127 70 7MB
English Pages 22 Year 1883
Extraordinary and Unrivaled Superiority OF
The Incontrovertible Testimony of the Leading ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, CARPENTERS and USERS throughout the United States, Voluntarily Tendered us in Compliment of their Appreciation.
Liberal Discounts to the Trade.
Showing Construction and Pal'ts of Lock. as in Numbers 100 to 350, inclusive. A. A. TWO LOCKS, (one controlling each sash ) working separately, but in combination, and operated by oue Key, whIch may be withdrawn at pleasure. B. ESCUTCHEON. C. REltIOV A.BLE KEY, operating from the one I.oint the Locks A. A . D. D . BOL'I'S OF LOCKS, with heads so shaped as to avoid the" detent" as given in" STYLE A." Are used where windows are hung with weights, and are designated "STYLE B." E. E. CENTRE ltIARKS on Locks and Escutcheon, given for the convenience and guidance of carpenter. L . LUG ON KEY, which, in conjunction with metal shoulders cast on rear side of escutcheon, is used in holding either bolt" shut off," or out of engagement with strike plate in sash, when this may be desired.
Showing Construction and Parts of Locks as in Numbers 400 to 650, inclusive. A . A. TWO LOCKS (one controlling each sash) working separately, but in combination, and operated by one removable shaft. B. SMALL ESCUTCHEON, with hole in centre through which shaft is p assed, and with counter-sunk space in which head of shaft is pivoted and held. C. SHAFT, operating bolts of locks. D. D. BOLTS OF LOCKS. We have here shown form with flanged head, which gives the" detent" when engaged with strike-plate in sash. THIS FORM OF BOLT is employed only where windows are without weights, prevents accidental throwing of sash, and is designated" S'I'YJ.E A." E. E. CENTRE ltIARKS on Locks and Escutcheons, given for the cOO\' enience and guidance of carpenters. G. LARGE CIRCULAR ESCUTCHEON in which the lever-arm controlling shaft is operated. H. LEVER-ARM, (or yoke) through which shaft is passed. 1. SCREW, with bronze head, forming part oflever-arm, and may be lengthened or shortened to suit a"y thickn ess of inside stop. By turning lip scre,v, either bolt, when withdrawn, may be held sh'llt off; and Locks may be safe ly closed, when ventilating at night, by turning screw-head into slot in centre of circular escutcheon. G. Is a continuolls metal piece (seven inches in length giving four" strikes," or locking points, to each sash t~ be employed when ventilating; and all within a radi'u!; of safety from the admission of the thief's body. H . Is a single, or extra metal strike, used where windows are without weights to bold lower sllsh at points of greater elevation, and upper sash at greater depression . ..... The Bolts, Strikes and Keys of all Locks are made of best Malleable I ron.
Fig. 3. N. B.-Two Locks (A A), one Key (Bl. one Escutcheon (C), two Strikes (G)-and with" Style A ., three additional or extra Strikes (H)-with Screws, constitute" Attwell Sash Lock" for one window. These are packed in separa te paper boxes (1 Dozen in cartoon), with instructions to carpenters ("How to Apply") pasted on top of each box and instructions to user (" How to use ") packed within. '
INTRODUCTORY. The TESTIMONIALS and ENDORSEMENTS herein contained, given in commendation of the "ATT'iELL BURGLAR-PROOF
SASH LOCK and VENTILATOR," are really but a
~mall portion of the vast number which have been volunlarily transmitted
extended publication would be but" cumulative evidence."
and of which the more
They come, as will be seen,from a
class of men, spread abroad over our whole country, competent to speak-educated and skilled in the requirements of windows, and propel' fastenings there/or.
It may be asserted, with certainty, that never
before in tb,e history of BUILDERS' HARDWARE has any IMPROVEMENT attracted the same wide-spread attention, commlj-nded a like amount of complimentary notice and expression, or grown so rapidly into popular fav01' and use.
This can only be accounted for by an appreciation of
what has ALW-,\YS BEEN NEEDED at the hands of ALL SASH LOCKS, and a knowledge of how far all former contrivances, used for a similar purpose, HA VE FALLEN SHORT OF ITS ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Time was when to say "ANYBODY. CAN PUT THEM ON," was
deemed by inventors of Sash Locks a p:;,oud claim-totally unmindful of HOW VALUELESS 'THEY WERE WHEN ON. The GREATEST STRENGTH AND SECURITY OF FASTENING, always of pTime importance, was barely aimed at!
while locking out the thief, was a SANITARY NECESSITY-but its accomplishment never dreamed of!
with the care and laboT of closing and avoiding the
possibility of a failure to lock-was a something only to be hoped for!
TO ALL WINDOWS, and combining within itself, as incident thereto, the poweT to sustain and control sash wher~ weiglts were not applied, 01" cords should give way, was deemed the remotest of all
contingencies! THESE FAILURES WERE INEVITABLE. ThEl trouble had grown out of the FALSE PRINCIPLES from which all devices for locking and controlling sash had taken thei1' direction_ A change in this! Behold! from whom?
Can we marvel at the quantity of encomiulll, and
TESTIMONIALS. I consider the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" superior to all others ,1 have seen, owing to the fact that the sashes can be fixed at any point, allowing ventilation and perfect security_ JOSEPH W. McLAUGHLIN, Architect, 46 Johnston Building, Cincinnati. 1 have examined your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and find it all you represent it to be, and I have no hesitation in indorsing it. SAMUEL HANNAFORD, Architect 18 Bradford Block, Cincinnati. I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and regard it as an excellent thing, simple in construction, convenient, and perfect in its working. A. C. NASH, Architect, 27 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. I consider the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator to be superior to all other Sash Locks hitherto on the market. S. E. DES JARDINS, Architect, . 60 Pike's Bui~ding, Cincinnati· I am pleased to see your Sash Lock on the market, as it fills a long-felt want. I predict a great success for it, as it is the only Sash Lock, and I will give it the preference OTer all present locks. D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Vine, Cincinnati. I have no hesitation in iltating that I think your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator a most.excellent invention; and all that it is represented to be. LUCIAN H. PLYMPTON, Architect, ~. W. Cor. Fourth and Race, Cincinnati .•
I have examined your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and find it superior to all Sash Locks, and I cheerfully recommend it to the public. G. BRINK, Architect, 146 Hopkins 8tr., Cincinnati. I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof SlI8h Lock and Ventilator, and consider it far superior to any Sash Lock I have ever Reen for simplicity, security, &c. I have ordered a supply for my house. , E. H. ASHLEY, Architect, Covington, Kentucky. I consider the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator the best lock I have ever Sjlen. Its construction is simple, and its operation easy and positive, and gives an opportunity to ventilate with perfect safety. I find it the strongest lock made, and recommend it, especially for windows to all sleeping apa.rtments. EDWIN BUDDEMEYER, Architect, Covington, Kentucky. Have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and consider it a first-class lock on general prinCiples, and better than others, from the fact that it locks both the upper and lower sash at any point. ' CHARLES CRAPSElY, Architect, 46 Wiggins Building. Cincinnati.. I hereby certify that I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof SII.~h Lock and Ventilator thoroughly, and in my opinion, it excels all others that have yet been produced or manufactured in its burglar-proof qualities and adjustment for ventilation. Its simpliCity of construction and of application recommend themselves. GEO. W. RAPP, • Architect, Cor. Fifth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati.
I consider your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock lind Ventilator a highly practical invention, and recommend the same to all who wish the comfort of ventilation and safety. Its application is Ilimple. LOUIS PICKET, Architect, 232 Cutter street, Cincinnati.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-=-I am pleased that you have called my attention to your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator." Upon an examination of it, I have found it the most complete aud best invention for its purpose I have ever seen, .and I assure you that I shall specify it at all times. Respectfully, etc., GREG. VIGEAUT, ..Architect. Chicago, May 5, 1884.
I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and consider it the best I have SQeu, both as a Sash Lock and Ventilator, and find it the simplest in construction of the various ones I have seen. I heartily recommend it for the purposes designed. THEO. A. RICHTER, JR., Architect 34 Johnston Building, Cincinnati.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen-I have to-day inspected your "BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and must say it embodies all the requisites for convenience, safety, ventilation, and reliability. 'Yours, etc., J. H. MOORE, Chicago, May 5, 1884. Architect.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-Your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator commends itself. Any ~erson of ordinary ntelligence could not fail to apprecIate its advantages. Truly, &c., S. M. RANDOLPH, Architect. Chicago, May 7, 1884. Attwell lUg. Co. Gents-Fot" my own house I have selected your "Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" in preference to all others. Respectfully, etc., JACOB BLATTARD, B,uilder and Contractor. Chicago, May 7, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents-We have examined the "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and take pleasure in stating that we consider'it the best sash lock ever invented. It is easily and quickly applied, and secures the needed ventilation, while it assures with automatic operation a perfect lock and safety. We shall recommend the same to our patrons, and wish you good success with the trade. Very Respectfully" BAUBR&H1LL, Chicago, May 10, 1884. Architects Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen-The Attwell Sash Lock is the lock of my choice. It is simple, durable, and complete in all its details, has long been needed, and, in my judgment, is superior to all others. ' M. O. WILLIAMS, Chicago, May 7. Carpenter and Contractor. Attwell Mfg. Co. ' Gents-I haTe examined the construction and o}>eration of the "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Yentilator," and do not hesitate in pronouncing it the strongest and most effective I have ever seen. NORMAND S. PATTON, Chicago, May 2, 1~ Architect.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen-Having made examination of your "Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," I will state that it is a most complete and safe appliance for windows, and the simplest and best I have seen, and I shall be glad to specify them. Yours). etc., J. Li. COCHRANE, Architect. Chicago, May 9,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gents - We have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and find it possessed of all the pOints of merit claimed for it. A. & S. WILSON, Pittsbur~h, Pa., July 14. Carpenters and Builders. Attwell Mfg. Co. / Gentlemen-Your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Yentilator works very satisfactory. It is ,the best I have seen. Yours, etc., J. M. BALPH, Allegheny City, Pa., July 14, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen-I have examined the" Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it beyond question the best sash lock I ever saw. I have ordered thirty (30) sets of the Real Bronze for a house I now have under my supervision, and will use them in all buildings under my control. Respectfully, etc., H. C. DIFFENDERFER, Uniontown, Pa., July 19, 1884. Architect and Builder. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents-We carefully examined your Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and consider it by far the best we have ever seen. We cheerfully recommend it to the public, and shall use them in our school house. Respectfully, etc., • SAMUEL CARTER, JOHN HA WKINS, JOHN H. BRYSAN, EWING B. HAIR, Uniontown, Pa., North Union School Board. July 19, 1884.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Dear Sirs-I consider your" Sash Lock and Ventilator " superior to all others. It is simp,le, yet :perfect and complete. It gives safety and ventIlation, IS durable, and reasonable in price. AttweU Mfg. Co. S. E. ROCKWELL, Attwell Sash Lock and Ventilator Chicago, May 2, 1884. Builder. , is Gentlemen,-The the most complete Sash Lock I have eve~ seen, a.nd is far superior to all others. They are easIly apphed Attwell Mfg. Co. to any window, and cannot fail to prove II source of Gents-We consider the "AttweU" Sash Lock by comfort. I take pleasure in recommending them. far the most burglar-proof we ever saw. , H. E. WAGNER, . BURLHERGR & DIETRICH, Lincoln, Neb., July 19, 1884. Architect. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 14, 1884. Architects, Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents -The Attwell Sash Lock and Yentilator is the Mr. Potter Palmer (Of Palmer House). Dear Sir-I think you will be well satisfied with most complete and perfect Sash Lock yet invented. Its simplicity, strength. and adaptability to all ~lasse8 "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," as of windOWS render it far superIOr to all others III the it will answer your purpose better than any other. market. and really without a rival. • Yours truly, J. D. ALLE~, SILSBEE, Marshalltown, Iowa, July I, 1884. Architect. Architect Chicago, May 7; 1884.
Attwell Mig. Co. Gentlemen,-I have exa.mined your Burglar-Proof and Ventilating Sash Lock, and I think it will meet a great and long felt want in sash fastenings, and shall in future use it in all cases when safety and ventilation is required. ~espectfully, etc., SIDNEY SMITH, Omaha, Neb. July 10,1884. Architect.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents -We have examined the" Attwell BurglarProof SMh Lock and Ventilator, and are compelled to 'say that it is the best, as ,vell as simplest find most reliable lock that we have ever m(.t with in our business, and can faithfully recommend them to anyone wanting a sash lock. MASSI LON CONTRACTING & BUILDING CO. Massilon, 0., June ~, 1884.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Having made athorough examination of the "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," I am free to say I am greatly pleased with it, and shall be certain. to specify it until a better one is produced -which does not seem possible. Respectfully, etc., W. A. HAWLEY, Marshalltown, Iowa, July I, 1884. Architect.
Attwell Mfg. Co.' Gents,-I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator. and consider it the best I evcr saw. I would recommend it to the trade and user. LEWIS W. GISER, Contractor aud Builder. Massilon, 0., June 5, 1884.
Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gents,-Out of all Sash Locks of which I have knowledge, I have selected your Sash Lock for my residence. They are "a thing of life and joy forever." Truly yours, L. MENDELSSOHN, Omaha, Nebraska, July 9, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen.-I consider the "Attwell Sash Lock" the best in the market, both in point of strength and general efficiency. It supplies a long felt want. Truly yours, GEO. L. FISHER, Omaha, Nebraska, .Tuly 9,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I hereby certify that the" Attwell Sash Lock and Ventilator" is the first of its kind, and I would recommend it to do the work perfectly for which it is made. JOHN E. HENSELER, Builder Peoria, Ill., May 26, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and find it the most perfect I ever saw, and would recommend it to the trade and consumer. It is simple, durable, easily applied, and easily operated, and no window should be without them. I shall use them on my own house and in my business. Yours. etc., JOHN E. DODDRIDGE, Contractor and Builder Massilon, 0., June 5,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents.-I have examined your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and do not hesitate in saying it is the best I have ever seeu. It is easy to use, easily applied l and simple iu construction. It can not fail to meet With success. Yours, etc., Mt. Vernon, 0., W. A. BOINDS, June 2, 1884. Carpenter an~ Builder.
AttweU Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have carefully examined your Sash Lock and pronounce it the very best I have ever seen. I shall use it altogether in my work. . • Yours, etc., A. SHOOG, orth Springfield, Mo., Contractor and Builder. May 16, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Geritlemen,-I have examined the Sash Lock manufactured by you. and consider it the best I have ever seen, and 'y·ill use the same in my building. Respectfully, etc., C. H. ELLIOTT, Sedalia, Mo., May 10,1884. Contractor and,Builder. Attwell Mfg. Co. Dear Sirs,-I have examined the" Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it one of the best and most perfect devices for locking and controlling sash I have ever seen. I cheerfully recommend its use to the public. . CHARLES W. THOMAS, Springfield, Mo., May 16, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We have made thorough examination of your Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and most cheerfully recommend its use. Yours etc., LYNCH.& MASTERS, Architects. Sedalia, Mo., May 10, 1884. Attwell Mig. Co .. Gents,-We have examined your Burglar'Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and pronounce it the best device for the purposes for which it is designed, we have ever seen, and make no exception. . Respectfully, etc., A. ROSS & CO, Carthage, Mo., Contractors and Builders. May 20, 1884. \ AttweJl Mfg. Co. Gents,-Sash Locks received all O. K. Put some on to-day, and am charmed with them. Yours, etc., J. Q. PARK. Lansing, Mich., May 14, 1884.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-After a most careful examination of your Burglar-Proof SaRh Lock and Ventilator, I will say that it is the best device of the kind I have ever seen, and I shall use it as much as possible. North Springfield, Mo., A. P. WRIGHT, May 16, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Yollr Locks fill a want that has been evident to all. YOllrs, etc., FRED C. MILLER, Lowell, Mass., Architllct and Builder. April 7, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Please sllnd me sample of your BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator, as it is something I have long been looking for. ltespectfully, etc., ,P. DEDERICHS, JR., Detroit, Mich., April 4, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-Some weeks since I sent to Cincinnati, Ohio, for a sample lot of the "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilators." I received them, and at once put them on ; and after a thorough test, pronounce them the best and safest to lock and ventilate I have ever seen or heard of. During the past year I have used three different styles of Sash Locks recommended "as the best" by dealers, in my efforts to get something satisfactory. All of them fell short of perfection, and were wholly inferior to the "Attwel~" I most cheerfully give this testimonial, as the use of your lock has proven a source of pleasure and safety to me and mine. Yours, Respectfully, WILLIAM S. BELL. Zanesville; Ohio, July 3, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents.-I have examined your Sash Lock and consider it a perfect Lock, and cheerfully recommend it to users and the trade, believing it will do all that is claimed for'it. Respectfully, etc., CHAS. P. HAMILTON, Wheeling, W. Va., July 6,1884. ' Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co Gents,-We have examined the "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it the best and most complete Lock on the market., It is the most convenient, automatic in its action, :perfectly secure, and easily applied. Respectfully, etc., • W. L. WELLS. HESS & WALLACE. . W. S. TOMPSON, Carpenters and Builders. Wheeling, W. Va., July 5, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined your Sash Lock, and believe it to be the most complete Lock in use. ~ J; I,. McMICKEN, Wheeling, ~. Va., July 5, 1884. Builder.
Attwell Mfg. Co. GentIemen,-We have made thorough examination of your ",Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and we have no hesitation in saying it possesses many excellent pOints not found in other devices for the same purpose, apd, upon the whole, is superior to any Sash Lock now' upon the market. Respectfully, etc., J. F. & C. B. COOK, Architects. Chillicothe, OhiO, July 1, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-The Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator is the best I have ever seen, and would recommend it to those wanting a perfect window fastening. Yours, J. W. GAITS, Coutractor and Builder. Zanesville, Ohio, July 3, 1884. Athrell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined the "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and think it the very best I have ever seen. It is easily applied. Respectfully, A. R. SWIFT, Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I consider the Attwell Sash Lock the best ever invented for its. purpose. and intend to use no other. . Yours, etc., J. W. MILNE, Carpenter. Cleveland, Ohio, June 9, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the "Attwell Sash Lock," and consider it the best I have ever seen. 1 will use it and recommend it for all buildings I may crect, and all other buildings comiug under my supervision. W. B. WRIGHT, Supdt. of Buildings Board of Education. Cleveland, OhiO, June 10, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. ' ,Gents,-I have carefully examined the BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and in my judgment think it a most valuable appliance. .1 have just ordered a sup,ply for my new house just building, and shall speCIfy them for buildings under my charge. F.O. WEARY. Architect. Akron, Ohio, June 8,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,- I think the-!' Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" is the best I ever saw, and would recommend the same as a good and safe sash fastening. O. GRAY. Cleveland, Ohio, Con tractor and Builder. June 10,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I wish to eXl?ress my satisfactIOn with your Sash Lock. It is all it IS represented, and is a .. gem" in ij;s way. Respectfully, etc., W. C. IRELAND, Ashland, Ky., June 16, 1884. User.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We have examined the "AttweU BurglarProof Sash Lock, and Ventilator," and do not hesitate to' declare it the best we ever saw, and cheerfully recommend it to the public. . Uniontown, Pa., IRWIN & ~UTTER, July 19, 1884. Builders and Planing Mills Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have carefully examined 'your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it the best Sash Lock that has ever came under my observation. I most cheerfully recommend it to the trade and user. Yours, etc., L. P. ELDRIDctE, Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen -I have thoroughly examined the construction and operation of the "Attwell Burglar-l'roof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and I consider it far better than any I have ,ever seen. It is really perfect. 'l'ruly, etc., Uniontown, Pa., A. B. BRYSEN, July 18, 1884. Carpenter Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-This is to certify that I have examined the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and believe it to more fullY' meet the requirements for windows than anything of the kind in the market. Truly, etc., Pittsburg, Pa. JAMES T. STEIN, July .12, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfa. Co. .Gents,-Having examined the "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," I am pleased to state that I consider it the best in the market in view of the combination of desirable uses for which it may be employec:1. J. K. BAILEY Pittsburg, Pa., July 14,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg_ Co. . 1 Gen 1s,-1 have examined the "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" and consider it in all respects the superior of any I have ever seen. I shall be pleased to use them_ . Wnr. M. GROAT Allegheny City, Pa., July 14, 1884. Carpenter. Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gents,- I consider your Attwell Bluglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator the best in the world. J. C. WYKOFF, Keokuk, Iowa, JUlle 4th, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We do heartily recommend the "Attwell Burglar-Proof SMh Lock and Ventilator," to the Building Trade generally as the very best Lock it has been our fortune to examine. Truly, etc., East Liverpool, Ohio; W. L. SMITH, July \'I, 1884. A. FRITZ, Planing Mills and Contractors.
Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gentlemen,-I have examined your .. Bur~lnr-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator." I find it supenor to all others I have seen, and I shall use them in the new St. Clair Hotel"-'Considering them the best in the market. Yours, etc., Pittsburg, Pa., A. & S. WILSON, July 12, 1884. Carpenters and Builders. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen, - We have examined your "BurglarProof Sash Leick and Venti1ator/' and consider it the best Lock we have ever seen. Giving ventilation and locking with safety at the same time, locking automatically, etc., are pOints of great merit, and possessed by'no other sash lock. Its application is simple and easy, and we would cheerfully recommend it to the Builders and the Trade.. Yours, etc., GRANT & ANDERSON, ALEX. B. CATHAi\{, ED. BENNETT, B. M. ALLISON, AMOS C. WEIR, D. & C. DAVIDSON, E. O. WHETTER, . Wellsville, OhiO, J. F. LOWRY, GEORGE }'. MURDOCK, July 9, 1884. Carpenters and Builders. Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gentlemen,-We have examined the "AttweH Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it a most effiCient and perfect lock, and would recom· mend it to the builders and the trade. Yours, etc., TERRELL & MORRIS, Columbus, '0., Contractors and Builders. June 17, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Some time ago I received..a sample of your U Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and 8.fter · 0. thorough examination of the same, I became convinced it was a device which fills a long-felt want. I have already used it in a dwelling just completed, and believe it will prove all that is claimed for it. F. B. HAMILTON. Yours, etc., Kansas City, Mo., June 13, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and ·find it perfect in its construction and manner of working, and will cheerfully recommend them to those needing sash locks, and shall, myself, specify these locks in the future whenever opportunity will permit. . , Truly, etc , C. T. STRUCK, Minneapolis, Minn., July 17,1884. Archjtect. Attwell Mfg. Co. , Gents,-After a thorough examination ·of . your U Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" I have concluded it fills the bill of a perfect sash lock. You can ventilate, and securelY lock the lower·or upper sash, or both. Truly, etc., GEORGE W. LIBBY, Minneapolis, Minn., Contractor and Builder. July 18. 1884.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-After a careful examination of your Sash Locks, I consider them a most valuable invention and designed to fill a long·felt want in this line. Truly, etc., WARREN H. HAYES, . Minneapolis, Minn., July 17,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We have examined your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and 'shall recommend its use, believing it to be the best invention yet produced for the purpose. Very respectfully, etc., ' Minneapolis, Minn., DUNNELL & ELLIOTT, July, 18, 1884. Architects Attwell Mfg. Co. . . Gentlemen,-I would be pleased if you would send me a sample of your" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," as it is a lock I would like to use. It answers the purpose better than anything we now have. Very truly, etc., Albany, N. Y., CHAS. S. EDGERTON, April 9, 1884. Architect. AttweJl Mfg. Co. Gents,-I saw your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator and liked its appearance very much. I think it the best lock I have yet seen, and would like to have circulars, prices etc., as we use a great many. Yours etc., A. LEISURE & SON, Frankfort, Indiana, Contractors and 13uilders. May 12, 1884. AttweU Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-Herewith find draft on First National Bank, New York, for $37 49 in payment of invoice April 22d. We are pleased with your Sash Lock, and anticipate a large sale in them. We sent circulars to all of our builders, and without an exception they pronounce it the very best they ever saw. Please acknowledge receipt. Yours, etc., La Fayette, Ind., HOWE & SHIPLEY, May 9,1884. General Hardware, Attwell Mfg. Co. . • Gents,-I take pleasure in endorsing fully all that you claim for your Burglar-Proof Sailh Lock and Ventilator, and C'Onsider it a great acquisition to the builders'trade. You will certainly have a large demand and sale for them. I am so, well satisfied with it that I shall specify no other in the future. . I am very truly, etc., Zanesville, 0., HENRY C. LINDSAY, April 24, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-To whom it may ooncern, we would say that after a most careful examination of your "Attwe11 Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" we are most willing to declare it the only perfect Sash Lock yet invented, and with confidence recommend it to Builders Users and the Trade. W. J. WATTERSON, Cleveland, Ohio , J . T. WATTERSON, June 10, 1884. Builders and Contractors.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I am much pleased with your invention, and would be glad if you would send me a samfie Lock. I have two or three buildings upon which will use them. I am satisfied they are the best for the purposes for which they are intended of any in the market"; indeed, there is no other Sash Lock that I know of. Very truly, etc. Elmira, New York, E. B. GREGORY, Architect. A pril12, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and am free to say that it . is the best Sash Lock I have ever seen, inasmuch as it is the strongest, safest, most convenient, and the only one that is automatic at all points of locking. I gladly recommend it to all. Yours, etc., . J. M. SMITH, Cleveland, Ohio, June 10, 1884. Al\chitect, Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-We have examined your "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" and think it answers its purpose well. CADELL & RICHARDSON, Cleveland, Ohio, June 8, 1884. Architects. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents, - We think your Sash Lock II. good thing. Please send sample and oblige, Yours, etc., ALLEN & KEXW A Y, Boston Mass., Architects. April 9, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co., ' Gents,-·I have made a most careful examination of the .. Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and most cheerfully recommend it as being the only perfect Sash Lock that has come under my observation. Clcveland, Ohio, F. C. BATE, June 11, 1884. Architect il.lld Superintendent. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Please ship me, without delay, by next express, the above order for your Sash ~ocks. I bought of you a bill when in your city in the spring, you will recollect. I need not say I am perfectly delighted with them, and so is everybody who observes them or to whom I show them. Truly, etc., G. M. DAVIS. Macon, Ga., June 17,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-Of all the Sash Locks that have come under my observation during the sixteen years I have been engaged in my prQfession, the "Attwell Sash Lock" is by far the best. It is the onlJ Burglar·Proof ' Sash Lock and Ventilator, I have ever seen. Yours etc. , 'E. HENRI KELLEY, Architect and Principal of Buffalo Academy of Design. Buffalo, N. Y., June H, 1884.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined your "Sash Lock and Ventilator" most thorougnly. Of all the many hundreds of various forms of Sash Locks I havc seen, this is beyond all doubt the best and most complete. It is simple, easy to apply. and no house should in my judgment be without them. Yours, etc" Cleveland, Ohio, ,J. W. KNAPP, June 10, 1884, Carpenter and Builder. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen.-I have examined your "Attwell Burglar-Proof Sa..h Lock and Ventilator." and consider it a good one. I will use it, Yours, etc,. C. H. GRIESE. Cleveland. Ohio. June 11. 1384.. Architect. Attwell Mfg, Co. Gents •....!Of all the different Sash Locks we have become acquainted with in, the .sp,!-ce of the for~y years' experience we have had m BUlldmg and Archltecture. we consider the Attwell Sash Lock the most perfect of all on account of its Simplicity. great strength of fasten:ing, and perfection of its working parts. It is 'undoubtedly the only Burglar-Proof Sasli Lock and Ventilator in the market. and we. therefore. most sincerely recommend it to all who have use for Sash Locks. Yours truly. etc .• Batavia. New York. HOMELIUS & SON. June 13. 1884. Architects and Builders. AttwellMfg. Co. Gents.-I consider your Sash Lock the best in the market. C. M. ROMEYN. New Yor'k. June 14.1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen. - Several sets of your .1 Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilators" have been placed on the new building erected on the north side of 58th st.• west of 8th avenue. for the Citizens' Bicycle Club of New York. The neatness gf the arrangement. and the perfect security thereof. even where windows are left partially open. have given universal satisfaction. I sincerely hope. and believe. this Sash Lock will become world-wide in its appreCiation. , GEORGE MARTIN HUSSE. Architect. New York. June 14.1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. ' Gentlemen.-I have in my office one of your Sash Locks. and I think it the most complete, one I have ever seen. ' In fact. it is the only one that can be used on windows without weight, and fasten the sash securely when the same is partly open. It is far ahead of the old meeting-rail Lock, and costs no more than any other good Sash Lock now on the market. I have a house now in p,rocess of erection for which I have called for the 'Attwell Sash Lock" in my speCifications. I have no doubt of its giving perfect satisfaction. and I shall continue to call for it. Yours. etc., Chatham, N. Y., GEO. W. BOWER, June 13, 1884, Architect.
AttweU Mfg, Co. Gentlemen,-I consider the . Attwell Sash Lock a complete and simple device for sec'i'ring windows It"'ainst intruders as well as a check agamst car-eless occupants. I am well pleased with it, and shall use it. , Yours truly, etc., FRED H. GOUq,E, Utica, N. Y., June 12, 1884. Archltect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined the Attwell Sash Lock, and I pronounce it the best I ever saw. The prinCiple is new, and'the operation of the locks cannot be excelled., GEO. H. KYLE, Memphis, Tenn., April 20, 1884. Architect. ' Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have' examined, and have used with satisfaction your Sash Lock. and can conSCientiously recommend them to the public. They are the simplest, strongest. most durable, perfectly automatic, and in fact I may say they are the only sash lock now in the market. As they render the house burglar-proof. and at the same time secure perfect ventilation, no house owner should be without them. I most cheerfully recommend them. Very truly, etc.• Topeka, Kansas, H. M. HADLEY. June 12, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-Having closely inspected the many points of advantage and merit possessed by the 'J Attwell Sash Lock," I most heartily approve it, and shall particularly specify it, as the only complete lock, in the future. Respectfully, etc., Emporia, Kansas. C. W. SQUIRES. June 10, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents.-Am satisfied your Sash Lock will fill the long-felt demand. Yours. etc .• WILLIS A. RITCHIE, Lima, 0 .• April 11, 1874. Architect. ,Attwell Mfg. (10. Gents.-I am, most favorably impressed with your Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator. and would be glad if you would send a sample to my address. Yours. etc .• D. P. CLA,RK. West Bay, Mich., April 17. 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents.-We have shown your Sash Lock to several carpenters and builders, and they think it the .best lock they ever saw. You can expect an order from us in a few days. Yours, etc., Huntington. Ind.. HEWITT & ELL1S. May 23. 1884. Dealers. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We are greatly pleased with the Attwell Burglar-Proo! Sash Lock and Ventilator, and shall make use of. same in our work. Our Mr. Kenwav is building a house for himself and proposes using your lock thereon. Truly, etc .• ALLEN & KENWAY. Architects. Boston. Mass., May 3. 1884.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gentle~en,-Enc~osed you will please find check for amount In full of bill. I am delighted with your lock b?-t what hurts me is that I have in stock, of the various km!is of old style, several hundred doUars worth, whlCp. the advent of the" AttweU" has killed too dead to skm. Yours verv truly Madisonville, Ky., . 'D. BOURLAND, April *3,1884. Hardware Dealer Attwell Mfg. Co. • Gentlemen,-I am very much pleased with the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" and shall make use of same in my work. I think'it the best sash lock made. New York, THOMAS CORRIGAN, June 11, 1884. Architect and Builder. AttweU Mfg ..Co. Gents,-I think very favorably of your Sash Lock and Ventilator, and shall specify them. . Yours, et.c., O. S. "rEALE, New York, June 5,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg."Co. . ' Gents,-I have ordered 3 dozen of your Real Bronze Locks for Mr. ' Blockosel's new house. It is the best sash lock I have ever seen by far. Yours, etc., A. REISENGER, York, Plio., July 29, 1884. Contractor and Builder.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-The Attwell Burglar·Pr(6)f Sash Lock and. Ventilator is the best I ever saw and we cbeerfully recommend them to the public, and shall use them ourselves. Yours, etc., URBAN & BURGER, Lancaster Planing Mills, Contractors and Builders. Lancaster, Plio., July 25, 1884. Attwell Mrg. Co. . Gentlemen,-l have examined your Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and consider it the very best I ever saw. I most cheerfully rcommend it tq the public, and in future will use it, and no other. Yours, etc., J. M. BUCHMAN, Lancaster, Plio., Contractor and Builder. July 25, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the Attwell Sash Lock and consider it an excellent inveution, being sup~rior to anything of its kind that has hitherto come under my observation. Respectfully, etc., Lancaster, Plio., C. EMLIN URBAN, July 25, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I am.n receipt of your letter, etc. In my judgment I think the AttlVell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator is just what has been wanted long ~g? I think there will be no trouble in introducing It m houses here. At any rate, I will embrace it in my AttweU 1dfg. Co. specifications. Respectfully, etc., Dear Sirs,-I have examined your Sash .Lock and J. GER~DnLLER, think it the best one ill the market, I shall use a great Washington, D. C. April 7, 1884. Architect. many of them. N. WEIGLE, Sash and Door Factory, Contractor and Builder. At~ell Mfg. Co. ' . York, Plio., July 28, 1884. Gentlemen,-It gives me great pleasure to see that in your" Burglar-Proal Sash Lock and Ventilator" the AttweU Mfg. Co. problem of a perfect and sufficient Sash Lock has at Gentlemen,-I have examined the Attwell Sash Lock, and a long-felt public want met. and find it much the most satisfactory lock in the mar- last been solved, Respectfully, etc., ket. I shall use them. . JACOB SEACRIST, La. Salle, Ill., F. L. SCHUELER, Sash and Door Factory and Builder. April 6, 1884. • Architect. York, Plio., July 28,1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. AttweU Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined your Burglar-Proof Gents,-So far as our judgment goes, we think your Lock and Ventilator" and find tha.t I can recomLock a most admirable one, and believe it should be , SlI.Sh mend them above any Lock I have ever met; and while introduced in this section. the cost of Lock and its application is a little above Respectfully, etc., E. N. SlIIITH, common Sash Locks, its perfect security and ventilating Columbia, Plio., . Planing Mill and Builder. powers make it cheaper in the end than those of less July 28, 1884. first-cost. I will say for your Lock that it gives every power which might be desired in connection with the Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I only received tbe Locks on the 14th control of sa.~h, combined with handsome finish and inst., I am selling them, and they are giving great satis- neatness of appearance. Truly, etc., L. H. !licCONIB, faction. Truly etc., Sidney,' Ohio; May 17, 1884. Architect. Knoxville, Tenn., J. A. COOLEY, July 29,1884. Dealer. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-l have carefully examined your Sash Lock, Attwell Mfg. Co. and think it is the best article for the purpose I have Gentlemen,~1 am erecting here several buildings, including a ho1jel of 150 rooms. I write for a sample of ever seen. It is far ahead of any Sash Lock, aud, as your •. Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," you say, is ., Superlatively the best." Yours respectfully, prices, etc., as I desire to use them. F. W. HUMBLE, Yours, etc., GEO. E. KING & CO., Buffalo, N. Y, JU11e 26, 1884. Architect. Leadville, Col., April 2, 188!. Architects.
j; Attwell :Mfg. C o . ' Gents,-I d~m your Sash Lock a valuable addition to the security of all houses, and particularly economical where Sash are not weighted. The principle is truly perfect. Resp'y yours, FRANKLIN H. JAMES, Albany, N. Y., June 23, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I am so delighted with your immense improvement in Sash fastening. I have just specified same for large house about to be built under my supervision. Please send me sample for my office and oblige. Yours, etc., F. W. COOPER, • Architect. Pueblo, Ohio, April 15, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined Y0tjr Sash Lock and am pleased with the same. A sample would be just the thing to have in my office for the benefit of my clients. Yours, etc., GEO. K. PARSELL, New Brunswick, N. J., Architect. April 26, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Have shown your Sash Lock to a number of persons and all agree in pronouncing it a grand Lock. I will call for it in my specifications. YOUtS truly, etc., Chatham, N: Y., GEO. W. BOWER April 26, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined your Burglar-Proof S!lSh :bock and Ventilator, and must say it is the Sl~plest and most ingeni?us d!lv;ice for Locking. a wmdow, and at the same tlme glvmg perfect ventilation, that I have ever seen, and I would recommend it to Builders as being just the thing. Enclosed you will please find order which I trust you will speedily fill, as I desire to use them in my new building. I shall .recommend them to all. Yours, etc., Urbana, Ohio, E. BEMIS, Architect and Builder. May 14, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examiued your Lock and must say you have a Sash Lock better than anything I know of m the market. I have three houses in which I shall use them. Please send me sample for office. Yours t.ruly, etc., GEO. PASS, Maukato, ~nnn., April 17, ~884. Arohitect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the" Attwell Locks" and think they are a splendid thinr;. I will use them on my own houses (ten in number.) JOHN H. GARRETTSON, Baltimore, Md., July 21,1884. Builder. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-We have examined the" Attwell Sash Lock," and consider it the best on the market, and recommend it to the people. Baltimore, Md., B. CLARK & SONS, August I, 1884. Contractors and Bnilders.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I consider the" Attwell Sash Lock and Ventilator" superior to anything I have ever seen in the sash lock way, owing to the fact that the sashes can be fixed at any pOint, allowing ventilation, and always assuring perfect security. Truly, etc., J. C. DAYHOFF, Hagerstown~ Md., July 22, 1884. Builder. • Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We have examined the" Attwell Sash Lock,' and certainly recommend it as the best we eyer saw, and think no window should be without them. Truly, etc., JOHN R. ALLEN, WILLIAM J. RAWER, Carpenters. Cumberland, Md., July 21, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and believe It to be the best arrangement of the kind I have ever seen. I recommend it to any person wanting an efficient sash lock, !l"iving the power to admit the air when desired. Truly, etc., F. KEAGEY, Chambersburg, Pa., Carpenter and Builder. July 22, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I am using your lock and am delighted with it. It will surely win the day. To let the people see it will be all the introduction needed. Very truly, etc., C. H. DUTCHER. Faculty State Normal School. Warrensburg, Mo., June 13, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have exa.mined your "Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventila.tor," and pronounce it a very secure and J.lerfect sash lock, and toe only lock I have ever seen wlth which you can securely fasten the sash and at the same time get a perfect ventilation. I will use it, and will recommend it to the builders and users. It is the best in the market. Very truly, etc., I. J. WHITLOCK, Piqua, 0., May 15,1884. Architect and Builder. . Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I am happy .0 sav I have not only examined, but tested your" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and am satisfied it is the best sash lock ever made. I will use it on all buildings which I may hereafter put up. Respectfully, etc., CHAS. D. MEYER, Architect. Louisville, Ky., June 25, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Genm,-Your favor of the 11th inst. received, aud in reply would say, I think most favorably of the" Attwell Sash Lock," so much, so that I- have specified th!)m in my specifications this sprIng for three large dwellings, and shall continue to do so. I have tried and looked over.a great many fasteners, but find none to meet the requirements as this lock does. Wishing you success, I am truly, etc., Eo B. GREGORY, Elmira, N. Y., June 14, 1884. Architect.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. GelltiJ,-Having examined your" Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilatoi' " I can Safely say it is the best. lock of the kind 1 have ever seen and I shall not hesitate to use it on- all buildings being erected under my supervision. I .R~spectfully, etc., ' CHARLES J . CLARK, LOUlsville, Ky., June 24,1884. Arohitect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We have carefully examined the" Attwell Sash Lock," and ~hink its merits are certainly equal if not superior to any look in the market. As a BurglarProof Sash Lock, particularly, it will recommend itself to the profession and public generally. MERGILL & WEHLE, Louisville, Ky., June 25, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,":"I am most willing to certify that I have used the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ven-, tilator, " and take pleasure in recommending it. The "Attwell" has given satisfaction in every instance. Yours, etc., W. Q. WILSON, Louisville, Ky., June 25,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. . . Gents,-After a careful examination, I do not hesitate to recommend the" Attwell Burglar·Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" as the best sash lock ever offered for use, and the only lock which gives security With· the top or bottom sash left open for ventilation. . A. WALTERS, Architeet. Louisville, Ky., June 24,1884. A ttwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-After examining your Sash Lock, I can but approve it, and feel satisfied it will · fill a long needed want in affording ventilation and security at same time. Respectfully, etc. , D. K. MURPHY, Louisville, Ky., June 24,1884. . Architect. AttwellllIfg. Co. , Gents,-I have examined your" Burglar·Proof Sask Lock," and find it is possessed of advantages over any other sash lock of which I have any knowledge. I cheerfully recommend it. Respectfully, etc., W. W. RED IN, Louisville, Ky., June 24,1884. Architect. Attwellll[fg. Co. Gentlemen,-The undersigned, having closely ex· amined your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventila· tor " thinks it the best sash lock in the market, and is pleased to recommend it. Yours, etc., H. STRUBY, Louisville, Ky ., June 23, 1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I am using yonr Sash Locks on aU my best work, and will introduce it wherever I can. My patrons all prefer it. Yours very truly, C. A. STEVENS, Eufaula., Ala., May 8, 1884. Architect.
Attwcll Mfg. Co. Gents,-I shall specify the Attwell Sash Lock. It is an excellent thing. Yours, etc., FRED. A. HALE, Denver, Col., July 21, 1B84. Archit~ct. Attwell Mfg. Co . Gents,-I have examined the Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and am very mnch pleased with it. I consider it the only perfect article of the kind I have ever seen. Yours, etc., E. E. RICE, Tabor, Col., July 22, 1B84. Carpenter. Attwell Mfg. Co. . Gents,-I have examined your" Burglar·Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and do not hesitate ill saying it is the 'best I have cver seen, and do cheerfully recom· mend its use. Yours; etc., WM. ZERN, Denver, Col., July 22, 1884. Contractor and Builder. Attwell'Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined your Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator, and I take pleasnre in sayillg it is the best I have ever seen. I will certainly specify them. . F . E. EDBROOK, Denver, Col., July 21,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-I have examined your" Burglar·Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator." I find it superior to all others I haye seen, and I shall use them in the new ~t . Clair Hotel, considering them the best in the market. Yours, etc., J. B. LEACH, Pittsburg, Pa., July 12,1884. Architect. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the" Attwell Burglar.Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider it to be far ahead of anything of the kind yet seen, and possesses many valuable features and requirements not shown by any other sash lock, and I cbeerfully recommend its adoption. and use. Respectfull~, etc., . JNO. W. ROBERTS, Denver, Col., July 20,1884. Architect. AttweU Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have examined the" Attwell Sash Lock," and -believe it to be superior to anything of the kind ever presented to the public. I shall use them in the future in preference to any other sash lockol Very respectfully, etc., CHAS. W. ROCKFELLER, Baltimore, Md., July 30, 1884. Builder. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-We have examined the Attwell Sash Lock and 8ll.y it is the best we ever saw and recommend it to the public. N. HILDEBRAN, JOHN KEATZ J. A. HEEARD, W. S. HULEMODE, MARTIN HILLER BARTINE, Baltimore, ;\Id., Builders and Carpenters. July 30, 1884.
AttwellllHg. Co. ' Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-We take pleasure in saying the Attwell Gents,-I comprehend your Sash Lock perfectly, and Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator is all that it is think, it the best on the market. Please send me as per enclosed order, X 10zen for windows without represented as being. Could we say more? VARIAN & STERNER, weights, and % dozen tor windows with weights. I Architects, shall use them on all my buildings in future. Denver, Col., July 21,1884. Yours, etc., E. W. GORMAN, A ttwell Mfg. Co_ Baltimore, Md., June 1, 1884. Gents,-I regard your Sash Lock and Ventilator as filling a long-felt want. for the purpose for which th~y Attwell Mfg. Co. are designated, and WIll so commend them to all III Gentlemen,-I have examined, and in my best need of locks, Respectfully, etc., knowledge and belief, your "Attwell Burglar-Proof H. M. CARTER, Sash Lock and Ventilator" is the best in existence. .I Baltimore, Md., July 31,1884. Builder. shall-use them myself, and heartily recommend them Yours respectfullr, etc., to the public. Attwell Mfg. Co. J. E. THOMPSON, Gents,'-We have examined the Attwell Sash Lock . August 1,1884. Builder. Baltimore, Md., and consider it by far the best in the market, J. D, GELBACH, Attwell Mfg. Co , W. H. ALTZ, Gents,-I take pleasure in recommending JoUr AttBaltimore, Md_. July 30.1884, Carpenters. . well Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator, on account of its simpliCity of construction, power to venAttwell Mfg, Co. Gentlemen,-Atter careful observation of your Sash tilate and lock, and perfect safety. I recommend iIB EDWARD C. JONES, Lock, we are willing to declare it the best we have use. Memphis, Tenn., April 10, 1884. Architect. ever seen. It is perfect. Truly, etc" E. WATKINS, AttwellMfg. Co. , Foreman of Ferguson Bros" Gentlemen,-I have examined the" Attwell Sash Contractors and Builders. Lock," and believe ft to be the best device, for the Baltimore, Md., July 31, 1884. purposes for which it is intended, among the many hundreds I have seen. Attwell ~Ifg. Co. W. S. MATTHEWS, • Respectfully, etc., Gents,-Wc fully aPl?reciate your Sash Lock, and do Nashville, Tenn., April 9, 1884. Architect. not-heSitate to say it IS the best we ever saw, and we , will use them in our work. Attwell Mfg. Co. Baltimore, Md" D. E. & E. G, POTTER, Dear Sirs,-The Attwell Sash Lock strikes me as a July 30,1884. Contractors and Builders. simple and very eflicient arrangement for securing the when closed or partially opened. I know of sasli AttweU Mfg. Co. Gents,-I appreCiate and approve most thoroughly of none that would answer the purpose so well. Respectfully, etc., M. H. BALDWIN, your Sash Lock, not only as a lock, but as the most reArchitect. Memphis, Tenn., April 19, 1884. liable sash lift and hold with which I am acquainted, and recommend the same to the trade. _ - , Attwell Mfg. Co. Truly, etc., C. H. CALLIS, We the undersigned architects would respectfully Baltimore, Md., July 31,1884, Builder. recommend the" Attwell Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Attwell Mfg. Co. Ventilator" as fully meeting the demands of all Gentlemen,-Your Sash Lock is the lock for me. windows. Respectfully. etc., Send me at once two dozen, as per order. I have MATTHEWS & THOMPSON, P . J. WII.LIAMSON, twenty houses and will doubtless use them throughout them alL Truly, etc., • W. H. CUSACK, GEORGE W. DONERUE, EDWARD LAMENT, Baltimor~ Md., July 31, 1884. Builder. Architects. Nasp.ville, ~enn., April 19, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Attwell1>[fg. Co. Gents,-I heartily endorse your" Burglar-Proof Sash Gentlemen,-Have seen your Sash Lock and think it a splendid lock. I will recommend it to the public. Lock and Ventilator." It is the simplest, and most effective saSh lock now extant. Yours, etc., HENRY SMITH, . . Respectfully, etc., JOHN T. BROWN, Baltimore, Md., Contractor and Builder. August 1,1884, . NashVille, Tenn., Carpenter and Builder. April 20, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gentlemell,-We have examined the Attwell Sash Attwell Mfg. Co. Lock and think it the simplest and best we have ever Gents,-I have examined the Attwell Sash Lock, and seen. Yours, etc., it is first;:class in every way. It would make the best PHILIP WALSH &- SON, Asylum or Hospital lock in the world. Baltimore, Md" Contractors and Builders. W. H. CUSACK, August 1, 1884, Arrhitect NashYille, Tenn., April 19, 1884.
TESTIMONIALS. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-As architects and builders we do hereby your" Burglar-Proof Sush Lock and Ventilator." We will use it ill OUf specifications and business. Truly, etc., LASLEY & ANDERSON, Nashville, Tenn., W. H. POUTHERN, April 19, 1884. Architects and Builders. AttlVell Mfg. Co. gents,-We consider this Lock a magnificent contrIvance, and a wonderful invention. . Yours, etc., SIMMONS & PHILLIPS, Nash':llle, Tenn., Contractors and Builders. Apnl 21, 1884. Attwell Mfg.-Co. Gents,-We take pleasure in endorsing the Sash Fastener and Ventilator you have introduced to our notice, and consider it the most effective and practical fastener we have been shown. Sincerely, etc., JAMES STEW ART & CO., Architects. St. Louis, Mo., April 28, 1884. r~commend
AttweU Mfg. Co. . Gentlemell.-l have examined the" Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and have no sort of hesitation in saying it is the best device for handling and locking securely window sash that I have ever seen. I would cheerfully recommend it. JAS. W. PERKINSON, Columbus, .Ind., April 10, 1884. Architect. 1
Attwell Mfg. Co. G:entlemen,-I have made careful examination . of your Burglar-Proof Sash L~ck and Ventilator and consider it the best fastening I have ever been shown or seen. I will ~pecify it in my work. . Yours, etc., WM. E. BENT, Architect. St. Louis, Mo., April 30, 1884. I heartily concur in the above. E. JUNGENFELDT, Architect. St. Louis, Mo., April 30, 1884. Attwell Mf8'. Co. . . ' Gents,-I have examined your .. Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and consider the same strictly first-class. I Seymour, Ind., TRAVIS, CARTER & CO., April 10, 1884. • Contractors and Builders. AttlVell Mfg. Co. Gentlemen,-We the undersigned Architects and Builders have closely examined the" Attwell BurglarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator" and pronounce it the best we have ever sren-the safest and most convenient to users. Its application to both windows, with and without weights, IS ~erlectypractical. We recommend the use of this Lock. Resllectfully, etc~ Indianapolis, Ind. C. A. WALLINGFvRD, March 31, 1884. J_ H. & A: H. STEM, H. R. HUEBUER, B. H.ENOS, . CHAS. G. MUELLER, . Architects & Builders.
Attwell Mfg. Co. Dear Sirs,-Your Sash Lock is the best that ever came to our notice. Can be easily applied to both windows with and windows \\ithout weIghts. We recom.mend all our clients to use them. WELLIS FAVORITE & BRO., Builders. Shelbyville, Indiana. .-\. prilH, 1884. Attwell )Hg. Co. Gents,-Your" Burglar-Proof Sash Lock and Ventilator" is destined to become the standard lock. It is the best ever produced. We recommend the lock, and will use them in our business. KELLAR & BROCKMAN, Yours, etc., Contractors and Builders, and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and Blinds. Columbus, Ind., April 10, 1884. • 'Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-I have carefully examined your" BurilarProof Sash Lock and Ventilator," and "am much pleased with its simpliCity, durability, and cheapness, but more particularly with the effectiveness of the lock for securely holding the upper and lower sash when open for purposes of ventilation, at any desired pOint. I shall largely use the same in my work. Very respectfully, etc., - B. LEGG, Architect. St. Louis, Mo., April 29, 1884. Attwell Mfg. Co. Gents,-'l'he·" Attwell Burglar-ProOf Sash Lock and Ventilator" is the best of all to my knowledge. It does everything that the sash requires. It is easily applied and does not deface the casing. Truly, etc., Terre Haute, Ind,. J. W. McCLAIN. Architect & Builer. April, 9, 1884. Attwell Mig. Co. Gentlemen,-Having thoroughly examined your Sash Lock, I find them the best of all I have ever seen for any kind of window. Truly, etc., Columbus, Ind., April 11, 1884. C. 1