Biosynthesis of Tetrapyrroles 978-0-444-89285-0, 0-444-89285-0, 0-444-80303-3

222 73 252KB

English Pages iii-vi, 1-309 [323] Year 1991

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Table of contents :
Edited by
Page iii

Copyright page
Page iv

Pages v-vi
Albert Neuberger

Chapter 1 The biosynthesis of 5-aminolaevulinic acid and its transformation into uroporphyrinogen III Original Research Article
Pages 1-66
Peter M. Jordan

Chapter 2 Mechanism and stereochemistry of the enzymes involved in the conversion of uroporphyrinogen III into haem Original Research Article
Pages 67-99
Muhammad Akhtar

Chapter 3 The biosynthesis of vitamin B12 Original Research Article
Pages 101-138
A.I. Scott, P.J. Santander

Chapter 4 Biochemistry of coenzyme F430, a nickel porphinoid involved in methanogenesis Original Research Article
Pages 139-154
Herbert C. Friedmann, Albrecht Klein, Rudolf K. Thauer

Chapter 5 Biochemistry and regulation of photosynthetic pigment formation in plants and algae Original Research Article
Pages 155-235
Samuel I. Beale, Jon D. Weinstein

Chapter 6 The structure and biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophylls Original Research Article
Pages 237-255
Kevin M. Smith

Chapter 7 The genes of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis Original Research Article
Pages 257-294
Peter M. Jordan, Bob La. Mgbeje

Subject Index
Pages 295-309

Biosynthesis of Tetrapyrroles
 978-0-444-89285-0, 0-444-89285-0, 0-444-80303-3

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