Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70 9781442672208

Twenty-one years, 1950-70, are covered in this, the fourth index of the Canadian Historical Review.

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Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70

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The Canadian Historical Review Index VOLUMES XXXI-LI 1950-70

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The Canadian Historical Review Index



University of Toronto Press 197*+ Toronto and Buffalo Printed in Canada ISBN 0-8020-2156-5 CN ISSN 0008-3658 LC 23-16213


Twenty-one years, 1950-70> are covered in this, the fourth index of the Canadian Historical Review. The three previous volumes covered only a decade each, and yet were large tomes, mainly "because they included a separate listing for each entry in the bibliographical section, Recent Publications Relating to Canada. In the last twenty years, however, many bibliographies of Canadian publications have appeared, and many journals, both local and national, have adopted the practice of listing current articles and books in their field. It therefore seems no longer necessary for the index to the CHR to include more than a clear presentation of its own articles, reviews, and notes and comments. The present index is divided into seven sections. Articles and review articles are indexed by author and by key subject word, reviews by author and by reviewer of the book. Recent Publications, correspondence, obituaries, and university staff appointments are listed in a separate section. The index was prepared by Audrey Douglas in collaboration with the Periodicals and Editorial Departments of the University of Toronto Press. The assistance of the Canada Council towards publication of this index is gratefully acknowledged.

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Introduction / v 1

Articles: Authors / 3




Review Articles: Authors / 35


Review Articles: Subject / 37


Books Reviewed: Authors / 39


Books Reviewed:

Subject-Title / 13

Reviewers / 135

7 Miscellaneous / 217 Recent Publications Relating to Canada; Correspondence; Obituaries; University Staff Appointments

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The Canadian Historical Review Index VOLUMES XXXI-LI


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Articles: Authors

Abella, Irving Martin. 'The "Sydenham Election" of 181*1,' xlvii, 1966 A, 326 Aoheson, T.W. 'The Nature and Structure of York Commerce in 1820s,' 1,1969A,1+06 Adair, E.H. 'The French-Canadian Seigneury,' xxxv,1951+/3,18? Allen, Richard. 'The Social Gospel and the Reform Tradition in Canada, 1890-1928,' xlix,1968A,38l Alway, Richard M.H. 'Hepburn, King, and the Rowell-Sirois Commission,' xlviii,1967/2,113 Armstrong, F.H. 'William Lyon Mackenzie, First Mayor of Toronto: A Study of a Critic in Power,' xlviii , 1967 A,309 Arthur, M. Elizabeth. 'French-Canadian Participation in the Government of Canada, 1775-1785,' xxxii,1951 A,303 Baker, W.M. 'A Case Study of Anti-Americanism in English-Speaking Canada: The Election Campaign of 1911,' li,1970A,1*26 Baldwin, J.R. 'The First Flag of the Canadian Merchant Marine,1 xlvii,1966/2,136 Balls, H.R. 'Quebec, 1763-1771+: The Financial Administration,' xli, 1960/3,203 Banks, Margaret A. 'Edward Blake's Relations with Canada during His Irish Career, 1892-1907,' xxxv,195^/1,22 -'The Change in Liberal Party Leadership, 1887,' xxxviii,1957/2,109 Barber, Marilyn. "The Ontario Bilingual Schools Issue: Sources of Conflict,1 xlvii,1966/3,227 Baylen, Joseph 0. 'W.T. Stead and the Boer War: The Irony of Idealism,' xl,1959A,30l+ Beck, J. Murray. 'The Nova Scotian "Disputed Election" of 1859 and Its Aftermath,' xxxvi,1955A,293 -'Joseph Howe: Opportunist or Empire-builder?' xli,1960/3,185 Bercuson, David J. 'The Winnipeg General Strike, Collective Bargaining, and the One Big Union Issue,' li,1970/2,161+ Bissell, Claude T. 'Literary Taste in Central Canada during the Late Nineteenth Century,' xxi,1950/3,237

k I Canadian Historical Review Index Bliss, J.M. 'The Methodist Church and World War I,1 xlix,1968/3,213 Bond, C.C.J. See Hitsman, J. MacKay

Brown, R. Craig. 'Goldwin Smith and Anti-imperialism,1 xliii,1962/ 2,93 - and Michael Cross. 'At the Beginning of Year 51,' li,1970/1,1 Brunet, Michel. "The British Conquest: Canadian Social Scientists and the Fate of the Canadiens,' xl,1959/2,93. See also correspondence of Everett C. Hughes and M. Brunet, xl, 19 59 A, 368-70 Burke, Sister Teresa Avila. 'Mackenzie and His Cabinet, 1873-1878,' xli,1960/2,128 Burroughs, Peter. 'The Search for Economy: Imperial Administration of Nova Scotia in the 1830s,' xlix,1968/1,2k Burt, A.L. 'Peter Mitchell on John A. Macdonald,1 xlii,1961/2,209 Cairns, John C. 'Politics and Foreign Policy: The French Parliament, 1911-11*,' xxxiv,1953/3,2l*5 Campbell, Charles S., Jr. 'American Tariff Interests and the Northeastern Fisheries, 1883-1888,' xlv,1961*/3,212 Caplan, Gerald L. 'The Failure of Canadian Socialism: The Ontario Experience, 1932-19^5,' xliv,1963/2,93 Careless, J.M.S. 'Mid-Victorian Liberalism in Central Canadian Newspapers, 1850-67,' xxxi,1950/3,221 -'Frontierism, Metropolitanism, and Canadian History,1 xxxv,195^/l>l -'The Independent Member for Kent Reports, 1853,' xxxviii,1957/1,^1 -'"Limited Identities" in Canada,' 1,1969/1,1 -'The Review Reviewed Or Fifty Years with the Beaver Patrol,' li, 1970/1,1+8 Chapman, J.K. 'The Mid-Nineteenth-Century Temperance Movement in New Brunswick and Maine,1 xxxv,195l*/l,l*3 -'Arthur Gordon and Confederation,' xxxvii,1956/2,11+1 Chaput, Donald. 'Some Repatriement Dilemmas,' xlix,1968/1*,1*00 Cherwinski, W.J.C. ' "Honore" Joseph Jaxon, Agitator, Disturber, producer of plans to make men think, and Chronic Objector....",' xlvi,1965/2,122 Cook, Ramsay. 'Church, Schools, and Politics in Manitoba, 1903-1912,' xxxix,1958/1,1 -'J.W. Dafoe at the Imperial Conference, 1923,' xli,1960/1,19 -'Dafoe, Laurier, and the Formation of Union Government,' xlii,196l/ 3,185 -'Good-Bye to All That,' xlix,1968/3,275 Creighton, D.G. 'The United States and Canadian Confederation,' xxxix,1958/3,209 Cross, Michael. See Brown, R. Craig Crowhurst, R.P. 'The Labrador Question and the Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol, 1763,' 1,1969/1+ ,39k. See also correspondence of Gordon 0. Rothney and R.P. Crowhurst, li, 1970A, 1*80-83 Davenport, T.R.H. 'Nationalism and Conciliation: The Bourassa-Hertzog Posture,1 xliv,1963/3,193 Davis, Harold A. "The Fenian Raid on New Brunswick,1 xxxvi,1955A,3l6 Diubaldo, Richard J. 'Wrangling over Wrangel Island,' xlviii,1967/3, 201 Douglas, W.A.B. "The Sea Militia of Nova Scotia, 171+9-1755: A Comment on Naval Policy,' xlvii,1966/l,22 Duncan, Bingham. 'A Letter on the Fur Seal in Canadian-American Diplomacy,' xliii,1962/1,1*2

Articles: Authors / 5

Eccles, W.J. 'Frontenac and the Iroquois, 1672-1682,' xxxvi,1955/ 1,1 -'Frontenac's Military Policies, 1689-1698: A Reassessment,' xxxvii, 1956/3,201 Eayrs, James. 'The Round Tat>le Movement in Canada, 1909-1920,' xxxviii,1957/1,1 Farr, David M.L. 'Sir John Rose and Imperial Relations: An Episode in Gladstone's First Administration,' xxxiii,1952/1,19 Fay, C.R. 'The Fall of Quebec,' xxxiii,1952/2,165 Ferns, H.S. and Bernard Ostry. 'Mackenzie King and the First World War,' xxxvi,1955/2,93- See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, B. Ostry and A.R.M. Lower, xxxvi,1955/3,292 Fingard, Judith. 'Charles Inglis and his "Primitive Bishoprick" in Nova Scotia,' xlix,1968/3,21+7 Fitzhardinge, L.F. 'Hughes, Borden, and Dominion Representation at the Paris Peace Conference,' xlix,1968/2,160 Flenley, R. 'History and Its Neighbours Today,1 xxxiv,1953A,32l+ Forsey, Eugene. 'Some Notes on the Early History of Unions in P.E.I.,' xlvi, 1965 A, 3l+6 Foster, Josephine. 'The Montreal Riot of 181+9,' xxxii,1951/1>6l Fraser, Barbara. 'The Political Career of Sir Hector Louis Langevin,' xlii,1961/2,93 Galbraith, John S. 'Land Policies of the Hudson's Bay Company, 18701913,' xxxii,1951/1,1 -'A Note on the Mackenzie negotiations with the Hudson's Bay Company, 1875-1878,' xxxiv,1953/l,39 - See Manning, Helen Taft Garner, John. 'The Enfranchisement of Roman Catholics in the Maritimes,' xxxiv,1953/3,203 Gates, Lillian F. "The Heir and Devisee Commission of Upper Canada, 1797-1805,' xxxviii,1957/1,21 -'The Decided Policy of William Lyon Mackenzie,' xl,1959/3,185 -'Mackenzie's Gazette: An Aspect of W.L. Mackenzie's American Years,' xlvi, 1965 A, 323 Gibbons, Alan 0. 'Sir George Gibbons and the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909,' xxxiv,1953/2,121+ Gibson, James A. 'The Colonial Office View of Canadian Federation, 1856-1868,' xxxv, 195kA,279 -'The Duke of Newcastle and British North American Affairs, 1859-61+,' xliv,1963/2,ll+2 Gillis, D. Hugh. 'Sir John Thompson's Elections,' xxxvii,1956/1,23 Glover, Richard. 'The Witness of David Thompson,' xxxi,1950/1,25 -'A Note on John Richardson's "Digression Concerning Hearne's Route",' xxxii,1951/3,252 Gluek, Alvin C., Jr. "The Riel Rebellion and Canadian-American Relations,' xxxvi,1955/3,199. See also correspondence of W.L. Morton, xxxvi, 1955A,385 -'Imperial Protection for the Trading Interests of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1857-1861,' xxxvii,1956/2,119 -'The Passamaquoddy Bay Treaty, 1910: A Diplomatic Sideshow in Canadian-American Relations,' xlvii,1966/1,1 Graham, Gerald S. 'The Maritime Foundations of Imperial History,' xxxi,1950/2,113

6 / Canadian Historical Review Index Graham, Gerald S. 'Views of General Murray on the Defence of Upper Canada, 1815,' xxxiv,1953/2,158 -'The Defences'of Canada, 1T10 ,' xxxvii,1956/2,167 Graham, W.R. 'Sir Richard Cartwright, Wilfrid Laurier, and Liberal Party Trade Policy, 188?,' xxxiii,1952/1,1 -'Arthur Meighen and the Conservative Party in Quebec: The Election of 1925,' xxxvi,1955/l,17 -'Some Comments on a Credible Canadian,' xxxix,1958A,296 Granatstein, J.L. "The York South By-Election of February 9, 19^2: A Turning Point in Canadian Politics,' xlviii, 1967/2,ll+2 Hallett, Mary. 'The Social Credit Party and the New Democracy Movement: 1939-191*0,' xlvii,1966A,301 Hart, George E. "The Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society, 1820-27: An Early Social Experiment,' xxxiv,1953/2,109 Hartz, Louis. 'Violence and Legality in the Fragment Cultures,' 1, 1969/2,123 Hecht, Irene W.D. 'Is'rael D. Andrews and the Reciprocity Treaty of el 185U: A Reappraisal,1 xliv,1963A,313. See alsoo 'AHote o on Israel

Dewolfe Andrews: Opportunist or Diplomat?,' 1,1969/3,3^5 Helleiner, Karl F. 'An Abortive Plan to Give Up Canada,' xlii,196l/ 1,46 Hill, Robert A. 'A Note on Newspaper Patronage in Canada during the late 1850s and early 1868,' xlix,1968/1,1*1* Hitsman, J. Mackay. 'David Thompson and Defence Research,' xl,1959/ >*,315 -'Winter Troop Movement to Canada, 1862,' xliii,1962/2,127 - and C.C.J. Bond. 'The Assault Landing at Louisbourg, 1758,' xxxv, 195l*A,31^ Howell, Ronald F. 'The Political Testament of Papineau in Exile, 1837,' xxxviii,1957/^,295 Hutt, M.G. 'Abbe P.J.L. Desjardins and the Scheme for the Settlement of French Priests in Canada, 1792-1802,' xxxix,1958/2,93 Hyatt, A.M.J. 'Sir Arthur Currie and Conscription: A Soldier's View,' 1,1969/3,285 Irving, John A. 'The Development of Philosophy in Central Canada from 1850 to 1900,' xxxi,1950/3,252 Jackson, Melvin H. 'The Labrador Landfall of John Cabot: The 11*97 Voyage Reconsidered,' xliv,1963/2,122 Jenkins, Brian. 'The British Government, Sir John A. Macdonald, and the Fenian Claims,1 xlix,1968/2,11*2 Joly de Lotbiniere, A. 'Mr Joly's Mission to London in the Case of Lieutenant-Governor Letellier de Saint-Just,' xxxi, 1950/1*,1*01 Keep, G.R.C. 'The Irish Adjustment in Montreal,' xxxi,1950/1,39 -'A Canadian Emigration Commissioner in Northern Ireland,' xxxiv, 1953/2,151 Kerr, D.G.G. 'The 1867 Elections in Ontario: The Rules of the Game,' li,1970 A,369 King, Joseph Edward. 'The Glorious Kingdom of Saguenay,' xxxi,1950/ 1*, 390 Knaplund, Paul. 'James Stephen on Canadian Banking Laws, 1821-1*6,' xxxi,1950/2,177 -'Arthur Mills' Experiment in Colonization,' xxxiv,1953/2,139

Articles: Authors / 7 Kottman, Richard N. 'Volstead Violated: Prohibition as a Factor in Canadian-American Relations,' xliii,1962/2,106 -'Hoover and Canada: Diplomatic Appointments,1 li,1970/3,292 Lamontagne, Llopold. "The Ninth Crusade,' xxxii,1951/3,220 Lee, Maurice, Jr. 'Scottish History since 19^0,' xl,1959A,319 Levitt, Joseph. 'Henri Bourassa and Modern Industrial Society, 1900191^,' 1,1969/1,31 Lovell, Colin Rhys. 'The Knighting of Francis Hincks,' xxxii,1951/2, 139. See also C.P. Stacey, "The Knighting of Francis Hincks: A Communication,' xxxii,1951/3,301 Lowenthal, David. 'The Maine Press and the Aroostook War,' xxxii, 1951A.315 Lower, A.R.M. 'Loring Christie and the Genesis of the Washington Conference of 1921-1922,' xlvii,1966/1,38 Lowitt, Richard. 'Ontario Hydro: A 1925 Tempest in an American Teapot,1 xlix,1968/3,267 Lupul, Manoly R. 'The Campaign for a French Catholic School Inspector in the North-West Territories 1898-1903,' xlviii,1967/1*,332 McCate, James 0. 'Arbitration and the Oregon Question,' xli,196oA, 308 McCalla, Douglas. "The Commercial Politics of the Toronto Board of Trade, 1850-1860,' 1,1969/1,51 McConica, J.K. 'Kingsford and Whiggery in Canadian History,' xl,1959/ 2,108 McCormack, A.R. 'Arthur Puttee and the Liberal Party, 1899-190^,' li, 1970/2, lltl MacDonald, Herbert. 'Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike,1 xlix, 1968/3,231* McKenty, Neil. 'Mitchell F. Hepburn and the Ontario Election of 1931*,' xlv,1961*A,293. See also correspondence of Richard Bell, xlvi,1965/ 1,99 MacKirdy, K.A. 'Conflict of Loyalties: The Problem of Assimilating the Far Wests into the Canadian and Australian Federations,' xxxii, 195lA,337 MacLean, Guy. 'The Canadian Offer of Troops for Hong Kong, l891+,' xxxviii,1957A,275 -'The Georgian Affair: An Incident of the American Civil War,' xlii, 1961/2,133 MacLeod, Margaret Arnett. "A Note on the Red River Hunt "by John Norquay,' xxxviii,1957/2,129 MacNutt, W.S. 'New Brunswick's Age of Harmony: The Administration of Sir John Harvey,' xxxii,1951/2,105 -'The Coming of Responsible Government to New Brunswick,' xxxiii,1952/ 2,111. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii,1952/3,31b, and W.S. MacNutt, xxxiv,1953/1,107 McRae, K.D. 'An Upper Canada Letter of 1829 on Responsible Government,' xxxi,1950/3,288 Mahon, John K. 'British Command Decisions in the Northern Campaigns of the War of 1812,' xlvi,1965/3,219 Mahoney, Thomas H.D. 'Mr Burke's Imperial Mentality and the Proposed Irish Absentee Tax of 1773,' xxxvii,1956/2,158 Mandrou, Robert. 'L'Historiographie canadienne francaise Bilan et perspectives,' li,1970/1,5

8 / Canadian Historical Review Index Manning, Helen Taft. 'The Colonial Policy of the Whig Ministers, 1830-

37: I,1 xxxiii,1952/3,203 -'The Colonial Policy of the Whig Ministers, 1830-37: II,1 xxxiii, 1952 A,3kl

-'E.G. Wakefield and the Beauharnois Canal,1 xlviii,1967/1,1 - and John S. Galbraith. 'The.Appointment of Francis Bond Head: A New

Insight,' xlii,1961/1,50. See also correspondence of S.W. Jackman, xliii,196lA,370 Masters, B.C. "The Establishment of the Decimal Currency in Canada,1 xxxiii,1952/2,129 Mayo, H.B. 'Marxism as a Philosophy of History,' xxxiv,1953/1,1 Mealing, S.R. 'The Concept of Social Class and the Interpretation of Canadian History,' xlvi,1965/3,201 Metcalf, George. 'Draper Conservatism and Responsible Government in the Canadas, 1836-18^7,' xlii,196lA,300 Miller, Carman. 'Sir Frederick William Borden and Military Reform, 1896-1911,1 1,1969/3,265 Mitchell, Elaine Allan. 'Edward Watkin and the Buying-out of the Hudson's Bay Company,' xxxiv,1953/3,219 -'The North West Company Agreement of 1795,' xxxvi,1955/2,126 -'New Evidence on the Mackenzie-McTavish Break,' xli ,1960/1,1*1 Mitchell, Harvey. 'Canada's Negotiations with Newfoundland, 18871895,' xl,1959A,277 Moir, John. "The Settlement of the Clergy Reserves, 18UO-1855,1 xxxvii,1956/1,U6 Monet, Jacques. 'La Crise Metcalfe and the Montreal Election, 18U3l8Wt,' xliv,1963/1,1 -'French Canada and the Annexation Crisis, 18U8-1850,' xlvii,1966/3, 2U9 Morton, Desmond. 'Aid to the Civil Power: The Canadian Militia in Support of Social Order, l867-1911+,1 li ,1970A,U07 Morton, W.L. 'A Note on Palliser's Act,1 xxxiv,1953/I,33 -'The Formation of the First Federal Cabinet,' xxxvi ,1955/2,113 Moulton, E.G. 'Constitutional Crisis and Civil Strife in Newfoundland, February to November l86l,' xlviii,1967/3,251 Mulvey, Helen F. 'Sir Charles Gavan Duffy: Young Irelander and Imperial Statesman,' xxxiii,1952A,369 Murphy, Orville T. "The Conrte de Vergennes, the Newfoundland Fisheries and the Peace Negotiation of 1783: A Reconsideration,1 xlvi,1965/I, 32 Murray, Alexander L. 'The Extradition of Fugitive Slaves from Canada: A Re-evaluation,' xliii,1962A,298 Haamani, Israel T. ''The "Anglo-Saxon Idea" and British Public Opinion,' xxxii,1951/1,^3 Neary, Peter. 'Grey, Bryce, and the Settlement of Canadian-American . Differences, 1905-1911,' xlix,l968A,357 Neatby, H. Blair and John T. Saywell. 'Chapleau and the Conservative Party in Quebec,' xxxvii,1956/1,1 Nelson, W.H. 'The Last Hopes of the American Loyalists,1 xxxii,1951/ 1,22 Norris, John M. 'Proposals for Promoting Religion and Literature in Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick,' xxxvi ,1955/^.335 Oleson, T.J. 'Polar Bears in the Middle Ages,' xxxi,1950/1,^7

Articles: Authors / 9 Ormsby, Margaret A. TT. Dufferin Pattullo and the Little New Deal,'

xliii,1962A,277 Ormsby, W.G. 'Letters to Gait Concerning the Maritime Provinces and Confederation,1 xxxiv,1953/2,166 -'The Civil List Question in the Province of Canada,1 xxxv,195^/2,93 -'The Problem of Canadian Union, 1822-1828,' xxxix,1958A,277 Ostry, Bernard. 'Conservatives, Liberals, and Labour in the 1870's,' xli,1960/2,93 - See Perns, H.S. Ouellet, Fernand. 'Les Fondements historiques de 1'option separatiste dans le Quebec,' xliii,1962/3,185 -'Le Nationalisme canadien-frangais: De ses origines a 1'insurrection de 1837,' xlv,1961*A,277 Parker, W.H. 'A New Look at Unrest in Lower Canada in the 1930's,1 xl,1959/3,209 Pease, William H. and Jane H. Pease. 'Opposition to the Founding of the Elgin Settlement,' xsxviii, 1957/3,202 Pennanen, Gary. 'Sitting Bull: Indian Without a Country,' li,1970/2, 123 Pouliott, Leon. 'Lord Gosford et Mgr Lartigue,' xlvi,1965/3,238 Prang, Margaret. 'Clerics, Politicians, and the Bilingual Schools Issue in Ontario, 1910-1917,' xli,196oA,28l -'The Origins of Public Broadcasting in Canada,1 xlvi,1965/1,1 Preston, Richard A. 'The Laconia Company of 1629: An English Attempt to Intercept the Fur Trade,' xxxi,1950/2,125 -'The Journals of General Sir F.P. Robinson, G.C.B.,' xxxvii,1956A, 352 Pritchard, James S. "Some Aspects of the Thought of F.X. Garneau,' li,1970/3,276 Prucha, Francis Paul. 'Reports of General Brady on the Patriot War,' xxxi,1950/1,56 Quigley, Carroll. "The Round Table Groups in Canada, 1908-38,' xliii, 1962/2,20U Quinn, D.B. 'The Voyage of Etienne Bellenger to the Maritimes in 1583,' xliii,1962/U,328 Regehr, T.D. "The Canadian Northern Railway: The West's Own Product,1 li,1970/2,177 Reid, Allana G. 'Intercolonial Trade during the French Regime,' xxxii, 1951/3,236 -'General Trade between Quebec and France during the French Regime,' xxxiv,1953/1,18 Robin, Martin. 'Registration, Conscription, and Independent Labour Politics, 1916-1917,' xlvii,1966/2,101 Robson, Maureen M. 'The Alabama Claims and the Anglo-American Reconciliation, 1865-71,' xlii,1961/1,1 Roche, John F. 'Quebec Under Siege, 1775-1776: The "Memorandums" of Jacob Danford,' 1,1969/1,68

Saunders, Richard. 'Some Thoughts on the Study of History,' xxxvii, 1956/2,109 -'History, Pure and Applied,1 xliii,1962/U,315 Savell, Max. 'The Forty-Ninth Degree of North Latitude as an International Boundary, 1719: The Origin of an Idea,' xxxviii,1957/3,183

10 / Canadian Historical Reviev Index Saywell, John T. "The Crown and the Politicians: The Canadian Succession Question, 1891-1896,' xxxvi 1,1956A,309 - See Neafby, H. Blair Schultz, Harold J. 'The Social Credit Back-benchers' Revolt, 1937,' xli,1960/1,1 -'Portrait of a Premier: William Aberhart,1 xlv,1964/3,185 Scott, S. Morley. 'Foster on the Thompson-Bowell Succession,' xlviii, 1967/3,273 Senior, Hereward. 'Quebec and the Fenians,1 xlviii,1967/1,26 Shakow, Zara. 'The Defence Committee: A Forerunner of the Committee of Imperial Defence,1 xxxvi,1955/1,36 Shepperson, Wilbur S. 'Agrarian Aspects of Early Victorian Emigration to North America,' xxxiii,1952/3,25** Shields, R.A. 'Imperial Policy and the Ripon Circular of 1895,' xlvii,1966/2,119 -'Sir Charles Tupper and the Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895: A Study of Imperial Relations,' xlix,1968/l,l Short, Audrey. 'Canada Exhibited, 1851-1867,' xlviii,1967A,353 Shrive, F.H. 'Charles Mair: A Document on the Red River Rebellion,' xl,1959/3,218 Silver, A.I. 'French Canada and the Prairie Frontier, 1870-1890,' 1, 1969/1,11 Sissons, C.B. 'University Federation at Toronto: A Canadian Experiment,1 xxxi,1950/2,166 Smith, Allan. 'Metaphor and Nationality in North America,' li,19707 3,21*7 Smith, David Edward. 'Emergency Government in Canada,1 1,1969/^,^29 Smith, Lawrence A.H. 'Le Canadien and the British Constitution, 18061810,' xxxviii,1957/2,93 Smith, Paul H. 'Sir Guy Carleton, Peace Negotiations, and the Evacuation of Hew York,1 1,1969/3,21*5 Smith, Wilfred I. 'R.B. Bennett and Sir Robert Borden,' xlv,1961*/2, 116 Sosin, Jack M. 'The French Settlements in British Policy for the North American Interior, 1760-177!*,' xxxix, 1958/3,185 -'The Use of Indians in the War of the American Revolution: A ReAssessment of Responsibility,' xlvi,1965/2,101 Spring, David. 'The Earls of Durham and the Great Northern Coal Field, 1830-1880,1 xxxiii,1952/3,237 Spry, Graham. 'The Origins of Public Broadcasting in Canada: A Comment,' xlvi,1965/2,134 Stacey, C.P. 'Commodore Chauncey's Attack on Kingston Harbour, November 10, 1812,' xxxii,1951/2,126 -'Canada and the Nile Expedition of 188U-85,' xxxiii,1952/1*,319 -'The Ships of the British Squadron on Lake Ontario, I8l2-l!+,' xxxiv, 19 5 3 A, 311 -'Britain's Withdrawal from North America, l861*-l871,' xxxvi ,1955/3, 185 -'John A. Macdonald on Raising Troops in Canada for Imperial Service, 1885,' xxxviii,1957/1,37 -'Another look at the Battle of Lake Erie,' xxxix, 1958/1,1*1 -'The Anse au Foulon, 1759: Montcalm and Vaudreuil,' xl,1959/I,27 -'Quebec, 1759: Some New Documents,' xlvii,1966A,3M -'The Life and Hard Times of an Official Historian,' li,1970/1,21

Stamp, Robert M. 'J.D. Edgar and the Liberal Party: 1867-96,' xlv, 1961*/2,93

Articles: Authors / 11 Stanley, George F.G. 'The Indians in the War of 1812,' xxxi,1950/2, 1U5 Stewart, Alice R. 'Canadian-West Indian Union, 188U-1885,' xxxi,1950/ U.369 -'The State of Maine and Canadian Confederation,' xxxiii,1952/2,lU8. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii, 1952/3,31 *t -'Sir John A. Macdonald and the Imperial Defence Commission of 1879,' xxxv,195V2,119 Strakhovsky, Leonid I. "The Canadian Artillery Brigade in Horth Russia, 1918-1919,' xxxix,1958/2,125 Tate, Merze. 'Canada's Interest in the Trade and Sovereignty of Hawaii,' xliv,1963/1,20 Trigger, Bruce G. 'The French Presence in Huronia: The Structure of Franco-Huron Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century,' xlix,1968/2,107 Tupper, Charles. 'Charles Tupper's Minutes of the Charlottetown Conference,1 introd. Wilfrid I. Smith, xlviii,1967/2,101 Tway, Duane C. "The Wintering Partners and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1863 to 1871,' xxxiii,1952/1,50 -'The Wintering Partners and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1867-1879," xli,1960/3,215 Ullmann, Walter. 'The Quebec Bishops and Confederation,' xliv,1963/ 3,213 Underbill, Frank H. 'Arnold Toynbee, Metahistorian,' xxxii,1951/3,201 -'Lord Minto on His Governor Generalship,' xl,1959/2,121 Upton, L.F.S. "The London Diary of William Smith, 1803-lSoU,' xlvii, 1966/2,1^6 Vigneras, L.A. 'Some Spanish Documents Relating to Early French

Expeditions to Canada,' xxxv,195^/3,217 -'The Cape Breton Landfall: l^9k or 11+97: Note on a Letter from John

Day,' xxxviii,1957/3,219 Vince, Donald M.A.R. 'The Acting Overseas Sub-Militia Council and the Resignation of Sir Sam Hughes,' xxxi,1950/1,1 Wade, Mason. 'Quebec and the French Revolution of 1789: The Missions of Henri Meziere,' xxxi , 1950/1*,3h5 Waite, P.B. 'A Chapter in the History of the Intercolonial Railway, 186U,1 xxxii,1951A,356 -'The Quebec Resolutions and Le Courrier du Canada, 186^-1865,' xl, 1959A,29^ -'Edward Whelan Reports from the .Quebec Conference,' xlii,196l/l,23 -'Edward Cardwell and Confederation,' xliii,1962/1,17 -'A Letter from Leonard Tilley on the Intercolonial Railway, 1863," xlv,196^/2,125 Wallace, Carl. 'Albert Smith, Confederation, and Reaction in New Brunswick: 1852-1882,' xliv,1963A,285 Wallot, Jean-Pierre. 'Le Regime seigneurial et son abolition au Canada,1 1,1969/4,367 Walsh, H.H. 'Research in Canadian Church History,' xxxv,195^/3,208 Watt, F.W. 'The national Policy, the Workingman, and Proletarian Ideas in Victorian Canada,' xl,1959/1,1 Watt, James T. "Anti-Catholic Nativism in Canada: The Protestant Protective Association,' xlviii, 1967/I,**5

12 / Canadian Historical Review Index Wells, Samuel F., Jr. 'British Strategic Withdrawal from the Western Hemisphere, 1904-1906,' xlix,1968/4,335 Whiteley, W.H. 'The Establishment of the Moravian Mission in Labrador and British Policy, 1763-83,' xlv,1964/1,29 -'Governor Hugh Palliser and the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery, 1764-1768,' 1,1969/2,11*1 Wilbur, J.R.H. 'H.H. Stevens and R.B. Bennett, 1930-34,' xliii,1962/ 1,1 -'H.H. Stevens and the Reconstruction Party,' xlv,1964/1,1. See also J.R.H. Wilbur, 'A Correction,' xlv,1964/3,274 Wilde, Richard H. 'Joseph Chamberlain's Proposal of an Imperial Council in March, 1900,' xxxvii,1956/3,225 Williams, Glyndwr. 'Arthur Dobbs and Joseph Robson: Hew Light on the Relationship between Two Early Critics of the Hudson's Bay Company,' xl,1959/2,132 Willms, A.M. 'Conscription, 1917: A Brief for the Defence,' xxxvii, 1956 A,338 Wilson, Alan. 'The Clergy Reserves: "Economical Mischiefs" or Sectarian Issue?' xlii,196lA,28l Wilson, Clifford. 'La Ve'rendrye Reaches the Saskatchewan,' xxxiii, 1952/1,39 Winks, Robin W. 'The Creation of a Myth: "Canadian" Enlistments in the Northern Armies during the American Civil War,' xxxix,1958/1, 21* -'Thirty Years After: Canadian History in the Universities of the United States,' xl,1959/1,38 -'Negro School Segregation in Ontario and Nova Scotia,' 1,1969/2,161* Winter, Carl George. 'A Note on the Passamaquoddy Boundary Affair,' xxxiv,1953/1,46 Young, Brian J. 'C. George McCullagh and the Leadership League,' xlvii,1966/3,201 -'The Defeat of George-Etienne Cartier in Montreal-East in 1872,' li,1970/4,386 Zoltvany, Yves F. 'New France and the West, 1701-1713,' xlvi ,1965/1*, 301 -'The Frontier Policy of Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, 1713-1725,' xlviii,1967/3,227 Zorn, Roman J. 'Criminal Extradition Menaces the Canadian Haven for Fugitive Slaves, l84l-l86l,' xxxviii, 1957/1*,281*

2 Articles: Subject-Title

Abbe P.J.L. Desjardins and the Scheme for the Settlement of French Priests in Canada, 1792-1802; by M.G. Hutt, xxxix,1958/2,93 Aberhart (Portrait of a Premier: William); by Harold J. Schultz, xlv,196U/3,185 Abortive Plan to Give Up Canada; by Karl F. Helleiner, xlii,1961/1, U6 Acting Overseas Sub-Militia Council and the Resignation of Sir Sam Hughes; by Donald M.A.E. Vince, xxxi,1950/1,1 Agrarian Aspects of Early Victorian Emigration to North America; by Wilbur S. Shepperson, xxxiii,1952/3,25^ Aid to the Civil Power: The Canadian Militia in Support of Social Order, 1867-1914; by Desmond Morton, li,1970A,U07 Alabama Claims and the Anglo-American Reconciliation, 1865-71; by Maureen M. Robson, xlii,1961/1,1 Albert Smith, Confederation, and Reaction in Hew Brunswick: 18521882; by Carl Wallace, xliv,1963A,285 American Civil War (Creation of a Myth: "Canadian" Enlistments in the northern Armies during the); by Robin W. Winks, xxxix,1958/1, 2k American Civil War (Georgian Affair: An Incident of the); by Guy MacLean, xliii,1961/2,133 American Loyalists (Last Hopes of the); by W.H. Helson, xxxii,1951/ 1,22 American Revolution (Use of Indians in the War of the): A ReAssessment of Responsibility; by Jack M. Sosins, xlvi,1965/2,101 American Tariff Interests and the Northeastern Fisheries, 1883-1888; by Charles S. Campbell Jr., xlv,196^/3,212 Andrews (Israel D.). See Israel D. Andrews Anglo-American Reconciliation, 1865-71 (Alabama Claims and the); by Maureen M. Robson, xlii,196l/l,l "Anglo-Saxon Idea" and British Public Opinion; by Israel T. Naamani, xxxii,1951/1,^3 Annexation Crisis, 18W-1850 (French Canada and the); by Jacques Monet, xlvii,1966/3,2^9

1^ / Canadian Historical Review Index Another look at the Battle of Lake Erie; "by C.P. Stacey, xxxix,1958/ 1.M Anse au Foulon, 1759: Montcalm and Vaudreuil; by C.P. Stacey, xl, 1959/1,27 Anti-Americanism in English-Speaking Canada (Case Study of): The Election Campaign of 1911; "by W.M. Baker, li,1970A,U26 Anti-Catholic Nativism in Canada: The Protestant Protective Association; "by James T. Watt, xlviii,1967/1,^5 Anti-imperialism (Goldwin Smith and); by R. Craig Brown, xliii,1962/ 2,93 Appointment of Francis Bond Head: A New Insight; by Helen Taft Manning and John S. Galbraith, xlii,1961/1,50. See also correspondence of S.W. Jackman, xliii,196lA,370 Arbitration and the Oregon Question; by James 0. McCabe, xli,196oA, 308 Arnold Toynbee, Metahistorian; by Prank H. Underbill, xxxii,1951/3, 201 Aroostook War (Maine Press and the); by David Lowenthal, xxxii,1951/ Ml5 Arthur Dobbs and Joseph Robson: Hew Light on the Relationship between Two Early Critics of the Hudson's Bay Company; by Glyndwr Williams, xl,1959/2,132 Arthur Gordon and Confederation; by J.K. Chapman, xxxvii,1956/2,1^1 Arthur Meighen and the Conservative Party in Quebec: The Election of 1925; by W.R. Graham, xxxvi,1955/l,17 Arthur Mills' Experiment in Colonization; by Paul Knaplund, xxxiv, 1953/2,139 Arthur Puttee and the Liberal Party, 1899-190U; by A.R. McCormack, li,1970/2,11+1 Assault Landing at Louisbourg, 1758; by J. MacKay Hftsman and C.C.J. Bond, xxxv.^ltA.Sl** At the Beginning of Year '51; by R. Craig Brown and Michael Cross, li,1970/1,1. [Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the CHR] Banking Laws, 1821-^6 (James Stephen on Canadian); by Paul Knaplund, xxxi,1950/2,177 Beauharnois Canal (E.G. Wakefield and the); by Helen Taft Manning, xlviii,1967/1,1 Bellenger (Voyage of Etienne) to the Maritimes in 1583; by David B. Quinn, xliii,1962A,328 Blake (Edward). See Edward Blake's Boer War (W.T. Stead and the): The Irony of Idealism; by Joseph 0. Baylen, xl,1959A,30*t Bond Head (Appointment of Francis): A New Insight; by Helen Taft Manning and John S. Galbraith, xlii,1961/1,50. See also correspondence of S.W. Jackman, xliii,196lA,370 Borden (R.B. Bennett and Sir Robert); by Wilfrid I. Smith, xlv,196W 2,116 Borden and Dominion Representation at the Paris Peace Conference (Hughes,); by L.F. Fitzhardinge, xlix,1968/2,l6o Borden (Sir Frederick William). See Sir Frederick William Borden Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 (Sir George Gibbons and the); by Alan 0. Gibbons, xxxiv, 1953/2,121* Bourassa (Henri) and Modern Industrial Society, 1900-191^; by Joseph Levitt, 1,1969/1,37

Articles: Subject-Title / 15 Bourassa-Hertzog Posture, The (Nationalism and Conciliation:); by T.R.H. Davenport, xliv,1963/3,193 Brady (General). See General Brady Britain's Withdrawal from North America, 186U-1871; by C.P. Stacey, xxxvi,1955/3,185 British Command Decisions in the northern Campaigns of the War of 1812; by John K. Mahon, xlvi,1965/3,219 British Conquest: Canadian Social Scientists and the Fate of the Canadiens; by Michel Brunet, xl,1959/2,93. See also correspondence of Everett C. Hughes and M. Brunet, xl,1959A,368-TO British Government, Sir John A. Macdonald, and the Fenian Claims; by Brian Jenkins, xlix,1968/2,1^2 British Horth American Affairs, 1859-6U (Duke of Newcastle and); by James A. Gibson, xliv,1963/2,1^2 British Strategic Withdrawal from the Western Hemisphere, 190^-1906; by Samuel F. Wells Jr., xlix,1968A,335 Bryce and the Settlement of Canadian-American Differences, 1905-1911 (Grey,); by Peter Neary, xlix,1968A,357 Burke [Edmund]. See Mr Burke'a Cabot (Labrador Landfall of John): The 19 Vf Voyage Reconsidered; by Melvin H. Jackson, xliv,1963/2,122 Campaign for a French Catholic School Inspector in the North-West Territories 1898-1903; by Manoly R. Lupul, xlviii,1967A,332 Canada (Civil List Question in the Province of); by W.G. Ormsby, xxxv,195W2,93 Canada Exhibited, 1851-1867; by Audrey Short, xlviii,1967A,353 Canada and the Nile Expedition of 188H-85; by C.P. Stacey, xxxiii, 19 52 A, 319 Canada's Interest in the Trade and Sovereignty of Hawaii; by Merze Tate, xliv,1963/1,20 Canada's Negotiations with Newfoundland, 1887-1895; by Harvey Mitchell, xl,1959A,277 Canadas, 1836-181+7 (Draper Conservatism and Responsible Government in the); by George Met calf, xlii,196lA,300 Canadian-American Differences, 1905-1911 (Grey, Bryce, and the Settlement of); by Peter Neary, xlix,1968A,357 Canadian-American Diplomacy (Letter on the Fur Seal in); by Bingham Duncan, xliii,1962/1,1+2 Canadian-American Relations (Passamaquoddy Bay Treaty, 1910: A Diplomatic Sideshow in); by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlvii,1966/1,1 Canadian-American Relations (Volstead Violated: Prohibition as a Factor in); by Richard N. Kottman, xliii,1962/2,106 Canadian-American Relations (Kiel Rebellion and); by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xxxvi,1955/3,199- See also correspondence of W.L. Morton, xxxvi,1955 A, 385 Canadian Artillery Brigade in North Russia, 1918-1919; by Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxix,1958/2,125 Canadian Emigration Commissioner in Northern Ireland; by G.R.C. Keep, xxxiv,1953/2,151 [Canadian Historical Review] At the Beginning of Year '51; by R.

Craig Brown and Michael Cross, li,1970/1,1. [Commemoration of the

50th anniversary of the founding of the CHR] [Canadian Historical Review] Good-Bye to All That; by G. Ramsay Cook,

xlix,1968/3,275. [Editorial farewell to the CHR]

16 / Canadian Historical Review Index [Canadian Historical] Review Reviewed Or Fifty Years with the Beaver Patrol; by J.M.S. Careless, li,1970/1,U8 Canadian History (Concept of Social Class and the Interpretation of); by S.R. Mealing, xlvi,1965/3,201 Canadian History (Kingsford and Whiggery in); by J.K. McConica, xl, 1959/2,108 Canadian History in the Universities of the United States (Thirty Years After:); by Robin W. Winks, xl,1959/I,38 Canadian Merchant Marine (First Flag of the); by J.R. Baldwin, xlvii, 1966/2,136 Canadian Northern Railway: The West's Own Product; by T.D. Regehr, li,1970/2,177 Canadian Offer of Troops for Hong Kong, 189^; by Guy MacLean, xxxviii, 1957A.275 Canadian-West Indian Union, 188^-1885; by Alice R. Stewart, xxxi,1950/ k, 369 [Canadian Zouaves' expedition to Italy, 1868-70] Ninth Crusade; by Leopold Lamentagne, xxxii,1951/3,220 Cape Breton Landfall: ll*9U or 1^97: Note on a Letter from John Day; by L.A. Vigneras, xxxviii,1957/3,219 Cardwell (Edward). See Edward Cardwell Carleton (Sir Guy). See Sir Guy Carleton Cartier in Montreal-East in 1872 (Defeat of George-Etienne); by Brian J. Young, 11,1970A,386 Cartwright (Sir Richard). See Sir Richard Cartwright Case Study of Anti-Americanism in English-Speaking Canada: The Election Campaign of 1911; by W.M. Baker, li,1970/U,l*26 Central Canada during the Late Nineteenth Century (Literary Taste in); by Claude T. Bissell, xxxi,1950/3,237 Central Canada from 1850 to 1900 (Development of Philosophy in); by John A. Irving, xxxi,1950/3,252 Central Canadian Newspapers, 1850-67 (Mid-Victorian Liberalism in); by J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/3,221 C. George McCullagh and the Leadership League; by Brian J. Young, xlvii,1966/3,201 Chamberlain (Joseph). See Joseph Chamberlain's Change in Liberal Party Leadership, 1887; by Margaret A. Banks, xxxviii,1957/2,109 Chapleau and the Conservative Party in Quebec; by H. Blair Neatby and John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956/1,1 Chapter in the History of the Intercolonial Railway, 1861*; -fay P.B. Waite, xxxii,1951A,356 Charles Inglis and his "Primitive Bishoprick" in Nova Scotia; by Judith Fingard, xlix,1968/3,21*7 Charles Mair: A Document on the Red River Rebellion; by F.H. Shrive, xl,1959/3,2l8 Charles Tapper's Minutes of the Charlottetown Conference; introd. Wilfrid I. Smith, xlviii,1967/2,101 Charlottetown Conference (Charles Tupper's Minutes of the); introd. Wilfrid I. Smith, xlviii,1967/2,101 Chauncey (Commodore). See Commodore Chauncey's Christie (Loring). See Loring Christie Church, Schools, and Politics in Manitoba, 1903-1912; by Ramsay Cook, xxxix,1958/1,1 Church History (Research in Canadian); by H. R. Walsh, xxxv,195V3, 208

Articles: Subject-Title / 17 Civil List Question in the Province of Canada; by W.G. Ormsby, xxxv, 195V2.93 Clergy Reserves: "Economical Mischiefs" or Sectarian Issue? by Alan Wilson, xlii,196l/lt,28l Clergy Reserves, 181+0-1855 (Settlement of the); by J.S. Moir, xxxvii, 1956/1,1*6 Clerics, Politicians, and the Bilingual Schools Issue in Ontario, 1910-1917; by Margaret Prang, xli,1960A,281 Collective Bargaining and the One Big Union Issue (Winnipeg General Strike,); by David J. Bercuson, li,1970/2,l6U Colonial Office View of Canadian Federation, 1856-1868; by James A. Gibson, xxxv, 195^A,279 Colonial Policy of the Whig Ministers, 1830-37; by Helen Taft Manning. Pt.l,xxxiii,1952/3,203. Pt.2,xxxiii,1952A,3^1 Colonization (Arthur Mills' Experiment in); by Paul Knaplund, xxxiv, 1953/2,139 Coming of Responsible Government to New Brunswick; by W.S. MacHutt, xxxiii,1952/2,111. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii, 1952/3,31U, and W.S. MacNutt, xxxiv,1953/1,107 Commercial Politics of the Toronto Board of Trade, l850-l860; by Douglas McCalla, 1,1969/1,51 Commodore Chauncey's Attack on Kingston Harbour, November 10,l8l2; by C.P. Stacey, xxxii,1951/2,126 Comte de Vergennes, the Newfoundland Fisheries and the Peace Negotiation of 1783: A Reconsideration; by Orville T. Murphy, xlvi,1965/ 1,32 Concept of Social Class and the Interpretation of Canadian History; by S.R. Mealing, xlvi,1965/3,201 Confederation (Arthur Gordon and); by J.K. Chapman, xxxvii ,19 56/2,11+1 Confederation (Edward Cardwell and); by P.B. Waite, xliii,1962/1,17 Confederation (Letters to Gait Concerning the Maritime Provinces and); by W.G. Ormsby, xxxiv,1953/2,166 Confederation (Quebec Bishops and); by Walter Ullman, xliv,1963/3,213 Confederation (State of Maine and Canadian); by Alice R. Stewart, xxxiii,1952/2,lU8. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey,xxxiii, 1952/3,311+ Confederation (United States and Canadian); by D.G. Creighton, xxxix, 1958/3,209 Confederation and Reaction in New Brunswick (Albert Smith,): 18521882; by Carl Wallace, xliv,1963A,285 Conflict of Loyalties: The Problem of Assimilating the Far Wests into the Canadian and Australian Federations; by K.A. MacKirdy, xxxii, 1951 A, 337 Conscription (Sir Arthur Currie and): A Soldier's View; by A.M.J. Hyatt, 1,1969/3,285 Conscription and Independent Labour Politics, 1916-1917 (Registration,); by Martin Robin, xlvii,1966/2,101 Conscription, 1917: A Brief for the Defence; by A.M. Willms, xxxvii, 1956A.338 Conservative Party in Quebec (Arthur Meighen and the): The Election of 1925; by W.R. Graham, xxxvi.1955/1,17 Conservative Party in Quebec (Chapleau and the); by H. Blair Neatby and John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956/1,1 Conservatives, Liberals, and Labour in the l870's; by Bernard Ostry, xli,1960/2,93

18 / Canadian Historical Review Index Constitutional Crisis and Civil Strife in Newfoundland, February to November l86l; by E.G. Moulton, xlviii,1967/3,251 Creation of a Myth: "Canadian" Enlistments in the northern Armies during the American Civil War; by Robin W. Winks, xxxix,1958/l,2!+ Criminal Extradition Menaces the Canadian Haven for Fugitive Slaves, 18U1-1861; by Roman J. Zorn, xxxviii,195TA,28^ Crise Metcalfe and the Montreal Election, 18U3-18W; by Jacques Monet, xliv,1963/1,1 Crown and the Politicians: The Canadian Succession Question, 18911896; by John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956A,309 Currie (Sir Arthur). See Sir Arthur Currie

Dafoe (J.W. } at the Imperial Conference, 1923; by Ramsay Cook, xli, 1960/1,19 Dafoe, Laurier, and the Formation of Union Government; by Ramsay Cook, xlii,1961/3,185 David Thompson and Defence Research; by J. MacKay Hitsman, xl,1959/ U, 315 Decided Policy of William Ijyon Mackenzie; by Lillian F. Gates, xl, 1959/3,185 Decimal Currency in Canada (Establishment of the); by B.C. Masters, xxxiii,1952/2,129 Defeat of George-Etienne Cartier in Montreal-East in 1872; by Brian

J. Young, li, 1970A,386 Defence Committee: A Forerunner of the Committee of Imperial Defence; by Zara Shakow, xxxvi,1955/l,36 Defence Research (David Thompson and); by J. MacKay Hitsman, xl,1959/

^, 315

Defences of Canada, 1710; by Gerald S. Graham, xxxvii,1956/2,167 Defence of Upper Canada, 1815 (Views of General Murray on the); by Gerald S. Graham, xxxiv,1953/2,158 Desjardins (Abbe P.L.J.). See Abbe P.L.J. Desjardins Development of Philosophy in Central Canada from 1850 to 1900; by John A. Irving, xxxi,1950/3,252 Dobbs (Arthur). See Arthur Dobbs Draper Conservatism and Responsible Government in the Canadas, 183618U7; by George Metcalf, xlii,1961/U,300 Duffy (Sir Charles Gavan). See Sir Charles Gavan Duffy Duke of Newcastle and British Horth American Affairs, 1859-6U; by James A. Gibson, xliv,1963/2,1^2 Durham (Earls of). See next Earls of Durham and the Great Northern Coal Field, 1830-1880; by David Spring, xxxiii,1952/3,237 Edgar (J.D.). See J.D. Edgar Edward Blake's Relations with Canada during His Irish Career, 18921907; by Margaret A. Banks, xxxv,1951+/l,22 Edward Cardwell and Confederation; by P.B. Waite, xliii,1962/1,17 Edward Watkin and the Buying-out of the Hudson's Bay Company; by Elaine Allen Mitchell, xxxiv,1953/3,219 Edward Whelan Reports from the Quebec Conference; by P.B. Waite, xlii,1961/1,23 E.G. Wakefield and the Beauharnois Canal; by Helen Taft Manning,

xlviii,1967/1,1 Election of 181*1 ("Sydenham"); by Irving Martin Abella, xlvii,1966/ ^, 326

Articles: Subject-Title / 19 Election, l8U3-l8Ui| (Crise Met calf e and the Montreal); by Jacques Monet, xliv,1963/1,1 Election of 1859 and its Aftermath (Nova Scotian "Disputed"); by J. Murray Beck, xxxvi,1955 A,293 Election Campaign of 1911, The (Case Study of Anti-Americanism in English-Speaking Canada:); by W.M. Baker, 11,1970A,326 Election of 1925, The (Arthur Meighen and the Conservative Party in Quebec:); by W.R. Graham, xxxvi,1955/I,17 Election of 193U (Mitchell F. Hepburn and the Ontario); by Heil McKenty, xlv,1961+A,293- See also correspondence of Richard Bell, xlvi,1965/1,99 Elections (1867) in Ontario: The Rules of the Game; by D.G.G. Kerr, 11,1970 A, 369 Elections (Sir John Thompson's); "by D. Hugh Gillis, xxxvii,1956/l,23 Elgin Settlement (Opposition to the Founding of the); by William H.

Pease and Jane H. Pease, xxxiii,1957/3,202

Emergency Government in Canada; by David Edward Smith, 1,1969 A,^29 Emigration Commissioner (Canadian) in northern Ireland; by G.R.C. Keep, xxxiv,1953/2,151 Emigration to North America (Agrarian Aspects of Early Victorian); by Wilbur S. Shepperson, xxxiii,1952/3,25>+ Enfranchisement of Roman Catholics in the Maritimes; by John Garner, xxxiv,1953/3,203 Establishment of the Decimal Currency in Canada; by D.C. Masters, xxxiii,1952/2,129 Establishment of the Moravian Mission in Labrador and British Policy, 1763-83; by W.H. Whiteley, xlv,196U/1.29 Extradition of Fugitive Slaves from Canada: A Re-evaluation; by Alexander L. Murray, xliii,1962A,298 Failure of Canadian Socialism: The Ontario Experience, 1932-19^5; by Gerald L. Caplan, xliv,1963/2,93 Fall of Quebec; by C.R. Fay, xxxiii,1952/2,165 Federal Cabinet (Formation of the First); "by W.L. Morton, xxxvi,1955/ 2,113 Federation, 1856-1868 (Colonial Office View of Canadian); by James A. Gibson, xxxv,1951*A,279 Federations (Conflict of Loyalties: The Problem of Assimilating the Far Wests into the Canadian and Australian); by K.A. MacKirdy, xxxii, 1951 A, 337 Fenian Claims (British Government, Sir John A. Macdonald, and the); by Brian Jenkins, xlix,1968/2,1^2 Fenian Raid on Hew Brunswick; by Harold A. Davis, xxxvi,1955A>3l6 Fenians (Quebec and the); by Hereward Senior, xlviii,1967/1,26 First Flag of the Canadian Merchant Marine; by J.R. Baldwin, xlvii, 1966/2,136 Fondements historiq.ues de 1'option separatiste dans le Quebec; by Fernand Ouellet, xliii,1962/3,185 Formation of the First Federal Cabinet; by W.L. Morton, xxxvi,1955/ 2,113 Forty-Ninth Degree of North Latitude as an International Boundary, 1719: The Origin of an Idea; by Max Savell, xxxviii,1957/3,183 Foster on the Thompson-Bowell Succession; by S. Morley Scott, xlviii, 1967/3,273 Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895 (Sir Charles Tupper and the): A Study of Imperial Relations; by R.A. Shields, xlix,1968/1,1

20 / Canadian Historical Review Index French Canada and the Annexation Crisis, 181*8-1850; Toy Jacques Monet, xlvii,1966/3,21*9 French Canada and the Prairie Frontier, 1870-1890; by A.I. Silver, 1,1969/1,11 French-Canadian Participation in the Government of Canada, 1775-1785; by M. Elizabeth Arthur, xxxii,195lA,303 French-Canadian Seigneury; by E.R. Adair, xxxv,195^/3,187 French Expeditions to Canada (Some Spanish Documents Relating to Early); by L.A. Vigneras, xxxv, 195V3,217 French Parliament, 1911-1I+, The (Politics and Foreign Policy:); by John C. Cairns, xxxiv, 1953/3,21*5 French Presence in Huronia: The Structure of Franco-Huron Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century; by Bruce G. Trigger, xlix,1968/2,107 French Priests in Canada, 1792-1802 (Abbe P.J.L. Desjardins and the Scheme for the Settlement of); by M.G. Hutt, xxxix,1958/2,93 French Regime (General Trade between Quebec and France during the); by Allana G. Reid, xxxiv,1953/1,18 French Regime (intercolonial Trade during the); by Allana G. Reid, xxxii,1951/3,236 French Revolution of 1789 (Quebec and the): The Missions of Henri Meziere; by Mason Wade, xxxi,1950/1*,3l*5 French Settlements in British Policy for the North American Interior, 1760-177^; by Jack M. Sosin, xxxix,1958/3,185 Frontenac and the Iroquois, 1672-1682; by W.J. Eccles, xxxvi,1955/1,1 Frontenac's Military Policies, 1689-1698: A Reassessment; by W.J. Eccles, xxxvii,1956/3,201 Frontier Policy of Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, 1713-1735; by Yves F. Zoltvany, xlviii,1967/3,227 Frontierism, Metropolitanism, and Canadian History; by J.M.S. Careless, xxxv,^1*/!,! Fugitive Slaves (Extradition of) from Canada: A Re-Evaluation; by Alexander L. Murray, xliii,1962/l*,298 Fugitive Slaves, I81*l-l86l (Criminal Extradition Menaces the Canadian Haven for); by Roman J. Zorn, xxxviii ,1957A,281* Fur Trade, An English Attempt to Intercept the (Laconia Company of 1629:); by R.A. Preston, xxxi,1950/2,125 Gait (Letters to) Concerning the Maritime Provinces and Confederation; by W.G. Ormsby, xxxiv,1953/2,166 Garneau (Some Aspects of the Thought of F.X.); by James S. Pritchard, li,1970/3,276 General Trade between Quebec and France during the French Regime; by Allana G. Reid, xxxiv,1953/1,18 Georgian Affair: An Incident of the American Civil War; by Guy MacLean, xlii,1961/2,133 Gibbons (Sir George). See Sir George Gibbons Glorious Kingdom of Saguenay; by Joseph Edward King, xxxi, 1950A,390 Goldwin Smith and Anti-imperialism; by R. Craig Brown, xliii,1962/2, 93 Good-Bye to All That; by Ramsay Cook, xlix,1968/3,275- [Editorial farewell to the CHR] Gordon (Arthur). See Arthur Gordon Gosford (Lord). See Lord Gosford Government in Canada (Emergency); by David Edward Smith, 1,1969/1*, 1*29

Articles: Subject-Title / 21 Government of Canada (French-Canadian Participation in the); by M. Elizabeth Arthur, xxxii,1951 A,303 Governor Generalship (Lord Minto on his); by Frank H. Underbill, xl, 1959/2,121 Governor Hugh Palliser and the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery, 176U-1768; by W.H. Whiteley, 1,1969/2,lUl Great Northern Coal Field, 1830-1880 (Earls of Durham and the); by David Spring, xxxiii,1952/3,237 Grey, Bryce, and the Settlement of Canadian-American Differences, 1905-1911; by Peter Neary, xlix,1968A,357 Halifax Poor Man's Friend Society, 1820-27: An Early Social Experiment; by George E. Hart, xxxiv,1953/2,109 Harvey (New Brunswick's Age of Harmony: The Administration of Sir John); by W.S. MacNutt, xxxii,1951/2,105 Hawaii (Canada's Interest in the Trade and Sovereignty of); by Merze Tate, xliv,1963/1,20 Head (Francis Bond). See Bond Head Heir and Devisee Commission of Upper Canada, 1797-1805; by Lillian F. Gates, xxxviii,1957/1,21 Henri Bourassa and Modern Industrial Society, 1900-191^-; by Joseph Levitt, 1,1969/1,37 Hepburn (Mitchell F.) and the Ontario Election of 1931*; by Neil McKenty, xlv,196!+A,293. See also correspondence of Richard Bell, xlvi,1965/l,99 Hepburn, King, and the Rowell-Sirois Commission; by Richard M.H. Alway, xlviii,1967/2,113 H.H. Stevens and R.B. Bennett, 1930-3^; by J.R.H. Wilbur, xliii,1962/ 1,1 H.H. Stevens and the Reconstruction Party; by J.R.H. Wilbur, xlv, 196U/1.1. See also J.R.H. Wilbur, 'A Correction,' xlv,196U/3,27U Hincks (Knighting of Francis); by Colin Rhys Lovell, xxxii,1951/2, 139. See also C.P. Stacey,'The Knighting of Francis Hincks: A Communication,' xxxii,1951/3,301 Historiographie canadienne frangaise Bilan et perspectives; by Robert Mandrou, li,1970/1,5 History (Marxism as a Philosophy of); by H.B. Mayo, xxxiv,1953sl,l History (Some Thoughts on the Study of); by Richard M. Saunders, xxxvi1,1956/2,109 History and Its Neighbours Today; by R. Flenley, xxxiv,1953A,32k History, Pure and Applied; by Richard M. Saunders, xliii,1962A,315 Hong Kong, 1891* (Canadian Offer of Troops for); by Guy MacLean, xxxviii,1957/^,275 "Honore Joseph Jaxon, Agitator, Disturber, producer of plans to make men think, and Chronic Objector..."; by W.J.C. Cherwinski, xlvi, 1965/2,122 Hoover and Canada: Diplomatic Appointments; by Richard N. Kottman, li,1970/3,292 Howe (Joseph). See Joseph Howe Hudson's Bay Company (Arthur Dobbs and Joseph Robson: New Light on the Relationship between Two Early Critics of the); by Glyndwr Williams, xl,1959/2,132 Hudson's Bay Company (Edward Watkin and the Buying-Out of the); by Elaine Allen Mitchell, xxxiv,1953/3,219 Hudson's Bay Company (Note on the Mackenzie Negotiations with the); by John S. Galbraith, xxxiv,1953/I,39

22 / Canadian Historical Review Index Hudson's Bay Company, l857-l86l (imperial Protection for the Trading Interests of the); by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xxxvii,1956/2,119 Hudson's Bay Company, 1863-1871 (Wintering Partners and the); by Duane C. Tway, xxxiii,1952/1,50 Hudson's Bay Company, 1867-1879 (Wintering Partners and the); by Duane C. Tway, xli,1960/3,215 Hudson's Bay Company, 1870-1913 (Land Policies of the); by John S. Galbraith, xxxii,1951/1,1 Hughes (Acting Overseas Sub-Militia Council and the Resignation of Sir Sam); by Donald M.R. Vince, xxxi,1950/1,1 Hughes, Borden, and Dominion Representation at the Paris Peace Conference; by L.F. Fitzhardinge, xlix,1968/2,l60 Imperial Conference, 1923 (J.W. Dafoe at the); by Ramsay Cook, xli, 1960/1,19 Imperial Council in March 1900 (Joseph Chamberlain's Proposal of an); by Richard H. Wilde, xxxvii,1956/3,225 Imperial Defence (Defence Committee: A Forerunner of the Committee of); by Zara Shakow, xxxvi,1955/1,36 Imperial Defence Commission of 1879 (Sir John A. Macdonald and the); by Alice R. Stewart, xxxv,195^/2,119 Imperial Policy and the Ripon Circular of 1895; by R.A. Shields, xlvii,1966/2,119 Imperial Protection for the Trading Interests of the Hudson's Bay Company, l857-l86l; by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xxxvii,1956/2,119 Imperial Relations (Sir Charles Tupper and the Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895: A Study of); by R.A. Shields, xlix,1968/1,1 Imperial Relations (Sir John Rose and): An Episode in Gladstone's First Administration; by David M.L. Farr, xxxiii,1952/1,19 Independent Member for Kent Reports, 1853; by J.M.S. Careless, xxxviii,1957/1,it! Indian Without a Country (Sitting Bull:); by Gary Pennanen, li,1970/ 2,123 Indians in the War of 1812; by George F.G. Stanley, xxxi ,1950/2,1^5 Indians (Use of) in the War of the American Revolution: A Re-Assessment of Responsibility; by Jack M. Sosin, xlvi,1965/2,101 Inglis (Charles). See Charles Inglis Intercolonial Railway, 1863 (Letter from Leonard Tilley on the); by P.B. Waite, xlv,1961*/2,125 Intercolonial Railway, 3.86k (A Chapter in the History of); by P.B. Waite, xxxii, 1951 A,356 Intercolonial Trade during the French Regime; by Allana G. Reid, xxxii,1951/3,236 Ireland (Canadian Emigration Commissioner in Northern); by G.R.C. Keep, xxxiv,1953/2,151 Irish Absentee Tax of 1773 (Mr. Burke's Imperial Mentality and the Proposed); by Thomas H.D. Mahoney, xxxvii,1956/2,158 Irish Adjustment in Montreal; by G.R.C. Keep, xxxi,1950/1,39 Iroquois, l672-l682 (Frontenac and the); by W.J. Eccles, xxxvi,1955/ 1,1 Israel D. Andrews and the Reciprocity Treaty of 185^: A Reappraisal; by Irene W.D. Hecht, xliv,1963A ,313. See also 'A Note on Israel Dewolfe Andrews: Opportunist or Diplomat?' 1,1969/3,3^5 James Stephen on Canadian Banking Laws, 1821-1+6; by Paul Knaplund, xxxi,1950/2,177

Articles: Subject-Title / 23

Jaxon (Honore Joseph). See Honore Joseph Jaxon J.D. Edgar and the Liberal Party: 1867-96; by Robert M. Stamp, xlv, 1964/2,93 John A. Macdonald on Raising Troops in Canada for Imperial Service, 1885; by C.P. Stacey, xxxviii,1957/1,37 Joly [H.G.] See Mr Joly's Joseph Chamberlain's Proposal of an Imperial Council in March, 1900; by Richard H. Wilde, xxxvii,1956/3,225 Joseph Howe: Opportunist or Empire-builder? by J. Murray Beck, xli, 1960/3,185 Journals of General Sir P.P. Robinson, G.C.B.; by R.A. Preston, xxxvii,1956/4,352 J.W. Dafoe at the Imperial Conference, 1923; by Ramsay Cook, xli, 1960/1,19 King (Mackenzie) and the First World War; by H.S. Ferns and Bernard Ostry, xxxvi,1955/2,93- See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, B. Ostry and A.R.M. Lower, xxxvi,1955/3,292 King and the Rowell-Sirois Commission (Hepburn,); by Richard M.H. Alway, xlviii,1967/2,113 Kingsford and Whiggery in Canadian History; by J.K. McConica, xl, 1959/2,108 Kingston Harbour, November 10, 1812 (Commodore .Chauncey's Attack on); by C.P. Stacey, xxxii,1951/2,126 Klondike (Seattle, Vancouver, and the); by Norbert MacDonald, xlix, 1968/3,234 Knighting of Francis Hincks; by Colin Rhys Lovell, xxxii,1951/2,139See also C.P. Stacey, 'The Knighting of Francis Hincks: A Communication,1 xxxii,1951/3,301 Labour in the l870's (Conservatives, Liberals, and); by Bernard Ostry, xli,1960/2,93 Labour Politics, 1916-1917 (Registration, Conscription, and Independent); by Martin Robin, xlvii,1966/2,101 Labrador and British Policy, 1763-83 (Establishment of the Moravian Mission in); by W.H. Whiteley, xlv,1964/1,29 Labrador Landfall of John Cabot: The 1497 Voyage Reconsidered; by Melvin H. Jackson, xliv,1963/2,122 Labrador Question and the Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol, 1763; by R.P. Crowhurst, 1,1969/4,394. See also correspondence of Gordon 0. Hothney and R.P. Crowhurst, li,1970/1*,480-83 Laconia Company of 1629: An English Attempt to Intercept the Fur Trade; by R.A. Preston, xxxi,1950/2,125 Lake Erie (Another Look at the Battle of); by C.P. Stacey, xxxix, 1958/1,!+! Lake Ontario, 1812-14 (Ships of the British Squadron on); by C.P. Stacey, xxxiv,1953/4,311 Land Policies of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1870-1913; by John S. Galbraith, xxxii,1951/1,1 Langevin (Political Career of Sir Hector Louis); by Barbara Fraser, xlii,1961/2,93 Lartigue (Lord Gosford et Mgr); by Leon Pouliott, xlvi,1965/3,238 Last Hopes of the American Loyalists; by W.H. Kelson, xxxii,1951/1, 22 Laurier and the Formation of Union Government (Dafoe,); by Ramsay Cook, xlii,1961/3,185

2k I Canadian Historical Review Index Laurier and Liberal Party Trade Policy, 1887 (Sir Richard Cartwright, Wilfrid); by W.R. Graham, xxxiii,1952/1,1 La Virendrye Reaches the Saskatchewan; by Clifford Wilson, xxxiii, 1952/1,39 Leadership League (C. George McCullagh and the); by Brian J. Young, xlvii,1966/3,201 Le Canadien and the British Constitution, I8o6-l8l0; by Lawrence A. H. Smith, xxxviii,1957/2,93 Le Courier du Canada, 1864-1865 (Quebec Resolutions and); by P.B. Waite, xl, 1959 A,29** Letellier de Saint-Just (Mr. Joly's Mission to London in the Case of Lieutenant-Governor); by A. Joly de Lotbiniere, xxxi ,1950 A,1*01 Letter from Leonard Tilley on the Intercolonial Railway, 1863; by P.B. Waite, xlv,196^/2,125 Letter on the Fur Seal in Canadian-American Diplomacy; by Bingham Duncan, xliii, 1962/1,1*2 Letters to Gait Concerning the Maritime Provinces and Confederation; by W.G. Ormsby, xxxiv,1953/2,166 Liberal Party (Arthur Puttee and the); by A.R. McCormaok, li,1970/2,


Liberal Party (J.D. Edgar and the): 1867-96; by Robert M. Stamp, xlv, 1964/2,93 Liberal Party Leadership, 1887 (Change in); by Margaret A. Banks, xxxviii,1957/2,109 Liberal Party Trade Policy, 1887 (Sir Richard Cartwright, Wilfrid Laurier, and); by W.R. Graham, xxxiii,1952/1,1 Liberals and Labour in the 1870's (Conservatives,); by Bernard Ostry, xli,1960/2,93 Liberalism (Mid-Victorian) in Central Canadian Newspapers, 1850-67; by J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/3,221 Life and Hard Times of an Official Historian; by C.P. Stacey, li, 1970/1,21 "Limited Identities" in Canada; by J.M.S. Careless, 1,1969/1,1 Literary Taste in Central Canada during the Late Nineteenth Century; by Claude T. Bissell, xxxi,1950/3,237 Little New Deal (T. Dufferin Pattulo and the); by Margaret A. Ormsby, xliii,1962/U,277 London Diary of William Smith, l803-l80l*; by L.F.S. Upton, xlvii, 1966/2.1U6 Lord Gosford et Mgr Lartigue; by L§on Pouliott, xlvi,1965/3,238 Lord Minto on His Governor Generalship; by Frank H. Underhill, xl, 1959/2,121 Loring Christie and the Genesis of the Washington Conference of 19211922; by A.R.M. Lower, xlvii,1966/1,38 Louisbourg, 1758 (Assault Landing at); by J. MacKay Hitsman and C.C.J. Bond, xxxv,1951* A,2ll* Lower Canada in the l830's (New Look at Unrest in); by W.H. Parker, xl,1959/3,209 McCullagh (C. George). See C. George McCullagh Macdonald (Peter Mitchell on John A.); by A.L. Burt, xliii,1961/3,209 Macdonald and the Fenian Claims (British Government, Sir John A.); by Brian Jenkins, xlix,1968/2,11*2 Macdonald and the Imperial Defence Commission of 1879 (Sir John A.); by Alice R. Stewart, xxxv,195l*/2,119

Articles: Subject-Title / 25 Macdonald on Raising Troops in Canada for Imperial Service, 1885 (John A.); by C.P. Stacey, xxxviii,1957/1,37 Mackenzie and His Cabinet, 1873-1878; by Sister Teresa Avila Burke, xli,1960/2,128 Mackenzie Negotiations with the Hudson's Bay Company, 1875-1878 (Note on the); by John S. Galbraith, xxxiv,1953/l,39 Mackenzie (Decided Policy of William Lyon); by Lillian F. Gates, xl, 1959/3,185 Mackenzie (William Lyon), First Mayor of Toronto: A Study of a Critic in Pover; by F.H. Armstrong, xlviii,1967A,309 Mackenzie-McTavish Break (New Evidence on the); by Elaine Allan Mitchell, xli,1960/1,Ul Mackenzie's Gazette: An Aspect of W.L. Mackenzie's American Years; by Lillian F. Gates, xlvi,1965A,323 Mackenzie King and the First World War; by H.S. Ferns and Bernard Ostry, xxxvi,1955/2,93. See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, B. Ostry and A.R.M. Lower, xxxvi,1955/3,292 Maine Press and the Aroostook War; by David Lowenthal, xxxii,1951A,

315 Manitoba, 1903-1912 (Church, Schools, and Politics in); by Ramsay Cook, xxxix,1958/1,1 Mari (Charles). See Charles Mari Maritime Foundations of Imperial History; by Gerald S. Graham, xxxi, 1950/2,113 Maritime Provinces and Confederation (Letters to Gait Concerning the); by W.G. Ormsby, xxxiv,1953/2,166 Maritimes (Enfranchisement of Roman Catholics in the); by John Garner, xxxiv,1953/3,203 Maritimes in 1583 (Voyage of Etienne Bellenger to the); by David B.

Quinn, xliii,1962A,328

Marxism as a Philosophy of History; by H.B. Mayo, xxxiv,1953/1,1 [Meighen, Arthur] Some Comments on a Credible Canadian; by W.R.

Graham, xxxix,1958/4,296

Meighen (Arthur) and the Conservative Party in Quebec: The Election of 1925; by W.R. Graham, xxxvi,1955/1,17 Metaphor and Nationality in North America; by Allan Smith, li,1970/ 3,21*7 Methodist Church and World War I; by J.M. Bliss, xlix,1968/3,213 Metropolitanism and Canadian History (Frontierism,); by J.M.S. Careless, xxxv,195^/1,1 Mid-Victorian Liberalism in Central Canadian Newspapers, 1850—67; by J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/3,221 Military Policies, l689-l698 (Frontenac's): A Reassessment; by W.J. Eccles, xxxvii,1956/3,201 Military Reform, 1896-1911 (Sir Frederick William Borden and); by Carman Miller, 1,1969/3,265 Militia (Sea) of Nova Scotia: A Comment on Naval Policy; by W.A.B. Douglas, xlvii,1966/1,22 Militia in Support of Social Order, 1867-1911* (Aid to the Civil Power: Canadian); by Desmond Morton, li, 1970A,1+07 Militia Council and the Resignation of Sir Sam Hughes (Acting Overseas Sub-); by Donald M.R. Vince, xxxi,1950/1,1 Mills (Arthur). See Arthur Mills Minto (Lord). See Lord Minto

26 / Canadian Historical Review Index Mitchell F. Hepburn and the Ontario Election of 1931*; by Neil McKenty,

xlv,1961+ A,293. See also correspondence of Richard Bell, xlvi,1965/ 1,99

Mitchell (Peter). See Peter Mitchell Montcalm and Vaudreuil (Aiise au Foulon, 1759:); by C.P. Stacey, xl, 1959/1,2? Montreal Riot of 181+9; by Josephine Foster, xxxii,1951/1,6l Montreal-East in 1872 (Defeat of George-Etienne Cartier in); by Brian J. Young, li,1970/^,386 Mr. Burke's Imperial Mentality and the Proposed Irish Absentee Tax of 1773; by Thomas H.D. Mahoney, xxxvii,1956/2,158 Mr. Joly's Mission to London in the Case of Lieutenant-Governor Letellier de Saint-Just; by A. Joly de Lotbiniere, xxxi, 1950 A,1*01 Murray (General). See General Murray National Policy, the Workingman, and Proletarian Ideas in Victorian Canada; by F.W. Watt, xl,1959/1,1 Nationalism and Conciliation: The Bourassa-Hertzog Posture; by T.R.

H. Davenport, xliv,1963/3,193 Nationalisme canadien-frangais: De ses origines S 1'insurrection de 1837; by Fernand Ouellet, xlv,1961+A,277 Nature and Structure of York Commerce in l820's; hy T.W. Acheson, 1,

1969 A,Uo6

Naval Policy (Sea Militia of Nova Scotia: A Comment on); by W.A.B. Douglas, xlvii,1966/1,22 Negro School Segregation in Ontario and Nova Scotia; by Robin W. Winks, 1,1969/2,161* New Brunswick (Albert Smith, Confederation, and Reaction in); by Carl Wallace, xliv,1963A,285 New Brunswick (Coming of Responsible Government to); by W.S. MacNutt, xxxiii,1952/2,111. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii, 1952/3,3lU, and W.S. MacNutt, xxxiv,1953/1,107 New Brunswick (Fenian Raid on); by Harold A. Davis, xxxvi ,1955 A,3l6 New Brunswick (Proposals for Promoting Religion and Literature in Canada, Nova Scotia, and); by John M. Morris, xxxvi,1955 A,335 New Brunswick's Age of Harmony: The Administration of Sir John Harvey; by W.S. MacNutt, xxxii,1951/2,105 New Democracy Movement (Social Credit Party and the): 1939-191*0; by Mary Hallett, xlvii,1966A,301 New Evidence on the Mackenzie-McTavish Break; by Elaine Allan Mitchell, xli, 1960/1,1*1 New France and the West, 1701-1713; by Yves K Zoltvany, xlvi,1965/ It, 301 New Look at Unrest in Lower Canada in the l830's; by W.H. Parker, xl, 1959/3,209 Newcastle (Duke of). See Duke of Newcastle Newfoundland, February to November l86l (Constitutional Crisis and Civil Strife in); by E.G. Moulton, xlviii,1967/3,251 Newfoundland, 1887-1895 (Canada's Negotiations with); by Harvey Mitchell, xl,1959A,277 Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery, 176U-1768 (Governor Hugh Palliser and the); by W.H. Whiteley, 1,1969/2,11*1 Newfoundland Fisheries and the Peace Negotiation of 1783 (Comte de Vergennes, the): A Reconsideration; by Orville T. Murphy, xlvi, 1965/1,32

Articles: Subject-Title / 27 Newspaper Patronage in Canada during the late l850's and early l86d's (Hote on); by Robert A. Hill, xlix,1968/1,kk Nile Expedition of 188U-85 (Canada and the); by C.P. Stacey, xxxiii, 19 52 A, 319 Ninth Crusade; by Leopold Lamontagne, xxxii,1951/3,220. [Canadian Zouaves' expedition to Italy, 1868-70] Northeastern Fisheries, 1883-1888 (American Tariff Interests and the); by Charles S. Campbell Jr., xlv,196U/3,212 North West Company Agreement of 1795; ^y Elaine Allan Mitchell, xxxvi, 1955/2,126 North-West Territories 1898-1903 (Campaign for a French Catholic School Inspector in the); by Manoly R. Lupul, xlviii,1967A,332 Note on John Richardson's "Digression Concerning Hearne's Route"; by Richard Glover, xxxii,1951/3,252 Note on the Mackenzie Negotiations with the Hudson's Bay Company, 1875-1878; by John S. Galbraith, xxxiv,1953/l,39 Note on Newspaper Patronage in Canada during the late 1850s and early 1860s; by Robert A. Hill, xlix, 1968/1,kk Note on Palliser's Act; by W.L. Morton, xxxiv,1953/1,33 Hote on the Passamaquoddy Boundary Affair; by Carl George Winter, xxxiv,1953/1,^6 Note on the Red River Hunt by John Norquay; by Margaret Arnett MacLeod, xxxviii,1957/2,129 Nova Scotia (Charles Inglis and his "Primitive Bishoprick" in); by Judith Fingard, xlix,1968/3,21*7 Nova Scotia (Negro School Segregation in Ontario and); by Robin W. Winks, 1,1969/2,l6U Nova Scotia, 17^9-1755 (Sea Militia of): A Comment on Naval Policy; by W.A.B. Douglas, xlvii,1966/l,22 Nova Scotia in the l830's (Search for Economy: Imperial Administration of); by Peter Burroughs, xlix,1968/1,2h Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (Proposals for Promoting Religion and Literature in Canada,); by John M. Norris, xxxvi,1955A,335 Nova Scotian "Disputed Election" of 1859 and Its Aftermath; by J. Murray Beck, xxxvi,1955/^,293 Official Historian (Life and Hard Times of an); by C.P. Stacey, li, 1970/1,21 Ontario, 1910-1917 (Clerics, Politicians, and the Bilingual Schools Issue in); by Margaret Prang, xli,196oA,28l Ontario Bilingual Schools Issue: Sources of Conflict; by Marilyn Barber, xlvii^1966/3,227 Ontario (Electi6ns [1867] in): The Rules of the Game; by D.G.G. Kerr, li,1970A,369 Ontario Election of 193U (Mitchell F. Hepburn and the); by Neil McKenty, xlvt196UA,293. See also correspondence of Richard Bell, xlvi,1965/1,99 Ontario Hydro: A 1925 Tempest in an American Teapot; by Richard Lowitt, xlix,1969/3,267 Ontario and Nova Scotia (Negro School Segregation in); by Robin W. Winks, l,1969/2,l6U Opposition to the Founding of the Elgin Settlement; by William H, Pease and Jane H. Pease, xxxviii,1957/3,202 Oregon Question (Arbitration and the); by James 0. McCabe, xli,1960/ !+,308

28 / Canadian Historical Review Index Origins of Public Broadcasting in Canada; by Margaret Prang, xlvi, 1965/1,1 Origins of Public Broadcasting in Canada: A Comment; by Graham Spry, xlvi ,1965/2,131* Palliser and the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery, 176U-1768 (Governor Hugh); by W.H. Whiteley, 1,1969/2,11*1 Palliser's Act (Hote on); by W.L. Morton, xxxiv,1953/1,33 Papineau in Exile (Political Testament of); by Ronald F. Howell, xxxviii,1957A,295 Paris Peace Conference (Hughes, Borden, and Dominion Representation at the); by L.F. Fitzhardinge, xlix,1968/2,l60 Passamaquoddy Bay Treaty, 1910: A Diplomatic Sideshow in CanadianAmerican Relations; by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlvii,1966/1,1 Passamaquoddy Boundary Affair, Note on the; by Carl George Winter,


Pattullo, T. Dufferin. See T. Dufferin Pattullo Patriot War (Reports of General Brady on the); by Francis Paul Prucha, xxxi,1950/1,56 P.E.I. (Some Notes on the Early History of Unions in); by Eugene Forsey, xlvi,1965 A, 3^6 Peter Mitchell on John A. Macdonald; by A.L. Burt, xlii,196l/3,209 Polar Bears in the Middle Ages; by T.J. Oleson, xxxi ,1950/I,it7 Political Career of Sir Hector Louis Langevin; by Barbara Fraser, xlii,1961/2,93 Political Testament of Papineau in Exile, 1837; by Ronald F. Howell, xxxviii,1957A,295 Politics and Foreign Policy: The French Parliament, 1911-11*; by John C. Cairns, xxxiv, 1953/3,21*5 Portrait of a Premier: William Aberhart; by Harold J. Schultz, xlv, 196^/3,185 Problem of Canadian Union, 1822-1828; by W.G. Ormsby, xxxix,1958A, 277 Prohibition as a Factor in Canadian-American Relations (Volstead Violated:); by Richard N. Kottman, xliii,1962/2,106 Proposals for Promoting Religion and Literature in Canada, Nova Scotia, and Hew Brunswick; by John M. Norris, xxxvi, 1955A,335 Protestant Protective Association, The (Anti-Catholic Nativism in Canada:); by James T. Watt, xlviii,1967/1,1*5 Public Broadcasting in Canada (Origins of); by Margaret Prang, xlvi, 1965/1,1 Public Broadcasting in Canada (Origins of): A Comment; by Graham Spry, xlvi,1965/2,13U Puttee (Arthur). See Arthur Puttee

Quebec (Chapleau and the Conservative Party in); by H. Blair Neatby and John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956/1,1 Quebec (Fall of); by C.R. Fay, xxxiii,1952/2,165 Quebec (Fondements historiques de 1'option slparatiste dans le); by Fernand Ouellet, xliii,1962/3,185 Quebec, 1759: Some Hew Documents; by C.P. Stacey, xlvii, 1966/1* ,3kk Quebec, 1763-177);: The Financial Administration; by H.R. Balls, xli, 1960/3,203 Quebec Under Siege, 1775-1776: The "Memorandums" of Jacob Danford; by John F. Roche, 1,1969/1,68

Articles: Subject-Title / 29 Quebec and the Fenians; by Hereward Senior, xlviii,1967/l,26 Quebec and France during the French Regime (General Trade between); by Allana G. Reid, xxxiv,1953/1,18 Quebec and the French Revolution of 1789: The Missions of Henri Meziere; by Mason Wade, xxxi, 1950 A, 3^5 Quebec Bishops and Confederation; by Walter Ullman, xliv,1963/3,213 Quebec Conference (Edward Whelan reports from the); by P.B. Waite, xlii,1961/1,23 Quebec Resolutions and Le Courrier du Canada, 186U-1865; by P.B.

Waite, xl.1959A.291*

R.B. Bennett, 1930-31* (H.H. Stevens and); by J.R.H. Wilbur, xliii, 1962/1,1 R.B. Bennett and Sir Robert Borden; by Wilfrid I. Smith, xlv,196U/2, 116 Reciprocity Treaty of 185!* (Israel D. Andrews and the): A Reappraisal; by Irene W.D. Hecht, xliv.1963A.-313- See also 'A Hote on Israel Dewolfe Andrews: Opportunist or Diplomat?' 1,1969/3,3^5 Reconstruction Party (H.H. Stevens and the); by J.H. Wilbur, xlv, 1961*/1,1. See also J.R.H. Wilbur, 'A Correction,' xlv.196U73.271* Red River Hunt by John Horquay (Note on the); by Margaret Arnett MacLeod, xxxviii,1957/2,129 Red River Rebellion (Charles Mari: A Document on the); by F.H. Shrive, xl,1959/3,218 Reform Tradition in Canada (Social Gospel and the); by Richard Allen, xlix,1968/1*, 381 Regime seigneurial et son abolition au Canada; by Jean-Pierre Wallot, 1.1969A.367 Registration, Conscription, and Independent Labour Politics, 19161917; by Martin Robin, xlvii,1966/2,101 Reports of General Brady on the Patriot War; by Francis Paul Prucha,


Research in Canadian Church History; by H.R. Walsh, xxxv,195^/3,208 Responsible Government (Coming of) to New Brunswick; by W.S. MacHutt, xxxiii,1952/2,111. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii, 1952/3,31 1*, and W.S. MacNutt, xxxiv,1953/1,107 Responsible Government (Upper Canada Letter of 1829 on); by K.D. McRae, xxxi,1950/3,288 Responsible Government in the Canadas, 1836-18U7 (Draper Conservatism and); by George Metcalf, xlii,196lA,300 Review Reviewed Or Fifty Years with the Beaver Patrol; by J.M.S. Careless, li ,1970/1,1*8 Richardson's "Digression Concerning Hearne's Route" (Note on John); by Richard Glover, xxxii,1951/3,252 Riel Rebellion and Canadian-American Relations; by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xxxvi,1955/3,199. See also correspondence of W.L. Morton, xxxvi,1955/1*, 385 Rigaud de Vaudreuil, 1713-1735 (Frontier Policy of Phillippe de); by Yves F. Zoltvany, xlviii,1967/3,227 Ripon Circular of 1895 (imperial Policy and the); by R.A. Shields, xlvii,1966/2,119 Robinson (General Sir F.P.). See General Sir F.P. Robinson Robson (Arthur Dobbs and Joseph): New Light on the Relationship between Two Early Critics of the Hudson's Bay Company; by Glyndwr Williams, xl,1959/2,132 Rose (Sir John). See Sir John Rose

30 / Canadian Historical Review Index Round Table Groups in Canada, 1908-38; by Carroll Quigley, xliii, 1962/3,201* Round Table Movement in Canada, 1909-1920; by James Eayrs, xxxviii, 1957/1,1 Rowell-Sirois Commission (Hepburn, King, and the); by Richard M.H. Alway, xlviii,1967/2,113 Russia, 1918-1919 (Canadian Artillery Brigade in North); by Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxix,1958/2,125 Saguenay (Glorious Kingdom of); by Joseph Edward King, xxxi,1950A> 390 School Inspector in the North-West Territories 1898-1903 (Campaign for a French Catholic); by Manoly R. Lupul, xlviii,1967/^,332 School Segregation (Negro) in Ontario and Nova Scotia; by Robin W. Winks, 1,1969/2,161* Schools Issue (Ontario Bilingual): Sources of Conflict; by Marilyn Barber, xlvii,1966/3,227 Schools Issue in Ontario, 1910-1917 (Clerics, Politicians and the Bilingual); by Margaret Prang, xli,196oA,28l Schools and Politics in Manitoba, 1903-1912 (Church,); by Ramsay Cook, xxxix,1958/1,1 Scottish History since 191*0; by Maurice Lee Jr., xl,1959A,319. [Survey of historical writing] Sea Militia in Nova Scotia, 171*9-1755: A Comment on Naval Policy; by W.A.B. Douglas, xlvii,1966/1,22 Search for Economy: Imperial Administration of Nova Scotia in the 1830s; by Peter Burroughs, xlix,1968/l,2l* Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike; by Norbert MacDonald, xlix, 1968/3,23!* Settlement of the Clergy Reserves, 18UO-1855; by J.S. Moir, xxxvii, 1956/1,1*6 Ships of the British Squadron on Lake Ontario, l8l2-ll*; by C.P. Stacey, xxxiv, 19 5 3 A, 311 Sir Arthur Currie and Conscription: A Soldier's View; by A.M.J. Hyatt, 1,1969/3,285 Sir Charles Gavan Duffy: Young Irelander and Imperial Statesman; by Helen F. Mulvey, xxxiii ,1952/1* ,369 Sir Charles Tapper and the Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895: A Study of Imperial Relations; "by R.A. Shields, xlix,1968/1,1 Sir Frederick William Borden and Military Reform, 1896-1911; by Carman Miller, 1,1969/3,265 Sir George Gibbons and the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909; by Alan 0. Gibbons, xxxiv,1953/2,121* Sir Guy Carleton, Peace Negotiations, and the Evacuation of New York; by Paul H. Smith, 1,1969/3,21*5 Sir John A. Macdonald and the Imperial Defence Commission of 1879; by Alice R. Stewart, xxxv,1951+/2,119 Sir John Rose and Imperial Relations: An Episode in Gladstone's First Administration; by David M.L. Farr, xxxiii,1952/l,19 Sir John Thompson's Elections; by D. Hugh Gillis, xxxvii,1956/1,23 Sir Richard Cartwright, Wilfrid Laurier, and Liberal Party Trade Policy, 1887; by W.R. Graham, xxxiii,1952/1,1 Sitting Bull: Indian Without a Country; by Gary Pennanen, li,1970/2, 123 Smith (Albert). See Albert Smith Smith (Goldwin). See Goldwin Smith

Articles: Subject-Title / 31 Smith, l802-l80U (London Diary of William); by L.F.S. Upton, xlvii, 1966/2,11*6 Social Class and the Interpretation of Canadian History (Concept of); by S.B. Mealing, xlvi,1965/3,201 Social Credit Back-benchers' Revolt, 1937; by Harold J. Schultz, xli, 1960/1,1 Social Credit Party and the New Democracy Movement: 1939-191+0; by Mary Hallett, xlvii,1966A,301 Social Gospel and the Reform Tradition, in Canada; by Richard Allen, xlix,1968/1*,381 Socialism (Failure of Canadian): The Ontario Experience, 1932-191*5; by Gerald L. Caplan, xliv,1963/2,93 Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol, 1763 (Labrador Question and the); by R.P. Crowhurst, 1,1969/1*,39l*. See also correspondence of Gordon 0. Rothney and R.P. Crowhurst, li, 1970A,1*80-83 Some Aspects of the Thought of F.X. Garneau; by James S. Pritchard, li,1970/3,276 Some Comments on a Credible Canadian; by W.R. Graham, xxxix,1958/1*, 296. [Arthur Meighen] Some Notes on the Early History of Unions in P.E.I.; by Eugene Forsey,


Some Repatriement Dilemmas; by Donald Chaput, xlix, 1968A, 1*00 Some Spanish Documents Relating to Early French Expeditions to Canada; by L.A. Vigneras, xxxv,195l*/3,217 Some Thoughts on the Study of History; by R.M. Saunders, xxxvii,1956/ 2,109 State of Maine and Canadian Confederation; by Alice R. Stewart, xxxiii,1952/2,11*8. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey, xxxiii,


Stead (W.T.). See W.T. Stead Stephen (James). See James Stephen Stevens (H.H.). See H.H. Stevens Succession (Foster on the Thompson-Bowell); by S. Morley Scott, xlviii,1967/3,273 Succession Question, 1891-1896 (Crown and the Politicians: The Canadian); by John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956/1*,309 "Sydenham Election" of 181*1; by Irving Martin Abella, xlvii ,1966/1*, 326 T. Dufferin Pattullo and the Little Hew Deal; by Margaret A. Ormsby, xli ii,1962/It, 277 Thirty Years After: Canadian History in the Universities of the United States; by Robin W. Winks, xl,1959/I,38 Thompson (Defence Research and David); by J. MacKay Hitsman, xl,1959/ 1*,315 Thompson (Witness of David); by Richard Glover, xxxi,1950/1,25 Thompson (Sir John). See Sir John Thompson's Thompson-Bowell Succession (Foster on the); by S. Morley Scott, xlviii,1967/3,273 Tilley on the Intercolonial Railway, 1863 (Letter from Leonard); by P.B. Waite, xlv,1961+/2,125 Toronto Board of Trade, l850-l860 (Commercial Politics of the); by Douglas McCalla, 1,1969/1,51 Toynbee (Arnold). See Arnold Toynbee Tupper and the Franco-Canadian Treaty of 1895 (Sir Charles): A Study of Imperial Relations; by R.A. Shields, xlix,1968/1,1

32 / Canadian Historical Review Index Tupper's Minutes of the Charlottetown Conference (Charles); introd. Wilfrid I. Smith, xlviii,1967/2,101 Union, 1822-1828 (Problem of Canadian); "by W.G. Ormsby, xxxix,1958/ U.277 Union Government (Dafoe, Lanrier, and the Formation of); by Ramsay Cook, xlii,1961/3,185 Unions in P.E.I. (Some Notes on the Early History of); by Eugene Forsey, xlvi ,1965 A, 3^6 United States and Canadian Confederation; by D.G. Creighton, xxxix, 1958/3,209 University Federation at Toronto: A Canadian Experiment; by C.B. Sissons, xxxi,1950/2,l66 Upper Canada, 1797-1805 (Heir and Devisee Commission of); by Lillian F. Gates, xxxviii,1957/1,21 Upper Canada, 1815 (Views of General Murray on the Defence of); by Gerald S. Graham, xxxiv,1953/2,158 Upper Canada Letter of 1829 on Responsible Government; by K.D. McRae, xxxi,1950/3,288 Use of Indians in the War of the American Revolution: A Re-Assessment of Responsibility; by Jack M. Sosin, xlvi,1965/2,101 Vaudreuil (Philipp de Rigaud de). See Rigaud de Vaudreuil Vergennes (Comte de). See Comte de Vergennes Views of General Murray on the Defence of Upper Canada, 1815; by Gerald S. Graham, xxxiv,1953/2,158 Violence and Legality in the Fragment Cultures; by Louis Hartz, 1, 1969/2,123 Volstead Violated: Prohibition as a Factor in Canadian-American Relations; by Richard H. Kottman, xliii,1962/2,106 Voyage of Etienne Bellenger to the Maritimes in 1583; by David B. Quinn, xliii,1962/U,328 Wakefield (E.G.). See E.G. Wakefield War of 1812 (British Command Decisions in the northern Campaigns of

the); by John K. Mahon, xlvi,1965/3,219

War of 1812 (Indians in the); by George F.G. Stanley, xxxi,1950/2,lk5 Washington Conference of 1921-1922 (Loring Christie and the Genesis of the); by A.R.M. Lower, xlvii,1966/I,38 Watkin (Edward). See Edward Watkin Whelan (Edward). See Edward Whelan William Lyon Mackenzie, First Mayor of Toronto: A Study of a Critic in Power; by F.H. Armstrong, xlviii,1967/^,309 Winnipeg General Strike, Collective Bargaining, and the One Big Union Issue; by David J. Bercuson, li,1970/2,l6!+ Winter Troop Movement to Canada, 1862; by J. MacKay Hitsman, xliii, 1962/2,127 Wintering Partners and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1863-1871; by Duane C. Tway, xxxiii,1952/1,50 Wintering Partners and the Hudson's Bay Company, 1867-1879; by Duane C. Tway, xli,1960/3,215 Witness of David Thompson; by Richard Glover, xxxi,1950/1,25 World War (Mackenzie King and the First); by H.S. Ferns and Bernard Ostry, xxxvi,1955/2,93. See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, B. Ostry and A.R.M. Lower, xxxvi,1955/3,292 World War I (Methodist Church and); by J.M. Bliss, xlix,1968/3,213

Articles: Subject-Title / 33 Wrangling over Wrangel Island; lay Richard J. Diubaldo, xlviii,1967/ 3,201 W.T. Stead and the Boer War: The Irony of Idealism; by Joseph 0. Baylen, xl,1959A,30U York Commerce in l820's (Nature and Structure of); by T.W. Acheson, 1.1969/M06 York South By-Election of February 9, 19^2: A Turning Point in Canadian Politics; by J.L. Granatstein, xlviii,1967/2,1^2

This page intentionally left blank

3 Review Articles: Authors

Bayley, C.C. See Beame, Edmond M. — Kenneth McHaught Beame, Edmond M., C.C. Bayley, Kenneth McKaught et al. "History Paperbacks in 1958,' xl,1959/3,227 Brown, G.W. 'Some Recent Books on American Foreign Policy,' xxxvii, 1956/1,70 Cappadocia, Ezio. 'Some Recent Books in American History,' xxxviii, 1957/3,229 - 'Hew Books in American History,1 xxxix,1958/3,223 Conacher, J.B. 'Some Recent Books in British History.' Articles under this title in xxxiv,1953A.339; xxxvii,1956A,356 - 'Some Recent Books on English History. Ill: The nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,' xxxvi,1955/1,1*5 Conway, John. "The Dynamic Commonwealth,' xli,1960/3,22k Cooke, A.C. 'The Cambridge "Hew Testament,"1 xxxix,1958/3,21+3 Craig, G.M. 'Some Recent Books in American History,' xxxv,195^/2,li+0 - 'The "American Conflict," 1830-1877,' xlii, 1961 A,325 Feuerwerker, A. 'New Books on East Asian History,' xl,1959A,332 McCready, H.W. 'Some Recent Books in British History,' xxxix,1958/2, 11*7 McDougall, D.J. 'Canada and Commonwealth Affairs.1 Articles under

this title in xxxii,1951/2,1^3; xxxiii,1952/3,272; xxxiv,1953/3, 281+; xxxv,1951+/3,231; xxxvi,1955/3,236; xxxvii,1956/3,21+7; xxxviii, 1957A,300; xxxix,1958A,312

- 'Some Recent Books in British History: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' xxxviii,1957/2,131 Mclnnis, Edgar. 'Canada and Foreign Affairs: Shaping the Post-War World,' xxxi,1950/3,303 McNaught, K.W. 'Some Recent Books on American Foreign Policy,' xxxiii,


- See Beame, Edmond M., C.C. Bayley McNeal, Robert H. 'The Russian Revolution,1 xl,1959/2,lU2

36 / Canadian Historical Review Index Oleson, T.J. "The Vikings in America: A Critical Bibliography,' xxxvi, 1955/2,166 Owen, David. 'Those Victorians,' xxxix,1958 A, 327 Pentland, H. Clare. 'Canada 196?: Nation or Subsidiary?' xlviii, 1967/^,365 Piepenburg, W.W. 'Some Recent Books on English History. II: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' xxxv,195^A,338 - 'Some Becent Books on British History. I: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' xxxvi, 1955A,3^1 - 'Some Recent Books on Early Modern British History,' xxxix,1958/1, 52 - 'Pests, Meddlers, and Regicides,' xl,1959/2,137 Porter, H.C. 'Canadian Culture,' xxxix, 1958/3,21*0 Preston, R.A. 'Some Recent Books on English History. I: The Tudor Period,' xxxv,195^/^,331 - '1759,' xli,1960/3,231 Rose, Elliott, et al. 'History Paperbacks in 1959,' xli,1960/2,lU9 Soward, F.H. 'Canada and Foreign Affairs,' xxxii,1951/3,26U Spencer, R.A. 'Some Recent Books on German History,' xxxvii,1956/2, 170 Underbill, F.H. 'The Toynbee of the 1950's,' xxxvi,1955/3,222 - 'Some Recent Books on British History. II: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,' xxxvii,1956/1,63 - 'Three Gullivers among the Toronto Lilliputians,' xxxvii,1956/3, 265 - 'A Canadian Political Protestant,' xli,1960/1,U8

4 Review Articles: Subject

Canada '1759,' by Richard A. Preston, xli,1960/3,231 'Canada 1967: Nation or Subsidiary?1 by H. Clare Pentland, xlviii, 1967A,365 'Canada and Commonwealth Affairs,' by D.J. McDougall. Articles under this title in xxxii,1951/2,ll*3; xxxiii,1952/3,272; xxxiv,1953/3, 281*; xxxv,195l+/3.,231; xxxvi, 1955/3,236; xxxvii ,1956/3,21*7; xxxviii, 1957A,300; xxxix,1958A,312 'Canada and Foreign Affairs: Shaping the Post-War World,' by Edgar Mclnnis, xxxi,1950/3,303 'Canada and Foreign Affairs,' by F.H. Soward, xxxii,1951/3,261* 'Canadian Culture,1 by H.C. Porter, xxxix, 1958/3,21*0 'Canadian Political Protestant, A,1 by Frank H. Underbill, xli,1960/ 1,1*8. [J.S. Woodsworth] 'Three Gullivers among the Toronto Lilliputians,' by Frank H. Underbill, xxxvii,1956/3,265. [Sociology] Europe and Asia 'Hew Books on East Asian History,' by A. Feuerwerker, xl, 1959/1*,332 'Russian Revolution, The,' by Robert H. McKeal, xl,1959/2,11*2 'Some Recent Books on German History,' by R.A. Spencer, xxxvii,1956/ 2,170 United Kingdom 'Pests, Meddlers, and Regicides,' by W.W. Piepenburg, xl,1959/2,137 'Some Recent Books in British History,1 by J.B. Conacher. Articles under this title in xxxiv, 1953A,339; xxxvii ,1956/1*,356 'Some Recent Books in British History,' by H.W. McCready, xxxix,1958/ 2,ll*7 'Some Recent Books in British History: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' by D.J. McDougall, xxxviii,1957/2,131

38 / Canadian Historical Review Index 'Some Recent Books on British History. I: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' by W.W. Piepenburg, xxxvi ,19 5 5 A, 3^1 'Some Recent Books on British History. II: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,' by Frank H. Underbill, xxxvii,1956/1,63 'Some Recent Books on Early Modern British History,' by W.W. Piepenburg, xxxix,1958/1,52 'Some Recent Books on English History. I: The Tudor Period,' by R.A. Preston, xxxv,195^A,331 'Some Recent Books on English History. II: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,' by W.W. Piepenburg, xxxv,195^A,338 'Some Recent Books on English History. Ill: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,1 by J.B. Conacher, xxxvi,1955/1,^5

"Those Victorians,' by David Owen, xxxix, 1958A,327

U.S.A. '"American Conflict," 1830-1877, The,1 by G.M. Craig, xlii,196lA, 325 'Hew Books in American History,' by Ezio Cappadocia, xxxix,1958/3, 223 'Some Recent Books in American History,1 by G.M. Craig, xxxv,195^/2, ±hO 'Some Recent Books in American History,1 by Ezio Cappadocia, xxxviii, 1957/3,229 'Some Recent Books on American Foreign Policy,' by K.W. McNaught, xxxiii,1952/1,6U 'Some Recent Books on American Foreign Policy,' by G.W. Brown, xxxvii, 1956/1,70 Miscellaneous 'Cambridge "New Testament," The,' by A.C. Cooke, xxxix,1958/3,2^3 'Dynamic Commonwealth, The,' by John Conway, xli,1960/3,22*t "History Paperbacks in 1958,' by Edmond M. Beame, C.C. Bayley, Kenneth McNaught et al., xl,1959/3,227 'History Paperbacks in 1959,' by Elliot Rose et al., xli,1960/2,ll*9 'Toynbee of the 1950's, The,' by F.H. Underbill, xxxvi,1955/3,222 'Vikings in America, The: A Critical Bibliography,1 by T.J. Oleson,


5 Books Reviewed: Authors

Adams, Arthur T., ed., The Explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson: From the original manuscript in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. By W.J. Eccles, xlii,196lA,339 Adams, Graham, Jr., Age of Industrial Violence, 1910-1915: The Activities and Findings of the United States Commission on Industrial Relations. By William Milner Dick, xlviii,1967/1,88 Adams, Howard, The Education of Canadians, 1800-1867: The Roots of Separatism. By J. Donald Wilson, 1,1969A,^52 Adamson, Anthony. See MacRae, Marion Airey, W.T. See Condliffe, J.B. Aitken, Hugh G.J., The Welland Canal Company: A Study in Canadian Enterprise, by J.J. Talman, xxxvi,1955/2,155

- et al., The American Economic Impact on Canada. By Morris Zaslow, xli,1960/3,250

- See Easterbrook, W.T. Akrigg, G.P.V., Jacobean Pageant: The Court of King James I. By David Harris Willson, xliv,1963/1,63 Albrecht-Carrie, Rene, A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna, xl,1959/I,77 Alden, John Richard, The American Revolution, 1775-1783. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195^/2,lUO - The South in the Revolution. Ill: A History of the South. By Max Savelle, xl,1959/2,169 Alexander, Eric, Chief Whip: The Political Life and Times of Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston. By Trevor Owen Lloyd, xliv, 1963/2,179 Allen, H.C., Great Britain and the United States: A History of AngloAmerican Relations, 1783-1952. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii, 1956/1,70 - The Anglo-American Relationship since 1783, xlii,1961/3,252 - and C.P. Hill, eds., British Essays in American History. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223

Allen, Ralph, Ordeal by Fire: Canada 1910-19^5- By Ramsay Cook, xliii, 1962/2,155

kO I Canadian Historical Review Index Altrincham, Lord, Kenya's Opportunity: Memories, Hopes and Ideas. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,21*7 Amery, Julian, The Life of Joseph Chamberlain, IV. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,11*3 Amery, L.S., My Political Life. I: England before the Storm, 189619lU. II: War and Peace, 191U-1929. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231. Ill: The Unforgiving Years, 1929-19^0. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/I,63; D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,21*7 Anderson, Bern, Surveyor of the Sea: The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancouver. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xli , I960 A, 333 Anderson, Eugene H., The Prussian Election Statistics, 1862 and 1863. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 - The Social and Political Conflict in Prussia, 1858-1861+. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Anderson, George L., ed., Issues and Conflicts: Studies in Twentieth Century American Diplomacy, xl,1959/3,251* Anderson, M.S., Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 1713-1783. By A. Lloyd Moote, xliv,1963A,36l Anderson, Olive, A Liberal State at War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War. By F.A. Dreyer, xlviii, 1967/1+ ,386 Andrews, P.W.S. and Elizabeth Brunner, The Life of Lord Nuffield: A Study in Enterprise and Benevolence. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii,1956/1*, 356 Anglin, Douglas G., The St. Pierre and Miquelon Affaire of 191+1: A Study in the Diplomacy of the North Atlantic Quadrangle. By Charlotte S.M. Girard, xlviii,1967/2,166 Angus, H.F., Canada and the Far East, 19^0-1953. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxv,195U/2,15!+ Ansel, Walter, Hitler Confronts England. By John C. Cairns, xlii,196l/


Appleby, John T., John, King of England. By F.D. Blackley, xl,1959/ 3,253 - Henry II: The Vanquished King. By John Trueman, xliv,1963/2,172 Appleman, Philip et al., eds., 1859: Entering an Age of Crisis. By Frank H. Underbill, xli,I960/It, 352 Archer, John H. and Alexander M. Derby, The Story of a Province: A Junior History of Saskatchewan. By Walter K. Sage, xxxvi,1955A, 358 Ares, Richard, Dossier sur le pacte federatif de 1867: La Confederation: pacte ou loi? By Eugene Forsey, 1,1969/1,96 Armstrong, C.H.A., The Honourable Society of Osgoode Hall. By William Colgate, xxxiv,1953A,359 Armstrong, Frederick H., Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology and Territorial Legislation. By Bruce W. Hodgins, 1,1969/3,316 - ed. See Scadding, Henry, Toronto Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, Tito and Goliath. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Armstrong, Zella, Who Discovered America? The Amazing Story of Madoc. By T.J. Oleson, xxxiii,1952/2,182 Armytage, W.H.C., Heavens Below: Utopian Experiments in England, 15601960. By James Winter, xliii,1962/3,21*3 Arnstein, Walter L., The Bradlaugh Case: A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics. By David Owen, xlvii,1966/2,177 Aron, Raymond, France, Steadfast and Changing: The Fourth to the Fifth Republic. By John C. Cairns, xlii,1961/1,80

Books Reviewed: Authors / 1*1 Aron, Raymond, Main Currents in Sociological Thought. I: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, The Sociologists and the Revolution of 181*8, trs. Richard Howard and Helen Weaver. By John C. Cairns, xlvii,1966/3,265 Aron, Robert and Georgette Elgey, The Vichy Regime, 191*0-191*1+, trs. Humphrey Hare, xl,1959/3,255 Arrington, Leonard J., Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1900. By Wallace D. Farnham, xl,19597 2,171 Arthur, Eric, Toronto: Ho Mean City. By Frederick H. Armstrong, xlvi, 1965/3,21*9 Ashley, Maurice, Cromwell's Generals. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195l*A,338 Ashton, T.S., An Economic History of England: The l8th Century. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi,1955 A,3l*l Ashworth, E.M., Toronto Hydro Recollections. By C.A. Ashley, xxxvi, 1955 A, 368 Ashworth, William, An Economic History of England, 1870-1939. By J.B. Conacher, xlii,1961/3,2l*6 Aspinall, A., ed., The Later Correspondence of George III. I: December 1783 to January 1793. By G.H. Guttridge, xlv,1961*/3,238 Audet, Louis-Philippe, Le Systeme scolaire de la province de Quebec. I: Apergu general. II: L'Instruction publique de 1635 a 1800. Ill: L'Institution royale: Les debuts, 1801-1825; IV: L'Institution royale: Le declin, 1825-181+6. By Paul W. Fox, xxxii, 1951/2,157; xxxiv, 1953/1,75; xxxiv,1953/2,177- V: Les Ecoles elementaires dans le BasCanada, l800-l836. VI: La Situation scolaire a la veille de 1'Union, 1836-181*0. By Mason Wade, xxxvii ,1956/3,270 - Histoire du Conseil de 1'Instruction publique de la Province de Quebec 1856-1961*. By Andre Labarrere-Paule, xlvi,1965/2,150 Auger, Roland-J., La Grande Recrue de 1653. By W.J. Eccles, xxxvi, 1955A.368 Ausubel, Herman, Historians and Their Craft: A Study of the Presidential Addresses of the American Historical Association, 1881*191+5. By E.R. Adair, xxxii,1951/2,166 - John Bright, Victorian Reformer. By James Winter, xlviii,1967/2,178 - et al., eds., Some Modern Historians of Britain. By George Wilson, xxxiii,1952/2,180 Avakumovic, Ivan, History of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, I. By S.D. Bosnitch, xlvi ,1965/2,181+ - See Woodcock, George Bachman, Van Cleaf, Peltries or Plantations: The Economic Policies of the Dutch West India Company in Hew ttetherland, 1623-1639- By Jan Kupp, li,1970A, 1*76 Baehrel, Rene, Une Croissance: La Basse-Provence rural[e] (fin du XVIs siecle-1789): Essai d'eeonomie historique statistique. By Robert S. Smith, xliv,1963/3,256 Bagby, Philip, Culture and History: Prolegomena to the Comparative Study of Civilizations. By John M. Horris, xl, 1959/2,15s* Bailey, Alfred G., ed., The University of New Brunswick Memorial Volume, Published on the Occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Granting of the First Charter of Incorporation, February 12th, 1800. By W.S. Wallace, xxxi,1950/3,327 Bailey, Sydney D., British Parliamentary Democracy, xl,1959A,351

k2 I Canadian Historical Review Index Bailey, Sydney D., ed., Parliamentary Government in the Commonwealth. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Bailyn, Bernard, ed., Pamphlets of the American Revolution 1750-1776. I: 1750-1765. By Richard Buel Jr., xlvii,1966/2,168 Baker, Robert L., The English Customs Service 1307-13^3: A Study of Medieval Administration. By B. Wilkinson, xlv,1961t A,333 Bakke, E. Wight, Revolutionary Democracy: Challenge and Testing in Japan. By P.L. Thompson, li,1970/1,75 Bald, F. Clever, Michigan in Four Centuries. By Fred C. Hamil, xxxvi, 1955/2,152 Baldwin, A.W., My Father: The True Story. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii,1956/^,356 Baldwin, Marshall W., ed., A History of the Crusades. I: The First Hundred Years. By M.R. Powicke, xxxvii ,1956A,376 Baldwin, Robert E. See Meier, Gerald M. Bamford, Paul Walden, Forests and French Sea Power, 1660-1789- By R. A. Preston, xxxviii,1957/1,5** Banks, Margaret A., Edward Blake Irish Nationalist: A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics, 1892-1907. By David Spring, xxxviii,1957A, 327 Bankwitz, Philip Charles Farwell, Maxime Weygand and Civil-Military

Relations in Modern France. By Edward R. Tannenbaum, 1,1969/2,226 Baratier, Edouard, La Demographic provenQale du XIII au XVI siecle:

Avec chiffres de comparaison pour le XVTII6 siecle. By Robert S. Smith, xliv,1963/3,256 Barbeau, Marius, Pathfinders in the North Pacific, xli,1960/3,259 Bardens, Dennis, Portrait of a Statesman: The Personal Life Story of Sir Anthony Eden. By H.W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2,1^7 Bargar, B.D., Lord Dartmouth and the American Revolution. By Bernard Donoughue, xlvii, 1966A,375 Barghoorn, Frederick C., Soviet Russian Nationalism. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxviii,1957/2,l6l Bark, William Carroll, Origins of the Medieval World. By B. Wilkinson, xl,1959/1,62 Barker, Alan, The Civil War in America. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Barker, Ernest et al., eds., The European Inheritance. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvi,1955/I,68 Barnard, F.M., Herder's Social and Political Thought: From Enlightenment to Nationalism. By Harvey Mitchell, xlvii,1966/3,269 - trs. and ed., J.G. Herder on Social and Political Culture. By Howard Adelman, li,1970/2,223 Barnard, Julienne, Memoires Chapais: Documentation-CorrespondancesSouvenirs. I: l7l»U-l8W. II: 18W-1875. By Barbara Fraser, xliii, 1962A,31*9 Barnard, Marjorie, A History of Australia. By K.A. MacKirdy, xliv, 1963/3,263 Barnes, Thomas Garden, Somerset, 1625 to l6kO: A Country's Government during the "Personal Rule." By D.J. McDougall, xliv,1963/1, 62 Barnhart, John D., ed., Henry Hamilton and George Rogers Clark in the American Revolution, with the Unpublished Journal of Lieut. Gov. Henry Hamilton. By B.D. Bargar, xxxiii,1952/I,79 Baron, Samuel H., Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism. By Robert

H. McNeal, xlv,1961*A,356

Books Reviewed: Authors / 1*3 Barraclough, Geoffrey, History in a Changing World. By R. Flenley,


Barstow, D.H. Miller-. See Miller-Barstow Bartlett, Vernon, Struggle for Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231 - Report from Malaya. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3, 236

Bassett, R., 1931: Political Crisis. By J.B. Conacher, xl,1959/3,2^9

Baugh, Daniel A., British Haval Administration in the Age of Walpole. By John Morris, xlviii,1967/1,72 Baumer, Franklin Le Van, ed., Main Currents of Western Thought: Readings in Western European Intellectual History from the Middle Ages to the Present. By A.G. Bailey, xxxiv, 1953/1,71* Bayley, C.C., War and Society in Renaissance Florence: The De Militia of Leonardo Bruni. By Paul Oskar Kristeller, xliv,1963/1,56" Beaglehole, J.C., ed., The Journals of Captain James Cook on His Voyages of Discovery. Ill: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776-1780, 2 vols. By J.H. Parry, xlix,1968/1,77 Beale, Howard K., Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 - ed., Charles A. Beard: An Appraisal. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195!+/2,lltO Beales, Derek, England and Italy 1859-60. By J.B. Conacher, xliii, 1962/2,165 Bealey, Frank and Henry Felling, Labour and Politics, 1900-1906: A History of the Labour Representation Committee. By J.H.S. Reid, xl, 1959/3,2^8 Beattie, John M., The English Court in the Reign of George I. By D. B. Horn, xlix,1968/1,79 Beaulieu, Andre and Jean Hamelin, Les Journeaux du Quebec de 176U a 1961*. By Ramsay Cook, xlviii,1967A,279 Beaverbrook, Lord, Friends: Sixty Years of Intimate Personal Relations with Richard Bedford Bennett. By L.G. Thomas, xli,1960/3,255 - Courage: The Story of Sir James Dunn. By Margaret Prang, xliii, 1962/1,73 Beck, J. Murray, The Government of Nova Scotia. By J.E. Hodgetts, xxxix,1958/l,71 - Pendulum of Power: Canada's Federal Elections. By Richard T. Clippingdale, 11,1970/1,89 Beckett, J.A., A Short History of Ireland. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Beers, Burton F., Vain Endeavor: Robert Lansing's Attempts to End the American-Japanese Rivalry. By M.G. Fry, xlvi,1965/2,165 Beers, Henry Putney, The French in Worth America: A Bibliographical Guide to French Archives, Reproductions and Research Missions. By

Fernand Ouellet, xxxix,1958/1,69

- The French and British in the Old Northwest: A Bibliographical Guide to Archive and Manuscript Sources. By Jack M. Sosin, xlvi,1965/2, 1^2 Belisle, Louis-Alexandre, ed., Le Dictionnaire general de la langue francais au Canada, xl,1959/2,17^ Bell, Winthrop P., The "Foreign Protestants" and the Settlement of Nova Scotia: The History of a Piece of Arrested British Colonial Policy in the Eighteenth Century. By W.S. MacHutt, xlii ,196lA ,3^0 Bellasis, M. , "Rise, Canadians.'" By G.M. Craig, xxxvi ,1955/3,263

hk I Canadian Historical Reviev Index Beloff, Max, ed., The Debate on the American Revolution, 1761-1783. By E.A. Preston, xxxi,1950/2,196 Bemis, Samuel Flagg, John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy. By George W. Brown, xxxi,1950/2,193 - Jay's Treaty: A Study in Commerce and Diplomacy. By Patrick C.T. White, xliv,1963/3,2ltU - American Foreign Policy and the Blessings of Liberty and Other Essays. By John P. Campbell, xliv,1963/3,2**7 Benians, E.A. et al., eds., The Cambridge History of the British Empire. Ill: The Empire-Commonwealth 1870-1919. By John Conway, review art., xli,1960/3,221* Bennett, Edward W., Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis, 1931. By Lewis Hertzman, xliv,196sA,366 Bennett, John W. Wheeler-. See Wheeler-Bennett Bengtsson, Frans G., The Life of Charles XII, King of Sweden, 16971718, trs. Haomi Walford. By Richard Glover, xlii,1961/2,167 Benham, Frederick, The Colombo Plan and Other Essays. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 Bennett, George, ed., The Concept of Empire: Burke to Attlee, 177U19^7. By A.C. Cooke, xxxiv,1953A,365 Benoit, Pierre, Maisonneuve. By W.J. Eccles, xlii,1961/3,233 Benson, Lee, Turner and Beard: American Historical Writing Reconsidered. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xlii,1961/2,156 - The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: Hew York as a Test Case. By D.M.L. Farr, xliii,1962/3,229 Benson, Lillian Rea, ed. See Horsman, E.A. Benson, Nathaniel A., None of It Came Easy: The Story of James Garfield Gardiner. By W.L. Morton, xxxvii,1956A,367 Berger, Carl, ed., Canadian Historical Readings. Approaches to Canadian History. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 Bergeron, Gerard, Le Canada-Frangais: apres deux siecles de patience. By Blair Neatby, 1,1969/1,95 Bergevin, AndrS, Cameron Nish and Anne Bourassa, Henri Bourassa: Biographie, Index des ecrits, Index de la. correspondance public[ue 1895-192!+. By Joseph Levitt, xlviii ,1967A,379 Berkes, Niyazi, The Development of Secularism in Turkey. By L.M. Kenny, xlvii,1966/2,185 Berlin, Isaiah, Historical Inevitability. By Alfred G. Bailey, xxxvii, 1956/1,95 Bertier de Sauvigny, G. de, Metternich and His Times, trs. Peter Ryde. By Robert Spencer, xlv,1961*/3,232 Berton, Pierre, The Mysterious North. By Donald Snowden, xxxviii, 1957/3,250 Bertrand, J.P., Highway of Destiny: An Epic Story of Canadian Development, xl,1959 A, 352 Berwanger, Eugene H., The Frontier Against Slavery: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy. By Eugene D. Genovese, xlix,1968/3,297 Beveridge, Lord, Power and Influence. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Bezanson, A.M., Sodbusters Invade the Peace. By Morris Zaslow, xxxvi, 1955/2,158 Bindoff, S.T. et al., eds., Elizabethan Government and Society. By W.W. Piepenburg, xliii,1962/1,53

Books Reviewed: Authors / U5

Birch, Alan, The Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, 1781*-l879: Essays in Industrial and Economic History with Special Reference to the Development of Technology. By Ian M. Drummond, xlix,1968/3,310 Birch, A.H., Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation in Canada, Australia and the United States. By G.S. Brown, xxxvii,1956/I,82 Bird, Harrison, Navies in the Mountains: The Battles on the Waters of Lake Champlain and Lake George, l609-l8lU. By George F.G. Stanley, xlv,196V3,2U8 Bird, Will R., The Two Jacks: The Amazing Adventures of Major Jack M. Veness and Major Jack L. Fairweather. By J. Mackay Hitsman, xxxvi,1955/3,269 - Done at Grand Pre. By W.S. MacNutt, xxxvii ,1956/1,92 Bishop, M.G., Champlain: The Life of Fortitude. By Robert Craig Brown, xlv,196U/2,136 Bishop, William Arthur, The Courage of the Early Morning: The Story of Billy Bishop. By A.M.J. Hyatt, xlvii,1966/3,292 Bissell, Claude T., ed., University College: A Portrait, 1853-1953. By J.J. Talman, xxxv,1951*/l,68 - ed., Canada's Crisis in Higher Education. By.G.C. Andrew, xxxix, 1958/2,156 - ed., Our Living Tradition: Seven Canadians. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xxxix,1958/3,25^* Bissonnette, Bernard, Essai sur la constitution du Canada. By Eugene Forsey, xlv,196U/l,77 Bitton, Davis, The French Nobility in Crisis, 1560-16UO. By Henry Heller, li,1970/3,3^8 Blair, Peter Hunter, An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England. By M.R. Powicke, xxxvii,1956/3,279 Black, Eugene Charlton, The Association: British Extraparliamentary Political Organization 1769-1793- By John Norris, xlvi,1965/1,69 Black, Samuel, A Journal of a Voyage from the Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the Sources of Finlays Branch and North West Ward in Summer 182U, ed. E.E. Rich. By W.S. Wallace, xxxvii,1956/2,183 Blackburn, Robert H., ed., The Encyclopedia of Canada: Newfoundland Supplement. By D.G.G. Kerr, xxxii,1951/3,279 Bladen, V.W., An Introduction to Political Economy, rev. ed. By Irene M. Spry, xxxviii,1957/2,156 Blainey, Geoffrey. The Rush That Never Ended; A History of Australian Mining. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2,158 Blair, Walter and Franklin J. Meine, eds. , Half Horse Half Alligator: The Growth of the Mike Fink Legend. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Blaisdell, Donald C., American Democracy Under Pressure. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Blake, Robert, The Unknown Prime Minister: The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law, 1858-1923. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii, 1956/U,356 - Disraeli. By J.B. Conacher, xlviii,1967/3,288 - ed., The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 191U-1919: Being Selections from the Private Diary and Correspondence of Field-Marshal the Earl Haig of Bemersyde, K.T., G.C.B., O.M., etc. By C.P. Stacey, xxxiv,1953/^,368 Blakeley, Phyllis R., Glimpses of Halifax, 1867-1900. By Paul Grant Cornell, xxxi,1950/1,80

1*6 / Canadian Historical Review Index Blet, Pierre, Le Clerge de France et la monarchie: Etude sur les Assemblies Generales du Clerge" de l6l5 a 2.666. By A. Lloyd Moote, xli, I960 A, 31*1* Bliss, J.M., ed., Canadian History in Documents, 1763-1966. By Charles W. Humphries, li,1970/1,9^ Blitzer, Charles, An Immortal Commonwealth: The Political Thought of James Harrington. By C.B. Macpherson, xliii,1962/1*,352 Bloch, Marc, Feudal Society, trs. L.A. Manyon. By Walter Goffart, xliv,1963/1,65 Blond, Georges, The Death of Hitler's Germany, trs. Francis Frenaye. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Bloomfield, Maxwell H., Alarms and Diversions: The American Mind Through American Magazines, 1900-1911*. By Keith Cassidy, 1,1.969A, 1*72 Bloomfield, Paul, Edward Gibbon Wakefield: Builder of the British Commonwealth. By Albert V. Tucker, xliii,1962/1,58 Blum, Jerome, Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xliv,1963/1,71 Blum, John Morton, Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Boissevain 75th Jubilee Committee, Beckoning Hills. By W.D. Smith, xxxviii,1957/2,16U Bolger, Francis W.P., Prince Edward Island and Confederation, 18631873. By W.L. Morton, 'xlvi,1965/l,l*9 Bolitho, Hector, A Century of British Monarchy. By David Spring, xxxii,195lA,391 - Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi, 1955/3,236 Bond, John, They Were South Africans. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Bond, Richard P., Queen Anne's American Kings. By R. Glover, xxxiv, 1953/1,75 Bonenfant, Jean-Charles, The French Canadians and the Birth of Confederation. By Bruce W. Hodgins, xlix,1968/2,182 Bongie, Laurence, David Hume, Prophet of the Counter-Revolution. By David Higgs, xlvii,1966/3,266 Boon, T.C.B., The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies: A History of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land and its Dioceses from 1820 to 1950. By H.H. Walsh, xliv,1963/3,21*1 Borg, Dorothy, The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 19331938: From the Manchurian Incident through the Initial Stage of the Undeclared Sino-Japanese War. By Armin Rappaport, xlvi,1962/2,166 Bosher, J.F., The Single Duty Project: A Study of the Movement for a French Customs Union in the Eighteenth Century. By David Higgs, xlvii,1966/1,8l Bouchard, T.D., Memoires. I: Ma Vie privee. II: Gravissant la Colline. Ill: "Quarante Ans dans la tourmente politico-religieuse." By Blair Neatby, xliii,1962/1,75 Boucher, Thomas, Mauricie d'autrefois. By Allana G. Reid, xxxiv,1953 72,175 Boulton, D'Arcy, Sketch of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada. By S.F. Wise, xlvi ,1965/2,11*6 Bourassa, Anne. See Bergevin, Andre, Cameron Nish Bourne, Kenneth, Britain and the Balance of Power in North America, 1815-1908. By Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlix,1968/3,309

Books Reviewed: Authors / 4 7 Bowen, Catherine Drinker, The Lion and the Throne: The Life and Times of Sir Edward Coke, 1552-163U. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 - Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man. By W.J. Jones, xlv,1961*A,336 Bowen, Desmond, The Idea of the Victorian Church: A Study of the Church of England, 1833-1889. By J. Kenyon, 1,1969/2,216 Bowsfield, Hartwell, ed., The James Wickes Taylor Correspondence, 1859-1870. By A.C. Oluek Jr., 1,1969/3,320 Boyle, George, Pioneer in Purple: The Life and Work of Archbishop Neil McNeil. By Josephine Phelan, xxxiii,1952/1,79 Bradley, Omar N., A Soldier's Story. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Brady, Alexander, Democracy in the Dominions: A Comparative Study in Institutions, 3rd ed., xl,1959/2,173 Bragdon, Henry Wilkinson, Woodrow Wilson, The Academic Years. By Robert Cuff, xlix,1968/3,300 Brailsford, Dennis, Sport and Society: Elizabeth to Anne. By Elliot Rose, li,1970/3,329 Brailsford, H.N., The Levellers and the English Revolution, ed. Christopher Hill. By C.B. Macpherson, xliii,1962/U,352 Brand, Carl F., The British Labour Party: A Short History. By H.W. McCready, xlvi,1965/3,265 Brand, Conrad, Stalin's Failure in China, 1821+-1927. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959/^,332 Brandt, William J., The Shape of Medieval History: Studies in Modes of Perception. By Horman P. Zacour, xlviii,1967A",391 Brault, Lucien, Hull, 1800-1950. By D.C. Masters, xxxi,1950/3,327 Brebner, J. Bartlett, Canada: A Modern History. By C.P. Stacey, xlii, 1961/1,55 Brecher, Irving, Monetary and Fiscal Thought and Policy in Canada, 1919-1939. By H.C. Pentland, xxxix,1958/3,2U8 Brecher, Michael, Nehru: A Political Biography. By G.O. Rothney, xlii,1961/2,170 - The Struggle for Kashmir. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv, 195V3.231 Brett-James, Antony, ed., Wellington at War, 179H-1815. By D.J. Goodspeed, xlii,1961 A, 357 Bridenbaugh, Carl, Mitre and Sceptre: Transatlantic Faiths, Ideas, Personalities, and Politics, 1689-1775. By Arthur L. Jensen, xlv, 196U/2.153 - Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590-l6i*2. By Michael G. Finlayson, 1,1969/3,330 Briggs, Asa, Victorian People: Some Reassessments of People, Institutions, Ideas and Events, 1851-1867. By F.H. Underhill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Brissenden, R.F., ed., Studies in the Eighteenth Century. By John Carroll, 11,1970/2,225 Brittain, Horace L., Local Government in Canada. By Eric Hardy, xxxiii,1952/2,183 Broad, Lewis, Winston Churchill. I: The Years of Preparation. II: The Years of Achievement. By Trevor Lloyd, xlv,196U/2,l60 Brock, W.R., Britain and the Dominions. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 - The Character of American History, xlii,196l/3,253 Brockway, Thomas P., Basic Documents in United States Foreign Policy. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223

1*8 / Canadian Historical Review Index Brodie, Fawn M., Thaddeus Stevens: Scourge of the South. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Bromley, J.S., ed. See Hatton, Ragnhild Brooke, Christopher, From Alfred to Henry III, 871-1272. By Bryce Lyon, xliii,1962/1,1*9 Brooke, John, The Chatham Administration, 1766-1768. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Brookings Institution, International Studies Group, Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy, 1950-1951. By K.W. McNaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/1,6U Brose, Olive J., Church and Parliament: The Reshaping of the Church

of England, 1828-1860, xl,1959/^,352 Browder, Robert Paul and Alexander F. Kerensky, eds., The Russian

Provisional Government, 1917: Documents, 3 vols. By Robert H. McHeal, xliii,1962/2,172 Brown, A.L., ed. See Chrimes, S.B. Brown, Bertram Wyatt-. See Wyatt-Brown Brown, Ford K., Fathers of the Victorians: The Age of Wilberforce. By David Spring, xliii ,1962/3,21*5 Brown, Gerald Saxon, The American Secretary: The Colonial Policy of Lord George Germain, 1775-1778. By Charles F. Mullett, xlv,1961*/ 1*, 321* - See Keenleyside, Hugh L. Brown, George W. , Canada in the Making. By W.S. MactJutt, xxxv,195l*/ 2,156 - ed., Canada. By R.C. Wallace, xxxi,1950/2,188 - et al., eds., Dictionary of Canadian Biography. I: 1000 to 1700. By Max Savelle, xlviii,1967/l,59 - et al., eds., Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. I: De 1'an 1000 a 1700. By Fernand Ouellet, xlviii,1967/1,60 Brown, J.J., Ideas in Exile: A History of Canadian Invention. By Melvin Kranzberg, xlix,1968/1*,1*17 Brown, Peter, The Chathamites: A Study in the Relationship between Personalities and Ideas in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century. By John Money, 1,1969/3,332 Brown, P. Hume, A Short History of Scotland, new ed. by Henry W. Meikle. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Brown, B. Craig, Canada's National Policy, 1883-1900: A Study in Canadian-American Relations. By Charles S. Campbell, xlvi,1965/3, 253 - ed., Canadian Historical Readings. Upper Canadian Politics in the l850's. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 - and M.E. Prang, eds., Canadian Historical Documents. Ill: Confederation to 191*9. By Michael S. Cross, xlvii ,1966A,359 - See Careless, J.M.S. - See Wise, S.F. Brown, Roger Hamilton, The Struggle for the Indian Stream Territory. By D.C. Masters, xxxvii,1956/3,283 - The Republic in Peril: 1812. By John K. Mahon, xlvi,1965/1,57 Brown, Wallace, The King's Friends: The Composition and Motives of the American Loyalist Claimants. By L.F.S. Upton, xlvii,1966/2,170 Browne, G.P., The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act: An Analysis of the Interpretative Scheme for the Distribution of Legislative Powers. By Peter H. Russell, xlix,1968/1,66 Browning, Andrew, ed., English Historical Documents, l660-17ll+. By

W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195>*A,338

Books Reviewed: Authors / k$ Bruce, Herbert, Varied Operations. By G. Ramsay Cook, xl,1959/3,2hh Bruchesi, Jean, L'Universite. By C.D. Rouillard, xxxv,195^/2,163 - Canada. By Blair Heathy, xxxviii,1957/2,l65 - Temoignages d'hier: Essais. By Laurier L. LaPierre, xliii,1962/2, 15it Brucker, Gene A., Florentine Politics and Society, IS^S-ISTS. By C. C. Bayley, xliii,1962 A,357 Brun, Christian, ed., Guide to the Manuscript Maps in the William L. Clements Library. By Theodore E. Layng, xli,1960/^,332 Brunet, Michel, La Presence anglaise et les Canadians: Etudes sur 1'histoire et la pensee des deux Canadas. By Prank H. Underhill, xl,1959/2,160 - Quebec-Canada anglais: deux itineraires, un affrontement. By Lovell Clark, 1,1969/2,192 - Les Canadians apres la Conqu§te (1759-1775): De la Rlvolution canadienne a la Revolution a'mericaine. By Fernand Ouellet, li,1970 /3.310 - Guy Fregault and Marcel Trudel, Histoire du Canada par les textes. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxiv,1953/l,58 Brunner, Elizabeth. See Andrews, P.W.S. Brunschwig, Henri, French Colonialism, l871-1911+: Myths and Realities, trs. W.G. Brown. By A.S. Kanya-Forstner, xlviii,1967/2,188 Brunton, D. and D.H. Pennington, Members of the Long Parliament. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195^/^,338 Bryant, Arthur, The Turn of the Tide, 1939-19^3: A Study Based on the Diaries and Autobiographical Notes of Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke, K.G., O.M. By Eric Harrison, xxxviii ,1957A,332 Buchan, Alastair, The Spare Chancellor: The Life of Walter Bagehot. By David Spring, xli, 1960/3,21+1 Buchanan, A. Russell, The United States and World War II. By C.P. Stacey, xlvi,1965/2,167 Buck, Philip W., Amateurs and Professionals in British Politics, 1918-59. By Trevor Lloyd, xlv,1961*A,3^3 Buck, Tim, Thirty Years, 1922-1952: The Story of the Communist Movement in Canada. By F.H. Underhill, xxxiv,1953/l,76 - Canada and the Russian Revolution: The Impact of the World's First Socialist Revolution on Labor and Politics in Canada. By O.S. Soroko, 1,1969/3,322 Buckley, Christopher, Norway, The Commandos, Dieppe. By G.W.L. Nicholson, xxxiii,1952/3,289 Budurowycz, Bohdan B., Polish-Soviet Relations, 1932-1939. By Ivan Avakumovic, xlvi,1965/1,76 Buley, R. Carlyle, The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, 1815-18UO, III. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xxxiii,1952/2,183 Buliard, Roger P., Inuk. By Graham Rowley, xxxiii,1952/2,177 Buliard, Roger, Inuk: "Au dos de la terre!" By Graham Rowley, xxxiii, 1952/2,177 Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor, The Party System in Great Britain. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1,^5 Bunbury, Henry and R.M. Titmus, eds., Lloyd George's Ambulance Wagon: The Memoirs of W.J. Braithwaite C.B. By H.W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2,li*7 Burckhardt, Carl J., Meine Danziger Mission, 1937-1939. By Anna M. Cienciala, xliii,1962/1,66 Burn, W.L., The British West Indies. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272

50 / Canadian Historical Review Index Burn, W.L. , The Age of Equipoise: A Study of the Mid-Victorian Generation. By J.B. Conacher, xlvii,1966/1,78 Burnet, Jean, Next-Year Country: A Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta. By William K. Rolph, xxxiii,1952/2,179 Burroughs, Peter, Britain and Australia, 1831-1855'- A Study in Imperial Relations and Crown Lands Administration. By Samuel Clyde McCulloch, xlix,1968/4,1*37 Burton, C.L., A Sense of Urgency: Memoirs of a Canadian Merchant. By Frank H. Underbill, xxxiv,1953/2,183 Bury, J.T.P., ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. X: The Zenith of European Power, 1830-70. By Ivo N. Lambi, xlii,1961/2,168 Butler, J.R.M., Lord Lothian 1882-191*0. By F.H. Soward, xlii,196l/l, 73 Burnette, 0. Lawrence, Jr., ed., Wisconsin Witness to Frederick Jackson Turner: A Collection of Essays on the Historian and the Thesis. By Wilbur R. Jacobs, xlv,196!*/3,2l*U Burns, E.L.M., Manpower in the Canadian Army, 1939-191*5- By George F.G. Stanley, xxxviii,1957/1,66 Burt, A.L., The Evolution of the British Empire and Commonwealth from the American Revolution. By D.J. McDougall, xxxviii,1957/I,62 - Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester, 172^-l8l8: Revised Version. By John Conway, xxxix,1958/1,72 Butterfield, Herbert, Christianity and History. By H.H. Fieldhouse, xxxi, 19 50A,1*11 - Liberty in the Modern World: Being the Third Lectures on the Chancellor Dunning Trust, Delivered at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1952. By M.R. Powicke, xxxiv,1953/1,69 - George III and the Historians. By John M. Norris, xxxix,1958A,335 Butterfield, L.H. et al., eds., Adams Family Correspondence. I: December 176l-May 1776. II: June 1776-March 1778. By W.H. Nelson, xlvi,1965/^,369 Byrd, Robert 0., Quaker Ways in Foreign Policy, xli,1960/3,257 Cahiers des Dix, Les (Montreal, Edition des Dix). No. lU. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxi,1950/2,197- Mo. 15. By Paul W. Fox, xxxii,1951/ 2,157. No. 16. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiii,1952/3,286. No. 17. By H.M. Thomas, xxxiv,1953/^,357. No. 18. By W.J. Eccles, xxxv, 1951tA,31*7. No. 19. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxvi,1955A,351. No. 20. By Guy Fregault, xxxvii,1956/3,281*. No. 21. By W.J. Eccles, xxxix,1958/1,83. No. 23. By Laurier L. LaPierre, xlii,1961/1,63. No. 25. By Jacques Monet, xlii,1962/3,235- No. 26. By Marc La Terreur, xlv,1961*/l,69. No. 27. By Pierre Savard, xliv,1963A,3!*2. Bo. 28. By Yves F. Zoltvany, xlvi,1965/2,11*2. Ho. 29. By Cameron Nish, xlvii,1966/3,28l Cairns, John, France. By J.A. Laponce, xlviii,1967/1,81* Caldwell, J. Warren, The Unification of Methodism in Canada. By H.H. Walsh, xlix,1968/3,282 Cam, Helen Maud, Law-finders and Law-makers in Medieval England: Collected Studies in Legal and Constitutional History. By Vaclav Mudroch, xlv,196Vl,57 - See Gates, Paul Wallace — and Hajo Holborn Cameron, William Bleasdell, Blood Red the Sun. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxii,1951/2,168 Campbell, A . E . , Great Britain and the United States, 1895-1903- By Herman Penlington, xlii,196l/l*,36l

Books Reviewed: Authors / 51 Campbell, Charles S. , Jr., Anglo-American. Understanding, 1898-1903. By Norman Penlington, xxxix,1958/l,78 Campbell, J.D., ed. See Lewis, Clinton Campbell, Marjorie Freeman, Niagara: Hinge of the Golden Arc, xl, 1959A,353 Campbell, Marjorie Wilkins, The Saskatchewan. By Richard Glover,


- McGillivray, Lord of the Northwest. By W. Kaye Lamb, xlv,196U/l,71 Campbell-Johnson, Alan, Mission with Mountbatten. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Campeau, Lucien, Monumenta Novae Franciae. I: La Premiere Mission d'Acadie (l602-l6l6). By Leon Pouliot, xlix,1968/2,173 Campion, Lord et al., Parliament: A Survey. By J.A. Corry, xxxiv, 1953 A, 363 Camsell, Charles, Son of the North. By Morris Zaslow, xxxvi,1955/2, 158 Canada: Nation on the March (Toronto, Clarke Irwin S Co. Ltd.). By A.R.M. Lower, xxxv,195^A,352 Cantor, Norman F., Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089-1135. By Robert Brentano, xl,1959A,63 Capers, Gerald M., Stephen A. Douglas: Defender of the Unioa. By G. M. Craig, review art., xlii,196l/3,325 Cappadocia, Ezio, The Republican Era: 1869-1901: A Study in Administrative History. By Leonard D. White, review art., xxxix,1958/3, 223 Careless, J.M.S., Canada: A Story of Challenge. By Hilda Neatby,


- Brown of the Globe. I: The Voice of Upper Canada, 1818-1859- By D.G.G. Kerr, xli ,1960 A,336 - The Union of the Canadas: The Growth of Canadian Institutions, 18U1-1857. By Helen Taft Manning, xlix,1968/3,28k - and R. Craig Brown, eds., The Canadians, 1867-1967. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xlviii,1967A,372 Caroe, Olaf, Wells of Power: The Oilfields of South-eastern Asia: A Regional and Global Study. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951 /3,26U Carr, Edward Hallett, A History of Soviet Russia. [Pt. I] The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Vol. II. By H.I. Nelson, xxxiv,1953 /3,302. [Pt. II] Socialism in One Country, 192U-1926. Vol. I. By Robert H. McNeal, xl,1959/3,251. Vol. II, xli,1960/3,258. Vol. Ill, Pts. 1-2. By Robert H. McNeal, xlvii,1966/2,191 - What is History? By Lewis Hertzman, xliv,1963/1,kk Carr, Raymond, Spain, 1808-1939. By W.J. Callahan, xlviii ,1967A,395 Carr, W., Schleswig-Holstein, 1815-U8: A Study in National Conflict. By Ivo H. Lambi, xlvi,1965/3,271 Carrie, Rene Albrecht-. See Albrecht-Carrie Carrington, C.E., The British Overseas: Exploits of a Nation of Shopkeepers. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,1^3 - John Robert Godley of Canterbury. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Carrington, Philip, The Anglican Church in Canada. By E.H. Walsh, xlv,196^/3,25U Carsten, F.L., The Origins of Prussia. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 - Princes and Parliaments in Germany from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century. By Robert Spencer, xlii,196l/2,l6U

52 / Canadian Historical Review Index Carsten, F.L., The Reichswehr and Politics, 1918-1933. By Robert Spencer, xlviii,1967A,399 - ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. V: The Ascendancy of France, 161+8-88. By J.F. Bosher, xliii,1962/2,171 Carter, Clarence Edwin, ed., The Territorial Papers of the United States. XIV: The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri, 1806-lU. XV: The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri, 1815-21. By Horman Macdonald, xxxi, 1950/3,317; xxxiii,1952/2,175 Carter, Gwendolen M., South Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 - The Politics of Inequality: South Africa Since 19U8. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 - ed., African One-Party States. By Donald L. Wiedner, xliv,1963A, 331* Caspari, Fritz, Humanism and the Social Order in Tudor England. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195ltA,331 Catton, Bruce, Grant Moves South. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii, 1961/3,325 Cawthorne, Graham, Mr Speaker, Sir. By D.J. McDougall, review art.,


Cecil, David, Lord M. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/l,^5 Celovsky, Boris, Das Miinchener Abkommen von 1938. By R.A. Spencer, xli,1960/3,241 Chaballe, Joseph, Histoire du 22e Bataillon canadien-frangais. I: 191^-1919. By A. Fortescue Duguid, xxxiv,1953/2,182 Chadwick, St. John, Newfoundland, Island into Province. By E.G. Moulton, xlix,1968/3,28l Chalmers, Douglas A., The Social Democratic Party of Germany: From Working-class Movement to Modern Political Party. By Lewis Hertzman, xlvii,1966/2,l89 Chalmers, Harvey and Ethel Brant Monture, Joseph Brant: Mohawk. By S.F. Wise, xxxviii,1957/2,11*8 Chalmers, Randolph Carleton, ed., The Heritage of Western Culture: Essays on the Origin and Development of Modern Culture. By B. Wilkinson, xxxiii,1952/2,182 Chaloner, W.H., ed. See Redford, Arthur, Labour Migration Chamberlain, Joseph, A Political Memoir 1880-92, ed. C.H.D. Howard. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953A,339 Champagne, Antoine, Les La Verendrye et le poste de 1'ouest. By Yves F. Zoltvany, 1,1969A,1*50 Chapin, Miriam, Quebec How. By Mason Wade, xxxvi,1955/^,370 - Atlantic Canada. By W.S. MacHutt, xxxvii,1956/3,285 Chapman, Guy, The Third Republic of France: The First Phase, 18711891*. By John J. Cairns, xlv,196U/l,53 Chapman, Hester W., The Last Tudor King: A Study of Edward VI. By H.C. Porter, xl,1959/3,252 Chapman, J.K., The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon, First Lord Stanmore, 1829-1912. By D.M.L. Farr, xlvi,1965/2,156 Chapman, L.J. and D.F. Putnam, The Physiography of Southern Ontario. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxii,1951/3,276 Charlesworth, M.P., The Roman Empire. By B. Wilkinson, xxxii,195lA» 389 Charron, Yvon, Mere Bourgeoys (l620-1700). By D.M. Hayne, xxxii,1951/ U.392 Chaunu, Huguette. See Chaunu, Pierre

Books Revieved: Authors / 53 Chaunu, Pierre and Huguette Chaunu, Seville et 1'Atlantique (150U1650). By Fernand Ouellet, xlii,196l/l,57 Chester, Allan G., Hugh Latimer, Apostle to the English. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv.1951* A»331 Chouinard, F.-X., La ville de Quebec, histoire municipale. I: Regime francais. By Yves F. Zoltvany, xlv,196U/2,135 Chrimes, S.B. and A.L. Brown, eds., Select Documents of English Constitutional History, 1307-11+85. By B. Wilkinson, xliii, 1962/3,236 Chrisman, Miriam .Usher, Strasbourg and the Reform: A Study in the Process of Change. By James M. Estes, xlix,1968/1,88 Christian, William A., Jr., Divided Island: Faction and Unity on Saint Pierre. By Douglas G. Anglin, li ,1970/1+,h6l Christie, Ian R., The End of North's Ministry, 1780-1782. By John M. Norris, xxxix,1958 A, 335 - Wilkes, Wyvill and Reform: The Parliamentary Reform Movement in British Politics, 1760-1785. By Walter D. Love, xliv,1963/2,175 Churchill, Randolph S. , Winston S. Churchill. I: Youth, l871*-1900. II: Young Statesman, 1901-1911*. By Trevor Lloyd, xlix,1968 A,1+29 Churchill, Winston, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. I: The Birth of Britain. By B. Wilkinson, xxxvii,1956A,371. II: The New World. By D.J. McDougall, xxxviii,1957/2,157; see also correspondence of Thomas Dunbabin, xxxviii,1957A,3^9• III: The Age of Revolution. By Richard A. Preston, xxxix,1958/2,167. IV: The Great Democracies. By Elliot Rose, xxxix,1958/3,259 - Frontiers and Wars. By Trevor Lloyd, xlv,196U/2,l60 Cienciala, Anna M., Poland and the Western Powers, 1938-1939: A Study in the Interdependence of Eastern and Western Europe. By Zygmunt J. Gasiorowski, li,1970/2,219 Clapham, John, A Concise Economic History of Britain from the Earliest Times to 1750. By Karl F. Helleiner, xxxi,1950/3,326 Clarendon, 1st Earl of, Selections from The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars and The Life by Himself, ed. G. Huehns. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi, 1955A,3^1 Clark, Andrew Hill, Three Centuries and the Island: A Historical Geography of Settlement and Agriculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada. By Frank MacKinnon, xli,1960/1,76 Clark, C.M.H., A History of Australia. I: From the Earliest Times to the Age of Macquarie. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2,158 - ed., Select Documents in Australian History, 1788-1850. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,11*3 - led.], Select Documents in Australian History, 1851-1900. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Clark, Dora Mae, The Rise of the British Treasury: Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century. By John Norris, xlii,1961/3,2^3 Clark, George, War and Society in the Seventeenth Century. By Garrett Mattingly, xl,1959/1,60 Clark, G. Kitson, The Making of Victorian England. By David Spring, xlv,1961+/l,6l - An Expanding Society: Britain 1830-1900. By Peter Stansky, xlix, 1968A.1+35 Clark, S.D., Movements of Political Protest in Canada, l6UO-l8*+0. By W.L. Morton, xli,1960/3,2l+3 - The Developing Canadian Community. By W.L. Morton, xliv,1963/3,235 Clark, Thomas D., Frontier America: The Story of the Westward Movement. By Wallace D. Farnham, xli,1960/3,252

5U / Canadian Historical Review Index Clark, William, Less Than Kin: A Study of Anglo-American Relations. By Here-ward Senior, xxxix,1958/2,l66 Clarke, M., ed., Sources of Australian History. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Clarkson, Jesse D., A History of Russia. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xliii,1962/2,168 Clarkson, Stephen, ed., An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada? By Frank Marzari, xlix,1968A,l+2l+ Classen, H. George, Thrust and Counterthrust: The Genesis of the Canada-United States Boundary. By Norman Penlington, xlviii,1967/ 1,67 Claxton, Brooke, introd., The R.C.A.F. Overseas: The Sixth Year. By J.H.S. Reid, xxxi,1950/l,79 Clay, Henry, Lord Norman. By H.¥. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/ 2,11+7 Cleverdon, Catherine Lyle, The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada. By Frank H. Underbill, xxxi,1950 A.l+22 Cline, Catherine Ann, Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party, 191^-31. By Trevor Lloyd, xlv,196i+A,3^3 Clubb, 0. Edmund, Twentieth Century China. By Jack Gerson, xlvi,1965/ 1,81+ Coatman, John, The British Family of Nations. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,1^3 Cobban, Alfred, A History of Modern France, new ed. I: The Old Regime and the Revolution, 1715-1799. By H.A. Barton, xliv,1963/2,l81+. II: From the First Empire to the Second [sic, i.e. Third] Republic, 1799-1871. By John C. Cairns, xlv, 196W,351 - ed., The Debate on the French Revolution, 1789-1800. By A.C. Cooke, xxxii,1951/1,86 - and Robert A. Smith, eds., The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. VI: July 1789-December 1791. By J.M. Beattie, xlix, 1968/2,191+ Cole, G.D.H. and A.W. Filson, eds., British Working Class Movements: Select Documents 1789-1875. By J.B. Conacher, xxxiii,1952/2,185 Coleman, R.V., Liberty and Property. By R.A. Preston, xxxiii,1952/2, 173 Coles, Harry L., ed., Total War and Cold War: Problems in Civilian Control of the Military. By D.J. Goodspeed, xliii,1962/2,176 - The War of 1812. By Norman K. Risjord, xlvii,1966/3,275 Collard, Edgar Andrew, Canadian Yesterdays. By James J. Talman, xxxvii, 1956/2,190 Collinson, Patrick, The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. By Elliot Rose, xlix,1968A,l+3>+ Comfort, Charles F., Artist at War. By J.B. Conacher, xxxviii,1957/ 1,65 Conacher, J.B., The Aberdeen Coalition, 1852-1855: A Study in midNineteenth-Century Party Politics. By H.K. Webb, 1,1969/1,103 - ed. See Du Creux, Frangois, The History of Canada Condliffe, J.B. and W.T. Airey, A Short History of New Zealand, rev. ed. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Cone, Carl B., Torchbearer of Freedom: The Influence of Richard Price on Eighteenth Century Thought. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxiii,1952/ 3,297 - Burke and the Nature of Politics: The Age of the American Revolution. By John M. Norris, xxxix,1958/3,251+ - The English Jacobins: Reformers in Late Eighteenth-Century England. By Ian R. Christie, 1,1969/1,101

Books Reviewed: Authors / 55 Connell, Brian, The Plains of Abraham. By Richard A. Preston, review art., xli,1960/3,231 Conway, J.S., The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-^5- By Robert F. Hopwood, 1,1969/2,223 Coogan, Timothy Patrick, Ireland since the Rising. By H. Senior, xlviii,1967/3,290 Cook, Ramsay, The Politics of John ¥. Dafoe and the Free Press. By Roger Graham, xlv,19^^/2,1^2 - Provincial Autonomy, Minority Rights and the Compact Theory, 18671921/L'Autonomie provinciale, les droits des minorites et la theorie du pacte, 1867-1921. By Richard Ares, li,1970/3,316 - ed., Canadian Historical Readings. Confederation. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 - ed., Canadian Historical Readings. Politics of Discontent. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 - ed., The Dafoe-Sifton Correspondence 1919-1927. By Roger Graham, 1,1969/2,203 - ed., French Canadian nationalism: An Anthology. By Pierre Savard, li,1970/M50

Cooke, Jacob E., ed. See Syrett, Harold C.

Coonan, Thomas L., The Irish Catholic Confederacy and the Puritan Revolution. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi,1955/^,3^1 Cooper, John Irwin, The Blessed Communion: The Origins and History of the Diocese of Montreal, 1760-1960. By Thomas R. Millman, xlii, 1961/2,11*8 Cooper, Leonard, Radical Jack: The Life of the First Earl of Durham. By G.S. French, xlii,1961/1,72 Cooper, Paul Fenimore, Island of the Lost. By Morris Zaslow, xliii, 1962/3,232 Copeland, Thomas ¥., ed., The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. I: April, nkh to June, 1768. By D.J. McDougall, xl, 1959/^,339 Corbett, David C., Canada's Immigration Policy: A Critique. By Frank H. Underbill, xxxix,1958/1,79 Corbett, E.A., Henry Marshall Tory, Beloved Canadian. By A.L. Burt, xxxv,195^/k,3b8 Corbett, Edward M., Quebec Confronts Canada. By Michel Brunet, 1, 1969/1,97 Cork, Ella, "The Worst of the Bargain": Concerning the dilemmas inherited from their forefathers along with their lands by the Iroquois Nations of the Canadian Grand River Reserve. By E. Palmer Patterson Jr., xliv, 1963/3,2)\2 Cornell, Paul G., The Alignment of Political Groups in Canada, l8>a1867. By P.B. Waite, xliv,1963/2,l6l - The Great Coalition. By Bruce W. Hodgins, xlix,1968/2,182 Corry, J.A., Democratic Government and Politics. By George de T. Glazebrook, xxxiii,1952/2,176 Costain, Thomas B., The White and the Gold: The French Regime in Canada. By C.P. Stacey, xxxvi,1955/1,5^ Costello, William T., The Scholastic Curriculum at Early SeventeenthCentury Cambridge, xl,1959/1,78 Costin, W.C. and J. Steven Watson, eds., The Law and Working of the Constitution: Documents 1660-1911*. I: 1660-1783. II: 178^-191^. By D.J. McDougall, xxxiii,1952/2,170 Coulborn, Rushton, The Origin of Civlized Societies. By C.C. Bayley, xli,1960/1,53

56 / Canadian Historical Review Index Coupland, Reginald, Welsh and Scottish Nationalism: A Study. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Cowan, Helen I., British Emigration to British North America: The First Hundred Years, rev. ed. By Alan Wilson, xlii,196lA,337 Cowherd, Raymond G., The Politics of English Dissent. By H.W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2,11+7 Cowling, Maurice, 1867, Disraeli, Gladstone and Revolution: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill. By J.B. Conacher, xlix,1968/3,305 Cox, Oliver C., The Foundations of Capitalism, xl,1959/3,255 Cragg, Gerald R., Puritanism in the Period of the Great Persecution, 1660-88. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Craig, G.M. , Upper Canada: The Formative Years, 1781+-181+1. By G.S. French, xlv,196^/2,139 - The United States and Canada. By Charles S. Campbell Jr., 1,1969/ 1,88 - ed., Early Travellers in Upper Canada. By Fred Landon, xxxvii,1956/ 2,l8l - ed., Lord Durham's Report. By Robert Craig Brown, xlv,196^/2,136 Craig, Gordon A., The Politics of the Prussian Army, l6i+0-19!+5. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Craig, John, A History of Red Tape: An Account of the Origin and Development of the Civil Service. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Crane, Katharine, Mr. Carr of State: Forty-Seven Years in the Department of State. By John C. Cairns, xlii,1961/3,250 Crankshaw, Edward, The Forsaken Idea: A Study of Viscount Milner. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,28U Cranston, J.H. , Ink on My Fingers. .By G.V. Ferguson, xxxiv,1953A,376 Craven, Avery 0., The Growth of Southern Nationalism. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195U/2,lto - The Coming of the Civil War, 2nd rev. ed. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 - An Historian and the Civil War. By Thomas J. Pressly, xlvi,1965/l, 59 Crawford, R.M., Australia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii, 1952/3,272 Crawley, C.W., ed., The Hew Cambridge Modern History. IX: War and Peace in Age of Upheaval, 1793-1830. By John P. Spielman Jr., xlviii,1967/1,82 Creighton, Donald, John A. Macdonald: The Young Politician. By C.P. Stacey, xxxiv,1953/l,5^ - John A. Macdonald: The Old Chieftain. By C.P. Stacey, xxxvii,1956/ 1,77 - Dominion of the North: A History of Canada, new ed. By James A. Gibson, xxxix,1958/2,l60 - Harold Adams Innis: Portrait of a Scholar. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xxxix,1958/3,252 - The Story of Canada. By S.R. Mealing, xli,1960/1,68 - The Road to Confederation: The Emergence of Canada, 1863-1867. By Roger Graham, xlvi,1965/3,251 Crepeau, P.-A. and C.B. Macpherson, eds., The Future of Canadian Federalism/L'Avenir du federalisme canadien. By Michel Brunet, xlvii,1966/2,165 Crerar, T.A., introd., Speeches of Angus L. Macdonald, xlii,1961/3, 251

Books Reviewed: Authors / 57 Crisp, L.F., The Australian Federal Labour Party, 1901-1951. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Crispo, John, International Unionism: A Study in Canadian-American Relations. By H.C. Pentland, review art., xlviii,1967A,365 Cronmiller, C.R., A History of the Lutheran Church in Canada, I. By K.H. Windsor, xliv,1963/3,2^0 Crosby, Gerda Richards, Disarmament and Peace in British Politics, 191^-1919, xl,1959A,353 Croteau, J.T., Cradled in the Waves: The Story of a People's Cooperative Achievement in Economic Betterment on Prince Edward Island, Canada. By Albert Rose, xxxii,1951/2,169 Grouse, Nellis M., Lemoyne d'Iberville: Soldier of New France. By M. H. Long, xxxvi,1955/1,55 - La VeVendrye: Fur Trader and Explorer. By Guy Fregault, xxxvii, 1956/3,268 Crowfoot, Alfred Henchman, Benjamin Cronyn: First Bishop of Huron. By D.C. Masters, xxxix,1958/1,82 Crysdale, Stewart, The Industrial Struggle and Protestant Ethics in Canada: A Survey of Changing Power Structures and Christian Social Ethics. By Eugene Forsey, xlii,196lA,3lt2 Cuneo, John R., Robert Rogers of the Rangers. By George F.G. Stanley, xlii,1961/1,58 Currelly, Charles Trick, I Brought the Ages Home. By James T. Talman, xxxviii,1957/1,75 Currie, A.W., Economics of Canadian Transportation. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xxxvi,1955/I,62 - The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxix,1958/ 1+.339 Curry, Ralph L., Stephen Leacock: Humorist and Humanist. By J.I. Cooper, xli,1960/2,171* Curti, Merle, The Making of an American Community: A Case Study of Democracy in a Frontier County. By Wallace D. Farnham, xli,1960/3, 252 Curtin, P.D., Two Jamaicas: The Role of Ideas in a Tropical Colony, 1830-1865. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/^,300 Curtis, L.P., Jr., Coercion and Conciliation in Ireland, 1880-1892: A Study in Conservative Unionism. By Hereward Senior, xlvi,1965/2,


Curtis, Michael, Three Against the Third Republic: Sorel, Barre's, and Maurras. By John C. Cairns, xli, I960 A, 3^9 Dafoe, J.W., Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics. By Robert Craig Brown, xlv,196U/2,136 Dales, J.H., The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development. By H.C. Pentland, review art., xlviii,1967/^,365 Dallek, Robert, Democrat and Diplomat: The Life of William E. Dodd. By Julius W. Pratt, 1,1969/2,211 Dallin, Alexander, The Soviet Union at the United Nations: An Inquiry into Soviet Motives and Objectives. By John W. Holmes, xliv,1963/ 1,7^ Dallin, David J., Soviet Foreign Policy after Stalin. By Robert H. McNeal, xlii,196l/U,363 Dalton, Roy C., The Jesuits' Estates Question, 1760-1888: A Study of the Background for the Agitation of 1889- By D.A. Kubesh, li,1970/ 2,190

58 / Canadian Historical Review Index Daniells, Lorna M., Studies in Enterprise: A Selected Bibliography of American and Canadian Company Histories and Biographies of Businessmen. By John T. Saywell, xxxviii ,1957A»337 Daniels, Robert Vincent, The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia. By R.H. McNeal, xlii,1961/2,176 - Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. By Robert H. Johnston, xlix,1968/2,205 Darby, Harold S., Hugh Latimer. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv, 195^ A, 331 D'Arcy, M.C., The Sense of History: Secular and Sacred. By John Bosher, xli,1960/1,66 Dartford, G.P., The Growth of the British Commonwealth. I: 1558-l8l5. II: 1815-19^5. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,ll+3 Davies, Blodwen, Quebec, Portrait of a Province. By Allana G. Reid, xxxii, 1951 A, 392 - Ottawa. By John S. Moir, xxxvi ,1955/3,2614Davies, Calvin DeArmond, The United States and the First Hague Peace Conference. By Robert W. Sellen, xlv,196U/2,151* Davies, Godfrey, The Restoration of Charles II. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,1,31 - Essays on the Later Stuarts, xl,1959/2,175 Davies, K.G. , ed., Northern Labrador and Quebec Journals and Correspondence, 1819-35. By John A. Bovey, xlvi,1965/3,21+7 - ed., Letters from Hudson Bay, 1703-^0. By L.G. Thomas, xlviii,1967 /1,65 Davis, Harold A., An International Community on the St. Croix (l6oU1930). By W.S. MacNutt, xxxi,1950/3,312 Davis, James C., The Decline of the Venetian Mobility as a Ruling Class. By Cecil H. Clough, xlv,1961*/k,3^ Davis, R.H.C., A History of Mediaeval Europe, from Constantine to St. Louis. By Elliot Rose, xxxix,1958/2,l69 Davis, Robert Taylor, Native Arts of the Pacific Northwest: From the Rasmussen Collection of the Portland Art Museum. By T.F. Mcllwraith, xxxi,1950/2,195 Dawson, John P., A History of Lay Judges. By Bryce I^yon, xlii,196l/ 2,162 Dawson, R. MacGregor, William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography, 1871*-1932, I. By H.S. Ferns and Edgar Mclnnis, xl,1959/1, 51-53. See also correspondence of Henry Borden, xliii,1962/3,275 - The Conscription Crisis of 19^. By Roger Graham, xliii,1962/2,157 Dawson, Raymond S., ed., The Legacy of China. By J.L. Cranmer-Byng, xlvi,1965/1,86 Dawson, W.F., Procedure in the Canadian House of Commons. By M.S. Donnelly, xlv,196W2,ll+5 Day, Brigham, Le Canada et les droits de 1'homme: le concept des Droits de I'Homme dans la politique etrangere et la constitution du Canada. By Guy Frggault, xxxv,195^/3,253 de Bary, W.T. et al., eds., Sources of Indian Tradition, xli,1960/1, 83 de Bonnault, Claude, Histoire du Canada frangais (153^-1763). By Mason Wade, xxxii,1951/I,76 de Brebeuf, Saint Jean, Les Relations de ce qui s'est passe au pays des Hurons (1635-16^8) (pub. Theodore Bestermann). By H.M. Thomas, xxxix,1958/1,86 DeConde, Alexander, Herbert Hoover's Latin-American Policy. By J.J. Talman, xxxii,1951/2,171

Books Reviewed: Authors / 59 de Gaulle, Charles, War Memoirs, General de Gaulle: Unity, 19U2-19M, trs. Richard Howard. By Philip C.F. Bankwitz, xli,I960/2,l68 - War Memoirs, General de Gaulle: Unity, 19'+2-191t1t, Documents, trs, Joyce Murchie and Hamish Erskine, xli, I960 A, 363 de Grandpre, Pierre et al., Histoire de la litterature frangaise du Quebec. By David Hayne. Vol. I, xlix,1968 A,1*15. Vols. II-IV, li, 1970/1*, 1*59 de Grazia, Alfred, Public and Republic: Political Representation in America. By R.A. Preston, xxxii,1951/2,170 Dehio, Ludwig, Germany and World Politics in the Twentieth Century. By Edgar Mclnnis, xli ,1960/1,63 de Jong, Louis, The German Fifth Column in the Second World War, trs. C.M. Geyl. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 De Kiewiet, C.W., The Anatomy of South African Misery. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 - and F.H. Underbill, eds., Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 187^1878. By C.P. Stacey, xxxvi,1955A,356 Delanglez, Jean, Louis Jolliet, vie et voyages (16U5-1700). By Grace Lee Nute, xxxii,1951/2,167 Delaruelle, E., A. Latreille and J.R. Palanque, Histoire du Catholicisme en France. II: Sous les rois tres Chretiens, xli, I960 A, 361 de Luna, Frederick A., The French Republic Under Cavaignac 181*8. By George Fasel, li,1970/2,215 Delzell, Charles F., Mussolini's Enemies. By M. Salvadori, xliii, 1962/1,65 de Madariaga, Salvador, Hernan Cortes, Conqueror of Mexico. By E.R. Adair, xxxvii,1956/2,188 de Madariaga, Isabel, Britain, Russia, and the Armed Neutrality of 1780: Sir James Harris's Mission to St. Petersburg during the American Revolution. By Alexander DeConde, xliii,1962A,359 de Meyer, J., et al., Elections in the Countries of the European Community and in the United Kingdom, 1957-1959- By Michael Kinnear, 1,1969/2,225 Denison, Merrill, The Barley and the Stream: The Molson Story. By D. C. Masters, xxxvi,1955/2,153 - The People's Power: The History of Ontario Hydro. By Charles W. Humphries, xlii,1961/3,237 - Canada's First Bank: A History of the Bank of Montreal. Vol. I. By G. Tulchinsky, xlix,1968/1,60., Vol. II. By Michael Bliss, xlix, 1968/3,288 Denny, Alice. See Robinson, Ronald, John Gallagher De Pauw, Linda Grant, The Eleventh Pillar: Hew York State and the Federal Constitution. By Robin Brooks, li,1970/3,335 Derby, Alexander M. See Archer, John H. de Roquebrune, Robert, Les Canadiens d'autrefois: Essais. By Marcel Trudel, xliv,1963/1,1*5 Deschamps, Hubert, ed., Les Voyages de Samuel Champlain, saintongeais, p£re du Canada. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiii,1952/3,286 des Cognets, Louis, Jr., Amherst and Canada. By A.L. Burt, xliv,1963 /3,236 Deutscher, Isaac, The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky, 1921-1929. By Robert H. McHeal, xli,1960/2,166 - The Prophet Outcast: Trotsky, 1929-19UO. By Robert H. McKeal, xlvi, 1965/1,79 DeVoto, Bernard, The Course of Empire. By Richard Glover, xxxiv,1953/ 3,297

60 / Canadian Historical Review Index Dickerson, Oliver M., The Navigation Acts and the American Revolution. By R.A. Preston, xxxiv,1953/3,298 Dickens, A.G., The English Reformation. By John F.H. Hew, xlvi,1965/ 2,170 Dickinson, William Croft, Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1603. By Maurice Lee, Jr., xliii,1962/1,51 Dillon, Merton L., Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom. By Fred Landon, xlviii,1967/2,170 Divine, Robert A., Second Chance: The Triumph of Internationalism in America During World War II. By Naomi Rosenbautn, xlix,1968/1,76 Donagan, Alan, The Later Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood. By W.H. Dray, xlv,196V2,130 Donald, David, Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 - See Randall, J.G. Donaldson, A.G., Some Comparative Aspects of Irish Law. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Donnan, Elizabeth and Leo F. Stock, eds., An Historian's World: Selections from the Correspondence of John Franklin Jameson. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvii ,1956A,375 Donnelly, M.S., The Government of Manitoba. By L.G. Thomas, xlv,196U /1,76 - Dafoe of the Free Press. By Roger Graham, 1,1969/2,203 Donnelly, Joseph P., Jacques Marquette, S.J. l637-l675. By Yves F. Zoltvany, li,1970/2,188 Donovan, Robert J., Eisenhower: The Inside Story. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Dore, R.P., City Life in Japan: Life in a Tokyo Ward. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959A,332 Dorion, Noel, La Constitution Canadienne. By John T. Saywell, xxxvii,1956/3,285 Dorland, Arthur G., Our Canada. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/1,75 - The Quakers in Canada, A History. By Peter Brock, 1,1969/2,19^ Dornbusch, C.E., ed., The Canadian Army, 1855-1958: Regimental Histories and a Guide to the Regiments. By George F.G. Stanley, xli, 1960/1,77 Dorpalen, Andreas, Heinrich von Treitschke, xl,1959/1,77 - Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic. By Norman Rich, xlvii,1966/1, 8U Doughty, Howard, Francis Parkman. By W.J. Eccles, xliv,1963/2,157 Douglas, David C., William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact upon England. By Bryce Lyon, xlvi, 1965/1,6*t Douglas, Richard M., Jacopo Sadoleto, 11*77-15^7: Humanist and Reformer. By Gene A. Brucker, xl,1959A,336 Drake, Earl G., Regina, the Queen City. By Jean E. Murray, xxxvii, 1956/1,86 Dray, William, Laws and Explanation in History. By John C. Cairns, xxxix,1958A,330 - Philosophy of History. By Helen P. Liebel, xlvii,1966/1,62 Drew, Katherine Fischer and Floyd Seyward Lear, eds., Perspectives in Medieval History. By Vaclav Mudroch, xlvi,1965/I,72 Driberg, Tom, Beaverbrook: A Study in Power and Frustration. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii, 1956A,356 Drolet, Antonio, La Ville de Quebec, histoire municipale. II: Regime anglais jusqu'a 1'incorporation (1759-1833). By Serge Gagnon, xlvii,

Books Reviewed: Authors / 6l 1966 A, 360. Ill: De 1'incorporation a la Confederation (1833-186?). By S. Gagnon, 1,1969/3,315 Drummond, Donald F. , The Passing of American Neutrality, 1937-19^1. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,70 Drury, E.G., All for a Beaver Hat: A History of Early Simcoe County, xl,1959A,352 Dube, Jean-Claude, Claude-Thomas Dupuy, intendant de la Nouvelle-

France 1678-1738. By W.J. Eccles, li,1970A,453 Dubofsky, Melvyn, When Workers Organize: Hew York City in the Progressive Era. By R. Cuff, 1.1969A.U71 Du Creux, Frangois, The History of Canada or New France, I-II, trs. Percy J. Robinson, ed. James B. Conacher. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xxxiii,1952/2,173; xxxiv,1953/1,60 Duffy, James, Portugal in Africa. By Donald C. Savage, xliv,1963A, 336 Dulles, Foster Rhea, America's Rise to World Power, 1898-195'+. By G. W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,70 Dumbrille, Dorothy, Up and Down the Glens: The Story of Glengarry. By John S. Moir, xxxvi,1955/3,261* - Braggart in My Step: More Stories of Glengarry. By John S. Moir, xxxviii,1957/1,77 Dumont, Fernand and Yves Martin, eds., Situation de la Recherche sur le Canada Frangais: Premier colloque de la revue Recherehes Sociographiques du Departement de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie de 1' Universite Laval. By Barbara Fraser, xlv,196U/l,67 Duncan, J.S.R., The Sudan's Path to Independence. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Dundas, Charles, African Crossroads. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Dunham, Allison and Philip B. Kurland, eds., Mr. Justice. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Dunn, Charles W., Highland Settler: A Portrait of the Scottish Gael in Nova Scotia. By Ronald S. Longley, xxxiv,1953/^,358 Dunn, Richard S., Puritans and Yankees: The Winthrop Dynasty of New England, 1630-1717. By C.C. Goen, xliv,1963/2,166 Durand, Louis-D., Paresseux,ignorants,arrieres? By Allana Reid Smith, xxxvii,1956/1,93 Duus, Peter, Party Rivalry and Political Change in Taisho Japan. By P.L. Thompson, li,1970/1,75 Dvornik, Francis, The Slavs in European History and Civilization. By F.G. Heymann, xlv,196U/l*,3^7 Dyck, Harvey Leonard, Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia, 1926-1933: A Study in Diplomatic Instability. By L.E. Hill, xlviii,1967/^,398 Dziuban, Stanley W., Military Relations Between the United States and Canada, 1939-19^5. By Morris Zaslow, xlii,1961/1,6l Easterbrook, W.T. and H.G.J. Aitken, Canadian Economic History. By D.C. Masters, xxxviii,1957/1,53 Eaton, Clement, The Growth of Southern Civilization, 1790-1860. By Thomas J. Pressly, xliii,1962/3,226 - The Mind of the Old South. By William H. Pease, xlvi,1965/1,58 Eayrs, James, The Art of the Possible: Government and Foreign Policy in Canada. By F.H. Soward, xliii,1962/1,69

62 / Canadian Historical Review Index Eayrs, James, In Defence of Canada. I: From the Great War to the Great Depression. By Gavin Long, xlv,1965A,358. II: Appeasement and Rearmament. By Roger Graham, xlvii/1966A,369 - Fate and Will in Foreign Policy. By Louis Sabourin, xlix,1968/2, 192 - ed., The Commonwealth and Suez: A Documentary Survey. By F.H. Soward, xlvi,1965/1,5^ - See Keenleyside, Hugh L. Eblen, Jack Ericson, The First and Second United States Empires: Governors and Territorial Government, 1781+-1912. By Lawrence B. Lee, li,19TO/3,338 Eccles, W.J., Frontenac: The Courtier Governor. By Guy Fregault, xl, 1959 A, 3*A - Frontenac, French trs. toy Frangoise de Tilly. By Jacques Monet, xlv,1964/2,138 - Canada under Louis XIV, 1663-1701. By Jean Blain, xlvi,1965/2,lkk - The Canadian Frontier 153^-1760. By Louise Dechene, li,1970/3,321 Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon, The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony Eden. [I] Full Circle. By A.P. Thornton, xli,1960/3,239- [II] Facing the Dictators. By Richard A. Preston, xliv,1963/3,255 Edinborough, Arnold, ed. See Leblanc, Philip Edmonds, James E., A Short History of World War I. By A. Fortescue Duguid, xxxii,195lA,386 Edwards, Marvin L., Stresemann and the Greater Germany, 191^-1918. By L.E. Hill, 3lv,196k/k,35k Eggleston, F.¥. , Reflections of an Australian Liberal. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231 Eggleston, Wilfrid, Scientists at War. By J.M. Hitsman, xxxii,1951/ 1,89 Egret, Jean, La Pre-reVolution frangaise, 1787-1788. By C.B. O'Keefe, xliv,1963A,363 Ehrman, John, Cabinet Government and War 1890-19^0. By J.R. Mallory, xl,1959/1,66 Eidenberg, Eugene and Boy D. Moray, An Act of Congress: The Legislative Process and the Making of Education Policy. By Michael B. Katz, li,1970/1,101 Eiseley, Loren, Darwin's Century. By David Owen, xxxix,1958A,327 Elgee, W.H., The Social Teachings of the Canadian Churches: Protestant, the Early Period before 1850. By G.S. French, xlvi,1965/3, 250 Elgey, Georgette. See Aron, Robert Elkins, Stanley M., Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Elliott, J.H., The Revolt of the Catalans: A Study in the Decline of Spain (1598-161*0). By Richard Herr, xlvi,1965/2,180 Elliott, William Y. et al., The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy: Its Concepts, Strategy, and Limits. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/l,70 Ellis, Frank H., Canada's Flying Heritage. By George Buxton, xxxvi, 1955/3,270 Ellis, John Tracy, American Catholicism. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Ellis, L. Ethan, Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925-1929. By Robert H. Ferrell, xliii,1962/1,78 - Republican Foreign Policy, 1921-1933. By Walter LaFeber, 1,1969A, Vf3

Books Reviewed: Authors / 63 Ellis, L.F., et al., Victory in the West. I: The Battle of Normandy. By C.P. Staoey, xlv,1961*/2,l62 Elson, James Hinsdale, John Hales of Eton. By D.J. McDougall, xxxi, 19 50 A, 1*26 Elton, G.R., The Tudor Revolution in Government: Administrative Changes in the Reign of Henry VIII. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv, 195>t A, 331 - England under the Tudors. By J.B. Conacher, xxxvii,1956/3,280 - Star Chamber Stories, xl,1959/1,IT1* - Reformation Europe, 1517-1559. By J.M. Estes, xlv,1961*/2,l65 - ed., The Reformation, 1520-59. By H.C. Porter, xli,1960/1,56 - ed., The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentary. By D.J. McDougall, xlii,1961/1*,352 Emile, Soeur Paul-. See Paul-Emile England, Robert, Twenty Million World War Veterans. By Sam H.S. Hughes, xxxi,1950 A,1*21 Erickson, Arvel B., The Public Career of Sir James Graham. By J.B. Conacher, xxxiv,1953/1,73 - Edward T. Cardwell: Peelite. By J.B. Conacher, xli,1960/2,169 Erickson, John, The Soviet High Command: A Military-Political History 1918-191*!. By Robert H. McNeal, xliv,1963/3,259 Esler, Anthony, The Aspiring Mind of the Elizabethan Younger Generation. By Elliot Rose, xlix,1968/2,19'* Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth (Portland, Me., The Anthoensen Press). By W.S. Wallace, xxxiii,1952/2,181 Esthus, Raymond A., From Enmity to Alliance: U.S.-Australian Relations, 1931-191*1. By Robin W. Winks, xlvii,1966/2,181* Estorick, Eric, Changing Empire: Churchill to Nehru. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Eusden, John Dykstra, Puritans, Lawyers, and Politics: In Early Seventeenth Century England. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xl,1959/ 2,137 Ewing, W.S., Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the William L. Clements Library. By E.R. Adair, xxxv, 195Wi,67 Eyck, Erich, A History of the Weimar Republic, trs. Harlow P. Hanson and Robert G.L. Waite. II] From the Collapse of the Empire to Hindenburg's Election. II: From the Locarno Conference to Hitler's Seizure of Power. By L.E. Hill, xliv,1963A,365; xlvi,1965A,381 Eyck, Frank, The Prince Consort: A Political Biography. By David Owen, xl, 1959A,3UO - The Frankfurt Parliament, 181*8-1*9. By Donald S. Hoffman, li,1970/ 1,109 Fagan, H. See Hilton, R.H. Page, J.B., An Introduction to the History of West Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii, 1957A,300 Page, J.D., Ghana: A Historical Interpretation, xli,1960/1,83 Fainsod, Merle, Smolensk Under Soviet Rule. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xl,1959/3,251 Fairley, Margaret, ed., The Selected Writings of William Lyon Mackenzie, I82l*-l837. By John S. Moir, xlii,1961/2 ,ll*9 Fairley, T.C., ed., Sverdrup's Arctic Adventures adapted from Otto Sverdrup's New Land: Four Years in the Arctic Region. By L.H. Neatby, xli,1960/1*,335 Falardeau, Jean-C., ed., Essais sur le Quebec contemporain/Essays on Contemporary Quebec. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxv,195^*/2,l60

61+ / Canadian Historical Review Index Farr, David M.L., The Colonial Office and Canada, 1867-1887. By Paul Knaplund, xxxvi,1955/3,260 Farthing, John, Freedom Wears a Crown, ed. Judith Robinson. By John T. Saywell, xxxviii,1957/3,251 Faucher, Albert. See Vaillancourt, Cyrille Fauteux, Aegidius, Patriotes de 1837-1838. By H.M. Thomas, xxxiv, 1953 A,375 Fay, C.R., Huskisson and His Age. By Alexander Brady, xxxiv,1953A, 367 - Round about Industrial Britain, l830-l860. By Alexander Brady, xxxiv,1953/U,367 - Life and Labour in Newfoundland. By R.A. MacKay, xxxviii,1957/3, 2k9 Feasby, W.R., ed., Official History of the Canadian Medical Services 1939-191+5. I: Organization and Campaigns. II: Clinical Subjects. By Malcolm Brown, xxxviii,1957/2,15^; xxxv,195Vl,62 Febvre, Lucien, Pour une histoire S part enti§re. By Richard M. Saunders, xliv,1963/1,^3 Feiling, Keith, A History of England. By B. Wilkinson, D.J. McDougall, F.H. Underbill, xxxi,1950A,1*06 - Warren Hastings. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Feis, Herbert, The Road to Pearl Harbor: The Coming of the War between the United States and Japan. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Feldman, Herbert, A Constitution for Pakistan. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958/^,312 Fennell, J.L.I., Ivan the Great of Moscow. By F.G. Heymann, xliv, 1963/1,72 Fenton, W.N., American Indian and White Relations to 1830: Needs and Opportunities for Study. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxix,1958/1,8^ Ferguson, George V., It's Our Business. By K.D. McRae, xxxii,195lA, 395 Ferguson, Wallace K., Europe in Transition, 1300-1520. By C.C. Bayley, xlv,1961+/l,51 - Renaissance Studies. By Natalie Zemon Davis, xlv,1961tA,3l+l+ Fergusson, C. Bruce, ed., A Directory of the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758-1958, xl,1959/3,253 - ed., Minutes of His Majesty's Council at Annapolis Royal, 173617^9. By G.A. Rawlyk, xlix,1968/2,17^ - ed., The Diary of Simeon Perkins, 1797-1803. By W.S. MacNutt, li, 1970/1,80 - ed., Place Names and Places of Nova Scotia. By A.A. Mackenzie, li, 1970/1,95 Fermi, Laura, Mussolini. By M. Salvadori, xliii,1962/1,65 Ferns, H.S., Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. By Thomas F. McGann, xlii,1961/2,170 - and B. Ostry, The Age of Mackenzie King: The Rise of the Leader. By A.L. Burt, xxxvii,1956/2,177. See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, xxxvii ,1956 A, 392 Feuchtwanger, E.J., Disraeli, Democracy and the Tory Party: Conservative Leadership and Organization after the Second Reform Bill. By James Winter, 1,1969/2,217 Feuerwerker, Albert et al., eds., Approaches to Modern Chinese History. By J.L. Cranmer-Byng, xlix,1968/3,3l6 Fifield, Russell H. , The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 191+5-1958. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959A,332

Books Reviewed: Authors / 65 Filson, A.W., ed. See Cole, G.D.H. Fine, Sidney, Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State: A Study of Conflict in American Thought, 1865-1901. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Finer, S.E., The Life and Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick. By J.B. Cona-

cher, review art., xxxiv,1953/^,339

Firth, Charles, Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England, World's Classics ed. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv, 1953/^,339 Firth, Edith G. , ed., The Town of York, 1793-1815. By Charles W. Humphries, xliii,1962/3,228 - ed., The Town of York, 1815-183^*: A Further Collection of Documents

of Early Toronto. By Fred C. Hamil, xlviii,1967/^,377 Firestone, 0.J., Canada's Economic Development 1867-1953, xl,1959/1, 76 Fischer, George, Russian Liberalism: From Gentry to Intelligentsia. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xxxix,1958A,3U9 Fischer, John, Master Plan, U.S.A.: An Informal Report on America's Foreign Policy and the Men Who Make It. By K.W. McNaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/1,6k Fisher, M.H., ed. See Rich, Norman Fitzhugh, George, Cannibals All! Or, Slaves Without Master, ed. C. Vann Woodward. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Flatt, S.A., History of the 6th Field Company Royal Canadian Engineers, 1939-19^5- By J. MacKay Hitsman, xxxviii,1957/3,255 Fleming, D.F., The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-60. I: 1917-50. II: 1950-60. By John S. Conway, xliii, 1962/2,17** Fleming, Howard A., Canada's Arctic Outlet: A History of the Hudson Bay Railway. By Morris Zaslow, xxxviii,1957/^,336 Fleming, Peter, Invasion 19^0: An Account of the German Preparations and the British Counter-Measures. By R.A. Spencer, xl,1959/1)56 Flenley, Ralph, Modern German History. By H.N. Fieldhouse, xxxv,195^


Fleury, Serge, Les Fougueux Batisseurs de la Nouvelle France. By W. J. Eccles, xlii,196l/3,233 Florinsky, Michael T., Russia: A History and an Interpretation, 2 vols. By Harold I. Nelson, xxxv,195!*/3,263 Fogel, Robert William, Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric History. By Harry W. Scheiber, xlvii,1966/3,277 Fohlen, Claude, L'Amerique anglo-saxonne de l8l5 a nos jours. By G. M. Craig, xlvii,1966A,377 Folwell, William Watts, A History of Minnesota. I: St. Paul. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Foord, Archibald S., His Majesty's Opposition, rflU-lSSO. By Jacob M. Price, xlvi,1965/1,66 Foot, M.R.D., ed., The Gladstone Diaries. Vol. I: 1825-1832. Vol. II: 1833-1839. By J.B. Conacher, li ,1970/2,209 Forbes, Duncan, The Liberal Anglican Idea of History. By M.R. Powicke, xxxiv,1953/1,69 Ford, Arthur R., As the World Wags On. By F.H. Soward, xxxii,1951/1, 83 Ford, Franklin L. , Strasbourg in Transition, 161*8-1789, xl,1959/3, 255 Forester, C.S., The Age of Fighting Sail: The Story of the Naval War of 1812. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxviii,1957/3,2^8

66 / Canadian Historical Review Index Foreville, Raymonde, Le Jubile de Saint Thomas Becket du XIII6 siecle au XVs siecle (1220-lUTO): Etude et documents. By Robert Brentano,


Forster, E.M., The Hill of Devi: Being Letters from Dewas State Senior. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231 Foster, Elizabeth Read, ed., Proceedings in Parliament l6lO. I: The House of Lords. II: The House of Commons. By J.R. MacCormack, xlviii,1967A,381+ Fowke, Vernon C., The National Policy and the Wheat Economy. By W.L. Morton, xxxix,1958A,3^2 Fox, Levi, ed., English Historical Scholarship in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958 /1,52 Fox, William Sherwood, The Bruce Beckons: The Story of Lake Huron's Great Peninsula. By F.C. Hamil, xxxiv,1953/I,76 France et Canada frangais du XVIs au XX sigcle: Colloque de Quebec, 10-12 octobre 1963 (Quebec, Les Presses de 1'universite Laval). By Mason Wade, xlviii,1967A,375 Francis, E.K., In Search of Utopia: The Mennonites in Manitoba. By Watson Kirkconnell, xxxviii,1957/1,60 Frank, Joseph, The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 - The Beginnings of the English Newspaper, l620-l660. By C.B. Macpherson, xliii,1962A,352 Franklin, Julian H., Jean Bodin and the Sixteenth-Century Revolution in the Methodology of Law and History. By K.D. McRae, xlvi,1965/3, 268 Franks, Oliver S., Britain and the Tide of World Affairs. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Fraser, Blair, The Search for Identity: Canada, 191+5-1967. By Dale C. Thomson, xlix,1968/2,190 Fraser, Peter, Joseph Chamberlain: Radicalism and Empire, 1868-191^. By A.P. Thornton, xlviii,1967/2,179 Frechette, Louis, Memoires intimes, ed. George A. Klinck. By Jacques Monet, xliii,1962/2,152 Fregault, Guy, Le Grand Marquis: Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxiv,1953/1,59 - La Societl canadienne sous le regime frangais. By A.L. Burt, xxxv, 195UA.351 - La Guerre de la conquete. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxix,1958/1,67 - Pierre Le Moyne d'lberville. By Bernard Pothier, 1,1969/3,312 - Canada: The War of the Conquest, trs. Margaret M. Cameron. By Yves F. Zoltvany, li,1970/3,319 - See Brunet, Michel — and Marcel Trudel Freidel, Frank, F.D.R. and the South. By Paul Merkley, xlvii,1966/2, 176 - Union Pamphlets of the Civil War, l86l-l865, 2 vols. By G.M. Craig, xlix, 1968 A, WO Fremont, Donatien, Les Secretaires de Riel: Louis Schmidt, Henry Jackson, Philippe Garnot. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiv,1953/^,360 - Les Frangais dans 1'ouest canadien. By Lewis H. Thomas, xli,1960/ 2,173 French, Doris, Faith, Sweat and Politics: The Early Trade Union Years in Canada. By Bernard Ostry, xlv,1961|./l,7U

Books Reviewed: Authors / 67 French, Goldwin, Parsons & Politics: The R61e of the Wesleyan Methodists in Upper Canada and the Maritimes from 1780 to 1855- By John S. Moir, xliv,1963/2,159 Freund, Gerald, Unholy Alliance: Russian-German Relations from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to the Treaty of Berlin, xl,1959/3,256 Friedmann, Wolfgang G., German Immigration into Canada. By Geo. W. Simpson, xxxiv,1953/2,188 Friedrich, C.J., Constitutional Reason of State: The Survival of the Constitutional Order. By John M. Norris, xxxix,1958/2,168 Fries, Robert F. See Hughes, Paul L. Fripp, Constance E. and V.E. Killer, eds., Gold and the Gospel in Mashonaland, 1888, Being the Journals of 1. The Mashonaland Mission of Bishop Knight-Bruce; 2. The Concession Journey of Charles Dunell Rudd. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Fryer, W.R., Republic or Restoration in France? 179^-1797: The Politics of French Royalism with Particular Reference to the Activities of A.B.J. d'Andre. By David Higgs, xlvii,1966/3,266 Fugier, Andre, La Revolution franc,ais et I1 Empire napoleonien. By John C. Cairns, xxxvi,1955/1,73 Furniss, Edgar S., Jr. and Richard C. Snyder, An Introduction to American Foreign Policy. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art.., xxxviii, 1957/3,229 Galbraith, John S. , The Establishment of Canadian Diplomatic Status at Washington. By H. Gordon Skilling, xxxiii,1952/3,292 - The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial Factor, 1821-1869. By E.E. Rich, xl,1959/1,67 Gale, W.D., Heritage of Rhodes. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,11*3 Gallagher, John. See Robinson, Ronald — and Alice Denny Gallin, Mary Alice, Ethical and Religious Factors in the German Resistance to Hitler. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2, 170 Ganong, W.F., Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and Place-Nomenclature of the Atlantic Coast of Canada. By John Warkentin, xlvii, 1966/1,65 Garigue, Philip, A Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of French Canada. By H. Blair Heathy, xxxviii,1957/1,57 Garner, John, The Franchise and Politics in British North America, 1755-1867. By Norman Ward, li,1970/1,82 Garnett, A. Campbell, Freedom and Planning in Australia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,11*3 Gash, Norman, Politics in the Age of Peel; A Study in the Technique of Parliamentary Representation 1830-1850. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv, 1953A,399 - Mr. Secretary Peel: The Life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830. By J.B. Conacher, xliii,1962/1,59 Gates, Lillian F., Land Policies of Upper Canada. By G.M. Craig, 1, 1969/2,200 Gates, Paul Wallace, Helen Maud Cam and Hajo Holborn, Liberalism as a Force in History: Lectures on Aspects of the Liberal Tradition. By John C. Cairns, xxxiv, 1953/1*,378 Gates, Peter Singleton-. See Singleton-Gates Gathorne-Hardy, G.M., A Short History of International Affairs, 19201939- By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261*

68 / Canadian Historical Review Index Gatzke, Hans ¥., Germany's Drive to the West (Drang nach Westen): A Study of Germany's Western War Aims during the First World War. By R. Flenley, xxxi,1950/3,325 - Stresemann and the Rearmament of Germany. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Gayet, Robert Lacour-. See Lacour-Gayet Gelber, Leonard. See Martin, Michael Gelfand, Lawrence E., The Inquiry: American Preparations for Peace, 191T-1919. By Daniel M. Smith, xlvi,1965/1,62 George, Charles H. and Katherine George, The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570-16UO. By B.C. Porter, xlii ,196lA ,353 George, Katherine. See George, Charles H. George, Richard Lloyd, Lloyd George. By H.W. McCready, xlii,1961/3, 2i*5 GeVin-Lajoie, Paul, Constitutional Amendment in Canada. By Wilfrid Eggleston, xxxi,1950A,^23 German Federal Govt., Press and Information Office, Germany Reports. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Gershoy, Leo, Bertrand Bare're? A Reluctant Terrorist. By James Leith, xliii,1962A,36o Geyl, Pieter, Debates with Historians. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxviii, 1957/1,72 - Encounters in History. By Richard M. Saunders, xlvi,1965/1,81 - The Netherlands in the 17th Century. II: 1648-1715. By Harvey Mitchell, xlvii,1966/1,80 Gibb, G.S. and E.H. Knowlton, The Resurgent Years, 1911-1927: History of Standard Oil Company (Hew Jersey). By A.W. Currie, xxxviii,1957 /1,71 Gibbon, John Murray, The Romance of the Canadian Canoe. By M.Q. Innis, xxxii,195lA,393 Gibbs, Henry, Background to Bitterness: The Story of South Africa, 1652-195^. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,21+7 Gibson, Charles, Spain in America. By T. Brady, xlix,1968/1,70 Gibson, J.A. See Kerr, D.G.G. Gilbert, Felix. See Higham, John, Leonard Krieger Gilbert, Heather, Awakening Continent: The Life of Lord Mount Stephen. I: 1829-91. By P.B. Waite, xlvii,1966/3,289 Gilbert, Martin and Richard Gott, The Appeasers. By R. Vogel, xlv, 1961+/3,2i*0 Gilby, Thomas, The Political Thought of Thomas Aquinas. By Gerald B. Phelan,. xl,1959/2,151 Gilchrist, J., The Church and Economic Activity in the Middle Ages. By Robert Brentano, li,1970A,l+7U Gillis, D. Hugh, Democracy in the Canadas, 1759-1867. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xxxii,1951/3,2jk Gilmore, Myron P., Humanists and Jurists: Six Studies in the Renaissance. By Wallace K. Ferguson, xlv,196U/3,231 Gilmour, G.P., ed., Canada's Tomorrow: Papers and Discussion, Canada's Tomorrow Conference, Quebec City, November 1953. By Gordon 0. Rothney, xxxvi,1955/2,l60 Gilpin, Alec R., The War of 1812 in the Old Northwest. By C.P. Stacey, xl,1959/1,73 Gioffre, Domenico, Genes et les foires de change (de Lyon £ Besangon). By Cecil Clough, xliii,1962/1,52 Gipson, Lawrence Henry, The British Empire before the American Revolution. I: The British Isles and the American Colonies: Great Bri-

Books Reviewed: Authors / 69

tain and Ireland 17U8-1751* [rev. ed.], xl,1959/2,176

- The British Empire before the American Revolution. VIII: The Great War for the Empire: The Culmination 1760-1763. By Gerald S. Graham, xxxvi,1955/2,1^8. IX: The Triumphant Empire: New Responsibilities within the Enlarged Empire, 1763-1766. By Patrick C.T. White, xxxix, 1958/1,81. X: The Triumphant Empire: Thunder-Clouds Gather in the West, 1763-1766. By Jack M. Sosin, xliii,1962/2,1^9. XI: The Triumphant Empire: The Rumbling of the Storm, 1766-1770. XII: The Triumphant Empire: Britain Sails into the Storm, 1770-1776. By Jack M. Sosin, xlvii,1966/3,272. XIII: The Triumphant Empire. By L.F.S. Upton, xlix,1968/1,73 Giraud, Marcel, Histoire de la Louisiane frangaise: Le regne de Louis

XIV, I. By Guy Fregault, xxxv,195l»/3,2lt9 Girodias, Maurice. See Singleton-Gates, Peter Glasgow, Eric. See Read, Donald Glazebrook, G.P. de T., A History of Canadian External Relations. By

Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 - A Short History of Canada. By C.P. Stacey, xxxi,1950 A,i+10 - A History of Canadian Political Thought. By P.B. Waite, xlviii, 1967A.371* - Life in Ontario: A Social History. By Charles W. Humphries, li, 1970/2,201 Gledhill, Alan, The Republic of India: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3, 28k Glover, Richard, Peninsular Preparation: The. Reform of the British Army, 1795-1809. By Albert Tucker, xlv,196UA,339 - ed., David Thompson's Narrative, 178U-l8l2. By Allan H. Smith, xlvi,1965/2,1^7 - ed. See Hearne, Samuel, A Journey Gluek, Alvin C., Jr., Minnesota and the Manifest Destiny of the Canadian Northwest. By Lewis H. Thomas, xlviii,1967/2,162 Godsell, Jean W., I Was No Lady, xli,1960/1,85 Godsell, Philip H., Pilots of the Purple Twilight. The Story of Canada's Early Bush Flyers. By M. Zaslow, xxxvii,1956/1,96 - See Hinton, A. Cherry Goen, C.C., Revivalism and Separatism in New England, 17^0-1800: Strict Congregationalists and Separate Baptists in the Great Awakening. By Bernard Bailyn, xlv,196V3,2Hl Goffart, Walter, The Le Mans Forgeries: A Chapter from the History of Church Property in the Ninth Century. By Richard E. Sullivan, xlix,1968/1,85 Goldman, Eric F., The Crucial Decade: America, 19^5-1955. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Gollin, A.M., Proconsul in Politics: A Study of Lord Milner in Opposition and in Power. By P.A. Lockwood, xlvi,1965/2,17^

- Balfour's Burden: Arthur Balfour and Imperial Preference. By Robert Kubicek, xlviii,1967/1,7!+

Gooch, G.P., Louis XV: The Monarchy in Decline. By Walter Balderston, xxxviii,1957/3,25U

- French Profiles: Prophets and Pioneers. By J.F. Bosher, xliv,1963 A, 70 Gooch, R.K., Parliamentary Government in France: Revolutionary Origins, 1789-1791. By John Bosher, xlii,1961/^,355 Good, W.C., Farmer Citizen: My Fifty Years in the Canadian Farmers' Movement. By W.L. Morton, xl, 1959/3,21+6

TO / Canadian Historical Review Index

Goodhart, A.L., ed. See Holdsworth, William, A History Goodspeed, D.J., The Conspirators: A Study of the Coup d'Etat. By H. Senior, xliii,1962/2,175 - Bayonets at St. Cloud: The Story of the l8th Brumaire. By Theodore Ropp, xlvii,1966/3,2TO - Ludendorff: Genius of World War I. By Theodore Ropp, xlviii ,19677 2,189 - ed., The Armed Forces of Canada, 1867-1967: A Century of Achievement. By G.F.G. Stanley, xlix,1968/2,l8U Goodwin, A., ed., The European Nobility in the Eighteenth Century: Studies of the Nobilities of the Major European States in the PreReform Era. By John C. Cairns, xxxv,195l4-/35262 - ed., The Mew Cambridge Modern History. VIII: The American and French Revolutions, 1763-93. By Geoffrey Adams, xlviii,1967/1,81 Goodwin, Craufurd D.W., Economic Enquiry in Australia. By Russel Ward, xlviii,1967/1,77 Gopal, S., The Viceroyalty of Lord Ripon, 1880-188U. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195W3,231 Gordon, Donald Craigie, The Australian Frontier in New Guinea, 18701885. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,28U - The Dominion Partnership in Imperial Defense, 1870-1911)-. By Richard A. Preston, xlvii,1966/2,l8l Gordon, Robert S., ed. See Lamb, W. Kaye, Union List Gott, Richard. See Gilbert, Martin Gottschalk, Louis, Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method. By R. Flenley, xxxii,1951/1,87 Goubert, Pierre, Beauvais et le Beauvaisis de 1600 a 1730: Contribution a 1'histoire sociale de la France du XVIIs siecle. By Robert S. Smith, xliv,1963/3,256 Gough, J.W., Fundamental Law in English Constitutional History. By D.J. McDougall. review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Govan, Thomas Payne, Nicholas Biddle: Nationalist and Public Banker, 1786-181*1*. By D.M.L. Farr, xlii,196l/l,59 Gowans, Alan, Church Architecture in New France. By Eric R. Arthur, xxxvi, 19 5 5 A,267 Graebner, Norman A., Empire on the Pacific: A Study in American Continental Expansion. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,70 - The New Isolationism: A Study in Politics and Foreign Policy since 1950. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Graham, Gerald S., Empire of the North Atlantic: The Maritime Struggle for North America. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxi ,1950 A,1*08 - Canada: A Short History. By James A. Gibson, xxxii,1951/1,8l - Great Britain in the Indian Ocean, I8l0-l850: A Study of Maritime Enterprise. By D.M. Schurman, xlix,1968/3,301* - ed., The Walker Expedition to Quebec, 1711. By S.E. Morison, xxxvi, 1955/1,56 - and R.A. Humphreys, eds., The Navy and South America, 1807-1823: Correspondence of the Commanders-in-Chief on the South American Station. By Donald M. Schurman, xliv, 1963A,356 Graham, Hugh David and Ted Robert Gurr, eds., Violence in America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. A Staff Report to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 2 vols. By Graham Adams Jr., li,1970/1,102

Graham, Ian C.C., Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to Horth America, 1707-1783. By Richard A. Preston, xxxviii,1957/2,1^6

Graham, Lloyd, Niagara Country. By Fred Landon, xxxi,1950/1,81

Books Reviewed: Authors / 71 Graham, Roger, Arthur Meighen. I: The Door of Opportunity. By Blair Neatby, xlii,1961/3,228. II: And Fortune Fled. By Margaret Prang, xlvi,1965/2,15lt. Ill: No Surrender. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xTvii, 1966/2,l61t - ed., Issues in Canadian History. The King-Byng Affair, 1926: A Question of Responsible Government. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3) 279 Graham, W.H., The Tiger of Canada West. By Frederick H. Armstrong, xliv,196-3/2,158 Granatstein, J.L., The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada, 1939-191*5- By H. Blair Heatby, xlix,1968/1* ,1+21 Grant, A.J. and Harold Temperley, Europe in the nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (1789-1950), 6th ed., rev. and ed. Lillian M. Penson. By Robert A. Spencer, xxxiii,1952/3,298 Grant, Douglas, Margaret the First: A Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Grant, John Webster, ed., Salvation! 0 the Joyful Sound: The Selected Writings of John Carroll. By Judith Fingard, xlix,1968/3,286 Grattan, C. Hartley, The Southwest Pacific to 1900. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2,158 - The Southwest Pacific since 1900. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2, 158 Graubard, Stephen Richards, British Labour and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1921*. By H.W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2 ,ll*7 - Burke, Disraeli, and Churchill: The Politics of Perseverance. By Albert V. Tucker, xlii,196l/3,2l*2 Gray, Denis, Spencer Perceval, 1761*-l8l2: The Evangelical Prime Minister. By Walter D. Love, xlv,1961t/l*,338 Gray, Elma E. and Leslie Robb Gray, Wilderness Christians: The Moravian Mission to the Delaware Indians. By Fred C. Hamil, xxxvii,1956 /3,269 Gray, John Morgan, Lord Selkirk of Red River. By Lewis H. Thomas, xlv,1961*/3,250 Gray, Leslie Robb. See Gray, Elma E. Green, V.H.H., The Later Plantagenets: A Survey of English History between 1307 and ll*85. By B. Wilkinson, xxxvii,1956/l,91 Greening, William Edward. See Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski, Ludwik Greenly, A.H., A Bibliography of Father Richard's Press in Detroit. By E.J. Lajeunesse, xxxvii,1956/2,192

- A Selective Bibliography of Important Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides Relating to Michigan History. By W. Kaye Lamb, xxxix,1958/1*, 352 Greenwood, Gordon, ed., Australia: A Social and Political History. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,21*7 Greer, Thomas H., What Roosevelt Thought: The Social and Political Ideas of Franklin D. Roosevelt, xl,1959/1,77 Grendler, Paul F., Critics of the Italian World 1530-1560: Anton Francesco Doni, HiccolS Franco and Ortensio Lando. By Anthony Molho, li,1970/1,101* Grenier, Fernand, ed., Papiers Contrecoeur et autres documents concernant le conflit anglo-francais sur 1'Ohio de 17^*5 a 1756. By Guy Fregault, xxxiv,1953/3,298 Grenville, J.A.S., Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy: The Close of the Nineteenth Century. By A.P. Thornton, xlvi,1965/3,262

72 / Canadian Historical Review Index Grenville, J.A.S. and George Berkeley Young, Politics, Strategy, and

American Diplomacy: Studies in Foreign Policy, 1873-1917. By William

Appleman Williams, xlviii,1967/1,89 Grew, Raymond, A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity: The Italian National Society in the Risorgimento. By E. Cappadocia, xlvi,1965/2,183 Griffiths, Percival, The British Impact on India. By D.J. McDougall,

review art., xxxv,1954/3,231

- Modern India. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958/4,312 Grimke, Frederick, The Mature and Tendency of Free Institutions, ed. John Williams Ward. By Peter J. King, li,1970/1,96 Gross, Feliks, The Seizure of Political Power in a Century of Revolution, xl,1959/1,76

Groulx, Lionel, Histoire du Canada frangais depuis la decouverte. IVol. I] By Paul W. Fox, xxxii,1951/2,157- Vols. II-IV. By Mason Wade, xxxiv,1953/2,173

- Dollard, est-il un mythe? By Jacques Monet, xlii,196l/2,l47 - Le Canada frangais missionaire: Une autre grande aventure. By Marc La Terreur, xliv,1963/1,50 Groves, Reg. See Lindsay, Philip Guillet, Edwin C., Pioneer Inns and Taverns. I: Ontario, with Detailed Reference to Metropolitan Toronto and Yonge Street to Penetanguishene. II: The Province of Quebec, The Ottawa Valley, and American Inns, with Special Reference to the New York-Buffalo Route via the Hudson River and the Erie Canal. By W.S. Wallace, xxxvi,1955/3,263; xxxviii,1957/2,152 - The Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman, 2 vols. By F.H. Armstrong, xlv,1964/3,21+9 - ed., The Valley of the Trent. By John S. Moir, xxxix,1958/l,80 Gunn, Gertrude E., The Political History of Newfoundland, 1832-1864. By E.G. Moulton, xlix,1968/1,62 Gunn, J.A.W., Politics and the Public Interest in the Seventeenth Century. By John F.H. New, li,1970/4,464 Gunther, John, The Riddle of MacArtaur: Japan, Korea and the Far East. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,264 Gurr, Ted Robert, ed. See Graham, Hugh David Guttridge, George H., ed., The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. Ill: July 1774-June 1778. By John Norris, xlii,1961/4,356 Gwyn, Richard, Smallwood, the Unlikely Revolutionary. By Robert Bothwell, li,1970/4,463 Gwyn, William B., Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain. By H.W. McCready, xliii,1962/4,361 Gwynn, Denis, Young Ireland and 1848. By D.J. McDougall, xxxi,1950/ 4,417 Hacker, Louis M., Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Haecker, Theodor, Journal in the Night. By R. Flenley, xxxi,1950/4, 425 Hahn, Emily, James Brooke of Sarawak: A Biography of Sir James Brooke. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,1954/3,231 Hahn, James E., For Action: The Autobiography of a Canadian Industrialist. By H.S. Ferns, xxxvi,1955/4,369 Hailey, Lord, An African Survey: Revised 1956. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958/4,312

Books Reviewed: Authors / 73 Hale, John, ed., Settlers: Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Early Colonists in Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. By Arthur G. Dorland, xxxii,1951/1,79 Haley, K.H.D., William of Orange and the English Opposition 1672-U. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953A,339 Hall, D.G.E., Burma. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2, 1U3 - A History of South-East Asia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,247 Hall, H. Duncan, North American Supply. By F.H. Soward, xxxvi,1955/ 1*,366 Haller, William, Liberty and Reformation in the Puritan Revolution. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Halperin, S. William, Diplomat under Stress: Visconti-Venosta and the Crisis of July 1870. By Raymond Grew, xlv,196^/2,167 - ed., Some 20th Century Historians: Essays on Eminent Europeans. By Richard M. Saunders, xlii,1961/3,2UO Halpe'rin, Vladimir, Lord Milner and the Empire: The Evolution of British Imperialism. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3, 28U Hambleton, George, The Parliament of Canada. By K.D. McRae, xxxii, 1951 A,395 Hamelin, Jean, Economie et societe en Nouvelle-France. By W.J. Eccles, xlii,1961 A, 335 - See Beaulieu, Andre Hamelin, Marcel, ed., Les Memoires du Senateur Raoul Dandurand (l86l19^2). By J.L. Granatstein, xlix,1968/3,291 - ed., Les Idles politiques des premiers ministres du Canada/ The Political Ideas of the Prime Ministers of Canada. By Lovell C. Clark, li,1970/I,86 Hamer, D.A., John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics. By H.W. McCready, 1,1969/3,331* Hamil, Fred Coyne, The Valley of the Lower Thames, l6UO to 1850. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxii,1951/3,276 - Lake Erie Baron: The Story of Colonel Thomas Talbot. By James J. Talman, xxxvii,1956/3,272 Hamilton, Milton W. , ed., The Papers of Sir William Johnson. Vol. X. By Lawrence Henry Gipson, xxxiii,1952/1,72. Vol. XI. By George F. G. Stanley, xxxv,195h/h,3k6. Vol. XII. By Jack M. Sosin, xxxix, 1958/3,253. Vol. XIII. By L.F.S. Upton, xliv,1963/2,165 Hamilton, William B., ed., The Transfer of Institutions. By Lionel H. Laing, xlviii,1967/1,76 - et al., eds., A Decade of the Commonwealth, 1955-61+. By Robert Kubicek, xlviii,1967/3,293 Hammer, Philip M., ed., A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States, xlii,1961/3,252 Hammond, N.G.L., A History of Greece to 322 B.C. By E.T. Salmon, xlii,1961/1,76 Hampson, Norman, A Social History of the French Revolution. By James A. Leith, xlv,1961*A,350 Hanak, Harry, Great Britain & Austria-Hungary During the First World War: A Study in the Formation of Public Opinion. By R. Vogel, xliv, 1963/3,253 Hanbury, H.G., ed. See Holdsworth, William, A History Hancock, W.K., Smuts. I: The Sanguine Years, 1870-1919. By D.J. McDougall, xliv,1963/^,330

"jh I Canadian Historical Review Index Hancock, W.K., Wealth of Colonies. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,l>t 3 Handlin, Oscar, Chance or Destiny: Turning Points in American History. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,70 - Al Smith and His America. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix, 1958/3,223 Handover, P.M., Arabella Stuart: Royal Lady of Hardwick and Cousin to King James. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Hanfstaengl, Ernst (Putzi), Hitler: The Missing Years. By R.A. Spencer, xxxix,1958/3,257 Hanks, Jane Richardson. See Hanks, Lucien M., Jr Hanks, Lucien M., Jr., and Jane Richardson Hanks, Tribe under Trust: A Study of the Blackfoot Reserve in Alberta. By Douglas Leechman, xxxi ,1950 A,U2T Hanrahan, Gene Z., The Communist Struggle in Malaya. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Hanson, Eric J. , Local Government in Alberta. By 'Eric Hardy, xxxviii, 1957/2,165 - Dynamic Decade: The Evolution and Effects of the Oil Industry in Alberta. By Morris Zaslow, xl,1959/2,167 Harbison, E. Harris, Christianity and History. By Richard M. Saunders, xlvii,1966/l,63 Harding, Davis P., ed. See Sylvester, Richard S. Hardy, G.M. Gathorne-. See Gathorne-Hardy Hardy, H. Reginald, MacKenzie King of Canada: A Biography. By Arthur R.M. Lower, xxxi,1950/3,309 Hardy, W.G., From Sea unto Sea: The Road to Nationhood, 1850-1910. By S.R. Mealing, xlii,1961/2,153 - ed., The Alberta Golden Jubilee Anthology. By Walter N. Sage, xxxvi, 1955/^,358 Hare, John and Jean-Pierre Wallot, Les Imprimes dans le Bas-Canada, I801-l8it0, Bibliographic analytique. I: I801-l8l0. By Helen Taft Manning, xlix,1968A,^19- See also correspondence of Jacques Mathieu, 1,1969/2,2k2 Hargreaves, Mary W.M., ed. See Hopkins, James F. Haring, C.H., Empire in Brazil, xl,1959/1,75 Harkness, D.W., The Restless Dominion: The Irish Free State and the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1921-31. By John W. Boyle, li, 1970/2,211 Harkness, Ross, J.E. Atkinson of the Star. By John T. Saywell, xlv, 196U/2,llA Harlow, Vincent, The Founding of the Second British Empire, 17631793. I: Discovery and Revolution. By W.L. Morton, xxxiv,1953/1,55 - and Frederick Madden, British Colonial Developments, 177^-183^. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195V3,231 Harmer, F.E., Anglo-Saxon Writs. By T.J. Oleson, xxxiv,1953/2,189 Harper, J. Russell, Painting in Canada, A History. By Ron Bloore, xlviii,1967/U,369 Harris, Reginald V., The Church of Saint Paul in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 171*9-191+9. By Paul Grant Cornell, xxxi,1950/1,80 Harris, Richard Colebrook, The Seigneurial System in Early Canada: A Geographical Study. By Cameron Hish, xlviii,1967/1,62 Harrison, David, Tudor England, I-II. By R.A. Preston, review art.,

xxxv,19 5^ A, 331

Books Reviewed: Authors / 75 Harrison, J.F.C., Learning and Living, 1790-1960: A Study in the History of the English Adult Education Movement. By James Winter, xliii,1962/3,21+3 Harrison, W.E.C., Canada in World Affairs, 19^9 to 1950. By Nicholas Mansergh, xxxix,1958/1,76. See also correspondence of W.E.C. Harrison, xxxix,1958/3,265 Hartz, Louis et al., The Founding of New Societies: Studies in the History of the United States, Latin America, South Africa, Canada, and Australia. By A.P. Thornton, xlvii,1966/1,59 Harvey, B.C., ed., Journeys to the Island of St. John or Prince Edward Island, 1775-1832. By Frank MacKinnon, xxxvi,1955/l+,35l+ - ed., The Diary of Simeon Perkins, 1780-1789. By Richard A. Preston, xl,1959A,3l+8 Harvey, Heather J., Consultation and Co-operation in the Commonwealth: A Handbook on Methods and Practice. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Hart, H.L.A. and A.M. Honore, Causation in the Law. By William Dray, xlii,1961/3,238 Hartog, Lady, India: Hew Pattern. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/^,300 Haskins, George Lee, Law and Authority in Early Massachusetts: A Study in Tradition and Design, xli,1960/3,257 Hassler, Warren W., Jr., Commanders of the Army of the Potomac. By John A. Carpenter, xliv,1963/1,5!+ Hatch, John, Hew from Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii, 1957A,300 Hattersley, Alan F., The British Settlement of Natal: A Study of Imperial Migration. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2, 11+3 Hatton, Ragnhild and J.S. Bromley, eds., William III and Louis XIV: Essays 1680-1720 by and for Mark A. Thomson. By A. Lloyd Moote, 1, 1969/1,107 Havran, Martin J., The Catholics in Caroline England. By J.R. MacCormack, xliv, 1963/3,21+8 Hawes, Frances, Henry Brougham. By H.¥. McCready, review art., xxxix, 1958/2,11+7 Hawley, E.W., The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic Ambivalence. By Paul Merkley, xlviii,1967/l,88 Hay, Denys, Europe: The Emergence of an Idea. By C.C. Bayley, xxxix,


- The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background. By Cecil Clough, xliii,1962/2,169 Hay, Ian, Arms and the Men. By G.W.L. Nicholson, xxxiii,1952/3,289 Hayek, F.A. , ed'. , Capitalism and the Historians. By R. Flenley, xxxv, 195l+/3,25l+ Hayes, Carlton J.H., Nationalism: A Religion. By H.N. Fieldhouse, xlii,1961/2,167 Hays, Samuel P., The Response to Industrialism, l885-19lU. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Hazard, Harry W., ed. See Strauss-Hupe, Robert Hearne, Samuel, A Journey to the Northern Ocean, ed. Richard Glover. By Walter N. Sage, xl,1959/3,21+7 Heeney, Brian, Mission to the Middle Classes: The Woodard Schools, 181+8-1891. By Sheldon Rothblatt, li ,1970/2,207 Heers, Jacques, Genes au XVe siScle: Activit? economique et problemes sociaux. By Cecil Clough, xliii,1962/1,52

76 / Canadian Historical Review Index Heilbroner, Robert, The Future as History. By Richard M. Saunders, xli, I960 A, 3l+9 Helleiner, Karl F., The Imperial Loans: A Study in Financial and Diplomatic History. By R. John Rath, xlviii,1967A,39^ Hennessy, James Pope-. See Pope-Hennessy Henriques, Ursula, Religious Toleration in England, 1787-1833. By D. J. McDougall, xliv,1963A,355 Hlritier, Jean, Catherine de Medici, trs. Charlotte Haldane. By E.M. Beams, xlv,196!*A,3l*8 Herr, Richard, Tocqueville and the Old Regime. By J.F. Bosher, xliv, 1963/)+, 362 - and Harold T. Parker, eds., Ideas in History: Essays Presented to Louis Gottschalk by His Former Students. By A. Lloyd Moote, xlvii, 1966/2,191* Hertzman, Lewis, DNVP: Right-Wing Opposition in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1921*. By Leonidas E. Hill, xlvii ,1966/1,86 Hewitt, A.R., Guide to Resources for Commonwealth Studies in London, Oxford and Cambridge with Bibliographical and Other Information. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Hexter, J.H., Reappraisals in History. By Perez Zagorin, xliii,1962/ 3,233 Heymann, Frederick G., George of Bohemia, King of Heretics. By Stanley Z. Pech, xlvii,1966/2,186 Hibbert, Christopher, Wolfe at Quebec. By Richard A. Preston, review art. , xli, 1960/3,231. - The Destruction of Lord Raglan: A Tragedy of the Crimean War, 185!*5. By S.W. Jackman, xlii,196lA,358 Hidy, Muriel E. See Hidy, Ralph W. Hidy, Ralph W. , The House of Baring in American Trade and Finance. By C.R. Fay, xxxi ,1950A, 1+19 - and Muriel E. Hidy, Pioneering in Big Business 1882-1911: History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey). By A.W. Currie, xxxvii,1956/ i+, 377 Higgins, Trumbull, Winston Churchill and the Second Front, 191*0-191*3, xl,1959/2,176 Higham, John, ed., The Reconstruction of American History. By Christopher Lindley, xliv,1963/1,58 - Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert, History. By Harvey Wish, xlvii, 1966/1,6U Hill, Christopher, Economic Problems of the Church, from Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 - Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. By W.W. Piepenburg, xli, 1960/1,58 - Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England. By D.J. McDougall, xlvi,1965/3,257 - Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution. By John N. Buchanan, xlvii ,1966/lt, 383 - ed. See Brailsford, H.H., The Levellers Hill, C.P. See Allen, H.C. Hill, Douglas, The Opening of the Canadian West. By Lewis H. Thomas, xlix,1968/1*,1*20 Hill, Henry Bertram, trs., The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections. By A. Lloyd Moote, xlii,196lA,35^

Books Reviewed: Authors / 77 Hill, Mary C., The King's Messengers, 1199-1377: A Contribution to the History of the Royal Household. By B. Wilkinson, xlr,196^/2, 157 Killer, V.E., ed. See Fripp, Constance E. Hilton, R.H., and H. Fagan, The English Rising of 1381. By John Gordon Rowe, xxxii,195lA,390 Kinsley, F.H., Power and the Pursuit of Peace: Theory and Practice in the History of Relations between States. By Edgar Mclnnis, xlvi, 1965/2,177 - ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. XI: Material Progress and World-Wide Problems, 1870-1879. By Ivo H. Lambi, xlv,196U/3,23^ Hinton, A. Cherry and Philip H. Godsell, The Yukon. By Morris Zaslow, xxxvi,1955/2,158 Hiscocks, Richard, Poland: Bridge for the Abyss? An Interpretation of Developments in Post-War Poland. By Anna M. Cienciala, xlvi, 1965/1,77 Hislop, Codman, The Mohawk. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/l,77 Hitsman, J. Mackay, The Incredible War of 1812: A Military History. By Reginald Horsman, xlvii,1966/3,285 - Safeguarding Canada, 1763-1871. By A.M.J. Hyatt, 1,1969/1,91 Ho, Ping-Ti, The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. By Charles 0. Hucker, xlv,1961t/2,150 Hoar, Victor, The Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion: Canadian Participation in the Spanish Civil War. By Michiel Horn, 1,1969 A, ^56 Hodgen, Margaret T., Change and History: A Study of the Dated Distributions of Technological Innovations in England. By David Spring, xxxiv,1953A,36U Hodgetts, A.B., What Culture? What Heritage? A Study of Civil Education in Canada; French ed: Quelle culture? Quel heritage? Une etude de 1'education civique au Canada. By Goldwin French, et al. , 1,1969 /it, 297 Hodgetts, J.E., Pioneer Public Service: An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 181*1-1867. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxvi ,1956 A, 365 Hoemberg, Elisabeth, Thy People, My People. By R. Flenley, xxxi,1950 AA25 Hoffman, Bernard G., Cabot to Cartier: Sources for a Historical Ethnography of Northeastern North America 1U97-1550. By T.J. Oleson, xliii,1962/1,71 Hofstadter, Richard, The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. By David Noble, xlvii,1966A,373 - The Idea of A Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780-l8Uo. By Arthur L. Jensen, li,1970/3,337 Holborn, Hajo, A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation. By Franklin L. Ford, xli,1960/3,237 - A History of Modern Germany, 161*8-18^0. By Hubert C. Johnson, xlviii, 1967/1,83 - See Gates, Paul Wallace, Helen Maud Cam Holbrook, Stewart, The Columbia. By R.N. Beattie, xxxviii,1957/1,6l Holdsworth, William, A History of English Law, XIII, ed. A.L. Goodhart and H.G. Hanbury. By D.J. McDougall, xxxv,195^/3,258 Hollingsworth, T.H., Historical Demography. By Edward Shorter, li, 1970/2,221 Hollyday, Frederic B.M. , Bismarck's Rival: A Political Biography of General and Admiral Albrecht von Stosch. By Ivo N. Lambi, xli,I960 A.3U7

78 / Canadian Historical Review Index Holmes, G.A., The Estates of the Higher Nobility in FourteenthCentury England. By M.R. Powicke, xxxix,1958/2,170 - The Later Middle Ages, 1272-1U85. By B. Wilkinson, xliv,1963A,350 Honore, A.M. See H.L.A. Hart Hood, Dora, Davidson Black: A Biography. By C. Berger, xlvi,1965/3, 255 Hooker, Nancy Harvison, ed., The Moffat Papers: Selections from the Diplomatic Journals of Jay Pierrepont Moffat, 1919-19^3- By C.P. Stacey, xxxviii, 1957/3,2kk Hoover, Dwight, ed., Understanding Negro History. By William H. Pease, 1,1969/^,^75 Hoover, Herbert, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 [Hoover, Herbert] The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933; The Great Depression, 1929-19^1- By F.H. Soward, xxxiv,1953/2,186 Hopkins, C. Howard, History of the Y.M.C.A. in North America. By Paul Grant Cornell, xxxiii,1952/2,178 Hopkins, James F. and Mary W.M. Hargreaves, eds., The Papers of Henry Clay. I: The Rising Statesman, 1797-l8l^. II: The Rising Young Statesman, I8l5-l820. By Thomas J. Pressly, xli,1960/3,2Uj; xlii, 1961 A, 336 Horgan, John J., Parnell to Pearse: Some Recollections and Reflections. By D.J. McDougall, xxxi,1950 A,^17 Horowitz, Gad, Canadian Labour in Politics. By Walter Young, 1,1969/ 1,86 Horsfall, J.C., Australia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,21+7 Horsman, E.A. and Lillian Rea Benson, eds., The Canadian Journal of Alfred Domett: Being an Extract from a Journal of a Tour in Canada, the United States and Jamaica, 1833-1835. By G.M. Craig, xxxvii, 1956/1,9^ Horsman, Reginald, Matthew Elliott, British Indian Agent. By C.P. Stacey, xlvii,1966/3,28U Hostache, Rene, Le Conseil national de la resistance: les institutions de la clandestinite, xl,1959/1,75 Houghton, Walter E., The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870. By David ' Owen, xxxix, 1958A,327 - ed. , The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 182^-1900: Tables of Contents and Identification of Contributors with Bibliographies of Their Articles and Stories, I. By Sydney Eisen, xlviii,1967/3, 286 Howard, C.H.D., ed. See Chamberlain, Joseph, A Political Memoir Howard, J.K., Strange Empire: A Narrative of the Northwest. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiv,1953/1,65 Howard, Michael, ed., Soldiers and Governments: Nine Studies in CivilMilitary Relations. By Richard A. Preston, xxxix,1958/3,256 Howe, George F. et al., eds., The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature. By Armin Rappaport, xlii,196lA,351 Howe, H.V., ed. See Tsuji, Masanobu Howell, Margaret, Regalian Right in Medieval England. By T. Sandquist, xliv,1963/1,59 Howse, Ernest Marshall, Saints in Politics: The "Clapham Sect" and the Growth of Freedom. By D.C. Masters, xxxiv,1953/I,72 Hubbard, Preston J., Origins of the TVA: The Muscle Shoals Controversy, 1920-1932. By Richard C. Overton, xliii,1962/1,79

Books Reviewed: Authors / 79 Huehns, G., ed. See Clarendon, 1st Earl of, Selections Hughes, H. Stuart, Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930. By H.H. Fieldhouse, xl,1959/2, 1U5 - Contemporary Europe: A History. By Lewis Hertzman, xliii,1962/1,67 - History as Art and as Science: Twin Vistas on the Past. By W.H. Dray, xlvi,1965/1,83 - The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation 1930-1960. By John C. Cairns, 1,1969/3,31+2 Hughes, Paul L. and Robert F. Fries, Crown and Parliament in TudorStuart England: A Documentary Constitutional History, 11*85-171^, xl,1959/^,351 - and James F. Larkin, eds., Tudor Royal Proclamations. I: The Early Tudors, 11*85-1553. By Elliot Rose, xlvi,1965/2,169 Hughes, Philip, The Reformation in England. II: Religio Depopulata. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195l*A,331 Hulme, Harold, The Life of Sir John Eliot, 1592-1632: Struggle for Parliamentary Freedom. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/ 1,52 Humphreys, R.A., Latin American History: A Guide to the Literature in English, xl,1959/3,255 - ed. See Graham, Gerald S. Hunt, Richard N. , German Social Democracy, 1918-1933. By Lewis Hertzman, xlvii,1966/2,189 Hunter, T.M., Hapoleon in Victory and Defeat. By Theodore Ropp, xlvi, 1965/U,379 Hupe, Robert Strauss-. See Strauss-Hupe Hurst, Alan M., The Canadian Y.M.C.A. in World War II. By Albert Rose, xxxi,1950/2,199 Hussey, J., ed., The Cambridge Medieval History. IV: The Byzantine Empire. Pt. 1: Byzantium and Its Neighbours, 2nd ed. By Walter Goffart, xlviii,1967/1,78 Hutchinson, William T., Lowden of Illinois. The Life of Frank 0. Lowden, 2 vols. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3, 229 - and William M.E. Rachal, eds., The Papers of James Madison. I: 16 March 1751-16 December 1779. II: 20 March 1780-23 February 1781. By William Appleman Williams, xliv,1963A,3^6. Ill: March-December 1781. IV: January-31 July 1782. V: 1 August-31 December 1782. By C. Page Smith, xlix,1968/3,295 Hutchison, Bruce, The Fraser. By W. Kaye Lamb, xxxii,1951/I,80 - The Incredible Canadian. By James A. Gibson, xxxiv,1953/2,170 - The Struggle for the Border. By Patrick C.T. White, xxxvii,1956/2, 178 - Mr. Prime Minister, 1867-1961*. By Paul G. Cornell, xlviii,1967/2, 168 Huttenback, Robert A., The British Imperial Experience. By Milton Israel, xlviii,1967/3,291 Huxley, Gervas, Endymion Porter: The Life of a Courtier, 1587-161*9. By W.W. Piepenburg, xlii,196l/l,68 Hyde, H. Montgomery, Carson: The Life of Sir Edward Carson, Lord Carson of Duncairn. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3, 231 Hyman, Harold M., ed., Hew Frontiers of the American Reconstruction. By Charles Desmond Hart, xlix,1968/1,75

80 / Canadian Historical Review Index Ingham, Kenneth, A History of East Africa. By Arthur Keppel-Jones, xliv,1963/1,81 Inglis, Brian, The Freedom of the Press in Ireland, 178U-18U1. By D. J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Inglis, K. S., Churches -and the Working Classes in Victorian England. By James Winter, xlv,196V3,239 Innis, H.A., Empire and Communications. By Arthur Maheux, xxxi,1950/ 3,322 - The Bias of Communication. By E.R. Adair, xxxiii,1952/^,393 - Changing Concepts of Time. By J.B. Brebner, xxxiv,1953/2,171 - The Fur Trade in Canada: An introduction to Canada Economic History, rev. ed. By J.B. Brebner, xxxviii,1957/1,52 - Essays in Canadian Economic History, ed. Mary Q. Innis. By J.H. Aitchison, xxxviii,1957/^,328 - ed., The Diary of Simeon Perkins, 1766-1780. By R.A. Preston, xxxi, 1950/1,69 Innis, Mary Quayle, Unfold the Years: A History of the Young Women's Christian Association in Canada. By M.M. Kirkwood, xxxi,1950/I,82 - Travellers West. By Tommy Tweed, xxxviii,1957/1,59 - ed., Mrs. Simcoe's Diary. By W.G. Ormsby, xlvii,1966/3,283 - ed., The Clear Spirit: Twenty Canadian Women and Their Times. By J.A. Boudreau, xlviii,1967A,373 - ed. See Innis, Harold A., Essays Inverarity, Robert Bruce, Art of the Northwest Coast Indians. By Margaret C. Pirie, xxxii,1951/2,169 Ironside, Edmund, Archangel, 1918-1919. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxv,195^A,3lt9 Irving, John A., The Social Credit Movement in Alberta. By J.R. Mallory, xli, I960 A, 338 Ivison, Stuart and Fred Rosser, The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820. By H.H. Walsh, xxxviii,1957/1,57

Jackman, Sydney, Galloping Head: The Life of the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bond Head 1793-1875- By J.M.S. Careless, xl,1959/2,168 - ed., With Burgoyne from Quebec: An Account of the Life at Quebec and of the Famous Battle at Saratoga. By George F.G. Stanley, xlv, 196W3,2li8 Jackson, H.C., Behind the Modern Sudan. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 Jackson, Harold McGill, Rogers' Hangers: A History. By S.F. Wise, xxxvi,1955/3,262 - ed., The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) 1928-1953. By J.M. Hitsman, xxxv,195^/2,165 - ed. See Stanley, George F.G. Jacobs, Wilbur R., Diplomacy and Indian Gifts: Anglo-French Rivalry along the Ohio and Northwest Frontiers, 17^8-1763. By Murray G. Lawson, xxxi,1950 A,1*27 - ed., Letters of Francis Parkman. By W.J. Eccles, xlii,1961/2,150 Jaffa, Harry V., Crisis of the House Divided: An Interpretation of the Issues in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 - and Robert W. Johannsen, eds., In the Name of the People: Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 James, Antony Brett-. See Brett-James

Books Reviewed: Authors / 8l James, Robert Rhodes, Lord Randolph Churchill. By H.W. McCready, xl,

1959 A, 3^2 James, R. Warren, Wartime Economic Co-operation: A Study of Relations "between Canada and the United States. By F.A. Knox, xxxi,1950/2,189 - John Rae, Political Economist: An Account of His Life and a Compilation of His Main Writings. By Craufurd Goodwin, xlvii,1966/1,67 Jamieson, A.B., Chartered Banking in Canada. By John L. McDougall, xxxv, 195V3,260 Jamieson, Stuart, Industrial Relations in Canada. By Josephine Grimshaw, xxxix,1958/3,250 Jarvis, Julia, Three Centuries of Robinsons: The Story of a Family. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxv,195^/2,157 Jefferys, C.W., illus. and Lome Pierce, ed. , Sam Slick in Pictures: The Best of the Humour of Thomas Chandler Haliburton. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxviii,1957/1,77 Jellison, Charles A., Fessenden of Maine: Civil War Senator. By D.M. L. Farr, xliv,1963/1,55 Jenkins, Brian, Fenians and Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction. By C.P. Stacey, li ,1970/3,320 Jenkins, Kathleen, Montreal, Island City of the St. Lawrence. By G. J.J. Tulchinsky, xlviii,1967A,378 Jenkins, Roy, Mr. Balfour's Poodle. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1,!+5 - Asquith. By Peter Stansky, xlvii,1966/2,178 Jennings, Ivor, The Constitution of Ceylon. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 - Constitutional Problems in Pakistan. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix, 1958A, 312 - Problems of the New Commonwealth. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix, 1958 A, 312 - Party Politics. I: Appeal to the People. II: The Growth of Parties. Ill: The Stuff of Politics. By J.B. Conacher, xliv,1963/2,176 - and C.M. Young, Constitutional Laws of the Commonwealth, 2nd ed. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,28U Jensen, Merrill, The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution 1763-1776. By J.M. Bumsted, 1,1969/2,207 - ed., Regionalism in America. By M. Zaslow, xxxiii,1952/2,18^ Jessett, Thomas E., ed., Reports and Letters of Herbert Beaver 18361838, Chaplain to the Hudson's Bay Company and Missionary to the Indians at Fort Vancouver. By Walter N. Sage, xlii,1961/1,6k Jette, Fernand, La Voie de la saintete d'apres Marie de 1'Incarnation, Fondatrice des Ursulines de Quebec. By D.M. Hayne, xxxvi,1955/3,275 Johannsen, Robert W., ed. See Jaffa, Harry V. Johnson, Alan Campbell-. See Campbell-Johnson Johnson, Alice M., ed. , Saskatchewan Journals and Correspondence: Edmonton House 1795-1800, Chesterfield House l800-l802. By L.G.

Thomas, 1,1969/3,313

- ed. See Rich, E.E. Johnson, Chalmers A., Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power. By John W. Strong, xliv, 1963A,338 Johnson, Donald, The Challenge to American Freedoms: World War I and the Rise of the American Civil Liberties Union. By Christopher Lindley, xlv,196i*A,332 Johnson, Douglas, Guizot: Aspects of French History, 1787-1871*. By Ezio Cappadocia, xlvi,1965/1,7^

82 / Canadian Historical Review Index Johnson, Franklyn Arthur, Defence by Committee: The British Committee of Imperial Defence, 1885-1959. By D.J. McDougall, xlii,196lA,360 Johnson, F. Henry, A History of Public Education in British Columbia. By William Brehaut, xlvii,1966/2,166 Johnson, Gerald W., Our English Heritage. By G.M. Craig, xxxi,1950/ 1,76 Johnson, J.K., ed., The Canadian Directory of Parliament 1867-1967. By Donald Swainson, 1,1969/3,310 Johnston, C.M., The Head of the Lake: A History of Wentworth County. By Fred C. Hamil, xl,1959/2,l66 - ed., The Valley of the Six Hations: A Collection of Documents on the Indian Lands of the Grand River. By William N. Fenton, xlvi, 1965/U,355 Joll, James, ed., Britain and Europe, Pitt to Churchill, 1793-19^0.

By A.C. Cooke, xxxii,1951/1,86

Jolliffe, J.E.A., Angevin Kingship. By M.R. Powicke, xxxvi ,1955 A,36l Jonas, Manfred, Isolationism in America, 1935-19^1- By R.D. Accinelli, xlviii,1967/2,171 Jones, E.L., ed., Agriculture and Economic Growth in England, 16501815. By R.W. Greaves, 1,1969/2,212 Jones, Howard Mumford, 0 Strange New World: American Culture, The Formative Years. By Jill Conway, xlvi, 19&5A,36U Jones, Maldwyn Allen, American Immigration. By Wallace D. Farnham, xlii,1961/2,158 Jones, Richard, Community in Crisis: French-Canadian Nationalism in Perspective. By D.V. Smiley, xlix,1968/1,68 Jones, Thomas, Lloyd George. By J.H.S. Reid, xxxiii,1952/2,172 Jones, Wilbur Devereux, Lord Aberdeen and the Americans. By Patrick

C.T. White, xl,1959/1,72 Jones, W.J., The Elizabethan Court of Chancery. By D.J. Guth, xlix, 1968 A,1*33 Jordan, W.K., Edward VI: The Young King. The Protectorship of the Duke of Somerset. By L.A. Knafla, li,1970/3,327 Julien, Claude, Canada: Europe's Last Chance, trs. Penny Williams. By Michel Brunet, 1,1969/1,97 Jury, Elsie McLeod. See Jury, Wilfred Jury, Wilfred and Elsie McLeod Jury, Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. By G. Hubert Smith, xxxv,195^/3,250

Kahin, George McTurnan, ed., Major Governments of Asia. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl, 1959A,332 Kann, Robert A., A Study in Austrian Intellectual History: From Late Baroque to Romanticism, xlii,196l/3,252 Kaplan, Herbert H., The First Partition of Poland. By Hubert C. Johnson, xliv, 1963/lt, 36k Kaplow, Jeffry, Elbeuf during the Revolutionary Period: History and Social Structure. By James A. Leith, xlvi, 1965A,378 Katz, Irving, August Belmont: A Political Biography. By David H. Crook, li,1970/3,3^3 Katz, Joseph, ed., Canadian Education Today: A Symposium. By Hilda

Keatby, xxxviii ,1957/1,71* Kaye, Vladimir J., Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada, 1895-1900: Dr Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest. By Joseph A. Boudreau, xlvi,1965/3,25U

Books Reviewed: Authors / 83 Kedourie, Elie, England and the Middle East: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire, 191^-21. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,2^7 Keeler, Mary Frear, The Long Parliament, l6i*0-l61tl: A Biographical Study of Its Members. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195^7 U.338 Keenleyside, Hugh L. and Gerald S. Brown, Canada and the United States: Some Aspects of Their Historical Relations, new ed. By C.

P. Stacey, xxxiii,1952/3,285

- James Eayrs et al., The Growth of Canadian Policies in External Affairs. By F.H. Soward, xlii,'l96l/2,l62 Keirstead, B.S., Canada in World Affairs, September 1951 to October 1953. By Kenneth McHaught, xxxvii,1956/3,276 Kelly, Hora, The Men of the Mounted. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxi, 1950/2,201 Kelsey, Vera, Red River Runs North! By Richard Glover, xxxii ,195lA, 39U Kemp, Betty, King and Commons, 1660-1832. By W.W. Piepenburg, xxxix, 1958 A, 3VT Kendle, John Edward, The Colonial and Imperial Conferences, 1887-1911: A Study in Imperial Organization. By Robert Kubicek, xlix,1968/3,308 Keniston, Hayward, Francisco de los Cobos, Secretary to the Emperor Charles V. By Wallace K. Ferguson, xli,I960 A, SW Kennan, George F., American Diplomacy. By K.W. McNaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/I,6U - Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920. I: Russia Leaves the War. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxviii,1957/2,159 - Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 - Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin. By Donald W. Treadgold, xliii,1962/3.2U7 Kennedy, A.L., Salisbury, 1830-1903: Portrait of a Statesman, By J. B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953/^,339 Kennedy, Douglas R., The Knights of Labor in Canada. By Eugene Forsey, xxxviii,1957/1,69 Kennedy, J.H., Jesuit and Savage in New France. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xxxii,1951/1,78 Kennedy, J. de N., The History of the Department of Munitions and Supply: Canada in the Second World War. I: Production Branches and Crown Companies. II: Controls, Service and Finance Branches, and Units Associated with the Department. By R. Warren James, xxxii, 1951/3,277 Kennett, Lee, the French Armies in the Seven Years' War: A Study in Military Organization and Administration. By C.P. Stacey, xlix, 1968/2,203 Kent, Donald H., The French Invasion of Western Pennsylvania, 1753. By Bradley D. Bargar, xxxvi,1955/1,58 - ed. See Stevens, S.K. — and Autumn L. Leonard Kenyon, J.P., The Stuarts: A Study in English Kingship. By William Kilbourn, xl,1959A,337 Kerensky, Alexander F., ed. See Browder, Robert Paul Kerkkonen, Martti, Peter Kalm's North American Journey: Its Ideological Background and Results, xli, I960 A, 361 Kerr, D.G.G. and J.A. Gibson, Sir Edmund Head: A Scholarly Governor. By D.G. Creighton, xxxvi,1955/^,355 Kerr, J. Lennox, Wilfred Grenfell: His Life and Work, xli,I960 A,362

8h I Canadian Historical Review Index Kesterton, W.H., A History of Journalism in Canada. By J.L. Granatstein, xlix,1968/1,65 Key, C.E., The British Group: An Imperial Social Study. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,ll+3 Kilbourn, William, The Firebrand: William Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion in Upper Canada. By James J. Talman, xxxviii,1957/2,1^9 - The Elements Combined: A History of the Steel Company of Canada. By Margaret Prang, xlii,19^1/3,236 Kinchen, Oscar A., The Rise and Fall of the Patriot Hunters. By Fred Landon, xxxviii,1957/2,151 King, Jere Clemens, Foch versus Clemenceau: France and German Dismemberment, 1918-1919. By Harold I. Nelson, xliii, 1962/3,2*t9 King, Willard L., Lincoln's Manager, David Davis. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Kingsnorth, G.W. See Marsh, Z.A. Kinnear, Michael, The British Voter: An Atlas and Survey Since 1885. By J.N. Thompson, 1,1969A,U66 Kirwan, L.P., The White Road: A Survey of Polar Exploration from the Vikings to Fuchs. By Morris Zaslow, xli , I960 A, 335 Klein, Philip S., President James Buchanan: A Biography. By Thomas J. Pressly, xliv,1963/1,53 Klement, Frank L., The Copperheads of the Middle West. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Klibansky, Raymond and Ernest C. Mossner, eds., New Letters of David Hume. By E.R. Adair, xxxvii,1956/2,189 Klinck, Carl F., ed., William "Tiger" Dunlop: "Blackwoodian Backwoodsman" xl,1959/2,173 - ed., Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English. By Hilda Neatby, xlvi,1965A,352. See also correspondence of William Kilbourn, xlvii,1966/4,^00 Klinck, George A., ed. See Frechette, Louis, Memoires Klyuchevsky, Vasili, Peter the Great, trs. Liliana Archibald. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xl,1959/3,250 Knafla, L.A., Edward VI: The Young King. The Protectorship of the Duke of Somerset. By W.K. Jordan, li,1970/3,327 Knaplund, Paul, James Stephen and the British Colonial System, 181318U7. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281+ - Britain, Commonwealth and Empire, 1901-1955. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii, 1957A,300 - ed., Gladstone-Gordon Correspondence, 1851-1896: Selections from the Private Correspondence of a British Prime Minister and a Colonial Governor. By J.K. Chapman, xliii,1962/1,61 Khorr, Klaus, ed., NATO and American Security. By Kenneth McNaught, xli, I960 A, 339

Kochan, Lionel, The Struggle for Germany, 191U-19U5. By Lewis Hertzman, xlv,196V3,236 Kolko, Gabriel, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916. By David A. Shannon, xlvi,1965/l,6l - Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1911. By Kenneth McNaught, xlvii, 1966/2,173

Kondapi, C., Indians Overseas, 1838-19^9. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,28*t Korth, Eugene H., Spanish Policy in Colonial Chile: The Struggle for Social Justice, 1535-1700. By Trent M. Brady, 1,1969/3,339

Books Reviewed: Authors / 85 Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski, Ludwik and William Edward Greening, Sir Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski: A Biography. By John S. Moir, xli,1960/ 4,331 Kotelawala, John, An Asian Prime Minister's Story. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 Kracauer, Siegfried, History, The Last Things Before the Last. By Howard Adelman, li,1970/2,223 Kraditor, Aileen S., ed., Up from the Pedestal: Selected Writings in the History of American Feminism. By Jill Gonway, 1,1969/2,201* Kraehe, Enno E., Metternich's German Policy. I: The Contest with Napoleon, 1799-l8ll*. By Hubert C. Johnson, xlvi,1965/3,271 Kramnick, Isaac, Bolingbroke and his Circle: The Politics of Nostalgia in the Age of Walpole. By J.A. Gunn, 1,1969/2,211* Kranz, Henry B., ed., Abraham Lincoln: A New Portrait. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Kraus, Michael, The Atlantic Civilization: Eighteenth Century Origins. By George W. Brown, xxxii,1951/2,158 - The Writing of American History. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv, 195V2,ll*0 Krieger, Leonard. See Higham, John — and Felix Gilbert Kristjanson, W., The Icelandic People in Manitoba: A Manitoba Saga. By Donald Swainson, xlviii,1967/l,68 Kroeber, A.L., An Anthropologist Looks at History, ed. Theodora Kroeber. By Helen P. Liebel, xlvi,1965/I,82 Kroeber, Clifton B., ed. See Wyman, Walker D. Kroeber, Theodora, ed. See Kroeber, A.L., An Anthropologist Kruger, D.W., The Making of a Nation: A History of the Union of South Africa, 1910-1961. By Gerald L. Caplan, li,1970 A,1*70 Kunz, F.A., The Modern Senate of Canada, 1925-1963: A Re-Appraisal. By F.F. Schindeler, xlvii,1966A,372 Kurland, Philip B., ed. See Dunham, Allison Kyte, B.C., ed., Old Toronto: Excerpts from Landmarks of Toronto by John Ross Robertson. By T.A. Reed, xxxvi,1955/2,155 Labaree, Benjamin Woods, The Boston Tea Party. By Carl Ubbelohde, xlvi,1965/2,l6l Labaree, Leonard W. et al., eds., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. I: January 6, 1706 through December 31, 1731*. By Bernard Bailyn, xli,196o/3,2l*7. VI: April 1, 1755 through September 2l*, 1756. By

L.F.S. Upton, xlv,1961*/2,152 Labarge, Margaret Wade, Simon de Mont fort. By John Briickmann, xliv, 1963/1,60

- A Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century. By Thayron Sandquist, xlvii,1966/2,176 Labarrere-Paule, Andre, Les Instituteurs lai'ques au Canada francais, 1836-1900. By Marc La Terreur, xlvii,1966/3,286 Lacey, Douglas R., Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England, l66l-l689: A Study in the Perpetuation and Tempering of Parliamentarianism. By J.P. Kenyon, li,1970/4,1*65 Lachance, Andre, Le Bourreau au Canada sous le regime frangais. By W.J. Eccles, xlviii,1967/1*,376 Lacour-Gayet, Robert, Histoire du Canada. By W.L. Morton, xlviii, 1967A, 371 Ladner, Gerhart B., The Idea of Reform. By John Gordon Rove, xli, I960 A, 3'+!

86 / Canadian Historical Review Index LaFeber, Walter, America, Russia, and the Cold War, 19^5-1966. By R. D. Accinelli, xlix,1968A ,MA La Follette, Belle Case and Fola La Follette, Robert M. La Follette, 2 vols. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,1951*/2,ll+0 La Follette, Fola. See La Follette, Belle Case Lajeunesse, Ernest J., ed., The Windsor Border Region: Canada's Southernmost Frontier. By C.M. Johnston, xlii,1961/2,155 Lajoie, Paul Gerin-. See Gerin-Lajoie Lai, A.B., ed., The Indian Parliament. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 Lamb, G.F., Franklin, Happy Voyager: Being the Life and Death of Sir John Franklin. By W.S. Wallace, xxxviii,1957/2,161+ Lamb, R.E., Thunder in the North: Conflict Over the Riel Risings, 1870,1885. By John T. Saywell, xxxix, 1958/1*,3^0 Lamb, W. Kaye, Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories/ Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes, ed.

Robert S. Gordon. By William Ormsby, 1,1969/3,311

- ed. , Sixteen Years in the Indian Country: The Journal of Daniel Williams Harmon l800-l8l6. By Walter N. Sage, xxxix,1958/2,l6l - ed., The Letters and Journals of Simon Fraser, 1806-1808. By J.H. Stewart Reid, xli , 1960/1*,33k Lambert, Richard S., Franklin of tha Arctic: A Life of Adventure. By T.J. Oleson, xxxi,1950/3,329 Lambi, Ivo Nikolai, Free Trade and Protection in Germany, 1868-1879By Otto Pflanze, xlv,196^/3,233 Lamont, William M., Marginal Prynne, 1600-1669. By M.M. Tolmie, xlv, 1961*/3,237 Lamontagne, Maurice, Le Federalisme canadien: evolution et proble'mes. By Wilfrid Eggleston, xxxvi,1955/2,162 Lamontagne, Roland, Apergu structural du Canada au XVIIIs siecle. By Yves F. Zoltvany, xlvii,1966/2,l6l La Morandiere, Charles de, Histoire de la peche franchise de la morue dans I'Amerique septentrionale (des origines a 1789). By Richard Elphick, xlviii,1967/l,61+ Lanctot, Gustave, Realisations frangaises de Cartier a Montcalm. By M.H. Long, xxxiv,1953/1,60 - Filles de joie ou filles du roi: Itude sur 1'emigration feminine en Nouvelle-France. By H.M. Thomas, xxxiv,1953A,37^ - Une Nouvelle-France inconnue. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxvi,1955/ i+,351 - Histoire du Canada. I: Des origines au regime royal. II: Du regime royal au traite d'Utrecht, 1663-1713. By A.L. Burt, xli,196oA,330; xlv,1961+/2,13^ - A History of Canada. II: From the Royal Regime to the Treaty of Utrecht, 1663-1713, trs. Margaret M. Cameron. By Yves F. Zoltvany, xlvi,1965A,35^ Landauer, Carl, Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier and Hilda Stein Landauer, European Socialism: A History of Ideas and Movements from the Industrial Revolution to Hitler's Seizure of Power. I: From the Industrial Revolution to the First World War and its Aftermath. II: The Socialist Struggle against Capitalism and Totalitarianism. By Lenore O'Boyle, xlii,196l/l,77 Landes, David S., Bankers and Pashas: International Finance and Economic Imperialism in Egypt, xli,1960/1,82

Books Reviewed: Authors / 87 Landes, David S., The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present. By John H. Munro, li,1970/1,72 Landon, Fred, An Exile from Canada to Van Diemen's Land: Being the Story of Elijah Woodman Transported Overseas for Participation in the Upper Canada Troubles of 1837-38. By S.F. Wise, xliii,1962/1, TU - and Orlo Miller, Up the Proof Line: The Story of a Rural Community. By Fred C. Hamil, xxxvii,1956/3,28U Landon, Harry F., Bugles on the Border. By R.A. Preston, xxxvi,19557 2,151* Landsverk, O.G., The Kensington Runestone: A Reappraisal of the Circumstances under which the Stone was Discovered. By T.J. Oleson, xliii,1962/2,IVT Langton, H.H., ed., A Gentlewoman in Upper Canada: The Journals of Anne Langton. By George W. Spragge, xxxi,1950/3,315 Laporte, Pierre, The True Face of Duplessis, xli, I960 A, 363 Laqueur, Walter, The Fate of the Revolution: Interpretations of Soviet History. By Ralph Carter Elwood, 1,1969/1,110 Larkin, James F., ed. See Hughes, Paul L. Larmour, Peter J., The French Radical Party in the 1^30's. By Edward R. Tannenbaum, xlvi,1965/3,275 Larson, Arthur, A Republican Looks at his Party. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Lasch, Christopher, The American Liberals and the Russian Revolution. By Selig Adler, xlv,196U/l,65 - The Hew Radicalism in America, 1889-1963: The Intellectual as a Social Type. By Kenneth McHaught, xlvii,1966/3,279 Latourelle, Rene, Etude sur les ecrits de saint Jean du Brebeuf, III. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiii,1952/3,286; xxxiv,1953A,373 Latourette, Kenneth Scott, The American Record in the Far East, 19^51951. By Michael Brecher, xxxiv,1953/1,77 Latreille, Andre, L'Eglise catholique et la Revolution frangaise. I: Le pontificat de Pie VI et la crise frangaise (1775-1799)- II: L'ere napoleonienne et la crise europeenne (l800-l8l5). By Richard M. Saunders, xxxii,1951/2,163 - See Delaruelle, E. — and J.R. Palanque Laugharne, Grace, Canada Looks Ahead. By John T. Saywell, xxxviii, 1957/2,166 Laundy, Philip. See Wilding, Norman Laurendeau, Andre, La Crise de la conscription, 19k2. By C.P. Stacey, xliv,1963/b,3k5 Lawson, Jessie I. and Jean M. Sweet, This is New Brunswick. By J.K. Chapman, xxxiii,1952/1,80 Leach, Douglas Edward, Flintlock and Tomahawk: New England in King Philip's War, xli,I960/I,85 Leach, Richard H., ed., Contemporary Canada. By J.L. Granatstein, 1, 1969/3,327 Leahy, William D., I was There. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi, 1950/3,303 Leakey, L.S.B., Defeating Mau Mau. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Lear, Floyd Seyward, ed. See Drew, Katherine Fischer LeBel, Roland, Un Siecle de labeur, de foi, d'honneur: histoire de la paroisse de Saint-Octave-de-Metis, 1855-1955. By W.S. Wallace, xxxviii,1957A,337

88 / Canadian Historical Review Index Leblanc, Philip and Arnold Edinborough, eds., One Church, Two Hations? By Pierre Savard, li,1970/1,90 Le Blant, Robert and Rene Baudry, eds., Nouveaux documents sur Champlain et son epoque. I: 1560-1622. By Marcel Trudel, 1,1969/2,196 LeBourdais, D.M., Canada's Century. By Harold I. Nelson, xxxii,1951/ ^,396 - Nation of the North: Canada since Confederation. By Morris Zaslow, xxxv,195V3,252 - Sudbury Basin: The Story of Nickel. By Morris Zaslow, xxxv,195V*, 35^ - Metals and Men: The Story of Canadian Mining. By John T. Saywell, xxxix,1958/2,160 Lederer, Ivo J., ed., Russian Foreign Policy: Essays in Historical Perspective. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xliv,1963A,337 Lee, Maurice, The Cabal. By Clayton Roberts, xlvii,1966/1,75 Lefebvre, Esther, Marie Morin: Premier historien canadien de Villemarie. By Jacques Monet, xli, I960 A, 331 Lefebvre, Georges, Etudes sur la Revolution frangaise. By John C. Cairns, xxxvi,1955/l,72 - The French Revolution from 1793 to 1799, trs. John Hall Stewart and James Friguglietti. By A. Lloyd Moote, xlvii,1966/1,82 Leff, Gordon, Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: An Institutional and Intellectual History. By James K. McConica, 1,1969/1,105 Lefroy, John Henry, In Search of the Magnetic North: a SoldierSurveyor's Letters from the Northwest, 18U3-18W, ed. George F.G. Stanley. By R. Glover, xxxvi,1955/3,266 Legget, Robert, Rideau Waterway. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xxxvii,1956 /2,191 LeGris, Claude, L'Entree du Canada sur la scene internationale (19191927). By H. Blair Neatby, xlviii,1967/2,166 Legum, Colin, Must We Lose Africa? By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Lehmann, Joseph H., All Sir Garnet: A Life of Field-Marshal Lord Wolseley, 1833-1913. By C.P. Stacey, xlvii,1966/1,78 Lehmberg, Stanford E., Sir Walter Mildmay and Tudor Government. By G.R. Elton, xlvi,1965/2,168 Leising, William A., Arctic Wings, xli,1960/3,258 Leith, James A., The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799: A Study in the History of Ideas. By John Bosher, xlvii,1966/2,188 Lent, D. Geneva, West of the Mountains: James Sinclair and the Hudson's Bay Company. By Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlv,196^/3,251 Leonard, Autumn L., ed. See Stevens, S.K., Donald H. Kent Lesage, Germain, L'Eveque errant. By Paul W. Fox, xxxii,1951/2,157 Leuchtenburg, William E., Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-19^0. By J. Joseph Huthmacher, xlv,196U/3,2!+6 Levenson, Joseph R., Confucian China and its Modern Fate: The Problem of Intellectual Continuity. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959/U,332 Levin, David, History as Romantic Art: Bancroft, Prescott, Motley, and Parkman. By Richard M. Saunders, xli,1960/1,71 Levin, N. Gordon, Jr., Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: America's Response to War and Revolution. By Daniel M. Smith, 1,1969/2,209 Levine, Mortimer, The Early Elizabethan Succession Question, 15581568. By John P.H. New, xvliii,1967/2,177 Levine, Norman, Canada Made Me. By Hector G. Kinloch, xli,I960/I,75

Books Reviewed: Authors / 89 Levy, Leonard, Jefferson and Civil Liberties: The Darker Side. By Fred Somkin, xlv,1961+A,327 Lewis, Clinton and J.D. Campbell, eds., The Canadian Oxford Atlas. By J.B. Brebner, xxxiii,1952/1,71 Lewis, P.S., Later Medieval France. By Christopher W. Stocker, 1, 1969/2,219 Lidtke, Vernon L., The Outlawed Party: Social Democracy in Germany, 1878-1890. By George P. Blum, xlviii,1967A,396 Lievsay, John L., ed., Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval Studies, Summer 1966. By J.H. Parker, li,1970/2,2lU Lightbody, Charles Wayland, The Judgements of Joan. By Elliot Rose,

xliii,1962/3,237 Lillibridge, G.D., Beacon of Freedom: The Impact of American Democracy upon Great Britain 1830-1870. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Lindsay, J.O., ed., The Old Regime, 1713-63. By John C. Cairns, xxxix, 1958/3,21*1* Lindsay, Philip, and Reg Groves, The Peasants' Revolt, 1381. By John Gordon Rowe, xxxii,1951A,390 Lingard, C. Cecil and Reginald G. Trotter, Canada in World Affairs: September 191*! to May 19**1*. By Edgar Mclnnis, xxxii ,1951/1,66 Link, Arthur S., Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917• By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195^/2,1^0 - Wilson: The Struggle for Neutrality, 19ll*-1915. By Daniel M. Smith, xlii,1961/2,159 Linklater, Eric, The Campaign in Italy. By G.W.L. Nicholson, xxxiii, 1952/3,289 Lintott, A.W., Violence in Republican Rome. By T.F. Carney, 1,1969/ 3,337 Lippmann, Walter, Isolation and Alliances: An American Speaks to the British. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281* Lipset, S.M., Agrarian Socialism: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan: A Study in Political Sociology. By William K. Rolph, xxxii,1951/2,160 - Agrarian Socialism: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan, A Study in Political Sociology, new ed. By J.A. Boudreau, li,1970/2,196 Litwack, Leon P., North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States, 1790-1860. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Liu, Kwang-Ching, Anglo-American Steamship Rivalry in China: 1862187!*. By Jack Gerson, xliv, 1963/1,77 Lloyd, Christopher, The Capture of Quebec. By Richard A. Preston, review art., xli,1960/3,231 Lloyd, Trevor, The End of Empire. By John Strachey, xlii,1961/1,75 - Canada in World Affairs: 1957-1959. By R.B. Byers, li,1970/1,91 - and Jack McLeod, eds., Agenda 1970: Proposals for a Creative Politics. By Norman Ward, 1,1969/3,328 Logan, H.A., State Intervention and Assistance in Collective Bargaining: The Canadian Experience, 191*3-1951*. By H.C. Pentland, xxxviii, 1957/1,70 London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Impact of the Russian Revolution, 1917-1967, The: The Influence of Bolshevism on the World Outside Russia. By Ralph Carter Elwood, 1,1969/1,110 Longford, Elizabeth, Victoria R.I. By F.A. Dreyer, xlvi,1965/3,260

90 / Canadian Historical Review Index Lonn, Ella, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy. By John Charles Bodger, xxxiii,1952/3,297 Loosley, Elizabeth W. See Seeley, John R., Alexander Sim Lopez, Robert S., Naissance de 1'Europe. By Roland Sanfagon, xlv, 1961*/3,226 Loubere, Leo A., Louis Blanc: His Life and His Contributions to French Jacobin-Socialism. By Lenore 0'Boyle, xlii,1961/3,2kZ Lougee, Robert W., Paul de Lagarde, 1827-1891: A Study of Radical Conservatism in Germany. By Ivo N. Lambi, xliv,1963/3,260 Lough, John, An Introduction to Eighteenth Century France. By Crane Brinton, xli,1960/3,235 Lowe, C.J., The Reluctant Imperialists: British Foreign Policy 18781902, 2 vols. By R.A. Shields, 1,1969/3,335 Lower, A.R.M. , Canada: Nation and Neighbour. By Jean Bruche'si, xxxiii, 1952 A, 387 - This Most Famous Stream: The Liberal Democratic Way of Life. By James Eayrs, xxxvi,1955/3,259 - Canadians in the Making: A Social History of Canada. By Blair Heatby, xl,1959/2,159 - My First Seventy-five Years. By J.M.S. Careless, xlix,1968/3,278 - F.R. Scott et al., Evolving Canadian Federalism. By Eugene Forsey, xl,1959/2,162 Loyn, H.R., Anglo-Saxon England and the Herman Conquest. By T.J. Oleson, xliv,1963/2,171 Luckyj, George S.N., Literary Politics in the Soviet Ukraine, 19171931*. By Paul Yuzyk, xxxvii,1956A,3l8 Liithy, Herbert, La Banque protestante en France de la revocation de 1'Edit de Nantes a la Revolution. I: Dispersion et regroupement (1685-1730), xli,I960 A, 360. II: De la banque aux finances (17301791*). By A. Lloyd Moote, xliii, 1962/3,2^3 Luvaas, Jay, The Military Legacy of the Civil War: The European Inheritance. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Lyon, Bryce, A Constitutional and Legal History of Mediaeval England. By B. Wilkinson, xliii,1962/2,159 Lyon, Peyton V., Canada in World Affairs: 1961-1963. By R.B. Byers, li,1970/1,91 Lyons, F.S..L., The Irish Parliamentary Party, 1890-1910. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,28U - The Fall of Parnell, 1890-91. By B.E. Burns, xli ,1960 A,351* - John Dillon: A Biography. By Robert E. Burns, 1,1969A,^6U MacAdam, Ivison S., ed., The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1950. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Macbeth, Madge. See Willis-O'Connor, H. McCabe, James 0., The San Juan Water Boundary Question. By Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlvii,1966/2,163 McCaffrey, L.J., Irish Federalism in the l870's: A Study in Conservative Nationalism. By Hereward Senior, xliv,1963/^,358 - The Irish Question 1800-1922. By Robert E. Burns, 1,1969/2,218 MacCaffrey, Wallace T., Exeter, 15^9-16^0: The Growth of an English County Town, xl,1959/2,17^ McCann, Franklin T., English Discovery of America to 1585. By R.A. Preston, xxxiv,1953/l,71 McCleary, G.F., Peopling the British Commonwealth. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7

Books Reviewed: Authors / 91 McCloskey, Robert G., The American Supreme Court. By Paul W. Fox, xlii,196lA,3l*3 Maccoby, S., English Radicalism 1886-191^. By J.B. Conacher, review

art., xxxiv,1953/1*,339 - ed., The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1911*. By J.B. Conacher, xxxiii,1952/2,18U McConica, James Kelsey, English Humanists and Reformation Politics under Henry VIII and Edward VI. By H.C. Porter, xlviii,1967A,382 McCourt, Edward A., The Canadian West in Fiction. By Walter N. Sage, xxxii,1951/1,82 McDermott, John Francis, ed., The Early Histories of St. Louis. By Guy Frggault, xxxiv,1953/2,176 Macdonald, B.J.S., The Trial of Kurt Meyer. By Sam H.S. Hughes, xxxvi, 1955/2,161* McDonald, Forrest, We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution. By Ezio Cappadocia, xl,1959/2,170 McDougall, Robert L., ed., Our Living Tradition. Second and Third Series. By Blair Heatby, xli,1960/3,2l*9. Fourth Series. By A.R.M. Lower, xliv, 1963/1,1*8 - ed., Canada's Past and Present: A Dialogue. By Peter Oliver, xlvii, 1966 A, 370 McDowell, R.B., Public Opinion and Government Policy in Ireland, 1801181*6. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,1951*/3,231 - British Conservatism, 1832-191U, xlii,1961/3,253 - The Irish Administration, l801-19ll*. By Hereward Senior, xlvi,1965 A, 371* - The Irish Convention, 1917-18. By J.W. Boyle, li,1970/3,332 MacEwan, Grant, Between the Red and the Rockies. By V.C. Fowke, xxxiv, 1953/2,181 MacFarlane, R.O. See Reeve, G.J. MacGibbon, D.A., The Canadian Grain Trade 1931-51- By W.T. Easterbrook, xxxiii,1952/3,29^ Macgowan, Kenneth, Early Man in the New World. By J.N. Emerson, xxxii, 1951 A, 391 McGregor, F.A., The Fall and Rise of Mackenzie King: 1911-1919- By Margaret Prang, xlv,196U/l,78 MacGregor, James G., The Land of Twelve Foot Davis: A History of the Peace River Country. By Douglas Leechman, xxxiv,1953A,362 - Behold the Shining Mountains: Being an Account of the Travels of Anthony Henday, 175^-55, the First White Man to Enter Alberta. By R. Glover, xxxvi,1955/3,265

- ttorth-West of 16, xl, 1959/3,25!*

- Pack Saddles to Tgte Jaune Cache. By Morris Zaslow, xliv,1963A, 3U1* - Edmonton Trader: The Story of John A. McDougall. By Lewis H. Thomas, xlv,1961*/l,73 MacGregor, Margaret Scott, Some Letters from Archbishop Tache on the Manitoba School Question. By Lovell Clark, xlix,1968/1*,1*21 McHenry, Dean E., The Third Force in Canada: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, 1932-19U8. By John A. Irving, xxxii,1951/1,67 Mcllwraith, T.F., The Bella Coola Indians. By Douglas Leechman, xxxi, 1950/1,70 Mclnnis, Edgar, Canada: A Political and Social History. By Morris Zaslow, xl,1959/3,21*6 - The Atlantic Triangle and the Cold War. By Kenneth McNaught, xli, 1960/1*, 339

92 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Mclnnis, Edgar, ed., 25 Years of Canadian Foreign Policy. By Guy Frggault, xxxv,195^/3,261 - See Soward, F.H. Maclnnis, Grace, J.S. Woodsworth: A Man to Remember. By W.R. Graham, xxxv,195l*/2,152 Mclvor, R. Craig, Canadian Monetary, Banking and Fiscal Development. By J.J. Deutsch, xli,1960/1,70 McKay, Donald C., The United States and France. By K.W. McHaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/1,6k MacKay, Douglas, The Honourable Company: A History of the Hudson's Bay Company. By Richard Glover, xxxi,1950/2,198 McKenty, Neil, Mitch Hepburn. By Roger Graham, xlix,1968/2,186 Mackenzie, H.C. See Milne, R.S. McKenzie, R.T., British Political Parties: The Distribution of Power within the Conservative and Labour Parties. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Mackesy, Piers, The War in the Mediterranean, I803-l8l0. By D.M. Schurman, xxxix,1958/2,l6U

- The War for America, 1775-1783. By William B. Willcox, xlvi,1965/ 1,67

Mackie, J.D., The Earlier Tudors, 11*85-1558. By J.B. Conacher, xxxiv, 1953/2,185 Mackie, R.L., King James IV of Scotland: A Brief Survey of his Life and Times, xl,1959/2,175 MacKinnon, Frank, The Government of Prince Edward Island. By D.C. Harvey, xxxii,1951/3,275 Mackintosh, John P., The British Cabinet. By Albert Tucker, xliv, 1963/2,180 MacKirdy, K.A. et al., eds., Changing Perspectives in Canadian History: Selected Problems. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 McKisack, May, The Fourteenth Century, 1307-1399. By B. Wilkinson, xlii,1961/1,65 McKitrick, Eric L., Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction. By G.M. Craig, review art., 1961/3,325 McKitrick, T.G., Andrew Stewart of the Prairie Homesteads. By Josephine Phelan, xxxiii,1952/1,79 McLeod, Jack, ed. See Lloyd, Trevor MacLeod, Margaret Arnett and W.L. Morton, Cuthbert Grant of Grantown: Warden of the Plains of Red River. By L.G. Thomas, xlv,196UA,317 MacLeod, Rob Roy, Cinderella Island. By Louis Blake Duff, xxxi,1950/ 2,202 MacLure, Millar, The Paul's Cross Sermons, 153l*-l61*2. By W.K. Jordan, xl,1959/1,6k

MacMillan, Ernest, ed., Music in Canada. By William Krehm, xxxvi,1955 /3,272 Macmillan, Harold, Winds of Change, 19ll*-1939. By Albert Tucker,

xlix,1968 A,1*31

- The Blast of War, 1939-19^5. By Albert Tucker, xlix,1968A,1*31 - Tides of Fortune, 191*5-55. By Albert Tucker, li ,1970 A, 1*71 Macmillan, Mona, Introducing East Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,281* McNaught, Kenneth, A Prophet in Politics: A Biography of J.S. Woodsworth. By Frank H. Underbill, review art., xli, I960/1,1*8 McNeal, Robert H., The Bolshevik Tradition: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xlv,1961*/2,lU9

Books Reviewed: Authors / 93 McNeal, Robert H., ed., Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev: Voices of Bolshevism. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xlv,1964/2,149 MacNutt, W. Stewart, Impressions of a Governor-General: Days of Lome, from the Private Papers of the Marquis of Lome 1873-1883 in the Possession of the Duke of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, Scotland. By John T. Saywell, xxxvi,1955/2,156 - The Making of the Maritime Provinces, 1713-1784. By John Conway, xxxix,1958/1,72 - New Brunswick, A History: 178^-1867. By D.G.G. Kerr, xliv,1963/4, 339 - The Atlantic Provinces: The Emergence of Colonial Society, 17121857. By S.F. Wise, xlviii,1967/1,65 Macpherson, C.B., Democracy in Alberta: The Theory and Practice of a Quasi-Party System. By Norman Ward, xxxvi,1955/I>60 - The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke. By Richard A. Soloway, xliv,1963/4,352 - ed. See Crlpeau, P.-A. MacQuarrie, Heath, The Conservative Party. By Donald Swainson, xlvi, 1965A,360 MacRae, Duncan, Jr., Parliament, Parties, and Society in France, 19461958. By John C. Cairns, 1,1969/1,111 McRae, Kenneth Douglas, ed., The Six Bookes of a Commonweale: A Facsimile reprint of the English translation of 1606 Corrected and supplemented in the light of a new comparison with the French and Latin Texts. By Edmond M. Beame, xliv,1963/4,360 MacRae, Marion and Anthony Adamson, The Ancestral Roof: Domestic Architecture of Upper Canada. By W.S. Goulding, xlv,1964/4,316 Machin, G.I.T., The Catholic Question in English Politics, 1820-1830. By Gilbert A. Cahill, xlvii,1966/1,77 Madden, Frederick. See Harlow, Vincent Madison, James, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787By Richard Buel Jr., xlviii,1967/1,85 Magnus, Philip, Gladstone: A Biography. By J.B. Conacher, review art.,


- King Edward the Seventh. By J.B. Conacher, xlvi,1965/1,71 Magrath, Thomas William, Authentic Letters from Upper Canada, ed. Thomas Radcliff, introd. James John Talman. By W.S. Wallace, xxxiv, 1953/4,374 Maheux, Arthur, Pierre Maheust, Sieur des Hazards, et ses descendants: Souvenir du tricentenaire (1655-1955). By Allana Reid Smith, xxxvii, 1956/1,93 Mahoney, Thomas H.D., Edmund Burke and Ireland. By D.J. McDougall, xli, 1960/4,353 Malia, Martin, Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812-1855. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xliv,1963/1,73 Mallory, J.R., Social Credit and the Federal Power in Canada. By W. L. Morton, xxxvi,1955/3,267 Malone, Dumas, Thomas Jefferson as Political Leader. By Fred Somkin, xlv,1964/4,327 Malone, Joseph J., Pine Trees and Politics: The Naval Stores and Forest Policy in Colonial New England, 1691-1775. By Jacob M. Price, xlvi,1965/4,366 Manion, James P., A Canadian Errant: Twenty-five Years in the Canadian Foreign Service, ed. Guy Sylvestre. By Melville H. Watkins, xliii, 1962/4,352

9l* / Canadian Historical Review Index

Mann, Mary Lee, ed., A Yankee Jeffersonian: Selections from the Diary and Letters of William Lee of Massachusetts Written from 1796 to 181*0, xli, 1960/1,8U Mann, W.E., Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxvii, 1956/2,185 Manning, Charles A., Russian Influence on Early America. By Walter N. Sage, xxxv,195l*/2,l62 Manning, Helen Taft, Ihe Revolt of French Canada, 1800-1835: A Chapter in the History of the British Commonwealth. By Fernand Ouellet, xliii,1962/U,350 Manning, Thomas G., Government in Science: The U.S. Geological Survey, 1867-189!+. By Lawrence B. Lee, xlix,1968/3,297 Mansergh, Nicholas, Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs: Problems of External Policy, 1931-1939. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281* - Survey of British Commonwealth. Affairs: Problems of Wartime Cooperation and Post-war Change, 1939-1952. By Alexander Brady, xli, 1960/1+,358 - Documents and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs, 1931-1952, 2 vols. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195l*/3,231 - The Name and Nature of the Commonwealth: An Inaugural Lecture. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 - The Multi-Racial Commonwealth. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,21*7 - ed., Documents and Speeches on Commonwealth Affairs, 1952-1962. By Alexander Brady, xlvi,1965/1,55 - Robert Wilson et al., Commonwealth Perspectives. By Alexander Brady, xli,1960/1*, 358 Manuel, Frank E., Isaac Newton: Historian. By Richard M. Saunders, xlv,1961*/l,56 - A Portrait of Isaac Hewton. By M.J.S. Hodge, 1,1969/1*,1*59 Marchant, Ronald, The Puritans and the Church Courts in the Diocese of York, 1560-161*2. By W.W. Piepenburg, xliii,1962/2 ,l6l Marcus, Geoffrey, Quiberon Bay: The Campaign in Home Waters, 1759. By Richard Glover, xlii,1961/3,2l*0 Marcus, Jacob Rader, ed., American Jewry, Documents: Eighteenth Century, xl,1959/3,251* Marcus, John T. , Heaven, Hell, and History: A Survey of Man's Faith in History from Antiquity to the Present. By Richard M. Saunders, xlix,1968/3,313 Marder, Arthur J., From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow: The Royal Navy in the Fisher Era, 190l*-1919. I: The Road to War, 190l*-19ll*. By Donald M. Schurman, xliii,1962/1,63 Marion, Seraphin, Les Lettres canadiennes d'autrefois. VII: La Bataille romantique au Canada frangais. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxiii,1952/3,296 - Litterateurs et moralistes du Canada frangais d'autrefois. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvi,1955/I,71 Maritain, Jacques, On the Philosophy of History. By John Bosher, xli, 1960/1,66 Marquard, Leo, The Peoples and Policies of South Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195l*/3,231 - The Story of South Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,21*7 Marsh, P.T., The Victorian Church in Decline: Archbishop Tait and the Church of England, 1868-1882. By D.G. Bowen, li,1970/1*,1*69

Books Reviewed: Authors / 95 Marsh, Z.A. and G.W. Kingsnorth, An Introduction to the History of East Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii ,195TA,300 Marshall, Carrie. See Marshall, James Stirrat Marshall, Dorothy, English People in the Eighteenth Century. By David Spring, xl,1959/1,65 - Eighteenth Century England. By J.M. Beattie, xliv,1963/3,250 Marshall, Geoffrey, Parliamentary Sovereignty in the Commonwealth. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958/4,312 Marshall, James Stirrat and Carrie Marshall, Adventure in Two Hemispheres, Including Captain Vancouver's Voyage to the Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xxxvi ,1955A ,353 Marshall, Joyce, ed. and trs., Word from New France: The Selected Letters of Marie de 1'Incarnation. By W.J. Eccles, xlix,1968/2,171 Martel, Louis. See Plante, Hermann Martin, Chester, Foundations of Canadian Nationhood. By W.L. Morton, xxxvi, 19 5 5 A, 3^7 Martin, Kingsley, Harold Laski (1893-1950): A Biographical Memoir. By Kenneth McHaught, xxxv,195 Vl,65 Martin, Michael and Leonard Gelber, The Hew Dictionary of American History. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195^/2,1^0 Mason, Gershom W., The Legislative Struggle for Church Union. By John S. Moir, xxxviii,1957/1,58 Mason, Ralph Stokes, A Hundred Years of Canadian Stamps 1851-1951. By D.C. Masters, xxxiii,1952/1,80 Masselman, George, The Cradle of Colonialism. By J.C.M. Ogelsby, xlvi, 1965/3,270 Massey, Vincent, What's Past Is Prologue: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H. By C.P. Stacey, xlv,1961*A ,322 Masters, D.C., The Winnipeg General Strike. By K.W. McHaught, xxxi, 1950/3,313 - Bishop's University: The First Hundred Years. By C.B. Sissons, xxxii,1951/2,159 - A Short History of Canada. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xl,1959A ,3^6 - Canada in World Affairs, 1953 to 1955. By G.S. French, xli,1960/1, 79 - The Christian Idea of History. By Richard M. Saunders, xlv,1961*/2, 132 - Protestant Church Colleges in Canada, A History. By John S. Moir, xlviii,1967/3,280 Mathew, David, The Age of Charles I. By D.J. McDougall, xxxiii,1952/ It, 392 - Scotland under Charles I. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii, 1957/2,131 - James I. By Clayton Roberts, 1,1969/2,213 Mathews, Hazel C., Oakville and the Sixteen: The History of an Ontario Port. By Fred Landon, xxxv,195^/2,159 - The Mark of Honour. By W.G. Shelton, xlvii,1966A,362 Matthews, William, British Autobiographies: An Annotated Bibliography of British Autobiographies Published or Written before 1951- By H. W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2,1^7 - ed., Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies. By Marie Tremaine, xxxiii, 1952/1,78 Mattingly, Garrett, The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. By W.H. Stockdale, xli, I960 A, 3^3

96 / Canadian Historical Review Index Maxwell, Constantia, The Stranger in Ireland from the Reign of Elizabeth to the Great Famine. By D.J. MoDougall, review art., xxxvi, 1955/3,236 May, Ernest R., The World War and American Isolation, 191^-1917. By Armin Rappaport, xl, 1959A,350 Mayer, J.P., ed., Alexis de Tocqueville: Journey to America, trs. George Lawrence, xli,196oA ,36l Mayhew, Isabel, ed., Charles W. Smith's Pacific Northwest Americana: A Check-List of Books and Pamphlets Relating to the History of the Pacific Northwest. By W.S. Wallace, xxxii ,195lA,393 Mayo, H.B., Democracy and Marxism. By John C. Cairns, xxxvii,1956/1, 87 Mazour, Anatole G., Modern Russian Historiography. By Robert H. McNeal, xli,1960/1,61* Mazzeo, J.A., Renaissance and Revolution: The Remaking of European Thought. By Brayton Polka, xlviii,1967/2,l8it Medley, D.J., ed. See Pargellis, Stanley Meeker, Oden, Report on Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,2^7 Meier, Gerald M. and Robert E. Baldwin, Economic Development: Theory, History, Policy. By A. Feuerwerker, xxxix,1958/^,3^6 Meighen, Arthur, Unrevised and Unrepented: Debating Speeches and Others. By Arthur R.M. Lower, xxxi,1950/3,309 Meikle, Henry W., ed. See Brown, P. Hume, A Short History Meine, Franklin J., ed. See Blair, Walter Meisel, John, The Canadian General Election of 1957- By Leon Dion, xliv,1963/2,16!* - ed., Papers on the 1962 Election: Fifteen Papers on the Canadian General Election of 1962. By F.F. Schindeler, xlvi,1965A,36l Me'jan, L.V., La Separation des eglises et de 1'etat: L'oeuvre de Louis Me'jan, xli, I960/1,81+ Mellon, Stanley, The Political Uses of History: A Study of Historians in the French Restoration. By Frederick B. Artz, xl,1959/2,157 Mendel, Arthur P., Dilemmas of Progress in Tsarist Russia: Legal Marxism and Legal Populism. By Robert H. McMeal, xliii,1962/l,6U Mendelsohn, Ronald, Social Security in the British Commonwealth: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Hew Zealand. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Menon, V.P., The Story of the Integration of the Indian States. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/1*,300 - The Transfer of Power in India. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Merk, Frederick, Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem: A Study in Anglo-American Diplomacy. By Walter N. Sage, xxxii ,1951/1,81* - The Monroe Doctrine and American Expansionism, 181*3-181*9- By G.M. Craig, xlix,1968/1,7^ - ed., Fur Trade and Empire: George Simpson's Journal Entitled Remarks Connected with the Fur Trade in the Course of a Voyage from York Factory to Fort George and Back to York Factory l82l*-25 with Related Documents, rev. ed. By Hartwell Bowsfield, 1,1969/2,208 Merrill, Walter M., Against Wind and Tide: A Biography of William Lloyd Garrison. By Don E. Fehrenbacher, xlv, 1961*A,328 Metcalf, George, Royal Government and Political Conflict in Jamaica, 1729-1783. By W.W. Abbot, xlvii, 1966/1*,385 Mill, John Stuart, Essays on Economics and Society. I: l82l*-l81*5. II: 1850-1879, ed. J.M. Robson. By Royden Harrison, xlix,1968/2,196

Books Reviewed: Authors / 97 Millar, Oliver. See Whinney, Margaret Miller, Harold, New Zealand. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,143 - Menace in Malaya. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Miller, J.D.B., Richard Jebb and the Problem of Empire. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 - Australian Government and Politics. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957A,300 Miller, Orlo, A Century of Western Ontario: The Story of London, "The Free Press," and Western Ontario, 18^9-19^9• By Fred Landon, xxxi, 1950/1,81 Miller, Perry, Errand into the Wilderness. By W.W. Piepentmrg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Miller-Barstow, D.H., Beatty of the C.P.R.: A Biography. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xxxiii,1952/3,293 Minis, Walter, ed. , The Forrestal Diaries. By K.W. McNaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/1,6U Millman, Thomas R., The Life of the Right Reverend, the Honourable Charles James Stewart, D.D.Oxon., Second Anglican Bishop of Quebec. By D.C. Masters, xxxv,195Wl,69 Milne, R.S. and H.C. Mackenzie, Straight Fight: A Study of Voting Behaviour in the Constituency of Bristol North-East at the General Election of 1951. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Mineka, Francis E., ed., The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, I8l2-l848. By David Owen, xlv.^ltA^O Minifie, James M., Peacemaker or Powder-Monkey: Canada's Role in a Revolutionary World. By Kenneth McNaught, xli,196oA,339 Minogue, K.R., Nationalism. By John C. Cairns, xlix,1968/3,312 Mitchell, Austin, The Whigs in Opposition, l8l5-l830. By F.A. Dreyer, xlix,1968/2,197 Mitchell, Harvey, The Underground^War Against Revolutionary France: The Missions of William Wickham, 179U-1800. By David Higgs, xlvii, 1966/3,266 Mitchell, Philip, African Afterthoughts. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Mitchell, Williams M., The Rise of the Revolutionary Party in the English House of Commons. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xl,1959 /2,137 Moir, George T., Sinners and Saints: A True Story of Early Days in the Farthest West, by an Old Timer, Written and Told by Himself. By L.G. Thomas, xxxvi,1955/1,70 Moir, John S., Church and State in Canada West: Three Studies in the Relation of Denominationalism and Nationalism, lSUl-1867. By Thomas

R. Millman, xli,1960/l,78

- ed., History of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, 1903-1961. By R.H. Roy, xliv,1963/3,239 - ed., The Cross in Canada: Vignettes of the Churches across Four Centuries. By A.R. Allen, xlviii,1967/3,281 Moir, Thomas L., The Addled Parliament of l6l4. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xl,1959/2,137 Montagu, M.F. Ashley, ed., Toynbee and History: Critical Essays and Reviews. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxviii,1957/3,251 Montgomery, George H., Missisquoi Bay (Philipsburg, Que.}. By E.

Fabre-Surveyer, xxxii,1951/3,282

98 / Canadian Historical Review Index Montgomery, John Warwick, trs., A Seventeenth-century View of European Libraries: Lomeier's De Bibliothecis, Chapter X. By A. Lloyd Moote, xliv,1963/1,TO Montreuil, Anna B., Three Came With Gifts: The Story of the First Hospital, the First School and the First Cloister in Canada and Their Heroic Founders. By D.M. Hayne, xxxvi,1955/3,275 Monture, Ethel Brant. See Chalmers, Harvey Moore, Harrington, Jr., Soviet Politics - The Dilemma of Power: The Bole of Ideas in Social Change. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261+ Moore, Edmund A., A Catholic Runs for President: the Campaign of 1928. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Moorehead, Alan, The Russian Revolution. By Robert H. McNeal, review art., xl, 1959/2,11*2 Moraes, Frank., Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/1+,300 Morchaih, Janet Kerr, Search for a Nation: French-English Relationships in Canada Since 1759. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 Morey, Roy D. See Eidehberg, Eugene Morgan, Edmund S., The Gentle Puritan: A Life of Ezra Stiles, 17271795. By William R. Hutchison, xliv,1963/2,168 Morison, Samuel Eliot, Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, January 19l+3-June 191+1+• By G.W.L. Nicholson, xxxvi,1955/2,163 - Strategy and Compromise, xl,1959/1,76 - ed., The Parkman Reader: From the Works of Francis Parkman. By W. J. Eccles, xxxvi,1955/3,26l Morrell, W.P., The Provincial System in New Zealand, 1852-76. By R. A.M. Shields, xlvii,1966/2,182 - British Colonial Policy in the Mid-Victorian Age: South Africa; New Zealand; The West Indies. By Ronald Hyam, li,1970/3,332 Morris, Christopher, The Tudors. By J.B. Conacher, xxxvii,1956/3,280 Morris, Richard B., The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence. By Arthur L. Jensen, xlvii,1966/3,27^ - ed., Encyclopedia of American History. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195^/2,11+0 Morrison, David R., The Politics of the Yukon Territory. By W.E. Eagan, li,1970/2,191 Morrison, Neil F., Garden Gateway to Canada: One Hundred Years of Windsor and Essex County, 185^-1951+. By James J. Talman, xxxvii, 1956/2,182 Morrow, Casey, Henri Bourassa and French-Canadian nationalism: Opposition to Empire. By Joseph Levitt, 1,1969/3,321 Morton, W.L., The Progressive Party in Canada. By D.G. Creighton, xxxii,1951/1,70 - Manitoba: A History. By John T. Saywell, xxxviii,1957/^,326 - The Canadian Identity. By Michel Brunet, xliii,1962/1,68 - The Kingdom of Canada: A General History from Earliest Times. By G. de T. Glazebrook, xlv,196U/2,133 - The Critical Years: The Union of British Horth America, 1857-1873. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xlvii, 1966/1+,361+ - ed., Alexander Begg's Red River Journal, and Other Papers Relative to the Red River Resistance of 1869-1870. By D.G. Creighton, xxxix, 1958/2,153 - ed., Manitoba: The Birth of a Province. By Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlvii,1966/U,363 - See MacLeod, Margaret Arnett

Books Reviewed: Authors / 99 Mosse, W.E., The European Powers and the German Question, 18U8-71: With Special Reference to England and Russia. By F.H. Soward, xl, 1959/2,152 Mossner, Ernest C., ed. See Klibansky, Raymond Mowat, Charles Loch, Britain between the Wars 1918-19^0. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 - ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. XII: The Shifting Balance of World Forces, 1898-191+5, 2nd ed. By Gordon A. Craig, li, 1970/3, 3^9 Mowat, Farley, People of the Deer. By Clifford Wilson, xxxiii,1952/ 3,295 - Westviking: The Ancient Norse in Greenland and America. By L.H. Neatby, xlvii,1966/3,280 Munsterhjelm, Eric, Fool's Gold: A Narrative of Prospecting and Trapping in Northern Canada, xl,1959/1,75 Murray, E.G.D., ed., Studia Varia: Royal Society of Canada, Literary and Scientific Papers. By Alfred G. Bailey, xxxviii,1957As329 Murray, Florence B., ed., Muskoka and Haliburton l6l5-l875. By James J. Talman, xlv,196U/l,72 Murray, Stanley Norman, The Valley Comes of Age: A History of Agriculture in the Valley of the Red River of the North, 1812-1920. By W.L. Morton, xlix,1968A,1*21 Myles, Eugene Louise, Airborne from Edmonton, xli,1960/1,86 Namier, Lewis B., Monarchy and the Party System. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953/^,339 - Personalities and Powers. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii, 1956A,356 - The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, 2nd ed. By John M. Norris, xxxix,1958A,335 Nash, Roderick, Wilderness and the American Mind. By A.P. Pross, xlix,1968/3,293 National Portrait Gallery, British Historical Portraits: A Selection from the National Portrait Gallery with Biographical Notes. By W. W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Neale, J.E., The Elizabethan House of Commons. By J.B. Conacher, xxxi, 1950/1,71 - Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments 1559-1581. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953A,339 - Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 1581*-l601. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Neatby, H. Blair, William Lyon Mackenzie King. II: The Lonely Heights, 1921+-1932. By W.L. Morton, xlv,1961iA,319 Neatby, Hilda, So Little for the Mind. By C.B. Sissons, xxxv,195Vl, 70. See also correspondence of G.E. Flower, xxxv*,195UA,277 - A Temperate Dispute. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvi,1955/1,66 - Quebec: The Revolutionary Age, 1760-1791. By Michel Brunet, xlviii, 1967/2,159 Neatby, L.H., trs., Frozen Ships: The Arctic Diary of Johann Miert-

sching, 1850-185^. By E.E. Rich, xlix,1968/2,180 Needier, G.H., Otonabee Pioneers: The Story of the Stewarts, the

Stricklands, the Traills and the Moodies. By Edwin C. Guillet,

xxxv, 195 V2,158

100 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Nef, John U., War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization. By H.N. Fieldhouse, xxxii,1951/2,l6h - Cultural Foundations of Industrial Civilization. By Garrett Mattingly, xl,1959/I,60 Nehru, Jawaharlal, Glimpses of World History: Being Further Letters to his Daughter, Written in Prison, and Containing a Rambling Account of History for Young People. By Michael Brecher, xliv,1963/ 1,76 Helson, Harold I., Land and Power: British and Allied Policy on Germany's Frontiers, 1916-19. By Ivo J. Lederer, xlvi ,1965 A, 380 Helson, William H., The American Tory. By L.F.S. Upton, xliii,1962/ 3,228 Nettels, Curtis P., The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815By W.T. Easterbrook, xlv,1961* A.326 Neu, Charles E., An Uncertain Friendship: Theodore Roosevelt and Japan, 1906-1909. By Samuel F. Wells Jr., xlix,1968A,1*1*1 Neufeld, E.P., Bank of Canada Operations, 1935-51*. By John Deutsch, xxxvii,1956/3,286 Neumann, William L., Making the peace, 191*1-19^5. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 Neumark, S. Daniel, The South African Frontier: Economic Influences, 1652-1836. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Kevins, Allan, The United States in a Chaotic World: A Chronicle of International Affairs, 1918-1933. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,26k - The Statesmanship of the Civil War. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv, 19 5V2,ll*0 - The War for the Union. I: The Improvised War, l86l-l862. II: War Becomes Revolution, 1862-1863. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii, 1961/3,325 New, Chester W., The Life of Henry Brougham to 1830. By David Owen, xliii,1962/2,161* Hew, John F.H., Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of their Opposition, 1558-16UO. By Christopher Hill, xlv,1961*A .331* Newman, Peter C., Flame of Power: Intimate Profiles of Canada's Greatest Businessmen, xli,1960/3,259 New York, Social Science Research Council, The Social Sciences in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee on Historiography. By H.N. Fieldhouse, xxxvi,1955/3,256 Hichols, J. Alden, Germany after Bismarck: The Caprivi Era, 18901891*. By R.A. Spencer, xl,1959A,3^ Nicholson, G.W.L. , The Canadians in Italy, 191*3-191*5. By E.T. Salmon,

xxxviii,1957/1,6k - Canadian Expeditionary Force, 19ll*-1919: The Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War. By Theodore Ropp, xliv, 1963/3,237 - The Fighting Newfoundlander: A History of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. By A.M.J. Hyatt, xlvii,1966/1,70 - The Gunners of Canada: The History of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. I: 153U-1919. By R.H. Roy, 1,1969/3,321+ Nicolson, Harold, King George the Fifth: His Life and Reign. By J.N. Conacher, review art., xxxiv, 1953/1*,339 Nimocks, Walter, Milner's Young Men: The "Kindergarten" in Edwardian Imperial Affairs. By Robert Kubicek, 1,1969A,1*65 Nish, Cameron, Les Bourgeois-Gentilshommes de la Kouvelle-France, 1729-rA8. By Cole Harris, 1,1969A,1*1*9

Books Reviewed: Authors / 101 Hish, Cameron, ed., Issues in Canadian History. The French Canadians, 1759-1766; Conquered? Half-Conquered? Liberated? By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 - ed. and trs., Canadian Historical Documents. I: The French Regime. By Michael S. Cross, xlvii,1966/4,359 - See Bergevin, Andre — and Anne Bourassa Hish, Elizabeth, ed., Issues in Canadian History. Racism or Responsible Government: The French Canadian Dilemma of the l840's. By J. A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 Hish, Ian H., The Anglo-Japanese Alliance: The Diplomacy of Two Island Empires, 1894-1907. By M.G. Fry, xlviii,1967/2,l8l - The Story of Japan. By P.L. Thompson, li,1970/1,75 MX, James Ernest, Mission among the Buffalo: The Labours of the Reverends George M. and John C. McDougall in the Canadian Northwest, 1860-1876. By L.G. Thomas, xlii,1961/1,61* Hoggle, Burl, Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's. By Christopher Lindley, xliv,1963/3,246 Hoon, John A., Law and Government of the Grand River Iroquois. By Edmund S. Carpenter, xxxi,1950/l,T8 Norris, John, Shelburne and Reform. By G.H. Guttridge, xlv,1964/1,59 North, Douglass C., The Economic Growth of the United States, 17901860. By W.T. Easterbrook, xlii,196l/4,338 Horthrop, F.S.C., The Taming of the Nations: A Study of the Cultural Bases of International Policy. By Arthur C. Turner, xxxiv,1953/2, 189 Notestein, Wallace, The English People on the Eve of Colonization, 1603-1630. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi,1955/4,341 Nowell-Smith, Simon, ed., Edwardian England 1901-1914. By Peter Stansky, xlvi,1965/2,176 Nugent, Walter T.K., The Tolerant Populists: Kansas, Populism and Hativism. By Martin Ridge, xlv,1964/4,329 Nute, Grace Lee, Rainy River Country: A Brief History of the Region Bordering Minnesota and Ontario. By W.R. Graham, xxxi,1950/3,328 Nye, Russel B., The Almost Chosen People: Essays in the History of American Ideas. By Fred Somkin, xlviii,1967/2,172 O'Brien, Conor Cruise, ed., The Shaping of Modern Ireland, xli,1960/ 4,363 O'Brien, David J., American Catholics and Social Reform: The Hew Deal Years. By Winthrop S. Hudson, 1,1969/4,474 O'Brien, John A., The American Martyrs: The Story of the Eight Jesuit Martyrs of Horth America. By J.H. Kennedy, xxxiv,1953/4,355 O'Connell, Marvin R., Thomas Stapleton and the Counter Reformation. By J.M. Estes, xlvi,1965/2,179 O'Connor, H. Willis-. See Willis-O'Connor O'Dea, Thomas F., The Mormons. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix, 1958/3,223 Ogg, David, England in the Reigns of James II arid William III. By D. J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 O'Hearn, Peter J.T., Peace, Order and Good Government: A Hew Constitution for Canada. By Eugene Forsey, xlvi,1965/4,363 O'Hegarty, P.S., A History of Ireland under the Union, 1801 to 1922. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,284 O'Kelly, J.J., O'Connell Calling: The Liberator's Place in the World.

By D.J. McDougall, xxxi,1950/4,4l7

102 / Canadian Historical Review Index Oleson, Tryggvi J., The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor: A Study in the Constitutional History of Eleventh-Century England. By M.R. Powicke, xxxvi,1955A,36l - Early Voyages and Northern Approaches, 1000-1632. By David B. Quinn, xlv,1965/1,1*7 Oliver, Ronald, Sir Harry Johnston and the Scramble for Africa. By D. J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Ollivier, Maurice, ed., The Colonial and Imperial Conferences from 1887 to 1937- I: Colonial Conferences. II: Imperial Conferences, Pt. 1. Ill: Imperial Conferences, Pt. 2. By Gwendolen M. Carter, xxxvii,1956/1,83 Olmsted, Richard A., ed., Decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Relating to the British North America Act, 1867, and the Canadian Constitution, 1867-195^, 3 vols. By John T. Saywell, xxxvi,l955A,359 Olschki, Leonardo, Marco Polo's Asia: An Introduction to his description of the world called "il Milione," trs. John A. Scott, xli,1960 A, 360 O'Neill, Charles Edwards, Church and State in French Colonial Louisiana: Policy and Politics to 1732. By Marcel Trudel, xlix,1968/1, 71 Orban, Edmond, Le conseil legislatif de Quebec 1867-1967. By Serge Gagnon, 1,1969/2,201 Ormsby, Margaret A., British Columbia: A History. By Ramsay Cook, xlii,1961/1,53 Orton, C.W. Previte-. See Previte-Orton Osier, E.B., The Man Who Had to Hang: Louis Kiel. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xliii,1962/2,iW. By Bernard Weilbrenner, 1,1969/2,197 Ostry, B. See Ferns, H.S. Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs, Report, 19^9. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 - Report, 1950. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261+ - Canada and the Korean Crisis. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261* - Canada and the United Nations. 1950. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261*. 1952-1953. By C.R. Hiscocks, xxxv,195V2,156 - Documents on Canadian External Relations. I: 1909-1918. By C.P. Stacey, xlix,1968/1* ,1+23. II: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919. By F.H. Soward, li,1970/3,321* Ottawa, King's/Queen's Printer, Report, Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, 191*9-1951. By D.G. Creighton, xxxii,1951A,377 - Koyal Commission Studies: A Selection of Essays Prepared for the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxii, 1951 A,38l - Report of the Committee on Election Expenses. By Blair Neatby, xlix, 1968/3,292 - Studies in Canadian Party Finance. By Blair Heatby, xlix,1968/3,292 Ottawa, Imprimeur de la Reine, Rapport du Comite des depenses electorales. By Vincent Lemieux, xlviii ,1967/3,281* Ottawa, Public Archives of Canada, Sixteenth-Century Maps Relating to Canada: A Check-List and Bibliography. By Rene Baudry, xxxviii, 1957A,330 Ouellet, Fernand, Histoire de la Chambre de Commerce de Quebec, 18091959. By W.L. Morton, xli,1960/1,69

Books Reviewed: Authors / 103 Ouellet, Fernand, Histoire economique et sooiale du Quebec, 17601850: Structures et conjoncture. By Jacques Monet, xlix,1968/2,176

- ed., Papineau. By Ramsay Cook, xlii,1961/3,23U

Overacker, Louise, The Australian Party System. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231 Overton, Richard C., Burlington Route: A History of the Burlington Lines. By Harry N. Scheiber, xlvii,1966/3,277 Owen, David, English Philanthropy, l660-1960. By Geoffrey Best, xlvi, 1965 A, 37? Owen, John B., The Rise of the Pelhams. By W.W. Piepenburg, review

art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Owen, Robert, A Hew View of Society. By David Owen, xxxi,1950/3,324 Owsley, Frank Lawrence, King Cotton Diplomacy: Foreign Relations of the Confederate States of America, 2nd ed., rev. Harriet Chappell Owsley, xli,1960/l,86

Pacey, Desmond, Ten Canadian Poets. By Carlyle King, xxxix,1958A, 337 Packe, Michael St. John, The Life of John Stuart Mill. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1,45 Padover, Saul K., ed., The Mind of Alexander Hamilton. By Wallace D. Farnham, xl,1959/1,71 Pakenham, Elizabeth, Jameson's Raid. By S.W. Jackman, xlii,1961/1,73 Palanque, J.R. See Delaruelle, E., A. Latreille Palmer, R.R., The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800. II: The Struggle. By Harvey Mitchell, xlvi,1965/3,272 Pandit, V.L., The Evolution of India. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958/4,312 Pares, Richard, A West-India Fortune. By Ronald S. Longley, xxxii,


- King George III and the Politicians. By D.J. McDougall, xxxiv,1953 A, 366 - and A.J.P. Taylor, eds., Essays Presented to Sir Lewis Namier. By Eric Harrison, xxxvii,1956A,373 Pargellis, Stanley and D.J. Medley, eds., Bibliography of British History: The Eighteenth Century, 1714-1789. By E.R. Adair, xxxii,


Paris, Colloque de 1'Ecole normale superieure de Saint-Cloud, L1Histoire sociale: sources et methodes. By Fernand Ouellet, xlix,1968 /1.83 Paris, UNESCO, The Teaching of the Social Sciences in the United States. By H.H. Fieldhouse, xxxvi,1955/3,256 Park, Joseph Hendershot, British Prime Ministers of the Nineteenth Century: Policies and Speeches. By George Bennett, xxxii,1951/1,88 Park, Julian, ed., The Culture of Contemporary Canada. By H.C. Porter, review art., xxxix,1958/3,21+0 Parker, John, Newfoundland, 10th Province of Canada. By M. Zaslow, xxxi,1950/3,328 Parker, John P., Sails of the Maritimes: The Story of the Three- and Four-masted Cargo Schooners of Atlantic Canada, 1859-1929, xlii, 1961/3,251 - ed., Merchants and Scholars: Essays in the History of Exploration and Trade. By Abraham Rotstein, xlviii,1967/2,183 Parkman, Francis, The Discovery of the Great West. By W.J. Eccles, xliv-,1963/2,157

10k I Canadian Historical Review Index Parris, Henry, Government and the Railways in Nineteenth Century Britain. By H.W. McCready, xlviii,1967/1,73 Parry, J.H. and P.M. Sherlock, A Short History of the West Indies. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii, 1957A,300 Parsons, John E. , West on the l*9th Parallel: Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876. By L.G. Thomas, xlv,196V3,252 Paton, Alan, Hofmeyr. By Arthur Keppel-Jones, xlvii ,1966 A,387 Patterson, A. Temple, The Other Armada: The Franco-Spanish Attempt to Invade Britain in 1779. By Richard Glover, xlii,1961/3,2hO Patterson, Sheila, Colour and Culture in South Africa: A Study of the Status of the Cape Coloured People within the Social Structure of the Union of South Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv, 195V3.231 Pauck, Wilhelm, The Heritage of the Reformation. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxi,1950/3,319 Paul, Robert S., The Lord Protector: Religion and Politics in the Life of Oliver Cromwell. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi, 1955/^,3^1 Paul-Emile, Soeur, La Baie James: trois cents ans d'histoire, militaire, economique, missionaire. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiv,1953 /it, 372 Payne, Robert, Red Storm over Asia. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,26k Payne, Stanley G., Falange: A History of Spanish Fascism. By M.G. Fry, xliii,1962/2,173 Peake, Frank A., The Bishop Who Ate His Boots: A Biography of Isaac 0. Stringer. By H.H. Walsh, xlix,1968/1,63 Pearl, Valerie, London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution: City Government and National Politics, 1625-16^3. By Perez Zagorin, xliii,1962/1,5^ Pease, Jane H., ed. See Pease, William H. Pease, William H. and Jane H. Pease, eds., The Antislavery Argument. By Charles Desmond Hart, xlvii, 1966A,377 Peel, Bruce Braden, A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953. By W.L. Morton, xxxvii,1956/3,278 Peffer, Nathaniel, The Far East: A Modern History. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959/^,332 Pegues, Franklin J., The Lawyers of the Last Capetians. By Norman P. Zacour, xliv,1963/2,182 Felling, Henry, The Origins of the Labour Party. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1A5 - Modern Britain, 1885-1955. By J.B. Conacher, xlii,196l/3,2lt6 - A History of British Trade Unionism. By Trevor Lloyd, xlvi,1965/1, 70 - See Bealey, Frank Pemberton, W. Baring, Lord Palmerston. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1,^5 Penlington, Norman, Canada and Imperialism, 1896-1899- By D.M.L. Farr, xlvii,1966/1,69 Pennington, D.H. See Brunton, D. Penrose, Boies, Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance, llt20-l620. By R.A. Preston, xxxiv,1953A,377 Pentland, Marjorie, A Bonnie Fechter: The Life of Ishbel Marjoribanks, Marchioness of Aberdeen & Temair, G.B.E., L.L.D., J.P., 1857-1939By Paul Grant Cornell, xxxiv,1953/2,180

Books Reviewed: Authors / 105 Perham, Margery, Lugard: The Years of Adventure, 1858-1898. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 - Colonial Sequence, 1930 to 19^9: A Chronological Commentary upon British Colonial Policy Especially in Africa. By Gerald L. Caplan, xlix,1968A,l*39 Perkins, Bradford, Prologue to War: England and the United States, I805-l8l2. By A.L. Burt, xliii,1962/2,151 - Castlereagh and Adams: England and the United States l8l2-l823. By Patrick C.T. White, xlvii,1966/2,172 Perkins, Dexter, The New Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-1+5- By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Pernoud, Regine, The Crusaders, trs. Enid Grant. By J. G. Rowe, xlv, 1961+/2,l61* Perroy, Edouard et al., Le Moyen Age: 1'expansion de I1Orient et la naissance de la civilisation occidentale. By M.R. Powicke, xxxix,


Perry, Thomas W., Public Opinion, Propaganda, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century England: A Study of the Jew Bill of 1753. By J.M. Beattie, xlv,196U/2,159 Peters, Victor, All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life. By A. M. Willms, xlviii,1967/2,163 Petersen, William, Planned Migration: The Social Determinants of the Dutch-Canadian Movement. By David Corbett, xxxviii ,1957A>331 Peterson, Harold L., Arms and Armor in Colonial America, 1526-1783. By S.J. Gooding, xxxviii,1957/2,162 Pethick, Derek, Victoria: The Fort. By Patricia E. Roy, li,1970/2,189 Petrie, Charles, Lord Liverpool and His Times. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Pflanze, Otto, Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Unification, l8l5-l8Tl. By Robert Spencer, xlvi,1965/1,75 Phelan, Josephine, The Ardent Exile: The Life and Times of D'Arcy McGee. By J.I. Cooper, xxxii,1951/3,273 Philbrick, Francis S., The Rise of the West, rfS^-lSSO. By G.M. Craig, xlviii,196T/1,87 Phillips, C.E., The Development of Education in Canada. By Hilda Heatby, xxxix,1958/2,155 Phillips, R.A.J., Canada's North. By Richard J. Diubaldo, xlix,1968/ 1,64 Phillips, W.G., The Agricultural Implement Industry in Canada: A Study of Competition. By V.C. Fowke, xxxviii,1957/2,152 Pickersgill, J.W. , The Mackenzie King Record. I: 1939-1*1*. By Ramsay

Cook, xlii,196lA,31t7

- and D.F. Forster, The Mackenzie King Record. II: 191t1t-19!+5. By C. P. Stacey, 1,1969/3,307 Pidgeon, George C., The United Church of Canada: The Story of the Union. By J.S. Moir, xxxii,1951/1,90 Pierce, Lorne. See Jefferys, C.W. Pierce, Richard A., Russia's Hawaiian Adventure, I8l5-l8l7- By Merze Tate, xlvii,1966/3,270 Pierson, Coen G., Canada and the Privy Council. By Eugene Forsey, xliv,1963/1,1*9 Pike, Douglas et al., eds., Australian Dictionary of Biography. I: 1788-1850, A-H. II: 1788-1850, I-Z. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlix,1968/ 3,311*

106 / Canadian Historical Review Index Pinkham, Luoile, William III and the Respectable Revolution: The Part

Played "by William of Orange in the Revolution 1688. By W.W. Piepen-

burg, review art., xxxvi,1955A,3^1 Pinson, Koppel S. , Modern Germany: Its History and Civilization. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 Pipes, Richard, Karamzin's Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia: A

Translation and Analysis, xli,1960/3,256

- Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897By M. Mladenovic, xlv,1961*/2,ll*7 - ed., The Russian Intelligentsia. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xlii, 1961/U,362 Plant, G.F., Oversea Settlement: Migration from the United Kingdom to the Dominions. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3, 272 Plante, Hermann and Louis Martel, Mon Pays: Synthese d'histoire du Canada. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxviii,1957/3,255 Platt, D.C.M., Finance, Trade, and Politics in British Foreign Policy, 1815-1911*. By Eric Stokes, 1,1969 A,!*6l Plumb, J.H., Sir Robert Walpole: The Making of a Statesman. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 - Sir Robert Walpole: The King's Minister. By John Norris, xliii, 1962/1,56 - ed., Studies in Social History: A Tribute to G.M. Trevelyan. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii,1956/1*,356 Pogue, Forrest C., Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War. Ill: The Victory Campaign: The Operations in KorthWest Europe, 19l*lt-19l*5. By C.P. Stacey, xli,196oA,328 Pohl, Frederick J., The Sinclair Expedition to Nova Scotia in 1398: A Pre-Columbian Crossing of the Atlantic Definitely Dated as to Year, Month, and Day of Landing. By T.J. Oleson, xxxiii,1952/2,182 - The Lost Discovery: Uncovering the Track of the Vikings in America. By T.J. Oleson, xxxiv,1953/2,187 - The Vikings on Cape Cod: Evidence from Archaeological Discovery. By T.J. Oleson, xxxix,1958/2,166 - Atlantic Crossings before Columbus. By T.J. Oleson, xliii,1962/2, ll*7 Pollack, Norman, The Populist Response to Industrial America: Midwestern Populist Thought. By David A. Shannon, xliv,1963A,3^9 Poole, Austin Lane, From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087-1216. By M.R. Powicke, xxxiii,1952/I,77 Pope, Maurice, Soldiers and Politicians: The Memoirs of Lt.-Gen. Maurice A. Pope, C.B., M.C. By Roger Graham, xliv,1963/2,l62 - ed., Public Servant: The Memoirs of Sir Joseph Pope. By Margaret Prang, xlii,196l/l,60 Pope, Willard Bissell, ed., The Diary of Benjamin Robert Haydon, 2 vols. , xli, 1960/1*,362 Pope-Hennessy, James, Queen Mary, 1867-1953- By J.B. Conacher, xli, 1960/1*, 355 Popper, Karl R., The Poverty of Historicism. By William Dray, xl,1959 /2,155 Porter, H.C., Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge. By Gerald R. Cragg, xl,1959/2,150 Porter, John, The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and

Power in Canada. By Margaret Prang and A.R.M. Lower, xlvii,1966/2, 156

Books Reviewed: Authors / 107 Post, Gaines, Studies in Medieval Legal Thought: Public Law and the State, 1100-1322. By C.C. Bayley, xlvi ,1965 A,376 Postan, M.M. , ed. , The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. I: The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, 2nd ed. By David Herlihy, xlix, 1968/1,87 Potter, David M., The South and the Sectional Conflict. By Thomas J. Pressly, li, 1970/3,3^2 Potter, G.R., ed., The Renaissance, 1^93-1520. By A.C. Cooke, review art., xxxix,1958/3,2U3 Powicke, Maurice, The Thirteenth Century, 1216-1307. By B. Wilkinson, xxxv,195^/3,256 Powicke, Michael, Military Obligation in Medieval England: A Study in Liberty and Duty. By Bryce Lyon, xliii,1962A,356 - ed. See Sandquist, T.A. Prang, M.E., ed. See Brown, R. Craig Prasad, Rajendra, At the Feet of Mahatma Gandhi. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii, 1956/3,21*7 Pratt, E.J., Towards the Last Spike. By Walter H. Sage, xxxiv,1953/ 1,66 Pratt, Julius W., A History of United States Foreign Policy. By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/I,70 Preclin, Edmond, Le XVIIIe Siecle. I: La France et le monde de 1715 a 1789. II: Les Forces Internationales. By Michel Brunet, xxxiv, 1953/3,300 Preston, Richard A., A Life of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain of Plymouth Fort, Governor of Hew England, and Lord of the Province of Maine. By David B. Quinn, xxxvi, 1955A,3^9 - The Capture of Quebec. By Christopher Lloyd, review art., xli,1960 /3,231 - Canada in World Affairs. 1959 to 196l. By David Cox, xlvii,1966/3, 293 - Canada and "imperial Defense": A Study of the Origins of the British Commonwealth's Defense Organization, 1867-1919- By Herman Penlington, xlviii,1967A,380 - Canada's RMC: A History of the Royal Military College. By Paul Rutherford, li,1970/3,323 - ed., Kingston before the War of 1812: A Collection of Documents. By James J. Talman, xl,1959A,3)47 - ed., Contemporary Australia: Studies in History, Politics and Economics. By L.F. Fitzhardinge, li,1970/3,33^ - S.F. Wise and H.O. Werner, Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society. By Theodore Ropp, xxxviii,1957/1,68 - trs. and Leopold Lamontagne, ed., Royal Fort Frontenac. By Guy Fregault, xl,1959/2,163 Preston, William, Jr., Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903-1933. By Donald Johnson, xlv,196VU,331 Prestwick, Menna, Cranfield: Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts, The Career of Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex. By John N. Buchanan, 1,1969/1,100 Previte-Orton, C.W., The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, 2 vols. By B. Wilkinson, xxxiv,1953/2,183 Price, A. Grenfell, White Settlers and Native Peoples: An Historical Study of Racial Contacts between English-speaking Whites and Aboriginal Peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia and Hew Zealand. By Arthur G. Dorland, xxxii,1951/1,79

108 / Canadian Historical Review Index Prieur, Frangois Xavier, Hotes of a Convict of 1838. By Louis Blake Duff, xxxi,1950/1,80 Prucha, Francis Paul, Broadax and Bayonet: The Role of the United States Army in the Development of the northwest, I8l5-l860. By C. P. Staoey, xxxiv,1953A,375 - American Indian Policy in the Formative Years: The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts, 1790-185^. By Morris Zaslow, xlv,1961t/3 S2U3 Pryde, George S., A New History of Scotland. II: Scotland from 1603 to the Present Day. By Maurice Lee Jr., xliii,1962/3,2Ul Purcell, Victor, The Boxer Uprising. By Jack Gerson, xlv,196^/2,151 Pushkarev, Sergei, The Emergence of Modern Russia, 1801-1917. trs. Robert H. McHeal and Tova Yedlin. By Richard A. Pierce, xlv,196W M52 Putnam, Donald F., Canadian Regions: A Geography of Canada. By A.W. Currie, xxxiv,1953/^,353 - See Chapman, L. J. Puzzo, Dante A., Spain and the Great Powers, 1936-19^1. By Harold Livermore, xlv,196U/l,55 Pyrah, G.B., Imperial Policy and South Africa, 1902-10. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Quarles, Benjamin, Lincoln and the Hegro. By Thomas J. Pressley, xlv, 196!;/1,63 - Black Abolitionists. By William H. Pease, li,1970/3,339 - ed., Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written By Himself. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,196l/3,325 Quebec, Imprimeur de Sa Majest! le Roi/la Heine, Rapport de 1'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec. 1914-7-191+8. By M.H. Long, xxxi ,1950 /3,3l6. 19^8-19^9. By D.C. Masters, xxxii,1951/3,279. 19^9-1950 et 1950-1951. By H.M. Thomas, xxxiv, 1953/1*,356. 1951-1952 et 1952-1953. By M.H. Long, xxxvii,1956A,367. 1953-1951* et 195^-1955. By Mason Wade, xxxvii,1956 A, 369. 1955-1956 et 1956-1957, xl,1959/2,17^ Quebec House Permanent Advisory Committee, Wolfe: Portraiture and Genealogy. By Richard A. Preston, review art., xli,1960/3,231 Quinn, Herbert F., The Union Hationale: A Study in Quebec Nationalism. By H. Blair Heatby, xlv,196^/2,lUl Quirin, Heinz, Einfuhrung in das Studium der mittelalterlichen Geschichte, 2nd ed. By Walter Goffart, xlv,196Wl,52 Raab, Felix, The English Face of Machiavelli: A Changing Interpretation, 1500-1700. By W.J. Jones, xlvii,1966/l,71 Rabb, Theodore K., Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630. By W.J. Jones, 1,1969 /1,99 - and Jerrold E. Seigel, eds., Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Memory of E.H. Harbison. By Elliot Rose, li ,1970 A,VT8 Rachal, William, ed. See Hutchinson, William T. Radcliff, Thomas, ed. See Magrath, Thomas William, Authentic Letters Raddall, Thomas H., The Path of Destiny: Canada from the British Conquest to Home Rule 1763-1850. By G.M. Craig, xxxix,1958/2,15U Radkey, Oliver H., The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism: Promise and Default of the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries February to October 1917- By Robert H. McNeal, review art., xl,1959/2,lU2

Books Reviewed: Authors / 109 Radkey, Oliver H., The Sickle under the Hammer: The Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in the Early Months of Soviet Rule. By Robert H. McHeal, xlv,196U/2,lW Ralph, Philip Lea, Sir Humphrey Mildmay: Royalist Gentleman: Glimpses of the English Scene, 1633 to 1652. By D.J. McDougall, xxxi,1950/ 1,7^ Ramm, Agatha, ed., The Political Correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville. I: 1876-1882. II: 1883-1886. By James Winter, xliv, 1963/1,61* Ramsay, Freda, John Ramsay of Kildalton: Being an Account of his Life in Islay and Including the Diary of his Trip to Canada in 1870. By W.L. Morton, li,1970/I,85 Randall, J.G. and David Donald, The Civil War and Reconstruction. By G.M. Craig, xlv,196U/l,63 Randall, John H., Nature and Historical Experience. By Wallace K. Ferguson, xxxix,1958A,331 Rappaport, Armin, The Havy League of the United States. By Daniel M. Smith, xliv,1963/3,21+5

- Henry L. Stimson and Japan, 1931-33. By Gaddis Smith, xlv,1961*/3, 21+5

Hashed, Zenab Esmat, The Peace of Paris, 1763. By Walter L. Dorn, xxxiii,1952/3,288 Rashley, R.E., Poetry in Canada: The First Three Steps. By Carlyle King, xxxix,1958A,337 Rawlyk, G.A., Yankees at Louisbourg. By C.G. Lucas, xlix,1968/2,175 - ed., Revolution Rejected, 1775-1776. By David P. Gagan, 1,1969/1, 90 Raymond, John, ed., The Baldwin Age. By Stephen R. Graubard, xlii, 1961/3,2^9 Read, Conyers, Mr. Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth. By J.B. Conacher, xxxvi,1955/^,362 - Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth. By W.W. Piepenburg, xli,196oA, 351 Read, Donald, Peterloo: The 'Massacre' and its Background. By J.B. Conacher, xxxix,1958A,3W - and Eric Glasgow, Feargus O'Connor: Irishman and Chartist. By H.W. McCready, xlii, 196lA,359 Read, Evelyn, Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk. By W.J. Jones, xliv, 1963/^,351 Reader, W.J., Professional Men: The Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth-Century England. By Albert Tucker, xlviii,1967A,387 Reaman, G. Elmore, The Trail of the Black Walnut. ,,By Fred C. Hamil, xxxviii,1957/3,2U7 Redford, Arthur, Labour Migration in England, 1800-1850, rev. and ed. W.H. Chaloner. By J.D. Chambers, xlvi,1965/2,173 Reed, Stanley, The India I Knew, 1897-19**7. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,281* Reed, T.A., ed., A History of the University of Trinity College, 18521952. By J.F. Leddy, xxxiii, 1952A,391 Reeve, G.J. and R.O. MacFarlane, The Canadian Pageant. By Kenneth McNaught, xxxiii,1952/1*,389 Reid, J.H. Stewart, Mountains, Men and Rivers: British Columbia in Legend and Story. By W. Kaye Lamb, xxxvi,1955/1,72 - The Origins of the British Labour Party. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii,1956A,356

110 / Canadian Historical Review Index Reid, J.H. Stewart et al., eds., A Source-book of Canadian History: Selected Documents and Personal Papers. By Margaret A. Crusty, xli, 1960/2,170 Reid, W. Stanford, Economic History of Great Britain. By Herbert Beaton, xxxvi,1955/1,6k - Skipper from Leith: A Life of Robert Barton of Over Barnton. By Maurice Lee Jr., xliv,1963/1,62 Reilly, Robin, The Rest to Fortune: The Life of Major-General James Wolfe. By R.A. Preston, review art., xli,1960/3,231 Reischauer, Edwin 0., The United States and Japan. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 Remini, Robert V., Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party. By D.M.L. Farr, xli,1960/3,25k Renouvin, Pierre, Le XIXe Siecle. I: De 1815 £ 1871: 1'Europe des nationalites et 1'eveil de nouveaux mondes. II: De 1871 a 1911*, 1'apogee de 1'Europe. By John C. Cairns, xxxvii,1956/l,88 Rex, Millicent Barton, University Representation in England, 16041690. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Reynolds, E.E., St. Thomas More. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv, 1951+A, 331 Reynolds, P.A., British Foreign Policy in the Inter-War Years. By J. B. Conacher, review art., xxxvi,1955/1,^5 Riasanovsky, Nicholas V., A History of Russia. By Richard A. Pierce, xlv,196U/2,1^6 Rich, E.E., The History of the Hudson's Bay Company 1670-1870. Vol. I: 1670-1763. By W.J. Eccles, xl, 1959/3,21*2. Vol. II: 1763-1870. By W. Kaye Lamb, xlii,1961/2,1^5 - The Fur Trade and the Northwest to 1857. By L.H. Neatby, xlix,1968 /2,179 - ed., Copy-Book of Letters Outward sc, Begins 29th May, 1680, Ends 5 July, 1687. By Chester Martin, xxxi,1950A,!+lU - ed. , James Isham's Observations on Hudson's Bay, 17^-3 and Notes and Observations on a Book Entitled A Voyage to Hudson's Bay in the Dobbs Galley, 17^9. By John S. Galbraith, xxxi ,1950/1* ,Ul6 - ed., John Rae's Correspondence with the Hudson's Bay Company on Arctic Exploration, 18W-55. By W.S. Wallace, xxxv,195^/3,251 - ed., Moose Fort Journals, 1783-85. By Richard Glover, xxxvii,1956 A, 79 - ed., London Correspondence Inward from Eden Colvile 18^9-1852. By Elaine Allan Mitchell, xxxviii,1957/3,2^6 - ed., Hudson's Bay Copy Booke of Letters Commissions Instructions Outward 1688-1696. By Elaine Allan Mitchell, xxxix,1958/2,162 - and A.M. Johnson, eds., Peter Skene Ogden's Snake Country Journals, 1821^-25 and 1825-26. By Richard Glover, xxxiii, 1952/1,7^ - and A.M. Johnson, eds., Cumberland House Journals and Inland Journals, 1775-82. By Margaret A. Ormsby. First Series, 1775-9, xxxiv, 1953/1,62. Second Series, 1779-82, xxxiv,1953/3,296 - and C.H. Wilson, eds., The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. IV: The Economy of Expanding Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Julian Dent, xlviii,1967/^,393 - ed. See Black, Samuel, Journal Rich, Norman and M.H. Fisher, eds., The Holstein Papers. IV: Correspondence, 1897-1909. By Ivo N. Lambi, xlv,196^ A,353 Richardson, W.C., Tudor Chamber Administration, 1^85-15^7. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195^/^,331

Books Reviewed: Authors / 111 Richardson, W.C., History of the Court of Augmentations 1536-1551*. By H.C. Porter, xliii,1962/3,239 Richmond, I.A., Roman and Native in North Britain, xl,1959/1,76 Riddell, Walter A., ed., Documents on Canadian Foreign Policy, 19171939. By P.O. Cornell, xliv,1963/1,51 Ridge, Martin, Ignatius Donnelly: The Portrait of a Politician. By Norman Pollack, xliv,1963/2,170 Ridolfi, Roberto, Ihe Life of Niccolo Machiavelli, trs. Cecil Grayson. By C.C. Bayley, xlv,196i+/2,l66 Risjord, Herman J., The Old Republicans: Southern Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson. By G.M. Craig, xlvii,1966/2,173 Ritcheson, Charles R., Aftermath of Revolution: British Policy toward the United States, 1783-1795- By Richard W. Van Alstyne, li,1970/ !+,U66 Ritchie, T., Canada Builds, 1867-1967. By James Acland, 1,1969/1,92 Bobbins, Caroline, The Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthman: Studies in the Transmission, Development and Circumstance of English Liberal Thought from the Restoration of Charles II until the War with the Thirteen Colonies. By John M. Norris, xli,1960/1,62 Roberts, Clayton, The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England. By Maurice Lee Jr., xlviii,1967/3,289 Roberts, David, Victorian Origins of the British Welfare State. By Stanley Pierson, xlii,196l/l,79 Roberts, J.M., ed. , French Revolution Documents, I. By James A. Leith, xlviii,1967/2,187 Roberts, Leslie, The MacKenzie. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxi,1950/l,77 - Canada: The Golden Hinge. By Kenneth McHaught, xxxiii ,1952A,389 - Noranda. By Morris Zaslow, xxxviii,1957/^,335 - C.D.: The Life and Times of Clarence Decatur Howe. By W.T. Easterbrook, xxxix, 1958/1*, 3^3 Roberts, Phyllis Barzillay, Stephanus De Lingua-Tonante: Studies in the Sermons of Stephen Langton. By Hugh MacKinnon, li, 1970/2,20k Robertson, Terence, The Shame and the Glory: Dieppe. By D.J. Goodspeed, xliv,1963/2,l62 Robin, Martin, Radical Politics and Canadian Labour 1880-1930. By Michael Bliss, li,1970/2,195 Robinson, Judith. See Farthing, John, Freedom Robinson, Kenneth, The Dilemmas of Trusteeship: Aspects of British Colonial Policy between the Wars. By A.P. Thornton, xlviii,1967/1, 78 Robinson, Percy J., Toronto during the French Regime. By F.H. Armstrong, xlvii,1966/1,67 Robinson, Ronald, John Gallagher and Alice Denny, Africa and the Victorians. By Trevor Lloyd, xliii,1962/I,62 Robson, Eric, The American Revolution in Its Political and Military Aspects, 1763-1783. By Richard A. Preston, xxxvi,1955A,363 Robson, J.L., The British Commonwealth: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions. IV: New Zealand. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Robson, J.M., The Improvement of Mankind: The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill. By Royden Harrison, li,1970/2,205 - ed. See Mill, John Stuart, Essays Rockwood, Raymond 0., ed., Carl Becker's Heavenly City Revisited. By John C. Cairns, xl,1959/2,156 Rodney, William, Soldiers of the International: A History of the

Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929. By I.M. Abella, 1,1969A,1*55

112 / Canadian Historical Review Index Roe, Frank Gilbert, The North American Buffalo: A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State. By W.L. Morton, xxxii ,1951 A,338 Roelker, Nancy Lyman, Queen of Navarre: Jeanne d'Albret 1528-1572. By Donald R. Kelley, 11,1970/3,3^6 - ed. and trs., The Paris of Henry of Navarre as Seen by Pierre de 1'Estoile: Selections from His Memoires-Journaux, xl, 1959A,351 Rogers, Forrest L., American Goods in Canadian Markets. By Kenneth McNaught, xxxviii,1957A,337 Rogers, P.G., The Fifth Monarchy Men. By John F.H. New, xlix,1968/3, 301 Rogger, Hans, National Consciousness in Eighteenth-Century Russia. By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xlii,196l/l,78 - and Eugen Weber, eds., The European Right: A Historical Profile. By R.F. Harney, xlvii,1966/2,192 Rohr, Donald G., The Origins of Social Liberalism in Germany. By Ivo N. Lambi, xlvi,1965/2,182 Rohrbough, Malcolm, The Land Office Business: The Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789-1837• By Lawrence B. Lee, 1,1969A,1;68 Roland, Charles P., The Confederacy. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii, 1961/3,325 Rolph, William Kirby, Henry Wise Wood of Alberta. By John A. Irving, xxxii,1951/1,67 Romasco, Albert U., The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation, and the Depression. By Stephen J. Scheinberg, xlvii, 1966A,378 Romier, Lucien, A History of France, trs. A.L. Rowse. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxv,195^/3,259 Roots, Ivan, Commonwealth and Protectorate: The English Civil War and Its Aftermath. By John F.H. New, xlix,1968/3,301 Roper, H.R. Trevor-. See Trevor-Roper Ropp, Theodore, War in the Modern World. By C.C. Bayley, xli,1960/3,

238 Rosenberg, Hans, Bureaucracy, Aristocracy and Autocracy: The Prussian

Experience, l660-l8l5. By I.N. Lambi, xl,1959/2,153 Ross, Irwin, The Loneliest Campaign: The Truman Victory of 19^8. By William C. Berman, xlix,1968 A, >tl* 3 Ross, Malcolm, Our Sense of Identity: A Book of Canadian Essays. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxv,195^/^,353 Ross, Murray G., The Y.M.C.A. in Canada: The Chronicle of a Century. By Paul Grant Cornell, xxxiii,1952/2,178 Rosser, Fred. See Ivison, Stuart Rossi, Mario M., A Plea for Man. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvii,1956 /!+,375 Rossiter, Clinton, Alexander Hamilton and the Constitution. By Fred

Somkin, xlvi,1965/1,56

- 1787, The Grand Convention. By Richard Buel Jr., xlviii,1967/1,85 Rothblatt, Sheldon, The Revolution of the Dons: Cambridge and Society in Victorian England. By Elliot Rose, 1,1969 A,1+62 Rothney, John, Bonapartism After Sedan. By Harvey Mitchell, 1,1969/ 3,31+1 Roussin, Marcel, Le Canada et le Systeme interamerican. By John D. Harbron, xlii,1961/2,153 Routh, C.R.N., They Saw It Happen: An Anthology of Eyewitnesses' Accounts of Events in British History, 1^85-1688. By W.W. Piepen-

burg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52

Books Reviewed: Authors / 113 Routledge, F.J., England and the Treaty of the Pyrenees. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195^A,338 Rover, Constance, Women's Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1886-1911*. By H.W. McCready, xlix, 1968/2,198 Rowe, Fred W., The History of Education in Newfoundland. By Gordon 0. Rothney, xxxiv,1953/2,179 Rowse, A.L., The England of Elizabeth: The Structure of Society. By J.B. Conacher, xxxii,1951/2,l6l - An Elizabethan Garland. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195^A» 331 - The Elizabethan Age: The Expansion of Elizabethan England. By J.B. Conacher, xxxvii,1956/3,280 - The Early Churchills: An English Family. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52

- The Later Churchills, xl,1959/2,175

- The Elizabethans and America. By W.B. Willcox, xli,1960/l*,350 - Raleigh and the Throckmortons. By John F.H. Hew, xliii,1962/3,2hO Roy, James A., Kingston: The King's Town. By W.F. Nickle, xxxiv,1953 /2,188 Roy, Maurice, The Parish and Democracy in French Canada. By R.M. Saunders, xxxii,1951/3,282 Roy, R.H., Sinews of Steel: The History of the British Columbia Dragoons. By T. Murray Hunter, xlviii,1967/l,69 - The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1919-1965. By A.M.J. Hyatt, li 1970/1*,1*62 Rubinstein, Nicolai, The Government of Florence under the Medici, ll*3l* to ll*9l*. By Wallace K. Ferguson, xlviii,1967/l,79 Rude, George, Wilkes and Liberty: A Social Study of 1763 to 1771*. By John Horris, xliv,1963/2,173 Runciman, Steven, A History of the Crusades. II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187- By W.E.L. Smith, xxxiv,195 A,370. Ill: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades. By M.R. Powicke, xxxvi,1955/3,273 - The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from l8Ul to 19**6. By P. Harnetty, xlii,1961/3,21*1* Russell, Carl P., Guns on the Early Frontiers: A History of Firearms from Colonial Times through the Years of the Western Fur Trade. By R.W. Button, xxxviii,1957/3,256 Russell, B.C. See Thorgrimsson, Thor Russell, Peter, ed., Nationalism in Canada. By Norman Ward, xlviii, 1967/3,285 Russell of Liverpool, Lord, The Scourge of the Swastika: A Short His tory of Nazi War Crimes. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956 /2.170 Rutledge, Joseph Lister, Century of Conflict: The Struggle between the French and British in Colonial America. By W.S. MacNutt, xxxvi 1957/2,11*5 Ryan, A.P., Mutiny at the Curragh. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii ,1957/1*, 300 Ryan, William F., The Clergy and Economic Growth in Quebec, 18961911*. By Yves Roby, xlviii, 1967/2,161* Ryerson, Stanley B., The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to 1815. By Gustave Lanctot, xlii ,196l/2,ll*7 - Unequal Union: Confederation and the Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815-1873. By Fernand Ouellet, 1,1969/3,316

11^ / Canadian Historical Review Index Sabine, William H.W., ed. See Smith, William, Historical Memoirs Sabourin, Louis, ed., Le Systlme politique du Canada: Institutions federales et quebecoises. By Hugh Whalen, li,1970/2,202 Sack, E.G., History of the Jews in Canada, trs. Ralph Novak. By G.J. Tulchinsky, xlvii,1966/3,282 Sacks, Benjamin, J. Ramsay MacDonald in Thought and Action: An Architect for a Better World. By F.H. Underbill, xxxiv,1953/3,300 Safarian, A.E., Foreign Ownership of Canadian Industry: A Study of Company Policies and Performance. By H.C. Pentland, review art., xlviii,1967A,365 St. John, Robert, Through Malan's Africa. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Salmon, E.T., Samnium and the Samnites. By F.M. Heichelheim, xlix, 1968/2,202 Salvemini, Gaetano, The French Revolution, 1788-1792, trs. I.M. Rawson. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxv,195^/3,262 Sanderson, Charles R., ed., The Arthur Papers: Being the Canadian Papers, Mainly Confidential, Private, and Demi-Official of Sir George Arthur, K.C.H., in the Manuscript Collection of the Toronto Public Libraries. Vols. I-II. By G.M. Craig, xxxix,1958A,3W. Vol. Ill, xlii,1961/3,251 Sanderson, Gorham D., India and British Imperialism. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281* Sandquist, T.A. and M.R. Powicke, eds., Essays in Medieval History Presented to Bertie Wilkinson. By Joseph R. Strayer, 1,1969/3,329 Sanfagon, Roland, Defrichements, peuplement et institutions seigneuriales en Haut-Poitou du Xe au XIIIs siecle. By David Herlihy, xlix,1968/2,203 Sansom, George, A History of Japan to 133^. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl, 1959A,332 Sauvigny, G. de Bertier de. See Bertier de Sauvigny Savard, Pierre, Jules-Paul Tardivel, la France et les Etats-Unis 1851-1905. By Ren! Durocher, xlix,1968/3,290 Savelle, Max, Is Liberalism Dead? And Other Essays. By William H. Nelson, 1,1969 A, 1+67 Sawer, Geoffrey, Australian Federal Politics and Law, 1929-19^9- By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2,158 Saywell, John T., The Office of Lieutenant-Governor: A Study in Canadian Government and Politics. By Norman Ward, xxxix,1958/3,2^6 - ed., The Canadian Journal of Lady Aberdeen, 1893-1898. By W.L. Morton, xlii,1961/3,231 - ed., Canadian Annual Review: A Reference Guide and Record. I960. By Margaret Prang, xlii, 196lA,350. 196l. By Norman Ward, xliv, 1963/1,52. 1962. By Leon Dion, xlv,196^/1,80

Scadding, Henry, Toronto of Old, ed. F.H. Armstrong. By Michael S.

Cross, xlviii,1967/2,160 Scarisbrick, J.J. , Henry VIII. By D.J. Guth, 1,1969 A,^58 Schevill, Ferdinand, Six Historians. By John C. Cairns, xxxviii, 1957/2,162 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain, 1761+-1776. By Brooke Kindle, xl,1959/1,70 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii, 1957/3,299 Schmeiser, D.A., Civil Liberties in Canada. By A.R.M. Lower, xlvi, 1965/1,51

Books Reviewed: Authors / 115 Schoyen, A.R., The Chartist Challenge: A Portrait of George Julian Harney, xl,1959A,351 Schull, Joseph, The Far Distant Ships: An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations in the Second World War. By D.G.G. Kerr, xxxi,1950A,U20 - Laurier: The First Canadian. By D.G. Creighton, xlvii,1966A,356 Schurman, D.M., The Education of a Havy: The Development of British Naval Stretegio Thought, 1867-1911*. By Theodore Bopp, xlvii,1966/ It, 386 Schuyler, Robert Livingston and Herman Ausubel, eds., The Making of English History. By J.B. Conacher, xxxiii,1952/2,I8h Schwartz, Bernard, The Supreme Court: Constitutional Revolution in Retrospect. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Schwartz, Mildred A., Public Opinion and Canadian Identity. By David Hoffman, xlix,1968A,^27 Scott, F.R. See Lower, A.R.M. - and A.J.M. Smith, eds., The Blasted Pine. By Carlyle King, xxxix, 1958 A, 337 Scott, James, The Settlement of Huron County. By Michael S. Cross, xlviii,1967/2,160 Scoville, Warren C., The Persecution of Huguenots and French Economic Development, 1680-1720. By John Bosher, xlii,1961/2,165 Seager, Frederic H., The Boulanger Affair: Political Crossroads of France, 1886-1889. By Michael R. Marrus, li,1970/2,217 Sears, Louis Martin, George Washington and the French Revolution. By Patrick C.T. White, xlii,1961/2,158 Seeley, John R., R. Alexander Sim and Elizabeth W. Loosley, Crestwood Heights. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,265 Seguin, Robert-Lionel, L'Equipement de la ferme canadienne aux XVIIs et XVIIIs siecles. By Jean Hamelin, xl,1959A,3^9 - La Sorcellerie au Canada frangais du XVIIs au XIXs siecle. By Elliot Rose, xliii,1962/2,lU8 - La Victoire de Saint-Denis. By Fernand Ouellet, xlix,1968/3,283 - La Civilisation traditionelle de I1 "habitant" aux XVIIs et XVIIIs siecles: fonds materiel. By M.E. Arthur, 1,1969/1,89 Seigel, Jerrold E., ed. See Rabb, Theodore K. Sellers, Charles Grier, Jr., The Southerner as American. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Senior, Hereward, Orangeism in Ireland and Britain, 1795-1836. By Robert E. Burns, xlix,1968/1,81 Serle, Geoffrey, The Golden Age: A History of the Colony of Victoria, 1851-1861. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlvi,1965/2,158 Seton-Watson, Christopher, Italy from Liberalism to Fascism 18701925. By Raymond Grew, 1,1969/1,108 Seton-Watson, Hugh, The East European Revolution. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,2.6k - The Pattern of Communist Revolution: A Historical Analysis. By M. Mladenovic, xxxvi,1955/l,70 - Neither War Nor Peace: The Struggle for Power in the Post-War World. By John S. Conway, xlii,1961/2,175 - The Russian Empire, 1801-1917- By Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xlix, 1968/2,201* Shannon, Fred A., American Farmers' Movements. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Shannon, R.T., Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876. By Trevor Lloyd, xlvi,1965/3,26l

Il6 / Canadian Historical Review Index Shapiro, Barbara J., John Wilkins 161U-1672: An Intellectual Biography. By John F.H. Hew, li,1970/3,330 Sharp, Andrew, The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman. By J.H. Parry, li,1970/1,106 Sharp, Paul F., Whoop-Up Country: The Canadian-American West, 18651885. By Lewis H. Thomas, xxxvii,1956/2,18U Shaw, A.G.L., The Story of Australia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,21*7 - Convicts & the Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain & Ireland to Australia s Other Parts of the British Empire. By K.A. MacKirdy, xlviii,1967/3,292 Sheldon, Charles David, The Rise of the Merchant Class in Tokugawa Japan l600-l868: An Introductory Survey. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959A,332 Shelton, ¥. George, ed. , British Columbia Si Confederation. By Donald Swainson, xlix,1968/3,287 Shennan, J.H., The Parlement of Paris. By J.F. Bosher, li,1970/1,107 Shepperson, Wilbur Stanley, The Promotion of British Emigraton by Agents for American Lands, 18HO-1860. By J.I. Cooper, xxxv,1951+/1*,


- British Emigration to North America: Projects and Opinions in the Early Victorian Period. By Fred Landon, xxxix,1958/2,158 Sherlock, P.M. See Parry, J.H. Sherrard, O.A., Lord Chatham: Pitt and the Seven Years War. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 - Lord Chatham and America. By Leslie F.S. Upton, xl,1959/1,69 Shields, Currin, Democracy and Catholicism in America. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Shiels, Drummond, ed., The British Commonwealth: A Family of Peoples. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281* Shinwell, Emanuel, Conflict without Malice. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/I,63 Shirley, Janet, A Parisian Journal, ed. and trs. from the anonymous Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris. By John B. Henneman Jr., 1,1969/ 3,338 Shotwell, James T., The Long Way To Freedom. By Richard M. Saunders, xli,1960/3,237 Shrive, Norman, Charles Mair, Literary Nationalist. By C.C. Berger, xlvii, 1966 A, 367 Shy, John, Toward Lexington: The Role of the British Army in the Coming of the American Revolution. By William B. Willcox, xlvii, 1966/2,169 Siegfried, Andre, African Journey, trs. Edward Fitzgerald. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,li*3 Sievers, Harry J., Benjamin Harrison, Hoosier Statesman: From the Civil War to the White House, 1865-1888. By D.M.L. Farr, xli,I960 /1,71* Sigsworth, John W., The Battle Was the Lord's: A History of the Free Methodist Church in Canada. By K.N. Windsor, xliv, 1963/3,21*0 Sim, R. Alexander. See Seeley, John R. - and Elizabeth W. Loosley Simcoe, John Graves, Simcoe's Military Journal. By S.F. Wise, xlvi, 1965/2,lU6 Simmons, Jack, ed., From Empire to Commonwealth: Principles of British Imperial Government. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,11*3

Books Reviewed: Authors / 117 Simms, Henry H., Emotion at High Tide: Abolition as a Controversial

Factor, 1830-181*5. By G.M. Craig, review art., xlii,1961/3,325 Simpson, Alan, Puritanism in Old and New England. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Simpson, George E. and J. Milton Yinger, eds., American Indians and American Life. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxix,1958/2,163 Singer, Charles, A Short History of Scientific Ideas to 1900. By George A. Foote, xli,1960/1,5^ Singh, Khushwant, The Sikhs. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi, 1955/3,236 Singleton-Gates, Peter and Maurice Girodias, The Black Diaries: An Account of Roger Casement's Life and Times with a Collection of His Diaries and Public Writings. By Giovanni Costigan, xl,1959A, 31*3 Sissons, C.B., A History of Victoria University. By G.S. French,


- Church and State in Canadian Education: An Historical Study. By Franklin A. Walker, xli,1960/3,2U8 - Hil alienum: The Memoirs of C.B. Sissons. By James J. Talman, xlvi, 1965/3,256 - ed., My Dearest Sophie: Letters from Egerton Ryerson to His Daughter. By G.S. French, xxxvii,1956/1,80 Skotheim, Robert Allen, American Intellectual Histories and Historians. By Rush Welter, xlviii,1967/2,17** Slattery, T.P., The Assassination of D'Arcy McGee. By Robin B. Burns, li,1970/1,83 Smalley, Beryl, English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century, xlii,1961/3,252 Smelser, Neil J., Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry. By John Morris, xlii,1961/1,69 Smiley, Donald V., The Canadian Political Nationality. By Gerard Bergeron, xlix,1968/2,191

- ed., The Rowell-Sirois Report. By Robert Craig Brown, xlv,196i*/2, 136

Smith, A.J.M., ed. See Scott, F.R.

Smith, B.A., Dean Church: The Anglican Response to Newman, xl,1959/ 2,175 Smith, C. Jay, Jr., Finland and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1922. By Robert H. McNeal, review art., xl,1959/2,lU2 Smith, Daniel M., Robert Lansing and American Neutrality, 191^-1917By Ramsay Cook, xl,1959/2,172 Smith, D.W., Helvetius: A Study in Persecution. By Richard Herr, xlvii,1966/2,187 Smith, F.B., The Making of the Second Reform Bill. By J.B. Conacher, xlix,1968/3,305 Smith, Gaddis, Britain's Clandestine Submarines, 191^-1915. By Roger Graham, xlvi, 1965A,357 Smith, Goldwin, A Constitutional and Legal History of England. By D. J. McDougall, xxxvii,1956/1,90 Smith, I. Norman, A Reporter Reports. By F.H. Soward, xxxv,195itA,35^ Smith, James Morton, ed., Seventeenth-Century America: Essays in Colonial History, xl, 1959/3,251* Smith, Janet Adam, John Buchan: A Biography. By C.P. Stacey, xlviii, 1967/1,75

118 / Canadian Historical Reviev Index Smith, Lacey Baldwin, Tudor Prelates and Politics 1536-1558. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953A,339 Smith, Paul, Disraelian Conservatism and Social Reform. By James Winter, xlix,1968/3,307 Smith, Robert A., ed. See Cobban, Alfred Smith, Simon Novell-. See Nowell-Smith Smith, Thomas C., The Agrarian Origins of Modern Japan, xli,1960/1, 82 Smith, Timothy L., Revivalism and Social Reform in Mid-NineteenthCentury America. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3, 299 Smith, Waldo, What Time the Tempest: An Army Chaplain's Story. By Robert A. Spencer, xxxv,195^/2,l6l Smith, William, Historical Memoirs from 16 March, 1763, to 9 July,

1776, ed. William H.W. Sabine. By Hilda Heatby, xxxviii,1957/2,11+6 Smuts, J.C., Jan Christian Smuts. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv,1953/3,281+ Snyder, Louis [L], German Nationalism: The Tragedy of a People: Extremism contra Liberalism in Modern German History. By R. Flenley, xxxiv,1953A,371 - ed., Documents of German History, xl,1959/1,77

Snyder, Phil L., ed., Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker. By John C. Cairns, xl,1959/2,156 Snyder, Richard C. See Furniss, Edgar S., Jr. Soboul, Albert, The Parisian Sans-Culottes and the French Revolution, 1793-91+, trs. Gwynne Lewis. By James A. Leith, xlvi,1965/l+,378 Solberg, Patricia Anne. See Zubek, John P. Solt, Leo F., Saints in Arms: Puritanism and Democracy in Cromwell's Army. By A.S.P. Woodhouse, xl,1959A,338 Somervell, D.C., British Politics since 1900. By Eric Harrison,


- ed. See Toynbee, Arnold J. Somin, N.I. et al., Noveishaya Istoriya. II: 1939-1959. By Ivan Avakumovie, xlii,1961/2,176 Somkin, Fred, Unquiet Eagle: Memory and Desire in the Idea of American Freedom, 1815-1860. By David W. Noble, xlix,1968/3,295 Sorensen, Theodore, Kennedy. By P.J. King, xlvii,1966/1+,379 Sosin, Jack M., Whitehall and the Wilderness: The Middle West in British Colonial Policy, 1760-1775. By Hilda Neat "by, xliii,1962/3, 225 - Agents and Merchants: British Colonial Policy and the Origins of the American Revolution, 1763-1775. By J.M. Bumsted, xlvii,1966/ 3,272 Southgate, Donald, The Passing of the Whigs. By James Winter, xlv, 1961+/1,60 - 'The Most English Minister... : The Policies and Politics of Palmerston. By Derek Beales, xlviii,196~7A,385 Soward, F.H., Canada in World Affairs: From Normandy to Paris, 191+1+191+6. By Edgar Mclnnis, xxxii,1951/1,66 - The Department of External Affairs and Canadian Autonomy, 18991939- By John Conway, xxxix,1958/1,73 - ed., The Changing Commonwealth: Proceedings of the Fourth Unofficial Commonwealth Relations Conference Held at Bigwin Inn, Ontario, Canada, September 8-18, 191+9- By D.J. McLougall, review art., xxxii, 1951/2,11+3

Books Reviewed: Authors / 119 Soward, F.H. and Edgar Mclnnis, Canada and the United Nations. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxix,1958/2,157 Spafford, Duff, ed. See Ward, Norman Spanier, John W., The Truman-MaoArthur Controversy and the Korean War. By F.H. Soward, xli,1960/1,8l Spear, Percival, India, Pakistan, and the West. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195W3,231 Speck, Frank G., Midwinter Rites of the Cayuga Long House. By Edmund S. Carpenter, xxxi,1950/1,83 Spelt, J., The Urban Development in South-Central Ontario. By D.C. Masters, xxxvii,1956/1,85 Spencer, Ivor Debenham, The Victor and the Spoils: A Life of William L. Marcy, xli,I960/I,83 Spencer, Frank, ed., The Fourth Earl of Sandwich: Diplomatic Correspondence, 1763-1765. By J.M. Beattie, xliii,1962/2,l62 Spencer, Robert A., Canada in World Affairs: From UN to NATO, 19^619^9. By Nicholas Mansergh, xli,1960/1,73 Splane, Richard B., Social Welfare in Ontario, 1791-1893: A Study of Public Welfare Administration. By'Elisabeth Wallace, xlvii,1966/ 2,162 Spry, Irene M. , The Palliser Expedition: An Account of John Palliser's North American Exploring Expedition. By Morris Zaslow, xlvi,1966/ 2,152 Stacey, C.P., The Undefended Border: The Myth and the Reality. By A. L. Burt, xxxv,1951*/1*, 351 - Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War. I: Six Years of War: The Army in Canada, Britain, and the Pacific. By F.H. Soward, xxxvii,1956/2,175. Ill: The Victory Campaign: The Operations in North-West Europe, 19Ul+-19l*5. By Forrest C. Pogue, xli, I960/It, 328 - Quebec, 1759: The Seige and the Battle. By Richard A. Preston, review art., xli,1960/3,231 - Canada and the British Army 1814-6-1871: A Study in the Practice of Responsible Government, rev. ed. By P.B. Waite, xlv,1961t/3,253 - ed., Introduction to the Study of Military History for Canadian Students, 1+th ed. By Sam H.S. Hughes, xxxvi ,1955/3,268 - ed., Records of the Mile Voyageurs, 188U-1885: The Canadian Voyageur Contingent in the Gordon Relief Expedition. By Guy MacLean, xli,1960/3,255 Stankiewicz, W.J., Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France: A Study of Political Ideas from the Monarchomachs to Bayle as Reflected in the Toleration Controversy. By Richard M. Saunders, xlii,1961/2,166 Stanley, G.F.G., Louis Riel: Patriot or Rebel? By A.L. Burt, xxxv, 195UA,351 - In the Face of Danger: The History of the Lake Superior Regiment. By R.H. Roy, xlii,1961/2,151* - The Birth of Western Canada: A History of the Riel Rebellions. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xliii,1962/2,lUlt - Louis Riel. By Mason Wade, xlvi,1965/2,152 - New France: The Last Phase. 17^-1760. By Jack M. Sosin, 1.1969/ 2,198 - ed., For Want of a Horse; being a Journal of the Campaigns against the Americans in 1776-1777 conducted from Canada, by an officer who served with Lt. Gen. Burgoyne. By Richard Glover, xliii,1962/


120 / Canadian Historical Review Index Stanley, G.F.G., ed. See Lefroy, John Henry, In Search - and H.M. Jackson, Canada's Soldiers, 160U-1951*: The Military History of an Unmilitary People. By D.G.G. Kerr, xxxv ,1.95^/k ,3^5 - and H.M. Jackson, Canada's Soldiers: The Military History of an Unmilitary People, rev. ed., xlii,1961/3,250 Steck, Francis Borgia, Essays Relating to the Jolliet-Marquette Expedition, 1673. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xxxvi,1955/1,57 Steele, C. Frank, Prairie Editor: The Life and Times of Buchanan of Lethbridge. By L.G. Thomas, xlii,196lA,3W> Steeves, Dorothy G., The Compassionate Rebel: Ernest E. Winch and His Times. By W.D. Young, xliii,1962/2,158 Stein, Hilde. See Landauer, Carl, Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier Stephenson, Wendell Holmes, Southern History in the Making: Pioneer Historians of the South. By Carl N. Degler, xlvi ,1965/2,161* Stern, Fritz, The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise

of the Germanic Ideology. By John C. Cairns, xliii,1962/3,2^6

- ed., The Varieties of History from Voltaire to the Present. By Wallace K. Ferguson, xxxviii,1957/1,73 Stern, Walter M., Britain, Yesterday and Today: An Outline Economic History from the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. By Herbert Heaton, xliv, 1963/3,25*+ Stettinius, E.R., Roosevelt and the Russians: The Yalta Conference. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 Stevens, G.R. , Canadian National Railways. I: Sixty Years of Trial and Error (1936-1896). By Paul G. Cornell, xlii .^SlA.S1*!. II: Towards the Inevitable, 1896-1922. By W.L. Morton, xliii, 1962A, 346 - The Royal Canadian Regiment. II: 1933-1966. By T. Murray Hunter, 1,1969/3,321+ Stevens, S.K., Donald H. Kent and Autumn L. Leonard, eds., The Papers of Henry Bouquet. II: The Forbes Expedition. By Lawrence Henry Gipson, xxxiii,1952/1,72 Stewart, Herbert Leslie, The Irish in Hova Scotia: Annals of the Charitable Irish Society of Halifax (1786-1836). By J.I. Cooper, xxxi,1950/2,200 - Winged Words: Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker. By John C. Cairns, xxxv, 195^/2,l6k Stillman, Calvin W., ed., Africa in the Modern World. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2l+7 Stock, Leo F., ed. See Donnan, Elizabeth Stone, Lawrence, The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-16^1. By Charles M. Gray, xlvii,1966/l,73 Story, Norah, The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xlix,1968/2,170 Stourzh, Gerald, Benjamin Franklin and American Foreign Policy. By G.M. Craig, review art., xxxv,195^/2,ikO Straka, Gerald M., Anglican Reaction to the Revolution of 1688. By D.W.L. Earl, xliv, 1963/3,2*+9 Strakhovsky, Leonid I., American Opinion about Russia, 1917-1920. By Armin Rappaport, xlii, 196lA,3^6 Strauss, Eric, Irish Nationalism and British Democracy. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Strausz-Hupe, Robert and Harry W. Hazard, eds., The Idea of Colonialism. By A. Feuerwerker, xl,1959/2,11+9 Strider, Robert E.L., Jr., Robert Greville, Lord Brooke. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xl,1959/2,137

Books Reviewed: Authors / 121

Sturgis, James L., John Bright and the Empire. By J.K. Chapman, li, 1970/4,468 Supple, B.E., Commercial Crisis and Change in England, 1600-1642: A Study in the Instability of a Mercantile Economy. By Perez Zagorin, xlii,1961/1,67 Sutherland, Lucy S., The East India Company in Eighteenth-Century Politics. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,1954/3,231 - ed. , The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. II: July, 1768, to June, 1771*. By D.J. McDougall, xlii,1961/1,70 Sutherland, N.M., The French Secretaries of State in the Age of Catherine de Medici. By George A. Rothrock Jr., xliv,1963/2,183 Sweet, Jean M, See Lawson, Jessie I. Swettenham, John, To Seize the Victory: The Canadian Corps in World War.I. By A.M.J. Hyatt, xlvii,1966/3,292 - Allied Intervention in Russia, 1918-1919, and the Part Played by Canada. By William Rodney, xlix,1968/2,184 - McHaughton. I: 1887-1939- II: 1939-1943. Ill: 1944-1966. By J.L. Granatstein, li,1970/2,197 Sydenham, M.J., The Girondins. By R.R. Palmer, xliii ,1962/1,57 Sykes, Horman, The English Religious Tradition: Sketches of Its Influence on Church, State, and Society. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,1954/4,338 Sylvain, Robert, Alessandro Gavazzi (l809-l889): Clerc, Garibaldien, predicant des deux mondes, 2 vols. By Raymond Grew, xliv,1963A, 3liO Sylvester, Richard S. and Davis P. Harding, eds., Two Early Tudor Lives: The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish and The Life of Sir Thomas More by William Roper. By Elliot Rose, xliii,1962/3,238 Sylvestre, Guy, ed. See Manion, James P., A Canadian Errant Syrett, Harold C. and Jacob E. Cooke, eds., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton. By Arthur L. Jensen. Ill: 1782-1786; IV: 1787-May 1788; xliv,1963/2,169. V: June 1788-November 1789; VI: December 1789August 1790; VII: September 1790-January 1791; xlvi,1965/2,162 Taborsky, Edward, Communism in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1960. By Anna M. Cienciala, xliii,1962/2,177 Talbot, Francis Xavier, Saint among the Hurons: The Life of Jean de Bre'beuf. By Morris Bishop, xxxi,1950/3,3H Talman, James J., Basic Documents in Canadian History. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xl, 19 59 A, 346 - and Ruth Davis Talman, "Western" - 1878-1953: Being the History of the Origins and Development of the University of Western Ontario during Its First Seventy-five Years. By D.C. Masters, xxxiv,1953/ 4,361 Talman, Ruth Davis. See Talman, James J. Tanghe, Raymond, Laurier: Artisan de 1'unitS canadienne, 1841-1919By Laurier L. LaPierre, xlii,196l/4,345 Taylor, Alastair et al., Peacekeeping: International Challenge and Canadian Response. By R.B. Byers, li,1970/1,91 Taylor, A.J.P., The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918. By Robert A. Spencer, xxxvi,1955/4,364 - Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman. By R.A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170 - The Trouble Makers: Dissent over Foreign Policy 1792-1939- By H.W. McCready, review art., xxxix,1958/2,147

122 / Canadian Historical Review Index Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War. By Robert Spencer, xliii,1962/2,136

- English History, 191U-19U5. By Trevor Lloyd, xlvii,1966A,389

- ed. See Pares, Richard Taylor, Don, The Rhodesian: The Life of Sir Roy Welensky. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2kj Taylor, Telford, The March of Conquest: The German Victories in Western Europe, 191*0. By R.A. Spencer, xl,1959/1,% Temperley, Harold. See Grant, A.J. Templewood, Viscount, Nine Troubled Years. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Tennant, Kylie, Australia: Her Story: Notes on a Nation. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195^/3,231 Tessier, Albert, Les Forges Saint-Maurice (1729-1883). By Allana G. Seid, xxxiv,1953/2,175 Theobald, A.B., The Mahdiya: A History of the Soudan, l88l to 1899By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Thistlethwaite, Frank, The Great Experiment. By Kenneth MeNaught, xxxvii,1956/2,187 Thomas, Brinley, Migration and Economic Growth: A Study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy. By W.T. Easterbrook, xxxvi,1955/ 1,67 Thomas, Clara, Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson. By Phyllis Grosskurth, xlviii,1967/3,278 - Ryerson of Upper Canada. By Frederick H. Armstrong, li ,1970A,l+5l* Thomas, Hartley Munro, UWO Contingent COTC, The History of the Canadian Officers' Training Corps at the University of Western Ontario. By J. MacKay Hitsman, xxxviii,1957/3,255 Thomas, Ivor Bulmer-. See Bulmer-Thomas Thomas, Lewis Herbert, The Struggle for Responsible Government in the North-West Territories, 1870-97. By John T. Saywell, xxxvii, 1956/3,271* Thomas, L.G., The Liberal Party in Alberta: A History of Politics in the Province of Alberta, 1905-1921. By Ramsay Cook, xli,1960/1,80 Thompson, E.A., The Goths in Spain. By Walter Goffart, li,1970/2,212 Thompson, E.P., William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Thompson, Faith, A Short History of Parliament, 1295-16U2. By F.D. Blackley, xxxv,195^/2,163 Thompson, Frederic F., The French Shore Problem in Newfoundland: An Imperial Study. By Robert Craig Brown, xliii,1962/1,73 Thompson, F.M.L., English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century. By H.W. McCready, xlv, 1961+A,31*1 Thompson, L.M., The Unification of South Africa, 1902-1910. By Philip

D. Curtin, xli,I960 A, 357 Thompson, Paul, Socialists, Liberals and Labour: The Struggle for London, 1885-1911*. By H.W. McCready, xlix,1968/2,198 Thompson, R.T.F., ed., Life from Old Letters, 179l+-l886: From the Correspondence of Samuel Thompson, John Isaac Hawkins, Alpheus Todd, Mary Thompson, John A. Macdonald and Others. By Frederick H. Armstrong, li, 1970A, 1+56 Thompson, R.W., The Eighty-Five Days: The Story of the Battle of the Scheldt. By C.P. Stacey, xxxix,1958/2,l65 Thompson, Samuel, Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer for the Last Fifty Years (1833-1883), 2nd ed. By E.G. Guillet, 1,1969/1+,1*53

Books Reviewed: Authors / 123 Thomson, Dale, Alexander Mackenzie: Clear Grit. By Roger Graham, xlii,1961/2,151 - Louis St. Laurent, Canadian. By Walter Young, xlix,1968/2,187 Thomson, David, World History from 191^ to 1950. By Ezio Cappadooia, xxxvi,1955/3,275 Thomson, D.F.S., trs., Erasmus and Cambridge: The Cambridge Letters of Erasmus. By Elliot Rose, xlv,196U/2,158 Thomson, Don W., Men and Meridians: The History of Surveying and Mapping in Canada. I: Prior to 1867. By Courtney C.J. Bond, xlix, 1968/1,61 Thorburn, Hugh G., Politics in New Brunswick. By D.G.G. Kerr, xliii, 1962/1,70 Thorgrimsson, Thor and E.G. Russell, Canadian Naval Operations in Korean Waters, 1950-1955- By Richard A. Preston, xlviii,1967/3,282 Thorn, James, Peter Fraser, New Zealand's Wartime Prime Minister. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,281+ Thornton, A.P., West India Policy under the Restoration. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/^,300 - The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study in British Power. By John Conway, review art., xli,1960/3,22k - Doctrines of Imperialism. By L.P. Curtis Jr., xlvii,1966A,380 - The Habit of Authority: Paternalism in British History. By David Spring, xlviii,1967/1,70 - For the File on Empire: Essays and Reviews. By John E. Flint, 1, 1969/1,101* Throckmorton, Arthur L., Oregon Argonauts: Merchant Adventures on the Western Frontier. By Herbert MacDonald, xliii,1962/3,231 Tierney, Michael, ed., Daniel O'Connell: Nine Centenary Essays. By D.J. McDougall, xxxi,1950A,4l7 Tillman, Seth P., Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. By M.G. Fry, xlv,1961t/l,66 Tilly, Charles, The Vendee: A Sociological Analysis of the Counterrevolution of 1793. By David Higgs, xlvi,1965/2,181 Timberlake, James H., Prohibition and the Progressive Movement: 19001920. By Paul Merkley, xlv,196U/2,155 Timlin, Mabel F., Does Canada Need More People? By Allan G. Bogue, xxxii,1951/3,281 Timothy, Bankole, Kwame Nkrumah: His Rise to Power. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957 A, 300 Tingsten, Herbert, The Problem of South Africa, trs. Daniel Viklund. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Titmus, R.M., ed. See Bunbury, Henry Tomlinson, John R.G., ed., Additional Grenville Papers, 1763-65. By John Norris, xlv,1961*/2,157 Toronto, Ontario Historical Society, Profiles of a Province: Studies in the History of Ontario. By Peter Oliver, 1,1969/1,93 Toynbee, Arnold J., The World and the West. By F.H. Underbill, xxxiv, 1953/2,190 - A Study of History. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvi,1955/3, 222 - A Study of History, VII-X, ed. D.C. Somerville, II. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxviii,1957/3,251 - A Study of History. XII: Reconsiderations. By William Dray, xliii, 1962/1,W - America and the World Revolution and Other Lectures. By Frank H. Underbill, xliv, 1963/1,!+5

121* / Canadian Historical Review Index Toynbee, Arnold and Veronica M. Toynbee, eds., Surrey of International Affairs, 1939-19U6: The Realignment of Europe. By F.H. Soward, xxxvii,1956/l,89 Toynbee, Veronica M., ed. See Toynbee, Arnold J. Trelease, Allen W., Indian Affairs in Colonial Hew York.: The Seventeenth Century. By W.J. Eocles, xlii,1961/1,57 Tremaine, Marie, A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800. By E.R. Adair, xxxiv,1953/1,61 Trench, Charles Chenevix, Portrait of a Patriot: A Biography of John Wilkes. By John Morris, xliv,1963/2,173 Trevor-Roper, H.R., The Gentry 15HO-161+0. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv,1953A,339 - Historical Essays. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxix,1958A,333 Trigger, Bruce G., The Huron: Farmers of the North. By C.E. Heidenreich, 11,1970/1*,1*51 Trimble, William Raleigh, The Catholic Laity in Elizabethan England, 1558-1603. By Elliot Rose, xlvi,1965/^,373 Trotter, Reginald C. See Lingard, C. Cecil Trotsky, Leon, Trotsky's Diary in Exile: 1935, xl,1959/1,78 Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, Federalism and the French Canadians. By Donald V. Smiley, xlix,1968A,l*13 - ed., La GreVe de I1amiante: une Stape de la revolution industrielle au Quebec. By H.C. Pentland, xxxviii,1957/2,155 Trudel, Marcel, Louis XVI, le Congre"s amlricain et le Canada, 1771*1789. By G.S. Brown, xxxi,1950/2,191 - Le Regime militaire dans le gouvernement des Trois-Rivieres, 17601761*. By M. Elizabeth Arthur, xxxiii,1952A,388 - L'Eglise canadienne sous le regime militaire, 1759-1761*. I: Les Problemes. By Blair Neatby, xxxviii, 1957/3,21*5 - The Seigneurial Regime. By John Conway, xxxix,1958/1,73 - Histoire de la Kouvelle-France. I: Les Vaines Tentatives, 1521*1603. By W.J. Eccles, xlv,1961*A,3ll* - See Brunet, Michel, Guy Fregault Trumbull, Robert, India since Independence. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Trumpener, Ulrich, Germany and the Ottoman Empire 19ll*-19l8. By Robert F. Hopwood, li,1970/2,218 Tsuji, Masanobu, Singapore: The Japanese Version, trs. Margaret E. Lake, ed. H.V. Howe. By W.G. Saywell, xliv,1963/1,78 Tsunoda, Ryusaku et al., eds., Sources of the Japanese Tradition. By A. Feuerwerker, review art.,, xl, 1959/^,332 Tucker, Frank H., The White Conscience. By Thomas F. Gossett, li, 1970/2,223 Tucker, Gilbert N., The Naval Service of Canada: Its Official History. I: Origins and Early Years. II: Activities on Shore during the Second World War. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxv,195l*/2,153 Tucker, Glenn, Tecuinseh: Vision of Glory. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxviii,1957/1,55 Tudesq, Andre-Jean, Les Grands Notables en France (l81*0-l8!*9): Etude historique d'une psychologie sociale. By Robert F. Harney, xlvii, 1966/1,83 Tugwell, Rexford, The Democratic Roosevelt: A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Turner, Arthur C., Bulwark of the West: Implications and Problems of NATO. By Eric Harrison, xxxiv, 19 5 3 A, 371

Books Reviewed: Authors / 125 Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr., Stresemann and the Politics of the Weimar Republic. By Lewis Hertzman, xlv, 1964A,355 Turner, John Peter, The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1893, I-II. By George F.G. Stanley, xxxiii,1952/1,75 Twitty, Tom and Mason Wade, Canada - A Great Small Power. By Ronald S. Ritchie, xxxvi,1955/I,63 Uhlendorf, Bernard A. , Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals 1776-1781* of Adjutant General Major Baurmeister of the Hessian Forces. By Richard A. Preston, xxxviii,1957/2,163 Ullman, Richard H., Intervention and the War. By Stephen R. Graubard, xliii,1962/2,166 Ullman, Victor, Look to the North Star: A Life of William King. By Jane H. Pease, li,1970/1,81 Ullman, Walter, the Individual and Society in the Middle Ages. By Bryce Lyon, xlviii,1967A,390 Umfreville, Edward, The Present State of Hudson's Bay, ed. W.S. Wallace. By Richard Glover, xxxvi ,1955A,352 U.N. Dept. of Public Information, Everyman's United Nations: A Ready Reference to the Structure, Functions, and Work of the United Nations and Its Related Agencies. By ,F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Underbill, Frank H., The British Commonwealth: An Experiment in Cooperation among Nations. By A.L. Burt, xxxvii, 1956A,370 - Canadian Political Parties. By John Conway, xxxix,1958/1,73 - In Search of Canadian Liberalism. By Robin W. Winks, xlii,1961/3, 229 Unterberger, Betty Miller, America's Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920: A Study of National Policy. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxviii,1957 /2,l60 Upton, L.S.F., The Loyal Whig: William Smith of New York and Quebec. By Jack P. Greene, li,1970/1,78 - ed., The Diary and Selected Papers of Chief Justice William Smith, 1781*-1793. By Hilda Neatby. I: The Diary, January 2k, 1781* to October 5, 1785, xlv, 1961*A,315. II: The Diary, October 6, 1785 to May 18, 1787; Selected Papers 1785 to 1793, xlvii ,1966/1*,361 - ed., Issues in Canadian History. The United Empire Loyalists: Men and Myths. By J.A. Boudreau, xlix,1968/3,279 Urquhart, Hugh M., Arthur Currie: The Biography of a Great Canadian. By C.P. Stacey, xxxii,1951/l,72 U.S. Dept. of State, Germany, 19^7-191*9: The story in documents. By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 - Postwar foreign policy preparation, 1939-191*5- By Edgar Mclnnis, review art., xxxi,1950/3,303 - Confuse and Control: Soviet Techniques in Germany. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261* - Our Foreign Policy. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii, 1951/3,261* - United States Participation in the United Nations: Report by the President to the Congress for the Year 1950. By K.W. McNaught, review art., xxxiii,1952/1,6k - Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers: The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 19l*5> By G.W. Brown, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,70 - Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1938: The American Republics. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii, 1957/3,229

126 / Canadian Historical Review Index U.S. Dept. of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 19U2: China. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,299 Vaohon, Andre, Histoire du notariat canadien, 1621-1960. By Mason Wade, xliv,1963/3,2*+3 Vaillanoourt, Cyrille and Albert Faucher, Alphonse Desjadins, pionnier de la cooperation d'epargne et de credit en Amerique. By Jean-C. Falardeau, xxxii,1951/1,7^ Valentine, Alan, Lord George Germain. By W.H. Nelson, xliv,1963A,


- Lord Horth. By William B. Willcox, xlix,1968/3,303 Vali, Ferenc A., Rift and Revolt in Hungary: Nationalism versus Communism. By Anna M. Cienciala, xliii,1962/2,177 Valkenier, Elizabeth Kridl. See Landauer, Carl - and Hilde Stein Van Alstyne, Richard W., American Crisis Diplomacy: The Quest for

Collective Security, 1918-1952. By B.S. Keirstead, xxxiii,1952/U, 391*

- The Rising American Empire. By Daniel M. Smith, xliv,1963/1,57 van Jaarsveld, F.A., The Awakening of Afrikaner Nationalism, 18681881, trs. F.R. Metrowich. By Arthur Keppel-Jones, xliii ,1962/3, 2ll7 van Paassen, Pierre, A Crown of Fire: The Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola. By H.C. Porter, xli,196oA,3^5 Van Riper, Paul P., History of the United States Civil Service, xl, 1959/2,176 Van Tassel, David D., Recording America's Past: An Interpretation of the Development of Historical Studies in America, 1607-1881+. By Margaret A. Ormsby, xlii,1961/2,156 Varg, Paul A., Missionaries, Chinese, and Diplomats: The American Protestant Missionary Movement in China, 1890-1952. By A. Feuerwerker, review art., xl,1959/^,332 Vaugeois, Denis, L'Union des deux Canadas, 1791-18hO: Kouvelle Conquete? By Helen Taft Manning, xlv,196U/l,69 Vevier, Charles, ed., Siberian Journey: Down the Amur to the Pacific, 1856-1857, a new ed. of A Voyage Down the Amoor by Perry McDonough Collins. By Richard A. Pierce, xliv,1963/^,3^8 Veyret, Paul, La Population du Canada. By Watson Kirkconnell, xxxv, 195^/1,62 Viau, Roger, Cavelier de la Salle. By W.J. Eccles, xlii,1961/3,233 - Lord Durham. By Jacques Monet, xlv,1961+/2,138 Vinacke, Harold M., The United States and the Far East, 19^5-1952. By B.S. Keirstead, xxxiii, 1952/1+ ,39^ Vogel, Robert, ed., A Breviate of British Diplomatic Blue Books, 1919-1939- By M.G. Fry, xliv,1963/1*,359 von Mises, Ludwig, Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution. By John M. Horris, xl,1959/2,154 Vulliamy, C.E., John Wesley, 3rd ed. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxv,195l»A,338 Vyverberg, Henry, Historical Pessimism in the French Enlightenment. By Richard M. Saunders, xl,1959/2,158 Wade, F. Mason, The French Canadians, 1760-191+5. By Richard M. Saunders, xxxvi,1955/2,lU6. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey and R.M. Saunders, xxxvii, 1956/1,10-6-108 - ed., Regionalism in the Canadian Community, 1867-1967- By R.A. MacLean, li ,1970A,l+57

Books Reviewed: Authors / 127 Wade, Mason. See Twitty, Tom Waggoner, Madeline Sadler, The Long Haul West: The Great Canal Era, 1817-1850. By G.M. Craig, xl,1959/1,73 Wagner, Henry R., Peter Pond, Fur-trader and Explorer. By W.S. Wallace, xxxix, 1958/1,81+ Wahlgren, Erik, The Kensington Stone: A Mystery Solved. By Kristjan Eld jam, xli,1960/l,67 Wainwright, Nicholas B., George Croghan: Wilderness Diplomat. By George F.G. Stanley, xli,1960/2,172 Waite, P.B., The Life and Times of Confederation, 1865-1867: Politics, Newspapers, and the Union of British Worth America. By Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xliii,1962A,31+4 - ed., The Confederation Debates in the Province of Canada, 1865. By Robert Craig Brown, xlv,1964/2,136 - ed., Canadian Historical Documents. II: Pre-Confederation. By Michael S. Cross, xlvii,1966A,359 Walcott, Robert, Jr., English Politics in the Early Eighteenth Century. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Walker, Eric A., The British Empire: Its Structure and Spirit, 14-971953, 2nd ed. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,1954/3,231 - ed., The Cambridge History of the British Empire. VIII: South Africa, Rhodesia, and the High Commission Territories, 2nd ed. By J.H. Chettle, xlv,1964/2,161 Walker, Franklin A., Catholic Education and Politics in Upper Canada. By D.C. Masters, xxxvii,1956/3,272 - Catholic Education and Politics in Ontario: A Documentary Study. By Charles W. Humphries, xlvii,1966/4,366 Walker, F.N., ed., Daylight Through the Mountain: Letters and Labours of Civil Engineers Walter and Francis Shanly. By J.M.S. Careless, xxxviii, 1957 A, 335 Walker, Mabel Gregory, The Fenian Movement. By Hereward Senior, li, 1970/3,321 Wallace, Elisabeth, Goldwin Smith: Victorial Liberal. By David Owen, xxxix,1958/1,Ik - ed., Readings in British Government. By H.W. McCready, xxxi,1950/ 2,198 Wallace, Willard M., Sir Walter Raleigh. By S.W. Jackman, xli,1960/ 1,57 Wallace, W. Stewart, The Pedlars from Quebec and Other Papers on the Nor'Westers. By Richard Glover, xxxvi,1955/l,59 - ed. See Umfreville, Edward, The Present State Wallis, J.P.R., One Man's Hand: The Story of Sir Charles Coghlan and the Liberation of Southern Rhodesia. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxii,1951/2,143 - Fitz: The Story of Sir Percy FitzPatrick. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvii,1956/3,2^7 Wallis, Ruth Sawtell. See Wallis, Wilson D. Wallis, Wilson D. and Ruth Sawtell Wallis, The Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada. By T.F. Mcllwraith, xxxvi,1955/3,271 Wallot, Jean-Pierre. See Hare, John Walsh, H.H., The Christian Church in Canada. By A.R.M. Lower, xxxix, 1958/3,251 Walsh, Warren B., Perspectives and Patterns: Discourses on History. By Alfred G. Bailey, xliv,1963/3,262 Walsh, W.H., An Introduction to Philosophy of History. By R. Flenley,


128 / Canadian Historical Review Index Walters, P.P., A History of the League of Nations, I-II. By F.H. Soward, xxxii1,1952/3,291 Walworth, Arthur, Woodrow Wilson. I: American Prophet. II: World Prophet. By Ezio Cappadooia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 Wandycz, Piotr S., France and her Eastern Allies, 1919-1925: FrenchCzechoslovak-Polish Relations from the Paris Peace Conference to Locarno. By Anna M. Cienciala, xliv,1963/2,185 Wangermann, Ernst, From Joseph II to the JacolDin Trials: Government Policy and Public Opinion in the Habsburg Dominions in the Period of the French Revolution. By R.R. Palmer, xli,196oA,3l*6 Ward, Barbara, Policy for the West. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Ward, J.T., The Factory Movement, 1830-1855. By David Owen, xliv, 1963/3,252 Ward, John Williams, ed. See Grimke, Frederick, The Nature and Tendency Ward, Norman, The Canadian House of Commons: Representation. By Grant Dexter, xxxii,1951/2,155 - The Public Purse: A Study in Canadian Democracy. By Margaret Prang, xliv,1963 A, 3^3 - ed., A Party Politician: The Memoirs of Chubby Power. By J.L. Granatstein, xlviii,1967/3,277 - and Duff Spafford, eds., Politics in Saskatchewan. By Margaret Prang, 1,1969/3,325 Warkentin, John, ed., The Western Interior of Canada: A Record of Geographical Discovery, 1612-1917. By Morris Zaslow, xlvi,1965/2, 152 Warner, Donald F., The Idea of Continental Union: Agitation for the Annexation of Canada to the United States, 18U9-1893. By J.M.S. Careless, xliii,1962/2,153 Warren, Arnold, Wait for the Waggon: The Story of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. By R.H. Roy, xliii,1962/1,76 Warth, Robert D., The Allies and the Russian Revolution: From the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk. By Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xxxv, 19 51* A, 3^9 - Soviet Russia in World Politics. By Richard A. Pierce, xlv,196W ^,352 Watkins, Ernest, R.B. Bennett, A Biography. By J.R.H. Wilbur, xlv, 1961tA,321 Watson, Hugh Seton-. See Seton-Watson Watson, J. Steven, ed. See Costin, W.C. Watters, Reginald Eyre, A Check List of Canadian Literature and Background Materials, 1628-1950, xl,1959/2,173 Weber, Eugen, The Nationalist Revival in France, 1905-1911*. By John C. Cairns, xli,1960/2,l66 - Action Frangaise: Royalism and Reaction in Twentieth-Century France. By J.A. Laponce, xlv,196^/1,5^ - ed. See Rogger, Hans Webster, Richard A., The Cross and the Fasces: Christian Democracy and Fascism in Italy. By Raymond Grew, xlii,1961/2,173 Wedgwood, C.V., The Great Rebellion: The King's Peace, l637-l6iH. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxvi ,1955A,3^1 - Thomas Wentworth, First Earl of Strafford 1593-l61a: A Revaluation. By J.R. MacCormick, xliii, 1962/3,21+1 Weinberg, Gerhard L., Germany and the Soviet Union 1939-1941. By R. A. Spencer, review art., xxxvii,1956/2,170

Books Reviewed: Authors / 129

Weisel, George F., ed., Men and Trade on the Northwest Frontier as Shown by the Fort Owen Ledger. By M. Zaslow, xxxvii,1956/1,91* Welles, Sumner, Seven Decisions That Shaped History. By F.H. Soward, review art., xxxii,1951/3,261* Werner, H.O. See Preston, Richard A., S.F. Wise Wernham, R.B., Before the Armada: The Growth of English Foreign Policy, lit85-1588. By Wallace T. MacCaffrey, xlviii, 1967/2,175 - ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. Ill: The Counter-Reformation and Price Revolution 1559-l6lO. By Samuel Kinser, 1,1969/2,221 Weston, Corinne Comstock, English Constitutional Theory and the House of Lords, 1556-1832. By J.W. Daly, xlvii,1966/U,382 Wheare, K.C., Government by Committee: An Essay on the British Constitution. By F.H. Underbill, review art., xxxvii,1956/1,63 Wheatley, Ronald, Operation Sea Lion: German Plans for the Invasion of England 1939-191*2. By R.A. Spencer, xl,1959/1,56 Wheeler-Bennett, John W., The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-19145. By C.R. Hiscocks , xxxv, 195>*/l*,350 - King George VI: His Life and Reign. By J.B. Conacher, xli,1960/1, u5 Wh-'llans, James W. , First in the West: The Story of Henry Kelsey, Discoverer of Canadian Prairies. By W.S. Wallace, xxxvii,1956/3, 282 Whinney, Margaret and Oliver Millar, English Art, 1625-171'*• By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/l,52 Whitcomb, Philip W., trs., France during the German Occupation 19^0191*1*: A Collection of 292 Statements on the Government of Marechal Petain and Pierre Laval, 3 vols., xli ,1960/1,81* White, Leonard D., The Republican Era: 1869-1901: A Study in Administrative History. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxix,1958/3,223 White, Lynn, Jr., ed., The Transformation of the Roman World: Gibbon's Problem after Two Centuries. By Walter Goffart, xlviii,1967/2,182 White, M. Catherine, ed., David Thompson's Journals Relating to Montana and Adjacent Regions, I808-l8l2. By Richard Glover, xxxiv, 1953/1,61* White, Patrick C.T., A Nation on Trial: America and the War of 1812. By Bradford Perkins, xlvii,1966/3,276 - ed., Lord Selkirk's Diary l803-l80t*: A Journal of His Travels in British North America and the Northeastern United States. By W.S. MacNutt, xl,1959/2,165 White, R.J., Waterloo to Peterloo. By J.B. Conacher, xxxix,1958/U, 31*8 - ed., The Conservative Tradition. By A.C. Cooke, xxxii,1951/1,86 White, William C., Canon Cody of St. Paul's Church. By C.B. Sissons, xxxiv,1953A,376 Whitelaw, W.M., The Quebec Conference. By Bruce W. Hodgins, xlix, 1968/2,182 Whitelock, Dorothy et al., eds., The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Revised Translation. By Robert Brentano, xliii,1962/3,235 Wiebe, Robert H., The Search for Order, 1877-1920. By David B. Griffiths, xlix,1968/3,299 Wiedner, Donald L., A History of Africa: South of the Sahara. By A. W. Rees, xliv,1963/l,80 Wight, Martin, British Colonial Constitutions, 19l*7. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiv, 1953/3,28!+ Wild, Roland, Arctic Command: The Story of Smellie of the Nascopie. By D.G.G. Kerr, xxxvii, 1956/1*.370

130 / Canadian Historical Review Index Wilde, Richard H. , Joseph Chamberlain and the South African Republic 1695-1899. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxix,1958A,312 Wilding, Norman and Philip Laundy, An Encyclopaedia of Parliament, xl, 1959/1,7** Wiles, R.M., Serial Publication in England Before 1750. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xxxix,1958/1,52 Wilkes, John W., A Whig in Power: The Political Career of Henry Pelham. By J.M. Seattle, xlvi,1965/2,171 Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor, Carl Becker: A Biographical Study in American Intellectual History. By Ezio Cappadocia, xlii ,196lA,3W Wilkinson, B., Constitutional History of Medieval England, 1216-1399II: Politics and Constitution, 1307-1399- By C.C. Bayley, xxxiv, 1953/1,68 - Studies in the Constitutional History of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, 2nd ed. By C.C. Bayley, xxxiv,1953/1,68 - Constitutional History of England in the Fifteenth Century, 13991^85, with Illustrative Documents. By Bryce Lyon, xlvi,1965A,371 Wilks, Michael, The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages: The Papal Monarchy with Augustinus Triumphus and the Publicists. By lorman P. Zacour, xlvi,1965/3,266 Willan, T.S., The Muscovy Merchants of 1555. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195^A,331 - Studies in Elizabethan Foreign Trade, xli,1960/1,83 Willcox, William B., Star of Empire: A Study of Britain as a World Power, ll+SS-W1^. By David Spring, xxxi,1950 A,42!4 - Portrait of a General: Sir Henry Clinton in the War of Independence. By Piers Mackesy, xlvi ,1965A,367 - ed., The American Rebellion: Sir Henry Clinton's narrative of His Campaigns, 1775-1782, with an Appendix of Original Documents. By A.L. Burt, xxxvi,1955/2,151 Willey, Basil, nineteenth Century Studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold. By David Owen, xxxix,1958A,327 - More Nineteenth Century Studies: A Group of Honest Doubters. By David Owen, xxxix,1958A,327 Williams, David, A History of Modern Wales. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Williams, Eric, Education in the British West Indies. By Alice R. Stewart, xxxii,1951/3,283 Williams, Glyndwr, The British Search for the Northwest Passage in the Eighteenth Century. By L.H. Neatby, xliii,1962A,3^8 Williams, John R., The Conservative Party of Canada, 1929-19U9. By W.R. Graham, xxxvii,1956/3,275 Williams, Raymond, Culture and Society: 1780-1950. By Walter E. Houghton, xl,1959/2,1^7 Williams, Roger L., Gaslight and Shadow: The World of Napoleon III, 1851-1870. By John C. Cairns, xxxviii, 1957 A, 33^Williams, T. Desmond, ed., Historical Studies. I: Papers Read Before the Second Irish Conference of Historians, xl,1959/1,75 - ed., The Irish Struggle, 1916-1926. By Hereward Senior, xlviii, 1967 A, 389 Williamson, James A., Hawkins of Plymouth: A New History of Sir John Hawkins and of Other Members of his Family Prominent in Tudor England. By R.A. Preston, xxxi,1950/3,322 - The Tudor Age. By R.A. Preston, review art., xxxv,195^/^,331 Willis-O'Connor, H. and Madge Macbeth, Inside Government House. By James A. Gibson, xxxvi,1955/I,62

Books Reviewed: Authors / 131 Willoughby, William E., The St. Lawrence Waterway: A Study in Politics and Diplomacy. By Donald Q. Innis, xliii,1962/1,77 Willson, David Harris, King James VI and I. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/2,131 Wilson, Alan, John Northway: A Blue Serge Canadian. By J.H. Dales, xlvii,1966/3,291 - The Clergy Reserves of Upper Canada: A Canadian Mortmain. By G.M. Craig, 1,1969/2,200 Wilson, Clifford, ed., North of 55°: Canada from the 55th Parallel to the Pole. By Morris Zaslow, xxxvi,1955/2,158 Wilson, C.H., ed. See Rich, E.E. Wilson, Edmund, The American Earthquake: A Documentary of the Twenties and Thirties, xl,1959/I,78 - Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War. By Don E. Fehrenbacher, xliv,1963/1,56 Wilson, Robert. See Mansergh, Nicholas Wilson, R. Jackson, In Quest of Community: Social Philosophy in the United States, 1860-1920. By David W. Noble, 1,1969/1*,U69 Wilson, Thomas, ed., Ulster under Home Rule. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/^,300 Windrich, Elaine, British Labour's Foreign Policy. By R.A. Preston, xxxiii,1952A,396 Winks, Robin W., Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years. By P.B. Waite, xlii,196l/2,l60 - Canadian-West Indian Union: A Forty-Year Minuet. By Alice R. Stewart, li,1970/2,19l* - et al., eds., Four Fugitive Slave Narratives. By Carl N. Degler, li,1970/I,99 Winslow, Kathryn, Big Pan-out. By M. Zaslow, xxxii, 1951 A,395 Winther, Oscar Osburn, The Great Northwest: A History. By Walter H. Sage, xxxii,1951/1,81* - The Old Oregon Country: A History of Frontier Trade, Transportation and Travel. By Walter N. Sage, xxxii, 1951/1*81* Winzerling, Oscar William, Acadian Odyssey. By Mason Wade, xxxvii, 1956/2,179 Wise, S.F. and Robert Craig Brown, Canada Views the United States: Nineteenth-Century Political Attitudes. By Louis Hartz, 1,1969/2, 195 - See Preston, Richard A. - and H.O. Werner Wiseman, H.A., A Short History of the British West Indies. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxiii,1952/3,272 Witting, Clifford, ed. See Wurtzburg, C.E., Raffles Wood, Anthony, Nineteenth Century Britain, 1815-1911*, xli, 1960/1*,362 Wood, Herbert Fairlie, Strange Battleground: The Operations in Korea and Their Effects on the Defence Policy of Canada. By Richard A.

Preston, xlviii,1967/3,282

Wood, H.G., Freedom and Necessity in History. By William Dray, xxxix,

1958/1*,332 Woodcock, George, Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements. By John C. Cairns, xliv,1963/3,258 - and Ivan Avakumovic, The Doukhobors. By C. Berger, 1,1969/1* ,^^ Woodruff, Philip, The Men Who Ruled India: The Founders. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxv,195l*/3,231 - The Men Who Ruled India: The Guardians. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236

132 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Woods, John A., ed. , The Correspondence of iSdnmnd Burke. IV: July 1778-June 1782. By John M. Norris, xlvi,1965/3,259

Woods, Frederick, A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill. By Trevor Lloyd, xlv,196U/2,l60 Woodward, C. Vann, American Attitudes toward History. By Alfred G. Bailey, xxxvii,1956/1,95 - ed. See Fitzhugh, George, Cannibals All Woodward, Llewellyn, Great Britain and the War of 191^-1918. By G. W.L. Nicholson, xlix,1968/2,200 Wooster, Ralph A., The Secession Conventions of the South. By Henry H. Simms, xliii,1962/3,231 Wormald, B.H.G., Clarendon: Politics, History and Religion, 16UO1660. By D.J. McDougall, xxxiii,1952/2,169 Wormuth, Francis D., The Origins of Modern Constitutionalism. By D. J. McDougall, xxxi,1950/l,73 Worthington, Larry, Amid the Guns Below: The Story of the Canadian Corps, 191U-1919. By A.M.J. Hyatt, xlvii,1966/3,292 Wrench, John Evelyn, Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxvii,1956/^,356 Wright, Esther Clark, The Saint John River. By J.B. Conacher, xxxi, 1950/2,200 - The Loyalists of New Brunswick. By W.H. Nelson, xxxvii,1956/2,180 Wright, Harrison M., New Zealand, 1769-181+0: Early Years of Western Contact, xli,1960/3,257 Wright, J.F.C., Saskatchewan: The History of a Province. By Walter N. Sage, xxxvi,1955A,358 - Prairie Progress: Consumer Co-operation in Saskatchewan. By Jean Burnet, xxxviii,1957/1,76 Wright, Noel, Quest for Franklin. By L.H. Heathy, xli,1960/1,72 Wrigley, E.A., Population and History. By Edward Shorter, li,1970/ 2,221 Wrong, Dennis H., American and Canadian Viewpoints. By Kenneth McNaught, xxxvii,1956/3,282 Wurtzburg, C.E. , Raffles of the Eastern Isles, ed. Clifford Witting. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxvi,1955/3,236 Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War against Slavery. By G.M. Craig, li,1970/3,3^1 Wyman, Walker D. and Clifton B. Kroeber, eds., The Frontier in Perspective. By Morris Zaslow, xxxix,1958A,351 Yeselson, Abraham, United States-Persian Diplomatic Relations, 18831921. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3,229 Yinger, J. Milton, ed. See Simpson, George E. Young, Alfred F., ed., Dissent: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. By Ray Ginger, 1,1969/^,^76 Young, C.M. See Jennings, Ivor Young, Charles R., The English Borough and Royal Administration, 1130-1307. By Helen M. Cam, xliii,1962/2,160 Young, D.M., The Colonial Office in the Early Nineteenth Century. By Paul Knaplund, xliii,1962/2,163 Young, George Berkeley. See Grenville, J.A.S. Young, G.M., Stanley Baldwin. By J.B. Conacher, review art., xxxiv, 1953A,339 Young, Marilyn Blatt, The Rhetoric of Empire: American China Policy, 1895-1901. By Samuel F. Wells Jr., li,1970/1,98

Books Reviewed: Authors / 133 Young, Walter D., The Anatomy of a. Party: The National CCF, 19326l. By Norman Ward, li,1970/3,325 Youngson, A.J., The British Economy, 1920-1957• By J.B. Conacher, xlii,1961/3,2U6 Yule, George, The Independents in the English Civil War. By W.W. Piepenburg, review art., xl,1959/2,137 Yuzyk, Paul, The Ukrainians in Manitoba: A Social History. By Watson Kirkconnell, xxxv,195^/1,61 Zacour, Norman, An Introduction to Medieval Institutions. By J.G. Rowe, li,1970/3,3^ Zakuta, Leo, A Protest Movement Becalmed: A Study of the CCF. By Kenneth McNaught, xlvi,1965/1,52. See also correspondence of L. Zakuta and K. McNaught, xlvi, 1965/1*,397-99 Zaslow, Morris, ed., The Defended Border: Upper Canada and the War of 1812. By Bradford Perkins, xlvi, 1965/2,11*9 Zeldin, Theodore, The Political System of Napoleon III, xl,1959/3, 256 Zeller, Gaston, Les Temps modernes. I: De Christophe Colomb a Cromwell. By John C. Cairns, xxxv,195^/3,26l Zeman, Z.A.B., ed., Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918: Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry. By Robert H. McNeal, review art., xl,1959/2,11*2 Zetland, Marquess of, 'Essayez': The Memoirs of Lawrence, Second Marquess of Zetland. By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957 A, 300 Zinkin, Maurice, Development for Free Asia, By D.J. McDougall, review art., xxxviii,1957/^,300 Zitterberg, Hans L., ed., Sociology in the United States of America: A Trend Report. By Ezio Cappadocia, review art., xxxviii,1957/3, 229 Zubek, John P. and Patricia Anne Solberg, Doukhobors at War. By Geo. W. Simpson, xxxiv,1953/l,67 Zubkowski, Ludwik Kos-Rabcewicz-. See Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski

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6 Books Reviewed: Reviewers

Abbot, ¥.W. Royal Government and Political Conflict in Jamaica, 17291783, by George Metcalf, xlvii,1966 A, 385 Abella, I.M. Soldiers of the International: A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929, by William Rodney, 1,1969A,^55 Accinelli, R.D. Isolationism in America, 1935-19^*1» by Manfred Jonas, xlviii,1967/2,171 - America, Russia, and the Cold War, 19^5-1966, by Walter LaFeber, xlix,1968A,i*l*l* Acland, James. Canada Builds, 1867-1967, by T. Ritchie, 1,1969/1,92 Adair, E.R. Historians and Their Craft: A Study of the Presidential Addresses of the American Historical Association, l88U-19^55 by Herman Ausubel, xxxii,1951/2,166 - Bibliography of British History: The Eighteenth Century, 17lU1789, ed. Stanley Pargellis and D.J. Medley, xxxii ,1951 A,381* - The Bias of Communication, by Harold A. Innis, xxxiii ,1952 A,393 - A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800, by Marie Tremaine, xxxiv,1953/1,6l - Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the William L. Clements Library, by W.S. Ewing, xxxv,195^/1,67 - Hernan Cortes, Conqueror of Mexico, by Salvador de Madariaga, xxxvii,1956/2,188 - New Letters of David Hume, ed. Raymond Klibansky and Ernest C. Mossner, xxxvii,1956/2,169 Adams, Geoffrey. The New Cambridge Modern History. VIII: The American and French Revolutions, 1763-93, ed. A. Goodwin, xlviii,1967/ 1,81 Adams, Graham, Jr. Violence in America: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. A Staff Report to the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, ed. Hugh David Graham and Ted Robert Gurr, 2 vols., li,1970/1,102 Adelman, Howard. J.G. Herder on Social and Political Culture, trs. and ed. F.M. Barnard, li,1970/2,223 - History, The Last Things Before the Last, by Siegfried Kracauer, li,1970/2,223

136 / Canadian Historical Review Index Adler, Selig. The American Liberals and the Russian Revolution, by Christopher Lasch, xlv,196L|./l,65 Aitchison, J.H. Essays in Canadian Economic History, by Harold A. Innis, ed. Mary Q. Innis, xxxviii,1957A,328 Allen,-A.R. The Cross in Canada: Vignettes of the Churches across Four Centuries, ed. John S. Moir, xlviii,1967/3,281 Andrew, G.C. Canada's Crisis in Higher Education, ed. C.T. Bissell, xxxix,1958/2,156 Anglin, Douglas G. Divided Island: Faction and Unity on Saint Pierre, by William A. Christian Jr., li ,1970A,^6l Aria, Richard. Provincial Autonomy, Minority Rights and the Compact Theory, 1867-1921/L'Autonomie provinciale, les droits des minorites et la theorie du pacte, 1867-1921, by Ramsay Cook, li,1970/3,3l6 Armstrong, Frederick H. The Tiger of Canada West, by W.H. Graham, xliv,1963/2,158 - The Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman, by Edwin C. Guillet, 2 vols., xlv,196U/3,249 - Toronto: Ho Mean City, by Eric Arthur, xlvi,1965/3,2^9 - Toronto during the French Regime, by Percy J. Robinson, xlvii,1966 /1.67 - Ryerson of Upper Canada, by Clara Thomas, li ,1970A ,^5**

- Life from Old Letters, 179lt-l886: From the Correspondence of Samuel Thompson, John Isaac Hawkins, Alpheus Todd, Mary Thompson, John A. Macdonald and Others, ed. R.T.F. Thompson, li,1970A,l+56 Arthur, Eric R. Church Architecture in New France, by Alan Gowans, xxxvi ,1955A,367 Arthur, M. Elizabeth. Le Regime militaire dans le gouvernement des

Trois-Rivieres, 1760-6U, by Marcel Trudel, xxxiii,1952A,388

- La Civilisation traditionelle de I1"habitant" aux XVII6 et XVIIIs siecles: fonds materiel, by Robert-Lionel Se"guin, 1,1969/1,89 Art2, Frederick B. The Political Uses of History: A S'tudy of Historians in the French Restoration, by Stanley Mellon, xl,1959/2,157 Ashley, C.A. Toronto Hydro Recollections, by E.M. Ashworth, xxxvi, 1955A.368 Avakumovic, Ivan. Hoveishaya Istoriya. II: 1939-1959, by N.I. Somin et al., xlii,1961/2,176 - Polish-Soviet Relations, 1932-1939, by Bohdan B. Budurowycz, xlvi, 1965/1,76 Bailey, A.G. Main Currents of Western Thought: Readings in Western European Intellectual History from the Middle Ages to the Present, ed. Franklin Le Van Baumer, xxxiv,1953/l,7U

- Historical Inevitability, by Isaiah Berlin, xxxvii,1956/1,95 - American Attitudes toward History, by C. Vann Woodward, xxxvii, 1956/1,95 - Studia Varia: Royal Society of Canada Literary and Scientific Papers, ed. E.G.D. Murray, xxxviii, 1957A,329 - Perspectives and Patterns: Discourses on History, by Warren B. Walsh, xliv,1963/3,262 Bailyn, Bernard. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. I: January 6, 1706 through December 31, 173^, ed. Leonard W. Labaree et al., xli,1960 /3.2U7 - Revivalism and Separatism in Hew England, 17^0-1800: Strict Congregationalists and Separate Baptists in the Great Awakening, by C.C. Goen, xlv,196U/3,2Ul

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 137 Balderston, Walter. Louis XV: The Monarchy in Decline, by G.P. Gooch, xxxviii,1957/3,251* Bankwitz, Philip C.F. War Memoirs, General de Gaulle: Unity, 19^21944, "by Charles de Gaulle, trs. Richard Howard, xli,1960/2,l68 Bargar, B.D. Henry Hamilton and George Rogers Clark in the American Revolution, with the Unpublished Journal of Lieut. Gov. Henry Hamilton, ed. John D. Barnhart, xxxiii,1952/1,79 - The French Invasion of Western Pennsylvania, 1753, by Donald H. Kent, xxxvi,1955/1,58 Barton, H.A. A History of Modern France. I: The Old Regime and the Revolution, 1715-1799, "by Alfred Cobban, new ed., xliv,1963/2,18U Baudry, Rene. Sixteenth-Century Maps Relating to Canada: A Check-List and Bibliography, Ottawa, Public Archives of Canada, xxxviii,1957/ i+,330 Bayley, C.C. Constitutional History of Medieval England, 1216-1399. II: Politics and the Constitution, 1307-1399, by B. Wilkinson,


- Studies in the Constitutional History of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, by B. Wilkinson, 2nd ed., xxxiv,1953/1,68 - Europe: The Emergence of an Idea, by Denya Hay, xxxix,1958/3,258 - The Origin of Civilized Societies, by Rushton Coulborn, xli,1960/ 1,53 - War in the Modern World, by Theodore Ropp, xli ,1960/3,238 - Florentine Politics and Society, 13^3-1378, by Gene A. Brucker, xliii,1962A,357 - Europe in Transition, 1300-1520, by Wallace K. Ferguson, xlv,196H /1,51 - The Life of Niccolo Machiavelli, by Roberto Ridolfi, trs. Cecil Grayson, xlv,196i*/2,l66 - Studies in Medieval Legal Thought: Public Law and the State, 11001322, by Gaines Post, xlvi,196s/1*,376 Beales, Derek. 'The Most English Minister ': The Policies and Politics of Palmerston, by Donald Southgate, xlviii ,1967A,385 Beame, Edmond M. The Six Bookes of a Commonweale: A Facsimile reprint of the English translation of 1606 Corrected and supplemented in the light of a new comparison with the French and Latin Texts, ed. Kenneth Douglas McRae, xliv,1963A,360 - Catherine de Medici, by Jean Heritier, trs. Charlotte Haldane, xlv, 1964A,3U8 Beattie, J.M. The Fourth Earl of Sandwich: Diplomatic Correspondence, 1763-1765, ed. Frank Spencer, xliii,1962/2,162 - Eighteenth Century England, by Dorothy Marshall, xliv,1963/3,250 - Public Opinion, Propaganda, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century England: A Study of the Jew Bill of 1753, by Thomas W. Perry, xlv, 196^/2,159 - A Whig in Power: The Political Career of Henry Pelham, by John W. Wilkes, xlvi,1965/2,171 - The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. VI: July 1789-December 1791, ed. Alfred Cobban and Robert A. Smith, xlix,1968/2.191* Beattie, R.N. The Columbia, by Stewart Holbrook, xxxviii,1957/1,61 Bennett, George. British Prime Ministers of the Nineteenth Century: Policies and Speeches, by Joseph Hendershot Park, xxxii,1951/1,88 Benton, John F. The Medieval Town, by Fritz Rorig, li ,1970/^,^73 Berger, C. Davidson Black: A Biography, by Dora Hood, xlvi,1965/3, 255

138/ Canadian Historical Review Index Berger, C. Charles Mair, Literary Nationalist, by Norman Shrive, xlvii,1966/U,36? - The Doukhobors, by George Woodcock and Ivan Avakumovic, 1,1969 Aj


Bergeron, Gerard. The Canadian Political Nationality, by Donald V. Smiley, xlix,1968/2,191 Berman, William C. The Loneliest Campaign: The Truman Victory of 19W, by Irvin Ross, xlix,1968 A,1+1+3 Best, Geoffrey. English Philanthropy, 1660-1960, by David Owen, xlvi, 1965A,375 Bishop, Morris. Saint among the Hurons: The Life of Jean de Brebeuf, by Francis Xavier Talbot, xxxi,1950/3,311 Blackley, F.D. A Short History of Parliament, 1295-161+2, by Faith Thompson, xxxv,195^/2,163 - John, King of England, by John T. Appleby, xl,1959/3,253 Blain, Jean. Canada under Louis XIV, 1663-1701, by W.J. Eccles, xlvi, 1965/2,lW Bliss, Michael. Canada's First Bank: A History of the Bank of Montreal, II, by Merrill Denison, xlix,1968/3,288 - Radical Politics and Canadian Labour 1880-1930, by Martin Robin, li,1970/2,195 Bloore, Ron. Painting in Canada, A History, by J. Russell Harper, xlviii,1967/1+,369 Blum, George P. The Outlawed Party: Social Democracy in Germany, 1878-1890, by Vernon L. Lidke, xlviii,1967A,396 Bodger, John Charles. Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy, by Ella Lonn, xxxiii,1952/3,297 Bogue, Allan G. Does Canada Need More People? by Mabel F. Timlin, xxxii,1951/3,281 Bond, C.C.J. Men and Meridians: The History of Surveying and Mapping in Canada. I: Prior to 1867, by Don W. Thomson, xlix,1968/1,61 Bonenfant, Jean-Charles. Jesuit and Savage in New France, by J.H. Kennedy, xxxii,1951/1,78 - The History of Canada or New France, by Frangois Du Creux, trs. Percy J. Robinson, ed. James B. Conacher. Vol. I, xxxiii,1952/2, 173. Vol. II, xxxiv,1953/1,60 - Essays Relating to the Jolliet-Marquette Expedition, l673, by Francis Borgia Steck, xxxvi,1955/1,57 - Our Living Tradition: Seven Canadians, ed. Claude T. Bissell, xxxix,1958/3,25!+ - The Life and Times of Confederation, 186U-1867: Politics, newspapers, and the Union of British North America, by P.B. Waite, xliii,1962A,31*l+ - The Canadians, 1867-1967, ed. J.M.S. Careless and R. Craig Brown, xlviii,1967A,372 - The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature, by Norah Story, xlix,1968/2,170 Bosher, John. The Sense of History: Secular and Sacred, by M.C. D'Arcy, xli,1960/1,66 - On the Philosophy of History, by Jacques Maritain, xli,I960/I,66 - The Persecution of Huguenots and French Economic Development, 16801720, by Warren C. Scoville, xlii,1961/2,165 - Parliamentary Government in France: Revolutionary Origins, 17891791, by R.K. Gooch, xlii, 196lA,355 - The New Cambridge Modern History. V: The Ascendancy of France, 161+8-88, ed. F.L. Carsten, xliii ,1962/2,171

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 139 Bosher, John. French Profiles: Prophets and Pioneers, by G.P. Gooch, xliv,1963/1,70 - Tocqueville and the Old Regime, by Richard Herr, xliv,1963/4,362 - The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799: A Study in the History of Ideas, by James A. Leith, xlvii,1966/2,188 - The Parlement of Paris, by J.H. Shennan, li,1970/1,107 Bosnitch, S.D. History of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, I, by Ivan Avakumovic, xlvi,1965/2,181+ Bothwell, Robert. Smallwood, the Unlikely Revolutionary, by Richard Gwyn, li,1970A,463 Boudreau, J.A. Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada, 1895-1900: Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest, by Vladimir J. Kaye, xlvi,1965/3,254 - The Clear Spirit: Twenty Canadian Women and Their Times, ed. Mary Quayle Innis, xlviii,1967/4,373 - Changing Perspectives in Canadian History: Selected Problems, ed. K.A. MacKirdy et al., xlix,1968/3,279 - Search for a Nation: French-English Relationships in Canada Since 1759, by Janet Kerr Morchain, xlix,1968/3,279 - Canadian Historical Readings. Approaches to Canadian History, ed. Carl Berger; Upper Canadian Politics in the l850's, ed. Craig Brown; Confederation, ed. Ramsay Cook; Politics of Discontent, ed. Ramsay Cook; xlix,1968/3,279 - Issues in Canadian History. The King-Byng Affair, 1926: A Question of Responsible Government, ed. Roger Graham; The French Canadians, 1759-1766; Conquered? Half-Conquered? Liberated? ed. Cameron Nish; Racism or Responsible Government: The French Canadian Dilemma of the 1840's, ed. Elizabeth Nish; The United Empire Loyalists: Men and Myths, ed. L.F.S. Upton; xlix,1968/3,279 - Agrarian Socialism: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan, A Study in Political Sociology, new ed., by S.M. Lipset, li,1970/2,196 Bovey, John A. Northern Labrador and Quebec Journals and Correspondence, 1819-35, ed. K.G. Davies, xlvi,1965/3,247 Bowen, D.G. The Victorian Church in Decline: Archbishop Tait and the Church of England, 1868-1882, by P.T. Marsh, li,1970/4,469 Bowsfield, Hartwell. Fur Trade and Empire: George Simpson's Journal Entitled Remarks Connected with the Fur Trade in the Course of a Voyage from York Factory to Fort George and Back to York Factory 1824-25 with Related Documents, rev, ed., by Frederick Merk, 1, 1969/2,208 Boyle, John W. The Restless Dominion: The Irish Free State and the British Commonwealth of Nations, 1921-31, by D.W. Harkness, li, 1970/2,211 - The Irish Convention, 1917-18, by R.B. McDowell, li,1970/3,332 Brady, Alexander. Huskisson and His Age, by C.R. Fay, xxxiv,1953/4, 367 - Round about Industrial Britain, 1830-1860, by C.R. Fay, xxxiv, 1953/4,367 - Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs: Problems of Wartime Cooperation and Post-war Change, 1939-1952, by Nicholas Mansergh, xli,1960/4,358 - Commonwealth Perspectives, by Nicholas Mansergh, Robert Wilson et al., xli,1960/4,358 - Documents and Speeches on Commonwealth Affairs, 1952-1962, ed. Nicholas Mansergh, xlvi,1965/1,55

ikO I Canadian Historical Review Index Brady, Trent M. Spain in America, by Charles Gibson, xlix,1968/1,70 - Spanish Policy in Colonial Chile: The Struggle for Social Justice, 1535-1700, by Eugene E. Korth, 1,1969/3,339 Brebner, J.B. The Canadian Oxford Atlas, ed. Clinton Lewis and J.D. Campbell, xxxiii,1952/1,71 - Changing Concepts of Time, by Harold A. Innis, xxxiv,1953/2,171 - The Fur Trade in Canada: An introduction to Canadian Economic History, by Harold A. Innis, rev. ed., xxxviii,1957/l,52 Brecher, Michael. The American Record in the Far East, 19^5-1951, by Kenneth Scott Latourette, xxxiv,1953/1,77 - Glimpses of World History: Being Further Letters to his Daughter, Written in Prison, and Containing a Rambling Account of History for Young People, by Jawaharlal Nehru, xliv,1963/1,76 Brehaut, William. A History of Public Education in British Columbia, by F. Henry Johnson, xlvii,1966/2,166 Brentano, Robert. Church, Kingship, and Lay Investiture in England, 1089-1135, by Norman F. Cantor, xl,1959/1,63 - Le Jubile de Saint Thomas Becket du XIII6 au XVs siecle (12201^70): Etude et documents, by Raymonde Foreville, xli,1960/1,55 - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Revised Translation, ed. Dorothy Whitelock et al., xliii,1962/3,235 - The Church and Economic Activity in the Middle Ages, by J. Gilchris li,1970A,W Brinton, Crane. An Introduction to Eighteenth Century France, by John Lough, xli,1960/3,235 Brock, Peter. The Quakers in Canada, A History, by Arthur Garratt Borland, 1,1969/2,19U Brooks, Robin. The Eleventh Pillar: New York State and the Federal Constitution, by Linda Grant De Pauw, li,1970/3,335 Brown, R. Craig. The French Shore Problem in Newfoundland: An Imperial Study, by Frederic F. Thompson, xliii,1962/1,73 - Champlain: The Life of Fortitude, by M.G. Bishop, xlv,1961+/2,136 - Lord Durham's Report, ed. G.M. Craig, xlv,1961*/2,136 - Laurier: A Study in Canadian Politics, by J.W. Dafoe, xlv,196^/2, 136 - The Rowell-Sirois Report, ed. D.V. Smiley, xlv,196W2,136 - The Confederation Debates in the Province of Canada, 1865, ed. P. B. Waite, xlv,1961*/2,136 Brown, G.S. Louis XVI, le Congre"s araericain et le Canada, 1771+-1789, by Marcel Trudel, xxxi,1950/2,191 - Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation in Canada, Australia and the United States, by A.H. Birch, xxxvii,1956/l,82 Brown, George W. John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, by Samuel Flagg Bemis, xxxi,1950/2,193 - The Atlantic Civilization: Eighteenth Century Origins, by Michael Kraus, xxxii,1951/2,158 - in review article: Great Britain and the United States: A History of Anglo-American Relations, 1783-1952, by H.C. Allen; The Passing of American Neutrality, 1937-19^1, by Donald F. Drummond; America's Rise to World Power, 1898-195^, by Foster Rhea Dulles; The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy: Its Concepts, Strategy, and Limits, by William Y. Elliott et al.; Empire on the Pacific: A Study in American Continental Expansion, by Norman A. Graebner;

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / lUl Chance or Destiny: Turning Points in American History, by Oscar Handlin; A History of United States Foreign Policy, by Julius W. Pratt; Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers: The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 19^5, U.S. Dept. of State; xxxvii, 1956/1,70 Brown, Malcolm. Official History of the Canadian Medical Services, 1939-19^5, ed. W.R. Feasby. I: Organization and Campaigns, xxxviii, 1957/2,15k. II: Clinical Subjects, xxxv,195^/1,62 Bruche'si, Jean. Canada: Nation and Neighbour, by Arthur R.M. Lower, xxxiii,1952A,387 Brucker, Gene A. Jacopo Sadoleto, lUT7-15^7: Humanist and Reformer, by Richard M. Douglas, xl,1959A,336 Briickmann, John. Simon de Montfort, by Margaret Wade Labarge, xliv, 1963/1,60 Brunet, Michel. Le XVIIIe Siecle. I: La France et le monde de 1715 a 1789. II: Les Forces internationales, by Edmond Preclin, xxxiv,


- The Canadian Identity, by W.L. Morton, xliii,1962/1,68 - The Future of Canadian Federalism/L'Avenir du federalisme canadien, ed. P.-A. Crepeau and C.B. Macpherson, xlvii,1966/2,165 - Quebec: The Revolutionary Age, 1760-1791, by Hilda Neatby, xlviii, 1967/2,159 - Quebec Confronts Canada, by Edward M. Corbett, 1,1969/1,97 - Canada: Europe's Last Chance, by Claude Julien, trs. Penny Williams, 1,1969/1,97 Buchanan, John H. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution, by C. Hill, xlvii,1966A, 383 - Cranfield: Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts, The Career of Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, by Menna Prestwick, 1,1969 /I,100 Buel, Richard, Jr. Pamphlets of the American Revolution, 1750-1776. I: 1750-1765, ed. Bernard Bailyn, xlvii,1966/2,168 - Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, by James Madison, xlviii,1967/1,85 - 1787, The Grand Convention, by Clinton Rossiter, xlviii,1967/1,85 Bumsted, J.M. Agents and Merchants: British Colonial Policy and the Origins of the American Revolution, 1763-1775, by Jack M. Sosin, xlvii,1966/3,272 - The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution 1763-1776, by Merrill Jensen, 1,1969/2,207 Burnet, Jean. Prairie Progress: Consumer Co-operation in Saskatchewan, by F.C. Wright, xxxviii,1957/1,76 Burns, Robin B. The Assassination of D'Arcy McGee, by T.P. Slattery, li,1970/1,83 Burns, Robert E. The Fall of Parnell, 1890-91, by F.S.L. Lyons, xli, I960 A, 35^ - Orangeism in Ireland and Britain, 1795-1836, by Hereward Senior, xlix,1968/l,8l - The Irish Question 1800-1922, by Lawrence J. McCaffrey, 1,1969/2, 218 - John Dillon: A Biography, by F.S.L. Lyons, 1,1969 A,^l*Burt, A.L. Henry Marshall Tory, Beloved Canadian, by E.A. Corbett, xxxv.WS^A.SW - La Societl canadienne sous le regime frangais, by Guy Frlgault, xxxv,195^/^,351

1^2 / Canadian Historical Review Index Burt, A.L. The Undefended Border: The Myth and the Reality, by C.P. Stacey, xxxv, 195VA,351 - Louis Kiel: Patriot or Rebel? by G.F.G. Stanley, xxxv,195V1*,351 - The American Rebellion: Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative of His Campaigns, 17T5-1T82, with an Appendix of Original Documents, ed. William B. Willcox, xxxvi,1955/2,151 - The Age of Mackenzie King: The Rise of the Leader, by U.S. Ferns and B. Ostry, xxxvii,1956/2,177- See also correspondence of H.S. Ferns, xxxvii,1956A,392 - The British Commonwealth: An Experiment in Co-operation among Nations, by Frank H. Underbill, xxxvii, 1956A,370 - Histoire du Canada, "by Gustave Lanctot. I: Des origines au regime royal, xli,196oA,330. II: Du regime royal au traite d'Utrecht 1663-1713, xlv,196it/2,131t - Prologue to War: England and the United States, 1805-1812, by Bradford Perkins, xliii,1962/2,151 - Amherst and Canada, by Louis des Cognets Jr., xliv,1963/3,236 Buxton, George. Canada's Flying Heritage, by Frank H. Ellis, xxxvi,


Byers, R.B. Canada in World Affairs. 1957-1959, by Trevor Lloyd; 1961-1963, by Peyton V. Lyon; li,1970/1,91 - Peacekeeping: International Challenge and Canadian Response, by Alastair Taylor et al., li,1970/1,91 Byng, J,L. Cranmer-. See Cranmer-Byng Cahill, Gilbert A. The Catholic Question in English Politics, 18201830, by G.I.T. Machin, xlvii,1966/l,77 Cairns, John C. Liberalism as a Force in History. Lectures on Aspects of the Liberal Tradition, by Paul Wallace Gates, Helen Maud Cam and Hajo Holborn, xxxiv, 1953A.378 - Winged Words: Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker, by H.L. Stewart, xxxv,195^/2,16^ - Les Temps modernes. I: De Christophe Colomb a Cromwell, by Gaston Zeller, xxxv,195^/3,26l - The European Nobility in the Eighteenth Century: Studies of the Mobilities of the Major European States in the Pre-Reform Era, ed. A. Goodwin, xxxv,195^/3,262 - Etudes sur la Revolution frangais, by Georges Lefebvre, xxxvi, 1955/1,72 - La Revolution frangais et 1'Empire napoleonien, by Andre Fugier, xxxvi,1955/1,73 - Democracy and Marxism, by H.B. Mayo, xxxvii,1956/1,87 - Le XIXs Siecle. I: De 1815 a 1871: 1'Europe des nationalites et 1'eVeil de nouveaux mondes. II: De 1871 a 191^, I1apogee de 1' Europe, by Pierre Renouvin, xxxvii,1956/I,88 - Six Historians, by Ferdinand Schevill, xxxviii,1957/2,162 - Gaslight and Shadow: The World of Napoleon III, 1851-1870, by Roger L. Williams, xxxviii ,1957A,331* - The Old Regime, 1713-63, ed. J.O. Lindsay, xxxix,1958/3,2hk - Laws and Explanation in History, by William Dray, xxxix,1958/^,330 - Carl Becker's Heavenly City Revisited, ed. Raymond 0. Rockwood, xl, 1959/2,156 - Detachment and the Writing of History: Essays and Letters of Carl L. Becker, ed, Phil L. Snyder, xl,1959/2,156 - The Nationalist Revival in France, 1905-191^, by Eugen Weber, xli, 1960/2,166

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / ll+3

Cairns, John C. Three Against the Third Republic: Sorel, Barrls, and Maurras, by Michael Curtis, xli,1960/l*,3l*9 - France, Steadfast and Changing: The Fourth to the Fifth Republic, by Raymond Aron, xlii,1961/1,80 - Hitler Confronts England, by Walter Ansel, xlii,1961/2,IT1* - Mr. Carr of State: Forty-Seven Years in the Department of State, by Katharine Crane, xlii,1961/3,250 - The Politics of Cultural Despair: A Study in the Rise of the Germanic Ideology, by Fritz Stern, xliii,1962/3,2U6 - Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements, by George Woodcock, xliv,1963/3,258 - The Third Republic of France: The First Phase, 1871-1891*, by Guy Chapman, xlv,1961+/1,53 - A History of Modern France. II: From the First Empire to the Second

[sic, i.e. Third] Republic, 1799-1871, new ed., by Alfred Cobban, xlv,196*t A, 351

- Main Currents in Sociological Thought. I: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, The Sociologists and the Revolution of 181*8, by Raymond Aron, trs. Richard Howard and Helen Weaver, xlvii,1966/3,265 - Nationalism, by K.R. Minogue, xlix,1968/3,312 - Parliament, Parties, and Society in France, 191*6-1958, by Duncan MacRae Jr., 1,1969/1,111 - The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation 1930-1960, by H. Stuart Hughes, 1,1969/3,3^2 Callaghan, W.J. 'Spain, 1808-1939, by Raymond Carr, xlviii,1967A,395 Cam, Helen M. The English Borough and Royal Administration, 11301307, by Charles R. Young, xliii,1962/2,l60 Campbell, Charles S. Canada's National Policy, 1883-1900: A Study in Canadian-American Relations, by Robert Craig Brown, xlvi,1965/3, 253 Campbell, Charles S., Jr. The United States and Canada, by Gerald M. Craig, 1,1969/1,88 Campbell, John P. American Foreign Policy and the Blessings of Liberty and Other Essays, by Samuel Flagg Bemis, xliv,1963/3,2l*7 Caplan, Gerald L. Colonial Sequence, 1930 to 19^9: A Chronological Commentary upon British Colonial Policy Especially in Africa, by

Margery Perham, xlix, 1968/1*, 1*39 - The Making of a Nation: A History of the Union of South Africa, 1910-1961, by D.W. Kruger, li,1970/I*,1+70 Cappadocia, Ezio. World History from 19ll* to 1950, by David Thomson, xxxvi,1955/3,275 - We the People: The Economic Origins of the Constitution, by Forrest McDonald, xl,1959/2,170 - Carl Becker: A Biographical Study in American Intellectual History, by Burleigh Taylor Wilkins , xlii, 1961/1*,3^U - Guizot: Aspects of French History, 1787-187!+, by Douglas Johnson, xlvi,1965/1,7U - A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity: The Italian Rational Society in the Risorgimento, by Raymond Grew, xlvi,1965/2,183 - in review article: Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of America to World Power, by Howard K. Beale; Half Horse Half Alligator: The Growth of the Mike Fink Legend, ed. Walter Blair and Franklin J. Meine; American Democracy Under Pressure, by Donald C. Blaisdell; Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality, by John Morton Blum;

lUU / Canadian Historical Review Index

The Coming of the Civil War, by Avery Craven, 2nd rev. ed.; Eisenhower: The Inside Story, by Robert J. Donovan; Mr. Justice, ed. Allison Dunham and Philip B. Kurland; Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State: A Study of Conflict

in American Thought, 1865-1901, by Sidney Fine;

A History of Minnesota. I: St. Paul, by William Watts Folwell; An Introduction to American Foreign Policy, by Edgar S. Furniss

Jr. and Richard C. Snyder;

The Crucial Decade: America, 19^5-1955» by Eric F. Goldman; The New Isolationism: A Study in Politics and Foreign Policy since

1950, by Norman A. Graebner;

Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition, by Louis M. Hacker;

Lowden of Illinois. The Life of Frank 0. Lowden, by William T. Hutchinson, 2 vols.;

A Republican Looks at his Party, by Arthur Larson; A Catholic Runs for President: the Campaign of 1928, by Edmund A. Moore; The Hew Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-1*5, by Dexter Perkins; The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933, by

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.; Revivalism and Social Reform in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America, by Timothy L. Smith; Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1938: The American Republics, U.S. Dept. of State;

Foreign Relations of the United States, 19^2: China, U.S. Dept. of State; United States-Persian Diplomatic Relations, 1883-1921, by Abraham Yeselson;

Sociology in the United States of America: A Trend Report, ed. Hans L. Zetterberg; xxxviii,1957/3,229

- in review article:

British Essays in American History, ed. H.C. Allen and C.P. Hill; Basic Documents in United States Foreign Policy, by Thomas P. Brockway; American Catholicism, by John Tracy Ellis; Al Smith and His America, by Oscar Handlin; The Response to Industrialism, l885-191^> by Samuel P. Hays; The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, by Herbert Hoover; Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920, by George F. Kennan; The Mormons, by Thomas F. O'Dea; The Supreme Court: Constitutional Revolution in Retrospect, by Bernard Schwartz; American Farmers' Movements, by Fred A. Shannon; Democracy and Catholicism in America, by Currin Shields; The Democratic Roosevelt: A Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt, by Rexford Tugwell; Woodrow Wilson. I: American Prophet. II: World Prophet, by Arthur Walworth; xxxix,1958/3,223 Careless, J.M.S. Our Canada, by Arthur G. Dorland, xxxi ,1950/1,75 - The Mohawk, by Codman Hislop, xxxi,1950/1,77 - The Mackenzie, by Leslie Roberts, xxxi,1950/1,77 - The Physiography of Southern Ontario, by L.J. Chapman and D.F. Putnam, xxxii,1951/3,276 - The Valley of the Lower Thames, 161+0 to 1850, by Fred Coyne Hamil, xxxii,1951/3,276

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / ll*5 Careless, J.M.S. Three Centuries of Robinsons: The Story of a Family, by Julia Jarvis, xxxv,195^/2,157 - Our Sense of Identity: A Book, of Canadian Essays, by Malcolm Ross, xxxv, 195UA, 353 - Pioneer Public Service: An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 181+1-1867, by J.E. Hodgetts, xxxvi,1956A,365 - Sam Slick in Pictures: The Best of the Humour of Thomas Chandler Haliburton, illus. C.W. Jefferys, ed. Lome Pierce, xxxviii,19577 1,77 - Daylight Through the Mountain: Letters and Labours of Civil Engineers Walter and Francis Shanly, ed. F.H. Walker, xxxviii,1957A, 335 - The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, by A.W. Currie, xxxix,1958A, 339 - Galloping Head: The Life of the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bond Head 1793-1875, by Sydney Jackman, xl,1959/2,168 - The Idea of Continental Union: Agitation for the Annexation of Canada to the United States, 181*9-1893, by Donald F. Warner, xliii, 1962/2,153 - My First Seventy-five Years, by A.R.M. Lower, xlix,1968/3,278 Carney, T.F. Violence in Republican Rome, by A.W. Lintott, 1,1969/3,


Carpenter, Edmund S. Law and Government of the Grand River Iroquois, by John A. Noon, xxxi,1950/l,78 - Midwinter Rites of the Cayuga Long House, by Frank G. Speck, xxxi, 1950/1,83 Carpenter, John A. Commanders of the Army of the Potomac, by Warren W. Hassler Jr., xliv,1963/1,5^ Carroll, John. Studies in the Eighteenth Century, ed. R.F. Brissenden, li,1970/2,225 Carter, Gwendolen M. The Colonial and Imperial Conferences from 1887 to 1937. I: Colonial Conferences. II: Imperial Conferences, Pt. 1. Ill: Imperial Conferences, Pt. 2, ed. Maurice Ollivier, xxxvii, 1956/1,83 Cassidy, Keith. Alarms and Diversions: The American Mind Through American Magazines, 1900-191**, by Maxwell H. Bloomfield, 1.1969A, 1*72 Chambers, J.D. Labour Migration in England, 1800-1850, by Arthur Bedford, rev. and ed. W.H. Chaloner, xlvi,1965/2,173 Chapman, J.K. This is Hew Brunswick, by Jessie I. Lawson and Jean M. Sweet, xxxiii,1952/1,80 - Gladstone-Gordon Correspondence, 1851-1896: Selections from the Private Correspondence of a British Prime Minister and a Colonial Governor, ed. Paul Knaplund, xliii,1962/1,61 - John Bright and the Empire, by James L. Sturgis, li ,1970/1*,U68 Chettle, J.H. The Cambridge History of the British Empire. VIII: South Africa, Rhodesia, and the High Commission Territories, ed. Eric A. Walker, 2nd ed., xlv,196U/2,l6o Christie, Ian R. The English Jacobins: Reformers in Late EighteenthCentury England, by Carl B. Cone, 1,1969/1,101 Cienciala, Anna M. Meine Danziger Mission, 1937-1939, by Carl J. Burokhardt, xliii,1962/1,66 - Communism in Czechoslovakia, 191*8-1960, by Edward Taborsky, xliii, 1962/2,177 - Rift and Revolt in Hungary: Nationalism versus Communism, by Ferenc A. Vali, xliii,1962/2,177

3.1*6 / Canadian Historical Review Index Cienciala, Anna M. France and her Eastern Allies, 1919-1925: FrenchCzechoslovak-Polish Relations from the Paris Peace Conference to Locarno, by Piotr S. Wandycz, xliv,1963/2,185 - Poland: Bridge for the Abyss? An Interpretation of Developments in Post-War Poland, by Richard Hiscocks, xlvi,1965/l,7T Clark, Lovell. Some Letters from Archbishop Tache on the Manitoba School Question, by Margaret Scott MacGregor, xlix, 1968/1*, 1*21 - Quibec-Canada anglais: deux itineraires, un affrontement, by Michel Brunet, 1,1969/2,192 - Les Idees politiques des premiers ministres du Canada/The Political Ideas of the Prime Ministers of Canada, ed. Marcel Hamelin, li,19TO /1,86 Clippingdale, Richard T. Pendulum of Power: Canada's Federal Elections, by J. Murray Beck, li,1970/I,89 Clough, Cecil. Genes et les foires de change (de Lyon a Besangon), by Domenico Gioffre, xliii,1962/1,52 - GSnes au XVe siecle: Activite economique et problemes sociaux, by Jacques Hears, xliii,1962/1,52 - The Italian Renaissance in Its Historical Background, by Denys Hay, xliii,1962/2,169 - The Decline of the Venetian Nobility as a Ruling Class, by James C. Davis, xlv,1961*/l*,3l*5 Colgate, William. The Honourable Society of Osgoode Hall, by C.H.A. Armstrong, xxxiv,1953/1*,359 Conacher, J.B. The Elizabethan House of Commons, by J.E. Heale, xxxi, 1950/1,71 - The Saint John River, by Esther Clark Wright, xxxi,1950/2,200 - The England of Elizabeth: The Structure of Society, by A.L. Rowse, xxxii,1951/2,l6l - The English Radical Tradition, 1763-1911*, ed. S. Maccoby, xxxiii, 1952/2,181* - The Making of English History, ed. Robert Livingston Schuyler and Herman Ausubel, xxxiii,1952/2,181* - British Working Class Movements: Select Documents 1789-1875, ed. G.D.H. Cole and A.W. Filson, xxxiii,1952/2,185 - The Public Career of Sir James Graham, by Arvel B. Erickson, xxxiv, 1953/1,73 - The Earlier Tudors, 11*85-1558, by J.D.

Mackie, xxxiv, 1953/2,185

- Mr. Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth, by Conyers Read, xxxvi, 1955A.362 - England under the Tudors, by G.R. Elton, xxxvii,1956/3,280 - The Tudors, by Christopher Morris, xxxvii,1956/3,280 - The Elizabethan Age: The Expansion of Elizabethan England, by A.L. Rowse, xxxvii,1956/3,280 - Artist at War, by Charles F. Comfort, xxxviii,1957/1,65 - Peterloo: The 'Massacre' and its Background, by Donald Read, xxxix, 1958A,31*8 - Waterloo to Peterloo, by R.J. White, xxxix,1958/1*,3l*8 - 1931: Political Crisis, by R. Bassett, xl, 1959/3,21*9 - King George VI: His Life and Reign, by John W. Wheeler-Bennett, xli,1960/1,65 - Edward T. Cardwell: Peelite, by Arvel B. Erickson, xli,1960/2,3.69 - Queen Mary, 1867-1953, by James Pope-Hennessy, xli ,1960/1+,355 - An Economic History of England, 1870-1939, by William Ashworth, xlii,1961/3,21*6

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / ll*7

Conacher, J.B. Modern Britain, 1885-1955, by Henry Felling, xlii, 196l/3,2U6 - The British Economy, 1920-1957, by A.J. Youngson, xlii,1961/3,2U6 - Mr. Secretary Peel: The Life of Sir Robert Peel to 1830, by Norman Gash, xliii,1962/1,59 - England and Italy 1859-60, by Derek Beales, xliii,1962/2,165 - Party Politics. I: Appeal to the People. II: The Growth of Parties. Ill: The Stuff of Politics, "by Ivor Jennings, xliv, 1963/2,176 - King Edward the Seventh, by Philip Magnus, xlvi,1965/1,71 - The Age of Equipoise: A Study of the Mid-Victorian Generation, by W.L. Burn, xlvii,1966/1,78 - Disraeli, by Robert Blake, xlviii,1967/3,288 - 1867, Disraeli, Gladstone and Revolution: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill, by Maurice Cowling, xlix,1968/3,305 - The Making of the Second Reform Bill, by F.B. Smith, xlix,1968/3, 305 - The Gladstone Diaries. I: 1825-1832. II: 1833-1839, ed. M.R.D. Foot, li,1970/2,209 - in review article: A Political Memoir 1880-92, by Joseph Chamberlain, ed. C.H.D. Howard; The Life and Times of Sir Edwin Chadwick, by S.E. Finer; Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England, by Charles Firth, World's Classics ed.; Politics in the Age of Peel; A Study in the Technique of Parliamentary Representation 1830-1850, by Herman Gash; William of Orange and the English Opposition 1672-U, by K.H.D. Haley; Salisbury, 1830-1903: Portrait of a Statesman, by A.L. Kennedy; English Radicalism 1886-1911*, by S. Maccoby; Monarchy and the Party System, by Lewis B. Hamier; Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments 1559-1581, by J.E. Heale; King George the Fifth: His Life and Reign, by Harold Nicolson; Tudor Prelates and Politics 1536-1558, by Lacey Baldwin Smith; The Gentry 15UO-16UO, by H.R. Trevor-Roper; Stanley Baldwin, by G.M. Young; xxxiv,1953A,339 - in review article: The Party System in Great Britain, by Ivor Bulmer-Thomas; Lord M., by David Cecil; Mr. Balfour's Poodle, by Roy Jenkins; Gladstone: A Biography, by Philip Magnus; The Life of John Stuart Mill, by Michael St. John Packe; The Origins of the Labour Party, by Henry Felling; Lord Palmerston, by W. Baring Pemberton; British'Foreign Policy in the Inter-War Years, by P.A. Reynolds; xxxvi, 1955/1,1*5 - in review article: The Life of Lord Nuffield: A Study in Enterprise and Benevolence, by P.W.S. Andrews and Elizabeth Brunner; My Father: The True Story, by A.W. Baldwin; The Unknown Prime Minister: The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law, 1858-1923, by Robert Blake; Beaverbrook: A Study in Power and Frustration, by Tom Driberg; Personalities and Powers, by Lewis Namier; Studies in Social History: A Tribute to G.M. Trevelyan, ed. J.H. Plumb;

ll*8 / Canadian Historical Review Index The Origins of the British Labour Party, "by J.H. Stewart Reid; Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times, by John Evelyn Wrench; xxxvii,1956/ 1*,356 Conway, Jill. 0 Strange New World: American Culture, The Formative Years, by Howard Mumford Jones, xlvi ,1965 A, 361+ - Up from the Pedestal: Selected Writings in the History of American Feminism, ed. Aileen S. Kraditor, 1,1969/2,201+ Conway, John. Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester, 172l+-l8l8: Revised Version, by A.L. Burt, xxxix,1958/1,72 - The Making of the Maritime Provinces, 1713-178U, by W.S. MacHutt, xxxix,1958/1,72 - The Department of External Affairs and Canadian Autonomy, 18991939, by F.H. Soward, xxxix,1958/1,73 - The Seigneurial Regime, by Marcel Trudel, xxxix,1958/1,73 - Canadian Political Parties, by F.H. Underbill, xxxix,1958/1,73 - Neither War Nor Peace: The Struggle for Power in the Post-War World, by Hugh Seton-Watson, xlii,1961/2,175 - The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-60. I: 1917-50. II: 1950-60, by D.F. Fleming, xliii,1962/2,17U - in review article: The Cambridge History of the British Empire. Ill: The EmpireCommonwealth 1870-1919, ed. E.A. Benians et al.; The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies: A Study in British Power, by A.P. Thornton; xli,1960/3,22U Cook, Ramsay. Robert Lansing and American Neutrality, 191^-1917, by Daniel M. Smith, xl,1959/2,172 - Varied Operations, by Herbert Bruce, xl,19 59/3,21+1* - The Liberal Party in Alberta: A History of Politics in the Province of Alberta, 1905-1921, by L.G. Thomas, xli,1960/1,80 - British Columbia: A History, by Margaret A. Ormsby, xlii,1961/1,53 - Papineau, ed. Fernand Ouellet, xlii,1961/3,23*+ - The Mackenzie King Record. I: 1939-1*1+, by J.W. Pickersgill, xlii, 1961/1+, 3!t7 - Ordeal By Fire: Canada 1910-19^5, by Ralph Allen, xliii,1962/2,155 - Les Journeaux du Quebec de 1761* S 1961+, by Andre Beaulieu and Jean Hamelin, xlviii,1967A,379 Cooke, A. C. The Debate on the French Revolution, 1789-1800, ed. Alfred Cobban, xxxii,1951/1,86 - Britain and Europe, Pitt to Churchill, 1793-191+0, ed. James Joll, xxxii,1951/1,86 - The Conservative Tradition, ed. R.J. White, xxxii,1951/I,86 - The Concept of Empire: Burke to Attlee, 177^-19^7, ed. George Bennett, xxxiv, 1953A,365 - in review article: The Renaissance, 11*93-1520, ed. G.R. Potter, xxxix,1958/3,21*3 Cooper, J.I. The Irish in Hova Scotia: Annals of the Charitable Irish Society of Halifax (1786-1836), by Herbert Leslie Stewart, xxxi,1950/2,200 - The Ardent Exile: The Life and Times of D'Arcy McGee, "by Josephine Phelan, xxxii,1951/3,273 - The Promotion of British Emigration by Agents for American Lands, 181*0-1860, "by Wilbur Stanley Shepperson, xxxv,19 51* A ,352 - Stephen Leacock: Humorist and Humanist, by Ralph L. Curry, xli, 1960/2,171+ Corbett, David. Planned Migration: The Social Determinants of the Dutch-Canadian Movement, by William Petersen, xxxviii ,1957/1*, 331

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 1^9 Cornell, Paul Grant. Glimpses of Halifax, 1867-1900, by Phyllis R. Blakeley, xxxi,1950/1,80 - The Church of Saint Paul in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 17^9-19^9, by Reginald V. Harris, xxxi,1950/I,80 - History of the Y.M.C.A. in Horth America, by C. Howard Hopkins, xxxiii,1952/2,178 - The Y.M.C.A. in Canada: The Chronicle of a Century, by Murray G. Ross, xxxiii,1952/2,178 - A Bonnie Fechter: The Life of Ishbel Marjoribanks, Marchioness of Aberdeen & Temair, G.B.E., L.L.D., J.P., 1857-1939, "by Marjorie Pentland, xxxiv,1953/2,180 - Canadian National Railways. I: Sixty Years of Trial and Error (1936-1896), by G.R. Stevens, xlii,196lA,3Ul - Documents on Canadian Foreign Policy, 1917-1939, ed. Walter A. Riddell, xliv,1963/1,51 - Mr. Prime Minister, 1867-196!*, by Bruce Hutchison, xlviii, 1967/2, 168 Corry, J.A. Parliament: A Survey, by Lord Campion et al., xxxiv, 1953 A,363 Costigan, Giovanni. The Black Diaries: An Account of Roger Casement s Life and Times with a Collection of His Diaries and Public Writings by Peter Singleton-Gates and Maurice Girodias, xl,1959/4,3^3 Cox, David. Canada in World Affairs, 1959 to 196l, by Richard A. Preston, xlvii,1966/3,293 Cragg, Gerald R. Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge, by H. C. Porter, xl,1959/2,150 Craig, G.M. Our English Heritage, by Gerald W. Johnson, xxxi,1950/I, 76 - "Rise, Canadians!" by M. Bellasis, xxxvi,1955/3,263 - The Canadian Journal of Alfred Domett: Being an Extract from a Journal of a Tour in Canada, the United States and Jamaica, 18331835, ed. E.A. Horsman & Lillian Rea Benson, xxxvii.1956/1,91* - The Path of Destiny: Canada from the British Conquest to Home Rule 1763-1850, by Thomas H. Raddall, xxxix, 1958/2,151* - The Arthur Papers: Being the Canadian Papers, Mainly Confidential, Private, and Demi-Official of Sir George Arthur, K.C.H., in the Manuscript Collection of the Toronto Public Libraries, ed. Charles R. Sanderson, 2 vols., xxxix, 1958A,3W - The Long Haul West: The Great Canal Era, 1817-1850, by Madeline Sadler Waggoner, xl,1959/1,73 - The Civil War and Reconstruction, by J.G. Randall and David Donald, xlv,196U/1,63 - The Old Republicans: Southern Conservatism in the Age of Jefferson, by Norman J. Risjord, xlvii,1966/2,173 - L'Amerique anglo-saxonne de 1815 a nos jours, by Claude Fohlen, xlvii,1966 A, 377 - The Rise of the West, 175^-1830, by Francis S. Philbrick, xlviii, 1967/1,87 - The Monroe Doctrine and American Expansionism, 181*3-181+9, by Frederick Merk, xlix,1968/1,7^ - Union Pamphlets of the Civil War, 1861-1865, by Frank Freidel, 2 vols., xlix, 1968A, 1+1+0 - Land Policies of Upper Canada, by Lillian F. Gates, 1,1969/2,200 - The Clergy Reserves of Upper Canada: A Canadian Mortmain, by Alan Wilson, 1,1969/2,200

150 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Craig, G.M. Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War against Slavery, "by Bertram Wyatt-Brown, 11,1970/3,3^1 - in review article: The American Revolution, 1775-1783, by John Richard Alden; Charles A. Beard: An Appraisal, ed. Howard K. Beale; The Growth of Southern Nationalism, 18W-1861, by Avery 0. Craven; The Writing of American History, by Michael Kraus; Robert M. La Follette, by Belle Case La Follette and Fola La Follette, 2 vols.; Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917, by Arthur S. Link; The Hew Dictionary of American History, by Michael Martin and Leonard Gelber; Encyclopedia of American History, ed. Richard B. Morris; The Statesmanship of the Civil War, by Allan Kevins;

Benjamin Franklin and American Foreign Policy, by Gerald Stourzh; xxxv, 195^/2,11*0

- in review article: The Civil War in America, by Alan Barker; Thaddeus Stevens: Scourge of the South, by Fawn M. Brodie;

Stephen A. Douglas: Defender of the Union, by Gerald M. Capers; Grant Moves South, by Bruce Catton;

Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War, by David Donald;

Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, by Stanley M. Elkins; Cannibals Alii Or, Slaves Without Master, by George Fitzhugh, ed. C. Vann Woodward; In the Name of the People: Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and

Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859, ed. Harry V. Jaffa and Robert

W. Johanssen;

Crisis of the House Divided: An Interpretation of the Issues in the

Lincoln-Douglas Debates, by Harry V. Jaffa;

Lincoln's Manager, David Davis, by Willard L. King; The Copperheads of the Middle West, by Frank L. Klement; Abraham Lincoln: a Hew Portrait, ed. Henry B. Kranz; North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States, 1790-1860, by Leon F. Litvack; The Military Legacy of the Civil War: The European Inheritance, by Jay Luvaas; Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction, by Eric L. McKitrick; The War for the Union. I: The Improvised War, l86l-l862. II: War Becomes Revolution, 1862-1863, by Allan Nevins; Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself, ed. Benjamin Quarles;

The Confederacy, by Charles P. Roland;

The Southerner as American, by Charles Grier Sellers Jr.; Emotion at High Tide: Abolition as a Controversial Factor, 1830-

18^5, by Henry H. Simms; xlii,1961/3,325 Craig, Gordon A. The New Cambridge Modern History. XII: The Shifting Balance of World Forces, 1898-19U5, ed. C.L. Mowat, 2nd ed., li, 1970/3,3^9 Cranmer-Byng, J.L. The Legacy of China, ed. Raymond S. Dawson, xlvi, 1965/1,86 - Approaches to Modern Chinese History, ed. Albert Feuerwerker et al., xlix,1968/3,316

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 151 Creighton, D.G. The Progressive Party in Canada, by W.L. Morton, xxxii,1951/1,70 - Report, Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, 19^9-1951, Ottawa, King's Printer, xxxii, 1951A.377 - Sir Edmund Head: A Scholarly Governor, by D.G.G. Kerr and J.A. Gibson, xxxvi,1955A,355 - Alexander Begg's Red River Journal, and Other Papers Relative to the Red River Resistance of 1869-1870, ed. W.L. Morton, xxxix, 1958/2,153 - Laurier: The First Canadian, by Joseph Schull, xlvii ,1966A ,356 Crook, David H. August Belmont: A Political Biography, by Irving Katz, li,1970/3,3^3 Cross, Michael S. Canadian Historical Documents. I: The French Regime, ed. and trs. Cameron Nish; II: Pre-Confederation, ed. P.B. Waite; III: Confederation to 19^9, ed. R.C. Brown and M.E. Prang; xlvii, 1966 A, 359 - Toronto of Old, by Henry Scadding, ed. F.H. Armstrong, xlviii,1967 /2,l60 - The Settlement of Huron County, by James Scott, xlviii,1967/2,160 Cuff, Robert. Woodrow Wilson, The Academic Years, by Henry Wilkinson Bragdon, xlix,1968/3,300 - When Workers Organize: Hew York City in the Progressive Era, by Melvyn Dubofsky, 1,1969/H, 1*71 Currie, A.W. Canadian Regions: A Geography of Canada, ed. Donald F. Putnam, xxxiv,1953A,353 - Pioneering in Big Business 1882-1911: History of Standard Oil Company (Hew Jersey), by Ralph W. Hidy and Muriel E. Hidy, xxxvii, 1956A,377 - The Resurgent Years, 1911-1927: History of Standard Oil Company (Hew Jersey), by G.S. Gibb and E.H. Khowlton, xxxviii,1957/1,71 Curtin, Philip D. The Unification of South Africa, 1902-1910, by L. M. Thompson, xli,196oA,357 Curtis, L.P., Jr. Doctrines of Imperialism, by A.P. Thornton, xlvii,

1966 A, 380 Dales, J.H. John Horthway: A Blue Serge Canadian, by Alan Wilson, xlvii,1966/3,291 Daly, J.W. English Constitutional Theory and the House of Lords, 15561832, by Corinne Comstock Weston, xlvii,1966/1*,382 Davis, Natalie Zemon. Renaissance Studies, by Wallace K. Ferguson, xlv,196UA,3^ Dechene, Louise. The Canadian Frontier 153^-1760, by W.J. Eccles, li, 1970/3,321 DeConde, Alexander. Britain, Russia, and the Armed neutrality of 1780: Sir James Harris's Mission to St. Petersburg during the American Revolution, by Isabel de Madariaga, xliii, 1962A,359 Degler, Carl N. Southern History in the Making: Pioneer Historians of the South, by Wendell Holmes Stephenson, xlvi,1965/2,l6U

- Four Fugitive Slave Narratives, ed. Robin W. Winks et al., 11,1970 /1,99 Dent, Julian. The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. IV: The Economy of Expanding Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, ed. E.E. Rich and C.H. Wilson, xlviii ,1967 A,393

152 / Canadian Historical Review Index Deutsch, John. Bank of Canada Operations, 1935-51*, "by E.P. Neufeld, xxxvii,1956/3,286 - Canadian Monetary, Banking and Fiscal Development, by R. Craig Mclvor, xli,1960/l,TO Dexter, Grant. The Canadian House of Commons: Representation, "by Horman Ward, xxxii,1951/2,155 Dick, William Milner. Age of Industrial Violence, 1910-1915: The Activities and Findings of the United States Commission in Industrial Relations, by Graham Adams Jr., xlviii,1967/1,88 Dion, Lion. The Canadian General Election of 1957, by John Meisel, xliv,1963/2,161* - Canadian Annual Review for 1962: A Reference Guide and Record, ed. John T. Saywell, xlv,1961+/l,80 Diubaldo, Richard J. Canada's North, by R.A.J. Phillips, xlix,1968/ 1,61* Donnelly, M.S. Procedure in the Canadian House of Commons, by W.F. Dawson, xlv,196U/2,l*5 Donoughue, Bernard. Lord Dartmouth and the American Revolution, by B.C. Bargar, xlvii, 1966A,375 Dorland, Arthur G. Settlers: Being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of Early Colonists in Canada, Australia, South Africa and Hew Zealand, ed. John Hale, xxxii,1951/I,79 - White Settlers and Hative Peoples: An Historical Study of Racial Contacts between English-speaking Whites and Aboriginal Peoples in the United States, Canada, Australia and Hew Zealand, by A. Grenfell Price, xxxii,1951/I,79 Dora, Walter L. The Peace of Paris, 1763, by Zenab Esmat Rashed, xxxiii,1952/3,288 Dray, William. Freedom and Necessity in History, by H.G. Wood, xxxix, 1958A.332 - The Poverty of Historicism, by Karl R. Popper, xl,1959/2,155 - Causation in the Law, by H.L.A. Hart and A.M. Honore, xlii,1961/3, 238 - A Study of History. XII: Reconsiderations, by Arnold Toynbee, xliii, 1962/1,k8 - The Later Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood, by Alan Donagan, xlv, 1961t/2,130 - History as Art and as Science: Twin Vistas on the Past, by H. Stuart Hughes, xlvi,1965/1,83 Dreyer, F.A. Victoria R.I., by Elizabeth Longford, xlvi,1965/3,260 - A Liberal State at War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War, by Olive Anderson, xlviii,1967A,386 - The Whigs in Opposition, 1815-1830, by Austin Mitchell, xlix,1968 /2.197 Drummond, Ian M. The Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, 178^-1879: Essays in Industrial and Economic History with Special Reference to the Development of Technology, by Alan Birch, xlix,1968/3,310 Duff, Louis Blake. Notes of a Convict of 1838, by Frangois Xavier Prieur, xxxi,1950/1,80 - Cinderella Island, by Rob Roy MacLeod, xxxi,1950/2,202 Duguid, A. Fortescue. A Short History of World War I, by James E. Edmonds, xxxii,1951/^,386 - Histoire du 22e Bataillon canadien-frangais. I: 19ll*-1919, by Joseph Chaballe, xxxiv,1953/2,l82

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 153 Durocher, Rene. Jules-Paul Tardivel, la France et les Btats-Unis 1851-1905, Toy Pierre Savard, xlix,1968/3,290 Eagan, W.E. The Politics of the Yukon Territory, by David R. Morrison, li,1970/2,191 Earl, D.W.L. Anglican Reaction to the Revolution of 1688, by Gerald M. Straka, xliv,1963/3,2^9 Easterbrook, W.T. The Canadian Grain Trade 1931-51, by D.A. MacGibbon, xxxiii,1952/3,291* - Migration and Economic Growth: A Study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy, by Brinley Thomas, xxxvi,1955/1,67 - C.D.: The Life and Times of Clarence Decatur Howe, by Leslie Roberts, xxxix,1958/U,3U3 - The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790-1860, by Douglass C. North, xlii,1961/3,338 - The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815, by Curtis P. Nettels, xlv,196UA,326 Eayrs, James. This Most Famous Stream: The Liberal Democratic Way of Life, by A.R.M. Lower, xxxvi,1955/3,259 Eccles, W.J. Les Cahiers des Dix (Montreal, Edition des Dix). Wo. 18, xxxv,195^A,3^7. .No. 21, xxxix,1958/1,83 - The Parkman Reader: From the Works of Francis Parkman, ed. Samuel Eliot Morison, xxxvi,1955/3,261 - La Grande Recrue de 1653, by Roland-J. Auger, xxxvi,1955A,368 - The History of the'Hudson's Bay Company 1670-1870. I: 1670-1763, by E.E. Rich, xl, 1959/3,21+2 - Indian Affairs in Colonial New York: The Seventeenth Century, by Allen W. Trelease, xlii,1961/1,57 - Letters of Francis Parkman, ed. Wilbur R. Jacobs, xlii,1961/2,150 - Maisonneuve, by Pierre Benoit, xlii,1961/3,233 - Les Fougueux Batisseurs de la Nouvelle France, by Serge Fleury, xlii,1961/3,233 - Cavelier de la Salle, by Roger Viau, xlii,1961/3,233 - Economic et societe en Nouvelle-France, by Jean Hamelin, xlii, 1961 A, 335 - The Explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson: From the original manuscript in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum, ed. Arthur T. Adams, xlii, 19&L/U,339 - Francis Parkman, by Howard Doughty, xliv,1963/2,157 - The Discovery of the Great West, by Francis Parkman, xliv,1963/2, 157 - Histoire de la Nouvelle-France. I: Les Vaines Tentatives, 152^1603, by Marcel Trudel, xlv,196U/l+,311+ - Le Bourreau au Canada sous le regime fran§ais, by Andr£ Lachance, xlviii,1967/U.376 - Word from New France: The Selected Letters of Marie de 1'Incarnation, ed. and trs. Joyce Marshall, xlix,1968/2,171 - Claude-Thomas Dupuy, intendant de la Nouvelle-France 1678-1738, by Jean-Claude Dube, li,1970A,l*53 Eggleston, Wilfrid. Constitutional Amendment in Canada, by Paul Gerin-Lajoie, xxxi,1950A,U23 - Le Federalisme canadien: evolution et problemes, by Maurice Lamontagne, xxxvi,1955/2,162 Eisen, Sydney. The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 182U1900: Tables of Contents and Identification of Contributors with

15^ / Canadian Historical Review Index Bibliographies of Their Articles and Stories, I, ed. Walter E. Houghton, xlviii,1967/3,286 Eldjarn, Kristjan. The Kensington Stone: A Mystery Solved, by Erik Wahlgren, xli,1960/1,67 Elphick, Richard. Histoire de la peche franchise de la morue dans 1'Amerique septentrionale (des origines a 1789), by Charles de La Morandiere, xlviii, 1967/1,6It Elton, G.R. Sir Walter Mildmay and Tudor Government, by Stanford E. Lehmberg, xlvi,1965/2,168 Elmwood, Ralph Carter. The Fate of the Revolution: Interpretations of Soviet History, by Walter Laqueur, 1,1969/I,110 - The Impact of the Russian Revolution 1917-1967: The Influence of Bolshevism on the World Outside Russia, London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1,1969/1,110 Emerson, J.N. Early Man in the Hew World, by Kenneth Macgowan, xxxii, 1951 A, 391 Estes, J.M. Reformation Europe, 1517-1559, by G.R. Elton, xlv,196U/ 2,165 - Thomas Stapleton and the Counter Reformation, by Marvin R. O'Connell, xlvi,1965/2,179 - Strasbourg and the Reform: A Study in the Process of Change, by Miriam Usher Chrisman, xlix,1968/1,88 Fabre-Surveyer, E. Missisquoi Bay (Philipsburg, Que.), "by George H. Montgomery, xxxii,1951/3,282 Falardeau, Jean-C. Alphonse Desjardins, pionnier de la cooperation d'epargne et de credit en Ame"ric|ue, by Cyrille Vaillancourt and

Albert Faucher, xxxii, 1951/1,71* Farnham, Wallace D. The Mind of Alexander Hamilton, ed. Saul K. Pa-

dover, xl,1959/1,71 - Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-Day Saints, 1830-1900, by Leonard J. Arrington, xl,1959/2,171 - Frontier America: The Story of the Westward Movement, by Thomas D. Clark, xli,1960/3,252 - The Making of an American Community: A Case Study of Democracy in a Frontier County, by Merle Curti, xli,1960/3,252 - American Immigration, by Maldwyn Allen Jones, xlii,1961/2,158 Farr, D.M.L. Benjamin Harrison, Hoosier Statesman: From the Civil War to the White House, 1865-1888, by Harry J. Sievers, xli,196o/ l.TU - Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party, by Robert V. Remini, xli,1960/3,25U - Nicholas Biddle: Nationalist and Public Banker, 1786-18UU, by Thomas Payne Govan, xlii,1961/1,59 - The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case, by Lee Benson, xliii,1962/3,229 - Fessenden of Maine: Civil War Senator, by Charles A. Jellison, xliv,1963/1,55 - The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon, First Lord Stanmore, 18291912, by J.K. Chapman, xlvi,1965/2,156 - Canada and Imperialism, 1896-1899, by Norman Penlington, xlvii, 1966/1,69 Fasel, George. The French Republic Under Cavaignac 18U8, by Frederick A. De Luna, li,1970/2,215 Fay, C.R. The House of Baring in American Trade and Finance, by Ralph W. Hidy, xxxi,1950A,tH9

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 155 Fehrenbacher, Don E. Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War, "by Edmund Wilson, xliv,1963/1,56 - Against Wind and Tide: A Biography of William Lloyd Garrison, by Walter M. Merrill, xlv,196Vt,328 Fenton, William N. The Valley of the Six Nations: A Collection of Documents on the Indian Lands of the Grand River, ed. Charles M. Johnston, xlvi, 1965A,355 Ferguson, G.V. Ink on My Fingers, by J.H. Cranston, xxxiv,1953A, 376 Ferguson, Wallace K. The Varieties of History from Voltaire to the Present, ed. Fritz Stern, xxxviii,1957/1,73 - Nature and Historical Experience, "by John H. Randall, xxxix,1958/ 1+.331 - Francisco de los Cobos, Secretary to the Emperor Charles V, by Hay-ward Keniston, xli,196oA,3^6 - Humanists and Jurists: Six Studies in the Renaissance, by Myron P. Gilmore, xlv,196U/3,231 - The Government of Florence under the Medici, lk3k to 1^9^, by Hicolai Rubinstein, xlviii,1967/1,79 Ferns, H.S. For Action: The Autobiography of a Canadian Industrialist, by James E. Hahn, xxxvi ,1955A,369 - William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography, 187U-1932, I, by R. MacGregor Dawson, xl,1959/1,51- See also correspondence of Henry Borden, xliii,1962/3,275 Ferrell, Robert H. Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925-1929, by L. Ethan Ellis, xliii,1962/1,78 Feuerwerker, A. Economic Development: Theory, History, Policy, by Gerald M. Meier and Robert E. Baldwin, xxxix,1958/^,31+6 - The Idea of Colonialism, ed. Robert Strausz-Hupl and Harry W. Hazard, xl,1959/2,1U9 - in review article: Stalin's Failure in China, 192^-1927, by Conrad Brandt; City Life in Japan: Life in a Tokyo Ward, by R.P. Dore; The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 19^5-1958, by Russell H. Fifield; Major Governments of Asia, ed. George McTurnan Kahin; Confucian China and its Modern Fate: The Problem of Intellectual Continuity, by Joseph R. Levenson; The Far East: A Modern History, by Nathaniel Peffer; A History of Japan to 133^, by George Sansom; The Rise of the Merchant Class in Tokugawa Japan l60D-l868: An Introductory Survey, by Charles David Sheldon; Sources of the Japanese Tradition, ed. Ryusaku Tsunoda et al.; Missionaries, Chinese, and Diplomats: The American Protestant Missionary Movement in China, 1890-1952, by Paul A. Varg; xl,1959 /it, 332 Fieldhouse, H.N. Christianity and History, by H. Butterfield, xxxi, 1950 A, Ull - War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization, by John U. Nef, xxxii ,1951/2,161+ - Modern German History, by Ralph Flenley, xxxv,195^/1,63 - The Teaching of the Social Sciences in the United States, Paris, UNESCO, xxxvi,1955/3,256 - The Social Sciences in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee on Historiography, New York, Social Science Research Council, xxxvi, 1955/3,256

156 / Canadian Historical Review Index Fieldhouse, H.N. Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930, by H. Stuart Hughes, xl,1959/ 2,1^5 - Nationalism: A Religion, by Carlton J.H. Hayes, xlii,1961/2,167 Fingard, Judith. Salvation.1 0 the Joyful Sound: The Selected Writings of John Carroll, ed. John Webster Grant, xlix,1968/3,286 Finlayson, Michael G. Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590-161*2, by Carl Bridenbaugh, 1,1969/3,330 Fitzhardinge, L.F. Contemporary Australia: Studies in History, Politics and Economics, ed. Richard Preston, li,1970/3,331* Flenley, R. Germany's Drive to the West (Drang nach Westen): A Study of Germany's Western War Aims during the First World War, by Hans W. Gatzke, xxxi,1950/3,325 - Journal in the Might, by Theodor Haecker, xxxi ,1950/^,1*25 - Thy People, My People, by Elisabeth Hoemberg, xxxi,1950A ,U25 - Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method, by Louis Gottschalk, xxxii,1951/1,87 - An Introduction to Philosophy of History, by W.H. Walsh, xxxiii, 1952/2,168 - German Nationalism: The Tragedy of a People: Extremism contra Liberalism in Modern German History, by Louis N. Snyder, xxxiv,1953A, 371 - Capitalism and the Historians, ed. F.A. Hayek, xxxv,195^/3,251+ - History in a Changing World, by Geoffrey Barraclough, xxxvii,1956/ U.37U Flint, John E. For the File on Empire: Essays and Reviews, by A.P. Thornton, 1,1969/1,10U Foote, George A. A Short History of Scientific Ideas to 1900, by Charles Singer, xli,1960/1,5^ Ford, Franklin L. A History of Modern Germany: The Reformation, by Hajo Holborn, xli,1960/3,237 Forsey, Eugene. The Knights of Labor in Canada, by Douglas R. Kennedy, xxxviii,1957/1,69 - Evolving Canadian Federalism, by A.R.M. Lower, F.R. Scott et al., xl,1959/2,162 - The Industrial Struggle and Protestant Ethics in Canada: A Survey of Changing Power Structures and Christian Social Ethics, by Stewart Crysdale, xlii ,196lA, 3^2 - Canada and the Privy Council, by Coen G. Pierson, xliv,1963/1,^9 - Essai sur la constitution du Canada, by Bernard Bissonnette, xlv, 196^/1,77 - Peace, Order and Good Government: A Hew Constitution for Canada, by Peter J.T. O'Hearn, xlvi,1965A,363 - Dossier sur le pacte federatif de 1867: La Confederation: pacte ou loi? by Richard Ares, 1,1969/1,96 Forstner, A.S. Kanya-. See Kanya-Forstner Fox, Paul W. Le Systeme scolaire de la province de Qulbec, by LouisPhilippe Audet. I: Apergu general, xxxii,1951/2,157- II: L'lnstruction publique de 1635 a 1800, xxxiv,1953/1,75- III: L'Institution royale: Les debuts, 1801-1825; IV: L'Institution royale: Le declin, 1825-18U6; xxxiv,1953/2,177 - Histoire du Canada frangais depuis la decouverte [I], by Lionel Groulx, xxxii,1951/2,157 - L'Eveque errant, by Germain Lesage, xxxii,1951/2,157 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 15 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xxxii, 1951/2,157

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 157 Fox, Paul W. The American Supreme Court, by Robert G. McCloskey, xlii,196lA,3lt3 Fowke, V.C. Between the Red and the Rockies, by Grant MacEwan, xxxiv, 1953/2,181 - The Agricultural Implement Industry in Canada: A Study of Competition, by W.G. Phillips, xxxviii,1957/2,152 Fraser, Barbara. Me'moires Chapais: Documentation-CorrespondancesSouvenirs. I: 17UU-18U8. II: 181+8-1875, by Julienne Barnard, xliii, 1962A ,31+9 - Situation de la Recherche sur le Canada frangais: Premier colloque de la revue Recherches Sociographiques du Departement de Sociologie et d1 Anthropologie de 1'Universite Laval, ed. Fernand Dumont and Yves Martin, xlv,196U/l,67 Frggault, Guy. The Early Histories of St. Louis, ed. John Francis McDermott, xxxiv,1953/2,176 - Papiers Contrecoeur et autres documents concernant le conflit anglofrangais sur 1'Ohio de 17^5 a 1756, ed. Fernand Grenier, xxxiv,1953/ 3,298 - Histoire de la Louisiane frangaise: Le regne de Louis XIV, I, by Marcel Giraud, xxxv,195^/3,2^9 - Le Canada et les droits de 1'homme: le concept des Droits de 1' Homme dans la politique etrangere et la constitution du Canada, by Brigham Day, xxxv,195^/3,253 - 25 Years of Canadian Foreign Policy, ed. Edgar Mclnnis, xxxv,195W 3,26l - La Verendrye: Fur Trader and Explorer, by Hellis M. Crouse, xxxvii, 1956/3,268 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 20 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xxxvii, 1956/3,281+ - Royal Fort Frontenac, trs. Richard A. Preston, ed. Leopold Lamontagne, xl,1959/2,163 - Frontenac: The Courtier Governor, by W.J. Eccles, xl,1959A,3M French, G.S. A History of Victoria University, by C.B. Sissons, xxxiv,


- My Dearest Sophie: Letters from Egerton Ryerson to His Daughter, ed. C.B. Sissons, xxxvii,1956/1,80 - Canada in World Affairs, 1953 to 1955, by Donald C. Masters, xli, 1960/1,79 - Radical Jack: The Life of the First Earl of Durham, by Leonard Cooper, xlii,1961/1,72 - Upper Canada: The Formative Years, 178U-l8Ul, by G.M. Craig, xlv, 1964/2,139 - The Social Teachings of the Canadian Churches: Protestant, the Early Period before 1850, by W.H. Elgee, xlvi,1965/3,250 - What Culture? What Heritage? A Study of Civic Education in Canada; French ed: Quelle culture? Quel heritage? Une etude de 1'education civique au Canada, by A.B. Hodgetts, 1,1969/3,297 Fry, M.G. Falange: A History of Spanish Fascism, by Stanley G. Payne, xliii,1962/2,173 - A Breviate of British Diplomatic Blue Books, 1919-1939, ed. Robert Vogel, xliv, 1963A,359 - Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, by Seth P. Tillman, xlv,196k/I,66 - Vain Endeavour: Robert Lansing's Attempts to End the AmericanJapanese Rivalry, by Burton F. Beers, xlvi,1965/2,165

158 / Canadian Historical Review Index Fry, M.G. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance: The Diplomacy of Two Island Empires, l89lt-1907, by Ian H. Nish, xlviii,1967/2,181 Gagan, David P. Revolution Rejected, 1775-1776, ed. G.A. Rawlyk, 1, 1969/1,90 Gagnon, Serge. La Ville de Quebec, histoire municipale, by Antonio Drolet. II: Regime anglais jusqu'a 1'incorporation (1759-1833), xlvii,1966/1*,360. Ill: De 1'incorporation a la Confederation (18331867), 1,1969/3,315 - Le conseil legislatif de Quebec 1867-1967, by Edmond Orban, 1,1969 /2,201 Galbraith, John S. James Isham's Observations on Hudson's Bay, 17^3 and Notes and Observations on a Book Entitled A Voyage to Hudson's Bay in the Dobbs Galley, 171*9. ed. E.E. Rich, xxxi,1950/l+,!+l6 Gasiorowski, Zygmunt J. Poland and the Western Powers, 1938-1939: A Study in the Interdependence of Eastern and Western Europe, by Anna M. Cienciala, li,1970/2,219 Genovese, Eugene D. The Frontier Against Slavery: Western Anti-Negro Prejudice and the Slavery Extension Controversy, by Eugene H. Berwanger, xlix,1968/3,297 Gerson, Jack. Anglo-American Steamship Rivalry in China: l862-l871+, by Kwang-Ching Liu, xliv,1963/1,77 - The Boxer Uprising, by Victor Purcell, xlv,1961+/2,151 - Twentieth Century China, by 0. Edmund Clubb, xlvi ,1965/1,81+ Gibson, James A. Canada: A Short History, by Gerald S. Graham, xxxii, 1951/1,81 - The Incredible Canadian, by Bruce Hutchison, xxxiv,1953/2,170 - Inside Government House, by H. Willis-O'Connor and Madge Macbeth, xxxvi,1955/1,62 - Dominion of the Worth: A History of Canada, by Donald Creighton, new ed., xxxix,1958/2,160 Ginger, Ray. Dissent: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism, ed. Alfred F. Young, 1,1969/^,^76 Gipson, Lawrence Henry. The Papers of Sir William Johnson, X, ed. Milton W. Hamilton, xxxiii,1952/1,72 - The Papers of Henry Bouquet. II: The Forbes Expedition, ed. S.K. Stevens et al., xxxiii,1952/1,72 Girard, Charlotte S.M. The St. Pierre and Miquelon Affaire of 191+1: A Study in the Diplomacy of the North Atlantic Quadrangle, by Douglas G. Anglin, xlviii,1967/2,166 Glazebrook, G. de T. Democracy in the Canadas, 1759-1867, by D. Hugh Gillis, xxxii,1951/3,271+ - Democratic Government and Politics, by J,A. Corry, xxxiii,1952/2, 176 - Beatty of the C.P.R.: A Biography, by D.H. Miller-Barstow, xxxiii, 1952/3,293 - Economics of Canadian Transportation, by A.W. Currie, xxxvi,1955/ 1,62 - Rideau Waterway, by Robert Legget, xxxvii,1956/2,191 - Harold Adams Innis: Portrait of a Scholar, by Donald Creighton, xxxix,1958/3,252 - The Kingdom of Canada: A General History from Earliest Times, by W.L. Morton, xlv,1961+/2,133 - Arthur Meighen. Ill: No Surrender, by Roger Graham, xlvii,1966/2, 161*

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 159 Glover, Richard. The Saskatchewan, by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell, xxxi, 1950/2,191* - The Honourable Company: A History of the Hudson's Bay Company, by Douglas MacKay, xxxi,1950/2,198 - Red River Runs North! by Vera Kelsey, xxxii,195lA,39^ - Peter Skene Ogden's Snake Country Journals, 1821+-25 and 1825-26, ed. E.E. Rich and A.M. Johnson, xxxiii, 1952/1,71* - David Thompson's Journals Relating to Montana and Adjacent Regions, 1808-1812, ed. M. Catherine White, xxxiv,1953/1,6k - Queen Anne's American Kings, by Richard P. Bond, xxxiv,1953/1,75 - The Course of Empire, by Bernard DeVoto, xxxiv,1953/3,297 - The Pedlars from Quebec and Other Papers on the Nor'Westers, by W. Stewart Wallace, xxxvi,1955/l,59 - Behold the Shining Mountains: Being an Account of the Travels of Anthony Henday, 175l*-55» the First White Man to Enter Alberta, by James G. MacGregor, xxxvi,1955/3,265 - In Search of the Magnetic North: a Soldier-Surveyor's Letters from the Northwest, l81*3-l8UU, by John Henry Lefroy, ed. George F.G. Stanley, xxxvi,1955/3,266 - The Present State of Hudson's Bay, by Edward Umfreville, ed. W.S. Wallace, xxxvi, 1955A,352 - Moose Fort Journals, 1783-85, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxvii,1956/1,79 - The Life of Charles XII, King of Sweden, 1697-1718, by Frans G. Bengtsson, trs. Naomi Walford, xlii,1961/2,167 - Quiberon Bay: The Campaign in Home Waters, 1759, by Geoffrey Marcus, xlii,1961/3,2UO - The Other Armada: The Franco-Spanish Attempt to Invade Britain in 1779, by A. Temple Patterson, xlii,196l/3,2UO - For Want of a Horse; being a Journal of the Campaigns against the Americans in 1776-1777 conducted from Canada, by an officer who served with Lt. Gen. Burgoyne, ed. G.F.G. Stanley, xliii,1962/l*, 3U7 Gluek, Alvin C., Jr. West of the Mountains: James Sinclair and the Hudson's Bay Company, by D. Geneva Lent, xlv,196^/3,251 - The San Juan Water Boundary Question, by James 0. McCabe, xlvii, 1966/2,163 - Manitoba: The Birth of a Province, ed. W.L. Morton, xlvii, 1966A, 363 - Britain and the Balance of Power in North America, l8l5-1908, by Kenneth Bourne, xlix,1968/3,309 - The James Wickes Taylor Correspondence, 1859-1870, ed. Hartwell Bowsfield, 1,1969/3,320 Goen, C.C. Puritans and Yankees: The Winthrop Dynasty of New England, 1630-1717, by Richard S. Dunn, xliv,1963/2,166 Goffart, Walter. Feudal Society, by Marc Bloch, trs. L.A. Manyon, xliv,1963/l,65 - Eifuhrung in das Studium der mittelalterlichen Geschichte, by Heinz Quirin, 2nd ed., xlv,196Vl,52 - The Cambridge Medieval History. IV: The Byzantine Empire. Pt. 1: Byzantium and Its neighbours, ed. J. Hussey, 2nd ed., xlviii,1967 /1,78 - The Transformation of the Roman World: Gibbon's Problem after Two Centuries, ed. Lynn White Jr., xlviii,1967/2,182 - The Goths in Spain, by E.A. Thompson, li,1970/2,212 Gooding, S.J. Arms and Armor in Colonial America, 1526-1783, by Harold L. Peterson, xxxviii,1957/2,162

160 / Canadian Historical Review Index Goodspeed, D.J. Wellington at War, 179^-1815, ed. Antony Brett-James, xlii,l96lA,357 - Total War and Cold War: Problems in Civilian Control of the Military, ed. Harry L. Coles, xliii,1962/2,176 - The Shame and the Glory: Dieppe, "by Terence Robertson, xliv,1963/ 2,162 Goodwin, Craufurd. John Rae, Political Economist: An Account of His Life and a Compilation of His Main Writings, by R. Warren James, xlvii,1966/l,67 Gossett, Thomas F. The White Conscience, by Frank H. Tucker, li,1970 /2,223 Goulding, W.S. The Ancestral Roof: Domestic Architecture of Upper Canada, by Marion MacRae and Anthony Adamson, xlv,196^A,3l6 Graham, Gerald S. The British Empire before the American Revolution. VIII: The Great War for the Empire: The Culmination 1760-1763, by Lawrence Henry Gipson, xxxvi,1955/2,lU8 Graham, W.R. Rainy River Country: A Brief History of the Region Bordering Minnesota and Ontario, by Grace Lee Nute, xxxi,1950/3,328 - J.S. Woodsworth: A Man to Remember, by Grace Maclnnis, xxxv,195V 2,15^ - The Conservative Party of Canada, 1929-19U9, by John R. Williams, xxxvii,1956/3,275 - Alexander Mackenzie: Clear Grit, by Dale Thomson, xlii,1961/2,151 - The Conscription Crisis of 19kh, by R. MacGregor Dawson, xliii, 1962/2,157 - Soldiers and Politicians: The Memoirs of Lt.-Gen. Maurice A. Pope, C.B., M.C., by Maurice A. Pope, xliv,1963/2,162 - The Politics of John W. Dafoe and the Free Press, by Ramsay Cook, xlv,196^/2,11*2 - The Road to Confederation: The Emergence of Canada, 1863-1867, by Donald Creighton, xlvi,1965/3,251 - Britain's Clandestine Submarines, 191U-1915, by Gaddis Smith, xlvi, 1965A,357 - In Defence of Canada. II: Appeasement and Rearmament, by James Eayrs, xlvii,1966/^,369 - Mitch Hepburn, by Neil McKenty, xlix,1968/2,186 - The Dafoe-Sifton Correspondence 1919-1927, ed. Ramsay Cook, 1,1969 /2.203 - Dafoe of the Free Press, by Murray Donnelly, 1,1969/2,203 Granatstein, J.L. A Party Politician: The Memoirs of Chubby Power, ed. Herman Ward, xlviii,1967/3,277 - A History of Journalism in Canada, by W.H. Kesterton, xlix,1968/1, 65 - Les Memoires du Slnateur Raoul Dandurand (l86l-19't2), ed. Marcel Hamelin, xlix,1968/3,291 - Contemporary Canada, ed. Richard H. Leach, 1,1969/3,327 - McNaughton. I: 1887-1939. II: 1939-19^3. Ill: 19^-1966, by John Swettenham, li,1970/2,197 Graubard, Stephen R. The Baldwin Age, ed. John Raymond, xlii,1961/3, 2h9 - Intervention and the War, by Richard H. Ullman, xliii,1962/2,166 Gray, Charles M. The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-l6Ul, by Lawrence Stone, xlvii,1966/1,73 Greaves, R.W. Agriculture and Economic Growth in England, l650-l8l5, ed. E.L. Jones, 1,1969/2,212

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / l6l Greene, Jack P. The Loyal Whig: William Smith of New York and Quebec, by L.S.F. Upton, li, 1970/1,78 Grew, Raymond. The Cross and the Fasces: Christian Democracy and Fascism in Italy, by Richard A. Webster, xlii,196l/2,173 - Alessandro Gavazzi (l809-l889): Clerc, Garibaldien, predicant des deux mondes, by Robert Sylvain, 2 vols., xliv,1963/^,3^0 - Diplomat under Stress: Visconti-Venosta and the Crisis of July 1870, by S. William Halperin, xlv,196U/2,l67 - Italy from Liberalism to Fascism 1870-1925, by Christopher SetonWatson, 1,1969/1,108 Griffiths, David B. The Search for Order, 1877-1920, by Robert H. Wiebe, xlix,1968/3,299 Grimshaw, Josephine. Industrial Relations in Canada, by Stuart Jamieson, xxxix,1958/3,250 Grosskurth, Phyllis. Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson, by Clara Thomas, xlviii,1967/3,278 Guillet, Edwin C. Otonabee Pioneers: -The Story of the Stewarts, the Stricklands, the Traills and the Hoodies, by G.H. Needier, xxxv,


- Reminiscences of a Canadian Pioneer for the Last Fifty Years (l8331883), by Samuel Thompson, 2nd ed., 1,1969 A,1+53 Gunn, J.A. Bolingbroke and his Circle: The Politics of nostalgia in the Age of Walpole, by Isaac Kramnick, 1,1969/2,21!+ Guth, D.J. The Elizabethan Court of Chancery, by W.J. Jones, xlix, 1968/1+,1+33

- Henry VIII, by J.J. Scarisbrick, 1,1969A,1*58

Guttridge, G.H. Shelburne and Reform, by John Horris, xlv,1961*/l,59 - The Later Correspondence of George III. I: December 1783 to January 1793, ed. A. Aspinall, xlv,1961+/3,238 Hamelin, Jean. L'Equipement de la ferme canadienne aux XVIIs et XVIIIs siecles, by Robert-Lionel Sgguin, xl,1959A,3^9 Hamil, F.C. The Bruce Beckons: The Story of Lake Huron's Great Peninsula, by William Sherwood Fox, xxxiv,1953/l,76

- Michigan in Four Centuries, by F. Clever Bald, xxxvi,1955/2,152

- Wilderness Christians: The Moravian Mission to the Delaware Indians, by Elma E. Gray and Leslie Robb Gray, xxxvii,1956/3,269 - Up the Proof Line: The Story of a Rural Community, by Fred Landon and Orlo Miller, xxxvii, 1956/3,281* - The Trail of the Black Walnut, by G. Elmore Reaman, xxxviii,1957/ 3,21*7 - The Head of the Lake: A History of Wentworth County, by C.M. Johnston, xl,1959/2,166 - The Town of York, I8l5-l83l*: A Further Collection of Documents of Early Toronto, ed. Edith G. Firth, xlviii ,1967/1*,377 Harbron, John D. Le Canada et le systeme interamlrican, by Marcel Houssin, xlii,1961/2,153 Hardy, Eric. Local Government in Canada, by Horace L. Brittain,

xxxiii,1952/2,183 - Local Government in Alberta, by Eric J. Hanson, xxxviii,1957/2,165 Harnetty, P. The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 181*1 to 191*6, by Steven Runciman, xlii,196l/3,2l*U Harney, Robert F. Les Grands Notables en France (181*0-181+9): Etude historique d'une psychologie sociale, by Andre-Jean Tudesq., xlvii, 1966/1,83

162 / Canadian Historical Review Index Harney, Robert F. The European Right: A Historical Profile, ed. Hans Rogger and Eugen Weber, xlvii,1966/2,192 Harris, Cole. Les Bourgeois-Gentilshommes de la Nouvelle-France, 1729171*8, by Cameron Nish, 1,1969 A,W*9 Harrison, Eric. British Politics since 1900, by D.C. Somervell, xxxii,1951/3,280 - Bulwark of the West: Implications and Problems of NATO, by Arthur C. Turner, xxxiv,1953A,371 - Essays Presented to Sir Lewis Homier, ed. Richard Pares and A.J.P. Taylor, xxxvii,1956A,373 - The Turn of the Tide, 1939-19^3: A Study Based on the Diaries and Autobiographical Notes of Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke, K.G., O.M., by Arthur Bryant, xxxviii,1957A,332 Harrison, Royden. Essays on Economics and Society. I: I82k-l8h^. II: 1850-1879, by John Stuart Mill, ed. J.M. Robson, xlix,1968/2,196 - The Improvement of Mankind: The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill, by J.M. Robson, li,1970/2,205 Hart, Charles Desmond. The Antislavery Argument, ed. William H. Pease and Jane H. Pease, xlvii,1966A,377 - New Frontiers of the American Reconstruction, ed. Harold M. Hyman, xlix,1968/l,75 Hartz, Louis. Canada Views the United States: Nineteenth-Century Political Attitudes, by S.F. Wise and Robert Craig Brown, 1,1969/2, 195 Harvey, D.C. The Government of Prince Edward Island, by Frank MacKinnon, xxxii,1951/3,275 Hayne, D.M. Mere Bourgeoys (1620-1700), by Yvon Charron, xxxii,1951/ U, 392 - La Voie de la saintete" d'apres Marie de 1'Incarnation, Fondatrice des Ursulines de Quebec, by Fernand Jette1, xxxvi,1955/3,275 - Three Came with Gifts: The Story of the First Hospital, the First School and the First Cloister in Canada and Their Heroic Founders, by Anna B. Montreuil, xxxvi,1955/3,275 - Histoire de la littlrature frangaise du Quebec, by Pierre de Grandpre et al. Vol. I, xlix,1968 A,tl5. Vols. II-IV, li,1970A,1*59 Heaton, Herbert. Economic History of Great Britain, by W. Stanford Reid, xxxvi,1955/I,6k - Britain, Yesterday and Today: An Outline Economic History from the Middle of the Eighteenth Century, by Walter M. Stern, xliv,1963/3, 25U Heichelheim, F.M. Samnium and the Samnites, by E.T. Salmon, xlix,1968 /2,202 Heidenreich, C.E. The Huron: Farmers of the North, by Bruce C. Trigger, li,1970A,U51 Helleiner, Karl F. A Concise Economic History of Britain from the Earliest Times to 1750, by Sir John Clapham, xxxi,1950/3,326 Heller, Henry. The French Nobility in Crisis, 1560-16UO, by Davis Bitton, 11,1970/3,3^8 Henneman, John B., Jr. A Parisian Journal ed. and trs. Janet Shirley from the anonymous Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, 1,1969/3,338 Herlihy, David. The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. I: The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, by M.M. Postan, 2nd ed., xlix, 1968/1,87 - Defrichements, peuplement et institutions seigneuriales en HautPoitou du Xe au XIIIs siecle, by Roland Sanfaqon, xlix,1968/2,203

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 163 Herr, Richard. The Revolt of the Catalans: A Study in the Decline of Spain (1598-161+0), by J.H. Elliot, xlvi, 1965/2,180 - Helvetius: A Study in Persecution, by D.W. Smith, xlvii,1966/2,18? Hertzman, Lewis. Contemporary Europe: A History, "by H. Stuart Hughes, xliii,1962/1,6? - What is History? by Edward Hallett Carr, xliv,1963/1,44 - Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis, 1931, "by Edward ¥. Bennett, xliv, 1963/4,366 - The Struggle for Germany, 1914-1945, by Lionel Kochan, xlv,1964/3, 236 - Stresemann and the Politics of the Weimar Republic, by Henry Ashby Turner Jr., xlv,1964/4,355 - The Social Democratic Party of Germany: From Working-class Movement to Modern Political Party, by Douglas A. Chalmers, xlvii,1966/2,189 - German Social Democracy, 1918-1933, by Richard N. Hunt, xlvii,1966 /2,l89 Heymann, F.G. Ivan the Great of Moscow, by J.L.I. Fennell, xliv,1963 /1,72 - The Slavs in European History and Civilization, by Francis Dvornik, xlv,1964/4,347 Higgs, David. The Vendee: A Sociological Analysis of the Counterrevolution of 1793, by Charles Tilly, xlvi,1965/2,l8l - The Single Duty Project: A Study of the Movement for a French Customs Union in the Eighteenth Century, by J.F. Bosher, xlvii,1966/ 1,81 - David Hume, Prophet of the Counter-Revolution, by Laurence Bongie, xlvii,1966/3,266 - Republic or Restoration in France? 1794-1797: The Politics of French Royalism with Particular Reference to the Activities of A.B.J. d'Andre, by W.H. Fryer, xlvii,1966/3,266 - The Underground War against Revolutionary France: The Missions of William Wickham, 1794-1800, by Harvey Mitchell, xlvii,1966/3,266 Hill, Christopher. Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of their Opposition, 1558-1640, by John F.H. Hew, xlv,1964/4,334 Hill, L.E. A History of the Weimar Republic, by Erich Eyck, trs. Harlan P. Hanson and Robert G.L. Waite. [I] From the Collapse of the Empire to Hindenburg's Election, xliv,1963/4,365. II: From the Locarno Conference to Hitler's Seizure of Power, xlvi,1965/4,381 - Stresemann and the Greater Germany, 191U-1918, by Marvin L. Edwards, xlv,1964/4,354 - DNVP: Right-Wing Opposition in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1924, by Lewis Hertzman, xlvii,1966/1,86 - Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia, 1926-1933: A Study in Diplomatic Instability, by Harvey Leonard Dyck, xlviii,1967/4,398 Kindle, Brooke. Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain, 1764-1776, by Arthur M. Schlesinger, xl,1959/1,70 Hiscocks, C.R. Canada and the United Nations, 1952-53, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs, xxxv,1954/2,156 - The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-1945, by John W. Wheeler-Bennett, xxxv,1954/4,350 Hitsman, J. Mackay. Scientists at War, by Wilfrid Eggleston, xxxii, 1951/1,89 - The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) 1928-1953, ed. H.M. Jackson, xxxv,1954/2,165 - The Two Jacks: The Amazing Adventures of Major Jack M. Veness and Major Jack L. Fairweather, by Will R. Bird, xxxvi,1955/3,269

l6>+ / Canadian Historical Review Index Hitsman, J. Mackay. History of the 6th Field Company Royal Canadian Engineers, 1939-19>+5, by S.A. Flatt, xxxviii,1957/3,255 - UWO Contingent COTC, The History of the Canadian Officers' Training Corps at the University of Western Ontario, by Hartley Munro Thomas, xxxviii,1957/3,255 Hodge, M.J.S. A Portrait of Isaac Newton, by Frank E. Manuel, 1,1969 A, 1*59 Hodgetts, J.E. The Government of Nova Scotia, by J. Murray Beck, xxxix,1958/l,Tl Hodgins, Bruce W. The French Canadians and the Birth of Confederation, by Jean-Charles Bonenfant, xlix,1968/2,182 - The Great Coalition, by P.G. Cornell, xlix,1968/2,182 - The Quebec Conference, by W.M, Whitelaw, xlix,1968/2,182 - Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology and Territorial Legislation, by Frederick H. Armstrong, 1,1969/3,316 Hoffman, David. Public Opinion and Canadian Identity, by Mildred A. Schwartz, xlix,1968A, 1+27 Hoffman, Donald S. The Frankfurt Parliament, 181*8-1+9, by Frank EJrck, li,1970/1,109 Holmes, John W. The Soviet Union at the United Rations: An Inquiry into Soviet Motives and Objectives, by Alexander Dallin, xliv,1963 /1,71* Hopwood, Robert F. The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1*5, by J.S. Conway, 1,1969/2,223 - Germany and the Ottoman Empire 1911+-1918, by Ulrich Trumpener, li, 1970/2,218 Horn, D.B. The English Court in the Reign of Charles I, by John M. Beattie, xlix,1968/1,79 Horn, Michiel. The Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion: Canadian Participation in the Spanish Civil War, by Victor Hoar, 1,1969/1*, 1+56 Horsman, Reginald. The Incredible War of 1812: A Military History, by J. Mackay Hitsman, xlvii,1966/3,285 Houghton, Walter E. Culture and Society: 1780-1930, by Raymond Williams, xl,1959/2,lU7 Hucker, Charles 0. The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911, by Ping-Ti Ho, xlv,1961+/2,150 Hudson, Winthrop S. American Catholics and Social Reform: The New Deal Years, by David J. O'Brien, 1,1969A, 1+7*+ Hughes, Sam H.S. Twenty Million World War Veterans, by Robert England, xxxi,1950/U,i+21 - The Trial of Kurt Meyer, by B.J.S. Macdonald, xxxvi,1955/2,161+ - Introduction to the Study of Military History for Canadian Students, ed. C.P. Stacey, 1+th ed., xxxvi ,1955/3,268 Humphries, Charles W. The People's Power: The History of Ontario Hydro, by Merrill Denison, xlii,196l/3,237 - The Town of York, 1793-1815, ed. Edith G. Firth, xliii,1962/3,228 - Catholic Education and Politics in Ontario: A Documentary Study, by Franklin A. Walker, xlvii,1966A,366 - Canadian History in Documents, 1763-1966, ed. J.M. Bliss, li,1970/ 1,91+ - Life in Ontario: A Social History, by G.P. de T. Glazebrook, li, 1970/2,201 Hunter, T. Murray. Sinews of Steel: The History of the British Columbia Dragoons, by R.H. Roy, xlviii,1967/l,69 - The Royal Canadian Regiment. II: 1933-1966, by G.R. Stevens, 1, 1969/3,321+

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 165

Hutchison, William R. The Gentle Puritan: A Life of Ezra Stiles, 1727-1795, by Edmund S. Morgan, xliv,1963/2,168 Huthmacher, J. Joseph. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Hew Deal, 193219^0, by William E. Leuohtenburg, xlv,196U/3,2l*6 Hyam, Ronald. British Colonial Policy in the Mid-Victorian Age: South Africa; Hew Zealand; The West Indies, by W.P. Morrell, li,1970/3, 332 Hyatt, A.M.J. The Fighting Newfoundlander: A History of the Royal Hewfoundland Regiment, by G.W.L. Nicholson, xlvii,1966/1,70 - The Courage of the Early Morning: The Story of Billy Bishop, by William Arthur Bishop, xlvii,1966/3,292 - To Seize the Victory: The Canadian Corps in World War I, by John Swettenham, xlvii,1966/3,292 - Amid the Guns Below: The Story of the Canadian Corps, 191^-1919, by Larry Worthington, xlvii,1966/3,292 - Safeguarding Canada, 1763-1871, by J. Mackay Hitsman, 1,1969/1,91

- The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1919-1965, by Reginald E. Roy, li,1970A,U62

Innis, Donald Q. The St. Lawrence Waterway: A Study in Politics and Diplomacy, by William R. Willoughby, xliii,1962/1,77 Innis, Mary Q. The Romance of the Canadian Canoe, by John Murray Gibbon, xxxii,195lA,393 Irving, John A. The Third Force in Canada: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, 1932-191+8, by Dean E. McHenry, xxxii ,1951/1,67 - Henry Wise Wood of Alberta, by William Kirby Rolph, xxxii,1951/1, 67 Israel, Milton. The British Imperial Experience, by Robert A. Huttenback, xlviii,1967/3,291 Jackman, S.W. Sir Walter Raleigh, by Willard M. Wallace, xli,1960/1, 57 - Jameson's Raid, by Elizabeth Pakenham, xlii,1961/1,73 - The Destruction of Lord Raglan: A Tragedy of the Crimean War, iQ'yk5, by Christopher Hibbert, xlii,196lA,358 Jacobs, Wilbur R. Wisconsin Witness to Frederick Jackson Turner: A Collection of Essays on the Historian and the Thesis, ed. 0. Lawrence Burnette Jr., xlv,1961+/3,2l*U James, R. Warren. The History of the Department of Munitions and Supply: Canada in the Second World War. I: Production Branches and Crown Companies. II: Controls, Service and Finance Branches, and Units Associated with the Department, by J. de N. Kennedy, xxxii, 1951/3,277 Jensen, Arthur L. The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, ed. Harold C. Syrett and Jacob E. Cooke. Ill: 1782-1786; IV: 1787-May 1788; xliv,1963/2,169. V: June 1788-Hovember 1789; VI: December 1789August 1790; VII: September 1790-January 1791; xlvi,1965/2,162 - Mitre and Sceptre: Transatlantic Faiths, Ideas, Personalities, and Politics, 1689-1775, by Carl Bridenbaugh, xlv,1961t/2,153 - The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence, by Richard B. Morris, xlvii,1966/3,27^ - The Idea of A Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780-l8UO, by Richard Hofstadter, li,1970/3, 337 Johnson, Donald. Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903-1933, by William Preston Jr., xlv,1961+A,331

166 / Canadian Historical Review Index Johnson, Hubert C. The First Partition of Poland, by Herbert H. Kaplan, xliv,1963A,36U - Metternich's German Policy. I: The Contest with Napoleon, 1799181U, by Enno E. Kraehe, xlvi,1965/3,271 - A History of Modern Germany, 16U8-1840, by Hajo Holborn, xlviii, 1967/1,83 Johnston, C.M. The Windsor Border Region: Canada's Southernmost Frontier, ed. Ernest J. Lajeunesse, xlii,1961/2,155 Johnston, Robert H. Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, by Robert V. Daniels, xlix,1968/2,205 Jones, Arthur Keppel-. See Keppel-Jones Jones, W.J. Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk, by Evelyn Read, xliv,1963 A, 351 - Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man, by Catherine Drinker Bowen, xlv,196UA,336 - The English Face of Machiavelli: A Changing Interpretation, 15001700, by Felix Raab, xlvi1,1966/I,71 - Enterprise and Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630, by Theodore K. Rabb, 1,1969/1,99 Jordan, W.K. The Paul's Cross Sermons, 153l+-l61*2, by Millar MacLure, xl,1959/1,61* Kanya-Forstner, A.S. French Colonialism, 1871-1911*: Myths and Realities, by Henri Brunschwig, trs. W.G. Brown, xlviii,1967/2,188 Katz, Michael B. An Act of Congress: The Legislative Process and the Making of Education Policy, by Eugene Eidenberg and Roy D. Morey, 11,1970/1,101 Keirstead, B.S. American Crisis Diplomacy: The Quest for Collective Security, 1918-1952, by Richard W. Van Alstyne, xxxiii,1952A,391+ - The United States and the Far East, 191*5-1952, by Harold M. Vinacke, xxxiii,1952/l+,39l* Kelley, Donald R. Queen of Navarre: Jeanne d'Albret 1528-1572, by Uancy Lyman Roelker, 11,1970/3,31*6 Kennedy, J.H. The American Martyrs: The Story of the Eight Jesuit Martyrs of North America, by John A. O'Brien, xxxiv,1953/^,355 Kenny, L.M. The Development of Secularism in Turkey, by Niyazi Berkes , xlvii,1966/2,185 Kenyon, J. The Idea of the Victorian Church: A Study of the Church of England, 1833-1889, by Desmond Bowen, 1,1969/2,216 Kenyon, J.P. Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England, l66l1689: A Study in the Perpetuation and Tempering of Parliamentarianism, by Douglas R. Lacey, li,1970A,W>5 Keppel-Jones, Arthur. The Awakening of Afrikaner Nationalism, 1868l88l, by F.A. van Jaarsveld, trs. F.R. Metrowich, xliii ,1962/3,21*7 - A History of East Africa, by Kenneth Ingham, xliv,1963/1,81 - Hofmeyr, by Alan Paton, xlvii, 1966/1* ,387 Kerr, D.G.G. The Far Distant Ships: An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations in the Second World War, by Joseph Schull, xxxi, 1950/1*,1*20 - The Encyclopedia of Canada: Newfoundland Supplement, ed. Robert H. Blackburn, xxxii,1951/3,279 - Canada's Soldiers, l60l*-195l*: The Military History of an Unmilitary People, by George F.G. Stanley and Harold M. Jackson, xxxv,195^A,


- Arctic Command: The Story of Smellie of the Nascopie, by Roland Wild, xxxvii,1956A,370

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 167 Kerr, D.G.G. Brown of the Globe. I: The Voice of Upper Canada, l8l81859, by J.M.S. Careless, xli,196oA,336 - Politics in New Brunswick, "by Hugh G. Thorburn, xliii ,1962/1,70 - New Brunswick, A History: 178^-1867, by W.S. MacNutt, xliv,1963/ it, 339 Kilbourn, William. The Stuarts: A Study in English Kingship, by J.P. Kenyon, xl,1959A,337 King, Carlyle. Ten Canadian Poets, by Desmond Pacey, xxxix,1958A, 337 - Poetry in Canada: The First Three Steps, by R.E. Rashley, xxxix, 1958A,337 - The Blasted Pine, ed. F.R. Scott and A.J. M. Smith, xxxix, 1958A, 337 King, P.J. Kennedy, by Theodore Sorensen, xlvii ,1966A,379 - The Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions, by Frederick Grimke, ed. John William Ward, li,1970/1,96 Kinloch, Hector G. Canada Made Me, by Norman Levine, xli,1960/1,75 Kinnear, Michael. Elections in the Countries of the European Community and in the United Kingdom, 1957-1959, by J. de Meyer et al., 1,1969/2,225 Kinser, Samuel. The New Cambridge Modern History. Ill: The CounterReformation and Price Revolution 1559-l6lO, ed. R.B. Wernham, 1, 1969/2,221 Kirkconnell, Watson. The Ukrainians in Manitoba: A Social History, by Paul Yuzyk, xxxv,195U/l,6l - La Population du Canada, by Paul Veyret, xxxv,195^/1>62 - In Search of Utopia: The Mennonites in Manitoba, by E.K. Francis, xxxviii,1957/1,60 Kirkwood, M.M. Unfold the Years: A History of the Young Women's Christian Association in Canada, by Mary Quayle Innis, xxxi,1950/ 1,82 Knaplund, Paul. The Colonial Office and Canada, 1867-1887, by David M.L. Farr, xxxvi,1955/3,260 - The Colonial Office in the Early Nineteenth Century, by D.M. Young, xliii,1962/2,163 Khox, F.A. Wartime Economic Co-operation: A Study of Relations between Canada and the United States, by James R. Warren, xxxi,1950/ 2,189 Kranzberg, Melvin. Ideas in Exile: A History of Canadian Invention, by J.J. Brown, xlix,1968A ,Ul7 Krehm, William. Music in Canada, ed. Ernest MacMillan, xxxvi,1955/3, 272 Kristeller, Paul Oskar. War and Society in Renaissance Florence: The De Militia of Leonardo Bruni, by C.C. Bayley, xliv,1963/1,66 Kubesh, D.A. The Jesuits' Estates Question, 1760-1888: A Study of the Background for the Agitation of 1889, by Roy C. Dalton, li,1970/2, 190 Kubicek, Robert. Balfour's Burden: Arthur Balfour and Imperial Preference, by Alfred Gollin, xlviii,1967/1,7!+ - A Decade of the Commonwealth, 1955-6U, ed. William B. Hamilton et al., xlviii,1967/3,293 - The Colonial and Imperial Conferences, 1887-1911: A Study in Imperial Organization, by John Edward Kendle, xlix,1968/3,308 - Milner's Young Men: The "Kindergarten" in Edwardian Imperial Affairs, by Walter Nimocks, 1,1969/U,U65

l68 / Canadian Historical Review Index Kupp, Jan. Peltries or Plantations: The Economic Policies of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland, 1623-1639, by Van Cleaf Bachman, li,1970A,1*76 Labarrere-Paule, Andrl. Histoire du Conseil de 1'Instruction publique de la Province de Quebec 1856-1961*, by Louis-Philippe Audet, xlvi, 1965/2,150 LaFeber, Walter. Republican Foreign Policy, 1921-1933, by L. Ethan Ellis, 1,1969 A,V73 Laing, Lionel H. The Transfer of Institutions, ed. William B. Hamilton, xlviii,1967/1,76 Lajeunesse, E.J. A Bibliography of Father Hichard's Press in Detroit, by A.H. Greenly, xxxvii,1956/2,192 Lamb, W. Kaye. The Fraser, by Bruce Hutchinson, xxxii,1951/1,80 - Mountains, Men and Rivers: British Columbia in Legend and Story, by J.H. Stewart Reid, xxxvi,1955/l,72 - A Selective Bibliography of Important Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides Relating to Michigan History, by Albert Harry Greenly, xxxix, 1958A.352 - The History of the Hudson's Bay Company 1670-1870. II: 1763-1870, by E.E. Rich, xlii, 1961/2,1^5 - McGillivray, Lord of the Northwest, by Marjorie Wilkins Campbell, xlv,19_61+/l,71 Lambi, I.N. Bureaucracy, Aristocracy and Autocracy: The Prussian Experience, l660-l8l5, by Hans Rosenberg, xl,1959/2,153 - Bismarck's Rival: A Political Biography of General and Admiral Albrecht von Stosch, by Frederic B.M. Hollyday, xli,1960/i+,31*7 - The New Cambridge Modern History. X: The Zenith of European Power, 1830-70, ed. J.P.T. Bury, xlii,1961/2,168. XI: Material Progress and World-Wide Problems, 1870-1879, ed. F.H. Kinsley, xlv,196U/3, 231* - Paul de Lagarde, 1827-1891: A Study of Radical Conservatism in Germany, by Robert W. Lougee, xliv,1963/3,260 - The Holstein Papers. IV: Correspondence 1897-1909, ed. Norman Eich and M.H. Fisher, xlv,196U/U,353 - The Origins of Social Liberalism in Germany, by Donald G. Rohr, xlvi,1965/2,182 - Schleswig-Holstein, iSlS-^B: A Study in National Conflict, by W. Carr, xlvi,1965/3,271 Lanctot, Gustave. The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to l8l5, by Stanley B. Ryerson, xlii,1961/2,ll* 7 Landon, Fred. Niagara Country, by Lloyd Graham, xxxi,1950/1,81 - A Century of Western Ontario: The Story of London, "The Free Press," and Western Ontario, 1849-19U9, by Orlo Miller, xxxi,1950/1,81 - Oakville and the Sixteen: The History of an Ontario Port, by Hazel C. Mathews, xxxv,195^/2,159 - Early Travellers in Upper Canada, ed. Gerald M. Craig, xxxvii,1956 /2,l8l - The Rise and Fall of the Patriot Hunters, by Oscar A. Kinchen, xxxviii,1957/2,151 - British Emigration to North America: Projects and Opinions in the Early Victorian Period, by Wilbur S. Shepperson, xxxix,1958/2,158 - Benjamin Lundy and the Struggle for Negro Freedom, by Merton L. Dillon, xlviii,1967/2,170 LaPierre, Laurier L. Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 23 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xlii,196l/l,63

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 169 LaPierre, Laurier L. Laurier: Artisan de l'unit£ canadienne, 181*11919, by Raymond Tanghe, xlii,196lA,3^5 - TSmoignages d'hier: Essais, Toy Jean Bruchesi, xliii ,1962/2,15** Laponce, J.A. Action Franchise: Royalism and Reaction in TwentiethCentury France, by Eugen Weber, xlv,1961*/l,5l* - France, by John Cairns, xlviii,1967/1,81* La Terreur, Marc. Le Canada francais missionaire: Une autre grande aventure, by Lionel Groulx, xliv,1963/1,50 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 26 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xlv,1961*/ 1,69 - Les Instituteurs laiques au Canada frangais, 1836-1900, by Andre Labarrere-Paule, xlvii,1966/3,286 Lawson, Murray G. Diplomacy and Indian Gifts: Anglo-French Rivalry along the Ohio and Northwest Frontiers, 17^8-1763, by Wilbur R. Jacobs, xxxi,1950/U,1+27 Layng, Theodore E. Guide to the Manuscript Maps in the William L. Clements Library, ed. Christian Brun, xli, I960 A, 332 Leddy, J.F. A History of the University of Trinity College, 18521952, ed. T.A. Reed, xxxiii,1952A,391 Lederer, Ivo J. Land and Power: British and Allied Policy on Germany's Frontiers, 1916-19, by Harold I. Nelson, xlvi,1965A,380 Lee, Lawrence B. Government in Science: The U.S. Geological Survey, 1867-189!*, by Thomas G. Manning, xlix, 1968/3,297 - The Land Office Business: The Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789-1837, by Malcolm Rohrbough, 1,1969A, 1*68 - The First and Second United States Empires: Governors and Territorial Government, 178U-1912, by Jack Ericson Eblen, li,1970/3,338 Lee, Maurice, Jr. Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1603, by William Croft Dickinson, xliii,1962/1,51 - A Hew History of Scotland. II: Scotland from 1603 to the Present Day, by George S. Pryde, xliii, 1962/3,21*1 - Skipper from Leith: A Life of Robert Barton of Over Barnton, by W. Stanford Reid, xliv,1963/1,62 - The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England, by Clayton Roberts, xlviii,1967/3,289 Leechman, Douglas. The Bella Coola Indians, by T.F. Mcllwraith, xxxi, 1950/1,70 - Tribe under Trust: A Study of the Blackfoot Reserve in Alberta, by Lucien M. Hanks Jr. and Jane Richardson Hanks, xxxi,1950 A,1+27 - The Land of Twelve Foot Davis: A History of the Peace River Country, by James G. MacGregor, xxxiv, 1953A,362 Leith, James. Bertrand Bare"re: A Reluctant Terrorist, by Leo Gershoy, xliii,1962/1*, 360 - A Social History of the French Revolution, by Norman Hampson, xlv, 1961* A, 350 - Elbeuf during the Revolutionary Period: History and Social Structure, by Jeffry Kaplow, xlvi ,1965A,378 - The Parisian Sans-Culottes and the French Revolution, 1793-91*, by Albert Soboul, trs. Gwynne Lewis, xlvi,1965/1* ,378 - French Revolution Documents, I, ed. J.M. Roberts, xlviii,1967/2, 187 Lemieux, Vincent. Rapport du Comite des dipenses llectorales, Ottawa, Imprimeur de Sa Majeste la Reine, xlviii,1967/3,281*

170 / Canadian Historical Review Index Levitt, Joseph. Henri Bourassa: Biographie, Index des ecrits, Index de la correspondance publique 1895-192U, by Andre Bergevin, Cameron Wish and Anne Bourassa, xlviii,1967A ,379 - Henri Bourassa and French-Canadian Nationalism: Opposition to Empire, by Casey Morrow, 1,1969/3,321 Liebel, Helen P. An Anthropologist Looks at History, by A.L. Kroeber, ed. Theodore Kroeber, xlvi,1965/1,82 - Philosophy of History, by William H. Dray, xlvii,1966/1,62 Lindley, Christopher. The Reconstruction of American History, ed. John Higham, xliv,1963/1,58 - Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's, by Burl Noggle, xliv, 1963/3,21+6 - The Challenge to American Freedoms: World War I and the Rise of the American Civil Liberties Union, by Donald Johnson, xlv,196UA,332 Livermore, Harold. Spain and the Great Powers, 1936-19^1, by Dante A. Puzzo, xlv,196Vl,55 Lloyd, Trevor. Africa and the Victorians, by Ronald Robinson, John Gallagher and Alice Denny, xliii,1962/1,62 - Chief Whip: The Political Life and Times of Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston, by Eric Alexander, xliv,1963/2,179 - Winston Churchill. I: The Years of Preparation. II: The Years of Achievement, by Lewis Broad, xlv,196l4-/2,l60 - Frontiers and Wars, by Winston Churchill, xlv,196U/2,l60 - A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill, by Frederick Woods, xlv, 1961*/2,160 - Amateurs and Professionals in British Politics, 1918-59, by Philip W. Buck, xlv,196U/U,31*3 - Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party, 191^-31, by Catherine Ann Cline, xlv,196U/U,31*3 - A History of British Trade Unionism, by Henry Felling, xlvi,1965/ 1,70 - Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876, by R.T. Shannon, xlvi, 1965/3,261 - English History, 191U-19U5, by A.J.P. Taylor, xlvii ,1966 A,389 - Winston S. Churchill. I: Youth, 187U-1900. II: Young Statesman, 1901-191^, by Randolph S. Churchill, xlix,1968A,l+29 Lockwood, P.A. Proconsul in Politics: A Study of Lord Milner in Opposition and in Power, by A.M. Gollin, xlvi,1965/2,171* Long, Gavin. In Defence of Canada. I: From the Great War to the Great Depression, by James Eayrs, xlvi ,1965A,358 Long, M.H. Rapport de 1'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec, Quebec, Imprimerie de Sa Majeste" le Roi/la Reine. 19^7-19^8, xxxi, 1950/3, 316. 1951-1952 et 1952-1953, xxxvii,1956A,367 - Realisations frangaises de Cartier a Montcalm, by Gustave Lanetot, xxxiv,1953/1,60 - Lemoyne d'lberville: Soldier of New France, by Nellis M. Grouse, xxxvi,1955/1,55 Longley, Ronald S. A West-India Fortune, by Richard Pares, xxxii, 1951/1,88 - Highland Settler: A Portrait of the Scottish Gael in Nova Scotia, by Charles W. Dunn, xxxiv,1953A,358 Love, Walter D. Wilkes, Wyvill and Reform: The Parliamentary Reform Movement in British Politics, 1760-1785, by Ian R. Christie, xliv, 1963/2,175 - Spencer Perceval, 1761t-l8l2: The Evangelical Prime Minister, by Denis Gray, xlv,1961+A,338

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 171 Lower, Arthur R.M. Mackenzie King of Canada: A Biography, by H. Reginald Hardy, xxxi,1950/3,309 - Unrevised and Unrepented: Debating Speeches and Others, by Arthur Meighen, xxxi,1950/3,309 - Royal Commission Studies: A Selection of Essays Prepared for the Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, Ottawa, King's Printer, xxxii,195lA,38l - Histoire du Canada par les textes, by Michel Brunet, Guy FrSgault and Marcel Trudel, xxxiv,1953/1,58 - Canada and the Far East, 19^0-1953, by H.F. Angus, xxxv,195^/2,15^ - Canada: Nation on the March (Toronto, Clarke Irwin & Co. Ltd), xxxv, 19 51* A, 352 - Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta, by W.E. Mann, xxxvii,1956/2,185 - Canada and the United Nations, by F.H. Soward and Edgar Mclnnes, xxxix,1958/2,157 - The Christian Church in Canada, by H.H. Walsh, xxxix,1958/3,251 - Our Living Tradition, ed. R.L. McDougall, xliv,1963/1,^8 - Civil Liberties in Canada, by D.A.' Schmeiser, xlvi ,1965/1,51 - See Prang, Margaret Lucas, C.G. Yankees at Louisbourg, by G.A. Rawlyk, xlix,1968/2,175 Lyon, Bryce. A History of Lay Judges, by John P. Dawson, xlii,196l/ 2,162 - From Alfred to Henry III, 871-1272, by Christopher Brooke, xliii, 1962/1, k9 - Military Obligation in Medieval England: A Study in Liberty and Duty, by Michael Powicke, xliii,1962 A,356 - William the Conqueror: The Horman Impact upon England, by David C. Douglas, xlvi,1965/1,64 - Constitutional History of England in the Fifteenth Century, 13991^85, with Illustrative Documents, by B. Wilkinson, xlvi,1965A, 371 - The Individual and Society in the Middle Ages, by Walter Ullmann, xlviii, 1967 A, 390 MacCaffrey, Wallace T. Before the Armada: The Growth of English Foreign Policy, 11*85-1588, by R.B. Wernham, xlviii,1967/2,175 McConica, James K. Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: An Institutional and Intellectual History, by Gordon Leff, 1,1969/1,105 MacCormack, J.R. Thomas Wentworth, First Earl of Strafford 1593-16^1: A Revaluation, by C.V. Wedgwood, xliii,1962/3,2Ul - The Catholics in Caroline England, by Martin J. Havran, xliv,1963/ 3,248 - Proceedings in Parliament l6lO. I: The House of'Lords. II: The House of Commons, ed. Elizabeth Read Foster, xlviii ,1967A ,38U McCready, H.W. Readings in British Government, ed. Elisabeth Wallace, xxxi,1950/2,198

- Lord Randolph Churchill, by Robert Rhodes James, xl, 1959 A, 3^2 - Lloyd George, by Richard Lloyd George, xlii,1961/3,2^5

- Feargus O'Connor: Irishman and Chartist, by Donald Read and Eric Glasgow, xlii,196lA,359 - Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain, by William B. Gwyn, xliii, 1962/It, 36l - English Landed Society in the Nineteenth Century, by F.M.L. Thompson, xlv, 1961+ A,3tL

172 / Canadian Historical Review Index McCready, H.W. The British Labour Party: A Short History, by Carl F. Brand, xlvi,1965/3,265 - Government and the Railways in Nineteenth Century Britain, by Henry Parris, xlviii,1967/1,73 - Women's Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1886-1911*, by Constance Rover, xlix,1968/2,198 - Socialists, Liberals and Labour: The Struggle for London, 1885-1911*, by Paul Thompson, xlix,1968/2,198 - John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics, by D.A. Hamer, 1, 1969/3,33^ - in review article: Portrait of a Statesman: The Personal Life Story of Sir Anthony Eden, by Dennis Bardens; Lloyd George's Ambulance Wagon: The Memoirs of W.J. Braithwaite C.B., ed. Henry Bunbury and R.M. Titmus; Lord Norman, by Henry Clay; The Politics of English Dissent, by Raymond G. Cowherd; British Labour and the Russian Revolution, 1917-192U, by Stephen Richards Graubard; Henry Brougham, by Frances Hawes; British Autobiographies: An Annotated Bibliography of British Autobiographies Published or Written before 1951, by William Matthews;

The Trouble Makers: Dissent over Foreign Policy 1792-1939, by A.J. P. Taylor; xxxix,1958/2,11+7 McCulloch, Samuel Clyde. Britain and Australia, 1831-1855: A Study

in Imperial Relations and Crown Lands Administration, by Peter Burroughs, xlix, 1968A, 1+37 MacDonald, Herbert. Oregon Argonauts: Merchant Adventures on the Western Frontier, by Arthur L. Throclonorton, xliii,1962/3,231 Macdonald, Norman. The Territorial Papers of the United States, ed. Clarence Edwin Carter. XIV: The Territory of the Louisiana-Missouri, l806-ll+, xxxi,1950/3,317. XV: The Territory of Louisiana-Missouri, 1815-21, xxxiii,1952/2,175 McDougall, D.J. The Origins of Modern Constitutionalism, by Francis D. Wormuth, xxxi,1950/1,73 - Sir Humphrey Mildmay; Royalist Gentleman: Glimpses of the English Scene, 1633 to 1652, by Philip Lea Ralph, xxxi,1950/1,7^ - Young Ireland and 181+8, by Denis Gwynn, xxxi ,1950 A, 1+17 - Parnell to Pearse: Some Recollections and Reflections, by John J. Horgan, xxxi, 1950/1*,1+17 - O'Connell Calling: The Liberator's Place in the World, by J.J. 0' Kelly, xxxi, 1950A, 1+17 - Daniel O'Connell: Nine Centenary Essays, ed. Michael Tierney, xxxi, 1950 A, 1+17 - John Hales of Eton, by James Hinsdale Elson, xxxi ,1950/4,1+26 - Clarendon: Politics, History and Religion, l6!+0-l660, by B.H.G. Wormald, xxxiii,1952/2,169 - The Law and Working of the Constitution: Documents l660-19ll+. I: 1660-1783. II: 176V1911*. ed. W.C. Costin and J. Steven Watson, xxxiii,1952/2,170 - The Age of Charles I, by David Mathew, xxxiii ,1952/1+,392 - King George III and the Politicians, by Richard Pares, xxxiv,1953/ 1+.366 - A History of English Law, XIII, by William Holdsworth, ed. A.L. Goodhart and H.G. Hanbury, xxxv,195l+/3,258

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 173 McDougall, L.J. A Constitutional and Legal History of England, by Goldwin Smith, xxxvii,1956/1,90 - The Evolution of the British Empire and Commonwealth from the American Revolution, by A.L. Burt, xxxviii,1957/I,62 - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. II: The New World, by Winston Churchill, xxxviii,1957/2,157- See also correspondence of Thomas Dunbabin, xxxviii,1957/^,3^9 - The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. I: April, 17^ to June, 1768, ed. Thomas W. Copeland, xl,1959A,339. II: July, 1768, to June, 1771*, ed. Lucy S. Sutherland, xlii, 1961/1,70 - Edmund Burke and Ireland, by Thomas H.D. Mahoney, xli,I960 A,353 - The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentary, ed. G.R. Elton, xlii,1961 A, 352 - Defence by Committee: The British Committee of Imperial Defence, 1885-1959, by Franklyn Arthur Johnson, xlii,196lA,36o - Somerset, l625 to 16^0: A Country's Government during the "Personal Rule," by Thomas Garden Barnes, xliv,1963/1,62 - Smuts. I: The Sanguine Years, 1870-1919, by W.K. Hancock, xliv, 1963A.330 - Religious Toleration in England, 1787-1833, by Ursula Henriques, xliv,1963A,355 - Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England, by Christopher Hill, xlvi,1965/3,257 - in review article: The Life of Joseph Chamberlain, IV, by Julian Amery; The British Overseas: Exploits of a Nation of Shopkeepers, by C.E. Carrington; Select Documents in Australian History, 1788-1850, ed. C.M.H. Clark; The British Family of Nations, by John Coatman; The Growth of the British Commonwealth. I: 1558-1815. II: 1815-19^5, by G.P. Dartford; Heritage of Rhodes, by W.D. Gale; Freedom and Planning in Australia, by Campbell A. Garnett; Burma, by D.G.E. Hall; Wealth of Colonies, by W.K. Hancock; The British Settlement of Natal: A Study of Imperial Migration, by Alan F. Hattersley; The British Group: An Imperial Social Study, by C.E. Key; New Zealand, by Harold Miller; African Journey, by Andre Siegfried, trs. Edward Fitzgerald; From Empire to Commonwealth: Principles of British Imperial Government, ed. Jack Simmons; The Changing Commonwealth: Proceedings of the Fourth Unofficial Commonwealth Relations Conference Held at Bigwin Inn, Ontario, Canada, September 8-18, 19^9, ed. F.H. Soward; One Man's Hand: The Story of Sir Charles Coghlan and the Liberation of Southern Rhodesia, by J.P.R. Wallis; xxxii,1951/2,1^3 - in review article:

Parliamentary Government in the Commonwealth, ed. Sydney D. Bailey; A Short History of Ireland, by J.A. Beckett;

Britain and the Dominions, by W.R. Brock;

A Short History of Scotland, by Hume P. Brown, new ed. by Henry W.


The British West Indies, by W.L. Burn;

Mission with Mountbatten, by Alan Campbell-Johnson; John Robert Godley of Canterbury, by C.E. Carrington;

ITU / Canadian Historical Review Index Australia, by R.M. Crawford; Gold and the Gospel in Mashonaland, 1888, Being the Journals of 1. The Mashonaland Mission of Bishop Knight-Bruce; 2. The Concession Journey of Charles Dunell Rudd, ed. Constance E. Fripp and V.E. Killer; Consultation and Co-operation in the Commonwealth: A Handbook on Methods and Practice, by Heather J. Harvey; The Constitution of Ceylon, by Ivor Jennings; The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1950, ed. Ivison S. MacAdam; Oversea Settlement: Migration from the United Kingdom to the Dominions, by G.F. Plant; Irish Nationalism and British Democracy, by Eric Strauss; The Mahdiya: A History of the Soudan, l88l-l899, by A.B. Theobald; A History of Modern Wales, by David Williams; A Short History of the British West Indies, by H.A. Wiseman; xxxiii, 1952/3,272 -in review article: Mr Speaker, Sir, by Graham Cawthorne; The Forsaken Idea: A Study of Viscount Milner, by Edward Crankshaw; The Republic of India: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions, by Alan Gledhill; The Australian Frontier in New Guinea, 1870-1885, by Donald Craigie Gordon; Lord Milner and the Empire: The Evolution of British Imperialism, by Vladimir Halperin; Constitutional Laws of the Commonwealth, by Ivor Jennings and C.M. Young, 2nd ed.; James Stephen and the British Colonial System, l8l3-l8Vf, by Paul Knaplund; Indians Overseas, 1838-19^9, by C. Kondapi; Isolation and Alliances: An American Speaks to the British, by Walter Lippmann; The Irish Parliamentary Party, 1890-1910, by F.S.L. Lyons; Introducing East Africa, by Mona Macmillan; Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs: Problems of External Policy, 1931-1939, by Nicholas Mansergh; A History of Ireland under the Union, 1801 to 1922, by P.S. O'Hegarty; The India I Knew, l897-191*7, by Stanley Reed; India and British Imperialism, by Gorham D. Sanderson; The British Commonwealth: A Family of Peoples, ed. Drummond Shiels; Jan Christian Smuts, by J.C. Smuts; Peter Fraser, New Zealand's Wartime Prime Minister, by James Thorn; British Colonial Constitutions, 19^79 by Martin Wight; xxxiv,1953/ 3,281* i-n review article: My Political Life. I: England before the Storm, 1896-191^- II: War and Peace, 191^-1929, by L.S. Amery; Struggle for Africa, by Vernon Bartlett; The Struggle for Kashmir, by Michael Brecher; Reflections of an Australian Liberal, by F.W. Eggleston; The Hill of Devi: Being Letters from Dewas State Senior, by E.M. Forster; The Viceroyalty of Lord Ripon, l880-l88U, by S. Gopal; The British Impact on India, by Percival Griffiths;

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 175

James Brooke of Sarawak: A Biography of Sir James Brooke, "by Emily Halm; British Colonial Developments, 177^-183^, by Vincent Harlow and Frederick Madden; Carson: The Life of Sir Edward Carson, Lord Carson of Duncairn, by H. Montgomery Hyde; Public Opinion and Government Policy in Ireland, 1801-18U6, by R. B. McDowell; Documents and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs, 1931-1952, by Nicholas Mansergh, 2 vols.; The Peoples and Policies of South Africa, by Leo Marquard; The Australian Party System, by Louise Overacker; Colour and Culture in South Africa: A Study of the Status of the Cape Coloured People within the Social Structure of the Union of South Africa, by Sheila Patterson; India, Pakistan, and the West, by Percival Spear; The East India Company in Eighteenth-Century Politics, by Lucy S. Sutherland; Australia: Her Story: Notes on a Nation, by Kylie Tennant; The British Empire: Its Structure and Spirit, 1^97-1953, by Eric A. Walker, 2nd ed.; The Men Who Ruled India: The Founders, by Philip Woodruff; xxxv, 195V3,231 - in review article: Report from Malaya, by Vernon Bartlett; Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan, by Hector Bolitho; A Short History of Hew Zealand, by J.B. Condliffe and W.T. Airey, rev. ed.; Welsh and Scottish Nationalism: A Study, by Reginald Coupland; Warren Hastings, by Keith Feiling; The Communist Struggle in Malaya, by Gene Z. Hanrahan; The Freedom of the Press in Ireland, 178U-l8Ul, by Brian Inglis; Defeating Mau Mau, by L.S.B. Leakey; Must We Lose Africa? by Colin Legum; The Name and Nature of the Commonwealth: An Inaugural Lecture, by Nicholas Mansergh; The Stranger in Ireland from the Reign of Elizabeth to the Great Famine, by Constantia Maxwell; Social Security in the British Commonwealth: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, by Ronald Mendelsohn; Menace in Malaya, by Harry Miller; African Afterthoughts, "by Philip Mitchell; The British Commonwealth: The Development of Its Laws and Constitutions. IV: New Zealand, by J.L. Robson; Through Malan's Africa, by Robert St. John; The Sikhs, by Khushwant Singh; Nine Troubled Years, by Viscount Templewood; India since Independence, by Robert Trumbull; The Men Who Ruled India: The Guardians, by Philip Woodruff; Raffles of the Eastern Isles, by C.E. Wurtzburg, ed. Clifford Witting; xxxvi,1955/3,236 - in review article: Kenya's Opportunity: Memories, Hopes and Ideas, by Lord Altrincham; My Political Life. Ill: The Unforgiving Years, 1929 to 19^0, by L. S. Amery; South Africa, by Gwendolen M. Carter;

176 / Canadian Historical Review Index Select Documents in Australian History, 1851-1900 [ed] C.H.H. Clark; The Australian Federal Labour Party, 1901-1951, "by L.F. Crisp; African Crossroads, "by Charles Dundas; Background to Bitterness: The Story of South Africa, 1652-1951*, by Henry Gibbs; Australia: A Social and Political History, ed. Gordon Greenwood; A History of South-East Asia, by D.G.E. Hall; Australia, by J.C. Horsfall; England and the Middle East: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire, 191^-21, by Elie Kedourie; Peopling the British Commonwealth, by G.F. McCleary; The Multi-Racial Commonwealth, by Nicholas Mansergh; The Story of South Africa, by Leo Marquard; Report on Africa, by Oden Meeker; Richard Jebb and the Problem of Empire, by J.D.B. Miller; At the Feet of Mahatma Gandhi, by Rajendra Prasad; Imperial Policy and South Africa, 1902-10, by G.B. Pyrah; The Story of Australia, by A.G.L. Shaw; Africa in the Modern World, ed. Calvin W. Stillman; The Rhodesian: The Life of Sir Roy Welensky, by Don Taylor; The Problem of South Africa, by Herbert Tingsten, trs. Daniel Viklund; Fitz: The Story of Sir Percy FitzPatrick, by J.P.R. Wallis; xxxvii, 1956/3,2>i7 - in review article: The Chatham Administration, 1766-1768, by John Brooke; The Restoration of Charles II, by Godfrey Davies; The Levellers: A History of the Writings of Three SeventeenthCentury Social Democrats, by Joseph Frank; Fundamental Law in English Constitutional History, by J.W. Gough; Liberty and Reformation in the Puritan Revolution, by William Haller; Scotland under Charles I, by David Mathew; England in the Reigns of James II and William III, by David Ogg; Sir Robert Walpole: The Making of a Statesman, by J.H. Plumb; University Representation in England, l60>+-l690, by Millicent Barton Rex; Lord Chatham: Pitt and the Seven Years War, by O.A. Sherrard; Puritanism in Old and Hew England, by Alan Simpson; English Politics in the Early Eighteenth Century, by Robert Walcott Jr.; King James VI and I, by David Harris Willson; xxxviii,1957/2,131 - in review article: The Colombo Plan and Other Essays, by Frederick Benham; Two Jamaicas: The Role of Ideas in a Tropical Colony, 1830-1865, by P.D. Curtin; The Anatomy of South African Misery, by C.W. De Kiewiet; An Introduction to the History of West Africa, by J.B. Fage; India: New Pattern, by Lady Hartog; New from Africa, by John Hatch; Behind the Modern Sudan, by H.C. Jackson; Britain, Commonwealth and Empire, 1901-1955, by Paul Knaplund; An Asian Prime Minister's Story, by John Kotelawala; The Indian Parliament, ed. A.B. Lai; An Introduction to the History of East Africa, by Z.A. Marsh and G.W. Kingsnorth;

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 177 The Story of the Integration of the Indian States, by V.P. Menon; Australian Government and Politics, by J.D.B. Miller; Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography, by Frank Moraes; A Short History of the West Indies, by J.H. Parry and P.M. Sherlock; Mutiny at the Curragh, by A.P. Ryan; West India Policy under the Restoration, by A.P. Thornton;

Kwame Nkrumah: His Rise to Power, by Bankole Timothy;

Ulster under Home Rule, ed. Thomas Wilson; 'Essayez': The Memoirs of Lawrence, Second Marquess of Zetland, by the Marquess of Zetland; Development for Free Asia, by Maurice Zinkin; xxxviii,1957A»300 - in review article: They Were South Africans, by John Bond; The Politics of Inequality: South Africa Since 19^8, by Gwendolen M. Carter; Sources of Australian History, ed. M. Clarke; Some Comparative Aspects of Irish Law, by A.G. Donaldson; The Sudan's Path to Independence, by J.S.R. Duncan; A Constitution for Pakistan, by Herbert Feldman; Modern India, by Percival Griffiths; An African Survey: Revised 1956, by Lord Hailey; Guide to Resources for Commonwealth Studies in London, Oxford and Cambridge with Bibliographical and Other Information, by A.R. Hewitt; Constitutional Problems in Pakistan, by Ivor Jennings; Problems of the New Commonwealth, by Ivor Jennings; Parliamentary Sovereignty in the Commonwealth, by Geoffrey Marshall; The Transfer of Power in India, by V.P. Menon; The South African Frontier: Economic Influences, 1652-1836, by S. Daniel Heumark; Sir Harry Johnston and the Scramble for Africa, by Ronald Oliver; The Evolution of India, by V.L. Pandit; Lugard: The Years of Adventure, 1858-1898, by Margery Perham; Joseph Chamberlain and the South African Republic 1895-1899, by Richard H. Wilde; xxxix,1958A,312 - See Wilkinson, B., — and F.H. Underbill McDougall, John L. Chartered Banking in Canada, by A.B. Jamieson, xxxv,195^/3,260 McGann, Thomas F. Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century, by H.S. Ferns, xlii,1961/2,170 Mcllwraith, T.F. Native Arts of the Pacific Northwest: From the Rasmussen Collection of the Portland Art Museum, by Robert Tyler Davis, xxxi,1950/2,195 - The Micma'c Indians of Eastern Canada, by Wilson D. Wallis and Ruth Sawtell Wallis, xxxvi,1955/3,271 Mclnnis, Edgar. Canada in World Affairs. September 19U1 to May 191*1*, by C. Cecil Lingard and Reginald C. Trotter; From Normandy to Paris, 19M-19U6, by F.H. Soward; xxxii,1951/l,66 - William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography, 1871+-1932, I, by R. MacGregor Dawson, xl,1959/I,53. See also correspondence of Henry Borden, xliii,1962/3,275 - Germany and World Politics in the Twentieth Century, by Ludwig Dehio, xli,1960/1,63 - Power and the Pursuit of Peace: Theory and Practice in the History of Relations between States, by F.H. Kinsley, xlvi,1965/2,177

178 / Canadian Historical Review Index Mclnnis, Edgar. In review article: A History of Canadian External Relations, by G.P. de T. Glazebrook; I was There, by William D. Leahy; Making the Peace, 191*1-191*5, by William L. Neumann; Report, 191*9, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs; The United States and Japan, by Edwin 0. Reischauer; Roosevelt and the Russians: The Yalta Conference, by E.R. Stettinius; Germany, 191*7-191*9: The Story in Documents, U.S. Dept. of State; Postwar foreign policy preparation, 1939-191*5, U.S. Dept. of State; xxxi,1950/3,303 MacKay, R.A. Life and Labour in Hewfoundland, by C.R. Fay, xxxviii, 1957/3,21*9 Mackenzie, A.A. Place Names and Places of Hova Scotia, ed. Charles Bruce Fergusson, li,1970/1,95 Mackesy, Piers. Portrait of a General: Sir Henry Clinton in the War of Independence, by William B. Willcox, xlvi,1965/1*,367 MacKinnon, Frank. Journeys to the Island of St. John or Prince Edward Island, 1775-1832, ed. D.C. Harvey, xxxvi.1955A.351* - Three Centuries and the Island: A Historical Geography of Settlement and Agriculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada, by Andrew Hill Clark, xli,1960/1,76 MacKinnon, Hugh. Stephanus De Lingua-Tonante: Studies in the Sermons of Stephen Langton, by Phyllis Barzillay Roberts, li ,1970/2,201* MacKirdy, K.Al A History of Australia, by Marjorie Barnard, xliv, 1963/3,263 - The Rush That Never Ended: A History of Australian Mining, by Geoffrey Blainey, xlvi,1965/2,158 - A History of Australia. I: From the Earliest Times to the Age of Macquarie, by C.M.H. Clark, xlvi,1965/2,158 - The Southwest Pacific to 1900, by C. Hartley Grattan, xlvi,1965/ 2,158 - The Southwest Pacific since 1900, by C. Hartley Grattan, xlvi,1965 72,158 - Australian Federal Politics and Law, 1929-19^9, by Geoffrey Sawer, xlvi,1965/2,158 - The Golden Age: A History of the Colony of Victoria, l851-l86l, by Geoffrey Serle, xlvi,1965/2,158 - Convicts & the Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain & Ireland to Australia & Other Parts of the British Empire, by A.G.L. Shaw, xlviii,1967/3,292 - Australian Dictionary of Biography. I: 1788-1850, A-H; II: 17881850, I-Z, ed. Douglas Pike et al., xlix,1968/3,31^ MacLean, Guy. Records of the Nile Voyageurs, 188U-1885: The Canadian Voyageur Contingent in the Gordon Relief Expedition, ed. C.P. Stacey, xli,1960/3,255 MacLean, R.A. Regionalism in the Canadian Community, 1867-1967, ed. Mason Wade, li ,1970/1*, 1*57 McHaught, Kenneth. The Winnipeg General Strike, by D.C. Masters, xxxi,1950/3,313 - The Canadian Pageant, by G.J. Reeve and R.O. MacFarlane, xxxiii, 1952/1*,389 - Canada: The Golden Hinge, by Leslie Roberts, xxxiii,1952/1*,389 - Harold Laski (1893-1950): A Biographical Memoir, by Kingsley Martin, xxxv,195l*/l,65 - The Great Experiment, by Frank Thistlethwaite, xxxvii,1956/2,187

Books Heviewed: Reviewers / 179 MoNaught, Kenneth. Canada in World Affairs: September 1951 to October 1953, by B.S. Keirstead, xxxvii,1956/3,276 - American and Canadian Viewpoints, by Dennis H. Wrong, xxxvii,19567 3,282 - American Goods in Canadian Markets, by Forrest L. Rogers, xxxviii, 1957A,337 - NATO and American Security, ed. KLaus Knorr, xli,1960 A,339 - The Atlantic Triangle and the Cold War, by Edgar Mclnnis, xli,I960 A, 339 - Peacemaker or Powder-Monkey: Canada's Role in a Revolutionary World, by James M. Mini fie, xli,I960 A,339 - A Protest Movement Becalmed: A Study of the CCF, by Leo Zakuta, xlvi,1965/1,52. See also correspondence of L. Zakuta and K. McNaught, xlvi,1965/U,397-99 - Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1911, by Gabriel Kolko, xlvii,1966/ 2,173 - The Hew Radicalism in America, 1889-1963: The Intellectual as a Social Type, by Christopher Lasch, xlvii,1966/3,279 - in review article: Major Problems of United States Foreign Policy, 1950-1951, Brookings Institution, International Studies Group; Master Plan, U.S.A.: An Informal Report on America's Foreign Policy and the Men Who Make It, by John Fischer; American Diplomacy, by George F. Kennan; The United States and France, by Donald C. McKay; The Forrestal Diaries, ed. Walter Millis; United States Participation in the United Nations: Report by the President to the Congress for the Year 1950, U.S. Dept. of State; xxxiii,1952/1,61+ McNeal, Robert. A History of Soviet Russia, by Edward Hallett Carr. [Pt. II] Socialism in One Country, 192U-1926. Vol. I, xl, 1959/3, 251. Vol. Ill, Pts. 1-2, xlvii,1966/2,191 - The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky, 1921-1929, by Isaac Deutscher, xli, 1960/2,166 - The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia, by Robert Vincent Daniels, xlii,1961/2,176 - Soviet Foreign Policy after Stalin, by David J. Dallin, xlii,196l/ l+,363 - Dilemmas of Progress in Tsarist Russia: Legal Marxism and Legal Populism, by Arthur P. Mendel, xliii,1962/1,6h - The Russian Provisional Government, 1917: Documents, ed. Robert Paul Browder and Alexander F. Kerensky, 3 vols., xliii,1962/2,172 - The Soviet High Command: A Military-Political History 1918-19'il, by John Erickson, xliv,1963/3,259 - The Sickle under the Hammer: The Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in the Early Months of Soviet Rule, by Oliver Henry Radkey, xlv, 1961*/2,lW - Plekhanov: The Father of Russian Marxism, by Samuel H. Baron, xlv, 1961*A,356 - The Prophet Outcast: Trotsky, 1929-191*0, by Isaac Deutscher, xlvi, 1965/1,79 - Modern Russian Historiography, by Anatole G. Mazour, xli,1969/1,61* - in review article: The Russian Revolution, by Alan Moorehead;

180 / Canadian Historical Review Index The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism: Promise and Default of the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries February to October 1917) "by Oliver H. Radkey; Finland and the Russian Revolution, 1917-1922, by C. Jay Smith Jr.; Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918: Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry, ed. Z.A.B. Zeman; xl,1959/ 2,llt2 MacUutt, W.S. An International Community on the St. Croix (160U-1930), by Harold A. Davis, xxxi,1950/3,312 - Canada in the Making, by George W. Brown, xxxv,195W2,156 - Done at Grand Pre, by Will R. Bird, xxxvii,1956/1,92 - Atlantic Canada, by Miriam Chapin, xxxvii,1956/3,285 - Century of Conflict: The Struggle between the French and British in Colonial America, by Joseph Lister Rutledge, xxxviii,1957/2,1^5 - Lord Selkirk's Diary l803-l80it: A Journal of His Travels in British North America and the North-eastern United States, ed. Patrick C.T. White, xl,1959/2,165 - The "Foreign Protestants" and the Settlement of Nova Scotia: The History of a Piece of Arrested British Colonial Policy in the Eighteenth Century, by Winthrop P. Bell, xlii,196lA,3^0 - The Diary of Simeon Perkins, 1797-1803, ed. C. Bruce Fergusson, li,1970/l,80 Macpherson, C.B. An Immortal Commonwealth: The Political Thought of James Harrington, by Charles Blitzer, xliii,1962A,352 - The Levellers and the English Revolution, by H.N. Brailsford, ed. Christopher Hill, xliii,1962 A,352 - The Beginnings of the English Newspaper, 1620-1660, by Joseph Frank, xliii,1962A,352 McRae, K.D. It's Our Business, by George V. Ferguson, xxxii ,195lA, 395 - The Parliament of Canada, by George Hambleton, xxxii,1951A,395 - Jean Bodin and the Sixteenth-Century Revolution in the Methodology of Law and History, by Julian H. Franklin, xlvi,1965/3,268 Maheux, Arthur. Empire and Communications, by H.A. Innis, xxxi,1950/ 3,322 Mahon, John K. The Republic in Peril: 1812, by Roger H. Brown, xlvi, 1965/1,57 Mallory, J.R. Cabinet Government and War 1890-19^0, by John Ehrman, xl,1959/1,66 - The Social Credit Movement in Alberta, by John A. Irving, xli,1960 A, 338 Manning, Helen Taft. L'Union des deux Canadas, 1791-l8*tO: Nouvelle Conquete? by Denis Vaugeois, xlv,1961*/l,69 - The Union of the Canadas: The Growth of Canadian Institutions, I8itl-l857, by J.M.S. Careless, xlix,1968/3,281* - Les Imprimes dans le Bas-Canada, I801-l81t0, Bibliographie analytique. I: 1801-1810, by John Hare and Jean-Pierre Wallot, xlix, 1968/^,1*19. See also correspondence of Jacques Mathieu, 1,1969/2, 2k2 Mansergh, Nicholas. Canada in World Affairs. From UN to NATO, 19^619^9, by Robert A. Spencer, xli, 1960/1,73. 19149-1950, by W.E.C. Harrison, xxxix,1958/1,76; see also correspondence of W.E.C. Harrison, xxxix,1958/3,265 Marrus, Michael R. The Boulanger Affair: Political Crossroads of France, 1886-1889, by Frederic H. Seager, li,1970/2,217

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / l8l Martin, Chester. Copy-Book of Letters Outward So, Begins 29th May, 1680, Ends 5 July, 1687, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxi,1950A,lalt Marzari, Frank. An Independent Foreign Policy for Canada? ed. Stephen Clarkson, xlix,1968A,U2l+ Masters, D.C. Hull, 1800-1950, "by Lucien Brault, xxxi,1950/3,327 - Rapport de 1'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec pour 191+8-19^9» Quebec, Imprimeur de Sa Majeste le Roi, xxxii,1951/3,279 - A Hundred Years of Canadian Stamps 1851-1951, by Ralph Stokes Mason, xxxiii,1952/1,80 - Saints in Politics: The "Clapham Sect" and the Growth of Freedom, by Ernest Marshall Howse, xxxiv,1953/l,72 - "Western" - 1878-1953: Being the History of the Origins and Development of the University of Western Ontario during Its First Seventyfive Years, by James J. Talman and Ruth Davis Talman, xxxiv,1953/ M6l - The Life of the Right Reverend, the Honourable Charles James Stewart, D.D.Oxon., Second Anglican Bishop of Quebec, by Thomas R. Millman, xxxv,195^/1,69 - The Barley and the Stream: The Molson Story, by Merrill Denison, xxxvi,1955/2,153 - The Urban Development in South-Central Ontario, by J. Spelt, xxxvii, 1956/1,85 - Catholic Education and Politics in Upper Canada, by Franklin A. Walker, xxxvii,1956/3,272 - The Struggle for the Indian Stream Territory, by Roger Hamilton Brown, xxxvii,1956/3,283 - Canadian Economic History, by W.T. Easterbrook and H.G.J. Aitken, xxxviii,1957/1,53 - Benjamin Cronyn: First Bishop of Huron, by Alfred Henchman Crowfoot, xxxix,1958/1,82 Mattingly, Garrett. War and Society in the Seventeenth Century, by George Clark, xl,1959/1,60 - Cultural Foundations of Industrial Civilization, by John U. Nef, xl,1959/1,60 Mealing, S.R. The Story of Canada, by Donald Creighton, xli,1960/1, 68 - From Sea unto Sea: The Road to Nationhood, 1850-1910, by W.G. Hardy, xlii,1961/2,153 Merkley, Paul. Prohibition and the Progressive Movement: 1900-1920, by James H. Timberlake, xlv,196U/2,155 - F.D.R. and the South, by Frank Freidel, xlvii,1966/2,176 - The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic Ambivalence, by E.W. Hawley, xlviii,1967/1,88 Millman, Thomas R. Church and State in Canada West: Three Studies in the Relation of Denominationalism and Nationalism, 181*1-1867, by John S. Moir, xli,1960/1,78 - The Blessed Communion: The Origins and History of the Diocese of Montreal, 1760-1960, by John Irwin Cooper, xlii,196l/2,l*t8 Mitchell, Elaine Allan. London Correspondence Inward from Eden Colvile 18U9-1852, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxviii, 1957/3,21*6 - Hudson's Bay Copy Booke of Letters Commissions Instructions Outward 1688-1696, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxix,1958/2,l62 Mitchell, Harvey. The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800. II: The Struggle, by R. R. Palmer, xlvi,1965/3,272

182 / Canadian Historical Review Index Mitchell, Harvey. The Netherlands in the 17th Century. II: 161*8-1715, by Pieter Geyl, xlvii,1966/l,80 - Herder's Social and Political Thought: From Enlightenment to Nationalism, by F.M. Barnard, xlvii,1966/3,269 - Bonapartism After Sedan, by John Rothney, 1,1969/3,3^1 Mladenovic, M. The Pattern of Communist Revolution: A Historical Analysis, by Hugh Seton-Watson, xxxvi,1955/I,70 - Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897, "by Richard Pipes, xlv, 1964/2,ll*7 Moir, John S. The United Church of Canada: The Story of the Union, by George C. Pidgeon, xxxii,1951/1,90 - Ottawa, by Blodwen Davies, xxxvi ,1955/3,261+ - Up and Down the Glens: The Story of Glengarry, by Dorothy Dumbrille, xxxvi,1955/3,26U - The Legislative Struggle for Church Union, by Gershom ¥. Mason, xxxviii,1957/1,58 - Braggart in My Step: More Stories of Glengarry, by Dorothy Dumbrille, xxxviii,1957/1,77 - The Valley of the Trent, ed. B.C. Guillet, xxxix,1958/1,80 - Sir Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski: A Biography, by Ludwik Kos-Rabcewicz-Zubkowski and William Edward Greening, xli,1960/1*,331 - The Selected Writings of William Lyon Mackenzie, 182U-1837, ed. Margaret Fairley, xlii, 1961/8,ll*9 - Parsons s Politics: The Role of the Wesleyan Methodists in Upper Canada and the Maritimes from 1780 to 1855, "by Goldwin French, xliv,1963/2,159 - Protestant Church Colleges in Canada, A History, by D.C. Masters, xlviii,1967/3,280 Molho, Anthony. Critics of the Italian World 1530-1560: Anton Francesco Doni, Hiccolo Franco and Ortensio Lando, by Paul F. Grendler, li, 1970/1,101* Monet, Jacques. Marie Morin: Premier historien canadien de Villemarie, by Esther Lefebvre, xli,1960/l*,331 - Dollard, est-il un mythe? by Lionel Groulx, xlii ,196l/2,ll*7 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 25 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xlii,196l/ 3,235 - Memoires intimes, by Louis Frechette, ed. George A. Klinck, xliii, 1962/2,152 - Frontenac, by W.J. Eccles, French trs. by Frangoise de Tilly, xlv, 1961*/2,138 - Lord Durham, by Roger Viau, xlv,1961*/2,138 - Histoire economique et sociale du Quebec, 1760-1850: Structures et conjoncture, by Fernand Ouellet, xlix,1968/2,176 Money, John. The Chathamites: A Study in the Relationship between Personalities and Ideas in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, by Peter Brown, 1,1969/3,332 Moote, A. Lloyd. Le Clerge de France et la monarchic: Etude sur les Assemblies Generales du Clerge de l6l5 a 1666, by Pierre Blet, xli , 1960A.3W* - The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections, trs. Henry Bertram Hill, xlii, 1961 A, 351+ - La Banque protestante en France de la revocation de 1'Edit de Hantes a la Revolution. II: De la banque aux finances (1730-1791*), by Herbert Luthy, xliii,1962/3,21+3

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 183

Moote, A. Lloyd. A Seventeenth-century View of European Libraries: Lomeier's De Bibliothecis, Chapter X, trs. John Warwick Montgomery, xliv,1963/1,70 - Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 1713^-1783, by M.S. Anderson, xliv, 1963 A, 36l - The French Revolution from 1793 to 1799, by Georges Lefebvre, trs. John Hall Stewart and James Friguglietti, xlvii,1966/1,82 - Ideas in History: Essays Presented to Louis Gottschalk by His Former Students, ed. Kichard Herr and Harold T. Parker, xlvii,1966/2, 191*

- William III and Louis XIV: Essays 1680-1720 by and for Mark A. Thomson, ed. Ragnhild Hatton and J.S. Bromley, 1,1969/1,107

Morrison, S.E. The Walker Expedition to Quebec, 1711, ed. Gerald S. Graham, xxxvi,1955/l,56 Morton, W.L. The North American Buffalo: A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State, by Frank Gilbert Roe, xxxii ,1951 A,388 - The Founding of the Second British Empire, 1763-1793. I: Discovery and Revolution, by Vincent T. Harlow, xxxiv,1953/1,55 - Social Credit and the Federal Power in Canada, by J.R. Mallory, xxxvi,1955/3,267 - Foundations of Canadian Nationhood, by Chester Martin, xxxvi,1955/


- A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953, by Bruce Braden Peel, xxxvii,1956/3,278 - None of It Came Easy: The Story of James Garfield Gardiner, by Nathaniel A. Benson, xxxvii, 1956A,367 - The National Policy and the Wheat Economy, by Vernon C. Fowke, xxxix,1958A,3^2 - Farmer Citizen: My Fifty Years in the Canadian Farmers' Movement, by W.C. Good, xl,1959/3,2k6 - Histoire de la Chambre de Commerce de Quebec, 1809-1959, by Fernand Ouellet, xli,1960/1,69 - Movements of Political Protest in Canada, l6kO-l8kQ, by S.D. Clark, xli,1960/3,2lt3 - The Canadian Journal of Lady Aberdeen, 1893-1898, ed. John T. Saywell, xlii,1961/3,231 - Canadian National Railways. II: Towards the Inevitable, 1896-1922, by G.R. Stevens, xliii, 1962A,3^6 - The Developing Canadian Community, by S.D. Clark, xliv,1963/3,235 - William Lyon Mackenzie King. II: The Lonely Heights, 192^-1932, by H. Blair Neatby, xlv,1961*A,319 - Prince Edward Island and Confederation, 1863-1873, by Francis W.P. Bolger, xlvi,1965/l,U9 - Histoire du Canada, by Robert Lacour-Gayet, xlviii ,1967A,371 - The Valley Comes of Age: A History of Agriculture in the Valley of the Red River of the Morth, 1812-1920, by Stanley Herman Murray, xlix,1968A,lt2l - John Ramsay of Kidalton: Being an Account of his Life in Islay and Including the Diary of his Trip to Canada in 1870, by Freda Ramsay, li,1970/1,85 Moulton, E.G. The Political History of Newfoundland, 1832-186^, by Gertrude E. Gunn, xlix,1968/1,62 - Newfoundland, Island into Province, by St. John Chadwick, xlix, 1968/3,281

l8h / Canadian Historical Review Index Mudroch, Vaclav. Law-finders and Law-makers in Medieval England: Collected Studies in Legal and Constitutional History, by Helen Cam, xlv,196Vl,57 - Perspectives in Medieval History, ed. {Catherine Fischer Drew and Floyd Seyward Lear, xlvi,1965/l,72 Mullett, Charles F. The American Secretary: The Colonial Policy of Lord George Germain, 1775-1778, by Gerald Saxon Brown, xlv,1961*A, 32k Munro, John H. The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present, by David S. Landes, li, 1970/1,72

Murray, Jean E. Regina, the Queen City, by Earl G. Drake, xxxvii, 1956/1,86

Neatby, Blair. A Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of French Canada, by Philip Garigue, xxxviii,1957/1>57

- Canada, by Jean Bruchesi, xxxviii,1957/2,165

- L'Eglise canadienne sous le regime militaire, 1759-1761*. I: Les Problemes, by Marcel Trudel, xxxviii ,1957/3,21*5 - Canadians in the Making: A Social History of Canada, by Arthur R. M. Lower, xl,1959/2,159 - Our Living Tradition, Second and Third Series, ed. Robert L. McDougall, xli,1960/3,21*9 - Arthur Meighen. I: The Door of Opportunity, by Roger Graham, xlii, 1961/3,228 - Memoires. I: My Vie privee. II: Gravissant la Colline. Ill: "Quarante Ans dans la tourmente politico-religieuse," by T.D. Bouchard, xliii,1962/l,75 - The Union Mationale: A Study in Quebec Nationalism, by Herbert F. Quinn, xlv,196U/2,ll*l - L'Entrle du Canada sur la scene internationale (1919-1927), by Claude LeGris, xlviii,1967/2,166 - Report of the Committee on Election Expenses, Ottawa, Queen's Printer, xlix,1968/3,292 - Studies in Canadian Party Finance, Ottawa, Queen's Printer, xlix, 1968/3,292 - The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada, 1939191*5, by J.L. Granatstein, xlix,1968/1*,U21 - Le Canada-Frangais: apres deux siecles de patience, by Gerard Bergeron, 1,1969/1,95 Heatby, Hilda. Canada: A Story of Challenge, by J.M.S. Careless, xxxiv,1953A, 351+ - Canadian Education Today: A Symposium, ed. Joseph Katz, xxxviii, 1957/1,71* - Historical Memoirs from l6 March, 1763, to 9 July, 1776, by William Smith, ed. William H.W. Sabine, xxxviii,1957/2,11*6 - The Development of Education in Canada, by C.E. Phillips, xxxix, 1958/2,155 - Whitehall and the Wilderness: The Middle West in British Colonial Policy, 1760-1775, by Jack M. Sosin, xliii,1962/3,225 - The Diary and Selected Papers of Chief Justice William Smith, 178!*1793, ed. L.F.S. Upton. I: The Diary, January 2lt, 1781* to October 5, 1785, xlv,1961*/l*,315. II: The Diary, October 6, 1785 to May 18, 1787; Selected Papers 1785 to 1793, xlvii,1966/1*, 36l

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 185 Heathy, Hilda. Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English, ed. Carl F. Klinck, xlvi,1965A,352. See also correspondence of William Kilbourn, xlvii,1966 A,1*00 Neatby, L.H. Quest for Franklin, by Noel Wright, xli,1960/1,72 - Sverdrup's Arctic Adventures, ed. T.C. Fairley, adapted from Otto Sverdrup's Hew Land: Four Years in the Arctic Region, xli, I960 A, 335 - The British Search for the Northwest Passage in the Eighteenth Century, by Glyndwr Williams, xliii ,1962A,3^8 - Westviking: The Ancient Norse in Greenland and America, by Farley Mowat, xlvii,19'66/3,280 - The Fur Trade and the Northwest to 1857, by E.E. Rich, xlix,1968/ 2,179 Nelson, Harold I. Canada's Century, by D.M. LeBourdais, xxxii,1951/ k, 396 - A History of Soviet Russia. [Ft. I] The Bolshevik Revolution, II, by Edward Hallett Carr, xxxiv,1953/3,302 - Russia: A History and an Interpretation, by Michael T. Florinsky, 2 vols., xxxv,195^/3,263 - Foch versus Clemenceau: France and German Dismemberment, 1918-1919, by Jere Clemens King, xliii,1962/3,21+9 Nelson, W.H. The Loyalists of New Brunswick, by Esther Clark Wright, xxxvii,1956/2,180 - Lord George Germain, by Alan Valentine, xliv, 1963A,353 - Adams Family Correspondence. I: December 176l-May 1776. II: June 1776-March 1778, ed. L.H. Butterfield et al., xlvi,1965A,369 - Is Liberalism Dead? And Other Essays, by Max Savelle, 1,1969A,*+67 New, John F.H. Raleigh and the Throckmortons, by A.L. Rowse, xliii, 1962/3,21*0 - The English Reformation, by A.G. Dickens, xlvi,1965/2,170 - The Early Elizabethan Succession Question, 1558-1568, by Mortimer Levine, xlviii,1967/2,177 - The Fifth Monarchy Men, by P.G. Rogers, xlix,1968/3,301 - Commonwealth and Protectorate: The English Civil War and Its Aftermath, by Ivan Roots, xlix,1968/3,301 - John Wilkins l6ll*-l672: An Intellectual Biography, by Barbara J. Shapiro, li,1970/3,330 - Politics and the Public Interest in the Seventeenth Century, by J.A.W. Gunn, li ,1970A ,k6k Nicholson, G.W.L. Norway, The Commandos, Dieppe, by Christopher Buckley, xxxiii,1952/3,289 - Arms and the Men, by Ian Hay, xxxiii,1952/3,289 - The Campaign in Italy, by Eric Linklater, xxxiii,1952/3,289 - Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, January 19l+3-June 19M, by Samuel Eliot Morison, xxxvi,1955/2,163 - Great Britain and the War of 191U-1918, by Llewellyn Woodward, xlix,1968/2,200 Nickle, W.F. Kingston: The King's Town, by James A. Roy, xxxiv,1953/ 2,188 Nish, Cameron. Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 29 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xlvii,1966/3,281 - The Seigneurial System in Early Canada: A Geographical Study, by Richard Colebrook Harris, xlviii,1967/1,62 Noble, David. The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays, by Richard Hofstadter, xlvii ,1966/1*, 373

186 / Canadian Historical Review Index Hoble, David. Unquiet Eagle: Memory and Desire in the Idea of American Freedom, 1815-1860, by Fred Somkin, xlix,1968/3,295 - In Quest of Community: Social Philosophy in the United States, 1860-1920, by R. Jackson Wilson, 1,1969A,*+69 Horris, John M. Constitutional Reason of State: The Survival of the Constitutional Order, by C.J. Friedrich, xxxix,1958/2,168 - Burke and the Nature of Politics: The Age of the American Revolution, by Carl B. Cone, xxxix,1958/3,251* - George III and the Historians, by Herbert Butterfield, xxxix,1958/ ^,335 - The End of north's Ministry, 1780-1782, by Ian R. Christie, xxxix, 1958A.335 - The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, by Lewis Marnier, 2nd ed., xxxix,1958A,335 - Culture and History: Prolegomena to the Comparative Study of Civilizations, "by Philip Bagby, xl, 1959/2,15!* - Theory and History: An Interpretation.of Social and Economic Evolution, by Ludwig von Mises, xl,1959/2,1?^ - The Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthman: Studies in the Transmission, Development and Circumstance of English Liberal Thought from the Restoration of Charles II until the War with the Thirteen Colonies, by Caroline Bobbins, xli,1960/l,62 - Social Change in the Industrial Revolution: An Application of Theory to the British Cotton Industry, by Weil J. Smelser, xlii, 1961/1,69 - The Rise of the British Treasury: Colonial Administration in the Eighteenth Century, by Dora Mae Clark, xlii,1961/3,2^3 - The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. Ill: July 177*+-June 1778, ed. George H. Guttridge, xlii, 1961/1+,356. IV: July 1778-June 1782, ed. John A. Woods, xlvi,1965/3,259 - Sir Robert Walpole: The King's Minister, by J.H. Plumb, xliii,1962 /1,56 - Wilkes and Liberty: A Social Study of 1763 to 1771*, by George RudS, xliv,1963/2,173 - Portrait of a Patriot: A Biography of John Wilkes, by Charles Chenevix Trench, xliv,1963/2,173 - Additional Grenville Papers, 1763-65, ed. John R.G. Tomlinson, xlv, 196U/2.157 - The Association: British Extraparliamentary Political Organization 1769-1793, by Eugene Charlton Black, xlvi,1965/1,69 - British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole, by Daniel A. Baugh, xlviii,1967/1,72 Nute, Grace Lee. Louis Jolliet, vie et voyages (16^5-1700), by Jean Delanglez, xxxii,1951/2,167 0'Boyle, Lenore. European Socialism: A History of Ideas and Movements from the Industrial Revolution to Hitler's Seizure of Power. I: From the Industrial Revolution to the First World War and its Aftermath. II: The Socialist Struggle against Capitalism and Totalitarianism, by Carl Landauer, Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier and Hilde Stein Landauer, xlii,196l/l,77 - Louis Blanc: His Life and His Contributions to French JacobinSocialism, by Leo A. Loubere, xlii,196l/3,2^2 Ogelsby, J.C.M. The Cradle of Colonialism, by George Masselman, xlvi, 1965/3,270

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 187 O'Keefe, C.B. La Pre-revolution frangaise, 1787-1788, by Jean Egret, xliv,1963/U,363 Oleson, T.J. Franklin of the Arctic: A Life of Adventure, by Richard S. Lambert, xxxi,1950/3,329 - Who Discovered America? The Amazing Story of Madoc, by Zella Armstrong, xxxiii,1952/2,182 - The Sinclair Expedition to Nova Scotia in 1398: A Pre-Columbian Crossing of the Atlantic Definitely Dated as to Year, Month, and Day of Landing, by Frederick J. Pohl, xxxiii,1952/2,182 - The Lost Discovery: Uncovering the Track of the Vikings in America, by Frederick J. Pohl, xxxiv,1953/2,187 - Anglo-Saxon Writs, by F.E. Harmer, xxxiv,1953/2,189 - The Vikings on Cape Cod: Evidence from Archaeological Discovery, by Frederick J. Pohl, xxxix,1958/2,166 - Cabot to Cartier: Sources for a Historical Ethnography of Northeastern North America 11*97-1550, by Bernard G. Hoffman, xliii, 1962/1,71 - The Kensington Runestone: A Reappraisal of the Circumstances under which the Stone was Discovered, by O.G. Landsverk, xliii,1962/2, 11*7 - Atlantic Crossings before Columbus, by Frederick J. Pohl, xliii, 1962/2,11*7 - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest, by H.R. Loyn, xliv, 1963/2,171 Oliver, Peter. Canada's Past and Present: A Dialogue, ed. Robert L. McDougall, xlvii, 1966/1+,370 - Profiles of a Province: Studies in the History of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario Historical Society, 1,1969/1,93 Ormsby, Margaret A. The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, I8l5-l81*0, I-II, by R. Carlyle Buley, xxxiii,1952/2,183 - Cumberland House Journals and Inland Journal, 1775-82, ed. E.E. Rich and A.M. Johnson. First Series, 1775-9, xxxiv,1953/1,62. Second Series, 1779-82, xxxiv,1953/3,296 - Adventure in Two Hemispheres, Including Captain Vancouver's Voyage to the Pacific Coast and Hawaiian Islands, by James Stirrat Marshall and Carrie Marshall, xxxvi,1955A,353 - A Short History of Canada, by Donald C. Masters, xl,1959/1*, 3l*6 - Basic Documents in Canadian History, by James J. Talman, xl,1959/ 1+.3U6 - A Source-book of Canadian History: Selected Documents and Personal Papers, ed. J.H. Stewart et al. , xli,1960/2,170 - Surveyor of the Sea: The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancouver, by Bern Anderson, xli ,1960/1*,333 - Turner and Beard: American Historical Writing Reconsidered, by Lee Benson, xlii,1961/2,156 - Recording America's Past: An Interpretation of the Development of Historical Studies in America, l607-l881*, by David D. Van Tassell, xlii,1961/2,156 - The Man Who Had to Hang: Louis Riel, by E.B. Osier, xliii,1962/2, 11*1* - The Birth of Western Canada: A History of the Riel Rebellions, by George F. G. Stanley, xliii,1962/2,11*1* - The Critical Years: The Union of British North America, 1857-1873,

by W.L. Morton, xlvii ,1966/1*,361* Ormsby, W.G. Mrs. Simcoe's Diary, ed. Mary Quayle Innis, xlvii,1966/ 3,283

188 / Canadian Historical Review Index Orsiriby, W.G. Union List of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories/ Catalogue collectif des manuscrits des archives canadiennes, by W. Kaye Lamb, ed. Robert S. Gordon, 1,1969/3,311 Ostry, Bernard. Faith, Sweat and Politics: The Early Trade Union Years in Canada, by Doris French, xlv,1964/1,74 Ouellet, Fernand. The French in North America: A Bibliographical Guide to French Archives, Reproductions and Research Missions, by Henry Putney Beers, xxxix,1958/1,69 - Seville et 1'Atlantique (1504-1650), by Pierre Chaunu and Huguette Chaunu, xlii,196l/l,5T - The Revolt of French Canada, 1800-1835: A Chapter in the History of the British Commonwealth, by Helen Taft Manning, xliii,1962/4, 350 - Dictionnaire biographique du Canada. I: De 1'an 1000 a 1700, ed. George W. Brown et al., xlviii,1967/1,60 - L'Histoire sociale: sources et methodes, Paris, Collogue de 1' Ecole normale superieure de Saint-Cloud, xlix,1968/1,83 - La Victoire de Saint-Denis, by Robert-Lionel Seguin, xlix,1968/3, 283 - Unequal Union: Confederation and the Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815-1873, by Stanley B. Ryerson, 1,1969/3,316 - Les Canadiens apres la Conquete (1759-1775): De la Revolution canadienne a la Revolution americaine, by Michel Brunet, li,1970/ 3,310 Overton, Richard C. Origins of the TVA: The Muscle Shoals Controversy, 1920-1932, by Preston J. Hubbard, xliii,1962/1,79 Owen, David. A New View of Society, by Robert Owen, xxxi,1950/3,324 - Goldwin Smith: Victorian Liberal, by Elisabeth Wallace, xxxix,1958 /1,71+ - Darwin's Century, by Loren Eiseley, xxxix, 1958A,327 - The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870, by Walter E. Houghton, xxxix, 1958A, 327 - Nineteenth Century Studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold, by Basil Willey, xxxix,1958/4,327 - More Nineteenth Century Studies: A Group of Honest Doubters, by Basil Willey, xxxix,1958/4,327 - The Prince Consort: A Political Biography, by Frank Eyok, xl,1959/ 4,340 - The Life of Henry Brougham to 1830, by Chester W. New, xliii,1962/ 2,164 - The Factory Movement, 1830-1855, by J.T. Ward, xliv,1963/3,252 - The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1812-1848, ed. Francis E. Mineka, xlv,1964/4,340 - The Bradlaugh Case: A Study in Late Victorian Opinion and Politics, by Walter L. Arnstein, xlvii,1966/2,177 Palmer, R.R. From Joseph II to the Jacobin Trials: Government Policy and Public Opinion in the Habsburg Dominions in the Period of the French Revolution, by Ernst Wangermann, xli,1960/4,346 - The Girondins, by M.J. Sydenham, xliii,1962/1,57 Parker, J.H. Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval Studies, Summer 1966, ed. John L. Lievsay, li,1970/2,214 Parry, J.H. The Journals of Captain James Cook on His Voyages of Discovery. Ill: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 17761780, ed. J.C. Beaglehole, 2 vols., xlix,1968/1,77

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 189 Parry, J.H. The Voyages of Abel Janszoon Tasman, by Andrew Sharp, li,1970/1,106 Patterson, E. Palmer, Jr. "The Worst of the Bargain": Concerning the dilemmas inherited from their forefathers along with their

lands by the Iroquois Nations of the Canadian Grand River Reserve, by Ella Cork, xliv,1963/3,2k2 Paule, Andre Labarre're-. See Latoarrere-Paule Pease, Jane H. Look to the North Star: A Life of William King, by Victor Oilman, li,1970/1,81 Pease, William H. The Mind of the Old South, by Clement Eaton, xlvi, 1965/1,58 - Understanding Negro History, ed. Dwight Hoover, 1,1969A,1+75 - Black Abolitionists, by Benjamin Quarles, li,1970/3,339 Pech, Stanley Z. George of Bohemia, King of Heretics, by Frederick G. Heymann, xlvii,1966/2,186 Penlington, Norman. Anglo-American Understanding, 1898-1903, by Charles S. Campbell Jr., xxxix,1958/1,78 - Great Britain and the United States, 1895-1903, by A.E. Campbell, xlii ,1961/1+,361 - Thrust and Counterthrust: The Genesis of the Canada-United States Boundary, by H. George Classen, xlviii,1967/1,67 - Canada and "Imperial Defense": A Study of the Origins of the British Commonwealth's Defense Organization, 1867-1919, by Richard A. Preston, xlviii,1967A,380 Pentland, H.C. State Intervention and Assistance in Collective Bargaining: The Canadian Experience, 19^3-195^*, by H.A. Logan, xxxviii, 1957/1,70 - La Greve de 1'amiante: une etape de la revolution industrielle au Quebec, ed. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, xxxviii,1957/2,155 - Monetary and Fiscal Thought and Policy in Canada, 1919-1939, by Irving Brecher, xxxix,1958/3,2^8 - in review article: International Unionism: A Study in Canadian-American Relations, by John Crispo; The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development, by J.H. Dales; Foreign Ownership of Canadian Industry: A Study of Company Policies and Performance, by A.E. Safarian; xlviii,1967 A, 365 Perkins, Bradford. The Defended Border: Upper Canada and the War of 1812, ed. Morris Zaslow, xlvi,1965/2,1^9 - A Nation on Trial: America and the War of 1812, by Patrick C.T. White, xlvii,1966/3,276 Pflanze, Otto. Free Trade and Protection in Germany, 1868-1879, by Ivo Nikolai Lambi, xlv,1961+/3,233 Phelan, Gerald B. The Political Thought of Thomas Aquinas, "by Thomas Gilby, xl,1959/2,151 Phelan, Josephine. Pioneer in Purple: The Life and Work of Archbishop Neil McNeil, by George Boyle, xxxiii,1952/1,79 - Andrew Stewart of the Prairie Homesteads, by T.G. McKitrick, xxxiii, 1952/1,79 Piepenburg, W.W. King and Commons, 1660-1832, by Betty Kemp, xxxix, 1958 A, 3U7 - Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, by Christopher Hill, xli, 1960/1,58 - Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth, by Conyers Read, xli,1960/1*,351

190 / Canadian Historical Review Index Piepenburg, W.W. Endymion Porter: The Life of a Courtier, 1587-16^9, by Gervas Huxley, xlii,1961/1,68 - Elizabethan Government and Society, ed. S.T. Bindoff et al., xliii, 1962/1,53 - The Puritans and the Church Courts in the Diocese of York, 156016U2, by Ronald Marchant, xliii,1962/2,l6l - in review article: Cromwell's Generals, by Maurice Ashley; English Historical Documents, 1660-1711*, ed. Andrew Browning; Members of the Long Parliament, by D. Brunton and D.H. Pennington; The Long Parliament, l6^0-l6Ul: A Biographical Study of Its Members, by Mary Frear Keeler; England and the Treaty of the Pyrenees, by F.J. Routledge; The English Religious Tradition: Sketches of Its Influence on Church, State, and Society, by Norman Sykes;

John Wesley, by C.E. Vulliamy, 3rd ed.; xxxv,195^/^,338

- in review article: An Economic History of England: The l8th Century, by T.S. Ashton; Selections from The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars and The Life by Himself, by the First Earl of Clarendon, ed. G. Huehns; The Irish Catholic Confederacy and the Puritan Revolution, by Thomas L. Coonan; The English People on the Eve of Colonization, 1603-1630, by Wallace Notestein; The Lord Protector: Religion and Politics in the Life of Oliver Cromwell, by Robert S. Paul; William III and the Respectable Revolution: The Part Played by William of Orange in the Revolution 1688, by Lucile Pinkham; The Great Rebellion: The King's Peace, 1637-16^1, by C.V. Wedgwood; xxxvi,1955A,3la - in review article: The Lion and the Throne: The Life and Times of Sir Edward Coke, 1552-163k, by Catherine Drinker Bowen; Puritanism in the Period of the Great Persecution, 1660-88, by Gerald R. Cragg; English Historical Scholarship in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, ed. Levi Fox; Margaret the First: A Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673, by Douglas Grant; Arabella Stuart: Royal Lady of Hardwick and Cousin to King James, by P.M. Handover; Economic Problems of the Church, from Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament, by Christopher Hill; The Life of Sir John Eliot, 1592-1632: Struggle for Parliamentary Freedom, by Harold Hulme; Errand into the Wilderness, by Perry Miller; British Historical Portraits: A Selection from the National Portrait Gallery with Biographical Notes, National Portrait Gallery; Elizabeth I and Her Parliaments, 158U-1601, by J.E. Heale; The Rise of the Pelhams, by John B. Owen; They Saw It Happen: An Anthology of Eye-witnesses' Accounts of Events in British History, 1^85-1688, by C.R.N. Routh; The Early Churchills: An English Family, by A.L. Rowse; English Art, 1625-171U, by Margaret Whinney and Oliver Millar; Serial Publication in England Before 1750, by R.M. Wiles; xxxix, 1958/1,52

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 191 Piepenburg, W.W. In review article: Puritans, Lawyers, and Politics: In Early Seventeenth Century England, by John Dykstra Eusden; The Rise of the Revolutionary Party in the English House of Commons, by Williams M. Mitchell; The Addled Parliament of l6lk, by Thomas L. Moir; Robert Greville, Lord Brooke, by Robert E.L. Strider Jr.; The Independents in the English Civil War, by George Yule; xl,19597 2,137 Pierce, Richard A. Siberian Journey: Down the Amur to the Pacific, 1856-1857 (new ed. of A Voyage Down the Amoor by Perry McDonough

Collins), ed. Charles Vevier, xliv,1963A,31t8

- A History of Russia, by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, xlv,1961|/2,lW> - The Emergence of Modern Russia,. 1801-1917, by Sergei Pushkarev, trs. Robert H. McNeal and Tova Yedlin, xlv,196UA,352 - Soviet Russia in World Politics, by Robert D. Warth, xlv,196UA, 352 Pierson, Stanley. Victorian Origins of the British Welfare State, by David Roberts, xlii,1961/1,79 Pirie, Margaret C. Art of the Northwest Coast Indians, by Robert Bruce Inverarity, xxxii,1951/2,169 Polka, Brayton. Renaissance and Revolution: The Remaking of European Thought, by J.A. Mazzeo, xlviii,1967/2,l8U Pollack, Norman. Ignatius Donnelly: The Portrait of a Politician, by Martin Ridge, xliv,1963/2,170 Porter, H.C. The Last Tudor King: A Study of Edward VI, by Hester W. Chapman, xl,1959/3,252 - The Reformation, 1520-59, ed. G.R. Elton, xli,1960/1,56 - A Crown of Fire: The Life and Times of Girolamo Savonarola, by Pierre van Paassen, xli,196oA,3l+5 - The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1570-161*0, by Charles H. George and Katherine George, xlii, 196lA,353 - History of the Court of Augmentations 1536-155^, by W.C. Richardson, xliii,1962/3,239 - English Humanists and Reformation Politics under Henry VIII and Edward VI, by James Kelsey McConica, xlviii,1967A,382 - in review article: The Culture of Contemporary Canada, ed. Julian Park, xxxix,1958/3, 2UO Pothier, Bernard. Pierre Le Moyne d1Iberville,-by Guy Fregault, 1, 1969/3,312 Pouliot, Leon. Monumenta Novae Franciae. I: La Premiere Mission d' Acadie (l602-l6l6), by Lucien Campeau, xlix,1968/2,173 Powicke, M.R. From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087-1216, by Austin Lane Poole, xxxiii,1952/1,77 - Liberty in the Modern World: Being the Third Lectures on the Chancellor Dunning Trust, Delivered at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1952, by Herbert Butterfield, xxxiv,1953/1,69 - The Liberal Anglican Idea of History, by Duncan Forbes, xxxiv,1953 /1,69 - A History of the Crusades. Ill: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, by Steven Runciman, xxxvi,1955/3,273 - Angevin Kingship, by J.E.A. Jolliffe, xxxvi, 19 5 5 A, 36l - The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor: A Study in the Constitutional History of Eleventh-Century England, by Tryggvi J. Oleson, xxxvi, 1955A,36l

192 / Canadian Historical Review Index Powicke, M.R. An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England, by Peter Hunter Blair, xxxvii,1956/3,279 - A History of the Crusades. I: The First Hundred Years, ed. Marshall W. Baldwin, xxxvii,1956A,376 - Le Mbyen Age: 1'expansion de 1'Orient et la naissance de la civilisation occidentale, by Edouard Perroy et al., xxxix,1958/1,85 - The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Fourteenth-Century England, by G.A. Holmes, xxxix,1958/2,170 Prang, Margaret. Public Servant: The Memoirs of Sir Joseph Pope, ed. Maurice Pope, xlii,196l/l,60 - The Elements Combined: A History of the Steel Company of Canada, by William Kilbourn, xlii,1961/3,236 - Canadian Annual Review for I960: A Reference Guide and Record, ed. John T. Saywell, xlii, 1961/1*,350 - Courage: The Story of Sir James Dunn, by Lord Beaverbrook, xliii, 1962/1,73 - The Public Purse: A Study in Canadian Democracy, by Norman Ward, xliv,1963A,3l*3 - The Fall and Rise of Mackenzie King: 1911-1919, by F.A. McGregor, xlv,196!+/l,78 - Arthur Meighen. II: And Fortune Fled, by Roger Graham, xlvi,1965/ 2,151* - Politics in Saskatchewan, ed. Norman Ward and Duff Spafford, 1, 1969/3,325 - and A.R.M. Lower. The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada, by John Porter, xlvii,1966/2,156 Pratt, Julius W. Democrat and Diplomat: The Life of William E. Dodd, by Robert Dallek, 1,1969/2,211 Pressly, Thomas J. The Papers of Henry Clay, ed. James F. Hopkins and Mary W.M. Hargreaves. I: The Rising Statesman, 1797-l8llt, xli, 1960/3.2U5. II: The Rising Young Statesman, I8l5-l820, xlii,196l/


- The Growth of Southern Civilization, 1790-1860, by Clement Eaton, xliii,1962/3,226 - President James Buchanan: A Biography, by Philip S. Klein, xliv, 1963/1,53 - Lincoln and the Negro, by Benjamin Quarles, xlv,1961*/l,63 - An Historian and the Civil War, by Avery Craven, xlvi,1965/1,59 - The South and the Sectional Conflict, by David M. Potter, li,1970/ 3,3^2 Preston, R.A. The Diary of Simeon Perkins. 1766-1780, ed. Harold A. Innis, xxxi,1950/1,69. 1780-1789, ed. D.C. Harvey, xl,1959A,3^8 - The Debate on the American Revolution, 1761-1783, ed. Max Beloff, xxxi,1950/2,196 - Hawkins of Plymouth: A New History of Sir John Hawkins and of Other Members of his Family Prominent in Tudor England, by James A. Williamson, xxxi,1950/3,322 - Public and Republic: Political Representation in America, by Alfred De Grazia, xxxii,1951/2,170 - Liberty and Property, by R.V. Coleman, xxxiii,1952/2,173 - British Labour's Foreign Policy, by Elaine Windrich, xxxiii,1952/ 1*,396 - English Discovery of America to 1585, by Franklin T. McCann, xxxiv, 1953/1,71 - The Navigation Acts and the American Revolution, by Oliver M. Dickerson, xxxiv,1953/3,298

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 193 Preston, R.A. Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance, 11*20-1620, by Boies Penrose, xxxiv,1953A,377 - Bugles on the Border, by Harry F. Landon, xxxvi,1955/2,151* - The American Revolution in. Its Political and Military Aspects, 1763-1783, by Eric Robson, xxxvi,1955/^,363 - Forests and French Sea Power, 1660-1789, by Paul Walden Bamford, xxxviii, 1957/1,51* - Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America, 1707-1783, by Ian C.C. Graham, xxxviii,1957/2,1^6 - Revolution in America: Confidential Letters and Journals 1776-1781t of Adjutant General Major Baurmeister of the Hessian Forces, by Bernard A. Uhlendorf, xxxviii,1957/2,163 - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Ill: The Age of Revolution, by Winston S. Churchill, xxxix,1958/2,167 - Soldiers and Governments: Nine Studies in Civil-Military Relations, ed. Michael Howard, xxxix,1958/3,256 - The Eden Memoirs: Facing the Dictators, by [Anthony Eden] Earl of Avon, xliv,1963/3,255 - The Dominion Partnership in Imperial Defense, 1870-191^, by Donald C. Gordon, xlvii,1966/2,l8l - Canadian Naval Operations in Korean Waters, 1950-1955, by Thor Thorgrimsson and E.C. Russell, xlviii,1967/3,282 - Strange Battleground: The Operations in Korea and Their Effects on the Defence Policy of Canada, by Herbert Fairlie Wood, xlviii, 1967/3,282 - in review article: Humanism and the Social Order in Tudor England, by Fritz Caspari; Hugh Latimer, Apostle to the English, by Allan G. Chester; Hugh Latimer, by Harold S. Darby; The Tudor Revolution in Government: Administrative Changes in the Reign of Henry VIII, by G.R. Elton; Tudor England, I-II, by David Harrison; The Reformation in England. II: Religio Depopulata, by Philip Hughes; St. Thomas More, by E.E. Reynolds; Tudor Chamber Administration, lU85-151+7, by W.C. Richardson; An Elizabethan Garland, by A.L. Rowse; The Muscovy Merchants of 1555, by T.S. Willan; The Tudor Age, by James A. Williamson; xxxv,195UA,331 - in review article: The Plains of Abraham, by Brian Connell; Wolfe at Quebec, by Christopher Hibbert; Wolfe: Portraiture and Genealogy, Quebec House Permanent Advisory Committee; The Rest to Fortune: The Life of Major-General James Wolfe, by Robin Reilly; Quebec, 1759: The Seige and the Battle, by C.P. Stacey; xli,1960/ 3,231 Price, Jacob M. His Majesty's Opposition, 171^-1830, by Archibald S. Foord, xlvi,1965/l,66 - Pine Trees and Politics: The Naval Stores and Forest Policy in Colonial New England, 1691-1775, by Joseph J. Malone, xlvi,1965A, 366 Pross, A.P. Wilderness and the American Mind, by Roderick Nash, xlix, 1968/3,293

19^ / Canadian Historical Review Index Quinn, David B. A Life of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain of Plymouth Fort, Governor of Wew England, and Lord of the Province of Maine, by Richard Arthur Preston, xxxvi,1955/^,3^9 - Early Voyages and Northern Approaches, 1000-1632, by Tryggvi J. Oleson, xlvi,1965/1,1+7 Rappaport, Armin. The World War and American Isolation, 191^-1917, by Ernest R. May, xl,1959A,350 - American Opinion about Russia, 1917-1920, by Leonid I. Strakhovsky, xlii,196l/i*,31*6 - The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, ed. George F. Hawse et al., xlii,196lA,351 - The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1933-1938: From the Manchurian Incident through the Initial Stage of the Undeclared Sino-Japanese War, by Dorothy Borg, xlvi,1965/2,166 Rath, R. John. The Imperial Loans: A Study in Financial and Diplomatic History, by Karl F. Helleiner, xlviii ,1967A,39!^• Rawlyk, G.A. Minutes of His Majesty's Council at Annapolis Royal, 1736-17U9, ed. Charles Bruce Fergusson, xlix,1968/2,IJh Reed, T.A. Old Toronto: Excerpts from Landmarks of Toronto by John Ross Robertson, ed. B.C. Kyte, xxxvi,1955/2,155 Rees, A.W. A History of Africa: South of the Sahara, by Donald L. Wiedner, xliv,1963/1,80 Reid, Allana G. Quebec, Portrait of a Province, by Blodwen Davies, xxxii,195lA,392 - Mauricie d'autrefois, by Thomas Boucher, xxxiv,1953/2,175 - Les Forges Saint-Maurice (1729-1883), by Albert Tessier, xxxiv, 1953/2,175 Reid, J.H.S. The R.C.A.F. Overseas: The Sixth Year, introd. Brooke Claxton, xxxi,1950/1,79 - Lloyd George, by Thomas Jones, xxxiii,1952/2,172 - Labour and Politics, 1900-1906: A History of the Labour Representation Committee, by Frank Bealey and Henry Felling, xl,1959/3, 248 - The Letters and Journals of Simon Fraser, 1806-1808, ed. W. Kaye Lamb, xli,196oA,33^ Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. Russian Liberalism: From Gentry to Intelligentsia, by George Fischer, xxxix,1958A,3l+9 - Smolensk Under Soviet Rule, by Merle Fainsod, xl,1959/3,251 - National Consciousness in Eighteenth-Century Russia, by Hans Rogger, xlii,1961/1,78 - Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century, by Jerome Blum, xliv,1963/1,71 - Russian Foreign Policy: Essays in Historical Perspective, ed. Ivo J. Lederer, xliv,1963/4,337 - The Bolshevik Tradition: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, by Robert H. McNeal, xlv,1961+/2,ll+9 - Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev: Voices of Bolshevism, ed. Robert H. McNeal, xlv,1961+/2,ll+9 - The Russian Empire, 1801-1917, by Hugh Seton-Watson, xlix,1968/2, 201+ Rich, E.E. The Hudson's Bay Company as an Imperial Factor, 18211869, by John S. Galbraith, xl,1959/1,67 - Frozen Ships: The Arctic Diary of Johann Miertsching, 1850-1851*, trs. L.H. Neatby, xlix,1968/2,180

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 195 Rich, Norman. Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic, by Andreas Dorpalen, xlvii,1966/1,8U Ridge, Martin. The Tolerant Populists: Kansas, Populism and Hativism, by Walter T.K. Nugent, xlv,196UA,329 Risjord, Norman K. The War of 1812, by Harry L. Coles, xlvii,1966/3, 275 Ritchie, Ronald S. Canada - A Great Small Power, by Tom Twitty and Mason Wade, xxxvi,1955/1,63 Roberts, Clayton. The Cabal, by Maurice Lee, xlvii,1966/1,75 - James I, by David Mathew, 1,1969/2,213 Roby, Yves. The Clergy and Economic Growth in Quebec, 1896-191^, by William F. Ryan, xlviii, 1967/2,2.6k Rodney, William. Allied Intervention in Russia, 19l8-1919» and the Part Played by Canada, by John Swettenham, xlix,1968/2,18U Rorig, Fritz. The Medieval Town, by John F. Benton, li, 1970A,1*73 Rolph, William K. Agrarian Socialism: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan: A Study in Political Sociology, by S. M. Lipset, xxxii,1951/2,160 - Next-Year Country: A Study of Rural Social Organization in Alberta, by Jean Burnet, xxxiii,1952/2,179 Ropp, Theodore. Men In Arms: A History of Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society, by R.A. Preston, S.F. Wise and H.D. Werner, xxxviii,1957/1,68 - Canadian Expeditionary Force, 191^-191-9 • The Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War, by G.W.L. Nicholson, xliv, 1963/3,237 - Napoleon in Victory and Defeat, by T.M. Hunter, xlvi ,196 5 A, 379 - Bayonets at St. Cloud: The Story of the l8th Brumaire, by D.J. Goodspeed, xlvii,1966/3,270 - The Education of a Navy: The Development of British Naval Strategic Thought, 1867-191^, by D.M. Schurman, xlvii,1966A,386 - Ludendorff: Genius of World War I, by D.J. Goodspeed, xlviii,1967/ 2,189 Rose, Albert. The Canadian Y.M.C.A. in World War II, by Alan M. Hurst, xxxi,1950/2,199 - Cradled in the Waves: The Story of a People's Co-operative Achievement in Economic Betterment on Prince Edward Island, Canada, by J. T. Croteau, xxxii,1951/2,169 Rose, Elliot. A History of Mediaeval Europe, from Constantine to St. Louis, by R.H.C. Davis, xxxix,1958/2,169 - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. IV: The Great Democracies, by Winston S. Churchill, xxxix,1958/3,259 - La Sorcellerie au Canada frangais du XVIIe au XIXe siecle, by Robert-Lionel Seguin, xliii,1962/2,1^8 - The Judgements of Joan, by Charles Wayland Lightbody, xliii,1962/ 3,237 - Two Early Tudor Lives: The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish and The Life of Sir Thomas More by William Roper, ed. Richard S. Sylvester and Davis P. Harding, xliii,1962/3,238 - Erasmus and Cambridge: The Cambridge Letters of Erasmus, trs. D.F. S. Thomson, xlv,1961t/2,158 - Tudor Royal Proclamations. I: The Early Tudors, 1U85-1553, ed. Paul L. Hughes and James F. Larkin, xlvi,1965/2,169 - The Catholic Laity in Elizabethan England, 1558-1603, by William Raleigh Trimble, xlvi, 1965A,373

196 / Canadian Historical Reviev Index Rose, Elliot. The Aspiring Mind of the Elizabethan Younger Generation, by Anthony Esler, xlix,1968/2,19*+ - The Elizabethan Puritan Movement, by Patrick Collinson, xlix,1968


- The Revolution of the Dons: Cambridge and Society in Victorian England, by Sheldon Rothblatt, 1,1969 A, W>2 - Sport and Society: Elizabeth to Anne, by Dennis Brailsford, li, 1970/3,329 - Action and Conviction in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Memory of E.H. Harbison, ed. Theodore K. Rabb and Jerrold E. Seigel, li,1970 A.UT8 Rosenbaum, Naomi. Second Chance: The Triumph of Internationalism in America During World War II, by Robert A. Divine, xlix,1968/1,76 Rothblatt, Sheldon. Mission to the Middle Classes: The Woodard Schools, 181+8-1891, by Brian Heeney, li ,1970/2,207 Rothney, Gordon 0. The History of Education in Newfoundland, by Fred W. Rowse, xxxiv,1953/2,179 - Canada's Tomorrow: Papers and Discussion, Canada's Tomorrow Conference, Quebec City, November 1953, ed. GrP. Gilmour, xxxvi,1955/2, 160 - Nehru: A Political Biography, by Michael Brecher, xlii,1961/2,170 Rothrock, George A., Jr. The French Secretaries of State in the Age of Catherine de Medici, by N.M. Sutherland, xliv,1963/2,183 Rotstein, Abraham. Merchants and Scholars: Essays in the History of Exploration and Trade, ed. John Parker, xlviii,1967/2,183 Rouillard, C.D. L'Universitl, by Jean Bruohesi, xxxv,195^/2,163 Rowe, J.G. The English Rising of 1381, by R.H. Hilton and H. Fagan, xxxii, 1951 A, 390 - The Peasants' Revolt, 1381, by Philip Lindsay and Reg Groves, xxxii, 1951 A, 390 - The Idea of Reform, by Gerhart B. Ladner, xlijlpfiOAjSUl - The Crusaders, by Regine Pernoud, trs. Enid Grant, xlv, 19614/2,l6k - An Introduction to Medieval Institutions, by Norman Zacour, li, 1970/3,3U4 Rowley, Graham. Inuk, by Roger P. Buliard, xxxiii,1952/2,177 - Inuk: "Au dos de la Terrel" by Roger Buliard, xxxiii,1952/2,177 Roy, Patricia E. Victoria: The Fort, by Derek Pethick, li,1970/2, 189 Roy, R.H. In the Face of Danger: The History of the Lake Superior Regiment, by G.F.G. Stanley, xlii,1961/2,15U - Wait for the Waggon: The Story of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, by Arnold Warren, xliii,1962/1,76 - History of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, 1903-1961, ed. John S. Moir, xliv,1963/3,239 - The Gunners of Canada: The History of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. I: 153^-1919, by G.W.L. Nicholson, 1,1969/3,321* Russell, Peter H. The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act: An Analysis of the Interpretative Scheme for the Distribution of Legislative Powers, by G.P. Browne, xlix,1968/1,66 Rutherford, Paul. Canada's RMC: A History of the Royal Military College, by Richard Arthur Preston, li,1970/3,323 Sabourin, Louis. Fate and Will in Foreign Policy, by James Eayrs, xlix,1968/2,192 Sage, Walter N. The Canadian West in Fiction, by Edward A. McCourt, xxxii,1951/1,82

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 197 Sage, Walter N. Albert Gallatin and the Oregon Problem: A Study in Anglo-American Diplomacy, by Frederick Merk, xxxii,1951/1»8U - The Great Northwest: A History, by Oscar Osburn Winther, xxxii, 1951/1,84 - The Old Oregon Country: A History of Frontier Trade, Transportation and Travel, by Oscar Osburn Winther, xxxii, 19 51/1,81* - Towards the Last Spike, by E.J. Pratt, xxxiv,1953/1,66 - Russian Influence on Early America, by Charles A. Manning, xxxv, 195^/2,162 - The Story of a Province: A Junior History of Saskatchewan, by John H. Archer and Alexander M. Derby, xxxvi,1955/^,358 - The Alberta Golden Jubilee Anthology, ed. W.G. Hardy, xxxvi,1955/ U.358 - Saskatchewan: The History of a Province, by J.F.C. Wright, xxxvi, 1955A.358 - Sixteen Years in the Indian Country: The Journal of Daniel Williams Harmon 1800-1816, ed. W. Kaye Lamb, xxxix,1958/2,l6l - A Journey to the Northern Ocean, by Samuel Hearne, ed. Richard Glover, xl,1959/3,2^7 - Reports and Letters of Herbert Beaver 1836-1838, Chaplain to the Hudson's Bay Company and Missionary to the Indians at Fort Vancouver, ed. Thomas E. Jessett, xlii,1961/1,6k Salmon, E.T. The Canadians in Italy, 19*+ 3-19^5, by G.W.L. Nicholson, xxxviii,1957/1,6U - A History of Greece to 322 B.C., by N.G.L. Hammond, xlii,1961/1,76 Salvadori, M. Mussolini's Enemies, by Charles F. Delzell, xliii,1962 /1,65 - Mussolini, by Laura Fermi, xliii,1962/1,65 Sandquist, T. Regalian Right in Medieval England, by Margaret Howell, xliv,1963/1,59 - A Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century, by Margaret Wade Labarge, xlvii,1966/2,176 Sanfagon, Roland. Naissance de 1'Europe, by Robert S. Lopez, xlv, 1961+/3,226 Saunders, Richard M. Les Cahiers des Dix, no. ih (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xxxi,1950/2,197 - The Heritage of the Reformation, by Wilhelm Pauck, xxxi,1950/3,319 - The Directive in History, by Henry Kelson Wieman, xxxi,1950/3,319 - L'Eglise catholique et la Revolution frangaise. I: Le pontificat de Pie VI et la crise franchise (1775-1799). II: L'ere napoleonienne et la crise europe"enne (I800-l8l5)> by Andre Latreille, xxxii,1951/2,163 - The Parish and Democracy in French Canada, by Maurice Roy, xxxii, 1951/3,282 - Les Lettres canadiennes d'autrefois. VII: La Bataille romantique au Canada frangais, by Seraphin Marion, xxxiii,1952/3,296 - Torchbearer of Freedom: The Influence of Richard Price on Eighteenth Century Thought, by Carl B. Cone, xxxiii,1952/3,297 - Le Grand Marquis: Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil et la Louisiane, by Guy Fregault, xxxiv,1953/1,59 - Essais sur le Quebec contemporain: Essays on Contemporary Quebec, ed. Jean-C. Falardeau, xxxv,195^/2,160 - The French Revolution, 1788-1792, by Gaetano Salvemini, trs. I.M. Rawson, xxxv,195^/3,262 - A History of France, by Lucien Romier, trs. A.L. Rowse, xxxv,195^/ 3,259

198 / Canadian Historical Review Index Saunders, Richard M. A Temperate Dispute, "by Hilda Neat by, xxxvi, 1955/1,66 - The European Inheritance, ed. Ernest Barker et al., xxxvi,1955/1> 68 - Litterateurs et moralistes du Canada francais d'autrefois, by Seraphin Marion, xxxvi,1955/I,71 - The French Canadians, 1760-19^5, by F. Mason Wade, xxxvi,1955/2, lU6. See also correspondence of Eugene Forsey and R.M. Saunders, xxxvii,1956/1,106-108 - An Historian's World: Selections from the Correspondence of John Franklin Jameson, ed. Elizabeth Donnan and Leo. F. Stock, xxxvii, 1956 A, 375 - A Plea for Man, by Mario M. Rossi, xxxvii,1956"A,375 - Debates With Historians, by Pieter Geyl, xxxviii,1957/1.72 - Toynbee and History: Critical Essays and Reviews, ed. M.F. Ashley Montagu, xxxviii,1957/3,251 - A Study of History, VII-X, by Arnold J. Toynbee, ed. D.C. Somervell, II, xxxviii,1957/3,251 - Mbn Pays: Synthese d'histoire du Canada, by Hermann Plante and Louis Martel, xxxviii,1957/3,255 - Historical Essays, by H.R. Trevor-Roper, xxxix,1958A,333 - Historical Pessimism in the French Enlightenment, by Henry Vyverberg, xl,1959/2,158 - History as Romantic Art: Bancroft, Prescott, Motley, and Parkman, by David Levin, xli,1960/l,71 - The Long Way To Freedom, by James T. Shotwell, xli,1960/3,237 - The Future as History, by Robert Heilbroner, xli,I960 A, 3^9 - Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France: A Study of Political Ideas from the Monarchomachs to Bayle as Reflected in the Toleration Controversy, by W.J. Stankiewicz, xlii,196l/2,l66 - Some 20th Century Historians: Essays on Eminent Europeans, ed. S. William Halperin, xlii,196l/3,2ltO - Pour une histoire a part entiere, by Lucien Febvre, xliv,1963/1,^3 - Isaac Newton: Historian, by Frank E. Manuel, xlv,196U/l,56 - The Christian Idea of History, by Donald C. Masters, xlv,196U/2, 132 - Encounters in History, by Pieter Geyl, xlvi,1965/1,81 - Christianity and History, by E. Harris Harbison, xlvii,1966/1,63 - Heaven, Hell, and History: A Survey of Man's Faith in History from Antiquity to the Present, by John T. Marcus, xlix,1968/3,313 Savage, Donald C. Portugal in Africa, by James Duffy, xliv,1963A, 336 Savard, Pierre. Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 27 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xliv,1963/^,3^2 - One Church, Two Nations? ed. Philip Leblanc and Arnold Edinborough, li,1970/1,90 - French Canadian Nationalism: An Anthology, ed. Ramsay Cook, li, 1970A,^50 Savelle, Max. The South in the Revolution. Ill: A History of the South, by John Richard Alden, xl,1959/2,169 - Dictionary of Canadian Biography. I: 1000 to 1700, ed. George W. Brown et al., xlviii,1967/1,59 Saywell, John T. Impressions of a Governor-General: Days of Lome, from the Private Papers of the Marquis of Lome 1873-1883 in the Possession of the Duke of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, Scotland, by W. Stewart MacNutt, xxxvi,1955/2,156

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 199

Saywell, John T. Decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council Relating to the British North America Act, 1867, and the Canadian Constitution, 1867-195*+, ed. Richard A. Olmsted, 3 vols., xxxvi,1955A,359 - The Struggle for Responsible Government in the North-West Territories, 1870-97, by Lewis Herbert Thomas, xxxvii, 1956/3,271* - La Constitution Canadienne, by Noel Dorion, xxxvii,1956/3,285 - Canada Looks Ahead, "by Grace Laugharne, xxxviii,1957/2,l66 - Freedom Wears a Crown, by John Farthing, ed. Judith Robinson, xxxviii,1957/3,251 - Manitoba: A History, by W.L. Morton, xxxviii ,1957A,326 - Studies in Enterprise: A Selected Bibliography of American and Canadian Company Histories and Biographies of Businessmen, by Lorna M. Daniells, xxxviii, 1957A,337 - Metals and Men: The Story of Canadian Mining, by D.M. LeBourdais, xxxix,1958/2,160 - Thunder in the North: Conflict Over the Riel Risings, 1870, 1885, by R.E. Lamb, xxxix, 1958A,3^0 - J.E. Atkinson of the Star, by Ross Harkness, xlv,196U/2,lUU Saywell, W.G. Singapore: The Japanese Version, by Masanobu Tsuji, trs. Margaret E. Lake, ed. H.V. Howe, xliv,1963/1,78 Scheiber, Harry N. Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric History, by Robert William Fogel, xlvii,1966/3,277 - Burlington Route: A History of the Burlington Lines, by Richard C. Overton, xlvii,1966/3,277 Scheinberg, Stephen J. The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation, and the Depression, by Albert U. Romasco, xlvii,1966A,378 Schindeler, F.F. Papers on the 1962 Election: Fifteen Papers on the Canadian General Election of 1962, ed. John Meisel, xlvi,1965A, 361 - The Modern Senate of Canada, 1925-1963: A Re-Appraisal, by F.A. Kunz, xlvii,1966/U,372 Schurman, D.M. The War in the Mediterranean, 1803-1810, by Piers Mackesy, xxxix,1958/2,l6U - From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow: The Royal Navy in the Fisher Era, 1901+-1919. I: The Road to War, 190U-1911*, by Arthur J. Marder, xliii,1962/1,63 - The Navy and South America, l807-l823: Correspondence of the Commanders-in-Chief on the South American Station, ed. Gerald S. Graham and R.A. Humphreys, xliv,1963 A, 356 - Great Britain in the Indian Ocean, I8l0-l850: A Study of Maritime Enterprise, by Gerald S. Graham, xlix,1968/3,301+ Sellen, Robert W. The United States and the First Hague Peace Conference, by Calvin DeArmond Davies , xlv,196^/2,15*+ Senior, Hereward. Less Than Kin: A Study of Anglo-American Relations, by William Clark, xxxix,1958/2,166 - The Conspirators: A Study of the Coup d'Etat, by D.J. Goodspeed, xliii,1962/2,175 - Irish Federalism in the l870's: A Study in Conservative Nationalism, by L.J. McCaffrey, xliv,1963A,358 - Coercion and Conciliation in Ireland, 1880-1892: A Study in Conservative Unionism, by L.P. Curtis Jr., xlvi ,1965/2,171+ - The Irish Administration, l801-19ll+, by R.B. McDowell, xlvi,1965/ ) +,37)+ - Ireland since the Rising, by Timothy Patrick Coogan, xlviii,1967/ 3,290

200 / Canadian Historical Review Index Senior, Hereward. The Irish Struggle, 1916-1926, ed. Desmond Williams, xlviii,1967A,389 - The Fenian Movement, by Matel Gregory Walker, li,197073,321 Shannon, David A. The Populist Response to Industrial America: Midwestern Populist Thought, by Norman Pollack, xliv,1963A,3l*9 - The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916, by Gabriel Kolko, xlvi,1965/1,61 Shelton, W. G. The Mark of Honour, by Hazel C. Mathews, xlvii,1966/1*, 362 Shields, R.A. The Provincial System in New Zealand, 1852-76, by W.P. Worrell, xlvii,1966/2,182 - The Reluctant Imperialists: British Foreign Policy 1878-1902, by C.J. Lowe, 2 vols., 1,1969/3,335 Shorter, Edward. Historical Demography, by T.H. Hollingsworth, li, 1970/2,221 - Population and History, by E.A, Wrigley, li,1970/2,221 Simms, Henry H. The Secession Conventions of the South, by Ralph A. Wooster, xliii,1962/3,231 Simpson, Geo. W. Doukhobors at War, by John P. Zubek and Patricia Anne Solberg, xxxiv,1953/l,67' - German Immigration into Canada, by Wolfgang G. Friedmann, xxxiv, 1953/2,188 Sissons, C.B. Bishop's University: The First Hundred Years, by D.C. Masters, xxxii,1951/2,159 - Canon Cody of St. Paul's Church, by William C. White, xxxiv,1953/ ^, 376 - So Little for the Mind, by Hilda Neatby, xxxv,195U/l,70. See also correspondence of G.E. Flower, xxxv,195^/^,277 Skilling, H. Gordon. The Establishment of Canadian Diplomatic Status at Washington, by John S. Galbraith, xxxiii,1952/3,292 Smiley, D.V. Community in Crisis: French-Canadian Nationalism in Perspective, by Richard Jones, xlix,1968/1,68 - Federalism and the French Canadians, by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, xlix,1968 A,Ul3 Smith, Allan H. David Thompson's Narrative, 178*t-l8l2, ed. Richard Glover, xlvi,1965/2,lUT Smith, Allana Reid. Paresseux, ignorants, arrilres? by Louis-D. Durand, xxxvii,1956/1,93 - Pierre Maheust, Sieur des Hazards, et ses descendants: Souvenir du tricentenaire (1655-1955), by Arthur Maheux, xxxvii,1956/1,93 Smith, C. Page. The Papers of James Madison. Ill: March-December 1781. IV: January-31 July 1782. V: 1 August-31 December 1782, ed. William T. Hutchinson and William Rachal, xlix,1968/3,295 Smith, Daniel M. Wilson: The Struggle for Neutrality, 1911*-1915, by Arthur S. Link, xlii,1961/2,159 - The Rising American Empire, by R.W. Van Alstyne, xliv,1963/1,57 - The Navy League of the United States, by Armin Rappaport, xliv, 1963/3,21+5 - The Inquiry: American Preparations for Peace, 1917-1919, by Lawrence E. Gelfand, xlvi,1965/1,62 - Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: America's Response to War and Revolution, by H. Gordon Levin Jr., 1,1969/2,209 Smith, Gaddis. Henry L. Stimson and Japan, 1931-33, by Armin Rappaport, xlv,196^/3,21+5 Smith, G. Hubert. Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, by Wilfred Jury and Elsie McLeod Jury, xxxv,195U/3,250

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 201 Smith, Robert S. Une Croissance: La Basse-Provence rural[e] (fin XVIs sie"cle-1789): Essai d'lconomie historique statistique, by RenS Baehrel, xliv,1963/3,256 - La Demographie provengale du XIII6 au XVIs sie"cle: Avec chiffres de comparaison pour le XVIII6 siecle, by Edouard Baratier, xliv, 1963/3,256 - Beauvais et le Beauvaisis de 1600 a 1730: Contribution a 1'histoire sociale de la France du XVIIs sie'cle, by Pierre Goubert, xliv, 1963/3,256 Smith, W.D. Beckoning Hills, Boissevain 75th Jubilee Committee, xxxviii,1957/2,161* Smith, W.E.L. A History of the Crusades. II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187, by Steven Runciman, xxxiv,1953/ 1*,370 Snowden, Donald. The Mysterious North, by Pierre Berton, xxxviii, 1957/3,250 Soloway, Richard A. The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke, by C.B. Macpherson, xliv,1963 A, 352 Somkin, Fred. Jefferson and Civil Liberties: The Darker Side, by Leonard Levy, xlv,1961*A,327 - Thomas Jefferson as Political Leader, by Dumas Malone, xlv,196UA, 327 - Alexander Hamilton and the Constitution, by Clinton Rossiter, xlvi, 1965/1,56 - The Almost Chosen People: Essays in the History of American Ideas, by Russel B. Nye, xlviii,1967/2,172 Soroko, O.S. Canada and the Russian Revolution: The Impact of the World's First Socialist Revolution on Labor and Politics in Canada, by Tim Buck, 1,1969/3,322 Sosin, Jack M. The Papers of Sir William Johnson, XII, ed. Milton W. Hamilton, xxxix,1958/3,253 - The British Empire before the American Revolution, by Lawrence Henry Gipson. X: The Triumphant Empire: Thunder-Clouds Gather in the West, 1763-1766, xliii,1962/2,11*9. XI: The Triumphant Empire: The Rumbling of the Storm, 1776-1770; XII: The Triumphant Empire: Britain Sails into the Storm, 1770-1776; xlvii,1966/3,273 - The French and British in the Old Northwest: A Bibliographical Guide to Archive and Manuscript Sources, by Henry Putney Beers, xlvi,1965/2,11*2 - New France: The Last Phase. 17!+1*-1760, by George F.G. Stanley, 1, 1969/2,198 Soward, F.H. As the World Wags On, by Arthur R. Ford, xxxii,1951/1, 83 - A History of the League of Nations, I-II, by F.P. Walters, xxxiii, 1952/3,291 - The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933; The Great Depression, 1929-191*! [by Herbert Hoover], xxxiv,1953/2,186 - A Reporter Reports, by I. Norman Smith, xxxv,195'*A,35^ - North American Supply, by H. Duncan Hall, xxxvi,1955/^,366 - Survey of International Affairs, 1939-191*6: The Realignment of Europe, ed. Arnold Toynbee and Veronica M. Toynbee, xxxvii,1956/ 1,89 - Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War. I: Six Years of War: The Army in Canada, Britain, and the Pacific, by C.P. Stacey, xxxvii,1956/2,175

202 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Soward, F.H. The European Powers and the German Question, 181*8-71: With Special Reference to England and Russia, by W.E. Mosse, xl, 1959/2,152 - The Truman-MacArthur Controversy and the Korean War, by John W. Spanier, xli,1960/1,8l - Lord Lothian 1.882-19^0, by J.R.M. Butler, xlii, 1961/1,73 - The Growth of Canadian Policies in External Affairs, by Hugh L. Keenleyside, James Eayrs et al., xlii,196l/2,l62 - The Art of the Possible: Government and Foreign Policy in Canada, by James Eayrs, xliii,1962/1,69 - The Commonwealth and Suez: A Documentary Survey, ed. James Eayrs, xlvi, 1965/1,51* - Documents on Canadian External Relations. II: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs, li,1970/3,32k - in review article: Tito and Goliath, by Hamilton Fish Armstrong; A Soldier's Story, by Omar N. Bradley; Wells of Power: The Oilfields of South-eastern Asia: A Regional and Global Study, by Olaf Caroe; Changing Empire: Churchill to Nehru, by Eric Estorick; The Road to Pearl Harbor: The Coming of the War between the United States and Japan, by Herbert Feis; A Short History of International Affairs, 1920-1939, by G.M. Gathorne-Hardy, ^th ed.; The Riddle of MacArthur: Japan, Korea and the Far East, by John Gunther; Soviet Politics - The Dilemma of Power: The Role of Ideas in Social Change, by Barrington Moore Jr.; The United States in a Chaotic World: A Chronicle of International Affairs, 1918-1933, by Allan Hevins; Canada and the Korean Crisis, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs; Canada and the United Nations, 1950, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs; Report, 1950, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs; Red Storm over Asia, by Robert Payne; The East European Revolution, by Hugh Seton-Watson; Everyman's United Nations: A Ready Reference to the Structure, Functions, and Work of the United Nations and Its Related Agencies, U.K. Dept. of Public Information; Confuse and Control: Soviet Techniques in Germany, U.S. Dept. of State; Our Foreign Policy, U.S. Dept. of State; Policy for the West, by Barbara Ward; Seven Decisions That Shaped History, by Sumner Welles; xxxii,1951/ 3,261* Spencer, R.A. Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (17891950), by A.J. Grant and Harold Temperley, 6th ed., rev. and ed. Lillian M. Penson, xxxiii,1952/3,298 - What Time the Tempest: An Army Chaplain's Story, by Waldo Smith, xxxv,195U/2,l6l - The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, l8i+8-19l8, by A.J.P. Taylor, xxxvi, 195 5 A, 361* - Hitler: The Missing Years, by Ernst (Putzi) Hanfstaengl, xxxix, 1958/3,257 - Invasion 19^0: An Account of the German Preparations and the British Counter-Measures, by Peter Fleming, xl,1959/1,56

Books Eeviewed: Reviewers / 203 Spencer, R.A. The March of Conquest: The German Victories in Western Europe, 1940, by Telford Taylor, xl,1959/1,56 - Operation Sea Lion: German Plans for the Invasion of England 1939191*2, by Ronald Wheatley, xl, 1959/1,56 - Germany after Bismarck: The Caprivi Era, 1890-1894, by J. Alden Hichols, xl,1959/4,344 - Das Munchener Abkonmen von 1938, by Boris Celovsky, xli,1960/3,24l - Princes and Parliaments in Germany from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century, by F.L. Carsten, xlii,1961/2,164 - The Origins of the Second World War, by A.J.P. Taylor, xliii,1962/ 2,136 - Metternich and His Times, by G. de Bertier de Sauvigny, trs. Peter Ryde, xlv,1964/3,232 - Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Unification, 1815-1871, by Otto Pflanze, xlvi,1965/1,75 - The Reichswehr and Politics, 1918-1933, by F.L. Carsten, xlviii, 1967/4,399 - in review article: The Prussian Election Statistics, 1862 and 1863, by Eugene N. Anderson; The Social and Political Conflict in Prussia 1858-1864, by Eugene N. Anderson; The Death of Hitler's Germany, by Georges Blond, trs. Francis Frenaye; The Origins of Prussia, by F.L. Carsten; The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945, by Gordon A. Craig; The German Fifth Column in the Second World War, by Louis de Jong, trs. C.M. Geyl;

Ethical and Religious Factors in the German Resistance to Hitler,

by Mary Alice Gallin; Stresemann and the Rearmament of Germany, by Hans W. Gatzke; Germany Reports, German Federal Govt., Press and Information Office; Modern Germany: Its History and Civilization, by Koppel S. Pinson; The Scourge of the Swastika: A Short History of Nazi War Crimes, by Lord Russell of Liverpool; Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman, by A.J.P. Taylor; Germany and the Soviet Union 1939-1941, by Gerhard L. Weinberg; xxxvii,1956/2,170 Spielman, John P., Jr. The Hew Cambridge Modern History. IX: War and Peace in an Age of Upheaval, 1793-1830, ed. C.W. Crawley, xlviii, 1967/1,82 Spragge, George W. A Gentlewoman in Upper Canada: The Journals of Anne Langton, ed. H.H. Langton, xxxi,1950/3,315 Spring, David. Star of Empire: A Study of Britain as a World Power,

1485-1945, by. William B. Willcox, xxxi,1950/4,424

- A Century of British Monarchy, by Hector Bolitho, xxxii,1951/4, 391

- Change and History: A Study of the Dated Distributions of Technological Innovations in England, by Margaret T. Hodgen, xxxiv,1953 A, 364 - Edward Blake Irish Nationalist: A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics, 1892-1907, by Margaret A. Banks, xxxviii,1957/4,327 - English People in the Eighteenth Century, by Dorothy Marshall, xl, 1959/1,65

2Ql+ / Canadian Historical Review Index Spring, David. The Spare Chancellor: The Life of Walter Bagehot, by Alastair Buchan, xli,1960/3,2Ul - Fathers of the Victorians: The Age of Wilberforce, by Ford K. Brown, xliii,1962/3,21*5 - The Making of Victorian England, by G. Kitson Clark, xlv,1961+/l,6l - The Habit of Authority: Paternalism in British History, by A.P. Thornton, xlviii,1967/1,70 Spry, Irene M. An Introduction to Political Economy, by V.W. Bladen, rev. ed., xxxviii,1957/2,156 Stacey, C.P. A Short History of Canada, by G.P. de T. Glazebrook, xxxi,1950A,l+10 - Arthur Currie: The Biography of a Great Canadian, by Hugh M. Urquhart, xxxii,1951/1,72 - Canada and the United States: Some Aspects of Their Historical Relations, by Hugh L. Keenleyside and Gerald S. Brown, new ed., xxxiii,1952/3,285 - John A. Macdonald: The Young Politician, by Donald Creighton, xxxiv, 1953/1,51+ - The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 1911+-1919: Being Selections from the Private Diary and Correspondence of Field-Marshall the Earl Haig of Bemersyde, K.T., G.C.B., O.M., etc., ed. Robert. Blake, xxxiv,1953/1*, 368 - Broadax and Bayonet: The Role of the United States Army in the Development of the Northwest, 1815-1860, by Francis Paul Prucha, xxxiv,1953 A, 375 - The White and the Gold: The French Regime in Canada, by Thomas B. Costain, xxxvi, 1955/1.51* - Dufferin-Carnarvon Correspondence, 187U-1878, ed. C.W. De Kiewiet and F.H. Underbill, xxxvi, 1955A,356 - John A. Macdonald: The Old Chieftain, by Donald Creighton, xxxvii, 1956/1,77 - The Moffat Papers: Selections from the Diplomatic Journals of Jay Pierrepont Moffat, 1919-191*3, ed. Nancy Harvison Hooker, xxxviii, 1957/3,21*1* - The Eighty-Five Days: The Story of the Battle of the Scheldt, by R.W. Thompson, xxxix,1958/2,165 - The War of 1812 in the Old Northwest, by Alec R. Gilpin, xl,19597 1,73 - Canada: A Modern History, by J. Bartlet Brebner, xlii,1961/1,55 - La Crise de la conscription, 19l*2, by Andre Laurendeau, xliv,1963 A,31*5 - Victory in the West. I: The Battle of Normandy, by L.F. Ellis et al., xlv,1961+/2,l62 - What's Past Is Prologue: The Memoirs of the Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., by Vincent Massey, xlv,1964/1*,322 - The United States and World War II, by A. Russell Buchanan, xlvi, 1965/2,167 - All Sir Garnet: A Life of Field-Marshal Lord Wolseley, 1833-1913, by Joseph H. Lehmann, xlvii,1966/l,78 - Matthew Elliott, British Indian Agent, by Reginald Horsman, xlvii, 1966/3,281+ - John Buchan: A Biography, by Janet Adam Smith, xlviii,1967/1,75 - The French Armies in the Seven Years' War: A Study in Military Organization and Administration, by Lee Kennett, xlix,1968/2,203 - Documents on Canadian External Relations. I: 1909-1918, Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs, xlix,1968/1*, 1*23

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 205 Stacey, C.P. The Mackenzie King Record. II: 19^-19^5, by J.W. Pickersgill and D.F. Forster, 1,1969/3,30? - Fenians and Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, by Brian Jenkins, li ,1970/3,320 Stanley, George F.G. The Men of the Mounted, by Nora Kelly, xxxi, 1950/2,201 - Empire of the North Atlantic: The Maritime Struggle for North America, by Gerald S. Graham, xxxi ,1950A,1+08

- Blood Red the Sun, by William Bleasdell Cameron, xxxii,1951/2,168 - The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1893, I-II, by John Peter Turner, xxxiii,1952/1,75 - Les Voyages de Samuel Champlain, saintongeais, pe"re du Canada, ed. Hubert Deschamps, xxxiii,1952/3,286 - Etude sur les ecrits de saint Jean de Brlbeuf, by Rene" Latourelle. Vol. I, xxxiii,1952/3,286. Vol. II, xxxiv,1953 A, 373 - Les Cahiers des Dix (Montreal, Edition des Dix). No. 16, xxxiii, 1952/3,286. No. 19, xxxvi,1955A,351 - Strange Empire: A Narrative of the Northwest, by J.K. Howard, xxxiv,1953/l,65 - Les Secretaires de Riel: Louis Schmidt, Henry Jackson, Philippe Garnot, by Donation Frlmont, xxxiv, 1953A,360 - La Baie James: trois cents ans d'histoire, militaire, Sconomique, missionaire, by Soeur Paul-Emile, xxxiv,1953/^,372 - The Naval Service of Canada: Its Official History. I: Origins and Early Years. II: Activities on Shore during the Second World War, by Gilbert N. Tucker, xxxv,195^/2,153 - The Papers of Sir William Johnson, XI, ed. Milton W. Hamilton, xxxv, 195^A, 3*t6 - Une Nouvelle-France inconnue , by Gustave Lanctot, xxxvi, 1955A,351 - Tecumseh: Vision of Glory, by Glenn Tucker, xxxviii,1957/1,55 - Manpower in the Canadian Army, 1939-19^5, by E.L.M. Burns, xxxviii, 1957/1,66 - The Age of Fighting Sail: The Story of the Haval War of 1812, by C.S. Forester, xxxviii,1957/3,2^8 - La Guerre de la conquete, by Guy Frlault, xxxix,1958/1,67 - American Indian and White Relations to 1830: Needs and Opportunities for Study, by W.N. Fenton, xxxix,1958/1,Qk - American Indians and American Life, ed. George E. Simpson and J. Milton Yinger, xxxix,1958/2,163 - The Canadian Army, 1855-1958: Regimental Histories and a Guide to the Regiments, ed. C.E. Dornbusch, xli,1960/1,77 - George Croghan: Wilderness Diplomat, by Nicholas B. Wainwright, xli,1960/2,172 - Robert Rogers of the Rangers, by John R. Cuneo, xlii,1961/1,58 - Navies in the Mountains: The Battles on the Waters of Lake Champlain and Lake George, l609-l8ll+, by Harrison Bird, xlv,196U/3, 248 - With Burgoyne from Quebec: An Account of the Life at Quebec and of the Famous Battle at Saratoga, ed. Sydney Jackman, xlv,1964/3,2h8 - The Armed Forces of Canada, 1867-1967: A Century of Achievement, ed. D.J. Goodspeed, xlix,1968/2,18U Stansky, Peter. Edwardian England 1901-191U, ed. Simon Nowell-Smith, xlvi,1965/2,176 - Asquith, by Roy Jenkins, xlvii,1966/2,178 - An Expanding Society: Britain 1830-1900, by G. Kitson Clark, xlix, 1968 A,1*35

206 / Canadian Historical Review Index Stewart, Alice R. Education in. the British West Indies, by Eric Williams, xxxii,1951/3,283 - Canadian-West Indian Union: A Forty-Year Minuet, by Robin W. Winks, li,1970/2,19U Stockdale, W.H. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada, by Garrett Mattingly, xli,1960/l+,31+3 Stocker, Christopher W. Later Medieval France, by P.S. Lewis, 1,1969 /2,219 Stokes, Eric. Finance, Trade, and Politics in British Foreign Policy, 1815-1911*, by D.C.M. Platt, 1,1969 A,**6l Strachey, John. The End of Empire, by T. Lloyd, xlii,196l/l,75 Strakhovsky, Leonid I. Archangel, 1918-1919, by Edmund Ironside, xxxv, 195^ A, 3^9 - The Allies and the Russian Revolution: From the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk, by Robert D. Warth, xxxv,195V M^9 - Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920. I: Russia Leaves the War, by George F. Kennan, xxxviii,1957/2,159 - America's Siberian Expedition, 1918-1920: A Study of National Policy, by Betty Miller Unterberger, xxxviii,1957/2,160 - Soviet Russian Nationalism, by Frederick C. Barghoorn, xxxviii, 1957/2,l6l - Peter the Great, by Vasili Klyuchevsky, trs. Liliana Archibald, xl, 1959/3,250 - The Russian Intelligentsia, ed. Richard Pipes, xlii,196l/U,362 - A History of Russia, by Jesse D. Clarkson, xliii,1962/2,168 - Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, I8l2-l855» by Martin Malia, xliv,1963/1,73 Strayer, Joseph R. Essays in Medieval History Presented to Bertie Wilkinson, ed. T.A. Sandquist and M.R. Powicke, 1,1969/3,329 Strong, John W. Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power, by Chalmers A. Johnson, xliv,1963/^,338 Sullivan, Richard E. The Le Mans Forgeries: A Chapter from the History of Church Property in the Ninth Century, by Walter Goffart, xlix,1968/1,85 Surveyer, E. Fabre-. See Fabre-Surveyer Sutton, R.W. Guns on the Early Frontiers: A History of Firearms from Colonial Times through the Years of the Western Fur Trade, by Carl P. Russell, xxxviii,1957/3,256 Swainson, Donald. The Conservative Party, by Heath MacQuarrie, xlvi, 1965 A, 360 - The Icelandic People in Manitoba: A Manitoba Saga, by W. Kristjanson, xlviii,1967/1,68 - British Columbia & Confederation, ed. W. George Shelton, xlix, 1968/3,287 - The Canadian Directory of Parliament 1867-1967, ed. J.K. Johnson, 1,1969/3,310 Talman, J.J. Herbert Hoover's Latin-American Policy, by Alexander DeConde, xxxii,1951/2,171 - University College: A Portrait, 1853-1953, ed. Claude T. Bissell, xxxv.195^/1,68 - The Welland Canal Company: A Study in Canadian Enterprise, by Hugh G.J. Aitken, xxxvi,1955/2,155 - Garden Gateway to Canada: One Hundred Years of Windsor and Essex County, 185U-1951*, by Neil F. Morrison, xxxvii,1956/2,182

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 207 Talman, J.J. Canadian Yesterdays, by Edgar Andrew Collard, xxxvii, 1956/2,190 - Lake Erie Baron: The Story of Colonel Thomas Talbot, "by Fred Coyne Hamil, xxxvii,1956/3,272 - I Brought the Ages Home, by Charles Trick Currelly, xxxviii,1957/ 1,75 - The Firebrand: William Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion in Upper Canada, by William Kilbourn, xxxviii,1957/2,lU9 - Kingston before the War of 1812: A Collection of Documents, ed. Richard A. Preston, xl,1959/U,3U7 - Muskoka and Haliburton, 1615-1875, ed. Florence B. Murray, xlv, 196k/1,72 - Nil alienum: The Memoirs of C.B. Sissons, by C.B. Sissons, xlvi, 1965/3,256 Tannenbaum, Edward R. The French Radical Party in the 1930's, by Peter J. Larmour, xlvi,1965/3,275 - Maxime Weygand and Civil-Military Relations in Modern France, by Philip Charles Farwell Bankwitz, 1,1969/2,226 Tate, Merze. Russia's Hawaiian Adventure, 1815-1817, by Richard A. Pierce, xlvii,1966/3,270 Thomas, H.M. Rapport de L'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec pour 19^9-1950 et 1950-1951, Quebec, Imprimeur de sa Majestl la Reine, xxxiv,1953A,356 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 17 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xxxiv,


- Filles de joie ou filles du roi: etude sur 1'emigration feminine en Nouvelle-France, by Gustave Lanctot, xxxiv,1953A,37^

- Patriotes de 1837-1838, by Aegidius Fauteux, xxxiv,1953A,375

- Les Relations de ce q.ui s'est passe au pays des Hurons (l63516^8), by Saint Jean de Brebeuf (pub. Theodore Bestermann), xxxix, 1958/1,86 Thomas, L.G. Sinners and Saints: A True Story of Early Days in the Farthest West, by an Old Timer, Written and Told by Himself, by George T. Moir, xxxvi,1955/l,70 - Friends: Sixty Years of Intimate Personal Relations with Richard Bedford Bennett, by Lord Beaverbrook, xli,1960/3,255 - Mission among the Buffalo: The Labours of the Reverends George M. and John C. McDougall in the Canadian Northwest, 1860-1876, by James Ernest Nix, xlii,1961/1,6k - Prairie Editor: The Life and Times of Buchanan of Lethbridge, by C. Frank Steele, xlii, 196lA,3^6 - The Government of Manitoba, by M.S. Donnelly, xlv,196^/1,76 - West on the i*9th Parallel: Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876, by John E. Parsons, xlv,1961+/3,252 •- Cuthbert Grant of Grantown: Warden of the Plains of Red River, by Margaret Arnett MacLeod and W.L. Morton, xlv,196UA,317 - Letters from Hudson Bay, 1703-UO, ed. K.G. Davies, xlviii,1967/1, 65 - Saskatchewan Journals and Correspondence: Edmonton House 1795-1800, Chesterfield House l800-l802, ed. Alice M. Johnson, 1,1969/3,313 Thomas, Lewis H. Whoop-Up Country: The Canadian-American West, 18651885, by Paul F. Sharp, xxxvii,1956/2,18!+ - Les Frangais dans 1'ouest canadien, by Donatien Fremont, xli,1960/ 2,173 - Edmonton Trader: The Story of John A. McDougall, by James G. McGregor, xlv,196Vl,73

208 / Canadian Historical Review Index Thomas, Lewis H. Lord Selkirk of Red River, by John Morgan Gray, xlv, 1964/3,250 - Minnesota and the Manifest Destiny of the Canadian Northwest: A Study in Canadian-American Relations, by Alvin C. Gluek Jr., xlviii, 1967/2,162 - The Opening of the Canadian West, by Douglas Hill, xlix, 1968/4,1*20 Thompson, J.N. The British Voter: An Atlas and Survey Since 1885, by Michael Kinnear, 1,1969/4,466 Thompson, P.L. Revolutionary Democracy: Challenge and Testing in Japan, by E. Wight Bakke, li,1970/I,75 - Party Rivalry and Political Change in Taisho. Japan, by Peter Duus, li,1970/1,75 - The Story of Japan, by Ian Nish, li,1970/1,75 Thomson, Dale C. The Search for Identity: Canada, 1945-1967, by Blair Fraser, xlix,1968/2,190 Thornton, A.P. The Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony Eden: Full Circle, by Anthony Eden [Earl of Avon], xli,1960/3,239 - Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy: The Close of the Nineteenth Century, by J.A.S. Grenville, xlvi,1965/3,262 - The Founding of New Societies: Studies in the History of the United States, Latin America, South Africa, Canada, and Australia, by Louis Hartz et al., xlvii,1966/1,59 - The Dilemmas of Trusteeship: Aspects of British Colonial Policy between the Wars, by Kenneth Robinson, xlviii,1967/1,78 - Joseph Chamberlain: Radicalism and Empire, 1868-1914, by Peter Fraser, xlviii,1967/2,179 Tolmie, M.M. Marginal Prynne, 1600-1669, by William M. Lament, xlv, 1964/3,237 Treadgold, Donald W. Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin, by George F. Kennan, xliii,1962/3,247 Tremaine, Marie. Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies, ed. William Matthews, xxxiii,1952/1,78 Trudel, Marcel. Les Canadiens d'autrefois: Essais, by Robert de Roquebrune, xliv,1963/1,45 - Church and State in French Colonial Louisiana: Policy and Politics to 1732, by Charles Edwards O'Neill, xlix,1968/1,71 - Houveaux documents sur Champlain et son e"poque. I: 1560-1622, ed. Robert Le Blant and Ren£ Baudry, 1,1969/2,196 Trueman, John. Henry II: The Vanquished King, by John T. Appleby, xliv,1963/2,172 Tucker, Albert V. Burke, Disraeli, and Churchill: The Politics of Perseverance, by Stephen R. Graubard, xlii,1961/3,242 - Edward Gibbon Wakefield: Builder of the British Commonwealth, by Paul Bloomfield, xliii,1962/1,58 - The British Cabinet, by John P. Mackintosh, xliv,1963/2,180 - Peninsular Preparation: The Reform of the British Army, 1795-1809, by Richard Glover, xlv,1964/4,339 - Professional Men: The Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth-Century England, by W.J. Reader, xlviii,1967/4,387 - Winds of Change, 1914-1939, by Harold Macmillan, xlix,1968/4,431 - The Blast of War 1939-1945, by Harold Macmillan, xlix,1968/4,431 - Tides of Fortune, 1945-55, by Harold Macmillan, li,1970/4,471 Tulchinsky, G.J. History of the Jews in Canada, by E.G. Sack, trs. Ralph Novak, xlvii,1966/3,282 - Montreal, Island City of the St. Lawrence, by Kathleen Jenkins, xlviii,1967/4,378

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 209 Tulchinsky, G.J. Canada's First Bank: A History of the Bank of Montreal, I, "by Merrill Denison, xlix, 1968/1,60 Turner, Arthur C. The Taming of the nations: A Study of the Cultural Bases of International Policy, by F.S.C. Borthrop, xxxiv,1953/2, 189 Tweed, Tommy. Travellers West, by Mary Quayle Innis, xxxviii,1957/l, 59 Ubbelohde, Carl. The Boston Tea Party, by Benjamin Woods Labaree, xlvi,1965/2,l6l Underbill, Frank H. The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada, "by Catherine Lyle Cleverdon, xxxi,1950A,lt22 - Thirty Years, 1922-1952: The Story of the Communist Movement in Canada, by Tim Buck, xxxiv,1953/1,76 - A Sense of Urgency: Memoirs of a Canadian Merchant, by C.L. Burton, xxxiv,1953/2,183 - The World and the West, by Arnold J. Toynbee, xxxiv,1953/2,190 - J. Ramsay MacDonald in Thought and Action: An Architect for a Better World, by Benjamin Sacks, xxxiv,1953/3,300 - Canada's Immigration Policy: A Critique, by David C. Corbett, xxxix,1958/1,79 - La Presence anglaise et les Canadiens: Etudes sur 1'histoire et la pensel des deux Canadas, by Michel Brunet, xl,1959/2,l6o - 1859: Entering an Age of Crisis, ed. Philip Appleman et al., xli, I960 A, 352 - America and the World Revolution and Other Lectures, by Arnold J. Toynbee, xliv,1963/1,^5 - in review article: A Study of History, by Arnold Toynbee, xxxvi,1955/3,222 - in review article: My Political Life. Ill: The Unforgiving Years, 1929-19^0, by L.S. Amery; Power and Influence, by Lord Beveridge; Victorian People: Some Reassessments of People, Institutions, Ideas and Events, 1851-1867, by Asa Briggs; A History of Red Tape: An Account of the Origin and Development of the Civil Service, by John Craig; Britain and the Tide of World Affairs, by Oliver S. Franks; Beacon of Freedom: The Impact of American Democracy upon Great Britain 1830-1870, by G.D. Lillibridge; British Political Parties: The Distribution of Power within the Conservative and Labour Parties, by R.T. McKenzie; Straight Fight: A Study of Voting Behaviour in the Constituency of Bristol North-East at the General Election of 1951, by R.S. Milne and H.C. Mackenzie; Britain between the Wars 1918-19^0, by Charles Loch Mowat; Lord Liverpool and His Times, by Charles Petrie; Conflict without Malice, by Emanuel Shinwell; William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary, by E.P. Thompson; Government by Committee: An Essay on the British Constitution, by K.C. Wheare; xxxvii,1956/1,63 - in review article: Crestwood Heights, by John R. Seeley, R. Alexander Sim and Elizabeth W. Loosley, xxxvii,1956/3,265

210 / Canadian Historical Review Index Underlain, Frank H. In review article: A Prophet in Politics: A Biography of J.S. Woodsworth, by Kenneth McHaught, xli,1960/1,1+8 - See Wilkinson, B., D.J. McDougall Upton, Leslie F.S. Lord Chatham and America, by A.O. Sherrard, xl, 1959/1,69 - The American Tory, by William H. Nelson, xliii,1962/3,228 - The Papers of Sir William Johnson, XIII, ed. Milton W. Hamilton, xliv,1963/2,165 - The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. VI: April 1, 1755, through September 2k, 1756, ed. Leonard W. Labaree et al., xlv,1964/2,152 - The King's Friends: The Composition and Motives of the American Loyalist Claimants, by Wallace Brown, xlvii,1966/2,170 - The British Empire Before the American Revolution. XIII: The Triumphant Empire, by Lawrence Henry Gipson, xlix,1968/1,73 Van Alstyne, Richard W. Aftermath of Revolution: British Policy toward the United States, 1783-1795, 'by Charles R. Ritcheson, li, 1970 A,U66 Vogel, R. Great Britain & Austria-Hungary During the First World War: A Study in the Formation of Public Opinion, by Harry Hanak, xliv, 1963/3,253 - The Appeasers, by Martin Gilbert and Richard Gott, xlv,196U/3,2^0 Wade, Mason. Histoire du Canada frangais (1531+-1763), by Claude de Bonnault, xxxii,1951/l,76 - Histoire du Canada frangais depuis la decouverte, II-IV, by Lionel Groulx, xxxiv,1953/2,173

- Quebec How, by Miriam Chapin, xxxvi, 1955A,370

- Acadian Odyssey, by Oscar William Winzerling, xxxvii,1956/2,179 - Le Systeme scolaire de la province de Quebec. V: Les Ecoles elementaires dans le Bas-Canada, 1800-1836. VI: La Situation scolaire a la veille de 1'Union, 1836-18UO, by Louis-Philippe Audet, xxxvii, 1956/3,270 - Rapport de 1'Archiviste de la province de Quebec pour 1953-195** et 195^-1955, Quebec, Imprimeur de Sa Majeste la Reine, xxxvii,

1956 A, 369

- Histoire du notariat canadien, 1621-1960, by Andre Vachon, xliv, 1963/3,21*3 - Louis Riel, by George F.G. Stanley, xlvi,1965/2,152 - France et Canada frangais du XVIe au XXs siecle: Colloque de Quebec, 10-12 octobre 1963 (Quebec, Les Presses de 1'universitS Laval), xlviii,1967A,375 Waite, P.B. Canada and the United States: The Civil War Years, by Robin W. Winks, xlii,196l/2,l60 - The Alignment of Political Groups in Canada, 181*1-1867, by Paul G. Cornell, xliv,1963/2,l6l - Canada and the British Army 181*6-1871: A Study in the Practice of Responsible Government, by C.P. Stacey, rev. ed., xlv,1961t/3,253 - Awakening Continent: The Life of Lord Mount Stephen. I: 1829-91, by Heather Gilbert, xlvii,1966/3,289 - A History of Canadian Political Thought, by G.P. de T. Glazebrook, xlviii,1967A,371* Walker, Franklin A. Church and State in Canadian Education: An Historical Study, by C.B. Sissons, xli,1960/3,2k8

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 211 Wallace, Elisabeth. Social Welfare in Ontario, 1791-1893: A Study of Public Welfare Administration, by Richard B. Splane, xlvii,1966/2, 162 Wallace, R.C. Canada, ed. George W. Brown, xxxi,1950/2,188 Wallace, ¥.S. The University of Hew Brunswick Memorial Volume, Published on the Occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Granting of the First Charter of Incorporation, February 12th, 1800, ed. Alfred G. Bailey, xxxi,1950/3,327 - Charles W. Smith's Pacific Northwest Americana: A Check-List of Books and Pamphlets Relating to the History of the Pacific Northwest, ed. Isabel Mayhew, xxxii,195lA,393 - Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth (Portland, Me., The Anthoensen Press), xxxiii,1952/2,181 - Authentic Letters from Upper Canada, by Thomas William Magrath, ed. Thomas Radcliff, introd. James John Talman, xxxiv,1953A,37^ - John Rae's Correspondence with the Hudson's Bay Company on Arctic Exploration, 18M-55, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxv,195^/3,251 - Pioneer Inns and Taverns, by Edwin C. Guillet. I: Ontario, with Detailed Reference to Metropolitan Toronto and Yonge Street to Penetanguishene, xxxvi,1955/3,263. II: The Province of Quebec, The Ottawa Valley, and American Inns, with Special Reference to the New York-Buffalo Route via the Hudson River and the Erie Canal, xxxviii,1957/2,152 - A Journal of a Voyage from the Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the Sources of Finlays Branch and North West Ward in Summer 1.82k, by Samuel Black, ed. E.E. Rich, xxxvii,1956/2,183 - First in the West: The Story of Henry Kelsey, Discoverer of Canadian Prairies, by James W. Whillans, xxxvii,1956/3,282 - Happy Voyager: Being the Life and Death of Sir John Franklin, by G.F. Lamb, xxxviii, 1957/2,1.6k - Un Siecle de labeur, de foi, d'honneur: histoire de la paroisse de Saint-Octave-de-Metis, 1855-1955, by Roland LeBel, xxxviii,1957/3, 337 - Peter Pond, Fur-trader and Explorer, by Henry R. Wagner, xxxix, 1958/1,Bk Walsh, H.H. The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820, by Stuart Ivison and Fred Rosser, xxxviii,1957/1,57 - The Anglican Church from the Bay to the Rockies: A History of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert's Land and its Dioceses from 1820 to 1950, by T.C.B. Boon, xliv,1963/3,2^1 - The Anglican Church in Canada, by Philip Carrington, xlv,196U/3, 25!+ - The Bishop Who Ate His Boots: A Biography of Isaac 0. Stringer, by Frank A. Peake, xlix,1968/1,63 - The Unification of Methodism in Canada, by J. Warren Caldwell, xlix,1968/3,282 Ward, Norman. Democracy in Alberta: The Theory and Practice of a Quasi-Party System, by C.B. Macpherson, xxxvi,1955/1,60 - The Office of Lieutenant-Governor: A Study in Canadian Government and Politics, by John T. Saywell, xxxix,1958/3,2^6 - Canadian Annual Review for 196l: A Reference Guide and Record, ed. John T. Saywell, xliv,1963/1,52 - Nationalism in Canada, ed. Peter Russell, xlviii,1967/3,285 - Agenda 1970'- Proposals for a Creative Politics, ed. Trevor Lloyd and Jack McLeod, 1,1969/3,328

212 / Canadian Historical Review Index Ward, Norman. The Franchise and Politics in British Worth America, 1755-1867, by John Garner, li,1970/1,82 - The Anatomy of a Party: The National CCF, 1932-61, by Walter D. Young, li,1970/3,325 Ward, Russel. Economic Enquiry in Australia, by Craufurd D.W. Goodwin, xlviii,1967/1,77 Warkentin, John. Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and PlaceNomenclature of the Atlantic Coast of Canada, by W.F. Ganong, xlvii, 1966/1,65 Watkins, Melville H. A Canadian Errant: Twenty-five Years in the Canadian Foreign Service, by James P. Manion, ed. Guy Sylvestre, xliii, 1962 A, 352 Webb, R.K. The Aberdeen Coalition, 1852-1855: A Study in mid-Nineteenth-Century Party Politics, by J.B. Conacher, 1,1969/1,103 Weilbrenner, Bernard. La Salle, by E.B. Osier, 1,1969/2,197 Wells, Samuel F., Jr. An Uncertain Friendship: Theodore Roosevelt and Japan, 1906-1909, by Charles E. Neu, xlix,1968 A, 1*1*1 - The Rhetoric of Empire: American China Policy, 1895-1901, by Marilyn Blatt Young, li, 1970/1,98 Welter, Rush. American Intellectual Histories and Historians, by Robert Allen Skotheim, xlviii,1967/2,17U Whalen, Hugh. Le Systeme politique du Canada: Institutions fe'derales et quebecoises, ed. Louis Sabourin, li,1970/2,202 White, Patrick C.T. The Struggle for the Border, by Bruce Hutchison, xxxvii,1956/2,178 - The British Empire before the American Revolution. IX: The Triumphant Empire: New Responsibilities within the Enlarged Empire, 1763-1766, by Lawrence Henry Gipson, xxxix,1958/1,81 - Lord Aberdeen and the Americans, by Wilbur Devereux Jones, xl,1959 /1,72 - George Washington and the French Revolution, by Louis Martin Sears, xlii,1961/2,158 - Jay's Treaty: A Study in Commerce and Diplomacy, by S.F. Bemis, xliv,1963/3,2ltU - Castlereagh and Adams: England and the United States 1812-1823, by Bradford Perkins, xlvii,1966/2,172 Wiedner, Donald L. African One-Party States, ed. Gwendolen M. Carter, xliv,1963A,331* Wilbur, J.R.H. R.B. Bennett, A Biography, by Ernest Watkins, xlv, 196U A, 321 Wilkinson, B. The Roman Empire, by M.P. Charlesworth, xxxii ,195lA> 389 - The Heritage of Western Culture: Essays on the Origin and Development of Modern Culture, ed. Randolph Carleton Chalmers, xxxiii, 1952/2,182 - The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, by C.W. Previte-Orton, 2 vols., xxxiv,1953/2,183 - The Thirteenth Century, 1216-1307, by Maurice Powicke, xxxv,195W 3,256 - The Later Plantagenets: A Survey of English History between 1307 and ll*85, by V.H.H. Green, xxxvii ,1956/1,91 - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. I: The Birth of Britain, by Winston Churchill, xxxvii,1956/1*,371 - Origins of the Medieval World, by William Carroll Bark, xl,1959/l, 62

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 213 Wilkinson, B. The Fourteenth Century, 1307-1399, by May McKisack, xlii,1961/1,65 - A Constitutional and Legal History of Mediaeval England, by Bryoe Lyon, xliii,1962/2,159 - Select Documents of English Constitutional History, 1307-11+85, ed. S.B. Chrimes and A.L. Brown, xliii,1962/3,236 - The Later Middle Ages, 1272-11+85, by George Holmes, xliv,1963A, 350 - The King's Messengers, 1199-1377: A Contribution to the History of the Royal Household, by Mary C. Hill, xlv,1961+/2,157 - The English Customs Service 1307-131+3: A Study of Medieval Administration, by Robert L. Baker, xlv,1961+A,333 - D.J. McDougall and F.H. Underbill. A History of England, by Keith Feiling, xxxi,1950/l+,l+06 Willcox, W.B. The Elizabethans and America, by A.L. Rowse, xli,1960/ i+,350 - The War for America, 1775-1783, by Piers Mackesy, xlvi,1965/1,67 - Toward Lexington: The Role of the British Army in the Coming of the American Revolution, by John Shy, xlvii,1966/2,169 - Lord North, by Alan Valentine, xlix,1968/3,303 Williams, William Appleman. The Papers of James Madison. I: 16 March 1751-16 December 1779. II: 20 March 1780-23 February 1781, ed. William T. Hutchi [n]son and William M.E. Rachal, xliv,1963 A, 3^6 - Politics, Strategy, and American Diplomacy: Studies in Foreign Policy, 1873-1917, by John A.S. Grenville and George Berkeley Young, xlviii,1967/1,89 Willms, A.M. All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life, by Victor Peters, xlviii,1967/2,163 Willson, David Harris. Jacobean Pageant: The Court of King James I, by G.P.V. Akrigg, xliv,1963/1,63 Wilson, Alan. British Emigration to British North America: The First Hundred Years, rev. ed. , by Helen I. Cowan, xlii, 196lA,337 Wilson, Clifford. People of the Deer, by Farley Mowat, xxxiii,1952/ 3,295 Wilson, George. Some Modern Historians of Britain, ed. Herman Ausubel et al., xxxiii,1952/2,180 Wilson, J. Donald. The Education of Canadians, 1800-1867: The Roots of Separatism, by Howard Adams, 1,1969A, 1+52 Windsor, K.H. A History of the Lutheran Church in Canada, I, by C.R. Cronmiller, xliv,1963/3,21+0 - The Battle Was the Lord's: A History of the Free Methodist Church in Canada, by John W. Sigsworth, xliv,1963/3,21*0 Winks, Robin W. In Search of Canadian Liberalism, by Frank H. Underhill, xlii,1961/3,229 - From Enmity to Alliance: U.S.-Australian Relations, 1931-191+1, by Raymond A. Esthus, xlvii,1966/2,18U Winter, James. Heavens Below: Utopian Experiments in England, 15601960, by W.H.C, Armytage, xliii,1962/3,21+3 - Learning and Living, 1790-1960: A Study in the History of the English Adult Education Movement, by J.F.C. Harrison, xliii,1962/3,21+3 - The Political Correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville. I: 1876-1882. II: 1883-1886, ed. Agatha Ramm, xliv, 1963/1,61+ - The Passing of the Whigs, by Donald Southgate, xlv,1964/1,60 - Churches and the Working Classes in Victorian England, by K.S. Inglis, xlv,1964/3,239

2lU / Canadian Historical Review Index Winter, James. John Bright, Victorian Reformer, by Herman Ausubel, xlviii,1967/2,178 - Disraelian Conservatism and Social Reform, "by Paul Smith, xlix, 1968/3,307 - Disraeli, Democracy and the Tory Party: Conservative Leadership and Organization after the Second Reform Bill, "by E.J. Feuchtwanger, 1,1969/2,217 Wise, S.F. Rogers' Rangers: A History, by Harold McGill Jackson, xxxvi,1955/3,262 - Joseph Brant: Mohawk, by Harvey Chalmers and Ethel Brant Monture, xxxviii,l957/2,lU8 - An Exile from Canada to Van Diemen's Land: Being the Story of Elijah Woodman Transported Overseas for Participation in the Upper Canada Troubles of 1837-38, by Fred Landon, xliii,1962/1,ik - Sketch of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, by D'Arcy Boulton, xlvi,1965/2,lU6 - Simcoe's Military Journal, by John Graves Simcoe, xlvi,1965/2,lU6 - The Atlantic Provinces: The Emergence of Colonial Society, 17121857, by W.S. MacNutt, xlviii,1967/1,65 Wish, Harvey. History, by John Higham, Leonard Krieger and Felix Gilbert, xlvii,1966/1,61* Woodhouse, A.S.P. Saints in Arms: Puritanism and Democracy in Cromwell's Army, by Leo F. Solt, xl,1959/^,338 Young, Walter. The Compassionate Rebel: Ernest E. Winch and His Times, by Dorothy G. Steeves, xliii,1962/2,158 - Louis St. Laurent, Canadian, by Dale C. Thompson, xlix,1968/2,187 - Canadian Labour in Politics, by Gad Horowitz, 1,1969/1,86 Yuzyk, Paul. Literary Politics in the Soviet Ukraine, 1917-1931*, by

George S.K. Luckyj , xxxvii, 1956 A,378

Zacour, Norman P. The Lawyers of the Last Capetians, by Franklin J. Pegues, xliv,1963/2,182 - The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages: The Papal Monarchy with Augustinus Triumphus and the Publicists, by Michael Wilks, xlvi,1965/3,266 - The Shape of Medieval History: Studies in Modes of Perception, by William J. Brandt, xlviii,1967A,391 Zagorin, Perez. Commercial Crisis and Change in England, l600-l61*2: A Study in the Instability of a Mercantile Economy, by B.E. Supple, xlii,1961/1,67 - London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution: City Government and National Politics, 1625-16^3, by Valerie Pearl, xliii,1962/1, 51* - Reappraisals in History, by J.H. Hexter, xliii,19^2/3,233 Zaslow, M. Newfoundland, 10th Province of Canada, by John Parker, xxxi,1950/3,328 - Big Pan-out, by Kathryn Winslow, xxxii,195lA5395 - Regionalism in America, ed. Merrill Jensen, xxxiii,1952/2,18U - Nation of the North: Canada since Confederation, by D.M. LeBourdais, xxxv, 195V3,252 - Sudbury Basin: The Story of Hickel, by D.M. LeBourdais, xxxv,195V U,35^ - Sodbusters Invade the Peace, by A.M. Bezanson, xxxvi,1955/2,158 - Son of the North, by Charles Camsell, xxxvi,1955/2,158

Books Reviewed: Reviewers / 215 Zaslow, M. The Yukon, by A. Cherry Hinton and Philip H. Godsell, xxxvi,1955/2,158 - North of 55°: Canada from the 55th Parallel to the Pole, ed. Clifford Wilson, xxxvi,1955/2,158 - Men and Trade on the Northwest Frontier as Shown by the Fort Owen Ledger, ed. George F. Weisel, xxxvii,1956/1,9^ - Pilots of the Purple Twilight: The Story of Canada's Early Bush Flyers, by Philip H. Godsell, xxxvii,1956/1,96 - Noranda, by Leslie Roberts, xxxviii,1957/U,335 - Canada's Arctic Outlet: A History of the Hudson Bay Railway, by Howard A. Fleming, xxxviii,1957A,336 - The Frontier in Perspective, ed. Walker D. Wyman and Clifton B. Kroeber, xxxix,1958A,351 - Dynamic Decade: The Evolution and Effects of the Oil Industry in Alberta, by Eric J. Hanson, xl,1959/2,167 - Canada: A Political and Social History, by Edgar Wardell Mclnnis, xl,1959/3,2U6 - The American Economic Impact on Canada, by Hugh G.J. Aitken et al., xli,1960/3,250 - The White Road: A Survey of Polar Exploration from the Vikings to Fuchs, by L.P. Kirwan, xli ,1960/1^,335 - Military Relations Between the United States and Canada, 193919^5, by Stanley W. Dziuban, xlii,1961/1,6l - Island of the Lost, by Paul Fenimore Cooper, xliii,1962/3,232 - Pack Saddles to Tete Jaune Cache, by J.G. MacGregor, xliv,1963A, 3kh - American Indian Policy in the Formative Years: The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts, 1790-185**, by Francis Paul Prucha, xlv,196U/ 3,2U3 - The Palliser Expedition: An Account of John Palliser's North American Exploring Expedition, 1857-1860, by Irene M. Spry, xlvi,1965 72,152 - The Western Interior of Canada: A Record of Geographical Discovery, 1612-1917, ed. John Warkentin, xlvi,1965/2,152 Zoltvany, Yves F. La ville de Quebec, histoire municipale. I: Regime frangais, by F.-X. Chouinard, xlv,196^/2,135 - Les Cahiers des Dix, no. 28 (Montreal, Edition des Dix), xlvi,1965 /2,lU2 - A History of Canada. II: From the Royal Regime to the Treaty of Utrecht, 1663-1713, by Gustave Lanctot, trs. Margaret M. Cameron, xlvi ,1965 A, 351+ - Apergu structural du Canada au XVIIIs siecle, by Roland Lamontagne, xlvii,1966/2,l6l - Les La Verendrye et le poste de 1'ouest, by Antoine Champagne, 1, 1969/^,^50 - Jacques Marquette, S.J. 1637-1675, by Joseph P. Donnelly, li,1970/ 2,188 - Canada: The War- of the Conquest, by Guy Fregault, trs. Margaret M. Cameron, li,1970/3,319

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7 Miscellaneous


xxxi.1950: 1/81*, 2/203, 3/330, 4/429 xxxii,1951: 1/91, 2/172, 3/284, 4/399 xxxiii,1952: l/8l, 2/189, 3/299, It/397 xxxiv,1953: 1/80, 2/191, 3/304, 4/379 xxxv,1954: 1/72, 2/166, 3/264, 4/355 xxxvd.,1955: 1/74, 2/17!*, 3/282, It/371 xxxvii,1956: 1/97, 2/193, 3/294, 4/380 xxxviii,1957: 1/78, 2/167, 3/265, 4/339 xxxix,1958: 1/87, 2/171, 3/267, 4/364 xl,1959: 1/79, 2/177, 3/267, 4/354 xli,1960: 1/87, 2/175, 3/269, 4/364 xlii,196l: 1/83, 2/178, 3/267, 4/365 xliii,1962: 1/82, 2/179, 3/264, 4/363 xliv,1963: 1/82, 2/187, 3/275, 4/368 xlv,l964: 1/81, 2/168, 3/269, 4/358 xlvi,1965: 1/87, 2/186, 3/292, 4/383 xlvii,1966: 1/88, 2/196, 3/295, 4/391 xlviii,1967: 1/91, 2/190, 3/295, 4/401 xlix,1968: 1/91, 2/207, 3/318, 4/447 1,1969: 1/113, 2/228, 3/353, 4/478 11,1970: 1/111, 2/227, 3/351, 4/486 CORRESPONDENCE Bell, Richard, xlvi,1965/l,99 Borden, Henry, xliii,1962/3,275 Brunet, Michel, xl, 1959A,370 Crowhurst, R.P., li,1970/4,483 Dunbabin, Thomas, xxxviii,1957/4,349

218 / Canadian Historical Review Index

Ferns, H.S., xxxvii,1956A,392; - and Bernard Ostry, xxxvi,1955/3,292 Flower, G.E., xxxv,195V1*,277 Forsey, Eugene, xxxiii, 1952/3,314; xxxvii,1956/1,106 Glazebrook, G. de T., xxxi,1950 A,1*1* 3 Grant, Douglas, xli,1960/2,183 Harrison, Eric, xxxix,1958/3,265 Hughes, Everett C., xl,1959A,368 Innis, H.A., xxxi,1950/2,2l8 Jackman, S.W., xlii,196lA,370 Kilbourn, William, xlvii,1966A,l+00 Lower, A.R.M., xxxvi,1955/3,292 MacKinnon, Frank, xliv,1963/3,282 McHaught, Kenneth, xlvi, 1965A,399 MacHutt, W.S., xxxiv,1953/1,107 Mathieu, Jacques, 1,1969/2,21*2 Morton, W.L., xxxvi, 1955A,385 Ostry, Bernard. See Ferns, H.W. Rothney, Gordon 0., li, 1970/1*, 1*80 Saywell, John T., xli,I960/2,l83 Stacey, C.P., xxxii,1951/3,300; xliv,1963/3,283 Wilbur, Richard H. , xlv,196U/3,271t Zakuta, Leo, xlvi, 1965A,397 OBITUARIES Adair, Edward Robert, xlvi,1965/3,296 Bell, Kenneth, xxxii,1951/1*,1*09 Bell, Winthrop Pickard, xlvi,1965/2,199 Boland, Frank John, 1,1969A,1*87 Brebner, John Bartlet, xxxix,1958/2,182 Brown, George Williams, xlv,1961*/l,88 Colby, Charles William, xxxvii,1956/2,200 Corey, Albert Bickmore, xlv,1961*/l,90 Dadson, Thomas McGosh, xxxi,1950/1*,1*1*0 Dawson, Robert MacGregor, xl,1959/1,90 Flenley, Ralph, 1,1969/2,21*1 Fraser, Barbara Jean Lovat, xlvi,1965/1,98

Miscellaneous / 219

Groulx, Lionel, xlviii,1967/3,299 Hamil, Frederick Coyne, 1,1969/1,121 Harvey, David Cobb, xlvii, 1966/4,399 Hitsman, John Mackay, li,1970/2,244 Innis, Harold Adams, xxxiii,1952/4,405 Kerr, Wilfred Brenton, xxxi,1950/l,lll Landon, Fred, 1,1969/4,488 Langton, Hugh Hornby, xxxiv,1953/4, 388 Long, Morden Heaton, xlvi,1965/3,298 Longley, Ronald Stewart, xlviii ,1967/3,305 MacKirdy, Kenneth Alexander, xlix,1968/3,331 McWilliams, Mrs R.F., xxxiii,1952/3,310 Martin, Chester, xxxix,1958/3,263 Morse, William Inglis, xxxiii,1952/3,310 Mudroch, Vaclav, li,1970/2,245 Hew, Chester, xlii,1961/1,89 Oleson, Tryggvi Julius, xlv,1964/1,91 Patterson, George G. , xxxii,1951/4,409 Reid, J.H. Stewart, xlv,1964/2,179 Riddell, Robert Gerald, xxxii,1951/2,198 Robinson, Percy J., xxxiv,1953/3,309 Rolph, William Kirby, xxxv,1954/1,92 Sage, Walter Noble, xlv,1964/2,180 Sissons, Charles Bruce, xlvi,1965/4,396 Trotter, Reginald George, xxxii,1951/2,197 Tucker, Gilbert Norman, xxxvi,1955/3,289 Wallace, W. Stewart, li,1970/2,21*3 Webster, John Clarence, xxxi,1950/2,216 UNIVERSITY STAFF APPOINTMENTS Personal items: xxxiii, 1952/3,310; xxxiv, 1953/4,391; xxxv,1954/4, 359; xxxvi,1955/3,291; xxxvi,1955/4,384; xxxvii,1956/3,307; xxxviii,1957/4,348 Historians in Canada: xli,1960/3,275; xlii,1961/3,278; xliii,1962/ 3,274; xliv,1963/3,281; xlv,1964/3,275; xlvi,1965/3,298; xlvii, 1966/3,299; xlviii,1967/3,306; xlix,1968/3,331; 1,1969/3,350; li, 1970/3,363