Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch der exakten Naturwissenschaften: Band 7b, Teil 5 Lieferung 3 [Reprint 2022 ed.] 9783112646540

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Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch der exakten Naturwissenschaften: Band 7b, Teil 5 Lieferung 3 [Reprint 2022 ed.]

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J . C . P O G G E N D O R F F


Herausgegeben von der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

Band Vllb .Teil5 3. Lieferung

Leitung der Redaktion




Redaktionsschluß: 31. 12. 1972 Erschienen im Akademie-Verlag, 108 Berlin, Leipziger Straße 3—4 © Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1975 Lizenzmimmer: 202 • 100/421/75 Gesamtherstellung: VEB Druckerei „Thomas Müntzer", 582 Bad Langensalza Bestellnummer: 7620338 (3050/V/3) • LSV 1007 Printed in GDR EVP 24, —

Lunde Oslo Hjemmenes Vels Medlemsbl. Neuere Untersuchungen über Konservierung von Früchten, Beeren und Gemüsen: 4 ('35) 55-64 []• Papirjournalen Futtermittel aus Tang: 28 ('40) 147-52 [norweg.]. Skandinavisk Veterinärtidskr. Bakteriol., Fatol, samt Kött- och Mjölkhyg. Utilization of seaweed and kelp as fodder: 1940, 26-62 [norweg. m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. — Die Bedeutung von Vitamin-B-Komplex für den Silberfuchs 5 ): 112- [norweg.]. Svensk kern. Tidskr. Neue Forschungen über den Vitamin-B-Komplex: 51 ('39) 23545 [schwed.]. Teknisk Tidskr. Nährwert und Vitamingehalt von Konserven: 68 ('38) 134-40 [norweg.]. Teknisk Ukeblad Chemische Forschung in der Konservenindustrie: 79 ('32) 311-13,322 f. — Konservierung von Nahrungsmitteln: 80 ('33) 574-76. — Unser Seetang und dessen industrielle Ausnutzung: 84 ('37) 192-200. — Ausnutzung des Seetangs als Futtermittel: 86 ('39) 549-53. Alle Arbeiten norweg. Tidsskr. Hermetikindustri Untersuchungen über die Herstellung von Brislingen in Öl im letzten Jahre»): 18 ('32) 12-16; ~ 2: Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen über den Nährwert von Brislingen in ö l und Brislingen in Tomaten 9 ): 19 ('33) 87-89; ~ 3: Bestimmung der Olivenölmenge bei ölsardinen 9 ): 90-93. — Prüfung von Olivenöl im Untersuchungslaboratorium der norwegischen Konservenindustrie, 1.2: Untersuchungen von importiertem Olivenöl der Ernte 1929-30 und 1930-31"): 18 ('32) 67-88; ~ 3: ~ 1931-32: 280-82; ~ 5: Nachweis gereinigten Öls und schwefelhaltigen Öls durch Fluoreszenzfarben: 19 ('33) 112-17; — 6: Untersuchungen importierten Olivenöls (1932-1933) 9 ) 20 ): 375-82. - Untersuchungen über Sildsardinen in Olivenöl 9 ): 18 ('32) 113-16. — Aluminium als Konservenverpackung: 169-79. — Aluminium as packing material for canned goods: 205-16 [engl.]. — Über die Herstellung und Prüfung von Tomatenpüree 9 ) 2 ): 257-59, 305-15. - Konservieren von Obst und Gemüse 1 ): 339-45. — Konserven als Nahrungsmittel: 19 ('33) 23-31. — Fütterungsversuche an Batten mit zinnhaltigen Konserven 1 ) 2 ): 63-66. — Erwiderung zu Henrik Bull „Über die Bestimmung der Natur des Öles bei in Öl eingelegtem Brisling" 9 ): 122 f. — Bestimmung von gereinigtem Öl durch Messung der Fluoreszenz unter ultraviolettem Licht: 143-48. — Fütterungsversuche mit in Aluminiumdosen verpackten Konserven 1 ) 2 ) 18 ): 174-85. - Enthalten Fischkonserven Formalin ? 9 ): 205 f. — Untersuchungen über den. Vitamin-A-Gehalt in norwegischen Fischkonserven und deren Rohstoffen, l5)1«): 305-13. - Untersuchungen

189 Poggendorfi


über die Qualität des zur Konservenverpakkung verwendeten Blechs, 2 9 ): 346-56; — 3 9 ): 20('34) 17. — Die Konservierung der Nahrungsmittel als regulierender Faktor in der Ernährung unseres Landes: 19 ('33) 387-91. — Untersuchungen über Fischklöße 1 ) 9 ): 20 ('34) 43-56, 75-86. — Untersuchungen über konservierten Dorschrogen 9 ): 163 f. — Untersuchungen über den Bleigehalt in Sardinen 9 ) : 21 ('35) 121-23. - Konservierung von Früchten und Gemüsen : 125-30. — Untersuchungen über den Fettgehalt von Sardinen im Frühsommer 1935: 285-89. - Giftige Metalle in Nahrungsmitteln: 336-41. — Norwegische Brislingsardinen in Olivenöl: 22 ('36) 16-23, 107-10, 138-40. — Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes von Sprotten 21 ): 28 ('37) 115-26. — Übersicht über die Untersuchungen des Konservenindustrielaboratoriums über den Nährwert und den Vitamingehalt von Konserven: 235-37, 259-68. — Untersuchungen über die Variationen im Fettgehalt der Sprotten : 295306. — 1 e r Congrès international de la conserve, Paris 19379) : 361-67, 369-75, 406-11. — Nährwert von Lebensmittelkonserven 9 ) : 367; 24 ('38) 42-, 77-, 113 f., 145 f. - Fisch und Fischprodukte als Vitamin-B l -Quelle 6 ) 10 ) : 81-. — Vitamin-B-Faktoren in Fischrogen und -leber5) : 184-90. — Fuchsfutter in Konserven: 280-84. — Eine neue Verfälschung von Olivenöl6)9)10): 25 ('39) 200-04. Eine allgemeine Übersicht über die Forschungsarbeit des Forschungslaboratoriums der Norwegischen Konservenindustrie von seiner Gründung 1930 bis zur Gegenwart: 24149, 274-80, 303-06, 338-41; ~ von 19381939: 26 ('40) 89-91, 119-22, 135-39. - Vergleichende Versuche über die biologische Wirkung von Vitamin A in Dorschlebertran in Form von Ester und als freier Alkohol 5 ) 1 ) 15 ): 167-72. — Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes von Brislingen 193922)21)23) : 296-310. Alle Arbeiten (außer 18 ('32) 205) norweg., zum Teil m. engl, oder deutscher Zusammenfassg. Tidsskr. Kjemi og Bergvesen Diskrepanzen zwischen den biologischen und physikochemischen Methoden der Vitamin-A-Bestimmung 5 ): 20 ('40) 14-16 [norweg.]. - Ausnutzung des Kalkinhaltes in Fischen und Fischgräten 7 ): 16 f. [—]. Tidsskr. norske Lsegeforen. Der Vitamingehalt in frischen und konservierten Lebensmitteln: 18 ('38) 1-23 [norweg.]. Wissenschaftliches Arch. Landwirtsch., Abt. B Fütterungsversuch mit Fischmehlen an Schweinen 12 ) 13 ): 8 ('32) 423-. Z. Unters. Lebensmittel Bestimmung des Fischfettes in Ölsardinen 9 ) : 66 ('33) 435-44. Z. Vitaminforsch. Die Vitamine in unseren Nahrungsmitteln und ihre Erhaltung bei der Konservierung: 8 ('38) 97-112.

Mit: *) V. Aschehoug; ') H. Breien; •) K. Closs; ') E. Heen; ') H. Kringstad; •) P. Laland; ') J.



- Lundegärdh

Lie; ') S. L u n d e ; ') E. M a t h i e s e n ; ") A. Olsen; 311-64: The cytochrome - cytochrome oxi") E. ö y ; ") K. Scharrer; ") W. S c h r o p p ; ") F. S t i e b e l ; ") R. V e s t e r h u s ; ") K. V e s t l y ; ") H. W. dase system; 12,2 ('60) 185-233: Anion respiW o e d o n ; 1!) K. W ü l f e r t ; '•) E. Jansen; '") E. ration. M i k k e l s e n ; ") O. N o t e v a r p ; ") E. T a n g e n ; W. Die Nährstoffaufnahme der Pflanze ") F. V i l l m a r k . VI

IUNDEGARDH, H e n r i k Gunnar. Pflanzenphysiol., Biochem. — 1915-26 Doz., Univ. Lund; '17 Begründer, '17-27 Leiter d. ökol. Stat, auf Hallands Väderö ; '26-35 Prof. u. Leiter d. Botan. Abteiig., Zentralanst. f. Landwirtsch. Versuchswesen, Stockholm; '35-55 Prof. u. Dir. d. Inst. f. Pflanzenphysiol., '40-41 Prorektor, '55 Prof. emer., Königl. Landwirtschaftshoehsch., Ultuna, Uppsala; '55-69 Dir., Privat-Labor. f. Pflanzenphysiol., Penningby. — '45 Linné-Preis, Linné-Goldmedaille (Kungl. Physiogr. Sällsk. Lund); '63 Wahlberg-Goldmedaille (Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad.). *1888, Okt. 23, Stockholm; fl969, Nov. 16, Penningby. Zum 60. Geb.tag Festschrift: Physiologia Plantarem [Kobenhavn] 1 ('48) Nr. 3 (S. 207341) (m. Bildn. auf S. 208). jNekr. H. G. B u r s t r ö m , Ârsbok, Kunglfysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 1970 ('71) 83-88 (mBildn. u. Paks.). — A.-R. P r é v ô t , C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sei., Paris 270 ('70) Vie acad., 83 f. - P. T a r d i , ibid. 271 ('70) Vie acad., 97. S. Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften 6 2 (Jena '34) 1120-27: Kreislauf der Stoffe in der organischen Welt. — Proc. 6. Internationaal botanisch congres, Amsterdam 1935, 2 (Leiden '35) 278 f. : Respiration mechanisms in plants. — Organismen und Umwelt (R. Otto) (Dresden-Leipzig '39) 142-49: Chemisch-physikalische Beziehungen zwischen Pflanze und Boden. — Yetenskapen just nu (Stockholm '46) 135-60: Pflanzenphysiologie und Landwirtschaft [schwed.]. — Jordbrukslära för ungdomsskolar, jordbrukskurser och självstudium 5 (Stockholm '43) 16778 : Nährstoffaufnahme der Pflanzen [schwed.] — Proc. 7 t h International botanical congress, Stockholm 1950 (Stockholm '53) 765-70: The anion respiration. — Analyse des plantes et problèmes des engrais minéraux. Colloque dans le cadre d'8 e Congrès international de botanique, Paris 1954 (Paris '55) : Physiological aspects on tissue analysis as a guide to soil fartility. — Proc. International symposium on enzyme chemistry, Tokyo-Kyoto 1957, 2 (London '58) 272-75: Kinetics of the cytochrome system in yeasts and higher plants. — Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie (W. Ruhland) 12, 1 (Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg '60)

(Jena '32) 8 + 3 7 4 S. — Inkompetens (Stockholm '33) 10 S. — Om kolsyran och dess roll i naturen (Stockholm '33) 61 S. (Verdandis smäskrifter, 363). — Die quantitative Spektralanalyse der Elemente 2 : Methodische Verbesserungen und praktische Anleitung für die Ausführung von Analysen in den Gebieten der Biologie, Medizin, Agrikulturchemie und des Bergbaus (Jena '34) 8 + 124 S. — Die Blattanalyse. Die wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Grundlagen einer pflanzenphysiologischen Methode der Bestimmung des Düngerbedürfnisses des Bodens (Jena '45) 7 + 164 S.; engl.: Leaf analysis (New York '50, London '51) 8 + 176 S. — Klima und Boden in ihrer Wirkung auf das Pflanzenleben 3 (Jena '49) 8 + 4 8 4 S., 4 ('54), 5 ('57) 15+584 S.; japan.: 5 (Tokyo '64). — Lärobok i växtfysiologi med växtanatomi (Stockholm '50) 703 S.; deutsch: Pflanzenphysiologie (Jena '60) 15+717 S.; engl.: Plant physiology (New York '66) 13 + 549 S.; bulgar.: (Sofija '67) 686 S.

Acta ehem. scand. New spectrographio methods for investigation of the respiratorical enzymes of yeast: 10 ('56) 1083-96. Annual Rev. Biochem. Mineral nutrition of plants: 3 ('34) 485-500; 16 ('47) 503-28. Annual Rev. Plant Physiol. Mechanism of absorption, transport, accumulation, and secretion of ions 1 ) 9 ): 6 ('55) 1-24. Arkiv Bot. Bleeding and sap movement: 31 A ('44) Nr. 2, 56 S. - The action of fumaric acid and maleic acid on the respiration of wheat roots: Nr. 3, 12 S. — On the exudation of nucleotides and flavanone from living roots 14 ): Nr. 10, 27 S. — Absorption, transport and exudation of inorganic ions by the roots: 32A ('45) Nr. 12, 139 S. - The growth of root hairs: 33A ('47) Nr. 5, 19 S. - The influence of auxin anions on the growth of wheat roots: (2) 1 ('49) 289-93. - The effect of indol acetic acid on the bleeding of wheat roots: 295-99. — The transport of water in wood: 3 ('54) 89119. Arkiv Kemi, Mineral, och Geol. A new method for quantitative extinction measurements in absorption spectra 1 4 ): 18B ('45) Nr. 11, 8 S. Arkiv Kemi Spectroscopic evidence of the participation of the cytochrome - cytochrome oxidase system in the active transport of salts: 3 ('51/52) 69-79. - The cytochrome cytochrome oxidase system of living roots of wheat and corn: 469-94. — Properties of the cytochrome system of wheat roots: 5 ('52) 97146. — Enzyme systems conducting the aerobic respiration of roots of wheat and rye: 7 ('54/55) 451-78.

Lundeg&rdh Biochemische Z. Untersuchungen über die Salzaufnahme der Pflanzen, 3: Quantitative Beziehungen zwischen Atmung und Anionenaufnahme 4 ): 261 ('33) 235-51. - Untersuchungen über die Atmungsvorgänge in Pflanzenwurzeln 4 ) : 277 ('35) 223-49. — Untersuchungen über die Anionenatmung : 290 ('37) 104-24. — Ionenkonzentration und Ionenaustausch in der Grenzfläche ProtoplasmaLösung: 298 ('38) 51-73. - Über biologische Grenzflächenpotentiale: 800 ('39) 167-74. Biochimica et biophysica Acta Spectrophotometrical investigations on enzyme systems in living objects, 1 : The oxidation-reduction systems of baker's yeast: 20 ('56) 469-87; ~ 2: Cytochromes a and a 3 : 25 ('57) 1-12; ~ 3: Respiratory enzymes in homogenates of wheat roots: 27 ('58) 355-65; ~ 4: Kinetics of the steady states: 36 ('59) 340-53; ~ 5: Spectral transmission of yeast suspensions: 41 ('60) 245-51. — The path of electrons in the respiratory chain of enzymes : 27 ('58) 653 f. — Temperature coefficients of the respiratory u n i t : 39 ('60) 162-64. — The respiratory system of wheat roots: 67 ('62) 352-68. - The response of photosynthetic pyridine nucleotide to light and substrates: 75 ('63) 70-87. — Action spectra of the reducing and oxidizing systems in spinach chloroplasts : 88 ('64) 3 7 56. — The action of ionizing radiation on the respiratory mechanism of baker's yeast') : 97 ('65) 422-33. Colloques int. Centre nation. Rech. sei. La photosynthèse. The response of chloroplast cytochromes to light, substrates and oxygen: 119.1962 ('63) 449-65. C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sei., Paris, Sér. D Le système cytochromique du tubercule et des mitochondries de la pomme de terre 5 ): 262 ('66) 263-68. Discuss. Faraday Soc. On the mechanism of active movement of water and solutes through plant roots: 3 ('48) 139-46. Endeavour Spektrophotometrische Verfahren beim Studium von Atmungsenzymen in lebendem Material: 18 ('59) 191-99. IVA Requirements for quantitative spectrochemical analysis: 14 ('43) 189-200[ ]. Kungl. Landtbruks-Akad. Handl. och Tidskr. Die schwedische Methode der Spektralanalyse und ihre Anwendung in Landwirtschaft und Industrie: 75 ('36) 241-56 [schwed.]. Kungl. Lantbruksakad. Tidskr. Das Tripelanalyseverfahren zur Bestimmung des Düngerbedarfs des Bodens: 78 ('39) 157-68. — Untersuchungen über die elektro-chemischen Eigenschaften des Wurzelsystems der Pflanzen: 81 ('42) 115-26. - Über Wachstumsstimulierung durch Heteroauxin, Aneurin (Vitamin Bj) und Hefeextrakt 1 5 ) : 82 ('43) 99-122. — — Alle Arbeiten schwed. m. deutscher Zusammenfassg. 189*


(Kungl.) Lantbrukshögskolans Ann. Investigations into the quantitative emission spectral analysis of inorganic elements in solutions: 3 ('36) 49-97. - The spark-in-flame method for spectral analysis 11 ): 5 ('38) 249-60. — Investigations as to the absorption and accumulation of inorganic ions: 8 ('40) 233404. — Die Tripelanalyse. Theoretische und praktische Grundlagen einer pflanzenphysiologischen Methode zur Bestimmung des Düngerbedürfnisses des Ackerbodens: 9 ('41) 127221. — The growth of roots as influenced by p H and salt content of the medium. A contribution to the theory of growth: 10 ('42) 31-55. — On the sugar consumption and respiration of wheat roots a t different p H values 4 ): 12 ('44/45) 51-69. - Über den Gehalt der Malzgerste an Amylase, Aneurin und Mineralstoffen 13 ) 8 ): 172-85. - Growth, bleeding, and salt absorption of wheat roots as influenced by substances which interfere with glycolysis and aerobic respiration: 16 ('49) 339-71. — Quantitative relations between respiration and salt absorption: 372-403. — The Royal Agricultural College of Sweden. Institute of Plant Physiology: L X X V I I - L X X X . Lantmannen [Uppsala-Stockholm] Bestimmung des Kalibedarfs des Bodens durch die Tripelanalyse: 24 ('40) 429- [schwed.]. — Tripelanalyse: 25 ('41) Nr. 23, Beilage, 16 S. [-]• Meddelanden Centralanst. Försöksväsendet Jordbruksomr&det Bodenbeschaffenheit u n d Düngerbedarf: 444 ('34) (Avd. Lantbruksbotanik, 52) 67 S. [schwed.]. Metallwirtsch., Metallwiss., Metalltechn. Die quantitative Spektralanalyse von Metallen mittels der Flamme und des Flammenfunkens: 17 ('38) 1222-26. Nature [London] An electro-chemical theory of salt absorption and respiration: 143 ('39) 203 f. — Salt absorption of plants: 145 ('40) 114 f. — Leaf analysis as a guide to soil fertility: 161 ('43) 310 f. — Physico-chemical properties of the surface of growing plant cells 14 ): 153 ('44) 618 f. - Transport of water and salts through plant tissues: 167 ('46) 57577. — Reversal of inhibition of respiration and salt absorption by cyanide and azide: 165 ('50) 513 f. — Spectroscopic evidence of the participation of the cytochrome - cytochrome oxidase system in the active transport of salts: 167 ('51) 71. — Properties of the cytochrome system of living wheat roots: 169 ('52) 108891. — Controlling effect of salts on the activity of the cytochrome oxidase: 171 ('53) 477 f. — Reaction kinetics of the cytochrome system: 521 f. — Complex reactions of cytochrome c: 172 ('53) 303. — A new cytochrome in living roots: 173 ('54) 939-41. — Relation between peroxidase and "cytochrome d h " in wheat roots: 181 ('58) 28-30. — Salts and respiration: 185 ('60) 70-74. — Respiratory effects


Lundegärdh — Lundell

of phosphorylation: 190 ('61) 983-86. - Response of chloroplast cytochromes to light and substrates: 192 ('61) 243-48. - /3-Carotene as a photoreductone for ferredoxin and triphosphopyridine nucleotide in vitro: 212 ('66) 60608. — Role of carotenoids in photosynthesis of green plants: 216 ('67) 981-85. - Relative quantum efficiency of photosynthetic oxygen production in chloroplasts of spinach: 221 ('69) 280 f. Naturwissenschaften Über den Einfluß von Krankheiten, Geschlecht und Alter auf den Gehalt der menschlichen Leber an metallischen Elementen: 22 ('34) 572. - Theorie der Ionenaufnahme in lebende Zellen: 23 ('35) 313-18. — Die Veratmung verschiedener Zuckerarten in der Oberfläche des Protoplasmas: 29 ('41) 648 f. — Eine neue geoelektrische Reaktion in Wurzelspitzen: 30 ('42) 144 f. — Über Kationenausscheidung im H a r n beim ketonkörperbildenden Diabetes 10 ): 531 f. Nova Acta regiae Soc. Sei. upsaliensis Spectral-analytical investigations into the content of mineral substances in the liver 2 ): (4) 12 ('40) Nr. 3, 46 S. Physiologia Plantarum [Kebenhavn] The time course of the ion absorption of wheat roots and the influence of the concentration: 2 ('49) 388-401. - The translocation of salts and water through wheat roots: 3 ('50) 103-51. — On the oxidation of cytochrome f by light: 7 ('54) 375-82. — Spectrophotometrical determination of peroxidase in living roots: 8 ('55) 84-94. — On partial oxidation of the cytochrome system in the presence of cyanide: 95-105. — On the cytochromes b and dh in the roots of cereals: 142-63. — Investigations of t h e mechanism of absorption and accumulation of salts, 1: Initial absorption and continued accumulation of potassium chloride by wheat roots: 11('58) 332-46; ~ 2: Absorption of phosphate by potato tissue: 564-71; — 3: Quantitative relations between salt uptake and respiration: 585-98; — 4: Synergistic and antagonistic effects of anions: 12 ('59) 336-41; — 5: Retention and eluation of absorbed salts: 342-52. — Quantitative relations between chlorophyll and cytochromes in chloroplasts: 15 ('62) 390-98. - Response of chloroplast cytochromes to oxygen: 399-408. — Spectral changes of chloroplast pigments in relation to oxygen, light and substrates: 16 ('63) 442-53. — Spectrophotometric determination of redox enzymes and coenzymes in chloroplasts: 454-65. — Light-induced spectral changes in chloroplasts: 17 ('64) 202-06. — Non-activity of cytochrome oxidase in the photosynthesis: 379-83. — The effect of light on chloroplast carotenoids: 482-91. — Cytochromes as regulators of photosynthetic 0 2 production: 18 ('65) 269-74. - Photostructural reactions in chloroplasts: 516-31. — Action spectra of photosynthetic activities of

Chlorella ellipsoidea: 19 ('66) 541-53. - Action spectra and the role of carotenoids in photosynthesis : 754-69. — System I, I I and I I I in the photosynthetic cycle of electron transfer: 21 ('68) 148-67. Planta [Berlin] Atmung und Ionenaufnahme 4 ) : 18 ('33) 683-99. - Mangan als Katalysator der Pflanzenatmung: 29 ('39) 41926. — Anionenatmung und Bluten: 31 ('40) 184-91. Pontificae Aead. Sei. Scripta varia Physiological and biochemical aspects on microelements: 14 ('57) 171-92. — Absorption, translocation and secretions of ions applied to the theory of salt accumulation: 463-67. Proc. nation. Acad. Sei. USA The cytochromes of chloroplasts: 52 ('64) 1587-90. — Influence of diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)1,1-dimethylurea] on the respiratory and photosynthetic systems of plants: 53 ('65) 703-10. — Role of carotenoids in the photosynthesis of green plants: 55 ('66) 1062-65. — Relative quantum efficiency of visible and infrared light on photosynthetic Oa production: 59 ('68) 293-95. Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. B The cytochrome system of young barley roots 6 ): 150 ('59) 7-12. Protoplasma Untersuchungen über das chemisch-physikalische Verhalten der Oberfläche lebender Zellen: 35 ('41) 548-87. Soil Sei. The influence of the soil upon the growth of the plant: 40 ('35) 89-101. - The triple-analysis method of testing soil fertility and probable crop reaction to fertilization: 45 ('38) 447-54. — Electro-chemical relations between the root system and the soil: 54 ('42) 177-89. Svensk bot. Tidskr. Untersuchungen über die Salzaufnahme der Pflanzen, 2: Die Aufnahme von Alkali- und Erdalkalichloriden 4 ) 12 ): 26 ('32) 271-83. Svensk kern. Tidskr. Über die spektralkolorimetrische Bestimmung von Kalium 3 ): 50 ('38) 135-44. Symposia Soc. exper. Biol. Anion respiration. The experimental basis of a theory of absorption, transport and exudation of electrolytes by living cells and tissues: 8 ('54) 26296. Z. Bot. Kritisches über bioelektrische Potentiale: 38 ('43) 401-13. Mit: ») D. I. A r n o n ; •) H. B e r g s t r a n d ; •) K. B o r a t y l i s k i ; ') H. B u r s t r ö m ; ') G.- 8D u c e t ; •) W. O. J a m e s ; ') A. W. D. L a r k u m ; ) H. L u n d i n ; •) L. M a c h l i s ; ") J. M ö l l e r s t r ö m ; ") T. P h i l i p s o n ; 12) E. R e n n e r f e l t ; ») E. S a n d e g r e n ; ") G. S t e n l i d ; ») B. W i k S n . VI

LUNDELL, G u s t a v Ernst Fredrick. Chem. (anorg.). - 1917-36 Chemist, '36-

Lundell • - Lundin 37 Assist. Chief Chemist, '37-48 Chief Chemist, N a t i o n . Bur. Standards, Washington, D. C.; '39-41 Vice-Pres., ' 4 1 - 4 2 Pres., Soc. Testing Materials. — '41 H o n . Sc.D. (Fordham U n i v . , N e w York). — '32 Hillebrand Award (Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington Sect.). *1881, Jan. 11, Brooklyn, N . Y . ; t l 9 5 0 , J u n i 8. Zur Biogr. Lundell steps down as head of Chemistry Division at Bureau of Standards: Chemical Engng. News 26 ('48) 2258. Todesanzeige Science [USA] 111 ('50) 709. W. Outlines of methods of chemical analysis (m. J . I. Hoffman) (New York-London '38) 11+250 S., (New York '48) 11+250 S.; span.: Sinopsis de quimica analitica (Madrid '52) 15+289 S. — Applied inorganic analysis, with special reference to the analysis of metals, minerals and rocks (m. W. F. Hillebrand) 2 (New York '48) 19+929 S., revid. Aufl. (New York '53) 22 + 1034 S.


709. — Chemical analysis of metals: 46 ('46) 478-85. Mit: ») J. I. H o f f m a n ; ! ) H. B. K n o w l e s . VI

LUNDIN, Erik H a r r y . Gärungsphysiol., Nahrungsmittelchem. — 1 9 2 7 48 Vorstand d. Zentral-Labors, Aktienges. d. Stockholmer Brauereien; '32-48 Fachlehrer u. Vorstand d. Abt. Gärungsphysiol.,'43-48 Doz. Biochem., ' 4 8 - 6 9 Prof. Lebensmittelchem., Kgl. Techn. Hochsch. Stockholm; '34-43 Techn. Leiter d. Aktienges. „Kärnbolaget", Hornsberg; ' 4 7 62 Vizepräs., European Brewing Convention. - '47 Prof. h. c. (Univ. Gent); '48 Dr. h. c. (Univ. Wien). — '50 Horace Brown Medal (Inst, of Brewing, London); '56 D o n a t i o n v o m Jahre 1944 (Techn. Hochsch. Stockholm); '56 Preis (Dan. Gärungsindustrie ).

*1896, Juli 19, Stockholm; Canadian Chem. and Process Industries f l 9 7 3 , März 24, Stockholm. Problems in analysis; human, economic and Nekr. D. I s a k s s o n , Svenska Dagbladet chemical equations involved in analytical pro1973, 26. März. gress: 23 ('39) 89 f., 92. Zur Bibliogr. Kungl. tekn. Högskolans Chemical and Engng. News Atomic weights: Handl. Nr. 1 ('47) 167-70; Nr. 46 ('51) S. 48; 26 ('48) 1619-21. Nr. 113 ('57) 81-83; Nr. 186 ('61) 95 f. Industrial and Engng. Chem. Chemical anaS. Hyllningsskrift till Bertil Almgren pa lysis of glass: 25 ('33) 853-56. sextioärsdagen den 26 december 1938 (StockIndustrial and Engng. Chem., Analyt. Edit. holm '38) 371-90: Über die WuchsstoffwirChemical analysis of things as they are: 5 ('33) kung der Hefe auf Phycomyces blakesleeanus 20 ). — P. P a w l o w s k i , A. D o e m e n s , 221-25. J. amer. chem. Soc. Report of the Commit- 5Die brautechnischen Untersuchungsmethoden tee of Atomic Weights of the American Chem- (München-Berlin'38) 146-48: Fraktionierung ical Society: 70 ('48) 3531-34; 71 ('49) der Eiweißverbindungen in Würze; 219-21: Gasometrische Bestimmung der Kohlensäure 1141 f. in Bier nach Lundin. — Konferensen FolkJ. Res. nation. Bur. Standards Atomic hälsa och reklam, Stockholm 1938. Föredrag weight of gallium 1 ): 15 ('35) 409-20. - Rede- och diskussionsinlägg (Stockholm '39) 57-62: termination of the atomic weight of alumi- Was kann man behaupten und nicht behaupnum 1 ): 18 ('37) 1-18. - A contribution to the ten über die Nahrungswirkung der Vitamine ? chemistry of rhenium 2 ): 629-37. — Determi- [schwed.]. — 3. Skandinaviska bryggerikenation of phosphoric anhydride in phosphate mistmötet, Stockholm 1938 (Stockholm '39) rock, superphosphate, and "metaphosphate" 1 ): 16-18: Proteinbestimmungen [schwed.]. — 19 ('37) 59-64. - Analysis of phosphate rock 1 ): Holzchemie (E. Hägglund) 2 (Leipzig '39) 9320 ('38) 607-26. - Volatilization of metallic 96: Enzymatischer Abbau der Zellulose. — compounds from solutions in perchloric or sul- Tillvaratagande och förädling av minderfuric acid 1 ) : 22 ('39) 465-70. - Separation and värdigt virke samt avfalls- och biprodukter i colorimetric determination of rhenium and skogs industrien (Stockholm '42) 240-68: Gämolybdenum 1 ): 23 ('39) 497-508. - Volu- rungstechnische Probleme in Verbindung mit metric determination of columbium 2 ): 42 ('49) der Holzveredlungsindustrie (außer Herstel405-08. lung von Alkohol und Futterhefe) 7 ) [schwed.]. Metal Progr. Determination of lead in car- - The Svedberg, 1884 30/8 1944 (UppsalaStockholm '44) 438-55: On the fermentation bon and alloy steels: 35 ('39) 383. carbohydrates by Proc. amer. Soc. Testing Mater. Chemical of cellulose and similar 7 requirements and chemical analysis: 42 ('42) thermophilic bacteria ). — Morgondagens 34-47. — Symposium on analytical colorimetry teknik. Aktuella problem och framtidsperand photometry: Opening remarks: 44 ('44) spektiv inom teknik och ingenjörsvetenskap



(S. A. Hansson) (Stockholm '45) 196-99: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Gärungstechnik [schwed.]. — Näringsliv och kultur. En samling uppsatser (Tillägnad Robert Ljunglöf p â 60-ârsdagen 19. 8. 1945) (Stockholm '45) 13456: Etwas über die Entwicklung der Aktiengesellschaft „Kärnbolaget" 1 3 ) [schwed.]. — Vetenskapen just nu (K. Modin) (Stockholm '46) 285-327: Die neueste Entwicklung der Gärungsindustrie 7 ) [schwed.]. — European Brewery Convention. 1 s t Congress, Scheveningen 1947, Proceedings and discussions (Scheveningen '47) 49-57: Proposed new methods of measuring the bittering power of hops. . 2 n d Congress, Lucerne 1949 (New York '49) 229-43: Some recent investigations on proteins in brewing. — Congress, Nice 1953 (Amsterdam '53) 9-21 : Proteins in brewing. — Conférences et communications. Congrès international des industries de fermentation, Gand 1947 (Gent '47) 79-87 : Studies in t h e amylases of barley and malt. — Jahrbuch der Hochschule für Bodenkultur in Wien 2 (Wien '48) 410-20: Über Fettsynthese durch Mikroorganismen und Möglichkeiten für ihre industrielle Anwendung. — Report of Proc. 4 t h International congress for microbiology, Copenhagen 1947 (Kobenhavn '49) 542-44: Microbiological f a t synthesis. — The United Nation's scientific conference on the conservation and utilization of resources, Lake Success, N. Y., 1949. Plenary meetings 1 (New York '50) 144-: F a t synthesis by micro-organisms and its possible applications in the food industry. — 2 e Congrès international des industries de fermentation, Knokke-le-Zoute 1952 (Gent '52) 425-31: On the vitamin B 12 -, t h e folic acid-, and the folinic acid-groups of growth factors; occurrence in fermentation products and seaweeds2)8)28). — Résumés des communications. 2 e Congrès international de biochimie, Paris 1952 (Paris '52) 5 f. : Bacterial growth factors related to vitamin B 12 and their identification 2 ) 8 ) 28 ) 10 ) 30 ) 25 ). - Proc. 1 s t International seaweed symposium, Edinburgh 1952 (Inveresk '53) 45 f. : On the occurrence of vitamin B 12 , folic acid, folinic acid and amino acids in some brown and red seaweeds from the Baltic and the North Sea2)8)28). Rapports et communications. 8 e Congrès international de botanique 9 : Section 21-27 (Paris '54) 33-: Sur les différentes formes de la vitamine B 12 dans les boues des égouts municipaux 22 ). — 2 n d International seaweed symposium, Trondheim 1955 (London-New York '56) 39-43 : On the occurrence of vitamins in marine algae 8 ). — 4 e Congrès international de biochimie, Wien 1958, 15: Résumés des communications (London '58) 124: Inhibition of Lactobacillus leichmannii 313 by deoxyribotides in a purine deficient medium 4 ). — Plenarvorträge, Sektionshauptvorträge. 17. Internationaler Kongreß für reine und angewandte Chemie, München 1959, 2 (London '60)

293-313: On wastes from fermentation industries and application of fermentation methods to other wastes than sewage. Acta chem. scand. Vitamin B 12 , folic acid, and folinic acid factors in digested municipal sludge 28 ) 22 ): 7 ('53) 1036-40. Archives Biochem. Microbiological fat syntheses by means of Rhodotorula yeast') 1 ): 11 ('46) 383-95. - On the formation of f a t t y acids during the retting of flax 7 ) 3 1 ): 12 ('47) 339-47. Arkiv Keml On the behavior of various Lactobacilli, members of the vitamin B 12 group and deoxyribosides in the cup plate assay of vitamin B 12 2 ) 28 ) 10 ): 6 ('53) 393-412. Brauerei Die Brauwissenschaft in Schweden: 9 ('55) 233-35. Brauwelt, B Neue Untersuchungen über Kohlenhydrate im Brauprozeß: 1950, 1036 f. Chemiker-Ztg. Über die Bestimmung des Wassergehaltes durch Destillation mit Flüssigkeiten, die leichter als Wasser sind, z. B. Toluol und Xylol 19 ): 56 ('32) 236. International J. appl. Radiat. and Isotopes Individual country statements on programs and plans for research on the use of ionizing radiations for food preservation: Sweden 8 ): 6 ('59) 284 f. International Sugar J. The biotechnical production of fat using cane molasses as raw material 2 9 ): 53 ('51) 123-27. IVA Über die Voraussetzungen für eine technische Nutzbarmachung von Azotobacter chroococcum 21 ) 7 ): 12 ('41) 79-84 [schwed.]. — Mikrobielle Fettsynthese durch Lufthefezüchtung von Rhodotorula-Arten 5 ) 3 ) 24 ) 21 ): 15 ('44) 252-67 [ ~ ] . — Sonnenenergiekonferenz in Arizona: 27 ('56) 214-22 [ ~ ] J. incorporated Brewers' Guild Some recent investigations on proteins in brewing: 85 ('49) 362-83. J. Inst. Brewing Some recent theoretical and practical Swedish contributions to the brewing industry: 42 ('36) 273-92. - On fat synthesis by microorganisms and its possible applications in industry: 56 ('50) 17-28. — Horace Brown's researches in brewing, and some recent Swedish investigations in the same field: 57 ('51) 401-14. - Folic and folinic acid factors and deoxyribosides in the brewing process 4 ) 17 ): .62 ('56) 497-504. Kungl. Lantbruksakad. Tidskr. Einige Möglichkeiten zur Beeinflussung der Eiweißversorgung: 81 ('42) 317-25 [schwed. m. deutscher Zusammenfassg.]. — Preservation of foods by dehydration and quick freezing: 83 ('44) 51946 [schwed. m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. — E t was über die Lebensmittelsituation in der Welt und die Bedeutung gewisser synthetisch und biotechnisch hergestellter Nahrungsstoffe

Lundin - - Lundmark


berle) : 50 ('35) 401-08 [schwed.]. - Untersuchungen des Brauprozesses mittels Messung der Sedimentation, Diffusion und Elektrophorese: 58 ('38) 517-29 [ ~ ] ; 54 ('39) 10-24, 53-60 [ ~ ] . — Christian Barthel - der Mikrobiologe: 58 ('43) 32 f. [ - ] • Svensk Bryggeritidskr. The Svedberg: 60 ('45) 374-78 [schwed.]. — European Brewery Convention: 63 ('48) 241 f. [ ]. - Ein Bahnbrecher großen Ausmaßes: Erik Olson - vorMeddelanden, Forskarnas Eontaktorgan Mi- ausschauend, kühn und inspirierend: 71 ('56) krowelle Produktion von Lebensmitteln: 8 156-61 [schwed.]. — Bernhard Brown 70 J a h re: 74 ('59) 125 f. [ ~ ] ('50) 49-56 [schwed.]. FKO-Meddelande Vitamin B 1 2 -Faktoren Teknisk Tidskr. Etwas über die neueste Entund deren Gewinnung aus Faulschlamm von wicklung der Gärungsindustrie: 65 ('35) Nr. Abwässern: 19 ('55) 109-20 [schwed.]. 10 (Kemi Nr. 3), 17-21 [schwed.]; Nr. 15 (KeMitt. Versuchsanstalt Gärungsgewerbe u. mi Nr.4), 25-30 [ ~ ] . — Gärungsmittelbetriebe Inst, angew. Mikrobiol. Hochschule Boden- als Lieferanten von Lebensmitteln und Heilkultur, Wien Amylasen von Gerste und Malz: mitteln: 76 ('45) 1345-59 1 ('47) Nr. 5/6, 4-7. - Fettsynthese durch Wallerstein Labor. Commun. Die EiweißMikroorganismen u n d Möglichkeiten ihrer stoffe von Gerste und Malz: 26 ('62) 75-82. technischen Verwertung: 4 ('50) 5-12. Wschr. Brauerei Untersuchungen des BrauNordisk Jordbrugsforskn. Ascorbinsäuregehalt in Agrarprodukten: 28 ('46) 65-85 prozesses mittels Messungen der Sedimentation in der Ultrazentrifuge sowie der Diffusion [schwed.]. und der Elektrophorese: 66 ('38) 241-45, 24911 Nordisk Med. Industrial microbiology ): 52, 259-61. 60 ('58) 1071 f. Z. analyt. Chem. Schnelle Bestimmung von Österreichische Chemiker-Ztg. Hefe aus Stickstoff nach Kjeldahl 8 ) 26 ) : 102 ('35) 161-72. 7 21 7 21 Molke [,1] ) ): 45 ('42) 9-15; ~ 2 ) ): 34-38. Z. Naturforsch. Über den Vitamin-B l a -GeRep., Milk and Dairy Bes., Alnarp, Sweden einzelligen On vitamin B 12 and its occurrence in milk 22 ) halt und den Vitamin-E-Gehalt 9der 16 Grünalge Scenedesmus obliquus ) 12 ) : 13b ('58) ): 59 ('60) 22 S. 605-10. Schweizer Brauerei-Rdsch. Prof. Dr. TorMit: *) 4L. G. A n d e r s s o n ; ') Z. G. B â n h i d i ; ') F. sten Wik6n: 58 ('47) 204 f. Berg; ) A. B o l i n d e r ; ') M. E l a n d e r ; •) J. Ell') L. B n e b o ; ') L.-E. E r i c s o n ; •) H. F i n k ; Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia, burg; 1 ") S. Grömmer; ") N. H e l l s t r ö m ; ") E. H e r o l d ; Sarja A II The amount of some amino acids ") D. I s a k s s o n ; ") E. J o h n s s o n ; ") M. Jonasin protein-rich and protein-poor Rhodotorula son; ") E. K a r s v i k ; s") W. Kurz; ") H. Lundeg&rdli; ")M.Lundin; °)M.Malm; ")K.Myrbäck; gracilis 23 ): Nr. 60 ('55) 455-59. ") H. Y. N e u j a h r ; ••) N. N i e l s e n ; ") R. N i l a s o n ; Suomen Kemistilehti "Über Fettsynthese ••) K.-G. P a u l ; »•) H. R i e h m ; •') E. S a n d e g r e n ; ") A. G. M. S j ö s t r ö m ; ") E. T ö r n a v i s t ; ") E. durch Mikroorganismen und Möglichkeiten W i d o i f ; ") C. G. Carlsson. ihrer industriellen Anwendung: 23A ('50) 2339 [schwed.]. V VI LUNDMARK, K n u t Emil. Astron. Svensk kern. Tidskr. Hefe aus Molke, l 7 ) 21 ): ' 63 ('41) 96-108; ~ 2 7 ) 21 ): 137-47 [schwed.]. - - 1929-55 Prof., Univ. Lund; '29-55 Uber die Verwendung von Phycomyces blakes- Dir., Sternwarte Lund; '26-35 Sekretär, leeanus für die Bestimmung von Vitamin B j 20 ): 246-64. — Mikrobielle Fettsynthese un- Schwed. Astron. Ges. u. Internat. Astron. ter Verwendung von Rhodotorula glutinis Ges.; '34- Sekretär, Schwed. Ges. f. nach dem Lufthefeverfahren 7 ) 24 ) 21 ): 66 ('43) Astron. Geschichtsforschung ; '37- Sekre41-51. - Holger Jörgensen 60 J a h r e : 68 ('56) tär, Astron. Ges. „Tycho Brahe". — '36 628 [schwed.]. Médaille d'argent (Soc. d'Astron. de Svensk Papperstidn. Gärversuche mit ein7 14 gedampfter Sulfitablauge ) ): 50 ('47) Nr. 11 France); '38 Bronze Medal (Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa.); '39 Médaille de B, 72-75 [schwed.]. Svensk Sparbanks Tidskr. Materielle Hilfs- bronze (Fondation Singer-Polignac, Pamittel für wissenschaftliche und technische ris); '43 Adelsköldska Medalj (Photogr. Forschung. Die Notwendigkeit technisch- Verein, Stockholm). mikrobiologischer Forschung in Schweden: 18 *1889, Juni 14, Älfsbyn, Norrbotten; ('34) 533-41 [schwed.]. |1958, Apr. 23. Svenska Bryggarefören. M&nadsbl. Zwei Ehrenmitglieder (Artur Harden, Hans LeEhrung '36 Planetoid 1334 „ L u n d m a r k a " .

und Gruppen von Nahrungsstoffen: 90 ('51) 93-112 [schwed.]. Lantbrukshögskolans Ann. Verbesserte Ausbeute bei der Preßhefedarstellung durch 21 7 16 Zugabe von Strohextrakt ) ) ): 11 ('43) 190200 [m. schwed. Zusammenfassg.]. — Über den Gehalt der Malzgerste an Amylase, Aneurin und Mineralstoffen 18 ) 27 ): 12 ('44/45) 17285 [ - ] •



Zur Biogr. M. J o h n s o n , K n u t Lundmark och världsrymdens erövring (Göteborg '61) 134 S. Zur Biobibliogr. Lunds Universitets matrikel 1939 (Lund '40) 287-95; ~ 1949/1950 ('51) 324-34. Nekr. E. H o l m b e r g , Kungl. fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund Förh. 28 ('58) 51*-58* (m.Bildn., Faks.). — B. L i n d b l a d , Populär astron. Tidskr. 39 ('58) 84, 158-60. - C. L u p l a u J a n s s e n , Urania [Kobenhayn] 15 ('58) 2530. - J . G. P e r e l , Priroda [SSSR] 54 ('65) Nr. 5, 106 f. - H. H. P l a s k e t t , Monthly Notices roy. astron. Soc. 119 ('59) 342 f. C. S c h a l e n , Nordisk astron. Tidsskr. 1958, 67 f. — Irish astron. J . 5 ('58) 63. — Observatory 78 ('58) 136. — Publ. astron. Soc. Pacific 70 ('58) 340. - Sky and Telescope 17 ('58) 457. H. (Redakt.) G. S t r ö m b e r g , Universums själ (Stockholm '38); darin eig. Beitr.: Vorwort [schwed.]. — (Redakt.) L. H o g b e n , Matematik för millioner, 1.2 (Stockholm '38), 2 ('39); darin eig. Beiträge: Vor- und Nachwort [schwed.]. — Festschrift für Elis Strömgren. Astronomical papers dedicated to Elis Strömgren (Kobenhavn '40); darin eig. Beiträge: 298322: On the determination of stellar mass values; 323-48: An attempt to a bibliography over the writings of Dr. Elis Strömgren. — Alias uppslagsbok (Lund '41). H Z . Cassiopeia [Lund] 1939-48, 1950-. Circular, Lund Observat. 1 ('31) - . MHZ. Astron. Tidskr. 9 ('28) - 26 ('45). (Mitredakt.) Populär astron. Tidskr. 1927-45.

Gustav Carne pâ femtioârsdagen den 21 Oktober 1938 (Malmö' 38) : Der Anblick des Sternhimmels [schwed.]. — Festskrift tillägnad Osten Bergstrand den 1 September 1938 (Uppsala-Stockholm '38) 89-106: Was the Crab nebula formed by a supernova in 1054 A. D. ? ; Bergstrand-Bibliographie. — 9. Skandinaavinen matemaatikkokongressi, Helsinki 1938 (Helsinki '39) 323-44: On the Abel-Schwarzschild functional equation and its astronomical applications. — Les novae et les naines blanches, 1: Observation des novae (Paris '41) (Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, 895) 11-32: Les parallaxes, les mouvements et les grandeurs des novae, leur rôle dans l'étude de l'échelle de l'univers; engl. Ausgabe: Novae and white dwarfs, 1: Observations of novae (Paris '41) ( ~ 901) 9-31. - Vi och vâr värld (G. Dahlberg) (Stockholm '41): Milchstraßen [schwed.]. — Jens Edvard Kock. En minnesskrift tili 75-arsdagen den 16 September 1941 (Malmö '41): Filmstars und andere Sterne [schwed.]. - Karl Börjesson 1877-1941. En minnesbok (Stockholm '42): Karl Börjesson und August Strindberg [schwed.]. — Hemmets almanack [1943], Familjens kalender och uppslagsbok (Malmö '42): Der Sternhimmel, nebst Karte des nördlichen Sternhimmels [schwed.]. — En bok tili Karl Hovberg. P â 50-ârsdagen 24 Mars 1943 (Malmö '43): Ein Deutscher über die schwedische Presse [schwed.]. — Lille jätten. Uppslagsbok för skolungdom (K.-E. Näsmark) (Stockholm'44), 2 ('47): Astronomie; Zeit und Raum. [Beide Beiträge schwed.]. — Varför tror jag pa Gud. Enquêtesvar (Stockholm '45) : Die Einheitlichkeit des Weltalls zeugt von der Existenz Gottes [schwed.]. — Festskrift tili Anders Karitz (Uppsala-Stockholm '46) (Skrifter utg. av Föreningen för filosofi och specialvetenskap, 1): Über die Universalität des Lebens [schwed.]. — Min mor (I. Oljelund) [1] (Uppsala '46) : Mutter und Sohn [schwed.]. — Kulturens julkalender 1946 (Lund '46): Tycho Brahe und Ven [schwed.]. — Vetenskapen just nu (K. Modin) (Stockholm '46) : Die Milchstraße der Milchstraßen [schwed.]. — Vâr rika värld (L. Beckman) 1 (Stockholm '48) : Die Erde als Planet [schwed.]. — August Strindberg, 1849-1949 (Lund '49) (Lunds studenters bibliofila klubb. Skrifter, 1): StrindbergSammlung [schwed.]. — 12. Skandinaviska matematikerkongressen, Lund 1953 (Lund '54) 195-210: Metagalactic distance indicators and, spatial distribution of galaxies. — Vistas in astronomy (A. Beer) 2 (J. atmospher. and terrestr. Physics, Suppl. 4) (London-New York '56) 1607-19: On metagalactic distance indicators.

MUe. G. P. S e r v i s s , Stjärnhimmeln sedd genom en teaterkikare [Astronomy with an opera-glass] (Lund '37) 12 + 190 S. S. Nordisk familjebok 14 '(Stockholm '31): Der Mond; [Stern-]Nebel; 16 3 ('31): Planeten; 16 3 ('32): Relativitätstheorie; 20 '('34): Die Milchstraße; Das Weltsystem. [Alle Beiträge schwed.]. — Handbuch der Astrophysik (G. Eberhard, A. Kohlschütter, H. Ludendorff) 5 (Berlin '32) 210-697, 1077-150, 7 (Ergänzungsband) ('36) 467-533: Luminosities, colours, diameters, densities, masses of the stars. — 8. Skandinaviska matematikerkongressen, Stockholm 1934 (Lund '35). 356-75: On the novae and their classification among the variable stars. — Festskrift tillägnad Axel Herrlin den 30 mars 1935 (Lund '35): On Greek cosmogony and astronomy. — En bok tillägnad Torgny Segerstedt 1.11. 1936 (Göteborg '36): Das Weltbild des Alten Testaments [schwed.]. — Olösta gator och aktuella problem (Stockholm '37): Einheit und Vielfalt im Universum [schwed.]. — Kunskapens bok 1 (Stockholm '37): Archimedes; Astrologie; W. Frân kaos till kosmos. Nâgra drag ur Tycho Brahe; 5 ('39): Der Mond; [Stern-] den astronomiska världsbildens utvecklingsNebel; Die Planeten; 7 ('39): Die Zeit; Die historia (Stockholm '34) 275 S. (Norstedts Milchstraße. [Alle Beiträge schwed.]. — Till lilla bibliotek). — Li vets välde 1 : Till frâgan

Lundmark om världarnas beboelighet (Stockholm '35) 343 S. — Astronomien i Lund 1667-1936. Glimtar och drag ur astronomiska institutionens liv och öden i nuvarande och gangen tid (Lund '37) 72 S. — Det växande världsalltet (Stockholm'41) 159 S. (Natur och kultur, 145). — Om Johannes Döparen och de s.k. johanneskristna (Uppsala '42) 39 S. — Nya himlar. Fran stjärnkunskapens gryning till vintergatornas vintergata (Stockholm '43) 764 S. — De kosmika jätteavständen (Lund '43) 33 S. — Solförmörkelser förr och nu (Uppsala '45) 159 S. — Strindberg. Geniet, sökaren, människan (Stockholm '48) 325 S. — Tähtitiede ja jumalanusko (Helsinki '49). — Astronomiska upptäckter. Nagra gluntar fran en flertusenarig vetenskaplig utveckling 1 (Stockholm '50) 223 S.; 2 ('51) 191 S. - Världar utan grans (Stockholm '51); 2 ('57) 239 S. - Dagmörkret over Sydsverige den 30 J u n i 1954 (Uppsala '54) 80 S. — Ut i världsrymden (Stockholm '56) 82 S. Aktuelle Medd. astron. Selsk., Kebenhavn Mitteilung über einen eventuellen Meteorschauer vom Kometen Giacobini-Zinner in der Nacht vom 9. zum 10. Oktober 1953 2 ): Nr. 860 ('53) [schwed.]. Botanisba Notiser Botanische Kuriositäten: 101 ('48) 461 f. [schwed.]. Byahornet Tycho Brahe, das disharmonische Genie: 9 ('50) [schwed.]. Cassiopeia [Lund] Die öffentlichen Besichtigungen des Observatoriums Lund 1939 und 1940:1 ('39). - Dr. Annie J u m p Cannon: ibid. — Milton La Salle Humason: ibid. — Der Mond - Schwesterplanet der E r d e : ibid. — Einige Fortschritte der Astronomie während der letzten zwei Jahre: ibid. — Einige Worte zur bisherigen Tätigkeit der Astronomischen Gesellschaft „Tycho B r a h e " : ibid. — Zur Frage nach Shakespeares Weltbild: ibid. — Der Weltuntergang: 2 ('40). — Die systematischen meteorologischen Beobachtungen der Sternwarte Lund seit 1740: ibid. — Der Traum von bewohnten Welten: ibid. — Die Wetterbeobachtungen des Observatoriums Lund. (Zum 200jährigen Bestehen): ibid. — Einiges über die Zeit und ihre Messung: ibid. — Als die Toten den Kampf fortsetzten. Zur Geschichte der Hunnenschlacht: ibid. — Wann wurde die „Weissagung der Seherin" [Völuspä] verfaßt ?: ibid. — Verlöscht das Licht der Sterne ?: ibid. — Astronomisches bei Sven Hedin: 3 ('41). — Der Gehalt der Meerestiere an Schwermetallen: ibid; — Der neueste Sonnenatlas: ibid. — Die Sonne, die gespalten wird: ibid. — Die Tagesfinsternis über Stiklestad am 31. August 1030: 4 ('42). - Über das gegenwärtigstattfindende 75-jährige Jubiläum des Observatoriums Lund: 6 ('43). — Die Sterne, die „groß wie Säcke" waren: ibid. — Die totale Sonnenfinsternis in Norrland am


9. Juli 1945: 6 ('44). — Der vierte Aggregatzustand: ibid.. — Können wir die kosmischen Entfernungen erfassen ?: ibid. — Der Mondregenbogen: ibid. — Das Fazit der Sonnenfinsternisse: ibid. — Eine Tycho-Brahe-Karik a t u r : 7 ('45). — Als Tycho Brahe Papier brauchte: ibid. — Über die Abschätzung der Helligkeiten von Himmelskörpern: ibid. — Über Tycho Brahes Leben und Werk: ibid. — Knutstorp, Tycho Brahes Vaterhaus. Einige Bemerkungen 4 ): 8('46). — König Frederik I I . besuchte Tycho Brahe: ibid. — Einige Daten aus Tycho Brahes Leben in graphischer Darstellung: ibid. — Wann wurde Tycho Brahes Nova entdeckt ?: ibid. — Über Tycho Brahes Nova: ibid. — Tycho Brahe und die Astrologie: ibid. — Zehn Jahre Astronomische Gesellschaft „Tycho B r a h e " : 10 ('48). - Carl Osten Emanuel Bergstrand "f: ibid. — Ein großer in Rußland gefallener Eisenmeteorit: ibid. — Wie breit sind die Marskanäle ?: ibid. - Kometen 1946 und 1947: ibid. - Zur Frage der Bewohnbarkeit des Mars: ibid. — Stig Thott "f: ibid. - Theodor Wähl in | : ibid. Alle Arbeiten schwed. Circular, Lund Observat. Remarks concerning the "hump-period relation" of Cepheids, especially in the Small Magellanic Cloud 1 ): 5 ('32) 102-05. - The dependence of stellar mass on diameter and density: 105 f. — Note concerning the determination of the absolute magnitudes of Cepheids: 7 ('32) 150 f. - The relation between absolute magnitude and linear dimensions of diffuse nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud: 164-69. — The probable mass of Eros: 169 f. — The estimates of stellar magnitudes in the star catalogue K'inting-i-siang-k'ao-tch'eng: 8 ('33) 193-98. — On the question of a secular change in the starlight: 198-213. — Concerning a supposed secular change in the light of Cepheids: 21316. - The pre-Tychonic novae: 216-18. - On the formation of metagalactic clusters and the spatial arrangement and age of the metagalactic system: 9 ('34) 219-34. — Remark concerning some properties of novae: 10 ('34) 317 f. — The amplitude in the light-variation of novae: 11 ('34) 349 f. Edda Strindbergs „Hemsöborna" - Ursprung und Vorgeschichte: 28 ('41) [schwed.]. — Drei Schilderer der Wikinger: August Strindberg, Verner von Heidenstam und Frans G. Bengtsson: 36 ('48) [ ~ ] . Foto [Stockholm] Ein Jahrhundert Himmelsphotographie: 1 ('39) [schwed.]. — Himmelsperspektive: 5 ('43) [schwed.]. Hantverk och Kultur Der Sternhimmel und die Sonnen: 1944/45 [schwed.]. — Einiges aus der neuzeitlichen Astronomie und deren Entwicklung. Eigenschaften der Erde: 1946 [ ~ ] . J. brit. astron. Assoc. The young moon seen as a circle: 45 ('35) 248 f.



Julskeppet Als Strindberg einen Gottesbeweis am Sternhimmel suchte : 1948 [schwed.]. — Der Messiasstern: 1960 [—]. Katalog, Liljevaichs Konsthall Die Ausstellung astronomischer Photographien des Astronomischen Observatoriums Lund: Nr. 102 ('34) [schwed.]; Nr. 130 ('39) [—]. Korrespondens Sternschnuppen, ihre Bedeutung und die Art und Weise ihrer Beobachtung: 31 ('32). — Die KalenderreformFrage: 32 ('33). — Streiflichter aus dem amerikanischen Universitätsleben: 33 ('34). — Neuzeitliche Unterrichtsformen: 34 ('35). — Die verwandelten Himmelskörper: 36 ('37). — Für die Wiedereinführung der Sommerzeit ! : ibid. — — Alle Arbeiten schwed. Kungl. îysiogr. Sällsk. Lund Förh. Karl Petrus Theodor Bohlin, 30. 10. 1860-25. 5. 1939:10 ('40.) 37*-42* [ ]. - Anders R o s e n | : 13 ('43) 53*-57* [ ]. - [Historical notes and papers, 19:] Nicolaus Kopernikus (Kopemik) and his astronomical reformation: Introductory observation: 14 ('44) 22-39. — Die kosmischen Biesenabstände: 276-306 [schwed.]. Landsmannahälsning Norrlands Nation och Foren, norriändska Uppsalakamrater Nils Edén als Landsmannschaftsinspektor. Einige Gedenkworte: 3 ('46) [schwed.]. Lule& Stifts Julbok Über die Astronomie des Alten Testaments: 26 ('39) [schwed.]. — Ein photographisches Bild von Jesus Î : 27 ('40) [—]. — Simon Bar-Kochba, Sternensohn u n d Sohn der Lüge. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Messiasgedankens: 28 ('41) [—]. — König Davids K o m e t : 30 ('43) [ ~ ] . Lundagärd Gelehrtendünkel und Wissensdurst: 17 ('36) [schwed.]. - Feinde der Menschheit: 20 ('39) - Über das 75jährige Jubiläum des Observatoriums [Lund] : 23 ('42) [ - ] • Lunds Univ. Ârsskr., Avd. 2 Historical notes and papers, 1 : Aristotle as practical astronomer: 80 ('34/35) Nr. 10, 1 - 8 ; ~ 2: On Demokritos' conception of the Milky Way: Nr. 15, 1-7. — Sur le problème de l'origine et de l'évolution de l'idée du Messie et de l'eschatologie du Nouveau Testament: 49 ('53) Nr. 11, 3-25. Meddelanden Lunds astron. Observât., Ser. 2 Historical notes and papers, 3 : Two early conceptions concerning the earth's hanging free in space: 77 ('37) 8 S.; — 4: On Greek cosmogony and astronomy: 78 ('37) 36 S. — D'Arrest's investigations on the nebular spectrum and his discovery in 1871 of a relation between Hß, H y, H 280-84 [russ. m. französ. Zusammenfassg.]. — Sur un théorème de la théorie des équations aux dérivées partielles: 18 ('38) 529-31. — Sur l'existence des surfaces algébriques sans réseau conjugué persistant, 1.2: 19 ('38) 23-27; ~ 3.4: 231-36. — Sur un cas du théorème de J a n e t Riquier: 31 ('41) 5-8, 419-24. — Sur les parties de la suite naturelle des nombres entiers: 40 ('43) 175-78. — Sur l'invariabilité absolue et l'invariabilité à e près dans la théorie des équations différentielles, l 1 ): 61 ('46) 251-53; ~ 2 1 ): 335-37. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Über die lokale Natur des Prinzips vom endlichen Flächeninhalt: 56 ('47) 447-50 [russ.]. - Über die absolute Invarianz und über die s-Invarianz in der Theorie der Differentialgleichungen 1 ): 80 ('51), 325-27 [russ.]. C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sei., Paris Sur une propriété nouvelle des ensembles mesurables B : 198 ('34) 1116-18. - Sur quelques

Luzin — Lyle problèmes difficiles de la théorie des fonctions : 1296-98. — Sur la décomposition des ensembles: 1671-74. — Sur un raisonnement nouveau dans la théorie des fonctions descriptive: 201 ('35) 638-40. - Sur un choix d'ensemble parfait distingué dans un complémentaire analytique arbitraire ayant des constituantes non dénombrables : 806-09. Front Nauki i Techn. Zur Frage der Verlegung der Akademie der Wissenschaften [nach Moskau]: 1934, Nr. 5/6, S. 147 [russ.]. Fundamente Math. [Warszawa] Sur les ensembles toujours de première catégorie: 21 ('33) 114-26. — Sur les ensembles analytiques nuls: 25 ('35) 109-31. Choix effectif d'un point dans un complémentaire analytique arbitraire, donné par un crible 2 ) : 559 f. Istoriko-mat. Issled. Einführung zu den Briefen L. Eulers an C. Goldbach: 16 ('65) 129-43 [russ.]. Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSE Über einige Eigenschaften des „versetzenden" Faktors beim Verfahren von A. N. Krylov, 1:1932, 595-638 [russ.]; ~ 2: 735-62 [ ~ ] ; ~ 3 : 1065-102 [—]• Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSE, Otdel. techn. Nauk Beweis eines Satzes der Theorie der Verbiegung: 1939, Nr. 2, 81-106; Nr. 7, 115-32; Nr. 10, 65-84. — Alle Arbeiten russ. Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSE, Ser. mat. Über die Teile der natürlichen Reihe : 11 ('47) 40310 [russ.]. Izvest. fiziko-mat. Ob&i. kazansk. TJniv. Sur une mode de convergence de l'intégrale de Dirichlet: (3) 6 ('33/34) 1-4. Matematiëeskij Sborn. Sur l'étude qualitative de l'équation du mouvement d'un train: 39 ('32) Nr. 3, 6-26 [russ. m. französ. Zusammenfassg.]. Mathematica [Cluj] Quelques remarques sur les courbes qui sont des complémentaires analytiques: 10 ('35) 70-80. Priroda [SSSE] Isaac Newton als Mathematiker und Naturforscher : 1943, Nr. 3, 74-83 [russ.]. Soeialistiieskaja Eekonstr. i Nauka Euler. Zum 150. Todestag: 1938, Nr. 8, 3-24 [russ.]. Trudy central'n. aéro-gidrodinam. Inst. On the acad. Tchaplygin's method of approximate intégration of differential équations : Nr. 141 ('32) 31 S. [russ. m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. Trudy fiziko-mat. Inst. im. Steklova Uber stationäre Folgen: 6 ('34) 125-47 [russ.]. Usp. mat. Nauk Über die Methode der angenäherten Integration des Akademiemitgliedes S. A. Caplygin: 6 ('51) Nr. 6, 3-27 [russ.]. — Arbeiten zur Theorie der Funktionen einer komplexen Veränderlichen: 7 ('52) Nr. 2, 3 - 6 [ ~ ] . — Über die reguläre Lösung des Problems der Verbiegung einer Fläche auf Hauptbasis: 8 ('53) Nr. 2, 83-92 [ ~ ] , Mit: ') P. I. K u z n e c o v ; *) P. N o v i k o v .



ITDfiN, Ernst R a g n a r . Chetn. (anorg., analyt.). — 1916-20 Assist., Chem. Inst., '20-30 Doz., '30-68 Assist. Prof., '51-61 Präfekt d. propäd.-chem. Inst., Univ. Helsinki. — '69 Dr. med. et chir. h. c. (Med. Fak., Univ. Helsinki). - '69 Gadd-Medaille (Ges. finn. Chemiker). *1892, Mai 15, Vampula; fl972, Dez. 13, Tuomarila. Nekr. Suomen Kemistilehti A 46 ('73) 17-, Finska Kemistsamfundets Medd. Untersuchungen über Thalliumjodide: 41 ('32) 3453 [sehwed.]. — Über das Verhalten der Thallohalogenide gegenüber Jodlösungen: 43 ('34) 67-85 [ ~ ] , - Über das Verhalten von Uranium(IV)-oxid gegenüber Edelmetallverbindungen: 48 ('39) 115-23 [ ~ ] - - Über das Verhalten von Uran(IV, VI)-oxid gegenüber Alkalibicarbonatlösungen: 124-28 — Über die thermische Zersetzung einiger Üransalze organischer Säuren: 74 ('65) 37-44. Z. anorg. u. allg. Chem. Über das Verhalten des Chrom(3)-oxyds zu Alkalihalogenatlösungen, 1: Das Reaktionssystem Chrom(3)-oxydBromat: 223 ('35) 28-32; ~ 2: Die Autokatalyse im Reaktionssystem Chrom(3)-oxydBromat und der Einfluß der Bromide als Lösungskomponenten: 226 ('35) 46-56; ~ 3: Das Reaktionssystem Chrom(3)-oxyd-Chlorat und der Einfluß schwerlöslicher Carbonate als Reaktionskomponenten in den Systemen Chrom(3)-oxyd-Chlorat und Chrom(3)-oxydBromat: 232 ('37) 325-36. - Über die Oxydation des Chrom(3)-oxyds durch Silberoxyd: 234 ('37) 59-62. - Über die Oxydation des Chrom(3)-oxyds durch Gold(3)-oxydhydrat (Metagoldsäure): 240 ('39) 157-60. V VI

> LYLE, Sir T h o m a s Ranken. Naturphilos., Math., Physik. - 1889-1915 Prof. Natural Philos., '21-44 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Melbourne; '17-19 Chairman, State Electricity Commiss., Victoria; '2931 Pres., Australian Nation. Research Council. — 1884 McCullagh Prize (Dublin Univ.); 1888 Madden Prize (Dublin Univ.). *1860, Aug. 26, Coleraine, Nordirland; f1944, März 31, Melbourne, Australien. Nekr. K. G r a n t , Obituary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. London 5 ('45/48) 33-49 (m. Bildn., Faks.). — J . I. O. M a s s o n , Nature [London] 153 ('44) 518. - G. D. O s b o r n e , J . and Proc. roy. Soc. New South Wales 79. 1945 ('46) 5. Nature [London] Production of microscopic test-rulings: 130 ('32) 243.


Lyman - • Lynn

LYMAN, T h e o d o r e . Physik. 1902-07 Instructor, '07-17 Assist. Prof., '10-47 Dir. of Jefferson Physic. Labor., '17-25 Prof., '25 Prof. Emer., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass.; '21-22 Pres., Amer. Physic. Soc.; '24-27 Pres., Amer. Acad. Arts and Sei. — '18 Rumford Medal (Amer. Acad. Arts and Sei.); '30 Elliott Cresson Medal (Amer. Philos. Soc.); '31 Frederic Ives Medal (Amer. Optic. Soc.). *1874, N o v . 23, Boston, Mass.; f l 9 5 4 , Okt. 11, Brookline, Mass. Zur Biogr. J . opt. Soc. America 43 ('53) 224, 1231. Nekr. P. W. B r i d g m a n , Biographical Mem., Nation. Acad. Sei. USA 30 ('57) 23756 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.). - 0 . 01d e n b e r g , J . opt. Soc. America 45 ('55) 586 f. (m. Bildn.). — F. A. S a u n d e r s , Science [USA] 121 ('55) 187 f. HZ. Contributions physic. Labor. Harvard Univ. (2) 1 ('33/34) - 2 ('35). J. acoust. Soc. America An appreciation of Professor Sabine: 7 ('36) 241. Physical Rev. Notes on the luminescence of glass and fluorite: (2) 40 ('32) 578-82. - The transparency of the air between 1100 and 1300 Ä: 48 ('35) 149-51. VI

LYNN, E l d i n Verne. Chem. (pharmaz.). - 1918 Ph. D., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; '07-09 Instructor, Adelphi College, Garden City, N . Y . ; ' 1 0 11 Assist. Chem., '11-13 Instructor, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; '13-14 Research Chemist, Exper. Stat, of Wyoming, Laramie, W y o . ; '14-15 Instructor Chem., College of Pharmacy, Chicago, 111.; '15-17 Assist. Prof., Oklahoma Agric. and Mech. College, Stillwater, Okla.; '17 Pharmac. Chemist, Bur. Chem., U.S. Departm. of Agric., Chicago, 111.; '17-18 Chemist, Wisconsin Pharmac. Exper. Stat., Madison, Wis.; '18-19 Research Chemist, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.; '20-21 Assist. Prof. Pharmacol, and Chem., '21-28 Assoc. Prof., '28-34 Prof., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.; '34-37 Assoc. Prof., '37-51 Prof, and Chairman of Chem. Departm., '51-55 Research Prof, and Acting Dir. of Research Labor., Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston,

Mass.; '44-46 Vice Pres., '46-48 Pres., N e w Engl. Assoc. of Chem. Teachers. *1886, Febr. 8, Hawarden, l a . ; f l 9 5 5 , Dez. 31, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Zur Biogr. J . chem. Educat. 23 ('46) 467. The national cyclopaedia of American biography 44 (New York '62) 391 f. Nekr. H. C. N e w t o n , American J . pharm. Educat. 20 ('56) 249 f. W. Pharmaceutical therapeutics with pharmacology, posology, and toxicology 2 (New York-London '38) 14+430 S. Organic chemistry; with applications to pharmacy and medicine (Philadelphia, Pa. '41) 410 S.; 2 ('45); 3 ('48) 355 S. - The Lynn index; a bibliography of phytochemistry (J. W. Schermerhorn, M. W. Quimby) 1 (Boston, Mass. '57) 46 S.; 2 ('58) 39 S.; 3 ('58) 32 S.; 4 ('60) 70 S.; 5 ('62) 67 S. American J. pharm. Educat. A century of research in pharmaceutical chemistry in the schools of pharmacy of the United States: 17 ('53) 183-93. J. amer. pharm. Assoc. Nitrosyl chloride with alcohols and aldehydes 13 ): 21 ('32) 12528. — A toxicological investigation of phenol and iodine 23 ): 138-41. — A toxicological investigation of mercury and lead 23 ): 225-29. — A toxicological investigation of morphine and cocaine 23 ): 334-37. — Some esters of dialkylamino methanols 14 ): 541-48. — Esters of dialkylamino methanols as local anesthetics 14 ): 761-64. — The leaf oils of Washington conifers, 6: Abies nobilis1«): 22 ('33) 305 f.; ~ 7: Juniperus occidentalis 6 ): 24 ('35) 613-15. — Differences in species of Taxus 9 ): 22 ('33) 52831. — Chemical study of two Chinese drugs 25 ): 720-22. — Licorice fern and wild licorice as substitutes for licorice 6 ): 1225-30. - The value of Senecio in medicine 11 ): 23 ('34) 113-18. — An examination of Ceanothus velutinus 22 ): 332-36. — Two species of the genus Ledum 2 ): 666-72. — Vegetable extracts and blood-sugar 10 ): 24 ('35) 389-92. The toxicity of barbital derivatives 9 ): 25 ('36) 597-601. — Newer ideas in teaching a first course: 26 ('37) 70-73. — American mistletoe5) : 219 f. — The bark of American larch 12 ): 288-90. — Acorns ofQuercus rubra 15 ): 493-95. — Decomposition of citric acid by ferric iron 21 ): 27 ('38) 774-76. - The volatile oil of Comptonia asplenifolia 17 ): 28 ('39) 588 f. J. amer. pharm. Assoc., Sei. Edit. New pyrazolone derivatives 4 ): 30 ('41) 627f. - Tabasco as a substitute for capsicum 26 ): 31 ('42) 84 f. — Zinc peroxide 18 ): 523 f. — Investigation of Viburnum opulus 3 ): 32 ('43) 20-22. - Estrogenic substances from plants, 1: Glycyrrhiza 3 ): 39 ('50) 177-80. — Studies on species of Asclepias, 5: Chemistry 7 ): 41 ('52) 320-22. - Der matitis from celery 20 ): 42 ('53) 57 f. - Exa-

Lynn - Lyons


mination of the seed of Pachyrrhizus erosus 1 ) : W . The Royal Society, 1660-1940. A 117 f. — The alkaloid of Banisteriopsis ine- history of its administration under its charters 19 brians Morton ) : 753 f. — Saponins of Pa- (London '44, New York '45) 10+354 S. chyrrhizus erosus (L.) Urban 2 4 ): 44 ('55) 38 f. Endeavour The Royal Society of London, 1: Mit: *) B . Y . B a k e r ; ») R. A. C a i n ; ') C. H. C o s - 2 ('43) 12-16; ~ 2: 52-55.

t e l l o ; «) F. X . D e m e r s ; «) F. J. D e s a n t i s ; ') L. F i s c h e r ; ') W. E. H a s s a n , jr. ») - ;1! ») I . J o n e s ; ") P. S. J o r g e n s e n ; ") E. A. K e l l y ; ) K. E. Lars e n ; ") F. A. L e e ; ") F. V. L o f g r e n ; ") C. J. Mon a r c a ; ") S. N a k a y a ; ") R. de N i c o l a ; ") R. H. N o e l ; ") F. D. 21O ' C o n n e l l ; ") J. F. P a l u m b o ; " ) S . I . P e l t z ; ) L. W. R i c h a r d s ; ") L. W. R i s i n g ; ") R. F. S h a n g r a w ; ") D. T s a o ; ") C. H. Olden. VI

LYON, Waldo Vinton. Elektrotechn. — 1929-47 Prof. Electr. Machinery, '47 Prof. Emer., '47-52 Lecturer, Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge, Mass. *1881, Nov. 8, Brooklyn, N. Y.; fl958, Apr. 24, Winchester, Mass.

Notes and Bee., Roy. Soc. London A fragment of history: 1 ('38) 28-31. - The growth of t h e Fellowship: 40-47. — The Society's finances, 1: 1662-1830: 73-87. — The landed property of the Royal Society: 88-91. — The Anniversary Dinner: 96-103. — Two hundred years ago: 2 ('39) 34-42. — The Society's first bequest: 47-67. — One hundred years ago: 92-107. — The composition of the Fellowship and the Council of the Society: 108-26. - The Fairchild lecture: 3 ('40) 8084. — Biographical notes: 88-96. — J o h n Winthrop (junior), F. R. S.: 110-15. - The Officers of the Society (1662-1680): 116-40. — Charles Babbage and the ophthalmoscope: 146-48.

W. Applications of the method of symmetrical components (New York-London '37) VI 7 + 5 7 9 S. — Transient analysis of alternatingLYONS, R o b e r t Edward. Chem. current machinery; an application of the 1895-1938 Prof, and Head of Chem. Demethod of symmetrical components (New partm., 1900- Dir. of the Biol. Station, York-London '54) 1 0 + 3 1 0 S.|

iv-vi LYONS, Sir H e n r y George. Geol., Meteorol. — 1920-33 Dir. and Secretary, '35-44 Chairman of the Advisory Council, Science Museum, South Kensington, London; '15 Pres., Roy. Meteorol. Soc.; '2939 Treasurer, Roy. Soc.; '32 Pres., Inst, of Physics, London; '32 General Secretary, Internat. Council of Scientific Unions. - '06 Hon. D.Sc. (Oxford Univ.) ; '08 Hon. Sc.D. (Trinity College, Dublin Univ.). — '11 Victoria Research Medal (Roy. Geogr. Soc.); '22 Symons Gold Medal (Roy. Meteorol. Soc.). *1864, Okt. 11, London; fl944, Aug. 10, Great Missenden, Buckingham. Zur Biogr. Nature [London] 132 ('33) 55. Science [USA] 78 ('33) 429 f. Nekr. H. H. D a l e , Obituary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. London 4 ('42/44) 795-809 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.) ; Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 183 ('44/45) 243. - G. C. S i m p s o n , Nature [London] 154 ('44) 328 f. — Chemistry and Industry 1944, 304. H . Reports of proceedings. 2 n d General assembly of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Brussels 1934 (London '35). HZ. Notes and Ree., Roy. Soc. London 1 ( ' 3 8 ) - 3 ('41).

'38 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.; 1900- Chief Chemist, Indiana State Departm. of Geol. and Natural Resources; '07-38 Chairman of Departm. of Chem., Indiana Univ. School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Ind.; '08 Pres., Amer. Chem. Soc., Indiana Sect. ([3) *1869, Okt. 24, Bloomfield, Ind.; •j-1946, Nov. 25, Bloomington, Ind. Nekr. W. E. E d i n g t o n , Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 67 ('47) 5-7. — Chemical and Engng. News 25 ('47) 42. J. amer. chem. Soc. The ethyl esters of triiodophenoxyacetic acids and potassium triiodophenoxyacetate 2 ): 58 ('36) 2646. J. org. Chemistry Rearrangement in t h e benzoin series 5 ): 3 ('38) 273-80. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. Concerning the use of nitro compounds as oxidizing agents 4 ): 43 ('34) 107-13. — Color reactions of amino acids, with phenols and hypochlorites; including new tests for tryptophane and phenylalanine 6 ) : 132-35. — Contributions to the chemistry of tryptophane 8 ): 45 ('35) 151-56. - Selenium dioxide as an oxidant 3 ): 46 ('37) 10104. — Selenocyanation of aniline 1 ): 105 f. — The production of hydrogen selenide by heating paraffine with selenium in the presence of a catalyst 1 ): 107 f.

Mit: ') T. H. C h a o ; •) T. C. D a n i e l s ; ») J. F. D e u p r e e ; ') W. A. F l e t c h e r ; ') F. L. J a m e s ; •) F. M. Miller.

3014 VI

Lyot LYOT, B e r n a r d F e r d i n a n d . A s t r o n .

— 1918-20 Démonstrateur, Ecole Polytechn., Paris; '20-28 Assist., '28-30 Assist. Astron., '30-44 Astron. Adjoint, '4452 Astron., Observât. Paris-Meudon; '4547 Prés., Soc. astron. France. — '36 Subvention Villemot, '38 Prix Houllevigue (Acad. Sei. Paris) ; '39 Gold Medal (Roy. Astron. Soc.) ; '49 Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal (Astron. Soc. Pacific); '52 Henry Draper Medal (U.S. Nation. Acad. Sei.). *1897, Febr. 27, Paris; •¡"1952, Apr. 1 oder 2, während Bahnfahrt zwischen Kairo u. Helwan. Zur Biogr. Nature [London] 143 ('39) 109. Nekr. R. B r a n d t , Sterne 29 ('53) 29 f. A. C h e v a l i e r , C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sei., Paris 234 ('52) 1501-05. - A. D a n j o n , Annales Astrophysique 16 ('52) 75-78 (m. Bildn.) ; Revue Opt. théor. et instrument. 81 ('52) 37780; Notices et Discours, Acad. Sei., Paris 3. 1949/1956 ('57) 320-27. - A. D a n j o n , P. M i c h a u t , Cahiers franç. Informat. 1952, 1-4. — A. G e o r g e , Nouvelles litt., artist, et sei. 31 ('52) 5. - W. M. H. G r e a v e s , Yearb. roy. Soc. Edinburgh 1952/53 ('54) 23 f. - D. H. M e n z e l , Publ. astron. Soc. Pacific 64 ('52) 149 f.; Sky and Telescope 11 ('52) 186, 193 (m. Bildn.). — M. M i n n a e r t , Jaarb. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wet. 1953/54, 253-58. Y. ö h m a n , Populär astron. Tidskr. 33 ('52) 159 f. (m. Bildn.). - G. P e t i a u , Revue gén. Sei. pures et appl. 59 ('52) 114-16. - R. O. R e d m a n , Nature [London] 169 ('52) 776 f. — A. R o m a n â , Urania [Barcelona] 37 ('52) 25862 (m. Bildn.). - H. P. W i l k i n s , Observatory 72 ('52) 241 f. - C. A. C., J . roy. astron. Soc. Canada 46 ('52) 120. — L'Astronomie (BSAF) 66 ('52) 125. - Irish astron. J . 2 ('52) 58. — J . atmospher. and terrestr. Physics 2 ('52) 259 f. - J . opt. Soc. America 42 ('52) 501. — Nordisk astron. Tidsskr. 1952, 78. - Observatory 72 ('52) 157-59. - Orion [Schaffhausen] 3 ('52) 437. — Revista astron. Nr. 131 ('52) 96. - Urania [Kobenhavn] 9 ('52) 61. — Versl. gewone Vergad. Afd. Natuurkunde, Koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 61 ('52) 125-27. Zum 20. Todestag H. C a m i c h e l , J . P. Roz e l o t , Onde électr. 52 ('72) 322 f. S. Les progrès des spectrographes astronomiques. 6 e Réunion de l'Institut d'Optique, 1935 (Rouen '36) 24-32: Nouveau dispositif spectrographique à grande ouverture applicable à l'ultraviolet 1 ). Annales Astrophysique Le filtre monochromatique polarisant et ses applications en physique solaire: 7 ('44) 31-79.

Annales Observât, astron., magnét. et météorol. Toulouse L'observation de la couronne solaire en dehors des éclipses à l'Observatoire du Pic du Midi: 21 ('52) 14 f. L'Astronomie (BSAF) La photographie de la couronne solaire en dehors des éclipses et son étude au spectrohéliographe : 46 ('32) 27287. — Quelques observations de la couronne solaire et des protubérances en 1935: 51 ('37) 203-18. — La couronne solaire et les protubérances avant et après l'éclipsé du 19 juin 1936: 52 ('38) 193-208. - La cinématographie du soleil: 53 ('39) 58-60. — Les récents progrès de l'astronomie: 61 ('47) 367-72. — L'aspect des planètes au Pic du Midi dans une lunette de 60 cm d'ouverture: 67 ('53) 3-21. Astrophysical J. Observations of the planets: 97 ('43) 75. — Recent progress in astrophysics. Planetary and solar observations on the Pic du Midi in 1941, 1942 and 1943: 101 ('45) 255-59. Communications et Mém., Comité nation. Iranç. Astron. Quelques enseignements d'un voyage aux U.S.A.: 1948, 62-64. C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Paris Etude de la couronne solaire au spectrohéliographe en dehors des éclipses: 194 ('32) 443-46. — L'observation directe des protubérances à Meudon: 195 ('32) 943-45. — Un monochromateur à grand champ utilisant les interférences en lumière polarisée: 197 ('33) 1593-95. — Polarisation des protubérances solaires : 198 ('34) 249-51. — Polarisation des petites planètes: 199 ('34) 774-77. - Le spectre de la couronne solaire en 1934: 200 ('35) 219-22. Un filtre vert, monochromatique: 738 f. — Sur un spectrographe à grande ouverture applicable à l'ultraviolet 1 ) : 201 ('35) 1480-82. Observations des protubérances solaires faites au Pic du Midi en 1935: 202 ('36) 392-94. La couronne solaire en 1935: 1259-61. — Le spectre de la couronne solaire en 1936, longueurs d'ondes et intensités des raies d'émission: 203 ('36) 1327-29. — Le passage de Mercure devant la couronne solaire: 205 ('37) 895 f. — Observations de la couronne solaire et des protubérances faites au Pic du Midi en 1937: 206 ('38) 648-50. - Un filtre monochromatique spécialement adapté aux recherches sur le soleil: 212 ('41) 1013-17. - Notice nécrologique sur Alfred Fowler: 222 ('46) 2 2 24. — Procédés permettant d'étudier les irrégularités d'une surface optique bien polie: 765-68. — Un polarimètre photoélectrique: 226 ('48) 25-28. — Un polarimètre photoélectrique intégrateur utilisant des cellules à multiplicateurs d'électrons: 137-40. — Polarisation de la lumière cendrée de la lune: 228 ('49) 1773-75. — Recherche d'une atmosphère au voisinage de la lune 3 ) : 229 ('49) 1277-80. Une nouvelle méthode d'observation de la couronne solaire: 231 ('50) 461-64. - Etude spectroscopique de la rotation de la couronne

Lyot — van Maanen



Notices et Discours, Acad. Sei., Paris Funésolaire ): 233 ('51) 1529-32. - Etude des spectres de la couronne solaire obtenus à railles de Henri Deslandres à Paris, 19 janv. Khartoum pendant l'éclipsé totale de soleil du 1948: 2 ('49) 682-87. 25 février 19523): 237 ('53) 855-59. Bevue Opt. théor. et instrument. Observation des défauts de poli et d'homogénéité au stéréoscope par la méthode du contraste de phase 4 ): 27 ('48) 397 f. - Diffusion produite par le baume dans les objectifs astronomiques spéciaux 4 ) 2 ): 657-60. — Etude des défauts d'homogénéité de grands disques de verre 4 ): Monthly Notices roy. astron. Soc. A study of 29 ('50) 499-512. the solar corona and prominences without eclipses: 99 ('39) 580-94. Z. Astrophysik Etude de la couronne soNature [London] Observation of the sun's laire en dehors des éclipses : 5 ('32) 73-95. corona and prominences without eclipses: 143 Mit: ») A. A r n u l f ; ! ) M. C a g n e t ; ') A. D o l l f u s ; ') M. Frannon. (*39) 842-44. J. Physique et Radium Etude de la couronne solaire en dehors des éclipses: (7) 3 ('32) 31S-33S. J. Toy. astron. Soc. Canada The study of the solar corona without an eclipse: 27 ('33) 22534, 265-80.


' van MAANEN, A d r i a a n . Astron. — 1912-46 Astronomer, Mount Wilson Observat., Pasadena, Calif. *1884, Marz 31, Sneek, Niederlande; -¡-1946, Jan. 26, Pasadena, Calif. Nekr. A. H. J o y , Monthly Notices roy. astron. Soc. 107 ('47) 54-56; Popular Astron. 54 ('46) 107-10. - R. E. W i l s o n , Astrophysical J . 103 ('46) 105-07 (m. Bildn.). Astronomical J. Stellar parallaxes from photographs: 44 ('34) 9 f. — Parallax of Nova Lacertae (1910): 10. — Parallax of Nova GeminorumNr. 2 (1912): 23. — Stellar parallaxes from photographs taken with the 60-inch and 100-inch reflectors of the Mount Wilson Observatory: 23 f.; 60 ('42) 41 f. - Parallax of the visual binary ADS 14314 A: 47 ('38) 24. Astrophysical J. Investigations on proper motion, 18: The proper motions of twentyone planetary nebulae: 77 ('33) 186-94; ~ 20: Proper motions in fields of stars with large motion: 88 ('38) 27-33; ~ 21: Faint members of the Pleiades cluster: 94 ('41) 399-406; ~ 22: The proper motion of the open cluster Messier 67: 96 ('42) 382-94; ~ 23: The proper motion of the cluster h Persei: 100 ('44) 31-54; ~ 24: Further measures in the Pleiades cluster: 102 ('45) 26-31. — Systematic errors in trigonometric parallaxes as a function of right ascension: 78 ('33) 189-99. — Trigonometric parallaxes determined with the 60- and 100inch Mount Wilson reflectors: 81 ('35) 152-55. — Internal motions in spiral nebulae: 336 f. — The photographic determination of stellar parallaxes with the 60- and 100-inch reflectors,

15: 84 ('36) 409-11; ~ 16: 87 ('38) 424-27; ~ 17: 91 ('40) 503-05; ~ 18: 94 ('41) 396-98; ~ 19:100 ('44) 55 f.; ~ 20:103 ('46) 289 f. The absolute magnitudes of the stars of large proper motion: 86 ('37) 26-39, 144. Alle Arbeiten auch als „Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory" erschienen (Nrn. 463, 474, 507, 515, 553, 562, 590, 592, 630, 652, 653, 670, 691, 692, 707, 721). Contributions Mount Wilson Observat. The photographic determination of stellar parallaxes with the 60- and 100-inch reflectors, 13: 20 ('33) 329-44 ( = Nr. 468); ~ 14: 22 ('35) 15-29 ( = N r . 506). - - Weitere Beiträge siehe „Astrophysical J . " . Hemel en Dampkring Die Bestimmung der Entfernungen der Sterne: 32 ('34) 414-20 [niederländ.]. — Sterne mit photographischen absoluten Helligkeiten unter 15 M: 37 ('39) 43436 [ - ] • J. roy. astron. Soc. Canada George Ellery Haie, 1868-1938: 32 ('38) 192-94. Leaflet, Astron. Soc. Pacific The nearer stars: 107 ('38) 8 S. — Stars with large proper motions: 176 ('43) 8 S. Popular Astron. W. de Sitter f . 43 ('35) 7880. Proc., Eoninkl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Distribution of the nearer stars and the masses of the visual binaries: 36 ('33) 870-76. Publ., Amer. astron. Soc. The proper motions of 21 planetary nebulae: 7 ('33) 188 f. — Stars with photographic absolute magnitude fainter than + 1 5 : 9 ('39) 265.


van Maanen — Maass

Publ. astron. Soc. Pacific The parallax of Ross 619: 44 ('32) 188. — The nearest stars: 46 ('33) 247-49. - Spectrum of Nova Sagittae, 2: 46 ('34) 282. — A physical companion of e Cygni: 296. — The parallax and spectral type of Ross 627 1 ): 48 ('36) 179. - On the absolute magnitudes of the stars of large proper motion : 207 f. — The parallax of Mayall's star a = 23 h 45, m 8; ) A . B . A d a m s ; ') G. H. Argue;») W. H. Barnes; s «) - ; ' ) - ; •) J. W. B r o u g h t o n ; ') R. S. B r o w n ; ) J. M. Calhoun; ») J. J. R. Cannon; 10 ) A. B. van Cleave; ") D. Le B. Cooper; ") A. J. Corey; l s ) J. R. D a c e y ; ") J. E d w a r d s ; ") E. Filby; ") A. L. Geddes; ") P. A. Gigu6re; ") P. E. Gishler; ") iaN. H. Grace; !0) G. D. Graham; ") A. D. Grieve; ) G.2 SW. Gurd; ") C. H. H o l d e r ; ") F. M. G. J o h n s o n ; ) H. W. J o h n s t o n ; •«) P. K i r b y ; ") G. L. L a r o c q u e ; ") E. P. L i n t o n ; •') H. A. de

L u c a ; '•) G. R. L u s b y ; ") L. S. Macklin; ") J. Marsden; ") S. G. Mason; •«) R. L. M c i n t o s h ; ••) C. G. Miller; »•) - ; •') F. R. M o r e h o u s e ; ••) H. E. Morris; ") J. L . M o r r i s o n ; " ) T. J. M o u s s e a u ; ") S. N. N a l d r e t t ; ") D. B. P a l l ; ") R. R i c h a r d son; ") A. S. R o s s ; ") J. K. R u s s e l l ; ") H. H. S a u n d e r s o n ; ") W. G. S c h n e i d e r ; *') J. H. Shipl e y ; ") E. W. R. S t e a c i e ; ••) W. W. S t e w a rsst ; ") B. P. S u t h e r l a n d ; ") J. H. S u t h e r l a n d ; ) J. S. Tapp; ") D. K. T h o m a s ; ••) N. G. M. Tuck; ") F. Walker; ") M. A. W e i n b e r g e r ; ") E. J. W i g g i n s ; ") A. R. W i l l i a m s ; «•) C. A. W i n k l e r ; ") R. H. W r i g h t ; ") F. H. Y o r s t o n ; «•) W. B. Campbell. VI McADAM, D u n l a p Jamison, Jr. Metallurgie. — 1930-48 Metallurgist, Nation. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. ; '48- Consulting Metallurgist. - '32 Hon. Sc.D. (Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa.). - '27 Dudley Medal (Amer. Soc. Testing Materials) ; '33 Longstreth Medal (Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa.). *1877, Aug. 11, Washington, Pa.

S. Congrès de Zurich [de 1'] Association Internationale pour l'Essai des Matériaux, Zurich 1931 1 (Zürich '32) 228-46: Stress corrosion of metals. J. Res. nation. Bur. Standards Influence of chemically and mechanically formed notches on fatigue of metals 2 ) : 13 ('34) 527-72. - Rate of oxidation of steels as determined from interference colors of oxide films 4 ) : 23 ('39) 63124. — Influence of cyclic stress on corrosion pitting of steels in fresh water, and influence of stress corrosion on fatigue limit 4 ) : 24 ('40) 685-723. — Influence of stress on the corrosion pitting of aluminum bronze and Monel metal in water 4 ): 26 ('41) 135-59. - Tensile elastic properties of nickel, copper, openhearth iron, and typical steels 6 ): 28 ('42) 31178. — Creep rates of cold-drawn nickel-copper alloy (Monel) 1 ): 417-37. — Rate of oxidation of typical nonferrous metals as determined by interference colors of oxide films 4 ): 593-635. — Influence of low temperatures on the mechanical properties of 18-8 chromium-nickel steel 4 ) 3 ): 40 ('48) 375-92. Mechanical World and Engng. Ree. Corrosion pittings of steels 4 ): 109 ('41) 71-73. Metal Progr. The cohesive strength of metals: 38 ('40) 180-82, 204. Metals Technol. Influence of plastic deformation, combined stresses, and low temperatures on the breaking stress of ferritic steels 4 ) 6 ) : 14 ('47) Nr. 5, T P 2220, 40 S. - Flow, fracture and ductility of metals 4 ) 3 ) : 15 ('48) Nr. 1, TP 2296, 30 S. - Influence of strain aging on the fracture stress of low-carbon steel 4 ) 7 ) 5 ): Nr. 1, T P 2318, 11 S. - Influence of size and the stress system on the flow stress and fracture stress of metals 4 ) 7 ) 5 ): Nr. 4, T P 2373, 19 S.

McAdam — McAulay, Leicester Proc. amer. Soc. Testing Mater. The theory of impact testing: Influence of temperature, velocity of deformation, and form and size of specimen on work of deformation 2 ): 38 ('38) I I , 112-34. — Pitting and its effect on the fatigue limit of steels corroded under various conditions 4 ): 41 ('41) 696-732. - The technical cohesive strength of some steels and light alloys at low temperatures 6 ) 4 ): 44 ('44) 593624. — The effect of combined stresses on the mechanical properties of steels between room temperature and - 1 8 8 °C 4 ) 6 ): 45 ('45) 448-§5. — Influence of plastic extension and compression on the fracture stress of metals 4 ) 5 ): 47 ('47) 554-72. Refrigerating Engng. Low-temperature properties of 18-8 chromium-nickel steel 4 ) 3 ): 56 ('48) 512 f. Steel Processing Low-temperature properties of 18-8 stainless steel 4 ) 3 ): 34 ('48) 592-94. Technical Publ., Amer. Inst. Mining and metailurg. Engr. Technical cohesive strength and yield strength of metals: Nr. 1414 ('42) 47 S.


Sect., Seismol. Soc. of A m e r i c a ; '12 Pres., Astron. Soc. Pacific. *1863, A u g . 4, N e w Y o r k ; f l 9 4 3 , N o v . 1, H a m p t o n , Va. Nekr. Nature [London] 153 ('44) 488. Zur Biobibliogr. Alexander McAdie, scientist and writer; a volume containing fifty-four articles and essays by Alexander McAdie, letters, a short memoir and bibliography, and lists of books and instruments (Mary R. B. McAdie) (Charlottesville, Va. '49) 421 S. (m. Bildnissen u. Schr.verz.). W . Fog (New York '34) 23 S. Bull. amer. meteorol. Soc. The discovery of the stratosphere: 15 ('34) 174-77. - The first glass weather m a p : 17 ('36) 267. — On instruments: 18 ('37) 391-93. Proc. amer. Acad. Arts and Sei. Robert de Courcy Ward (1867-1931): 69 ('34/35) 559 f. Publ. astron. Soc. Pacilic The award of the Bruce medal to Dr. J . D. Backlund: 47 ('35) 15. Mehrere weitere Artikel populärwissenschaftlichen oder nicht-meteorologischen Inhalts in verschiedenen Zeitschriften.

Trans, amer. Inst. Mining and metailurg. Engr. Influence of stresses on t h e corrosion: 99 ('32) 282-322. - Influence of strain aging V>VI McAULAY, A l e x a n d e r . Physik, on the fracture stress of low-carbon steel 4 ) 7 ) 5 ): Math. - 1 8 9 4 - 9 6 Lecturer, 1 8 9 6 - 1 9 2 9 176 ('48) 436-46. - Influence of size and t h e stress system on t h e flow stress and fracture Prof., '31 Prof. Emer., U n i v . of T a s m a n i a , stress of metals 4 )') 5 ): 180 ('49) 363-81. - In- H o b a r t , T a s m a n i a , Australia. fluence of temperature on t h e stress-strain *1863, D e z . 9, L u t o n , B e d f o r d ; energy relationship for copper and nickel| 1 9 3 1 , Juli 5, H o b a r t , Australien. copper alloy: 185 ('49) 727-40. Vater von Alexander Leicester McAuTrans, amer. Soc. Metals Influence of stress l a y Vl.VIIb on the corrosion pitting of steel in distilled water 4 ): 25 ('41) 40 S. - Effects of combined V I McAULAY, Alexander L e i c e s t e r . stresses and low temperatures on the mechani- P h y s i k , B i o p h y s i k . - 1 9 2 7 - 5 9 Prof., '59 4 6 cal properties of some nonferrous metals ) ): 37 ('46) 497-537. - Fracture of metals under Prof. Emer., U n i v . of Tasmania ; H o b a r t , combined stresses: 538-66. — The stress- T a s m a n i a , Australia. strain energy relationship for metals: 43 ('51) *1895, N o v . 15, H o b a r t , Australien; 970-92. — The stress-strain energy rela•("1969, April 10, H o b a r t , Australien. tionship for aluminum: 1215-45. Australian J. biol. Sei. Correlation between Trans, amer. Soc. Steel Treating Cold work- the electric current generated by a bean root ing of metals: The fracture stress of metals as growing in water and the rate of elongation of affected by plastic deformation, the stress the root 8 ) 6 ): 8 ('55) 36-46. system, and size: 41A ('49) 321-63. Australian J. exper. Biol, and med. Sei. SalMit: ') J. A. B e n n e t t ; ! ) R. W. C l y n e ; ') F . J . t a n t s produced in the fungus Chaetomium C r o m w e l l ; *) G. W. Geil; ') W. D. J e n k i n s ; globosum by monochromatic ultra-violet irra') R. W. M e b s ; ') D. H. W o o d a r d . diation and a growth effect characteristic of wavelength') 4 ): 23 ('45) 53-57. IV-VI MCADIE, A l e x a n d e r George. MeAustralian J. Sei. Mechanism of production teorol. - 1 9 0 3 - 1 3 Prof., U . S . W e a t h e r of mutations by radiation 4 ): 9 ('47) 130-32. — B u r e a u , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ; ' 1 3 - 3 1 Prof., An experiment in adult education in science: '31 Prof. E m e r . , H a r v a r d U n i v . , Cam- 10 ('47) 53 f. - A reply to Dr. Burnet (corbridge, Mass.; ' 1 3 - 3 1 Dir., B l u e Hill Me- respondence): 11 ('48) 61 f. Heredity Saltant production in the fungus teorol. Observat., R e a d v i l l e , Mass. — Chaetomium globosum by ultra-violet light ' 1 0 - 1 3 Pres., ' 2 9 - 3 0 Pres. of t h e E a s t e r n and its relation to absorption processes 4 ): 1 191*


McAulay, Leicester — McBain

('47) 247-57. - P r o d u c t i o n of lethal m u t a tions in t h e f u n g u s Chaetomium globosum b y monochromatic ultra-violet irradiation 4 ) 3 ): 3 ('49) 109-20. J. exper. Biology L e t h a l a n d quasi-lethal effects produced b y monochromatic ultraviolet irradiation 1 0 ): 16 ('39) 474-82. - The distribution of electromotive forces in t h e neighbourhood of apical meristems 4 ) 5 ): 28 ('51) 320-31. Nature [London] Chromosome n u m b e r of E u c a l y p t u s globulus a n d E u c a l y p t u s J o h n stoni 2 ) 1 ): 138 ('36) 550 f. - A new approach t o t h e s t u d y of electric fields produced b y growing roots 8 ): 174 ('54) 924 f. Papers and Proc. roy. Soc. Tasmania T h e male meiotic cycle in t h e genus E u c a l y p t u s 2 ) : 1937, 41-44. — Evidence for t h e existence of a n a t u r a l h y b r i d between E u c a l y p t u s globulus a n d E u c a l y p t u s o v a t a : 45 f. — P r o d u c t i o n of s a l t a n t s of Chaetomium globosum b y monochromatic ultra-violet irradiation: 1938, 131— 37. Proc. physic. Soc. A differential method of a d j u s t i n g t h e aberration of a lens system 2 ): 57 ('45) 302-10. — A transfer m e t h o d for deriving t h e effect of t h e image formed b y an optical system f r o m r a y changes produced a t a given surface: 435-39. Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A A unique electrode potential characteristic of a metal, a n d a t h e o r y for t h e mechanism of electrode potential 9 ): 138 ('32) 494-501.


' McBAIN, J a m e s William. Chem. (physikal.). - 1919-26 Prof., Univ. of Bristol; '26 Visiting Prof., Univ. of Berkeley, Calif.; '27-47 Prof., '47Prof. Emer., Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif.; '41-49 Research Engagement for U.S. Office of Naval Research; '49 Cofounder, '49-52 Dir., Nation. Chem. Labor., Poona, India ; '52-53 living in USA again; '21 VicePres., F a r a d a y Soc.; '23-24 Pres., Assoc. of Univ. Teachers of Great Britain; ' 2 4 26 Pres., Alumni Assoc. Univ. Bristol; '33 Pres., Palo Alto R o t a r y Club; '51 Pres., R o t a r y Club Poona, India. — '39 Davy Medal (Roy. Soc., London). *1882, März 22, Chatham, New Brunswick, Can.; |1953, März 12, Palo Alto, Calif. Ehegatte B a i



Mary E v e l y n Laing Mc-

Zur Biogr. W. B r a g g , Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 173 ('39) 311. - G. R . R o b e r t s o n , Chemical and Engng. News 25 ('47) 1800 (m. Bildn.). - N a t u r e [London] 163 ('49) 595.

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IV-VI MACAULAY, Francis Sowerby. Math. - 1889-1911 Teacher, St. Paul's School, London; 1911 retired, Cambridge. *1862, Febr. 11, Witney, Oxford; t l 9 3 7 , Febr. 9, Cambridge.

Nekr. H . F . B a k e r , J . E . L i t t l e w o o d , J . L o n d o n m a t h . Soc. 13 ('38) 157-60 (m. S c h r verz. 22 Nrn.); Obituary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. L o n d o n 2 ('38) 357-61 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.). — W . B r a g g , Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 163 ('37) 459. W . Algebraic t h e o r y of m o d u l a r systems; w i t h supplement on m o d e r n algebra a n d polynomial ideals (New York '16); Neuauflagen ('34), ('64) 16 + 112 S. (Cambridge t r a c t s i n m a t h e m a t i c s a n d m a t h e m a t i c a l physics, 19). J. London math. Soc. Dr. Charlotte Angas S c o t t : 7 ('32) 230-40. Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. Modern algebra a n d polynomial ideals: 30.1933/34 ('34) 27-46.

S. D e p a r t m e n t of Scientific a n d I n d u s t r i a l Research. Third a n d f i n a l report of t h e Adhesives Research Committee, 1932 (London '32) 66-109: Adhesives a n d adhesive action 1 1 0 ). — Chemistry a n d t h e centenary (1931) meeting of t h e British Association for t h e Advancem e n t of Science (Cambridge '32) 77 f.: Contributions to t h e discussions on t h e influence of t h e m e d i u m on t h e properties of electrolytes. — P r o b l e m y kinetiki i kataliza, 3: Adsorbcija gazov i p a r o v t v e r d y m i telami [Probleme der K i n e t i k u n d der Katalyse, 3: Die Adsorption von Gasen u n d D ä m p f e n an festen Körpern] (S. Z. Roginskij) (Leningrad '37) 317-28: Das Wesen der Adsorption v o n Wasser an Kohle 70 ) 79 ) [russ.]. — Colloid chemistry, theoretical a n d applied (J. Alexander) 5 (New York '44) 102-20: Solutions of soaps a n d detergents as colloidal electrolytes; 7 ('50) 6 7 82: Effective d e p t h of t h e surface zone of a liquid 1 0 9 ). — National Chemical L a b o r a t o r y of India, Poona, Symposia 1951 (Poona, I n d i a '51) 1-14, 19-28: R e q u i r e m e n t s for t h e est a b l i s h m e n t of a basic chemical i n d u s t r y in India22)71)ua).

McBain W. The sorption of gases and vapours by solids (London '32) 12+577 S. (Twentiethcentury chemistry, 4); russ.: (Moskva-Leningrad '34) 397 S. - Colloid science (New York '50) 450 S.; span.: Ciencia de los coloides: Física, química y técnica (Barcelona '56) 468 S. Acta crystallogr. The structural types of aqueous systems of surface-active substances and their x-ray diffraction characteristics 58 ): 1 ('48) 270-72. Acta physicochim. URSS A conception of electrokinetics as an integral part of electrochemistry of solutions: 4 ('36) 169-72. - Calculation of particle size and molecular weight from current centrifugal methods 50 ): 14 ('41) 421-32. Advances Colloid Sci. Solubilization and other factors in detergent action: 1 ('42) 99142. Brewers Digest Peptization of barley and malt proteins 88 ): 17 ('42) Nr. 2, 31-36. Chemical Products and ctaem. News An approach to the measurement of detergency 47 ) 60)61). 4 ( ' 4 1 ) 19^21. - The electron microscope and its development 59 ): 5 ('42) 9 f., 6167. Chemical Reviews Opaque or analytical ultracentrifuges: 24 ('39) 289-302. Frontiers Chem. Colloidal electrolytes, wetting agents, and detergents: 8 ('50) 113-31. — Organization of crystals and micelles of soap: solubilization and detergency: 133-54. Industrial and Engng. Chem. Micellar structure as related to cellulose"): 28 ('36) 470-73. — Application of film balance to surface of ordinary solutions 6 '): 31 ('39) 35-39. A phase study of commercial soap and water 96 ) ,0 ): 33 ('41) 1049-55. - The solubilization of water-insoluble dye in aqueous solutions of commercial detergents 60 ): 34 ('42) 915-19. — The sorption of water vapor by soap curd 47 ): 36 ('43) 784-87. - Application of the phase rule to soap boiling; a kettle wax form in the system soap-water-salt 4 7 ): 917-21. — Inhibition of foaming in solvents containing known foamers 76 ): 36 ('44) 570-73. - Soap boiling equilibria for sodium stearate showing new phase "kettle wax" 29 ) 97 ): 808-10. — Solubilization of insoluble organic liquids by detergents 74 ): 38 ('46) 642-46. - Effect of soaps on mutual solubility of organic liquids 66 ): 741-44. J. amer. chem. Soc. The probable nonexistence of normal tribasic aluminum soaps such as aluminum tripalmitate 5 4 ): 54 ('32) 3266-68. — The dependence of the ultrafiltrate from a sol of "ferric hydroxide" upon rate of ultrafiltration; Donnan equilibrium and p H of sols 54 ): 55 ('33) 1315-23. - A study of the constitution of aqueous solutions of the hydrogen soap, cetyl sulfonic acid 101 ): 225057. — The nature of the sorption of water by


charcoal 70 ) 79 ): 2294-304. - The ultrafiltration of soap solutions 44 ) 53 ): 2762-69. — Phase rule equilibria of acid soaps, 4: The threecomponent system potassium laurate - lauric acid - water 24 ): 4776-93. - The sorption of vapors by activated, highly evacuated, sugar charcoal over long periods of time 79 ): 66 ('34) 1-4. — Accelerated and retarded diffusion in aqueous solution 19 ): 52-56. — The diffusion of colloids and colloidal electrolytes; egg albumin; comparison with ultracentrifuge 19 ) 5 ): 1021-27. — An explanation of hysteresis in the hydration and dehydration of gels: 57 ('35) 699 f. — Development of an air-driven ultracentrifuge 65 ): 780 f. — The predominant role of association in the dissociation of simple straight-chain sulfonic acids in water, 1: Conductivity 7 ): 1905-09; ~ 2: Freezing point 7 ): 1909-12; ~ 3: Electromotive force 7 ): 1913-16; 58 ('36) 2659; — 4 : Comparison of results, and so-called "Hammarsten effects": 57 ('35) 1916-20. — The development of the air-driven spinning top as transparent ultracentrifuge 6 5 ): 2631-41. — The determination of bound water by means of the ultracentrifuge: 58 ('36) 31517. — Two new methods for the direct measurement of the absolute amount of adsorption in liquid surfaces 26 ): 378. — Reversible adsorption in the surface of soap solutions 102 ): 379 f. — The spontaneous stable formation of colloids from crystals or from true solution through the presence of a protective colloid 45 ): 2610-12. - Note to: J . W . W i l l i a m s , C. C. Watson, The spinning top ultracentrifuge and the sedimentation of small molecules: 2652. — The effect of departure from spherical shape on the viscosity caused by colloidal particles and large molecules 45 ): 59 ('37) 342-44. Sedimentation equilibrium of sucrose in the simplest opaque air-driven spinning tops as ultracentrifuges 3 ): 2489-94. - The solubility of oil-soluble dyes in aqueous solutions of stable protecting colloids as examples of true reversible equilibrium 104 ): 60 ('38) 223-27. Phase rule studies of soap systems, 1: Applicability of the phase rule 97 ) 96 ): 1866-69; ~ 2: The system sodium laurate - sodium chloride water 11 ) 97 ) 96 ): 1870-76. - Measurement of sedimentation velocity in simple air-driven tops as ultracentrifuges 50 ): 2998-3002. - A phase rule study of the mixed soap system sodium palmitate - sodium laurate - sodium chloride water at, 90° 97 ) 39 ): 61 ('39) 30-37. - The sorption of methylene blue by curd fibers of sodium palmitate 55 ) 107 ): 2540-44. — Studies of solutions of hydro cinnamic acid and of lauryl sulfonic acid with the film balance 85 ): 62 ('40) 239-44. — Observation of surface tension in the PLAWM trough 95 ) 102 ): 244-48. - Some properties of sodium palmitate curd as studied in the centrifuge 26 ): 866-69. — Microtome measurements of the adsorption of hydrocinnamic acid in the surface of its aqueous solutions 26 ) 61 ): 1319-24. - A simple proof of the



thermodynamic stability of materials taken up by solutions containing solubilizers such as soap 6 4 ): 2855-59. — Solubilizing and detergent action in non-ionizing solvents 60 ) 95 ): 2880 f. — The solubilization of water-insoluble dye in dilute solutions of aqueous detergents 60 ) 95 ): 63 ('41) 670-76. — A note on the phase-rule diagram for a mixture of sodium palmitate and sodium laurate with water 4 2 ): 875. — The effect of potassium oleate on the solubility of hydrocarbon vapors in water 6 4 ): 875-77. — The hydration of curd fibers of sodium palmitate and sodium oleate 9 6 ) 4 2 ): 1000-07. - A phase-rule study of the system sodium myristate - water 9 ') 7 3 ): 1293-96. Solubility curve of sodium desoxycholate in water 9 '): 1296-98. — A comparative study of surface of solutions with the film balance and surface tension equipment 83 ): 1422-26. — An electronmicroscope study of curd fibers of sodium laurate 5 9 ) 9 7 ): 1990-93. - Diffusion of electrolytes and of the ions in their mixtures 95 ): 2008-15. — The solubility of propylene vapor in water as affected by typical detergents 84 ): 64 ('42) 1556 f. — x-Ray diffraction of sodium laurate, palmitate and stearate at room temperature 8 )'«): 65 ('43) 1873-76. - Electrification and luminescence phenomena accompanying desorption of gases from metals 3 0 ): 1908 f. — The osmotic activity of colloidal electrolytes 9 ): 2072-77. — Solubilization and the colloidal micelles in soap solution 41 ): 66 ('44) 9-13. — Diffraction of x-rays by aqueous solutions of hexanolamine oleate 76 ): 68 ('46) 296-99. Diffraction of x-rays by sodium oleate and hexanolamine oleate 7 6 ): 547-50. — Isotropic and anisotropic liquid phases in the system hexanolamine oleate - water 3 1 ): 683-85. — Thin undistored sections for electron microscopy 63 ): 1139. — Solubilization of water-insoluble dye in soap solution: effects of added salts 3 4 ): 1731-36. — Cryoscopic evidence for micellar association in aqueous solutions of non-ionoic detergents 31 ): 69 ('47) 334-36. Effect of salts on the solubilization of insoluble organic liquids by cetyl pyridinium chloride 74 ): 70 ('48) 1338-42. - x-Ray diffraction in aqueous systems of dodecyl sulfonic acid 5 8 ): 1973 f. — Soap micelles that solubilize dimethyl phthalate, a liquid insoluble in water and in hydrocarbon 57 ): 3838-40. — Sodium penicillin G as electrolyte and colloidal electrolyte 3 7 ) 9 ): 71 ('49) 373 f. - Studies of protein foams obtained by bubbling 93 ) 12 ): 3129-35. J . amer. Oil Chemists' Soc. The solubility of heavy metal soaps in co-solvent mixtures of chloroform and propylene glycol 66 ): 24 ('47) 190-93. — The measurement of the hydrolysis of solutions of sodium salts of fatty acids, l 9 4 ) : 271-73; ~ 2: Solubilities of higher fatty acids 40 ): 25 ('48) 40 f.; ~ 3 : Values of pH and the absence of fatty acid as free liquid or solid

48)40). 77_84; ~ 4 : The composition of acid potassium laurates and acid sodium oleates as determined by conductivity measurements 40 ): 141-43. — The solubility of sodium and potassium soaps and the phase diagrams of aqueous potassium soaps 80 ): 221-25. — Bound and free acid in aluminum soaps prepared by precipitation 16 ) 62 ) 81 ): 454-56. J . appl. Physics [USA] Closed cell for electron microscopy 1 ): 16 ('44) 607-09. J . chern. Educat. Some recent advances in colloids: 17 ('40) 109-11. J . chem. Physics Diffraction of x-rays by sodium stearate at room temperature 1 0 ) 7 6 ): 11 ('43) 179-83. — x-Ray diffraction of sodium stearate from room temperature to the melting point 1 0 ): 426-29. — Non-ionic detergents as association colloids giving long x-ray spacings in aqueous solutions 58 ): 15 ('47) 211 f. — Oriented x-ray diffraction patterns produced by hydrous liquid crystals 58 ): 16 ('48) 633. J . chem. Soc., London Phase-rule equilibria of acid soaps, 2: Anhydrous acid sodium palmitates 2 4 ): 1933, 920-24; ~ 3 : Anhydrous acid potassium oleate 89 ): 924-28. — Conductivity in the three-component system oleic acid - potassium oleate - water 8 9 ): 928-32. J . Colloid Sci. Physicochemical properties of solutions of the colloidal electrolyte hexanolamine oleate 3 1 ): 1 ('46) 127-35. — The sorption of organic vapors by monolayers of soap 20 ): 2 ('47) 383-85. - Surface conductivity at the interface between Pyrex glass and solutions of potassium chloride 62 ): 3 ('48) 4 5 51. — The sorption of vapors by sugar charcoal over a period of twenty years 7 9 ): 213-18. — Sorption from solution by active magnesium oxide 2 1 ): 303-11. — The osmotic activity and conductivity of aqueous solutions of some typical colloidal electrolytes 17 ) 9 ): 425-36. — Changes in solubilizing power with concentration for various detergents 57 ) 37 ): 4 ('49) 3 8 5 94. — Solubilization of benzene in certain detergent solutions that appear to give two different values 35 ): 8 ('53) 474-84. - Surface viscosity of detergent solutions as a factor in foam stability 1 2 ) 9 3 ): 491-507. J . indian chem. Soc. On the physical unreality of the terms used in cataphoresis and the fictitious f-potential: P. C. Ray volume ('33) 67-72. J . physic, (and Colloid) Chem. The microtome method of the determination of the absolute amount of adsorption 38 ): 36 ('32) 3 0 0 11. — The behavior of metallic soaps with organic solvents 54 ): 2567-74. — Phase rule equilibria of acid soaps, 1: Anhydrous acid potassium laurate 2 4 ): 37 ('33) 675-84. — The hydration of the crystalline fibers of soap curd 14 ) 86 ): 38 ('34) 1075-84. - The viscosity of nitrocotton in various solvents and mixtures 3 3 ) 8 2 ): 1217-31. - The magnitude of sur-

McBain face conductivity 2 '): 39 ('35) 331-42. - Mixtures of colloidal electrolytes with uni-univalent salts 78 ): 40 ('36) 493-99. - Activation of redwood and ash-free sugar charcoal in a current of air 7 9 ): 603-11. — Transference numbers of colloidal "ferric hydroxide" 5 4 ): 997-1004. — Ultrafiltration through cellophane of porosity adjusted between colloidal and molecular dimensions 90 ): 1157-68. — Opaque ultracentrifuges for direct analysis: 42 ('38) 1063-70. - The solution of insoluble dyes in aqueous detergents 104 ): 1099-111. — Soaps and similar long-chain derivatives as simple half-strong electrolytes in dilute solution: 43 ('39) 671-79. - Directly air-driven transparent ultracentrifuges 49 ): 1197-205. — A phase-rule study of the system sodium stearate-water 9 7 ) 2 8 ): 44 ('40) 1013-24. - Systems of sodium palmitate in organic liquids 97 ) 28 ): 1058-71. — Studies in solubilization 60 ): 46 ('42) 10-19. — Solubility of sodium palmitate in organic liquids 48 ) 97 ): 429-40. — Osmotic properties of solutions of some typical colloidal electrolytes 8 ): 47 ('43) 94-103. — Migration data in solutions of a colloidal electrolyte, lauryl sulfonic acid 45 ): 196-207. — Diffraction of x-rays by sodium laurate and sodium palmitate at higher temperatures 8 ) 76 ): 528-35. — Absorption of light in soap solutions 45 ): 48 ('44) 89. — Solubilization of water-insoluble dye by pure soaps of detergents of different types 34 ): 51 ('47) 286-98. - Aluminum dilaurate as association colloid in b«nzene 108 ): 974-80. — Phase behavior of sodium stearate in anhydrous organic solvents 81 ): 1189-204. — Solubilization of water-insoluble dye by colloidal electrolytes and non-ionizing detergents 99 ) 60 ) : 52 ('48) 12-22. — Aqueous systems of non-ionic detergents as studied by x-ray diffraction 58 ): 110-30. — The osmotic behavior of some colloidal electrolytes as determined by means of the Hill-Baldes vaportension apparatus 25 ): 881-96. — Variability and inhomogeneity of aluminum dilaurate 62 ): 1471-81. — Lamellar and other micelles and solubilization by soaps and detergents 36 ): 53 ('49) 39-55. — Diffusion and osmotic coefficients, conductivity membrane analyses, and the determination of micellar charge and composition in some colloidal electrolytes 15 ): 9 3 0 44. — Measurement of vapor pressures by means of matched thermistors 9 ) 37 ): 55 ('51) 304-11. — The vapor pressure of aqueous solutions of some detergents 37 ) 9 ): 311-21. - The solubilization of four typical hydrocarbons in aqueous solution by three typical detergents 5 2 ): 655-62. J . Rheology The structural properties of anisotropic solutions of soap as determined by the new centrifugal falling ball method 98 ): 3 ('32) 437-60. J . Soc. chem. Industry Soap-making from single oils and fats in terms of phase rule


diagrams 23 ) 97 ): 59 ('40) 243-52. - The blending of water with organic solvents by detergents 66 ): 66 ('47) 3-5. Kolloid-Z. Anwendungen des einfachen luftgetriebenen Zentrifugenkreisels auf kolloidchemische Probleme 90 ): 74 ('36) 10-16. Neue Methoden zum Studium der Oberflächen gewöhnlicher Lösungen 26 ) 102 ): 78 ('37) 1-9. Einfluß von Silikaten auf die Wirksamkeit verdünnter, wässeriger Waschmittel zur Bildung thermodynamisch stabiler Kolloidlösungen sonst unlöslicher Farbstoffe 104 ): 87 ('39) 74-78. Nature [London] Some uses of the air-driven spinning top: 135 ('35) 831. — What is a colloid?: 1033. — Pre-Gibbs adsorption by surface rearrangement: 137 ('36) 659. — Sedimentation equilibrium in the simplest airdriven tops 3 ): 139 ('37) 1066. - A simple inexpensive ultra centrifuge 50 ): 141 ('38) 913 f. - Colloidal electrolytes: 145 ('40) 702 f. Expansion of the lamellar crystal lattice of "aerosol O T " upon the addition of water 69 ): 164 ('49) 885. — x-Ray diffraction by aqueous systems of triethanolamine laurate 58 ): 165 ('50) 141 f. Oil and Soap Vapor pressure data and phase diagrams and some concentrated soap-water systems above room temperatures 47 ): 20 ('43) 17-25. — Phase boundaries in ternary systems of sodium oleate, compared with other soaps 9 7 ) 2 9 ): 221-23. - The structure of transparent soap 76 ): 21 ('44) 97 f. - The kettle-wax phase in the system sodium laurate, sodium chloride and water 92 ) 56 ): 227-30. - Diffraction of x-rays by aluminum dilaurate and aluminum distearate 76 ): 23 ('46) 214 f. Physical Rev. Advancing and receding contact angles in glass capillaries and the partial removal of contamination by water and soap solutions 2 ): 68 ('45) 105. Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A Sedimentation equilibrium in the ultracentrifuge; types obtained with soap solutions 45 ): 139 ('33) 2 6 37. — The diffusion of potassium chloride in aqueous solution 19 ): 148 ('35) 32-39. - Measurements of adsorption at the air-water interface by the microtome method 91 ): 154 ('36) 608-23. — Spontaneous emulsification, and reactions overshooting equilibrium 104 ): 163 ('37) 182-88. — Adsorption of lauryl sulphonic acid in the surface of its aqueous solution, and the Gibbs theorem 105 ): 174 ('40) 286-98. — Freezing-points of solutions of typical colloidal electrolytes; soaps, sulphonates, sulphates and bile salt 4 2 ): 181 ('42) 119-33. — Spontaneous emulsification of pure xylene in an aqueous solution through mere adsorption of a detergent in the interface 43 ): 198 ('49) 447-54. Recueil Tray, chirn. Pays-Bas Association in solutions of colloidal electrolytes; hexanol-


McBain — Macbeth

amine elaidate and trihydroxy stearate 31 ) : 65 ('46) 601-05. Rep. Progr. Physics The adsorption theorem of J . Willard Gibbs. Anomalies in applying it to surface tension curves t h a t exhibit minima in dilute solution 61 ): 5 ('39) 30-45. Review sci. Instruments A simplified and improved cell for liquids in the interferometer 26 ) 61 ): 7 ('36) 341 f. Science [USA] The determination of sedimentation rate and equilibrium in centrifuges and opaque ultracentrifuges: 87 ('38) 93 f. - The simplest transparent ultracentrifuge 49 ) : 89 ('39) 611 f. - x-Ray evidence for a third polymorphic form of sodium stearate 1 0 ): 96 ('42) 470 f. - Closed cell for electron microscopy 1 ): 100 ('44) 273 f. — Colloidal electrolytes as a class inclusive of polyelectrolytes, chain electrolytes, long chain salts, dyes and detergents: 109 ('49) 286 f.

m a n ; ") T. F. F o r d ; ") J. F. F o s t e r ; ") M. F r i c k ; ••) K. G a r d i n e r ; »•) C. I. G l a s s b r o o k ; " ) E. Gon i c k ; " ) S. J. G o o d ; " ) E. M. G r a n t ; " ) A. A. G r e e n ; •') S. G u l v a d y ; »•) O. A. H o f f m a n ; " ) H . H u f f ; "•) C. W. H u m p h r e y s ; »•) W. T. J a4!m e s o n ; ") M. L. M. J o h n ; " ) K. E. J o h n s o n ; ) S . A . J o h n s t o n ; " ) A. K a m i n s k i ; " ) Y. K a w a k a m i ; ") M. E. L a i n g - M c B a i n ; ") P. L a u r e n t ; ") W. W. L e e ; ") C. W. L e g g e t t ; ") A. H. L e w i s ; ") F. A. L e y d a ; " ) - ; " ) K. J. L i s s a n t ; " ) H. P. L u c a s ; " ) W. L. M c C l a t c h i e ; ») J. M. M c D o w e l l ; '•) C. G. M c G e e ; " ) H. M c H a n ; »•) S. S. M a r s d e n , jr.; '•) L. M a r t o n ; 8 0 )l s R. C. M e r r i l l , jr.; " ) G. F. M i l l s ; " ) K. J. M y s e l s ; ) H. C. O ' B r i e n ; ") J . J . O ' C o n n o r ; ") C. M. O ' S u l l i v a n ; ••) S. R. P a l i t ; «') L. H. P e r r y ; ••) - ; «») W. P h i l i p p o f f ; '"), s J. L. P o r t e r ; " ) R. S. R a m a s w a m y ; " ) - ; ) R. R e i v e r e ; " ) P. H. R i c h a r d s ; ™) J. V. R o b i n s o n ; " ) S. R o s s ; ") D. A. S c o t t ; ") J . S e a r l e s ; ") R. F. Sess i o n s ; ••) W. C. S i e r i c h s ; " ) G. H. S m i t h ;8 " ) L. E . S m i t h ; ") E. R. S h a r p ; " ) A. M. S o8l8d a t e ; ' ) W. V. S p e n c e r ; ••) L. S. S t a d d o n ; ") - ; ) O. E. S t a r n b e r g ; ") A. S t e w a r t ; ••) R. F. S t u e w e r ; ») R. C. S w a i n ; ••) R. C. T h o r b u r n ; " ) W. C. T h u m a n ; " ) A. van T u y l ; ,8••) J. R. Y i n o g r a d ; ") M. J . V o i d ; •') R. D. V o i d ; ) O. wO.l W a t t s ; '•) A. G. W i l d e r ; 1D0 ) H. J. W i l l a v o y s ; ) R. C. W i l l i a m s ; "») D. A. W i l s o n ; 10S) - ; »") Ts-Ming W o o ; 10s) L. A. W o o d ; 10 ') W . W . W o o d s ; "") M. E. W o r d e n ; "•) E . B . Scientia Development of the surface zone W o r k i n g ; "») J . C. H e n n i k e r ; "») W. B. Lee.

of a liquid: 88 ('53) 52-57. Scientific Monthly Centenary of a scientific prophet: Dmitri Mendeleeff: 29 ('34) 181-83. Technical Notes, Nation. Advisory Committee Aeronaut. Analysis of properties of foam' 6 ) 9 ): Nr. 1840 ('49) 25 S. - Quantitative study of variations in concentration of glycerol and Aerosol OT on foaming volume of oil at room temperature 7 6 ): Nr. 1841 ('49) 10 S. — Control of foaming by adding known mixtures of pure chemicals 76 ) 9 ) 20 ) : Nr. 1842 ('49) 12 S. - [Titel unbekannt] Nr. 1843 ('49). — Surface properties of oils 75 ): Nr. 1844 ('49) 17 S. — Attempts to defoam existing oils by processing 75 ) 106 ) 1 ): Nr. 1845 ('49) 26 S. Trans. Faraday Soc. Persorption and molecular sieves: 28 ('32) 408 f. - The sorption of vapors by nitrocotton 32 ) 4 ) 18 ) 100 ) 13 ) : 29 ('33) 1086-100. — The activity of soap solutions at 90° 6 ): 31 ('35) 149-52. - Simplest ultracentrifuge with photographic recording 49 ) : 36 ('40) 381-84. — Interferometer method for measuring absolute adsorption in the surface of solutions 61 ) 26 ): 930-35. - Studies of aluminum soaps, 7: Aluminum soaps in hydrocarbons; the gel and jelly phases and transformations between them 62)81) : 42 ('46) 173-80. Wallerstein Labor. Commun. Protein fractions of some barleys and malts 88 ) : 5 ('42) Nr. 14, 35-39. Z. physik. Chem., Abt. A Die Grundannahmen und Gleichungen der Elektrokinetik 45 ): 161 ('32) 279-98. Mit: I. M. A b r a m s ; ') H. K. A c h a r y a ; •) C. Alv a r e z - T o s t a d o ; •) A. M. B a h r ; s ) H. A. B a r k e r ; •) M. M. B a r k e r ; ') M. D. B e t z ; " ) O. E. A. B o l d u a n ; •) A. P. B r a d y ; »") A. de B r e t t e v i l l e , jr.; " ) G. C. B r o c k ; " ) A. G. B r o w n ; " ) R. B u c k i n g h a m ; " ) H. I. B u l l ; ») R. C. C h a n d l e r ; ») R. H. Ooe; " ) A. C u s h m a n ; " ) D. P. D a v l e s ; ") C. R. Daws o n ; ") R. B. D e a n ; •') R.C. D u n n ; ! a ) R . K . D u t t a ; " ) W. J. E l f o r d ; " ) M. C. F i e l d ; ") M. N. F i n e -


' MACBETH, A l e x a n d e r Killen. Chem. (org.). - 1928-54 Prof., '30-31 Dean, Fac. Sei., '34-54 Chairman of the Board of Pharm. Studies, '43-55 Member of Univ. Council, '54 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Adelaide, Australia; '30 Liversidge Research Lecturer, Univ. of Sydney, New South-Wales, Australia; Chairman of the South Australian Gouvernm. Sub-Committee on Poisons. *1889, Aug. 11, Drumbuoy, Strabane, Co. Donegal*); |1957, Mai 29, Adelaide, Australien. *) nach anderen Angaben: Belfast. Nekr. G. M. B a d g e r , H. J . R o d d a , Proc. chem. Soc., London 1958, 121 f. W. Organic chemistry for medical, intermediate science and pharmaceutical students 3 (New York '52) 324 S. Australasian J. Pharm. Standards for corn oil 5 ): 20 ('39) 1037. Australian chem. Inst. J. and Proc. The chemistry of the hydroxynaphthaquinones and of the colouring matters of Drosera whittakeri: 4 ('37) 207-22. Australian J. exper. Biol, and med. Sei. The absorption spectra of hydroxynaphthaquinones and of the colouring matter of Drosera whittakeri 2 ) 32 ): 12 ('34) 203-12. J. chem. Soc., London The action of phenylhydrazine and of thiourea on aliphatic nitrocompounds 19 ): 1932, 534-43. - Glycogen, 2: Methylation and acetylation 12 ) 32 ): 2026-31. Surface-tension determinations of malonic esters, and the constitutive nature of the para-

Macbeth chor 2 ) 2 0 ) : 2258-62. - The catalytic reduction of organic halogen compounds: 5-Bromo-5alkylbarbituric acids 1 2 ) 2 0 ): 1934, 769-73. The "hydrosulphides" of carvone and l-4isopropyl-zl 2 -cycIohexen-l-one u ) 2 2 ) : 1147-50. — The action of bases on nitrophenylhydrazines[,l]: 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine 22 ) : 163 7 - 3 9 ; ~ 2 2 2 ) : 1937, 982-84. - The action of titanous chloride on nitrophenylhydrazones : p-Nitro- and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones 22 ) : 1936, 151-53. — The colouring matters of Drosera whittakeri, 1 : The absorption spectra and colour reactions of hydroxynaphthaquinones 2 2 ) 3 2 ): 3 2 5 - 3 3 ; ~ 2 3 2 ): 3 3 4 - 3 6 ; ~ 4 : Reduction potentials of some naphthaquinones 16 ) 32 ) : 1936, 1457-62; ~ 5 : The constitution of droserone 16 ) 32 ) : 1937, 1597-600. - The absorption spectra of nitrophenylhydrazines 2 2 ) : 1 9 3 5 , 1563-67. The absorption spectra of 1,2,3-benztriazoles 22 ): 1936, 111-19. - The carbonyl constituents of Eucalyptus oils, 1: The occurrence of cryptal 3 ) 2 9 ) : 1937, 9 8 6 - 8 9 ; — 2 : The seasonal variation of E . cneorifolia oil 3 ) 2 9 ): 1443-47; ~ 3 : The constitution of phellandral; D-, L- and DL-(synthetic)-phellandric acids 6 ) 2 9 ): 1940, 8 0 8 - 1 0 ; ~ 4 : D-, L-, and DL-/3-iso-propyladipic acids 4 ): 1946, 145-47. — D-Phellandral and D-4-isopropyl2 - cy clohexen-1 - one 3 ) 29 ) : 1937, 1448-50. Reactions of ¡x/3-unsaturated cyclic aldehydes and ketones, 1 : Their conversion into anilines 6 ): 1593-96; — 2 : Absorption spectra of typical compounds and their dihydro derivatives 6 ): 1938, 1408-13; ~ 3 : The reduction of cryptone; cis- and trans-dihydrocryptol 9 ) 2 9 ) : 1 8 2 0 - 2 4 ; ~ 4 : D-Cryptone and trans-D-cryptol 3 2 ) : 1939, 2 6 4 - 6 6 ; ~ 5 : DL-Cryptone and cis- and trans-DL-cryptol 9 ) : 1531-34; ~ 6 : ( + )-cis and (-)-trans-Cryptol from (-)-cryptone 9 ) 1 8 ) : 1948, 9 9 6 - 9 9 ; ~ 7 : Alcohols derived from phellandral 1 3 ) 2 4 ): 1949, 3 5 0 - 5 2 ; ~ 8 : Alcohols derived from (-)-piperitone 1 ) 1 4 ) : 1951, 1848-51; ~ 9 : (-)-cis and ( + )-transPiperitol from (-)-piperitone 2 5 ) : 1952, 2 8 5 2 56; — 10: ( + )-trans-Pulegol and a (-)-pulegol from ( + )-pulegone 25 ): 4 7 4 8 - 5 1 ; ~ 11: (+)*cis- and ( + )-trans-Piperitol 1 7 ) 2 5 ): 1953, 901 f. — The labile nature of the halogen atom in organic compounds, 15 : The action of hydrazine on bromomalonic esters 8 ): 1937, 1810-12. — /J-Phellandrene 27 ) 31 ) : 1938, 119-23. - The prototropy of the nitromethanes, 1 : Chloro-, bromo-, and nitro-phenylnitromethanes 6 ) : 1024-26. — The catalytic reduction of organic halogen compounds : 5-Chloro-5-alkylbarbituric acids 1 2 ): 1622-24. - Cumyl alcohol 6 ) 9 ): 1825 f. — Phellandrene nitrosites, 1: The aand the /¡-nitrosites of L-a-phellandrene 3 ) 29 ) : 1939, 4 6 6 - 7 0 ; ~ 2 : The a- and the /S-nitrosite of D-a-phellandrene 3 ) 29 ) : 1418-21. - Absorption spectra of some naturally-occurring naphthoquinones and their derivatives 6 ) 3 2 ): 8 7 8 - 8 4 . — Epimeric alcohols of the cyclohexane series, 1 : cis- and trans-Dihydrocryp-


tol 8 ) 9 ): 5 1 8 - 2 2 ; ~ 2 : 4-Methyl- and 4-isopropylcyclohexyl-l-carbinols 6 ): 1245-47; ~ 3 : Glucoside formation 9 ) 1 8 ): 1940, 2 4 3 - 4 5 ; ~ 4 : The parachor as a criterion for cis-trans-isomerism 9 ) 1 8 ): 2 8 0 - 8 3 ; ~ 5 : The optically inactive 3-methylcyclohexanols 1 8 ): 1945, 7 0 9 12; ~ 6 : The optically active 3-methylcyclohexanols 1 8 ): 1947, 2 0 5 - 0 8 ; ~ 7: The 2-methylcyclohexylcarbinols 1 8 ) 2 6 ): 1949, 1011-13; — 8 : Inactive 2- and 4-methylcycIohexanol 1 4 ) 1 8 ): 1717-20; ~ 9 : (±)-cis-3-Methylcyclohexylmethanol and ( + )-cis-3-methylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid 7 ) 1 8 ): 1953, 1364-68; ~ 10: ( + )-trans-3-Methylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid and ( + )-trans-3-methylcyclohexylamine 1 0 ) 1 5 ): 1954, 699-701. ^-Phellandrene tetrabromide 3 ): 1 9 4 7 , 1 0 3 9 - 4 1 . - Some 1,3,4-oxazine derivatives of thionaphthene 2 8 ): 1948, 78-81. — Reductions with aluminium alkoxides, 1: Relative proportion of epimers in alcohols derived from cyclic ketones 1 4 ) 1 8 ): 1949, 2 6 4 1 - 4 6 ; ~ 2 : Modified procedure 18 ): 2 6 4 6 4 9 ; ~ 3 : The kinetics of the racemization of optically active alkoxides by their corresponding ketones 1 4 ): 1952, 3252-60. - Methods of resolution, 3 : Variations of the resolution of alcohols through acid esters 1 8 ) 2 1 ): 1950, 3 5 3 8 42. — Influence of configuration on the thermal stability of N-menthylphthalamic acids 1 8 ) 2 3 ): 1951, 2968-72. - p-Menthane-2,3diols, 1: The hydroxylation of ( + )-cis- and ( + )-trans-menth-2-enes 2 3 ): 1953, 8 9 5 - 9 0 0 ; ~ 2 : Catalytic hydrogenation of diosphenol and reduction by sodium and ethanol 2 3 ): 3 5 1 2 - 1 7 ; ~ 3 : Reductions of diosphenol with aluminium isopropoxide and with lithium aluminium hydride 2 3 ): 1954, 7 0 1 - 0 4 ; ~ 4 : The reaction of mercuric acetate with ( + )-menthone and (+)-isomenthone 1 5 ) 1 7 ): 705-08. - Allylic bromination of unsaturated terpene hydrocarbons, and the synthesis of ) - ; ") A. H e m i n g w a y ; ) C. E. H o l d r i d g e ; '•) T . I m a i ; ») J. J o w s e y ; ") W. G. nique at magnetic observatories in the United K i r k l a n d ; ") C. E. M c L e n n a n ; ") P. O l s o n ; States of America 4 ): 404-13. — Report of ") E. R e e d ; ") C. O. R i c e ; ") J . S c o t t ; ") H. S t r e e t ; ") G. C. S u p p l e e ; ") R . W h i t e ; ") R. Committee on Observational Technique: 13 ('50) 336-38; 14 ('54) 271 f. - Application of Johnson. alignment charts to the design of magnetic variometer suspension systems: 272-74. VI McCLENON, R a y m o n d Benedict. Bull, seismol. Soc. America An investigaMath. - 1918-53 Prof., '53 Prof. Emer., tion of the Milne-Shaw seismograph: 12 ('22) Grinnell College, Grinnell, l a . — '53 H o n . 220-26. — Testing of photographic recorders: D.Sc. (Grinnell College). 22 ('32) 56-59. — Shaking-table investigations of teleseismic seismometers 10 ): 26 ('36) 291*1883, Aug. 4, Y a n k t o n , S. D . ; 316. — The Galitzin seismometer: discrepan1-1962, Juli 3 (4 ?), Grinnell, l a . cies between the Galitzin theory and the per10 Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. Bernoulli numbers: formance of a Wilip-Galitzin seismometer ): 317-22. — Tests of earthquake accelerometers 57 ('50) 315-19.

McComb — McConnell on a shaking table 7 ): 27 ('37) 325-29. - Preliminary report on a photoelectric pendulum control for recorder clocks 7 ): 331-35. — New instruments and equipment at cooperative seismograph stations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 5 ): 29 ('39) 549-57. — The determination of t r u e ground motion f r o m seismograph records 6 ) 7 ) : 33 ('43) 1-63.



' McCOMBIE, H a m i l t o n . Chem. (org.). — 1905-14 Lecturer, Univ. of Birmingham; '19-62 Fellow of King's College, '19-43 Lecturer, '40-44 Head of the Departm. of org. Chem., '43-^45 Reader, '45 Reader Emer., Cambridge Univ. ; '4548 Vice-Pres., Soc. of Chem. Industry. — J. Washington Acad. Sci. Geophysical meas- '35 Hon. Sc.D. (Cambridge Univ.). urements in the laboratory and in the field: *1880, Mai 7, London; 32 ('42) 65-79 (m. Bildn.). -j-1962, Mai 31, Woking, Surrey.

Physical Bey. Dispersion of electric double Nekr. F . G. M a n n , Proc. chem. Soc., Lonrefraction and ordinary dispersion in liquids: don 1963, 122 f. - N a t u r e [London] 195 ('62) 29 ('09) 525-40. — Electric double refraction 121. in liquids: (N. S.) 6 ('15) 180-83. W . List of German books on chemical a n d Proc. amer, philos. Soc. Geomagnetic obsercognate subjects, published 1939-1946 (m. A. vatories and instruments: 84 ('41) 239-55. E. Cummins) (London '47) 19 S. Publ. Bur. centr. séismol. int., Sér. A ReAnales Farm, y Bioquim. [Buenos Aires] p o r t of the Section of Seismology of the Ameriproperties of can Geophysical Union to the Association of Preparation and physiological 8 Seismology of the International Union of Geo- alkyl fluorophosphonates ) : 18 ('47) 33-40 [ ]. desy a n d Geophysics, 1933 10 ) 13 ) 14 ) : 10 ('35) 54J. chem. Soc., London The action of chlor 76. — Recherches à la plate-forme d'essai sur les amine-T on disulphides containing the S-S 10 séismomètres téléséismiques ) : 16 ('37) 165- linking 1 ): 1932, 2087. - The chlorination of 99. — Le séismomètre Galitzine; sur les di- iodophenols, 5: m-Iodophenol 2 ) : 2857-60. — vergences entre la théorie de Galitzine et les /J,|S', l 8"-Trichlorotriethylamine 7 ) : 1935,1217 f. résultats expérimentaux d ' u n séismomètre — Some u n s a t u r a t e d sulphides derived from Wilip-Galitzine 10 ) : 200-07. the chloroethylenes 5 ) : 1937, 767-70. - Preparation of nitroethane 8 ) 1 0 ) : 1944, 24 f. — Special Pulbl., U. S. Coast and geodet. Sur- Esters containing phosphorus, l 8 ) 9 ): 1945, vey E a r t h q u a k e investigations in California: 380-82; ~ 2 4 ) 8 ) : 873 f.; ~ 3 8 ) 9 ): 921 f . - S y n Strong-motion program and tiltmeters 3 ) 8 ) : 201 thesis of cardiazole (pentamethylenetetraz('36) 4-30. — Selection, installation, and oper- ole) by the action of hydrazoic acid on cycloation of seismographs: 206 ('36) 43 S. - The hexanone 3 ) 8 ) : 929. — New organic sulphur determination of t r u e ground motion f r o m vesicants, 4 : l,2-Di(2'-chioroethylthio)ethane seismograph records 6 ) 7 ): 260 ('49) 52 S. — and its analogs 6 ) 11 ) 12 ) : 1948, 44-46. Magnetic observatory manual: 283 ('52) 232 S. Nature [London] Alkyl fluorophosphoTerrestrial Magnetism and atmospher.Electr. nates : Preparation and physiological properImprovements in magnetic instruments and ties 8 ): 157 ('46) 287-89. - Alkyl fluorophosmethods adopted by the Coast and Geodetic phonates 8 ) : 776 f. — Fluoroacetates and alSurvey: 37 ('32) 321-28. lied compounds 8 ): 158 ('46) 382-85. - Toxic 8 Trans, amer, geophysic. Union Strong- organo-lead compounds ): 159 ('47) 491-94. motion seismograph equipment and installa- Mit: ') J. R. Alexander; ') S. Buchan; ») N. B. tions: 14 ('33) 268-72. - Analysis of rates of Chapman; 4) H. G. Cook; «) N. W. Cusa; •) E. J. rotation of recording drums 1 ): 324-29. — Im- Gasson; ') D. Purdie; s ) B. C. Saunders;1!») G. J . Stacey; ") F. Wild; " ) A. H. Williams; ) F. N. proved instruments and methods for magnet- Woodward. ic measurements: 17 ('36) 170-72. — The application of new instruments to magnetic V I McCONNELL, Albert Joseph. Math., field work 4 ): 20 ('39) 364-66. - Report of the Special Committee on Time Signal Service : 21 Naturphilos., theoret. Physik. — 1928 ('40) 723; 22 ('41) 562; 23 ('42) 724; 24 ('43) Dr., Univ. Roma; '27-30 Lecturer Math, 310; 26 ('44) 370. - The seismological installation at the South Dakota State School and '52- Provost of Trinity College, '29 of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Sc.D., '30-57 Prof., Univ. of Dublin; '49 Dakota 2 ) 9 ): 309-13. — A general-purpose vi- Special Lecturer, Univ. of London. — bration-meter 6 ): 313-15. — A two-component Hon. D.Sc. (Queen's Univ. of Belfast) ; shock recorder: 29 ('48) 461-63. Mit: A. Blake; ! ) R. E. Gebhardt; ') N. H. Heck; *) J. W. J o y c e ; ') J. H. Nelson; •) F. Neumann; ') A. C. Ruge; ') F. P. Ulrich; •) D. Wark; 10) F. Wenner; " ) J. A. Fleming; 1! ) H. F. John1 ston; ») F W. Lee; " ) J. B. Macelwane.

Hon. Sc.D. (Columbia Univ., New York). ( B )

*1903, Nov. 19.

Zur Biogr. Nature [London] 169 ('52) 691.


McConnell — McCrea

MH. The mathematical papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton 2: Dynamics (Cambridge '40) (Cunningham memoirs, 14). W . Application of tensor analysis [Unveränderte Neuaufl. von: Applications of the absolute differential calculus] (New York-London-Toronto '57) 12 + 318 S.; russ.: (Moskva '63) 411 S. Advancement Sei. William Rowan Hamilt o n : 14 ('58) 323-32. Communications Dublin Inst, advanced Studies, Ser. A Introduction to the group theory of elementary particles: 16 ('65) 111 S. Proc. roy. irish Acad. On the determination of Hamilton's principal function 1 ): 41 ('37) Sect. A, 18-25. —The Dublin mathematical school in the first half of the nineteenth cent u r y : 50 ('45) Sect. A, 75-88. - The hypercircle method of approximation for a system of partial differential equations of the second order: 54 ('51) Sect. A, 263-90. Mit: ') A . W . Conway. V VI

' McCOY, Herbert N e w b y . Chem. (anorg.). - 1901-03 Instructor, '03-07 Assist. Prof., '07-11 Assoc. Prof., '11-17 Prof., U n i v . of Chicago, 111.; '19-23 Pres., Carnotite Reduct. Co., Chicago, 111.; ' 1 9 Vice-Pres., Lindsay Light and Chem. Co., Chicago, 111. - '37 Willard Gibbs Medal (Chicago Sect., Amer. Chem. Soc.). *1870, Juni 29, Richmond, I n d . ; f l 9 4 5 , Mai 7, Los Angeles, Cal. Zur Biogr. L. E i c h e l b e r g e r , Chemical Bull. 24 ('37) 171-74 (m. Bildn.). Nekr. Chemical and Engng. News 23 ('45) 1009 (m. Bildn.). W. Julius Stieglitz, 1867-1937, a biographical sketch (o. O., o. J.) 65 S. Chemical Bull. Europium, a rare earth element: 24 ('37) 251-54, 256-59. Inorganic Syntheses Europium amalgam: 2 ('46) 65-69. J. amer. chem. Soc. The separation of europium from other rare earths: 57 ('35) 1756. — Contribution to the chemistry of europium: 58 ('36) 1577-80. — The extraction of europium from monazite residues and the preparation of pure europium compounds: 2279-81. — An improved method of purifying europium: 59 ('37) 1131-34. - Julius Stieglitz: 60 ('38) Nr. 10, zw. S. 2568 u. S. 2569, 21 S. - The salts of europium: 61 ('39) 2455 f. — Europium and ytterbium amalgams: 63 ('41) 1622-24. — Electrolysis of rare earth acetates and separation of europium as amalgam from other rare earths: 3432 f. — Separation of ytterbium from accompanying rare earths by means of its amalgam 1 ): 64 ('42) 1009.

J. chem. Educat. A simple method of making quinone: 14 ('37) 494. — [Preparation of] p-benzoquinone: 494. Mit: ') R. P. H a m m o n d . IV

" V I McCRAE, J o h n . Chem. - 1 9 0 6 10 Governm. Analyst for the Transvaal, '10-30 Governm. A n a l y s t for Orange Free State and N a t a l , Johannesburg; '30-47 Consulting Chemist, R a n d Water Board, Johannesburg, South Africa. *1875, Juli 31, Glasgow; tZur Biogr. Chemical and Engng. News 34 ('56) 1480. W. A chronologically arranged list of people concerned in the development of chemistry (Johannesburg '51) 66 S. [daktylogr.]. Analyst Dilution process for determining hydrogen-ion concentration with one-colour indicators: 68 ('43) 183. J. south african chem. Inst. Hydrogenion concentration (pH) determination with two-colour indicators by a dilution method [,1]: 18 ('35) 62-66; Dilution method of hydrogen-ion concentration determination, 2: 20 ('37) 10 f. South african industr. Chemist Gold and alchemy [,1]: 4 ('50) 102-09; ~ 2: 122-28. VI McCREA, W i l l i a m Hunter. Math., Astron. — 1 9 2 9 - 3 2 Lecturer, Univ. of Edinburgh; '32-36 Assist. Prof., Imperial College of Sei. a n d T e c h n o l . , U n i v . of London; '36-44 Prof., Queen's U n i v . , B e l f a s t ; '44-66 Prof., U n i v . of London; ' 6 6 - Research Prof. Theoret. Astron., U n i v . of Sussex, Brighton; ' 6 1 - 6 3 Pres., R o y . Astron. Soc.; '66 Pres., Brit. Assoc. Advancem. Sei., Sect. A. — '54 H o n . D.Sc. (National U n i v . of Ireland, Dublin). — K e i t h Prize for 1939/41 (Roy. Soc. Edinburgh). (IE!) *1904, Dez. 13, Dublin. MHZ. Observatory 58 ( ' 3 5 ) - 6 0 ('37). Ue. A. U n s o l d , The new cosmos (Dorchester '69) 12+373 S. (Heidelberg science library, 5/6). S. Gas dynamics of cosmic clouds. Symposium on cosmical gas dynamics, Cambridge, Engl., 1953 (J. M. Burgers, H. C. van de Hülst) 2 (Amsterdam '55) (IAU symposium series, 2) 186-92: Motion of stars through clouds: Accretion. — Fünfzig Jahre Relativitätstheorie. Verhandlungen, Bern 1955 (Basel '56) (Helvetica physica acta, Suppl. 4) 121-24:

McCrea A time-keeping problem connected with the gravitational red-shift. — Vistas in astronomy (A. Beer) 2 (London-New York '56) (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics. Suppl. 4) 1694-701 : On the production of groups of O- and B-stars by accretion. — Proc. 5 t h Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability, University of California 1965/ 1966 8 (Berkeley, Cal.-Los Angeles, Cal. '67) 19-29: Age distribution of galaxies. — External galaxies and quasi-stellar objects. Symposium, Uppsala 1970 (Dordrecht '72) (Symposia of the International Astronomical Union, 44) 283 f. : The large-scale variations of quasi-stellar objects. W . Relativity physics (London '35) 7 + 87 S. (Methuen's monographs on physical subjects); 2 ('47); 3 (London-New York '50); 4 ('54) 7 + 87 S. — Analytical geometry of three dimensions (New York-Edinburgh-London '42) 7 + 144 S.; 2 (Edinburgh-London '47), Neudruck 2 (Edinburgh-New Y o r k ' 6 0 ) 7 + 144 S. — Physics of the sun and stars (London-New York '50) 192 S. - Cosmology (London '69) 19 S. (Sigma series of science surveys). Advancement Sel. Cosmical physics: 23 ('66/67) 379-97. American Scientist Cosmology today: 58 ('70) 521-27. Astronomical J. On the significance of Newtonian cosmology: 60 ('55) 271-74. Astrophysica norveg. The interpretation of the Schwarzschild metric and the release of gravitational energy: 9 ('64) Nr. 10, 89-94. Astrophysical J. Shock waves in steady radial motion under gravity: 124 ('56) 461-68. — Interpretation of observations of quasistellar objects: 144 ('66) 516-33. British J. Philos. Sei. On the objective of Einstein's work: 8 ('57) Nr. 29, 18-29. Ciel et Terre Origine du système solaire : 76 ('60) 369-85. — La matière interstellaire et la formation des étoiles: 77 ('61) 1-16. — Origine des amas stellaires: 167-78. Discovery Space travel and ageing 8 ): 18 ('56) 56-58. Edinburgh math. Notes W. M. H. Greaves: 40 ('56) 28-30. Endeavour Die Theorie des sich stationär ausdehnenden Weltalls: 9 ('50) 3-10. — Zum heutigen Stand der Kosmologie: 17 ('58) 5-11. Irish astron. J. The writing and cosmology of Sir James Jeans: 4 ('56) 23-28. J. London math. Soc. A theorem concerning Eddington's E-numbers: 18 ('38) 283-88. — Arthur Stanley Eddingtont 1 8 ) : 20 ('45) 239-55. - Edmund Taylor Whittaker: 82 ('57) 234-56. J. Physics, Sect. A Time measurement: Criticism of a paper by L. M. Stephenson : 4 ('71) L8-L14.


Mathematical Gaz. Operational proofs of some identities: 17 ('33) 43-45. - Mathematical and physical transactions: 18 ('34) 298 f. — A problem on random paths: 20 ('36) 311-17. — The circular points and elementary geometry: 21 ('37) 346-52. - On Newtonian frames of reference: 39 ('55) 287-91. Mathematical Notes On nets of polygons occurring in nature: 28 ('33) V I I I - X I I . Mémoires Soc. roy. Sci. Liège Notes on the Lyttleton theory of comets: (4) 13 ('53) 37790. — Formation of stars from interstellar matter: (5) 3 ('60) 332-41. Monthly Notices roy. astron. Soc. The expanding universe 12 ): 92 ('31/32) 7-12. - On Milne's theory of world structure 10 ) : 93 ('32/ 33) 519-29. — Theories of the solar chromosphere: 95 ('34/35) 80-84. - Gas motions in prominences, Wolf-Rayet stars and novae: 509-19. - E . A . M i l n e , 1896-1950 17 ): 111 ('51) 160-72. - On the effect of interstellar matter on the motion of a star 4 ) : 112 ('52) 20514. — The rate of accretion of matter by stars: 113 ('53) 162-79. - The formation of population I stars, 1: Gravitational contraction: 117 ('57) 562-78; ~ 2: The formation of molecular hydrogen in interstellar matter 1 1 ): 121 ('60) 238-51. - A transformation of the de Sitter metric and the law of creation of matter 1 ): 123 ('62) 383-90. - Extended mainsequence of some stellar clusters: 128 ('64) 147-55. — Continual creation: 335-44. Nature [London] Cosmic rays and novae: 186 ('35) 371 f., 821. - Character and causes of new stars: 136 ('35) 501 f. - Evolution of the solar system: 188 ('36) 532 f. - Note to: H. Dingle, Modern Aristotelianism: 139 ('37) 1002 f. — New views of the origin of the solar system: 156 ('45) 466-68. - Quantum mechanics and astrophysics: 166 ('50) 884-86. — The clock paradox in relativity theory: 167 ('51) 680. - Miss E. C. Higginst: 169 ('52) 178. — Newtonian cosmology: 175 ('55) 466. — — Albert Einstein*)- : 925 f. — Jubilee of the relativity theory, Conference at Berne: 176 ('55) 330 f. — Relativity and space travel : 178 ('56) 681 f. — Relativistic ageing: 179 ('57) 909 f. — The interpretation of cosmology : 186 ('60) 1035; 187 ('60) 583. - Release of gravitational energy in general relativity: 201 ('64) 589. - Why are all electrons alike ?: 202 ('64) 537 f. — The sign of the constant of gravitation: 206 ('65) 553-55. - A mechanism for radio-galaxies and quasars: 213 ('67) 239-41. — Why the special theory of relativity is correct: 216 ('67) 122-24. - The Moon and Mars: 223 ('69) 253 f. - Groups of terrestrial planets; a reply: 225 ('70) 355 f. — A philosophy for big-bang cosmology: 228 ('70) 21-24. — Doubts about Mach's principle : 230 ('71) 95-97. Observatory The solar limb effect 15 ): 57 ('34) 379-82. — An analysis of the problems of the stellar atmospheres: 58 ('35) 224 f. —



Stellar motions: 253. — The structure of a stellar atmosphere : 276 f. — The expanding universe and the spiral structure of the nebulae: 59 ('36) 19 f. - The nebular red-shift: 60 f. — The smallest star known : 64 f. — Velocities of extra-galactic nebulae: 100 f. — Density of the galaxy: 140 f. — Darkening towards the limb of a star: 174. — Kinematics and world-structure: 202-04. — Nuclear synthesis and stellar energy: 60 ('37) 172 f. - The velocities of matter ejected by novae: 277-85. — The apparent motions of solar prominences: 62 ('39) 16-21. - The size of interstellar clouds: 70 ('50) 100-03. - E. A. Milne, 18961950: 225-32. — Holmberg's theory of the recession of the nebulae: 77 ('57) 208-11. — Pre-main-sequence stars 21 ): 82 ('62) 247-50. Occasional Notes roy. astron. Soc. Stellar structure and stellar energy: Nr. 6 ('39) 78-88. Philosophical Mag. (and J. Sci.) A formal solution of differential equations by series of functions: (7) 14 ('32) 512-20. - On the interpretation of Einstein's unified field theory: 16 ('33) 707-19. — Quaternion analogy of wavetensor calculus: 30 ('40) 261-81. — Astrophysical considerations regarding Freundlich's red-shift: 45 ('54) 1010-18. Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. On the representation of Eddington's E-numbers by matrices: 35 ('39) 123-25. - The relativistic mass of a rotating cylinder 8 ): 47 ('51) 190-95. — The relativistically rigid rod»): 48 ('52) 616-24. — Energy transfer by gravitation in Newtonian theory 2 ) : 56 ('60) 410-13. Proc. Edinburgh math. Soc. The geometrical foundations of certain relativity theories: (2) 5 ('38) 211-20. Proc. London math. Soc. Boundary conditions for the wave equation 16 ) : (2) 37 ('34) 52034. Proc. physic. Soc., Sect. A A problem in relativity theory: Reply to H. Dingle: 69 ('56) 935. Proc. roy. irish Acad. Note on group theory and kinematical relativity: 45 ('38) Sect. A, 23-30. — On matrices of quaternions and the representation of Eddington's E-numbers: 65-71. — Velocity distributions in a field of force 5 ): 46 ('40) Sect. A, 91-102. - On the gravitational displacement of spectral lines: 57 ('56) Sect. A, 173-81. Proc. roy. Soc. Edinburgh On properties of null geodesies, and their application to the theory of radiation 10 ) 20 ) : 53 ('32/33) 31-47. Random paths in two and three dimensions 19 ) : 60 ('39/40) 281-98. Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A Boundary conditions for the wave equation 16 ) : 141 ('33) 216 f. — Relativity theory and the creation of matter: 206 ('51) 562-75. — Vector-tetrads and the creation of matter 1 3 ): 285 ('56) 11-22.

— Hertzian electromagnetic potentials: 240 ('57) 447-57. — A class of transformations in special relativity 3 ) 11 ): 252 ('59) 156-76. — The origin of the solar system: 256 ('60) 245-66. — Star formation with special reference to stellar clusters: 260 ('61) 152-59. - Segregation of materials in cosmogony 21 ): 287 ('65) 143-64. Pubi, astron. Soc. Pacific Empirical properties of quasi-stellar radio sources: 78 ('66) 49-56. Quarterly J. Math., Oxford Ser. On compatible differential equations and the orthogonal properties of their solutions 10 ): 4 ('33) 81-92. — Newtonian universes and the curvature of space 14 ): 5 ('34) 73-80. Quarterly J. roy. astron. Soc. Reports of meetings: 3 ('62) 3-6, 59-62, 143-48, 247 f. Evidences of evolution in astronomy: 63-80. — On the award of the Gold Medal to Professor Bengt Stròmgren: 81-83. — On the award of the Eddington Medal to Professor André Lallemand: 84-86. — Reports of meetings: 4 ('63) 1-7, 143-48, 271-74, 345 f. James Bradley, 1693-1762: 38-40. - The significance of the discovery of aberration: 41-43. - On the award of the Gold Medal to Professor Harry Hemley Plaskett: 176-79. — On the award of the Eddington Medal to Dr. Allan R. Sandage and Professor Martin Schwarzschild: 180-82. — On the award of the Jackson-Gwilt Medal and Gift to George Eric Deacon Alcock: 183 f. — Cosmology - a brief review: 185-202 (m. Bildn.). Rep. annu. Meeting, Brit. Assoc. Advancement Sci. The expanding universe: The relation of Milne's theory to general relativity: 1938, 445-48. Rep. Progr. Physics Cosmology: 16 ('53) 321-63. Revue Questions sci. Cosmology to-day: 141 ('70) 223-42 [ ]. Science [USA] Quasars: Rapid light fluctuations: 157 ('67) 400-02. — Cosmology after half a century: 160 ('68) 1295-99. Universo [México] Cosmología: 17 ('63) 163-73. World Sci. Reviews Time and space-travel : 1957, April-Nr., 3-7. Z. Astrophysik Observable relations in relativistic cosmology [,1]: 9 ('34) 290-314; ~ 2: 18 ('39) 98-115; ~ 3'): 48 ('59) 52-71. Schuster's problem for a moving atmosphere 15 ) : 11 ('35) 359-78. - The ejection of matter by novae: 14 ('37) 208-17. Mit: ») R. L. A g a c y ; ') H. B o n d i ; s ) J. Crampin; ') K. N. D o d d ; ») W. O. H. E a k i n ; •) R. F i s h e r ; ') P. S. F l o r i d e s ; •) J. M. Gilloch; ') J. E. Hog a r t h ; ") W. O. K e r m a c k ; ») D. M c N a l l y ; ") G. C. M c V i t t i e ; '•) F . I . Mikhail; ") E. A. Milne; ") K. K. Mitra; ") R. A. N e w i n g ; ") H. H. Plask e t t ; ») G. T e m p l e ; ») F. J. W. W h i p p l e ; J°) E. T. W h i t t a k e r ; ") I. P. W i l l i a m s .

McCutcheon — MacDougall VI

McCUTCHEON, T h o m a s Potter. Chem. (anorg.). — 1904-10 Instructor, '07 Ph. D., '10-22 Assist. Prof., '22-51 Prof., '51 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. *1881, Juli 27, Philadelphia, Pa.; f l 9 6 9 , März 14, Downingtown, Pa. W. General chemistry; theoretical and descriptive (m. H. Seltz, J . C. Warner) 3 (New York'39) 13 + 685 S. Analytical Chem. Separation and determination of cobalt in the presence of non-volatile radicals. Use of quaternary ammonium hydroxides 1 ): 22 ('50) 944 f. - Redox determination of tervalent and total cobalt in presence of excess tungstate 1 ): 27 ('55) 1625 f. J. amer. chem. Soc. Cupric pyrophosphate and ethylenediamine 7 ): 69 ('47) 276. - Cobaltammines and chlorostannic acid 9 ): 989 f. — Hydrogen-cycle cation exchange for heteropolyacids and salts 1 ) 4 ): 72 ('50) 2374-77. Complex acids of cobalt and chromium. The green carbonatocobalt(III) anion 9 ): 76 ('53) 1845 f. — Determination of the valence of a heteropoly anion: dodecamolybdoceric(IV) acid and its salts. Structural considerations 1 ) 3 ): 2493-95. — Some heteropoly 6-molybdate anions: Their formulas, strengths of their free acids, and structural considerations 1 ) 2 ) 10 ) 8 ): 77 ('55) 2136-42. — Heteropoly salts containing cobalt and hexavalent tungsten in the anion 1 ): 78 ('56) 4503-10. J. chem. Educat. A laminar form of the periodic table, l 11 ) 5 ): 26 ('49) 216-18; ~ 2: Theoretical development and modifications 11 ) 6 ): 248-50. Mit: ») L.4 C. W. B a k e r ; ! ) G. F o s t e r ; ') G. A. Gall a g h e r ; ) B. L o e v ; ') W. C. M a s t ; •) E. L. d'Ouv i l l e ; ') S.11 R a y m o n d ; s ) F. S c h o l n i c k ; •) W . J . S c h n e i e ; ) W. T a n ; ") A. N. W r i g l e y .

MACD0NALD, Hector Munroe. Math., Physik. - 1905-35 Prof., Univ. of Aberdeen; '16-18 Pres., London Math. Soc. - '34 Hon. LL.D. (Univ. of Glasgow). — '16 Medal (Roy. Soc. London). IV-VI


*1865, Jan. 19, Edinburgh; t l 9 3 5 , Mai 16, Aberdeen. Nekr. F. G. H o p k i n s , Proc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 153 ('35/36) 253 f. - E. T. W h i t t a k e r , J . London math. Soc. 10 ('35) 310-18; Nature [London] 185 ('35) 945; Obituary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. London 1 ('35) 551-58 (m. Bildn., Faks.). — J . A. C., Monthly Notices roy. astron. Soc. 96 ('35/36) 295 f. Zur Biogr* H. A l e x a n d e r , Hector Munroe Macdonald. The speech, delivered when Pro192 Poggrendorff


fessor Macdonald's portrait in oils was presented to him (Aberdeen '36) 11 S. (m. Bildn.). W. Electromagnetism (London '34) 15 + 178 S. Nature [London] British Association: Aberdeen Meeting, 1934: 134 ('34) 144. — Mathematical aspects of the propagation of light: 482 f. Science [USA] Theories of light: 80 ('34) 233-38. V VI

' McDONALD, John Hector. Math. — 1902-08 Instructor, '08-19 Assist. Prof., '19-27 Assoc. Prof., '27-45 Prof., '45 Prof. Emer., Univ. of California, Ber keley, Calif. *1874, Dez. 11, Toronto, Can.; 11953, Juli 4, Berkeley, Calif. Nekr. V. F. L e n z e n , T. B u c k , G. D. L o u d e r b a c k , California University. In Memoriam 1957-1959 (Berkeley, Calif. '-) 98-100. V VI

MacDOUGALL, Frank Henry. Chem. (physikal.). — 1915-17 Instructor, '17-19 Assist. Prof., '19-24 Assoc. Prof., '24-52 Prof., '52 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn, ([x]) *1883, Okt. 24, Maxville, Ont., Can. Zur Biogr. Chemical and Engng. News 35 ('57) Nr. 13, zwischen S. 50 u. 54. W. Physical chemistry (New York '36) 9 + 721 S., 2 ('43), 3 ('52) 750 S. - Thermodynamics and chemistry 3 (New York '39, London '40) 9 + 4 9 1 S. J. amer. chem. Soc. The activity of each component in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid and acetic acid 3 ): 55 ('33) 2236-49. — The kinetics of the rearrangement of a-methoxystyrene') 11 ): 4089-97. - The activity coefficient of silver acetate and silver monochloroacetate in the presence of electrolytes 10 ): 56 ('34) 368-72. — The molecular state of the vapor of acetic acid at low pressures at 25, 30, 35 and 40°: 58 ('36) 2585-91. - A study of the vapor of propionic acid at 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65°: 63 ('41) 3420-24. J. physic, (and Colloid) Chem. A discussion of Patrick and Allan's article on diffusion of electrolytes in silica gel: 38 ('34) 945-49. — The solubility of lead bromate and its activity coefficients in solutions of electrolytes'): 40 ('36) 317-31. - The solubility and activity coefficient of silver acetate in mixed solvents 2 ): 649-59. — The solubility of silver acetate in mixed solvents and the incomplete dissociation of ternary electrolytes'): 41 ('37) 417-29. — The mercurous acetate electrode 9 ): 493-98. — Bronsted's criticism of classical thermo-


MacDougall — MacDuffee

dynamics: 44 ('40) 713-15. - Solubility of silver acetate in aqueous solutions of some other acetates. Formation of diacetato-argent a t e ion 1 ): 46 ('42) 730-37. - Solubility of silver acetate in aqueous solutions of silver nitrate and of silver Perchlorate. Complex ions formed from silver and acetate ions: 738-47. — The solubility of silver acetate in mixtures of ethyl alcohol and water. Formatiqn of complex ions 1 ): 49 ('45) 245-60. — Equilibria in silver acetate solutions 9 ): 61 ('47) 1346-61. — Equilibria in solutions of silver monochloroacetate in water and in ten percent alcohol 8 ) 4 ): 53 ('49) 912-20. - Ionic equilibria in aqueous and mixed solvent solutions of silver acetate and silver monochloroacetate 12 ): 66 ('52) 1090-93.


M a c D U F F E E , Cyrus C o l t o n . Math. - 1924-29 Assist. Prof., '29-33 Assoc. Prof., '33-35 Prof., Ohio State U n i v . , Columbus, O.; '35-40, '43-61 Prof., ' 5 1 56 Chairman of the Departm. of Math., U n i v . of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ; ' 4 0 43 Prof., Hunter College of the City of N e w York ; ' 4 2 - 4 3 Vice-Pres., Amer. Math. Soc. ; '45^46 Pres., Math. Assoc. America. - '47 H o n . Sc. D . (Colgate U n i v . , H a m ilton, N . Y.). *1895, J u n i 29, Oneida, N . Y . ; f l 9 6 1 , Aug. 21, Park Ridge, 111. Todesanzeigen American math. Monthly 68

Mit: ') M. A l l e n ; •) C. E. B a r t s c h ; •) D. R. B l u m e r ; «) C. H i r a y a m a ; ' ) E. J. H o f f m a n n ; •) W. D. ('61) 1029. - Science [USA] 134 ('61) 660. L a r s o n ; ') 10W. M. L a u e r ; ') J. V. P a r k e r ; ') S. MHZ. Trans, amer. math. Soc. 41 ( ' 3 7 ) P e t e r s o n ; ) J. R e h n e r , jr.; " ) M . A. S p i e l m a n ; 49 ('41). " ) L. E. T o p o l . YI

McDOWELL, L o u i s e Sherwood. Physik. - 1 9 1 0 - 1 3 Assoc. Prof., '13-45 Prof, and Chairman of Departm. of Physics, '45 Prof. Emer., Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.; '45—46 Research Assoc., Radio Research Labor., Harvard U n i v . , Cambridge, Mass.; '44 Vice-Pres., Assoc. P h y s i c s Teachers. *1876, Sept. 29, W a y n e , N . Y . ; t l 9 6 6 , Juli 6, Wellesley, Mass. Ehrung '25 Louise S. McDowell Professor" ship in Physics, '45 Louise S. McDowell Research Fund (Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.).

W. The theory of matrices (Berlin '33) 5 + 110 S. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 2, 5), 2 (New York '47) 5 + 110 S. - An introduction to abstract algebra (New York-London '40) 7 + 303 S., 2 ('47) . . . 5(*56), »('66) 7 + 3 0 3 S. — Vectors and matrices (Ithaca, N. Y. '43) 11 + 192 S., ('61) 11+203 S. (Carus mathematical monographs, 7). — Theory of equations (NewYork-London '54) 7 + 120 S. American J. Math. On a fundamental theorem in matric theory: 58 ('36) 504-06. — Products and norms of ideals: 64 ('42) 646-52. American math. Monthly The p-adic numbers of Hensel : 46 ('38) 500-08. - What is a matrix ? : 50 ('43) 360-65. — Some applications of matrices in the theory of equations : 57 ('50) 154-61. Annalg Math. A correspondence between classes of ideals and classes of matrices 2 ): (2) 34 ('33) 313-16. - A substitute for the Euclid algorithm in algebraic fields 1 ): 36 ('35) 40-45.

Nekr. The Townsman [Wellesley weekly paper] 1966, 7. Juli. - The New York Times 1966, 8. Juli, S. 35. MH. Very high-frequency techniques (CamBull. amer. math. Soc. Matrices with elebridge, Mass. '47). ments in a principal ideal ring: 39 ('33) 564MHZ. American Physics Teacher 1 ('33)- 5 84. — A recursion formula for the polynomial solutions of a partial differential equation: 42 ('37). ('36) 244-47. — On the composition of algeS. Committee on Electrical Insulation of braic forms of higher degree: 61 (*45) 198-211. the Division of Engineering and Industrial Canadian J. Math. Orthogonal matrices in Research of the National Research Council, Report for the year 1935 (Washington, D.C. four-space: 1 ('49) 69-72. Duke math. J. Curves in Minkowski space : '36 [ ?]): The effect of frequency on the dielec24 ('57) 379-89. tric properties of glass 1 ) 2 ). Mathematics Teacher Mathematics curriAmerican Physics Teacher Physics at culum in perspective: 52 ('59) 265-67. Wellesley: 4 ('36) 57-61. Monatsh. Math. u. Physik Modules and American J. Physics Experimenting with experiments: 8 ('40) 67 f. — Two experiments ideals in a Frobenius algebra: 48 ('39) 293-313. Proc. amer. math. Soc. Families of Lorentzin adult education at Wellesley College: 12 ('44) 174. — Rochester Meeting, June 23 and ian matrices: 2 ('51) 794-97. 24, 1944: 238-40. Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. Arc lengths in Mit: l ) P . B u l l a r d ; ') M. E. W h i t n e y . special relativity: 56 ('60) 176-81.

MacDuffee - — McElvain Science [USA] The clock paradox: 129 ('59) 1359. Scripta matb. [USA] Algebra's debt to Hamilton: 10 ('44) 25-35. Trans, amer. math. Soc. Covariants of rparameter groups: 39 ('36) 71-82. Mit: ') E. D. J e n k i n e ; ! ) C. G. L a t i m e r . VI


Electrical World New England lightning checks African studies: 104 ('34) 7. Juli, 15 f. — Wave shapes of successive lightning current peaks: 113 ('40) 10. Febr., 56-59, 126 f. General Electric Rev. Lightning protection of power transformers connected to overhead circuits: 37 ('34) 364-67. - Testing with high impulse currents 9 ): 38 ('35) 126-31. — The thunderstorm 1 ): 39 ('36) 413-25. The lightning stroke: Mechanism of discharge 6 ): 487-96. — Field investigations using controlled surges 10 ): 40 ('37) 72-83. — What does industry owe the young engineer ?: 66 ('52) 58-60. J. Engng. Educat. A professional responsibility: 39 ('49) 329 f. J. Franklin Inst. Lightning to the Empire State Building: 227 ('39) 149-217. - Lightning protection since Franklin's day: 253 ('52) 441-70. Trans, amer. Inst, electr. Engr. Lightning protection for distribution transformers; field studies of lightning arrester protection, including the effect of inter-connection 8 ): 61 ('32) 239-44. - The expulsion protective gap 2 ) 7 ): 62 ('33) 884-91. - Lightning measured on 4-kV overhead circuits 4 ): 68 ('34) 33-37. — Multiple lightning strokes, 1:1633-37; ~ 2: 67 ('38) 510-12. — Discharge currents in distribution arresters, Xo): 64 ('35) 1395-99; ~ 2: 67 ('38). - Lightning to the Empire State Building: 60 ('41) 885-90. - Effect of lightning on thin metal surfaces 3 ): 61 ('42) 559-64.

McEACHRON, K a r l Boyer. Elektrotechn. — 1 9 2 2 - 3 3 Lightning Research Engr. in Charge of the Research and D e velopm. Sect., Lightning Arrester Engng. Departm., ' 3 3 - 4 0 Engr. i n Charge of H i g h Voltage Engng. Labor., '40-45 Designing Engr., Power Transformer Divis., '45-47 Assistant Works Engr., '47—49 Assistant Manager of Engng., '49-52 Manager of Engng., Transformer and Allied Products Divis., ' 5 2 - 5 3 Manager of the Labor.Engng. Departm., '53-54 Consultant, Engng. Services Divis., General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass.; ' 3 6 - 4 0 Dir., ' 4 2 - 4 4 Vice-Pres., Amer. Inst. Electr. Engrs. — '38 H o n . D. Engng. (Ohio Northern U n i v . , Ada, 0 . ) ; '48 H o n . D . Sc. (Purdue U n i v . , Lafayette, Ind.). — '31 Coffin Award (Edison Electric Inst.) ; '35 Edward Longstreth Medal (Franklin Inst., Philadelphia, Pa.) ; '49 Edison Medal (Amer. Inst. Trans, amer. Inst, electr. Engr., Part 3 Electr. Engrs.); '52 N e w England Award Lightning - a hazard to electric systems: 71 ('52) 977-82. (Engng. Societies of N e w England). Ferner ein Artikel "Lightning and light*1889, N o v . 17, Hoosick Falls, N . Y . ; ning protection" für die "Encyclopaedia Brif l 9 5 4 , Jan. 24, Pittsfield, Mass. tannica". Zur Biogr. J . B. M a c N e i l l , D. D. E w i n g , Mit: >) E. A. E v a n s ; " ) I. W. G r o s s ; » ) J. H. H a g e n Electrical Engng. [USA] 69 ('50) 200-02. - g u t h ; ') H. H a l p e r i n ; *) T. M. L i n v i l l e ; •) W. A. c M o r r i s ; ') H. L. M e l v i n ; ») L. S a x o n ; •) J. L. The national cyclopaedia of American bio- M T h o m a s o n ; 10) E. J. W a d e . graphy 46 (New York '63) 598 f. Nekr. T. E. A l l i b o n e , Nature [London] V I McELYAIN, S a m u e l Marion. Chem. 173 ('54) 381 f. - W. E. E d i n g t o n , Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 64. 1954 ('55) 35-38. - (org.). - 1 9 2 5 - 2 8 Assist. Prof., ' 2 8 - 3 3 Berkshire Evening Eagle, Pittsfield, Mass. Assoc. Prof., '33-61 Prof., '61 P r o f . E m e r . , 1954, 25. J a n . (m. Bildn.). U n i v . of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. W. Playing with lightning (m. K. G. Pat*1897, Dez. 9, Duquoin, 111. rick) (New York-Toronto '40) 8 + 231 S. S. Roger Adams symposium, University of Annual Rep. Board Regents Smithsonian Illinois 1954 (New York-London '55) 91-102: Instn. The thunderstorm 1 ): 1937 ('38) 177- The structure of nepetalic acid. 203. W . An introduction to the practice of orElectrical Engng. [USA] Lightning to the ganic chemistry in the laboratory (m. H. Ad•Empire State Building: 57 ('38) 493-505, 597. kins) 2 (New York-London '33) 9 + 2 2 4 S.; (m. — Internship for the engineering graduate: H. Adkins, M. W. Klein) 3 ('40) 2 + 2 9 4 S. 68 ('49) 485-88. - Design problems for engi- The characterization of organic compounds neering education 5 ): 69 ('50) 29-33. - In- (New York '45, '46) 9 + 2 8 2 S., 2 ('53) 303 S.; dustry solves the lightning protection problem : span.: Caracterización de los compuestos or202-05. gánicos (Madrid '53) 260 S., 2 ('60) 294 S. 192*



Anesthesiology New piperidine derivatives as local anesthetics' 3 ) 18 ) 18 ): 9 ('48) 373-80. Chemical Reviews The ketene acetals: 46 ('49) 453-92. J . amer. chem. Soc. The reaction of organic halides with piperidine, 2: Certain a-bromo/3-ketonic esters 39 ): 54 ('32) 282-89; ~ 3: Cyclohexyl bromide and the butyl bromides 31 ): 65 ('33) 1155-58; ~ 4: Bromo esters 31 ): 56 ('34) 697-700; ~ 5: Negatively substituted ethyl bromides 37 ): 62 ('40) 1435-38; — 6: Some branched chain /S-bromo esters 37 ): 143841. — The preparation of benzoylacetic ester and some of its homologs 30 ): 54 ('32) 2960-64. — The deamination of ethyl /3-methylaminopropionate 97 ): 3295-98. — The synthesis of vinylethylmalonic ester and incidental compounds 24 ): 4311-19. - The cleavage of disubstituted malonic esters by sodium ethoxide 24 ): 4319-25. — The acetoacetic ester condensation, 4: The reaction product of certain aliphatic esters and sodium ethoxide 78 ): 56 ('33) 416-21; ~ 5: The condensation of higher esters 15 ): 1697-700; ~ 6: A study of the mechanism of the reaction 25 ) 4 «): 56 ('34) 1173-78; — 7: The condensation of various alkyl acetates 38 ): 1766-69; ~ 8: The condensation of co-piperidino esters 87 ): 1806-09; — 9: The condensation of ethyl a-carbethoxy-/?-phenyl-}'isobutyrylbutyrate 25 ): 2459-63; ~ 10: The condensation of ethyl a-ethyl-a'-carbethoxyadipate 58 ): 67 ('35) 1443-45; ~ 11: The extent of the condensation of certain monosubstituted acetic esters 70 ): 69 ('37) 2007 f. Further remarks on the preparation of ketene acetal 78 ): 55 ('33) 427 f. - Hydroxy and bromo esters derived from the hydrogenation of certain co-acetyl esters 50 ): 806-08. — Piperidine derivatives, 12: Local anesthetics derived from reduction products of /S-acetylpyridine84): 816-22; ~ 13: Phenyl- and phenylalkyl-substituted piperidinopropyl benzoates 92 ): 462529; ~ 14; Local anesthetics derived from apicoline 89 ): 61 ('39) 961-64; ~ 15: The preparation of l-benzoyl-3-carbethoxy-4-piperidone; a synthesis of guvacine 83 ): 68 ('46) 1049-53; ~ 16: C-Alkylation of l-benzoyl-3carbethoxy-4-piperidone; synthesis of ethyl 3-ethyl-4-piperidylacetate (DL-ethyl cincholoiponate) 83 ): 1053-57; —17: Local anesthetics derived from substituted piperidino alcohols 18 ): 2592-600; ~ 18: The condensation of aromatic aldehydes with l-methyl-4-piperidone' 2 ): 70 ('48) 1820-25; ~ 19: Esters of substituted 4-piperidinols 72 ): 1826-28; ~ 20: Preparation and reactions of 1-methyl3-piperidone 91 ): 71 ('49) 896-900; ~ 21: 4-Piperidone, 4-piperidinol, and certain of their derivatives 55 ): 901-06; — 22: Condensation of l-methyl-4-piperidone with active methylene compounds 52 ): 72 ('50) 384-89; ~ 2 3 : Certain halogenated l-methyl-4-phenylpiperidines and related compounds 74 ): 3134-38; ~

24: l-Methyl-4-phenyl-3-piperidone and related products 49 ): 73 ('51) 448-52; ~ 25: The reaction of certain 3-substituted-l-methyl-4piperidones with organometallic compounds 29 ) 5 ): 76 ('54) 5625-33; ~ 26: l-Methyl-3-benzal4-piperidone dimer 86 ): 77 ('55) 492 f.; ~ 27: The condensation of 4-piperidones and piper idinols with phenols 12 ): 2848-50; ~ 28:1Methyl-3-alkyl-4-phenyl-4-acyloxypiperidines 9 ): 78 ('56) 3140-43; ~ 29: Octa- and decahydroisoquinolines from l-methyl-3-carbethoxy-4-piperidone 66 ): 5312-14; ~ 30: 1,4Dialkyl-4-arylpiperidines 22 ): 80 ('58) 3915-23; ~ 31: Certain 6-oxo-octahydro- and decahydroisoquinolines and related compounds 69 ): 82 ('60) 3960-66; ~ 32: Reaction of l-acyl-4-piperidones with organometallic compounds 89 ): 3966-70. — Cyclization of a series of '-dicarbethoxydialkylmethylamines through the acetoacetic ester condensation 88 ): 65 ('33) 1233-41. — 2-Methylpiperidinopropyl thiol and thionbenzoates 44 ): 2966-73. — Structure of a-benzoyl-a-bromo esters 39 ): 3372-80. — Pyrazolones derived from the carbethoxypiperidones 34 ): 56 ('34) 700-02. - The preparation of ethyl a-carbethoxy-') R. D. B r i g h t ; ") H. Burk e t t ; ») T. P. Carney; ") K. K. Chen; ») R. B. C l a m p i t t ; ") R. L. Clarke; ") D. H. C l e m e n s ; »•) H. Cohen; ") A. C. Cope; •') R. F. B. Cox; ••) M. J. Cnrry; ") W. R. D a v i e ; ") E. R. Degginger; »•) W. B. D i c k i n s o n ; '•) J. B. Dorsoh; s l ) W. Y. Drake; ") E. J. E i s e n h r a u n ; »') E. L. Engelh a r d t ; **) S. M. E. E n g l e r t ; ") B. F a j a r d o - P i n zon; »•) N. Fisher; »') E. L. F o r e m a n ; ") M. A. Goese; ") B. W. H o w k ; ") A. J e l i n e k ; ") H. G. J o h n s o n ; ") P. R. J o h n s o n ; ") G. D. J o n e s ; ") S. A. K a r j a l a ; ") R. E. K e n t ; ") E. H. Kroeker; «') D. K u n d i g e r ; ««) J. W. L a n g s t o n ; ") P. M. L a u g h t o n ; ">) E. J. L e a s e ; ") T. A. Lies; ") R. E. Lyle, jr.; ") G. R. McKay, jr.; ") W. L.McLeish; ") R. E. McMahon; ") H. F. McShane, jr.; ") A. Magnani; «•) R. P. Mariella; '•) E. R. M e i n c k e ; ") S. B. Mirviss; ") L. R. Morris; ") R. D. M u l l i n e a u x ; «•) J. W. N e l s o n ; ") A. B. N e s s ; ") M. M. Olson; ••) P. H. Parker, jr.; •') L. A. P e r e z - M e d i n a ; ") E. A. Prill; ") D. C. R e m y ; '") D. C. R o b e r t s ; ") J. R. R o l a n d ; ") K. Rorig; ") C. L. R o s e ; ") J. C. S a f r a n s k i , jr.; ") H. J. S c h n e i d e r ; '«) J. P. S c h r o e d e r ; ") S. H. Shapiro; ") A. W. Singer; ") J. M. Snell; •«) C. H. S t a m m e r ; 81) R. E. Starn, jr.; ") C. L. S t e v e n s ; •») G. S t o r k ; ") F. M. S t r o n g ; «•) B. E. T a t e ; ") R. F. T a y l o r ; •') W. B. T h o m a s ; ") - ; ") C. W. T u l l o c k ; ,0) J. T., s V e n e r a b l e ; ") J. F. V o z z a ; ") L. A. W a l t e r ; ) P. M. Walt e r s ; ») K. H. Weber; ») P. L. W e y n a ; •') E. H. P r y d e .


MACELWANE, J a m e s Bernard. Geophysik. — 1 9 2 5 - 5 6 Prof. Geophysics and Geophysic. Engng. and H e a d of the Departm., ' 2 7 - 3 3 D e a n of Graduate

School, '44 Establisher and '44-48 D e a n of the Inst, of Geophysic. Technol., ' 4 8 - 5 6 D e a n of the Inst, of Technol., Saint Louis U n i v . , Saint Louis, Mo.; '25-56 Dir. of Central Station, '26-56 Pres., Jesuit Seismol. Assoc.; '25-56 Pres., Seismol. Soc. America; '35 Vice-Pres., '36-37 Pres., Acad. Sci. of Saint Louis, Mo. ; '36 VicePres., '37 Pres., Missouri Acad. Sci.; ' 5 3 56 Pres., Amer. Geophysic. Union. — '49 H o n . Sc.D., '53 H o n . L L . D . (Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif.) ; H o n . D.Sc. (Washington U n i v . , Saint Louis, Mo.); H o n . D.Sc. (Saint Norbert's College, W e s t de Pere, Wis.); H o n . D.Sc. (John Carroll U n i v . , Cleveland, O.); H o n . D.Sc. (Marquette U n i v . , Milwaukee, Wis.). — '48 William Bowie Medal (Amer. Geophysic. Union) ; '55 Medal (Villanova U n i v . , Villanova, Pa.). *1883, Sept. 28, near Port Clinton, O.; f l 9 5 6 , Febr. 15, Saint Louis, Mo. Znr Biogr. Li O. C o l b e r t , Trans, amer, geophysic. Union 29 ('48) 303-05 (m. Bildn.). Nekr. V. T. A l l e n , Bull. amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists 40 ('56) 2038 f. (m. Bildn.). — V. J . B l u m , Trans, amer, geophysic. Union 37 ('56) 135 f. (m. Bildn.); Geophysics 2 ('57) 159-62 (m. Bildn.). - V. J . B l u m u. a., Earthquake Notes, Seismol. Soc. America, Eastern Sect. 27 ('56) 9-16 (m. Bildn.). - P. B y e r l y , Science [USA] 123 ('56) 1109. - P. B y e r l y , W. V. S t a u d e r , Biographical Mem., Nation. Acad. Sci. USA 31 ('58) 254-81 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.); Proc. Vol. geol. Soc. America 1966 ('57) 161[oder 159 ?]-63 (m. Bildn.). — Y. L a b r o u s t e , Annales Géophysique 12 ('56) 57 f. H. Jesuit Seismological Association, 19251950; twenty-fifth anniversary commemorative volume (Saint Louis, Mo. '50). MHZ. Bull, seismol. Soc. America 23 ('33) 46 ('56) Nr. 1. S. Proc. 5 t h Pacific science congress, Vancouver, Can. 1933, 3 (Toronto '34) 2365-68: The seismological work of the Jesuit Seismological Association in the United States; 253338: The structure of the outer crust of the earth in the Pacific Ocean region. — Internal constitution of the earth (B. Gutenberg) (New York '39) (National Research Council. Physics of the earth, 7) 219-90: Evidence of the interior of the earth derived from seismic sources. — A treasury of science (H. Shapley) (New York '43) 114-17: Earthquakes, what are they ? — Compendium of meteorology (T.

Macelwane F. Malone) (Boston, Mass. '51) 1312-15: Practical application of microseisms to forecasting. — Semaine d'étude sur le problème des microséismes (Roma '52): Study of small microseisms of periods three-tenths to five-tenths second. W. The Brunner focal depth-time-distance chart. A graphic chart for the determination of the focal depth, the time of occurrence, and the epicentral distance, from the seismograms of a single station (m. C. J . Brunner) (New York-London '35) 12 S. + Karte. - Introduction to theoretical seismology 1: Geodynamics (New York '36) 366 S. - When the earth quakes (New York '47) 11+288 S. Investigation of the nature and origin of micro-oscillations in the atmosphere (m. E. M. Brooks, R. R. Heinrich, J . E. Ramirez, J . D. Bledsoe, R. D. M. Clark) (St. Louis University, Institute of Geophysical Technology) (Saint Louis, Mo. '48) 15 S. — A research program on short period microseisms (m. F. Robertson, J . E. Ramirez, J . Volk, C. Kisslinger, W. F. Sprengnether, jr.) (—) (Saint Louis, Mo. '48) 10 S. — The variability of vibrations from quarry blasts (m. F. Robertson, R. R. Heinrich, V. J . Blum) ( ~ ) (Saint Louis, Mo. '48) 63 S.


tions between changing meteorological conditions and microseisms recorded at Saint Louis University: 7 ('35) 9. — A preliminary sketch of the seismic history of Missouri 2 ): 17. — William Francis Sprengnether, jr., 1909-1951: 22 ('51) 30. — Doctor Florence Robertson, 19091954: 25 ('54) 42 f. — Seismology and gravity: 26 ('55) 6 f. Engineering News-Rec. Studies of earthquake action promise better structures: 111 ('33) 779. Geophysics A research library in the geophysical field: 2 ('37) 17-20. - Geophysical education in a department of geophysics: 5 ('40) 80-90. — Fifteen years of geophysics. A chapter in the exploration of the United States and Canada, 1924-1939: 250-58. — Annual survey of geophysical education in the United States and Canada in 1948: 16 ('50) 257-63; ~ 1950-1951: 16 ('51) 511-18; ~ 1952-1953: 18 ('53) 698-701; ~ 1953-1954: 19 ('54) 549-53. Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik Re suggestions by Doctor Harold Jeffreys and others regarding P and Pg 9 ) 10 ): 40 ('33) 98.

J. appl. Physics [USA] The interior of the earth viewed in relation to earthquake causes: American Scientist The interior of the earth : 14 ('43) 131-33. 34 ('46) 177-97. Mining Engng. What differentiates the Annales Géophysique Storms and the origin geophysical engineer ?: 6 ('54) 390-92. of microseisms: 2 ('46) 281-89. Proc. amer. philos. Soc. Geophysics: 91 Bull. amer, meteorol. Soc. A survey of meteorological education in the United States ('47) 79-82. Publ. Bur. centr. seismol. int., Sir. A Long and Canada: 33 ('52) 53-55. waves: 7 ('32) 71-79. - The Wood-Anderson Bull, nation. Res. Council Definition and seismograph: 80-92. — Report of the Section classification of earthquakes: 90 ('33) 1-3. — of Seismology of the American Geophysical Tectonic earthquakes : 4-8. — Plutonic earth- Union to the Association of Seismology of the quakes : 32-36. — Impact of rock fall earth- International Union of Geodesy and Geoquakes: 37-40. — Earthquake body waves: physics, 1933 13 ) 11 ) 12 ): 10 ('35) 54-76. - Re106-15. — Reflection and refraction of earth- vised travel-time tables 3 ): 15 ('37) 3-8. quake waves: 116-20. — Earthquake surface Publ., Nation. Acad. Sci., Nation. Res. waves: 121-29. — Paths and velocities of earthquake waves in the interior of the earth : Council Sketch of the history of microseismology: 306 ('52) 3-6. — Discussion of micro130-36. seismic period spectra and related problems in Bull, seismol. Soc. America Roots of moun- the Scandinavian area: 64-66. tains or roots of continents ? : 27 ('37) 29-33. — Forecasting earthquakes: 36 ('46) 1-4. — Science [USA] The Jesuit fourth vow: The problem of microseisms and ocean storms : 75 ('32) 562. — Problems and progress on 81 f. — Study of large-scale vibrations at a the geologico-seismological frontier: 83 ('36) pumping station: 37 ('47) 1-3. 193-98. — Origin of microseisms: 104 ('46) 300 f. C. R. Séances, Assoc. Séismol., UGGI Investigation of the nature and origin of microScience and Mech. Earthquakes and sea seisms of frequency two to three cycles per waves: 17 ('46) 68 f. second at Florissant, Missouri, under contract Science in Progr. The interior of the earth: between Saint Louis University and the USA 6 ('47) 24-54. 6 4 1 Office of Naval Research ) ) ): Nr. 9bis ('49) Scientific Monthly Earthquakes - what are 25. Earthquake Notes, Seismol. Soc. America, t h e y ? : 36 ('33) 457-60. Eastern Sect. Grover, Missouri, earthquake Technical Publ., Amer. Inst. Mining and November 16, 1933: 5 ('33) 3 f. — The rela- metallurg. Engr. An arts and science curricu-


Macelwane —• Maclnnes

lum in geophysics: Nr. 1380 ('41) 1-4. - The professional training of geophysicists: Nr. 1633 ('43) 1-19. TerrestrialMagnetism and atmospher. Electr. Padre Luis Rodes, S. J . (1881-1939): 45 ('40) 87-91. Trans, amer. geophysic. Union A new table of observed travel times of earthquake waves for distances between 10° and 180° at onedegree intervals. Applicable only to earthquakes of shallow focus: 14 ('33) 307-09. — Modern trends in seismological research: 17 ('36) 23-25. — Deep focus earthquakes and their implications: 18 ('37) 41-43. - The electromagnetic microbarograph and its performance 5 ): 19 ('38) 125-28. - A seismograph for microseisms 8 ): 128 f. — Seismology in the first hundred kilometers of the earth: 21, 2 ('40) 153-55. - The Sprengnether vertical seismograph 8 ): 22 ('41) 372-74. — MacelwaneSprengnether magnetometer 8 ): 29 ('48) 638 f. — Progress report of the Jesuit Seismological Association for the year 1947*): 30 ('49) 12730; — 1949 4 ): 32 ('51) 110 f. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. Structure of the interior of the earth: 51 ('48) 143-61.

MACHADO, A l v a r o Rodrigues. P h y s i k , Meteorol., K l i m a t o l . — 1927Prof. catedrático, Univ. do Porto, Porto, Portugal. *1879, Nov. 24, S. Tiago de Lordelo, Guimaraes; f l 9 4 6 , Nov. 21. W. Guia de trabalhos práticos de física para a 6. a e 7. a classes dos liceus (Porto '32). — Observatorio meteorológico do Porto, estado actual, necessidades e aspiragoes (Porto '33) 30 S. (Observatorio da Serra do Pilar, Public a r e s ) . — Questoes de nomenclatura físicoquímica. Sinonimia científica: Velocidade, rapidez, celeridade (Porto '35). — Apéndice as LiQÓes elementares de física experimental, com questionários e exercícios de recapitulado, experimental e numéricos (Porto '36). — Guia de trabalhos experimentáis de física para o 4.o, 5.o e 6.° anos dos liceus (Porto '37). — Aditamentos as Linóes elementares de física experimental para o 7.° ano dos liceus (Porto '37). — Compendio de física para o 3.o ciclo dos liceus, com resumos das matérias do 4.°, 5.° e 6.° anos (Porto '40). — Evolugáo do estudo da física experimental na Escola Superior do Mit: >) V. J. B l u m ; ') D. C. B r a d f o r d ; ') C. G. Porto (Porto '41). D a b m ; ') R. R. H e i n r i c h ; ' ) J . E. R a m i r e z ; •) F. R o b e r t s o n ; ') —; ! ) W. F. S p r e n g n e t h e r , jr.; Anais Fac. Ci. Porto O curso de física geral ») G. J. B r n n n e r ; ">) J. S. J o l i a t ; ") F. W. Lee; experimental, numa projectada reorganizado ") H. E. McComb; Ia) F. W e r n e r . das cadeiras do Grupo de Física das Faculdades de Ciencias: Projecto do programa: VI McEWEN, H e n r y . Astron. - Stud., 1935. Revista Quím. [Porto] Disposigao de apaCollege of Sci. a n d A r t s (now R o y . Techn. relhos para a montagem e aferigáo de barómeCollege), Glasgow; 1892-1933 Construc- tros comuns: 1937. tional Engineer, Glasgow Corporat. Elect r i c i t y D e p a r t m . ; 1895-1955 Dir. of Mer- V>V1 MacINNES, D u n c a n Arthur. Chem. c u r y a n d Venus Sect., B r i t i s h Astron. (physikal.). - - 1926-40 Assoc. Member, Assoc., Cambuslang, Scotland. '40-50 Member, '50 Member Emer., Rockefeller Inst., New York, N . Y . ; '35-37 *1864, Dyke, near Forres, S c o t l a n d ; Pres., Amer. Electrochem. Soc. — '42 -j-1955. W i l l i a m H. Nichols Medal (Amer. Chem. Nekr. M. W. Ovenden, J . brit. astron. Soc.); '48 E d w a r d Goodrich Acheson Assoc. 65 ('55) 363. Medal (Amer. Electrochem. Soc.); '48 J. brit. astron. Assoc. Observations of Venus: 42 ('31/32) 105-11, 248-52, 321-25; 43 Presidential Certificate of Merit (U.S.A.). ('32/33) 50-56, 217-23, 326-31; 44 ('33/34) *1885, Márz 31, S a l t L a k e City, U t . ; 98-102; 46 ('35/36) 141-47. - Photographs f l 9 6 5 , Sept. 23, Hanover, N.H. of Venus and rotation axes: 45 ('34/35) 18593. — Mercury in 1934, 1: 268-74; ~ 2: Mer- ZurBiogr. Chemical Engng. 55 ('48) 255. curian atmosphere: 315-17; ~ 3: 46 ('35/36) Chemical and Engng. News 26 ('48) 3193. 24-26. — Mercury: 29-32. — The markings of Nekr. L. G. L o n g s w o r t h , T. S h e d l o v Mercury: 382-89. — Mercury in April-May s k y , Biographical Mem., Nation. Acad. Sci. 1936: 47 ('36/37) 176-83. - The terminator USA 41 ('70) 295-317 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.of Venus [,1]: 48 ('37/38) 62-71; ~ 2: 110-12. verz.). — Mercury and Venus. Physical observaS. McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and tions: 57 ('47) 139-43. — Mercury and Venus technology (W. H. Crouse) 4 (New York '60) Section reports: 59 ('49) 224; 60 ('50) 215; 61 470f.: Electrochemistry; 484-87: Electro('51) 210; 62 ('52) 252; 63 ('53) 295; 64 ('54) lytic conductance; 14 ('60) 19-22: Transfer337. ence numbers. VI

Maclnnes W . The principles of electrochemistry (New Y o r k - L o n d o n '39) 478 S., (New Y o r k '47, '61) 478 S. (Dover books on a d v a n c e d m a t h e m a t i c s , S 52). Annals New York Acad. Sci. I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e Conference on electrophoresis: 34 ('39) 107-09. — I n t r o d u c t i o n to t h e Conference on t h e u l t r a c e n t r i f u g e : 4 3 ('42) 175 f. - T h e effect of centrifugal fields on t h e electromotive force of galvanic cells: 243-51. Biographical Mem., Nation. Acad. Sci. USA Leonor Michaelis, 1875-1949:31 ('58) 282-321. Chemical Reviews Transference n u m b e r s b y t h e m e t h o d of moving boundaries. Theory, practice a n d r e s u l t s ' ) : 11 ('32) 171-230. T h e conductance of aqueous solutions of elect r o l v t e s a n d t h e interionic a t t r a c t i o n theory 1 2 ) ' ) : 1 3 ('33) 29-46. - The d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a c t i v i t y coefficients f r o m t h e potentials of concentration cells w i t h transference 2 ): 18 ('36) 335-48. — Electrophoresis of proteins b y t h e Tiselius m e t h o d 7 ) : 24 ('39) 271-87. Symposium on physicochemical m e t h o d s in p r o t e i n c h e m i s t r y : I n t r o d u c t i o n to t h e symp o s i u m : 30 ('42) 321f. Chemistry and Industry T h e synthesis of ximenynic acid 6 ) 8 ): 1954, 1112f. Circular nation. Bur. Standards A s t u d y of iodide-iodine solutions with t h e electro-motive-force centrifuge 4 ): 524 ('53) 41-50. Cold Spring Harbor Sympos. quantitat. Biol. T h e meaning a n d calibration of t h e p H scale: 1 ('33) 190-94. - The collecting n e t , 8 ( 7 ) : 219-23. — The potentials of galvanic cells w i t h liquid junctions 7 ): 4 ('36) 18-26. Colloid Chem. The electrophoretic s t u d y of proteins a n d related substances 7 ): 5 ('44) 387-411. Industrial and Engng. Chem., Analyt. Edit. A d u r a b l e glass electrode 1 ): 5 ('33) 199f. J. amer. chem. Soc. The d e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e ionization c o n s t a n t of acetic acid, a t 25°, f r o m conductance measurements 1 2 ): 54 ('32) 1429-38. — The limiting equivalent conductances of several univalent ions in water a t 25° 1 2 ) 7 ): 2758-62. - The t h e r m o d y n a m i c ionization constants of carbonic acid 1 ): 55 ('33) 2630-46. - The determination of t h e solubility of silver chloride by an electrometric titration method 2 ): 57 ('35) 459-65. The determination of activity coefficients f r o m t h e potentials of concentration cells with transference, 1: Sodium chloride a t 25° 2 ): 1356-62; ~ 2 : Hydrochloric acid a t 2 5 ° 1 2 ) : 58 ('36) 1970-72; ~ 3 : P o t a s s i u m chloride, ~ 4 : Calcium chloride 1 2 ): 59 ('37) 503-06; ~ 5 : L a n t h a n u m chloride a t 25° 1 2 ): 6 1 ('39) 200-03. - T h e t h e r m o d y n a m i c ionization constants of carbonic acid a t 38° f r o m electromotive force measurements 1 ): 57 ('35) 1683-85. - T h e first ionization constant of


carbonic acid, 0 - 3 8 ° , f r o m conductance measurements 1 2 ): 1705-10. — Transference n u m bers a n d ion mobilities of some electrolytes in d e u t e r i u m oxide a n d its m i x t u r e s with w a t e r 7 ) : 59 ('37) 1666-70. - T h e m e a n i n g a n d standardization of t h e p H scale 1 ) 1 2 ): 60 ('38) 1094-99. — Transference n u m b e r s of l a n t h a n u m chloride a t 25° b y t h e moving b o u n d a r y m e t h o d 7 ) : 3070-74. — T h e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of simple electrophoretic p a t t e r n s 7 ) : 62 ('40) 7 0 5 11. — An electrophoretic s t u d y of t h e proteins of egg white 7 ) 3 ): 2580-90. - The effect of centrifugal force on galvanic p o t e n t i a l s : (a) The transference n u m b e r s of potassium iodide, (b) The iodide-iodine ion 1 1 ): 71 ('49) 2987-92. — The p a r t i a l molal volumes of potassium chloride, potassium a n d sodium iodides, a n d of iodine in aqueous solution a t 25° 4 ): 74 ('52) 1017-20. — The p a r t i a l specific volumes, in aqueous solution, of t h r e e proteins 4 ) 9 ): 251517. — The a p p a r e n t a n d partial molal volumes of potassium iodide a n d of iodine in m e t h a n o l a t 25° f r o m density measurements 4 ): 75 ('53) 5219f. J. Bacteriol. Bacterial growth with autom a t i c p H control: (A) An a p p a r a t u s , (B) Some t e s t s on t h e acid p r o d u c t i o n of Lactobacillus acidophilus 7 ): 29 ('35) 595-607; - ^ Q u a n t i t a tive studies on t h e physiology of Lactobacillus acidophilus 7 ): 81 ('36) 287-300; Apparent o x i d a t i o n - r e d u c t i o n potential, acid production, a n d population studies of Lactobacillus acidophilus u n d e r anaerobic conditions 7 ): 32 ('36) 567-85. J. chem. Physics Macroscopic space charge in electrolytes during electrolysis 1 2 ) 7 ): 18 ('50) 233 f. — A s t u d y of iodide-iodine solutions with t h e e.m.f. centrifuge 4 ): 20 ('52) 1034-38. J. electrochem. Soc. P u r e science research: 94 ('48) 6 1 N - 6 3 N . - J o s i a h Willard Gibbs a n d T h e Hall of F a m e : 102 ('55) 249C. J. exper. Medicine Electrophoretic p a t t e r n s of n o r m a l a n d pathological h u m a n blood serum a n d plasma 7 ) 1 2 ): 70 ('39) 399-413. An electrophoretic s t u d y of nephrotic sera a n d urine 7 ): 71 ('40) 77-82. J. Franklin Inst. T h e conductance of aqueous solutions of electrolytes: 225 ('38) 661-86. J. gen. Physiol. An electrophoretic s t u d y of mixtures of ovalbumin a n d y e a s t nucleic acid 7 ): 25 ('41/42) 507-16. J. physic. Chem. I o n conductances in w a t e r m e t h a n o l mixtures 7 ): 43 ('39) 239-46. - T h e electromotive-force centrifuge; f a c t o r s affecting precision 6 ): 61 ('57) 657-61. — A redet e r m i n a t i o n of t h e value of t h e F a r a d a y w i t h t h e iodine coulometer, 1: A precision constantcurrent apparatus 1 3 ) 1 0 ): 662-64. Nature [London] Limiting mobilities of some monovalent ions a n d t h e dissociation constant of acetic acid a t 25° 12 ) 7 ): 130 ('32) 774f.


Maclnnes — McKee

Proc. amer. philos. Soc. The electromotiveforce centrifuge, the development of a tool for research: 97 ('53) 51-55. Review sci. Instruments The use of stroboscope patterns in the determination of speeds of rotation: 14 ('43) 14-16. — An apparatus for determining the effect of centrifugal force on the potentials of galvanic cells11): 20 ('49) 52. — A magnetic float method for determining the densities of solutions 4 ) 11 ): 22 ('51) 642-46. Science [USA] The interionic attraction theory of electrolytes: 86 ('37) 23-29. - Electrolytic study of proteins and related substances 7 ): 93 ('41) 438. - The effect of centrifugal fields on the electromotive force of galvanic cells 11 ): 105 ('47) 636f. - Criticism of a definition of p H : 108 ('48) 693. - The electromotive-force centrifuge; factors affecting precision 6 ): 122 ('55) 877. Science in Progr. The motion of ions and proteins in electric fields: 2 ('40) 197-231. Scientific American p H : 84 ('51) 40. Suppl. Nuovo Cimento A redetermination of the value of the Faraday with the iodine coulometer 10 ): (10) 6 ('57) 232-41. Trans, electrochem. Soc. The conductance of aqueous electrolytes 12 ) 2 ): 66 ('34) 165-78. — The contribution of Josiah Willard Gibbs to electrochemistry: 71 ('37) 65-72. - The measurement and regulation of p H with the glass electrode 7 ): 73-88. Mit: l ) D. B e l c h e r ; ») A. S. Brown; •) R. K. Cannan; *) M. O. D a y h o f f 8; ' ) J. Grigor; •) R. L. K a y ; ') L. G. L o n g s w o r t h ; ) J. McLean;») G. E. Perlm a n n ; ») A. R. P r a y ; ") B. R. R a y ; ") T. Shedl o v s k y ; ") Ch.-Ch. Yang. VI

MACK, E d w a r d , Jr. Chem. - 1 9 1 9 25 Assist. Prof., '25-35 Prof., ' 4 1 - 5 6 Prof, and Chairman of the Chem. Departm., Ohio State U n i v . , Columbus, 0 . ; '35-39 Prof, and H e a d of the Chem. Departm., U n i v . of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N . C.; '39-41 Dir. of Chem". Research Educat., Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, 0 . - '44 Hon.D.Sc. (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C.); '49 H o n . D . S c . (Centre College, Danville, K y . ) . *1893, Mai 10, Goldsboro, N.C.; -j-1956, J u n i 4, Columbus, 0 . Nekr. Chemical and Engng. News 34 ('56) 3010. MHZ. J . amer. chem. Soc. 62 ('40) - 64 ('42). - J . physic. Chem. 41 ('37) - 42 ('38). W. Laboratory manual of elementary physical chemistry (m. W. G. France) 2 (New York '34) 1 1 + 3 0 4 S. - Chemistry; a textbook for

colleges (m. W. McPherson, W. E. Henderson, W. C. Fernelius) (Boston, Mass-New York '40) 8 + 762 S. - Textbook of chemistry (m. A. B. Garrett, J . F. Haskins, F. X. Verhoek) (Boston, Mass. '49) 8 + 876 S.; 2 ('56) 854 S. Chemistry for the laboratory (m. A. B. Garrett u. a.) (Boston, Mass. '51) 11+355 S. American Dyestuff Reporter Permeability of regenerated cellulose film to carbon dioxide 8 ) 10 ) 7 ): 29 ('40) 492. Industrial and Engng. Chem. The retention of glycerol and glycols by cellophane and cotton cellulose 9 ): 25 ('33) 687-92. J. amer. chem. Soc. The collision areas and shapes of carbon chain molecules in the gaseous state: normal-heptane, normal-octane, normal-nonane 6 ): 64 ('32) 888-904. - The collision area of the gaseous carbon tetrachloride molecule 11 ): 904-07. — The spacing of non-polar molecules in crystal lattices. The atomic domain of hydrogen. A new feature of structure of the benzene ring: 2141-65. — The angle between the oxygen bonds by the collision area method 2 ): 4272-77. — A copper membrane gas-molecule sieve. Callendar's theory of osmosis 12 ): 55 ('33) 1324-32. - The effect of curvature of surface on surface energy. Rate of evaporation of liquid droplets. Thickness of saturated vapor films 16 ): 314961. — The collision areas of 1,3,5-mesitylene and of the most highly branched heptanes 1 ) 2 ): 4894-97. — The structure of rubber and the mechanism of elastic stretching: 56 ('34) 275770. — The thermal decomposition of gaseous silicon tetramethyl 3 ): 59 ('37) 60-62. - Adsorption of strontium and barium ions and their exchange on hydrous ferric oxide 6 ) 4 ): 67 ('45) 1923-29. - William Lloyd Evans, 1870-1954 14 ): 77 ('55) 4949-55, 6729. J. physic. Chem. Remarks on molecular structure and van der Waals forces: 41 ('37) 221-31. Ohio J. Sci. Scaled model of a protein structure: 41 ('41) 183-89. Mit: ») W. A. E v e r h a r t ; ») W. A. Hare; •) D. F. H e l m ; ') J. L. K u l p ; ') J. D. K u r b a t o v ; •) R. M. M e l a v e n ; ') W. W. Owen; ") J. S h e r m a n ; •) R. S. S h u t t ; 10) E. S m i t h ; ") E. H. Sperry; ") D. L. Warrick; ") - ; ») M. L. W o l f r o m ; ") D. J. Woodland. VI

McKEE, R a l p h Harper. Chem. Technol. 1 8 9 5 - 9 8 Prof. Chem. and Math., Carthage College, Carthage, 111.; 1899-1901 Instructor, '01-09 Prof. Chem., Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111.; '09-16 Prof. Chem. and Chem. Engng., U n i v . of Maine, Orono, Me.; '16-17 Dir. of Research, Tennessee Cooper Co., N e w Y o r k ; '17-18 Assoc., '18-39 Prof. Chem. Engng., Columbia U n i v . , N e w York, N . Y . ;

McKee — McKeehan

'39- Consulting Chem. Engr. in cellulose in-. dustries. — '24 LL.D. (Carthage College, Carthage, 111.); '29 LL.D. (Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.); '29 Hon.Sc.D. (College of' Wooster, 0.) ; '32 Dr. nat. phil. h.c. (Univ. Tartu). - '06, '07, '21, '30 Perkin Medal (Soc. Chem. Industry, Amer. Sect.). *1874, Juni 20, Clinton, Mo. Zur Biogr. Chemical and Engng. News 30 ('52) 1123. W. Shale oil (m. anderen) Neuaufl. (New York '47) 326 S. (American Chemical Society monograph series). Industrial and Engng. Chem. Removal of fluorides from drinking water 6 ) : 26 ('34) 84951. — Use of hydrotropic solutions in industry: 38 ('46) 382-84. J. agric. Res. The solubility of casein in salts of certain organic acids, and its fractionation by means of these acids 3 ) : 57 ('38) 125-43. J. chem. Educat. Alexander Smith as an investigator: 9 ('32) 246-53. - The Chandler Chemical Museum at Columbia University 8 ) 12 ) : 11 ('34) 275-78. Paper Industry A new American pulping process: 42 ('60) 255-57, 266, 412f., 420. Paper Mill News Future research for the pulp and paper industry 10 )') 11 ) 6 ) : 49 ('54) 94, 112.

Paper Trade J. Temperature effects on equilibrium between paper moisture content and humidity») : 94 ('32) 284-86. - The rate of moisture regain in paper 9 ) : 286-88. — New process for the moisture control of paper 9 ) : 97 ('33) Nr. 6, 33-42. - Chemistry and patents: 109 ('39) Nr. 7, S. 20, 22. Papier [Paris] Influence de la température sur l'équilibre entre la teneur en eau du papier et l'humidité de l'air 9 ): 35 ('32) 743-51. Pulp and Paper Mag. Canada Comparison of wood pulping processes : 55 ('54) Nr. 2, 6466. Res. Labor: Rec. Stieglitz, the investigator : 2 ('32) 1 S. Scientific Monthly Tree crops for paper making: 35 ('32) 271-73. Trans, electrochem. Soc. A new method for electro-organic reductions 1 ): 62 ('32) 25-43. — Electro-organic oxidations in concentrated aqueous organic salt solutions : Reactions with toluene, oleic acid, benzoin, and other substances 4 ): 65 ('34) 161-70; Stability of the sulfonate solvents and the oxidation of benzal4 dehyde and benzyl alcohol ): 301-25. — Electrolytic reduction of nitro-compounds in concentrated aqueous salt solutions 2 ) : 68 ('35) 187-231.

3043 8

') W. S. J o h n s t o n ; ' ) D. McLaurin; )C. E. S c o t t ; ') J. S. G. S h o t w e l l ; ") J. G. S t r a n g e ; ") R . W h i t n e y ; ") C. B. F. Y o u n g . V VI

' McKEEHAN, L o u i s Williams. Physik. - 1927-55 Prof., '27-54 Dir. of Sloane Physics Labor., '51 Dir. of Edwards Street Labor., '52-54 Dir. of Beavertail Labor., '55 Prof. Emer., '55- Research Assoc., Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. - '27 Hon.M.A. (Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn.). — '64 U.S. Navy Meritorious Public Service Citation. *1887, Marz 31, Minneapolis, Minn.

S. Metals handbook (Cleveland, 0 . '36) 7884: Glossary of terms used in x-ray crystallography. W . Physics laboratory manual (m. J . H. Howey, C. J . Brasefield) (New Haven, Conn. '34) 7 + 110 S.; Neuaufl. (m. C. T. Lane) ('37) 7 + 110 S. — Yale science. The first hundred years, 1701-1801 (New York '47) 10 + 82 S. (Historical library, Yale Univ. School of Med., Publ. Nr. 18). - Magnets (Princeton, N . J . '67) 6 + 152 S. American J. Physics Surface energy and surface tension: 16 ('48) 187f., 356. — Teaching by publication: 19 ('51) 9-13. J. chem. Physics Consistent notation for point positions in space groups: 8 ('40) 346. — A short table of quantities used in computations for cubic space lattices: 567f. Nature [London] Gaugain-Helmholtz (?) coils for uniform magnetic fields: 133 ('34) 832 f. Physical Rev. Magnetostrain and magnetoresistance: 39 ('32) 368-71. - Mono-crystal Barkhausen effects in rotating fields 1 ): 42 ('32) 714-20. — Magnetic dipole fields in unstrained cubic crystals: 43 ('33) 913-23. - Magnetic dipole fields in dislocated cubic crystals: 92430. — Magnetic dipole energy in homogeneously strained cubic crystals: 1022-24. — Magnetic dipole energy in hexagonal crystals: 1025-29. — Magnetic quadrupole field and energy in cubic and hexagonal crystals: 44 ('33) 38-42; 52 ('37) 527. - Magnetic dipole fields in unsaturated cubic crystals: 44 ('33) 582-84. — Directions of discontinuous chanin a rotating monocrys:ges of magnetization tal of silicon iron 3 ): 45 ('34) 839f. - Surface magnetization in ferromagnetic crystals 4 ), 1: 46 • ('34) 226-28; ~ 2: 529-31. - Hysteresis 2 :losses and the area of the hysteresis loop ): 527. — Ferromagnetic anisotropy in nickelcobalt-iron crystals at various temperatures: .51 ('37) 136-39. — Magnetic interaction and resultant anisotropy in unstrained ferromagnetic crystals: 52 ('37) 18-30, 527. - Magnetic interaction in Heusler alloy: 53 ('38) 199. —

Mit: *) C. J. B r4o c k m a n ; ! ) B. G. 5G e r a p o s t o l o u ; •)S. P. Gould; ) J. R . H e a r d , jr.; ) W. van Horn; :


McKeehan — McKenzie

Magnetic interaction in homogeneously strained ferromagnetic crystals: 301-07. — Magnetic interaction in pyrrhotite and in magnetite: 307-09. - "Radio":64('38)232. - Ferromagnetic anisotropy in nickel-iron crystals. Evidence for superstructure near Ni 3 Fe 5 ): 55 ('39)505. — Ferromagnetic anisotropy in bodycentered cubic iron-nickel alloys: 57 ('40) 246. — Optical and magnetic properties of magnetite suspensions. Surface magnetization in ferromagnetic crystals: 1177f. —Magnetic dipole fields in unstrained cubic crystals: 72 ('47) 78. - Ferromagnetic block: 79 ('50) 739. Physical theory of ferromagnetic domains: 745. — Magnetostrictive vibration of prolate spheroids: Analysis and experimental results 1 ) 8 ): 84 ('51) 957-63; Ni-Fe and N i Cu alloys 8 ): 86 ('52) 898-904.

Mit: ') F. J. Beck, jr.; 2) R. M. B o z o r t h ; s ) R. F. Clash, jr.; ') W. C. Elmore; ') E. M. Grabbe;") H. J. Höge; ') J. D. K l e i s ; ») J. S. K o u v e l i t e s ; ») R. G. P i e t y . v VI

> MCKENZIE, A l e x a n d e r . Chem. - 1914-38 P r o f . , '39 P r o f . E m e r . , U n i v . College, D u n d e e , U n i v . of S a i n t Andrews. '39 H o n . L L . D . (Univ. of S a i n t Andrews, Fifeshire). *1869, Dez. 6, D u n d e e , S c o t l a n d ; •(•1951, J u n i 11, Barnhill, n e a r D u n d e e .

Zur Biogr. Nature [London] 141 ('38) 320; 144 ('39) 660. Nekr. D. H. E v e r e t t , Nature [London] 168 ('51) 143f. - J . R e a d , R. R o g e r , ObitPhysics today Ferreting out facts on ferro- uary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. London 8 magnetism: 3 ('50) Nr. 10, 12-15. - Do it ('52/53) 207-28 (m. Bildn., Faks. u. Schr.yourself: 9 ('56) Nr. 10, 16-18. verz. 122 Nrn.). — H . W r e n , J . chem. Soc., Review sci. Instruments Compound com- London 1952, 270 f. pass for drawing arcs of great radius: (N.S.) Angewandte Chem. Über asymmetrische 3 ('32) 52-54; 5 ('34); 333. - Pendulum magne- Synthese und ihre Entwicklung: 45 ('32) 59tometer for crystal ferromagnetism [,1]: 265- 65. 68; ~ 2 9 ) 7 ): 7 ('36) 494-97. - An illuminator Ber. dtsch. chem. Ges. Pinakolin-Desamifor printing Laue photographs. Supplementary note: 6 ('35) 329. — Combinations of cir- nierung, 1: Einwirkung von salpetriger Säure von der a-Aminocular currents for producing uniform magnetic auf Aminoalkohole, die sich 12 fields: 7 ('36) 150-53. - Combinations of cir- hydratropasäure ableiten ): 65 ('32) 209-18; cular currents for producing uniform magnetic ~ 2: Einwirkung von salpetriger Säure auf 10 field gradients: 178f. — A method for improv- vom Isovalin abgeleitete Aminoalkohole ): Benzoinen abgeing the uniformity of the central magnetic 1358-62. — Von gemischten 7 field in a thick solenoid: 10 ('39) 371-73. - leitete Aminoalkohole ): 794-98. — Über die Einwirkung von salpetriger Säure auf Salze Approximations to a uniform magnetic field. 7 9 Roots of Legendre polynomials of even order: des nor-( + )-ps-Ephedrins ) ): 798-807. Untersuchungen in der An19 ('48) 475. — Magnetostrictive vibration of Stereochemische 13 prolate spheroids. Preliminary measure- isoin-Gruppe ): 69 ('36) 861-75. - Versuche über die Waldensche Umkehrung, 13: Die konments 8 ): 22 ('51) 108-11. figurative Beziehung zwischen optisch aktiScience [USA] Physical indeterminacy and vem Desylamin und Benzoin 13 ): 876-79. — philosophical determinism: 81 ('35) 514. — Isomere, optisch inaktive MandelsäuremenReappearance of an ancient absurdity regard- thylester. Eine neue Art von Racemie 7 ): ing magnets: 91 ('40) 314. — An open letter 1118-23. - Optisch aktive Methyl- und Äto the Assistant Secretary for Research and thylbenzoine 14 ): 70 ('37) 23-36. - SchmelzDevelopment, Department of Defense: 119 punktskurven der Bornylfumarate 1 ) 17 ): 163('54) 293f. 68. — Die isomeren o-Nitromandelsäuremen1 18 Technical Publ., Amer. Inst. Mining and thylester ) ): 456-62. - Einwirkung von Phenylmagnesiumbromid auf Chloracetylchlorid metallurg. Engr. Ferromagnetism in metallic 2 10 crystals: 554 ('34) 42 S. — Surface magneti- und verwandte Verbindungen ) ): 2153-60. 4 zation and block structure of ferrite ): 656 - Die isomeren Mandelsäurebornylester 7 ): ('35) 15 S. 2161-65. — Die Malonsäurementhyl- und -bor1 3 Trans, amer. Inst. Mining and metallurg. nylester ) ): 71 ('38) 9-15. 1- 17 Über Oxalsäureund Weinsäurebornylester ) ): 16-27. — EliEngr. Ferromagnetism in metallic crystals: 111 ('34) 11-52. — Surface magnetization and minierung der Aminogruppe aus tertiären block structure of ferrite 4 ): 120 ('36) 236-52. Aminoalkoholen, 9: Die Semipinakolin-Desaminierung von isomeren oc- und /5-AminoTrans, amer. Soc. mech. Engr., Ser. E Funi- alkoholen 20 ): 358-65. — Die isomeren Dicular polyhedra: 30 ('63) 219-24. phenyldimethylbernsteinsäuren 14 ): 643-47. — Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom., Kristallphy- Die optische Aktivierung1 6von Traubensäure sik, Kristallchem. Note on MgZn and MgZn 5 : durch ( + )-Citramalsäure ) ): 1210-13. - Die 1 91 ('35) 501-03. - Etch planes of tin 6 ): 92 isomeren racemischen /S-Methyläpfelsäuren ): 1214r-17. ('35) 476-78.

McKenzie — McKeown Biochemische Z. Studien über asymmetrische Synthese, 11: Eine neue Methode zur Gewinnung einer optisch reinen Verbindung 1 5 ): 250 ('32) 376-84; ~ 12: Die asymmetrische Synthese von Phenyl-p-tolylglykolsäure und von Methyl-p-tolylglykolsäure 3 ): 277 ('35) 426-36. — Die Aktivierung von Traubensäure durch optisch aktive Äpfelsäure 3 ): 122-28. Ergebn. Enzymforsch. thesis: 5 ('36) 49-78.



J. ehem. Soc., London The dehydration of the «-forms of r- and ( + )-p-tolylhydrobenzoins 16 ) 8 ): 1932, 2597-604. - James Wallace Walker: 2993-96. - The isomeric ( - ) - m e n thyl-a-naphthylglycolates 4 ): 1983, 32-37. Experiments on the Waiden inversion, 12: The displacement of hydroxyl by chlorine in the optically active ethyl-a-naphthylglycolates 4 ): 705-14. — Optically active mixed benzoins derived from ( + )-mandelonitrile 6 ): 1984, 41218. — Optically inactive bornyl fumarates 1 ): 711-15. — The resolution of DL-menthyl-(-)mandelate 7 ): 715f. — The action of optically active alcohols on ketens 3 ): 1070-75. — Optical activity in the indole group 18 ): 1935, 10411. — The resolution of tertiary hydroxycarboxylic acids 3 ) 14 ): 153-55. — The question of intramolecular asymmetric induction 2 0 ): 1939, 1536-44. — The action of Grignard reagents on methyl r-tropate and on methyl atropate 1 9 ): 1940, 840-44. — The isomeric mandelohydrazones of benzoin 7 ): 1941, 647-52.


Chemistry and Industry A century-old chemical balance: 1936,435f. — The sad story of Dr. Samuel Brown and his alleged transmutation of carbon into silicon: 1945, 290-92. — The life and work of Alexander Crum Brown, M.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.: 1949, 461-63. J. chem. Educat. The Chair of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh in the XVIIIth and XlXth centuries: 12 ('35) 503-11. J. chem. Soc., London Alexander Charles Cummingt 1 ): 1941, 54f. - Harold Gordon R u l e f : 1943, 500f. - Marc Tiffeneau, 18731945: 1949, 1668 f. Proc. roy. Soc. Edinburgh The diffusion coefficients of bromine-hydrogen, bromine-nitrogen, bromine-oxygen and bromine-carbon dioxide 2 ): 52 ('32) 337-44. - The diffusion coefficients of bromine-argon, bromine-methane, bromine - hydrogen chloride, bromine nitrous oxide 2 ): 53 ('33) 255-59. Recueil Trav. chiin. Pays-Bas An examination of the crystallography and certain other physico-chemical properties of potassium lead copper hexanitrite 3 ): 57 ('38) 1211-17. Mit: ») L. D o b b i n ; Smith.


) H. W. M e l v i l l e ;


) R . L.

MACKENZIE, A r t h u r S t a n l e y . Physik. 1 8 9 1 - 9 4 Assoc., 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 0 5 Prof., B r y n Mawr College, B r y n Mawr, P a . [nicht J o h n s H o p k i n s U n i v . , wie in Nature [London] Marc Tiffeneau f : 156 ('45) 656. - T. S. Patterson f : 163 ('49) 433. V I angegeben]; ' 1 1 - 3 1 Pres., Dalhousie U n i v . , H a l i f a x , N . S . , Can. ( E ) s

Mit: E. B. A b b o t ; ) J. S. W. B o y l e ; ') E. W. C h r i s t i e ; 4 ) E. R. L. G o w8; ' ) A. L. K e l m a n ; ' ) E. A. K i d n e y ; ') E. M. L u i s ; ) W. B. M c K a y ; ») A. G. M i t c h e l l ; 10) W. M i t c h e l l ; ") - ; ") J. R. M y l e s ; ") D. J. C. P i r i e ; ») A. R i t c h i e ; l s") P. D. R i t c h i e ; ") R. R o g e r ; ") J. D. M. R o s s ; ) P. A. S t e w a r t ; ") E. R . W i n t o n ; ») A. D. W o o d .

MACKENZIE, John Edwin. Chem. — 1 9 0 8 - 2 4 Lecturer, ' 2 4 - 3 8 Reader, ' 3 8 - 5 5 Reader Emer., U n i v . of Edinburgh ; '39—49 Curator of the Library and Museum, R o y . Soc. E d i n b u r g h ; '39-51 Representative of the R o y . Soc. Edinburgh on the Board of Governors; '52 H o n . Fellow, H e r i o t - W a t t College, Edinburgh. IV-VI

*1868, Aug. 31, Helensburgh, Scotland; t l 9 5 5 , Febr. 5, Edinburgh. Nekr. T. R. B o l a m , J. chem. Soc., London 1955, 3565. - J. K e n d a l l , Yearb. roy. Soc. Edinburgh 1954/55 ('56) 41-43. W. Salts and their reactions; a class-book of practical chemistry (m. L. Dobbin) ^Edinburgh '36) 9 + 246 S., '('44) 9 + 2 4 6 S.


*1865, Sept. 20, Picton, N.S., Can.; 11938, Okt. 2. Todesanzeigen Nature [London] 142 ('38) 636. - Science [USA] 88 ('38) 319. VI

McKEOWN, A n d r e w . Chem. (physikal.). - 1927 D.Sc., U n i v . of B e l f a s t ; ' 2 1 - 4 0 Lecturer, U n i v . of Liverpool. *1900, Apr. 12, Kilwaughter, Northern Ireland; f l 9 4 0 , Sept. 6, Liverpool. J. amer. chem. Soc. The reactivity of hydrogen peroxide in bromine-bromide solutions 4 ): 58 ('36) 2555-58. Trans. Faraday Soc. The bromine-bromidetribromide equilibrium 4 ) 7 ): 28 ('32) 101-07. The kinetics of the bromine-oxalate reaction 4 7 ) ):107-26. - The kinetics of t h e oxidation of oxalic acid by chlorine 4 ): 518-22. — The kinetic of the iodine-oxalate reaction 4 ): 752-60. — Photo-reactions of oxalates with bromine and with iodine, 1: Experimental 4 ) 7 ): 29 ('33) 369-86; ~ 2: Theoretical 4 ) 7 ): 386-95. - The thermal reactions of phosphorous acid with bro-


McKeown — McLachlan

mine and with chlorine 4 ): 611-18. — Reactions of hypophosphorous acid with bromine and with chlorine 4 ): 30 ('34) 530-39. - Kinetics of the reaction between potassium thiocyanate and iodine in aqueous solution 4 ): 31 ('35) 868-75. — Kinetics of the nitrite-iodine reaction 3 ) 4 ): 32 ('36) 999-1013. - The kinetics of reactions of cyanogen halides with bases in aqueous solution 4 ) 6 ): 34 ('38) 316-25. - The photo-reactions of nitrites with iodine, l 3 ) 4 ): 389-400; ~ 2 3 ) 4 ): 400-10. - Kinetics of the nitritebromine reaction 2 ) 4 ): 1274-82. — Photo-reaction between bromine and hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution 1 ) 4 ): 36 ('39) 412-20. — Photo-oxidation of the nitrite ion by bromine 1 ) 4 ): 559-68. — Kinetics of the reaction of iodine with hypophosphorous acid and with hypophosphites 4 ) 6 ): 36 ('40) 752-66. - Kinetics of the reaction of iodine with phosphorous acid and with phosphites: 766-79. Mit: A. E. C a l l o w ; 2) L. S. C l a r k s o n ; ») G. G. D u r r a n t ; •) R. O. G r i f f i t h ; s ) R. S. J o b i u ; •) R . P . T a y l o r ; ') A. G. W i n n . VI

McLACHLAN, N o r m a n William. Physik (techn.), Math. — 1931- Radio and Acoustical Consulting Engineer, London. (g|) *1888, Juli 26, Longtown, England.

S. Wave motion and vibration. Proc. St11 Symposium in applied mathematics, New York 1954 (A. E. Heins) (New York-LondonToronto '54) 49-61: On a non-linear differential equation in hydraulics. — Proc. Symposium on non-linear circuit analysis, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1956 (Brooklyn, N.Y. '57) 23-39: Engineering applications of non-linear theory. W. Bessel functions for engineers (New York-Oxford-London '34) 12 + 192 S.; 2 (New York-Oxford '55), Neudruck (Oxford '61) 12 + 239 S. — Loud speakers; theory, performance, testing and design (Oxford-LondonNew York '34) 12+399 S., Neuaufl. (New York '60) 12+399 S. - Elements of loud speaker practice (NewYork-London-Oxford '35) 8 + 160 S. — Noise. - A comprehensive survey from every point of view (NewYorkLondon '35) 6 + 148 S. — The new acoustics. A survey of modern development in acoustical engineering (London-NewYork '36) 6 + 166 S. — Complex variable and operational calculus, with technical applications (Cambridge '39, New York '42) 14+355 S.; 2. Aufl. u. d. T.: Complex variable theory and transform calculus, with technical applications 2 (Cambridge '53) 11 + 383 S., Neudruck (London-Cambridge '63) 388 S. — Formulaire pour le calcul symbolique (m. P. Humbert) (Paris '41) 68 S.; 2 ('50) 68 S. (Mémorial des sciences mathématiques, fase. 100); ~ Supplement (m. P. Humbert, A. L. Poli) ('50) 63 S. ( ~ 113). Theory and application of Mathieu functions

(New York-Oxford '47) 414 S., Neudruck ('64) 12+401 S.; russ.: (Moskva '53) 474 S. - Modern operational calculus; with applications in technical mathematics (NewYork-London '48) 14 + 218 S.; 2('62) 14+218 S.; Neuaufl. u. d. T.: Laplace transforms and their applications to differential equations ('70) 218 S. — Ordinary non-linear differential equations in engineering and physical sciences (NewYorkOxford'50) 6 + 2 0 1 S.; 2 ('56) 10 + 271 S., Neuaufl. ('58) 8 + 2 7 1 S. - Theory of vibrations (New York '51) 6 + 154 S., Neudruck (London '56). Annalen Physik Verteilung der Schallstrahlung von Kreisscheiben mit Knotenlinien: 15 ('32) 422-39. - Die ausgestrahlte Schalleistung von Kreisscheiben mit Knotenlinien: 440-54. Electrical Eev. Radio loud speakers: 110 ('32) 115-. Elektrische Nachr.-Techn. Über die Bildung von Kombinationstönen in sich ausbreitenden Schallwellen endlicher Amplitude 3 ): 12 ('35) 259-71. — Die Wiedergabe von Ausgleichsvorgängen durch einen Trichterlautsprecher 2 ): 13 ('36) 251-59. J. acoust. Soc. America The stretched membrane electrostatic loudspeaker: 6 ('33) 16771. — Sound waves of finite amplitude in an exponential horn 1 ): 6 ('35) 275-78. J. appl. Physics [USA] Computation of the solutions of ( l + 2 e cos 2z) y" + @y = 0; frequency modulation functions: 18 ('47) 723-31. J. Franklin Inst. On a formula of Rayleigh for velocity potential 2 ): 223 ('37) 501-08. J. Math, and Physics Mathieu functions and their classification: 25 ('46) 209-10; 26 ('47) 78. — Mathieu functions of fractional order: 29-41. Mathematical Gaz. Bessel functions for engineers: 19 ('35) 215-17. — A short solution of the plane wave equation

= i ox2 c 2 at2 20 ('36) 339. - A note on Bessel's function of order zero: 21 ('37) 229f. - Submarine cable problems solved by contour integration: 22 ('38) 37-41. — Historical note on Heaviside's operational method: 255-60, 485. — Application of the Mellin inversion theorem to impulses: 23 ('39) 270-77. - A general theorem in Laplace transforms: 30 ('46) 85-87. — Periodic solution of a certain non-linear differential equation: 32 ('48) 64-66. - Nonlinear differential equation having a periodic coefficient: 35 ('51) 32-36. — Application of Mathieu's equation to stability of non-linear oscillator: 105-07. — An oscillation problem involving elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds: 38 ('54) 141 f. — Two theorems on ordinary non-linear differential equations: 39 ('55) 200-02.

McLachlan — McLaughlin, Dean Nature [London] Air column resonances and symmetrical modes of truncated conical shells (loud speaker diaphragms): 129 ('32) 202 f. Philosophical Mag. (and J. Sci.) Additional experiments on moving-coil reproducers and on flexible disks: 13 ('32) 115-43. - The distribution of sound radiation from a sphere vibrating in various ways; with applications to loud speaker diaphragms: 14 ('32) 747-58. — The acoustic and inertia pressure at any point on a vibrating circular disk: 1012-25. — Accession to inertia of and power radiated by a sphere vibrating in various ways; with applications to hornless loud speakers: 15 ('33) 443-72. — The polar form of the ker and kei functions, with applications to eddy current heating 3 ): 18 ('34) 610-24. - Eddy current loss in tube in axial alternating magnetic field 3 ): 19 ('35) 846-49. - The ster and stei functions 3 ): 21 ('36) 425-36. - Integrals involving Bessel and Struve functions 3 ): 437-48. — Reproduction of transients by a television amplifier: 22 ('36) 481-91. - Contour integral expressions for Bessel functions 3 ): 23 ('37) 762-74. — Operational forms for Bessel and Struve functions 3 ): 918-25. — Fourier expansions obtained operationally: 24 ('37) 1055-58. - Operational systems: 25 ('38) 259-69. — Operational forms and contour integrals for Bessel functions with argument a f < 2 - 6 2 : 26 ('38) 394-408. Operational forms and contour integrals for Struve and other functions: 457-73. — Operational form oif(t) for a finite interval with application to impulses: 695-704. — Computation of the solution of Mathieu's equation: 86 ('45) 40314. — Heat conduction in elliptical cylinder and an analogous electromagnetic problem: 600-09.


valve oscillators: 439-44. — Damping of lowfrequency oscillations in a M.C. loud speaker: 559-63. — Mathieu's equation and the M.C. loudspeaker: 573f. — Methods of investigating the vibrational frequencies of conical shells and loud speaker diaphragms: 626-28. — Sound distribution from a horn: 10 ('33) 26f. — Vibrations of a coil-driven paper cone: 204. — On the amplitude of loud speaker diaphragms at low frequencies: 375-80. — Distortion in public address loud speakers: 11 ('34) 26f. — Low frequency distortion in horn speakers due to medium 1 ): 423f. — Symbolism in electro-acoustics: 487-89. — Bessel functions for engineers: 12 ('35) 258f. — Sound waves of finite amplitude: 582-87. — Reproduction of transients by television amplifiers: 13 ('36) 519-23. - Behaviour of the output circuit to transients: 630-33. — Reproduction of transients by a horn loud speaker: 14 ('37) 168-74. - Energized loud speaker magnets: 359-62. Wireless World Noise. The peculiarities of the human ear: 30 ('32) 514-16. - Tone correction and distortion: 602-04. — The loudness of sound. The sensitivity limits of the human ear: 31 ('32) 78-80. - Sound intensities: Volume level and the loud speaker: 419f. — Loud speaker baffles (Fundamental principles): 37 ('35) 296-99. Einige weitere Aufsatze in dieser Zeitschrift. M i t : S . G o l d s t e i n ; ! ) A. T. M c K a y ; s ) A . L . M e y ers. VI

MCLAUGHLIN, D e a n Benjamin. Astron., Geol. - 1927-34 Assist. Prof., '34—41 Assoc. Prof., '41-65 Prof., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. *1901, Okt. 25, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Proc. Cambridge philos. Soc. Transient osfl965, Dez. 8, Ann Arbor, Mich. 2

cillations in a loud-speaker horn ): 32 ('36) 265-75. Proc. physic. Soc. The effective mass of flexible disks and conical diaphragms used for sound-reproduction: 44 ('32) 88-100. - On the symmetrical modes of vibration of truncated conical shells; with applications to loudspeaker diaphragms: 408-25. — The axial sound-pressure due to diaphragms with nodal lines: 540-45. — The accession to inertia of flexible disks vibrating in a fluid: 546-55. — Spherical sound-waves of finite amplitude 3 ): 47 ('35) 644-56. Quarterly appl. Math. Vibrational problems in elliptical coordinates: 6 ('47) 289-97. Wireless Engr. Influence of valve resistance in oscillation generators: 9 ('32) 130-, 319. — The loud speaker coil of optimum mass: 151. — Electro-mechanical rectification: A moving-coil L. S. phenomenon: 329f. — On the frequencies of double circuit screen-grid

Nekr. G. L a r s s o n - L e a n d e r , Popular astron. Tidskr. 47 ('66) 7 9 . - B. W i l l a r d , Bull, geol. Soc. America 77 ('66) P23-P25 (m. Bildn.). - K. O. W r i g h t , Sky and Telescope 31 ('66) Nr. 2, S. 91. - Physics today 19 ('66) Nr. 1, S. 153, 155. - Publ. astron. Soc. Pacific 78 ('66) 104. MH. Stars and stellar systems 8: Stellar structure (Chicago, 111. '65). MHZ. Publ., Amer. astron. Soc. 7 ('31) - 8 ('35). S. Radar aids to navigation (J. S. Hall) (New York '47) (Radiation Laboratory series, 2) 317-53: Navigation and pilotage 7 ) 20 ) 19 ) 26 ). — Report of the International Mars Committee 1954 (E. C. Slipher, A. G. Wilson) (Flagstaff, Ariz. '55) 17-23: The case for volcanism on Mars. — Vistas in astronomy (A. Beer) 2 (London-New York '56) (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics, Suppl. Nr. 4)


McLaughlin, Dean

1477-85: The spectra of novae. — Guidebook for field trips, Atlantic City meeting 1957 of the Geological Society of America (E. Dorf) (New York '57) 31-68: Triassic formations in the Delaware Valley 33 ). — The present and future of the telescope of moderate size (P. B. Wood) (Philadelphia, Pa. '58) 205-19: The present and future of stellar spectroscopy with moderate size telescopes. — Stars and stellar systems, 6: Stellar atmosphere (J. L. Greenstein) (Chicago, 111. '60) 585-652: The spectra of novae. — Some tectonic and structural problems of the Appalachian Piedmont along the Susquehanna River. Guidebook, 25th annual field conference, Oct. 1960 (D. U. Wise, M. E. Kauffman) (Lancaster, Pa. '60) 84-88: Notes on the New Oxford formation and the limestone conglomerate at Conoy Creek. - M . K a y , E. S. C o l b e r t , Stratigraphy and life history (New York '65) 66998: The origin of the earth. W . Geology of the Lebanon [Pa.] quadrangle (m. A. R. Geyer, C. Gray, J . R. Moseley) (Harrisburg, Pa. '58) Karte m. Text (Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th series, Atlas 167 C). — Geology of the Richland quadrangle (m. C. Gray, A. R. Geyer) (Harrisburg, Pa. '58) Karte m. Text ( ~ 167 D). The origin of the solar system; a review of hypotheses, past and present 2 (Ann Arbor, Mich. '59) 43 S. (Observatory of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.). — Geologic map of Pennsylvania (m. C. Gray u. a.) (Harrisburg, Pa. '60) 2 Karten (Pennsylvania Geologic Survey, 4th series). — Geologic map of the Frenchtown quadrangle, NewJerseyPennsylvania (m. A. A. Drake, jr., R. E. Davis) (Washington, D.C. '61) Karte m. Text (U. S. Geological Survey, Geologic quadrangle maps of the United States, Map GC-133). — Introduction to astronomy (Boston, Mass. '61) 8 + 4 6 3 S. A.A.A.S. Bulletin The American Astronomical Society: 2 ('43) 77f. Astronomical J. Observations of comet 1932 k (Peltier-Whipple): 43 ('33/34) 64. Visual observations of 6 Cephei: 113-19. — Visual observations of rj Aquilae: 129-34. — Visual observations of ß Lyrae: 169-75. — The recent light variations of W Cygni: 18593. — Photometric observations of variable stars: 44 ('34/35) 41-47. - The semi-regular variable RS Cancri: 49-68. — The dimensions and parallaxes of novae: 45 ('35/36) 145-49. — A note on the absorption of light in the galaxy: 51 ('45) 97-100. - The space distribution of the novae: 136-43. — The nova-like variable star HV 11976: 52 ('46/47) 109f. Observations of three novae in Scorpius 14 ): 56 ('51) 74-77. — Changes on Mars, as evidence of wind deposition and volcanism: 60 ('55) 261-70. — Spectrographs observations of comet Mrkos (1957 d) 2e ): 62 ('57) 247. - The

latest cycle of the Be shell star /31 Monocerotis: 66 ('61) 48. — Visual photometric observations of W Serpentis: 351-54. Astrophysical J. A note on the mass of 27 Canis Majoris: 75 ('32) 60-63. - A note on the periods of the Be spectrum variables H D 20336 and 5 2 j t A q u a r i i : 77 ('33) 221-25. Some spectroscopic phenomena of the eclipse of £ Aurigae: 79 ('34) 235-45. - The variable spectrum of VV Cephei: 380-94. — Variable H,* emission in e Aurigae: 82 ('35) 95. — Lines of neutral oxygen and carbon in the spectra of novae: 84 ('36) 104-10. — Recent changes in the spectrum of y Cassiopeiae: 235-38, — Notes on spectra of class Be: 85 ('37) 181-93. — A comparison of the rates of development of novae: 362-71. — The spectroscopic triple star 59d Serpentis: 88 ('38) 356-58. - A note on the spectrum and radial velocity of y Persei: 358 f. — Recent changes in the spectrum of Pleione: 622f. — The relation between absorption velocity and rate of decline for galactic novae: 91 ('40) 369-78. - The distances and luminosities of three novae: 93 ('41) 41719. — The characteristic velocity-curves of RV Tauri variables: 94 ('41) 94-98. - Spectral stages of novae: 95 ('42) 428-36. - The spectrographs orbit and light-variations of t] Geminorum 6 ): 100 ('44) 63-68. - Spectrographic observations of ft Cephei: 103 ('46) 35-40. — A new spectroscopic triple star, H D 157978-9: 105 ('47) 497. - Notes on the spectrum of 'Q Aurigae during eclipses: 108 ('48) 237-41. - 32 Cygni as an eclipsing binary: 111 ('50) 449-53. - The spectral changes of VV Cephei outside eclipse: 114 ('51) 4 7 51. — A note on the spectrum of R R Telescopii 14 ): 163 f. — Radial velocities of 31 Cygni during atmospheric eclipse: 116 ('52) 546-53. — The spectra of novae near minimum: 117 ('53) 279-91. - The red coronal line in t h e spectra of novae: 118 ('53) 27-34. - The absorption spectra of Nova Herculis. A new interpretation: 119 ('54) 124-40. — A note on the motion of auroral streamers: 120 ('54) 185. — The spectrum of the slow nova V 356 Aquilae (1936): 122 ('55) 417-28. - Neon absorption lines in a nova spectrum: 131 ('60) 739 f. — The shifting emission lines of V/R variables: 134 ('61) 1015f. - The Be spectrum variable H D 20336:137 ('63) 1085-101. - On systematic differences in radial velocities of 12-14. Arbeiten russ.

PromySlennost' org. Chim. Die Acrichinfabrikation 18 ) 32 ) 18 ): 1 ('36) 586-97 [russ.]. Sovetskaja Med. Sulfanylacetamid: 7 ('43) Nr. 5/6, S. 21 f. [russ.]. Terapevtiieskij Arch. Synthese von Antimalaria-Mitteln: 15 ('37) 693-705 [russ.]. Usp. Chim. Pharmazeutische SulfonamidPräparate: 15 ('46) 101-24 [russ.]. 2 . chim. Promygl. 10 J a h r e Arbeit an der Jodgewinnung aus Bohrwässern: 12 ('35) 39095 [russ.]. 2 . obäiej Chim. Die Bildung der mesoChloracridine und die Beweglichkeit des Chlors in meso-Stellung 18 ): 3 ('33)615-21. - Derivate des 8-Aminochinolins als Ausgangsmaterial für Antimalariapräparate, 1: Die Wirkung von Alkyl in Stellung 6 auf chemotherapeutische Eigenschaften 6 3 ): 769-81; Chinolinderivate als Ausgangsmaterial für Antimalariapräparate, 2: Der Einfluß der Kettenlänge in Stellung 8 63 ): 4 ('34) 253-68; ~ 3: Einfluß der Verzweigung der Diäthylaminoalkylkette auf den Antimalariaeffekt 6 ) 2 4 ): 1047-56; ~ 4: Verbindungen mit langen Ketten in Stellung 8 29) 44 ): 5 ('35) 1506-16; Chinolinverbindungen als Ausgangsmaterial für Heilmittel, 5: Anästhetika der ö-Alkoxy-S-aminochinoIinreihe 36 ): 7 ('37) 1557-63; ~ 6: Antimalariamittel mit einer Kette in Stellung 4 44 ): 1896-908; ~ 7: Antimalariamittel mit verzweigter K e t t e in Stellung 8 sowie die 6-Chlor- und 6-Oxy-Derivate und der Einfluß der Dimethylaminound der Aminogruppe in der Seitenkette 3 ): 8 ('38) 899-915; ~ 8: Anästhetika aus der Reihe der Amide der Cinchoninsäure 9 ) 61 ): 9 ('39) 2097-103. — Verbindungen des Pyridins mit dreiwertigem Jod 2 8 ): 5 ('35) 788-90. - Über den Mechanismus der Oxydation von o-Toluolsulfamid zu Saccharin 60 ): 920-24. - Über Derivate des 1-Methylanhydrokotarnins und ihre anästhesierende Wirkung 1 6 ): 1279-88. — Acridinverbindungen (als Ausgangsmaterialien für Antimalariapräparate), l 1 8 ): 6 ('36) 806-20; ~ 2: Cyan- und Thioverbindungen 68 ): 909-16; ~ 3: Tetrahydroverbindungen 6 8 ): 7 ('37) 842-51; ~ 4: Einfluß der Veränderung der Substituenten in Stellung 2 und 6 sowie der Amine in den Seitenketten auf die AntimalariaWirkung 18 ) 11 ): 8 ('38) 56-66; ~ 5 68 ): 11 ('41) 243-53. — ChinazolinVerbindungen als Ausgangsmaterialien für Heilmittel 1 4 ): 8 ('38) 1797-809. — Chemotherapeutische Präparate aus der Klasse der Streptocide, 1: Azoverbindungen 4 4 ): 10 ('40) 756-68. - Synthese des ß-Phenylisopropylamins (Phenamins) 1 2 ): 11 ('41) 339-43. - Über die chemische Struktur des 2-Sulfanilamidopyridins und seiner N-substituierten Derivate vom AlkylcarbonsäureTyp'):16('46) 1933-40. - Sulfanilamidderivate des Cumarins 8 ): 18 ('48) 1459-66. - Einführung des Formylrestes in Acylaminosäuren und Kondensation der erhaltenen Verbindungen

Magidson - - Magini mit Thiolaminosäuren zu Thiazolidinderivaten, 1: Formylhippursäureester u n d seine Derivate '): 21 ('51) 559-64; ~ 2: a-Formylphenaceturester u n d seine Derivate 7 ): 780-86. — Reaktion von Formylhippursäurediäthylacetat mit Thionylchlorid 7 ): 22 ('52) 874-79. - Derivate von 2,4-Diamino-l,3,5-triazinfettsäuren, l 6 0 ) 49 ): 23 ('53) 467-72; Derivate von co-[2,4-Diamino-l,3,5-triazinyl-(6)]-alkylcarbonsäuren, 2: Reaktion von N 1 -Phenylbiguanid mit Oxalsäureester 60 ) 49 ): 27 ('57) 765-74; ~ 3 : Reaktion von N 1 -Phenylbiguanid mit Malonester 50 ) 49 ): 1021-28; ~ 4: Derivate der Propion-, Butter-, Valerian- u n d Capronsäure 6 0 ) 4 9 ): 1968-78. Alkaminester der /?-[4-Oxyphenyl]-a-phenylpropionsäure [,1] 8 ): 24 ('54) 692-97; Alkaminester der a,/?-Diphenylpropionsäure, 2 : Derivate der /J-[4-Methoxyphenyl]-a-phenylpropionsäure 8 ): 26 ('56) 3475-79; Alkaminester von x, co-Diphenylalkancarbonsäuren, 3: Derivate der |8-Phenyl- MAMELI, E f i s i o . Chem. (pharm, u. toxikol.). - 1924-32 Prof. ord., Univ. di Parma; '32-Ì8 Prof. ord. e Dir. dell'Ist. di Farm, e Tossicol., per alcuni anni Preside e Pro-Rettore, '48-49 Prof, fuori ruolo, '50 Prof. Emer., Univ. di Padova; per 10 anni Pres., Sez. Veneta della Soc. Chim. Ital.; Pres., Soc. Ital. di Sci. Farm. — Medaglia d'oro dei Benemeriti della Scuola, della Cultura e dell'Arte. *1875, Dez. 31, Ploaghe, Sassari, Sardegna ; fl957, Juni 10, Padova. Ehegatte von Anna Mannessier-Mameli V-VIIb Zur Biogr. A. S o l d i , Farmaco [Pavia], Ediz. prat. 12 ('57) 304f. Nekr. L. M u s a j o , Annuario Univ. Studi Padova 1958/1959 ('59) 665-72 (m. Bildn.). — Atti, Ist. veneto Sci., Lettere ed Arti, Parte gen. e Atti uffic. 117 ('58/59) 78. S. Trabajos I X Congreso internacional de química pura y aplicada, Madrid 1934 5 (Madrid '36) 229-41 : Azione della colesterina, lecitina e lisocitina (irradiate e non irradiate) sulla fermentazione alcoolica 8 ). — Lavori di botanica. Volume pubblicato in occasione del 70° genetliaco di Giuseppe Gola, Padova 1947 (Torino '47) : Sul rabarbaro italiano 3 ). Annali Chim. appi. Analisi dell'acqua, del gas e del fango delle "Terme preistoriche" di Montegrotto-terme (Colli Euganei) 6 ) : 26 ('36) 475-88.

Annali Chim. Modificazioni al tubo ebullioscopico: 41 ('51) 401-10. - Sull'aminolisi dell'acido etilxantogenacetico, l 1 0 ) 1 ): 46 ('56) 21128 ; Aminolisi dell'etilxantogenamide, 31)10) : 545-62. Annali Chim. farm. Azione delle sostanze organiche sulla fermentazione alcoolica, 6 : Azione di sostanze vitaminiche irradiate e non irradiate 2 ): 1938, Apr., 18-37. - Note di dienometria: 1940, Okt., 155-80. - Über die Vitaminwirkung des Blütenstaubes von „Acacia dealbata L." 6 ): 1941, 33 S. [italien.]. - Microdeterminazione dell'arsenico nei medicamenti: 1941. — Soluzioni medicamentose con acque ipotoniche radioattive 6 ): ibid. Annali Sanità pubbl. Quantitative Bestimmung von D D T ; Instruktionen für die Kontrolle des Sprühens: 10 ('49) 717-30 [italien.]. Archivio ital. Sci. farmacol. Convegno annuale dell'Associazione farmaceutica americana, Buffalo 1951:1951, 317. - XIV Assemblea Generale della Federazione internazionale farmaceutica, Roma 1951: 320. Atti, Ist. veneto Sci., Lettere ed Arti Ricerca e dosamento del D.D.T. sulle superfici irror a t e : 108 ('49/50) 1-8. - Aminolisi dell'acido etilxantogenacetico 10 ) 1 ): 110 ('51/52) 99f. Aminolisi della etilxantogenamide 10 ) 1 ) : 101 f. — Azione dell'idrazina sulla xantogenamide 10 ) 1 ): 103 f. — Comportamento cromatografico di orto e para naftochinoni 1 ) 4 ) : 116 ('57/58) 1-7. Atti e Mem., Reale Accad. Sci., Lettere ed Arti Padova Analisi dell'acqua, del gas e dei fanghi delle "Terme preistoriche" di Montegrotto-terme (Colli Euganei) 6 ): 53 ('37) 7-26. Atti e Mem. Accad. patavina Sci., Lettere ed Arti Due secoli di ricerche fisiche e chimiche sulle acque minerali ipertermali, sui fanghi e gas euganei 6 ): 66 ('54) 146 S. Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. Azione delle sostanze fototropiche sulla fermentazione alcoolica: 23. 1934 ('35). - Sulla Cordeauxia edulis Hemsl. della Somalia: 25. 1936, IV ('37) 385. — Sostituzione del mercurio al rame nella pratica agraria: 27. 1938, V ('39) 358. Boll, chim.-farm. Sostanze fotodinamiche e loro azione biologica: 85 ('46) 358-63. — Convegno annuale dell'Associazione farmaceutica americana, Buffalo 1951: 90 ('51) 373-. — Farmacopea internazionale e Farmacopee nazionali: 91 ('52). — Relazioni fra la Società italiana di scienze farmaceutiche e la professione farmaceutica: 93 ('54) 309-, Cagliari econ. Per la storia dell'industria zuccheriera in Sardegna: 1955. — Sardegna: scrigno d'Italia: 1956. Costa azzurra agricola-floreale Nuovi insetticidi di origine vegetale: 14 ('34). Farmacista [Roma] Sulla riforma degli studi di farmacia: 3 ('49) 332-.

Mameli — Mammana Farmacista ital. Il prodotto farmaceutico italiano: 6 ('37). Farmaco [Pavia], Ediz. sci. B. L. Vanzetti: 5 ('50) 234-. — Congressi chimici negli Stati Uniti d'America: 6 ('51) 6 6 6 - . — Programma della Società italiana di scienze farmaceutiche: 8 ('53) 644-, — Composti amidinici della tioazolidina 12 ) : 9 ('54) 691-707. - Guanididi degli acidi nicotini 1 ): 11 ('56) 124^38. Fitoterapia Recenti progressi nella conoscenza delle vitamine: 14 ('38) 81-86. Fiziologiéeskij 2. SSSR Azione delle vitamine sulla fermentazione alcoolica 2 ) : 21 ('37) 381-. Gazz. chini, ital. Mercurazione nella serie aromatica, 7 : Derivati mercurati del metacresolo»): 62 ('32) 158-74. - Sul polimorfismo, 5: Sistemi ternari: acido monocloroacetico a e fi + fenolo + naftalina 7 ) : 63 ('33) 1216. — Sulla cubebina, 7 : Su una nuova formula di struttura proposta per la cubebina: 65 ('35) 877-85 ; ~ 8 : Identità della cubebinolide con la hinokinina: 886 f. — Ricerche nel gruppo dell'indene, 1 : Sintesi dienica dell'antraindane: 67 ('37) 669-81. - Criptodieni e pseudodieni: 68 ('38) 428—43. - Pietro Spica: 69 ('39) 479-98. - Pirolisi del saccarinato e del tiosaccarinato di ammonio. Saccarinimina e pseudosaccarinamina 7 ) : 70 ('40) 855-74.


Ichnusa Un fattore di redenzione: 2 ('50) 63-. Industria ital. Conserve aliment. Sulla composizione del formaggio parmigiano 6 ): 7 ('32) 301—11. — Su una semplificazione nel procedimento di analisi dei formaggi 6 ): 325-31. — Azione vitaminica comparativa del latte, di alcuni formaggi, della cagliata e del siero 6 ): 8 ('33) 1-25. — Azione vitaminica delle cagliate, in relazione col caglio usato per la loro preparazione, 2 6 ): 9 ('34) 151-66. Latte Azione vitaminica comparativa del latte, di alcuni formaggi, della cagliata e del siero 6 ): 31 ('57) 745-54, 759-64. Ricerca sci. Sul rabarbaro italiano 3 ): 18 ('48) 124-28. Rivista Artiglieria e Genio Scienza e industria per la preparazione militare del paese: 1935. Ferner Beiträge in Enzyklopädien und weitere Beiträge in Kongreßberichten. Mit: ') F. D ' A n g e l i ; ') A. B a r a t t o ; ') F. Bened e t t i ; «) A. B r i s o t t o ; ') U. C a r r e t t a ; •) R. Cultr e r a ; ') A. M a n n e s s i e r - M a m e l i ; •) A. Moesini; •) F. P i a g g e s i ; 1 0 ) K . F . R i c h t e r ; 1 1 ) G. R o d i g h i e r o ; " ) Y e b b ; » ) L. Zorzi.

MAMMANA, Gabriele. Math. ca. 1925 Assist., ca. '36- Prof. ord. e Preside della Fac. di Sci. fisiche, mat. e naGiorn. Agric. Domenica Tossicità dei com- tur., Univ. di Catania; ca. '30 Prof, non posti di rame e di mercurio usati in agricol- stabile, ca. '34 Prof, ord., Univ. di Caglitura: 1940. ari. Genauere Daten nicht bekannt. Giorn. Chim. industr. ed appi. Sull'acetato di tricresolmercurio ("Cerere") e sue applicazioni nell'agricoltura e nell'igiene 7 ): 14 ('32) 1-11. — Azione delle sostanze organiche sulla fermentazione alcoolica, 2 : Composti olefinici 8 ): 450-55; ~ 3 : Yerbindungen mit kondensierten Kernen und deren Reduktionsprodukte 8 ) : 15 ('33) 161-67 [italien.]; ~ 4 : Azione della colesterina, lecitina e lisocitina (irradiate e non irradiate) sulla fermentazione alcoolica 8 ): 16 ('34) 377-81. - Il X Congresso mondiale di latteria: 16 ('34). Chimica e Industria Le possibilità economiche ed industriali della Sardegna: 17 ('35) 377-93. — La chimica alla X I X Fiera triveneta di Padova: 19 ('37). — Il nuovo Istituto di chimica farmaceutica e tossicologica della R . Università di Padova: 20 ('38) 111-15. — I prodotti farmaceutici alla X X I Fiera campionaria triveneta di Padova: 21 ('39) 508. — Notizie sulla chinoidina : 27 ('45) 45-48. — Mercurazione nella serie aromatica, 9 : Derivati mercurati del p.diclorobenzene e loro applicazioni 7 ) 11 ): 32 ('50) 471-84. - Sintesi dieniche e loro applicazioni analitiche e industriali: 594-606. — Terapia amidica e guanidinica: 36 ('53) 583. — Guanididi degli acidi nicotini 1 ) : 583-. — Visita alle miniere di ferro svedesi: 681-.



W . Lezioni di analisi algebrica e introduzione al calcolo infinitesimale. Anno accademico 1937-38 (Catania '37) 544 S. Anais Acad. brasil. Ci. Autofunzioni relative a sistemi differenziali contenenti una condizione quadratica in due punti. Nota preventiva: 12 ('40) 35-37. — Sopra taluni teoremi di inversione: 13 ('41) 215-32. — Il minimo assoluto in taluni classici problemi di calcolo delle variazioni, 1: 14 ('42) 53-77 ; — 2 : 167-85; ~ 3 : 257-80. Annali Mat. pura ed appi. Sul problema preliminare di una classica questione di calcolo delle variazioni: (4) 10 ('32) 1-31. — La variazione seconda generalizzata nel caso dei punti terminali mobili e problemi sugli autovalori connessi: 19 ('40) 81-106. Atti reale Accad. nazion. Lincei, Rend. Sulla risoluzione numerica di un sistema di equazioni: (6) 16 ('32) 617-20. Boll. Unione mat. ital. Sopra un criterio di sufficienza per un estremo nei problemi di calcolo delle variazioni: 13 ('34) 174-77. Rend. Circolo mat. Palermo Criterio di sufficienza per un estremo nei problemi di calcolo delle variazioni: 58 ('34) 370-439.


Mammana — Mandelbrojt

Kend. Semin. Fac. Sci. R. Univ. Cagliari Sulla communabilità dei fattori di composizione di una forma differenziale (lemma fondamentale): 2 ('32) 65-67. Ricerca sci. Sulla risoluzione numerica di un sistema di equazioni: 1 ('33) 428-40. VI

MANDELBROJT, S z o l e m . Math. — 1928-29 Maître de Conférences, Univ. de Lille; '30-38 Prof., Univ. de ClermontFerrand; '38- Prof., Collège de France, Paris. — '28 Prix Francœur, '33 Prix Bordin, '38 Prix Poncelet, '45 Prix Petit d'Ormoy, '60 Grand Prix des Sei. math, et physiques, '65 Médaille Emile Picard (Acad. Sei. Paris) ; '64 Officier de la Légion d'Honneur. *1899, Jan. 20, Warszawa. Zur Biobibliogr. Notice sur les titres et travaux scientifiques de S. Mandelbrojt, Professeur au Collège de France (Paris '64) 47 S. HZ. Monogr. int. Math, modernes 1 ('62) ff. S. Verhandlungen des internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses, Zürich 1932, 2 (ZürichLeipzig '33) 145 f.: Sur le produit T


l'Institut Henri Poincaré et à la Faculté des Sciences de Clermont-Ferrand (Paris '35) 8 + 159 S. - Séries lacunaires (Paris '36) 40 S. (Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, 305. Exposés sur la théorie des fonctions, publiés sous la direction de Paul Montel, 2). — La régularisation des fonctions (Paris '38) 39 S. ( ~ 733. — 13). — Kvazianaliticeskie klassy funkcij ; lekcii, citannye v Institute matematiki pri Leningradskom universitete v aprele 1936 g. [Quasianalytische Klassen von Funktionen; Vorlesungen am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Leningrad im April 1936] (Leningrad-Moskva '37) 108 S. - General theorems of closure (Houston, Tex. '51) 3 + 71 S. (Rice Inst. Pamphlet, special issue; Monograph in mathematics). — Séries adhérentes, régularisation des suites; applications; leçons professées au Collège de France et au Rice Institute (Paris '52) 14 + 279 S.; russ. : (Moskva '55) 268 S. — Teoremy zamknutosti i teoremy kompozicii. Zapis' lekcij [Abgeschlossenheitssätze und Kompositionssätze. Vorlesungsskripten] (Moskva '62) 154 S. (Biblioteka sbornika "Matematika"). — La vie et l'œuvre de Jacques Hadamard (1865— 1963) (m. P. Lévy, B. Malgrange, P. Malliavin) (Genève '67) 4 + 7 2 S. (Monographie de l'Enseignement mathématique, Université de Genève, 16). — Dirichlet series. Principles and methods (Dordrecht '72) 166 S. [Übersetzg. v. Monogr. int. Math, modernes 11],

où Çip(s) = Z1 s (p(z) étant une fonction 71 Acta math. Sur les fonctions indéfiniment entière. — C. R. Congrès international des mathématiciens, Oslo 1936, 2 (Oslo '37): Sur dérivables : 72 ('40) 15-29. - Solution du de foncle théorème de Grace. — C. R. Congrès des problème d'équivalence des classes 3 sciences mathématiques, Liège 1939 (Liège tions indéfiniment dérivables ): 31-49. Acta math. Acad. Sci. hungar. Un exemple '39) 47-50: Les fonctions indéfiniment dérivables. — Proc. 6tb International congress of dans la théorie du prolongement analytique mathematicians, Cambridge, Mass., 1950, 1 d'une série de Dirichlet: 21 ('70) 91-94. (Providence, R.I. '52) 349-55: Quelques théoActa Sci. math. [Szeged] Une généralisation rèmes d'unicité. — Atti VI Congresso del- du théorème taubérien de Wiener 1 ) : 12B ('50) l'Unione matematica italiana, Napoli 1959 (Ro- 167-76. ma '60) 318f. : Sur un problème de Gelfand American math. Monthly Emile Picard, et Silov. — Studies in mathematical analysis and related topics. Essays in honor of George 1856-1941: 49 ('42) 277f. - The mathematiPólya (G. Szegö) (Stanford, Calif. '62) (Stan- cal work of Jacques Hadamard: 60 ('53) 599ford studies in mathematics and statistics, 4) 604. 232-44: Dirichlet series. — Sovremennye Annales Inst. Fourier, Univ. Grenoble Exproblemy teorii analiticeskich funkcij. Meidu- ponentielles associées à un ensemble; transnarodnaja konferencija po teorii analitices- formées de Fourier généralisées: 17 ('67) Nr. 1, kich funkcij [Moderne Probleme der Theorie 325-51. der analytischen Punktionen. Internationale Annales sci. Ecole norm. sup. Le rôle des Konferenz über die Theorie der analytischen Funktionen], Erevan 1965 (Moskva '66) 218- fonctions monogènes de M. Borei dans la théo24: Considérations arithmétiques dans l'ana- rie des séries de Dirichlet: (3) 51 ('34) 373-97. — Sur une inégalité fondamentale: 68 ('46) lyse harmonique. 351-78. - Théorèmes d'unicité: 65 ('48) 101W . Université de Clermont-Ferrand. Rap- 38. — Influence des propriétés arithmétiques port général présenté par le Conseil de l'Uni- des exposants dans une série de Dirichlet: 71 versité sur la situation et les travaux des éta- ('54) 301-20. — Fonctions analytiques et anablissements d'enseignement supérieur p e n d a n t lyse harmonique: 74 ('57) 1-23. — Sur l'équide la théorie conl'année scolaire 1932-1933 (Clermont-Ferrand valence de deux problèmes 12 '35) 31 S. — Séries de Fourier et classes quasi- structive des fonctions ): 75 ('58)49-56. analytiques de fonctions; leçons professées à Sur l'équation fonctionnelle de Riemann et la

Mandelbrojt formule sommatoire de Poisson 6 ): 57-80. — Sur un problème de Gelfand et Silov: 77 ('60) 145-66. Annales Soc. polon. Math. Quelques nouveaux théorèmes de fermeture: 25 ('52) 241— 51. Annales Univ. Sei. budapestinensis, Sect. math. Sur les singularités d'une série de Taylor sur son cercle de convergence: 8/4 ('60/61) 183-87. Annali R. Scuola norm, sup., Pisa Quasianalyticité des séries de Fourier: (2) 4 ('35) 225-29. Annals Math. On Riemann's functional équation 4 ): (2) 66 ('57) 285-96. Bull. amer. math. Soc. Analytic continuation and infinitely differentiable functions : 54 ('48) 239-48. - On solutions of Riemann's functional équation 4 ): 65 ('59) 358-62. Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963) 9 ) : 71 ('65) 107-29. — Les taubériens généraux de Norbert Wiener: 72 ('66) 48-51. Bull. Sei. math. Sur la meilleure approximation des primitives d'une fonction continue: (2) 56 ('32) 142-46. - Quelques remarques sur les fonctions univalentes : 58 ('34) 185—200. — Remarques sur certaines classes de fonctions: 61 ('37) 262-68.


des fonctions: 1305-07. — Théorème général fournissant l'argument des points singuliers situés sur le cercle de convergence d'une série de Taylor: 1456-58. — Sur l'équivalence de deux classes de fonctions de MM. Paley et Wiener: 1860-63. — Applications d'un théorème sur les arguments des singularités: 206 ('38) 730-32. — Solution du problème de Carleman pour un intervalle ouvert fini 3 ): 208 ('39) 555-58. — Quelques nouvelles considérations sur les classes de fonctions dont les dérivées sont bornées: 1202-04. — Sur une propriété remarquable des fonctions indéfiniment dérivables: 1780-83. — Sur les fonctions convexes: 209 ('39) 977f. - Sur les fonctions holomorphes et bornées dans une partie infinie d'un demi-plan: 222 ('46) 361-63. - L'évaluation des coefficients d'une représentation asymptotique générale: 471-73. — Sur les fonctions indéfiniment dérivables: 577-79. — Sur les fonctions holomorphes et bornées dans un domaine infini: 1157f. — Sur les fonctions holomorphes dans une région-bande et une généralisation du problème de Watson 7 ): 223 ('46) 186-88. - Sur une inégalité générale: 224 ('47) 22-24. - Sur les fonctions indéfiniment dérivables sur une demi-droite: 1092f.; ~ u ) : 225 ('47) 978-80. - Quasi-analyticité générale et théorème du type Phragmén-Lindelöf 11 ) : 226 ('48) 47-49. - Sur les domaines de comportement uniforme d'une fonction 10 Bull. Soc. math. France Sur les séries de analytique ): 152f. — Quelques considéraDirichlet dont les exposants possèdent quel- tions sur le problème des moments : 862-64. — ques propriétés arithmétiques: 60 ('32) 208- Quelques théorèmes de composition: 1155-57. 20. — Sur un problème concernant les séries — Sur l'approximation polynomiale des foncde Fourier: 62 ('34) 143-50. - Sur un théo- tions sur tout l'axe réel: 1668-70. — Sur les rème de M. Whittaker: 69 ('41) Communica- noyaux singuliers symétriques: 1783—85. — tions et conférences, l f . Une généralisation du théorème taubérien de 1 Colloques int. Centre nation. Rech. sei. Une Wiener ): 228 ('49) 1394-96. - Un théorème inégalité sur les séries asymptotiques : 15. 1947 de fermeture: 231 ('50) 16-18. - Théorèmes généraux de fermeture: 232 ('51) 284-86,1969. ('49) 85-91. — Théorèmes d'approximation et problèmes C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sei., Paris Le rôle des moments: 1054-56. — Sur les propriétés des fonctions monogènes de M. Borel dans la arithmétiques des exposants d'une série de théorie des séries de Dirichlet: 194 ('32) 519- Dirichlet: 236 ('53) 1464-66. - Quelques 22. — Théorèmes sur la convergence des séries théorèmes sur les transformées de Fourier : 240 de Taylor lacunaires: 824-27. — Sur les séries ('55) 1393f. — Sur l'équation fonctionnelle de de Dirichlet dont les exposants sont linéaire- Riemann 4 ): 242 ('56) 2793-96. - Quelques rement indépendants: 1884-87. — Quelques lations équivalentes dans la théorie constructhéorèmes sur les séries de Fourier: 197 ('33) tive des fonctions: 245 ('57) 1869-71. - Sur 1569-71, 1784. — Sur les séries de Fourier la- un problème de Gelfand et gilov: 249 ('59) cunaires: 198 ('34) 229-31. - Sur une nou- 2144f. — Sur les classes de Gelfand et Silov: velle classe quasi-analytique de fonctions in- 2465f. — Quelques théorèmes d'unicité: 250 définiment dérivables: 324-26. — Sur un pro- ('60) 2660-62. - Influence de la variation des blème de M. Carleman: 200 ('35) 1272-74. - exposants d'une série de Dirichlet sur la Sur un problème de M. Carleman concernant distribution des singularités. Application à les fonctions analytiques: 1517-20, 1696. — l'équation fonctionnelle de Riemann: 252 ('61) Sur les droites J et les points singuliers des 3931-33. — Séries de Dirichlet: Propriétés fonctions représentées par les séries de Dirich- arithmétiques des exposants: 254 ('62) 3299f. let: 201 ('35) 1091-93. - Sur les séries de — Transformées de Fourier et fonctions enFourier lacunaires : Théorèmes directs 11 ) : 203 tières: 256 ('63) 347-49. - Fonctions entières ('36) 34-36, 352; Théorèmes inverses 11 ): de type exponentiel et séries de Dirichlet: Un 233 f. — Principe de régularisation des fonc- principe de dualité: 1202f. — Généralisation tions: 204 ('37) 400f. - Sur la régularisation d'un théorème de S. Bernstein concernant les


Mandelbrojt — Mandel'stam

fonctions entières de type exponentiel: 165255, 2955. — Quelques classes de fonctions entières. Le problème de Gelfand et Silov6) : 257 ('63) 345-48. — Sur les "coupures" en mécanique quantique 8 ): 258 ('64) 1173-76. C. R. hebd. Séances Âcad. Sei., Paris, Sér. A Considérations arithmétiques dans la -théorie des fonctions d'une variable complexe: 262 ('66) 619-21. — Arithmétique dans la théorie des fonctions: 819-21. — Unicité déterminée par l'estimation d'une fonction sur un ensemble de mesure harmonique positive: 144648. — Transformée de Fourier généralisée : 263 ('66) 730-33. — Prolongements des propriétés des fonctions d'une variable: 272 ('71) 1041-44. — La convexité dans les fonctions entières: 273 ('71) 975-78. Duke math. J. Quasi-analyticity and properties of flatness of entire functions: 9 ('42) 647-61. — Some theorems connected with the theory of infinitely differentiate functions : 11 ('44) 341-49. — A composition theorem for asymptotic series 2 ): 18 ('51) 297-306. - Regions of flatness for analytic functions and their derivatives 10 ): 549-56. Enseignement math. Théorie des fonctions et théorie des nombres dans l'œuvre de Jacques Hadamard: (2) 13 ('67) 25-34. - Sur quelques relations arithmétiques: 15 ('69) 227-31. Israel J. Math. Considérations arithmétiques dans la théorie des fonctions analytiques : 6 ('68) 5-12. J. Analyse math. Théorèmes généraux de fermeture: 1 ('51) 180-208 [m. hebr. Zusammenfassg.]. — Transformées de Fourier de fonctions entières et séries de Dirichlet: Un principe de dualité: 10 ('62/63) 381-^04. Généralisation d'une inégalité de S. Bernstein sur les dérivées de fonctions entières: 14 ('65) 285-96. — Fonctions entières et le problème de Gelfand et gilov 6 ): 16 ('65) 263-79. - Influence des propriétés arithmétiques des exposants d'une série de Dirichlet sur son prolongement analytique: 23 ('70) 269-80. J. Ecole polytechn., Paris Sur l'unicité des séries de Fourier: (2) 32 ('34) 227-77. J. math. Physics Mathematical study of the cutoff procedure for divergent integrals in bound-state problems 8 ): 6 ('65) 974-80. J. Math, pures et appl. Quelques théorèmes de compositions: (9) 31 ('52) 79-90. - La transformée de Fourier et les fonctions holomorphes dans un demi-plan: 35 ('56) 211-22. Matematikai Lapok Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963)9) : 17 ('66) 6-18 [ungar.]. Mémorial Sei. math. Les singularités des fonctions analytiques représentées par une série de Taylor: 54 ('32) 56 S.

Monogr. int. Math, modernes Séries de Dirichlet. Principes et méthodes: 11 ('69) 10 + 165 S. Prace mat.-fizyczne Sur le produit


40 33 143 48

) H. D. B r u n k ; ') H. Cartan; 4 ) K. C h a n d r a s e k h a r a n ; ") J. P. K a h a n e ; •) Y. K a t z n e l s o n ; ') G. M a c L a n e ; ! ) J. M a n d e l b r o j t ; •) L. S c h w a r t z ; '») F. E. Ulrich; ") N . W i e n e r ; ll ) P. Malliavin. V VI

MANDEL'STAM, L e o n i d I s a a kovic. P h y s i k . - 1897-99 S t u d . , 1915 P r i v a t d o z . , Novorossijskij U n i v . Odessa; 1899-1901 S t u d . , '02 D r . p h i l . n a t . , '03-07 Assist., '07-13 P r i v a t d o z . , ' 1 3 - 1 4 P r o f . , U n i v . S t r a ß b u r g ; ' 1 5 - 1 7 wiss. B e r a t e r , Zweigwerk Siemens & H a l s k e , P e t r o g r a d ; ' 1 7 - 1 8 Prof., U n i v . Tbilisi; '18-22 P r o f . u . Leiter d. L e h r s t u h l s f. P h y s i k , P o l y t e c h n . I n s t . Odessa; ' 2 2 - 3 5 wiss. u . wiss.-techn. F o r s c h u n g s b e r a t e r des R a d i o l a b o r , d . Sowjet. Z e n t r a l v e r w a l t u n g d. Betriebe f. S c h w a c h s t r o m t e c h n . , Moskva ('24-25 Len i n g r a d ) ; ' 2 5 - 4 4 Prof. u . Leiter d. Lehrstuhls f. t h e o r e t . P h y s i k , S t a a t s u n i v . M o s k v a ; '34—44 wiss. Arbeitsleiter a m P h y s i k a l . I n s t . , A k a d . Wiss. U d S S R , Moskva ('41-43 Boroboe, Sibirien). - '31 Lenin-Preis, '40 R o t b a n n e r o r d e n , '42 Stalin-Preis, '44 L e n i n - O r d e n ( U d S S R ) ;


'36 Mendeleev-Preis (Akad. Wiss. UdSSR). (El) *1879, Mai 4 (Apr. 22), Mogilev na Dnepre; "¡"1944, Nov. 27, Moskva. Zum 60. Geb.tag J . Physics, Acad. Sei. USSR 1 ('39) 369-72. Nekr. Gedenkheft: Izvest. Akad. N a u k SSSR, Ser. fizic. 9 ('45) Nr. 1/2; darin S. 5 f . : S. I. V a v i l o v , Grabrede; 8 - 2 0 : N. D. P a p a l e k s i , Kurze Darstellung des Lebens und der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit; 21-29: G. S. L a n d s b e r g , Die Forschungen L . ^ M . ' s auf dem Gebiet der Optik u n d der Molekularphysik; 30-55: A. A. A n d r o n o v , L. I. M. u n d die Theorie der nichtlinearen Schwingungen; 56-60: I . E . T a m m , Über die Arbeiten L.I.M.'s auf dem Gebiet der theoretischen Physik; 61-76: G. S. G o r e l i k , L.I.M. u n d die Lehre von der Resonanz; 77-87: S. M. R y t o v, L.I.M. u n d die Lehre von der Modulation; 88-96: E. J a . S c e g o l e v , Akademiemitglied L.I.M. als Radio-Ingenieur; 129-32: Schriftenverzeichnis. Alle Beiträge russ. — S. 15. C h a j k i n , Uc. Zap. mosk. gos. Univ. Nr. 77 ('45) 278-85. - G. S. G o r e l i k , L. I. Mandel'stam u n d der physikalische Unterricht: Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. fizic. 10 ('46) 135-40 [russ.]. — P. K a p i c a , A. I o f f e , S. V a v i l o v , N a t u r e [London] 156 ('45) 105 f. - G. S. L a n d s b e r g , 2. eksper. i teoret. Fiziki 16 ('45) 3-6. — N. D. P a p a l e k s i , Sobranie trudov [Gesammelte Werke] (Moskva '48) 222f. N. D. P a p a l e k s i , Mektricestvo [Moskva] 1945, Nr. 1/2, 4 4 f . ; Izvest. Akad. N a u k SSSR, Ser. fizic. 10 ('46) 127-34; Usp. fizic. Nauk 27 ('45) Nr. 2, 143-58; Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR 1945, Nr. 4, 97-102. - S. I. V a v i l o v , filektricestvo [Moskva] 1945, Nr. 1/2, S. 43. - J . Physics, Acad. Sei. USSR 9 ('45) 65-67 (m. Bildn.). Zum 10. Todestag Radio [Moskva] 1954, Nr. 12, S. 18 (m. Bildn.). - Gedenksitzung f ü r L. I. Mandel'stam: Vestn. Akad. N a u k SSSR 1955, Nr. 3, 116f. [russ.]. Zum 85. Geb.tag I. E. T a m m , Charakteristische Besonderheiten des Schaffens von Leonid Isaakovic Mandel'stam: Usp. fizic. N a u k 87 ('65) 3 - 7 [russ.]. - V. I. T a l a n o v , Die Arbeiten L. I. Mandel'stams zur Theorie der optischen Abbildung u n d die moderne Quasiopt i k : ibid. 23-28 [russ.]. Zur Biogr. S. C h a j k i n , G. S. L a n d s b e r g , in: Ljudi russkoj nauki[Russische Wissenschaftler] 1 (Moskva-Leningrad '48) 26071 (m. Bildn.); Neuaufl.: 1 (Moskva '61) 32235. — G. I. G o l o v i n , Koryphäen der sowjetischen Radiophysik: Priroda [SSSR] 1950, Nr. 3, 79-84 [russ.] (m. Bildn.). - A. N. K r y l o v , Moi vospominanija [Meine Erinnerungen] (Moskva '45) 497-99; A. N. K r y l o v , Vospo196



minanija i ocerki [Erinnerungen u n d Skizzen] (Moskva '56) 503f. — A. L i v a n o v a , Physiker über Physiker: „Der zweite Grad des Verstehens": Z n a m j a [Moskva] 34 ('64) Nr. 7, 213-20 [russ.]. - V. M i g u l i n , Radio [Moskva] 1967, Nr. 8, S. 13, 16 (m. Bildn.). - N. D. P a p a l e k s i , Sobranie trudov [Gesammelte Werke] (Moskva '48) 224-40; Über die Tätigkeit des Akademiemitgliedes L. I. Mandel'stam auf den Gebieten der Radiophysik u n d Radiotechnik: ibid. 241—16 [russ.]. - K. P e t r o v , G. G o l o v i n , Koryphäen der sowjetischen Radiophysik: Voennyj Svjazist 1948, Nr. 11, 12-17 [russ.] (m. Bildn.). — A. A. S e m e n o v , Über die Ergebnisse der Erörterungen der philosophischen Anschauungen des Akademiemitgliedes L. I. Mandel'stam: Vopr. Pilos. 1953, Nr. 3, 199-206 [russ.]. Zur Bibliogr. Leonid Isaakovic Mandel'ätam (T. O. Vreden-Kobeckaja) (Moskva '41) 23 S. (m. Bildn.) (Materialy k bibliografii t r u d o v ucenych SSSR, Ser. fiziki, 1). Gesammelte Werke A. I. M a n d e l ' s t a m , Polnoe sobranie trudov [Vollständige Sammlung der Arbeiten] 1 (S. M. Rytov) ([Leningrad] '48) 352 S. (m. Bildnissen u. Faks.), darin Biogr. v. N. D. P a p a l e k s i S. 7 - 6 6 ; 2 (S. M. Rytov) ('47) 396 S. (m. 2 Bildnissen), darin erstmalig veröffentlicht: S. 339-62: Materialien zu einer Monographie über die parametrische Erzeugung von Wechselströmen 5 ) [russ.], S. 374-87: Zur Theorie der parametrischen Erzeugung von Wechselströmen in Systemen mit geringer Nichtlinearität u n d beliebigem Modulationsgrad 5 ) [russ.]; 3 (S. M. Rytov) ('50) 421 S. (m. Bildn.), darin S. 328-413: 6 Aufsätze, die aus bisher unveröffentlichten Manuskripten zusammengestellt worden sind [russ.], S. 420f.: Literatur über L. I. Mandel'stam [russ.]; 4: Lekcii po kolebanijam [Vorlesungen über Schwingungen] 1930-1932 (M. A. Leontovic) ('55) 511 S.; 5: [Vorlesungen und Seminare] (M. A. Leontovic) ('50) 468 S. H . (Redakt.) S. M. R y t o v , Iz predistorii radio. Sbornik original'nych statej i materialov [Aus der Vorgeschichte des Radios. Sammlung von Originalaufsätzen u n d Materialien] (Moskva-Leningrad '48) (Akademija N a u k SSSR. 50 let radio, 1895-1945, Nr. 1); darin eig. Beitr. S. 11-32: E i n f ü h r u n g [russ.]. J1H. (Redakt.) Novejsie issledovanija rasprostranenija radiovoln vdol' zemnoj poverchnosti. Sbornik statej [Neueste Forschungen über die Ausbreitung von Radiowellen entlang der Erdoberfläche. Sammlung von Aufsätzen] (Moskva-Leningrad '45); darin eigene Beiträge: Vorwort 5 ); Interferenzmethoden zur Untersuchung der Ausbreitung von Radiowellen u n d ihre Anwendung zur Entfernungsmessung 5 ) ; Messung der Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von Radiowellen entlang der Erdoberfläche 5 ) 6 ). Alle Beiträge russ.


Mandel'stam - - Manley

S. Obäcee sobranie Akademii Nauk SSSR 29. — Über Resonanzerscheinungen bei Fre25-30 sent. 1943 g. [Hauptversammlung der quenzteilung 6 ): 363-83. — — Alle Arbeiten Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR vom russ. 25.-30. September 1943] (Moskva-Leningrad 2 . ¿ksper. i teoret. Fiziki Über den Beweis '44) 61-76: Über die -wissenschaftlichen Ar- einer Methode zur angenäherten Lösung von beiten A. N. Krylovs [russ.]. Differentialgleichungen 6 ): 4 ('34) 117-22. der Schallabsorption in FlüssigW. Novye issledovanija nelinejnych kole- Zur Theorie 4 banij [Neue Untersuchungen über nichtlineare keiten ): 7 ('37) 438-49. - Einige Fragen im Schwingungen] (m. N. D. Papaleksi, A. A. An- Zusammenhang mit der Erregung und Ausdronov, A. A. Vitt, G. S. Gorelik, S. Î). Chaj- breitung elektromagnetischer Wellen in Rohren: 15 ('45) 461-70. — Strahlung durch eine kin) (Moskva '36) 96 S. Acta physica polon. Selektive Lichtstreu- Öffnung in einem Resonator: 471-74. — Gruppengeschwindigkeit im Kristallgitter: ung im Quecksilberdampf 3 ): 5 ('36) 79-84. 475-78. — Systeme mit periodischen KoeffiC. R. (Dokl.) Aead. Sei. URSS Über die zienten mit mehreren Freiheitsgraden und geLichtzerstreuung in einem ungleichtemperier- ringer Nichtlinearität: 605-12 [m. engl. Zuten Medium : 1984 II, 219-21 [russ. u. deutsch], sammenfassg.]. — Ideale optische Abbildung — Über die Ultraschallabsorption in Flüssig- vom Standpunkt der Wellenoptik: 16 ('46) keiten und über einige damit zusammenhän- 302-05 [ ~ ] . Alle Arbeiten russ. gende optische Erscheinungen 4 ): 12 ('36) 1112 . techn. Fiziki Über Resonanzerscheinun14. — On a modification of the interference 6 method of investigating the propagation of gen n-ten Grades ): 2 ('32) 775-811. - Über 6 die Erregung von Schwingungen in einem elekradiowaves ): 26 ('40) 775-79. trischen Schwingungssystem mit Hilfe perioÊlektriiestvo Aus der Vorgeschichte des discher Kapazitätsänderung 6 ): 8 ('33) 1141Radios: 1945, Nr. 5, 8-20 [russ.]. 44. — Einführung [zum Heft 1 des Bandes 4 Izvest. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. fizii. Eine dieser Zeitschrift] 6 ): 4 ('34) Nr. 1. - Über die Interferenzmethode zur Untersuchung der parametrische Erregung elektrischer SchwinAusbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen : gungen 6 ): 5-29. — Über das Einstellen des 1988, 525-38 [m. deutscher Zusammenfassg.]. stationären Zustands der Schwingungen bei — On a modification of the interference meth- Resonanz n-ten Grades 6 ): 67-77. — Zur Theood for investigating the propagation of radio rie der asynchronen Erregung 6 ): 98-108. — waves 6 ): 4 ('40) 454—57 [m. engl. Zusammen- Über eine Methode zur Messung der- Ausbreifassg.]. — Die optischen Arbeiten Newtons: 9 tungsgeschwindigkeit elektromagnetischer ('45) 99-121. — Die Unbestimmtheitsrelation Wellen 6 ): 7 ('37) 559-78. Alle Arbeiten Energie-Zeit in der nichtrelativistischen Quan- russ. tenmechanik 7 ) : 122-28. — — Alle Arbeiten Mit: ') A. A. A n d r o n o v ; ') S. Chajkin; ») G. S. russ. Landaberer; ') M. A. L e o n t o v i i ; •) N. D. Papal e k s i ; •) E. Ja. S i e g o l e v ; ') I. E. Tamm; ') A. A. Izvest. ÊlektropromySl. slab. Toka Uber parametrische Regenerierung 6 ): Nr. 3 ('35) 1-7 V i t t . [russ.]. VI MANEY, G e o r g e Alfred. Statik. J. Physics, Acad. Sei. USSR Brechungsindizes von Medien mit gebundenen und mit 1928-47 Prof. Structural Engng., '39 freien Elektronen: 4 ('41) 9-11. — Uncertainty H e a d of Departm. of Civil Engng., Northrelation between energy and time in non-relativistic quantum mechanics') : 9 ('45) 249-54. western Univ., Evanston, III. — '36 WaPhysikalische Z. Sowjetunion Selektive son Medal (Amer. Concrete Inst.). *1888, Dez. 9, Minneapolis, Minn.; Lichtstreuung in Quecksilberdampf 3 ): 8 ('35) 378-400. 11947, Mai 10. Technical Physics USSR Über einige nichtW. An elementary treatise on statically instationäre Schwingungsvorgänge 6 ): 1 ('35) determinate stresses (m. J . I. Parcel) 2 (New 415-28. — Exposés des recherches récentes York-London '36) 16+432 S. sur les oscillations non linéaires6)1)2)8) : 2 ('35) J. amer. Concrete Inst. Analysis of multiple 81-134. span rigid frame bridges by the slope deflecUsp. fizii. Nauk Fragen elektrischer tion method: 7 ('36) 495-520. Schwrngungssysteme und der Radiotechnik: Proc. amer. Soc. Testing Materials Concrete 18 ('33) 161-94. - Über die Ausbreitungs- under sustained working loads; evidence that 6 geschwindigkeit der Radiowellen ): 26 ('44) shrinkage dominates time yield: Nr. 64 ('41) 144-68. — Noch etwas über die Trägheits- 10 S. kräfte (im Zusammenhang mit einem Aufsatz von A. N. Krylov) : 28 ('46) 99-102. - Die op- V VI MANLEY, J o h n Job. Physik, tischen Arbeiten Newtons: 103-29. — Über die Lichtstreuung in Kristallen 3 ) : 98 ('67) 320- Chem. (physikal.). — 1917-38 Research

Manley — Mann, Frederick George


Fellow, Univ. of Oxford ('29-38 at Borne- Visiting Prof., Univ. of Hawai, Honolulu, mouth). ([x]) Hawai; '58-61 Vice-Pres., Chemical Soc., *1863, Juli 13, Sampford Moor, Wel- London. lington, Somerset; *1897, Juni 29, London. fl946, März 24. Zur Biogr. T. F. W [ e s t ] , Chemistry and Nekr. Proc. physic. Soc. 58 ('46) 332 f. Philosophical Mag. On the variations in the refractive index of benzene during intensive drying: 13 ('32) 249-64. - Observations concerning precision weights: 16 ('33) 489-504. — Devices for ensuring constancy in the masses of precision weights: 19 ('35) 243-51. - On the construction and sensitivities of short period platinum thermometers: 28 ('37) 695701. Proc. Bournemouth natur. Sei. Soc. Some experiments with hydrangeas: 26 ('34) 6 S. Proc. physic. Soc. The determination of refractivity temperature coefficients for liquids: 44 ('32) 556-62. - Equalization of the temperatures of interferometer tubes: 46 ('34) 745f. — A new precision colorimeter: 47 ('35) 69-73. — Recent improvements in a precision balance and the efficacy of rhodium plating for standard weights: 57 ('45) 136-44. Becueil Trav. chim. Pays-Bas Further observations on the variations in the refractive index of benzene during intensive drying: 63 ('34) 785-91. IV

" VI MANN, Charles Riborg. Physik. - 1 9 2 2 - 3 4 Dir., '34 Dir. Emer., Amer. Council on Education, Washington, D.C. — '19 Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Government). (£3) •1869, Juli 12, Orange, N.J.; -j-1942, Sept. 10. MH. Construction and use of achievement examinations; a manual for secondary school teachers (New York '36, London '37) (American Council on Education). MUe. (aus d. Deutschen) P. K. L. D r u d e , Theory of optics (New York '02) 2 1 + 5 4 6 S., . . ., ('33), . . ., ('60) 2 1 + 5 4 6 S. Occupations Professional service in education: 15 ('36) 7-. School and Soc. National co-operation in education 1 ): 36 ('32) 719-. Mit: ') J. H. M a c C r a c k e n . VI

MANN, Frederick George. Chem. (org.). - 1919 B.Sc., '29 D.Sc., Univ. of London; '23 Ph.D., '30-47 Lecturer, '3147 Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, '32 Sc.D., '47-64 Reader, '64 Reader Emer., Cambridge Univ.; '46-47 Senior 196*

Industry 1965, 374f. (m. Bildn.). S. Thorpe's dictionary of applied chemistry 9 4 (London'49) 523-26: Organic derivatives of phosphorus. — Proc. Symposium on coordination chemistry, Copenhagen 1953 (Kobenhavn '54) 121-25: The structure and stereochemistry of the co-ordination compounds of gold halides with phosphines and arsines. — Progress in stereochemistry 2 (W. Klyne, P. B. D. de la Mare) (London '58) 196-227: The stereochemistry of the group V elements. — Progress in organic chemistry 4 (J. W. Cook) (London '58) 217-48: The heterocyclic derivatives of phosphorus, arsenic and antimony.

W . Practical organic chemistry (m. B. C. Saunders) (London-NewYork'36) 13+403 S., ('38), 3 ('52), 4 ('60) 1 9 + 5 8 5 S. - Introduction to practical organic chemistry (m. B. C. Saunders) (London-NewYork '39) 9 + 191 S., 2 ('64) 11+207 S. - The heterocyclic derivatives of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and silicon (NewYork-London '50) 7 + 180 S.; 2. veränderte Aufl. u. d. T.: The heterocyclic derivatives of phosphorus, arsenic, antimony and bismuth ('71) 23 + 716 S. Advances Chem. Ser. The development of co-ordination chemistry at the University of Cambridge, 1925-1965: 62 ('67) 120-46. Annual Rep. Progr. Chem. Polynuclear metallic complexes: 85 ('38) 148-60. Biographical Mem. Fellows roy. Soc. William Hobson Mills, 1873-1959: 6 ('60) 201-25. Chemical Commun., Chem. Soc., London The structure and conformation of 5,10-dihydro-5,10-dimethylarsanthrene 62 ) 83 ) 31 ) 63 ): 1968, 269-71. — Correlation of spectroscopic properties and crystal structure of two closely related five-co-ordinate complexes of nickel(II) cyanide with monodentate heterocyclic phosphine ligands 2 ) 60 ) 94 ) 96 ): 1969, 1004 f. Chemistry in Britain Frederic Barry Kipping, 1901-1965: 1966, 379f. Chemistry and Industry A novel type of isomerism among complex metallic salts 88 ): 1935, 814f. — The dicyanoethylation of aromatic primary amines 11 ): 1951,1066. — Derivatives of l,3,4,5-tetrahydro-5-oxobenz(cd)indole 76 ): 1953, 823. — An abnormal Grignard reaction' 3 ): 1153. — The action of Grignard reagents on o-, m- and p-alkoxymethylanilines 73 ): 1954,373 f. - o-Phenylenebis(dialkylphosphines) and kindred compounds 40 ): 1956, 574f. - 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-1 -methyl- 5-oxo6,7-benzoazepine 11 ): 1967,266f. — Co-ordinated derivatives of 2-phenylisophosphindoline 84 ): 1958, 1264. — Stereochemistry of compounds 2


Mann, Frederick George

having the phosphanthrene ring system 28 ): 1962, 1539 f. — The action of secondary phosphide anions on tetrahydrofuran 69 ): 1963,654. — The secondary phosphide ion as a demethylating agent for methoxyl groups 69 ): 1558f. — Dealkylation by the secondary phosphide ion 6 6 ): 1964, 1386. - Five-co-ordinate P t ( I I ) compounds: 1965, 944. — The Smithsonian: 2042. — 2,2'-Biphenylylenebisdiethylphosphine and its diquaternary salts: novel cyclisation reactions 2 ) 60 ): 1966, 196f. - Five-coordinate derivatives of certain metallic halides with 9-alkyl-9-phosphafluorenes 2 ) 60 ): 2096f. Discuss. Faraday Soc. A probable example of inorganic free radicals: 2 ('47) 236-38. J . amei. chem. Soc. Heterocyclic derivatives of arsenic: some corrected statements: 77 ('55) 6671. J . chem. Soc., London The polarity of the co-ordinate link, 1: The constitution of the arsinimines: 1932, 958-72; ~ 2 : The influence of aromatic substitution on the stability of the phosphinimines 16 ): 1937, 527-35. - The complex metallic salts of sulphamide: an optically active inorganic salt: 1933, 412-19. — Hofmann's ethylene bases. Synthesis of jS^'-diaminodiethylamine and of /i/J'-diaminodiethylmethylamine: 1934, 461-66. — The constitution of complex metallic salts, 2: The platinum derivatives of /S/S'-diaminodiethylamine: 466-74; — 3 : The parachors of palladium and mercury in simple and complex compounds 68 ): 1935, 1549-63; ~ 4 : The constitution of certain bridged dipalladium derivatives; a novel type of tautomerism 68 ): 1936, 8 7 3 - 9 0 ; — 5 : The constitution of the phosphine and arsine derivatives of cuprous iodide; the configuration of the co-ordinated cuprous complex 68 ) 86 ): 1503-13; ~ 6: The constitution of the phosphine and arsine derivatives of silver and aurous halides; the configuration of the co-ordinated argentous and aurous complex 86 ) 68 ): 1937, 1828-36; ~ 7 : The structure and configuration of the bridged derivatives of trimethylarsine with palladous halides 86 ): 1938, 702-10; ~ 8 : The bridged thio-derivatives of palladous halides with tertiary phosphines 18 ): 1949-54; ~ 9 : The oxalate radical as a "bridging group" between metallic atoms; the structure and reactions of dichlorobistri-n-butylphosphine-ju-oxalato-dipalladium 18 ) 86 ): 2086-93; ~ 10: Further evidence for the structure of bridged dipalladium derivatives 18 ): 1 9 3 9 , 1 6 2 2 - 3 4 ; ~ 11: Structure of the tertiary phosphine and arsine derivatives of cadmium and mercuric halides 30 ) 64 ) 68 ): 1940, 1209-30; ~ 12: Bridged compounds containing two different metallic atoms 8 8 ): 1230-35; ~ 13: The stability of the 4-covalent auric complex 68 ): 1235-39; ~ 14: The action of trialkylphosphines and -arsines on the tetrahalides of tin and uranium 3 ): 1949, 2915-21; ~ 15: Palladium derivatives of o-

dimethylaminophenyldimethylarsine 73 ) : 1955, 1269-73; — 16: The cuprous, argentous, and aurous derivatives of o-diethylphosphinophenyldiethylarsine 19 ) 40 ) : 1957, 2816-28; ~ 17: Palladium derivatives of o-dimethylaminophenyldiethylphosphine 84 ) : 3950-61; ~ 18: The chelated metallic derivatives of N,N,N',N'tetramethylethylenediamine and of 1,4dimethylpiperazine 84 ) : 1958, 2772-80; ~ 19: The 2-phenylisophosphindoline derivatives of platinum(II), palladium(II), and nickel(II) 2 0 ) 83 ) 84 ) : 1964, 1803-14; ~ 20: The co-ordinated derivatives of 2-phenylisophosphindoline with cobalt, rhodium, and iridium halides 20 ): 181519; ~ 21: The copper(I), silver(I), and gold(I) derivatives of 2-phenylisophosphindoline 20 ) 33 ) 44 ) : 1819-25; ~ 22: The stereochemistry of four-co-ordinated gold(I) salts and some relat28 ed gold(III) salts ): 3791-98. - The structure and configuration of certain diamminopalladium compounds 24 ) 36 ) 89 ): 1935, 1 6 4 2 - 5 2 . - T h e amino-derivatives of pentaerythritol, 1: Preparation 57 ): 1938, 1588-95; ~ 2: The thermal decomposition of the tetrahydrochlorides of tetrakis-methylaminomethylmethane and of tetrakis - dimethylaminomethylmethane 36 ) 39 ) 6 ') : 1942, 163-75; ~ 3: The formation and thermal decomposition of some quaternary salts of tetrakis-dimethylaminomethylmethane 36 ) : 175-81. — The synthesis of ditertiary arsines ; meso- and racemic forms of bis-4-covalentarsenic compounds 18 ): 1939, 610-15. - The stereochemistry of 3-covalent arsenic. Isomeric forms of 5,10-di-p-tolyl-5,10-dihydroarsanthren 18 ): 1940, 1184-92. - Tetra-arylphosphonium, -arsonium, and -stibonium salts, 1: A new method of preparation 18 ): 1192-96; — 2 : Mechanism of their formation by the aluminium chloride reaction 68 ): 1942, 666-71; — 3 : Synthesis and properties of tetra-arylarsonium salts having four dissimilar aryl groups86) : 1947, 505-13. — Quaterphenyl, 1 : Some dihydroxy derivatives 39 ) : 1940, 137985. — Interaction of chloramine-T and hydrogen sulphide, phosphine, and arsine 10 ) 68 ) : 1942, 157-63. — The comparative reactivity of the carbonyl groups in the thionaphthenquinones, 1 : The constitution of certain thioindigoid dyes39) : 404-15 ; — 2 : The influence of substituent groups in the thionaphthenquinones 26 ): 1945, 893-909; ~ 3: The influence of solvents and catalysts 26 ) : 910-13; ~ 4 : The action of chloramine-T on the thionaphthenquinones 26 ) : 913-17. — The synthetic application of o-/5bromoethyl-benzyl bromide, 1: Sulphanilamide derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoquinoline 47 ) : 1942, 737-41; ~ 2 : The preparation and properties of 2-substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoarsinolines 47 ): 1943, 5 4 7 50 ; ~ 3 : The preparation and optical resolution of 2-phenyl-2-p-chlorophenacyl-l,2,3,4tetrahydro-isoarsinolinium bromide 47 ) : 5 5 0 54; ~ 4 : The preparation of 2-substituted 1,— 2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines 47 ) : 1945, 3 4 - 3 7 ;

Mann, Frederick George ~ 5: The preparation and properties of thioisochroman, selenoisochroman, telluroisochroman and of their optically active derivatives 4 '): 37-44; ~ 6: The preparation and optical resolution of a spirocyclic arsonium salt possessing molecular dissymmetry 47 ): 4548. — Mechanism of indole formation from phenacylarylamines, l 26 ) 88 ): 1943, 58-68; ~ 2: The stability and reactions of phenacyl-Nalkylarylamines 12 ): 1948, 847-58; ~ 3: The conditions and mechanism of the isomerisation and indorsation of phenacylarylamines 12 ): 858-70. — Some properties of urea, biuret, and triuret 4 1 ): 1943, 603-06. - Preparation and properties of certain polysulphanilamide compounds 86 ): 606-09. — Note on the co-ordination number of bivalent lead 41 ): 661. — The stereochemistry of organic derivatives of phosphorus, 1: The synthesis of acidic and basic dissymmetric tertiary phosphines; the optica lresolution of phenyl-p-(carboxymethoxy)phenyl-n-butyl-phosphine sulphide 2 '): 1944, 276-83; ~ 2: The synthesis of 2,2-disubstituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isophosphinolinium salts and the optical resolution of 2-phenyl-2-p-hydroxy-phenyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isophosphinolinium bromide 4 '): 1947, 1634—42; — 3: The synthesis and optical resolution of a spirocyclic phosphonium salt possessing molecular dissymmetry 40 ): 1955, 4107-14. — The preparation, resolution, and optical properties of 2-amino-n-octane 66 ): 1944, 456-61. .— The condensation products of the 1,2-disubstituted 3-nitroso-indoles. A new type of cyanine dye 41 ): 670-77. — Action of sodium on o-xylylene dibromide') 8 ) 68 ): 1945, 27-30. — The preparation and properties of 2-substituted iso-arsindolines. The synthesis of spiro-arsonium salts 68 ): 30-34. — Some aspects of the organic chemistry of phosphorus and arsenic. (Tilden Lecture): 65-73. — The chemistry of xanthic acid derivatives, 1: The preparation and comparative properties of isomeric xanthates and dithiocarbonates 13 ): 666-74; ~ 2: The thermal decomposition of disulphurdicarbothionic esters 13 ): 674-77; — 3: The interaction of carboxylic acid chlorides and potassium ethyl xanthate 1 3 ): 677-80; — 4: The interaction of sulphonyl chlorides and potassium ethyl xanthate 1 3 ): 680-86.— The synthesis and properties of 1,7-dialkyl xanthines 66 ): 751-60. - DonaldPurdie, 19091943: 1946, 417f. - James Hart-Smith, 1877-1946: 758. — The preparation and properties of thiol-esters 26 ): 1947, 559 f. - The cyano-ethylation of arsines, and the preparation of amidino-alkyl-arsines and carboxyalkyl-arsines 23 ): 618-24. — The preparation and properties of thionaphthindoles 26 ): 653-58. — The synthesis of /S-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-Nmethylserine (adrenalinecarboxylic acid) 26 ): 658-62. — The preparation and properties of 2-substituted isoarsindolines and of as-spirobisisoarsindolinium salts 68 ) 22 ): 662-70. — Syn-


thetic antimalarials, 16: 4-Dialkylamino-alkylamino-quinazolines; variation of substituents in the 6- and 7-positions 1 ') 36 ): 890-99; — 18: 3-Dialkylamino-alkylamino-diphenylamines 66 ): 910-14; — 19: Dialkylamino-alkylamino-diphenylguanidines 63 ) 66 ): "914-17. — The cyanoethylation of amines and arsines 23 ): 1949, 67-72. — The synthesis and properties of 2,7-disubstituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines 9 ): 1799-803. Triethylenediamine (l,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane) and hexaethylenetetramine, 1: Synthesis and properties 62 ): 2298-302; ~ 2: The properties of 1,2,2,4,5,5-hexamethylpiperazine 70 ): 1954, 4476-80; ~ 3: The interaction of 2,2',2"-trichlorotriethylamine hydrochloride and dimethylamine 6 ): 1957, 1881-99; ~ 4: The interaction of triethylenediamine and dibromomethane, 1,2-dibromoethane, and 1,3-dibromopropane 1 ): 1964,2248-54. — Structure and colour in the indolo(3',2' ;3,4)quinoline and the 1,2 - dihy dro quinolino (3',2'; 3,4) quinoline series: 1949, 2816-24. - The synthesis of 10-substituted 9,10-dihydroarsanthridines 22 ): 2888-94. — The interaction of diazomethane and diphenylchloroarsine 22 ): 2895-98. - 1,2-Disubstituted 3-aminoindoles, 1: Preparation and reactions 48 ): 2903-11; ~ 2: The preparation of indolo(3',2';3,4)isoquinolines and of a new type of cyanine dye derived therefrom 4 8 ): 2911-14. — A synthesis of derivatives of ophenylene-ethylenediarsine and of o-phenylenetrimethylenediarsine 37 ): 1950, 682-84. — The synthetic application of phenylarsinebis(magnesium bromide), 1: The synthesis of isoarsindolines, tetrahydroisoarsinolines and 2arsaperinaphthanes 9 ) 22 ): 1917-22 ;~2: The synthesis and properties of 6-substituted 6-arsal,2,3,4-dibenzcyclohepta-l,3-dienes 9 ) 81 ): 192325; ~ 3: The preparation and properties of 4substituted tetrahydro-l,4-oxarsines, and of l,4-disubstitutedhexahydro-l,4-azarsines 9 ): 1951,886-91. — The optical properties of 2-amino-n-octane, 2-dimethylamino-n-octane, and trimethyl-2-n-octylammonium iodide 69 ): 1950, 3384-86. — The preparation of 1-substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophosphinolines and 2-substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisophosphinolines 9 ) : 1951, 411-15. — Xanthones and thioxanthones, 1: The synthesis of 2- and 3-dialkylaminoalkylamino derivatives 80 ): 747-56; — 2: Derivatives of thioxanthhydrol, 9-xanthylamine, and 9-thioxanthylamine 80 ): 757-61; — 3: The synthesis of 9-oxa-l-aza-anthrone (4azaxanthone) 80 ): 761 f.; — 4: The preparation and properties of 9-oxa-l-aza-anthrone and 9thia-l-aza-anthrone 6 9 ): 1952, 2057-62; ~ 5: The preparation and properties of 9-thia-2aza-anthrone and 9-thia-4-aza-anthrone 66 ): 1954, 3905-10; ~ 6: The preparation and properties of 9-thia-3-aza-anthrone 66 ): 1955, 2755-63. — The structure and properties of certain poly cyclic indolo and quinolino derivatives, 2: Derivatives of 1-ketojulolidine' 2 ):


Mann, Frederick George

1961, 1898-905; ~ 3: Derivatives of 1,2,2a,- 2762-69; ~ 7: The optical resolution of some 3,4,5,8,9,10,10a-decahydro-5,8-diketo-2a,10a- cyclic quaternary diarsonium dibromides 32 ) 60 ) diazapyrene 4 ): 1906-09; ~ 4: Derivatives of 6 1 ): 1963, 2833-38; ~ 8: A novel type of taul-thiochroman-4-one and of 2-thioisochro- tomerism shown by 5,10-dihydro-5,10-dimethman-4-one 64 ); 1909-14 ; ~ 5 : Derivatives of ylarsanthrene di-iodide: 4266-68; — 9: ol,2-dihydro-l-keto-4,5-dimethyl-liline 4 ): 1952, Terphenyl derivatives containing nine-, ten-, 1870-74; ~ 6: Derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetra- eleven-, and twelve-membered diarsine ring hydro-l-methyl-4-oxoquinoline 11 ): 1955, 381- systems 60 ) 6 ): 1965, 6342-50. - The cyano92; ~ 7: Derivatives of 1,6-dioxojuIolidine 11 ): ethylation of aryl phosphines 60 ): 1952, 4453393-98; ~ 8: Derivatives of 1,2,3,4-tetra- 57. — The preparation of alkylarylarsines 72 ): hydro-4-oxoarsinoline and of 1,6-dioxoarsulo- 4544f. — The action of acyl cyanides on 2- and lidine 87 ): 1957, 3346-52; ~ 9: Derivatives 1,2-substituted indoles, l 6 4 ): 1953, 594-602; of l,3,4,5-tetrahydro-5-oxobenz(cd)indole 76 ): ~ 2: Derivatives of 2-o-aminophenylindole64) 3352-66; — 10: Some applications of the 6 7 ) 7 9 ): 1966, 1319-31. - The preparation and Friedlander reaction, and further studies of properties of l-phenyl-l-phospha-2,3;6,7-dithe quinolino-bases prepared from cyclic keto- benzocyclohepta-2,6-diene and its arsenic amines 11 ): 1958, 3368-77; ~ 11: Derivatives analogue 60 ) 72 ): 1953, 1130-34. - The preparaof4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-l-methyl-4-oxo-2,3-benz- tion and properties of certain diazadimethine azepine 11 ): 3377-86; ~ 12: l,2-Dihydro-2- cyanine salts 37 ) 75 ): 3742-46. — The preparamethylquinolino(3',2';3,4)isoquinoline and its tion and properties of 10-phenylphenoxphosderivatives 44 ): 1959, 2043-48; ~ 13: The phine 60 ): 3746-50. — The preparation and cyclisation of certain 4-pyridyl- and 4-quinolyl properties of l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-l-methyl-4hydrazones 67 ) 88 ): 3830-34; ~ 14: Derivatives oxoquinoline 3 ) 11 ): 1964, 403-08. - The preof2,3-dihydro-l-oxo-lH-pyrrolizine u ) 69 ): 1962, paration of o-, m-, and p-alkoxy- and -phen4346-53; — 15: Derivatives of l-phenyl-4- oxy-methylbenzyl chlorides 73 ): 2819-26. — piperidone and its phosphorus and arsenic The action of magnesium and of Grignard analogues 34 ): 5110-20; — 16: Derivatives of reagents on certain benzyl ethers, 1: The 1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-4-oxo -1 - phenylphosphino- action of magnesium on o-, m-, and p-alkoxyline 34 ): 1963, 4855-59. - The synthesis of 1- and phenoxy-methylbenzyl chlorides 73 ): 2826substituted phosphindolines 60 ): 1951, 2205 f. 32; ~ 2: The action of Grignard reagents on — Thio-oxindole, thioindoxyl, and certain o-, m-, and p-methoxy- and -phenoxy-methcarbonyl derivatives 37 ): 1952, 2127-35. - me- ylanilines 73 ): 4127-34. — The preparation ro-Cyanines derived from thio-oxindole, 1: and properties of 2-phenylisophosphindoline. mero-Cyanines having a dimethine chain A new class of co-ordinated metallic comattached to the 3-thionaphthene nucleus 37 ): pounds 60 ) 73 ): 2832-39. - Some oxonols de2135-44; — 2: mero-Cyanines having a tetra- rived from thio-oxindole, l 3 ') 8 7 ): 1955,30-34. methine, hexamethine, or diazadimethine — Cyanine dyes derived from 1,6-dioxojulolichain attached to the 3-thionaphthene nu- dine 11 ): 398-401. — The preparation and recleus 37 ): 5012-16; — 3 : Trinuclear mero-cy- action of dialkyl(o-dialkylphosphinophenyl)anines S7 ) 87 ): 1955, 28-30; ~ 4: The isomerism arsines 61 ): 4472-77. — The reaction of o-diof the diazadimethine-mero-cyanines 37 ): 2537- iodobenzene with magnesium, lithium, and 42. — The molecular rearrangement of the n-butyl-lithium 42 ) 60 ): 1966, 1-5. - Preparaphenylhydrazones of thio-oxindole-3-aldehyde tion and some properties of 2,2'-dibromodiand of 3-acetyl(thio-oxindole) 37 ): 1952,2401- phenylamine 61 ): 786f. — Cyanine dyes derived 2-methylindolo(3',2' ;3,4)quinoline 67 ): 04. — The preparation and properties of hexa- from hydro-l,4-diphenyl-l,4-azaphosphine 60 ): 3039 1331-36. — The condensation products of -46. — The preparation of bis-2-cyanoethyl malononitrile and certain cyclic ketoamines 49 ): derivatives of aromatic primary amines, and 3179-83; Cyclic ketoamines, 2: The preparatheir conversion into 1,6-diketojulolidines tion and spectroscopic characteristics of sub[.l] 1 1 ): 3 0 4 6 - 5 1 2 1 1 ) : 1953, 1817-24; ~ 3 1 1 ) : stituted l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-4-oxoquinolines 11 ): 1954, 651-58. — The preparation and proper- 1957, 4166-73; ~ 3: The reactions of substities of 1,4-dimethylethylene-o-phenylenedi- tuted l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-4-oxoquinolines and arsineand ofdiethylene-o-phenylenediarsine 6 ): of 1,6-dioxojulolidines 49 ): 1958, 467-80; ~ 4: 1952, 4142-47; Cyclic diarsines, 2: 1,4-Disub- The synthesis and reactions of 1,2,3,4-tetra1959, stituted diethylene-diarsines 61 ): 1955, 401-05; hydro-2-methyl-4-oxoisoquinoline 44 ): ~ 3: Compounds containing an eight-mem- 599-610. — The preparation and characteribered diarsine ring system 61 ): 405-10; ~ 4: sation of o-bromophenylmagnesium broDerivatives of 5,10-dihydro-5,10-dimethylars- mide 42 ) 60 ): 1956, 4692-94.-The optical rotaof (-)-N-l-phenylethylphthalamic anthrene 61 ): 411-22; ~ 5: Diphenyl deriv- tion atives containing seven-, eight-, nine-, and acid and its salts 40 ): 1957, 2828-30. - Aliten-membered diarsine ring systems 42 ) 43 ) 60 ): phatic carboxylic acids containing arsenic. 1958, 3838—44; ~ 6: The thermal decompo- Di(carboxymethyl)phenylarsine and related sition of some cyclic quaternary diarsonium compounds 11 ): 3285-91. — The synthesis and dihydroxides and dibromides 32 ) 43 ) 60 ): 1961, properties of substituted l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-4-

Mann, Frederick George oxoarsinolines and of 1,6-dioxoarsulolidines 87 ): 3336-46. — The reaction of o-bromoiodobenzene with, magnesium and lithium 42 ) 60 ): 3930-38. — The synthesis and properties of 4methyl-o-phenylenebis(diethylphosphine) 40 ): 3939-44. — The preparation and quaternisation of o-dimethylaminophenyldiethylphosphine and an analogous arsine 84 ): 3945-49. — Seven-membered heterocyclic systems, 1: The attempted Friedel-Crafts cyclisation of y-arylsulphonamidobutyric acids 11 ): 4174-82. — The preparation and properties of 10,10-disubstituted phenoxsilanes 46 ) 82 ): 4537-46. - The synthesis and structure of 10-phenylarsacridone 61 ): 1958, 294-99. - The synthesis of indolo(2',3';l,2)- and indolo(3',2';l,2)carbazole 8S ): 1525-29.-Thesynthesis of 1-arylarsindolines 61 ): 1719-21. —The synthesis of derivatives of 1,4-diphenyldiethylenediphosphine 46 ): 2081-86. - The synthesis of 2-phenylisophosphindoline" 0 ) 84 ): 2516-19. - An infrared absorption band of the N-methyl group in the region of 2800 cm" 1 u ) 2 9 ) 7 1 ): 2780-83. - The reaction of 3-bromo-4-iodotoluene with magnesium and lithium 46 ) 60 ): 4704-08. - T h e interaction of o-chloromethylphenacyl chloride and primary amines: a novel formation of the isoindoline system 44 ) 82 ): 1959, 610-14. - Infrared spectra and hydrogen bonding in compounds containing X ( : 0 ) - 0 H groups 11 ) 38 ) 71 ): 868-72. — Triethylenediphosphine(l,4-diphosphabicyclo[2,2,2]octane 46 ): 2835-43. Optical rotatory power and molecular structure, 1: The synthesis and optical resolution of as-spirobis(l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-arsinolinium)iodide 47 ) 76 ): 1960, 9-16. - The double methopicrates of certain heterocyclic tertiary amines 6 ): 1961, 3845-51. - The abnormal hydrolysis of certain /3-(diarylphosphino)propionic esters, l 4 6 ) 7 '): 5454-70; — 2: Correction and extension 78 ) 90 ): 1963, 1155-67. - The synthesis and reactions of certain 6-substituted benzimidazo[l,2-c]quinazolines 28 ): 1962, 945-54. — The synthesis of 1-arsabicyclo[3,3,0]octane 43 ) 60 ): 196B, 725-27. - The infrared spectroscopic identification of the Pmethyl group in tertiary phosphines 59 ) 78 ) 90 ): 1327f. — The crystal structure of tetramethylarsonium bromide 21 ) 74 ): 4051-55. — Synthesis of the 1-substituted l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-4-oxophosphinoline system 34 ) 66 ): 4846-55. — The synthesis and stereochemistry of 5,10-disubstituted 5,10-dihydrophosphanthrenes and their derivatives 28 ): 1964, 3770-85. - The synthesis of certain chelating ditertiary phosphines 28 ): 3786-90. - The conditions determining the quaternisation of tertiary phosphines by methyl 2,4-dinitrobenzenesulphonate 69 ): 5716-25. — The mechanism of the reduction of diphenylphosphinic acid and its ethyl ester by lithium aluminium hydride 69 ): 6121-30. — The structure of o-iodosobenzoic acid and of certain derivatives 8 )' 1 ) 76 ): 1965, 3721-28. — The mechanism of methyl group


migration from oxygen to phosphorus in mmethoxyphenylphenylphosphine 69 ): 4115-19. — The dealkylation of alkyl aryl ethers and sulphides by diaryl-phosphide and -arsenide ions 66 ): 4120-27. — The synthesis and properties of 2-p-dimethylaminophenyl-l,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium salts 14 ): 5819-25. The synthesis, structure and reactions of 1,2,3-triphenyl-l,2,3-triphosphaindane, a novel heterocyclic system. A n e ^ synthesis of the 5,10-dihydrophosphanthrene system' 6 ): 1966, 916-21. J. chem. Soc., London, Sect. A Preparation and properties of nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes of 2,2'-biphenylylenebisdiethylphosphine. Spectroscopic, magnetic, and proton magnetic resonance studies 2 ) 60 ) 91 ) 96 ): 1969, 1097-100. — Five-co-ordinate complexes of 9-substituted 9-phosphafluorenes with certain group V I I I transition-metal halides and cyanides 2 ) 60 ): 1101-09. - Co-ordination of N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine and 1,4-dimethylpiperazine with certain transition metals. The identity of the supposed iridium derivatives 2 ): 1970, 999f. J. chem. Soc., London, Sect. C Synthesis and reactions of 2,2'-biphenylylenebisdiethylphosphine. Formation of cyclic diquaternary dibromides and alkylene dibromides, and the nature and probable mechanism of their thermal decomposition 2 ) 60 ): 1967, 1869-75. Preparation, reactions and structure of 5,10epoxy-, 5,10-epithio-, 5,10-episeleno, and 5,10epitelluro-5,10-dihydroarsanthrene 2 ) 92 ) 62 ) 93 ) 83 ): 1970, 810-15. J. org. Chemistry Conditions of salt formation in polyamines and kindred compounds. Salt formation in the tertiary 2-pyridylamines, phosphines and arsines 86 ): 13 ('48) 502-31. J. roy. Soc. Arts Recent advances in stereochemistry. (Sir William Jackson Pope memorial lecture): 96 ('48) 601-11. Nature [London] An optically active inorganic salt: 130 ('32) 368. - The polarity of the co-ordinate link 16 ): 133 ('34) 686f. Phosphine and arsine derivatives of the group 1(b) metals: Volatile derivatives of gold 86 ): 140 ('37) 502. — Amino-derivatives of pentaerythritol 6 '): 141 ('38) 789f. - Organic chemistry of the metals: 142 ('38) 709f. - Metallic triazine complexes: 147 ('41) 778f. —New heterocyclic systems 47 ) 68 ): 160 ('42) 603. - An optically active arsonium salt 47 ): 161 ('43) 474 f. — Paraxanthine as a natural antithyroid substance 16 ) 39 ) 60 ): 7 28-30. - An optically active selenonium salt 47 ): 162 ('43) 749f. — Cyano-ethylation of arsines and the formation of arsine-amidines 23 ): 157 ('46) 846. — Adrenaline carboxylic acid (N-methyl-/}-(3,4dihydroxyphenyl)-serine) 26 ): 158 ('46) 375. An optically active quaternary phosphonium salt 47 ): 169 ('47) 438. - A new synthesis of


Mann, Frederick George — Manneback

2,7-disubstituted-l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-iso-quinolines 9 ) : 162 ('48) 337f. - Structure and colour in the l,2-dihydroquinolino-(3',2';3,4)quinolines: 164 ('49) 785, 821. - An optically active spirocyclic phosphonium salt 40 ): 175 ('55) 952. — The University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge: 182 ('58) 1280f. Proc. chem. Soc., London The place of chemistry, 2: At Cambridge: 1967, 190-93. The abnormal hydrolysis of certain 2-(substit u t e d ethyl)phosphines, L 4 6 ) " ) : 1 9 5 9 , 365f. Hamilton McCombie, 1880-1962: 1963, 122 f. Mit: ') T. B. A b b i s s ; ! ) D.5 W. A l l e n ; ») J. A. C. A l l i s o n ; •) C. Y. A l m o n d ; ) F. C. B a k e r ; •) G. P. B a k e r ; ') W. B a k e r ; •) R. B a n k s ; ») M. H. B e e b y ; ">) J. R. B e n d a l l ; ") J. T. B r a u n h o l t z ; ") F. B r o w n ; ") G. B u l m e r ; ») D. F. C a r s o n ; ") G. S. C a r t e r ; ") E . J . C h a p l i n ; ") N. B. C h a p m a n ; ") J. C h a t t ; ") W. C o c h r a n ; J. W. Collier; ") E. C o l l i n s ; ") G. H. C o o k s o n ; !a ) R. C. Cooke o n ; ") D. C r o w f o o t ; !t ) A. F.2 C r o w t h e r ; "•) C. E. D a l g l i e s h ; «') W. C. D a v l e s ; ")M. D a v i s ; ") E. A. Y. E b s w o r t h ; ") R. C. E v a n s ; ") J. K. F a w c e t t ; ") M. H. F o r b e s ; sa ) A. R. F o x ; ") M. J. Gallagher; S1) D . C . G a t t i k e r ; ••) G. M. G i b s o n ; ") R. H. G l a u e r t ; ") G. E. H a l l ; '») J. H a r l e y - M a s o n ; F. A. H a r t ; 41) R. C. H a w o r t h ; ") H. H e a n e y ; ") D. M. H e i n e k e y ; ") I. G. H i n t o n ; ") R. C. H i n t o n ; ") C. H. S. H i t c h c o c k ; ") F. G. H o50l l i m a n ; ") H u a n g Hsinmin; ") P. I. I t t y e r a h ; ) G. N. J e n k i n s ; ") Emrys R. H. J o n e s ; ") O. K e n n a r d ; ") K. A. K e r r ; ") A. K. K i a n g ; ••) E. C. K i r b y ; ") S. K r u g e r ; «*) A. L i t h e r l a n d ; *•) D. R. L y o n ; ") K. B. M a l l i o n ; ") X. T. M i l l a r ; ") E. A. Moelw y n - H u g h e s ; ") D. F. M u k h e r j e e ; •') F. T. N a y l o r ; ") H. S. P e i s e r ; ") J. W. G. P o r t e r ; •') M. J. P r a g n e l l ; ") A. F. P r i o r ; •') D. P u r d i e ; ••) J. A. R e i d ; ") A. V. S e n i o r ; ") N. S h e p p a r d ; ") B. B. S m i t h ; ") F. H. C. S t e w a r t ; ") D. J. S u t o r ; '•) A. J. T e t l o w ; ") D. A. T h o r8 n t o n ; ") D. T o d d ; '•) B. P. T o n g ; ") A. T o p h a m ; ° ) J. H. T u r n b u l l ; ") E. E. T u r n e r ; A. V a n t e r p o o l ; ••) D. G. W a t s o n ; ") H. R. W a t s o n ; '») J. W a t s o n ; ••) A. F. W e l l s ; ") A. J,0 . W i l k i n s o n ; s") T. J. W i l l c o x ; »») N. Woost e r ; ) V. P. W y s t r a c h ; ") R. M. C a n a d i n e ; •«) J. C. C o p p o l a ; ••) W. D. S. M o t h e r w e l l ; H. M. P o w e l l ; ••) J. W a l k e r ; ••) D. W a t k i n .

moratif Victor Henri (Liège '48) 33-46 : Interprétation of cross-terms in the potential funetion of polyatomic molecules 4 ) 6 ). — Les inventeurs célèbres; sciences physiques et applications (L. Leprince-Ringuet) (Paris '50) 20003: Lord Kelvin - La température absolue; le câble sous-marin transatlantique; 266-70: Heisenberg - Les relations d'incertitude. — Van der Pol mémorial lecture 1963, International Scientific Radio Union (Bruxelles '64) 11-16: Allocution prononcée à la XlVe Assemblée générale de l'Union Radioscientifique Internationale (URSI) à Tokyo, 11 sept. 1963, à la mémoire de Balthazar van der Pol. — La nouvelle bibliothèque de l'honnête homme (P. Wigny) (Anvers '68) 711-24: Mathématiques et physique; 727-31: Astronomie. W. Calcul et identification des vibrations des molécules (Liège '35) 60 S. (Université de Liège, Chaire Francqui, Conférences, 7). — Les machines mathématiques aux Etats-Unis (m. L. Brillouin) (Bruxelles '47) 35 S. (Fonds national de la recherche scientifique).

Annales Soc. sci. Bruxelles, Sér. B A propos d'une récente note du R. P. Perez del Pulgar Sur les variations du potentiel scalaire dans le vide": 53 ('33) 201-15. - E t u d e des oscillations fondamentales de molécules du type X 6 et X 6 Y 6 2 ): 54 ('34) 230-79. - Calcul des fréquences fondamentales d'une molécule du type X 6 à symétrie hexagonale plane: 55 ('35) 5—15. — Calcul des fréquences fondamentales de vibration d'une molécule du type X 6 Y e à symétrie hexagonale régulière plane: 129-59. — Calcul partiel de la fonction potentielle de la molécule de benzène dans l'hypothèse de la symétrie hexagonale plane: 237-52. — Calcul des fréquences fondamentales de vibration des 16 VI MANNEBACK, C h a r l e s Lambert. molécules C 2 H 4 , C 2 D 4 et C 2 D 2 H 2 ): 56 ('36) 349-72; Sér. I 57 ('37) 128. Physik, Math. - 1922-24 Chargé de Annales Soc. sel. Bruxelles, Sér. I Calcul des Cours, '24-64 Prof, ord., '64 Prof. Emer., modes fondamentaux plans de vibration des

Univ. Catholique de Louvain; '61-69 Secrétaire perpétuel, '70 Secrétaire perpétuel hon., Acad. Royale des Sci., des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique; ' 6 9 - Prés, d'honneur, Union Radioscientifique I n t e r n a t . (URSI); Prof, étranger dans nombreuses universités europ. et amér. — D. h.c. (Univ. de Montpellier). — '32 Prix Agathon de Potter (Acad. Roy. de Belgique) ; '39 Prix décennal des Math, appliqués (Gouvernem. belge). *1894, Màrz 9, Etterbeck, Bruxelles.

S. Verhandelingen, op 25 Mei 1935 aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. P. Zeeman ('s Gravenhage '35) 293-301 : Dispersion des gaz polaires dans l'infra-rouge. — Contribution à l'étude de la structure molé - ulaire. Volume commé-

m o l é c u l e s C 2 H 4 , C 2 D 4 e t C 2 H 2 D 2 1 6 ) : 57 ( ' 3 7 )

31-38. — Calcul des fréquences et modes de vibration de la molécule de monodeutéroéthylène 11 ) 14 ) : 120-28. - Calcul des fréquences et modes fondamentaux gauches de vibration des molécules de deutéroéthylène C 2 H X DJ, (x+y=4)1): 59 ('39) 113-24. - Fonction potentielle des mouvements plans de la molécule de benzène. Calcul des fréquences normales planes de vibration des molécules sym-C6H3D3,




i) 16 ): 376-402; 60 ('40) 45-59. - Fonction potentielle de l'éthylène 3 ): 66 ('52) 178-93. Potential function for the out-of-the-plane vibrations of C 2 H 3 Br and its seven deuterated substitutes and the effect of anharmonicity on the calculation 12 ) : 67 ('53) 28-67. - Potential function for the vibrations of H2C = CBr 2 , HDC = CBr2, D2C = CBr 2 i 2 ): 140-76. - Influence de l'anharmonicité sur le calcul de la

Manneback fonction potentielle des molécules C 2 H 4 et H 2 0 1 2 ) : 275-84. Bull. Cl. Sci., Âcad. roy. Belgique Assemblée générale de l'Union Internationale de Physique: (5) 40 ('54) 874-76. - Adresse à la Réunion intime en l'honneur du Chanoine G. Lemaître à l'occasion de la remise de son buste à la Classe: 41 ('55) 73-76. — La machine à calculer électronique : 312-15. — Rapports sur le travail de M. A. Monfils : Contribution à l'étude du monochlorosilane par spectroscopie infrarouge à grande dispersion 13 ) 7 ): 529f. — Rapports sur le travail de M. Pierre Macq: Contribution à l'étude de la corrélation angulaire bêta-gamma 7 ) 8 ): 1214f. — Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques (ICSU). V i l l e Assemblée générale à Washington du 2 au 6 octobre 1958: 44 ('58) 939-41. - Allocution à l'occasion de la remise de la médaille du Prix de la Belgica aux membres de la première expédition antarctique belge 1957-1958: 45 ('59) 530-32. -Particulesélémentaires: 113247. — Hommage à la mémoire de Mgr. Georges Lemaître: 62 ('66) 1034-39. - Structure électronique et énergie de la molécule homopolaire Li 2 dans l'état fondamental de symétrie 1T+ 16) : 55 ('69) 55-84. - I n memoriam Paul Scherrer:. 1098 f. — Rapport sur la X H I e Assemblée générale du Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques (ICSU), tenue à Madrid du 24 au 29 septembre 1970: 56 ('70) 1415-17. - XlVe tenue à Helsinki du 15 au 21 septembre 1972: 58 ('72) 1153-56. Bull. Soc. math. Belgique Sur les grandes machines mathématiques américaines: 1 ('49) 15f. Bull, techn. Union Ing. louvain Allocution prononcée à la séance académique tenue le 19 avril 1934 en l'honneur du Professeur G. Lemaître, lauréat du P r i x Francqui : 1934,26-38. — L'expansion de l'univers et les théories de G. Lemaître: 45-56. Hauteclaire La Hollande et les sciences physiques: 7 ('37) 30-37. Information Bull., Int. sci. Radio Union I n memoriam Prof. B. van der Pol: 1960, 3-9. J. chem. Physics Plane fundamental modes of vibration of deuteroethylenes: 5 ('37) 989. J. Cliim. physique et Physico-Chim. biol. Résumé de communications faites au Colloque de spectroscopie moléculaire de Paris: 45 ('48) 11-13. — Etude théorique partielle du spectre de vibration de la molécule de naphtalène: 46 ('49) 49-57. J. Physique et Radium Diffusion de la lumière et structure des molécules: (7)8 ('37) 72S74S. — Remarques sur les modes de vibration entièrement symétriques de l'éthylène (substitué ou non substitué) principalement de molécules 10 ) : (8) 13 ('52) 428. - Anharmonicité et calcul d'une fonction potentielle qua-


dratique pour les vibrations des molécules12) : 15 ('54) 204f. Mémoires Soc. roy. Sci. Liège Remarques sur les termes de couplage (cross terms) dans la fonction potentielle plane de vibration de la molécule de benzène: (6) 1 ('71) 191-206. Nature [London] Provisional computation of the plane vibration frequencies of symmetrical deuteroethylenes 16 ): 138 ('36) 367. Raman spectrum of monodeuteroethylene 6 ) 9 ) 11 14 ) ): 139 ('37) l l l l f . - Interaction terms in molecular vibrations 4 ) 6 ): 160 ('47) 793f. Physica Computation of the intensities of vibrational spectra of electronic bands in diatomic molecules [,1]: 17 ('51) 1001-10; ~ 2 12 ): 20 ('54) 497-500. - Summary of LCAO computations of energy and electronic structures of the molecule Li 2 in the ground state and in some excited states: 29 ('63) 769-83. Proc. indian Acad. Sci., Sect. A Raman effect and the potential function of the ethylene molecule 7 ) : 9 ('39) 286-302. Recueil Trav. Assemblée gén., Union radiosci. int. Rapport sur les limites entre lesquelles les méthodes approximatives de l'optique géométrique restent valides en optique ondulatoire: 5 ('38) Commis. V, No. 110, 5 S. Relatione» Auctis sci. Tempore Belli, Pontificia Acad. Sci. La physique du noyau dans certains pays d'Europe durant la période 1939-1945: Nr. 9 ('46) 17 S. - Progrès récents de la théorie quantique des champs et du meson: Nr. 17 ('46) 26 S. Revista real Acad. Ci. exactas, fisicas y natur. Madrid Allocution prononcée devant la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Flsicas y Naturales, à Madrid, le 11 février 1953:47 ('53) 49-56 [ ]. Revue Cercle Alumni Fondât, universit. L'expansion de l'univers et les théories de G. Lemaître: 5 ('33/34) 13 S. — Jacques Errera. Prix Francqui: 9 ('37/38) 199-205. Revue gén. [Bruxelles] Jacques Errera, Prix Francqui: 71 ('38) 604-10. Revue Questions sci. P. Debye, Prix Nobel de Chimie: (5) 1 ('37) 28-45. - Quelques progrès récents dans l'étude de la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques à travers la haute atmosphère: 3 ('38) 337-41. — La connaissance de la nature chez les physiciens contemporains: 11 ('50) 481-93. — Particules élémentaires: 19 ('58) 321-48. - The 1958 Annual international conference on high energy physics at CERN: 587-91. — A propos d ' u n ouvrage récent de M. Louis de Broglie: " L a théorie de la mesure en mécanique ondulatoire". Interprétation usuelle et interprétation causale: 591-96. — Hommage à la mémoire de Mgr. Georges Lemaître: 27 ('66) 45361.


Manneback — Manske

Suppl. NUOTO Cimento Recenta travaux ex- I V " V I MANNING, H e n r y P a r k e r . périmentaux de spectroscopie infra-rouge et M a t h . — 1 9 0 6 - 2 0 Assoc. P r o f . , ' 2 0 retired, Eaman relatifs à des familles de molécules isotopes deutérées, en particulier celles de l'éthy- ' 3 0 P r o f . E m e r . , B r o w n U n i v . , P r o v i lène et ses substitués bromés: (10) 2 ('55) 6 1 3 - dence, R h o d e I s l a n d . 19. * 1 8 5 9 , O k t . 3, W o o d s t o c k , Conn.; Mit: E. B e r n a r d ; ') M. Tan den B o s s c h e ; a ) J . f l 9 5 6 , J a n . 11, Providence, R . I . 4

C h a r e t t e ; ) C. A. Coulson; ") J . D e l l o s s e ; •) J . D u c h e s n e ; ') M. de H e m p t i n n e ; 8 ) E. H e n r i o t ; Zur Biogr. The national cyclopaedia of •) J . C. J u n g e r s ; 10) J . L e c o m t e ; " ) G. L e m a l t r e ; l a ) A. R a h m a n ; " ) P. Swings; " ) Y. L. T c h a n g ; American biography 45 ('62) 277 f. " ) A. V e r l e y s e n ; " ) P. C o l m a n t .

MANNESSIER-MAMELI, Anna. Chem. — 1 9 2 5 - l i b e r a D o c . , U n i v . di P a dova. * 1 8 7 9 , Dez. 16, S t . Ouen, P a r i s ; f 1 9 4 4 , Febr. 9, Padova. Ehegattin von Efisio Mameli V-VIIb V VI

Todesanzeigen American math. Monthly 63 ('56) 276. - Science [USA] 123 ('56) 181.

H. The fourth dimension simply explained; a collection of essays selected from those submitted in the Scientific American's prize competition. Neudrucke (New York '34, '41), (New York-Gloucester, Mass. '60).

W . Geometry of four dimensions. Neudrucke (New York '56, London '57) 348 S. Nekr. A. C o p p a d o r o , Chimica e Industria Non-euclidean geometry. Neuaufl. (New York 26 ('44) 23. — C. S a n d o n n i n i , Annuario '63, Gloucester, Mass. '64) 95 S. Univ. Studi Padova 1943/44, 183-85 (m. Bildn., Schr.verz. 22 Nrn.). V-VI MANNING, W i l l i a m A l b e r t . S. Trabajos I X Congreso internacional de M a t h . 1 9 0 4 - 1 3 Assist. P r o f . , ' 1 3 - 2 1 química pura y aplicada, Madrid 1934, 4 (MaAssoc. P r o f . , ' 2 1 - 4 2 Prof., '42 Prof. Emer., drid '35) 553-67 : Sull'azione delle aniline sulla saccarina; 568-72: Sull'azione delle aniline S t a n f o r d U n i v . , S t a n f o r d , Calif.; ' 2 8 Vicesulla tiosaccarina ; 573-80: Anilidi dell'acido P r e s . , A m e r . M a t h . Soc. — '71 Distin0-solfamido-tiobenzoico; 581-87: Sulla piro- guished Alumnus Award (Willamette lisi della saccarinossima ; 588-93: Sull'azione U n i v . , S a l e m , Ore.). dell'idrossilamina sulla canferimide e ditiocan* 1 8 7 6 , Dez. 5 , S a l e m , O r e . ; ferimide. | 1 9 7 2 , F e b r . 2 9 , S t a n f o r d , Calif. Chimica e Industria Mercurazione nella serie aromatica, 9 : Derivati mercurati del pBull. amer. math. Soc. On transitive groups diclorobenzene e loro applicazioni 1 ) 2 ): 32 ('50) that contain certain transitive subgroups: 45 471-84. ('39) 783-91. Gazz. cllim. ital. Azione dell'idrossilamina Trans, amer. math. Soc. The degree and sulla saccarina, su alcuni suoi derivati e sul class of multiply transitive groups, 3: 35 ('33) 3-tio-benzoditiolo-l,2: 62 ('32) 1067-80. - Sul 585-99. polimorfismo, 5 : Sistemi ternari : acido monocloroacetico a e /? + fenolo + naftalina 1 ) : 63 VI MANSKE, R i c h a r d Helmuth Fred. ('33) 12-16. — Azione delle aniline sulla saccarina e sulla tiosaccarina: 66 ('35) 51-69. — Chem. (org.). - 1926 P h . D . , '38 D . S c . , Anilidi dell'acido o-solfamido-tiobenzoico : 6 9 - V i c t o r i a U n i v . o f M a n c h e s t e r ; ' 2 7 - 2 9 R e 77. — Sulla pirolisi della saccarinossima: 7 7 search Fellow, Y a l e U n i v . , New H a v e n , 84. — Pirolisi del saccarinato e del tiosaccarinato di ammonio. Saccarinimina e pseudo- C o n n . ; '30—43 Assoc. R e s e a r c h Chemist, saccarinamina 1 ) : 70 ('40) 855-74. — Azione N a t i o n . R e s e a r c h Council, O t t a w a , C a n . ; dell'ammoniaca, del carbonato d'ammonio, ' 4 3 - 6 6 D i r . o f R e s e a r c h , D o m i n i o n R u b dell'urea e della diurea sulla saccarina e sulla tiosaccarina: 71 ('41) 3-18. — Azione del- ber Co., L t d . , Guelph, Ont., C a n . ; ' 6 7 l'idrazina sulla saccarina e sulla tiosaccarina : A d j u n c t P r o f . , U n i v . o f W a t e r l o o , O n t . , 18-25. — Azione della semicarbazide sulla C a n . ; ' 6 3 - 6 4 P r e s . , Chemical I n s t , o f saccarina, sulla tiosaccarina e sulla acetil- Canada. — '60 H o n . D . S c . (McMaster saccarina : 25—40. — Azione della fenilidrazina sulla saccarina e sulla tiosaccarina: 596-614. U n i v . , H a m i l t o n , Ont., C a n . ) ; '67 H o n . L L . D . (Queens U n i v . , K i n g s t o n , Ont., Giorn. Chim. industr. ed appi. Sull'acetato Can.). — '59 P a l l a d i u m Medal (Chem. di tricresol mercurio ("Cerere") e sue appli- I n s t . C a n a d a ) ; '73 Morley Medal (Amer. cazioni nell'agricoltura e nell'igiene1^ : 14 ('32) Chem. Soc., Cleveland S e c t . ) . 1-11. * 1 9 0 1 , S e p t . 14, B e r l i n .

Mit: ') E . M a m e l i ; ') G. R o d i g h i e r o .

Manske Zur Biogr. Chemistry in Canada 15 ('63) 17 (m. Bildn.). — Chemistry and Industry 1961, 1421 (m. Bildn.). MH. Alkaloids. Chemistry and physiology 1 (New York '50) - 4 ('54); darin eig. Beiträge: 1, 1-14: Sources of alkaloids and their isolation ; 4 , 1 - 6 : The biosynthesis of isoquinolines; 77-118: The protoberberine alkaloids 1 ); 11945: The aporphine alkaloids; 147-66: The protopine alkaloids; 167-98: The phthalideisoquinoline alkaloids 41 ); 249-52: The eularine alkaloids; 253-63: a-Naphthaphenanthridine alkaloids. H. Alkaloids. Chemistry and physiology 5 (New York '55) - 1 2 ('70); darin eig. Beiträge: 5, 295-300, 7, 505-07: The Lycopodium alkaloids; 5, 301-32, 7, 509-19: Minor alkaloids of unknown structure; 419-21: Ipecac alkaloids; 423-32: Isoquinoline alkaloids; 8, 47-53: The carboline alkaloids; 55-58: The quinazolinocarbolines; 581-89: The alkaloids of Calycanthaceae; 679-92: The alkaloids of Geissospermum species 14 ); 694—723: Alkaloids of Pseudocinchona and Yohimbe; 10, 463-65: The eularine alkaloids; 467-83: Papaveraceae alkaloids; 485-89: a-Naphthaphenanthridine alkaloids; 545-95, 12, 455-512: Alkaloids unclassified and of unknown structure. Anales Quirn. The structure of epiapocavidine,a new 13-methyltetrahydroprotoberberine from Corydalis tuberosa 63 ) 24 ) 43 ): 68 ('72) 68995. Annual Rev. Biochem. Alkaloids: IB ('44) 533-48. Canadian Chem. and Process Industries Alkaloids: 22 ('38) 72f., 75. - Chemical analysis as an aid to botanical classification: 23 ('39) 199f., 210. Canadian J. Res. (Sect. B) Alkaloids of fumariaceous (papaveraceous) plants, 1: Dicentra canadensis Walp.: 7 ('32) 258-64; ~ 2: Dicentra cucularia (L.) Bernh.: 265-69; ~ 3: A new alkaloid, bicuculline, and its constitution: 8 ('33) 142-46; ~ 4: Adlümia fungosa Greene: 210-16; ~ 5: The constitution of adlumine: 404—06; ~ 6: Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers.: 407-11; ~ 7: Dicentra eximia (Ker) Torr.: 592-99; — 8: Corydalis aurea Willd. and the constitution of bicucine: 9 ('33) 436-42; — 9: Dicentra formosa Walp.: 10 ('34) 521-26; ~ 10: Dicentra oregona Eastwood: 765-70; ~ 11: Two new alkaloids, corlumine and corlumidine, and their constitutions: 14 ('36) 325-27; ~ 1 2 : Corydalis scouleri Hook. : 347-53; ~ 13: Corydalis sibirica Pers.: 354—59; — 14: Corypalline, corlumidine, and their constitutions: 15 ('37) 159-67; ~ 15: Dicentra chrysantha Walp. and D. ochroleuca Engelm.: 274-77; ~ 16: Some miscellaneous observations: 16 ('38) 81-90; ~ 17: Corydalis caseanaA. Gray 66 ): 153-57; —18 :Pumaria officinalis L.: 438-44; ~ 19: Corydalis ophiocarpa


Hook. f. et Thorns. : 17 ('39) 51-56 ; ~ 20 : Corydalis micrantha (Engelm.) Gray and Corydalis crystallina Engelm.: 57-60; ~ 21: Corydalis lutea (L.) DC.: 89-94; ~ 22: Corydalis ochroleuca Koch: 95-98; ~ 23: Glaucium flavum Crantz: 399-403; — 24: Corydalis ochotensis Turcz.: 18 ('40) 75-79; ~ 25: Corydalis pallida Pers.: 80-83; ~ 26: Corydalis claviculata (L.) DC.: 97-99; ~ 27: A new alkaloid, cheilanthofoline, and its constitution: 100-02; — 28: Corydalis nobilis Pers.: 288-92; ~ 30: Aurotensine: 414-17; — 31: Corydalis montana (Engelm.) Britton: 20 ('42) 49-52; ~ 32: Stylophorum diphyllum (Michx.) Nutt., Dicranostigma franchetianum (Prain) Fedde and Glaucium serpieri Heldr. : 53-56 ; •— 33 : Corydalis cheilantheifolia Hemsl. : 57-60; ~ 35: Corydalis platycarpa Makino: 21 ('43) 13-16; — 36: Corydalis thalictrifolia Franch., and the constitution of a new alkaloid, thalictrifoline: 111-16; ~ 37: Dactylicapnos macrocapnos Hutchinson: 117f.; ~ 38: Bocconia arborea Wats. : 140-43 ;— 40 : Corydalis cornuta Boyle: 24 ('46) 66f.; ~ 42: Dendromecon rigida Benth.: 27 ('49) 653 f. - Reaction products of indols with diazo esters 1 '): 13 ('35) 170-74. —The synthesis of (5-(3-indolyl)v-aleric acid and the effects of some indole acids on plants 2 2 ): 14 ('36) 1-5. - The alkaloids of Senecio species, 2: Some miscellaneous observations: 6-11; — 3: Senecio integerrimus, S. longilobus, S. spartioides and S. ridelli : 17 ('39) 1 - 7 ; ~ 4: Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. : 8f. — The natural occurrence of acetyl-ornithine: 15 ('37) 84r-87. - An alkaloid from Delphinium brownii Rydb.: 16 ('38) 57-60. Anolobine, an alkaloid from Asimina triloba Dunal: 76—80. — Calycanthine, 3: Some degradation experiments 27 ): 432-37; — 4: A structural formula 2 '): 17 ('39) 293-301; ~ 5: On calycanine 2 ') 19 ): 24 ('46) 224-31. - Lobinaline, an alkaloid from Lobelia cardinalis L. : 16 ('38) 445-48. - A synthesis of a-naphthylacetic acid and some homologues 20 ) : 17 ('39) 14r-20. — A new source of cocositol: 19 ('41) 34-37. — A further modification of the Skraup synthesis of quinoline 21 ) 13 ) : 318f. — The alkaloids of Lycopodium species, 1: Lycopodium complanatum L. 2 '): 20 ('42) 87-92; ~ 2: Some degradation experiments with lycopodine 27 ): 153-56; ~ 3: Lycopodium annotinum L. 2 '): 21 ('43) 92-96; ~ 4: Lycopodium tristachyum Pursh 2 7 ): 22 ('44) 1-4; ~ 5: Lycopodium obscurum L. 2 '): 53-55; — 6: Lycopodium clavatum L. 27 ): 137-39; ~ 7: Lycopodium lucidulum Michx. (Urostachys lucidulus Herter) 27 ): 24 ('46) 57-62; ~ 8: Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd. 27 ): 63-65; ~ 10: Lycopodium cernuum L. 27 ): 26 ('48) I f . ; ~ 11: Nature of the oxygen atom in lycopodine; some reactions of the base 24 ) 27 ) : 28 ('50) 46067. — The synthesis and the characterization of the monomethyl- and the dimethylquinolines27)21) : 20 ('42) 133-52. - The natural oc-



currence of 3-methoxypyridine: 265-67. — An alkaloid from Menispermum canadense L.: 21 ('43) 17-20. - The alkaloids of Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt.) Richards 27 ): 144-48. Some derivatives of dialkoxyphthalides 20 ): 22 ('44) 115-24. — Some derivatives of vicinal trialkoxybenzene 20 ) 16 ): 23 ('45) 100-05. Identity of the hydrolytic base obtained from Delphinium brownii Rydb. with lycoctonine 27 ): 24 ('46) 1-4. — The synthesis of some carbazole derivatives 19 ): 26 ('47) 376-80. - Some anomalous reactions of phenylmagnesium chloride 20 ): 27 ('49) 158-60. - The synthesis of some isoquinolines 19 ): 161-67. — The synthesis of some pyridocarbazoles 19 ): 291-96. — /J-Aminoethylcarbazoles 19 ): 28 ('50) 443-52. Canadian J. Cliem. 3-Bromometameconine 26 ) 28 ): 29 ('51) 526-35. - The synthesis of pyridocarbazoles 19 ): 30 ('52) 711-19. - The nitration of some quinoline derivatives 19 ): 720-24. — The alkaloids of Lycopodium species, 13: Lycopodium densum Labill.: 31 ('53) 894f. — Alkaloids of papaveraceous (fumariaceous) plants, 50: Dicranostigma lactucoides Hook, f. et Thorns., and Bocconia pearcei Hutchinson: 32 ('54) 83-85; ~ 51: Corydalis solida (L.) Swartz: 34 ('56) 1-3; ~ 52: A new alkaloid, cularicine, and its structure: 43 ('65) 98991; ~ 53: Eschscholtzia californica Cham. 36 ): 2180-82; ~ 54: Structure of eschscholtzine 36 ) 2 36 ) ): 2183-89; ~ 55: Structure of cularidine: 44 ('66) 561-63; ~ 55 [56]: A new alkaloid, eschscholtzidine, and its structure 36 ): 1259f.; — 57: Miscellaneous observations: 47 ('69) 1103-05. — The identity of cryptocavine and cryptopine 39 ) 27 ): 33 ('55) 570f. — Lycopodium alkaloids, 7: The reaction of annotinine with . phenyl lithium 31 ) 24 ): 36 ('58) 1146-50. - 1,6Bis(y-carbethoxypropyl)-2,3,7,8-dibenzopyrocoll. A by-product in the preparation of y-(3indolyl)butyric acid 6 ): 38 ('60) 620f. - Diphenylmethane-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid 3 ): 42 ('64) 223 f. - Elucidation of the structures of ochotensine and ochotensimine 26 ) 23 ): 44 ('66) 2449-54. — Examination of lobinaline and some degradation products by mass spectrometry 10 ) 24 ): 46 ('67) 39-47. - Structures of three alkaloids from Fumaria officinalis L.33) 4 9 24 ) ) ): 46 ('68) 2873-75. - Nuclear Overhauser effect studies on Fumaria alkaloids 33 ) 4 ) 9 ) 24 ): 2876-78. — Some benzophenanthridine alkaloids from Bocconia arborea 24 ) 46 ) 33 ) 63 ): 47 ('69) 1951-. — Structure of sibiricine, an alkaloid of Corydalis sibirica 63 ) 24 ) 48 ) 33 ): 3585-88. — The structure of ochrobirine 63 ) 24 ) 46 ) 33 ): 3589-92. — Structures of three minor alkaloids of Fumaria officinalis 24 ) 4 ) 33 ) 9 ): 3593-, - Synthesis of an analog of ochrobirine 42 ): 48 ('70) 1280-82. — Structural and conformational studies on tetrahydroprotoberberines 66 ) 24 ) 63 ): 3673-78. — A new tetrahydroprotoberberine alkaloid from Corydalis caseana A. Gray 47 ) 66 ) 24 63 ) ): 49 ('71) 124-28. - The structure of fumarofine 66 ) 33 ) 24 ): 3020-24. - Cancentrine, 2:

The structure of cancentrine 63 ) 24 ) 43 ) 33 ) : 50 ('72) 853-; ~ 3: Dehydroderivatives 24 ) 43 ) 63 ) : 862-; ~ 4 : Acetolysis products of cancentrine methiodide63)64)24)43) : 3900-10. - An unusual Oppenhauer oxidation of ophiocarpine 64 ) 63 ) : 1544-47. — The triterpenes of Lycopodium lucidulum Michx.61)63) : 3280-82. Canadian J. Res., Sect. F The preparation of quinolines by a modified Skraup reaction 20 ) l ) : '27 ('49) 359-67. Chemical Commun., Chem. Soc., London The absolute configuration of some spirobenzylisoquinoline alkaloids 34 ) 48 ) 44 ) 49 ) : 19 72, 3 10-. Chemical and pharm. Bull. [Tokyo] Alkaloids of menispermaceous plants, 219: Dauricine from Menispermum canadense L. 40 ) 12 ) 29 ) : 13 ('65) 1476f. Chemical Reviews The chemistry of quinolines: 30 ('42) 113-44. - The chemistry of isoquinolines: 145-58. Chemistry and Industry Thirty alkaloid years in review: 1961, 1420-27. J. amer. chem. Soc. The alkaloids of fumariaceous (papaveraceous) plants, 29: The constitution of cryptocavine 27 ) : 62 ('40) 2042-44; — 34 : Hunnemannia fumariaefolia Sweet and the constitution of a new alkaloid, hunnemanine 27 ) 20 ): 64 ('42) 1659-61; ~ 39: The constitution of capaurine 16 ) : 67 ('45) 95-98; ~ 41: The constitution of capaurimine: 69 ('47) 1800f. ; ~ 43: The structures of cularine and of cularimine : 72 ('50) 55-59; ~ 44: Corydalis incisa (Thunb.) Pers., and the constitutions of adlumidine and capnoidine: 3207 f. ; ~ 45: Coreximine, a naturally occurring coralydine: 4796 f. ; ~ 46: The structure of glaucentrine 8 ) 1 ) : 73 ('51) 3751-53; ~ 47: The structure of coreximine 1 ): 5144f.; — 48: The structure of corpaverine: 74 ('52) 2864f. ; — 49: Thalictricavine, a new alkaloid from Corydalis tuberosa DC.: 75 ('53) 4928f. - The alkaloids of Lycopodium species, 9: Lycopodium annotinum var. acrifolium Fern., and the structure of annotinine 27 ): 69 ('47) 212629. — Synthesis and reactions of some dibenzoxepins 20 ): 72 ('50) 4797-99. - Synthesis of some pyridocarbazoles 19 ): 4997-99. — Cyclodehydration of o-phenoxyphenylacetic acids to dihydrodibenz(b,f)oxepinones 19 ) : 75 ('53) 1322-24. — The structure of cancentrine : a novel dimeric benzylisoquinoline alkaloid 46 ) 62)63)24)43)46)33). 93 ('70) 4998 f. J. chem. Soc., London The isoquinoline alkaloids: 1954, 2987-90. J. org. Chemistry Hydroxypyridocarbazoles19) : 17 ('52) 1501-04. Nature [London] The genus Oceanopapaver: 200 ('63) 1123. Organic Reactions Skrau synthesis of quinolines 19 ): 7 ('53) 59-98.

Manske — Mantell Organic Syntheses Benzylphthalimide: 12 ('32) 10f. - Decamethylene glycol: 14 ('34) 20-22. — Methyl benzyl ketone (phenylacetone) 15 ): 16 ('36) 47-50. Tetrahedron The configuration and conformation of cularine 6 ) 11 ) 32 ) 34 ) 37 ): 22 ('66) 146775. — Optical rotatory dispersion and absolute configuration, 12: The argemonine alkaloids') 11 ) 38 ): 28 ('67) 4209-14. Tetrahedron Letters The structure of corpaverine 18 ) 30 ) 60 ): 1965, 3345-. - The nature of corpaverine 18 ) 30 ): 1966, 985-88. - Structure and configuration of caseamine and caseadine, two novel tetrahydroprotoberberines from Corydalis caseana 9 ) 24 ): 1968, 349-53. Mit: W. R. A s h f o r d ; ! ) A. R. B a t t e r s b y ; ') R. W. B e a t t i e ; *) R. A. B e l l ;! ') N. S. B h a c c a ; •) W. R. B o o s ; ' ) R. P. K. Chan; ) E. H. C h a r l e s w o r t h ; •) C. Y. Chen; 10) D. M. C l u g s t o n ; ") J. C. Craig; 12 ) K. lsF u j i t a n i ; ") G. Gallagher; ") W. A. Harrison; ) R. 18M. H e r b s t ; ") H. L. H o l m e s ; ") R. W. J a c k s o n ; ) T. K a m e t a n i ; ») M. K u l k a ; M) A. E. L e d i n g h a m ; ") F. Leger; ") L. C. L e i t c h ; ••) M. S. Lin; ") D. B. M a c L e a n ; ") S. McLean; ") J. A. McRae; >') L. Marion; ") R. Y. Moir; ") Y. Okam o t o ; ") K. Ohkubo; ") G. S. P e r r y ; ") S. K. R o y ; ")M J. K. S a n n d e r s ; ") M. S h a m m a ; ») D. F. Shaw; ) K. H. Shin; •') W. A. S l u s a r c h y k ; >s) T. O. S o i n e ; ••) A. F. T h o m a s ; ") M. T o m i t a ; ") J. S t a n e k ; ") Q. A. A h m e d ; ") L. B a c z y n s k y j ; ") N. K. Chan; ") G. R. Clark; ") D. E. F. Grac e y ; ") A. Gray;") J. L. M o n i o t ; ")K. N a k a n i s h i ; ") I. N o g u c h i ; ") K. Orito; ") G. J. P a l e n i k ; ") R. G. A. R o d r i g o ; «•) V. S m u l a ; ") O. K. Yu; ") M. R. Miller. VI MANTELL, C h a r l e s Letnam. Elektrochem. — 1922-34 Prof. Chem. Engng., P r a t t Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y.; '34-39 Techn. Dir., Wilbur B. Driver Co., Newark, N.J.; '34-40 Dir. of Research, American Gum Importers Assoc.; '36-50 Consulting Engr., Netherlands Industr. Labor., New York; '39-50 Consulting Engr., Electromanganese Corporat.; '40-47 Consulting Engr., United Merchants and Manufacturers Inc.; '48-67 Prof, and Chairman of the Departm. of Chem. Engng., College of Engng., Newark, N.J.; '67- Consulting Engr., Manhasset,N.Y.; '30 Vice-Pres., Electrochem. Soc. *1897, Dez. 9, Brooklyn, N.Y.


W. Calcott) (New York '34) Kap. 11, 2 ('41) Kap. 11, 3 ('50) Kap. 14: Adsorption; 1 ('34) Kap. 25, 2 ('41) Kap. 25, 3 ('50) Kap. 28: Electrochemistry. — Protective and decorative coatings (J. J . Mattiello) 1 (New York '41) Kap. 8: Natural resins for the paint and varnish industry; 2 ('42) Kap. 23: Graphite in paints. — Encyclopaedia Britannica; a new survey of universal knowledge (W. Yust) (Chicago, 111. '46), . . . , ('50): Tin; ('57), . . .: Electrochemistry; ('59), . . .: Calcium. — Program and Proc. 17th Annual meeting of the Textile Research Institute, 1946 (New York '-) 54-56: Textile production borrows from the metallurgist. — Encyclopedia of chemical technology (R. E. Kirk, D. F. Othmer) (New York '47): Alkaline earth metals and alkaline earth metal alloys; 2 ('61): Industrial adsorption. — Handbook of plastics (H. R. Simonds, A. J . Weith, M. H. Bigelow) 2 (NewYork-Toronto '49) Kap. 8: Natural resins. — Rare metals handbook (C. A. Hampel) (New York '54) 17-29, 2 ('61) 15-31: The alkaline earth metals: calcium, barium, and strontium; 2 ('61) 271-82: Manganese. — Encyclopedia Americana; the international reference work (L. P. Dudley) (New York '55): Tin; ('60): Tin and tin plate. — Encyclopedia of chemistry (G. L. Clark) (New York '57) 123f.: Barium and compounds; 162: Calcium and compounds; 560f.: Liquation; 562: Lixivation (leaching); 898f.: Strontium and compounds; 936f.: Tin and its compounds. — World book encyclopedia ( J . M . J o n e s ) (Chicago, 111. '59): Glue; Resins. — The American peoples encyclopedia; a comprehensive reference work (Chicago, 111. '60): Tin. — Handbuch der technischen Elektrochemie 1, 1 (G. Eger) 2 (Leipzig '61) 524r-67: Zinn. — Trans. 9th National vacuum symposium, Los Angeles 1962 (G. H. Bancroft) (New York '62) 184-89: An evaluation of oxide films of lead and tellurium prepared by reactive sputtering 20 ). —Chlorine, its manufacture, properties and uses (J. S. Sconce) (New York '62) (American Chemical Society monograph series, 154) 574-83: Magnesium chloride. — McGraw-Hill yearbook of science and technology 1963 (New York '63): Corrosion. — Encyclopedia of chemical process equipment (W. J . Mead) (New York '64) 9599: Chlorate and Perchlorate cells. — Treatise on coatings (R. R. Myers, J . S. Long) 1 (New York '67) 341-90: Natural resins. - Electrometallurgy (Cleveland, O. '69) (Extractive Metallurgy Division, Metallurgical Society of the AIME) 52-82: Electrometallurgy in aqueous systems. — Ethylene and its industrial derivatives (S. A. Miller) (London '69) 293-302: Adsorption of ethylene.

H. Engineering materials handbook; prepared by a staff of specialists (New York '58). S. National metals handbook (American Society for Steel Treating) (Cleveland, O. '33) 1902-10: Physical constants of tin; spatere Ausgaben u. d. T.: The metals handbook (American Society for Metals) ('36) 1303-09, W . Tin, its mining, production, technology, ('39): Physical constants of tin; ('36) 1015-, and applications (New York '29) 366 S. (Amer13 ('39) 1334-: Physical properties of calcium ). ican Chemical Society monograph series, 51), — Chemical engineers' handbook (J. H. Perry, 2 (NewYork-London '49) 10+573 S.; deutsch:



Zinn; berg- und hüttenmännische Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Verwendung (Halle/S. '37) 8 + 3 2 3 S. (Monographien über chemisch-technische Fabrikationsmethoden, 58). — Sparks from the electrode (Baltimore,Md.-LondonToronto '33) 10 + 127 S. (Century of progress series). — Industrial electrochemistry 2 (New York-London '40) 10+656 S.; s (NewYork '50) 10+781 S.; 4. Aufl. u. d. T.: Electrochemical engineering 4 ('60) 10 + 680 S.; span.: Electroquímica industrial (Barcelona '53) 684 S.; poln.: (Warszawa '65) 715 S.; auch japan. u. tschech. — The technology of natural resins (m. C. W. Kopf, J . L. Curtis, E. M. Rogers) (New York-London '42) 7 + 5 0 6 S. Calcium metallurgy and technology (m. C. Hardy) (New York '45, '47) 148 S. (American Chemical Society monograph series, 100). — Adsorption (NewYork-London '45) 8 + 3 8 6 S., 2 ('51) 8 + 634 S.; auch japan. ('69). - Industrial carbon, its elemental, adsorptive and manufactured forms 2 (New York '46) 10 + 472 S. — The water-soluble gums (New YorkLondon '47) 5 + 2 7 9 S.; 2 (New York '65) 5 + 279 S. — Polypropylene fibers and films (m. A. V. Galanti) (New York '65) 11 + 181 S. Plastic pipe (Pearl River, N.Y. '65) 140 S. (Chemical process monograph series). — Electro-organic chemical processing, 1968 (Park Ridge, N. J . '68) 186 S. (Chemical process review 14). — Carbon and graphite handbook (New York-Chichester '68) 10 + 538 S. Batteries and energy systems (New York '70) 221 S.

Chemical and metallurg. Engng. Dollars and cents - "the operating cost of corrosion": 89 ('32) 479f. - March of electrochemistry: 40 ('33) 120-22. - Adsorption: 41 ('34) 249-60. — Modern chlorine practice: 47 ('40) 166-68, 170. — Activated carbon adsorption: 305-07. Chemical Engng. Adsorption: Bigger role lies ahead: 59 ('52) Nr. 10, 166-68. - Plastics vie with metals 1 «): 64 ('57) Nr. 11, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304. — Where do chemical engineers come f r o m ? : 70 ('63) Nr. 14, S. 154, 156; 72 ('65) Nr. 8, 198-202; 74 ('67) Nr. 10, 166-70. — Low-nickel stainless steels 18 ): 72 ('65) Nr. 18, 144-49. — Electro-organic processing poised for new successes?: 74 ('67) Nr. 12, 128-35 (m. Bildn.). Chemistry in Canada Adsorption as an engineering tool, 1: 7 ('55) Nr. 5 [ ?], S. 90, 92, 94, 96; ~ 2: Nr. 6, S. 60, 62, 66, 68. Economic Bot. The water soluble gums, their botany, sources, and utilization: 3 ('49) 3-31. — The natural hard resins, their botany, sources, and utilization: 4 ('50) 203-42. Electrochemical Technol. Modern tin refining: 4 ('66) 42-48. - Electrolytic polishing of copper and nickel silver 1 ): 5 ('67) 287-92. Engenharia, Minera^do e Metalurgia smelting in Brazil: 37 ('63) 215-19.


Engineering and Mining J. Two decades of electrolytic manganese production: 164 ('63) Nr. 5, 92-95.

Foote Prints Electrochemistry: Past and Advances Chem. Ser. Technology of gum present: 80 ('58) Nr. 1, 21-32. arabic: 11 ('54) 20-32. Industrial and Engng. Chem. Carbon: NegAmerican Ink Maker Natural resins in printing ink: 16 ('37) Nr. 5, S. 29, 35; ~ 1 0 ) : 18 lected material of construction for reaction equipment: 24 ('32) 1255-59. - Natural res('40) Nr. 6, 20-22. ins for the varnish industry 3 ) 24 ): 27 ('35) American Paint J. Resin economics - syn- 1369-73. — Manila resins: Origin, properties thetic and natural: 28 ('38) 28. Nov., 7-9, 53f. and applications 21 ): 29 ('37) 855-59. - Soluof natural resins in solvents and waxAnales Soc. ci. argentina Tin: 161 ('51) bilities es 2 ): 30 ('38) 262-69. - Viscosities of damNr. 6, 302. mar solutions 23 ): 417-22. Annual Survey amer. Chem. Advances in Industrial and Engng. Chem., Process Deelectrochemical practice: 7 ('32) 9; (',34). sign and Development Commercial electrolytic Chemical Engng. Educat. [ASEE] The unit cell for periodic acid production: 1 ('62) 144operations concept still has much to offer in 48. —Electrochemical oxidation of cholesterchemical engineering: 1961, Dez.-Nr., 4-9. yl acetate dibromide 7 ): 6 ('66) 238-42. Chemical Engng. Progr. Adsorption in the Kinetics4 of hydrogen reduction of manganese mineral industries: 50 ('54) Symposium Ser., dioxide ): 7 ('68) 285-94. Nr. 15,21-24. — Output of chemical engineers Iron Age New process for cold drawing of remains static: 60 ('64) Nr. 3, 17-22. metals: 131 ('33) 99-. — Electrolytic mangaChemical Industries Calcium, its metallurgy nese acceptance grows: 170 ('52) Nr. 12, 168and technology 13 ): 36 ('34) 403-06. - The 72. natural gums and resins as chemical raw maJ. electrochem. Soc. The profession of terials: 38 ('36) 577-81. - Adsorption: 57 electrochemistry, 4: The electrochemical en('45) 850f. gineer: 96 ('48) Nr. 5, 104c-110c. - ElectroChemical Markets Some economic aspects deposition of cellulose 6 ): 102 ('55) 110-12. of the electrochemical industries: 31 ('32) Electrodeposition of powders for powder meOkt.-Nr. tallurgy: 106 ('59) 70-74.

Mantell — Mannelli


17 J. Metals [New York] Tin smelting in Bra- performance tests of quick-drying vehicles ): Nr. 14, 9-11, 24-27 ; ~ : Answer to Stanton in zil: 15 ('63) 152-56. — Progress in tin. metraffic paint discussion 17 ) : Nr. 18; ~ : Another tallurgy: 17 ('65) 473-77. chapter to forum on traffic paint formulation J. Water Pollut. Control Federat. Iron from 17 ) : Nr. 22. pickle liquor 12 ): 84 ('62) 951-61. Special techn. Pubi., Amer. Soc. Testing Materials Design Engng. How to avoid brittle fracture in carbon steel structures 26 ): 64 Mater. Effect of impurities in tin on the properties and uses of the metal and alloys con('66) 79-81. taining tin: Nr. 141 ('53) 57-83. Metal Cleaning and Finishing Tests for Textile Res. J. Some notes on cellulose solcleanliness (of metals): 4 ('32) 25f., 33f. Maintenance cleaning: 85-. — The storage of vents and their application to special textile sulfuric acid: 221-23. — Improved electroplat- finishes: 16 ('46) 481-86. ing vital to meet growing competition: 5 ('33) Tin int. Progress in tin metallurgy: 1965, 377-. — Anodic oxidation of aluminum: 6 270-75. ('34) 11-16, 29. - Electrodeposition of aluTrans, amer. Inst. Mining and metallurg. minum on other metals: 397-400. — Progress Engr. Recent progress in tin smelting and mein electroplating: 7 ('35) 15f., 21f. - Trends tallurgy: 159 ('44) 530-47. in the plating industries: 8 ('36) 469-71. Trans, electrochem. Soc. Economic imporMetal Industry [New York] Tin (annual tance of the electrochemical industries: 62 review): 30 ('32); 31 ('33); 82 ('34); 38 ('35); ('32) 15-25. — Calcium, its metallurgy and 84 ('36); 85 ('37). technology 13 ): 66 ('34) 63-70. - Commercial Metal Progr. Calcium improves iron and production of electrolytic manganese: 94 ('48) lead 13 ): 21 ('32) Nr. 4, 60-65. - New applica- 232-43. tions of less common metals: 88 ('48) 527-29. Trans, metallurg. Soc. AIME Preparation Metals and Alloys Properties and metallur- of pure tellurium 19 ): 230 ('64) 133-37. - Ki13 gical uses of calcium ): 10 ('39) 52-56, 96-100. netics of reduction of chromium oxide by hy— Review of the strategic metals: Tin: 12 drogen 26 ): 1141-50. — Current-potential ef('40) 421-23. — Engineering alloys containing fects of trace impurities in manganese eleccalcium 13 ): 19 ('44) 364-67. trowinning 11 ): 236 ('66) 7 1 8 - 2 5 . - Mechanisms of aluminas with electroMineral Industry Aluminum and bauxite: of the codeposition 14 41 ('32) 13-29; 42 ('33) 13-31; 43 ('34) 13-35; lytic copper ): 1015-24. — Current-potential of additives in manganese electrowin45 ('36) 13-30; 46 ('37) 37-52; 47 ('38) 7-28; effects ning 22 ): 239 ('67) 591 f. 48 ('39) 7-27; 49 ('40) 7 - 2 9 ; 50 ('41) 5-32. Wire and Wire Products Electric resistance Minerals Processing A solution to the ferrous sulfate problem: 4 ('63) Nr. 10, 27-30. - wires: 14 ('39) 543-49. — Lead as a lubricant Vacuum calcination yields calcium from lime- in wire drawing: 15 ('40) 353-56, 371. - Elecaluminum briquette 8 ): 5 ('64) Nr. 3, 27-30. -- trolytic cleaning, pickling, and polishing of Centrifuging phosphorus-bearing sludges 6 ): wire and wire products: 413-15. — Electrochemical applications in the wire industry: Nr. 7, 28-31. 578-81. Modern Plastics Natural resins in plastics: 15 ('38) Nr. 9, 43-50. Mit: ') H. A b r a m s ; ') R. W. A l l a n ; ») C. H. A l l e n ; 4 E. B a r n e r ; ') R. N. B e r y ; •) G. C h a p l e n k o ; Official Digest, Federat. Paint and Tarnish ')) H. A. C o o p e r ; ') G. R. C o u c h ; «) F. C o z z a r e l l i ; Product. Clubs Recent developments in nat- ") J. L. C u r t i s ; » ) G. F e r m e n t ; ") L. G. G r e n n i ; ural resin varnish, 3 3 ) 24 ): 1935, Marz-Nr. — ") C. H a r d y ; ") J. E. H o f f m a n n ; ") J. H . H o l z b e r g e r ; ") J. P. K e l l e h e r ; ") C. W. K o p f ; ") R. D . Research on natural resins and their varnishes M e r r i e k ; ") P. P. N a p o l i t a n o ; !0 ) F. G. P e t e r s ; 3 24 ) ): 1986, 4-13. - The physical and chemical ») H. L. R u b e n k o e n i g ; aa) B. G. S h a h ; ") A . properties of natural resins, 1: Analytical S k e t t ; ") K. M. S p r i n k e l ; ••) R . R . S t a n g ; *•) K . data 3 ) 2 4 ): 1937, 35-41; ~ 2: Solubilities of S t r a t e r . natural resins 3 ) 24 ): 76-83. — Studies in natural resin technology, 8 23 ): 1988, 195-201; ~ IV " VI MANUELLI, Giuseppe C a m i l l o . 9 23 ) 16 ) 2 ): 386-415; ~ 10 23 ) 2 ) 16 ) 1 '): 1989, 74-83.

Paint, Oil and chem. Rev. Origin, application and properties of dammar 2 1 ): 98 ('36) Nr. .12, 28-30. — Physical and chemical changes in Congo resin during running 3 ) 24 ): Nr. 17, 9-11, 29-33. — Dammar in overprint varnishes 23 ): 101 ('39) Nr. 4, 7-11. - Natural resins in quick-drying traffic paints, l 1 7 ): 102 ('40) Nr. 11, 7 f „ 28-30; ~ 2: Effect of China wood and other oils in quick-drying vehicles 17 ): Nr. 12, 44-46, 48 f.; ~ 3: Formulations and

Chem. - 1901-26 Libero Doc., Univ. di Roma; '01-25 Coadiutore, '25-29 Ispettore generale chim., '29-34 Dir., Labor. Chim. della Sanità Pubbl., Roma; '34-37 Prof. ord. Chim. e Merceol., 1st. Super, di Sci. Econ. e Commerciali, Genova. *1870, Juni 5, Cairo Montenotte, Liguria; -j-1937, Jan. 31, Genova.


Manuelli — Marcelin

Nekr. D. M a r o t t a , Camillo Manuelli. Commemorazione (Roma '37) 18 S.; Chimica e Industria 19 ('37). — M. S e t t i m j , Chimica Industria, Agric., Biol., Realizzaz. corporat. 13 ('37) 101 f. (m. Bildn.). Annali Chim. appi. Sali di biguanido e di guanidina: 23 ('33) 235-44. Giorn. Chim. industr. ed appi. Sulla trasformazione del solfocianato di ammonio in solfo cianato di guanidina: 14 ('32) 370f.

S. Journées des états de surface, Paris 1945 (Paris '46) 179-86: Coefficient de frottement et conditions superficielles. — Surface chemistry. Papers presented for a discussion at a meeting in honour of Henri Devaux, Bordeaux 1947 (London '49) (Spécial supplément to [the journal] Research) 223-31: Films intercalaires [m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. — Encyclopédie française 2: La physique (Paris '55) 2-42, 1 - 3 : Films intercalaires. — Théorie et pratique de l'utilisation des agents de surface. 5e Colloque, Groupe de recherches sur les proVI MARA CINE ANU, Ç t e f a n i a . Chem. duits superficiellement actifs, Paris 1959 (Paris '60) 47-59: L'activité superficielle des lu(physikal.). - 1925-39 Assist., '39-42 brifiants; la théorie physicochimique du frotwiss. Arbeitsleiterin, Univ. Bucureçti; '28 tement de contact.

Ferdinand-Preis (Ferdinand-Stiftung, Iaçi). *1882, Juni 18, Bucureçti; tl944, März 15.

Schriftenverzeichnis Memoriu de titluri si lucräri (Bucuresti '37) 16 S. W . Radioactivité. Soleil, pluie artificielle. Expériences et recherches (Bucureçti '34) 36 S. — Radioactivité artificielle. Pluie artificielle (La pluie au Sahara) (Bucuresti '34) 15 S. — Radioactivitatea [Vorlesungen über Radioaktivität] (Bucuresti '36) 218 S. — Lucräri practice de radioactivitate pentru uzul studen^ilor de la universitate ¡pi çcoli speciale [Radioaktivitätspraktikum für Studenten von Hoch- und Spezialschulen] (Bucureçti '38) 108 S. C. R. Séances Acad. Sei. Roumanie Répercussion des phénomènes radioactifs dans la nature. Pluie artificielle: 3 ('39) 162-66. Répercussion des phénomènes radioactifs dans l'atmosphère. Pluie artificielle. (Etude expérimentale à l'aide de l'électromètre, hygromètre et baromètre) : 278-84. C. R. Séances Inst. Sci. Roumanie Radio activité et transmutation du plomb: 5 ('41) 301-04. — La radioactivité du globe, les radiations et les tremblements de terre. (Les pluies et les tremblements de terre) : 6 ('42) 7275. — Phénomènes présentés par les substances radioactives et leurs supports matériels : 75-77. — Radioactivité du plomb. (Nouvelles recherches) 1 ): 77-80. — Effet solaire et de l'arc voltaïque sur le plomb: 80f. Mit: ') M. G e o r g e s c o . VI

MARCELIN, André. Physik. 1920 Dr. ès soi., '20-35 Chef de travaux, Fac. Sci., Paris; '35-65 Chargé de Recherches, Centre Nation, de la Recherche Sci., Paris. — '68 Prix Charles-Louis de Saulses de Freycinet (Acad. Sci. Paris). *1892, Dez. 14, Alençon, Orne.

W . Solutions superficielles, fluides à deux dimensions et stratifications monomoléculaires (Paris '32) 163 S. — Les trois régimes du frottement lubrifié (Paris '42) 36 S. (Centre d'études des coussinets). — Le frictiographe du Centre d'études des coussinets, étude de la lubrification à l'échelle de la construction automobile (Paris '45) 38 S. (Cours-conférences du Centre de perfectionnement technique, 1432). — Une application de la physique moléculaire: les films intercalaires et le frottement lubrifié (Alençon '48) 28 S. (Les conférences du Palais de la Découverte, 3 mars 1945). C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Paris Mesure de l'épaisseur des lames minces cristallines par variation d'incidence 2 ): 194 ('32) 865-67. — Mesure directe de la pression superficielle des solutions superficielles formées par des substances solubles 1 ): 195 ('32) 866-69. Augmentation de la viscosité dans une huile minérale reposée: 207 ('38) 616-18. - Nouvelles observations sur l'augmentation de la viscosité dans une huile minérale reposée: 777-79. — Distance maxima de visibilité distincte au travers d'un milieu trouble: 208 ('39) 889-91. — Limite à l'épaisseur des films liquides. Relation entre la viscosité et l'épaisseur minimum des films liquides: 225 ('47) 225f. - Niveaux de frottement: 226 ('48) 1584f. — Calcul des conditions de sécurité du palier lubrifié en fonction des constantes du film liquide minimum: 1978f. — Les lois du frottement dans le film liquide d'épaisseur minimum: 228 ('49) 650f. — Microviscosimètre pour la mesure du coefficient de viscosité des liquides en couches de très faible épaisseur: 261 ('65) 3037-40. - Variations du coefficient de viscosité de divers liquides en couches de faible épaisseur: 3593-96. C. R. hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. C Tracé et analyse d'une courbe représentant les variations du coefficient de viscosité d'un liquide visqueux en couches de faible épaisseur, entre 50 et 2fi: 265 ('67) 1356-59. - Mesure directe de l'épaisseur de la couche bloquée adhérente aux surfaces dans les liquides

Marcelin — March visqueux: 266 ('68) 570-72. - La nature des couches de molécules bloquées adhérentes aux surfaces dans les liquides visqueux: 1471-74. J . Chim. physique La physique du frottement lubrifié: 40 ('43) 26-28. - Les films intercalaires. Viscosité et onctuosité: 29-53. — Recherches expérimentales intéressant la croissance des cristaux: 47 ('50) 588. J . Physique et Radium Le frottement et l'usure dans le cadre de la physique des surfaces: (8) 12 ('51) 1A-16A. J . Soc. Ing. Automobile Les trois régimes du frottement lubrifié dans leurs applications: 16 ('43) 20-22. Kolloid-Beih. Oberflächenlösungen. Zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten und monomolekulare Schichtungen: 38 ('33) 177-336 [Übersetzung von „Solutions superficielles . . . " , vgl. W.]. Kolloid-Z. Gefärbte kristalline Schichten: 60 ('32) 243-47. - Die Zwischenfilme. Die drei Bereiche der Schmierung: 106 ('44) 1 4 0 50. Mécanique La physique des surfaces et l'onctuosité: 23 ('39) 63-69. - Les trois régimes du frottement lubrifié, 1 : L a physique du frottement lubrifié: 25 ('41) 111-20; ~ 2 : Essais des huiles de graissage: Frictiogrammes: 151-57; — 3 : Le film lubrifiant liquide d'épaisseur minimum; épaisseur et charge de rupture; le microfilmomètre; la formule de sécurité: 26 ('42) 3 5 - 4 0 ; ~ 4 : La lubrification dans les mouvements alternatifs et discontinus; pistons et engrenages: 51-55; ~ 5: Notes sur la nature de la viscosité des liquides et notamment des lubrifiants: 89-92. Eevue Inst. franç. Pétrole et Ann. Combustibles liquides Le frottement et l'usure en frottement direct dans l'huile, en relation avec l'état de surface: 13 ('58) 1360-72. Mit: ') D. G. D e r v i c h i a n ; ') L. K o w a r s k i .

MARCH, H e r m a n William. Physik, Math. - 1906-09 Instructor, '11-20 Assist. Prof., '20-29 Assoc. Prof., '29-49 Prof., '49 Prof. Emer., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; '27-51 Consultant, U.S. Forest Products Labor., Madison, Wis. *1878, Dez. 14, Ocheyedan, Ia. ; tl969, Sept. 22, Madison, Wis.



rical construction, edges simply supported; Buckling of plates with two edges clamped; C: Plates having the grain of the face plies inclined to the edges; F : Buckling of long, flat plywood plates under uniform shear; Grain of face plies inclined to edges; Edges clamped. — Proc. 3 r d Symposium in applied mathematics, Providence, R.I., 1949 (New York '50) 8 5 106: Elastic stability of the facings of sandwich columns. W. Calculus (m. H. C. Wolff) 3 (NewYorkLondon '37) 1 7 + 4 2 4 S. - Flat plates of plywood under uniform or concentrated loads (Madison, Wis. '42) 9 8 + 4 6 S. (U. S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, [Mimeo-report] 1312). -j- Buckling of flat plywood plates in compressron, shear, or combined compression and shear (Madison, Wis. '42) 19 S. ( ~ 1316). - Buckling of long, thin plywood cylinders in axial compression; mathematical treatment (Madison, Wis. '43) (— 1322 A). — Stress-strain relations in wood and plywood considered as orthotropic materials (Madison, Wis. '44) 24 S. ( ~ 1503). - Buckling loads of panels having light cores and dense faces (Madison, Wis. '44) 14 S. ( ~ 1504). — Flexual rigidity of a rectangular strip of sandwich construction (m. C. B . Smith) (Madison, Wis. '44) 14 S. (— 1505); revid. Auflagen ('49) 19 S., ('55) 18 S. - Rectangular plywood plates with the grain of the face plies inclined to the edges (Madison, Wis. '44) 17 S. ( ~ 1507). — Buckling loads of flat sandwich panels in compression. Various types of edge conditions (m. C. B. Smith) (Madison, Wis. '45) 10 S. ( ~ 1525). - Buckling of thin-walled plywood cylinders in torsion (m. E. W. Kuenzi, C. B . Norris, C. B. Smith) (Madison, Wis. '45) 22 S. ( ~ 1529). - Buckling of stiffened, flat plywood plates in compression; a single stiffener perpendicular to stress (m. T. B. Heebink) (Madison, Wis. '46) 18 S. ( ~ 1553). — Effects of shear deformation in the core of a flat rectangular sandwich panel (Madison, Wis. '48) 29 S. ( ~ 1583). - Wrinkling of the facings of sandwich construction subjected to edgewise compression (m. C. B. Norris, K. H. Boiler, C. B. Smith, W. S. Ericksen) (Madison, Wis. '49) 68 S. ( ~ 1810). - Buckling of cylinders of sandwich construction in axial compression (m. E. W. Kuenzi) (Madison, Wis. '52) 42 S. (— 1830); revid. Aufl. ('57) 38 S. — Behavior of a rectangular sandwich panel under a uniform lateral load and compressive edge loads (Madison, Wis. '52) ( ~ 1834). — Buckling of sandwich cylinders in torsion (m. E. W. Kuenzi) (Madison, Wis. '53) 24 S. ( ~ 1840); revid. Aufl. ('58) 25 S.

S. Buckling of flat plywood plates in compression, shear, or combined compression and shear. Supplements (Madison, Wis. '42/45) Geophysics The field of a magnetic dipole (U. S. Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, [Mimeo-report] 1316 Suppl.) in the presence of a conducting sphere: 18 ('53) A : Buckling of flat isotropic plates in com- 671-84. pression, shear, or combined compression and Physics Bending of a centrally loaded rectshear; B : Buckling of plates of any symmet- angular strip of plywood: 7 ('36) 32-41. 197



March — Marchaud

Special techn. Publ., Amer. Soc. Testing Mater. Sandwich construction in the elastic range: 118 ('51). Trans, amer. Soc. mech. Engr. New method of calculating longitudinal shear in checked wooden beams 2 ) 1 ) : 56 ('34) 739-44. Mit: ') G. E. H e c k ; ') J. A. N e w l i n . VI

MARCHANT, E d g a r Walford. P h y sik. — 1 9 0 1 - 0 3 Lecturer Electrotechn., U n i v . College, '03-41 Prof. Electr. Engng., '41 Prof. Emer., U n i v . of Liverpool; J 1 5 16 Pres., Liverpool Engng. Soc.; '18-21 Vice-Pres., ' 3 2 - 3 3 Pres., Instn. of Electr. Engineers. *1879, Mârz 9, Sevenoaks, K e n t ; | 1 9 6 2 , N o v . 14, Atherstone, Warwickshire. W. An introduction to electrical engineering (London-Toronto '39) 12+297 S., ^London '47) 12 + 297 S. - The design, construction and application of equipment for testing electrical control systems and associated apparatus (London '49) 54 S. (Great Britain Ministry of Supply. Permanent records of research and development, Nr. 17-202). Electrician Dimensions and units: 121 ('38) 755; 122 ('39) 42, 70, 123, 370. Engineering Electrical dimensions and units: 142 ('36) 374, 498, 553; 143 ('37) 102. The operation of a variable oscillator for speech frequencies with an iron-cored choke: 142 ('36) 457. - Electrical vibrations and their application in television: 144 ('37) 330f. J. Instn. electr. Engr. Presidential address : 72 ('33) 1-10. Nature [London] Electrical units and the I.E.C.: 186 ('35) 110. Nineteenth Century and after Gas or electricity for domestic heating: 118 ('35) 349-57. Rep. annu. Meeting, Brit. Assoc. Advancement Sci. Electrical vibrations and their applications in television: 107 ('37) 393f. VI

MARCHAUD, Paul A n d r é . Math. — 1 9 2 7 - 3 3 Maître de Conférences de Math., '32-38 Dir. de l'Ihst. de Mécanique des Fluides, '33-38 Prof. Mécanique ration. et appl., ' 3 4 - 3 8 D o y e n de la Fac. Sci., U n i v . de Marseille; '38-44 Recteur, U n i v . de Clermont-Ferrand; '44-50 Recteur, U n i v . de Bordeaux ; '50-57 Recteur et Délégué Général de la Cité Universitaire, ' 5 7 - Recteur hon., Univ. de Paris; 55 Prés., Soc. m a t h . France. — '37 Prix

Saintour, '40 Prix Charles Dupin, '63 Prix Carrière de Math. (Acad. Sci. Paris) ; Commandeur des Palmes Académiques (Ministre de l'Educat. nation.). *1887, Apr. 28, Saintes, Charente-Maritime. S. Verhandlungen des internationalen Mathematiker-Kongresses, Zurich 1932, 2 (Zürich-Leipzig '33) 98-100: Sur l'unicité des intégrales d'un système d'équations différentielles, application à la dynamique du point. — Conférence de la Réunion internationale des mathématiciens, Paris 1937 (Paris '38): Sur quelques propriétés différentielles des ensembles (15 S.). — Colloque sur les questions de réalité en géométrie, Liège 1955 (Liège '56) (Centre Belge de Recherches Mathématiques) 39-57: Propriétés différentielles des courbes et des surfaces d'ordre borné. — Atti V Congresso dell'Unione matematica italiana, Pavia-Torino 1955 (Roma '56): Un théorème sur les cercles osculateurs des surfaces simples de Jordan sans facettes planes (2 S.). — Proc. International congress of mathematicians, Amsterdam 1954, 2 (Amsterdam '57) 240f. : Sur les points singuliers des surfaces du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie. — Hommage au Professeur Lucien Godeaux (Louvain '68) 33-43 : Un résultat nouveau sur les surfaces du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie. W. Université de Bordeaux. Hommage aux héros de Saucats, 21 avril 1945. Allocution (Bordeaux '45) 11 S. — Université de Bordeaux. Hommage à Monsieur François Dumas, recteur honoraire de l'Académie de Bordeaux. Discours prononcé le 27 novembre 1948 (Bordeaux '49) 8 S. - La géométrie finie et ses richesses (Paris '58) 23 S. (Conférences du Palais de la Découverte, Sér. A, No. 236). Annales sci. Ecole norm. sup. Sur diverses extensions de la notion de continu d'ordre borné: (3) 49 ('32) 113-36. - Sur les propriétés différentielles du premier ordre des surfaces simples de Jordan et quelques applications : 63 ('46) 81-108. — Sur les propriétés différentielles du premier ordre des surfaces d'ordre borné et plus particulièrement de celles du troisième ordre: 69 ('52) 303-70. - Un théorème sur les corps convexes: 76 ('59) 283-304. — Sur les droites de la surface du troisième ordre en géométrie finie, 2: 81 ('64) 207-65, 409. Annales Soc. polon. Math. Sur les ovales: 21 ('48) 324-31. Annali Mat. pura ed appl. Sur les ensembles linéairement connexes: (4) 66 ('61) 131-57. Bull. Cl. Sci., Acad. roy. Belgique Sur les courbes et les surfaces du troisième ordre en géométrie finie: (5) 49 ('63) 555-75. Bull. Sci. math. Sur une condition nécessaire et suffisante d'existence des demi-tangentes en

Marchaud — De Marchi, Giulio un point d'un arc simple: (2) 56 ('32) 178-82. — Sur les surfaces convexes: 58 ('34) 52-57. — Sur les champs de demi-cônes convexes: 62 ('38) 229-40. Bull. Soe. math. France Sur les champs de demi-droites et les équations différentielles du premier ordre: 62 ('34) 1-38. — Sur quelques propriétés différentielles des ensembles : 67 ('39)Dez.-Suppl., 13-25[Neudruck '67].-Conférence de la réunion des mathématiciens d'expression latine. Avant-propos: 86 ('58) 253-55. Compositio math. Sur les champs continus de demi-cônes convexes et leurs intégrales: 3 ('36) 89-127. C. E. hebd. Séances Âcad. Sci., Paris Sur les demi-sécantes limites et sur les semi-tangentes: 194 ('32) 948-51. - Critères d'unicité et de multiplicité par les intégrales d'un système d'équations différentielles du premier ordre: 196 ('33) 597-99. - Sur les champs de demidroites et les équations différentielles du premier ordre: 197 ('33) 1176-78. - Sur les champs continus de demi-cônes convexes et leurs intégrales: 199 ('34) 1278-80. - Sur le contingent et le paratingent en un point d'une surface simple de Jordan: 204 ('37) 86-89. Convexité et connexité linéaire: 248 ('59) 2843f.; 249 ('59) 2141-43. - Sur certaines relations algébriques entre les droites d'une même surface du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie: 255 ('62) 3349f. - Un nouveau théorème sur les droites de la surface du troisième ordre en géométrie finie: 257 ('63) 3552f.; 258 ('64) 2474. Fundamenta Math. [Warszawa] Sur une condition de quasi-rectificabilité : 20 ('33) 105-16. J. Math, pures et appi. Sur les demi-sécantes et les semi-tangentes aux ensembles: (9) 12 ('33) 415—43. — Les surfaces du second ordre en géométrie finie: 15 ('36) 293-300. - Sur les surfaces du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie: 18 ('39) 323-62. - Sur une classe de points singuliers des surfaces du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie: 31 ('52) 319-40. — Sur les droites de la surface du troisième ordre de la géométrie finie: 44 ('65) 49-69. Mathematica [Cluj] Sur les équations différentielles du 1er ordre. Critère d'unicité, critère de multiplicité: 10 ('35) 5-31. Revue roumaine Math, pures et appi. Un exemple de la richesse de la notion d'ordre en géométrie finie: 13 ('68) 1385-98. VI


;Ingegneria, Politecnico di Milano ; '52-60,

' 6 7 - Vice Pres., '61-66 Pres., Ist. Lombardo, Accad. di Sci. e Lettere. — Dr. h.c. (Univ. de Grenoble; Univ. Zürich; Techn. Hochsch. Zürich). *1890, Aug. 6, Canneto Pavese, Lombardia. MH. Gaudenzio Fantoli. Direttore [del R. Politecnico di Milano] dal 16 gennaio 1926 al 15 gennaio 1940 (Milano '40). S. Atti del I I I Congresso nazionale degli ingegneri italiani, Trieste 1935 (Trieste '36): L'Acquedotto Istriano ; Acquedotti delle Provincie Redente. — Convegno d'istruzione professionale per dirigenti di consorzi d'irrigazione e di aziende agricole irrigue, Milano 1939 (Roma '40) : La misura delle acque di irrigazione. — Vittorio Fossombroni nel primo centenario della morte (Arezzo '47) (Accademia Petrarca di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti) : Vittorio Fossombroni come idraulico e come ingegnere. — Internationaler Verband für wasserbauliches Versuchswesen. Bericht über die 2. Tagung, Stockholm 1948 (Stockholm '49): Experiments on bed scouring downstream weirs. — G. C o l o m b o , Manuale dell'ingegnere civile e industriale (C. I. Azimonti, M. Baroni, G. Belluzzo, F. Giordano) '°- 76 (Milano '50) Parte I I I : Idraulica. — Lezioni sulle vibrazioni meccaniche (Milano '52): Le oscillazioni nell'idraulica. — Proc. Minnesota international hydraulics convention [ = 5th Meeting of the International Association for Hydraulics Research], Minneapolis, Minn., 1953 [Minneapolis, Minn. '53): Action of side weirs and tilting gates on translation waves in canals. — Atti del Convegno di studi su problemi di agricoltura lombarda, Milano 1954 (Pavia '55) : Le irrigazioni in Lombardia. — I modelli nella tecnica. Atti del convegno di Venezia 1955, promosso d'intesa con la Società Adriatica di Elettricità nella ricorrenza del cinquantenario della sua fondazione (Roma '56): Modelli idraulici 3 ). — Atti del Convegno di studi per i rapporti scientifici e culturali italo-svizzeri, Milano 1956 (Milano '56) : Collaborazione italosvizzera per la navigazione interna nella Valle Padana. — Inaugurazione del Symposium su la plasticità nella scienza delle costruzioni in onore di Arturo Danusso, Milano 1956 (Bologna '57): Discorso. — Storia di Milano, 16: Principio di secolo (1901-1915) (Milano-Roma '62) 847-75: Idraulica. — Cassa per il Mezzogiorno: Dodici anni 1950-1962, 3: Acquedotti e fognature (Bari '62): L'approvvigionamento idrico del Mezzogiorno. — Il centenario del Politecnico di Milano, 1863-1963 (Milano '64) : Il Politecnico fucina di ingegneri e centro di studi.

De MARCHI, G i u l i o . Hydraul. ca. 1925-30 Prof, di ruolo e Dir. del Gabinetto d'Idraulica generale, R . Scuola di Ingegneria, Pisa; ca. '30-62 Prof, ord., W. Valutazione delle portate che la regolaper alcuni anni al ca. '62 Près, di Fac. di zione del Lago di Como renderà disponibili per 197*


De Marchi, Giulio

le irrigazioni (Brescia '33) 89 S. — TemperaAcqua [Milano] Luigi Cozza: 33 ('55) Nr. ture, contrazioni e dilatazioni longitudinali e 5/6. pressioni interstiziali in una grande diga masAnnales Ministère Agric. [Paris] Nouvelles siccia, 2: Contrazioni e dilatazioni longitudi- recherches expérimentales sur les jaugeurs à nali (m. F. Contessini) (Milano '34) 23 S. ressaut hydraulique (Canal Venturi) : Nr. 65 (Memorie e studi dell'Istituto di idraulica e ('36). costruzioni idrauliche del R. Istituto SupeBoll, mensile Assoc. nazion. Bonifiche, Irririore d'Ingegneria (R. Politecnico) di Milano, 9). —L'acquedotto istriano, Piano gene- gaz. e Miglioramenti Fondiari Le sistemazioni rale dell'acquedotto e stato dei lavori al 24 fluviali e l'organizzazione tecnica dello Stato : maggio 1935 (Capodistria '35) 16 + 126 S. - 7 ('53) Mai-Nr. Il Lago Tana e le sue possibilità di sfruttaBonifica e Colonizzaz. Riflessioni sul calmento (Milano '36) 39 S. (Problemi del giorno, colo idraulico delle bonifiche: 1938, Nr. 12. 18). — Sulla rottura della diga di Sella ZerBonifica integrale La trasformazione fonbino (Molare), 13 agosto 1935. Relazione tec- diaria della Bassa Friulana: 1932, Nr. 1. — nica nel processo penale (Milano '37) 190 S. — Boschi e piene: [N.F.] 9 ('55) Apr.-Nr. - Il Idraulica. Basi scientifiche e applicazioni tec- problema della burocrazia: Juni-Nr. niche, 1, 1: Fondamenti generali dell'idrauCittà Milano L'approvvigionamento idrico lica, idrostatica, moto dei liquidi viscosi e resistenze idrodinamiche 2 (Milano '39) 26 + del territorio milanese: 1964, Nov./Dez.-Nr. 205 S., 2 ('43, '47) 27 + 205 S.; 1 , 2 : Correnti in Elettrotecnica Prove su modelli nel Laborapressione, correnti a superficie libera, effluso torio di Idraulica "Gaudenzio Fantoli" del R. dei liquidi, azioni dinamiche di correnti, acque Politecnico: 29 ('42) 165-71. filtranti (Neudruck) ('39) 12 + 373 S. - GauEnergia elettr. Saggio di teoria del funziodenzio Fantoli. Commemorazione (Milano '40) 15 S. — Sistemazione dello sbocco del La- namento degli stramazzi laterali (o sfioratori go Maggiore. Ricerca sperimentale su mo- longitudinali) : 11 ('34) 849-60. - Temperatudello eseguito dall'Istituto di idraulica del R. re, contrazioni e dilatazioni longitudinali e Politecnico di Milano (Milano '40) 94 S. (Con- pressioni interstiziali in una grande diga mas2: Contrazioni e dilatazioni longitudisorzio del Ticino. Studi per la regolazione del siccia, 1 Lago Maggiore e per la utilizzazione delle nali ): Dez.-Nr. — Dispositivi per la misura acque del fiume Ticino, 1). — Determinazione della portata dei canali con minime perdite di delle portate che la regolazione dei deflussi dal quota. Nuove ricerche sperimentali sui misuLago Maggiore renderà disponibili per le uti- ratori a risalto idraulico (Canali Venturi), 1 : lizzazioni (Milano '45) ( ~ 2). — Determina- Esame del processo idraulico che ha sede in un zione dei benefici ritraibili dall'elevamento del misuratore a risalto e caratteristiche di queslimite superiore della t r a t t e n u t a attiva dal- to; concetti direttivi delle esperienze e della l'altezza di + 1 , 0 0 m a quella di + l , 5 0 m sopra elaborazione dei dati: 13 ('36) 6-15; — 3 : Rilo zero dell'idrometro di Sesto Calende (Mi- sultati delle esperienze: 14 ('37) 189-214. lano '50) ( ~ 3). — Ripercussioni della regola- Correnti uniformi entro grandi condotte e zione del Lago Maggiore sulle piene del Iago grandi canali: 13 ('36) 421-54. - L'inizio del e su quelle del Ticino a Sesto Calende (Milano funzionamento del Nuovo Laboratorio (17 '50) ( ~ 4). —Variazioni provocate dalla rego- giugno 1939): 16 ('39) Juni-Nr. — Gaudenzio 17 ('40) Mai-Nr. - L'Istituto di lazione dei deflussi nelle tenute dei livelli del Fantoli Lago Maggiore (Milano '50) (— 5). — Deter- Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche del Poliminazione delle portate che la regolazione del tecnico di Milano e il Centro Lombardo di RiLago Maggiore renderà disponibili per le uti- cerche Idrauliche del Consiglio Nazionale delle lizzazioni: Estensione del calcolo al decennio Ricerche. Notizie sulla organizzazione e sulla 1945-1954 (2a Relazione supplementare) (Mi- attività svolta nel decorso decennio: 18 ('41) lano '55) 15 S. (— 6). — Relazione al Commis- 281-301. — Canali con portata progressivasario governativo del Consorzio per la bonifica mente crescente. (Grondaie e collettori di sfiosulle erosioni dell'Isola della Donzella sulle direttive che ratori): 351-60. — Esperienze 2 conviene seguire nell'ulteriore sviluppo della d'alveo a valle traverse ): 19 ('42) 173-83, bonifica del comprensorio (m. U. Pratolongo, 241-53. — Onde di depressione provocate da A. Giudice) (Padova '43) 96 S. - Guglielmini apertura di paratoia in un canale indefinito: (Brescia '47) 147 S. (Gli uomini e la civiltà. 22 ('45) 1-13. — Sull'onda di piena che seguiSerie Scienziati e tecnici). — Nozioni di idrau- rebbe al crollo della diga di Cancano. Prove lica, con particolare riguardo ai problemi delle su modello per il tronco fluviale dalla diga a bonifiche e delle irrigazioni (Bologna '48) 11 + Ponte Cepina; calcolo per il tronco da Ponte 264 S.; 2 ('53) 11 + 264 S. - Piano della Cepina a Tirano : 157-69. — Sul cambiamento sistemazione e della valorizzazione idraulica di regime di una corrente lineare a pelo libero, del bacino del fiume Agri. Relazione gene- in un alveo di sezione costante: 27 ('50) 125rale (m. M. Visentini, C. Drioli) (Roma '52) 32. — Il problema della difesa del suolo dalle inondazioni come si presenta dopo l'ultima 56 S. piena del P o : 29 ('52) 298-303. - Azione di

De Marchi, Giulio — De Marchi, Luigi


Rivista Trasporti e Comunicai. Attualità della navigazione interna nella Valle Padana: Nr. 1 ('46). Ulisse [Roma] La difesa dalle inondazioni mediante decapitazione delle piene: 3 ('52/53) Nr. 17. Ferner Berichte über den Italienischen HyIngegneria sanit. Gli acquedotti nell'attività della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno: 4 ('56) drographischen Dienst ('32) sowie Kommissionsberichte über wasserbauliche Projekte Nr. 5, 150f. in Italien. Problemi attuali Sci. e Cultura II problema a della preparazione universitaria dei professori Mit: ') F. C o n t e s a m i ; ') F i l i p p e l l i ; ) F. Marzolo. di materie tecnico-professionali: Nr. 68 ('65) 155-58. — La preparazione professionale I V " V I De MARCHI, L u i g i . G e o p h y specifica per l'ingegneria: 185-200. uno sfioratore a ventola sull'onda positiva provocata dall'arresto delle macchine nel canale adduttore di un impianto idroelettrico. Esperienze sopra un modello della centrale di Tornavento, compiute nel Laboratorio di Idraulica del Politecnico di Milano: 8« ('53) 803-21.

sik, Klimatol., Geogr. (physikal.). —

Pubi. Assoc. int. Hydrol. sci. La période de 1903-32 Prof., Fondatore e Dir. dell'Ist. sécheresse entre 1942-1949 en Italie: Nr. 34 Geogr. fisica, '09-10, '14-15, '29-30 Pres, ('51) 44-51. della Fac. di Sci. fisiche, mat. e natur., Realtà nuova Sul problema della burocrazia: 1951, Mai-Nr. [?]; 1965, Juni-Nr. - Alcuni problemi attuali del Po: 1962, Nr. 5. Rend., (Beale) Ist. lombardo Sci. e Lettere, Parte gen. e Atti uffic. Gaudenzio Rantoli f : (3) 78.1939 ('40) 160f., 225-50. - Sistemazione dello sbocco del Lago Maggiore; ricerca sperimentale su modello: 74. 1940 ('41) 65f. — Parole di ringraziamento per la sua nomina a Presidente: 94 ('60) 60-63. - Discorsi del Presidente nell'adunanza solenne del 25 maggio 1961: 95 ('61) 23-32; ~ del 18 gennaio 1962: 96. 1962 ('63) 13-22; ~ del 17 gennaio 1963: 97. 1963 ('64) 13-21; ~ del 16 gennaio 1964: 98 ('64) 13-20; ~ del 14 gennaio 1965: 99 ('65) 13-24; ~ del 13 gennaio 1966: 100 ('66) 13-21. — Parole commemorative per Gian Piero Bognetti : 97. 1963 ('64) 95. - Gino Cassinis, rettore del Politecnico e membro dell'Istituto Lombardo: 99 ('65) 89-94. - Gino Bozza, rettore del Politecnico e membro dell'Istituto Lombardo: 103 ('69) 133-37. Rend. Semin. mat. e fisico Milano Omogeneità, similitudine e modelli idraulici: 7 ('33) 27 S. — Visita al Laboratorio di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche "Gaudenzio Fantoli" del Politecnico: 16 ('42). Ricerca sci. Correnti uniformi entro grandi condotte e grandi canali: 6 ('35) Nr. 3/4. — Riunione dell'Associazione Internazionale per le Ricerche di Costruzioni Idrauliche (Berlino 4-7 ottobre 1937): 8 ('37) Nr. 11/12. - Profili longitudinali della superficie libera delle correnti permanenti lineari con portata progressivamente crescente o progressivamente decrescente entro canali di sezione costante: 17 ('47) 202-08. Außerdem jährliche Tätigkeitsberichte des Centro Lombardo di Ricerche Idrauliche 1940-1961 ('40-63).

Univ. di Padova; '10-14 Pres, italiano, Commiss. Internaz. permanente per lo Studio dell'Adriatico ; '21-22 Pres., Accad. Sci. Veneto-Trentino-Istriana; '28-Pres., Commiss. Internaz. per lo Studio delle Variazioni del Clima; '28-31 Pres., Comitato Italiano Geodetico e Geofisico del Consiglio Nazion. delle Ricerche; '31Vice Pres., R. Accad. Sci., Lettere ed Arti di Padova; '32- Vice Pres., R. Soc. Geogr. Ital. ; '32- Pres., Comitato Italiano per il secondo Anno Polare. *1857, Mai 16, Milano; tl936, Febr. 15, Padova. Zur Biogr. R. A l m a g i à , Il giubileo di Luigi De Marchi: Rivista geogr. ital. 39 ('32) 129-32. Nekr. T. A l i p p i , Sapere 2 ('36) 128. - R. A l m a g i à , Nuova Antol. 384 ('36) 118-20. — G. D a i n e l l i , Rivista geogr. ital. 43 ('36) 56-60 (m. Sehr.verz.-Auswahl). — G. A. Maggi, Rend., Reale Ist. lombardo Sci. e Lettere (2) 69 ('36) 52-54. - F. M i l o n e , Annales Géogr. 46 ('37) 204f. - A. M o s c h e t t i , Atti e Mem., Reale Accad. Sci., Lettere ed Arti Padova (N.S.) 62 ('35/36) 53-56. - C. F. P a r o n a , Boll. Comitato glaciol. ital. Nr. 16 ('36) 9-13. - A. S e s t i n i , Boll. Soc. geogr. ital. (7) 1 ('36) 555-57. - C. S o m i g l i a n a , Atti reale Accad. Sci. Torino 72 ('36/37) 188-201. - A. R. T o n i o l o , Ricerca sci. 7 ('36) 335f. - F. V e r c e l l i , Atti, Reale Ist. veneto Sci., Lettere ed Arti 96 ('36/37) Parte I, 81-87 (m. Bildn.); Boll. Comitato nazion. ital. Geod. e Geofis. 6 ('36) Nr. 1/2, 1 - 4 (m. Sehr.verz. 1932ff.). - Météorologie 12 ('36) 190. Quarterly J . roy. meteorol. Soc. 62 ('36) 297. - Studi trentini Sci. natur. 17 ('36) Nr. 1.

Rivista Catasto e Serv. tecn. erariali Caratteristiche idrologiche e idrauliche dei grandi Zum 100. Geb.tag M. B o s s o l a s c o , Geofilaghi subalpini: (N.S.) 5 ('50) Nr. 1. sica e Meteorol. 5 ('57) 73.


De Marchi, Luigi — Marchlewski

Zur Biobibliogr. B . C a s t i g l i o n i , L'opera scientifica di Luigi De Marchi: Atti e Mem., Reale Accad. Sci., Lettere ed Arti Padova 58 ('36/37) Atti, 9 1 - 1 4 4 (m. Bildn., Schr.verz. 196 Nrn., Liste v. Artikeln über L . De M.).

" MARCHLEWSKI, Leon Pawel Teodor. Chem. - 1906-39 Ord. Prof. med. Chem., '25-26 Dekan d. med. Fak., '26-28 Rektor, '39-46 Hon.-Prof., Univ. Krakow; '38-39 Vizepräs., Poln. Akad. Wiss. — Dr. med. h. c. (Univ. Krakow). *1869, Dez. 15, Wloclawek; fl946, Jan. 16, Krakow. IV VI

Teilsammlung Memorie scientifiche, 1 8 8 3 1932, raccolte da colleghi, allievi ed ammiratori in occasione del suo 75° compleanno (Padova '32) 71 + 854 S . ; darin S. X I I I - X L I X Biogr. v o n G . D a i n e l l i ; S. L I - L X X I Schr.verz. 157 Nrn.; auf S. 215f., 2 3 3 - 3 6 , 665-67 Zur Biogr. B . S k a r z y n s k i in: Szescsetleeigene Bemerkungen zu einigen in der Teil- cie medycyny krakowskiej 1 : Zyciorysy (B. sammlung enthaltenen früheren Arbeiten. Skarzynski) (Krakow '63) 3 1 3 - 3 3 (m. BildS. C. R . Congrès international de géogra- nissen). — Roczn. Towarz. nauk. warszawsk. phie, Paris 1931 2, 1 (Paris '33) 2 2 3 - 2 7 : Per la 3 0 ('37) 113-18 (m. Bildn., Schr.verz.). organizzazione di una raccolta di documenti Nekr. W . L a m p e , Roczn. Towarz. nauk. riguardanti le variazioni dei climi italiani. — L ' E u r o p a nel secolo X I X , 3 : Le scienze, 1 : Le warszawsk. 39 ('46) 131-34. - H. M a l a r s k i , scienze teoriche (D. Donati, P . Carli) (Padova Pami^tnik panstwow. Inst, naukow. Gos'32) 1 6 1 - 2 0 1 : L a scienza della terra. — Enci- podarstwa wiejsk. w Pulawach, Ser. E 18. clopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti 22 1947 ('48) 3 - 2 7 [m. engl. Zusammenfassg., (Roma '34): Mascaret; 28 ('34) 7 3 - 9 0 : Meteo- Schr.verz.]. — W . O s t r o w s k i , Folia biol. rologia. — C. R . Congrès international de géo- [Warszawa] 14 ('66) 3 4 1 - 5 6 (m. Bildn. u. Schr.graphie, Varsovie 1934, 2 (Warszawa '36) 6 3 3 - verz.-Auszug [73 Arbeiten über Chlorophyll]). 3 5 : Commission internationale pour l'étude — B . S k a r z y n s k i , Nature [London] 157 ('46) des variations de climat en époque historique. 6 5 0 f . ; Roczn. Chem. 22 ('48) 1 - 1 8 (m. Bildn., Schr.verz.). — L'Italia. Caratteri generali (Milano '36) (Terra e nazioni) 1 3 3 - 5 1 : I l clima d'Italia. S. Nauka a obrona panstwa [Wissenschaft W . Climatologia 2 (Milano '32) 1 3 + 2 8 9 S. und Staatsverteidigung] (Kraköw '37) 9 4 - 1 0 6 : — Fondamenti di geografia economica (m. F . Chemie im Dienste der Staatsverteidigung Milone) 4 (Padova '35) 1 2 + 4 6 2 S . ; 5 ('38) 14 + [poln.]. 440 S. — Fondamenti di geografia politica. W . Chemia fizjologiczna. (Bearb. von B . Basi geografiche della formazione e dello svi- Skarzynski) 1 ( K r a k ö w ' 4 7 ) 2 3 + 3 5 9 S . ; 2 ( ' 5 0 ) luppo degli Stati e dei problemi politici attuali 1 6 + 5 5 9 S. — W sprawie nowej ustawy o 2 (Padova '37) 12 + 209 S., Neudruck 2 ('38) szkolach akademickich [Zum neuen Hoch1 2 + 2 0 9 S. — Meteorologia generale (A. Pup- schulstatut] (Kraköw '33) 16 S. - Chemia po) «(Milano '39) 2 0 + 3 1 1 S., 6 ('44) 12 + 312 S. organiczna (Bearb. von W. Lampe) 1 : Zwi%zki 3 '51) Atti, Reale Ist. veneto Sci., Lettere ed Arti tluszczowe (Warszawa 277 S.; 2 : Zwiqzki cykliczne 3 ('54) 330 S. Commemorazione del Duca degli Abruzzi: 93 ('33) I , 19-35. Biochemische Z. Zur Kenntnis reduzieren4 4 Atti e Mem., Reale Accad. Sci., Lettere ed der Zucker ): 250 1 2('32) 3 8 5 - 9 1 ; ~ 2 ) : 261 ('33) 3 9 3 4 1 0 ; ~ 3 ): 262 ('33) 2 4 8 5 9 ; ~ 4 4 ): 1 Arti Padova Sulle cause dell'Era glaciale ) : 51 1 ) : 300 ('39) 4 2 - 4 5 . 265 ('33) 5 0 5 7 ; ~ 5 ('34/35) Mem., 3 7 ^ 7 . - Idrografia ed evoluzione morfologica dei colli Euganei : Atti, 6 3 - Studien in der Chlorophyllgruppe, 2 0 : Über die Umwandlung des Chlorophylls im tieri68. schen Organismus 1 2 ): 263 ('33) 1 6 6 - 7 2 ; — 2 1 : Boll. Comitato nazion. ital. Geod. e Geofis. Über Anhydro-Phyllotaonin und die PhylloSulla velocità di propagazione dei temporali : 3 haematochromogene 1 2 ): 277 ('35) 171-77. ('33) Nr. 9/10, 149-52. Zur Kenntnis des Methylglyoxalspektrums 1 2 ): 264 ('33) 4 3 7 - 4 0 . - Zur Kenntnis der CelluBoll. R . Soc. geogr. ital. I n memoria di Ni- lose 1 0 ): 276 ('35) 4 5 3 - 5 9 . - Bestimmung gecola Vacchelli : (6) 9 ('32) Nr. 12, I - V I I . ringer Zinkmengen in organischen Substanzen Nuova Antol. Fisica terrestre: Il secondo auf optischem Wege 3 ): 282 ('35) 387-91. - Zur Kenntnis des Gossypols 6 ): 286 ('36) 2 9 5 f . "Anno p o l a r e " : (7) 362 ('32) 1 3 5 - 4 0 ; L'esplorazione dell'alta atmosfera: 364 ('32) Zur Kenntnis des Datiscetins, Morins und 5 6 7 - 7 4 . — Manciuria, base dell'azione an- Quercetins 6 ): 290 ('37) 2 6 1 - 6 8 . - Spektrographische Untersuchungen von Flavon und tieuropei del Giappone: 380 ('35) 3 4 8 - 6 1 . Flavonolfarbstoffen und ihrer Glucoside 9 ): Scientia Controversie sull'isostasi: 53 ('33) 297 ('38) 5 6 - 5 9 . - Zur Kenntnis der Azine: 2 4 9 - 6 2 , 309-20. - Controversie glaciali: 59 300 ('39) 4 6 - 5 5 . — Adsorption kurzwelligen ('36) 195-204, 2 3 7 - 4 6 . Lichtes durch Indirubin und Indigotin 2 ): 56-58. J Mit: ) B. Castiglioni.

Marchlewski — Marcolongo


Biologia lekarska Die Bedeutung des Porphinsystems für Pflanzen- und Tierreich: 1939, 89-119 [poln.]. Bull. int. Acad. polon. Sei. et Lettres, Sér. A The absorption of ultra-violet light by some organic substances, 284) : 1933, 87-94 ; ~ 2911) : 95-98 ; — 30 : Absorption spectra and lactamlactimic tautomerism 3 ) : 381-88; ~ 31") : 397408; ~32 1 2 ): 409-15; ~ 33 8 ): 1934, 22-41 ; ~ 34 6 ): 42-44; ~ 35 7 ): 45-59; ~ 36 7 ): 60-63; ~ 3713) : 256-60; ~ 38 6 ): 261-79; ~ 39 10 ): 1935, 137—45; ~ 40»): 474+78; ~ 41: Gossypol 6 ) : 1936, 367-69; ~ 42: Datiscetin, morin and quercetin 6 ) : 1937, 60-71; ~ 43 1 ): 140-55; ~ 44 6 ): 156-70; — 45: Derivatives of phenanthrene and indole 6 ): 171-86; ~ 46 1 ): 187200; ~ 47 9 ): 1938, 232-35; ~ 48: Indigotin and indirubin 2 ): 519-23; ~ 49 1 ): 524-28; ~ 50: Some azines 1 ): 529-40. — Transformation of chlorophyll in the animal body 12 ): 1933, 540-46. — On some chlorophyll derivatives 12 ) : 1935, 146-55. — Microdetermination of zinc n organic substances 3 ): 479-85. — Studies on l a x cellulose 3 ): 1937, 201-16.

S. Atti. Congresso internazionale dei matematici, Bologna 1928, 6 (Bologna '32) 427-30: Sullo stato attuale della pubblicazione italiana dei manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci ed in particolare su quella del Codice Arundel. — L'Italia e la scienza (G. Bargagli Petrucci) (Firenze '32): Le invenzioni di Leonardo da Vinci. — Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti, 13 (Milano '32): Albert Einstein; 16 ('32): Galileo Galilei; 20 ('33): Leonardo da Vinci: L'opera scientifica; 22 ('34): Iacopo Mariano; Meccanica: Storia; 23 ('34): Giulio Mozzi; 28 ('35) : Potenziale. — Le scienze fisiche e biologiche in Roma e nel Lazio (Roma '33): Le scienze fisiche e matematiche in Roma. — In memoria di Giacomo Venezian (Messina '34): Giacomo Venezian e l'educazione fisica della gioventù. — Nel terzo centenario della morte di Galileo Galilei. Saggi e conferenze (Milano '42) (Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Scienze storiche, 20) 29-57: La meccanica di Galilei. — Leonardo da Vinci. Das Lebensbild eines Genies (Wiesbaden-Berlin '55) : Die Mechanik Bull. Soc. chim. France Absorption des dea Leonardo; italien. Ausgabe: (Novara '56); rayons ultra-violets par quelques substances engl. Ausgabe: (New York'56). organiques 3 ) : (4) 53 ('33) 946-50. W. Memorie sulla geometria e la meccanica C. E. mens. Séances Cl. Sci. math, et nutur., di Leonardo da Vinci (Napoli '37) 12 + 364 S. Acad, polon. Sci. et Lettres Absorption des — Temi di matematica assegnati nei concorsi rayons ultra-violets par certaines substances per le R. scuole medie (m. L. Marzella) [1] organiques, 3810) : 1936, Nr. 3,4f. ; ~ 409) : Nr. (Napoli '37) 10+281 S.; 2 ('39); 3 ('41). 7, S. 5. — Etudes de quelques dérivés de la Corso di matematica ad uso degli istituti chlorophylle 12 ): Nr. 3, S. 5. — Dosage de très tecnici commerciali e per geometri (m. L. Marpetites quantités de zinc à l'aide de la méthode zella) 1: Algebra (Roma '38) 11 + 159 S.; 2: Geometria ('38) 11 + 183 S. — Leonardo da spectrographique 3 ): Nr. 7, 5f. Vinci: artista - scienziato (Milano '39) 12 + Przeglrçd papierniezy Beiträge zur Auf- 341 S.; 2 ('43); 3 ('50) 15+280 S. - Meccanica klärung der Konstitution der Zellulose: 4 ('48) razionale. Cinematica, statica, dinamica, mec214-18 [poln.]. canica dei sistemi deformabili 4 (Milano '53) Roczn. Chem. Isatin, alloxan and the azines 16+408 S. derived from them: 18 ('38) 698-717 [poln. m. Annali, R. Ist. sup. navale, Napoli Glorie engl. Zusammenfassg.]. italiane nell'arte e nella scienza del navigare : 1 J Mit: ) W. B e d n a r c z y k ; ') J. C h o l e w i n s k i ; •) J. ('32). — La relatività nel suo primo venticinD%browski; *) W. G a b r y e l s k l ; 5 ) W. G o s l a w s k i ; ') R. Grinbaum (Grinbaumówna); ') G. Hert- quennio: 2 ('33) 5-47. z ó w n a ; •) J. P i z l o ; •) B. S k a r z y n e k i ; ») J. SkulAnnali Lavori pubbl. Leonardo da Vinci e il m o w s k i ; ") T. S u r z y c k i ; ") W. Ur.banczyk; rinnovamento della meccanica nel secolo XV : " ) J. Zgleczewski. 77 ('39) 8-24. IV VI Atti reale Accad. nazion. Lincei, Rend. Adu" MARC0L0NG0, R o b e r t o . nanze solenni Nel trecentenario del Dialogo di Mech., Math., Physik. — 1907-35 Prof. Galileo sui due massimi sistemi del mondo: 4 ord., Univ. di Napoli. ('29/39) 214-19.

*1862, Aug. 24, Roma; tl943, Mai 15, Roma.

Atti Accad. pontaniana Nel trecentenario del Dialogo di Galileo Galilei sui due massimi Nekr. M. P a n t a l e o , Italia scrive 26 ('43) sistemi del mondo: 62 ('32) 3-20. 77f. — M. P a s c a l , Rend. Accad. Sci. fisiche Atti R. Accad. Sci. fisiche e mat., Napoli La e mat., Napoli (4) 16 ('48) 1-12 (m. Schr.verz.). meccanica di Leonardo da Vinci: (2) 19 ('33) Autobiogr. Quaranta anni di insegnamento Nr. 2, 148 S. — Il t r a t t a t o di Leonardo da Vinci sulle trasformazioni dei solidi: 20 ('34) (Napoli '35) 51 S. (m. Schr.verz.). H. G. S e m e n z a , Indici per materie ed Nr. 9, 46 S. alfabetico del Codice atlantico di Leonardo da Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. La matematica di Vinci (Milano '39). quaranta secoli f a : 20. 1931, II ('32) 244-57.


Marcolongo — Marconi

Boll. Mat. Il concorso di materie scientifiche nelle R. scuole di avviamento professionale (novembre-dicembre 1933) : 80 ('34) 1-9. - Aldo Pinzi, 1878-1934: 31 ('35) 82f. - In memoria di Domenico Mercogliano: 32 ('36) 56. Boll. Unione mat. ital. Gabriele Torelli : 11 ('32) 62f. Civiltà Galileo Galilei: 3 ('42) 13-20. Elettrotecnica Relatività nel suo primo venticinquennio : 20 ('33) 201-04, 223-28. Giorn. Mat. Battagliai Gabriele Torelli f : 70 ('32) 55-61. Ingegnere Leonardo matematico: 12 ('38). Nuova Antol. La R. Commissione vinciana e la pubblicazione dei manoscritti e dei disegni di Leonardo: 897 ('38) 350-56. Rend. reale Accad. Sci. fisiche e mat., Napoli Il trattato di Leonardo da Vinci sulle trasformazioni dei solidi: (4) 4 ('34) 170f. — Giovanni De Berardinis f : 8 ('38) 120-23. Rivista Cultura marinara Discorso tenuto alla radio in occasione della Mostra di Leonardo e delle invenzioni il 17 maggio 1939: 1939. Rivista Fisica, Mat. e Sci. natur. Il trecentenario del Dialogo di G. Galilei sui due massimi sistemi del monde: (2) 6 ('32) 393-402,44187. — Le documentazioni scientifiche e tecniche italiane alla esposizione di Chicago: 7 ('33). — Arte e scienza di Leonardo da Vinci: 9 ('35) 281-98. — La prova pratica di fisica nei concorsi di matematica e fisica negli Istituti tecnici superiori: 10 ('36). — Su due opere poco conosciute di Luca Valerio e G. B. Porta: ibid. — Commemorazione di Galileo: 16 ('41/ 42) 145—49. Sapere Le curve di Lissajous e le curve giroscopiche: 1936. — Numeri giganti e numeri pigmei: 1937. — Fortunose vicende dei manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci : ibid. — Come facevano le operazioni i Romani: ibid. — Sui vari sistemi di numerazione : ibid. — Leonardo 10 sapeva : 1938. — Geometria di seta : ibid. — Nel ; trecentenario delle "Due nuove scienze" di Galileo Galilei: ibid. — Autorecensione dei miei studi vinciani: ibid. — Leonardo nel paradiso delle scienze matematiche. Leonardo fisico, matematico e astronomo. Leonardo meccanico e ingegnere. I precursori di Leonardo. La Commissione vinciana e l'Istituto di studi vinciani. Chi era la Gioconda ? Rebus e caricature sui disegni di Leonardo. Vinciani d'Italia. Nodi vinciani: ibid. — Le confessioni di Marcolongo. Perchè ho scritto per Hoepli. Leonardo artista scienziato : 1939. — Il "Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo": 1941. — La scoperta delle macchie solari: ibid. — Il pendolo e la sua applicazione all'orologio : ibid. — Galileo, la prima Accademia dei Lincei ed il carteggio linceo: ibid. — Il

giorno della nascita di Galileo: ibid. — Le nuove scienze e la meccanica del secolo novo : ibid. — La matematica nell'insegnamento tecnico : 1942. — Galileo Galilei nel trecentenario della morte: 1943. — Galileo in Roma: ibid. Scientia La matematica di quaranta secoli fa : 51 ('32) 21-34 [französ.: Suppl., 19-21]. La misura del tempo, 1 : Le divisioni del tempo: 61 ('37) 16-23 7-13]; ~ 2: I congegni per la misura del tempo: 82-92 29-38]. La publication des œuvres de Leonardo da Vinci: 63 ('38) 177-80. - Nel trecentenario dei "Discorsi sopra due nuove scienze" di Galileo Galilei: 65 ('39) 143-50 [französ.: Suppl. 84-90]. — Galileo Galilei nel trecentenario della morte: 72 ('42) 117-22 [deutsch: Suppl. X X I I I f . ; span.: ~ XXIV;französ.: ~ XXIV f.]. Scienza e Tecnica Confidenze sui miei studi vinciani: 7 ('43). V VI

. MARCONI, G u g l i e l m o . P h y s i k . — 1 9 3 5 - P r o f . Onde e l e t t r o m a g n e t . , U n i v . d i R o m a ; '28 Pres., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ; '30 Pres., Reale Accad. d ' I t a l i a ; H o n . Pres., R o y a l Soc. of A r t s , L o n d o n ; H o n . Pres., Midland I n s t . , U n i v . of B i r m i n g h a m ; '34-37 L o r d R e c t o r , U n i v . of S a i n t Andrews. — '02 D r . I n g . h . c. (Scuola d'Applicazione per gli I n gegneri, Bologna); H o n . D . S c . (Univ. of Oxford ; U n i v . of Cambridge) ; H o n . L i t t . D . (Univ. of Glasgow; U n i v . of A b e r d e e n ; U n i v . of Liverpool; U n i v . of P e n n s y l v a n i a , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . ; Columbia University, N e wY o r k ; Louisiana S t a t e U n i v . , B a t o n R o u g e , L a . ; Loyola U n i v . , Chicago, 111.; N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v . , E v a n s t o n , 111.); '33 H o n . L L . D . (Univ. of N o t r e D a m e , I n d . ) ; D o t t . in Fisica h.c. (Univ. d i Bologna ; U n i v . di P i s a ; U n i v . do Rio d e J a n e i r o ) . — '09 Nobelpreis f ü r P h y s i k . — '01 Medaglia d ' o r o (Soc. sci. dei X L ) ; '02 P r e m i o S a n t o r o (R. Accad. dei Lincei, R o m a ) ; '03 P r e m i o Vallauri per le Sci. fisiche; Medaglia Matteucci (Soc. sci. dei X L ) ; '15 A l b e r t Medal in gold a n d silver (Roy. Soc. of A r t s , L o n d o n ) ; '18 B e n j a m i n F r a n k l i n Gold Medal ( F r a n k l i n I n s t . , Philadelphia, P a . ) ; '22 J o h n F r i t z Gold Medal (Amer. I n s t , of Electrical E n g r s . , A m e r . Soc. of Civil Engrs., Amer. Soc. of Mechan. E n g r s . a n d Amer. I n s t , of Mining, Metallurg, a n d P e t r o l . E n g r s . ) ; Gold Medal (Inst, of R a d i o E n g r s . , N e w Y o r k ) ;



cal Engng. [USA] 72 ('53) 670-76; Revista Marconi [Madrid] 5 ('51) Nr. 19, 14-16. - H. B a c k e , Marconi telegrafierte ebenfalls drahtlos: Urania [Jena] 48 ('72) Nr. 10, 18f. - A. B a n d i n i B u t i , Auto ital. 35 ('54) Nr. 14/15, 15-19 (m. Bildn. u. Faks.). — M. B a r a t u c c i , Rassegna delle attività scientifiche di G. Marconi (Roma'49) 15 S. (m. B i l d n . ) . - H . B a r t h , Romanische Köpfe. Lebensbilder aus dem neuen Italien (Berlin '38) 119-33: G. Marconi, der Lord der Sphäre (m. Bildn.). — M. B a r t o l o z z i G u a s p a r i , Guglielmo Marconi (Bologna '68) 71 S. (Biographica, 2). - H. B e l l i s , Edison and Marconi (Edinburgh '38) 48 S. — M. B e t t i , Annuario Univ. Bologna 1933/34, 159f. - Q. M a j o r a n a , ibid. 160-67. - A. G h i g i , ibid. 167f. - E. B i a g i n i , Con G. Marconi a bordo dell'Elettra: Vie Italia 43 ('37) 33-41 ; With G. Marconi on board the Elettra : Atlantica [Roma-NewYork] 19 ('37) Nr. 2, 29, 39, 43f. - P. B i a n c h i , Guglielmo Marconi. L'uomo, lo scienziato 2(Milano '37) 94 S. (m. Bildn.). - W . F . K . B j e r k n e s , Acta, Pontificia Acad. Sci. 13 ('50) 87-91. - R. B r i dio, Monumento a Marconi: Histonium [Buenos Aires] 14 ('52) Nr. 162, 20f. - P. C a c c i a l u p i , Il dominatore dell'infinito: G. Marconi (Milano '38, '39) 221 S. - L. C a h e n , L'inventeur de la T. S. F. : Onde électr. 29 ('49) 137—42. — M. C a m p a n a , Il generoso genio di Marconi e i bassotti della burocrazia: Nazionale [Roma] 4 ('52) Nr. 18, S. 3. - E. Cam u r a t i , Vita e Pensiero 23 ('37) 390-95. *1874, April 25, B o l o g n a ; G. C a p r a r e l l i , Opinioni e saggi politici (Mif l 9 3 7 , Juli 20, R o m a . lano '41) 32-36. - D. C a r n e g i e , KurzbioErfindung Drahtlose Telegraphie. graphien (Zürich '48) 11-15. — A. C a r r e l l i , Ehrung Marconi Premium (British Institu- G. Marconi et les premières expériences de tion of Radio Engineers). — Fondazione Gu- transmission à distance: Radio Monde 3 ('49) glielmo Marconi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ri- 469-71 (m. Bildn.). — G. C a s e l l i , In margine cerche, Roma). — Marconi-Mausoleum in Pon- allo scoprimento d'una lapide a G. Marconi tecchio. — Benennung zahlreicher Institute, (Biella '38) 3 S. - F. C i a r r o c c h i , La gloria Schulen usw. nach G. Marconi. — Zahlreiche de G. Marconi esaltata sui francobolli: Poste Denkmäler, Gedenktafeln, Briefmarken usw. e Telecomunicaz. 24 ('56) 1223-26. - D. Cinti, Guglielmo Marconi e la telegrafia senza fili Zur Verleihung des Nobelpreises E. A. (Milano '38) 61 S. (Biblioteca del popolo, Gli H y l l e r a a s , Fysikkens Verden 7 ('45) 11-16. uomini illustri, 358). — F. C i t a r d a , Rivista — N. H. de V. H e a t h c o t e , Nobel Prize win- Cultura marinara 26 ('51) 67-69. - G. Colonners in physics 1901-50 (New York '54) 70-86 n e t t i , Il primato di G. Marconi: Ricerca sci. (m. Bildn.). — E. S c h n e i d e r , Von Röntgen 18 ('48) 298-303; Il problema del primato sulla zu Einstein, von Planck zu Heisenberg. Nobel- invenzione della radio: Atti Accad. nazion. preisträger der Physik und ihre Entdeckungen Lincei, Rend. (8) 4 ('48) 3-7. - J . C o t t l e r , (Berlin-München '53) 63-67. - Der Nobel- Marconi (Evanston, 111. '53) 36 S. (Real preis für Physik 1909, Physikalische Bl. 7('51) people). — R. D e B e n e d e t t i , Aneddotica 117f. (m. Bildn.). — The Nobel Prize winners delle scienze 2 (Milano '61) 431-35; Uomini and the Nobel Foundation 1901-37 (T. W. dell'elettricità (Torino '67) 159-68. - E. D e l MacCallum, S. Taylor) (Zürich '38) S. 50 (m. B u f a l o , Celebrazione del X X X anniversario Bildn. S. 404). — Nobel lectures, Physics, della prima radiocomunicazione transoceani1901-1921 (Amsterdam-London-New York ca: Ingegnere 6 ('32) 2 (m. Bildn.). - G. P e s '67) 193-95, 223-25. s i o n , ~ : ibid. 2-7. — L. S o l a r i , ibid. Zur Biogr. L. A l p i n o , Aspetti ignorati 7-9. — A. D e M a r s i c o , Marconi, Discours della figura di G. Marconi: Vita e Pensiero 22 prononcé à l'Académie Royale d'Italia, avril ('36) 126-29. - E. H. A r m s t r o n g , Science 1939 (Roma '39) 19 S.; span. : (Roma'39) 16 S.; milestone: Science Digest 29 ('51) 81-86; Eloquenza 32 ('42) 29-41. - F. L. D o n a l d Signaler through space: ibid. 85 [oder 36?] s o n , The Marconi scandal (NewYork '62) 304 S. ('54) 186-91; The spirit of discovery: ElectriGold Medal (New York Electrical Soc.) ; '26 J a m e s Forrest Gold Medal (Insto, of Civil Engrs., London); '32 Grande Medaglia d'oro (Soc. nazion. ital. di Salvam e n t o ) ; '32 J o h n Scott Medal (Board of Directors of City Trusts, City of Philadelphia, Pa.) ; '32 Lord K e l v i n Gold Medal (Insta. of Civil Engrs., London); Trasenster Médaille (Assoc. Ing. Liège); Wilhelm-Exner-Medaille (österr. Gewerbeverein, Wien) ; Targa d'oro (Assoc. elettrotecn. ital.) ; Gold Medal (Amer. Inst, of Electrical Engrs.) ; Targa d'oro (Univ. di Bologna); Targa " V i a n i " (Soc. umanitaria, Fondazione "P. M. Loria", Milano) ; Diploma di alta benemerenza nelle scienze (Pontificia Accad. Tiberina, R o m a ) ; Gold Medal (Veteran Wireless Operators Assoc., N e w York) ; Medaglia d'oro (Città di Firenze; Città di Venezia); Gold Medal (City of N e w York). — Weitere akademische und sonstige Auszeichnungen. Zahlreiche in- u n d ausländische staatliche Ehrungen. Ehrenbürgerschaften vieler Städte.



- P . D o r è , Ricerca sci. 18 ('48) 295-97. - H. M. D o ws e t t, Marconi's place in history : Marconi Rev. 51 ('34) 1 - 3 (m. Bildn.); ital. in: Alta Frequenza 4 ('35) 134-37. - O. E. D u n l a p , Marconi, the man and his wireless (New York '37, '38) 2 1 + 3 6 0 S.; ital.: Marconi: L'uomo e le sue scoperte (L. G. De Courten) (Milano '38) 516 S. (Libri scelti, Panorama del nostro tempo, 49); Radio's 100 men of science (New York-London '44) 171-80 (m. Bildn.). - S. E p s t e i n , B. W i l l i a m s , Marconi, pioneer of radio (New York '43) 10+272 S. - I. O. E v a n s , Inventors of the world (New York '62) 134-45. — E. F a b i e t t i , Marconi e la radio (Milano '38) 319 S. - L. M. F a n n i n g , Fathers of industries (Philadelphia, Pa. '62) 216-26. — A. F e r r a r i o , Invenzioni e inventori del X X secolo (Milano '38) (Enciclopedia scientifica monografica italiana del X X secolo, Ser. 1, Nr. 1) 403-14. - H. L. F i t z h u g h , P. K. F i t z h u g h , Concise biographical dictionary of famous men and women (New York '49) 442f. — C. F o r m i c h i , in: I grandi scomparsi e i caduti della rivoluzione fascista (Roma '42) 69-80. — G. F u r l a n i , G. Marconi e la sua opera: Boll. Soc. adriat. Sci. natur. Trieste 87 ('39) 7-31 (m. Bildn.). - M. G i a m p i e t r o , Il mago dell'etere (Firenze '53) 99 S. - G. Gio r g i , Le vere vicende nella invenzione della radio: Almanacco ital. 60 ('48) 163-71 (m. Bildn. u. Faks.); Nascita della radiotecnica: Radioquadrante 1 ('50) Nr. 3, 9-12. - F . G i u g n i , Verità e leggenda sulla morte di Marconi: Pensiero med. 40 ('51) Nr. 264, S. 3. — V. Go ri, in: Un secolo di progresso scientifico italiano 1839-1939,2 (Roma '39) 98-105 ; Marconi 5 ('54) Nr. 3, 13-18; in: Grandi primati italiani (G. Colonnetti) (Torino '61) 8 9 129. — N. G r i f o n e , Il genio militare et un grande inventore: Boll. 1st. storico e Cultura Arma Genio 17 ('51) 31-46. - E. G u a r d a s c i o n e , Napoli pittorica. Ricordi d'arte e di vita (Firenze '43) 169-80. - H. E. H a n c o o k , Wireless at sea; the first fifty years (London '50) 2 3 + 2 3 3 S. (m. Bildn. u. Faks.). - H. H a r t m a n n , Schöpfer des neuen Weltbildes. Große Physiker unserer Zeit (Bonn '52) 53-72 (m. Bildn.); auch: Große Physiker unserer Zeit (Hamburg-Berlin '54). — P. H é m a r d i n q u e r, Marconi et les ondes courtes : Nature [Paris] 65 ('37) 443. - G. W. 0 . H o w e , Wireless Engr. 25 ('48) 135-37, 300. - B. L. J a c o t [ d e B o i n o d ] , D. M. B. C o l l i e r , Marconi - master of space (London '35) 17 + 287 S.; (London '37) 287 S.; deutsch: Marconi, Beherrscher des Äthers (Leipzig '37) 297 S. — E. K e l l y , Scientific Monthly 54 ('42) 92-95 (m. Bildn.). — A. L a n d i n i , Cinque anni a bordo dell'Elettra con Marconi. Diario di un ufficiale marconista (Torino '39) 152 S. ; u. d. T. : Navigando con Marconi a bordo del yacht Elettra (Genova '50) 111 S.; Marconi sulle vie dell'etere - la storica impresa narrata dall'ufficiale marconista dell'Elettra (Torino '55)

150 S. (m. Bildn.), (Torino-Geno va^Milano '60) 142 + 10 S. - M. L a S t e l l a , Guglielmo Marconi. Mago dell'invisibile, dominatore degli spazi (Milano '37) 302 S. - E. L e h r b u r g e r (Pseud. E. L a r s e n ) , Uomini che cambiarono il mondo (Milano '54) 125-54; Men who changed the world, stories of invention and discovery (New York '52) 98-120. - E. L o m b a r d i , G. Marconi e la sua invenzione: Minerva [Roma] 47 ('37) 496-99; Passato e avvenire dell'invenzione marconiana: Nuova Antol. 892 ('37) 249-54. - L. L o m b a r d i , Commentationes, Pontificia Acad. Sci. 6 ('42) 1031-77. — S. L o r a n t , Un pomeriggio sull'Elettra; il mago degli spazi, dominatore dell'etere: Illustrazione ital. 64 ('37) 2 3 f . - L . V. M a d o n i , Oggi [Milano] 12 ('56) Nr. 30, S. 2. - M. B a l d i n i , ibid. Nr. 32, S. 2. - G. Man e r a , Marconi nella sua vera luce (Roma '53) 102 S. (m. Bildnissen). — A. M a n a r e s i in: Inaugurazione del busto a G. Marconi nell'annuale del sacrificio di Natalino Magnani, 20 dicembre 1939 (R. Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Mercantile "G. Marconi", Bologna) (Bologna '40) 5-14. — Degna M a r c o n i , My father, Marconi (S. Gleaves, L. Wertenbaker) (New York '62) 320 S.; (London '62) 11 + 306 S.; italien.: Degna P a r e s c e M a r c o n i , Marconi, mio padre (Milano '67) 337 S. — A. M a r p i c a t i , Guglielmo Marconi in Brasile, settembre-ottobre 1935 (Roma '36) 53 S. (Reale Accad. d' Italia); Marconi visto da vicino: Lettura [Milano] 38 ('38) 488-97 (m. Bildn.); Uomini e fatti del mio tempo (Torino '42) 53-78 : G. Marconi visto da vicino (m. Bildn.); 78-102: Con Marconi a bordo, con Marconi a Brasile; Questi nostri occhi, Racconti e ritratti (Torino '53) 207-25: G. Marconi visto da vicino. — S. M i l a n o , Tre grandi scienziati cattolici: Galvani, Volta, Marconi (Trani '39) 102 S. (m. Bildn.). - G. M o n t e f i n a l e , Il radar e il suo impiego come ausilio alla navigazione (Roma '49) I I I - V : G. Marconi e il radar. — A. N. S. M u r t h i , Names you should know (Ambala, Indien '54) 164-69. - F. N e u m e y e r , Teknisk Tidskr. 72 ('42) 335-37 (m. Bildn.). - F. P a s i n i , Pirandello nell'arte e nella vita (Padova '37) (La parola nel mondo, Ser. 2, Nr. 1) l f . (m. Bildn.). - P. S. P a s q u a l i , Nomi e cognomi, Guglielmo Marconi: Minerva [Roma] 48 ('38) 749. — E. P e r s i c o , Sul significato scientifico dell'opera di Marconi: Scientia64 ('38) 1 6 1 - 6 4 . G. P e s s i o n , La prima radiotrasmissione attraverso l'Atlantico : Ricerca sci. 3,1 ('32) 5-12 ; Guglielmo Marconi (Torino '41) 204 S. (I grandi italiani, 15). — P. P i c c i n i n i , G. Marconi e la marconiterapia : Rivista Terap. moderna e Med. prat. 30 ('37) Nr. 8/9 (m. Bildn. u. Faks.). R. F. P o c o c k, Marconi and the Isle of Wight : Industriai Archaeol. 5 ('68) Nr. 1, 43-53. G. C. P o n t i , Storia delle telecomunicazioni (Novara '67) 134-44. — A. P o z z i , Come li ho visti io. Dal diario di un medico (Verona '47)

Marconi 13-32 (m. Bildn.). - F. P r a t t , Famous inventors and their inventions (New York '54) 210-24. — P. P r i n g l e , When they were boys (London '54, New York '55) 210-24; 101 great lives (London '63) 160-63. - G. P r o v e n z a l , Rassegna Clin., Terapia e Sci. affini 46 ('47) 133-38; G. Marconi al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: ibid. 138f. — D. E. R a v a l i c o , Marconi giovane (Brescia '66) 160 S. (L'alfiere, 35); Il radio libro (Milano '45) 54-57. — L. R e a de, Marconi and the discovery of wireless (London '63) 166 S. (m. Bildn.) (Men and events ser.). — G. R e v e s s i , L'elettricità. Uomini, scoperte, applicazioni (Firenze '51) 282-85: G. Marconi e il 12 dicembre 1901. F. R i d e l l a , Guglielmo Marconi e il suo maestro di elettrotecnia Vincenzo Rosa (Torino '41) 31 S. (m. Bildn.). — Aldo R i g h i , [Augusto] Righi e Marconi : Realtà nuova 15 ('50) 837-40. — C. R o s s i , Le microonde e Marconi: Inventore ital. 2 ('32) 29-31; . . . et ultra (Milano '33) 89-103 (m. Bildn.), 2. Aufl. u. d. T.: Dal moto perpetuo ai raggi cosmici ('35) 89-103. — L. S a c c o , Rassegna Cultura milit. 1 ('38) Nr. 9; La querelle Popov-Marconi: Bull. Documentât. et Informat., Union europ. Radiodiffus. 3 ('52) Nr. 16, 649-51 (vgl. auch: 4 ('53) Nr. 22, 673f.); Spunti Marconiani: Boll. Ist. storico e Cultura Arma Genio 20 ('54) 385-410; Fondazione Marconi: ibid. 22 ('56) 14^19; Commemorazione: ibid. 144-47; Il primato di Marconi: ibid. 161 f. — G . D i B e n e d e t t o , Marconi ad Oropa: ibid. 148-51. — M. S a n t o m a u r o in: Annuario, Scuola media statale "T. Tasso", Salerno, Anno scolastico 1954-55 (M. Rescigno) (Salerno '56). — F. S a v o r g n a n d i B r a z z à , Da Leonardo a Marconi. Invenzioni e scoperte italiane 4 (Milano '41) 401-44 (m. Bildn. u. Faks.). - K i m [ = C. S c a r f o glio], Marconi e Colombo : Tempo [Milano] 6 ('42) Nr. 154, S. 32. - H. T. S c h n i t t k i n d , D. A. S c h n i t t k i n d , Life stories of the great inventors (New York '48) 233-41. - E. C. S h a n k l a n d , Marconi's wireless pilot: Nature [London] 184 ('34) 387f. - Y. Sil ay, Markoni ve Hayati (Istanbul '37) (Bugukler aerisi, 1). — F. S o c c o r s i , Marconi e la Radio Vaticana: Rivista Fisica, Mat. e Sci. natur. 12 ('37/38) Nr. 2. — L. S o l a r i , Visioni, ardimenti e trionfi di G. Marconi: Nuova Antol. 392 ('37) 244-48; Storia della radio (Milano '39) [enthält Biogr.] ; Marconi nell'intimità e nel lavoro (Milano '40) 15 + 356 S. (m. Bildn.), deutsch: Marconi im Privatleben und bei der Arbeit (Leipzig '42) 329 S. (m. Bildn.); Marconi e l'invenzione della radio: Romana 5 ('41) Nr. 11; Sui mari e sui continenti con le onde elettriche, Il trionfo di Marconi (Milano '42) 212 S. (m. Bildn. u. Faks.) (Piccola biblioteca di scienze moderne, 463); Italia scrive 30 ('47) 225f.; Who invented the aerial ? : Wireless World 63 ('47) 487 ; Marconi inventore della radio : Radio Industria 12 ('48) 25f. (m. Bildn.); Precisazione documentata circa l'invenzione della radio:


Rivista maritt. 81 ('48) 11-13; G. Marconi e i a Marina militare italiana: ibid. 231-36; Marconi, La radio in pace e in guerra (Verona '49) 315 S. (m. Bildn. u. Faks.); Quaranta anni di lavoro con Marconi: Rivista maritt. 82 ('50) 531-38; Scienza illustrata 2 ('50) Nr. 1, 42f. (m. Bildn.); Memories of Marconi: Wireless World 66 ('50) Suppl. zur Juni-Nr., 1 - 3 (m. Bildn.). — J . P. S t a r i c c o , Ciencia e Investig a i 4 ('48) 131 f. (m. Bildn.). - L. T a l a m o , Risonanze (Milano '53) 93-101. - A. H. T a y lor, S. R. K r u s e in: K. H e n n e y , Principles of radio 6 (New York'45) 527-30. - E. T h a r p , Giants of invention (New York '63) 97-99. H. T h o m a s , D. L . T h o m a s , 50great modem lives; inspiring biographies of men and women who have guided mankind to a better world (New York '56) 359-65. - S . T i m p a n a r o , L'eredità di Marconi: Almanacco ital. 44 ('39) 185-89. - G. T r i o n f i , Guglielmo Marconi (Milano '42) 171 S. (La centuria di ferro: La pattuglia del genio italiano, 41). — U. T u c c i , Enciclopedia della radio (Firenze '33) 294-96. — L. U n t e r m e y e r , Makers of the modem world; the lives of 92 writers, artists, scientists, statesmen, inventors, philosophers, composers, and other creators who formed t h e pattern of our century (New York '55) 478-83. — G. V a l l a u r i , Acta, Pontificia Acad. Sci. 13 ('50) 75-86; Origini e sviluppi della scoperta di G. Marconi: Annuario R. Liceo sci. "Marconi", Parma 1936/37 ('38) 22-27. - B. B a r o n i , Le geniali applicazioni scientifiche di G. Marconi: ibid. 28-46. — E. P a c i , Marconi, genio latino: ibid. 47-52. — G. V a l l a u r i , La parola nel mondo, Ser. 2, No. 3 (Padova '38) 93-110. - L. S o l a r i , ibid. 111-23: Quaranta anni con Marconi (m. Bildn.). — E. V e g g e t t i , Per la nascita di G. Marconi. Inno (Vergato '41) 10 S. — J . J . V e r d i e r , Expériences de Marconi: Revue P.T.T. 16 ('61) Nr. 3, 1921. — T. W a t s o n in: Pioneers of progress ; an anthology of the lives of eminent discoverers, explorers, inventors, social reformers etc. (Glasgow '50) 133-37. - A. Z a m m a r c h i , G. Marconi e le radiocomunicazioni: Vie Italia 41 ('35) 870-82; Scuola ital. moderna 48 ('38) Suppl. zu Nr. 25, 16 S. (m. Bildn.); in: Il valore della vita alla luce del Vangelo (Roma '39) 113-33; Guglielmo Marconi e la radio (Brescia '52) 54 S. (Quaderni della gioventù). — L. D., La giornata di Marconi: Radio Industria 1 ('41) 207-09 (m. Bildn.). - L'avventura di Marconi: Civiltà Macchine 6 ('58) 2237. — Blue plaque guide to historic London houses and the lives of their famous residents (L.V.Thompson) (New York '53) 67f. Brief biographies of famous men and women (W. S. Sewell) (New York '49) (Perma books, 24) 209f. — The man and his wireless: Popular Wireless and Television Times 31 ('37) 5. Juni - 32 ('37) [in mehreren Fortsetzungen], — Marconi Company's jubilee: Engineer [London] 183 ('47) 386f. (m. Bildn.). - G.



Marconi e gli studi su Roma: Roma 19 ('41) 467-73. — Omaggio della stampa inglese a G. Marconi: Ricerca sci. 8, 1 ('37) 162. — One hundred great lives (M. Derieux) Neuaufl. (New York '48) 668-73. - El porqué del nombre de una empresa: Revista Marconi [Madrid] 1 ('47) 20-30 (m. Bildn.). - Rievocazione delle prime esperienze di G. Marconi: Alta Frequenza 3 ('34) 386-88. — Si potrà sapere la verità sulla morte di Marconi ? : Europeo [Milano] 7 ('51) Nr. 17, S. 4. - Smithsonian treasury of science (W. P . True) (New York '60) 297-312. - Alta Frequenza 8 ('39) l f . — Annuario reale Accad. Italia 4.1931/32 ('33) 170-73 (m. Schr.verz.); 5. 1932/33 ('34) 142-45; 6. 1933/34 ('35) 153-56; 7/9. 1934/37 ('38) 168-72. - Archeion[Roma] 19 ('37) 461 f. — Archiginnasio 29 ('34) 139-41 ; 38 ('38) 13033, 317f. — Atti Convegni, Fondaz. Alessandro Volta 2. 1932, 2 ('33) 388-90 (m. Bildn.). — Aufstieg [Wiesbaden] 2 ('50) 751-56. - Civiltà cattol. 84, 4 ('33) 313f. - Ibérica 38, 2 ('32) 104 f. - Marconi 3 ('52) Nr. 3/4, S. 71. Nature [London] 137 ('36) 940; 140 ('37) 963. — Rassegna Poste, Telegrafi, Telefoni 6 ('34) 379 (m. Bildn.); 10 ('38) 529. - Revista Marconi [Madrid] 6 ('52) Nr. 23, S. 16 (m. Bildn.). — Revue gén. Electr. 32 ('32) 1. — Ricerca sci. 3, 1 ('32) 330, 650; 4, 1 ('33) 685; 4, 2 ('33) 475-79 (m. Bildn.) ; 5 , 1 ('34) 475-79. - Sapere 7 ('38) 281. - Science [USA] 78 ('33) 305. Scientific American 146 ('32) 75. — Telegraph and Telephone Age 55 ('37) 266. - TransPacific [Tokyo] 21 ('33) 16 (m. Bildn.). - Università ital. [Bologna] 31 ('35) 113. - Welt Arbeit 1 ('50) Nr. 19, S. 7. - - Zahlreiche weitere Biographien in populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern und Zeitschriften. Zum 60. Geb.tag Elektrische Nachr.-Techn. 11 ('34) 194. Nekr. Gedenkband: Almanacco dei 3 mondi, 5.1939 (Bologna '39) 238 S. (m. Bildn.); darin S. 53-235 : G. Marconi e la opera sua. — Gedenkheft (Bericht von einer Gedenkfeier): Anales Soc. ci. argentina 124 ('37) Suppl. zu Nr. 3, 16 S . ; darin S. 6 - 1 6 : Gedenkrede v. L. E . E d o , Marconi en les orígenes y en la evolución de las transmisiones inalámbricas. — Gedenkheft: Sapere 6 ('37) Nr. 64 ( = S. 10347); darin S. 105-08: G . P e s s i o n , L'opera scientifica di G. Marconi; 109-12: L. S o l a r i , Quaranta anni con Marconi (1897-1937); 1 1 3 22: [C. R o s s i , ] Vita ed opere di G. Marconi; 127-30: G. D e F l o r e n t i i s , I precursori ed il genio; gli schemi della radio di Marconi; 131— 33: U. M a r c o n i , Ricordo di Marconi; 134-36: F . S a b a t u c c i , Le scoperte di Marconi nelle applicazioni alla medicina; 137-39: F . G a t t a , La radio sulla terra, sui mari e nei cieli. — K . R . B e r g e r , Deutsche opt. Wschr. 58 ('37) 261f. — V . F . B j e r k n e s , G.C. V a l l a u r i , Commemorazioni di Guglielmo Marconi: Acta, Pontificia Acad. Sci. 2 ('38) Nr. 1, 9-24. - G.

B r a n c a , In morte di Guglielmo Marconi. Ode dedicata alla città di Bologna (o. O. '37) 10 S. — L. C a s o t t i , Per Guglielmo Marconi; 20 luglio 1937 (Reggio Emilia '37) 5 S. - R . C h e v e n i e r , Illustration [Paris] 95 ('37) 4 1 3 16 (m. Bildn.). — G. C o s t a n z o , Petrus Nonius 1 ('37) 292-318 (m. Bildn.). - L. D'Aq u i n o , Rivista Fisica, Mat. e Sci. natur. 11 ('37) 609-14 (m. Bildn.); 12 ('37) 67-75. - G. D e F l o r e n t i i s , S a p e r e 6 ( ' 3 7 ) 6 2 ( m . Bildn.). J . D e n o v e , Atlantica [Roma—NewYork] 19 ('37) Nr. 6, 7f. - R. D ' E s p i n o s a B i a n c h i , Universo [Firenze] 18 ('37) Nr. 8, I f . - G. E p i f a n i o , Rivista sanit. sicil. 25 ('37) 899f. - J . A. F l e m i n g , J . roy. Soc. Arts 86 ('37) 42-64 (m. Bildn.). - A. F r a n c h e t t i , Ingegnere 11 ('37) 381 (m. Bildn.). - G. A. Gal u s z k a , Radio Industria 4 ('38) 311. - V. G e n o v e s i , In funere Guilelmi Marconi : Roma 18 ('40) 216-31 [latein. u. italien.]. - R . Giac o m e l l i , Aerotecnica 27 ('37) 809-14 (m. Bildn.). — A. G i a n n i n i , Ricerca sci. 8,2 ('37) 5 - 9 (m. Bildn.). — C. G u a r i n i , Archivio Radiol. 13 ('37) 649f. (m. Bildn.). - H a r b i c h , Europäischer Fernsprechdienst Nr. 47 ('37) 322f. — L. H o u l l e v i g u e , Science et Vie 52 ('37) 269f. (m. Bildn.). - G. W. O. H o w e , Wireless Engr. 14 ('37) 408 (m. Bildn.), 465f. - D. C. J a c k s o n , Scientific Monthly 47 ('38) 144-51. - R . J o u a u s t , Onde électr. 16 ('37) 493-96. - F . K i e b i t z , Elektrische Nachr.Techn. 14 ('37) 252 (m. Bildn.) ; Telegraphen-, Fernsprech- u. Funk-Techn. 26 ('37) 190f. M. L a S t e l l a , Stirpe 15 ('37) 239f.; Argo [Firenze] 9 ('37) 3 - 7 . - A. G a t t i , ibid. 7f. G. L e n z i , Guglielmo Marconi. Commemorazione (Scuola Militare di Milano) (Milano '38) 34 S. (m. Bildn.). — A. L o S u r d o , Annuario, R. Univ. Studi Roma 1937/38, 562-64 (m. Bildn.). - A. L u p a t t e l l i , Boll. R. Univ. ital. Stranieri9 ('37)423-25(m.Bildn.). - Q . M a j o r a n a , Nuovo Cimento 14 ('37) 297 f. (m: Bildn. u. Faks.). — V. M a r a g l i a n o , Ciò che debbono i medici a Marconi: Riforma med. 53 ('37) 1151 f.; Marconi e la marconiterapia: Forze sanit. 6 ('37) 1158f. - W . M e n z e l , WeltRundfunk 1937, 704. R . A. M i l l i k a n , Electronics 10 ('37) 12 (m. Bildn.). - J . E. M u ñ o z , Homenaje pòstumo a Guillermo Marconi (Quito, Ecuador '37) 22 S. (m. Bildn.) (Suppl. al Nr. 301 de los Anales de la Universidad centrai de Quito-Ecuador). — A. Nannini, Commemorazione di G. Marconi tenuta nell'Aula Magna del R. Istituto Magistrale di Grosseto, 26 aprile 1938 (Vicenza '38) 18 S. L. G. N i g r i s , Guglielmo Marconi, Commemorazione tenuta alla Scuola di Cultura Cattolica di Udine il 21 novembre 1937 (Udine '37) 27 S. (m. Bildn.). — I. N o v i , Rend. Sess. R . Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna, CI. Sci. fisiche (N.S.) 42 ('37/38) 13f. - U. O r s i n i , Guglielmo Marconi (Roma '37) 16 S. - G. G. P a l m i e r i , Radiologia med. [Milano] 24 ('37) 804f. (m. Bildn.). — V. M a r a g l i a n o , Marconi e la ra-



diologia: ibid. 805-08. — A. P a s c u c c i , Mat- Marconi. Discorso ( R o m a '37) 20 S. (m. tino illustrato 14 ('37) 499f. - A. P e r n a , Bildn.) (R. Accademia d'Italia, Celebrazioni e Scuola e Cultura 13 ('37) 363-71. - E . P e r - commemorazioni, 26); Alta Frequenza 6 ('37) s i c o i n : Conferenze di fisica e di m a t e m a t i c a 497-500 (m. Bildn.); Nuovo Cimento 14 ('37) 1936-37 e 1937-38 (R. Università e R . Scuola 298-300. — B. L. V a n z e t t i , Biochimica e di Ingegneria di Torino) (Torino '38) 8 S. : T e r a p . sperim. 24 ('37) 369-73 (m. Bildn.). Marconi e la scienza. — G. P e s s i o n , R a d i o e J . Z e n n e c k , Hochfrequenztechn. u. ElektroTelevis. 3 ('38) 3 - 1 3 ; Lo svolgimento tecnico a k u s t . 51 ('38) l f . (m. Bildn.); Z. V D I 81 ('37) dell'opera di G. Marconi: Ricerca sci. 8, 2 ('37) 1008. - G. M., Illustrazione v a t i c a n a 8 ('37) 397-405 [auch i n : Elettrotecnica 24 ('37) 7 0 2 - 655 (m. Bildn.). - P . C., N a u t i s k Tidskr. 30 05; Rassegna Poste, Telegrafi, Telefoni 9 ('37) ('37) 246-49. — T. G., L ' œ u v r e de Marconi: 806-11]; Annuario R . Univ. Bologna 1937/38, J . Télécommunicat. 4 ('37) 223-26. - W. G. 131-38 ; Rassegna Poste, Telegrafi, Telefoni 10 R., J . I n s t n . electr. E n g r . 81 ('37) 821f. ('38)530-35; Vita universit. 1 ('37) 1 (m. Marconi. T u t t a u n a nobile esistenza spesa al Bildn.) ; Radiodiffusion[Genève] Nr.5 ('37) 3 - 5 . servizio della scienza, d e l l ' u m a n i t à e della pa- G . Y a l l a u r i , ibid. 5 f . - V . G o r i , i b i d . 6 - 8 . t r i a (Milano '37) 31 S. (m. Bildn.) (Suppl. al — Q. M a j o r a n a , ibid. 8 - 1 0 . — J . R e i t h , ibid. " L ' A n t e n n a " 1937, Nr. 13). - Ala I t a l i a 19 10. - D. S a r n o f f , ibid. 10f. - E. F . P e - ('37) Nr. 8, 18-20 (m. Bildn.). - Annuario t r i t s c h , Elektrotechnik u. Maschinenbau 55 pontificia Accad. Sci. 1. 1936/37 ('37) 528-35 ('37) 393-95 (m. Bildn.). — C. P i c o n e , Boll. (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.). — Annuario I s t . storico e Cultura A r m a Genio 3 ('37) Nr. reale Accad. Italia 7/9. 1934/37 ('38) 5 8 5 - 9 3 . 7, 3 - 7 . — L. L a s t r i c o , G. Marconi nell'eser- Augustea [Roma] 12 ('37) 371. - Auto ital. 18 cito: ibid. 8 - 2 0 . — P i u s X I , Acta, Pontificia ('37) Nr. 21, S. 25 (m. Bildn.). - Buletinul Acad. Sci. 2 ('38) Nr. 1. - G. Y a l l a u r i , ibid. I n s t . r o m â n Energie 5 ('37) 700. — Diritti Scuola 38 ('37) 560. - Electrical Engng. — G. P r o v e n z a l , Nel ricordo delle onoranze [USA] 56 ('37) 1067 f. - Electrical Rev. 121 rese a G. Marconi il giorno della sua m o r t e ('37) 116. - Electrician 119 ('37) 101 f. (m. (Roma '38) 51 S. (m. Bildn.). - M. R e n a u l t , Bildn.). - E m p o r i u m [ B e r g a m o ] 43 ('37) 447f. R e v u e hebd. 46, 8 ('37) 334-43. - U . R u e l l e , Liburni Civitas 10 ('37) 159-69. - L. S a c c o , - Energia elettr. 14 ('37) 529 (m. Bildn.). L ' o p e r a di Marconi nel campo tecnico applica- Engineer [London] 164 ('37) 105 (m. Bildn.). tivo militare: Boll. tecn. Ist. milit. sup. Tras- - Engineering 144 ('37) 105 (m. Bildn.). missioni 16 ('37) Nr. 3/4, 32-38 [auch i n : Ri- Eroica 26 ('37) Nr. 227/228, 3 f . - I n d u s t r i a vista Artiglieria e Genio 76 ('37) 1085-89], - nazion. 22 ('37) Nr. 7, 13f. - Ingegni e ConC. S a l v i i n : Celebrazioni commemorative di gegni 7 ('37) Nr. 7, S. 1. — Ingenieur ['s GraGabriele D'Annunzio, Guglielmo Marconi ed venhage] 52 ('37) 288. - J . I n s t n . civil Engr. Augusto Righi (R. Accademia di Belle A r t e e 7 ('37/38) 485 f. - J . Télécommunicat. 4 ('37) Liceo Artistico) ( R o m a '38) 21-37. - M. 206f. - Marina ital. [Genova] 35 ('37) 249. S a n i , Cultura moderna [Milano] 46 ('37) 385f. Metallurgia y Electr. 1 ('37) 44. - N a t u r e (m. Bildn.). — P . S c h i n e t t i , Il t r a n s i t o [London] 140 ('37) 182f. - N a t u r e [Paris] 65 ideale dell'inventore; la giovinezza gloriosa e ('37) 187f. (m. Bildn.). - N u o v a Antol. 392 l ' i m m o r t a l i t à : Illustrazione ital. 64 ('37) 818 ('37) 241-43. — Organizzazione sci. Lavoro 12 (m. Bildn.). — L. S o l a r i , L'invenzione fonda- ('37) 415f. - Rassegna nazion. (4) 26 ('37) mentale di Marconi: ibid. 819-22 (m. Bildn.). 505-09. — Rassegna Poste, Telegrafi, Telefoni — P . S e v e r i , Scienza che d i v e n t a poesia; il 9 ('37) 530f. (m. Bildn.). - Rassegna settigenio e la praticità dell'inventore: ibid. 823. m a n . S t a m p a estera 12 ('37) 321-27. - Ri— Pio X I e Marconi; la voce del Santo P a d r e vista aeronaut. 13 ('37) Nr. 9, V I I - I X (m. u d i t a in t u t t o il m o n d o : ibid. 824. — L. B o - Bildn.). — Rivista Cultura m a r i n a r a 12 ('37) n a c o s s a , L ' o p e r a di Marconi nel campo del Nr. 9/10, I - I V (m. Bildn.); [auch i n : Rivista r a d i o : ibid. 825. — E. S c h r ö t e r , Elektrotech- m a r i t t . 70 ('37) Nr. 9, I - I V (m. Bildn.)]. nische Z. 58 ('37) 890 (m. Bildn.); Telefunken Rivista n a u t . 46 ('37) 189-91 (m. Bildn.). Nr. 77 ('37) 5 - 9 (m. Bildn.). - F. S e v e r i , Rivista Terap. moderna e Med. p r a t . 30 ('37) Boll. R . Univ. ital. Stranieri 9 ('37) 427-33. - 3 - 7 (m. Bildn. u. Faks.). - R o m a n a 1 ('37) E . H . S h a u g h n e s s y , P o s t Office electr. En- 208-12. - R u n d s c h a u techn. Arb. 1937, 4. gineers' J . 30 ('37) 244f. - P . S v a n e l l i n i , Scienza e Tecnica 1 ('37) Nr. 7/8, 15 S. - SeCommemorazione di Guglielmo Marconi te- curitas [Milano] 24 ('37) 193. - Telegraph a n d n u t a all'inaugurazione dell'anno scolastico Telephone Age 55 ('37) 170-75 (m. Bildn.). Telegraphen-Praxis 17 ('37) 321 f. - Telephony 1937-38 (Civico Collegio De Filippi) (Arona 113 ('37) 26. - Television and S h o r t - W a v e '37) 18 S. - W . F . G. S w a n n , Teknisk Tid- World Nr. 114 ('37) (m. B i l d n . ) . - U m s c h a u 4 1 skr. 67 ('37) 3 6 9 - ; Yearb., Amer. philos. Soc. ('37) 717f. (m. B i l d n . ) . - U n i v e r s i t à i t a l . [Bolo1937, 371-75. S. T i m p a n a r o , Mar- gna] 33 ('37) 137. - Verità [Roma] 2 ('37) 150coni e la scienza: N u o v a I t a l i a 8 ('37) 229-31. 52. - Wireless World 41 ('37) 92(m. Bildn.), — A. T u r p a i n , Bull. Assoc. frang. Avance- 138. — — Weitere Nekrologe, insbesondere in m e n t Sci. 66 ('38) 105-11; R e v u e gén. Electr. k o m m u n a l e n u n d regionalen Zeitschriften. 62 ('37) 385-88. - G. V a l l a u r i , Guglielmo



Zum 1. Todestag Gedenkschrift : Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. 26 ('38) Suppl.: Guglielmo Marconi, 139 S. (m. zahlreichen Bildnissen, Schr.verz. S. 127-33); darin: 7-11: E. F e r m i , G. Marconi e la propagazione delle onde elettromagnetiche nell'alta atmosfera; 13-15: V. G o r i , G. Marconi e le radiocomunicazioni direttive; 17-22: F. L o r i , L'originalità e l'universalità della scoperta marconiana; 23-28: Q. Ma j o r a n a , La scoperta di G. Marconi; 2934: V. M a l f a t t i , G. Marconi e le sue prime esperienze in Inghilterra; 35-39: A. M a r i n o , G. Marconi e le applicazioni della radio all'aeronautica; 41-45: C. M a t t e i n i , Le comunicazioni sul mare nell'opera di G. Marconi; 4752: G. P e s s i o n , L'opera scientifica di G. Marconi; 53-62: A. P o c h e t t i n o , Prime lotte e primi trionfi di G. Marconi; 63-69: G. Rev e s s i , G. Marconi e un titolo di gloria trascurato; 71-75: U. R u e l l e , L'opera di G. Marconi nel campo delle applicazioni navali; 7783: L. S a c c o , Le caratteristiche delle stazioni marconigrafiche militari campali italiane; 8594: G. V a l l a u r i , G. Marconi, uomo di pensiero e di azione; 97-117: A. B e z z i S c a l i , Il diario del viaggio in Brasile di G. Marconi (settembre-ottobre 1935); 119-26: Cronologia marconiana. Zum 2. Todestag Archiginnasio 84 ('39) 353. Zum 10. Todestag H. C. C a l i f a n o , Katholischer Digest 2 ('48) 40-45. 50 Jahre drahtlose Telegraphie Atti del Congresso internazionale per il cinquantenario della scoperta marconiana della radio (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Roma 1947 (Roma '48) 63 + 951 S. (m. Bildn.); darin Ansprachen S. X X V I I - X X X I I : U. M e r l i n [auch in: Ricerca sci. 17 ('47) 1329-32]; X X X I I I - X X X V I I I : G. C o l o n n e t t i , Scienza e tecnica nel pensiero e nell'opera di G. Marconi 1333-36]; X X X I X - X L I I I : P i u s X I I [ ~ 1325-28] ; X L I V - X L VI : G . C a s t e l n u o v o ; X L V I I - L X I I I : A. C a r r e l l i [auchin: Ricerca sci. 17 ('47) 1337-48]. - Marconi-Sonderheft: Illustrazione ital. 74 ('47) Nr. 40 (m. Bildn.); darin: R. D e B e n e d e t t i , Fortuna d'una invenzione: 272; S. T i m p a n a r o , Marconi e i suoi precursori: 273-75; J. S t o k l e y , Il soffitto radio: 276-79; G. D e F l o r e n t i i s , L'invenzione del telegrafo senza fili: 280-82; C. B o r g h i , Dal telegrafo alla radio: 283-86. — Marconi-Sonderheft: Radio Industria Nr. 129/130 ('47) (m. Bildnissen); darin: Parole del marchese G. Marconi: 23; D. S a r n o f f , Tribute to Senatore G. Marconi: 25; Q. Maj o r a n a , Come fu scoperta la radio: 27f.; V. G o r i , G. Marconi e le radiocomunicazioni direttive: 29; L. S o l a r i , Marconi per la patria e per l'umanità : 32-35 ; V. D e P a c e, La radiotelegrafia, origini e sviluppi: 36-40; G. Vall a u r i , G. Marconi e il cinquantenario della radio: 46-48; A. M a r i n o , G. Marconi e le

applicazioni radio aeronautiche: 59-62; R. C h i o d e l l i , Marconi e la radio italiana: 85-87; G. P e s s i o n , I fondamenti scientifici nell'opera di G. Marconi: 93-96; G. B., G. Marconi, genio universale: 105. — G. G o n e l l a , Scienza e vita. Commemorazione di G. Marconi tenuta nell'Aula Magna dell'Università di Bologna per il 50° anniversario della scoperta della radio (Roma '47) 15 S. - V. Gori, Ricerca sci. 17 ('47) 1071-81. - E. S o l e r i , Ingegnere 21 ('47) 619-22. - G. V a l l a u r i , Elettrotecnica34('47) 169-74. - A . Z a m m a r chi, Scienza e Lavoro 2 ('47) 157f. - J . Télécommunicat. 14('47) 128f.; 16 ('48)266-68. Nature [London] 159 ('47) 598 f. ; 160 ('47) 743. Zum 50. Jahrestag d. ersten transatlant. Funksignals R. B a s s i - R a t g e b , Sapere 34 ('51) 370f. (m. Bildn.). - R. C h i o d e l l i , Marconi 2 ('51) Nr. 3/4, 5-7. - V. G o r i , Ricerca sci. 22 ('52) 8-12. - G. G. H o p k i n s , The Poldhu story: Marconi Rev. 14 ('51) Suppl., 4-12. — C. S. F r a n k l i n , Recollections and ruminations: ibid. 13-18. —S. M. Ais e n s t e i n , Some reminiscences in connection with the 50th anniversary of transatlantic wireless communication: ibid. 19f. — E. H . A r m s t r o n g , Wrong roads and missed chances— some ancient radio history: ibid. 21-28. — H. J . Pow y s , An eye-witness account of a great day: ibid. 29 f. — U. M a r al di, Marconi portò u n segreto nella tomba ? : Tempo [Milano] 18 ('51) Nr. 49, S. 33. - G. M o n t e f i n a l e , Marina ital. [Genova] 49 ('51) 272-74; Elettrotecnica 39 ('52) 390-97. - H. J . P o w y s , A great occasion: Research [London] 4 ('51) 557f. — R. L. S m i t h - R o f i e , Nature [London] 168 ('51) 980. — [G. S p a t aro,] Elettronica e Televisione ital. 1 ('52) Nr. 1, l l f . - V. G o r i , ibid. 12f. - E. V. A p p l e t o n , ibid. 13f. - E. B r e m m e r , ibid. 14. — L. de B r o g l i e , ibid. 14. — A. E n g e l u n d , ibid. 14. — C. M a n n e b a c k , ibid. 14. - D. S a r n o f f , ibid. 14f. E. S e q u e n z , ibid. 15. — H. S t e r k y , ibid. 15. - F. T a n k , ibid. 15. - J . Z e n n e c k , ibid. 15. — R. T r i o n f e r à , Europeo [Milano] 7 ('51) Nr. 50, lOf. (m. Bildn.). - G. V e n t u r i , Oggi [Milano] 7 ('51) Nr. 51, 6f. (m. Bildn.). - E. Z a c c a r a , Elettrificazione 2 ('51) Nr. 12, 7f. (m. Bildn.). - Marconi 2 ('51) Nr. 1, S. 49; Nr. 3/4, 3f. — Revista industr. y fabril 6 ('51) 643-47 (m. Bildn.). - Revista Marconi [Madrid] 6 ('52) Nr. 20, 27-30 (m. Bildn.). Revista telegràf. electron. 1951, 856. Zum 80. Geb.tag A. M a r p i c a t i , Civiltà italica 5 ('54) 404-09. Zum 100. Geb.tag A. S t ä g e r , Physikaliche Bl. 30 ('74) 232-35 (m. Bildnissen). Zur Bibliogr. Bibliografia Marconiana (G. di Benedetto) (Roma '58) 243 S. Teilsammlungen Per la ricerca scientifica. Discorsi raccolti a cura del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma '35) 141 S. (m. Bildn.).

Marconi — Marden


Rassegna Poste, Telegrafi, Telefoni Sulla propagazione di micro-onde a notevole distanza: 5 ('33) 592. Ricerca sci. La ricerca scientifica e la crisi odierna: 8, 1 ('32) 61 f. — Discorso inaugurale della X X I Riunione della Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze, Roma 1932: 3, 2 ('32) 241f. - Scienza e fascismo: 3 3 3 ^ 0 . - I l Duce presiede a Palazzo Venezia il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche : 399-404. — L a Commissione Internazionale per la Grande Carta dell'Impero Romano: 443f. — Radiocomunicazioni a onde cortissime: 4, 1 ('33) 67-83. — La riunione plenaria del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 7-8-9 marzo 1933 : Discorso inaugurale del Presidente: 277-83; ~ 8 marzo 1934: Discorso del Presidente: 5, 1 ('34) 2 4 1 52. — Sulla propagazione di micro-onde a notevole distanza: 4 , 2 ('33) 71f. — Discorso al Congresso di Elettroradiobiologia, Venezia 1934: 5, 2 ('34) 117f. - Agli Italiani: 239f. W . Radiocomunicazioni (m. 0 . M. Cor- Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche in un'inbino, L. Solari) (Róma '36) 104 S. (Collana tervista 2 ): 7, 1 ('36) 261-64. della Enciclopedia italiana, Ser. 1, Nr. 3). — Rivista Artiglieria e Genio Dichiarazioni Le radiocomunicazioni ad onde corte e a fascio (Federazione nazionale dei Cavalieri del sulle radiodiffusioni e le micro-onde [Interview]: 72 ('33) 899 f. lavoro) (Roma '39) 31 S. (m. Bildn.). Rivista Fisica, Mat. e Sci. natur. L'inauguAlta Frequenza Radiocomunicazioni a razione della Stazione Radio a onde ultracorte : onde cortissime: % ('33) Nr. 2, 5-24. 7 ('32/33) 225-28. Annuario reale Accad. Italia [Discorso proSapere Le applicazioni diatermiche delle nunciato all'inaugurazione del V I I anno accamicro-onde: 1 ('35) Nr. 1, S. 7. demico dellaR. Accademia d'Italia]: 7/9.1934/ Mit: ») O. M. C o r b i n o ; ') G. B i a d e n e . 37 ('38) 397 f. — Scritti di Guglielmo Marconi (Roma '41) 5 9 + 4 6 8 S. (m. Bildn. u. Faks.); darin S. I X L I X : G. G i o r g i : La vita e l'opera di Guglielmo Marconi; deutsch: Schriften von G. Marconi (Roma'43) 6 7 + 4 9 0 S. S. Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti 28 (Milano '35) 703-18: Radiocomunicazioni 1 ). — Le ragioni dell'Italia. Dichiarazioni pronunziate nell'adunanza generale del 19 gennaio 1936 (R. Accademia d'Italia) (Roma '36) 7 - 9 : Le ragioni dell'Italia. — Dal Regno all'Impero 17 marzo 1861 - 9 maggio 1936 (R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) (Roma '37) 542-57: Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. — Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche nella sua nuova sede (Roma '37) 9— 30: Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. — Nobel Lectures, Physics, 1901-1921 (Amsterdam-London-NewYork '67) 196-222: Wireless telegraphic communication.

Annuario R. Univ. Bologna Discorso (So- V I MARDEN, Morris. Math. - 1930lenne conferimento della laurea "honoris cau39 Assist. Prof., '39-46 Assoc. Prof., '46sa" in fisica): 1938/84, 168-70. Atlantica [Roma-NewYork] A decade of 64 Prof., '64-Distinguished Prof., '57-61, '63-64 Chairman of the Departm., Univ. scientific research in Italy: 15 ('33) 149-51.

Atti Convegni, Fondaz. Alessandro Volta Discorso inaugurale del Presidente onorario: 1.1931 ('32) 9-12. - Prefazione: 2.1932, 1 ('33) 5-8. — Discorso nella seduta inaugurale: 56 f. Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. Discorso inaugurale della X X I Riunione della S.I.P.S. a Roma, in Campidoglio: 21. 1932, 1 ('33) 4f. - Per la ricerca scientifica: 23. 1934, 1 ('35) 17-19. Civiltà cattolica Sulla propagazione di micro-onde a notevole distanza: 84 ('33) Nr. 3, 512f. Memorie CI. Sci. fisiche, mat. e natur., Reale Accad. Italia Sulla propagazione di microonde a notevole distanza: 4 ('33) 481 f. ( = Nr. 16).

Nuova Antol. Radiocomunicazioni a onde cortissime: 365 ('33) 14-29. Proc. roy. Instn. Great Britain Speach at Faraday celebrations 1931: 27. 1931/33 ('33) 25-28. — Radio communications by means of very short electric waves: 509-47.

of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis.—'63 Prize (Math. Assoc. of America). *1905, Febr. 12, Boston, Mass.

MHZ. Bull. amer. math. Soc. 1942-1945. W . The geometry of the zeros of a polynomial in a complex variable (New York '49) 9 + 183 S. (Mathematical surveys, 3); 2. Aufl. u. d. T. : Geometry of polynomials ^Providence, R . I . '66) 1 1 + 2 4 3 S. ( ~ ) . American J . Math. Axisymmetric harmonic vectors : 67 ('45) 109-22. American math. Monthly The location of the zeros of the derivative of a polynomial: 42 ('35) 277-86. — Location of the zeros of infrapolynomials: 70 ('63) 361-71. - On the zeros of the derivative of an entire function: 75 ('68) 829-39. Annals Math. A rule of signs involving certain orthogonal polynomials: (2) 33 ('32) 118-24. Bull. amer. math. Soc. A generalization of Weierstrass' and Fekete's mean-value theo-


Marden — Mardles

rems: 38 ('32) 4 3 4 ^ 1 . - Further mean-value theorems: 39 ('33) 750-54. - On the zeros of the derivative of a rational function : 42 ('36) 400-06. — The zeros of certain composite polynomials: 49 ('43) 93-100. — A recurrence formula for the solutions of certain linear partial differential equations: 50 ('44) 208-17. — A note on the zeros of the sections of a partial fraction : 51 ('45) 935-40. — A note on lacunary polynomials : 54 ('48) 546-49. — A refinement of Pellet's theorem: 550-57. Duke math. J. On the zeros of certain real rational and meromorphic functions: 16 ('49) 91-97. J. Approximat. Theory Homage to Walsh: 5 ('72) I X - X I I I . — Axisymmetric harmonic infrapolynomials in RN : 374-86. Pacific J. Math. On the derivative of canonical products: 24 ('68) 331-39. - A representation for the logarithmic derivative of a meromorphic function: 38 ('71) 145-49. Proc. amer. math. Soc. On the polynomial solutions of the generalized Lamé differential equation: 1 ('50) 492-97. - Zeros of self-inversive polynomials 1 ): 3 ('52) 471-75. — Critical points of rational functions with selfinversive polynomial factors 1 ): 5 ('54) 111-14. — On the zeros of infrapolynomials for partly arbitrary point sets: 10 ('59) 391-94. - On the derivative of an entire function: 19 ('68) 1045-51. — On composite abstract homogeneous polynomials: 22 ('69) 28-33. — Logarithmic derivative of an entire function : 28 ('71) 513-18. Proc. nation. Acad. Sci. USA The number of zeros of a polynomial in a circle: 34('48) 15-17. — On the zeros of the derivative of an entire function of finite genre: 405-07.

ishment, Farnborough, Hampshire. *1891, Marz 11, Exeter. H. The principles of theological measurements. Report of General conference of British Society of Rheology. London 1946 (London '49). S. Proc. 1st World petroleum congress, London 1933, 2 (London '34) 57-62: The inhibitory action of various substances on the deterioration of olefinic fuel spirits during storage; 116-21: Estimation of potential gum 8 ). — Proc. General discussion on lubrication and lubricants, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London 1937,2 (London '38) 119-31: The oxidation behaviour of internal combustion engine lubricants. — Science of petroleum (A. E. Dunstan) 4 (London '38) 3033-53: Oxidants and anti-oxidants in the petroleum industry. — Proc. International rheological congress, Scheveningen 1948, 2 (Amsterdam '49) 166-72, 3 ('49) 56-58: Rheology of suspensions 12 ). Analytical Chem. Anomalous flow of liquids through capillaries and measurement of viscosity 2 ) 4 ): 25 ('53) 935-37. Biorheology The flow of liquids through fine capillaries and narrow channels (Jamin effect): 6 ('69) 1-10. British J. appl. Physics, Suppl. The rheology of lubricant films: 1 ('51) 7-12. — The spreading behaviour and lubricating properties of mixed liquids 1 ) 11 ): 58-62. Bull., Brit. Soc. Rheol. The rheology of thin liquid films 1 ): 31 ('51) 11. Chemical Trade J. and Chemical Engr. Use of tin compounds as anti-oxidants in lubricating oils: 95 ('34) 256.

SIAM J. numer. Analysis A generalization Clay Minerals Bull. Viscosity and sedimenof a theorem of Bócher: 3 ('66) 269-75. tation of kaolin and bentonite in organic liqTensor [Sapporo, Japan] Kakeya's problem uids: 1 ('47/52) Nr. 2 (Aug. '48). for polynomials: (N.S.) 25 ('72) 365-71. Discuss. Faraday Soc. Solid-phase structure 9 Trans, amer. math. Soc. Kakeya's pro- in lubricating grease ): Nr. 11 ('51) 43-47. blem on the zeros of the derivative of a polyEngineering The protection of metal surnomial: 45 ('39) 355-68. - On the zeros of faces against marine corrosion and fouling: rational functions having prescribed poles, 147 ('39) 542-44. with applications to the derivative of an enIron and Coal Trades Rev. Tin compounds tire function of finite genre : 66 ('49) 407-18. in lubricants: 129 ('34) 636. — The critical points of a linear combination J. Colloid Sci. Some aspects of the rheology of Green's functions: 107 ('63) 369-81. the stability of emulsions and suspenValue distribution of harmonic polynomials and 12 sions ) : 6 ('51) 42-56. - The rate of spread of in several real variables: 159 ('71) 137-54. liquid pools over horizontal solid surfaces beMit: ») F. F. B o n s a l l . tween approaching parallel flat plates 1 ): 9 ('54) 233-42. VI MARDLES, E r n e s t Walter John. J. Inst. Petroleum The problem of engine 6 5 Chem. (physikal.). - 1922 D.Sc., London deposits ) ): 31 ('45) 271-301. - Symposium on the testing of temporary corrosion prevenUniv.; '15-55 Research Physicochemist, tives: Temporary corrosion preventives for at last Principal Scientific Officer of aviation uses and methods of testing them 7 ): Chem. Departm., Royal Aircraft Estab- 36 ('50) 475-87.

Mardles — Maricq J. Oil and Colour Chemists' Assoc. P a i n t a n d varnish problems in aeronautics: 18 ('35) 12—43. — Notes on t h e rheology of p a i n t s : 25 ('42) 194-210. — Suspensions a n d solutions in mixed liquids: 26 ('43) 15-34. J. Textile Inst. T h e r a t e of flow of liquids into capillaries u n d e r t h e action of surface forces 2 ): 46 ('55) T161-T170. Nature [London] Viscosity of suspensions a n d t h e Einstein e q u a t i o n : 145 ('40) 970. — Viscosity of suspensions a n d solutions: 148 ('41) 345. - T h e R o y a l Aircraft Establishm e n t , F a r n b o r o u g h : 151 ('43) 562. — Flocculation in solutions a n d suspensions: 153 ('44) 746f. — Rheology in t h e food i n d u s t r y : 157 ('46) 743. — Movement of a t h i n p l a t e in nonN e w t o n i a n liquids: 158 ('46) 199. — Dilatancy a n d t h i x o t r o p y : 159 ('47) 70f. - Rheology of minerals. Annual conference of t h e British Rheologists' Club: 160 ('47) 844f. - Rheological measurements a n d adhesion: 164 ('49) 324f. — New developments in viscometry. Colloq u i u m a t B i r m i n g h a m : 168 ('51) 108f. — Rheology of films and surfaces: 945f. — Resistance t o flow of liquids over solids by thin films extending f r o m t h e edge of pools or f r o m menisci 1 ) 2 ): 174 ('54) 1009f. - Surface rheology. Annual conference of t h e British Society of Rheology: 176 ('55) 819f. - Accurate m e a s u r e m e n t of t h e viscosity of liquids: 182 ('58) 438f.


Technical Puhl., Int. Tin Res. and Development Council, Ser. C T h e beneficial use of t i n compounds in l u b r i c a n t s : Nr. 2 ('34) 5 S. Trans. Faraday Soc. Oxidation of fuel vapours in air: 28, 2 ('32) 69-79. - Surface-tension measurements with non-aqueous colloidal solutions: 29 ('33) 476-85. - The viscosity of suspensions in non-aqueous liquids: 86 ('40) 1007-17. — The suspension of solids in mixed liquids: 1189-98; 37 ('41) 321-27. T h e specific viscosity of suspensions a n d solutions: 38 ('42) 47-54. — Sediment volumes a n d t h e specific viscosity of suspensions a n d solutions in mixed liquids: 222-27. — Grease lubrication. The swelling of soaps in nonaqueous liquids 3 ): 42B ('46) 295-301. Trans. Instn. naval Architects Protection of metal surfaces against marine corrosion a n d fouling: P r e p r i n t N r . 12 ('39) 13 S. Mit: E. B. 4B i e l a k ; ! ) G. F. N. C a l d e r w o o d ; ') E. B. C l a r k e ; ) H. W. D o u g l a s ; ') Z. K a r p i n s k i ; •) A. L a h i r10i ; ') J. M a s o n ; ') H. M o s s ; •) I. E. P u d d i n g t o n ; ) J. E. K a m s b o t t o m ; ") E. D. T i n g l e ; ls ) A. de W a e l e . VI

MARICQ, L o u i s Charles Christian Victor. Chem. (pharm., analyt.). — 192630 Assist., ' 3 0 ^ 5 Chef de Travaux, '3336 Chargé de Cours, '36-70 Prof, ord., '70-Prof. hon., Ecole, de Pharm., Univ. Oil [London] The properties of thin lubri- libre de Bruxelles; '54 Prof. d'Echange, cant films: 2 ('54) 20-. Univ. de Paris. Oil and Colour Trades J. P a i n t a n d varnish *1901, Dez. 19, Bruxelles. problems in aeronautics: 86 ('34) 1683-87.

Paint, Colour, Oil, Varnish, Ink, Lacquer Manufact. P a i n t a n d varnish problems in aeronautics: 5 ('35) 8-13, 46-49. Paint Manufacture Research in rheology: 21 ('51) 90-93, 109. Paint Technol. The wetting a n d dispersion action of liquids on powders: 22 ('58) 353-56. Petroleum [Berlin] Zinnverbindungen in Schmiermitteln: 32 ('36) Nr. 24, Suppl.: Motorenbetrieb u n d Maschinen-Schmierung Nr. 9, S. 6. Proc. physic. Soc., Sect. B Viscometry. The meniscus resistance in capillary flow of liqu i d s 2 ) : 67 ('54) 395-400. Selected Gov. Res. Rep. The viscosity of p a i n t s and suspensions: 2 ('49) 5-22. — Measu r e m e n t of consistency of soft solids a n d thickened liquids 3 ): 10 ('52) 87-122. - The use of t h e moving-plate viscometer for studying t h e flow properties of paste a n d t h e sedimentation a n d caking of particles in suspension 3 ) : 11 ('52) 23-37.

S. C. R . 12e Congrès international de p h a r macie, Bruxelles 1935 (Bruxelles '35) 4 5 1 - : Contribution expérimentale à l'étude d u contrôle ionométrique des médicaments. — Ecole de P h a r m a c i e de l'Université libre de Bruxelles 1842-1942. Centième anniversaire de la fondation. Cérémonies commémoratives 1946 (Bruxelles '47) 73-86 [ ? ] : L'analyse toxicologique p a r électrodialyse, 2 3 ). W . Notions générales sur la d é t e r m i n a t i o n du p H et sur l'électrotitrimétrie (Bruxelles '38) 27 S. (La jeune pharmacie). — (Mitarb.) Protection des civils contre la guerre chimique. E t u d e sur l'organisation des secours (Bruxelles '38) 95 S. ( ~ ) . — T r a v a u x p r a t i q u e s de chimie p h a r m a c e u t i q u e inorganique (Möns '53) 58 S. — T r a v a u x pratiques de chimie toxicologique (Möns '53) 64 S.

Annales pharm, franç. Détermination simultanée de l'éther-oxyde d'éthyle et de l'éthanol dans le sang et les viscères p a r Chromatographie gazeuse. Application à u n cas 2 ) : 18 ('60) 811-16. Technical Notes, Roy. Aircraft EstablishArchives belges Méd. soc., Hyg., Méd. Trament Lubrication-rate of spreading a n d creep vail et Méd. légale Sur u n cas mortel de pneu1 2 of oils and o t h e r liquids over solid surfaces ) ): monie chimique survenu chez u n fondeur de Chem., 1245 ('55) 20 S. métaux 5 ) 4 ) 6 ): 13 ('55) 271-80. 198



Maricq — Marimpietri

Archives méd. belges Dosage-limite de l'anhydride carbonique dans l'air des postes de secours et des abris anti-gaz : 89 ('36) 76-86. Bull. Acad. roy. Méd. Belgique Sur le dosage de l'oxyde de carbone dans le sang frais ou putréfié 1 ): (6) 22 ('67) 361-72. - La détermination de l'alcoolémie par Chromatographie en phase gazeuse2) : 23 ('58) 71-, — Recherches sur la détermination de l'alcoolémie par Chromatographie gazeuse2) : 24 ('59) 199-230. Bull. Soc. chim. Belgique L'analyse toxicologique par électrodialyse, l 3 ) : 49 ('40) 245-56. J. Pharm. Belgique Dosage-limite de l'anhydride carbonique dans l'air vicié: 18 ('36) 37-43. - Protection collective: 21 ('39) 73136. — Journées pharmaceutiques de défense passive, 1: Détection chimique: 749-55. — Note sur l'analyse par Chromatographie gazeuse de bonbons dits "à l'éther" 2 ): (N.S.) 14 ('59) 156-58. Revue Méd. et Pharm. [Bruxelles] Poisons et empoisonnements: 1949, 131-35, 161-65. — Quelques aspects de l'analyse des traces: 1958, 77-112. Mit: ') F. L u p a n t - A n d r é ; 2) L. M o l l e ; ') F. H o c h â t ; «) H. B a s t e n i e r ; ') J. N a e t s ; •) R. P a r m e n tier. V VI

Nekr. V. M o r a n i , Annali Staz. chimicoagrar. sperim. Roma Nr. [ ?] ('53) 8 S. ; Chimica e Industria 35 ('53) 274 (m. Bildn.). S. Trabajos I X Congreso internacional de quimica pura y aplicada, Madrid 1934, 7 (Madrid '36): Il potenziale di ossiriduzione dei terreni, rH a 8 ) (14 S.); 155-65: Ricerche sperimentali sulla nutrizione potassica del frumento. — ire Conférence internationale pour l'examen des moyens de lutte contre les parasites des plantes, Roma 1950 (Roma '51): Metodi di controllo chimico dei moderni insetticidi. — Atti del Convegno per l'irrigazione a pioggia, Bari 1952 (Bari '53): L'irrigazione a pioggia e il terreno. — I nuovi orientamenti della tecnica agraria. Ciclo di conferenze tenute durante la "Settimana della tecnica agraria", Roma 1952 (Roma '54) : La sistemazione idraulico-agraria, come base di ogni incremento produttivo. W. Direttive pratiche sulla concimazione del frumento. Edizione ridotta ad uso degli agricoltori (m. E. Zanini) (Roma '36) 39 S. (Comitato nazionale per l'incremento delle concimazioni, Nr. 22 bis). — Consigli per la buona conservazione e riutilizzazione dei sacchi impiegati per i concimi (Roma '40) 2 S. (Fogli volanti di propaganda editi a cura del Comitato nazionale per l'incremento delle concimazioni, Nr. 52). — La penetrabilità dei perfosfati nel suolo in relazione allo stato fisico del fertilizzante (m. E. Mancini) (Milano '40) 7 S. — L'azione antidenitrificante della calciocianamide (Roma '44 [oder '42 ?]) 14 S. - Il chicco di grano ; struttura, fisiologia, chimica, parassiti, conservazione (Roma '47) 496 S.

- MARIE, C h a r l e s Aimé. Elektischem. — 1896-Assist., puis Maître de Conférences, jusqu'à 1935 Dir. du Labor, d ' E l e c trochim., Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. — '33 Prix Montyon de Statistique ; '33 Subvention Loutreuil (Acad. Sci. Paris). Chim. appi. Die Oberflachenaktivi*1872, Juli 28, St. Quentin de Char- t à tAnnali tonhaltiger Materialien, 5: Fixierung von donnets, Orne ; Phosphor an verschiedenartigen Tonen 4 ): 39 tl947, Juli 29, Orsay, Seine-et-Oise. ('49) 453-59 [ital.]. Annali Sperimentaz. agrar. Sulla determinazione del p H nei terreni 8 ) : 16 ('34) 7-35. — Il potenziale di ossiriduzione dei terreni, rH 2 8 ) : 37-53. — Determinazione dell'anidride fosforica prontamente assimilabile nel terreno 6 ) 2 ) : (N. S.) 5 ('51) 761-70. Annali (R.) Staz. chimico-agrar. sperim. Roma La concentrazione idrogenionica dei terreni calcarei 8 ) : (2) 14, Nr. [ ?] ('32) 15 S. Sulla determinazione del p H nei terreni 8 ) : Nr. 288 ('32) 27 S. - Studi sulla calcitazione dei terreni, 1 : Ricerche sperimentali sulla correzione dei terreni acidi umiferi 8 ) 1 ) : Nr. 289 Mit: ') N. M a r i n e s c o ; ! ) N. T h o n . ('32) 38 S. — Il potenziale di ossiriduzione dei terreni, rH a 8 ): Nr. 290 ('32) 15 S. - Sulle vaVI MARIMPIETRI, L u i g i . Chem. - riazioni del contenuto in sostanze proteiche 1928- Assist., R. Stazione Chimico-agra- ed in fitina nelle cariossidi di frumento duranria sperim., Roma; '35- Libero Doc., te il loro sviluppo: Nr. 302 ('33) 19 S. - Sulla nutrizione potassica del frumento: Nr. 313 Univ. di Roma. ( [x] ) ('34) 19 S. — Come si concima il frumento 9 ): *1905, J a n . 31, Roma: Nr. [ ?] ('36). — Die Wasserernahrung von Luzerne, 1: Wasserbedarf und Gesamtwasser|1953, März 27.

Chimie et Industrie Les périodiques d'information chimique. Nécessité d'une organisation internationale: 29 ('33) No. spéc. 6 bis, 1255f. J. Chim. physique Sur les tensions des dépôts électrolytiques des métaux 2 ): 29 ('32) 1117. — Sur la contraction de volume provoquée par l'hydratation de la gélatine 1 ): 30. — Contractions et dilatations des dépôts électrolytiques 2 ): 248. — Le dépôt électrolytique des métaux sur des cathodes munies de couches isolantes 2 ): 569-76; 30 ('32) 430f.

Marimpietri •— Markov verbrauch'): (3) Nr. 1 ('48) 7 S. [ital.]; — 2: Wasserausnutzung und Nährwert des Futters 7 ): Nr. 5 ('48) 5 S. [—]• - Rebendüngung in den Albanerbergen: Nr. 22 ('50) 7 S. [ ~ ] . — Reaktion und Kalkgehalt [des Bodens] und die Entwicklung der Olive: Nr. 23 ('50) 3 S. — Determinazione dell'anidride fosforica prontamente assimilabile nel terreno 6 ) 2 ): Nr. 24 ('50) 9 S. - Die Düngung von Getreide: Nr. 46 ('51) 14 S. [ital.]. - Methoden zur Gehaltsbestimmung der modernen Insektizide: Nr. 47 ('51) 4 S. [ ~ ] . — Moderne vedute sul primo prodotto della fotosintesi clorofilliana: Nr. 72 ('52) 4 S. - Struktur und Systematisierung des Bodens: Nr. 73 ('52) 4 S. [ital.].


hochschule, Kobenhavn. — — Weitere Daten unbekannt. ( Kl) *1883, Apr. 3, Varde. W. Varmelsere for Officersskolens specialkursus (Kobenhavn '32) 116 S. — Mekanisk fysik og lyslsere for landinspektorstuderende (Kobenhavn '32) 138 S. - Meteorologi og klimatologi (Kobenhavn '34) 132 S.; 2. Aufl. herausg. v. E. Rasmussen 2 ('45) 140 S., Neudruck ('57) 131 S. - Fysik 2(K0benhavn '37) 370 S. — Fysik for seminarier 2(K0benhavn '37) 228 S.; 3. Aufl. m. B . Svanhof 3 ('49) 226 S., Neudruck ('54) 226 S.

Boll. Soc. geol. ital. Le sabbie dolomitiche V I MARKOV, A l e k s a n d r Vladimirodel M. Terminillo (Provincia di Riete e Aquila) vic. Astron. — 1932-36 Leiter d. Astro3 e di M. Malbe (Provincia di Perugia) ): 60 physikal. Abteiig., Leningrader Astron. ('41) C I X - C X I I .

Inst.; '33-35 Leiter d. Astrophysikal. Labor, d. Spektroskop. Abteiig., Staatl. Opt. Inst., Leningrad; '40-44 wiss. Mitarbeiter in Alma-Ata, '44-68 am Observât. Pulkovo u. in Leningrad. ( gl) Chimica [Milano] Moderne vedute sul pri*1897, Sept. 8 (Aug. 27), Cernjanka, mo prodotto della fotosintesi clorofilliana: 8 Gouv. Kursk; ('53) 92-96. tl968, Nov. 19. Chimica Industria, Agric., Biol., Realizzaz.

Boll. tecn. R . Ist. spermi. Coltivaz. Tabacchi "Leonardo Angeloni", Scafati Die Wirkung von Kalium auf den Stickstoff-Stoffwechsel und die Kohlenhydrate in Pflanzen: 86 ('39) 44 [ital.].

autarch. e corporat. Für eine rationellere Verwendung von Stickstoffdünger: 17 ('41) 15053 [ital.]. Concimi e Concimazioni Sul miglioramento della flora foraggera con la fertilizzazione 6 ): 1943. Ricerca sci. L'assorbimento e l'evoluzione dell'azoto nel grano durante i successivi stadi di sviluppo 8 ) : 2 ('32) 35. - Il p H e il contenuto in azoto delle precipitazioni meteoriche avutesi in Roma negli anni 1929-30-31") : 36. — Sulle variazioni del contenuto in sostanze proteiche ed in fitina nelle cariossidi di frumento durante il loro sviluppo: 115. — Ricerche sperimentali sulla correzione dei terreni acidi umiferi 8 ) 1 ): 115. — Metodi della determinazione dell'anidride fosforica prontamente assimilabile nel terreno 2 ): 18 ('48) 809f. — Terreni di colore nero da definirsi " R e n d z i n a " 3 ) : 19 ('49) 476-88. Z. Pflanzenernähr., Düng., Bodenkunde Neue chemische Methode zur Feststellung der Phosphorsäurebedürftigkeit der Böden 8 ): 88 ('35) 161-63. Mit: ') S. Dojmi; ') A. Gisondi; 3) C. Lippi-Boncambi; 4) A. Malquori; s ) V. Morani; «) F. Simoncelli; ') L. Tombesi; «) G. Tommaei; ») E. Zanini.

MARKE, A x e l Waldbuhm. Physik, Meteorol. - 1920^0 Physiklehrer für Spezialklassen der Offiziersschule; '27Prof., Veterinär- und LandwirtschaftsVI


Nekr. E . K . K o c h a n , Izvest. glavn. astron. Observât, v Pulkove Nr. 186 ('71) l f . (m. Bildn.). H. (Redakt.) Luna [Der Mond] (Moskva '60); darin eigene Beiträge S. 5f. : Vorwort [russ.]; 77-101: Beschreibung der Mondoberfläche [—]; 156-74: Polarisationseigenschaften der Mondoberfläche [ ~ ] ; 365-77: Nachwort [ ~ ] ; engl. u. d. T. : The Moon ; a Russian view (Chicago, 111. '62). S. Trudy ékspedicij po nabljudeniju polnogo solnecnogo zatmenija 21 sentjabrja 1941 goda [Arbeiten der Expeditionen zur Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 21. 9. 1941] (V. G. Fesenkov) (Moskva-Leningrad '49) 150-53: Das nördliche Polargebiet der Korona und Chromosphäre 1 ) 6 ) [russ.]; 154-82: Photometrie der polaren Chromosphäre und der inneren Korona nach Negativen der totalen Sonnenfinsternis vom 21. Sept. 1941 e ) [ ~ ] . — Kurs astrofiziki i zvezdnoj astronomii [Lehrbuch der Astrophysik und Stellarastronomie] (A. A. Michajlov) 1 (Moskva-Leningrad '51) 378-404: Grundlagen der photographischen Astrophotometrie [russ.] ; 436-49 : Radiometrische Messung von Himmelskörpern 6 ) [ ~ ] . — The Moon. Symposium Nr. 14 of the International Astronomical Union, Pulkovo 1960 (Z. Kopal, Z. K . Michajlov) (London-New York '62) 39-44: Probable structure and nature of the formations on the reverse side of the Moon according to photometric measurements of lunar photographs;



Izvest. glavn. astron. Observat. v Pulkove 371-78: Physical nature of different zones of Theorie des Mikrophotometers sowie Genauigthe lunar surface. keit und Korrektheit der Vermessung von W. Mikrofotometr, ego razvitie, teorija i Astrophotogrammen: 18, Nr. 3 (144) ('50) 1 tocnost' i pravil'nost' promerov astrofoto- 67. — Photometrie der Sonnenkorona am 9. gramm [Das Mikrophotometer, seine Entwick- 7. 1945 und ein Verfahren zur beschleunigten lung, Theorie und Präzision sowie die Genau- Ausmessung der photometrischen Negative: igkeit der Ausmessung von Astrophotogram- Nr. 4 (145) ('50) 31-64. - Über die physikamen] 1 u. 2 (Leningrad '49) 19+495 S. - lischen Eigenschaften der Mondoberfläche und Sovremennyj telëskop [Das moderne Tele- ihre möglichen Veränderungen: 19, Nr. 2 skop] (m. 0 . A. Mel'nikov, G. G. Sljusarev, N. (149) ('52) 64-80. - Über die mögliche PerioF. Kuprevic) (Moskva '68) 320 S. dizität der HelligkeitsVeränderung der Halb4 Astronomiëeskij Cirk. The decline of the schattenmondfinsternisse ): Nr. 4 (151) ('53) 34-44. — Untersuchung außergalaktischer illumination in the Earth-shadow during the eclipses of the Moon: Nr. 54 ('46) 1 - 3 [ ]. - Nebel und die Ergebnisse von Beobachtungen Über die Möglichkeit periodischer Veränderun- an der Spiegel-Linsen-Kamera ASI-4: 20, Nr. gen der Beleuchtung des Halbschattens bei 3 (156) ('56) 110-22. - Optical and photoMondfinsternissen: Nr. 118 ('51) 3f. [russ.]. - metrical properties of the ASI-4 astrophysical Über das Bodenrelief großer Mondkrater ohne mirror-lens camera: Nr. 5 (158) ('58) 130-37 [m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. — The results of Zentralberg : Nr. 341 ('65) 2-4 [ ~ ] . measurements of the polarization of details on Astronomiëeskij 2. Spectral sensitiveness the lunar surface: 138-55 [—]. — The temof emulsions and the calculation of light fil- perature of zones of the lunar surface around ters: 11 ('34) 321-29 [russ. m. engl. Zusam- full moon 2 ): 21, Nr. 4 (163) ('60) 166-79 [—]. menfassg.]. — Die Helligkeitsverteilung auf der Mondscheibe bei Vollmond: 25 ('48) 172- — A new method for increasing the precision of Polarimetrie measurements of planetary [russ.]. details: Nr. 6 (165) ('60) 163-69 [ ~ ] Bjul., Abastumansk. astrofiziC. Observât. — Results of studies of the Moon and the Reflexionsfähigkeit und Farbenindizes von der structure of the upper surface layer: 24, Nr. 2 Erde und von Monddetails nach lichtelektri- (178) ('65) 162-67 [ ~ ] . - - Alle Arbeiten schen Messungen: 11 ('50) 107-42 [russ. m. russ. grusin. Zusammenfassg.]. Nauka i 2izn' Pulkovo heute: Eine wesentBjul. astron. Inst. Expedition to Nagorny liche Ergänzung: 25 ('58) Nr. 6, S. 14 [russ.] Kharabah 3 ): Nr. 31 ('32) 119-26 [russ. m. (m. Bildn.). engl. Zusammenfassg.]. — Sur une propriété Physikalische Z. Sowjetunion Zur „Widergénérale des ensembles minimaux de M. Birk- legung" der quasi-ergodischen Hypothese hoff : Nr. 32 ('33) 147-49 [russ. m. französ. Zu- durch Prof. J . Frenkel: 2 ('32) 282-85. sammenfassg.]. — A visual microphotometer Planetary and Space Sei. Determining the for measuring densities and determination of structure of details on the reverse side of the stellar magnitudes from focal images : Nr. 36 Moon from photographs taken at small phase ('36) 255-64 [russ. m. engl. Zusammenfassg.]. angles: 9 ('62) 589-95. - An attempt at a — Spectral sensitiveness of emulsions and the photometric study of the nature of details on calculation of light filters: 267-71 [ ~ ] . the surface of the remote side of the Moon 4 ): Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Result of applica- 11 ('63) 549-51. tion of focus plate-holder in surface photoPriroda [SSSR] Die erste Unionskonferenz metry of nebulae 6 ) : 1933 A, 73-77 [m. russ. über Astrospektroskopie: 40 ('51) Nr. 3, 78 f. Zusammenfassg.]. — The quenching method [russ.]. — Die Bildung des Reliefs und die phyas applied to the photometry of just visible sikalischen Eigenschaften der Mondoberastronomical objects: 1936 I, 444-52 [russ. u. fläche: Nr. 9, 12-20 [—]. engl.]. — Über die relativen Tiefen von RingProc. roy. Soc. London, Ser. A On the relagebirgen und Kratern im „Meer der Wolken" tive depths of the Moon's mountain rings and des Mondes: 167 ('66) 63f. [russ.]. craters in the region of Mare Nubium: 296 Iskusstvennye Sputniki Zemli Über die Be- ('65) 432-34. Smena [Moskva] Der Mond enthüllt seine stimmung der Struktur der Details der Rückseite des Mondes nach Aufnahmen bei kleinen Geheimnisse: 1959, Nr. 22, S. 9 [russ.]. Phasenwinkeln: Nr. 9 ('61) 41-47 [russ.]. — Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR Der Plan zur ErEin Versuch der photometrischen Untersu- forschung der Planeten: 1962, Nr. 3, 94f. chung der Natur von Oberflächeneinzelheiten [russ.]. — Die Untersuchung der Natur und der Rückseite des Mondes 4 ): 48-51 [ ~ ] . Struktur der Mondoberfläche: Nr. 8, 34-38 [-]• Izvest. Akad. Nauk Kazachsk. SSR Die *)B. Ja. Bugoslavskaja; *) Ju. N. Cistjakov; Farbe des Mondes und der Erde: Nr. 90 ('50) Mit: ») V. Nikonov; ') D. E. SCegolev; s) N. N. Sytin92-96 [russ.]. skaja; ') M.S. Zel'cer.

Markovic — Marletta VI

MARKOVIC, Z e l j k o . Math. 1921-49 Ord. Prof, an d. techn. Fak., '49-60 ord. Prof, an d. math.-naturwiss. Fak., '49-60. Leiter d. Inst. u. Lehrstuhls f. angew. Math., '53-54 Rektor, '54-55 Prorektor, Univ. Zagreb. — '69 Preis d. Republ. Kroatien. *1889, Febr. 20, Slavonska Pozega.

Zum 80. Geb.tag Festschrift: Rasprave i grada za povijest nauka [Abhandlungen und Materialien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte] 3 (Zagreb '69) (m. Bildn.). H. Grada za iivot i rad Rudiera Boskovióa [Materialien zu Leben und Werk von Rudier Boskovié] 1 (Zagreb '50) - 2 ('57).


Glasn. mat.-fiziëki i astron. Sur la formation des théories mathématiques: (2) 1 ('46) 49-64 [serbokroat. m. französ. Zusammenfassg.]. - Emile Picard (1856-1941): 3 ('48) 213-17 [serbokroat.]. - Zur 200-Jahrfeier von Boâkoviés Werk „Philosophiae naturalis theoria": 13 ('58) 273-79 [ ~ ] . - Radovan Vernié, 23. X I I . 1914 - 20. X. 1958: 287-90 MLjetopis jugoslav. Akad. Znanosti i Umjetnosti Bericht über eine Reise in Italien und Frankreich:67.1960('63) 213-15[serbokroat.]. — Bericht über die Ruder-BoSkovic-Feier in Mailand: 69. 1962 ('63) 295-97. Rad jugoslav. Akad. Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Razreda mat.-prirod. Sur les solutions périodiques de l'équation différentielle linéaire et homogène d'ordre 2n à coefficients périodiques: 246 ('33) 161-83 [serbokroat.]. - Sur la dynamique des systèmes conservatifs et la topologie: 251 ('35) 195-230 [ ~ ] . - Les mathématiques chez Platon et Aristote: 261 ('38) 83-131 [ ~ ] . — Les processus infinis chez Aristote: 292 ('53) 117-31 [—]• Revue Hist. Sci. et Appi. La théorie de Platon sur l'un et la dyade indéfinie et ses traces dans la mathématique grecque: 8 ('55) 289-97. Scientia Les mathématiques chez Platon et Aristote: 96 ('61) 37-41.

S. Proc. International congress of mathematicians, Amsterdam 1954, 2 (Amsterdam '54) 423f. : La théorie de Platon sur l'un et la dyade indéfinie et ses traces dans la mathématique grecque. — Actes 8e Congrès international d'histoire des sciences, FlorenceMilan 1956, 1 (Vinci '58) (Collection de travaux de l'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences, 9) 202-06 : R. J . Boskovié et les mathématiques appliquées. — Actes du Symposium international R. J . Boskovié, Dubrovnik 1961 (Beograd '62) 9-17: Roger Joseph Bo§kovié et son œuvre. — Zur Geschichte der V VI MARLETTA, G i u s e p p e . Math. griechischen Mathematik (0. Becker) (Darm- ' stadt '65) (Wege der Forschung, 33): Piatons - 1912-26 Prof, incar., '26-44 Prof. ord. Theorie über das Eine und die unbestimmte Geom. proiett. e descritt., Univ. di CataZweiheit und ihre Spuren in der griechischen nia. Mathematik. W. Uvod u visu analizu [Einführung in die höhere Analysis] 1 (Zagreb '45) 16 + 615 S„ 2 ('47), 3 ('50), 4 ('56), 5 ('61) 16 + 662 S.; 2 2 ('52) 12 + 6 4 0 S., 3 ('63), 4 ('65) 12 + 640 S. - O dvjestagodiSnjici Boskovióeve "Philosophiae naturalis theoria" [Zur 200-Jahrfeier von Boâkoviés „Philosophiae naturalis theoria"] (Zagreb '59) 47 S. - R. J . Boâkovié et la théorie de la figure de la terre (Paris '61) 47 S. (Les conférences du Palais de la Découverte, Sér. D, 77). - Ruder Boskovié, 1 (Zagreb '68) 590 S., 2 ('69) S. 591-1144. BoSkovié Boâkoviés Aufenthalt in England im Jahre 1760: 1961/1962 ('62) 183-261 [serbokroat.]. Bull. int. Âcad. yougosl. Sci. et Beaux-Arts Sur les solutions périodiques de l'équation différentielle linéaire et homogène d'ordre 2n à coefficients périodiques: 27 ('33) 63-78. — Sur la dynamique des systèmes conservatifs et la topologie: 29/30 ('36) 43-58. - Les mathématiques chez Platon et Aristote : 32 ('39) 2848. — Sur la théorie de la mesure de Platon : 33 ('40) 1-25. Bull, sci., Conseil Acad. RPF Yougoslavie The University of Zagreb : 2 ('54/55) 65-69.

*1878, Okt. 10, Catania; tl944, März 20.

Nekr. R. C a l a p s o , Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. natur. Catania (6) 6.1943/49 ('50) 1-24 (m. Schr.verz.); Atti Accad. peloritana, Messina, Parte storica e ufficiale 43/51.1941/48 ('52). W. Esseri geometrici. Discorso inaugurale del 7 novembre 1931 (Catania '32) 25 S. Geometria proiettiva delle forme di la e 2» specie (Catania '32) 228 S. — Trattato di geometria elementare, ad uso delle scuole secondarie superiori, 1 : Per il ginnasio superiore 6 (Torino '33) 115 S.; ~ 2: Per i licei e istituto tecnico superiore 6('33) 174 S. — La geometria per il ginnasio e l'istituto magistrale inferiore 2 (Torino '33, '34) 6 + 62 S.; La geometria per il ginnasio inferiore 3 ('35) 8 + 68 S. — La geometria per il ginnasio superiore 4 (Torino '34) 85 S.; 6 ('36) 86 S. - Elementi di aritmetica per le scuole di avviamento professionale (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '36) 230 S. - Elementi di aritmetica per le scuole secondarie di avviamento professionale (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '36) 154 S. — La geometria elementare. Per gli istituti tecnici e magistrali inferiori (m. V. Perdicaro) (Torino '36, '38) 4 + 242 S. - La geometria elementare. Per gl'istituti magis-


Marietta — Maroni

trali inferiori e superiori (m. V. Perdioaro) (Torino '38) 4 + 339 S. - E l e m e n t i di aritmetica. P e r le classi inferiori del ginnasio, dell ' i s t i t u t o magistrale e per l'istituto tecnico (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '37, '38) 8 + 252 S. - Geometria analitica (Catania '39) 193 S.; 2 (Torino '42) 238 S. — E l e m e n t i di geometria per il ginnasio inferiore (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '40) 281 S. — Elementi di geometria per la scuola media (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '41) 287 S. E l e m e n t i di a r i t m e t i c a per la scuola media (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '41) 8 + 268 S. - Geomet r i a descrittiva ' ( C a t a n i a '42). — T r a t t a t o di geometria, 1 : Ad uso dei ginnasi superiori e della l a classe del liceo scientifico (m. G. Aprile) (Torino '46) 150 S.

di Geometria proiett. e descritt., Univ. di Pavia; '46-53 Prof. ord. e Dir. incar. dell'Ist. Mat. complementari, '53-66 Prof, onorario, Univ. di Firenze., *1878, Màrz 5, Firenze; fl966, Sept. 6, Montecatini di Val di Cecina, Toscana.

S. Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti, 10 (Milano '31): Circolari funzioni; 12 ('31): Cubo; 13 ('32): Dodecaedro; 18 ('33): Icosaedro; 25 ('35): O t t a e d r o ; 27 ('35): Poliedro; 28 ('35): Prisma. — Scritti m a t e m a t i c i offerti a Luigi Berzolari (Pavia '36) 5 1 1 - 1 4 : I m m a g i n i delle serie di equivalenza elemenArchivio storico Sicilia orient. La Facoltà di tari. — A t t i I V Congresso dell'Unione matescienze della R . U n i v . di Catania dal 1865 al matica italiana, T a o r m i n a 1951, 2 (Roma '53) 389-97 : Sui moduli delle curve algebriche. 1900: (2) 10 ('34) 359-71. W. Trigonometria, ad uso dei licei scientifici ( R o m a ' 4 7 ) 4 + 192 S. - Complementi al corso di geometria descrittiva (Firenze '47) 182 S.; 2 ('49) 180 S . ; 3 ( ' 5 2 ) 188 S. - E l e m e n t i di analisi m a t e m a t i c a per il liceo scientifico (Roma '48) 4 + 2 0 0 S. Annali Mat. pura ed appi. Le serie lineari speciali sulle curve trigonali: (4) 25 ('46) 3 4 3 54. - Sulle curve k-gonali: 30 ('49) 225-31. Atti reale Accad. nazion. Lincei, Rend. Ordine minimo delle serie lineari contenenti parzialmente, senza residuo fisso, u n a d a t a serie lineare completa di u n a curva algebrica: (6) 17 ('33) 265-67. — Dimensione delle serie lineari di ordine minimo contenenti parzialmente, senza residuo fisso, u n a d a t a serie lineare completa: 518-22. Atti, Reale Ist. veneto Sci., Lettere ed Arti Sulle famiglie algebriche involutorie di curve gobbe irriducibili: 96 ('36/37) 163-78. Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. Sulle serie algebriche d o t a t e di p u n t i multipli variabili, app a r t e n e n t i ad u n a curva algebrica: 20. 1931, 2 ('32)'50-54. Boll. Mat. Sui poligoni tangenziali di u n a cubica ellittica: 29 ('33) 49-54. Boll. Unione mat. ital. Sui sistemi algebrici di curve riducibili, a p p a r t e n e n t i ad u n a superficie algebrica: 14 ('35) 4 - 9 . Filomate Reti di poligoni e di poliedri regolari nel piano e nello spazio: 1 ('48). Memorie CI. Sci. fisiche, mat. e natur., Reale Accad. Italia Sulle serie algebriche d o t a t e di p u n t i multipli variabili, a p p a r t e n e n t i ad u n a curva algebrica: 3 ('32) Matematica, Nr. 2, 13 S. Rend. Mat. e Appi., Univ. Roma Sulle rigate Math. (Geomea s t r a t t e : (5) 7 ('48) 236-42.

Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. natur. Catania Ricerche sintetiche di geometria proiettiva differenziale : (5) 19 ('32/33) Nr. 16, 8 S. - Di alcune trasformazioni piane (n,n) d'ordine n : Nr. 18, 14 S. — R e t t e covarianti proiettivi di curve razionali: (6) 2 ('37) N r . 12, 9 S. - Nell'S, ikcomplessi lineari di r e t t e : 3 ('38/39) Nr. 24, 16 S. — Curve, superficie, varietà ultraspaziali: 4 ('40) Nr. 22, 16 S. Acta Soc. Gioeniae catinensis natili. Sci. Le trasformazioni piane q u a d r a t i c h e e cubiche: (5) 20 ('35) Nr. 15, 6 S. Atti reale Accad. nazion. Lincei, Rend. Riflessioni di geometria proiettiva differenziale: (6) 21 ('35) 485-88. - Osservazioni di geometria proiettiva differenziale: 22 ('35) 2 3 1 33. — U n a p r o p r i e t à del 2o spigolo di Green : 24 ('36) 6-10. Boll. Mat. Osservazioni sulla n o m e n c l a t u r a e sull'esistenza degli enti geometrici: 37 ('41) 43-46. Boll. Sedute Accad. Gioenia Sci. natur. Catania A proposito di " U n paradosso topologico" : (2) 62 ('32) 5-10. — Un'osservazione di geometria proiettiva differenziale: (3) 2 ('36) 1014. - Sull'equazione di 4o grado : 9 ('38) 3 - 5 . — R e t t e fuori del piano canonico: 11 ('39) N r . 13. — Covarianti proiettivi di u n a coppia di curve incidenti d e l l ' S n : 16 ('40/41) Nr. 13. R a p p o r t o a n a r m o n i c o di q u a t t r o p u n t i considerati su u n a d a t a c u r v a : 18 ('41/42) 23-25. — Dei m a t e m a t i c i soci dell'Accademia Gioen i a : 19 ('42). Esercitazioni mat. Trasformazioni (1,1') p i a n e : (2) 7 ('34). —Un teorema sulle coniche: 8 ('35) 39-41. - U l t r a s p a z i : 13 ('41) Nr. 7/10. VI

MARONI, A r t u r o . trie). — Dott. in Mat.; fino al 1934 InRend. Semin. Fac. Sci. R. Univ. Cagliari Su segnante a scuole medie; '34-36 Prof, di u n a f o r m u l a relativa a due superficie in straord. e Dir. dell'Ist. di Mat., Univ. di corrispondenza algebrica, analoga a quella di Cagliari; '37-38 Prof. ord. e Dir. dell'Ist. Zeuthen per le curve algebriche : 4 ('34) 1 - 6 . —

Maroni — Marotta Sulla struttura e la costruzione delle serie di equivalenza incomplete, sopra una curva algebrica riducibile: 6 ('35) 42. — Sui sistemi algebrici di curve riducibili, appartenenti ad una superficie algebrica: 43. — Una proposizione sulle famiglie algebriche di curve gobbe: 6 ('36) 89-94. Rend. Semin. mat. Messina Sulla definizione di varietà algebrica: 1 ('55) 109-14. Rend. Semin. mat. R. Univ. Padova Sulla struttura e la costruzione delle serie di equivalenza incomplete, sopra una curva algebrica riducibile: 5 ('34) 160-70.


Beiträge : Il IV Congresso nazionale di chimica pura ed applicata; 339-59: Il trattamento chimico delle farine. — Atti del V —, Sardegna 1935 (Roma '36). HZ. Gazz. chim. ital. 59 ('29)ff. - Annali Chim. appi. 20 ('30) ff. — Rend. Accad. nazion. X L . — Rend. Ist. sup. Sanità.

Ue. (Aus d. Latein.) F. B a c o n , La nuova Atlantide (Terni '37) 112 S. - (Aus d. Deutschen) W. A u t e n r i e t h , Analisi chimica qualitativa '(Roma '37) 14 + 221 S.; 6 ('41) 11 + 221 S.; 6 ('44) 217 S„ Neuaufl. (Firenze '47), ('60) 12 + 236 S. - W. A u t e n r i e t h , C. A. R o j a h n , Analisi chimica quantitativa ^ F i VI MAROTTA, Domenico. Chem. renze '43) 360 S., Neuaufl. ('62) 1 5 + 3 6 0 S. (analyt.). — 1 9 1 6 - Libero D o c . , U n i v . di S. Trabajos del I X Congreso internacional R o m a ; ' 3 4 - Dir. del L a b o r . chim., ' 3 5 - de quimica pura y aplicada, Madrid 1934, 7 : Dir. gen., I s t . Super, della S a n i t à p u b b l . ; Química agricola (Madrid '36) : Sulla matura' 3 5 - Près., Scuola Profession, di Panifi- zione delle farine, 1 : Comportamento della 10 11 caz., R o m a ; ' 2 7 - Segretario gen., più diastasi ) ). — Celebrazioni siciliane (Confederazione fascista dei professionisti e degli artardi Près., Assoc. I t a l . di Chim. ( - > Soc. tisti), 1 (Urbino '40): Stanislao Cannizzaro. — Chim. I t a l . ) ; Près., Fondaz. E m a n u e l e Atti del I Convegno scientifico tecnico per le P a t e r n o ; Près., Commiss, per la redazione conserve alimentari, Parma 1942 (Parma '43): della F a r m a c o p e a Uffic. ; Prés, hon., Grou- Discorso inaugurale. — Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Paul Karrer anläßlich seines pement Européen des Analystes de l'Ali- 60. Geburtstages 1949 (Zürich '49) 33-36: m e n t â t . ; Près., Assoc. I t a l . per la Prote- Reazione dell'aldeide benzoica con la cianzione dell'Infanzia; Vice Près., Soc. I t a l . amide 13 ). — Relazioni I X Congresso internaziodi Sci. F a r m a c . ; Près, di altri consigli e nale industrie agrarie (Congrès international technique et chimique des industries agricocommissioni; ' 6 2 - Près., Accad. Nazion. les), Roma 1952 (Roma '52): Relazione suldei X L . — D o t t . h.c. in sci. biol. (Univ. di l'opportunità del coordinamento internazionale R o m a ) . — '33 Medaglia d'oro dei bene- per definire le caratteristiche dei prodotti alimeriti (Soc. Nazion. " D a n t e Alighieri"); mentari ed unificarne la disciplina ed il controllo. '38 Medaglia d'oro dei benemeriti delW . Camillo Manuelli. Commemorazione l'Educaz. Nazion.; Medaglia d'oro dei benemeriti (Croce R o s s a I t a l . ) ; Medaglia (Roma '37) 18 S.

Annali Chim. appi. Sulla composizione dell'olio di arachide 3 ): 22 ('32) 193-96. Estrazione e composizione dei prodotti fosforati organici della pula di riso e dei panelli di semi oleosi 4 ): 763-76. — Estrazione del glutine. Dosaggio del glutine secco e delle sostanze solubili in alcool 11 ): 777. — Diseccamento della glutine e dosaggio della gliadina11) : 22 ('32). — Composizione e classificazione delle acque minerali italiane, 2 8 ) : 23 ('33) 24590. — Analisi chimica e chimico-fisica dell'acqua minerale della sorgente Valleverde * 1 8 8 6 , J u l i 28, Palermo. (Abruzzo)9): 26 ('35) 324-50. - Sulla maturaZur Biogr. Annuario gen., Accad. nazion. zione delle farine, 1 : Comportamento della 10 ) 11 ): 586-602. — La canapa idroX L 1961,103-17 (m. Bildn., Faks., Schr.verz.). diastasi fila 4 ): 26 ('36) 152-, - Le acque minerali d'IZum 66. Geb.tag Scienza e Tecnica 12 ('51) talia: 33 ('43) 231-62. 71 f. Atti Ist. nazion. Assicuraz. L'Istituto di H. Progressi dell'industria chimica italiana nel primo decennio di regime fascista (Roma Sanità Pubblica e la sua attività produttiva: '32). — Raffaele P i r i a , Lavori scientifici e 11/12 ('39/40). scritti vari (Roma '32). — Atti del IV ConAtti reale Accad. nazion. Lincei, Rend. Sulla gresso nazionale di chimica pura ed applicata, struttura dei derivati C-sostituiti dell'acido Roma e Abruzzo 1932 (Roma '33); darin eig. barbiturico') : (6) 15 ('32) 753-55.

d'oro al Merito della S a n i t à P u b b l . ; Medaglia d'oro (Soc. I t a l . di Sci. F a r m a c . ) ; Medaglia (Soc. I t a l . di Sci. Veterinarie); Médaille (Acad. Sci. Paris) ; Médaille (Inst. Pasteur, P a r i s ) ; Diploma de onore (Soc. de Chim. din Timiçoara) ; '59 Premio Giacomo Ciamician (Univ. di B o l o g n a ) ; numerose distinzioni statali nazionali e straniere.


Marotta — Marr

Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sci. Ricerche sull'esaBend. 1st. sup. Sanità Aspetti dell'organizmetilentetrammina, 41) : 23.1934, 2 ('35) 559f. zazione sanitaria italiana: 6 ('43) 315-, — PriBer. dtsch. ehem. Ges. Die Begründer der mati italiani nella chimica: 339-. Romagna med. Alberto Missiroli: 5 ('53) italienischen Schule der Chemie : 75 ('42) 2095Nr. 3. 100. Scuola sup. L'insegnamento scientifico e il Chemistry and Industry The Istituto Supeprogresso delle industrie chimiche: 1 ('33). riore di Sanità: 1958, 586-89. Chimica e Industria Pietro Biginelli: 19 ('37). — Camillo Manuelli: ibid. — Giovanni Malfitano (1872-1941) e la sua concezione sulla struttura dei colloidi: 26 ('44) 11. — Cesare Serono: 35 ('53) 103f. — La scuola italiana di chimica: 36 ('54) 194-96. 2.

Chimico ital. Emanuele Paternò: 1935, Nr.

Concretezza Adeguato ad uno stato moderno l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità: 1955, 1. Okt.-Nr. Economia nazion. Scienza e industria: 24 ('32). Gazz. chim. ital. Stanislao Cannizzaro: 69 ('39) 689-707. — Primati italiani nella chimica: 74 ('44) 181-203. Giorn. Chim. industr. ed appi. Il trattamento chimico delle farine: 14 ('32). — Derivati C-sostituiti dell'acido barbiturico'): ibid. — L'alcoolisi delle sostanze grasse, 1 : Metanolisi del burro 3 ): ibid. S. 371. Memorie Soc. ital. Sci. I fondatori della scuola italiana di chimica (Piria, Cannizzaro, Paternò): (3) 25 ('43). Bend. Accad. nazion. XL Questione della Società Italiana delle Scienze detta dei X L : 1 ('50) 1-. Panificazione Discorso pronunciato per l'assegnazione dei premi del Littorio .per la migliore panificazione del Consiglio Provinciale dell'Economia Corporativa: 17 ('33). Parlamento ital. L'Istituto Superiore di Sanità gode nel mondo altissima reputazione : 4 ('56) Fase. 12, Nr. 1/2. Rend., Ist. Sanità pubbl. I medicinali e il metodo Rinaldi per la cura delle artriti 6 ) 4 ) : 1 ('38) 5 - . — Frumento e mais nella panificazione: 351-68. — Il pesce nell'alimentazione umana: 369-87. — Esperienze di macinazione e panificazione con farine di mais 4 ) : 388-408. — Esperienze di macinazione e panificazione con farina di fava 4 ) : 409-20. — Indagini su le emanazioni di una fabbrica di alluminio in rapporto all'ambiente 12 ) 3 ): 735-. — Rapporti fra scienza e industria nel campo delle industrie agricole ed alimentari: 1 ('38). — I bromati e i persolfati nella panificazione 8 ): 2 ('39) 5-36. — Il trattamento chimico delle farine: 37-60. — La macinazione del frumento, la pastificazione e la panificazione in Italia: 375-. — Stanislao Cannizzaro: 709-. — Piero Ginori Conti: 3 ('40).

Mit: ') M. E.5 A l e s s a n d r i n i ; s) - ; s ) S. A n s e l m i ; ') A. Calò; ) G. L a z z a r i n i ; ') F. Muntemi; ') G. R o s a n o v a ; ") C. Sica; ') E.laS o r r e n t i n o ;l s ") F. Di S t e f a n o ; ") A. V e r c i l l o ; ) D. V i t a ; ) G. La Parola.


' MARQUIS, R a y m o n d . Chem. (org.). - 1892-97 Ing.-Chimiste, Ecole Municipale de Physique et de Chim., Paris; 1 8 9 7 - Préparateur, Inst, de Chim. appi., Paris; 1904 Dr. ès sci. physiques, Univ. de Paris; '09-28 Chef des Travaux, '28-39 Sous-Dir., ' 2 8 - Chargé du Labor, de Perfectionnement, ' 3 9 - Chargé de la Direction, Inst. de Chim., Paris; '22-27 Maître de Conférences, '27-28 Chargé de Conférences, Sorbonne, Paris; ' 2 8 - Prof, ord. Chim. org., Inst. Nation. Agron., Paris; ' 3 0 - Prof. et Dir. du Labor, de Chim. org., Ecole Pratique des H a u t e s Etudes, Paris; '23-39 Prés, du Comité de Chim., '39-42 Chimiste, ' 4 2 - Dir. du Labor. du Feu, Office Nation, des Recherches Scientifiques et des Inventions, Paris; '34 Vice-Prés., Soc. chim. France. — '04 Prix Cahours (Acad. Sci. Paris); '05 Prix de Chim. org. (Soc. Chim. France). (B)

*1872; |1950. Nekr. G. C h a m p e t i e r , Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Raymond Marquis: Bull. Soc. chim. France (5) 18 ('51) 475-77 (m. Bildn. u. Schr.verz.). HZ. (Chefredakt.) Bull. Soc. chim. F r a n c e l l ( • 1 2 ) - 4 8 ('30). Bull. Soc. chim. France Paul Freundler, 1874-1942: (5) 10 ('43) 6-9. iv-vi MARR, John Edward. Geol. 1886-1917 Lecturer, '17-30 Prof., '30 Prof. Emer., U n i v . of Cambridge; 1896 Pres. of Sect. C, Brit. Assoc. A d v a n c e m . Sci.; 1904-06 Pres., Geol. Soc. London; '16-17 Pres., Cambridge Philos. Soc. — '08 Dr. h.c. (Univ. Praha). - 1900 Lyell Medal, '14 Wollaston Medal (Geol. Soc.

Marr — Marrian

London); '30 Royal Medal (Roy. Soc. London). *1857, Juni 14, Poulton-le-Sands, Lancashire ; 11933, Okt. 1, Cambridge. Nekr. E. J . G a r w o o d , H . H . T h o m a s , Q u a r t e r l y J . geol. Soc. London 90 ('34) L X L X I V . - H . H . T., N a t u r e [London] 132 ('33) 773f. — Obituary Notices Fellows roy. Soc. L o n d o n 1 ('34) 251-57 (m. Bildn., Faks.). VI

MARRIAN, Guy Frederic. Biochem. — 1930-33 Lecturer, Departm. Biochem., Univ. College, London; '33-36 Assoc. Prof., '36-38 Prof., Univ. of Toronto, Can. ; '39-59 Prof. Chem. in Relation to Med., Univ. of Edinburgh; '59-69 Dir. of Research, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London. —'32 Meldola Medal (Roy. Inst. Chem.); '48 Francis Amory Prize (Amer. Acad, of Arts and Sci.) ; '66 Sir Henry Dale Medal (Soc. Endocrinol.); '69 Commander of the Order of Brit. Empire. *1904, Màrz 3, London. Zur Biogr. N a t u r e [London] 181 ('58) 1507; 183 ('59) 1567. MHZ. Vitamins and Hormones 10 ('52) — 25 ('67). S. A b s t r a c t s of communications. 1st I n t e r n a t i o n a l congress of biochemistry, Cambridge 1949 (Glasgow '49) 390 f. : Pregnanediol excretion in h u m a n subjects during prolonged administration of progesterone 4 8 ). — Symposium on steroid hormones, Madison, Wis., 1950 (E. S. Gordon) (Madison, Wis. '50) 3 - 1 3 : The steroids - a historical review. — The suprarenal cortex. Proc. 5th Symposium of t h e Colston Research Society, Bristol 1952 (J. M. Yoffey) (London '53) (Colston papers, 5) 9 5 99 : Some observations on t h e u r i n a r y adrenocortical steroids. — L a fonction lutéale. Biologie, exploration fonctionnelle e t pathologie. Publication des d e u x premières journées des Colloques sur la fonction lutéale, Paris 1954 (Paris '54) 63-76: Metabolism of progesterone. — Proc. 3 r d I n t e r n a t i o n a l congress of biochemistry, Brussels 1955 (New York '56) 5 1 1 15 : The determination of steroids in blood a n d urine. — Endocrine aspects of breast cancer. Proc. of a conference, Glasgow 1957 (A. R. Currie) ( E d i n b u r g h - L o n d o n '58) 196f.: A comparison of methods for t h e analysis of oestrone, oestradiol a n d oestriol in extracts of h u m a n urine 20 ) 30 ) 18 ) 6 ); 263f.: Urinary 17oxosteroids. — Proc. 4 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l congress of biochemistry, Vienna 1958 ( 0 . H o f f m a n n -


Ostenhof) 4 (London '59) 208-32: Biochemistry of t h e oestrogenic hormone. Acta endocrinol. [Kebenhayn] Hydrolysis of t h e conjugated oestrogens in h u m a n urine 4 ): 7 ('51) 240-56. — U r i n a r y adrenocortical steroids, 1: R e t e n t i o n of formaldehyde b y extracts of urine in t h e determination of f o r m aldehydogenic substances 3 9 ): 13 ('53) 1 - 1 8 ; ~ 2 : Formaldehydogenic and acetaldehydogenic substances in e x t r a c t s of hot acid-hydrolysed urine 3 ): 265-85; ~ 3: F o r m a l d e h y d o genic substances labile in acid solution a t room t e m p e r a t u r e 3 8 ) : 14 ('53) 259-72. Acta endocrinol. [Kebenhavn], Suppl. Newly discovered u r i n a r y oestrogen metabolites: 31 ('57) 27f. Annals rheumat. Diseases Liver f u n c t i o n in relation t o possible abnormalities of steroid metabolism in r h e u m a t o i d arthritis 41 ) 64 ) 16 ) 44 ) 17 3 ) ): 14 ('55) 183-90. Annual Rev. Biochem. The hormones 7 ): 6 ('37) 303-34. Biochemical J. T h e chemistry of oestrin, 5 : Mechanism of t h e conversion of t r i h y d r o x y oestrin into ketohydroxyoestrin 2 4 ): 26 ('32) 25-31. — Equol, a new inactive phenol isolated f r o m t h e ketohydroxyoestrin f r a c t i o n of mares' urine 2 4 ): 1227-32. - Surface films of oestrin derivatives 1 ) 1 4 ) 2 4 ): 1233-41. - F u r ther observations on surface films of oestrin derivatives and of pregnanediol 1 4 ) 2 4 ): 27 ('33) 311-20. — A new s a t u r a t e d solid alcohol f r o m t h e urine of p r e g n a n t mares 2 4 ) 4 6 ): 28 ('34) 1316-20. — T h e application of t h e K o b e r t e s t to t h e q u a n t i t a t i v e estimation of oestrone a n d oestriol in h u m a n p r e g n a n c y urine 1 0 ): 160314. — T h e hydrolysis of t h e combined f o r m s of oestrone a n d oestriol present in h u m a n pregnancy urine 1 0 ): 29 ('35) 1577-85. - T h e constitution of equol 6 ): 1586-89. — The isolation and identification of a combined f o r m of oestriol in h u m a n pregnancy urine 1 0 ): 30 ('36) 57-65. — A n o t e on t h e presence in h u m a n p r e g n a n c y urine of an acid-hydrolysable combined f o r m of pregnanediol 3 6 ): 1533-35. — Oestriolglucuronide 1 0 ) 3 6 ): 2250-56. - The isolation of a ¿l 6 -androstene-3(|8),16,17-triol f r o m t h e urine of normal h u m a n males a n d females') : 38 ('44) 322-24. - The action of arsine on blood. Observations on t h e n a t u r e of t h e fixed arsenic 2 2 ) 1 3 ): 40 ('46) 256-60. - T h e isolation of pregnane-3(a)-ol-20-one f r o m t h e hydrolysis p r o d u c t s of "sodium pregnanediol glucuronidase" 2 1 ): 376-80. - T h e separation of non-ketonic and ketonic sodium glucuronidates f r o m t h e " s o d i u m pregnanediol glucur o n i d a t e " of h u m a n pregnancy urine; t h e isolation of p u r e sodium pregnane-3(