Table of contents : Contents Acknowledgments Foreword Introduction 1. Princess for a New Hawai‘i 2. A Culture Suppressed 3. “Where Are All the Hawaiian-Looking Ones?” 4. Newfound Wealth, Cultural Rebirth, Seeds of Discontent 5. The Trust Plays Politics as Activism Grows 7. The “Black and Blue” Panel 9. The Education Trustee 10. “We Must March!” 11. A Tinderbox Waiting for a Match 12. Time To Say “No More” 13. Like Investigating the CIA 14. Mistrust and Paranoia 15, A World Record for Breaches of Trust 16 “That’S Just The Way You Do It” 17. Public Pressure Forces a Political Shift 18. Trustees Surrounded 19. End of the Line 20. “Healing” and “Closure” 21. Eternal Vigilance Afterword Appendix: The Charitable Trust Provisions of Princess Pauahi’s Will and Two Codicils Credits for Photographs and Editorial Cartoons Index About the Authors