Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics 1439800081, 9781439800089

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Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics

CHAPMAN Ir: HALUCRC Toti In Stat11dcal Science Serio JoM!ph JC Klituh!in, Harvard Univtnlt)', USA Julian J. faraway, University ofBath, UK Martin Tanner, Northwatun Univtnity, USA Jim Zidek, Univenit)' ofBritish Columbia, Canada RecentJy Publl1hed l1tle1 Practkal Muldvarlate Anaiyu, Sixth Edition Abddmonem Ajlji, Sllldnne May. RobinA. Donatdlo, and Virginid A. Clark lime Serln: A Ant Coune with Bootstnp Starter Tuder S. McElroy and Dimitri& N. Polit& Probab.lllty and Baynla.n Modelln1 JimAJbutand/illgdtenHu Sarroptel Gall55.lan Process Modeling, Des.ign, and Optimization for the Applied Sciences Robert 8. Gramacy Stad1Ucal Analyal1 o(Anandal Data With Examples in R /llme.sGmtle Stati1dcal Rethlnldq A Bayesian Course with Examples in Rand STAN, Second Edition Richard McElreath Statl1Clcal Machine LearnlnB A Model-Hased Approach Richard Gulden Randomization, Boolltrap and Monte Carlo Methods In BlololJY Fourth Edition Bryan F. J. Manly, /orje A. Navarro Alberto Prlnclples o(Unc:ertalnty, Second Edition fosep},B.Kadane Beyond Multiple Unear Regress.Ion Applit-d Gc11emlized linear Model!i and Multilevel Models in R Paul R11hack, Julie Legler Baye1ian Thinking in Blostattsdcs Gary L. Ros11er, Purushottam W. Laud, and Wesley a /ohnson Modern Data Science with R, Second Edition Benjami11 S. Baumer. Dairiel T. Kapla11, a11d Nicholas f Horton Probability and Statistical Inference 1-ium 8,,s,.· l'rmfip/,•� to Ad11m1n>d iWodefs Miftiadis Ma\lrakakis a,1d Je"my Peirzer �-=-

m re lnformadon about this series, please visit: https;//­ ; C• nts-ln-Stadstlcal-Scienc:e/book-serles/CHTEXSTASCI

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Gary L. Rosner Purushottam W. Laud Wesley 0. Johnson





First edition published 2021 byCRCPress 6000 Brokrn Sound ParkwayNw. Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 and by CRC Press 2 Park Sq1111re, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN Cl2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an Imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Reasonableefforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of aU materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders If permission to publish In this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. bcepl as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized In any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented. including photocopying, microfilming,and recording. or in any Information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, access or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978•750-8400. For works that are not availableon CCC please contact [email protected] Tmdemark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identlflcatlon and explanation without intent to infringe.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication


Names: Rosner.GaryL.. author. I Laud. Purushottam. 1948-author. I Johnson.WcslcyO .. aulhor. Title· Bayesianthinking in biostatistics I Gal)· L. Rosner, Purushonam W. Laud. Wesley0. Johnson. Description:First edition. I Boca Raton: CRC Press. 2021. I Includes b1bhograph1calreferences and mdcx ldcnt11icrs:LC("N2020049870 (print) I LCCN 2020049871 (cbook) I ISBN ~7KIH~8000_89(hardcovcr)I ISBN 9781439800102 (ebook) \nh_1cc'.'l l'SI I IJ1ometry--Mcthodology. I Bayesianslatistical decision theory ~~:111cat1on.I.CC Ql-023.5 .R68 2021 (print) I LCC QH323..5(ebook) I

~,o115195--dc23 LC rcoorda\·ailahlcat hnps://lccn.loc.e.ovf2020049870 I.C ebook record al'!ulablcat hllps:1/Jc~n.locgov/2020049871 ISRN:978-1-4398·0008-9(hbk)

To my wife, Naomi, and my children, Joshua and lVIolly,for their support, understanding, patience, and, most of all, love. GLR To Kaye and the boys - Raj, Kavi, Sanjiv and Filip - who have believed since its conception that this project would come to fruition. PWL To my friend and mentor, Seymour Geisser. I miss him very much. WOJ




Scientific Data Analysis 1.1 Philosophy 1.2 Examples 1.3 Essential Ingredients for Bayesian Analysis 1.3.1 Observables and Design for Their Collection . 1.3.2 Unknowns of Scientific Interest 1.3.3 Probability Models and Model Parameters . 1.3.4 External Knowledge (or Prior) Distribution 1.4 Recap and Readings 2 Fundamentals diction 2. I 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7





Elementary Bayes' Theorem: Simple but Fundamental Probability Computations Science and Knowledge about Uncertain Quantities More on Bayes' Theorem: Inference for Model Unknowns Prediction Monte Carlo Approximation Recap and Readings Exercises .

3 Fundamentals 3.1 3.2

I: Bayes' Theorem,

II: Models for Exchangeable


Overview of Binomial, Normal, Poisson and Exponential Models Posterior and Predictive Inferences 3.2.1 Bernoulli and Binomial Models 3.2.2 Normally Distributed Exchangeable Observations . 3.2.3 Poisson Distributed Exchangeable Count Observations . 3.2.4 Exchangeable Exponentially Distributed Time-to-Event Observations 3.3 *More Flexible Models 3.3.1 Mixture Distributions 3.3.2 Dirichlet Process Mixtures .

12 16 19 27 30 31 32

37 38 41 41 47 59 61 65 66 67 vii



3.4 3.5

3.3.3 Computation via DPpackage . Recap and Readings . . Exercises . . .

4 Computational 4.1

4.2 4.3


4.5 4.6


for Bayesian Analysis

Additional Sampling Distributions 4.1.1 Gamma Distributed. Data 4.1.2 Weibull Distributed Data Asymptotics: Normal and Laplace Approximations Approximating Posterior Inferences using Monte Carlo Sampling 4.3.1 Random Number Generation 4.3.2 Inverse cdf Method . 4.3.3 Importance Sampling 4.3.4 Rejection Sampling . . . 4.3.5 Adaptive Rejection Sampling for Log-Concave Densities Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling . . . 4.4.1 Gibbs Sampler 4.4.2 Metropolis-Ha.stings Algorithm . 4.4.3 Slice Sampling 4.4.4 Hamiltonian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Overview Expanding the Parameter Space Ba.sics of Hamiltonian Dynamics Approximation to Generate Candidate . . 4.4.5 Convergence Diagnostics . Recap and Readings Exercises

5 Comparing


5.1 Comparing Proportions in Bernoulli Populations 5.1.1 Prior Distributions for Binomial Proportions Reference Priors Informative Beta Priors . Other Priors 5.1.2 Eff€'CtMeasures . 5.1.3 Cross-Sectional or Cohort Sampling 5.1.4 Case-Control Sampling. 5.2 C\)mpari11gNormal Populati011s 5.2.l Priors for (111,a;). i = 1,2. 5.2. l. l RC'fcrencePriors Informatiw Priors 5.2.2 Postt•rior lnfC'rl'll 1, b0 s; 1 the unique mode is 1. With a 0 < 1, bo< 1, there are two modes, at O and 1. The latter case implies that the scientist would have a belief that 0 was more likely to be close to O or 1, and less likely to be in between. It would be unusual for real scientific information to follow this reasoning. The posterior standard deviation is


0)/(ao + bo+ n).

So th(' larger is o0 + b0 + n, the more concentrated the posterior for 0 is about its m.), leading again to a negative binomial distribution with a 1 and b1 replaced by prior parameters a0 and bo, respectively. 3.2.4

Exchangeable tions





Time-to-event data are commonplace in medical applications. Examples include time to death after bone marrow transplantation, time to recurrence after an initial treatment for breast cancer, and time to complete recovery after knee replacement surgery. Such data are also known as survival-time data, and statistical methodology in this context is called suroival analysis. Historically, these methods first addressed time to death after treatment for some life-threatening conditions. While such studies abound, the techniques are more widely used to analyze the times to any event from a well-defined moment such as a surgical treatment. A simple model for exchangeable time-to-event data is the exponential distribution. While this distribution is limited in flexibility for practical applications, it gives us a good starting point from which to build. This is a one-parameter distribution. Let TI,\~ Exp(>.), where E(T I,\)=!/>.. This expectation has time units (e.g., hours, days, months). Suppose that we planned to observe a sequence of times until events for a series of patients. Denote the potential list of times to event as T1, T2, ... , with T; I A~ Exp(A) random variables. For example, these could be times until a patient is able to walk independently after undergoing hip replacement surgery, with T1 the time until the first patient can walk independently, T2 the time until the second patient can walk independently, etc. Using the notation for the exponential distribution in the table of distributions in Appendix B, we write the likelihood as n

Lik(>.) ,xp(t,, ... ,tn I>.)=




This form clearly suggests that the gamma family will be conjugate. With ,\


Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Ga(ao, bo),we have p(,\ / t)

CX: ,\a



CX: ).ao+n-le-A(bo+E~=I


which is the kernel of a Ga(a 1, b1) distribution with a1 = ao + n and b1 = bo + nl, where f is the sample average of the follow-up times. Inferential interest in time-to-event analysis will generally center on the median time and the survivor function, namely the probability of surviving (i.e., not experiencing the event) at least t years after diagnosis for various choices oft. The median survival time is obtained by solving P(T

> m / A) = e->m

= 0.5



The survivor function is

S(t /A)= e->•. While we could easily obtain formulas for E(>. I t) and E(e->.t I t), we can more easily find the median and a 95% PI for these quantities. First, we get the median and a 95% interval for).. using the command qgamma(c(0.5, 0.025, 0.975) ,a1,b1) in R. Then we simply transform these values, since all parameters of interest are monotone functions of A. For example, let (7n,l, u) be the posterior median and posterior lower and upper limits for A. Let;= e-.\t for a fixed value oft of interest. Then since 0.5

= P(A > m / t) = P(e_,. < e->m

/ t),

we must have the result that e-mt is the posterior median of 'Y· We similarly obtain the 95% interval for /, (e-ut, e-u), since the survivor function is monotone and decreasing in A. Results are similarly obtained for the median and mean times to event. The mean of the posterior for A is (a0 + n)/(b 0 + nf). But we would make inferences for A, the rate of events, using posterior quantiles as discussed above. The general topic of survival analysis is covered in Chapters 11 and 12. Example 3.5. Leukemias are cancers that are associated with different types of blood cells. Many different types of blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, and on 0 under the conditions described in Section 3.1 for the Poisson distribution to hold for count data. Let Ti: denote the time between the (i - l)th and ith events in this event generating process. For the sake of being concrete, suppose that the event of interest is a seizure in a patient with brain cancer and we are measuring the time between successive seizures. Then~ is the time between the (i - l)th and ith seizures, and N(t) is the number of seizures by time t. We have N(t). = 0 if T 1 > t, and N(t) = 1 if T1 $ t and T1 + T2 > t. Generalizing, N(t) = i if I:~=tTi $ t and I:}~~ Ti > t, for i = 1,2, .... Then N(t) i>.~Po(>.t) so that E(N(t)) = >.t, and if we let t = 1 unit of time, it follows that E(N(l)) = >.. The units for ,\ are "events per unit time," and the units for 1/,\ are "time per event." Note that if the Poisson assumption holds, then S(t I>.)= P(T, > t I>.)= P(N(t) =

o I>.)=


since the only way that a wait time for an event can be longer than tis if no events occur hcforC' time t. The pdf of T 1 is the derivative of this expression for the cdf nnd is p(t I >.) = >.c-'1 Ito.=)(t). Tht' rnllt•ction {X(t) t > 0} is called a Poisson process with rate ,\, and tlH' n•s11\t implied h.(b+Ef=t



which is the kernel of a Ga(a + na, b + n'jj) distribution. We say that the gamma prior here is conditionally conjugate. The full conditional for a is _xn• { n

p(o I A,y) ex f(o)"

)] y,



which is not recognizable for any known choice of p(o), so we do not even have conditional conjugacy in this instance. We address how to handle situations like this later in this chapter. As discussed for the normal distribution with an independence prior in Chapter 3, we will sample iteratively from these two full conditional distributions to obtain a Monte Carlo sample from the joint posterior.


Weibull Distributed


TllC' \V('ibull distribution (see th"' table of common distributions in Appendix B) is anothC'r g('ll."c-s,::•.,yf} C


which is the kernel of a Ga(a + n, b + L~~ 1 y?) distribution. So we again hav. as before and an independent hierarchical uniform-Pareto prior on (a:,¢) as in Example 4.3. This yields

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Again, for the Gibbs conditional for ,\, we reuse our previous derivation in Section 4.1.2 with o considered known: ,\ I o,y Ga(a + n,b + L~=I yf). Derivation of the other Gibbs conditional follows in the same manner as in Example 4.3, namely


from which we get the separate Gibbs conditionals

Again, the first of these is a Pareto distribution, Par(max{c, a}, d + 1). Samples of ¢ can be generated using the inverse cdf method. The second can be shown to be

log-concave. The R code is similar to that in the previous example. It is in a file named GibbsWeibull.R in the same folder as the file GibbsGamma.R.




The Gibbs sampler in the previous section iterates through the components (or blocks of components) of a multidimensional vector to generate the successive realizations of a Markov chain. In contrast, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm generates the next multivariate iterate in the chain directly as a whole, without needing the conditionals of the target density as in the Gibbs sampler. On the other hand, it requires another distribution called the proposal (or candidate-generating) distribution as we describe below. The chain is then constructed in such a way that its stationary distribution equals the target density. The algorithm was first developed in the physics literature as the Metropolis algorithm [242], and later generalized by Hastings [160] in the statistics literature. The Gibbs sampler turns out to be a special case of this algorithm. We present Hastings' generalization first, pointing out the simpler Metropolis case immediately after. As before, consider a space 8 with target distribution p(0) from which we wish to draw random samples. Suppose q(0; 0"') is a family of probability densities on 8 indexed by 0"', that is, q(·; 0"') is a probability density on 8 for each 0"'. This is called the "proposal density," as it is used to generate a candidate value for the next itNation of the chain when it is currently in state 8"'. This candidate value is acceptction involved sampling individuals from two cfo:;tinctpopulations or classifying them into two distinct populations. As previously mc'nti01wnormal rnsc: they are Student·s t pdfs. However, for a variety of reasons,

Compo.ring Populations

it hi usually m11c-h easier to \IS(' ~IC!\"ICsampling to makpredi < ,j'l)/(M - BI).



DiaSorin Data Analysis

!wnal osteodystrophy is a bone disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Monitoring patients with loss of kidney function for lower than normal bone turnover aids in managing the disease. A commercially available diagnostic assay, DiaSorin, was believed to have the potential to determine which patients have low versus normal bone turnover. A cross-section of 34 kidney patients from the bone registry at the University of Kentucky were identified as low or normal turnover by other means and then given the commercial assay to determine whether it could correctly identify them. From boxplots, a normal sampling model appears to be untenable, due to observable skewness; however, boxplots and quantile plots of the log-transformed data appear to be reasonably normal (see Figure 5.2). Since data are on the log scale, we write log(Y) I µ 1 a 2 N(µ, a 2 ). For analyzing the data, we could just take logs of all of the data and then treat them as normally distributed. The prior can be taken as N(µ 0 , u;l) forµ, and an independent Ga(c, d) prior for r = lfa 2 . This needs to be implemented for each of the two populations.


Prior Elicitation. We first consider eliciting prior information for µ. It is natural for us to specify such information on the original data scale instead of the log scale. We can then induce it onto the model parameter µ as follows. Note that if mis the median of DiaSorin scores Yin a population, then log(m) is the median of log(Y) measurements in the population. This is because the logarithm is a monotone function. Now specify a best guess m for the population median m of DiaSorin scores. Then we take µo = log(ffi). Next specify a value, 'U0.95, such that we are 95% percent certain that m cannot exceed it, namely P(m < Uo,gs)= 0.95.

BaJJuian Thinking in Bioitatistics


FIGURE 5.2: Di.Sorin data. This is equivalent to asserting 0.95 = P(µ (log(iio.os)- µo)/a 0 ), from which we get log(iio.95)- log(m) _ 1 645 a0



c, log(iio.os)) = P({µ -



_ log(iio,s) - log(m) ao 1.645 •

Dr. Johann Herbturnover population were 220 and 240, respectively. This led to / 0.9) = 0.0009, so knowing that 81 is so large is extremely unlikely under the given prior specification. Consequently, assuming we believe the prior specification, there is no point in considering hypothetica1s that we do not consider to be relevant or plausible. Thus, if, after reflection, those situations that might cause concern about independence are believed unlikely, the independence assumption is reasonable. An alternative situation would be one in which prior beliefs about the parameters were exchangeable, meaning that there was no reason to believe that 01 > 02, or vice versa, for example. By definition, such parameters cannot be regarded in• dependently. We now move on to consider a situation in which the model parameters and the scientifically relevant parameters are not the same. We do this in the context of a multinomial data example.

Ba11e.aio.n Thinking in Biostatutics


TABLE 6.1: Lung infection versus smoking

s LI NL/








Y12 y,. Y21 1/Z2 y,. n y., y.,



,,,, P,2




Example 6.7. Multinomial Data. Suppose we randomly sample n individuals from a particular population of interest and observe them for a year. After the year, we BBkeach of them two questions: (i) Are you a smoker (S) or a non-smoker (NS)? (ii) Did you have any form of lung infection (LI) over the course of the year or not (N LI)? The data, {~J }, form a 2 x 2 table of counts that follows a multinomial dUltribution with cell probabilities {PiJ} (see Table 6.1). The model parameters are the Pti· But note that this case is distinct from the sampling scheme discussed in Section 5.1, where independent binomial samples were considered. We now define the scientifica1ly relevant parameters. Let 81 = P(LI IS)= Pn/p.,, 82 = P(LI I NS)= P12/p.2, and -y = p., = P(S). Thus p 11 = -y8,, P12 = (I - 1)82, P21 = -y(l - 81), and P22 = (I - -y)(i - 82); obi;iervethat the cell probabilities sum to 1. Also note that we are unable to think directly about the PiJ, although with some effort we can find information for the scientifically relevant parameters (8 1 , 82 , ')'). We place independent beta priors on them. Primary inferential interest would focus on the difference 81 -8 2 , or the ratio 8 1/82. In the worst case, if absolutely nothing is known about (81 ,82,'Y), we could use uniform priors. But of course at a minimum, it would be easy to go on the web to obtain information about the proportion of smokers. The next example illustrates a situation with two distinct parameterizations for t.he same model, where in the first instance the parameters are scientifically relevant, and in the second they are not. In general, it is important to know how to shift hc\('k and forth between different parameterizations. In the current instance, om• VC'rsionof the model considered is a special case of the well-known logistic Tf'gr 0.5 and Sp > 0.5; otherwise, we might just as well toss a coin to decide whether the individual being tested is positive or negative. At an absolute minimum, Se + Sp > 1 is required. Then, provided all possible values of Se and Sp are equally plausible, a possible choice of "flat" prior for each could be U(0.5, 1). It is often the case that scientific information is availahle for either or both test accuracy measures, in which case independent beta priors are used (Branscum, Gardner, and Johnson [481). Example 6.14. Consider a situation, as we have discussed in Chapter 5, where we are interested in comparing two populations with respect to each one's average diastolic blood pressure. Let µ 1 and µ 2 denote these averages. In Chapter 5 we considered only conjugate and reference priors. Here, since we know with virtual certainty that these values must be between 40 and 200, we could place U(40, 200) priors on them. With additional appropriate scientific information, we could further restrict the ranges of the uniform priors on the µs. And of course, we could place a subjectivr prior on one, and some form of "flat" U(a, b) prior on the other, provided appropriate scientific information is used in choosing a and b. Example 6.15. The Two-Sample Binomial (Example 6.8), Continued. A choieta{,1] + beta[.2))/(1 + n:p(t>eta[.1) + beta[.2)))

f>.lanyof the generated values for TH are NaN.Thus, there arc c-omput('l' on-rllow problems when simulating the Bs. (Think about calculat.iug ti 31 for 3 = 1.000 or 2,000.) Example 6.16. Prior for Effect Size. We give an illustration of a ;'diffuse" prior that was selected with the intent for it to be "non-informative." The problem considered involves two independent normal samples with equal variances. Let YiJ 1-:!:.-d. N(µ,,a 2 ), i = 1,2; j = 1, ... ,n,. A common focus in medical and If l',, = 2, we know that psychology research is the effect size, l',, = (1.) => E(Y) = Var(Y) = >. (see distribution table in Appendix B). In many instances with data, Yi, that have been assumed to be, say Po(>.i), it can be empirically verified that Var('Yt I >.i) > E(Yt I >.i)- Since the mean and variance must be the same if the data are actually Poisson distributed, this is termed "extra..-Poisson variation. 11 If the data indicate extra variation, a common solution is to use a model that employs a mixture of Poisson distributions. It is generally the case that mixtures of distributions will have larger variances than the components in the mixture. This is shown using the iterated variance formula, which we demonstrate here for a continuous mixture of Poisson distributions. Take Y Po(>.) and let >. Ga(a,, ,) be the mixing distribution where "' and "'f are unknown parameters. The resulting mixture model will have (a, "Y)as its unknown parameters. We observe that



E(Yla,,,) Var(Y I 0.,a,,,)) = E(>.la,,,) = a,f,, Var(E(Y I>.,"',,)) +E(Var(Y I >.,a,,,)) Var(>. I °'• ,) + E(>. I °', ,) = o,f, 2 + a,f, > a,f,.

Wf' ,an a1so derive the mixture distribution as




p(y I >.)p(>.I "',,)d>.


oo )._Y -A

et >._t:t:-1 -A'y

e 'Y e y! f(a,)



__:t__{00 >._•Hy-le-A(l+-y)d). y!f(o) Jo ,"f(o + y) y!(i + 1) 0 +yf(o) (

1 )"(


1 )"r(a+y) y!f(a)


Thi:- is a nC'p;atiVf'binomial distribution. W..,which will also generate overdispersion. We first consider grouped data of the form y = {yii : i = L .... k: j = 1. .... "i}. This is to allow for the possibility of easily checking the assumption of sto begin a study of this area. \\'t' nott' that thC'Hurdle model (Mullahy. 1986; [244])is a competitor for the ZIP modt'l. This mod('! specifies a logistic regression for the zeros. as in the ZIP model. hut th('ll sp('cifil's a ZC'ro-truncatedPoisson model for the non-negative counts. Thus tllC'probability of a zC'rocount is just 1r 1 using our notation, and the probabilities for all non-zC'rocountt- art>obtaitwd as ZC'ro-truncated Poisson(>,.i)-The zero-truncated Pois."(mcan ht' found most C'asilyon \\.ikipC'dia.

Poisson and Nonlinear Re9rrs ...,ior1




EXERCISE 9.1. Re-examining the epilepsy data (Ernmplc 9.1). Tht' data and some code are available on the book's website' for Chaptn 9 with fik nnml'S that include "Epilepsy". Observe that the data include 12 NAs (indicating missing data) at the end of the Poisson counts y. Also. for each of tlu• C'O\''rt' l\fC' 12 additional records in the data set beyond the 59 \'alucs that corrC'spo11dto actual data. Adding these 12 pseudo-observations is a trick we used for obtaining tht' inferences in Table 9.2. For example, the first three of the 12 add('(\ n' sizes result in larger penalties for overfitting. TIU' partirnlar p('nalty t('rm:- for :\IC and BIC arise naturally because of their derivations. Cavanaugh and Neath [67] have shown that. uud('r g('m•ral condition:-. -2log{pj(y)}


10i)J + k, log(,i) = BICj,

for large n. where PJ( ·) is the marginal predictive pdf for the obst'rV('d t(l - o/2, n - p - !). It is also shown in [183j that



Ti so it is easy to obtain



Tl from the



Studentized residuals Si.

for Binary Regression

For deciding among link functions in binary regression 1 we provided Examples 10.2 and 10.3 as illustrations. However, we did not discuss how to assess model fit with binary data. This is quite challenging. For grouped data where there are ni observations corresponding to the same covariate vector, say Xi, it is possible to somewhat mimic the linear regression procedures if the nt are all moderately large 1 say greater than 10. It is also possible t.o produce a plot for model assessment. To see how, let iii= yi/ni be the proportion of ls corresponding to case i. Then 81 iii is a natural (nonparametric) estimate of till' Yi)}. This event equivalence and independence ofT and C lead to the joint distribution ( _ 0 I 0) P y., "

= {f(y,){I

if 6, = I, if 6, = 0.

- G(y,) ), P(T, > y; I 0) = 9(y,)S(y,),

An alternate way to write the last display is p(y, I 0,,0,)


- G(y,)) )








{g(y,)S(y,)) {g(y,))

S(y;){I -G(y,))





1- 6 'S(y,)






Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


where S( •) is the survival function; h(.) is the hazard function corresponding to density/(·), with/(·)= h(·)S(·) from expression (11.3); and g(·) and G(·) are the pdf and cdf of the censoring random variable C, respectively. We can thus write the sampling distribution (likelihood) as p({y,,J,,i


1, ... ,n}


0) c,: Il{h;(y,)}'•s,(y;). i=l

Notice here the proportionality (rather than equality) for this sampling distribution, caused by omitting the multiplicative terms in g(·) and G(·). This omission would and g(·), which are not be possible if there are shared parameters between/(·) the distributional families of the survival time and the censoring variables. This would be the exceptional case of informative censoring mentioned in the previous subsection.

More General

Case: Interval



Suppose we have event times

but each Ti is possibly censored in such a way that we would only observe that it falls between two numbers Li < Ui. As before, let Oi denote the indicator random variable of non-censoring. Thus 1 the observed data are Oi =

{ 1, 0,

if uncensored, if censored,

and Ti = ti if Oi = 1 or Ti E (Li, Ui) if Oi = 0. The case of right censored data above has Li = Ci and Ui = oo. Similarly, in the left censored case we would define Li = 0 and Ui = Ci where Ci is the left censoring time. The sampling distribution for the data (likelihood function) is

p(data I 0) =


{J(t,J0))'' {

Note that if Oi = 0, all that is known is Li 11.1.4



J(tJ0)dt} ,_,,

< Ti
t1-~) = exp{-.Xtf_~)- Solving, we obtain t1-~ = {-log(/3)/>.}1/ 0 . In particular, the median to.s is the time at which the survival probability is 0.50, that is, 0.50 = exp{-.Xtg_,} so that t 0 _5 = {log{2)/.X)1i0 . The mean is more complicated, but we often focus on medians in survival analysis. The hazard function is /{t I a,,\) , a-1 h( I ') t ,A= S(tl,A) =At • The hazard is increasing in t if a > 1, and decreasing if a < 1. Now consider data Yi min{Ti,Ci}, 6i I(yi Ti), and Ti~ i 1, ... , n. Using equation (11.8), we have





Weib (>.),


p(data Io,,\)





This is not the functional form of a recognizable joint distribution for (a,>.), unless a is known. If a is known, it is the kernel of a gamma distribution for ,\ and would lf'ad to tlw gamma prior as the conjugate family. This, however, is the same result as for t hr exponential model, essentially stemming from the fact that a Weibull with known o can bf' turnC'd into an C'Xponential. With a unknown, and w(a) depending 011 o in a complicatC'.) that leads to a r. I ,¢,data) =p(>.

{gyf•} 0

I ,data)=

e-• E'.




Ga (a+nu,b+


As mentioned in Example 4.4, the full conditional for o- is log-concave, so the R code given there is usable here with minor changes as would be indicated by the notational and likelihood changes above. We now turn to the problem of specifying the parameters in the prior for oand A. This is a more challenging task here, since there is no nice interpretation, even for A when o- # 1.2 Moreover, o- is difficult to think about. Our idea is to pick alternative interpretable quantities that are easy to think about, specify distributional aspects of these, and translate this information to solve for the parameters in the distributions for a and A. We have used this technique many times in preceding chapters; for example, in specifying prior parameters in the examples in Sections 3.2.1-3.2.4 (see Example 3.5, in particular). A natural choice here for one 1 Also for the gamma shape parameter; we used it in Section 4.4.1, Example 4.3. Unlike in the gamma case, however, this prior continues to be useful for the right censored case for the Weibull. 2 For a fixed o:, a scale change of t keeps the transformed variable in the Weibull family as a member with the same o: but the new A depends on o:.

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


alternative quantity is the median survival t = (log(2)/>.) fo:; another is a high percentile such as the 90th, denoted t 0 .9 , so that 0.1 = P(T > t 0 .9 ) = e->.tt. 9 • The technique then proceeds by solving for the model parameters o and ),. in terms of t 0 .5 and t 0 .9 . We find it convenient here to consider a and >.in sequence. Although individual values of a: are difficult to interpret, the hazard function is h(t I a, A) = .,\ata-i, so that a = 1 is the dividing value between decreasing and increasing hazard in time. In many biomedical applications it may be possible to assess a prior probability that the hazard is decreasing, that is, specify Pdhr = P(o: < 1). This would occur, for instance, if the risk of an event such as death after a surgery is the highest soon after the surgery and diminishes as recovery proceeds. Increasing hazard might be considered if time O corresponds to diagnosis of early stage cancer. It is reasonable to specify an informed choice for Pdhr. or take it as 1/2. To focus on the prior for o, it turns out (see Exercise 11.8) that its marginal distribution is a mixture of a uniform and a Pareto. In particular, 1






U(O,c) + (I - ,r) Par(c,d).

We also have Cd {

P(od in the text. \Vhen /l,f = 100, the prior has greater influence on posterior rstimates. especially at later times when there is less information.


di:.;trilrntion rnmprnwnts. In particular. we can write a simpler version of the model as

T,ln, . .\,'~Weib(a,

. .\;).




To sp("('ifythe prior for this model. we must make choices for v and Go. The Bayesian nouparanwtric moaseon median time to death relative to stage 1 (e 82 ) does not show much C'fffft. Stages 3 and 4 do appear to be associated with much shorter median times to dC'ath from diagnosis (i.E'.. efJ3 and efJ4 ). For stage 4 disease, we are 95% certain that stagr 1 disease at diagnosis is associated with longer median time to death that is lwt\VC'('ll3 (~ 1/0.36) time's and 20 (~ 1/0.05) times longer. The coefficient for agt'II for 1his application. The other reason is that we have the most expcrienct' worki11~with phase 1 studies in oncology. In a phase 1 study, one picks a starting dose and a set of dose levels to explore. The basis for the starting dose most commonly relates to preliminary animal studies. These animal studies examine toxicity and often include some measure of effect. Toxicity evaluations of many medicines in animals are indeed relevant to learning about toxicity in humans. An early investigation into metabolism showed that if one examines kinetics across species, the logarithms of these measures are linearly related to body surface area on the log scale l117J. Given this cross-species relationship, starting doses are usually some fraction of a dose having a prcspecified toxicity risk in a given species, usually whichever species turned out to be the most sensitive. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued Guidance for Industry: Estimating the Maximum Safe Starting Dose in Initial Clinical Trials for Therapeutics in Adult Healthy Volunteers in 2005 with guidelines for choosing the starting dose [105). In medical oncology, however, the drugs have often been toxic, and phase 1 studies have enrolled cancer patients rather than healthy volunteers as in drug development for other disease indications. Often, the starting dose for anticancer drugs has been one-tenth of the LD 10 in mice or one-third of a low-risk but toxic dose in dogs, whichever is smaller [8, 151]. The LD10 is the dose that was associated with a 10% mortality (see Section 8.3.1 for more details). The doses above are scaled according to body surface area, since this scale seems to allow cross-species dosetoxicity comparisons [117, 235]. The most commonly used study design for dose escalation in phase 1 oncology studies is the so-called "3+3" design. The algorithm for dose escalation with this design proceeds along the following lines. The first three patients in the study receive the starting dose. If none of these three patients experiences a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT), as defined in the study protocol, the next set of three patients will receive the next higher dose. While often prespecified, the sequence of doses may be more adaptive. For example, some phase I studies specify the dosing increment, often as a function of the degree of toxicity, that the study will follow when escalating the dose, rather than the actual doses. If one of the three patients treated at a given dose experiences DLT, then the next group of three patients receives this dose of the drug. If two or more patients experience a DLT of the initial three patients or out of all six patients who received


Bayesian Thinki,ng in BWstatistics

the dose under consideration, then the study typically concludes that the maximally tolerated dose (MTD) has been exceeded. If only one of the six has experienced a DLT, then the study will consider the next higher dose level for the next group of three patients. This design stops and declares the MTD to be the highest dose examined for which no more than one patient experienced a DLT. Often in cancer drug development, treatment of an additional cohort of patients follows the initial 3+3 dose escalation. The purpose is often to gain more information about the toxicity associated with the dose that the dose escalation part of the study suggested is the MTD. Since at most six patients will have generally received the MTD or final schedule of the drug, one will want to monitor toxicity closely in this expansion cohort. One can easily include a Bayesian toxicity monitoring rule based on the posterior distribution of the risk of a DLT. This posterior distribution will include data from the initial dose-escalation part of the study via an informative prior distribution. This prior distribution for the expansion cohort could summarize the information for the MTD as a beta distribution. The two parameters for this prior beta distribution might consider that at most one patient experienced a DLT out of the six patients who received the drug at the MTD. Depending on one's outlook or assessment of the resulting operating characteristics, one might characterize this information about the dose-associated risk of a DLT as Be( a+ 1, b + 5), where the parameters a and b would reflect the a pri.ori (i.e., before starting the dose escalation) belief about the risk of a DLT with this dose. For example, if one considered that a Jeffrey's prior distribution characterized that initial uncertainty, then a = b = 0.5, and the posterior distribution-after dose escalation but before the expansion cohort-for the risk of DLT at the MTD would follow a Be(l.5, 5.5) distribution. The following R code implements a toxicity monitoring rule for the expansion cohort. In the code, ThetaCut □ ff is the upper bound of the DLT risk that the investigators do not want to exceed.• a+ x b.poat • b + (n-x) PostDLTRiakTooHigh • 1 - pbeta(ThataCutOff, if (PoetDLTRiSkTooHigh 0.31Data) = 0.853 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.804 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.883 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.843 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0. 798 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.874 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.836 P(Risk > 0.31Data) = 0.794

The beta posterior distribution in Example 13.1 follows from the investigators considering that a Jeffreys prior distribution for() was reasonable before they treated any patients. One might consider the Jeffreys prior (i.e., Be(0.5,0.5)) to be an unusual choice, since this distribution is U~shaped, placing more probability mass away from the center and near O and 1. One might, instead, think that a more reasonable choice might put less probability near 1, since there would be little reason to consider applying a treatment that is more likely to have near 100% risk of a DLT than to have a 50% risk. Many authors have pointed out the inefficiencyof the 3+3 design. In particular, there is no underlying model guiding dose selection. Thus, decisions are relatively ad

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


hoc, and there is no borrowing information across dose levels. The previous example

illustrates the lack of precision in the estimated risk of DLT at the MTD following the initial dose escalation. With only six patients treated at the MTD, the uncertainty of the risk at this dose, as characterized by a 90% predictive interval based on the Be(l.5, 5.5) posterior distribution, is wide: (0.03, 0.49). A model-based approach could allow the information from all patients treated during dose escalation to inform the posterior distribution and might lead to greater precision. One attempt to improve on the 3+3 design is the continual reassessment method (CRM) of O'Quigley, Pepe, and Fisher [254]. When using the CRM, one first indicates a target risk of DLT (0) for the dose one will call the MTD. Given the way the 3+3 design decides on the MTD, one would imagine that the target risk is between 16.7% and 33.3% (i.e., between 1 in 6 and 1 in 3). Generally, one chooses 25% or 33%. Dose escalation with the CRM is built upon a simple (i.e., single-parameter) sigmoidal model to explain the relationship between dose and the risk of toxicity. In their original paper, O'Quigley et al. considered the function in equation ( with the single parameter a to relate the risk of toxicity at dose di. Other functional forms relating the risk of DLT to the dose of a drug have appeared in the CRM literature. Several authors use equation ( This prior specification is sometimes called a "skeleton," because it is a simple relationship between each dose level (di) and the prior estimate of the risk of toxicity at that dose level (po,d- The parameter in this model is a~ p(a). In cases where one wants to allow using doses intermediate to the pre5pecified dose levels, one will prefer to have a function that depends on dose for interpolation. Goodman, Zahurak, and Piantadosi [150] proposed using a logistic regression model as in equation ( They fixed the intercept parameter bo to simplify the model into a one-parameter logistic regression model. Three of the CRM functions that one often sees are the following: J(d,,a) J(d,,a) J(d,,a)

= {(tanhd, + 1)/2)", = pg_,, = exp(bo +ax d,)/{l + exp(b 0 +ax

{ {13.!b) d,)).


Each of these functions has only one parameter_ a. Use of a one-parameter function mak('s tlw method efficient but probably not flexible enough to characterize the rntire dose-toxicity risk curve. Although this function is unlikely to characterize adC'qnat('l~·thC'dose--toxidty risk curve across all doses, it performs reasonably well owr a ~mall part of the curve. much like a straight line might approximate a small part of a curve. As the algorithm assigns doses closer to the target !\ITO (i.e., the part containing the target toxicity) the model should perform well. A Bayesian application of the model in dose escalation requires a prior distribution. p(a). to characterize the uncertainty about the parameter and, correspondingl.v. the uncertainty of the' dose-toxicity risk curve. Furthermore, we req_11ircthC' paramrtN a to be positive in the CRI\1 equation to maintain the relation~hip of incrC'asing risk with inneasing dose. \Ve reparameterize the CRM

Clinical Trial Design$

equations (} with B = exp(a). For C'Xampl('.equation (13.lh) bt'rnllll':O:. f(di,/3) = p~~t P!~d now requires greater certainty to stop. In effect, then, placing a distribution on this historical probability of efficacy is really just a sort of trick to achieve better frequentist operating characteristics. One could achieve the same operating characteristics by changing the prior for peff, making this prior more diffuse. If, as may be the case, the prior for peff. is based on prior data, then one would have to discount those early data to make the prior more diffuse. In this way, the choice is either to discount the early data, making the prior more uncertain, or to add the extra uncertainty to the benchmark criterion p;~d. Logically, if the operating characteristics suggest greater certainty than one feels is warranted, as when the study seems to stop more often with smaller sample sizes than one feels comfortable, then it seems reasonable to associate the investigator's preference with less prior certainty for the current treatment or change the decision rules, rather than place that uncertainty on a parameter about which the study will shed no light.



of a Design's


Part of determining whether a given study design is appropriate and will satisfy the needs and desires of the study team requires evaluation of the design's performance under different scenarios. In general, one will have to use computer simulations, since many designs do not lend themselves to closed-form analytic solutions. We now discuss the general strategy for simulating designs that incorporate Bayesian calculations for monitoring or final analysis. The discussion focuses on some general principles, since each study will tend to have its own unique needs. The study team and reviewers of the protocol generally want to ensure that the study design will allow for safe and efficient achievement of the study's goals. Does the study stop early and often in case of severe toxicity? Can we be confident that, in the end. the right dose will be the one that gets recommended for subsequent study'? Answers to these and similar questions will be desired by the team and reviC'wt'rsof till' study. By simulating the trial under various settings, one can provide information to answer these qnC'stions. V..'ith a statistical model to characterize the stnd.v data and tllC' monitoring decision rules, it becomes fairly straightforward to simulah' the study multiple times. The sc('Barios undPr which one simulates the study design will represent gcnPrally realistic situations. as well as some extreme conditions. The reason why one indudt>s Pxtrenlf' scenarios is not that tlwy represent likely situations. It is to show that tht' design will act appropriately should these extreme situation arise. In many cas('S, th(' SC('narios will represent a single value for the parameter of

Clinical Trial Designs

interest. such as the risk of dose-limiting toxicity at t>achdosf' lt'wl or t lw chance of an outcome indicating efficacy or no treatment diffsult. evidence in favor of the null against the alternative will in(T('HS(' fastn with a non-local alternatiw· prior distribution than it will with

Clinical Trial Designs


a local alternative density that has support in tlw rl'gion of the null hypotlll'sis. Of course, evidence in favor of the alternative will ama. Trto ID,)= 0.5. One may also wish to let the exponent 'Y change as more patients enter the study. That is, we want greater stability in the randomization probabilities (i.e., less wild variation) early in the trial, when data from relatively few patients are available. As more patients enter the trial and contribute outcome information, we will be willing to allow full adaptive randomization. Thall and Wathen /322/ proposed making the exponent a function of the current and final sample sizes. That is, the exponent will increase as the accrual gets closer to the target sample size. The specific suggestion is that if n patients have entered the trial at time t, the exponent in the random allocation function becomes ;(t, n) = n/2N, where N is the target sample size. Early in the trial, there will be very few patients, and n/2N will be close to zero. As more patients provide outcome data, the exponent approaches 1/2.


Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics

The use of the attenuation factor/ (or some function r(t,n)) is not particularly Bayesian. In effect, this approach is discoW1ting the posterior distribution. For a Bayesian, the posterior distribution summarizes the person's knowledge or uncertainty in light of available information and data. Because the attenuation factor's role is to keep the randomization probabilities from changing too quickly in an attempt to mitigate potential concerns by frequentists, particularly by slowing decision-making to improve frequentist operating characteristics, we call the use of "f a stylized Bayesian design. If the trial is evaluating three or more treatments, then there are two primary ways one may adapt randomization probabilities to favor the better-performing treatments. One approach makes the randomization probabilities a function of the posterior probability that each treatment is the best performer among the treatments under evaluation. The other approach either chooses a fixed threshold value for each treatment to surpass or considers one of the treatments to be the standard that the remaining treatments need to beat. Suppose that the clinical outcome is binary (e.g., response to treatment) and that the probability of response with any new treatment would have to be at least p* to be considered worth further investigation. If the trial is evaluating J treatments, we might make the randomization probability for treatment j

Note that the function ri may include the exponent 'Y as an attenuation factor as discussed earlier in this section. If one of the J treatments is a standard therapy that serves as a control in the study, then one can easily modify the allocation probabilities ri · Let p 1 be the response probability associated with the control therapy. One might set the probability of randomizing a patient to treatment j to

We might set P(p 1 > p, I D,) = 0.5. Yuan et al. [357] pointed out some problems with this randomization function when there is a control treatment among the therapies under evaluation. One problC'mis that the randomization probability for the control treatment arm will never drop lwlow 0.2 no matter how much better the other treatments are performing. Another problem is that the randomization probabilities may be sensitive to which of the trcatnwnts one sets as the control. Consider a trial with three treatments. with th r 2 . even though p 1 = p 2.

Clinical Trial Designs

A related problem occun, when the control treatmC'llt is consickrab\y wors(' than the other treatments. Again, supposC' the trial is C',·a\uati11gthn'f' tn'atm('nts and that we label the control treatment with the number 1. If the probability of response with the control is much lower than it is for thC' two new treatments, then the randomization probabilities for treatments 2 and 3 will he tht> same (or close to the same), even when their respective responsC' probabilitiC's ml' considerably different. For example, suppose the true response probahilitiPs arP p 1 = 0.20, p2 = 0.70, p3 = 0.85 for the control and two nc•w trl'atmt'nts. On average, the randomization probabilities will be r 1 = 0.20. r 1 = 0.40. r:t = 0.--1.0 for the three treatments. Yuan and Yin [358] propose an algorithm that I hey call "moving-average adaptive randomization" to overcome the sensitivity of thC' nmdomization probabilities to the treatment label. Note that basing each treatment's randomization probability on the posterior probability that it is the best avoids the problem of sensitivity to labeling. Although we have illustrated outcome-adaptive randomization with examples based on trials with binary clinical outcomes, the methods lend themselves to clinical outcomes of any data type. For example, if a trial is evaluating treatments for hypertension, one might consider the mean change in blood pressure from baseline as the clinical outcome on which to base treatment allocation probabilities. With three or more treatments, one uses the function

r; oc P(µ; =max(µ,,

... ,/LJ) ID,),

j =I, ... , J,

where µi is the mean change from baseline for treatment j. Similarly, one might consider approximating time-to-eveilt distributions with exponential distributions and use the means or medians as the measure of clinical benefit for comparison and for determining randomization probabilities.


Recap and Readings

There are many variations of study designs for dose escalation with respect to a single outcome and dose finding based on two outcomes. The books by Cheung [71] and Yuan et al. [357] provide a more thorough discussion of dose finding designs than we could in this chapter. Thall and Cook [316] extend the designs in Section 13.2.1 in recognition that different pairs of risks of toxicity and efficacy may be equally desirable. That is, one may be willing to accept a greater risk of serious toxicity in exchange for a greater chance at clinical benefit. One can find a discussion of Bayesian sample size considerations in several papers that appeared in the journal Statistician in 1995. Adcock (1997) reviews frequentist and Bayesian methods for determining sample sizes [2]. A major part of Bayesian analysis concerns making decisions. We have touched on the basic ideas in this chapter. The books by Lindley (1972), DeGroot (2004), and

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Parimigiani and Inoue (2009) give a more thorough presentation of this important topic [225, 91, 256). One can apply decision theory to address concerns other than sample size. For example, Stroud et al. (2001) discuss the design of a study that sought to learn about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an anticancer drug [311]. Patients received the drug in the clinic as a three-hour infusion. The complexity of the drug's pharmacokinetics led to the need to draw blood samples long after the end of the infusion. As a result, patients would have to stay in the hospital overnight, return to the clinic the following day, or remain in the clinic for 24 hours or longer. While the study wanted to estimate a pharmacokinetic parameter with some precision, the investigators did not want to disrupt patients' lives. The utility function sought to balance the goal of precision against a cost related to drawing a blood sample more than 4 hours after the end of the three-hour infusion. A good summary of Bayesian adaptive designs as of 2011 is contained in Berry et al. j41]. A full presentation of adaptive randomization would include discussion of the ethical considerations, in addition to the statistical and logistic issues. The ethical considerations touch on the generally accepted need for clinical equipoise for participation in a randomized clinical trial. One may consider the views of Armitage and Bather, expressed in 1985, to get a sense of some of the early differences of opinion [10, 11, 19, 20] on the matter of adaptively modifying randomization probabilities in light of accruing information in the trial. Hey et al. (2015) argue against adaptively changing randomization probabilities on ethical grounds [163]. Many authors provide counterarguments in the discussion that followed that paper.



13.1. Suppose that you are designing a phase 1 study. You do not know the risk of a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) and propose starting with a U(0, 1) prior for B(l), the risk of a DLT at dose level 1.


(a) What is the predictive probability that the first patient will experience a DLT? (b) Based on the predictive probability of a DLT, does this prior make sense for the lowest dose level? (That is, should one even consider treating a patient with this dose?) (a lat.t•nt hospital variable (or variables). at the next level there would he a lat 0, OR(t)/OR(0)


= eMt,-t,)_

= eB,+~,, = OR(t).

So the ratio of odds ratios, which is used to assess effect modification, takes a different form if t 1 = 0 or not. If ti = 0, it reflects the difference in the treatment effect from time 0, where there is no effect. If t 1 > 0, it reflects the change in effect for the two times. Finally, if both treatments are eventually "effective," one would expect {34 to be negative and OR(t2)/OR(t1) to decrease as t2 increases for all t 1 2: 0. We require priors for /3 = (/31 , /32 , /33 , /34 )' and a"I. We standardized the continuous variable Time, by subtracting its mean and dividing by the standard deviation:


= (Time;

- ave(Time))/sd(Time).

Since Trt is dichotomous, we consider default proper priors /3i .1. N(0, 1), as we did in Chapter 8 in similar situations. We also specified a/ U(O, 10). When analyzing thl' to..H·rntil{'for onr knowledge about the median of 0, say u. For all priors onµ, we will

Hierarchical Models and Longitudinal Dota


specify that there is 95% certainty that median(8) < 11. The four type's of prior will involve different choices of u. This specification leads to \op)t ( 11) = lo~it (80 )+ l .ti-15c, or c = [logit(u) - logit(0 0 )]/1.645. For all types of prior distributions, we also used a U(0,amax) distribution for a 1 . \Ve first select Bmaxto be the largest possible value that we believe 80 _9 muld b(', \.Vethen have logit(0o) + l.28at < logit(Bmax), which lC'adsto C1mnx = [logit(Bnmx)logit(Bo)]/1.28. For a diffuse prior, we selected u = 0.8, which results in c = J.;"1 aml a N(- prior forµ. The induced prior for me k, for k E (0.25,0.28,0.30). For the believer, they are (1.0, 1.0,0.997); for the open-minded prior, they are (1.0,0.996,0.93); for the diffuse prior, they are (L0,0.997,0.94);

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


TABLE 14.6: Prior guess and 95th percentile for median(&); posterior median and 95% probability intervals for med.ian(0), 00 . 1 and Bo.9

Prior Diffuse

Open Believer Skeptic

Prior inference med(0) (95%tile) 0.25 (0.8) 0.25 (0.41) 0.33 (0.36) 0.25 (0.255)

Posterior inference med(0) (95% Pl) 80.1 0.33 (0.29, 0.36) 0.22 0.22 0.33 (0.29, 0.36) 0.27 0.33 (0.31,0.35) 0.258 (0.252, 0.264) 0.251


0.45 0.45 0.39 0.264

and, interestingly, for the skeptic, they are (0.997,0,0). The skeptic's posterior was moved to the right ever so slightly by the data; the posterior interval is (0.252, 0.264). The practical import, however, is nil under this prior, while under all of the other priors, we would say that there is statistical and practical import. This is yet another illustration of how the prior can very much matter. In this instance, it is clear that strong beliefs may need extraordinary amounts of data to overcome them. In the ganzfeld analysis 1 the estimated odds of a hit in a "typical" study (0.33/0.67 ~ 1/2), compared with the odds under chance (0.25/0.75 = 1/3), resulting in an estimated OR of 1.5. So if the "size of the psi effect" were to be measured using this odds ratio, it is comparable to the size of a treatment effect in many clinical studies that led to a change in clinical practice. It remains unclear how one could actually use the psi effect discussed here. The Bayesian analysis that we propose would be interesting, in part 1 because we would be obtaining estimated probabilities of events rather than the more opaque odds ratios.




and Spatial Data Modeling

In Chapter 9 we discussed some traditional methods for analyzing longitudinal data, such as growth curve modeling. In this section we employ and extend the hierarchical modeling techniques discussed in this chapter to handle longitudinal data. Sampling individuals who share a common environment or taking multiple obsC'rrntions on a single unit typically generates dependent observations. Correlation structures discussed in the book so far have involved either a gC'ncral structure, lll('auing that t hcrC' arc no constraints on the covariance matrix for a collection of dC'pendC'ntdata. or they have involved compound symmetry (CS). Here. we extend that structure to accommodate the longitudinal (or spatial) nature of the data. Longitudinal data arisE' when repf'ated measurements are taken on each unit through tim('. For C' a sample of hospitals. we could obtain overall meaSllr(':,; of patil'nt :,;atisfaction and collc>ctthese measurements on several occasions.

Hierarchical Models and Longitudinal


Longitudinal studies are often conducted to asscR'-timl' trends and tlw f 0. We also ran the model with pg The results were virtually identical to those in Table 14.8, with the exception of inferences for p9 , which were 0.26 (-0.47, 0.82). The implication is that there does not appear to be very much information in the data for estimating this correlation. In Exercise 14.20 we ask the reader to explore an alternative model for these data that assumes this correlation is zero.




Latent Effects with Autoregressive


In this section we> expand the basic hierarchical model that we have been using to include latent effects that incorporate an autoregressive correlation structure into tlw basic model. In simple terms. this means that correlations can be larger brtW('('ll ohsC'rvations that are closer in time than for those that are farther apart. \\"0 first g;t'll{'raliz max,;(tni), i = l, ... ,k, are regarded as independent continuous time stochastic processes. Practically speaking, it is only discrete time that matters. The vector Wi is modeled as

W, IO _I_ Nn.(O, E,(Bw)),

i =I, ... ,k,

where Ei(Ow) is, at the moment, a "patterned" covariance matrix that can have many possible forms. We will focus on only one form in this section. Under this assumption, the continuous time process {wi(t) : t E (O,T)} is called a "Gaus-sian process.'' We thus have k independent Gaussian processes for incorporating autoregressive structure into the model for the full data. Here, we only consider the autoregressive form for Ei(Ow), which simply means that correlations are larger for times that are closer together than for times that are farther apart. We make this precise shortly, but right now, we incorporate wi

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


into the model for the data as follows. The generalized version of model (14.21) is (14.24) All that remains is to specify a Gaussian process that gives the Wi an autoregressive structure. We accomplish this structure by specifying a covariance "function" for the processes, {Wi(s) : s E (0, T)}. We use a covariance function from the literature that specifies Cov(W,(t

+ s), W,(t))

= a!Pw(s),

Var(W,(t)) = a!,

Pw(s) =

p:,,, Pw > 0.

While there are other possible choices for Pw(s), this particular one is termed the "exponential covariance function." It follows that

Corr(W,(t), W,(t

+ s)) =

p:,, < Corr(W,(t), W,(t

+ r)))

= p;;,,


> r.

This immediately gives Pt2-til



Pw , ... -, .. l t,(n,-1)-t,2 Pw


where 0w = (a!, Pw)- This is the (autoregressive) correlation structure that we have been seeking. We note that the correlation between pairs of observations in the data will depend on this structure when Wi is included in the model, and it will depend on the latent structure induced by including 'Yi in the model as well. We now consider the actual correlation structure for the Y;:j when there are only random intercepts and Gaussian process terms in the model, namely, Y;:i [ Jo Wij,/3,a 2 ..ILN(xii/3+1 1+wij,a 2), with 1s and ws independent. Then it is easy to obtain

(14.26) We can see that this correlation decreases to a;J(a; +a!+ a 2) as the difference in time, lk - ii, increases. This limit is the same correlation that we had with the compound symmetry model with only latent intercepts in the model. \\"(' also notl(14.24)) has appreciably smaller residuals than the model with only a compound symmetry structure (model (14.19)). Another interesting feature of fitting this model is that predicted values for a future individual at the six specified ages are (10.03. 10.33, 10.58, 10.61. 10.74, 10.94), respectively, indicating a slightly increasing trend over time. Since we saw (Figure 14.2) individual profiles that went down. up, and somewhat flat, the implication is that overall, there was more of a tendency to go up than down. Under the model without autoregressive structure, the prC'dictcs\•:ere (10.56. 10.54. 10.51. 10.63, 10.48, 10.58), respectively, and

Hierarchical Models and Longihldillal Data

we see no discernible pattern. The book's website for Chapter 1-1indud('s data nnd code for this analysis. The files include Ch-14-Interleukin-CSAR in 1ht-ir 1rnmt'S.


Recap and Readings

\Ve have presented many of examples of the use of hierarchical modt•ls, both for normal and binomial models. We have shown how hierarchical mo 1'• > ?,). Compare the results.

EXERCISE14.2. We will reanalyze the rat growth data (Example 14.2). Code and data are on the book's website for Chapter 14 in files with Ch14-rat in their names. (a) Reanalyze the data using independent Ga(0.001,0.001) priors for the precisions but leaving the prior on /3as is. Discuss the effect changing the prior has on posterior inferences. (b) Obtain the induced prior on a 19 . Does this prior seem reasonable from a scientific point of view? Why or why not? (c) Using both priors, obtain inferences for /9,i//29, 1 and 1 2 ,2 /1 4 ,2 . Discuss. EXERCISE 14.3. For the model in expression (14.3) and using the conditionally conjugate prior in expression (14.6), show that the full conditional forµ is normal, for T is gamma, for T"Y is gamma, and for /i is normal, with the /i being a posteriori independent. Completely specify these distributions. Hint: You will need to apply thC'Ompl('te-the-sqnarc formula. Also show and use the fact that Lij(Yii -/i) 2 = L,ij(.IJiJ - ,Qi)2 + L,ini(,i -j)i)2, where iii= LjYij/ni. EXERCISE 14.4. For this exercise. refer to expression (14.3) where an exchangeable model is assumed for analysis-of-variance type data. Argue that ~ = Li ~j/Hi I )i,a 2 N(''li,a 2 /ni)- Also assume that 'Yi I µ.a~ N(µ,a~), and that (a 2 ,tt,a~) arc known. Show that the conditional distribution 'Yi I j)i ~ 2 2 2 N(w11 + (l -w)f1i.a~/(a /ni +ai), where w = (a /ni)/(a /ni) + a~). Thus, argue that th(' I3a~·esianpr('dktion for Ii involves shrinkage away from the sample mean to th(' O\"('rallmean.



Hierarchical Afodels and Longitudinal Data

EXERCISE 14.5. Show that with = {Y;j: = 1. .... = 1. ... · "i }. ). IO..,__ N (µ(8). 1:(8)) with precisely the same mean VC(·) and ¢0 denote the standard normal cdf and pdf, respectively. Then 9o(Y) ex:e-O.S(t1-µo) 2/ui ex:¢([y - µo]/ao), and 91(y) oc e-O.S(v-µL)~/u: oc ¢([y µi]/cr 1). Then P(Y 1 > S0 1 (t)) = P(Y 1 > G0 1(1 - t))


P(Y > 11-0 + cro-(1 -t)) P([Y µi]/cr > [µ µ 1 + cr -(1 - t)]/cr 1- (-a + b-1 (1 - t)) 1












4>(a+b4>- 1 (t))

where a= (µ µ )/a and b = ao/a Exercise 15.15 asks the reader to establish the details that have been skipped in this demonstration. We move on to the AUC. We have AUG= P(Y1 > Yo) = P(Y 1 - Yo > 0). But Y1 - Yo~ N(µ 1 - µo,a? + a5), so 1





AUG= l - 4>(-(µ,


(-a-). v'T+P

- /Lo)) = 4>( /LI - /1-0 ) = 4>




Thus the more separated the two distributions are, the larger the AUC and the better will be the accuracy of diagnosis using the given biomarker.


Diagnosis Based on Continuous


Dichotomizing continuous biomarkers involves a loss of information. Here we discuss an alternative method of diagnosis that uses the actual value of y that is observed.

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Consider Figure 15.4, for example. We see four observed values of a biornarker y and a cutoff k = 65. We continue to think of larger values of y being associated with the disease state and smaller values being associated with the non-disease state. With the given cutoff 65, the individual with the value 64 is classified T-, while the much smaller value, 40, is also classified T-. The value 66 is classified T+, while the much larger value 110 is also classified T+. There is barely a distinction

between 64 and 66, but there is a huge distinction between 40 and 110. Despite the relative nearness of 64 to 66, the use of a cutoff forces classification of individuals with marker values 64 and 66 to be classified the same way they would be if their markers were 40 and 110, respectively. One would expect that P(D+ I y = 110) » P(D+ I y = 66) P(D+ I y = 64) » P(D+ I y = 40). Using the cutoff 65 to decide is quite blunt by comparison with what could be much more nuanced if the actual values were used for diagnosis.



64 6


k=65 FIGURE 15.4: Dichotomizing a continuous biomarker.

The observed data for the classical problem of diagnosis with only two categories involves sampling two distinct populations of interest. The goal is to use the information in the samples to form a diagnostic rule for allocating each new indi-

vidual with unknown population origin to one of the two. This is precisely what we have been talking about with the two categories (with or without the condition). R. A. Fisher tackled this problem decades ago with his development of discriminant analysis. Fisher considered the problem of sampling multivariate observations on individuals from two or more distinct populations. He cleverly devised statistical methodology for using the data to allocate individuals with unknown status to one of the populations. From this point of view, the collected data are called "training data." In light of our previous discussion, a training sample involves the ability to ascertain which individuals are infected and which are not through the use of some form of GS information. \Ve assume the GS case. V,,/ebriefly discuss the no-gold-standard (NGS) case in the recap and readings for this chapter. Observed continuous biomarker data are represented as y = {yij : i = 0, 1; j = 1. ... ,ni}, where the index i = 0 corresponds to the sample of healthy individuals and i = 1 corresponds to infected or diseased individuals. While the Yii can be multivariate, we only consider the univariate case. In the next section we assume biuonnality for the Y1j when it is time to make statistical inferences. Consider the generic parametric model for the biomarker data. Y,,

I D+.0,




Diagnostic Tests

Let 6 = (60,6 1) be the collection of unknown modd parruu-1(1- t). (d) Thus argue that ROC(t) as defined in equation (15.4) is equal to 4>[a+b4>- 1 (t)]. EXERCISE15.8.

Using equation (15.5), do the following:

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


(a) Give a single plot of the ROC curves for which {i) (a= 0.5, b = 1), {ii) (a= 1.5,b = 1), and (iii) (a= 2.5, b = 1). (b) Obtain the AUC for each of these three models (see equation {15.6)). EXERCISE15.9. Establish the result in equation (15.7) that justifies going from line 2 to line 3. You need to explicitly use the conditional independence assumption given there. It does take an appropriate but brief technical argument. EXERCISE15.10. Suppose no= n, = 1, Yo, I µo ~ N(µo, 1), Yi, Iµ,~ N(µ,, 1), Ber(ir') with,,.• a constant. Let Yi I µo,z1 = 0 N(µo, 1) and Yi I and Z1 µ 1 ,z 1 = l N(µ 1 , 1). Assume that (Z1, Yi) is independent of Y conditional on the model parameters. Also let p(µ 0 , µi) ex:k with k a constant.




(a) Determine an analytical formula for P(Z1 = l I Y,Y1) using equation (15.7). (b) From here on, suppose {Yo,= 0, Yu= 2) and ir' = 0.5. Plot P(Z = 1 I Y,Y1) as a function of YI and find the value of YI for which P(Z1 = 1 I y, YI) = 0.95 and the value for which it is 0.05. (c) Simulate predictions from P(Z1 = 1 I Y,Y1) for several values of YI· Compare with analytical values from part (b).

EXERCISE15.11. In the context of Example 15.4, show that the cutoff corresponding to Sp = 0.84 and Se = 0.80 is approximately 146.8. Include details that were left out of the derivation of the cutoff 146.8. EXERCISE15.12. In this exercise we will reanalyze the glucose data in Example 15.4. The data and sample code are available on the book's website for Chapter 15. The file names contain glucose. (a) Analyze the glucose data and try to reproduce all of the inferences presented in Example 15.4. (b) Repeat (a) with N(0, 106) priors on the means and Ga(0.001, 0.001) priors on the precisions. Do results change appreciably? (c) Using untransformed data, and log-transformed data, obtain Q-Q plots for each sample and discuss whether either version appears to be approximately normal and which one appears to be closer to normality. (d) Formulate appropriate priors for the bi-log-normal case and revise your program to obtain results for the ROC and the AUC. Comment. EXEHCISElG.13. Modify your program from Exercise 15.12 to obtain P(Z 1 = 11 y. Y! ). where (Z f, Yi) is the disease status and observed blood glucose outcome for a new patient. Plot these probabilities over a suitable range of values of Y!· \Vhat do you see? EXERCISE15.14. Consider the binormal regression model for GS data (y,x) disrnssed in Section 15.2.4; outcomes in y are biomarkers from diseased and healthy iudividuab, and values in x are the corresponding covariate values. Let (y1 , x 1 , z 1)

Diagnostic Tests

be the biomarker outcome, covariate value. and unknown dis(•;1...;p status for a future individual whose values are independent of the data conditional 011 mmh•I parameters. We have

Derive the formula for the predictive probability P(Z1 = 1 I Xf = x.y,.y). Hint: Recall the result in equation (15.7).

EXERCISE15.15. In this exercise we reanalyze the data in Example 15.5. We haw the data and sample code available on the book's website for Chapter 15 in files in their names. The code is currently set to fit model 2, with glucose-regression the model that does not include a slope coefficient for the effect of age on glucose in the diabetes group. (a) Run the code, and then revise it, to reproduce the results in Table 15.7 for models 1 and 2. (b) Obtain posterior inferences for ROC~ for x E {30, 40, 60, 70}. Plot all four ROC curves on the same plot. Make inferences for the differences ROC30 - ROC10 and ROC 4o - ROC6o• Comment. (c) Modify your program for part (b) to obtain and plot the predictive probabilities, P(Z1 = 1 I Xf = x,y1,Y), as functions ofyf over an appropriate range. Generate four plots, one for each of the values of x specified in part (b). This was defined and discussed in Exercise 15.14 and for the simpler non-regression problem in equation


Appendix Probability

A and Random


This appendix simply lists the definitions and ruk•s for probability and rnndom variables that are used throughout this book. It is not intended to sNvt' ns ,m introduction to these topics, but as a reference for precisely what is mt•1mt wlwn terms appearing here are used in the text. Our intention is to review mnt.cril\l t hc reader may have already studied or inspire the render to study the matcrinl in greater depth in a suitable textbook.



Axioms and Rules

Probability is a number attached to an event. For mathematical precision, we begin with any set n, looking upon its elements as elementary or atomic events.

Event Space. A collection A of subsets of O is called an event space if it satisfies the following: (i) A E A implies A' E A. (ii) Ai, A2, ... E .A implies LJ:, 1 Ai E .A and n:,1 Ai E .A. Elements of an event space are events. When we call something an event, it is taken to be an element of some event space. Probability Space. A probability space is a triple (0, A, P), where A is an event space of 0. and P is a real-valued function with domain A satisfying the following:

(i) P(fl) = !. (ii) P(A) ~ 0 for all A E A. (iii) If A 1 , A 2 , •··EA are mutually exclusive events (i.e., as subsets of n, AinAJ 0 (the empty set) for all if j) then P


(QA;)= t.P(A;)

From here onward, we take all events to be elements in the event space of some probability space. Additive

Law of Probability. P(A u B)

If A and B are two events, then

= P(A)

+ P(B) - P(A n B). 509

Bayesian Thinking in Biostatistics


Independence if

of Two Events. Two events A and B are independent if and only


Independence of Multiple independent if and only if

n B) = P(A)P(B).


Events A1, ... , Ak, k 2: 3, are mutually k

P(A, n A2 n · •• n Ak)

= ITP(A,). i=l

A similar equality holds for any sul:rcollection containing at least two but fewer than k events. Conditional Probability. For two events A and B such that P(A) > 0, the conditional probability of B given A is defined as


= P(B n A) P(A)

This also results in P(B n A) = P(A)P(BIA) if P(A) > 0, and P(B n A) P(B)P(AIB) if P(B) > 0. Note also that if P(A) = 0 or P(B) = 0, then P(BnA) 0 since B n A is contained in A as well as in B. Law of Total Probability. n.1 . Then

Let B 1, ... , Bk be a finite partition of an event space

n. Let

Bayes' Theorem. Let B 1, .. , Bk be a finite partition of an event space be an event in with P(A) > 0. Then




= =

P(AIB,)P(B,) P(AIB,)P(Bi)+···+P(AIBk)P(Bk)'

. i=



k , •••

Note' that for two events A and B, Bayes' theorem tells us that P(B B)P(B)/ P(A).


I A) = P(A I

1A finile partition of the f'vcnt space n consists of B 1 U - • - u Bk = n and B, n Bi = 0, 1 $ i < j $ k In other words. the partition consists of a finite set of subsets of such that their union is all of

n and


non st't or pniuts. it has a probability density function f with the>relationships F(x1, ... ,xk) = 1:r1< • • • /_~~ /(J·1, .... riJd.r1 • • ·d.ri.:,


.. ,x,)=



1, ... x.).

Marginal Distributions. These distributions follow the ddiuitions for bivnrhtt 0 Vi, I;k 0, -1 Po(>.)

x E {0, I. ... }

>.E {O,oo)



f ;;l •.


I "· ~

TABLE B.2: Continuous univariate distributions Notation and parameter domain Be(o,/3)


x E (0,1) Chi-square

o e (O,oo),/3 e (O,oo) x'(v) (= Ga(v/2, 1/2))


XE (0,oo) Inverse chi-square


Invx:.i(v) € {1,2, ...

XE (0,oo) Exponential XE (0,oo) Fisher's F

A E (O,oo) F(v 1 ,v,)

€ (0,oo)

m• ...


2•i 2r(v/2)

€ {1,2, .. }



Normalizing Mean constant

Kernel of density

Family and variable domain Beta







E {1,2, ... }





(v- 2)- ,







("J"_!_~'?c:.,2-4) X






(112/vi)"il x








;!x '










XE (0,oo)

e (0,oo),/3 E (0,oo) Ga(o,A)





E (0, oo), A E (0, oo) /nvGa(o,/3)



z E (O,oo) Log-normal

z E (O,oo)

~ 3







1. 11>4

o e (0, oo), /3E (0, oo) LN(µ,u') µ e ( oo,oo),u 2 E (O,oo)









el'+i 1/2

r ~








2 ~



{! + f(x - µ)'}-(v+l)/2

..,/i/1rr(v/2) T,nr((v+l)/2)








2q2/a) 1'2(1/o:) o:.>.2/o-



{ 1+t{7)


b> 2



"" 11-2•





µ. E ( 00,00),r E (0,oo)



x E (a,b) Weibull

a E ( 00,00),b E (a,oo) Weib(a,,)

XE (0,oo)

"E (0,oo),). E (0,oo)






TABLE B.3: Continuous



Family and variable domain Dirichlet

Notation and parameter domain Dk(o)

Kernel of density

Normalizing constant

(J E Rk, 3 (Ji> 0




rJ:f(o;)/f(o+) I o/o+






Nop(µ,1 /, µERP





T p x p positive definite Norp(A,B), BE RP
