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China and America: A Bibliography of Interactions, Foreign and Domestic

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CHINA AND AMERICA A Bibliography of Interactions, Foreign and Domestic

East-West Bibliographic Series Editorial Committee

Joyce M. Wright, Chairman G. Raymond N u n n Shiro Saito Stanley L. West

1. China and America: A Bibliography of Interactions, Foreign and Domestic compiled by James M. McCutcheon 2. Philippine Ethnography: A Critically Annotated and Selected Bibliography by Shiro Saito

China and America

A Bibliography of Interactions, Foreign and Domestic Compiled


James M. McCutcheon

T h e University Press of Hawaii Honolulu

C o p y r i g h t © 1972 by T h e University Press of H a w a i i All r i g h t s reserved Library of C o n g r e s s C a t a l o g Card N u m b e r 74-190449 ISBN 0-8248-0230-6 M a n u f a c t u r e d in t h e U n i t e d States of A m e r i c a

CONTENTS Preface vii Bibliography 3 China and America: General 7 China and American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion 12 China and American Economic Life 23 China and American Missions 30 Chinese Immigration and Exclusion 34 The Chinese Community in the United States: General 38 The Chinese Community in California and Hawaii 41 The Chinese Community in the Rest of the United States 46 China and American Education 50 China and American Literature 55 China and the Arts 58 Index 63


China and the Chinese have played an important, though until recently overlooked, role in American development.

Columbus was on

his way to Asia when he inadvertently "discovered" the New World; the idea of Manifest Destiny originated in large measure as a response to demand for China markets; Chinese laborers laid track across the Sierra for the transcontinental railroad, then found themselves persecuted and forced into ghettoes.

The first national ex-

clusion bill in the history of the United States was directed at China and Chinese immigrants at the very time the Statue of Liberty was being erected in New York harbor.

In the twentieth century, China

has received an increasingly large share of American attention in foreign relations and public opinion, first as a friend, then as an enemy, and now an acquaintance.

Running parallel to this attention

has been a growing interest in Chinese culture on the part of artists, scientists, and scholars in the.United States.

The complexity of the

relationship increases as the Chinese communities in the major American cities continue to remain largely in the ghetto, experiencing discrimination from without and internally feeling a sense of discontinuity, of being neither fully Chinese nor fully American. similar feeling of ambivalence toward China and the Chinese has developed in the American mind:

on the one hand there has been



praise for Chinese culture and tradition and the frugality and industry of her people; on the other, rejection of Chinese culture as debased and backward, of her people as heathen and unassimilable. These images and attitudes are the result of contacts both foreign and domestic. This bibliography is the outgrowth of some years' work with my graduate students in a seminar entitled "Asian Influences in American Life." The bibliography was originally designed to help students select research topics; I hope that it will serve the same purpose in its published form.

It is a highly selective list.

The items chosen have been drawn mainly from secondary works in English published through the spring of 1971 and include a large number of unpublished theses.

It is intended as a guide to what

has been done in the field, so that students may avoid some of the laborious searching through innumerable indexes that research demands. Primary sources have not been included because of their abundance. Information concerning federal and state records, travel accounts, letters and diaries, and trade and corporation documents can be found in such works as the American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, the Harvard Guide to American History, Philip Hamer's Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States, and in such indexes as the Social Sciences and Humanities Index, Readers' Guide (Poole's Index for the nineteenth century), and the Art Index. Other sources can be found in appropriate sections of this bibliography.


While much has been written on the interrelationships between China and the United States, much is still needed.

The wealth of

material pertaining to economic contacts has barely been touched. The American civilian and military communities in China are yet to be studied in any detail.

The literature on missionaries in China

is large, as also was the number of missionaries.

Many archives

exist for Christian work overseas--in particular, the rich holdings at Harvard University and the Missionary Research Institute in New York. The story is the same for literature on the Chinese influence in the United States.

A number of recent works have dealt with

American images of the Chinese, but we know little of the attitude of the Chinese-American community toward other Americans.

No satis-

factory comparative study has yet been made about the similarities and differences among Chinatowns in various parts of the United States and about the relative speed of assimilation and acculturation in each.

In the arts a serious lack of knowledge exists regarding

the origin and importance of major collections of Chinese works in American museums. For those who have the skills and language ability, the comparative field is wide open.

Literature and religion are two obvious

areas, but in addition studies are needed concerning major events such as the American and Chinese revolutions and the Taiping Rebellion and Civil War, as well as studies of particular institutions such as


the family, civil service, banking, political organization, and military structures.

A pioneering work in the social field is

Francis Hsu's Americans and Chinese.

In the broadest sense, a

comparison of the values and traditions of each culture would be of great importance in developing mutual understanding. I wish to thank the staffs of the East-West Center and the University of Hawaii Library system for their assistance in obtaining interlibrary loan materials and copies of important articles. I wish to thank also the Department of American Studies of the University of Hawaii which made typing and proofreading time available for Yuki Kobayashi and Susan Hamasaki without whose aid this guide would not have been possible. All errors and omissions are, of course, my responsibility.

Honoluluj Hawaii, 1972

James M. McCutcheon


CHINA AND AMERICA A Bibliography of Interactions, Foreign and Domestic

BIBLIOGRAPHY American Institute of Pacific Relations. "Current American Research on the Far East and the Western Pacific." Far Eastern Quarterly, VII (May 1948), 268-296. Lists people working in the area, plus theses and books. Besterman, Theodore. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies. Lausanne: Societas Bibliographica, 1965-1966. Bloomfield, B. C. (comp.). Theses on Asia. United Kingdom and Ireland, 1877-1964. 1967.

4 vols.

Accepted by Universities in the London: Frank Cass and Co.,

California, University. Bancroft Library. Catalog of Printed Books. 22 vols. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1964. See v. 4, "Chinese in California," 695-704 and "Chinese in the U. S.," 705-707. California, University. Los Angeles. Dictionary Catalog. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1963. See v. 21, "Chinese in California," 853-856 and "Chinese in the U. S.," 861-864. Chicago, University. Library. The University of Chicago Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses on Asia, 1894-19o2. Chicago: University of Chicago Far Eastern Library, 1962. Chu, Clayton H; American Missionaries in China: Books, Articles and Pamphlets Extracted from the Subject Catalogue of the Missionary Research Library. 3 vols. Committee on American Far Eastern Policy Studies, Department of History, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960. Columbia University. East Asiatic Library. Master's Essays and Doctoral Dissertations on Asia, 1875-1956. N. Y.~i Columbia University Libraries, 1957. For the Chinese in the United States, see "Overseas Chinese." Cordier, Henri. Bibliotheca Sinica: Dictionnaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages Relatifs a 1'Empire Chinois. 4 vols. Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1904-1908. Supplement. Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1922-1924. A major source for western language materials on China. Brought up to date in Yuan, China in Western Literature and Lust, Index Sinicus.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Cowan, Robert Ernest and Cowan, R. G. A Bibliography of the History of California, 1510-1950. 2 vols. San Francisco: John Henry Nasn, 1933. Vol. I contains information on Chinese immigration. Essex Institute. Salem Massachusetts Library Catalogue of Books on China in the Essex Institute, comp, by L. M. Taylor. Salem: Essex Institute, 1926. Gardner, Charles S. A Union List of Selected Western Books on China in American Libraries, 2nd ed. Washington, D. C.: American Council of Learned Societies, Committee on Chinese Studies, 1938. Griffin, Appleton Prentice Clark. Select List of Books (with References to Periodicals) Relating to the Far East. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1904. Hart, Donn V. An Annotated Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations on Asia Accepted at Syracuse University, 1907-1963. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Library, 1964. Hawaii, University. Library. Dictionary Catalog of the Hawaiian Collection. 4 vols. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1963. See v. 1, "Chinese in the Hawaiian Islands," 300-307. Hücker, Charles 0. China: A Critical Bibliography. Tucson, Ariz.: University of Arizona Press, 1962. Of limited use for Chinese influence in America, though it has sections on foreign relations. Journal of Asian Studies.

Annual Bibliography.

Li Tze-chung. A List of Doctoral Dissertations by Chinese Students in the United States. 1961-64~ Chicago, Chinese-American Education Foundation, 1967. [Continuation of a guide to doctoral dissertations by Chinese students in America, 1905-1960, by Yuan Tung-li.] Linton, Howard P. Survey of Research Library Resources on Asia, Africa, Russia and East Europe, and Latin America in New York State. Albany, N. Y.: State Education Department, University of the State of New York, 1964. Liu Kwang-ching. Americans and Chinese: A Historical Essay and Bibliography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963. Lum, William Wong. Asians in America: University Library, 1969.

A Bibliography.

Davis, California:

Lust, John. Index Sinicus: A Catalogue of Articles Relating to China in Periodicals and Other Collective Publications, 1920-1955" Cambridge: Heffer, 1964. Contains some 20,000 entries, supplementing Cordier and Yuan. 4

BIBLIOGRAPHY Matsuda, Mitsugu. The Japanese in Hawaii, 1868-1967: A Bibliography of the First Hundred Years. Honolulu: Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii, 1968. Includes some references to the Chinese. Missionary Research Library, New York. Occasional Bulletin. Publishes occasional bibliographies and lists of theses on missionary work overseas, some of which deal with East Asia. Pearson, J. D. Oriental and Asian Bibliography. London: Crosby Lockwood and Sons, Ltd., 1966. Institutions, books and libraries concerned with Asia and Asian-Western relations. Pennington, Juliana (comp.). The University of Southern California Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses on East and Southeast Asia, 1911-1964. Los Angeles: Asian-Slavic Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1965. Powell, J. B. and Rawlinson, Frank. Annotated Bibliography of English Books on China. Shanghai: Christian Literature Society, 1928. Slobodek, Mitchell. A Selective Bibliography of California Labor History. Los Angeles: Institute of Industrial Relations, 1964. See "Chinese," 191-201. Snyder, James Wilbert. "Bibliography for Early American Trade with China," Americana, 34 (April, 1940), 297-345. Stucki, Curtis W. American Doctoral Dissertations on Asia, 1933-1966, (including Appendix of Master's Theses at Cornell University, 1933-June, 1968.) Ithaca, N. Y.: Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University, 1968. Wainwright, M. D. and Matthews, Noel. A Guide to Western Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles Relating to South and South East AsiaT London: Oxford University Press, 19657 Williams, F. Wells (ed.). Best Hundred Books on China: A Finding List of Books in English. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Library, 1924. Windemeyer, Margaret. "China and the Far West, 1889-1899: Contribution Toward a Bibliography." New York State Library Bulletin No. 59, Bibliography No. 25 (1901), 563-679. Winther, Oscar 0. A Classified Bibliography of the Periodical Literature of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1811-1957. Bloomington, Indiana: University Press, 1961. Includes a section on Chinese and Japanese communities.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Yuan, Tung-li. China in Western Literature: A Continuation of Cordier's Bibliotheca Sinica. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958. See pp. 278-281 for material on Chinese exclusion, social conditions and problems of the Chinese in the United States. . A Guide to Doctoral Dissertations by Chinese Students in America 1905-1960. Washington, D. C.: Sino-American Cultural Society, T95T


CHINA AND AMERICA: GENERAL American Institute of Pacific Relations. "Current American Research on the Far East and the Western Pacific." Far Eastern Quarterly, VII, (May 1948), 268-296. Bowers, David F. Foreign Influences in American Life. Princeton University Press, 1944.

Princeton, N. J.:

Chang Chi-Yun. "A Comparative Study of the Chinese and American National Characteristics." Chinese Culture (Taipei), 7 (September 1966) 117-124. Cheng Chi-Pao (ed.). Chinese-American Cultural Relations. N. Y.: China Institute in America and American Association of Teachers of Chinese Language and Culture, 1965. Collection of addresses and papers of Round Table Conference of ChineseAmerican Cultural Relations and annual conference of American Association of Teachers of Chinese Language and Culture, 1955-1965. Chinese Art Society of America. Archives, I, 1945/1946 - . Chisolm, Lawrence W. Fenollosa: The Far East and American Culture. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1963. Although mainly concerned with Japan, Fenollosa did have an interest in things Chinese. Christy, Arthur E. (ed.). The Asian Legacy and American Life. N. Y.: John Day, 1945. Chu, Daniel and Chu, Samuel. Passage to the Golden Gate: A History of the Chinese in America to 1910. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1967. For secondary schools. Danton, George H. The Culture Contacts of the United States and China: The Earliest Sino-American Culture Contacts, 1784-1844. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1931. Dawson, Raymond S. The Chinese Chameleon: An Analysis of European Conceptions of Chinese Civilization" London: Oxford University, 1967. . "Western Concepts of Chinese Civilization," in his The Legacy of China. London: Oxford University Press, 1964. Dulles, Foster Rhea. China and America: The Story of Their Relations Since 1784. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1946. 7

CHINA AND AMERICA: GENERAL Fairbank, John King. "An American View of Modern China." International House of Japan, Bulletin, No. 14 (October 1964) 1-11. . The United States and China. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. The standard work in terms of foreign relations. Franke, Wolfgang. China and the West, trans, by R. A. Wilson. Boston: Harper and Row, 1967. An eminent Sinologist surveys relations from their beginnings to the present. Gardner, John B. The Ima^e of the Chinese in the United States, 1885-1915. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1961). Graham, Edward D. American Ideas of a Special Relationship with China: 1784-1900. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1969). Heywood, Herbert. "China in New England." New England Magazine, XXVIII (June 1903), 473-483. Hibbert, Christopher. The Dragon Wakes. China and the West, 1793-1911. Harlow: Longmans, 1970. Honour, Hugh. Chinoiserie: The Vision of Cathay. London: John Murray, 1961. A brilliant study of the Chinese artistic vogue in the west with excellent illustrations. Hsu, Francis L. K. Americans and Chinese: Two Ways of Life. N. Y.: Henry Schuman, 1953. A sociological and comparative essay with very valuable insights. Updated and enlarged by Americans and Chinese: Purpose and Fulfillment in Great Civilizations. N. Y.: Natural History Press, 1970. Iriye, Akira. Across the Pacific: An Inner History of American-East Asian Relations. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1967. How the Chinese, Japanese and Americans have regarded themselves since 1780. . "East and West in Nineteenth-Century American Thought." Papers on China, 14 (December 1960), 70-86. Cambridge, Mass.: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1960. Isaacs, Harold R. Scratches on Our Minds: American Images of China and India. N. Y.: John Day Co., 1958. Published in paperback, Images of Asia: American Views of China and India.




Iyer, Raghavan Narashimhan (ed.). The Glass Curtain Between Asia and Europe: A Symposium on the Historical Encounters and the Changing Attitudes of the Peoples of the East and the West. London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. Kung, S. W. Chinese in American Life: Some Aspects of Their History, Status, Problems, and Contributions. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press, 1962. Covers much the same ground as Rose Hum Lee, also from a largely sociological point of view. Kirker, James. Adventures to China. Americans in the Southern Oceans, 1792-1812. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1970. Kuo Ping-chia. "Canton and Salem: The Impact of Chinese Culture Upon New England Life During the Post-Revolutionary Era." New England Quarterly, III (January 1930), 420-442. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. Progress of Chinese Studies in the United States of America. Bull. 1, Committee on the Promotion of Chinese Studies. Washington, D. C.: American Council of Learned Societies, 1931. Chinese studies at American universities, Chinese art in public collections, Chinese books in American libraries, plus lists of scholars and organizations. . "The Progress of Sinology Nankai Social and Economic Quarterly, VIII (July Bibliographic references on art collections, the Institute, Wason Collection at Cornell, the Gest Library and Pearl Buck. Laufer, Berthold. China and the Discovery of America. in America, 1931.

in the United States." 1935), 309-315. Harvard-Yenching Chinese Research N. Y.:

China Institute

. "Columbus and Cathay, and the Meaning of America to the Orientalist." Journal of the American Oriental Society, 51 (1931), 87-103. Presidential address dealing with Columbus and his search for Cathay. Asian migration to the United States area and studies done by anthropologists. . "Sino-American Points of Contact." The New Orient: A Series of Monographs on Oriental Culture, II: The Far East. Chicago: The New Orient Society of America, 1933. Reprint from Scientific Monthly, XXXIV (March, 1932), 243-246. Lee, Rose Hum. "A Century of Chinese and American Relations (1850-1950)." PhyIon: Review of Race and Culture, (third quarter, 1950) 240-245.




. The Chinese in the United States of America. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1960. Lew Ling. The Chinese in the Americas: A Guide to Their Life and Progress. Los Angeles: East West Culture Publishing Association, 1951. Covers 19 communities in North, South and Central America with a Who's Who of prominent individuals. Loehr, George E. "A. E. van Braam Houckgeest, the First American at the Court of China." Princeton University Library Chronicle, XV (Summer 1954), 179-193. A biography of Houckgeest, including his friendship with Washington and Franklin and the setting up of China's retreat near Bristol, Pa. Marsh, Robert M. Mandarin and Executive: Elite Mobility in Chinese and American Societies. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1959). Mason, Mary Gertrude. Western Concepts of China and the Chinese, 1840-1876. N. Y.: Seeman Printery, 1939. May, H. S. A Study of Emotional Expression Among Chinese and Americans. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1938). McClellan, Robert F., Jr. The American Image of China, 1890-1905. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1964). Published as The Heathen Chinese: A Study of American Attitudes Toward China, 1890-1905. Columbus, 0.: Ohio State, 1970. Miller, Stuart Creighton. The Unwelcome Immigrant: The American Image of the Chinese, 1785-1882"! Berkeley, Calif": University of California Press, 1969. 1882.

. The Chinese Image in the Eastern United States, 1785(Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1966) .

Northrop, F. S. C. The Meeting of East and West: An Inquiry Concerning World Understanding. N. Y.: Macmillan Co., 1960. A philosophical and aesthetic exploration into differing world views of selected western and Asian countries. Pulley, Sande. A Yankee in the Yellow Robe: An American Buddhist Monk's Role in East-West Cultural Exchange. N. Y.: Exposition Press, 1967. Ryan, William L. and Summerlin, Sam. The China Cloud: America's Tragic Blunder and China's Rise to Nuclear Power. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968. Story of Chinese scientists who were forced to leave the United States.




Schantz, Roy Neil. The Image of China in the Age of Discovery. Ph. D. dissertation, New York University, 1968).


Sino-American Conference on Intellectual Cooperation, University of Washington, 1960. Report and Proceedings. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Department of Publications and Print, 1962. Snith, Arthur H. China and America Today: A Study of Conditions and Relations. N. Y., Chicago, Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1907. An important missionary interpreter of China to the West. Speer, William. The Oldest and the Newest Empire: China and the United States. Hartford, Conn.: S. S. Scranton and Co., 1870. Former missionary to China and to Chinese in California. Spence, Jonathan. To Change China: Boston: Little, Brown, 1969.

Western Advisers in China, 1620-1960.

Stoessinger, John G. "China and America: The Burden of Past Misperceptions." Journal of International Affairs, 21 (1967) 72-91. Sung, Betty Lee. Mountain of Gold: The Story of the Chinese in America. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1967. Emphasis on the recent period, drawn in large part from personal experience. Swisher, Earl. China's Management of the American Barbarians: A Study of Sino-American Relations, 1841-1861. New Haven, Conn.: Far Eastern Association, 1953. A valuable collection of documents. Watson, Douglas S. "Did the Chinese Discover America?" Quarterly, XIV (March 1935), 47-58.

California Historical

Wen, Henry L. Comparative Study of Municipal Structures and Activities in the United States and China~ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1943). Wheeldon, Beryl M. "China Through North American Eyes." (October 1965), 42-46.

Eastern Horizon, 4

Young, Myrl M. The Impact of the Far East on the United States, 1840-1860. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1952). Zavala, Silvio. "New World Contacts with Asia." 1964), 213-222.


Asian Studies, 2 (August

CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Ash, Jerry Wayne. The China News Ban: A Survey of Its History and Its Effect. (Unpublished M. S. thesis, West Virginia University, 1967). Barrett, David D. Dixie Mission: The United States Army Observer Group in Yenan, 1944~ Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1970. Battistini, Lawrence Henry. 1955. Beal, John Robinson.

The United States and Asia.

Marshall in China.


N. Y.: Praeger,

Doubleday, 1970.

Beale, Howard K. Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Press, 1956. Extensive coverage of United States Far Eastern policy in this period. Beech, Keyes. Not Without the Americans: A Personal History. Garden City, N. Y ~ Doubleday, 1971. A correspondent's personal account of American involvement in the Far East. Bibber, Joyce Kathleen. The Chinese Communists as Viewed by the American Periodical Press, 1920-1937. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1969). Blazsik, Gloria F. Theodore Roosevelt's Far Eastern Mission and the T'ang Shao-yi Mission. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1969). Bloomfield, Lincoln P. "China, the United States and the United Nations." International Organization 20 (Autumn 1966), 653-676. Blum, Robert. The United States and China in World Affairs. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1966. A survey and analysis of Sino-American relations particularly since the end of World War II.


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Bolnick, Maxwell N. The Official Attitude of the United States Toward the Chinese Communists, 1944-1949. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1951). Borg, Dorothy. Historians and America's Far Eastern Policy. East Asian Institute, Columbia University, 1966.

N. Y.:

The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 19331938: From the Manchurian Incident through the Initial State of the Undeclared Sino-Japanese War. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964. Bower, Leon M. Willard D. Straight and the American Policy in China, 1906-1913. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1955). Buhite, Russell D. "Nelson Johnson and American Policy Toward China, 1925-1928." Pacific Historical Review, XXXV (November 1966), 451-466. . "Patrick J. Hurley and the Yalta Far Eastern Agreement." Pacific Historical Review 37 (August 1968), 343-353. Burke, Robert Luis. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Far East: 19131941. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1969). Caldwell, J. A. M. "The United States Empire in the Far East." Book of World Affairs (1967), 88-108.


Carpenter, Thomas Edgar III. The Institute of Pacific Relations and American Foreign Policy. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1968). Chang Hsin-hai. America and China: A New Approach to Asia. N. Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1965. The basis of conflict between China and the United States from the Chinese point of view. Chao, Joseph M. The Beginning of American-Chinese Diplomatic Relations: The Cushing Mission and Treaty of Wanghia of 1844~ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Notre Dame University, 1954). Chen Chin-Shan. American Recognition and Non-Recognition Policies in China: A Legal, Historical, and Political Analysis"! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University, 1963).


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Cheng, Emily Hwa. United States Policy During the Chinese Revolution. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of South Carolina, 1963). Cheng, Peter Ping-Chii. A Study of John Foster Dulles' Strategy in the Far East. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University, 1964). Chi Sung-chun, Madeleine. The Chinese Question During the First World War. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University, 1968). Chowdhury, C. The United States, the League and the Manchurian Crisis. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1959-1960). Christopher, James W. Conflict in the Far East: American Diplomacy in China from 1928-1935. Leyden: E. J. Brill, 1950. Chu Chai-K'uei. The China Policy of the Taft-Knox Administration, 19091913. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1555). Clark, Dan E. "Manifest Destiny and the Pacific." Pacific Historical Review, I (March 1932), 1-17. The American idea of continental expansion from the Cushing mission to Beveridge. Clyde, Paul Hibbert. "Attitudes and Policies of George F. Seward, American Minister at Peking, 1876-1880: Some Phases of the Cooperative Policy." Pacific Historical Review II (1933), 387-404. • (comp.) United States Policy Toward China: Diplomatic and Public Documents, 1839-1939. Durham, N. C.: Duke University press, 1940. Cochrane, Jane Elizabeth. America's Part in the Boxer Rebellion. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1947). Cohen, Warren I. "America and the May Fourth Movement: The Response to Chinese Nationalism, 1917-1921." Pacific Historical Review, XXV (February 1966), 83-100. Colvocoresses, Harold. "The Capture and Destruction of the Barrier Forts." United States Naval Institute Proceedings, 64 (May 1938), 680-688. Conant, Charles Arthur. The United States in the Orient. N. Y.: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1900. Curti, Merle and Stalker, John. '"The Flowery Flag Devils' - The American Image in China 1840-1900." American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 96 (December 1952), 663-690.


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Curtis, Edith Roelker. "Blood is Thicker Than Water." American Neptune, 27 (July 1967), 157-176. USS Powhatan in Gulf of Pechihli in 1858. Daoust, George Arlington. The Role of Air Power in U. S. Foreign Policy in the Far East, 1945-1958. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1967). Dennett, Tyler. Americans in Eastern Asia: A Critical Study of United States' Policy in the Far East in the Nineteenth Century. N. Y.: reprinted Barnes and Noble, 1963. Still the most complete study of diplomatic relations, though it first appeared in 1922. Doenecke, Justus Drew. American Public Opinion and the Manchurian Crisis, 1951-1955. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 1966). Dougherty, Patrick T. Catholic Opinion and United States Recognition Policy. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, 1963). Dulles, Foster Rhea. Behind the Open Door: The Story of American Far Eastern Relations. St. Louis: Webster Publishing Co., 1944. Epstein, Harold. The American Response to the Chinese Republican Movement, 1898-1915. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1947). Fairbank, J. K. "Chinese Diplomacy and the Treaty of Nanking, 1842." Journal of Modern History, XII (March 1940), 1-50. Feis, Herbert. The China Tangle: The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall Mission. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1955. Foster, John W. American Diplomacy in the Orient. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1905. Friedman, Edward and Seiden, Mark (eds.). Dissenting Essays on Asian-American Relations. N. Y.: Pantheon, 1971. Gandhi, Shantis. U. S. Diplomatic Relations with China, 1869-1882. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1954).


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Godley, Shirley. "W. Cameron Forbes and the American Mission to China." Papers on China, 14 (December 1960), 87-109. Cambridge, Mass.: East Asian Research Center, 1960. Gordon, Morton. The American Press and Recent China Policy, 1941-1949. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1950). Granat, Stanley Jerome. Chinese Participation at the Washington Conference, 1921-1922"] (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation^ Indiana University, 1969). Griswold, Alfred Whitney. The Far Eastern Policy of the United States. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. Still a useful text by an early and important scholar of American involvement in Asia. Hamilton, Thomas T. The Impact of the Shanghai Incident of 1932 Upon the United States and the League of Nations. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1953). Harrington, Fred Harvey. "Anti-Imperalist Movement in the United States, 1898-1900." Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXII (September 1935), 211-230. Hedley, John H. The Truman Administration and the 'Loss' of China: A Study of Public Attitudes and the President's Policies frcm the Marshall Mission to the Attack on Korea. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, 1964) . Heinrichs, Waldo H., Jr. American Ambassador, Joseph C. Grew and the Development of the United States Diplomatic Tradition. Bos ton: Little, Brown, 1966. Henson, Curtis Talmon, Jr. The United States Navy and China, 1839-1861. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane University, 1965). Hohenberg, John. Between Two Worlds: Policy, Press, and Public Opinion Opinion in Asian-American Relations. N. Y. : Praeger, 1966. Explores the relationship between foreign correspondents and foreign policy. Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl. The United States and the Far East: Certain Fundamentals of Policy. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1942. Iriye, Akira (comp.). U. S. Policy Toward China: Testimony Taken from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings, 1966. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968.


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Israel, Jerry. '"For God, for China and for Yale' - The Open Door in Action." American Historical Review LXXV (February 1970), 796-807. . Progressivism and the Open Door America and China, 1905-1921. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1971. Jacobs, Walter Darnell. "The New China Myth in American Politics." World Affairs, 128 (July/Sept. 1965), 75-84. Jaffee, Richard D. An Examination of Congressional Reaction to United States China Policy, 1922-1947^1 (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1952). Jensen, Khin Khin Myint. The Chinese in the Philippines During the American Regime, 1898-1946. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1956). Johnson, Gordon L. American Editorial Opinions of the Chinese Nationalists, 1942-1946. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1948). Kahn, Helen Dodson. The Great Game of Empire: Willard D. Straight and American Far Eastern Policy. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1968). Kearny, Themas. "Commodore Kearny and the Open Door and Most Favored Nation Policy in China in 1842 to 1843." New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, 50 (1932), 162-190. Kehoe, Robert Richard. The Cease-Fire in China - 1946: The Operations of the Peiping Executive Headquarters and the Truce Teams during the Marshall Mission" (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, American University, 1970) . Kemp, Virginia Mae. Congress and China, 1945-1959. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1966).

(Unpublished Ph.D.

King, Wunsz. China and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922. N. Y.: St. Johns University Press, 1963. Kirwin, Harry W. The United States and the Revolutionary Disintegration of China, 1919-1925. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Fordham University, 1949). Koen, Ross Y. The China Lobby in American Politics. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1960. Koginos, Manny T. The Panay Incident: Prelude to War. Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Studies, 1967.


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Kuo Ping Chia. "Caleb Cushing and the Treaty of Wanghia, 1844." Journal of Modern History, V (March 1933), 34-54. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951. N. Y.: Macmillan Co., T9l^ . "The History of Early Relations Between the United States and China, 1784 -1844." Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 22 (August 1917), 1-209. Lattimore, Owen. "China: The American Mystique." Listener, 72 (October 1, 1964), 491-494. LeFeber, Walter. The New Empire: An Interpretation of American Expansionism, 1860-1898. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1963. LeFevour, E. T. Western Enterprise in China, 1842-1894. dissertation, Cambridge University, 1961-1962).

(Unpublished Ph.D.

Li Tien-yi. Woodrow Wilson's China Policy, 1913-1917. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1950). Lin Mou-sheng (comp.). American Press Opinion on the Sino-Japanese Conflict. N. Y.: Chinese Cultural Society, 1937. Ma Wen-Huan. American Policy Toward China as Revealed in the Debates of Congress. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., 1934. Mahan, A. T. The Problem of Asia and Its Effect Upon International Policies. Boston: Little, Brown, 1900. Michigan University. Survey Research Center. The American Public's View of U. S. Policy Toward China: A Report Prepared for the Council on Foreign Relations. New York, Council on Foreign Relations, 1964. Part of the series, the United States and China in World Affairs. Miller, Jessie A. China in American Policy and Opinion, 1906-1909. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Clark University, 1940). Moran, James W. The Chinese Revolution of 1911 as Affected by the Chinese in America and American Public Opinion. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1949). Oppenheimer, Ernest J. An Historical Analysis of the Attitudes of Three American Journals Toward China and Japan in the Pre-Pearl Harbor Decade. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1946). Osborn, Clarence G. American Extraterritoriality Jurisdiction: China to 1906. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1935).


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Pasley, Virginia. Twenty-one Stayed: The Story of the American GI's Who Chose Communist China. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus, Cudahy, 1955. Paullin, Charles 0. "Early Voyages of American Naval Vessels to the Orient." United States Naval Institute, Proceedings, 36 (1910), 429-462; 707-734; 1073-1099; 37 (1911), 239-275; 387-417. Paulsen, George E. "Senator Gresham, Senator Lodge, and American Good Offices in China, 1894." Pacific Historical Review, XXXVI (May 1967), 123-142. Peterson, Sophia. Conflict, Communication, and Mutual Threat in SovietAmerican and Sino-Soviet Relations: A Statistical Examination of Relationships. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1969). Prince, Gregory. The American Foreign Service in China, 1935-51: A Case Study of Americans Observing China. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1970). Pugach, Noel. "Making the Open Door Work: Paul S. Reinsch in China, 1913- • 1919." Pacific Historical Review, XXXVIII (May 1969), 157-175. Rea, Kenneth Wesley. Humphrey Marshall's Commissionership to China, 18521854. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1970). Reid, W. C. Jameson. "The Asiatic Problem and Its Relation to the United States." Political Science Quarterly, XVIII (June 1903), 181-196. Justification for U. S. business expansion in China. Reinsch, Paul. World Politics at the End of the Nineteenth Century, as Influenced by the Oriental Situation. N. Y.: Macmillan Co., 1900. Rhee, Tong-Chin. Sino-American Relations frem 1942 Through 1949: A Study of Efforts to Settle the China Problem. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Clark University, 1967). Roche, George C. Public Opinion and the United States China Policy, 19411951. (Unpublished Pn.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1965). Sargent, Thomas Andrew. America, Britain, and the Nine Power Treaty: A Study of Inter-War Diplomacy and Great Power Relationships. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1969). Schwarz, Henry G. "America Faces Asia: The Problem of Image Projection." Journal of Politics 26 (August 1961), 632-649. Shen Yun-king. American Official Attitudes Toward the Government in China, 1898-1947. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1948).


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Shewmaker, Kenneth E. "The American Liberal Dream: Evans F. Carlson and the Chinese Communists, 1937-1947." Pacific Historical Review, XXXVIII (May 1969), 207-216. Expanded in Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927-1945. Pub. 1971. Shiman, R. G. The United States and Old World Diplomacy, 1898-1914, with Special Reference to China. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1929-1930). Smith, Cordell A. The Marshall Mission to China. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. An assessment of General Marshall's impact on American foreign policy toward China, 1945-1949. Starobin, Joseph R. American Communism and the Cold War: An Obscure Chapter in the Pre-History of the Sino-Soviet Schism. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1970). Starr, Daniel P. Nelson Trusler Johnson: The United States and the Rise of Nationalist China, 1925-1937. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers University, 1967). Steele, Archibald T. (ed.). American Public Attitudes Toward China. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1966. Stopsky, Fred Harold. An Analysis of the Conflict Within the United States Federal Government in the Period 1949-1956 Concerning American Policy Toward China. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1969). Swisher, Earl. Chinese Representation in the United States. ("University of Colorado Studies. Series in History," No. 5). Boulder, Colo.: University of Colorado Press, 1967. Taylor, Arnold Hoover. The United States and the International Movement to Control the Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, 1900-1939. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1963). To help China combat drug addiction, the United States started an antidrug campaign. Teng Yuan C. America and the Taiping Tien Kuo: A Case Study of Cultural Confrontat ion. (Unpublished PhTD. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1961). Thompson, Kenneth W. U. S. Policy in the Far East: Ideology, Religion and Superstition. N. Y.: Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1968: Essays by Thompson, Hans Morgenthau and Jerald Brauer. Thompson, Richard A. The Yellow Peril, 1890-1924. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1957).


(Unpublished Ph.D.

CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY AND PUBLIC OPINION Thomson, James C., Jr. While China Faced West: American Reformers in Nationalist China 1928-57. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969. Tong Te-King. United States Diplomacy in China, 1844-1860. University of Washington Press, 1964.

Seattle, Wash.:

Treais-Smart, D. J. United States Policy in the Pacific Area 1898-1922, With Special Reference to China and the Open Door. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Birmingham University, 1955-1956). Treat, Payson J. "The Good Offices of the United States During the SinoJapanese War." Political Science Quarterly, 47 (December 1932), 547575. Tsou Tang. "The American Political Tradition and the American Image of Chinese Communism." Political Science Quarterly, LXXVII (December 1962), 570-599. Tuchman, Barbara W. Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 19111945. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1971. U. S. Dept. of the Army. Communist China: Ruthless Enemy or Paper Tiger? A Bibliography. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Govt. Printing Office, 1962. The United States and Communist China: Papers Delivered at the Sixty-Ninth Meeting of the Princeton University Conference, Feb. 25-26, 1965, ed. by William W. Lockwood. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Conference, 1965. VanAlystyne, R. W. The Rising American Bnpire. N. Y. : Oxford University Press, 1960. Deals with the continuity of American expansionism from the beginning of the country until 1917 with a special section on the lure of East Asia. Varg, Paul A. The Making of a Myth: The United States and China, 1897-1912. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 1968. In terms of policy making, China played much less a role than the rhetoric would indicate. Open Door Diplomat: The Life of W. W. Rockhill. ("University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences," Vol. 33) Urbana, 111.: University of Illinois, 1952). . "William Woodville Rockhill's Influence on the Boxer Negotiations. (1900-1901)." Pacific Historical Review, XVIII (August 1949), 369-380.


CHINA AND AMERICAN FOREIGN AND PUBLIC OPINION Vevier, Charles. The United States and China, 1906-1913: A Study of Finance and Diplomacy" New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1955. Welch, Richard E., Jr. "Caleb Cushing's Chinese Mission and the Treaty of Wanghia: A Review." Oregon Historical Quarterly, LVIII (December 1957), 328-357. Wilcox, Wayne Ayres. Asia and United States Policy. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 19VT. Williams, Frederick Ballard. The Origins of the Sino-American Conflict, 1949-1952. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1557]: Williams, Frederick Wells. Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers. N. 77! C. Scribner's Sons, 1912. Wills, Morris R. Turncoat: An American's 12 years in Communist China. Hie Story of Morris R. Wills as Told to J. Robert Moskin. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Young, Kenneth Todd. Negotiating with the Chinese Communists: The United States Experience, 1953-1967. New York, published for the Council on Foreign Relations by McGraw-Hill, 1968. Young, Marilyn B. American China Policy, 1895-1901. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1963).

2 vols.


Zabriskie, Edward Henry. American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East. A Study in Diplomacy and Power Politics, 1895-1914. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1946).


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONOMIC LIFE "America and Asia: U. S. Enterprise and Salesmanship." Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong), 49 (July 8, 1965), 57-104. This journal is useful for articles on contemporary American Asian economic relations. Appel, John C. "American Labor and the Annexation of Hawaii: A Study in Logic and Economic Interest." Pacific Historical Review, XXIII (February, 1954), 1-18. Arnold, Julean H. (comp.). China Through the American Window. Shanghai: American Chamber of Commerce, 1932. Discusses commercial relations with the United States. Atterbury, Marguerite. A Study of Some Phases of Chinese-American Cooperation in Promoting China's Agricultural Extension. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1954). Augur, Helen. Tall Ships to Cathay. N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1951. Informal biography of the Low family. Barr, Robert J. (ed.). American Trade with Asia and the Far East. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 1959. Articles specifically on Taiwan and Hong Kong. Bodde, Derk. "Henry A. Wallace and the Ever-Normal Granary." Far Eastern Quarterly, V (November, 1945), 411-426. Describes the influence of Chinese economic theories on Wallace. Braga, Jose Maria. With the Flowery Banner: Sane Comments on the American^ in Macao and South China" Macao: n.p., 1940. Braisted, William R. "China, the United States Navy and the Bethlehem Steel Company, 1909-1929." Business History Review, XLII (Spring, 1968), 50-66. Brown, Donald M. China Trade Days in California: Selected Letters from the Thompson Papers, 1852-1863. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1947.


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONOMIC LIFE California Dept. of Industrial Relations. Division of Labor Statistics and Research. Californians of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino Ancestry: Population, Education, Employment, Income. San Francisco: California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Fair Employment Practices, 1965. Campbell, Charles S. Special Business Interests and the Open Door Policy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1951. Campbell, George F. China Tea Clippers. London: A. Coles, 1954. Chan, Marjorie M. A Study of the American Automobile Market in China. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1948). Chang, Tsung-che. American Investments and Industrial Development in Postwar China. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1948). Chinese-American Trade: Annual and Directory. Chamber of Commerce of New York, 1937 - .

1937 - . N. Y.: The Chinese

Cleland, R. G. Asiatic Trade and the American Occupation of the Pacific Coast. American Historical Association, Reports, I. Washington, D. C., 1916, 281-289. Conant, Melvin A., Jr. "JCRR: Problems of American Participation in the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction." Harvard University, East Asian Research Center, Papers on China, 6 (1952), 45-74. Crossman, Carl L. A Design Catalog of Chinese Export Porcelain for the American Market, 1785-184(h Salem, Mass.: Peabody Museum of Salem, 1964. Directory of the China-America Council of Commerce and Industry: A Guide to Nearly 400 American Companies Interested in Developing Trade Between China and the U.S.A. N. Y.: China-America Council of Commerce and Industry, 1946. Downs, Jacques M. "American Merchants and the China Opium Trade, 1800-1840." Business History Review, XLII (Winter, 1968), 418-442. Dulles, Foster Rhea. The Old China Trade. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930.


CHINA. AND AMERICAN ECONCMIC LIFE Eckstein, Alexander (ed.). China Trade Prospects and U. S. Policy. N. Y.: Praeger, 1971. Concentrates on the past history and current content of political legal barriers to Sino-American trade and the prospects for the future. Edelstein, Richard P. A Decade of Chinese Trade with the United States, 1920-1930. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1947). Essex Institute Historical Collections. Contains useful primary material on the early trade between the United States and China. Farmer, Edward L. "James Flint Versus the Canton Interest (1755-1760)." Harvard University, East Asian Research Center, Papers on China, 17 (December 1963), 38-66. Field, Frederick Vanderbilt. American Participation in the China Consortiums. Chicago: American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, by University of Chicago Press, 1931. Gordon, Leonard. "American Planning for Taiwan, 1942-1945." Pacific Historical Review XXXVII (May 1968), 201-228. Greenberg, Jacob. A Geographical Analysis of the Trade Between the United States and Asüü (Unpublished M.A. thesis, Columbia University, 1926). Greenbie, Sydney and Marjorie. Gold of Ophir: The China Trade in the Making of America. Rev. Ed., N.Y.: Wilson-Erickson, 1937. Griffin, Eldon. Clippers and Consuls: American Consular and Commercial Relations with Eastern Asia, 1845-1860. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Brothers, 1938. Hall, John Philip. "The Knights of St. Crispin in Massachusetts, 1869-1878." Journal of Economic History, XVIII (June, 1958), 161-175. Deals in part with the efforts of the union to have the Chinese excluded. Hanyan, Craig R. "China and the Erie Canal" Business History Review, XXXV (Winter, 1961), 558-566. Henderson, Daniel M. Yankee Ships in China Seas: Adventures of Pioneer Americans in the Troubled Far East"] N.Y.: Hastings House, 1946.


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONCMIC LIFE Hung, Frederick. "China and the West." Business Quarterly, 40 (Winter, 1965), 50-56. Hunter, Graham Chambers. Chinese Contract Labor in Hawaii. thesis, Columbia University, 1909).

(Unpublished M.A.

Jacoby, Neil Herman. U.S. Aid to Taiwan: A Study of Foreign Aid, Self-Help, and Development. N. Y.: Praeger, 1967. Jennings, John. Clipper Ship Days: The Golden Age of American Sailing Ships. N. Y.: Random House, 1952. Knight, Barry Lee. American Trade and Investment in China, 1890-1910. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1968). Laing, Alexander Kinnan. Clipper Ship Men. N. Y.: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1944. Liu Foo Kong. An Analysis of the Vessels Primarily Engaged in the Trade Between the Ports of China and Japan and the Ports of (a) Great Britain and Western Europe; (b) the United States of America. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Liverpool University, 1938). Liu Kwang-Ching. Two Steamship Companies in China, 1862-1877. Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1956).


Lockwood, Stephen C. Augustine Heard and Company: American Merchants in China on the Eve of the Opening of the Yangtze. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, East Asian Monographs, vT 37, 1970. Lubbock, Alfred Basil. Colonial Clippers. Glasgow: Grown, Son 5 Ferguson, 1948. Co., 1940.


The Romance of the Clipper Ships. N. Y.: The Macmillan

Lunt, Carroll. Some Builders of Treatyport China. Los Angeles: n.p. 1965. McComick, Thomas J. China Market: America's Quest for Informal Empire, 1893-1901. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967. Largely an economic interpretation of American policy.


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONOMIC LIFE . "Insular Imperialism and the Open Door: The China Market and the Spanish-American War." Pacific Historical Review, XXXII (May, 1963), 155-170. MacGregor, David R. The Tea Clippers. London: P. Marshall, 1952. McLeod, Alexander. 1947.

Pigtails and Gold Dust. Caldwell, Id.: Caxton Printers,

Malin, Morton V. American Economic Interests in China, 1900-1908. lished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maryland, 1954).


Masland, John W. "Commercial Influence Upon American Far Eastern Policy." Pacific Historical Review, XI (September, 1942), 281-300. Milburn, William. Oriental Commerce. 2 Vols. Co., 1813.

London: Black, Parry and

Miller, Stuart C. "The American Trader's Image of China, 1785-1840." Pacific Historical Review XXXVI (November, 1967), 375-395. Finds that the image was largely a negative one. Mudge, Jean McClure. Chinese Export Porcelain for the American Trade. Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1962. Munson, Vivian Lorraine. American Merchants of Capital in China: The Second Chinese Banking Consortium. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1968). Other Merchants and Sea Captains of Old Boston. State Street Trust Co., 1519: Background of Boston merchants in trade with China. Pan Shu-Lun. The Trade of the United States with China. N.Y.: China Trade Bureau, 1924. Ping Chiu. Chinese Labor in California, 1850-L880: An Economic Study. Madison, Wis.: State Historical Society, 1963. Rasmussen, Albert Henry. Remer, Charles Frederick. 1968.

China Trader. N.Y.: Crowell, 1954. Foreign Investments in China. N.Y.: H. Fertig,

Rosinger, Lawrence K. China As A Postwar Market. N.Y.: Foreign Policy Association, 1945.


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONCMIC LIFE Ross, Frank E. "American Adventures in the Early Marine Fur Trade with China." Chinese Social and Political Science Review, XXI (July, 1937), 221-267. Concentrates on the 1790's period. Rudolph, Frederick. "Chinamen in Yankeedom: Anti-Unionism in Massachusetts in 1870." American Historical Review, LIII (October, 1947), 1-29. Saxton, Alexander. "The Army of Canton in the High Sierra." cal Review, XXIV (May, 1966), 141-151. Chinese labor and the Central Pacific railroad.

Pacific Histori-

. The Indispensable Enemy: Labor and the Anti-Chinese Movement xn California. Berkeley: University of California, 1971. Schlossman, Herman. American Trade with China from 1895-1930. M.A. thesis, Columbia University, 1931). Schreiber, Jordan C. 1970.

U.S. Corporate Investment in Taiwan.




Seccombe, Roger, Jr. The Significance of American Trade and Investments in the Far East from 1900 to 1930. (Unpublished M.A. thesis, Columbia University, 1939). Shen, T.H. The Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction: Twenty Years of Cooperation for Agricultural Development. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970. Snyder, John W. The Early American China Trade: A Maritime History of Its Establishment, 1783-1815^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1939). Spargo, John. Early American Pottery and China. City Publishing Co., 1948.

Garden City N.Y.:


Sparks, Theresa A. China Gold. Fresno, Calif.: Academy Library Guild, 1954. Memoir of Fong Chow who came to the United States after the gold rush. Stelle, Charles C. Americans and Century. (Unpublished Ph.D. 1938). Published in part in Pacific 425-447 and X (March, 1941),

the China Opium Trade in the Nineteenth dissertation, University of Chicago, Historical Review, IX (December, 1940), 57-74.


CHINA AND AMERICAN ECONOMIC LIFE Swisher, Earl. The Character of American Trade with China, 1844-1860. (''Univer sity of Colorado Studies, Series C: Studies in the Social Sciences," I.) Boulder, Colo.: University of Colorado Press, 1941. Taft, Philip. "Labor History and the Labor Movement Today." History, VII (Winter, 1966), 70-77. Briefly discusses the Chinese.


Thomas, Samuel B. Views on American Business Prospects in China in the Decade Following World War I. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1947). Varcades, Peter Richard. Labor and Politics in San Francisco, 1880-1892. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1968). Ch. 6 deals with labor's opposition to the Chinese. Varg, Paul A. "The Myth of the China Market, 1890-1914." American Historical Review, LXXIII (February, 1968), 742-758. Despite the rhetoric, American business was not really interested in trading with China. Weimer, David R. Myth in the American Federation of Labor, 1881-1914. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1954). Describes the hostility of the A.F. of L. to the Chinese and yellow peril. Williams, S. Wells. The Chinese Commercial Guide: Containing Treaties, Tariffs, Regulations, Tables. . . Useful in the Trade to China and Eastern Asia, 5th ed. Hong Kong: A. Shortrede and Co., 1863. Wright, Philip G. The American Tariff and Oriental Trade. Chicago, 111.: Institute of Pacific Relations, University of Chicago Press, 1931.


CHINA AND AMERICAN MISSIONS Alexander, Frances. Maiy Charlotte Alexander (Au Mo Ling), Missionary to China, 1920-1956" Austin, Texas: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1968. Bass, Harold J. Policy of American State Department Toward Missionaries in the Far East. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State University, 1938). Bates, M. Searle. "The Protestant Enterprise in China, 1937-1949." In: Wilber C. Harr (ed.). Frontiers of the Christian World Mission Since 1938: Essays in Honor of Kenneth Scott Latourette. N. Y.: Harper,


Boardman, Eugene Powers. Christian Influence Upon the Ideology of the Taiping Rebellion 1841-1864. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1952. Britisch, Ralph Lanier. Early Latter-Day Saint Missions to South and East Asia. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont Graduate School, 1968). Cayton, Horace R. and Lively, Anne 0. The Chinese in the United States and the Chinese Christian Churches. N. Y.: National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America, 1955. Crabtree, Loren W. Christian Colleges and the Chinese Revolution, 1840-1937: A Case Study of the Impact of the West^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1969). Cranston, E. The American Missionaries Outlook on China, 1830-1860. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1929). Davis, Lawrence Bennion. The Baptist Response to Immigration in the United States, 1880-1925. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Rochester, 1968). Includes the Chinese question in California. Drury, C. M. Christian Missions and Foreign Relations in China - An Historical Study. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1932-1933).


CHINA AND AMERICAN MISSIONS Ford, Eddy J. History of the Educational Work and the Methodist Episcopal Church in China: A Study of Its Development and Present Trends^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 1936). Garrett, Shirley S. Social Reformers in Urban China: pie Chinese Y.M.C.A., 1895-1926. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970. Goodrich, L. Carrington. "American Catholic Missions in China." Chinese Social and Political Science Review, XI (July 1927), 414-431, and XII (January 1928), 49-73. Hobart, Kenneth. Comparative History of the East and South China Missions of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 1833-1935. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1937). . Early American Baptist Missions to the Chinese. Privately Printed, 1939.

Shanghai :

Hyatt, Irvin T., Jr. Patterns at Tengchow: Life Experience of Three American Missionaries in East Shantung Province, China 1864-1912. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1969). _ . "Protestant Missions in China, (1877-1890) : The Institutionalization of Good Works." Harvard University, East Asian Research Center Papers on China, 17 (December 1963), 67-100. Jung, Harvey Gordon. The Nineteenth Century Missionary Movement as a Tool of Imperialism in China. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1940). Korson, Thomas E. Revolution."

"Congregational Missionaries in Foochow during the 1911 Chinese Culture, VIII (June 1967), 44-107.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christian Missions in China. Macmillan Co., 1929. Reprinted 1966, Paragon Book Gallery.

N. Y.:

Lindbeck, John M. H. American Missionaries and the Policies of the United States in China, 1898-1901. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1948). Liu, K. C. American Missionaries in China: Papers from Harvard Seminars. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. Lutz, Jessie. Role of the Christian Colleges in Modern China before 1928. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1955). Published as China and the Christian Colleges, 1850-1950. Pub. in 1971.


CHINA AND AMERICAN MISSIONS Masland, John W. "Missionary Influence Upon American Far Eastern Policy." Pacific Historical Review, X (September 1941), 279-296. Concerns American policy in the 1930's. McCutcheon, James M. The American and British Missionary Concept of Chinese Civilization in the Nineteenth Century"! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1959). Mensendiek, C. William. The Protestant Missionary. Understanding of the Chinese Situation and the Christian Task from 1890 to 1911. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1958). Phillips, Clifton Jackson. Protestant America and the Pagan World: The First Half Century of the American Board of Commissioners For Foreign Missions, 1810-1860. Cambridge, Mass.: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1969. Chapter VI deals with China and the Far East. Price, Allen Thomas. American Missions and American Diplomacy in China, 1830-1900. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935. Quale, Gladys Robina. The Mission Compound in Modern China: The Role of the United States Protestant Mission as an Asylum in the Civil and International Strife of China, 1900-1941"! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1957). Richardson, William J. (ed.). China and Christian Responsibility: A Symposium. N. Y.: Maryknoll Publications, Friendship Press, 1968. Seager, Robert, II. The Church and the Chinese in California, 1848-1892. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1949). Smith, Charles S. Protestant Theological Education in China. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1938).


Suelflow, Roy A. The Mission Enterprise of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, in Mainland China, 1913-1952! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1971). Syrdal, Rolf A. American Lutheran Mission Work in China. dissertation, Drew University, 1942).

(Unpublished Ph.D.

Tarlton, William S. The Influence of American Protestant Missions on SinoAmerican Relations, 1898-1913. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1949). Teng Yuan C. American and the Taiping Tien Kuo: A Case Study of Cultural Confrontation. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1961).


CHINA AND AMERICAN MISSIONS Varg, Paul A. Missionaries, Chinese, and Diplomats: The American Protestant Missionary Movement in China, 1890-1952. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1958. Williams, S. Wells. The Middle Kingdom. 2 Vols. N. Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899. First "appeared in 1848 and revised in 1882. Williams was one of the first American missionaries in China, wrote this extremely influential book and was later first professor of Chinese at Yale. Yip, Ka-che. The Anti-Christian Movement in China, 1922-1927, with Special Reference to the Experience of the Protestant Missions. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1970).


CHINESE IMMIGRATION AND EXCLUSION Bailey, Themas A. "California, Japan, and the Alien Land Legislation of 1913." Pacific Historical Review, I (1932), 36-59. Barth, Gunther P. Bitter Strength: A History of the Chinese in the United States, 1850-1870. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964. Concentrates on the Chinese sojourner. "Chinese Sojourners in the West: The Coming." Southern California~Quarterly, 46 (March 1964), 55-67. California. Senate. Chinese Immigration. The Social, Moral, and Political Effect of Chinese Immigration" Testimony Taken Before a Committee of the Senate of the State of California, Appointed April 3rd, 1867~ Sacramento, Calif.: State Printing Office, 1876. Char Tin-Yuke. "Legal Restrictions of Chinese in English-Speaking Countries of the Pacific - I." Chinese Social and Political Science Review, XVI (January 1933), 472-513. "Chinese and Japanese in America." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, XXXIV (September 1909), 1-203. Chung, Henry. The Oriental Policy of the United States. N. Y.; Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1919. Conwell, Russell Herman. Why and How: Why the Chinese Emigrate, the Means They Adopt for the Purpose of Reaching America^ Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1871. Coolidge, Mary Roberts. Chinese Immigration. N. Y.: H. Holt and Co., 1909. Still the best book on the subject for the early period. Daniels, Roger. "Westerners from the East: Oriental Immigrants Reappraised." Pacific Historical Review, XXV (November 1966), 373-384. Garis, Roy L. Immigration Restriction: A Study of the Opposition to and Regulation of Immigration into the United States. N. Y.: Maanillan, 1928. Separate section on Asian exclusion, which he favored.


CHINESE IMMIGRATION AND EXCLUSION Gibson, Otis. The Chinese in America. Cincinnati, Ohio: Hitchcock and Waiden, 1877. A sympathetic missionary to the Chinese in California. Guida, Anthony. Thomas F. Bayard and the Abortive Chinese Immigration Treaty of 1888^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, 1961). Hopkins, Caspar Thomas. Common Sense Applied to the Immigrant Question Showing Why the "California Immigrant Union" was Founded. San Francisco: Turnbull and Smith, 1869. Konvitz, Milton Ridvas. The Alien and the Asiatic in American Law. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1946. Lasker, Bruno. "Come in But Close the Door Behind You: Chinese Exclusion in the United States." Pacific Affairs, XVI (September 1943), 344-347. Li Tien-lu. Congressional Policy of Chinese Immigration or Legislation Relating to Chinese Immigration to the United States. Nashville, Term.: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1916. McKenzie, Roderick D. Oriental Exclusion: The Effect of American Immigration Laws, Regulations, and Judicial Decisions Upon the Chinese and Japanese on the American Pacific Coast. Chicago, 111.: University of Chicago' Press, 1928. McWilliams, Carey. Brothers Under the Skin. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1943. "The Long-Suffering Chinese," Chapter II, pp. 79-113. North, Hart H. "Chinese and Japanese Immigration to the Pacific Coast." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXVIII (December 1949), 343-350. Olin, Spencer C., Jr. "European Immigrant and Oriental Alien: Acceptance and Rejection by the California Legislature of 1913." Pacific Historical. Review, XXXV (August 1966), 303-316. Paul, Rodman W. "The Origin of the Chinese Issue in California." Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXV (September 1938), 181-196. Riggs, Fred W. Pressures on Congress: A Study of the Repeal of Chinese Exclusion. N. Y.: King's Crown, 1950. Sandmeyer, Elmer Clarence. The Anti-Chinese Movement in California. Urbana, 111.: University of Illinois Press, 1939. Covers much the same ground as Coolidge. . "California Anti-Chinese Legislation and the Federal Courts: A Study in Federal Relations." Pacific Historical Review, V (1936), 189-211. 35

CHINESE IMMIGRATION AND EXCLUSION Seager, Robert II. "Some Denominational Reactions to Chinese Immigration to California, 1856-1892." Pacific Historical Review, XXVIII (February 1959), 49-66. Seward, George F. Chinese Immigration in Its Social and Economical .Aspects. N. Y.: C. Scribner's Sons, 1881. Shen Tso-Chien. What "Chinese Exclusion" Really Means. Institute in America, 1942.

N. Y.:


Speer, William. An Answer to the Common Objections to Chinese Testimony; and an Earnest Appeal to the Legislature of California for their Protection" by Law. San Francisco: Chinese Mission House, 1857. . "China and California: Their Relations Past and Present." San Francisco: Marvin and Hitchcock, 1853. Starr, M. B. The Coming Struggle; Or, What the People on the Pacific Coast Think of the Coolie Invasion. San Francisco: Bacon, 1873. Stephenson, George M. A History of American Immigration, 1820-1924. Ginn, 1926. Very brief treatment of Oriental immigration.


Stidger, Oliver P. The Immigration Law of 1924 as It Affects Persons of Chinese Descent in the United States: Their Business Interests, Their Rights and Their Privileges. San Francisco, Calif.: Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 1924. Stout, Arthur B. Chinese Immigration and the Physiological Causes of the Decay of a Nation. San Francisco: Agnew and Deffelback, 1862. Swinton, John. The New Issue: American News, 1870.

The Chinese-American Question.

N. Y.:

Taylor, Paul S. "Foundations of California Rural Society: Should Measures be Taken to Import or to Restrict Chinese Immigrants." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXIV (September 1945), 202^21^ Townsend, Luther Tracy. The Chinese Problem. N. Y.: C. T. Dillingham, 1876.


Lee and Shepard;

U. S. Congress. Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration, February 22, 1877. 44th Congress, 2nd Session. Report 689. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1877. U. S. Congress. House of Representatives. Chinese Immigration, March 2, 1891. 51st Congress, 2nd Session. Report 4041T Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891.


CHINESE IMMIGRATION AND EXCLUSION Williams, S. Wells. Chinese Immigration: A Paper Read Before the Social Science Association of Saratoga, September 10, 1879. N. Y.: C. Scribner's Sons, 1879. Wu Ching-chao. Chinese Immigration in the Pacific Area. thesis, University of Chicago, 1926).

(Unpublished M. A.

Zo, Kil Young. Chinese Emigration into the United States, 1850-1880. (Unpub1ished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1971).


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES General: Abel, Theodore M. and Hsu, Francis L. K. "Some Aspects of Personality of Chinese as Revealed by the Rorschach Test." Rorschach Research Exchange and Journal of Projective Techniques, XIII (1951), 285-301. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. "Mongolianism in America." The Works, XXXVIII: Essays aid Miscellany. San Francisco: History Company, 309-418. Covers Chinatown, religious ideas, physique, dress, commerce, rascality and play of the Chinese. Barnett, Milton L. Alcohol and Culture: A Case Study of Drinking in a Chinese-American Community. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation^ Cornell University, 1952). Chen, Eugenia. Major Mental and Emotional Conflicts Confronting the American-Born Chinese of Second and Third Generation. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1945). Chen Pu. Racial Differences Between Americans and Chinese in Judgements of Persuasiveness^ (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1928). Cheng Chi Pao. "The Chinese in the United States." Chinese Culture (Taipei), 8 (March 1967), 164-170. Ching Chao Wu. Chinatowns: A Study of Symbiosis and Assimilation. (Unpub1ished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1926). Chu, Peter.

Chinese Theaters in America. San Francisco, n.p. 1936.

Connor, J. Torrey. "A Western View of the Chinese in the United States." Chautauquan, XXXII (January 1901), 373-378. Culin, Stewart.

China in America.

Philadelphia, Pa.: n.p., 1887.

. "Customs of the Chinese in America." Journal of American Folklore, III (July-September 1890), 191-200. . "Social Organization of the Chinese in America." American Anthropologist, IV (1891), 347-352.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Farwell, Willard B. The Chinese At Home and Abroad. A. L. Bancroft, 1885.

San Francisco:

Fong, Stanley I. M. "Assimilation of Chinese in America: Changes in Orientation and Social Perception." American Journal of Sociology, LXXI (November 1965), 265-273. Hayner, Norman S. "Social Factors in Oriental Crime ." American Journal of Sociology, XLIII (May 1938), 908-919. . and Reynolds, Charles N. "Chinese Family Life in America." American Sociological Review, II (October 1937), 630-637. Huang, Sophia C. A Comparison of Selected Values Among Formosan and American Adolescents. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1962). Jacobs, A. Gertrude (comp.). The Chinese-American Song and Game Book. N.Y.: Barnes and Company, 1944. Jones, David D. The Surnames of the Chinese in America. The Chinese Name Spelling Company, 1904.

San Francisco:

Katz, Daniel and Braly, Kenneth W. "Verbal Stereotypes and Racial Prejudice." Readings in Social Psychology, ed. by Eleanor Maccoby, 3rd. ed., London": Methuen and Co., 1959. Kurokawa, Minako. "Acculturation and Childhood Accidents Among Chinese and Japanese Americans." Genetic Psychology Monographs, V. 79 (February 1969), 89-159. See Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1967. Lee, Calvin. 1965.

Chinatown, U. S. A. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., .

Chinese Cooking for American Kitchens. N.Y.: Putnam,

Lee, Rose Hum. "The Decline Of Chinatowns in the United States." American Journal of Sociology, LIV (March 1949), 422-432. Leuthold, David. California Politics and Problems, 1900-1963. Berkeley, Calif.: Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, 1965. Bibliography on aliens and ethnic groups in California.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Lyman, Stanford M. "Chinese in the West - Historical and Sociological." Lecture delivered to the Institute of Western American Culture, August 4, 1965. . "Chinese Secret Societies in the Occident: Notes and Suggestions for Research in the Sociology of Secrecy." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, I (May 1964), 79-102. . The Structure of Chinese Society in Nineteenth Century America. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1962). Marden, Charles F. and Meyer, Gladys. Minorities in American Society, 2nd ed. N.Y.: American Book Co., 1962. Chapter 8 deals with the Chinese in the United States, 183-206. Ni, Ernest I. Social Characteristics of the Chinese Population: A Study of the Population Structure and Urbanism of a Metropolitan Community. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1949). Orientals and Their Cultural Adjustment: Interviews, Life Histories and Social Adjustment Experiences of Chinese and Japanese of Varying Backgrounds and Length of Residence in the United States. Nashville, Term.: Social Science Institute, Fisk University, 1946. Palmer, Albert W. Orientals in American Life. Has a section on Chinatown transformed.


Friendship Press, 1934.

Renner, George T. "Chinese Influence in the Development of Western United States." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 152 (November 1930), 356-369. Reynolds, C. N. "The Chinese Tongs." American Journal of Sociology, XL (July 1934), 612-623. Ritter, Ed., Ritter, Helen and Spector, Stanley. St. Louis, Mo.: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

Our Oriental Americans.

Robmer, Sax. Dope. A Story of Chinatown and the Drug Traffic. N.Y.: Cassell and Co., 1919. By the creator of Fu Manchu.


Siu, Paul C. P. The Chinese Laundryman: A Study of Social Isolation. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1954).


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Smallzried, Kathleen Ann. The Everlasting Pleasure: Influences on America's Kitchens, Cooks and Cookery, from 1565 to the Year 2000. N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1956. See Chinese cooking, 86-88. Smith, William C. The Second Generation Oriental in America. Honolulu, Hawaii: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1927. Sollenberger, Richard T. "Chinese-American Child Rearing Practices and Juvenile Delinquency." Journal of Social Psychology 74 (February 1968), 13-23. Tamony, Peter. "Western Words." Western Folklore, XXIV (July 1965), 202-205. The phrase "Chinaman's Chance" - one reflecting the folklore and cultural history of the West. Tan, Mely Giek-Lan. Social Mobility and Assimilation: The Chinese in the United States. (Unpublished Pn.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1968). Thaver, Falak, Arkoff, Abe and Elkind, Leonard. "Conceptions of Mental Health in Several Asian and American Groups." Journal of Social Psychology 62 (February 1964), 21-27. Tow, Julius Su. The Real Chinese in America: Being an Attempt to Give the General American Public A Fuller Knowledge and Better Understanding of the Chinese People in the United States. N.Y.: Academy Press, 1923. U. S. Bureau of Census. Japanese and Chinese in the United States, 1960. Prepared by the Geography Division, Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1967. Wang, Richard P. "A Study of Alcoholism in Chinatown." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 14 (Autumn 1968), 260-267.

California and Hawaii: Adams, Romanzo. The People of Hawaii. Honolulu, Hawaii: American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1933. Statistical look at population, occupation and voting habits.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Appleton, V. B. "Growth of Chinese Children in Hawaii and in China." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 10 (1927), 237-252. Bates, Bill. Ping. San Francisco: Pisani Printing, 1965. Cartoons about a little Chinese boy in San Francisco. Beach, Walter G. Oriental Crime in California. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University~Tress7~T93T; Reprinted N.Y.: AMS Press, 1968. Burrows, Edwin Grant. Hawaiian Americans: An Account of the Mingling of Japanese, Chinese, Polynesian and American Cultures. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1947. California. State Board of Control. California and the Oriental: Japanese, Chinese and Hindus. Report of the State Board of Control of Gov. Mm. D. Stephens, June 19, 192Ö! Sacramento, Calif.: State Printing Office, 1922. Covers all aspects, including population, finances, jobs, citizenship, and schools. Carranco, Lynwood. "Chinese Expulsion from Humboldt County." Pacific Historical Review, XXX (November 1961), 329-337. Chen Wen-hui. Changing Social-Cultural Patterns of the Chinese Community in Los Angeles^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1952). Colman, Elizabeth. Chinatown, U. S. A. N.Y.: John Day, 1946. Largely a photographic study of San Francisco's Chinatown. Daws, Gavan. Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1968. Densmore, G.B. The Chinese in California: Description of Chinese Life in San Francisco. Their Habits, Morals and Manners" San Francisco: Pettit and Russ, 1880. Attack on the Chinese based on the threat they posed to American life. Dillon, Richard H. The Hatchet Men: The Story of the Tong Wars in San Francisco's Chinatown. N.Y.: Coward-McCann, 1962. Dobie, Charles C. San Francisco's Chinatown. N.Y.: D. Appleton-Century 1936.


Elstob, Winston. Chinatown, A Legend of Old Cannery Row. Orinda, Calif., Condor's Sky Press, 1965.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Ferina, Bessie M. Politics of San Francisco's Chinatown. thesis, University of California, 1949).

(Unpublished M.A.

Fuchs, Lawrence. Hawaii Pono: A Social History. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. Genthe, Arnold and Irwin, Will. Pictures of Old Chinatown. N. Y.: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1908. San Francisco's Chinatown. Glick, Clarence. The Chinese Migrant in Hawaii: A Study in Accommodation. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1938). Goldberg, George. East Meets West: The Story of the Chinese and Japanese in California. N. Y.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1970. A brief and superficial overview. Gong, Eng Ying and Grant, Bruce. Tong War! The First Complete History of the Tongs in America; Details of the Tongs Wars and Their Causes; Lives of Famous Hatchetmen and Gunmen; and Inside Information as to the Workings of the Tongs, Their Aims and Achievements"! N. Y.: N.L. Brown, 1930. Haine, Dr. J. F. F. "A Belgian in the Gold Rush." California Historical Society, XXVII (December 1958), 334-339. Chinese in San Francisco. Hoy, William J. "Chinatown Devises Its Own Street Names." Western Folklore, II (April 1943), 71-75. . The Chinese Six Companies: A Short, General, Historical Resume 6¥ Its Origin, Function, and Importance in the Life of the California Chinese. San Francisco: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Co., 1942. . "Gold Mountain, Big City, Chinese Map, Chinatown in the 'Big City' (San Francisco) at the Gold Mountain (California)." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXVII (June 1948), 257-258. . "Native Festivals of the California Chinese." Western Folklore, VIII (July 1948), 240-250. Hsu, Francis L. K. "The Chinese of Hawaii: Their Role in American Culture." Transactions, New York Academy of Sciences, Ser. 2, XIII (1951), 243-250.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Hunt, John Clark. "California's Chinese Civil War." American History Illustrated I (December 1966), 56-58. Kemble, John H. "Andrew Wilson's 'Jottings' on Civil War California." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXXII (December 1953),' 303-312. A Californian's opinion of tne Chinese. Kwan Kian M. Assimilation of the Chinese in the United States: An Exploratory Study in California. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1958). Lee, Jon. "Some Chinese Customs and Beliefs in California." Western Folklore, II (July 1943), 191-204. . "The Tragedy of the Seventh Day." Western Folklore, I (October 1942), 337-357. A description of the beliefs and practices of the Chinese in the San Francisco area. Lind, Andrew W. Economic Succession and Racial Invasion in Hawaii. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1931). Published as An Island Community: Ecological Succession. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938. . Hawaii's People. Honolulu, Hi.: University of Hawaii Press, 1955. Lorden, Doris M. "The Chinese-Hawaiian Family." American Journal of Sociology, XL (July 1934), 453-463. Lyman, Stanford M. "Strangers in the Cities: The Chinese on the Urban Frontier." In: Charles Wollenberg (ed.). Ethnic Conflict in California History. Los Angeles: Tinnon-Brown, 1970. Mears, Eliot Grinnell. Resident Orientals on the American Pacific Coast: Their Legal and Economic Status""] Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1928. Morley, Charles (trans.) "The Chinese in California. Reported by Henryk Sienkiewicz." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXXIV (December, 1955), 301^315": North, Hart H. "Chinese Highbinder Societies in California." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXVII 0viarch 1948), 19-31.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Record, Wilson. Minority Groups and Intergroup Relations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, 1963. Remarks of the Chinese Merchants of San Francisco, upon Governor Bigler's message, and some common objections; with some explanations of the character of the Chinese companies, and the laboring class in California. San Francisco: Printed at the office of the "Oriental," by Whitton, Towne and Co., 1855. Report of the Special committee of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco of the condition of the Chinese quarter and the Chinese in San Francisco. July, 1885. San Francisco: P.J. Thomas, 1885. Richards, T. W. "The Chinese in Hawaii: A Rorschach Report," in F. L. K. Hsu (ed.). Aspects of Culture and Personality. N.Y.: Abelard Schuman, 1954. Rodecape, Lois. "Celestial Drama in the Golden Hills: The Chinese Theatre in California, 1849-1869." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXIII (June 1944), 97-116. Smith, Nathalie Van Order. A Comparative Study of Reactions to Numerous Stimuli of Different Generations of Orientals and Caucasians in Hawaii. (Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Hawaii, 1949). Condensed in Journal of Social Psychology, XXXIV (August, 1951), 6996. Social Process in Hawaii. V. 1, 1935Changed its name to Social Process. the Chinese community in Hawaii.

Contains numerous articles on

Spier, Robert F. G. "Food Habits of Nineteenth-Century California Chinese." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXVII (March 1958), 79-84; (June 1958), 129-136. Stoddard, Charles Warren. Robertson, 1921.

A Bit of Old China.

San Francisco, A.M.

Taylor, Archer (ed.). "Cantonese Riddles in San Francisco." Folklore, VI (January 1947), 68-72.


Vinacke, W. Edgar and Fong, Roberta W. "The Judgement of Facial Expressions by Three National-Racial Groups in Hawaii: I. Caucasian Faces." Journal of Personality, XVII (June 1949), 407-429.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES . "The Judgement of Facial Expressions by Three NationalRacial Groups in Hawaii: II. Oriental Faces." Journal of Social Psychology, XLI (May 1955), 185-195. Waldron, Gladys. Antiforeign Movements in California, 1919-1929. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, 1956). Whitfield, Ruth H. Public Opinion and the Chinese Question in San Francisco, 1900-1947. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of California, 1947). Wilson, Carol. Chinatown Quest: The Life Adventures of Donaldina Cameron. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1931. Discusses a Chinese Presbyterian girl's home in San Francisco. Wong, Jade Snow. Fifth Chinese Daughter. N. Y.: Harper, 1965. Autobiography of a Chinese girl in San Francisco's Chinatown and at an American college. Worth, Robert M. "Atopic Dermatitis Among Chinese Infants in Honolulu and San Francisco." Honolulu Medical Journal, 22 (1962), 31-34. Wright, Doris Marion. "The Making of Cosmopolitan California: An Analysis of Immigration 1848-1870." California Historical Society Quarterly, IX (December 1940), 329-331. Young Su-lin C. "The Chinese in the Americas." China Journal, XXIV (March 1936), 123-126. Deals mostly with the Chinese in San Francisco. Other Chinese Communities in the United States: Beck, Louis J. New York's Chinatown: An Historical Presentation of Its People and Places. N. Y.: Bohemia Publishing Co., 1898. Beaudry, James Arman. Acculturation and Assimilation: Chinese Professionals in Upstate New YorFT (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1966). Burgess, John Stewart. A Study of the Characteristics of the Cantonese Merchants in Chinatown, New York as Shown by Their Use of Leisure Time. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1909). Chapman, Mary. "Notes on the Chinese in Boston." V (1892), 321-324.


Journal of American Folklore,

THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Chen, I. Hsuan J. The Chinese Community in New York, 1920-1940: A Study in Cultural Adjustment. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, American University, 1942). Cheng, Te'ch'ao. Acculturation of the Chinese in the United States: A Philadelphia Story" (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1948). Chu, Louis H. The Chinese Restaurant in New York City. thesis, New York University, 1939).

(Unpublished M. A.

Crane, Paul and Larson, Alfred. "The Chinese Massacre." Annals of Wyoming XII (1940), 47-55, 153-161. Culin, Stewart. China in America: A Study in the Social Life of the Chinese in the Eastern Cities of the United States. Philadelphia, Pa.: n.p., 1887. A paper read before the 36th meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dunbar, Agnes Mary. The Second-Generation Chinese in New York City's China-town, and Especially the Vocational Problems of the American-Born Females in that Community^ (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1937). Glick, Carl. Shake Hands with the Dragon. N. Y. and London: McGraw-Hill, 1941. Stories about the young Chinese in New York during the depression. Heyer, Virginia. Patterns of Social Organization in New York City's Chinatown. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1953). Karlin, Jules Alexander. "The Anti-Chinese Outbreaks in Seattle, 1885-1886." Pacific Northwest Quarterly, XXXIX (April 1948), 103-129. . "The Anti-Chinese Outbreak in Tacoma, 1885." Pacific Historical Review, XXIII (August 1954), 271-283. Lee, Rose Him. The Chinese Communities in the Rocky Mountain Region. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1947). See her Chinese in the U. S. A. for other studies on the Chinese in America. . "Occupational Invasion Succession and Accommodation of the Chinese of Butte, Montana." American Journal of Sociology, LV (July 1949), 50-58.


THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES . "Social Institutions of a Rocky Mountain Chinatown." Social Forces, 27 (October 1948), 1-11. Leong Gor Yun. Chinatown Inside Out. N. Y.: Mussey, 1936. New York's Chinatown. Liu Yu-chen. Interaction Within Chinese-American Families in Portland, Oregon, Resulting frail Cultural Differences. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, 1951). Loewen, James William. The Mississippi Chinese. dissertation, Harvard University, 1968).

(Unpublished Ph.D.

Loh, Homer C. Cultural Conflicts of Americans of Chinese Ancestry of Philadelphia"! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1945). Loomis, C. Grant. "Chinese Lore from Nevada, 1867-1878." Western Folklore, V (April 1946), 185-196. MacAdoo, William. Guarding a Great City. N. Y.: Harper and Brothers, 1906. Section of New York's Chinatown and crime there by the Chief of Police. Murtagh, John M. and Harris, Sara. Cast the First Stone. N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1957. Chapter 4 describes prostitution in New York's Chinatown. O'Brian, Robert W. "Status of the Chinese in the Mississippi Delta." Social Forces, XIX (March 1941), 386-390. Ourada, Patricia K. "The Chinese in Colorado." Colorado Magazine, XXIX (1952), 273-284. Papanikolas, Helen Zeese. "Life and Labor Among the Immigrants of Bingham Canyon." Utah Historical Quarterly, XXXIII (Fall 1965), 289-315. Peabody, Etta B. The Effort of the South to Import Coolies, 1865-1870. (Unpublished M.A. thesis, Baylor University, 1967). Quinn, Larry D. "'Chink Chink Chinaman': The Beginning of Nativism in Montana." Pacific Northwest Quarterly, LVIII (April 1967), 82-89. Rudolph, Gerald. The Chinese in Colorado, 1869-1911. thesis, Denver University, 1965).


(Unpublished M.A.

THE CHINESE COMMUNITY IN THE UNITED STATES Schwartz, Shepard. "Mate-Selection Among New York City's Chinese Males, 1931-1938" American Journal of Sociology, LVI (May 1951), 562-568. Thomas, David G. "David G. Thomas' Memories of the Chinese Riot: As Told to His Daughter, Mrs. J. H. Goodnough." Annals of Wyoming, XIX (1947), 105-111. Wilcox, B. P. "Anti-Chinese Riots in Washington." Quarterly, XX (July 1929), 204-212.

Washington Historical

Wortman, Roy T. "Denver's Anti-Chinese Riot, 1880." (Fall 1965), 275-291.

Colorado Magazine, XLII

Wu Cheng-tsu. Chinese People and Chinatown in New York City. Ph.D. dissertation, Clark University, 1958).


Wynne, R. E. Reaction to the Chinese in the Pacific Northwest and British Columia, 1850 -1910. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, 1964).


CHINA. AND AMERICAN EDUCATION Bailie, Virginia W. Bailie's Activities in China.: Ail Account of the Life and Work of Professor Joseph Bailie in and for China, 1890-1935. Palo Alto, Calif.: Pacific Books, 1964. Bennett, Adrian Arthur. John Fryer and the Introduction of Western Science and Technology into Nineteenth-Century China. ("Harvard University Press, East Asian Monographs," 24.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. Fryer was one of the first American Sinologists. Carter, Edward C. China and Japan in Our University Curricula. American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1929.

N. Y.:

Chao, Thomas Ming-Heng. Shadow Shapes: Memoirs of a Chinese Student in America. Peking: Peking Leader Press, 1928. Chen, Martin K. Intelligence and Bilingualism as Independent Variants in a Study of Junior High School Students of Chinese Descent. (Unpublished Ed.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1964). China Institute in America. Committee on Survey of Chinese Students in American Colleges and Universities. A Survey of Chinese Students in American Universities and Colleges in~the Past One Hundred Years. N. Y.: n.p., 1954. Chinese and English Instructor. 1877.

San Francisco:

L. Hoffinan, Kee and Co.,

Chu, Jennings P. Chinese Students in America: Qualities Associated with Their Success" (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1922) . Church, Alfred M. The Study of China and Japan in American Secondary Schools. (Unpublished Ed.D dissertation, Harvard University, 1939). Cohen, Jerome Alan. "Chinese Attitudes Toward International Law and Our Own." American Society of International Law, Proceedings, (1967), 108-116. Committee on Educational Interchange Policy. Chinese Students in the United States, 1948-1955: A Study in Government Policy. N. Y.: n.p., 1956.


CHINA AND AMERICAN EDUCATION Dodds, Elizabeth A. The Treatment of Asia in American Secondary School World History Textbooks. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Cornell University, 1954). Eells, Walter Crosby. American Dissertations and Master's Theses Written at American Universities and Colleges Concerning Education or Educators in Foreign Countries and Education of Groups of Foreign Birth or Ancestry in the United States 1884-1958T Washington, D. C.: Committee on International Relations, National Education Association of the United States, 1959. Fryer, John. Admission of Chinese Students to American Colleges. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1909. Han Chin-lien. A Comparative Study of Administration of Publicly Supported Higher Education in the United States and Chinlu (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1942). Holden, Reuben A. An Educational Experiment in China. Yale in China. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1951). . Yale in China: 'pie Mainland Years 1901-1951. New Haven, Conn.: Yale in China Association, 1964. Expanded version of his Ph.D. dissertation. Huang, Lucy. Dating and Courtship Innovations of Chinese Students in America. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1954). Jackson, Charles Wayne. Construction and Use of a Test to Measure Knowledge High School Seniors Have of the Far East" (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arkansas, 1966). Jennings, Robert. "Some Comparisons of Medical Education in Hong Kong and the United States." Journal of Education (Hong Kong), 21 (1963), 44-57. Kao Lin-Ying. Academic and Professional Attainments of Native Chinese Students Graduating from Teacher's College, Columbia University (1909-1950). (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1951). Keenan, Barry Campbell. John Dewey in China: His Visit and the Reception of His Ideas, 1917-1927"; (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont Colleges, 1969). Kenworthy, Leonard S. Studying Asia in Elementary Schools. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Brooklyn College, 1962.


CHINA AND AMERICAN EDUCATION Kung, Samuel Shi-Shin. Personal and Professional Problems of Chinese Students and Former Students in the New York Metropolitan Area. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1955). Kwock, Beulah 0. American-Born Chinese College Graduates. thesis, University of Chicago, 1947).

(Unpublished M. A.

Kwoh, Edwin Sih-ung. Chinese Students in American Universities. Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1946).


La Fargue, Thomas E. China's First Hundred. Pullman, Wash.: State College of Washington Press, 1942. Yung Wing and the Chinese educational mission in the 1870's. Lau, Leon L. Y. "The Chinese Language Schools in Honolulu." Ball State University Forum, 8 (September 1967), 36-40. Laves, W. H. C. "Role of Institutions of Higher Learning in Developing AsianU. S. Relationships." Educational Record, 39 (July 1958), 287-292. Lee, Sookney. Primary Arithmetic Textbooks in Korea, Japan, China, and the United States. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1954). Lee, William C. C. The Opinions of American Professional Educators About Chinese Education from 1895 to 1945. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1958). Lew, Timothy Tingfang. "China in American School Textbooks." Chinese Social and Political Science Review. Special Supp. (July 1928), 1-152. Lew, William Jing-Foo. A Comparative Analysis of Current Aims of Chinese and American Public Secondary Education. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Illinois University, 1965). Li Fei-Chao. A Study of the Heterosexual Social Life of Single Male Chinese College Students in New York City. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1955). Liu Young-Szi. The Academic Achievement of the Chinese Graduate Students at the University of Michigan (1907-1950)! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1956). Madsen, Roy Paul. A Critical Interpretation of China in American Educational Films, 1936-196T. A Historical and Statistical Analysis. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1966). Morehouse, Ward. "Asian Studies: Undergraduate Education." Journal of General Education, 11 (July 1958), 125-140.


CHINA AND AMERICAN EDUCATION . Education and Cultural Activities in Asia: Account of Recent Developments in the U. S. N. Y.: Asia Society, 1958. Niland, John R. The Asian Engineering Brain Drain: A Study of International Relocation into the United States from India, China, Korea, Thailand and Japan! Lexington, Mass.: Heath, 1970. O'Hara, Albert. "Comparative Values of American and Chinese University Students in Choosing a Mate." China Society, Taipei. Journal 5 (1967), 93-100. Sung Shee. "Sinological Study in the United States of America," Chinese Culture (Taipei) 8 (June 1967), 133-170. Teng Ta-Chung. A Comparative Study of Teacher Education in France, England, America and China. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1950). Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin. "East Asian Collections in America." Library Quarterly, 35 (October 1965), 260-282. . "First Chinese-American Exchange of Publications." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 25 (1964/1965), 19-30. UNESCO. Report of the Committee on the Treatment of Asia in Western Textbooks and Teaching Materials"! Paris: UNESCO, 1956. Urdang, Miriam E. Images of Asia Held by Sixth Grade Pupils in New York State: Implications for Instruction. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia Teacher's College, 1961). Van Putten, James D. Christian Higher Education in China. Survey of Its Historical Development and Its Contributions to Chinese Life. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1935). Wang, Yi-chu. Foreign Educated Chinese, 1872-1948. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1958).

(Unpublished Ph.D.

West, Philip. Yenching University and American-Chinese Relations: (Unpublished Ph.üT dissertation, Harvard University, 1971).


Worthy, Edmund H., Jr. "Yung Wing In America." Pacific Historic Review, XXXIV (August 1965), 265-287. Wrenn, James J. Chinese Language Teaching in the United States: The State of the Art. Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1968.


CHINA AND AMERICAN EDUCATION Yeh, Hsieh-chi. Political Approaches to the Achievement of Educational Goals in Secondary Education in Mainland China and the United States. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1967). Yieh Tsung-kao. The Adjustment Problems of Chinese Graduate Students in American Universities. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Colimbia University, 1940). Yu Siu-wen. A Guidance Program for Chinese Youth in the Qiinese Christian Center, New York City. (Unpublished Ed.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1940). Yung Shang Him. "The Chinese Educational Mission and Its Influence." T'ien Hsia Monthly, IX (October 1939), 225-256. Yung Wing's mission, why it failed and what happened to its members. Yung Wing.

My Life in China and America.

N. Y.:

H. Holt and Co., 1909.

Zeligs, Rose. "Influencing Children's Toward the1941), Chinese." Sociology and Social Research, 26 Attitudes (November-December 126-138.


CHINA AND AMERICAN LITERATURE Braden, Charles S. "The Novelist Discovers the Orient." Far Eastern Quarterly, VIII (February 1948), 165-175. Examination of the best seller lists in the twentieth century. Bundy, Robert Edgar. Some Traces of the Influence of the Four Books of the Chinese Classes on the Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1926). Cady, L. V. "Thoreau's Quotations from the Confucian Books in Walden." American Literature, XXXIII (March 1961), 20-32. Carlson, Amy Christine. Reference to China in American Juvenile Periodicals During tHe~Pays of the Old China Trade, 1784-1844. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1936). Carpenter, Frederick. "American Transcendentalism in the Orient." A Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Boston, November 25-27, 1965. . Emerson and Asia. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1930. . Emerson's Use of Translations from the Orient. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1929). Chang Chi-Yun. "The Centenary Celebration of Sino-American Intellectual Friendship." Far Eastern Quarterly, VIII (May 1944), 205-211. Mainly Emerson's views of China. Chang Hsin-Hai. "Irving Babbit and Oriental Thought." Michigan Quarterly Review, 4 (Fall 1965), 234-244. Christy, Arthur. The Orient in American Transcendentalism: A Study of Emerson, Thoreau, and Alcott. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1932. Chu Limin. The Image of China and the Chinese in the Overland Monthly, 1868-1875, 1883-1935^ (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1965). Dembo, L. S. The Confucian Odes of Ezra Pound: A Critical Appraisal. London: Faber and Faber, 1963.


CHINA AND AMERICAN LITERATURE Detweiler, Robert. 422-438.

"Emerson and Zen."

American Quarterly, XIV (Fall 1962),

Dzh, D. Selindzhera. "Oriental Culture in the Works of J. D. Salinger." Narody Azii I Afriki (Moscow), 3 (1966), 92-101. Eulert, Donald D. "Matter and Method: Emerson and the Way of Zen." West Review, 3 (Winter 1966-1967), 48-65.


Fenn, William P. Ah Sing and His Brethren in American Literature. Peiping: College of Chinese Students Cooperating with the California College in China, 1933. Foster, John Burt. China and the Chinese in American Literature, 1850-1950. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1952). Frankel, Hans H. "The Chinese Novel: A Confrontation of Critical Approaches to Chinese and Western Novels." Literature East and West, 8 (Winter 1964), 2-5. "Poetry and Painting: Chinese and Western Views of their Convertibility." Comparative Literature, IX (Fall 1957), 289-307. Hartley, Lois. "Edgar Lee Masters and the Chinese." Literature East and West (Muncie, Indiana), 10 (September 1966), 302-305. Heizer, Harper. The Oriental Elements on the Work of Paul Elmer More and Irving Babbitt^ (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1945). Hyde, Stuart W. "The Chinese Stereotype in American Melodrama." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXXIV (December 1955), 357-365. Ishak, F. M. The Philosophical Bearing of Eastern and Western Mysticism on the Poetry of T. S. Eliot"! (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Liverpool, 1961-1962). Jackson, Carl T. "The Meeting of East and West: The Case of Paul Carus." Journal of the History of Ideas, XXIX (January-March 1968), 73-92. As it appeared in Open Court and Monist. Jung, Angela Chih-ying. Ezra Pound and China. University of Pennsylvania, 1935).

(Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,

Keim, Margaret Laten. "The Chinese as Portrayed in the Works of Bret Harte: A Study of Race Relations." Sociology and Social Research, 25 (May-June 1941), 441-450. Kirsch, Luther Haller. The Oriental Tale in American Periodicals, (1800-1850). (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1940).


CHINA AND AMERICAN LITERATURE Knowlton, Edgar C. Chinese Elements in Paul Morand's "Mr. U." Chinese Culture (Taipei), 5 (March 1964), 34-41. Landini, Richard G. "Confucianism and the Cantos of Ezra Pound." Topic, 12 (Fall 1966), 30-42. Latham, Edith Fenton. Japan and China in American Fiction, 1900-1938: A Bibliography. (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Columbia University, 1938). Lee, Jon. Chinese Tales Told in California MSS. Series #1, W.P.A., San Francisco : California State Library, 1940. Literature East and West. Occasional articles on China and United States literature, from the news letter of the Conference on Oriental Western Literary Relations of the Modern Language Association. Mueller, Roger Chester. The Orient in American Transcendental Periodicals (1835-1886). (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1968). North, William R. Chinese Themes in American Verse. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1935). Oliver, Egbert S. "Thoreau Finds the Dawn in Asia," Korean Survey, II (1953), 6-10. Radetsky, Peter. Thoreau and Taoism. of Colorado, 1965).

(Unpublished M.A. thesis, University

Stephens, Edna B. John Gould Fletcher. N. Y.: Twayne, 1967. Chinese influences on the mystic poet. Watts, Alan W. Beat Zen, Square Zen and Zen. San Francisco: City Lights, 1959. Winters, Lee Eugene. The Relationship of Chinese Poetry to British and American Poetry of the Twentieth Century. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1955-1956). Wu, John C. H. "Justice Holmes: Interpénétration of East and West." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, 11 (Supp., 1962), 198-203.


CHINA AND THE ARTS Ames, Van Meter. "America, Existentialism, and Zen." Philosophy East and West, I (April, 1951), 35-47. . "Zen and American Philosophy." Philosophy East and West, V (January, 1956), 305-320. . Zen and American Thought. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1962. Discusses affinities between Asian ideas and those of Americans, including Jefferson, Dewey and Justice Holmes. Anogola, Alfred. "Charlie Chan." A ccmic strip appearing in 1941. "Art of Asia Recently Acquired by American Museums, 1965." Archives of Asian Art, 20 (1966/67), 84-113. Asia Society. "A Guide to Asian Collections in American Museums." Comp, by Carol S. Rathmore, N. Y.: Asia Society, 1964. Barnum's American Museum Illustrated. Chinese." N. Y.: n.p., 1850.

"Ten Thousand Things on China and the

Beck, Donald R. "Interrelationships between the 'Happenings' Movement in Contemporaiy American Art and the Tao Te Ching." (Unpublished M. A. thesis, Bowling Green University, 1967). Bidwell, Raymond Austin. "The Raymond A. Bidwell Collection of Chinese Bronzes and Ceramics." Springfield, Mass.: Raymond and Bertha U. Bidwell Fund for the Museum of Fine Arts, 1965. Bowie, Theodore, et al. East-West in Art: Patterns of Cultural Relationships . Bloomington, Ind.: University of Indiana, 1966. "Catalogue of Chinese Bronzes in the Avery Brundage Collection. M. H. de Young Museum." San Francisco, Calif., 1967.

In the

Chinese-American Cultural Relations, ed. by Chi-pao Cheng. N. Y.: China Institute in America, 1965. Collection of addresses and papers of Round Table Conference of Chinese, American Cultural Relations and annual conference of American Association of Teachers of Chinese Language and Culture, 1955-1965. Chinese Art Society of America. Archives, I (1945/1946- ). 58

CHINA AND THE ARTS Ecke, Gustave. Chinese Painting in Hawaii, in the Honolulu Academy of Arts and in Private Collections (Honolulu), 3 vols. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, for Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1965. Erickson, Eric. "Asian Art from the Collection of Ernest Erickson and the Erickson Foundation. A Special Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum, October 7, 1963 to January 12, 1964." Intro, and Cat. by Louis Katz. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Brooklyn Museum, 1963. An Exhibition of China Trade Porcelain Designed to Illustrate the Wares Imported to the Port of New Haven. New Haven Colony Historical Society, March 3 through April 28, 1968. Freer Gallery of Art. A Descriptive and Illustrative Catalogue of Chinese Bronzes Acquired During the Administration of John Ellerton Lodge. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institute, 1946. Shang and Chou periods. . The Freer Chinese Bronzes. I; Catalogue, by John Alexander Pope, Rutherford John Gettens, James Cahill and Noel Barnard. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, 1967. Hartman, Joan M. "The Brundage Collection in San Francisco." Oriental Art, 13 (Summer, 1967), 113-124. Ho Wai-Kam. "Shang and Chou Bronzes." Cleveland Museum of Art Bulletin, 51, (September, 1964), 174-187. Hyde, John Allen Lloyd. Oriental Lowestoft, Chinese Export Porcelain: Porcelaine de la Cie des Indes, with special reference to the trade with China and the porcelain decorated for the American market, 3rd ed. rev. Newport, Mont.: Ceramic Book Company, 1964. Jacobs, A. Gertrude (comp.). The Chinese-American Song and Game Book. N. Y.: Barnes and Company, 1944. Jairazbhoy, Rafique Ali. Oriental Influences in Western Art. N. Y.: Asia Publishing House, 1965. Jourdain, Margaret. Chinese Export Art in the Eighteenth Century. London: Spring Books, 1967.


CHINA AND THE ARTS Karlgren, Bernhard. "A Catalogue of the Chinese Bronzes in the Alfred F. Pillsbury Collection." Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1952. Kent, Henry W. "Van Braam Houchgeest, an Early American Collector," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, XL (1930), 159-174. Laufer, Berthold. Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient Chinese Snuff Bottles in the Possession of Mrs. George T. Smith. Chicago, n.p., 1913. Lee, Chingwah. "Chinese in the West-Religion and the Arts." A lecture delivered to the Institute of Western American Culture, August 4, 1965, at Santa Rose, California. Lefebvre D'Argence, Rene Yvon. Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Avery Brundage Collections: A Selection of Vessels, Weapons, Bells, Belthooks, Mirrors, and Various Artifacts from the Shang to the T'ang Dynasty, Including a Group of Gold and Silver Wares. Berkeley: Diablo Press for the De Young Museum Society, 1967. Li, Hui-liu. Floristic Relationships Between Eastern Asia and Eastern North America. American Philosophical Society, Transactions. n.s. 42, (August 1952), 371-405. March, Benjamin. China and Japan in Our Museums. A Preliminary Report Prepared for the Third General Session of the Institute of PaciTTc Relations to be Held at Kyoto, Japan, October 28th to November 9th, 1929. N. Y.: American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1929. A Survey of the development and a description of the holdings of various museums. Mudge, Jean McClure. Chinese Export Porcelain for the American Trade. Newark, Del.: University of Delaware Press, 1962. Peters, John R. Miscellaneous Remarks Upon the Chinese Suggested by an Examination of the Chinese Museum in the Marlboro's Cnapel, Boston. Boston, Mass.: Eastburn's Press, 1845. Phillips, John Goldsmith. China Trade Porcelain. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. Based upon the Helena Woolworth McCann Collection. Priest, Alan. "Chinese Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art." N. Y.: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1944.


CHINA AND THE ARTS Pronko, Leonard Cabell. Theater East and West : Perspectives Toward a Total Theater. Berkeley: University of California, 1967. "Recent Acquisitions of Chinese and Japanese Art." Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Bulletin, 53 (June, 1964), 29-49. Rigby.

Little Ah Sid, the Chinese Kid, comic strip, 1905.

Rodecape, Lois. "Celestial Drama in the Golden Hills: The Chinese Theatre in California, 1849-1869." California Historical Society Quarterly, XXIII (June, 1944), 97-116. Sellin, Eric. "The Oriental Influence in Modern Western Drama." France-Asie, 21 (Autumn, 1966), 85-92. Sickman, Laurence. Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America. N. Y.: Chinese Art Society, 1966. . "The Avery Brundage Collection at the De Young Museum." Art Quarterly, 28 (1965), 83-90. Spargo, John. Early American Pottery and China. Garden City, N. Y.: Garden City Publishing Co., 1948. Spriggs, A. I. "Oriental Porcelain in Western Paintings." Oriental Ceramic Society, London, Transactions, 36 (1964/66), 73-87. Stiles, Helen E. Pottery in the United States. N. Y.: Dutton, 1941. "A Symposium on Chinese Culture: 10th Round Table Conference on Chinese American Cultural Relations, University of Maryland, 1964." N. Y.: China Institute in America, 1964. Themas, Edward B. "Oriental Art in the Seattle Art Museum." Art in -America, 53 (February, 1965), 48-61. Virginia University Library. "The Ellen Baynard Weedon Collection at the University of Virginia. Catalogue of the Ma Kiam Library," by Ng Tung King, ed by Roy Land. Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia Library, 1965. Woodhouse, Samuel, Jr. "Martha Washington's China and Mr. Van Braam." Antiques, XXVII (May, 1935), 186-188.


INDEX Abel, Theodore M., 38

Barrett, David D., 12

Adams, Romanzo, 41

Barth, Gunther P., 34

Alexander, Frances, 30

Bass, Harold J., 30

America and Asia, 23

Bates, Bill, 42

American Institute of Pacific Relations, 7

Bates, M. Searle, 30 Battistini, Lawrence Henry, 12

Ames, Van Meter, 58

Beach, Walter G., 42

Anogola, Alfred, 58

Beai, John Robinson, 12

Appel, John C., 23

Beale, Howard K., 12

Appleton, V. B., 42

Beaudry, James Arman, 46

Arnold, Julean H., 23

Beck, Donald R., 58

Art of Asia Recently Acquired by American Museums, 1965, 58

Beck, Louis J., 46

Ash, Jerry Wayne, 12

Beech, Keyes, 12

Asia Society, 58

Bennett, Adrian Arthur, 50

Atterbury, Marguerite, 23

Besterman, Theodore, 3

Augur, Helen, 23

Bibber, Joyce Kathleen, 12

Bailey, Thomas A., 34

Bidwell, Raymond Austin, 58

Bailie, Virginia W., 50

Blazsik, Gloria F., 12

Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 38

Bloomfield, B. C., 3

Barnett, Milton L., 38

Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 12

Barnum's American Museum Illustrated, 58

Blum, Robert, 12

Barr, Robert J., 23


Boardman, Eugene Powers, 30

Bodde, Derk, 23

California, University. Bancroft Library., 3

Bolnick, Maxwell N., 13 Borg, Dorothy, 13

California, University. Los Angeles., 3

Bower, LeonM., 13

Campbell, Charles S., 24

Bowers, David F., 7

Campbell, George F., 24

Bowie, Theodore, 58

Carlson, Amy Christine, 55

Braden, Charles S., 55

Carpenter, Frederick, 55

Braga, Jose Maria, 23

Carpenter, Thomas Edgar III, 13

Braisted, William R., 23

Carranco, Lynwood, 42

Britisch, Ralph Lanier, 30

Carter, Edward C., 50

Brown, Donald M., 23

Catalogue of Chinese Bronzes in the Avery Brundage Collection, 58

Buhite, Russell D., 13

Cayton, Horace R., 30

Bundy, Robert Edgar, 55

Chan, Marjorie M., 24

Burgess, John Stewart, 46

Chang Chi-Yun, 7, 55

Burke, Robert Luis, 13

Chang Hsin-hai, 13, 55

Burrows, Edwin Grant, 42

Chang, Tsung-che, 24

Cady, L. V., 55

Chao, Thomas Ming-Heng, 50

Caldwell, J. A. M., 13

Chao, Joseph M., 13

California Dept. of Industrial Relations. Division of Labor Statistics and Research., 24

Chapman, Mary, 46 Char Tin-Yuke, 34


Senate., 34

California. 42

State Board of Control.,


Chen Chin-Shan, 13 Chen, Eugenia, 38

Chen, I. Hsuan J., 47

Chu, Daniel, 7

Chen, Martin K., 50

Chu, Jennings P., 50

Chen Pu, 38

Chu Limin, 55

Chen Wen-hui, 42

Chu, Louis H., 47

Cheng Chi Pao, 7, 38

Chu, Peter, 38

Cheng, Emily Hwa, 14

Chung, Henry, 34

Cheng, Peter Ping-Chii, 14

Church, Alfred M., 50

Cheng, Te'ch'ao, 47

Clark, Dan E., 14

Chi Sung-chun, Madeleine, 14

Cleland, R. G., 24

Chicago, University. Library, 3

Clyde, Paul Hibbert, 14

China Institute in America, 50

Cochrane, Jane Elizabeth, 14

Chinese-American Cultural Relations, 58

Cohen, Jerome Alan, 50 Cohen, Warren I., 14

Chinese-American Trade, 24

Colman, Elizabeth, 42

Chinese and English Instructor, 50 Chinese and Japanese in America, 34

Columbia University. East Asiatic Library, 3

Chinese Art Society of America, 58

Colvocoresses, Harold, 14

Ching Chao Wu, 38

Committee on Educational Interchange Policy, 50

Chisolm, Lawrence W., 7

Conant, Charles Arthur, 14

Chowdhury, C., 14

Conant, Melvin A., Jr., 24

Christopher, James W., 14

Connor, J., 38

Christy, Arthur E., 7, 55

Conwell, Russell Herman, 34

Chu Chai-K'uei, 14

Coolidge, Mary Roberts, 34

Chu, Clayton H., 3

Cordier, Henri, 3


Cowan, Robert Ernest, 4

Dougherty, Patrick T., 15

Crabtree, Loren W., 30

Downs, Jacques M., 24

Crane, Paul, 47

Drury, C. M., 30

Cranston, E., 30

Dulles, Foster Rhea, 15, 24

Crossman, Carl L., 24

Dunbar, Agnes Mary, 47

Culin, Stewart, 47

Dzh, D. Selindzhera, 56

Curti, Merle, 14

Ecke, Gustave, 59

Curtis, Edith Roelker, 15

Eckstein, Alexander, 25

Daniels, Roger, 34

Edelstein, Richard P., 25

Danton, George H., 7

Eells, Walter Crosby, 51

Daoust, George Arlington, 15

Elstob, Winston, 42

Davis, Lawrence Bennion, 30

Epstein, Harold, 15

Daws, Gavan, 42

Erickson, Eric, 59

Dawson, Raymond S., 7

Essex Institute, 4

Dembo, L. S., 55

Essex Institute Historical Collections, 25

Dennett, Tyler, 15

Eulert, Donald D., 56

Densmore, G.B., 42

An Exhibition of China Trade Porcelain Designed to Illustrate the Wares Imported to the Port of New Haven, 59

Detweiler, Robert, 56 Dillon, Richard H., 42

Fairbank, John King, 8, 15

Directory of the China-America Council of Commerce and Industry:, 24

Farmer, Edward L., 25

Dobie, Charles C., 42

Farwell, Willard B., 39

Dodds, Elizabeth A., 51

Feis, Herbert, 15

Doenecke, Justus Drew, 15

Fenn, William P., 56


Ferina, Bessie M., 43

Gong, Eng Ying, 43

Field, Frederick Vanderbilt, 25

Goodrich, L. Carrington, 31

Fong, Stanley I. M., 39

Gordon, Leonard, 25

Ford, Eddy J., 31

Gordon, Morton, 16

Foster, John Burt, 56

Graham, Edward D., 8

Foster, John W., 15

Granat, Stanley Jerome, 16

Fraiike, Wolfgang, 8

Greenberg, Jacob, 25

Frankel, Hans H., 56

Greenbie, Sydney, 25

Freer Gallery of Art, 59

Griffin, Appleton Prentice Clark, 4

Friedman, Edward, 15

Griffin, Eldon, 25

Fryer, John, 51

Griswold, Alfred Whitney, 16

Fuchs, Lawrence, 43

Guida, Anthony, 35

Gandhi, Shantis, 15

Haine, Dr. J. F. F., 43

Gardner, Charles S., 4

Hall, John Philip, 25

Gardner, John B., 8

Hamilton, Thomas T., 16

Garis, Roy L., 34

Han Chin-lien, 51

Garrett, Shirley S., 31

Hanyan, Craig R., 25

Genthe, Arnold, 43

Harrington, Fred Harvey, 16

Gibson, Otis, 35

Hart, Donn V., 4

Glick, Carl, 47

Hartley, Lois, 56

Glick, Clarence, 43

Hartman, Joan M., 59

Godley, Shirley, 16

Hawaii, University. Library, 4

Goldberg, George, 43

Hayner, Norman S., 39


Hedley, John H., 16

Hyatt, Irvin T., Jr., 31

Heinrichs, Waldo H., Jr., 16

Hyde, John Allen Lloyd, 59

Heizer, Harper, 56

Hyde, Stuart W., 56

Henderson, Daniel M., 25

Iriye, Akira, 8, 16

Henson, Curtis Talmon, Jr., 16

Issacs, Harold R., 8

Heyer, Virginia, 47

Ishak, F. M., 56

Heywood, Herbert, 8

Israel, Jerry, 17

Hibbert, Christopher, 8

Iyer, Raghavan Narashimhan, 9

Ho Wai-Kam, 59

Jackson, Carl T., 56

Hobart, Kenneth, 31

Jackson, Charles Wayne, 51

Hohenberg, John, 16

Jacobs, A. Gertrude, 59

Holden, Reuben A., 51

Jacobs, Walter Darnell, 17

Honour, Hugh, 8

Jacoby, Neil Herman, 26

Hopkins, Caspar Thomas, 35

Jaffee, Richard D., 17

Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl, 16

Jairazbhoy, Rafique Ali, 59

Hoy, William J., 43

Jennings, John, 26

Hsu, Francis L. K., 8, 43

Jennings, Robert, 51

Huang, Lucy, 51

Jensen, Khin Khin Myint, 17

Huang, Sophia C., 39

Johnson, Gordon L., 17

Hücker, Charles 0., 4

Jones, David D., 39

Hung, Frederick, 26

Jourdain, Margaret, 59

Hunt, John Clark, 44

Journal of Asian Studies, 4

Hunter, Graham Chambers, 26

Jung, Angela Chih-ying, 56


Jung, Harvey Gordon, 31

Kung, Samuel Shi-Shin, 52

Kahn, Helen Dodson, 17

Kung, S.W., 9

Kao Lin-Ying, 51

Kuo Ping Chia, 9, 18

Karlgren, Bernhard, 60

Kurokawa, Minako, 39

Karlin, Jules Alexander, 47

Kwan Kian M., 44

Katz, Daniel, 39

Kwock, Beulah 0., 52

Kearny, Themas, 17

Kwoh, Edwin Sih-ung, 52

Keenan, Barry Campbell, 51

La Fargue, Thomas E., 52

Kehoe, Robert Richard, 17

Laing, Alexander Kinnan, 26

Keim, Margaret Laten, 56

Landini, Richard G., 57

Kemble, John H., 44

Lasker, Bruno, 35

Kemp, Virginia Mae, 17

Latham, Edith Fenton, 57

Kent, Henry W., 60

Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 9, 18, 31

Kenworthy, Leonard S., 51

Lattimore, Owen, 18

King, Wunsz, 17

Lau, Leon L. Y., 52

Kirker, James, 9

Laufer, Berthold, 9, 60

Kirwin, Harry W., 17

Laves, W. H. C., 52

Kirsch, Luther Haller, 56

Lee, Calvin, 39

Knight, Barry Lee, 26

Lee, Chingwah, 60

Knowlton, Edgar C., 57

Lee, Jon, u , 51

Koen, Ross Y., 17

Lee, Rose Hum, 9, 10, 39, 47, 48

Koginos, Manny T., 17

Lee, Sookney, 52

Konvitz, Milton Ridvas, 35

Lee, William C. C., 52

Korson, Thomas E., 31

LeFeber, Walter, 18


Lefebvre D'Argence, Rene Yvon, 60

Loh, Homer C., 48

LeFevour, E. T., 18

Loomis, C. Grant, 48

Leong Gor Yun, 48

Lorden, Doris M., 44

Leuthold, David, 39

Lubbock, Alfred Basil, 26

Lew Ling, 10

Lum, William Wong, 4

Lew, Timothy Tingfang, 52

Lunt, Carroll, 26

Lew, William Jing-Foo, 52

Lust, John, 4

Li Fei-Chao, 52

Lutz, Jessie, 31

Li, Hui-liu, 60

Lyman, Stanford M., 40, 44

Li Tien-lu, 35

Ma Wen-Huan, 18

Li Tien-yi, 18

MacAdoo, William, 48

Li Tze-chung, 4

McClellan, Robert F., Jr.,

Lin Mou-sheng, 18

McCoimick, Thomas J., 26,

Lind, Andrew W., 44

McCutcheon, James M., 32

Lindbeck, John M. H., 31

MacGregor, David R., 27

Linton, Howard P., 4

McLeod, Alexander, 27

Literature East and West, 57

McKenzie, Roderick D., 35

Liu Foo Kong, 26

McWilliams, Carey, 35

Liu Kwang-ching, 4, 26, 31

Madsen, Roy Paul, 52

Liu Young-Szi, 52

Mahan, A. T., 18

Liu Yu-chen, 48

Maiin, Morton V., 27

Lockwood, Stephen C., 26

March, Benjamin, 60

Loehr, George E., 10

Marden, Charles F., 40

Loewen, James William, 48

Marsh, Robert M., 10


Masland, John W., 27, 32

0'Brian, Robert W., 48

Mason, Mary Gertrude, 10

O'Hara, Albert, 53

Matsuda, Mitsugu, 5

Olin, Spencer C., Jr., 35

May, H. S., 10

Oliver, Egbert S., 57

Mears, Eliot Grirmell, 44

Oppenheimer, Ernest J., 18

Mensendiek, C. William, 32

Orientals and Their Cultural Adjustment, 40

Michigan University. Survey Research Center, 18

Osborn, Clarence G., 18

Milburn, William, 27

Other Merchants and Sea Captains of Old Boston, 27

Miller, Jessie A., 18

Ourada, Patricia K., 48

Miller, Stuart C., 10, 27

Palmer, Albert W., 40

Missionary Research Library, 5

Pan Shu-Lun, 27

Moran, James W., 18

Papanikolas, Helen Zeese, 48

Morehouse, Ward, 52 , 53

Pasley, Virginia, 19

Morley, Charles, 44

Paul, Rodman W., 35

Mudge, Jean McClure, 27

Paul1in, Charles 0., 19

Mueller, Roger Chester, 57

Paulsen, George E., 19

Munson, Vivian Lorraine, 27

Peabody, Etta B., 48

Murtagh, JohnM., 48

Pearson, J. D., 5

Ni, Ernest I., 40

Pennington, Juliana, 5

Niland, John R., 53

Peters, John R., 60

North, Hart H., 35 , 44

Peterson, Sophia, 19

North, William R., 57

Phillips, Clifton Jackson, 32

Northrop, F. S. C., 10


Phillips, John Goldsmith, 60

Reynolds, C. N., 40

Ping Chiu, 27

Rhee, Tong-Chin, 19

Powell, J. B., 5

Richards, T. W., 45

Price, Allen Thomas, 32

Richardson, William J., 32

Priest, Alan, 60

Rigby, 61

Prince, Gregory, 19

Riggs, Fred W., 35

Pronko, Leonard Cabell, 61

Ritter, Ed., 40

Pugach, Noel, 19

Roche, George C., 19

Pulley, Sande, 10

Rodecape, Lois, 61

Quale, Gladys Robina, 32

Rohmer, Sax, 40

Quinn, Larry D., 48

Rosinger, Lawrence K., 27

Radetsky, Peter, 57

Ross, Frank E., 28

Rasmussen, Albert Henry, 27

Rudolph, Frederick, 28

Rea, Kenneth Wesley, 19

Rudolph, Gerald, 48

Recent Acquisitions of Chinese and Japanese Art, 61

Ryan, William L., 10 Sandmeyer, Elmer Clarence, 35

Record, Wilson, 45

Sargent, Thomas Andrew, 19

Reid, W. C. Jameson, 19

Saxton, Alexander, 28

Reinsch, Paul, 19

Schantz, Roy Neil, 11

Remarks of the Chinese Merchants of San Francisco, 4"5

Schlossman, Herman, 28

Remer, Charles Frederick, 27

Schreiber, Jordan C., 28

Renner, George T., 40

Schwartz, Shepard, 49

Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, 45

Schwartz, Henry G., 19


Seager, Robert II, 32, 36

Spargo, John, 61

Seccombe, Roger, Jr., 28

Sparks, Theresa A., 28

Sellin, Eric, 61

Speer, William, 11, 36

Seward, George F., 36

Spence, Jonathan, 11

Shen Tso-Chien, 36

Spier, Robert F. G., 45

Shen, T. H., 28

Spriggs, A. I., 61

Shen Yun-king, 19

Starobin, Joseph R., 20

Shiman, R. G., 20

Starr, Daniel P., 20

Shewmaker, Kenneth E., 20

Starr, M. B., 36

Sickman, Laurence, 61

Steele, Archibald T., 20

Sino-American Conference on Intellectual Cooperation, 11

Stelle, Charles C., 28 Stephens, Edna B., 57

Siu, Paul C. P., 40

Stephenson, George M., 36

Slobodek, Mitchell, 5

Stidger, Oliver P., 36

Smallzried, Kathleen Ann, 41

Stiles, Helen E., 61

Smith, Arthur H., 11

Stoddard, Charles Warren,

Smith, Charles S., 32

Stoessinger, John G., 11

Smith, Cordell A., 20

Stopsky, Fred Harold, 20

Smith, Nathalie Van Order, 45

Stout, Arthur B., 36

Smith, William C., 41

Stucki, Curtis W., 5

Snyder, James Wilbert, 5

Suelflow, Roy A., 32

Snyder, John W., 28

Sung, Betty Lee, 11

Social Process in Hawaii, 45

Sung Shee, 53

Sollenberger, Richard T., 41


Swinton, John, 36

Treat, Payson J., 21

Swisher, Earl, 11, 20, 29

Tsien Tsuen-Hsuin, 53

A Symposium on Chinese Culture, 61

Tsou Tang, 21

Syrdal, Rolf A., 32

Tuchman, Barbara W., 21

Taft, Philip, 29


Tamony, Peter, 41

The United States and Communist China, 21

Tan, Mely Giek-Lan, 41

Urdang, Miriam, 53

Tarlton, William S., 32

U. S. Bureau of Census, 41

Taylor, Archer, 45

U. S. Dept. of the Army, 21

Taylor, Arnold Hoover, 20 Taylor, Paul S., 36

U. S. Congress. House of Representatives, 36

Teng Ta-Chung, 53

U. S. Congress, 36

Teng Yuan C., 32

Van Alystyne, R. W., 21

Thaver, Falak, 41

Van Putten, James D., 53

Thomas, David G., 49

Varcades, Peter Richard, 29

Thomas, Edward B., 61

Varg, Paul A., 21, 29, 33

Thomas, Samuel B., 29

Vevier, Charles, 22

Thompson, Kenneth W., 20

Vinacke, W. Edgar, 45, 46

Thompson, Richard A., 20

Virginia University Library, 61

Thomson, James C., Jr., 21

Wainwright, M. D., 5

Tong Te-King, 21

Waldron, Gladys, 46

Tow, Julius Su, 41

Wang, Richard P., 41

Townsend, Luther Tracy, 36

Wang, Yi-chu, 53

Treais-Smart, D. J., 21

Watson, Douglas S., 11


Watts, Alan W., 57

Wright, Philip G., 29

Weimer, David R., 29

Wu Cheng-tsu, 49

Welch, Richard E., Jr., 22

Wu Ching-chao, 37

Wen, Henry L., 11

Wu, John C. H., 57

West, Philip, 53

Wynne, R. E., 49

Wheeldon, Beryl M., 11

Yeh, Hsieh-chi, 54

Whitfield, Ruth H., 46

Yieh Tsung-kao, 54

Wilcox, B. P., 49

Yip, Ka-che, 33

Wilcox, Wayne Ayres, 22

Young, Kenneth Todd, 22

Williams, Frederick Ballard, 22

Young, Marilyn B., 22

Williams, F. Wells, 5, 22

Young, Myrl M., 11

Williams, S. Wells, 29, 33, 37

Young Su-lin C., 46

Wills, Morris R., 22

Yu Siu-wen, 54

Wilson, Carol, 46

Yuan, Tung-li, 6

Windemeyer, Margaret, 5

Yung Shang Him, 54

Winters, Lee Eugene, 57

Yung Wing, 54

Winther, Oscar 0., 5

Zabriskie, Edward Henry,

Wong, Jade Snow, 46

Zavala, Silvio, 11

Woodhouse, Samuel, Jr., 61

Zeligs, Rose, 54

Worth, Robert M., 46

Zo, Kil Young, 37

Worthy, Edmund H., Jr., 53 Wortman, Roy T., 49 Wrenn, James J., 53 Wright, Doris Marion, 46