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PREFACE During the second quarter of the last century a small group of Knickerbocker writers, inspired by a desire to create an American national literature, were busy encouraging younger authors, advocating protection through national and international copyright, establishing magazines, and producing a variety of poetry and fiction of their own. They did not always reach a high level of literary achievement, but all of them had important parts in fostering a national spirit in our literature and deserve something better than the neglect they have often suffered at the hands of recent literary historians. Irving, Bryant, and Cooper stand preëminent among them; but Halleck, W . G. Clark, Willis, and Hoffman were almost equally well known in their day. It was a desire to throw new light upon the activities of this coterie of New Yorkers, and especially upon Charles Fenno Hoffman, of whom no extensive biography has hitherto appeared, that prompted the writing of this book. If Hoffman seems in twentieth-century eyes one of the least of the Knickerbockers, it is partly because the charm of the man himself, which had much to do with the high esteem accorded him by his contemporaries, is never fully manifested in his books. Hoffman's literary work is here examined for the first time against the background of his life. In gathering my materials I have incurred a large debt to the many librarians who have helped me in securing old files of magazines and newspapers as well as hitherto vii
unpublished manuscripts. I wish especially to acknowledge my debt to M r . A. J . W a l l and his assistants at the New Y o r k Historical Society; to M r . H . M . Lydenburg and M r . V. H . Paltsits of the N e w Y o r k Public L i b r a r y ; to Miss Anne S. P r a t t of the Library of Yale University; and to M r . Frederick W . Ashley of the Library of Congress. O t h e r librarians and assistants at the Library of Columbia University, the N e w York Public Library, the L i b r a r y of the University of Pennsylvania, the Library of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, and the N e w a r k Public Library, have given me generous help. T o Professor W . P. T r e n t , at whose suggestion I first began the study of H o f f m a n , I am grateful f o r opening up f o r me such an interesting subject. T o Professor Ralph L . Rusk, without whose valuable advice, suggestions, and criticisms this book might not have been written, I am especially indebted. It is a pleasure also to acknowledge my obligation to P r o f e s s o r T . O. M a b b o t t , who read the manuscript and aided in locating several items of importance; to Professor Lyon N . Richardson, who read the manuscript and offered valuable suggestions in the general plan of the book; to Professor Nelson F. Adkins, who read the manuscript and suggested several sources of i n f o r m a t i o n ; and to P r o f e s s o r George F. Evans, who read the manuscript. I wish also to thank M r s . George A. Boyce of W e s t e r n Reserve Academy f o r reading the manuscript and the proof and for assistance in matters of detail. Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to my wife, who has given freely of her help and has made valuable suggestions concerning the structure of the book. H . F. B.
113 136
CHARLES FENNO HOFFMAN CHAPTER I ANCESTRY W h a t e v e r virtue may come of a long and respectable family history must have been a part of the heritage of Charles Fenno H o f f m a n . H e could trace his ancestry not only to the founders of N e w England, but also, through a distinguished line, to one of the early founders of N e w Y o r k , M a r t i n H e r m a n z e n Hoffman, who came to N e w Netherland in 1 6 5 7 . 1 T h i s M a r t i n H e r m a n z e n H o f f m a n had been born in 1625 in Revel, on the Gulf of Finland, a port at that time belonging to Sweden, and was therefore thirty-two years of age when he arrived in America. D u r i n g his first year in this country, while settled at Esopus ( K i n g s t o n ) , 2 he showed the courage and energy characteristic of his descendants by joining a small company of farmers and putting a stop to the Indian depredations caused by a misunderstanding between the Indians and the Director General. By this act he incurred the enmity of the officials, but won the love of the people. 3 Besides managing I. Vol. a. j.
Margherita Arlina Hamm, Famous Families of New York, 1902, I, p. 170. E. B. O'Callaghan, History of Ne 302η., 304η., 305η., 3θ6η., 307η. American Monthly Review, The, 70, 86n. American Philosophical Society, 8n. A merican Quarterly Observer, The, 86n. American Quarterly Review, The, 64 American Revolution, 106. See also Revolutionary W a r American Scenery (W. H. Bartlett), 1 1 6 American Speech, u n . , 19η. Ames, Fisher, 14 , Seth, 14η. Anabaptists, 179 "Anacreontic" (A. H. Bogart), 77η. "Anacreontic" (Hoffman), 79 Andros, Sir Edmund, 160 Ann Street, New York, 246 Annals of Albany, Nevi York, The (J. Munsell), 26η. "Annette De Larbre" (Washington I r v i n g ) , 254 Ansonia, 162 Anthon, Charles, 283η. , John, 283η.; letter 282-83. Anti-Jacobin Review, The, 147 Apollo, 309 Apollo Dancing Rooms, New York, 58 Appenines (Apennines), 163 Appleton and Company, D., 171, 244, 257
"Arctic Lover to his Mistress" (Bryant), 43 Arcturus, A Journal of Boots and Opinion (ed. by Cornelius Mathews and Evert A. Duyckinck), 225, 225Π. Aristotle, 284. "Articles of Association, T h e , " 3. " A r t of Rising in Prose, T h e , " 96 Aspinwall, Thomas, 105, 118-19, 121,
213, 216-17, 219-20 Assault and Battery (Francis Bloodgood), 206η. Astor, John Jacob, 60 Astor House, New York, 62 Astoria (Irving), 60, 120 Astor Store (John R. Bartlett's bookshop in Astor House), 63 Athenaeum, The, 66, 123, 132 Atlantic Street, New York, 246 "Attack, T h e " (Hoffman), 229, 229η., 232 "Attack, T h e " (picture), 229η. Ayton, Robert, 99 Babcock, Rufus, u 6 n . Bacon, Francis, 175, 284 Baker Sc Scribner, 276η. Bait (character in Grcyslaer), 127, 129, 131 Baltimore, Md., 188, i88n., 242 Bancroft, George, 107, 109η., 159η., '78-79, 2 54 Bard, Sam, 200 Barker, Jacob, 60 Barlow, Joel, 103, 262 Barnes, Daniel Η., 20η. Barousse, Mr., 253 Bartlett, John R., 62, 245 , W. H., 116 Bartlett & Welford, 245 Battery, New York, 5η., 58, 22o Beauchampe (William Gilmore Simms), 125
INDEX Beauchamp-Sharp murder case, 124, 125, 127 Beck, Lewis Caleb, 107 B e d f o r d , Pa., 48 Beekrnan Street, New York, 262 Beers, H e n r y Α., 6on., 115 Belgium, 20. Bellerophon, 16 Bellinghauseo, 282 "Ben Blower's Story" ( H o f f m a n ) , 131, 224, 224D. B e n j a m i n , P a r k , 70, 82, 85, 89, 142, 235η. Bennett, James Gordon, 114-15 Bent, Α. Η., 12η. Bentley, Richard, 66, 119, 121, 213, 216, 219 Bentley's Miscellany, 121, 213, 216 Beppo (Byron), 31η. Bethel Rock, 199η. Bethlehem, Palestine, 315 Bethlehem, Pa., 200 Bibliography of the Separate and Collected Works of Philip Freneau, A (Victor Hugo Paltsits), 14η. Bigelow, George, 257; letter, 221 Biographical Annual (R. W . G r i s w o l d ) , 228η. Biography of William Cullen Bryant, A ( P a r k e G o d w i n ) , 35η., 43Π., 200n. Bird, Robert Montgomery, 80, 8284, 84η., 8j, 102, 117, 2ion., 215η.; letters, 209, 209-10 Blackwood's Magazine, 224, 224η. Bleecker, H a r m a n u s , 25-26, 26η., 3i, I07, 163, 215 "Blighted H e a r t , T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 296η. Bliss, E., 94 Bloodgood, Francis, 206, 206η. Blue Hills, Mass., 12 "Boat Song, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 174 "Bob-O-Linkum, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 138η.
Boeotian, 236 Boeuf, J. F. Α., 95 Bogart, Α. Η., 77. 77Q, W . Henry L., 77. y j n . Bombay, India, 20η. Book Β (County Clerk's Office, Poughkeepsie, Ν. Υ . ) , 3η. Book of Deeds (County Clerk's O f fice, Kingston, Ν. Υ.), 4η. "Book Publishers a n d Publishing" ( E a r l L. B r a d s h e r ) , 122η. Booth, M a r y L., 9η. Boston, Mass., 12, 14-15, 15η, 6 i 62, 70, 80-84, 88, 90, 108, m , •53. >55. i99n·. 222, 249-5°. 25«. 273, 276η. Boston Evening Transcript, The, 182 Boston Journal, The, 162 Boston Lyceum, 221 Boston Miscellany, The, 225, 225η., 229D. Boston Monthly Magazine, 86n. Boston Public Library, 69η., 125η., ΐ3ΐη·, 146η., 154η·. '7°ΐ·> 177«·, 222η., 223η., 225η., 227η., 230η., 232η., 233η., 234η., 236η., 237η., 238η., 239°-. 240η., 24ID-1 243 d ·. 2440·. 246η-, 247η·. 249 η ·. 250η., 25ΐη., 253"·, 255"!., 256η., 257η., 258η., 259η., 262η., 263η., 264η., 267η., 27οη., 27ΐη., 272η., 274°·. 275η., 277 η ·, 283η., 288η. Boston Quarterly Review, The, 86η. Boston Times, The, 231 "Bouquet, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 299300 Bourbon, 32 Bowers, Claude G., 13η. Bowery T h e a t r e , New York, 58, 132, 199 Bowring, John, 259η. Boyd's Grove, 111., 51 Bracebridge Hall ( W a s h i n g t o n I r v i n g ) , 254
B r a d d o c k , E d w a r d , 49 B r a d d o c k ' s Field, 49 B r a d f o r d , W i l l i a m , 153η. Bradshawe ( c h a r a c t e r in Greyslaer), 125-26 B r a d s h e r , E a r l L., 122η. B r a g a n z a , 32 B r a n t , I s a a c , 128 .Joseph, 105, l o i n . , 128, 133η. B r a s l e i g h ( c h a r a c t e r in Vanderh " ) , 75 B r a y , A n n a Eliza K e m p e , 95 B r e a d a n d Cheese Club, 59 B r e v o o r t H a l l ( H o m e of H e n r y B r e v o o r t ) , 135η. B r e v o o r t , H e n r y , 6n. , M r s . H e n r y , 134 B r i g g s , C. F., 263 B r i n c k e r h o f f v i l l e , Ν. Υ., 20η. B r i t a i n , 146η. See also E n g l a n d , G r e a t Britain B r i t i s h , 16, 81, 100, 109-11, 147, 149, 212, 219. See also E n g l i s h British Criticisms of American Writings, 1783-1815 ( W . B. C a i r n s ) , 147η. B r i t o n , 235 B r o a d w a y , N e w York, 10, 25η., 96, 193. 244"·. 245 Broadway Journal, The, 263 Brodhead, John Romeyn, 179, 215η. Brooklyn, Ν. Υ., 154η., 233, 24142, 261 Brooks, E . S., 5η. , M a r i a G o w e n , 272, 272η. , M r . , 114 Brother Jonathan, 253, 253η. B r o w e r , Cornelius, 20η. B r o w n , C h a r l e s Brockden, 11, 102 , T . Allston, 133η. Brovinson's Quarterly Review, 176η., I77n. Brown University, Library of, 225η., 2 8 m . , 282η.
"Brunt the Fight" (Hoffman), 240η., 241 B r y a n t , W i l l i a m Cullen, 25η., 33, 35η·> 4°n., 41-43, 59, 78, 89η., 96, 98, I I I - I 3 , u s , 117, ΐ 4 ι η · > ' 4 3 . ' 4 5 . 157. '65, »72, i75. 184, 199, 200η., 235, 2 7 ° ι 289, 299η. Bryant, and His Friends (J. G. Wilson), i66n. B u c h a n a n , J a m e s , 110 Buckeye ( H o f f m a n ' s h o r s e ) , 55 B u l w e r - L y t t o n , E d w a r d , 94 Bumppo, N a t t y , 117, 127 Bunker Hill, 28η., 159 Burgess, W e s l e y F., 244, 244η., 245, 252 Burgoyne, J o h n , 169 Burke, E d m u n d , 265 Burleigh, W i l l i a m Η., 153η. Burns, Robert, 98, ioo, 142 Burr, Aaron, 9 Bushkill C r e e k , Pa., 48 Buttermilk Falls, Ν. Y., 44, 208 Byron, G e o r g e G o r d o n , L o r d , 31, 31η., 75, 96-98, ι ο ί , 157, *75> 199, 223, 223η., 254. 267, 2γι "C"
297. 2 9 7 η · Cabinet History of the British Isles (Sir J . M a c k i n t o s h ) , 92 Cabinet of H i s t o r y , 94 Cœsar, Julius, 266 Café Français, N e w Y o r k , 62 C a i r n s , W . Β., 147η. C a l a n t h é ( c h a r a c t e r in Vanderlyn)< 75· C a l i f o r n i a , 287 "Calling-One's-Own (Ojibwa)" ( H o f f m a n ) , 316η; poem, 31516 Cambridge History of American Literature, The, 122η., 124η. Campbell, 172 C a n a d a , 211
INDEX Canadian border, 120, 123 Canadians, 2 1 1 Canal Street, New York, 58 Canandaigua, N. Y., 98 '•Canzonet'' (John B. Van Schaick), 77η. "Captive, T h e " (James Russell Lowell), 168 Career of Puffer Hopkins, The (Cornelius Mathews), 243η. Carey, Mathew, 240, 252 Carey and Hart, 231η., 275η., 276, 276η., 277, 277°· Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 67 Carlyle, Thomas, 164 Caioline (boat), 212 Caspar (nom de plume of Hoffman), 199, 290, 290η., 291-93 Cass, Lewis, 207 Castle William, 220 Catholic, 242 Caty (Hoffman family servant), 28η., 20I, 204, 217-18. See also Katy Century Magazine, The, 55η. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 4 1 , 72η., i4on. Chamber of Commerce, New York, 7 Chambers, Robert, 256η. Channing, Edward, 5η., 48η. Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt, 209 Chapel of Henry V I I I , 58 "Character of the People of Early New York, T h e " (Hoffman), 158 CJiarlemont (William Gilmore Simms), 125 Charles Brockden Brovjn (David Lee Clark), n n . Charles O'Malley (Charles J. L e v e r ) , 253 Charleston, S. C., 24, 224 Charleston Gazette, The, 98 Charlottesville, Va., 46, 55
Charter, Constitution, By-Lavis, and Lists of Members of the Saint Nicholas Society, 178η. Chauncey, Isaac, 39 Cheney, John, 117-18, 129, 213η. Cherokee Indians, 213 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 242 Chicago, III., 50, 50η., j i China, 219 Chippewa Indians, 258 Churchman, The, 172 Church Review, The, 61, 62η. "Citizen, T h e " (Cornelius Mathews), 281η. City Document of Marriages of Boston, So. lot, The, 15η. City Hall Park, New York, 5η. City Hotel, New York, 59, 73-74, 140, 178η. Clarence (Catherine M a r i a Sedgwick), 91 Clark, David Lee, u n . , Lewis Gaylord, 44, 63, 1 1 7 , Willis Gaylord, 78-79 Clark & Austin, 257 Clay, Henry, 109-10 Clearwater, Alphonse T . , 3η. Cleveland, D., 50 Clinton Bradshaiv (F. W. Thomas), 102, 255 "Clytemnestra's Greeting" (Hoffman), 305 "Cochrane the Dauntless," 16 Cockloft Hall (near Newark, N. J . ) , 6n. Colburn and Bentley, 1 1 9 Colden, Cadwallader, 179 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 101 Collection of Discourses Delivered on Public Occasions (John Stanford), 6n. Collections of the Ne ϊ « 4 " IJ, 215η., 298η. C h u r c h , 5η. D u t c h e s s County, Ν. Υ., 2-3, 3°·. 4 County Academy, Poughkeepsie, 20, 20η. D u t c h l a n g u a g e , 107 West India Company, jn., 214 Duyckinck, E v e r t Α., io8, 176, 176η., i8o, 185, 225η., 272, 28in.; letters to, 281, 282 , G . L., 180 Duyckincks, 181, 184 D w i g h t , T h o m a s , 14 , T i m o t h y , 103, 262 "Early Drama, The" (Arthur Hobson Q u i n n ) , 12411. " E a r l y L a y s " ( H o f f m a n ) , 307 "Early Miscellanies" ( H o f f m a n ) , 237, 237η. E a s t , the, 65 E a s t I n d i a C o m p a n y , 20η.
Easton, Pa., 48 E a s t R i v e r , 73 Eaton, Captain, 268 Echo, or Borrowed Notes for Home Circulation, The (Hoffman), 144η., 148, 148η., ι Jon., 170, 237η., 239η., 243°·> 244-45, 245η., 246, 249, 2491-, 251η., 267, 273. 3°2η. Edgar Allan Poe ( M a r y E . Phillips), i88n. Edinburgh, University of, 20η. Edinburgh Review, The, 147 "Education of the Blood, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 72 "Effie G a y " (Hoffman), 116 E F H (initials f o r E d w a r d Fenno H o f f m a n ) , 1 9 1 , 191η., 192η., 193η., 194η., 196η., 2oon., 2θΐη., 202η., 203η., 204η., 2θ8η. " E g y p t " (Elizabeth Oakes Smith), 227 E l i a (Charles L a m b ) , 156 Elssler, Fanny ( d a n c e r ) , 256 Embury, Daniel, 230 Embury, E m m a C., 168, 230, 254, 254η., 272, 274 Emerson, Ralph W a l d o , 143, 256 "Encompass'd in an Angel's F r a m e , " 168 England, 20η., 2 i n . , 36, 59, 65-66, 81, 96, 96η., ΙΟΙ, I20-21, 123, 142, 157, 187, 2 1 1 , 2 1 4 , 2i6, 219-20, 239, 249, 266, 2 7 1 . See also Britain, G r e a t Britain English, 16, 49, 67, 81, 96-97, 1 0 1 , 119-20, 122, 132, 142η., 153, '57i '78, 214, 269. See also British English language, 259η. Englishmen, 145, 219, 235-36, 265 " E n i g m a " ( H o f f m a n ) , 267, 267η.; poem, 308-9 Ephesian, 33 Episcopal Church, 2 1 η . E r i e Canal, 98
Esopus ( K i n g s t o n ) , Ν. Υ., 1 " E s q u i m a u x L i t e r a t u r e " (Robert C. S a n d s ) , 42 Eureka ( E d g a r A l l a n Poe), 283 Europe, 29, 97, 140, 143, 200, 216, 220 European, 60, 90, 1 5 3 E v a n s , T h o m a s G . , 2n. Evening Gazette, The, 87, 98, i o m . , 104η., io6n., 108, 1 1 4 , 161, i6in., 162-63, '63η., 164-69, i6gn., 170, 255η., 257, 258η., 259η., 26ο, 263-64, 269-71 Everyday English (Richard G r a n t W h i t e ) , 274η. E w i n g , Thomas, 1 1 0 Excelsior (motto of New Y o r k State), 180 Executive Documents, TwentyEighth Congress, First Session, The, 1 1 in. "Extemp. to a L a d y " ( H o f f m a n ) , 296-97 " F a i r Student, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 311 " F a i r y Book, T h e , " 78 Family L i b r a r y , 92 Famous Families of New York (Margherita Arlina Hamm), in. and as op. cit., 2η. and as op. cit., 7η. and as op. cit. Fanny ( H a l l e c k ) , 3 1 η . "Fascination" (Hoffman), 25η., 2i8n. "Fate of the Humming Bird, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 234η., 238η. Fay, Theodore S., 79, 102, 1 1 6 , 255 Fearon, Henry Β., 1 2 2 η . "Feast of Shells, T h e , " 1 5 1 Federal Compact, 33η. Federalists, 9, 1 5 Fenno, Charles, 16, 2 1 7 . E d w a r d , 17η., i8n., 24, 24η., 217
INDEX Fenno, Euphemia, 201 , G e o r g e , 16, 200 , J a m e s , 24, 24η. 1 John, 1 2 - 1 4 , ι + ί · . 'Si ' S 1 1 · ' 17η., 28η., 153 . J o h n W a r d , 14, 14η., 15, 15η., 16, 17η., 2 1 7 , M a r i a , 1 5 - 1 7 . '8η. See also H o f f m a n , M a r i a Fenno , M a r y Curtis, see Curtis, Mary Fenno f a m i l y , 12, 17η., 28 " F e n n o F a m i l y , T h e " ( A . H. B e n t ) , 12η. Fenno Hill (now Kitchamakin H i l l ) , Mass., 12 Fergus Historical Series, 50η. F i e l d , D a v i d Dudley, 160, 163, 258, 271 Fields, J a m e s T . , 134, 136, 185 Fifteenth Sepoys, 20η. Fifty Years among Authors, Books and Publishers ( J . C. D e r b y ) , 226η. F i n l a n d , G u l f of, 1 " F i r s t and L a s t P a r t i n g , The" ( H o f f m a n ) , 224η., 241 Fish, Stuyvesant, i8on. Fishkill, Ν. Y . , 24, 154η., 269 Flint, Timothy, 44, 254 Flodden, E n g l a n d , 99 Florida, 212 " F l o w e r G i r l of Antioch, T h e " (Elizabeth Oakes Smith), 22627 " F l y i n g Head, T h e " (Hoffman), 132 F o r d h a m , Ν. Y . , 286 Foreign Quarterly Review, The, ' 4 5 . 234. 235"·, 239. 239"· " F o r e s t Cemetery, T h e " (Hoffm a n ) , 274η. "Forest Musings" (Hoffman), 174, 248 F o r m a n , Samuel Ε., 13η. Forster, J o h n , 146, 146η.
Fort (at the Battery, N e w Y o r k ) , 5n. Fort Hamilton, L o n g Island, Ν. Y . , 246 Foster, E m i l y , u n . Foust, Clement E., 80, 80η., 83η. France, 2, n o Francis, C . S., 1 1 7 , J o h n W . , h , 39, 40η., io6n., 158, i j 8 n . , 262 Francis Berrian (Timothy Flint), 254 Frank Forester (pseudonym of Henry W . H e r b e r t ) , 68n. Freedom, Fredonia (proposed name f o r United States), 1C2 Freemasonry, 7 French, i6, 49, 254, 285 l a n g u a g e , 30, 68n. French Reader, or a Step to Translation by Progressive Exercises ( J . F. A . B o e u f ) , 95 French Revolution, 2 1 0 F r e n e a u , Philip, 1 3 - 1 4 , 103, 145, 235, 262 Friendly C l u b : see also Drone, 1 1 Frisbie, P r o f . , 254 Fronde, T h e , 2η. " F r o n t i e r Incident, A " ( H o f f m a n ) , 229η. Fuller, S a r a h M a r g a r e t , 256, 273 F . W . X . Y . Z . S . (signature of anonymous contributor), 140η. G a l l a t i n , Albert, 39, 1 1 7 G a n g e s R i v e r , 139 Gazette and Times, The, 104η., io6n., 170, 177, 177η., 274, 2 7 4 η · ι 275, 277, 277η. Gems of American Poetry (R. W . G r i s w o l d ) , 136η., 244 General and Memorial History of the State of Ne >3·32
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, ion., 20η., 23η., 26η., 69η., 72η., 98, Ι02-4, m , 115, 125η., 1 3 ' , ' 3 , η · > ' 3 4 . ' 3 6 η . , 140-41, ΐ 4 ' η · , '46η·, 147-48, Η2, 144-45. 148η., 151-53, Ι53Π., 154, 154"·, ' 6 6 , Ι70, ΐ7οη., 177η·, ι85, ι88η., 2 2 ΐ η . , 222η., 227η., 228η., 229η., 23οη., 2 3 i n . , 235, 2 43 η ·> 245η., 249 η >, 2 5 5 η · , 2 59 η ·> 263η., 276η., 277η., 278-80, 2 8 2 ; lett e r s , 221-22, 222-23, 2 2 4 , 22627, 227-30, 230, 23Ο-32, 232, 2 33> 233-34, 2 34-36, 2 3 7 . 2 3 7 " 38, 238-39, 239-40, 240-41, 2 4 ' 43, 243-44, 244-46, 246-47, 24849, 249-50, 250-51, 252-53, 253, 253-55, 255-56, 256-57, 257-58, 258-59, 259-60, 261-62, 262-63, 263-64, 264-67, 269-70, 270-71, 2 7 ' - 7 2 , 272, 272-74, 274-75, 275-77, 277, 287-88 , W . Μ., 72η., 9 ° η · , 98η., ιο2η., 103η., Ι 3 4 η · , ' 3 6 η . , 146η., 153"-. ι66η., 185η., 227η., 259η·, 262η., 276η. G u i l d e n s t e r n ( c h a r a c t e r in Hamlet), 93 G u y ( H o f f m a n d o g ) , 218 "H"
( H o f f m a n s i g n a t u r e ) , 36, 6870, 295η., 297, 297η., 299-301, 304, 304η., 3o6, 306η. H a g u e , T h e , H o l l a n d , 26
INDEX H a l l , J a m e s , 96 H a l l e c k , F i t z - G r e e n e , 25η., 31η., 33, 4 ο η · > 59-6°, 62, 78, »03-4. ΐ ' 5 - " 7 , >43. 197. »55, *55η.. 257 H a m i l t o n , A l e x a n d e r , 8-9, 13, " 7 . 236 H e r k i m e r , N i c h o l a s , 128 Hesperian, The, 86n. H e w e t , H . W . , 168-69 He 36-37, 37"·. 3«, 38η., 4144, 44"·, 46, 48η., 49η., 50η., 54, 55, 63, 67-68, 77 η ·, 87, 9 1 · 9 ι η ·> 92, 92Π., 93η·, 94, 94η·, 95, 95 η ·, 96η., 97. ΐ3°> Ι 42η., 151, 167, Ι 7 1 , , 9 9 η · · 202, 2ο6η., 230, 230η., 295η., 296η., 297η., 298η., 299η., 3°°η., 3 ° ι η . New York Assembly, 9 New-York Book of Poetry, The, 77, 77η., 78, 8o, 209 N e w Y o r k City d i r e c t o r y , 136η. New York City Directory for 18271S28, The, 27η. New York City Directory, The, 1829, 193η. New York City Directory for 1846 and 1847, The, i 6 6 n . New York City in Olden Timet; Consisting of Newspaper Cuttings Arranged by Henry Onderdonk, Jr., 5η. New York Code ( D a v i d D u d l e y F i e l d ) , 160 New-York Commercial Advertiser, 25η. New-Yorker, The, 41η., ji, 71η., 72, 77 η ·, 78-79. 79 η ·, 84-85, 85η., 86η., 87, 89, ι ι 6 η - , ΐ 2 2 , '33-34, Ι 4 ι η · , 223, 3 ° 7 η -
INDEX New Yorkers, 78, 80-81, 158, 1 6 0 New-York Evening Post, The, 21, 39η., 40II., 4 i , 4 i n . , 44η., 6o, 72η., 98η., 1 3 2 - 3 3 , 1 3 7 , 137η., 138η., 1 6 3 , 163η., 176η., 177» 242, 29JO. New-York Gazette, 2 1 , 2 1 η . New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 2n. Ν etc York Globe, The, 165, i88n. New York Herald, 235 New York Historical and Genealogical Register, 12η. New Y o r k Historical Society, n n . , 105η., i 2 i n . , 124, i j 6 n . , 158, 162-64, 180Π., 208η., 212η., 213η., 214, 2 1 7 η . , 248η., 271 New York Historical Society, Proceedings for ¡843, 158η. New York in the Nineteenth Century (Samuel O s g o o d ) , 58η. New Y o r k Legislature, 36 New-York Mirror, The, 36, 36η., 6o, 63, 87, 90, 90η., 1 1 3 - 1 6 , 1 1 9 , 130, 138, 223, 263, 2 7 1 New Y o r k Public L i b r a r y , 5η., 69η., ιο8η., 207η., 267η., 277η., 2 8 ι η . New York Quarterly, The, 2 1 3 , 21311. New New
York Review, The, 79, 86 York State's Prominent and Progressive Men (Mitchell C . H a r r i s o n ) , 7η. New-York Tribune, The, 140η., 142, i86, i86n.. 232, 273, 273η. Niblo's G a r d e n , N e w Y o r k , 1 1 8 , n 8 n . , 195 " N i g h t i n g a l e C l u b , " 194 " N i g h t on the Enchanted Mountains, A " ( H o f f m a n ) , 45, 1 2 1 "Nights in an Indian Lodge" ( H o f f m a n ) , 1 2 1 , 302η. Niobe, 93 Noah, 135η. Norman Leslie ( T h e o d o r e S. F a y ) , 102, 255
North, Christopher, 1 4 7 North American Review, The, 1 4 a , 146η., 1 7 2 Northern States, 33η. North R i v e r , 157, 272 "Notes on New Books" (column in Daily National Intelligencer), 263η. Notions of the Americans ( C o o p e r ) , 59 O ' C a l l a g h a n , Edmund Bailey, i n . , 4η., i o 6 - 7 ,
Fellows' Offering for 1848, The (ed. by J a m e s L . R i d g e l y and Paschal D o n a l d s o n ; , 315η. Ogden, Gertrude G o u v e r n e u r , 4. See also G o u v e r n e u r , G e r t r u d e . , John, 4 , Sarah, 4. See also H o f f m a n , S a r a h Ogden "Oh Cherish T h e m A l l " ( H o f f man),
Ohio, 47 R i v e r , 76 O j i b w a , 315, 316η. "Old Ironsides" (The Constitution), 8 Old New York (John W . F r a n c i s ) , i m . , 158η. Oliver Goldsmith ( I r v i n g ) , 60 Oliver Twist (Dickens), 121 Onderdonk, Benjamin T . , 256 Oneota, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America (Henry R . Schoolcraft), 258, 258η., 259,
the G r a v e of a F r i e n d " ( H o f f m a n ) , 292 Opal, A Pure Gift for the Holy Days,
The, 226, 232, 232η., 233
η., 314η. Ophelia (character in Hamlet), 189η. Orange, Prince of, 5η. Oregon, 108
Oregon Trail, The (Francis P a r k m a n ) , 108 " O r i g i n a l of Scott's Rebecca, T h e " (Joseph J a c o b s ) , 56η. Oriskany, Battle of, 128 Osceola (Seminole C h i e f ) , 2 1 2 Osgood, Samuel, 58η. O ' S u l l i v a n , 247 Otis B r o a d e r s and Co., 84 "Ouisconsin T e r r i t o r y , " 50 Our Neighborhood, or Letters on Horticulture and Natural Phenomena, Interspersed with Opinions on Domestic and Moral Economy ( E . B l i s s ) , 94. Outlines of History from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (Dionysius L a r d n e r ) , 94 O v e r r e a c h , Sir Giles (in Massing e r s Λ New Way to Pay Old Debts), 93 " O v e r the Mountains" ( M o r r i s ) , 175 Paine & Burgess, 269-70 Palatinate, 2η. Palmerston, Lord Henry John Temple, 110, non. Paltsits, Victor Hugo, 14η. P a n z a , Sancho, 145, 235 Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, The, 35η. P a r i s , France, 20η. Parisian, i ; o P a r k e r , Theodore, 265, 265η. P a r k m a n , Francis, 106, 108-9, Parliament, British, 5η., n o P a r n a s s u s , 146 P a s c a g o u l a B a y , Miss., 144η. Passages from the Correspondence and Other Papers of Rufus W. Criswold (W. M. Griswold), 72η. and as op. cit. Paternoster R o w , London, 97 Path on the Rainbow, The (ed. byG e o r g e W . C r o n y n ) , 316η.
Patterson, A . D., 68 Paulding, J a m e s Κ . , 6n., 40η., 42, 61, 79, 98, 1 1 7 , 165 P a w k n e e ( P a w n e e ) Indians, 256 Payne, J o h n H o w a r d , 61 Peabodv, Major (character in l anderlyn), 76 Peabody and Company, 41 Pearl Street, New Y o r k , 58 Pelham ( B u l w e r ) , 94, 97 Pennsylvania, 30, 49, 67, 186, 204 Pennsylvania Historical Society, 78η., 85η., 89η., ιο8η., ι88η., 22ΐη., 196η., 199η., 215η., 279η. Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, 185η. Percival, J a m e s G a t e s , 33 Perrott, G e o r g e . 20η. Pe-veril of the Peak (Scott), ι ο ί P f a l z (a f o r m e r G e r m a n state), 2n. Philadelphia, Pa., 10, 1 3 - 1 4 , 19, 56η., 67, 78η., 80-84, 85η., m , 129, 138η., i4in., 150η., 154η., 175. J 8 5 n · , 188η., 189, 1 9 1 , 199η., 202, 222η., 227η., 229η., 231η., 238, 241, 245η., 246, 24951, 25ΐη., 252, 258, 259η., ζ β ι , 264, 269, 275η., 279. 2^7, 289, 2S9n., 3 Ι 0 η · . 3 Ι Ι η · . 3 ' 4 η · P h i l a d e l p h i a ^ 81 Phillips, M a r y Ε., ι88η. Philological Society, 8-9 Pickwickian, 164 Piermont, John, n 6 , Ν. Y . , 124, 2 1 7 Pilgrims, 5, 178 Pine Street, N e w Y o r k , 29, 193 Pioneers of New York, The ( H o f f m a n ) , 159, 159η., 178, 178η., >79"·, ι8+η· Pittsburgh, Pa., 49 Plays of Philip Massinger, The (\V. G i f f o r d ) , 95 Pliny, 193
INDEX Plymouth, Mass., 178 Rock, 159, 180 Poe, E d g a r A l l a n , 89, 89η., 1 1 7 , 124η., 125η., 139» ' 3 9 η · . 154. '8ο, ι88η., 229η., 2370·» 243"·· 253η., 26ο, 263-64; letter o f , 283-86 Hoffman, Poems of Charles Fenno The, Collected and Edited by his Nephew, Edward Fenno Hoffman, 176η., 289η. Poetical Scripture Sketches ( W i l l i s ) , see Sketches Poetry of the Magyars (John B o w r i n g ) , 259η. " P o e t r y of T r a d e or Sunbeams f r o m Cucumbers, T h e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 168 Poets and Poetry of America (anonymous), 141η. Poets and Poetry of America, The ( R . W . G r i s w o l d ) , 20η., 23η. and as op. cit., 7 1 , 1 1 5 , 141-42, 145, 148, 170, 2 2 1 η . , 223η., 224, 227n., 228η., 229η., 230, 230η., 2 3 1 , 234. 245η-> 24&> 262 Poets of America Illustrated by one of her Painters (John Keese), 152 Politian an Unfinished Tragedy ( E d g a r A l l a n Poe, ed. T . O. M a b b o t t ) , 125η. Political Activities of Philip Freneau, The, John Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science (Samuel E. F o r m a n ) , 13η. Polk, J a m e s K., 248 Popular Essays on Naval Subjects (Alexander Slidell Mackenzie), 276η. Porter and Coates, 289η. Portland, M a i n e , 253 " P o r t r a i t , A " ( H o f f m a n ) , 247 "Portraiture" (Gulian C. Verp l a n c k ) , 78η.
Posti, K a r l , 138 Poughkeepsie, Ν. Y., 4, 20, 20η. , County Clerk's Office, 3η. P r a i r i e du Chien, Wis., 50 Pratt, H. Ζ., u s Preston, W i l l i a m Campbell, n o "Primeval Woods" (Hoffman), 225, 22;n., 241 Princeton, The (boat), 243 Princeton, N. J., 204 University, 106η. Proceedings of Neentha" (Huffman), 274, 274η. T a y l o r , B a v a r d , m , 1 5 5 ; letter to, 278 , Marie Hansen-, 155η., 278η. , Z a c h a r y , 186, 2 6 7 η . ; letters, 267-68, 268 Tennessee, 248 T e x a s , 162 Thaw King's Visit to Neiu York, The ( H o f f m a n ) , 37η. T h a y e n d a n e g e a : see also Joseph Brant, 105 "Thoughts, Thoughts" (Hoffman), 237, 237η. Times, The, 170 Tippecanoe (nickname of W i l l i a m Henry H a r r i s o n ) , 2 1 9 "To " ( H o f f m a n ) , 289-90, 291 " T o an Autumn R o s e " ( H o f f m a n ) , 138η. " T o a W a t e r f o w l " ( B r y a n t ) , 157 " T o a Waxen Rose" (Hoffman), 175 Tokeah), Tokeah (character in 138η. Tokeah, or The White Rose ( C h a r l e s Sealsfield), 138, 138η. Token, The, 195, 196η., 199, 199η. Token for 1842, The, 309η. " T o the Hudson R i v e r " ( H o f f m a n ) , 174 Tour on the Prairies, A (Irving), 59. 67
INDEX "Town Repinings" (Hoffman), 138η. "Traveller, The" (Goldsmith), 170η., 2¡6 T r e a s u r y Department, 39, 136η. T r e n t , W . P., 125η. T r i s m a n , Mr., 108 Tuckerman, B a y a r d , 43η., 135η. , Henry T h e o d o r e , 66, 104η., 131, 136, 148η., 154) 1541·· 1^3, 168, 170, 170η., 177°·. 222, 22¡n., 230-31, 239, 243. 246, 252-53, 25411., 257, 263-64, 271 T u r n e r , Frederick Jackson, 47a. "Twin-Doomed, T h e " (Hoffman), 113, 121 Two American Pioneers, Seba Smith and Elizabeth Oakes Smith ( M a r y A l i c e W y m a n ) , 104η. T y l e r , John, 219 , Robert, 247 Typee ( M e l v i l l e ) , 104 Ulster County, Ν. Y . , 2 Union, 33, 33η., 4on., 51, 81, 143, 212, 214, 220 United States, Official Register of the, 136η., 187 , Ordnance Survey, 123 Stateser (suggested name f o r citizen of United States), x£i, 164 United States Gazette, The, 12-13, 14η., 15η., 16, 153 United States History of the Early Settlement of Ne '66η. , Woodrow, 5η. Winsor, Justin, 12η. Wintergreen, The, A Perennial Gift for 1844, 3 t i n . Winter in the West, A ( H o f f m a n ) , 24, 45n·. 5οη·, 51η., 54, 54Π., 65-66, 97, I24n., 125η., 1 3 1 , 147, '57 Wistar family, 222 "Witch of Endor, T h e " (Elizabeth Oakes Smith), 226 Woman in the Nineteenth Century ( S a r a h M a r g a r e t F u l l e r ) , 256
"Women of the M a y f l o w e r , T h e " (Elizabeth Oakes Smith), 168 Woolson, Lulu M a y Fenno, 12η. Woolson Fenno Ancestry (Lulu M a y Fenno Woolson), 12η. Wordsworth, William, 1 0 1 , 2 7 1 Works of Fisher Ames (ed. by Seth A m e s ) , 14η. Worth, William Jenkins, 2 1 2 Writers of Knickerbocker New York, The (H. W . M a b i e ) , 59η. W y m a n , M a r y Alice, 104η., 255η. i Y a l e University, Library of, 220η., 28on. Yankeedom (proposed name f o r United States), 164 Yankee Doodle (proposed name f o r United States), 162-63 Yankeeism, 265 Yankees, 103, 147, 205, 214, 256, 262, 265 Yates, 107 Year in Spain, A (Alexander Slidell Mackenzie), 40, 72η., 276η. " Y e l l o w J a c k " ( H o f f m a n ) , 233η. Yellowstone River, 50 Yelverton, Anthony, 3η. Yemassee, The ( W . G . S i m m s ) , 102 Y o u n g Men's Convention, 77η. Zieber, G . B., 245, 245η. Zophiel; or, The Bride of Seven ( M a r i a Gowen Brooks), 272η.
VITA H o m e r F . Barnes, the son of J . Walter Barnes and Olive Cooper Barnes, was born in Fairmont, W e s t Virginia, M a y 1 2 , 1 8 9 5 . H e attended the Fairmont Public Schools, completing the high-school course in June, 1 9 1 3 . H e then attended the Fairmont State N o r m a l School 1 9 1 3 - 1 4 ; and entered West Virginia University in the f a l l of 1 9 1 4 , receiving the degree of Bachelor of A r t s in June, 1 9 1 7 . H e enlisted in the United States A r m y in M a y , 1 9 1 7 , served overseas and was discharged in July, 1 9 1 9 as Captain of Infantry. H e attended the University of O x f o r d during the spring term of 1 9 1 9 ; H a r v a r d University 1 9 1 9 - 2 0 ( A . M . , 1 9 2 0 ) ; and Columbia University 1 9 2 4 - 2 6 . H e taught at T a b o r Academy, Marion, Massachusetts, 1 9 2 0 - 2 4 ; at Morristown School, Morristown, N e w J e r s e y , 1 9 2 4 - 2 6 ; and at Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio, 1 9 2 6 - .