Case Studies in the Beer Sector
9780128177341, 0128177349
Case Studies in the Beer Sector investigates managerial and marketing dynamics in the beer sector. It explores the relev
Pages 390
Year 2020
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Table of contents :
Case Studies in the Beer Sector
List of contributors
Introduction: Global trends in the beer market
Purpose of the book
Overview of the chapters and their contribution
1 Industrial beer versus craft beer: definitions and nuances
1.1 Introduction
1.2 How beer is made
1.3 Craft beer versus industrial beer
1.4 Changes in the global beer market
1.5 The “Japanese beer wars”: an example of market change
1.6 Trends in the global beer market
1.7 Conclusion: the role of consumers
Consulted websites
2 Understanding the behavior of beer consumers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Study objective
2.3 Study method
2.4 Results
2.4.1 Beer demand, policy design, and public health concerns
2.4.2 Sensory perceptions, preferences, and emotional responses to beer
2.4.3 Beer consumer attitudes, perceptions, and choices
2.4.4 New trends in beer consumption
2.5 Discussion
2.6 Conclusion
3 Craft beers and breweries in the United Kingdom: where now, what next?
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Real ales and craft breweries in the United Kingdom
3.3 British beer festivals: place branding and tourism
3.4 Exporting Britishness with beers
3.5 United Kingdom craft breweries: what next?
Further reading
4 Craft breweries and tourism best practices across the life cycle
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Literature review
4.3 Method
4.4 Results
4.4.1 Tourism practices one: Tasting bars and tours
4.4.2 Tourism practices two: Festival participation
4.5 Discussion
4.5.1 Implications for theory
4.5.2 Implications for managers
4.6 Conclusion
5 From drinking beer to experiencing beer: the British beer market and the Castle Rock Brewery case
5.1 Introduction: The British beer market
5.2 The Castle Rock Brewery experience
5.2.1 Anticipation of trends
5.2.2 Continuous reinvention
5.2.3 Customers education
5.2.4 Community engagement
5.3 Conclusion: Case learnings
6 Sites of consumption and sights of production: brew bars and craft beer in the city
6.1 Introduction: the rise of craft beer and more-than-commodity production
6.2 Crafting consumption: the glocalization of barscapes
6.3 Spatializing the craft beer product life cycle: a typology
6.3.1 Stage 1: Precraft—globalized production and consumption
6.3.2 Stage 2: Pioneer—experimentation and early adopters
6.3.3 Stage 3: Early boom—consolidation and competition
6.3.4 Stage 4: Late boom—differentiation and concentration
6.3.5 Stage 5: Postcraft—oligopolistic competition and homogenized differentiation
6.4 Sites of consumption: the “barscape” in Wellington
6.5 Sights of production: brew bars
6.5.1 “Independent artisanal craft” microbarscape case study—Husk
6.5.2 “Corporate craft” microbarscape case study—Whistling Sisters
6.6 Conclusion: recrafting the city
7 Bira 91—the spring of magic
7.1 A brief overview of Indian beer market
7.2 Market segmentation
7.3 Major players in Indian beer market
7.4 Debut of Bira 91
7.5 Story behind
7.6 Evolving nature of Indian consumers
7.7 Bira 91 strategies
7.8 Product strategy of the brewery
7.9 Pricing strategy of the brewery
7.10 Future plans
7.11 The road ahead
7.12 An analytical view to unearth the success factors
7.13 Conclusion
8 The sleeping dragon: investigating the “Chinese craft beer revolution” through the lens of generational cohorts
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Literature review
8.2.1 A brief history of beer in China
8.2.2 China’s craft beer revolution
8.2.3 Chinese generational cohorts
8.3 Methodology
8.3.1 Methods and research design
8.3.2 Sample and recruitment
8.3.3 Instrument design, measures, and procedures
8.3.4 Instrument translation, data cleaning, and statistical procedures
8.4 Quantitative results
8.4.1 Descriptive statistics
8.4.2 Beer perception scales
8.4.3 Generational differences—beer perceptions
8.4.4 Generational differences—beer consumption frequency
8.4.5 Generational differences—Chinese craft beer consumption
8.5 Qualitative results
8.6 Discussion
8.7 Conclusion
9 Category convergence and product innovation: the competitive scenario for microbreweries
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Industry drivers for craft brewing
9.3 Goals and methods
9.4 Product innovation
9.5 Convergence between artisanal wine and craft beer
9.6 New product development and category convergence: the cases of Pagnoncelli Folcieri and Birra Spalmabile
9.6.1 Pagnoncelli Folcieri
9.6.2 Birra Spalmabile
9.7 Discussion and conclusions
10 A barnacle-flavored beer?: consumer acceptance of flamboyant tastes in the brewery industry
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Literature review
10.2.1 Food liking
10.2.2 Preference and acceptance of unconventional flavors
10.2.3 Product familiarity
10.3 Methodology
10.3.1 Sampling and fieldwork
10.3.2 Data analysis
10.4 Results
10.4.1 Principal component analysis
10.4.2 Descriptive analysis and analysis of variance Liking and disliking for conventional flavors Analysis of variance for conventional flavors Liking and disliking for flamboyant flavors Analysis of variance for flamboyant flavors
10.5 Conclusions
10.5.1 Managerial implications and research limitations
10.5.2 The case of the brewing company Estrella Galicia
11 Beer farms in Tuscany: a case study
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Theoretical background
11.2.1 Authenticity, neolocalism, and local identity
11.2.2 Storytelling: a new marketing strategy
11.3 Materials and methods
11.4 Results
11.4.1 Identity and history of the company
a) History
b) The idea
c) Brand
d) The “heroes”
e) The values
f) Objectives
g) The products
11.4.2 Critical issues and solutions
a) Raw materials and production process
b) The agricultural beer
c) Environmental issue
11.5 Conclusion
12 Craft and agricultural brewing in the Marche region: theoretical and empirical implications of global versus local sourcing
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The theoretical framework
12.3 The craft beer industry in Italy and the Marche region
12.4 Methodology
12.5 Results
12.5.1 Quantitative analysis
12.5.2 Qualitative analysis: case study evidence
12.6 Conclusion, limitations, and future research
Appendix A —interview guide (focus on global sourcing activities)
13 How the gastro-communitas spirit of craft breweries can anchor and shape broader gastro-tourism destination development:...
13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Breweries as gastro-tourism entities
13.2 Theoretical background
13.3 Methodology and analysis
13.4 Findings
13.4.1 Tourists and breweries are codependent
13.4.2 Brewery tourists seek memorable experiences
13.4.3 Brewery tourists are both deliberate and incidental
13.4.4 Breweries as gastro-attractions within local gastro-clusters
13.4.5 Breweries as gastro-anchors impact gastro-tourism destination development
13.4.6 Brewery-specific communitas hospitality The relatable story—know and promote your differentiating features Space that promotes inclusive interactions Staff that live the story Memorable experiences Food offerings that fit! Do not lose the story—reinforce it!
13.5 Brewery-led gastro-tourism destination development 12-point (6+6) model
13.6 Implications and future research
13.7 Conclusion
Further reading
14 The case of “Birra Korça”—an Albanian success story
14.1 Introduction
14.2 The Albanian beer industry and consumer profile
14.3 Birra Korça, a story of success
14.4 Birra Korça: Innovation and brand positioning
14.4.1 The heritage of the brand
14.4.2 Brand history
14.4.3 Longevity of the brand
14.4.4 Track record
14.4.5 Brand core values
14.4.6 Brand symbols
14.5 Conclusion
15 Sustainable brewing practices in Norway: using local ingredients and traditional brewing techniques
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Sustainable brewing: recent trends
15.3 Norwegian brewing traditions
15.4 Beer market in Norway
15.5 Craft breweries in Norway: growth and trends
15.6 Case: Eik & Tid
15.6.1 Sustainable brewing practice
15.6.2 Marketing mix Products and prices Distribution Promotional efforts
15.7 Discussion
16 Sustainable value: the perspective of microbreweries in peripheral northern areas
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Theoretical approach
16.2.1 Sustainability and related business concepts
16.2.2 Microbreweries and sustainability: value, value propositions, and cocreation
16.3 Case study
16.4 Findings and discussion
16.4.1 Entrepreneurs’ understanding of sustainability
16.4.2 Relations relevant to value creation and cocreation
16.5 Conclusion
17 Craft beer in the land of the purity law—the German beer industry and the purity requirement in the course of time
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Overview of the German craft beer market
17.3 The German Purity Law
17.4 Qualitative research method
17.5 Meaning of the Purity Law for the German craft beer scene
17.6 Possible definitions for craft beer in Germany
17.7 Positive and negative aspects of the Purity Law for the German beer market
17.8 Conclusion
18 The social ethics of craft consumption. The case of craft beer in a regulated market
18.1 Introduction
18.2 The craft consumer and ethical consumption
18.3 Craft beer in the Swedish context
18.4 Method
18.5 Findings
18.5.1 Crafting resistance against an unequal society
18.5.2 Crafting resistance against ignorant consumers
18.5.3 Crafting relative betterness
18.5.4 Crafting local unification
18.6 Discussion
19 Integrating sustainability in the Romanian beer industry. Case study: URSUS Breweries
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Literature background
19.3 Objectives and methodology
19.4 The beer sector positioning within the Romanian beverage industry
19.5 The Romanian beer sector
19.6 URSUS breweries’ case study on sustainability in the Romanian beer sector
19.7 Conclusion
20 Concepts and practices of sustainable craft beer in Italy: a case study analysis
20.1 Introduction
20.2 The Italian beer market
20.3 Drivers for the development of the craft beer industry in Italy
20.4 Method
20.5 Findings
20.5.1 Business strategy and marketing mix
20.5.2 Approach to sustainability
20.6 Discussion
20.7 Conclusion
21 Strategical implications and future developments for the beer sector
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Strategical implications
21.2.1 Increasing relevance of beer tourism
21.2.2 Destination branding through brewery-driven gastro-tourism
21.2.3 The crucial role of distribution channels
21.2.4 Cooperation for beer export
21.2.5 Increased differentiation and product innovation
21.2.6 Adopting a terroir-based approach
21.2.7 The power of storytelling and brand heritage
21.2.8 Listening to the voice of beer consumers
21.2.9 Global consumption patterns versus market segmentation
21.2.10 Flamboyant and unconventional flavors as an appealing quality cue for consumers
21.2.11 New strategies for the millennial generation and modern lifestyles
21.2.12 More awareness about the importance of corporate social responsibility in the beer industry
21.2.13 Thinking sustainability in the beer industry
21.2.14 Sustainability, creativity, and brewing traditions
21.2.15 The ethical side of craft beer
21.3 Future developments
Author Index
Subject Index