holdandtell those[friendsandrelatives] whodidn’tcometotheexhibitionthatthe MinistryofIndustryandCommercehasopenedaNational Products Exhibitionin Shanghai. The National governmentwantstopromotenational products, revivein dustryandcommerce, andrecover righcs, sothat foreignproducts havenomarkets inChinaandthat everyoneusesnational productstodestroyimperialism.... Com patriots, ifwedon't want foreignerstocomeandhumiliateus, thentheonlythingto doissingte-mindedlyandcollectivelymakenational products, sell national products, usenational products. Onlywiththissortofeconomywill weachieveindependence andonlythenwill weachievethePrincipleofthePeople'sLivelihood, andonlythen will wesolvethesufferingof four hundredmillioncompatriots. This isthepurpose oftheNational Revolution. M ost im portant, Chiang acknowledged the large am ounts o f money th at the new government had squeezed out o f the Shanghai business class. But, he claimed, they were getting their money's worth:
My compatriots probably are aware that in taking Shanghai over a year ago and thereafter gainingcontrol of Beipingand reunitingChina, our Nationalist Revolu tionaryArmy usedmuchmoneyfromour Shanghai compatriots. For this I apolo gizetomyShanghai compatriots.... EveryonecertainlyknowsthatiftheNational ist Revolution had not been successful, todaythis placeof ours would still be the barracks of warlord armies, and we would be unable to openthis exhibition. No bodywouldbeabletovisitthisfestivegrandopening. T he new government, he added, had not only contributed nearly half die funding for the event but also supplied som ething more fundamental: "an orderly, clean, and disciplined” environm ent. Closing on a note o f optimism,
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
he noted chat although the exhibition grounds were small, the event was an impressive achievement for a few months o f work and a huge initial step for which his party and government deserved much credit. T h e Preparations
T h e extensive preparations for the exhibition reflected the growth o f the exhibitionary complex o f nationalistic commodity spectacles within the movement, the political support such events enjoyed, and the spread o f the spectacles into everyday life outside the actual exhibition grounds. Although the stated goal for much o f this work was the rounding up o f participants, these efforts also served a more subtle purpose. In the end, the numbers o f exhibitors and spectators were impressive, but these numbers represent only a small fraction affected by the exhibition. Each attempt to attract partici' pants also publicized the notion o f nationalistic consumption. T h e details o f this preparatory work reveal the avenues for disseminating the notions o f na tionalistic consumption underlying the N ational Products Standards in 1928 and the larger movement o f which they were a part.
In contrast to earlier, hastily prepared events, the preparations for this one took nearly four months. The first organizational meeting convened in lateJune 1928, and many distinguished Chinese attended. The four leading members oftheorganizinggroupwere Shanghai mayor Zhang Dingfan; the head of the Shanghai branch of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Zhao Xi'en (b. 1882); the leading Shanghai merchant, Yu Xiaqing; and the head of the municipal Social Affairs Bureau, Pan Gongzhan (Xu Youqun 1991:1329). Several different committees attended to specific areas, and a smaller committee oversawday-to-day preparations for the event (SB 1928.9.3:14). The organizers began promoting the event during the Summer and Autumn Articles National Products Exhibition during the July Na tional Products Week and established branch committees throughout China toassist inthecollectionofappropriate articles (GSB1929,1: » -3 b ).11 Organizers repeatedly used the by now well-established networks to dis seminatewordoftheexhibitiontoofficials, chambers ofcommerce, business people, and organizations throughout China in the months preceding the
These pages contain copies o f the official correspondence. O n the initial meetings o f
the preparatory committee, see 'Z hon ghua guohuo zhanlanhui choubei j f (1928).
opening.12 T h ey encouraged local governments and businesses to send prod ' ucts, or to encourage others to send products; the general message was "T h is is a m atter o f commerce and industry rescuing the nation” (SB 1928.8.5:14).
To further publicize the exhibition, the committee published and circu lated a special collection, with essays by leading intellectuals and politicians, including Chiang Kai-shek. The book placed the event in the larger narra tive of the movement by publishing trade statistics "to awaken the attention of citizens." It tried to reach a wider audience by incorporating less serious articles, suchas the reflections ofTianxu Wosheng, the pseudonymof Chen Diexian, the head of a major Chinese manufacturer of consumer goods, Household Enterprises (SB 1928.9.16:14). Despite theseefforts, it seemedin creasingly improbable that organizers could pull everything together in time for the originally planned opening on October 10. Even participants from nearby cities such as Hangzhou stated that they could not deliver their products soquickly (SB 1928.9.20:14). At the end of September, the pace of preparations intensified. Event managers set up offices on the grounds, and groups such as the Shanghai Bank and the Post Office established temporary branch oudets there. The number of goods arriving at the exhibition hall from Shanghai and other commercial ports increased rapidly. Telegrams from provincial offices throughout China informed the preparatory committee thatgoods had been selected and were in transit. The relatively prosperous coastal province of Fujian informed the committee that it was sending money (SB 1928.9.26:13). In late September, the committee inserted advertisements in local papers to announce that tickets for the exhibition were on saleand askedparticipating companies in Shanghai to sell them(SB 1928.9.30:14). The pace of prepara tions picked up still further in late October. At the end of the month, Shanghais three major department stores moved into facilities at the exhibi tion (SB 1928.10.26:13). The financing for the exhibition reveals the diverse geographical and in stitutional support for the event and the movement. Of a total budget of $121,468, about halfcame fromgovernment sources. The Ministry of Indus
See, e.g., the pamphlet organizers sent to the Suzhou Cham ber o f Com m erce, which
informed chamber members o f the event and invited them to advertise in a commemorative volume: "Gongshang bu zhuban guim o zuida zhi Zhonghua guohuo zhanlan jinian tekan" (T h e M inistry o f Industry and Com m erce-sponsored and largest Chinese N ational Products Exhibition commemorative volume), S Z M A File 1346.
C reating a N ationalistic VisuaUty in the Exhibition o f 1928
try and Commerce provided an initial $50,000, and provincial and citygov ernments suppliedanadditional $11,277. In addition, ChiangKai-shekraised an additional $12,460 indonations (Chiang himselfceremonially bought the first ticket for $10,000).11The exhibition itself generated the other half through several different methods; $11,275, for example, came fromrents on exhibitionandsales pavilions, advertisingwithintheexhibitiongrounds, and money raised by the mail order department. In addition, the ticket sales raised over $30,000 for die exhibition. Finally, city and county general chambersofcommercedonated$2,420.** Just getting the products to Shanghai was an accomplishment in itself. Even with the three-week delay in the opening of the exhibition, not all products reached Shanghai before the opening, and products continued to arrive throughout the exhibition. Items fromthe remotesouthwestern prov ince of Yunnan arrivedduring the secondweekof the exhibition, only to be held up by Shanghai customs (SB 1928.11.10). Some items fromHunan prov ince and Tianjin did not arrive until the beginning of thesecond month. By that time, the East Hall was completely full, and organizers were forced to find space for the overflow on the third floor of the West Hall, which had previouslybeenusedonlyasasales hall (SB 1928.11.28:14). Despite these obstacles, the exhibition succeeded in keeping the myth of a territorially unified China alive. All provinces, most ofwhich were not un der Nationalist control, sent products. Even poor and remote regions such as Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Hainan Island, and Xinjiang sent a few dozen items. Altogether, the 24 provinces sent 7,321 items. Jiangsu province, which surrounded and included the Shanghai Special Municipality, sent by far the most products, 1,772, or about 25 percent of the total. But the more distant provinceofHebei, whichincludedtheformer capital, nowknownas Beiping, i). There was considerable symbolism built into the sale o f the first few tickets. The ceremonious purchase o f the first exhibition ticket by 'royalty' went all the way back to Prince Albert, who had bought the first ticket for the Crystal Palace in iS$i. Minister o f Fi nance Song Ziwen bought the second ticket for $2,000. As had been the case in the 1910 ex hibition, an overseas Chinese participant bought the third ticket for $10,000. Madame Chiang Kai-shek (Song Meiling b. 1S97) also visited the exhibition on the first eve ning, along with the wives o f other officials (*Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui zuori kaimu shengkuang' [1928]). 14. G SB 1929, vol. 5: 'Gongshang bu Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui Zhonghua minguo
shiqi niandu shouru jisuan shu* (Income o f the Ministry o f Industry and Commerce Chinese National Products Exhibition, 1928). O n early fund-raising for the exhibition, see *Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui changweihui jiyao* (1928).
senethesecondhighest number, 1,447, or about 20 percentofthetotal. Four provinces sent between 500 and 900 items: Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang, or collectively 35 percent of the total.15The geographic distribution ofexhibitedgoods was fir fromeven, but theexhibitionaccomplisheda symbolic unification. Creating a Nationalized Space T h e exhibition grounds constituted a self-sufficient nation in miniature. Creating this nationalized space involved both preparation o f the facilities and strict regulation o f the exhibition space. T h e organizing committee poured money into providing impressively clean and renovated facilities, in cluding the new N ational Products Road leading to the entrance. T h e exhi bition grounds formed a large rectangle (see Figs. 6.2-4). T h e main building occupied three sides; in its center was a courtyard divided alm ost com pletely down the middle by a large building. T h e grounds were com pletely enclosed along their southern perimeter by a one-story building, with the main gate at its center. T h e main gate opened into the courtyard directly opposite the central building. T h is building at the heart o f the grounds housed spacious performance areas on the first floor and tw o large pavilions on the second. T h e main building, the N ational Products H all, had tw o wings o f three sto ries each. T h e exhibitions were housed primarily on the second and third stories o f the East W in g in individual rooms. T h e first floor o f the W est W in g was devoted to sales. O ther areas were devoted to housing for em ployees, a cafeteria, a fire department, and a nursery. T h e division o f the exhibition rooms by province, industry, and company reflected the mixed public and private financing o f the event (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6). M ost o f the rooms housed products o f a particular industry and often featured special displays for the m ost prominent companies. For example, in addition to the articles o f other companies, the Building M aterials D isplay had a special section for the powerful China Cem ent Com pany (^ (S ^ C J E 4 a w]). In some cases, one major company represented an entire industry.
1$. G S B 1929, vol. 6: 'Benhui chupin zhongshu fen sheng fen lei zhao biao” ( A b rief chan o f the total products o f this exhibition by province and by type). N o t surprisingly, remote provinces had a particularly difficult time gening their products to Shanghai. T h e 40-odd items from Xinjiang, for instance, arrived over a m onth after the start o f the exhibition (SB 1928.12.9:14).
Fig. 6a M ain G ate o f che Exhibition (with the Ceremonial Hall in the background) ( G S B 1929) Nationalist Party and government symbols co-existed with consumer culture within the ex hibition. A t the apex o f the Ceremonial Hall, symbolically presiding over the event, were the new official flag (brilliantly illuminated at night) o f the Nationalist government and a portrait o f Sun Yatsen, later known as the Father o f the N ation ( H
50- Also visible are three o f the
dozens o f flagstaff* that flew this flag. A t the same time, closer to earth, advertisements for certified national products covered all the walls o f the pou nd s.
Fig. 6.3 W est W in g o f the Exhibition (S aks W ing) ( G S B 1929) T h e exhibition grounds formed an enclosed rectangle. T h e main building occupied three sides. In the center o f the grounds was a giant courtyard« divided in h alf by the Ceremonial H all (top, center).
In ocher cases, major manufacturers rented their ow n pavilion. M odem com m odities were usually housed together, and the larger provinces had their ow n displays, especially for arts and crafts.16 Spread throughout these rooms was an impressive array o f thousands o f products classified into four teen categories.17 T h e event provided an opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their patriotic credentials by associating themselves and their goods w ith national
16. For a complete description o f the various pavilions, see G S B 1929, voL 1: T iu ich an g zhinan" (A guide to the exhibition grounds): 60a-64b. 17. G S B 1929, v o l 6: "Benhui chupin zhe tongji biao” (A statistical tab k o f product catego ries .in this exhibition). T h e fourteen categories were edible raw materials, raw materials for manufacturing, leather, intermediary industrial goods, food and beverage products, textik gtjods, building materials, personal items, household goods, artistic objects, educational and printed items, medical supplies, machines and electrical goods, and miscellaneous things.
C reating a N ationalistic V isuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Fig. 6.4 East W in g o f the Exhibition (Display W ing) ( G S B 1929) T w o types o f 'advertisements* covered the exhibition grounds, political and commercial. In addition to the dozens o f flagpoles, commercial advertisements blanketed the facades o f all the buildings.
products. Each o f the three major Chinese department stores in Shanghai set up a pavilion. K n o w n primarily for selling foreign luxury goods and o f' fering "W estern" forms o f leisure such as dance halls, coffee shops, and bars, the stores seized the opportunity to remind locals chat they manufac tured many o f the national products they sold. A lth ou gh Shanghais m ost
Fig. 6.$ Textile and Beverage Displays ( G S B 1929)
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Fig. 6.6 N ested Identities W ith in Pavilions
(GSB1929) T h e ideology o f nationalistic consumption that underlay movement commodity spectacles trained spectators to visualize and appreciate objects as imbued with nationality. T hese spec tacles acknowledged but subordinated other identities such as the province and native-place to nationality. T h e exhibition encouraged visitors to see themselves in similar terms. In this way, Chinese spectators and objects figuratively consumed and mutually defined each other. T h e spectator was both surveyor and surveyed. Dressed in the Chinese long-gown, the man here presented himself before Fujian province's "national products’ pavilion.
im portant publisher (at least until its 193a destruction b y Japanese bombs) did not need to establish its patriotic credentials, the Com m ercial Press (fSj maintained a strong presence at the exhibition. T h e press had tw o different booths, one to display and sell its publications and the other to sell miscellaneous articles. Business at both was brisk (SB 1928.11.7:13). A s at other exhibitions, this event capitalized on the enthusiasm for na tional products generated by the displayed goods by providing an opportu nity to purchase them. A n d as at other com m odity spectacles, the dividing line between display and consum ption was frequently traversed. For instance, in late N ovem ber, in coordination w ith other events at the exhibition, the sales departm ent set up a special exhibition o f ritual goods for the upcoming
w inter solstice (SB 1928.11.30: 13). In addition to specialty goods, popular sales items were silk, cotton, and wool fabrics; books, stationery, and o th er printed matter; food and drink; personal hygiene products; household goods; artistic goods; cigarettes; and electrical appliances. O ver the eight weeks, th e sales departm ent sold over $100,000 w orth o f merchandise.1* T h e regulation o f exhibition space began im m ediately upon entering. Lined up on either side o f the entrance were soldiers and police. A huge por trait o f Sun Yatsen was placed at the crest o f the Cerem onial H all, ju st be low the recently adopted N ational flag. D ozens o f flagpoles throughout the exhibition grounds flew the flag. In this way, the N ationalists also advertised themselves to spectators and exhibitors. T h e environm ent was nationalized throughout— even the towels and washcloths in the men's and women's washroom s on each floor were provided by a major participant in the N a tional Products M ovem ent, T hree Friends Enterprises. T h e process o f na tionalizing the event and o f creating a nationalistic visual feast extended to the sm allest com m odity spectacles on the exhibition grounds, advertising. T h e buildings were covered w ith advertisements, which the com pany in charge, the G reat China Advertising Agency
c f f i ) , restricted to
certified national products.18 19 Even after the opening ceremonies, politicians continued to use the event to prom ote the new local and national government. T h e m ost overt manifes tation o f these efforts was the display o f Shanghai's municipal government (Fig. 6.7). Spectators entered this pavilion celebrating Shanghai's future by w alking through the emblem o f the party and government, its flag. Inside, a three-dim ensional advertisement for the city included descriptions and models o f am bitious plans to build schools, playgrounds, and public works such as a model o f a bridge that would span the H uangpu River to connect Shanghai w ith the more rustic Pudong ("N ational Products Exhibition” [1928]; "G uohuo zhanlanhui zhong zhi shi zhengfu chenlie shi” [1928]).
18. G S B 1929, vol. 6: 'B enhui shoupin geye yingye zong'e an zhou fenlei tongji biao* (A statistical chart o f the weekly sales o f each industry at this exhibition's sales department). T h is volume includes numerous statistical charts that break sales down by day, week, and to tals for various products. 19. G S B 1929, vol. 3: *Da Zhonghua guanggao she qishi” (G reat C hina Advertising Agency notice).
Fig. 6.7 Microcosm o f Nationalise Modernity ( G S B 1929) T h e Shanghai Municipal government used its pavilion (above) to display the benefits o f its rule by connecting its own vision o f modernity to this movement spectacle. T h e pavilion suggested that the Nationalist government would create the conditions for industrial develop* ment by building modem roads, bridges, dams, and so on. T h e path to this modernity led di rectly through the Nationalist Party. O ne entered this pavilion (top) by passing through its chief symbol, the twelve-ray star.
T his pavilion served the municipal government and the movement sim ul' taneously. It allowed local authorities an opportunity to represent them selves through their am bitious plans as grander than they presently were. A t the same tim e, the pavilion served the movement by linking this spectacular future to the message o f the exhibition itself there would be no m odem streets and sanitation, no good life for the citizens o f Shanghai w ithout the developm ent o f Chinese industry under the leadership o f the local and N ationalist government. N ational products became the key to creating a m odem China. Mass Mediated Spectacle Even more than earlier movement events, the 1928 exhibition made com plete use o f the media to prom ote the event, including both formal and inform al writings, recordings, broadcast and print journalism , word-of-m outh and advertisements, airplanes, and parades (G S B 1929, voL 3). W ith the encour agement o f event organizers, Chinese media transm itted this image o f a pure Chinese nationalistic spectacle beyond Shanghai. Publicity began in the m onths before the opening. M em bers o f the organizing com m ittee sent let ters to newspapers and periodicals inform ing them o f the upcom ing event and asked these publications to help promote the exhibition by publishing special editions at the time the exhibition opened. Coverage was particularly extensive in Shanghai-based publications. Beginning on N ovem ber 3,1928, and continuing until the end o f Decem ber, Shanghai's m ost im portant newspaper, the Shenbao, published a 61-part series covering every aspect o f the exhibition. O ther publications such as the Shanghai G eneral Cham ber o f Com m erce's m onthly, The National Journal of Commerce
$8), de
voted an entire issue to the exhibition and, more generally, to the prom otion o f national products. D istributed across China, these articles ranged from theoretical discussions o f the importance o f national products to de tailed inform ation about the exhibition, its organization, the rules for identi fying national products, and application forms to subm it products (Shangye
yuebao 1928.9). C ity officials and organizers also created media events to generate public ity. For instance, on N ovem ber 22, city officials gave tw enty reporters a spe cial tour o f the exhibition grounds and hosted a reception. Local officials used this opportunity to explain why the municipal government was partici pating in this event and discussed the link between the developm ent o f
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
national products and local governments; they urged the reporters to help develop these links in the minds o f all Chinese (SB 1928.11.a3:13). T h e exhibition organizers also produced an impressive array o f special publications to extend the message and deepen the impact o f the event. Am ong the hundred-plus different publications supporting the event were a special commemorative volume, daily press releases, and sundry promotional materials. During the first month o f the exhibition, the municipal govern' ment's Social Affairs Bureau published 20,000 copies o f a book that de scribed investigations o f national products and provided basic information intended to improve the circulation o f these products, such as where to buy them and how to identify national products company trademarks (SB 1928.11.6:13). T h e China Press produced a special pamphlet for children enti tled Going to the National Products Exhibition (©1 È Ü lÂ Ü iïï^ i t ) . It included a copy o f the official song, photographs o f the grounds, and a map. O ver a thousand copies were sold every day (SB 1928.11.9:13). T h e exhibition even had its own newspaper, the National Products Daily ([Ü l^ 0 & )• T h e paper informed visitors and participants o f news related to the event, and many o f the 5,000 copies printed each day were sent to government offices throughout China. Sixty-four issues o f the newspaper appeared, in some 320,000 copies. In addition, many provinces and munici palities published their own overviews or introductions to their province and its products. Several places distributed multiple publications. T h e relatively prosperous province o f Zhejiang, for instance, published several guides to its products, reports on important provincial industries such as silk, and intro ductions to the next major national exhibition at the famous tourist destina tion o f W est Lake in the city o f Hangzhou.20T h e most impressive publica tion was a special commemorative volume, a veritable encyclopedia o f the movement. T h is massive volume contained over six hundred pages o f na tional product advertisements, photographs o f national political and indus trial leaders, tributes from famous figures, essays by leading intellectuals and businessmen, reports on specific industries, histories o f famous factories and businesses, and general commercial information. Finally, the spectator took the message o f the spectacle home through symbolically charged mementos. O ne o f the most graphic (Fig. 6.8) was a button that featured charging N ationalist soldiers clutching rifles with
20. See G S B 1929, vol. 3: "Kanwu* (Publications).
Fig. 6.8 Mementos from the Exhibition (SB 192S.11.21) (left) T h is button was one o f the thousands o f commemorative items distributed at the exhi bition. It brought together the two myths o f national unification underlying the exhibition: military /political unification under the Nationalist Revolutionary A rm y (whose soldiers and flags are pictured) and economic integration (the characters in the upper left com er read: "M emento o f the Chinese National Products Exhibition"). A toy company, named on the right, donated this button, (right) T h e Post Office, which set up a temporary branch on the grounds, participated in promotional activities for the exhibition by issuing a special stamp. T h e stamp prominently displays the words "Chinese National Products Exhibition," yet one more way o f transmitting the message o f this spectacle to Chinese well beyond Shanghai
bayonets, w ith the new N ational flag fluttering in the background T h e but ton simultaneously sym bolized the tw o m utually reinforcing m ythical unifi cations underlying the exhibition: territorial and economic. O n one level, the button com m em orated the N orthern Expedition and national reunification. T h e text on the upper left side connected the item with the event by identi fying the item as a memento from the exhibition. Significantly, the item was linked to a sponsoring national product manufacturer, in this case, a toy company, named in the upper right com er. A s I argue throughout this book.
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
the movement frequently depicted the consumption o f national products as an active form o f resistance to imperialism, a way for ordinary Chinese to fight for their nation. T his memento conveyed the notion that Chinese con' sumers could express their patriotism not only through military service but also through the discriminating consumption o f national products .21 People and Products on Display
Attendance at the exhibition was impressive, especially considering the modest size o f the exhibition grounds and its timing during the uncom forta' bly cool w inter season .2223Throughout the opening week, visitors flocked to the exhibition grounds. O n the second day, approximately 30,000 people a t' tended. In addition to ordinary citizens, representatives from Chinese or ganizations and overseas Chinese organizations viewed the exhibition (SB 1928.11.3:13). By one estimate, between 200,000 and 300,000 people visited the exhibition during the first week, and well over 30,000 people attended each day, w ith the exception o f late in the week when bad weather kept all but some one thousand away (SB 1928.11.9).21 Attendance was h itte r on days with good weather and on weekends. O n November 18, which was a warm Sunday, as many as 100,000 people toured the site (SB 1928.11.19:13). A fter the first week, attendance averaged between 3,000 and 5,000 people during the weekdays and over 10,000 on the weekends. In addition, organizers sold over 21,000 passes that perm itted multiple entries. In total, well over a half a million people saw the exhibits, including nearly a thousand “special guests. 21. M ost mementos were less complex. Chinese companies such as the China Press printed 50,000 copies o f the omnipresent photograph o f President Sun and his W ill as well as a journal for children. Several Chinese cigarette companies provided tens o f thou* sands o f packs o f cigarettes; see "Canjia zhanlanhui zhi yongyue" (1928). 22. In fact, the overwhelming success o f the event caused administrative problems. M uch like an amusement park, the exhibition had daily and seasonal entrance passes, along with a separate admission for the elaborate entertainment program. Initially, organizers hoped to stimulate interest in the movement by setting ticket prices very low. However, because o f the unexpected popularity o f the exhibition, especially its entertainment programs, too many people crowded into the modest grounds. A s a result, organizers doubled prices and set addi« tional regulations for attending the entertainment programs (SB 1928.11.4:13). 23. Such estimates were, o f course, difficult to make. These estimates were based primär« ily on ticket sales. 24* For the exact number o f paying visitors, see G S B 1929, voL 6: "Benhui mein guanlan renshu tongji biao" (A statistical table o f daily visitors). For the number o f people who visited
M ovement commodity spectacles often targeted young consumers, citizens-in-the-m aking, especially schoolchildren. Organizers hoped to reach these Chinese a t a young age and link their identities to the consum ption o f national products. As a result o f special efforts to attract them , students from schools throughout Shanghai, other cities, and overseas Chinese com m unities visited the exhibition every day (SB 19a8.11.11:13-14). Every type o f school sent students. O n one particularly busy day, a local primary school sent 700 students, a middle school 100, a university 40, a native-place asso ciation w ith its own school 60, a missionary school 50, a girls school 30, and another local university 150. Even a local orphanage sent a few dozen chil dren (SB 1928.11.21:13). In many cases, entire student bodies o f schools visited (SB 1928.12.7:14). As the speeches by politicians and organizers made clear, these exhibi tions were intended to be factories for the production o f national conscious ness. In a suggestive photograph (Fig. 6.9) taken during the Beiping N a tional Products Exhibition o f 1933, students lined up at the entrance to the exhibition. O rganizers imagined the young spectators as raw material for the production o f nationalist consciousness. As they made their way through the exhibition, a narrative o f national economic integration, self-reliance^ and im perialist resistance through consum ption o f national products was etched onto their young minds, or so the organizers hoped. It would, after all, re quire much more to ensure th at these young consumers, like their adult counterparts, consumed nationalistically. Yet these spectacles became an other new dimension o f the larger movement o f teaching Chinese to distin guish between Chinese and foreign products. T he m arket for national products was built on connections, and for many adults attending the event, national exhibitions served a concrete purpose by creating networking opportunities for movement institutions and other or ganizations across China. T o prom ote such networking, exhibition organiz ers regularly sent telegrams and letters to government offices and social or ganizations throughout China informing them o f activities a t the exhibition and the success o f the event (SB 1928.11.8:13). N ational product institutions
with passes for the duration o f the exhibition, see G S B 1939, vol. 5: 'G ongshang bu Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhui fashou changqi ruchang quan mingxi biao" ( A derailed chart o f the M inistry o f Industry and Com merce Chinese National Products Exhibition sales o f long-term entrance tickets).
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Fig. 6.9 Students Visiting an Exhibition (Bai Chenqun 1933; courtesy o f the T ôyô Bunko) Students were a common sight at national product exhibitions and museums. In this photo« graph, students o f the Northern School ( A t j j
lined up at the entrance to the Beiping
National Products Exhibition to learn the meaning o f nationalism through the identification o f Chinese “national products."
in ocher cities used such information to help organize their own events. In addition, these institutions sent representatives to Shanghai to collect in formation about certified national products from across China. For example, Nanjing's N ational Products Museum, which had not yet opened, sent a delegation to look for appropriate samples. T h e exhibition was a mandatory destination for a long list o f influential foreigners and ethnic Chinese visiting from overseas, similar to the obliga tory visit to the model commune and factory o f later decades. A s with these later models, the exhibition represented a symbol o f the nation at its best or the national vision in a microcosm, a place to demonstrate national progress (SB 1928.11.6:13).25 A n d there is evidence that the spectacle had the
25. T his article includes the visit and speech by Tianjin's Nankai University founder and president Zhang Boling
(1876-1951). Over the course o f two months, many others
spoke, including heads o f universities and medical colleges, prominent party leaders, and aca demicians. See, for instance, the talk by Nationalist Party honcho and mayor o f Shanghai W u Tiecheng
(1888-1953) (SB 1928.11.7:13). Ironically, W u's father had owned a shop
that sold foreign goods (W u Tiecheng 1969:2).
intended effect. T hrough the image o f "industrializing China” produced by the exhibitions, these overseas observers concluded that China was making great strides in its econom ic development. According to one visitor. C h i' nese agricultural and textile machines were nearly as good as im ported machines and would soon displace im ports in the domestic m arket.26 O ne fo r' eign observer was so impressed w ith the products on display that he found it "difficult in many instances to distinguish between goods o f Chinese make and foreign manufactured articles" ("N ational Products Exhibition" [1928]). A nother foreigner was particularly impressed w ith
C h in as
am bitious industrial and m odem vision displayed in the models o f roads and designs for bridges.27 A n ethnic Chinese observer from the Philippines com m ented favorably on the Shanghai municipal pavilion, which he saw as emblematic o f the emerging spirit o f cooperation between rulers and the people within China.26 Finally, m ost people went to consume the spectacle itself, to which they themselves contributed. M ovem ent organizations such as the N P P A suc cessfully lobbied exhibition organizers to mandate that all visitors (w ith the exception o f foreigners) wear clothing (either W estern or Chinese styles) made exclusively from Chinese m aterial.29 In this way, the nationalizing process underlying the event was extended into the lives o f spectators, who had to make consum ption choices long before they arrived at the exhibition grounds. For these participants, adhering to nationalistic categories o f con sum ption became a prerequisite for participating in these areas o f public life rather than an individual decision. Chinese were, to some degree, forced to think in these categories o f consum ption. By dressing up in national product clothing, exhibition-goers put themselves on display as authentic nationalis tic consumers. In ocher movement events, Chinese had put themselves on a literal fashion catwalk to demonstrate their national consciousness through the consumption o f certified national products (as w ith national products fashion shows). M ore commonly, however, spectators at these events put themselves on display as part o f a crowd o f nationalistic consumers. Such ac tions through appearances (in both senses o f the term) should be considered
a6. "T he National Products Exhibition" (1929): 12. 27. "A National Products E x h i b i t i o n American Chamber of Commerce Bulletin, no. 158 (N ov. 1928): 5. 28. For the text o f the speech o f this observer, see "Jianian guohuo zhanlanhui” (1929)« 29. For a specific example o f such lobbying, see "G uohuo hui baju zhi weihui j f (1929).
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
a public protest against imperialism, or at least a sign o f the growing social requirement to be seen to be in favor o f nationalistic consumption. Communities of Commodities Within the Nation Com m odity spectacles attracted attention and an audience because they were about more than just the articles on display. These spectacles embed ded objects o f everyday life in larger narratives that promised to fulfill more than immediate material needs. In a sense, these spectacles operated in much the same way as modem advertising, which figuratively enlarges commodi ties by associating them with famous figures, catchy slogans, and elaborate images. T h e spectacles o f the movement did this at two extremes: on one level, organizers hoped to appeal to a burgeoning sense o f national identity and have consumers believe in nationalistic consumption as an emblem o f resistance to imperialism and as a sign o f good citizenship. But, as with an appealing advertisement, spectacles such as the 1928 exhibition also operated on a more mundane level. T h ey attracted attention by juxtaposing mundane commodities with other, flashier spectacles (analogous to the way adver tisements connect beer with sexual and athletic prowess). T h e daily entertainment program provided one more way to incorporate diverse elements o f Chinese society into the spectacle, both as performers and as spectators (Fig. 6.10). Every night different entertainers performed. O n the third night, (or instance, in addition to Chinese opera and comedy performances, students from several schools sang and danced for large audi ences.10 These performances often had content designed to promote the movement. O n the afternoon o f the tenth day o f the exhibition, performers sang a song that lamented China s inability to boycott foreign products suc cessfully and stem the influx o f foreign products, a situation that the per formers described as a 'national hum iliation.' A s with other movement mes sages, the singers asserted, 'T o be patriotic one must begin by using national products.”11 O n December 1, girls from the Jinde G irls School performed a play entitled The End of the Roadfor Treasonous Merchants (£ f
1928.12.2:14). N o r were performances limited to the stage: ten local schools3 1 0
30. T h e daily papers regularly printed the entertainment programs o f the exhibition. See, e.g., SB 1926.11.4:13* 31. For the complete song, see SB 1928.11.12:13.
Fig. 6.io Ceremonial Hall o f the Exhibition ( G S B 1929) The hall was the literal and figurative center o f the exhibition. The first-floor auditorium en ticed people to visit the exhibition. The hall's varied programs, spectacles within a larger spec tacle, promoted the agenda o f the movement through a wide range o f traditional (e.g., Chi nese opera) and new (e.g., plays) forms o f entertainment.
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
sent teams to participate in a basketball competition held as part o f the exhi bition (SB 1928.11.6:13,11.1a: 13). T his was one o f the many ways the move ment incorporated local youth and channeled their commitment to national istic activism into approved movement activities. T h e creation o f special "promotion days" ( jË fll 0 ) was one o f the many tactics designed to stimulate interest in the exhibition. These days focused attention on participating provinces and cities, which were recognized with their own official promotion day. Each such day featured prominent figures from a given locale (who were often members o f Shanghai native-place asso ciations). A t a minimum, the speakers discussed the industrial and commer cial strengths o f their area. T h e focus on native-place identities was a clever way to attract attention and subsume regional to national identity. T he organization o f the exhibi tion into provincial displays allowed for the expression o f powerful nativeplace affiliations while placing them within a national system o f representa tion. Institutions such as museums have long created "natural” categories through such inherently arbitrary placement strategies (D . M iller 1994:400). In the 1920s, 70-85 percent o f the inhabitants o f Shanghai came from out side the area; most maintained close practical and sentimental relations to their native places (W akeman and Yeh 1992a: 4; Perry 1993:17). A represen tative from Hebei province gave the first such speech (SB 1928.11.6:13). Later, similar days were held for cities such as Shantou and provinces such as A n hui (SB 1928.11.8:13). In addition to speeches, some areas distributed litera ture. For example, on Beiping Day, representatives handed out a booklet that introduced the displayed products, another publication that explained specialty items, and a third that provided an overview o f economic condi tions in the city (SB 1928.11.15: 14). N o t surprisingly, in a form o f regional conspicuous consumption, the wealthy and influential native-place associa tions from the southern coastal provinces organized especially elaborate days.32 Specific industries also organized such days, such as Porcelain W are D ay (November 25) and Culture Industries D ay (December 14) (SB 1928.12.5:16).33
32. See, e.g., the lengthy program« for Jiangsu, Guangdong, and Fujian days in G S B 1929, vol. 3: 'Fenchu xuanchuan' (Disseminating by area). 33. For information on these and other days focused on specific industries, see G S B 1929, vol. 3: 'Fenye xuanchuan* (Disseminating by industry).
E N D IN G A S B E G IN N IN G O n the last official day o f the event, Decem ber 31, the spectacle wound dow n the way it began— w ith elaborate closing ceremonies and speeches under scoring movement themes.34 T h e Social Affairs Bureau made a final push to extend the impact o f the event by distributing a special catalog o f the exhib ited products, which it hoped would “act as a reference* (SB 1928.12.28:12). T h a t evening more than 4,000 people concluded the ceremonies by march ing in a lantern parade.353 6T h e ideas and objects circulated at the exhibition continued to spread by word-of-m outh even after the event, as spectators and exhibitioners from outside Shanghai returned home w ith firsthand ac counts. In late December, for instance, the Social A ffairs Bureau o f the Tianjin municipal government arranged a banquet to hear the report o f the Tianjin delegation to the Shanghai Exhibition. T h e bureau also used the opportunity to discuss preparations for participating in upcoming exhibi tions in Chile, Argentina, and M anila (H u Guangm ing et al. 1994:1503-4).3* T h e spectacle itself did not end; rather, it was broken into parts and sent to form new nationalistic com m odity spectacles in other pares o f Shanghai, China, and Chinese communities abroad. D uring the course o f the exhibi tion, other regions began organizing similar events, and immediately after the close, organizers began sending the collected products to exhibitions elsewhere in Shanghai, and in W uhan, H angzhou, and M anila, as w ell as to the new Capital N ational Products Exhibition H all in N anjing (SB 1929.1.10: 14,1.12:13). N ew spectacles immediately appeared in Shanghai. O n N ew Y ears D ay 1929, just as the N ational Exhibition was ending on the southern side o f Shanghai, a smaller exhibition opened in the far northern (Zhabei) section o f 34. For a description o f the activities and copies o f the speeches at the closing ceremonies, see G S B 1929, vol. 3. Although the exhibition was scheduled to end on December 31, organiz* ers decided to take advantage o f the N ew Year s Eve holiday by expanding the exhibition for an additional three days. T h e additional days were also well attended. O n January i, 20,000 people visited the exhibition; despite inclement weather, many people visited on the final days ("Bimu hou zhi Zhonghua guohuo zhanlanhuf [1929]; SB 1929.1.1:26). Fittingly, the final day was Shanghai D ay (SB 1929.1.1:26). 35. Larger companies and organizations such as the General Cham ber o f Com m erce car* ried Bo lanterns; the Commercial Press marched with 50. T h ey were part o f a much larger celebration organized by the local government (SB 192B.12.31:13,1929j .i : 26). 36. Tianjin had organized its own much more modest one~week exhibition in early O c to ber (H u Guangm ing et al. 1994:1504* 1505, and 1507-10).
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Shanghai, the Zhabei National Products Circulating Exhibition. O ver 5,000 people attended the opening ceremonies for the two-week event, including representatives from all the major movement organizations, such as the om nipresent N P P A leader W ang Jie'an, who represented an umbrella group, the N ational Products Alliance (Ü S Ä ^ I r IjÖ ^ ) (“Zhabei guohuo zhanlanhui san ri ji" [1929]). T his exhibition was organized and run largely by members o f the Shanghai Citizens Association for the Promotion o f National Products, with the help o f the Zhabei Chamber o f Commerce (these were overlapping organizations).17 N o t surprisingly, considering the duplication in organiza tions between the Shanghai exhibition and this one, there were many similari ties. T he Zhabei exhibition also held an extensive and diverse entertainment program every afternoon to attract visitors and on N ew Year's D ay hosted a lantern parade throughout the northern part o f the city.18 T h e success o f the Shanghai Exhibition encouraged ambitious leaders in ocher cities such as W uhan and Hangzhou to plan similar events, and M in ister Kong received numerous invitations to host the Shanghai exhibition in other commercial and industrial centers. T he powerful chairman o f the W uhan Branch Political Council, Marshal Li Zongren
arranged with M inister Kong to fold part o f the Shanghai Exhibition into one organized for Hunan and Hubei provinces, slated to begin in early Feb ruary in W uhan. In a telegram to M inister Kong, Li explained, “W e believe that to hold the national exposition here after its closing at Shanghai will be o f immeasurable benefit to the development o f native industries here.” H e added: “A ll expenses will be paid by us” (“Trade Exposition in Hankow* [1928]).19 In preparation, organizers o f W uhan's Chinese National Products Exhibition ( cf3lj£fi9 Ä 'Ü I K 1^ ) regularly sent delegates to Shanghai to speak with officials, national product manufacturers, and representatives o f the Shanghai General Chamber o f Commerce (SB 1929.1.5:14,1.6:14). Largescale exhibitions spread to other cities in the following decade. In 1936, the treaty port city o f Xiamen, which had had active movement organizations
37. Organizers also actively sought and gained the support o f many other organizations and companies in their planning (SB 19aS.1a.18:14, la.aa: 16, ia.30:14). 38. SB 19a8.1a.a4:14.1939.14: 38,1.5:14,1.6:1$, 1.8:14,1.10:14. O n the closing ceremonies, which were in effect a movement rally, see “Zhabei guohuo liudong zhanlanhui bim u' (1939). 39. Minister Kong also made tentative preparations to hold an exhibition in Beiping on the grounds surrounding the Temple o f Heaven (T rad e Exposition in Peking* [1938]; see also SB 19a8.1t.a8:14).
since ac lease the early 1910s, organized the Xiam en N ational Products Exhi bition, which hosted 350,000 visitors (H ong and Liu 1996:427). Overseas Chinese communities also used the Shanghai Exhibition to ar range sim ilar events. Philippine Chinese took advantage o f the Shanghai ex hibition to stim ulate interest in their country's own upcom ing exhibition, M anilas Far East Com m ercial Products Exhibition (Ü lJiC fêîi£ ojü )t!'d >)> In addition to this Philippine government-sponsored event, the ethnic Chinese com m unity there and China's M inistry o f Industry and Com m erce organized a N ational Products Activities Exhibition to tour Chinese com m unities in Southeast A sia to "encourage overseas Chinese to use national products'* ("Guohuo fu Fei zhanlan" [1929]). In M anila, the Philippine Chinese General Cham ber o f Com m erce had already begun building an exhibition space for Chinese products. T h e chamber sent representatives to Shanghai specifically to collect products and invite M inister K ong to attend the exhibition (held January 26 to February 10,1929) (SB 1928.12.2:14; 1929.1.6:14). In early January, the w ork o f the Philippine delegates paid off, as nearly 200 prom inent Shang hainese attended a dinner and pledged to send items to the upcom ing event.40 Finally, there was an institutional legacy. T h e success o f the Shanghai Exhibition and the growing number o f places requesting permission to hold exhibitions inspired Chinese officials to codify their support fer participa' tion in dom estic and foreign exhibitions. T h e M inistry o f Industry and Com m erce circulated these rules in an official letter (no. 18) that prom oted the idea o f greatly expanding all levels o f exhibitions throughout China.41 For its part, the m inistry decided to hold an international exhibition (S I S I Ä ü Ü J ü Ä llJ in the former capital o f Beiping in 1930 or 1931 and, as part o f the preparations, began organizing the A ll-C hina Products Exhibition (dfc È 9 # 9 p p lÜ ïl!^ ).424 3 In preparation, provinces, cities, and counties were ordered to collect products and hold exhibitions.41
40. Altogether, 4a crates o f products from the Shanghai Exhibition were sent to Manila (SB 1929.1.10:14). 41. Letter based on proposal by Tianjin representative Lu Mengyan. T h e rules also had the support o f higher levels o f government including the N ational Congress, which passed the general rules for holding exhibitions during its eleventh session. T h e S uzhou Cham ber o f Com m erce archives contain many invitations to participate in exhibitions across China; see, e.g., S Z M A File 1334:104. which describes a planned event in C hongqing in 1933. 43. See Guomin zhenrfu (N ational government), order 308 (1938.11.17). 43. For the letter announcing the new rules and complete copy, see *Xingzheng yuan guanyu banxing quanguo juban wupin zhanlanhuT and 'G u om in zhengfu G ongshang bu
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
F I T T I N G T H E MOLD? T hese two chapters on the exhibitiom ry complex underlying the movement have provided a framework for interpreting the commodity spectacle in pre communist China. W ith only slight modification, the largest and most spec tacular o f these— Hangzhou's W est Lake Exhibition o f 1929— also fits into this framework.44 A s the previous chapter makes clear, these nationalistic com m odity spectacles were innumerable. A t the same time, any account o f such spectacles, particularly exhibitions, would be incomplete w ithout refer ence to the largest exhibition o f the era, the H angzhou event, especially be cause it seemingly challenges the notion o f nationalized spectacles.
Between its opening in earlyJune and its close nearly six months later at theendoftheyear, some twentymillion peoplevisitedthisexhibition, which took advantage of Hangzhou's status as the primary tourist destination in China.45This event was unique in manyways.46However, it included all the
gonghan." T h e types o f exhibitions were listed in three categories: all-China # ) ; local products
K # ) ; and specialty items ( $ ftt$ ftjiS p ® K # ) . Accord
ing to the plans, the national exhibition would be the capstone. It was to be organized in con junction with provinces and cities, whereas provinces and cities would organize their own lo cal exhibitions lasting two weeks to two months. Specialty exhibitions on things such as soap, tea, and other items would be organized by each industry and last a week to a month. AllChina products exhibitions were to be held every year; local ones would be scheduled at the discretion o f the provinces and cities. It also suggested that various groups and industries cre ate touring exhibitions o f national products. Provinces were required to execute the ministry's order to establish national products museums and then exhibitions. In addition, during gov ernment-sponsored campaigns such as the N ew Life Movement o f the mid-i930S, local or ganizations were ordered to make national products exhibitions part o f their agendas (S M P File 5727» I937 -4 .I5 : "N ew Life Movement Acceleration Association").
44- T h is
was not, o f course, the first such movement event in Hangzhou.
A year earlier,
for instance, H angzhou had held a more modest, but very successful, event (see "T he Exhibi tion at Hangchow" [1928]). For an overview o f the exhibition o f 1929, see Luo Jiping 1997. 45- T h e estimated attendance o f over twenty million is problematic. T h e total number o f visitors to all ten pavilions was slightly under eighteen million. M ost o f these people undoubt edly visited more than one pavilion. A t the same time, many people had passes that allowed multiple entries. In any case, this was the best-attended commodity spectacle. For attendance statistics, see "Canguan tuant iji renshu" (N um ber o f visiting groups and persons) in Zhejiang jianshe ting 1931, vol. 1, chap, a: 55-57. 46.
M any things made this exhibition unique: the size o f the grounds and number o f
buildings, which included private houses, temples, public buildings, and even a zoo scattered throughout the W est Lake and Solitary H ill area; the number o f exhibited items was in the
key features o f a movement-sponsored event, and discussions o f it must con tend w ith its relationship to the broader movement. First, the H angzhou Ex hibition clearly was linked to other events, particularly the Shanghai Exhibi tion.47 It was also tied to movement organizations outside Hangzhou, which helped find participants.48In addition, this event continued the appropriation o f the movement by the Nationalists. A s with the Shanghai Exhibition, there was full party-state participation in its organization and execution, including speeches by leaders at ceremonies, symbols such as flags, and m ost conspicu ously a Revolutionary M emorial Exhibits Pavilion.49 A t first, one o f the unique aspects o f the H angzhou Exhibition seems to undermine the interpretation o f nationalized spectacles advanced here. T h is exhibition had a designated building for foreign articles. However, its C h i nese name, Cankao chenliesuo
which translates as "reference
display room," suggests that its purpose was confined to providing foreign models for domestic emulation.50T his was in line with the movement's goals and addressed the desire o f those who saw the need to import certain goods as necessities (for example, foreign technical expertise— see the Introduc tion). T h e things displayed in this building, one Chinese observer noted, were intended to "serve as objects o f comparison and study with a view to ward the improvement o f our native industries" ("The W estlake Exposition" [1929)). T h e regulations for the hall limited the exhibits to machinery and raw materials deemed "essential” to economic development. It did not in clude commodities competing with Chinese consumer goods.
tens o f thousands; the large budget ($400,000); the amount o f coverage in foreign newspa pers; the duration (nearly six months); and finally the limited inclusion o f foreign products. 47. Exhibition organizers made frequent visits to the Shanghai exhibition to study its strengths and weaknesses as well as solicit product submissions. Originally scheduled to begin in March, organizers decided to postpone the event for one month, so chat it would not over lap completely with the Wuhan Exhibition (SB 19aS.11.29:13,12.9:14). 48. For instance, in late December, as the Shanghai exhibition concluded, Shanghai movement organizations such as the Association o f Shanghai National Products Manufac turers (_ L ï§l$ iïU (S!t® ?'â‘ & ) . one o f the few Shanghai movement organizations devoted exclusively to small and medium-sized national product manufacturers, began rounding up its
members to participate in the West Lake Exhibition ('Changlian hui canjia Xihu bolanhuT). 49. The West Lake Exhibition also generated the most impressive report, a comprehen sive six-volume set that includes details on every aspect o f the event (Zhejiang jianshe ting « 9 î0 -
$0. For a photograph o f this pavilion, see Xihu btlanhui canguan bixie 1929.
C reating a N ationalistic Visuality in the Exhibition o f 1928
Conclusion: A Commodity Nation Creating national consciousness is always about creating boundaries— linguistic, physical, cultural, mythical, and visual. It is about creating and maintaining differences with foreign countries and creating bonds to over* come or make sense o f domestic differences. T h e movement participated in this process by promoting and naturalizing the idea that all products from the different parts o f the geographical entity known as "China” somehow constituted a complete system o f commodities superior to any and all other classifications. Locales and provinces still produced commodities. But these goods were now represented as subclassifications o f a larger, more important whole. T h ey were made in China and made "China." By collecting, classify* ing, and juxtaposing these objects, nationalistic commodity spectacles natu ralized (however tenuously) the notion that these things had a genuine rela tionship, that they created a bounded and natural unit. Chinese exhibitions at all levels were less about demonstrating to the rest o f the world that China had made the leap to modem industry by producing commodities defined by price than they were about creating and sustaining the myth for domestic audiences that China could and should meet its own industrial needs by consuming goods defined by nationality. T hey were about giving the univer sal term "industrial civilization” a national inflection. Imperialism made it impossible for China to enact its industrial vision on its own terms for the nation as a whole. A t the same time, however, imperialism also provided the representational means for articulating nationality through the very same spectacles intended to privilege exchangevalue. W ithin the visual and physical spaces Chinese did control, nationalistic spectacles became a miniature representation o f the movement s more ambitious goals for the nation-state. D uring the first three decades o f the twentieth century, nationalistic commodity spectacles— museums, retail stores, advertisements, fashion shows, exhibitions— expanded and prolif erated, forming the complex web o f institutions described above. These spectacles allowed participants in the movement to implement a strategy for creating a wealthy and powerful nation despite the constraints o f imperialism. Participants in the movement did not simply wait to recover sovereignty from the imperialist powers; rather, they began actively to construct it from below in the minds o f Chinese consumers through these nationalized visual and physical spaces.
Nation, Gender, and the M arket
Nationalizing Female Consumers I consider wearing national products to be the most noble and honorable thing; in contrast, covering oneself in foreign products is to consider ones body as an inferior product and is an unsurpassably shameful thing to do. — Participant in the Womens National Products Year o f 193 4 As for making use o f national products, o f course there is no distinction between men and women, but the vast power to use them is entirely in the hands o f women. — Statement o f a Shanghai municipal government official If women want to enjoy equal rights between the sexes, they must first demonstrate equal strength. Because women are not as effective on the battlefield, they must use all their might to promote national products. — An official slogan of the Women's National Products Year
W om en were critical to the N ational Products Movement not only as participants but also as representations o f an ideal nationalistic consumer. From the start, movement organizations encouraged women to consume nationalistically, and women participated in the earliest movement activities, such as the creation o f nationalistic commodity spectacles (see, e.g., Beahan 1981: 231).1 Indeed, movement organizations formed by businesspeople, students, and government officials and their wives actively courted female participa tion; indeed they often portrayed women as the linchpin o f the movement. M ovement advocates contended that if women could learn to consume
e p i g r a p h s : ( i ) "Guohuo yu jinu* (19 3 4 ); (2 ) Pan Yangyao a m a l* Shanghai city offi cial, quoted in "Funü guohuo nianzhong zhi liangdian xiwang” (1934)«
i. In addition to women's movement organizations formed during boycotts (see Chapters 3 and 4), women established groups in other years; e.g., the W om en's Circles Society to En courage the Use o f National Products (in Jiangsu province) (see Lü and Z h en g 1990:173).
formed in August 1911 in Jiaxing
nationalistically, China w ould not only survive the incursions o f imperialism bur also grow rich and pow erful O ne article put the relationship this way: "People pay attention to every move a woman makes; so if she is able to prom ote and earnestly buy national products, she w ill earn everyone's re spect" ("Fund yu zhuangjin" [1934]). W ith in these representations, women played the potential role o f national saviors.
Women were also the chief problem. As China continued to import items deemed unessential by the movement, fashionable female consumers came under attackas agents of imperialist penetrationandas catalysts of na tional destruction. Women became models of how not to consume. Such female consumers were "unpatriotic" because theywere obsessed with frivo lous surfaces over meaningful substance, as seen in their pursuit of fashions based on imports and because they desired instant gratification over long termgain, as seen in their decisions to buy goods based on price or quality rather than national origin. Most damning of all, however, theywere the an tithesis of the "virtuous wife and worthy mother" & & ) archetype: they mismanaged their household and raised their children without consid ering the importance of consuming nationalistically. In these representa tions, their consumption came at the expense of a Chinese nation struggling to rebuff the imperialist powers and their armies of products, which were mesmerizingChinese females anddestroyingthe markets for Chinese goods. Proponents of the movement asserted that if female consumers remained devoid of national consciousness, they would blindly accelerate the destruc tionof thenationonecoinandone importeditemat atime. These contradictory representations of women as heroic "patriotic con sumers" and incorrigibly "unpatriotic consumers" were especially prominent during the Womens National Products Year of 1934.2 B y exploring the events, participants, and discourse surrounding this year, we can not only uncover the complexities of pre-WWII consumption but also see how representations of women within the movement reinforced patriar-
a. T h e movement included other ‘ national products years* directed at specific groups o f consumers. The first, named simply the National Products Year Students National Products Year
was in 193}. T h e
o f 193$ followed the Women's Year o f
1934. And the next year was the Citizens National Products Year ( ffT K K lÄ ’'^ )- For exten
sive coverage o f the activities o f these years, see journals such as the Guohuo yucbao, weeklies such as D axia zhoubao, and newspapers such as the Shishi xinw en and Shtnbao. In addition, the S M A possesses uncataloged files o f local newspaper clippings that cover each year.
N ationalizing Fem ale Consum ers
chy, under the guise of nationalism, in an emerging consumer culture.1By loudly denouncing the inability of women consumers to attain the patriotic ideal, theorganizers oftheyear helpedreinforcetheassumptionthatwomen were barely able to carry out their domestic responsibilities on behalfof the nation. This in turnjustified the continued move away fromearlier, more radical agendas for women's emancipation. At thesametime, movement ad' vocates sought to redefine womens roles in the household by emphasizing their potential contribution to national salvation. Thus, rather thandisman' ding the family, proponents urged women to embrace their reformulated roles as"virtuous wives andworthy mothers* byproducingnationalisticcon sumers (see Fig. 7.1).34 T h e message o f nationalistic consumption underlying the W om en's N a tional Products Year was also intended for men. T h e proliferation o f these gendered representations o f consumption constructed as unpatriotic also served as a warning to male consumers, who, left to their own devices, m ight consume in equally unpatriotic ways. These negative representations warned men not to valorize unpatriotic female consumers by viewing them w ith ap proval In these representations, Chinese female consumers came to embody a nationalized set o f "eternal Chinese civilizational virtues o f self-sacrifice and loyalty” that were specifically linked to consumption (see Duara 1998). T h ey represented the pure or authentic patriotic consumer, much as a hand ful o f their male counterparts (discussed in the following chapter) repre sented authentic "patriotic producers.” T h e ideal female patriotic consumer was a valorized model for emulation by other women and a sanctioned ob ject o f male desire.
3. I use the term 'patriarchy' in its most comprehensive sense. Maggie H um m supplies a broad but helpful definition: *A system o f male authority which oppresses women through its social, political and economic institutions.. . . Patriarchy has power from men's greater access to, and mediation of, the resources and rewards o f authority structures inside and outside the home’ (199$: aoo-aoa). I see patriarchal relations in the way the editors o f the Engendering
China volume do, 'n o t as static, ahistorical configurations, but . . . as contingent social ar rangements that were always being contested and, in turn, required a great deal o f cultural and political force to keep in place' (Gilm artin et aL 1994: $-6). See also Gilm artin 199$: aj5««7.
4. In a strikingly similar way, halfway around the globe, black housewives in Detroit launched a campaign in 1930 advocating ‘ directed spending* by fellow blacks 't o retain higher proportions o f material resources in their own communities* (H ine 1993).
Fig. 7.1 W om en as N ational Saviors
(Guohuo ptrtflun kan 1, no. a [1916.1]) Representations o f women were critical to the N ational Products Movement, which tried to define women through nationalistic consumption. H ere the close relationship between movement supporters and national industrial development is metaphorically represented as a nurturing mother who, the text on the left informs us, *loves her son .' T h is image published by the N P P A shows a movement 'advocate* (written on the blouse) as a m other breast' feeding 'national product enterprises* (on the baby). In these representations, wom en aided the nation not only through their own nationalistic consumption but also by rearing children w ho did the same.
There are three important reasons for devoting a chapter on gendered consumption primarily to women. First, the movement aimed to nationalize the consumption practices of all Chinese, but it approached various social roles differendy. This part of the study shows how diverse groups (men, women, children, students, merchants, industrialists, and especially prosti tutes) relatedto one another within the movement. Second, as the epigraphs and the creation of a national products year targeted at women suggest, die movement paid special attention to female consumers. Proponents of na tionalisticconsumption understoodthat two of the roles traditionallyplayed by women shaped household consumption. First, women were the primary consumers on behalf of their families. Second, their child-rearing responsi bilities meant that they were in the best position to instill nadonalisdc con sumption practices in theirchildren. These two reasons suggest a third reason for focusing on women. By the 1930s, a new female archetype—the "modem woman" —was
N ationalizing F anale Consum ert
emergingas a primarythreat to thegoals ofthe movement.’ This largelyur ban and internationally oriented phenomenon personified a new form of femininity closely linked to consumption practices antithetical to those of themovement. Destroying theattractivenessof this representationbecamea keyconcernof the movement. This chapter demonstrates howthestate and businesses—while claiming to represent national interests—intervened in the domestic lives of both menand women by openingwhat had once been relatively independent purchasing decisions to public scrutiny. Indeed, the movement—especially the Women's National Products Year—sought to justify this bydenyingdistinctions betweenpublic andprivate. Making indi vidual consumption practices anexplicitly political act ladenwith nationalis ticovertones was preciselythepoint oftheyearandofthemovement. This chapter explores the role of women and representations of women in nationalizing consumer culture. The first section examines representa tions of female consumers. Exploring what the movement hoped Chinese would see as unpatriotic about female consumption, and why, helps explain how the movement endeavored to correct this behavior. The secondsection embeds these issues in the Womens Year of 1934, a year in the life of a model femaleconsumer. Three major gift-giving holidays provide an oppor tunity to see how the movement thought women should manage their households and interact with relatives and friends. Likewise, the celebration of International Women's Day (March 8) provides an opportunity to ex plore thegrowthoftheviewthatwomens ties tothenationwerethehighest formof loyalty and allegiance. The movement and the year commandeered these events to produce newnorms for national female subjects as mothers, daughters, and consumers who engaged in fashion and, more broadly, con sumption, with the interests of the nation in mind. A final section discusses the fewwomenwho openlychallengedtheserepresentations. The Image of the Consuming Woman
The conflict between female consumers and patriarchal “national interests“ has been part of a larger battle over gender relations in modem history. A truismof thestudyof feminismandother social movements inthe twentieth centuryis that womens movements consistendytook, willinglyor under du-5 5. On the representations of"modern women* in 1930s film* see Yingjin Zhang 1996:185-
ress, a backseat to nation-state-building projects (seeJayawardena 1991).6 In the process, womens rights advocates have continually subordinated or sac* rificed their goals to the purported prerequisites ofa larger nationalistic dis course.78National liberation, in such master narratives, becomes the primary objective on which women's emancipation would (or should) fellow. The history of the interaction between nation-state building and the changing roles of women in China isjust being written. Starts have been made on re lating women's emancipation to revolutionary political movements, labor movements, and even psychological change (Gilmartin 1995; Hershatter 1986; Honig 1986; Collins 1976)* I hope to contribute to this literature by linking womens emancipation agendas to the burgeoning urban consumer culture. The emphasis here is on how the nexus of intenselyanti-imperialist and nationalistic discourses of consumption subordinated the goals of the women’smovement to nationalism. Womens emancipation and nationalist discourses have long beenjoined, and the co-optation of women's goals by nationalismwas a constant threat. Male contributions to the discourse on women’s emancipation ($Üj£cA¥fö( from the late Qing on emphasized empowering women, alongside men, so that they might better help serve the nation; they rarely discussed thegrantingof intrinsic or inalienable rights.9Thisjustification for changing women’s social roles is clearly seen in two major issues at the turn of the twentieth century: feotbinding and education fer women (Lü and Zheng 1990: 150-68). The famous refermer Liang Qichao was one of the bestknown and earliest proponents of this formulation. He argued that China’s backwardness was due to the manifold ways it constricted the potential physical and intellectual contributions of its people. He paid special atten tion to the physical limitations imposed on women. For example, Liang se verely criticized the practice of footbinding because crippling women pre 6. N o t only have emancipation agendas been set aside, but, some would also argue, w om ens bodies have been further colonized by the needs o f the nation. See, e.g., the collection o f articles in Yuval-Davis and Anthias 1989. 7. A nia Loomba remarks o f this trade-offi T h e self-fashioning o f the nationalistic male thus required his fashioning o f his wife into a fresh subservience, even though this new role included her education and freedom from some older orthodoxies" (199& *ai).
8. O n
the role o f Chinese women in introducing and defining nationalism, see Judge 2001.
9. O n the application o f such terms during the early twentieth-century women's move ment in China, see Gilm artin 1995:
6 - 8.
O n early twentieth-century anarchism and its at
tempts to break this link between nationalism and feminism, see Z a rrow 1988.
N ationalizing Female Consumers
vented them from contributing to the welfare o f the country.101T h e other major focus o f earlier reformers was women’s education. Even when women participated in these initial discussions toward the end o f the Q ing dynasty, they invariably reproduced the male-dominated discourse on the supreme importance o f the nation. For instance, o f the reasons given in the early twentieth century for educating women, historian Charlotte Beahan ob serves, "W om en were to be educated because they would be the mothers o f the Chinese race and the Chinese citizens o f the future. Education was not justified as an inherent right o f women, but as an absolute necessity for the good o f the nation as a whole* (1975:385).11 Justifying the reform o f women’s social roles and status as a prerequisite for nation-state building was a double-edged sword, however. T h e connec tion legitim ized reform in the minds o f a much broader audience, particu larly among men who could implement such views. T h e popular appeal al lowed reformers to make significant gains in women’s emancipation, as the demise o f footbinding and the proliferation o f women’s schools demon strate (Borthwick 1983:114-18; M a Gengcun 1995:127-41). But the link ul timately proved fatal to reformers. During the iconoclastic N ew Culture Movement and M ay Fourth era o f the late 1910s and early 1920s, social critics launched a broad criticism o f the existing patriarchal system. T o save the nation, reformers such as Chen Duxiu
(1879-1942) called
for a host o f revolutionary social and political changes, including the abolition o f the family as the basic social unit. However, as reform goals broadened, they met resistance from those who questioned the nations need to empower women in general and their own wives and daughters in particular. In the late 1920s, tension between the more radical elements o f the women's emancipation movement and the proponents o f the national wel fare came to a head. T h e reinforcement o f gender norms in the 1930s is best seen as part o f the ongoing reaction to M ay Fourth radicalism, which from the start had only limited appeal. Although advocates o f women’s emancipa tion were active before and after this time, in the 1920s radicals used ’’révolu-
10. For a summary, see Collins 1976: 239-40. For another example of a similar linking of national survival and women's emancipation, see Rofel 1994:236. On the struggle for physical emancipation, see Fan and Mangan 199$. 11. For a list of newjournals created to disseminate these positions from 1898 to 1919, see Ma Gengcun 199$: 160-63.
nonary action as a means to consciously refashion China's gender order” (Gilm artin 1994: 201). T h ey failed in their immediate goals, but their activ ism did successfully publicize women's issues— as demonstrated in the rise o f events such as International W om en's Day, the expansion o f public dis course on gender roles, and die spread o f new social organizations. A t the same time, the history o f the decade reveals how quickly and easily politi cians trying to build broader male support sacrificed these initial successes. A c the end o f the decade men still predominately controlled women, as well as the production and distribution o f representations o f women. Both sides o f the N ationalist (G M D )-C om m unist (C C P ) political divide had quickly backpedaled from earlier and more radical positions on women's emancipa tion. Both sides found it a political liability to promote issues such as equal employment opportunities, the freedom to divorce, and expanded legal rights. In fact, sexual politics became one o f the ways the tw o parties sought to differentiate themselves, as each side tried to portray the other as endors ing the more extreme social agenda.12 T H E N B W LIFE M O V E M E N T AND THE M ILITARIZATIO N OF T H E H O U S E H O L D T o historians o f Republican China, the year 1934 is primarily known for the inauguration o f the N ew Life M ovem ent ( 0 TdÉ
i S ÄJ )•u O fficially
launched in February 1934— reportedly after Chiang Kai-shek witnessed a boy urinate in front o f Madame Chiang (Payne 1969:162)14— this N ational ist governm ent-led effort represented Chiang Kai-shek's attem pt to incul cate individual self-discipline, group responsibility, and national loyalty by popularizing a combination o f "traditional” Chinese neo-Confocian views and foreign-inspired ideology. T h e N ew Life M ovement's foreign models
is. See Gilmartin 1994: sis for an extreme version of the punishing of women for their clothing and hairstyles. In 19S7. in the Changsha Horse Square Incident, women with bobbed hair were killed on the pretext that they were Communist radicals. For other examples of controversy surrounding bobbed hair in China, see Lung-kee Sun 1997. Bobbed hair created controversy in countries around the world during the 1930s and 1930s; on France, see M. L Roberts 1994:63-87 and Zdatny 1997. 13. Historians in the West often conclude that this was the most widespread social movement in the Republican era. For instance, Samuel Chu calls it 'unique* (1980:38). 14. For a similar account o f the origins o f the N ew Life Movement, see Furuya 1981:434-35.
N ationalizing Female Consumers
were the Fascist regimes of Italy and Germany—along with the military ethicChianghimselfhadexperiencedasacadet inJapan/5 O n one level, the N ew Life Movement is useful to the study o f the N a tional Products M ovement as another example o f Republican-era attempts to regulate personal behavior on behalf o f the nation and to inculcate the idea that national salvation lay in dictating behavioral norms for individual Chinese. W h at it demanded was nothing less than the inner transformation o f every Chinese for the sake o f national salvation (Eastman 1976: 202).16 N ationalist literature firequendy linked China s strength to the cultivation o f self-restraint, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and obedience. Chiang him self firequendy connected national survival and personal behavior "If we are to restore the nation and gain revenge for our humiliations, then we need not talk about guns and cannon, but must first talk about washing our faces in cold water" (quoted in Eastman 1976:202).17 A s historian A rlif D irlik notes, this was the N ationalist "version o f the cultural revolution " (1975:945).18
15. O n the German inspiration for the N ew Life Movement, see Kirby 1984:145-85. O n the domestic context, see C hu 1980. For a close reading o f its ideology, see Dirlik 1975. 16. T here are innumerable accounts from contemporary sources o f groups empowered by the N e w Life Movement to monitor the behavior o f others. See, e.g., S M P File 5729» »935-3*25: T h e Y outh Service Group,” which tells o f squads o f boys wearing badges canvass ing the streets and alleyways around Shanghai "persuading persons found smoking and others who were improperly clad to correct their behavior.” Many such groups were established to ”advise the people to live a rational' life” (File 5729,1934-6.5: Inspection o f N ew Life M ove ment Persuading Corps”). In Shanghai, these "Persuasion Corps,” which included members o f the police force, were ordered to parade individuals caught violating N e w Life dictates (File 5729,1934-5-29: "Violators o f Rules o f N e w Life M ay be Paraded in Streets”). See also File 5729,1935.3.22: "Activities o f the Inspection Group,” 1935.2.19: T h e First Anniversary o f the N ew Life Movement," and 1935.1.12: "Propagating the N ew Life” (this S M P file contains ex tensive coverage on the N ew Life Movement, including translations o f dipping? from local newspapers). T h e official history o f the N ew Life Movement enumerates the various social practices targeted for dimination (A
BriefHistorical Sketch oftheNewLife Movement [1937])- A ll
the countless movements or campaigns in China during this time sought to change Chinese behavior. M any o f these movements overlapped. During the N ew Life Movement, for in stance, the Anti-Tuberculosis Movement tried to persuade Chinese to "refrain from spitting at random on the streets” (S M P File 5729,1935.3.17: "Anti-Tuberculosis Movement”). 17- In some cases, these hygiene campaigns contributed directly to the creation o f new Chinese industries. Carl C row (1944:134-35) observed that the "Kill Flies!” campaign o f the N ew Life Movement, which rewarded boys for killing flies, initiated a huge demand for a new consumer product, flyswatters. 18.
In a chapter devoted to the "successful” and "widespread” N ew Life Movement, C row
provides colorful examples o f the growth o f awareness o f hygiene and sanitation and its sue-
T h e N ational Products M ovem ent used the N ew Life M ovem ent to spread its agenda. For instance, the thousand-plus branch organizations w ithin the N ew Life M ovem ent were conduits for the call to prom ote na tional products. 19 T h e movement also re-interpreted the vaunted tradi tional Chinese virtues at the heart o f N ew Life rhetoric to suit its interests. N ew Life leaders com bined the hallowed Chinese virtues o f propriety, justice, integrity, and shame (S L i t , BfiL and JfC') w ith m ilitarization ( $ in an attem pt to foster a disciplined, patriotic, and energetic popula tion .20 M ovem ent participants, however, defined these same traits w ithin the context o f nationalistic consum ption, citing, for instance, the wearing o f foreign-m anufactured clothing as an example o f a lack o f shame and argu ing that one should foster these traditional virtues through patriotic con sum ption. A s a female junior high school student put this: “O n e w ho uses national products has a sense o f shame; and one w ho does not use national products lacks a sense o f shame.” T h is same student also reinterpreted the other virtues in light o f the movement by suggesting, for instance, that one could cultivate and demonstrate integrity through a willingness to buy na tional products “even when they cost more than im ports“ (Z h an g M ingdong 1934) (see Fig. 7.2).21
More broadly, the movement helped define the purpose of this universal militarizationof Chinese societyand attendant attempts tocreate acommon purpose among all Chinese. Scholars have already examined the widespread
cess in making polygamy disreputable. Downplaying the coercive aspects of the campaign. Crow called Chiang s government the "Emily Post of China" (19 4 4 :12 7 -2 9 ). 19. The widely circulated and posted slogans of the New Life Movement, for instance, in cluded "Promote the National Products Movement" (SMP File 5729,1935.4.10: ‘The New Life Movement—General Principles for the Organization of the New Life Public Service Corps," Article 6, no. 16; see also Walter Chen 1937: 210, 219: Dirlik 1975: 950, 955, 973; and Chu 1980:46). On the number of branch organizations in the New Life Movement, see Wal ter Chen 1937:200. 20. The four terms are difficult to translate. Madame Chiang Kai-shek rendered them as "behavior," "right conduct," "integrity," and “self-respect" (Chiang 1934: 7- 3). Indeed, Chiang Kai-shek proposed "Militarization Movement" as an alternative name for the New Life Movement (Dirlik 1975:972; Kirby 1984:176). Chiang himself said: "In the home, the factory, and the government office, everyone's activities must be the same as in the army.. . , And everyone together must firmly and bravely sacrifice for the group and for the nation" (quoted in Eastman 1976:202). 21. See also Benson 1999, which demonstrates how Nanjing Road merchants used songs to subvert the New Life message.
N ationalizing Female Consumers
* * & ]£ $ * tv*
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Fig. 7*a "Practicing New Life" (SB 1934.6.19) This advertisement for the personal grooming and hygiene products manufactured by China Chemical demonstrates the swift co-optation o f the N ew Life Movement by the National Products Movement. W hile reproducing slogans from the N ew Life Pledge such as "definitely brush your teeth every morning" and "frequently sweep your rooms" (lower rifht comer), this ad vertisement placed by a major supporter o f the movement also promotes the consumption o f products as the means to achieving "N ew Life." T h e advertisement suggests how one might use China Chemical's national products from the first thing in the morning to the last thing at night: "(1) W hen you get up in the morning, use Three Star toothpaste to brush your teeth; (2) W hen washing your face and hands, use Three Star antiseptic soap; (3) W hen a room must be sanitized, use Housefly Killer; (4) W hen food and drink must be cleaned, add Flavor Life to your vegetables. Adding a bit is tasty and hygienic; ($) Every afternoon, you should bathe. Add Three Star cologne water to a tub o f clean water. Just a bit can protect you from skin aliments; (6) After bathing, lightly sprinkling Heavenly Scented talcum powder on your body and skin will leave you relaxed and refreshed; (7) In the evening, light a Three Star mosquito coil to kill mosquitoes; (8) Just before going to bed, sprinkle Bug Enemy medicated powder between the crevices o f the bed and the bedding to kill bugs and ensure a peaceful sleep."
militarization o f the N ationalist Party and its governm ent.22 However, the N ational Products Movement s co-optation o f military forms and rheto ric reveals an attempt to extend this militarization even more deeply into
22. Representative publications by these "New Military historians" include Waldron 1993 and van de Ven 19964,1996b, 1997.
society.21This militarization reached into the family and to theway women were expected to connect their roles as housewives to national salvation. In deed, the official slogans for the Women's National Products Year of 1934 (translatedbelow) clearlyillustratethe re-interpretationof this broader mili tarizationon behalfofthemovement:2 2 34 1. A woman who commands her family to use national products is the equivalent o f someone commanding officers and soldiers on the bacdefield to kill the enemy for the country. 2. A woman who absolutely refuses to purchase foreign products is the equivalent o f a warrior recovering lost territory. 3. If women want to enjoy equal rights between the sexes, they must first demon strate equal strength. Because women are not as effective on the bacdefield, they must use all their might to promote national products. 4. National survival is the duty o f everyone. The weapon o f women in the fight for national survival is the determined use of national products. $. Last year [1933], imports topped $1,345,000,000. Because this year is the Women’s National Products Year, imports should drop as an expression of women’s patriotism. 6. Last year, food and flour imports occupied the top spot, with a total exceeding $275,000,000. Silk fabrics accounted for over $10,000,000, and perfume in Shang hai over $1,000,000. These monies largely came from the hands o f women. 7. During the previous year, over 300 Chinese factories closed, leaving 330,000'plus workers without jobs; including their families, this leaves hungry and cold over 2,000,000 people— if women can lead family members to use national products, then they can save the lives o f over 2,000,000 persons. 8. Women! Sacrifice a bit of beauty! Thereby save the country and save the people! This is even a greater way to act!
23. Indeed, even the body itselfwas conceptualized as a battlefield (Dikötter 1995:123-26).
On the reflection of this militarization of Chinese society in the fashions of college students, who increasingly chose to wear military uniforms beginning in the late 1920s, see W .-H . Yeh 1990:222-26. See also *Xin shenghuo zhifu yu guohuo" (1934). 24. F unu gongming yutbao 3, no. 12 (1934.12): 27. This list of Women’s National Products Year slogans was widely reprinted. See, e.g., “Funü de guohuo biaoyu* and G uohuo juebco (Shanghai edition) 2, no. 2-3 (1935.2-3): 82, which credits the Womens National Products Association with creating these fifteen slogans. These were not the only slo gans circulated during the year. For others, see 'Funu guohuo nian qkhe youxing canjia yongyue,' which states such slogans were plastered throughout Shanghai.
N ationalizing Female Consumers
9. Considering foreign products as stylish and as beautiful— that is the most shamefill attitude. 10. Wasting money buying foreign products is the most immoral act. Hereafter, let's buy national products. 11. Although Chinese products are not as beautiful as imports, we should respect fully use these products because Chinese people make them. la. We should teach our sons and daughters never to buy foreign products. 13. We should use promoting national products as a means of awakening national consciousness. 14. China has over seventy million struggling farmers; all of them are the result of imperialists exploiting us. 15. If we want to resist the exploitation of imperialists, we must earnestly promote national products. These slogans neatly summarize the four central tensions, explored in this chapter, between the movement and its representation o f female consumers. First, echoing the fascistic N ationalist Party rhetoric, military metaphors abound.25 In this case, the market was a battlefield dominated by women on one side and nationality-bearing commodities on the other (especially, slo gans 1-4,15). Exemplary men proved their patriotism on the battlefield, and exemplary women on the figurative battlefield o f the marketplace.26 Second, just as a military battlefield was for men, the market was the proving ground for an idealized femininity and motherhood (slogans 3 and 12). A s another movement slogan put it, "W om en are the mothers o f the citizenry; using na tional products is the mother o f national wealth and power" (Zhang Jian and W u Linwu 1996:441). Third, the slogans underscore the growing hostil ity to "unpatriotic" female consumption— and invoke the purportedly indis putable evidence provided by trade statistics to justify this hostility (slogans 5-7, 14)- Finally, the movement saw a tremendous need to integrate
2$. Such military metaphors were pans o f many movement slogans. For instance, among the official slogans o f the Capital National Products Museum in Nanjing was: "Promoting national products is our greatest weapon for smashing the entire economic invasion o f our country* ("Womende kouhao"). 26.
Indeed, this sentiment grew after the Japanese invasion o f Manchuria in 1931, and this
line frequently appeared in movement literature: "During the National Crisis, the only re sponsibility o f women is to use national products": see, e.g., "Guonan zhong funü weiyide zeren."
nationalisminto female aesthetics and fashions by arguing that beauty was dependent on nationality(slogans 8-n).27 FROM LIVED TO IDEALIZED D O M ESTICITY
The initial stages of the women’semancipation movement intheearly twen tieth century had some successes. Formerly, "respectable" women had been severely physically limited in mobility by footbinding and customs that dis couraged the intermingling of the sexes. By the end of the 1920s, women in teracted more commonly outside the home in places such as new-style schools, theaters, native-place associations, and groups for returned stu dents.28Moreover, in contrast to earlier periods, women themselves took an active role in the transformation of social roles. By one estimate, over a hun dred women's organizations were founded inthe first two decades following the Revolution of 1911» This newvisibilitywas striking to foreign residents in China. Japanese and Western visitors to China before 1911 frequently noted the absence of middle- and upper-class women in public places.29According
27. Sun Mengren (1933: 33) concludes chat the beauty of modem women was "artificial beauty" because it was based on imports. One can find similar attempts to link aesthetics to nationality in other countries. In India, for example, Gandhi made a similar connection in 1925. Biographer Judith Brown summarized his view: "The product of the [tra ditional Indian spinning] wheel, being Indian rather than foreign, should have a particular beauty in the eyes of anyone who loved the Indian nation" (1989: a°3)* 28. Participation in native-place associations developed gradually. Here I refer not neces sarily to membership, which seems to have been restricted to men until the 1920s, but more generally to events and organizations within association halls. Bryna Goodman notes that by the 1930s women not only couldjoin these associations but also were active participants (1995: 221,221*9,282). 29. The Meiji-era leader Tsuda Mamichi, for instance, observed the stria separation of the sexes: "When I passed through the crowded intersections ofShanghai, [Tianjin], and [Beijing], thejams were even more confused than those I had seen even in London and Paris. Yet, I saw not a single Chinese wife on the streets. Nor did I see females sitting in the shops" (Meirokusha 1976: 278). For representative accounts by Westerners, see, e.g., Denby 1906:163-65, White 1897:152, and Speer 1870:91-92, who cited their "inability to walk with ease” as the primary rea son for their absence in public. Emile Bard noted: "Except inthe open ports, one never seesa na tive in company with his wife and daughters. We have never ma a Chinese woman at a dinner party, with the exception of singers and dancers hired to entertain the company" (1905:36-37). Recent research, however, suggests that even upper-class women engaged in life outside the home to agreater degree than previously acknowledged; see Ko 1994:12-14.
N ationalizing Female Consumers
to one long-time observer, by the 1930s, women had become much more visible: “W om en, especially o f the younger generation, now accompany their husbands to restaurants and places o f entertainment and sit with them in public theaters. O nly five or six years ago [i.e„ the m id-içaos] if women a t' tended public meetings at all, they were carefully segregated on one side o f the hall” (van D om 193a: 242-43).
As women increasingly participated in life outside the home, the New Life Movement and discourses of domesticity became increasingly idealized representationsdivorced fromurban social realities. They were prescriptions for what women ought to do rather than accurate descriptions of what women were increasinglydoing. The discrepancygeneratedthesocial power to vilify andvictimize women not pursuing these normative roles. Attempts to force women back into more narrowly defined social environments cen' teredon the family. But there was a difference. Women were told to return to the household in an attempt not to exclude themfrompublic life but to persuade them to participate in public life in a certain way. Moreover, women’s organizations joined in emphasizing the national significance of women’sdomesticroles. AUTH ENTIC AND INAUTHENTIC MODERN WOMEN
Although the movement sought to inculcate its values into every Chinese woman, it had priorities. Movement literature defined its target audience as primarily urban ’’middle- and upper-class women" ( ("Duiyu funümenjiju nier zhonggao" [1934]).10In ocher words, the move ment focused on what sociologist Pierre Bourdieu terms "tastemakers” or "cultural intermediaries," which in Shanghai were middle- and upper-class women and prostitutes. As with tastemakers in general, these women pos sessed more chanmerelymoney. They also had"differential access toknowl edge," cultural capital, and resources that were available ingreater supply in major cities, especially in Shanghai, which provided more ways of knowing0 3
30. In an interview, Mrs. Pan Gongzhan, a leader of the Womens National Products Year and the wife of a prominent Shanghai politician, also identified these women as the primary targets (Yu Qiacheng 1934). For an overview of the different social classes in Shang hai in this era, see Witke 1980. However, this article does not discuss the role of consumption in forming these classes.
through things such as fashion magazines and more places to learn such as departm ent stores and other public venues (Bourdieu i984).}1 T h e N ational Products M ovem ent considered these women to be the w orst offenders— they had the knowledge to know better and the power to make a difference, yet too infrequently did so. M oreover, as tastemakers, their choices were im itated by lower classes in the cities and throughout the country. C on vert' ing these women to role models for the construction o f new nationalistic Chinese women became a central objective. Indeed, some o f these women were the m ost active in the movement— wives and daughters o f politicians, professionals, and merchants.12 A lthough this discourse collectively blamed the social category "woman,” the prim ary transgressor was the "m odem wom an/gal/girl"
CßR).M Like other social categories created in an emerging consum er culture, such women were m ost easily identified through con sum ption and leisure habits. In contrast to rural women, who bought pri marily Chinese goods, "modem women" consumed alm ost exclusively im ports.3 34 T h eir leisure activities centered around im ports and wasteful habits 2 13 such as frequenting movie houses, dance halls, and hair salons and riding around in autom obiles.35 According to one article, these women were "worse
31. For an introduction to the social role o f ‘’tastemakers/’ see Finkelstein 1996:80-S6. O n the role o f Shanghai in producing fashion knowledge through magazines specifically about w om ens clo th in g see G arrett 1995:89-90 and W arra 1999. 32. These women were often referred to as "women o f the educated class" $ § & ) ; see, e.g., SB 1934514. 33. T h e term modeng
is difficult to translate. "Flapper" in many ways covers the
meaning and was used by contemporaries to describe these women (E. T . W illiam s 1927: 424). However, as historian M iriam Silverberg (1991: 247-48) argues in an article on the Japanese "modern girl" (mop or modan paru), the term is not completely transferable. A l though the Chinese "modern girl’s" relationship to the flapper is ambiguous, her ties to her Japanese counterparts are more discernable. By the early 1930s, Japan and T o k y o in particular had already become a major source o f information and inspiration for urban Chinese fash ions. Participants ranged in age from teenagers to middle-aged consumers. O n the role o f these women and their male counterparts (modan hoi, "m odem boys") in disseminating fash ion knowledge in Japan, see Shimada 1962. 34. O n e writer even calculated tlu t "imports constitute 70-80 percent" o f the purchases o f modern women; by contrast, "national products comprised 70-80 percent" o f the items "vil lage women"
lx ) consumed (Lu Q in g 1932).
35. "M odeng funu: juew u ba!" (1934); "G uohuo yu wuchang" (1934)» which describes the culture o f imports within the halls; and "M odeng nûzi han maoduan nuzi" (1934)*
N ationalizing Female Consumers
chan beggars and drifters.” Like these two disparaged social groups, they produced nothing. W orse still, these women adversely influenced society through their example (”D uiyu ftmümen jiju nier zhonggao” [1934] and “Zhenzhengde modeng fund” [1934]). A n examination o f these represents' tions reveals how patriotic and unpatriotic consumption produced authentic and inauthentic women. T h e image o f the "modem woman” is central to both movement efforts to nationalize consumption and state attempts to reassert control over women s behavior. T his image came to represent everything both the movement and the new patriarchal nation-state claimed to oppose: reckless cosmopolitan ism, superficiality, and disregard for social conventions.36 These representations also had deeper racial, class, and gender signifi cance. These women showed themselves to be traitors to their race and evinced a "slaves mentality” (&X|î&Ô^'L'3i! ) by blindly pursuing foreign trends; they were traitors to their gender because they apparently rejected state-sponsored interpretations o f femininity; and they posed a danger to their social class by disrupting its conventions, undermining its authority, and heightening class tensions through conspicuous consumption. These seemingly apolitical women posed more o f a threat than did more vocally political ones, most o f whom were still bound by nationalistic narratives ("what is good for us is good for the nation” and, vice versa, ”what is good for the nation is good for us”). Moreover, because these women often lacked or were denied an explicit political affiliation, they were much harder to target and control. Ironically, the more the political establishment attacked, the worse the situation seemed to become. Because shunning social conventions was part o f the attitude associated with these women, the state undermined its objective by continually identifying these social conventions. Transgres sion was the point, and it was easier to transgress when rules and expecta tions were explicit.37
36. Indeed, in the short story 'Cosmetics,* a daughter rejects her fathers admonitions to
use only Chinese products and argues that ‘ only workers did so* (*Huazhuangpin* [Cosmet ics], SB 1934.1.18). 37. On the ways fashion systems encompass the fashionable, anti-fashionable, and non-
fashionable, see Hollander 1980. For an entertaining elaboration o f fashionable transgression in a very different context, see Klein 1993.
OB JEC TS A N D O B J E C T IV IT Y IN T H E P O L IT IC S OF BLAM E T h e discourse o f crade statistics was an animating force not only in the movement (see Chapter i) but also in these attacks on "the m odem woman” and ocher consumers labeled unpatriotic. M any articles began their critiques o f unpatriotic female consumers by invoking the mecasignifier, or overarch' ing referent, within this discourse, China's trade deficit.38 O f the anticipated 1933 trade deficit o f $900 million, one article said: "Its as if each Chinese gave more than $2 to foreigners” (SB 1934.1. i).390 4Such statistics were accepted as unmediated scientific proof o f the lack o f patriotism o f Chinese women, particularly the self'described modern ones.90These statistics provided con* Crete evidence o f the exact magnitude o f the female betrayal. N early every ar ticle throughout this and other years during the movement makes explicit or im plicit reference to China's annual trade deficit, as well as to the specific numbers for the targeted commodity. W ith this undeniable proof o f unpa triotic consumption, movement advocates had a basis for attacking the life' styles these forms o f consumption produced— and, indeed, the movement provided this basis to others as well (for example, the N ew Life M ovement). M oreover, the magnitude o f this and other numbers became the primary justification for a gendered national product year— that is, a year devoted to publicizing and correcting the behavior o f China's statistically m ost unpatri otic consumers: women (see Fig. 7.3).41
38. For instance, Shi Pu 1934 and “Jiagongzhong de fendou* (1934)- China had run a trade deficit since the mid-eighteenth century. D uring the late 1930s and 1930s, this deficit grew quickly; see Table 1.1, p. 44* 39. A t a movement fashion show in 1930, for instance, the speaker, Y u Q ingtang
(1897-1949), contextualized the establishment o f the Shanghai W om en's National Products Promotion Society
by arguing that China's growing deficits
were “passing through the hands o f Chinese w om en' (“N iijie tichang guohuo shengkuang* (1930J: 36). 40. See, e.g., “Fund guohuo nianzhong zhi chouhuo qingxiao w e n tf (1934). 41. Som e writers specifically blamed women's obsession with imported fabrics and clothes for the deficit and, therefore, the need to conduct a movement: T h e money that every woman every year spends on clothing, I can say, occupies the greatest portion o f the money spent that y e a r. . . therefore it is absolutely necessary for the National Products Movement to begin with women's clothing ' T h e author concluded that women “bear the greatest responsi bility* for the success o f the movement (Ba Ling 19344:13). T h e issue o f Jilian huikan in which this article appeared (no. 93, Apr. 1,1934) was a special issue devoted to the “clothing prob-
N ationalizing Female Consumers
Fig. 7*3 Fashionable Traitors (G uohuo ju tb ao 1, no. 1 [1934.$]) T h is is a typical representation o f a fashionable urban woman circulated during the W om en’s National Products Year o f 1934. T h e illustration portrays 'C h in a ' (indicated by the Chinese characters on her blouse) as a well-dressed female in the hand o f 'foreign economic forces* (on the hand). T h e caption on the left side explains the reason for China's dire predicament: fashion controls Chinese women.
T h e movement did not consider all imports or all consumers equally blameworthy. There was an im plicit product hierarchy— some desires were more socially acceptable chan others. T h e most treasonable items were those aimed at satisfying female self-indulgence, particularly perfume and cosmet ics.42These products became common metaphors for national disintegration. In these representations, China was on the verge o f "national destruction" (trH 9 ) because women could not control their impulses. T h e trade deficit was a scorecard for all Chinese and measured in specific terms the success or failure o f the movement as a whole. However, in the early 1930s, specific
( JK$cR9 JIB) and contains over a dozen articles that make similar connections. See espe
cially 'Fuzhuang yu fonü* (Clothing and women): 3-$. 4». ‘ Fund guohuo nian yu huazhuangpin* (1934). For a brief history o f the cosmetics in
dustry in Shanghai and its link to the movement, see 'Shanghai zhi huazhuangpin gongye* («933)-
Fig. 7-4 Conduits o f Imperialism
(Guchuo yuebao i, no. i [1934*6]) H ere is another example o f the many images, stories, articles, and other texts produced dur ing the W om en's N ational Products Year o f 1934. T hese texts vilified middle- and upperclass women for popularizing the consumption o f "foreign products" and, consequently, for supporting imperialism. T h e text (upper right) accuses women o f acting as the "faithful mar keting representatives o f foreign products."
numbers were invoked to identify the culprits behind the culprits— or those prim arily responsible for the national failure that the number demon* strated. T hese objects and their consumers, then, became central targets (see Fig. 7-4).4î A ttacks on "m odem women" became a central feature o f the W om ens Year. T h e notion o f a new or m odem woman ($ ? $ § & ), since its inception at the start o f the twentieth century, has always included the idea that there were widespread social “fakes," women who looked "new" but harbored tra ditional views (Edwards 2000: 120-25). M ovem ent articles participated in this critique by excoriating women who misread modernity. These foolish women blindly equated anything and everything W estern w ith m odernity.44
4 ). T h is representation was a com m on theme in writings throughout the movement. For 19)4, see, e.g., ‘ Funümen! X ingba!” (1934) and SB 1934.5.14. A n article in the latter derisively suggested that the year should be known as the “W om en's Foreign Products Y ear.' 44. Eileen C hang observed this equation between things W estern and modernity: “T h e indiscriminate importation o f thing* foreign went to such an extent that society girls and pro-
Nationalizing Female Consumers
T h is mistake threatened the continued existence o f the nation, as represented by its national products. A s one writer put it, "W e must make clear that the kind o f modernity and fashion that foreign products express is an inauthentic
modernity and fashion. T h is type o f expression really
demonstrates one’s own ignorance and stupidity. W ith the call to promote national products, this is shameful behavior."4*
P R O S T I T U T I N G TH E N A T I O N Even more than the "modem woman,” the category o f "prostitute" ($$j£c) provided the W om ens National Products Year and the N ational Products Movement with the antithesis to its ideal nationalistic female consumer. E x' pressed in media sympathetic to the movement, the image o f the prostitute was an especially potent symbol to associate with unpatriotic consumption, given the growing interpretation o f prostitution in the 1920s and 1930s as a hindrance to both women and national development (Hershatter 1992: 146).46 T h e movement strengthened the contrast between sacred national products and profane imports in many ways; perhaps the most visible o f these was clothing. W ithin the movement, the two types o f clothing pro* duced antithetical social identities. A s one writer expressed this relationship, "I consider wearing national products to be the most noble and honorable thing; in contrast, covering oneself in foreign products is to consider one's
fessional beauties wore spectacles for ornament, since spectacles were a sign o f modernity” ( i 9 4 3 : 59).
4$. ”G uohuo yu modeng fiinü" (1934)* N o t everyone wanted the movement to abandon the term ”modern.” Although some movement critics rejected "modern” clothing altogether, others suggested that "modern” clothing had to be defined strictly in terms o f national prod* ucts. In other words, if an article o f clothing was made o f imported fabrics, it was ipsofacto not "modem”; whereas national products clothing always was. For an example o f the former argument, see "W o duiyu fuzhuang shang de sanbu zhiyi” (1934)* T h e first o f these three prin ciples was "not modern”
For an example o f someone trying to redefine modem
clothing around national products, see "Modeng fuzhuang de tiaojian" (1934)» which includes as its first point: "As for the raw materials o f clothing, only if an article o f clothing makes use o f national products does it count as modem." See also "Shizhuang yu meihua" (Fashion and beautification), SB 1933.5.11, which discusses "authentic fashion” (J5Ç
in terms o f
national products. 46.
For a review o f works that explore representations o f prostitutes as allegorical threats
to national interests and as "metaphors o f modernity," see Gilfoyle 1999. O n the early twenti eth-century replacement o f elite prostitutes, or courtesans, with common prostitutes, see H enriot 1994*
body as an inferior product and is an unsurpassably shameful thing to do” ("G uohuo yu jinü” [1934])* T h is author, like m ost movement advocates, sought to use the visual cues provided by appearance to shame women wearing foreign clothing into compliance and coined a new name to describe women w ho wore national products. Because prostitutes were famous for wearing fashionable foreign dress, the author suggested labeling all women w ho wore im ports "prostitutes” and urged the circulation o f a new slogan: "W om en who wear foreign clothing are prostitutes.” A s the author put it, T despise them . O ne know s at a glance that these women are unprincipled and disreputable.” In co n ' trast, women who conform ed by wearing national products should be deemed "contem porary” or "hip women”
("Guohuo yu jinü”
[1934])/7 Unfortunately, the article did not reveal the secret o f discerning a fabric's nationality "at a glance." T h e term "prostitute" became a twin marker o f social decadence and im perialist penetration.4* Linking the consum ption o f imports w ith such po tent symbols such as prostitution established the groundwork for treating consumers o f im perialist products as non-human, a further check on behav' ior deemed unpatriotic. T h e movement needed to cleanse both the prosti tute and her representative consum ption habits.
M ovem ent advocates were anxious to reverse the popular appeal o f the "m odem woman," for fear that an epidemic o f em ulation w ould quickly spread across China. A s an article published on the first day o f the W om en s N ational Products Year warned, "Sm aller cities and the country side im itate the consum ption trends o f major cities” (SB 1934.1.1).49 Another 4 8 7
47. In fact, even Chinese female mission school students who had contact w ith foreign men were accused o f being unpatriotic and prostitutes. For an example, see G raham 1994:3536. M ale anxiety that women would prefer the 'foreign” to the 'C h in ese' appears to apply to both products and people. 48. For other uses o f the changing categories associated with prostitutes in emerging nationalist discourse, see Hershatter 1994, which focuses on how prostitutes, especially their consumption habits, provided definitions o f urbanity. 49* Throughout the movement, the countryside— in sharp contrast to the cities— represented both a place o f authentic nationalistic consumption where consumers naturally
Nationalizing Female Consumers
article cited the spread among women o f the habit o f powdering their legs as a specific example o f this urban-rural system o f disseminating fashion knowledge. T h e article blamed prostitutes for initiating the habit, "modem women” for adopting it, and rural women for emulating urban women (”Funü guohuo nian huichangwei biaoshi”).50 T h e movement sought to re verse these trends by denouncing loudly and frequently the "modem woman" and by offering a competing and nationalized alternative, such as the "contemporary” or "hip woman." However, as the final third o f this chapter shows, movement sympathizers who set personal examples and or ganized a year o f special events such as fashion shows and makeup educa tion campaigns also waged this battle. T h e movement attempted to break the association o f the "modem" with international fashion and products by providing portraits o f foreign women as role models o f nationalistic consumers. These foreign role models invaria bly came from countries considered the most modem, the U nited States, Germany, Japan, and France. Fashion, in these examples, was intensely na tionalistic rather than superficially cosmopolitan. Newspaper articles told o f heroic efforts made by women from these leading countries to consume nationalistically, even while abroad. O ne role model was a famous H olly wood actress, identified only by the Chinese transliteration o f her name, who visited France. W hile there, the actress used American products exclu sively, dined only at American-style restaurants, and expressed absolutely no interest in French products. According to a newspaper article devoted to the story, the outwardly indignant French secretly admired her patriotism. In another parable, a Japanese mother living in Shanghai directed her son to buy a notebook at a distant store run by Japanese. Instead, the child bought
chose to buy Chinese goods and also the greatest source o f anxiety that foreign product pref erences would develop there. For an example o f the former, see 'Xiangcun tongbao de xialing guohuo yongpin’ (1933). For an example o f the latter, see 'G u oh u o tuixiao dao neidi qu’ (*933)-
$0. O n the role o f high-class prostitutes as tastemakers, see also Gronewold 198$: 17, 5960. In the 1930s, Carl Crow (1937: 41) commented that Shanghai set fashion trends not only
for China but also for overseas Chinese communities. Japanese geisha similarly influenced ur ban fashions in their country (Dalby 1993: 328-3$). A . C . Scott (i960: $9) also notes the coastal/urban to interior/rural path o f the spread o f fashion trends. In contrast to Scott, I do not equate or measure this spread by the appearance or disappearance o f Western and Chi nese styles. Definitions o f what was Chinese and what was foreign were fluid throughout this period (see Part I).
a Chinese-m ade notebook at a nearby store run by Chinese. W h en he re turned, his mother prom ptly inspected the article and discerned its Chinese identity. Thereupon she tore the notebook in tw o and scolded her son for his unpatriotic act.si Such articles made clear to Chinese readers that theirs was not the only country encouraging strict reliance on national products. Rather, the citizens o f every powerful country considered such measures appropriate and natural. A s one writer put it, T m afraid that the only country that likes to use for eign products is China" (Z h ao Y izao 1932: 39). Authentic modernity, as prac ticed in Japan and the W est, relied on nationalistic consum ption. Therefore, ran the argument, the wealth and power o f China turned on the loyalty o f its female consumers.
Finally, although this chapter focuses on Shanghai, the W om en's N ational Products Year and representations o f women had a much broader impact. By 1934, there were many well-established channels for spreading the movement to other parts o f China and abroad. O ther chapters examine these paths more closely. H ere it is sim ply im portant to note that many cities and towns reported activities associated w ith the W om ens N ational Products Year. T h e specific objectives o f the year were disseminated in print and in person. For example, in the spring, committee members such as M rs. Pan Gongzhan and M s. T ang Guanyu /Éfx^EE led tours o f na tional product factories in Beiping, Tianjin, Jinan, and Q ingdao, among other places, and worked to establish connections with fellow advocates o f the N ational Products M ovem ent (SB 1934.5.3).52 Later during the year, ac tivist Lin Kecong
led a delegation to other port cities to promote
the year (SB 1934.9.6). W om en's m onthly magazines such as the Funù gongming yuebao
kept activists in other cities abreast o f ac-
$1. “Z h e shi yimian jingzi" (T h is is a mirror), SB i934-5>io. Another article, on the authors visit to Japan, describes how Japanese primary school teachers bully children into wearing only Japanese products and suggests that Chinese teachers do the same (‘ Xiaoxue jiaoshi zeren jiazhongle' (1934]).
$a. Such tours were very common. See also “Funü guohuo hui zu guohuo kaocha tuan* (t 9 }4 ).
Nationalizing Female Consumers
civities in Shanghai and encouraged them to follow suit.” Groups in many places did so. In the Jiangsu provincial city o f Zhenjiang, for example, D e cember 3-9 was declared W om en's Use N ational Products Prom otion W eek by the provincial assembly. Local household investigation teams, long a central part o f boycotts, were set up to visit housewives and explain the importance o f national products.” These teams also visited girls schools and encouraged them to set up their own teams to cover more territory. Later, all these teams joined in a mass rally to report the results o f their work.5 *55 Likewise, during this year, Zhejiang province's W om en's Associa 3 tion
embraced the objectives o f the W om ens Year by compiling
bylaws for the establishment o f W om en's Use N ational Products Associa tions and ordering every county and city to establish a branch ("Gedi fund jiji tichang guohuo” [1934]).56 A Year in the Life of a Patriotic Female Consumer T h e movement coaxed women to practice the ideals o f nationalistic con sumption through the W om en's N ational Products Year o f 1934. M any o f the activities during the year came from a long list o f well-established meth ods for advancing the movement— setting up temporary markets, giving
53. N ew wom ens organizations were established frequently during the early 1930s to promote the development o f the movement. Although there are no specific numbers, the pages o f journals devoted to women's issues such as Funü gongming provide evidence o f grow* ing interest in forming such groups. In August 1930, for instance, it reported on the origins o f a branch o f the W omen's National Products Association Zhim ei
in Guangzhou. W u
(1898-1956) o f Guangzhou went to Nanjing to investigate the various
women's organizations operating there and became especially interested in the W om en's N a tional Products Promotion Association ( $ § ic ffiH I !l^ ltf’ £ ) . T h e Nanjing organization supplied her with copies o f the group's bylaws, minutes, investigative reports, and other in formation. In addition, executive committee member Chen Shuying ßfi ÖR 3 1 (1693-1990), the wife o f Sun K e (the son o f Sun Yatsen who, at the time, was president o f the Legislative Yuan), traveled to Guangzhou to help set up the branch and discuss plans for organizing similar groups throughout China ("Funü guohuo hui choushe Guangzhou fenhui" (1930]).
"Zuzhi guohuo xuanchuandui de jianyi" (1934)« O n female students who frequently visited housewives during the boycott in 1919 to help these women identify their Japanese pos 54*
sessions as well as teach them to look for domestic substitutes, see Lü and Zheng 1990:29899# 303.
55. Funü gongming yuebao 3, no. 12 (1934*12): 56; SB 1934.12.13. 56. Important cities such as Ningbo had already established a branch.
3i o
N ational Product Fashion Shows (H uang Yiting 1934)
Since its inception, the movement did not reject the idea o f fashion, even fashion based on W estern styles; rather, it rejected any notion o f fashion divorced from nationality. Fashion shows were among the com m odity spectacles appropriated from the imperialist countries to promote fashion based on product-nationality. By the late 1920s, such shows had become a regular part o f movement events. A t a show sponsored by the Chinese National Products Store on N anjing Road, Shanghai's most famous shopping d istria, some o f the most Eunous a a o rs o f the day modeled national p ro d u a dresses, including (on thejar left) H u Die Ä f lÄ (1906-89),
(fourthfrom the lefi) A i X ia
(1912-34)« and (to An rijtit) X uan Jinglin j l f t i t t (b. 1907).
public lectures, organizing exhibitions, printing journals, convening rallies, in vestigating manufacturers and marketers, and visiting activists in other cities and countries.57 Som e o f the activities were designed specifically for women, such as fashion shows, cosmetics exhibitions, and childrens events (see Fig. 7'5)'S* O thers, for example, commemorations o f national hum iliation days,
For instance, during the year women in Shanghai organized a temporary market and
hired a promotional truck; see "Funü guohuo nian hui chou she lanshi shangchang" (1934) and "Funü guohuo nian hui zhi shixi shangchang kaimu" (1934)* Also, "to improve the ability o f students to recognize national produas," the organizers o f the year established the "circu lating display o f national p ro d u a samples" (
("Funü guohuo nian
yundong weiyuanhui" (1934]). For a summary and brief description o f the main aaiviries o f the W om en's Year, see Lin Kanghou 1935. 58.1 cover only a handful o f the year's activities. For a brief overview o f planned activities, see "Funü guohuo nian zhi yingyou gongzuo" (1934)* T h e ties betw een women, Euhion, and
Nationalizing Female Consumers
were adapted to target women.59 However, the W om ens N ational Products Year also introduced new events.60In contrast to the focus on highly politi cized national humiliation days in Chapters 3 and 4, the emphasis in this
the movement extend back over several decades. Many references to earlier fashion shows ex plicitly state the need to teach fashionable women to distinguish between Chinese-made and foreign products, for instance, the show hosted by the N P P A in 1913 (Pan Junxiang 1996c 534)* The most comprehensive report, with many photographs and the texts o f speeches given at the event, is “Guohuo shizhuang zhanlanhuf (1930). See also Shanghai guohuo shi-
zhuang zhanlan huiji 1930 and She Ying 1930:2, who attacks as shameful fashion shows that include foreign articles. The shows were often part o f national product exhibitions; see "Hushi guohuo shizhuang zhanlanhui kaimu shengkuang" (1930), for an event hosted by Kong Xiangxi. Often movie stars modeled the clothing at movement &shion shows. O n one show during the National Products Year ( B l l# ^ ) o f 1933, see Lin Kanghou 1935 and "Shi* zhuang zhenyi" (1933). On the N P P A establishment o f a "cosmetics lecture team" ( { b i & f t oft M ), see Z G W H 1932, "Huishi" section: 3. 59. See, e.g., "Furen xiaojie, ni wangjile ma" (1934). which accuses urban women o f con suming Japanese imports and thereby forgetting that country's invasion o f China. Movement
organizations also organized a yearly week of commemorative activities on the anniversary of the Shanghai Incident of January 28,1932, when Japanese troops caused massive destruction in that city. See, e.g., "Yi erba guohuo yundong zhou" (1934)* 60. 1 discuss only a handful o f the many days redefined by the movement. T h e movement, for instance, connected its agenda to celebrations o f China's National Day, which commemo rated the start o f the Revolution o f 1911 on October 10. O n the commemorations o f 193$, see "Shuangshijie yu guohuo yundong" (1935) and "Guoqing yu guohuo" (193$). O f course, the participants in the movement were not the only ones redefining the calendar. T h e veteran China observer Carl C row noted, for instance, that the N ew Life Movement o f the same year "did not attempt to end old superstitious practices by ridiculing them, but instead offered something new." For instance, it attempted to replace the Tom b-Sweeping Festival and the custom o f burning o f "ghost money" to one's ancestors with an Arbor Day and a new tradi tion o f planting saplings (Crow 1944:129). T h e Chinese Communist Party also actively de fined these and other anniversaries. Nevertheless, because the C C P emphasized destroying international capitalism by attacking imperialism in China, their commemorative activities during 1934 and other years incorporated movement themes. S M P archives contain innumer able examples. T h e C C P , for instance, included the slogan "Intensify the boycott and confis cation o f Japanese goods!" in a list circulated on the second anniversary o f the Shanghai Inci dent (S M P 5641# 1934*1*28: Jiangsu Provincial Committee o f the C C P , "Slogans Relating to the Second Anniversary o f January 28"). O n this date, the party also circulated a letter to "young men throughout the country," urging them to commemorate the anniversary: "Confis cate Japanese goods and properties o f traitorous merchants for the benefit o f unemployed workers and anti-Japanese military fund!" (S M P $641» i934*i*u: Central Committee o f the Chinese Communist Youth League, "Letter to Young Men throughout the Country Relating to the Second Anniversary o f January 28"). Likewise, M ay Day anniversaries also included reminders to boycott imports; see, e.g., S M P 4801,1933*4*24: "Outline o f Propaganda for the M ay i Anniversary": 4b. O n other anniversaries, see S M P 4844*
chapter is on the link between a few o f the less overtly politicized days to rep resentations o f consum ption by women, such as using holidays to celebrate idealized female roles in managing household budgets, raising children, and representing the fam ily .61
SBTTIN G TH B TON E O N N E W Y E A R 'S D A Y O n N ew Y ea rs D ay, 1934, the W om en s N ational Products Y ear began w ith a parade and a rally. Before beginning the parade, the organizers held an opening ceremony for members o f the sponsoring organizations and rep resentatives o f national products manufacturers.62 O ne o f the activists b e' hind the Year, Lin Kecong, made a speech and sa te d that all o f China's problems could be solved if the year were successful.63 T h e speech set the tone: Lin did not stipulate what would constitute a successful year, an omission that would continually trouble participants. T h is was also a feature o f the movement as a whole, which often implied that there was no such thing as a good im port or a bad national product. T h e parade passed through much o f Shanghai and attracted large crowds. It began at 1:00 p .m. in the Chinese city (N anshi). Thanks to the assistance o f D u Yuesheng
M (1885-1951)' best known as the leader o f Shanghai's
notorious G reen Gang, the organizing committee obtained permission to parade along the Bund and through Shanghai s foreign concessions.64 T h e key associations o f national product manufacturers and marketers, including the Shanghai Citizens Association for the Prom otion o f N ational Products and the N P P A , urged their members to participate. M ore than forty o f the m ost im portant Chinese retailers and manufacturers o f national products
61. Similarly, I do not discuss many o f the ordinary rallies, tea parties, and other events
organized during the year. For instance» the organizers held a rally at the Shanghai General Chamber o f Commerce headquarters on January 17; see "Funü guohuo yundong dahuT (1934) and "Funü guohuo xuanchuan dahuf (1934)* 62. "Funü guohuo nian jinri juxing qiche youxing" (1934); SB 1934.1.5. Th e lead movement
organization involved in the year was the Women's National Products Promotion Associa* tion. Many other civic organizations as well as branches o f the government participated» in* eluding the Shanghai Local Self*governance Association and the Shanghai Municipal Cham* ber o f Commerce (Gu Bingquan 1993:294-95)« 63. Funü gongming yuebao 3.1 (1934*1); see also SB 1934.1.5. 64* "Funü guohuo nian qiche youxing canjia yongyue" (1933)*
Nationalizing Female Consumers
provided over fifty floats. Because o f extensive coverage in local papers pre ceding the event, over 100,000 people lined the parade route and loudly cheered the procession. Events such as this parade served two purposes. M ost visibly, these events aimed to promote the consumption o f specific items deemed to be national products. But more generally they promoted a nationalistic interpretation o f consum ption practices. In addition to advertising products, the parade pro vided an opportunity to link symbols o f Chinese nationalism and antiimperialism to products. For instance, the float o f the N anyang Brothers Tobacco Com pany was a truck decorated in the shape o f the G reat W alL T h e message was clean China needed to build up its defenses against a pri mary threat to the nation, foreign products. A nd the way to do so was to buy domestic goods such as this company's tobacco products. T h e floats o f tw o im portant retailers o f national products also linked the idea o f defense o f the country to products. Both the Shanghai and the Chinese N ational Products companies sent floats resembling tanks.65
T H E W O M E N 'S N A T I O N A L P R O D U C T S Y E A R F R IE N D S H IP R A L L Y A fter two hours, the parade ended near the com er o f Beijing and G uizhou roads with an even larger rally at the H uzhou (Zhejiang province) nativeplace association. In addition to major national product manufacturers and retailers, many o f the m ost prominent women in Shanghai attended the W om en s N ational Products Year Friendship Rally, including the wife o f Shanghai mayor W u Tiecheng. A t this rally, Z h o u Yanghao
wife o f the famous Chinese educator C ai Yuanpei, further refined the days message by explicidy blaming insufficient participation by women for the failures o f the movement: "Although national products have been promoted for many years, the results are small. T h e biggest reason for this is that women have yet to promote national products wholeheartedly. W om en de termine the m ajority o f all the products needed by a household. From now on women need to consider buying foreign products a disgrace.”66
6$. For photographs o f several floats, see Liangyou ia.85 (1934.1): 1-3; these photos also ap pear in SB I934-I-5- See also Lin Kanghou 1935:4-$. 66. See the brief coverage in SB 1934.1.$, which includes one photo.
T h e rally was emblematic o f the W om en's Year in another sense. Throughout the year, organizers would present their central messages in popular forms o f entertainment in the hope o f attracting and reaching broader audiences. In addition to vitriolic speeches, the rally delivered its messages in slightly more subtle ways, by, for example, showing a dom esti cally produced movie, presenting a fashion show, and hosting performances o f traditional opera, comic dialogues, and a play entitled Awake ( f t f é ) . which featured clothing manufactured by one o f the main backers o f the year. Both traditional and contemporary productions were modified to de liver the messages o f the movement and o f the year. A fter four hours, the rally ended (Lin Kanghou 193$: 5-6).67
Throughout the year, movement advocates not only recommended changing ones attitudes toward consumption but also urged implementing or reform ing specific consumption practices. O ne key idea was to m onitor not only one's own consumption but also that o f one's family, friends, and fellow Chinese. T h e goal was for Chinese consumers to internalize a particular form o f behavior— an ethic o f nationalistic consumption— and to reinforce this ethic in others. W om en were seen as playing a crucial role in cultivating this attitude in themselves and in others. T h is section examines one specific practice o f m onitoring household consumption and the logic behind the at tem pt to make women see the adoption o f patriotic consumption practices as an empowering form o f participation in national public life, rather than sim ply as a new form o f intrusive state domination over households.68 A s wives, for instance, women were encouraged to m onitor their husbands' con sum ption. M any articles suggested specific tactics. O ne offered three ways wives could encourage proper consumption: "(1) I f your husband brings home foreign products, refuse to use them; (2) if your husband brings home foreign products, a proper wife should say to him T h is product's not bad.
67. T h e event was heavily publicized beforehand; see, e.g., "Jiji choubei zhong zhi funü guohuo nun" (1933). 68. O n e article even stated that in their spheres, women were the equivalents o f'in terio r ministers'* and "finance ministers"; see “Furen zhi dao" (H o w to be a wife), SB 1933.6.8; and "Guohuo jiating" (1933).
Nationalizing Female Consumers
Unfortunately, the money has gone to finance the foreigners' invasion!'; and (3) when your husband is considering buying something, urge him to buy national products and discuss with himthe advantages of these products,"69 Rather thangaining face bygivingwives imports as presents, another article suggested that a husband would lose face, especially since foreign products hadcometosignify"traitor* rather than"superior quality."70 A new approach to the housewife's traditional tasks of managing house* hold budgets andaccount books gavewomenawayto participate innational salvation. On New Years Day, the Shenbao suggestedhowthosewomen not busy participating in the parade and rally could support the Women's Na tional Products Year.71By reconceptualizing the household budget, one au* thor explained, women couldplaya major role innational salvation. The au* thor began by establishing the connection between household management and national salvation, a link that elevated the importance of women by stressing the centrality of the household to national salvation. Because women controlled this domain, the argument ran, they were fundamental agents innation-making. A nationalistic formof budgeting and planning was at the heart of per sonal and national salvation. The article urged daily, monthly, and yearly planning. This sort of planning, it claimed, would suppress impulse buying and eliminate "absent-mindedand flighty" acts. Such behavior, which was implicitly described as female and anti-modem, was selfish and must be replaced by socially responsible thinking that took into account one's responsibilities toone's familyandultimatelyones "compatriots.” The author linked this model to practice through management of the household, a domain in which women were urged to implement rationality
69. “Zhufu zenma quandao zhangfu fuyong guohuo?" (1934). Other articles argued that
properly run households were the key to the movement. In contrast to ‘ so-called modern households' such households kept abreast o f new national products on the market (‘Jiating guohuo yundong* [1933]). For additional recommended tactics, see SB
I934.3a. 70. Tianxu Wosheng, ‘ Gongxian yu funümen’ (Offerings to women), Jilian huikan S7
(1934.1.1$): a-$. The author, the editor o f the journal, reinforced the idea that women should respond to a gift o f an import from their husbands with the line: T h a t 1s nice. It's just too bad you have handed over our China's money to foreign countries' / 71. Portraits o f similar model nationalistic consumer families were published around other significant holidays, including the anniversary o f the Japanese invasion o f Manchuria (e.g., "Jiu yiba yihou de He furen jiating' [1934]).
and suppress impulsive behavior.72 A s others have shown, many new house' hold practices being promoted at this time exhibited this rationality. T hese ranged from m onitoring household temperatures to using new cleaning products to altering cleaning habits to preparing more nutritious meals to drinking milk.73 A s these scholars show, such new practices abstractly linked w ell'being or rational Chinese subjects to national wealth and power. Ra tionalizing the household budget— and indeed the W om ens Year and the N ational Products M ovement— was explicitly linked to economic rejuvena tion and anti-im perialist activism. T h e article illustrated this ideal and rational national consumer house hold through the example o f another famous Chinese educator, H uang Yanpei H rîféip (1878-1965), and his wife, both active in the movement. Each N ew Year's Eve, the Huangs set aside time to discuss the previous year's expenditures and the following year's financial plans. W ith the house hold account book before them, the couple together identified ‘‘irrational'' and uneconomical purchases; using this information, they de cided where to cut back. N ext, they made a budget for the follow ing year, noting the items on which they expected to spend less. M ost important, the author demonstrates how the H uangs nationalized this practice by stressing the absolute importance o f national products. It was not enough simply to save money. T h e article linked household budget ing practices to the movement by urging families to keep close track o f ex penditures on food, clothing, and daily items. In each category, consumers were told to keep track o f daily, monthly, and yearly costs and to note which goods were national products and which were not. T h ey were urged to re place foreign products w ith domestic substitutes and to abstain from con sum ing an item if there was no domestic equivalent. T h is exercise was in tended to demonstrate that even small purchases o f foreign goods added up. M oreover, these expenditure totals were to provide each movement sympa thizer, each ‘'authentically'’ or nationalistically modem Chinese, w ith explicit measurements o f the depth o f one's commitment to the movement, o f one's ''modern'' dedication to the nation, and o f one's Chineseness. Previously
72. For a similar definition of using national product clothing as part of rationalizing one's wardrobe, see Ba Ling 1934k This article also cites the trade deficit as the justification for this interpretation of rationality. 73. For instance, on the concept of cleanliness and the creation of the modern home maker, see Forty 19S6:169. On the Chinese housewife, see Orliski 1998 and Glosser 199$.
Nationalizing Female Consumers
families may have used expense books to control spending; now they were urged to do so in the interests o f the nation and its national products. Such an exercise pushed the categories o f ‘’national" and "foreign" products further into the lives o f women in charge o f the household budgets. N A T IO N A L IZ IN G FESTIVALS OF C O N S U M P T IO N Annual holidays gave Chinese families opportunities to shape their public image, but imperialism made doing so more complicated. H istorian Leora Ausländer has noted that one o f the chief responsibilities o f bourgeois women in nineteenth-century France was "to constitute and represent the family's social identity through goods" (1996: 83). Chinese women targeted by the movement faced an even more complex challenge. T h e movement com pounded the problems o f representing oneself and one’s fam ily by trying to force women to see consumption as a decision between products that were either treasonously foreign or patriotically domestic. In practice, this created a conflict between the desire to establish and reinforce social posi tion through foreign goods and the demands that one do so via domestic ones o f lower status. Put another way, it was com petition between na tional/ racial and class-based tastes— the need to strike contradictory poses vis-à-vis foreigners and vis-a-vis Chinese o f other social statuses. Imperialism made this tension acute by simultaneously delivering the goods while un derm ining the ability o f consumers to embrace them folly.74 T h e objective o f the W om en's Year was to impute unpatriotic meanings to foreign products and thereby force women to confront this tension and settle it in favor o f the nation. In other words, the movement wanted housewives not ju st to transform traditional holidays into "festivals o f consumption" but to make these festivals opportunities to express nationalism.75 Three major holidays provided especially important opportunities for women to make
74. It is ironic that Chinese middle« and upper-class women, as one learns indirectly through the female characters in stories such as Mao Duns classic M id n ig h t, were consciously choosing class-based representations for themselves via objects, while their staunchly anti communist husbands were often working feverishly to dismiss class as a legitimate basis for the analysis of Chinese social problems. 75. For the classic treatment of the commodification of holidays such as Christmas and the use of the term festivals of consumption," see Boorstin 1973:157-64* There is a growing literature on the general commodification of American holidays (see, e.g., Schmidt 1995).
these choices for themselves and fer their families: the Lunar N ew Year» D ragon Boat Festival» and M id'A utum n Festival Preparing fer these h o li' days was one o f the central tasks o f women at these times o f the year. T here were an endless number o f chores— meals to prepare, cleaning to do, clothing to mend, and visits to pay. N aturally, there were also products to buy and consume. These holidays became especially im portant yearly opportunities for movement advocates to link the activities traditionally associated w ith these festivals to new measures o f m orality and proper feminine behavior. T h e movement attem pted to nationalize the association between goods and sentim ents for each o f these festivals. For instance, an article in a leading national paper discussed the different types o f N ew Y ears purchases. Failure to purchase only national products revealed m ultiple moral shortcom ings— one dishonored oneself and one's ancestors, was dishonest toward one's ch il' dren, condescended to relatives, brought shame on one's household, and was rude to one's guests. O nce again, a w riter invoked the previous year's im port statistics fer cosm etics to confirm chat women as a category were failing this test. T h e author suggested that women owed China much more on holidays to compensate for their failure to stem the influx o f cosmetics. G I F T S A N D T H E M O N I T O R I N G OF O T H E R S T o the movement, gift-giving, especially around Chinese holidays, was a good opportunity for differentiating patriotic from self-indulgent consum ption.76 In 1934, the N ew Life M ovem ent officially introduced frugality to the national discourse, but the movement qualified it. A s one article on the D ragon Boat Festival acknowledged, eradicating traditional holidays would be nearly im possible, even chough ''enlightened people"
f=3À ) knew chat they were
wasteful and irrational Despite this excess, the article continued, these h o li' days presented good opportunities for prom oting nationalistic consum ption, and it provided two guidelines: m onitor the gifts one gave to others and the gifts one received. Friends did not let friends give enemy products. M oreover,
76. During the Women's National Products Year, the Jilian h u ik a n 98 (1934.7.1) devoted an entire issue to the question of gift-giving. Most of the articles argued that Chinese nation ality was an essential part of a thoughtful and rational gift; see, e.g., Pei Ji 1934. Ba Ling (i934t). for instance, argued that giving national products not only expressed patriotism but also had the practical effect of undermining the popularity of imports while introducing a friend to a Chinese product. In addition to holidays, articles also explained the importance of giving national products as wedding presents; see, e.g., Gan Chunquan 1934*
Nationalizing Female Consumers
the movement expected consumers to ensure they were buying national prod' ucts and not imitations, even if this meant traveling further to a store special' izing in such products. W hen receiving a gift, one was expected to take note o f its nationality. T o promote such nationalistic practices, the movement sug' gested that when receiving a national product, one should pointedly give extra thanks for the thoughtfulness. O n the other hand, if one received something other than a national product, one should refuse to accept it and explain ones reasons for doing so in writing. A s one author pointed out, "T he next time that person certainly w o n t give foreign products!”77 T h e movement attempted to extend such m onitoring o f the consumption habits o f friends and relatives beyond the holidays. M any articles urged women to inspect one another’s households even when paying casual visits. I f these inspections uncovered foreign products, women were urged to inform their hostess o f the need to avoid such products or find domestic substitutes. M oreover, the article asserted that such m onitoring practices should be con* sidered patriotic rather than intrusive. T h e writer claimed to have used these m ethods with great success (”Funû duiyu guohuonian de zeren” [1933])78 M ovem ent advocates recognized that the changing seasons also presented the opportunity to promote nationalistic consumption. Autum n, for exam ple, was the time to bring out blankets and add extra layers o f clothing. A s w ith the Am erican holiday o f Thanksgiving, the increased variety and lower food prices that usually accompanied the harvest encouraged more con* sum ption. T h e movement sought to insert its objectives into these cyclical needs and celebrations and stressed the importance o f being extra vigilant during the M id'A utum n Festival. Articles and advertisements specifically reminded Chinese to fill these needs with national products (see Fig. 7-Ô).79
77. 'Duanjie han guohuo" (1934)* Most of these ankles, however, did not address what one ought to do with previously accepted or purchased foreign ankles, although one anicle stated that these should be replaced as soon as possible (*Wo jia de riyongpin* (1932]). 78. Inspections that were more formal were also carried out under the New Life Move ment: sanitary inspectors visited houses and posted their findings outside the house (SMP File $729,1934.4.9: "New Life Movement*). In addition, New Life followers were encouraged to listen for the telltale dkk of the mah-jongg tiles in a Chinese home* (Crow 1944:134-36). Crow did not record the extent of such visits but observed that New Life Movement exhortations, such as *Brush your teeth* and 'Buy native goods,* were posted 'everywhere* 79. *Funü guohuo nian zai qiujf (1934): 'Qiuling de yiliang yongpin wenti* (1934): and 'Guozhi qiuling yongpin de wojian’ (1934). Similar artkles predated and followed the Women's Year and also appeared each season. See, e.g., 'Funii yu dongling yongpin' (1933):
Fig. 7.6 Bashing Foreign Beer (SB I9 3 4 -7-» ) T he movement did not attack drinking, leisure, or even pleasure. Rather, it opposed any forms o f consumption centered on imports. In this illustration, an angry cudgel-wielding bot tle o f 'national product beer* and two drinking glasses chase after three bottles o f 'foreign beer.' T h e illustration and its title. T h e Victory o f Nationally Produced Food and D rink' (upper right), underscore the movement's persistent sanctioning o f violence.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L W O M E N S D A Y IN A N ATION ALISTIC W O M E N S YEAR T h e movement transform ed the celebration o f W om en's D ay (M arch 8) to serve its goals (see T an g Shunqing 1937). T h e way it did so illustrates the subordination o f the women's emancipation agenda to a national agenda de fined by the movement. T h e holiday was introduced into C hina in 1924 (Sun Zhendong 1982:147-48). Initially, W om en's D ay addressed many is sues central to women’s emancipation, such as forced female labor and equality in wages.80 W ith the support o f the N ationalists and the Com m u-
"Caiyong xialing yongping ge* (1934): and "Helihuade xialing yongpin' (193$). As noted in Chapters $and 6 , the movement organized exhibitions to promote the seasonal consumption of national products, a practice that continued throughout the movement. For a report on one such exhibition in the 1930s, see 'Xialing yongpin zhanlanhui* (1933). So. Links between the women's movement and politics had explicitly been made during earlier International Women's Days as well. In 192$, for example, women in Beijing gathered
Nationalizing Female Consumers
nists, both the size o f the rallies and the radicalism o f the agendas increased in the following years. By 1927, for example, more than 100,000 women marched in a government-backed parade in W uhan.*1 O ver time, the cele brations came to feature attacks on such sensitive issues as capitalism and the lack o f freedom o f choice in marriage and divorce. In Guangdong, women’s organizations worked hard to spread awareness o f the day both in urban centers such as Guangzhou and in the surrounding areas (Gilmartin 1995* >S3-54)*U T h e awareness so painstakingly built through such networks by women activists would later be used to disseminate a radically different interpretation o f women and o f this day. T his new way o f commemorating the day was on full display during the afternoon o f International W omen's Day, March 8, 1934.*3 T he W om en s N ational Products Year Movement Committee arranged to use the main ceremonial hall o f the H uzhou native-place association to hold a rally that would further conflate the role o f women and the movement. O ver a thou sand people attended the event, including the wives o f local and national no tables. Cai Yuanpei, then head o f Academia Sinica, went with his wife, Z h o u Yanghao, who was an official host o f the rally (Sun Changwei 1997: 513). H er speech emphasized the disastrous shift in women's fashions from reliance on domestic articles to the increasing use o f imports over the last few decades. T his trend, she asserted, undermined womens claims for
outside the home of Prime Minister Duan Qirui and shouted slogans such as ‘ Down with imperialism* and "Women of the world, unite* (Collins 1976:557). 81. See Z. Wang 1999: 300-301, which records the impressions of the organizer of the event, Huang Dinghui (b. 1907). 8a. The original idea for a holiday to honor working women came from the German so cialist Clara Zetkin in 1907; the first day in the United States was in 1909. During the 1910s, the day became linked to the promotion of international peace. The exact date was not stan dardized internationally until Zetkin persuaded Lenin to do so in 1922. March 8 marked the anniversary of the beginning of the 1917 revolution in Russia with the food protests by women and children (Kaplan 1998; Navarro 1998). See also Gilmartin 199$: 2$7»i7. 83. Activities actually began the evening before under the sponsorship of another national products organization; the National Products Production and Marketing Cooperative Asso ciation (@9Ä /Ü Ä u"fVt0&) sponsored an afternoon tea party for leading female figures in Shanghai. As in the West, department stores in Shanghai also became important spaces for other activities. This group held a party at the Mainland Emporium a depart ment store that also housed a designated national products store. More than a hundred peo ple showed up; the organizers announced the formation of a Women Wear National Products Society (tö& JIB fflß ltt*).
in cimenship (SB 1934.3.9). To extend the reach of such messages, the Shanghai Women's National Products Promotion Association also ar ranged to havespeeches by Cai Yuanpei and two other notedShanghai resi dents broadcast on radio stations that same afternoon. One after another, the speakers called for women to use consumption to aid the nation (SB equality
1934.3.8 ) .
One of themanyarticles inlocal newspapers devotedtothis international holiday made some national comparisons. A decade earlier women from countries such as France, the United States, and the Soviet Union had served as models for Chinese women. Details of their emancipation agendas and tactics provided a road map for Chinese struggling with similar issues. Now, however, women of these same foreign countries illustrated the rela tive weakness of Chinese women in terms of nationalistic consumption. As the author explained, French, American, and Russian women used their own country's goods—only Chinese women did otherwise. The article asked: ‘What does that say about women's national attributes?”The author further admonished Chinese women to live up to international women's standards in the realm of nationalistic consumption and show some selfcontrol by boycotting foreign products and using only Chinese ones (SB 1934.3.8) . Similarly, other articles warned women not to be tricked by trea sonous merchants (e.g., "Funüjie yuguohuo”[1934]). M ovem ent companies reinforced the idea that nationalistic consum ption was the focal point o f the day. For example, the W om en's Year Com m ittee arranged for three o f the m ost powerful marketers o f national products— the Shanghai N ational Products Com pany, the Chinese N ational Products Com pany, and the Shanghai Cham ber o f Com m erce's N ational Products M arket (H ä lt1
— to hold a one-day, 10 p ercen t-off sale to show their
solidarity w ith the aims o f the W om en's Year.84 O ther movement com pa nies published advertisements linking the day and nationalistic consum ption (see, e.g., the advertisement in Jilian huikan 92 [1934.4.1]). A silk association also took out advertisements to explain a new system o f identifying fabrics to help consumers ensure the product was a genuine national product
1934.3.8 ) .
84. The Chinese National Products Company often provided large-print reminders that this was the Women s National Products Year. See, e.g., the advertisements in SB 1934*3*1* These sales also achieved equality between the sexes— advertisements promised men that they would also receive 10 percent off (SB 1934*3*8).
Nationalizing Female Consumers
N A TIO N A LIZ IN G CONSUM PTION ON CH ILD REN 'S D AY T h e year also sought to nationalize childhood through appeals both to m others and to children. It redefined women's role as "worthy mothers" by strengthening their bonds to the home and by shaping the form o f that bond. Children, the movement taught, were also consumers, although their consum ption usually came through the parents, especially their mothers. T h e movement attempted to nationalize children’s consumption habits with stories, comics, and events targeted at them. But the movement directed even more attention to mothers. A mother s job, it was asserted, was to make the primary task o f childhood the acquisition o f skills for, and loyalty to, the nation: "Last year's trade deficit topped $700,000,000 . . . so we must raise [children] w ith the good habit o f using national products."61 M odel children learned to put the nation first from an early age through consumption habits and attitudes.66 Saving the nation through its children was the general theme o f the Fourth Annual Children's D ay held on A pril 4, 1934.67 In the morning, Shanghai mayor W u Tiecheng presided over opening ceremonies in front o f city h a ll Speakers included C ai Yuanpei and N ationalist Party elder states man Li Shizeng
(1881-1973) (Sun Changwei 1997: 514). Despite
rainy weather, over 10,000 people showed up, including at least two student representatives from every public and private school in the city. In his open ing address, M ayor W u informed the assembled that the event was aimed prim arily at parents, who needed to understand the importance o f children 8 $. 'Gailiang ertong fuzhuang tan* (1934): 39* Another article made this connection be tween childrearing and national salvation: 'If we want to save the nation and strengthen the race, we must begin with childrearing. We must raise children with good habits. They must enjoy using national products' (Pan Yingmang 1933). 86. As with appeals for virtuous women to imitate women o f other countries by favoring domestic products, the movement also argued that children around the world were being taught to consume their own national products. One article even reproduced slogans pur portedly taken (and translated) from the major powers. The article claimed, for instance, that Russian children learned the slogan T h e person who does not use Russian products is not only ignorant but also the unpatriotic slave o f a vanquished nation!* (T ich an g guohuo ying cong ertong zuoqi* [1933]: 17).
87. Children’s Day was first proposed by two Shanghai children's welfare and educational associations in 1931. After gaining official approval, the first official nationwide Children s Day was held on April 4, 193a (Sun Zhendong 198a: 207-8).
to ehe nation. Parents, he said, 'should ensure that their children understood that they had obligations to the nation and to the people; children should know that they were the nation's and the peoples, and not just their family's [possession). T h e city-run rally emphasized the need to build physically, intellectually, and em otionally strong children to save the nation. In contrast, the W om en's Year Com m ittee's "Children's D ay Comm emoration Rally," which followed the morning event, concentrated more narrowly on the ways that consumption linked mothers and children. Sometime after a:oo p.m., over 1,000 children and parents attended the rally, which was again hosted at the H uzhou native-place association. T o emphasize the participation o f children in the movement, the daughters o f two committee members gave the opening comments. Like most movement events, this one was a verbal and visual assault o f nationalized spectacles, including displays o f educational toys and a model household with a bedroom, kitchen, and living room. These spectacles were intended to display not just a particular lifestyle but a nationalistic lifestyle— all the products were aggressively advertised as national products. T h e rally also featured instruction in household management. A ll the speakers explic itly connected improving lifestyles through nationalistic consumption and national salvation. Z h ou Yanghao reminded children and parents that the first step in "cleansing the national humiliations" ( H ÈSIlfÙ') was the use o f national products. H er husband, C ai Yuanpei, reinforced this by urging children to keep the use o f national products "in their hearts.” T hese speeches were also directed at mothers, who, as heads o f households, were instructed to give their children only items that were national products and aim to raise "completely national products children"
Ë . ). A f
ter prizes were awarded to the winners o f an essay contest on the importance o f national products, the meeting wound down with performances o f plays and songs and a children's fashion show featuring national products. A s was common at such events, national products companies supplied small gifts for the attendees.8 89
88. 'W an yu ertong zuo zai shifii relie qingzhu ertong jie” (1934); “Quanshi gejie relie jinian ertong jie* (1934). 89. “Funü tuanti* (1934); *Funü tuanti qingzhu dahui* (1934); and 'Quanshi gejie relie jinian ertong jie* (1934). For copies o f two different 'W om en’s National Products Songs’
Nationalizing Female Consumers
Shaping ehe relationship among family members, particularly mothers and children, was an important part o f movement activities and an integral part o f the W om ens Year. In addition, fiction and nonfiction frequently ad' dressed this issue and delineated the social role o f family members toward one another. These representations reveal how each role and each relation' ship was defined by its relationship to the nation through the values o f the N ational Products Movement. T h e many elements common to each role within movement literature were m ost clearly explicated in an article that covered the entire model na' tionalized family.90T h e article insisted that the mother was the head o f the household, but it began by describing the role o f the father. T h e production o f national products defined this ideal nationalistic father. Because he had hated imperialism and its material representatives since childhood, naturally he chose to work for a national products manufacturer. A nd because he de voted his life to producing national products, he spent his spare time w ork' ing w ith his com patriots to develop additional products to displace foreign ones from Chinese markets. T h e model mother contributed to national goals from within the household. However, as such articles quickly pointed out, this was a powerful position in terms o f the potential impact both on fam ily members and on the nation. T h is ideal nationalistic mother was edu' cated and therefore better able to assist her husband. She worked tirelessly to promote national products and avoid all foreign products. Needless to say, she forbade all foreign items entry into her domain. H er final and, in some representations, m ost important responsibility was to raise children who understood the importance o f national products. T h is model nationalistic family had two types o f children: a relatively in dependent teenager and younger children. T h e family’s eldest child, a daughter, was the antithesis o f the vilified "modem girl." She had graduated from middle school and worked for a national products company, a tea company. T h e clearest sign o f her proper upbringing was her love for na-
(T u n u guohuo ge") sung during the year, see Guohuo banyuc kart 3 (1934.1.1$): 41-42 or Guohuo juebao 1.1 (1934.2.1)« 90.
This portrait o f a model family of nationalistic consumers/producers comes from
"Guohuo de yijiao" (1934).
cional produces, w hich w ere the only things she w ore. In con trast to her m isguidedly "m odem '’ counterparts, she d id n ot engage in u n patriotic co n sum ption, such as w earing lip stick from Paris o r cosm etics from N e w Y o rk . Sh e also dressed conservatively and did n ot ow n high-heel shoes, perfum e, o r silk stockings. O u tsid e o f w ork, she actively participated in m ovem ent ac tivities. T h e fam ily had tw o younger children; both frequendy dem onstrated the correct behavior regarding consum ption. Because they had been raised to cherish C hin ese goods, they carefully inspected all item s. F or exam ple, on receiving new clothing, th ey prom ptly to o k the articles to th eir m other to confirm th eir nationality, asking "Is th is article Chinese?" and statin g T w on 't w ear foreign clothing."
Em powering children to interrogate their parents on behalf o f the nation was a common theme o f the W om en’s Year and o f the N ational Products M ovem ent. T h e idea was not only common in major publications, such as Shcnbao, but also disseminated much more broadly through movement pub lications. T h e theme that fealty to nation takes precedence over filiality to parents was prom inent in the story that opens Chapter 5. It was published in an A pril 1,1934, w ork devoted to linking clothing and the movement. In the story, a student living in a boarding school refuses to wear the long un derwear made o f Japanese silk sent to him by his m other. T h e student de cides that the needs o f the nation transcend filial piety. Stories such as this circulated nationalistic ideas about how children and m others should interact. Instilling nationalistic consciousness was now a primary objective o f good childrearing. T h e proper m other set an example by ensuring that the fam ily consumed nationalistically. She also ensured chat her children's physical world was surrounded with national products— from clothing to toys. I f dom estically produced objects were unavailable or too expensive, children should be taught to make their own to y s .1 M ovem ent literature recommended taking children to national products stores, where children would naturally develop an appreciation for these products sim ply by browsing ("Ertong yu guohuo shizhuang” [1933]). T h e surest sign o f a good upbringing was a child who was not only content to consume exclu sively Chinese products but played a role in ensuring that the rest o f the family did the same. T hus, the mechanisms for ensuring nationalistic con-9 1
"Cong guohuo shengzhong shuodao ertong wanju" (1933). See also, e.g.# the article by
Shi jixiong in SB 1934.1.18. Many such articles assigned responsibility for instilling this ethic of nationalistic consumption to elder sisters and others responsible for childrearing.
Nationalizing Female Consumers
sum ption worked from older to younger and from younger to older. Children were to act as agents o f the nation by inspecting products, and mothers were to encourage this sort o f behavior. T h e highest form o f loyalty in the m other-child relationship was now conceived to be that between individuals and the nation. T h is relationship in turn was to structure other relations, in cluding that o f child to parent.92
A s noted above, the movement redefined all types o f yearly events, particu larly holidays. T h e extreme nature and comprehensive scope o f these rein terpretations was m ost poignantly on display at the end o f the W om ens Year. M ovem ent advocates accused Santa Claus o f being the “puppet” not sim ply o f the forces o f commercialization, as W estern critics have argued, but o f the international economic powers trying to gain access to Chinese markets.93 T h is linking o f Christm as gift-giving to the penetration o f foreign capital is not surprising. Since at least the anti-Christian campaign o f 192a, a growing number o f Chinese intellectuals had come to see Christianity as a conduit for imperialism and capitalism. For their part, Chinese Christians attem pted to circumvent these associations by creating a “Chinese” church.94 O ne middle-aged female author advanced this interpretation by relating her Christm as D ay experiences as an elementary student at a missionary school some twenty years earlier. Each Christm as D ay students convened in the gymnasium, and each year someone dressed as Santa distributed g ifb to all the children. These gifts were invariably foreign products. T h e children became deeply attached to these gifts. A s they advanced through the school, g ifb went from simpler items such as pencils and stationery to the perfumes, soaps, lace, bracelets, and other items desired by older students. According to the author, these children grew to admire and prefer foreign products instead
9». T h is legacy o f children monitoring the behavior o f their parents and grandparents on behalf o f the nation-state can be seen in virtually every memoir o f the Cultural Revolution. See, e.g., N . C heng 1986: $5, $7,111,119,193; and G ao Yuan 1987: 77-78. T h e Canadian re porter Jan W o n g (1996:108) also encountered stories o f children denouncing their parents, am ong them the famous Chinese film director Chen Kaige. 93. O n the commercialization o f Santa in the W est, see Nissenbaum 1997: esp. 169-71. 94. The growth o f this sentiment and the concurrent attempt to create a 'Chinese'
church is covered in many places; see, e.g., Jonathan Chao 1986.
Fig. 7.7 Santa Selling Cigarettes (SB 1934.ta.ao)
This advertisement uses the images o f Santa Claus and cherubs to promote Nanyang Broth ers' Golden Dragon cigarettes. This use o f Santa highlights the ambivalent place o f 'the W est' within the movement and within Chinas nascent consumer culture. Santa was casti gated as a puppet o f imperialism who promoted imports but, as with other images o f 'the West,* also recognized as an appealing pitchman for national products.
o f Chinese ones; decades later, m any still preferred the brands that Santa had introduced to them as children. M oreover, through their example, such con* sum ers passed these unpatriotic habits to their children and grandchildren. O n ce a Chinese consum er developed an addiction to foreign goods, the author maintained, the preference was difficult to change. But there was hope. In w riting this piece, the author hoped to warn Chinese o f the darker side o f Santa through the issues and consciousness o f patriotic consum ption intro duced in the W o m en s N ational Products Y ear (see Fig. 7.7).95
Contesting Representations o f W omen as Treasonous Consumers It is hard to gauge the reactions o f wom en to W om en 's Y ear representations o f them as unproductive and treasonous consumers. Explicit rejection o f the logic behind the m ovem ent as a whole or the utility o f the year itself was ex trem ely difficult. B y the 1930s, patriotic consum ption was simply too closely tied to contem porary configurations o f the Chinese nation for anyone to proclaim publicly that consum ption o f national products had nothing to do
9$. ‘ Shengdan koren yu funü guohuonian* (1934); see also 'Shengdan koren de Uwu*
Nationalizing Female Consumers
w ith nationalism, civic responsibility, and the creation o f a wealthy and pow erful country.96 Throughout the history o f the N ational Products M ove' ment, consumers had options. T h ey could ignore it, subvert it, redirect it, and even use it to advance their own interests. But there were limits. A s has been suggested throughout the book, consumer opposition to the movement usually took a quieter and simpler form: whenever possible, some consumers sim ply ignored movement dictates to consume patriotically.97 T h e greatest evidence o f this can be found in the constant citation in movement literature o f the trade statistics that underscored the failure o f Chinese to consume pa triotically. T h e movement itself recognized that many consumers were not buying into the movement. T h e m ost common form o f overt dissent came from within the move ment itself and concerned the issue o f assigning responsibility. From the start o f the W om en's Year, women and schoolgirls challenged the virulent attacks in movement literature on women (T u n û shou ma nian” [1934]). A good example occurred during one o f the year's organized events. In M ay 1934» the Capital [Nanjing] W om en's N ational Products Prom otion Asso ciation hosted a speech contest to promote the W om en’s Year among schoolchildren. O n the afternoon o f M ay 20, over 800 people attended a speech contest at Jinling University. Five high school and six junior high students delivered ten-minute speeches with titles such as "The Responsibil ity T h a t G irls Have to Promote N ational Products" and "T he Prom otion o f N ational Products and N ational Revival."98 M ost o f the speeches repeated movement and W om en's Year rhetoric, including the widely held attitude that women were undermining the movement.99 But one high school stu-
96. Ironically, however, other observers praised fashion-conscious women for their "ready
adaptability* demonstrated in their quick adoption o f new trends such as hair perms, high' heel shoes, and silk stockings (Ren Dai 1936:17S). 97. Additionally, female mission students did not merely follow male-dominated protest scripts; they occasionally opted for different forms o f protest, such as traveling through the
surrounding countryside to explain the importance o f national products to rural women rather than marching in male-organized demonstrations (Graham 1994:40-42). 98. For a reprint o f a few o f the speeches and a photo o f the proud winners, see *Jing funü
tichang guohuo h u f (1934), which appeared in Funü g>ngming yuebao. Transcripts o f other speeches appeared in subsequent issues o f this journal. 99. See, e.g., Zhang Mingdong 1934 and W ang Jingming 1934. W ang did, however, point out that intellectuals were often hypocritical when it came to consuming only national prod
ucts. She suggested that intellectuals (including the assembled students and officials) need to lead by example rather than concentrating on persuading the folks in the countryside: "Look
dent, W u Jinyun
w en t further. S h e countered th is dom inant repre
sentation o f w om en by asserting th at th e m ovem ent w as th e resp on sibility o f b oth w om en and m en. A s she p u t it, “D o n 't blam e all o f society's problem s on w om en." H e r speech underm ined m ovem ent attem pts to subordinate th e w om en's m ovem ent. T h e speaker acknow ledged th e im portance o f th e m ovem ent b u t forcefully rejected th e assertion th a t prom oting nation alistic consum ption w as o r sh ou ld be th e prim ary objective o f th e w om en's m ove m ent. T h e m ovem ent, she asserted, insulted w om en by representing them as capable on ly o f m indless consum ption. In fact, th e au th or turn ed th e tables on th e m ovem ent by suggesting th at w om en's liberation w as essential fo r de veloping national industries and products. C on sequen tly, she rejected th e underlying prem ise o f the W o m en 's Y ea r th at w om en w ere obligated to par ticip ate enthusiastically as a form o f atonem ent. S h e called it "inhum an" to blam e w om en for "the destruction o f th e country, th e loss o f territory, and losses in battle" and w en t on to p oin t o u t th at foreign things becam e fash ionable because men encouraged th eir use (W u Jinyun 1934). O n the m ost basic level, the goal o f th e W om en 's Y e a r was to teach fem ale consum ers to privilege th e nation ality o f com m odities. O n ce w om en had learned to interpret objects through th e lens o f nationality, d ie m ovem ent expected them to consum e accordingly and m ake purchases based on th e "C hineseness” o f products, rather than on price, quality, style, o r any o th er criterion deem ed less im portant b y the m ovem ent.100 T h is ch apter suggests, how ever, th at th is dem ystification, w hich iden tified p roduct-n ation ality as pre-em inent, w as sim ultaneously a rem ystification. T h e claim s o f the W o m en 's Y ea r and the m ovem ent to have peeled back the surface m eaning o f objects to reveal th eir "true” nationalistic and im perialistic interiors as "na tion al products" and as "foreign goods" created a new w orld o f goods w ith th eir ow n racial, class, and gendered m eanings. T h e se m eanings cam e to be
at the farmers— they aren't the ones wearing wool, panama straw hats, and leather shoes, rid* ing around in foreign cars, living in foreign-style buildings, and using all those imported products. W e are.’ too. T h e great irony here is that this attempt to persuade women to appreciate the non* market values o f commodities was occurring exactly as so many more aspects o f Chinese life were being commodified. Christian Henriot (1994). for example, explores the impact o f accel erating commercialization on prostitution in Shanghai and concludes that the money-fbr-sex union came to subsume all other relationships between men and female escorts.
Nationalizing Female Consumers
an im portant part o f the resources determ ining the social identities o f C h i' nese consum ers, both fem ale and m ale. N ationalism and anti'im perialism , however, were never the on ly m ean ings attached to consum ption. Som e wom en, for exam ple, openly challenged (occasionally, even in print) these representations o f unpatriotic fem ale con sum ers, calling into question the crass com m ercial m otives o f m ovem ent backers and the hypocrisy o f som e foreign-dressed participants. M an y m ore wom en sim ply ignored m ovem ent d icu tes and continued to w ear and consum e im ported item s. U rban elites freed com peting dem ands th at often pitted the need to buy '’national products” against the desire to look cosm opoli tan or foreign-educated. N o t surprisingly, the local battle to look as fashionable as one’s social peers and the desire to derive pow er from im ports and foreign-inspired styles often w on ou t over m ovem ent appeals to dress for the nation. N evertheless, no one openly opposed the goals o f the W o m e n s Y ear or the N ation al P roducts M ovem ent. N o b o d y argued th at consum ption was a com pletely private or fam ily m atter, outside the purview o f the nation -sute. Indeed, even verbal acts o f defiance helped nationalize consum ption. T h e wom en w ho objected to the represenutions o f wom en never openly denied the centrality o f product-nationality or suggested th at buying cheaper im ports w as better. R ather, critics rejected the notion th at wom en w ere pri m arily or exclusively responsible for underm ining the W o m e n s Y ear and the m ovem ent. T h e y insisted there was plenty o f blam e to go around. T h e y continued to circulate the blame for unpatriotic consum ption. A n d , as we have seen throughout these chapters, the accusations alone had social lives o f their ow n and were regularly co-opted for personal, local, and national pur poses. In purely statistical term s, the success o f the m ovem ent in nationaliz ing fem ale consum ption was uncertain in 1934. H ow ever, the W om en ’s Y ear did n ot include an explicit num erical goal, and im port statistics continued to rem ind C hinese th at there were traitorous fem ale consum ers in their m idst.101 A t the same tim e, other observers discerned successes w ithin the W o m e n s Y ear and the m ovem ent outside trade statistics and cited the grow th in the num ber o f national products, im provem ents in prom oting
101. See, e.g., “Modeng fiinü: juewu ba!' (1934), which uses monthly trade statistics from 1934 to 'prove* that unpatriotic female consumers were still out there. For a mixed assessment
o f the Women's Year, see 'Song frmü guohuo nian” (1934).
these products, changes in the attitu d e o f citizen s tow ard b uyin g C h in ese, and expansion o f state efforts to p rotect and develop dom estic industries .102 In any case, th e tw en tieth -cen tury h istory o f C h in ese consum ption re m inds us th at th e re-em ergence o f a stron g, central state w ou ld eventually take th e option o f consum ing things defined as “national," "foreign,” o r "na tionless" o u t o f th e hands o f such unreliable C h in ese consum ers, m ale and fem ale. In the m eantim e, th e "failure” o f w om en to n ation alize th eir co n sum ption continued to be used to underm ine th eir dem ands fo r greater civic respon sibility ou tside the hom e and, indeed, increased th e pressure on them to integrate national interests in to th eir roles as w om en, w ives, and m others.
102. For the most optimistic assessment o f the movement, see the speech by movement leader W ang Xiaolai Ï B f S fS (1886-1967), reprinted as “Zuijin guohuo de qushi* (Recent trends in national products), SB 1934.7.$. O ther writers disaggregated the data, used anecdotal evidence, or pointed to specific movement developments to suggest that the movement was succeeding. See, e.g., 'Funüjie zhi mixing guohuo tan' (1934) and 'Choushe gedi guohuo gongsi zhi wojian' (1934).
Manufacturing Patriotic Producers W u Yunchu is a shining star in the world o f national products.
N ational Products M ovement discourse targeted many enemies: imperialist powers who Mumped'* products on Chinese markets, women and children who consumed without regard to the national origin o f products, and mer chants who sold foreign products. Y et the movement also had its heroes, male and female exemplars o f a new nationalistic ethic o f consumption and production. T h is chapter examines the creation and dissemination o f (largely male) archetypes o f patriotic producers through a case study o f one o f the most famous, W u Yunchu
the Chinese-educated scientist and
entrepreneur whose flavor-enhancing powder made o f monosodium gluta mate (M S G ) successfully replaced an “enemy product,” the Japanese Ajino m oto B& 0
(or W eizhisu
as Chinese consumers knew it), in the
Chinese marketplace. T h e widely disseminated biographies o f patriotic producers such as W u Yunchu emphasized China's ability to fight imperialism. In contrast to the 'treasonous merchants” described in Chapter 4, W u Yunchu and dozens o f other patriotic producers were positive role models for commercial behavior; they showed how Chinese could combine commercial activity and national rejuvenation. These patriotic producers became the industrial w orlds equivalents to the heroic Chinese resistance fighters battling Japan in M an churia during the 1930s. T h e reality behind the myth o f resistance— both m ilitary and industrial— was always more complicated (see M itter 2000). A n examination o f W u Yunchu s biography and representations o f him within the movement will not only reveal the mythogenesis o f one patriotic producer but also explore the role o f the movement in creating cultural con straints on Chinese companies, which were alternately praised for participâtepigraph : Guohuo
shiye chubanshe 1934: aai.
ing in the movement and expected to live up to its high standards. T o be sure, such biographies helped legitimize capitalism in China by highlighting the utility o f private enterprise for national salvation. However, as w ith many other projects (such as the womens emancipation movement discussed in the previous chapter), the interests o f the nation were always placed first. Biographies o f Chinese capitalists served to sanction not ju st any form o f capitalism or masculinity but only those forms closely tied to the in terests o f the nation-state. M yth constrained manufacturers. N ational Products M ovem ent Biographies
In the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, import statistics became the primary tool for measuring China’s success or failure in regaining sover eignty (on the notion o f commercial war in China, see Chapter i). These sta tistics, which were constantly recited, became the single most widely used icon for spreading the ideology o f “commercial warfare.“ Invoking these sta tistics was intended to remind all Chinese that the nation was losing what movement participants considered to be the most insidious and contempo rary form o f imperialism, commercial warfare. Although the numbers in variably confirmed C hin as overall weakness, the data on certain products were cause for hope. China had been consistently losing the war for decades. However, its limited successes in industrializing revealed the nation s poten tial (see Fig. 8.1). T h e biographies o f national product manufacturers provided a roster o f Chinese who were successfully defending the nation by producing national products and displacing imports. Am ong these capitalists, W u Yunchu was, as the biography cited in the epigraph to this chapter labeled him, “a shining star in the world o f national products“ (Guohuo shiye chubanshe 1934: in ) . H is life story was a model for others to follow, a primer for defending China. In fact, these biographies explicitly called on others to emulate his life (see, e.g., “Tianchu wei chang jing” [1936]).1 Publications intended for specific N ational Products Movement events, such as the commemorative volumes for exhibitions, invariably included such biographies.12
1. This was the forty-ninth “model history' published in this journal, Jilian huikan. See also Guohuo shiye chubanshe 1934: 121. 2. E.g., “Tianchu weijing zhizaochang shi" (A history of Heavens Kitchen) in Kong Xiangxi 1929.
M anufacturing P atriotic Producers
Fig. 8.i Commercial W ar ( G S B 1928)
These are two of the illustrations produced during the movement to spread the notion that China was losing the "commercial war." On the left, "Chinese industry" (written on the man's arm) is drowning in an inundation of "foreign products." The solution is, according to the text on the life preserver, the "promotion of national products." The illustration on the right continues this theme. A "national product," represented by the runner in the center, competes against the dirty tactics of "foreign products," represented by the other two runners. The text (below the Chinese runner) commands him— and implicitly the Chinese audience— to "Strive!" The styles of both illustrations owe much more to Western artistic traditions than to Chinese. Within the movement, product-nationality rather than product style was the key to determining what was "Chinese." This, it seems, extended to artwork. Ironically, as "for eign companies" such as British-American Tobacco began adopting Chinese artistic styles to sell products (see, e.g., Cochran 1980: 37)» "Chinese companies" were using Western styles to promote the exclusion of imports. In considering these heroes o f Chinese industry, it is tem pting to point to w hat at first appear to be their Am erican counterparts. Am ericans have certainly had similar industrial heroes— the Carnegies, th e Rockefellers, and the other robber barons come to mind (see C atano 2001). Like their C hinese counterparts, these Am erican
industrialists accumulated vast
fortunes and donated substantial sums to charities. T h ere are, however, fundam ental differences in the representations o f their Chinese counter*
parts. N either W u Yunchu nor the industrialist R ong D esheng was sim ply the "Rockefeller o f China," even though they were referred to as such in their day (Bergère 1986:1). T hese men held a greater place o f honor in nationalistic histories o f China. Entrepreneurs such as W u were seen as un derdogs w ho had to create industries in an econom ically backward country in the face o f nearly overwhelming com petition from the im perialist powers. T h e victories o f these Chinese industrialists were not sim ply cast as tri umphs o f technology and industry over the previous lim its o f com m odity production; they were not ju st econom ic progress. M ore significant, their successes represented national progress, the victory o f China over im perial ism. Indeed, other countries feeing similar changes also remade this "selfmade man m yth” o f nineteenth-century Am erica for nation-state-building purposes. In a study o f this reinvention in Japan, historian Earl Kinm onth notes that for the Japanese translator o f the Am erican classic o f this genre, Self-Help (1867) by Sam uel Sm iles, the "chief attraction . . . was this asser tion by Smiles: 'N ational progress is the sum o f individual industry, energy, and uprightness, as national decay is o f individual idleness, selfishness, and vice'” (1981: 20). T hus, W u s success and the proliferation o f his company's com m odities were im m ediately enshrined as a major victory o f the movement and o f China as a whole. Indeed, the nationalistic im port o f W u s story is so strong that even Chinese Com m unist leaders recognized the contribution o f capi talists such as W u to nation-building in China. A fter 1949, W u was classi fied as a "patriotic businessman" China's "democratic capitalist"
and therefore part o f development. O n O ctober
i, 1950, the first anniversary o f the founding o f the People's Republic, Pre mier Z h o u Enlai him self referred to W u as the "M S G king" (W ang Pilai and W an g Y u 1994:345). N o r did the M aoist attack on capitalism com pletely destroy the image o f "patriotic capitalists." Indeed, in the past two decades, it has become pro gressively easier to find materials to support investigations o f such figures. Following the death o f M ao Zedong in 1976 and the rise o f D eng Xiaoping, China has once again found a use for entrepreneurs as well as for laudatory biographies o f earlier Chinese capitalists (see T im W right 1993). For in stance, W u 's life story was recently recounted in a series published by the People's Liberation A rm y called, som ewhat incongruously, "Chinese Red Capitalists"
and was the basis for a television m iniser
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
ies (see W ang Daliang 1995).* In addition, recent scholarly publications have retold his story in similarly glowing terms (see, e.g., D u 1991:148-49). T he government even went so far as to finance the re-establishment o f a class o f capitalists. In 1979, the Chinese government spent U.S.$6oo million to rec ompense the former Chinese bourgeoisie for earlier confiscations o f their property. Prominent members o f this class, including the members o f the Rong family, were given government posts and charged with facilitating the growth o f private enterprise and foreign investment in China (Bergère 1986: 2). T oday the Chinese government praises W u Yunchu and Fan Xudong, who established China's first soda factory in 1917, as the founders o f the modem Chinese chemical industry. But, as this chapter demonstrates, the production o f patriotic producers did not begin under the Communists. A Capitalist with Chinese Characteristics Three aspects o f W u Yunchu s life story were featured in all the biographies produced during (and since) the movement, especially in the 1920s and 1930s. These aspects are the key to understanding his biography's utility to the movement. First, W u was educated in modem science. Second, he received his education in China. Finally, and most important, W u used his modem education to displace a popular Japanese product from the Chinese market. In other words, his education and his business success translated directly into a practical and substantial form o f resistance to Japanese economic encroachment. O ne biography claims that by the mid-i930s, W u's enterprises were earning over $3 million a year. W u’s companies, in effect, “intercepted [that sum] from the hands o f the Japanese“ because the money would have been spent on Japanese imports (see Fig. 8.2) (Guohuo shiye chubanshe 1934:21).3 4 W u Yunchu's rags-to-riches biography begins outside Shanghai (for a chronology, see W ang Daliang 1995: 268-70). H e was bom in 1891 in the Jiangsu county o f Jiading, now a part o f Shanghai Municipality, and was the
3. In 1991, Chinese
state television ran a series on W u's businesses, Tianzihao fengpin lu
(T he trials and tribulations o f the Heaven Conglomerate), which praised W u for his signifi cant contributions to his industry and to his country.
4. O ther
biographies o f W u use a similar or the same line. See, e.g., Chenbao
1933: 53.
Even articles that do not use this phrase emphasize that W u's M S G stemmed the influx o f Japanese products on the flavoring powder front; see, e.g., W ang Dongyuan Yunchu xiansheng xiaoshi*
1928 and "Wu
Fig. 8 a Patriotic Footwear
(Jilian huikan 46 [1931.11.16: cover]) M ovem ent literature and advertisements told Chinese producers and consumers that they could participate in the national salvation o f C hina by producing and consum ing national products. T h is advertisement placed by the G reat C hina Rubber Com pany, taken from the cover o f a movement journal, shows a prominent Chinese brand shoe, D ouble C o in ( f f Ü H$), bayoneting a Japanese shoe. T h e silhouette o f a Chinese soldier bayoneting to death a Japanese soldier invokes the movement's analogy between commercial and military warfare.
eldest o f six children. W u 's movement biographers invariably em phasize that, despite poverty, W u was able to excel— w ith the aid o f his 'm od el m other” (see, e.g., Chenbao 1933: 5a). A t an early age, he dem onstrated his academic prowess. By the age o f ten, W u was w ell on his way into the trad i' tional Chinese exam ination system. In that year, he obtained the prelim inary xiucai
degree in the imperial exam ination system. T h is was an un
com m on distinction for someone so young. Because his father got a jo b in Shanghai in 1899 as a teacher o f Chinese literature at a local university, young W u had the opportunity to study w ith better teachers; at the same time, he was exposed to new areas o f knowledge. D espite his early success in the traditional exam ination system , W u decided to become a translator and enrolled in Shanghai s Guangfang Foreign Language School against the wishes o f his hither, who 'feared his son w ould become a cool o f foreigners” (W an g Pilai and W ang Y u 1994:348). H is edu
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
cation and career path were typical o f many students o f new subjects. From 1904 to 1905, he continued his studies o f modem subjects as a student in Shanghai; in 1906, he returned to his home county to teach English in a local primary school. T h e N ew System s Reforms around this time greatly ex panded opportunities to study W estern subjects, and in the following year W u gained admission to the Q ing army's Shanghai M unitions Academ y, where he studied chem istry for four years until 1911. W u 's history as a model producer extended to his personal conduct. A l though he won scholarships, biographers emphasize that he was always giv ing and producing rather than taking and consuming; he did whatever he could to be self-sufficient. A t one point, he also taught mathematics at a lo cal primary school to earn money to support his family. For ten years follow ing his graduation in 1911, W u held a variety o f jobs as a teacher and chemical engineer in several o f China's nascent industrial centers. Through an ar rangement w ith the M unitions Special School, W u took a one-year appren ticeship at a Shanghai manufacturer and simultaneously taught at his alma mater. In the chaos following the Second Revolution (a conflict between the G M D and Yuan Shikai) in 1913, however, both the school and the enterprise closed and W u was unemployed. A teacher o f his (who was German) gave him a job as a chemical engineer at China's premier iron works, the Hanyang Iron SC Steel W orks, which had been established by the famous late Q ing reformer Zhang Zhidong several decades earlier but was now controlled by Germ ans. A fter a year there, W u took charge o f a brick factory but soon grew dissatisfied w ith the work and, in 1915, left for a jo b at a nitric alkali fac tory in Tianjin. T h e company, however, never got o ff the ground, and once again W u was unemployed. In 1916, W u returned to W uhan, where he helped devise a m ethod for manufacturing silicon and manganese tiles. H is contributions to this first successful effort to manufacture these items in China established him as one o f China’s foremost chemical engineers and led to his appointment as the director o f a silicon tile plant.
"I AM A LOCAL P R O D U C T " T h e movement was obsessed w ith producing, circulating, and consuming products that would be considered completely Chinese. T h is effort to create pure Chinese objects extended to the figures it lionized. Every biography o f W u Yunchu emphasizes his pure Chinese background and stresses that W u was educated in China, unlike other industrialists such as Fan Xudong, who
studied chem istry in Japan (see H an Y in 1996). A s one biography put this, "From the time this gentleman invented
MSG, his countrym en were very a t '
tentive and respectful toward him. M ost common people thought he had studied ab ro ad . . . and thus was able to have this sort o f success.” B ut this was not the case. H is life story showed readers that it was not necessary to study abroad to contribute to strengthening China. W u 's background was used to signify C h in as growing strength. In correcting the mistaken impres sion that he m ust have studied overseas, W u him self emphasized his domes tic credentials w ith the oft-quoted line: " la m a lo c a l product [ "Hffi']. I have never gone abroad.”5 W u also participated in defining him self as an authentic and pure C h i nese product. H e tried, for instance, to prom ote his own biography as a les son in pursuing an alternative path to helping oneself and ones country, in direct contrast to the traditional path through the Chinese bureaucracy, which, W u suggested, had in recent years slowed China's industrial progress: "Am ong China's returned students, the number who have studied chem istry abroad certainly is not sm all H owever, after returning to China, because they are anxious to become officials, they forget their enthusiasm for the chem ical industry that China desperately needs” (Chenbao 1933:52).
His newfound reputationand position afforded himmanyopportunities, and he quickly gained management experience and contacts. At this time, China's oldest and largest munitions manufacturer, the Hanyang Arsenal, hired Wu to supervise its chemistry and physics section. And a short time later, in 1918, Song Weichen 5^ fê la i, who owned a match factory, formed a partnership with Wu and founded the Prosperity Nitric Alkali Company which manufactured a key ingredient in matches, a product introduced by Europeans in the second halfof the nineteenth cen tury and first manufactured bytheJapaneseat that century'send. Through these initial experiences in Chinese industry, Wu concluded that China lacked the basic elements of a domestic chemical industry. Moreover, foreign competition, which soon destroyed Wu's company, was to blame. During World War I, Chinese industries of all sorts experienced what contemporaries themselves saw as a Golden Age of economic devel opment. However, immediately following the war, the imperialist powers began re-entering or expanding their presence in the Chinese markets they 5.
N early every biography o f W u quotes this line; see, e.g., Chenbao 1933: $3, G u oh u o
shiye chubanshe 1934:21, and "W u Yunchu xiansheng xiaoshi” (1934)-
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
had tem porarily abandoned.6 T h e Golden Age ended and a new, highly competitive environment emerged that bankrupted undercapitalized C h i' nese companies such as W u s. Because his new company could not compete, W u switched his energy to manufacturing glue for matches. But this strat' egy also failed. In 1920, W u went to Shanghai and set up the Prosperity N ew O x'G lu e W orks ( fifc fl# r 4 i JE£llP0 ) w ith Shi Gengyin whom W u had met when Shi was the manager o f the Shanghai Armaments R ifle Factory. Through Shi, W u m et the famous industrialist and match manufacturer Liu Hongsheng, whom W u convinced to finance the estab' lishm ent o f a glue factory in Shanghai, which W u planned to manage (W ang Pilai and W ang Y u 1994:375).
D IS P L A C IN G J A P A N E S E P R O D U C T S IN C H I N A T h e changes wrought by the introduction o f mass consumer products ex tended to a seemingly impregnable bastion o f Chinese culture, the kitchen. Flavoring powders enhance the taste o f even the most mundane dishes, and the use o f such products spread quickly. T h e condiment and flavor'enhancer monosodium glutamate (also called sodium glutamate or simply M S G ) is the crystalline sodium salt o f glutamic acid. It is made from water, sodium, and glutamate. Glutam ate is an amino acid found in all protein-containing foods, including meat, fish, cheese, milk, and many vegetables. T h e human body also produces glutamate, which is vital for metabolism and brain func tion. M onosodium glutamate is the sodium salt o f glutamate. Added to foods, M S G performs a flavoring function similar to that o f the glutamate that occurs naturally in food. Frequent anti-imperialist violence and boycotts pressured Chinese consumers to seek domestic substitutes for imports and encouraged Chinese en trepreneurs to try to create such products (Chapters 3 and 4). However, the N ational Products Movement and Chinese boycotts o f foreign products could only do $0 much to aid these new companies. Each industry faced its own problems in using nationalistic sentiments to market its products as "national products." Foodstuffs, for instance, were quickly consumed, and
O n the three-way competition among Chinese, Japanese, and Swedish companies, see
Cochran aooo: 147-76. James Reardon-Anderson (1991:168) concludes that W u s initial en terprise was successful.
therefore their purchasers were not subject to long-term social scrutiny. Whereas parading around the streets in the latest London-style clothing would have left one wide open to charges of unpatriotic consumption, mix ingJapanese Ajinomoto into one's dinner dishes easily escaped notice. Not surprisingly, even during the most contentious anti-imperialist boycotts, Chinese continued to use products such as Ajinomoto secretly rather than switch to Chinese substitutes, which even by theearly 1910s were considered inferior (Yang Dajun 1938, voL 1, pt. II: 1154-55; Shanghai tebieshi, Shehuiju 1930:95 - 99 )-
Although MSG became popular in the United Sûtes only in the 1950s, EastAsiancookshaveaddedseaweedtosoupstocksandthenusedextractsof this toenhancethetasteoffoods for overathousandyears. A Germanchem ist, however, firstsynthesizedMSG inthelatenineteenthcentury. Neverthe less, it wasJapanese chemist Ikeda Kikunae ftilfQlföis (1864-1936) in 1907, who extracted MSG from kombu (kelp). The Tokyo University Chemistry Department chair, who had studied in Germany, began mass production in 1908 through Suzuki Pharmaceuticals. In 1909, the product went on sale in Japan under the brand name Ajinomoto. By 1917 Ajinomoto was sold throughout theworld.7Wu was not the first or only person tochallenge Aji nomoto. Production in China of similar producu began in Shanghai in the early 1910s, and by the end of the decade a dozen or so Chinese companies were manufacturingcompetingproducts (see thesurveyof"gourmetpowder" in N i l 1935: 589-94). Of these manufacturers, by the late 1910s, Wu was al readywidelyknownasthe"MSG king" (Gao Shi 1996:118-11). According to the nationalistic biographies of Wu Yunchu, his brilliance and patriotismlay in identifying the inexhaustible market potential and na tionalistic significance of producing a Chinese versionof Ajinomoto. Indeed, decades later, his daughter tied his life history directly to this domination, beginning with the line: "[At the time of my fathers birth] Japanese prod ucts pervaded the Chinese market" (Wu Zhilian, "Xu” [Foreword], in Wang Daliang 1995:1-1). In 1910, Wu noted the virtual monopoly enjoyed
7 - A fter W o rld W a r II Su zu ki Pharmaceuticals became Ajinom oto Com pany, Inc., which netted over U .S 4 6 billion in sales in 1999 and is still the world's largest producer o f L-m onosodium glutamate (M S G ) and other amino acid p rod u cu used in pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, and feed additives (http://w w w jjinom otoxo.jp/ajinom oto/com pany/other/ othen.htm , consulted on A p ril iS, aooa). For a chronology o f the com pany, see htrp://www. ajinom otoxo.jp/ajinom oto/com pany/eajino/history.htm .
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
by the Japanese company Suzuki Pharmaceuticals and Ajinomoto in the Chinese market; this was one of the many low-priced Japanese consumer goods chathadenteredtheChinese marketduringandimmediatelyafter the war. The sudden spread of these products in China was conspicuous, and the advertisements for themthat had sprung up throughout Chinese cities expandedthevisual dominance ofimperialisminthemarketplace. Although Wu Yunchu did not understand how Ajinomoto was pro duced, he suspected the process was simple, and because the additive was widely used, he knewits production would be enormously profitable. More over, the introduction of a Chinese substitute for Ajinomoto would allow Chinese to boycott a product that manyfoundirresistible* After conducting extensive experiments over the course of a year in his house, by the end of 1922, Wu, with his wife's assistance,9not only had identified thechemicals in Ajinomoto, but also had mastereda technique for manufacturing MSG (for a detaileddescription, seeWang Pilai andWang Yu 1994:355)* Of course, this was only halfthe battle. Wu still neededto figureout how to mass-produce and market his creation. Securing capital was particularly difficult in the unstable environment created by incessant fighting among the warlords. Through Wang Dongyuan îEjfC®, the marketing represen tative of a soy sauce manufacturer, Wu met the owner of a dozen-odd soy sauce shops, Zhang Yiyun (b. 1871), and convinced himto run the companyand invest $5,000 inhelpingWu manufacture MSG. The first problemthe two tackledwas selectinga name for their product and enterprise. The name they chose, weijing Q&fê, combines the Chinese termfor "flavor" (Qfc/ and "essence/heart” ( fn) to form"heart of fla vor.” The two added the term tianchu an abbreviation for the term tiansbangpaochu ^ hfëîMf. "heavens kitchen," to formtheTianchu Weijing Factory (^iSîl^cŸniÜÜ)—"The Heart of Flavor from Heaven’s Kitchen Factory" or simply "Heaven’s Kitchen.” To secure the name and product, Wu and Zhang registered the names with the Ministry of Agriculture and
S. According to some, in addition to four basic tastes— sweet, sour, bitter, and salty— M S G and Ajinom oto produced another, known in Japanese as umami pÇ fc and approxi mated by the English term "savory.”
9. In biographies such as W an g Pilai and W an g Y u 1994: 354-55* W u s wife, W u Daiyi plays an important role— despite a l o w level o f education,” she recognizes the na tional importance o f competing with Japan and opening up the domestic food additive mar ket to a Chinese competitor.
Commerce in Beijingandobtaineda patent.101In early1923, operations began on a very modest scale, in a couple of rented rooms, and with only seven or eight workers. Monthly production was initiallyonly about 500 pounds, but output rapidly expanded. Despite the ongoing economic, political, and mili tary chaos in China, production climbed to nearly 20,000 pounds in 1924. By 1929, Heaven's Kitchen producedover 140,000 pounds ofMSG.11 The managers of Heavens Kitchen immediately began to take advantage of the National Products Movement by advertising their product as a "com pletely Chinese product." From the start, Wang Dongyuan handled the marketing of the new product. He immediately began to post advertise ments throughout the city and used Zhang Yiyun's soy stores as retail out lets. At one point, Wang decorateda pickledvegetablesellers cart with flags that proclaimed that Heavens Kitchen's MSG was of superior quality com pared to the Japanese Ajinomoto and pushed the cart throughout Chinese neighborhoods, calling out the name of the product and offering taste tests (Wang Pilai andWang Yu 1994:363). T h e m arket for the new product developed quickly, but H eaven's K itchen had to overcome the initial suspicions o f consumers about the in gredients and origins o f the product. Earlier Chinese flavoring powders were o f suspect quality and had failed to win the confidence o f Chinese consum ers. Heaven's K itchen overcame this problem by listing the ingredients and the com pany's address on each label, all the while stressing that its product was cheaper than Ajinom oto (Yang D ajun 1938, voL 1, pt. II: 1154).
The success of Heaven's Kitchen spawned competition fromother Chi nese companies. Wu and Zhang responded by reorganizing and expanding their company from an informal company wholly owned and run by them. To raise the necessarycapital, they formed ajoint-stockcompanyandraised $50,000 (Wu lacked the necessary capital and used his invention of the product as a basis for claiminga share of the company). They also registered their "Hand of Buddha" ($>^) brand name and product at the Shanghai patent office. With the new capital, they rented space in a former cigarette factory through the Taizhou native-place association and purchased more
10. "Nongshangbu ban fa weijing zhipin hege yi zhangcheng jiangfi baozhuang' (1923.5.24) in S S D 199a: 1. 11. For the production figures o f Heaven's Kitchen M S G from 1923 to 1937, see *Tianchu chang 1923 nian zhi 1937 nian linian weijing chanliang biao' (199a). Production expanded from around 7,000 pounds in 1923 to over a half-million pounds in 1937.
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
chantenmachines. Although theenterprisewas modest bytoday'sstandards, initsdayitwas thelargest foodadditivefactoryinChina. Wu's Japanese competitor tried to undermine Heavens Kitchen. Through theJapanese embassy in Beijing, for instance, Suzuki Pharmaceuticals lodged a protest against Heaven's Kitchen's registration of the term "heart of flavor" (weijing f&fê). Suzuki arguedthat the namewas simplythe second and third Chinese characters drawn from the generic description used in Ajinomoto's own advertisements, diaowei jingfen or "fla voring powder") (Wang Dongyuan 1928). They demanded that the Chinese patent office cancel Heaven’s Kitchen's copyright. The managers of Heaven's Kitchen feared that changing their product’s name would confuse consumers, and they dispatched their marketing expert, Wang Dongyuan, to Beijingtolobby Chineseofficials. Other Chinese manufacturers ofsimilar products also petitioned the government on Heaven's Kitchen's behalf (Wang Pilai and Wang Yu 1994: 368; Chen Zhengqing 1992: 388). After a year of lobbying officials with expensivegifts anddinners—andwith the aid of nationalistic sentiment in China—Wang won after theJapanese realized the futilityoftheir efforts andgaveup. The Limits of Patriotic Production
What were the obligations of national product producers to the nation? What were the obligations of the managers to the shareholders? And what happened when the needs of the company and those of the country came into conflict? Companies such as Heaven's Kitchen frequently had to navi gate between their own interests and the demands of the movement. To be sure, the movement provided critical opportunities for Heaven's Kitchen to develop market share. The May Thirtieth Movement of 1925 was clearly a turningpoint for thecompany. The boycottcrippledAjinomoto's sales. As a result, prices for the product dropped. At the same time, Heaven's Kitchen took advantage of the situation by widely advertising itself as a "national product" and reminding compatriots of their need to consume Chinese products. It also expanded its participation in movement events such as ex hibitions (Gao Shi 1996: 119; see also Chapters 5 and 6). For instance, the company won a prize at the Third Jiangsu Province National Local Prod ucts Exhibition of 1925.12Sales skyrocketed as orders poured in from2 1 12. T u n d r a weijing huode Jiangsu sheng” (1925).
throughout the country and from patriotic Chinese communities overseas. The company alsogaineda toehold in the Hong Kong market, whichdevel opedquickly. Heavens Kitchen took full advantage of the movement, even to the ex tent of undermining movement objectives. The anti-imperialist boycotts of the spring and summer led to the doubling of production in 1925. Still, pro duction could not keep up with demand. To meet some of the additional demand, Heaven’s Kitchenbought Ajinomoto and thenrepackagedandsold it under its own brand (Wang Pilai and Wang Yu 1994: 367). These tactics helped investors in the company make enormous amounts of money from the enterprise. Following the boycott of 1925, after deducting for production expenses, everysix months the stock yieldeddividends of $17,500 silver dol lars per share. Not surprisingly, Wu and his colleagues were active in movement or ganizations such as the NPPA.1} Indeed, for his frequent contributions to movement causes, Wu was included in a list of prominent Shanghai busi ness and political leaders named honorary chairmen of the organization (ZGWH 1932: "Huishf section, 21).14In the aftermath of the May Thirti eth Movement, Heavens Kitchen was also a leading contributor to antiJapanese organizations such as the Shanghai Citizens Association on SinoJapanese Relations (Cao 1925: 53). Indeed, even after World War II, Wu and his companies continued to oppose imports, especially ofJapanese con sumer goods.11 Ironically, the international success of Heavens Kitchens MSG—due in large part to the anti-imperialist boycotts—aided the product's domestic growth by giving the company credibility. Even after the height of the 1925 boycott, company operations continued to expand. In 1926, it began to eye lucrative Western markets and prepared for eventual entry into these4 1 3
13. In 1924, for instance, W u gave a lecture at the Shanghai Com m ercial Products Display Hall; see Pan Junxiang, *20 niandai Z honggu o guohuo yundong kaizhan,* in idem, 1996:24. 14. Based on an executive committee decision in 1930-31, the N P P A invited Chinese lu minaries to become honorary chairmen o f the organization. T h e honored Ted the masses through their exam ple.' A m o n g the 82 persons named was the notorious Shanghai G reen G an g leader D u Yuesheng, prominent economist Liu Dajun 9 1 ^ 1 ^ (1891-1962; know n in English as D . K . Lieu), and many Nationalist leaders. 1$. See S M A 038-1*219, for a handbill produced by W u Yunchu in 1946 on w hy C hina should not open its markets to Japanese products.
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
Fig. S.) Domestic Status Earned Abroad (S S D 199a) T h e Sesqui Centennial International Exposition Award won by Heaven's Kitchen's M S G in Philadelphia in 1916.
m arkets by applying for patents in England, France, and the U nited States in the follow ing years. A s contem porary biographies o f W u Y unchu pro claim , these were the first international patents awarded to the products o f the nascent C hinese chem ical industry. Further boosts to the com pany's dom estic credibility came in 1926 at the Sesqui C entennial International Exposition in Philadelphia, when H eaven's K itchen w on a prize (see Fig. 8.3), and in 193a, when the com pany w on an award at the San Francisco Exposition. T h ese awards helped W u 's com pany navigate difficult waters. O n the one hand, the m ovem ent pressured C hinese consum ers to select only national products. A t the same tim e, these consum ers w anted to consum e the best products, w hich were often autom atically associated w ith im ports. International awards gave the com pany's M S G credibility as a w orld-class product and reassured C hinese consum ers that they were buying the best, n ot m erely the m ost Chinese.
The movement also placed constraints on Heaven’s Kitchen in ways that fundamentally alteredits businessstrategy. Although Wu continuallyadver tisedhis MSG as"completelyChinese" thiswas not thecase. Fromthestart, he relied heavily on imported raw materials. Initially, for instance, he used inexpensive Chinese gluten, which was the primary ingredient of MSG. As sales soared, the domestic supply was inadequate, and the company began using Canadian wheat, which yielded a high level of gluten. Such compro mises ensured the company's continued growth and profitability. Using im ported Canadian wheat also gave Wu* MSG a competitive advantage over Ajinomoto, which was made fromfish, soybeans, and other more expensive sources ofprotein. Heaven's Kitchen’s use of imported ingredients helped it force its pri mary foreign rival fromthe Chinese market. Throughout most of the 1910s, the need to undercut the price of Ajinomoto determined the price of Wu's MSG. In 1918, eachpound sold for about $7, but cost only$3.50 to produce. That changed. In 1918, the new Nationalist government sought to register the company and grant it a five-year monopoly. In the following year, Wu, however, surrenderedthedomestic patent rights, asthe Ministry ofIndustry and Commerce put it, "so that we may collectively develop national prod ucts."16Immediately, dozens of Chinese competitors sprang up.17Although the new competition exerted downward pressure on the price of MSG, it also forced Ajinomoto from the Chinese market (except for the Japanese controlledprovinces inManchuria). As a supporter of the National Products Movement and as an astute businessman, Wu had both social and business reasons to sinifÿ his na tional product by finding or creating domestic substitutes for his imported ingredients.18The success of Heaven's Kitchen spawned ancillary chemical 16. 'G ongshangbu banfa W u Yunchu fangqi bufen weijing zhuanliquan baojiang ling* (1929.5.16), in S S D 199a: 15-16. 17. For an exhaustive list o f these new Chinese companies, see W a n g Pilai and W a n g Y u 1994: 370. For translations o f these companies* names, their addresses, am ount o f capitaliza tion, and other information, see N i l 193$: $90; for production figures, see ibid., pp. $93-94. 18. Indeed, W u used his fame and fortune to reinforce movement objectives.
clear ar
ticulation o f W u 's desire to control foreign involvement in the Chinese market and preserve that market for Chinese is a petition he wrote for the Nationalist government's Industrial and
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
industries in the Shanghai area. In fact, Wu himself played a direct role in this development. The production of MSG involved seven raw materials: gluten, usually made from wheat flour; hydrochloric acid; caustic soda; alcohol; carbon powder; sodium sulfide; and sodium carbonate. Most of these raw materials were imported. Initially, the company obtained gluten from Shanghais spinning factories, which manufactured starch to use as sizing. Although Heaven's Kitchen soon exhausted this supply and turned to imported Canadian wheat, it worked to become as self-sufficient as pos sible by using alternative materials. Ironically, the company initially bought its hydrochloric acid, which reacts with gluten to form MSG, fromJapa nese suppliers. In 1928, Wu moved to end his company's need for Japanese products by establishing the Tianyuan Electrochemical Factory X M ) with $200,000 raised from stockholders in Heaven's Kitchen. The factory was immediately successful, and by 1933, Heaven’s Kitchen was con suming 2.5 million pounds of the hydrochloric acid produced by this plant (Nil 1935: 59l).W As Heaven's Kitchen made other efforts to supply its own rawmaterials, Wu's reputation as a national producer grew. The company's expansionwas clearly linked to the growing National Products Movement. The boycotts following the Manchurian Incident of 1931 and the Shanghai Incident of 1932 again fueled demand for products from Wu's companies. Demand was so great among Chinese living in Southeast Asia that Wu’s Hong Kong dis tributor could not fill it. In 1931, hedecidedtoset upafactoryinHong Kong to meet the demand fromethnic Chinese inSoutheast Asia as well as tode velop new markets in America, Australia, and elsewhere. By the mid-1930s, the Heaven Conglomerate (or Tianzihao as Wu's group of enter prises became known because each company name began with the character tian (''heaven”), included four companies. The Tianyuan Electrochemical Commercial Conference held at the end o f 1930. A t the conference, W u submitted a petition that called for limiting the number and type o f factories set up by foreigners in China. A c cording to W u's petition, in the aftermath o f China's recent recovery o f tariff autonomy, for eigners had expanded plans to establish factories in China in order to avoid the stiff new tar iffs. W u argued that while China's industry was in its infancy, it should be protected for Chinese. For the text o f the petitions, see *W u Yunchu guanyu dizhi wairen zai H ua shechang ri an,“ in S S D 1989:153-54. 19.
For an overview o f Tianyuan's output in its first four years, see T ian y u an dianhua
chang sinian lai jingguo qingxing jianming biao (1931-34).’ in S S D 1989: 89. In that brief pe riod, production climbed 33a percent, from under a,000 tons to over 6,000 tons by 1934.
Factory manufactured hydrochloric acid (a fundamental ingredient used to make com syrup and glucose from cornstarch), caustic soda (used in the manufacture of, among other things, paper, rayon, and photographic film), bleach powder (a standardbleachingagent usedtowhiten or remove natural colors), and other chloride products. In 1932, Heaven's Kitchen itselfwas re organized and opened up two more MSG factories and two additional plants to produce starch and fructose. In response to tremendous domestic pressure to manufacture its own containers, in 1934-35 the Heaven Con glomerate bunched the Tiansheng Ceramics Factory Fi nally, in 1935-36, the conglomerate formed the Tianli Nitrogen Plant ( ^ f l j to use the byproducts of Tianyuan's operations, such as hydrogen andammonia. BRO AD ER P A T R IO T IC A C T IV IT IE S
A few other aspects of Wu's life are regubrly invoked to solidify his nation alistic credentials. Indeed, his patriotic activities extended beyond the pro ductionofchemical products. He engagedin numerous philanthropic activi ties during these years, such as funding the establishment of the Chinese Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in 1929 and acting as its first head. The institute aimedto address thepersistent problemofa bck ofknowledge in ancilbry fields. In addition, recalling his own past, Wu helpedestablish a fund for indigent students and contributed several hundred thousandyuan toschools throughout China. Wu contributed direcdy to Chinas defense. Following the Shanghai In cident of 1932, Wu briefly attempted to manufacture poisonous gas, but he dropped these efforts and instead helped arrange the production of gas masks (Wang Pilai and Wang Yu 1994: 372; Guohuo shiye chubanshe 1934: 21). Wu also purchasedseveral airpbnes in 1933-34 anddonated themto the Nationalist army, an act for which he received considerable press at the time (see Fig. 8.4). Finally, after the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, Wu moved his Tianyuan and Heaven's Kitchen enterprises.0 2
O utside Shanghai, movement activists w ho assumed that a product packaged in
Japanese-manufactured materials must itself be a Japanese product frequently challenged the authenticity o f T ian commodities as 'national products.* T h e S M A files on the T ian C o n glomerate contain many references to such disputes. For instance, see S M A 038-2-148, on the efforts o f Tianyuan to get its manufactures certified as national products in Nanchang.
Fig. 8 .4 Heaven's Kitchen M S G Bomber O n M arch 18, 1934» at least 3 0 ,0 0 0 people attended a ceremony at Hongqiao Airport in Shanghai. M any o f the most powerful men in the city assembled for a ceremonial presenta tion (upper photo: H uang Yiting 19 3 4 ) o f a bomber to the Nationalist government by W u Yunchu ( third fr o m the left in fr o n t row ). Those in attendance included {fr o m rijjht to left in fr o n t row )
mayor W u Tiecheng, Secretary General o f the Executive Yuan Z h u M inyi fëE ^ SÊ
(18 8 4 -19 4 6 ),
W u Yunchu, Green G ang leader D u Yuesheng, movement leader W an g Xiaolai,
and (in back) entrepreneur Shi Liangcai Y u Xiaqing, and newspaperman Z h u Shaoping
(1 8 7 9 -1 9 3 4 )*
Cham ber o f Com m erce head
( 1 8 8 1 -1 9 4 1 ).
Lest Chinese patriots
forget the origin o f the airplane, the factory name was painted on the side o f the plane {low er photo :
S S D 1991)* A n d one banner at the airport explicitly linked patriotic consumption and
defense: T h e s e airplanes were indirectly purchased by patriotic Chinese who love to use Heaven's Kitchen's Flavoring" (SB 193 4.3 .19).
including its Hong Kong branch, co Sichuan province. He returned to Shanghai after the war.21And he stayed in China following the Communist victory and held municipal posts on science committees in the new govern' ment. However, the Communists' embrace of "patriotic capitalists" did not last. Wu's companies were, effectively, nationalized in the early 1950s, and capitalists were persecuted. He diedon October 15,1953, at theageof 6a. B IO G R A PH IE S AS P A C K A G IN G FOR P A T R IO T IC P R O D U C TS
The nationalistic biography of Wu Yunchu was literally attached to the commodities his companies produced. Indeed, product, person, and biogra phy converged on the labels of his Buddha's Hand Flavoring Powder, which by 1928 advertised the product as "devised by Mr. [Wu Yunchu]" (see Fig. 8.S).22 In earlier times, one way to describe someone as successful was to say that his or her name had spread far and wide. One's "name" or reputation was what became known throughout China. In this emergingconsumer cul ture, the branded commodities of Chinese capitalists carried their names and reputations throughout China. Because Heaven's Kitchen products were so widely known ("there was not a person who did not know of its products"; Chenbao 1933: 53), word of Wu's virtue and his contribution to national survival spread throughout China and into ethnic Chinese commu nities overseas. There were many forums for these nationalistic biographies during the movement. Indeed, they often became integral parts of the other movement events discussedinthis book, particularlycommodityspectacles. On theone hand, they rewarded the primary patrons ofsuchevents. On theother hand, these biographies also urged others to follow the lead of China's patriotic producers. With increasing regularity during the movement, national prod ucts were put on public display and held up to would-be manufacturers as standards to emulate, to distributors and merchants as the only products
21. W u became a member o f several important Nationalist committees that managed C h in as economy, including the N ational Economic Council tional Resources Com m ission Com m ittee (
Ü & ) , the N a
and the M inistry o f Finances Planning
$ M & )•
22. For a copy o f a label, see "Changhao fazhan xiaoshi” (B rief histories o f industrial de velopments), in Shanghai shangye zazhi 1928.
M anufacturing Patriotic Producers
Fig. 8.5 Packaging Nationalism T h e labels on bottles o f Heaven's Kitchen's Buddha's H and brand M S G marketed more than the products themselves. Associating W u Yunchu's heroic biography as a patriotic producer with the product (which proclaims itself as "devised by M r. [W u Yunchu]") offered consumers the possibility o f participating in his and, by extension, the nation's struggle against impe rialism through nationalistic consumption. T h e package also reveals a central irony o f the movement. Even national product manufacturers understood the allure o f the foreign and of ten used foreign words (here, English) to stimulate desire and sales. Such tactics, however, did not contradict the primary goal o f the movement o f promoting the consumption o f C h i nese products.
worth selling, and to consumers as properly nationalistic objects of desire. Through such events, the public also consumed images of nationalistic indi viduals and their companies as role models.23Inclusion in the exhibitions, which required passing a certification process, made this point. It was rein forced by the publications accompanying major movement events, which in variably included biographies and company profiles of prominent producers of national products. For instance, the massive volume commemorating the
A less formal exhibition grounds was the T ian Conglomerate's factories themselves.
T h e conglomerate frequently hosted groups o f students from across the country. For a collec tion o f requests to visit the factories, see the "Jiaotong daxue deng yaoqiu canguan Tianyuan chang zhi W u Yunchu deng ban," in S S D 1989:65-68.
Ministry of Industry and Commerce's Chinese National Products Exhibi tion of 1928 includedarticles contributedby national product producers that expressed support for the goals of the exhibition and, more broadly, the movement. A final sectionof thevolume recountedone more time, inheroic terms, the histories of these patriotic producers and their struggle to secure thenational market for authenticChineseproducts.24 Movement discourse permeatedeveryaspectofChineseeconomic lifebe fore 1949. The notion of foreign and domestic products—and of patriotic and unpatriotic consumers and producers—defined relationships in an in creasingly nationalistic, nationalized Chinese marketplace. Such an envi ronment made heroes out of producers who were deemed to manufacture sufficiendy Chinese products and villains out of those facilitating the entry and spread of foreign commodities in the Chinese marketplace. For partici pants in the movement, defining the world of goods in terms of nations of commodities was not a defense against participating in modemlife. Rather, movement advocatessawerectingstrongnational economic boundaries asan essential steptowardemulatingWestern andJapaneseindustrial success and toward becoming an equal member of an international community of nation-states.
24. See 'G ongchan g xiaoshi* (B rief factory histories), in G S B 1928.
Conclusion 'T h e n why dkl you choose to work for a foreign firm? D on't you know that foreigners have never had any good intentions towards us? T h ey exploited the Chinese people for economic gain or tried to enslave us politically. O n ly the scum o f China work for foreigners. Y o u should know that. Y o u were offered a job teaching English at the In* stitute o f Foreign Languages. But you preferred to work for Shell. Why?* — N ien C heng 1986:88-89 "W hat has dancing got to do with patriotism?* I was genuinely puzzled. "You were dancing with a foreigner. A n d you looked quite happy dancing with a foreigner. That's decidedly unpatriotic* — N ien C heng 1986:064
Was the National Products Movement a success?Did the movement reach its goal of integrating nationalismand consumerism? The answers to these questions dependon thecriteria for success. It would certainlybe easyto in* terpret the movement as a dramatic failure. Indeed, this book might have beenentitled“the impossibilityof nationalizingconsumer culture inmodem China.”Given the tremendous obstacles the movement confronted, theview that it was a failure would have been understandable. China's lack of state* craft tools such as tariffautonomy and, indeed, genuine sovereigntyallowed imports to pour into the country. Likewise, the powerful associations be* tween imports and fashion/modemity heightened demand, as did price and the mechanized uniformity and quality of imports. Most important, a weak sense of national identity among the vast majority of Chinese consumers who evaluatedtheir interests also interms of themselves, their families, line* ages, communities, andregions madesacrificingonbehalfofthenationdiffi cult, even unthinkable. Not surprisingly, the movement never convinced or forced consumers to avoid imports completely and buy only certified na* tional products. Nor did the movement persuade consumers that theyought to consume something called "national products.” In short, the movement did not instill product*nationality as the pre-eminent attribute of a
commodity. Appeals for Chinese compatriots to consume Chinese products often went unanswered. Import statistics substantiate this fact. Indeed, the movement's own incessant pleas for treasonous consumers, merchants, officials, and others to heed the call to buy national products confirmthat the movement was an ongoing war, to use its own metaphor, rather chan a single battle. On other, subtler cultural, institutional, anddiscursivegrounds, however, the movement was much more successful The movement insinuated nacionalism into countless aspects of Chinas nascent consumer culture, and thiscombinationofnationalismand consumerismbecame abasis for what it meant to live in“modemChina.“This isvisible throughout China: fromthe growing hostility toward and negative perception of imports in the nine teenth century through the establishment of a nationalistic male appearance and visuality in the late Qing to the repeated anti-imperialist boycotts and the development of an exhibitionary complex of nationalistic commodity spectacles in the Republic to the proliferation ofgendered representationsof unpatriotic consumption and patriotic producers. This nationalized con sumer culture influenced Chinese life fromtop to bottom, fromelite discus sions of political economy to individual students' decisions of what to wear to school. The movement did have an immediate impact on fashion, busi ness, appearance, and language. Its legacies include the representations of unpatriotic consumption and patriotic production that persist in presentday China. This pervasivecultural influence is the movement's chiefsuccess. The general principle, if not the individual practice, of nationalistic con sumption is deeply rooted. The breadth, depth, and creativityof the move ment describedhere makeit difficult todenyacentral role tothis movement inthe makingofthemodemChinesenation. Again, the legacies of the movement are visible across the twentieth cen tury, particularly after the Communist Revolution in 1949. The effects of decades of Communist historiography, which emphasized the singularlyex ploitative nature of the imperialist presence in China, are easy to identify. The two epigraphs to this chapter, which come fromthe interrogations that Shanghai businesswoman Nien Chengenduredduring theCultural Revolu tion (1966-76), demonstrate the Chinese Communist government's overt hostility to foreign products and practices. This same sort of nationalism and anti-imperialism permeates textbooks, museums, and popular con sciousness down to the present. To the Communists, their victory over the
N ationalists in 1949 was always a dual liberation: both from the political oppression o f class domination at home and from the economic control o f im perialist powers.
The history of the movement captures China's long-standing ambiva lence toward foreign involvement in the Chinese economy. True, direct state-sponsored attacks on the evils of foreign involvement in Chinese life havebecome less frequentsince Deng Xiaoping's decisioninthelate 1970s to "open China to the outside world” and permit the use of pri vate foreign capital to develop the economy. But the deep suspicion of for eigncapital isstill there. China remains concernedwith”self-reliance”( Ê W ^). evenasthedefinitionofthetermchanges (Pearson 1991: esp. chap. a). Moreover, this lingering concern regularly manifests itself outside govern ment activity. Runaway best-sellers such as China Can Also Say No for instance, passionately plead for renewed anti-Am erican boycotts and urge readers not to fly on Boeing airplanes (Song Q iang et aL 1996; see also W ang Xiaodong et aL 1999). Dem onstrations in the mid-1980s railed against Japanese ”neo-economic imperialism” and the "second occupa tion” o f China. Likewise, the ”war o f the chickens”— between Kentucky Fried Chicken and domestic fest-food com petitors— called on the 'Chinese people to eat Chinese food.” These contemporary "national product” cam paigns reflect the deep ambivalence over the role o f foreigners in the Chinese economy even as China's "new middle class” flocks to these restaurants.1 Dom estic manufacturers continue to use nationalistic appeals to win cus tom er and state approval.
1. O n the well-known battle between Kentucky Fried Chicken and local businesses in Bei jing over the hut-food market, see Yunxiang Yan 1000 and the essays collected in Z h a o Feng 1994. In ‘ Changyong guohuo gai bu gai* (Should national products be promoted?), a Chinese author once again browbeats fellow Chinese for their unpatriotic consumption, citing patri otic South Korean consumers as models to emulate. T h e author states that even while aca demics debate the merits o f fully opening China to foreign products, and even i f imports are widely available, ‘ every Chinese person* has the responsibility to favor Chinese products (Z h a o Feng 1994:17s). a. For an example from the late 1990s, see Z h a o Yang 2000. Zhao's case study also reveals the ongoing ambivalent relationship between Chinese consumers and imports: T h e W ahaha Group's decision to emphasize its drink’s indigenous character was followed by the company's determination to depict itself as a staunch defender o f the domestic food and beverage indus try against what W ahaha's executives called an 'unhealthy tendency' in mass consumption: the public's fascination with W estern and Japanese consumer goods* (Z h ao Yang 2000:189).
H o w W id ely Elaborated W a s the M ovem ent ?
T h e N ational Products M ovem ent was a nationwide effort. W hat, however, did it mean to be '’nationwide” in a largely agricultural country o f 400 m il lion people? T h e primary geographical focus here has been on Shanghai for three reasons (see also Chapter 1). First, foreigners and foreign capital were highly concentrated in this city. In fact, a third o f all foreign investment and almost h alf o f all direct business investment went to Shanghai (Rem er 1933a: tu-12). Second, Shanghai had the m ost numerous and active movement or ganizations, many o f which became models for ocher cities.1 Like the city it self, these organizations were made up o f individuals from other places— sojourners who became conduits for spreading the movement agenda across China.3 4*T hird, Shanghai was both the H ollyw ood and the W all Street o f its day, the country's capital o f both glamour and industry, and was conse quently the focus o f a great deal o f attention within China.1 By the twentieth century, as historian H anchao Lu observes, "highly commercialized cities came to be seen as better places than small towns and villages” (1999: 5). Shanghai was at the top o f this hierarchy. N o t only did the city provide eco nomic opportunities for all classes, but its events, fashions, and habits were also widely publicized and promoted and consequently discussed and emu lated throughout China.
Although Shanghai is a principal focus because of its flagship role in the movement, the movement was national in scope. This, however, does not 3. See, e.g., "Jingji juejiao de fangfa yu shouduan' (1918), which explains the functioning o f two Shanghai organizations and how they promoted national products and anti-Japanese boycotts. 4. D uring the 1930s, fo r instance, m ore than 70 percent o f Shanghais population origi nated from outside the area (W akem an and Yeh 19914:6). $. M any o f China's most im portant newspapers and periodicals w ere based or published in Shanghai. Th ese publications had national readerships. M oreover, publications based in other cities invariably covered Shanghai extensively. ‘T h is publicity,* Shanghai historian X io n g Yu ezh i notes, 'prom oted a sense in many parts o f China that Shanghai and the Shanghainese were the m odel o f the future’ (1996:103). For an extended examination o f this role o f Shanghai, which was at the center o f 'm odem Chinese im agination,' see Yin gjin Zh ang 1996. O f course, Shanghai had not been the fashion center o f China fo r long. T h e nearby city o f Suzhou, long a wealthy center o f silk production, had played this role in earlier centuries (B rook 1998: aai). In addition, elite circles throughout the country had looked to Beijing and the im perial court and courtesans for both official and inform al guidance on fash ion (S cott i960:61).
mean chat the movement was uniform across China. Preliminary research on the movement in various cities reveals significant local differences. T he northern city o f Tianjin, for example, provides a distinct case, particularly given its closer financial and industrial ties to Japan (see Rinbara 1983). Likewise, major commercial centers such as Guangzhou undoubtedly had local economic interests chat conflicted with national ones. Although these cities supported the movement to different degrees, all o f them participated actively. Chinese and foreign newspaper reports, records from Japanese con sulates throughout China, the participation o f scores o f cities and towns in anti-imperialist boycotts, the proliferation o f nationalistic commodity spec tacles from N ingxia to Guangdong provinces, and archival records o f the communication between movement organizations in various cities confirm that the movement was national in scope.6 "China" remains a controversial term. In general, however, the term is valid in this study. First, the participants in this history clearly and expressly saw themselves as operating on behalf o f the entire country. A s we have seen, their goal was to communicate the aims o f their movement to the entire population. Second, even though I refer to processes and events as occurring "across China," I do not mean to suggest that in a country as vast as China, with a population o f some 400 million in the mid-twentieth century, or even all o f Shanghai s three million residents, every man, woman, and child par ticipated. M any o f the major changes o f modem Chinese history took place without the knowledge o f millions, especially the 30o-some million living outside the major cites. Travel accounts alone confirm that customs and dis eases long thought dead persisted in out-of-the-way locations. Nonetheless, the N ational Products Movement involved more than the 40-80 million urban residents. T h e term "urban" misleadingly downplays the close connec tions and communications between cities and countryside. Third, I inten tionally generalize for "China" as a way o f beginning to reaggregate China by considering the centripetal forces pulling China together after several dec ades o f analyses that focused on divisions and differences. Adm ittedly, there 6. T o cite three final inform al pieces o f evidence, the lists o f winners o f raffles published in the movement magazine Jilian huikan reveals that they lived in cities and towns across China; see, e.g., Jilian huikan 4S (1931.12.16): 45-48. Second, movement publications carried reports on movement organizations and activities in other cities; see. e.g., ‘ Suiwei niantou zhi guohuo x ia o x f (1935). T h ird , organizations and individuals throughout China sent congratulatory messages to the opening ceremony o f major movement events; see, e.g., the thirteen pages o f such messages reprinted in K ong Xiangxi 1929.
was no single "N ational Products M ovem ent” for all o f China. Politics is always locaL A n d that dictum certainly applied to the politics o f consum ption. N evertheless, m ost o f the topics discussed here— such as fashion, boycotts, and com m odity spectacles— are difficult to appreciate w ithout first uncover ing their connections to national and international issues o f nation-m aking.
A Meta-Movement T h e N ational Products M ovem ent was a m atrix that formed, disseminated, and provided the means for practicing m odem Chinese nationalism . It was m uch m ore chan the project or cool o f a single segment o f Chinese society, more than the handiwork o f N ationalist officials or Chinese entrepreneurs. T h e movement subsum ed these and many other diverse social elements— even antagonistic ones— into a shared program o f nationalism chat trans form ed com m odities into m iniature representations o f China's aspirations for survival, wealth, and power. A s such, the movement is best understood not sim ply as any o f the four parts discussed in this book but as all o f them and many others combined. In each segment o f Chinese life, there is evidence for the explicit or, as seen in the widespread use o f the movement s vocabulary, im plicit support for movement objectives. W hen identifying the participants, it is easy to find political patrons. From the earliest days o f the Republic, governm ent ad m inistrations supported aspects o f the movement. In fact, as C hapters $ and 6 dem onstrate, the N ationalist com m itm ent to the movement and, specifi cally, to the expansion o f nationalistic com m odity spectacles, intensified w ith that party's ascension in the late 1920s. From financing major national product exhibitions to sponsoring national product years, the N ationalists saw the utility o f aligning themselves w ith the movement. A n d yet the movement was clearly not a N ationalist governm ent creation. Its roots stretch back into the late Q in g dynasty and extend beyond the rise o f the N ationalists. Chinese Com m unist Party literature was rife w ith m ovem ent vocabulary and arguments. In the C e p 's view, denying foreigners access to the Chinese m arket was a crucial step in underm ining imperialism and capitalism and creating the conditions for communism in China. T ens o f thousands o f handbills confiscated by treaty port authorities and labeled "Com m unist literature" called for the boycotting o f foreign products and the
promotion o f national products.7 Consequently, we cannot see the m ove' ment as a subordinate part o f the history o f one side o f the N ationalist' Com m unist struggle for legitimacy and power. Both sides drew on elements o f the movement. T h e obvious economic patrons were also an integral part o f the formation and spread o f the movement. In Shanghai, Chinese entrepreneurs, particu larly those threatened by foreign competition, actively supported the move ment and often assumed key leadership roles. T h e most powerful movement organizations— the N P P A , the Citizens Association, and the Association for N ational Products— were bankrolled and run largely by such entrepre neurs. Given the financial resources, national communication networks, and political clout o f these people, it is impossible to imagine an influential movement without them. Y e t Chinese industrialists did not monopolize control o f the movement. From the formation o f the first major group in 1911, the leadership included non-business elites. Moreover, the movement quickly became a vehicle for mass organizations such as student groups, Comm unist activists, and women's associations. Throughout the movement, many other organiza tions, often less visible and certainly more ephemeral, participated. T enperson groups and radical student organizations, for instance, appeared and disappeared within weeks or months. In a fundamental way, these radical organizations shared the objectives o f their more conservative and highprofile counterparts; all these groups wanted to apply the categories o f Chinese/foreign to all commodities. In this general sense, they were com rades-in-arms. A t the same time, however, they did not always use the dis course o f nationalistic consumption in the same way. Accounts from boy cott years demonstrate that the notion o f "pure” national products was not only used against imports and “enemy products” but also against targeted domestically manufactured goods deemed insufficiently Chinese. Moreover, the moral authority to label certain goods and consumers suspect was not solely in the hands o f movement organizations headed by Chinese entre preneurs. During boycotts, for instance, students and even gangsters en forced more radical definitions o f national products and interpretations o f the movement.
7. There are countless examples o f such handbills in the Shanghai Municipal Police records; see, e.g., S M P Files 3261,3360,3753/21, and 4851.
T h e movement provided immediate concrete benefits to Chinese manu« facturera by developing markets. M oreover, the movement allowed manufacturera to recast private profit-seeking as an action on behalf o f the C h inese nation. By downplaying price and quality as the pre-em inent ways o f evaluating products and urging their com patriots to privilege productnationality as the single m ost im portant determinant in any m arket choice, participants in the movement undermined fashion and consumption trends that favored im ported goods by questioning the patriotism o f those w ho consumed these things. T h e link between national survival and the health o f Chinese industries was powerful. O ver the course o f the movement, China's future seemed in creasingly dismal. By the early 1930s, Japan had, in effect, annexed M anchu ria and was quickly extending its control over north China. Japanese imperi alism in China created a sense o f desperation among Chinese anxious to find a means o f national salvation. Anim osity toward Chinese who aided the Japanese in any way grew. A t the same time, both the fear o f Japanese m ili tary superiority and the desire to consolidate domestic control left Chinese leaders unwilling to confront Japan on the battlefield. Popular and elite ex pressions o f anti-imperialism had to find other outlets. T h e movement became a common outlet for the expression o f national ism. It resonated across Chinese life because so many Chinese were seeking a way to express their nationalism in an environment in which doing so was difficult and even deadly. A s Japan expanded its control over China, the Chinese intensified their search for “traitors.” Traitors were seen as those with contacts with Japanese, and these contacts came to include any consum ption o f Japanese products. Indeed, as part o f a project recording one day in the life o f the Chinese nation, an anonymous high school stu dent characterized advertisements for foreign products and services in Japanese-occupied M anchuria as visible reminders o f China's lost sover eignty.8 Everywhere, popular sentiments urged the prohibition o f anything Japanese. China's inability to carry out such a prohibition only added to the frustration.9 Chinese capitalists could demand that Chinese consumers buy exclusively Chinese products, but this same logic could also be applied to Chinese capi-
Yuanqie (pseudonym). 'M a y Tw enty-First in Tangshan [H ebei province],’ in Cochran
and Hsieh 1983:220. 9. See, e.g., Jiangfeng, “Benevolent Elixir,* in Cochran and H sieh 19S3:244.
talists themselves. Fromnational wholesalers to local shopkeepers, Chinese merchants were increasingly held to the standard of handling only Chinese goods. Chinese manufacturers, too, werevulnerable to the same accusations theyhelpedtocreate. As we sawinthecaseofWu Yunchu(Chapter 8), the difficulty (and often impossibility) of adhering to the National Products Standards—producing "pure* Chinese products with exclusively Chinese management, labor, raw materials, and capital—placed manufacturers in a quandary. Chinese who made and sold commodities came under attack from more than one segment o f society. Students, frustrated by their country’s contin ual appeasement o f Japan, accused merchants o f lacking national conscious ness and providing a ready market for Japanese products, which, they argued, created a reason for Japan to be in China in the first place. Hooligans used movement discourse as a pretext for shakedowns, as did local officials. A t the highest political level, Nationalists used their support for the move ment— from commodity spectacles to anti-imperialist boycotts— to legiti mize their polity and its formal and informal taxing o f capitalists. Chiang Kai-shek's words at the opening o f the National Products Exhibition o f 1928 foreshadow the subsequent record o f state extractions and takeovers. From top to bottom, the movement provided a flexible matrix for expressing na tionalism and anti-imperialism that variously empowered or victim ized C h i nese. However, even the most cynical manipulations o f movement discourse strengthened the movement by reproducing the hegemony o f the underlying categories o f a nationalistic consumer culture. Nationalistic Consumerism Viewed from N orth Am erica
T h e centrality o f nationalism in Chinese consumer culture may be difficult for some non-Chinese to understand. Nationalism is probably a central part o f every consumer culture, including that o f the United States. However, despite the many “Buy American” campaigns from the Revolutionary W ar to the present, there remains something comparatively a-nationalistic about the recent conception o f products in the United S a tes. Tim es change the re lationship between nationalism and consumerism.
In contrast
to the late
1980s, Americans now seem unconcerned by annual trade deficits, which reached record levels for goods in 2002 (U.S.$484 billion). T o be sure, Americans continue to define products by nationality. T he categories o f domestic and foreign remain intact. M any people think o f Boeing, for in
stance, asa U.S. company. Yet therewere no popular protests when Ameri can Airlines bought European-made Airbuses. Likewise, some retailerssuch as Wal-Mart cater to Buy American sentiments by loudly proclaiming their “American First” policies and promising to choose domestic vendors when goods are equally priced. But the U.S. government does not require WalMart to do so.10Nor does Wal-Mart suggest that its customers ought to buy a more expensive domestic product over a cheaper import.11We might well say that individuals predominantly base purchasing decisions on price and quality more often than nationality. Increasingly, ocher interpretations persistentlychallengethesupremacyof priceandquality, notions of“healthy living,“ “environment friendly,” and “not-made-in-sweacshops.” But Ameri cans rarely construct the meaning of commodities as pre-eminently about nationality. Evenifone wanted to buy something“American,”doingsowould be dif ficult. Advocates ofglobalization remindconsumersthat nationalityisanin creasingly irrelevant category for products. A Detroit-based company may market a car, but that same car may have been designed by German engi neers, manufactured with aJapanese engine, and assembled in Mexico with parts imported from around the world. Similarly, how does one classify a Toyota “made” in the United Sûtes? What nationality is a Chrysler now that German-based Daimler has acquired the company? Simpler products do not seemto hire any better. Do Americans classify light bulbs as either “domestic” or “foreign”?Do Americans think of soap or any of the other thousands of commodities that they regularly consume in these terms? Or do such distinctions seemmuch less important than price, quality, and per sonal taste? In manycountries, theembraceof“nationless products”andaglobal con sumer culture that shuns product-nationality—or actively embraces the to. Under certain circumstances, however, the U .S. government does impose such restric tions. Following the collision o f a U .S. surveillance plane and a Chinese fighter jet in April aooi, the Defense Department announced it would recall and 'dispose of" its stock o f C h i nese-made black berets. Tellingly, a spokesperson downplayed product-nationality and em phasized 'quality' as a determining factor (see G ary Sheftick, *N o Chinese Berea,* Arm y N ew s Service, 3001.5.2). 11. Joseph Kahn, 'Snapping up Chinese Goods Despite Qualms on Trade Bill,' New York
Tima 2000.5.17:1 and 12. Kahn interviewed American consumers at a W al-M art and discov ered that despite the common desire to buy American and avoid Chinese-made produca, few were willing to pay more to do so.
“foreign” as fashionable— is a much more recent and tentative development. India, Korea, Brazil, and Malaysia are but a few o f the many post-colonial states in which there has been a strong push to assert cultural and economic autonomy through material culture. In the mid-1990s, when the Asian eco nomic crisis began, many o f these countries again openly linked consump tion o f domestic goods to patriotism. O ne memorable photograph in an in ternational paper pictured Korean students smashing imported Japanese pencils, and another showed Thais lined up to convert their gold and hard currencies into baht.12 In these countries, the domestic/foreign division still matters. Government policies and public appeals to come to the nation s aid by making patriotic purchases reverberate across a deep social-historical foundation.
It may strike contemporary observers as odd to think of China in these terms. China, itseems, hardlyneedstoworryabout itsdomesticmarketsbe ingoverrunwith inexpensive foreigngoods. But themultibillion-dollar trade deficit the United States currentlyruns with China eachyear is a recent de velopment. Early in the twentieth century, Chinese anxiously noted their own tradedebts andsoughtways tolimit imports. As Chapter 1 explains, China could not simply ban imports. The British ensured access to Chinese markets in the mid-nineteenth century through agreements following the Opium War. The unequal treaties freed most foreigners from Chinese laws and fixed Chinese tariffs at very low rates. These privileges gready enhanced the ability of foreigners to sell products and lifestyles in China. The Chinese national political leadership, whenever there was any, lacked the power to ban the consumption of foreign prod ucts and to control the embrace of Western lifestyles. The ability to enact such policies came only after the establishment of a powerful centralized sate in 1949. A s I haveshown, before 1949 resistance tookanother form: the construc tion of cultural constrain» on consumerism in the National Produco Movement. Within the movement, consumption became away for ordinary Chinese to practice nationalismand anti-imperialismevery day. The social forces generated by the movement, eventually including sate apparatuses, worked to define and regulate consumerism, channeling consumption into is. International Herald Tribune I997.is.S7-sS: 1; ‘Thailand's G old Campaign N ets 14kg o f M etal,' China Pott 1998.1.27:9. O n Koreans' exchanging foreign currencies for won, see Andrew Pollack, *W ill Korean Frugality H elp or Hurt?" International Herald Tribune 1997.1a.19:11.
acceptable nationalistic pleasures. But in the environment created by the movement, consuming incorrectly could have caused anything from being teasedbyclassmates tobeingkilledbyaniratemob. N ationalistic Consum erism in Contemporary C hina
Where did this continual appropriation and expansion of the movement lead?The ultimate proofthat Chinese capitalists did not control the move ment lies outside the scope of the present inquiry. Yet it seems possible to suggest, as I do throughout the book, that the movement helped legitimize the abolition of private enterprise in China—in other words, that the Communists used the logic of the movement to justify the destruction of capitalism in China. If products were national, why should profits be pri vate? If consumers within the nation as a whole should buy Chinese prod ucts, why should the wealth derived frompatriotic purchases go to particu lar citizens ofthat nation? Perhaps the CCP was one more interest group legitimizing nationalistic consumerism for its own purposes. In the 1950s, in the name of the new People's Republic, the Communist government pressured Chinese business owners to demonstrate their patriotismby donating their enterprises to the state. In 1956, capitalismwas formally abolished. But "fear of the Commu nists" is inadequate to explain the speed, thoroughness, and popular accep tanceof thestate's takeover. The movement never ended. As the opening of this chapter suggests, elements of the National Products Movement agenda—judging national wealth and power through production and assessing patriotism through consumption—continue to this day. Indeed, its themes continue to shape interactions between Chinese, their material culture, and their sense of na tion. The relevance of nationalistic consumption did not die with Mao Zedong in 1976, although the irony of China voluntarily ceding tariff autonomy byjoining the World Trade Organization (WTO) suggests so. Nevertheless, it is doubtful that a treaty alone can undo the deep connec tion between China's nationalism and its consumer culture. Rather than eliminating the issue of nationalistic consumption, China's entry into the WTO may reinvigorate it. China may open itself to international trade in the short term, but what will happen if China stops running massive trade surpluses? And how will Chinese react when the WTO demands lower
tariffs and the abolition of informal restrictions on foreign management and control? New interest groups will embrace the notion of nationalistic consump tionfor theirown reasons. As tariffs declineandlessexpensiveimports again threaten Chinese enterprises, the plight of millions of workers at stateowned enterprises undoubtedly will be invoked to attack imports and for eign capital. Indeed, there are already outspoken Chinese critics of the na tion's growing international capitalist relations (Fewsmith 2001). Nor is this criticismdirectedsolelyat traditional importedcommodities. Cultural goods have come under attack as undermining domestic industries. Dai Jinhua j@c a well-known Beijing University professor and cultural critic, for in stance, bemoans the "invasion of Hollywood blockbusters,” which "have dealt a destructive blow to the home filmindustry”(Jin Bo 2002). Likewise, a newgenerationof students continues to invoke the language of nationalis tic consumption, as did those protesting the U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999, with poems that include lines such as "Resist America Beginning with Cola, Attack McDonald’s, StormK.F.C.” (Rosen thal 1999). Plans for a boycott directedagainst American companies activein China soon fizzled(Watson 2000). However, theattempt itselfrenewedthe central placeof nationalisminChina's consumer culture.
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Advertising, 38»; collective advertise' mena, 16,214, 215*1; calendar posters, 21, »13n; and foreign scripts and im ages, 59,189,204,328; and national' ism, $9,138,139. 144»>55»158,2>3»» 232,259,266,313,319,338; and visual dominance o f imperialism, 136,167, 181,343,362; on public notice boards, 151,216,232; as part o f exhibitionary complex, 208,213-16,257; as microexhibitions, 213,244,281; premodem forms, 216-18; and politics, 261, 264-69 passim; biography as, 352, 353. See also Commodity spectacles; Nationalistic visuality ‘’Agricultural warfare," $9 A iX ia, 310 Airbus, 364 Airplanes, 237,266,350-51,364 Ajinomoto (Weizhisu), 333,342» 343»
348 Alford, William P., 188» All-China National Products Exhibi tion, 22$ All-China Products Exhibition, 278 All-China Silk and Satin Exhibition, 234
Allure of foreign, see Foreign products America, see United States American Airlines, 364
American F iat policy, 364 Amherst Mission (1816), 34 Analects, 75
Anarchism, 290*1 Andong (Fengtian), 133 Anhui, 275 Anqing, 98 Anti-Christian Movement, 177*1,207**, 3»7 Anti-Russia Volunteer Army, 6$ Anti-Tuberculosis Movement, 293*1 Appearance, see under Clothing Arbor Day, 31m Argentina, 221*1 Arnold, Julean, 130*1 “Artificial beauty,“ 298*1 Artistic traditions, 335 Asian economic crisis, 365 Association for National Products (Shanghai Citizens Association for the Promotion of National Prod ucts), 163-64,233- 34**77. 3>*. 361 Association of Shanghai National Produca Manufacturers, 280*1 Association to Encourage the Use of National Products, 142 Ausländer, Leora, 317 Australia, 349 Autarky, see Nationalizing Consumer Culture
Authenticity: and capitalists, 8,340; and national products, 19,138,227, 242; and fashion, 21,272,30511; diffi culty of determining, 186-97,200; and nationalistic consumers, 272, 316; and women, 287.306-8. See also National products Automobiles, 213,300,33011 Awake, 314
Awareness of the Humiliation Associa tion, 141 Banking, 47 Barbers, 70», 78,92 Bard, Emily, 298» Barthes, Roland, 246,247. See also N a tional myths Basketball, 275 Baudrillard, Jean, 7n Bauman, Zygmund, 14 Beahan, Charlotte, 291 Beijing (Beiping, Peking): as fashion capital, 80,107,358«; and NPPA, 98, 107-9; And movement activities, 141, 148,154-55,170,173». »10; and commodity spectacles, 208,217,221, 225,226,233,257,270-71,275,277», 278,308; contemporary battles over imports in, 35711 Beijing Convention (i860), 39
Birthday parties, 3911 Bleach powder, 350 Boeing, 363 Book Guild, 149 Booker, Edna Lee, 179 Bourdieu, Pierre, 299 Boxer Uprising, 20,64 Boycott Japan Quintet, 24m Boycotts: and the enforcement o f na tionalistic consumption, 1-3,9,12 13,24,127,143». 151- 54 . 159-63 f*» ' tint, 179.200,231,244,361; targeting specific countries, 54,64.127,13m, 367; and inculcation o f productnationality, 125-26,130,132,143,184; continuity between, 126,132,157,168; suppression of, 12911,136,14011,178; problems evaluating, 130,132; and students, 143a, 146-51 passim, 271; and Groups o f Ten for National Salvation, 154-55» 164.169,361; and development o f national products, 179-84,342; and commodity specta cles, 210,216,22211,273; lamenting weakness of, 273,322; and C C P , 31m; continued use in the PRC, 367. See also May Fourth Incident; May 30th Incident; National Products Move ment; and under Nationalists Brazil, 365
Beijing General Chamber of Com merce, 108-9 Beiping, see Beijing Beiping Day, 275 Beiping National Products Exhibition (i9 Jî). 270-71 Belgrade, 367
British-American Tobacco (B A T),
Benjamin, Walter, 218-19,236 Beret controversy, 36411
Building Materials Display, 258 Bush, Richard, 249a Button industry, 66-67
Billig, Michael, 181
3,41H, 4511,56,12811,162,21311,
335 Brocade Guild, 99 Brown, Judith, 298a Brussels, 219a Buddhists, 76
Cai Yuanpd, 249,252,313,321-24 pas sim Calendar poster, 22,21311
Canada, 21 Canadian wheat, 348 Canton System, 33-34 Cao Muguan, 163,222» Capital National Products Exhibition Hall, 276 Capital National Products Museum, »33. »34. »97» Capital National Products Traveling Exhibition, 243 Capital Women’s National Products Promotion Association, 329 Caustic soda, 350 CCP, see Chinese Communist Party Centennial Exposition (1876), 220» Chambers of commerce, 12,63,6411,66, 98,129, i$on, 194,198,223,224,232, »55
Chang, Eileen, 304 Changsha, 92,98,15$, 165,166,176,2i6n, *34 Changsha Horse Square Incident, 292*1 Changsha National Products Préserva' non Association, 163 Chao, Buwei Yang, 137*1 Chemical industry, 339-41 Chen Chi, 42*1 Chen Diexian (Tianxu Wosheng), u, 55*1,256,315*1 Chen Duxiu, 291 Chen, Joseph, 157 Chen Kaige, 327** Chen Qimei, 97,106 Chen Shuying, 309*1 Cheng, Nien, 355,356 Chengdu, 176*1 Chess, Chinese, 145
Chiang Kai'shek (Jiang Jieshi), 178,247. 292.293,294*1; and commodity spectacles, 244, »49-56 passim, 363 Chiang, Kai'shek, Madame, see Song Meiling Children, see Women Children’s Day (April 4), 323-24
Children’s Day Commemoration Rally, 3*4 Chile, u i» China Can Also Say No, 357
China Cement Company, 258 China Chemical Industries Company, n, 55», 180,188,211*1,295 China Film Company, 240 China market myth, 132
China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company, 46-47.61,167 China National Products Company, 181,211 China Pencil Company, 190 China Pencil Factory, 190 China Press, 267,269*1 China Survival Electric Fan Manufâc' turers, 181 Chinese Communist Party (C CP), 121, 155*1,168,172,177». »45. »9», 311». 320-21,336-37,360,366-67. See also
Labor activism Chinese Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, 350
Chinese Literatus Pencil Factory, 190 Chinese Museum Association, 208 Chinese National Products Company, 212 Chinese National Products Company (Shanghai), 313,322 Chinese National Products Company Introduction Office, 211*1
Chinese National Products Exhibition (Ministry o f Industry and Com merce, 1928), 363; scope, 244,246, »56-75# 3545 layout, 257-61 passim; regulation o f space, 258,264,272: symbolic national unity, 258,271; Ceremonial Hall, 259,264,274. See also Commodity spectacles Chinese National Products Exhibition (Wuhan), 277 Chinese National Products Manufac turers and Distributors Cooperative, aim "Chinese people eat Chinese food," 357 "Chinese people should smoke Chinese cigarettes," 215 "Chinese people use Chinese pencils," 190 Chinese products, see National prod ucts Chinese Red Capitalists series, 336-37 Chongqing, 22111 Christmas, 317», 327 Chrysler, 364 Cigarettes, 51,56,213»; and nationaliz ing consumer culcure, 56,129,13211,
139. 177. 179». »15.313. 3»8 Circulating display o f national product samples, 310» Citizens Association (Shanghai Citi zens Association on Sino-Japanese Relations), 146m 163,165-66,167, 173. «91. 346,361 Citizenship, 4,15,273,291 Citizens National Products Year (1933), 286n Cloth for erasing humiliation, 117 Clothing (dress): laws and regulations, 50,70,80,87,109-12,121,204; »nd appearance, 68,70», 72,74,91-92;
economic importance, 70,102; and nationalism, 72,95,117, 24m, 250, 263,316; and hygiene, 113,29311, »95« tuxedoes, 119. See also Fashion; N PPA Coal mining, 47 Cochran, Sherman, 3,4511 Commemoration, see National hu miliation Commercial and Industrial Commis sion, 225 Commercial bureaus, 63 Commercial Press, 263,276 Commercial Products Display Hall, 225,242 Commercial war, 58-6», 67, «53# >58, «86, 356,334# 335- See also Trade statistics Commodities, see Consumer culture Commodity spectacles: as national rep resentations, 10,203,229,244, »7«. 273,281,285,360; and exhibitions. 151,193,198,353; and national con sciousness, 192,205,207,246; and stores, 193,205,208-12 passim, 234. 310,326; and product-nationality, 194,198-99,206; museums, 198,204, 208,209,275; as institutional core o f movement, 203,208,216,244; as in tegrated exhibitionary complex, 204-5, »08-16; international, 205-6, 220; and coercion and violence, 207, 244; and department stores, 209, 228,256,261,300,32111; origins, 21620,317-18; and nationalistic com modity fetish, 219,224,236; quanti fying exhibitions, 220-22; and pres sure to purify products, 352. See also Advertising; Chiang Kai-shek; Con sumer culture; Fashion; National humiliation; National Products
Movement; N PPA; Overseas Chi* nese; Students; Tianjin; United States Common sense, 247. See also National myths Communist historiography, 149 Communist Party, see Chinese Com* munist Party Company, defined, 43» "Compatriots," 89 "Completely national products chil dren,” 324 Comprador capitalist, 8 Conference on Improving Products, 237 Consumer culture: and nationalism, 1,3, 4-5. » . 16.57- 58.7 0 , 74 . 19«. 268, 281; defined, 2n, 13; and commodities as conduits, 7», 29-36,330; histori ography of, 13-14.18-19; and free choice, 14-15; appropriation of, 67; and status competition, 70,217,317, 234,330; origins, 71n, 209; and agency in, 199,207,269. See also Commodity spectacles; National Products Movement; Nationalizing consumer culture; Women Consumer products, 49,180,204,214, 264; pattern o f development, 52-56 Consumption, see Consumer culture Control Yuan, 249 Cosmetic education campaigns, 307 Cosmetics, 214,243,30m, 303,318,326; exhibitions, 310 Cosmetics lecture team, 31m Cotton mills, 171 Counterfeits, see Disguising productnationality Countryside, 232,300», 306», 307, 329»
County furs, 21711 Crow, Carl, 293», 307». 31m, 319** Crystal Palace Exhibition (1851), 205, 218,219,236.257« Cultural Revolution (1966-76), 20,245, 327«, 356 Culture Industries Day, 275 Dai Jinhua, 367 Daimler, 364 Dalian (Dairen), see Liaodong Penin sula Dancing 300,355 Daoguang emperor, 35 Daoists, 76 Dare-to-Die Corps, 92 Dasheng Cotton Mill, 11 Daxia zhoubao, 286« Deng Xiaoping, 50,336,357 Department stores, see under Commod ity spectacles Ding Richang, 59-60 Dion, Celine, 21» Dirlik, Arlif, 293 Discourse o f trade statistics, see Trade statistics Disguising product-nationality: foreign as Chinese, 144», 152«, 162,187,203, 210,346; Chinese as foreign, 183,191, 192,197; and packaging 350«, 352, 353. See also Advertising; Boycotts; Product-nationality Dong Keren, 236 Dorgan, 76 Double Coin shoes, 338 Dragon Boat Festival, 217«, 318 Dress, see Clothing Du Yuesheng, 312,346«, 351 Duan Qirui, 84,32m Duanfang, 223
Duara, Prasenjit, 5», 185« Dublin, 219» East Asia W ool Textile Company, 11, 181 Education Department, 190 End of the Roadfor Treasonous Merchants,
»73 Enemy Fish Inspection Committee, 178 Enemy products, see Foreign products Environment-friendly products, 364 Ethic o f nationalistic consumption, see under Nationalizing consumer cul ture Eugenics, 8-9 Europe, 207.209,220,22)», 234,340 Examination system, 40,49, $on, 234,
33« Exchange value, see Product-nationality Exhibitionary complex, see under Com modity spectacles Exhibition fever, 223,224 Exhibitions, see under Chinese National Products Exhibition; Commodity spectacles Expeditions, 151 Expropriation, 245 Extraterritoriality, 35 Factories: defined, 51»; tours, 353 Family, see Women Famous Pills o f Lei Yushangs Drug store, 217 Fan Xudong, 11,337,339-40 Fang Yexian, it, 55», 180-81,188, 211»
Fans: as propaganda, 174 Far East Commercial Products Exhibi tion (Manila), 278
Fashion (style): and western styles, 20, 53,73,93,119; and authenticity, 21, 272,30$»; less important than product-nationality, 22,204,214, 244,298; and coercion and violence, 91,151,167,169,302», 331; Sun Yatsen jacket/suit, 93,116,182; shows, 119,203,204.281,307,310,3iin, 314, 324; long-gown as movement uni form, 121,204; redefined by C C P , 121; and treasonous consumption, 286,321-22; in control o f women, 300,303,307,331’ 355# 362. See also Clothing; Nationalistic visuality; N PPA Feng Shaoshan, 249 Feng Yuxiang, 248» Fengtian, 166 Festivals: annual, 216-17; o f consump tion, 317-18. See also Commodity spectacles Fewsmith, Joseph, 129,249» Filial piety, 204 Films, 38» First Sino-Japanese W ar (1894-95), 33,
47 .4 « Five Continents Dispensary Company, 12 Five Cordials Textile Plant, 189 Flags, Nationalist, 250,259,264 Flapper, 300». See also Women Flavoring powder, see M SG Flour, 55,296 Flyswatters, 293» Fong, H. D., 58,91,185 Footbinding, 94,290-91,298 Foreigners in China, 33,45-48,253-54 Foreign investment, 43» Foreign products (yanghuo): allure and fear of, 1-2,29,30», 32,180,183,192,
203,204. **7. 300.34a» 344.365; and nation-making, 3-4,103; signi
Going to the National Products Exhibition,
fying, 7*1,139,13$; defining, 20-11,
Golden Age, 58,116,340-41 Goodman, Bryna, 19811 Government-merchant joint manage ment, 61 Government-supervised, merchant-run, 61 Grain mills, $$ Great Britain, 15,160,168,170,176,119,
48-49,186,190,197; as symbols, 33, 38,47,15$, 333; techniques for re
moving, 119,173» aio, 113,146; and treason, 177» >78-79, a86; and shame, 18$, 186,194,318; and improving na» tional products, 180; and national destruction, 117, 153. See alsoJapan; National products; National Prod ucts Movement; "Treasonous mer chants' Four Great Companies, 10911 400 Million Customers, 4$ Four peoples, 161 France. 15,189, ao6n, 119,307,3*7.3**.
347 Freedom cloth, 11 Friendship Stores, 14$ Fujian province, 133,158,163,175R Funù gongmingyuebao, 308 Fuzhou, 37,98,14m, 166,117,11m Fuzhou Incident (1919), 157 Fuzhou National Products Museum, su n Fuzhou Naval Dockyard, 61» Gandhi, Mohandas, 17-18,116, 198« Gas masks, 350 Geisha, 30711 Germany, 15,51,134, >47.181-83,190, * 93»307. 3* 1». 339»34*
Ginseng, 191 Glass, 117 Globalization, 364 Glutamate, 34t Godley, Michael, 113 God o f the Queue, 89-90
347 Great China Advertising Agency, 164 Great China Rubber Company, 338 Great Kanto earthquake, 167 Green Gang, 311,34611,351 Groups of Ten for National Salvation, see under Boycotts Guangdong province, 6$, 66,81,147«, 158,175». 3*1.359 Guangzhou (Canton), 31,37,61,81-83, 130,13*. >39»176,115.309», 3*1»359 Guilds, see Native-place associations Guizhou, 133 Guohuo, see National products Guohuo yuebao, i86n Guohuo yundong, see National Products Movement Guomindang (GM D), see Nationalists Hainan Island, 157 Hair, 77-78,79» *3» >35». *9*». 300. See also Queue Hand of Buddha, 344 Hangzhou, 131, u$n, 130, i$6,167, 176-80 passim Hankou, $6,98,166,198,11$ Hanoi, non Hanyang Iron 8t Steel Works, 339 Hanyeping Iron Works, 134 Harbin, 56, i66n
Hat», straw, 5 3 -5 4 . 96,15». «5 ». 330» H ejiafu, 96*» Heaven Conglomerate (Tianzihao),
Huzhou native-place association, 313,
3*«. 3*4 Hydrochloric arid, 349
349-50 Heaven's Kitchen Factory, 343-44; pressure to sinify products, 348; raw materials, 349. See alto W u Yunchu Hebei province (Zhili), 53,198, aai, 133, *57. *75. 36*» Hebei Provincial National Products Museum, 233*1 Hechuan County Museum o f Science, 208 Hengyu Company, 55 Henriot, Christian, 235», 33011 Holidays, 251.289,317 Hollywood invasion, 367 Hong Kong, 89,13t, 160,176,209.346,
349. 35* Honolulu, 131 Hou, Chi-ming, 5711 Household Enterprises, 55», 256 Household responsibility system, 154» Hu Die, 310 Hu Xiyuan, 183-84 Huang Yanpei, 316 Huanyou diqtu xinlu (Travel around the globe), 220» Hubei Cotton Cloth Mill, 62 Hubei province, 62,65,90,156,277 Hujiang University, 222n Humiliation, see National humiliation Humm, Maggie, 287*1 Hunan National Products Museum,
*34 Hunan province, 6o*i, 65,17211,277 Hundred Days Reforms (1898), 84*1, 205 Hundred Happiness Condensed Milk, 180
Ikeda Kikunae, 3 4 * Imitations, see Disguising product' nationality Imports, see Foreign products Import statistics, see Trade statistics Impoit'subsdtution, see Nationalizing consumer culture “Incident," 131. See also individual incidents
byname India, 137». *98», Indigenization, see Nationalizing con* sumer culture Industrial and Commercial Conference,
348» Industrial and Commercial Study Society o f China for the Préserva' tion o f International Peace, 146», 150 Industrial College of Shanghai, 154 Inferior products, see Foreign products Inner Mongolia, 257 Inspections: popularity in 1930s, 319*1 Inspection tours abroad, 205 Intellectual property, 187» International Health Exhibition (1884), 220*1 International Settlement, 178**, 240 International Silk Expositions (1921, 1923), 230*1 International Womens Day (March 8), *89,292,320-22 Investigations, see under National prod* ucts Ireland, 15 Iron and Blood Society, 13 Italy, 293
In dex
Japan: rice as metaphor for, 9»; as model, i$, 4in, 86,106.25a, 30011, 307,308»; as economic competitor, 31,83,117,226», 341-4$; Chinese in, 33», 6$, 89,133; aggression in China, 135-37» »66,248,163,197», 3«». 315»* 3*6 »333»357. 3®*î and boycotts, 137, 141,141,159,160,167,168-77, *31. »35J and product-nationality, 186,191, 103; use o f nationalistic spectacles, 105,218», 220». Set also Boycotts; Foreign products; National hu miliation Japanese Ministry o f Foreign Affairs,
174 Japanese products, see Foreign products; Japan Jiading county, 337 Jiang Jieshi, see Chiang Kai-shek Jiangnan Arsenal and Shipyard, 61» Jiangsu Industrial Exhibition (1921), *34» Jiangsu province, 50-51,217», 337; ac tivities in movement, 135», 143», 210, 227,230», 233. *37». *51»*57. *75», 309 Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao), 147 Jiaxing, 98,285» Jilian huikan, 8», 196», 204,302», 318,
334». 359» Jinan, 98,155,159,308 Jinde Girls School, 273 Jingdezhen, 217 Jingshi Industrial Promotion Exhibi tion Hall, 221 Jinling University, 329 June 1 Incident (1923), 176 Kaifeng, 221» Kaiping Coal Mines, 61
Kang Youwei, 63,205 Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), 357,
367 Kikuchi Takaharu, 126» Kill Flies! Campaign, *93» King George III, 30 Kinmonth, Earl, 336 Kirby, William G , 245» Kong Xiangxi (H. H. Kung), 194-95, 231,233,246,249. *50.251-51,177» 311» Korea, 15.139» 145» 160,167-68,191,357».
365 Kramer, Paul, 248» Kuhn, Philip, 76» Kuomintang (K M T), see Nationalists Labor activism, 169,171-7*, *96,367 Lace, 52,225» Lantern Festival, 217» Leach, William, 228 League o f China, 142 Lecture teams, 170 Legal reform: o f copyright and patent laws, 63,347 Leg powder, 307 Lenin, V . L, 321» Li Fan, 59 Li Gui, 220» Li Hongzhang, 42,61,220» Li Jianhong, 173-75 Li Shizeng, 323 Li Zhuoyun, 98 Li Zongren, 277 Liang Qichao, 8», 43,137», 290 Liaodong Peninsula, 160-67 passim, 174. See also Twenty-One Demands Light bulbs, 182-84, *04 'Lin Family Shop, The,” 1-3,161 Lin Kecong, 308,312
In dex
Lin Zexu, 35 Liu Dajun (D. K. Lieu), 62*1, 3461t Liu Hongsheng, 11,341 Liyang county, won Local products, see under National products Local self-government movement, 67« London, 205,218,220n, 298« Loomba, A nia, 290R Louisiana Purchase International Exposition (1904), 128«, 220n Lower Yangzi, 81,160,183,248. See also
individual cities
Marketplace, 208,242,309; local, w 6 17; as proving ground for women, 297 Marx, Karl, 21,22 Marxism, 23 Matches, 133# 341 Material culture: definition, an; insta bility of, 68,118; interpretations of, 88. See also Consumer culture Matsumoto Shigeharu, 140 May Day, 310 May Fourth Movement, 146-47,291 May Ninth Humiliation Day ($-9), 134,
L& Baoyuan, 107-8 Lu Hanchao, 358
137- 3«. »4«. 153. 15«. 165-67# 173.174 May Seventh Humiliation Day (5*7),
Lu Mengyan, 278n Lunar New Year, 318 Lushun (Port Arthur), see Liaodong Peninsula Luxuries and necessities, 51
134. 137». 147- 4 «. 17a«» 173« May 30th Incident (1925), 158,168-73
Lytton Commission, 177» Ma Jianzhong, 42, non Ma Min, 223 Macartney Mission (1793), 34 Madrid, 2i9n Mainland Emporium, 32m Malaysia, 365. See also Overseas Chinese Manchuria, 160,248,297*1,31$», 333,
34«#36* Manchurian Incident (1931), 117*1# >79# 19 0 ,2it*t, 349
Manila, 131,221*1,276,278. See also Overseas Chinese Mao Dun, 1-2,51,317*1 Mao suit, see under Fashion Mao Zedong, $4*1,60,336,366 Maritime Customs Administration, 42, 156# 219
passim, 345.346 May Thirtieth National Products Exhibition, 222*1 McDonald's, 365 Mei Zuolü, 71,72,94,120 Melanesia, 21311 Merchants, see "Treasonous merchants' Mexico, 223*1 Mid-Autumn Festival, 217*1,318,319 Midnight (Ziye), 51,317*1 Militarization o f society, 285,292-98,
313. 33« Ming dynasty, 76,217 Ministry o f Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture, 221,225,227,231*1,23211, 343-44 Ministry o f Communications, 232*1 Ministry o f Education, 117 Ministry o f Finance, 232*1,352*1 Ministry o f Industry and Commerce, 10«, 194- 95. 198» 199#*31-35 passim,
249#*54. *7«. 34« Ministry of the Interior, 231-32
In dex
Missionaries: and spread o f consumer' ism, J7#39#79#and schools, 306n,
3*7 Mitchell, Timothy, 219» Mitsui, 191 Model commune/facto ry, 271 Mongolia, 64 Moninger, Margaret, 39», 152» Moscow, 2191t Mosquito coil, 29$ Movement, the, see National Products Movement Movie houses, 204,208,238,300 M SG (monosodium glutamate), 333,
341 M SG King, 336. See also W u Yunchu Mukden Incident, see Manchurian In cident Munich, 219» Museums, see under Commodity spec tacles Myth, see National myths Nagasaki, 131 Nanchang, 35011 Nanjing, 98, i66n, 208,210«, 22m, 223,
National blood, 8 National content regulations, 21 National Day (Double Ten Day), 251 National drama, 8n National Economic Council, 352» National economic integration, 216,218, 228,270. See also National myths National essence, 199 National father, 8 National flag, 8 National humiliation (guochi): and cleansing of, 19,135,175# 59# 165-66,17a; and advertising as means o f constructing, 137-40; and humiliation days, 13411, 146,170,173», 176,2i6n, 310—11; and commodity spectacle, 211,214,226, 273, See also Advertising; Boycotts; Twenty-One Demands; and individ ual days by name National Humiliation Commemora tion Rally, 166 National Humiliation Society, 132n Nationalism: linked to consumer cul
* 33#*34»#*43#*51#*71#»76#*97»# 309». 3*9 Nanjing Decade (19*7-37), 249» Nanjing Exhibition (1910), 208» Nanjing National Products Museum, 271
ture, 1-5 passim, 12,16,57-58» 70,74. 191,268,281; and national products,
Nanjing Road, 169,17811,181,2941t, 310 Nankai University, 27m Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company, 3,11,13211,139,215,313,328 Nanyang Industrial Exhibition (1910), 223-26,247. See also Commodity spectacles
45»46.103,145. *5*» *96.297.302, 316», 3* 3#3*8,334#356; and tariff autonomy, 41»# >69,349»# 355; and advertising 59,138,139,144# >55#158,
National Assembly, 87, hi, 160
3»4# 16,17# 212,218,266; and the term “nation-making,” 4n, 17,74,315; and fashion, 22,204# 214,244,298; measured with trade statistics, 43,
213», 232,259# *66,313# 3>9# 338; and clothing, 7*» 95. »7# *4>»# *50. *63, 316. See also Consumer Culture; Nationalistic visuality; National
Product! Movement; Product' nationality; Women Nationalistic commodity spectacles, see Commodity spectacles Nationalistic visuality. 10,118,316; and Western material culture. 37-40 passim; and personal appearance. 68-69.120-21, 306; and boycotts, 125,191-92; and commodity specta* des, 203-10 passim, 214,215,216, 22611,243,252,263,264,281; and glass, 22811,229. See also Advertising; Commodity spectades; National Products Movement Nationalists, 207.339,348,35211; and nationalizing consumer culture, 42», 115-17.172.194,198,360; and boy* cotts, 170,176,177-79.185; and com* modify spectades, 222,231-38 passim, 244-45,246,259,264,323; and women, 292,320. See also under indi
vidual ministries and politicians by name Nationalized nouns, 8 Nationalizing consumer culture: na tionalism tied to consumerism, 1-5 passim, 16,70; defined, t$n, 19; and dgarettes, 56,158,169,179; and sov ereignty, 64,67,354,355; ethic o f nationalistic consumption, 74,101-5, 135,146,204,32611,333; inability to make all-embracing, 211,365; and categories of consumption, 207,218, 229,247,272,287,288,361; com modity nation, 281; and tensions with dass, 317; foreign nations as models of nationalistic consump tion, 4M, 86,106,252,307-8,322; and sdf'Surveillance, 186-87,192. See also National Products Movement; Nationalists; Women
NationalJournal ofCommerce, The, 266 National language (Mandarin), 18511 National medicine, 8 National myths, 45-46,249-52,333; o f economic integration, 247,268; o f political integration, 247-48,257, 268 National opera, 8 National product companies, 209 National product peddler squads,
154 National products (guohuo): considered inferior to imports, 2,192,342,344. 347; defining, 2,7,22,118,186,196200,214,320,363; and nationalism, 3,4,16,17,212,218,266; authenticat' ing, 9,192,194- 97,252,255; empha sis on purity, 19,180,188,207», 214, 241,361; foreign origins of, 52-56, 189-90,196; collecting and investi' gating, 100,144,226,227,235,242», 266,271,276; and tax incentives, 156, 193; and local products, 191,206,340; and subnational ties, 215; specialty items, 217; as souvenirs, 267-68, 26911; 2nd nationalized distribution, 192-93,209,212; and aesthetics, 285, 296-98,305-6; and gift-giving, 289, 318-19. See also Fordgn products; National Products Movement; Women National Products Activities Exhibition (Southeast Asia), 278 National Products Alliance, 277 National Products Catalogue, 242 National Products Daily, 267 National Products Exhibition, see Chi nese National Products Exhibition National Products Hall, 258
National Products Monthly, 144,226 National Products Movement (Guohuo yundong): defined, 4-9 passim; and Chinese studies, 5,359-60; as a meta-movement, $-6.9-15,360; origins, 5-6,52,57,64-66,360; and eugenics, 8-9; coercion and violence in, 12-13,6 7,68,69,117,179, 184,244,320; similar movements in other countries, 15,17-18,21,36364; dissemination techniques, 38, 97-101,165,198-99» »40»* »66,308, 312ft, 32m, 314; and foreign compa
nies in China, 48,197; and capital ism, 62,218,245,334,361,366; fail ures and successes, 120,312,329,330, 33»»* 355-58» 361; boycotts as “cam
ouflage* for, 137-40,145; and pres sure to eliminate foreign elements, 207», 339,348-50; and the country side, 222,232,30011,306»,307,3»9»; as displaced anti-imperialism, 241; national and international scope, 246,266,268,306-9 passim, 350», 358-60; and social norms, 291-92, 354* 356; and “traditional values,“ 294; and surveillance o f family and
National Products Production and Marketing Cooperative Association, 321» National Products Road, 249,258 National Products Salvation Rally, 101 National product standards, see under National products National Products Week, 251,255 National Products Year (1933), 286», 311M National Resources Commission, 244,
35»» “National salvation,“ 94,223,228,287 National Salvation Fund, 141 Nationless products, 364 Nation-making, see under Nationalism Native goods movement, see National Products Movement Native products, see National products Native-place associations, 12,66,71,129, 221,248,263,275,281. See also indi vidual associations byname Needles, 30 Neo-economic imperialism, 357 Nested identities, 263 Netherlands, 182-83
friends, 309,314,319,363; legacies in the PRC, 356-61 passim, 366-67* See also Advertising; Boycotts; Con sumer culture; Foreign products; Militarization o f society; National izing consumer culture; National products; Overseas Chinese; Shanghai; Women National Products Movement Week,
New China Bookstore, 181 New Culture Movement, 291 New Life Movement: and nationaliza tion o f consumption, 1771t, 2791t; co opted by National Products Movement, 292-98,318; and attack on lifestyles, 299,302,31m, 319» New military historians, 295» New Orleans Exhibition (1884-85),
»37- 43* »46 National Products Preservation Association, see N PPA
New Puyu Benevolent Association,
»4 9
In dex
New Systems Reforms (Xinzheng), 63,
Pan Yangyao, 28511
84. **«, 339 New Years, 217», 31a, 315 New York, 218,219», 23011,326 Nie Qigui, 62 Nigeria, 15 Ningbo, 37,53,12811,309« Ningxia province, 233,359 North-China Daily News, 224
Panama Pacific International Exposi*
Northern Expedition (1926-28), 18$, 207«, 23w, 247,268 Not'made'in'sweatshops, 364 N P P A (National Products Préserva' tion Association): efforts to define clothing styles, 7 i-7 4 ,94-97,109-11, i2on, 272,277; national and interna' tional links, 98-99,150,163-64,183, 198,22m; and boycotts, 133,135,137, 163-69 passim; participants, 143,346, 361; and women, 14311, *88,3"», 312; and national products, 189,193-94; and commodity spectacles, 210,221, 226,230,241,272
don (1915), 220» Paper, 217 Parables o f nationalistic consumption, 203,307,3*6 Parades, 237,240,249» *66,31*, 313.321See also Commodity spectacles Paris, 218,298», 326 Patriarchy, 287», 291 Patriotic associations, 65» Patriotic blue doth. 11 Patriotic doth, 117 Patriotic producers, see W u Yunchu Patriotic products, see National prod' ucts Patriotic umbrella, 54 Pawnshops, 96« Pencils, 190,327 People's Liberation Army, 336 Peoples Livelihood Foreign-Style Um brella Factory, 54 People's Republic o f China (PRC), 336,
35*. 356,366-67 Ohnuki'Tierney, Emiko, 9« “Open China to the outside world,” 357 Opium: addiction as symbols, 31; trade, 34; war, 4», 365 Orphans, 251,270 Osaka, 220«, 223» Overseas Chinese: as market for na tional products, $5,19$, 211,212,346, 349; and queue cutting, 8$, 86,90«; and boycotts, 127«, 131,141; and commodity spectacles, 226», 230, 237,240,248.267,272,278,352 Pan Gongzhan, 190,23$«, 240,25$ Pan Gongzhan, Mrs., 308 Pan Junxiang, 126«
Perfume: as symbol o f unpatriotic con sumption, 296,303,327 Pharmaceuticals, 49,217,228,243 Philaddphia, 220», 347 Philippine Chinese General Chamber o f Commerce, 278 Pilgrimages to the nationalistic commodity fetish, 227 Pipe smoking, 51 Pledges, 155 Poland, 137» Porcelain, 217 Porcelain W are Day, 275 Port Arthur, see Liaodong Peninsula Posters, 237,238 Post Office, 268
Pre-eminence o f product-nationality,
tee under Product-nationality Price and quality, lee Productnationality Principle o f People’s Livelihood, 254 Product-nationality, 2; and nationmaking, 3,411; and exchange value, 7», 206,218-19, az8f 244; difficulty o f establishing pre-eminence of, 19,
23,206,215,244,330-31» 347.355. 362; pre-eminence of, 74» 184-85. 206,214,310,364; problem o f dis tinguishing, 187-92,197,3$on. See also Disguising product-nationality; National Products Movement; Treasonous merchants* Promote National Products Rally, too Prosperity New Ox-Glue Works, 341 Prosperity Nitric Alkali Company, 340 Prostitutes, 299,305-6,33011. See also Women Provisional Government (Nanjing), 69 Public notice boards, 151,216,232 Pudong, 264 Purity of products, see under National products Qianjiang native-place association, 95, loon
Qianlong emperor, 30,80 Qingdao, $6,147,308 Qing dynasty, 216,220», 221,223,29091. Î56 Qinghua University, 210 Queue: competition to define signifi cance of cutting, 68-71,85,88-93 f*ssim; and clothing 73,75,86; and status, 75-79 passim; and coercion and violence, 7611,87-88,89,184; and reforms, 84,90-91,94. See also Hair
Queue Army, 84 Racial hygiene, 8 Radio, 213,238,322 Raffle*. 359* Railways, 47-48,147.15»» Rawski, Thomas, 45». 57» Reardon-Anderson, James, 34m
Records ofNational Products Investigations, 144 Reference display room, 22511,280 Reid, Gilbert, 3711 Reinsch, Paul S., 156 Remer, Charles, 126», 130,132,168 Resist Russia Movement, 64 Retailing, see Commodity spectacles Revolution o f 1911,72,184,224,251, 298 Reynolds, Douglas, 84» Rice, 217 Richards, Thomas, an, 236 Rigby, Richard, 175 Rights Recovery Movement, 65,133 Rong Desheng, 11,336 Rong family, 337 Rong Zongjing, 11 Rules for the National Products Mu seum, 233 Rumor, 129 Russia, 160,174,32m, 322,323 Rydell, Robert, 2i8n San Francisco Exposition, 218,220»,
347 Santa Claus, 327-28 School, 293,298,309 Scott, A. G , 307n Second Sino-Japanese W ar (1937-45), »4 5 .350 'Self-reliance,* 357
In dex
Self-strengthening movement, 61 Semi-colonial, 17 Sequi Centennial International Exposi tion (1926), J47 “Severance o f economic relations,“ 160. See also Boycotts Shamian (Shameen) Incident (1925), 175-76 Shandong $3,134,159,22511,231,233,236 Shandong Promote National Products Research Association, 154» Shandong Question, 147 Shang Yang, 59 Shanghai: as center o f consumer cul ture, 11,37-38,5», » 9 ,252,299-300; leadership in the movement, 20,71, 87,358-60; as manufacturing center, 5», 54-56,61-62,66-67,190,348-50; and boycotts, 130,139-40,141,152, >55,169-7*, >8i, 183,346,350; and commodity spectacles, 208-21M pas sim, 217,22m, 222ft, 225,226,237-43, 256,276,310,321; and imports, 253, 296; and W u Yunchu, 337-41,344,
35* Shanghai Association o f Mechanized National Products Manufacturers, 198,204», 214,215,241,243. See also Jilian huikan Shanghai Chamber o f Commerce, 23$, 249,351; Commercial Products Display Hall, 199; National Prod ucts Market, 322 Shanghai Citizens Association for the Promotion o f National Products, see Association for National Prod ucts Shanghai Citizens Association on Sino-Japanese Relations, see C iti zens Association
Shanghai Commercial Products D is play Hall, 226-30,235,346 Shanghai Day, 27611 Shanghai Display Hall, see Shanghai Commercial Products Display H all Shanghai Federation o f Students, 154 Shanghai General Chamber o f Com merce, 163,226,227,238,24011,241, 242,266,276», 277,312M Shanghai Incident (1932), 311», 349,350 Shanghai Jinde Girls School, 250 Shanghai Municipal National Prod ucts Museum, 199,235-37 Shanghai Municipal Police (SM P), 36m Shanghai National Products Company, 209ft, 313,322 Shanghai Tariff Conference (1918), 171 Shanghai Women's National Products Promotion Association, 322 Shanghai Women's National Products Promotion Society, 30211 Shantou, 275 Shanxi Mass Education Institute, 208 Shanxi province, 208,233 Shaoxing, 217 Shell, 355 Shenbao, 106,10911, *84,213,21511,22011, 22211,266,286ft, 315,326 Sheng Xuanhuai, 62,66 Shenyang (Mukden), 133,225. See also Manchurian Incident Shi Gengyin, 341 Shi Jixiong, 326ft Shi Liangcai, 351 Shipping, 46-47,142.152 Shishi xinwen, 286ft Shoes, 214,338 Shuanglun Toothbrush Company, 55 Sichuan province, 65,208,227,352
Silk, 31,109,264; and status, 70,80-81, 82,326,329; and foreign comped' don, 83,105,191,203,322 Silk and Sarin Guild, 108 Silver bullion, 81 Sincere Department Store (Xianshi), $9,152,209 Singapore, 221», 226» Sinificiarion, see Nationalizing con' sumer culture Sino'foreign treaties, 3$ Skullcap, 53 Slogans, 232,237,239,249,296ft Smiles, Samuel, 336 Smith, Adam, 42 Snow, Edgar, 6on “So-called modem households," 315» Social Affairs Bureau (Shanghai), 171, *35»*38- 39. *55»*67* *76 Socialist economy, 245 Society to Encourage the Use o f Na tional Products, 226 Song dynasty, 216 Song Feiqing, 11 Song Meiling (Madame Chiang Kaishek), 257,292,29411 Song Qingling, 249 Song Weichen, 340 Song Zejiu, 11,117 Song Ziwen (T. V . Soong), 249,25711 Songs, 151,267, *73» 3*4»; “Song o f the National Products Exhibition,” 250 Sound trucks, 243 Southeast Asia: Chinese communities in, see Overseas Chinese South Seas Exhibition, see Nanyang Industrial Exhibition Sovereignty, see under Nationalizing consumer culture Soviet Union, 322
Soy sauce shops, 343-44 Space, nationalized, 210,222,235,242, 258-66. See also Advertising; Com modity spectacles; Nationalizing consumer culture Spain, 15 Spectacles, see Commodity spectacles Speech contest, 329-30 Stamps, 268 State rituals, 204 St. Louis World’s Fair, 220,248» Stock, disclosure o f ownership, 61» Stockholm, 219ft Stories, see Parables Students, 33ft, 296»; role in movement, ii7 ,146-51 passim, 361; as enforcers, >43»» >5>»>55; and commodity spec tacles, 220,221-22,267.271 Students National Products Year (>935). *86« Style, see Fashion Summer and Autumn Articles Na tional Products Exhibition, 203,237, 241, *5«. *55 Sun Chuanfang, 248 Sun Ke (Sun Fo), 73 Sun Mengren, 298ft Sun Yatsen (Sun Yixian), 8 ,4m, 73,89, 97,102,106-7,109,187», *14»» *47» *5«. *53»*59»*64 Sun Yatsen jacket/suit, see under Fash ion Sun Department Store (Daxin), 209ft Sun Sun Department Store (Xitudn), 209 Suzhou, 99,22in, 237», 256ft, 278ft, 358ft Suzhou Display Hall, 230 Suzuki Pharmaceuticals, 342-43,345 Swadeshi movement (India), 15 Sydney, 218
Tagore, Rabindranath, 18*1 Tai, Lake, 81 Taiping Rebellion, 75, 7911,8a, 9a Taizhou native-place association, 344 Talcum powder, 295 Tang dynasty, 3a Tangshan, 36an Tariff autonomy, 3$, 40-43; and na tionalism, 4M, 169,349», 3$$. See also Trade statistics Tariffs, see under Trade statistics Tastemakers, S99-300 Taste tests, 344 Tatsu Maru II, 131 Tax incentives, 156,193 Tea, 31», *17 Telegrams, 356 Textbooks, 150« Thailand, 169,137», 365. See also Over seas Chinese Theaters, S98 Third Jiangsu Province National Local Products Exhibition (192$), 34$ Three Friends Enterprises, 11,53», 264 Three People's Principles, 253 Tiananmen Square, 147 Tian Conglomerate, 353» Tianjin, $6,298», 339,359; movement organizations in, 98,198; boycotts, 129,153», 154- 55.166,175». 177». 182; and commodity spectacles, 206», 225,257,27M, 276», 278», 308 Tianjin Commercial Products Exhibi tion Hall, 233R Tianli Nitrogen Factory, 350 Tiansheng Ceramics Factory, 350 Tianxu Wosheng, see Chen Diexian Tianyuan Electrochemical Factory,
349-50 Tianzihao, see Heaven Conglomerate
Tibet, 257 Toiletries, 54-55.59. »43 Tokyo, 165,167,300» Tokyo University, 34a Tomb-Sweeping Festival, 217», 31m Tonghai, 98 Toothbrushes, 54-55.214 Toothpaste. 188-89,295. See also T o i letries Townsend, James, 4 Toyota, 364 Toys, 208,243,268,326 Trade fairs, see Commodity specta cles Trademarks, 187*1,198,231,267 Trade statistics, discourse of, 366; and tariffs, 5.6,199, »44.365.366-67; and symbols o f lost sovereignty, 40-42; and measure o f nationalism.
43. 45.103.145. 25a. 3*6». 3»3. 3*8. 334.3$6; and proof o f treason, 46, 296,297,302. See also Commercial war; T ariff autonomy Trade unions, 232*1 Transit tolls (lijin), 41 Treasonous merchants': as key prob lem for the movement, 143-44.149. 161-63,177.178,239,322,333,356; and morality, 232. See also Boycotts; Disguising product-nationality Treaty o f Nanjing 35,41 Treaty o f Shimonoseki (1895), 48 Treaty ports: growth, 36; as showcases,
37-38 Tsuda Mamichi, 298 Tupperware, 49** Tuxedoes, 119 Twenty-One Demands, 96,105,133-42, *45. *47 . *60,164.165.167. *7», *74 . 224,226
Umami (savory), 34311 Umbrellas, 54. » 4 Underwear, $2,203-4 Unequal treaties, $ Uniforms, 84,113,115. See also Clothing United States, 127-31,342,347,349; as basis o f comparison, 13-14» 218,307» 322,335,363-66; and commodity spectacles, 182,207,209,22011, 223», 224.228,347 Urbanization, 38 Versailles Peace Conference, 146,147, 150 Virtuous wife and worthy mother archetype, 286,287,323 Visuality, see Nationalistic visuality Wahaha Group, 35711 Wal-Mart, 364
Wang Dongyuan, 343.344.345 WangJie'an, 103-4» 167»277 WangJingming, 329» W ang Kangnian, 4311 W angTao, 58» W ang Wendian, 142 Wang Xiaolai, 33211 W ang Zhengting, 4211,108,142 Wanguogongbao, 22011
Warnings to a Prosperous Age, 60,103
War o f thechickens» 357 Wealth ofNations, 42 W en Zhengyi, 205 Wenzhou, 177» Western Europe, see Europe Westernization movement, 61 W est Lake Exhibition (1929), 230,267, 279-80 Williams, Rosalind, 218 Wilson, Woodrow, 147
Wine, 217 W ing On Department Store (Yong’an), 152,170,209 Women: active in movement, 6,96, 143»» a»» 23211, *85» 300n, 308,309, 361; defined by consumption, 7» >88» 291-92,297-303 passim, 306-8; and fashion, 21,55,80-81,111,303,307» 331» 355» 382; vilification of, 286,299, 301,303; and Women's National Products Year o f 1934,28611,289, >98-97» 309-28; and public life, 287, 29011,298-99; and childrearing 288, 323-27 passim; as modem, 288-89, 299-301,306-7,325; as models o f nationalistic consumption, 289,31511, 325-27; and International Women's Day (March 8), 289,292,320-22; and monitoring o f family and friends, 309.3>4» 3>9.363; and household management, 287,296, 309,314-17,325-27; direcdy contesting vilification, 328-32. See also Fash ion; Nationalizing consumer cul ture Women's Association, 309 Women's Circles Society to Encourage the Use of National Products, 28511 Women's emancipation, 287,320,334; and nationalism, 290,291 Women’s National Products Associa tion, 29611 Women’s National Products Promo tion Association, 30911,312» Women's National Products Year Friendship Rally, 313 Women's National Products Year Movement Committee, 321,322,324 Women's Use National Products As sociation, 309.
Women's Use National Products Promotion Week, 309 Women's Year Committee, 311,321,
3*4 Women Wear National Products So ciety, 32m Wong, Jan, 327» Woodhead, Henry, 163ft W ool, tos, 10$, 107,182 W orld Trade Organization (W T O ), 366-67 W u Baiheng, 180 W u Daiyi, 343 W u Gengmei, 190 W ujinyun, 330 W u Peifu, 248 W u Tiecheng, 27m, 313,323,351 W u Tingfang, 6311,224; and clothing 7*, 85-87,112-15; and the N PPA , 97, « 2 ,12811,142,144ft W u Yunchu: as archetypical patriotic producer, 11,333-37» 350-5»; and commodity production as antiimperialism, 334,341-45; aided by movement, 345-47; as pure national-product, 337-41» 352-54; pressure to produce pure products, 348-50 W u Zhihui, 249 W u Zhilian, 342 W u Zhimei, 309ft Wuchang Uprising, 251 Wuhan, 276,277,321,339 Wuhan Exhibition, 280» Xiamen, 37,166,277-78 Xiamen Citizens Associations, 191 Xiamen National Products Exhibition, 277-78 Xiang Kangyuan, 203
Xiang Songmao, 11-12 Xiao Yanming, 57ft Xinjiang province, 64» *57» »58ft Xiong Yuezhi, 35811 Xuanjinglin, 310 Xue Fucheng, 42 Xunwu county, 54» Yan Fu, 42 Yan Xishan, 248ft Yanghuo, see Foreign products Yao Diyuan, 96ft Yapuer, 183-84 Yichang, 205 Yokohama, 167 Yu Qingring, 302» Yu Xiaqing, 249» *55 Yuan dynasty, 76» Yuan Shikai, 224,339; and regulating appearance, 84,90,107» 109,112-13; and boycotts, 12911,140ft, 174; and Twenty-One Demands, 134,136, 160 Yung W ing (Rong Hong), 3311 Yunnan province, 227, *57 Zaize, 84 Zaizhen, 87 Zeng Guofan, 3311,59,61 Zetkin, Clara, 321ft Zhabei Chamber o f Commerce, 277 Zhabei National Products Grculating Exhibition, 276-77 Zhang Boling 271ft Zhang Dingfan, 238,240,241,255 Zhang Jian, 11,62 Zhang Xueliang, 248ft Zhang Xun, 84 Zhang Yiyun, 343.3 4 4 Zhang Zhidong, 4811,62,63,339
Zhang Ziyin, 96», 104 Zhang Zuolin, 048 Zhanghua W ool Factory, 182 Zhao Tieqiao, 5$ Zhao Xi'en, 2$$ Zhao Zizhen, 182 Zhejiang province, 227,233,258,267, 313
Zheng Guanying, 60,103 Zhengzhou, 162
Zhenjiang, 98,154,210», 309 Zhifou (Chefoo), $2,92 Zhou Enlai, 13711,153», 336 Zhou Xuexi, 62 Zhou Yanghao, 313,321,324 Zhou Ziqi, 224 Zhu Minyi, 351 Zhu Shaoping, 351 Zoos, 208 Zuo Zongtang, 61
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