Table of contents : Autonomous outdoor mobile robot navigation the EDEN project....Pages 1-19 Active vision for autonomous systems....Pages 20-49 Sensors for mobile robot navigation....Pages 50-81 Application of odor sensors in mobile robotics....Pages 82-95 Advanced telerobotics....Pages 97-124 Cooperative behavior between autonomous agents....Pages 125-140 Mobile manipulator systems....Pages 141-148 Forestry robotics - why, what and when....Pages 149-162 Robotics for the mining industry....Pages 163-181 HelpMate®, the trackless robotic courier: A perspective on the development of a commercial autonomous mobile robot....Pages 182-210 Intelligent wheelchairs and assistant robots....Pages 211-221 Robots in surgery....Pages 222-234 Legged walking machines....Pages 235-263 Climbing robots....Pages 264-275