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English Pages 965 [968] Year 1975
Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines
Chemistry and Biology of Pten'dines Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany, April 14-18,1975
Editor Wolfgang Pfleiderer
Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York 1975
Editor Wolfgang Pfleiderer, Dr. rer. nat., Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, West-Germany
of Congress
in Publication
International Symposium on Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines, 5th, University of Konstanz, 1975. Chemistry and biology of pteridines. Bibliography: p. X V I , 950 Includes index. I . Pteridines-Congresses. I. Pfleiderer, Wolfgang, 1927 II. Title. [ D N L M : 1. Pteridines-Congresses. W3 IN916u 1975c/ QD401 161 1975 c ] QP801. P69I57 1975 5 7 4 . V 9 2 4 75-31877 ISBN 3-11-005928-2
der Deutschen
Chemistry and biology of pteridines: proceedings of the 5. Internat. Symposium at the Univ. of Konstanz, West Germany, April 14—18, 1975/ed. by Wolfgang Pfleiderer. ISBN 3-11-005928-2 NE: Pfleiderer, Wolfgang [ H r s g . ] : Universität < K o n s t a n z >
© Copyright 1975 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 30. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form — by photoprint, microfilm, or any other means — nor transmitted nor translated into a machine language without written permission from the publisher. Printing: Druckerei Gerike, Berlin. Binding: Liideritz & Bauer, Berlin. Printed in Germany.
The present volume contains the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on "Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines" held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany, from April 14th - 18th, 1975. Pteridines, a widely distributed class of naturally occurring compounds, owe their exceptional position in the field of heterocyclic chemistry partly to their discovery as wing pigments of butterflies and mainly to their unusual chemical properties, their conspicuous fluorescence and their importance in metabolism. The history of pteridines starts in 1889 when Frederick Gowland Hopkins focussed attention for the first time on an interesting group of natural pigments present in butterfly wings. In a 15 years period of brilliant and laborious investigations by Heinrich Wieland, Clemens Schopf and co-workers (1925-1940) the first climax in pteridine chemistry was reached when Robert Purrmann (1940-1941) elucidated the chemical structures of three of the most common butterfly pigments, leucopterin, xanthopterin and isoxanthopterin. The recognition of a new naturally occurring heterocyclic ring system stimulated research in the pteridine field tremendously and led to another exciting discovery a few years later. In 1946 the structure of folic acid, a water-soluble growth factor in bacteria and an anti-pernicious anemia factor in animals could be determined and it was shown that this vitamin is also a pterin derivative with a p-aminobenzoylglutamic acid side-chain in the 6-position. The vast growing development of the pteridine field increased our knowledge of various aspects from the chemical, biochemical and biological point of view very much in the past 25 years and gave rise to the necessity for exchange of information on an international scientific level. Four International Pteridine Symposia have already been held - in 1952 in Paris, 1954 in London, 1962 in Stuttgart and 1969 in Toba/Japan - where syntheses, reactions, physical and chemical properties, biological roles in metabolism, interconversions of physiologically active components as well as isolation and structural elucidations of natural pteridine derivatives were discussed
VI in great detail. These meetings proved to be very successful in bringing together scientists from different fields and backgrounds but with the same interest, namely pteridines. There seems to be no other group of scientists devoted so much to their own field, to inter-disciplinary co-operation and exchange of experiences like the pteridinologists. It was therefore an enthusiastic response to the invitation to the Fifth International Pteridine Symposium at Konstanz after a six year intermission. The largest group so far of scientists interested in pteridines met at the Bodensee in April this year to discuss all aspects of their recent work and the outlook for future investigations in this field. I hope that the reading of these proceedings will stimulate and inspire not only the experts but also the newcomers who are cordially invited to take part in the fascinating chemistry and biology of pteridines. Thanks are due to Prof. M.Viscontini and Prof. A.Albert for their advice in organising this symposium and to all contributors
for their excellent
contributions, their manuscripts and their interesting discussions. My appreciation is also extended to my co-workers and my secretary Mrs. H.Bauer for their assistance in all matters concerning the symposium. The main credit and all our thanks must, however, be given to the "Stiftung Volkswagenwerk", whose generous financial support made this meeting possible. Further financial assistance from the "Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Konstanz", the "Ciba-Geigy AG", Basel, and "Burroughs Wellcome Company", USA, is gratefully acknowledged. Finally acknowledgement is made to the staff of the "Verlag Walter de Gruyter", Berlin, for its valuable co-operation in preparing these proceedings . Konstanz, July 1975
Wolfgang Pfleiderer
Significant Steps in the Discovery and Application of P t e r i d i n e s . By A. Albert
Specific Inhibition of Dihydrofolate Biosynthesis - A new Approach to Chemotherapy. By H . C . S . Wood
Mammalian Dihydrofolate Reductase: P o r c i n e Liver Enzyme. By M. Poe, C. D. Bennett, D. Donoghue, J . M . Hirshfield, M . N . Williams and K. Hoogsteen
Kinetic Studies of E s c h e r i c h i a Coli Dihydropteroate Synthetase. By R. F e r o n e and S . R . Webb
Dihydropteroate Synthase: Purification by Affinity Chromatography and Mechanism of Action. By C . J . Suckling, J . R . Sweeney and H . C . S . Wood
The P r o p e r t i e s of Gamma Glutamyl Hydrolase (Conjugase) f r o m Bovine Liver. By P . B. Rowe, M. Silink and R. Reddel
The Purification of Riboflavin Synthetase by Affinity Chromatography using 7-Oxolumazines. By R. WriggLesworth, C.D. Ginger, R . J . Kulick and H. C. S. Wood
Interaction of Riboflavin Synthetase with Analogues of 6, 7-Dimethyl8-Ribityllumazine. B y G . W . E . P l a u t a n d R . L . Beach
Structure-Activity Relationships among P t e r i d i n e Derivatives and Related Quinazolines a s Inhibitors of Dihydrofolate Reductases. By J . J . McCormack
Spectral Studies of Thymidylate Synthetase. By R . L . Kisliuk, Sharma, R. P . L e a r y and N. Beaudette
F o u r Folate Metabolizing Enzymes of Mouse Embryo F i b r o b l a s t s and L - C e l l s as tested during the Culture Cycle. By B. GrzelakowskaSztabert, W. Chmurzyhska and M. Landman
The Activity of the Cobalamine-dependent Methionine-Synthetase (5-Methyl-5, 6, 7, 8-Tetrahydrofolic Acid: Homocysteine M e t h y l - t r a n s f e r a s e ) in rapidly growing Human Cells and the Effect of some Folic Acid Derivatives and Analogues. By H. Sauer and W. Wilmanns
Vili The Role of Folate Binding Proteins in Folate Metabolism. By S. Waxman
Transport of Folate Compounds into Mammalian and Bacterial Cells. By F . M . Huennekens and G. B. Henderson
Transport of Folate Compounds through the Membrane of Humai Lymphoblastoid Cells. By D. Niethammer and R . C . Jackson
The Characterization of High Molecular Weight Complexes of Folic Acid in Mammalian Tissues. By M. Zamierowski and C. Wagner . .
The Enzymic Synthesis of P t e r i n s in Escherichia Coli. By G. M. Brown, J . Yim, Y. Suzuki, M. C. Heine, and F . F o o r
Biosynthesis of P t e r i n s in Mammalian Systems. By K. Fukushima, I. Eto, T. Mayumi, W. Richter, S. Goodson and T. Shiota
The Synthesis of P t e r i n s Catalyzed by Enzymes f r o m Drosophila melanogaster. By G. M. Brown and C . L . Fan
Biosynthesis of Biopterin in the Intact Rat and in Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells. By K. Buff and W. Dairman
Studies on the Biosynthesis of Riboflavin. By A. Bacher, R. Baur, U. Eggers, H. H ä r d e r s and H. Schnepple
B. Mailänder,
Studies on the Mechanism of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase: Detection of an Intermediate. By S. Kaufman
Effect of Pteridine Cofactor Structure on the Regulation of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Activity. By J . E . Ayling and G. D. Helfand
Interrelationships between C - l - M e t a b o l i s m and Photosynthesis in Euglena Gracilis. By E . A . Cossins and K. L. Lor
Folate Derivatives and P a t t e r n s of C - l Metabolism in Neurospora Crassa, Wild Type, S e r - 1 and F o r m a t e Mutants. By G. Combepine, E . A . Cossins and P . Y . Chan
The Biosynthesis of Folic Acid and Pteridine Cofactor(s) and its Regulation. By K. Iwai and M. Kobashi
Reduced P t e r i n s as Possible Mediators in Cellular Electron T r a n s f e r . By H. Rembold
The Handling and Metabolism of Folates in the Rat and Man, with Special Relationship to Disease. By J . A. Blair
Red Blood Cell Polyglutamyl Folates in Vitamin B ^ Deficiency. By J . P e r r y , I. Chanarin and M. Lumb
Novel Urinary Metabolites of Folic Acid in the Rat. By P . A . Barford, and J . A. Blair
IX " P r u n e " / " K i l I e r - o f - P r u n e " : A Complementary Lethal System in Drosophila Melanogaster Affecting Pteridine Metabolism. By J . H . P . Hackstein
Kynurenine as Trigger in PterorhodLnsynthesis in Ephestia Kühniella Z. By K. Müller
Growth Stimulation by 6-Phenacylisoxanthopterin and Related Compounds. By Y. Iwanama
The Possible Role in Gene Regulation of an Isoxanthopterinbinding Protein f r o m Qncopeltus Embryos. By H. S. F o r r e s t and J . H. Smith . .
Poly--J-Glutamyl Chain Lengths in some Natural Folates and Contributions of Folic Acid synthesized by Intestinal Microflora to Rat Nutrition. By Ch.M. Baugh, E. Braverman and M.G. Nair
Tissue-Specific Synthesis of Methotrexate Polyglutamates in the Rat. By V.M. Whitehead, M.M. P e r r a u l t and S. Stelcner
A Convenient Synthesis of Methotrexate and Related Compounds. By J . A . Montgomery, J . D . Rose, C. Temple, J r . , and J . R . P i p e r . .
Methods for the Synthesis of Folic Acid Analogs, Substituted Folic Acid Analogs, Folic Acid and Folic Acid Conjugates. By P . K . Sengupta, E. Khalifa, J . H. Bieri and M. Viscontini 9 10 New Folate Analogs: Alterations in the C -N Region. By M.G. Nair, and Ch. M. Baugh
495 503
The Synthesis and Study of 10-Thia-10-Deaza-Analogs of Pteroic Acid, Folic Acid, and of Related Compounds: The Problem of Racemization in the Cyclization of Substituted 2-Amino-3-Cyanopyrazines. By H.G. Mautner, Y.H. Kim, Y. Gaumont and R. L. Kisliuk
Synthesis and P r o p e r t i e s of 5-Methyldihydrofolate By T. L. Deits, A. Rüssel, K. Fujii and J . M . Whiteley
A Coloured Oxidation Product f r o m Tetrahydrofolate. By B. Rimkus, L. J aenicke and H. Rüdiger
Pteridine Synthesis. By E . C . Taylor
The 7-Azapteridines. By D . J . Brown and R.K. Lynn
Enzymatic Oxidation of Pteridin-4-Ones and Related Compounds. By F . Bergmann, L. Levene and I. T a m i r
Synthesis and Structure of Dihydro- and Tetrahydroderivatives of P t e r i n 6, 7-Dicarboxylic Acid. By R. Mengel and W. P f l e i d e r e r
Direct Conversion of 4-Hydroxypteridines to their 4-Amino Analogs. By G . R . Gapski and J . M . Whiteley
High P r e s s u r e Liquid Chromatography of Substituted Pteridines and Tetrahydropteridines. By S.W. Bailey and J . E . Ayling
Electrochemistry of Pteridines. By H. Lund
Pteridone Mediators in the Electrolysis of Biological Macromolecules. By S. Kwee
Electrochemistry of 6. 7-Dioxo-Pteridines. By R. Gottlieb and W. Pfleiderer
Protonation and Covalent Hydration of Nitrogen Heterocycles A Carbon-13 NMR Study (1). By U. Ewers, A. Gronenborn, H. Günther and L. Jaenicke
Reindarstellung und NMR-spektroskopische Untersuchung von 5, 6, 7, 8, -TetrahydrofÖlsäure. Von W. Frick
Sterische Wechselwirkungen in substituierten Tetrahydropterinen. Von R. Weber
Kinetisch-Mechanistische Untersuchungen an 5-Formyl-6, 7-dimethyl5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydropterin, 10-Formyl-folsäure, 5, 10-Methenyl-5, 6, 7, 8tetrahydrofolsäure und 5-Methyl-10-formyl- 5, 6, 7, 8 -tetrahydrofolsäure. Von J.H. Bieri
CNDO-Rechnungen an Pterin, 6, 7 -Dimethyl-7, 8-Dihydropterin und 5-Formyl-6, 7-Dimethyl-5, 6, 7, 8-Tetrahydropterin (1). Von J.H. B i e r i . .
H-D Exchange in Pteridin-4-ones. By F. Bergmann, I. Tamir, L. Levene and M. Rahat
Oxidation-Reduction Properties of Pterins. By K.G. Scrimgeour
Autoxidative Conversions of Tetrahydropteridines and seme Related Ringsystems. By H. I.X. Mager
Autoxidation of Tetrahydropterins. By A.J. Pearson and J.A. Blair . . . .
Synthesis of Thiolumazine Nucleosides. By I. Southon and W. Pfleiderer
Pteridine Nucleotides, Synthesis and Enzymic Studies. By H. Rokos, and G. Harzer
Biology of Pigmentation in Pieridae Butterflies. By H. Descimon
The Pterins of the Pieridae and their Biosynthesis: Metabolism of D-Erythro-Neopterin and its 7, 8-Dihydro Derivative in Colias Croceus. By H. Descimon ;
Occurence and Distribution of known Pterins in some Species of Diptera. By E. Cerioni, C. Contini and U. Laudani
Pteridines in the Mammalian Retina and Light Effects. By G. Cremer-Bartels
Les Pterines des Planctons Marins: Identification de Plusieurs Derives chez les Algues Unicellulaires. Sur la Distribution des Pterines chez les Crustaces Copepodes. Par A. Momzikoff
XI Russupteridine. Von C. H. Eugster und P . X . Iten
Aurodrosopterins in Eye Colour Mutants of Drosophila Melanogaster. By I. Schwinck
New Results about Drosopterins. By K. Rokos and W. PfLeiderer
Synthesis and Absolute Configuration of Sepiapterin. By W. Pfleiderer
List of Contributors
A. Albert, Australian National University, Research School of Chemistry, Canberra, Australia K.J.M. Andrews, Roche Products Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, Great Britain J. Ayling, University of California, Dept. of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine, Los Angeles, U.S.A. A. Bacher, Institut für Mikrobiologie, Universität Hohenheim, StuttgartHohenheim, West Germany P.A. Barford, The University of Aston, Dept. of Chemistry, Birmingham, Great Britain Ch.M. Baugh, University of South Alabama, Dept. of Biochemistry, Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A. S.W. Bailey, University of California, School of Medicine, Dept. of Biological Chemistry, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. F. Bergmann, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Dept. of Pharmacology, Jerusalem, Israel B. Bezbaruah, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany J. Bieri, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland J.A. Blair, The University of Aston, Dept. of Chemistry, Birmingham, Great Britain P.H. Boyle, Trinity College, Dept. of Chemistry, Dublin, Ireland D.J. Brown, Australian National University, John-Curtin-School of Medical Research, Canberra City, Australia G.M. Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. K. Buff, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, N.J., U.S.A. G. Combepine, University of Geneve, Dêpt. de Biologie Végétale, Geneve, Switzerland B. Cooper, McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Canada E.A. Cossins, University of Alberta, Dept. of Botany, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada G. Cremer-Bartels, Universitäts-Augenklinik, Universität Münster, Münster, West Germany J.I. Degraw, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, U,S.AH. Descimon, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Paris, France
xrv E. Elstner, Universität Bochum, Fachbereich Biologie, Bochum, West Germany C.H. Eugster, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland U. Ewers, Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Köln, Köln, West Germany R. Ferone, The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Burroughs Wellcome Co., Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S.A. W. Frick, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland R. Gottlieb, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany B. Grzelakowska-Sztabert, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Dept. of Cellular Biochemistry, Warsaw, Poland H. Günther, Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Köln, Köln, West Germany J.H.P. Hackstein, Zoologisches Institut der Universität Köln, Köln, West Germany P. Hemmerich, Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany G. Hennings, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried bei Minchen, West Germany F. Huennekens, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, Dept. of Biochemistry, La Jolla, California, U.S.A. P.X. Iten, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland K. Iwai, Research Institute for Food Science, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan Y. Iwanami, Sasaki Institute, Dept. of Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan T. Jones, Chester Beatty Research Institute, London, Great Britain S. Kaufman, Laboratory of Neurochemistry, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. R. Kisliuk, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. K. Kobayashi, Ciba-Geigy (Japan) Ltd., Ohto Yono Saitama, Japan S. Kwee, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark T. Leigh, ICI Imperical Chemical Industries Limited, Chemistry Department, Macclesfield, Great Britain H. Lund, University of Aarhus, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, Aarhus, Denmark H.I.X. Mager, Delft University of Technology, Biochem. and Biophys. Laboratory, Delft, Holland H.G. Mautner, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Dept. of Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Boston, Mass. U.S.A.
J. McCormack, University of Vermont, Pharmacology Dept., Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A. R. Mengel, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany A. Momzikoff, Institut Océanographique de Paris, Paris, France J. Montgomery, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. K. Müller, Zoologisches Institut der Universität Köln, Köln, West Germany M.G. Nair, University of South Alabama, College of Medicine, Dept. of Biochemistry, Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A. D. Niethammer, Universität Ulm, Universitäts-Kinderklinik, Ulm, West Germany J. Nixon, Wellcome Research Laboratories, Dept. of Medicinal Biochemistry, Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S.A. J. Perry, M.R.C. Clinical Research Center, Harrow, Great Britain W. Pfleiderer, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany G.W.E. Plaut, Temple University, School of Medicine, Dept. of Biochemistry, Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A. M. Poe, Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research, Rahway, New Jersey, U.S.A. H. Rembold, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried bei München, West Germany H. Rokos, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany K. Rokos, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Gennany B. Roth, The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Burroughs Wellcome Co., Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S.A. P.B. Rowe, Institute of Child Health, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, Camper Down, N.S.W., Australia H. Rüdiger, Institut für Pharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie der Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, West Germany H. Sauer, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Abt. für Hämatologie, Immunologie und Onkologie, Stuttgart, West Germany I. Schwinck, University of Connecticut, Biological Sciences, Storrs, Conn., U.S.A. G. Scrimgeour, University of Toronto, Dept. of Biochemistry, Toronto, Canada P.K. Sengupta, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland T. Shiota, University of Alabama, The Medical Center, Dept. of Microbiology, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. I. Southon, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany
XVI A. Stuart, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Dartford, Kent, Great Britain H. Sund, Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany E.C. Taylor, Princeton University, Dept. of Chemistry, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A. N. Theobald, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, West Germany M. Viscontini, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland C. Wagner, Veterans Administration Hospital and Vanderbilt Laboratory, Nashville, Term., U.S.A. S. Waxman, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. R. Weber, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland V.M. Whitehead, Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Division of Haematology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada J.M. Whiteley, Scipps Clinic & Research Foundation, La Jolla, California, U.S.A. H.C.S. Wood, University of Strathclyde, Dept. of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain R. Wrigglesworth, The Wellcome Foundation, The Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent., Great Britain
Significant Steps in the Discovery and Application of Pteridines A. Albert
INTRODUCTION Surely, one of the most significant things about pteridines is the keenness of the people who take up this line of research.
That they demand regular
symposia, organize them, and make a success of them is a monument to the vitality of the subject and the people who work in it.
May we never forget
Professor Michel Polonovski who created the first pteridine symposium, in Paris (1952).
For nearly a quarter of a century, these symposia have
grown in size and quality, and I am sure that the present one will be the most successful of all. BEFORE 1940 As is well known, F.G. Hopkins in England isolated fractions rich in pigments from butterfly wings and attempted to determine their nature.
his first publication (1889) [1] he described the yellow pigment of the brimstone butterfly.
Six years later, he reported the white pigment from
another Pierid, the cabbage white butterfly [2].
However, other interests
were to claim his attention and the study of insect pigments was allowed to slumber for the next thirty years. Insect Pigments in Munich In 1924, Clemens Schöpf joined Professor H. Wieland as Assistant in>Freiburg University.
A butterfly collector, like the young Hopkins, Schöpf managed
to interest Wieland in the pigments, and they agreed to work on the problem together, organizing school children to catch, and sell them, the butterflies.
Wieland was appointed to the Chemical Laboratories of the Bavarian
Academy of Science in the very next year, and Schöpf went along to continue this work.
Together they extracted and further purified the yellow [3]
and the white [4] pigments which Hopkins had obtained and, coining the name 'pterin1, called then xanthopterin and leucopterin respectively.
they met with unexpected difficulties when they tried to determine their structures.
I do not propose to relate, all over again, the early history
2 of their endeavours, already so charmingly told by Clemens Schopf himself in his opening address to the Third Pteridine Symposium in Stuttgart in 1962 [5].
However, I want to call attention to a most paradoxical
The chemistry of those pyrimidopyrazines, which to-day we call
pteridines, had been very successfully investigated in Berlin from 1894 onwards;
yet in Munich, it was not realized that the butterfly pigments
belonged to this family of compounds until 1940, nearly half a century later. Why did the natural products cause so many difficulties? fitful, because of the seasons, and the material precious. melting points removed an important criterion for purity.
Collection was The lack of Not until 1940
was xanthopterin freed from an impurity that gave a red colour with hydrogen peroxide [6].
The poor solubility in all common solvents diminished ease
of purification and no molecular weights were obtainable.
The resistance
to complete combustion, leading to a nitrogenous coke, produced errors in the analytical results. Particularly misleading was the supposed analogy with purines based on the fact that the pterins and purines gave similar substances upon degradation. All these factors led to a conviction that pterins have a higher molecular weight than is the case.
Thus in 1925, xanthopterin was assigned the
structure of a bipurinyl, namely dihydro-dixanthine (C5H5Nit02)2 (2.)« whereas we know it to be C5H5N5O2.
Xanthopterin ( R = H ) Leucopterin ( R = 0 H ) (1925)
Xanthopterin (1939)
Eight years later, after Metzger had degraded leucopterin to guanidine, it was realized that pterins were richer in nitrogen than had been thought. The latest analytical figures suggested CigHjgNjsOjj for leucopterin, and the diversity of products found after degradation seemed to call for three purine rings per molecule [7].
Xanthopterin was similarly accorded the
formula C19H19N15O7, and the degradative products suggested that both pterins belonged to the general type (3).
In 1936, after a switch from Dumas nitrogen analysis to the Kjeldahl method, and a very painstaking analysis of the much purified barium salt, the formula of xanthopterin was revised to C^gHjgNigOg [8].
However, by 1939
the suggested formula for xanthopterin had been simplified to a symmetrical dimer (2), somewhat similar to that of 1925, essentially a diguanine in place of a dixanthine structure [9]. The year 1940, the second year of the Second World War, seems to have brought a sense of urgency to complete the work.
It also brought the acute,
businesslike mind of Robert Purrmann, one of Wieland's PhD students. Together they reconsidered all the evidence of degradations and also made some more tractable derivatives of leucopterin.
Their conclusion was that
there need be no more than five nitrogen atoms per molecule, and that the choice lay between 2-aminopurine-8-carboxylic acid (4a) or the formula for xanthopterin now known to be correct (4b) [6].
They also recognized, from
a new preparation by simple oxidation, that leucopterin was the mono-oxo derivative of xanthopterin.
4 H
9 (4b) NH2
Arguing that purine-8-carboxylic acids lose carbon dioxide w h e n gently heated b u t the pterins did not
[10, 11], Purrmann rejected the purine
alternative for leucopterin and synthesized it by heating 6-oxopyrimidine w i t h oxalic acid
In the same year (1940), he m a d e
xanthopterin from the same pyrimidine and dichloroacetic acid
correctly establishing the structures of both substances and, in the next year, of another common pterin, isoxanthopterin
Pteridine Synthesis in B e r l i n The chemistry of pteridine, a name coined by Wieland in 1941
[12] to
describe the nucleus of w h i c h the pterins w e r e derivatives, began in B e r l i n about half a century earlier.
Kiihling, in 1894
[13a] w a n t e d to obtain
the chromophore of tolualloxazine (5), whose constitution w a s well established.
He oxidized the benzene ring to a dicarboxylic acid and
decarboxylated 'alloxazin' in Berlin
[13b] this to the dioxopteridine (6) w h i c h he called
(now known as 'lumazine').
In 1907 Gabriel and Sonn, also
[14], m a d e the same substance by the action of potassium
hypobromlte on pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxamide
Me Tolualloxazine
(_7) .
5 In between these two syntheses, there had been only one pteridine publication, but it contained the first example of a general reaction that came to be greatly favoured for the synthesis of pteridines. Isay's condensation [15] of 4,5-diaminopyrimidine 6,7-diphenylpteridine (9).
I refer to Oskar with benzil to give
This was published in 1906.
W Isay's
The generality of this reaction was soon demonstrated by Sachs and Meyerheim [16] who produced ten more examples of it.
In reporting these, they
mentioned that Traube, when producing 4,5-diaminopyrimidines [17] for his renowned syntheses of purines, had made his students characterize the pyrimidines by condensation with glyoxal, but this was mentioned only in their dissertations.
Sachs and Meyerheim called their products 'azin-
purine', and no connexion with the butterfly pigments was suspected. The question must now be asked:
How did the Berlin chemists manage to
proceed with such speed and confidence in what was later to prove a difficult field?
In the first place, they knew the composition of their starting
materials, and were able to obtain the pteridines from them in one step for which good analogies existed in related series.
Nor were they worried by
quantities, for the starting materials were reasonably well available.
is, perhaps, surprising that they were not troubled by the lack of meltingpoints or by the current (macro) analytical methods.
However they were
proceeding in an atmosphere created by Emil Fischer who did most of his celebrated purine work in Berlin, between 1882 and 1900, and who must have encountered similar problems in that series. Yet another example of pteridine synthesis was published before the constitution of the wing pigments was worked out in Munich.
This was a third
method for preparing lumazine (from 4,5-diamino-2,6-dioxopyrimidine and glyoxal), achieved by Kuhn and Cook (in Heidelberg) [18] who recognized it as a degradation product of riboflavine.
6 FROM THE SYNTHESIS OF XANTHOPTERIN TO FOLIC ACID Once the constitution of the principal butterfly pigments had been determined, and they had been found also in wasps and bees, many laboratories took up the search for pteridines in Nature.
Paper chromatography, which
had only just arrived on the scene, was pressed into service in conjunction with the traditional fluorescence lamp (365 nm).
For the most part, this
search was not very efficient because many pteridines do not fluoresce, and many substances which fluoresced turned out not to be pteridines.
the zoologists who undertook most of this work seldom isolated enough of a new material to have its chemical structure determined.
In the period
1940-1950, many insects, silkworms, amphibia, and fish were looked at in this way.
France, Switzerland, and Japan were early arrivals in this
field of activity which later spread all over the world.
Some pteridines
were found to be essential coenzymes and others developmental hormones, whereas still others (including, it would seem, xanthopterin and leucopterin) are breakdown products of these, accumulated only through a genetic error in metabolism.
Too many of the developmental hormones are still recognized
only by their Rp and fluorescence colour because their chemical nature is not known.
Closer links between biologists and chemists could lead to
the synthesis of these hormones with probably startling results.
work should prove more fruitful than the investigation of pigments of no known biological function. FOLIC ACID AND ALL THAT IT LED TO The story of folic acid illustrates the widespread (and beneficial) consequences that can fan out from the isolation of a biologically active pteridine and determination of its structure.
About 1940, fractions
isolated from green leaves, yeast, and liver were found to have anti-anaemic properties and to be growth factors for some micro-organisms.
Mitchell's 'folic acid', isolated from spinach [19], promoted the growth of L. aasei and some other bacteria.
In 1946, the structure of folic acid
was found by degradation and synthesis [20].
It occurs naturally as the
dihydro-derivative (10). The function of folic acid is to insert a single carbon atom wherever this is required in biosynthesis.
To .this end, dihydrofolic acid is reduced,
H 0 2 C CH NH
~ ^
T |
^ S R ^ N ^ N H g H
Dihydro-folic acid
by the enzyme dihydeofolate
to tetrahydrofolic acid which forms
the required coenzyme by uniting with an appropriate one-carbon fragment. This fragment is inserted into the molecule undergoing biosynthesis and the coenzyme is reconstituted in a cycle of oxidation and reduction which proceeds in one-electron steps.
The four principal kinds of coenzyme are shown
in Scheme 1.
(5)'*(10)" M e t h e n y l
-Methylene - THFA
Scheme 1.
Biosynthetic functions of folic acid coenzymes [DHFA and THFA: di- (and tetra-) hydrofolic acid]
Thus in the biosynthesis of purines, all of which proceeds through inosinic acid (12), the methenyl
coenzyme is needed to insert C-8.
This insertion
is actually performed on glycinamide ribotide which becomes the ribotide of 4-aminoimidazole-5-carboxamide ('AIC') (11).
The forrnyl
coenzyme is then
used to insert C-2 into the purine (12), namely by formylation of the ribotide of AIC.
Ribose-P04 AlC
o O
Uracil ( R = H ) , T h y m i n e (R= Me) Deprivation of folic acid, either directly or through use of an antagonist, leads to death.
In some organisms death occurs through failure to
synthesize purines as fast as they are lost, in others through inability to produce enough thymine (13) from uracil to replace lost DNA. As soon as it was seen that p-aminobenzoic acid was part of the folic acid molecule (and it does not occur elsewhere in Nature) it was realized that the sulphonamide drugs owed their antibacterial action to interference with the synthesis of folic acid.
The selectivity of these drugs depends on two
facts, that mammals do not synthesize their own folic acid but absorb it from the diet, and that hardly any pathogenic bacteria can absorb folic acid but most of them must synthesize their own.
The antibacterial
sulphonamides inhibit the enzyme that condenses p-aminobenzoic acid with 2-amino-4-oxo-6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine pyrophosphate. enzyme (dihyd.rofolate
has been isolated and purified by
G.M. Brown [21] and shown to be reversibly inhibited in this way.
addition, some sulphonamides are accepted by the enzyme and made into rogue folic acids. Folic acid is an indispensable pro-vitamin for man, and lack of it quickly causes macrocytic anaemia and gastro-intestinal disorders.
During pregnancy
it is commonly prescribed to prevent development of the typical anaemic state.
Hence it was with some trepidation that chemists began to make
9 metabolite analogues, based on the pteridine nucleus, as possible drugs. Nevertheless many very valuable remedies have been obtained in this way. Methotrexate (14), introduced into the clinic in 1958, has proved to be an excellent and reliable drug in certain forms of cancer.
This substance
differs from folic acid in two particulars, the oxo-function in the 4positioft has been replaced by an amino-group, and the hydrogen atom in the 10-position by a methyl-group.
Methotrexate, alone or in combination with
other inhibitors of DNA synthesis, provides the standard treatment for the leukaemia of young adults [22, 23].
In addition, methotrexate provides
a rapid and complete cure for two other, otherwise fatal, forms of cancer: choriocarcinoma (a fast-growing tumour of pregnancy) and Burkitt's lymphoma (a solid tumour of the jaw affecting many children in Africa) [23].
It is also used in severe cases of psoriasis.
H0 2 C CH 2
CH 3
Methotrexate acts by inhibiting dihydrofolate
50 per cent
inhibition is effected by a 10 M concentration of this drug which has hardly any effect on any other enzyme.
It is bound to the enzyme about
101* times more tightly than the substrate, surely the least reversible of all reversible inhibitors.
Unfortunately it has little toxicity for most
bacteria and protozoa, because it can no more be taken up by these organisms than folic acid can.
10 To obtain antagonists of dihydrofolate reductase which could penetrate bacteria and protozoa by simple diffusion, G.H. Hitchings and his colleagues began the systematic simplification of the molecule of methotrexate.
found that quite simple 2,4-diaminopyrimidines, provided with aryl substituents, can penetrate into these organisms where they exert a strong antagonistic action on this enzyme [24].
Pyrimethamine (15), discovered
in this way, has become the most widely used of all prophylactics against malaria.
It is now known that an enzyme performing a certain function in
a parasite can be chemically different from one performing the same function in the host.
This is known as the principle of analogous enzymes.
Pyrimethamine is highly selective in this way:
it inhibits the enzyme from
the malarial parasite about 2000 times more strongly than any analogous mammalian enzyme.
Similar selectivity is shown against bacteria by
trimethoprim (16) (see Table 1).
It will be realized that sulphonamides
and trimethoprim block two consecutive stages in the synthesis of the tetrahydrofolate coenzymes.
It has proved very advantageous to give them to
patients simultaneously, thus achieving a large synergistic effect through what is known as 'sequential blocking'.
This combination is now much
prescribed for oral treatment of bronchitis and in infections of the bowel, kidney, and bladder. (Parenthetically speaking, so remarkably do anti-folic drugs distinguish between host-parasite metabolic pathways, and also analogous enzymes, and so remarkable is their action in sequential blocking, that any discussion on these three topics is always illustrated by reference to the antifolies.) Table 1. Mammal
Inhibition of (isolated) Dihydrofolate Reductase by Trimethoprim a Trimethoprim'
a Trimethoprim'
Esoherichia eoli
Staphylococcus aureus
Proteus vulgaris
Concentration (x 108M) causing 50% inhibition
11 BIOPTERIN AND RIBOFLAVINE The participation of pteridines in essential metabolism is by no means restricted to folic acid derivatives.
In 1956, Patterson and colleagues
isolated biopterin (17) from human urine and synthesized it in the same year [25].
This work was done in the Lederle Laboratories of the American
Cyanamid Co. where the degradation and synthesis of folic acid had taken place ten years earlier [20].
It was then found, mainly by S. Kaufman,
that 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin is the co-factor for a set of enzymes that use molecular oxygen to introduce a hydroxy-group into (respectively) phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan [26] and possibly, too, in the hydroxylation of steroids and the formation of melanin.
Biopterin is
present in the royal jelly of the honey bee, but is absent from the workers' food [27].
Several syntheses of-biopterin have been described, but it is
still very expensive. freely.
Were it more abundant, it could be used more
Abnormalities in phenylalanine metabolism lead to mental sub-
normality, and failure to hydroxylate tyrosine would prevent synthesis of all the catecholamines;
there may be clinical uses for biopterin to be
developed here, if it were more abundant.
Biopterin Contrary to early assumptions, an amino-group is not essential for biological activity in the pteridine series.
The biosynthesis of the
vitamin riboflavine takes place [28] via the pteridine 6,7-dimethyl-8ribityl-2,4-dioxopteridine (18) first isolated from the riboflavineproducing mould Eremotheoivm
Other 2-oxopteridines, such as
6-hydroxymethyl-lumazine, have been found in Nature [30].
12 0 Me Me I CH,
Step in biosynthesis of
BIOSYNTHESIS The biosynthesis of folic acid, like that of riboflavine, begins with a purine, in this case guanosine triphosphate, which becomes metabolized to the pyrimidine (19).
Ring-closure gives dihydro-neopterin triphosphate
(20) which is surprisingly like biopterin (17) but has the opposite optical configuration (D instead of L).
The enzyme hydvoneopterin aldolase then
splits out glycolllc aldehyde, leading to the pteridine (21) which is readily built into dihydrofolic acid (10) [31]. It is a fascinating thought that the folic coenzymes which regulate the synthesis of purines are themselves made from a purine, and here we may see a process of self regulation that may get out of hand in malignant conditions [32].
U£) HO
( T = Triphosphate group)
Dihydro-neopterin triphosphate
Degraded G T P
H (P-pyrophosphate Stages in biosynthesis
of Folic Acid
13 THE SPREAD O F INTEREST IN SYNTHESIS The synthesis of pteridines, w h i c h so far had b e e n practised only in Germany, spread to many other countries about 1946, the year in w h i c h the structure and functions of folic acid w e r e disclosed.
Some groups took up pteridine
synthesis for the sheer fascination of its difficult and paradoxical chemistry, others to prepare candidate drugs for biological tests, others to help natural product workers, and yet others to correlate structure w i t h properties, whether physical, biochemical, or physiological. Our A u s t r a l i a n group, quartered at that time in London, entered the field in 1949, publishing first in 1951. in the field.
In Germany, the m o s t active centre was, by then, that of
Tschesche and Korte in Hamburg. England:
W e soon got to know the principal workers
Several active groups had sprung up in
Boon and Jones in Manchester
(in 1948 Jones discovered the parent
substance, pteridine), Ramage in Huddersfield (later in Salford), Forrest and Walker in London, and Timmis in the L o n d o n area.
In Paris, M i c h e l
Polonovski, who had entered the field by isolating xanthopterin from a crab, soon built up a synthetic group that included Pesson.
In the U.S.A.,
apart from the Cyanamid Co., there was the Cornell University group of Taylor, Cain, and Mallette who first published in 1946. Karrer w a s active in the University of Zurich. strengthened further.
In Switzerland,
In the 1950's, the situation
Pfleiderer's first publication (1954) from Stuttgart
signalled the beginning of a strong school, w h o s e hospitality w e are n o w enjoying in Konstanz.
Taylor transferred to Urbana (Illinois) then to
Princeton, founding another strong school, as did Viscontini w h o took over from Karrer in Zurich.
Two m e n who left our A u s t r a l i a n group for n e w
universities in Britain have remained very active in pteridine chemistry: W o o d at Strathclyde and Clark at Salford.
Lister has rejoined D.J. B r o w n
in Canberra, but is now a purine specialist. The Japanese Contribution I w a n t to add a special note o n the Japanese school.
This became quite
strong early, through the inclusion of Egami, at that time Japan's m o s t illustrious biochemist, in the first Pteridine Symposium in Paris.
w a s a graduate of Strassbourg University and communicated freely in F r e n c h and English.
Japanese pteridine chemistry has largely concentrated o n
economic products such as fermented foods and drink, and the silkworm and fish industries.
It seems to find readier government support than in many
other countries.
The fourth Pteridine Symposium in Toba (1969) enabled
many Western scientists to meet their opposite numbers in Japan.
Australian group had some very happy reunions, for a steady stream of Japanese graduate students and postdoctorals have worked with us in Canberra Matsuura, now Professor at Nagoya, was the first of these. The Australian Programme I hope you will allow me to say a few words about our own aims.
These were
to correlate structure with physical properties in order to explain the many anomalies in the pteridine series and to provide a rational basis of pteridine chemistry for workers in biochemistry and the medical sciences. To this end, we produced a great many mono-substituted pteridines, at that time an unknown category of substance, and compared them with the parent substance and with more highly substituted pteridines.
We found that the
troublesome properties that had bedevilled the Munich work increased in proportion as amino- and oxo-groups were inserted into the nucleus. Pteridine itself is low-melting, volatile, very soluble in water and in organic solvents, and remarkably easily broken down by dilute acid and alkali.
These properties persisted, although clearly diminished, when a
single amino- or oxo-group was inserted, whereas the presence of three or four such groups, as in the wing pigments, produced substances that would not melt, dissolve, or even burn completely.
Table 2.
Solubilities of Pteridines in Water at 20°
Pteridine Unsubstituted 2-Amino 2-Dimethylamino 7-Oxo-
1 part in: 7 1350 3 900
O-Methyl derivative
/'/-Methyl derivative
The anomalies of solubility are illustrated in Table 2.
Whereas the parent
substance, pteridine, is soluble in 7 parts of cold water, the introduction of an amino- or an oxo- ("hydroxy-") group makes it far less soluble.
further insertion of either of these groups still further reduces solubility (see Table 3), so that tetraoxopteridine requires 58,000 and leucopterin 750,000 parts [33]. purine series.
Similar effects had been observed by Fischer in the
We traced them to hydrogen bonding, noting that solubility
returns upon either N- or 0-methylation (see Table 2).
Our explanation was
that the ir-deficient character [34] of heteroaromatic rings increases with every doubly-bound nitrogen atom.
This results in an accumulation of
electrons by these atoms which can out-compete the oxygen of water for union with bondable hydrogen atoms.
This effect not only reduces aqueous
solubility but, by increasing crystal lattice energy, raises the meltingpoint and increases resistance to combustion.
Table 3.
Solubilities of Pteridines in Water at 20°
Pteridine Unsubstituted
1 part in: 7
900 4000
The highly ir-deficient character of the pteridine ring prevents electrophilic substitution but makes it particularly vulnerable to nucleophilic attack.
Thus, boiling dilute acid (and alkali too) largely destroys the
parent substance in an hour, an effect which can be countered by the cumulative introduction of electron-releasing groups, such as -NH2 and =0 (the latter with its associated NH constitutes an intracyclic amide group) This is illustrated in Table 4.
16 Table 4.
Decomposition of Pteridines by Boiling N-I^SO^
Decomposition in 1 hour
74 %
W e determined many ionization constants, having h a d m u c h experience in applying the appropriate techniques to heterocycles
[35], and w e combined
the results w i t h evidence from ultraviolet spectra to determine the principal tautomeric state of the m o n o - a m i n o - and 'hydroxy 1 -pteridines. 0-
methyl-derivatives w e r e u s e d as controls
Both N-
This w o r k w a s extended
by Pfleiderer to polysubstituted pteridines. By potentiometric titration in the presence of heavy m e t a l cations, 4-oxopteridines were found to b e active chelating agents
COVALENT HYDRATION In 1952, w e discovered the first instance of 'covalent h y d r a t i o n 1 , w h i c h has turned out to be a w i d e s p r e a d phenomenon in the pteridine series a n d in related polyaza-heteroaromatic compounds.
It is essentially the addition
of water across a C=N double bond to give a secondary or tertiary alcohol. The nucleus of pteridine is n o t truly aromatic because the Ti-double layer has been depleted by several doubly-bound nitrogen atoms.
some of the C=N bonds take o n the character of isolated double bonds (as is apparent in X-ray diffraction reagents
and avidly add nucleophilic
The phenomenon can b e detected from the ionization constants w h i c h show considerable strengthening of basic, and weakening of acidic, properties because of the saturation of the double bond.
17 spectra show changes characteristic of saturation of a double bond.
magnetic resonance, too, can detect covalent hydration by the large upfield shift of the proton in a CH-group at the site of hydration
the double-bond polarizes, as in (22) , and attracts a water molecule which adds as in (23);
finally the negative charge on the ring-nitrogen atom is
neutralized by protonation.
Steps in h y d r a t i o n of
Our first example was discovered during the potentiometric titration of 6-oxopteridine with alkali followed by back-titration with acid, which traced out the hysteresis loop shown in Fig.l
Comparison of the
spectrum of 6-oxopteridine (neutral species) with those of its 2-, 4-, and 7-methyl derivatives
[40a] showed that only the latter had the sharp,
relatively high wave-length peak characteristic of 4- and 7-oxopteridine, whereas the other three spectra showed only a little of this peak but a great deal of another, at shorter wave-length and similar to that of 7,8dihydro-6-oxopteridine
(see Fig.2).
As solid '6-oxopteridine' is strongly
bound to water in a 1:1 ratio, we assigned it the constitution 7-hydroxy-6-oxopteridine
This is a weak acid (p^ a 9.7) which, during
titration w i t h alkali gives the anhydrous anion;
back-titration with acid
furnishes the anhydrous neutral species, namely true 6-oxopteridine, which is a much stronger acid of p K a 3.7. hydrated;
However the latter rapidly becomes
the hysteresis loop can be retraced over and over again.
we found that most covalent hydrations went too fast for hysteresis to be detected in this way;
yet both hydrated and anhydrous spectra could be
recorded in 'rapid reaction apparatus' and from them ionization constants were often determined for both the hydrated pair of species and for the anhydrous pair [41].
In the above example, the methyl-group of 7-methyl-
6-oxopteridine is hindering hydration by both steric and electronic effects (see below).
/ /
/ t
I Eq HCl
i is" >/
Starting Point
Potentiometrie titration of 6-oxopteridine
Ultraviolet spectra of the neutral species (at pH 5.5) of (A) 6-oxopteridine and (B) its 7-methyl-derivative
Ultraviolet spectra of the neutral species (at p H 4.0) of (A) xanthopterin and (B) its 7-methyl-derivative
19 That xanthopterin, in neutral solution, consists of an equilibrium mixture of two substances was noticed in 1950 by Schou (42].
He attributed this to
tautomerism, but we found that it is actually the equilibrium mixture of about equal parts of anhydrous xanthopterin and its covalent hydrate. the anhydrous form is fluorescent.
On paper chromatography, pure xantho-
pterin always gives two spots, of which the non-fluorescent one can be clearly seen under a 254 nm ultraviolet lamp.
The pure substance in each
spot, when eluted and re-applied to paper, develops both the spots.
shows the ultraviolet spectrum of the equilibrium mixture of (A) xanthopterin and the spectrum of (B) its 7-methyl homologue which is not hydrated.
hydrate of xanthopterin is evidently absorbing heavily around 320 nm.
will be recalled that the Munich school had 7-methylxanthopterin as a contaminant in most of their xanthopterin samples right up to 1940.
from this difficulty, a comparison of the spectra would not have revealed that the two substances were simple homologues.
Further, the hydrated and
the anhydrous forms of xanthopterin may have undergone degradation in two different ways, giving rise to the multiplicity of products of which they complained. Table 5 presents the ionization and ultraviolet data for 2-aminopteridine and two of its homologues.
The steady loss of basic strength (quite
contrary to the usual rule) as methyl-groups are inserted, signals the progressive blocking of hydration which takes place mainly in the 3,4position, but also in the 7,8-position.
A study of the ultraviolet spectra
shows that 2-aminopteridine is completely hydrated as the cation;
hydration is prevented, a new strong peak at longer wave-lengths appears. The neutral species, however, is not hydrated. Table 5.
Ionisation and ultraviolet absorption of 2-aminopteridine and homologues HO^-H
NEUT M O L X max
1 CATION loq £
A max
3 92. 3 87
4 3
2 2 5 . 370rrv 232. 3 0 2
2 8
2 2 5 . 367
217. 307, 3 4 6
4 7-Dlmethyl
2 6
228. 363
4 2 7 3 7 2 . 3 71 4 27
4 02
Here w e m i g h t pause a n d ask, 'What are the factors responsible for covalent hydration?'
First of all, the m o l e c u l e m u s t b e sufficiently
depleted, either by the presence of more than one doubly-bound nitrogen atom, or by strongly electron-attracting substituents such as - N O 2 , or -SC^Me. These circumstances encourage nucleophilic attack, by water molecules in this case.
But this provision is n o t enough to give an instrumentally
strable amount of hydration;
it is necessary in addition to have resonance
stabilization of the hydrate.
A n example of this type of stabilizing
influence is the amidinium resonance, well known to operate in the cations (but not in the neutral species) of amidines, thus making them strong bases. Scheme 2 shows how the cation (but not the neutral species) of quinazoline is stabilized by an amidinium resonance, a n d the similar (if m o r e complex) behaviour of the pteridine cation will be discussed later.
By a different
type of resonance (the amide type), 6-, and also 2-, oxopteridine hydrates are stabilized as the neutral species, but n o t as the anion.
The hydrate
of pteridine forms a n anion, just as amidines do, and this is stabilized by resonance.
Neutral pteridine has only about 20% of hydrate at equilibrium
The A M I D I N I U M NH,
NH N n m (unstable)
Scheme 2.
V H^y
Example of a hydration-stabilizing
Additional evidence of the covalent character of these covalently
products comes from mass spectrography (where hydrated and anhydrous species degrade very differently)
[43] a n d X-ray diffraction studies
After some time, the site of hydration of a m o l e c u l e can shift
water molecule first, under kinetic control, adds to a site w i t h adequate affinity and little energy barrier.
After an interval of time, it m a y b e
found that the water molecule has accumulated at a different site in the
same molecule, provided that its affinity is greater and the energy barrier greater but not insurmountable (it is now under thermodynamic control). example can be seen in Fig.4.
The cation of pteridine, which rapidly
hydrates in the 3,4-position as soon as it is formed (by dissolving pteridine in dilute acid), has a complex multiplet at about x 1.3 representing protons on the 2,4,and 6-positions and a sharp upfield peak representing CH in the 4-position, which now provides an aliphatic setting.
However, with a half
time of 20 minutes, this picture changes to a new equilibrium where singlet peaks, downfield, represent the 2- and 4- protons, whereas those on 6- and 7- unite to a complex multiplet signifying dihydration across the 5,6- and 7,8- double bonds.
Thus the lower graph in Fig.4 shows both the kinetically
and the thermodynamically controlled addition of water to the same cation [46]. P T E R I D I N E CATIONS
Fig. 4.
t. • lOmm(lt)
The kinetically and the thermodynamically controlled addition of water to the pteridine cation at pH 1.
Table 6 presents some examples of the influence of steric and electronic effects on covalent hydration of pteridines;
the examples of 4-trifluoro-
methylpteridine [47] and 4-ethoxycarbonylpteridine [48] add variety to the types already discussed.
The hydrated product (4-ethoxycarbonyl-5,6,7,8-
tetrahydro-6,7-dihydroxypteridine) of the last named substance can be obtained in both a£s and trans geometrical forms [48].
Table 6.
Nucleophilic Attack of Water Molecules on Pteridine Cations Effect on attack, at 4-
Site of hydration
Substituent in 4-position
Final 5,6-7,8
Unusual types of hydration have been encountered and studied in the 8-alkyllumazine and -pterin series (these models relate to intermediates in the biosynthesis of riboflavine).
In these substances, the alkylation of a
'borrowed hydrogen atom' in the 8-position has led to strained, quinonoid forms, highly subject to hydration [49]. Other Nucleophilic Additions We found that all mono-oxopteridines, whether they added water or not, underwent nucleophilic addition reactions with sodium bisulphite, Michael reagents, barbituric acids, and dimedone [40a, 50].
Such mono-amino and
mono-thio pteridines as were examined did this also [51]. look into the addition reactions of the parent. Scheme 3, these fell into three classes.
This led us to
As can be seen from
Many examples of simple addition
across the 3,4-double bond were found, sometimes preceding transfer to the pyrazine ring.
In another pattern, exemplified by cyanoacetamide, the
pyrimidine ring opened, expelled a nitrogen atom, and closed again.
A third
pattern, as shown by acetylacetone, led to 1:1 addition across the 6,7-bond [52],
Scheme 3.
(Albert I fllzuno. 1*71, 1973)
Addition reactions of pteridine
23 Pteridines also add nucleophilically to one another, either directly as in the purple dimer of 2-oxopteridine (24), or through a CH2-bridge, as in the dimer (25) (R = H) of 4-methylpteridine [53]. Evans and Wolfenden showed that pteridine is changed by the enzyme adenosine deaminase to the Z-aeworotatory form of the hydrate 3,4-dihydro-4-hydroxypteridine.
They concluded from this that covalent hydration is the first
stage in the deamination of adenosine [54].
APPLICATIONS OF PTERIDINES Several medical applications of pteridines have already been mentioned.
of a different kind is the use of the diuretic triamterene (26) (2,4,7diamino-6-phenylpteridine) and the slightly less active 2,4-diamino-6,7dimethylpteridine.
These act, in the distal tubule of the kidney, on the
system which exchanges Na~*" for K"*" [55] .
Some recent Boehringer patents
suggest that quite simple pterid-4-ones have diuretic properties.
Ph^N. (26)
JL is.
(R= H y d r o x y a l k y l ) Triamterene
( R ' = d o . , Me or H ) Nippon Zoki Analgesics
Glycosides of pteridines, such as 8-D-ribofuranosyl-lumazine, made by Pfleiderer and associates, have been found to have viricidal and bactericidal properties [56],
A search for inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase
in the bacterium that causes leprosy has found good activity (but poor cell permeability) in 2,4-diamino-6-isobutylpteridine [57].
The enzyme
24 6-hydroxymethyl-7
pyrophosphokinase, which is necessary for
the biosynthesis of dihydrofolic acid (see foregoing), can be inhibited by substances recently synthesized by Wood and colleagues, such as 2-amino-7,7diethyl-6-hydroxymethylpterid-4-one and 6-formyl-7,7-dimethyl-7,8-dihydropterin which have proved useful for treating wounds after operations
A recent Japanese patent claims pteridines of the type (27) as useful analgesics and inhibitors of inflamination [59]. In photosynthesis, there is some evidence that an unknown pteridine is (at a very low potential) the primary acceptor of the electrons produced from absorption of the light quanta from photochemical energy
CONCLUSION The time has been too short to deal adequately with all the significant steps and there may even be several that I have overlooked.
This matters
less, because of the great feast of new contributions which we are to hear in our five days in Konstanz, out of which much of significance will surely emerge.
Hopkins, F.G., Nature (London), 40, 335 (1889).
Hopkins, F.G., Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. B, 186, 661-682 (1895).
Wieland, H., and Schöpf, C., Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges., _58, 2178-2183 (1925).
Schöpf, C., and Wieland, H., Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges., 59, 2067-2072 (1926).
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Specific Inhibition of Dihydrofolate Biosynthesis A New Approach to Chemotherapy H.C.S. Wood
INTRODUCTION The essence of chemotherapy is the differential effect whereby the drug is more detrimental to the parasite than to the host.
Selective toxicity is therefore the key to the design
of successful chemotherapeutic agents.
This simple fact is
often ignored in the planning of research programmes. Traditional methods for the discovery of chemotherapeutic agents can best be summed up in the phrase empiricism'.
Success depends upon the availability of new
compounds, efficient biological screening
appropriate feed-back from biologists to chemists, and hence to chemical modification of the candidate drug.
such trial and error methods work, and the majority of chemotherapeutic agents which are available today have been discovered in this way.
The vast allocation of resources of
men and materials for this approach make it necessary to question this method more than ever at the present
The present essay records an attempt to investigate
rational design of antibacterial agents based on studies of the biosynthesis of dihydrofolate.
It will also
some of the general principles which govern the application of anti-metabolites to the practical problems of chemotherapy.
In 1940, D. D. Woods [l] proposed the classical anti-metabolite theory that certain substances which prevent
(anti-metabolites) may do so by interfering with the formation of other substances essential for cell growth Inhibition occurs if the anti-metabolite
resembles the metabolite and thus fits the same enzyme, and yet is sufficiently different to inhibit enzyme activity. Sulphanilamide, derived from prontosil in vivo. was the first anti-metabolite to be of clinical utility, and is, of course, related structurally to p-aminobenzoic
— >
M - ^ ^ - S O a N R j
H a N - ^ ^ - C Q j H
Antimetabolite theory, however, has not led to many useful drugs over the past 30 years, and it is not always that anti-metabolites per se are necessarily agents.
The success of the sulphonamides as anti-bacterial
agents is due to interference with a biochemical
which is present in the parasite but absent from the host. The basis of the rational approach to chemotherapy which is to be discussed in this paper is the exploitation of differences in the biochemistry of the parasite from that of the host.
Ideally, we are seeking a situation whereby an
enzymic system is present in the parasite but absent from the host and which may thus be specifically inhibited.
this ideal situation is not obtainable it is still possible to obtain substantial quantitative differences in the binding of inhibitor to enzyme when the enzyme is common to parasite and host.
29 THE
Coenzymes based on tetrahydrofolate are essential in the cell metabolism of both pathogenic micro-organisms and mammalian hosts.
They are involved in the transfer of one
carbon atom units in vivo and are 'thus vital for the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids.
difference, however, is the fact that many of these microorganisms synthesise dihydrofolate,
the precursor of tetra-
hydrof olate coenzymes, from simple precursors whereas
mammalian host is dependent on exogenous sources of folate [ 2 j .
The differences in the biosynthetic pathways of host and parasite are now well defined and are set out below.
1 illustrates the route to tetrahydrofolate coenzymes found in most mammalian species.
The enzyme
reductase has proved to be of especial significance chemotherapy and will be discussed
CH-, co2H
H Diet
Coenzymes Scheme 1
30 Micro-organisms, on the other hand, synthesise dihydrofolate from simple precursors and the biochemistry of the final stages has been clarified considerably by the elegant work of G. M. Brown [3] and others [4] and is summarised in Scheme 2.
The enzymes of significance in this pathway are
dihydroneopterin aldolase,
pyrophosphokinase, dihydropteroate synthase and dihydrofolate synthase.
One of these, the pyrophosphokinase will be
discussed in detail later.
H pyrophosphokinase
0 UN/' lyj
'j' -H
dihydropteroate xW./,A. , svntha.se M .tJ ^ N synthase H
-^-Coenzymes CI H
cO3H Scheme 2
31 The two biosynthetic pathways clearly have some steps which are common (from dihydrofolate onwards) and some which are distinctive or peculiar to the micro-organism.
Thus we
have here the required difference between parasite and host which can be exploited for chemotherapeutic purposes. must be noted that most pathogenic micro-organisms
use preformed folic acid because folic acid can only enter a cell by an active transport mechanism which is not present in most bacterial cells.
This fact is of great
if inhibitors of the enzymes in the biosynthetic are to be used as antibacterial agents.
importance pathway
The differences
the biosynthetic pathways are summarised in Scheme 3. Host
Folic Acid
Simple pteridine
V 7,8-dihydropteroate >• 7, 8-dihydrof olate
5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate Y Co-enzymes
Inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase are of two types. Aminopterin and amethopterin are full structural analogues of the substrate whereas 2,4-diaminopyrimidine such as trimethoprim are not so closely related
derivatives structurally.
Both types are powerful inhibitors and give 50fo inhibition _9
of enzyme activity at about 1 x 10
Their chemo-
therapeutic activities, however, are completely different.
R=H R=CH 3
Inhibitors of the aminopterin type possess a full complement of binding sites.
The binding of inhibitor to enzyme would
thus be expected to parallel that of substrate to enzyme whatever the source of the latter.
In fact, these
have chemotherapeutic utility only as anti-leukaemia
compounds drugs
in mammals, and show little toxicity to bacteria and protozoa. It has been shown that these molecules are transported
cell membranes by the same mechanisms which govern transport of folic acid.
Thus they affect only those species which
require exogenous folic acid, and have no effect on bacteria etc. which lack the active transport G. H. Hitchings and his colleagues
[5] demonstrated some 25
years ago that essentially all derivatives of the 2, 4-diaminopyrimidine ring system inhibit dihydrofolate reductase and moreover that the inhibition can be made highly
towards the enzyme from one organism or another by relatively minor changes in structure.
This selectivity is no doubt
related to the fact that these inhibitors do not possess a full complement of binding sites. Inhibitors of this type are able to pass through cell walls by a passive diffusion process, i.e. progress into the cell is quite unrelated to the ability of the cell to assimilate preformed folic acid.
The origin of this selectivity has
been the subject of detailed study by J. J. Burchall
[6] and
appears to be due to differences, possibly even of primary structure, in the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase in the
33 organism in question. Ml-k Generalized
Examples of Inhibitors
il - O Me 'ONe
OMe Trimethoprim
INHIBITION OF DIHYDROFOLATE BIOSYNTHESIS In principle, a specific inhibitor of any one of the four enzymes involved in the conversion of dihydroneopterin into dihydrofolate should prove to be a selectively toxic agent and affect only the parasite. Sulphonamides are known to be effective inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase [7].
Some aspects of our work with this
enzyme will be discussed in a paper [8] to be presented in this symposium.
The present study is concerned with
inhibitors of the pyrophosphokinase.
Prior to our own
investigations in this area, no attempts have been made to design specific inhibitors of this enzyme. The kinase catalyses the following reaction in which two phosphate residues are transferred to the hydroxymethylpteridine from adenosine
lh NI' X H
We have synthesised a number of structural analogues of the substrate for evaluation as potential inhibitors.
enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of 7,8-dihydrofolate appear to have an absolute requirement for binding of such analogues for the 2-aminopyrimidin-4-one moiety.
They are
thus quite distinct from dihydrofolate reductase where diaminopyrimidine derivatives bind
(a) Pyrimido[5.4-e]as
The compounds all conformed to the following
•AY R'
Two synthetic methods were used although these differed in minor detail.
Thus, condensation of a 4-chloro—5-nitro-
pyrimidine with a monoacyl hydrazine gave the acyl hydrazinopyrimidine.
This cyclised readily on
reduction of the nitro group to give the
35 triazine.
Oxidation to the fully aromatic compounds proved
to be difficult
However, oxidation of the 3-methyl deriv-
ative ( R = C H 3 ) was accomplished by bubbling air through a suspension of the dihydro derivative in ethanolic sodium hydroxide.
The aromatic compound was isolated as its
sodium salt.
o H M
^ N
• N 0,
^ ^
R=CH, CH2.C6 H 5
The second method led more conveniently to the dihydro derivatives.
This involved condensation of the
chloropyrimidine with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine to give a hydrazinopyrimidine.
Acylation,followed by reduction and
cyclisation,gave the required compounds. The precise structure of the dihydropyrimidotriazines has given us some cause for concern.
In each case bar one, the
ultraviolet absorption spectra, typicallyJ X
279 nm at max pHl and X 280 nm at pH13, are anomalous with maxima at max ' shorter wavelengths than would be expected for the structures shown above.
This fact, together with the observation that
these molecules tenatiously retain one molecule of water,
M e N H MI1
-H N" fN t n*— N / H 2
R=CH-, CH2,C6 H 5 HNJ'
suggests that dehydration has not followed cyclisation as is usual in such heterocyclic systems.
It seems likely, there-
fore that we have hydrated structures such as that shown below. o
itc °
H N *
I I HO-C N (Me i R It is unusual in pteridines to find stable hydrated
with a substituent R in the position shown and we have therefore considered the isomeric structure shown on the right. At the present time there appears to be little evidence in favour of such structures.
which are insoluble in water, dissolve readily in alkali .indicating the presence of an acidic hydrogen atom, one of the dihydro derivatives can be oxidised (see above) to a fully aromatic compound isolable as a sodium salt, and one
37 of the dihydro derivatives (R-CH 2 .0H) prepared in exactly the same way, does not retain a molecule of water and shows a normal ultraviolet absorption spectrum Xmax 310, ' 281 and A 7 233 (pHl) and Xma -v- 301, 281 and 227 nm (pH13).
(to) Blocked Dihydropteridines The compounds all conformed to the following generalized struc ture.
o A
H ^ r A i hN ^ The synthesis of this type of blocked dihydropteridine is conveniently achieved by a modification of the method described by Boon et al [9] for the preparation of 7,8dihydropteridines.
This method, which has also been used
by Pfleiderer and Zondler [10] for the synthesis of a blocked dihydropteridine, involves cyclisation of an appropriately substituted pyrimidine which is itself prepared by condensation of an oc-aminoketone with a pyrimidine bearing an activated chloro group.
Y N ^ C I
x >k
Y ^ n
38 The required cc-aminoketones are not readily available and we have investigated several routes to compounds of this type. (a) The first of these involved preparation of 2-methyl-2phthalimidopropanoic acid and its conversion into 1-hydroxy3-methyl-3-phthalimidobutan-2-one
by successive treatment with
thionyl chloride, diazomethane and dilute hydrochloric
Stronger acid hydrolysis removed the protecting group and gave the required a-aminoketone which was converted into its semicarbazone to prevent self-condensation
Reaction with 4-chloro-5-nitropyrimidine followed by hydrolysis of the semicarbazone, reduction of the 5-nitro group and cyclisation gave the required pteridine derivative
o f b - c - c o ^
C H,
N - C - C O . ^ O H O
CHs N M H C O . N H , I II ® H 3 N - C — C — C H . D H
at 100
c h
50io at
CH2 • CH3
50 io at
50$ at
37% at 100
c h
We thus see that we have here a series of very effective enzyme inhibitors, the best of which give 50$> inhibition of enzyme activity at concentrations of 2-5/O-M.
Further studies
are in progress in an attempt to find still more
Activity against whole
It is disappointing to report that the biological activity of the blocked dihydropteridines against a micro-organism as S. Aureus is very low indeed.
What is very
however, is the synergistic effect which is observed when these compounds are used in combination with other known antibacterial agents such as trimethoprim which
dihydrofolate reductase and sulphamethoxazole which dihydropteroate synthase.
Some preliminary results are
shown in the following table. experiment was
The pteridine used in this
[1/HjPtCHjOPP] /iM"'
from plot (B) at the various H2PtCH2 0 P P levels, and vice-versa. The standard errors of the slopes ranged from 3-17% (mean = 7.5%) and the slopes within each plot did not differ significantly (p = 0.05). However, one experiment is seemingly inconsistent with the ordered reaction sequence; the initial velocity plots of each substrate at several fixed levels of the alternate substrate (Fig. 6).
A sequential mechanism
normally gives converging lines in double reciprocal plots of this type (17), yet these data appear to yield parallel lines, which is usually indicative of a ping pong mechanism in which the first product is released before the second substrate binds to the enzyme. may be offered for this apparent inconsistency.
Several explanations These data cannot dif-
ferentiate between parallel lines and lines in which the slopes differ only slightly.
Henderson et at. (18) argued that unless the ratio of the
true dissociation constant to substrate concentration is >0.1, then any deviation from parallel lines is extremely difficult to detect.
Thus if
the dissociation constants for H 2 ptCH 2 0PP and for pAB are less than about 0.05 pM, convergent lines would not be observed.
A proposal of alternate
reaction sequence was offered to explain parallel line initial velocity plots with human hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
(17) has discussed the conditions under which parallel lines are observed in initial velocity plots.
In the absence of other evidence {e.g. from
isotope exchange and equilibrium dialysis studies) the mechanism of reaction of H2~pteroate synthetase cannot be considered firmly established, although the product inhibition studies indicate an ordered reaction. I | The role of Mg
in this reaction has been in some doubt since an abso-
lute requirement has been claimed for the E. aoli enzyme (5), but not for
68 Fig. 7. Effects of divalent cations on the activity of E. oo~li dihydropteroate synthetase. The salts indicated were included in the standard enzyme assay systems (30 min. incubation) at 25, 200, and 2,500 yM, and the amount of dihydropteroate synthesized compared to a control with no salts added.
C0NC, ;u.M
partially purified preparations of this enzyme from other sources (2,3,4). Until now we could only observe a 15-30% stimulation by MgCl2 of the activity of H2~pteroate synthetase from E. aoli,
even with enzyme prepara-
tions which had been further purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography (5) and/or extensively dialyzed.
However, recently a number of experiments
have been performed in which the activity observed in the absence of MgCl2 was only 1/10 - 1/3 of that obtained with MgCl2 present. The activity in I | the absence of added Mg is inhibited by low levels of EDTA (0.5 - 20 yM) I [ or 1 mM ATP and this inhibition can be reversed by the inclusion of Mg in the reaction mixtures. of Mg
Maximal rates can be obtained with low levels
; Fig. 7 demonstrates full activity with 25 yM MgCl2 or MgSO^.
Other experiments have demonstrated detectable stimulation of activity at | | I j levels as low as 1 yM.
can substitute for Mg
, but the other diva-
lent cations tested only had small effects or were inhibitory (Fig. 7). I | Thus Mg
does seem to be required for the H2-pteroate synthetase from
E. aoli.
The variable results I | obtained may have been due to the intro-
duction of low levels of Mg
in incubation mixtures as a contaminant of
other components added. SUMMARY Dihydropteroate synthetase activity of E, aoVi
and P. bevghei
bited by H2~pteroate, H2-folate and H2~homopteroate.
was inhi-
was a strong inhibitor of the synthetases from both sources, competitive with H2PtCH20PP, and apparent K^ values of 0.15 yM and 7 nM were found for the enzymes from E. coli,
and P. bevghei,
The activity of
69 H2~pteroate synthetase was inhibited by its products in a pattern consistent with an ordered mechanism.
The assignment of H2ptCH20PP as the first
substrate to bind to the enzyme and H2-pteroate as the last product to leave, was supported by the finding that both of these compounds protected the enzyme from heat denaturation, but pAB and Na pyrophosphate did not protect.
However, double reciprocal plots of each substrate at several
fixed levels of the other substrate gave lines in which the slopes were not significantly different, suggesting a ping pong mechanism.
other evidence is required to determine the reaction mechanism of this enzyme. Studies with divalent cations and chelating agents indicate a requirement | |
for low concentrations of Mg
or Mn
, which might have been present in
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ribosyltransferase I I . Kinetics and Chemical Modification. Chem. 244, 1271-1277 (1969).
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Poe: Dr. Ferone deserves to be congratulated for this beautiful kinetic data on a most difficult assay. Have you detected another product of the enzymatic reaction ? If there were another product, it could explain the discrepancy between your initial rate studies (indicating "ping-pong" mechanism) and your product inhibition studies. Ferone: We have no evidence for this and I am not sure that this would lead to parallel lines in the initial velocity studies. Mautner: Can this reaction be run backwards ? Then one could use labelled pyrophosphate to determine whether, in absence of PABA, pyrophosphoric pteridine is formed ? Ferone: We have not tried this, but others have published that the reaction is not reversible. However, such an experiment can also be run in the forward direction, and we hope to do so. Mautner: Have you looked at esters of pteroic or homopteroic acid as inhibitors of your enzyme ? Ferone: No, we have not. Degraw: Have you any explanation for activity of homopteroates against malaria organisms ? Are the compounds penetrating the cell wall ? Ferone: The enzyme inhibition data certainly suggests that fy-homopteroate inhibits by interference with folate biosynthesis. By implication then one would suppose the compound penetrated the cell membrane, but of course this is no proof.
Dihydropteroate Synthase: Purification by Affinity Chromatography and Mechanism of Action C.J. Suckling, J.R. Sweeney and H.C.S. Wood
synthase (E.C. is an enzyme of
especial significance from the point of view of chemotherapy, because it has been shown to be strongly inhibited by sulphonamides, and is the principal site of action of these antibacterial agents
This enzyme is one of those involved in the biosynthesis tetrahydrofolate
in bacteria and other parasites (Fig. 1).
The use of specific inhibitors of one or more of these enzymes in a new approach to chemotherapy has been discussed earlier in this symposium
It is clear that the design
of such inhibitors will be greatly facilitated by a detailed understanding of the structure and properties of the enzyme in question.
Thus there has been enormous
in the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase which is specifically inhibited by the successful antibacterial agent [3].
The primary structure of the enzyme from E.Coli has
now been established
[4], and crystallographic
studies to
elucidate the conformation of the enzyme are underway. We plan a similar investigation of dihydropteroate
and this paper is concerned with the purification of the enzyme and some studies of its mechanism of action.
H' A N A
^ NX'
* 7 AMP "2
(PAB) Dihydropteroate Synthase
Sulphonamides Inhibit
H, r r ^ N ^
H D ihydro folate Synthase
Dihydrofolate Reductase Tetrahydro- < folate
NO. / C H , NH
Trimethoprim h ij N ^ ^ ^ N Inhibits H
Although dihydropteroate synthase has been purified by classical enzymological techniques [5], it is difficult to separate it from the preceding enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway, the pyrophosphokinase.
We have
investigated its purification by the biospecific of affinity chromatography
[6] using a sulphonamide
attached to Sepharose. Unlike conventional techniques for purifying enzymes which rely upon physico-chemical differences such as charge and size between proteins, affinity chromatography makes use of the ability of enzymes to bind their substrates strongly at the active site.
Further, enzymes are specific with regard
to the substrate that they will accept. enzyme-substrate
interaction forms the basis of enzyme
75 purification by affinity chromatography.
Fortunately, not
only substrates but also inhibitors can bind;
the inhibitors
may be substrate analogues or transition-state analogues
In our work we have used a substrate analogue. In order to carry out affinity chromatography, the substrate or inhibitor (the ligand) is covalently attached to an inert polymer matrix in such a way that binding of the ligand to the enzyme is not impaired.
usually employed to extend the ligand away from the polymer backbone.
This material is packed into a column and the
crude enzyme preparation is applied (Fig. 2 A ) .
AS the
proteins pass down the column the enzyme is specifically retained by binding to the ligand (Fig. 2B) , the unwanted protein being eluted.
When all of this protein has been
removed, a column of enzyme bound through the ligand to the polymer matrix remains.
The enzyme can be eluted by
changing the buffer so that the enzyme no longer binds to the ligand (Fig. 2c).
W \
(B) Figure 2
76 Our purification of dihydropteroate synthase uses the sulphonamide
(l) as ligand.
with cyanogen bromide
Sepharose 4B was activated
[8] and coupled to the spacer-arm
The sulphonamide was condensed
with the Sepharose conjugate using
l-cyclohexyl-3 - (2-morphol-
inoethyl) carbodi-imide metho-jD-toluenesulphonate aqueous dioxan.
in 50$>
The product thus obtained contained
1.7//.M of inhibitor per ml. of settled gel.
H 2 N ( C H 2 ) 3 NH ( CH 2 ) 3 N H 2 2=NH
— 0
-O.CONH(CH2 ) 3 N H ( C H 2
(l) + Carbodi-imide -OH —
O.CONH(CH2 ) 3 N H ( C H 2
Figure 3 The sulphonamide (K±
8 x 10
(l) is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme Despite this, when a saturated solution of
crude enzyme from E.Coli in either 0.2M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8 . 5 ,
or 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 8 . 0 ,
applied to a 60 x 8 mm. column of the
the protein and enzymic activity were eluted
the enzyme was slightly retarded by the column (Fig. 4 A ) . Protein was determined by the method of Lowry [ 1 0 ]
and enzyme
77 activity was assayed using
C labelled jD-aminobenzoic
following the method of Richey and Brown [5].
However, when
the buffer contained in addition 18yulM 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropteridine 5mM dithiothreitol
(DHPP) and
(DTT) to prevent oxidation of the dihydro-
pteridine, essentially all the enzyme activity was retained on the column whilst the bulk of the protein was eluted. Immediately upon removal of DHPP and DTT from the buffer, enzymic activity emerged from the column (Fig. 4B).
This is
good evidence for a biospecific process and represents a purification of the enzyme of 180 fold in one step.
280 run.
- 90
~iSL L
ACTIVITY (tip. m.) -18 .«M DHPP * 5 nM DTT
Figure 4
25 30 Column Volumes
78 If the substrate DHPP can induce binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme, it was obviously of interest to see whether analogues of DHPP and related compounds would do likewise. Of the compounds which we have tested only the monophosphate analogue of DHPP gives rise to binding of enzyme to sulphonamide inhibitor, and hence allows affinity (Fig.
Binding of enzyme
Concentration used in affinity chromatography
5.9 x 10
1 x 10
pteridine 1.2x10 pyrophosphate 2.4x10
k x 10
8 x 10
/ ^ N / ^ N ^ M e H nh2
OMe *
Figure 5
I 4 0 = 8 x 10
79 With this information to hand, we wished to find out whether a column prepared using p-aminobenzoic acid, one of the substrates of the enzyme, as ligand could give rise to affinity chromatography.
However, a column of p-amino-
benzoic acid - Sepharose, prepared as in Figure 3, failed to achieve affinity chromatography under identical conditions to those successful with the sulphonamide - Sepharose column. This is not surprising since amides derived from p-aminobenzoic acid are known to have little antibacterial activity [11]. Finally, it was important to check whether the linking arm, di-(3-aminopropyl)amine, was contributing to the binding of the enzyme.
We were surprised to find that a column of
aminoalkyl-Sepharose completely retained all protein and all enzymic activity.
Both were eluted with 1M sodium chloride.
However, this column did not retain enzyme activity when the buffer contained DHPP and DTT although significant occurred.
This result suggests that some non-specific
binding is taking place.
The obligatory presence of DHPP in the enzyme solution applied to the affinity column and the negative elution effected by its removal suggest that an ordered kinetic mechanism (Fig. 6) may be operating in which the pteridine pyrophosphate DHPP must bind to the enzyme before p-aminobenzoic acid or sulphonamide. DHPP
Dihydropteroate + PP.
„DHPP PAB Figure 6
PP Pteroate
80 Similar chromatographic behaviour has been observed with lactate dehydrogenase experiments
In this case, kinetic
[13] confirm that NADH must be bound to lactate
dehydrogenase before pyruvate binds and accordingly pig heart lactate dehydrogenase only binds to an inhibitor (oxamate) containing column in the presence of NADH. Our results would appear to have an important bearing on the mode of action of the anti-bacterial sulphonamides and we are currently investigating this aspect of the problem. are also developing the affinity chromatography for large scale purification of dihydropteroate synthase and hope to obtain sufficient enzyme for affinity labelling and crystallographic
Acknowledgement We thank the Science Research Council for the award of a studentship (to JRS) and Dr. R. Ferone of the Wellcome Research Laboratories, North Carolina for crude E.Coli preparations.
REFERENCES 1. Brown, G. M:
The biosynthesis of folic acid. II.
Inhibition by sulphonamides.
J. Biol. Chem.,
536-540 (1962). 2. Wood, H. C. S: biosynthesis.
Specific inhibition of dihydrofolate A new approach to chemotherapy.
This Symposium, pp.
3. Burchall, J. J. and Hitchings,G. H:
Inhibitor binding
analysis of dihydrofolate reductases from various species.
Mol. Pharmacol., _1, 126-136
Bennet, C. D:
Similarity in the sequence of E. Coli
dihydrofolate reductase with other pyridine nucleotide requiring enzymes.
Nature, 248. 67-68
5. Richey, D. P. and Brown, G. M: acid. IX.
The biosynthesis of folic
Purification and properties of the enzymes
required for the formation of dihydropteroic J. Biol. Chem., 244. 1582-1592 6. Lowe, C. R. and Dean, P. D. G: Wiley-Interscience, New York,
(l969). 'Affinity Chromatography' 1974.
7. Wolfenden, R: Analog approaches to the structure of the transition state in enzymic reactions.
Accounts of Chem.
Research, ¿ , 10-17 (l972). 8. Cuatrecasas, P:
Protein purification by affinity
chromatography, J. Biol. Chem., 245• 3059-3065
9. Steers, E., Cuatrecasas, P. and Pollard, H. D:
purification of (3-galactosidase from Escherichia by affinity chromatography.
J. Biol. Chem., 246.
(1971). 10. Lowry, 0. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L., and Randall, R. J:
Protein measurement with the Folin Phenol
J. Biol. Chem., 192, 265-275 11. Northey, E. H:
Structure and chemotherapeutic
of sulphanilamide derivatives. (1940).
Chem. Revs., 2J_, 85-197,
82 12. o'Carra, P. and Barry, S: lactate dehydrogenase.
Affinity chromatography
FEBS Letters, 21, 281-285
(1972). 13. Schwert, G. W. in 'Pyridine
Dehydrogenases', Ed. Sund H., Springer Verlag,
133 (l970). DISCUSSION Poe: What is the biological source ? Is this an "induced" strain with higher levels of enzyme ? Wood: The enzyme was obtained from E.coli. This was provided by Dr. R. Ferone and was not an induced strain. G.M.Brown: ^-pteroate synthase is a relatively unstable enzyme in our hands. My question is: how stable is your 200-fold purified enzyme ? Wood: No investigations have been made, as yet, on stability of the purified enzyme. The instability to which you refer may explain a purification factor (x 200) which is made for an efficient affinity column. G.M.Brown: A second question is: what was the recovery of enzyme activity from the affinity column ? Wood:
I regret that I do not have this information available.
Whiteley: Do you know the molecular weight ? Wood: Rickey and Brown have quoted a molecular weight of 5o.ooo for dihydropteroate synthase. Our material has not been examined as yet. Whiteley: In relation to this, have you altered the spacer length ? Wood: No variation has been made in the length of the spacer arm. Whiteley: Have you blocked xs spacer ion-exchange groups ? Wood: Excess spacer arm groups have not been blocked and presumably ionexchange effects are responsible for slight retardation shown in figure 4A. Shiota: Has the affinity chromatography purified dihydropteroate synthetase been tested with p-aminobenzoylglutamate ? Wood: No, it has not been so tested. Scrimgeour: There is a phenomenon called "substrate synergism" noted by Boyer and Bridger and apparently observed with several enzymes, in which
83 the association constants for substrates are increased when all substrates are present. Could this be an explanation of your binding only in the presence of DHPP, and might it also have some effect on Dr. Ferone's kinetic anomaly ? Wood: I believe that the "ordered kinetics" reported by Dr. Ferone, and the results of our affinity chromatography can be explained by assuming that the DHPP changes the conformation of the enzyme so that the sulfonamides (and presumably also the PAB) is "recognized". This would appear to be a form of "substrate synergism" where one substrate must bind before the other.
The Properties of Gamma Glutamyl Hydrolase (Conjugase) from Bovine Liver P.B. Rowe, M. Silink and R. Reddel
Several years ago our research group decided that the biologically significant and metabolically active forms of the mammalian folates were their polygammaglutamyl derivatives. The unique polygammaglutamyl peptides, which have been extensively studied by protein physical chemists (1) are polyanions. It has been shown that, in the range of sizes we are concerned with in folic acid metabolism, that (at the physiological pH range) these peptides assume an extended rod configuration maintained by the free alpha carboxyl groups provided the ionic strength of their environment is not too high (1). A major objective of our studies has been to define a biological role for these molecules. We have undertaken a systematic examination of pteroylpolyglutamates in the mammal from four different aspects: 1.
Mechanisms of biosynthesis.
Mechanisms of degradation.
The role of polyglutamates as the natural substrates for the folate interconversion enzymes.
Other potential roles for the glutamyl peptides, e.g. as modulators of the membrane transport system for folic acid derivatives.
The second area of study demanded the purification and characterisation of gamma glutamyl hydrolase (conjugase), the enzyme responsible for the cleavage of the gamma bonds. We selected the enzyme from liver as we considered that as this organ contained the bulk of the body folates then the enzyme involved in the cleavage of the glutamate residues should be central to any control mechanisms for regulating folate flux. Beef tissue was selected as our preliminary studies indicated a close similarity between this enzyme and the human enzyme examined by Baugh and Krumdieck (2), and our work is aimed at establishing an understanding of folate metabolism in Man. It must be acknowledged that none of this work would have been possible without the pioneering studies of Baugh and his colleagues who established the methodology for the solid phase synthesis of pteroylpolyglutamates.
86 P u r i f i c a t i o n o f t h e enzyme was a c h i e v e d by t r a d i t i o n a l methods o f p r o t e i n p u r i f i c a t i o n whose u t i l i t y was e x t e n d e d by t h e r e v e r s i b l e m o d i f i c a t i o n o f t h e enzyme w i t h t h e p o l y a n i o n i n h i b i t o r , Blue Dextran. The f u n c t i o n a l g r o u p s o f t h i s m a t e r i a l a r e t h e s u l f o n y l g r o u p s on t h e a n t h r o q u i n o n e d y e , C i b a c r o n B l u e 3GA. The B l u e D e x t r a n can be r e a d i l y removed f r o m t h e enzyme by t h e a d d i t i o n o f b o v i n e serum albumin t o t h e assay system. The d e t a i l s o f t h e p u r i f i c a t i o n t e c h n i q u e and r a n g e o f a f f i n i t y chromatography methods we u s e d a r e c u r r e n t l y i n p r e s s ( 3 ) and w i l l not be d i s c u s s e d h e r e . The a s s a y system employed was a m o d i f i c a t i o n o f t h a t d e s c r i b e d by Baugh and h i s c o l l e a g u e s ( F i g . 1 ) .
Pte - GluO- GluO- UC14- Glu - ^Glu
Pte - (Glu)n + U014- Glu + Glu
(charcoal - Pte - (Glu)n)
+ Bnzyae +
T.C.A. Charcoal
UC14- Glu
The p r i n c i p l e i s t h a t ^ C - g l u t a m i c a c i d i s r e l e a s e d f r o m t h e s u b s t r a t e , t h e uncleaved p t e r o y l g l u t a m a t e s are adsorbed onto c h a r c o a l , removed by f i l t r a t i o n and t h e r e s i d u a l r a d i o a c t i v i t y measured. There i s a d e f e c t i n t h i s assay system i n t h a t t h e b o v i n e h e p a t i c enzyme i s a l s o an e n d o p e p t i d a s e and t h e r e f o r e p o l y g l u t a m a t e s a r e r e l e a s e d f r o m t h e pteroylpolyglutamate substrate. We e s t a b l i s h e d t h a t 25 p e r c e n t o f d i g l u t a m a t e , 70 p e r c e n t o f t r i g l u t a m a i e and 90 p e r c e n t o f t e t r a g l u t a m a t e would be a d s o r b e d t o t h e c h a r c o a l o v e r t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n r a n g e s used i n t h e a s s a y s . A c c o r d i n g l y t h e r e l e a s e o f 14-C-glutamic a c i d i s not a t r u e r e f l e c t i o n o f t h e r a t e o f gamma bond c l e a v a g e . T h i s was t o some e x t e n t overcome by e x a m i n i n g t h e p r o d u c t s o f t h e r e a c t i o n by b o t h h i g h v o l t a g e e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s and t h i n l a y e r chromatography i n a number o f s y s t e m s . We a l s o u t i l i s e d a wide v a r i e t y o f d e r i v a t i v e s o f d i f f e r e n t glutamyl chain l e n g t h containing t h e r a d i o l a b e l l e d glutamic acid in a v a r i e t y o f p o s i t i o n s and s u b s t r a t e s c o n t a i n i n g a l p h a as w e l l as gamma b o n d s . We have e s t a b l i s h e d t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o p e r t i e s o f t h e
1. The enzyme i s l o c a t e d p r i m a r i l y i f not e n t i r e l y i n t h e lysosomes. T h i s has been e s t a b l i s h e d c o n c l u s i v e l y f o r r a t l i v e r u t i l i s i n g T r i t o n WR1339 t o a l t e r t h e d e n s i t y o f t h e s e o r g a n e l l e s ( 4 ) and by n e c e s s a r i l y c r u d e r f r a c t i o n a t i o n
87 studies with beef liver. In keeping with this intracellular localisation the pH optimum is acid at pH 3»9 (in 33 mM sodium acetate buffer) with a rapid fall in activity above pH 4.5« It must be noted that the pH optimum shifts to 4.5 in the inhibitory buffer sodium citrate. The protein is highly thermostable losing only 30 percent of its activity over 30 minutes at 6 5 ° . The "apparent" temperature optimum was 70°. This property is evidence of the primitive evolutionary origin of the enzyme consistent with its wide phylogenetic distribution, and is reminiscent of the properties of the thermophilic bacterial proteases which are usually active at the neutral pH range. The Km for Pte-Glu-Glu-Glu was 1.0 pM with a turnover number of 750 gamma bonds cleaved per min per molecule of enzyme. There is extreme anion sensitivity, a property probably related to the polyanionic nature of the substrate. 2. The enzyme contains reactive sulfhydryl groups which are related to the active site. Heavy metals are strongly inhibitory and p-CMB (1.0 x 10~4 M ) produces instant and total inhibition. p-CMB inhibited enzyme is stable and activity can be restored instantly by the addition of thiols for periods of at least 12 months. Thiols, such as ^-mercaptoethanol are essential for enzyme stability. 3. The enzyme is a glycoprotein, another property consistent with its lysosomal localisation. The protein band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is PAS positive. There is a 1:1 stoichiometry of binding to Concanavalin A which was demonstrated by gel chromatography when the enzyme-Con A complex eluted at a MW of 160,000 which corresponded to one molecule of enzyme (MW 108,000) and one molecule of Con A (MW 55,000). This chromatographic behaviour also confirmed that the carbohydrate binding groups were involved in the enzyme binding by Concanavalin A. 4. The molecular weight is approximately 108,000. This figure is based on gel filtration experiments on Sephadex and polyacrylamide and does not allow for any effect produced by the carbohydrate residues on the enzyme. 5. Z n + + stabilises the enzyme. Detailed dialysis experiments against 1,10-o-phenanthroline demonstrated that the inhibition produced by long term exposure to this chelator could be reversed by Zn++. Ni++, C a + + and Mg++ ions but not CO++ could also partly restore the activity.
F i g . 2. E f f e c t on enzyme a c t i v i t y of l o n g t e r m d i a l y s i s against the chelator 1,10-o-phenanthroline and a t t e m p t e d r e a c t i v a t i o n by s p e c i f i c d i v a l e n t cations. • • enzyme a c t i v i t y a s a f u n c t i o n of t i m e of d i a l y s i s a g a i n s t o - p h e n a n t h r o l i n e e x p r e s s e d a s a p e r c e n t a g e of c o n t r o l a c t i v i t y . • • , o o c o n t r o l s o l u t i o n ( 1 . 0 mM z i n c c h l o r i d e , 5 . 0 mM p - m e r c a p t o e t h a n o l ) • 1 . 0 mM n i c k e l c h l o r i d e ; • • 1 . 0 mM c a l c i u m chloride; • • 1 . 0 mM c o b a l t c h l o r i d e . All s o l u t i o n s c o n t a i n e d 5 . 0 mM ^3-me r c a p t o e t h ano 1 . Z i n c c h l o r i d e 1 . 0 mM, was r e q u i r e d t o p r e s e r v e enzyme a c t i v i ty. A t o m i c a b s o r p t i o n s t u d i e s on t h e p u r i f i e d enzyme s u g g e s t e d t h e p r e s e n c e o f four' ( 4 ) z i n c a t o m s p e r m o l e c u l e o f MW 1 0 b , 0 0 0 . 6.
(a) The enzyme a c t s s p e c i f i c a l l y on gamma b o n d s . Experiments with Pte-Glu-Glu-Glu c o n t a i n i n g a l p h a bonds in e i t h e r p r o x i m a l or d i s t a l p o s i t i o n s i n d i c a t e d t h a t t h e r e was l i m i t e d c l e a v a g e o f t h e t e r m i n a l gamma bond i n t h e p r e s e n c e o f a p r o x i m a l a l p h a bond w h i l e t h e r e was l i t t l e o r no c l e a v a g e o f t h e i n t e r n a l gamma bond i n t h e p r e s e n c e o f t h e t e r m i n a l a l p h a bond ( F i g . 3 ) .
C'feE.lEftt.E- &
F i g . 3Enzymatic c l e a v a g e of p t e r o y l t r i g l u t a m a t e s c o n t a i n i n g an a l p h a g l u t a m y l b o n d i n e i t h e r t h e p r o x i m a l ( Pte- C - G l u - G l u ) p o s i t i o n s when c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e n o r m a l gamma b o n d e d s u b s t r a t e (Pte-Glu-Glu-Glu). A consideration of the structural implications of t h i s l e d to conclusions similar to those reached f o r the mechanism o f a c t i o n o f C a r b o x y p e p t i d a s e A ( 5 ) .
(b) Longer p o l y g l u t a m y l chains are t h e p r e f e r r e d s u b s t r a t e T h i s study employed t h e s u b s t r a t e s P t e - G l u - l?-4cj-Glu-GluG l u - G l u and P t e - G l u - G l u - [ _ 1 4 C ] - G l u and e x p l o i t e d t h e d e f e c t i n t h e r o u t i n e assay in t h a t f r e e p o l y g l u t a m a t e s were p r e f e r e n t i a l l y a d s o r b e d t o t h e c h a r c o a l and h e n c e n o t d e t e c t e d in t h e assay system ( v i d e s u p r a ) . Accordingly the r e l e a s e o f r a d i o a c t i v i t y was d e l a y e d w i t h t h e l o n g e r c h a i n s u b s t r a t e c o n t a i n i n g an i n t e r n a l r a d i o a c t i v e g l u t a m a t e r e s i d u e when c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e t e r m i n a l l y L?"^C]-1abeiied short chain substrate ( F i g . 4).
F i g . 4. The p r e f e r e n t i a l c l e a v a g e o f l o n g e r c h a i n pteroylpolyglutamates. The r e l e a s e o f r a d i o a c t i v i t y f r o m P t e - G l u - G l u - 0 - 4 ( 3 - G l u ( # ) , 10 uM, P t e - G l u - I 1 4 c j G l u - G l u - G l u - G l u ( • ) , 10 ^iM and a m i x t u r e o f b o t h o f
90 t h e s e substrates (•), each 10 p M , is shown a function of t h e t i m e of incubation.
M i x t u r e s of t h e s e two substrates gave a p a t t e r n of release of radioactivity similar to that for t h e longer chain substrate indicating it.s preferential selection. (c) Bond cleavage is independent of t h e N H 2 - t e r m i n a l pteroyl moeity. The free polyglutamate (Glu-Glu-Glu) w a s cleaved almost at t h e same rate as t h e Pte-Glu-Glu-Glu while t h e NH2~terminal substituted t - B o c derivative w a s h y d r o l y s e d more r a p i d l y , an effect which might be related to t h e t o t a l net charge of t h e substrate (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5The release of radioactivity from Boc-Glu-_. L 1 4 C ] - G 1 U - G 1 U ( » ) } P t e - G l u - L 1 4 C J - G l u ( o ) and Glu-[l4cJG l u - G l u ( A ) by conjugase as a function of time. (d) The e n z y m e , as might be expected from what has b e e n discussed above, is a hydrolase not a carboxypeptidase. It will attack almost any gamma bond at random although it seems to p r e f e r internal bonds. T h i s is reflected in t h e chain length of t h e v a r i o u s p e p t i d e s released during a t i m e course study of t h e action of the enzyme on Pte-Glu-Glu—GluG l u - L 1 4 C j - G l u (Fig. 6).
F i g . 6. The r e l a t i v e a m o u n t s o f o r i g i n a l enzyme s u b s t r a t e ( P t e - G l u - G l u - G l u - G l u - L 1 ^ - G l u ) ( • ) , and glutamate d e r i v a t i v e s (expressed as a percentage o f t h e t o t a l a s s a y 14C r a d i o a c t i v i t y ) p r e s e n t d u r i n g t h e c o u r s e of e n z y m a t i c h y d r o l y s i s . The v a r i o u s d e r i v a t i v e s are tetraglutamate ( A ) , triglutamate ( • ) , d i g l u t a m a t e ( o ) and g l u t a m i c a c i d ( A ) . The e n d p r o d u c t s of t h e a c t i o n o f t h e enzyme a r e p t e r o y l g l u t a m i c a c i d and g l u t a m i c a c i d . A detailed report of t h e s e s t u d i e s i s i n p r e s s i n t h e J o u r n a l of B i o l o g i c a l C h e m i s t r y i n J u l y / A u g u s t , 19 7 5 . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T h e s e s t u d i e s w e r e s u p p o r t e d by g r a n t s f r o m t h e N a t i o n a l H e a l t h and M e d i c a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c i l of A u s t r a l i a and t h e New S o u t h W a l e s S t a t e C a n c e r C o u n c i l . REFERENCES 1. Kovacs, J . , Kapoor, A . , Ghatack, U . R . , M a y e r s , G . L . , G i a n n a s i o , V.R. , G i a n n o t t i , R . , S e n y k , G . , N i t e c k i , D.E. a n d Goodman, J . W . B i o c h e m i s t r y 11_, I 9 5 3 - I 9 5 8 ( I 9 7 2 ) . 2.
B a u g h , C.M. a n d K r u m d i e c k , 186, 7-28 (1971).
S i l i n k , M., R e d d e l , R . R . , B e t h e l , J . B i o l . Chem. i n p r e s s J u l y / A u g .
A b r a m o w i t z , N . , S c h e c t e r , I . and B e r g e r , B i o p h y s . R e s . Comm. 862-867 ( 1 9 6 7 ) .
M. and Rowe, P . B .
28-36 ( 1 9 7 5 ) .
Ann. N.Y. A c a d . M. and Rowe, (1975).
Biophys. A,
381 ,
92 DISCUSSION Cossins: The enzyme does not require the pteridine moiety for activity. Is it therefore a folate hydrolase ? Rowe: No. This is the reason the name y-glutamyl hydrolase has been proposed as a definitive assignation. Mautner: Can your enzyme be protected against inhibition by PCMB by adding substrate ? Rowe: No. The inhibition is potent and instantaneous. We have not, however, explored this possibility in any detail, i.e. over a wide range of concentration. Mautner: The fact that PCMB inhibits doesn't prove that one deals with a thiol enzyme (f.i. aspartate transcarbamylase irihib. by PCMB, but no SH in cat. site). Rowe: Agreed, but the enzyme is very sensitive to heavy metals also. The effect of PCMB must be related to the active site as the binding stabilises the activity virtually indefinitively, i.e. the effect can be reversed after many months. The requirement for 5.o mm i3-mercaptoethanol for stabilisation would also suggest that -SH groups are important. Kisliuk: What is the effect of NaCl concentration on the activity of yglutamyl hydrolase ? Rowe: The enzyme is particularly sensitive to the effects of anions, which is probably at least partly related to the polyamide nature of the substrate. Na + ions produced no effect on the enzyme up to 5o mm concentration. 0.1 M NaCl produced 5o I inhibition. The question is quite complex and I refer you to the material to be published in the 'Journal of Biological Chemistry' in August 1975. Cooper: Is the conjugase in the plasma the same enzyme, and do you think that it is derived from liver lysozomal enzyme ? Rowe: I don't know at least for human serum or beef serum. The pH optima for both of these enzymes is higher. We have not characterized any of the serum enzymes. It would be interesting to know particularly whether there are glycoproteins. There are implications, of course, in the question that are important to consider when one is using crude tissue preparations involving polyglutamate derivatives. Scrimgeour: The pH optimum of 3.9 is intriguing, along with the drastic drop in activity above pH 4.5. The optimum is near the pH of lowest solubility of folates. Could this relationship have some subtle type of control function ? Rowe: It is possible, but I don't really know about the solubility control unless I had figures on the intracellular concentration of the pteroyl polyglutamates. Furthermore, it is quite possible that the in-vivo pH-optimum is quite different. For example changing the assay buffer from 33 mm acetate to 33 mm citrate changes the pH-optimum from 3.9 to 4.5 with quite a different profile.
The Purification of Riboflavin Synthetase by Affinity Chromatography Using 7-Oxolumazines ft Wrigglesworth, C.D. Ginger, R.J. Kulick and H.C.S. Wood
R i b o f l a v i n synthetase i s an enzyme found in various microorganisms which synthesises one molecule of the vitamin, r i b o f l a v i n , from two molecules of the enzymic substrate 6 , 7 - d i m e t h y l - 8 - D - r i b i t y l l u m a z i n e compound").
The other product of the reaction i s
1 H
"G compound"
A mechanism has been proposed for t h i s reaction based on n.m.r. monitored deuterium l a b e l l i n g experiments in a non-enzymic model system (1) and more recently t h i s proposal has been substantiated in i t s e s s e n t i a l aspects by work on the corresponding enzymic system (2).
The stoichiometry of the reaction requires that a four carbon moiety be transferred from one lumazine molecule to the other and i t has been proposed that an early step in the sequence involves nucleophilic attack by the charge d e l o c a l i s e d anion of the C^-acceptor lumazine on the modified C^-donor.
Further steps involve r i n g opening of the tetrahydropyrazine
ring of the donor lumazine to allow the t r a n s f e r of the C^ u n i t , and f i n a l l y c y c l i s a t i o n to give r i b o f l a v i n . With a view to further i n v e s t i g a t i o n of the enzymic r e a c t i o n , in p a r t i c u l a r to locate and i d e n t i f y the proposed enzyme nucleophile X, a programme aimed at p u r i f i c a t i o n of the enzyme for a c t i v e - s i t e studies was embarked upon.
95 According to the transition state analogue hypothesis (3) it is to be expected that compounds similar in structure to the C^-acceptor lumazine anion would bind strongly to riboflavin synthetase.
The observation that
the naturally occurring 6-methyl-7-oxo-8-D-ribitynumazine, (I, R = Me), (4), is a good competitive inhibitor of the enzyme, (5), provides support for this hypothesis. A series of 7-oxo-8-D-ribityllumazines have been synthesised by the reaction sequence shown below where 4-D-ribitylamino-5-nitrouracil
catalytically reduced to the unstable diaminouraci1 which is condensed with the relevant a-keto acid (or ester) under acid conditions to give the series of oxolumazines (I).
The inhibition constants (Ki) show this
series of compounds to be potent inhibitors of riboflavin synthetase.
Ki (M)
96 The compound I (R = -CH^.CH^-COOH) was specifically designed for use as a ligand in affinity chromatography and has been coupled to Sepharose 4B by the route outlined below.
Sepharose 4B was activated using cyanogen bromide (6) to give the postulated iminocarbonate derivative.
This was reacted with the "spacer
arm", 4-azaheptane-l,7-diamine to give the amino-functionalised
which was then attached to the oxolumazine by a water-soluble carbodiimide mediated condensation reaction at pH 6.7.
The polymeric product exhibited bright blue fluorescence, a characteristic of the 7-oxo-8-ID-ribityl lumazines.
It was further
characterised by its ultraviolet absorption spectrum measured as a suspension and after aqueous hydrolysis.
The spectrum of the immobilised
ligarid ( ^ m a x pH 1, 329, 281 nm) was directly superimposable on that of the free ligand.
By this method a coupling of 1.2 umoles of 7-oxolumazine per
ml. of settled polymer was calculated.
— OH
— O •» A g a r o s e
— OH
— O
NH 2 (CH 2 )} 3 NH(CH 22) 33NH. 2 2 2> — OH Agarose
I(R=(CH9)9.COOH) Agarose
— OCONH(CH J9 ).NH 23
— OH
97 Coupling of the ligand at pH 4.6 instead of 6.7 gave an immobilised product which showed a u.v. spectrum ( * m a x pH 1, 270 nm) very d i f f e r e n t from free 7-oxolumazine.
This material was e f f e c t i v e as an a f f i n i t y
chromatography support for r i b o f l a v i n synthetase i n a s i m i l a r manner to the material in the experiment described below.
The structure of t h i s
material and a product obtained from a related model reaction in free s o l u t i o n are c u r r e n t l y under i n v e s t i g a t i o n . A p p l i c a t i o n of a p a r t i a l l y p u r i f i e d extract of r i b o f l a v i n
from bakers yeast to a column of the immobilised 7-oxolumazine resulted in complete retention of a c t i v i t y whereas a large amount of i n a c t i v e protein passed through in the void volume of the column.
Washing of the column
with 0.5 M potassium chloride removed more i n a c t i v e protein which had been retained in the column by non-specific i o n i c binding. was s p e c i f i c a l l y eluted from the column using 10 f r a c t i o n s being assayed d i r e c t l y on e l u t i o n .
The active enzyme
M substrate, the
Subsequent exhaustive
d i a l y s i s of the pooled active f r a c t i o n s removed the substrate with concomitant l o s s of enzymic a c t i v i t y .
This process however allowed an
estimate of protein concentration to be made and hence the s p e c i f i c a c t i v i t y of the eluted enzyme was calculated.
Affinity Column Elution P r o f i l e
Elution volume A
e l u t i o n w i t h 0 . 5 M KC1
e l u t i o n w i t h 10
M substrate
98 Purifications of riboflavin syntheta se of the order of 1000 fold with recoveries of 60 - 70% of active material were thus achieved, which exemplify the usefulness of affinity chromatography relative to the more classical methods of enzymic purification.
With development this method
should allow large quantities of purified enzyme to be obtained and characterised for use in further studies of the active-site. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the S.R.C. for a Research Grant and the Distillers Company Limited for generous gifts of dried bakers yeast. REFERENCES 1.
Paterson, T. and Wood, H. C. S. Part VI.
The Biosynthesis of Pteridines.
Studies of the Mechanism of Riboflavin Biosynthesis.
J. Chem. Soc., Perk I, 1051 - 1056 (1972);
Deuterium Exchange of
C-Methyl Protons in 6,7-Dimethyl-8-D-ribityllumazine, and Studies of the Mechanism of Riboflavin Biosynthesis.
J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Comm.,
290 - 291 (1969). 2.
Beach, R. L. and Plaut, G. W. E.
Stereospecificity of the Enzymic
Synthesis of the o-Xylene Ring of Riboflavin.
J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
92, 2913 - 2916 (1970). 3.
Wolfenden, R.
Analog Approaches to the Structure of the Transition
State in Enzymic Reactions.
Accounts of Chem. Research. _5, 10 - 17
(1972). 4.
Masuda, T. ashbyii.
Isolation of Some New Substances Produced by Eremothecium Chem. Pharm. Bull. Tokyo;
4, 72 - 74 (1956).
Winestock, C. H., Aogaichi, T. and Plaut, G. W. E. Specificity of Riboflavin Synthetase.
The Substrate
J. Biol. Chem., 238, 2866 -
2874 (1963). 6.
Cuatrecasas, P.
Protein Purification by Affinity Chromatography.
J. Biol. Chem., 245, 3059 - 3065 (1970).
99 DISCUSSION Whiteley: Why was the particular spacer group used to attach the ligand to the active Sepharose ? Wrigglesworth: To avoid non-specific hydrophobic binding. The recent literature has implied that many of the early "affinity chromatography" purifications were in fact due to hydrophobic binding effects and we used this more hydrophilic spacer arm to eradicate these. Scrimgeour: Do you have any estimate of the purity of your enzyme after the one-step purification ? Wrigglesworth: Preliminary page experiments showed only one band on the gel. McCormack: What degree of potency and what type of inhibition (e.g. competitive or non-competitive) was observed with the 7-oxo-8-ribityl-lumazine bearing hydrogen at position 6 ? Wrigglesworth: We have made this compound but were unable to purify it completely and consequently we have no quantitative inhibition data.
Interaction of Riboflavin Synthetase with Analogues of 6,7-Dimethyl-8-Ribityllumazine G.W.E. Plaut and R.L. Beach
ABSTRACT Nine analogues of 6,7-dimethyl-8-D-ribityllumazine
at position 8 w i t h D - and JL-threityl, ])- and L-erythrityl, DL-glycerityl, 3'-hydroxypropyl, 2'-deoxy-I)-ribityl, 3'-dexoy-D-ribityl,
- r i b i t y l chains w e r e tested for kinetic activity w i t h purified yeast riboflavin synthetase.
None of the compounds w a s a substrate; however,
the L - t h r e i t y l and 3'-deoxy-D-ribityl analogues w e r e inhibitors
titive w i t h 6,7-dimethyl-8-D-ribityllumazine w i t h K i = 190 p M and 1.2 yM, respectively. T
7ith the synthesis of 6,7-dimethy 1 - 8 - [1' (4 '-deoxy-D-ribityl) ]lumazine
all of the mono-deoxy-D-ribityl analogues have n o w b e e n prepared. A further consideration of the enzymic m e c h a n i s m for the conversion of 6,7-dimethyl-8-D-ribityllumazine CPK space filling models.
to riboflavin is presented using
It is proposed that two different
conformers may interact at the donor and at the acceptor sites of the enzyme.
Furthermore, similarities in the structures of the natural
substrate and of analogues exhibiting k i n e t i c activity are compared and contrasted w i t h conformations of some of the kinetically inactive analogues.
The comparisons are b a s e d on the effect of the rela-
tive positions of the 2' and 3* hydroxyl groups on gross structure.
It has been shown in a number of laboratories that the last step in riboflavin biosynthesis involves a condensation between two molecules of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to form one molecule each of riboflavin and 4-ribitylamino-5-amino-2,6-dihydroxypyrimidine (for review see Plaut (1971), Demain (1972), Plaut et al. (1974)).
flavin synthetase, the enzyme which catalyzes the reaction, has been detected in a larger number of microorganisms and in plants.
It has
been purified 5000-fold from bakers yeast extract, the best preparations exhibiting a single zone of protein possessing the activity when examined by cellulose acetate and polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis (Plaut & Harvey, 1971). As shown in Fig. 1 the reaction involves a transfer from one molecule of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to a second molecule of the lumazine of a 4-carbon moiety containing carbons 6 and 7 and the attached methyl groups.
In this transfer, the methyl groups attached
to carbons 6 and 7 of the lumazine accepting the 4-carbon moiety are 0
Ribityl Acceptor
1 H
Figure 1: Conversion of 2 molecules of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to riboflavin (2) and 4-ribitylamino-5-amino-2,6-dioxopyrimidine (3).
recovered in carbons 5 and 8 of riboflavin, respectively, whereas the m e t h y l groups attached to carbons 6 and 7 of the A-carbon donor lumazine become the m e t h y l groups at carbons 7 and 6 of riboflavin, respectively
(Beach & Plaut, 1970b).
It is significant that in the
chemical formation of flavins from such lumazines, w h i c h occur under neutral (Rowan & Wood, 1963, 1968) and acid conditions (Beach & Plaut 1969), the same orientation has b e e n observed of the carbons derived from the 6,7-dimethyl lumazines to form the o-xylene ring of flavin (Paterson & W o o d , 1969).
This may suggest that the orientation of
the 4-carbon piece transferred in riboflavin formation is determined b y the inherent chemical properties of the lumazine m o l e c u l e rather than b y being directed by the stereochemical effects of enzyme cataly sis. Chemical experiments showed that in I^O the protium of the 7 - m e t h y l (but not the 6-methyl) of 6,7-dimethyl-8-aldityllumazines replaced by deuterium
(Table I).
The exchange at the 7-methyl group
occurred more rapidly under alkaline and a c i d conditions than at neutrality
(Paterson & W o o d , 1969; Stewart & McAndless, 1970; Beach
& Plaut, 1969, 1970a).
These observations m a d e it possible to test
(a) w h e t h e r replacement of H by D at the 6-methyl or 7-methyl groups has a n effect on the enzymic transformation of the substrate to p r o duct and (b) whether the exchange reaction at the 7-methyl group is catalyzed b y the enzyme and, therefore, is an intrinsic part of the m e c h a n i s m of the overall reaction.
The enzymatic transformation of
to flavin proceeded at
about 80% of the velocity of the non-labeled substrate.
However, a
very substantial isotope effect w a s observed w h e n the transformation
m 1 CSI ' 1 O •t *—V sí -—' 1 UM
oa O Ci •Ö G M
•O m tu w •J pa *H cMmincocMcov£>cM m vo tu co eofl oi OHÄ IH 0) 4J TP -H tí UH IU JP C M A « «t fi A —' * — '
t-l 00 co 1 O• 00• sr o
l-l ^ Jp 4-1 tu X
i-H ^ X 4-1 tu X
oX [0 ,—«co^ — . Pi en P3 m ••—' ^
•—' ^—'
1 cu \o tí rH •H 4-1 Xu CH N CO •H X 4-1 O CO S •a •-I 4-1 •H i-I 3 p o 4-1 4-i o co CO rtí •H •H rH -C ¡> 4J +J ¿J !>> ^ •H CU CO •H X P3 l-l e X CO 4-1 1 CU •H 3 O CU O P Ul C-, S tM
>< >s rH U U U >i -H iH -H O.H Í Í O "ri H H K U h (J M p-, >, ftTt 1,1,1, ^ ÍS'rt rlJCO H M• X nS;>,00' ' •H iH JP JP 4-1 4-> l-l >s " o o tu ÍU 4J 4-1 -H vH t rH O tu tu H H >> ^ ^ H ï ^ o (U .C J-1 -H PQ l , D o p I E-i H W H & X! I iJ I I. I, I. I. I.I P hj C hi n e n e « Cn
B cO X
tu Oil tí CO X O X tu CO O. tu tí 6 Jp co co H O 3 4-1 co •H -H m 4-1 H •H •o ra cu CU & U 4J 4P 3 co CO 4-1 OL VO h OP. s OC 4-1 tu X O Jp V4 MH U tícO o co O •o cu 4-1 UH •o 4-1 tí Jp CO O C4H •H tí g •H B 4-1 O O 4-1 X ti tí 4-1 cu co títu cl-lu ai 4-J U bt CU rH 4J 4-J rH tu -H 4-1 E. 3 tí CO •C MH tu •H P. tu tu tíOC 4-1 efl O •H rH rH •H rH rH •H l-i •H CL, C X P. 4-1 b. P. CO S&AcH3(.287ppin)
J 0H2
CH3 (-2.17PP„J
CH3 (-1.37,,,») 2,0
S •s
ea 4
5 6 7 Days m culture
Fig. 3 . Activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase during the c u l ture cycle of MF and L - c e l l s was assayed at 37 C in a t o t a l volume of 1 . 2 ml with 4l.5,umoles of glycine, 2.0.umoles of formaldehyde, 0 . 5 umole of tetrahyttrofolate, 2 . 6 nmoles ox pyridoxal phosphate, 6.25 iimoles of potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7 . 5 and enzyme e x t r a c t Corresponding t o 120-400 ,ug of protein. Each value represents the mean of at l e a s t 5 separate estimations + SD. • -MF; 4 - L - c e l l s .
147 o. 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. The a c t i v i t y of t h i s enzyme in e x t r a c t s both of MF and L - c e l l s was nearly constant during the culture c y c l e , although i t s level in L - c e l l s was about twice of that found in MF ( F i g . 4 ) . 60
c S "o 50 ts.
6—. i * 30 g ir> 20 TS i
Days in culture
Fig. Activity of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogegase during the culture cycle of MF and L - c e l l s was assayed at 37 C in a t o t a l volume of 1 ml: 0.6,umole of tetrahydrofolate, 0.4,umole of NADP, 1,umol of pyridoxal phosphate, 2.5/Umoles of cysteine, 3 . 6 umoles of s e r i n e , 3«0/Umoles of KHCO-., 50/Umoles of potassium phosphat e buffer, pH 7 . 5 and enzyme extract^corresponding to 100-350 ,ug of protein. Each value represents the mean of at l e a s t 5 separate estimations + SD. • -MF; A - L - c e l l s . d. Formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase. I t s a c t i v i t y in e x t r a c t s from mouse or human f i b r o b l a s t s and from mouse or human transformed c e l l s (13) was always higher in the transformed c e l l s , but of the same level f o r the particular type of c e l l s when tested from p r o l i f e r a t i n g and apparently contact inhibited c e l l s ( i . e . a f t e r two and four to s i x days a f t e r subculturing, r e s p e c t i v e l y ) . The data now presented ( F i g . 5 ) confirmed these findings. However, the formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase of MF when assayed soon a f t e r subculturing (1 day) was the highest and decreased during two subsequent days in culture and was subsequently constant. Thus, both patterns of the a c t i v i t y curves of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase of MF and L - c e l l s d i f f e r from those found f o r human skin f i b r o b l a s t s (8) and f o r the lymphoblastoid human c e l l line R.P.M.I. 4265 ( 2 0 ) .
148 Fig. 5. Activity of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase during the culture cycle of ^F and L-cells was assayed at 37 C in a total volume of 1 ml: 40-umoles of formate, 0.66/umole of tetrahydrofolate, 0.b6,umole of ATP, 4/Umoles of cysteine, 2.6,umoles of MgClp, 33/Umoles of NH4C1, 100 moles of Tris-HCl buffer at pH .0 and enzyme extract corresponding to about 200 ,ug of protein. Each value represents the mean of at least 4 separate estimations ± SD. • - M F } A —L-cells.
1 2
7 Oiyj
DISCUSSION In this report the activities of four folate-metabolizing enzymes of mouse fibroblasts (MF) and L-cells were compared as determined in extracts from cells harvested at subsequent days of the culture cycle. Even though the cell populations were not synchronized under conditions of our experiments, the levels of enzymic activities in cell extracts are believed to be representative to some extent of the enzyme activities within a standard cell of our populations. The enzymes under investigations were: dihydrofolate reductase, serine hydroxymethyltransferase, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase and formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase. The data presented here showed that the activities of all four enzymes of L-cells throughout the culture tfycle were considerably higher than those of MF. Of all the four enzymes tested only dihydrofolate reductase was found to be an enzyme typical for the logarithmic phase of growth both for MF and L-cells. Thus, after an initial increase in the activity of the enzyme, a subsequent decrease of its activity was coincident with a drastic fall in mitotic activity of both types of cells when confluence population density was reached. It is noteworthy however, that while the activity of dihydrofolate reductase of MF approached zero, the minimum activity of this enzyme of L-cells
was still as high as the maximum activity of MF, even though mitotic-indices both for MF and L-cells were nearly zero. This means that dihydrofolate reductase activity in L-cells persists at a quite high level even when these cells cease to divide. This former phenomenon is also consistent with our previous finding that dihydrofolate reductase activity sustained at high although variable level in cells of several transformed lines, including L-cells (13). The variations of the activity of this enzyme from the transformed cells were interpreteted in terms of the existence of the enzyme in different conformational states with different activities. We wonder whether dihydrofolate reductase of L-cells from the confluent culture actually is in its activated state. The high activity of dihydrofolate reductase in extracts of MF and L-cells from the proliferating cultures as compared with that from the stationary ones might suggest that the tetrahydrofolate pool in these cells may differ. This in turn might influence to some extent the levels of the enzymes utilizing tetrahydrofolate as one of the substrates. However, the level of activity of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase decreased only slightly during the culture cycle, whereas those of methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase of MF and L-cells as well as that of serine hydroxymethyltransferase of MF were nearly constant. The relatively high but transitory increase in the activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase of L-cells, simultaneously with drastic fall of dihydrofolate reductase and mitotic activities is difficult to interprete. It might be, however, related with the intensity of methionine biosynthesis which seems to be more active in L-cells than in mouse fibroblasts (preliminary data from this laboratory). REFERENCES 1. Kit,S., Dubs,D.R., Frearson,P.M.:Decline of thymidine kinase activity in stationary phase mouse fibroblast cells. J. Biol. Chem. 240. 2565-2573 (1965). 2. Eker,P.: Studies on thymidine kinase, thymidylate kinase and deoxycytidylate deaminase of Chang liver cells. J. Biol. Chem. 243, 1979-1984 (1968). 3. Littlefield,J.W.: Studies on thymidine kinase in cultured mouse fibroblasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 14-22 (1965).
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151 DISCUSSION Poe: Could you give the exact details of your dihydrofolate assays and how you correct for NADPH-oxidase ? We have discovered the NADPH-oxidase of mammalian sources (pig, monkey, mouse) is stimulated by 2-mercaptoethanol. Grzelakowska-Sztabert: The activity of dihydrofolate reductase was determined by a spectrophotometric method based on the decrease in absorbance at 34o nm caused by the enzymatic oxidation of NADPH. The reaction was started by the addition of dihydrofolate to the incubation mixture which has been standing at least 5 minutes. I admit we were not aware of the fact that in our experimental system NADPH-oxidase may be active. Thus I can only hope that the preincubation period of the incubation mixture without dihydrofolate was sufficiently long for the reaction catalysed by NADPHoxidase to be completed before we started the measurements of dihydrofoLate reductase activity. Of course, it is obvious now that we have to check w h e therNADPH-oxidase was active in the cell extracts studied by us. As a matter of fact we used enzyme extracts already devoid of the proteins precipitating at pH 5.1; thus it also may be possible that NADPH-oxidase was among these proteins. Huennekens: Are your cells grown on folate and what is the level and type of screen used ? Have you used 5-Methyl-tetrahydrofolate as a folate source ? Grzelakowska-Sztabert: Either mouse fibroblasts or L-cells were grown as monolayers in Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 104 heat inactivated calf serum, L-glutamine (final concentration 2 x 10"3 m) and antibiotics. This medium contains folate at concentration 1 mg/boo ml. up to now we have not used 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate as a folate source, but I think it may influence to great extent the activity of some folatemetabolizing enzymes, especially those involved in the methionine biosynthesis.
The Activity of the Cobalamine-dependent MethionineSynthetase (5-Methyl-5, 6, 7, 8-Tetrahydrofolic Acid: Homocysteine Methyltransferase) in Rapidly Growing Human Cells and the Effect of Some Folic Acid Derivatives and Analogues H. Sauer and W. Wilmanns Summary: With regard, to the defective cell maturation and proliferation in the case of folic acid or vitamine B12 deficiency methionine-synthetase (MS) is one of the most interesting enzymes because of its dependency on both vitamines. MS was found to be directly correlated to the proliferation tendency of cultured human lymphoblasts• According to this results there are high enzyme activities in leukemic cells and low activities in bone marrow cells of patients with pernicious anemia. Folic acid derivatives and analogues have no direct inhibiting nor stimulating effect on MS activity neither in vitro nor in cultured cells. A n active MS is needed for the rescue effect of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate after dihydrofolate-reductase inhibition with amethopterine. Abbreviations: THF 5-CH3-THF 10-CH0-THF 5-IO-CH2-THF 5-10-CH-THF DNA-P MS TK
= = = = = = = =
5,6 ,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid (monoglutamate) 5-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid 5-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid 5-10-methylen-tetrahydrofolic acid 5-10-methenyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase Methionine-synthetase Thymidine-kinase.
Acknowledgements: 5-CH3-THF was a gift from Prof.Dr. L. Jaenicke, Inst, of Biol.Chem., Univ. of Cologne, West Germany. R 5-CHO-THF (Leucovorin ) and amethopterine (Methotrexat ) was a gift from Lederle Laboratories, Cyanamid GmbH, Munic, WestGermany . Supported by the DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT.
154 In c l i n i c a l h e m a t o l o g y we are c o n f r o n t e d w i t h
the m e g a l o -
b l a s t i c a n e m i a s i n case of v i t a m i n e B 1 2 and./or folic a c i d f i c i e n c y . It is w e l l k n o w n , that i n s u c h a d e f e c t i v e there i s an i n h i b i t i o n
of the p r o l i f e r a t i o n a n d m a t u r a t i o n of
r a p i d l y g r o w i n g c e l l s y s t e m s . In the case of folate
it is r a t h e r clear, that the l a c k of folate c a u s e s a n i m p a i r m e n t of the de n o v o s y n t h e s i s of D N A - p r e c u r s o r s . The
of the p o o l of " f o l a t e - a c t i v a t e d " o n e - c a r b o n - u n i t s a f f e c t s
b i o c h e m i c a l p a t h w a y of the s y n t h e s i s of p u r i n e s e n d p y r i m i d i n e s
O n the o t h e r h a n d i n the case of v i t a m i n e B ^
b i o c h e m i c a l m e c h a n i s m is s t i l l u n c l e a r . In m a m m a l i a n s y s t e m s w e k n o w o n l y two v i t a m i n e B-)2 d e p e n d e n t e n z y m e s . The i m p a i r m e n t methylmalonyl-CoA-isomerase
a c t i v i t y in v i t a m i n e B ^
i s w e l l studied, h o w e v e r it d o e s n o t s e e m to be r e s p o n s i b l e the d e f e c t i n c e l l p r o l i f e r a t i o n methionine-synthetase
(/f,26). The o t h e r e n z y m e ,
for the
(MS), i s p e r h a p s the m o r e i n t e r e s t i n g
b e c a u s e of i t s d e p e n d e n c y o n b o t h v i t a m i n e s , B - p a n d folic
one acid
(2). The M S r e a c t i o n c a t a l y z e s the m e t h y l a t i o n of h o m o c y s t e i n e m e t h i o n i n e u s i n g 5 - C H ^ - T H F a s the m e t h y l d o n a t o r .
Fig. 1 shows
t h i s r e a c t i o n s c h e m a t i c a l l y . The e n z y m e c o n t a i n s one m o l e c u l e of v i t a m i n e B ^ system
i n i t s a c t i v e c e n t e r , i s d e p e n d e n t on a r e d u c i n g
(i.e. in our in v i t r o s y s t e m d i t h i o e r y t h r o l = C l e a l a n d ' s
reagent) and is activated by S-adenosyl-methionine. Besides
f o r m a t i o n of m e t h i o n i n e , the o t h e r a n d m o r e i m p o r t a n t p r o d u c t free T H F , w h i c h i s a g a i n the a c t i v e form of the v i t a m i n e 5-CHj-THF METHIONINE-SYNTHETASE "B|2~ Enzyme" THF Fi£s_l
Homocysteine S-Adenosyt-Methionine Reducing System Methionine
155 acid, participating in the enzymatic transfer of one-carbonunits, and there especially in the de novo synthesis of purines and pyrimidines (7). Thus T H F is an essential cofactor in the synthesis of DNA-precursors during cell replication. Perhaps the MS or another vitamine B ^
dependent, membrane
enzyme plays a role in the cell uptake of 5-CH^-THF. In vitamine B ^
deficiency there was found a decreased uptake of 5-CH-j-THF
into human red blood cells and leukocytes
Our present experiments are concerned with the intracellular MS activity. Other authors (21) found a decrease of this enzyme activity during the log-phase growth of cultured human fibroblasts. In contrast to these results, we found that the activity of the MS is directly correlated with the proliferation tendency of a cell population (13,22). As well as thymidine-kinase and DNA-polymerase (2Zf,25) the MS activity increases during the logarithmic growth period of human lymphoblastoid cells in cula) ture f i.e. MS is one of the so-called log-phase-enzymes. The activities of three log-phase-enzymes are presented in Fig. 2. According to this model system, we found high MS activities in rapidly growing human malignant tumors (22) and especially in peripheral and bone marrow cells of patients with acute leukemias (2if,25). For further investigating the importance of an active MS for cell proliferation under experimental conditions of folate and vitamine B ^
depletion we first examined the in vitro effect of
some folic acid derivatives and analogues on this enzyme extracted from our human cultured lymphoblasts. The enzyme was assayed by a modification radioactive
of the method of WEISSBACH et al. (31) with
^CH^-THF and separation of substrate and product
by ion-exchange on Dowex-1
(22). The concentration of 5-CH^-THF
a) The lymphoblastoid cell strain, derived from a patient with infectious mononucleosis,was established and characterized by P D Dr. K. Wilms (Med. Univ. Clinic , Tubingen, W-Germany) (3i+).
nMoles / min • l o " eels
•—• Control • — » • CHj-THF i — A • Amethopterine
Fig. 5
159 cant alteration of the MS activity in the human lymphoblast cultures during the whole growth period after the addition of 5-CH^T H F or amethopterine or both. That means, a good rescue effect is caused by 5-CH^-THF without a significant increment in MS activity. If there really exists the so-called methyl-folate-trap, the activity of MS, normally detectable during the log-phase growth of our cells (see fig. 2), must be high enough to demethylate large amounts of 5-CH^-THF for getting the free coenzyme THF. Because it was found that amethopterine and 5-CH-^-THF are both dependent on the same membrane transport system (9,11,17), there could be another possibility to explain the results. In the presence of high 5-CH-j-THF concentrations in the culture medium, the uptake of amethopterine into the cells may be reduced, so that there is no effective inhibition of the dihydrofolatereductase and no real rescue mechanism takes place. In this case we cannot expect any alteration of the MS activity. Studies, on the intracellular activity of the dihydrofolate-reductase
the same culture conditions still have to be done. But first we were going to see, if there is also a rescue effect when the MS activity was inhibited by propyl-iodide (1,2). In METHIONINE-SYNTHETASE-ACTIVITY in vitro Inhibition with ProcM-kxidg (MKT-Ergvme)
| '/.Activity
Fig. 6
160 vitro we found a 50% inhibition of the lymphoblast enzyme with a propyl-iodide concentration of about
M, A dose-response
curve for the propyl-iodide effect on the in vitro MS activity is shown in fig. 6. First results show, that there is no rescue effect when propyliodide (10 ^ M) is added to the culture medium together with amethopterine and 5-CH^-THF , This seems to be an indication, that in our cell cultures the MS reaction plays a special role in this rescue mechanism.
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163 25. Sauer, H., Wilms, K., Wilmanns, W., Jaenicke, L.: The activity of the methionine-synthetase as an indicator for the proliferation tendency of a cell population. In: see 10.p. 368-371 (1973). 26. Seashore, M.R., Hsia, E., Scully, K., Durant, J.L., Rosenberg,L.E.: Defective propionate oxidation in leukocytes of vitamin B 12-deficient pigs: in vitro correction. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 26, 873-875 (1973). 27. Silber, R., Mansouri, A.: Regulation of folate dependent enzymes. In: see 5. p. 55-69 (1971). 28. Tamura, T., Stokstad, E.L.R.: The availability of food folate in man. Brit. J. Haematol. 25, 513-531 (1973). 29. Tisman, G. Herbert, V.: B12 depdendence of cell uptake of serum folate : an explanation of high serum folate and cell folate depletion in B12 deficiency. Blood 41, 465-469 — (1973). . 30. Vogler, W.R., Jacobs, J.: Toxic and therapeutic effects of methotrexate-folinic acid (Leucovorin) in advanced cancer and leukemia. Cancer 28, 894-901 (1971). 31. Weissbach, H., Peterkofsky, A., Redfield, B.G., Dickerman, H.: Studies on the terminal reaction in the biosynthesis of methionine. J. Biol. Chem. 238, 3318-3324 (1963). 32. Whitehead, V.M., Pratt, R., Viallet, A., Cooper, B.A.: Intestinal conversion of folinic acid to 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate in man. Brit. J. Haematol. 22_, 63-72 (1972). 33. Wilmanns, W.: Unpublished results. 34. Wilms , K.: DNS-Synthese in menschlichen Blutzellen. G. ThiemeVerlag, Copythek, Stuttgart (1975). DISCUSSION Huennekens: In reporting levels of methionine synthetase, do you measure both apo- and holo-forms, or only the latter ? Sauer: We measured only the holo-form of the enzyme. Cyanocobalamineac.etate was added to the assay mixture for completion of the reducing system with Clealand's reagent (Peel-effect; see Peel, J.L.: The catalysis of the auto-oxidation of 2-mercapto-ethanol and other thiols by vitamin B-| 2 derivatives. Biochem. J. 88, 296-3o8 (1963)1.
The Role of Folate Binding Proteins in Folate Metabolism S. Waxman
A new group of folate binding proteins have been described in various tissues and found to be present in several animal species including human.
The purpose of this report will be to review the occurrence,
distribution, characteristics, structure, physiology and possible roles of folate binding proteins in folate metabolism.
OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOLATE BINDING PROTEINS The measurement of folate binding proteins may be determined by fractionation of the endogenous protein bound folate activity by gel filtration methods followed by microbiologic assay of each fraction for folate activity (1-5).
Alternatively, the FABP is measured by the binding of
exogenous tritiated pteroylglutamic acid (%PteGlu) to the test substance (8).
At this time there is no study where both endogenous
protein bound folate activity and FABP have been measured simultaneously in a given tissue to determine total folate binding activity.
to uncover saturated FABP in serum and milk by removing endogenous "bound" folates by dialysis, charcoal adsorption, acid pH or with 8M urea followed by addition of exogenous %PteGlu have been unsuccessful. This may be due to the irreversibility of the binding of endogenous folate, destruction of folate binding protein by the methods used or that there is only unsaturated FABP in the tissues studied.
at this time it is difficult to definitely relate the endogenous protein-bound folate to the FABP measured by addition of exogenous
Endogenous protein bound folate activity has been described in human and various animal tissues by Markkanen and co-workers (1-5) TABLE I. They have found that in human serum almost half of the folate activity is bound to various proteins and the balance is free. bound folate activity was found in three zones.
The protein-
(1) albumin (weakly);
(2) transferrin-y-globulin, and (3) «2-niacroglobulin.
The a2-macro-
globulin appears to have a molecular weight of >150,000, is the most potent folate binder and accounts for 40-45% of the protein bound folate activity in human serum.
The amount of folate bound in the transferrin-
y-globulin fraction appears to increase during pregnancy or when a woman takes oral contraceptives.
They report that when the total serum
folate decreases, as in deficiency states, the proportion of protein bound folate increases.
These authors have described protein-bound
folate in human serum, cerebrospinal fluid, milk and to a lesser amount in the serum of cow, gelding and rabbit. High molecular weight complexes of folic acid have been reported in rat liver, kidney and intestine with molecular weights of 350,000, 150,000, 90,000 and 25,000 (6,7).
Most of these high molecular weight complexes
of folic acid were isolated from the cell supernatant fraction and nuclear fractions and were in the form of folyl polyglutamates. FABP (see TABLE I) has been found in human serum from normals (8), folate deficients (9), some uremics (10), some pregnant women or women taking oral contraceptives (11), milk (12), and in leukocyte lysates from some patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (13).
FABP has
167 also been reported in bovine (14,15) and goat milk (16), hog kidney (17), the brush border membrane of rat small intestinal epithelial cells (18) and in the serum of the pig (19).
Milk, an apocrine secretion with a
large membrane content, has more FABP than the corresponding serum. Thus, FABP is found in tissues involved in folate transport, utilization or storage.
We have not found FABP in red blood cell ghosts and are
presently assaying,spleen, liver and heart for its presence. TABLE I DISTRIBUTION Or VARIOUS TARP I.
Human Serum
" Skim Milk
" Cerebrospinal Fluid Bovine Serum (4) Gelding Serum
Hog Serum (4) Sheep Serum
Rabbit Serum (4)
UNSATURATED FABP ng PteGLU Bound/mg Protein Human Serum (8) Folate Deficient Serum Human Milk
Bovine Milk
0.05 0.3 0.7 2.5
Coat Milk < 16 >
Hog Kidney Extiact (17)
CHARACTERISTICS OF FABP The characteristics of native FABP have been studied in human serum (9), milk (12), and leukemic leukocyte lysates (13) and share similar characteristics.
Highly purified human (12) (TABLE II), goat (16) and
bovine milk FABP (20,21) have been studied and also share certain
characteristics with their native form and with each other.
There is a
rapid association and slow dissociation rate for the binding of 3HPTeGlu. The hog kidney FABP appears to bind %PteGlu irreversibly (22). Binding of PteGlu to FABP occurs over a wide range (pH 5-10) and is maximal from 7.6-10.
There is complete dissociation of PteGlu from FABP at pH Pteroic Acid »tethylH^PteClu MethylH4PteClu( 3 _7)
>5 ForinylfypteGlu
Elutes in .001M Phosphate Buffer
Sephadex G-200*
25-40,000 and >100,000
SDS Gel Electrophoresis
87,000, 35.0U0, 19,000
Isoelectric Points
6.8, 7.5, 8.2
Adheres to Con-A Sepharose
(87%) +
PAS Stain MethylH^pteGlu Dissociated by PteGlu* and PteClu( 3 _ 7 ) FABP Bound PteGlu Not a Substrate for DihydroColate Reductase* FABP Bound PteGlu(3_y) Not a Substrate for Conjugase FABP Bound l'teGlu or MethylH^l'teGlu Not Taken Up by Cells
Similar in Serum, llilk, Leukemic Lysates (13) TABLE III
Addition of PteGlu
8H Urea
Buffer (at pH 4.8)
0.1 M Monobasic Polassius Phosphate
0.1 H Monobasic Sodium Phosphate
0.02 M Citrate Buffer
0.1 M Acetate Buffer
There is a similar pattern of competition by folate analogs for the binding of ^HPteGlu to various FABP in human and other animal (9).
The preference is for oxidized folyl mono and
170 (glutamate chain length 3 to 7) over reduced folyl mono and polyglutamates.
Pteroic acid but not pteridine-6-carboxylic acid or glutamic 3
acid inhibit
HPteGlu binding to FABP.
The presence of a methyl group
in the N^ position diminishes competition whereas a N-* formyl group totally inhibits competition for binding to FABP.
Methyl ItyPTeGlu is
dissociated from FABP by PteGlu or PteGlu(3_7) equally at 23°C or 37°C (23).
Thus, the oxidative state of the pteridine portion and the link-
age to para-amino benzoic acid moiety but not the glutamyl portion are the determinants for the binding of the folate to FABP. COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE Native human milk and some sera have two distinct peaks of FABP, a >100,000 peak which sediments on centrifugation and a smaller peak at 30-40,000, whereas most human sera and goat milk have only the smaller FABP peak.
The smaller FABP peak in human sera is clearly not trans-
ferrin (24) and in bovine milk is not beta lactoglobulin (21). The smaller FABP from human milk and the goat FABP have been purified from milk using affinity chromatography on PteGlu-Sepharose followed by either sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, DEAE-cellulose or isoelectric focusing (12,16) (TABLE IV).
The specific activity of both
FABP was greater than 7 yg PteGlu bound/mg protein.
Purified FABP's are
basic since they elute from DEAE-cellulose in 0.001 M phosphate buffer. The purified human FABP is composed of two distinct protein bands which bind %PteGlu and resolves into 3 double bands on SDS polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis.
The purified goat FABP is a single protein band
which binds ^HPteGlu and remains a single band on SDS gel electrophoresis. Three peaks of FABP ranging from pH 6.6-8.4 are delineated by isoelectric
171 focusing of purified h u m a n and goat FABP.
The purified FABP's of human
and goat milk probably represent glycoproteins since they stain PAS positive and adhere to Concanavalin-A Sepharose affinity columns and elute w i t h alpha-methyl mannoside.
Thus, h u m a n FABP probably
at least 3 proteins w h i c h include a poorly defined sedimentable m a c r o molecular weight protein and 2 basic glycoproteins w h i c h are dimers w i t h molecular weights of 30,000 w h i c h can form self-aggregates.
several peaks of folate binding activity obtained from purified FABP by isoelectric focusing may represent various folate binding proteins or perhaps the same protein w i t h conformational changes due to the p u r i fication process.
The latter explanation is probably true since pure
goat milk FABP appears to be a single protein immunologically and on SDS gel but gives several peaks of binding activity w i t h isoelectric focusing
Total Voiuiae Protein (r.l) (TIR)
Total FABP (¿Q Folic Acid "3ound)
Specific Activity (^g Folic Acid 3ound/n.q Protein)
Clarified Milk
Acid Charcoal Treated Milk
Affm-ty Coiuirii LIuaLcs 1) li.iretamcd Xil.c
2) 0.02 Phosphate waiter it- .1 îi NaCI) 1000 pi: 7.2 1
3, 1 X iîâCl
4} 0.2 ìi Acetic Acid 50
.vcn^ti.ration vita Sucrose Gradient Fraction (23.4%)
0.65 1.8
172 DEMONSTRATED EFFECTS OF FABP ON FOLATE PHYSIOLOGY Native FABP and purified FABP from several sources prevent the uptake of bound PteGlu and methylltyPteGlu into HeLa cell, Friend leukemia cell, L1210 murine leukemia and human lymphocyte cultures (25) (TABLE V). In contrast, FABP incubated with HeLa or L1210 leukemia cells enhance (60-100%) the uptake of subsequently added PteGlu at 5 minutes, which is recovered mainly in the membrane fraction (25). of PteGlu is not evident at 2 hours.
This enhanced uptake
This observation may relate to the
initial, rapid uptake of PteGlu in L1210 leukemia cells previously described (26).
The glycoprotein nature of FABP and the finding of
similar FABP in the lymphocyte membranes (24) and also in the brush border membranes of the rat small intestinal cell (18) suggest that FABP may be a component of a membrane carrier system for folic acid transport. TABLE V
Materials 3
HPteGlu Alone (Control)
% Uptake of 0.5 ng HPteC]ii/107 Cells 7.2
3HPteG3vi and Pure FABP* Isoelectric Point pH 6.8
pH 7.5
pH 8.2
*FABP (7.4 iig PteGlu/bound/mg protein) recovered in the 3 isoelectric focusing points of human milk FABP. Ampholytes and sucrose were removed by G-25 Sephadex chromatography. Experiments were done in triplicate and were reproducible vithiri 107. error.
FABP appears to selectively bind a small amount of oxidized folates ( indicates inhibition. Abbreviations: F, folate; FH^, tetrahydrofolate; m 5 FH lt , 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate; MTX, Methotrexate. It is of interest that amethopterin is transported into cells via the second system; this result would not have been anticipated from superficial structural considerations.
Evidence supporting the existence of
this dual system has accumulated from several laboratories. findings (summarized in Table I) are as follows:
The relevant
182 Table I Folate Transport Systems in L1210 Cells
Compound Transported Property Inhibition by MTX
Inhibition by mSFH^
No Yes
Inhibition by F
Inhibition by mercurials
Transport mutants (MTX-resistant)
No No change
(a) Competition experiments, carried out by Bertino and his colleagues [7], have shown that folate does not interfere with the uptake of either 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate or amethopterin (and vice versa), but the latter two compounds are mutually inhibitory,
(b) Mercurials block the transport
of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and amethopterin, but not folate [8,9].
Amethopterin-resistant mutants of LI210 c e l l s that owe their resistance to decreased transport of the drug are also defective with respect to uptake of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate; their transport of folate, however, is normal [10]. Because the functional components have not yet been isolated from membranes, relatively l i t t l e i s known about the mechanism(s) by which folate compounds are brought into LI210 c e l l s by either of these two systems.
are some intriguing but unexplained data obtained with intact c e l l s :
Although metabolic energy i s required for transport, millimolar concentrations of glucose actually depress the uptake of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and amethopterin [11].
(b) Inhibitors such as iodoacetate [9,12], azide
[12], and v i n c r i s t i n e [13], cause increased uptake of amethopterin.
apparently unrelated agents may have in common the a b i l i t y to increase the
183 intracellular TPNH/TPN ratio.
Since TPNH is known to potentiate the bind-
ing of amethopterin to dihydrofolate reductase [14], this could account for an additional uptake of the drug.
As discovered by Hoffbrand et al. [15],
and confirmed in this laboratory [11], cyclic AMP inhibits the rate of uptake of folate compounds by LI210 cells.
In the latter experiments, two
devices were used to raise the level of cyclic nucleotides in the membrane; (a) addition of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine; and (b) addition of exogeneous cyclic nucleotides.
It is of
interest that dibutyryl cyclic GMP is considerably more effective than cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP or dibutyryl cyclic AMP [11].
Bacterial Systems.
The advantages in using bacterial systems for studying transport processes lie in the fact that there is generally a greater uptake of metabolite per cell and that larger quantities of cells can be obtained for the isolation of components.
casei is ideally suited for this purpose
because of its high requirement for an external source of folate.
port studies with these cells have followed the same general procedures used with mammalian cells.
The labeled compound is added to a suspension
of cells and uptake is monitored as a function of time.
As in the case
of mammalian cells, transport of folate compounds into L. casei is energyrequiring, concentrative and saturable [16-18].
In contrast, however, a
single system appears to be responsible for uptake of all folate compounds [17].
This is shown by several lines of evidence:
(a) Km values for the
transport of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and amethopterin are very similar to the Ki values obtained when these compounds are tested as inhibitors of folate uptake,
(b) Transport of various folate compounds is inhibited
to the same extent by increasing concentrations of iodoacetate.
Countertransport of 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate is enhanced by folate and amethopterin.
Folate transport in L. aasei requires the presence of glucose.
apparent dependence upon glycolysis i s not surprising since this anaerobic organism lacks cytochrome and r e l i e s upon the fermentation of glucose to l a c t i c acid for energy production.
Further evidence bearing on this point
is provided by comparing the e f f e c t of inhibitors upon glycolysis and folate transport (Table I I ) .
There is a good parallelism between i n h i b i t i o n of
Table II Inhibitors of Folate Uptake and Glycolysis in Intact Cells of L. aasei
Per Cent of Control Compound
Cone. (mM)
0.2 5
Folate Uptake
Folate transport (nmoles/1010 cells/10 min at 37°) and glycolysis (nmoles H+/1010 cells/10 min at 23°) were determined after preincubation of the c e l l s with the indicated i n h i b i t o r for 5 min at 37°. Folate, 1 yM; glucose, 10 mM.
185 the two processes for all compounds except arsenate, which inhibits folate transport but stimulates glycolysis.
The latter effect is apparently due
to the rapid arsenolysis of the acyl thioester intermediate generated during glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate oxidation and is similar to the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by dinitrophenol. It is of interest that the transport of folate compounds into L. oasei cells is also inhibited by a variety of ionophores and sodium dodecyl sulfate (Fig. 2).
These compounds have little effect upon glycolysis and
Inhibitor, /iM
Fig. 2. Inhibition of folate uptake in L. casei by ionophores and sodium dodecyl sulfate. Intact cells were preincubated for 5 min at 37° in the presence of the indicated concentrations of inhibitor prior to measurement of transport (10 min at 37°). Glucose, 10 mM; folate I yM. Valinomycin, (a gramicidin ( • • ) ; carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), ( a a ) ; pentachlorophenol (PCP), (• •); tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), ( • •); and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), (o o). thus appear to affect folate transport by a mechanism different from that of the glycolytic inhibitors.
Valinomycin and gramicidin (in contrast to
carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, tetrachlorosalicylanilide, pentachlorophenol and sodium dodecyl sulfate) suppress folate transport at relatively low concentrations (< l yM); the lack of complete inhibition with these compounds may be referable to their limited solubility. bition by ionophores cannot be reversed by washing the cells.
When these ionophores are tested for their ability to cause a collapse of proton gradients across the cell membrane (Fig. 3), each of the ionophores which inhibits folate transport also enhances the rate of proton uptake by intact cells of L. case-L. However, the order of effectiveness of these compounds in facilitation of proton uptake is considerably different from their ability to inhibit folate transport.
These ionophores
seem to have a generally disruptive effect upon membranes, and thus folate transport does not appear to be linked directly to ion movement across the membranes.
5 50 •
Volinomycin + CCCP
3 4 5 Time, min
Fig. 3. Facilitation of proton uptake in L. easei by ionophores. Intact cells were washed with 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.8, and suspended in 0.15 M KC1 (3.5 x 10 1 0 cells per ml). The pH was adjusted to 4.5 with 0.1 N HC1 and, after addition of the indicated ionophore, the timedependent increase in pH was recorded. Abbreviations as in Fig. 2.
Various metabolites have been examined for their ability to support folate transport (Table III).
Glucose, fructose, mannose and galactose
can be utilized by intact cells; glycolytic intermediates, ATP, DPNH and TPNH are ineffective.
However, when the cells are rendered more permeable
by treatment with lysozyme, several glycolytic intermediates can also support folate transport (Table III).
These latter compounds include
187 glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6-diphosphate, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
It should be noted, however, that inter-
mediates beyond glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate in the glycolytic sequence (as well as ATP) cannot be used for this purpose.
Table III Energy Sources for Folate Uptake by Intact and Lysozyme-Treated Cells of L.
Folate Uptake Energy Source
Intact Cells nmoles/10 1
Lysozyme-Treated Cells nmoles/10 mg protein
0. 4
0. 1
3. 3
1. 5
D-Glucose 6-phosphate
D-Fructose 6-phosphate
D-Fructose 1,6-diphosphate
DL-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
2 .8
0 .4
0 .4
0 .1
0 .4
0 .1
0 .4
0 .1
0 .3
0 .1
Folate uptake by intact cells (in 0.05 M potassium phosphate, pH 6.8) or lysozyme-treated cells (in 0.05 M Tris-Cl, pH 7.4) was determined after incubation at 37° for 20 and 60 min, respectively. Folate, 1 yM; energy sources, 10 mM, except for 1,3-diphosphoglycerate, 4 mM.
Some additional insight into the mechanism of folate transport by L.
cells has been provided by a study of a mutant whose defective transport system can be repaired by the addition of mercaptoethanol
10 20 Time, min
(Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Effect of 10 mM mercaptoethanol (ME) on the transport of folate compounds by mutant cells of L. oasei. Uptake at 37° of [ 3 H]folate, li+ [ C](dl ,L)5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and [ 3 H]amethopterin was determined as described previously [17].
Mercaptoethanol has little effect upon the uptake of folate by wild-type cells; when these cells are aged, however, some stimulation by mercaptoethanol is noted.
In the presence or absence of the thiol, the mutant
cells have approximately the same Km value as that of wild-type cells for the uptake of folate compounds (Table IV).
However, when binding of
folate to the mutant cells is examined (at 4° where transport is minimal), a biphasic curve is obtained (Fig. 5); the K^ values are 0.2 and 50 yM respectively, in the presence and absence of mercaptoethanol.
In contrast,
the K> t 3 N1
/No Addition
£ 25 1 § 20 S l alcohol-water-trichoroacetic
up to 22 ml in water)-29% ammonia
(225 CC 22 0 09)
could — The sodium salts
Table IV.
(20 mg made
•— I O M L I C I
D - erythro - H2 - Neopterm - PPP -
jj 500 0
1 100
• Enzyme
1 300
10 20 30 Fraction Number
H- - Pterin - CH? OPP
' D - erythro - H, - Neopterm - P
Pteroic Acid
- D- erythro - Neopteri
H, - Folic Acid
Glutamats + 40
Fig. 9. Elution pattern from a Dowex-1 column of the radioactive product formed from H2-[a-^P]neopterin-PPP by the action of H2-neopterin-PPP pyrophosphohydrolase. See Suzuki and Brown (12) for details. Fig. 10. Enzymatic reactions necessary for the biosynthesis of h^-folic acid in E_. coli. Enzyme 1 is GTP cyclohydrolase I, enzyme 2 is H2neopterin-PPP pyrophosphohydrolase, enzyme 3 is a phosphatase, enzyme 4 is H2-neopterin aldolase, enzyme 5 is 6-hydroxymethyl-H2-pterin pyrophosphokinase, enzyme 6 is l^-pteroate synthetase, and enzyme 7 is ^-folate synthetase. results presented in Table IV show that the enzymatic product is inorganic pyrophosphate. The removal of inorganic pyrophosphate from the substrate should give, as the other product, D-erythro-H^-neopterin-P or the corresponding 2',3'cyclic phosphoester.
F^-Neopterin-cyclic-P has been reported to occur in
Methylococcus capsulatus (13).
We isolated the product of the action of
E. coli pyrophosphohydrolase by subjecting a reaction mixture to chromatography on Dowex-1 (CI ).
The column was developed by step-wise elution
with LiCl at concentrations of 0.2 M, 0.3 M and 1.0 M.
The data plotted
in Fig. 9 show that in the presence of the enzyme a product was formed which was eluted from the column with 0.3 M LiCl.
When no enzyme was in-
cluded, none of this material was produced; only the unreacted substrate I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f the Product o f the A c t i o n o f H 2 -Neopterin-PPP Pyrophosphohydrolase as N e o p t e n n - P
Rp v a l u e s in S o l v e n t Compound Enzymatic product
Table V.
Enzymatic p r o d u c t , t r e a t e d w i t h phosphatase Neoptenn-cyclic-phosphate
0 77
0.12 0.67 0.12
— See Suzuki and Brown (12) f o r composition o f these s o l v e n t
230 was evident.
The slight dip in the elution pattern of the unreacted sub-
strate resulted from a change in concentration of the LiCl from 0.3 M to 1.0 M.
The enzymatic product was concentrated and subjected to paper
chromatography as described by Suzuki and Brown (12).
The chromatographic
behavior of the product and the material generated from the product by treatment with alkaline phosphatase were compared with standards and the results are shown in Table V.
From these data, it is clear that the pro-
duct is not a cyclic phosphate and that treatment with alkaline phosphatase produces a compound with the chromatographic characteristics of neopterin. The product analyzed is the oxidized compound at this stage, rather than the dihydro form, because the pre-chromatographic treatment resulted in oxidation.
From all of the accumulated evidence, the conclusion can be
drawn that the enzymatic product is D-erythro-H^-neopterin-P. Since the phosphate esters of H^-neopterin cannot be used as substrate by dihydroneopterin aldolase (for the production of 6-hydroxymethyl-H2" pterin), an enzyme (or enzymes) must exist in E_. coli that will catalyze the hydrolytic removal of phosphate from D-erythro-H^-neopterin-P.
We have
determined that several such enzymatic activities are present in extracts of E_. coli, but we have not yet found one that is specific for this compound.
It is possible that this reaction does not depend on the action of
a specific phosphomonoesterase. With the discovery and study of these phosphatases, all of the seven enzymes in E_. coli necessary for the conversion of GTP, p-aminobenzoate and glutamic acid to dihydrofolate have been investigated in our laboratory. These enzymes and the reactions they catalyze
are shown in Fig. 10.
ENZYMATIC SYNTHESIS OF L-threo-H^,-NEOPTERIN Previous work from this laboratory (14) indicated that incubation of GTP with crude extracts of E_. coli resulted (after dephosphorylation) not only in the formation of D-erythro-HT-neopterin but also in the formation in approximately equal quantities of a threo-H,,-neopterin (whether D^ or _L was not established).
Confirmation that threo-neopterin occurs in E_. coli
was provided somewhat later by the isolation by Rembold and Heinz (15) of L-threo-neopterin from E_. coli•
The compound is also known to occur in
231 Comamonas sp. (16) where it is used as a cofactor for the oxygen-dependent hydroxylation of phenylalanine.
The work to be described below was direct-
ed toward an understanding of the enzymatic conversion (epimerization) of D-erythro-neopterin-PPP to a threo compound.
A detailed account of these
investigations will be published in the near future (17). Enzyme Assay Preliminary experimental results indicated that the substrate used for the production of the threo compound is D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP. enzyme would seem to be an epimerase.
Thus, the
Since the assay developed to mea-
sure epimerase activity depends on the separation of the dephosphorylated product from the dephosphorylated unreacted substrate, reaction mixtures were treated with alkaline phosphatase after incubation of the radioactive substrate with the epimerase.
This mixture was then subjected to paper
electrophoresis in the presence of a solution of 0.5% sodium borate to separate the radioactive threo-neopterin product from D-erythro-neopterin. The compounds analyzed on the ionopherograms are not in the dihydro forms since oxidation occurs during the procedure.
An analysis (by a strip
scanner) of an ionopherogram is presented in Fig. 11.
The results show
that threo-neopterin can be separated from erythro-neopterin by this method and that in the presence of the enzyme a radioactive product was formed that migrated as standard threo-neopterin.
This procedure does not allow
one to distinguish between L-threo-neopterin and D-threo-neopterin.
more detailed description of the assay can be found in another paper (17). For quantitative estimations of the formation of the product, the area of migration of the threo compound was cut from the paper and analyzed for radioactivity in a scintillation counter. Preparation of the Enzyme The epimerase used in the investigations to be reported below was prepared from a crude extract of E_. coli by steps involving the use successively of: fractionation with ammonium sulfate, chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, chromatography on CM-Sephadex and filtration through Sephadex G-200. summary of this procedure is given in Table VI.
The increase in specific
- M
threo origin
| erythro
8 16 16 20 22 Migration toward A n o d e . c m
Guanosine 24
50 100 150 H z -Neopterin - P P P . ^ M
Fig. 11. Enzymatic formation of threo-neopterin from D-erythro-H2~neopterin-PPP and separation of erythro-neopterin from threo-neopterin by electrophoresis. Panel A gives results when incubation was carried out in the absence of epimerase and results in panel B were obtained from an incubation mixture to which epimerase was added. See Heine and Brown (17) for the details of this procedure. Fig. 12. Effect of substrate concentration on enzymatic epimerization of D-erythro-HT-neopterin-PPP to the threo compound. activity of the epimerase is only 7.5-fold; this results primarily because the enzyme is not very stable.
Although the purification achieved is not
very great, the fractionation procedure was worthwhile since it eliminated contaminating phosphatase activities so that an accurate assessment of the identity of the enzymatic product could be made.
Properties of the Epimerase The effect of substrate concentration on product formation is shown in Fig. 12.
Clearly, the rate of the reaction is dependent on substrate con-
centration, although no accurate measurement of the K
could be made be-
cause of the limitations of the accuracy of the assay, especially at low RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF VARIOUS DIVALENT CATIONS AS STIMULATORS OF EPIMERASE ACTIVITY
Cation Enzyme Preparation
Specific Activity
Purification Factor
Overall Yield of Enzyme
Activity Relative to Mg per cent
per cent
Crude extract
50-80% Amnonium sulfate fraction
Zn 2 *
DEAE-Sephadex fractions
CM-Sephadex fractions
Sephadex G-200 fractions
Table VI.
2 4 5 8 7.5
21 3.9 6.2
Table VII.
253 substrate concentrations.
The reaction catalyzed by the epimerase is sti-
mulated significantly by the presence of a divalent cation. Table VII indicate that Mg^
and Mn^
slightly less so, and Cu^ , Zn^
The data of
are very effective, Ca^ + only
and Fe^ + have no significant effect.
The enzyme functions between pH 5.2 and 8.0 with a relatively broad optimum between pH 5.8 and 6.2. 50°.
Enzyme activity is maximal between 42° and
At temperatures higher than 50° the substrate is degraded nonenzyma-
tically to the cyclic monophosphate ester.
The activity of the enzyme is
stable to heating at 75° for one minute, but no activity remains after heating at 100° for one minute.
The enzyme can be stored for as long as
12 months at -20° with no loss of activity. The molecular weight of the epimerase has been estimated at 87,000-89,000 by filtration through a column of Sephadex G-200 calibrated with the standards: ribonuclease, chymotrypsin, ovalbumin, and rabbit muscle aldolase. Experiments designed to test the substrate specity of the epimerase have shown that D-erythro-H^-neopterin, D-erythro-H^-neopterin-P and D-erythroH2-neopterin-2',3'-cyclic-P are not substrates.
Other compounds that
would be reasonable to test (i.e., D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PP and L-erythroH^-neopterin-PPP) have not been available.
The fact that we have never
found that more than 50% of the substrate is converted to the product suggests that the reaction is reversible and that the equilibrium constant is close to unity.
However, we have never had enough of the product avail-
able to confirm this possibility.
Product In the routine assay used to determine enzymatic activity it is necessary to dephosphorylate the unreacted substrate and the product before analysis with electrophoresis.
We have attempted to devise methods to allow sepa-
ration of the product from the substrate without prior dephosphorylation but these have not been successful.
Thus, the routine assay gives no in-
formation about the number of phosphate groups retained in the product. Evidence bearing on this point was obtained with the use as substrate of 32 14 D-erythro-H 0 -[y- P,U- C]neopterin-PPP followed by an analysis of the
23^ P-containing products.
The results obtained from this experiment showed 14 that epimerization had occurred (i.e., C-containing threo-neopterin was identified by the use of the routine assay procedure), but that no radioactive orthophosphate or pyrophosphate was produced by the action of the epimerase.
Thus, the product is undoubtedly a triphospho ester.
The product analyzed in the routine assay was always a pterin although the substrate was a dihydropterin.
During the preparation of the samples for
electrophoresis, one of the procedures is to evaporate the material to dryness.
We have determined that during this process dihydropterins be-
come oxidized to pterins.
The evidence seems clear, however, that the
product of the action of the epimerase is a dihydropterin (i.e., no oxidation occurred) since we observed no decrease in the absorba :e peak at 330 nm (typical for 7,8-dihydropterins) during the enzymatic reaction. The electrophoretic method used in the assay will separate erythro-neopterin and threo-neopterin, but it will not distinguish D-threo-neopterin from L-threo-neopterin.
In order to decide whether the product is the £
or L stereoisomer, we devised a method based on the fact that D-erythrot^-neopterin and L-threo-H^-neopterin are used equally well as substrate for dihydroneopterin aldolase, whereas I^-threo-h^-neopterin is not used at all (11).
In this experiment, after the action of the epimerase and
treatment with phosphatase (to dephosphorylate completely the product and the unreacted substrate), aldolase was added to the reaction mixture along with other components needed for the conversion of the product of the action of the aldolase (6-hydroxymethyl-H.-pterin) to H -pteroic acid. 14 2+ These components include ATP, [ C]p-aminobenzoate, Mg and the enzymes hydroxymethyl-H^-pterin pyrophosphokinase and H^-pteroic acid synthetase. After incubation with these materials, the amount of l^-pteroic acid formed was determined.
Another series of reaction mixtures was prepared
to contain graded amounts of D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP, but no epimerase, and the amounts of t^-pteroic acid produced as a function of the concentration of this substrate were determined.
From the regular assay for
epimerization it was determined that of the 0.92 nmoles of D-erythro-H,,neopterin-PPP added as substrate, 0.33 nmoles were epimerized.
If the
threo product had been D-threo, only the unreacted substrate, equal to
Fig. 13. Identification of the product of the action of the epimerase as the L-threo stereoisomer. The preparation of the standard curve (shown in the figure) for the conversion of D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP to H 2 pteroic acid in the presence of alkaline phosphatase, dihydroneopterin aldolase, hydroxymethyl-H2-pterln pyrophosphokinase, H2-pteroic acid synthetase, [^CJp-AB, ATP and M g 2 + is described briefly in the text and more completely elsewhere (17). The arrow in the figure shows the amount of ^ - p t e r o i c acid synthesized from materials that were present in a reaction mixture in which D-erythro-l^-neopterin-PPP had been incubated with epimerase prior to incubation with the components used to prepare the standard curve. Fig. 14.
Reaction catalyzed by D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP
0.59 nmoles of D-erythro-neopterin, would have been available as substrate for the aldolase.
From the standard curve shown in Fig. 13, 0.59
nmoles should have allowed the production of pteroic acid equivalent to 6400 cpm; however, the analysis showed that the amount of pteroic acid synthesized from material that had been subjected to the action of the epimerase was equal to 9800 cpm, an amount that would have been produced from 0.92 nmoles of the D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP offered as substrate (see standard curve, Fig. 13).
Thus, the threo product could not have
been the D-threo stereoisomer.
From these results we conclude that the
reaction catalyzed by the epimerase is the conversion of D-erythro-H^neopterin-PPP to L-threo-H^-neopterin-PPP as shown in Fig. 14, and we have therefore chosen to call the enzyme "D-erythro-H^-neopterin-PPP 2'-epimerase".
236 Biochemical Significance of L-threo-Neopterin in
Although it is clear from our results and those of Rembold and Heinz (15) that L-threo-neopterin (or the reduced form) occurs in E_. coli, the biochemical function of this compound in E_. coli remains unknown.
This sub-
stance is needed for the oxygen-dependent hydroxylation of phenylalanine in Comamonas sp. (16), but such a reaction is not known to occur in E_. coli. Another question that arises is why biosynthetic L-threo-H^-neopterin accumulates in E_. coli since it is known to be used as substrate by dihydroneopterin aldolase (11).
One possibility that should be considered
is that a phosphorylated form of L-threo-H,,-neopterin is the functional form in E_. coli.
This would explain why it would not be used for the bio-
synthesis of H 2 -folic acid since the phosphorylated compounds are not substrates for the aldolase (11).
In this connection it should be mentioned
that neopterin monophosphate was isolated from E_. coli by Goto and Forrest (18), although it was not established whether the compound was threo or erythro.
GTP CYCLOHYDROLASE II A second GTP cyclohydrolase in E_. coli was discovered in our laboratory (19) as a result of an attempt to modify the previously published fractionation procedure for GTP cyclohydrolase I (10).
We have chosen to call
this second enzyme GTP cyclohydrolase II to distinguish it from the one first investigated.
One of the modifications introduced in the fraction-
ation scheme was to subject a dialyzed extract of IE. coli to chromatography on a column of DEAE-Seaphdex A-50. buffer lacking EDTA.
The column was developed with
EDTA had always been
included previously because
it stabilizes the activity of GTP cyclohydrolase I (10).
The pattern of
elution of activity that converts carbon 8 of GTP to formate is shown in Fig. 15.
Two peaks of activity are evident.
Material in the first peak
(fractions 48-58) resembled the GTP cyclohydrolase described by Burg and Brown (10) in its resistance to inhibition by EDTA.
The enzyme activity
in the second peak (fractions 65-75) is stimulated by Mg^ + and is completely inhibited by EDTA.
237 *—X
A 280
l 4
2 0
4 0
5 0
Fraction Number
Fig. 15. Chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex of a dialyzed extract of E_. coli. GTP cyclohydrolase activity of the fractions from the column was determined and the column was operated as described in another paper (19). Fig. 16. Fractionation of GTP cyclohydrolase II on Sephadex G-200. Foor and Brown (19) for details.
Purification of GTP Cyclohydrolase II A crude extract of
coli was made by treating the cells with lysozyme.
The resulting mixture was treated with DNase and subjected to centrifugation to remove insoluble material.
The resulting extract was subjected
to fractionation with ammonium sulfate, chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, filtration through Sephadex G-200 and chromatography on a hydroxylapatite column to yield a preparation whose specific activity was 2200 times as great as that of the crude extract. is given in Table VIII.
A summary of the purification scheme
The elution pattern of the enzyme from a Sephadex
G-200 column is shown in Fig. 16.
In the figure are plotted enzyme acti-
vities for removal of carbon 8 of GTP as formate (measured with the use as substrate of [8- 14 C]GTP) and for removal of
P from [y- 3 2 P]GTP.
data show that the two activities elute together.
This suggests that
the same enzyme is responsible for both activities.
In the final purifi-
cation step (chromatography on hydroxylapatite) the two activities also 32 elute together and again P release and formate production were stoichiometric .
Table VIII.
Total Activity
Specific Activity
munits/mg protein
Crude extract
3 5
0 10
Ammonium sulfate fraction
3 4
0 18
DEAE-Sephadex eluate
2 8
8 1
Sephadex G-200 eluate
2 7
69 0
Hydroxylapatite eluate
223 0
e o a
238 Properties of GTP Cyclohydrolase II GTP cyclohydrolase II differs dramatically from GTP cyclohydrolase I in that M g 2 + is required for activity of enzyme II.
Of a group of divalent
ions tested (Ba 2 + , C a 2 + , C o 2 + , C u 2 + , F e 2 + , M g 2 + , M n 2 + and Z n 2 + ) only M g 2 + and M n 2 + were effective and M n 2 + was only 70% as effective as M g 2 + tested at 0.25 mM).
Maximal stimulation was achieved with 150 pM M g 2 + ;
half-maximal at 14 pM. The enzyme functions at pH values of 6.5 and higher with an optimum at pH 8.4.
The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated at 44,000 from
its position of elution from a calibrated column of Sephadex G-200.
apparent molecular weight was independent of ionic strength. The initial velocity of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme is proportional to the enzyme concentration, but the velocity decreases steadily during the course of the reaction, probably because of the formation of inorganic pyrophosphate, one of the products of the reaction which is also an inhibitor (see below).
The K m for GTP was estimated as 41 pM from an
Eadie and Hofstee plot. The enzyme is quite specific for GTP as substrate.
Compounds found not to
be substrates are: dGTP, GDP, GMP, guanosine, guanine, 3-Y-methylene GTP, ATP, ITP and XTP.
Guanosine-5 1 -tetraphosphate was used as substrate,
but only about a third as well as GTP. the reaction is inorganic pyrophosphate.
The most effective inhibitor of At a concentration of 0.2 mM,
this substance inhibited both the production of formate and inorganic pyrophosphate by 52%.
Products Preliminary information was obtained on the nature of the products formed from GTP by following the change in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum during the course of the reaction.
It is clear that a F^-neopterin com-
pound is not formed during the reaction since no absorption band at 330 nm (characteristic of t^-neopterin) was evident. appeared during the incubation.
Instead a peak at 287 nm
This peak disappeared at lengthened
239 incubation times as the release of formate from GTP approached completion. We found that the peak at 287 nm could be preserved by including 7 mM mercaptoethanol in the reaction mixture.
The appearance of the absorption
band at 287 nm suggested that a pyrimidine is formed as a product.
likely candidate is 6-hydroxy-2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine or the corresponding compound with a phosphorylated ribose attached to the 4-amino group. Synthetic 6-hydroxy-2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine was examined and found to resemble the enzymatic product in that the two exhibit similar absorption spectra and the absorption peak at 290 nm of the synthetic compound also decays with incubation at 37°.
This could be prevented by mercaptoethanol.
The spectral changes accompanying the enzymatic reaction are shown in Fig. 17. 14 With [U-
C]GTP as substrate the only radioactive product not adsorbable
to charcoal is formate when the charcoal treatment is carried out immediately after incubation.
However, when incubated reaction mixtures were
not treated with charcoal until 24 hours after the enzymatic reaction, much more radioactivity (equal to approximately 40% of the total) was not found capable of being adsorbed to charcoal.
We suspected that either
ribose or ribose-P had been released during this period.
We tested this
hypothesis by treating the material with phosphatase and analyzing for ribose by paper chromatography.
The radioactive material migrated as
Fig. 17. Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of a reaction mixture ing GTP and GTP cyclohydrolase II) at various incubation times. bers on the figure refer to incubation time in minutes.
(containThe num-
Fig. 18. The reaction catalyzed by GTP cyclohydrolase II and the conversion of the resulting product to pterin by the nonenzymatic reaction with glyoxal.
ribose in two separate chromatographic solvent systems.
This suggested
that ribose was not removed enzymatically, but was released over the storage period because of the instability of the enzymatic product. To obtain further information about the nature of the products, the enzyme was incubated with [U-14C]GTP along with either [a-32P]GTP or [y-32P]GTP. The incubated mixtures were subjected to chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-25 to separate the products.
The details of this experiment along with
the resulting elution pattern from the column are presented in another publication (19).
Briefly, the results indicated that the following pro-
ducts could be separated and identified: formate, inorganic pyrophosphate, and a 9-carbon compound that also contained what was originally the (Diphosphate residue of the substrate (GTP). pyrophosphate.
The y-phosphate appeared in the 14 32 Table IX contains a summary of the amounts of C- and P-
labeled materials produced from the radioactive GTP.
Equimolar quantities
of formate, inorganic pyrophosphate and 9-carbon compound thought to be 2,S-diamino-6-hydroxy-4-(ribosylamino)pyrimidine-5'-phosphate were produced.
Such an orth-diaminopyrimidine should react with dicarbonyl com-
pounds to yield pteridines.
We were successful in devising conditions
under which the radioactive enzymatic product would react with glyoxal to yield ribose-5-P and 2-amino-4-hydroxypteridine (pterin).
The latter
compound was identified by comparison of its paper chromatographic properties with standard pterin.
The product was also shown to be identical
with standard pterin in its fluorescence emission spectrum. All of the accumulated evidence indicates that the enzymatic and nonenzymatic reactions described above proceed as shown in Fig. 18 to produce (enzymatically) a ribose-5-P derivative of hydroxytriaminopyrimidine which AMOUNTS OF PRODUCTS FORMED FROM GTP BY INCUBATION WITH GTP CYCLOHYDROLASE II Amount Produced, Based on Radioactivity from Substrate [U- 1 4 C,a- 3 2 P]GTP
Table IX.
Compound Produced Enzymatically
From C content
From 3 2 P content
From C content
From 3 2 P content
C 9 -Product
[U- 1 4 C,Y- 3 2 PJGTP
11.0 11.5 0
0 11.4
is then converted (nonenzymatically) to pterin and ribose-5-P in the presence of glyoxal.
It is not surprising that the enzymatic product shown
in Fig. 18 is so unstable, since Plaut (20) has shown that a similar compound (5-amino-2,6-dihydroxy-4- (1'-I)-ribitylamino)pyrimidine) , which is produced during the biosynthesis of riboflavin, is degraded in the presence of C>2 to ribitylamine and alloxan.
By analogy, the enzymatic pro-
duct shown in Fig. 18 would be degraded to an orthoquinone compound followed by hydrolysis to yield 5-phosphoribosylamine, an unstable compound that is easily hydrolyzed to ribose-5-phosphate and ammonia.
The identi-
fication of ribose (after treatment with phosphatase) as a degradation product of the enzymatic product is consistent with such a reaction scheme. Significance of the Presence of GTP Cyclohydrolase II in E. coli The evidence suggests that GTP cyclohydrolase II catalyzes both formate release (from carbon 8 of GTP) and pyrophosphate formation.
These two
products along with the pyrimidine product are all formed in stoichiometric amounts.
The alternative possibility that two enzymes are involved cannot
be ruled out entirely, but it does seem unlikely since: (a) catalytic activities for formate and pyrophosphate formation purify together as if a single protein is involved; (b) GMP cannot be a free intermediate because it cannot be used as substrate for formate formation; (c) it is unlikely that a triphosphate derivative produced by removal of carbon 8 from GTP is a free intermediate because kinetic studies indicate that the rates of formate and pyrophosphate formation from GTP are identical; and (d) we have determined that pyrophosphate inhibits the enzymatic production of formate and pyrophosphate to the same extent. Another question that arises is the possible relation of GTP cyclohydrolases land II. two
The accumulated evidence conclusively indicate that the
completely different enzymes.
This is based on the following
facts: (a) the products are different; (b) enzyme II needs Mg^ + whereas enzyme I does not; (c) the K^ values for GTP of the two enzymes are vastly different; (d) the molecular weights are different; and (e) enzyme I is heat stable and enzyme II is not. A consideration of the biochemical significance of GTP cyclohydrolase II
242 in E^ coli leads to speculation about its possible role in the biosynthesis of riboflavin.
Other workers have clearly shown that a guanine com-
pound is the precursor of riboflavin (21-23),
mutants of yeast are known to excrete a metabolite that reacts nonenzymatically with 2,3-butanedione to give 6,7-dimethylpterin (24).
This meta-
bolite is thought to be 6-hydroxy-2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine or perhaps a ribosylated derivative of this pyrimidine.
Our results indicate a 5-
phosphoribosylated derivative of this pyrimidine is formed as a product of the action of GTP cyclohydrolase II.
If this compound is an interme-
diate in riboflavin biosynthesis, we would expect it to be metabolized further by enzymes that successively: (a) either reduce the ribose group to ribityl or replace the ribose with ribityl; (b) convert the 2-amino group to a hydroxy group; and finally add an unidentified 4-carbon compound to yield 6,7-dimethyl-Y-ribityllumazine, a recognized precursor of riboflavin (21).
Acknowledgements. The authors are indebted to Mrs. Elaine Lenk of the Biology Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for the electron micrograph. The experimental work reported in this paper was supported by research grants from the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Public Health Service (grant number AM03442) and the National Science Foundation (grant number GB33929X1). REFERENCES 1. Brown, G.M.: Enzymic synthesis of pterins and dihydropteroic acid. Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines (ed. by Iwai, K., Akino, M., Goto, M., and Iwanami, Y.), Int'l. Academic Printing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1970, pp. 243-264. 2. Shiota, T and Palumbo, M.P.: Enzymatic synthesis of the pteridine moiety of dihydrofolate from guanine nucleotides. J. Biol. Chem. 240, 4449-4453 (1965). 3. Guroff, G. and Strenkoski, C.A.: Biosynthesis of pteridines and of phenylalanine hydroxylase cofactor in cell-free extracts of Pseudomonas species (ATCC 11299a). J. Biol. Chem. 241, 2220-2227 (1966). 4. Levenberg, B. and Kaczmarek, D.K.: Enzymic release of carbon 8 from guanosine triphosphate, an early reaction in the conversion of purines to pteridines. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 117, 272-275 (1966). 5. Mitsuda, H., Suzuki, Y., Tadera, K. and Kawai, F.: Biochemical studies on pteridines in plants II. Biogenesis of folic acid in green leaves: enzymatic synthesis of dihydropteroic acid from guanosine compounds and mechanism of its synthetic pathway.J. Vitaminol. 12, 192-204 (1966).
6. Brown, G.M. and Fan, C.L.: Synthesis of pteridines catalyzed by enzymes from Drosophila melanogaster. This Symposium, pp. 7. Jackson, R.J., Wolcott, R.M. and Shiota, T.: The preparation of a modified GTP-Sepharose derivative and its use in the purification of dihydroneopterin triphosphate synthetase, the first enzyme in folate biosynthesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 51, 428-435 (1973). 8. Davis, B.J.: Disc electrophoresis II. Method and application to human serum proteins. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 121, 404-427 (1964). 9. Shiota, T., Jackson, R. and Baugh, C.M.: Biosynthetic pathway of dihydrofolate. Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines (ed. Iwai, K., Akino, M., Goto, M. and Iwanami, Y.), Int'l. Academic Priting Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1970, pp. 265-280. 10. Burg, A.W. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid VIII. Purification and properties of the enzyme that catalyzes the production of formate from carbon 8 of guanosine triphosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 243, 2349-2358 (1968). 11. Mathis, J.B. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid XI. Purification and properties of dihydroneopterin aldolase. J. Biol. Chem. 245, 3015-3025 (1970). 12. Suzuki, Y. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid XII. Purification and properties of dihydroneopterin triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase. J. Biol. Chem. 249, 2405-2410 (1974). 13. Urushibara, T., Forrest, H.S., Hoare, D.S. and Patel, R.N.: Pteridines produced by Methylococcus capsulatus. Isolation and identification of a neopterin 2':3'-phosphate. Biochem. J. 125, 141-146 (1971). 14. Jones, T.H.D. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid VII. Enzymatic synthesis of pteridines from guanosine triphosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 242, 3989-3997 (1967). 15. Rembold, H. and Heinz, G.: L-threo-neopterin, the major pterin in Escherichia coli B. Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 342, 1271-1272 (1971). 16. Guroff, G. and Rhoads, C.A.: Phenylalanine hydroxylation by Pseudomonas species (ATCC 11299a). J. Biol. Chem. 244, 142-146 (1969). 17. Heine, M.C. and Brown, G.M.: Enzymatic epimerization of D-erythro-dihydroneopterin triphosphate to L-threo-dihydroneopterin trTphosphate. In — preparation. 18. Goto, M. and Forrest, H.S.: Identification of a new phosphorylated pteridine from E^ coli. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 180-183 (1961). 19. Foor, F. and Brown, G.M.: Purification and properties of GTP cyclohydrolase II from Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem., in press (1975). 20. Plaut, G.W.E.: Studies on the nature of the enzymic conversion of 6,7dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to riboflavin. J. Biol. Chem. 238, 22252243 (1963).
21. Plaut, G.W.E.: The biosynthesis of riboflavin. Comprehensive Biochemistry (Vol. 21, ed. Florkin, M. and Stotz, E.), Elsevier Publishing Co., New York, 1971, pp. 11-45. 22. Bacher, A. and Lingens, F.: The structure of the purine precursor in riboflavin synthesis. Angew. Chem. 81_, 393-394 (1969); Angew. Chem. , Int'l. Edition English 8_, 371-372 (1969). 23. Baugh, C.M. and Krumdieck, C.L.: Biosynthesis of riboflavine in Corynebacterium species: the purine precursor. J. Bacterid. 98, 1114-1119 (1969). 24. Bacher, A. and Lingens, F.: Biosynthesis of riboflavin. Formation of 6-hydroxy-2,4,5-triaminopyrimidine in Riby mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem. 246, 7018-7022 (1971). DISCUSSION Elstner: You call your enzyme no. II "Cyclohydrolase II" - but this enzyme does not cyclize; - would'nt be the correct name for this enzyme; GTP-8formyl hydrolase as proposed for an enzyme from Streptomyces ? G.M.Brown: You have a point - we refer to the enzyme as GTP-cyclohydrolase merely for convenience. Wood: Use of a-ketoesters or a-keto acids in place of a-dicarbonyl compounds (such as glyoxal) in characterization of Cg compound might be useful. This should lead to 7-oxopteridine-glycosides. G.M.Brown: Thank you for the suggestion. Wagner: Is there any evidence for carbohydrate being associated with cyclohydrolase I ? G.M.Brown: None, but we probably have not looked carefully enough to eliminate this possibility. Plaut: Why do you insist that all intermediates on the way to riboflavin have to be phosphorylated - i.e., assuming your cyclohydrolase II is on the path ? G.M.Brown: I do not eliminate any possibilities. Plaut: I want to point out that while riboflavin binds to riboflavin synthetase - EMN does not. G.M.Brown: That does appear to eliminate riboflavin phosphate as a final product. Buff: The question is regarding to the widely different Km values of your enzyme. What is the concentration of GTP in the E.coli cell ? G.M.Brown: We are, of course, interested in this. We have not yet received an answer from any of my microbiologist friends.
Albert: Is there anything in your new work which would throw light on the biosynthesis of biopterin ? G.M.Brown:
I may be able to throw some light on this in my next paper.
Scrimgeour: Your GTP cyclohydrolase I seems to break the golden rule" (or tin rule ?) that oligomeric proteins are extremely unstable, especially toward heat, Is it cold labile ? G.M.Brown:
It is not cold labile.
Wrigglesworth: Is the GTP cyclohydrolase II found in mammalian systems ? G.M.Brown:
I don't know.
Lund: Do you have any proposal for the reaction mechanism for the epimerization of D-erythro-dihydroneopterin PPP ? G.M.Brown:
We have not had enough of the enzyme to do such studies.
Lund: Would it be a reasonable suggestion that the azomethine group in the dihydropteridine nucleus plays the same role in the epimerization reaction as the carbonyl function does in the epimerization reaction of carbohydrates ? G.M.Brown: It would be reasonable if the epimerization were on the l^-carbon. Unfortunately, the reaction occurs on the 2-carbon and thus the azomethine group would not be as important in the activation process. Montgomery: I suggest using nitrous acid to trap the intermediate pyrimid m e from the cyclodehydrase II :
In this way the ribose phosphate moiety will not be lost and the exact nature of the pyrimidine will be established. 8-Azaguanylic acid has been synthesized and well characterized. G.M.Brown:
Thank you. That seems to be a good idea.
Biosynthesis of Pterins in Mammalian Systems K. Fukushima, I. Eto, T. Mayumi, W. Richter, S. Goodson and T. Shiota
The questions regarding the origin and the biosynthesis of biopterin has been of great interest to biologists for a number of years, and much effort has been directed toward the elucidation of answers to these questions. The pathway for the synthesis of pterins and of folate in Escherichia coli (1), Lactobacillus plantarum (2), Commamonas (3), Serratia indica (4) and Tetrahymena (5) as well as information on the biosynthesis of biopterin in bullfrog tadpoles (6-8) and f r u i t f l i e s (9) has been reported.
In mamma-
lian systems, the possible synthesis of biopterin has been suggested (1012), however, definitive evidence of the o r i g i n and for biopterin synthesis was t o t a l l y lacking until very recently.
We reported that in growing c u l -
tures of Chinese hamster ovary c e l l s (13), f o l i c acid i s not a precursor of biopterin but i s a precursor of pterin, 6-hydroxymethylpterin and 6carboxypterin.
Moreover, from these r e s u l t s , the hypothesis for the addi-
tion of a three carbon unit to pterin or a two carbon unit to 6-hydroxymethylpterin i s not supported.
Additional studies using [2-^C]guanine,
[8-^C]guanine, [U-^C]guanosine or [6-^C]glucose as a precursor of biopterin indicated that in the Chinese hamster ovary cell cultures, guanosine or i t s nucleotide i s converted to biopterin and that reactions such as
ring-opening, elimination of carbon atom 8 and ring closure by carbon
atoms 1' and 2' of ribose are involved.
A subsequent report by Buff and
Dairman (14), who worked with two neuroblastoma cell l i n e s , also concluded that a guanosine-1ike compound was the precursor for biopterin.
In this presentation, results of recent work will be presented demonstrating the origin and the synthesis of biopterin in mammalian systems. Material and Methods Primary cultures - Primary cultures of various organs were prepared from rats (Fisher), mice (3CH/HeJ), Chinese hamsters and Syrian golden hamsters employing usual cell culture techniques.
The cells were grown in F-12 (15)
medium containing 10% fetal calf serum with the medium being changed every other day.
The cultures were grown in a 5% C02-air incubator.
When the
cells became approximately 10% confluent, the medium was removed and the attached cells washed several times with F-12 medium supplemented with 10% charcoal-treated fetal calf serum and incubated in this medium without further changing until the cells were confluent.
The supernatant
fluid was then removed and assayed for Crithidia activity. Homogenate preparations - From (adult) Syrian golden hamsters, various organs were homogenized in either 0.01 M Tris-0.04 M KC1 buffer, pH 8.0 or in 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 to give a 20-25 percent (wet weight per volume) preparation.
In certain of the experiments either the
crude homogenate preparations or dialyzed supernatant fractions of these crude preparations were used.
In other experiments, however, a Sephadex
G-150 fraction (Fig. 1) or an Ultragel AcA-34 (Fig. 2) fraction was used. To obtain these preparations, supernatant fluids from crude liver preparations were concentrated against solid sucrose, dialyzed against 0.005 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 and applied to either a Sephadex G-150 column or an Ultragel AcA 34 column and the column washed with the same buffer.
fractions which were collected were measured for protein absorbance at 280 nm and also assayed for the production of fluorescent materials by incuba-
ting with GTP for three hours at 37°C.
Fractions producing peak fluore-
scence were pooled and used in certain experiments.
Fig. 1. Sephadex G-150 column chromatography of a supernatant fluid of a liver homogenate. A 2 ml portion (220 mg of protein) of a concentrated supernatant fluid of a liver homogenate was applied to a Sephadex G-150 column. Fig. 2. Ultragel AcA-34 column chromatography of a supernatant fluid of a liver homogenate. A 10 ml portion (1.1 g of protein) of a concentrated supernatant fluid of a liver homogenate was applied to an Ultragel AcA-34 column. Assay system for the utilization of guanine derivatives - In a total volume of 0.15 ml, the reaction mixture contained:
GTP or other purine de-
rivatives, 0.3 ymoles; Tris-HCl , pH 8.0, 75 ymoles and a homogenate preparation.
In some cases, 0.15 ymole each of NADH, NADPH, NAD and NADP was
The mixture was incubated at 37° in the dark for 3 hours at
which time 2 ml of 0.1 N HC1 were added to terminate the reaction.
purposes of oxidizing any reduced pterins, the reaction mixture was treated with iodine.
The procedure consisted of adding one drop of 1% starch
solution and 0.01 ml of iodine solution (2 g of KI and 1 g of iodine in 100 ml of water) to the terminated reaction mixture.
After 15 minutes,
ascorbic acid solution was added to reduce the excess iodine and then 0.2 ml of 2 M Tris base was added to adjust the pH of the mixture to 8.0.
reaction mixture was either directly assayed for the production of Crithidia active substances or processed by a chromatography procedure to
250 isolate pterins. Assay system for the u t i l i z a t i o n of D-erythrodih.ydroneopterin triphosphate Either a mixture or individual crude homogenates of brain, lung, l i v e r and kidney were prepared from the adult Syrian golden hamster in 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8.
For the preparation of dialyzed superna-
tant fractions, crude homogenates were centrifuged and the supernatant f l u i d s dialyzed against the same buffer. A two-stage experiment was performed to test for the u t i l i z a t i o n of Derythrodihydroneopterin triphosphate by crude homogenates or dialyzed supernatant fractions of hamster organs. contain:
The f i r s t stage was prepared to
Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 12 ymoles; KC1 , 60 ymoles; D-er.ythrodihydro-
neopterin triphosphate synthetase preparation from L_. plantarum (16) (specific a c t i v i t y :
7.2 units/mg protein) equivalent to 5 mg of protein;
and [U- 14 C]GTP (1 y C i ) , 0.6 ymole in a total volume of 0.3 ml and the mixture incubated for 2 hours at 37° in the dark.
At 2 hours (second stage),
the following materials were added to the f i r s t stage mixtures to give a total volume of 1.0 ml:
potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, 50 ymoles;
MgS04, ° - 8 umole; NAD, 10 ymoles; NADP, 5 ymoles; NADH and NADPH, 2.5 ymoles each and either the crude homogenate or the dialyzed supernatant fraction.
This reaction mixture was incubated for 5 hours at 37° in the
dark, at which time the reaction was terminated by the addition of 0.2 ml of 1 N HC1, and the pterins oxidized by iodine as described previously. The reaction mixture was assayed for the production of Crithidia active substances or processed by a chromatography procedure to purify and to isolate the pterins produced. Chromatography procedure - The iodine-treatment reaction mixture was in
251 most cases treated with a l k a l i n e phosphatase and the pH of the s o l u t i o n adjusted to 1.0.
The s o l u t i o n was added to a Dowex-50 (H + ) column, washed
with water and eluted with 1 N NH4OH.
The eluate was concentrated and ap-
p l i e d to an ECTEOLA-Sephadex (OH") column which was washed with water and eluted with 0.5 M a c e t i c a c i d .
The eluate was concentrated and added to an
ECTEOLA-Sephadex pH 7 column which was eluted with water.
The f i n a l
material was concentrated and applied to c e l l u l o s e TLC sheets and the sheets developed in the appropriate s o l v e n t systems depending upon the experiment.
The s o l v e n t s are:
Solvent A, 3% NfyCl ; Solvent B, 1 - p r o p a n o l -
( 7 : 1 : 2 ) ; Solvent C, ethanol-ammonium borate (pH 8.0 as
5% boric a c i d ) - 3 % N H 4 C I
( 2 : 1 : 1 ) ; Solvent D, l - p r o p a n o l - 1 % NH4OH
Solvent E, 1 - b u t a n o l - a c e t i c acid-water ( 4 : 1 : 2 ) ; Solvent F, acetone-ammonium borate (pH 8.2 as 5% boric acid)-3% N H 4 C I
(1:1:1) and Solvent G, e t h a n o l -
ammonium borate (pH 8.2 as 5% boric acid)-3% N H 4 C I
For the quan-
t i t a t i v e r a d i o a c t i v e a s s a y s , c a r r i e r b i o p t e r i n and D-erythroneopterin were spotted with the column p u r i f i e d material developed in Solvent B.
to TLC sheets and the sheets
The spots corresponding to b i o p t e r i n and D - e r y t h r o -
neopterin were removed, eluted with water, concentrated and reapplied to TLC sheets and the sheets developed in Solvent /t.
F i n a l l y the spots c o r -
responding to authentic b i o p t e r i n and D-erythroneopterin were removed and assayed f o r
radioactivity. Results
Production of C r i t h i d i a a c t i v e substances by primary t i s s u e c u l t u r e s - The production of C r i t h i d i a a c t i v e substances by primary t i s s u e c u l t u r e s was i n v e s t i g a t e d , and the r e s u l t s are shown in Table I .
A l l of the primary
c u l t u r e s which produced C r i t h i d i a a c t i v e substances in q u a n t i t i e s than 0.6 ng/ml were considered to be a c t i v e .
Of those which were a c t i v e ,
the primary c u l t u r e s o f kidney, ovary and lung c e l l s from the Syrian
252 golden hamsters were notably high.
These results suggest that organs from
this animal may be an excellent source for which to study biopterin biosynTABLE
thesis at the enzyme level. TABLE
v a r i o u s o r g a n s from the S y r i a n g o l d e n
Crithidia T h e p r o d u c t i o n of a c t i v e s u b s t a n c e s by p r i m a r y c u l t u r e s Biopterin equivalent ng/ml
_ . Condition
Complete Minus
Kidney Lung Ovary
Average of 6 c u l t u r e s Average of 3 cultures A single c u l t u r e
of 3 c u l t u r e s of 4 c u l t u r e s
1 9 0.4
culture of S c u l t u r e s of 6 cultures
0.4 2.6 0.6
of 3 cultures of 5 cultures of 2 cultures
16 0 11 4 9 2
16 8 1 9 NAD(P)
0 3 NAO(P)
Plus NAD(P)H and
01 NAO(P)
Complete Minus
0.9 01
Plus NAD(P)H and
1.7 01
Plus NAD(P)H and Uterus and Ovary
0 9
28 2 0 7
Plus NAD(P)H and
equivalent ng
1 3 0.5
Rat Average Lung Average Ovary Chinese hamster Kidney A single Average Lung Average Ovary Syrian golden hamster Average Kidney Average Lung Ovary Average
Plus NAD(P)H and
s u b s t a n c e ( s ) by a d i a l y z e d s u p e r n a t a n t t r a c t i o n ot
Primary c u l t u r e
Eftect of G T P o n the s y n t h e s i s of
01 NAD(P)
The enzymatic synthesis of biopterin - The enzymatic synthesis of biopterin by homogenate preparations of various organs from the Syrian golden hamster was investigated.
This investigation consisted of two phases, one being
the study of the u t i l i z a t i o n of a guanine derivative and the second the u t i l i z a t i o n of D-erythrodihydroneopterin triphosphate in the enzymatic synthesis of biopterin. In an i n i t i a l experiment, dialyzed supernatant f l u i d s from homogenate preparations of l i v e r , kidney, brain, uterus and lung were individually tested for their a b i l i t y to convert GTP to biopterin-1ike substances.
The r e s u l t s ,
which are presented in Table I I , indicate that of the various organs examined, the l i v e r preparation was most active.
This a c t i v i t y is dependent
upon the presence of GTP and i s stimulated by a mixture of the pyridine nucleotides. In Table I I I , the effect of various purine derivatives, in the absence of a mixture of pyridine nucleotides, on the synthesis of biopterin-1ike sub-
253 s t a n c e s by d i a l y z e d s u p e r n a t a n t f l u i d s from a l i v e r ed.
homogenate was e x a m i n -
The r e s u l t s show t h a t w h i l e GTP and GDP were v e r y a c t i v e , the o t h e r
compounds t e s t e d showed l i t t l e
I n o r d e r to t e s t f o r the i n c o r p o r a t i o n o f r a d i o a c t i v i t y o f
[ 8 - 1 4 c ] G T P i n t o n e o p t e r i n and b i o p t e r i n , a Sephadex G-150 p r e p a r a t i o n was i n c u b a t e d w i t h a m i x t u r e o f NAD(P)H and MAD(P), a s w e l l a s 2 . 9 umoles and 2.5 yCi
or [ 8 - 1 4 c ] G T P a t 37° f o r
The r e a c t i o n was
t e r m i n a t e d and the m i x t u r e t r e a t e d by the i o d i n e p r o c e d u r e .
t r e a t e d m i x t u r e was a p p l i e d a t pH 1 . 0 to a Dowex-50 ( H + ) column. column was washed w i t h water and the water f r a c t i o n s e t a s i d e t i o n was d e s i g n a t e d a s Dowex-50 f r a c t i o n
The column was then e l u t e d
w i t h 1 N NH4OH ( t h i s f r a c t i o n was d e s i g n a t e d Dowex-50 f r a c t i o n pH o f the Dowex-50 f r a c t i o n I
( t h e water wash) was a d j u s t e d t o 8 . 0 w i t h
2 M T r i s base, a l k a l i n e phosphatase
(1 mg per ml o f f r a c t i o n
I ) was a d d e d ,
and t h e m i x t u r e was i n c u b a t e d f o r 1 hour a t 37°C in the d a r k .
The m i x t u r e
was a g a i n a c i d i f i e d t o pH 1 , a p p l i e d to a n o t h e r Dowex-50 column ( H + ) , and the column washed w i t h water and the water f r a c t i o n d i s c a r d e d . 50 column was then e l u t e d w i t h 1 N NH4OH.
The p t e r i n s e l u t e d from each
Dowex-50 column were p u r i f i e d i n d i v i d u a l l y by the use o f
(OH") and ECTEOLA-Sephadex pH 7 . 0 column chromatography a s d e s c r i b e d viously.
From the ECTEOLA-Sephadex pH 7 . 0 c o l u m n , a s i n g l e blue
s c e n t band was e l u t e d w i t h water and a s s a y e d f o r C r i t h i d i a a c t i v i t y .
e l u a t e was c o n c e n t r a t e d and a p p l i e d w i t h c a r r i e r b i o p t e r i n and D - e r y t h r o n e o p t e r i n t o c e l l u l o s e TLC s h e e t s .
The s h e e t s were d e v e l o p e d i n
B and the s p o t s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to b i o p t e r i n and D - e r y t h r o n e o p t e r i n were removed, e l u t e d w i t h w a t e r , c o n c e n t r a t e d and each a p p l i e d t o a n o t h e r TLC sheet.
A two-dimensional
chromatography was performed by d e v e l o p i n g
254sheet, first in Solvent E and then Solvent A.
Finally, the spots corres-
ponding to authentic D-erythroneopterin and biopterin were removed and assayed for radioactivity. TABLE III Effect of certain purine compounds on the enzymatic synthesis of Crithidia active substance(s) by Syrian golden hamster liver homogenate preparation Compound
Biopterin Equivalent ng
TABLE IV Products froin « N«opt*rin
0.1 23
1,40« IN
0.1 24
0 T
< tram tha ECTKHA-Sephedu pH 7.0 Chromatography. * Spots corrtspondinQ to avtJwiitlc waoptariw M d Moptarln from tho Anal TLC.
The results of these experiments are presented in Table IV. in the reaction mixture were resolved into two fractions.
The products Dowex-50 frac-
tion I of the [U-^C]GTP reaction mixture contained very little Crithidia active substances but contained a high level of radioactive neopterin. However, from the Dowex-50 fraction II, purified fractions contained a high level of Crithidia active substances but a low level of radioactive neopterin and biopterin.
From the [8-l^c]GTP experiments, the Dowex-50
I fraction contained very little Crithidia activity and no radioactive neopterin.
On the other hand, the Dowex-50 II fraction contained Crithidia
active substances but very little radioactive neopterin and biopterin. These results suggest that a phosphorylated product is present in the Dowex-50 fraction I, which after a phosphatase treatment was recovered as neopterin.
The results also suggest that since neopterin is found in the
Dowex-50 II fraction, the enzyme preparation contains some phosphatase activity.
Furthermore tnese data indicate that the enzyme preparation also
synthesizes biopterin.
The evaluation of these results supports the
255 hypothesis for a ring-opening reaction of GTP. For purposes of obtaining additional data as to the identity of the products from GTP, a fraction obtained from an Ultragel AcA-34 chromatographic purification of a liver homogenate preparation was incubated with GTP for 3 hours.
The reaction mixture was oxidized- by the iodine proce-
dure and applied to a Sephadex G-25 column.
The fluorescent peak frac-
tions were pooled and a portion treated with alkaline phosphatase. Samples of the phosphate treated and untreated fractions were chromatographed on TLC sheets in five solvent systems.
The r e s u l t s , which are
presented in Table V, show that the mobility of the fluorescent material produced by a l i v e r preparation before the phosphatase treatment is similar to the iodine-treated product derived from GTP prepared from a L_. plantarum preparation.
On the other hand, the alkaline phosphatase
treated fraction contained a fluorescent material which migrated as neopterin. for
This material was then assayed for i t s growth promoting a c t i v i t y fasciculata.
The a c t i v i t y of the product which i s shown in Fig. 3
i s similar to authentic D-erythroneopterin.
BioPTERiN.ng/iube 010
0 20
0 25
Thin-layer chromatography ol the reaction product
Solvents B
Rt Values G D
06 E
0 52
Erythro neopterm
0 09
0 28
Threo neopterin
Product from GTP with L. p. preparation"
Before alkaline phosphatase
After alkaline phosphatase
Product from GTP with liver preparation
| o Of) ID 1< (J 0 4 Z OD oc i/i m
"Solvent systems sre described in materials end Methods. "L plantarum preparation
10 15 120 25 30 D- ERYTHRO-MFOPTFBIN. ng/tube
Fig. 3. C. fasciculata growth promoting a c t i v i t y of a dephosphorylated product from bI P.
256 For initial studies concerning the investigation into the enzymatic synthesis of biopterin from radioactive D-erythrodihydroneopterin triphosphate by organ homogenates of Syrian golden hamsters, crude homogenates composed of 25 percent (wet weight by volume) of brain, liver, lung or kidney were prepared. was performed.
For the assay for synthesis, a two-stage experiment
In the first stage
(1 yCi and 0.6 ymole) was
incubated in Tris-KCl buffer, with an enzyme preparation from L_. plantarum, which synthesized D - e r y t h r o d i h y d r o n e o p t e r i n triphosphate.
At 2 hours
(second stage), potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, MgSCty, a mixture of NAD, NADH, NADP and NADPH, and crude homogenate were added to the stage 1 mixture.
The reaction mixture was incubated for 5 hours at 37° in the
dark and the reaction terminated by adding 0.2 ml of 1 N HC1.
After oxida-
tion with iodine, pterins were analyzed by a column chromatography and TLC procedure as previous described. The results which are presented in Table VI indicate
that radioactive
biopterin was produced by the combined homogenate, and that this production was dependent upon the addition of L_. plantarum enzyme preparation to stage one.
Of the various organ homogenates, the kidney prepara-
tion was most active.
The loss of activity seen upon using boiled liver
preparations in stage two indicates that heating inactivates liver preparations and abolishes production of radioactive biopterin from bacterial enzyme-treated GTP. In another experiment, the effect of GTP on dialyzed supernatant fractions of the various organ preparations in the two-stage incubation system was determined by the Crithidia assay. was omitted.
For this assay the iodine treatment
These results, presented in Table VII, indicate that the
Production of Cnthidiê active swbstance(s) from encyme-treated GTP by a dialyied supernatant fraction of various organs from Syrian golden hamster
Incorporation ol radioactivity o( enzyme-treated (U- 1 4 C)GTP into btopterin by crudo homogenste* of various organ» from Syrian golden hamster Condition Experiment 1 2
Stage 1
Condition S U g e 2**
Total CrtthWë Activity in Btopterin Equivalent, ng per assay
Stage 1 '
Stage 2 "
0 hr
09 0.3
Combined homogenate***
w/o L p enxyme
w/o GTP
Combined homogenate*** Liver
Boiled liver
Specific Activity ng/mg protein
9 hrs
9 hrs
12« -
w/o GTP
43 -
w/o GTP Complete
07 09
299 09
99 -
w/o GTP
Stage 1 contains GTP and L plantarum triphosphate synthetase fraction
Stage 2 contains organs which were homogenized to give 2 5 % wet weight per volume and 0 4 0 ml of each preparation was used per assay. The boiled liver was prepared by heating the homogenate preparation at 100° for 3 0 seconds
* Stage 1 contains L pfenferam O-eryfArodHiydroneopterln triphosphate synthetase fraction " Dialyzed supernatant fractions were used in stage 2
Combined homogenate was a mixture of brain, liver, lung and kidney.
dialyzed supernatant fractions of kidney, l i v e r , brain and lung were all active in the production of Crithidia active substance(s) and that the a c t i v i t y was dependent upon the addition of GTP to stage one. organs tested, the kidney was the most active.
Of a l l the
The specific a c t i v i t y of
brain was also high, because of the low protein content of this organ. Since the dialyzed supernatant fraction of kidney was most active, subse-
20 10
i f f M i
Fig. 4. Elution profile of fluorescent substance 1 from pH 7 ECTEOLASephadex column. Fluorescence was measured after a 10-fold d i l u t i o n . Fig. 5. Dose response of C^. fasciculata to fluorescent substance 1 and biopterin.
258 quent experiments were carried out using t h i s kidney preparation. In order to obtain more information on the reaction product(s), a largescale experiment was performed by increasing the components of the reaction mixture of stage one and stage two, f i v e - f o l d .
The terminated reac-
tion mixture, which was treated with iodine, was processed by the three column chromatographic procedure as previously described.
A single blue
fluorescent band which was eluted with water, at about 4 to 5 times the bed volume, from the final chromatographic step was concentrated and streaked on a thin-layer chromatogram.
The chromatogram was developed in Sol-
vent B, without the addition of carrier biopterin.
The fluorescent fraction
was resolved into three bands (fluorescent substances 1, 2 and 3), each of which was found to be radioactive.
The band corresponding to biopterin
(fluorescent substance 1) was scraped, eluted with water, and the eluate was rechromatographed in Solvent A.
The chromatogram showed only a single
fluorescent band and coincident single radioactive area which correspondThe fluorescent band was subjected to the Dowex-50 (H + )
ed to biopterin. TABLE
T h i n - l a y e r c h r o m a t o g r a p h y of the r e a c t i o n p r o d u c t s
Tha affact ol a mixtiira of oxidized and raducad pyrldlna nudaotldas and tha compaflaon of tha apacrfic radioactivity
S o l v e n t s *, Rf V a l u e s Compound
7/rreoneopterin Pterin
Fluorescent substance 1
Fluorescent substance 2
Fluorescent substance 3
s r
Condition Expartmant
Staga 1
Staga 2
w/o pyndina nudaotldas
(U- t 4 C)D-Err«»rodlhydronaoptarln trlphoaphate
3 0 fimolas
2 9 jjmolas
3,310 dpm/nmola
3,050 dpm/nmola
Bioptarin 11,659 dpm 2 2 5 dpm
1 1 8 nmolas 2.BB0 dpm/nmola
•Radioactive " S o l v e n t s y s t e m s a r e d e s c r i b e d in M a t e r i a l s a n d M e t h o d s .
and the two ECTEOLA-Sephadex column chromatograhic procedures and assayed for radioactivity, fluorescence and Crithidia a c t i v i t y .
These results
which are presented in Figures 4 and 5 indicate that the specific radioa c t i v i t y of the fractions collected from the final pH 7.0 ECTEOLA-Sepha-
259 dex column was constant and that the growth-promoting a c t i v i t y for Crithidia was similar to biopterin.
The fluorescent fractions were pooled
and subjected to thin-layer chromatography.
The results (Table V I I I )
demonstrate that a coincident fluorescent and radioactive spot migrated identically to authentic biopterin in each of the five solvent systems. Fluorescent substance 2 was also purified by the three column chromatographic steps and subjected to thin-layer chromatography.
A single fluore-
scent and radioactive spot migrated identically to authentic erythroneopterin in each of the seven solvent systems. Although fluorescent substance 3 migrated similarly to 6-hydroxymethylpterin, at present we are not absolutely certain of i t s identity. In Table IX, the results of several experiments are summarized.
In experi-
ment 1, the addition of a mixture of oxidized and reduced pyridine nucleotides i s shown to be required by the dialyzed kidney preparation.
In ex-
periment 2, i t can be seen that the specific radioactivity of the isolated biopterin compares favorably with that of the isolated D-erythrodihydroneopterin triphosphate which was produced by GTP in stage 1. Reversal of 4-benz.ylthio-7-azabiopterin (azabiopterin) inhibition with biopterin in Chinese hamster ovary cell cultures - Cultures of Chinese hamster ovary c e l l s have been shown to produce biopterin, however, i t has yet to be determined whether this biopterin, or one of i t s reduced forms, i s required by these cell cultures for growth.
As an approach to the study
of this problem we have initiated experiments designed to examine the u t i l i zation of biopterin in Chinese hamster ovary c e l l s in culture.
In pre-
liminary experiments we examined the effect of the biopterin analogue, 4benzylthio-7-azabiopterin on the efficiency of plating and generation time
260 of the Chinese hamster ovary c e l l s growing in Ham's F-12 medium containing 10% charcoal-treated fetal c a l f serum.
This biopterin analogue has been
found by Dr. John McCormack to have i n h i b i t o r y a c t i v i t y against r a t l i v e r phenylalanine hydroxylase.
We found a s i g n i f i c a n t reduction in p l a t i n g
e f f i c i e n c y and prolongation of generation time of c e l l s when azabiopterin was included in the cell culture medium.
In subsequent experiments, the
c e l l s were grown in F12-D medium (17) containing 10% c h a r c o a l - t r e a t e d , d i a lyzed fetal c a l f serum.
As a measure of c e l l growth,
was added to the medium and the amount of r a d i o a c t i v i t y incorporated into c e l l u l a r protein was determined.
Cell cultures containing only F12-D medo
ium, charcoal-treated, dialyzed fetal c a l f serum and controls.
H-leucine served as
To certain of the normally growing c e l l c u l t u r e s , azabiopterin
was added at a concentration of 6 x 10 - 5 M.
To other c e l l cultures was add-
ed, in addition to a z a b i o p t e r i n , either biopterin (100 ng/ml) or dihydrobiopterin (100 ng/ml).
Cell c u l t u r e s containing only biopterin or dihydro-
b i o p t e r i n , in these same concentrations, a l s o served as c o n t r o l s . s u l t s from one experiment are shown in Table X.
The r e -
From t h i s preliminary i n -
v e s t i g a t i o n i t appears that azabiopterin p a r t i a l l y i n h i b i t s c e l l
tion and that b i o p t e r i n , but not d i h y d r o b i o p t e r i n , can reverse t h i s TABLE X R e v e r s a l of 4 - B e n z y l t h i o - 7 - a z a b i o p t e n n (Azabiopterin) Inhibition with Biopterin in C H O Cell Cultures Addition
Incorporation of (4,5 3 H ) L - L e u c i n e dpm
100 0
112 7
82 7
52 4
57 7
94 2
Azabiopterin + Dihydrobiopterin Azabiopterin + Biopterin
261 tion.
Although the s i t e of action of azabiopteriri i s , as yet, unknown, i t
is tempting to speculate that i t may be inhibiting a biopterin requiring enzyme(s) whose function i s necessary for normal cell growth. Discussion The results which were recently obtained with Chinese hamster ovary c u l tures, primary tissue cultures and the enzyme preparations of organs from the Syrian golden hamster indicate that biopterin i s synthesized from GTP. The reactions involving GTP may be identical in mammalian systems as those that occur in bacterial systems.
These reactions include an imidazole
ring-opening step, the loss of carbon atom 8 from the purine r i n g , and ring closure resulting in the formation of D-erythrodihydroneopterin t r i phosphate.
The reactions involving the side-chain of D-erythrodihydroneo-
pterin triphosphate in i t s conversion to biopterin, are not as yet known; an exception being the possible involvement of a reaction which converts sepiapterin to dihydrobiopterin.
Presently we are considering the p o s s i -
ble alterations of the side-chain to include dephosphorylation, reduction, oxidation and dehydration steps. Acknowledgments This work was supported by grant BC-107C from the American Cancer Society and grant AM16622 from the National Institute of A r t h r i t i s , Metabolism and Digestive Diseases and grant DE-02670 from the National Institute of Dental Research, National Institutes of Health.
The biopterin analogue,
4-benzylthio-7-azabiopterin was synthesized by Dr. E. C. Taylor and his colleagues at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey and kindly provided by Dr. John J. McCormack, J r . , University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont.
262 References
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Identification of D-er.ythro-
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264 DISCUSSION Cremer-Bartels: Did you cultivate the cells over the period of a whole year ? Were there seasonal variations ? Shiota:
These primary cultures were kept for 2 - 3 weeks,
G.M.Brown: Is dihydroneopterin triphosphate converted enzymatically to a product m the absence of pyridine nucleotides ? Shiota: We don't know, however, I might add that from preliminary evidence, the phosporylated form is not converted to biopterin. Only by future work, the purification and separation of the enzymes, can we be able to answer your question. Nair: To avoid confusion on the nomenclature of these compounds, it would have been easi&r if you specify the absolute configuration of these molecules in the (R) and (S) convention. Would you consider this proposal ? Shiota: Yes. We would consider it. Buff: The first step of the reaction (GTP -*• D-erythro-dihydroneopterintriphosphate) seems to take place most efficiently in homogenates derived from liver cells. The second step seems to occur most efficiently in kidney preparation (PH-Neo-triphosphate-»- biopterin). Is there any physiological significance for this phenomenon ? Shiota: At the moment, we have no explanation for the different activities found in liver and kidney homogenate preparations from the Syrian golden hamsters. Rembold: Is there biopterin or neopterin synthesis by mitochondria or subfractions ? Shiota: We did not test any sub-cellular fractions, Rembold: You worked with cell cultures. Do organs synthesize biopterin in the same rate as cells ? Shiota: We don't know the answer to this question.
The Synthesis of Pterins Catalyzed by Enzymes from Drosophila melanogaster G.M. Brown and C.L Fan
INTRODUCTION Although the enzymatic pathway for the synthesis of pterins in bacteria has been elucidated and each enzyme has been investigated relatively intensively (1), whether or not similar enzymatic reactions occur in animals has remained unclear.
In deciding which animal system to study the enzy-
matic synthesis of pterins, we chose the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, for our studies because this animal is known to make relatively large quantities of a variety of pterins (2), including the drosopterins, sepiapterin, pterin, xanthopterin, isoxanthopterin and biopterin.
Thus, it
would appear that the fruit fly should be a rich source of the enzymes needed to produce these substances. Previous evidence (3,4) has indicated that in insects, like bacteria, a guanine compound is probably a precursor of pterins.
Since the first en-
zyme concerned with the synthesis of pterins in bacteria is known to be GTP cyclohydrolase, we decided to look for this enzyme in Drosophila.
were successful in this endeavor and the results presented below describe some of the properties of the enzyme and the reaction it catalyzes. DEVELOPMENT OF GTP CYCLOHYDROLASE IN Drosophila melanogaster Homogenates were made of eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult flies during the various stages of development and GTP cyclohydrolase activity of each 14 homogenate was measured with the use of the assay for [ C]formate produc14 tion from [8-
C]GTP developed earlier (5).
The results given in Fig. 1
show that activity appears at two stages of development: a relatively small peak at the time of pupariation and a much larger amount as the pupae approach the time of eclosion (emergence of the adult fly). eclosion, enzyme activity drops rapidly as the adult ages.
Doys After Oviposition
Fig. 1. GTP cyclohydrolase activity in Drosophila melanogaster during development through the larval and pupal stages into adult flies. H = hatching; P = pupariation; E = eclosion from pupae to adults. The possible correlation of the development of GTP cyclohydrolase activity and the appearance of various pterins during development was sought.
results presented in Fig. 2A show that at the time of pupariation the appearance of isoxanthopterin, pterin, and sepiapterin is coincident with the development of enzyme activity (i.e., the first peak of enzyme activity in Fig. 1).
Fig. 2B shows that development of the main peak of activi-
ty evident in Fig. 1 follows along with the appearance of the drosopterins, the major pterins found in Drosophila.
These observations strongly sug-
gest that GTP cyclohydrolase is directly involved in the biosynthesis of pterins in the fruit fly. One-day old (male and female) flies (50 of each sex) were dissected to separate the heads from the thoraxes and abdomens.
These tissues were
homogenized and the resulting homogenates were analyzed for GTP cyclo1
Enzyme Activity
Isoxanthopterin Pterin
30 _
3 ®
Pterin Sepiapterin
2 . 0 «>
/ x
_L I
_L 3
Days A f t e r
_L 5 6
I 0
Days After Puporiation
Fig. 2. Correlation of development of GTP cyclohydrolase activity with production of pteridines. The production of pteridines was measured in arbitrary units of fluorescence.
Localization of CTP Cyclohydrolase Activity m
Young Adults
GTP cyclohydrolase Tissue
Table I.
activity (per animal)—
Intact fly
Intact fly
Thorax plus abdomen
Thorax plus abdomen
— Enzyme activity is expressed as nmoles of formate released from GTP per hour.
hydrolase activity.
The data in Table I indicate that most (about 80%) of
the enzyme activity is present in the head.
This finding is not surprising
since most of the pterins are present in Drosophila as eye pigments and it therefore seems reasonable to expect that synthesis occurs by enzymes found in the head.
The data of Table I also indicate that the amount of
GTP cyclohydrolase activity found in females is somewhat higher than that found in males, probably because females are somewhat larger than males. We have tested 18 separate mutants with variations in eye color owing to defective synthesis of pterin eye pigments.
These include several whose
phenotype is white eyes (i.e., no drosopterin or sepiapterin) as well as some with abnormal eye colors (e.g., one that contains sepiapterin, but no drosopterin).
We have found that all of these mutant flies contain GTP
cyclohydrolase with only minor variations in specific activities.
none of these mutations appear to effect the synthesis of a fully active GTP cyclohydrolase.
PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF GTP CYCLOHYDROLASE FROM Drosophila Since late pupae and young adults contain the largest amounts of enzyme Purification of GTP Cyclohydrolase From Extracts of Drosophila melanogaster
Enzyme preparation
Total activityunits
Table II.
Specific activity— units/mg protein
Crude extract
Ammonium sulfate fraction
Fractions from Sepharose 48 column
50 0
— One unit is the amount of enzyme needed for production of one nroole of formate per hour from GTP [200 yM) at pH 7.5 and at 42°.
(see Fig. 1), we devised a procedure for purification of the enzyme from this source.
For this purpose, a mixture (approximately 60 gm) of late
pupae and young adults (no more than one day old) was homogenized and the resulting material was subjected to centrifugation to remove insoluble material.
The soluble material (the "crude extract") was subjected to the
fractionation scheme summarized in Table II.
The enzyme used in the re-
mainder of the work to be reported below was the preparation obtained by this procedure. An investigation of the substrate specificity of the enzyme has revealed that GDP and dGTP are used approximately 1.8% and 1.5%, respectively, as well as GTP.
Guanosine, GMP and ATP were not used at all.
ATP and dGTP,
when provided in concentrations five-fold greater than GTP, inhibited by 24% and 72%, respectively, the production of formate from carbon 8 of GTP. The K^ value for GTP has been estimated at 22 yM from a double reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burk) plot. The enzyme functions optimally at pH 7.8 and at 42°.
The activity of the
enzyme is not affected by the addition of salt (NaCl or KC1) at concentrations as high as 10 mM.
However, its activity is severely inhibited by
the following divalent cations: Mg
, Mn
, Zn
, or Ca
The molecular
weight of the enzyme has been estimated at 345,000 by its behavior on a column of Sepharose 4B calibrated with the following standard proteins of known molecular weight: bovine thyroglobulin (669,000), rabbit muscle aldolase (158,000), ovalbumin (45,000), and ribonuclease A (13,700). PRODUCTS Formate was identified as one product of the action of GTP cyclohydrolase from Drosophila by methods described in an earlier paper (5).
This in14 volved^the conversion of radioactive formate (produced from [8- C]GTP) to formyl hydroxamate and its identification as this material by comparison of its paper chromatographic characteristics with that of standard formyl hydroxamate. By analogy with the bacterial systems, we expected that the other product of the reaction would be dihydroneopterin triphosphate
nm •Fig. 3. Absorption spectrum of the product of action of GTP cyclohydrolase from Drosophila melanogaster. To obtain evidence bearing on this point, we incubated the enzyme with [ U - ^ C J G T P and subjected the incubated reaction mixture to chromatography on DEAE-cellulose substrate.
(6) to separate the putative product from the unreacted
The fractions containing the radioactive product were combined
and an absorption spectrum was taken of the material.
The resulting spec-
trum, given in Fig. 3, is virtually identical with that of standard neopterin, with maxima at 330 nm and 275 nm.
Confirmation of its identity
as H^-neopterin was obtained with the observation that the dephosphorylated product (formed by treatment with alkaline phosphatase) behaved on paper chromatographic analysis as standard D-erythro-H -neopterin.
Distance from O r i g i n , cm
D i s t a n c e from O r i g i n , cm
Fig. 4. Paper chromatography of incubated reaction mixtures prepared with either [8- 1 4 C,y- 3 ^P]GTP (A) or [ U - 1 4 C , y - 3 2 P ] G T P (B). The solvent system was prepared by mixing 1 liter of 0.1 M sodium phosphate (pH 6.8), 600 gm of ammonium sulfate, and 20 ml of 1-propanol. Development was by the descending technique. The chromatograms were inspected under ultraviolet light for fluorescent zones and then each chromatogram was cut horizontally into 1-cm strips and each strip was analyzed for 1 4 C and radioactivity in a liquid scintillation counter in the presence of Aquasol (5 ml) and water (1.7 ml).
270 The evidence cited above indicates that the dephosphorylated product is D-erythro-H^-neopterin, but it does not provide information about whether or not the product contains phosphate residues.
To provide evidence 14 32 about this question, the enzyme was incubated with either [U- C,y- P]GTP or [8- 14 C,y- 32 P]GTP and the incubated mixtures were subjected to paper
chromatography as described in the legend of Figs. 4A and 4B. Figs. 4A 32 and 4B show that a P-containing compound (migration of 12-18 cm) was 32 produced from [y-
This product did not contain carbon 8 of the
original GTP provided as substrate; instead, carbon 8 appeared on the chromatogram as a radioactive peak (Fig. 4A) (migration of 31-36 cm) in the general area formate expected to beenzymatic found. product The results sented in Fig. 4B where show that the is 32 P-containing also precon14 14 C radioactivity provided in the reaction mixtures as [U- C]GTP. 14 Again, a C-containing compound migrated in the general area of migration 32 of standard formate. The P peak at around 40 cm on both chromatograms tains
results from an unidentified impurity present in the labeled GTP. It 32 should also be mentioned that the zone of migration of the P-containing enzymatic product was also blue fluorescent, as would be expected if the product were dihydroneopterin or phosphoesters of this compound.
the y-phosphate of the GTP substrate was retained in the enzymatic product, we conclude that the product was a triphosphoester.
This, along
with the spectrophotometry and paper chromatographic evidence, leads to the conclusion that the enzyme catalyzes the production of D-erythro-H^neopterin-PPP, and in this respect is similar to GTP cyclohydrolase I from Escherichia coli. DISCUSSION GTP cyclohydrolase from Drosophila is very similar to the bacterial enzyme in: (a) its relatively high molecular weight; (b) its substrate specificity; (c) its pH and temperature optima; and (d) the products of its action.
Since activity develops in Drosophila at about the same time that
pterins appear, we conclude that GTP cyclohydrolase is involved in the biosynthesis of these pterins.
Since neither H^-neopterin-PPP, the pro-
duct of action of the enzyme, nor the dephosphorylated compound (l^-neopterin or neopterin) is one of the pterins that has been isolated from
271 Drosophila, it would appear that this enzymatic product is immediately metabolized further in Drosophila to give ultimately the pterin end products (the drosopterins, sepiapterin, etc.)-
Thus, H^-neopterin-PPP would
appear to be a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of other pterins just as it is in bacteria.
The enzymes that metabolize H^-neopterin-PPP to
yield the pterin end products in Drosophila have not yet been studied, but it would now appear to be feasible to study these systems at the enzymatic level and thus to obtain information toward an understanding of the biosynthesis of these interesting pterin compounds. Acknowledgements. The authors thank Professor Linda Hall of the Biology Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for her help and advice in the growing and handling of the animals used in these studies. These investigations were supported by research grants from the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Public Health Service (grant number AM03442) and the National Science Foundation (grant number GB33929X1).
REFERENCES 1. G.M. Brown, J. Yim, Y. Suzuki, M.C. Heine and F. Foor: The enzymic synthesis of pterins in Escherichia coli. This Symposium, pp. 2. Ziegler, I. and Harmsen, R.: The biology of pteridlnes in insects. Adv. Insect. Physiol. 6, 139-203 (1969). 3. Watt, W.B.: Pteridine biosynthesis in the butterfly Colias eurytheme. J. Biol. Chem. 242, 565-572 (1967). 4. Goto, M. and Sugiura, K.: Biosynthesis of pteridines in Drosophila melanogaster and Rana catesbeiana. Methods in Enzymology 18B, 746761 (1971). 5. Burg, A.W. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid VIII. Purification and properties of the enzyme that catalyzes the production of formate from carbon atom eight of guanosine triphosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 243, 2349-2358 (1968). 6. Suzuki, Y. and Brown, G.M.: The biosynthesis of folic acid XII. Purification and properties of dihydroneopterin triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase. J. Biol. Chem. 249, 2405-2410 (1974).
272 DISCUSSION Schwinck: Flies after eclosion show still a very strong synthesis of drosopterins and other pteridines, including sepiapterin, for many days up to 10 days or more - why does your enzyme activity decrease so fast after eclosion if it makes the precursor ? G.M.Brown: 1 have no obvious answer axcept to say that the patterns we reported for enzyme activity are reproducible. McCormack: Do any of the pterin derivatives (e.g. isoxanthopterin, etc.) inhibit the cyclohydrolase system of Drosophila ? Could such inhibitory effects complicate determinations of enzyme activity at times when large amounts of pterins are present ? G.M.Brown: Since the crude extracts we use are heavily contaminated with such pterins, I would say that no such inhibitions are evident. Descimon: Have you obtained other pteridines than sepiapterin from incubation of I-^-neopterin-triphospbate with Drosophila head extracts ? G.M.Brown:
Descimon: Have you observed a 2',3-cyclic phosphate of Q-erythro or L-threo neopterin ? G.M.Brown: No. I believe such cyclic phosphates are artefacts. Ferone: Do fruit flies make folates de novo or require them in the diet ? Mosquitos are inhibited by sulfonamides and presumably make folate de novo. Perhaps pteridine hiosynthesis in flies goes on to folate production as well as pigment production. G.M.Brown: We haven't yet determined whether or not folate is needed by Drosophila. Hackstein: You listed an increase in isoxanthopterin content after pupation which fits very well to the increase of cyclohydrolase activity. This would not be quite convincing since it is the time at which individuums cease excreating isoxanthopterin. Did you look at the isoxanthopterin excreated by larvae ? G.M.Brown:
27^ e x c r e t i o n . A l t e r n a t e l y , m a m m a l s c o u l d b e c a p a b l e of d e n o v o
s y n t h e s i s . T h e p u r p o s e o f o u r i n v e s t i g a t i o n s w a s to d e t e r m i n e
if m a m m a l s
c o u l d i n d e e d s y n t h e s i z e b i o p t e r i n dji n o v o .
The b i o s y n t h e t i c terial systems
p a t h w a y for p t e r i n s h a s b e e n i n t e n s i v e l y s t u d i e d i n b a c -
(8). T h e i n i t i a l s t e p in the b a c t e r i a l p a t h w a y
is the
a g e of the i m i d a z o l e r i n g of g u a n o s i n e t r i p h o s p h a t e a n d the l o s s of 8 as formate,
followed by rearrangement and ring closure
to f o r m D - e r y t h r o -
(9). A s s u m i n g t h a t the m a m m a l i a n
if it e x i s t e d , m i g h t b e s i m i l a r to t h a t of b a c t e r i a , w e h a v e a t t e m p t e d demonstrate
in m a m m a l i a n s y s t e m s
the i n c o r p o r a t i o n of the
f r o m s p e c i f i c a l l y l a b e l e d g u a n o s i n e , g u a n i n e o r g l y c i n e into
Germ free, 8 w e e k old, female, CDF strain rats w e r e obtained from R i v e r , W i l m i n g t o n , M a s s . For a p e r i o d o f o n e w e e k p r i o r to the
these animals w e r e maintained under sterile conditions either on a diet of p u r i n a lab c h o w o r o n a s y n t h e t i c b i o p t e r i n free d i e t of the composition:
c o r n s t a r c h 45
(grams p e r 1 0 0 g r a m s o f d i e t ) , a m i n o a c i d s
( equal parts of valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, arginine, methionine, histidine,
tryptophan and phenylalanine),
coconut oil
s u c r o s e 15, C a C 0 3 1 . 6 , s o d i u m c i t r a t e 0 . 8 , K H 2 P 0 ^ 0 . 8 , K C 1 0 . 4 8 , 0.2, M g C l 2 - 6 H 2 0 0.2, C u S 0 4 - 5 H 2 0 0.004, M n S 0 4 and
10, inositol
0 . 0 1 , KI 0 . 0 0 8 , F e C l 3
(in m i l l i g r a m s p e r 100 g r a m s o f d i e t ) t h i a m i n e - H C l 0 . 5 , r i b o f l a v i n e
calcium pantothenate
5, p y r i d o x i n e 0 . 5 , n i a c i n a m i d e 10, b i o t i n
c y a n o c o b a l a m i n e 0 . 0 1 , v i t a m i n A a c e t a t e 4 a n d v i t a m i n E 10. E a c h r a t w a s given, intraperitoneally,
5 ¿iCi of g u a n i n e 2 - ^ C or g u a n i n e 8 - ^ C
for t h r e e c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s . T h e u r i n e w a s c o l l e c t e d d a i l y into
275 containing 0.25 ml of formic acid for five days following the initial in14 jection of guanine -
C. These procedures were performed in a sterile lam-
inar flow room. Materials, including food, water and cages, were sterilized by autoclaving. The guanine solutions were sterilized by millipore filtration. The combined urine from each group of animals was analyzed for the incorporation of radioactivity into biopterin by the procedure shown in Figure 1. The purified biopterin containing fractions from the animals RAT URINE (25 ml, 2-3 « CONCENTRATED) I DOWEX 1 » » ( H C 0 2 ® - F O R M , 45 ml VOL) • 0-30 ml H j O
. 0-450 m i l 5 N H C O j H
BIO R I X 70 ( H ® — FORM, 2 6 m l VOL) ,
45-360 m I H 2 O
0-220 ml IN H C O 2 H
SEPHAPEX G 2 5 {30 ml VOL)
1 O-llmlHjO
1 11-24 m I H 2 O
1 24-60 m I H 2 0
0 42
0 24
0 39
0 74
. I 470,000 CPM/uMOLE )| SYSTEM C
600,000 CPM/jtMOLE Rf=
0 35
0 60
114,000 C P M / p M O L E
0 24
112,000 CPM/|iMOLf
0 41
3550 CPM/fjMOLE
3550 CPM/pMOLE
9S0 C P M / p M O l E
0 75
0 53
950 CPM/pMOLE D 950 CPM/jtMOl£
277 the loss of carbon 8 from the purine.
Kraut et al. (10) on the basis of the Crithidia bioassay reported that normal rat food contained a biopterin like compound. For this reason w e felt that the incorporation of radioactivity from guanine into pterins might be increased if the rats were maintained on a biopterin free diet. The rats maintained on the normal purina lab chow diet excreted about 20 ug of biopterin per day, the animals fed the synthetic diet excreted about 15 ug per day. Surprisingly, the incorporation of label from guanine 2 - ^ C into the isolated pterin-6-carboxylic acid was higher in those rats fed purina lab chow than those maintained on the synthetic diet.
Since glycine is a purine precursor w h o s e carbons become
into positions A and 5 of the purine ring it should b e possible to demonstrate incorporation of radioactivity from glycine into urinary biopterin. Three germ free male rats, 7 weeks of age, maintained on purina lab chow, 14 were each administered, intraperitoneally, 20 ,uCi of glycine 2 -
C three
times daily for two consecutive days. The experiment was performed under sterile conditions as previously described. The urine was collected for 72 hours following the initial administration of glycine 2 - ^ C . A radioactive biopterin containing fraction was isolated from the urine as described in Figure 2 and then oxidized w i t h KMnO^ to yield pterin-6-carboxylic acid. The major portion of the radioactivity in the biopterin fraction remained associated w i t h pterin-6-carboxylic acid after the oxidation and the specific radioactivity of this pterin remained constant upon further purification.
(13 ml; 4x CONCENTRATED)
DOWEX 1 » g ( H C 0 2 © - F 0 R M ; 4 0 ml V O L )
I 0 - 4 0 ml H 2 0
4 0 - 6 0 0 ml H 2 0
0 - 4 5 0 ml 1.5 N
B I O REX 70 (H®—FORM; 32 ml VOL)
I 0-70 ml H 2 0
I 70-200 ml H 2 0 I
Rp =
0.17 0.22
0.36 J
I 0-200 ml IN H C 0 2 H
80,000 C P M / ^ M O I C 0.48
14,500 CPM/pMOLE
0.20 I
13,000 CPM/j*MOLE
0 29
0 58 J
13,000 CPM//»M01f
9500 CPM/>tMOLE
9200 CPM/^MOLE
SYSTEM C Rf= 0 41 9700 CPM/jiMOLE Fig. 2:
It was also possible to demonstrate pterin synthesis from guanosine in intact rat brain. Four germ free rats w e r e each administered,
14 nally, 30 uCi of guanosine 2 -
C and killed 18 hours later. The brains
w e r e extracted w i t h 5 volumes of 5% TCA. To the combined supernatants 120 ug of carrier tetrahydrobiopterin w a s added w h i c h was followed b y iodine and KMnO^ oxidation (11) to yield pterin-6-carboxylic acid. F o l l o w ing purification of this compound it was possible to demonstrate r a d i o -
v X
307 phenylalanine is sigmoidal with an apparent K^ of around 0.1 mM. Although such curves for Phenylalanine hydroxylase have appeared in the literature [3,5,6] their significance in terms of enzyme mechanism have not been previously discussed. Sigmoidal Z^ curves are usually associated with polymeric enzymes. The two most frequently postulated mechanisms for sigmoidal kinetics are either (i) there is em interaction between catalytic sites, or (ii) the substrate is acting also as a modifier (effector) at a site other than the catalytic site, (i.e. the substrate acts at a regulatory, or allosteric site) to activate the catalytic site. For either mechanism the interaction between sites may involve either (i) a conformational change of the enzyme, or (ii) polymerization or depolymerization[7]. Hyperbolic kinetics, on the other hand, oocur either (i) when there is only one active site per enzyme molecule, or (ii) when there is more than one site, but each site acts independently of all others. The observation of sigmoidal kinetics with one cofactor (Pig. 1 A) but not with another (Fig.l C), although not excluded by these models, was not predictable. In the following experimentsother anomalous behavior of the enzyme became apparent. A model for the mechanism of regulation of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity is proposed which is consistent with these properties of the enzyme.
RESULTS Time Course of the Reaction.
The reaction velocity as a
function of time varies markedly depending on which cofactor is used and whether or not phenylalanine is present in the reaction mixture during temperature equilibration (Fig.2). Under standard assay conditions, in which the reaction
309 with tetrahydrobiopterin at the start of the reaction, the initial rate is very slow, and remains slow (Fig. 2 A). From these results it appears that the enzyme has two states, a low activity and a high activity state, and that interconversion from a low activity to a high activity state is effected by the substrate phenylalanine. This conversion can occur whether or not 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin is present. Conversly, tetrahydrobiopterin, if present, inhibits the initial activation by phenylalanine or, if enzyme is already activated, affects the equilibrium between the two forms of the enzyme.
Basis of the Sigmoidal K^ Curve
for Phenylalanine.
tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactor, the low activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase, if not preincubated with phenylalanine, suggested that the sigmoidal K curve for m phenylalanine could be a reflection of the extent to which enzyme is activated. Alternatively, enzyme may be fully activated, even at lower concentrations of phenylalanine, and the sigmoidicity may be produced by some other mechanism. To make this .distinction , enzyme was preincubated for 5 min with concentrations of phenylalanine varying over the range used for measuring the K curve.Reactions were then m initiated by addition of tetrahydrobiopterin and sufficient phenylalanine to bring the final concentration to a constant level in all reactions. The results of such an experiment are given in Fig. 3 and compared to a standard Km curve in which the phenylalanine concentration during the reaction is the same as that preincubated with enzyme. W h e n the rates were measured at a fixed high concentration of phenylalanine and plotted against the concentration of phenylalanine preincubated with enzyme, a sigmoidal curve was obtained similar to that of the standard Km curve. The displacement of the curve would be expected
considering that enzyme
which has been preincubated without phenylalanine still
312 there is good agreement b e t w e e n the apparent K m of p chlorophenylalanine as substrate a n d the c o n c e n t r a t i o n of p-chlorophenylalanine
that gives 50$ i n h i b i t i o n of the
r e a c t i o n w h e n phenylalanine is substrate. W h e n t e t r a h y d r o b i o p t e r i n is cofactor the K m and I^p differ by nearly two orders of m a g n i t u d e .
p - C h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e as a n Activator of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase
The time course of the h y d r o x y l a t i o n of
p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e was m e a s u r e d w i t h either
t e t r a h y d r o p t e r i n or t e t r a h y d r o b i o p t e r i n as cofactor. W i t h 6 , 7 - d i m e t h y l t e t r a h y d r o p t e r i n the rates are linear w i t h time, but there is a 1-2 m i n lag if enzyme is not
in the presence of p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e . W i t h
b i o p t e r i n as cofactor and p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e as substrate the rate is non-linear and, if enzyme is not
w i t h p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e , the initial rate is very
and remains slow. The ability of p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e
activate the enzyme therefore appears to be similar to that of phenylalanine
(cf. Pig. 2).
As noted above, under standard assay conditions
(i.e. all
r e a c t i o n components, except cofactor, temperature b r a t e d together) the i n h i b i t i o n of a r e a c t i o n , a fixed c o n c e n t r a t i o n of phenylalanine and
pterin, increases w i t h increasing concentrations of p chlorophenylalanine
(Table 1). If the r e a c t i o n
are temperature e q u i l i b r a t e d separately, so that enzyme is not p r e i n c u b a t e d w i t h either phenylalanine or p - c h l o r o p h e n y l alanine the r e a c t i o n rates are m u c h lower but the same % inhibition is observed. If, h o w e v e r , enzyme is p r e i n c u b a t e d w i t h p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e and the r e a c t i o n initiated by simultaneous a d d i t i o n of phenylalanine and
p t e r i n there is i n h i b i t i o n of the r e a c t i o n at lower
trations of p - c h l o r o p h e n y l a l a n i n e , but as the p - c h l o r o p h e n y l -
Fig. 5. Effect of preincubation with substrate on (1) desensitized, (2), (3) native phenylalanine hydroxylase. (1) Desensitized enzyme preincubated or not preincubated with phenylalanine. (2) Native enzyme preincubated with phenylalanine (the same as Fig. 1A). (3) Native enzyme, not preincubated with phenylalanine. rate is produced (Fig.5 curve 3). A similar effect is observed when p-chlorophenylalanine is substrate. Desensitization removes the need for preincubation with p-chlorophenylalanine, converts the sigmoidal K m curves into a hyperbola, reduces the
value for p-chlorophenylalanine about
fifty-fold (Table 2), and has no effect on the V max.
Cofactor Tetrahydrobiopterin »
6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin H
Native Enzyme
Desensitized Enzyme KJH curve K ^ m M ) K^ curve K ^ m M )
phe p-Cl-phe phe
0.1 2.0 1.0
0.05 0.04 1.00
Table 2. Effect of desensitization of phenylalanine hydroxylase on the reaction parameters. S: sigmoidal; H : hyperbolic. Experimental conditions as for Fig. 1.
315 With 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin as cofactor and phenylalanine as substrate the rates and the shapes of the KJH curves for phenylalanine are the same whether or not enzyme has been desensitized or preincubated with substrate. In all cases the
curves are hyperbolic. The only differences
are that if enzyme has not been either desensitized or preincubated with substrate a 1-2 min lag occurs (cf. Pig. 2B) before the maximum rate is attained. This lag also occurs when the substrate is p-chlorophenylalanine. On the contrary, when p-chlorophenylalanine is substrate, desensitization converts the otherwise sigmoidal
to a hyperbola, and reduces the K m about three-fold (Table 2), without affecting the
V max.
DISCUSSION The preceding results can be interpreted in the following manner. The sigmoidal K m curve for phenylalanine (Fig. 1A), the dependence of activity on the conditions of preincubation (Pig. 2A), and the disparity between the substrate and inhibitory potency of p-chlorophenylalanine(Table 1, Pig. 4) when tetrahydrobiopterin is cofactor, and the changes that occur when 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin is used instead, all argue for the presence of two types of site for substrate, one catalytic and the other regulatory. This has been preposed previously [8]. The binding of phenylalanine, or related analogs, at this second site triggers some slow (1 2 minutes) change which increases the activity of the catalytic site. The fact that regulation can be eliminated without loss of enzyme activity (Fig. 5) shows that the second site has no catalytic function. The activation induced by the binding of phenylalanine at the second site is inhibited by cofactor, but only when this is tetrahydrobiopterin (Fig. 2A). Since the system must
317 ^
value (Pig. 1C, Table 2).
This indicates that the bind-
ing of phenylalanine at the regulatory site is not limiting for this reaction. High affinity of phenylalanine for the regulatory site is reflected in its much lower K m with native enzyme when tetrahydrobiopterin is cofactor. The
curves for cofactor are hyperbolic (Fig. 1B,L), with
the implication that cofactor binds only at the catalytic site. Phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, therefore, is controlled by substrate at a regulatory site, which is in turn modulated by binding of cofactor at the catalytic site. Prom our studies so far, it appears that in order to have this effect, cofactor must specifically possess a 6-dihydroxypropyl group, since the cofactor properties of 6-methyltetrahydropterin are identical to those of 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin [9]. Acknowledgements: Supported by USPHS Grants CA-15659, HD06576, and HD-04612. REFERENCES 1.
Kaufman, S., The structure of phenylalanine hydroxylase cofactor. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 50 1085-1092 (1963) ~~
Kaufman, S. and Levenberg, B., Further studies on the phenylalanine hydroxylas 6 cofactor. J. Biol. Chsin» 234» 2683 - 2688 (1959).
Ayling, J. E., Boehm, G. R., Textor, S. C. and Pirson, R. A., Kinetics of Phenylalanine hydroxylase with analogs of tetrahydrobiopterin. Biochemistry 12, 2045 2051 (1973).
Ayling, J. E., Pirson, R., Pirson, W. and Boehm, G. R., A specific kinetic assay for phenylalanine hydroxylase. Analytical Biochemistry 51, 80 - 90 (1973).
Kaufman, S., The phenylalanine hydroxylating system from mammalian liver. Adv. Enzymology 3_5, 245 - 319 (1971).
Ayling, J. E. and Helfand, G. D., Inhibition of phenylalanine hydroxylase by p-chlorophenylalanine; dependence
on cofactor structure. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 61, 360-366 (1974). ~~ 7.
Koshland, D. E., The molecular basis for enzyme regulation. The Enzymes, 3rd. edition, P. D. Boyer, ed., Academic Press, Vol. 1, 341-396 (1970).
Tourian, A., Activation of phenylalanine hydroxylase by phenylalanine. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 242, 345-354 (1971)
Ayling, J. E. and Helfand, G. D., Regulation of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity. Biochemistry (1975).
10. Ayling, J. E. et al. unpublished results 11. Prieden, C., Kinetic aspects of regulation of metabolic processes. The hysteretic enzyme concept. J. Biol. Chem. 245, 5788-5799 (1970). DISCUSSION Hemmerich: Is there a correlation between your substrate induced activation step in pteridine dependent oxygenation and the well-known coupling of oxygenation and pteridine oxido-reduction ? It would be interesting to know in your case, how tetrahydrobiopterin autoxidation is influenced by a) b)
the enzyme alone, the enzyme + p-Cl-phe under inhibiting conditions.
Is the rate of 02-consumption and the extent of H2O2 formation increased ? Ayling: a) There is no enzyme catalyzed oxidation of tetrahydrobiopterin in the absence of aromatic amino acid. b) When p-Cl-phe is used as an inhibitor of the enzymatic hydroxylation of phenylalanine with tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactor,
319 Poe: Have you measured the stoichiometry of ffy-biopterin and phenylalanine binding by the enzyme ? If there is an allosteric site for phenylalanine, there should be more binding sites for it than for the other substrate. Ayling: This would be difficult to do since phenylalanine does not bind tightly to the enzyme (see table 2). McCormack: Is there a substantial difference observed between inhibitory potencies of catecholamines (e.g. dopamine, norepinephrine) when dimethyltetrahydropterin and tetrahydrobiopterin are used as cofactors for phenylalanine hydroxylase ? Ayling: Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine inhibit 3 - 5 times more with tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactor than with 6,7-dimethyl-tetrahydropterin. Bergmann: P-Chlorophenylalanine is a strong inhibitor of hydroxylation of tryptophan. Does it also inhibit hydroxylation of tyrosine to DOPA ? Ayling: According to Dr. Kaufman, p-chlorophenylalanine inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase too. Bergmann: Was the oxidation product of p-chlorophenylalanine identified chemically ? Ayling: Yes. It was shown several years ago by Guroff et al. at NIH that the main product of the hydroxylation of p-chlorophenylalanine by phenylalanine hydroxylase is m-chlorotyrosine, and a small amount of tyrosine. We have confirmed that this is also the case for the reactions which we have measured. Kaufman: There is a discrepancy between the Km values for tetrahydrobiopterin of phenylalanine hydroxylase reported by Dr. Ayling and by us. She has reported a value of about 22 uM whereas we have reported a value of 3 to 4 yM. Is there any explanation for these differences ? Ayling: All of our work has been done with enzyme in the phenylalanine-activated state. This is essential, since with 6,7-dimethyltetrahydropterin as cofactor the initial steady state velocity is zero unless enzyme is preincubated with phenylalanine (see Fig. 2B), or is desensitized. With tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactor, unless enzyme is preincubated with phenylalanine (see Fig. 2A) or desensitized (see Fig. 5), the rates which can be obtained are so low that it is difficult to make an accurate measurement of the Km.
322 principal
reaction for this is still the subject of some speculation
When grown under photoautotrophic conditions Euglena
glycollate pathway enzymes and detailed studies of C11*!^ fixation show that the pathway is functional during photosynthesis of the pathway
in providing precursors for secondary metabolism
importance is shown
by a coincidence of maximal glycollate oxidation and maximal rates of DNA synthesis in division synchronized cells [6,8]. the glycollate pathway in Euglena
Flow of carbon
is controlled by the activity of key
enzymes particularly glycollate dehydrogenase whose synthesis is repressed by culture in %% C0 2
in air
In earlier work from this laboratory
[9] w e reported a net synthesis of
formyl and methyl derivatives of Hi,PteGlu as division synchronized cultures received light.
As this synthesis was accompanied by increase
the levels of key enzymes of C-l metabolism, we concluded that a rapid turnover of C-l units took place in the light at a stage of the cell when high rates of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis occur.
Considering the
operation of the glycollate pathway in this species it follows that C-l units in the formyl- and methy l-Hi,PteGl u pools may arise by reactions closely related to the metabolism of recently fixed CO2.
When the present
studies were initiated such relationships remained to be examined. The present paper reports evidence that C-l units in Euglena formyl
arise at the
level of oxidation via the 10-HC0-Hi,PteGl u synthetase reaction.
close relationship between this enzyme of C-l metabolism and glycollate dehydrogenase suggested that such formyl groups are derived from metabolism of glycollate produced in photosynthesis. METHODS Euglena
Klebs (strain Z) ATCC 12716 was cultured synchronously in
mineral salts medium [ 9 ] .
Cultures were maintained
in a l^rlO hr light:
dark cycle at 25°C and were aerated with sterile air (0.03% C0 2 during growth.
in air)
Cell divisions were restricted to the dark phase and
resulted in a doubling of cell numbers before the following light period. In experiments designed to repress synthesis of glycollate dehydrogenase, cultures were aerated with sterile 5% CO2 in air. alter synchrony.
This treatment did not
324 control cells.
In contrast high C0 2 treatment elevated the level of serine
hydroxymethy1 transferase.
The hydroxysu1phonate, added 10 hrs prior to
harvesting, reduced the activities of all three enzymes.
When these data
were expressed on a per cell basis it was clear that high C0 2 -treated cells contained much less total glycol late dehydrogenase and 10-HC0-Hi,PteGlu synthetase activity but five times the serine hydroxymethyltransferase activity of air grown cells. The effects of high CO2 treatment on these enzymes were readily reversed on transfer to air (Table 2). TABLE 2.
As the level of these enzymes is known to
Hours of Che 4th cell cycle (light phase) 0 2 8 12
Enzyme Glycollate dehydrogenase (unlts/IO' cells) transferred to air remaining In 5% CO,
10 II
50 30
60 29
50 60
51 88
53 106
Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (mimóle product/hr/IO* cells) transferred to air remaining In C0 2 10-HC0-Hi,PteG!u synthetase (miimole product/hr/IO* cells) transferred to air remaining In 5* C0 2
0.03 0.01
0.65 0.03
0.58 0.03
Cells were cultured Initially for 3 cell cycles In $% C0 2 In air then transferred to low C0j (air) at the start of the 4th cell cycle. Control cultures received the 5* CO2 treatment throughout, n.d. - not detected.
change during the cell cycle [6,9] cells remaining in 5% C0 2 as controls.
Analysis of Euglena
formate from C-2 of glyoxylate.
in air served
extracts revealed ability to produce The activity of this decarboxylase was
not however altered by high C0 2 treatment. Besides affecting enzyme activity high C0 2 and a-HPMS treatment also caused dramatic depletion of 10-HCO-Hi,PteG 1 uj_ 2 pool size (Table 3). effect involved both unconjugated and polyglutamyl derivatives.
contrast, unconjugated and polyglutamates of methyl Hi,PteG)u were substantially increased by this treatment so that total folate concentration of the cells was not appreciably altered.
In the presence of a-HPMS
both classes of folates were decreased with greatest depletion being noted
327 From the data presented w e conclude that glycol late metabolism in involves production of formate which can act as a source of via the corresponding synthetase reaction. ate oxidation, i.e.
Conditions which block glycoll-
inhibition by hydroxysu1phonates or repression of
enzyme synthesis, have a direct effect on production of C-1 units at this level of oxidation.
It is not clear, however, whether
synthetase is controlled by C0 2 concentration directly or whether the observed effect on this enzyme (Tables 1 and 2) is more closely related to endogenous changes
in formate pool size.
When synthesis of formyl folates is curtailed, the serine hydroxymethyltransferase reaction may become the principal biosynthesis.
route for C-1 unit
At high C0 2 concentrations the carboxylation of ribulose
diphosphate would be favoured rather than synthesis of phosphoglycolate [14].
Under such conditions of increased CO2 fixation, the cells require-
ments for serine and C-1 units might be met by metabolism of C3 iates of photosynthesis.
These possibilities are the subject of our
present studies. Acknowledgement: National
investigation was supported by grants from the
Research Council of Canada to E.A.C.
Tolbert, N.E.: Glycolate pathway. In Photosynthetic Mechanisms in Green Plants. Nat. Acad. Sci. National Res. Council Publ No. 1145. Washington, D.C. pp 648-662 (1963).
Tolbert, N.E.: Microbodies - Peroxisomes and glyoxysomes. Plant Physiol. 22_, 45-74 (1971).
Lord, J.H., and Merrett, M.J.: The intracellular localization of glycolate oxidoreductase in Euglena gracilis. Biochem. J. 124, 27^281 (1971).
Graves, L.B., Trelease, R.N., and Becker, W.M. : Particulate nature of glycolate dehydrogenase in Euglena: possible location in microbodies. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 44, 280-286 (1971).
Codd, G.A., and Merrett, M.J.: Photosynthetic products of division synchronized cultures of Euglena. Plant Physiol. 47., 635-639 (1971).
Codd, G.A., and Merrett, M.J.: The regulation of glycolate metabolism in division synchronized cultures of Euglena. Plant Physiol. 47., 640643 (1971).
Murray, D.R., Giovanelli, J., and Smillie, R.M.: Photometabolism of glycollate by Euglena gracilis. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 24, 23-33 (1971).
Ann. Rev.
329 DISCUSSION Elstner: Do you have an idea what the endogenous electron acceptor could be in the algal system of glycolate dehydrogenase ? Cossins: As far as I am aware, this is not known for any algal species to date. In our assay we employed 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol as electron acceptor. Iwai: I think, the main metabolic pathway of glycine in plants and protozoa will be catalyzed by glycine decarboxylase rather than serine hydroxymethyltransferase. Do you have any information on the effect of CO2 concentration on the glycine decarboxylase ? Cossins: We have not investigated this to date. It is conceivable that CO2 concentration, by reducing the flow of glycollate carbon, would also affect glycine pool size. We plan to investigate some of these possibilities in the near future. Plaut: What is the distribution of the glyoxylate and glycine decarboxylase enzymes ? Cossins: Zelitch has shown in higher plants that the glyoxylate oxidase is in chloroplasts. Glycine decarboxylase is a mitochondrial enzyme. Huennekens: As a variation on the pathway shown in slide 1, is it possible that glyoxylate condenses directly with tetrahydrofolate and that the resulting adduct decarboxylates oxidatively to yield CO2 and 5,1O-methenyltetrahydrofolate ? Cossins: Theoretically this appears possible but there is no direct evidence that this occurs in Euglena. The rapid incorporation of formate carbon into adenine and the fi-carbon of serine plus the relatively high levels of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase would argue for the involvement of formate in the C-1 metabolism of Euglena. Elstner: Is your glyoxylate 'oxidase' C^-dependent - and how in your sys tem is oxygen activated ? Cossins: Our assays were carried out under aerobic conditions, with illumination and in the presence of excess catalase. We have not examined, in detail, the requirements of the reaction as the enzyme has been assayed in crude cell-free extracts.
Folate Derivatives and Patterns of C-1 Metabolism in Neurospora Crassa, Wild Type, Ser-1 and Formate Mutants G. Combepine, E.A. Cossins and P.Y. Chan
INTRODUCTION There is considerable evidence that glycine can act as a source of 5, IO-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5,10-CH2-Hi»PteGlu"'!) .
For example, the
a-carbon of glycine is readily incorporated into the 8-carbon of serine in bacteria [l], Saeeharomyees plants [5]. Peptoaooous
[2], avian liver [3], rat liver fj] and higher
Glycine decarboxylase, an en2yme extensively studied in glyoinophilus
[6,7] but also present in a wide variety of other
species [A,8] mediates this C-1 unit synthesis which could clearly have importance in synthesis of a number of folate-related cellular constituents [9]. In earlier studies of Neurospora
[10] we found that culture in the
presence of exogenous glycine was accompanied by elevation of serine hydroxymethyltransferase. aes oerevisiae
Similar data have been reported for
The effect of this addition could clearly be related
to a possible production of 5,1O-Chh-HUPteG 1 u from glycine which could in turn alter the pattern of C-1 metabolism and stimulate production of methionine, serine and purines. The present studies have therefore examined this effect of glycine in more detail using the wild type of N. arassa and two mutants which have relatively low levels of serine hydroxymethyltransferase. -'The abbreviations used for derivatives of folic acid are those suggested by the IUPAC-IUB Commission as listed in the Biochemical Journal 102, 15 (1967): e.g. 10-HCO-Hi,PteG 1 u = N 1 0 -formy 1 tetrahydropteroyImonog 1 utamate.
i'[fÌWì?SgWr'i1ìi 60 80 FRACTION N U M B E R
Fig. 1. Separation of folate derivatives in extracts of N. crassa after y-glutamyl carboxypeptidase treatment. Extracts of (A) wild type; (B) Ser1 mutant; and (C) formate mutant were prepared after 22 hr growth at 25°C. Peaks were identified as: (a) 1O-HCO-H^PteG1u; (b) 1O-HCO-H^PteG1u 2 ; (c) 5-HCO-H i^PteG 1 u ; (d) 5-CH3 -H„PteGl u ; (e) H^PteGlu; (f) 5-HCO-Hi.PteGl u 2 and Hi,PteGlu2; (g) 5-CH3-Hi,PteGlu2; (h) and (i) unidentified polyglutamyl derivatives. Growth of L. aasei (•) and P. aerevisiae (o). When the wild type and C-24 were cultured in the presence of 1 mM glycine (Table 1) changes in the folate pool occurred.
In the wild type, folate
concentration rose 3"fold largely due to increased synthesis of Hi,PteGlu.
33^ This may however reflect synthesis of 5,'O-CHz-H^PteGlu which would appear as Hi»PteGl u under the conditions employed in this study. did not increase total folate concentration.
In C-2't glycine
However in the presence of
this supplement a peak of 5-CH3-Hi»PteGlu was detected.
Glycine also
increased peak f (Table 1) which Judging by its position and ability to support growth of both assay bacteria probably contains 5-HCO-HuPteGIU2 and HnPteGlu 2 . TABLE I .
N.D. - NOT UblbClbl) EXPRESSED AS Ug/G. DRV WT. The levels of four key enzymes of C-l metabolism were also compared (Fig. 2) in the wild type and mutants.
The Ser-1 mutant contained all four
enzymes at levels comparable to the wild type, the only exception being the lower levels of serine hydroxymethyltransferase.
In the formate mutant
10-HC0-hUPteGlu synthetase, 5,10-CH 2 -H^PteGlu dehydrogenase and 5,10-CH 2 Hi,PteGlu reductase activities were above those of the wild type. contrast serine hydroxymethyltransferase was difficult to detect.
In This
finding is no doubt related to the ability of C-2k to utilize exogenous formate and inability to growth when only qlycine or serine are supplied. The effect of growth in 1 mM glycine on these enzyme levels is also shown in Fig. 2.
With the exception of 5,10-CH2-Hi»PteGlu dehydrogenase in 0-2^,
this supplement increased specific enzyme activities.
These data suggest
335 4.8
o E c
o v. a
O) \E
_œ O E c
c Ê
c E 180 •s O k.
a> 500 E •Î E
c E s
120 a> E 60
o E
SER • 1
F i g . 2. L e v e l s of key enzymes of C-l metabolism in N. orassa w i l d t y p e , Ser-1 and formate mutants. E x t r a c t s were prepared a f t e r 22 hr growth in media supplemented w i t h 1 mM g l y c i n e ( Q ) ; or lacking t h i s supplement ( • ) . (a) 5,10-CH2-Hi»PteGl u dehydrogenase; (b) 1 0-HC0-Hi,PteGl u s y n t h e t a s e ; (c) s e r i n e hydroxymethyl t r a n s f e r a s e ; (d) 5 ( 10-CH 2 -Hi t PteGlu reductase. that g l y c i n e or a product d e r i v e d from t h i s amino a c i d a f f e c t e d and turnover of C-l u n i t s w i t h i n the f o l a t e pool. ance (see I n t r o d u c t i o n ) the f i n d i n g bacteria,
Considering the
of g l y c i n e in generation of 5,10-CH2-Hi
3^6 Table III.
Summary of the purification of the dlhydrofolate synthetase
from S. indiaa. Fraction fraction
protein mg
I. Extracts II. Am^SO^ ppt.
Specific activity
54 ,310
units /mg 3.6
Y.i e.l d
ratio 1.0
X 100
22 ,140
III. 1st DEAE-Sephadex column
2 ,592
IV. 2nd DEAE-Sephadex column
V. 1st Sephadex G-200 column
VI. 2nd Sephadex G-200 column
VII. DEAE-cellulose column
One unit of enzyme activity was defined as 0.1 mpmole of folic acid equivalent formed for 30 minutes under standard assay conditions!!!].
Time (minutes) Fig. 1.
Sedimentation patterns of the dlhydrofolate synthetase from
S. indioa. The solution contained 0.42 % of the enzyme In 0.01 M Tris buffer at pH 7.5 containing 0.1 M KC1 and 10 mM of 2-mercaptoethanol. Photographs were taken at the indicated times after reaching 60,000 rpm at 5°C. stoichiometry of the reaction is discussed below. After the reaction 14 32 C or ATP-y- Pi, radioactive nucleotides were separated on
using ATP-U-
a Dowex I X2 (formate form) column and their quantities were determined 32 from the radioactivity. The amount of Pi formed was determined by the following:
Equal volumes of 2 % sodium molybdate and 1.5 N sulfuric
acid and four volumes of isobutanol were added to an aliquot of the reaction mixture and the whole was shaken vigorously for 10 seconds.
letting the mixture stand for 1 minute, the radioactivity of an aliquot of the upper organic solution was measured with a liquid scintillation 2+ spectrometer. The reference experiment was performed without Mg . When
347 dihydropteroic acid was left out of the reaction, no ADP was detected. 14 Products formed enzymatically under standard conditions with ATP-U- C were ADP-U-
C and dihydrofolate, but no AMP was detected.
When ATP-y-
PI was used as the substrate under standard conditions, dihydrofolate and
PI were detected (Table IV).
Table IV.
We estimated that each mole of ADP
Stoichiometry of the reaction products Products (mu mole)
H,. Folate
ATP--u- 14 c ATP--Y- 32 Pi
The reaction was carried out in an argon atmosphere. and Pi was formed from one mole of ATP, and that one mole of dihydrofolate was simultaneously formed by the dihydrofolate synthetase reaction.
dihydrofolate synthetase from S. indioa required a divalent cation and a univalent cation for full activity[12]. was satisfied by Mg 2+ with 5 m M of Mg on its kinetics. +
, Mn
or Fe
The divalent cation requirement
, and maximum activity was obtained
. Mg-ATP appears to be the required substrate based The univalent cation requirement was satisfied by K + ,
NHH , or Rb , and maximum activity was obtained with about 100 mM of each. K (10 mM) produced 70 % of the maximum activity. partly replaced by T l
and Cs .
and L i
The effect of K
were ineffective.
A corre-
lation seems to exist between the ionic radii of the effective cations and their abilities to activate the enzyme.
To study the effect of K + ,
the kinetic constants of the substrates for the reaction (ATP, dihydropteroate or L-glutamate) were determined at concentrations of 7-5 and 100 mM of K + .
Prom the results shown In Table V, an Increase in the K +
concentration decreased the Km values for dihydropteroate and L-glutamate, with no effect on ATP, and It increased the Vmax for ATP and dihydropteroate.
The conformational change of protein in the presence or absence of
univalent cations has been widely studied[12]. univalent cations, e.g. the K
In the absence of
ion, fomyltetrahydrofolate synthetase
dissociated Into four subunits.
The S value of the dihydrofolate synthe-
tase in S. indioa, however, showed no change on ultracentrifugal analysis in the presence or absence of K + .
These results suggest that K + may
affect the binding of dihydropteroate and L-glutamate to the enzyme. Table V.
Effects of the K + concentration on the kinetic constants of Substrate ATP Di hydropteroate L-Glutamate
K+ Cone. mM 100 * 7.5 100 * 7.5 100 * 7.5
Km M 2.2xl0"4 2.9xl0"4 2.5x10"' 1.3x10"® 2.5x10"' 9.1x10"3
Relative V 1.0 0.85 1.0 0.63 1.0 0.97
Activity was measured under standard assay conditions except that the synthetase was dialyzed for 48 hours against 10 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.0, to which 50 mM 2-mercaptoethanol had been added. * Activity was measured under the above conditions with 7•5 mM of K . Homopteroic acid is an intermediate in the synthesis of homofolic acid and occurs as a contaminant in certain commercial preparations of homofolic acid.
Kisliuk et al reported that tetrahydrohomopteroate displayed
an inhibition against a pyrimethamine-resistant strain of the Plasmodium aynomolgi of a monkey parasite[13].
The growth of Lactobacillus oasei
was completely inhibited by 1 yM of homofolate or 40 yM of hopiopteroate. As shown in Table VI the dihydrofolate synthetase of S. indiaa was Table VI. Inhibition of the dihydrofolate synthetase from S. indioa by homopteroate and its reduced compounds. Additions Homopteroate
wM 0 10 100 0.1 1 5 10 50 100 5 10 SO 100
Folate equivalent liunoles 198 210 205 192 172 158 139 86 50 201 192 172 130
Inhibition I 0 0 0 3.1 13.3 20.4 29.8 56.7 74.8 0 3.0 13.3 35.4
by the addition of reduced forms of homopteroic acid.
stronger inhibition by dihydrohomopteroate was observed than by tetrahydrohomopteroate.
This suggests that the inhibition by tetrahydrohomo-
pteroate in vivo and -in vitro may result from oxidation of the tetrahydro form to the dihydro form and that the true inhibitor of the synthetase
3^9 may be a dihydrohomopteroate.
Other properties of the synthetase are
surrmarized In Table VII. Table VII. Properties of the dihydrofolate synthetase purified from S. indiaa. Sedimentation c o e f f i c i e n t
3.9 S
Molecular weight
Stable pH
Optimum pH
Km values f o r dihydropteroate
1.3 uM 250 yM
L-glutamate ATP Activated by M g
290 yM 2
Fe 2 t K + , NH^, Rb+
Inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate
GTP cyclohydrolase The elimination reaction of formic acid from GTP is catalyzed by an enzyme, called GTP cyclohydrolase, dihydroneopterin triphosphate synthetase or GTP-8-foimylhydrolase, which has been partially purified from E. aoli [14], L. plantarum[3], Comamonas sp.[5] and Streptomyoes xnmosus[15], respectively.
The properties and reaction products of the
enzyme from each source differed. We found that S. indiaa produced considerable amounts of pteridlne compounds (L-t/zreo-neopterin and isoxanthopterin) and that extracts of S. indiaa catalyzed the formation of fluorescent compounds from GTP. The purification and characterization of the GTP cyclohydrolase from S. indiaa were investigated.
was allowed to proceed for 18 hours at 37°C under aeration. The frozen cells (about 1.8 Kg) were ruptured by grinding them with an equal volume of sea sand for 2 hours at 4°C after thawing. The broken cells were suspended in 20 volumes of 10 mM Tris buffer, pH 7.6, containing 4 mM of 2-mercaptoethanol, and centrifuged. The supernatant was treated by ultrasonication for 30 minutes at 10°C, then centrifuged. The supernatant extract was used as the source of the enzyme.
A dialyzate of the
50 to 70 % ammonium sulfate fraction was purified by DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-200 column chromatographies.
Purification steps and yields of
the enzyme are summarized in Table VIII. The final enzyme preparation
350 Table VIII. S. indioa.
Summary of the purification of the GTP cyclohydrolase from Specific Activity
pyrophosphorylmethyl dlhydropterin
hydroxymethyl dlhydropterin
units / pg of protein Crude extracts
Aflmonlum sulfate fractionation
1st DEAE-cellulose column
2nd DEAE-cellulose column
1st Sephadex G-100 column
2nd Sephadex G-100 column
1st DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column
2nd OEAE Sephadex A-50 column
not detectable
• •
One unit of enzyme activity was defined as one mpmole of formate eliminated for 40 minutes under standard assay conditions. was 286 fold purer in specific activity than the original extract.
cyclohydrolase activity was measured by the following two methods:
labeled formic acid eliminated frcm GTP-8-"^C was oxidized by mercuric acetate to "^COa, then the li+ C0 2 was trapped by a g-phenylethylaminemethanol solution on filter paper in vials.
A scintillator was added
and the solution was counted with a Packard Tri-Carb scintillation spectrometer.
The other method was fluorometric, using a Hitachi spectroflu-
orometer at activating (355 nm) and emitting (440 nm) wavelengths.
the reaction mixture had been boiled and centrifuged, the fluorescent intensity of the clear supernatant was measured. conditions:
Standard assay
Incubation mixtures contained 0.1 M Tris buffer, pH 8.6; 50
mM 2-mercaptoethanoi; 0.2 m M sodium formate; 0.2 mM G T P - S - ^ C (0.2 y d ) and the enzyme in a total volume of 0.1 ml.
Reactions were carried out
in small tubes connected with counting vials by rubber tubes.
Each vial
contained Toyo No. 2 filter paper (20 x 80 mm) moistened with 50 % f5phenylethylamlne In methanol.
Reactions were started by injecting the
enzyme and were stopped by adding 10 % TCA, then they were oxidized with 0.2 N acetate and 0.66 N mercuric acetate.
After incubation at 37°C for
2 hours, 10 m l of scintillator containing 2,5-diphenyloxazole(4 g) and l 3 4-bis-2-(5-phenyloxasolyl)benzene
(100 mg) in one liter of toluene was
added to each vial. Formate elimination was proportional to the fluorescence formation. Purified cyclohydrolase specifically utilized GTP as substrate.
351 activity was inhibited by nucleotides such as GDP and ATP, as shown in Fig. 2. The requirement for GTP was competitively inhibited by GDP as GMP
3 Cone.
Fig. 2. Effects of nucleotides on the GTP cyclohydrolase from S. indiaa.
Fig. 3-
Effect of GDP on the GTP cyclohydrolase from S. indiaa.
shown in Fig. 32+
Enzyme activity was inhibited by metal ions as shown in
Table IX.
and monovalent cations had no effect.
Table IX.
Effects of metal ions on the GTP cyclohydrolase from S. -indiaa. Formate eliminated Metals Non« N.* K+ Rb+ Li* C.2*
Fe 2 + Co 2 * HI 2 * Cu 2 * Zn 2 * Cd 2 * «1*
(mitrale / ng of protein) 74 0 74.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 62.9 62 2 29.4 59 2 50 3 24 4 0 0 0 3.7
Inhibí tion t 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 60 20 32 67 700 100 100 95
Standard assay conditions without 2-mercaptoethanol were used. The Indicated metal ions were added in the form of chloride at 5 nW.
352 Other properties of the purified GTP cyclohydrolase are summarized in Table X. Table X.
Properties of the GTP cyclohydrolase frcm S. indiaa. Molecular weight
Optimum pH
Km value f o r GTP
3.7 yM I n h i b i t e d by Zn 2 t Cd 2 t Hg2t A l 3 t Cu2t Fe 2 t Ni2t Co 2 + 2+ 2+ 2Mg , Mn , p-chloromercuribenzoate
Although the pteridine product of the GTP cyclohydrolases in E. aoli and Comamonae sp. and the dihydroneopterin triphosphate synthetase in L. plantarwn have been indicated to be a dihydroneopterin triphosphate, the product in S. indiaa differed.
We present here some of our recent
findings relevant to the reaction product formed from GTP by the GTP cyclohydrolase in S. indiaa.
After many incubations, the product(X-
compound) was isolated and purified by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and TLC-electrophoresis. Table XI.
As shown in Table XI, X-compound had
Phosphate contents of the X-compound and GTP Phosphate contents Co
moles / mole
Acid hydrolyzed X-compound
AP-treated X-compound
PD- and AP-treated X-compound--
*X-compound treated with alkaline phosphatase from calf intestine. **X-compound treated with phosphodiesterase from beef heart and with alkaline phosphatase. three phosphate radicals; one mole of phosphate was easily liberated by alkaline phosphatase and two moles of phosphates were liberated by phosphodiesterase and by alkaline phosphatase.
The absorption spectra
of the oxidized product, the X-compound are shown in Fig. 4.
excitation and emission spectra of X-compound are shown in Pig.5-
Fig. 4.
Absorption spectra of X-compound.
Pig. 5-
Excitation and emission spectra of X-compound.
( NM )
( N H )
These results suggest that X-compound has a cyclic phosphate structure in its neopterin molecule, which differs from the neopterin cyclic phosphate isolated from a crude reaction mixture of S. indioa, and the neopterin triphosphate identified in other microorganisms.
Elution profiles of
X-compound and D-erz/tfo-o-neopterin triphosphate, prepared from GTP treated with the GTP cyclohydrolase of E. aoli, are shown in Fig. 6. X-compound
¿L Neopterin-PPP.
ui r
t• Fig. 6. Elution profiles on high pressure liquid chromatography of the X-compound and neopterin triphosphate. GTP was used as the internal standard. The Shimadzu type 830 high speed liquid chromatography was used.
H N W i t npound]
CNP- H 2 I X
GDP, ATP, SOlHeavy metal ions SH - reagents
\ -Pi
1 + Pi
0 HN HzN^N L-threo-H?NP /accumulated in the \ c u l t u r e medium
H 2 Pterin-CH 2 OH ATP
(accumulated in the ' V cui ture medium
m2+ Mg
_„„„,.,„,,, l(accumulated in the"» Folote coenzymes J C(j1t ( j r e ^ m
tu C
rH B
H a) m id o
01 G
I i
I 1
•a c 10 ui rH rH 10 O O) id H-t
^ u •0 *rH >1 n fi a) nj -M
r-H ro
m ro
r-» r-
O + O ai
o , O, +1 +1 co 10 CN
O, +1 rH
O, + | CO m
î i m
P 0
H —
m P 3 G rH B
— i 1 1
I 1
O rH
1 1
I 1
1 1
O m
o lO
o rH
1 1
o in •—i
o co rH
a) CD G id G u >i X) •o
1 1
c •rH S T3 id -p IH id
^ CM
u M +1 G 10 a) B
pi 5
«3 CM —i
o rH
+ IO
10 IO
+1 i in +1 +1 m IO p» m rH r-H i—i
H >
c -rH ÍH —
m -P — i 1 o id a) S 'i i s
(0 C1J en -H TD AJ
01 id
-ci cu ^ 3 en id cu B
^ 3 en id a) S
J >I
T3 0 Id en en id
378 tetrahydrofolic acid (II) (13) and 2 -
acid (I)
(14) a r e given orally to the rat the principal metabolite in the f i r s t 24 14 hour urine is 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I). When 5 - C - 5 - m e t h y l tetrahydrofolic acid (I) (13) is administered orally to the rat although radioactive compounds are found in the f i r s t 24 hour urine none could be identified as folates.
Thus in the rat both 10-formyltetrahydrofolic acid
(II) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) a r e readily converted into 5 methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) and the l a t t e r compound rapidly exchanges the N5-methyl group in biological r e a c t i o n s . S i m i l a r r e s u l t s a r e found in man when 10-formyltetrahydrofolic acid (II) and 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) a r e administered.
Both compounds
a r e rapidly metabolised into the folate pool of which 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) is the m a j o r component and 10-formyltetrahydrofolic acid (II) is the minor component (16).
The N5-methyl group of 5 - m e t h y l -
tetrahydrofolic acid (I) rapidly exchanges (17). Tetrahydrofolic acid (VII) is readily oxidised to dihydrofolic acid (VIII) at neutral or alkaline pH (18, 19).
10-Formyltetrahydrofolic acid (II)
will be oxidised at a s i m i l a r r a t e to give 10-fcrmyldihydrofolic acid (IX) which will be oxidised to 10-formylfolic acid (X) (20).
The l o s s of the
p-aminobenzoylglutamic acid side chain which o c c u r s on the subsequent oxidation at room temperature of dihydrofolic acid (VIII) to form xanthopterin (XI) is unique to dihydrofolic acid (VIII).
7, 8-Dihydropterins
such as 7, 8-dihydrobiopterin (XII), in which the C6 side chain cannot provide a nucleophilic migrating group a r e oxidised without l o s s of the side chain (18,19,21).
Thus after storage 10-formylfolic acid (X) should
be formed from the 10-formyltetrahydrofolic acid (II) present in foodstuffs.
The p r e s e n c e of 10-formylfolic acid (X) in foodstuffs has been
reported (22, 23) although it was not c l e a r l y established whether or not the 10-formylfolic acid (X) identified was originally present or was an analytical artifact.
379 COOH
c h
n h Q c o n h
h N
_ C H
oxidation neutral or alkaline solutions
çh CH2
ch ch
380 When 2 -
C - 1 0 - f o r m y l f o l i c acid (X) was given o r a l l y to r a t s no radio 14 active folates were found in the f i r s t 24 hour urine. A number of C-
labelled compounds (pterins?) were obtained, one of which was tentatively identified as 6-hydroxymethylpterin (XIII) (13).
Thus in the rat
10-formylfolic acid does not enter the folate metabolic pool at a m e a s u r able rate but instead is degraded to s i m p l e r pterins.
The failure of 10-
formylfolic acid (X) to enter the folate metabolic pool is in agreement with other observations that it is not reduced by dihydrofolate reductase (24).
S i m i l a r r e s u l t s were obtained in man (16).
Although o r a l 10-
formylfolic acid (X) passed the gut wall effectively it was not m e t a b o l ised and was e x c r e t e d unchanged in the urine.
As 1 0 - f o r m y l f o l i c acid
(X) is fully active for L . c a s e i in the standard microbiological a s s a y and is probably present in many foodstuffs the use of microbiological a s s a y to determine the availability of food folates for man is misleading. 5-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) is oxidised by molecular oxygen at about one-tenth of the rate of tetrahydrofolic acid (due to s t e r i c hindrance about N5) (19,25) and f o r m s 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 6 -dihydrofolic acid (XIV). The oxidation rate is i n c r e a s e d by increasing pH or by t r a c e s of cupric ions (25).
S i m i l a r but v e r y rapid oxidations occur with e x c e s s f e r r i c
ions, cupric ions or quinones (25, 26).
5 - M e t h y l - 5 , 6-dihydrofolic acid
(XIV) rapidly r e a r r a n g e s to 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 8-dihydrofolic acid (XV) at pH values l e s s than 4 5 (25, 26) o r may add a molecule of water to give 4 a h y d r o x y - 5 - m e t h y l - 4 , 5, 6, 7-tetrahydrofolic acid (XVI) (25).
Thus a f t e r
a time foodstuffs may contain a mixture of (I), (XIV), (XV) and (XVI ). 5 - M e t h y l - 5 , 6 -dihydrofolic acid (XIV) is inactive for L . c a s e i when determined by an aseptic a s s a y technique in the absence of a s c o r b i c acid (26).
However, in the p r e s e n c e of a s c o r b a t e (XIV) is rapidly reduced
to 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) so that in the conventional analyses where e x c e s s ascorbate is used (XIV) appears to be fully active (26). Both 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 8-dihydrofolic acid (XV) and 4 a - h y d r o x y - 5 - m e t h y l - 4 , 5 , 6 , 7-tetrahydrofolic acid (XVI) a r e inactive for L. c a s e i under all con-
\ /
HN H 2 N' \
/ N'
582 ditions.
When 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 8-dihydrofolic acid (XV) and 4 a - h y d r o x y - 5 -
m e t h y l - 4 , 5 , 6 , 7-tetrahydrofolic acid (XVI) a r e orally administered to man there is no change in the s e r u m folate level (Table 2) (27).
this is due to failure of these compounds to enter the folate metabolic pool and not to failure to pass a c r o s s the gut wall is suggested by studies 14 in the rat in which o r a l 2 - C - 4 a - h y d r o x y - 5 - m e t h y l - 4 , 5, 6, 7 - t e t r a h y d r o folic acid (XVI) as the naturally occurring d i a s t e r e o i s o m e r is absorbed, distributed and e x c r e t e d
When 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 6 -dihydro-
folic acid (XVI) is given orally to man there is a s m a l l quick r i s e in s e r um folate (Table 2) (2 7).
The s m a l l n e s s of this r i s e together with the
e a r l y maximum and the known acid lability suggested that this compound was r e a r r a n g e d to the inactive 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 8-dihydrofolic acid (XV) in the stomach acid.
Only that fraction which avoided contact with stomach
acid would then be available for absorption.
Confirmation of this was
obtained by the simultaneous oral administration of sodium bicarbonate (to produce t e m p o r a r y achlorhydria) and 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 6-dihydrofolic acid (XIV) to normal subjects when much l a r g e r serum folate r i s e s were obtained. (Table 2) (2 7).
P e r n i c i o u s anaemia patients have permanent
achlorhydria and again oral administration of 5 - m e t h y l - 5 , 6-dihydrofolic acid (XIV) gave much l a r g e r r i s e s in the serum folate (Table 2) (2 7). T h e s e observations suggest that that portion of food folate present as 5 m e t h y l - 5 , 6 -dihydrofolic acid (XIV) which would be measured as folate by the conventional L
c a s e i a s s a y is much l e s s utilisable by man than 5 -
methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid (I).
Previous workers have noted that p e r -
nicious anaemia patients have higher average levels of s e r u m folate than normal subjects (2 8).
This effect has been a s c r i b e d to the "methyl
folate t r a p " brought about by the reduction in B\2 l e v e l s .
It has never
been c l e a r why the reduced rate of loss of the methyl group should cause retention of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (I) and other investigators had shown that there is no difference in the folate p l a s m a c l e a r a n c e r a t e s of normal subjects and s u b j e c t s with pernicious anaemia (29, 30).
It now
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