Building single-page Web apps with Meteor: build real-time apps at lightning speed using the most powerful full-stack JavaScript framework 9781783988129, 1783988126, 9781783988136, 1783988134

Meteor is the best JavaScript platform on the Web that allows you to build real-time web applications quickly and easily

345 94 4MB

English Pages 198 Year 2015

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Table of contents :
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Meteor
The full-stack framework of Meteor
Meteor's requirements
Using Chrome's developer tools
Using Git and GitHub
Installing Meteor
Installing Git
Creating our first app
Creating a good folder structure
Preadd style files
Adding basic packages
Adding a core package
Adding a third-party package
Variable scopes
Meteor's folder conventions and loading order
Loading assets on the server
Meteor's command-line tool Updating MeteorDeploying Meteor
Chapter 2: Building HTML Templates
Writing templates in Meteor
Building the basic templates
Adding templates and partials
Displaying data with template helpers
Setting the data context for a template
Using the {{#with}} block helper
""this"" in template helpers and template callbacks
Adding events
Block helpers
Listing posts
Spacebars syntax
Accessing parent data contexts
Passing data to helpers
Chapter 3: Storing Data and Handling Collections
Meteor and databases
Setting up a collection
Adding post examples Querying a collectionUpdating a collection
Database everywhere
Differences between client and server collections
Chapter 4: Controlling the Data Flow
Syncing data --
the current Web versus the new Web
Removing the autopublish package
Publishing data
Publishing only parts of data
Publishing specific fields
Lazy loading posts
Switching subscriptions
Some notes on data publishing
Chapter 5: Making Our App Versatile with Routing
Adding the iron:router package
Setting up the router
Switching to a layout template
Adding another route Moving the posts subscription to the Home routeSetting up the post route
Creating a single-post publication
Adding the post route
Linking the posts
Changing the website's title
Chapter 6: Keeping States with Sessions
Meteor's session object
A better way for simple reactivity
Using sessions in template helpers
Session and hot code pushes
Rerunning functions reactively
Stopping reactive functions
Using autorun in a template
The reactive session object
Chapter 7: Users and Permissions
Meteor's accounts packages
Adding the accounts packages Adding admin functionality to our templatesAdding a link for new posts
Adding the link to edit posts
Adding the login form
Creating the template to edit posts
Creating the admin user
Adding permissions
A note on security
Creating routes for the admin
Preventing visitors from seeing the admin routes
Chapter 8: Security with the Allow and Deny Rules
Adding a function to generate slugs
Creating a new post
Saving a post
Editing posts
Updating the current post
Restricting database updates
Removing the insecure package
Adding our first allow rules
Adding a deny rule

Building single-page Web apps with Meteor: build real-time apps at lightning speed using the most powerful full-stack JavaScript framework
 9781783988129, 1783988126, 9781783988136, 1783988134

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