Cartilla Y LVZ. En La Verdadera

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Digit al Hist orical Document s The f ollowing document is a digit al copy of an exist ing hist or ical document or manuscr ipt . This document has been labor iously scanned by Mat hew Howden and conver t ed int o Por t able Document For mat (PDF) by J ef f Richar dson f or t he pur pose of making it publicly available t o t he Hist or ical Re-enact ment communit y at lar ge.

Dist ribut ion Please f eel f r ee t o dist r ibut e unalt er ed copies of t his document via elect r onic means. Do not pr of it f r om t hese document s however , not e t he copyr ight f or t his digit al t r anscr ipt ion: Digit al Transcript ion Copyright 2002, Mat hew Howden and J ef f rey J . Richardson.

Document Format For t hese digit al f acsimiles, an ef f or t is made t o wor k f r om t he clear est and best sour ces available at t he t ime. Gener ally t hese document s ar e scanned on a f lat bed scanner and t hen t he individual pages ar e assembled using Acr obat t o cr eat e t he PDF f iles. PDF was chosen because of t he f r eely available r eader and it s compr essed f or mat makes it ideal f or I nt er net dist r ibut ion.