CHAPTER I THE METHOD OF VARIATION IN PROBLEMS WITH FIXED BOUNDARIES 1. The variation and its properties 2. Euler equation ;. Functionals of the form 4. Functionals involving derivatives of higher order 5. Functionals depending on functions of severalindependent variables 6. Parametric representation of variational problems ?. Some applications Problems
CHAPTER II VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS WITH MOVABLE BOUNDARIES AND SOME OTHER PROBLEMS 1. Simplest problem with movable boundaries 2. Problems with movable boundaries for functionals of the form 3. Problems with movable boundaries for functionals of the form 4. Extremals with cusps 5. One-sided variations 6. Mixed problems Problems
CHAPTER III SUFFICIENCY CONDITIONS FOR AN EXTREMUM 1. Fields of extremals 2. The function E(m,y, p, y') Problems
CHAPTER IV VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS OF CONSTRAINED EXTREMA 1. Constraints of the form 2. Constraints of the form 3. lsoperimetric problems Problems
CHAPTER V DIRECT METHODS OF SOLVING VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS 1. Direct methods 2. Euler method of finite differences 3. Ritz's method 4. Kantorovic's method Problems