ASM Specialty Handbook: Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 9780871704962

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English Pages 784 [729] Year 1993

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Table of contents :
General Introduction
Wroughtproduc ts
Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
3 3 2
2 4 4
852.0 4 4 4 4 3 1 4
Permanent mold casting alloys
Molten Aluminum Processing and Casting
Corrosion Behavior
TribologicalBehavi or
hperties of Pure Aluminum
Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys
Recommend Papers

ASM Specialty Handbook: Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

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ontents Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys General Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Alloy and Temper Designation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 31 Physical Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recycling Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Selection and Application of Aluminum Alloys Wrought Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foundry Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum-Lithium Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powder Metallurgy Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum-Matrix Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum Coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

59 88 121 143 160


Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Molten Aluminum Processing and Casting . . . . . . . . . . Forming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extrusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powder Metallurgy Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat Treating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

199 231 247 262 275 290 328

Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Brazing and Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Adhesive Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Cleaning. Finishing. and Coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Metallography. Microstructures. and Phase Diagrams Metallographic Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots . . . 523 Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Castings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Phase Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542

Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Corrosion Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Tribological Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Properties of Pure Aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706

Index ...........................................




Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Edited by J.R. Davis Davis & Associates Prepared under the direction of the ASM International Handbook Committee Scott D. Henry, Manager of Handbook Development Suzanne E. Frueh, Production Manager Randall Boring, Production Coordinator Dawn Levicki, Production Coordinator Laurie Harrision, Editorial Assistant


William W. Scott, Jr., Director of Technical Publications




The Materials Information Society

Copyright 1993 by ASM International@' All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner. First printing, D e c e m b e r 1993 S e c o n d printing, February 1994 Third printing, March 1996 Fourth printing, March 1998

This book is a collective effort involving hundreds of technical specialists.It brings together a wealth of information from worldwide sources to help scientists, engineers, and technicians solve current and longrange problems. Great care is taken in the compilation and production of this Volume, but it should be made clear that NO WARRANTIES,FXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,WITHOUTLLMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PUBLICATION. Although this information is believed to be accurate by ASM, ASM cannot guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from the use of this publication alone. This publication is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their sole discretion and risk. Since the conditions of product or material use are outside of ASM's control, ASM assumes no liability or obligation in connection with any use of this information. No claim of any kind, whether as to products or information in this publication, and whether or not based on negligence, shall be greater in amount than the purchase price of this product or publication in respect of which damages are claimed. THE REMEDY HEREBY PROVIDED SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMEDY OF BUYER, AND IN NO EVENT SHALLEITHER PARTY BE LlABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF SUCH PARTY. As with any material, evaluation of the material under enduse conditions prior to specificationis essential. Therefore, specific testing under actual conditions is recommended. Nothing contained in this book shall be construed as a grant of any right of manufacture, sale, use, or reproduction, in connection with any method, process, apparatus,product, composition,or system, whether or not covered by letters patent, copyright, or trademark, and nothing contained in this book shall be construed as a defense against any alleged infringement of letters patent, copyright, or trademark, or as a defense against liability for such infringement. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions are invited, and should be forwarded to ASM International. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Aluminum and aluminum alloys /edited by J.R. Davis; prepared under the direction of the ASM InternationalHandbook Committee. p. cm. -- (ASM specialty handbook) Includes bibliographicalreferences and index. 1. Aluminum. 2. Aluminum allovs. I. Davis, J.R. (Joseph R.) II. ASM International. Handbook committee. III. Series. TA480.A6A6177 1993 620.1 '86dc20

ISBN 0-87170496-X

ASM International@ Materials Park, OH 440730002 Printed in the United States of America


"CorrosionBehavior" was based on a nucleus artic1e"Corrosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys-published in Volume 13 of ASM Handbook. This nucleus article was significantlyexpanded by the incorporationof material from six additional articles in Volume 13. This supplemental informationdescribes in greater detail such important topics as intergranular corrosion, evaluation of stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen damage, exfoliation corrosion, and filiform corrosion. Still other articles are based on information blended from different handbooks. For example, the article "Wrought Products" contains information found in four separate Handbooks as well as Aluminum: Properties and Physical Metallurgy, which was also published by ASM. Lastly, when gaps were identified in subject coverage, new material was introduced. Examples include the articles "Adhesive Bonding," "Brazing and Soldering," "Extrusion,"and "Aluminum-Matrix Composites." The ASM Specialty Handbook is yet another example of the wealth of information available in the largerASM Handbook series. During the many months of work on this project, the editor gained an even greater appreciation of the thousands of Handbook contributors from whom material was drawn. Their efforts have resulted in a unparalleled repository of technical information on metals and their alloys that further solidifies ASM International's reputation as "The Materials Information Society."

The "Information Age" has provided the engineer with unprecedentedaccess to technical informationrelating to the processing, properties, and applicationsof engineered materials. We are truly an informationdriven society fueled by voluminous amounts of printed literature, telecommunications, on-line databases, computer software programs, and the soon-to-be-realizedinteractive communicationstechnology. Despite the many advantages affordedby these learning tools, we are also faced at times with an information overload which contrasts sharply with the engineer's demands for quicker and easier access to information.As the technical world becomes increasingly complex, engineers can ill afford to spend days, or even hours, synthesizing information. Recognizing the need for more specialized sources of information, ASM introduces the ASM Specialty Handbook. To better understand this concept, think of the 18 volume ASM Handbook series as the core of a very large database. This database was not designed to be material specific, but rather addressesthe properties,processing, testing, and characterization of a wide variety of metals and alloys. Yet if a horizontal cross section of this database was searched for information describing a specificmaterial or alloy, abundant and valuable data would be found. Such was the case with the present volume, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Once an outline was established and approved, material on aluminum was drawn from the entire ASM Handbook series as well as other complementary publications and rewritten and edited to form one cohesive document. The result is the largest and most comprehensive single source on aluminum and aluminum alloys ever published. The majority of the articles in the ASM Specialty Handbook are based on multiple sources. For example, the article

Joseph R. Davis Davis & Associates Chagrin Falls, Ohio


Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Brazing and Soldering ........................... 420 Adhesive Bonding .............................. 438 Cleaning. Finishing. and Coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys General Introduction ............................. Alloy and Temper Designation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Metallurgy ............................. Recycling Technology ...........................

3 18

31 47

Metallography. Microstructures. and Phase Diagrams Metallographic Practices ......................... 485 Microstructuresof Aluminrlm Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots . . . 523 Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon AlloyCastings ................................ 532 Phase Diagrams,. ............................... 542

Selection and Application of Aluminum Alloys WroughtProducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FoundryProducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum-LithiumAlloys ....................... Powder Metallurgy Alloys ....................... Aluminum-Matrix Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminum Coatings ............................

59 88 121 143 160 180

Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Corrosion Behavior ............................. Tribological Behavior ........................... Properties of Pure Aluminum ..................... Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Molten Aluminum Processing and Casting . . . . . . . . . . Forming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extrusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Powder Metallurgy Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat Treating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

199 231 247 262 275 290 328



579 623 639 645 706 732

uction to Aluminum an Aluminum A General Introduction ....................................................................................

AlloyandTemperDesignationSystems ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PhysicalMetallurgy ................................................................................... RecyclingTechnology .................................................................................

3 18 31 47

General ntrod ucti on ALUMINUM, the second most plentiful metallic element on earth, became an economic competitor in engineering applications as recently as the end of the 19th century. It was to become a metal for its time. The emergence of three important industrial developments would, by demanding material characteristics consistent with the unique qualities of aluminum and its alloys, greatly benefit growth in the production and use of the new metal. When the electmlytic reduction of alumina (Al203) dissolved in molten cryolite was independently developed by Charles Hall in Ohio and Paul Heroult in France in 1886, the first intemalcombustion-engine-powered vehicles were appearing, and aluminum would play a role as an automotive material of increasing engineering value. Electrification would require immense quantities of lightweight conductive metal for long-distance transmission and for construction of the towers needed to support the overhead network of cables which deliver electrical energy from sites of power generation. Within a few decades the Wright brothers gave birth to an entirely new industry which grew in partnership with the alumhm industry development of StmctunllY reliable, strOnf5 and fracture-resistant Pa* for airframes, engines, and ultimately, for missile bodies, fuel cells, and satellite components. The aluminum industry’s growth was not limited to these developments. me first commercial applications of aluminum Were nove b items such as mirror frames, house numbers, and sewing trays. cooking utensils were also a major early market. In time, ahminum grew in diversity of applications to the extent that virtually every aspect of modem life would be directly or indirectly affected by its use. \

Aluminum Production All aluminum production is based on the Hd-Heroult process. Alumina refined from bauxite is dissolved in a CIyolite bath with various fluoride salt additions made to control bath temperature, density, resistivity, and alumina solubility. An electrical current is then passed through the bath to electrolyze the dissolved alumina with oxygen forming at and reacting with the carbon anode, and aluminum

collecting as a metal pad at the cathode. The separated metal is periodically removed by siphon or vacuummethods into crucibles, which are then transferred to casting facilities where remelt or fabricating ingots are produced. The major impurities of smelted aluminum are iron and silicon, but zinc, gallium, titanium, and vanadium are typically present as minor contaminants. Internationally, minimum aluminum purity is the primary criterion for defining composition and value. In the United States, a convention for considering the relative concentrations of iron and silicon as the, more i m p o m t criteria has evolved. Reference to grades of unalloyed metal may therefore be by purity alone, for example, 99.70% aluminum, or by the method sanctioned by the Aluminum Association in which standardized Pxxx grades have been established.In the latter case, the digits following the letter P refer to the maximum decimal percentages of silicon and iron, respectively. For example, P1020 is unalloyed smelter-produced metal containing no more than 0.10% Si and no more than 0.20% Fe. PO506 is a grade which contains no more than 0.05%Si and no more than 0.06% Fe. Common P grades range from PO202 to P1535, each of which inc~rpol&% additional impurity limits for control purposes. Refining steps are available to attain much higher levels of purity. Purities of 99.99% are achieved through fractional crystallization or Hoopes cell operation. The latter process is a three-layer electrolytic pxucess which employs molten salt of greater density than pure molten aluminum. Combinations of these purification techniques result in 99.999% purity for highly Specialized applications.

recovery representing 31.2%. Detailed data on U.S. supply of aluminum from 1981to 1991 are given in Table 2. The source of secondary production is m p in all forms, as well as the product of skim and Qoss pmcessing.primary and sewndary production of a l e u m are integralty related and complemmw. M ~ wrought Y and c& composi~ons mnstrucw to reflect tfie impact of controll& elementContaminationthat may accompany ST consumption. A recent trend has been inmased use of scrap in primary and intepted secondaryfabricatingfacilities for various wrought produd, incluhg can sheet. As showninTable 3, reclmation fromaluminum cans increased in 1991to an estimated 893 thousand metric tons, up 1.8% from 1990, accounting for 62.4% Of m shipments.


Aluminum Alloys It is convenient to divide aluminum alloys into two major categories: casting compositions and wrought compositions. Afurther differentiation for each category is based on the primary mechanism of property development (see the discussion below on “Heat-Treatable and NonHeat-Treatable ~ l l ~ ~ ~ ” ) . have Cast and wIoughtalloy nomenclatures been developed. me Aluminum Association systemismostwi~elyrecognizedinthe united states. ’Iheir alloy identification system employs different nomenclaturesfor wrought and cast alloys, but divides alloys into families for simplification(see the amcle ,,lloy and Temper Designation Systems” in this Volume for details). For wrought alloys a fourdigit system is us(d to produce a list of wrought c0mposition families as fo11ows:

Prod“dio” statisticS’ w * d thousand ~ u d o n metOf primary aluminum totaled 18,056 ric tons in 1991(‘&ble 1). Over the decade 19811991, world production increased 19.7%, an annual growth rate of 2.0%. The United States m u n t e d for22.Wofthewofid’s 1991production while the E~~~ a m u n i t y accounw for 125%.other EWE)ean countries, including former members of the Union of Soviet S&&t Republics, accounted for 21.0%. The remaining 43.6% includes Asia (11.6%), Canada (lO.l%), South America (9.9%),Oceania (8.5%),and Africa (3.4%). The total U.S. supply in 1991 was 8,02Othousandrnetrictons, withprimaryproduction representing about 51.3% of total supply, impo* accoUnting for 17.4%, and secondary

lm controlled unalloyed @ure> ComPosition used primarily in the electrical and c~emictdindusllies 2xm Alloys in which copper is the principal alloying element, though other elements, notably magnesium, may be specified. 2wr series alloys are widely used in aircraft ~ X X XAlloys in which manganese is the principal alloying element. Used as a genedpurpose alloy for architectural applications and various products

4 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

Table 1 World primary aluminum production from 1981 through 1991 Country
















59 1









89 178 175 170

93 179 174 170

92 180 169 166

87 173 161 170

79 179 150 171

84 175 125 170

90 209 49 165

73 170

79 141 174 106

65 134


77 140 42 161

North America

5.95 1











Canada United States

1,830 4,121

1,567 4,048

1.555 4.030

1,534 3,944

1.540 3,343

1,355 3,037

1,282 3,500

1.222 4,099

1,091 3353

1,065 3,274

1,116 4,489

Latin America












165 950 51 28 600

166 93 1 68 28 590

1 62


153 843 60 2 428

148 757 37 29 41 8

136 549 43 29 3%

134 455 44 29 386


890 72 28 540

154 874 68

29 335

138 299 41 43 274

134 256 43 41 314












210 860

183 710 375 185 40 35

204 115 39 256

17 1 380 217 33 45 35 1

130 350 213







176 410 260 217 43 227 10 18

177 400 269 199 42 287


180 615 265 202 45 41 10 22

178 410 257 219 40 140


187 850 423 197 45 35 10 18


185 67 32

213 850 433 186 59 34



18 31 40 106

Egypt Ghana SWthAliiCa

Algentina BI-dzil Mexico Suriname Venezuela Asia

Bahrain China, €?R.(a) India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea, Peop. Rep. K o r q Republic of Taiwan Turkey United ArabImirates European Community FranCe

Germany, Fed. Rep.@) EasternStates Western States GEZX IdY Netherlands


United Kingdom Other Europe



10 18

10 19


401 40


190 84


13 77 1










56 239

61 174

62 168

57 162

42 155

60 155

54 153

38 155

30 151

15 10 36 149






2.35 1






286 700 20 680 152 218 260 355 294

326 736 21 715 150 232 258 355 290

3 35 734

328 75 3

323 793

322 765

293 745

342 777

361 743

390 723

436 729

145 2 19 279 352 297

151 226 278 323 300

127 233 276 341 294

124 243 266 355 276

125 224 25 1 370 275

136 230 249 38 1 288

136 1% 235 358 253

135 233 367 241

274 262 397 339












80 68

89 70

95 67 61 75 82 864 48 265 99 72 2,400 260

93 68 68 76 85 853 48 260 81 73 2,400 244

93 33 61 74 76 726 48 269 78 80 2,300 282

94 32

94 36 57 74 76 713 44 223 82 76 2,000 258

94 34 58 74 75 638 43 208 79 75 1,900

94 33

74 73 743 47 247 84 73 2,200 280

96 32 58 74 80 765 46 244 83 79 2.100 270





A& Czechoslovakia(a)(c) GermanD.R.(a)(b) Hungary Iceland Norway Poland(d) Romania Sweden Swiherland U.S.S.R.(a) YugOSlavia



64 89 833 45 158 97 66 2,000 300

75 88 845 46 168 % 72 2,200 349

93 69 54 75 88 863 48 269 97 71 2,400 331













Australia New Zealand

1,235 308

1,234 308 18,013

1,244 258

1,150 264 17,548


882 236

85 1 24 1


478 219 13,W

38 1 163 13,433



75 8 243 15.705

Total world(a)



252 16,517


60 74 74 634

66 242 83 82


154 15,079

Note: Values are given in thousands of mehic tons. (a) Estimated by the Bureau of Mmes, U.S. Department of Interior. (b) Geman Democratic Republic and FedRal RepuMic of Gemany combined in 1990. Source: Ref 1. (c) Includes secondary unalloyedingot. (d) Includes primary alloyed ingot.

. 4.m Alloys in which silicon is the principal

alloying element Used in welding rods and brazing sheet 5.m Alloys in which magnesium is the principal alloying element Used in boat hulls, gang-

planks, and other products exposed to marine environments &wr Alloys in which magnesium and silicon are principal alloying elements. Commonly used for architectural extrusions

7xxrAlloysinwhichzincistheprincipalalloying element, but otherelements such as copper, magnesium, chromium, and zirconium may be specified. Used in aircraft structural components and other high-strength applications

General Introduction / 5 Table 2 Total U.S. supply of aluminum from 1981 through 1991 Year 1981 1982 I983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990


Total supply

Domestk primary

7,061 5,762 6,149 7,235 6,594 6,655 7,035 7,534 7,437 7,863 8,020

4,489 3,274 3,353 4,099 3,500 3,039 3,347 3,945 4,030 4,048 4,121


Total 782 823 1,023 1,376 1,332 1,843 1,702 1,467 1,353 1,421 1,398

Imports Primary(a)

645 616 743 882 869 1,349 1,246 1,027 926 962 1,029

Mill pmducts(b)

Dmnestk seeondnry remwry(c)

138 207 281 494 463 494 456 440 427 459 369

1,790 1,666 1,773 1,760 1,762 1,773 1,986 2,122 2,054 2,393 2,501

Note: Values are given in thousands of metric tons. (a) Some imports of starter metal, classified by the Bureau of the Census in 1954-57 as scrap, have been classified as primary metal, as estimated by the De@. of Commerce. (b) Starting in 1970, includes reimports of metal exportedforprocessingandretumedforfurtherp~essing.(c) Domestic secondaly data arerecoverablemetal contentfor estimatedtotalscrapconsumption,as estimated bytheBureau of Mines. Before 1972, totalsupplyincludedsecondiuyrecoveryandanestimated90%~overyfromreportedscrapimports. Beginning in 1972 ~eBureauofMinesrequuedredrepoaing of imported scrap recovery data and these data are included in the domestic recovery figures beginning that year. Source: Ref 1

usually in combination with various annealing procedures for property development. These alloys are referred to as non-heat-treatable or Thousands of metric tons Number(in billions) Percentageof Year ofaluminumcdkted of aluminumcanscdlected(a) aluminumcmsmOected(b) work-hardening alloys. some casting alloys are essentially not heat treatable and are used 1981 46 1 (c) 24.9 53.2 only in as-cast or in thermally modified condi1982 510(c) 28.3 55.5 tions unrelated to solution or precipitation ef1983 519(c) 29.4 52.9 fects. 1984 556(c) 31.9 52.8 33.1 5 1.0 Heat-treatable aluminum alloys a r e 1985 565(d) 33.3 48.7 those that can be hardened (strengthened)by a con1986 559(d) 1987(e) a @ ) 50.5 trolled cycle of heating and cooling. Some alloys, 36.6 1988 683(d) 42.5 54.6 usually m the 2wr, k,and 7 m series, are soh1989 7Wd) 49.4 60.8 tion heat mtabb-they can be strengthened by 1990 877(d) 55.0 63.6 heating and then quenching,or rapid cooling. They 1991 893(d) 56.8 62.4 maybehrtherstrengthenedb y c o l d w o r k h ~ n trolled defonnation& roOm mpelatW2. (a) Calculation based on an Aluminum Associationcan weight survey. (b) Based on Can Manufacturers Institute aluminum bevemge can shipment data. (c) Net receipts, U S . Departmentof Interior Bureau of Mines. (d) Estimated by The Aluminum Associaneincrease of smgthi n d u d by h a mation Statistical and Market Research Committee. (e) Beginning in 1987, used beverage can data include estimate of exponed can ment can be dramatic. For example, in the fullyscrap. Source: Ref 1 annealed 0-temper, aluminum alloy 2024 has an ultimate yield strength of about 186MPa (27 ksi). 4xrx Alloys in which silicon is the principal Heat treatment and cold working followed by 8 m Alloys including tin and some lithium natural aging (3'-3 temper) increases its smngth compositions, characterizing miscellaneous alloying element Sxlcx Alloys in which magnesium is the 2l/2 times, to 483 MPa (70 ksi). compositions 9xrx Reserved for future use principal alloying element As strength is increased by heat-treating, for6zxUnused mability is affected in the other direction: for 7 x . ~Alloys ~ in which zinc is the Principal example, an alloy in the T-3 temper is less forCasting compositions are described by a alloying element, but other alloying &- mable than a fully soft alloy in the o-temper. three-digit system followed by a decimal mentS such as copper and magnesium may value. The decimal .O in all cases pertains to Non-heat-treahble aluminum alloys are be specified casting alloy limits. Decimals . l , and .2 conhardenable by cold working, but not by heat W8xrx Alloys in which tin is the Principal ment. nei,-,i~strengthof&w alloys, us* cem ingot compositions, which after melting in alloying e k ~ e n t and processing should result in chemistries the lm,3 m , 4m, and 5 m series, is providedby 1 conforming to casting specification require- * 9 ~ xUnused the hardening effect of their alloyingelements.Adments. Alloy families for casting compositions ditional strengtheningcan be created by cold wcikare: ing-defonnation which induces strain-hadening, Heat-Treatable and denotedbythe Htempers. Al'oys l n x Controlled unalloyed (pure) composi- Non-Heat-Treatable Cold working can increase strength signifitions, especially for rotor manufacture can*y in non-heat-treatable al1oys. For examp1e, 2xxx Alloys in which copper is the principal Many alloys respond to thermal treatment *e ultimate tensfie strength of '10~ 3003 is inalloying element, but other alloying ele- based on phase solub es. These treatments (16 ksi) in *e ments may be specified include solution heat treatment, quenching, creased from about 'lo *a O-@mFrto200ma(29hi) intheH-18 strain3 n x Alloys in which silicon is the principal and precipitation, or age, hardening. For either alloying element, but the other alloying ele- casting or wrought alloys, such alloys are de- hardened temper. The Ultimate tensile Strength Of ments such as copper and magnesium are scribed as heat treatable. A large number of alloy 3004 is increased fiomabout 179 MPa (26 specified. The 3 n x series comprises nearly other wrought compositions rely instead on ksi) in its 0-temper to about 283 MPa (41 ksi) work hardening through mechanical reduction, in the H-38 temper. 90% of all shaped castings produced

Table 3 Aluminum can reclamation in the U.S. from 1981 through 1990


6 / Introduction to Aluminurn and Aluminum Alloys Table 4 Strength ranges within wrought aluminum alloy families Alloy-Temper


1060-0 1060-HI8 1350-0 1350-819 2219-0 2219-T87 2024-0 2024T35 1 3003-0 3003-HI8 3004-0 3004-H38 5005-0 5005-H38 5052-0 5052-H38 5056-0 5056-H 18 6063-0 6063-T832 6066-0 6066-T6 7050-T73510 7060-T7651 7075-0 7075-T6 7178-0 7178-T6


Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi

69 131 83 186 172 476 186 469 110 200 179 28 3 124 200 193 290 290 434 90 290 152 393 490 552 228 572 228 607

IO 19 12 27 25 69 27 68 16 29 26 41 18 29 28 42 42 63 13 42 22 57 71 80 33 83 33 88


Alloy 1060-0 is the “softest”al1oy generally available. It is used mainly for sheathing tube in the wire and cable industry. Alloy 1350was developed especially for electrical conductors in both solid and tubular forms. Alloy 2219 is used at eitherelevated or cryogenic temperatures with good welding characteristics. Alloy 2024 is used mainly for structural members in aircraft. It can be spot welded. Note the great increase in strength provided by an appropriate temper. Alloy 3003has good cornsion resistance, formability, and weldability. It is used inchemical equipment, furniture, condensers, heat exchangen. and pressure vessels. The 5 x u series alloys were developed as “marine alloys,” highly resistant to corrosion even in salty environments.

Alloy 6063 is probably the most popular extrusion alloy. It can be heat-treated for strength, is cornsion-resistant, and takes a good surface fmish.

These 7m-series alloys are used for structural parts of aircraft where high strength is required. In the fully-annealed 0-temper their relativelylowerstrengthmaymakeshaping themeasier. Once brought tothe highertempers, however, they are strongerthan carbon steel and nearly as strongas stainless steel.

Source: Ref 2

Table 5 Comparative strength-to-weight ratios for various materials Material


7178-T6 7075-T6 2024T361 5056-H 18 6066-T6 Stainless steel (type302) 606 1-T6 3004-H38 Fiberglass (average) 1350-H19 6063-T5 -3003-HI4 Carbon steel (1020) Architect’sbronze 5005-0 3003-0 PVC plastic 1060-0 ,-,ccopper Enameling imn

5picalultimate tensile strength, ksi

88 83 72 63 57 140 45 41 I9 27 27 22 60 60 18 16 7.5 IO 32 38


0.102 0.101 0.101 0.096 0.098 0.290 0.098 0.098 0.05I8 0.0975 0.099 0.099 0.284 0.303 0.098 0.099 0.0504 0.0975 0.322 0.383

Strength-to-weight ratio

863 822 713 65 6 594 48 3 459 418 367 277 273 22 2 21 1 198 184 162 149 103 99 99

Note: 1ksi = 6.89 h4F’~0.1 Ibhn3 = 2.768 g/cm3. Source:Ref 2

Properties Among the most striking characteristics of aluminum is its versatility. The range of physical and mechanical properties that can be de-

velope&from refined high-purity aluminum to the most complex a l l o y e i s remarkable. More than three hundred alloy compositions are commonly recognized, and many additional variations have been developed internationally andin supplier/consumerrelationships. Compo-

sitions for both wrought and cast aluminum alloys are provided in the article “Alloy and Temper Designation Systems” that immediately follows in this Volume. The properties of aluminum that make this metal and its alloys the most economical and attractive for a wide variety of uses are appearance, light weight, fabricability,physical properties, mechanical properties, and corrosion resistance. Density versus Strength. Aluminum has a density of only 2.7 g/cm3, approximately onethird as much as steel (7.83 g/cm3), copper (8.93 g/cm3), or brass (8.53 glcm3). One cubic foot of steel weighs about 4 9 lb; 0 a cubic foot of aluminum, only about 170 lb. Table 4 illustrates the general range of strengths available within each of the major wrought aluminum alloy families. This table demonstrates the important effect that different tempers have on strength in the same alloy. Table 5 compares the strength-to-weight ratios (specific strength) of various aluminum alloys and other materials. Corrosion Resistance. Aluminum resists the kind of progressive oxidization that causes steel to rust away. The exposed surface of aluminum combines with oxygen to form an inert aluminum oxide fdm only a few ten-millionths of an inch thick, which blocks further oxidation. And, unlike iron rust, the aluminumoxide film does not flake off to expose a fresh surface to further oxidation. Scratch t h u g h aluminum’s protective layer and it instantly reseals itself. The thin oxide layer itself clings tightly to the metal and is colorless and transparentin-

General Introduction / 7 visible to the naked eye. The discolorationand flaking of iron and steel rust do not occur on aluminum. Appropriately alloyed and treated, aluminum can resist corrosion by water, salt, and other environmental factors, and by a wide range of other chemical and physical agents. The corrosion characteristicsof aluminum are examined in detail in the article "Corrosion Behavior" in this Volume. Physical Properties. Aluminum surfaces can be highly reflective. Radiant energy, visible light, radiant heat, and electromagnetic waves are efficiently reflected, while anodized and dark anodized surfaces can be reflective or absorbent. The reflectance Of POfished aluminum9Over a broad mge Of wave lengths9leads to its se1ection for a variety Of decorative and functional uses. A1uminum typical1y disp1ays exce11ent e1ectrica1 and therma1 conductivity9 but 'pcific al10ys have been deve1oped with high degrees Of e1ectrica1 resistivity. These a11oys are usefulv for examp1e, in high-torque e1ectric motors*A1uminum is Often se1ectedfor its e1ectrical conductivity* which 's near1y twice that Of copper On an equivalent weight basis. The requirements Of high conductiviQ and mechanical strength can be met by use Of longline* high-voltage* a1uminum stee1-c0red reinforced transmission cable. The thermal conductivityOf a1uminum alloys~about 50 to 60% that Of copper' is advantage0us in heat exchangers, evaporators, e1ectrica11y heated app1iancesand utensi1s7and automotivecy'inder heads and radiators. A1uminum is nonferromagnetic*a propem Of imPOrtance the e1ecaica1 and e1ectronics industries. It is nOnpFOPho*c* Which is important in app1icationsinv01vinginflammab1e Or explosive-mate*alshand1ingOr exposure-A1uminum is a1so non-toxic and is routine1y Used in containers for foods and beverages*It has an attractive appearance in its natura1 fiNsh* which c~ be 'Oft and lustrous Or bright and shiny. It can be virtual1yany "lor Or texturea Tab1e 6 lists generalized proprties and applicationstypical Of se1ected aluminum al10ys. More detai1ed informationOn propertiescan be found in the artic1es"PropertiesOf Pure A1uminumt" "Proprties Of Wrought A1uminum A1l0YS*" and "Properties Of Cast A1uminum Alloys'' in this Volume.


Manufactured Forms Aluminum and its alloys may be cast or formed by virtually all known processes. Manufactured forms of aluminum and aluminum alloys can be broken down into two groups. Standardized products include sheet, plate, foil, rod, bar, wire, tube, pipe, and structural forms. Engineered products are those designed for specific applications and include extruded shapes, forgings, impacts, castings, stampings, powder metallurgy (P/M) parts, machined parts, and metal-matrix composites

(MMCs). A percentage distribution of major aluminum products is presented below (Ref 1):

rolled in line to approximately 9.4 to 12 mm (0.375 to 0.50 in.) diameter.

produfl rarm

Engineered Products




hot Exmsionsand hlbe

23.7 14.6 7.1


(a) Includesconductor(3.7%);rod,bm. a d wire (1.9%);foxings and impacts (0.9%);and powder(0.696)

Standardized Products Flat-rolled pro&& include plate (thickness equal to or greaterthan 6.25 mm, 0r0.25 in.), sheet (thickness 0.15 rnm through 6-25 a or 0.006 through 0.25 in.), and foil (thickness less than 0.15 mm, or 0.006 in.). These produrn are semifabricated to rectangular cross section by sequential reductions in the thickness of cast ingot by hot and cold rolling. Properties in workhardened tempers are controlled by degree of cold reduction, partial or full annealing, and the use of stabilizing treatments. plate, sheet, and foil p d u d in heat-treatable compositions may be solution heat treated, quenched, precipitation hardened, and themally or mechanically stress relieved. Sheet and foil may be rolled with textured surfaces. Sheet and plate rolled with specially prepared work rolls may be embossed to produce products such as tread plate. By roll forming, sheet in corrugated or other contoured configurationscan be produced for such applications as roofing, siding, ducts, and gutters. While the vast majority of flat-rolled prod~ c t sare produced by conventional rolling mills, continuous processes are now in use to convert molten alloy directly to reroll gages. Strip casters employ countemtating watercooled cylinders or rolls to solidify and partially work coilable gage reroll stock in line. Slab casters of either twin-belt or moving block design cast stock typically 19 mm (0.75 in.) in thickness which is reduced in thickness by in-line hot reduction mill(s) to produce coilable reroll. Future developments based on technologicaland operationaladvances in continuous processes may be expected to globally affect industry expansions in flat-rolled product manufacture. Wire, rod, and bar are produced h m cast stock by extrusion, rolling, or combinations of these p s s e s . Wm may be of any cross section in which distance between parallel faces or opposing surfaces is less than 9.4 mm (0.375 in.). Rod exceeds 9.4 mm (0.375 in.) in diameter and bar in square, rectangular, or regular hexagonal or octagonal cross section is greater than 9.4 mm (0.375 in.) between any p a d e l or opposing faces. An increasingly large proportion of rod and wire production is derived from continuous processes in which molten alloy is cast in water-cooled wheeUmold-beltunits to produce a continuous length of solidified bar which is


Aluminum alloy castings are routinely produced by pressure-die, permanent-mold, green- and dry-sand, investment, and plaster casting. Shipment statistics are provided in Table 7. Prmss variations include vacuum, low-pressure, centrifugal, and pattern-related processes such as lost foam. Castings are produced by filing molds with molten aluminum and are used for products with intricate contours and hollow or cored areas. The choice Of Castings over other product f o m is often based on net shape considerations. Reinforcing ribs, internal passageways, and complex design features, which would be costly to machine in a part made from a wrought product, Can often be cast by appropriate pattern and mold or die design. premium engineered castings display extreme hteglit)', close dimensional tolerances, and consistently controlled mechanical properties in the upper range of existing high-strength capabilities for selected alloys and tempers. Extrusions are produced by forcing solid metal through apedies. Designs that are symmetrical around one axis are especially adaptable to production in extruded fom. With current technology, it is also possible to extrude complex, mandrelcored, and asymmetrical configurations. Precision extrusions display exceptional dimensional control and surfax finish. Major dimensions usually q u i r e no machining; tolerance of the asextruded product often permits completion of part manufacture with simple cutoff, drilling, broaching, or other minor machining operations. Extruded and extrudeddrawn seamless tube competes with mechanically seamed and welded tube. Forgings are produced by inducing plastic flow through the application of kinetic, mechanical, or hydraulic forces in either closed or open dies. Hand fotghgs are simple geometric shapes, formable between flat or modestly contoured opendies suchas mtangles, cylinders(mu1tiface rounds), disks (biscuits), or limited variations of these shapes. These f-gs fill a frequent need in industry when only a limited number of pieces is required, or when prototype designs are to be proven. Most aluminum forgings are produced in closed dies to produce parts with good surface finish, dimensional control, and exceptional soundness and properties. Precision forgings emphasize near net shape objectives, which incorporate reduced draft and more precise dimensional accuracy. Forgings are also available as rolled or mandrel-forged rings. Impacts are formed in a confining die from a lubricated slug, usually cold, by a single-stroke application of force through a metal punch causing the metal to flow around the punch and/or through an opening in the punch or die. The process lends itself to high production rates with a precision part being produced to exacting quality and dimensional standards. Impacts are a

Table 6 Typical propertiesand applicationsof comnonly used wrought aluminum alloys

Alloy and


11Oo-o 1100-HI4

ultilnate tendle strength MPa ksi 90 124

13 18

Yield strength MPa ksi





35 9

45 20

4 24 43 45


... ...

... ... ... ...

1350-0 135GH19 2011-T3 2011-T8


12 27

379 407


28 165 2% 310

2014-0 2OWT4. T451 2014-T6, T651 2017-T4, T45l

427 483 427

27 62 70 62

97 290 414 276

14 42

2024-0 2024-T3 2024T4, T351

186 4x3 469

27 70 68

76 345 324

I1 50

2024-0 2024-T3 2024-T4, T35 1

179 448 44 1

26 65


76 310 290

22 19-0 2219-T87 3003-0 3003-H 12 3003-H 14 3003-H 16

I72 416 1 IO 131 I52 I79

25 69 16 19 22 26

76 393 41 124 145 172

3004-0 3WH38

I79 2x3

26 41







EbngnthninSOmm(2in.), % 16mm(Y16in.) 13mm(lL?in) Stre5thick diameta General carrosim Cold specimen specimen camsim(a)cra&ig(b) vmk&Wy(c)







Joiningcharxteristicstd) Glls Arc Spdand

w h i n -










welding amw welding A A





















18 20 13 22














20 18 20







11 45 42

20 18 19

... ... ...
















... D A A B C

... B E E D D












60 40

57 6 18



IO 36

... ... ...

15 12

... 19






30 IO 8 5

40 20 16 14



25 6







Description and selected applicatiam Commercially pure aluminum highly resistantto chemical attack and weathering. Low cost, ductile for deep drawing, and easy to weld. Used for high-purity applicationssuchas chemicalpessingequipment. Also fornameplates, fan blades, flue lining, sheet metal work, spun holloware,and fin stock Electricalconductors Screw machine products. Appliance parts and trim, ordnance,automotive,electronic,fasteners,hardware, machine parts Truck frames,aircraftstrucms, automotive,cylinders and pistons, machineparts, s t r u c t d s Screw machine products, fittings, fasteners, machine parts for high-strength s t ~ c t applications. d Excellent machinabilityin the T-tempers.Fair workability and fair corrosionresistance.Alclad 2024 combines the high strengthof2024withthecorrosionresistanceof the commercially pure cladding. Used for mck wheels, many ~ t ~ c h u aircraft ;il applications,gears for machinery,screw machine products,automotive parts, cylindersand pistons, fasteners,machine parts, ordnance,recreation equipment, screws and rivets Structdusesathightemperature(to315"C,or 600°F).High-strengthweldments Most popular general-purposealloy. Strongerthan 1100 with same good formabilityand weldability. For generaluse including sheet metal work, stampings,fuel tanks, chemical equipment, containers,cabinets, freezer liners, cooking utensils, pressure vessels, builder's hardware, storagetanks, agricultural applications,appliance parts and trim, architectural applications,elecmnics, tin stock, fan equipment, name plates, recreationvehicles, trucks and Wilers. Used in drawing and spinning Sheet metal work, storagetanks, agricultd applications,buildingproducts, containers,electronics, furniture,kitchen equipment, recreation vehicles, trucks and trailers

(continued) (a) General corrosion rating: A, B, can be used in industrial and


ospheres without protection. C. D, E, generally should be protected, at least on faying surfaces. Note that these alphabetical listings are relative ratings in descending order: A = best re in service or in laboratory tests. B, no known instance of failure in service; limited failures in labmtoly tests of short transverse specimens.C, service failure with sustained tension imited failures in laboratory tests of long transverse specimens. D, limited service failures with sustained longitudinalor long transverse mas.(c) Cold workabilityand machinability ratings: is best rating, etc. (d) Brazeability and weldabilityratings: A, generally weldable by all commercial procedures and methods. B, weldable with special techniques or for specific applications re and weld performance. C, limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanical properties. D, no commonly used welding methods have been

Table 6 (continued) ElongationinSOmm(Zin.), ?6 t6mm(1/16h) l 3 m (ID in.)

Alloyand temper

Ultimate tensilestrength MPa ksi

Yiild strength MPa ksi

3105-0 3105-H14 3 105-H18 3105-H25

117 172 2 14 179

17 25 31 26

55 152 193 159

8 22 28 23

24 5 3








5052-0 5052-H112 5052-H32 * 5052-H34







228 262

33 38

193 214

28 31

12 10

5056-0 5056-H18 5083-0 5083-H321

290 434 290 317

42 63 42 46

152 407 145 228

22 59 21 33

5086H32 5086-H34 5086-H112 5454-0 5454-H32 5454" 5454-H 1 12

290 324 269 248 276 303 248

42 47 39 36 40 44 36

207 255 131 117 207 241 124

30 37 19 17 30 35 18





strescormsion CoM cormsim(a)crackiig(b) workabirty(c)






... ...



















18 14









... ... ...

35 10 22 16









12 IO 14 22 10 10 18

... ... ... ...















... ...



... ...


Joidnpcharacteristks(d) Gm Arc Spatand


Dexriptmnand sewedapplications Residential siding, mobile homes, rain-canying goods, sheet metal work, appliance parts and aim, automotive parts. buildingproducts,electronics,fin stock, furniture, hospital and medical equipment, kitchen equipment, recreation vehicles, tmcks and trailers Specified for applications requiring anodizing; anodized coating is cleaner and lighter in color than 3003. Uses include appliances, utensils, architectural, applications requiring good electrical conductivity, automotive parts, containers, general sheet metal, hardware, hospital and medical equipment, kitchen equipment, name plates, and marine applications Sbonger than 3003 yet readily formable in the intermediatetempers. Good weldability and resistance to corrosion. Uses include pressure vessels, fan blades, tanks, elecbonic panels, electronic chassis, mediumsmngth sheet metal parts, hydraulic tube, appliances, agricultural applications, architectural uses, automotive parts, buildingproducts, chemical equipment, containers, cooking utensils. fasteners, hardware, highway signs, hospital and medical equipment, kitchen equipment, marine applications, railroad cars, recreation vehicles, trucks and milers Cable sheathing, rivets formagnesium, screen wire, zippers, automotive applications, fence wire. fasteners Forall typesofwelded assemblies, marinecomponents, andtanks requiring high weldefficiency andmaximum joint strength. Usedinpressurevessels~pto65~C(l50 O F ) and in many cryogenic applications, bridges, freight cars,marinecomponents,TV towers,drillingrigs, mnsportation equipment, missile component?, and dump truck bodies. Goodcorrosion resistance Used in generally the same types of applications a?5083, particularly where resistance to either stress cornsion or atmospheric corrosion is important Forall typesofweldedassemblies, tanks,pressure vessels. ASME code approved to 205 "C (400 "0.Also used in trucking for hot asphalt road tankers and dump bodies; also, for hydrogen peroxide and chemical storage vessels

(continued) (a) General corrosion rating: A, B, can be used in industrial and seacoast atmospheres without protection. C, D, E, generally should be protected, at least on faying surfaces. Note that these alphabetical listings are relative ratings in descendingoder: A= best rating,etc.(b)Stress-cornsioncrackingrating: A,noknowninstanceoffailureinserviceorinlaboratory tests. B,noknowninstanceoffailure inservice; limited failures in laboratory testsofshorttransversespecimens.C, service failure with sustained tension stressactinginshorttmnsversedirectionrelativetograinstructure; limitedfailures inlaboratory testsoflongtransversespecimens.D, limitedservice failures with sustained longitudinal orlong transverse areas. (c)Cold workabilityandmdchinability ratings: alphabetical designations are relative ratings in descending order. Ais best rating, etc. (d) Blazeability and weldabilityratings: A, generally weldable by all commercial procedures and methods. B, weldable with special techniques or for specific applications that justify preliminary trials or testing to develop welding procedure and weld performance. C, limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance tocorrosion and mechanical properties. D, no commonly used welding methods have been developed.

Table 6 (continued)


Ultimate tensile strength MPa b i



Allay and


Y ~ l strength d MPa b i



13x 55


145 276



















97 462

14 67






22 I 524

32 76

7075-T6 and -T65 I Alclad: 7075-0 7075-T6 and -T65 I


... ...


7050-T765 I



12 12


1x6 24 I



25 17

21 31

6063-T5 W3-T6

IX 35

General corrosion Cold corrosion(a) cradtmg(b) workpbihy(c)


145 214





21 40

159 I24 24 I 310




12 25 22 12

6061-0 606 I -T4 606 I -T6 and -T65 I


Elongation ~ in 50 mm (2 in.), W _ 1.6mm(U16in.) I3 mm (10in)







Joiningcharacte+ies(d) Gm Arc Spatand Brazing welding welding seamwelding











































Description and selected applications

For all types of welded assemblies, storage tanks, pressure vessels, and marine components.Used where best weld efficiency and joint strength are required. Restricted to temperatures below 65 "C(150 O F ) For anodized auto and appliance trim and nameplates Good formability, weldability,c o m i o n resistance,and strength in the T - t e m p . Good genetal-purpose alloy used for a broad range of snuctural applications and welded assemblies including huckcomponents, railroadcars. pipelines.marine applications, furniture, agricultural applications aircraft, architectural applications, automotive parts, building products, chemical equipment, dump bodies, electrical and electronicapplications, fasteners, fence wire, fan blades, general sheet metal, highway signs, hospital and medical equipment, kitchen equipment, machine parts, ordnance, recreation equipment, recreation vehicles, and storage tanks , Used in pipe d i n g , furniture,architectural extrusions, appliance parts and trim, automotive parts, building products. electrical and electronicparts, highway signs, hospital and medical equipment, kitchen equipment, marine applications,machine parts, pipe, railroad cars, recreationequipment, recreationvehicles, trucks and





High-smngth alloy in aircraft and other S t ~ c t mAlso ~. used inordnance and recreationequipment ForaifiraftandotherapplicationsrequiMg highest strengths.Alclad 7075 combines the strength advantagesof 7075 with the corrosion-resisting properties of commercially pure aluminumclad surface. Also used in machine parts and ordnance

(a) General corrosion rating: A. B. can be used in industrial and seacoast atmospheres without protection.C. D. E. generally should be protected at least on faying surfaces.Note that these alphabetical listings are relative ratings in descending o d e r A = best rating. etc. (b)Stress-msion crackingrating:A. no known instance of failure in service or in laboratory tests. B, no known instance of failure in service: limited failuresin laboratory tests of short transverse specimens. C, service failure with sustained tension stress acting inshort transversedirectionrelativetograin smucture: limited failuresin laboratory tests of long transverse specimens. D, limitedservicefailureswithsustained longitudinal orlong transverse areas. (c) Cold workability andmachinabilityratings: alphabetical designations are relative ratings in descending order. A is best rating, etc. (d) Brazeability and weldability ratings: A. generally weldable by all commercial procedures and methods. B, weldable with special techniquesor for specific applications that justify preliminary trials or testing to develop welding procedure and weld performance. C . limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and mechanical properties. D, no commonly used welding methods have been developed.

General Introduction / 11 Table 7 U.S. casting shipments from 1980 through 1990 Permanentand stmipermnnent Sand c&ingS For sak O m us(a)


%tal astlngs

1980 1981 1982 1983

1,689.8 1,819.8 1,605.3 1,898.1

200.0 207.3 159.0 156.3

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

2,232.8 2,229.8 2,204.8 2.220.2 2,316.2 2,193.9 2,134.0

183.3 188.7 197.6 227.3 225.9 217.6 204.5


Die enstings F a spk O m us(a)

F a s.le

Own uMa)

33.1 30.8 19.2 10.2

217.2 209.2 161.9 211.8

105.9 82.3 77.2 90.5

633.8 704.1 624.2 812.9

429.2 452.7 434.0 493.3


12.6 15.3 25.8 24.0 28.3 29.4 24.5

388.7 390.7 390.7 385.2 474.8 452.3 459.7

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

932.9 923.5 886.3 892.5 919.7 890.3

583.0 596.8 601.9 614.8 587.8 546.2 519.8

132.3 114.8 102.5 76.4 79.7 58.1 77.1


70.6 129.8 123.1

aluminum Mh4Cs are the most commonly produced metal-matrix material. The benefits of these aluminum MMCs are that they have increased stiffness, strength and wear resistance along with enhanced thermal conductivity and a lower coefficient of thermal expansion Over the unreinforced aluminum alloy from which they are produced. Information on processing and properties of these materials can be found in the article “Aluminum-Matrix Composites” in this Volume.

Fabrication Characteristics

This section will briefly review important considerations in the machining, forming, forging, and joining of aluminum alloys. AddiNote: Values are given in millions of pounds. (a) Own use shipments are for captive consumption in the producer’s end products. (b) Permanent mold shipments for sale and tional informationcan be found jn the articles ownuse were combined in 1984. Source:Ref 1 in this Volume that deal with specitic fabrication processes. Machinability of most aluminum alloys is combination of both cold extrusionand cold forgFor more demanding applications, such as excellent (see, for exmple, the machinability ing and, as such, combine advantages of each aerospace parts or components requiring enratings in Table 6). Among the various wrought hanced resistance to stresscornsion cracking, and cast aluminurndays and mong the tempers process. There are three basic types of impact form- rapidly solidified or mechanically attrited alu- in which they are produced,thmis considerable ing-reverse impacting, forward impacting minum powders are consolidated by more ad- Kariation in machining characteristics, which and a combination of the two, each of which vanced techniques that result in close to 100% may require specid toolins or techniques.Hardmay be used in aluminum fabrication. Reverse of theoretical density. These consolidation ness ,& yield smngths are variously used as impacting is used to make shells with a forged methods include hot isostatic pressing, rapid approximationsof machinabdity. seethe article base and extruded sidewalls.The slug is placed omnidirectional compaction, ultra-high strain u ~ ~ ~ in this M volume ~ ~for ,more detailed in a die cavity and struck by a punch, which rate (dynamic) compaction, and spray deposi- information. forces the metal to flow back (upward) around tion techniques. using advanced P/kf processChemical milling, the moval of metal by the punch, through the opening between the ing methods, alloys that cannot be produced che,.,,icalamck in an alkaline or =id solution,is punch and die, to form a simple shell. Forward through conventional ingot metallurgy meth- routine for specid&d reductions in thichess. impacting somewhat resembles conventional ods are routinely manufactured. For complex large surface areas in which uniform Powder metallurgy parts may be competi- metal removal is required, Chemical milling is extrusion. Metal is forced through an orifice in the die by the action of a punch, causing the tive with forgings, castings, stampings, ma- often the most econohcal method. me pmess metal to flow in the direction of pressure appli- chined components,and fabricated assemblies. is used extensivelyto etch preformd aerospace cation. hnch/die clearance limits flash forma- Certain metal products can be produced only parts to obtain dum strength-to-weightmtion. Forward impacting with a flat-face punch by powder metallurgy; among these are oxide- tios (See Table 5). I n t e r n y stiffened aluminum is used to form round, contoured, straight, and dispersioned strengthenedalloys and materials wing a d fuselage sections are chemically d e d ribbed rods. With a stoprace punch, thin- whose porosity (number distribution and size to p&uce an optimum cross section and miniwalled parallel or tapered sidewall tubes with of Pores) is Controlled (filter elements and self- mum skin thickness. Spars, stringers, floor one or both ends open may be formed. In the lubricating bearings). Informationon the Prop- beams, and frames are frequent applications as combination method, the punch is smaller than erties and processing of aluminum P N parts well. See the article ‘‘Machining” in this volume an oriiiced die resulting in both reverse and can be found in the articles “Powder Metal- formore information. lurgy Alloys” and “Powder Metallurgy ROCforward metal flow. Formability is among the more h p o m t Powder metallurgy (P/M) parts a r e essing” in this Volume. characteristics of aluminum and many of its alMetal-matrix composites (MMCs) basi- loys. Specific tensile and yield strengths, ductilformed by a variety of processes. For less demanding applications, metal powder is com- cally consist of a nonmetallic reinforcement in- ity, and respective rates of work hardening pressed in a shaped die to produce green corporated into a metallic matrix. The control differences in the mount of permissible compacts, and then the compacts are sinted combination of light weight, comsion resistance, deformation. (diffusionbonded) at elevated temperam under and useful mechanical properties, which has Ratings of comparable formability of the protective atmosphere. During sintering, the made aluminum alloys so popular, lends itself commercially available alloys in various tem. melting point Of pers depend on the forming process, and are compacts consolidate and strengthen. The den- well to aluminum ~ C SThe sity of sintenxi compacts may be increased by aluminum is hi& enough to satisfy many aPPli- described in the articles “Forming” and “Forgre-pressing. When re-pressing is performed pri- cation requirements, yet is low enough to render ing” in this Volume. Such ratings provide genmarily to improve dimensional accuracy, it is composite processing reasonably convenient. erally reliable comparisons of the working termed “sizing”; when pexformed to alter con- Aluminum can also accommodate a variety of characteristics of metals, but serve as an apfiguration, it, is termed ‘‘mining.” Re-pressing reinforcing agents. Reinforcements, charac- proximate guide rather than as quantitative may be hilowed by resintehg, which relieves terized as either continuous or discontinuous fi- formability limits. Choice of temper may depend on the severstresses induced by cold work and may further bers, typically constitute 20 vol% or more of the consolidate the structm. By pressing and sinter- composite. The family of aluminum MMC rein- ity and nature of forming operations. The aning only, parts having densities of greater than fomments includes continuous boron; a l e - nealed temper may be required for severe 800/0 theoretical density can be produced. By num oxide; silicon carbide and graphite fibers; forming operations such as deep drawing, or re-pressing, with or without mintering, parts of and various particles, short fibers, and whiskers. for roll forming or bending on small radii. 90%thmmical density or more can be produced. Silicon carbide particle- or whisker-reinforced Usually, the strongest temper that can be 848.5

12 / introduction t o Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys formed consistently is selected. For less severe foxming operations, intermediate tempers or even fully hardened conditions may be acceptable. Heat-treatable alloys can be formed in applications for which a high strength-to-weight ratio is required. The annealed temper of these alloys is the most workable condition, but the effects of dimensional change and distortion caused by subsequent heat treatment for property development, and the straightening or other dimensional control s t e p that may be required, are important considerations. Alloys that are formed immediately following sohtion heat treatment and quench (T3, T4, or W temper) are nearly as formable as when annealed, and can be subsequently hardened by natural or artificial aging. Parts can be stored at low temperatures (approximately -30 to -35 “C, or-20 to -30 OF, or lower) in the W temper for prolonged periods as a means of inhibiting natural aging and preserving an acceptable level of formability. Material that has been solution heat treated and quenched but not artificially aged (T3, T4, or W temper) is generally suitable only for mild forming operations such as bending, mild drawing, or moderate stretch forming if these operations cannot be performed immediately after quenching. Solution heat-treated and artificially aged (T6 temper) alloys are in general unsuitable for forming operations. Forgeability Aluminum alloys can be forged into a variety of shapes and types of forgings with a broad range of final part forging design criteria based on the intended application. Aluminum alloy forgings, particularly closeddie forgings, are usually plpduced to more highly refined final forging configurations than hotforged carbon andor alloy steels. For a given alumhum alloy forging shape, the pressure requirements in forging vary widely, depending primarily on the chemical composition of the alloy being forged, the forging process being employed, the forging strain rate, the type of forging being manufactured, the lubrication conditions, and the forging and die temperahres. As a class of alloys, aluminum alloys are generally considered to be more difficult to forge than carbon steels and many alloy steels. Compared to the nickekobalt-base alloys and titanium alloys, however, aluminum alloys are considerably more forgeable, particularly in conventional forging process technology, in which dies are heated to 540 OC (1000 OF) or less. The factors influencing the forgeability of aluminum alloys as well as applicable forging methods are described in the article “Forging” in this Volume. Joining.Aluminum can be joined by a wide variety of methods, including fusion and resistance Welding, brazing, soldering, adhesivebonding, andmechanicalmethods such as riveting and bolting. Factors that affectthe welding of aluminum include: Aluminum oxide coating Thermal conductivity

Thermal expansion coefficient Melting characteristics Electrical conductivity

Ahrninum oxide immediately forms on aluh u m surfaces exposed to air. Before aluminum can be welded by fusion methods, the oxide layer must be removed mechanically by machining, filing, wire brushing, scraping, or chemical cleaning. If oxides are not removed, oxide fragments may be entrapped in the weld and will cause a reduction in ductility, a lack of fusion, and possibly weld cracking. During welding, the oxide must be prevented from re-forming by shielding the joint area with a nonoxidizing gas such as argon, helium, or hydrogen, or chemically by use of fluxes. Thermal conductivify is a property that most affects weldability. The thermal conductivity of aluminum alloys is about one-half that of copper and four times that of lowcarbon steel. This means that heat must be supplied four times as fast to aluminum alloys as to steel to raise the temperature locally by the same amount However, the high thermalconductivity of aluminum alloys helps to solidify the molten weld pool of aluminum and, consequently, facilitates out-of-position welding. The coefficient oflinear expansion, which is a measure of the change in length of a material with a change in its temperature, is another physical proopexty of importance when considering weldability. The coefficient of linearthermal expansion for aluminum is twice that for steel. This means that extra care must be taken in welding aluminum to ensure that the joint space remains uniform. This may necessitate preliminaryjoining of theparts of the assembly by tack welding prior to the main welding operation. The combination of high coefficient of thermal expansion and high thermal conductivity would cause considerable distortion of aluminum during welding were it not for the high welding speed possible. Melt Charucterktics. The melting ranges for aluminum alloys are considerably lower than those for copper or steel. Melting temperatures and the volumetric specific heats and heats of fusion of aluminum alloys determine that the amount of heat required to enter the welding temperature range is much lower for aluminum alloys. EZectrical conductiviry has little influence on fusion welding but is a very important property for materials that are to be resistance welded. In resistance weiding, resistance ofthe metal to the flow of welding current produces heat, which causes the portion of the metal through which the current flows to approach or reach its melting point. Aluminum has higher conductivity than steel, which means that much higher cumnts are required to produce the same heating effect. Consequently, resistance welding machines for aluminum must have much higher output capabilities than those normally used for steel, for welding comparable sections. Table 6 Iists welding and

brazing characteristics of selected aluminum alloys. More detailed information on joining of aluminum alloys can be found in the articles ‘Welding,” ‘Brazing and Soldering,” and “Adhesive Bonding” in this Volume.

Finishes The naturalmetallic surface of aluminum is aesthetically pleasing in many product designs even Without further finishing. Its natural protective oxide film is transparent and can be thkkened bY anodizing, for extra Protection, without affecting the metal’s appearanceBut aluminum also accepts a great variety Of finishes which Can alter its appearance O r e~hanceits Surface characteristics as r e q u i d . Surface textureS can be created fmmrough to matte to *r-Smmth. ’Ihe metallic hue C a n be co1ored by apPropriate chemical or anodizing pmsses- surfam coatin@ suCh as Paint e1ecwp1ating Or laminates lacquer, enmel may be appliedThe types Of finishes availab1e On a1uminumcan be grouped into four broad categories: mechanical chemical and elec@Wicfinishesand nonelectrolytic coatings* More detailed information On finishing methods can be found in the artic1e “cleaning~ Finishing, and Coat‘g” in vo1ume.


Mechanical Finishes Mechanicd hishes, in which the texture of the metal surface is physically alterd, vary widely in the degree and depth of the alteration. cornpounds Buffing with produces fine very abrasives smooth andmirror-like polishing surfaces: specular, produced by buffing only, and smooth specular,produced by buffing and polishing. Specular surfaces have strong visual impact, but on large surfaces their mirror-like quality will emphasize any distortion. Textured Surfaces. Various degrees of surface texture can be applied to aluminum; it may be directional showing a visible grain, or nondirectional and essentially undifferentiated. Directional textured surfaces range from the re1ative1y coarse brushed surfam through hand rubbedand coarse satin to fine satin finishes. They are applied by polishing with a wire brush, stainless steel ~ 0 0 1or , aluminum oxide grit. Forming and welding marks can be &scured by hand rubbing. Directional satin finishes are both attractive and easy to restore after welding, SO satin finishes are popular in architecture. Nondirectional texturing is produced by shot or air blasting with materials of various sizes and hardnesses. Size and type of blasting materials should be selected according to metal thickness to avoid distortion from the pressure of the blasting.

General Introduction / 13 dyes. Architects should consult manufacturers on resistance to fading before specifying for exterior uses. Electrolytic color anodizing: Produces durable earth-tone colors by two-step electrolytic processing. The first step typically involves sulfuric acid anodizing; the second, electrolytictreatment is a suitable metal-salt solution. Integral color anodizing: Produces thick oxide films colored by the COmpOSitiOn Of the aluminum alloys employed, as affected by the FWess temperature, voltage, current density and time. The Process can Produce hard-coat colors in Architectural Class I, with dense, hard surfaces highly resistant to abrasion.

Embossing. Aluminum sheet may be shaped or patterned by being pressed between mated rollers or dies, producing a raised or indented pattern on one or both sides.

Chemical Finishes The principal chemical finishes for final, surfaces are etching and visible alu-um brightening. A number of other chemical finishes (and/or coatings) may be applied to prepare aluminum surfaces for adhesive bonding; this specialized topic is discussed in the article “Adhesive Bonding” in this Volume. Etching. Aluminum is usudy &chd by a caustic solution, producing a silver-white or “frosted” surface which can m g e from coarse to f i e matte finish and which -mizes surface blemishes. For large productions, chemically etched finishes are more economical than mechanical matte finishing; for S& orders, mechanical finishing may be more economical. Brightening by a specid dip solution produces higher (shiny) or diffuse bright finishes. Exposed to weather, brightad fishes may not retain their original appearance. consultation with an aluminum producer is recornended before specifymg these finishes.

Electrolytic Finishes The electrolytic finishes employ electricity to stimulate the formation of a special surface on aluminum. Anodizing directly alters the chemical composition of the surface; electroplating deposits on the surface a different metal, whose metallurgical bonding to the aluminum differentiatesit from conventionally applied coatings. Anodizing is an electrolytic process that thickens aluminum’s natural oxide film, substantidy increasing its resistance to weathering and corrosion. The oxide layer may be left clear or may be colored by one of several alternative processes. The Aluminum Association classifiesarchitectural anodic coatings in two categories: Architectural Class I coatings are 18 pm (0.7 mil) or thicker and are recommended both for interiors and for exteriors subject to weathering. Architectural Class II coatings are between 10 and 18 pm (0.4and 0.7 mil) thick and are recommended for interior areas not subject to excessive wear or abrasion, and for extenor areas such as store fronts and entrances which are regularly cleaned and maintained. Variations of anodizing include:

. Clear anodizing: Sulfuric acid anodizing is used for clear finishes retaining the natural appearance of aluminum. . metallic Color anodizing: An anodized surface can also be colored by dipping in pigments or

In electroplating, direct current detaches atoms of metal from a SOurCe COnneCted to a positive tamhal, freeing than into aplatingbath, meanwhile the current transfers such metal atoms from the bath onto an object connected to the negative term&. Thus the metal of the plating source i gradually transferred to the plated object. Electroplating Can produce Very thin Coatings and very smooth, uniform coatings, which adhere strongly to the underlying metal and would be more difficultto apply by other methods.

Powder Coatings. Dry powders are applied electrostatically, then heat-fused, providing a tough film and good thickness on sharp edges, for example on wire screening, handrails, fencing, and extrusions for doors and windows. Pigment Enamel. Enamel made of pigment in a varnish vehicle m y be air drying or formulated for baking. The baking enamels are very versatile coatings, frequently used in shop applications. Flexible enamels are often rollercoated on aluminum sheet before the metal is rollformed. Vitreous Enamel. Porcelain enamel is a family of vitreous (glass) fishes, fused to al~minum at high t e n p r a m . It combines hardness, resistance to chemical attack, and long-lived durability. It has been used for building panels. spandrel panels, and column covers. Plastic laminates are films or sheets of plastic bonded to aluminum. They are useful on surfaces subjecttosevereweathering or wear, and have life expectancies of more than ten years under these conditions. Properly applied, laminates canbe dram,bent, stamped,perfo&and sheared along with the metal without separating. Lamination with pre-printed sheets permits the application of surface patterns of virtually ’ unlimited variety and complexity.

Product Classifications Non-Electrolytic Coatings Coatings include the full range of lacquers, paints, polymers, enamels and laminated films. Paints may be formulated for baking-on, or they may be air-drying and suitable for application in the field. Aluminum is an excellent base for highquality paints. Accidental paint scratches will not initiate streaking or deerioration since aluminum does not rust. lacquer is sometimes applied as a coating when long-term coating durability is not a requkment. Polymer Coatings. Various polymers can be applied as coatings on aluminum. Among them are:


Polyester coatings, which are economical general-purpose coatings with good resistance to weathering Plastisol, which is a suspensionof polyvinyl chloride resin particles in plasticizerand solvent; it provides thick coatings resistant to scuffs and abrasion Water-borne acrylics, which are high molecular weight emulsions with good exterior durability plus flexibility for forming Silicone-modifiedpolyester, which provides good durability at moderate cost Aliphatic polyurethane, which can be baked on or it can airdry, allowing for application in-place Fluorocarboncoatings, which are baked on, are very durable, and are considered a longlife premium finish. They may be roll-applied or sprayed onto preformed products

In the United States the aluminum industry has identifieditsmajor markets as building and construaion- @ a n s P o ~ t i o nCO~~WUI-MX durable% electrical, machinery and equipmentcOntainerS and Packa&&v exPo** and other end Uses. As described below, each of these major markets COmPri*S a Wide range of end uses. Table 8 provides data on annual U.S. shipmentsof aluminum by major markets. The percentage of selected mil1 Products shipped to each market category is shown in Table 9.

Building and Construction Applications Aluminum is used extensively in buildings of all kinds, bridges, towers, and storage tanks. Because structural steel shapes and plate are usually lower in initial cost, aluminum is used when engineering advantages, construction features, unique architectural designs, light weight, and/or corrosion resistance are considerations. Static Structures. Design and fabrication of aluminum static structures differ little from practices used with steel. The modulus of elasticity of aluminum is one-third that of steel and requires special attention to compression members. However, it offers advantages under shock loads and in cases of minor misalignments. When properly designed, aluminum typically saves over 50% of the weight required by low-carbon steel in small structures; similar savings may be possible in long-span or

14 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Table 8 U.S. net shipments by major market Major market


1991 Distribution, % Amount

1990 Distribution, W Amount

Building andconstruction 'Ranspottation

13.9 16.5

2,320 2,764

15.6 18.0

Consumerdurables Electrical Machinery and equipment Containers and packaging other Domestic, total Exports Total Shipments

6.2 7.6 5.6 29.1 3.2 82.1 17.9 100.0

1,041 1,276

6.6 7.7 5.8 27.9 3.4 85.0 15.0 100.0

940 4,873 532 13,746

2,992(a) 16,738

1990-1991 Change, W

2,664 3,059 1,123 1,313 996 4,755 576 14,486 2,55 l(a) 17,037

Packaging has been one of the fastest growing markets for aluminum. Products include household wrap, flexible packaging and food containers, bottle caps, collapsible tubes, and beverage and food cans. Aluminum foil works well in packaging and for pouches and wraps for foodstuffs and drugs, as well as for household uses. Beverage cans have been the aluminum industry's greatest success story, and market penetrations by the food can are accelerating. Soft drinks, beer, coffee, snack foods, meat, and even wine are packaged in aluminum cans. Draft beer is shipped in Alclad aluminum barre'S. A1uminum is used extensive1y in cO1laPsible tubes for toothpaste, ointments, food, and paints.

1981-1991 Annuaigmwth, 5%

- 12.9 -9.6 - 7.3 - 2.8 - 5.6

5.2 3,5 2.0 0.8

2.5 - 7.6 -5.1 17.3

- 1.8

2.4 3.2 -o,6 2.1 9.9 2.9

Note: Values are given in millions of pounds (a) Export figurescontain estimated adjustments to account for either an overestimate or underestimate of U.S. expon statistics published by the Bureau of Census. Source: Ref 1

Table 9 Percentage of aluminum mill products shipped to the major U.S. domestic market categories (1 0 year average, 1980 through 1989) RodUfts

sheet Plate Extmded shapes Extmdedpipeandtube Rod.barandWiE All mill pdum

Buildingand constructim Trmportation

19.1 0.3

60.4 12.6 5.3 23.3

9.4 72.7 19.9 15.9 4.8 12.9

Consumer durables 6.3 0.3 6.5 20.4

2.0 6.8

Electrical 3.6 I .9 4.7

31.2 69.7


Machmeryand Containersand equipment packaging 4.3 7.5 4.6 11.4 6.8 4.8

Other domestic



... ... ...

5.4 3.0

0.5 34.2

2.7 2.9 2.8

Source: Ref 2

movable bridges. Savings also result from low maintenance costs and in resistance to atmospheric or environmental corrosion. Forming, shearing, sawing, punching, and drilling are readily accomplished on the same equipment used for fabricating structural steel. Since structural aluminum alloys owe their strength to properly controlled heat treatment, hot forming or other subsequentthermal operations are to be avoided. Special attention must be given to the stren@hrequirements of we1ded areas because of the possibility of localized annealing effects. Buildings. Cormgated or otherwise stiffened sheet products are used in roofing and siding for industrial and agricultural building construction. Ventilators, W a g e slats, storage bins, window and door flames, and other components are additied applications for sheet, plate, =tings, and extrusions. Aluminum products such as roofing, flashing, gutters, and downspouts are used h homes, hospitals, schools, and commercial and office buildings. Exterior walls, curtain walls, and interior applications such as wiring, conduit, piping, ductwork, hardware, and railings utilize aluminum in many forms and finishes. \, Aluminum is used in bridges and highway accessories such as bridge railings, highway guard rails, lighting standards, traffic control towers, trafficsigns, and chain-link fences. Aluminum is also commonly used in bridge structures, especially in long-span or movable


bascule and vertical-lift construction. Construction of portable military bridges and superhighway overpass bridges has increasingly relied on aluminum elements. Scaffolding, ladders, electrical substation structures, and other utility structures utilize aluminum, chiefly in the form of structural and special extruded shapes. Cranes, conveyors, and heavy-duty handling systems incorporate significant amounts of aluminum. Water storage tanks are often constructed of aluminum alloys to improve resistance to corrosion and to provide attractive appearance.

Containers and Packaging The food and drug industries use a1uminum extensively because it is nontoxic, nonadsorptive, and splinter-proof. It also minimizes bacteria1growth, forms colorless sa1ts, and can be Stearn Cleaned. Low v01umetric specifc heat results in economies when containers Or conVeYors must be m ~ ~ ine and d Out of heated or refrigerated areas.The nonsParking Propem Of aluminum is valuable in flour mills and Other plants subject to fire and explosion haZards. Co~osiol1resistance is important in shipping fragile merchandise, valuable chemicals, and cosmetics. Sealed aluminum containers designed for air, shipboard, rail, or truck shipments are used for chemicals not suited for bulk shipment.


Automotive. Both wrought and cast aluminum have found wide use in automobile construction. Typical aluminum usage per unit of approximately 70 kg (150 lb) is expected to increase dramatically as average fuel economy mandates and emphasis on recycling continue. The most intensive use of aluminumin a passenger car approximates295 kg (650 lb), defining the present target for further material substitutions. Aluminum sand, die, and permanent mold castings are critically important in engine construction; engine blocks, pistons, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, crankcases, carburetors, transmission housings, and mker arms are proven mmponents.Brakevalvesandbrakecalipersjoin innumerable othercomponents in car design importance. Cast aluminum wheels continue to pw in popularity. ~ l sheet ~ is used - for ~ hoods, truk decks, bright finish h,air haes, and bumpers. ~ ~ t randuforgings ~ i are ~ finding ~ ~ new and extensive uses. Forged aluminum alloy wheels are a premium option. Trucks. Because of weight limitations and a desire to increase effective payloads,manufacturers have intensively employed aluminum in cab, trailer, and truck designs. Sheet alloys are used in truck cab bodies, and dead weight is also reduced using extruded stringers, frame rails, and cross members. Extruded or formed sheet bumpers and forged wheels are usual. Fuel tanks of aluminum offer weight reduction, corrosion resistance, and attractive appearance. Castings and forgings are used extensively in engines and suspension system. Truck trailers are designed for maximum payload and operating economy in consideration of legal weight requ&ments. Aluminum is used in frames, floors, roofs, cross sills, and shelving. Forged aluminum wheels are commonly used. Tanker and dump bodies are made from sheet and/or plate in riveted and welded assemblies. Mobile homes and travel trailers usually are constructed of aluminumalloy sheet used bare or with mill-applied baked-enamel finish on wood, steel, or extruded aluminum alloy frames. Bus manufacturers also are concerned with &mizing dead weight. Aluminum sheet,plate,


General Introduction / 15 and extrusions are used in body components and bumpers. Forged wheels are common. Engine and structural components in cast, forged, and extrudedform are extensively used. Bearings. Aluminum-tin and aluminum silicon alloys are used in medium and heavy-duty gasoline and diesel engines for connecting-rod and main bearings. Cast and wrought bearings may be composite with a steel backing and babbited or other plated overlay. Bearing alloys are further discussed in the article “Tribological Behavior” in this Volume. Railroad Cars. Aluminum is used in the construction of railroad hopper cars, box Cars, refrigeratorcars, and tank cars. Aluminum is also used extensively in passenger rail cars, particularly those for mass transit systems. Marine Applications.Aluminum is commonly used for a large variety of marine applications, including main strength members such as hulls and deckhouses, and other applications such as stack enclosures, hatch covers, windows, air ports, accommodationladders, gangways, bulkheads, deck plate, ventilation equipment, lifesaving equipment, fumitu~,hardware, fuel *, and bright trim. In addition, ships are making extensive use of welded aluminum alloy plate in the large tanks used for transportation of liquefied gases. The corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys in current use permit designs that save about 50% of the weight of similar designs in steel. Substantid savings of weight in deckhouses and topside equipment permit lighter supporting structures. The cumulative savings in weight improve the stability of the vessel and allow the beam to be decreased. For comparable speed, the lighter, narrower craft will require a smaller power plant and will bum less fuel. Consequently, 1 kg (2.2 lb) of weight saved by the use of lighter structures or equipment frequently leads to an overall decrease in displaced weight of 3 kg (6.5 lb). Aluminum also reduces maintenance resulting from corrosive or biological attack. The relatively low modulus of elasticity for aluminum alloys offers advantages in structures erected on a steel hull. Flexure of the steel hull results in low stresses in an aluminum superstructure, as compared with the stresses induced in a similar steel superstructure. Consequently, continuous aluminum deckhouses may be built without expansion joints. Casting alloys are used in outboard motor structural parts and housings subject to continuous or intermittent immersion, motor hoods, shrouds, and miscellaneous parts, including fittings and hardware. Additional marine applications are in sonobuoys, navigation markers, rowboats, canoes, oars, and paddles. Aerospace. Aluminum is used in virtually d segments of the aircraft, missile, and spacecraft i n d u s e airframes, engines, accessories, and tankage for liquid fuel and oxidizers. Aluminum is widely used because of its high strength-to-density ratio, corrosion resistance, and weight efficiency, especially in compressive designs.

high-strength galvanized or aluminized steel wire core, which itself may be a single wire or a group of concentric-lay strands. Electrical resistance is determined by the aluminum cross section, whereas tensile strength is determined on the composite with the steel core providing 55 to 60% of the total strength. The ACSR construction is used for mechanical strength. Strength-to-weight ratio is usually about two times that of copper of equivalent directcurrent resistance. Use of ACSR cables permits longer spans and fewer or shorter poles or towers. Bus Bar Conductors. Commercial bus design in the United States utilizes four types of bus conductors: rectangular bar, solid round bar, tubular, and structural shapes. Electrical Applications Motors and Generators. Aluminum has long been used for cast rotor windings and strucConductor Alloys. The use of aluminum tural parts. Rotor rings and cooling fans are prespredominates in most conductor applications. sure cast integrally with bars through slots of the Aluminum of controlled composition is treated laminated core in caged motor rotors. with trace additions of boron to remove titanium, Aluminum structural parts, such as stator vanadium, and zirconium, each of which in- frames and end shields, are often economically creases resistivity. The use of aluminum rather die cast. n e i r corrosion resistance may be than competing materials is based on a combina- necessav in specific environmentmotors tion of low cost, high electrical conductivity,ade- , for spinning natural and synfietic fiber, and in quate mechanical strength, low specific gravity, aircraft generatorswhen light weight is equally and excellent resistance to corrosion. important, for example. The most common conductor alloy (1350) Additional applications are field coils for offers a minimum conductivity of 61.8% of the direct-cumnt machines, stator windj,.,gs in International Annealed Copper Standard nlotors, and transformer windings. ~ u ~ ~ e d (IACS) and from 55 to 124 MPa (8 to 18 ksi) wire is used in extremely large turbogenerator minimum tensile strength, depending on size. field coils, where operating temperatures and When compared with IACS on a basis of mass centrifugal forces might otherwise result in instead of volume, minimum conductivity of creep failure. hard drawn aluminum 1350 is 204.6%. Other Transformers.Aluminum windings have alloys are used in bus bar, for service at slightly elevated temperatures, and in cable television been excessively used in dry-type power transformersand have been ahpa to secondary coil installations. Cable sheathing is achieved by extruding windings in magnetic-suspension type constantthe sheath in f i a l position and dimensions current transformers.Their use decreases weight around the cable as it is fed through an axial and permits the coil to float in electromagnetic orifice in the extrusion die. It can also be done suspension. In a closely associated application, by threading the cable through an oversized aluminum is being used in conCretereactor deprefabricated tube and then squeezing the tube vices that protect transformers from overloads. Extruded shapes and punched sheet are to fmal dimensions around the cable by tube used in radar antennas, extruded and rollreducers and draw dies. Conductor accessories may be rolled, ex- formed tubing in television antennas, rolled truded, cast, or forged. Common forms of alu- strips coi1ed line traps; drawn Or impact-exminum conductors are single wire and multiple truded cans in condensen and shie1ds, and vawire (stranded, bunched, or rope layed). Each porized high-purity coatin@ in cathode-ray is used in overhead or other tensioned applica- tubestions, as well as in nontensioned insulated apExmP1es Of applications in which e1~ctrical properties other than magnetic are not plications. Size for size, the direct current resistance of dominant are chassis forelectronicequipment, the most common aluminum conductor is from spun Pressure receptacles for airborne equipabout 1.6 to 2.0 times UCS. For equivalent merit, etched nameplates, and hardware such as direct-current resistance, an aluminum wire bolts, screws, and nuts. In addition, finned that is two American Wire Gage sizes larger shapes are used in electronic components to than copper wire must be used. Nevertheless, facilitate heat removal. Aluminum may be used as a result of the lov+r-,specific gravity, the as the cell base for the deposition of selenium conductivity-based aluminum required weighs in the manufacture of selenium rectifiers. lighting. Aluminum in incandescent and only about half as much as an equivalent copfluorescent lamp bases and other sheet alloys for per conductor. Aluminum conductors, steel reinforced sockets are established uses. Cast, stamped, and (ACSR) consist of one or more layers of con- spun parts are used, often artistically, in table, centric-lay stranded aluminum wire around a floor, and other lighting fKhues. Aluminum IC-

Increased resistance to corrosion is secured through the use of Alclad alloys or anodic coatings. The exterior of aircraft exposed to salt water environment is usually fabricated from clad alloys. Anodized bare stock successfully resists corrosion when only occasional exposure to salt water is encountered. corrosion resistance may be further enhanced by organic finishes or other Protective Coatings. Extensive reviews on the uses and Corrosion PWerties of aluminum for aircraft and aerospace vehic1es Can be foUnd in Vo1ume 139 Corrosion, ofthe 9th Edition ofkfetds Handbook. (See also the article ‘‘Corrosion Behavior” in this volume).

16 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys flector is common in fluorescent and other installed lighting systems. Capacitors. Aluminum in the form of foil dominates all other metals in the construction of capacitor electrodes. Dry electrolytic and nonelectrolytic capacitorsathe basic condenser types in extensive commercial use. Dry electrolytic capacitors usually employ parallel coiled or wrapped aluminum foil ribbons as electrodes. Paper saturated with an operative electrolyte, wrapped into the coil, mechanically separates the ribbons. In designs forintermittentuse in altemath g circuits, both electrodes are anodized in a hot boric acid electrolyte. The resulting thin anodic films constitute the dielectric element. Only the anode foil is anodized in dry dectrolytic assemblies intended for direct-current applications. Anodized electrodes are of high purity, whereas the nonanodized electrodes utilize foil ribbons of lower punty. Prior to anodizing, the foil is usually, but not always, etched to increase effective surface area. Containers for dry electrolytic capacitors may be either drawn or impact extruded. Ordinary clean foil ribbons serve as electrodes in commercial nonelectrolytic capacitors. Oil-impregnated paper separates the electrodes and adjacent coils of the wrap. Nonelectrolytic foil assemblies are packed in either aluminum alloy or steel cans.

Consumer Durables Household Appliances. Light weight, exd e n t apPe-ce, adaptability to all forms of fabrication, and low cost of fabrication are the reasons for the broad usage of aluminum in household electrical appliances. Light weight is an hP0-t characteristic in VaCuUm Cleaners, elecbic irons, poxtabledishwashers9foodpmsson, and blenders. Low fabricating costs depend on several properties, including adaptability to die casting and ease of finishing. Because of a naturally pleasing appearanceand good Corrosion resistance, expensive finishing is not necessary. In addition to its other desirable characteristics, aluminum's brazeability makes it useful for refrigerator and freezer evaporators. Tubing is placed on embossed sheet Over strips of brazing alloy with a suitable flux. The assembly is then furnace brazed and the residual flux removed by successive washes in boiling water, nitric acid, and cold water. The result is an evaporator with high thermal conductivity and efficiency, good corrosion resistance, and low manufacturing cost. With the exception of a few permanent mold pans, virtually all aluminum castings in electrical appliances are die cast. cooking utensils may be cast, drawn, spun, or drawn and spun from aluminum. Handles are often joined to the utensil by riveting or spot welding. In some utensils, an aluminum exterior is bonded to a stainless steel interior, in others, the interior is coated with porcelain or Teflon. Silicone resin, Teflon, or other coatings enhance the utility of heated aluminum utensils.

Many die castings in appliances are internal of the 9th Edition of Metals Handbook (see also functional parts and are used without finish. the article "Corrosion Behavior" in this Volume). Organic finishes are usually applied to external Textile Equipment. Aluminum is used exdie-cast parts such as appliance housings. tensively in textile machinery and equipment in Wrought forms fabricated principally from the form of extrusions, tube, sheet, castings, and sheet, tube, and wire are used in approximately forghgs. It is resistant to many corrosive agents the same quantities as die castings. Wrought encountered in textile mills and in the manufacalloys are selected on the basis of corrosion ture of yams. A high strength-to-weight mtio reresistance, anodizing characteristics,fomabil- duces the ineha of high-speed machine parts. Permanent dimensional accuracy with light ity, or other engineering properties. m e natural colors some alloys assume after weight improves the dynamic balance of machine anodizing are exmmely important for food- members running at high speeds, and reduces I ~ . handling equipment. Applications include re- vibration. Painting k Usually u M ~ S S ~spool frigerator vegetable/meat pans, ice cube trays, beamheads and cores are usually permanent mold and wire shelves. In the production of wire castings and ~ ~ t r u d eOrd Welded tube, E S P shelves, f u l l - h d wire is cold headed over ex- tively. Paper and Printing industries. An intertruded strips, which form the bo&rs. Furniture. Light weight, low maintenance, esting applicationof aluminum is foundin retumcorrosion resistance, durability, and attractive ap- able Shipping Cores. cores may be reinforced pearance are the principal advanwes of alumi- with steel end-sleeves which also constitutewearresistant drive elements. Processing or rewinding num in furniture. Chair base., seat frames, and arm rests are cores are fabricated of aluminum alloys. FOWcast, drawn or extruded tub (round, square, or drinier or table rolls for papermaking machines rectangular), sheet, or bar. Frequently, these are als0 Of aluminum constructionparts are formed in the mnealed or partidly Curved aluminum sheet printing plates perheat-treated tempem, and are subsequentlyheat mit higher rotary-press speeds and minimize treatd and aged. Designs are generally based ,misregister by decreasing centrifugal force. on sewice requirements; however, styling Aluminum lithographic sheet offers excepofien dictates overdesign or inefficient set- tional reproduction in mechanical and electrofmishes. tions. Fabrication is conventional; joining is gained usually by welding or brazing. Various finishCoal Mine MachineryThe use Of alumiing procedures are used mechanical, anodic, num quipment in Coal mines has increased in color anodized, anodized and dyed, enamel m t years* App1icationsinc1udecars, tubs and skips, roof props, nonsparking tools, portable coated, or painted. Tubular sections, usually round and fre- jacklegs, and shaking conveyors. Aluminum is quently formed and welded from flat strip, are resistant to the corrosive conditions associated the most popular form of aluminum for lawn with surface and deep mining. Aluminum is self furniture. Conventional tube bending and me- cleaning and offers good resistance to abrasion, vibration, splitting, and tearing. chdcally fitted joints may be used. Finishing Portable Irrigation Pipe and Tools. Alumis usually by grinding and buffing and is fiehum is extensively used in poxtable sprinkler and quently followed by clear lacquer coating. irrigation systems. Portable tools use large quantities of aluminum in electric and gas motors and Machinery and Equipment motor housings. Precision cast housings and engine components, including pistons, are used for power drills, power saws, gasolinedriven chain processi%Equipment. In the petroleum saws, sanders, buffing machines, screwdrivers, industry aluminumtops are used On stee1stomge grinders, power shears, hammers, various impact tanks*extenorsare 'Overed with aluminumpig- tools, and stationary bench tools. Aluminum alloy merited paint,and aluminumPipelines are cani- forghgs are found in IIXUly Of the same applicaers Of petroleum products* Aluminum is used tions and in manual tools such a~ wrenches and extensively in the dJber hdUs@YbWause it re- PberS. sktsal1corrosion that occurs in rubber P a s i n g Jigs, Fixtures, and Patterns. Thick cast or and is nonadhesive. Al~minum alloys are wide1Y rolled aluminum plates and bar, precisely maused in the manufacture O f ex P l o s i v es ~ a~of s e chined to high f ~ s and h flatness, are used for their nonPPPhoric Characteristics. strong Oxi- tools and dies. Plate is suitable for hydropress dants are Processed, Stored9and Shipped in ahmi- form blocks, hydrostretch form dies, jigs, fvcnum System.AluminumiseFiallYcompatible turn, and other tooling. Aluminum is used in the with sulfur, sdfuric acid, sulfides,and sulfates.In aircraft industry for drill jigs, as formers, stiffenthe nuclear energy industry, aluminum-jacketeed ers and stringers for large assembly jigs, router fuel elements Protect m n h m from Water corro- bases, and layout tables. Used in master tooling, sion, prevent the enby Of reaction products into cast aluminum eliminates warpage problems Ethe coohg water, transfer heat efficientlyfrom sulting from uneven expansion of the tool due to umium to water, and contribute to minimizing changes in ambient temperature. Largealuminum parasitic capture of neutrons. Aluminum tanks are bars have been used to replace zinc alloys as a used tocontain heavy water. The use of aluminum fixture base on spar mills with weight savings of for each of the aforementioned industries is de- two-thirds. Cast aluminum serves as matchplate scribed in more detail in Volume 13, Corrosion, in the foundry industry.

General Introduction / 17 Instruments. On the basis of combinations of strength and dimensional stability, aluminum alloys are used in the manufacture of optical, telescopic, space. guidance, and other precision insbuments and devices. TOe n ~ ~dimensional re accuracy and stability in manufacturing and assembling parts for such equipment, additional thermal stress-reliefheafmentsare sometimes applied at stages of machining, or after welding or mechanical assembly.

Other Applications Reflectors. Reflectivity of light is as high as 95% on especially prepared surfaces of high-purity aluminum. Aluminum is generally superior to other metals in its ability to reflect M or heat rays. It resists tarnish from SUIfides, oxides, and atmospheric contaminants, and has three to ten times the useful life of silver for mirrors in searchlights, telescopes, and similar reflectors. Heat reflectivity may be as much as 98% for a highly polished surface. Performane is r e d u d only slightly as the metal weathers and

loses its initialbrilliance. When maximum reflectivity is desired, chemical or electrochemical brightening treatments are used, quick anodic treatment usually follows, sometimes finished by a coat of clear lacquer. Reflectors requiring less brighmess may simply be buffed and lacquered. Etching in a mild caustic solution produces a diffuse f ~ s h which , may also be protected by clear lacquer, an anodic coating, or both. Powders and Pastes. The addition of aluminum flakes to paint pigments exploits the intrinsic advantages of high reflectance, durability, low emissivity, and minimum moisture penehation. Other applications for powders and pastes include phting inks, explosives and propellants, floating soap, aerated concrete, aluminothermic welding, and energyenhancing fuel additives. Additional information can be found in the article “Powder Metallurgy Processing” in this Volume. Anode Materials. Highly electronegative aluminum alloys are routinely employed as sacrificial anodes, generally on steel structures or vessels such as pipelines, offshore construction, ships, and tank storage units. See the article “Cathodic Protection” in Volume 13, Corrosion,

of the 9th Edition of Metals Handbook for additional information.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The information in this article is largely taken from the following source:

E.L. Rooy, Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, Vol 2, ASM Handbook

(formerly 10th Edition, Metals Handbook), ASM International, 1990,p 3-14

REFERENCES 1. Aluminum Statistical Review for 1991, published by The Aluminum Association, Inc. and the U.S. Department of Economics and Statistics, 1992 2. TheAnswerisAluminum,TheAluminum Association, Inc., 1991

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems SYSTEMS FOR DESIGNATING aluminum and aluminum alloys that incorporate the product form (wrought, casting, or foundry ingot) and its respective temper (with the exception of foundry ingots, which have no temper classification) are covered by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard H35.1. The Aluminum Association, which is located in Washington, D.C., is the registrar under ANSI H35.1 with respect to the designation and composition of aluminum alloys and tempers registered in the United States.

Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Designation System A fourdigit numefical designation system is used to identify wrought aluminum and a h minum alloys. As shown below, the first digit of the four-digit designation indicates the group:

minimum aluminumpercentage. These digits are The second two digits identify the specific the same as the two digits to the right of the aluminum alloy or, for the aluminum (1xr.x) decimal point in the minimum aluminum per- series, indicate purity. The last digit, which is centage when expressed to the nearest 0.01%. separated from the others by a decimal point, Designationshaving seconddigits otherthan zero indicates a product form, whether casting or (integers 1 through 9, assigned consecutively as ingot. A modification of an original alloy, or of needed) indicate special control of one or more the impurity limits for unalloyed aluminum, is individual impurities. indicated by a serial letter preceding the nuAluminum Alloys. Inthe2xxxthrough8m merical designation. The serial letters are asalloy groups, the second digit in the designation signed in alphabetical sequence starting with A indicates alloy modification. If the second digit is but omitting I, 0, Q , and X, the X being rezero, it indicates the original alloy; integers 1 sewed for experimental alloys. Explicit rules through 9, assigned consecutively,indicate modi- have been established for determining whether fications of the original alloy. Explicit rules have a proposed composition is a modification of an been established for determining whether a pro- existing alloy or if it is a new alloy. posed composition is merely a modification of a Aluminum Castings and Ingot. For the previously registered alloy or if it is an entirely lxxx group, the second two of the four digits in new alloy. The last two of the four digits in the the designation indicate the minimum aluminum k t h r o u g h &cuc groups have no special sign& percentage. These digits are the same as the two cance, but serve only to identify the different digits to the right of the decimal point in the aluminurn al1oys in the goup. minimum aluminum percentage when expressed to the nearest 0.01%.The last digit indicates the product form: 1xx.O indicates castings, and Ixr.1 Cast Aluminum and Aluminum indicates ingot.

Aluminum Alloy Castings and Ingot.

Alloy Designation System Aluminum, 299.0% luX Aluminumalloysgrouped by majoralloying element(s): copper... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ua

................. 4m Magnesium and silicon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otherelements......................... Unused series


&wr 7x.n &rrr 9m

For the though ;?uor series, the alloy group is determined by the alloying element Present in the greatest n-lean Percentage- An exception is the 6rxx series alloys, h which the proportions of magnesium and silicon available to form magnesium silicide (Mg2Si) are predominant. Another exception is made in those cases in which the alloy qualifies as a modification of a previously registered alloy. If the greatest mean percentage is the same for more than one element, the choice of group is in order of group sequence: copper, manganese, silicon, magnesium, magnesium silicide, zinc, or others. Aluminum. In the lnnr group, the series laxX is used to designate unalloyed compositions that have natural impurity limits. The last two of the four digits in the designation indicate the

A system of fourdigit numerical designations incorporating a decimal point is used to identify aluminum and aluminum alloys in the form of castings and foundry ingot. The first digit indicates the alloy group: i.KV-V Aluminum, S9.00% Aluminum alloys grouped by major alloyingelement(s): copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2tV-V Silcon, with added copper anda magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.KVJ silicon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 4 s u Magnesium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.KV-I. zinc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.KLV

Wn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Othmhents. ........................ Unu~~series

g w 9-Kr-r


For 2n-x through 8 n . x alloys, the alloy group is determined by the alloying element present in the greatest mean percentage, except in cases in which the composition being registered qualifies as a modification of a previously registered alloy. If the greatest mean percentage is common to more than one alloying element, the alloy group is determined by the element that comes first in the sequence.

For the 2wxx through 9xx-x alloy groups, the second two of the four digits in the designation have no special significance but serve only to identify the different alloys in the group. The last digit, which is to the right of the decimal point, indicates the product form: m . 0 indicates castings, and m . 1 indicates ingot having limits for alloying elements the same as those for the alloy in the form of castings, except for those listed in Table 1.

Designations for Experimental


Experimental alloys also are designated in accordance with the systems for wrought and cast alloys, but they are indicated by the prefix X. The prefix is dropped when the alloy is no longer experimental. During development and before they are designated as experimental, new alloys may be identified by serial numbers assigned by their originators. Use of the serial number is discontinued when the ANSI H35.1 designation is assigned. It should be noted that some proprietary powder metallurgy (P/M) alloys have also been indicated by the prefix X. This is particularly true for high-strength, alu-

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 19 Table 1 Alloying element and impurity specifications for ingots that will be remelted into sand, permanent mold, and die castings I Alloying element

’Sand and permanent mold

Iron. .......................


50.15 >0.154.25 >0.25-0.6 >0.6-I.O >l.O

... ...

Magnesium.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Zinc. .......................




Composition, wt% Die


... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

51.3 >l.3

... ...

>0.25 to 0.60 >0.60



... ...

O.IS% Mg. Source: Ref I

Castings and Foundry Alloys. There is no similar international accord for these aluminum or aluminum alloy products. Foreign Alloy Designations. Historically, all major industrialized countries developed their own standard designations for aluminum Cross-Referencing of Aluminum and aluminum alloys. These are now being grouped under systems of the American Naand Aluminum Alloy Products tional Standards Institute,the International Organization for Standardization, and the , Tables 2 and 3 cross-reference aluminum European Commit& for Standardization. The Intemati0M.l Organimkn for standwrought and ingotlcast products according to composition,per Aluminum Association, Uni- ardim‘on has developed its own alphanumeric fied Numbering System (UNS), and Interna- designation systemformughtaluminumandits tional Organization for Standardization (ISO) alloys, based on the systems that have been used by &European countries. The main addition standards. element is distinguished by specifying the reUnified NumberingSystem. UNS numhrs corelate many nationally used numbefing sys- q u a content (middle of range) rounded off to tems currently administered by societies, trade the nearest OS: associations, and individual users and producers of metals and alloys. The UNS system was 5052=Al Mg2.5 developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers and ASTM in conjunction with other 5251=A1 M g 2 technical societies, trade associations, and US. government agencies. If required, the secondary addition eleAluminum Association International Alloy Designations. For wrought aluminum and ah- merits a= distinguished by spec$Qng the reminum alloys only, compositions may be reg- quired content rounded off to the nearest 0.1, istered with the Aluminum Association by a for two elements at most: number of foreign organizations. These organizations are signatories of a Declaration of Ac6181=A1 SilMg0.8 cord on the Recommendation for an International Designation System for Wrought The chemical symbols for addition eleAluminurn and WroughtAluminum Alloys. In addition to the United States, the countries ments shou1d be limited to four: represented by signatories are Argentina, Aus7050=A1 Zn6CuMgik tralia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Nether1ands’ Norway’ ’Out‘ A’ica’ Spain’ If an alloy cannot otherwise be distinSweden, Switzerland, and the United King- guished, a suffix in brackets is used: dom. The European Aluminum Association is also a signatoIy. 6063=Al Mg0.7Si Under ANSI standard H35.1, wrought aluminum or aluminum alloys will be registered in decreasing priority as national variations, as 6463=A1 MgO.7SiO) modifications, or as a new four-digit number. A national variation that has composition limits very close but not identical to those registered and intemational doy regis’ation by another country is identified by a serial 6063A=AI MgO.7Si(A) letter following the numerical designation.

b u m - b a s e P/M alloys, as described in the article “Powder Metallurgy Alloys” in this Volume.

Note that suffixes (A), (B), and so on should not be confused with suffixes of the Aluminum Association. The ISO chemical composition standard for aluminum and its alloys references Aluminum Association equivalents as well as its own identification system. Alisting of these is given in Table 4. European Committee for Standardization. This committee (Comiti EuropCen de Normalisation, CEN) of European Common Market members has developed a composition standard based on the ISO standard, but which contains new designations not included in that standard. Some of these new designations are already registered as German(Deutsche Industrial-Nomen, DIN) standards. The CEN standard also references Aluminum Association equivalents.

Temper Designation System for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys The temper designation system used in the United States for aluminum and aluminum alloys is used for all product forms (both wrought and cast), With the exception of ingot The system is based on the sequences of mechanical or thermal treatments, or both, used to prodUCe the Various temperS. The temper designation fOllowS the alloy designation and is separated from it by a hyphen. Basic temper designations consist of individual capital letters. Major subdivisions of basic tempers, where required, are indicated by one or more digits following the letter. These digits designate specific sequences of treatments that produce specific combinations of characteristics in the product. Variations in treatment conditions within major subdivisions are identified by additionaldigits. Theconditionsduring heat treatment (such as time, temperature, and quenching rate) used to prduce a given temper in one alloy may differ from those employed to produce the same temper in another alloy. More detailed infomation on quenching and tempering schedules for specific aluminum alloys can be found in the article “Heat Treating” in this Volume.

Basic Temper Designations Designations for the common tempers, and descriptions of the sequences of operations used to produce these tempers, are given in the following paragraphs. F, As Fabricated. 'Ibis is applied to products shaped by cold working, hot working, or castingprocesses in which no specialcontrolover themal conditions or strain hardening is employed. For wrought products, there are no mechanical property limits. 0,Annealed. 0 applies to wrought products that are annealed to obtain lowest-strength temper and to cast products that are annealed to


20 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Table 2 Composition of wrought unalloyed aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys




1035 1040 1045 1050 1060 1065 1070 1080 1085 1090 1098 1100 1110

Grade designation



Composition, wi%





. . . . . . .......... 0.35 A91040 . . . .......... 0.30 . . . .......... 0.30 A91045 4 9 9 . 5 ...... 0.25 A91050 A91060 Al99.6 ...... 0.25 .... 0.25 A91065 A91070 A91080 A91085 A91090

. . .


. . .

0.6 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.25 AI99 AI 99.8 ...... 0.15 0.15 . . . .......... 0.10 0.12 . . . .......... 0.07 0.07 . . . .......... 0.010 0.006 Al99.OCu... 0.95 (Si + Fe) . . . .......... 0.30 0.8

l.W(Si + Fe) 1200 A91200 Al99.0 ...... . . . . . . .......... 0.10 1120 0.40 1230 1135 1235 1435 1145 1345 1445 1150 1350


0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.003 0.05-0.20 0.04


0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01


0.05 0.01

0.05 0.05 0.05-0.35 0.01


' . . ..........

1260 A91260(c) ............. 0.40(Si + Fe) 1170 A91170 . . . .......... 0.30(Si + Fe) 1370 I . . E-AI 99.7 .... 0.10 0.25 1175 1275 1180 1185 1285 1385


0.70(Si + Fe) 0.10 0.05 0.60(Si + Fe) 0.05-0.20 0.04 . . . .......... 0.65 (Si + Fe) 0.05 0.05 . . . .......... 0.15 0.30-0.50 0.02 0.05 . . . .......... 0.55 (Si + Fe) 0.05 0.05 . . , .......... 0.30 0.40 0.10 0.05 . . . . . . .......... OSO(Si + Fe)(b) 0.w) . . . . . . . . . .......... 0.45 (Si + Fe) 0.05-0.20 0.05 A91350 E-AI 99.5 .... 0.10 0.40 0.05 0.01 A91230 A91135 A91235 A91345 A91145 A91345

. . . ..........

Fe) . . . . . . .......... 0.080.15 (Si t0.12


0.04 0.03 0.02

0.01 0.03 0.01


0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01




...... ...... ......

...... ......

...... ......


...... . . . . . . . . .



0.10 .' . 0.10 . . . ... 0.05 ... 0.05 . .. 0.05 ... 0.05 0.04 . . . 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.015 . . 0.10 . .


0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 0.01 . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . 0.01 . . .

0.10 0.05




0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

. . . . . . 0.10 . . . . . . 0.10

...... ......

0.10 0.05 0.05

. . . . . . 0.03

. . .. .. ... ... ... '




0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

...... 0.05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.01 . . . 0.05 0.03 ... ...... ...

0.03 0.02 0.02

0.03 0.01



0.10 0.05-0.10 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01

0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02


0.01 0.01

0.01 0.01


...... ......

0.05 0.04 0.04

... ...


0.05 0.05


0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.03 0.02

0.03 0.02


other ekments

0.03 . . . 0.03 ... 0.03 . . . 0.03 . . . 0.03 . . . 0.03 . . . 0.03 . . . 0.02 . . . 0.01 . . . 0.01 . ' . 0.003 . . . 0.05 0.15 0.03 . . .

99.35 99.40 99.45 99.50 99.60 99.65 99.70 99.80 99.85 99.90 99.98 99.00 99.10



0.05 0.03

0.15 0.10

99.00 99.20

0.03 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03

0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

. . . . .'.



0.03 0.03

99.30 99.35 99.35 99.35 99.45 99.45 99.45 99.50 99.50

0.03 0.03

0.03 0.03 0.02


0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02





... ... ...


... ... ...

... ... (4

0.02 B, 0.03 (V + Ti)


0.05 B, 0.02 (V + Ti)


... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.05 B, 0.02 (V + Ti) (a)


0.02 B, 0.02 (V + Ti)

... ...

... ...

+ Fe)

. . . .. .......... 0.06 .......... 0.05

0.06 0.07

0.005 0.01

0.04 0.006 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.7

0.006 0.006 5.2-6.0 1.5-2.5 4.0-5.0 5.5-6.5 3.5-5.0

0.7 0.8 0.40 0.7 0.7

1.0-2.0 3.M.6 0.7-1.1 5.0-6.0 3.9-5.0

0.30 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.9-1.3 0.30 0.30 0.18 0.30(1) 0.30

3.9-5.0 3.54.5 3.54.5 2.2-3.0 3.54.5 3.54.5 1.9-2.7 5.M.8 5.8-6.8 5.8-6.8 5.M.4 5.8-6.8

... 0.03 0.03 0.05 ... 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.10 . . . . . . 0.05 Zr(g) ... 0.20 . . . . . . 0.10 . . ' 0.05-0.20 0.10-0.25 Zr(h) 0.10 . . . . . . 0.30-0.50Zr 0.50 . . . . . . 0.20 Bi, 1.0-2.0 Pb ... 0.61.0 0.50-1.4 . ' . 0.20 0.20 . . . . . . OSC-1.0 0.40-1.8 0.10 0.20 0.8 . . . . . . (0 ... 0.30 0.25-0.50 0.10 . . . 0.25 ' . . 0.05 . . . . . . . . . 0.30 . . . . . . ... ti) 0.40-1.2 0.20-0.8 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . . . . (k) . . . . . . 0.40-1.2 0.20-0.8 0.10 . . . 0.25 (k) 0.40-1.0 0.404.8 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . . . . (k) 0.40-1.0 0.40-1.0 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . . . . 0.25Zr + Ti . . . . . . ... 0.20 0.20-0.50 0.10 . . . 0.25 ... 0.20 0.45-0.9 0.10 1.7-2.3 0.25 . . . . . . ... 0.20 1.2-1.8 0.10 1.7-2.3 0.25 . . . . . . ... ... 1.S1.8 . . . 0.9-1.2 0.10 . ' . .' ' . . . . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05-0.15 0.10-0.25 Zr 0.20-0.40 0.02 . . . . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05-0.15 0.10-0.25 Zr(a) 0.20-0.40 0.02 0.20-0.40 0.02 . . . . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05-0.15 0.10-0.25 Zr 0.1M.50 0.05-0.40 . . . . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05-0.15 0.10-0.25Zr . . . . . . 0.10 ' ' . 0.05-0.15 0.20-0.40 0.02 0.10-0.25

0.50 0.30

3.84.9 3.84.9

0.30-0.9 0.30-0.9

1193 A91193(c) ............. 0.04 1199 A91199 . . . .......... 0.006 . . . . . . .......... 0.20 2001 . . . . . . .......... 0.35-0.8 2002 2003 . . . . . . .......... 0.30 2004 . . . . . . .......... 0.20 . . . . . . .......... 0.8 2005

2006 2007 . . . 2008 ... 2011 A92011 2014 AI92014 2214 2017 2117

A92214 A92017 A92117

2024 2124

A92024 A92124

. . . .......... 0.61.3 . . . .......... 0.8 .. 0.50-0.8 AICu6Bi Pb.. 0.40 AICu4SiMg.. 0.50-1.2

AICu4SiMg.. 0.50-1.2 AICu4MgSi.. 0.20-0.8 AICuZSMg .. 0.20-0.8 AICuZMg .... 0.8 2018 A92018 . . . .......... 0.9 2218 A92218 . . . .......... 0.9 2618 A92618 . . . .......... 0.1M.25 2219 A92219 AICu6Mn.. .. 0.20 . . . .......... 0.20 2319 A92319 . . . .......... 0.15 2419 A92419 2519 A92519 . . . .......... 0.25(1) 2021 A92021(c) ............. 0.20 AICu4Mgl ... 0.50 . . . .......... 0.20


0.08(d) 0.12

0.01 0.002 0.15-0.50 0.20 0.3M.8 0.10 1.0




...... '





...... 0.01 0.006 ...... 0.2M.45 0.10 0.05 0.50-1.0 0.20 . . . ...... 0.02 0.50 ...... 0.20-1.0 0.10 0.20

1.2-1.8 1.2-1.8

... ...

0.10 0.10

0.25 0.25

. . . . . . . . . . . .


Unspmilied other elements Al, Each Total minimum

0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.003


. . . .......... 0.09 . . . .......... 0.15(Si . . . .......... 0.08(d) . . . . . . .......... 0.05

A91180 A91185 A91285

. . . 1188 A91188 1190



0.02 (V + Ti)(e) 0.01 (V + T N f )

zm (k) (k)

... ...

. . . . . .

' '

... ... ...




... ...

99.60 99.70 99.70

0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01

.. ...

99.75 99.75 99.80 99.85 99.85 99.85



0.01 0.01


99.88 99.90

0.01 0.002 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.20

0.01 0.002 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

... ...

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

99.93 99.99 rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.10 0.05 . . . 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.15 I . . 0.05 . . . 0.05 . . . 0.05 . . . 0.05 0.04-0.10 0.05 0.02-0.10 0.05 0.10-0.20 0.05 0.02-0.10 0.05 0.02-0.100.05 0.02-0.10 0.05

0.15 0.30 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15

rem rem



0.30 0.20 0.10

0.15 0.15

0.10 '

... ... ...

... ...

(continued) (a) O.oW8 Be max for welding electrode and filler wire only. (b) (Si + Fe + Cu) = 0.50 max. (c) Obsolete. (d) 0.14 (Si + Fe) max. (e) 0.02 B max. (0 0.01 B max. ( ) 0 003 Ph may. (h) 0.05 to 0.m Cd. (i) 0.20 Bi, 0.8 to 1.5 Pb, 0.20 Sn. [i) 0.20 to 0.6 Bi, 0.20 to 0.6 Pb. (k) A (Zr + Ti) limit of 0.20%maximumma be used for extruded and forged roducts when the suppfieior producer and the purchaser have so agreed. (I) 0.40 (Si + Fe) mar. (m)0.05 to 0.20 Cd 0.03 to 0.08 Sn. (n) 1.9 to 2.6 Li. (0) 1.7 to 2.3 Li. 0 6 to 1 5 Bi 0.05 Cd m a . (9) !.OW8 Be max 0.05 to 0.25 21.(I) 45 to 65%of M (s)0.40 to 0.7 Bi, 0.40 to 0.7 Pb. (t) 0.25 to 0.40 Ag. (u) 0.15 (Mn '+ Cr) min. (v)0.08 to 0.20 Zr, 0.08 to 0.25 (Zr + Ti). &)0.20 (Ti + 21) max. (x) 0.1010 0.40 Co, 0.05 tA0.30 0. (y) A (21+ Ti) limit of 0.25% maximum may be used for extruded and forged products when the supplier or producer and the urchaser have so agreed (2) 0 20 to 0 50 0 (aa) 0 001 B max, 0.003 Cd max, 0.001 Co max, 0.008 Li max. (bb)0.10 to 0.50 Bi, 0.10 to 0.25 Sn. (cc) 1.0 (Si + Fe) max. (dd) 0.02 IO 0.08 Zr. (eel 2.2 to 2.7Li. (ff) 2.4 to 2.8 Li. 2.1 io 2.7 Li. (hh) 2.3 id 2.9 LI Source: Ref 2, 3, 4



Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 21 IGnde deslgn.tbo 1 Alumc num b ISO No. d a h UNSNn. R209

2224 A92224 . . . ............, ~ 3 %AWZA ................ 2025 A92025 ................ 2030 . . . AlCu4PbMg ..... 2031 2034 2036 2037 2038 2048 2090 2091 3002 3102 3003 3103 3203 3303 3004 3104 3005 3105 3006 3007 3107 3 m 3307 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016


4104 4oo6 4ofy

4008 4fjf)IJ 4010 4011 4013 4032 4043 4343 4543 4643 4044 4045 4145 4047 5005 5205 5006 5010 5013 5014 5016 5017 5040 5042 5043 5049 5050

compositbn. w%

1 si 0.12 0.10 0.50-1.2 0.8

. . . . . . ............. 0.50-1.3 . . . . . . ............. 0.10 A92036 ................ 0.50 A92037 ................ 0.50 ~ 9 2 0 3 8 ................ 0.50-1.3 A92048 ................ 0.15 A9U)90 ................ 0.10 . . . . . . ............. 0.20 A93002 ................ 0.08 A93102 ................ 0.40 A93003 AlMnlCu ....... 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.50 . . . . . . ............. 0.6



3.8-4.4 3.84.4 3.9-5.0 3.34.5

0.304.9 0.30-0.9 O.Wl.2 0.20-1.0

0.61.2 0.12 0.50 0.50 0.6 0.20 0.12 0.30 0.10 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.45 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.20 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.50-0.8 O.Wl.0 0.09 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.35 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.50 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.25 0.40 0.6 . 0.7 0.7 0.35 0.7 0.50

1.8-2.8 4.24.8 2.23.0 1.k2.2 0.8-1.8 2.8-3.8 2.4-3.0 1.8-2.5 0.15 0.10 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05-0.20 0.25 0.05-0.25 0.30 0.30 0.10-0.30 0.05-0.30 0.05-0.15 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.20 0.05 1.0-1.5 0.20 0.20 0.05-0.20 0.50-1.3 0.30 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.30 3.34.7 0.30 0.20 0.03410 0.10 0.25 0.03 0.20 0.20 0.1W.28 0.25 0.15 0.05-0.35 0.10

0.50 0.8-1.3 0.10-0.40 0.10-0.40 0.10-0.40 0.20-0.6 0.05 0.10 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.40 1.0-1.5 0.9-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 0.8-1.4 1.0-1.5 0.30-0.8 0.50-0.8



AlMnl .......... 0.6 AlMnlMgl ...... 0.30 ................ 0.6 AIMnlMgO.5 .... 0.6 AIMn0.5Mg0.5 .. 0.6 ................ 0.50 ................ 0.50 ................ 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.30 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.40 A93009 ................ 1.0-1.8 A93010 ................ 0.10 A93011 ................ 0.40 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 . . . . . . ............. 0.6 A94004 ................ 9.0-10.5 A94104 ................ 9.C-10.5 . . . . . . ............. 0.8-1.2 . . . . . . ............. 1.0-1.7 A94008 ................ 6.5-7.5 . . . . . . ............. 4.5-5.5 . . . . . . ............. 6.5-7.5 . . . . . . ............. 6.5-7.5 . . . . . . ............. 3.5-4.5 A94032 ................11.0-13.5 A94043 AlSi ............ 4.54.0 A94343 ................ 6 2 - 8 2 A94543 ................ 5.0-7.0 A94643 ................ 3.6-4.6 A94044 ................ 7.8-9.2 A94045 ................ 9.0-11.0 A94145 ................ 9.3-10.7 A94047 AlSil2........... 11.0-13.0 A95005 AlMgl .......... 0.30 . . . AlMgl(B) ....... 0.15 A95006 ................ 0.40 ~ 9 5 0 1 0 ................ 0.40 . . . . . . ............. 0.20 . . . . . . ............. 0.40 A95016 ................ 0.25 . . . . . . ............. 0.40 A95040 ................ 0.30 A95042 ................ 0.20 A95043 ................ 0.40 . . . . . . ............. 0.40 A95050 AlMgl.S(C) 0.7 AIMgl.5 ...... 0.40

A93303 A93004 A93104 A93005 A93105 A93006 A93007 A93107


0.15 0.12 1.0 0.7


1.2-1.8 1.21.8 0.05 0.50-1.3



... ... ... ...

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10



0.25 0.25

0.25 0.50





0.05 0.10 0.10 0.20







. . . . . . . . . . . .


0.20 . . . . . . 0.20 . . . 0.25 ... . . . 0.25 .'. . . . 0.50 0.05 . . . 0.25 ... ... . . . 0.10 ... 0.05 . . . 0.25 ... 0.10 . . . 0.05 ... ... ... . . . 0.30 . . . ... ... . . . 0.10 ... ... . . . 0.20 ... 0.30 0.10 . . . . . . . . . 0.10 ... 0.30 . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 0.25 ... 0.S1.3 . . . 0.25 0.8-1.3 ... 0.05 0.20-0.6 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.20-0.8 0.20 . . . 0.40 . . . . . . 0.15-0.40 . . . 0.30-0.6 0.20 . . . 0.40 0.30-0.8 0.6 0.20 .. . . . 0.20 . . . 0.40-0.9 ... ... . . . 0.10 ... 0.40-0.8 0.10 ... . . . 0.25 ... 0.50-0.9 0.30 1.2-1.8 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 . . . 1.21.8 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.20-0.9 . . . 0.05-0.40 . . . 0.05 ... . .. 0.8-1.2 . . . 0.10-0.40 ' ' . 0.10 . . . 0.10 . . . 0.50-1.1 0.10 0.20 . . . 0.5M.O . . . 0.9-1.4 0.20-0.6 ... ... . . . 0.50-1.0 . . . 1.0-1.5 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.50-0.9 0.20-0.7 ... . . . 0.25 . . . 0.50-0.9 0.50-0.8 ... . . . 0.20 ... 0.10 1.0-2.0 ... . . . 0.20 . . . 0.10 1.0-2.0 ... . . . . . . 0.03 0.01 0.20 0.05 0.8-1.5 0.20 0.054.25 0.15-0.7 0.10 . . . . . . 0.05 . . . 0.05 0.30-0.45 ... . . . . . . 0.10 0.45-0.6 ... 0.10 . . . 0.10 . . . 0.10 0.304.45 ... . . . 0.10 . . . 0.10 0.45-0.7 ... . . . 0.05 0.03 0.05-0.20 ... . . . 0.S1.3 0.10 0.50-1.3 0.25 ... ... . . . 0.10 ... 0.05 0.05 ... ... . . . 0.20 0.10 .'. . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05 0.10-0.40 0.05 . . . ... 0.05 0.10-0.30 ... 0.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.10 0.20 ... . . . 0.10 . . . 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.20 . . . 0.15 0.15 0.15 ... . . . 0.20 . . . 0.15 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.20 0.50-1.1 0.10 . . . 0.05 ... 0.10 0.61.0 0.10 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.40-0.8 0.8-1.3 0.10 . . . 0.30 . . . 0.10-0.30 o . m . 6 0.15 0.30-0.50 3.2-3.8 0.03 0.03 0.10 . . . . . . 0.7-1.5 0.204.9 4.0-5.5 0.20 . . . . . . 0.15 . . . 0.40-0.7 1.4-1.9 0.10 ... . . . . . . 0.6-0.8 1.9-2.2 ... . . . 0.9-1.4 1.0-1.5 0.10-0.30 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.25 . . . 0.20-0.50 3.0-4.0 0.10 . . . 0.25 0.7-1.2 0.7-1.3 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.20 . . . 0.50-1.1 1.6-2.5 0.30 0.61.2 1.3-1.9 0.304.6 0.30-0.8 0.wi.o 1.211.8 0.25 1.1-1.9 0.05-0.20

Spcllid other elements

. . .

. . . ... 0.05


... ... ... 0.05

. . .

... ...

. . .

. . . ... 0.05

. . . . . .

... ... . . .

... ...

0.15 ... 0.15 0.15 ... 0.20Bi, 0.8-1.5 0.20 Pb 0.20 ... 0.08-0.15 Zr 0.15 0.15 ... 0.15 0.15 ... 0.10 O.OW.15 Zr(n) 0.15 0.04-0.16Zr(o) 0.10 ... 0.03 ... 0.10


... ... ...



... ... ...


. . . . . .


0.10 0.10 0.10

... ... 1





. . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . .


0.10 0.04-0.15 0.20 0.20 0.04-0.20 0.02





... ...

... ...

0.05 Zr(g)


... ...

. . .





. . . . . .


. . .



0.10 0.1

0.2 (a)

. . .

. . .

... ... ...


... ... ...


0.02-0.20 Bi 0.05 Co (a) (a) (a) 0.04-0.07 Be

. . . . . . ...




. . . . . .

. . .


0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.10


. . . . .



... . . . . .

... ...

.(a). .

O.l(M.50Zr 0.10Zr

. . . . .


+ Ti

0.10 Zr

. . . . . . 0.05




... ... ... ...

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.09


0.10 0.10 0.10


UnspeciW other elements AI, h c h Total minimum

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.30

rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.15



0.05 0.05 0.05

0.05 0.05


0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05



a) O.ooo8 Be max for welding electrode and filler wire only. (b) SI + Fe + Cu) = 0.50 max. (c) Obsolete. (d) 0.14 (Si + Fe) max. (e) 0.02 B max. (f) 0.01 B max. ( ) 0 003 pb max. (h) 0.05 to 0.20 Cd. (i) 6.20 Bi, 0.8 to 1.5 Pb, 0.20 Sn. (i) 0.20 to 0.6 Bi, 0.20 to 0.6 Pb. A (21 + Ti) limit of 0.20% maximum may be used for extruded and forged roducts when the suppkierbr producer and the purchaser have so a eed. (I) 0.40 (Si + Fe max (m) 0.05 to 0 20 Cd 0.03 to 0.08 Sn. (n) 1.9 to 2.6 Li. ( 0 ) 1.7 to 2.3 Li. ( ) 0 6 to 1 5 Bi 0.05 Cd max. (9) ~ . W Be 8 max 0.05 to 0.25 21.(I) 45 to 65% of Mg. (s)0.40 to 0.7 0.40 to 0.7 PD. (1) 0 . k to0.40 Ag. (u) 0,;s (Mn $ Cr) mi?. (v) 0.08 to 0.20 21, 0.08 to 0.25 (21+ Ti). &) 0.20 (Ti + 21)max. (x) 0.10 to 0.40 Co, 0.05 1; 0.30 0. (y) A (21+ Ti) limit of 0.25%maximum may be used for extruded and forged products when the supplier or producer and the purchaser have so agreed. (2) 0.20 to 0.50 0. (aa) 0.001 B max, 0.003 Cd max, 0.001 Co max, 0.008 Li max. (bb) 0.10 to 0.50 Bi, 0.10 to 0.25 Sn. (cc)1.0 (Si + Fe) max. (dd) 0.02 to 0.08 21.(ee) 2.2 to 2.7 Li. (ff) 2.4 to 2.8 Li. (gg) 2.1 to 2.7 Li. (hh) 2.3 to 2.9 Li Source: Ref 2, 3, 4


22 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

Table 2 (continued) 7Grade designation 1 Aluminum


ISO No. ciatiou UNS No. R209


5150 5250 SO51 5151 5251 5351 5451 5052 5252 5352 5552 5652 5154 5454 5554 5654 5754



Composition, wc%




. . . . . . ............. 0.08


0.10 0.10 0.7 0.35 0.50 0.10 0.40 0.40 0.10

A95250 ................ 0.08 A95051 AIMg2 .......... 0.40 A95151 ................ 0.20 . . . AIMg2 .......... 0.40 A95351 ................ 0.08 A95154 AlMg3.5 ........ 0.25 A95052 AIMg2.5 ........ 0.25 A95252 ' . . A95352 . . . . 0.45 (Si + Fe) A95652 . . . 0.05 A95652 . 0.40(Si + Fe) ... 0.40 0.45 (Si + Fe) A95454 AIMg3Mn ....... 0.25 0.40 A95554 AIMg3Mn(A). ... 0.25 0.40 A95654 ................ 0.45 (Si + Fe) A95754 AIMg3 .......... 0.40 0.40




0.10 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.04 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10

0.03 0.05-0.15 0.20 0.10 0.10-0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.01 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.01 0.50

1.3-1.7 1.3-1.8 1.7-2.2 1.5-2.1 1.7-2.4 1.62.2 1.8-2.4 2.2-2.8 2.2-2.8 2.2-2.8 2.2-2.8 2.2-2.8 3.1-3.9 3.1-3.9 2.63.0 2.4-3.0 3.1-3.9 2.6-3.6


0.10-0.50 3.1-3.9

. . . . . . ............. 5854 0.45 (Si + Fe) 5056 A95056 AlMg5 0.40 AIMg5Cr ..... 0.30 5356 A95356 AIMg5Cr(A). .... 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.40 5357 A95357 ................ 0.12 0.17 5457 A95457 ................ 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.10 . . . . . . 5280 0.35 (Si + Fe) 0.35 0.35 5083 A95083 AIMg4.5Mn ..... 0.40-0.7 0.40 5183 A95183 AIMg4.5Mn .... 0 . W . 7 ( A ) 0.40 . . . . . . ............. 0.30 5283 0.30 5086 A95086 AIMg4 .......... 0.40 0.50 0.50 6101 A96101 E-AIMgSi ....... 0.30-0.7 6201 A96201 ................ 0.50-0.9 0.50 6301 A96301 ................ 0.50-0.9 0.7 ...... 6002 ...... 0.6-0.9 0.25 6003 A96803 AIMglSi ........ 0.35-1.0 0.6 .. 0.35-1.0 0.6 ........ 0.30-0.6 0.10-0.30 .. 0.6-0.9 0.35 6105 A96105 ................ 0.61.0 0.35 6205 A96205 ................ 0.6-0.9 0.7 6006 A96006 ................ 0.20-0.6 0.35 . . . . . . ............. 0.30-0.6 6106 0.35 ... 0.354.7 0.35 ... 0.s1.4 0.7 0.50-0.9 0.35 0.6-1.0 0.50 0.8-1.2 0.50 . 0.7-1.5 0.8 6011 A96011 ................ 0.61.2 1.0 6111 A96111 ................ 0.7-1.1 0.40 . . . . . . 6012 ............. 0.61.4 0.50

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10-0.25 0.10 0.204.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.15-0.30 0.25 0.20-0.50 0.20 0.30 0.15-0.6 0.154.6 0.20-0.7 0.40.9 0.50-0.9 0.10

0.054.20 0.05-0.20 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.154.45 0.154.45 0.10-0.40 0.03 0.20-0.7 0.15 0.204.50 0.404.10 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.20-0.7 0.03 0.03 0.15 0.10-0.20 0.8 0.8 0.20-0.6 0.10 0.10 0.054.15 0.154.20 0.054.20 0.13-0.30 0.05-0.25 0.30 0.20-0.8 0.204.8 O.m.7

~ 6 0 1 3 . . . . . . ............. 0.6-1.0 . . . . . . ............. 0.30-0.6 ,5014 . . . . . . ............. 0.20-0.40 ,5015 . . . . . . ............. 1.S1.5 6016 6017 A96017 ................ 0.554.7 6151 A%151 ................ 0.61.2 6351 A96351 AISilMgOSMn.. 0.7-1.3 6951 A96951 ................ 0.20-0.50 6053 A96053 ................ (I) 6253 A96253 ................ (I)

0.61.1 0.25 0.10-0.25 0.20 0.054.20 0.35 0.10 0.154.40 0.10 0.10

0.20-0.8 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.20 O.W.8 0.10

0.50 0.35 0.10-0.30 0.50 0.154.30 1.0 0.50

0.8 0.35 0.50

4.5-5.6 4.5-5.5 4.7-5.5 4.7-5.5 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.404.8 0.6-1.0 3.54.5 4.0-5.0 4.0-5.0 4.04.9 4.3-5.2 4.5-5.1 3.54.5 0.354.8 0.6-0.9 0.6-0.9 0.454.7 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.5 0.404.7 O.W.6 0.454.8 O.W.6 0.45-0.9 0.444.8 0.454.8 0.6-0.9 O.W.7 0.40-0.8 0.61.0 0.5S1.1 0.61.2 0.8 0.154.45 0.50-1.0 O.Wl.0 0.6-1.2



0.8-1.2 O.W.8 0.8-1.1 0.254.6 0.454.6 0.454.8 0.40-0.8 0.404.8 1.1-1.4 1.0-1.5



. . . . . .


0.154.35 0.15-0.35 0.054.20 0.05-0.20 0.15-0.35 0.30

... ...

... ... ... ...

0.10 0.05 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20




. . . . . .

0.10 0.10 0.15

0.1 .35 0.154.35

... ...


... . . . . . . ... 0.10

. . . . . . 0.154.35 . . .

0.05-0.20 0.054.20 0.05-0.20 0.05-0.20


0.05-0.25 0.15 0.10 0.05425 0.05-0.25 0.05 0.05-0.25 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.35 0.35

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...


... ... ...


. . . ... ... . . . . . . ... 0.10 ... 0.10 0.05-0.15 . . . ... 0.10 ... 0.20 0.10 0.054.25 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.060.25 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15-0.35

... ...

... ... ... ...


... ...




... ...

... . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.15-0.35 0.060.35

... ...



. . . . . .

other dementa




I Unapediled other element8 Al, Each Tots1 minimum 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.15


0.05 0.15 O . O t 4 . 2 0 0.05 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.15 ...... (a) 0.054.20 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . ... . . . 0.05 0.15 ... . . . 0.03 0.10 . . . 0.05 . . . . . . 0.05 ... . . . 0.03 0.10 ... . . . 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 . . . 0.05 0.15 1.5-2.8 . . . . . . 0.25 . . . . . . .(') . . 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . ... 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.15 ... 0.25 ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . 0.25 (a) 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.10 ... 0.05 Zr 0.03 0.05 0.15 ... 0.25 ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 ... 0.06B . . . 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.10 ... 0.06 B . . . 0.03 0.10 ... 0.25 ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.09-0.14Zr 0.08 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15 ... ... 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.05 0.05 0.15 ...... 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . 0.10 0110 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . 0.25 0.054.15 Zr 0.15 0.05 0.15 ...... ... 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . ... . . . 0.05 0.10 0.10 . . . . . . ... 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . 0.05-0.20Zr 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.20 . . . 0.054.20 ... 0.10 0.05 0.15 ...... ... 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.30 . . . . . . ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 1.5 ...... ... 0.20 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.15 ...... 0.30 0.7 Bi, 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.62.0 Pb . . . . . . ... 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.10 . . . 0.054.20 ... 0.10 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . ... 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.20 . . . . . . ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.15 . . . . . . . . . 0.20 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.20 . . . . . . ... . . . 0.05 0.15 ... . . . 0.05 0.15 0.10 ...... ... . . . 0.05 0.15 1.6-2.4 . . . . . .

rem rem rem

0.10 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.05



. . . . . . ......

. . . . . .

... ... ..



... . . . . . . . . . 0.05 . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . ...... ......

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ...


... ... (a)


... (a) (a) 0.10-0.6 (Mn + Cr)

0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.03 0.05 0.05 . . . 0.05 . . . 0.03 0.10 0.05 . . . 0.03 . . . 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.05-0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05


0.10 0.10 0.15







rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

(continued) (a) O.ooO8 Be max for welding electrode and filler wire only. (b) (Si + Fe + Cu) = 0.50 max. (c)Obsolete. (d) 0.14 (Si + Fe) max. ( e ) 0.02 B max. (0 0.01 B max. ( ) 0 003 Pb max. (h) 0.05 to 0.20 Cd. (i) 0.20 Bi, 0.8 to 1.5 Pb, 0.20 Sn. 0) 0.20 to 0.6 Bi, 0.20 to 0.6 Pb. (k) A (Zr + Ti) limit of 0.20%maximum may be used for extruded and forged roducts when the suppkror producer and the purchaser have so agreed. (I) 0.40 (Si + Fe) max. (m) 0.05 to 0.20 Cd 0.03 to 0.08 Sn. (n) 1.9 to 2.6 Li. ( 0 ) 1.7 to 2.3 Li. ( ) 0 6 to 1 5 Bi 0.05 Cd max. (9)#.ooO8 Be max 0.05 lo 0.25 Zr. (I) 45 to 65% of M (s)0.40 to 0.7 Bi, 0.40 to 0.7 Pb. (t)0.25 to 0.40 Ag. (u) 0.15 (Mn i Cr) min. (v) 0.08 to 0.20 Zr, 0.08 to 0.25 (Zr + Ti). &) 0.20 (Ti + i r ) max. ( x )0.10 to 0.40 Co, 0.05 tA0.30 0. (r) A (Zr + Ti) limit of 0.25% maximum may be used for extruded and forged products when the supplier or producer and the purchaser have so agreed. ( z )0.20 to 0.50 0. (aa) 0.001 B max, 0.003 Cd max, 0.001 Comax, 0.008 Li max. (bb) 0.10 to 0.50 Bi, 0.10 to 0.25 Sn. (cc) 1.0 (Si + Fe) max. (dd) 0.02 to 0.08 Zr. (ee) 2.2 to 2.7 Li. ( f f ) 2.4 to 2.8 Li. (a) 2.1 to 2.7 Li. (hh) 2.3 to 2.9 Li Source: Ref 2, 3, 4

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 23

Table 2 (continued) 7Gnde designeation 1 Aluminum As*


Composition, wlY'


ISO No. Eo9





0.10-0.30 0.7 0.40 0.50 0.7 0.35 0.15 0.08 0.15 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.50 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.15

0.10 0.15-0.40 0.154.40 0.20 0.15-0.40 0.10 0.20 0.060.16 0.05-0.20 0.7-1.2 0.154.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.62.6 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.6-1.3 0.8-1.3

0.10 0.15 0.20-0.35 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.6-1.1 0.4CL1.0 0.10-0.45 0.15 0.40-1.0 0.20 0.30 0.20-0.7 0.20-0.7 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10

0.35-0.6 0.8-1.2 0.7-1.0 0.7-1.1 0.8-1.2 0.454.9 0.45-0.9 0.45-0.9 0.50-0.8 0.8-1.4 0.50-1.2 0.61.0 0.61.0 0.6-1.2 2.6-3.4 0.50-1.0 1.0-2.0 1.0-1.8 0.7-1.4 0.7-1.4 2.1-2.9 2.2-2.7

7010 . . . AlZn6MgCu ..... 0.12 7011 A97011(c) ................. 0.15 . . . . . . .............. 0.15 7012 . . . .............. 0.6 7013 A97013 . . . . . . .............. 0.50 7014

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.7 0.50

1.5-2.0 0.10 0.05 0.10-0.30 0.8-1.2 0.084.15 0.10 1.0-1.5 0.30-0.7 0.30-0.7


. . . . . . . .............. 0.20 7015 . . . .............. 0.10 7016 A97016 . . . . . . .............. 0.15 7116 . . . . . . .............. 0.35 7017

0.30 0.12 0.30 0.45

0.064.15 0.45-1.0 0.50-1.1 0.20

0.10 0.03 0.05 0.05-0.50

1.3-2.1 0.61.4 0.61.4 2.0-3.0



... 7018 ... 7019 ... 7020 7021 A97021 ... 7022

0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.50

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.50-1.0

0.154.50 0.154.50 0.05-0.50 0.10 0.10-0.40

0.7-1.5 1.5-2.5 1.0-1.4 1.2-1.8 2.63.7

0.20 0.20 0.1M.35 0.05 O.lM.30

0.50 0.40 0.40 0.12 0.40 0.50

0.50-1.0 0.10 0.10 0.64.9 0.10-0.30 0.10-0.30

0.10-0.6 0.10-0.6 0.10-0.6 0.05-0.20 0.10-0.40 0.154.6

2.0-3.0 0.50-1.0 0.8-1.5 1.5-1.9 0.7-1.1 1.5-2.3

0,054.35 0.05-0.35 0.05-0.35

6060 6061 6261 6162 6262 6063 6463 6763 6863 6066 6070 6081 6181 6082 7001 7003 7004 7005 7008 7108 7009 7109

7023 7024 7 w 7026 7027 7028


A96060 A96061 A96261 A96162 A96262 A96063 A96463 A96763


A%066 A96070

... ... ...



A97004 A97005 A97008 A97108

... . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .


AlMgSi .......... 0.30-0.6 AlMglSiCu ...... O . U . 8 . . . .............. 0.40-0.7 . . . .............. 0.40-0.8 AlMglSiPb ...... 0.40-0.8 AlMgOSSi ....... 0.20-0.6 AlMgO.7Si ....... 0.20-0.6 . . ' .............. 0.20-0.6 . . . .............. O . U . 6 . . . .............. 0.9-1.8 . . . .............. 1.0-1.7 . . . .............. 0.7-1.1 AISiMg0.8 ....... 0.8-1.2 AlSilMgMn ...... 0.7-1.3 . . . .............. 0.35 . . . .............. 0.30 . . . .............. 0.25 . . . .............. 0.35 . . . .............. 0.10 . . . .............. 0.10 . . . .............. 0.20 . . . .............. 0.10

. . . .............. 0.35 . . . .............. 0.35 AIZn4.5Mgl

..... 0.35

. . . .............. 0.25 . . . .............. 0.50 . . . . .

. . .............. 0.50 . . .............. 0.30 . . .............. 0.30 . . .............. 0.08 . . .............. 0.25

. . . . . . ..............


. . . .............. 0.10 . . . .............. 0.15 . . . . . . .............. 0.06 . . . . . . .............. 0.20 . . . .............. 0.30 A97039 A97046 . . . .............. 0.20 A97146 . . . .............. 0.20 . . . .............. 0.25 A97049 A97149 . . . .............. 0.15 A97050 AIZn6CuMgZr ... 0.12 . . . .............. 0.12 A97150 . . . . . . .............. 0.35 . . . . . . .............. 0.15 . . . . . . .............. 0.12 x7064

7M9 7129 7229 7030 7039 7046 7146 7049 7149 7050 7150 7051 7060


7072 7472 7075 7175 7475 7076

A97029 A97129

A97072 A97472 A97W5 A97175 A97475 A97076

Alznl ............


Unspecified Spgified

0.12 0.30 0.08 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.20 0.15 0.150.45 0.20

0.50-0.9 0.50-0.9 0.50-0.9 0.2M.40 0.10 0.25


0.7(Si + Fe) 0.6 AIZn5.5M g C I I . . . 0.40 0.50 0.20 . . . .............. 0.15 AIZn5.5MgCu(A) 0.10 0.12 . . . .............. 0.40 0.6

. . . .............. 0.25


1.2-1.9 1.2-1.9 2.0-2.6 1.9-2.5 0.15 1.8-2.6

0.10 0.05 1.2-2.0 1.2-2.0 1.2-1.9 0.30-1.0


2.1-2.6 1.0-1.6 1.8-2.2


0.03 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.10-0.40 0.30

l.M.O 1.3-2.0 1.3-2.0 1.0-1.5 2.3-3.3 1.0-1.6 . . . 1.0-1.6 0.20 2.0-2.9 0.20 2.0-2.9 0.10 1.9-2.6 0.10 2.0-2.7 0.10-0.45 1.7-2.5 0.20 l.M.l

... 0.10 0.05 0.30 0.10 0.06 0.30-0.8


0.060.35 0.10 0.10 0.060.14 0.10

... ...

0.05 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.184.35 0.20 0.05 0.064.20 0.124.25


0.10-0.25 0.060.08

0.05 0.05-0.20 0.04





0.15 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.10 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20 6.M.0 5.0-6.5 3.8-4.6 4.0-5.0 4.5-5.5 4.5-5.5 5.5-5.6 5.8-6.5

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...



... ... .,.

0.10 0.15

... ...

... ...





0.04 0.15-0.25 0.20


0.10-0.22 0.10-0.22 0.04 0.04 0.054.25 0.154.25


1.5-2.0 5.2-6.2

. . . .

. . . . . . . . . ... . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . ... . . . ". . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

. . .




. . . ". . . . . . . .. '

' ' '

. . . . . .

... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

0.10 0.10

4.5-5.5 3.54.5 4.0-5.0 5.0-6.0 4.3-5.2

". . . . . . . . . . . .


4.0-6.0 3.0-5.0 3.0-5.0 46-52 3.54.5 4.5-5.2

. . . . . .

... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ...

4.2-5.2 4.2-5.2 4.2-5.2 4.8-5.9 3.54.5 6.67.6 6.67.6 7.2-8.2 7.2-8.2 5.7-6.7 5.9-6.9 3.04.0 6.1-7.5 6.8-8.0

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...



0.10 0.9-1.5 2.1-2.9 2.1-2.9 1.9-2.6 1.2-2.0

... ...

... ... ... ...



. . . .

4.65.2 4.0-5.0 4.2-5.2 4.0-5.2

... ...


0.18-0.28 0.184.28 0.18-0.25

5.7-6.7 4.0-5.5

. . . .

other elements



... ...

0.8-1.3 1.3-1.9 5.1-6.1 5.1-6.1 5.2-6.2 7.N.O



. . . . . . '

". . . . . . . . . . . ' '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . ...

0.05 0.05 0.05





. . . . . . . . .

' '

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

' '

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




elements AI, Each Total minimum

0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 ... 0.05 0.15 ... 0.05 0.15 (s) 0.05 0.15 ... 0.05 0.15 ... ... 0.05 0.15 ... . . . 0.03 0.10 ... 0.10 0.05 0.15 ... 0.20 0.05 0.15 ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 ... 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.15 ... 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.054.25 Zr 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.10-0.20 Zr 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.084.20 Zr 0.014.06 0.05 0.15 ... 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.124.25 Zr 0.05 0.05 0.15 (t) 0.20 0.05 0.15 0.1M.20 Zr 0.10 0.05 0.15


0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.10


0.1M.16 Zr 0.06 0.05 0.15 ... 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.10-0.18 Zr 0.024.08 0.05 0.15 ... . . . 0.05 0.15 . . . 0.05 0.15 0.20 (Ti + Zr) 0.1M.20 Zr 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.15 Zr 0.15 0.05 0.15


0.1M.25 Zr 0.15 0.10-0.25 Zr 0.15 ... (v) 0.084.18 Zr 0.10 ... 0.20 (Ti + Zr) ... 0.10 ... 0.10 ... 0.10 0.094.14 Zr 0.05 0.05-0.30 Zr 0.10 O.OW.25 0.05 (Zr + Ti) ... 0.05 ... 0.05 ... 0.05 0.03 Zr 0.03 ... 0.10 0.10-0.18Zr 0.06 0.1M.18 Zr 0.06 ... 0.10 ... 0.10 0.084.15 Zr 0.06 0.0W.15Zr 0.06 ... 0.15 0.003 Pb 0.10 (w) ... 0.10-0.50Zr (x)

... ...

... ...


0.20 0.10 0.06 0.20

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.03 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.05 0.15


0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem



a) O.bOO8 Be max for welding electrode and filler wire only. (b) SI + Fe + Cu) = 0.50 max. (c) Obsolete. (d) 0.14 (Si + Fe) max. (e) 0.02 B max. (00.01 B max. (9) 0.003 Pb max. (h) 0.05 to 0.20 Cd. (1) 6.20 Bi, 0.8 to 1.5 Pb, 0.20 Sn. 0) 0.20 to 0.6 Bi, 0.20 to 0.6 Pb. A (21+ Ti) limit of 0.20% maximum may be used for extruded and forged products when the supplier or producer and the purchaser have so a eed (I) 0.40 (Si + Fe) max. (m) 0.05 to 0 20 Cd, 0.03 to 0.08 Sn. (n) 1.9 to 2.6 Li. ( 0 )1.7 10 2.3 Li. ( ) 0 6 to 1 5 Bi, 0.05 Cd max. (4) 0.0008 Be max, 0.05 to 0.25 Zr. (I) 45 IO 6 5 4 of Mg. (s) 0.40 to 0 . 7 g . 0.40 to0.7 Pb. (t) 0.25 to0.40Ag. (u) 0.s(Mn + Cr) min. (v) 0.08 to 0.20 Zr, 0.08 to 0.25 (Zr + Ti). &) 0.20 (T:l + Zr) m a . (x) 0.10 to 0.40 Co, 0.05 IO 0.30 0. (y) A (Zr + Ti) limit of 0.25% maxlmum ma be used for extruded and forged products when the supplier or prodocer and the urchaser have so agreed (2) 0 20 to 0 50 0 (aa) 0 M)l B max, 0.003 Cd max, 0.001 Co max, 0.008.Li max. (bb) 0.10 to $.SO Bi, 0.10 to 0.25 Sn. (cc)1.0 (Si + Fe) max. (dd) 0.02 to 0.08 Zr. (ee) 2.2 to 2 . f L i . (M 2.4 to 2.8 Li. (&) 2.1 io 2.7 Li. (hh) 2.3 t o 2.9 Li Source: Ref 2 , 3 , 4

24 / Introduction t o Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Table 2 (continued)

r Grade d d p a U w 1 Alud

Composition, W e




b ISO No. datbn UNSNo. R209

7277 7178 7278 7079 7179 7090


............ 0.50 ............ 0.40 . . . . . .......... 0.15 A97W9 ............ 0.30 A97277 A97178

A97179 A97090

............ 0.15 ............ 0.12

............ 0.12 A98001 ............ 0.17 . . . . . .......... 0.15 . . . . . .......... 0.20-0.50



0.7 0.50 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.15


0.8-1.7 1.6-2.4 1.62.2 0.40-0.8 0.404.8 0.6-1.3

7091 A97091



8001 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8010 8011 8111 8112 8014 8017

0.45-0.7 0.15 0.404.8 1.2-2.0 1.2-2.0 0.9-1.6 0.354.7 0.6-1.0 0.40-1.0 1.0 1.2-1.6 0.55-0.8

0.15 0.03 0.05 0.30 0.10 0.20 0.10-0.30 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.20 0.10-0.20

A98006 A98007


. . . . ............ . .......... 0.40 . . . . . .......... 0.6 0.40 A98011 ............ 0.50-0.9 A98111 ............ 0.30-1.1 A98112 ............ 1.0 A98014 ............ 0.30 A98017

8020 A98020 8030 A98030 8130 8040 8076 8176 8276


............ 0.10

............ 0.10 ............ 0.10

............ 0.15 (a)0.40-1.0(~) l.O(Si + Fe) ............ ............ 0.10 0.6-0.9 ............ 0.03-0.15 0.40-1.0 . . . . . . ......... 0.25 0.50-0.8

A98130 A98040 A98076 A98176

8071 A98077 ............ 0.10 8177 A98177 ............ 0.10 8079 A98079 ............ 0.05-0.30 8280 A98280 ............ 1.0-2-2.0 8081 A98081 ............ 0.7 &jg

8091 X8092 X8192

0.10 0.30-0.8

. . . . . .......... 0.20 . . . . . .......... 0.30 ............... 0.10 . . . . . .......... 0.10



1.7-2.3 0.30 2.k3.1 0.02 2.5-3.2 0.10-0.30 2.9-3.7 0.10-0.30 2.9-3.7 . . . 2.CL3.0

... ... 0.02 ... 0.30-1.0 0.30-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.10-0.8 0.20 0.10 0.6 O.uM.6


0.005 0.005 0.15-0.30 ...


3.7-4.3 6.3-7.3 6.67.4 3.84.8 3.8-4.8 7.3-8.7



... ... ... ...




0.02 0.05 0.10 0.10


0.10-0.50 0.05 0.05 0.7 0.10 0.01-0.05

... 0.05

... ... 0.02


0.184.35 0.1~.28 0.17-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25










0.05-0.15 ... 0.20 0.05 ... 0.04





... ...

... ... 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.20


... ...


... ... ... ...

... ...




... ...


... ...


... ... 0.01

... ...


... ... ...

... ...


other elements


. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03


. . . . . .

...... . . . . . . ...


0.05 0.03 0.05 0.10 02-1.8 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.10 1.0 0.10 0.05


0.005 0.05

. . . 0.05 ... . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... ...

... ... ...

1.0-1.9 CO (2)

0.20-0.6 Co

(4 (4 ... ...

. . . . . . . . . . . .

... ... ...

. . . . . . . . . . . .

0.10 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.05

0.03 0.03

0.05 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05

. . . ..

. . . . . .

. . . . .



. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .


0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem


0.05 0.15




0.05 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

... .’.

0.03 0.10 0.03 0.10

rem rem


0.03 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03

0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.10

rem rem rem rem rem

0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .


0.10 0.20 0.03 0.10 0.10



0.04B, 0.003 Li (bb) 0.001-0.04 B

0. 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.10


0.10-0.30 Zr 0.04 B



(V + Ti)(e) 0.05 B (dd) 0.04B

1 UnspeciRed other elements Al, Each Total minimum

... ...

0.10-0.40 0.25-0.45 0.7-1.3 0.7 0.7

0.05 0.04

0.05 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.3

0.10 0.10

... ... ...







. . . . . .

5.5-7.0 Sn 0.10 18.0-22.0 0.10 Sn 0.044l.16 Zr 0.10










. . . . . .

0 . W . 1 6 Z r 0.10





0.50-0.8 0.05






0.084.15 Zr 0.15 (E) O.W.15 Zr 0.15 (hh)

0.05 0.15









0.10-0.30 0.044.12


... ...







0.10 0.10



a) 0.0008 Be max for welding electrode and filler wire only. (b) SI + Fe + Cu) = 0.50 max. (c) Obsolete. (d) 0.14 (Si + Fe) max. (e) 0.02 B max. (f) 0.01 B max. (9)0.003 Pb m a . (h) 0.05 to 0.20 Cd. (i) 6.20 Bi, 0.8 to 1.5 Pb, 0.20 Sn. 0) 0.20 to 0.6 Bi, 0.20 to 0.6 Pb. (k\ A (21+ Ti) limit of 0.20%maximum may be used for extruded and forged roducts when the supplier or producer and the purchaser have so a eed (I) 0.43 (Si + Fe max (m) 0.05 to 0 20 Cd 0.03 to 0.08 Sn. (n) 1.9 to 2.6 Li. ( 0 )1.7 to 2.3 Li. ( ) 0 6 to 1 5 Bi 0.05 Cd max. (4) hXKJ8 Be max 0.05 to 0.25 21. (I) 45 to 65%of Mg. ( s )0.40 to 0.7 0.40 to0.7 Pb. (t) to040 Ag. (u) 0.k(Mn Cr) min. (v) 0.08 to 0.20 Zr, 0.08 to 0.25 (Zr + Ti). &) 0.20 (Ti + i r ) max. (x)0.10 to 0.40 Co, 0.05 to0.30 0 .(y) A (21+ Ti) limit of 0.25%maximum ma be used for extruded and forged roductswhen the su plier or producer and the urchaser have so agreed (2) 0 20 to 0 50 0 (aa) 0 001 B max, 0.003 Cd max, 0.001 Co max, 0.008 Li max. (bb) 0.10 to i 5 0 Bi, 0.10 to 0.25 Sn. (cc) 1.0 + Fe) max. (dd) 0.82 to 0.08 21.(ee) 2.2 to 2.7Li. (ff) 2.4 to 2.8 Li. (&) 2.1 io 2.7 Li. (hh) 2.3 t o 2.9 Li Source: Ref 2, 3, 4





improve ductility and dimensional stability. The 0 may be followed by a digit other than zero.


of solution heat treatment. The T is always followed by one or more digits, as discussed in the section “System for Heat-Treatable Alloys” in this article.

partial annealing. The digit following the H2 indicates the degree of strain hardening remaining H, Strain-Hardened (Wrought Products after the product has been partially meal&. Only). This indicates products that have been H3, Strain-Hardened and Stabilized. strengthenedby strain hardening, with or without This applies to products that are strain-hardened supplementary thermal treatment to produce and whose mechanical properties are stabilized some reduction in strength. The H is always fol- System for Strain-Hardened Produck by a low-temperature thermal B t m e n t or as a lowed by two or more digits, as discussed in the result of heat introduced during fabrication. Stasection “System for Strain-Hardeneed products” Temper designations for wrought products bilization us~allyimproves ductility. This desigin this article. that are strengthened by strain hardening con- nation applies only to those alloys that, unless W, Solution Heat-Treated.This is an un- sist of an H followed by two or more digits. The stabilized, gradually a g e - s o h at room temperastable temper applicable only to alloys whose first digit following the H indicated the specific ture. The digit following the H3 indicates the degree of strain hardening remaining after stabistrength naturally (spontaneously) changes at sequence of basic operations. room temperature over a duration of months or H1, Strain-Hardened Only. This applies lization. even years after solution heat treahnent. The des- to products that are shin-hardened to obtain the Additional Temper Designations. For alignation is specificonly when the period of natu- desired strength without supplementary thermal loys that age-soften at room temperature, each ral aging is indicated (for example, W 1B h). See treatment The digit following the H1 indicates H2x temper has the same minimum ultimate tenalso the discussion of the Tx51, Tx52, and Tx54 the degree of strain hardening. sile strength as the H3x temper with the same tempers in the section “System forHeat-Treatable H2, Strain-Hardened and Partially An- second digit. For other alloys, each H2r temper Alloys” in this article. nealed. This pertains to products that are strain- has the same minimum ultimate tensile strength 1, Solution Heat-Treated. This applies to hardened more than the desired final amount and as the Hlx with the same second digit, and alloys whose strength is stable within a few weeks then reduced in strength to the desired level by slightly higher elongation. The digit following the

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 25 Table 3 Composition of unalloyed and alloyed aluminum castings (xxx.0) and ingots (xxx.1 or xxx.2) Composition, w t l 17 Grade designation I I

Aluminum ASSO-

ciationfa) UNS No.



... Ingot . . . . . . Ingot A199.5 ................ Ingot A199.8 ................ Ingot A199.7 ................ Ingot ...................... S ...................... Ingot ...................... S ...................... Ingot ...................... S ...................... S ...................... Ingot

100.1 130.1 150.1 160.1 170.1 201.0 201.2 A201.0 A201.1 B201.0 203.0 203.2 204.0

AOlOOl A01301 A01501 A01601 A01701 A02010 A02012 A12010 A12011 A22010 A02030 A02032 A02040


204.2 206.0

A02042 . . . . A02060 . . . .

208.0 208.1 208.2 213.0 213.1 222.0 222.1 224.0 224.2 240.0 240.1 242.0

A02080 A02081 A02082 A02130 A02131 A02220 A02221 A02240 A02242 A02400 A02401 A02420

242.1 242.2 A242.0 A242.1 A242.2 243.0(a) 243.1 295.0 295.1 295.2 296.0 296.1 296.2 305.0 305.2 A305.0 A305.1 A305.2 308.0 308.1 308.2 319.0

A02421 A02422 A12420 A12421 A12422 A02430 A02431 A02950 A02951 A02952 A02960 A02961 A02962 A03050 A03052 A13050 A13051 A13052 A03080 A03081 A03082 A03190

3522 AICu4MgTi R164 AICu4MgTi

.... S, P .... Ingot .... S , P .... Ingot .... S , P

. . . . Ingot ...................... S, P ...................... Ingot ...................... Ingot ...................... S, P ...................... Ingot ...................... S, P .. Ingot '

S, P



... Ingot R164 AICu4Ni2Mg2 . . S, P

...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Ingot Ingot



Ingot S Ingot


Ingot Ingot


Ingot Ingot S, P Ingot S, P ingot ...................... Ingot

...................... ...................... ......................

3522 AISiSCu3 3522 AISiSCu3Mn 3522 AISi6Cu4 3522 AISi6Cu4Mn R164 AISi5Cu3 R164 AISiSCu3Fe

S, P



S, P Ingot 319.1 A03191 , Ingot 319.2 A03192 A319.0 A13190 3522 3522 AISi5Cu3Mn 3522 AISi6Cu4 3522 AISi6Cu4Mn Rl64 AISi5Cu3 R164 AISiSCu3Fe K164 AISi6Cu4 . . . . . . . S. P




(g) O.IO(g)

(h) 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.30 0.20


0.6-0.8 (f) (g) 0.25(g) (h) 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.50 0.35






0.10 0.10 0.05

(e) (e)

... ... ... ... ...

(e) (e) (e) (e) (e)

... .. ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . .

... ...

4.0-5.2 4.0-5.2 4.0-5.0 4.5-5.0 4.5-5.0 4.5-5.5 4.8-5.2

0.20 0.35 4.2-5.0 0.15 0.10-0.20 4.2-4.9 0.10 0.15 4.2-5.0 0.10 0.10 4.2-5.0 0.05 0.10 4.2-5.0 0.05 0.07 4.2-5.0 22-32 1.2 ~3.5-4.5 42.5,3..5 691 3.54.5 2.5-3.5 (ET> .3.5-4.5 1.0-3.0 1.2 6.0-8.0 1.0-3.0 0.9 6.04.0 2.0 1.5 9.2-10.7 2.0 1.2 9.2-10.7 0.06 0.10 4.5-5.5 0.02 0.04 4.5-5.5 0.50 0.50 7.0-9.0 0.50 0.40 7.0-9.0


(e) (e) 0.20-0.500.15-0.55 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.55 0.20-0.40 0.15-0.35 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.50 0.25-0.35 0.20-0.30 0.10 0.20-0.30 0.10 0.10 0.15-0.35 0.05 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.500.15-0.35 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.35 0.20-0.500.15-0.35 0.20-0.50 0.20-0.35 @.50_, 0.45% Mncontentshallnotbelessthan one-half Fe content. (p) O . W . O 7 % Be. (q) 0.10-0.30% Re. (r)0.15-0.30%Re. (s) h x . 1 ingot is used to producexu.Oal;d k x . 0 castings. (1) (Mn t Cr) = 0.8%max. (u) 0.25k Pb max. (v) 0.024.04LTO Re. (w) 0 . W . 15% V. (x) Used to coat steel. (y) Used with Zn to coat steel. (z) 0.10% Pb max. (aa) 0.00?-0.007% Re; 0.005%B max. (bb) 0.00NI.007% Re; 0.002% B max Source: Ref 3. 4, 5

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 27 Table 3 (continued) 'Aluml-

Gnde designation

num A*

clatlon(a) 361.1 363.0 363.1 364.0 364.2 369.0 369.1


A03611 A03630 A03631 A03640 A03642 A03690 A03691


Composition, wt%


I RodUCt(C)

. . . .................. Ingot . . . .................. S, P . . . .................. Ingot . . . .................. D . . . .................. Ingot . . . .................. D . . . .................. Ingot D Ingot



9.5-10.5 0.8 4.5-6.0 1.1 4.5-6.0 0.8 7.5-9.5 1.5 7.5-9.5 0.7-1.1 11.0-12.0 1.3 11.0-12.0 1.0 7.5-9.5 2.0 7.5-9.5 0.7-1.1



0.50 2.5-3.5 2.5-3.5 0.20


0.20 0.50

0.50 3.04.0 3.0-4.0

(t) (t) 0.10 0.10 0.35 0.35

0.50 0.10




0.45-0.6 0.20-0.30 0.20-0.30 0.40 0.15-0.40 (t) 0.25 3.0-4.5 0.20-0.40 (t) 0.25 3.0-4.5 0.20-0.40 0.25-0.50 0.15 0.15 0.25-0.400.25-0.50 0.15 0.15 0.25-0.45 0.30-0.40 0.05 1.0 0.30-0.45 0.30-0.40 0.05 0.9 0.10 ... 0.50 3.0


D 7.5-9.5 1.3 3.0-4.0 0.50 0.10 A13801(s) .. Ingot 7.5-9.5 1.0 3.0-4.0 0.50 0.10 A13802 Ingot 7.5-9.5 0.6 3 . 0 4 . 0 0.10 0.10 A23800 ... D 7.5-9.5 1.3 3 . 0 4 . 0 0.50 0.10 A28801 ... Ingot 7.5-9.5 1.0 3.0-4.0 0.50 0.10 A03830 ... D 9.5-11.5 1.3 2.0-3.0 0.50 0.10 383.1 A03831 ... Ingot 9.5-11.5 1.0 2.0-3.0 0.50 0.10 383.2 A03832 ... Ingot 9.5-11.5 0.6-1.0 2.0-3.0 0.10 0.10 384.0 A03840 ... D 10.5-12.0 1.3 3 . 0 4 3 0.50 0.10 384.1 A03841 ... Ingot 10.5-12.0 1.0 3.0-4.5 0.50 0.10 384.2 A03842 ... Ingot 10.5-12.0 0.61.0 3.0-4.5 0.10 0.10 A384.0 A13840 ... D 10.5-12.0 1.3 3.0-4.5 0.50 0.10 A384.1 A13841 . . . .................. Ingot 10.5-12.0 1.0 3 . 0 4 . 5 0.50 0.10 385.0 A03850 . . . .................. D 11.0-13.0 2.0 2.0-4.0 0.50 0.30 385.1 A03851 . . . .................. Ingot 11.0-13.0 1.1 2.0-4.0 0.50 0.30 390.0 A03900 . . . .................. D 16.0-18.0 1.3 4.0-5.0 0.10 0.45-0.65 390.2 A03902 . . . .................. Ingot 16.0-18.0 0.6-1.0 4.0-5.0 0.10 0.50-0.65 A390.0 A13900 . . . .................. S, P 16.0-18.0 0.50 4.0-5.0 0.10 0.45-0.65 A390.1 A13901 . . . .................. Ingot 16.0-18.0 0.40 4.0-5.0 0.10 0.50-0.65 B390.0 A23900 . . . .................. D 16.0-18.0 1.3 4.0-5.0 0.50 0.45-0.65 B390.1 A23901 . . . .................. Ingot 16.0-18.0 1.0 4.0-5.0 0.50 0.504.65 392.0 A03920 . . . .................. 0 18.0-20.0 1.5 0.40-0.8 0.20-0.6 0.8-1.2 392.1 A03921 . . . .................. Ingot 18.0-20.0 1.1 0.40-0.8 0.20-0.6 0.9-1.2 393.0 A03930 . . . .................. S , P, D 21.0-23.0 1.3 0.7-1.1 0.10 0.7-1.3 393.1 A03931 . . . .................. Ingot 21.0-23.0 1.0 0.7-1.1 0.10 0.8-1.3 393.2 A03932 . . . .................. Ingot 21.0-23.0 0.8 0.7-1.1 0.10 0.8-1.3 4 0 8 . 2 ( ~ ) A04082(x) ..................... Ingot 8.5-9.5 0.6-1.3 0.10 0.10 ... 4 0 9 . 2 ( ~ ) A04092(x) ..................... Ingot 9.0-10.0 0.6-1.3 0.10 0.10 ... 4 1 1 . 2 ( ~ ) A04112(x) ..................... Ingot 10.0-12.0 0.6-1.3 0.20 0.10 ... 413.0(s) A04130(s) 3522 AISilZCuFe(s) 3522 AlSil2 Fe(s) R164 AISil2(s) R164 AISil2Cu(s) R164 AISilZCuFe(s) R164 AISilZFe(s) R2147 AISilZ(s) D 11.0-13.0 2.0 1.0 0.35 0.10 413.2(s) A04132(s) . . . Ingot 11.0-13.0 0.7-1.1 0.10 0.10 0.07 A413.0(~)A14130(s) . . . D 11.0-13.0 1.3 1.0 0.35 0.10 A 4 1 3 . l ( ~ )A14131(s) . . . Ingot 11.0-13.0 1.0 1.0 0.35 0.10 A413.2 A14132(s) . . . Ingot 11.0-13.0 0.6 0.10 0.05 0.05 B413.0 A24130 ... S, P 11.0--13.0 0.50 0.10 0.35 0.05 B413.1 B24131 . . . .................. Ingot 11.0--13.0 0.40 0.10 0.35 0.05 435.2(y) A04352(y) ..................... Ingot 3.3-3.9 0.40 0.05 0.05 0.05 443.0 A04430 . . . .................. S. P 4.5-6.0 0.8 0.6 0.50 0.05 443.1 A04431 . . . .................. Ingot 4.5-6.0 0.6 0.6 0.50 0.05 443.2 A04432 . . . .................. Ingot 4.5-6.0 0.6 0.10 0.10 0.05 A443.0 A14430 . . . .................. S 4.5-6.0 0.8 0.30 0.50 0.05 A443.1 A14431 . . . .................. Ingot 4.5-6.0 0.6 0.30 0.50 0.05 8443.0 A24430 3522 AlSiS S, P 4.5-6.0 0.8 0.15 0.35 0.05 B443.1 A24431 ... Ingot 4.5-6.0 0.6 0.15 0.35 0.05 D 4.5-6.0 2.0 0.6 0.35 0.10 C443.1 A34431 ... ...... Ingot 4.5-6.0 1.1 0.6 0.35 0.10 C443.2 A34432 ..... ...... Ingot 4.5-6.0 0.7-1.1 0.10 0.10 0.05 444.0 A04440 ..... ...... S. P 6.5-7.5 0.6 0.25 0.35 0.10 444.2 A04442 ..... ...... Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.13-0.25 0.10 0.05 0.05 A444.0 A14440 ... P 6.5-7.5 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.05 A444.1 A14441 ... Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 A444.2 A14442 ... Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.05 A380. I(s) A380.2 8380.0 8380.1 383.0






0.25 0.25


0.20 0.20





0.10 0.10





0.50 0.50

3.0 2.9

0.35 0.35

1.0 0.9 3.0 2.9


3.0 2.9

0.35 0.35


0.10 0.50

... ...

0.50 0.30 0.30



' ' '


... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ... ...

... ...

... ... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...


... ...


0.50 0.50

0.50 0.50 0.50

... ...

... .t .

0.10 0.10

0.50 0.50 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5 2.0-2.5


... ...

0.50 0.10

0.50 0.50

0.05 0:05 0.05


0.25 0.25

... ... ... ... ...

. .


0.25 0.25


... t

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ...






0.10 0.10 1.0


' ' '


0.10 1.5 1.4 0.50 0.40

0.30 0.30



0.50 0.40 0.05 0.10

... ... . ' '



'.. . . '

0.15 0.10

0.50 0.50

... .

0.10 0.35

0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05

... ...





' '

' ' '


0.15 0.15



... ... ' ' '


' '


0.15 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.50 0.20

0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50


0.50 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.50 0.20 0.15 0.50 O.I(M.20 O.OS(w) 0.15 0.10-0.20 0.05Cw) 0.15 0.10-0.20 O.O5(w) 0.15 ... 0.10 0.20 ... 0.10 0.20






0.25 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25




0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

. . . 0.50 rem . . . 0.50 rem

... ...


... ...

0.35 0.35 0.50 0.40



0.50 0.50




rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.25 rem

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10


0.15 0.30 (u) 0.30 O.O5(v) 0.15 O.OS(v) 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.15 . . . 0.50 . . . 0.20


0.9 3.0 2.9

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

... ...

0.05 (u)


0.15 0.15

0.35 0.35 0.30 0.30

0.10 0.10 0.10


other elements d, Each TOW min(d)

0.05 0.05 0.05

... ...




0.20 rem 0.25 rem 0.25 rem 0.10 rem 0.20 rem 0.20 rem 0.20 rem 0.35 rem 0.35 rem 0.15 rem 0.35 rem 0.35 rem

0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem . . . 0.25 rem . . . 0.25 rem 0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem 0.05 0.15 rem

(continued) (a) Serial letter prefix indicates modification:A B C D and F. (b) Per ISO standard No. Rll5 unless other standard (RIM R2147 or 3522) specilied. (c) D die casting P germanent mold. s sand. Other products may pertain to the composition shown even thou& n'ot iisted. (d) The AI content for unalloyedaluminum by remelt is the difference bctween 100.00% and {he sum of ah dt er metallic elemeAts present in amounts of 0.010%or more each, expressedto the second decimal befoe determining the sum. (e) (Mn + Cr t Ti + V) = 0.025%max. (0 FdSi ratio 2.5 min. (9) Fe/Si ratio 2.0 min. (h) FdSi ratio 1.5 min. (i) 0.40 to 1.0% Ag.(i)O.SCLI.O%Ag.(k)Ti+ Zr=O.H)max.(1~0.20to0.30%Sb;0.20to0.30%Co;0.10to0.30%Zr.(m~0.O5-0.I5%V;0.1~.25%Zr.(n)0.~.20%V.(o)ForFe>0.45%,Mncontentshallnotbelessthan onchalf Fe content. (p) 0.04407% Be. (9)O.lO-C!.30% Be. (r) 0.15-0.30% Be. ( s ) AUx.1 ingot is used lo roduce 1.u0 and A.ux.0 castings. (t) (Mn t Cr) = 0.8% max. (u) 0.25% pb max. (v) 0.02-0.04% Be. (w) 0.0&0.15%V. (x) Used to coat steel. (y) Used with Zn to coat steel. (2) 0.10%Pb max. (aa) O.oOrO.oCn& Be; O.oOS% B rnax. (bb)O.oOM.007% Be; 0.002%B rnax Source: Ref 3 . 4, 5

28 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Table 3 (continued) Grade designation IAluml-








445.2(x) A04452(x) ................... Ingot . . ................ S 511.0 A05110 . . . ................ Ingot 511.1 A05111 . . . ................ Ingot 511.2 A05112 . . . ................ S 512.0 A05120 512.2 A05122 . . . ................ Ingot . . . ................ P 513.0 A05130 . . . ................ Ingot 513.2 A05132 514.0 A05140 3522 AIMg3

6.5-7.5 0.30-0.7 0.30-0.7 0.30-0.7 1.4-2.2 1.4-2.2 0.30 0.30

0.6-1.3 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.6 0.30 0.40 0.30

S Ingot Ingot D ... .......... Ingot . . . ................ D . . . ................ Ingot . . . ................ D . . . ................ Ingot . . . ................ Ingot 3522 AlMglO R164 AIMgIO; R2147 AlMglO .... S . . . ................ Ingot

0.35 0.35 0.30 0.50-1.0 0.50-1.0 0.30-1.5 0.30-1.5 0.35 0.35 0.25

0.50 0.40 0.30 1.3 0.6-1.0 0.35-1.0 0.35-0.7 1.8 1.1 0.7





514.1 514.2 515.0 515.2 516.0 516.1 518.0 518.1 518.2 520.0

A05141 A05142 A05150 A05152 A05160 A05161 A05180 A05181 A05182 A05200

520.2 535.0 535.2 A535.0 A.535.1 8535.0 8535.2 705.0 705.1 707.0 707.1 710.0 710.1 711.0 711.1 712.0 712.2 713.0 713.1 771.0 771.2 772.0 772.2 850.0 850.1 851.0 851.1 852.0 852.1 853.0 853.2

A05202 A05350 A05352 A15350 A15351 A25350 A25352 A07050 A07051 A07070 A07071 A07100 A07101 A07110 A07111 A07120 A07122 A07130 A07131 A07710 A07712 A07720 A07722 A08500 A08501 A08510 A08511 A08520 A08521 A08530 A08532

. . . ................

... ... ...


Ingot S Ingot S Ingot S, P Ingot S, P Ingot S ..... Ingot P . . . . . Ingot S Ingot S, P Ingot



. . . ................ Ingot . . . ................ s . . ................ Ingot . . ................ S . P . . . ................ Ingot ' '

. . . ................

S,P ' . . ................ Ingot . . . ................ S, P . . . ................ Ingot . . ................ S, P . ' . ................ Ingot t

0.25 0.30 0.15 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.12 0.20 0.8 0.20 0.6 0.20 0.8 0.20 0.6 0.15 0.50 0.15 0.40 0.30 0.7-1.4 0.30 0.7-1.1 0.30 0.50 0.15 0.40 0.25 1.1 0.25 0.8 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.50 2.0-3.0 0.7 2.0-3.0 0.50 0.40 0.7 0.40 0.50 5.54.5 0.7 5.5-6.5 0.50

cu 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.35 0.10 0.10 0.10





' ' '

... ...

... ... ... ... . . ... ...

0.10 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.8 0.10 0.30 0.10

3.54.5 3.6-4.5 3.6-4.5 3.54.5 3.6-4.5 3.5-4.5 3.6-4.5

0.15 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.10

0.35 0.35 0.10 0.40-0.6 0.40-0.6 0.15-0.40 0.15-0.40 0.35 0.35 0.10

3.54.5 3.64.5 3.6-4.5 2.54.0 2.74.0 2.54.5 2.6-4.5 7.5-8.5 7.6-8.5 7.64.5

0.25 0.20 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.35-0.65 0.35-0.65 0.35-0.65 0.35-0.65 0.25 0.25 0.40-1.0 0.40-1.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.3 0.7-1.3 1.7-2.3 1.7-2.3 3.0-4.0 3.0-4.0

0.15 0.10 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.05 0.05 0.40-0.6 0.40-0.6 0.40-0.6 0.40-0.6 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.6 0.6

9.5-10.6 9.6-10.6 6.2-7.5 6.6-7.5 6.5-7.5 6.6-7.5 6.5-7.5 6.6-7.5 1.4-1.8 1.5-1.8 1.8-2.4 1.9-2.4 0.6-0.8 0.65-0.8 0.25-0.45 0.30-0.45 0.50-0.65 0.50-0.65 0.20-0.50 0.25-0.50 0.8-1.0 0.85-1.0 0.6-0.8 0.65-0.8 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.64.9 0.7-0.9


0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.10

... ...

... "


0.25 "


... "


... ... ... ... ... ... "







0.15 0.10 0.35 0.10 1.4-2.2 1.4-2.2





0.05 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15


0.25-0.40 0.25-0.40 0.15 0.15 0.05






... ' ' ' "

... 0.15 ... ... 0.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





... ... ... ... ... ...

... ...

0.15 0.15

... ' ' '




0.2 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40 0.20-0.40

0.40-0.6 0.40-0.6 0.35 0.35 0.064.20 0.064.20 0.064.20 0.064.20


0.10 0.15 0.15 0.05


... ... ...


2.7-3.3 4.0-4.5 4.0-4.5 6.0-7.0 6.0-7.0 6.0-7.0 6.0-7.0 5.04.5 5.M.5 7.M.O 7.M.O 6.5-7.5 6.5-7.5 6.0-7.0 6.0-7.0

... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.7-1.3 0.7-1.3 0.30-0.7 0.30-0.7 0.9-1.5 0.9-1.5

... ... ...

5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0 5.5-7.0

Unspecified 1 other elements AI, Each Total min(d)

0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.25 0.25 0.20

0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

rem rem rem rem rem

... ... ...

... ... ...

0.25 rem 0.25 rem 0.10 rem

0.25 0.20 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10-0.25 0.10-0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15-0.25 0.15-0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10-0.20 0.I0-0.20 0.I0-0.20 0.10-0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

0.05 0.05 O.OS(aa) O.OS(bb) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05

0.25 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20

... .. ... .. .. .. .. '

' ' '


0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30

rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

(a) Serial letter prefix indicates modification: A. B. C. D. and F. (b) Per ISO standard No. RI 15 unless other standard (RIM. R2147, or 3522) specified. (c) D, die casting; P, permanent mold; s, sand. Other products may pertain lo the composition shown even though not listed. (d) The AI content for unalloyed aluminum by remelt is the difference between 100.03% and the sum of all other metallic elements present In amounts of 0.010% or more each, expressed lo the second decimal before determining the sum. (e) (Mn + Cr + Ti + V) = 0.025% max. (0 FeiSi ratio 2.5 min. (g) Fe/Si ratio 2.0 min. (h) Fe/Si ratio 1.5 min. (i) 0.40 to I .l% Ag.(i)O.SW.C%Ag.(k)Ti + Z r = 0 . 5 0 m a x . ~ I ~ 0 . 2 0 t o 0 . 3 0 % S b ; 0 . 2 0 t o 0 . 3 0 % C o : 0 . l O t o 0 . 3 C % Z r . ~ m ~ 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 1 5 % V : 0 . I M ) . 2 5 % Z r . ( n ~ 0 . ~ . 2 l % V . ( o ~ F o r F e > 0 . 4 5 % , M n c o n t e n t s h a l l n o t b e l e s s t h a n one-half Fe content. (p) 0.040.07W Be. (q) 0. I(M.308 Be. (r) 0.15-0.30% Be. (s) k U x . I ingot IS used lo pmduce x u . 0 and k U x . 0 castings. (1) (Mn + Cr) = 0.8% max. (u) 0.25% Pb max. (v) 0.M4.04% Be. (w) O . W . I 5 % V. (x) Used to coat steel. (y) Used with Zn lo coal steel. (2) 0.10% Pb max. (aa) 0.0034.0071a Be; 0.005% B max. (bb) 0.003-Oo.007WBe; 0.002% B max Source: Ref 3. 4. 5

designations H1, H2, and H3, which indicates the degree of strain hardening, is a numeral from 1 h u g h 9. Numeral 8 indicatestempers with ultimate tensile strength equivalent to that achieved by about 75% cold reduction ( t e m p e m during reduction not to exceed 50 T ,or 120 O F ) following full annealing. Tempersbetween0 (annealed) and 8 are designated by numerals 1 through 7. Material having an ultimate tensile strength a p proximatelymidwaybetweenthatoftheOtemper and the 8 temper is designated by the numeml4, midway between the 0 and 4 tempers by the numeral 2, and midway between the 4 and 8 tempers by the numeral 6. Numeral 9 designates tempers whose minimum ultimate tensile

strength exceeds that of the 8 temper by the 10 MPa (2 ksi) or more. For two-digit H tempers whose second digits are odd, the standard limits for strength are the arithmetic mean of the standard limits for the adjacent twodigit H tempers whose second digits are even. For alloys that cannot be sufficiently coldreduced toestablishanultimate tensile strength applicable to the 8 temper (75% cold reduction after full annealing), the 6-temper tensile strength may be established by cold reduction of approximately 55% following full annealing, or the 4-temper tensile strength may be established by cold reduction of approximately 35% after full annealing.

When it is desirable to identify a variation of a two-digit H temper, a third digit (from 1 to 9) may be assigned. The third digit is used when the degree of control of temper or the mechanical properties are different from but close to those for the two-digit H temper designation to which it is added, or when some other characteristic is significantly affected. The minimum ultimate tensile strength of a threedigit H temper is at least as close to that of the corresponding two-digit H temper as it is to either of the adjacent two-digit H tempers. Products in H tempers whose mechanical properties are below those of Hwl tempers are assigned variations of Hwl. Some three-digit H

Alloy and Temper Designation Systems / 29 temper designations have already been assigned for wrought products in all alloys:

Hxll applies to products that incur sufficient strain hardening after final annealing to fail to qualify as 0 temper, but not so much or so consistent an amount of strain hardening to qualify as Hxl temper. H112 pertains to products that may acquire some strain hardening during working at elevated temperature and for which there are mechanical property limits. Patterned or Embossed Sheet. Table 5 lists the thmdigit H temper designations that have been assigned to patterned or embossed sheet.

found in the article “General Introduction” in this volume.

TI, Cooled from an Elevated-Temperature Shaping Process and Naturally Aged to a Substantially Stable Condition. This designation applies to products that are not cold-

worked after an elevated-tempemture shaping process such as casting or extrusionand for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging. It also applies to products that are flattened or straightened aftercooling from the shaping process, for which the effectsof the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not accounted for in specific property ifits.

which mechanical properties have been stabilized by mom-temperature aging. It also applies to products in which the effects of cold work, imparted by flattening or straightening, are accounted for in specified property limits. T4, Solution Heat-Treated and Naturally Aged to a SubstantiallyStable Condition.T h i s signifiesproducts that are not cold-worked after solution heat treatment and for which mechanical properties have been stabilized by room-temperature aging. If the products are flattened or straightened, the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or straightening are not accounted for in specified property limits. T5, Cooled from an Elevated-Tempera-

System for Heat-Treatable Alloys

T2, Cooled from an Elevated-Temperature Shaping Process, Cold-Worked, and Naturally Aged to a Substantially Stable Condition. This variation refers to products that

The temper designation system for wrought and cast products that are strengthened by heat treatment employs the W and T designations described in the section “Basic Temper Designations” in this article. The W designation denotes an unstable temper, whereas the T designation denotes a stable temper other than F, 0 ,or H. The T is followed by a numeral from 1 to 10, each ntmeral indicating a specific sequence of basic treatments. A description of how aluminum alloys are classified as heattreatable versus non-heat-treatable can be

are cold-worked specifically to improved strength after cooling from a hot-working process such as rolling or extrusion and for which mechanical propertieshave been stabilized by roomtemperature aging. It also applies to products in which the effects of cold work, imparted by flattening or straightening, are accounted for in T6, Solution Heat-Treated and Artifi’ cially Aged. This group encompasses products specified property limits. T3, Solution Heat-Treated, Cold- that are not cold-worked after solution heat treatWorked, and Naturally Aged to a Substan- ment and for which mechanical properties or tially Stable Condition. T3 applies to prod- dimensional stability,or both, have been substanucts that are cold-worked specificdy to improve tially improvedby precipitation heat treatment. If strength after solution heat treatment and for the products are flattened or straightened, the

Table 4 ISO equivalents of wrought Aluminum Association international alloy designations Aluminum Amciation hternatlond designation

ISO designation

Aluminum Amxiation internnlmnd designation 5086

1100.. ........................

AI 99.0 Cu

1200.. ........................ 1350.. ........................

AI 99.0

. . . .......................... 1370.. ........................

201 I .


E-AI 99.5 A199.3 E-AI 99.7 AI Cu6BiPb

3003.. ........................ 3004.. ........................

AI MnlCu AI MnlMgl

3005:. ........................ 3103.. ........................

.... 5050.. ........................

5251 ................................... 5356 ................................... 5454 ...................................

AI Mg2 AI MgSCr(A) AI Mg3Mn

5456 ................................... 5554 ................................... 5754 ...................................

AI Mg5Mn AI Mg3Mn(A) AI Mg3

. . . . . . . . . . H31

HI34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H234.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H334.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H12 H22 H32

HI44 . . . . . . . . . . . . H244. . . . . . . . . . . . H344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A I ~ ~ 4 . 5 ~ ~ 1HI84 . 5. . .~. . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H284.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H384 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

HI7 H27 H37

7075 ................................... 7178 ................................... 7475 .....................................


AI Mg5 AI Mg4.5Mn0.7


0 H11

. . . . . . . . . . H21

HI5 H25 H35


. . . .................................... . . . ....................................


HI64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H264.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H364 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

AI Zn4.5Mgl AI Zn8MgCu AI Zn6CuMgZr

AI Mg5Cr

H114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H14 H24

7020 ................................... 7049A ................................. 7050 ...................................

5056.. ........................ 5 0 5 6 A . . ...................... 5083. .........................

Temper of sheet from which textured sheet was fabricated

Palterned or cmbosscd sheet


AI MnlMgO.5 AI Mnl

AI MglS(C)

Table 5 H tern er designations for aluminum and ayuminum alloy patterned or embossed sheet

HI54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

E-AI MgSi E-AI MgSi(A) AI SilMg0.8 AI MglSiPb AI SilMg0.5Mn

AI Mg2.5

after an elevated-temperature shaping process such as casting or extrusion and for which mechanical properties have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. If the products are flattened or straightened after cooling from the shaping process, the effects of the cold work imparted by flattening or shaightening are not accounted for in specified property limits.

ISO designation

................................... AI Mg4 ......... AI Mg3.5

6101 ................................... 6101A ................................. 6181 ................................... 6262 ................................... 6351 ...................................

5052. .........................

ture Shaping Process and Artificially Aged. T5 includes products that are not cold-worked

Zn5.5MgCu Zn7MgCu Zn5.5MgCu(A) Zn4MgI.SMn Zn6MgCuMn

. . HI8 . . H28 H38 H394.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H 1 9 5 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H295 H395

Source: Ref I


30 / Introduction to Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys effectsof the cold work imparted by flatteningor straightening are not accounted for in specified property limits.

T7, Solution Heat-Treated and Overaged or Stabilized. T7 applies to wrought

products that have been precipitation heat-treated beyond the point of maximumstrength to provide some special characteristic, such as enhanced resistance to stress-corrosion cracking or exfoliation corrosion (both of these modes of corrosion are described in the article“Corrosion Behavior” in this Volume). It appliesto cast products that are artificially aged after solution heat treatment to provide dimensional and strength stability.

T8, Solution Heat-Treated, ColdWorked, and Artificially Aged. This designation applies to products that m cold-worked

qxxifically to improve strength after solution heat treatment and for which mechanical properties or dimensional stability, or both, have been substantially improved by precipitation heat treatment. The effects ofcold wok, includingany cold work imparted by flatteningor Straightening, are accounted for in specified property limits.

T9, Solution Heat-Treated, Artificially Aged, and Cold-Worked. This grouping is

comprised of products that are cold-worked specifically to improve strength after they have been precipitation heat-treated. T10, Cooled from an Elevated-Tempera-

ture Shaping Process, Cold-Worked, and Artificially Aged. TI0 identifies products that

are cold-worked specifically to impmve strength after cooling from a hot-working process such as rolling or extrusion and for which mechanical p r o F e s have been substantially impmved by precipitation heat treatment. The effects of cold work, including any cold work imparted by flattening or straightening, are accounted for in specified property limits. Additional T Temper Variations. When it is desirable to identify a variation of one of the ten major T tempers described above, additional digits, the fmt of which cannot be zero, may be added to the designation. Specific sets of additional digits have been assigned to stress-relieved wrought products: Stress-Relieved by Stretching, Compressing, or Combination of Stretching and Compressing. This designation applies to the following products when stretched to the indicated amounts after solution heat treatment or after cooling from an elevated-temperature shaping process: Product farm



Rod, bar. shapes, andextruded tube Drawn tube

Permmntset, sb

1Y2-3 1-3 Y*-3

. Tx51 applies specifically to plate, to rolled

or cold-finished rod and bar, to die or ring forgings, and to rolled rings. These products

receive no further straightening after stretching.

Tx5 10 applies to extruded rod, bar, shapes and tubing, and to drawn tubing. Products in this temper receive no further straightening after stretching. Tx5 11 refers to products that may receive minor straightening after stretching to comply with standard tolerances. One variation involves stress relief by compressing: Tx52 applies to products that are stress-relieved by compressing after solution heat treatment or after cooling from a hot-working process to produce a permanent set of 1 to 5%.

ter P follows the temper designation that most nearly pertains. The use of this type of designation includes situations where: The use of the temper is sufficiently limited to preclude its registration. The test conditions are different from those required for registration with the Aluminum Association. The mechanical property limits are not established on the same basis as required for registration with the Aluminum Association.

Foreign Temper Designations

Unlike the agreement relating to wrought alloy designations, there is no Declaration of Accord for an international system of tempers to be registered with the Aluminum Association by foreign organizations. For the most Tx54 applies to die forgings that are stress- part, the ANSI system is used, but because relieved by restriking cold in the finish die. fiere is no international accord, reference to (These Same digits-and 51, 527 and 54ANSI H35.1 properties and characteristics of may be added to the designation W to indi- aluminum alloy tempers registered with the cate unstable solution heat-treated and Aluminum Association under ANSI 35.1 may stress-relieved tempers.) ,not always reflect actual properties and characteristics associated with the particular alloy Temper ksikTations have been assigned 10 temper. In addition, temper designations may wrought products heat-treated from the 0 or be created that are not registered with the Aluthe F temper to demonstrate response to heat minum Association. treatment:

The next designation is used for products that are stress-relieved by combining stretching and compressing:

T42 means solution heat-treated from the 0 or the F temper to demonstrate response to heat treatment and naturally aged to a substantially stable condition. T62 means SOhtiOn heat-treated from the 0 or the F temper to demonstrate response to heat treatment and artificially aged. Temper designations T42 and T62 also may be applied to wrought products heat-treated from any temper by the user when such heat treatment results in the mechanical properties applicable to these tempers.

System forAnnea’ed Products A digit following the 0 indicated a product in annealed condition having special characteristics. For example, for heat-treatable alloys, 0 1 indicates a product that has been heattreated at approximately the same time and temperature required for solution heat treatment and then air-cooled to room temperature; this designation applies to products that are to be machined prior to solution heat treatment by the user. Mechanical property limits are not applicable.

Designation of Unregistered Tempem The letter P has been assigned to denote H, T, and 0 temper variations that are negotiated between manufacturer and purchaser. The let-

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The information in this article is largely taken from R.B.C. Cayless, Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, Volume 2 of the ASM Handbook (formerly Metals Handbook, loth mition), ASM International, 1990, p 15-28.

REFERENCES “American National Standard Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum,” Aluminum Association, Washington, D.C., 1990 2. “Registration Record of InternationalAlloy Designations and Chemical Composition Limits for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought Aluminum Alloys,” Aluminunl Association,Washington, D.C., 1991 3. MetalsandAlloys in the Un#iedNwnbering System, 6th ed., Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1993. 4. J.G. Gensureand DL. Pons, Ed., Internstwnal Metallic Materials Cross-Rejbe w e , 4th ed., Genium Publishing, 1989 5. “RegistrationRecordof Aluminum Association Alloys Designations and Chemical Composition Limits for Aluminum Alloys in the Form of Casting ind Ingot,” Aluminum Association, Washington, D.C., 1989 1.

Physica Metallurgy THE PRINCIPAL CONCERNS in the physical metallurgy of aluminum alloys include the effects of composition, mechanical working, and/or heat heatment on mechanical and physical properties. In terms of properties, strength hprovement is a major objective in the design of aluminum alloys because the low strength of pure aluminum (about a 10 m a , or 1.5 ksi, tensile Yield strength in the annea1ed condition) limits its c0mmercia1 usefuhess. The two most cornon methods for increasing the strength of aluminum alloys are to: *

asperse second-phase constituents Or e1emerits in so1id solutionand "Id w0* the alloy (non-heat-treatablealloys)

Disso1ve the alloflng e1ements into "lid so*ution and precipitate them as coherent submicmscOpic partic1es (heat-matab1e Or precipitation-hardeningalloys)

The facton affecting these mechanisms and the processing and proprnes Of aluminurnal*Oysarediscussed in the fo110wing portions of this article.

Phases in Aluminum Alloys The elements that are most c o m o n l y present in commercial aluminum alloys to provide increased s m n g t h - p ;Lu;&r w;lGll LuuplGu with strain hardening by cold working or with heat treatment, or both-are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and zinc. These elements all have significant solid solubility in


Equilibrium binary solid solubility as a ~ i 1 ~function . of temperature for alloying elements most frequently added to aluminum

aluminum, and in all cases the solubility increases with increasing temperature (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the principal aluminum alloys based on these elements. Note that they are used in various combinations. Of all the elements, zinc has the greatest solid solubility in aluminum (a maximum of 66.4 at.%). In addition to zinc, the solid sohbilities of silver, magnesium, and lithium are greater than 10 at.% (in order of decreasing maximum solubility). Gallium, germanium, copper, and silicon (in decreasing order) have maximum solubilities of less than 10 but ' greater than 1 at.%. AI1 other elements are less soluble. With the one known exception of tin (which shows a retrograde solid solubility between the melting point of aluminum and the eutectic temperature, 228.3 "C, with a maximum of 0.10% at approximately 660 "C), the maximum solid solubility in aluminum alloys occurs at the eutectic, peritectic, or monotectic temperature. With decreasing temperature, the solubility limits decrease. This decrease from appreciable concentrations at elevated temperatures to relatively low concentrations at low temperatures is one fundamental characteristic that provides the basis for substantially increasing the hardness and strength of aluminum alloys by solution heat treatment and subsequent precipitation aging operations. Solubility limits for a number of elements in aluminum are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 2

The principal aluminum alloys. Source: Ref 1

For those elements in concentrationsbelow their solubility limits, the alloying elements are essentially in solid solution and constitute a single phase. However, no element is known to have complete miscibility with aluminum in the solid state. Among the commercial alloys, only the bright-finishing alloys such as 5657 and 5252, which contain 0.8 and 2.5% Mg (nominal), respectively, with very low limits on all impurities, may be regarded as nearly pure solid solutions. Second-Phase Constituents. When the content of an alloying element exceeds the solidsolubility limit, the alloying element produces "second-phase" microstructural constituents that may consist of either the pure alloying ingredient or an intermetalliccompound phase. In the fmt group are silicon, tin, and beryllium. If the alloy is a ternary or higher-order alloy, however, silicon or tin may form intermetalliccompound phases. Most of the other alloying elements form such compounds with aluminum in binary alloys and more complex phases in ternary or higher-order alloys. Manganese and chromium are included in the group of elements that form predominantly second-phase constituents, because in commercial alloys they have very lowequilibrium solid solubilities. In the case of many compositions containing manganese, this is because iron and silicon are also present and form the quaternary-phase Al12(Fe,Mn)$i. In alloys

32 / Introduction t o Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys containing copper and manganese, the ternaryphase A120C~2Mn3 is formed. Most of the alloys in which chromium is present also contain magnesium, so that during solid-state heating they form AlI2Mg2Cr, which also has very lowequilibrium solid solubility.Smelter-grade

primary metal, whether in ingot or wroughtproduct form, contains a small volume fraction of second-phase particles, chiefly iron-bearing phases-the metastable AbFe, the stable A13Fe, which forms from A18e on solid-state heating, and AlI2Fe3Si.Proportions of the bi-

Table 1 Solubility limits for various binary aluminum alloys Temperature(a) Element "C OF A g . . . . . . . 570 1060 A u . . . . . . . 640 1180 B . . . . . . . . 660 1220 B e . . . . . . . 645 1190 660(b)

Cd.. . . . . . 650(b) Co.. . . . . . 660 C r . . . . . . . 660(c) cu 550 Fe 655 G a . . . . . . . . 30 Gd.. . . . . . 640 G e . , . . . . . 425 H f . , . . . . . 660(c) In . . . . . . . 640 Li , . , , . , . 600 Mg . . . . . , 4 5 0

Na . . . . . . 660(b) N b . . . . . . . 660(c) N i . . . . . . . 640 Pb . . . . . . . 660 P d . . . . . . . 615 R h . . . . . . . 660 R u . . . . . . . 660 S b , . . . . . . 660 S c . . . . . . . 660 Si . . . . . . . 580 S n . . . . . . . 230 Sr . . . . . . . 655 T h . . . . . . . 635 T i . . . . . . . 665(c) Tm . . . . . . 645

u . . . . . . . ,640

V . . . . . . . .665(c) Y . . . . . . . ,645 Z n . . . . . ., 3 8 0

Z r . . . . . . . 660(c)

1220(b) 1150 1200(b) 1220 1220(c) 1020 1210 80 1180 800 1220(c) 1180 1110 840 1220(b) 1220(c) 1180 1220 1140 1220 1220 1220 1220 1080 450 1210 1180 1230(c) 1 I90 1180 1230(c) 1190 720 1220(c)

Uquld rolublllty




0.022 0.87 3.4 7.6 6.7 1 .o 0.41 33.15 1.87 98.9 11.5 53.0 0.49 17.5 9.9 35.0 1.95 0.1 0.18 0.01 6.12 1.52 24.2 1.09 0.69 1.1 0.52 12.6 99.5


25.0 0.15 10.0 13.0

0.25 7.7 95.0 0.11

Solld rolublllty



60.9 0.7 0.054 2.56

55.6 0.36 3

0.75 (1-5) (640) (11-20) (21-30) (130) 600


500 (500)

400 (400)

280 (280)

220 (220)

Spindk m o t h , dmin ( a h ) Retsting Rdmting




prarure, kh(psi)

15.2-64 (50-210)

2.7-22.9 (9-75)

276 (40)



Cuttlngtluid 70-3Okerosend oil (sulfurized or chlorinated)

368 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

Table 37 Comparisonof surface finishes normally obtained by chemical milling I Form


Speed, at 900 revhin,

190 (620)

Stock removed, mm (in.). . . Honing time. s . . . . . . . . . . . . Cutting fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size control method . . . . . . . Stone life, per set (average). . Production rate, pieceslh . . . Bore alignment before honing, mm (in.). . . . . . . . . Bore alignment after honing, mm (in.). . . . . . . . . Specified tolerance, mm (in.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specified finish, pm (pin.). . .

60 21 (70) 0.03F-0.51 (0.00154.020) 25 Mineral seal oil Air gage 300 assemblies 75 0.05 (0.002) 0.018 (0.0007) t0.008 (t0.0003) 0.50-0.63 (20-25)

~ i 34~ Die. cast engine blockthat was honed with

gray iron bearing caps in place, and the honing tool that was used (bottom). Dimensions given in inches

Aluminum 2024-T3 2024-T3 ...................... 2024-T351 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7075-T6 . . . 7075-T6 . . . 2219-T37 . . 2219-T87 ..................... 22 l9-T87 ..................... A-356 ................. Mild s 1010. 1020.. . . . . . . . . . . Low-alloy steels 4130,4340.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4130, 4340. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High-alloy steels H-I1 ......................... Stainless steels 301, ,321 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 .................. 410 .... PH steels 13-8. 15-7, 17-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AM 350. AM 355.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Superalloys N-155.. ...................... L-605 ........................ H-188.. ...................... Hastelloy B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hastelloy C.. . . .

Inconel 600.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inconel 625. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lncoloy 903 ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'nconel 7 1 8 .


Sheet, plate, Sheet, plate, Extrusion Sheet, plate, Sheet, plate. Sheet. plate Sheet, plate Sheet, plate Castings

Etchant type

forging forging forging forging


+ + + + +

Na,S TEA(a) TEA(a) Na,S TEA(a)

+ Na,S + TEA(a) + additives

-Surfae finish, R. w


2.54.0 1.0-1.5 2.0-1.0 2.54.0 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.5 3.2-5.0 3.2-5.0 6.3-12.5

100-160 80-160 100-160 4040 60-100 125-200 125-200 250-500


Sheet. plate




Sheet Forgings


1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0

40-80 40-80




Sheet Sheet Sheet

"0, "0, "0,

Sheet Sheet



Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet



Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet



: : : : :: : : : : : :: : : :: : :: zi:z:

Titanium alloys.. .............. Sheet, plate, forging Casting Magnesium alloys.. ............ Sheet Niobium alloys ................ Sheet

HCI. HN03, HCI. "0,. HCI. "0,. HCI, "0,. HCI, HNO,, HCI, "0,. HCI, HNO,, HCI, "0,. HCI, "0,. HCI. HNO,, HCI, "0,. HCI, HF. HNO, HF. HNO, HW, "0,. HCI,




0.75-1.5 0.75-1.5 1.0-1.5

30-60 30-60 40-60


30-60 30-60

2.5-3.6 2.5-3.6 1.5-2.3 1.5-2.3 1.5-2.3 1.5-2.3 I .5-2.3 I .5-2.3 1.5-2.3 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 0.25-1.0 0.75-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5

100-140 100-140 60-90


60-90 60-90 60-90

60-90 6lL90 60-90 40-80 40-80 40-80 10-10 30-60

w 40-60

(a) The NaOH + TEA etchants nurmally cuntain Na-S tu precipitate out Zn and Cu components in the alloys. If not precipitated uut. these metals will plate to the surface being chemical& milled. thereby increasing surface roughness.

~ i 35~ Part . from which 0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) of

metal was removed by lapping to smooth the surface toO.025 pm (1 pin.). Dimensions given in inches

Fifteen fiber guides, each 75 x 6.4 mm (3 x '/4 in.), were incorporated in the honing tool. Processing details are given in the table with Fig. 34.

lapping Lapping is a finishing operation using fine, loose abrasive grits loaded into a lapping material such as cast iron. Lapping provides major refinements in the workpiece, including extreme accuracy of dimension, correction of minor imperfections of shape refinement of surface finish, and close fit between mating surfaces. The methods used for lapping aluminum are the same as those used for other metals

(see the article "Lapping" in Volume 16ofASM Handbook). However, because similar finishes often can be produced by other methods at less cost, lapping is seldom used. In the following example, an extremely smooth finish of 0.025 p (1 pin.) on an anodized part was produced by two methods of lapping. Example 14: Lapping Hard-AnodizedAIIOY 6061. The hard-anodized aluminum part (surface h&ess equivalent to 65 HRC) shorn in Fig. 35 required removal Of 0.005 mm ( 0 . a in.) firom the three kinds to produce a finish Of 0.025 CUn (1 m.1.Diamond abrasive in a P a Vehicle Was Used for both l%IltedeSSr011 hpping and lapping in a tWO-Plak machine- The roll hpPer, at a rotation speed Of 100 &- ( b e roll) a n d a s m k e s p e e d o f 5 0 d ( 2 inJmin)p r o d u d ten P m b - The twO-PlaE - h e , Which had Upper and lower CaSt kOn 1apS406 mtll (16 in.) in diameter and 75 mm (3 in.) thick lapped lrnp&ollr.

Chemical Milling Chemical milling, also termed chem milling, chemical machining,chemical contouring, and chemietching, is a method of processing structural metal parts by controlled chemical

etching. The process either thins the parts in specific areas or removes metal from all surfaces. parts can be chemically milled over their entire surface, or the surface can be selectively machined by masking areas that do not require machining. The process is mainly used for parts having large surface areas requiring small amounts of metal removal (see the article "Chemical Milling" in Volume 16 of ASM ~ ~ n d b ~ k ) . Chemicalmilling is p m y used for parts having shallow cavities or pockets or requiring overall weight reduction. The main application has h e n in the amspace industry to obtain maximum strength-to weight ratios, but the process has also been receiving attention froom other industries. Extremely large parts, such as aircraft skin and fuselage sections and airframe extrusions, a chemically milled. Table 37 compares the chemical d i n g of aluminum to that of other metals typically machined by this process. In contrast to titanium alloys, steels, and nickel- and cobalt-base alloys, which use acid as an etchant, caustic soda is the usual etchant for aluminum alloys. As indicated in Table 37, the addition of triethanolamine (TEA) to the normal caustic aluminum etchant produces a marked improvement in surface finish. Graphs exhibiting the dramatic effect of the TEA component on aluminum

Machining of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 369

~ i 37~ Comparison . ot surtace finishes produced

Fig. 36

Surface-finish improvement P r o d u d by TEA chemical milling etchant. The initial surface was produced with a standard etchant.

surface finish are presented in Fig. 36 and 37. Figure 36 shows the improvement in surface finish of 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 samples that had been previously chemically milled in a standard etchant. The surface roughness average (R,) of the 2024-T3 specimen, 3.0 pm (120 pin.), was reduced to about 1.25 pm (50 pin.) with the removal of 0.5 mm (0.020 in.). The initial 3.3 pm (130 pin.) Ra of the 7075-T6 specimen was reduced to about 1.25 pm (50 pin.) with the removal of 0.75 mm (0.030 in.). Figure 37 shows the results of chemically milling 1.0 mm (0.040 in.) from as-rolled stock samples of 7075-T6 in the standard and the TEA etchants. Micrographs of the fillet area of the same 7075-T6 material, chemically milled in the two etchants, are shown in Fig. 38. The TEA etchant not only improves surface finish, but it also significantly reduces the extent of grain boundary attack. When selective machining is involved and the scribe-and-peel method is used, masking material is applied to the workpiece by spraying, dipping, or brushing. The dry maskant is scribed from a pattern and peeled frm the workpiece to expose the areas that are to be chemically milled. Maskant can also be selectively applied by the silk-screening process or

by standard aluminum chemical milling etchant and by TEAetchant. Material: 7075-T6 as received from ,,,ill

by photographic methods. Properties of maskants used to chemically mill aluminum alloys are listed in Table 38. Machining takes place when the workpiece, contained in a work basket or held by a , rack, is immersed in the chemical solution. Agitation of the work or circulation of the solution is necessary to ensure uniform rates of metal from all exposed surfaces. The maskant material is removed from the workpiece by hand or with the aid of a demasking solution. When scribe-and-peel maskants are used, cuts as deep as 13 mm (0.5 in.) can be made. With the thinner, less chemical-resistant silkscreened masks, the depth of cut is limited to 1.5 mm (0.060 in.), but a more accurate and detailed cavity is possible. Photoresists provide still more detail and accuracy, but the cut is limited to a depth of 1.3 mm (0.050 in.). Sheets and plates are tapered in thickness by immersing and withdrawing the workpiece from the etching bath at a controlled rate. Steps are produced by repeated cycles of etching with different areas masked. The depth of cut is limited to about 13 mm (1/2 in.) in plate materials and to less than this with forgings, castings, and extrusions.

Table 38 Properties of maskant materials exposedto acids or alkaliesthat are Widely used in the chemical milling of aluminum alloys



Ease of manufacture Solids, % ........................... Ease of application Dipping.. .........................

Butyl rubber



........ Good

Tensile strength. MPa (ksi) Airdried. 24 h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heat cured.. ...................... 6 - 1 1 (0.87-1.6) Resistance to etchant Very good Excellent Heat limit. "C ("FHa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I50 (300)

MmlkMt mmid AcrykoiMk rubber


Fair 3 4 15-25

Good 6-8 25-35

Good Good Poor Air or heat

Good Good Fair Air or heat

7 ( I .O). rnax 11-17.5 (1.6-2.5)

14 (2.0) max 11-21 (1.6-3.0)

Very good Very good I20 (250)

Very good Very good 95 (200)

(a) Maximum useful temperature for intermittent exposure and for curing temperalure. Source: Ref 5

Fig. 38

Fillet area of 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) step in 7075-T6 she& chemically milled in (a) standard etchant and (b)TEA etchant. 5 5 ~

Table 37 listsdata forthe surface rou&ms of aluminumalloys that were subjected to the chemicalmihg process. The efid of depth of cut on the surfm finish of 7075 aluminum sheet is shown in Fig. 39. mcal tolerancesof variousdepths of cut are: Depmdd


0-1.25 1.25-2.50 25-64 6.4-12.7



0-0.050 0.0514.ioo 0.1014.250 0.2514.500




0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.003


0.05 0.075

Cage Reduction or Chemical Sizing. The

term C h e m i c a l sizing has been given to various techniques for etchingraw &,& or unfinished

Fig. 39

Relationship between surface finish and depth of cut for the chemical milling of 7075 aluminum sheet. Source: Ref 5

370 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys parts to a given thickness range, with or without The door is made by stretch forming 6.4 mm the use of selective masking. One of the simplest (0.250in.) Alclad 7075 and then chemical milling applications is the etching of aluminum sheet to fmal thicknesses of 1.0,2.0,and 3.2 k 0.1 mm (0.040,0.079, and 0.125 k 0.005 in.). stock into a thinner gage by overall reduction. Accurate control of undercut on clad alumiA much more complex procedure is often applied to detailed parts to remove thickness num is difficult.Therefore,this extremely deep variation that is either present in the furnished cut requires the removal of the cladding from material or produced during the process. Parts the inside surface in order to maintain land are “mapped” with contour lines of constant width tolerances of 39.8 mm ( 39.030 in.). thickness (for example, in 0.05 m, or 0.002 Another special requirement for this part is a in., intervals). The part is remasked and then polished finish on the outside surface. etched in 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) steps, starting Thinning Machined Parts, Castings, with the area of greatest thichess. Constant- Forgings, and Extrusions. Chemical milling is thickness lines are located either by sliding an frequently used to produce thin sections that ultrasonic transducer over the part surface or wouldbe uneconomical or impossible to make by by interpolating from a close grid of thickness mechanical means alone. Thousands of alumimeasmments m A e d on the part. Although num forgings for airline seat frames have been c h e i c a l skhg can add significandy to the produced by this process. The thousands of nomal chemical milling costs, it is frequently sthgers used in the manufacture of the C-SA& C-5B were made from long aluminum extrusions justified by the resulting weight savings. designed oversized for chemical milling. ~~~~l~ 15: Chemical sizingof E+,.~, cowlinlet D~~ Skins. fi&ecowl daduct chemical versus Mechanical Milling. Figue 42 presents a typical curve for choosing the sb, shown i n ~ i40, ~ .m p r o d u d from al-num alloy 2219 and are ,.hemidly & two most economical of these two methods for revk stages. The initial s-g skp duesmoving metal kom flat parts on which large areas flaL circular3.2 (0.~25in.) gage mtd to having complex or wavy peripheral outlines are 2.3 (o.090 in.) prior to forming.The forming to be d u c e d in thickness. Fillet mtio and thick-, process proauces thiclrnessvariations of about ness of metaI to be removed are used as the bases evaluation. Forthis specific application, metal o.5 (o.moin.), requiringa second sizing for thicknesses p t e r than 6.35 mm (0.250 in.) operation to bring the part within a tolerance of should be removed mechanically; thicknesses M.08 mm ( so.oo3 in.) for weight conml.This less than 3.18 mm (0.125 in.), chemically. Be-nd Operationinc1udes a detai1ed mapping Of tween these two values, the choice depends on thickness variation over the entire surface and metratio,which govems the weight penalty. requires from three to six sizing steps, d e p d i n g on the thickness variation to be removed. The forming process also produces an extremely varied grain size over the part surface. Machining Aluminum-Matrix Such problems are frequently encountered Composites when forming 2219 alloy. Surface finishes range from smooth to extremely rough over Aluminum-matrix composites, like other any given part surfae. The he-grain, smooth areas also etch at a faster rate, making the metal-matrixcomposites (MMCs), consist of a sizing operation more difficult.These parts are metal base reinforced with one or more consanded and polished to a fine surface finish after chemical milling. Example 16: Undercut on Clad Alurninum.The part shown in Fig. 41 is a nacelle access door used for the Boeing 747 and the 767.

-- -


stituents (fibers, particulates, whiskers) in continuous or discontinuous form. In the case of the continuous fiber-reinforced composites, the fiber is the dominating constituent,and the aluminum matrix serves as a vehicle for transmitting the load to the reinforcing fiber. Composites that incorporate discontinuous reinforcement are matrix-dominated,forming a pseudodispersion-hardenedstructure. Optimum properties can be achieved in continuous fiber-reinforced compositeswhen the fibers are oriented in one direction, yet this results in a highly anisotropic material. At best, planar iSOtrOPY Can be achieved with continuous fiber-reinforced composites. Composites reinforced with whiskers or particulates tend to be iSO~OPiCunless they are given sufficientdeformation processing to cause texturing (grain elongation in the alUminum matrix or whisker alignment). Typical microstructures of aluminum-matrix composites are shown in Fig. 43. Aluminum-matrix composites are usually fabricated to near-net shape. They are subsequently trimmed to net size or shape (requiring machining) and attached to an assembly by adhesive bonding, mechanical fasteners (requiring drilling), or welding. Because aluminum-matrix composites are made up of hard, abrasive, nonmetallic fibers or particles in a soft metal matrix, they present unusual machining problems. Tool wear, for example, is much more severe than that encountered in machining matrix aluminum alone.

General Guidelines for Machining

of MMCs

Traditional solid tool methods of machining (with special cutters) and nontraditional m3hods are both in Use for mcs.The nature of m C s , Principally their abrasiveness, must be taken into account. Tool materials, cutter shapes, speeds, and feeds are largely deter-

~ i ~ , 4Breakeven 2

Fig. 40

Engine cowl inlet duct skins

Fig. 41

Engine cowl access door

between chemical and mechanical milling. The choice between them depends on fillet ratio and depth of cut.

Machining of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 371

Fig. 44

Carbide router bit with diamond-shaped chisel cut

Table 39 Parameters for trimming metal-matrix composites opnh

Cutter type



. . . . . . . Pneumatic saw

Hand router

Irregular outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand router Chamfer. deburr Hand Finish operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand drill motor Hand

Diamond-coated circular saw(a) Diamond router(b) Carbide routetfc) Diamond router(b) Carbide routetfc) Abrasive drum(d) Abrasive disk(d) Abrasive cloth(d)

(a) Diamond circular saw. 1.3 mm (0.050in.),kelf. 3U44-grit. (b) Diamond diamond-shapedchisel cut routers. (d) 8Bgnt (rough). 22Bgnl finish

~ i43~ c r. s s sections of typical aluminum-ma-

trix composites. (a)Continuous fiber-reinforcedgraphite-aluminumcomposite. (b) Discon-

tinuous silicon carbide/aluminum composite. (c) Continuous-fiber siliconcarbiddaluminumcomposite

mined by the machining properties of the reinforcing material. In addition, precautions must be taken to avoid damage to the workpiece during machining (that is, delamination, fiber fraying, and drill M o u g h ) and premature dulling of tools. Dust and excessive noise, caused may in cuhg reinforcing fibers,are also problems in traditional machi,,ing, and machine tool contact Can introduce stress into the workpiece. Nontraditionalmachining m&&, such as abrasive waterjet and laser cutting, provide some relief, but they too have inherent limitations. With the waterjet technique, for example, cutting is provided by a shearing force, which can initiate delamination in the machin-

ing of composites containing ceramic fibers. High-pressure water can penetrate the fiber/matrix interface and cause separation. Traditional Machining. In solid tool machining and Wing, obtaining acceptable machined edges and drilled holes is a source of trouble. Success in machining and drilling is fiber related and totally independent of the matrix matelial. Trimming is one of the more common operations in the fabrication of composite materials (both MMCs and resin-matrix composites). The cutting tools used include circular saws, router cutters, and abrasive tools. For straightline cuts, diamond-coated circular saw blades and portable equipment are suggested. Tool life is long. Good finishes are obtained with carbide router bits that have a diamond-shape chisel cut (Fig. 44) and with diamondcoated router tools. They can also be used in any trimming operation. A finish of better than 3 pm (125 in.) in roughnesscan be obtained with carbide router bits. Abrasive tools are also used in trimming and final finishing. Examples are sanding drums, disks, belts, and abrasive cloth. Parameters for trimming composites are listed in Tab1e39Band sawing with diamond grit blades is preferred for both continuous and discontinuous MMCS (Ref 6). Coolants are usually needed to prevent overheating of the blade and to prevent matrix metal pickup. However, Carbide blades can be used for discontinuous MMCs with low fiber contents. Diamond grit grinding bits are suggested for profile milling, chamfering, drilling, and countersinking of continuously reinforced

rsm7 60-90 10-15

12 COO-18 000 2COO-3000




s a ...

... ICOO-12000


routers. 3U44-grit roughing, 8WloOgril finishing. ( c ) Carbide

MMCs, using water mist coolants. Conventional cutting tools, such as end mills and twist drills, even the diamond type, cannot shear the fibers and will cause fiber damage and delamination. Discontinuously reinforced MMCs can be machined by all conventional methods, but speeds and feeds must be adjusted. Drilling, turning, and milling cannot be done at the same rates on aluminum-matrix composites as on conventional aluminum alloys. The more reinforcement in a composite, the faster a tool will wear, and greater penetration forces may be required. The basic approach is to reduce cutting speeds to manage the rate of wear while maintaining high feed rates to improve productivity before the tools wear excessively. Cutting tools may exhibit different wear pattern. Abrasion, not heat, is the primary problem. Twist drills may wear on margins as well as on cutting lips. End milling cutters may break because of early loss of edge keenness, which greatly boosts side thrust forces. The greater forces inay deflect the tool, affecting dimensional accuracy. Nontraditional Machining. W a t e r j e t , abrasive waterjet, and laser cutting are among the nontraditional machining methods used. In the waterjet process, a hydraulically driven intensifier pumps a fluid (typically filtered and conditioned water) at pressures up to 410 MPa (60ksi). The fluid is expelled through an orifice to form a jet stream. The coherent jet of water is propelled at S@S UP to about 850 m/s (2800 ft/s). An abrasive material, such as garnet in grit sizes ranging from 16 to 150, is used in abrasive waterjet cutting. Grit is introduced into the stream after the primary jet is formed. Cutting is an erosive or shear process. The article “Wa-

372 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys



Laser-cut 3 mm (,, 5 I n ) holes CUt through 1 mm (0 04 in )thick aluminumboron composite. Recast aluminum forms a burr o n the exit (top) side of the cut.

drilling) and nontraditional methods (for example, laser cutting). Traditional machining characteristics are similar to those for aluminum-Sic composites (see discussion below). The following example details the use of laser cutting. Example 17: laser Cutting of AluminumBoron Composites. An aluminum-boron composite 1 mm (0.04 in.) thick was cut at a rate of 8 m/mm (25 sfm) with a 1500-W COZ laser. A 63 mm (25 in.) focal length lens was used to produce minimum spot size. with &-assisted flow, cut quality was good, with 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) of slag on the exit side ofthe kerf (Fig. 45). Puking provided good cut quality at slower speed. A YAG laser provides slightly better cut quality than a COz laser in cutting aluminumboron MMC because of its high pulsing power. l h i c a l parameters would be 0.3 m/min (1.0 Sfm),With an 80 mm (3 in.) focal length lens on a pulsed 400-W unit. Additional information on the laser cutting of composites can be found in Ref 10.

terjet/Abrasive Waterjet Machining” in Volume 16 of ASM Handbook contains detailed information on the equipment, principles, and application of these techniques. Many MMCs are cut with high speed and quality using the C02 laser. In cutting some MMC, co2and YAG lasers are alternatives to Machining Sic-Reinforced ’ diamond tools or grinding. The thermal nature Composites of the process, however, limits its utility in applications in which charring or thermal degMachining practices for aluminum-sic are radation is not acceptable (Ref 7-9). Metallic materials, including MMCs, do similar to those for 390 sand-cast aluminum not exhibit h e same behavior as thick organic (16 to 18% Si), as described earlier in this materials, because metallics do not break down article. Close-tolerance intricate parts can be into gaseous components during laser cutting. produced with excellent finish and surface inThe material melts and must be physically tegrity by using polycrystalline diamond cutejected by the gas-assisted flow. Recast mate- ting tools and slight adaptations of standard rial often adheres to the exit side of the cut (Fig. metal cutting and finishing techniques devel4 3 , and its removal may require additional oped for abrasive materials (Ref 11). The extremely hard carbide reinforcement operations. Recast material can also adhere to the walls of a cut, forming a degraded solidi- is abrasive. High temperaturesbetween the tool fied layer. Recast material is minimized by a and workpiece result in rapid tool wear. The high-pressure, gas-assisted flow and the use of data in this article are based on the use of a reactive gases if they are metallurgically ac- group of materials containing S i c particulates or whiskers in volume fractions ranging from ceptable. Failure to penetrate a workpiececompletely 15 to 40%. These composites produce small, disconresults in ejection of the kerf material upward toward the laser source. This material generally tinuous (segmented) chips with little or no damages the cut edge, producing a ragged inci- built-up edge, depending on the matrix material used. For example, in machininga compossion surrounded by debris. A third nontraditional machining method ite with a 6061 aluminum matrix in the employed for MMCs is wire electrical dis- annealed condition, moderate amounts of charge machining, a spark erosion process in built-up edge may result. Power Sawing of Aluminum-SiC MMCs. which a small-diameter copper or brass wire serves as the electrode. A dc power supply In cutoff operationson large stock, apower hackdelivers high-frequencypulses of electricity to saw is used, along with a heavy flow of cutting the wire and the workpiece. Material is eroded fluid. Effective tooling materials include a highahead of the traveling wire by spark discharges. speed tool steel blade with a standard @recision) The principles of this technique are described tooth configuration having 21/2 teeth per 25 mm in detail in the article “Electrical Discharge (1 in.) in a end-mill set. The blade is 3 mm (0.125 Machining” in Volume 16 of ASM Handbook. in.) thick, 115mm (4.5 in.) high, and 900 mm (36 in.)long.Akerfof6.5mm(0.25in.)isproduced. A high rate of blade wear should be expected. Wear is indicated by an absence of Machining Aluminum-Boron chips in the cutting fluid. Cutting action is poor Composites when abrasion wears away the sides of the teeth. Specific feeds and speeds are usually deterAluminum-boronMMC are machined with both traditional methods (cutting, milling, mined by experimenting with combinations

that will not stall the machine. Depending on blade condition, cutting through a 350 mm (13 ‘/2 in.) diameter billet requires 30 to 45 min. Blade replacement is normally required after an average of five cuts through material containing 20 vol% S i c whiskers. With 40 vol% Sic, blades last an average of two cuts. A power hacksaw can be used for cutting off lighter stock and for contour sawing, A horizontal(cutoff type) or verticalbandsaw can be used. A varitooth bimetal blade with endmill set high-speed steel teeth is prefmed, with an alternating sequence of four large teeth (five teeth per 25 mm, or 1 in., pitch) and five small teeth (eight teeth per 25 mm, or 1 in., pitch). A cutting fluid is not used with this configuration because it imp&s the cutting action. The varitooth blades in use are 0.90 m (0.035 in.) thick and 25 mm (1 in.) high. The horizontal type is 3.4 m (11 ft, 5 in.) long, and the vertical type is 3.7 m (12 ft, 5 in.) long. Blade speeds are 25 m/mm (90 sfm) for the horizontal type and 60 m/min (200 sfm) for the vertical type. Abrasive wear on the sides of the teeth necessitates frequent blade replacement. ?s.pically, a bandsaw blade should be replaced after an average of four cuts through bar stock 150 mm (6 in.) in diameter with 20 vol% Sic whiskers. These materials have d S 0 been Cut With a high-speed abrasive cutoff wheel (nylon-reinf0-d resinoid with A1203 grit) and a tuning fluid similar to that used with the reciprocating power hacksaw. With a wheel 300 mm (12 in.) in diameter by 6.5 mm (0.25 in.) thick, kerf width is about 7.5 mm (0.3 in.). W h eiectrical discharge machining (EDM) is ideally suited to the straight of contour cutfing of aluminumSiC and aluminum-boron Wc. The rate of removal is influenced by the electrical conductivity of the w d p i m , not the hardness or abrasiveness of the w d p i m material. Wm EDM leaves virtually no directional machining marks, and the thermally affected wne at the cut surface is insignificant because its depth is less than that ofthero~glmessh g u h i tie.Feed rate depends on the material Wire diameter, and specifid surface quality. The continuously moving wire electrode acts like an electric band saw, with the wire replacing the band and the spark discharge replacing the teeth. Extremely tight comers with almost no radius can be cut Kerf width is minimal, with the influencing factor being the diameter of the electrode w k . Use of a standard 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) brass wire results in a kerf width of about 0.35 mm (0.01 34 in.). The effectivenessof wire EDM cutting has been demonstrated with a composite containing 20 vol% S i c whiskers. Acut 100mm (4 in.) deep by 200 mm (8 in.) long can be made without difficulty.Other possible cuts with this process include tapers, relief angles, and other complex geometries. Abrasive Waterjet Cutting. In cutting aluminum-SiC MMCs with abrasive waterjet cutting, the kerf is usually 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) greater than the diameter of the nozzle orifice.

Machining of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 373 Excellent cut surfaces can be obtained with a workpiece 12.5 mm ( '/2 in.) thick at a rate of 100 mm (4 in.) per minute. Good cut surfaces (better than those pmduced with a power hacksaw) have been obtained with a cutting rate of 250 mtnhmn (IOinJmin). Drilling and Reaming. Holes of acceptable quality can be produced with standard highspeed steel drills with 11 8" points. The procedure is slow and requires close opemtor attention (drills need to be sharpened frequently, for example). Agenmus supply of cutting fluid shouldbe Used. A surface cutting 'peed in the mge Of 4.5 to f~dmin (15 to 2o sfm) is preferred*The Operator muSt be carefu1 not to auow the dri" to bind (which causes torsion drill failures) or to dwell (which results in extended abrasive contact between the drill point and the chips). Frequent extraction of the drill is necessary to remove congested chips from the flutes. Tool life is extended by using a carbide spde drill with hand feed and a cuhng spe& in the mge of 90 m/(300 sfm). Best results have been realized with a straight-flute (OO), helix-angle carbide drill with a split (crankshaft-type) point at a 138" angle. TOO1 lifeintherangeof lOOholeshasbeenobtained, using a water-based emulsion cutting fluid in comb$ation with a speed of 25 d f i n (90 Sfm) and a feed of 0.25 mm/rev (0.010 i n h v ) . Best results are obtained by quickly removing the abrasive chips (flushing with coolant) and by moving the tool through the workpiece as rapidly as possible. In one application, holes of excellent quality were p d u c e d with a rotary ultrasonic drilling machine turning at 2000 to 3000 rev/min with axial vibration. The drill point was coated with 80-grit diamond. ~d~ also can be done with standard high-speed steel reamers, using a hand feed, a surface cuning speed of 4.5 to 6 d m i n (15 to 20 sfm), and a generous supply of cutting fluid. chips shodd be frequently removed from the flutes.

Turning. Optimum mulls are obtained with

~ ~ ' Y C Vdiamond S ~

cutting too1S having a back end-mill angle of 0". Excellent results can be 0&y, but when metallurgical surface integrity is' required, a cutting fluid should be used. The degree of cooling needed calls for any goodquality soluble oil emulsion at a 1 :20 ratio with w m . Generally, surface cutting speeds are in llK mge of 300 mhin (lo00 s h ) , feed rates are in the mgeofo.8 to 0.15 (0~3-~3 fi 0.006in./rev), and cutting depths are of the order of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.). Diamond tooling is speed-sensitive and wears at higher speeds. some pdUCtiOn-ai-


ented evaluations show that reasonable tool life is possible with cutting speeds in therange of 150 to 240 m/min (500 to 800 sfm). Diamond cutting tools should be considered the standard for common lathe operations such as outside diameter turning, boring, and facing. Operations such as parting and hurling can be

done on aprototype basis using standard highspeed steel cutoff and hurling tools. Milling. Most Operationscall for face milling cutter confptions. Experience with peripheral (slab milling) cutters is limited. Results are excellent with polycrystalline diamond i n ~ f lss t in a standard FP-5 face mill cutter configu&on has a 125 mm (5 in.) diameter and uses ten insm that are p e t for a positive end mill of abut 70 and a 150 lead angle. Machining is done dry at a s u ~ a e cutting speed of 1675 m/fin (5500 sfm) and a feed of 0.060 mm/rev (0.0024 in./rev), or 0.006 mm (0.00024 in.) per tooth, along with cutting depths up to 1.5 mm (0.06 in.). Surface finish is excellent, but the influence of high cutting speed on tool wear has not been evaluated. On a production basis, optimum tool life will probably be realized with a cutting fluid and with surface cutting speeds of no more than 750 m/min (2500 sh). A special pO1ycrystalline diamond, WO-flUte side milling Cutter iS U s e d to machine the edge contour of flat tensile speCimensChemical millingis ideal1y suited to large shdow cuts in thin Buns are not prod u d , and Workpi= surface stresses are not genema. T'fiqUeS deVe1oped for aluminum are Used. Etch rates in the m g e ofo.12 to 0.025 (0.005 to 0.001 d - ) are Possible with a sodium hydroxide etchant. Threading. Standard methods a~ used, including outside and inside diameter, single-point lathe M g , W i n g , die M g , and rolled thread forming. In using standad high-speed steel taps, tool wear should be closely monitored to e n s m dimensional a a m y . shefie



Grinding. The hardness and free-cutting tendency of aluminum-Sic MMCs make these composites easier to grind than unreinforced aluminum alloys. Bright and smooth surfacefinishes can be obtained with moderate clogging of the wheel. Grinding pr~ametershave not been developed for standard operations such as surface grinding and Cylindricalgrinding. Other abrasive machining procedure^, such a~ honing, lapping, and free abrasive sluny surface grinding, are easily adapted for aluminum-Sic composites. General guidelines for machining aluminum-Sic MMCs are given in Table 40.

Machining Oxide-Reinforced Composites Alumina fiber-reinforced MMCs are difficult to machine. In one case, conventional high-speed steel twist drills had a tool life of less than one hole. The following guidelines for driIling, turning, and milling are based on studies of aluminum-matrix composites reinforced with alumina Fiber ~p from E.I. DU pant de Nemours & Company, Inc. (Ref 12). Alumina fiber concenmtions were 55% by volume. In drilling and W i n g , test plates 12.5 mm (% in.) thick were used. In turning tests, bars measuring 50 mm (2 in.) in diameter were used. Drilling. AU drilling experiments were conducted with 6.35 m (% in.) diameter solidcarbide and polycrystalline-diamond tools. In a preliminary evaluation, the feed rate buncondition for solidcarbide drills was estabkhd, using a constant speed of 22.5 m/mh (75 sfm). A

Table 40 Machining guidelinesfor aluminurnSiCmetal-matrix composites Required qulprmnl





Cutoff Sawing

Horizontal band Carbide-tip I20 (400) saw with blades positive hydraulic head feed Sample cutting Diamond blade Circular ... wafering saw diamond blade . .. Wire EDM . . . . . . . .Conventional Wire electrode EDM equipment

... Abrasive waterjet. .Conventional abrasive waterjet equipment Turning.. . . . . . . . ..Conventional Polycrystalline lathes diamond Chemical milling.. .Conventional ... etchants used for aluminum ... Drilling . . . . . . . . . . .Conventional drills with high-speed tool steel drill bits Tapping Conventional taps and-dies

F e d nle



Good cut quality. Maintain moderate pressure to maximize blade life.


Effective for cutting small precision samples ... Aluminum-Sic cuts much like unreinforced aluminum alloys containing high silicon contents (-15-20 wt%L although cutting speed may be reduced somewhat. ... 5-125 mmlmin Cuts thin sections easily. (0.2-5.0 in.lmin) Cutting speed greatly reduced for thick sections 180-210 0.065-0.12 mmlrev Best surface quality at (60&7Ml) (0.0025-0.005 i d r e v ) low feed rates ... ... Good surface finish

As high as ptical

As high as practical



Drill bit flutes must be kept clear of drill shavings. Bits require frequent resharpening. Same as conventional aluminum

374 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

~ i 47~ Tool . wear vs. speed after drilling 120 and

180 holes in a Fiber FP aluminum metalmatrix composite.Tool wear increases after45 d m i n (1 50 sfm). Source: Ref 12

~ i 46~ Tool . wearvs. feed rate at four surface speeds in drilling 120 holes in a Fiber FP aluminum metal-matrix composite using solid carbide tools. Source: Ref 12

~ i 49~ Wear . of

C-2 grade carbide inserts as a function of surface speed when turning 300 mm (1 2 in.) of Fiber FP aluminum metal-matrix Composites at 0.40 m d r w (0.015 in./rw) and taking a 0.50 mm (0.020 in.) depth of cut. Source: Ref 12

~ i 48~ Tool . wear v5. feed rate in turning a Fiber FP aluminum metal-matrix composite using an uncoated C-2 grade insert. Note how the wear rate progress was significantly less when feed rates reached or sur-

passed 0.320 m d r e v (0.0126 injrev). Source: Ref 12

feed mte of 0.36 rmnkv (0.0144 i n h v ) caused pmnatme f b of the tool due to chipping Of the cutting lips. A value of 0.305 (0.012 i n h v ) was set as the upper boundary. A soluble oil coolant applied to the tool resultedinaccelerated wearcausedby t h e m tion of an abrasive slurry at the cutting edge. The problem was solved by using compressed air directed at the tool to m o v e chips. To check lip wear, new, solidcarbide, highhelix drills were run for 120 holes at speeds ranging from 7.5 to 30 m/min (25 to 100 sfm) and feeds ranging from 0.150 to 0.305 mm/rev (0.006 to 0.012 i n b v ) . Results are shown in Fig. 46. Afeed of 0.305&rev (0.012inJrev) resulted in the least tool wear after 120 holes. This feed, considered optimum for solidcarbide tools, also represents the highest productivity rate of the feeds tested.


Although there was a notable difference in to01 Wear When feed W a s altered, this Was not true of speed. At the optimum feed of 0.305 m m / r e V (0.012 i n h v ) , there Was little difference in tool wear due to speed. Tool wear begins to increase dramatically at Speeds Over 45 m/min (150 sfm). In drilling an additional 60 holes, bringing the total to 180, it was determined that the optimum drilling speed with solidcarbide tools was 3 0 d m i n (100 sfm) at afeed of0.305 mm/rev (0.012 h./rev). This is illustrated in Fig. 47. Changes in tool geometry did not result in meaningful gains in tool life. Only the solidcarbide, high-helix drill with a 135"angle point showed any promise, but the improvement did not outweigh the cost of special tools. Drills tipped with polycrystalline diamond and natu-

ral diamond tools are not suitable alternatives to less expensive solid carbides, which outperformed them in terms of wear a n d P ~ " ~ v i ~ . Turning studies were carried out using a C-2 grade uncoated carbide insert with a No. 1, or 0.397 mm in.), comer radius. The insert material was the Same as that used to produce the sofidc&ide tools used in drilling. At feeds above 0.320 mm/rev (0.0126 in./rev), the rate at which wear progressed was much less than it was at feed rates below this figure (Fig. 48). In addition, feeds above 0.395 mm/rev (0.0156 in./rev) produced unacceptable surface finishes. As in the drilling study, with speeds over 30 m/min (100 sfm), the rate of wear on the insert in turning increased drastically with changes in speed (Fig. 49). Diamond, in polycrystalline or natural form, is not suitable for turning these composites. Of the ten tool materials tested, a ceramic-coated carbide showed the most promise as an alternative to uncoated carbide (Table 41). After 305 mm (12 in.) of linear cut, it wore 0.163 mm (0.0064 in.), com-


Machining of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys / 375 Table 41 Wear developed on inserts of various materialsin turning Fiber FP aluminum metal-matrix composites Trial No.

Insert grnJc

1 ...................... TC-30 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TC-30 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-060

7 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I . . 8 9

IO.. 11..

. . K68

415 CBN

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KC910 ................. K2000

TiN+TiC TiN+TiC Cold press ceramic Hot press ceramic Silicon nitride TIN multi-phase C-2 uncoated TIN Cubic boron nitride Ceramic-coated carbide Silicon nitride

pared withO.l85mm(0.0073 in.)foruncoated carbideunderidenticalconditions. Milling. Setting the optimum speed for turning at 30 m/min (100 sfm) and using the base knowledge that higher feed rates yield better tool life, milling trials were made with a round insert milling cutter. Both C-2 uncoated and coatedcarbidetools were used. Feed rates of 0.95 mm/toOth (0.038 in./tOOth) and 1.5 mm/tooth (0.062 in./tooth) were used. The depth of cut was 1.25 mm (0.050 in.) while the speed was 30 m/& (100 sfm). The tool was found to exhibit a normal wear pattern.

30 I50 150 150 150 30 30 30 I50 30 I50


. Machiningof Aluminum andAluminumAl-






F ~ M W ndlus w e u mm In.

100 100 500

0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40

0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.8 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0

0.040 0.040 0.040 0.070 0.070 0.040 0.040 0.020 0.040

50 50 50 50 50 250 250 250 250

2 2 2 2 2 IO IO IO IO

0.23 0.35 0.66 0.84 0.62 0.35 0.24 0.235 0.43

O.Oo90 0.0137 0.0260 0.0330 0.0243 0.0137 0.0094 0.0093 0.0170

100 500

0.50 0.40

0.0200 0.0154

1.0 0.5



300 50

I2 2

0.16 0.18


100 500 500 500 500



7. 8.


knob of CUI

lkpthdcul mm In.



loys, Vol 16, ASM Handbook (formerly 9th ed. Metals Handbook),ASM International. 1989, p 761-804 H.E. Chandler, Machining of Metal-Matrix Composites and Honeycomb Structures,Vol 16,ASMHandbook (formerly 9th ed. Metals


Handbook), ASM International, 1989, p 893-901 E.M. Longworthy, Chemical Milling, Vol 16,MMHandbook(formerly9thed.Metals Handbook), ASM International, 1989, p 579-586


The information in this article is largely taken from:




Machining Aluminum, Special Report 702, Am. Mach.,March 1978 J.C. Miller, “Machining High Silicon Aluininum,” Paper G-T81-035, presented at the 11th International Die Casting Congress and Exposition (Cleveland, OH), society of Die casting Edlginem, June 1981 A. McMechan, “Soft Spots in Machined AluminumPar&”Paperpresentedatthe Western Metal &Tool Exposition& Conf e m e . (Los Angeles, CA), McDormell Douglas Corpomhon,March 1982 Machining Alcoa Aluminum, Aluminum Company of America, 1967 Machining Data Handbook, 3rd ed., Vol 1 and 2, Metcut Research Associates, Inc., 1980






P.S. Waldmp, “Metal Matrix Composites: Manufacturing Challenges,” Report EM85-106, Society of ManufacturingEngineers, 1985 J. Daxhuk and L. Migliore, Guidelines for Laser Cutting, Lasers and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 1985, p 91-97 Guidefor Materials Processing by Lasers, Laser Institute of America, 1977, Section 4, p 5; Section5; Section 8, p 2 B. Ward, Supersonic Characteristics of Nozzles Used with Lasers for Cutting. Proceedings of ICALEO, Vol 44, Laser Institute of America, 1985, p 94-101 W.E. Lawson, Laser Cutting of Composites, Composites for Manufacturing, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1986 D. Pavluk and W.R. Mohn, Guide to Machining SXA Engineered Materials, Advanced CompositesMaterials Corp., 1985 MJ. McGinty and C.W. Reuss, “Machining of Fiber Metal Matrix Composites,” Paper presented at the Congress on High Productivity in Machining, Materials, and Processing (New Orleans, LA), American Society for Metals, 1985

ALUMWUM AND ITS ALLOYS can be joined by as many or more methods than any other metal. The primary methods used are the gas-shielded arc welding processes, which are emphasized throughout this article. Other methods, which are briefly reviewed, include resistance welding, friction welding, stud welding, and laser-beam and electron-beam welding. Aluminum has several chemical and physical p r o w e s that need to be understood when using the various joining processes. The specifc properties that affect welding are its oxide characteristics; the solubility of hydrogen in molten aluminum; its thermal, electrical, and nonmagnetic characteristics; its lack of color change when heated; and its wide range of mechanical properties and melting temperatu=S that result from alloying with other metais. various p r o values ~ are provided in Tables 1 through 4.

oxide should be reduced by chemical ormechani- solubility limit forms gas porosity, if it does not escape from the solidifyingweld. cal means prior to welding. Any source of hydrogen-such as lubricant Aluminum oxide melts at about 2050 "C (3720 O F ) , which is much higher than the melt- on the base metal or filler, moisture on the ing point of the base alloy. If the oxide is not surface or in the form of hydrated oxide on the removed or displaced, the result is incomplete base or filler metals, moisture leaks or condenfusion. n e fluxes used with some joining sation inside the nozzle of a water-cooled processes in order to remove the oxide contain torch, or moisture h the shielding gas-rnust chlorides and fluorides that must be removed be eliminated in order to Produe soundwelds. after the joining oFtion to avoid a possible The aluminum-magnesium ( 5 m series) alloys comosion problem in sewice. m i s has led to a are most sensitive to forming a hydrated oxide, wide acceptance of the inertmgasan: welding and spooled bare electrode must be stored in a processes, which remove the oxide without use dry, heated area. The moisture cannot be removed from the hydrated oxide by heating, as ofaflux. Aluminumoxide is an electricalinsulator. If is done with fluxcoated electrodes. Electrical Conductivity. When arc weldit is thick enough, as in anodic coatings, then it ing, the ground connection can be attached anycan prevent arc initiation. In this case, oxide where on the part. This is preferred to the reduction is required not only in the weld joint, attachments of the ground cable to a steel work but also at the location of the ground lead table, because the insulating oxide on the alumiconnection. A thick oxide on a gas-metal arc num and rust on the steel can both cause a poor welding ( G m W ) electrode (from a thermal transfer of t f e~ l d c c-t. ~ r c i n ga a m treatment or storage in a humid atmosphere) pohts can occuT and can mar d~ aluminum suTcan produce erratic electrical commutation in face. A - ~ alloys possess high e l d d the contact tube of the gun, with poor welding mdu&,ity and pure al-um has 62%that of results. pure copper, as shown m Tables 1to 4. HYdrogen Solubility*HYQogen disso1ves High electrical conductivitypermits the use V e r Y rapidly in molten aluminum. However, hYof long contact tubes in Gh4AW guns, because drogen has almost no mlubfity in solid al-resistance heating of the electrode does not n ~ a n d i t h a s ~ n d e ~ e d t o b e t hoccur, e ~ as is experienced with ferrous elecCause Of Porosity in aluminum Welds. High em- trodes. Long contact tubes are desirable to proP~UES of the weld pool allow a large amount vide multiple contact points for good c m t of hydrogen to be absorbed, and as the pool commutation. Arcing in short contact tubes is solidifies, the solubility of hydmgen is p t l y common with aluminum, because of its natural reduced. Hydrogen that exceeds the effective insulating oxide, when only a couple of con-

Properties of Aluminum Oxide. Aluminum has a strong chemical aff ~ t for y oxygen and will oxidize immediately upon exposure to air. Thermal treatments and moist storage conditions will increase oxide thickness, as will electrochemical anodizing treatments applied for ornamental, architectural, and wear-resistance applications. The natural oxide is thin enough to be removed by either inertgas welding arcs or fluxes. However, the thicker

Table 1 Composition, physical properties, and weldability of selected non-heat-treatable wrought aluminum alloys Bpu dbY


1100 1350 3003 3004 5005 5050 5052. 5652 5083 5086 5154, 5254 5454 5456

Approxlmare metling range

Nominal composition, wl%


299.6 299.0 399.5 rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem




Arc with flux



1195-1215 11~1215 1195-1215 1190-1210 1165-1210 1170-l210 1155-1205 1125-1200

234 222 234 193 163 200 193 138

I35 I28 I35 I12 94 I I6 I12 80

62 59 62 50 42 52 50 35





... ...

646-657 643457 646-657 643-654 629654 632454 62&652 607-649





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 1.2


... 0.12

... 1.2 ... ... ... ?. . . . . . . . ... ... ...

... ...

1.0 0.8 1.4 2.5

Weld.Mllty(b) EkCtrid condudlvlty(a), WIACS



Thermal d u c t i v i t y a125 "C (77 "F)


"' "'



Arc with incrtg~r


0.7 0.45

4.4 4.0 3.5

0.15 0.15 0.25

57&638 585-641 593-643

1065~1180 1085-1185 1100-1190

117 125 125

67.5 72.5 72.5

29 31 32






0.8 0.8

2.7 5.1

0.12 0.12

602446 568-638

1115-1195 1055-1180

134 117

77.5 67.5

34 29





b C

(a) Equal volume at 20 "C (68 "F). (b) Weldability ratings: A. read~lyweldable; B. weldable In most applications. hut may require special technique OT filler alloy: C. limited weldability


Welding / 377 Table 2 Composition, physical properties, and weldability of selected heat-treatablewrought aluminumalloys


Nominal mmpasitbn of d b y i n g elements, W%






2014 2024 2090 2219

4.4 4.4 2.7 6.3


0.8 0.6

0.50 1.5



6009 6013 6061 6063 6101 6262 6351 6951 7005 7039 7075 7079 7178




... ...... ............... ... 0.30 . . . . . . . . . ...... 0.18 ... 1.6

0.40 0.8 0.50 0 . 6 0.9 0.25 0.35 0.95 0.28 0 . 6 ... 1.0 ... 0.40 ... 0.7 ... 0.50 ... 0.6 0.28 0.6 ... 1.0 '.. 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.28 0.35 ... 0.6 . . . . . . 0.45 1.4 . . . . . . 0.30 2.8 1.6 . . . . . . 2.5 0.6 ... 0.20 3.3 2.0 . . . . . . 2.8

AppFoxl~te melting range




507-593 502438 560-643 543-643


93S1180 104&1190 1010-1190

154 121

549-638 560-619 579-649 582452 616-654 621-654 582-652 596-652 616-654 607446 577-638 477-635 482-638 477429



rem rem rem rem rem

0.25 0.10 rem . . . . . . rem ... 0.20 rem . . . . . . rem . . . . . . rem "' 0.09 rem . . . . . . rem . . . . . . rem 4.5 0.13 rem 4.0 0.20 rem 5.6 0.23 rem 4.3 0.20 rem 6.8 0.23 rem

... ... 2.2 Li; 0.12 Zr 0.6Ti; 0.10 V; 0.18 Zr 1 . 1 Fe; 1.0Ni; 0.07 Ti

... ...




0.6 pb.O.6 Bi

... ...

0.15 Zr;0.04Ti

... ... ... ...

Them1 c o n d d v i t y at 25 "C (77 "F)


Ekftlial nnducllvity(s), %IACS

Arc with

Arc wilh






89 70 51 70

40 30 17 30

x x x

c c x














104&1200 1075-1200 1080-1205 114CL1210 1150-1210 1080-1205 1105-1205 114CL1210 1125-1195 1070-1180 890-1175 900-1180 89LL1165

167 150 167 200 218 172 176 198

97 87 97 I I6 I26 99 I02 114

44 38 43 53 57 44















154 130 125 125





89 75 72 72

34 33 32 31




x x x x x


x x x x x







(a) Equal volume at 20 T (68 T). (b) Weldability ratings: A. readily weldable; 8. weldable in most applications. but may q u i r e specia technique or filler alloy: C. limited weldability:X . method mt recommended

Tabk 3 compoSition, physical properties, and weldability of selected non-heat-treatable cast aluminum alloys k


Nominal mmpasitbn d alloying ckmenls. wl%





Sand d i n g s 208.0 443.0 511.0 512.0 514.0 535.0 710.0 712.0


... ... ...

3.0 5.25 0.50 1.8







...... 4.0 ...

4.0 4.0 6.9 0.7 0.6

... ... ...

6.5 5.8

Rrnuacnt mold cmtiugs 208.0 238.0 443.0 A444.0 513.0 711.0

4.0 10.0

Approxlnute melting range


... ...

... ... ...

0.18 Mn; 0.18 Ti; 0.005 Be


0.50 Cr; 0.20 Ti



...... ......

... ... ...

... ...

3.0 4.0 5.25 7.0



4.0 0.35

1.8 6.5

1.0 Fe

9.5 8.5 12.0



... ...


W-tiws 360.0 ...




Thermal e o n d d v i t y at 25 "C (77 "F)





521-632 577-632 588-638 588-632 599-638 549-632 599-649 599-638

970-1170 1070-1170 1090-1180 1090-1170 111&1180 102&1170 1110-1200 1110-1180


141 146 137 99 137 159

70 84 82

79 92

521-632 510-599 577-632 577-632 582-638 599-643

970-1170 950-1110 1070-1170 1070-1170 1080-1180

121 101 146 159 133 159

70 60 84 92 77 92

571-588 521-588 577-588 538-621

1060-1090 970-1090 1070-1090 1000-1150

146 108 154 99

84 62 89




EMrk.l eanductivity(a). %IACS


79 58

31 37 36 38 35 23 35 40 31 25 37 41


Arc with flux

Arc with imrtgu




x x x x


x x x x









x x x x


34 40


37 27 39 24

c c c x











B X B X B X ... . . . . . . 8.0 ... 58 B X (a) Equal velum at 20 "c (68 T), (b) Weldability ratings: A. readily weldabk B. weldabk in mos1 applications.but may q u i = specific technique or filler alloy: C. limited weldability: X. pining mlhod m recmmcnded 380.0 413.0 518.0







tacts are available. "his is especially true when the arc is being initiated using a constant-voltage power supply and a fast electrode "xun-in" speed, which cause a high-cmnt surge. The nonmagnetic property of aluminum minimizes problems of "arc blow" and makes it a suitable material for clamps and fixtures when arc welding other materials. Vacuum attachments, rather than magnetic devices, are required for lifting or attaching portable weldingtracksandthelike. Thermal Characteristics. The thermal conductivity of aluminum is about six times that of steel. Although h mltjng tempemm of aluminum alloys,is substantially below that of fern>usalloys, higher heat inputs are required to weld aluminum because of its high specific heat. Even so, if a slow welding pace is employed, then theheat can be conducted aheadof the arc, requiring continuous adjustments of welding pamme-

ters. Most uniform welding conditions dictate high heat inputs with moderate. welding speeds.

High thermal conductivity makes aluminum very sensitive to fluctuations in heat input by the welding prccess. Specifically, a steady heat input is required with the faster welding processes, such as GMAW, to avoid variations in penetration and fusion. For instance, both of these discontinuities can result from the fluctuations in current that occur in the root pass of a groove or fillet weld when manipulating a GMAW gun powered by a constant-voltage machine. For assemblies subjected to radiographic examination,the use of a constantcurrent (drooping volt-ampere characteristic) power supply with the GMAW process is preferred in order to produce the soundest welds in aluminum. The thermal expansion of aluminum is about twice that of steel, and aluminum welds

shrink about 6% by volume during solidification. Thin material must be fixhred or 'bck welded" closely to keep the edges of the joint in alignment. Shrinkage must be balanced by the welding sequence to control distortion. Weld termination craters must be given more attention and avoided in order to prevent shrinkage voids and crater cracking. Aluminum does not change color as it is heated. Therefore, the welder must be in a position to see the melting under the arc in order to control the degree of melting as the weld progresses. Forms of Aluminum. Most forms of aluminum can be welded. AU the w u g h t forms (sheet, plate, extrusions, forgings, rod, bar, and impact extrusions), as well as sand and permanent-mold castings, can be welded. Welding on conventional die castings produces excessive porosity in both the weld and the base metal adjacent to the

378 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

Table 4 Composition,physical properties, and weldability of selected heat-treatable cast aluminum alloys h llby

Nolnllul compad(lan d .Uoylng ekmnts, wt% Cu



only d astin@ A201.0 240.0 A242.0 295.0 520.0

4.5 8.0 4.1 4.5








0.7 Ag; 0.30 Mn; 0.25 Ti 0.50 Mn 0.20 Cr; 0.13 Ti

571-649 516404 527438 521-643 449-599

1O&L1200 960-1120 980-1180 970-1190 840-1110

121 95 146 141 87

70 55 84 82 50

30 23 38 35 21

521-582 521-588 538-571 538-599

970-1080 970-1090 1OW-1060 1OW-1110

104 117 117 125

60 68 68 72

521-627 527-638 521-604 549421 549421 560-616 560-610 554-610 566-599

970-1160 980-1180 970-1120 1020-1150 1020-1150 1040-1140 1040-1130 1030-1130 1050-1110

130 133 112 150 146 150 150 159 137

75 77 65 87 84 87 87 92 79

0.25 6.0





Electrial ductlvity(a), 461ACS

... ... ...

Thcml d u c t l v l t y at U T (77 “F)

ApproxilMtl melting w e






... ...


Arc with


x x



x x



26 29 29 32

x x

x x

33 34 27 39 39 41 40 40 35

x x

x x



Arc with Inertgas














only pnnvmnt mold CMtlngn 332.0 333.0 336.0 354.0

3.0 3.5

1.0 1.8

9.5 9.0 12.0 9.0

1.0 0.30 1.0


... ...

1.0 Zn

... ...



Sand md permanent mold d i n g s 222.0 242.0 319.0 355.0 C355.0 356.0 A356.0 A357.0 359.0

10.0 4.0 3.5 1.3 1.3

... ... ... ...

“. ...

6.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 9.0

0.25 1.5

... ...



... ... ...

...... ... ...

0.50 0.50 0.35 0.35 0.55 0.6

... ...

... ... ...

0.5 Be











(I) Qdvolumc at 209: (68 T).(b) Weldability ratings: A. readily weldable: B, weldable in most applications. but may require special technique n filler alloy; C. limited weldability; X. joining method not recommended

Table 5 Nominal compoSition and mhing range ofstandard aluminuhr filler alloys Approximate melting range

N m l d composltlon,wt%

Aluhrn .bY

1100 1188 2319 400%) 4010(b) 401 I(c) 4043 4047 4145 4643 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 C355.0 A356.0 A357.0








0 t h



... ...




... ...

... ...


... ...

643457 657-660 54m3 5-2 I 557413 557-6 I3 574-632 577-582 521-585 574-635 579438 571435 602-646 568-635 593-643 546-62 I 557413 557413

1190-1215 1215-1220 1010-1190 1015-1150 1035-1135 1035-1135 1065-1 170 1070-1080 970-1085 1065-1 175 1075-1 I80 Iota-1175 1115-1 195 1055-1 175


5.0 7.0 7.0 5.25 12.0 10.0 4. I


... ...

6.3 I .25


... ... ...

... ... ...





... ... ...

... ...

0.75 0.12 0.75 0.75

5.0 7.0 7.0

I .25

... ...

... ... ... ... ...



... ... ... ...

... ...

0.50 0.35 0.58




0.20 4.75 5.0 2.7 5.1 3.5 0.50 0.35 0.58

... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

0. I5

... ...


... ...

... ...


0.15 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.25

0.13 0.12 0.12 0. IO

... ...



... ...

(I) W m g h t dloy with composition idmtical to cast alloy Cl55.0. (b) Wrought alloy with composition identical to cast alloy

weld because of intmnal gas. Vacuum die casti n s however, have been welded with excellent results. powder metallurgy parts also may s u f f e r f b n pot’osity during welding because of intmnal gas. The alloy composition is a much more significant factor than the form in determiningthe weldabfity of an d ~ m i n u malloy. Cmposi-


tians of the major wrought base alloys and their relative weldability ratings are given in Tables 1 and 2. Similar data are listed in Tables 3 and 4 for the common casting alloys.

Filler Alloy Selection Criteria m e n &&Sing the optimum filler alloy, the end we of the weldment and its desired performma must h prime consjd&ons. Many alloys and alloy combinations can be joined using any one of several filler alloys, but

299.88 rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem rem

0.18 Zr;O.lO V

... ...

0.55 Be

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

0.55 Be

IIOO-1190 1015-1150

1035-1135 1035-1135

A156.0. (c) Wrought alloy with composition identical IO cast alloy A357.0

only one f i e r may be optimal for a specific application. Table 5 lists the chemical composition and melting range of standard aluminum filler alloys. The primary factors commonly considered when selecting a welding filler alloy are:

.. &e of welding or freedom fmm cracking Tensile or shear strength of the weld

.. service

Weld ductility temperature Corrosion resistance Color match between the weld and base alloy after anodizing

Each of fhese factors is addressed below. Sensitivity to Weld Cracking. Ease of welding is dK first considemtion for most welding appbtions. h general, the m-heat-treatable alumhum alloys can be welded with a Mer alloy of the same basic composition as the base alloy. In some cases, as shown in Table 5, a small

amount of grain refiner, such as titanium, is added

to the filler alloy to minimize m k h g during

welding. Forexample, filleralloys5554 and5556 are identical to base alloys 5454 and 5456, respectively, except that titanium is added to the filler alloy. The heat-treatable aluminum alloys are somewhat mok complex, metallurgically, and are more sensitive to “hot short” cracking, which results from heat-affected zone (HAZ) liquidation during the welding operation (see the section “Weldability of Heat-Treatable Alloys” in this article). Generally, a dissimilar alloy filler having higher levels of solute (for example, copper or silicon) is used in this case. At high solute levels, there is sufficienteutectic liquid available for the back-filling (healing)of tears that formed during solidification. Typically, alloys used as fillerlor welding heattreatable aluminum alldys have a lower melting temperature than the base alloy. By allowing the low-melting-point constituents of

Welding / 379

Fig. 1 Relative crack sensitivity ratings of selected aluminum (base alloyfiilleralloy) combinations


thebase auoy adjacentto theweld to solidify Table 6 Mechanical pl.opeda o f gas-shi&&d x c wpJM butt joints in w&d A t before the weld metal, stresses are minimized t m ~ ahhnum k alloys on the base metal during its hot short condition, and tendencies for intergranular cracking are Mi.h.m greatly reduced. One heat-treatable base alloy llmmwte Tedk T W Minimmm rwa m . 1 eb.8b. that exhibits low sensitivity to hot short crackb Flier ___ %io50.8mm Frebed ing is 2219, which can be welded with a similar .uOr .I~Y u Mp. u m u (2 io.) eb.8h, % filler alloy, 2319. 1060 I188 69 10 55 8 17.2 2.5 29 63 A simple inverted “T“ fillet weld test (Ref 1100 1100 90 13 75.8 11 31 4.5 29 55 1350 1188 69 10 55 8 17.2 2.5 29 63 1,2)canbeusedtodeterminethecompatibility m 3 lloo llo 16 %,5 14 48.3 7 24 54 of a filler alloy with a base alloy.It is a measure 5005 I 100 I IO 16 96.5 14 48.3 7 15 32 159 23 124 5050 5356 IS 55.2 8 18 36 of weldability in terms of resistance to weld 5052 5356 193 28 172 25 90 13 19 39 m e d hot cracking. This test requires that a 5083 5183 2% 43 27Hb) Wb) 165 24 16 34 continuousf i e t weld be made joining 13 to 25 5086 5356 262 38 241(c) 35(~) I 17 17 17 38 207 30 I03 15 17 39 mm (% to 1 in.) plate by the gas-tungsten arc 33 34 214 31 I10 16 17 40 welding (GTAW) P-s. The total length Of 5456 5556 317 46 290(b) 42(b) 179 26 14 28 crackingthat resu1tsfromagivencombination ( 8 ) O . Z % o f f ~ i n 2 5 4 m m ~ 1 0 i n . ~ g s g e k n ~ . ( b ) F o r ~ i c k m ~ u p t o 3 8 m m ( 1 . 5 i n . ) p l w . ( c ) F n r ~ i c k m smm(Zin.)plstc esupto51 of base and filler alloys provides a quantitative Aluminum-siliconapper filler alloy 4145 ever, the aluminum-magnesium-type filler comparison with other alloy combinations. provides the least susceptibility to weld alloys can also be employed satisfactorily When no cracking is observed in the continuwith the lowcopper-bearing &wr alloys cracking with 2m.x series wrought copper ous fillet weld, a more sensitive discontinuous when higher as-welded shear strength and bearing alloys, as well as aluminurncopper weld test can be used. In this case, a weld weld metal ductility are required. The &wr nugget is deposited and allowed to solidify and aluminum-silicon-copperaluminum $loy castings. alloys should not be welded with base alloy before depositing an overlapping weld nugget. The cracking sensitivity of aluminum-magfiller or without a fder addition, because it Typical weld cracking results obtained from can result in cracking. When 4043 fier alnesium alloy Welds decreases as the magnethe fillet weld test and similar tests (Ref 3-6) sium content of the weld increases above loy is used, the weld metal should possess a are shown in Fig. l and 2. These tests, as well 2%. The high-magnesium content alumiminimum of 50% 4043; with 5356 filler as field experience, have indicated that: num filler alloys 5356,5183, and 5556 can alloy, the weld mtal should consist of 70% The high-purity lnnr series alloys and 3003 be used to weld the aluminum-magnesium 5356, minimum (Ref 7). Joints in &na series wrought and cast aluminumalloys with relaalloys are often beveled or spaced to permit are easy to weld with base alloy filler, 1100 tive ease, using the gas-shielded arc welding the excess f i e r alloy dilution. alloy, or an aluminum-silicon alloy fier, such as 4043. proCeSSeS. The 7xxr series (aluminum-zinc-magneThe &ar series base alloys are most easily sium) alloys exhibit a wide range of crack Alloy 2219 exhibits the best weldability of the 2xxx series,base alloys and is easily welded with the aluminum-silicon-type sensitivity during welding. Alloys 7005 and welded with 2319,4043, and 4145 fillers. filler alloys, such as 4043 and 4047. How7039, with a low (4.1%) copper content,





380 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys have a narrow melting range and can be readily joined with the high-magnesiumcontent filler alloys 5356, 5 183, and 5556. The 7xm series alloys that possess a substantial amount of copper, such as 7075 and 7178, have a very wide melting range with a low solidus temperature and are extremely sensitive to weld cracking when arc welded. The recently introduced aluminum-lithiumalloys are weldable when correct filler alloys are selected. Alloys 2090 and 2095 can be easily welded with 2319 alloy.

Groove weld strength is another major consideration when selecting a proper filler alloy. The heat of welding softens the aluminum alloys adjacent to the weld if they are in any temper other than annealed. In most p v e welds, the HAZ of the base alloy will control the as-welded strength of the joint. For non-heat-treatable aluminum alloys, the zone adjacent to the weld will be completely annealed, as illustrated in Fig. 3. A few seconds at a temperature above 345 “C (650 OF) will completely remove any effect of work hardening for 25 to 38 mm (1 to 1‘/2 in.) in any direction from the weld in these alloys. The welding procedure and choice of fusion welding process have little effect on the transverse ultimate tensile strength of groove welds; they simply affect the width of the HAZ. The mechanical properties of groove welds in common non-heat-treatable alloys are listed in Table 6. neheat-treatable alloys rqu& 2 to 3 h at their annealing temperature, combined with slow cooling, for a complete anneal. This does not occur during welding, and the HAZ will consist of several stages of dissolution and varying degrees of precipitation, based on the thermal conditions, as shown in Fig. 4. The degree of softening in the HAZ is quite sensitive to the peak temperature reached at a SFcific location, as well as the time at temperature. F~~~ such as preheat temperature,interpass cooling, heat input of the joining process

and welding technique, use of “chill” bars, and rate of cooling all have an effect on the degree of softening that results from welding the heattreatable aluminum alloys. Preheat, lack of hterpass cooling, and slow, weaving weld passes all increase peak temperatures and extend high temperatures farther from the weld, as well as increase the time at these high temperatures so as to reduce the mechanical properties in the HAZ. These factors alone, as well as the use of too small a specimen to provide an adequate “heat sink,’’ can create so much overheating that the minimum Values required for Pmedure qualification may not be met. The weldable ’ 7 . ~ 3series ~ alloys 7005 and 7039 a least sensitive to these variables and will naturally age (dissolved PmiPihte Will rTredPit*) at temPerature for 2 to 4 Weeks followh the Welding operation to Provide high strength Without a postweld thermal operation. VPiCal mechanical properties for groove welds in the heat-treatablealuminum alloys are listed in Table 7. When heat-*atable alloy weldments are given a postweld solution heat treatment and artificial aging, the filler selection is limited. , ne heat4rea@b1e fiuer alloy 2319 Will PrOvide the highest strength for 2014 and 2219 base alloys. Heat-treatable alloy astin@ are often repaired or welded with a fiier of the same com~sjtionas the base alloy and can be postweld heat-treatedto the desired strength.In most cases, the filler is either not a heat-treatab1e auoy Or is Only mildY responsive to


~ i 2 ~ Effect . of alloying additions o n solidifica-

tion crack sensitivity of selected aluminum alloy systems. (a) Aluminum-lithium. (b) Aluminumsilicon. (c)Aluminumcopper. (d) Aluminum-rnagnesium. (e)Aluminum-magnesium silicide. Source: Ref 1,3-6

~ i 3 ~Photomicrographs , showing HAZ microstructures of a singlepass gas-metal arc weld o n 6.35 mrn (0.25 in.) thick 5083-H116 alloy. Keller’s reagent used a s etchant

Welding / 381

Fig. 4

Photomicropphs showing HAZ micrcstructurs of a singlepass gas-metal arc weld on 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick 6061-T6 alloy. Keller’s reagent used as etchant

Table 7 Typical mechanical propertiesof gas-shielded arc welded butt joints in seleded wrought heat-treatablealuminum alloys PoSMdhatlratedMd~



T d k strength


FiUa dloy




2014-T6 2014-T6 2219-T81, T87 2219-T31, T37 6009-T4 6061-T6 6061-T6 6061-T4 6063-T6 6063-T6 7005-T53 7039-T61

4043 2319 2319 2319 4043 4043 5356 4043 4043 5356 5356 5556

234 241 241 241 221 186 207 186 138 138 317(d) 324(d)

34 35 35 35 32 27 30 27 20 20 46(d) 47(d)

I93 I93 I79 179 I38 I 24 131 1 24 83 83 207(d) 221(d)




Bpe d b y


28 28

26 26 20 18 19

I8 12 12 3qd) 32(d)

T d k , 8 In SO0.8mn(2In.)

4 5 3 3 9 8 II 8 8 12 10(d) Wd)

F m bmd, %



15 15


16 25 16 16 25 33(4 21(d)

*-e MR


T d , % Is 50.8nUa(2Is.)

Free bed, %





317 262 228(b)

46 38 33(b)

2 5 7 2(b)

5 Wb)

1 I(C)

345 414 379 276(b) 303(b) 303(c)

55 40(b) 44(b) 4-W)





241(b) 207

35(b) 30



3(b) 13

... ... ... ...






... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...


... ... ... ...


... ...

... ...


... ...

(a) 0.2%offset in m.8 mm (2 in.) gage length. (b) Postweld anificially aged only. (c) For thickmsses e a t e r than 19 mm (4, in.). 4643 filler is rquircd. (d) Postweld aged at mom tCmpCRNR for 30 days

trengthening thermal treatments. In these cases, dilution of the base alloy into the weld metal is necessary to obtain a weld metal alloy that can be postweld heat-treated. Filler alloy 4043 (5% Si, balance Al) is a non-heat-treatable alloy. When it is used to weld 6061 alloy, some magnesium from the 6061 must be alloyed with it to provide an aluminum-silicon-magnesium mixture in the weld metal. This new weld metal mixture will respond to a postweld solution heat treatment and produce a groove weld with a tensile strength equal to that of the original 6061-T6. When thick sections, that is 19mm( 3/4 in.) and thicker, are welded, the bevel is normally so

wide that the dilution effect may not reach the center of the weld. Filler alloy 4643, which contains some magnesiumitself, has been used to provide the highest strength in these cases, as shown for a 75 mm (3 in.) groove weld in Table 8. This filler is also useful for filletwelds in thinnermetal. Complete re-solution heat treatment is not always practical, because the rapid quench from a high temperature can cause distoltion of a welded assembly. An alternate method for increasing the welded strength of heat-treatable alloys is to weld them in the solution heat-treated temper (T4) and age them after welding is complete. To accomplish this effec-

tively, a welding procedure that keeps the heat input relatively low and short in duration should be employed (Ref 8-10). Tables 7 and 8 compare mechanical properties for postweld solution heat treating and aging versus artificial aging only for 2219 and 6061 alloys. An example of this is highway light poles tapered in a very workable 6 x n T4 alloy, welded to the base, and artificially aged to the T6 temper. Filler alloys 5183, 5356,5556, and 5654, which contain over 3% Mg, are not normally recommended for use when parts are to be postweld aged. These high-magnesium-content aluminum alloys can be sensitized to

382 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Tabk 8 Effect of welding conditionson 6061 alloy weld strength

zz -pr
















( 8 ) 0.2%o f f e in

T d k



.nd ewdltlons

KEN-GTAW, I5 mm/s (35 in./min) KEN-GTAW, 8.5 mm/s (20 i n h i n ) Automatic GMAW, one pass each side 17 mm/s (40 in./min) Automatic GMAW. multipass double-V AutomaticGMAW. multipass double-V


Ykld strength(.)

Tmdk strength

Ykld strength(a)

__- __ Elongationin MPa ksi 51 mm (2 In.), % MPa ksi MPa kd

Elongalion in SI mm (2 in.), Ib





51 mm (2in.). %

































































50.8 mm (2 in.) gage kngth. (b) 4043 filler was used. ( c )4643 filkr was used.

Table 9 Minimum shear strengths of selead fillet welds

Table 10 Ultimate tensile strength at selected temperatures for ps-shielded arc welded groove joints in aluminum alloys Ultimate temlk svtlyh at lndiated ~ n n p l r t u m

- a m flkr

Tendk strength

strength strength(.) -Elorplionh



mm In.

postweld d u t h n h n t treated Md aged

Only aged afler welding


-184 "C






M h


1 loo 2319(a)(b) 2319(c) 4043 4643 ,5I83 5356 5554 55% 5654

51.7 I IO 152 79.3 93.1 128 117 I I7 I38 82.7

7.5 16.0 22.0 11.5 13.5 18.5 17.0 17.0 20.0 12.0

51.7 iin Mo 103 138 193 179 159 207 124

7.5 16.0 29.0 15.0 20.0 28.0 26.0 23.0 30.0 18.0

(a) As-weldcd. (b) AnILially aged .Iter welding. ( c ) sdulion h u t eutd and aged a k r welding

&Yawl tcmpr

2219-T37(a) 2219(b) 3003 5052 5083 5086 5454 5456 606I-Tqa) 6061-Tqb)


F i l l e r - - - - - MPA M dloy

2319 2319 1100


5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 4043(e)

334 445 190 262 376 331 303 386 238 379

48.5 64.5 27.5 38.0 54.5 48.0 44.0 56.0 34.5 55.0

-1m"C (-20093


3n "C (100 "R

149 "C (300 "F)

260 "C

(500 "R











276 410 148 214 317 279 255 328 207 341

40.0 59.5 21.5 31.0

248 379 121 183 279 245 221 293 183 317

36.0 55.0 17.5 26.5 40.5 35.5 32.0 42.5 26.5 46.0

241 345 97 172 276 241 214 290 165 290

35.0 50.0 14.0 25.0

214 262 145

31.0 38.0 9.5 21.0

131 152 34 72

19.0 22.0 5.0 10.5

(d) (d)

(d) (d)

(d) (d)

(d) (d)


40.5 37.0 47.5 30.0 49.5


35.0 31.0 42.0 24.0 42.0


179 (d)

138 217







20.0 31.5

41 48

6.0 7.0


(a) As welded. (b) Postweld solution h u t mtd and aniticially aged ( c )5554 filler alloy used ai >38 "C( > io0 (d) Alloy not recommended for U s e at sustainedopenling tempnhms above 66 "C (150 W. (e) 4643 tiller alloy for P 19 mm (3% in.) base metal

The ductility of aluminum welds is excellent for the non-heatbeatable alloys when like filler alloys m used. Using &-bend elongation v a l m as the measure of weld melal ductility, the tions of high residual stress (Ref 11,12). Fillet weld strength represents a signifi- h i m t Mty is observed with the pure a l e cant co~lsiderationwhen selecting a w l h g filler num alloys. Excellent ductility is also experish smglhvaluesfor wd enced in 5na series alloys welded with 5 m alloy. mm Tabla 6 and 7 list the -bend ~ f i l l e r a l l o y s ~ ~ ~ i n T ~ l e 9 ( R e Series f 1 3 )fillers. . elongation of butt jOints in commonly welded Fjja alloy 5556 prod~mthe highest fillet weld stnmgth in the as-welded condition. 'zhisis nearly base alloys. twice the shear stnmglh of 4043 fillet welds. Welds in the heat-e-table alloys do not Because several filler alloys Can be used to exhibit ductility levels as high as those of the weld manY base alloys, the higher-smgth non-heat-treatable alloys. In addition, postWeld metal can Provide aneani-c d v a n h S weld heat treatments generally reduce ductility, in some aPP1ications. For insmce,6061 is compared to the as-welded condition. About a commody we1ded with 4043 filler* although 50% higher ductility level is obtained when a 5556 filler Can dS0 be Used. For a SYmmehid 5- s&es filler is used with 6061 and 6063 design requiring a force per unit length of 875 base al1oYs, ra*er than an alUminum-silimn Nlhun (5000 lbf/in.) of fillet weld length, an 11 mm (7/l6 in.) fillet would be required for the filler alloy, such as 4043. Low weld ductilitYresults. when welding 4043 filler versus a 6.4 mm ( '/4 in.) fillet for the a l u m i n u m c o ~ r a u o ~with s 4043 Or 4145 5556 filler. me 6.4 mm ( '/4 in.) fillet ~ a be n fil1er alloYs* However, modmate ductility Can ma& in a single weld pass, but three pas= alloys normally would be required for the 11 mm be Obtained When the dU-um-mPFr (7/16 in.) fillet six. Not only can the 5556 weld are welded with 2319 filler. In addition, 2319 ~ highest weld metal ductility with be made in one-third of the time, but distortion p r o d ~ c ethe from the volume of weld metal shrinkage is the aluminum-copper alloys after postweld also minimized by the smaller weld. heat treatments. stress-corrosion cracking (see) wh."tsub jetted to a relatively long-time precipitahon heat treatment (artificial aging) under condi-

-73°C (-100°F)

Welds in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, such as 7075 and 7178, possess very low ductility (1% or less). This, in addition to their high sensitivity to cracking when arc welded, generally discourages their use for arc welded applications. 'l'he low-coPP-mntent 7 m series alloys, 7005 and 70397 exhibit good weld ductility with and 5556 fiUersLow ductility is exprienced at the we1d fusion mne when joining a high-siliconcontent alloy (such as 356*0 castin@to a 'ghma@esiumcontent base auoy (such as 5083). No favorable filler selection is available. If an aluminum-magnesium filler compatible with 5083 is used, then a low-ductilityinterface of MgzSi occurs on the 356.0 side of the weld. use of an aluminum-silicon f - e r compatible 51839


with the 356.0 casting moves the lowductility interface to the 5083 side of the weld. A &sirable solution is to weld either the SO83 to an aluminum-magnesium casting or the 356.0 (7% Si) casting to a wrought alloy, such as 6061, which is also welded with an aluminumsilicon filler alloy. Temperature versus Performance. Aluminum alloys lose a substantial portion of their strength as temperatures exceed 200 "C (390 O F ) . The aluminumcopper 2ror series alloys exhibit

Welding / 303 Table 11 Filler alloys for welding selected aluminum alloys used for sustained elevatedtemperature service Aluminum alloys Wrought


l u r series


2014. 2219

222.0. 295.0, 319.0. 333.0

3003, 5005. 5050 5052, 5454, 6061, m3.7005

... ...


... ...

354.0, 355.0, C355.0 356.0, A356.0. A357.0, 359.0 413.0, 443.0, A444.0

Amptabk l k r alloys

Base alloy, 1100, 1188, 4043, 4047 2319, 4043, 4145

I 100, 4043,4047 4043,4047. 5554 4009. 4145, C355.0 4010, 4 0 1 1 , 4043, 4047,4643, A356.0, A357.0 4043, 4047

Table 12 Electrode potential of aluminum alloys in NaCI-H202 solution Aluminum aIloy(s)

Potential vdlr 0.1 N ahnnl sesk(b)

Flller .IhY

A712.0 -0.99 ... Alclad. 3003, Alclad. 6061, 7072 -0.96 ... 7005-T6, 7039-T6 -0.93 10 -O.% ... 5083, 5456, 514.0 -0.87 5183, 5356, 5556 5154, 5254, 5454, 5086 -0.86 5554, 5654 5052 -0.85 ... 1350, 3004. 5050, 7075-T73 -0.84 1 I88 1 1 0 0 , 3003, 5005. 6061-T6, 6063. Alclad 2014, Alclad 2024, 413.0, -0.82 lo 0.83 1 100, 4043. 4047 443.0, A444.0 606 I -T4, 7075-T6. 356.0-T6. 360.0 -0.80 IO -0.81 ... 2219.T6 and -T8 -0.79 Io -0.82 2319 2014-T6, 355.0-T6 -0.78 IO -0.79 380.0, 319.0, 333.0 -0.75 4145 2014-T4, 2024-T3 and -T4 -0.68 to - 0 . 7 0 ( ~ ) ... 2219-T3 and -T4 -0.63 to - 0 . 6 3 ~ ) ...

~ i 5 ~ Typical .

room-temperature and low-temperature tensile properties of 5 0 8 3 0 base alloy plate welded with 51 83 alloy filler

loys have very good cryogenic properties and, because of their excellent weldability, have been used widely for the storage and transport of liquid oxygen and liquid natural gas. Additional information on low-temperature properties of aluminum alloys can be found in the article "Wrought products" in this Volume. ' Corrosion resistance of the non-heat-treatable alloys is not altered SignifiCanflYby the heat of welding. The duminum-magnesium-sfic4)n heat-mt&le alloys, such as 6061 and6063, &,

havehighcorrosionresistanceintheweldedmdition. The % and 753X wries heat-treatable alloys, which contain substantial amountsof cop per and zinc, respectively, can have their =istance to cormion altered by the heat of welding. For example, in the d-um-tqp days, the HAZ becomes cathodic*whereas in the aluminum-zincalloys, it becomes anodic totheremainder of the weldment in the presence of water or other e l ~ l (Ref ~ 12). s solution porntials across the we1d Zone for a h9 and 7xxx series weldment are shown in Fig. 6. Different aluminum alloy COmpoSitiOnS (a) Potential of all tempers is the same unless a specific temper is produce slightly differentelectrode potentials designated. (b) Measured 3" an aqueous solution of s3 g NKI + 3 g HzOz per liter at 25 "C (77 "F). ( c )Potential vanes with quenching rate in the presence of various sol~tions.Selective dunng fabrication. COlTOSiOn Can result in iXIU"lerSed Service, the best elevated-tempemtmepmpdes, as indi- where the base alloy and weld metal Possess cated in Table 10. The 5xxx series base and filler significant differences in Potential- Table 12 alloys & h nomagnesium -mts that lists the SOlUtiOn potentids for C0XIU"lOn alUnliexceed 3%are not recommended for use at SUS- num alloys in a salt solutionThe d o y with the more negative potential tained temperatures above 65 "C (150 O F ) , because they can be sensitized to SCC (Ref 11). in the weldment will attempt to protect the. Base alloy 5454 and its companion filler alloy other Part. Thus. if the weld metal is anodic to 5554 were developed specifically to p v i d e the the base metal (as is a 5356 weld in 6061-T6), highest strength among the 5xxx alloys for SUS- the small weld can be attackedpreferentiallyto tained elevated-temperature service. Filler alloy protect the &fl surface area of the bQse metselections suitable for welding common wrought al. The greater the area to be protected and the and cast alloys for sustained elevated-tempem- greater the differencein electrodepotential,the more rapidly will corrosive action occur. tureservicearelistedinTable11. Optimum corrosion resistance is obtained With decreasing temperature,aluminum alloys and their weldments gain strength (Table when the solution potential of the filler is the 10). Rather than becoming brittle, the alumi- same as that of the base alloy, as shown in num alloys either maintain or increase in duc- Table 12 for 4043 filler alloy and 6061-T6. If tility as the temperature decreases below 0 "C this is not practical, then a preferred arrange(32 O F ) . Typical properties for 5083 plate ment is to have the larger base alloy surface welded with 5 183 alloy filler are shown in Fig. area be anodic to the weld metal, such as 70055. The high-magnesium-contt 5 m series al- T6 welded with 5356 filler.



Fig. 6

Plot of solution potential and hardness vercentertine to show effectof the heat of weldingon metallurgical changes in selected aluminum alloys. (a) 545644321 basealb y welded with 5556 alloy filler. CMAW-DCEK three passes. (b) 2219-T87 base alloy welded with 2319alloyfiller.CTAW-DCEN,twopasses.(c) 7039T651 basealloyweldedwith5183alloyfiller.CTAWD U N , two passes SUS distance from weld

For the welds shown in Fig. 6, the HAZ in the 5xxx alloy is mildly cathodic, whereas the 2 ~ x alloy r exhibts a greater cathodic differential. % 7= series HAZ is anodic to the unaffected m a t e ~ and l would be of greatest concern. Fabrications in the 7xxx alloys are usually painted to avoid galvanic conmion. However, as an additional safety precaution in some ca~es,the weld area is metallized with -her alu-m alloy to prevent galvanic c m s i o n if a void mm in the paint coating. Most unprotected aluminum-base filler alloy combinations are very satisfactory for general atmosphericc o ~ i t i o ~ . In some cases, an alloy constituent can be formed by alloying components of the base and filler alloys to produce an anodic zone at the transition of the weld and base metal. If a 5xrx alloy is welded with an aluminum-silicon filler, or vice versa, then a magnesium silicide constituent can be formed. For certain immersed conditions, such as a mild acid condition, the magnesium silicide can be highly anodic to all other parts of the weldment (Ref 14, 15). A very selective knifelike corrosive attack can result from this immersed service. Some chemical exposures or special circumstances can require special controls within the elements of an alloy. In the case of hydrogen peroxide exposure, the manganese and copper impurities have been controlled to low limits in 5652 and 5254 base alloys, as well as

384 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

~ i 7 ~ Clear . anodic coating o n 6063 welds made

with aluminum-magnesium (5356) and aluminum-silicon (4043)fillers

Table 13 Recommended filler alloys used to obtain best color match with aluminum alloys Aluminum alloy

1100. 3003, 5005, 5050 5052. 5154 6061. 6063. 511.0. 514.0. 535.0 5083, 5086. 5454. 5456 ’ 356.0, A356.0. A357.0. 443.0. A444.0

Filler alloy

I I88 5654 5356 5183 or5556 4010. 4043. or 4047

5654 filler alloy. In some cases, a high-purity aluminum alloy is chosen for special exposure. A filler alloy of equal or higher purity to that of the base alloy is generally acceptable in these cases, and filler alloy 1188 would meed most of these requirements. More detailed information on the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys can be found in the article “Corrosion Behavior” in this Volume. Weld and Base Metal Color Match. A good color match between the weld metal and the base metal is often desired for ornamental or architectural applications that are given either . hal chemical or electrochemical f ~ s h e s The colorof the alloy dependson its chemical composition. Ideally, a filler alloy should possess the same composition as the base alloy for an optimum color match. This can be accomplished for most of the non-heat-treatable alloys, but it is not practical with the majority of the heat-beatable alminum alloysbecause of weld mcking sasitivity. nus, dissimilar alloys with the samecolor response to the final sdace trement are used with these alloys. netwo alloying elements of interest are silicon and ch~mium.SiEcon in an alloy will mate a gray-@black color, depending on the percentage of silicon (Fig. 7). Thus, welds made with aluminum-silicon filler alloys will exhibit a sharp color contrast with all but the aluminum-silicon-base alloys or those clad with an al-rmn-silicon alloY- chromium causes an alloy to take on a yellow or gold shading when andcal1Y treated. O f lesser concem is manganese, which causes a faint gray color. The filler alloys that are recommended to obtain a good color match with various base alloys are listed in Table 13. Base alloys 6061 and 6063, which are most commonly welded with 4043 alloy filler, are of the most concern. Because a black weld results when a 4043 weld is anodized,filler alloy 5356 is preferred for the best color match (Fig. 7). Filler Alloy Choices. The fmal determination of the optimal filler alloy for joining an



~ i 8 ~Typical . joint geometries used forac-GTAW and GMAW ofaluminum components. Letters correspond to edge preparations listed in Tables 15 and 18. Source: American Welding Society

aluminum alloy or combination of alloys should be made after a thorough analysis of the fmal perfmancedesiredfmmthe weldment. Usually, a filler alloy can be selected to meet the service conditions with little or no compromise in the ease-of-welding characteristic. The criteria discussed for an alloy type can be applied to the cast aluminum alloys, as well as to the wrought aluminum alloys. Table 14 provides a comprehensive matrix for selecting a filler alloy for the GTAW and GMAW processes, based on the various requiremen6 or service conditions presented previouS1y. Common1y we1ded wrought and cast aluminum alloys are included to assist in se1ecting a fi11erfor we1ding an a11oy to ‘Belf or to an0ther a1uminum a11oy-The c0rrosion data are based On performance in fresh Or salt water and do not necessari1Y aPP1Y to other exposure conditiofls-In addition, all ratings are based On as-welded performance and may not apply when the weldment is subjected to postweld thermal treatments.

Quality control requirements for bare aluminum filler rod and electrode are stated in Ref 16. To maintain the quality level to which they are produced, the filler wire must be protected during shipment, storage, handling, and use. The spooled filler wire, which is most critical, is normal1y packaged in a sea1ed Plastic bag and carton. The best storage Place iS a dV9 heated area. If stored in an unheated area, the packaged product shou1d be brought to the production area and allowed to reach that ambient temperature before the carton is opened. If the temperature of the wire is more than 9 “C (16 OF) below the room temperature when the package is opened, moisture in the atmosphere can condense on the wire, cmting a hydrated oxide. The 5xrw (aluminum-magnesium)series filler alloys are most sensitive to this situation and can be ruined after just a few seconds of exposure, because the hydrated oxide can cause excessive porosity in the weld. For the same reason, the spooled product should be removed from the welding apparatus at the completion of work and stored in a cabinet

Welding / 385 Table 14 Relative rating of selected aluminum filler alloys used to fillet weld or butt weld two component base alloys Data are for welded assemblies not heat treated after welding. Bpre

alloys to be joined

Filler alloy characteristle(a) Filler

Alloy 1

Alloy 2


319.0, 333.0, 354.0, 355.0, C355.0. 380.0

1060. 1350

4 0 4 3 B A 4145 A A B W B A A 4145 A A B 2319 B A A 4 0 4 3 C C 4145 A B C 2319 B A A 4 0 4 3 C C 4145 A B C 4043 B B A 4145 A A B 4043 B B A 4145 A A B 4043 B B A 4145 A A B 4043 B B A 4145 A A B 4043 A A A A A A 4043 A A A 4043 A A A 4043

I100 2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003 3004 Alclad 3004

5005. 5050 5052. 5652 5083. 5456 5086, 5356 514.0. A514.0, 8514.0. F514.0, 5154, 5254 5454 6005. 6063,6101, 6151. 6201. 635 I , 695 I 6061. 6070 7005. 7021, 7039. 7046,7146, A712.0, C712.0 413.0. 443.0, 444.0. 356.0, A356.0, A357.0. 359.0 319.0, 333.0, 354.0, 355.0, C355.0, 380.0 413.0, 443.0. 444.0. 356.0.. A356.0, A357.0. 359.0

1060, 1350 I100 2014. 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003 3004 Alclad 3004 5005, 5050 5052. 5652 5083. 5456 5086. 5356 514.0. A514.0. 8514.0. F514.0, 5154. 5254 5454

6005, 6063. 6101. 6151, 6201, 6351, 6951 6061,6070

4 0 4043 4145



4 3 A B B A A





A A A A A A A A A A A B C A B A A A B C A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ... A ... A ... A A A A A A A









4043 4145







2319 4145







4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4043 4043 4043 5356 4043 5356 4043 5356 4043 5356


A A A B A A A B B A A B B A A B A A A B A . A A A A A B A A B B B A A B B A A B B A A


A A A , . . A A A ... A A A ... A A '.. A A A A ' . . A A A A A A A A ... A '" A ... A ... A ... A ... A ... A

4043 5356 4043 4145







Alloy 1

Alloy 2 7005, 7021, 7039, 7046,7146, A712.0, C712.0 413.0, 443.0. 444.0, 356.0, A356.0. A357.0, 359.0

7005. 7021,7039, 7046, 7146, A712.0, C712.0


4043 4145 4043 4145



A ... A A A . . .

1060, 1350

I 100

2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

5005. 5050

5052, 5652

5083. 5456 5086. 5356 514.0. A514.0. 8514.0. F514.0. 5154. 5254 5454



Filler alloy characterislic(a)

Base alloys to be joined


6005. 6063. 6101. 6151. 6201. 6351. 6951

Filler alloys 4145 4043 4145 5356 4 0 4145

4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 51x3 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5556 5183 5356 5556 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554



A A A B A A A A 4 3 A A A



... B A B A A B B B A B B C B C A B B C B C A B B C B C B A A B A B A A A A A A A A









B A A A B A A ... A A A B A


A ...

... ...


... ... ... A A A A A


... ... A

... ... A

... ...


... A

... B A

... ... A A A

... A A A


... ... ... ... A A A ... A A A A B





... ... ...

... A

... ... A

... ... A

... ...


... ... ...

... ...

... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ...

... A

". ... A


... A

... A A A A A




(a) A, B. C, and D revsent relative ratings(whereA is best and D is worst) of the performanceof the two componenlbase alloys combinedwith each groupof selected filleralloys. W. ease of welding (relativefreedomfrom weld cracking);S. strength of weldedjoint in as-weldedcondition (ratingappliesspecifically 10 fillet welds. but all rods and electrodes rated will develop presently specified minmum sirengths for butt welds): D. ductdlty (ratingbased on free bend elongation of the weld): C, cormsion resislancein continuousor allemale immersion of fresh or sal1 waler: T. performanceIn servlcea1 sustainedtemperatures>65 "CI > 150O F ) : M . color match after anodmng. (b) No filler suilable. Now: Combinationshavlng no ralings are no1 recommended Source:Aluminum Company of America

Table 14 Relative rating of selected aluminum filleralloys used to fillet weld or butt weld two component base alloys (continued) Data are for welded assemblies not heat treated after welding.

Alloy 1

Alloy 2

6061, 6070

7005,7021,7039, 7046, 7146, A712.0,C712.0


1060, 1350


2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

5005, 5050

5052, 5652

5083, 5456

5086, 5356

514.0, A514.0, B514.0, F514.0, 5154, 5254

Base alloys to be joined

Filler alloy characteristic(a)

Base alloys to be joined Filler alloys





5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554





5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654






4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554. 5556 5654













T '"



... '"


... A



... ... '"

...... ...... ......




A A A A A '"









...... ......

...... ......

...... A A B A ......

...... ...... A A B A ......

...... ...... A A C ...



... A


6061, 6070


...... ......

6005, 6063, 6101. 6151,6201, 6351, 6951




Alloy 2





Alloy 1



6005. 6063, 6101, 6151,6201, 6351. 6951

1060, 1350



..' '"


... '"


2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003








Alclad 3004

... '"


5005, 5050

... B A B B A

5052, 5652

... ......

... ...

... ... ...


5083, 5456

...... ... A '"



... ... ...... '"

... ... ...



5086, 5356

514.0, A514.0, B514.0, F514.0, 5154, 5254

Filler alloy characteristlc(a) Filler alloys







4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554








5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654





4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5354 5556 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356








... ... A

... ... A

... ...


... A A



... ...



... ...


... ...





... ...



... ...



... ... ... ... .'.

...... ...... ......

...... ...... ......

...... ...... ...... A B


...... ...... ...... A B


...... ...... ...... A B


.'. A A A

... ... A A A

... .I.




.'. ...



...... ...... ...... A C C B C B A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C


... ... A



... B ... A ...... ... A ... A ... A ... A ... B ...... ... A ... A ... A ... A ... B ...... ... A ... A

(continued) (a) A, B , C, and D represent relative ratings (where A is k s t and D is wont) of the performance of the two component base alloys combined with each group of selected filler alloys. W. ease of welding (relative freedom fmm weld

Table 14 Relative rating of selected aluminum filler alloys used to fillet weld or butt weld two component base alloys (continued) Data are for welded assemblies not heat treated after welding. Base alloys to be joined Alloy I

Alloy 2


6005, 6063. 6101, 6151, 6201, 635 I , 695 I


1060, 1350

I loo

2014, 2036 2219 3003. Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

5005, 5050

5052. 5652


5083, 5456

5086, 5356

514.0, A514.0, 8514.0. F514.0, 5154, 5254 5454

514.0, A514.0, 8514.0, F514.0, 5154, 5254

1060. 1350

Filler alloy charxteristic(s) Filler alloys

Base alloys to be joined







5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554




... ... ...




5556 5654





4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 (b) 4043 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5183 5356 5554 5556 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654











4043 5183 5356 5554







... A

... ...



... B


... ...





... A


... A

2014. 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003



... A A A A

Alclad 3004

... .................. A A A A A ... ... A B C C A B B C B A B B C B A B B C B A




















... ... A

... A


... A

... A

... ... A

... A


... A ...

... ... ... ...

... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... A

Alloy 2




... ...

Alloy 1

5005, 5050


5052, 5652

... A A A A

5083, 5456

... A A A A

5086. 5356

... A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A B

514.0. A514.0. 8514.0. F514.0, 5154. 5254

5086. 5356

... ... ...... ... A ... A ... A

1060. 1350


2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

Filler alloy charscteristic(a) Filler alloys

5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 (b) 4043 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5456 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 (b) 4043 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183









... A ... B ...... ... A ... A











... ...





... B ...... ... A ... A ... A


... ...



.................. A A A A ......

























... ... ... ...


... ... ... ...


... B ......

...... ... A




... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...




...... ...

... ...






... ... ...








. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A A A A ...... A B C B ......




(continued) (a) A, B. C. and D represent relative ratings (where A is best and D is wont) of the performance of the two component base alloys combined with each group of selected filler alloys. W, ease of welding (relative freedom from weld cracking); S, smngth of welded joint in as-welded condition (rating applies specifically Io fillet welds, but all rods and electrodes rated will develop presently specified minimum strengths for butt welds): D. ductility (rating based

Table 14 Relative rating of selected aluminumfiller alloys used to fillet weld or butt weld two component base alloys (continued) Data are for welded assemblies not heat treated after welding.

Filler alloy charscteristkb)

Base alloys to be joined Alloy I

Alloy 1

5005, 5050

5052, 5652

5083, 5456 5086, 5356

5083, 5456

1060, 1350


2014, 2036 2219 3003. Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

5005, 5050


5083, 5456

5052, 5652

1060. 1350


2014, 2036 2219 3003. Alclad 3003


Alclad 3004

Filler alloys

5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5556 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 (b) 4043 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 4043 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556






Base alloys to be joined M

... A ... A ...... ... A ... A ... A ... A ... A ... A B ... A B A ... B A B ... A A B A ... A ... A A A B A A B ... A A B A ... A A A B ... A A B C B ...... A A B A ... A A A A A ... A A A B A ... A A B C B ...... A A B A ... A A A A A ... A A A B A ... A .................. A A A A ...... A B C B ...... A A B A ... A A A A A A A A A C A
















... A


























... ... ...






...... ...... A

". ...... ...... '"



...... ...... A

...... ......

...... A

5005, 5050

1060, 1350


2014. 2036 2219 3003, Alclad3003


Alclad 3004




5052, 5652

... ...... ... A ... A ... A ...... ... A ... A ... A

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Alloy 2

5005, 5050






...... ...... ......

5005, 5050

Alclad 3004


1060, 1350


... A A A

... ... ... A A A

2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003

... A A A


... A A A


Alclad 3004

Filler alloys

4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 5654

Filler alloy ch.rracristic(a) W














1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 4043 4145 1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5556 1100 4043 5183 5356 5556


1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 4145 4043 4145 1100 4043 4145 5183 5356 5556 4043 5183 5356 5554 5556 4043

























'.' B A A A














...... ......

...... B C



... ... ...






...... ...... ...... A A B


...... ...... ......



... ...
















... A B B A








...... ...... ...... A




... ... ... A A

...... ...... ...... A A B C C C A A B C C C A A A A A A B






... ... ... A A A

... ... ... A A A A A A A

... ... ... A

... ... A

... A


... B


... ... B B



... ...

... A

... ... B


... A A A

... A A A A

... B




... B B



... B B


... ...

... ... A


... A A A

... A A A A 1..

Welding / 389 Table 14 Relative rating of selected aluminum filler alloys used to fillet weld or butt weld two component base alloys (continued) Data are for welded assemblies not heat treated after welding.

Filler alloy characteristic(a)

Base alloys to be joined

Alloy 1



Alloy 2

1060, 1350

I loo

2014, 2036 2219 3003, Alclad 3003


3003, Alclad 3003

1060, 1350

I loo

Base alloys to be joined








5183 5356 5554 5556







1 1 0 0 D B 4043 A A C 4145 B A D 5183 C A B 5356 C A B 5556 C A B I I O O D B 4043 A A C 4145 B A D 5183 C A B 5356 C A B 5556 C A B 4043 B B A 4145 A A B A 4043 B B B 4145 A A C C A 1100 C 4043 A B D 4145 B B B C A 5183 B C A 5356 B C A 5556 D A B 4043

... A ."

A A A A A A ..' B A '" ...... B ...... B ...... B A A A A A A '" B A '" ...... B B ...... '" '" B A A '" A A '" A A ... A A ..' A A A A A ... B A ... ... A C ... A C C ... A A A ...


5183 5356 5554 5556





... A

1100 4043 4145 1100 4043










Alloy 1


4145 4043 4145 4043 4145 1100 4043 4145


4043 4145 4043 4145 2319 4043 4145 2319 4043 4145


4043 4145 4043 4145 2319 4043 4145






1060, 1350

1100 4043









1 1 1188 4043 5554 5556

0 0 B C C A A C C B A


A A A A A A A B A C ...

Alloy 2

2014. 2036 2219 3003, Alclad3003

1060, 1350



2014, 2036 2219

2014, 2036

1060, 1350 I100

2014, 2036


1060, 1350

1060, 1350

Filler alloy chsracteristlc(r)

Filler alloys


... ... A











... ... ...

... ... A

... ...

A ... A ... A ... . - . A A A ... . . . A A A ... A ...


... ... ... A

... ... A "t

... ... B A

... A A


(a) A, 6 , C, and D represent relative ratings (where A IS best and D is worst) of the performance of the two component base alloys combined wlth each group of selected filler alloys. W, ease of welding (relative freedom from weld cracking). S strength of weldedpinl ~n as-welded condition (rating applies specifically Io fillet welds. but all rods and electrodes rated wlll develop presently specified minimum strengths for butt welds); D. ductility (rating based on free b&delongation of the weld): C. corrosion resistance in continuous or alternate immersion of iresh or salt water; T , performance ~n service at sustained temperatures >65 "C (>I50 "F); M . color match after anodiang. (b) No filler suitable. Nore; Combinations having no ratmgs are not recommended. Source: Aluminum Company of America ~


where the relative humidity is kept below 35%. A small resistance heating unit in an electrical socket on the inside of a sealed cabinet will accomplish this. If the product is not m o v e d fmm the equipment, a small resistance heater inside the spool enclosure can also be effective.

Preparation for Welding Joint Designs. m i c a l joint geometries for acGTAW and GMAW processes used with aluminum are shown in Fig. 8. Because good penetration control can be obtained with GTAW, welds can be made from a single side without backing. When mechanizing the GTAW process and when using the GMAW process by manual or mechanical means, the use of a temporary grooved backing is very helpful in controlling the uniformity of penetration for single-sided welds. When welding from both sides, a temporary s u p port of the initial weld pass can be given by an angle or rod when a thin land is employed, or the land can be thickened to provide support. In either case, back gouging to sound weld metal is required before application of the initial root pass. A 60" included V-bevel is standard for GMAW. For GTAW, the bevel varies from 60" to 90", and for overhead groove welds, a 110"

minimum V-bevel is required for root pass control. The large angles are needed to allow the gas nozzle access to the joint to provide adequate inert-gas shielding of the root passes. For proper nozzle access with 25 mm (1 in.) and thicker material, single U- and double-U bevels are required. A special joint design used for aluminum pipe and other single-sided access joints, which permits uniform and complete penetration welds without backing, is shown in Fig. 9 (Ref 17). When welding from a single side, the oxide on the opposite side is not removed by the action of the arc and inm-gas shield. Therefm,it must be physically e t c h e d (Fig. 10)out of the way to permit complete mot fusion for full-penetration welds. To accomplish this, the depth of the penetration reinfomment needs to be greater than the levels normally allowed by specifications goveming other metals. Practical values for the root reinforcement (R) (Ref 18): Thkkneg, I


r S 1.6 1.65

10-16 8-12

(a) Jointdesigns as shown in Fig. 8. (b) Higher cumnts and welding specds can bc employcd if a temponry backing is used for romcrpints. (c) Usc low side of cumnt range for harimtsl and venical pints.

Optimal control of penetration in groove welds is obtained with a balanced alternating current (ac) wave, which permits a wide tolerance in the welding current or heat input between insufficient and excessive penemtion. The fairly wide melting pattern does not penetrate readily into n m w grooves or comers and tends to bridge the mot of fillet welds. When a wave balance control is available on @epower supply, an increase in the percentage of the negative polarity can be beneficial, as long as adequate arc cleaning action is main-




The ac-GTAW process is particularly useful for welding aluminum pipe. An integral backing is suitable for structural and electrical bus applications; however, for fluid flow of water, gas, oil, and chemicals, crevice corrosion can result at the backing interface within the pipe. The joint configuration shown in Fig. 9 has been used for all-position GTAW of aluminum pipe and is considered standard for this purpose(Ref 17). Argon shielding gas is normally used. However, for increased penetration capabilit i e and use on thick base metal, a mixture of argon with 25 to 50% helium can be used. Welding operations must be pmpcted from wind gusts, which can disturb the inert-gas shielding when welding near open doors and windows or when welding outdoors. The ac arc (whether sinusoidal or square wave) requires a superimposedhigh-frequency

power to maintain the ionized gas circuit when the current changes polarity. This avoids rectification, which reduces the arc cleaning action and arc stability. Pure or zirconia-tungstenelectrodes, which form a ball on the end during welding, should be used with ac-GTAW. Fine spitting of thoriatungsten electrodes will occur when used with ac and should be limited to direct current (dc) operations. The dc-GTAW Process. Negative electrode polarity dc can be used to weld aluminum by manual and mechanized means. Helium gas shielding or a mixture of helium with 5 to 10% argon is used with a thoria-tungsten electrode. Because no arc cleaning occurs, the oxide must be minimized on the surface prior to welding. This is normally accomplished by chemical etching, followed by a mechanical "scraping" of the joint surfaces immediatelyprior to welding. Internal oxide stringers and associated poor fusion can occur if this cleaning is not done thoroughly. The deep, n m w penetration allows welding of square groove joints in thicknesses up to 13 mm ('/2 in.) and permits welding of heat-treatable alloys with a lower heat input than does ac-GTAW. This can result in higher as-welded mechanical properties with the heat-treatable alloys. The process is most widely used by the aerospace industry for this purpose. Manual dc-GTAW using negative electrode polarity has been applied primarily to the re-

g' =tion and 'once'mes the arc to produce rapid m1ting*wdely 'wing thiclrnessescan be welded without the need to preheat. Spooled aluminum wire is automatically fed through the welding gun, melted at the arc, and then sprayed m s s the arc. Because the electrode and filler are the same, the process is a one-handed operation that is easily mechanized or adapted for robotic operations. Manual travel speeds normally range from 7.6 to 15.2 mm/s (18 to 36 in./&). However, mechanized welds have been made at speeds that exceed 42 mm/s (100 inJmin). Initially, Gh4AW was limited to 3.2mm (% in.) and thicker material. However, the availability of pull-type wire feed apparatus and pulseddc power supplies has extended its use with smaller electrodes and lower average aments to weld thicknesses of less than 1 mm (0.040 in.). Gh4AW is best used in lap, fillet, or groove welds with integral or temporary backing. Typical welding procedures are listed in Tables 18 and 19. It is not recommended for comer or edge joints, unless the metal is thick enough to provide a substantial ledge or trough upon which to deposit the filler. Heat input needs to beconstant foruniformpenetration.Aconstant voltage power supply can be used for straight stringer passes. However, when the arc is oscillated transversely or in line with the joint, wide current excursions produce variable penetration and fusion. Weld starts with short contact tubes, fast electrode feed rates (as used in equipment designed for welding ferrous metals), and a constant voltage power supply often result in poorly fused starts, arcing in the contact tube, and excessive "bum backs" when used with aluminum.

392 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Table 18 Typical semiautomaticGMAW proceduresfor groove welding of aluminumcomponents B a c metal thWuKss

















Joint spacing Weld posllion(a)

F F F F, V, H. 0 F. V, H F, V. H, 0 F, V. H F, V, H 0 F, V H, 0 F F V, H 0 F, V 0,H F F V, H 0 F, V 0 ,H F F V, H, 0 F V. H. 0





and number d weld PPrca(C)








1 1



F F F H H C-90" F F F H H C-60" F F




3.2 0-2.4 4.8 0-1.6 0-1.6 0-1.6 3.2-4.8 4.8 0-2.4 0-2.4 0-2.4 0-2.4 3.24.3 6.3 0-2.4 0-2.4 0-2.4 0-2.4 6.3-9.5 9.5 C2.4 0-3.2 0-1.6 0-1.6 0-1.6



0-3/32 'h6

I IF, IR I 2F 2 3 IF, IR 2 3F. IR 3F, IR 2-3


si/i6 &'/I6 '/8-'/16 'li6 &%z 0-%z &'/32 0-'h '/8-'/4 '14



IF, I R 2F. IR 3F, IR 5F, IR 4 8-10 3F, IR 4F, IR 8F. IR 3F, 3R 6F. 6R

0-%2 0-%2

&%z '/4-'/8 318 CL3/32

0-% 0-'/16 &'I16 0-%6

Electrode diameter



0.8 0.8 0.8-1.2 0.8 0.8-1.2 0.8-1.2 0.9-1.2 I .2 I .2 1.2-1.6 0.9-1.2 1.2-1.6 1.2-1.6 I .2 1.2-1.6 1.2-1.6 1.2-1.6 I .6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.4 2.4 I .6 I .6 I .6

0.030 0.030 0.030-3/~ 0.030 0.030-'/~ 0.030-'/~ 0.03S3/64 3/64

3/64 '/64-'/16 0.03S3/a '/6+%6

'/64-'/16 3/64

'/64-'/16 '/64-'/16 3/64-i/i6 '116


'/I6 '116


'116 '132 %2

'/I 6 '116 1/16


voltagc(d). V





70-1 IO 70-1 IO SI50 1 10-130 120-150 110-135 130-175 16180 16175 140-185 130-175 175-200 185-225 165-190 180-200 175-225 170-200 225-290 210-275 19&220 200-250 210-290 19&260 34o4a.J 325-375 26300 270-330 230-280

15-20 15-20 18-22 I 8-23 20-24 I 9-23 22-26 23-27 23-27 23-27 23-27 24-28 24-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 26-29 26-29 26-29 26-29 26-29 26-29 26-3 I 26-3 I 26-30 26-30 26-30

12 I2 14 14 14 14 16 16 28 16 28 19 19 21 28 19 28 23 23 26 38 23 38 28 28 38 28 38

25 25 30 30 30 30 35 35 60 35 60 40 40 45 60 40 60 SO SO 55 80 SO 80 60 60 80 60 80

10-19 10-19 10-19 10-13 10-13 8-12 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-15 10-13 10-13 10-15 10-15 10-13 11-17 8-13 10-15 10-13 11-17 10-13 11-17 6-8 7-8 10-13 7-10

25-45 25-45 2S-45 23-30 24-30 18-28 24-30 24-30 24-30 24-30 25-35 24-30 24-30 25-35 25-35 24-30 25-40 20-30 24-35 24-30 25-40 24-30 2540 14-20 16-20 24-30 16-24 16-24

w now


(a) F. flat; V. vertical: H. horizontal; 0.overhead. (b) Joints as shown in Fig. 8. (c) F. face passes; K. mot passes. Back gouging should be done pnor to the application of first mot pass. (d) For 5current in the high side of the range and an M voltage in the lower ponion of the range. For l u r . Zur. and 4 u r series electrodes. u x the lower currents and the higher arc voltages.

The optimal equipment for the GMAW of aluminum to meet radiographic standards and to overcome excessive downtime in maintaining the equipment consists of:

A constant-energy (constant-current, or "drooper") type power supply A wire feeder possessing a "touch-start'' or slow run-in feature and radiused top and bottom drive rolls A welding gun possessing a contact tube of 1 0 0 mm (4 in.) or more in length Nonmetallic guides and liners for the electrode circuitry For 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) and smaller diameter electmdes, as well as for robotic installations,the wire feeding apparatus should be a pull or push-pull type. Argon gas shielding is most often used. However, when welding with 5 m series e l x @de alloys and in fac es that possess highly loaded power circuits, a mixture of argon with 50 to 75% helium will provide improved weld quality. Other arc welding processes include shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), as well as elxaoslag and elxmgas welding WW, EGW). sMAwwith flux-coat~ rods has been replaced to a very substantial degree by the GMAW process. SMAW can be effwtive on 9.5 mm (y8in.) and thicker aluminum where high heat inputs are usd. However, it produces porous and erratic welds on thinner metal. Excessive T a m limits its use overhead, and the flux quires removal after welding. Because a flux is used, the alloys that can be welded are limited (refer to Tables 1 through 4). The ESW and EGW processes have been used experimentally, but the processes are not

Ale h v c l sped

Current (dc. positive electrode)(d), A


x n e s elcctmdes. u y a welding

Table 19 Typical semiautomatic GMAW procedures for fillet and lap welding of aluminum components Base metal thickness



Weld position(a)

Weld pPrca(h)

F, V, H, 0 F V. H 0

I 1 1 1 1 1 1

Electrode diameter



Current (dc, positive electrode)(c), A



Agas now ~



Arc travel spcd n~nl5


0.8 0.030 1W130 18-22 14 30 10-13 24-30 0.8-1.2 O.O30-'/M 12%150 '/8 20-24 14 30 10-13 24-30 0.8 0.030 110-130 IF23 14 30 10-13 24-30 0.8-1.2 0.030-'/~ 11S140 20-24 19 40 10-13 24-30 4.8 ' / i b F I .2 %a 180-210 22-26 14 30 10-13 24-30 130-175 V. H 0.8-1.2 O.03Cr3/a4 21-25 16 35 10-13 24-30 0 0.8-1.2 O.O30-'/M 130-190 22-26 21 45 10-13 24-30 6.3 '/4 F 1 1.2-1.6 3/&4-i/i.5 170-240 24-28 19 40 10-13 24-30 3/w 170-210 23-27 V. H I 1.2 10-13 24-30 21 45 I 1.2-1.6 ' / w - ~ / I ~ 190-220 0 24-28 28 60 10-13 24-30 9.5 ? 8 F I I .6 '/i6 26300 26-29 23 50 8-10 18-25 %6 19&240 V, H 3 I .6 24-27 28 60 10-13 24-30 0 3 I .6 I116 200-240 25-28 40 85 10-13 24-30 '132 )a380 26-30 28 60 8-10 18-25 1 9 . 0 ~ '14~) F 4 2.4 v, H 46 1.6 '/I6 2fO-310 25-29 33 70 10-13 24-30 0 IO 1.6 '/la 275-310 25-29 40 85 10-13 24-30 (a) F, flat: V, vertical, H, horizontal; 0,overheead. (b) Number of weld passes given is for one si& only. (c) For 5 1 u series electrodes, use a welding current in the high side of the range given and an arc voltage inthe lowerportionof the range: for lux, and 4ux series electrodes, use the lower currents and the higher voltages in their ranges. (d) Metal thicknesses of >19.0mm (>3/4 in.) for fillet welds can employ adouhle-vee bevel of >50 O included vee with 2.4-3.2 nun (3/)8-1/8 in.) land thickness in the abuttingmemkr. 2.4 3.2



in commercial use with aluminum. GMAW can be used for the few applications appropriate for the ESW and EGW processes. The oxyfuel gas welding ( O m )process uses a flux and either an oxyacetylene or oxyhydrogen gas flame. When the oxyacetylene flame is used, a slightly reduced flame is required, which causes a carbonaceous deposit that O b scures the weld and slows the travel Speed. The best visibility, control, and weld speed are obtained when an oxyhydrogen flame is used with aluminum alloys. The flux (composed of chlorides and fluorides)must be removed after welding to avoid corrosion in service. For this reason, GTAW has generallyreplaced OFW of aluminum alloys. Theuseof afluxlimitsthealloysforwhich

it is suitableqables 1h u g h 4 ) and producesthe greatest heat input. This results in the lowest mechanical properties and highest sensitivity to weld cracking with heat-treatable aluminum alloys. The advantage of the OFW pnxess is the low equipment investment. Resistance Welding. Both non-heat-treatable and heat-treatable alumhum alloys can be resistance welded. Resistance spot and seam welding of aluminum alloys are used inmanufacturing cooking utensils, tanks (both for seams and for securing baffles), bridge flooring, and many aircraft and automotive components. Resistance welding of aluminum aircraft annpmts, such as wing-skin sections, deck sections, brackets, and cowling, usually entails many highquality

Welding / 393 welds in one s t r u m and may require elaborate Stud Welding. Aluminum alloys can be and expensive equipment for cleaning, welding, joined by both stud arc welding and capacitor and umtmlling weld quality in contrast to many dischargestudweldingprocesses.Forthestudarc ~ commercial applications that are done with less welding process, the lm, 3 m , and 5 x 1 series cleaning and a lower level of acceptable weld are considered best; the &rwr series are considered quality. Detailed information on resistanceweld- passable; and the h a n d 7 m series are considered poor choices. With capacitor discharge ing of aluminum can be found in Ref 19. Electron-beam welding in a vacuum methods,the lnrx,3m,5m,and&wrseriesare chamber produces a very deep, narrow penemtion considered excellent and the 2xxx and 7 m series at high welding speeds. ?he low overall heat vlput are considered passable for certain applications. Studs are made of aluminum magnesium ~~theh@&~-wr.ldedslnm!&sintheheattmtable alloys. The high thermal @entfrom the alloys, including 5086, 5356, and 5456. Aluweld into the base metal cmm very limited metal- minum magnesium alloys have high strength, modifications and k 1likely to cause good ductility, and metallurgical compatibility intergranuarmking inbuttjoints whenno filleris with most other aluminum alloys. Aluminum added. Fixhning to provide transversecompessive studs range in weld-base diameter from 6.4 to loadingonthejointcanbeveryhe~~inavoiding 13mm('/4to'/2h.). h t e g m n h m k i n g in the fusion zones or HAZS. Alloys are more prone to have porosity when welded m a v ~ c u u m ~ ~~ i l to~other ~iMetals~ For lap pints and butt joints with an integral backing, a shim of filler alloy is commonly Very brittle intermetallic compounds are placed at the interface of the heat-treatable aluminum alloys to prevent transverse crack- formed when metals such as steel, copper, maging at the interface. For the &rxx series and for nesium, or titanium are fusion welded to alumi2014,2024, and 7075 alloys, a fdler alloy shim num. Bimetallic transition materials in sheet, is often desirable between the abutting edges of plate, and tubular forms are commercially avail- , square groove welds. This adds two additional able in combinations of aluminum and such other oxide layers to the joint and can result in weld metals as steel, stainless steel, and copper. These are made by rolling, explosion welding, fiiction inclusions. Laserbeam welding is now Considered to welding, flash welding, or hot pressure welding be a viable fusion joining ~ s for aluminum s and provide the easiest method for fusion weldwith the advent of commercially available,stable, ing aluminum to other metals. Conventional highpower laser systems. Because of alumi- GTAW and GMAw methods, as Well as E& mum's high reflectivity, effective coupling of the tance spot welding, a~ used tojoin the aluminum laser beam and aluminum q u k s a relatively side Ofthe t m & h Pi- to the intended Cornhigh power density. High power densities are pOnent 'lk ~ S h ' d ametal r is joined to the O P obtained by m g the f& spot s k of posite side of the bimetallic transition. A wide range Of dissimilar metals Can be the beam b o u g h optical considerations and joined directlYto aluminum by such means as higher power levels. When sufficient power densities are ob- Ultrasonic welding, Pressure welding, friction tained (that is, ofthe order of lo6 W/cm2, or 6 welding, explosion welding, and Soldering. x lo6 W/in?), successful laser-beam welds on Hot dip or elecmplated coatings on the disaluminum can be produced, with minimal dis- Similar metal facilitate diffusion bonding and tortion, and at high processing speeds. Inert gas the brazing of &mhm to these metals. shielding is commonly used. Filler metal is required when welding heat-treatable aluminum alloys. Weldability of Heat-Treatable Friction Welding. Aluminum alloys are ~ l l ~ ~ ~ friction welded to similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys, to copper alloys, and to steels. Most applidom involve joining aluminum to steel, The heat-treatable aluminum alloys proe by high dKrmal vide good strength and toughness in engineeralthough p b l m s a ~ presented CondUctiVity, large differences in f m g tem- ing applications while maintaining the low perahues, and the formation of brittle h t m t a I - density and corrosion resistance of aluminum. These attributes allow the heat-treatablealloys lic compounds. Joints between aluminum alloy 6061 and to be used in a wide variety of applications, copper have a tensile strength near that of the which include the aerospace, transportation, copper. Joints between aluminum alloy 1100 shipbuilding, tankage, piping, and appliance and stainless steel have a strength near that of industries. The majority of these alloys are the aluminum alloy. Friction welding of other easily welded by the conventional arc welding aluminum alloys may develop a joint strength processes (GMAW and GTAW), resistance of only 60 to 70% that of the weaker base spot and seam welding processes, as well as the metal. Even though these joints are relatively high-energy processes (laser-beam and elecweak, they are useful for pressure sealing and tron-beam welding). However, these alloys also possess certain for joining assemblies that require good electrical and thermal conductivity, rather than characteristics inherent to all aluminum alloys that must be considered during welding (Ref 20). high strength.


These characteristics include a tenacious oxide, high thermal conductivity, high coeficient of thermal expansion, solidification shrinkage almost twice that of ferrous alloys, relatively wide solidification-temperature ranges, and high solubility of hydrogen when in the molten state. The first two items may be addressed by weld pretreatment and processing conditions-proper weld pretreating to minimize the oxide and welding at high currents and high travel speeds to ensure that adequate penetration is used. However, the remaining characteristics, if not carefully considered, may result in the production of welds of unacceptable quality. The high coefficient of thermal expansion and solidification shrinkage, combined with the relatively wide solidification-temperaturerange, makes these alloys susceptible to weld cracking. The high solubility of hydrogen in molten aluminum ~ ~ i ~ ~ can result in gas porosity unless proper precautions are heeded. In addition, the degree of degradation of the HAZ for these alloys may differ markedly, depending upon weld PmCessing conditions. An understanding of these aspects Yields welds in the heat-treatable alUmimm alloys that have excellent Joint Properties.



Heat-Treatable Alloys

Wrought alloys that constitUte heat-treatable (precipitation-hardenable) aluminum allays include the k , 6=, 7=, and SOmeof the 8= series alloys. Table 2 lists compositions and physical properties of selected wrought heat-treatable alloys. Such alloys develop their maximum strength from appropriate solution, quenching, and precipitation treatments. The precipitation mechanism requires alloyingelements with appreciablesolid solubility in aluminum at elevated temperatures, but with limited solubility at lower temperatures. The solution heat treating operation, which involves heating the alloy to an elevated temperature, allows the alloyed elements to form a solid solution with aluminum. The temperature is then quickly reduced by quenching the material in water to create a supersaturated solid solution. A lower-temperature precipitation process, also referred to as artificial aging, is then used to precipitate strengtheningphases throughout the metal in a controlled fashion. The driving force for precipitation is the supersaturation present after quenching. This procedure is illustrated using the partial phase diagram for the aluminum-copper system in Fig. 11. Superimposed on the phase diagram are the temperature ranges used for solution heat treating and precipitation heat treating for a composition representing an aluminum alloy containing 4.0% Cu. Increasing the temperature of the 4.0% Cu alloy to 525 OC (980 "F) causes the copper to form a solid solution.When quenched to room temperature, the solid solution becomes supersaturated. If allowed to become stable, this condition is


394 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

Partial diagram for the aluminum~ i 11~ copper , phase system showing temperature

ranges for solution and precipitation heat treating

referred to as a T4 temper. Aging the alloy at a ~ i 12~ Relationship . between strength and pre temperature of 175 "C (350 OF) causes nucleacipitate formation during aging of an AItion and growth of strengthening Precipitate4cu alloy, Source: Ref*, After solution heat treating and aging, the alloy condition is described as being in the T6 temper. More detailed information on systems for designating aluminum and aluminum alloys alloys. However, it is usually the combination can be found in the article "Alloy and Temper of these propexties, that is, strength versus Designation Systems" in this Volume. toughness, that is controlled, depending on a p Many times these strengthening precipi- plication requirements. The utility of the heattates are not the equilibrium phases, such as treatable aluminum alloys is greatly enhanced CuA12 for the case of the 4.0%Cu alloy, but by the wide variety of product forms available. metastable phases. The metastable precipitates This includes sheet, plate, rod, bar, extruded that form are determined by the time and tem- shapes, forgings, and castings. The 2xxx series alloys, having copper as perature of the precipitation heat treating practice. The precipitation sequence for the the primary alloying addition, possess high aluminum-copper system is shown below: strength but somewhat lower corrosion resistance than most other aluminum alloys. Many of these alloys also possess relatively good elevated-temSolid solution + G P 1 + G-P2 -+ 8"+ strength. Magnesium is also added to the tr+e (cu~1~) (Eq ') perature 2zrx series alloys for increased strength but results in greater weld clack sensitivity. Alloy 2024 In this system, strengthening is due to the is one of the highest-strength 2 . m ~alloys and is formation of localized concentrations of cop- used extensively in the aircraft industry; however, per atoms forming Guinier-Preston (GP) zones the 1.5%nominal Cu content of 2024 hinders its that are structurally coherent with the alumi- weldability due to increased weld clack sensitivnum matrix. At longer aging times and higher ity. Alloys having controlled levels of magneaging temperatures the number of GP zones sium, such as 2014,2219, and 2519, are used for increases and leads to increased strength; the applications requiring good weldability. Genermaximum strength is regarded as the peak- ally, these alloys p v i d e good machinability but aged condition. At still higher temperatures or less formability than other heat-treatable alumilonger times the GP zones are replaced by the num alloys. Some applications of the 2rxx alloys noncoherent, metastable precipitates ((3" and are aircraft skin sheet, automotive panels, ballistic e'). The decrease in the number of GP zones annor, and forged and machined components. The 6xxx series alloys contahhg magneformed and the loss ofparticle coherency result in a subsequent reduction of strength, termed sium and silicon p v i d e moderate strengths and the overaged condition. Figure 12 shows the goodcorrosionresistancein relationtootherheatrelationship between strength and precipitate matable aluminum alloys. Because they are easformation during aging of an aluminum 4.0% ily extruded, they are available in a wide range of Cu alloy at 190 "C (375 O F ) and 130 "C (265 structuxal shapes, as well as sheet and plate products. The versatility of these alloys is represented O F ) (Ref 21). Additional information on precipitation hardening of aluminum alloys can be in 6061, which is one of the most commonly used found in the article "Heat Treating" in this aluminum alloys. 'Qpically, the &mr alloys have good formability and good weldability. The &mr Volume. series alloys are used in autobody sheet, structural members, architecturalpanels, piping, marine ap Characteristics and Applications plications, screw machine stock, and many other applications. The 7xxx series provides the highest Alloying additions and subsequent thermal and mechanical processing dictate charac- strength of all aluminum alloys, although this teristics such as strength, toughness, and corn- claim is being challenged by aluminum-lithium sion resistance of the heat-treatable aluminum alloys. High strength in the 7xrx alloys is

achieved by alloying additions of zinc, magnesium, and often copper, combined with controlled thermal and mechanical processing. Copper, in combination with zinc and magnesium in the 7 m series alloys, increases strength but hampers weldability due to increased susceptibility to weld cracking. Alloy 7075, containing nominally 5.6%Zn, 2.5% Mg, and 1.6%Cu, is a commonly used alloy of this system, but it has a propensity for weld cracking. Alloys 7004,7005, and 7039 were designed for applications requiring high strength and good weldability. These alloys have limited amounts of copper that reduce the sensitivity to weld cracking. One important characteristic of the 7 m series is the ability of the HAZ in these alloys to naturally age, or become precipitation-strengthened at room temperatwe, after we1ding' Because Of this* we1d F o e e s cxntinUe to improve for UP to 30 days after welding. These alloys typically provide good machinability and adequate formability. Applications for the 7xrx alloys include aircraft construction, truck hailers, railcars, and armor plate. ,,e 8xxx seriesalloys containing lithium are used in and aerospace structures. These lowdensity, high-strength alloys are described in the Section "Weldability of AluminumLithim Alloys,,in thisarticle.


Crack SensitivityduringWe,ding Weld cracking in aluminum alloys is of concern due to the relatively high thermal expansion of aluminum, its large change in volume upon solidification, and its wide solidification-temperature range. The weld crack sensitivity of heat-treatable aluminum alloys is especially of concern due to the greater amounts of alloying additions used for these alloys. Because of the detrimental effect of weld cracks on joint properties, the weldability of aluminum alloys is defined as its resistance to weld cracking. Weld cracking in aluminum alloys may be classified into two primary categories based on the mechanism responsiblefor cracking and the crack location. Solidification cracking takes place within the weld fusion zone and typically appears along the center of the weld or at termination craters. Liquation cracks occur adjacent to the fusion zone and may or may not be readily apparent. Solidification cracking, or hot tearing, occurs when high levels of thermal stress and solidification shrinkage are p s e n t while the weld pool is undergoing various degrees of solidification. The hot tearing sensitivity of any given aluminum alloy is influenced by a combination of mechanical, thermal, and metallurgical factors (Ref 22). The degree of restraint of welded assemblies plays a significant role in crack sensitivity by increasing the stress on the solidlfying weld. Hot tearing occurs within the weld fusion zone and is affected by weld-metal composition and welding parameters. High heat inputs, such as high currents and slow welding speeds, are believed to contribute to weld solidification clacking (Ref

Welding / 395

~ i14~ Weld . crack sensitivity of two common quaternary aluminum alloy systems (AI-Mg-Zn-Cu and AI-MgSi-Cu) and a common ternary system (Al-Cu-Mg). Source: Ref 30-32

~ i 13~ Relative .

crack sensitivity versus weld composition for various binary aluminum systems. Source: Ref 24-29

23). It follows that processes that result in minimal heat input, such as electron-beam welding, reduce weld crack sensitivity. The primary method for eliminating cracking in aluminum welds is to control weld-metal composition through filler alloy additions. Crack sensitivity, determined experimentally as a function of weld Fig. 15 Micrograph of a gas-tungsten arc weld o n composition, is shown in Fig. 13 for various 2.0 mm (0.080 in.) thick 6013-T6 base binq aluminum system (AI-Li9AI-si’ AIcu’ metal with 5356 filleralloy showingcracks in the parA-Mg, and the q m i b i n q M-M@si) (Ref 24tially melted region. Source: Ref 34 29). Although most commercial aluminum alloys are not strictly binary systems, crack-sensitivity curves based on binary systems are still range, such as welding 2rrr series to 5xrx series alloys (AI-Cu alloys to AI-Mg alloys). useful in selecting a filler alloy to minimize liquation Cracking. An important element weld crack sensitivity. In complex alloy sysof the HAZ for precipitation-hardenable alloys is tems, minor alloying additions may impact the thin boundary layer adjacent to the fusion crack sensitivity by widening the temperature zone that is referred to as the partidly melted range in which a coherent solidfying structure region. This region is produced when eutectic is formed. This effect is shown in Fig. 14, phases or constituents that have low meltkg which describes the we1d crack sensitivity Of points (melting points below the melting point of twocommercial~uatema~aluminums~stems the bulk material) liquate, or melt, at grain (A1-Zn-Mg-Cu and A1-Mg-Si-Cu) and a ter- boundaries during welding (Ref 33). It occurs in nary system (Al-cu-Mg) (Ref 30-32)* In a11 precipitation-hardenable alloys because of the cases~the CUNeS sh0w the dramatic effect Of relatively large amount of alloying additions minor auoYing additions, Such as copper Or available to form eutectic phases. During weldma€Wsium, on weld mi& sensitivity. Several ing, these phases liquate and, if sufficient stress is high-strength, PmiPitatiOn-hxdenable ahmi- present, may be accompanied by tears. Under num alloys rely On Complex alloying additions extreme conditions, continuous cracks may form to develop Properties; however, these additions along the fusion zone interface. As expected, dramatically increase weld crack sensitivity. higher heat input widens the partially melted reThe most notable examples are alloys 2024 gion and makes it more pmne to cracking. An (Al-4.4Cu-1SMg) and 7075 (AI-5.6Zn- example of m k s formed in this region for alloy 2.5Mg-1.601). Increased weld crack sensitiv- 6013-T6 welded with 5356 filler alloy is shown ity may also result when welding dissimilar in Fig. 15 (Ref 34). Filler alloy composition aluminum alloys to produce weld composi- greatly affects whether cracks form in this tions that widen the coherency temperature liquated region (Ref 35 and 36). Filler alloys that

~ i 16~ Hydrogen . solubility in pure aluminurn. Source: Ref 39

have low-solidification temperatures p v i d e less susceptibility to liquation cracks, since the solidification shrinkage strains occur at lower tempera~s.Thisallowshealing,orsolidification,ofbK partially melted region to OCCUT prior to solid& cation shrinkagestrains.

Porosity during Welding Porosity in aluminum weldments occurs when hydrogen gas is entrapped during solidification (Ref 37 and 38). Hydrogen has an appreciable solubility in molten aluminum and a low solubility in the solid. Figure 16 shows the solubility of hydrogen in pure aluminum at temperatures representing the solid and liquid states (Ref 39). Hydrogen is absorbed into the molten pool during welding because of its high solubility, and it forms gas pores upon solidification due to the decrease in solubility. It is this difference in solubility that is the driving force for porosity formation (Ref 40). Once a gas bubble forms, it may be expelled from the weld by natural buoyancy or forced convection within the molten pool. Redistribution of hydrogen during solidificationmay also act to push pores

396 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys ahead of the solidifying front. Therefore, the welding position and weld parameters may dramaticallyalter the amount of porosity found in solidified welds. The expulsion of hydrogen pores may be described by the pore's buoyancy velocity and welding speed. If the solidification front is moving at a lower velocity than the pore's buoyancy velocity, gas pores may escape (Ref 41). Lower welding speeds create slower solidification fronts and favor expulsion of gas pores. Welding position may either help or hinder the expulsion of pores. In general, verticalup welding of aluminum produces the least porosity because the solidifying pool provides easy escape of gas pores. Conversely,overhead welding produces the greatest amount of porosity because float direction and pool convection patterns cause pores to be entrapped in the weld root during solidification. The sources of hydrogen present in the welding system depend on the particular welding process. In arc welding these sources LIE hydrogen from the base metal, hydrogen from the filler metal, and hydrogen within the shieldinggas (Ref 42). This is illustrated in Fig. 17 for GMAW. Hydrogen from the base metal may be attributed to the surface in the form of hydrocarbons (lubricants) and hydrated oxides, or it may be internal, as with castings and aluminum P/h4 parts. Filler metal hydrogen is in the form of hydrocarbons (lubricants) or hydrated oxides on the surface of the filler. Hydrogen in the shielding gas is due to moisture contamination within the gas or aspiration of moist air into the gas system due to defective gas lines and couplings. A dew-point determination of the shielding gas may provide an indication of moisture contamination. Normally, a dew-point measurement of -50 "c (-60 OF) or below, measured at the gas cylinder outlet, is considered sufficient gas quality (Ref

~ i 19~ Partial . phase diagram for the aluminum-

copper system phase solvi. Source: Ref 45

~ i 18~ Hardness , profiles across the HAZ of gastungsten arc welds on 3.2 m m (0.125 in.) thick 2219-T87, 545'-H11 and 6061-T6 made "ing constant heat input. Source: Ref 4 9


system,preventativemeaSureS may be taken t; This beghs with proper precleaningof the pm to be welded. ~ 1and 1 machining lubricant muSt be removed by solvent degreasing &fore welding. stainless steel wkbrushing of the joint to remOve thick mill o.&jes is recommendedjust prior to welding. ~ ~ rGTAW i n of~ aluminum,ac with sufficient electrode-positive p o l a r i ~provides exellent arc ,-leaning action to remOve surface oxides. F~~G ~ Wprocurement , ofquality electrodes and proper electrode storage are necessary to minimize porosity. In all cases, maintenance of gas hoses, regulators, and auxiliary equipment is required to produce porosity-fm welds. enSuTesound welds.


In the case of GMAW of aluminum wrought products, the filler electrode, shielding gas, and base metal surface contaminants may conbibUte to gas porosity. I~ the caSe of welding aluminum castingsor pmpm, interrial hydrogen of the base metal typically governs pore formation (Ref 44). Because porosity in aluminum welds is attributed to a SOurCe of hydrogen contarnination within the welding

Fig. 17

Sources Of hydrogen i n gas-metal arc welding. H,, hydrogen from shielding gas; H,, hydrogen fro,,, electrode; H,, hydrogen fro,,, base metal. Source: Ref 42

HAZ Degradation A HAZ is created adjacent to the fusion zone and results in a degradation of base metal properties. This degradation is caused by microstructural modifications associated with elevated temperaturesexperiencedin this zone. For heat-treatable aluminum alloys, the HAZ is distinguished by dissolution or growth of precipitates. The response in the HAZ of 2x.m aluminum alloys follows dissolution, whereas the primary modification for the 6x.n alloys is growth of precipitates (Ref 4547). Although the nature of these HAZs may differ, they are all diffusioncontrolled and thermally dependent (Ref 48). A common method of determining the width and extent of the HAZ is by measuring the hardness across this zone. Hardness profiles for gas-tungsten arc welds of two common heat-treatable alloys, 2219-T87 and 6061-T6, are shown in Fig. 18 (Ref 49). A hardness profile for the work-hardenablealloy 5456-H116 is also shown in Fig. 18 for comparison.

showing metastable

The hardness profile for 2219-T87 exhibits dissolution of precipitates. The strengthening particles for these alloys are GP zones, which are metastable precipitates. The solvus curves for these phases are superimposed on the partial aluminum-copperphase diagramin Fig. 19 (Ref 45). When the temperatures in the HAZ exceed the various solvi, the respective phases are dissolved. At positions close to the fusion zone, higher temperatures are experienced and greater dissolution of strengthening phases occurs. This results in a continual decrease in strength in the HAZ of aluminum-copper alloys and is illustrated in Fig. 18 for 2219-T87 alloy. m e hardness profile for the HAZ of 6061T6 is representative of the 6rxx series alloys and is governed by a growthliketransformation Of precipitate. This system also exhibits a precipitation sequence of metastable precipitates, With the principal strengtheningPhases occurring early in the sequence in the form of GP zones. The transformationof these precipitates at elevated temperatures occurs in a Smooth, continuous fashion and is closely akin to growth (Ref 45). The result is the formation of nonstrengthening phases. Due to the competing nature of the diffusion rate and supersaturation with increasing temperatures, the transformation pmeeds at the greatest rate when temperatures are between 290 and 425 "C (550 and 800 O F ) (Ref 50-52). The minimum hardness value for 6061-T6 in Fig. 18 represents the position in the HAZ that experiences temperatures within this range. This minimum has also been referred to as the overaged zone for these alloys. At higher temperatures, indicative of positions close to the fusion zone, particles are dissolved into solid solution and upon cooling may precipitate as strengthening phases. This contributes to the slight increase in hardness that typically occurs near the fusion zone for the 6xur series alloys. Effect of Heat Input on the HAZ. Because the metallurgical transformation of the HAZ of an aluminum alloy is thermally dependent, the welding process and parameters determine the extent of base metal degradation. High heat input and both the degree and width of preheating inthe HAZ. This is especially hue forthe precipitation-hardenable aluminum alloys and is illus-

Welding / 397

~ i 21~ Hardness . profilesofthe HAZfor6061 -T4 and T6 starting materials in the aswelded (AW) and postweld aged ( W A ) conditions. Source: Ref 54

~ i 20~ Hardness . profiles of the HAZ of gas-tung-

sten arc welds on 6061 -T6 using various heat inputs. Source: Ref 53

hated for6061-T6welds made using various heat inputs in Fig. 20 (Ref 53). Thw, the HAZ degradation of the heat-treatable alloys can be reduced by employment of multipass welding, close control of interpass temperahue. and elimination of preheating. The highest weld strengths for these alloys are achieved when intexpass temperatures do not exceed 65 "C (150 O F ) and welding heat input is minimized

Postweld Heat Treatment and the HAZ.

postweld heat treatments can also be used to improve the shength of the HAZ for heat-treatable alloys. This may involve complete postweld solutionheat treating and aging or postweld aging only. Although the ~ecoveryof strength in the HAZ after postweld aging is less than postweld solution heat mating and aging, there are advantages to postweld aging only. Temperatum used for postweld aging are much lower than postweld solution heat treating and postweld aging does not involve water quenching that imposes residual stresses and distortion to welded assemblies. However, great strides have been made in the development and application of polymer quenchants that reduce the amount of distortion o b served after quenching and may complement the use of postweld solution heat treating and aging. Figure 21 depicts hardness profiles of the HAZ for 6061-T4 and 6061-T6 starting material in the as-welded and postweld aged conditions (Ref 54). A dramatic recovery of strength in the HAZ is observed when welding 6061-T4 and postweld aging. Postweld thermal treatments may be used to recover strength in the HAZ of the heat-treatable alloys; however, when6061-T6ispostweldaged,strengthinthe HAZ is increased while strength in the unaffected base metal is decreased. This is due to overaging of the 6061-T6 base metal; therefore, T4 or T3 material should be used when postweld aging the precipitation-hardenable alloys. The 7 m series alloys possess the abil-

ity to naturally age (age at room temperature) in the HAZ. The recovery of strength is similar to postweld artificial aging, but because of the relatively low-temperature aging, the time is substantial. Usually, a period of 14 days is required for improvingthe HAZ strength ofthe 7 x series ~ alloys by natural aging.

Filler Alloy Selection and Properties Weids


Although the selected base alloy and welding process greatly influence the characteristics of aluminum joints, the filler alloy plays a significant role in establishing a number of important weld properties for heat-treatable aluminum alloys. Of foremost concern is the weldability of a particular base alloy and filler alloy combination,which is defined as its susceptibility to weld cracking. Shear strength of a fillet weld, response to postweld heat treatments, and color match after anodizing are other attributes that are highly governed by the filler alloy used to produce the weld in heattreatable aluminum alloys. Properties such as joint strength, ductility, toughness, and corrosion resistance across the weld are also dictated by the base alloy and filler alloy combination selected. The filler alloy selection chart in Table 14 provides a comprehensive guide for selecting the proper filler metal. Recently a knowledge-based system using computer software has also been constructed to allow greater interaction in selecting aluminum base metal and filler metal alloys for welding (Ref 55). Weld crack sensitivity is most easily controlled by influencing the composition of the weld. This is achieved by selecting the proper filer alloy and ensuring dequate dilution of the filler alloy to the weld. Generally, joint designs that increase filler metal dilution (for example, square groove with gap as opposed to no gap) are beneficial in reducing the tendency for cracking. The principal filler alloys for welding aluminum

are the lm (llOO), 2rxx (2319), 4 m (4043, 4047, 4145, and 4643), and 5 m (5154, 5183, 5356, 5554, 5556, and 5654) series. Nominal compositions of aluminumfiller alloys are shown in Table 5. Most of these alloys are high in solute to reduce crack sensitivity. Because of their narrow solidification temperature range, the 4 m series filler alloys provide excellent insensitivity to weld cracking but are not applicable for welding all aluminum-base alloys. Because of the formation of large amounts of brittle magnesiumsilicide (Mg2Si), the 4 m series filler alloys are not applicable for welding the 7 m series alloys containing appreciable amounts of magnesium. Table 20 shows the filler alloys recommended for welding various base alloys to minimize sensitivity to weld cracking (Ref 56). The strength and ductility of welds i n alUhlinumall0Ys are determind bY a number Of Parameters. These may include base alloy and temper, filler alloy, welding process and parameters, use of postweld heat treatments, joint type, principal loading conditions, and the presence of weld defects. AS descriw ak metauurgical transformations in the HAZ of heat-treatable alumirun alloys EQ& in a degradation of strength in this region. The degree of degadation may be related to heat input used to produce the weld. Processes that provide higher have1 speeds minimize the degradation in the HAZ and typically result in higher weld strength. Postweld heat treatments may be used to recover the loss of strength i n t h e w . Postweldsolutionheattreating and aging provides the greatest improvement in joint strength; however, this practice requires the use Of a COld-water quench that may impart unacceptable Part distortion. Postweld aging, which is a lOWer-temFmturetreatment, results in a moderate improvement in Joint Strength and does not q U k water quenching. It is also appropriate to comment on the effects of loading that disth€Pish the properties Of Welded Joints. The transverse tensile strength of a butt weld provides a relative indication of joint strength in sewice, dth0Xh butt welds may also undergo multiaxial loding that hinders direct comparison to tabular data representing m k i a l behavior. In the case of fillet welds, the transverse or longitudinal shear strength (depending on the principal loading condition) obtained from shear test specimens may be used to ascertain joint performance. The strength and ductility of various types of welds in the as-welded condition, the postweld aged only condition, and the solution heat treated and aged (dficially and naturally aged) condition are listed in Tables 7 to 10.Additional informationon properhes of aluminum weldments can be found in Ref 57 and 58. Figure 22 displays strength profiles across gas-tungsten arc welds of 2219-T87 and 6061T6 alloys. The 2219-T87 alloy was welded with 2319 filler alloy and the 6061-T6 was welded with 4043 alloy. The strength profile of the work-hardenable alloy 5456-H116 welded with filler alloy 5356 is also shown in the figure for comparison. The strength values in Fig. 22 are approximations obtained by converting hardness measurements using the em-

398 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys pirically derived relationship for aluminum alloys (Ref 59):

[ ?E)

uTs= 1o,66- 19.42 I* 1 -~


where UTsis the ''timate tensfie stren@' in ksi and HRE is the Rockwell h*ess Using the E-scale. It is evident from Fig. 22 that the degmdation of strength associated with the HAZ usually dictates the strength of the joint for aluminum alloys. This is not true when weldments have been postweld heat-treated, be-

cause the fusion zone may not respond to these treatments to the same degree as the HAZ. The 2rrr series alloys exhibit the lowest ductility of the precipitation-hardenablealloys. This is due to the formation of brittle, copperbearing eutectic phases at grain boundaries near the fusion zone interface. The 6 m and 7 m series alloys display good weld ductility. Postweld solution heat treating and aging of the heat-treatable alloys, or postweld aging Only, usually decreases weld ductility. Corrosion Resistance. Many of the heattreatable aluminum alloys can be welded without reducing the resistance of the assembly to corm sion. However, because welding generates residual tensile stresses and modifies the parent metal

structure, some alloys may have their resistance

to corrosion lowered by welding. Corrosion of


~ i 22~ Strength . profiles across alternating current gas-tungsten arc welds on 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) thick 2219-

T87 using 2319 filler alloy, 6061-T6 using 4043 filler alloy, and 5456-H116 using 5356 filler alloy. Source: Ref 4 9

aluminum weldments is usually localized orpreferential in nature and depends on the base alloy, filler alloy, and HAZ structure. The cmsion potential variations determined by electrode POtentid measurements across 2219 and 7039 weldments are shown in Fig. 6. n e corrosion potential variations -ss the weld of the workhardenable &,Y 5456 is also shorn in Fig. 6. The 6 m series alloys are highly resistant to localized corrosion after welding. newel& able alloy 2219 also e&,ibits good comsion resismce after welding. necomsion pomtial for 2219-T87 weldments produced using 23 19 filler metal is shown in Fig. 6 md depicts a lower corrosion potential in the weld area as compared to the unaffected base metal. The weldable 7xm series alloys produce greater sensitivity to corrosion after welding (Ref 60). In this case, the structuraltransformationof the HAZ due to the heat of welding makes the HAZ anodic to either the 5 m weld metal or the unaffected base metal. This mechanism is also shown in Fig. 6 for 7089-T651 welded with 5183 filler metal. The highly anodic, small area of the HAZ will pit and corrode in the presence of an electrolyte to protect both the weld metal and the much larger unaffected base metal. Postweld solution heat treating and aging of the 7 m series alloys will improve their corrosion resistance; however, aluminummagnesium fdler alloys containing more than 3.5% Mg should not be used When postweld heat treating because the fusion zone can be sensitized to SCC (Ref 61).

Table 20 Filler alloys recommendedfor welding selected aluminum-base alloys to minimize sensitivity to weld cracking 319.0, 3 3 . 0 ,



m05(.1. 7039,



1060. 1070. 10x0. 1350 I100. 3003. Alclad 3003 2014. 2036 2219. 2519 3034. Alclad 3004

soos, soso

oss.0. c3ss.n.3 m n





4043(d)(D 4043(d)



5356(c) 4043(d)



4043(d)(n 4043(d)



5356(c) 4043ld)(n 4043(d)(n 5356(c) 5356(cI 4043(d)(fl

... 4043(d) 5654(1)

... 4043(d) 5356(0

56~1) 565411)

4043(d)(0 4043(d)(i)

5356(c)lfl 5356(c)(d)(n 4M3(d)(0 ... 5356(0 5356(1)









m6(0 5356(n s m ( n 51x3(0 53SWO 5356(0 5654(1) 535h(i) 5654(i) 5356(1) m6(n sss6(n 5356(c)(i) 5356(c)(d)(i)

... ... 4145 4145 4043(d)(e) 4043(d)(e) 4043 4043(d) 4043(0 4043(il 5356(0 5654(1l

4043~ 4043(d)(i) s356(cxd)(n 5356(cHd)(n 4043(d)(i) 4043(d)(i) 4043(d)(i) 535h(c)(d)(n


354 n.




414Xh) 4145 4145(c)(d)(h) 414XcKd) 4043(d) 4043(d)

4043~1 5356(c)(i) s3s6m 5356(D 5356(c)(i) 5356(c)(i) 535610 4043(d)(i)

3003. Alrlsd 3003


5154. 5254lbl


w31d) 5052, 5652(b) 4043(d) 50x3 5086 5154. 5254(b) 5454 4043Cd) 5456 MI, hoh3. 4145(c)(d) 6351. 6101. 6201. 6151. 695 I ~ 7 0 414Xc)Id) 7005(a). 7039. 4043(d) 710.0.71 I 0. 712.0 511 0 . si2.o. 513 0 , ~ 1 4 . 0 356 0. A356 0. 414S(c)(d) ~ 3 s 0i. 359.0. 4 1 3 . 0 . A444.0. 319.0. 333 0 .

6151.6351. 6951




4043(dKO 5356(c) 5356(cl 4043(d)

... 4043(d) 5654(i)

4 0 4 ~ ) s3wn 5 6 ~ 1 ) 5 6 ~ 1 ) 5356(c)(i) 5356(i) 5654(i) 5654(il sim(n m a n s3s6(n 5356(n 53SWO 5356(1) 5356(1) 5356(c)(i) 5356(i) 5654(i) 5354(b)(1) 5356(c)(i) 5356(i) 5554(c)(n ... ... m6(n S S S ~ ( ~ I ... ... ... 4043(d)(i) ...


. . . . . .


4043 4043 4043(d) 5356(0 5356(n 4043(d)(D

5W5. 5050

Aldad 3004

2219. 2519

2014, 2036


IOSO. 1350





IIoWcl 1188(g)


4043(n 4145




... 4043 4043(0

4043 4043(n


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... ... ... ..

. . . .

. . . .

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

s 3 s m m 6 ( n 4043wm 4043(n(i) ... 5356(0 5356(n 5654(b)Ic)(i) . . . . . . . . . . . . s 3 w n s183(n ... ... . . . . . . 5356(0 '..

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .


. . . . . . 4145(hl 4145(hl 2319(c)(dl(e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

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. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

(I)Seruiccvondifien\,uch~\immcnicin ~ n f r c ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ \ a l ~ w a t e r . e x p o \ u r c f o s p e c i f i c c h c m i c a l r . ~ , rhighlemperalvrelhipherthan aruslained 65'C.or 150'Flmaylimilchaircoffillcrmcfals Fillcralloyr5356. 5183.5556, and5654arrnolrccommndcdfor,u,laincd d-empcrwre w v ~ r c(2) Recammendaim\ ~nfhlr fahlc apply to gas-yhtclded arc welding prwesw, For $as welding. only I IM. 1188. and 4M1 filler m t a l s arc ordmanly used I31 All filler meld- are lirted in AWS spcctlicruon AS 10 I41 Wherc no filler metal d. the h a c m1.I nrmhinafim 1% not reccimmendedfor welding 1x1 Refer, Io 7MS ~ z l r u ~ i o n only s (X-preBr 31111 applies Io sheet and plrlcl Ih) Bale mclal nlloya 5652 And 5654 are u u d lor hydmgcn pemlidc wrvicc 5654 filler metal IS u r d lor welding h t h alloyli,rb~.lcmperalure\ervicc165~~.ur 151l'F.orklowl l ~ l 4 M Im a y h r u u d f o r ~ m e a p p l i r a l i o n sId14447 mayhru~cdforromeapplcalian~ 1 ~ 1 4 1 4 5maykuwdforlomcapplicalionr ln5183. 5356.or5556mayheuwd lgl I l M m a y hrusedfor~omeapplicalionr (h) ? 1 I Y may hr "red for wmc appplcrtmn\ ( I ) 51x3. 5356. 5554. 55%. or 5654 may k uicd In some ~ a < e rhcy b pmvlde Improved color match after ancdlzlng lrealmcnl. hophest weld qualmly. and hlgher weld strength 5554 IS wilahlc for clcvatcd-lcmpcrafurc icryicc I,) Fdlcr mu w h the wmc andlyw d* the bare metal 15 rumetimo u u d

Welding / 399 Wrought alloys usually have greater SCC resistance in the longitudinal orientation (direction of working) than in the transverse orientation or in the short-transverse orientation (through the thickness). Because of this, welding of the 7 m series alloys near a base metal edge may result in a tensile stress in the shorttransverse direction sufficient to cause SCC in the exposed edge. “Buttering” the edge with weld metal provides compressive stress at the edge and overcomesthe SCC problem. Finally, paint protection or metallizing with selected aluminum alloys can be used to reduce the general corrosion sensitivity of heat-treated aluminum weldments. Other joint characteristicsmay be of importance, depending on the service requkments of the welded assembly. These may include charactenstics that can affect the structural performance of the assembly, such as strength and roughness at the service temperature, as well as aesthetic qualities, such as joint color match after anodizing. Aluminum alloys are compatible with all hewn CIyogenics; base mtal strength and weld strength generally i n m e at cryogenic temperam (Ref 62 and 63). n e series hat-mt&le alloys, as well a the Work-hxdenable 5 m series alloys, display a good combination of strength and ductility at low temperatures. Alloy 2219 is used extensively for cryoge,,ic applications requiring high strength welaility. ofwelds in aluandgd kum days is definedas the ability of the joint to a~ energyby deformdon rather thm frata cammpfidy.~~m w u ~ e s ins aluhum alloy weids is typically not determineed by aqyimpact tests but may be -onably ob bed by tear 0T tension tests involving notched s*ns m e f a % ) . B& on results ofthese tests,welds 0f2219 md 7039 psess gd nokh alhou& it must also be maboned that welds representingthe w&&,,.dmable allays of the 5rn series also efibit gd tou&-



toums, WS.

Although the weld and base metal strengths of the heat-treatable aluminum alloys, particularly the 2ua series, fare well at elevated temperatures up to 150 “C (300 OF), caution must be observed when selecting filler alloys for welded assemblies functioning at these temperatures. ~ ~ ~ =.,ice ~for aluminum welds is usually defined as selvice at sustained temperatures abve 65 oc (150 O F ) . Sustained elevated-temperature service of welds containing high amounts of magnesium may result in increased sensitivity to SCC due to the formation of Mg2A13 at grain boundaries. Therefore, most welded applications involving sustained elevated-temperature service dictate the use of filler alloys that do not contain magnesium. An exception is the use of filler alloy 5554 (containing approximately 2.7% Mg) when welds of &mr series alloys at sustained elevated temperatures also require good color match after anodizing. rnically, 23 19 filler alloy is used in welds on 2m.x series base alloys that require good color match after anodizing. When good color match

after anodizing is desired for welds in the 6xxr or 7xm series base alloys, filler alloys of the S x x r series containing magnesium are used. High levels of silicon in the weld when using the 4n.x series filler alloys result in darkening of the fusion zone in comparison to the base metal after anodizing. Additional information on the cryogenicproperties of aluminum alloys (including weldments) can be found in the artick “Wrought Products” in this Volume.

Weldability of Non-Heat-Treatable ~



Non-heat-treatablealuminum alloys constitute a group of alloys that rely solely upon cold work and solid solution strengtheningfor their strength properties. They differ from heattreatable alloys in that they are incapable of forming second-phase precipitates for improved strength. As such, the non-heat-treatable alloys cannot achieve the high strengths characteristic of precipitation-hardenedalloys. For example, the yield strength of precipitation-hardened alloy 7075-T6 (505 MPa, or 73 ksi) is significantly greater than that of Coldworked and solution-strengthenedalloy 5083H32 (230 MP% Or 33 ksi). The absence of precipitate-forming elements in these low- to moderate-strengthnonheat-treatable alloys becomes a positive attribute when considering weldability, because many of the alloy additions needed for precipitation hardening (for example, copper plus magnesium, or magnesium plus silicon) can lead to liquation or hot cracking during welding. In addition, joint efficiencies are higher in non-heat-treatablealloys because the HAZ is not compromised by the coarsening or dissolution of precipitates. This obviates the need for thick joint lands or postweld heat treatment and favors the use of welded structu=S in the as-we1ded condition.


l Classification l ~ and ~ ~ Applications


Non-heat-treatable wrought aluminum al-~ ~ e d loys can be placed into one of three groups using standard Aluminum Association designations: Allornlnnh

AOor addition


A,(991pure) AI-Mn

3*u 5*u


Nominal compositions for common nonheat-treatable alloys are given in Tables 1 and 3. Temper designations for these alloys are described in the article “Alloy and Temper Designation Systems” in this Volume. The 1 xxx series, alloys are of commercial purity (>99% Al) and are used where ther-


mal/electrical conduction or corrosion resistance becomes paramount over strength in design considerations (for example, alloy 1100 is used for sheet metal work, fin stock, and chemical equipment). Alloys with purity levels greater than 99.5% are used for electrical conductors (for example, alloy 1350). The 3xxx series alloys are used in applications where strength and formability are needed along with excellent corrosion resistance (for example, alloy 3004 is used for sheet metal work, storage tanks, and beverage containers). Typical applications include cooking utensils, pressure vessels, and building products (siding, gutters, ~ ~ ~ and so on). These alloys get their strength from cold work and fine (Mn, Fe)& dispersoids that pin grain and subgrain boundaries. There is also a small degree of solid solution strengthening from both manganese and magnesium. The 5xxx series alloys are used in cases where still higher strengths are required, this strength is achieved from large quantities of magnesium in solid solution. More impomtly, magnesium p m o t e s work hardening by lowering the stacking fault energy, thus reducing the tendency for dynamic recovery. Applications for >mseries alloys include automobile and appliance him, ~ S W t vessels, ? m o r plate, and components for marine and cryogenic service. While these alloys normally exhibit good corrosion resistance, care must be taken during processing to avoid formation of continuous B-Mg3A12 precipitates at grain boundaries, which can lead to intergranularcorrosion. This can occur in heavily cold-worked, high-magnesium alloys exposed to temperatures from 120 to 2% ”C (250 to 390 OF). Alloy 5454 possesses the highest magnesium content suitable for sustained elevated temperatures and has become the standard alloy used for truck bodies for hot oil or asphalt applications, and for storage tanks for heated products. Cast Alloys. As shown in Table 3, sand, permanent-mold, and die castings from the k, 3 m , 4 m , 5 m , and 7nrx series make up the non-heat-treatable foundry alloys. Many of these materials are general-purpose alloys used for i items, ~ automotive ~ l household components, and marine applications. ~ ~ ~ Filler~Alloy Selection and Welding


Filler alloys used to join non-heat-treatable alloys are from the lxxr, 3 m , 4 m , and 5xxx series. Commonly used filler alloys include 1100, 1188, 4043, 4047, 5554, 5654, 5183, 5356, and 5556. Nominal compositionsfor selected filler alloys are included in Table 5. Selecting the best filler alloy for a given application depends on the desired performance relative to weldability, strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. In general, the filler alloy selected should be similar in composition to the base metal alloy. Thus, a lxw filler alloy is recommended for joining lxxr or 3xxr series base metal alloys. Similarly, 5xxr filer alloys



400 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys


~ i 23~ Plot . of hot cracking sensitivity versus magnesium content to show peak in susceptibility obtained for aluminum-magnesium (5xm)alloys. Source: Ref2

are used to join 5xuc series base metal alloys. An exception to this rule is encountered when weldability becomes an issue. Weldability of non-heat-treatable aluminum alloys can be measured in terms of resistance to hot cracking and porosity. Tables 11, 14, and 20 provide comprehensiveguides for filler alloy selection. Hot Cracking. problems wih hot -king are encounted when welding m d a highly constrained conditions or when welding Certain allays hat are hifly smptible to cracking. Such is h e else when welding 5 m alloys that have a low-mE magnesium content (1 to 2v2 wt% Mg) where, according to he m c k susceptibility curyepig. 23), a Peak in sqti,,ifity occuTs.To avoid m ~ g , of a high-magnesim filler alloy is recommended. Similar problems may be encountered when lxuc fillers m used to join sxucalloys (or vice versa), or when welding dissimilar metal alloys such as alloys 1100 and 5083, where mutual dilution may result in low magnesium levels. Electron-beam welding or laserbeam welding can also result in cracking when magnesium, a high-vapor-pressure alloying element, is boiled off. The problem is aggravated when welding in a vacuum environment. An example of a centerline hot crack produced when electron-beam welding alloy 5083 is shown in Fig. 24, where magnesium levels Were measured to be aPProximately3 wt% in the Vicinity of the cracky based On microProbe analysis. This was an autogenous weld made in a h a d vacuum (0.13 mPa, or lo4 torr). Another approach to be taken When hot Cracking persists iS to U s e 4xxX fillem. These aluminum-silicon alloys have exceptional resistance to cracking, due in part to their abundance of liquid eutectic available for back-filling (Ref 22). However, their use should be avoided when welding high-magnesiumalloys (>3 Mo)becauseofembnttlement from excessive Mg2Si precipitation. Other drawbacks include low joint ductility and nonmatching color when anodized. Weldability will improve with increased silicon content (for example, alloy 4047 versus alloy 4043), but the disadvantages discussed above will likewise become more predominant.


Porosity. Non-heat-treatable aluminum alloys are susceptible to hydrogen-induced weld metal poIosity, as are all aluminum alloys in genend.Thispomsityf m s during solidification due to the abrupt drop in hydrogen solubility when going from liquid to solid. Porosity can best be avoided by minimizing hydrogen pickup during welding. This can be accomplished through pp joint preparation (that is, removal of hydrocahns), use of high-grade (lowdew-point) shielding gas, and careful storage of filler wire (that is, protection from exposure to moisture and oil). It has been determind that welding filler W k iS Often the Primary Source Of hydrogen contamination. n e 5xxx series filler alloys, in ptkular, are smptible to the hydration of surface ofides, which canresult in pomity mef67). ~n summary, guidehes for filler alloy seledon when welding non-heat-treatable alloys are: B.Senwt.1


Im 3m 5moow-magnesium)

I-, 4I-, 4 m 5-*4ncr 5 m


Weld Properties When non-heat-treatablealloys are welded, microstructuraldamage is incurred in the HAZ. Unlike the case of heat-treatable alloys, whose strengthening precipitates may dissolve or coarsen, the HAZ damage in non-heat-treatable alloys is limited to recovev, recrystallization, and grain growth. Thus, loss in strength in the HAZ is not nearly as severe as that expenenced in heat-treatable alloys. (An example of this is shown in the hardness traverses of Fig. 18, where alloy 5456 is compared against alloys 6061 and 2219.) For this reason, 5 m series alloys are popular for use in welded pressure vessels where reasonable joint strengths can be obtained in the as-welded condition without the need for postweld heat treatment. The weld metal of non-heat-treatable aluminum alloys is typically the weakest part of

Fig. 24


Centerltrie hot crack produced in auto genous electron-beam welded alloy


the joint and is the location Of fai1ure when the joint is loaded in tension- mi' is in 'OnIrast to most heat-treatab1e aluminum alloys~where the HAZ Often is the weakest link. The we1d meta1 microstructure Of the non-heat-treatable al1oys consists Of co1umar9 epimia1 grains with a cellular Or columnar-dendritic substructure that has interdendritic eutectic conshme n w r i m a r i l ype9 Mn)Ab for lXwnand 3xrr al1oys; sifor 4nw al10ys; and Mg3A12 for 5xrr al1oys' Joint efficienciesfor several non-heat-treatab1e a11oys are 'Ompared in Tab1e 21 (Ref 68)' It should be noted *at joint efficiencyis hi@est for annea1ed plate (approaching loo%)and decreases COnliIlUOUSly with the degee Of cold working. Also shown in Table 21 is the effect Of cornpositionand 'Old w0* On plate proprties. The two 5xxw series alloys shown exhibit significant improvement in strength over lxrw and 3nw series alloys, a reflection on the strengthening ability of magnesium. Likewise, 5xrx-seriesalloys with higher magnesium contents have higher strength (for example, alloy 5083 versus alloy 5050). This same trend is observed for weld metal strength.For example, a weld made on high-magnesium alloy 5083 (4% Mg) is much stronger than a similar weld made on alloy 5050 (1% Mg). The correspondence between plate and joint strength does not apply to temper. For the high-magnesium alloy 5083 plate, no increase in joint strength is observed when welding an annealed versus a cold-workedtemper (see Table 21). Likewise, filler metal selection has little effect on joint strength, as shown in Table 21. However, it is clear that use of a 4xrx filler does result in ductility loss. Also, filler alloys high in iron, silicon, or manganese (for example, filler alloy 5 183) will have greater amounts of eutectic constituents, which will result in lower weld ductility. Even so, non-heat-treatable alloy welds exhibit significantly better ductility in comparison to similar heat-treatable welds. Example 1:Use of Welded Alloy 5083 in Ballistic Applications. An important application for heavy-gage alloy 5083 is the consmction of tactical military vehicles. The hulls and tune&

Welding / 401 Table 21 Effect of variations in temper and filler alloy on nonheat-treatablealuminum gas-metal arc weldment properties weld proprtks

Plate pmprtks


Ultimate tensile drength

Yield strength MPa


M h


Elongation in 50 mm (2 I".). %













3003-HI8 5050-0 5050-H32

I86 55 145

27 8 21

200 145 I72

29 21 25

4 24 9

5050-H38 5083-0 5083-H32

200 I45 228

29 21 33

22 1 290 317

32 42

6 22 16

Bar dloy and lernpr

(a) Joint efficiency

Filler alloy





I 100 4013 I 100 4043 I 100 5356 5356 4043 5356 5356 5356 5183

41 41 41 48 59 55 97 90 97 I45 I45 152

6 6 6 7 8.5 8 14 13 14 21 21 22

93 90 90 91 I IO 145 I59 I52 I62 283 276 300

13.5 13 13 13.2 16 21 23 22 23.5 41 40 43.5

to weld thick-section aluminum a m o r

and alloy composition. Butt-welded specimens are shuck no more than 13 mm (1/2 in.) from the weld centerline. Comer joints are struck so that the center of the impact projectile is within 50 f 13 mm (2 f % in.) from the weld toe on its back side. Welds are considered acceptable when the total length of cracking generated is less than 305 mm (12 in.). An offset double-V configuration of the butt joint is commonly used in ballistic applications (Fig. 25). This results in solid metal backing for both welds and allows for a slip fit between adjoining plates, thereby Simplifying the fitup of large, heavy plates.

Weldability of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys of Army vehicles such as the M113 armored personnel canier, & infantry and MVairy fighting vehicles, the MI@ self-propeled howitzer, and tfie Marine Corps MV7A am$&all consist of welded 5083 a l h u m structures. 'Ihere are also a myriad of k k m , clips, and so on, welded to & hulls and m, although not normally fabricated to ballistic requirements. Aluminum alloys considered for w e as amor include alloys 5083,7039, and 2519. Alloys 7039 and 2519 are weldable and heat-treatable, capable of yield strengths exceding 330 MPa (48 ksi). However, alloy 2519 weldments have failed rigorous ballistic shock tests (MIL-STD-1946, discussed below), even though the base material exhibits excellent ballistic and mechanical properties. Alloy 7039 possesses superior ballistic properties compared to alloy 5083, but it suffers from atendency to delaminate and toexhibit SCC. Alloy 5083 weldments have passed ballistic weld tests, and they possess the necessary resistance to corrosion. IntheMIL-STD-l946ballistictest,aweldment is subjected to impact by a blunt-nose 75 mm (3 in.) aluminum projectile, fired at a velocity specified amording to m a thichess ~




uonptbn in 50 n m (2 in.). %

Jdni %(a)

100 100 81 83 55 100 92 88 73 98 87 95

23 21 20 17


20 14.5 I5 14.5 17 16 12

= (UTS of weld)/(UTS of plate). where UTS stands for ultimate tensile strength.

~ i 25~ Offset . double\/ joint configuration used plate


lenaik strength

Ykld strenglh

Aluminum-lithium alloys constitute the most recently developed group of high-performance wrought aluminum alloys intended for use primarily in aircraft and aerospace structures. Because aluminum alloys account for a large portion of the structural weight of most aerospace structures, designers can use the higher elastic modulus, lower density, and, in some cases, higher strength and fracture toughness of aluminum-lithium alloys to red u e structural weight. Another bendit is that the use of aluminum-lithium alloys does not require changes in manufacturing equipment, design methods, Or fabrication techniques. In Particular, aluminum-lithiumalloys have been found to be readily weldable, a characteristic

that is uncommon with other high-strengthaluminum alloys such as 7075 and 2024. The purpose of this section is t~ w i d e a guide to the welding of aluminum-fithium& loys that are now available commercially. Tabular data are provided for alloy composition, density, and modulus; tensile properties of plate; and tensile prope!ties of weldments. There is limited information in the open literature regardingmany of the newer alloys; therefore, some of these tables are incomplete. Weld properties are also characterized in terms of aging ESpOnSe, micrOstruCture, and corrosion resistance.Additional information on the weldability of aluminum-lithium alloys can be found in Ref 69 and 70. The physical metallurgy and properties of these materials are also des&w in the article66Aluminum-Lithium Alloys" in this Volume.

commercial Alloys Classification. Aluminum-lithium alloys can be divided into two groups: aluminum-lithiummagnesium temary and aluminum-fithiumcopper-magnesium quaternary alloy systems. 'These alloy grwps are shown ~ h e m a h dYin l Fig. 26 with accompanying &Y designaths and primary strengthening phases associated with each alloy. In addition to the ~ljd-solution shmgthening effects of alloying additions, tfie important Stzmgthening phases 6' (A*), S" ( & ~ g ) .and Ti (&w) are formed upon aghg and a ~ dependent e on alloy tmqmiticm (Ref 71,72).

Table 22 Nominal compositions and selected properties ofaluninum-li&iun alloys COWOdhI.


01420 8090 2091 2090




2.0 2.5 2.0 2.3 1.3 1.3






2.7 4.7 . 4.3 4,0


5.3 1.0 1.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 o.4

la) Bvlwrc aluminum. smw Ref 71-73





o.lo 0.12 0.14 0.14 o.14

Modrlm d -MY


0 t h




0.5 Mn

2.47 2.54 2.58 2.57 2.71

0.089 0.091 0.093 0.093 0.098

73.8 79.3 77.9 78.6 77.9




... ... ...

0.4Ag 0.4 Ag o.4 Ag





10.7 11.5 11.3 11.4 11.3

... ...


~ p . + d ~ 3 29.9 31.2 30.2 .30.6 28.7



402 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

' .

~ i 27~ Trans-Varestraint . weldabilitydataforalu~ i 26~ Schematic . of ternary and quaternary aluminum-lithium alloy systems showing primary strengthening

minum alloys. Source: Ref87

phases and corresponding commercial alloy designations

Table 23 Longitudinal tensile properties of aluminum-lithiumalloy plate AUoy andtemper

0142-T6 8090-T6 2091-T8 2090-T8 2195-T8

_ _ ksi _ Ultimate ~ strrngth MPa ksi

-. Yield strenghth



41 62 64 75 86

429 440 518 585

460 504 480 559 612

67 73 70 81 90


75 76 77 78 79

Properties. Of the specific alloy compositions shown in Table 22 (Ref 71-73), the high copper-magnesium ratio of alloy 2090 and the Weldalite 049 family of alloys(2094,2095,2195) results in the precipitation of Ti, which is the most potent strengthening phase in this alloy system (Ref 72-74). Accdingly, these alloys possess higher yield strengths than Other aluminum-lithium alloys (Table 23). At lower copper-magnesium ratios, the phase is favored and lower strengths are achieved (e.g., alloys 8090 and 2091). In the absence of copper the 6' phase becomes predominanC resulting in even lower strength (e.g., Soviet alloy 01420). Density increases with copper content and decreases with lithium and magnesium contents; thus, alloy 01420 has the lowest density and the Weldalite 049 alloys have the highest densities. The elastic modulus tends to increase with lithium contenc alloys 8090 and 2090 have the highest moduli in the aluminum-lithiumcopper-magnesium alloy



Zmonium is added to most aluminum-lithium alloys to form F-Al3Zr or d-A13(Zr,Li) dispersoids; these dispersoids serve to inhibit recrystallizationand nucleate the 6' phase, giving improved strength and toughness (Ref 7 1, 80,231). However, the presence of these dispersoids also leads to an inherent tendency toward texturing and subsequent anisotropic behavior (Ref 82). The p' phase may also act to promote grain refinement during solidification in both ingots and welds (Ref 83). Silver is added to

the Weldalite 049 alloys to assist in precipitate nucleation (Ref 70). Applications. Because of their good weldability, high strength, and accompanying high' fracture toughness, the Weldalite 049 alloyshave been considered as candidates to replace alloy 2219 in welded propellant tank applications, for example, the Space Shuttle externaltank (Ref 82, 84). In this case, the weight savings gained from using a high-strength alloy (enabling the use of thinner sections) allows for a larger launch payload, which, in turn, offsets any additional cost in material. Weight savingscan also be achieved by taking advantage ofthe high specific modulus of aluminum-lithium alloys (8090 and 2090 in particular) for usein stiffenedor compression-loaded s m m s .~ l8090lhas &n ~ successfully ~ used in a welded tubular structure consmcted with over 400 manual welds ( ~ e 85). f F ~ &amlications may include welded sl& -mblies for space launch vehicles and oha cmpressionloadedsmctures.

Filler Alloy Selection and Welding Problems Filler A'loy Selection' Fi11er metal al10ys used to join aluminum-1ithium alloys are se1ected to give ampale weldability and, at the same time*to Optimizemechanical properties- comPOsitions Of standard fiuer alloys Used for Joining aluminum-lithium alloys listed in Tab1e 5 . Alloy 2319 has typically been Used to .bin the highcoFalloYs(e.g.~allOYS2090,2094,2095, and 2195). ~ W c O p P e r high-ma@esium , alloys (e& alloy 8090) Call for the U s e Of a high-mqnesium filer metal such as alloy 5356. Alloys that a~ diffcult to weld (e&, alloy 2091) q u k the use Of an aluminum-silicon filler metal such as alloy 4043. Aluminum-silicon filler metal alloys provide excellent weldability, but they are not normally used due to their characteristic low toughness and low ductility and their inability to


respond to aging. Experimental aluminum-lithium filler metal alloys show promise for applications where high fillermetal dilutionsare required (Ref86). In a recent weldability study, a transVarestraint test was used to compare aluminum-lithium alloys (Ref 87). Tests were performed using an applied strain of OS%, appropriate filler metal alloys at 30% filler dilution, and a gas-tungsten arc welding process operated at welding currents selected to achieve constant penetration for each alloy tested. Results of this study are shown in Fig. 27; alloy 2219 appears to be the most weldable and alloys 2090 and 2094 the least weldable of those alloys investigated. However, extensive weld development programs (Ref 78, 82, and 88) have demonstrated that these aluminumlithium alloys can be easily welded in practice with little concern for cracking. Weldability tests Can provide a relative r a h g among alloys; they cannot be used to predict real-world behavior. As shown in Fig. 28, the weldability of alloys 2090 and 2094 can be impmved using high-silicon filler metal alloys (e.g., alloy 4047), although this is not normally deemed necessaly or desirable (Ref 87, 89). Figure 28(b) shows that the use of a 2319 filler metal results in less cracking than a 4043 filler metal when welding alloy 2090. The same is not true when welding alloy 2094 (Fig. 28a). Alloy 2090 is much leaner in copper than alloy 2094, and thus it responds more to the use of a highcopper filler metal alloy. It should be noted that results from two different weldability tests are displayed in Fig. 28, and the magnitude of cracking is different for each test. Porosity. Weld metal porosity can f m in aluminum alloys when nonatomic hydrogen is partitioned intedendritically during solidification. A sufficient amount of hydrogen must be partitioned so that the hterdendritic liquid becomes supersaturated, thus increasing the drive for pore nucleation. In order for diatomic gas pores to f m , pre nuclei must overcome atmos-

Welding / 403

Fig. 29

Pumphr~-Moorecracking index based on castability data obtained from aluminum-copper-magnesium alloys. Source: Ref 87

Of hydrated Oxides (Ref 92). Thus, preweld joint prepmtion requires special attention to avoid Porosity* A thornugh rem0val Of mi11 sca1e at the we1d joint, by meanS Of dry machining Or chemical miuing, is requird. In a review of Soviet literature (Ref 69), it was rePmed that a marked drop in Porosity in alloy 01420 weldments could be achieved by removing 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) from the joint surface prior to welding. It has become common practice in the welding of all aluminumlithium alloys to dry machine approximately 0.25 mm (0.01in.) off abutting surfaces as well as top and bottom plate surfaces, 25 to 50 mm (1 to 2 in.) from the centerline, on both sides of the joint. It is also considered good practice to ~ i28~ Weldability . data showing the improved weld within a few hours of machining and to resistance to hot crackingobtained when degrease immediately prior to welding. using an aluminum-silicon filler alloy. (a) TransAnother factor affecting weld quality and Varestraint test data for alloy 2094 weldments. porosity entrapment is the weld cover gas, Source: Ref 87. (b) Inverted-tee test data for alloy 2090 weldments. Source: Ref 8 9 which is typically argon, helium, or a mixture of the two. It has been determined that low levels of oxygen impurity (less than 300 ppm) must be maintained to produce acceptable pheric pressure, surface tension, and liquid head welds in alloy 2090 (Ref 93). In this same pressure (Ref 90). Lithiurncontaining aluminum study, normal welding-grade bottled gas was alloysexhibit ahigher than n o d propensity for found to vary from between 100 and 300 ppm weld metal porosity, although this does not a p 0. Thus, in-line gas purifiers (getter or sieve pear to be due to any inherent thermodynamic type) or oxygen sensors at the welding torch fithimhas been shown to inthe may be necessary if shielding gas of consissolubilityofhydrogeninal~~forbothsolidtently high quality cannot be supplied. Also, and liquid phases such that less hydrogen is par- when making through-thicknesswelds, as in a t i t i o d during solidification in comparisonwith keyhole welding process, backside shielding other al-m alloys (Ref 91). 7he o b d must be used to prevent excessive oxidation tendency to form porosity in aluminum-lithium and the Occurrence of porosity. Hot cracking occurs when low-melting, eualloys may, however, be due to higher initial amounts ofhydrogen in the weld pool, making it tectic liquid films are tom apart at the trailing easier to reach the threshold concentration edge of the weld pool during solidification. The hot mcking susceptibility of any aluminum-lithneeded for pore nucleation. Hydrogen can enter the weld pool from the ium alloy, or any aluminum alloy in general, base plate, from hydrated oxides or hydrocar- appearsto be related to its copperand magnesium born on the plate surface, and from moisture in contents and may involve an alumhumcopperthe shielding gas. Similar in behavior to alumi- magnesium eutectic (Ref 22). Alloys with high num-magnesium alloys, aluminum-lithium al- copper and low magnesium (e.g., alloy 2219) are loys are particularly susceptibleto the formation weldable,as are alloys with low copper and high


magnesium (e.g., alloy 5083).It is alloys containing large amounts of both copper and magnesium-for example, conventional high-strength aerospace alloys such as 2024 and 7075-that present problems with weldability. With aluminum-lithium alloys, the formation of strengthening precipitates such as Ti does not require large quantitiesof both copperand magnesium without compromising strength. The relationship between copper and magnesium contents and weldability is demonstrated in the weldability index of Fig. 29. This index was obtained by superimposingmodem alloy compositions on an existing crack susceptibility (castability) diagram generated by Pumphrey and Moore in 1948 for aluminumcopper-magnesium ternary alloys (Ref 26). In Fig. 29, it is predicted that aluminum-lithium alloys with high copper and low magnesium contents (e.g., alloys 2094 and 2090) should have good weldability. On the other hand, alloy 2091, an aluminum-lithiumalloy with intermediate amounts of both copper and magnesium, is predicted to be less weldable. Weldability predi&ons made uskgthis index do not account for the effect lithium has on copper or , magnesium solubility, nor do they account for the use of filler alloys to modify weld metal composition. Nevertheless, this index has proven useful in aluminum-li.ium base metal and filler alloy development by trends in weldability behavior with variations in alloy composition^

Weld Properties Joint Strength. Although the tensile properties Of m y Wrought alumhum-lithium alloys are exceptionally high, the strength of the welded joints in these alloys is limited by the strength of the solidified weld metal. Even though joint strengths are higher than those found in conventional aluminum alloys, joint efficiencies on the order of 50% are to be expected for the highStrength alumhum-lithium alloys. A comparison of gas-tungsten arc, variable polarity plasma arc, and gas-metal arc weldment properties for aluminum-lithium alloys, taken from numerous sources, is given in Table 24. AUoy 2094 is found to have the highest joint strength (372 MPa, or 54 ksi, ultimate strength), which corresponds to a 38% improvement over alloy 22 19 weldments (269 MPa, or 39 ksi, ultimate strength) (Ref 78). Alloy 01420 is found to have the lowest weld strength (241 MPa, or 35 ksi, ultimate strength). Highenergydensity welding processes have also been used successfully to join aluminum-lithium alloys. Electron-beam welding has been used to join alloys 8090,2090, and 2094; tensile strengthresults for electron-beam weldments are given in Table 25. Typically, a slight improvement in strength above arc welding properties is to be expected because of a finer microstructure,narrower fusion zone, and

404 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Table 24 Transverse tensile properties for arc welded aluminum-lithiumweldments in the aswelded condition A W and temper

01420-T6 2mTX

8090-T8 2wT8










5356 2319

103 165

15 24

241 248

35 36

94 95


2319 2319 5356 5356 5356 2319 2319

165 207 179 193 186

24 30 26 28 27



283 234 310 2% 276 352 372

41 34 45 43 40 51 54

78 89 95 95 96 97 98












attributed to the formation of the equilibrium 6 ( m i ) phase and resulted in severe pitting in the HAZ. In contrast, a 2090-type alloy showed a continuously increasing (cathodic) potential when going from base metal to weld metal and was resistant to pitting attack. This behavior was attributed to the absence of the 6 phase due to a highercopper-lithiumratio.

Weldability of Dispersion-Strengthened Alloys

Conventional high-strength aluminum alloys produced via ingot metallurgy (I/M) processing contain precipitate particles that interact measured for alloy 2090 gas-tungsten arc (dual with moving dislocations, thus providing high Table 25 Transverse tensile properties torch, variable polarity) weldments using a sur- strength at room temperature. However, when for electron-beam-welded aluminumface crack tension test. ICIcvalues increasing these alloys are exposed to elevated temperalithium alloys in the as-welded condition from 30 M P a 6 at room temperature to 34 tures, the precipitate particles undergo dissoluUltimate sirenpn M P a 6 at 73 K have been reported, which is tion and/or coarsening, thereby reducing the Alloy and temper Ref an improvement over similar measurements strength of the base alloy. This behavior preMPa ksi 99 for alloy 2219 (19 to 24 M P a G ) (Ref 97). It dudes the use of these alloys forelevated-tem317 46 8090-T6 2090-T8 89 should be noted that these are not plane-strain Perature applications. In recent Years, a h n c e s 324 47 2094-T8 434 63 'O toughness values, and magnitude is sensitive to in two broad P/M technologies-rapid solidifiprecrack geometry. * cation (RS) and mechanical alloying (mechaniFatigue. fitial results from an ongoing study cal attrition)-have enabled the development involving alloy 2095 weldments (Ref 105) have of a new family of high-strwth aluminum better response to natural aging. Similarly, shown that fatigue growth resistance is higher in alloys for elevated-temperature applications. good results from laser-beam-welded alloy both the weld and HAZ when compd with the Processing, properties, and applications of 2090 have been reported (Ref 100,101). base metal. F~~ precracks placed in the HAZ, these advanced aluminum alloys are described Postweld Aging. The MWahte 049 alloys thereis a tendency forcracks to grow to thefusion in the article "Powder Metallurgy Alloys" in have been observed to naturally age in both the line, where the fatigue crack growth rate is thisVo1ume. weld metal and the HAZ. It is important to wait a These new high-strength P/M aluminum alpm. ~nboth the weld metal and HAZ (unconSufficienttime (typically 30 days) between weld- strainedcondition), thegeneraltendency is for the loys depend primarily on dispersion strengthing and proof or tensile testing to allow for pre- fatifle crack growth rate to in=e with increas- ening. Unlike the precipitate particles in I/M cipitate stabilization, thereby ensuring accurate aluminum alloys, the dispersoid particles resist -C ' 'On Of joint P F d e S . In addition, ing stress ratio (OmuJOmax). dissolution and/or coarsening when the alloys Microstructure.The high strength of alupostweld solution heat treatment and artificial are exposed to elevated temperatures. In addiminum-lithium weld metal is due to a combinaaging,dthough not practid for large smcms, tion to high strength, these dispersion-strengthhave been found to significantly inthe tion of fine grain size and precipitate formation. ened aluminum alloys exhibit light weight, Strength O f highcOpPer alloy gaS-tWlpSkIl X C This unexp1ained tendency for fme grains' as appreciable ductility, excellent fracture toughweldments; by using t h e postweld treatments, s~ as p in dimeta (quiaxd)9 has &' ness, and resistance to S c C (Ref 111). These an ultimatetensilestrength of 400 Mpa (58 hi) noted elsewhere (Ref 106).constitutiond under- alloys also exhibit coefficients of thermal exhas been ob&ed with dOy 2090 (Ref 102)and C W b g by lithium has been d e d Out aS apossible pansion and galvanic properties comparable to cilllse lo7). ThetensilehOf alloy 2094 510 MPa (73 ksi) with alloy 2094 (Ref 103). those of conventional structud aluminum alDuctility and Toughness. If the weld met- we1dments has been found to be intewu1ar~ loys (Ref l l l). In view of the above properties, al is significantly lower in m n g t h than the base associated with a band Of fine grains located these dispersion-strengthened aluminum allo8)*Based On loys are considered candidate materials to remetal, when the weldment is plastically de- along the fusion line (Ref formed, most of the Strain will be concentrated in phase equilibria, t~~ eutectic constituents are place conventional high-strength aluminum the weld metal. Such is the case for high-strength likely to be present in aluminum-lithium-coPFr alloys and titanium alloys used in the manufacaluminum-lithium alloys, where hardness trav- Weld metal: e (A2a) and TB (Al15cwi2) (Ref ture of selected aerospace components such as e m s for both alloy 2090 and 2094 have con- lO9).We1d metal precipitates 6' and P' have been fan and compressor cases, vanes and blades in firmed a steep gradient in strength in the HAZ identified in al1oY 2090 in the %-Weldedcondi- gas turbine engines, and fins, winglets, and between weld metal and base metal (Ref 97,104). tion, and Platelike @PihteS, believed to be T1. rocket motor cases of missiles (Ref 112). Use %idly, joint ductility m e a s u r e d over a 50 mm have been observed upon aging (Ref 102). of these alloys is expected to increase the Corr~ion.A study involving cormion Po- thrust-to-weight ratio of gas-turbine engines (2 in.) gage length will be 2 to 4% even though the actual weld metal ductility approaches 10 to tentid measurements taken across Wekhents and allow significant improvements in the per(through base metal, HAZ, and weld metal) has formance characteristics of advanced aircraft 12%. e m aluminum-lithium alloy com- and weapons systems. Fracture toughness is an important criterion idenfified c High-strength aluminum alloys produced in the design of welded tanks for aerospace positions as being susceptible to galvanic attack applications. Also, an increase in toughness in a saline envknment (Ref 110). In PmiCUlar, via RS-P/M technology are primarily based on with decreasing temperature is particularly de- two experimentalalloys with high lithium content hypereutectic aluminum-iron compositions, alwelded with either though other alloys based on aluminumsirable for cryogenic tanks because it allows (2.9 wt% Li and 3.0 wt% a), proof testing to be performed at room tempera- 2319 or 4043 fillers, displayed a n m w region chromium-zirconium, aluminum-manganese, ture, a much more feasible and economical within the HAZ that was highly anodic to both aluminum-titanium, and aluminum-beryllium procedure. Weld toughness values have been base metal and weld metal. This behavior was systems are also under various stages of devel(a) GTAW,gas-tungsten arc welding;VPPAW, variable-polarity plasma a rc welding; GMAW, gas-metal arc welding




Welding / 405 Table 26 Chemical compositions of dispersion-strengthened aluminum-base alloys produced by RS-P/M Nominal chemical composition, wt9o

AI-8Fe-I .7Ni AI-8.4Fe-3.7Ce AI-9Fe-4Ce (AA8019 alloy) AI-9Fe-7Ce AI-IOFe-5Ce AI-8.5Fe-I .3V-I .7Si (AA8009 alloy) AC11.7Fe-1.2V-2.4Si (FVS 1212 alloy) AMFe-2.3Mo AI-8.7Fe-2.8Mo-1 V


Alcoa Alcoa Alcoa Alcoa Alcoa AlliedSignal Inc. AlliedSignal Inc. Pratt & Whitney Pratt & Whitney

opment and/or evaluation. The dispersionstrengthened aluminum alloys produced via mechanical alloying contain a fine distribution of oxides, oxynitrides, and/or carbides in a fine-grain a-aluminum matrix. The a-aluminum matrix may additionally be strengthened by solid-solution strengthening or work hardening. Although many dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloys produced via mechanical alloying do not exhibit strength comparable to that of the conventional high-strength I/M aluminum alloys at room temperature, these alloys exhibit a minimal decrease in strength with increasing temperature. Although a variety of fusion welding and solid-state welding processes and techniques are available to join the conventional I/M aluminum alloys, several weldability issues, including the absence of compatiblefiller metals, preclude the application of many Conventional welding processes and methodologies to the joining of dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloys. In particular, weldability issues related to weld solidification behavior, formation of hy&ogen-induc& porosity in the weid zone, and high-tempmture deformation behavior of these alloys affectthe selection and application of both fusion and solid-state welding processes. ~nview of the limited number of publications available on the weldability and metallurgical response of this broad class of alloys, this section refers exclusively to the metallurgy and weldability of alloys based on the aluminum-iron system that are produced using various RS-P/M processing techniques.

Metallurgy of RS-P/M Aluminum-Iron-Base Alloys Table 26 shows a list of selected dispersionstrengthened aluminum-iron-base alloys produced via RS-P/M processing. These alloys contain ternary and quaternary additions of transition and m e eafi metals such as molybdenum, nickel, cerium, vanadium, and silicon. These alloy additions exhibit low solid-solubility and low solid-state diffusivity in a-aluminum (Ref 113). and consequently they tend to form thermally stable dispersoid particles. However, these alloy compositions are chamcterized by a wider freezing range (typically in excess of 300 “C, or 540 O F ) than most aluminum alloys. Conventional I/M processing of these compositions produces equilibrium or

~ i 30~ Microstructure . of three representative RS-PIM aluminum-iron-base alloys. (a) Light micrograph of

AA8009 alloy. (b)TEM micrograph ofAA8009 alloy. Source: Ref 11 8. (c)AC8.4Fe-3.7Ce alloy. Source: Ref 119. (d)AI-9Fe3Mo-1 V alloy. Source: Ref 120

near-equilibrium microstructures containing coarse AI3Fe-type primary intermetallic particles in a coarse a-aluminum matrix. Such microstructures exhibit poor ductility and cannot be used for Structural engineering appliCatiOnS. In Contrast, RS processing of these novel chemistries ~~ppresses the formation of A13Fetype primary intermetallic particles. It instead produces particulates exhibiting refined metastable microstructures, such as an Al-AbFetype microeutectic and/or a solute-supersaturated dendritic aluminum. In other words, RS processing conditions produce refined hypoeutectic-type microstructuresfrom hypereutectic melts. The Occurrence of these metastable hypoeutectic-type microstructures is attributed to the following two characteristicsof RS processing techniques: (a) subdivision of the melt into particulates isolates potential nucleans and produces nucleant-freeparticulates that undergo nonequilibrium solidification (Ref 114); and (b) the rapid cooling rate does not provide sufficient reaction time for a potential nucleant to produce the equilibrium microstructure (Ref 115). Subsequent thermomechanical processing of the rapidly solidified particulatesproduces a consolidated product with a unique “engineered” microstructure consisting of submicron-size dispersoid particles in an extremely fine-grain ( 4 pm) a-aluminum matrix. Dur-

ing thermomechanical processing, the as-solidified hypoeutectic microstructures undergo solid-state phase transformations and produce fine dispersoid particles in an a-aluminum ma&. These particles result from the low-quilibrium solid-solubility limit of the alloy addition, and they consist of both the stable, %on-sheamble,” incoherent 8 (A13Fe-type) dispersoid particles and metastable, “shearable,” partially coherent 8’ (AI3Fe-type) dispersoid particles. The ternary and quaternary alloy additions promote the formation of complex metastable and stable dispersoid particles, and they reduce the surface fnx energy or the lattice misfit between the dispersoidparticles and the a-aluminum matrix (Ref 111, 113,116, and 117). The partially coherent particles exhibit a spherical morphology and provide excellent resistance to fracture or crack initiation. These microstructural features provide excellent thermal stability and superior mechanical propexties, including high strength and ductility, both at mom temperature and at elevated temperatures up to 345 “C (650 OF). Because RS-P/M processing results in microstructures finer than the resolution limit of light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy 0is often required to resolve the distribution and morphology of the microstructural constituents. Figures 30(a) and (b) compare a light micrograph of alloy AA8009 with a TEM

406 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys micrograph. Figures 3qc) and (d) show the ' E M micrographs of Al-8Fe-4Ce and AI-9Fe3Mo-1V alloys. The volume fraction of the dispersoid particles in these representative alloys typically ranges from 15 to 35%.

Weld Solidification Behavior The application of high-strength dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloys in the manufacture of SPecifc aerospace structural components, where weight savings are critical for mission range and performance, will require the application of welding processes and procedures that optimize weld joint efficiency and minimize weld reinforcement. Because the high strength of the base alloy is due to the unique engineered microstructure obtained through RS-P/M processing, welding processes and procedures must re-create high-performance microstructures similar to the base alloy microstructures, and/or retain the superim base alloy microstructurein the weld zone. Since the wide freezing range of these alloys will tend to promote hypereutectic solidifkation and equilibrium or near-equilibrium microstructures, fusion welding conditions that promote RS or hypoeutectic-typesdidification within the fusion zone will be required to recreate high-performancemicrostructuresin the fusion zone. Welding conditions (such as high energy density and minimum energy input) that increase the temperature gradients in both the fusion zone and the HAZ and increase the overall weld cooling rate, will be required to minimize the widths of the partially melted region and the HAZ. Such welding conditions can be expected to facilitate the occurrence of plane front solidification, promote microstructural refining in the fusion zone, and minimize the extent of microstructural coarsening in the HAZ. Alternatively, fusion welding conditions that provide minimum energy density and a shallow temperature gradient in the fusion zone can be expected to produce a wider HAZ and a wider partially melted region near the fusion boundary with the base metal. Depending on the local solidification conditions, this partially melted region can solidify to an equilibrium or nearequilibrium structure containing coarse intermetallic Particles in a coarse-grain a-aluminum matrix. c o w intermetallic Particles can be expect4 to localize stress concenbations, thereby reducing the ductility and fracture toughness Of the weldment.Adi~tributionofcoarseintermetallic~articks can also be expect4 to be less effective at strengthening the matrix, especially at d e vated temperatures.

hydrogen content of the base alloy. Hydrogen content in excess of 1 mL/lOO g of aluminum is believed to produce excessive fusion zone porosity. Porosity in the fusion zone often reduces weld static strength and fatigue properties. Porosity occurs in aluminum alloy fusion welds mainly due to the rejection of hydrogen during weld solidification. It is related to the presence of hydrogen in the base alloy, filler metal, and the atmosphere and to the high ratio of solubility of hydrogen absorbed in the weld to the solubility limit of hydrogen at the melting point. The dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloys produced via RS-P/M processing often exhibit a residual hydrogen content in excess of 1 to 5 mL/100 g of aluminum and therefore show an increased tendency to form fusion zone porosity. Depending on the specific RS processing technique employed to produce the dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloy, the surface of the rapidly solidified particulates forms oxide layers to varying deg m s (Ref 113, 116). During subsequent consolidation and handling, these surface oxides tend to hydrate. Decomposition of these hydrated oxides during fusion welding produces porosity in the weld fusion zone. Additionally,, these oxides may serve as heterogeneous nucleation sites during fusion zone solidification, thereby limiting the extent of undercooling and promoting hypereutectic solidification conditions and the formation of equilibrium microstructures. Controlling the Hydrogen Content. Three approaches are available to control the residual hydrogen content in RS-P/M aluminum alloys:

. Use vacuum or other completely inert proc-

. .

essing steps during RS processing and consolidation. Degas the rapidly solidified particulates prior to consolidation,either in vacuum or in other inert camer gases (depuritive treatmen&). Degas the consolidated product (diffusion considerations normally restrict this treatment to sheets and plates) prior to fusion welding.

The use of vacuum or other complete inert processing stepsduring RS processing and consolidation will minimize the formation of surface oxides and thereby control consequent hydrate formation. Degassing of either the rapidly solidified particulates or the consolidated products is aimed at removing or reducing the residual hydrogen to an acceptable level, preferably below 1 m1/100 g of aluminum. The critical factors that contribute to effective degassing anr: temperatm. time, environment, and the product size and shape. Degassing treatments are effective only at temperahms in excess of 530 to 550 "C (990 to 1020 O F ) . Unfortunately, the use of such high Hydrogen-Induced Fusion Zone t e m p e m s often decomposes the metastable Porosity base alloy microstructure and/or promotes microstructural coarsening, thereby irreversibly deThe weldability of the dispersion-strength- grading the mechanical properties of the base ened aluminum alloys is also limited by the material (Ref 121).

Alternatively, despite a higher hydrogen content in the RS-P/M aluminum-base alloy, the occurrence of fusion zone porosity can be minimized by using welding techniques that increase the total pressure during welding. Since the equilibrium solubility of hydrogen in molten aluminum is governed by Sievert's law, the solubility of hydrogen in aluminum near the boiling point of aluminum can be decreased by reducing the partial pressure of hydrogen (that is, by increasing the total pressure). Depending on the specific characteristics of the fusion welding process, welding techniques that provide increased total pressure will reduce the partial pressure of hydrogen in the welding atmosphere and thereby reduce the level of fusion zone porosity. Increased total pressure is also believed to minimize the nucleation of hydrogen bubbles (Ref 122). However, such welds will contain excessive hydrogen, either in solution or as fine-size pores not detectableusing conventionalnondestructive evaluation techniques. Selection of Welding Processes. T h e above weldability considerations show that RSP/M aluminum-base alloys charactenzed ' by a low residual hydrogen content (lo6 W/mm2) welding condition overlap region of the weld zone showed micro- showed that the transverse weld joint e%- structures very similar to those observed in the ciently could be improved to 100% (Ref 127). EB welds, albeit on a structurally finer scale.


Welding / 409

~ i 35~ AI-AI,Fe .

~ i 37~ AI-AI,Fe .

pseudobinary phase diagram illustrating the sequence of solidification events leading to the formation of Type A microstructure. Source: Ref 128

pseudobinary phasediagram illustrating the sequence of solidification events leading to the formation of Type C microstructure. Source: Ref 128

(Ref 128).Aweld solidificationanalysis b& on this premise showed that the subsequent microstrucerature developmentwithin thefusion zoneoccurs as one ofthe follo-g three differenttypes, depending on local thmal conditions-m~pally cooling rate and temperature dientthat in tum depend on weldkg pr-s condition and parameters:

. Type A: AbFe-type intermetallic particles in a matrix ofdendritic a-alu-um with inter. ~ i 36~ AI-AI,Fe . pseudobinary phase diagram illustrating the sequence of solidification events leading to the formation of Type B microstructure. Source: Ref 128 The low overall weld energy input resulted in a narrow HAZ with the base metal and only minimal structural coarsening (Ref 129,130).

Development of Weld Microstructure.

The occurrence of different types of weld mne microstructures and significant differences in weld mechanical p r o m e s underscore the effects of welding process conditions and parameters on weld microstructure development. Specifically, distinct variations in the morphology and population density of the intermetallic particles within the weld zone occur as the weld energy input is decreased and/or as the energy density (power density) is increased. An analysis based on peak temperature distribution during fusion welding indicated that despite the use of high-energydensity welding processes, these welds likely contained undissolved base metal dispersoid particles within the bulk fusion zone

dendritic lamellar or divorced eutectic Type B: Al3Fe-type intermetallic particles that act as growth centers for dendritic aalu-um with intedendritic lamellar or divorced eutectic Type C ; AkFe-type intermetallic particles entrap@ in a matrix of dendritic a-al-num with interdendritic divorced eutectic

Depend~g on local weld solidificationcon& tiom, the above three types of m i m t r u m can be o h & at differentregions within the same weld. Figures 35 to 37 show AI-A13Fe pseudobinary phase diagrams to illustrate possible solidification events that promote the formation of type A, type B, and type C microstructures, respectively. In these diagrams, C, represents the nominal composition of the alloy, C’o represents the effective composition of the melt (containing undissolved base metal dispersoid particles) prior to the onset of weld solidification, TE is the equilibrium (A1-Al3Fe) eutectic temperature, and T is the metastable (AIA13Fe) eutectic temperature. In Fig. 35 and 36, C”o represents the composition of the melt at which the solidification mode changes from hypereutectic to hypoeutectic with respect to the metastable eutectic composition. The type A microstructure is a near-equilibrium microstructure and occurs within the fusion boundav region of high-energy-input

welds. As shown in Fig. 35, the type A microstructure appears to occur in three stages. Initially, the undissolved base metal dispersoid particles grow in a relatively stagnant liquid region into randomly oriented, primary intermetallic particles and promote solute depletion in the remaining melt (from A to B). Because the primary intermetallicparticles have a poor nucleation potency for a-aluminum, solute depletion in the melt promotes the epitaxial growth of columnar-dendritic a-aluminum from base metal a (from B to C). Further, because the a-aluminum solidification initiates from the fusion boundary at relatively low solidificationvelocities,the local solidification conditions promote appreciable structural coarsening and produce relatively coarse aaluminum dendrites. Solute partitioning accompanyingthe a-aluminum growth promotes a solute-rich melt at the interdendriticregions, which undergoes t-al solidification to a metasable A V A ~lamellar ~ - eutectic ~ ~ at the a-aluminum dendrite interstices (at C). These types of microstructures are commonly observed throughout the fusion wne in gastungsten we1dments Produced h these al*loytypes (Ref l2l). The type B microstructure contains both stable and metastable microstructuralconstituents. This structure is associated with high-energy-input welding conditions and is commonly observed within the central weld zone. As shown in Fig. 36, this microstructure appears to form with the growth of AbFe-type intermetallic p d c l e s (from A to B). DUe to high weld cooling rates, considerable undercooling occurs (from B to C) subsequent to the initial growth of the *ary intermetallicparticles, which allows the growth of supersaturated a-aluminum dendrites (from C to D). The occurrence of a metastable a-aluminum growth Structure d S 0 indicates that the Composition Of the melt surrounding the e c p h ~ e d ht”letalliC pafiiCkS Was esselltiauy hypoeutectic relative to the metastable eutectic composition. With the growth of the a-aluminum, the composition of the remaining melt in the dendrite interstices is enriched with solute elements. It ultimately reaches the metastable eutectic composition and undergoes terminal (metastable) eutectic solidification (at D). In View of the fme size of the interdendritic region, solute-rich Particles are formed in this region instead of a regular h e l l a r eutectic (Ref 131). The formation of the metastable a-aluminum growth structure around the primary intermetallic particles is attributed to catalytic nucleation. catalytic nucleation of a-aluminum occurs when the lattice disregistry between the potential nucleant and a-aluminum is reduced below 10% (Ref 132). Since the supersaturation of solute elements in aluminum shows a negative deviation from Vegard’s law and reduces the lattice parameter of a-aluminum (Ref 133), improved lattice registry betweentheprimaryintermetallicparticlesand the metastable a-aluminum, along with shal-


41 0 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys low temperature gradients in the central fusion zone, is considered responsible for the occurrence of the equiaxed-dendritic a-aluminum growth structure. The type C microstructure is essentially a metastable growth structure and is associated with the extremely highenergydensity, lowenergy-inputwelding conditions. Similarto the type A nearequilibrium microstructure, the type C metastable microstructure starts from the fusion boundary region with the base metal, by epitaxial solidification of a (or coupled eutectic) from base metal a in the fusion boundary. As shown in Fig. 37, the epitaxial growth of the a-aluminum grains appears to occur at significantly high undmoolings, possibly at temperatures slightly above the metastable eutectic temperamre. Evidently, the c0uP1ed eutectic growth structures Occur when the undercooling is below the metastable eutectic temperature. The e ~ i t a x i d grown l~ a-aluminum grains entrap the undissolved dispersoid particles as so1idification proceeds along a re1ative1ysteep temperature gradient across the advancing solid-liquid interface. The spherical morphology of the intermetallicparticles is attributed to the high fusion zone cooling rate (in excess of provide lo5 "C/s,adquate or 1.8 xtime lo5 for "F/s), thewhich growth does of not the


undissolved base metal dispersoid particles. The steep temperature gradients in this region promote solidification of the melt to a columnardendritic substructurewith fine intermetallies or solute-rich particles partitioning to the dendrite interstices. Coincident with the growth of the metastable a-aluminum, the remaining melt is enriched with solute elemens, which undergo final solidification to fine particles due to the relatively fine size of the interdendritic regions (Ref 131). Epitaxial solidification generally indicates 10Cd Wetting Of the fusion boundary and minimal melt undercooling. However, epitaxially grown type c microstr~cturesin the fusion boundary suggest that despite a readily wettable substrate, metastable growth structures in the weld fusion zone can likely occur from the combined effects of a minimal nucleation barrier for the metastable phase, a steep temperature gradient that restricts the growth of the stable phase, and perhaps a minimal difference in the level of undercooling required to allow the growth of metastable structures. In fact, although the nucleation of A13Fe occurs at less n galuminumthan 8 "C (14 OF) u n d ~ ~ l i in ironmels,then~cleationofAbFeisfavoredat undercoolings in excess Of 10 "c(18 OF) (Ref 134).

Solid-state Welding Friction Welding. The solid-state welding studies on M-pm alumhum-iron-base alloys rn mostly limited to the application of convent i d fiction welding, inertia friction welding, or linear friction welding methods to produce simi-

lar or dissimilar metal welds in cylindrical specimens. In general, these studies evaluated the effects of weld axial force on the structure, mechanical pperties, and fracture behavior of the friction welds. These studies include similar welds between Al-9Fe-4Ce and Al-9Fe-7Ce allays, dissimilar welds between Al-9F& and JJM 2024-n5 1 (Ref 135), similar welds betwwn f i g 0 0 9 alloy (Ref 118), similar welds between ~ ~ ~ 1 alloy 2 1 (Ref 2 136), &similar welds between ~ ~ ~ 1 alloy 2 1 and 2 JJM 2 0 2 4 ~ 3 15 (Ref 1371, sirnil% wel& between A I - ~ F ~ - ~al-M lays (Ref 1381, and dissimilar wel& between &9Fe-3M@1V alloy and VM 2024~351(Ref 120). nesimilar welds efibit a uniform flash mund the weld joint, the mount of the flash inming with theweld axial force.The diSsimilar welds, however, show a nonuniform flash mund the weld joint. The alloy with the higher strength at elevated temperatures (RS-P/M base alloy) forms a minimal flash compared to the alloy with a higher strength at room temperam (vM 2m4n5 1 alloy). Light and analytical electron microscopy examinationsof the interface region (weld tenter) in inertia friction welds have shown extensive high-temperature plastic deformation in the heat-and-deformationzone. msplastic deformation was generally beneficial in effectively homogenizing the base metal microstructure. The plastic deformation often promoted the fracture of coarse, acicular dispersoid particles present in selected base alloys (Ref 120, 138). However, the fine spherical dispersoid particles commonly Observed in fig009 alloy were relatively unaffected by the level Of plastic deformationOCCUmng in the weld zone and usually did not show any evidence of coarsening or fracture (Ref 118). Further, in welds produced using a low axial force, nonuniform deformation at the weld outer periphew resulted in the formationof dispersoidlean, c o a - g r a i n regions with a hardness appreciably lower than that of the base alloy. The application of a sufficiently higher axial force extruded out this softened region as weld flash, thereby preventing the hardness degradation across the weld zone (Fig. 38). Results of transverse weld tensile testing were generally consistent with the microstructural observations, showing that weld joint efficiency up to 95% of the base metal tensile strength can be obtained in welds produced using high axial force. Unlike the microstructureofthe inertia friction welds, linear friction welds ( p d u c e d in similar welds between FVS1212 alloy and in dissimilar welds between FVs1212 alloy and I/M 2024-T35 1) showed appreciable coarsening of the a-aluminum grains and the base metal dispersoid particles resulting from a somewhat slower weld thermal cycle and less forging force (Ref 137). Appropriate optimization of welding parameters to provide rapid weld thermal cycles is expected to minimize the microstructural coarsening in the weld zone.

Diffusion welding of RS-P/M aluminumironcerium alloy was investigated using electmplated silver interlayers (Ref 139). Temperature-time and temperature-pressure diffusion welding parameter zones were developed for an Al-9Fe-4Ce alloy and showed that it was possible to perform diffusion Welding operations at temperatures up to 600 "C (1110 O F ) without structural support. Although poor joint efticiendes were obtained for welds produced at low pressures, an increase in pressure and the promo~tion ~ Vof deformation at the weld interface promoted joint efficiencies of up to 70%. The weld interface regions were characterized by the presence of a silver-aluminum intermetallic and occasional Kirkendall porosity.

Weldability of Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composite


The purpose of this section is to review the current understanding of the joinability of aluminum metal-matrix comPosites (Al-MMCs). Unfortunately, the joining of AI-MMCs is not a mature technology, and many important details are not well understood. Relatively little work has been directed toward furthering the understanding Of AI-MMC joining. Much Of the work has been either proprietary or protected for national security reasons and is not available in the open literature. Although much of the early work on AlMMCs, including that on joining, concentrated on continuous fiber types, most of the present work is focwd on discon~nuouslyreinforced (particle or whisker) AI-MMCs because of their greater ease of manufacture, lower production costs, and relatively isompic properties. The most commonly used reinforcement materiais in discontinuously=inforced aluminum composites are silicon carbide (Sic) and aluminum oxide ( ~ 1 ~ 0consequently, ~). this article focuses on composites that incorporate these specifcmaterials. M~~ detailed inforand apmation on the processing, propehes, plications of Al-MMCs can be found in the article "Aluminum-Matrix Composites" in this Volume.

General JoiningConsiderations The effective integration of AI-MMCs into useful structures and devices often requires that they be joined to sirnil= and dissimilar mate,.ials. A~ a result, the u l h a t e u,ility of ~ l - ~ hinges ~ c ons the ability to effectively join them within reasonable economic constraints. As with all aluminumpducts, appropriate cleaning before joining and proper shielding during joining are necessaIy to avoid hydrogen contamination and the subsequent formation of porosity. However, the weldability of AI-MMCs differs markedly from that of monolithic aluminum alloys because of the presence of the reinforcement. The addition of

Welding / 41 1

I j


I '

, ~


during joining can lead to the formation of unplanned or undesirable phases. The new phases may form at the matrix-reinforcement interface or they may entirely consume the original reinforcement. For example, AlpC3 will spontaneously form when joining silicon carbide- or graphitereinforced AI-MMCs by one of the following reactions: 3SiC(s)+4Al(l)~A14C3(s) +3Si,


~ C ( S+4A1(l) ) + Al4C3(~)

(Eq 4)

, I



~ i 38~ Light . micrographs of an inertia-frictionweld in AA8009 alloy produced using high axial force. (a)Center. (b)Outer periphely (c)Corresponding Knoop hardness traverse. Source. Ref 1 1 8

reinforcement to the aluminum matrix acts to modify several physical and chemical properties, which in turn greatly affect the weldability of AI-MMCs. Thus, an understanding of the weldability of AI-MMCs must include a thorough knowledge of the effects of the various interactions between matrix and reinforcement. Viscosity Effects. The welding of AlMMCs differs from the welding of monolithic aluminum alloys in that the weld pool of the composite contains a solid phase, because the reinforcement does not necessarily melt at welding temperattms. Thus, in the strictest sense, the composite weld pool is actually a partially melted zone. The most obvious effectof the plesence of the reinforcement is the increased viscosity of the AI-MMC weld pool (Ref 140). This weld pool does not flow and wet as readily as that of mono-

lithic aluminum alloys. Mass transfer is limited because of the viscous nature of the weld pool. Therefore, heat flow by convection in the weld pool is believed to be less effective than it is in aluminum alloys. Consequently, conductive heat flow through the aluminum alloy matrix is thought to play a larger than normal role in determining the temperature distributions and cooling rates in and around the weld pool of AI-MMCs. The differences in heat flow, relative to monolithic aluminum alloys, Can affect the resulting microstructures and the stress distributions in the AI-MMC weld. Chemical Reactions. From a thermodynamic standpoint, AI-MMCs are nonequilibrium materials. Because a chemical potential difference exists between the matrix and the reinforcement, chemical reactions may occur. The contact between liquid aluminum and the reinfomment

where (s) and (1) repsent solid and liquid, respectively. Studies of the thermodynamicsof Eq 3 and 4 show that the standard free energy, AGO, of the reaction becomes increasingly negative (that is, the reaction proceeds further to the right) with increasing temperatureand that the addition of silicon to the aluminum alloy matrix, which increases the activity of the silicon, aids in limiting the formation of A4C3 during ,joining (Ref 141).The formation of A4C3 creates concern for two reasons. First, its presence (in a veIy c o m e or clustered form) is associated with a decrease in the mechanical properties of AI-MMCs. Second, it will readily dissolve in aqueous environments,resulting in formation of porosity and a loss of integrity to the weld. Some control of the A4C3 microstructure and, thus, the joint propertiesof silicon carbide or graphite-reinforced AI-MMCs can be achieved by tailoring the joining process. For these two types of composites, the integrated time at temperature above the matrix liquidus experienced by the composite during joining should be minimized, in order to limit the formation of AI&,. Thus, joining should be per-! formed using either a solid-state joining process or a fusion welding process that can provide rapid thermal cycles with low heat inputs. ~ l t e ~ ~ at mah i ~ ~ alloy l ~ ,(or filer metal) with a high silicon content should be chosen, if possible, for the MMC. A second type of chemical reaction occurs in aluminum-magnesium composites reinforced with A1203,where a magnesium spinel (MgA1204) is formed by the following reaction: 3Mg + 4A1@3 + 3MgA1204+ 2Al

(Eq 5)

The formation of copper spinel ( c d 2 0 p ) by similar reactions has also hen reported m aluminum-coppr alloy composites reinforced with A1203. The formation of these spinels is known to enhance wetting of the reidorcement by the aluminum, which limits or mitigates the agglomeration of the aluminum oxide into large clusters.The presence of the spinelsat the interface does not appear to markedly change the mechanical properties of the weld.

41 2 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Effects on Solidification. A third type of matrix-reinforcement interaction occurs during the solidification of discontinuously reinforced aluminum composites (Ref 142).Below a certain critical solidification rate, the reinfoEement is pushed ahead of the solidification front. Because the reinfoEement is pushed to the last areas to solid@, the uniformity of its distribution is govemed by solidificationconditions. The collection of reinforcement in front of the interface locally h i n d a heat flow and maSS msPort and causes a decrease in the extent of miCrOSegregatiOn, which diminishes the number of terminal solidification phase@) that form. Furthermore, the modification of the amount and dishibution of the terminal Solidification phase(s) appears to imp v e the resistance of at least some AI-MMCs to solidification cracking. Modifications to mimsegregation can also OCCUT in continuous fiber r e i n f o d AI-MMCs when solidification occurs along the small capillaries fomed between the fibers. Both the pushing of reinforcement and the decrease in microsegregation can have an effect on the fmal microstructure and the pperties of AI-MMC welds. Weld Preparation. The standad methods of weld pparahon are genedly suitable for AI-MMCs, although a few modifications should be adopted. Because of their ceramic reinforcement, most MMCs are very wear resistant. Thus, standard steel-cutting tools and saw blades are ineffective for preparing the joint. Solid carbide (speed 400 m/min, or 13 10 ft/min) are mommended for all bevelingandbackgouging.Feedsthatarepta than 0.3 mm/tooth (0.012 in./tooth) should be usedforcutting tools, whereasconstant, mediumheavy pressures should be used for saws. The GTAW process is the original inert-gas arc welding process developed for aluminum. Its low, controlled heat input is ideal for thin sections and complex shapes. The control of heat input is especially important for welding reinforced wrought alloys. For most applications,the GTAW process is used with ac, and the arc balance is adjusted to favor either cleaning or penemion. A cleaning arc can helpminimizereactionsbetween the reinforcement and matrix by reducing heat input. However,dilution of the composite into the weld pool is also decreased. Thus, some welds do not have homogeneous microstructures and do not reflect the properties of the parent material. An arc set for cleaning is capable of breaking up the thin surface oxides that exist on the surface of a typical aluminum weld pool. However, in the case of an MMC, the skin is stabilized by the ceramic particles (diluted from the surface by buoyancy forces and surface tension. A cleaning arc does not register properly on this “shielded” surface and tends to “skitter” along the joint. Formation and advancementof the weld pool is difficult, and some surface melting adjacent to the weld bead may occur. For most AI-MMCs, a balanced or penetrating arc is preferred, because it is more focused and forces heat into the weld pool and joint, rather than melting the adjacent base material.

Table 28 Properties of selected aluminurnalloysandMMCs joined usingthegas-tungstenarc welding process Basematerid (T6tem~r)

0.2% yieldstrength MPa ksi

131 6061(a) ~ O ~ I / A I ~ O ~ / I O145 ~ 6061/A120$Op 160 7005/A1203/10p I!% 207 ’Oo5@)

19 21 23 28 30

Ultimate tendle stmngth MPa ksi

207 218 221 283 317

30 32 32 41 46


11 9.8

5.2 7.3 10




Heat-affectedzone Heat-affectedzone Weld


Note:TheAI-MMCswerejoinedusingER5356filler~s.(a)~icalhandbookvaluesforER5356.~)~icalhandbookvalues for ER5556 filler. Source:Ref 144

The increased specific heat makes feeding the filler wire significantly easier and results in an improved bead profile. The degree of penetrating balance will depend on the geometry of the joint and the preferred technique of the welder. Another effect of the particle-stabilizedoxide skin is the dull appearanceof the weld-pool surface. In fact, the initial formation of the weld pool is difficult to discern, and welders may overmelt the area while waiting for a bright pool to form. This is further complicated by the fact that the work area is not as well illuminated, because of the reduction in reflected light from the arc. Welders should watch the area under the arc for a “slumping” of the surfaceor another indication that subsurface melting is present. Feeding the filler rod into the weld p l early will accelerate pool fOrmatiOn, increase its fluidity, and Partidly dissipate the oxide skin. However, the pool will not become bright, as an unreinforced aluminum weld pool does, and the welder should begin advancing the weld as Soon as he can feed in the filler. An example of this Procedure is a Singlepass butt weld on 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick plate of AI-MMC (Ref 144). A series of different AI-MMC extrusions was prepared with a 30” edge bevel (60’ included angle) and a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) root land. After degreasing and scrubbing with a clean stainless steel brush, the plates were fmtured to a grooved stainless steel backing bar using a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) root gap. The power supply was set for 22 v and 325 A, maximum, With the ac balance toward penetration (a setting of 5, where 3 equals balance for a range Of 0 to 10).A2.4 mm (732 in.) filler rod of EM356 was fed into the weld at 23.3 mm/s (55 in./min) as the automatic cold-wire feed traveled at 25.8 mm/s (61 in./min). The shielding gas of t w o argon was metered at 16.5 L/min (35 ft3/h). Although the lower coefficient of thermal expansion of the MMC will reduce the tendency of the joint to close ahead of the arc, the root gap and included angle of the joint should still be increased slightly to allow for the reduced fluidity of the composite weld pool. The welding processes used for AI-MMCs can be characterized by the state of the matrix during welding. Several fusion-welding processes have been used to join these composites, including GTAW, GMAW, laser-beam welding, electron-beam welding, and resistance

welding. In addition, friction welding,transient liquid phase bonding, and capacitor discharge welding have been used. Details on each p m ess are provided below.

Arc Welding

me metallurgy of arc welding, mol.e so than otherjoining processes, is &in to a Casting process. ~ l is ~m e i d ,-undergms ~ k~ ing, and then resolidifies. nemicrosmcture of the weld, including its defects, is not diSshilar to that of an alu-um casting. Unfortunately, this “recasting” process can significantly degrade the microstructure and properties of most mcS. ~n terms of equipment and c o n s u ~ l e s , the arc-welding practice for A1-MMCs is substantially sirnil= to that for alu-um alloys. m e n one considers that froom75 to 90 Vol% of the MMC is aluminum, it becomes apparent that the basic rules for equipment and fillermetal selection still apply. The constantcurrent power supply is still recommended for most welding, although constant voltage is preferred for some automated welding. Argon is generally the p r e f m d shielding gas, except in the usual cases where it is either mixed with or replaced by helium. Filler metals are usually matched to the matrix alloy of the composite and the service requirements of the weld. For example, the alloy 6061 is typically welded with ER4043 or ER5356. These Nler metals would be appropriate for a composite that has 6061 as its matrix. In the case of 6O61/Al2O~1Op,the EM356 is used for its ability to keep the reinforcement wetted. In the case of 6061/SiC/15,, the ER4043 would be preferred for its assistance in suppressing the A& reaction. The extra silicon in ER4045 or ER4047 may be even more effective in this regard. However, the near-eutectic composition of the resulting weld metal is unsuitable for postweld solution heat treatments because of the coarsening of the silicon phase (Ref 143). Primary silicon will precipitate in significant amounts only if the silicon content of the melt is greater than 12.6%,or the cooling rate is sufficiently high at a lower silicon level to prevent eutectic formation. Although 4047 contains 11 to 13% Si, the weld pool contains less, owing to dilution by the base material

Welding / 41 3 Table 29 Properties of aluminum alloy 6061 and AI-MMC 6061/A1~O~/2Op joined using the gasmetal arc welding process MPa

6061, as-welded(a)

131 276 132 189


6061/A1203/20p,as welded 6061/A120.$20p-T6

~ i39~ Microstructur? .


gac-tungsten arc welded 6061/AI2OJ10, (6 35 rnm, or

0.2%yieldstrength ksi

Bas material





Ultimate temUe strength MPa ksi

207 304 228 283

30 44 33 41

Elmgation, %






Heat-affectedzone Weld

(a) Typical handbook values for ER5356 fdler. (b) mical handbook values for ER4043 filler no data avalable for ER5356. source:Ref 144

0.25 in., plate)

~ i 40~ Microstructure . of gas-metal 6061/A1,O~2Op

arc welded

h i n g welded (6061 has only 4%si). h welds do not cool rapidly enough to precipitate P i m q silicon from a hypoeutectic aluminumsilicon solution. Finally, primary silicon enhances p m m i e s if it is small and we1l-Rfined versus large and coarse. The resulting welds passed the bead appearance, radiography, and tensile requirements for 6061, as described in AWS D1.2-90. 'I).pical as-welded properties are listed in Table 28, and a cross section of a representative weld is shown in Fig. 39. Note the smooth bead contour, minimal porosity, and even dishibution of particles in the weld. The CMAW process is prefened for most production welding because of its high deposition mte and ease of automation. A root gap of 1 to 2 mm (0.04 to 0.08 in.), in conjunction with a temporary grooved backing bar, is recommended for single-sided welds, becaw of the lower fluidity and reduced penetration of the composite weld pool. Aroot gap is also prefened for doublesided welds, the root should be thoroughly back grouped before the second side is welded. Joint openings range from 60" for singlev to 90" for double-V butt welds with root lands of 10to 20% of the plate thickness. For multipass welds, it is recommended that the weld be vigorously scrubbed with a clean stainless steel wire brush between passes to remove any dewettedreinforcing phase, condensed magnesium oxide (a black, powdery residue), or other contaminants. This procedure is illustrated by a multipass butt weld on a 19 mm (0.75 in.) plate of

6061/A1203/20p-T6(Ref 145). The extrusion was prepared with a 30" edge bevel (60" included angle) and a 3.2 mm (0.16 in.) root land. After degreasing and scrubbing with a clean stainless steel brush, the plates were fixtured to a grooved, stainless steel backing bar using a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) root gap. A constant-current, dc electrode positive (DCEP), inverter-type power supply was set for 305 A and 26 V. The four passes were made at diffmnt travel speeds. The root pass was made at 380 &min (15 in./min) to keep the arc at the leading edge of the weld pool and ensure good root penetration. The speed was slowed to 250 mm/min (10 in./&) during the second pass to ensure good side-wall fusion. Capping passes (third and fourth) were made at 355 mm/min (14 in./min). A 1.6 mm (vi6 in.) filler wire. of EM356 was used with 100% argon shielding metered at 23.6 L/min (50 ft3/h). Typical as-welded properties are listed in Table 29, and a representative microstructure from the fusion zone iS shown in Fig. m. h this figure, the base material is to the right and the weld is on the left. There are no visible reaction products at the particle interface, and the dilution of the particles from the base material is relatively even, with minimal agglomeration.

dense, crack-free welds have been produced with both continuous wave (CW) and pulsed carbon dioxide (COZ) LBW processes, as well as the pulsed NdYAG process. The rapid thermal cycles made possible by these processes result in uniform distribution of reinforcement and a very fme @ size. In one study, CW carbon dioxide laserbeam welds were produced on cast A356 (A1-7Si-O.3Mg)/SiC/15, discontinuously reinforced aluminum at 1.0 and 1.5 kW and travel speeds ranging from 40 to 100mm/s (90 to 230 in./min) (Ref 144). These conditions resulted in heat inputs of 15.7 to 39.4 kJ/m (400 to lo00 Jim.). Pulsed Nd:YAG laser-beam welds were made on the same composite at an average power of 200 W with pulse energies that varied from 5 to 20 J. All welds were autogenous bead-on-plate welds. The fusion zone of the C02 laser-beam welds made in this study exhibited three distinct regions (Fig. 41). The upper central region (region 1) contained large amounts of A4C3 and silicon in the aluminum alloy matrix, with little remaining Sic. This region was spike-shapeand encompassedless than 25% of the weld cross section.The A& in this region was not continuous with any silicon carbide, and it was relatively long (up to 45 pm, or 1.8 mils). The width of region 1 did not change Laser-BeamWe1ding(lBW) with variations in heat input, and it was shown to be approximately the same size as the foLBWof Sc-Reinforced~1-w~. Several cused beam diameter. This suggests that region -heB have attempted to limit the f m t i o n 1 is associated with the high temperatures of of aluminurn c h i d e d-g fusion welding by the weld keyhole, where the beam and material employing weldingprocesses,such as LBW, that interact. The central region of the CO2 laser-beam can @urn very mpid thermal cycles. Fully welds was surrounded by a very narrow region (region 2) in which the S i c had partially reacted to form A& and silicon, in accordance with Ekq 3. The nucleation and growth of tiny needles of A14C3 from the Sic in the partially reacted zone are evident. These needles, which are straight and relatively short, show an orientation relation with the Sic. Surrounding the partially reacted zone was a large region (region 3) in which the Sic appeared to be unreacted. The unreacted zone constituted approximately 70% of the total weld volume. Similar phenomena were also observed in the pulsed Nd:YAG laser-beam welds. Other experiments showed that the extent Of A14C3 formation in pulsed c02 1aser-beam Microstructure of CO, laser-beam weld F+, 41 on A356/StU15, (unetched) welds on a cast A356/SiC/15, composite could

41 4 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys be modified by changes in welding parameters. cast discontinuously reinforced aluminum In one study, the size andquantity of A14C3was (A356/SiC/15 ) without the formation of large observed to increase proportionally with laser- amounts of ACC,. Like LBW, the EBW procspecific energy (Ref 146). In another experi- ess is capable of producing rapid thermal cyment, measurements were made of the strength cles. However, the physics of beam-material and ductility of pulsed C02 laser-beam welds interaction differs for the two processes. Heatmade at a peak power of 3.2 kW and at duty ing during LBW results from the absorption of cycles ranging from 50 to 91% (Ref 147). The photons by the substrate, whereas heating durlaser processing resulted in increased strength ing EBW occurs by the transfer of kinetic enin most of the welds, relative to the coarse- ergy to the atoms of the substrate via collisions grain base material, despite the formation of a with the high-energy electrons of the beam. In large amount of AI&?. The presence of other one study, CO2 laser-beam and electron-beam phases, such as AbSi2C5 and MC-type car- welds were produced at identical energy inbides, in the pulsed C02 laser-beam welds was puts, travel speeds, and focused beam diamealso reported. ters. The use of EBW resulted in sound welds Whereas LBW experiments have shown with a uniform distribution of reinforcement that the A14C3 microstructure can be modified and a fiie grain size. The ektron-beam welds by varying process parameters, it appears that exhibited much less A& than the laser-beam LBW is incapable of producing welds that are welds made using the Same parameters. The free of A14C3. Experimental observations and electron-beam welds made at 85 d s (200 physical data suggest that the laser energy is in./min) with sharp beam focus contained alpreferentially absorbed by the Sic because of most no AbC3. Electron-beam welds made at its greater absorptivity,relative to aluminum, at slower speeds and/or with defocused beams the laser wavelengths. The increased energy contained somewhat more A&. absorption results in local superheating of the The different mechanisms of energy transS i c and surroundingareas and promotes AI& fer in EBW and LBW appear to affect the final formation. In summation, it appears that the weld microstructures of Sic-reinforced AlLBW processes may have limited potential in MMCs and thus the weld properties, despite joining Sic-reinforced AI-MMCs. the fact that both welding processes allow for LBW of AlzO,-Reinforced AI-MMCs. Few rapid thermal cycles with low Overall heat inLBW studies on A1203-reinforced AI-MMCs put. have been reported. It appears that the A1203 Unfortunately, EBW cannot be successfully reinforcement also preferentially absohs the im- applied to all Sic-reinforced AI-MMCs. For pinging laser energy. The carbon dioxide LBW example, attempts at EBW on a wrought processwasusedona6061/A12~~~composite2014/SiC/15, MMC resulted in cutting of the produced by P/M (Ref 148). Initial attempts at sample. It is not known whether the problem welding resulted in cutting of the samples. How- resulted from the manufacturingprocess (P/M) ever, acceptable welds were ultimately produced or was inherent to the material. when the shims of 5083 and 4047 filler wire were placed in the joints. Similar problems were reported by other Transient liquid-Phase Bonding researchers on a 6O61/Al20~2O, composite Produced via (Ref 149). TheY attributed Transient liquid-phase (TLP) bonding has the dficulty to an Unstable plasma above the proven fairly successful in joining Al-MMCs. weld pool and attempted '0 improve weldabfi- The process employs a filler material or interity with plasma contro1. Sound we1ds were layer to produce a transient liquid layer at the produced by placing a small gas nozz1e'lose to interface to be joined. Solidifcation ofthejoint the we1d area to b1ow away the plasma mate- OCCUTS isothermally, by diffusion. The advanrial. The quality Of the we1ds was found to tage of TLPbonding of AI-MTvlCs involves the Strikingly depend on *e direction of *e SUPlower peak-processing tempemme, compression gas flow* re'ative to the we1dingdirm- pared with the temperatures used in other fution9 and On nozz1e positioning. Optimum sioh welding processes. The lower processing we1ding conditions were rea1ized when the temperaturesresult in less damage to the engiflow was Opposite to the we1dingdirection and neering properties of the composite in and the end Of the nozz1e was inc1ined upWard by around the joint. However, there is a concern 5" to the horizonta1. The gas pressures at the for damage to the properties of the composite nozz1e ranged from 70 to 275 kPa (lo to 40 base material during processing, because the psi). Based On this study9LBW Offers SOme thermal cycles for TLP bonding hold the entire POtentia1 for joining A1203-reinforced A1- assembly at temperatures near the solidus for a MMCS. longer time, relative to the other fusion welding processes. Transient liquid-phase bonding processes Electron-Beam Welding (EBW) for AI-MMCs are controlled by several parameters, including surface fiiish, type and The EBW process appears to have potential thickness of interlayer or filler metal, processfor joining at least some Sic-reinforced Al- ing time and temperature, and clamping presMMCs. Lienert et al. (Ref 150)determinedthat sure on the joint. The surface aluminum oxides EBW can be used successfully to join the same must be removed from the samples to facilitate


wetting of the substrate by the interlayer. The choice of the c m t combination of pmessing parameters is critical in avoiding such problems as reinforcementenriched or depleted zones and Kirkendall porosity. In general, the thinnest interlayer possible should be used to allow for the shortest processing times and a n m w liquid zone. Additionally, the lowest possible temperatures should be used to limit damage to the material properties of the composite. Although the application of pressure can aid in improving interlayer-substrate contact, excess pressure can lead to expulsion of the liquid zone, which results in reinforcement-fich areas at the joint line. Sic-Reinforced AI-MMCs. Transient liquid-phase bonding with gold and al-m-silicon-magnesium interlayers has been & to join two 6061/Sic/25, composite sheets ( ~ e 151). f Based on thmomechanical sirnulation studies,a VSS window of t i m e - t e m m e m k tiom that would not produce damage to the prop ernes of the b a ~ ematerial was b e l @ . The window ranged fkom 30 min at 565 "C (1050 O F ) to iOminat580°C(l(n5 O F ) . A O m(o.001 .~ in.) gold interlayer was shown to produce hm results than the alu-m-silicon-magnesim material.~umconditi~of30-at567to 580 oc (1053 to i(n5 OF) weTereported for the goid indayer. k &&a -s were ob served in the vicinity of the bond interface: a particleenriched zone, a diffuse flow m e w &owed a paof material flow, and the m&wasmadeofthe ~ ~ m ~ ti^ a l . f-tim of A4C3 for these -&tim. hw temfie joint efficiencies (40%) were & b u d to voib at the joint interface. AIz03-Reinforced AI-MMCs. The joining of a 6061/Al203/15, AI-MMC using TLP bonding alsohas been reported (Ref 152). Three types of interlayers demonstrated an ability to join the material: gold, copper, and Al- 12Si. The bonding eXPerhtTltS Were performed in V a c u u m (1.3 X lo4 Pa, or lo-'' t m ) on meChanidly cleaned sampleswing aclamping pressure of less than 70 kPa (10psi). Joining with a 25 p(1 mil) thick interlayer of gold at 580 "C (1075 "F) for 130min produced the strongest bonds. Thejoints had a 323 MPa (47 ksi) yield strength and a 341 MPa (49 ksi) ultimate tensile strength with ajoint efficiency of 95%.Joining with a 125 pn (0.005 in.) thick layer of AI-12Si at 585 "C for 20 min yielded bonds with nearly identical however, the bond line contained residual filler material, as well as voids. A 25 pn (0.001 in.) thick layer of copper produd bonds with much 1owershengths.Anincmseinvolumefractionof the reinforcement was observed near the bond lines of joints made with gold and copper. Increased loading of reinforcement was not observed for bonds made with the AI-12Si. The brazing of a 6061 MMC reinford with 5, 10, and 15 vol% short A1203 fiben using aluminum-silicon and aluminum-manganese interlayers has been studied (Ref 153). However, the reported bonding temperature range of 580 to 610 "C (1075 to 1130 O F ) suggests that TLP bonding may have actually


Welding / 41 5 occurred. A 150 pm (0.006 in.) thick sheet of AI-1OSi was used for joining, as well as a 140 pm (0.0056 in.) thick sheet of Al-l.5Mn clad with 20 p (800 pin.) of AI-1OSi on each side. The bonding time for each test was 10 min at a vacuum of 6.7 nPa (5 x lO-5 torr). Bonding the composite to itself proved easier than joining the composite to a monolithic 6061 alloy. The tensile strengths for the similar material bonds of 5% aluminum oxide fiber material exceeded 230 MPa (33 ksi). The joint efficiencies of these bonds were not reported.

Resistance Welding and Solid-state Welding


Fig- 42


Both resistance welding and solid-state welding are quite adaptable to a range of discontinuously reinforced aluminum composites. As described previously, problems associated with welding these materials typically have two causes. For the Sic-reinforced A1-MMCs, the high temperatures and relatively long times at temperaturespermit dissolution of the carbides and subsequent precipitation of detrimental phases (A14C3). For the A1203-reinforced AI-MMCs, similar conditions allow the individual reinforcing particles to agglomerate, which reduces material performance. Both resistance and solidstate welding processes have rapid thermal cycles that may limit these problems. Particu-

that this redistribution of the composite is the result of macroscopicliquid flow during solidification, but the effect is still under study. The effect of this reinforcement-free zone on the mechanical performance of the weld is not known. Capacitor discharge welding is a generic term relating to all resistance-welding processes that supply energy to the workpiece by the discharge of charged capacitors. Variations on this process range from spot welding to small-scale butt welding. Generally, capacitive discharge welding processes are characterized by extremely rapid discharge rates (of the order of 5 to 25 ms) and subsequent rapid thermal cycles. In terms of suppressing chemical reactions in Sic-reinforced

lar aspects of these processes are described separately below. Resistance Welding. Virtually all available work concerning the resistance welding of MMCs has been done using the resistance spot welding technique. An exampleofacross section of a spot weld made on an A359 (AI-9Si0.3Mg)/SiC/l% is shown in Fig. 42. Aluminum MMCs are g e n d y spot welded using conditions similar to those for conventional aluminum alloys. However,these materials typically require substantially less current (about half)for welding. This is likely due to an inmase in bulk resistivity associated with the addition of the particles. The spot weld in Fig. 42, which shows a full-size nugget, does not show any of the A4C3 plates seen in the fusion zones of the laser welds. Rather, a uniform distribution of the Sic particles is noted. It is believed that the minimal reaction of the Sic to form AbC3 is due to two factors. First, in resistance welds, the temperature of the liquid nugget only barely exceeds the melting point of the material (Ref 154), providing little, if any, driving force for the reaction. Second, temperature excursions above the liquidus are relatively short, typically less than 0.1 s, which minimizes any potential reaction. Spot welds on discontinuously reinforced aluminum composites do show some redistribution of the reinforcement in the fusion zone (Fig. 42). Typically, the fusion zone is relatively free of the reinforcementnear the fusion line, with an increased density of the reinforcement near the center of the weld. It is possible

Al-MMCs, the capacitivedischarge processes offer considerable potential. Work on the capacitive discharge welding of AI-MMCs has been reported (Ref 155). The capacitive system used in this work was basically a forge-butt welding process. Specifically, the system used oriented parts in a butt configuration, with the ends separated by a projection on one of the surfaces. A force was then applied to the workpieces and the energy from the discharging capacitors was introduced. The result was surface melting, followed by impact and forging of the components. This work has shown that Al& formation can be precluded on several types of Sic-reinforced AI-MMCs. Consistent with the other resistance-welding processes, the short exposure times and rapid coolin rates (approximately lo6 "CIS, or 2 x 10?t "Fls) were responsible for the retention of the Sic. Friction Welding. Both Sic- and Alze-reinforced AI-MMCs have been friction welded using continuous-drive and inertia machines (Ref 156,157).Friction welding is a solid-state process and does not require melting. Thus, it is not hampered by the melting and solidification concems described previously. An examination of friction welds on these materials typically shows a distribution of reinforcement particles similar to that in the base material. There is, however, concem with the development of high in-process torques associated with these processes. High torques, particularly during stopping, can cause debonding of the matrix and the reinforcement, resulting in cracking near the bond line. In addi-

tion, stringers, if present in the material, can "open up" under the influence of these resultant torques. Compared to conventional aluminum alloys, discontinuously reinforced aluminum composites require about double the applied force. This is because the reinforcement particles substantiallyincreasethe flow stress of the composite, even at high temperatures,preventing metal flow. Inertia friction welding studies on an A356/SiC/20p and an A359/SiC/2OPhave been performed (Ref 156). Both similar and dissimilar material welds to a monolithic 6061-T651 aluminum alloy were produced Over a range of flywheel speeds and axial pressures. High joint eficiencies (greater than 70%) were realized when high flywheel speeds and high axial pressures, relative to those used for monolithic a1uminum al1oys7were emp1oyed for the similar material welds. The joint efficienciesof the dissimilar welds were less than 70%, relative to the composite base material. Flash-butt welding, another nominally solid-state process, has also been found to be effective for joining these materials (Ref 158). The flash we1ding Of conventional aluminum alloys is typically charactenzed ' byvwfastflashingratesand upset ve1ocities. simi1ar avhes are recommended for the flash welding of AlMMCs. Other process features that contribute to weld quality are the use of shielding gases during power flashingfor (minimizing flashing. bond-line The dc power oxidation) appears and dc to provide a finer flash, resulting in higher thermal gradients in the workpiece.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The information in this article is largely taken from: P.B. Dickerson, Welding of Aluminum Alloys, Vol 6, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1993, p 722-739 R.P. Martukanitz, Selection and Weldability of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys, Vol 6, ASMHandbook,ASM International, 1993,p 528-536 C.E. Cross and M.L. Kohn, Selection and Weldability of Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys, Vol 6, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1993,p 537-540 C.E. Cross and W.T. Tack, Selection and Weldability of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Vol 6, ASM Handbook,ASM International, 1993, p 549-553 K. Sampath and W.A. Baeslack HI, Selection and Weldability of DispersionStrengthenedAluminum Alloys, Vol 6,ASM Handbook,ASM International, 1993, p 541548 T.J. Lienert, C.T. Lane, and J.E. Gould, Selection and Weldability of Aluminum MetalMatrix Composites, Vol 6, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1993, p 554-559

41 6 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys REFERENCES 1. 2.













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razing an ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS can be joined by a wide variety of brazing and soldering processes. Brazing, 'by definition, employs filler metal having a liquidus above 450 "c( 8 4 O F ) and below the solidus of the base meta1. Brazing is distinPished from so1dering by the me1ting point Of the filler metal: so1dersme1t be10w 450 OC (840 OF)' Brazing differs from we1ding in that no substantid amount Of the base metal is me1ted during brazing. Thus the temperatures for brazing aluminum are intemediate between those for welding and soldering. Also, brazed aluminum assemblies generally are between welded and soldered assemblies in strength and resistance to corrosion.

Brazing Brazing of aluminum alloys was made possible by the development of fluxes that disrupt the oxide film on aluminum without harming the underlying metal and filler metals (aluminum alloys) that have suitable melting ranges and other desirable properties. The aluminumbase filler metals used for brazing aluminum alloys have liquidus temperatures much closer to the solidus temperature of the base metal than those used for brazing most other metals. For this reason, close temperature control is required in brazing aluminum. The brazing temperature should be approximately 40 O C (70 OF) below the solidus temperature of the base metal, but if temperature is accurately controlled and the brazing cycle is short, it can be as close as 5 "C (10 OF). Aluminum alloys, depending on composition, can be brazed with commercial filler metals from 550 to 650 "c (1020 to 1195 O F ) . Most brazing is done at temperatures between 560 and 615 O C (1040 and 1140 OF).

Base Metals The non-heat-treatable wrought alloys that have been brazed most successfully are the lxrw and 3xrw series and the low-magnesium members of the 5xrw series. The alloys containing a higher magnesium content, such as 5083, 5086, 5 154, and 5456, are mOre difficult to braze by the usual flux methods because of

poor wetting and excessive penetration by the filler metal. Filler metals are available that melt below the solidus temperatures of most commercial, non-heat-treatable wrought alloys. The commonly brazed, heat-treatable wrought alloys are the 6xwx series. Most frequently brazed are 6061, 6063, 6101, and 695 1. The 2rrr and 7xrw series of aluminum alloys are low-melting and, therefore, not normally brazeable, with the exception of 7072 (used as a cladding material only), 7004, and


Alloys that have a solidus above 595 OC (1100 OF) are easily brazed with commercial binary aluminum-silicon filler metals. Stronger, lower-melting alloys can be brazed with proper attention to filler-metal selection and temperature control, but the brazing cycle must be short to minimize penetration by the molten filler metal.

Brazeable aluminum casting alloys include 356.0, 357.0, 359.0, 443.0, 710.0, 711.0 and 712.0. Alloys 443.0 and 356.0 are used for both sand and permanent-mold casting. Alloys 710.0 and 712.0 are primarily sand-casting metals. Alloy 711.0 is used for permanentmold casting. Alloys 710.0, 711.0, and 712.0 are the casting alloys most frequently brazed. Formerly, aluminum die castings were not brazed because of blistering due to their high gas content, but advances in casting technique have resulted in improved quality. Some common wrought and cast aluminum alloys are listed in Table 1 with their melting temperature ranges and brazeability ratings. Brazing of aluminum is generally limited to parts more than 0.4 mm (0.015 in.) thick, but dip brazing and fluxless vacuum brazing have been accomplished successfully on aluminum fin stock as thin as 0.13 mm (0.005 in.).

Table 1 Melting ranges and brazeability of common base metal aluminum alloys Anoy


Melting range



646-657 643-657 643-654 629-652 627-652 627-652 593-649 593-643 593-652

1195-1215 1190-1215 1190-1210 1165-1205 1160-1205 1160-1205 1100-1200 1100-1190 1100-1205


616-652 616-652 621-654 588-649 616-654 604646 607-646 646-657

11401205 1140-1205 1150-1210 1090-1200 11401210 1120-1195 1125-1195 1195-1215

557-613 557413 557-613 563-602 574-632

1035-1135 1035-1135 1035-1135 1045-1115 1065-1170 1105-1195 1120-1190 1135-1200

Non-heat-treatablewroughta1'oys 1350


3M)4 5005 5050


5154 5456

Heat-hahb1ea11oys 6061 6063 6101 6151 6951 7004 7005 7072

Castingalloys 356.0 357.0 A357.0 359.0

:::: 711.0



604643 613-649





(a) A, alloys readily brazed by all techniques.B, alloys that can be brazed by all techniques with a little extra care. C, alloys that require special care and effort. D, alloys difficult to braze. Source: Ref 1

Brazing and Soldering / 421 Table 2 Compositionsand solidus, liquidus, and brazingtemperature ranges of brazing filler metals for use on aluminumalloys . _ ~ _. ~

AWS ci~ininuti~

BAI Si -2 BAISi-3(b) BAISi-4 BAISi-S(c) BAISi-6(d) BAISi-7(d) BAISi-8(d) BAISi3(d) BAISi-lO(d) BAN-I I(d)(e)






~~~~. ~






Compmition(s), I

si 6.8-8.2 9.3-10.7 11.C-13.0 9.C-I1.O 6.8-8.2 9.CLl I .O Il.CL13.0 11.CL13.0 10.0-12.0 9.0-1 I .O

cu 0.25 3.34.7 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25













0.15 0.10 0.05 2.C-3.0 l.C-2.0 1.0-2.0 0.10-0.5 2.C-3.0 l.C-2.0

0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

0.10 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

571 521 577 577 559 559 559 562 559 559

1070 970 1070 1070 1038 1038 1038

613 585 582 591 607 596 579 582 582 596

1135 1085

599-621 571-604 582-604 588-604 599421 588-604 582-604 582-604 582-604 582-604




1044 1038


1080 1095

1125 1105 1075 I080 1080 1 IO5


I I IC-1150 1 ~ 1 1 2 0 1080-1120 1090-1120 1 1 1 0 - I 150 1090-1120 108C-1120 108C-1120 1080- I200 108CL1120

(a) F'rincipal alloying elements. (b) Contains 0.15%Cr. (c) Contains 0.20%Ti. (d) Solidus and liquidus temperature ranges vary when used in vacuum ( e )Contains 0 . 0 2 4 20%Bi

Filler Metals Commercial filler metals for brazing aluminum are aluminum-silicon alloys containing 7 to 12% Si. Lower melting points are attained, with some sacrifice in resistance to corrosion, by adding copper and zinc. Filler metals for vacuum (fluxless) brazing of aluminum usually contain magnesium to enhance oxide film modification, to promote wetting, and to reduce the partial pressures of oxygen-bearing gases in the chamber. The compositions and the solidus, liquidus, and brazing temperatures of the most frequently used brazing filler metals for aluminum are given in Table 2. The optimum brazing-temperature range for an aluminum-base filler metal is determined by the melting range of the filler metal and the amount of molten filler metal needed to fill the joint, and it is limited by the mutual solubility between the filler metal and the base metal being brazed. The brazing-temperature ranges of some filler metals are related to those of some base metals in Fig. 1. Filler metals for separate application from the base metal to be brazed are available as wire and sheet (thin-gage shim stock). The manufacture of filler metal in sheet and wire forms becomes more difficult as the silicon content increases. Most filler metals are used for any of the common brazing processes and methods, but two (BAlSi-7 and BAISi-11) which contain additions of magnesium and magnesium-bismuth, respectively, and have a brazing-temperature range of approximately 580 to 605 "C, or 1080 to 1120 O F ) have been developed exclusively for use in fluxless vacuum brazing. Similarly, a proprietary mixture of filler metal BAlSi-4 (alloy 4047) in powder form and a chemical compound is used exclusively with dip brazing. This mixture can be brushed or extruded onto the joints and can be applied to surfaces in all positions. The mixture stays in place because it is baked onto the metal surface during preheating. It may be employed in brazing overhead joints in wave-guide assemblies and in applications where a small, controlled flow of aluminum alloy filler metal is desired. General guidelines for selection of a filler metal are as follows (Ref 1):

Comparison ~ i 1 ~filler , metals of brazing-temperature ranges of aluminum alloy base metals and aluminum alloy brazing


When torch or induction brazing, select a filler with a liquidus temperature as far below that of the parent metal as possible. Because temperature control is dflicult with these methods, a large temperature difference will reduce the chance of accidentally melting the parent metal and permit better control. Whenitmaybenecessaryfortheoperatorto push the molten filler into a far comer or to torch-braze a long joint, a filler with a wide spread between its solidus and liquidus will be found helpful. When the importance of producing a highintegrity brazed joint is uppermost in the engineer's mind, fillers with a short melting range (minimum temperature spread between solidus and liquidus) should be selected. Alloy BAlSi-4, for example, is a filler metal with but 5.5 "C (10 O F ) between its solid and liquid state. This filler is almost eutectic and will change quickly from a solid to a liquid, reducing the time to which the parts must be subjected to brazing heat, reducing filler-parent metal diffusion, and reducing the possibility that the filer will solidify in the joint before it has reached all comers. When small-clearance joints are to be formed, the near eutectic filler is best. When furnace and dip brazing, select a filler with a short melting range. After melting and flow of the filler, subsequent heating should be minimized. Filler alloys BAlSi-2, BAlSi-4, and BAISi-

5 have good corrosion resistance. Filler alloy

BAlSi-3 has less corrosion resistance but is suitable for normal atmospheric exposure. For maximum electrolytic protection, the pieces of aluminum that comprise the brazed assembly should be of the same alloy (see the section "Corrosion Resistance" in this article).

Brazing Sheet Brazing sheet consists of a brazeable aluminum alloy roll bonded or clad with an aluminum brazing alloy. Brazing sheet, which is available with one or both sides clad, provides a more convenient method of supplying the filler metal than wire, shims, or powder and is particularly convenient for mass-pmduced* comp1ex assemblies. The se1ectionOf brazing sheet instead Of fil1er meta1 in Other forms, however~is basxi On Cost in a given app1ication. Brazing sheet can be subJectedto drawing*bending* Or anY Other forming Process. Three types of brazing sheet are shown in Fig. 2. The most mnmOn type F i g . 2a) has filler metal on one or both sides. The ComPsitiOnS and brazing-temperature ranges of commercially available brazing sheets of this type are listed in Table 3. The other types of brazing sheet shown in Fig. 2 are available only by special order. The brazing sheet shown in Fig. 2(b) has an interlayer of aluminum alloy to act as a diffusion barrier between the high-silicon filler metal and the core sheet of structural alloy. The brazing sheet shown in Fig. 2(c) has filler metal on the joint side of the structural

422 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

Table 3 Compositions and brazing-temperature ranges of aluminum brazing sheet clad

core alloy

cladding alloy

Cladding on each side, % of sheet thckne5



















695 1




695 1




695 1




695 1




695 1




695 1


33 34 44

2 2


695 1 695 1 695 1

4044 4044 4044n072

15% forO.024in. and less 10%from 0.025 in. to 0.062 in. 7%% for0.063 in. and over 15%for0.024 in. and less 10%from 0.025 in. to 0.062 in. 71/2% for0.063 in. and over 10%for0.063 in. and less 5% for 0.061in. and over 10%for0.063 in. and less 5% for 0.064 in. and over 15%for0.024 in. and less 10%from 0.025 in. to 0.062 in. 7%%for0.063 in. and over 15%forO.024in. and less 10%from 0.025 in. to 0.062in. 7%% for0.063 in. and over 10%for0.090 in. and less 5% forO.091 in. and over 10%for0.090 in. and less 5% for0.091 in. and over lOWfor0.090in.andless 5% forO.091 in. and over 10%for0.090 in. and less 5% forO.091 in.andover 10%for all thicknesses 10%for all thicknesses 15% 4044 one side. 5% 7072 other, for all thicknesses




Optimum brazing range, "F



1100-1140 11001140 1080-1110 10g0-1110


1 100-1140 1090-1120 1090-1120 1 100-11 35 I 100-11 35 110@1135'

(a) Designationsregistered with the Aluminum Association.

Fig. 2

Three types of aluminum brazing sheet

alloy and is Alclad for comsion resistance on the opposite side. The structural (core) alloys frequently used in brazing sheet are 3003, which is resistant to sagging at brazing temperatures, and 6951, which is heat-treatable after brazing and is used where higher strength is desired. Silicon Diffusion. Diffusion between the c m metal and the coating of filler metal limits the g a d applications of brazing sheet, Long heath g time~a b v e 480 O C (900 O F ) inmase diffusion of silicon h m the coating into the core,

which can lower the mechanical properties of the core and reduce the amount of m e r metal available for flow. To restrict diffusion, the brazing cycle should be as short and at as low a temperature as possible. Core alloys mUSt be selected to prevent formation of harmful intermetallic compounds. Under conditions where the core material is aggressively penetrated by the coating alloy, an intermediate protective layer of commercial-punty aluminum or of an alloy not easily penetrated by the coating can be used.

Fluxes Conventional brazing, performed in air or other oxygencontaining atmospheres, requires the use of a chemical flux. Fluxes, which become active before brazing temperature is reached and are molten over the entire brazing range, penetrate the film of oxide, exclude air, and promote wetting of the base metal by the filler metal. A satisfactory flux must: Begin to melt at a temperature low enough to minimize oxidation of the parts Be essentially molten at the time the filler metal melts Flow over the joint and the filler metal to shield them from oxidizing gases Penetrate the oxide films Lower the surface tension between the solid and liquid metals to encourage wetting Remain liquid until the filler metal has solidifed Be relatively easy to remove after brazing is complete

A superior flux for furnace and torch brazing melts at a temperature only slightly lower than the melting temperature of the filler metal, ensuring uniform wetting and flow of filler alloy in minimum time. A flux to be used as a dip brazing bath is compounded to be molten and stable at the melting temperature of the filler metal. In addition, a flux for use in dip brazing should form only minimum quantities of solid particles or sludge that sink to the bottom of the bath or collect in joint interstices. Less active fluxes are required for dip brazing than for torch or furnace brazing, because the parts are totally immersed in flux during dip brazing and oxygen cannot reach the surfaces of the parts to re-form oxide. Fluxes for use in brazing aluminum alloys usually consist of mixtures of alkali and alkaline earth chlorides and fluorides, sometimes containing aluminum fluoride or cryolite (3NaF.AlF3).The compositions are adjusted to give a favorable balance among melting range, density, chemical activity, etching characteristics, and cost. Small amounts of one or more of the chlorides of antimony, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, silicon, tin, zinc, precious metals, or rare earths improve the performance of fluxes. Reduction of fluoride can reduce effective oxide removal, but too high a concentration results in an undesirably high melting range. Flux formulation can affect the color and appearance of the finished joint. some fluxes severely etch and roughen the surface of the fillet. Fluxes containing chlorides of zinc and other heavy metals tend to deposit these metals on the base metal and make the m a that is wetted by the flux darker than the adjoining aluminum. Flux usually is received in dry powder form in sealed, moistureproof containers. It can be stored for long periods if the seal is maintained.

Brazing and Soldering / 423 Joint Design

Fig. 3

Typical brazed (and soldered) joint designs. Source: R e f 2

Once a flux container is opened, stringent precautions must be followed to prevent contamination of the flux by atmospheric moisture. Flux containers should be of perfectly clean aluminum, glass, or earthenw-ever of steel. Technique. Aluminum brazing fluxes can be applied dry, or they can be mixed with tap water or alcohol and applied by painting, spraying, or dipping. Dry flux can be sprinkled on the work, or a heated filler rod can be dipped into the dry flu. Although flux Can be mixed with tap water to form a paste, the use of alcohol may be preferred in some applications. Vapor pressure from water-mixed flux may cause dislocation of the filler metal or the assembly and generate water-insoluble oxyhalide compounds that inhibit flux residue removal. The use of alcohol minimizes these effects. Although 45 min can be considered the maximum time lapse between the application of flux and subsequent brazing, the application of flux is recommended immediately prior to brazing. Wet flux mixtures should be freshly prepared (at least once in each shift). The wetting action of a flux can be improved considerably by the use of a wetting agent. A mixture of two-thirds flux and onethird water by weight usually is satisfactory for painting. Spraying or dipping require a thinner consistency using more water. The amount of water needed for spray gun operation is determined best by trial. A proprietary fumace brazing process that uses a noncorrosive flux and an inert gas is

available. The K3AlF6-KAlF4flux is inactive at temperatures both above and below the a h minum brazing temperature. Satisfactory production has been accomplishedonthe l m a n d 3xux series alloys, as well as the nonvacuum, commercially available brazing sheet alloys. Flux Stopoffs. Sometimes positive action to prevent filer metal from flowing beyond a certain area is desirable. Stopoffs suitable for this purpose sometimes consist of a mixture of equal parts by weight of a medium-heavy engine oil ( S A E 301, fhlely powderwl glXphk, and b e m e or naphtha (mineral spirits) or slurries of re&toryoxides. Often, amarkmadeby asoftgraphite pencil is an effective stopoff. Proprietary, cornmercid Stopoff compounds are also available. Some of these may be applied in paste form without being baked and later may be removed by brushing. Furnace and dip brazing frequently require the use of a stopoff to prevent the jigs and fixtures from being brazed to the work. The mixture is brushed or sprayed on the areas to be stop@ off and then baked at 200 to 3 15 "C (400 to 600 OF) to carbonize the oil. One application usually lasts for Several brazing Cycles. Stopoffs for fluxless vacuum brazing are USUally refractory oxides that are sprayed on the jigs and futtures or are formed on the jigs and fixturesby heating to high temperaturein an air atmosphere. Such coatings generally last until mechanically damaged. In torch brazing, the use of stopoffs usually is not required, because the operator has adequate control over the flow of the filler metal.

Joints to be brazed with the use of flux must be designed to permit application of the flux to the joint surfaces before assembly or to permit entry of the flux between the components after assembly. In addition, provision must be made for the flux to be displaced by the filler metal, because entrapped flux is a potential source of corrosion. Joint design must also allow the escape of gas and subsequent penetration by the filler metal to ensure the complete distribution of filler metal in the joint. Typical recommended brazed joint designs, made with brazing filler metal and with brazing sheet, are shown in Fig. 3 and 4. Assemblies to be brazed may be designed with any of the several types of joints. For brazing processes that require a flux, joint strength equal to the strength of the base metal can be obtained with lap joints. Lap joints that require the filler metal to flow long distances should be designed for flow in one direction only; otherwise, filler metal flowing from both edges of such joints may entrap flux. The need for flow in joints having wide laps is nullified 'by using brazing sheet as one of the members. Butt and scarf joints are not usually as strong as the base metal, but when correctly designed, such joints may give satisfactory service. For fluxless brazing processes, joints having narrow or line contact are preferred to joints having wide 'Ontact, hause line contact provides cO'umn strength and prevents flux entrapment* Line contacts Or joints Of short length are high1y deskable during any aluminum brazing process, whether torch, furnace, or dip. For long lap joints, corrugations can be used to provide an outlet for molten flux, and the final result is the same as when line contacts are used. In joints for furnace and torch brazing, capillary rise is limited to about 6 mm (1/4 in.) and muSt be considad in thedesi@of the joint. In joints for dip brazing, capillary rise is seldom a limiting factor in design. During brazing of aluminum,base metal and filler metal are mutually soluble. This causes the filler metal to change progressively in composition as it flows in joints, which progressively raises the liquidus tmperature of the filler metd and reduces the ability of the filler metal to wet and flow. clearances muSt be sufficientto prevent premature solidification of the filler metdin small capillary spaces that entrap flux md cause porosity. As the distance the filler metal must flow increases, clearance requirements increase also. In dip brazing with preplaced filler metal, joint clearance at rmm temperature ranging from 0.05 to 0.1 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in.) m y suffice for namw laps (6 mm, or 1/4 in., or less). Wider laps may require clearances up to 0.25 mm (0.010 in.). For furnace and torch brazing, clearance ranging from 0.1 to 0.25 mm (0.004 to 0.010 in.) is required for MITOW laps (6 mm, or '/4 in., or less); as much as 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) is required for wider laps. With

424 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Chemical cleaning of aluminum provides excellent surfaces for brazing. Cleaning in a caustic solution is particularly effective, although residues from caustic solutions can interfere with brazing, probably because of the large amounts of aluminum oxide formed. Nitric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acid residues may prevent brazing entirely. To eliminate the possibility of harmful residues, chemical treatments should be followed by a hot distilled water rinse, after which the components are dried. Hydrofluoric acid residues are not detrimental to brazing, but hydrofluoric acid is ineffectual for removing oil and grease and, thus, is useful only on components that have been degreased by a solvent or emulsion cleaner. For best results, brazing should be done immediately after cleaning or within 48 h. If precautionary measures are taken to prevent their contamination, however, adequately cleaned components do not lose brazing qualities even in several weeks. Additional information on cleaning of aluminum alloys can be found in the article "Cleaning, Finishing, and Coating" in this Volume.


Fig. 4

Typical joints made with aluminum brazing sheet. Source: Ref2

brazing sheet, clearances may be smaller. To ensure formation of a continuous fillet in fluxless vacuum brazing with brazing sheet clearances normally should not exceed 0.08 INTI (0.003 in.). In Some applications, however, COntinUous fillets have been formed in Joints with c1earances as great as 0.23 INTI (0.0°9in.). Tube-to-tube joints to be torch Or furnace brazed require that the Outer tube be flared to 12" to produce sound joints' In joining fittings to a tube7 knur1ing Of the tube Or finkg permits complete penetration through the joint to be achieved. The correct preplacement of the filler metal is extremely important. Gravity is usually sufficient to keep the filler metal in place for fixed-position furnace brazing. In dip brazing, the filler may have to be held in place because of the buoyancy of the molten flux.


Prebraze Cleaning Oil and grease must be removed from components of assemblies to be brazed to eliminate stopoff effects. For non-heat-treatable alloys, vapor or solvent cleaning is usually adequate, although chemical cleaning may be required for components that have been severely formed, a~ by spinning. For the heat-treatable alloys, chemical cleaning is usually necessary to reduce the amount of tenacious oxide film. Chemical cleaning is not recommended for fluxless vacuum brazing. Scrubbing with steel

wool, abrasive cloth, or a powerdriven wire brush (preferably with stainless steel bristles) can also be used. Bum should be removed beforebrazing. Chemical cleaning methods used prior to brazing include nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, or nitric-hydrofluoric acid mixtures at room temperature. A widely used method is immersion for about 30 s in a solution containing equal parts of commercial nitric acid and water, followed by rinsing in clean water (preferably hot) and drying in hot air. Aluminum-silicon alloys require a special etchant, because the silicon constituent is not attacked readily by many alkaline or acid solutions. For these alloys, a room-temperature solution of three parts concentrated nitric acid and one part concentrated hydrofluoric acid is employed. This solution requires a tank lined with an inert material such as carbon brick or certain types of plastic. The presence of fluorides necessitates caution in handling and special waste disposal procedures' For thick and resistant oxide coatings, immersion for about 30 s in a warm (65 " c , or 150 "F) aqueous s01ution Of 5% 'Odium hydroxide is recornmended. To remove the surface smut produced by this treatmenti the treiitfflent should be followed by a cold water rinse, immersion in a room-temperature solution containing equal parts of commercial nitric acid and water, a final water rinse (preferably hot), and hot air drying.

In flux brazing, self-fixturing is an excellent assembly method. It may be accomplished through the use of tabs, rivets, screws, press fitting, springs, clips, or tack welds. Self-fixturing is cost-effective, quick, and applicable to many different types of assemblies. Care must be exercised when chmsing fastener oT tack weld alloys with solidus temperatures that are higher than the brazing process temperature. ~i~~ 5 illustrates a wide variety ofself-fixturing brazing assemblies. spring-loaded fixtures can be usehi, especially for high-production and complicated assemblies. These fixtures are excellent for stacked assemblies, such as plate-fm heat exchangers. When adjusted properly, springloaded futtures can prevent the crushing of assemblies that often is due to thermal expansion and aluminum softening during heating. C o m o n l Y U s e d spring materials include austenitic stainless steels (for example, type 304) and nickel-base (Inconel) alloys. Both c0i1s@gs and stmp springs are used. Strap sPrings are less costly to use but typically do not have the inherent resiliency of coil springs. Coil springs are more expensive than strap springs, but coil springs offer variations in coil diameter, coil thickness, stiffness, initial pressure, and the number of coils used that CmOt be obtained with strap springs. strap springs vary in width and thickness and are tightly bound around the fixture. When heated, strap springs tend to stretch and do not retum to their original setting, thus losing stiffness and producing an effective loss in resiliency. Weighted futtures are often used on lowproduction runs and in cases where variations in shape and size preclude the use of more-expensive fixture types.

Brazing and Soldering / 425

Fig. 5

Self-fixturing brazing (and soldering) assemblies

426 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys mately 0.84 H/kg . K (0.2 BnJlb . O F ) , is about the same as that of aluminum. For assemblies that have been preheated to 540 to 565 "C (lo00 to The best method Of heating and fluxing 1050 O F ) , about 7 to 8 kg (16 to 18 lb) of molten aluminum joints simultaneously is to immerse flux are placed in the pot for every 1.8 to 2.7 kg the entire assemb1y in a bath Of mo1ten flux* (4 to 6 lb) of alumhum to be brazed each hour Because of the low specific heat of flux, assem(Ref 3). With this ratio, the bath tempermay blies usual1y are heated to about 540 OC ('Oo0 drop 1 to 3 "C (2 to 5 O F ) , thereby facilitating OF) prior to flux immersion. This is known as brazingof fourto six loads per hour. dip brazing9Or flux-bath brazing. Dip brazing The composition of the flux should be adhas been used successfuuy in the manufacture justed periodically by fluoride and chloride adof complex, multiple-joint heat exchangers. ditions. Proprietary additive mixtures are Immersing the entire assemb1y into mo1ten available for this purpose. Even when the molfluxhas many advantages. Heat is aPP1ied to dl ten bath is idle, side reactions reduce its a&vParts simultaneously and unifody, and air is ity. Because molten flux may contain water reP1aced by a buoyant and surface-activeenvi- vapor, it should be dehydrated periodically ronment, promoting brazing fi11er-metal flow. with aluminum to minimize the formation of In addition, the uniform temperature permits hydrogen when the assemb1ies are dipped. The production assemb1y Of Parts with dimensiona1 aluminum used for dehydrating the bath may tolerances as low as M.05 mm (M.002 in.) or be scrap sheets of alloy 1100 or alloy 3003. even less. When hydrogen stops burning at the surfaceof Heat-transfer units assemb1ed from alter- the bath, dehydration is essentially complete. nate 'Omgated and flat aluminum bramg Initial dehydration should be conducted for 4 sheets Or from vari0us &ped and forrned to 48 h, depending on bath size. Insertion of piecesareexamplesofthetypeofworkthat dip aluminum into the bath before the brazing o p can hand1e advantageously* Units eration is begun also removes heavy-metal imb-g weighing uP to 9OO0 kg (20,000 lb) have been purities such as nickel, copper, iron, and zinc. joined by dip brazing. certain designs have to neheavy-metal deposit on the aluminum withstand a service pressure of 4500 kPa (650 sheet is removed by quenching the sheet in psi). Brazing sheet is essential to this type Of water, dipping it in nitric acid, and thoroughly w0** reducing assemb1y and brazing costs. rinsing it with water. The sheet should be dried The rapid, even heating and the flux buoyancy before being reused. minimize distortion. These operations, as well as the actual braza sludge conmining oxides from For assemblies designed with components ing, pduce h Close proximity, flux removal Can be tedious the brazed parts and the brickwo&, and insolf senling, t ~the ~ and expensive. For instance, when components ub1e fluoride complexes. ~ such as those of a heatexchanger matrix are sludge should be laded out at periodic interspaaced closer than 3 mm ('18 in.), the flux holds vals with a perforated tool. flux is removed by dragout on the pm to the SUrfaCeS by surface tension and Capillary action; it will not drain from the components being hazed and must be replaced. When an freely. This is not as great a problem with assembly is dip brazed, approximately 14 g spacings greater than 3 mm (% in.) between (0.5 oz) of flux dragout occurs per square foot components of normal length; wider spacing of of surface. vpically, an automotive radiator long components is desirable. with an estimated 3.7 m2 (40 ft2) at surface will Equipment. Dip brazing equipment may be drag some 0.9 kg (2 lb) of flux OUtof the pot as Simple as a heat-resistant glass beaker inside a when it is hmed.with heat exchangershaving resistance-heated furnace or as complex as alarge complex and devious passages, this amount steel vessel lined with high-alumina, acid-pmof may be larger, bemuse ofcapillary forces holdbrick. For adequateresistance to flux, the alumina ing the flux. For a specific unit, dragout may contentofliningbrick shouldbeat least4O%.The vary as much as thee-fold, depending on the molten bath is usually heated by low-voltage melting point and viscosity of the flux. Before immersion in the flux bath, all moisalternating C m t passing through the flux between wrought nickel, Inconel 600, or carbon tux must be removed from the assembly and electrodes. These show less attack than copper or from any fixture used with it. Even a slight copper-bearing electrodes and cause minimum amount of moisture in contact with molten flux contamination of the flux. Attack at the electrode- can cause spattering. Drying by preheating is flux-air interface has led to preference for sub- recommended. The use of preheated assemmerged electrodes. The bath temperalhlre should blies decreases the drop in temperature of the salt bath, shortening processing time. Large or be controlled within d 3 "C (i5O F ) . Technique. The amount of flux required to complex assemblies should be preheated 540 fill the bath is about (100 lb/ft?. Approximately to 565 OC (lo00 to 1050 O F ) , usually in an (385 Btu/lb) is required to melt and heat the air-recirculatingfurnace, at a rate that provides flux. Thermocouples enclosed in protective a suitable compromise between distortion from tubes should be used to determine the bath fast heating and diffusion between the layers in temperature.Flux quantity should be sufficient to brazing sheet during slow heating. prevent the tempemture from droppingmore than After being preheated, parts are immedi3 to 6 "C (5 to 10 O F ) when parts are immersed. ately immersed in the flux bath for the schedThe specific heat of dip brazing flux, a p x i - uled period. This period depends somewhat on

Dip Brazing

the mass of the assembly, but immersion is usually only v2 to 3 min in duration. For large assemblies,such as a cryogenic heat exchanger that may weigh more than 450 kg (1000 lb), immersion time may be as long as 20 min. Time in the bath should be no longer than is required to obtain melting and complete flow of the filler metal. More detailed information on flux baths used for dip brazing of aluminum can be found in Ref 3.

Furnace Brazing Furnace brazing is the second most popular method of brazing aluminum in use today (Ref 4). Except for dip brazing, mOreassembliesare hazed in a furnace than by all other methods together. Furnace brazing's popularity derives from the comparatively low cost ofequipment, from the ease with which existing furnaces can be adapted to aluminum hakg and back again, and from the minimal fixturing rquired. with many brazing assemblies, the weight of the parts alone is sufficient to hold them together. With other configurations, a rectangular block or two of metal is all the fixturing needed. The furnace can be used to braze assemblies with pockets that might trap air or collect a troublesome quantity of flux when dipped, and to braze highly polished parts that might be unduly etched when immersed in hot flux. Furnace hazing is a high-production pmcess that requires minimum training and skill of operators. l'roduction rates can be considerably higher and costs can be lower than for torch brazing. parts to be brazed in a furnace are cleaned and freed of excess oxide. The faying surfaces are fluxed, filler metal is positioned, and the Parts are assembledand fixtured. The assembly is then heated to approximately 150 "c (300 O F ) to drive the moisture Or alcohol Out of the flux. This is generally accomplished in a preheat oven. Next, the assembly is placed in the furnace (which is already at brazing temperature) and permitted to remain some 3 to 5 min after it has reached brazing temperature. Brazing completed, the assembly is carefully removed, cooled or quenched, and then cleaned. usually, the assembly remains in the furnace no more than 15 fin. Equipment. Both batch and continuous furnaces are used for fumacebrazing. Heating methods include electrical heating elements and direct combustion and radiant tubes. Direct combustion furnaces are inexpensive, but the fumace gases may cause undesirable metallurgical effectsduring brazing of the heat-eeatable alloysfor example, the &\xu series. Furnaces are generally rehctory-hed, although such linings become saturated with flux components. Heat-resistant steels, which are normally not recommended because of flux attack, are satisfactory for fumace linings if kept clean, particularly if aluminumcoated.

Brazing and Soldering / 427 Whatever the type of furnace, the temperature in the brazing zone must be uniform within k5 "C (f10 O F ) and preferably withini3 O C (35 OF). Circulation of atmosphere,preferably with appropriatebaffles, is required to prevent local heat variationsand to obtain the maximum rate of temperature rise. Technique. Flux sluny may be applied to the parts by dipping, brushing, a s p w g . Tap, distilled, or deionized water can serve as a Vehicle; tap water should be free of heavy metals7 because these can cause subsequent Cornsion. Because hydrogen may beevolved when wet flux is heated On aluminum P-9 Closed assemblies must be Vented. Gas generation Can be reduced by drying the flux on the Part Mor to brazing. the flux with alcoho1 instead Of water mg speeds the drying, but the exp1osive fumes t?Om the alcohol must be dissipated. Ambient air orchemically inert gas, such as ni@ogen*is nomauY used as the furnace atmosphere- A* atmosphere (dew point Of -40 OC, or 4 0 O F ) consisting of the products of cornbustion Of fue1 can sometimes redue the amoUnt Of flux needed. For brazing aluminum to Other metals- an inm9dq atmosphere is particularly beneficial. Continuous furnace brazing requires that furnaces be divided into severa1 propssive heating rate and joint heating zoneS to impove quality and to reduce w q g e ' A furnace cyc1e of 15 min a less is desirable. In automated operations, the brazing zone usually requires a travel time of 2 to 3 min for assemblies of moderate size. Because the flux loses its activity in about 30 min, aluminum assemblies large enough and heavy enough to require heating times exceeding this limit should not be furnace-brazed. Beyond the heating portion of the furnace, from 1 to 5 min of conveyor travel should be in an unheated zone to allow the filler metal to solidify. Directly following should be an air blast, a hot water spray (80 to 1oo oc,or 180 to 212 OF), a a hiling water quench, which begins the flux removal process. F~~the heattreatable alloys, a water quench after brazing permits impmvement in the mechanical prop+e,sj especially if the pmare subsequently given an aging treatment.

Fluxless Vacuum Brazing Furnace brazing in a vacuum with the use of no flux offers several advantages: the possibility of flux inclusions is eliminated,and blind cavities, tortuous paths, and small passageways can be designed into the assembly without regard to flux removal or entrapment after brazing. Fluxless b-ng also e h h a t e s the cost of flux and its application, the need for cleaning the assembly after brazing, and potential corrosion of equipment and pollution of air and water by flux residues or flux reaction products. All aluminum alloys brazeable with a flux brazing method can be vacuum-brazed. In ad-

dition, some magnesium-bearing alloys ( 5 m series), which are not readily brazed by flux processes, can be brazed in a vacuum. Some magnesium is contained in the cladding of commercial vacuum brazing sheet and often in other componentsof the assembly (Ref 5). As the assembly is heated in a vacuum, the oxide becomes crazed and porous. Because of the vacuum, the voids in the oxide do not heal as they would in an air atmosphere. As the brazing temperature is approached, magnesium vapor and a low-melting Al-Mg-Si liquid pass through the oxide, further increasing voids by reducing the aluminum oxide and forming the metal bond. Magnesium acts as a getter during the heating and melting cycle to remove residual oxygen and moisture. Vacuum brazing can be accomplished with magnesium in the braze clad layer, in the base alloy, in nonclad components such as fin stock in a heat exchanger, or even when added separately in the furnace in a pure form (as powder, thin sheet st,.ips, &ips, etc.). Other reactive metals, such as calcium, yttrium, and rare earth metals, will promote the vacuum brazing reaction, but magnesium has proven to be the most commercially feasible. Only those elements that are capable of reducing aluminum oxide, reacting with water vapor, and reacting with oxygen at the brazing temperature are effective for vacuum brazing aluminum. With correct techniques, alloys of the lux, 3ux, S x r x , 6 m , and 7 m series can be vacuum brazed using No. 7, 8, 13, or 14 brazing sheet, which are clad with 4004 filler metal (see Table 3). When additional filler metal is required, 4004 in wire and sheet form also can be introduced. The joint designs used for brazing with flux can be used for fluxless vacuum brazing: Equipment. Vacuum fumaces of either the cold wall or hot wall type are suitable for brazing aluminum (Ref 5). Singlechamber, batch-type fumaces and multichambed, semicontinuous furnaces are used for high-volume applications. Aluminum vacuum-brazing furnaces are quipped with mechanical r o u g h g pumps and oil vapor diffusion pumps to achieve vacuum levels of 20 to 0.1 mPa ( lo4 to lo* torr) pressure. Furnaces must be capable of reaching 650 O C

(1200 O F ) temperature with a L3 "C (35 OF') tolerance in the normal brazing temperature range of 580 to 610 OC (1080 to 1130 O F ) . Selection of a furnace depends on the size and geometry of the parts to be brazed as well as the production rates required. Gas cooling systems can be added to a vacuum fumace to achieve rapid cooling of the brazed assembly, or the unit can be transferred to a "cool-down" stand, where room air is blown across the load. Technique. Components are cleaned, usually by vapor degreasing with a common solvent such as perchlorethylene (ordinarily, chemical cleaning is avoided), assembled, and clamped in a suitable fixture made of stainless steel. The use of dry cotton gloves is recommended for assembling by had, because fingerprints can inhibit filler metal flow. Heating of the assembly is started simultaneously with pumpdown of batchtype furnaces. Average time for heating to brazing temperam is about 15 min. The assembly is then held at brazing temperature (see optimum brazing ranges, Table 3) for about 1 min. If the chamber is backfiiled with chemically inert gas, the assembly can be removed at temperatures above 480 "C (900 OF'). Then, heat-treatable alloys can be quenched non-heat-treatable alloys are air-cooled. The clean, dry, brazed assembly is ready for use or further processing, such as conversion coating, as soon as it is cool.

Torch Brazing Hand-held torch brazing is the method most frequently used for repairs, one-of-a-kind brazing jobs, short production runs, and as an alternative to gas or arc welding (Ref 6). Any aluminum joint that can be reached by a torch and brought to brazing temperature (by the torch alone or in conjunction with auxiliary heating means) can be readily brazed by this technique. Some of the more common commercial applicationsfor torch brazing are tubular joints in refrigerator coils, miter joints in extruded window frames, and joints between electric heating elements and structures. Equipment. Oxyacetylene, oxyhydrogen, and oxynatural gas are employed commercially for torch brazing. Gasoline blow torches and all types of gas bumers can also be used.

Table 4 Typical conditions for oxyacetylene and oxyhydrogen torch brazing of aluminumalloys ,-Oxyacetylene Orifice diameter, in.



0.020 0.025 o,032 0.040 0.051 O.Oa 0.081 0.102 0.125

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.025 . ...... , , , , , , , , ,

. , . , . . , , . . , . . ,0.03s

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..O.OS5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0.065 ,

.., ., , .., .,


0.075 . , . .O.OES

brazing* Oxygen Acetylene pressure, pressure, psi psi



0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 .s 1.5 2.0


1 1 2


3 3 4

,-Oxyhydrogen Orifice diameter, in.

0.035 0.045 0.055 0.065 0.075 0.085 0.095 0.105 0.115

brazing ,-. Oxygen Hydrogen pressure, pressure, psi psi

0.5 0.5 0.5 1

1 1 1.5 1 .5 1.5

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

428 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Torch brazing is similar to oxyfuel gas assemblies: assemblies that need but two or welding in that the heat to effect the joint is three brazed joints each. Assemblies that canapplied locally. The torch tip sizes used are not be dip or furnace brazed for one reason or similar to those for gas welding. The choice of another often can be economically brazed by tip size and gas pressures depends on the thick- this method. ness of the parts and should be determined by trial, using the values in Table 4 as starting Other Brazing Methods (Ref 7) points. With the generally employed fillers, BAlSi3 and BAISi-4, close temperature control is in motion brazing, flux is not udto reneeded, especially for torch brazing of alloys mOve surfaceofide fromfaying surfaces. Instead, that have low solidus (wrought alloys 5052, joining surfaces are moved ag&st and amss 6053, 6061, and 7005 and the casting alloys each other to remOve sdace oxide frorn both listed in Table 1). Because aluminurn alloys parts to permit weaing and hazing. show no color when hot, even melting without ne contacting sudaces may be moved a color change, some means for determining slowly or rapidly in relation to each other or when the parts are reaching brazing tempera- even oscillated at ultmonic frequency. Abrature is necessary. The flux used shou1d be One sion is Carried out at temperatures immediately that me1ts at a s1ightly lower temperature a' n below the liquidus temperature of the filler the fil1er metal and, thus, ServeS as a tempem- used. After the oxide has been displaced, ternture indicator. Aligning jigs should be insulated perature is increased until full liquidus of the to avoid excessive heat conduction. filler is reached and is held long enough for Technique. After the components of an as- brazing to take place' Subsequent coo1ing and sembly to be torch-brazed have been suitably further matment Of the joint fo110w standad cleaned, the joint areas and the filler metal are practice. No cleaning is necessary because no painted with a sluny of hing flux, and the flux is used. components are assembled and (if required) fixThere are a number Of motion brazing tedhtured. The assembly is then brazed by directing a The simp1est uSeS two brazing sheets niques. soft, slightly reducing flame over the entire joint m a . The filler metal can be preplaced, or it can that form *epartsorfaying surfaces. me filler be face-fed (flowed into the joint when touched metal 'ladding On One sheet is placed in Contad ag&st the heated work). neb d j o i n t s.,ould with the filler cladding On the second sheet. have a smooth fillet, usually requiring l i a e or no There is no joint gap. The Parts are heated until the liquidus temperature of the cladding is alfinishing. Residual flux should be removed. Automatic torch brazing is similar to most reached. One Part is then moved in relahand-held torch brazing in all respects save one: tion to the other (the faying surfaces are rubbed the assembly is moved automatically in relation against each other), and heating is continued tothe torch, or vice versa. The part may be m t a ~ until full filler metal liquidus is reached. The in front of the torch, or torches; the part may be motion displaces the oxide floating on the liqslowly moved past the torch, or oscillated in from uid filler metal surfaces. The two liquids minof the torches; or the p m may rem& stationary gle and join. On Cooling the joint is formed. Fl0w Brazing. Another approach, somewhile the torches are moved. Joint temperature is controlled by adjust- times Called flow brazing, uses molten filler metment of time, torch-to-work distance, and gas al. The prepared Parts are moved rapidly withh a mixture. Once these parameters have been de- bathofmoltenfillermetal.ConverselY,t h e m ] termined there is rarely any need to experiment ten fillermay be moved by means of a transducer further or to change adjustments on a produc- driven at ultrasonic frequency. The relative motion between base metal and filler metal displaces tion run. Filler metal is preplaced with primary con- the surface Oxide. The filler metal then wets the cem for its relationship to the mass of the base metals and forms the brazed Join@On Coolassembly and the flame or flames. Generally hg. Induction Brazing. Joints b d by indxthe filler is "buried" in the assembly so that it cannot be brought to liquidus before the entire tiOn brazing m brought to brazing temperam bY high-frequency electrical cumen@ indud in assembly reaches brazing temperature. Any number of torches may be used in any the faYinS Surfacesby an inductance (Coil) P i number of positions and arrangements. Flames tioned nearby. Heating is localized, fast, and generally acmay surround the part, and successive flames may be applied to thicker parts to bring them complished in less than 1 min. There are no up to temperature. open flames, and power is consumed only durBecause filler metal is liquid during braz- ing the brazing cycle. Once brazing Parameters ing, it is important that assemblies do not rotate have been ascertained, brazing by induction is too fast and that they not be shaken or tipped as a mechanically repeatable operation. It can be they are moved through the flames. Molten automated, and it can be accomplished by unfillets respond to gravity, and shaking tends to trained personnel. reduce their height. Postinduction brazing cleaning is easier Automatic torch brazing, or mechanized than posttorch brazing cleaning, because there flame brazing as it is sometimes called, is best are no combustion products to react with the suited to high production runs of limited-joint flux and form insolubles.

The equipment required is expensive compared to that necessary for other brazing methods. High-production runs are needed to amortize the investment at a reasonable rate, However, the same equipment can be used for brazing and heat treating other metals. A frequency of 530 kHz has been found most satisfactory for a wide span of industrial heating applications, including aluminum brazing; however, frequencies as low as 60 Hz to as high as 5 MHz have also been used. Joint clearances for parts to be brazed by induction heating are similar to those used for furnace brazing; 0.05 to 0.10 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in.). Joints designed for induction bming are no different from joints designed for furnace brazing or other brazing methods. The prime guideline in designing assemblies for induction brazing is to recognize the limited heating area afforded by this method and the necessity of keeping all the joints to be brazed at one time within the heating area. Thought must also be given to the repulsion eRect ind u c d in the molten filler (and in all metd within the range of the work coil) by the alternating current. The current induces a countermagnetic field that repulses the initial field. In some cases it may drive the molten filler out of the joint. This can be prevented by positioning the work coil properly in respect to the joint. Further details on this process can be found in Ref 7.

Dissimilar Metal Brazing A1uminum can be brazed to many Other metals, including steel, stainless steel, copper, nickel, titanium, and beryllium. In specific applications, paint or another suitable coating may be required after brazing to minimize subsequent galvanic comosion of the joint area Stresses from nonuniform expansion must also be considered. Aluminum to Ferrous ~ l l s t e~ e l ~ should be ptected frmn ofihion during preheating and brazing to aluminum. ~ndip brazing, Oxidation can be pventd by dipping unheated parts inm molten flux, but this procedure has limited application because it is likely to cause warping and misalignment of the components. Plated or coated stel can be brazed to aluminum more readily than to bare steel. copper, nickel, or zinc electroplates and aluminum, silver, tin, or hot dip zinc coatings are used to promote wetting of the steel and to minimize formation of brittle duminum-iron cornpounds, thus producing a mme ductile joint. The furnace brazing of plated steel liners or sleeves in aluminum alloy cylinder blocks, as well as steel valve seats in aluminum alloy cylinder heads, has been done experimentally. Aluminum-coated steels can be torchbrazed readily to aluminum, using aluminum filler metals and fluxes. The procedure is the same as in brazing aluminum to aluminum, except that preheating should be rapid and brazing time must be minimized to avoid the


Brazing and Soldering / 429

Table 5 Solutions for removing brazingflux from aluminum parts Amount

. . . . . . . . . . . 5 gal

34 gal

Nitric-hydrofluoric acid . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 gal 1 qt 36 gal Hydrofluoric acid . . . , , , I O pt 40 gal

Phosphoric acidchromium trioxide Nitric acid-sodium dichromate . . . .

Titanium may be fairly easily brazed to aluminum if it is first dipped into a molten e alloy of silver and aluminum (67Ag-33A1). This alloy forms a thin, uniform layer on the titanium with an intermetallic boundary less than 2 pm thick. A precoat of zinc and aluminum (50Zn-50Al) can also be used, but strength and ductility will be lower. The best results with flux dip brazing have been achieved with this technique. Under correct conditions, nickel and nickel alloys are no more difficult to braze to aluminum than ferrous alloys. They can be brazed directly or pmoated with aluminum. Although Monel alloys can be wetted directly, brazed joints are likely to be brittle; thus, Monel alloys are Preferably precoated With & ~ ~ . u I L Beryllium can be wetted directly by aluminum brazing alloys. Magnesium alloys can be brazed to aluminum, but the brazed joints have limited usefulness because of the extremely brittle aluminum-magnesium phases that form at the interface.

Flux Removal

Postbraze Heat Treatment

Fluxes used in brazing aluminum alloys can cause corrosion if allowed to remain on the parts. Therefore, cleaning of joints after brazing is essential. A thorough water rinse followed by a chemical treatment is the most effective means of complete flux removal. As much flux as possible should be removed by immersing the parts in an overflowing bath of boiling water just after the filler metal has solidified. If such a quench produces distortion, the parts should be allowed to cool in air before immersion, to decrease the thermal shock. When both sides of a brazed joint are accessible, scrubbing with a fiber brush in boiling water removes most of the flux. For parts too large for water baths, the joints should

Dip-brazed heat-treatable assemblies can be spray quenched or immersionquenched after most of the salt has been drained and while the parts still remain at about 480 "C (900 OF). This puts the parts into a solution-heat-treated stage for subsequent precipitation hardening. Heat-treatable assemblies usually are in the annealed or soft condition after furnace, torch, or fluxless brazing. Clean assemblies are usually heated at temperatures ranging from480 to 5 15 "C (900 to 960 O F ) for a period of time that allows the magnesium silicates to go into solid solution prior to quenching. The quenched parts are then aged for a period of time that allows precipitation hardening to take effect. The amount of time depends on the alloy sys-

7 ConcentrationI

Type of solution

Nitric acid

be scrubbed with hot water and rinsed with cold water. A pressure spray washer may be the best first step. A stream jet is also effective in opening passages plugged by flux. Any of several acid solutions (Table 5) can remove flux that remains after washing. The choice depends largely on the thickness of the brazed parts, the accessibility of fluxed mas, and the adequacy of flux removal in the initial water treatment. A Pitting Or intergranu1ar type of attack on parts can result as chlorides from the flux build up in the acid solution. Some solutions have a greater tolerance for these chlorides than others before parts are attacked. The degree of flux contamination tolerable for the five typical flux removal solutions listed in Table 5 is given in the footnotes of the table. The two chromium-containing solutions in Table 5 have a greater tolerance for chlorides and are Preferred for thin-wall assemblies. h areas where disposal of chmmates presents a problem, the nitric acid solution can be used if inhibiton such aS l % thiCWea or methanolamine salt of sulfolaurylalkylbenzoate are added. As a corrosion inhibitor, about 0.5% sodium or potassium dichromate is sometimes added to the final rinse water. Agitation and turbulence improve the efficiency of any flux removal treatment. Ultrasonic cleaning works effectively for cleaning inaccessible areas, decreases the immersion time, and reduces the possibility of attack on the aluminum. Checking for complete flux removal should be a routine inspection procedure. To detect the presence of flux, a few drops of distilled water are put on the surface to be tested and are left there for a few seconds. The water is then picked off with an eyedropper and placed in an acidified solution of 5% silver nitrate. If the solution stays clear, the metal is clean. If a white precipitate clouds the solution, chloride residues were present on the surface. Flux removal PrOCedUES must then be repeated until the brazed assembly tests clean. Complete removal of the flux is essential, because it is comsive to aluminum in the presence of moisture.


40 gal

Room temperature

Immerse for 10-20 min; rinse in hot or cold water(c)

58-62% HNO, 48% HF (1.15 sp gr) Water 48% HF Water

Room temperature

Immerse for 10-15 min; rinse in cold water, rinse in hot water; dry(d) Immerse for 5-10 min; rinse in cold water; dip in nitric acid solution shown at top of table; rinse in hot or cold water(d)

Cr03 Water

. . . . . 41/4gal 58-62% HNO, 32 Ib 36 gal


58-62% HN03 Water

. . . 11/1 gal 85% H,P04 71/4lb

Operating temperature, O F

Na2Cr207. 2H10 Water

Room temperature


Imerse for 1 ~ - 1 min; 5 rinse in hot or cold water(e)


Immerse for 5-30 min; rinse in hot water(f)

(a) All compositions in weight percent. (b) Before using any of the above solutions, it is recommended that the assembly first be immersed in boiling water to remove the major portion of the flux. (c) Flux contamination in acid should not exceed 5 g/L of chloride expressed as sodium chloride. Solution is not recommended for use on base metals less than 0.020 in. thick. (d) Flux contamination in acid should not exceed 3 g/L of chloride expressed as hydrochloric acid. Solution is aggressive and not recommended for base metals less than 0.020 in. thick. (e) Tolerance for flux contamination is in excess of 100 g/L and permissible limit is probably governed by cleaning ability. If large pockets of flux are present. solution promotes intergranular attack at the pocket. Recommended for final cleaning of thin-gage parts, when most of the flux can be removed easily in water. (f) Exceptionally high flux tolerance. Recommended for cleaning thin-gage assemblies, if adequacy of water cleaning is doubtful. License required.

formation of brittle aluminum-iron phases at the interface. Tube-to-tube joints, with a nominal clearance of about 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) and laps varying from 13 to 64 mm (0.50 to 2.50 in.), have shown shear strengths of 70 to 100 MPa (10 to 15 ksi). Stainless steel is brazed to aluminum by first coating the hot stainless steel with tin. The cleaned, deoxidized aluminum is assembled with the coated stainless steel and preplaced filler metal. The assembly is then dipped into hot flux, cooled, and cleaned. When alloy 6061 is brazed to 304L stainless, filler 4047 is used. The aluminum brazing filler metals form an aluminum-tin alloy with the tin, which in turn forms a continuow layer of metal on the stainless steel. Joints formed this way exhibit good resistance to cryogenic shock, vibration, and pressure burst tests. h&rates with helium x e less than 1O-8 mL/s (13 x lo-'' ft3/h). Aluminum to Copper. B - ~ of aluminum to copper is diffc,& because of the low melting tempemm (548 "C, or 1018 O F ) of the aluminum-coppereutectic and its exbmne brittleness. By heating and cooling rapidly, however, reasonably ductile joints are made for applications such as copper inse- in aluminum castings for electrical conductor use. The usual filler metals and fluxes for brazing aluminumto aluminum can beused, or the silver alloy fillermetals BAg-1 and BAg-la can be used if heating and cooling are rapid (to minimize diffusion). Pretinning the copper surfaces with solder or silver alloy filler &tal improveS wetthg and permits shorter time at brazing temperam. A more p b d way to braze aluminum to copper is to bmze one end of a short lenglh of aluminUm-mated steel tube to the aluminum, and then silver-brazethe other end of the tube to the copper.

Aluminum to Other Nonferrous Metals.

Alurninum-silicon filler metals are unsuitable for brazing aluminum to uncoated titanium because of the formation of brittle metallic compounds.


430 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys tern and on whether the parts are made from wrought or cast alloys. A typical precipitation heat treatment for 6061 shapes and tube is 160 “C (320 O F ) for 16 to 20 h.

Corrosion Resistance

Finishing ’


Because of the smooth, uniform fillets res u l h g from the brazing operation, little if any mechanical treatment is required before final finishing. If flux has been completely removed (or if fluxless brazing has been used), all chemical and electrochemical finishing treatments are effective when the brazed structures are aluminum throughout. Because of the high silicon content of the filler metal fillets, any treatment that thickens the oxide or preferentially etches aluminum, leaving a residue of silicon, may cause the fillets to be a darker color than the remainder of the product. Brazing fluxes containing chlorides of zinc or other heavy metals deposit that metal on the surface of aluminum parts. These fluxes, as well as fluxes that cause severe etching of a h minum, should be avoided for highest quality in chemical finishing.

Mechanical Properties At least a part of the base metal is heated above its annealing temperature during the brazing cycle. Torch brazing may anneal only a small region near the joint, whereas dip or furnace brazing anneals the entire assembly. unless the c o m p l e ~part is quenched and aged, heat-treated, or cold-worked, the metal that was heated has mechanicalproperties typical of the annealed alloy. wenthe alloy is heat-treatable, improved strengthcan be impartedby quenchingdirectly from the brazing furnace or dip pot, then artificially or naturally aging according to regular procedures for the alloy involved. Another altemative is solution heat treating and aging as separate operations after brazing. Heat treating is not always possible, because the rapid quenching r e q u i d for most heat-treatable allays can cause distortion. ~117005 age hardens at room temperature to T6 propedes after normal ak coolkg(0.5 to 1 O C / ~or, 1 to 2 OF/^)

Tab’e6 Tensile propertiesOf OAMi3 alloy 7005 heated as in brazing


Heated 10 min at 1090 “F, air cooled, aged as designated





from brazing temperature. Table 6 lists typical properties of alloy 7005 when air cooled from brazing temperature.

Tensile strength, ksi

None . . . . . . . . . . 3 days . . . . . . . . . 1 week . . . . . . . . I month . . . . . . . . 3 months . . . . . . . 6 months . . . . . . .

28 42 45 49


54 T63(a) . . . . . . . . . 52

Yield strength, ksi

Elongation in 2 in., %

12 21 24 21 30 32 44

26 22 22

(a) Anificially aged (after solutlon heat vcamcnl)

21 21

21 13

The aluminum alloys best suited for brazing are also among those most resistant to corrosion. Corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys generally is unimpaired by brazing if a fluxless brazing process is used or if flux is completely removed after brazing. If flux removal is inadequate, the presence of moisture can lead to interdendritic attack on the filler metal at joint faces and to intergranular attack on the base metal. When two aluminum alloys a brazed together, exposure to salt Water or Some Other electrolyte may result in attack on the more anodic alloy. This condition is aggravated if the anodic Part is relatively small Compared With the other Piece; therefore, the anodic aluminum alloy should be the larger of the two members. Torch-brazed Alclad 3003 and Alclad 3004 show excellent corrosion resistance. Furnace Or dip brazing, however* cauSeS a cemin’ amount of silicon diffusion from the clad surface, which limits applicationof these methods with conventiona1A1c1ad Products. A brazing sheet with filler metal on one side and Alclad with a specia1a11oy On the Other (Fig. 2c) performs we11in furnace Or dip brazing. Commercia1fi11ermeta1s Of the a1uminumsilicon type have hif$ cornsion resistance, comParab1e to that Of the base meta1s usual1Y brazed. Filler metals containing substantial amounts Of coPr Or zinc are less corrosion but theY are usual1Y adequatey except for service in severe environments. Joints brazed with aluminum-silicon filler metals (BAlSi-2, BAlSi-4, and BAlSi-5) show a potentid of -0.82 v with respect to a O.lN calomel reference electrode in an aqueous SOlution of 53 gb- Of sodium chloride and 3 g / L Of hydrogen peroxide-“his potential is barely cathodic to the frequently brazed base meta1s* for which the value is -0.83 v for 1100,3003, 6061, and 6063. nerefore, little electrolytic action occurs in assemblies of these base metals that are brazed with the usual filler metals. The potential of joints brazed with filler metal BAISi-3 (alloy 4145), which contains copper in addition to aluminum and silicon, depends on the cooling rate after brazing. For slow cooling, these joints have about the same potential as joints brazed with the aluminumsilicon filler metals (-0.82 V). If the cooling is resistanty

rapid enough to retain a substantial amount of copper in solid solution, the potential is lower, a potential of -0.73 V has been found for Tjoints in 0.064 in. sheet brazed with BAlSi-3 filler metal and rapidly cooled. Although considerable undissolved siliconcontaining constituent is evident in brazed joints, it polarizes strongly (except in acid chloride environments) and has little influence on the potential of the brazed joint and its cormsion resistance. Table 7 shows the results of long-time exposure in a highly corrosive environment of various sheet alloys that were furnace-brazed with filler metal BAISi-3. The good performance can be considered typical of a variety of brazing combinations. As described in the section “Dissimilar Metal Brazing” in this article, aluminum-bwe filler alloys are also used to join aluminum to titanium or titanium to titanium. The galvanic potential between aluminum and titanium allays indicates that galvanic corrosion should occur in an electrolyte (Ref g), but & a m p tentid studies have shown that the natural oxide passivation films on the titanium and aluminum surfaces gready reduce the danger ofthat couple (Ref9). In one study, no s u ~ e p tibility to s~esscorros~on mck,,g was observed in titanium alloys brazed with aluminum-base filler alloys (Ref 10). These cornsion tests on titanium joints indicated adequate corrosion resistance when an aluminumsilicon filler alloy was exposed to aqueous 3.5% NaCl at room temperature, but there ww inadequate corrosion resistance when alufinumcopper-silver filler alloy was expd. Other researchers found that weathered titanium joints brazed with aluminum-zinc filler metals showed no visible corrosion after 1 year (Ref 11). Additional information on the cornsion resistance Of a1uminum-brazed ‘Ompnents can be found in the article “Corrosion of Brazed Joints” in Volume 13 of ASM Handbo0k’

S a f e 9 Precautions n e principal hazard in brazing ahminum alloys arises from the use of molten fluorinecontaining fluxes in dip brazing. Toxic effects may be produced by the inhalation of fumes from the fluorine compounds; thus, exhaust facilities are required for dip brazing. Suitable masks should also be worn to prevent inhaling of these fumes. Operators must wear suitable bum-and heat-resistant coverings to protect

Table 7 Results of microscopic examination of furnace brazed specimens exposed 2 yr to 3.5% sodium chloride intermittentspray Specimens were small inverted T-joints of 1.6-mm (0.064-in.)sheet; filler metal used was BAISi-3. ~~~


Shrrt alloy

3003 5052 6053 6061

T y p of Itlack

Sheel (but mCt.1) I IJoint (filler melal)Depth of 8tlack. in. T y p ol Depth of atlack. in. m8K 8vg attack max IVg

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitting

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitting

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pitting. intergranular

. . . . . . . . . . . Pitting, slight intergranular

0.0098 0.0182 0.0126 0.0126

0.0022 0.0042 0.0028 0.0033

Pitting Pitting Pitting Pitting

0.0014 0.0042 0.0012 0.0042

0.0011 0.0014 0.0008 0.0014

Brazing and Soldering / 431 themselves from splashes, or bums, and inhalation of flux fumes. Lowering and removal of the parts and fixtures must be done at a rate that minimizes spatter from the molten bath. Parts to be brazed (including fixtures) must be preheated to prevent steam explosions as the part is lowered into the bath. Preheating also prevents the lower-temperature fixture and aluminum assembly from freezing out the molten salt as it is immersed. The appearance of aluminum under elevatd-temperature conditions can be very deceptive, because this material does not turn red Or glow when it is hot, like Steel does. PKGNtions must be taken to prevent bums. When removing magnesium and magnesium oxides from vacuum furnaces, nonsparking scraping tools should be used to prevent sparks that can ignite magnesium. Dust should be swept fquently into a metal container and removed from the vicinity of the furnace to prevent fiies. The cleaning operators must work with adequate ventilation and masks. The cleaning must be done by more than one operator as a precaution against accidents. Several buckets of appropriate materials, such as sand, as well as fire extinguishers, should be available at all times.

Soldering As defined in the introduction to this article, soldering involves temperaturesbelow 450 oc (840 OF); therefore, aluminum alloy fillers are not used in soldering aluminum. Most solders for aluminum are alloys of zinc, tin, cad-

mium, and lead. Silver solders are not used for joining aluminum because none has a melting range low enough. All common solderingtechniques can be used with aluminum, and several less common methods are particularly applicable, including abrasion, ultrasonic, and reaction-flux soldering. Soldering aluminum differs from soldering other common metals in several ways. Aluminum’s tenacious, refractory oxide film requires active fluxes, designed specifically for aluminum; rosin fluxes are not satisfactory. Soldering temperature must also be controlled more closely. With aluminum, resistance to corrosion depends much more on solder composition than

it does with copper, brass, or ferrous metals. All soldered aluminum joints have a lower resistance to corrosion than those that are brazed or welded. The high thermal conductivityof aluminum requires rapid heat application to ensure an adequate temperature at the joint.

Solderability (Ref 12) Wrought Alloys. Although all aluminum doys can be soldered, d o y composition greatly affects ease of soldering, type of solder, method employed, and ultimate service acceptability of the assembly. The relative solderability of the

Table 8 Solderability of aluminum to other metals and nonmetallin Mslai&








Nic,eldoys Magnesium alloys Silveralloys

Preciousmetals zinc alloys Lead alloys ‘lin alloys and tin plate Commercialelectroplatesor hotdip w i n g s BrOW Sinteredgraphitebrorue Titanium ~ e r a m i ~ , ~ t s , ~ l ~

Low-temperature soldering@)

High-lemprature solderin&)

Satisfactory Possible Satisfactory Satisfactory Possible Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Possible Not recanmended Possible Possible

Satisfactory Possible Satisfactory Possible Possible Possible No experience Possible Noexperience Noexperience Possible Possible Not recommended Possible Possible

(a)‘5atisfactory”indicatescombinationseasy to solder. “Possible” indicates limitedexperience. Source: Ref 14

Table 9 Compositionsand properties of typical soldersfor use with aluminum Sdderlype




CampaSltbR % AI cd

zn zn zn zn zn

... ... ... ...

100 94 95 90 79.6 90 60 17.5 15 30 70





ZnCd ZnCd Zn€d


Sn-Zn Sn-Zn Sn-Zn Sn-Pb Sn-Zn Sll-Pb Sn-& Sn-iil SR2n Sn-Pb SRPb

20 70 30 40 60 63 69.3 80 91 36.9 34

Sn-Pb Sn-Pb Sncd SRcd PbBi

31.6 40 20 50 0.5




... ... ... ...

... ... t . .



4 5 5 10

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...




82.5 64.2

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


... ...

28 20 9

... ... ...





... ... ... ...

0.8 0.8


... 9 15 15

... ...

... ...



... ...


... ... ...

10 40

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 60 0.1 37 2.0

... ...


59.3 63


51 44.2


... 64.2

... ...








... ...


... ... ... ... ...

... ... ...



... ...


... ... ... ... ... ...

2 5 5

... ... ... ...


... ...


... ... ...

... ... ...





V. good, very good, react, reaction; @.,organic; and Org.-react, organic or reaction. Source: Ref 13

... ... ...

Meltingrange,’C Solidus Liquidus

Meltingraw,°F Solidus Liquidus

419 382 377 382 275 265 265 265 110 199 199 183 199 183 1% 199 199.4 143 195

419 393 377 382 399 404 335 265 277 311 377 238 341 216 335 277 199.4 232 256

787 720 710 720 527 509 509 509 230 390 390 361 390 361 385 390 391 290 383

787 740 710 720 750 760 635 509 530 592 710 460 645 420 635 530 391 450 492

139 168 110 182 246

252 357 277 216 271

282 335 230 360 475

485 675 530 420 520


Wetting ability

h x

Good Good Good Good

React. React. React. React.

Good V.good

React. React.

Fair Fair

Fair Good

React. React.

Fair Good




... ... ... ...

... ... ...



... ... ...

... ... ...

Camdm V.good V.good


... ... ...








@.-react. mct.


... ... ...

... ... ...


... ...


Poor Good


@.-react. organic


Poor Good

432 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys principal wrought aluminum alloys is listed below (Ref 13):

solderability: 1100, 1200, 1235, . Excellent 1350, and 3003 . 6063, Goodsolderability:3004,5357,6003,6061, 6101, 6151, 6253, 6951, 7072, and 8112 . Fair solderability: 2011,2014,2017,2018, 2024,2025,2117,2214,2218,2225,5050, and 7005 . Poor solderability: 5052,5056,5083,5086, 5154, 5254, 5356, 5652, 7075, 7178, and 7277

~ lcontaining l more ~ than ~ 1% ~ M~ ,-annot be soldered satisfactorilywith an organic flux, and alloys containing more than 2.5% Mg are diffiicult to solder with reaction fluxes. Alloys containing more than 5% Si are difficult to solder by any flux method. Aluminum alloys containing more than 0.5% Mg are subject to intergranular penetration by molten tin solders. Zinc also penetrates the aluminum-magnesium alloys intergranularly, but the extent of penetrationusually is not significant until the magnesium content exceeds 0.7%. Intergranular penetration by molten solder is aggravated if magnesiumcontaining alloys are prestressed. This can be reduced if the assembly is stress-relieved before soldering. However, when using hightemperamre zinc or ZinC-aluminUm~ l d e rthat s have a solidus temperature of 370 "C (700 "F) or greater, complete stress relief occurs in nonheat-treatable alloys before molten solder contacts the Surface ofthe alUmhm. partial Stress relief occurs in the heat-treatable alloys, thus reducing solder penetration. Aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys are less susceptible to intergranular penetration than binary aluminum-magnesium alloys and are more solderablethan binary aluminum-silicon alloys. Aluminum alloys containing copper or zinc as a major alloying element generally contain appreciable quantities of other elements. Most such alloys are subject to intergranularpenetration by solder and generally are not soldered. Solderability of the highly alloyed materials can be improved, however, by employing an aluminum alloy cladding or by plating the surface. Thermally treated alloys develop a heavier oxide film than forms naturally; this can hinder soldering. With the heat-treated alloys, it usually is necessary to pretreat the surface chemically before soldering. Cast Alloys. The substantial amounts of alloying elements present in most casting alloys increase the probability that these elements will be dissolved in the solder, which will reduce its wetting capacity and capillary action. The casting alloys, as a group, thus have poor solderability. The time at soldering temperature must be held to a minimum to reduce penetration of molten solder. Electroplating the cast surface facilitates soldering by controlling solder penetration and

improving solder wetting capacity and capillary action. Any roughness, minute cavity, or porosity in a cast surface can entrap flux and make flux removal difficult. Permanent-mold, plaster mold, and die castings generally present a good surface condition for soldering, However, because die castings are subject to surface blistering when exposed to temperaturesover 315 "C (600 O F ) , they generally cannot be high-temperature soldered. Because most die casting alloys contain a high percentage of silicon and a tenacious oxide film, they are difficult to wet and normally are soldered by fluxless methods. The three aluminum casting alloys that are relatively easily wetted by solder are 443.0, 43-29 and 356. cas@ alloys that are less responsive but still solderable are213.0,710.0, and711.0.

the glass by sand- or grit-blasting.The glass is then heated and sprayed with the desired metal, in a molten state. Upon cooling any suitable solder and flux may be used to solder aluminum or another metal to the metal-coated glass. Glass and other nonmetallics can be coated or tinned by abrasion with a grinding wheel. The grinding wheel is loaded with soft solder by rubbing the solder into the rotating wheel, Heating the wheel is reported to speed loading, The surface to be tinned-ceramic, metal, or g l a s g s pressed against the loaded, rotating wheel. Friction melts the solder, which flows onto the hot, abraded surface, wetting it. Once tinned, the nonmetallic or metal may be soldered with standard soft solders and fluxes.

Dissimilar Material Soldering (Ref 1 2-1 4,

Solders for aluminum can be classified as low-temperature, intermediate-temper,

In general, any commercially solderable material can be soldered directly or indirectly to aluminum, using a soldering flux suited'to aluminum. Table 8 shows the solderability of aluminum to various other materials. The metals that are difficult to solder to aluminum with low-temperature solders are magnesium and the refractory metals niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, and zirconium. These can be soldered to aluminum after being electroplatedwith a solderable metal, by coating them with silver alloy solder, or by other special processes. For example, titanium hotdip coated with aluminum is soldered easily to aluminum. In addition, the reverse approach can be employed-that is, plating or coating the aluminum member with another metal, such as copper or tin, to facilitate soldering. When using zinc-base solders, close temperature control and short time cycles are req u i d to minimize alloying and formation of brittle intermetallic compounds. The temperatures should not exceed 10 "C (50 O F ) above the liquidus of the solder. Also, the time the solder is liquid should be only that required to obtain complete flow and is normally less than 1 min. Nonmetallics that can be wetted by solder or plated with a metal can be soldered to aluminum (Ref 14). Glass can be wetted by solder composed of approximately equal parts of tin and indium. The glass is cleaned and heated to the melting temperature of the solder, which is then rubbed over the surface of the glass, tinning it. Aluminum pretinned with tin-lead-zinc solder can be soldered directly to the tinned glass using the same solder with no flux. Made properly, aluminum-glass solderjoints are vacuum-tight. Other solders may also be used to solder aluminum directly to the tinned glass, but they usually require flux. Glass may be coated with copper, silver, or aluminum by first roughening the surface of

Solders (Ref 12,13)

and high-temperature. General characteristics of typical solders of each type are listed in Table 9. low-temperaturesolders generally melt and flow between 150 and 260 "C (300 and 500 OF). They are composed primarily of low-melting metals such as tin, lead, zinc, cadmium, and bismuth. In addition, they may contain small amounts of higher-melting metals, such as aluminum, copper, nickel, and silver. Intermediate-temperaturesolders me 1t at 260 to 370 "C (500 to 700 OF). They contain primarily tin or cadmium in various combinations with zinc. They also may contain small amounts of aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, or silver. Because these solderscommonly contain 30 to70% Zn, they wed aluminum more readily, form larger fillets,and produce strongerand more cmsionresistant joints than the low-tempera- solders. High-temperaturesolders melt between 370 and 450 "C (700 and 840 OF). They consist of 90 to 100%Zn and may contain 2 to 10% Al and small amounts of copper, iron, nickel, or silver. These additionslower the soldering temperam, provide a widermelting range, and impmve wetting of the aluminum by the solder. Aluminum in zinc-aluminum solders reduces intergranular penetration or general dissolution of aluminum alloys. High-temperature solders are the strongest and least expensive of those used with aluminum. They also provide superior corrosion resistance compared to the low-temperature and intermediate-temperature solders. To assure the highest resistance to corrosion, high-temperature solders should be free from bismuth, cadmium, lead, tin, and other low-meltingmetals. Solder Properties (Ref 13). The strength of the low-temperature,soft solders in shear is a bit h excess of 34 MPa (5,000 psi). The melting points of solders in this group begin at 110 "C (230 O F ) . Aluminumjoints made with soft solders have relatively low corrosion resistance and therefore are rarely exposed to the weather or corrosive atmospheres.

Brazing and Soldering / 433 Low-temperature tin-lead solders also suf- Table 1 0 Characteristicsof typical soldering fluxes for aluminum fer from creep. Under sufficient loading they may rapidly fail. vpically a 60Sn40Pb solder mux Chloride-free organicflux Chloride-containingreaction fluxes joint loaded to 9600 kPa (1400 psi) in tension cbmde*ic will give way in a few hours. If the initial stress composition 83% triethanolamine, 88% SnCI2, 88% ZnC12, is reduced to 4100 kPa (600 psi) the solder will 10%fluohoric acid, 10%NH4CI, 10% "4~1, resist for 22 h. Reduced to 690 kPa (100 psi), 7% Cd(BF4)2 2% NaF 2% NaF Viscous liquid Powder Powder failure occurs within 165 days. These solders F m Ethyl or methyl Alcohol, water n-propyl or are therefore useful only for bonding and seal- Vehic1e alcohol or water n-butyl alcohol ing, holding twisted wires in place, or holding or methyl ethyl ketone Fluxingrange 175to 215 "C 33OoC 380T folded and crimped metal edges in place. (350 to 525 OF) (630 andup (720 OF), and up The binary lead-tin solder combinations, Copious Copious Copious such as those commonly sold for soldering noi t& ~i~v' " ' '~ Slight Heavy Heavy copper, can also be used for soldering alumi- cmsivmess~ num; however, they are difficult to use. The Offlux Very slight Severe Severe Ofresidue Very slight Severe Severe joint formed is weak, and therefore lead-tin solder is seldom used with aluminum. Lead E1earicalmductivi~: Moderate High High alone is almost insoluble in aluminum, and the Low High High addition of tin improves lead's wetting ability only slightly. Lead-tin solder combinations formulated for aluminum usually contain small quantities Of zinc, cadmiurn*and Other metah most ductile and vibration-resistant solder Reaction fluxes are inorganic salts based on to improve wetting and flow characteristics. known for use with aluminurn. heavy-metal chlorides, usually of zinc or tin, in The tin-zinc eutectic mixture (91Sn-9Zn), combination with other halide salts. The heavywhich melts at only 199 "C (391 O F ) and flows metal halides are the primary fluxing agents. and wets aluminum readily, is the most corn- Fluxes (Ref 12,13) Compounds such as ammonium chloride are ' sion resistant of the low-temperature solders. added to i m p v e fluidity, reduce the melting Its smngth approachesthat Of the intermediate Fluxes for soldering aluminum are of two point, h p v e wetting characteristics, and prosolders. types: organic fluxes and chloridecontaining, vide a flux cover that prevents reoxidation of the The tin-@lc-base intermediate so'ders ex- inorganic salt (reaction-type) fluxes. Chmc- cleaned surface. hibit shear smn@hs in exceSS Of 3870 kPa tenstics of typical fluxes used with aluminum These fluxes penetrate the oxide film and (7,000 psi). These solders are often used for contact the underlying aluminum. At the reacare given h Table 1o. extenor joints when prowEd from the Organic fluxes usually employ a chemical tion temperature,the metal chloride is reduced weather by paint or similar means. Tin-zinc such as triebnolamine as a vehicle for fluorine by the aluminum to form the corresponding solders melt at 290 "C (550 O F ) and higher. compounds, the active fluxing agents. These heavy metal (zinc or tin) and gaseous alumizinc-cadmiumso1ders' which may contain fluxes may contain modifiers, such as Zinc f l u e num chloride. The aluminum chloride forms l5 to 90% zn' produce Joints with shear ride, Zinc chloride, or ammonia compounds. The rapidly to break up effectively and remove the smngths Of more than 69 MPa (10'000 psi)' residues left by these modified fluxes signifi- oxide film. Copious quantities of aluminum Zinc-cadmium joints have intermediate cornchloride fumes are formed during the reaction sion resistance and are soldered at tempera- cantly accelerate corrosion and should be reand must be exhausted. Concurrently, heavy moved. Residues from chloride-fire fluxes are tures ranging from 265 to 400 oc(510 to 750 oF). Cadmiurnalone is only slightly soluble in only mildly corrosive and generally require re- metal is deposited on, and alloys with, the fresh duminum and formsa limited diffusion zone. moval only from parts thinner than 0.13 mm aluminum surface. The deposited film of molten heavy metal not only is a barrier to reoxiThe zinc-base solders may contain 90 to (0.005 in.). dation of aluminum, but also provides a Liquid organic fluxes are active at 205 to 99.99% zn. They develop the highest strengths of all commercial solders, exhibiting shear 275 OC (400 to 525 OF). Above 290 "C (550 surface favorable to wetting and flow of solder. smngths of 124 Mpa ( 18,000 psi) and more. O F ) , they carbonize. This can cause voids in the No significant fluxing occurs below the reacSoldering temperatures are higher than for any joint, because the charred residue acts as a tion temperature; solder does not flow below othm solders, ranging from 380 to 425 oc(720 stopoff that prevents soldering. Because of this temperature, even though the solder may to 800 OF). nezinc-bse solders are also the this, the organic flux should not be in direct be above its liquidus temperature. Fluxes containing tin chloride generally remOst cornsion resistanti the greater the quan- contact with soldering irons or gas flames; act at 280 to 340 "C (540 to 640 O F ) . They are rather, heat should be conducted to the joint. ti^ of zinc in the solder, the greater its COTTOFlux is applied in conjunction with the solder used primarily with tin-zinc intermediate-temsion resistance. perature solders of similar melting characThe zinc solders are m a t cornsion resis- whet after the Part is heated. teristics. Zinc chloride-base fluxes react at 325 When heated, organic fluxes react with the tant when they are free of low-melting-tempramE metal impurities such as bismuth, oxide film and remove it from the aluminum. to 380 OC (620 to 710 O F ) . They are employed cadmium, lead, or tin. Small quantities of cop- Copious fumes, which must be exhausted, are with PUR zinc and zinc alloy high-temperature per, silver, titanium and other metals some- formed; in addition, gas bubbles form in the solders. Fluxes containing tin chloride should tima are added to pure zinc to improve its flow flux during the reaction. These bubbles make it not be used with high-temperature zinc-base and wetting capabilities. These alloying metals difficult to obtain porosity-free lap joints. This solders, because tin in the soldered joint can do not appreciably reduce the cornsion resis- often limits the use of organic fluxes to solder- significantlyreduce the resistance to corrosion. Reaction fluxes are applied either as dry ing linecontact and similar joints where the tan= of zinc when added in minute amounts. powder, a solution (or suspension) of the flux To reduce the tendency of zinc to penetrate flux Can be displaced easily by solder. Organic fluxes can be diluted with either in water, or an organic vehicle. Some of these certain aluminum alloys, aluminum is often added to zinc solder. While intergranularpene- ethyl or methyl alcohol to a consistency to suit fluxes cannot be used as water solutions or trdon is reduced, the addition of aluminum the job. Water can also be used as a diluent for suspensions, because the heavy-metal chloreduces corrosion resistance, melting point, some high-speed,mechanized solderingopera- rides react with water to form oxychloridesthat retard proper surface wetting and solder flow. and ductility of zinc solder. Pure zinc is the tions. OF),


434 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Iron soldering is used on aluminum with conventional soldering irons or soldering guns. Low-temperasolders and organic fluxes are used, the technique basically is the same as that Paste fluxes employed in soldering copper, brass, or steel. 1. Stannouschloride 8302 However, contact of the iron with the organic Zinc dihydraziniumchloride 7 02 fluxes must be minimized.Char, which may form Hydrazine hydrobromide IO02 on the iron, must be wiped off. water 1002 Soldering irons with ironclad copper tips 2. cadmium fluoborate 5 02 have approximately ten times the life of those Zincfluoborate 502 with bare copper tips. The tips should be tinned Fluoboric acid 6 02 Diethanolamine 2002 properly. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum 4 02 Diethldiamine makes it difficult to heat parts thicker than I .6 Diethylenetriamine 1002 mm (0.064 in.) with a soldering iron, even 3. Potassiumchloride 45 0 2 when the area of the assembly is small. Often Sodiumchloride 3002 1502 an auxiliary heat source, such as a hot plate, is Lithiumchloride Potassium fluoride 7 02 used. Sodiumpyrophosphate Iron soldering is commonly employed to 3 02 join aluminum or copper wiring to aluminum Chloride-free organic flux assemblies. A low-temperature solder that has 25 oz 4. Trie!hanolamine(a) Fluoboricacid(a) been coated by being dipped into an organic 302 Cadmium fluoborate(a) 2 02 flux is usually hand fed to the iron-heated joint Reaction type fluxes area. 5. stannous chloride@) Torch soldering, either manual or automat4402 AmNumchloride@) 502 ic, can be employed on aluminum with any type Sodium fluoride@) 102 of air-fuel or oxygen-fuelflame. This method can 6.Zincchloride@) 4402 be applied with all types of solders and fluxes used with aluminum. It is not restricted by thickAmmonium chloride@) 502 Sodiumfluoride@) 102 ness of the part. However, this localized heating source may require furnace preheating or auxil(a) Fluxing range 175 to 275 "C (350 to 525 OF). The viscous iary flames for large metal masses, especially li+d cm be &.solved with Water or alcoholto any desired concentration. @)Fluxingrange 280 to 380 "C( ~ o t 0 7 2 0OF) with high-temperature soldering methods. A mild, neutral, or slightly reducing flame or figher. Itmay bewedas a Wpowderhxtme or it may be suspended m alcohol. (c) Fluxing range 325 to 380 "C (620to is used. To avoid melting the aluminum, the 7200F)orhigher.Itmaybeusedasa~powderor~xedwith flame should not be concentrated at a single wateroralcohol. Source: Ref 13 point too long. This process is especially adapted to zinc soldering of socketed tube joints, such as those employed for retum bends in air conditioner and heat exchanger assemIn these cases, n-popyl or n-butyl alcohol or blies, and for transition joints between alumimethyl ethyl ketone is the preferred vehicle. num and copper or stainless stel tube. Most reaction fluxes are h y ~ s c o p i c ' In Dip soldering is a convenient method to their production^ packaging7 storage9 and use9 solder aluminum with any solder and flux normoisture pickup must be minimized to avoid mally employed with aluminum. Parts are fluxed caking Of flux and formation Of de1eterious and then dipped into molten solder. Prior to fluxOxYchlOrides-Flux residues, which are hYgro- ing, it usually is advantageous to preheat parts SCOPiC?electrically ConductiVe~and highly Cor- with appreciable mass, either in the solder bath or rOSiVe to aluminum, must be removed by some other means. W~thpreheating, water or thoroughly. alcohol solutionsof the salt-type fluxes cannot be Fluxes for Mixed-Metal Soldering. A l l used. Molten flux baths or dry flux applications the fluxes used for soldering aluminum to alumi- must be used. Preheated parts can be dipped in nummay be used for solderingaluminum to other liquid organic fluxes, however. Dip soldering can join assemblies at a high metals. However, better results are usually obtainable when a more active flux is used for production rate. Dipping time in molten solder soldering mixed met&,. Formulas for a n u m k must be held to a minimum, to control dif€usion of the solder into the aluminum parts and of such fluxes are provided in Table 11. to reduce bath contamination by the aluminum. This is particularly important in high-temperature zinc soldering. Immersion time in this a p Soldering Methods (Ref 12) plication is limited to a few seconds. Pigtail-type wire joints can be dip-soldered The soldering method selected for a given by preheating the joint in a low-temperature assembly depends on Part shape, Joint design, solder bath, then immersing it in an organic performance requirements, and Overall eco- flux and redipping it into the molten solder nomics. Additional information on the solder- bath. Cellular-type heat exchangers and similar ing methods described below can be found in assemblies having a large number of capillary joints can also be dip-soldered. Ref 15-18. Table 11 Special-purpose fluxes suitable for soldering aluminum to dissimilar metals

Furnace soldering can be accomplished with aluminum in an air atmosphere with both low-temperature and high-temperature solders and fluxes.It is applicable to large assembliesthat are difficult to heat by other means. Tempemtures of all sections of the parts are d o r m , so that distortion due to thermal expansion is low. A number of joints of any length can be made simultaneously.Because solder and flux me preplaced, the amount of filler metal can be controlled. Heating periods and temperature can be controlled accurately,to reduce diffusion. Flux vehicles will evaporate in a furnace; the resultant gas-air mixture can ignite spontaneously. Steps to prevent this depend on the part size and amount of flux. Ignition can be averted by drying the flux (at about 200 O C , or 400 O F ) in a ventilated oven before soldering. This oven or furnace should be equipped with blowout doors in the event of an ignition, to avoid furnace damage. Also, parts to be furnace-soldered must incorporate adequate venting Of enclosed areas to allow escape of the vehicle and subsequent flux fumes. Fumes result during the fluxing action; these must be exhausted. Large volumes of fumes can be encountered, particularly with the reaction-type fluxes. This method is suitable for joining aluminum fins to aluminum, copper, or steel tubes. In addition, copper and steel tubes can be furnace-soldered to aluminum sheet with preplaced wire or shim filler. Aluminum heat exchangers for automobile air conditioners are assembled by furnace soldering with areaction flux. Reaction-flux soldering deposits heavy metal from reaction fluxes to produce soldered joints. It is an effective way to produce linecontactjoints. Gas flame, furnace, induction,orresistance heating can be used. All surfaces covered originally with flux receive a deposited layer of the corresponding heavy metal. This phenomenon has been used to advantage when joining thin aluminum fins to tubing in heat exchangers employing a zincdepositing reaction flux. After assembly, the unit can be dipped into a flux slurry and then processed through the soldering cycle. Although the reaction-soldering temperature is high enough to anneal the fin stock, diffusion of the deposited zinc into the aluminum fins provides added strength. induction soldering israpidandautomatic; it is effective with all types of solders and fluxes used for aluminum. Because induction equipment is expensive, this method is limited to largevolume applications. Successful soldering depends on the ability of the induction coil to provide a uniform temperature throughout the area to be soldered. When reaction-type fluxes and a volatile vehicle are being used, rapid heating should be avoided while the vehicle is evaporating, lest the flux and solder move from the joint This method is useful for soldering dissimilar metal contacts onto aluminum electronic components and tube joints.

Brazing and Soldering / 435 Abrasion soldering is easier on aluminum than on other common metals. This process, which uses no flux, often is called “rub tinning,” because the surfaces are solder-coated before the soldering operation. All solders for aluminum can be used, but the intermediate-tempemture and high-temperature types are most commonly employed. Solder in stick form is rubbed and melted on the preheated surface. Abrasion of the aluminum surface, either with the solder stick or other mechanicalmeans, disperses the oxide and yields a fmh metal surface to the covering molten solder. Solder wets the h s h aluminum and remains as an adherent, continuous Coating. Mechanical surfaceahding generally is done witha stainless steel wire brush, scraper, steel wool, or a glass-fiber bmsh. Ease of abrasion soldering depends on solder composition; the intermediate-temperature solders, zinc-cadmium and high-zinc zinc-tin, are. the best. Common lead-tin solders have p00r abrasion-soldering characteristics. Complete abrading is important, because solder is likely to smear over or bridge poorly abraded areas without wetting the surface. Abrasion soldering often is applied to butt Or mitered Joints requiring Only low strength, where control of solder penetrationthrough the joint and absence of heat effect or flux staining are of importance. Ultrasonic soldering is S h i h in Principle to a h ~ i o soldering n except that VibratorY energY is applied to the part. parts can be Prefinned or soldered without flux. When an ultrasonic solderins iron is Used, cavitation in the molten solder pool between the tip of the iron and the a l u n h m surface breaks up the oxide and permits solder to wet the aluminum. Tips can be designed for SPcifc jobs. For instance, cupshaped tips can ultrasonically tin the inside wall of a tubeend very rapidly. Ultrasonic soldering or tinning is influenced by solder composition, as is abrasion soldering. Low-melting-pointsolders are most frequently used for ultrasonic soldering. Typical formulations include: 96Sn-4Zn, 85Sn15Cd, 97Sn-3Cu, 85Sn-15Zn,35Sn-65Cd,and 80Sn-20Zn. Higher-temperature-melting 95Zn-5A1 solder is commonly used for ultrasonically soldering return bends on aluminum air conditioner coils. Because ultrasonic equipment is complex and costly, and because the operation generally employs two steps (pretinning and soldering), this method is applied primarily where flux soldering methods are impractical. Examples are sealing of pouches and electronic enclosures where any flux residue would act as a contaminant. The process works well if the soldering tip is immersed in a molten bath of solder and the work is brought close to the tip. This method is useful for soldering spliced or pigtailed wire joints; it has been applied for production solder coating of wire and sheet. Other methods used on aluminum include resistance soldering, which heats parts by electrical resistance and by conduction from gripping

carbon electrodes, and wipe soldering, in which molten solder is poured over the joint to tin and coat the surfaces. Wipe soldering can be used for cable splicing. These methods are described in Ref 18.

(0.01Oin.) indiameter,orpartswheretheconductive residues would affect electrical perfomxmce. Organic fluxes can be removed readily with alcohol or trichloroethylene. Water is not recommended,because it can cause rapid deterioration at the aluminum-solder interface and thus separate the solder. Surface Cleaning and Coating (Ref Since fluxes containing chlorides or salts 12) can be corrosive to aluminum, their residues must be removed completely as soon as possisurfacepreparationis a prerequisite to ble after soldering. For salt fluxes that are not sound, smng solderedjoints. usually,&pasing completely water soluble, the major portion of suffices for the non-heat-male aluminumd- the residues should be removed in water at 80 lays. Heat-treatablealloys,however,oftenhavea to 100 “c(180 to 212 OF). Removal is cornthicker ofide film and may require d&tional pleted by scrubbing with a bristle brush and cleaning by chemical or mechanical mans. Warn, Or by chemical treatment. A generally cleaningmeth& are described in Ref 19and the satisfactory chemical treatment for flux rearticle“cleaning, Finishing, and coating” in this moval is immersion in an inhibited Sodium hydroxide solution (2% by weight) at room volume. Special precoating of aluminum parts can temperature, cold water rinsing, immersion in provide a more solderable surface and a banier Phosphoric acid SohtiOn (5% by Weight) at againstinte-ularpetration of solder into fie room temFrature, Water rinsing, and drying. base md. bobg metho& include hot dip Tests for residual chloride Can determine the coating with tin or a soldm alloy; coating with effectivenessoffluxremoval. Additional inforsolder by abrasion precoating,ultrasonic tinning, mation on flux removal can be found in Ref 20. or conventional fluxsoldering methods; and elmmplating. Chemical conversion coatings are un-* Joint Design (Ref 12) m p ~ l hea u s e they are to0 d.lin. Electroplated aluminum can be soldered Good design must take into account the with fluxes, solders, and procedures recommended for the plating metal. Platings usually shape and position of parts to provide: considered satisfactory for aluminum are brass, cadmium, copper, gold, lead, nickel, silSolder contact area sufficient to produce ver, and zinc. The strengthof solderedjoints on adequate strength, an efficient seal, and plated aluminum is limited by the strength of good thermal or electrical conductivity the bond between the plating and the alumiAdequate clearance for flux and solder to nurn surface. Plating, thus, must be of high flow into joint areas quality. A way to place solder properly or to provide Silver plate permits instantaneous, comgood joint visibility and accessibility for manual additions plete wetting when the parts are immersed in molten zinc, and no flux is required. In addiEscape for the flux vehicle, flux fumes, and tion, silver plate greatly minimizes penetration the flux itself, and access to remove flux into aluminum of zinc-base solder alloys. residues Composite materials are useful for soldered Required contour or dimensional tolerance in the assembly by adequate, but minimum, applications. The cladding on Alclad sheet improves wetting characteristics and reduces jigging penetration of the solder alloy on aluminumA minimum access or entry for corrosive base alloys that are difficult to solder otherattack wise. Composites of aluminum clad with Contour suitable for subsequent application of a protective coating, where desired. copper, stainless steel, or zinc have been used, especially to join aluminum to other materials. Lacquer coating of aluminum sometimes is Soldered joints are of two general used before joining copper wire to an alumi- types-lap or fillet. The true butt joint is selnum chassis, employing a soldering gun or dom used; it offers limited contact area. Soliron. The aluminum is chemically cleaned to dered joint design is the same as brazed design remove the oxide, water-rinsed, then dipped except for the clearances described below and immediately into a thin lacquer bath. The lac- the length of joints, which are based on quer replaces the water from the aluminum and strength of low-temperaturesolders and comcoats the metal, preventing oxidation. Copper sion resistance. Typical joint variations are the wire can be soldered to the lacquer-coated alu- same as shown for the brazed joints in Fig. 3. minum with conventional tin-lead solders and Fixturing (jigging) methods are also similar a rosin flux. Additional information on pre- (Fig. 5). coating methods can be found in Ref 19. Lap joint clearances of 0.13 to 0.40 mm Flux Removal. Chloride-free organic fluxes (0.005 to 0.015 in.) are recommended for loware noncorrosive or only slightly corrosive to temperaturesolders. Clearances of 0.05 to 0.25 aluminum. Generally, removal of these fluxes is mm (0.002 to 0.010 in.) are used with highnot necessary except from foil less than 0.13 mm temperature solders. The clearances apply for (0.005 in.) thick, wire smaller than 0.25 in. mm laps less than 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) long. Longer

436 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys These platings have potentials lower than that of aluminum (Fig. 6); hence, aluminum corrodes preferentially, protection both plating and solder. To provide maximum resistance to corrosion, only those areas covered by solder should be plated, thus allowing maximum exposure of aluminum surface. Protective coatings can seal off areas of differing potential, thereby inhibiting electrolytic corrosion. An effective coating must be continuous, inert to both solder and base metal, and resistant to the specific environmental conditions.

Fig. 6

Approximate electrode potentials across soldered aluminum joints

laps need larger clearances (up to 0.64 mm, or 0.025 in.) to permit solder to flow into the entire joint area. Knurled or grooved surfaces or a tapered joint clearance can be helpful for long lap lengths. Detailed information on solder joint design and fixturing can be found in Ref21.

Corrosion Resistance (Ref 12) The corrosion resistance of soldered joints in aluminum depends on the solder composition, flux composition, joint design, protective coating, and environment. Base alloy composition and temper have relatively little effect on the corrosion resistance of soldered joints. In dry atmospheres, such as indoor exposure, unprotected low-temperature soldered joints can provide excellent service. In humid or marine atmospheres without protection, these joints may fail in a short time. Environment is much less critical for zinc-soldered joints, but even these may require protection in the more corrosive industrial and marine atmospheres. In the presence of an electrolyte, or a moist atmosphere, electrochemical corrosion can occur because of galvanic cells created between the aluminum, the various solder phases, and the diffusion layer formed at the aluminum-solder interface. When such cells are established, the material with the highest negative electrode potential corrodes preferentially to protect the remainder of the assembly. The interfacial layer is anodic to aluminum and to any metals present in the solder with the exception of zinc. Figure 6 illustrates the difference in electrode potential across a low-temperature-soldered joint. In such joints, the interfacial layer corrodes preferentially to protect both the aluminum and the solder. Because the cross section and the total amount of interfacial layer are very small in comparison to the remainder of the assembly, this area can corrode rapidly, and the corrosion resistance of low-temperature soldered joints is relatively


In zinc-soldered joints, however, the solder is the most anodic area and corrodes preferen-

tially, protecting both aluminum and the interfacial layer (Fig. 6). Because there is a much greater volume of solder than of interfacial layer, zinc-soldered joints endure much longer than low-temperature-soldered joints in a specific environment. Pure zinc or zinc containing small amounts of aluminum, copper, nickel, or other high-melting metals has the highest core rosion resistance. The usual composition variations of the chloride-free, low-temperature soldering fluxes have little or no effect on joint corrosion resistance. However, areaction flux that deposits zinc is preferable to one depositing tin or other low-melting heavy metals. These lowmelting metals, whether introduced by flux or by solder, can reduce corrosion resistance markedly. Flux composition also can have a pronounced effect if residues are not completely removed. Those from chloride-containing reaction fluxes can cause severe corrosion if trapped in assemblies. Those from chloridefree organic fluxes generally cause little or no corrosion. All flux residues must be removed when foil or small wire is soldered. Inaccessible or terminal joints where complete flux removal is not possible may be protected by first eliminating moisture, then sealing SO that moisture cannot enter the joint. The time-to-failure of soldered joints increases with the corrosion path. Corrosion is influenced also by accessibility of the most anodic area to a corrosive medium. Simple lap joints provide several points of entry for moisture. Hence, corrosion of either the interface or the solder may progress from different directions simultaneously. Moreover, these joints may be separated by resultant corrosion products. Lock-seam, socketed-tube, and terminallug joints allow relatively limited accessibility to corrosive mediums. These joints are constructed so that they will not open under normal conditions, and they may be sealed by corrosion products. Protection. Prior electroplating ofaluminum improves the corrosion resistance of low-tempemture-solderedjoints. Platings of copper, iron, or nickel prevent formation of a high-potential interface between the solder and the aluminum.

Finishing (Ref 12) Finishes for soldered joints in aluminum include those applied by conventional mechanical and electrochemical methods. In electroplating soldered aluminum, a good plating can be obtained over the joint area. Suitability of a chemical treatment depends on solubility of the joint in a particular chemical solution. For example, zinc-soldered joints cannot be treated in nitric acid without dissolution of the zinc solder. Soldered joints do not respond favorably to chemical brightening solutions employed for aluminum. The solder is pitted and darkened. Vitreous enamels cannot be used because the application temperature melts the soldered joints. Heat treatment of parts after soldering is impractical, for the same reason. If the parts are anodically treated, solder is attacked, joints are weakened, and electrolytes are contaminated. If a suitable resist is applied Over the joints, however, this condition can be prevented, and exposed aluminum in the part can be anodized and colored as desired. Assembly details that are likely to entrap processing ~olutionsd ~ ~bel avoided. d

Safety ‘recautions Dry inorganic soldering fluxes contain fluorides. They should be handled with care to minimize dust production and inhalation. Soldering should be done in well-ventilated areas because the fumes are imtating. Generally, good natural furnace stack ventilation prevents fumes from escaping into surrounding work areas. Forced ventilation may be necessary when using some reaction-type fluxes and where soldering operations are continuous. Exhaust stacks should be vented outdoors so that exhaust gases do not re-enter any occupied area or cause corrosion to adjacent structures. Eye or skin contact with either the organic or inorganic fluxes should be avoided by wearing glasses and gloves. Hands should be washed immediately after handling fluxes. When using alcohol or a volatile vehicle with flux in furnace soldering operations, the vehicle must be properly evaporated and exhausted to avoid an explosion hazard.

Brazing and Soldering / 437 ACKNOWLEDGMENT


The information in this article is largely taken from:



A.H. Lentz, Brazing of Aluminum Alloys, 9th ed., Vol 6, Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, 1983, p 1022-1032 E.B. Gempler, Brazing of Aluminum Alloys, Volume6,ASMHandbook,ASMInternational, 1993, p937-940

REFERENCES Base Metals, Brazing Filler Metals and Fluxes, Aluminum Brazing Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 24-32 2. Joint and Fixture Design, Aluminum Brazing Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 10-23 3. Flux-Dip Brazing, Aluminum Brazing Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 43-52 4. Furnace Brazing, Aluminum Brazing Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 53-56 1.


Vacuum and Controlled Atmosphere Bmzing, Aluminum Brazing Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 5761 Torch B d g , A l m ' n u m B r a z i n g Handbook,4thed.,TheAluminumAssociation Inc., 1990, p 3942 OtherBrazing M e t h d , A l m ' n u m B r a z ing Handbook 4th The Aluminum Association Inc., 1990, p 62-66 S.D. Elrod, D.T. Lovell, and R.A. Davis, Aluminum Brazed Titanium Honeycomb Sandwich smc-A New System' Weld.J., Oct 1973, p 425s N.C. Cole, Corrosion Resistance of Brazed Joint% Weld. Res. COUm. Bull., No. 247, April 1979 RR.WehLow-Temperaturemeh Blazing of Damage Tolerant Titanium Structures, Weld.J.,Oct 1975, p 348s F. Bollenrath and G. Meager, The Brazing of Titanium to Aluminum, Weld. J., Oct 1963, p 442 P.B. Dickerson, Soldering, ~ l ~ Volume 111, Fabrication and Finishing, American Society for Metals, 1967, p 525-548 Material for Soldering, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 8-19 4 . 9


9. 10. 11. 12.


14. SolderingAluminum to Other Metals and Non-Metallics, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed.,The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 58-60 15. Torch, Iron, and Hot-Plate Soldering, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 41-45 16. Abrasion and ultrasonic Soldering, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 4648 17. Furnace Soldering, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 49-50 18. otherSoldering Techniques, Airn.,,,,,,, Soldering Handbook, 4th ed.,The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 51-55 19. Precleaning, Oxide Removal and Surface Preparation, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 20-25 20. i Post-Cleaning ~ ~ , and Finishing, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 26-28 21. Jig and Joint Design, Aluminum Soldering Handbook, 4th ed., The Aluminum Association Inc., 1985, p 2940

ADHESIVE BONDING is a materialsjoining process in which an adhesive (usually a thermosetting or thermoplastic resin) is placed between faying surfaces and solidifies to produce an adhesive bond. Adhesive-bonded joints are used extensively in aircraft components and assemblies where structural integrity is critical. Figure 1 shows typical adhesivebonded joints used in aircraft structural assemblies. The structural components are not limited to aircraft applications; they can be translated to commercial and consumer product applications as well. In terms of production cost, ability to accommodate manufacturing tolerances and component complexity, facility and tooling requirements, reliability, and repairability, adhesive bonding is very competitive when compared to other joining methods. Since the 1950s. the use of adhesive bonding of aluminum alloys for aircraft structures has grown considerably. For example,the Fokker F-27 Friendship aircraft, which made its first flight in 1955, contained 550 adhesively bonded assemblies with an a m of 370 m2 (3980 ft2) per aircraft (Ref 1). Some typical aircraft applications for adhesive-bonded aluminum structures include:

Fundions of Adhesive-Bonded Joints (Ref 2) Mechanical Fastening.The major function of adhesives is for mechanical fastening. Because an adhesive can transmit loads fiom one member of a joint to another, it allows a more uniform stress distribution than is obtained using a mechanical fastener. Thus, adhesives often permit the fabrication of structures that are mechanically equivalent or superior to conventional assemblies and, fwthermore, have cost and weight bene*. For example, adhesives can join thin metal sections to thick sections so that the full strength of the thin section is used. (Conventional mechanical fastening or spot welding produces a structure whose strength is limited to that of the areas of the

thin section that contact the fasteners or the welds). In addition, adhesives can produce joints with high strength, rigidity, and dimensional precision in the light metals, such as aluminum, that may be weakened or distorted by welding. Sealing and Insulating. Because the adhesive in a properly prepared joint provides full antact withmating surfaces, it forms a barrier so fluids do not attack or soften it. An adhesive may also function as an electrical and/or thermal insulator in a joint. Its thermal insulating efficiency can be increased, if necessary, by foaming an adhesive with the appropriate cell structure in place. On the other hand, electrical and thermal conductivity can be raised appreciably by adding metallic fillers. Oxide fillers, such as alumina, increase only thermal conductivity.

Metal-to-metalbonded structuresthat are locally reinforced by bonded doubler plates or some other type of reinforcement (Fig. 2) Metal-to-metal bonded multiple laminations where each layer progressively increases the cross-sectional area of the component (e.g., for stringers and spar caps) Bonded joints between rather thin aluminum sheet and a lowdensity core material, called honeycomb or sandwich structures (Fig. 3). Core materials include paper dipped in a phenolic resin, fiberglass, aluminum alloy foil, Nomex (aramid fiber paper dipped in phenolic resin), graphite-reinforcedplastic, and Kevlar fabric. Aluminum alloys commonly adhesivebonded include 2024 (T3, T6, and T86), 3 m series alloys, 5052-H39,5056-H39, and 7075T6. These alloysmay be bonded to themselves, each other, other metals, and many nonmetals, including all forms of paper products, insula. . tion board, wood-particlc ;Urn;, pimw w a u , plywood, fiberglass, and Various polymers and organic-matrix composites.

F@. 1

Typical applications of adhesivebonded joints in aircraft. Lockheed C-5A transport plane, with various types of honeycomb sandwich structures totaling 2230 m2 (24,000 ft2) in area

Adhesive Bonding I 439 Comparison with Other Joining Methods (Ref 3). Some of the problems encountered


with other methods have prompted a growing use of adhesive bonding. Relative cost frequently favors adhesive bonding. Mechanical joining with screws. bolts, or rivets has been the most popular joining method because of low cost and the simple attachment tools required. However, it is difficult to develop intimate mechanical joints that distribute stresses uniformly and seal the joint from corrosion. In addition, the time required to drill holes and align parts may not be economical. Soldering of aluminum alloys sometimes involves electrolytic comsion problems at the joints and difficulties in removing flux ( see the article '%Brazing and Soldering" in this Volume). Also, the soldering process cannot join aluminum directly to nonmetallic surfaces. Brazing of aluminum generally results in a more corrosion-resistant joint than soldering. High temperatures required for brazing and precise conml of these temperatures demand specialized and expensive equipmenf which restricts use. Welding is a popular way to join aluminum , alloys because Of the intimate joint provided 2 Some typical adksive-bonded joints used to join components in structural assemblies. (a] Skin splices. (b) Stiffener runout. (c)Bonded doublers. (d) Shear clip and its subsequent good performance in most service environments. However, welding heat often reduces the properties of the parent meral and adjacent nonmetallic parts. The welding of aluminum to other metals offers difficulties that frequently necessitate complex special techniques. Tnese dissimiliu metal joints are often brittle. and electrolytic comsion ma): be serious in highly humid environments. Aluminum cannot Se joined to a nonmetal by welding.

limitations and Advantages. Limitations of adhesive bonding include (Ref 2, 3):

Fig. 3

Example ofa bonded honeycomb (sandwich)assembly

Electrically conductive adhesives, Nled with silver flake, are available with specific resistivities less than 50 times that of bulk silver.

Resisting Corrosion and Vibration.

Adhesives can also prevent electrochemical cord o n in joints between dissimilar metals. They may also act as vibration dampers. 'Ihe mechanical damping chancteristics of an adhesivecan be changed by formulation. Howcver, changing such apmperty in an adhesive generally changes other properties of the joins such as tensile or shear strength, elongation, ornsistance topeel or cleavage. Resisting Fatigue. A property somewhat related to the ability to damp vibration is resistance to fatigue. A p q + selected adhesive can gend y withstand repeated strains induced by cy-

clic loading without the propagation of f a k e producing cracks. Smoothing Contours. Adhesives usually do not change the contours of the parts they join. Unlike screws, rivets, or bolts, adhesives &'e little or no visible external evidence of theirpresen-. They are used tojoin skins to airframes, and they @t the manufactureof airfoils,fuselages. s t a b h , and control surfaces that are smoother than similar conventionallyjoined sfnctures and that consequently have better aerodynamic efficiency. These structures also have greater loadbearing capability andhigherresistanceto fatigue than conventionallyjoined structures. Helicopter rotor blades are now held togetha O ~ with Y adhesives and are much more durable than their mechanically fastened @ecessor~.



Peel and impact strengths are often more limiting than tensile strengths. The elastomeric adhesives that have high peel strength are usually limited to service temperatures below 150 "C (300 OF); epoxy polyamide and epoxy phenolic systems are limited to 775 "C (350 OF). Elaborate metal cleaning procedures are necessary for best adhesive bonding, =id cleaned surfaces must be protected from contamination until they are bonded. Present long-time temperature limits average around 260 "C (500 O F ) , even for the epoxy-phenolics that are designed for low creep at elevated tempetatures. High-temperafure polyimide adhesives cn be used at a continuous service temperature in the 250 to 350 O C (480 to 660 "F) range. Adhesive bonds cannot be opened for inspection without destryoing the bond. Expensive jigging may be required if heaL pressure, and time are needed to cure the adhesive. The shelf life of adhesives in storage varies greatly and may be relatively short

440 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

. The curing of adhesive bonds above 150 "C

(300 O F ) may produce increased sensitivity to intergranular corrosion in some aluminum alloys. This is particularly true of high-temperature adhesives, such as the polyimides mentioned above, which require cure temperatures as high as 345 "C (650 OF).

Adhesive bonding of aluminum has the following inherent characteristics that make it useful:

. The joint

.. . .

. . .



is almost invisible, enhancing product appearance. Loading of the joint is evenly distributed. The adhesive acts to seal out the environment. The bond can be designed to permit the join to approach closely the full tensile strength of the parent parts. The adhesive can aid in reducing some of the galvanic corrosion that ordinarily occurs when dissimilar metals are joined and subsequently exposed to an electrolyte. It provides intimate joining of metals and nonmetals that PreViOUSlY could be attached only by mechanical methods. An intimate joint can be made between similar or different metals of markedly different thickness. Intimate joining of aluminum sheet to thin nonmetallic films is possible. Reductions in the weight of a structure can be Obtained through the use Of thinner%age a1uminum, because the adhesive bond allows the skin to be stressed more completely than with other joining methods. Aluminum or paper honeycomb panel asssemblies are examples of weight reduction. The honeycomb itse1f k an adhesive-bonded assemb1y. Adhesive bonding permits retention of the initial design strength of aluminum alloys, inc1uding that Of fu"Y heat-tfeated aluminum alloys. Adhesive-bonded structures are supenor in their resistance to s0nic vibrations (sonic life* lo to l ) cornpared to Other standard construction. FatiWe charactenstics Of bondedjoints (partiCUlarlY in aim&]are suPerior to those Of joints made by other methods. Conventionals structures that would be diff i d t to m~chinecan often be fabficated more easily as laminate structure. Adhesives Often permit extensive design simplification.

Characteristics of an Adhesive Joint An adhesive-bonded joint is analogous to a chain consisting Of a number Of individual links (Fig. 41, the weakest Of which finally determines the strength of the chain. The links themselves differ entirely from each other, as

~ i 4 ~ Schematic . of a metal-to-metal

adhesive-bonded joint. (a) Adhesive sandwiched between two metal sheets. (b)Analogy of adhesivebonded joint components to individual links in a chain

described below and illustrated in ~ chain consis. ofi

i 5 . ~ne .

. ~~~~l adheren& a body heid to anofier by an adhesive . body Substrate: a material upon the surface of .

. .

which an adhesive-containing substance is spread for any purpose, such as bonding or coating (broader term than adherend) primer: a coahg applied to a surface, prior to the application of an adhesive, to improve the performance of the bond Adhesive: a substance capable of holding materials together by surface attachment Oxide layer: aluminum has a strong ,-hemicai affinity for oxygen and will oxidke immediately upon exposure to air. n e m a l treatments and moist conditions will increase oxide thickness, as will electrochemicai treatments such as anodizing.

To appreciate the role that oxides play in the adhesive bonding of aluminum, one must first be able to visualize the bonded system. The term system here is defined as the composite bonded joint consisting of the aluminum alloy, the oxide on that alloy, the adhesive primer applied to the oxide surface, and the bulk adhesive layer that then joins the other half of the system (Ref 5 ) . Such a system is shown schematically in ~ i5 . ~ . The physical and/or chemical nature of the oxide plays a very important role in the durability of bonded aluminum joints. The quality of the oxide, as will be described below, defines the properties of the surface. In addition, the oxide layer has to be compatible with the adhesive primer so that the latter will wet the surface. But wettability alone is not a suficent condition for a strong adhesive bond. The oxide layer must be strong enough to resist stresses, residual or applied, at the interface bemeen oxide and adhesive. In addition, the oxide layer must resist hydration of diffused moisture to protect the base metal underneath from c o ~ o s i o n(Ref 5 ) .

Fig. 5

Composite structure of typical metal-tometal bonded joint

Surface preparation of the adherends is necessary prior to the application of an adhesive. The treatment may range from a simple solvent wipe that is completed in seconds to a multistage cleaning and chemical treatment requiring 30 min or more. The purpose of prebond treatments is to remove existing adventitious surface layers from the parts to be joined and to replace them with sound surface layers known to be suitable for the application (Ref 2). If a layer of grease or oil on an adherend is not removed, or if it is not absorbed and dispersed by the adhesive, it will affect the performance of the joint. Similarly, a thick or weak oxide layer on a metal adherend lowers joint strength and durability. It may be desirable to treat the surface, replacing an existing layer with a thinner and/or stronger oxide layer and/or one with different microroughness characteristics, as described in the following section.

Surface Preparation Aluminum surfaces are prepared for adhesive bonding for aerospace applications either

Adhesive Bonding / 441 tions (e.g., NaHS04 instead of Hzso4) are used for low-stress applications. In addition to being used as acompleteadhmnd pretreatment, FPLis also fresuently used as the first step in other pretreatments, such as PAA and CAA. The P2 etch, a recently developed process, avoids the use of toxic chromates, but it still provides the complex oxide s d a c e morphology that is crucial to amechanically interlocked interface and strong bonding. This will be discussed fuxther in the section "Oxide Morphology and Chemisv" in this article. Femc sulfate is used as an oxidizer in place of sodium dichromate (Ref 8). The F2' solution produces an oxide morphology very similar to that seen on chromic-sulfuric acid etch surfaces over a broad range of he-ternp e r a m solution concentdon conditions (Ref Table 1 Optimized Forest Products bbo- 9). Mechanical testing confirms that P2-prepared ratory etching procedure surfaces are equivalent to FPL-prepared specimens. Thus, the F'2 solution appears to have great Step@) AgenI promise as a less hazardous replacement for the I . Solvent degrease I . I .I-trichloroethane chromic-sulfuric acid etches. (typically vapor) Phosphoric acid anodization was devel2. Alkaline d e o x i d i z e . . . . . Turco 4215s oped by the Bceing Company in the late 1960s 3. Rinse, 5 min, R T . . . . . . Water 4. Etch, 65 "C (150 "F) . . . F P L solution and early 1970s to improve the performance of 60 g/L (8 odgal) bonded primary structures (Ref 10). Bonds Na,Cr,0,.2H20. 173 dL formed with PAA-treated adherendsexhibit dura(23 o d g a l ) %% H~SO,. 1.9dL(o.25 Odgal) 2024 bility during exposure to humid environments AI, bal water that is superior to those formed with FPL-treated 5. Rinse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deionized water adherends, especially when epoxy adhesives are 6. Oven d r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . used. In addition, PAA bonds are less sensitive (a) RT, room temperature

by etching or anodization in acid solutions. For less stringent strength and durability requirements, mechanical abrasion is adequate (Ref 6). Commonly used preparations result in micromugh adherend morphologies, which have been shown to yield the best overall bond durability. Four of these surface preparations, the Forest products Laboratory (FPL) etching procedure, €9etching procedure, phosphoric acid anodization (PAA), and chromic acid anodization (CAA), are described below. The FPL and other chromic-sulfuric acid etchingproceduresare the oldest surfacepretreatments for aluminum adherends (Ref 7), with the exception of simple degreasing or mechanical abrasion. Variations of chromatecontainingsolu-

Table 2 Some of the most commonly used chromicsulfuric acid etching procedures IEtch bath composition,



NalCr20,.2H2O (a)


FPL etch . . . . . 2.5 U K defen 03-UI (1970) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 DIN 53 281 ..................... 7.5

3.2 Alcoa 3 ......................... FPL optimized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0

. . . 6.4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.0 F e SO,

7 G

Temperalure 1 OF

'2:. 15-30





23.3 27.5 16.5 26.7 23.4 37.0

70.3 65.0 80.3 68.3 10.2 48.0

6045 60 82 65 22 60-70

140-150 I40 I80 I50 12 140-160

30 30 5 1o 240

w 5

(a) Except as noted.

Table 3 Processingstqxfor PAAand CAAtreatments CAA PAA




Fokker-DM (Rd19)


Chromic-sulfuric acid etch 50 g i (6.6 ~ odgal) CrO,. 3 8 4 2 "C (iwiO8O F ) . 5 Vimin to 40 V. hold 20 min. raise to 50 v . hold for I O min Rinse. 5 min. 2&25 "C (68-77 "F) air dry. r < 60 "C (140 OF)

Pretreatment.. . . .



Anodization . . . . .

100 g/L (13 odgal) H,PO,, 20-25 "C ( 6 7 7 OF). in V. 25 min

40-50 g/L ( 5 . M . 6odgal) 60-100 g/L (8-13 CrO,. 32-38 "C odgal) CrO,. (9&100 *F), 8 V/min to 33-37 T (91-99OF). 40 V. hold 55 min 3-5 Vlmin to 40 V. hold 30-35 min

Deionized water, 20 "C (68 "F), air dry

Rinse, 1-5 min. 20 "C (68 "F) oven dry. T < 65 "C (150 "F)

Rinse . . . . . . . . . . .

Process controls Nmf (Nft2). minimum . . . . . . . Weight, (OdftZ)g/mZ ......... pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rinse, 20-25 "C ( 6 7 7 "F) seal, 75-125 ppm CrO,, 82-85 "C (180-185 OF). 7-9 min air dry

IO (0.9)

IO (0.9)

2.2 (0.007) 0.44.6

3.2 (0.10) ~ 0 . 8free : acid. 30 g/L (4 odgal)

... Coating weight Free acid. 3&5O g/L ( 4 4 . 6 odgal)

than FPL bonds to processing variables such as rinse-water chemistry andtimebeforerinsing.As aresult, the PAAprocedure has become the treatment of choice in the United States for critical applications. Chromic acid anodization (Ref 11) is widely used to improve the cormsion resistance of aluminum surfaces (e& for window frames and other architecturalapplications). Similarly, it was thought that the use of a good protective coating on the aluminum would pmtect the metal interface and thereby increase the bond durability of the joint. Although CAA is not as popular as FPL and PAA treatments in the United States, it has been extensively developed and is widely used for aerospace applications in Europe (Ref


Processing The optimized FPL etching procedure is shown in detail in Table 1. Other chromicsulfuric acid etches and the P2 etch are summarized in Table 2 (Ref 14). The initial degreasing removes gross organic contaminationfrom the surface, whereas the alkaline cleaning removes some of the oxide coating formed during the aluminum heat treatment and rolling. The remaining oxide is dissolved in the etching solution (Ref 15). The addition of the aluminum alloy seed optimizes the FPL solution by releasing copper into the solution, resulting in better propeaies in bonded systems that use clad adherends; that is, clad adherends etched in a copper-free FPL solution do not develop the characteristic FPL morphology (Ref 16,17). Although there are some differences in detail among the anodization processes commonly used for aluminum adherend preparation, these p m s s e s share many common features. As the processing steps in Table 3 show, the anodization step for PAA is performed at a constant voltage, whereas for CAA, voltage is applied to the adherend in a gradual or stepwise fashion until the maximum voltage is reached, and then the voltage is held for roughly 30 min. Both anodization pocesses aremore costly and timeconsuming than the FPL pmss but are f q u e n t l yjustified by the increase in bond durability.

Oxide Morphology and Chemistry The FPL oxide morphology is shown in the high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stereo micrograph and isometric drawing in Fig. 6 (Ref 20). The oxide consists of a network of shallow pores and protrusions ("whiskers") on top of a thin barrier layer. This micromughness provides a means for mechanical interlocking between the adhesive and the oxide surface that is critical for the durability of epoxy-bonded structures (Ref 21). Buffered chromatecontaining solutions are somewhat less aggressive

442 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

FPL2024 aluminum surface. (a) High-resolution stereo electron micrograph. (b) ISOmetric drawing

Fig. 6


as etchants and generally result in shallower pores without the whiskers. Chemically, the FPL film is amorphous A1203, with varying quantities of adsorbed water (Ref 22) that can be removed by heating, vacuum exposure, or adsorption with certain organic hydration inhibitors. The heat treatment of magnesium-containingalloys, following the growth of an FPL oxide, can result in an outdiffusion of magnesium and the formation of MgO, but it does not change the surface morphology. Small amounts of magnesium in the FPL oxide may be beneficial to bond durability (Ref 23), although studies have suggested that magnesium in other oxides may have a deleterious effect (Ref 24). The PAA oxide morphology has an even greater degree of microroughness than the FPL surface, as shown in Fig. 7. (Ref 20). The oxide consists of a well-developed network of pores on top of a barrier layer. Whiskers protrude from the pores away from the high-strength alloy adherend. The total oxide thickness is approximately400 nm (4000 A). (Purer aluminum alloys have taller cells, but no whiskers.) This degree of microroughness can provide more mechanical interlocking than FPLtreated adherends for improved bond strength and durability (Ref 8,21,25), but this increase occurs in interlocking only if the polymeric primer or adhesive penetrates the pores of the oxide. Cross-sectional SEM views of PAA coated with typical epoxy primers show this type of penetration (Ref 21).

~ i 7 ~ PAA. 2024 aluminum surface. (a)Stereo micrograph. (b) Isometric drawing


~ i 8 ~CAA. 2024 Chemically, the PAA film is amorphous A1203(Ref 21,26-29), with the equivalent of a monolayer of phosphate incorporated onto the surface (Ref 28,30-35). Alloying constituents of the adherend are not generally found in the as-anodized oxide (Ref 28). Depending on storage conditions, some water can adsorb on the surface, but it is readily removed by heating or storing in a dehydrating environment (for example, a desiccator or a vacuum). The inherent CAA oxide (that is, without prior FPL etching or other pretreatment) is a dense structure of tall columns (Fig. 8) (Ref 20). The outer surface can be quite smooth, with fine pores running through most of the oxide layer at the junction of the column walls. The total oxide thickness is 1 to 2 p,which is much greater than that provided by other surface treatments. The bamer layer at the bottom of the columns is also relatively thick because of the high anodization voltages used. For example, transmission electron microscope ( E M ) photographs of microtomed cross sections of similar oxides show barrier layers 40 nm (400 A) thick at the bottom of the pores (Ref 36, 37). The CAA oxide is A120,; the upper portion is amorphous, and there are indications that the lower part is crystalline (Ref

aluminum surface. (a) Stereo micrograph. (b) Isometric drawing

13, 28, 29, 35). In contrast to the phosphate incorporated in the PAA oxide, little chromium is incorporated into the CAA oxide (Ref 28, 38). The denser oxide formed by CAA treatments offers less interlockingpotential than do PAA oxides. Nonetheless, primers have been shown to penetrate the pores (Ref 13). In addition, because the morphology of the outer surface of the oxide is strongly dependent on the process steps used just prior to the CAA treatment, the type of pretreatmentcan be chosen to enhance the bonding. Figure 9 shows the surface morphologies of three surfaces given different pretreatments prior to chromic-acid anodization. The sample that was FPL-etched and then anodized (Fig. 9a) has a typical FPL cell-and-whiskermorphology. The surface that was PAA-treated before the CAA anodization (Fig. 9b) has a deeper cell structure, typical of PAA. Finally, the surface that had a smooth tartaric acid-anodized (TAA) oxide before CAA treatment retained a smooth surface (Fig. SC), although there is evidence of structure underneath the defects in the surface film.

Adhesive Bonding / 443

~ i 9 ~Stereo , micrographs of the CAA oxide morphology with variations in pretreatmentprior to anodization. The morphology reflects the pretreatmentthat was used rather than any inherent c4A morphology. (a) FPL. (b) PAA. (c)TAA

These results suggest that the growth of the oxide is due to the diffusion of oxygen through the oxide to the metal interface. The morphology of CAA oxides has also been altered by varying the processing conditions, including using higher-temperatureanodizing solutions and postanodizing phosphoric acid etches (Ref 33, 39). Csanady et al. (Ref 37) reported that the aluminumclad surfaces that performed poorly in durability testing due to a smooth oxide morphology could be improved by treatment modifications that roughen the surface. In addition, Brockmann et al. (Ref 13,40) have iodicated that adherends treated with the dual-voltage CAA process form more durable bonds than those treated with the single-voltageprocess. One advantage of the CAA process is that the oxide is less friable, that is, less susceptible to mechanical damage, than the PAA oxide (Ref 13,41).

Durability Nearly all failures in aluminum adhesive joints in aimaft have been initiated by moisture (Ref 43). Consequently, the projected long-term durability of adhesively bonded systems is most often determined by accelerated testing in a saturated aqueous environment. In one common test, a double-cantilever beam geometry (ASTM D 3672, the wedge-crack propagation test) is used, as shown in Fig. 10. A crack is initiated at one end of the test specimen, and its propagation in the wet environment is recorded as a function of time. Failure analysis is then performed to provide insight into the mechanism of crack propagation. Because water is present at the crack tip while it is under stress, the wedge test is more severe than a lap-shear or stress-durability test, in which moisture must diffuse into the bond line from the edges of the specimen. Another benefit of the wedge-crack propagation test is its amenability to a fracture mechanics analysis. Thus, it provides the design engineer with an environment-sensitive ultimate strainenergy release rate that can be used when designing a bonded component or system.

Fig. 10

Diagram of the wedgecrack propagation test for bond durability

444 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys

Fig. 11

Wedgecrack propagation test results (crack length versus time) for 2024 aluminum adherends treated with CrOJNaHSO,, FPL, and PMprocesses

Studies of the durability of epoxy-aluminum bonded systems have shown that bond performance is a function of the mechanical interaction between the oxide and the adhesive and of the resistance of the oxide surface to hydration (Ref 2 1, 42-44). For many microrough hydration-stable aluminum adherend surfaces, crack propagation during the wedge test is relatively slow and occurs within the adhesive; in these cases, the mechanical interlocking holds the bond intact even if the chemical bonds (between adhesive and oxide) are broken. Others have suggested that the microroughness allows the strain energy at the crack tip to be distributed over a larger area, resulting in a more durable bond (Ref 13). An example of the gain in durability realized from microroughness is shown in Fig. 11, where wedge test results are shown for FPL-, PAA-, and CrO@aHSO4etched adherends. When the test specimens are subjected to moisture, the oxide surface adsorbs water from the adhesive and subsequently hydrates. This hydration at the monolayer level is believed to be responsible for the initial bond failure, that

is, the disruption of the adhesive-oxide bond. The nowexposed oxide continues to hydrate, forming the oxyhydroxide boehmite, or ADOH. This phase is weakly bound to the aluminum substrate, making bond “healing” or reformation impossible. More importantly, the volume change accompanying this transformation leads to further stress at the bond line and continued crack propagation. Continued e x p sure causes the boehmite to hydrate further into bayerite, that is, Al(OH),. Because crack propagation occurs as a consequence of hydration, bond durability can be improved by decreasing the rate of water diffusion through the adhesive or along the bond line and/or increasing the hydration resistance of the oxide (Ref 13, 21, 22, 30, 35, 45-47). Both concepts are demonstrated in Fig. 12 using typical crack-propagation data (Ref 22,4851) for FpL adheren& with: (a) a water-wicking adhesive (a worst-case scenario) (b) a water-resistant adhesive, (c) an organic hydration inhibitor with a water-wicking adhesive and (d) a corrosion-inhibiting e p oxy primer with a water-resistant adhesive.

Fig. 12 ~

Wedgecrack propagation test results (crack length versus time) for FPL-treated


FpLwith an organic hydration inhibitor and FM 123; and (4)FPLwith ER 127 primer and FM 300

For water-wicking and water-resistant adhesives (as-prepared WL adherends), crack FOPagation occurs at the oxide-metal interface because of hydration. In the third ax,where an organic hydration inhibitor is applied to the adherend prior to bonding, m y absorbed water

Adhesive Bonding / 445 is removed, leaving a single molecular layer of inhibitor on the oxide. This inhibitor monolayer dramatically improves the hydration resistance of the oxide so that, when used with a chemically compatible adhesive, it increases the durability of the bonded structure to such a degree that it approaches that of a PAA-treated structure. In some cases, hydration is sufficiently slowed that it is no longer the determining factor in crack propagation. Rather, the adhesive slowly disengages from the oxide because of moisture-inducedplasticization in the polymer (Ref 22). In the fourth case, in which a chromate-containingepoxy primer is applied to the FPL adherend prior to bonding, the primer slows the transport of water to the oxide and sufficiently reduces the hydration rate of the oxide so that crack propagation occurs in the adhesive. This is a common practice in bonded aerospace structures. In cases in which surface treatment produces a smooth oxide (intentionallyor unintentionally), bond performance is controlled by chemical bonds across the oxideepoxy interface. This situation can arise, for example, when an FPL adherend is rinsed in fluorinecontaminated water or is exposed to fluorine vapor (Ref 52). The oxideepoxy bonds are relatively weak and are readily disrupted by moisture (Ref 53,54). As a result, bond failure is rapid upon exposure to humid conditions, and the crack propagates along the adhesiveoxide interface. In cases in which a smooth oxide is formed intentionally,coupling agents such as silanes can be used to improve durability. Bond durability has also been improved using inorganic primers (Ref 55). Such agents have been found to improve the durability of bonds formed with smooth adherends, but no more than a microrough morphology does. Bonds made with PAA-treated adherends exhibit greater inherent durability than those made with FPL adherends (Ref 25,48) because of both the better hydration resistance of PAA surfaces (Ref 30) and the more developed microroughness and subsequent interlocking between the oxide and the adhesive (Ref 22). Although the hydration of PAA surfaces is slower than that of FPL surfaces, the former occurs by a three-step process: reversible adsorption of water, slow dissolution of the surface phosphate followed by rapid hydration of the freshly exposed Al2O3. to boehmite (AlOOH), and further hydration of the boehmite to bayerite. As with FPL adherends, it is the second step (hydration to boehmite) that causes crack propagation. The initial stability of the PAA surface results from the very thin layer of phosphate ions that is incorporated in the oxide during anodization. FPL oxides with an adsorbed layer of phosphonatecontaining hydration inhibitor derive their hydration resistance from a similar mechanism. In all cases, the bonding degradation processes can be retarried by the use of moisture-resistant adhesives or primers. CAA oxides protect the metal surface from hydration because of their inherent thickness;

the important factor for bond durability is the stability of the outer oxide structure when water diffuses through the bond line to the polymer-oxide interface. Because hydration rates are controlled by the thickness of the barrier layer (which is directly proportional to the anodizing voltage), typical CAA processes yield oxides that are more resistant to hydration than are FPL surfaces. Direct comparisons of the normal surface treatments based on durability tests show that CAA adherends can perform as well as PAAadherends (Ref 12,13, 56,57).

sumably because the curing agent in these films is not sufficiently mobile to diffuse to the interface and be neutralized. Because the acidic residue could not be detected on the surface either by electron microscopy or x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( X P S ) , a two-step rinse after etchinglanodizingis recommended. The greater pore depth of anodizing treatments generally improves their resistance to degradation by these chemical effects, but all pretreatmentsare subject to handling contamination. The extremely fine pores on all wellprepared bonding surfaces are perfect traps for oils found on virtually all surfaces, such as fingers, nylon gloves, kraft paper, siliconerubProdudion Considerations ber, and Teflon (Ref 61). Contaminant layers that fill the pores and cover the surface will Although the procedures already described prevent the crucial mechanical interlocking are generally straightforward, there are many from forming and lead to low-strength bonds. ways in which impmper handling of the sur- Surface contact can also damage the oxide asfaces, both during and after processing, can perities, but the relative roughness of the surdestroy their bonding potential. The extremely faces ensures that such damage is limited to fine-scale FPL oxide morphology, for exam- relatively small areas. The most significant ple, can easily be destroyed without leaving a problem is contamination, and the only pretrace visible to any but the highest-resolution vention is to avoid all contact with areas that electron microscopes. Because anodized oxide are to be bonded. Once the surfaces have been layers are much thicker, they are detectable by, coated with primer or adhesive, they are much easily applied optical means (observation with less susceptibleto damage. Usually, badly concrossed polarizers; see, for example, Ref 58). taminated primer layers can be successfully Although optical indications do not guarantee cleaned by solvent wiping. However, contact good bond performance, they can be used to of a bare oxide surface with solvent is as detriensure the correct performance of chemical mental as other forms of contamination. processing steps. This inspectability often One particularly detrimentalcontaminantis gives anodizing processes an advantage in any form of silicone, which can disrupt normal practice. It is true, however, that the bonding bond formation even at low levels. It has genpotential of the anodized oxides often lies in erally been found that 2 to 3% silicon on a the detailed nature of the outermost oxide sur- surface in the form of silicone, as detected by face, not simply in the presence of an oxide. X P S , is sufficientto cause disruption. The 2 to Careful process and solution controls are es- 3% silicon corresponds to a coverage of 50 to sential for all surface treatments if reliable 100% of a surface with a single molecule layer bonds are to be made. of silicone molecules. Silicone is very difficult Aluminum oxide surfaces are particularly to remove from any surface; for example, silisensitive to halogen ions. Low concentrations conecontaminated primer surfaces generally of the F and Cl- in the etch/anodizingsolutions cannot be cleaned by solvent wiping. Thus, all markedly reduce the height and roughness of bonding operations should be carried out in a the oxide morphology produced, leading to silicone-free environment. Often this is diffipoor bond performance, especially in adverse cult because silicones or their analogues are environments (Ref 59). In addition, F-con- present in almost all mold-release agents and in taminated rinse water (fluoridated tap water) many machining fluids. Experience has indican deposit a sufficientlyconcentrated ion resi- cated that even mold-release agents claiming due on the fresh aluminum oxide surface so as to be nonsilicone materials usually have a silito react with ambient moisture and form an conelike moiety that is equally effective at disacid that attacks the oxide structures (Ref 20). rupting bonds. Care must be taken to ensure The use of distilled water and solution moni- that surfaces to be bonded never contact any toring is necessary for reliable adherend sur- surface treated with a mold-release agent. face preparation. Because of the nature of the processing, some solution dragout is inevitableduring nns- Adhesives (Ref 3) ing operations; the pH of the rinse bath in the vicinity of the aluminum surfaces can freAdhesive materials are available in seven quently be quite low. If low-pH rinse water is allowed to dry on the oxide, the surface may general forms: solvent-based,water-based, liqbecome sufficiently acidic to react with the uid, powder, film, solid extruded forms such as amine curing agents that typically are in epoxy rods or threads, and paste. The form employed primers, leading to an undercured epoxy at the may depend on the end use. For example, the oxide interface (Ref 59, 60). Similar surfaces viscosity of a liquid adhesive may be varied, bonded with a partially cured (B-stage) film depending on the porosity of the adherends.An adhesive do not suffer bonding problems, PIC- adhesive film may be the best form to ensure

446 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys flat, even, continuous bond lines. The general the thermoset resin, combined with good flexi- ene-isobutylene (butyl) or polysulfide rubbers chemical classification of an adhesive is usu- bility and shock resistance, contributed by the are used less frequently. Natural rubber is still ally evident from the manufacturer's specifca- thermoplastic resin. Adhesive combinations of important, because it imparts to adhesives a tion sheet. It should be emphasized that a vinyl and phenolic resins are particularly appli- high degree of initial tack, tack retention, and further check of the adhesive properties is usu- cable to the bonding of aluminum. The bond flexibility. Specialized elastomeric properties ally necessary to evaluate its suitability for any has excellent resistance to weathering. Vinyls are obtained by chlorinating, cyclizing, or concombined with epoxy resins increase the flexi- verting natural rubber to the hydrochloride. new process. Adhesives also may be classified as ther- bility of this normally rigid type of thermoset Some of the lowest-cost adhesives are obtained by using reclaimed rubber. moplastic or thermosetting. Because both ther- material. Elastomeric polymers are thermoplastic Neoprene, acrylonitrile, styrene-butadiene, moplastic or thermosetting raw materials can be present in a single adhesive formulation, it materials that are widely employed in adhe- and reclaimed rubbers when employed as is most practical to classify adhesives by de- sives for bonding aluminum, especially in non- modifying agents for thermosetting resins are scribing the basic chemical building blocks structural applications. They may be combined widely used as moderate-strength structural from which they are derived. More detailed with thermosetting resins to obtain improved adhesives to bond aluminum in sandwich panel information on the adhesives described below resistance to shock and vibration and greater constructions. The resulting adhesive is a hycan be found in Volume 3 of Engineered Mate- resiliency and peel strength. The most common brid material, demonstrating neither the pure elastomers for adhesives are synthetic and thermoplastic properties of the elastomer nor rials Handbook. Thermoplastic resins are high-polymer natural rubbers. Neoprene and acrylonitrile the rigid, brittle properties of the thermoset molecules, essentially long linear chains with (rubber and styrene-butadiene) rubber are em- resins. By varying the relative ratios of the relatively little cross-linking between the chains. ployed in large volume for adhesives. Butadi- elastomer and thermoset resins, adhesives can These mins can be softened with heat, but they will reharden during cooling. This property will be maintainedas long as the polymer is not heated Table 4 Characteristics of epoxy and phenolic adhesive system used for structural applicaabove its decomposition point. Generally, these tions resins a~ less rigid and lower in solvent resistan= than the thermosetting resins. They have a Adhesive type Characteristics lower~ofel~tyandwillaeepunderload Perform with excellentresulk over a service temperaturemnge of -55 to 80 "C (-70 to 180 "F). Thermoplastic resins find widespread ap- Niaile epoxy Some versions have a somewhat improved upper temperature limit up to 95 'C (200 Severe plication in bonding metals because of their exposure to some hydraulic fluids, such as the phosphate ester types, can cause some softening, excellent adhesive properties. For nonstructuresulting in strength loss, and caution should he exercised when using these systems in this kind of environment. Most of the nitrile epoxy systems available cure between 1 IO and 120 "C (225 ral applications, their other properties may be and 250 generally requiring 60 to 90 min to complete the process. adequate; for load-bearing structural applications, the thermoplastic resins usually must be Epoxypolyamide When combined with various quantities of polyamide resin, the liquidepoxy resins produce an blended with thermosetting resins. Some of the ambient-tempetahue curing adhesive with good affmity and adhesion to prepared aluminum surfaces. This results in amoderately tough and durable bond with fair peel strength compared most important thermoplastic resins used in with unmodifiedc a t a l y s t m d liquid epoxy systems.These adhesives will provide service up to adhesive formulations are acrylics, cellulosics, 80 "C( I80 O F ) and perform well at subzem temperatures.They can be modified with avariety of polyamides, polyhydrocarbons, polystyrene, tillers and thixotmphy modifying compounds, which can produce a wide range of adhesive and polyvinyls (esters, acetals, ethers, alcocharacteristics.The additionof glass or phenolic microballoonsproduces lightweightsyntactic foams useful for honeycomb applications. hols, and chlorides). Many of these resins have lower-molecular-weight polymers that are Epoxy phenolic Generallyused for high-tempetahue applicationssuch as engine nacelles, auxiliarypower units, quite soft at ordinary temperatures. The higherand areas subject to kinetic heating. Epoxy phenolic adhesives normally come only in film form, molecular-weight resins are tough and considalthough there are some liquid versions available formulated for use as core spliceadhesives. They cure at 175 'C (350 "F)and will perform well at 150 to 175 "C (300 to 350 O F ) for several erably more heat-resistant. The strength of thousand hours and for short periods of time, up to 260 "C (500 O F ) . these thermoplastic polymers results from a physical entanglement of the long linear Nihilephmolics Used for high-tempetame metal-tc-metal applications. Inherent low flow characteristin chains. The higher-molecular-weight moleprohibit their use for honeycomb applications.The temperaturecapabilitiesof nitrile phenolics are gooduptotemperaturesof lSOT(300"F) withfairperformanceattemperaturesbeyond cules have a greater degree of entanglement, thislevelforsho~periodsoftime.Attemperatmsabove 17S"C(35OoF)amarkedfalloffin which is reflected in their higher strength. pmpetties will occur. and these systems should not be used beyond this point. Nitrile adhesives However, separation of these entanglements have a good resistanceto hostile environments,particularlyhigh-humidity conditions. under stress can account for the high degree of Theseadhesives,whichcureat165to 175'C(325 to35O0F)for60min,useanumberofepoxy creep in these materials, making them gener- Unmodifiedepoxy polymers in combination with various curing agents. They are normally formulatedfor elevated ally undesirable for structural bonding. The temperatureservice, generally 120 "C (250 or above. Propertiescan be tailored to the adhesion properties of thermoplastic resins for adhesiveend use hy using different statting epoxy resin polymers and the selectionof one or aluminum can be further enhanced by incorpomore suitable curing agents. Elevated-temperatureresistance of some adhesive formulationscan be as high as 200 "C (400 "F)for short-termuse (not more than a few hundred hours) and up to rating additional polar groupings in the poly175 "C (350 "F)for several thousand hours. mer chain. Thermoplastic adhesives are used in large tonnage in packaging applications be- Source: Ref 62, 63 cause of their low cost and applicability to high-speed production techniques, and because many aluminum applications in the Table 5 Typical epoxy and phenolic film adhesive properties packaging field are not limited seriously by an Tensik adhesive that creeps under loading or delamir T-peel slrength 7 High-pressure Volstiles during lapshcar strength cure cure MPa ksi kN/m Ibh. nates with exposure to above-ambient thermal Material OF).




Thermoplastic resins may be used in formulating stmctural adhesives by blending them with thermosetting resins. This provides a new adhesive with desirable strength, imparted by

Nylon-epo Elastomer Nitrile-phe

~ ~ , ! ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c

No No Yes Yes Yes

39-49 26-41 21-31 21-31 1&22

5.5-7.2 3.7-6.0 3.04.5 3.04.5 2.0-3.2

14-22.8 3.85-15.8 2.63-10.5 2.6M.07 1.05-2.10

80-130 22-90 15-60 15-35 6-12

Adhesive Bonding / 447

"8m g e and have excellent electrical and mechanical properties. In addition, they are more resistant to moist, humid environments. Adhesives in this category include:

adhesive is cured. The same technique is used for polymerizing thermoplastic adhesives. Solvent-dispersed adhesives should be laid up wet only if solvent release is possible. Sometimes, to reduce the time required for solvent release after the joint is assembled, the wetcoated Polyimides adhesive is allowed to dry partially before asPolyphenylquinoxalines Polybenzimidazoles sembly. Jigsand fixtures may be necessary for The polyimide system, not to be confused holding the parts together and for maintaining with polyamide, is the most widely used of the pressure on the adhesiveduring cure.Theparticuadvanced high-temperature adhesives. Table 6 lar adhesive and the configuration of the assemlists mechanical properties of polyimide film bly determine whether futturing is necessary and its degree of complexity. ' b o flat sheets joined (Ref 65). Unlike the other systems, advanced high- with acontact bond adhesive might not need any temperature adhesives require curing parame- fvthuing. A complex equipment cabinet or airters matched to each adhesive formulation. craft wing to be constructed to close dimensional Many require step cures that escalate up to 345 tolerances with a high temperatwe curing adhe"C (650 O F ) , with some also needing a high- sive may require many relatively complex fixtemperature postcure to develop the optimum tures. Often, thoughtful design of the product can properties of the adhesive (Ref 63). These ad- markedly reduce the complexity of fixtures and hesives can generally be bonded to aluminum; simplify the maintenance of required dimenhowever, because of their high-temperature ca- sional tolerances. pability they were basically developed for During curing, most adhesives need folbonding steel or titanium, and this is their pri- lowup pressure as a minimum. Spring clamps, mary function. weights such as bags loaded with sand or shot, Methods of Application. Common meth- , or inflatable pressure pads or tubes can be ods of applying liquid adhesives are by brush, used. An alternate method which provides unispatula, trowel, dip, spray, roll, curtain, flow gun, form pressure on contoured surfaces, is to and flow brush. The last five methods are particu- place the parts in a rubber blanket or bag and larly useful for the uniform application of adhe- evacuate the bag. For flat parts, a hydraulically sive on large, flat parts in high-production-rate or pneumatically actuated platen press is useful. situations. Curing. The most important parameters EDip coating and spraying can be used for lating to the cure of an adhesive are time and flat parts and are especially suitable for con- temperature. The time required for the process of toured parts. A widely used method for apply- curing an adhesive must be longer than the actual ing liquid and thin-paste adhesive is brushing. time required for cure so that time is allowed for Equipment is simple, waste is minimal, and the adhesive mass to reach cure tempaature. limited areas of contoured shapes can be The type of heating apparatus also detercoated without masking. However, it is diffi- mines the processing time. For example, a cult to achieve uniformly high production forced-air recirculating oven transfers heat to rates, as well as uniform adhesive thickness, an assembly more efficiently than a gravityusing this method. circulated oven of equivalent heat capacity. If several coats of a solvent-based adhesive If the parts of an assembly are of the same are to be applied, the most uniform thickness is material and thickness, all bond lines should obtained by applying each coat perpendicular heat at equivalent rates. However, if thick and to the preceding one. Proper drying times must thin parts are being joined, or if the parts differ be allowed between coats to avoid sagging, markedly in heat capacity or conductivity, not blistering, or lifting of earlier coats. all bond lines will reach cure temperature siFilm adhesives are relatively easy to apply. multaneously. The processing time for such They are cut to size, placed in the area to be assemblies must be adjusted so that the adhejoined, and tacked in place at selected areas sive mass in the slowest-heating joint achieves that are softened with a heat gun or soldering proper cure. iron prior to assembly. The same consideration applies to applicaAnother method of assembly is contact tions in which a fixture is massive, compared bonding. Certain materials, although dry and with the portion of the assembly that it contack-free to the touch and unable to form a tacts, especially when certain film-type adhestrong joint to many surfaces, will form a sives are used. A certain, but not necessarily Table 6 Mechanical properties of strong joint upon contact with a tack-free sur- critical, rate of temperature rise is necessary to polyimide film face of the same or similar material. Such a enable the adhesive to become properly fluid r T - 1 lemperalure(s) Al 2 m g joint is formed instantaneously and is comand to wet the adherends before it sets. Too low Al 23 oc (73 9) (390 9) pleted by a brief application of pressure to a rate might cause the material to remain fluid Propem 120(17) emure a good contact between the layers of for so long a period that it runs out of the joint. Tensile strength, M P (ksi) ~ . . . 170 (25) Tensile modulus, GPa adhesive. Too high a rate might cause the material to set (10' Psi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% (o.430) 1.79 (o.260) Joints involving a thermosetting liquid or to a solid state before it has had sufficient time Yield strength at 3% offset, paste adhesive are made by a wet-assembly to wet the adherends adequately. 4o (6) MPa (ksi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 (10) Another factor to consider is the differential 90 technique. Usually the parts must be held in 70 Elongation. % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position by fixtures or clamps until the fluid thermal expansion between components of an (a) Test conducted on Kapton film be obtained with widely varying physical and chemical properties. A higher degree of tackiness and flexibility, but lower heat resistance, is characteristic of an adhesive with a high percentage of elastomer. Correspondingly, tackiness and flexibility are lowered and inherent strength and heat resistance are elevated by increasing the amount of thermoset resin. Some of the most durable, high-strength aluminum-to-aluminum bonds are obtained with phenolic resin adhesives modified with nitrile rubber. Thermosetting resins are high-molecularweight polymers that react further to form a rigid, cross-linked molecular structure. After this setting, or curing, of the resin, the permanently hard, virtually infusible solid that results cannot be resoftened by heating but it can be degraded by temperature extremes or some specific chemicals. Phenolic and epoxy resins are those most commonly used for adhesive formulations for metal strucmal bonding. Propehes and chmcteristics of these materials are listed in Tables 4 (Ref 62,63) and 5 (Ref 64).Polyurethanes, polyesters, urea melamines, resorcinol-formaldehydes, and silicones are employed less extensively. Thermosetting resins generally are cured by the addition of a chemical hardener, heat, or both. The high polarity of the phenolic and epoxy chemical groupings promotes adhesion to aluminum surfaces. The modified epoxy adhesives used to bond aluminum are available as one-part formulations, where the chemical curing reaction is activated by high heat, or as two-part formulations, where the chemical hardener must be mixed thoroughly with the resin just prior to bonding. High pressure is rarely required for aluminum bonding with most modified epoxy formulations. Vinylmodified or nitrile-modified phenolics are usually available only in one-part premixed form requiring heat and pressure for curing. Silicone resin adhesives are employed with aluminum, but their higher cost has been one deterrent to their wide use. Their greater flexibility at very low temperatures, however, is a desirable property, particularly for cryogenic applications. In the packaging field, they may also be used because some of the silicone resins have pressure-sensitive properties. Polyurethane adhesives have also been developed that can structurally bond aluminum to other surfaces. Advanced adhesive systems provide continuous service in the 250 to 350 "C (480 to 660


' '


448 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Table 7 Properties of top coats for adhesive-bondedjoints Coating



Flexibility Adhesion Elongation Tensile strength Hardness Weatherability Gloss retention Impact resistance Solvent resistance. Chemicalresistance Corrosion resistance Abrasion resistance Moisture resistance Skydrol resistance

Good toexcellent Good toexcellent Excellent Good Medium to hard Excellent Excellent Excellent Good toexcellent Good toexcellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Epoxy ( s m i n e d )

Poor Excellent Poor Excellent Very hard Poor Poor Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Some typical bonded joints used in testing. (a)and (b)Singleanddoublelapjoint specimens for shear stresses. (c) Butt joint specimen for tensile stresses. (d) Peel test specimen for tensile and complex stress situations. Source: Ref 69

Fig’l 4

Various joint designs for adhesive bonding

aluminum occurs in various forms, with most being electrochemical in nature (see the article “Corrosion Behavior” in this Volume). The f m s of corrosion usually found in bonded joints, trimmed edges, and at attachment areas can be identified as crevice, pitting, exfoliation, and/or filiform-type corrosion. During fabrication of a bonded assembly, numerous scratches and gouges can occur To protect these bared areas from subsequent corrosion and to maintain integrity of the bond joint and adjacent surfaces, the use of protective coating system is necessary. The two organic coating systems that can be used on interior and/or exterior surfaces are aminecured epoxy and aliphatic urethane. Table 7 compares the properties of these coating materials. Selecting an Adhesive. Factors to be considered in selection include:

assembly, as well as the stress that may result from it. Differential expansion may also occur if the materials have different rates of heating or cooling. Such problems can often be alleviated by temperature staging the cure cycle, with the time at each stage being sufficient to ensure that all parts of the assembly reach thermal equilibrium. Cooling to ambient conditions is likewise staged. During the construction of large or complex structures, it is often convenient to fabricate subassemblies and then bring them together to form the complete structure. The subassembly

Type of material to be bonded: metallic or nonmetallic, surface porosity, surface texture, surface cleanliness, surface coatings, and che&-al reactivity of surfaces Service temperature: the maximum and minimum sewice temperatures anticipated, the maximum times at either temperature, the number of repeated exposures to these conditions, and the degree of thermal shock anticipated in changing from one temperature extreme to the other Other service environmentalfactors: the deg r e e ofweather exposure to wind, rain, ultraviolet light, atmospheric gases, salt water, and air temperature (cryogenic, temprate, elevated)

Fig. 13

adhesive must, of course, be compatible With final assembly procedures and processes. Coatings (Ref 66). Cornsioncontrolofadhesively bonded assemblies is important for durable bond strength. Delamination of bond joints with the destruction Of bond integrity Will eventually result if corrosion in any form is present. Aluminum and its alloys all respond differently to theinfluencesoftheenv~~entandtothemanY factors that contribute to Cornsion. Degradation of materid SyStemS, applied for PrOtectiOn in these envhnments, will result in subsequentcorrosion of the underlying substrate. Corrosion of

Adhesive Bonding / 449 0

Joint design: The anticipated joint loading in shear tension, impact, or compression, and the vibration, peel, or cleavage characteristics need to be considered. (Structural adhesives have outstanding shear and tensile strengths but are relatively poor in peel and cleavage properties.) The availability of structural adhesives with ever-increasing flexibility has diminished the dangers of peel or cleavage forces in the service envimnment. Special surface prepration: The durability of an aluminum bond usually can be enhanced by surface treatment beyond simple cleaning. The aluminum surface should be kept free from surface films and dust to prevent occlusions. Adhesive characteristics:The choice among liquid, paste, or film adhesives is often dictated by the available processing equipment (brush, roll bar, spray, curtain coater, or roller coater). Adhesive thickness and spreading method may be of particular impoltance where the mating surfaces are not uniformly parallel. Adhesive curing: Selection of a cold-setting structural adhesive is often necessary when ovens and hot presses are not available. The necessity for high shear strength in a joint may demand an elevated-temperature cure, as ambient-temperaturecuredadhesives are not capable of developing such strength. Reliabilify of the process: The adhesive selection must be made after careful consideration of the available equipment, the wide latitude in the sensitivity of adhesives to surfacepreparation, the proper adhesive distribution, and the curing conditions. Unless specialized equipment is employed, some adhesives are too sensitive to minor fabrication changes to maintain quality control. This is why aircraft bonding programs with the emphasis on equipment have been SUCcessful. Cost of materials andprocessing: Adhesive costs may vary from a few cents to many dollars a pound. Service requirements usually will narrow the selection; but even so, costs for adhesives with apparently equivalent properties can vary significantly.

desirable that joints be designed specifically for adhesive bonding. Direct conversion of a conventional, mechanically fastened joint to adhesive bonding is usually a poor idea. Figure 13 shows a number of variations in joint design. Additional information on joint design can be found in Ref 3. Structural analysis of adhesive-bondedjoints is described in Ref 67 and68.

Testing of Adhesive Joints Failure Stre@, Tests. Three types of specimens may be used for quality control by destructive testing: (a) standard test specimens (such as lapshear specimens or one of the many types ofpeek) that may have no exact mechanical counterpart in the ffished assembly; (b) speCimens that are representative of or are exact meChanid andogs of one or more joints in the assembly; and (c) ffished assemblies. Figure 14 shows the most %uently used standard test specimens. The first type of test is widely used, primarily because of simplicity and low cost. Standard test specimens are processed, assembled, and cured with each assembly or lot of assemblies, so that they (and the assemblies) are subjected to the same set of conditions. These tested specimensgive a measure of whether the bonding process is in control. They are part of the total information upon which decisions to accept or reject finished assemblies are based. The same p m d u r e s and comments apply to the second test method. The third option is costly if the assembly is large, complex, or expensive. It is, however, the preferred method when economics permit. Astatistically significantnumber of assemblies must be tested. Detailed information on testing and analysis of adhesive-bondedjoints can be found in Volume 3 of Engineered Materials Handbook. Environmental Effects. All of the following environments should be considered for evaluating the durability of an adhesive-bonded aluminum joint (Ref 3):

Joint Design


The performanceof an adhesive in a joint is very much a function of the type of joint and the mode of loading. Joints that provide a more uniform smss distribution between members are generally stronger and more reliable than those that produce stress concentrations. For this reason, joints are better when loaded in shear and compression than in peel and cleavage. Tough adhesives respond more favorably and resist fracture better than hard, brittle materials under high strain conditions. It is highly

. .

Ambient- or elevated-temperature immersion in distilled water or tap water Ambient- or elevated-temperature immersion in salt water Exposure to 100% relative humidity Exposure to ambient- or elevated-temperature water immersion, or exposure to 100% relative humidity, followed by freezing; and repeated Ambient- or elevated-temperature immersion in any liquid contacted in service Exposure to elevated-temperature air or other appropriate gas mixture Exposure to the appropriaterural, industrial, or seacoast environment for periods up to five years

Exposure to ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, and protons Detailed information on environmental effects can also be found in Volume 3 of Engineered Materials Handbook.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The section “Surface Preparation” in this article was adapted from H.M. Clearfield, D.K. McNamara, and G.D. Davis, Surface Preparation of Metals, Volume 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, 1990, p 259-275

REFERENCES 1. Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985,p 5 2. L.H. Sharpe, Overview: Adhesives Technology, Vol 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, , 1990, p 33-38 3. J.D. Minford, Adhesive Bonding, Aluminum, Vol m, Fabrication and Finishing, American Society for Metals, 1967, p 549-574 4. D.J. Hagemaier, Adhesive-Bonded Joints, 9th ed., Vol 17, Metals Handbook, ASM International, 1989, p 610640 5. PEA. Bijlmer, Jr., Chromic Acid Anodize Process as Used in Europe, Adhesive Bonding of AluminumAlloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985, p 21-39 6. J.D.Minfo~l,Adhes.Age,~l17,1974,p24 7. H.W. Eichner and W.E. Schowalter, Report 1813, Forest Products Laboratory, 1950 8. N.L. Rodgers, in Proceedings of the 13th National SAMPE Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1981, p 640 9. A. Desai, J.S. Ahearn, and D.K. McNamara, “Cleanliness of External Tank Surfaces,”TechnicalReportMML TR 85-65, Martin Marietta Laboratories, 1985 10. G.S. Kabayashi and DJ. -&, R ~ f l D6415 17, ”le Bceiig Company, 1974 11. MIL-A-862C, Military Specifcation 12. W. Brockman and O.D. Hennemann, in Proceedings of the I I th SAhtPE Technical Conference,Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Nov 1979, p 804-816 13. W. Brockman, O.D. Hennemann, H. Kollek, and C. Mae, Int. J. Adhes. Adhes.,Vol 6, 1986, p 115

450 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys 14. I. Olefjord and L. Koma, Mater. Sci. Technol.,Vol 3, 1987, p 860 15. T S . Sun, J.M. Chen, J.D. Venables, and R. Hopping,Appl.Surf: Sci., Vol 1,1978, p 202 16. A. V. Pocius, inAdhesionAspects ofPolymericCoatings, K. L. Mittal, Ed.,Plenum Publishing, 1983, p 173 17. A.V. Pocius, T.H. Wilson, Jr., S.H. Lunquist, and S. Sugii, in Progress in Advanced Materials and Processes: Durability, Relkbility, and Quality Con0-01, G. Bartelds and RJ. Schliekilmann, Ed., Elsevier, 1985, p 71 18. Process Specification 4352, rev J, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc., June 1980 19. Process Specification TH 6.785 1, Fokker VFWB.V., Aug 1978 20. J.D. Venables, D.K. McNamara, J.M. Chen, T.S. Sun, and R.L. Hopping, Appl. Surf: Sci., Vol 3, 1979,p 88 21. J.D. Venables,J.Mater.Sci., Vol 19,1984, p 2431 22. G.D. Davis, J.S. Aheam, LJ. Matienzo, and J.D. Venables, J . Mater. Sci., Vol 20, 1985, p 975 23. J.M. Chen, T.S. Sun, J.D. Venables, D.K. McNamm, and R. Hopping, in Proceedings of The 24th National SAMPE Symposium, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1979, p 1188 24. A.J. Kinloch, H.E. Bishop, and N.R. Smart, J. Adhes., Vol 14, 1982,p 105 25. DA. Hardwick, J.S. Aheam, A. Desai, and J.D. Venables, J. Mater. Sci., Vol 21, 1986, p 179 26. SM. El-Mashri, R.G. Jones, and A.J. Forty, Phil.Mag.A, Vol48,1983,p665 27. R.H. Olsen, in Proceedings of the 11th National SAMPE Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1979, p 770 28. H. E. F m , Z. Werkstoflech., Vol 14, 1983, p 164,290 29. H. Kollek, Int. J. Adhes. Adhes., Vol 5, 1985, p 75 30. GD. Davis, T.S. Sun, J.S. Aheam, and J.D.Venables,J.MaterSci.,Vo117,1982, p 1807 31. AJ. Kinloch and N.R. Smart, J. Adhes., Vol 12,1981, p 23 32. J.S. Solomon and D.E. Hamlin, Appl. Surf: Sci., Vol 4,1980, p 307 33. P. Poole and J.F. Watts, Int. J. Adhes. Adhes., Vol 5,1985, p 33 34. A.J. Kinloch, H.E. Bishop, and N.R. Smart, J . Adhes., Vol 1 4 , 1982, p 105

35. M.F. Abd Rabbo, J.A. Richardson, and G.C. Woods, Corros. Sci., Vol 16, 1976, p 689 36. V. Singh, P. Rama, G.J. Cocks, and DM.R. Taplin, J . Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol 14,1979, p 745 37. A. Csanady, I. Imre-Baan, E. Lichtenberger-Bajza,E. Szontagh, and F. Domolki, J. Mater. Sci., Vol 15,1980, p 2761 38. AB. Yaniv, N. Fin, H. Dodiuk, and LE. Klein, Appl. Surf: Sci., Vol 20, 1985, p 538 39. DJ. Arrowsmith and A.W. Clifford, Int. J . Adhes. Adhes., Vol 5,1985, p 40 40. W. Bmkmannand0.D. Hennemann, in Adhesive Joints, K.L. Mittal, Ed., Plenum Publishing, 1984, p 469 41. K.W. Allen and M.G. Stevens,J . Adhes., Vol 14,1982, p 137 42. J.S. Aheam, T.S. Sun, C. Froede, J.D. Venables, and R. Hopping, SAMPE Q., Vol 12,1980, p 39 43. T.P. Hoar and N.J. Mott, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, Vol 9,1959, p 97 44. J.S. Aheam and G.D. Davis, in Proceedings ofAdhesion ’87,1987,p 291 45. W. Bmckmann, AGARD Lecture Series 102, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development,Noah Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1979 46. S. Naviroj, J.L. Koenig, and H. Ishida,J. Adhes., Vol 18,1985, p 93 47. P. Walker, J . Coat. Technol., Vol 52, 1980, p 29 48. J.S. Aheam, G.D. Davis, T.S. Sun, and J.D. Venables, in Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric Coatings, K.L. Mittal, Ed., Plenum Publishing, 1983, p 281 49. J.D. Venables, M.E. Tadros, and B.M. Ditchek, U S . Patent 4,308,079, 1981 50. D.A. Hadwick, J.S. Ahearn, and J.D. Venables, J . Mater. Sci., Vol 19,1984, p 223 51. D.K. Shaffer, H.M. Clearfield, and J.S. Aheam, Technical Report MML TR 8676(c), Martin Marietta Laboratories, N00014-85-C-0804, Office of Naval Research, 1986 52. J.M. Chen, T.S. Sun, J.D. Venables, and R. Hopping, in Proceedings of the 22nd National SAMPE Symposium, 1977, p 25 53. A.J. Kinloch,J.Adhes.,Vol 10,1979, p 193 54. R.A. Gledhill and A.J. Kinloch, J. Adhes., Vol 6, 1974, p 315 55. R.A. Pike, Int. J . Adhes. Adhes., Vol 5, 1985, p 3; Vol 6,1986, p 21

56. D.M. Brewis, in Durability of Structural Adhesives, Applied Science Publishers, 1983, p 215-254 57. D.J. Arrowsmith andQ.W. Clifford,Int. J. Adhes. Adhes. Vol 5, 1985, p 40 58. “Aerospace Recommended Practice,” ARP 1524, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1978 59. D. Trawinski, S. Kodali, R. Curley, D.K. McNamara, and J.D. Venables, in Proceedings of the 14th National SAMPE Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1983 60. D. K. McNamara, L.J. Matienzo, J. D. Venables, J. Hattayer, and S.P. Kodali, in Proceedings of the 28th National SAMPE Symposium, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1983 61. D.K. McNamara, J.D. Venables, T.S. Sun, J.M. Chen, and R.L. Hopping, in Proceedings of the 11th National Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, 1979 62. E.C. Millard, Epoxy Adhesives, Adhesive Bonding ofAluminum Alloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985, p 99-125 63. E.C. Millard, Elevated-TemperatureResistant Adhesives,Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985, p 127-140 64. M.M. Gauthier, Types of Adhesives, Vol 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, 1990, p 7493 65. R.D. Rossi, Polyimides, Vol 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM Intemational, 1990, p 151-162 66. S. Nakahara, Coatings,Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985,p 227-240 67. LJ. Hart-Smith and E.W. Thrall, Smctural Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Joints, Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys, E.W. Thrall and R.W. Shannon, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985, p 241321 68. R.B. Krieger, Jr., Adhesive Bonding Design and Analysis, Vol 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, 1990, p 459-470 69. R.D. Adams,FailureStrengthTestsand Their Limitations, Vol 3, Engineered Materials Handbook, ASM International, 1990,p 325-334

eaning, inishing, an Coating ALUMINUM OR ALUMINUM ALLOY products often have various types of finishes applied to their surfaces to enhance appearance or improve functional properties. This article discusses the methods employed in the cleaning, finishing, and coating of aluminum.

Abrasive Blast Cleaning One of the simplest and most effective methods for cleaning aluminum surfaces is by blasting with dry nonmetallic or metallic abrasives. Although this method is normally associated with the cleaning of aluminum castings, it is also used to prepare surfaces of other product forms for subsequent finishes, such as organic coatings. ~naddition to cleaning, blasting is used to produce a matte texture for decorative purposes. Abrasive blasting is an efficient means of removing scale, sand, and mold residues from castings. Because castings typically are thick, they generally suffer no distortion from the P-SS. Blast cleaning of parts with relatively thin sections is not recommended, because such paas are readily warped by the compressive stresses that blasting sets up in the surface; c-e abmives can wear through thin aluminum sections. m i c a l conditions for dry blasth g with silica abrasive are given in Table 1. Washed silica sand and aluminum oxide are most commonly used for abrasive blast cleaning of aluminum alloys. Steel grit is sometimes used and, because of the fragmenting characteristics of silica, is often preferred. It also has a longer life, which lowers cleaning costs. However, when an aluminum surface is blasted with grit, steel particles become embedded, and unless they are removed by a subsequent chemical treatment, they will rust and stain the surface. It is good practice to remove particle contamination with a nitric acid pickle to pre-

vent degradation of corrosion resistance. A 20 min soak in 50%nitric acid solution at ambient temperature will dissolve embedded or smeared iron particles, but it will not remove silica or aluminum oxide. When aluminum is blasted with NO.40 or 50 steel grit, a 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) diameter nozzle and air Pressure at about 276 kPa (40 Psi) are c0mm0dY used. Organic materials such as Plastic pellets and crushed walnut she11s als0 are used to b1ast clean aluminum, often for the removal of carbonaceousmatter. Stainless steel shot is sometimes used for cleaning aluminum surfaces. Shot blasting is used as a preliminary operation for developing a surface with a hammered texture. An attractive finish is produced when this textured surface is bright dipped and anodized. In addition, the varying degrees of matte texture that can be produced by blasting offer many decorative es. Blasting is often used to produce the maximum diffuseness of the reflectivity Of a surface. For example, aluminum m Y Canblasted as a final finish to reduce teens glare. Glass bead blasting offers another approach to cleaning and producing diffuse surfaces. Sandblasting with a fine abrasive produces a fine-grain matte finish on wrought or cast aluminum products. For plaques, spandrels, and related decorative architectural applications, sandblasting the background and polishing or buffing the raised portions of the surface produces an effect known as highlighting. The matte finish produced by abrasive blasting is highly susceptible to scratching and to staining from fingerprints.Therefore,mattefinish surfaces usually are protected by an anodic coating or clear lacquer. Anodizing is the more popular protective treatment, because it does not alter the original texture of a surface. Clear lacquers smooth out roughened surfaces and produce various degrees of gloss, which may be undesirable. Anodizing of a blasted


Table 1 Conditions for abrasive blast cleaning with silica ~~~

Grit size Mesh 20-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coarse 40-80 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Medium 100-200 . . . . . . . . . . . .Fine

..Very fine

(a) Nozzle approximately 90" to work

Nozzle diameter mm in.

10-13 10-13 6-13 13


YE-% 1/4-1/2


Nozzle to work(a) mm in.

300-500 200-350 200-350 200-300

12-20 8-14 8-14 '-12

Air pressure kPa psi

205-620 205-620 205-515 310

30-90 30-90 30-75 45

aluminum surface results in a gray color because of embedded abrasive particles in the surface. This color frequently is nonuniform because of variations in blasting conditions, such as nonle-to-work distance, direction or movement of the nozzle, and air pressure. Blasting conditions can be closely controlled by the use of specially designedequipment. Uniform movement of the work on conveyors, established nozzle movement, constant velocity of the abrasive, and controlled shof grit contribute to better color uniformity of sub' sequently andized surfaces. nenonuniform appearance that results from blasting can be corrected by bleaching prior to modking. ~ l ~ ~ hisj done , , ~by deep etching in a solution of 5% sodim hydroxide at 4o to 65 oc(1oo to 150 oF) to remOve metal that contains embedded abrasive. Some trial and error may be necessary to determine etching time for specific conditions. If the surface is not etched enough, a mottled appearance may resu1t' Embedded abrasive can als' & removed with a s01ution Of nitric acid and fluoride used at room temperature. Care should be exercised when selecting the aluminum Or a1uminum alloy to be sandb1asted. For examp1e*a"oy1 loo, which contains 99% A1, provides a mnsparent anodic finish; al10Ys rich in manganese, silicon, and copper?on the Other handy are Colored when anodized. Alloy segregationcan occur in highmagnesium alloys, and pitting will result unless special Pretreatments areused.Table2lists Several typical aPPlications for abrasive blast Cleaning of duminum Products, indicating the type and Size of abrasive used and typical production rates. Wet blasting mixes a fine abrasive with water to form a slurry that is forced through nozzles directed at the part. Abrasive grits from 100 to 5000 mesh may be used. Wet blasting is generally employed when a fine-grain matte finish is desired for decorative purposes. An attractive two-tone finish on appliance trim can be obtained by contrasting a buffed finish with a wet-blasted finish. Aluminum fim components and eyeglass parts such as frames and temp1es Often are wet-b1asted to produce fine matte finishes. In these applications, anodic coatings, either plain or colored, are used to protect without distorting the intended surface texture.

452 / Fabrication and Finishing of Aluminum Alloys Table 2 Applicationsfor abrasive blast cleaning of aluminum products

Automatic rotaryequipment with five nozzles was used for blasting of all parts except the cake pan, for which a handoperated single-nozzle setup was used.

Table 3 Conditions for wet blasting of aluminum-bse materials At a nozzle-to-work distance of 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 in.) and an operating pressure of 550 kPa (80 psi)


Pro d u c t





Blasting to prepare for organic coating

280by 380by51 250-mm diam Griddle.. . . . . . . . . . ,6775 mm' Saute pan . . . . . . . . ,200-mm diam

Abrasive Pieces, Qpe Mesh size h

11by15by2 10-in. diam 10.5-in.' 8-in. diam

Alumina Alumina Alumina Alumina

100 100 100 100

60 260 225 250




4-in. diam by 7(b) Steel 12-in. diam(b) Steel

80 80

375 180

Abrasive Qpe Meshsize

Deburr and clean . . . . Alumina 220 Blend and grind . . . . . Silica flour 325 1000 Lap and hone.. . . . . . . Glass Diatomite 625-5000

Blasting for appearance produced

Army canteeda) . . . . . . . . ... Cocktail-shaker body . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-mm diam by 180(b) n a y . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,300-mm diam(b)


(a) 1 qt army canteen blasted for reduction of light reflectivity. (b) Blasted for decorative effect

Typical wet blasting procedures are listed in Table 3. Wet blasting is also used to prepare surfaces for organic or electroplated coatings. Ultrafine glass bead blasting is an alternative to wet blasting.

Barrel Finishing



Barrel finishing is a lowcost method of smoothing sharp edges, imparting a matte finish, and preparhg Surfaces for anodizing, painting, or plating. Many small aluminum stampings, castings, and machined parts are cleaned, deburred, and burnished by barrel finishing. In most instances, the main objective is debumng and/or burnishing, with cleaning being an accidental benefit of the treatment. Deburring sometimes is the final barrel operation, but more often it is followed by burnishing to obtain a smoother finish or one that is better suited to anodizing or plating. Parts that have only been deburred are often painted. Burnished parts are frequently anodized for protection. Small aluminum parts are sometimes tumbled dry in media such as pumice and hardwood pegs, hardwood sawdust, or crushed walnut shells to remove burrs and improve the finish. However, this method is relatively kefficient compared to the more widely used wet process. AU aluminum alloys can be safely finished by wet barrel methods. Limitations imposed by workpiece size and shape are essentially the same as for steel and other metals. There are two general areas in which wet barrel finishing of aluminum parts is more critical than in processing similar parts made of steel. First, there is danger of surface contamination by ferrous metals, caused by the use of either a steel barrel or a steel medium. Second, the pH of the compounds is more critical when processing aluminum, because the metal is susceptible to etching by both acids and alkalis, and because gas generated during chemical attack can build up pressure in the barrel and cause serious accidents. Barrels must be vented when proc-

When burnishing aluminum, the pH of the burnishing compound must be closely controlled. This is accomplished by frequent titration of the compound, followed by the addition of small amounts of borax or boric acid as needed. Steel balls and shapes are the most commonly used burnishing media. Several examples of conditions used in barn1 finishing applications are detailed in Table 4. Note that debuning and burnishing are sometimes accomplished in a single operation. Self-tumblingis an effective means of cleaning, deburring, or burnishing small alumi'num parts. procedures for self-mbling are basid l Y thesameasthoseforothermethockofbarrel finishing, except that the Parts thaw+elVeS-e as the medium. Compounds for self-tumblingof a il e m ~ should be~ of nearly neutral pH, and oxldes should be removed from & aluminum parts before tumbling. The size and shape of the parts usually determine whether self-tumbling is suitable. Interior surfaces receive little or no action during self-tumbling. Vibratory finishing is anewer mth,,,j & for &burring and burnishing m a parts. When applied to aluminum parts, compounds and media a subject to & res&i&om as &cussed previously for conventional barrel finishing.

essing aluminum. Compounds that are nearly neutral (pH of about 8) are recommended, although some alloys can be safely processed in compounds having a pH as high as 9. Barrels used for aluminum are basically the same as those used for processing steel. However, barrels made of steel or cast iron should be lined with rubber or similar material to prevent contamination. A preferred practice is to use specific barrels exclusively for processing aluminum. ~ ~is done b by tumbling ~the w~ ~in a nonlubricating mmpund that contains abrasives. In most -ces, m&a also are u& to cushion the workpieces and increase the abrasive action. Synthetic detergents mixed with @te hes Or limestone chiPs are usual1Y pfed as the cornpoundfor deburring dew; aluminum Oxide and silimn 'ahide a not deskable because theY leave a smudge that & difficu1tto remove*figh water levels, mmP1etelY covering the mass, are Used during &burring to assist in maintaining fluidity of the mass and to help prevent the medium from becoming glazed and losing cutting action. Debumng can also be Polishing and ~ ~ f f i , , ~ accomplished by using vibratory units with syntheticabrasives. Because aluminum is more easily worked Barrel burnishing is used to produce a smooth, m-ljke finish on aluminum parts. than many other metals, few aluminum parts require polishing prior to buffing for final finBright dipping w t e l y prior to b & b g ish. In some instances, polishing may be reai& in d e s a results. otherprewquired for the removal of b u m , flash, or nary treatments also m helpful in specific instances, p d c u l d y for cast aluminW parts. be surface imperfections. Usually, buffing with a of theseptreatments entails etching thecastings sisal wheel prior to final buffing is sufficient. Polishing. Most polishing options can be for 20 s in an all


i 25~ Alloy. 2014-T4 closed die forging, solution


i 28~

heat treated at 500 'C (935 O F ) for 2 h and quenched in water at 60 to 70 "C ( 1 40 to 160 O F ) . longitudinal section. Structure contains particles of CuA12 (white, outlined) and insoluble (Fe,Mn)~SiAlu (dark). Keller's reagent. 1 OOX

Al!oy . 2014-T4 closeddie forging that received insufficient solution heot treatment. Longitudinal section. Constituents are the same as for Fig. 25, but more CuAI? is visible, because less is in solution. Keller's reagent. 2 5 0 X

heat treated, then aged at 170 "C ( 3 4 0 O F ) for 10 h. longitudinal section. Fragmented grain structure; constituents are same as for Fig. 25, but very fine prticles of CuAh have precipitated in the matrix. Keller's reagent. 1 OOX





Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 499


i 31~


Alloy 2024-T3 sheet, solution heat treated at 495 "C (920 O F ) ond quenched in cold water. Longitudinal section. Dark particles are CuMgAIz, CuzMnAlm, and CuzFeAl,. Keller's reagent. S e e also Fig. 33.500x

Same alloy and solution heat treatment a s Fig. 32, but quenched in boiling water. The lower quenching rate resulted in precipitation of CuMgAIz at grain boundaries. Keller's reagent. 5OOX

Same alloy and solution heat treatment os Fig*34 Fig. 32, but cooled in an air blast. The lower cooling rote resulted in increased precipitotion of CuMgAIZ at grain boundaries. Keller's reagent. SOOX

~ i 35~ Same . alloy and solution heot treotment os Fig. 32, but cooled in still air. The slow cooling resulted in intragranulor and grain-boundary precipitation of CuMgAIz. Keller's reagent. 5OOX

~ i 36~ Alloy . 2024-T3 sheet clad with alloy 1230 (5%per side), solution heat treated. Normal amount of copper and magnesium diffusion from base metal into cladding (top). Keller's reagent. 1 OOX

2024-T6 sheet, 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) thick (reduced from 406-mm, or 16-in. thick ingot), stretched 2%. longitudinal section. Note absence of strain lines in structure. See also Fig. 38 and 39. Keller's reagent. 100 X

Same os Fig. 37, but stretched 6%. Longitudinal section. Some faint strain lines have formed. S e e also Fig. 39. Keller's reagent. l 0 0 X


Alloy 2014-T61 closed-die forging. Blister on surface is associated with hydrogen porosity. As-polished. 5 0 X



Fig. 38


i 39~

Same . a s Fig. 37, but stretched 20%. Longitudinal section. Many strain lines have formed. S e e also Fig. 38. Keller's reagent. lOOX

500 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams







i 40~ Alloy .

2024-T851 plate, 150 mm (6 in.) thick, cold rolled, solution heat treated, stretched and artificially aged. Section was taken in the rolling plane (long transverse) from an area near the surface showing elongated grains. Keller's reagent. 200 x

Same olloy and condition as Fig 40, but longitudinal section showing the edge view of an area near the surface of the plate Grains are flattened and elongated in the direction of rolling. See also Fig. 42. Keller's reagent. 2OOX

Same . alloy and condition as Fig 40, but o short transverse section showing the end view of an area near the surface of the plate. Grains ore flattened, but ore not os elongated as grains in Fig 41 Keller's reagent 2 0 0 X


i 43~

Same . alloy, condition, and orientation as Fig. 40, but specimen was from the center of the plate thickness, which received less cold working than the surface. Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X


Same alloy, condition, ond orientation os Fig 41, but specimen was from the center of the plote thickness There is less flattening and elongation of the grains Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X

~ i 45~ Same . alloy, condition, and orientotion as Fig. 42, but specimen was token from the center of the plate thickness. Less coldworking resulted in less deformation Keller's reagent 2 0 0 X


i 46~ Alloy .



2024-T851 plate, 100 mm ( 4 in.) thick, hot rolled, solution heat treated, stretched, and artificially aged. Fragmented grain structure; one small recrystallized grain. High rolling temperature limited strain and recrystallization. 10% H~POI.5 0 0 X

Fig*41 a

i 47~

Alloy . 2 0 2 4 - 0 plate, 13 mm (I12 in ) thick, hot rolled and annealed Longitudinal sectian. Elongated recrystallized grains and unrecrystallized stringers resulting from polygonization thot occurred during the hot water working. KMnO,, No2C03 l00X


i 42~


i 48~

Alloy . 2 0 2 4 - 0 sheet Structure consists of light groy particles of insoluble (Cu, Fe,Mn)Ald, lorge block particles of undissolved CuMgA12, and fine particles of CuMgA12 thot precipitoted during annealing 25% HNOl 5 0 0 X

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 501

Alloy 2025-T6 closed-die forging, solution heot treated and artificially oged. Longitudinal section. Complete recrystallization resulted from high residual strain in the forging before solution treatment. See olso Fig. 50. Keller's reogent. 100X

FigD 49


i 50~ Same . alloy and heat treatment as Fig. 49,

but worked structure is only partly recrystallized. Incomplete recrystallizotion occurred because forging had lower residual strain before solution heat treatment t h a n in Fig. 49. Keller's reagent. IOOX


i 5 1~ Alloy .

21 17-T4 rivet, cold upset, solution heat treoted ot 500 "C (935 "F) for 35 min, quenched in woter at 25 "C (75 O F ) max. The small recrystallized grains are in the rivet head, and the large groins are in the shank. Keller's reagent. 6 0 X


i 53~ Alloy. 2219-T6 closeddie forging, solution


i 5 4~



i 52~

Alloy . 2218-T61 closed-die forging, solution heot treated and artificially aged, Fine, recrystallized structure. The dark porticles of insoluble FeNiAlp phase show banding, which resulted from the working during forging. Keller's reagent. l 0 0 X

Alloy 2618-T4 closed-die forging, solution heot treated ot 5 3 0 "C (985 O F ) for 2 h, quenched in boiling water. Small particles of CuMgAll precipitated at grain boundaries; larger' particles are insoluble FeNiAlp phose. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X


Fig. 56

heat treated and artificially aged. Langitudinal section. Worked structure contains some recrystollized grains. See Fig. 5 4 for a totally unrecrystallized rtructure. Keller's reagent. 1 0 0 X

Alloy 2618-14 forging, solutian heat treated at 530 OC (985 O F ) for 2 h and coaled in still air. Same constituents as Fig. 55, but slower coaling resulted in a n increase of CuMgAli at grain boundaries and within grains. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X


i 57~

Same . alloy and heat treotment as Fig. 53, but showing n o recrystallization of the worked structure. Note the lorge amount of dip (light parallel lines) that has occurred on two sets of slip planes. Keller's reagent. l 0 0 X

Alloy . 2618-T61 forging, solution heot treated, quenched in bailing water, aged at 200 "C ( 3 9 0 "F) for 2 0 h, stabilized at 2 3 0 'C (450 O F ) far 7 h. Constituents same as Fig. 55; CuMgA12 has also precipitoted in grains. 0 . 5 % HF. 5 0 0 X


i 58~

Alloy . 2618.T61 forging, solution heot treoted, cooled in still air, aged, ond stabilized as described for Fig. 57. Constituents ore same as for Fig. 57. Note increase in precipitation and alloy depletion near light grain boundaries. 0 . 5 %HF. 5 0 0 X

502 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 59~ Alloy . 6061-F plate, 38 mm (1.5 in.) thick,

a s hot rolled (91% reduction). Longitudinal section from center of plate thickness. Particles are Fe3SiAll2 (groy, scriptlike) and MgzSi (block). S e e also Fig. 60 and 6 1 . 0.5% HF. 2 5 0 X


i 6 2~


i 65~

Alloy . 6063.T5 extrusion. Transverse section. Grains at surface of extrusion have recrystallized because of more working and heating, Grains in the interior of the extrusion are unrecrystallized. Tucker's reogent. Actual size

Alloy . 7079.T6 forging, reduced 40%, solution heat treoted and artificially aged. Precipitation of AI-Cr-Mn phase (darker areas in structure) occurred during homogenizotion and is evidence of dendritic coring. NaOH,NoF. 5 0 X

Fig. 60

Some alloy and condition as Fig. 59, but a longitudinal section from neat plate sur-

face. Porticles of Fe,SiAl,? and Mg2Si are more broken up and uniformly distributed than in Fig. 59 (midthickness) S e e also Fig. 61. 0.5% HF. 2 5 0 X


i 63~ Alloy , 6151-T6 closed-die forging showing


i 66~ Alloy. 7079-T6 forging, reduced 70%. so-

large particles of Mg2Si (rounded) and (Fe,Mn)&iAI12 (angular or scriptlike), and a fine, banded dispersion of extremely small particles of a chromium intermetallic phase. Keller's reogent. 2 5 0 X

lution heat treoted and artificially oged. Groins ore more elongated and thinned than in Fig. 65 because of greater amount of work. Dendritic coring is still evident. NoOH,NaF. 5 0 X

Fig. 61

Alloy 6061-F 6.4-mm (0.25-in.) sheet, hot rolled (reduced 98%); midthickness longitudinal section. FelSiAl12 and MgzSi particles mare broken and dispersed than in Fig. 60. Most Mg2Si will dissolve during solution treating. 0.5%HF. 2 5 0 X


i 64~ Alloy ,


i 67~

6351-T6 extruded tube, 1.5-mm (0.06-in.)woll. longitudinal section. Polarized light. Coarse, recrystallized grains at top are near surface; polygonized subgrains are in unrecrystallized interior. Barker's reagent. 1 OOX

Alloy . 7079-T6 forging, reduced 8570, solution heot treated, and artificially oged. N o recrystallization has occurred, because high forging temperature resulted in low residual stroin. Note dendritic coring. NaOH,NaF. 5 0 X

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 503


i 68~ Alloy .

7 0 3 9 ingot 305 mm ( I 2 in.) thick. Polarized light. Structure shows equiaxed grains with interdendritic areas of MgzSi and FegSiAl,?. S e e also Fig. 71. Barker's reagent. 5 0 X

Alloy 7039-F plote, 150 mm (6 in.) thick, a s hat rolled (50% reduction). Polarized light. Grains are elongated and thinned by working. S e e also Fig. 7 2 . Barker's reagent. 5 0 X

Alloy 7039-F plote, 50 mm ( 2 in.) thick, as hot rolled (83% reduction). Polarized light. Grains are greatly elongated and thinned. S e e also Fig. 7 3 . Barker's reagent. 5 0 X


i 71~ Allay .

Alloy 7039-F plote, 150 mm ( 6 in.) thick, as hot rolled (50% reduction). Dendritic cells are elongated and thinned by working. S e e also Fig. 6 9 . 10%H3P0,. 1 O O X



i 74~ Alloy .

7 0 3 9 ingot, 305 mm (12 in.) thick. Dendritic cells are more evident than in Fig. 68 because of the higher magnification and the etchant used. Dendritic cells also show precipitate farmed during homogenization. 10%H3P0,. lOOX

7 0 7 5 - 0 sheet, annealed. The fine particles of MgZnz (dark) were precipitated at lower temperatures during heating to or cooling from the annealing temperature. The insoluble particles of FeAlg (light gray, outlined) were not affected by the annealing treatment. S e e also Fig. 7 5 . 25% "01. 5OOX



Alloy 7 0 7 5 - 0 sheet, annealed, coaled more slowly from annealing temperature thon specimen in Fig. 7 4 . Constituents ore the same as far Fig. 7 4 . Platelets of MgZn? precipitated at grain boundaries during slow cooling. 25% "01. 500X



i 76~ Alloy .


i 73~Alloy. 7039-F plote, 50 mm ( 2 in.) thick, os

hat rolled (83% reduction). Dendritic cells are elongated and thinned by working. S e e also Fig. 7 0 . 10%HIPOI. I O O X

7075-T7352 fOrgmg, solution heat treated, cold reduced, and artificially aged. Partides are insoluble (Fe,Mn)A16 (dark gray). Some unresolved MgiSi may be present. This is a normal structure. S e e also Fig. 7 7 . Keller's reagent. 2 5 0 X


i 77~Some.

alloy and condition os Fig. 7 6 , but eutectic melting temperature was exceeded during solution heat treatment. Fusion voids (black areas) and agglomeration of insoluble phoses (dark gray). Keller's reagent. 2 5 0 X

504 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 78~ Allay .

7075-T6 sheet clad with 0.07 mm (0.0027 in.) of alloy 7072 far 1.6-mm (0,064-in.) total thickness. Particles in cladding (top) are Fe3SiAll1; those in care are CrlMgtAlla and (Fe,Mn)Alb. Keller's reagent. 3 5 0 X

Parting-plane fracture in an alloy 7075-T6 forging that contained a bushing in a machined hale. Fracture was caused by excessive assembly stress. See also Fig. 82 and 83. Keller's reagent. 1.5 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)


Fig. 79 Allay 7178-T76 sheet, 3.2 mm (0,125 in.)

thick, exposed in a test chamber cantaining a fog of 5% NaCl for two weeks. Note exfoliatian of the sheet. See also Fig. 80. Keller's reagent. 75 x


i 82~

Detail . of parting-plane fracture in Fig. 81. The fracture started at the machined hole and progressed parallel to the flow lines of the forging. See also Fig. 8 3 . Keller's reagent. 8 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)

Fold, or lap, at a machined fillet in a 7075-T6 forging. Defect war continuous before machining. See also Fig. 85 for details of a small area of the portion of the defect at lower right. Keller's reagent. 8 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)


Same alloy as in Fig. 79, but clad with

Fig*8o 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) of alloy 7072 (3.2-

mm, or 0.125-in. total thickness). Sacrificial corrosion of cladding prevented exfoliation of sheet during testing. Keller's reagent. 75 X

racture surface of parting-plane fracture Fin Fig. . 81 (machined hole at bottom). Woody, brittle fracture pattern is typical of portingplane fracture in this alloy. Not polished, not etched. 4 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

Fig. 83

Enlarged view of an are0 of the fold, or lap, at lower right in Fig. 84. Defect contains nonmetallic particles, oxides, and voids, which prevented it from welding, or heoling, during forging. Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)


Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 505

Surface appearance of a lap (at trough, center) in an alloy 7075-T6 forging. Forging flaw lines bend in the vicinity of the lap, indicating that the defect occurred during forging. See also Fig. 87. Not polished, not etched. 1OX. (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

Fig. 86


Section through the forging lap shown in surface view in Fig. 86. The trough at the surface is at the left. The grains near the lap are deformed, which indicates that the defect occurred during forging. Keller’s reagent. 500X. (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

Fig. 88 Band of shrinkage cavities and internal cracks in an alloy 7075-T6 forging. The cracks developed from the cavities, which were produced during solidification of the ingot and which remained during forging because of inadequate cropping. See Fig. 9 0 and 9 2 for higher magnification views of this defect. Keller‘s reagent. 9 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

Area of the forging in Fig. 8 8 thot contains rows of unhealed at higher magnification. No cracks have developed from the cavities in this particular area. See Fig. 9 2 for view of cracked area. Keller’s reagent. 200X. (J.M. Van Orden, E . Walden)

Fig. 90 shrinkage cavities (black), shown

Fig. 89 Fractured lug of an alloy 7075-T6 forging. Arrows illustrate sites at machined hole where stress-corrosion cracks originated because of stress acting across the short transverse grain direction. See also Fig. 91. Keller’s reagent. 2.75X. (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

Higher magnification view of area of the fractured lug in Fig. 8 9 that Fig*9 1 contains intergranular cracks caused by stress corrosion, which resulted when assembly of a pin in the machined hole produced excessive residual hoop stress in the lug. Keller’s reagent. 200X. (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)

506 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


Area of the forging in Fig. 8 8 that contains intergranular and connecting transgranular cracks shown at a higher magnification. The crocks developed from shrinkage cavities. See also Fig. 90. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)

Brittle fracture surfaces in o tension-test specimen mochined from an alloy 7075-T6 forging that contained o defect of the type shown in Fig. 88 (shrinkage cavities and internal cracks). Not polished, not etched. 3 X . (J.M. Von Orden, E. Wolden)

Fracture in on olloy 7075-T6 extrusion, showing segregation of chromium particles (light gray, fractured). Segregation originated in the ingot and persisted through to the final product. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Von Orden, E. Walden)

Fracture in an alloy 7075-T6 extrusion, showing o spongy inclusion of dross (center) and some segregotion of chromium particles (left) at frocture surface, both of which originated in the ingot. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)

Pitting-type corrosion (dark area) in the surface of an oircrof-wing plank machined from an alloy 7075-T6 extrusion. Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X .

Intergranular corrosion in olloy 7075-T6 plate. Groin boundaries were Fig.97 ottocked, causing the groins to seporote. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)



(J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)



Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 507

Exfoliotion-type corrosion in on olloy 7075.76 extrusion. Rapid ottock wos parallel to the surface of the extrusion and olong the groin boundaries or olong striations within elongated groins. See OISO Fig. 99. Keller's reagent. 2 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)



Typical ductile frocture in alloy 7075-T6 Fig* O0 alclod sheet, showing the deformed groins and necking at the fracture. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Walden)


Allay 222-T61, sand cast, solution heot treated, and artificially aged. The structure consists of an interdendritic network of rounded CuAI2 containing blades of CulFeAl7, and same FelSiAll? (dark-gray script). 0.5%HF. 2 5 0 X

Fig' O3


i 99~ Higher .

mognificotion view of Fig. 98 (rotated 90"), showing how the corrosion product caused the uncorroded, recrystallized skin of the extrusion to split owoy, resulting in o leafing action. Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)


Brittle fracture in overheated olloy Fig* O' 7075-T6 olclod sheet, caused by solidsolution melting at the groin boundaries. Keller's reogent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Von Orden, E. Wolden)


i 104 ~ Alloy .

238-F, os permanent mold cast. The structure consists of on interdendritic network of rounded CuAI2 (light groy) containing blodes of CulFeAl7 (medium gray), ond some porticles of silicon (dork groy). 0.5%HF. 5 0 0 X

~ i 1 0~2 Typical . branched intergronulor stresscorrosion cracks in on olloy 7075-T6 extruded bar. Transverse section. Keller's reagent. 2 0 0 X . (J.M. Van Orden, E. Wolden)


Alloy A240-F, os investment cost. The microstructure contoins large shrinkage voids (block), on interdendritic network of AI-Cu-Mg eutectic (mottled), and some interdendritic porticles of CuMgA12 (gray). As-polished. 5 0 X

Fig* O5

508 / Metallography, Microstructures, and PhaseDiagrams


1 06 g.

Alloy 242-F, as permanent mold Structure consists of interdendritic

cost. net-

work of particles of CuAl, (light, speckled),Cu3NiAI. (medium-gray script), NiAI3 (dark-gray blades), and Mg,Si (block script). 0.5% HF. l00X

Fi g



Alloy A332-F, os investment cost. Interdendritic network of eutectic silicon (me-

dium-groy script), Mg2Si (block script), Cu3NiAI. (Iightgroy script), ond NiAI3 (dork-groy porticles). See olso Fig. 110 ond 111.0.5% HF. 250X

Fi g



Alloy 354-F. os investment cost. Structure consists of 0 network of silicon por-

ticles (dork groy. ongulor) in 0 divorced interdendritic oluminum-silicon eutectic ond porticles of Cu,Mg.Si.Als phose (light groy. scriptlike). 0.5% HF. 250X

FO Igo


Alloy 242-1571, permonent mold cost ond ortificiolly oged. Structure contoins


108 g.

Alloy 242-177, sond cost ond heot treoted. Constituents ore the some os

blodes of NiAl, (dork groy) in the medium-groy Cu,NiAI. script. CuAl, porticles (light) ond scriptlike Mg,Si (block) olso ore present. 0.5"1.HF. 250X

Fig. 107, but porticles of NiAIJ ond CuJNiAI. hove been rounded by solution heot treotment. Precipitotion is coused by overoging treotment. 0.5% HF. 250X

Fi g

Fi g



Alloy A332-T551 , sand cast and artificially aged. Constituents are same as

those of/he structurein Fig. 109; but there is less CU3NiAI., and the particlesof NiAI3 are more massive.See also Fig. 111. 0.5% HF. 250 X

Fi g


11 3

Alloy 354-F, os investment cost with two chills odjocent to the areo shown. Con-

stituents are the same as for Fig. 112; but dendritic cells are finer, and silicon particles in eutectic are smaller and less angular. 0.5% HF. 250X



Alloy A332-T65, sond cost, solution heot treoted, ond ortificiolly oged. Con-

stituents ore some os in Fig. 109, but the porticles 01 silicon in the eutectic hove been mode more rounded by the solution heot treotment. 0.5% HF. 250X

Fi g



A 354- T 4 investment voids (black) caused

casting with fusion by eutectic melting

when solidus was exceeded in solution heat treatment. Surface of casting is blistered. Gray particles are eutectic silicon. 0.1% HF. SOX

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 509


~ i 1 15 ~ .Alloy 355-F, as investment cast. Structure consists of an interdendritic network of eutectic silicon (dark gray, sharp), CuzMgsSidl, (Iight-gray script), FezSi~Alp (medium-gray blades), and Mg2Si (black, at left). 0 5 % HF 2 5 0 X

~ i 1 18 ~ .Alloy 356-F, as investment cast with so-

dium-modified ingot. lnterdendritic structure. particles of silicon (dark gray), FeMg3Si& (Iight-gray script), FezSizAlp(medium-gray blades), and MgZSi (black). 0 5% HF. 2 5 0 X

Alloy 356-F, os sand cast. Structure consists of a network of silicon particles (gray, sharp), which farmed in the interdendritic aluminum-silicon eutectic. See aka Fig. 122 and 123 0.5%HF. loOX

F i g * 12'


355-F modified by the addition of Fig. 116 Alloy AI-lOSr alloy to the melt, as investment cast Constituents are the some a s in Fig 1 1 5, but the particles of silicon (dark gray) are less sharply angular 0.5% HF 250X


Alloy 356-T6, investment cost with sodium-modified ingot, solution heot treated, ortificiolly aged Solution treatment has rounded ond agglomeroted the porticles of silicon, compared with those in Fig. 1 1 8 0 5% HF 2 5 0 X

Fig* 9

i 122 ~ Alloy . 356-T4, sand cost,

solution heot treated at 5 4 0 "C (lo00 O F ) for 12 h, quenched in bailing water Heat treatment coused silicon particles to be rounder than in Fig 121 (as-cast) 0 5% HF lOOX


i 123 ~ Alloy .



~ i 1 17 ~ Alloy . 355-T6, permanent mold cast, solution heat treated, and ortifictolly aged Constituents ore the some os in Fig 1 1 5, but eutectic silicon porticles have been rounded by the solution heot treotment 0 5% H F 5OOX

Alloy 356-T6 investment cast in o hat (650 or I200 O F ) and heat treated Inverse coring, large dendrite-arm spacing, and large porticles of silicon that resulted from the slow cooling, OISO, shrinkage cavities Keller's reagent 5 0 X

Fig*l 2o mold

356-F, modified by addition of 0 025% No to the melt, as sand cost Constituents same os for Fig 121, but the porticles of silicon in the eutectic are smaller and less angular 0 5% HF lOOX



Alloy 356-T4 modified by addition df 0 025% No, sand cast and heot treated os described in Fig I22 Silicon porticles ore rounded and ogglomeroted See 0110 Fig 121 to 123 0 5 % H F lOOX

Fig* 24

51 0 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 125 ~ Alloy .

356-T51, sand cast, artificially aged. The angular, dark gray constituent is silicon. Block script is Mg2Si. Blades are Fe2Si2Alp. light script is FeMg3Sidle. 0.5%HF. 2 5 0 X



i 126 ~ Alloy . 356-T7, modified by sodium addi-

tion, sand cast, solution heot treated, and stabilized. Structure: rounded porticles of silicon and blades of Fe2SilAlp. 0.5% HF. 2 5 0 X


Hydrogen porosity (black) in a 356-T6 permanent mold costing that had been solution heat treated and artificially oged. 0.5% HF. looX

Alloy A356-F sand costing to which no grain refiner was added. The mocrogroin size is 5 mm (0.20 in.). S e e also Fig. 130. Tucker's reagent. 2 X


Alloy A357-T61, permonent mold cost, Fig* insufficiently solution heot treoted and artificially oged. Structure contains undissolved Mg2Si (black), and some of the porticles of silicon are more angular than those in the desirable structure shown in Fig. 131. 0.5%HF. 5 0 0 X

Fig* 28

i 131 ~ Alloy . A357-T61, permanent mold cast, solution heat treated at 5 4 0 O C ( l o o 0 for 12 h, quenched in water a t 60 to 80 "C (140 to 180 O F ) , o g e d at 155 "C (310 O F ) for 10 h. A desirable structure: rounded silicon porticles ond no undissolved Mg2Si. S e e also Fig. 132. 0.5%HF. 5 0 0 X OF)

Fig* 29


~ i 127 ~ AI203 . inclusions (black) in alloy 356-F, as investment cost with sodium-modified ingot. light gray interdendritic network consists of particles of silicon. As-polished. 5 0 X

~ i 130 ~ Alloy . A356-F sand casting with 0.05% Ti and 0.005% B odded as grain refiners. Macrogroin size is 1 mm (0.04 in.). Tucker's reagent. 2 X

Alloy 413-F, a s die cast. The structure Fig* 1 33 consists of eutectic silicon (gray constituent), blades of Fe&i2A19, and some light-gray particles thot probably are Fe3SiAl,p in o matrix of aluminum solid solution. Note extreme fineness of oll particulate constituents. 0.5%HF. l 0 0 X

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 511


Alloy 392-F, as permanent mold cast. The structure consists of silicon Fig* 34 (small, angular, gray particles in eutectic, and large, unrefined primary particles) and MgZSi (black constituent). S e e also Fig. 135. 0.5% HF. l 0 0 X


i 1 35 ~ Alloy . 392-F,

as permanent mold cast some as for Fig. 134, but phosphorus was added to the melt. This addition refined the size of the particles of primary silicon. 0.5%HF. l 0 0 X


~ i 136 ~ Alloy . 443-F, as sand cast. large dendrite cells resulted from slaw cooling in the sand mold. lnterdendritic structure: silicon (dark gray), Fe,SiAl12 (medium gray script), and FezSilAlp (light gray needles). 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X

~ i 137 ~ Alloy . 8443-F, a s permanent mold cost. The constituents are the some as those in Fig. 136 (a sand casting), but dendrite cells are smaller because of faster cooling in the metal permanent mold. S e e also Fig. 138. 0.5% HF. 5OOX

Alloy C443-F, as die cast, Same constituents a s in Fig. 136 and Fig. 137, but dendrite cells are smaller because of the very rapid coaling obtoined in the water-cooled die-casting die. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X

308-F, as permanent mold cast. Fig. 139 Allay Structure consists of an interdendritic

319-F, as permanent mold cast. Fig. 140 Alloy Dendrites of oluminum solid solution show segregation (coring). Other constituents are interdendritic network of silicon (dark groy) rounded CUAII, and (Fe,Mn)&Allz script. Keller's reagent. 1 OOX

~ i 1 4~ 1 Alloy . 319-T6, permanent mold cast, solution heat treated, ond artificially aged. Segregation in dendrites of solid solution was eliminated by diffusion, and CuA12 was dissolved during solution heat treating. Keller's reagent. lOOX

network of silican particles (dark gray, angular) and rounded particles of CuAIz (light gray) that contain blades of FeZSizAlp. 0.5%HF. 2 5 0 X

Fig* 38

51 2 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

Alloy 520-F, os sand cost. Structure is insoluble porticles of FeAI3 (block) and o n interdendritic network of MgzA13 phose (groy). S e e Fig. 1 4 3 ond 144 for the effect of solution heot treotment. 0.5%HF. IOOX

Fig. 143 treated

Alloy 520-T4, sand cost, solution heot at 4 2 5 OC (800 O F ) . Constituents ore the some os in Fig. 142, but the solution heot treoting has dissolved most of the MglAll phase (gray). S e e also Fig. 144. 0.5% HF. lOOX

Alloy 520-T4, sand cost, solution heot Solidus wos exceeded during solution heot treoting, ond melting of the eutectic hos formed a lacy network and rosettes of MgZAI, phose (gray). S e e olso Fig. 143. 0.5% HF. 5OOX

Alloy D712-F, os sand cost. Interdendritic network: porticles of CrAI,, Fe3SiAllp, ond FeAI,. Note the segregotion (coring) of magnesium and zinc in the groins. S e e olso Fig. 146. Keller's reogent. 100 X

Alloy D712-F, os investment cost. Some constituents os in Fig. 145. Intergronulor fusion voids (block) were cowed by eutectic melting os o result of exceeding the solidus temperature during dip brazing. Keiler's reogent. l 0 0 X

~ i 147 ~ Alloy , 850-F, os permanent mold cost. Note hot tear, which occurred ot or above the solidus, and some AI-CuAIZ eutectic (groy) bock filling of tear. Particles of tin (rounded), NiAI,, ond FeNiAlp (both irregular). 0.5%HF. l 0 0 X

~ i 148 ~ Alloy . 201-F, os premium quality cost. Structure consists of an interdendritic network of undissolved eutectic &AIz (groy, outlined); some shrinkage covities (block). S e e Fig. 149 and 1 5 0 for the effect of solution heot treotment and stobilizotion. 0.5%HF. 1 OOX

~ i 149 ~ Alloy . 201-T7, premium quality cost, solution heot treated. and stobilized. Structure is o fine precipitote of CuAIz in groins and at groin boundories; no undissolved eutectic CuAlz; some shrinkage covities (block). S e e Fig. 150 for structure ot higher magnification. 0.5% HF. 1 OOX

~ i 150 ~ Higher . magnification view of Fig. 1 4 9 showing the pottern of CuAIZ precipitote thot resulted from segregotion of copper (coring). Note thot the presence of silver in the alloy has resulted in some ogglomerotion of the precipitote. S e e olso Fig. 153. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X

Fig. 1 42

Fig*1 45

Fig. 1 46

Fig*144 treated.

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 51 3

Fig* 51


i 1 52 ~ Alloy . 224-T7, premium quolity cost, so-

lution heat treated, and stabilized. Structure: fine CuAh precipitate; almost all of the eutectic CuAI2 present in Fig. 151 has been dissolved. See olso higher magnification view in Fig. 153. 0.5% HF. lOOX

view of structure in Fig. 152 showing o fairly even pattern of very fine particles of CuAh precipitote in the aluminum grains and slightly lorger porticles of the precipitate at groin boundaries. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X

~ i 154 ~ .Alloy A357-F, a s premium quality cast.


i 155 ~ Alloy .

Structure in Fig. 155 ot higher magnification, which shows that very little undissolved Mg2Si (black particles) remained after solution heot treatment. No silicon precipitote is visible. See Fig. 1 3 2 for the effect of insufficient solution heot treotment. 0.5% HF. 5 0 0 X

Alloy 224-F, a s premium quolity cost. The structure consists of on interdendritic network of undissolved eutectic CuA12 (gray, outlined). See Fig. 1 5 2 and 153 for the effect of heat treatment on the structure. 0.5% HF. lOOX

The structure consists of an interdendritic network of eutectic silicon (gray); some particles of MgzSi (black). S e e Fig. 155 and 156 for the effect of solution heat treatment and artificial aging. 0.5% HF. looX


i 1 53 ~ Enlarged .

A357-T6, premium quality cost, solution heot treated, and ortificially aged. Compared with Fig. 154, the silicon porticles in the eutectic hove been rounded and agglomeroted by solution heat treotment. See Fig. 156 for o higher mognification view. 0.5% HF. l 0 0 X

Fig* 56



i 157 ~ Alloy . 380-F die casting. Area

near o machined surface (A) shows structure typical of a casting that has desirable properties: interdendritic particles of eutectic silicon (8) and CUAI~ (C) in a matrix of aluminum solid solution (D). See also Fig. 158. 0.5% HF. 2 6 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Alloy 380-F die casting. Are0 near o maprimary crystals of sludge (8) in the aluminum matrix (C) that contoins eutectic silicon (D). Sludge is o high-melting iron-mongonese-chromium phose that forms in high-silicon aluminum alloys. 0.5% HF. See olso Fig. 157. 13OX. (G.L. Armstrong)

F i g . 158 chined . surface (A) illustrates some


i 159 ~ Flow .

lines (A, 8, and C) in an olloy 384-F die costing. These may hove been coused by incorrect goting, incorrect die lubrication, or incorrect injection and bock pressures. 0.5% HF. 65 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

51 4 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams I


I i



Fig. 160 Fine,A120? (A). which should not cause machining difficulties, near the machined surface (6) of on alloy 380-F die casting. Eutectic silicon is indicated by (C); CuA12 by (D); and sludge, by (E). S e e also Fig. 161. 0.5% HF. 2 6 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


Edge of hard area in Fig. 162 shown ot a higher magnificotion. Hard area (A) is separated from the are0 of normal structure (6) by a "flow line" (C) where two streams of liquid alloy met. Some sludge (D) in hard area. 0.5% HF. 4 2 5 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Fig* 63


~ i 162 ~ Hard . area (A) at a machined surface (6) of an allay 380-F die casting. S e e Fig. 1 6 3 and 164 far details of the microstructure in the hard area, which differs from the normal microstructure (C). 0.5% HF. 6 5 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Same material a s Fig. 160, but ot a Fig* 61 higher magnificotion. Aluminum oxide particles are indicoted by (A) and (6); particles of eutectic silicon, by (C); aluminum matrix, by (D); and particles of sludge, by (E). 0.5% HF. 5 2 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


Hard ore0 in Fig. 162 shown at a higher magnification. Structure consists of o heavy concentration of eutectic silicon (A) and &AI2 (6) in the aluminum matrix (C). The hord area caused difficulty in machining. 0.5% HF. 1 3 0 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Figo 64


i 165 ~ Alloy . 384-F die casting. Region near a

cast surface (A) has the desired structure, which consists of interdendritic particles of eutectic silicon (6) in an aluminum matrix (C), but also has some A1203 particles (D, and in outlined area E). For a higher magnification view of area (E), s e e Fig. 166. 0.5% HF. 6 5 X . (G.L. Armstrang)




Area ( E ) in Fig. 165 at higher magnifiFig* 66 cation, which shows that the A1203 porticles (A and 6) ore fine and may not cause machining problems. Small particles of sludge (C, D, and E) are associated with the Al103 particles. ( F ) is eutectic silicon; (G) is matrix of aluminum solid solution. 0.5% HF. 5 2 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


Cold-shut voids (A, 6) and flow lines (C, Fig* 67 D), both cowed by failure of the streams of molten metal to merge, at the cast surface ( E ) of an alloy 384-F die casting. 0.5% HF. 5 5 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


Void (A), which was caused by poor

Fig* 68 filling of the mold and associated flaw lines (a) in an alloy 384-F die casting. S e e Fig. 169 for

flow lines without voids. 0.5% HF. 6 5 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 51 5

~ i 170 ~ Gas-porosity . cavity (A), which was caused by entrapped air, at a mochined surfoce (B) of an alloy 384-F die costing. Microstructure is eutectic silicon (C) in on aluminum matrix (D); some sludge (E) is present. 0.5% HF. 13OX. (G.L. Armstrong)

porosity (A), caused by entrapped Fig. 169 Gas . near air, the machined surface (B) of an alloy 380-F die casting. Eutectic silicon particles (C) in aluminum matrix (D), and particles of sludge (E and F). 0.5% HF. 1 3 O X . (G.L. Armstrang)

~ i 172 ~ Alloy . 413-F die casting. The gate area (A) of the casting has the desired structure, which consists of interdendritic particles of eutectic silicon (8) and the light-etching matrix of aluminum solid solution (C). 0.5% HF. 41 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


ate area (A) of on alloy 41 3-F die castFig. 175 Ging. There are areas of undesirable silicon

structure (8) and a gas pore (C), which was caused by air entrapment, in a region that otherwise exhibits a normal structure (D). 0.5% HF. 41 X . (G.L. Armstrong)





173 e t e area (A) of an alloy 41 3-F die casting, showing gas porosity (8, C, and D) scattered from the outside wall (E) to the inside wall (F). See Fig. 174 far details of (G), a sound region. 0.5%HF. 1 1 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


i 176 ~ Gote .

area (A) of on alloy 413-F die casting that has o cold-shut void (8) and a region of undesirable structure (C ond D) surrounded by areas of normol structure (E and F). See also Fig. 177, 178, and 179. 0.5% HF. 1 1 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


i 171 ~ Coarse . primary crystals of sludge (A, B,




i 1 77 ~ Are0 . of cold-shut void (A) in Fig. 176.

C, and D) removed from molten olloy 384 prior to die casting. The remainder of the structure consists of aluminum matrix (E),eutectic silicon (F), and A I 2 0 3 (G). 0.5% HF. 4 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)



174 A,rea (G) in Fig. 173 at a higher mognificotion. Angular eutectic silicon (A) in matrix of oluminum solid solution (B) in normol structure and rounded silicon in undesirable structures (C and D). 0.5% HF. 520X. (G.L. Armstrong)

The void resulted when two streams of molten metal failed to merge ond interdiffuse. One of the streams produced a normal structure (B), and the other produced an undesirable structure (C). See olso Fig. 178 and 179. 0.5% HF. 35 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

51 6 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 178 ~ Inner . end of

cold-shut void (A) in Fig.

177 showing start of flow line between region of normal structure (B), with eutectic silicon (C)

of normal shape in matrix of aluminum solid solution (D), and region of undesirable structure (E). S e e aka Fig. 179. 0.5% HF. 5 2 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)


i 179 ~ Continuotion .

of flow line (A) in Fig. 178, seporating normal structure (B), with angular silicon (C) in aluminum matrix (D), from undesirable structure (E), with rounded silicon ( F ) in aluminum matrix ( G ) . Line extends across entire section thickness. 0.5%HF. 5 2 0 X . (G.L. Armstrong)

Alloy 5 0 5 2 - 0 sheet, 10 mm (0.40 in.) shown in Fig. 181 to 183. Structure shows particles of CrAI7 (coarse, black). Rounded, outlined areas are pits, where etchant removed MglSi. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X

Fig*1 8o thick, used for weld


Heat-affected zone of the weld shown in Fig. 183. Weld bead (see also Fig. 182) was to the right. Structure: equiaxed dendrites of aluminum with much Mg2A13 precipitate near dendrite boundaries forming the dark band in Fig. 183. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X

Fig*1 81



i 182 ~ Bead .

of the weld shown in Fig. 183. Filler metal wos olloy ER5356. The structure consists of equiaxed dendrites of aluminum with a fine precipitate of MgpAI, (dark) in the dendrites and ot dendrite boundaries. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X

Gas tungsten-arc weld in a butt joint in alloy 6061-T6 plote, 6.4 mm Alternating current and ER4043 filler metal 188 for other views of the weld. Keller's reagent.

Fig* 84 (0.250 in.) thick. were used. S e e also Fig. 186 and 5.5 x


i 183 ~ Gas .

tungsten-arc fillet weld in alloy 5 0 5 2 - 0 sheet. Filler metal was alloy ER5356. See also Fig. 180, 181, and 182. Tucker's reogent. 1 5 X

Gas tungsten-orc weld in a butt joint in alloy 6061 -T6 sheet, 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) thick. Alternating current and ER4043 filler metal were used. Note the extent of the heat-offected zone. S e e 0110Fig. 1 8 7 and 189. Keller's reogent. 5.5 X

Fig*1 85

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 51 7

F ; ~186 . Structure

of 6.4-mm (0.250-in.) thick 6061-T6 plate used in making the weld shown in Fig. 184. Elongated groins of aluminum solid solution contain particles of MglSi (black). S e e also Fig. 187. Keller's reagent. 1 OOX

F ; ~189 . Edge of fusion zone of a weld mode in

1.6-mm (0,063-in.) thick 6061 -T6, using alternating current. The base metal is located on the left and the weld bead is located on the right. The structure is the same a s that in Fig. 188, but some porosity (large, black oreos) is evident. Keller's reagent. lOOX


Structure of the 6061 -T6 extruded tube (extrusion direction vertical) used for the weld shown in Fig. 193. Black dots are Mg2Si particles. Keller's reagent. 5 0 X

Fig* 92

Structure of 1.6-mm (0,063-in.) thick 6061-T6 sheet used in making the weld shown in Fig. 185. The microstructure is the same 0 s Fig. 186, but contains more MgzSi. See Fig. 189 for structure of edge of fusion zone. Keller's reagent. IOOX '

Fig*1 87

Edge of fusion zone of a weld made in

Fig*1 90 6.4-mm (0.250-in.)thick 6061-T6, using

straight-polarity direct current. Dark band of AI-Mg2Si eutectic in heat-affected zone, next to weld bead (right), is narrower and more pronounced thon in Fig. 188 (weld made with olternating current). Keller's reagent. IOOX

Gas tungsten-arc fillet weld 1oici.ig o 6061 -T6 tube left) and an A356-T6 investment costing; ER4043 tiller metal. Keller's reagent. 15 X

Fig*193 (upper

Edge of fusion zone of a weld mode in 6.4-mm (0,250-in.) thick 6061-T6, using alternating current. lnterdendritic network of oluminumsilicon eutectic (dark) in weld bead (right); dark band of AI-Mg2Si eutectic in the heot-affected zone. Keller's reogent. lOOX

Fig*1 88

rig. 191

Edge of fusion zone of o weld made in 1 b m m (0,063-in.) thick 6061-T6, using straight-polarity direct current. The microstructure is the some a s for the 6.4-mm (0.250-in.) thick plate in Fig. 190, but the amount of interdendritic aluminum-silicon eutectic in the weld bead is greater. Keller's reagent. lOOX

Structure of A356-T6 investment (sodium-modified; grainrefined) used for the weld shown in Fig. 193. Interdendritic network is eutectic silicon. Keller's reagent. 50 Y

Fig. 194 casting

51 8 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

_- -


Edge of the fusion zone of the weld shown in Fig. 193, with the tube at the left and the weld bead at the right Aluminum-silicon eutectic is present between the dendrites of the weld bead; AI-Mg2Si eutectic is between the grains of the heat-affected zone of the tube. Keller's reagent. 5 0 X

Fig* 95




- - - 1


- -



. _



Edge of the fusion zone of the weld shown in Fig. 193, with the weld bead at top and left and the casting at bottom and right lnterdendritir aluminum-silicon eutectic is present, some in the weld bead, and a large amount in the heat-affected zone of the casting. Keller's reagent. 5 0 X

Fig* 96

k i


Fig* 97

reagent. 5 0 X

Bead (near tube) of the weld in Fig. 193. lnterdendritic network of aluminum-silicon eutectic is present in the matrix solid solution. Keller's

Edge of fusion zone of a gas tungstenFig. 199 arc repair weld in a 356-F investment casting Alternating current and R-SG70A filler metol were used. lnterdendritic aluminum-silicon eutectic (gray); porosity (black) See also Fig 200 Keller's reagent. 5 0 X

~ 50 X

i 1 98 ~ Bead . (near casting) of the weld in Fig. 193

Dendrites of solid solution are less equiaxed, more columnar than in Fig. 197. Keller's reagent.

~ i 200 ~ Same . material os Fig 199, but after solution heat treatment. Particles of eutectic silicon have become rounded and agglomerated Zone between weld bead and heat-affected zone is less clearly defined than in Fig 199, porosity remains. Keller's reagent. 50 X

Structure of 2219-137 sheet, 3.2 mm Fig*201 ( 0 . 1 2 5 in.) thick, used for the weld shown in Fig. 202 and 2 0 3 . Longitudinal section. Elongated grains of solid solution with particles of CuAI? (light) and (Fe,Mn)3SiAll2 (dark). Keller's reagent. l00X

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 519


Gas tungsten-orc weld in a butt ioint in alloy 2219-T37 sheet; alloy ER2319 filler metal. See olio Fig. 204. Keller's reagent. 1 O X


Electron beam weld in o butt ioint in alloy 2219-T37 sheet; alloy ER2319 filler metal. See 01so Fig. 205. Keller's reogent. 1OX


Edge of the fusion zone of the gas tungsten-arc weld shown in Fig. 202. The base metal is on the left. See olso Fig. 205. Keller's reogent.


i 205 ~

Edge . of the fusion zone of the electron beam weld shown in Fig. 203. The base metal is on the left. Keller's reogent. IOOX



i 206 ~ Electron . beam weld

in a butt ioint in alloy 5456-H321 plate, 25 mm ( 1 in.) thick. No filler metal was used. See Fig. 207 for details of the edge of the fusion zone. Keller's reogent. 1OX

~ i 207 ~ Edge . of fusion zone (base metal is ot bottom) of the electron beam weld in Fig. 206. Keller's reagent. IOOX

520 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 208 ~ Electron .


i 2 1~1 Electron . beam weld

beam weld in alloy 6061-T6 sheet, 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) thick. No filler metal was used. See Fig. 209 and 210 for details of the edge of the fusion zone. Keller's reagent. 1OX

Edge of the fusion zone (base metal is at left) of the electron beam weld in Fig. 208. Note abrupt change from structure of base metal to that of weld bead. See also Fig. 210. Keller's reagent. l 0 0 X

Same material as Fig. 209, but at a higher magnification. Particles of Mg2Si (black) and Fe,SiAllz (gray) in base metal (left) and interdendritic AI-MgzSi eutectic in weld metal. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X

in a butt ioint in alloy 7039-T63 plate, 25 mm ( 1 in.) thick. No filler metal was used. See Fig. 212 for details of the edge of the fusion zone. Keller's reagent. 1OX

Edge of fusion zone (base metal is at bottom) of the electron beam weld in Fig. 21 1 . Keller's reagent. l 0 0 X


Electron beam weld in an alloy 295-T6 investment casting. Weld was made without filler metal. Overheating during welding resulted in a considerable amount of dropthrough (right), with accompanying longitudinal shrinkage cracks in the center of the weld metal. See also Fig. 214. Tucker's reagent. 5 X




Edge of fusion zone of weld shown in Fig. 21 3 (base metal at bottom). Large dendrites of solid solution in base metal, small dendrites in weld bead; AICuAlz-Si eutectic in bath. Keller's reagent. 150X



i 21~5 Care . of

alclad 2024-T4 sheet used in resistance spot weld shown in Fig. 216. The dark particles are CuMgA12, Cu2MnAlm, and Cu2FeA17; light particles, CuA12. See also Fig. 217 to 220. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X

Microstructures of Aluminum Alloys / 521

Resistance spat weld in 2024-T4 sheets clad with alloy 1230. Oval nugget has zone of columnar grains surrounding equiaxed grains. See also Fig. 217 to 220. Tucker's reagent. 1OX


Inner zone of nugget of the resistonce spot weld shown in Fig. 21 6. The structure consists of small equiaxed groins. This inner zone is surrounded by an outer zone that consists of columnar grains. See also Fig. 218. Keller's reagent. 5 0 0 X



i 220 ~ Outer .

Outer zone of nugget of the weld shown in Fig. 216. Columnar grains are normal to the edge of the nugget. See also Fig. 217, which shows inner zone of nugget. Keller's reagent. 550 X


Transition zone of the weld in Fig. 214 showing eutectic segregation-depletion (light bond) at edge of nugget and concentration (dark band) in the base metal. Keller's reagent. 5 5 0 X

zone of nugget (ot interface) of resistonce spot weld made in olclod 2024-T4 sheets. Unfused cladding (right) projects into the weld nugget. See also Fig. 216. Keller's reagent. 550 X

Explosive welded joint between aluminum sheet (top) and steel showing characteristic ripples at the interface. A ripple is shown ot a higher magnification in Fig. 222. As-polished. 6 X

~ i 222 ~ Ripple . ot interfoce of explosive welded loint between aluminum sheet (top) and steel. Cracks have appeared in the dark-gray phose (which probably is FeAI,). As-polished. 6 0 X

Explosive welded joint between alumiFig*223 num sheet (top) ond copper. Cracks (block) hove appeared in the aluminum-copper phose (light gray) at the relatively smooth interface. As-polished. 225X



522 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams


i 225 ~ Brazed .


i 226 ~ Smaller .

Pressure weld (cold) in alloy 2014-76 bar. The flow lines a t the joint show the movement of metal toword the e d g e of the bar during weld upsetting. 0.5% HF. 15OX

joint between 6 0 6 3 - 0 sheets, made with 4047 (BAISi-4) filler metal. S e e Fig. 226 f a r details of structure of the smoller fillet. As-polished. 5 X

fillet of brazed joint shown in Fig. 225. Structure consists of dendrites of oluminum solid solution (light gray) and oluminumsilicon eutectic matrix (dark). As-polished. 5 0 X


228 Larger fillet of brazed joint shown in Fig. 227. Structure consists of dendrites of aluminum solid solution (light), motrix of oluminumsilicon eutectic (mottled), and particles of primory silicon (dark). As-polished. 5 0 X


~ i 229 ~ Brazed . joint in 1 2 - 0 brazing sheets (alloy 3003 clad on both sides with olloy 4343 filler metal). Fillets show dendrites of solid solution (light) in oluminum-silicon eutectic motrix. 0.5%HF. 30 X


i 227 ~ Brazed .

joint between alloy 7004-0 sheets, made with olloy 4 2 4 5 filler metal. S e e Fig. 228 for details of the microstructure of the larger fillet. As-polished. 5 X

~ i 230 ~ Surface . fretting (dark gray) on 3.2-mm (0.125-in.) thick olloy 7075-1651 sheet that was foyed to o 41 30 steel strop in o fatigue test. Fretting corrosion product is A1203. Keller's reagent. 1050X

~ i 231, ~ .232 Alloy 7075-T651 sheet showing the effect of soturotion peening. Fig. 231: longitudinol section. Fig. 232: transverse section. The sheet was peened with 5230 cast steel shot to on Almen-gage intensity of 0.006 to 0.008 A. The surface of the sheet (at the top) shows deformation and roughening. Keller's reagent. 1 5 0 X

Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots ALUMINUM ALLOY INGOTS intended for subsequent rolling, extruding, or forging are considered in this article. Ingots intended for remelting and shaped castings produced in foundries are not discussed, although their solidification structures are similar to those of ingots for working (see the article “Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Castings” in this Volume).

Dendrites Dendritic solidification nm~~structure is ChmCteriStiC of all aluminum A b ’ castings. A Variety Of such Structures in sand, permanentmold, investment, and die castings are Shown in Fig- 103 to 179 in the article “Microstructures Of Aluminum Alloys” in this volume. kldrites

in aluminum alloy welds and brazed joints are shown in Fig. 180 to 229 in the same article. The fvst systematic attempt to relate dendritic solidification to casting conditions for a number of aluminum alloys was reported in 1950 (Ref 1). It was established that the spacing between adjacent arms in dendrites decreases as solidification time decreases. Subsequent investigationshave confumed this result (Ref 2); data from a selection of published papers are shown in Fig. 1. The relationship between dendrite arm spacing and solidification time is given by the equation: d = 7.5 0039

F@. 1

E f f e c t of solidification rate, as measured by solidification time, o n secondary dendrite arm spacing of castings of aluminum alloys 7075 and A I 4 5 C u (wt%). The log-log plot includes data from nine investigations indicated by nine symbols.

fig. 2

E f f e c t of copper solute content (internal scale) o n secondary dendrite arm spacing in eight aluminum alloys, as plotted for five cooling rates. Source: Ref 3

(Eq 1)

where d is dendrite arm spacing in micrometers and 8 is solidification time in seconds. Constants depend on the alloy in question, but equations of this form have been shown to fit extensive data from the aluminum-copper system. The influence of solute content is less well defined. In general, up to eutectic compositions, the effect of increasing solute content at a constant freezing rate is to decrease dendrite arm spacing (Fig. 2). Fine and coarse dendritic structures typical of aluminum alloy ingots are illustrated in Fig. 3 and 4, respectively. ~i~~ dendrite arm spating is usually associated with a uniform distribution of small constituent particles and generally is preferred. However, fine spacing is not always compatible with the desired grain

~ i 3 ~Direct-chill . semicontinuous cast alloy3003 ingot. Solidification timeof approximately 1 s produced fine

dendrite arm spacing, as shown by the interdendritic network of manganese-bearing constituents (dark). See also Fig. 4. Keller’s reagent. 500x

524 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

~ i 4 ~Same . as Fig. 3 , except that solidification was approximately 10 s, which produced coarserdendrite arm spacing than in Fig. 3 . Note that the manganesebearing constituents are also coarser. Keller’s reagent.


shown in Fig. 6(b).The @-refining inoculants commonly used in the aluminum industry are master alloys containingtitanium or titaniumplus boron (Ref 4-7). It is common practice to continuously add grain-refining master alloy, in the form of a 9.55 mm (0.38 in.) diameter rod, to the molten metal as it flows from the holding furnace to the casting unit. Grain-refining additions are used to obtain a fine, uniform grain structure and to reduce the formation of center cracks. The come, nonuniform structure obtained in alloy 6063, which was cast without a grain refmer added to *e mk is shown in Fig. 7(a). The draIn&iCredUCtiOningC3in sizeandimprovement in structure uniformity as a result of adding a main rpfinpr ic chnum in Fig. 7(b). The conflict that may exist between obtaining a fine dendritic structure and a uniform, small grain size is illustrated in Fig. 8 and 9. Cast without a grain refiner, an ingot exhibits fine dendrite spacing but wide, columnar grains (Fig. 8). By contrast, a somewhat coarser dendritic structure with much smaller, equiaxed grains is illustrated in Fig. 9, which shows a section from an ingot cast with a grain refiner. Grain size may be controlled by such methods as vibration, stimng, and control of metal flow, which provide nuclei by detachment of dendrite arms. A successful application of the latter method has been reported in Ref 8. The fully columnar structure produced when the metal feed is located at the center of the mold cavity is illustrated in Fig. lqa). When the stream is directed across the solidifying shell of the casting, the largely equiaxed structure shown in Fig. 1O(b) is obtained. Y


-. ..-


~ i 5 ~Transversesection . through an ingotof alloy

1100 that was cast by the Properzi (wheeland-belt) method. Note the consistency with which columnar grains have grown perpendicularly to each ... face of the mold. Tuck,. ‘, nLY6Ll

structure. In general, dendrite arm spacing is most important in ingots of heat-treatable alloys and in ingots that are cast close to final part size and shape and are thus subjected to a minimum of deformation during subsequent fabrication.

~ i 6 ~Longitudinal .

sections through 25 mm (1 In.) thick slabs of alloy 1 1 00 cast by the Hazelett (two-belt) method. (a) Slab cast without a grain refiner.(b)Slabcastwithagrainrefiner.Tucker’s reagent. Actual size

Twinned Columnar Growth (Feather crystals). ~ l alloy ~ ingots - cast without ~ ~a

&n refiner often efibita fan-shap c o l u ~ structure, referred to as “feather crystals.” This

Grain Structure Grain size is an important, readily observed feature of aluminum alloy ingots. A uniform, fine grain size is sought in most instances to obtain optimum properties in the wrought product. Grain refinement also increases resistance to hot cracking during casting. The columnar grain structure shown in Fig. 5 is characteristic of a low-solute alloy that has solidified in a steep temperature gradient with little turbulence in the melt to effect grain refinement by detachment of dendrite arms. In the presence of turbulent, directed metal flow, the srmcture of such an alloy would consist of , in columnar and equiwr;; ~ I A I I ~;LUW~LG; Fig. 6. Grain Refininf? The addition Of a grain ICfiner results in the nearly equiaxed Structure


~ i 7 ~ Portionsof . transverse sections through two 150 rnrn (6 in.) diam ingots of alloy6063 that were direct-chill

semicontinuous cast. (a) Ingot cast without a grain refiner; note columnar grains and colonies of featherlike crystals near the center of the section. (b) Ingot showing a fine, equiaxed grain structure that was cast with a grain refiner. Tucker‘s reagent. Actual size

Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots / 525 structure, illustrated in Fig. 11 (see also Fig. 7a), may be found in low- and high-solute alloys. It is most likely to develop when there is a steep thermal gradient ahead of the solidifying interface (Ref 8) or an inadequate addition of grain refiner (Ref 9). At higher magnification, the feather crystals are seen to consist of twinned columnar grains (Fig. 12).

Microsegregation ~ i 8 ~ Wide, , columnar grains and fine dendrite

arm spacing in alloy 6063 ingot cast without a grain refiner. Compare with Fig. 9. Polarized light. Barker’s reagent. 40x

~ i 9 ~Same . as Fig. 8, except cast with a grain re-

finer. Note small, equiaxed grains and increased dendrite arm spacing compared with Fig. 8. Polarized light. Barker’s reagent. 40x

Most of the major alloying additions made to aluminum are less so1ub1ein the ’‘lid phase than in the liquid phase; that is, the equilibrium distribution coefficient (k,)is less than 1. The value for k0 is the ratio between the solidus composition, Cs, and the liquidus composition, CL,at a fixed temperature: k,=CsIC,

Fig. 10

Transverse slices through portions of two continuously cast 75 X 100 rnm (3 X 4 in.) T-section ingots of alloy 1100 illustrating theeffect of metal-feed location on structure. (a)The liquid metal entered at the center of the section. (b)The metal-feed location caused a flow of hot metal across the solidifyingshell. Modified aqua regia (50 mL HNO,, 50 mL HCI). Actual size. Source: Ref 8

longitudinal section through ~ i 11~ aPortion .75 mmof(3ain.) diam alloy 1 1 00 ingot, di-

rectthill cast without a grain refiner. Center of section contains fan-shape zones of ”feather crystals.” Tucker’s reagent. Actual size

Fig. 12

“Feather crystals” in an alloy 3003 ingot that was cast bythe directchill sernicontinuous process. Growth twins in the crystals have been revealed by photographing the specimen with polarized light. Barker’s reagent. 50x

(Eq 2)

This ratio can best be understood by examining the binary phase diagram shown in Fig. 13, which shows a case where the liquidus and solidus temperatures fall with increasing alloying addition. In this case, k, is less than 1. For the type of partial phase diagram shown, k, is near unity when the gap between the liquidus and solidus is narrow. When the gap is large, ko is small. If the liquidus and solidus are straight lines, the equilibrium partition coefficient is a constant independent of temperature. The existence of a gap between the liquidus and solidus leads to segregation of the alloying elements during the solidification process. Consider the case shown in Fig. 13,where k, is less than 1. If a liquid alloy of composition CL is cooled to the liquidus temperature, the first solid to form has a composition, cs,that is equa1 to kOcL. Furthe‘ c001ing, especial1y when diffusion is slow, continues the formation of solid with a composition less than that of the liquid and causes a solute-rich layer of liquid to form near the liquid-solid interface. The presence of this solute-rich layer promotes further segregation. For most solutes, aluminum exhibits a relatively low terminal solid solubility; therefore, second-phase constituents are invariably present in ingot structures. For these reasons, the dendrites, which are the first portions of a cast structure to solidify, are low in solute content and are surrounded by interdendritic networks of one or more second-phase constituents. The size and distribution of the constituents depend on such factors as solute concentration, dendrite arm spacing, and grain size. The solute distribution characteristic of cast alloys, referred to as “coring,” may be described (Ref 10) with reasonable accuracy by the Scheil equation: C s = C o k o ( l -fs)”-’

(Eq 3)

526 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

~ i 13~ Terminal . portion of a phase diagram, showingthe solUteconcentrationof liquid (c,,and solid(,-,, that are i n q u i l i b r i u m at tem-

perature T, SolUtesegregation occurs when, during freezing, solute is rejected into the remaining liquid.

~ i 15~ Alloy .

2011 ingot, as-cast. Structure: network of CuAI, (mottled) at boundaries of aluminum grains, needles and other large particlesof Cu,FeAl,, and darkglobulesof lead and bismuth. See also Fig. 16 and Fig. 17. Keller's reagent. 500x

Fig. 17

Same as Fig. 15 and 16, except the ingot was homogenized at 525 "C (975 O F ) for 12 h. The CUAI, at the grain boundaries has almost completelydissolwd, and there is much fineprecipitateof CuAI, within thealuminum grains. Keller's reagent. 500x

determine the solute enrichment at the dendrite boundaries is indicated in Fig. 14(a). Therefore, ingots of most aluminum alloys must be +heatedfor an extended period close to the solidus temperature to homogenize the structure (obtain a more uniform distribution of solute).


~ i 16~ Same . as Fig. 15, but homogenized at 525

'C (975 O F ) for 2 h. Note that the CUAI, has coagulated into a clear constituent and has partly dissolved. Fine precipitateofCuAI, within thealuminum grains. See also Fig. 17. Keller's reagent. 500x

Homogenization reduces microsegregation, a primary benefit that improves the response of the ingot to subsequent thermomechanical treatments. This reduction is illustrated in Fig. 15 to 17, which show the dissolution and reprecipitation of a more dispersed coarse cuA12 constituent in a 2011a1loY ingot* Homogenhation is also important for some 3m series alloy ingots to produce a


Copper , . and magnesium microsegregatlon in a direct-chill semicontinuous cast (610~137Omm,or24~54in.)2124a~~oyingot.(a) Dendrite cells at midthickness location in ingot and enrichment of copper and magnesium at the cell boundaries. When obsewed in conjunction with t h e electron probe microanalysis, thegradual increase in solute concentration across the dendrite cell is readily apparent. (b)Microprobetraverse across dendrites

where Co is the concentmtion of a solute in the alloy, kq is the equilibrium distribution coefficient, and Cs is the composition at weight fraction solidf s . Copper and magnesium rmcrosegregauon in a 2124 direct-chillCaSt ingot, observedusing ekmon Probe ficroanalysis, is shown in Fig. 14. The path traversed by the electron beam to

Fig. 18

Transverse section through a portion of an alloy 5657 ingot that was cast by the direct-chill continuous process, then homogenized at 600 'C (1110 "F) for 48 h. Residual stresses and a high temperature (above thealloy solvus temperature) havecaused development of a coarsegrain structureat thesudaceof the ingot (right).Modified Tucker's reagent: 10 mL HCI, 10 mL HNO,, 5 mL HF (48%),75 mL H,O. Actual size

Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots / 527

Fig. 23

~ i 19~ ~. l l o 5052 y ingot, as-cast. Angular inter-

dendritic shrinkage porosity resulting from excessively high hydrogen content in the melt. Compare with Fig. 20. As polished. 50x

Fig. 21

"ariation a 6oo mmi n(24 copper in,)thick concentration direct-chill acroSS semi-

continuouS CaSt ingot Of 21 24 alloy

As-cast ingot of alloy 6063 that contains a heavy concentration of coarse, angular porosity at interdendritic locations. See also Fig. 22. Hot 20% H,SO,. 1OOX

~ i 22~ Portion . of a transverse section through a 150 mm (6 in.) diam ingot of alloy 6063 showing hydrogen porosity. See also Fig. 23. Fluorescent penetrant. Actual size

Fig. 24

~ i20~ Same . as Fig. 19, but after homogeniza-

tion at 565 "C (1050 "F) for 1 2 h. Note that large pores are now rounded and that small spheroidal pores have formed. As polished. 50x

controlled precipitation of manganesecontaining constituents from supersaturated solid solutions in forms that will not disturb the grain structure resulting from recrystallization, and therefore, the ultimate forming characteristics of the mill product. Another benefit of homogenization is the reduction of residual internal stresses that result from the presence of steep temperature gradients during sofidification. However, if these internal stresses are at or above the critiCal level for grain growth, large grains will form during a high-temperature heat treatment such as homogenization. This abnormal grain growth is illustrated in Fig. 18, which shows the grain Structure of an alloy 5657 ingot. The surfaces of high-purity alloy ingots such as 5657 are especially susceptible to abnormal grain growth. Assuming that other casting conditions are satisfactory, angular interdendritic cavities

such as those shown in Fig. 19 are typical of aluminum alloy ingots cast from a melt with an excessively high hydrogen content. Such an ingot structure is not improved by conventional homogenization, which only rounds off the large cavities and promotes the growth of smaller pores (Fig. 20).

Macrosegregation The chemical composition of large, cornmercial-size ingots vary significantly from point to point through the ingot thickness, which is Usually greater than 405 nun (16 in.) (Fig. 21). This type of segregation, referred to as macrosegregation, is only slightly affected by homogenization. In general, macrosegregation can be reduced in directchill ingot casting by decreasing ingot thickness, lowering the casting speed, and maximizing molten metal superheat. The origin of macrosegregation and its magnitude are discussed in Ref 11.


Relationship between porositv and hydrogen content in semicontinuous dicaSt ingot. Source:Ref'2

Hydrogen Porosity Hydrogen porosity in duminum dloy ingots appears as angular interdendritic cavities or as comparatively small spheroidal pores (Fig. 22 and 23). The former type of porosity is associated with higher gas contents than the latter, but the division between the twodepends also on solidification rate and freezing range. These relationships are shown in Fig. 24. Macroscopic interdendritic porosity results from the rejection of hydrogen from the solid to the liquid metal until the solution pressure of the hydrogen in the liquid exceeds 1 atm. Small spheroidal porosity forms from a portion ofthe hydrogen that remained in the solid metal. The gas in these small pores is at high pressure (Ref 13). During a high-temperature heat treatment, macroscopic interdendritic porosity may become rounded, and small spheroidal porosity may appear (Fig. 22). Ingot density or gas

528 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

~ i28~ Section . taken

parallel to the casting direction, through one of the bleed bands shown in Fig. 27. Note the numerouscoarseconstituents well below the surface of the ingot. Keller's reagent. 200x. Source: Ref 1 4

Fig. 25

Distribution of hydrogen cOntent m d amount of porosity across a 200 m m (8 in.) thick ingot of alloy 1100 in the as-cast condition, and after having been held for 12 h at 580 "C (1 075 O F ) . Source: Ref 1 3

~ i 26~ Section . through the edge (right) of an al-

Fig. 31

Same as Fig. 29 and 30, but a section taken from the center of the 305 mm (12 in.) diam ingot. The structure consists of a mixture of fine and coarse dendrites. Coarse dendrites originate from presolidified metal, which grew isothermally. As polished. 25x

Fig. 29 seaionfrom Outer

edge Of 305 mm (12 in.) diam alloy 2024 ingot, direct-chill semicontinuous cast. Surface layer has coarse dendrites and concentration of constituents containing copper and magnesium. See also Fig. 30 and 31, As polished. 25x

loy 7075 ingot, direct-chill semicontinuous cast. The constituents that have segregated near Al-MgZn,, iron-containing the surface are mainly phases, and Mg,Si. Dilute Keller's reagent. 250x

Fig. 32

~onventionalvettical direct-chill casting system. Source: Ref 16

content, however, is not significantly decreased. By contrast, redistribution of gas enlarges the small spheroidal pores and significantly decreases density without an appreciable reduction in gas content (Fig. 25).

Surface Defects











~ i27~ Bleed . bands on the surface of a direct-

chill semicontinuous cast ingot of alloy 3003. The bands are normal to the casting direction. See Fig. 2 8 for a view through one of these bands. Not polished. One-fourth actual size. Source: Ref 1 4


~ i 30~ Same . as Fig. 29, except area shown is

. 50 m m (2 in.) below the ingot surface. At this location, dendrite arm spacing is greater than that nearerthesurface, althoughsimilartothat in the surface layer. See also Fig. 31. As polished. 25x

A surface layer containing an undesirable concentration of alloying elements and associated coarse constituent particles is often found in direct-chill semicontinuous cast aluminum alloy ingots. A typical example in an alloy 7075 ingot is shown in Fig. 26. When this condition is present in alloys with a wide freezing range (such as alloy 7075). exudations may occur on the surface. A similar surface defect, associated with dilute alloys, is the presence of bleed bands as shown in Fig. 27. Both defects are caused by reheating the solidified shell of

Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots / 529

~ i 36~ Relation . between

~ i 33~ Horizontal .

permissible speed of conventional direct-chill semicontinuous casting and ingot diameter for aluminum alloys with and without susceptibility to center cracking. Source: Ref 27

directchill casting system. Source: Ref 16

~ i 38~ Stringer .

produced in alloy 1100 sheet duringrollingof an oxide inclusion ofthe type shown in Fig. 37. As polished. 250x

Fig. 34

Electromagnetic cast 3004 alloy ingot. Note the freedom from liquation and the uniformity of the constituent particle distribution. Keller's reagent. 200x

Transverse section through a 75 mm (3 in.) diam alloy 1100 ingot, direct-chill cast. Center cracks (at anow) resulted from excessively steep temperature gradients. Tucker's reagent. Actual size


the casting when it separates from the mold wall, briefly ceasing heat removal. Bleed bands exhibit c o m e constituents that often extend well below the surface, as shown in Fig. 28. The surfaces of aluminum alloy ingots are often "scalped" to remove segregated or

Oxide inclusion in direct-chill semicontinuous cast ingot of alloy 2024. see also Fig. 38. As polished. 250x

Fig. 3'

nonuniform surface layers, which vary in hichess and may extend 20 mm (o.75 in.) below the chilled surface (Ref 15).The contrast between the costructure of the surface layer and the fine subsurface structure of an alloy 2024 ingot is shown in Fig. 29. Illustrated in Fig. 30 is the increased dendrite arm spacing 50 mm (2 in.) below the ingot surface; Fig. 31 depicts the mixed dendrite structure sometimes found at the center Of direct-chill semicontinuOUS cast ingots. The Coarse dendrites in Fig. 31 have grown under conditions of heat removal that are slower than those for the fine dendrites, which are compatible in dimension with the finest dendrites close to the chill surface. Effo* have been made to e1iminate surface defects and avoid the need for ''scalping'' prior to fabrication. The continuous casting processes developed to achieve this are directchill casting (Ref 16-19), the Showa Denko process (Ref 20), and electromagnetic casting (Ref 21,22). The principal casting process for aluminum alloys is the direct-chill process. The vertical direct-chill casting process, patented by Alcoa in 1942 (Ref 23), is shown schematically in

Fig. 32. The process can directly prepare billets for extrusion, blocks for rolling, and sheet for fabrication, thus eliminating intermediate mechanical working processes by casting near-net shapes. Most direct-chill casting capacity is of the vertical type for semicontinuous casting, but more importance is being assumed by the continuous horizontal direct-chill casting process (Fig. 33). Aluminum alloy ingots are cast in section sizes that range from 1.5 x 0.5 m (5 x 1.6 ft) for blocks for rolling to 5 to 30 mm (0.2 to 1.2 in.) thick by 2 m (6.6 ft) wide for plate and strip. The key operating requirement in directchill casting is that a sufficiently strong shell be developed in the limited time of contact with the mold to retain the interior molten pool. Withdrawal rates of up to 0.2 m/min (0.65 ft/min) can be achieved in conventional casters. Withdrawa1 speeds Of 2S dmin (8.2 ft/min) for a 10 mm (0.4in.) thick section have been reported for horizontal casters producing pure aluminum strip (Ref 24). Pure aluminum or dilute alloys are easier to cast than higher alloys with wide freezing ranges. Higher casting speeds have led to problems in maintaining casting shape and have also caused higher internal stresses in the solidified ingot. Control of heat extraction rateS is required to limit the extent of these difficulties, The electromagneticmethod is in commercia1 use for producing lxxr, 3xx, and 5xxx series alloy ingots that may be rolled with an as-cast surface. An example of an electromagnetic cast 3004 alloy ingot is shown in Fig. 34. Variations in coo1ing rate doseto the ingot surface sometimes cauSe nonequi1ibriumconstituents, which can respond differently to Surface finishing treatments and can result in streaking or discoloration of the wrought product (Ref 25).

530 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams REFERENCES 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

~ i 39~ Coarse . primarycrystal of CrAI, in an alloy

~ i40~ Stringer . of

CrAI, crystals in sheet rolled from the alloy 7075 ingot shown in Fig. 39. 0.5% HF, 10 s. 1 OOx

7075 ingot. See Fig. 40 for a view after rolling. As polished. lOOx

Center Cracking Center mcking Often resu1ts from attern@ to improve the surface condition by increasing casting speed. Center cracks, sometimes ref e m d to as “spider cracks,” are caused by a buildup of internal tension stresses during final freezing (Ref 26). Because the absence Of liquid metal to feed the center enhances this type Of crackingv this defect is moSt prevalent in dilute alloys. An example of centercracking in an alloy 1100 ingot is shown in Fig. 35. Cracking caused by internal tension stresses alone takes place after final freezing. This problem is idlerentin direct-chi11semicontinuous casting. Studies have shown that each aluminum alloy ingot has a practical UPper limit on casting spd for the conventiona1 directchill StXYIiCOntinuous Process (Ref 27). The relationship between permissible casting speed and ingot diameter for different types of aluminum alloys is shown in Fig. 36. More recently, however, it has been demonstrated that the casting speed threshold, above which center cracking OCCUTS, may be raised by providhg a controlled secondary c o o ~ system ~g (Ref 28).

Effects of Melt Processing To ensure a high-quality product, molten alloys are often treated to reduce the hydrogen content and alkali element concentration as well as to remove nonmetallic inclusions. This treatment is usually performed in-line, that is, as the molten metal flows from the holding furnace to the casting unit. Several metal treat-


8. ment units have been developed for this purpose, many of which are discussed in Ref 29. Despite these methods of producing high-quality metal, problems sometimes arise, particularly because there are no methods available for continuousty monitoring metal quality. ~~~~~~i~~ gas contents are most serious when present in ingots that contain oxide inclusions of the type shown in Fig. 37. The oxide clumps and films &corne oxide stringers in rolled products, such as those shown in Fig. 38, and provide sites for the agglomeration of gas, which then forms blisters in sheet during subsequent annealing (Ref 30). A cOarSe primary constiwent in alloy 7075 that homogenization will probably not remove is shown in Fig. 39. During subsequent working of this ingot material, the constituent will break up, producing a stringer defect of the . resuits in a reductype shown in ~ i40,~which tion of fatigue resistance.


10. 11.




The infOITnatiOn in this article is largely taken from: D.A. Granger,Solidification Structuresof Aluminum Alloys Ingots, Vol 9, ASM Handbook (formerly 9th ed. Metals Handbook), American Society for Metals, 1985, p 629-636 W.J. Boettinger, Solidification Structures of Solid Solutions, Vol 9,ASM Handbook (formerly 9th ed. Metals Handhook),American Society for Metals, 1985, p 61 1-617 R.D. Pehlke, Continuous Casting, Vol 15, ASM Handbook (formerly 9th ed. Metals Handbook), ASM International, 1988, p 308-316

. .





B.H. Alexander and EN. Rhines, Dendritic Crystallization of Alloys, Trans. AIME, Vol 188,1950, p 1267-1273 B.P. Bardes and M.C. Flemings, Dendrite Arm Spacing and Solidification Time in a Cast Aluminum-Copper Alloy, Trans. Am. Foundrymen’s SOC.,Vol 74, 1966, p 406-412 J.A. Horwath and L.F. Mondolfo, Dendritic Growth, Acta. Metall., Vol 10, 1962, p 1037-1042 A. Cibula, The Grain Refinement of Aluminum Alloy Castings by Additions of Titanium and Boron, J. Inst. Metals, Vol 80, 1951, p 1-16 L. Backemd, On the Grain Refining Mechanism in AI-Ti-B Alloys, JernkontoretsAnn., Vol 155,1971, p422-424 L. Backerud, How Does a Good Grain Refiner Work?, Light Met.Age, Oct 1983, p 6-12 L.F. Mondolfo, Grain Refinement in Aluminum Alloys,LightMetals 1972,Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, p 405-426 RE. Spear, R.T. Craig, and CR. Howle, The Influence of Metal Flow on the Grain Morphology in Continuously Cast Aluminum, 1.Met., Vol 23 (No. lo), 1971, p 42-45 DA. Grangerand J. Liu, The Occurrence, Effect and Control of Twinned Columnar Growth in AluminumAlloys,J . Met.,Vol 35 (NO.6), 1983, p 54-59 M.C. Flemings, Solid$icatjon Processing, McGraw-Hill, 1974 H. Yu and D.A. Granger, Macrosegregation in Aluminum Alloy Ingot Cast by Semicontinuous Direct-Chill Method, Symposium Proceedings, NASA-Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Sept 1984, p 157-168 DA. Granger, Use of Telegas Instrument in Quality Control, Proceedings of the Third International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar (Atlanta), April 1984, p 269-272 D.E.J. Talbot and D.A. Granger, Secondary Hydrogen Porosity in Aluminum, 1. Inst. Met., Vol 92, May 1964, p 290-297 D.L.W. Collins, A New Explanation of the Surface Structures of Direct Chill Ingots, Metallurgia. Vol 76, Oct 1967, p 137-144 G. Siekl, D. AltenpohL andh4.H. Cohen, Periodic Segregation in Continuously Cast Aluminum, Z . Metallk.. Vol 44, 1953, p 173-183(in German) C.M. Adam, Overview of D.C. Casting, Proceedings of the 1980 Conference on Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1981, p 39-48 E.F. Emley, Int. Met. Rev., Vol 21, 1976, P 75

Solidification Structures of Aluminum Alloy Ingots / 531 18. DM. Lewis, Metall. Rev., Vol 6, 1961, p 143 19. C. Baker and V. Subramanian, DC and Continuous Casting, Proceedings of the I978 Symposium on AluminumTransformation Technology and Applications, American Society for Metals, 1980, p 335-388 20. R. Mitam- T. Ito, Y. Takahashi, and T. Hiraoka, New Hot-Top Continuous Casting Method Featuring Application of Air plessure to Mold, Light Metals 1978, Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, p 28 1-291 21. H.A. Meier, G.B. Leconte, and A.M. Odok, Alusuisse Experience with Electmmagnetic Moulds, Light Metals 1977,


23. 24. 25.


Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, p 223-233 C. Vives and R. Ricou, Experimental Study of Continuous Electromagnetic Casting of Aluminum Alloys, Metall. Trans.B., Vol 16, 1985,p 377-384 U.S. Patent 301,027,1942 G. Moritz and EO. Ostermam, J. Inst. Met., Vol 100, 1972, p 301 D.A. Granger and C.L. Jensen, Role of Ingot Structure in Structural Streaking, Light Metals 1984, Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, p 12491263 D.M.LewisandJ.Savage,ThePrinciples of Continuous Casting of Metals, Met. Rev.,Vol 1, 1956,p65-116

27. G. Porno and P. Lombardi, Continuous Casting and Empirical Calculation of Descent Speed in Casting of Light Alloy Ingots, Aluminio, Vol 23, 1954, p 23 (in Italian) 28. N.B. Bryson, Increasing the Productivity of Aluminum DC Casting, Light Metals 1972, Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, p 429435 29. E.F. Emley, Cleaning and Degassing of Light Metals, Met. Technol.,Vol 3, March 1976, p 118-127 30. C.E. Ransley and D.E.J. Talbot, Hydrogen Porosity in Metals, with Special Reference to Aluminum and Its Alloys, Z. Metallk., Vol 46, 1955, p 328-337 (in German)

Solidification Structures of urninurn-Silicon Alloy Castings ALUMINUM-SILICON ALLOYS provide nearly 90% of all the shaped castings manufactured. The reason for the wide acceptance of the 3xrx alloys can be found in the attractive combination of physical properties and generally excellent castability. Mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, machinability, hot tearing resistance, fluidity, and weldability are considered the most important. From the standpoint of applications, the 3X-x series can be subdivided into the b h W non-heat-treatabletypes andtheheat-treahbk age-hardening alloYs, which maY contiin magnesiumv c0ppr- and nicke1 a1one Or in cOmbination. Com~sitionsOf the moSt c0mmon1y used aluminum-silicon al1oys are presented in Tab1e and their physical characteristi‘s are summarized in Table 2. The attributes.of the 3xrxal10ys are best exemp1ified by the most wide1y used a11oy Of the c1ass9A356. Tab1e3 lists the properties that can be obtained by different casting processes, heat treatments, and small adjustmentsin composition. Detailed information on the properties and applications of aluminum casting alloys is given in the articles “Foundry Products” and “Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys” in this Volume. The properties of aluminum-silicon alloys are strongly dependent on the casting process used, the chemical additions made to control eutectic structure, primary silicon and grain structure, and molten metal treatmentto reduce hydrogen gas Content and remove inclusions. ‘9

Each of these topics will be discussed separately in this article.

train strudure ~ngeneral, a small equiaxed grain structure is preferred in aluminum alloy castings because it improves such casting attributes as resistance to hot tearing and mass feeding, and because it enhances most mechanical properties and surface finishing characteristics. Property improvements largely result from an increase in soundness, although an important contributor is the overall increase in the homogeneity of an equiaxed casting compared to a nonuniform columnar-grain structure. A more homogeneous structure results in less segregation so that the casting responds better to heat treatments, and defects such as porosity and

intermetallic constituents are. more uniformly distributed and therefore less harmful. The principal manner in which reducing grain s u e increases resistance to hot tearing is by lowering the coherency temperature (Ref 1); however, in aluminum-silicon alloys the combination of a large volume fraction of eutectic liquid and relatively low coherency temperature means that, in practice, foundry alloys with greater than about 5% Si already exhibit a low cracking tendency compared to an Al4.5Cu alloy (Ref 2). In Fig. l, susceptibility to hot cracking is indicated by a hot tearing index of less than 50. This occurs in arange of alloys, from an A1-4.5Cu alloy with a grain size of approximately 350 pm (0.014 in.) to an Al4.5Cu-5Si alloy with a grain size of approximately 1300 pm (0.052 in.) (Ref 3). Mass feeding and reduced shrinkageporosity are claimed for grain refinement, although there is a lack of substantive evidence in the

Table 1 Compositions of common aluminurnsiliconalloys Product(a)



:$:: :, . . . . 390.0,, ,


0.50 0.35 0.60 0.50


D , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. D 413.0 ...................... D ,


0.50 max 0.35 max 0.03 rnax 0.35 max 0.50 max 0 . IO max 0.35 max 0.50 max


3.5 4.5

, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Nominal composition. %(b) Mn Si




B443.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.0 7.0 7.0 9.5 8.5 17.0 12.0 5.2


... ...

(a) S. sand casting: P. permanent mold casting: D. die casting. (b) Ail compositions contain balance of aluminum.

Table 2 Characteristics of some permanent mold and sand casting aluminum-siliconalloys Rankings are relative to other alloys in the some casting category. 1 , best; 5, worst


Resistance to hol cracking

Foundry characterisliu Solidification Fluidity shrinkage

Product characteristics


‘Corrosion resistance




Anodizing appearance

Hot strength




Permanent mold castings 355.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A356.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A357.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I B443.0. . . . . . I

2 2

2 I I 2


3 2 2 2

3 3 3 5

3 3 3 4

2 I I 2

4 4 4 4

2 3 3 4



I I 1

3 2 2 2

3 4 3 5

3 5 4 5

I 2 2

4 4 4 5

2 3

2 I

1 1


2 2 1

Sand castings C355.0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A356.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A357.0.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 8 4 4 3 . 0 , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . I






2 2


Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Castings / 533

rig. L Aluminum-titanium binary phase diagram

~ i1

~Effea . of grain size on the hot tearing tendency of (a) AI-4.5Cu and (b) AI-4.5Cu-5Si alloys with various additives. Source: Ref 2

Table 3 Minimum tensile properties of Alloy A356.0 castings produced using various processes cu(illg



Sand cast ................... As-cast Sand cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T6 Permanent mold . . . . . . . . . . As-cast Permanent mold . . . . . . . . . . T61 Squeeze cast . . As-cast Squeeze cast . . T6

Ultimate tensile strength MPa ksi

I30 234



195 300

additives, usually provided in the form of aluminum-base master alloys, perform well over the range of alloy compositions and casting conditions used in practice. Mechanism of Grain Refinement. An efficient heterogeneous nucleus for a-aluminum is Fig.3 Micmgraphshowing large, solubleTiAI, one that will provide a Surface for growth at, or particlesandsmall, insoluble(li,AI)B2 part i c k in AI-5Ti-1 B master alloy. As polished. 2 5 0 ~ just above, the liquidus temperature of the alloy. It is generally acknowledged that the TiAl3 constituent meets all the necessary criteria (Ref 7). The aluminum-titanium binary alloy contains literature (Ref 4)- In aluminurn-silicon al10Ysy T i 3 , but because T i 3 is soluble in molten *e mOSt direct and quantifiable impact Of a aluminum, it is necessary to add titanium to levels reduction h grain size (and the accompanying greater than 0.15% in order to retain grain-refmincrease in grain-boundWarea) is a more ing effectiveness. At this concentration, the form distribution Of gas porosity and eutechc peritectic point is exceeded (Fig. 2), and the first c01onies*For the same hydrogen 'Ontent, there phase formed in the alloy upon solidification is is a measurable reduction in the volume of gas the T i l 3 constituent. However, this high level of porosity in a grain-refined casting compared to titanium can give rise. to coarse intermetallic para nonrefined casting (Ref 5). The reduced volticles, which are detrimental to mechanical propume fraction of gas porosity is also reported to erties. Moreover, the reduction in grain size is not improve resistance to fatigue crack growth as great as can be achieved with the aluminum-ti(Ref 6). Grain stntctureControl. Reduction in $um-boronmasteralloys. These masteralloys, whch contain 3 to 10%Ti and a TkB ratio ranggrain size is brought about by the efficientheem geneous nuclation of the a-alwphase. umh g h m about 3 to 50, are comprised of soluble mscm be achieved through crystal multiplica- TiAl3 particles and insoluble boride particles in tion uhg mechanic- or fluid flow forces to an aluminum matrix (Fig. 3). The ternary master hcat& . dendrite -, but in chemical alloys are effective at titanium levels Significantly additives~usedtoprovidethenecessarynuclei. lower than the peritectic level, typically 0.01 to Other factors that affect the ultimate cast 0.03% Ti; this suggests that the boride particles grain size are alloy composition, freezing rate, play a dominant role in nucleation (Ref8). Despite much study over several decades, temperature gradient in the melt, and casting method. The commercially available chemical the mechanism of grain refinement is not corn-


19 34 23 31 28 44

Yield strength MPa ksi

50 166 80 I79 I24 250

7.3 24 11.6 26 I8 36.3

Elonplion. 'b



3 5

15 10

pletely clear. It is argued that even at low titanium levels the peritectic mechanism is operative because boron, even at very low levels, shifts the peritectic point to the left (Ref 9). Recent studies have shown that commercial aluminum-titanium-boron master alloys contain (A1,Ti)Bz particles that are. effective centers for the surface concentration of titanium atoms (Ref 10). Titanium boride (TiB2) particles are not effective nuclei, and the successful master alloys contain an excess of titanium over that required to form TiB2 stoichiometrically. Thus, an aluminum-titanium-boron master alloy operates by releasing soluble and insoluble particles into the melt. As the soluble aluminide phase releases titanium into the melt, the (AI,Ti)B2 particles become increasingly active nuclei for a-aluminum. Grain-Refining Agents. A number of commercial master alloys are available for use as grain-refining agents. Where it is the practice to add titanium above the peritectic level, that is, in the range ofO.1 to 0.2%, aluminum-titanium binary alloys containing up to 10%Ti can be obtained in the form of cast waffles for furnace additions. Also in use are briquettes consisting of titanium powder compacted with salts such as KCl and K B F 4 . For controlling grain structure at lower titanium addition levels, the aluminum-titaniumboron master alloys are available as both cast waffle and chopped rod. The rod form, which is used in the primary industry for continuous

534 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams Table 4 Characteristics of elements used as silicon modifiers in aluminum-siliconalloys Atomic radius ratio(.)



lcmperaturr, K

Barium.. ......................


998 1112 1042



37 I



Aluminum, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .22 Silicon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00

933 1683



Vapor p m u r r PI IO00 K h alm

5.07 26.3 101.3

2 x 104


5.4 x 10-6 9 x 10-12

F m energy of oxide formalion (AGO,&) a1 IO00 K, kllmol

Comments on modifying capnbilily

5 x 10-5 2.6 x 10-4 0.001

-482 -509 -480





5.3 x lo-" 8.9 x 10-17

-457 -354

Moderate modifying power Weak modifying action Moderate modifying power; optimal addition: 0.01-0).02%.Good resistance to fade; semipermanent effect; much easier to store and handle than sodium; overmodification not as serious as with sodium, but can increase porosity Very potent modifier with 0.1% addition. Dissolves rapidly; fades rapidly due to evaporation; difficult to store and handle; difficulty in controlling additions can lead to overmodification; can increase porosity Can be conveniently added as mischmetal; requires up to 60 min for dissolution; very resistant to fade; modification effect increases up to 2% additions; reduces dendrite arm spacing in hypoeutectic alloys

... ...

(a) Ratio of atomic radius of element to atomic radius of silicon

addition to the molten metal stream during ingot casting, has a superior metallurgical structure in terms of the constituent particle size and distribution.

Silicon Modification It is standard practice to refme the eutectic structure as well as the grain smcture of aluminum-silicon casting alloys. A moderate improvement in mechanical properties is guaranteed with structural integrity when the silicon eutectic phase is refined with arsenic, antimony, or sulfur (Ref 11). The more usual and more effective treatment is structure modification ofthe silicon phase, although on occasion there may be an increased susceptibility to porosity. Modification occurs naturally at rapid solidification rates (quench modification), but a modifying agent is required at the slower solidification rates typical of sand casting (impurity modification). Elements in groups I and Ila and the rare earths europium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neodymium modify, but only sodium and strontium produce a strong modifying action at the low concentration required for commercial application (Table 4). Both modifying actions transform the flake eutectic silicon into a fibrous form, producing a composite-like structure with increased ultimate tensile strength, ductility, hardness, and machinability.

Mechanism of Modification The finer silicon-phase distribution in the modified structure is evident from structures D and E in Fig. 4. Region C in Fig. 4 is the coupled zone. This defines the compositional and growth temperature (velocity) limits within which it is necessary to solidify in order to obtain a completely eutectic structure in

aluminum-silicon alloys. The zone retains its shape, but it narrows as the temperature gradient in the liquid is reduced. Modification was originally attributed to the repeated nucleation of the eutectic silicon phase at a reduced temperature (Ref 12,13). It is now established that, although the nucleation temperature is depressed, the silicon phase grows continuously without repeated nucleation at an increased undercooling (Ref 14, 15). The aluminum phase is not affected structurally by modification, and there is evidence that both sodium and strontium are concentrated in the silicon phase. COnseqUently, modification iS now considered to be associated primarily with a change in the silicon-phase growth mechanism. This change is induced either at high growth velocities or by a modifier at all but exmmely low velocities, and it results in a change from a faceted to a more iSOtrOPiC growth morPhologY.

the (211) directions, resulting in hexagonal plate and starlike primary silicon morphologies (structure S, Fig. 4). These silicon growth characteristics are in evidence at the duplex solid-liquid eutectic growth front, and the silicon eutectic phase in an unmodified alloy develops several distinct .growth habits, depending on the growth velocity and temperature gradient in the liquid at the interface, as shown in Fig. 5 . The ratio oftemperature gradient G to growth velocity v (G/v ratio) in region 'A is high enough for the eutectic phases to grow independently to produce large, faceted silicon crystals in an aluminum solid-solution matrix. Growth in region B occurs by a more coupled, short-range diffusion process. The silicon phase leads at the interface and develops a [ 1001 preferred growth dimtion. Its morphology vanes from closely packed rods at high-temperature gradients to a variety of faceted forms at lower gradients (structure B, Fig. 5). The angular silicon structure is prominent in the lower areas of region Growth Characteristics B. Interconnected silicon flakes form between the angular silicon particles in region B + C, Faceted morphoIogies occur in high-en- and the flake structure predominates in region tropy phases and are a consequence of anisot- c + B, which coven the thermal Conditions ropic growth. nesolid/liquid interface of a encountered in sand casting. The flakes have highentropy phase is smooth on an atomic { 111) habit, and their flat surfaces are paralkl scale. siliconis a borderline case with (111) to internal { 1111 twins. They lead the ahmiand possibly (100) interfaces in this category. num phase at the nonisothermal growth front ~ ~normal ~ to a (1~ 11) silicon t interface h oc- and branch by splitting or displacement twincurs by the lateral propagation of intrinsic steps ning to achieve the spacing characteristics of across the interface at a rate determined by the the growth ve1ocity. Successive { 1111 twinrate of step generation, The primary silicon ning on the surface of a flake permits a direcphase often displays a faceted octahedral mor- tion change throuf!h any angle while phology that is bound by slow-growing (111) mainkNng growth ina [I121 dkCtion. All the faces, as shown in structure S' in Fig. 4. active ( 111) planes are comnal (Ref 18). Growth rate anisotropy is increased when growth normal to certain planes is enhanced by Quench Modification such defects as twins and screw dislocations, which create self-perpetuating steps at the growth front (Ref 16). This occurs in silicon Quench-modified eutectic forms in rewhen the twin-plane reentrant edge mecha- gion G of Fig. 4 and in region G + B' of Fig. 5. nism ("RE) operates and enhances growth in Transmission electron microscopy has shown

Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Castings / 535 that the silicon fibers have smooth external surfaces and that many are twin-free (Ref 19,20). These features are consistent with isotropic fibrous growth at an atomically rough interface, as shown in Fig. 6. The silicon phase can branch readily and no longer leads at the interface. The fibers are much finer than slowly grown flakes and are fmer than impurity-modified fibers. The diffusion process is short-range and approximates that of a normal rod structure. Chemical Modification. The efficiency of impurity modification is evident from Fig. 7, which shows how the structures of directionally solidified aluminum-silicon alloys change with increasing strontium content. Transmission electron microscopy has shown that fibers in impurity-modified alloys are microfaceted to varying degrees and are heavily twinned on up to four { 11 1 } systems. Multiple twinning creates many reentrant steps on the silicon interface, facilitating growth by the TFRE mechanism at an isothermal interface, with branching achieved much more easily than with the flake morphology. The change from flake to fibrous growth is a consequence of impurity incorporation into the silicon phase by absorption at the silicon growth front. A hard sphere model has been used to show how an impurity atom of the appropriate size can force a step propagating across an interface (as occurs in flake growth) to miss one regular close-packed position and, by falling into the next alternative stacking sequence, mate a twin. This size factor requirement (atomic radius of modifier/atomic radius of silicon >1.64) is thought to be the first and principal requirement for impurity modification (Ref 21).

Modifiers and Their Side Effects



~ i4 ~Coupled . zone diagram for aluminum-silicon alloys determined from directional solidification studies

with a temperature gradient in the liquid ot 125 W c m (570 "F/in.). Region A, massive, rod, and angular eutectic silicon and complex regular silicon. Region C, coupled zone (see Fig. 5). Region D, angular and flake eutectic silicon and aluminum dendrites. Region E, fibrous eutectic silicon and aluminum dendrites. Region C , flaketo-fibrous eutectic silicon transformation. Region S, eutectic silicon and complex regular and starlike primary silicon. Region S', eutectic silicon and complex regular, starlike, and polyhedral primary silicon. Micrograph D, typical unmodified structure of a 413 alloy showing flake eutectic silicon and aluminum dendrites; 1OOx. Micrograph E, typical chill-modified structureof a 41 3 alloyshowingfibrouseutectic silicon and a higher volumefractionoffineraluminum dendrites thanstructureD; 1OOx. Micrograph S, complex regularand starlikeprimarysilicon with flake eutectic silicon; 1Wx. Micrograph S', scanning electron micrograph showinga (1 00) section through an octahedral primary silicon particle revealing four I 1 1 1 1 planes; 1 5 0 0 ~

Modifying Agents. The observations recorded in Table 4 show that factors other than atomic size control the efficiency of a modifier.A low melting point and a high vapor pressure promote rapid dispersion of the modifier in the melt, but a high vapor pressure will encourage fade by evaporation. Oxidation loss will be a problem with modifiers having a free energy of oxide formation higher than that of aluminum. A low solid solubility and a wide miscibility gap having a monotectic point at a very low concentration of modifier, as in the aluminum-sodium system, produce a large inmase in modier concentration at the growth front and a powerful modifying effect. Therefore, sodium dissolves and disperses mpidly in the mlt without oxihtion, but it fades quickly (ao min) and withill thiS time provide apowerful modifying action. Strontiumdissolves quickly, and although it oxidizes slightly, it has a greater mismce to fade than sodium,pducing a more permanent but weakfX modifying action* Asodium addition of more than0.02 Wt% CaUSeS the OVermodifiCatiOn associated with ASiNa compound formationand areduction in mechanical properties. Strontium does not exhibit the same complex overmodification behavior, but undesirable compounds of the AhSrSiz type in

536 / Metallography, Microstructures, and Phase Diagrams

F@. 6

Eutectic silicon morphologies found in the coupled zone as a function of growth velocity and tempera~ i 5 ~ ture . gradient in the liquid at the growth interface. Region A, massive, faceted eutectic silicon in an alu-

minum matrix. Region B, rod and rod with faceted sideplate eutectic silicon in an aluminum matrix. Region B + C, angular silicon with someflake eutectic silicon in an aluminum matrix. Region C + B, mainlyflakeeutecticsilicon with some angular silicon in an aluminum matrix, Region C +E', quench-modified fibrous silicon with somemodified angular silicon eutectic in an aluminum matrix. Micrograph A, massive faceted eutectic silicon; 1OOx. Micrograph B, rod with faceted sideplateeutectic silicon; l OOx. Micrograph C + 6, mainly eutectic flake silicon with some angular silicon, 1 OOx, and scanning electron micrograph (lower right) showing angular silicon and flake eutectic silicon; 1500x. Micrograph G + B', quench-modified fibrous silicon and modified angular silicon, 1 OOx, and scanning electron micrograph (upper right) showing quench-modified fibrous silicon; 1500x. Source: Ref 17

A356 alloys containing more than 0.05 wt% Sr contribute to a decrease in mechanical properties (Ref 22). Sodium can often be added as a metal in preweighed, sealed aluminum cans or as sodium compounds in cover fluxes. Strontium does not present the same storage and handling

problems, and it is usually added as a lowstrontium master alloy (such as AI-1OSr or Al14Si-lOSr), a high-strontium master alloy (such as .AI-I90Sr), or a pure metal. Master alloys are usually supplied in waffle form, but several aluminum-base master alloys containing 3 to 10% Sr are supplied in rod form for

Schematic of the eutectic silicon growth interface. (a) Unmodified flake silicon. Widelyspaced {lllltwins probablymakethepropagation of intrinsic steps across (111 ) interfaces the significant growth mechanism. (b) Quench-modified fibrous silicon. An atomically rough, twin-freeeutectic silicon interface at which atomic additions are made randomly. Branching occurs readily by overgrowth. (c) Impurity-modified fibrous silicon. Finely spaced I1 11 1 twins mean that twin-plane reentrant edge is the major step source during silicon growth. If twinningoccurs equally on four {111]systems, a [loo] fibergrowth direction results.

rapid dissolution. wafflesdissolve slowly and require 30 to 45 min for optimum modification. Metallic strontium additions are smaller, dissolve more quickly, and introduce less iron into the alloy than do master alloy additions. Strontium should be added in the temperature range of 670 to 720 "C (1240 to 1330 O F ) in A356 alloys. Low-strontium master alloys should be added at high melt temperatures for rapid dissolution with high recovery. Highstrontium master alloys should be added to a melt with minimal superheat (Ref 22).

Solidification Structures of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Castings / 537

~ i 8 ~ v a .h ~ ~ ’ n S 8 l i ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ? a ~ C hwith ” f t i lodcing

cal solidification time for AI-75, AI-1 OSi, and AI-125 alloys. Local solidification time is defined as the time elapsed for the temperature to decrease from rhe liquidus to the solidus temperature at a particular location on thecasting.



~ i 7 ~Change , in the coupled zone diagram of aluminum-silicon alloys with increasing strontium additions as

determined from directional solidification studies with a temperaturegradient in the liquid of 125 “Ucm (570 O F / i n . ) . Regions A, C, D, E, C , and S are shown in Fig. 4. Region E‘, impurity-modified fibrous silicon and alurninum dendrites; Region C‘, impurity-modified fibrous silicon. Micrograph C’, strontium-modified fibrous silicon, 300x, and scanning electron micrograph (right)showing strontium-modified fibrous silicon; 2500x

Hydrogen Pickup and Loss. The subject of hydrogen pickup in aluminum-siliconmelts is highly controversial, especially when one considers the effect of modifiers on the rate of hydrogen pickup from moisture in the atmosphere. The literature sometimes presents conflicting reports. For example, it has been reported that sodiumand strontium result in “gassy” melts, but it has also been reported that they have no effect. This difficulty can arise because the gas content is often inferred kom the amount of porosity formed upon casting rather than from a d i t measuremen! of the hydrogen content of the melt. However, because both sodium and strontium form oxides of strong chemical stability, and because numerous foundry workers report commercial problems with gas pickup, there is probably a tendency toward increased hydrogen pickup in modified alloys. The problem apparently becomes more severe at higher melt temperatures and at higher modifier concenhations.

Therefore, the benefits of eutectic modification are offset to some extent by hydrogen pickup, accompanying oxide film formation, and porosity generation. This is particularly true of the most effective chemical modifiers, sodium and strontium. An advantage of the eutectic refiner antimony is that porosity formation can be alleviated by gas fluxing with an inert gas or with an inert gas-chlorine mixture to obtain low hydrogen levels without loss of antimony (Ref 23). In contrast, any active gas, such as chlorine or freon, rapidly removes sodium or strontium from a melt. Whenever a modifying agent is used, there is an increase in hydrogen in the melt. Hydrogen pickup occurs when the oxide film on an aluminum melt is broken and a reaction takes place with moisture in the ambient atmosphere. Therefore, to minimize pickup, modifiers (and refiners) must be added with as little disturbance to the melt surface as possible. The addi-

tion of sodium, even when carefully added using the vacuumpacked form, introduces gas to the melt. Similarly, strontium-containing master alloys are a source of hydrogen, but this is reduced by the use of high-purity aluminumstrontium binary alloys, particularly the strontiumbase master alloys, which are melted and cast under conditions that minimize hydrogen contamination. Excess hydrogen can be removed from modified melts by the use of inert gas fluxing techniques, although it appears more difficult to achieve low levels ( atrnmpherr(b1


Y 9

X 0 0 0

n n

X 2



n n 0 n n

50 30


5n 3n

x7 7075-Th5 I . . . . . . . . .22 I 154

12.6 32 22.3


50 35

... Y

7075-T765I . . . . . . . , 3 0 0

43.5 ?Y 17.4



Y Y 9 6

30 YO

... h 0 ...



7 0 5 ~ ~ 7 4 5. .1. . . . . , 2 1 7




I20 7075-T735 I . . . . . . . ,335 273 1x3

13.2 31.5


48.6 39.6 26.5



so 75


0 0






I 0 2 0


ASTM (; 44lal Median

almmphrrrlbl Median




32.9 19.7


Time to fir51 and median failure. days

of hilurer

7 7 37

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . 7 7 69 . . . . 67 . . . .



65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 67 77

37 37 ?h6

37 37 M3

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .

7 7 7 709 IO~Y

. . . . . . . .

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

I5 37 1491

. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . xn 1x66 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .

test compared to that in various atmospheric environments. It also illustrates the wide range in behaviors in various atmospheric environments.

The impressed-currenttest for Eixxx alloys was developed for rapid evaluation of

594 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys specimen surface. Good correlation with natural environment exposures is reported in Ref 85. Other Testing Media. Although nitrates and sulfates, when dissolved in distilled water, tend to retard SCC, their presence in chloride environments can produce a synergistic stimulation of intergranular corrosion and SCC (Ref 8688). Stress-corrosion cracking can also be accelerated for certain alloys by inmasing acidity (lowering pH), increasing temperatture,adding oxidants, or electrochemically driving the SCC process by impmsing an appropriatepotential or electrical current density. These procedures, either singly or in combination,have been used to create various special-purpose tests: Continuous-immersion test for 7 m alloys (Ref 89); aqueous solution containing 3% NaCl, 0.5% H202 (30%), 100 mL/L 1 N NaOH, and 20 mL/L acetic acid (100%);pH 4 .O Continuous-immersion test for highsmngth aircraft alloys (Ref 90); aqueous solution Containing 2% NaCl PIUS 0.5% SOdium chromate (NaCrO4) Impressed-current test for 7 m alloys (Ref 91); aqueous solution containing 2% NaCl plus 0.5% NaCrO4; H 8.1, current density 4.65 x 10-4 mA/mm (0.3 mA/in?); 30-day maximum exposure time Alternate-immersion test using an aqueous solution containing 2.86% NaCl plus 0.52% MgC12 (total chloride equal to that in ocean water); proposed in Ref 92 as a less corrosive substitute for 3.5% NaCl solution for ASTM G 44 Continuous-immersion test for 2rxr and 7 m alloys (Ref 93); aqueous 1% NaCl plus 2% potassium dichromate ( K 2 C r ~ e )at 60 "C (140 O F ) ; 168 h maximum exposure time Continuous-immersion test for 2rxr and 7 m alloys (Ref 94, 95); aqueous solution containing 0.6 M NaCl, 0.02 M NaCrO4, 0.07 M sodium acetate (NaC~H302),plus acetic acid to pH 4; used principally for testing precracked specimens

~ i 16~ Effect . of variations in atmospheric environment on the probability and time to failure by stress-corro-

sion crackingof a material with an intermediate susceptibility. Tests were madeon short-transverse 3.2 mm (0.125 in.) diam tension specimens from 7075-T7651 -type plate stressed 31 0 MPa (45 ksi). Parenthetical values indicate replication of tests. Source: Ref 83



Testing with Precracked Specimens Testing aluminurn alloys using precracked specimens (especially the bolt-loaded, doublebeam type) is a widespread practice, and the ranking of materials bY this method is generally in good agreement with that estab1ished by teStS using smooth specimens- However, a number of problems in the interpretation of test resu1ts muSt be taken into accoUnt (Ref 94101). Subjective interpretations of the test results can be variable, because there are as yet no standardized test procedures. The bolt-loaded, K-decreasing type of test is attractive because no complicated apparatus is requked, and it appears that the results can be related to the control of S c C problems in engineering structures. Distinctions-among test materials or test environments are based on

~ i 17~ Correlation . of accelerated test media with sewice environment (industrial atmosphere). Combined

data forfive lotsof rolled plateof 7039-T64 (4.OZn-2.8Mg-0.3Mn-0.2Cr). Tests in 3.5% NaCl weresimilar to ASTM C 44, except salt solution was made with commercial-grade NaCl and New Kensington tap water. Source: Ref 78

the amount and rate of penetration by SCC, with the results being expressed in terms of crack depth, a threshold stress-intensity factor (KIscc or Kth),or plateau velocity (V ). p! For example, the relative susceptibilities of various alloys can be determined from crack depth versus time curves after testing for exposure periods as short as 150 to 200 h (Ref 97). This is illustrated for an extreme range of SUSceptibilities in Fig. 18. Plateau velocities in this example are indicated by graphical estimates of the average slopes of the initial portions of the crack growth curves, beginning at the time

when growth started and extending until the curves definitely started to bend over toward an arrest. An arrest would indicate Kth, but real arrests (zero crack growth) may not occur, therefore, it is customav to define Kth as the crack-tip stress intensity at which the crack growth rate has decreased to the limit of measuring capability. This is usually about lo-'' m/s (1 to 2 X io-5 in./h), that is, where the growth is less than 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) within 30 days. Plateau velocities can be readily determined for materials having a relatively low

Corrosion Behavior / 595 resistance to SCC, such as 7075-T651 and 7079-T651 alloy plates when stressed in the short-transverse direction. Such tests have been effectively used for evaluating corrosive environments and studying SCC trends with the artificial aging of 7xxx alloys (Ref 98,99). However, the use of plateau velocities for comparing materials with higher resistance to SCC becomes complicated when only small amounts of crack growth occur in normal exposure periods. In such cases, the initial penetration of SCC, even at near-critical stress intensities, may be delayed by an initiation (incubation) period and then may begin at small independent sites along an uneven mechanical crack front. The crack measurements are erratic, and the interpretation of the crack growth curves is subjective. Comparisons among relatively resistant materials are difficult. Figure 19 shows a number of crack growth curves for several resistant materials. It is evident that the estimated plateau velocities are quite variable and do not correlate consistently with the tota1crack growth in a given exposwe time. For these more SCC-resistant materials, average growth rates for the first 15 days of exposure appear to relate much better to the actual amount of crack growth and to smooth specimen ratings according to ASTM G 64 (Table 8). The performance of alloy 2 in Table 8 indicates another potential problem with tests performed at very high stress intensities: With some very resistant materials, environmental crack growth will possibly result from mechanical fracture rather than from SCC. Therefore, it is necessary when testing SCC-resistant materials to verify that the crack growth is in fact SCC. The determination of threshold stress intensities by the arrest method is frequently complicated by corrosion product wedging, which changes the stress state at the tip of the crack and invalidates the calculation of effective stress intensities from the crack lengths. With low-resistance alloys, such as 7075-T651, an arrest may never Occur, because the crack is continually driven ahead by the advancing wedge ofinsoluble cornsion products (Ref94, 99). An indication of this was shown by the initiation of SCC in precracked specimens exposed with no applied load for just a few months in a Seacoast atmosphere (Ref 94). E ~ perimental evidence ofa threshold Stress intensity will depend on the amount of c o ~ s i o n occurring in a given alloy/environment system (Fig. 20). with intermediate-resistance materials, the growth curves may develop prominent steps indicative of temporary arrests. Figure 21 shows some of the various curves that may be obtained, depending on the corrosion resistance and SCC resistance of the test material, the c m s i v i t y of the test medium, the magnitude of the applied stress intensity, and the length of exposure. The significant portion of the curve is that which goes from the beginning

~ i 18~ Crackdepthand . stress intensityvs.timecurvesfordouble-beamspecimensofalloys7075-T651,7079-

T651, and 7075-T7351 having nearly identical deflections and starting crack depths. Specimens with S-Lorientation measuring 25 x 25 x 127 mm (1 x 1 x 5 in.) bolt loaded to pop-in and wetted three times daily with 3,5yo NaCI,Source:Ref97

~ i 19~ Examples . of stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) in various aluminum alloys with relatively high resistance

to SCC. S-L double-beam specimens bolt loaded to pop-in and wetted with 3.5% NaCl three times daily; relative humidity, 45%. The numbers 1 to 7 indicate different test materials listed in order of decreasing resistance to SCC (seeTable 8); dashed lines indicate plateau velocities. The alloy 2 specimen failed by mechanical fracture rather than intergranular SCC. Source: Ref 94, 102

of the test to the first appreciable cessation of the crack growth. It is assumed that if it were not for the intervention of the wedged eorrosion product, the curve would proceed to an =st. The threshold stress intensities determined by this method can be useful for ranking materials, but they usually cannot be considered valid. Therefore, they cannot be used in design calculations based on fracture mechanics. Displays of complete V-K curves provide convenient comparisons of various materials, as shown in Fig. 22. Problems with the control of the testhg procedure and of correlations with service conditions have impeded the standardization of this test method (Ref %, 104).

Dead-weight loading, or a simulated deadweight loading system used in conjunction with automatic data logging equipment, has proved to be a rigorous method for evaluating threshold stress intensities by SCC initiation (Ref 96,105). Because crack growth results in increasing stress intensity and an increasing crack opening, corrosion product wedging is minimal, and each test usually has a definite end point (fracture). In these tests, fatigue-precracked compact or modified compact specimens are loaded to various initial stress intensities, K,, and exposed until fracture or until completion of a designated time period. The designated cutoff period should be long enough for extended initiation times and yet


596 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

Tabk 8 Correlation of stress-corrosion cracking (scc) plateau crack velocities with smooth specimen SCC ratings i S m w l h *pcimen *lbq

. . . . . . . A


2 .










. . . . . . . H

3 .





...... H . . . . . . . . . (' . . . 1)



gruwlh mi\

6 x IO 7 x IO

1" "

2 I x Ill " 4.2 Y IO " 7 x Ill h.7 Y I O '' 1 . 1 x 10 x ')

Plillrilu Crack r u l w l ~

in. x III-Sh'

IO 1oOlCl



I O 10 IS


2 x

I x I.? I 7 2.1 42 x4


x 10 x 10

x x

in in

x 10 x l(1











" "

20 XI MI 1211

(a)Short-transverseratingsperASTMG64(Ref76).( b ) S - L d o u b l a b e a m s ~ i ~ l t - l ~ d e d t o p o p i n a n d w e t t e d t ~ t i m e s daily with 3.5% NaCL (c) Fractographic examination revcaled mechanical fracture rather than the inkrgrarmlar SCC verified in all 0 t h materials. Source: Ref 102

Fig. *'

Schematic of the variableeffects of cormsion product wedgingon stress-corrosion cracking growth curves in a K-decreasing test. Solid lines: measured curve; dashed lines: estimated true c u m , excluding the effect of corrosion product wedging. Asterisks indicate temporary crack arrests.

~ i 20~ Effect , of corrosive environment on stressconosion cracking (SCC)velocity and threshold stress inten-

sity for 7079-T651 plate (64 mm, or 2.5 in., thick) stressed in the short-transvene direction. Doublebeamspecimensbolt loaded topopin. NoSCCoccunedduring3 yearsofexposuretodryairinadesiccator;however, the plateau velocity (horizontal part of each curve) and the apparent threshold stress intensity (Klxc or K,,J vary with the environment. Dashed portions of the curves represent the effect of corrosion product wedging. Source: Ref 102

not long enough to allow comsion p d u c t wedging to exert a dominant influence.

The test results shown in Fig. 23 indicate that near-threshold values were reached within

1200h, as judged by the flattening tendency of the curves. The slight downward slope of some of the curves after 1200 h may be the result of wedging by comsion products, but this was not determined. 'Ihe effect of such wedging would be to give lower estimates of the threshold stress intensity. The testing of longitudinal and long-transverse specimens presents special problems with materials having typical directional grain structures. Stresscorrosion cracking growth is small and tends to be in the L-Tplane, which is perpendicular to the plane of the precrack (Ref 94, 106). Such out-of-plane crack growth invalidates calculations of the plane-strain threshold stress intensity, Krscc. On the other hand, the testing of materials having an equiaxed grain shucture also presents problems with stress-intensity calculations because of gross crack branching: this would be applicable to specimens of any orientation. 'Ihe most widely used corrodent for testing precracked specimens is 3.5% NaCl solution, applied dropwise to the precrack two or (usually) three times daily (Ref 94-97). This intermittent wetting technique accelerates SCC growth but also causes troublesome comsion of the mechanical precrack. Less c m s i v e corrodents include substitute Ocean water (ASTM D 1141) and an inhibited salt solution containing 0.06 M NaCl, 0.02 M sodium dichromate (Na2Cr207). 0.07 M NaC~H302,and acetic acid to pH 4 (Ref 94,95, 101). Some investigators have tested 7 m alloys in distilled water (Ref 98) and in water vapor at 40 "C (104 OF) (Ref 107). 'Ifrpical test durations have ranged from 200 to 2500 h. With low-resistance alloys, the first two corrodents listed in the preceding paragraph d e d alloys s d a d yand in agreement with expsure to a seacoast and an in1andindustrial atmosphere. Plateau velocities in the laboratory tests were about five to ten times faster than in the seacoast atmosphere and ten times faster than in the industrial atmosphere. In these K-decreasing laboratory tests, corrosion product wedging effects dominated after expo-

Corrosion Behavior / 597

Initial intensity vs. time to fracture ~ i23~ for . S-Lstress compact specimens of various

aluminum alloys exposed to an aqueous solution containing 0.06 M NaCl, 0.02 M Na,Cr,O,, 0.07 M NaC,H,O,, and acetic acid to pH 4. Asterisk indicates that metallographic examination showed that stresscorrosion cracking had started. Source: Ref 105

susceptible to hydrogen damage. Hydrogen damage in aluminum alloys may take the form of intergranular or transgranular cracking or blistering. Blistering is most often associated with the melting or heat treatment of aluminum, in which reaction with water vapor produces hydrogen. Blistering due to hydrogen is frequently associated with grain-boundary precipitates or the formation of small voids. Blister formation is different from that in ferrous alloys in that it in aluminum it is more common to have a multitude of near-surface voids that coalesce to produce a large blister. In a manner similar to the mechanism in iron-base alloys, hydrogen diffuses into the aluminum lattice and collects at internal defects. This occurs most frequently during annealing or solution treating in air furnaces prior to age hardening. Dry hydrogen gas is not detrimental to aluminum alloys; however, with the addition of water vapor, subcritica1crack growth haeases ~ i22~ Stresscorrosion . cracking propagation rates for various alloy 7050 products. Doublebeam S-L specidramatically (Fig. 24)- The threshold stress inmens bolt loaded to pop-in and wetted three times daily with 3.5% NaCl. Plateau velocity averaged tensity for cracking of aluminum also deover 15 days. The right-hand end ofthe band for each product indicates the pop-in starting stress intensity (K,J for the tests of that material. Data for alloys 7075-T651 and 7079-T651 are from Ref 97. Source: Ref 103 creases significantly in the presence of humid hydrogen gas at ambient temperature (Fig. 25). Crack growth in aluminum in hydrogen is In a round-robin testing program using sev- also a function of hydrogen permeability, as in sure periods of about 200 to 800 h. The length of exposure time before the intervention of eral aluminum alloy types and several cor- the iron- and nickel-base alloys. Hydrogen percorrosion product wedging varies with several rodents, a solution containing 3% NaCl plus meation and the cmck growth rate are a f ~ factors, including the magnitude of K,, and the 0.3%H202 was considered the most promising tion ofpotential, increasing with mOre negative inherent resistance to crevice corrosion of the candidate for possible standardization. Addi- potentials, as expected for hydrogen emtest material in the corrosive environment (Ref tional study is needed to determine the opti- brittlement behavior. similarly, the ductility of mum composition of these constituents* aluminum alloys in hydrogen is temperature94,102). Another promising candidate was a solution of dependent, displaying a miimum in reduction 2% NaCl plus 0.5% N a C Q having a pH Of 3. in area below 0 oc (32 OF); this is si,,.,ilar to Slow-Strain-Rate Testing other face-centered cubic (fcc) alloys (Ref 110). Most of the work on hydrogen embrittleSlow-strain-rate testing is not governed by Hydrogen Embrittlement ment of aluminum has been on the 7xax alloys; any standards. Various aqueous solutions have therefore, the full extent of hydrogen damage been used in addition to 3.5%NaCl. Because the 3.5%NaCl solution did not appear aggresOnly recently has it been determined that in aluminum alloys has not been determined sive enough for slow-strain-rate testing, more hydrogen embrittles aluminum. For many and the mechanisms have not been established. corrosive test mediums have been used, in- years, all environmental cracking of aluminum Some evidence for a metastable aluminum hycluding oxidant additions to the NaCl solution and its alloys was represented as SCC; how- dride has been found that would explain the or more acidic solutions, such as aluminum ever, testing in specific hydrogen environ- brittle intergranular fracture of aluminum-zincchloride (AlCl,) (Ref 108,109). ments has revealed that aluminum is magnesium alloys in water vapor. However, +



598 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys the instability of the hydride is such that it has been difficult to evaluate. Another explanation for the intergranular fracture of these alloys is that there is preferential decohesion of grain boundaries containing segregated magnesium. Overaging of these alloys increases their resistance to hydrogen embrittlement in much the same way as for highly tempered martensitic steels.

Exfoliation Corrosion


~ i 24~ Effect . of humidity on subcritical crack growth of

highstrength aluminum alloys in hydrogen gas.


~ i 25~ Crack . velocity of four high-strength aluminum alloys plotted as a function of crack-tip stress intensity in moist and dry hydrogen gas. Source: Ref 1 1 0

In certain tempers, wrought products of aluminum alloys are subject to corrosion by exfoliation, which is sometimes described as lamellar, layer, or stratified corrosion. In this type of corrosion, attack proceeds along selective subsurface paths parallel to the surface. As shown in Fig. 26(a), layers of uncorroded metal between the selective paths are split apart and pushed above the original surface by the voluminous corrosion product formed along the paths of attack. Because it can be detected readily at an early stage and is restricted in depth, exfoliation does not cause unexpected structural failure, as does see. Exfoliation occurs predominantly in products that have markedly directional structures in which highly elongated grains form platelets that are thin relative to their length and width (Fig. 27). Susceptibility to this type of corrosion may result from the presence of aligned intergranular or subgrain boundary precipitates or from aligned strata that differ slightly in composition. The intensity of exfoliation increases in slightly acidic environments or when the aluminum is coupled to a cathodic dissimilar metal. Exfoliation is not accelerated by stress and does not lead to SCC. Alloys most susceptible to exfoliation are the heat-treatable 2uuc and 7xrr alloys and certain cold-worked 5xrr alloys, such as 5456H321 boat hull plates. Exfoliation problems with S x r r alloys led to the development of special boat hull plate tempers, H116 and H117, for alloys 5083,5086, and 5456. In these alloys, exfoliation is primarily caused by unfavorable distribution of precipitate. The processing to eliminate this form of attack promotes either more uniform precipitation within grains or a more advanced stage of precipitation. Thus, increases in precipitation heat-treating time or temperature are as effective in reducing susceptibility to exfoliation as they are in reducing susceptibility to SCC. During longduration or high-temperature precipitation treatments, maximum resistance to exfoliation is usually achieved sooner than is maximum resistance to SCC. Thus, precipitation treatments used to produce T76 tempers in 7xrr alloys, which use times and temperatures intermediate to those of T6 and T73 treatments, provide excellent resistance to exfoliation (Fig. 26b) but Only intmediate resistance to see* The 173 tempers provide the highest resistance

Corrosion Behavior / 599

~ i 26~ Effea . of temper on exfoliation

resistance of an alloy 7075 extrusion exposed in a seacoast environment. Specimens were exposed for 4 years. (a) Specimen in the T6510 temper that developed exfoliation after only5 months. (b)and (c)Specimens in theT76510 and T73510 tempers that were unaffected after 4 years

~ i 27~ Exfoliation . corrosion in an alloy 71 78-T651 plate exposed to a seacoast environment. Cross section of the plate shows how exfoliation develops by corrosion along boundaries of thin, elongated grains.

to both types of corrosion (Fig. 26c) but at a sacrifice in strength compared to T76 tempers. The occurrence of exfoliation in susceptible materials is influenced to a marked degree by environmental conditions. Figure 28 illustrates the broad range of behavior in different types of atmospheres. For example, forged truck wheels made of an aluminum-copper alloy (2024-T4) give corrosion-free service for many years in the warm climates of the southem and western United States, but they exfoliate severely in only one or two years in the northern states, where de-icing salts are used on the highways during the winter months. Exfoliation corrosion, which has a long history in connection with airframe deterioration, was observed many years ago where cadmiumplated fasteners were installed in high-strength aluminum alloys. Riveted aircraft structures have a high vulnerability to exfoliation corrosion because the rivet holes provide an unobstructed pathway for corrosive electrolytes to reach metallic airframe materials, especially aluminum, which is the material selected for many aircraft parts (Ref 112). Exfoliation corrosion initiates between bi, metallic couples and progresses along grain boundaries as an intergranular crack. This intergranular crack widens into a crack plane and enlarges into multiple crack planes. Corrosive oxides press outward against the adjacent metal, thus producing a pattern of delamination. An illustration of this type of failure, originating at a fastener hole, is shown in Fig. 29. The best alternative available for preventing exfoliation corrosion is to select a corrosion-resistant alloy and heat treatment. Chromate-inhibited elastomeric sealants can also be applied to protect airframe fastenen against corrosion (Ref 113). These fasteners must be wet-installed with the chromated sealant material in order to obtain the highest degree of corrosion protection. Another example of exfoliation corrosion is illustrated in Fig. 30. The failed airframe structure shown was removed from an aircraft that operated primarily in a marine environment. The structure is a tailplane attachment fitting made of aluminum alloy 2024-T4, which meets federal specification QQ-A-250/4. The arrow in Fig. 30(a) points to the corrosion. This corrosion problem was primarily caused by inadequate sealing of the bolt hole during installation of the cadmium-plated steel bolt; this allowed seawater to attack the aluminum alloy. Accelerated laboratory tests do not precisely predict long-term corrosion behavior; however, answers are needed quickly in the development of new materials. For this reason, accelerated tests are used to screen candidate alloys before conducting atmospheric exposures or other field tests. They are also sometimes used for quality control tests. Several new laboratory tests for exfoliation corrosion have been standardized in recent years under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G-1. 'pray TestS'Three cyc1icacidifiedsa1t 'pmy tests have been widely used in the aluminum and

600 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys aircraft industries. These are covered by the procedures described in Annexes A2, A3, and A4 of ASTM G 85 (Ref 114). This standard does not prescribe the particular practice, test specimen,or exposure period to be used for a specific product, and it does not define the interpretation to be given to the test results. These considerationsare prescribed by specificationscoveringthe material or product being tested or by agreement between the purchaser and the seller. Annex A2 describes a cyclic salt spray test that uses a 5% NaCl solution acidified to pH 3 with acetic acid in a spray chamber at a temperature of 50 "C (120 O F ) . This test is applicable for exfoliation testing of k alloys (dry-bottom operation) and 7 x c ~alloys (wetbottom operation; that is, with approximately 25 mm, or 1 in., of water present in the bottom of the test chamber) with a test duration of 1 to 2 weeks. Results with 7075 and 7178 alloys in

various metallurgical conditions have been shown to correlate well with results obtained after four-year exposure to a seacoast atmosphere (Ref 115). Annex A3 describes another cyclic salt spray test that uses a 5% synthetic sea salt solution acidified to pH 3 with acetic acid in a spray chamber at a temperature of 50 "C (120 O F ) . The test is applicable to the production control of exfoliation-resistant tempers of k ,5xm, and 7 x c ~alloys (Ref 116, 117). Wet-bottom operating conditions are recommended, with test durations of 1 to 2 weeks. Annex A4 describes a salt-sulfur dioxide (SO,) spray test that uses either 5% NaCl or 5% synthetic sea salt solution in a spray chamber at a temperature of 35 "C (95 O F ) . The spray may be either cyclic or constant; this, along with the type of salt solution used and the test duration, is subject to agreement between the purchaser

and the seller. The test is applicable for 2rxx and 7 x c ~ alloys. Test duration is 2 to 4 weeks (Ref 111). Immersion Tests. Total-immersion tests were developed to p v i d e simpler, more easily controlled test methods. Chloride solutions did notcauseexfoliationd-g~onableperiodsof immersion; howevf13 formUlatiOnS of chloridenimtes01utionswere found that produd severe exfoliation of highly susceptiblealloys Of various types in Only 1 Or 2 days. optimal test conditions differed for sepmte al1oy families (Ref 118)* ASTM standard G 66 describes a procedure for the continuous-immersion exfo1iationtesting Of s~ a11oys containing 2.0% Or more magnesium (Ref 119). Specimens are immersed for 24 h at 65 O C (150 O F ) in a solution containing ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, ammonium tartrate, and hydrogen peroxide. Susceptibility to exfoliation is determined by visual examination, using performance ratings established by reference to standard photographs. This method provides a reliable prediction of the exfoliation corrosion behavior of 5 x c ~alloys in marine environments (Ref 120). The test is also useful for alloy development studies and quality con-

~ i 28~ Comparison . ofexfoliationofalloy2124 (heat-treatedtobesusceptible; EXCO EDrating) invariousseacoast and industrial environments. Specimens were 13 mm ( 'h in.) plate. Source: R e f 111


Schematic of exfoliation in an aluminum aircraft panel. Source: Ref 113

~ i 30~ Exampleof . exfoliation corrosion. (a) Failed alloy 2024-T4 tailplane fitting. Arrow points tocorrosion that was produced by directcontact between a cadmium-plated steel bolt and the aluminum fitting. (b) Exfoliation in the tailplane fitting. 5 5 x

Corrosion Behavior / 601

of exfoliation rating EA (superficial). Specimens exhibit tiny blisters, thin slivers, flakes, or ~ i 31~ Examples . powder, with only slight separation of metal. Source: Ref 122

~ i 32~ Examples . of exfoliation rating EB (moderate). Specimens show notable layering and penetration Into the metal. Source: Ref 122

~ i 33~ Examples . of exfoliation Source: Ref 122

rating EC (severe). Penetration


to a considerable depth in the metal.

trol of mill products such as sheet and plate (Ref 121). ASTM standard G 34 provides an accelerated exfoliation corrosion test for Zrxx and 7xrx alloys through the continuous immersion of test materials in an aqueous solution containing 4 M NaCl, 0.5 M potassium nitrate (KN03),and 0.1 M "0, at 25 "C (77 O F ) (Ref 122). Susceptibility to exfoliation is determined by visual examination, using perfomance ratings established by reference to standard photographs. This method, also known as the EXCO test, is primarily used for research and development and quality control of such mill products as sheet and plate (Ref 121). However, it should not be construed as the optimal method for quality acceptance. Rather, this method provides a useful prediction Of the exfoliation behavior Of these alloys in various types of outdoor service, especially in marine and industrial environments (Ref 115, 123). The test solution is very corrosive and is meant to represent the more severe types of environmental exposure (Fig. 28). It remains to be determined whether correlations can be established between EXCO test ratings and practical service conditions for a given alloy. Outdoor exposure tests are being conducted for this purpose. For example, it has been reported that samples of 7xrw alloys rated EA (superficial exfoliation) or P (pitting) in a 48 h EXCO test did not develop more than superficial exfoliation (EA rating) during sixto nine-year exposures to seacoast atmospheres, while materials rated as EC or ED (severe and very severe exfoliation, respectively) developed severe exfoliation within one to seven years at the seacoast. Specimens rated EA to ED are shown in Fig. 3 1 to 34 (Ref 123). It is anticipated that additional comparisons will become available as the outdoor tests are extended. The performance differences indicate that the EXCO test may be too severe for some of the more recently developed 2wxx and 7xrx alloys. Therefore, the testing program for evaluating the new alloy materials should consist of multiple tests, with one of the less aggressive ASTM G 85 salt spray methods supplemented with outdoor tests. Also, caution must be exercised in setting limits for material procurement specifications based on accelerated tests (Ref 124). Visual Assessment of Exfoliation. One of the problems in evaluating the extent of damage due to exfoliation corrosion is the lack of a generally acceptablenumerical measure of the comsion. Therefore,the usual practice, as noted above for ASTM G 34 and G 66, is to assign visual ratings with reference to standard photographs, as shown in Fig. 3 1 to 34. The use of such ratings requires the inspector to make a judgment, so the ratings are subject to variation among different inspectors. The lack of numerical measures of the corrosion damage hampers the analysis of test resu'ts when a number Of test materials must be compared. One approach is to assign numbers

602 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys in the tube well. This flaw resembled a comsion pit. It was concluded that failure of nose wheels 67,217, and 250 was caused by cracking due to SCC or pitting. The failures progressed by fatigue. Because failure occurred in the same general area on all three wheels, these locations were suspected to be underdesigned.

Liquid-Metal Embrittlement Liquid-metal embrittlement (LME) is the catastrophic brittle failure of a normally ductile metal when coated with a thin film of a liquid metal and subsequently stressed in tension. The fracture mode changes from a ductile to a brittle intergranular mode or a brittle transgranular (cleavage) mode; however, there is no change ~ i34 ~ Exarnplesof . exfoliation rating ED (verysevere). Specimens appear similarto ECexcept for much greater penetration and loss of metal. Source: Ref 122 in the yield and flow behavior of the solid metal. Mercury embrittles both pure and alloyed Like see, Corrosion fatigue q u i r e s the aluminum, decreasing the tensile stress by presence of water. In contrast to SCC, however, some 20%. The fatigue life of 7075 aluminum corrosion fatigue is not appreciably affected by alloy is reduced in mercury, and brittle-toductest direction, because the fracture that results *tiletransition occurs at 200 OC (390 OF). Addifrom this type of attack is predominantly trans- tions of gallium and cadmium to mercury increase the embrittlement of aluminum. Degranular. Example 1 :Corrosion Fatigue of Aircraft layed failure by LME occurs in mercury. Nose Wheels. Four nose wheel failures were Dewetting of aluminum by mercury has been sent to a laboratoryfor analysis. The wheels were found to inhibit embrittlement; dewetting may fabricated from 2014T6 aluminum and were be caused by the dissolution of aluminum by mercury, oxidation of fine aluminum particles cold-worked at the flange. visual examination showed that the failure by air, and formation Of aluminum oxide white started in the tube well area on the wheel with flowers at the alumindmercury interface. Aluminum alloys also are embrittled by tinserial number 3 1. The failure initiated in the flange fillet on wheels with serial numbers 67, zinc and lead-tin alloys. The embrittlement 217, and 250. ~i~~ 36(a) shows a typical susceptibility is related to heat treatment and example of these failures. Further visual ex- the strength level ofthe alloy. Gallium in Conamination Of&,e wheel fractures indicated that tact with aluminum severely disintegrates un~ i 35~ Ratio . of axial-stress fatigue strength of failure progressed because of fatigue ( ~ i36b ~ . stressed aluminum alloys into individual aluminum alloy sheet in 3% NaCl sohand c). There was a superficial indentation ad- grains. Therefore, grain-boundq penetration tion to that in air. Specimens were 1.6 rnm (0.064in.) jacent to the origin on wheel 3 1 (Fig. 36d), and of gallium is sometimes used to separate grains thick. there were superficial periodic blemishes on and to study topographical features and orientations of grains in aluminum. There is some the fillet of nose wheels 67,217, and 250 (Fig. uncertainty as to whether zinc embrittles aluas substitutes for the letters. It is proposed for 3 k ) . The indentation on wheel 31 could have minum. However, indium severely embrides contributed to the cracking found in the tube this purpose that a geometric scale (e.g., EA = aluminum. Alkali metals, sodium, and lithium 1, EB = 2, EC = 4, ED = 8) would be more we& however, the blemishes at the fillet of also are known to embrittle aluminum. ~ l ~ ~ i consistent with the differences in damage illus- wheels 67,217, and 250 Were merely superfi- num alloys containi,,g either lead, cadmium, or trated by the standard photos than successive cid and were not thought to be deleterious. bismuth inclusions embrittle when impactScanning electron microscopy examination tested near the melting point of these inclunumbers would be (e.g., 1,2,3,4). of the fractures showed that failure initiated by sions; the severity of embrittlement increases S c C Or a COlTOSiOnpit On all failures examined. from lead to cadmium to bismuth. Figure 36(f) shows a typical example. The failCorrosion Fatigue ures then progressed by fatigue. Chemical analysis showed that the wheels Erosion-Corrosion ~~~i~~~ strengths of aluminum alloys are met the composition requirements for 2014 lower in such corrosive environments as aluminum-base materid. A hardness survey inseawater and other salt solutions than in air, dicated that the whee1s were in the T64emIn noncorrosive environments, such as especially when evaluated by low-stress, long- F e d COndition. high-purity water, the stronger aluminum alThe wheels were examined by dye Pene- loys have the greatest resistance to erosion-corduration tests (Ref 125, 126). As shown in Fig. 35, such corrosive environments produce m n t to determine whether the remaining set- rosion, because resistance is controlled almost smaller reductions in fatigue strength in the tions contained additional flaws. No additional entirely by the mechanical components of the more corrosion-resistant alloys, such as the flaws were seen on the wheels that had failed system. In a corrosive environment, such as 5 m and 6 m series, than in the less resistant in the flange area. There was, however, one seawater, the corrosion component becomes flaw area in the flange of the wheel that failed the controlling factor, thus, resistance may be alloys, such as ,the 2rzx and 7 m series.

Corrosion Behavior / 603 of water. Service life may also be affected by the design of the structure if weather conditions cause repeated moisture condensation in unsealed crevices or in channels with no provision for drainage. Laboratory exposure tests (e.g., salt spray, total-immersion, and altemateimmersion tests) provide useful comparative information, but they have limited value for predicting actual service performance, and they sometimes exaggerate differences among alloys that are negligible under atmospheric conditions (Ref 128). Consequently, extensive long-term evaluations of the effects of exposure in different industrial, chemical, seacoast, tropical, and rural environments have been made (Ref 129132). Data collected in these programs include measurements of maximum and mean depth of attack, weight loss, and changes in tensile properties. Weight loss, or calculated average dimensional change based on weight loss, may have limited significance because of the localized nature of the prevalent pitting corrosion, which leaves some (in many cases, most) of the original surface intact even after many years of weathering. Changes in tensile strength, which reflect the effects of the size, number, distribution, and acuity of pits, are generally most significant from a structural standpoint, while depth-of-attack determinations provide realistic measures of penetration rate. Effect of Exposure Time. Averyimportant characteristicof weathering of aluminum (and of corrosion of aluminum under many other environmental conditions) is that corrosion rate decreases with time to a relatively low, steady-state rate (Ref 129). This deceleration of corrosion (Fig. 37 to 39) occurs regardless of alloy composition, type of environment, or the parameter by which the corrosion is measured. However, loss in tensile strength, which is influenced somewhat (e) (1) by pit acuity and distribution but is basically a resu't Of loss Of effectivemss =tion, dece1er~ i 36~ Alloy . 201 4-T6 aircraft nose wheel (a)that failed at the flange. (b) Closeup view of tube well on wheel 31, (c)Appearance of flange failure on wheel 67. The topography is typical of other flange failures. (d) ates more gradually than depth of attack (Fig. 37). Closeup view ofwheel 31 ;note indentation (arrow).(e)Closeup view ofwheel shown in (a);notesurface blemishes The decrease in rate of penetration of corro(arrow).(0 Typical fracture initiation site showing an angular, blocky structure indicative of a corrosion-relatedfailsion is dramatic. In general, rate of attack at ure mechanism. Scanningelectron microscopy. 7 8 0 X discrete locations, which is initially about 0.1 mm/yr (4 mils/yr), decreases to much lower and nearly constant rates within a period of greater for the more corrosion-resistant alloys clude electrical conductors, outdoor lighting about 6 months to 2 years. For the deepest pits, even though they are lower in strength. Corro- poles, ladders, and bridge railings. Such prodthe maximum rate after about 2 years does not sion inhibitors and cathodic protection have ucts often retain a bright metallic appearance exceed about 0.003 mm/yr (0.11 mil/yr) for been used to minimize erosioncorrosion, im- for many years, but their surfaces may become severe seacoast locations and may be as low as pingement, and cavitation on aluminum alloys dull, gray, or even black as a result of pollutant o.,,,8 mm/yr (o.03 mil/yr) in mral or arid cliaccumulation. Corrosion of most aluminum al- mates, ne dramatic deceleration in penetra(Ref 127). loys by weathering is restricted to mild surface tion is illustrated by the spechen mss roughening by shal1ow pining, with no general sections shown in Fig. 38 and by the deph-ofthinning. However, such attack iS more Severe attack curveS shown in Fig. 39, both of which Atmospheric Corrosion for alloys With higher copper contents, and are from the same 3@year test program (Ref such alloys are seldom used in outdoor aPP1i- 133). Also shown in Fig. 39 are results (shown Most aluminum alloys have excellent resis- cations without protection. as vertical bars) from other test programs in tance to atmospheric corrosion (often called Corrosivity of the atmosphere to metals which various articles made of aluminum alweathering), and in many outdoor applications varies greatly from one geographic location to loys were continuously exposed for various such alloys do not require shelter, protective another, depending on such weather factors as periods and in different locations, many of coatings, or maintenance. Aluminum alloy wind direction, precipitation and temperature which are less severe than the relatively agproducts that have no external protection and changes, amount and type of urban and indus- gressive industrial environment of New therefore depend critically on this property in- trial pollutants, and proximity to natural bodies Kensington, PA.

604 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

~ i 38~ Sectioned . specimens cut from 1.6 mm (0.064 in.) thick alloy 3003-Hl4 panels after exposure in two environments

~ i 37~ Depth .

of corrosion and loss of tensile strength for alloys 1100, 3003, and 3004 (shown in graphs a, b, and c, respectively). Data are given for the average performance ofthe threealloys, all in the H14 temper. Seacoast exposure was at a severe location (Point Judith, RI); industrial exposure was at New Kensington, PA. Tensile strengths were computed using original cross-sectional areas, and loss in strength is expressed as a percentage of original tensile strength.

Data for Wrought Alloys. Several major test programs have been conducted under the supervision of ASTM to investigate the weathering of aluminum alloy sheet. The first program, started in 1931, was limited in the variety of alloys tested, but it included desert, rural, seacoast, and industrial exposures. Data obtained after 20 years of exposure are listed in Table 9 (Ref 134). Corrosion rates were calculated from cumulative weight loss after 20 years, and average and maximum depths of attack were measured microscopically.In aggressive (seacoast and industrial) environments, the bare (non-Alclad) heat-treated alloys (2017-T3 and, to a lesser extent, 605 1-T4) exhibited more severe corrosion and greater resulting loss in tensile strength than the non-heat-treatablealloys. Alclad 2017-T3, althou& as severely c o d e d as a non-heat-mtable material, did not show measurable loss in smngth; in fact, some spechens of this alloy were 2 to 3% higher in strength after 20 years because of long-term natural aging. Data from a comprehensive program initiated in 1958 were compiled from examinations and tests performed after seven years of exposure (Ref 133). Thirty-four combinations of alloy and temper in the form of 1.27 mm (0.050

~ i 39~ Correlation . of weathering data for specimens of alloys 1100, 3003, and 3004 (all in H14 temper) extions (bars)

posed to industrial atmosphere (curves)with service experience with aluminum alloys in various loca-

in.) thick sheet were exposed at four sites: two Seacoast, one industrial, and one rural. Table 10 (Ref 133) lists average values of measurements reported at two of the more aggressive sites. In another ASTM program (Ref 135),ten years of weathering produced the changes in tensile strength reported in Tables ll(a) and (b). Data from these and other weathering programs (Ref 136, 137) demonstrate that differences in resistance to Weathering among

non-heat-treatable alloys are not great, that Alclad products retain their strength well because corrosion penetration is confiied to the cladding layer, and that corrosion and resulting strength loss tend to be greater for bare (nonAlclad) heat-treatable 2wxu and 7xw series alloys. Data for Casting Alloys. The testing program that was the source of the strength change data for wrought alloys given in Tables 1l(a) and

Corrosion Behavior / 605 Table 9 Weatheringdata for 0.89 mm (0.035 in.) thickaluminumalloy sheet after 20-year exposure (ASTM program started in 1931) Alloy and temper

Average deplh of allack mils

rCorrosion nmlyr

rale pin.1yr l


76 76

3.0 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

8 23 10 5 28

3.0 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.0



25 10 23 23

0.4 0.9 0.9



Phoenix. AZ (desert) I100-HI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......

3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . .


2017.T) alclad . . . . . . . . . . . . 3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 I .T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

76 89 76

Sandy Hook. NJ (seacoast) I100-HI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 2017.T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017.T3. alclad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3003-HI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 605 I .T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

14.0 13.5

La Jolla. CA (seacoast) 1100-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 2017-T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2260 2017.T3 aclad., . . . . . . . . . . . 584 3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 I0 605 I .T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775



89 81 25


56 96

3.5 3.2 I .0 2.2 3.8


23 I



I .7 0.9 I .4

5.2 I .3 3.3 5.4

Io ...


I32 33 84 137


23 10 74 ~



23.0 24.0 30.5

I02 147 33 I07 84

5I ..38

4.2 3.3

515 74

20.3 2.9 10.2 12.1

29.5 49.6 30.0 38.0 36.0

89 51 28 51 74

3.5 2.0 1.1 2.0 2.9

213 I80

x.4 7. I I .4 6.4 6.7



0 0 0

I .0

36 58



0.7 2.0 0.9 0.4 2.9

18 51

0.3 0.9 0.4 0.2 1.1

43 23

... . . .

Maximum deplh of allack mils


259 307

,, 0


3 0

9 8


New York. NY (industrial)

I IW-H 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 2017-T3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1260 2017.T3. alclad . . . . . . . . . . . . 762 3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965 9 I4 605 I.T4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I63 I70

7 7 0


Table 10 Weathering data for 1.27 mm (00.05 in.) thick aluminumalloy sheet after 7-year exposure (ASTM program started in 1958) Average values from Kure Beach. NC. and Newark. NJ Alloy and temper

Corrosion rate@) ndyr pin.lyr

Non-heat-treatable alloys 1100-H 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 1135-Hl4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 I188-HI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 I199-HI8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 3003-HI4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 3004-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 14 4043-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 5005-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 5050-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 5052-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 5154-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 5454-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 5454-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 5456-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 5357-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 5083-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 5083-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 5086-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Heat-treatable alloys 2014.T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644 2024-T3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1022 2024.T8 725 2024.T8 806 606 1 -T4 378 606 I .T6 . . . . . . . . . . 422 7075-T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 7079-T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 Alclad alloys-heat-treatable 2014.T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 2024-T3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 5155-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 6061-T6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 7075-T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502 7079-T6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 1;)) I~;NxI

o n weight change .

13.6 12.6 9.8 8. I 11.6 16.3 13.2 14.7 13.7 14.3 12.8 13.7


15.0 11.5 18.5 14.8 17.2

25.4 40.2 28.5 31.7 14.9 16.6 27 . I


Maximum deplh of allack in 7 yean fim mils

70 83 121 96 86 I I9 I05 76 I07 62 91 95 I05 I 04 I38 I02 88 I05

2.6 3.3 4.8 3.8 3.4 4.7 4. I 3.0 4.2 2.4 3.6 3.7 4. I 4. I 5.4 4.0 3.5 4. I

77 76 97 77 57 98 I I9 65

3.0 3.8 3.0 2.2 3.9 4.7 2.6

and non-heat treatable 14.1 43 10.4 46 128 13.6 13.6 53 14.0 98 19.8 53 72 12.8

Average deplh of altack in 7 years mils


29 37 46 57 52 44 34 27

I .7 I .8 5.0 2. I

3.9 2. I 2.8



years %

0 0.4 0

3.9 1.1 1.1

2.8 0.9 ". 5 0.8

76 50 67 76 58 38 42 71 37

2.0 2.6 3.0 2.3 I .5 I .7 2.8 1 .5

28 27 I I7 35 25 41 36

1.1 1.1


4.6 1.4 1 .0 I .6 I .4

0 0 0.7 0. I 0

65 41 30

37 102 52 56


2.2 2.0 I .7 I .3

Loss in lensile slrenxth in 7

2.3 1.7 2.6 I .6 I .2 I .5 4.0 2.0 2.2 3.0




1.1 I .5 I .8



7 20

0.9 I .5 0.5 0.4 0.4

A:; y I.

1.7 2.0

6.0 6. 2

0.4 0.7 1.7 0.5


(b) also provided weathering data for casting alloys exposed for the same period of time and at the same sites. Specimens were. tensile ban that were separately sand cast and permanent-mold Cast. each with a reduced Section 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) in diameter. Strength change data for these alloys are summarized in Tables 12(a) and (b) (Ref 135). Alloys with relatively high copper contents. such as 295.0-T6, 208.0-F, 319.0-T6, and 319.0-T61, showed the greatest losses. Alloys of the zinc-containing 7xrx series genedly exhibitedlarger strength losses than alloyshaving low zinc or copper contents. In all cases. as for wrought materials. severity of corrosion varied widely. depending on environmentalconditions. Comparison with Other Metals 0 t h e r metals were exposed to the same weathering envimnments over the same time periods used to evaluate comsion of aluminum alloys. Comparative comsion rates (average loss in thickness per side calculated from weight losses measured after exposures of 10 and 20 years) are listed in Table 13 for aluminum. copper. lead. and zinc panels. Figure 40 compares losses in tensile strengths at several weathering sites for unprotected lowcarbon steel (O.O9C, 0.07Cu) and for aluminumalloys.


Filiform Corrosion Filiform corrosion Occurs On meta11ic surfaces coated with a thin organic film (typically 0.1 mm. or 4 mils. thick). The pattern of attack is characterized by the appearance of fine filaments emanating from one or more sources in semirandom directions. The source of initiation is usually a defect or mechanical scratch in the coating . The filaments are fine tunnels composed of corrosion products underneath the bulged and cracked coating. Filiforms are visible at arm's length as small blemishes . Upon closer examination. they appear as fine striations shaped liked tentacles or cobweblike traces . A filiform has an active head and a filamentous tail . Filiform corrosion is often mistaken as having biological origins because of its wormlike appearance . Filiform corrosion is commonly observed on aluminum sheet. plate. and foil. The corrosion products are gelatinous and milky in color. When dry. their filaments may take on an iridescent or clear appearance because of internal light reflection (see Fig . 41). Filiform attack in aluminum is particularly severe in warm coastal and tropical regions that experience salt fall or in heavily polluted industrial areas. Filiform corrosion occurs only in the atmosphere. and relative humidity is the single most important factor. This type of attack is rare on aluminum below about 55% relative humidity or above 95%. In natural atmospheres. it occurs most readily on aluminum at relative humidities between 85 and 95%. Although temperature and the thickness of the organic coating are minor factors. elevating the temperature increases the rate of fila-

606 / Properties of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Table 11 (a) Loss in tensile strength for wrought aluminum alloys during various atmospheric exposures (ASTM program) Exposed as 102 x 203 mm ( 4 x 8 in. ) panels. Calculated from average tensile strength of several specimens (usuallyfour)

I Alloy and temper

State College, PA 1 yr 3yr Syr


1.62-mm (0.064-in.) sheet 2024-T3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3003-H I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3004-H34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5050-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5052-H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6061-T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7075-T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.62-mm (0.064-in.) alclad 2014-T6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2024-T3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7075-T6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 6 6 6 9 5 5


I 0

0 0 -2 -I

-I -I -2 -3

-I -I



0 0 0


I -1

2 4 7 4

-8 -4 -2 -2

-7 -5

-Il(a) -8 -5 -8 -5(a) -8 -6(a)

-5 -I

-Il(a) -6


-4 -7(a) -11 -8(c)


7 6

6.35-mm (0.25-in.) alclad plate 2014-T6.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2024-T3.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7075-Th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

0 0




-3 0 2 -I 0 -I -2

-4 -2 -2 -1 -2 -I -2

-6 -4 -2 -I -3(a) -I -4

-4 0 -I -2 -I -4 -4


-4 0 -1

-2 -I 0


-I2 -I -8


-3 -I

-6(a) -7 -5

-2 I -2

2 0 -2

4 8 5

I -2 I

-2 -I -2

-4 -3 -5

-4 -3 -5

-2(a) 6 6



0 1

-5 0 7

0 -2 -I

-2 -1 -2

-I -I


-4 -1 3

-4 -2 -4

I -2 -I

I 0

0 0 0

0 -2 1

I -2 -I

-I -2 0

-2 -2 1


-4 0 7 I -3

I -1 -2 I -I

I 1 -1 -1 -2

0 -2 0 -2 -2

I -1 -3 9 -1

-2 -2 -3 II -4

-0 -I -I -I -2









-I -I -I -I -2

I 0 0

-I -3