Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IoT: The new wave for Industrial Automation [1st ed. 2021]
9783030674908, 9789811387593
This book addresses one of the most overlooked practical, methodological, and moral questions in the journey to secure a
Year 2021
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Table of contents :
About the Editor
Part I Background and Preliminaries
1 Blockchain and 5G-Enabled Internet of Things: Background and Preliminaries
1 Introduction
1.1 Blockchain
1.2 5G Technology
1.3 IoT
2 Adoption of Blockchain with IoT Systems
2.1 Trust Formation
2.2 Data Acceleration
2.3 Security Improvement
2.4 Reduce Cost
2.5 Automation Increment
3 Challenge of Blockchain and IoT Integration
4 Application of Blockchain in 5G-Enabled Services
4.1 Healthcare
4.2 Smart Home
4.3 Agriculture
4.4 Industry
4.5 Supply Chain Management
5 Future Research Direction
5.1 Blockchain with Big Data & 5G
5.2 Blockchain with Machine Learning in 5G
5.3 Blockchain for 6G
6 Conclusion
2 Background and Research Challenges for Blockchain-Driven 5G IoT-Enabled Industrial Automation
1 Introduction
1.1 Contribution of the Study
2 Survey on BC Using 5G-Enabled Internet of Things
2.1 Blockchain
2.2 Industrial Automation Using 5G-Enabled IoT
2.3 Benefits of Integrating BC for 5G-Enabled IoT
2.4 Challenges in Integrating BC for 5G-Enabled IoT for Industrial Automation
3 Deployment Using BC for 5G-Enabled IIoT (Automation)
3.1 Smart City/Smart Community
3.2 Industry 4.0
3.3 Healthcare 4.0
3.4 Autonomous Automobile Carrier
3.5 Agriculture
3.6 Supply Chain Management
4 Challenges and Issues for Incorporation of Industrial Automation
5 Conclusion
3 Fusion of Blockchain Technology with 5G: A SymmetricBeginning
1 Introduction
2 Blockchain and Its Related Concepts
2.1 Blockchain Architecture
2.2 Catalogue of Blockchain Architectures
3 5G and Its Features
3.1 Design Concepts of 5G Network
4 Challenges Faced by 5G Network and Motivational Gains for Fusing Blockchain Technology with 5G
4.1 Promoting Fusion of Blockchain with 5G
4.2 The Fusion of Blockchain with 5G Network Leading to Smart Applications and Automations
5 Revealing Future Challenges for Fusion of 5G Network with Blockchain Technology
6 Conclusion
4 Introduction of Blockchain and 5G-Enabled IoT Devices
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Our Contributions
2 Background
2.1 5G-Enabled IoT
2.1.1 Key Features of 5G-Enabled IoT
2.1.2 Integrated Technologies
2.2 Blockchain
3 Integrating Blockchain Technology in 5G-Enabled IoT
3.1 Opportunities in 5G-Enabled IoT Through Blockchain
3.2 Architecture of Blockchain-Based 5G-Enabled IoT
3.3 Applications of 5G-Enabled IoT Using Blockchain
4 Blockchain with 5G-Enabled iIoT: Case Studies
4.1 Smart Factory/Smart Industry
4.2 Smart Agriculture
4.3 Smart Healthcare
5 Issues and Limitations of Blockchain and 5G-IoT
6 Research Directions and Opportunities
7 Conclusion
5 The Influence of 5G, IoT, and Blockchain Technologies in Industrial Automation
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Contributions
1.3 Organization
2 The Rise of Industrial Automation
2.1 Benefits
2.1.1 Productivity
2.1.2 Accuracy
2.1.3 Safety
2.1.4 Costs
3 Internet of Things (IoT)
3.1 Impact on Industrial Automation
3.1.1 Improvement in Energy Efficiency
3.1.2 Predictive Maintenance
3.1.3 Reduction in Operational Cost
3.2 Industrial Applications
3.2.1 Agriculture
3.2.2 Healthcare
3.2.3 Energy
4 The Emergence of the Fifth-Generation (5G) Wireless Network
4.1 Impact on Industrial Automation
4.1.1 Improved Reliability
4.1.2 Faster Data Rate
4.1.3 Lower Latency
4.2 Industrial Applications
5 Blockchain Technology: The Next Best Thing
5.1 Features
5.1.1 Decentralized
5.1.2 Distributed Ledger
5.1.3 Immutable
5.1.4 Consensus
5.2 Impact on 5G-Enabled IoT
5.3 Impact on Industrial Automation
5.3.1 Improved Transparency
5.3.2 Better Security
5.3.3 Enhance Traceability
5.4 Industrial Applications
5.4.1 Agriculture
5.4.2 Energy
5.4.3 Healthcare
6 Blockchain and 5G-Enabled IoT Use Cases in Finance Sector
6.1 Characteristics
6.1.1 Decentralized Trust
6.1.2 Enhanced Security
6.1.3 Efficient Transactions
6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 Scalability
6.2.2 Cost
6.2.3 Policies and Regulations
7 Conclusion
Part II Enabling Technologies and Architecture for 5G-Enabled IoT
6 Emerging Communication Technologies for 5G-Enabled Internet of Things Applications
1 Introduction
1.1 Contribution and Motivation
1.2 IoT and Emerging Applications
1.3 Evolution of Wireless Technologies
2 Background and Current Research in 5G-IoT
2.1 Communication Technologies and Their Limitations
2.2 Role of 5G in IoT
2.3 Requirements for 5G-IoT
3 5G Enabled IoT
3.1 5G-IoT Architecture
3.2 Key Enabling Technologies for 5G Enabled IoT
3.3 Impact
4 5G-IoT Use Cases
5 Challenges and Future Research Trends
6 Case Study: 5G-Enabled IoT for Industrial Automation
7 Conclusion
7 Advance Cloud Data Analytics for 5G Enabled IoT
1 Introduction to 5G, IoT, and Cloud Computing
1.1 Possibilities in 5G and IoT
1.2 Integration of Cloud Computing, 5G, and IoT
2 State of the Art
2.1 Open Research Issues for Cloud-Based IoT Systems
3 Case Studies for Cloud Computing 5G Based IoT Systems
3.1 5G Patrol Robots Made by G Gosunch Robot Co., Ltd, China for Controlling COVID-19 in Public Areas
3.2 5G Based IoT and Smart Cities Healthcare Systems
3.3 5G Smart Industries Development and Production: Managing Its Utility and Energy
3.4 Connected Vehicles and 5G Era
4 Research Issues/Challenges in the Field of CC, IoT, and 5G
5 Conclusion
8 Existing Technologies and Solutions in 5G-Enabled IoTfor Industrial Automation
1 Introduction
1.1 The Role of Mobile Network Technology in the Industry
1.2 Integration of 5G Mobile Network and IoT Technologies
1.3 Prospects for the Use of Blockchain Technology in 5G-Based IoT Applications
2 Opportunities in 5G-Network-Enabled IoT
2.1 Opportunities of 5G Network for IoT Application
2.2 Opportunities of Blockchain in 5G-Based IoT
3 Architecture of 5G-Enabled IoT
4 5G-Enabled IoT in the Field of Industry Digitalization and Automatization
5 5G-Enabled IoT Requirements for Industrial Automation
6 Existing Technologies Used in 5G-Based IoT for Industrial Automation
6.1 Existing Technologies for 5G, IoT, and 5G-Enabled IoT for Industrial Automation
6.2 Blockchain for Key Technologies of 5G-Based IoT
7 Solutions for Using 5G-Based IoT in Industrial Automation
7.1 Classification of RA Optimization Solutions in 5G and IoT for Industrial Automatization
7.2 Blockchain Solution of Resource Allocation in 5G and IoT for Industrial Purposes
8 Conclusion
9 Enabling Technologies and Architecture for 5G-Enabled IoT
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope of 5G-Enabled IoT
1.2 IoT Use-Cases and Applications
1.3 Blockchain Technology
1.4 5G Technology
2 Architectures
2.1 IoT Architecture
2.2 Blockchain Architecture
2.3 The 5G System Architecture
2.4 Enabling Technologies
3 5G-Enabled IoT
3.1 Architecture
3.2 Characteristics
4 Case Study
5 Conclusion
10 Big Data Analytics for 5G-Enabled IoT Healthcare
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Scope
1.2 Research Contribution
1.3 Organization
2 Related Work
3 Proposed Work
4 Performance Analysis
5 Conclusion
Part III AI-Assisted Secure 5G-Enabled IoT
11 Data Security and Privacy in 5G-Enabled IoT
1 Introduction
1.1 Cloud Computing and Edge Standards
1.2 Security Fundamentals for 5G Network
1.3 Various Security Measures
1.4 Architecture of 5G-Enabled IoT
1.4.1 Recognition Layer
1.4.2 Connectivity/Edge Computing Layer
1.4.3 Support Layer
1.4.4 Application Layer
1.4.5 Business Layer
1.5 Security and Privacy
2 Security Threats in 5G-Enabled IoT
2.1 Security Threats as per IoT Reference Model
2.1.1 Recognition Layer
2.1.2 Connectivity/Edge Computing Layer
2.1.3 Support Layer
2.1.4 Application Layer
2.1.5 Business Layer
3 Security Analysis
3.1 Security Threats
3.2 Security Requirements and Security Goals
3.3 Security Assumptions
4 Privacy Threats in 5G-Enabled IoT
4.1 Broad Sensitive Information
4.2 Location Privacy
4.3 Correlation Privacy
5 Security and Privacy Threats in Specific Domain
5.1 Healthcare
5.2 Smart Home
5.3 Smart Grid
5.4 Smart Logistics
6 Challenges and Opportunities
6.1 Identity and Authentication
6.2 Trust Management
6.3 Encryption/Cryptographic Method
6.4 Access Control
6.5 Privacy
6.6 Privacy in the IoT
6.7 UDN and IoT Privacy
7 Summary
12 Security and Privacy in 5G-Enabled Internet of Things:A Data Analysis Perspective
1 Introduction
1.1 IoT Devices Working with 5G Networks
2 Security in 5G-Enabled IoT
2.1 Security Issues and Threats of a Layered IoT Architecture
2.1.1 The Architecture of 5G-Enabled IoT
2.1.2 Security Issues
2.2 Possible Mitigations for Security Issues
2.3 Security in IoT Considering 5G
3 Privacy in 5G-Enabled IoT
3.1 Privacy Challenges in 5G Networks
3.1.1 Location Privacy
3.1.2 Correlation Privacy
3.1.3 Broad Sensitive Information
3.1.4 Identity and Authentication
3.1.5 Radio Communications in High-Frequency Bands
3.2 Solutions to Privacy Threats
4 Case Studies
4.1 Secure Network Architecture for Smart Grids in 5G Era [18]
4.2 Secure D2D Communication [19]
4.3 UAV IoT Framework [20]
4.4 Intelligent Transportation System
4.5 End-to-End Network Slicing for 5G Communication
4.6 Lip Reading-Driven Secure Hearing Aid
4.7 5G AKA Protocols
5 Conclusion
13 Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Assistance for Secure 5G-Enabled IoT
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Contribution of This Survey
1.3 Organization
2 Background Theory
2.1 Blockchain Technology
2.2 Blockchain Framework
3 5G-Enabled IoT
3.1 5G IoT Architecture
3.2 Use of 5G-Enabled IoT in Blockchain
4 Adversarial Artificial Intelligence
4.1 Types of Attack
4.1.1 Box-Constrained L-BFGS
4.1.2 Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
4.1.3 One-Pixel Attack
4.1.4 Carlini and Wagner Attacks (C&W)
4.1.5 DeepFool
5 Trustworthy Machine Learning for Industry
5.1 Machine Learning Technique and Issues
5.2 Learning Paradigms
5.2.1 Supervised Learning
5.2.2 Unsupervised Learning
5.2.3 Reinforcement Learning
6 Understanding the Threat Landscape
6.1 Case Study: Anomalous Traffic Detection
6.2 Real-World Attacks
6.2.1 Attack on Cell Phone Camera
6.2.2 Attack on Road Sign
7 Role of Blockchain for Industrial Automation
7.1 Smart Home
7.2 Smart City
7.3 Supply Chain Management
7.4 Smart Agriculture
7.5 Smart Healthcare
7.6 AI and Machine Learning
7.7 Case Study
8 Challenges of Integrating Adversarial Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Secure 5G-Enabled IoT
9 Conclusion
14 Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Big Data Analyticsfor 5G-Enabled IoT
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Contributions
1.2 Motivation for the Chapter
1.3 Organization of the Chapter
2 Data Mining
2.1 Data Mining in 5G-Enabled IoT
2.2 Applications of Data Mining
3 Concept of Machine Learning
3.1 Types of Machine Learning
3.2 Machine Learning and 5G IoT
3.3 Applications of Machine Learning
3.4 Various Challenges Encountered While Applying ML
4 Big Data Analytics
4.1 Challenges in Big Data Analytics
4.2 Big Data Analytics and IoT
4.3 IoT Architecture for Big Data Analytics
4.4 Big Data Analytics in 5G-Enabled IoT Systems
5 Convergence of Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Big Data Analytics for 5G-Enabled IoT
6 5G-Enabled IoT Case Studies
7 Conclusion
15 Smart Secure Telerehabilitation Apps for Personalized Autism Home Intervention Using Blockchain System
1 Introduction
1.1 Contributions
1.2 Motivations
1.3 Organization
2 Preliminaries and Related Research
2.1 Related Work on Autism with Technology-Supported Provision
2.2 Related Work on Healthcare 4.0 Environment with Blockchain
3 System Architecture and Construction
3.1 Architecture Model of the Autism Telerehabilitation Apps (ATA)
4 System Development and Implementation
5 System Contributions
6 Results and Discussions
7 System Limitation and Challenges
8 Conclusion and Future Work
Part IV 5G-Enabled IoT Models, Solutions and Standards
16 A Hybrid Blockchain-Secured Elderly Healthcare Environment
1 Introduction
2 Motivation
3 Proposed Methodology
3.1 Model Design
3.1.1 Use Case and Dependencies
3.1.2 The Application Development Approach Used
3.1.3 Application's Workflow Through Data Flow Diagrams
4 Implementation
4.1 Steps for Doctor's Site App Implementation
4.2 Steps for User's Site App Implementation
4.3 Pseudo Code/Steps/Algorithm
4.4 User's Site Activity Flow
4.5 Option for Upload of the Test Reports by the Patient
4.6 Feature for Emergency Calling and SOS Service Available for Mainly the Elderly or the Frequently Sick Patients
4.7 Choice of Tech Stack
4.8 Generalized Block Diagram
4.9 Flowcharts and Workflow
4.10 Application Algorithm
5 Enhanced Features: Security and Reduced Latency
5.1 Methodology Employed: Security Issue
5.1.1 Need for Security and Privacy in Healthcare
5.1.2 Ingredients for a Perfectly Secure System on Healthcare
5.1.3 Blockchain: Solution to Problems
5.1.4 Healthcare Record Maintenance in a Blockchain Network
5.1.5 Challenges to Be Overcome in a Blockchain
5.2 Latency Issue Addressed
5.2.1 Possible Ways to Reduce Latency
5.2.2 Benefits It Will Provide
6 Future Scope
7 Open Issues and Challenges
8 Conclusion
17 Blockchain- and Deep Learning-Empowered Resource Optimization in Future Cellular Networks, Edge Computing, and IoT: Open Challenges and Current Solutions
1 Introduction
1.1 Aim
1.2 Research Contribution
1.3 Organization
2 Background
2.1 Deep Learning Techniques
2.2 Blockchain
2.3 Internet of Things (IoT)
2.4 Future Cellular Networks
2.5 Generalized Architecture of Blockchain and Deep Learning
3 Deep Learning for Resource Management in Blockchain-Empowered Cellular and IoT Networks
3.1 Resource Management Using Blockchain and Deep Learning Techniques for Future Cellular Networks
3.2 Blockchain and Deep Learning Application for Resource Management in IoT Networks
4 Future Research Challenges
4.1 Blockchain Technology
4.2 IoT Networks
4.3 5G Future Cellular Networks
4.4 Machine Learning and Deep Learning
4.5 General Issues
5 Case Study: Blockchain and Deep Learning Technique for Resource Management in 5G Networks
6 Discussion and Conclusion
18 Importance of 5G-Enabled IoT for Industrial Automation
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Contribution
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Organization
2 Literature Review
3 5G-Enabled IoT
4 Industrial Automation
4.1 Why Industrial Automation?
5 Industrial Automation with 5G-Enabled IoT
5.1 Advanced Healthcare
5.2 Smart Homes
5.3 Autonomous Vehicles
5.4 Smart City
5.5 Smart Agriculture
5.6 Smart Supply Chain Management
6 Disadvantages and Rumors
6.1 Expenditure on 5G
6.2 Security Concerns
6.3 Rumors
7 Case Study: Cloud VR Services
8 Conclusion and Scope of Future Work
19 Blockchain Based Framework for Document Authentication and Management of Daily Business Records
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Blockchain Technology for Document Authentication
3.1 Key Features of Blockchain Technology
3.1.1 Decentralization
3.1.2 Transparency
3.1.3 Immutability
3.2 Types of Blockchains
3.2.1 Public Blockchain
3.2.2 Private Blockchain
3.2.3 Consortium Blockchain
3.2.4 Hybrid Blockchain
3.3 Working of a Proposed Blockchain and Consensus Algorithms for Document Authentication
4 Introduction to Ethereum
4.1 Ethereum Virtual Machine
4.2 Ethereum Test Networks
5 Methodology
6 Execution and Implementation
6.1 Development of Smart Contract
6.2 Deployment on Local Blockchain
6.3 Development of Command-Line Interface
6.4 Testing the Smart Contract
6.5 Setting Up of a Rinkeby Node
6.6 Requesting Test Ether
6.7 Deploying the Smart Contract on Rinkeby
6.8 Testing the Smart Contract on Rinkeby
6.9 Designing a Web Application
6.10 Usability
7 Conclusion and Future Scope
Part V Next Generation 5G-Enabled IoT for Industrial Automation
20 IoT Wearable Devices for Health Issue Monitoring Using 5G Networks' Opportunities and Challenges
1 Introduction
2 Healthcare Data-Based Applications
3 Applying 5G in Healthcare Solutions
4 The Connection Techniques for Healthcare Solutions
5 Healthcare Data Analysis
6 Edge Computing in the Healthcare
7 Remote Healthcare Services
8 Conclusion and Future Work
21 Blockchain and 5G-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things: Application-Specific Analysis
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation: International Status and Market Potential
1.2 Overview of Blockchain, 5G and IIoT Technologies
1.3 Chapter Organization
1.4 Research Contribution
1.5 Taxonomy and Acronyms
2 Review of Recent Literature
2.1 Finance Sector
2.2 Business Sector
2.3 Smart City Applications
2.4 Manufacturing Industry
2.5 Industrial Applications
2.6 Healthcare Services
2.7 Communication Industry
2.8 Food Supply Chain Management
2.9 Cyber Security
2.10 Military and Civil Applications
2.11 Agriculture
2.12 Research Applications
2.13 Comparative Analysis of Survey Papers with Specific Parameters
3 Research Issues, Implementations, Challenges and Future Directions of IIoT
3.1 Research Issues in IIoT
3.2 Seven Challenges in Implementing IIoT
3.3 IIoT Future Trends
4 IIoT: An Industry Case Study – Stanley Black & Decker Tool Manufacturing Industry
5 Conclusion
22 Amalgamation of Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things for Healthcare Applications
1 Introduction
2 Paper Preparation
2.1 Background of Blockchain
2.2 Background of Internet of Things
2.3 Integration of Blockchain and IoT in Healthcare
2.4 Challenges Brought by Blockchain and IoT Integration for Healthcare
3 Applications in Healthcare and Medical Technology
4 Decentralizing IoT Networks Employing Blockchain
5 Discussion and Conclusion
23 Highly Isolated Self-Multiplexing 5G Antennafor IoT Applications
1 Introduction
2 Evolution of Technology from 1G to 5G
2.1 5G Communication
2.2 5G-Enabled IoT Applications
2.3 Blockchain
2.4 Usage of Blockchain in 5G-Enabled IoT
2.5 Role of an Antenna Design for 5G-Enabled IoT
3 Antenna
3.1 Yearly Configuration of Radio Engineering
3.2 Applications of Radio Engineering and Antennas
4 Substrate Integrated Circuits (SICs)
4.1 Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Technology
4.2 Substrate Dimensions
4.3 Advantages of SIW Technology
4.4 SIW-Based Components
4.5 Future Scope of SIW Technology
5 Diplexer/Triplexer as Frequency-Selective Element
5.1 Motivation
5.2 Different Techniques to Achieve the Objectives
5.3 Flowchart for Simulating the Electromagnetic Structure
5.4 SIW Coupling Analysis Method
6 IoT-Based Antennas
6.1 Equivalent Circuit Model of Self-Diplexing Circuit Modules
6.2 Self-Triplexing Antenna for IoT Applications
6.2.1 Equivalent Circuit Model of Self-Triplexing Circuit Modules
6.3 Self-Quadplexing Antenna for IoT Applications
6.3.1 Equivalent Circuit Model of Self-Quadplexing Circuit Modules
7 Conclusion