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English Year 2017
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Marilyn Monroe She vigorously played the dumb-blonde stereotype in her movie roles, but there is nothing at all dumb abo
429 79 258KB Read more
If anything, Karl Marx’s life reminds us of the power of the pen over the sword. During his lifetime, he lived in relati
216 45 177KB Read more
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The ingenious artist we know as Michelangelo lived during the Renaissance in Northern Italy, and you could say that he w
191 48 348KB Read more
Creativity is in our bones. It is found in our very DNA, something not known to Leonardo da Vinci or anyone else who liv
186 4 244KB Read more
The political theories of Lenin have long outlived him, and have even gone on to outlive the Marxist state he help to fo
183 100 252KB Read more
When Fidel Castro died on November 25, 2016, it seemed as if much of the world didn’t quite know what to make of the rev
182 49 242KB Read more
Who was Oscar Wilde? Was he just an author of witty but meaningless plays, only out to get a laugh or two? The answer is
201 42 333KB Read more
Freddie Mercury was the ultimate rockstar. With a natural sense of timing and exuberance—some would say even flamboyance
107 33 87KB Read more
Eleanor of Aquitaine became the queen of both France and England, the wife of two kings, and later the mother of two kin
182 89 373KB Read more