Art forms and civic life in the late Roman Empire 9780691038025, 9781400843664, 9780691003054

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Table of contents :
Foreword (page v)
Acknowledgments (page vi)
I. Civic Life and the State (page 3)
II. Architectural Forms (page 9)
III. The Spiritual Background (page 19)
I. The Reforms of Diocletian (page 37)
II. Transformations in the Art and Architecture of the Diocletian Period (page 69)
Conclusion (page 126)
Recommend Papers

Art forms and civic life in the late Roman Empire
 9780691038025, 9781400843664, 9780691003054

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Copyright © 1965 Princeton University Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

L. C. Card: 65-10831 ISBN 0-691-00305-X (paperback edn.) ISBN 0-691-03802-3 (hardcover edn.) This book is a translation from the Norwegian of Fra Pricipat til Dominat, published simultaneously in 1958 by H. Aschehoug & Co.

(W. Nygaard), Oslo, Norway, and P.A. Norstedt & Soéners Forlag, Stockholm, Sweden First PRINCETON PAPERBACK Edition, 1972

Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper and meet the guidelines for permanence and durability of the

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FOREWORD T AN early point in my studies of Late Antiquity

Ai was struck by the marked similarity between the way in which the late antique state was organized and the predominating types of composition in both the figurative art and the architecture of that period. In my writings over the approximately thirty years I have devoted to the study of Late Antiquity, I have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that the disintegration of the traditional society of the earlier empire—the Principate—

and the consequent establishment of a new order during the late antique empire—the Dominate—were accompanied in the realm of art around a.p. 300 by a corresponding disintegration of classical tradition and the _ emergence of a new form of expression. The same “system” expressed itself with the same structural patterns in the life of practical organization and in art. In order to examine this problem on a broader basis

and to undertake a comparative structural analysis as indicated above, I was granted in 1952 the Hoff-Farmand Scholarship by the University of Oslo. Circumstances led to interruptions and postponements which prevented me from completing the research until 1958. The work was

published in Norwegian in 1958 with a grant from the Svenska Humanistiska Forbundet by P. A. Norstedt & Soners Forlag (Stockholm) and by H. Aschehoug & Co. (Oslo). I wish to express my gratitude to the University of Oslo

for the Hoff-Farmand Scholarship, to the Svenska Humanistiska Forbundet, to Princeton University Press,

which in the present edition publishes the work in English, and finally to Professor Erik Sjoqvist and Professor Irving Lavin for their interest in the book and to Dr. and Mrs. Knut Berg, who generously translated it into English.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For objects owned by collections or museums,

the proprietor supplied the photograph unless another source is acknowledged. In other cases, acknowledgment is made to the following: Alinari: Figs. 10, 67 Alinari-Anderson: Figs. 17, 33, 35, 36, 51, 53 Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Rom: Figs. 2, 3 18-21, 30, 32, 37-39) 42-47, 50, 60, 62-65

Fototeca Unione, Rome: Figs. 5-7, 9 Istituto di Norvegia in Roma: Fig. 15 Middelthon, C.: Fig. 34 Teigen, K.: Fig. 52 Vasari, Rome: Fig. 4



I. Civic Life and the State 3

II. Architectural Forms 9 III. The Spiritual Background 19 THE GREAT CRISIS AND ITS SOLUTION UNDER DIOCLETIAN

I. The Reforms of Diocletian 37 Diocletian, 37. The Great Crisis, 39. The Tetrarchic State System, 42. The Tetrarchic State Administration, 53. Tax Reform, 55. The Price Law, 58. Diocletian’s Cultural and Religious Policy, 62

II. Transformations in the Art and Architecture of

the Diocletian Period 69

The Imperial Palace and the Basilica, 70. The Pictorial Relief, 85. Portrait Sculpture, 105

Conclusion 126





I. CIVIC LIFE AND THE STATE HE everyday life of the average man—his whole political, economic, and social life—was trans-

formed during Late Antiquity. The free and natural forms of the early Empire, the multiplicity and the variation of life under a decentralized administration, was replaced by homogeneity and uniformity under an ever-present and increasingly more centralized hierarchy of civil officials. Characteristic of the earliest period of the

Principate was the infinite variety in the modes of life on the local level, the vigorous natural growth of the towns, the provinces, and the land districts of the enormous Empire, the self-development and natural rounding-off of civic life in individual urban communities (municipia), each with its own municipal government and administration. Late Antiquity leveled and regulated these forms of free growth, the community organizations were absorbed into the compact, all-powerful state.

The equalization, standardization, and centralization had already begun under Trajan. Jurisdictionally, the provinces arose to the level of Italy, which gradually lost its preeminence. The development tended towards a complete equalization of all the Roman provinces. The imperial idea won out over the old city-state of Rome and the old national state of Italy. As early as Hadrian, the Roman army had been recruited from all the provinces of the realm, and simultaneous with this provincialization of the army, the border districts were Romanized, again a step toward uniformity. The Constitutio Antoniniana of Caracalla from A.D. 212, which gave Roman citizen-

ship to all free subjects of the Empire, is a confirmation of this new situation. In the field of practical organization this advancing equalization of powers, this leveling, and this massive 3

Structural Changes in Late Antiquity consolidation of all elements, becomes apparent above all in the relations between the state and the municipalities. The great wars of Trajan had been an economic strain which had disrupted the finances of the cities; the central administration, therefore, placed imperial commissars in many municipalities to correct these disorders. Furthermore, ten-man committees were appointed by the city councils—decemprimi in the West, dexdmpwror in the East—in order to enable the central power through such committees to intervene more quickly in the internal affairs of the municipality." It was characteristic of the whole subsequent development that public offices in the municipalities—for example, the city councils and the ten-man committees—were burdened with state responsibilities, taking thereby the form of compulsory state

service (what Romans called munus and Greeks, hecroupyia). This change in the character of the municipal office struck at the organic expression of the particular way of life in the world of classical antiquity—city gov-

ernment.’ At the beginning of the third century a.p., great jurists such as Papinianus, Callistratus, Ulpianus, put into practice the theory of the municipal munera and gave this system its legal foundation.’ City officials 1E, Kornemann, Weltgeschichte des Mittelmeerraumes, u, Munich, 1949, p. 117.

2F, Oertel, CAH, x1, p. 259. 8 In the vita of Antoninus Pius we read that the Emperor deprived a number of people who did not work of their wages, saying that there was nothing meaner and more heartless than the man who lived off the state without giving anything in return (dicens nihil esse sordidius, immo crudelius, quam si rem publicam ts adroderet qui nthil in eam suo labore conferret). Script. hist. aug., vita Pit, 7. Here for the first time

in world history is proclaimed the officially controlled duty of all citizens to work (Kornemann, op.cit., p. 158). This is a step in the direction of state socialism, in sharp contrast to the individualism in economic theory of earlier times. “The replacement of one economic system by the other, and the substitution of a new civilization and


Civic Life and the State and wealthy council members now became personally responsible, in a way hitherto unknown, for the state revenue. Above all they were responsible with their personal fortunes for the collection of the taxes assessed in their city. Eventually, all who were not exempt in order to perform other state duties, such as military duty, had to take on municipal munera—financial, intellectual, physical, etc.—each according to his capacity and ability. Both the wealth and those who possessed it were bound to specific local munera, thereby becoming immovable.* In so far as the free guilds (collegia) performed a vital task for the state, they too were encroached upon by the

central authorities. They were now organized into corporations (corpora) and were obliged to render specific services to the state. The ship-owners (naviculari) and the corn-merchants thus were, for example, required to supply Rome with provisions, and the building trade had also to assume the duties of the fire brigade. Freedom

of work was thus replaced by the obligation to work for

the state and, through the transformation of the free trades into hereditary munus, people became bound to their professions and to their dwelling places. A similar immobilization occurred also in the social and economic

life of the rural population. On the large estates (lazfundia) and on the enormous imperial domains, there emerged a new class of small tenant farmers (colonzi), who became ascripted leaseholders under the landowners (possessores) or their vassals.°

The end result of this development was an unchangeable, firmly crystallized order. All classes, or at least all except the privileged class, were bound to their attitude toward life for the old took more than a century and a half. It was completed by the end of the m1 century, but the beginnings go back to the earliest years of the 1 century” (Oertel, op.cit., p. 256).

*Kornemann, op.cit., p. 158. 5 Ibid., p. 159. 5

Structural Changes in Late Antiquity professions, “the peasant farmer to his land and forced labor, the state-employed worker to his workshop, the trader, including the navicularius, to his business or his corporation, the small property-owner to his duties in connection with the munera, the large property owner to the curia, the soldier to his military service, and so on.”

The individual no longer lived independently but within the state. He was no longer seen in his natural environment within life’s organic groupings, in lively harmony with his surroundings, but as a firmly incorporated immovable part in the cadre of the state. As with the individual, so also with the communities. The municipalities no longer lived within themselves, but in the state; we no longer see them in vigorous self-growth, but firmly incorporated into the great symmetrical order of the state. In contrast to the organic expansion based on the concrete and individual life, so to speak, along an elementary growth line reaching upward from below, we now

find an orientation directed downward from above, a higher order descends and is implanted into the elements—“an orientation is imposed from above upon the whole social and economic order.”" The characteristic feature of this higher order is the uniform simplification, the coordination of equal elements and the crystallic consolidation of the whole. Everywhere the finer social differentiations disappear and the sharp edges and the broad

planes of the blocklike mass of the state break through.

The rich articulation which distinguished the life of the Principate had been lost forever. The individuals and the natural civic organisms in which they were grouped, more and more seemed to disappear into the massive and

monotonous formations envisioned by the central administration as supporting walls for the Dominate’s state structure. 6 Oertel, op.ctt., p. 268. TIlbid., pp. 254 ff. 6

Civic Life and the State The increasing standardization and equalization of life, the blocklife fusion of the civic organisms, was revealed characteristically in the increasing militarization of society—indeed in the whole way of life. The soldieremperors’ simplification of the government according to a military pattern was followed by a general militarization of the civil service and an assimilation of the civil into martial law (castrensis jurisdictio).’ The whole administration of the state was increasingly organized and conceived according to military categories. Civil service was regarded as military service. Every civil servant, from the highest to the lowest, counted as an officer or a soldier. In all officia (public office), there are, according to Lactantius, mulites (soldiers), and their service is a militia (war service).” The wages for civil officials are stipendia (soldier’s pay). Subordinate civil servants are cohortales, i... belonging to a cohors (a military detachment). As the civil service was commonly called militia, a new name—miulitia armata—had to be invented to distinguish military service.” Such a martial conception regarding civil servants demonstrates that the state demanded the same discipline and obedience of its civil administration as that which was required of the army. Before the highest authority, the dominus, every form of protest is silenced. His bidding is a command to be obeyed blindly. The people subordinate themselves, each and every one without exception, en bloc to this command. It is this unconditional, mass obedience which suggests the associations with the soldier,

the military unit, and thereby with the whole militaristic 8S. L. Miller, CAH, x11, pp. 28 ff. ® De mort. pers., 31.

10W. Seston, Dioclétien et la Tétrarchie, Paris, 1946, pp. 347 f. (hereafter referred to as “Seston”); A. Alfdldi, “Insignen und Tracht der rémischen Kaiser,” Mittetlungen des Deutschen Archéolog. Instituts, Rom. Abt., 50, 1935, pp. 64 £.; Kornemann, op.cit., pp. 257 f.


Structural Changes in Late Antiquity terminology. Even Christian obedience of the period expresses itself, characteristically enough, in this style; God’s servants are milites Christi. This military way of life, which also becomes apparent

in the imperial art and architecture of the period, is in the strictest accord with the peculiar pattern of the Dom-

inate. The military aspect of man, that is, exactly the aspect which binds him to rank and file, letting him disappear as a person into a number within a unit, into a solid block, into a sum of uniform elements. Militarization, therefore, marks the basic characteristic in the form structure of the Dominate, in sharp contrast to the earlier Empire. The contrast between the military and the civil orders is just the contrast between mechanical coordination and organic grouping, between the natural formations in free life and a massive alignment in rank and square, between individual, natural motions and move-

ments en bloc. Both in community life and in art the large block formations and mass movements now appeared ever more clearly behind the continually thinning veil of traditional antique forms.


Il. ARCHITECTURAL FORMS HE same profound contrast between the Prin-

| cipate and the Dominate which we have found

in organized society is also apparent in art. In this chapter we shall limit our comparisons to architecture, and the transformation of form, which takes place here, may be described briefly in the following way. As the classical orders disintegrate during the Roman Empire, buildings lose their organic corporality, the clear articulation of their parts, and the functional relationships among them; they are gradually dissolved into — a system of plain, simple walls. Here again, we see the characteristic transition from organic articulation of a well-differentiated structure to an abstract simplification in great planes and lines. To make this transformation clear it is first necessary to characterize the classical conception of architecture.

When the classical Greek fashioned something, he required of the form that it give the clearest possible expression of the object’s particular function. A vase, for instance, is a container which has the special ability to en-

close a liquid and hold its mass in balance. This function is physically expressed in the form of a Greek vase and is reflected in its decoration. No column is found in which the column’s function—that of being a support— and no capital is found in which the capital’s function— that of absorbing and transmuting pressure between the architrave and the column—is stamped with such objective clarity as in Greek architecture. One might say that the plastic form is brought forth from deep within the object itself. The form is organic, immanent.

Thus, the classical artist does not bring the form to an object from without or above, but brings it forth from 9

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| that the bases of columns are used as capitals. And it t be emphasized that this di not occur during

a iod of technical falling-off, €riod Or tecnnic -OIT, but during one of the st glorious epochs in the istory o£ ancient arcnitecture.

Th f spolia has, with good reason, been r

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8. Santa Sabina, Rome, ca. A.D. 425


he el e f this ® dé lly incorporated into

the wall itself with the half-columns and the flat beams projecting only in low relier from the wall surtrace., OW ever, especially in the second and the thir century A.D.,

hi hi t | dé C d f the walls with

d hed | tablat turned in f f the buildi n be seen, for example, in


halalh arches. A h d At of the th end thirdo eentu Roman (riump rac ry

l®d] hi | di f th e

of decoration. Especia in the West the spiendaid column

d ti ish d th l | ticulation by

archivo t construction.

Structural Changes in Late Antiquity Typical of the new architectural style are thus the large

continuous wall surfaces, interrupted only by the functional wall-supports which, by more frequent repetition, give a firm, monotonous division of the wall through the

regular and uniform passage along it of large arches and flat pilaster strips. In the Senate building of Diocletian at the Forum Romanum (Fig. 6), the great wall surface of the facade, crowned by a simple gable, is broken only by the portal and three large windows; strong corner pillars support the high walls. In Constantine’s Basilica in Trier (Fig. 7, cf. Fig. 8), the outer walls are strengthened by arcadelike projections, which—as regular as the archivolts of an aqueduct and unrestrained by traditional decoration—run along the plain walls.’ Exactly as the architecture here throws off the traditional column-architrave decoration, the contemporary figurative art, as we shall see, drops the traditional patterns of composition. In contemporary portraiture the individual modeling sinks into the surface and the whole physiognomical complex is simplified into a crystalline regular totality, just as the plastic articulation of the building structure disappears into the great continuous wall surfaces. 8 A. Boéthius has made fundamental studies in this late antique architecture in, for example, Roman and Greek Town Architecture (Géteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift, 54, 1948: 3); Stadsbebyggelsen i Roms

Hamnstad Ostia (Goteborgs Hogskolas Arsskrift, 57, 1951:2).


Ill. THE SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND N OUR comments upon architecture in the pre| vious chapter the transformation of form appears mainly in a rather negative light: namely, the dissolution of the classical building structure. A positive side of this transformation is a new experience of space, a new feeling for the interior itself, which is an expression of the new spirit of the time. An appreciation of this positive side makes it possible for us to meet with a better understanding the peculiarly abstract—as it were, the distant glance which we have continually encountered in Late Antiquity.

It is of decisive importance that the large and simple wall surfaces of the new architectural style act as clearly defined space-enclosing boundaries in quite a different

way from the much divided structural forms which they displace, thus in a new way making the unified interior manifest (Fig. 9). As the plastic decoration disappears into smooth walls, simple planes now enclose a clear and unified interior. It is in this interior that the eye now becomes immersed. Architecture becomes introspective. The building structure is reduced to a mere shell surrounding what is encompassed. It becomes no more than the enclosure of space.* Let us illustrate this with an example. An important innovation which presumably first be-

comes common in the architecture of the third and fourth century—seen, for example, in the Christian basilica

—is a continuous stretch of wall which now rises above the row of columns (Fig. 10). Such a construction is in conflict with the fundamental principles of classical archi1 The new room architecture of the Empire is excellently described by G. von Kaschnitz-Weinberg, “Vergleichende Studien zur italischromischen Struktur,” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archdolog. Instituts, Rom. Abt., 59, 1944, pp. 89 ff. 19

fed , ed Rahs Sem tarrontn oeentn te een on en

ee a a soos ahaa oteSMS ese stn seat a ea~Sinan nema Bie =erecta SNS eR Nae IES Sy cs SAR RENE ee Saree SNe en oe ; Finbah. “ays aman SeteeERS aOy aaavers seanSantor pam ‘.*Pees. = a ae Si Se sonre cage ens em Oeaaa Seen teSoSERRA on : S,gS ma Re ROSeats Bee eeSise eeRR eeSaaS ae eae aesan :Sen :peRtyiic SaaS ee Soli coe ota keea ——eo fe Sa cS Re es>ES Bee esa aa piece Rae reeae SaSe PS Se Qanciaiecans a; nena hctae eseShee, eS Seton £3Sat ; py mi RSae =SRSa S.asPertaa Setehenteste Was os. amee :mR :onmanern gras ee Se

ie 4be“ generac Steere neene Soemes ce Oe Se, he RSFao RIEes SeSar ahsOAS eee Peer “peepine wedgeseqnenestone tennant Ns Ragan apectin eee a te mae oe en Botte Es Re ee Pacibeio a aR SEES Se. ap ancl ee Pie Regatta Io Rain ange si toh rego RRA a eink a Beet ce seme SaaS aren he sa aa 4 wate wean renee Shige naieatoranncan poeta a enntes R

Se . es % : i: Sac cae gee res haere ar Se ee 38 Re ee ee kietenee pes ge oss Seem gence air , Sass Se eee Ses Beet.

— eo peas es BOS eae tasOR a aRS eeeaia Bae SSon anor Pore a neyeSBee a a she hata Pa ee os 3igo SOE - aeiain its Rina Dink pati 3 RUBS era. pact ae : CARES eeeee Gu eas SS Sok. ees po esBers : : Des :Be vase nn rae ; Doi Senet aa caintias a heey Sea ee aemithnbw Senay sonar :sinagpess bese Le apepetcad enea a ae ¥ 2$ahBae? Se a RRR Stage cm

;See Bee SeenCR 4 Bais ae :, :: Re te aa Loe; ;i tice Sasa Siege aie ce 3c Sota annmnem enna ras Se kcnaanermaatene Naat: zneat x PSds es Soon) ee ee eos sees : +s bee ae olen OPER eSate ooSpa See:De oes Bie Bastin aes eee ,; ’Be Pood ;. ;ke Bans easeee osneeee sripenatennas. Neaukeate con stendin ational Seg zs :ppm viet eoanen see pose nsa SetsSEeae. pe Raley §sas c; eee, Oyais ete sn aaaSeiees yrstein Reese SSnae aeMreree .aye ‘ Ma, meni ae pie aetna nia cae Ses eae, ; Mees, ;,wens pane .smh SS 3Sey eye teeta :ae SESE acne seen Sen ‘gamer ape Reese eR SSR pe Sateen om roaee ene LS me npn ce ‘ Lericataone : 2ene piiae: Ree eee eR eS = eeeeigen “See 3eae so Pecos a *me Spat aeeeiraneme ie; Neco keatt oes ene oe are een agPoorer pee re orcs sia :santos. sinners tear a naa Sea Pi aras = Sect: Woes ; Rees cAISa ae Soe a Beaa ScXY ean “3 esoRS RAK RKbeter saecotate caeponies: a Discneeen anteater 3 2 Semen ire seein ak -eee ee ee here REGS TERR ORS Raneihe roe Tine Sete essyiegeRaed Ceeapa Seens:

Sie Ses ae Soa i: ae * Sheets 3 es Berea ies Se : Rt SRS at cate Re grec ee: ee es Sees eeSea RN SoM meres. Sce ntaee LeoRe RS OS asteecae i OR RR ae ener coiiteange chenNES seen : PS sit Sa Senet eae nace 5:Aare Oiometertse oneSis oo eae ;See Plaurea Be Ee ee RO seahins oyis ae ocean a3ae came cee Ses — si ee 5: C ee SS Barn P ebntorgeceuaremenn eesaiSe Rae 3EB peered oe | i. Ree BRE Somes So an aceee:tae Setar aoe gee ee *,papers Sos geeaone een eesaa oe seks Rees ‘ 33 08 ORtaeSees § See eescreaESRN SBS eeaeeee Bee ee ie ease ¥ 1S SRT > UB nace

;Peeae E ae Ge eeeae : Re Sek Soe 3 ec: catar SsReena Ce aee a ee Maer oS ee : 2S re ee Same aes Sioa aerate : aves feet Reece coe iE Bee ae a4

asoa.SR ao eae a 2S : :":OOS :“ on ER NeS ee :eeeSCeeBigs aea:ee ; mSane Fe3PR eeeSSea ee 2She ?en phen See FnSa pe sa Me ae S-Series 3Sean = 2Se rete eaeere ate”ieeens Sans POS oon aeasaeons eee ag eeaesSee Saeee Sea3ae a 2Rea SaBares LOS OEeeaSRR . oo Se ore OS Sem Scores hake

MR cand Re aeeSeeER Sere no Ae Pee Bra aeER eeeSask Ses Seas aeees Bass ONS aPRS oaesass ee Se apS SVE S .aPeS. cece SNeieee ae ats Siac :ae i” ;oe SR Saas aa So SSeerste Season. heeeoa Seer eseRe eae : oS = See teBsSee > eae sia ae ea Se Sa

heBeas mSok eeSta ohpie SsReaeaernentig Seat Se eons epee oeaents ey aeSESS [|SeS pea ees: oe : ae 2ae - Rene OO eeaR a oe w ink ORR Soe ate:Siac se oer Soe Pe hae dese aaa mot rea eee oe Coan Sanaa menagerie ae Boeee eeeerrs oysa moa tae :eR Ss era ;;ty :ae pons .. La Se aNe oe asa Roper ae aoe aS RE oe ee Rest :ae : ;erSees pat : ; ae aoeawe RRC 4Eke Nidan aes ee BOREAL Rae Skee Sok Ss oe Sas Geert SS Sas ; : = nie: Scenes psc balan ae pace sme Se ee peice eae Se soonest Skee eee Ie © > SS , : ¢ r Ss Seen sleet Deon et OS ee Se Reg oe eS Hee SS ee eS gee he peetiate cect vs eet % oe 3 oo Se SEES ata Be Sierencsav es Steen asa ees SS: ER oe 23ee Res eS RSE ig, Sa Sees Secs See Stee : Stes .>pee » Sea ;aoe 5:nh Bie aete Baae Ces gS OS eee ats ees ae en eee SE Se SRR he Ne. .;eaten “SN Ss ETE hp ee Shee SO RE ee Batwa Se as ee Re: Beco SeSe SR pecan $ eeshania SPSS RS Reinert re aren uen See Rima SS eerR Late es a 83 Besos a cna SERRE: 2ES »+es:‘Re patie aecane cna ng oa ea eee) Ssh 2A ae 2S meSo Binns SaSO. :RO SRT ERS : TS Rie i Re Gan vt seeSah. Re aeke BRS Se

oe siteae See paca catia Sst Sc :ae oeaeeee aie deh Rate reSaoRR . Saeco ae 5 Saisie asSa Soe“(SRO RN eonshi MRCLIES Sree aetna etieea tatergina haat ey Sah : = See SeeRyd arin aRee keiPeat era StS es ae SS 25S * akcEee SsSa.SSR 5ARERR ae Se ge ke ey SS=Pe ek Secon heeG Gree. Gene pa Brea Ra Sa eacana Se eae asRe : SeaeekRS ae BPRS OSE Ss RRSes cere Ree

ee ee Se aANS ORNS Oo:Syi eer nematic Tee2aSeaR otaneec: Sey ioe ?SRR STS oe » satSee enemas aepos a aheeaeEee Sige Rss a as So. SERS : Bee % Daher Sn area i. i:© Fae Se geSee cane ee eeeee Sesea =S85. ee aaSee ee RRS Soar ae aR RR RR SSS aeES 3 Bi nti a oe ke aes a Bo aeatheas® a:eee Shier eaten See cme os aR2°Bmpr Sot se SSBe SS

ee ee CS ese: SS A See sie. SS a He a ae Rete ape oe eee ana Se Re SRS

SO ae st : SSS . Sees ae Bas Sana :apes F = Se Se =ae =be Ssos SatSee See ;ee asec SaSRS a RAEN NN SS : = sesa eae ae ae ;: gies... , a Mees. eaeSRR . i ae Soke ceege Se Raa sgPSS See Saat 3ee Rien SSeS Bets SR ee asae BEES: eSSeas SE ERE otoS SS SEE Rs: gt po oe aeons no eae. aeer aaShe Besser SSS ie: = Nata * aSe SsSea Sige co eeane. anaeaSa oa ae Se eee

See aSes Roem SSR ean ae Bowers eS SA ; : eae eee Ps Fee eS Read Se*ecSE SREY so RR 3 2ee EES +Seer he, ee we 4 nok > apRienateamnton "She {Se Betas: een a ES SSRO Se aeas SSSe Seo. Ms Sine eae “ nee ee naa Se caetine : 2SESS es eR Ss Ee eee Sa Se BONES Rew SN EN ee wi SRR FBtIN ae eae ees . Shs >SeERs SeSk SA etaeae SS Sree

oo eeeasBee ee. le Sarees Sere Beak eeRe aeens Se SeRSSS RES: bee SeSavoNe ea eSSS pS pets Baie3ec aSeis a SS PRR SSS ee. on pose snehe sas Seana ~Se ESE ies pees aeee e SERRE Se SRR Beco aot. SESS So. SEE SSeS SSR SS ee a aok aoa% sce : :Shee Se Sih. Soc cs SS See ee nthe ASSoa So SS SRN Ae :ean Nias SeSe eaes See “O Te ae| se sata Seto ASSa eee— Setes etn etatee tesaRRS careoats SEA RAR ee PS * ee 38 Sy Boek ae be 3 “ee patti a ace ne Sn an te Bae FS es See Sees Bah Benois Meme eae i eee te eae pans “SORES RRR Sea occa > . > > Se ana De boa RS a SSE a BE RR eS. Sic ee oS Sc : = SRE i iain 2 Sh eae oe 4 SRS ROR SO SE RE : : SESS

oo ee aeOUR ES RS ees: eee. eer ereee SE Pee a eee ee SoSS. Oe aSe ee

NS Sienna Bistaa aeeames SS RS:: 2 ¥SO 23 asORS a : ee tyoars SeanNR SaaS na SRS See coe oe asEge =SIN SSeS SS SRS Sigh akRak Re aes Ls acae Se ae me Uh SES eeSa eae Se ERE SSS RS Seas Sa ee Sn a oe eeSSO : Ga SLeteei Seas aeSais RR SRSs no eas oo Se Se Tetogee SESS SE cn waitene REE Pee Ratata Saas 2ag ae ee Ses: SS Rao oo aeaaaas SRR SSaeapa Se paca BeSoa ae oe . Bg ES :Bs oS Mewes Boss eae sa Seo BX ORS Sgr oa Soa pate tea : So Sue See FS ones Rites ans rae SSS SEN Stee RCE NS tae be oaosent a SS Sen ESS Sos oosoronr a eaSOR LA A Ag OOO :aea pia "AOS SRS Be Sk Se ee SER 32 RR SER ee eaoeeS se SRS rennin. onto arama. onan ae ae ASRS, Be ce eR ete ON Sacre See eee : : RE naa Ea“Ss os AGRE SSE RS Sa -hs: cm Se SRSS oS SS ee aoc eee eene Sethe Renar oes SA SSBe eepar ve ee 2S eaten es SS SES SE Saber Sas ee a Sk as Riek eae SS OER Roar ctw ee es es he Rtas ae Se aaa aan ama aN SE us ae ae Soe = 2S See Ps oe aaa ssa ag ae oS oC ee SSS SE EEE SE _, SRR ee 3 Ss sae SR Sea SSS Se Romremcamisss soiree See ee . =.SSE Soe seas SES . seen hege gap SoS Ree eee eee aees pay ae near % SSS RES io os see NE Na BR eS:eeae eaethe ee eeee LS SESS SS. CEES eaeeae era ae See Bn oehneanea SaARA RRO MeRR pigRT.a on si Base SoeoNS am Se Be eR SSS SSSSee ec Bes MN eee“ a-oe BeerARE. cataRNS nee ee eee eonain nS “epee Se TS SaaS Seeee SSS Steen aeateeeae ead Sepata ea ~ a ee ae ue a Rhee: SRR acegets " age a | Sa MSR nas - PoeeSS ne 5. os Seo oe a__* SOSas a SS SeeSeana Re Se saSke ps

oeAs aoeMei toa et Se Ge oemd “lai gee Oe 5 bes aSe2SiSeaton, So a Ree cnSESeREaeSan ae see BS mee same Same ae ee > Acs saan soo ae aante a6Ba. gaits aepes Prttegiahs MS Se eee SORES ae. psa SeaSo a“Di Load Bors eSeae oe aahtiaes 32 ee Wis Satae eens 5, eae SES saSasa ct ae beak agcs= soa SeeeSes. Oak . BES as ieSee ares,See SOS eset SO ee a=pas ae wePE eas5ee iii ps SR otha cae gtsaae_RO OR esoe ae ee BP sitee ae Se ae 22. natant Dine. SE Ss a tie; =ne hr mite a oe BsRe Sisa. ee en as. Se SeeSee = eea5 geeSei ape came a= ie BAT RCS: SaaeDAD SERS ae“Ree Fsiiae ae ag See OU ce orar Me esaSRS _ee SSee “Situaec.asaaes aspen wewe, at. ==“ee ~*ine = wey es=> = eeek pt,am ae ¥ a ee Sa es ee Rr = ee=: = Re ek gitar Mice eeeS ae es Pen Bes, oeBe . e#3. aeatsa: +Ba Rk ee8 ee ae ee ThaSO a, ee e ->>Ss ae seeeSRE a aSoe e SaSSgg, Besa aBR RS ee ~+.gE ap ee bar 3 =e & Se TeRR Bes a eeig aees, a es”Rees SotBees «teeceag eeOhi é Pg Pe...) ee—4a :aoRx Pan SS eR&*cm igSs. "RR, rtesk ee tits Pg Pg a re, Sere: :" ba. ‘ cs aSEP nage toe oe or Sere oe>%., wixa2aae Brn Beaes. ge oe ceePe.&Bosra RSSaaeSe Meare Rik Reo Se aeSS tie. S CB a ak BR of; tee Sos :ReneS So fs ee ae asReg oe gee SsSe ead “easas eS ‘. Se SS Ne ed aae ae aoe Si St Se Lacs na weoe een Aea oes snore ie: aoe a. amanon. Dor Sa ae om anaes nS SR acts ae Ssee Sages Pa Mista =a Page Mae Saia Se Re Xe abe: oe ee Ae eS Se a pe Se “eS Soa a ss , ton ec Sa sche Bs: Be a ZA or pence pons LOOT Pond aa ~ Seer Bi ee Bie Agee = % ° ‘ eh. . Sis. SR ae RE 2 ee Se a ae ee wn ee. fo ene ee : Sa OR ; a . Sr ae See ke 7S RR aes e ee nS oe 4 ee - Sd Ris") Se sae ox eae. Ca Bd . . ‘ RR SS a Ne ss

.aSR es #Bo erae ess3Sapee es =Sone : =a. a— ™~s =at*. Sa =cs ; *" es*a;ofan *aae ee aea = h,see ane ae oe ae = ne Cal s SS * to 3 = tae Sen a RS i eine So dee Pree . ae ey S Se ig a ae es] Po Se So ee ee es She Re ee a : 3 . ee Sud ~Oe" a a cee = eeSaoe=| os =. es ooRiga “Se Re . e chs Ss >Aas eS = ed ai Bie aebaa BoeBR AeSey pha eae ae Se Oe oS PR ah NO oo Pa %am . ; Se SsSees a iH Seas. Ra See

eS oe pcicueme ae al. Sees i *. J *ome : epts22 AS eS , = aOS ae %Sate > a Bo 3 a sie... Sa eeeee ate pea ie Saas Raa ¥ ae Se pres xn. Mabe Sa: SS aee a5ar es sedis o£ -=Sag ae ae f:igs ;oy ae. 4Re .oe se he eeon OR pe agin sa aee, -ee ogee xSone pono -i>> & er woe . ‘3ae =;=-ion . so tens ~‘> Sas . oie : .>’ee ' ee >‘é4Ue ~s 24*& 4% Se a4Bo Se See Sane Ea = S =e SE lng Bh Se *>. Ss x“ Ss Es Rie, QRS te Bes Ss re pee a a aie ee ihe a r. Fj Ry Se LN "i ee { . see? x Rett aa ,eS aS aes ORPR F 3 site RS. ae > sh P ’ a 83 i ¥ Pe oS 3 ( Peis: Se pe pee ateae =es | se ©see en f RS - itSe¥. Seger seen Ss Te ie SS ee ae geod e, S e NRR S T ER ae x eR RN ‘ $ aE ee sats Be a ee ae og ge Rete er ; es

~: eeuneBS AEST BS “Seee: atheSA So gaWe as a se ceuat Sane sien |

. >. .

9, Interior o f the Curia O 1ocietian ome

. +indicate . 3 .thepoe I | | incl le is to equl 1Dtecture. [he clas p | ®e fs f f es if} interaction between c

CO V , °

y V A f fs ther

lumn and the hea load of the architrave. u VW accordin construction above the ns rowscan or colum F

The Spiritual Back ground to the classical rule, only repeat this interplay between column and entablature, as seen, for instance, in the twostory rows of columns in the interior of the classical temple (Fig. 11). Now, with the massive wall replacing the organically muscular system of rows of columns and entablature recurring over one another, the classically organized building structure disappears behind a merely space-enclosing wall. The columns are withdrawn into

the wall they support and are subordinated to the new | crystalline totality of space. Everything now serves this interior. Above all, light is the space-creating element and models in its various intensities the different parts of the interior. In the Christian basilica, for example, the superstructure appears with radiant luminosity in contrast to the twilight of the lower zone which becomes even dimmer in the aisles. In this transformation of the architectural forms during the Roman Empire we study in reality the profound human conversion from the “corporal beauty” of classical tradition to the transcendent contemplation indicative of the Middle Ages. One renounces the whole corporeal building—the columns, friezes, architectural ornament,

the whole décor which Vitruvius still considered the

dignitas of architecture—in order to immerse oneself in incorporeal space, in the insubstantial, intangible interior

filled with light and shadow. From the clear, plastic definition of form one turns toward the realm of the abstract: a turning which, better than anything else, characterizes the whole attitude toward life in Late Antiquity. Plastic art too is marked by this new attitude. It is thus

significant that sculpture toward Late Antiquity adopts a technique that abolishes plastic form as such. While in classical times the whole modeling was accomplished by the chisel, one now finds a decidedly wider use of the 21

Se BRS BRR SE OO ES gee ge ae a ek Se es Gee pC ee Bac AES SS EEE GSE wane SE

Saas Me ene eT ee Soka 3 ee ee se ge Be SS RS See cues Lhe s SP tien,

RN RS OES. SOR OO RE | SENT OES GRR Zopiis id ear eevee ene rer cine rane Meee gg nae Seon ee EE TORR RE ag RR RES, ASL een MMI Lo age RT RRM eRe eee SOR RRR, | ol SSS OO SRE ERR N SR ERLE RRR EN ESO R SS NRON SSE RRR OREO, SORE CSMREES. ALN: “ORCS Marat ret tats aaser tar tes searerstanestersereacteaterteteentate: eevee store: segeaeterterataantenetssemnatiesmatateameensteestetinentceiapteiorietecateletterage etter Satan Mee Ream ama ARTES See tee rceateh el Sesenes leiasasanstetattarscreenants meester sapiatetenaicasiatis stele mageuateess omer ce SES ge RE SR 2 ODA SRE ENG CR RRR RE RRR BSS SON "8 RCE So Ma ORES RRS ERG RS EAN BARRIS SORE EUR SOR ER RRS SORE ets Se. SR Se RENEE R EE SEN ES BESSON ELS S SES DUNES OSES, SRO ERD RE RRO oan

et. ADEE TEN RSS SSS SSSR EO ER Sb Ghe RRRR sa ong nn gan nes eRa ree a NEETU ORCL CCS BR UMN Sa na ea ated Aree mccrmaerr rR ae Rel ae o

Se LSAT JOSE.IEICE SRS1 RU EREaaatSScirSRnaemeraacunnenter een ae NPR SER SNSraxcongas BS SA a aS Beate. RR one seen autos aan ae ES STR SO ERRORS OD SERA RRR SRE SR Se.ecagameene SOUR ee nt on aioe se ee NaRE ree oe meeraR RRaRNR Sa Benge ena, Mimteae cua etenoemuRrmanent enema Cee eeae ee woe Coat a _

MEE“SISEENETES RRR ERS a eh ans cee ee Or Lr RR naa sn CREAN AGRE ReeSee Se ae, MERIC Mag ecm gre gi eee ee AS ARroe vt Reg RRSe ERRSORRES SOO e Seats eg CR aia a ee RR BA Sac eae mane ae geeaenie en oe ae. Ree | ce TS

% ~EEEUEESE RRR Sa RR RS SS Res carapace aRSe Soe Re ,aSe ce SERSSe GEES. ESR Tne eq GS SesRRO SSS ON SReekSRE NS aSRS RE eeee SsEs. aoSUS a eeon My * |, NEES SNORE SRS I «SRR RSa: SR RSENS SRR SR RRR a Ree RR CARR ee Co BRE Pe RSs Sa ER ORE SEeh RES USERS 4ng: erat EERE ee CLES Ro BARNNR CRS eee eee Meee S SOS BSS Be seen See geUe ASE Dateline i SESE Ss, RS ROR NDR RRS ORSeeOR Rae SESE eSee SGreese are se NO Ce xeee RE Rs SRETt. a ee esSSREE SERS PcoSEE Aa cake RR RRS 3Re eeBR eeSR eeee a ee i2|.RSE EGER RE. RRR EreUO EREee ECS RR ot TR i ER SIE a Ne NSCNG He RRia RRR Rt nae Cone CRANE CS ES Ysa SeeGR Se eee

Bs TREES SRR ORR RR CTT RRR SSS SSSI Soe SSI SENN Se SENS RERUN SCHR MERI SR OMB: cht. 2 sens ee PN RN care aR MALE necaen eae nbA Mean be rarwabenatitrsteeerstntrarieeerersn tities RARE Seo SOC ORO OC OOO RET ORES SoM ace ae RE 3 ESA

7 . CHOC RSRIRRESEESRR OS RRR SS SS a ae ESS RRSSSR RR eR RS SO ROIS, tic. tsSch ssh srt ee NERC earee et lata nen, cassie Sa ees: Se enemas meen memantine neeRa ety,OOS RnR yg RE ORR OS Benassy 0 BS J OREERESIC TEIte oR ORO ORS RNRRR OARS SE OR TN oieARR ee Breer edieeeeepee EES. COReen Eemmee Ua, Botan een REE SALON, CMe Ss LAR : . Pa EERE RS ORS 27s ORE ea C Cr ORR cst es seuunuutuy cuuuununahnt nr ree mentee ere ae ae co eee BRR SER et tea tane ecm aaa aetna ama e ss ea eg nS Rec Sa EE eS a . SSR Ee Sea So Ee eS SER na ER TREN OO Gane Seen REE RR Ee RR nC oa ee Vr ee a BARES ale. ee UE BC Ra PMERPON DSS aR ACA SRE Re nn nich cainhteanrtirnuer ego a ORR ce RCN RRO SORE IRR RC RRS SOO SSO RI SEO RL RNR Baia, RRA ee oe : . CREE ge 0 a, BRR OE GES OSE ROR SRO EE ERG hc SO ee ee SE SR RNR GCS OR RR 7 REESE | Rs Pe ft :

2Bo RESbere SagatMe so Se SR LeEE RRSERR. SR Se eR Sh ature erneC nar.REN eRe GR oe ae Sts See Se Sows ee SSSR RV eens RR SUS cre re a ER CORREO UUSeow. Ee. Ry SRR RRResTR

OT UES CRSSSSR RRS 2 ee SE RRR BORE SERRE. RORrN eR hu CODIEEK REEeatSSaeARRON ROR SAE Dosis insetORES NS MeeSSEER NT io aR. Bee SNReee eeewoes SN MS : woo eC ME, MEETS AS CRON. SeasRR RNR aeranisnany ate cine one eeRN et RRR ER EERO Basie esUS She SUC UCUREIT IEEE ARES NIE Sil [Een enna oe Se SER ORM cress Cnn RN RRS CRORE RSS ITN costae oe SOROS SORIA ASR RES Eiiibonsosontrnnn snare SEER SEED ON RU eee Ri. Re NR SSR cere pe “MSE 2.Ba 1 UES SEER ee re SSS REAR ae BRN RRO ORNG RRS ah ON RS Santas eS SS ROSES SeyNN BES. ee eOS iy SRST EELePen . ce TBERISSD SCRA «SERS SNRR0ROR SERSSERN a RCRD ADRSSO REO oS ESSER SatoRONG ERE CRN ORR CHC NIN NS ORR ts hee ae. RaORK Re Lo wr ar

3aeBeen ol) ESSER EEL TgLORS RN eR Se a SRR a EEC RRReS aeRO RRR AR OC 200 WHS ae 4.t. SSE aoeCORRE ARE SRiOS eS oe SORES eeORBEA "SeRRR a SRS BeeTsoe eres SS«BRIE Bereta OSaeteen: SeLe Sees cp6550s ae o apetT eG SO MURSBS RR BRR RUT ORS SRE SSR oe NGOS SPR Sohal eSB hoses eaRSENS ARON RS BORIS SR So TOON MC. i Saag BURMer ft Bit adhe SoS ORE SE SeERaeRe OS EeSRS RRS RES Se See ee Serra SReeae Becca ee” ee See. Be SALT o woes REE ce ae BS Be hg LER ORES Se ESR Eg ee RE eS RE REE RSS ota are oiSaaS ast es rs Be a ae “aE = Ree See SNE ES es See SS 2 Saree oe Se BAe 3 BE oe ee ana: Sane ce eh wo BRS e Eee ere ae CC RRM Re Xs SORE SERRE SEN S.-M SR MERSIN MSIE INNS Sa a cca! ee. 0s SRR Sa ssn seinen ate ee rae era RMR ae EE OO OC: SS Sa SAR | se: 3 Sais RBSSS ee LR oie, See eS a Se ee ee “SE RS r=. || “ee)6|6| UE SRC SRE | ; "3 Sees ee Seen aaRee RRR ERR SS ME US etre Ree REDS RRRERSRRMRRR SSSaMEE QUERCUS MERC RN Se Re oR Rs SR RE SES: SRS Se Ripe 2 eee ae SE Be Soe sean RRS ee Rae SRR eGR ge BR pa eee: ea Bese : a PU EE BEGOESSCN RRARERR SaREEDSR SESS SeInds NEL eedeeae ameeeebe ae Bee RRR ORR RS RO RRR SS. Ee \-. SS MARDER RENN ERR SR ERAN. SRN URAC Se MRRcee Re RSs ee ee ee RET eee apes Gea. | RRRe . RAS BS aS ot Pane ia OES BRS 0 Sg eRe Sa SS RRR BRN ee ER ENS EO NER Ree GS Rogers. BRR BS RR Ree PRES ESET es OMRON SRON RES NN SOMA N'5. SOBRE RE BRRRER SRE VOTO ER SOS RRR eM RR aR Se Ne MOR ACS ARS LTR SERN Ne NEA SRR CRE BRR OR CO ES SELES EL RRR SE Bot oy SEES 33 SE SS RS SS i SRS oe ROR RR RS et a See Ree SRN as TR SSE BOR SR ROS RRS SORE. CREO DR SRR SS WES Tae rite

USES BR Ro SRR BORO INRIA nnn SRD REN ees RRR NSSch SN.See SSRN ARORA SAR SRT SSH CLE SES RSS SOO Saweeen. | RO CORRE. SR. ROSE SSCe SARS WEEE LR2hER |B RR SRSRa SR RReee 2 EN: SEM ce SIRS RN RRR gat ee oR RR Sei atieSacstrancunsemee seat CORSON see RES anes, s SReR ee SRR te a EI ee OSS RESET lees in

fo ances RB RRO SE Bo RT NR Be RRR RRS RRR. SERRE ORR SUR ORS SRR REN a a Sen SEE CONT SN ae Ree eae et NR SER: ERNE NE oa oe iS SRR Ss RRR GRR er a a oy BRS easy SER. TERROR Re Sg Lee Se Seems Fone eae ee ee eS See Boe PORE ReS Bees ee Be: Bes. See a bees cies a es CO EL,

Lecargaten acs CSE RR Seen BLT PE ERA Se AR: CARRS Os CEOS SRS ORNIER SORR Laan rene crap cine tos SRM RE URN Ror MRE «RM eet -BANNON Tterat ietehtaent eatin cia eth eee ae mee: Bee ce SRR Se SE oR aro es RR ” Sis

cee eee ear? rae Pie 3 as SRS Ss Sn os seas rae . Se 3 Ss ae: Se Seen ee See . = ee “3 ee ae Rng ee Se

+ es Sey Pe oee #34 % See : =. ¥ ee Se a % Ba : a ee eS ae - ic: = -S capi Ke Beck eS Se ss .. oe e

SeeeE5 aES oe E3 :a3eg=Bs seee 7.oe & es ain .seee He8go5 = 3 eg 3 a ae 3. ey eo Bi eeAESot i. ¥iv aa4 me gaciinees |a:Fe:as,Sac ‘Pati i Bs 4 .es oy %Be ‘a;bes oeee %Aes a8 “Sane Sa ee +:%Rice aq . |%& |Fegt) '*=|3oe :Se 32|on >=aeEs =se ab 23 s=eeoS aoaSek Seas See =: ae .Sos 33 eo sets ss : % : E es t By ‘. : + es Se 4 . ? = 3 ce Ke Re S FS & aoa ae roo -, ae ; oS ns en Sg c. SR a: 3. Se ee aoo: ~>a~ . i; = ae SS Re = ae . es ; wR. Re a Be SS oS Roy s aes Perey . 4 eS oa Set aes 2 Seas Fe Se Ss : Rea ie 2% SER So 4 * = ; wae Bt ees: : $3 aN S Se $F oe ee ae ce. pes: eS Rey Se Sess Shee oe Sie sae o Sa 3 oa 7 & 2S oN th. a

4 S oe ee sa t oa4 < i =" 4 eS: BS FS ee By ee 2 a pod Re Be 2 = Pe ee $3 . & ~ ‘ , Rs : | . E

’=Z = es Be3oe= >akSores s :%= aS Bd%a -eeaex .: oe = Se ee os > SRS Sasioh Seeooees ‘ae Rg; £=ses a = re oR =a3Seg ir ae:Sc. ss Soe =Se aesaa Sees Fos = aee / i: Ss ~:7|\| ),‘ |: FEF3ake Ki. Be ES er %oe4RS .% ae Bs as )i :|22isES\seBc | ,Ba ||= q3 ,PoE .3~Bos 8=*eeaPad FS:=ESS %agSES me 3aBe eS Petiesee EES. esoo 2mLie

os ae ss i ae = = Bee Be Re Be ; 3 Sy = Ses 3 Bess : ep a > & BS. %y EN is 0 Res A . oe 3 3 oy SS a £53 a i - :

B ; A -=ES 3 =re = ee * = 3Pe: Le aes Bs Bea $ ESBs a ~“4 ve:% § eSmeses PS . rs#3 3 oe ee bs ES aAS, . 32bet 3 Pee ee e; Soars zy ete : |ee.? haajo’aes a aeo. = :Se Nyel\: /L,| j: ‘‘ | i :' ‘#8 age xaae BS ;Ps | eeegiey ¥a SeES: 34 a =) Me —3 oe eo :Bi oeeae Reg Sam es =| |3 3: F|| :‘| oes Se :ee So pe Ee |ee = ee, ine, Be:3 %% Nee >Be oS~ty. aE. “ee Bo 2B ire . “Ce Iiol \Bs : >% ! |any f ss | ~_ Z. BS: tis‘gSe ré£F a4 ma 5 sat erSes SeBa aAas ieoCee ee : 3-..SS ef)

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aeoo. Soe Sas& 8ts : oo ; ‘A | : Ale Pe See :. —ae: =Sec q :xs c , Ri a Bea. ic Re Fe| ee St« ° fi : * . e ae eo ee oe ge fe = eh . oe ey ig _ sidCg 1ur©r : Bee 3 :3ao=Be = a% a ee es e4 ‘xss Be 3sh=| 3oe= iBS ¥= &3e4Ses a éHee fe oe 4 | eed ~! |.) pe c ail ee 4 ae ; . . oe| $, -: oo $33==Ss PoSts BR:= ==e ‘apad SeteSe ee S&pec * = wa ea vt & : = 3 Seas : 3 ee =: mS Ses Se sg & ES ,= 3 a

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r i ! SO c

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f ae : pu at ofeX1S ife La thevee ‘neeee 8 “alheo = CHa alliIihe e fA

tem relioy a, fr tenc ife ; ntigq yth be YO

eee atiz gion -om enein“fl uitca Sof th: ia of ae h the y t , IS thi a aS e al cla ma ais. nt} najalsh’ e ch Sti t m e deOtter” cel vie qu ura6 1 re ae b$n tl _ celest: Ww C st la hS a i e ganl ar int a olin S 1s ant gs

in Oovens oug; = th 0t a eaath ‘ee wee }]iner] 9m 21uone’ asg Siri Em50 oul 4|aa to Pop

S 2) * re +e 1us ea: -thUCI 1S dn1ugh ro eC to °uni {} aey bey Me di b Nl we : Se Se is er Die e re a Ol aA b éé y Sm I-

et Ec Ps Ps “bt ie a §# AeAb ehBis re na oefog a Pay oeAfnN) a e or nadTy od ) Oa dCSy S€ve geis F pe ty ee ce ee oo gi pa Nas as sp ed a fa nf at Sie a seen ae aye "$e beRees in, 1a all4 531 inCa -ae*ee rs ee 3os, eeoo& one aaSie eux2ar , ya eg oveH %ed “=1Cx Be o aoe “a af mk? armils % 28 |sy S Cc {Oo fe? es een tS = panera eu, to st ig ra. Sd a Re Es -* ae ae sai * hs 5 2 ike cS! of g Ch e gs Pes Ree aes or co +% cane . raeSG ~ i SS: - ev"C.: ‘aiaaEn C nN ees oFaecom eg \> pa cae a es Foy “iakt |CC Ce i ‘ie AS oe BS enue “i ge * Bart: RG See 2 A og ae Cc cr

a .,ognS oe — ea» al iy Paae teePes a ee AS Bes—é pe oy 4. oP | pe atef Ae +e Sham aieNn : ,C I ipl

“ . oy a al oe i ge be =< A oe - Ris Ee Ne? ‘A es a g04 C

ie 4 F. PA ay oe ens . Teel ee + Ags Py, fat 2 asst

ay: %. ane & eee aN Fke .eebeceate Re:oe s ce ANE ve 4 hy Hercba a Pc ¥ ee usoie a: Sa 3 :— eeoe oe— os % . ee7)Site, 2 Br oe .3pte eek pips ae 2 » : eS = < nts oe os 8 — 4 as a” ar Pix oe a ge wie eae mast ee oe Bee | R3 e2, Fe a ta Peaks rs Ps Be‘ '&a rr=‘esa EASa; .a23,i 3ryBoe: eei ee sae a9 bs iea8aes £5ee nts ees ss a ieaoe x ae ;Me Lae 43eeAe oo _3oerxaeeaXa Bs 5 cisee 3 et * Pea3ee nahae Fe,3? bet: oe abee fe aps oe. aia SES Soe ee oe 8 ee ro AS Be Aj ae Se & & pee ee aa : em Se 5 Sa Pe ee se cd hs. ee “ty fi eae Lay ® sth es ee es < See oy a . a ee Bay . Payee St % %, non] Sd ‘ ci? oe. a * 29 Ry mee o 2 e ae me¥.~9‘ = Be ae , SE = ae if 4. ee ; & se — ae Soa ae * et a . . 4 5, behave Ris Po oe gs Ry ae ace Pa 3 ae eae,a ad Se. ak an i..25 4 aS oakaS F 4ams e a ee | . =a+3“4 aiesig a os = Ps: seasa Be wa! oe: ae RNG i a.iS- r% Z 3; ee €: SS % an ee whe get a? 4 is e eesguyeeage 23 *; vee* et a ee “oS . RES co hs es 2 ie ae 24 - SS : hal = : * i) Sas BES eS me .. Bo ee m3 r Ry Sow & oe Md $39 2 = Be. a Pos Pe oo : naga ote * " eee hee ayaeBs eS, eeet dk Ge es Be es—e a oa tap OES ee= er Bx;*ees BENS oF Ptie Ma} ufbe nt F3 =agee — ooay =ioe re ceoe ee: : eee °fes aepiaked ad sf fe= ne OE is:i 3 a~S eeee SheS %: $3 ee Bes. mo ae “ iVa a ty a| oe ek ee ee a8Ab: Pe ‘Whe Pspie oie 9 sta mienet eeoe See ee ‘i cn Paes Be 4dy Ea =re gee ee Pe Ffo RS pe ee asay Ces Seat aeer.

eR aS, ee) aa = 2 ao) aS we = an¢=ase3 ss 3 eiOe a . Sa a aS§ xeek: a ee xne..aes SePs ¥ere nere eedoN we:aed eS oti * et:es 5ri es oh:3 yak . a ‘iti3 3“58 eS=Be a aS

© Hoes ewe c 4 a : Pe be Se oe ee S ae : & ae ay a 4 ae Sos %: 3 Bai % 3 Be ; Sea oe Bic: > a fy &, 7 ae Pe 4 é : 2g Bi “ hae #* za oie oeBsPi: risos 4BEeae si Py

ate! , aa Ahae ee . = aoe fe oS ba ee ot * Cie a & = ats _ = cad! ma ee : a 2h re i af ee Bs ef | Fe z oe :See. aes"me te . } ae Fe oe: S ee 44e_ fy ce ¥ey Se a 2 ones BS oe ae a od a ste se ‘ Le Re & Pe ae a ae xshs a eevf ss ae “4 es _res_— a4 = .YaSes ah aoa : é. a :. ee Race &ae poe ee :ea oor Pee 28 a. sae Sy ae :aSa 3al ps B: Fin ea Naaexns He ie pad .eersaASS et A:a.ce 4:$eeias ae =:.;4es»oAe aSee oo Bs iy oi

OR | sae > : Sos : ee ee Cos eae “Se Seen ete : : Sone 7.: Sierra See os awe ; sai ; Ra? Seese See oo peas age*;7YAR : mee 2 anaes) ¢ . poeSe maR :via ;Cate en 2ee Soham 4: :% Bi ey Ree

‘ ae : — Si sma >aSee =eeeeiccactee EER aise apn ' . :is,"RP .ts : ;>; ‘‘ > FS Se . re eg sateen a eames aenn RASS ;f :2RES SS Peet . ~on ¥# pavers Se SE ee ee ae ers *, Seppe Ss aoa Sens Se RR = Moa oe RS sees . x:yo Re eeeee ae Bo aeSRR Seen: ieee 2ome Gace tae ie + SRR aeee aaa aescee aisoe POS Bes on ace cnet, OER Si :ae eae % ‘i ‘ ; ; oS SS eo es see sa = ; as oe > Se SS See Nee SME aan Sas Se OE EN eee ceenent ae 2 SES eee: ae RSS SR ee osc a : ; . : = SSS Ss eee os SSS SEE Rao ng oiin ncn aa . : : SERRE Soh 8S NS) pean oe eee ns a . . : Se Seen ere teem % Wes ’: SRR eae Senn cncpot ai ees en a as ky > :: ;; ; : ; . : es Ba;. foe cat. ase ae NOR, Sa eceas :cs ieretesenmtecnene oe Saeeaeen o patinets RE ne Set SSS > Bhs CRE eee: Set Soames usc : *: Steen nesreatins SS Se ata ce ea5e e, SOLO SESS SSSR SS aesses es Se :oe : eee a Se SS ene : RS ;. :: ate ,“ Jeos SE as ss ae : : St So ae : . ' has ‘ Rese a ae ees : . : Xf Se Beet See Bbyevsosscocecetncerncotecnonpeeseeneonpenet We :: a = Ro aESR = ya “:Susaasie Saat SS Re Seeman tn : SSS aa ; : eS SSSeShakes 3 aeoad oS SS a“. ee: ‘St. , :“Ui AeResins Sse See SEE : SaaSS een. Barta canteen nn = aSe aeon St#3ee eorecerereterecetotenet SS Se :SS SES aes =:ee pe Se Say Soeaeeesecte Ioeeeeo Sc eee SSS eee ;ban .Bs RS SEs See [Se Se “4 5 ‘we: : 4 “:oy (Resse >: 1 ESTERS Sa See «See eS oe eS RR 3S Sa ee Stas a ange eae akin oN j—— Re es,’ ees y phe =)=Se es ate atRe en eskete Ze Das —— SS Me Ss eS x: .Been. (2)3ee. SRS ie: ieee ety 3se- aig : See”. saaHS ccsPe =RE De” Beets ooi.Se, See Bcsie , :SS “SRR ae =oo seoe Ss» Sota MRR SER Seen

ok ae Ne ae a Sek oe eo es

ees _>SES SRS eaeaa 3; Ss a Re. Sees, Be asa ia Sees Be a ne ae “SESS Saas pS ES s

eeSees a =SeSr SS .oon VS Sper «eae ak Se SR aR ea SE:aSee Ree: eeasaeae oe aatte I aaa facRea RS PS RS ese g S33 Pte goa VAR . ERE oceans pean fo 3s Pesta aie:RETO =e SOS See RRR NSS ce “he. Sas eR Bs Se See “ae Sen oe ee —_— ee [ae 3 “ae BeSone oe Se Se Ran ee a aySSe ee ore Seat SSSSR se Roos TACstig £Sa, te$ = RRR a Sa Seco. aamein SS gaa Ms :;re F oe ET Sees Rees ae : Bs ss ::Bs ee — SS Se Saker Sas Ee ot a ee germs 8 SE: SS SSR BS State in » By" ha ce Salah deed SMem < ee aeSek... a SRRee ON iis = : na S:: Se : SERS Feoo ae eee bie Sos : SS aS il 2a BB . e Su a *ove Pe sesSe ae ae See See a SRS, = :Ss Se ae — —— SerSete se ‘SR ss3 aes a‘ aes ec 3 Se = * > “ LPR nee | . See a : = Ses wes Se = Selena sameness tae Sete, : Se a SIs wAS . : whe 33 = en asRie Se aeasit SEN A Sos =eS a ee . xSS aeaeSRE eS n Seana be ai x sae be Be reas eo :aBoss =a eeosptSSR SS es. “ae a3 2g : see oe Ses 2Sees oS Hexen Ss Sie Sas Re YS es

ns NE Neets Stone ae ee6 aees z‘gSe rs SS. NS seed 3A82° Se teas SS SS Se 2Ee EeRuRRea ae ee ae SSS mn on!Bi Sy 33 te eR ee a. eaSe 2ee age aesae ae |a3 a SR RE RSS Sa Seat RS Saar “>. eeSO Sa Sa , Se es 74 be! x es st ope tes 3 - ae Ss Ped > Se So = ES sansa SS x a sea 4 ms ean Ba. Ags oe eS BSS es

a eSSaas ey so eae pmSeSsSste:Sec sponsors SERRE es SSPacks RS oanaeeen _ Sees, i ter aa BSSSe ER. “Se Sepea ah ae1,=Reena ceaeee ai ;Sees RES Sok Sea “aewe SSS ee Sees > as: : aSy eeSS ee eS ees p. nae Settee eee ay ant aeSS 38 ace Sea 2ee ae “9 a3SSae oF Soe Ae Sea ae — es;eeseae Seen ees aa Be ae Se = _ies Sage Seager. “e Baseee ta SiSe eeae eee SoiSee ne soaeee . Saas aeane ae SS eee SSSR ”Sa eee Se .en SS...3 PP ges oh Seer eae mE ae eh 5 ee 2 2 BAe a es = . ee. Sea. oe RS 32 SEP eeasSRE Se Serer Ep ee, ja Ek+Sea SREBae meest: eo Se nd ec SSS eyeS as Seon Se Sin: SRR SionEse ocean See es o :gs = =eee aa Se aSS Sey on x 3\$e , aeSSK< ay SS Sat ee SS ae Soe See ; ; ae 5 ee ; : = Be oo et 3 Se Re 3 3 > Sk ee Senet pe Tey : eee oy... Ne ee eee Sen = ow : > * . .. = : Be Reage e Beeee aoe ne, he Raa Besse ee a per Baicgeeee Se sate * 33 Sa bare at ee at eeon. RS ge seeea otesose: seme pian mS eS es Boa. ,Sa aeeBO BO Ses aaBrae ee ae SR SERN Bee Bes cS 5 Bee : Be - SSR ae5, oe aeBE pi *ie ... eS Sas ie Seas ea Sa SS | ses Se met SSS eeae ie| a3 ay ae Sates Pe, ORE SF aS ae Ss: > le Seas, Sate ts ee oe SRS ss Ss Sy eS Se cs 3 eee ah ae LD, oF oe Ca Re a : = ‘a Soe WS RS nha a SS See ace or rn Sas Se, 4 eo ee ge as:Se a Ps SRE, Sere: ba3$iSs SiaSie Be Bie & a3 Seas MSaSSF a S“ae SSScs aa ae a OS ge RS Sea Bee SS eeeanaes ee, =Sie SaDe AaSa aS a aed _ER IES SE2 Doge oe taaR asta SeSa ee aaRS. Ss, oa Rien . Xe eeee eeaa a Pe SS % Be eeaScS Ss< Secs : Bor >Sea ate eS Ps SRee a MF oe aBee See ae ss *- PSS" pe 9a ee Rae hose Ra

Be tos Se eeBeeeaaks 5 nh eesLEA : a eeSR i, CA RESeRES ahRoe at oes ee seterenenenmi a oS ee a a or 23 3S .P OeSer ee phate Sa me oOeee oe on, SeeeS *. % Pe . Sh

ae eeeeeseta$2 a 6aeae Se gees pescaa Bee Se sae seemereess FR. PR re. Sy Soee ee Rees . aoSS ee eae Bae Re IO ss an. oe Beegee Se sce ere . aee Settee eke , ; . — ocaa etetecene tele earecatete: eae Pe Cl so Ueae fy =: ae eee Gee ‘ :RX . aSe aS ey eae ia ot fe Sepatty: See ye cers Re it . > iee or ee 2 Bese he eeNEN emSee SBR ORR Se SOROS Se Bey EcSSR eae.Sees, SaaRS eee SS MESES ee SSS Rate “SS Saas See ate oe SR ae aN > > Sse SS es . > Se SS Ce Ora eet ne ee Gaetan one ete ee. OR OE BA Sa ee ee : a a : : * oS RT SS ee Soe es te ork Si aero Se : SN. Ce ;> eas , ee ee PRS pie SE bagee: oS Soe Sok eae SE SRSRS ES a Pa ON BO ee . eek ee ee a oe eR ee a ee ome eS Se SEE ASO Soe aE om ee ee es “ ee RS Soc RRR oy " g : (cane ‘ es Be aoes A treSR 8 : ees fe ES ee ae se ea apoor i. iss Stee 3 ae Se se aehae Gass Sa PORee SosA Se?aScie. 5. gaia eS Rin. ee< Bee Be SeReeSS ste~SS a Se SSpcs Rssitenananenee Se Sac Se ee as Sca

'’ Fene * = " a ee ee a ts ies 2

RSeee Ge Sos ee wae OR RO a : a al . . eee :*.SG eee tt a. SS, ae A naan :: .me sitRe Soe eatSoo RSSeteéSSS ee SSay

oe ee aR “ - : %, At oe Sx ee oe x 3 : om —— 5 ee : Se = Be

etrarchy. ) . ugus ti C1. atical

19. Porphyry group , 2; OL of ENC



$ Bes = RIT ORE SSNS SSNS Sareea Riana Sines ee ee ee Race Sa tee ae os a Rae % i Se Ga phn Meee Date eis he A y =oon SRE ER pceSETsea ee Se SS osensaSESS aaReeea neoteeas thee pees CORRS Rr casee SSS Sotto eae oneser Shageenecetecay ser ae aarti aa Chaat wets tebea A| Co Reece SEER ee REE RONEN PERS LO RE SEE Berea ace Poe eaoose Stig: Ss at Sen erect eee ; a BER o NED oe hn yarns eM ss es SRR Ss SO oe oe or a Sicnantes ge Maeua anni nagetane eee NS eee Sa saaseaR ea anna atte eters Sree ncn ao Aes S He

3 RS Sa age SS Sees RRpoe ee aMaiti. See ouSanat 5 Se See SSSN SRS ae SS SoeSNR ccna Bir carne tassass Penson SS aSRS eoSEBRS dt paaeestorgige Se ranean ama Fo ‘ aac SSReaaSER eee To [SR as Tan2ae coos Smee SIS senses cnaES eta Oot, Bose, Broo PREG SS peer es cae PRG Seas Sosa eee sas ‘SRE a SOs SR Se Speer a SOO eas pasts, IC Bs ae aose Sees Meenas Se Mer ee aerate em SSS ee ogee eee prt 2S : 3 Biases: nas * ae ea ees os ORES Rage ocRe NNaenee Soi cnSas eeeerenrsunnnn canna Ma ReiRT Reta Was Seas ee aecas x Sea Seay? ;lh oh Rest ch otharn No Re Boas aes es Se RR RS At ae Wess oe ee ee 2S Rina nea) oka, SOR. OS RN NS SRR ie eee Se Ne Re iti ea eS Pe * Ce eee CSR eee Beker ote ae ea a gece Ss seam tge: aare

GSS: Sse Sees aRRS SERRE Ss SeSe. Bens aeSao ars AMR SEER.NS eaae SSBathe SS RSpate Re ta pe aera. > Ree eden See Se So Oe ae Se Faas: SeonSS aeas a SSS SRR SoSas oa ae seem COREG gaa INS)ae = § : =oc) Berase eS Sere a Re beets cere Mi ee ae — See ceon SAS Seoo NS eeMs BSS SSS oe Re Lees Bo|os i. me SES ee ee aShea ; SIRE a ee a Bie Sein. Ee asSoe SS a a: SR ea eee aati oe i eeJats TS om, Sg naeaRRRE bs Te PRE RES eee MMe ee yson he Shave : | ae Seos ee ORE: Se4 a«sic ; Reg ie ash "Shogtuee ccmmtr nnn J3 SER oram sne eee a peagees ee = pe se OOS a cae Sc a a oe ahaise Sh e ont Seis ; =ics... RRRolan a San enEan ia Re SeSetySeaetasSee SERA suse eeSee =,aeeeSechetaren coe Se aes Saas Cn Ps SeiSe Serepee ta le he die ee SSE SS eeaeeeRaa, & —So See > hs, IEPee. ee;eR Seco Saeteteee asker. amuse Winie Ue Bees 1 aSSgully eee ESSDE Sti Sa saeNsgta RS Sasa ReaSh sassista. Fe eee Rares

SR ScSn PEAR AeSENOS onthe iSo SsStaten SeSe ht Sees aR ee RR SS Se es SRS csae ‘ :a:*Ba Be RSE Se SR RNa Re ae SS nsBaa sone Se Se Ae me ea Beech aeaksaan SSRs Soon eee So She ee ae eeeaANS Seecgaeas VE ERRee o 33 +r “Se Seen Stns Sasso SARE.” Me ecBRN PR ga ey < ea Reece RUSS .Pee aes: SS ames Soe aeosae ee :SSS co cae aaa ee aS= ee . :‘Sadie Seeeee ako ai Seee sie SRen Sa Se Re RS eae ay3Rs =BaRiOSS Sia8aSS ohn SR RS :. See ee Mie goa ER eee aaa eeaos EN se feRRS we Soabe a ae es ae Reus Ss Ri, SES RR i. ee SS ae eRe fe See RS Se. Be ear pe SORA SSSSoeR PRL a ae eeSes aeea7sa og NVpuecaetas BeceSiene a IR Rene ae are Bess oe > Seen eeeTn Aeacta YeeS aeRea a OS ES Rn AR gee . re = Seae jttiine SSRs eee ene SRR ct. areee Ueoe A Tg ; OIA! i ee sohbet poe RPS eeBS RS eae : a:oeae pee Ra RS SS ei Aaeaae Soe” oa) shone tees ees "Fes no AA Ss Seta 1h & posta 2 Pte: on RE ts geencae Renan nt aa SERRE ataOsea ES I: Sarna. i ;ee, ted >rece Saale oe‘ a+ Niscios Sen a ane sae geste Be Nat

; he RE ee ee a eS e: Waa sees ney ee Sh. SokeSea ee arn Mam OhSenta a eee esxe va Ric Wee Peta aint ee esa Ra < S = ; eesite Seesconcentra Ss! ” Pe Oo ae Ee biennium shat nuwee age haar BassBee SSR in SUR aealySERS pion Bis te28pesos SUR aes Bs ee =esSeStes Pies OSereeakSeeee aaaAd eee SEER Ss ae 2PePree geestaeetna aaron eae econSPR, ae iio RE ee oe “3 SSR cee caer ones ae en ae Sacer ee Ro ee: SSS Reg et 2 Ss CORO eRe Se 2 es SsbremeeNs eas oe aoe hae Sok eSpeStites ae| OS SoSS5time | SS Soe 2 Be 3oeSS Shee Seats See eeOR ae eae . :Ace Sstpiace Er. De aaheae he PR Sie)ae RASS SRR aRecs >See a a Se creas ter enacts Deen. einen ten ogee emma eee neh ae 3 Ses soDh herab eeSoh ELST SRA SM oe ag es ues gets eoeee Sa Bese occas She Sa 5 Be RRSBasse ON aeeCER SRE SNe ae De a By RRS RS aoe: : Sos $sae Seas. cpRR peamarean re5 Ritaen ert Sa ae Rs SeeRes Se See Ses Maa ei ee Pag teat a: sy ee : RSS ae SES eS Se eae See as: > Pe hae AEN ie ts Shing LS Seay Fee ea ae ae 2 Se Se oS re 5 ‘ ee, | sient: bau Sihn i fe See Se ee RS Beene Sees So Mmaaoe neeie Role mEoe Pleas Sls TeeyaoRRR oY Se,AS Broomen ee atic Soe Tagen AnNee Ege oe tiene aes Seco ene sae Sanemanne DRS as aeee ei PPe Moe ho : RRS. SySe Seneca Sata ; ‘ *pes ia Spa ira eeee oF Sieg RS Sy ae aeeRostohGe Ry Sie i ae mare eae Baa Se aeSanaa gees eeSah TOR

i RMR eCSian ae tecrete PohAcets asi riggs“Sapte Ln aes se seeaSeeae aeResets Res eae . te >i) hemes meresan eh an Siepy Rnae tie&eeeee a Peeei Konner Scone oe = Pa eS ea SO aes os . . ‘ Dans oO eae Ee RS FAs “ " “, SBN SER RE SR aN shee Sears ete earn aeSER ramen fiDra > 3Bs. SE a a Re SS eee ye, aeea= Sa So tee Shae Seneca Ra Suara ABS OeSy p Ph) itrab. RS eas Riese. sess: SS cae;, SanSS23 -in‘4ee arae, Fa ateeo geese eS :ats Ree eas oes ss>ese SEeae aeoe SR ees

BetSeemeeeeAN eae SaetheteLLBet NET ;“CORES Fe Aen oc Bicasas MaeSo amma or,teeboorem ae Py Page: coms Se ee Stra Sena Secaoei ~~, SwOR .we: ey eee hep So ae ‘ so Ysneath Sacen SRR aaah id pee SS Sacer «a RSs Gita Pewetieme ean c Sie aS ae < a a . ,. ot LORE aecoo toes statenatatatterecesehatematesetateneS eee aero smntren twee


Oe ee SS ae Z ‘ © USESoe eat ae iaeiensenenncismmenaesonmmintn Sina.See » Soe nist siecearetaneai peptisntes osenaan seinen Staaten hago Sa ean ee 7 eRESSRRESS: a [ . (TD CESS ReeSateen . ee Seaham Ses Sts tere SARS RRR Soe eeeSOU Sener snsen :Soeeeerseaeenesss os Sess Sapasanatetenatete> ae ee ate a SoS ae

Mie eS SERRE TT a Eaeaiann nse SR | Se

es Se RAEN SOA ee Pe 3Se Somes SERS eens ets SS SESE Ske SoeSon RRR SF Shh ks RSS nme Sheen Beaune etscwsubron sea3 aste OS On SR eeSS. Seas SNM eh aes one eS SSS ee SR Soot oes:SSeS Seats SSS oe ora .\.,We ee EAS Ree Pesan Sa SapERM SS SES es potent SES RSS Se Reape. aypaie ©Sa S ecast aasSRS Troe eeVOLS SESS SE aS ea ESE ocSaSona

es meee RS Re ee puanomanesanntnee ae an a Se ee SS RR ae Rett RRR SSS SRS pea ear

SEE SOR SRS ee SSS = VSRes NS So Riss soci espaCte eneteaetenetonetetenehetetenerenteeneteneee eee SS es me Sores SESS eee eeSeate ESSERE ER a SS a aSSRs | en ctoRk SRR Sesaa ; ES” Sees SRS SE Saeeceamaens aaaee enaaSSE ea aeSe ae ea oe Sesame aA meem sekeaet cakes aeSSS Scoe eee sae be Poe RRS ccc ees a ae SSooeterna Bs Saaaes

Ror emer RS kc CS Re SS ag

.ORS 2 eS SeSeca Sa SS... SS SS aan a A Maen SSS as ea SESS Bo ouaes a, SENAS RRese| eee a SEES ea

‘ SNES es XS SERRE ie SSR eee ove auaeaaeneae SORESee NBSee SSSR CS aeSee ee Sa So See ROS NaaaSee SESRSRoe. aa ee 3 “Sh sansoon SSanSARs saeeaeSeapne ier

A Boe aS SS SS Rs aes oRSuc SCRe.RRR RNI “SERRE eres aReS Se:SSP: SS Sas: So PE | Secome Bass Saceeee bg‘See CSRS Sscs RESES a Se co eRRS SE See SES ReesSee SSS satctas ssos SRS Bh RS eS SS goteeemene ce RR RES eas Rap ean SSoaetatne eo Se Se2SRS ee SS rBe 2.ete a :Mea Sipe see aBa ey Re See. See eee Tae SSSee RSLAE 2S SSSR SRS as ce eae Serena Socks Ss

mee ME ss Ss Reena es Sassen ante acenocos con ama See SERRE a RSS tessa Season oe

=aS ae =‘ & aeaaSs Skt... een Ritossa eat SEER sae : nyeee Sese Ssa4 iiSSSR igs _wie. ees pects a Se ee, ST) | RE ce Sa ea SSR ee aes Soe oe Be SSS StS cee ee $ee 1Ware Pe et Re as __ Bk ee an a Scams Bs” SSR Soe Be, fe SS RE “aes Rasen ns ee pescoment en See Se piece Bia pisct css. Os eee RS Se ee CERES tic, SSNS teRS ce ee aphineentiens i ann eei ee ee of eeEe Mes Ses SSR |tesCORR Gece nee SS ieRR Bi RS Se aa Secs. SR eS eS SS ok Se SS RS SSE SRE aE See sg aeRSSEES RRR ” NSRRRRR mE Sete: 7 See ccaSy ae Se i‘eS ee: seathagnncas cae oeSeSS, % So SSRae | ReeBie tis SES ns Siete ae Ba a Ss cS “SRses eat SAR a Bihan FS Se pa es Se SS. Se ee aS Sissies. sot ma SS Seay 4 ha. Se Se ae nw s ERA Soo ees ~ SS Patan’s Se Satetanereseseretese ” a satel ateteretaceoeaests*o8c essa" * ahs a a! eee 7 een a & » . SS te w 2S es oe - so Setetenete: et tatetaletatatetatstarncecneess tg ae Sr setath te * 4

PE re Bi SS Se. ee a Sk. Be Sees"

LE NRGero re a SOStii, ae eee set Ochaeetes SS) Sa ee SS SR a eeSe a = oa RRatooBist Se RES oo eee bes PTSSS ae“aeeeDyRES Boe Sane ocSESE SSRRS * Sa a Se 3... sapeat Seen a

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PSs “io; ae : ore Rs Ss Se eae ee BR ae Se : r sy 4 : "Otte : Bacte. ..° 5Seen ame ite csnncuee ones ¥2ee Mit :“Seek ‘. Bi A.afg SEE ACs Ais ty Bee eesORS ON . :ag Se ee ee4 Sx ortde ot yes as ea rast me | eee oe 7Me Se oR Si aa eS ee '4ee Ree” pas " 3 ‘ r oO" Rea : ‘ oS Se SS ee Be as ae s $ Bee >: soy ee a REE Se Pt ‘ ' * ‘ r Speake. ee “Siemens Rae ba Peers. te a Cage Biri eens 3 .»SPN / : SR See goin Bianco es eS Pas he eS:te CS MOEN eestata CTos aSa ee oe aRoce y Bess ab eaoo ss ae SORE OS ee SE ae es SE aa es 5one. patina sy | kee cent Pee ° b , . Roose Seema vege ke ee “aes Sas Soe NSS Sh eae ; mi! rb. gs ats erent. SG SRR he eee + eee PO Dis tate A , ee LR ica Sol SAE SSE ee SRS aS riety: aes. Bate: *: Re aE ne * sa i > , Rats Sey ae Sie saaamee e oe ea = she :

BINS Se Re PESeae at b3; 5Fe gots ts : Re Bae oe RS So Baga RRNA 3 eo Cehogs SAE Rens PsRea Sam aa Se ee = ‘ ed52cae aaeSee Ee a7 Re ay ItRe SESE eee ee Gh ’ Sees nL ee. SAS aie ae SE” Me oe. aa SR yar okRew SE en RR Be akSS. teClaes eg ‘Re eo) SRmR Roe | TSMR Si. oc eeSee on nie eh Sasori ee% ~3RR ESE, ee ae a aNe gh Sa:aORR SL Se aBE Se ata3 Ske Ree AScea SR ora eee SSeS | ergs a ee we Sr See eee eee ecto “ = = A * 3 cee | Ta oa Se oS Mae et ee Bes ae he cos ee 9 Put: 5 ee F455 ore Ps a ie

ee BE Fe meas allies ok * :: poe, Sea ty POR eethetyn "aise Say eae. BeaS Beesa3 Seas Seek’ eee oe y3 ah: $ nas See axeC Mek Te ph onihe, See oS | ch eme es as &Be $paath SSS eae oa ;Sie eer: tcaete feSs BN aPaae%:at Bek Sg gS ces Sete case sets. ota aN a3 ulSS aR stsR ae LSS Rae ene oS ena eran cts aeSa ae ON, a.2ve si, 3.oo. Rae eSRSS RR Ss iTSst oS RRR Ne os * 3 % Soe ee SR Stee ssNa oaksTEN oa po : ee “ReeS se Fhe cae etn oe a ee ee PES. cae eae aeee > SsBega, OOSs aos ‘ >Me een Ne aeaesoma Se eS oS Ste SSS ae aRO, Se age aOS ie EE SS: SL. . so ar BS ESR ’eae. nigh eae ces. aean aacS BR On Bt . “ Pe ee nomen ee. Pitas RS 4 Ves é opt hg OR a cme Se Re ae Rs ; PR at Se NS pumas ne Roieaad 3) SiN Se a. SRN Se os Se Perec ae a oo a * ret een en cap Bi a * “Se SE, P eS RE Se , 4 ae tae aa Soe tt Re. OE SS E> HSE SN atte Shae Se ee Se ON, Sa Ss ae ee See $3 22 x Beas oe Pa se eae Bests ae Se RR eS SoS Ress ae “i 2S on Saree sede Sto th ones ae Ca aa wv. . ee BS sits ot 42;: x", ee , N : 3 . es r RR "i Be RP? Se .3 Rae aaa ae aaa aS SS sae Se Sale be “Rates 7” “RRR RE Bees eS ie Sakk ee aa aRCe a Sete bees SessOn Stee SES aes. ches a AN2aSRNR aSee eats ca Rare Se SES Bea ee = SS S “S “3 & Be28eS AES Battie: rd [Se Sk Bs" a Pes See”as Seca SR eee3Se SRR i os aie aBSarts ebeee ads RTE

; Meee MURR ce ee : ae CRE 2 TR eae Recs +vist SS Seema OS Seam ‘ike, Sunstein. aeFWA | Skee SNemae Geeae p ang ee a See cee ee: 2ER Hg ee ee aleel Lantpeaiee ae atsBi ine she Sea Car Soot ae Eeaee afJ- Cae cia Se ent a—ti(“(‘i‘ [SEE eeSR SASSO SRST OS eee. es > SR a Se ae gee ace Rees ee cae BEEBE SoS scoscss cae ee ae Siena sais sth i i ae = pee teas sie. sta aoe a -—. ee ene coe SRS Po aSS ee Pee ee ee ane ass Sets Bate Sines SEE. 3 Se ae oo oS Ee aeSRS Be Rn aees aans Rae SRE Pa Semana Soc. mates Scene See aonRES OR eeSSSR aang Soca ceee pee Sei SeaSee ats 2Bee ee Soechane ennai ES Spoonananmmn Soe SS Ra ago Bcnsaca ;3 Bee RESSes SSSR ae ”) SSS : eeseine Se Sas ae Se ses SN Sk :aiabad &3ee Se SRE LR See 4 Bebe eae eaeRRS ot % Ca A SSE ee Se Se cas Rica ae SSE 5)SES 2 ee pee,inete

5 %,: ee SRR Sesseseenensas OEeeeS ee |states SERRE Smoaenae . cintatetatncniatncereeese ee eerie tetera Pe teBRN ORS nes tattoo Sea SS os Sg Se ca xa ee Sis BpSS SHaSoe ovate!eta SANS nee natant ntact SSS See Se nn - Peteateter sca nate satheeSERN aesSee anemic. ee Pee oes eee Soe "sey wat ee goatee te Ss : ; = . Saieene SoS MN Soh Potten contain sonata oc Re eee Sresiteteteretacerstne

= Saeco SO BR Shrnanee comet on te eR Ra : SSS eee De SERS Ss tain ER

"SERS eee PRRs SS : so : Rencccanee ee eS eeea ORare ena ea ae Sa 5) RRS 1Seaton UES Som : : Se a eR chseee Bas Ree oe Rootes MON oe ieOfeee ToSees REBae 2°neath SsoeSiER ooo SeRsbe Sheesh oeaeees : Soe SSSR RRR iptes annonces * Bap sSensrsnonsnansroter one otatenereneunnstentenen naan bonttocsshsrsstonetoteset atetateeteestesneeae So lS. he Se setatotate sss . : a ghee steer isc ots aahtisns saaeeteancomerenne Se Ss : Se Portas SSS a Ray SESS

See aE SSRee ee :RS : Ra SE a Skee SS :See SSSRES ae RS paseseo naan= Se SeSes SeSRR SSCr si SRR center ecSe oka : anna Ree: Scena aN aaSSR aS SR eC ee SS ERE SRR SS SRE ae Brosh onuyng ness : esacesetene erate & PLP Sateen ANN oe : ot 2 ate es SR sees ne RR Soren etree ates ee

oo Fe Ek Se geet Sa na : : : : : ee Ruhnctantanehannaneeanean ses ees Bt ditt Soo ERS SRS ae eiuhintiosunmeencemeneee

SkSRS SSSAe Rhos eoetananaea s eeetaRU oweneee ER RDtana nS .; So scenes Soe See SSE eee ent Sukie RnR Rte ae SS Soo eens ose sauncanncanmee Sees : SS Saas SORE es enemas SS SS SS Sa * uae a 3 = = SRS Ss ee SE a Be es SS SS SS Sot s : a 33 pas : : S suchen Suunenn ae sence: eRe 3 Ras sae eccunsncetaan cn

siibioten, atic onsinan SASee Piokiatoas wna aS78,aN acc a5aales a er awe24 ROR i .re “s* ise”*". NS eSPees aaeteEsROSS ee heoFweet = Se abies een :BsSe ite sstSas hi be os SSO % Sa » # |ae" ees Se5eR eee oe . sagen e ey Pe oeee geOb SA=. bat= see GA oy:Sta Rise =”é bee °oeMee aga

van cP‘ te eos fae *“aeee ee ot” 7 aes Pame iaPR “y.ea * .‘i~Peis 2eer Siege ha veSeige te fre REAL c,ae gee $Fram a ty2ézoe i er Re ae Ke ae a CO AS Ths Ae . > s rt a Dee eats a? ty ws ;ae Les we fs ~ =: of aaa CAN

- ‘ a ee hea : ‘

—~ w; 7«e( | i“the Caesars, | :the cB Itwo (laesar: 20. groupaLeah of Tetrarchy, the twcVatican xs ¢ Porphyry ~ as[WO


FO gg OL Mee Aa 6 |

: 2»aedps ee ee 7 es a et ey a a PER gto | Acres ; aT Ss ag Big SRR a ge ee eee ae

ee —————— ee ee arteba Bae Re yn ee ES tet a eS T e¢-

in ee Te gk i a -EF

eS mt ae a oe — 860 ae) ee bs a eeee are 3We Pee teaee as es aie eS. See 0, a a saa he

| gat, eek e : re |: ee S ' g aBae Oe Oe ee yer J capes Ra? ee 60 SR Peace ol” eelg

- we Bee Oe OR ae rr. Lac i Pp ee me ee ya esoe : Bei ae teN oe eee Vw“Be ag ee Ss is hace SeSe PO aT a Pree SS ae SS RS | a: L.A ceosook ee ie am aiasSAREE a RRR a a a Se or gee ee 3aeace eo ee ee : Se a ARN ES ane : SS ae ask a ete gate = Bo en’ si "sags see ss +3 % Soe ek pe Sea eo Spam Mee Se es & eS RE gs =. oe ei ree if RR “St ae 3 aes ae Foes Bs Re as See SS a | YRS Sy US Se A CS Tae ee ae! Se SS ee ee | SS ae Re 5 >Se ee ee SSSR FRBa Se A eR ESS Ae RE . oF NSSea 23eecSaeeS $8.eC co,eae, SRR ey ee eeteSSRR Se 3NS $ et RSS eSLee SeeSeSeeS>rea 53 cater RS eS = Se SEake cee se S aeaSS a See Sa Se eS Se SeSRO eae See eaeae of se re ist Sata Sec. Sah

ee UN ea ie. RY et, Lie re CO

aE ge. ee et ee ce Se et i i | Se

Sins SB Se a the ee Pol aa in . et >, OR ee SP ES i a es a ee | ee See ee gS SE : So See at Re: Re RR Cae & % SS : weoS PS ySS is ee SePe Se By ahs ee BYwee se pesoS A 2a ee FE ¥ee Bese. t ese eae ae fey 3 aeoe ; =ae RySRAM a ae SS Sea Se Me Se. / Se” teeaeee aego" aS2Sk Sede chaaas eam i aeaay

ae eeeSRS Oe eS. ae ieRa Sepa eekSSS a Reeee ERSSS Satara aes xSee =: Sees SRS SSS Seetcae er cine mae ce ce See SE RePSSreeERS a oS ae aos Fees HOSES SERIE SS See SSR a ames 4 IS 3= oN SeeeSeSoe2aa Seti ac Ries oa cite weecea SSReSMES SRSSgLN aNMeas Se Na A Nae 2 eeSER ec eeaaa So it? aaaOS ae oe Soat Ree SSS Se eS Se eee . Bee ae aSR ginRN oS GR Sas

Sgr pees BPs Ps 2 ga a eS ES: $ ; Se Se See ae ‘ian al ae Be 3 KS SF SESS ¢ cS SS ee rats oS 2S Ss aa *Boers +eeRE ISe Eseee : i ce e $ fa 3 ee” Sa See ‘ Ryco oaGe aesRe See: BeeSee BSSo eSee ER eS ce SRE eS CeSS | She ee cee SRSABot, Seas cca. mieaea See ak os Ca aS : a22 a Sees ee eeae SS OSS Se Se Se “oe Baa SES ag snee SESee eeeS :SP f% fFoeacon lees ey Res | So eee Ses a JF Sa aSe: Sees Petes eaae eeSe ie aes SS See ae Se SRR eee Sas fo wg aae See Ae Se SON RR | Co Ge Pe Se See Se Ce Se ae Se cos SS ae Se eco cae ee SF oeeae: Ree as iF “< a 3 Rs 2 fei: Sea ae Sar Pe BG Gabe 2s 2a 2 Sete Fis Soa : aes Soca SRsnSe | aaeiSR SaBe = cae. Skene Sorts. ee So ee See enRee aioeeeeee eeuiAe ae =ecard ‘2 gdSenne “= Section Se es PeoS Se SR ee Ses Sone a scat 9 CRA ltCR AES 8 OS Ee eR Seara “iain ppPsSRS: RE eS na Se aeaeSee Bos SS nec TAS ne :SRR =aCrea : aS itSe SSR seneeSee ea eeae a eee SeeNe a 20 SSRBs SR ars See Ras SS aget RS i Li meSSof hotSSeet OSES ae Sea tence eeSaas ESRs Seema ESaR See Seco aoe aeeS an Rote. eee «RR eS Bie aes a haeaSeas. re S20 Renate ose ee ASF z SOR OS a See, ASRR SarSe ae Beaos RE ER EE RO: SORES Oe A aie Puaea Se gaps oS » Shae rasta ieee Sian Re “Se emerge SSSR age Ra Sp SRS. Taps Sa. Ras RS SPS Dae ae ae Rak SR Soe BSS a REE RR SE che a Seas 7," : SE a EE a ES Byiceae SORTA SSOSETA ae ae Be AS Ne ekSe ONCe anneRP Cuaeae C-< Suean no acans Se RS RGRFo S. :.”3aae OUaNOmEI CIRSs 5 SeSo RSSe eae a BSa2 ESSA. eee aa nal Me > 2 RR ea SRaSes ot aSse at i “Seq |\1 SERS ts ona aia oR SORA. ROO SS |< RS ROR See. 2 RR SRR ee pee ss ae See NC Rie a occa Se a a =.) Re Reh Poe: >s Gaara Sn nia SS SUES So Sees SR Sa SS Sesser ee RS ~ Se ee Se ESS Pree heeat ta: SES ee ag Se Sa Reo a we SS mee Sunaina sane cna a SER Ss Ln ERE Sl aa RES eR. SE a a RS aaa aa IRR ole a a a Se ae. a } Brawn Be eee:BB SR eee ar ee OSIRIS ios aa 5 SRRns RRnae is nce Na SSS See ane eee ESS RRSe) Comers Si aa.aaeeaaeteh ae en SSR isSonRRO aauaSpe ee. AERO oSnN RRR osKeggio aisin a SW >,BR Sa Se ie ME BS ERi eres Besos Biman SScaRRS saan Sb Seem Seen a Rca:aR Maman Brac giSe SRO an: ie SRSR = Sa Detes i ee a Bt RO aSa? Rac eanea SS. RRM aCes7 coi abe MRCs Vieira > ae aan Reeetonaai a nae i creak Shee Bok pe By a ER RRSe 2RRR CO RR i Smeg SIR aaae SoEe SR RAs Se ERR Soe RS a poets. cere. aa oapuinapeae Sopa PS a DREN SS a SR a ae SR, SSS SNR NP CROC CS SEE LER Oe ERR RRS ake. AS Pete RR a RS aS Soi caer Sia RS SR SE ne aa Seb oe SeRSREI eR aSRR Sasa SR RSS secs SR ae aeer keaaaSee: BesasES RRFSR asRR eeSR PSaioeescaRn oRaeon aa)aaaa Pence a | a aR SO eS $a RR ae ot a FAR Se Ce RS a OR Se aa Seana ORR. Baris) ste aia aa Re Se Ae ics... 7 ea tants SEAS a Se cS soe SIR Le eee Ronen eee ie SR ER Re oe Se Rae Seema et ee ee Bae a Ragae eee Aes SS Sok a See ae Bae ok oa oppesrincomes a Ee eo ee ae eee es Raaogee age Soke aaea ae SRE So RE Baiceserce na Se OeWig epsTeese aaa See ceeaeeae SB aS SSneSee BraRegs huentamec | pen SR ee SaeiI 2eseae, a eeneae SoeER ae aSaar Res Pena Sateen tS. Baa st anes Beech SSRN oth Fe aaaeee ae Sows > Se

SES es SSR A SS areaa tee BORS SRE STSOR SR ai SS a eSSRO ae ssiSak aie,Fae acacSST SS i oo as SR : Baa. ty ae RR LR SSS ae ae a Bae: ay SS Se aonl aya2 BSS PaaS 2 ieRES a8 Or SoaSoe: ae C eeass aSeeSate FEO. BEE £% Riper yes SESongun aa eSGis See Be Bc aesae Miles ae areies Yaar ee Bets ccckki ieeaten So Se Rag cw2cS Ca SR RR eeSree CRRA tag ake cai ty. SBR me SER Reheat Samra ay 3iene ateSeSeSS aeBRB Spee apeeee 3 ett. aeSoe a3 ae ee = as al ik eae ke ISS ee siimantt os ies es SSS EER? ca AOR ee Es SS ome LS RRS aS Ns, sang SeeSe oe OR See AERIS tare» SRR oe ae SeaSe eT Se RY, nS NO aRRaia sso coSSSR Re Sn Sy SS Ss ookBe SS Se aS Sa REM BSR SEs OSa.La one BeCRE en ae saeexces aa Pisin Nee SS eeCiccemn sa: SSeee SSSR aBS CS Oa Fin a Re RR SR hn ts Pa ae 2 aie a a a Or Re RS Ea po canaben naan: ces: ae SSR aoa So ES ie ; LE ea eS aioayeeeae i.eeRcaeeS oh ees Seog a Se)crane eee amans aes A eresaatapern ieee Sea Siee ae SR os aS ter sree as me cere Fs NOOR | SREB eeeree Shae TNSe RR ae Peomes arenes co) c PPRae ey en ae Deen aa ee Sam Won’ g PEAS ae Ss Sit a ee RTS kee heas RE ae2 eS SNS ER 2.Spee EE Saaepoco ee: See oe Re aes BE: RRR Seth ES is RREe cee aaa SR SS SRR icseRe oa a nun, «ea sce a Bio oeESI eae SORES. creteoa RaeSESE eaOSS at SS OS RRR SSAaeSS Pskae SRE Sam Seana ange Seanaon Baio aia aaaae PeeSS einseee St TRS SERS ONRana eR SE SS eat SR a.aa so Ss NAR OO es ang

So en

See oe a ae ee hae’, Sees Rook ee eS Pa gia oe ee ee Ne eo Ge eee

spite. ease ere Rie be ME cs ces: a RS a EN. ie Bie ¥ nts Ra ee Seis Sees ae SSO: oe Reaeseeee RS ee ene giaeenaee eRe de SSuatinaver ees Sey

Soe ai oon Ree sepa Sagas = 2S Sa fo Se TP MRD PF ae Ria tn Bic ae. sc SS eae “SER Rees. Bose sah SS eae ae SSE "Pn

Sean ceMe rasan. ay Be eegis ee Pe PaRO REN aan cate SeaSsere a Mia a ihias Bs.eS 3 Meret bee SARA aaanee eR are = een rageae tas Sa 2 eS Sasa ORO IT OT Lace So DR SRRa teeta ese crn Reidanaes ee SstoeSeRvs RCRoe Baseens epiceee: inane Ro eats Seage ss cn SaeorsRAN ae ssote a ee Saepaten age ey aapSESE so eng a CBS ie cee Seine rote cc2am ae S28 meta ceuwntnn eianeoumncn sentir sc URS, nt mcr monoe nea Rshse ORO RarnoSR SEAR Severin >. aeSe SaaS RSER Pe Be eae eS CUS eaten Ace sohca raven tastePEE nantEPO est Ne Uare SORES Ra ened es Sas aant aCRO Yee Satin taints phen aie San SMS SERRe RS tae okSOTO ee. on aie SSAC PreyEEE Oo es ee aya SM dane Soale Shand RO SVAN So ee a AY Sia Sine Soe DOOMRE sehnaseee SOLERsev eases etre tka ete oo RR A , EARNS Sposa Aer vasa epEE pcaahs tea ME ctaaS: SEL NSteed a I SRE ae ape SRR aae aLE aSSR ARERR rote LRe CS rae aSe ogame. 3Teacta ae ae eepehscwea ELSORE TT eeeee CESSES coe aeons aera acne tan sncmaneante wvayeveyneee ys oe NN RR eR micseehn nearer setae tNees Ra TT PPT achee LL TLE IED OF PPOPE PETE OSee RIDaN ee Sea: cease eetspirates cel

- apeiaunarmarare CRU NS ERA ae aa Net ana Sonata .

ROMS Sot ero anBS DURAN UCGea entCeCR aR AERO RS,een aeeas AOS BRO: Caen NNR PeScee otewe enncaen Sennen aRSRR ELa Sea SEGA tienen SSE Ra i RRR PNigrarnnrsa atts Sate C9 Senate canacsema ae aaenc ea Benes No aie ire cee NEann rN poaa arene CR

Sete sere Scant pened amen Ne te sabe am a soe cance a oe xeiaee pe ee RRR EE OR reahasnnobveensenuniaeres saa ReSSS eos ries cueaensinenc tomann sna Nacneinconc itu toca pais ean ernie abana netan cath se = oe

porns eReSee TE3,TN Sadose Boe shtae assBath Sih, sc meant oc oe So RR a caeea ene eo RANI a Sea IA Paeroieens aN RR aA T TTaacunre Riviag ane a broeaaiwneN eevee Ssephe ape nears eietanener RCNBh RRR raeSk Ssacta oa cae MiSai Rees he crenuner ghareane ae WcSES, SanatSORA Sa wescrecae etrenatant arseRN siueemerseaay mes onan RR ee nt ts 3 Saas e Raha ee aR a CO So AR AR hs SE rs pat Pe Rees er eSmeet a a SUSE re ome reeninanrat ane eS Suavapasesmimercamnarineuann at onninpten. NR anes aMacsaeee: ene cedars ta eS Raee ORNS i Re Suen weenason te Rah es ae Ribitrosunmecotcsuaes ae oe Sa SS FcaSa parte nnn yaaertan ABE RNS aan Ee REARS oscar tho) Sete Rubik

mints cere oer ane PUA ENT SOD cae aS WSR a see mnie eigen waar nee ane aS aa: Bo Si Rarer ce here ts a a ae oa ¢ Sanat Bide DMI Rahs cee CeO RLS ERED We NCS Seen anoaiy Seelam Se EEE BN a Spree eran tic tere cee Cay cere Biss. Saat oF : RE ea a a, ost car” ae RN Be Rae Santee y ae nn ae ees Re ECR a nce Teanneeeds center te Cages Reo Be Sheed anette creat cin San AR ci tS pectac Seapine ekg Ree isc ar Sn ees oF Sree ener ey as Sy OR Par ae Rie ir ees Manan cena ects. te ERS TERROR Ne ANY OEE ORR RR aaa Bap eye siege ch a Eats os

ea ay vented a POSete SB ae US RS NSS Pot. Piet tated SESS SSAC OTRAS REELET AS igeweeirn he hoyREI a a SSR a CANOE ENSexviiecnaeme Raa See Aeaes oSaurea ase ALA dn aerie neeeine ra CaS » SRR nea Sie tana oa ST a ae a RR Rehamemes s> Banton nea 5 NS SRSOREN peers RN RE eee Pe Sab SRO Bo pas aE, 2 CORSO SEREDaes a)one Ke

Sot aera roomier NEARER a ERY rcuin ANNA ON ARENAS Sea Rete pth scaOREM aa eo Rap nera einar et aane ctSe ate, &* OL Rens coe Si .. s Stee eseeache RON SN SRR SR na aaCa Peatgan ee a NIT A eres otaSERN e a Soe Scvha ee nn ee eaes ene aSeMe IRote eeeeeaeae tence ERS Baan rR ORR REA Pea EER ER SSeansneuaeanmanemcatinucy maka weedVSR ee maa ceo aa Picasa & s ee Beheii,i Can ae Cae be : BosSO Bahan sauuennnmnnnias senseCISNRRNS.” auemeneN

Eee reaeRerRS. Cae eeAaah eb atitan eaeciate, Paine one ae taeSRO to ena Beats oyeRees i & CeeMR eRSSeS Bs See a Race SESS. me Rescate . SOR Renee neaarea a: aaa Sueeasiness Racker Caeee aatRRR er sh aa LE a ae eR Ranee RTS. Scene eS cen NeaoeGO, sors sate ements RGN At a pe Sines 22 ee essen Satenias ea cba BOR anata saat meen Res Seeman oean iy, SBR ReaDSSN, Bi RN, Sa See eee Gee ee Na ag, FN) makers Spree TTD. Bose sesy sce a am Wien ae naa RR NRnancy nes enn RANI CR hoe sets Se so a ae Sateen oat aren encca ee ieee iosaaaGe bivanphak. Santon a eatin aire Rare SR SMA eR ea ERE ES SOROS SR aeNin pioneer nse peanEASE as senate Eee Re eae [Se tae Soa SRNR RN ah p ay ATI PRET A ae AOA ROR cc PER RPE NER Rae REE a ES REED SRE ASSO NEN aR RN Setanta er Barat Daa contin ORR esc NTN Pity nse IS SAE Re Sapna rchauoesconetiantinn meen weet itera oie uy on = ae eer atate So a ta Sirah nel RASC CE AON FES at Pore Per beeey pI tee CRORE CRO T EIEN os manana Nahant rennt apeneenrmaRe ate ieanatanes ES eect Mes eee eetonae tay ann Sanereinos Bearavhlonunsahen oat NaN Rjeeb amma ionamin ee ote 4 ne aa ene SEEMER aS eee sae oe enn tae Seino oe Seseoeey SB pebisaren sevenmagetitan ore nie a>“ss Sian ene inne ke SLT T ON eS Te RRR ets CS SS: RR aR Beet hp eee te BURRS SSCs RR ge See SP ete ota a a ee! a RAR Pe ee cee TN ESSE OS ON Ss RRMA RRDRR RRR oe + : ci ee * oo Oia ae a eer No Sinema IS OT RRM SIRS SEN. Sse See. ae SANSA RSLS AS Se sy Fe

Painenese ereayptosis seeSaee RR % eas 5. SSR Sa sateen Sao 8manne RO aro Sea ot Uo “SS Sa RRRRe a Se: a a.aSaBe ae ae haamene he eS oo: Se a Wiis. aT: Be

SeaFai Saeco ee CR Jreed a Sete n ech Si een aeRS Satee a aRN? tReet RE RR Bo re era ceeoRSRS RRS ss ONS aSa SSG See)aso : i ponte ee Bena SSaeIRM TS ae Poa ae. eeaans SAREE RE RR RR no |iBi... cnER oC aeRios a ea: SES Ret en Sopa osc he Ra”eee ScRie SSSR SSR Senate I Rae > RS ” SRR Se SoS neien

AM Mightue nNsiiRS sk pastoris EAa eek ee Ra a Rae RE SPR SRRROR. SE “ER pees aoe Pere oe wy iS: aiA oaSinan “a aOR Leone SR ea RR = ie,tecae ORR a aie43 Se.dee aa SERRA “atest aa aeaiae roche Negaar Bee ae RRS pet es Rare eR SPENT INSR RR ieapes gS rag atea aRo > aSe vena ae s Se a 2Reo aeSS Gorse eeeSR a Bo SST AeRt nee tage RRR caeoyateSS Seas: crRep aeSues Ba ee tr Pe eae©tea ee Soe RRSh: ei iSS Sir ntact a a Co SSA COee a aensae soe amen Na Enioe a aaSEES Oia Pasian Tieannedie: Was ek hsares fo ES Eooa Shove sttohr nea sn sheen Ty : = RS on Se. Nea oe ieee: ee eae Pec 2 SSS Seek ton Se ER Ro re a oc Ronteunan en ath aauratrtens ecm miei a Se Be os SS es ie SRR ese Pe ee ea Sa a RR SR ecg ea Gee ee op a ER RR Deanne an anes So ee eS oe Te NS Se pein | RE >, Sa Roe ee SR eee aon > |) Snes ee see te Doh. Saami ae SSS pe Oa

baa careune aunOSU enoneranneneenn can vane gee Ae sie an Pantene. ai: Bitte Smaart oe Sask ee aaagenes ese SR oS eam ae5sSC Rage | PR nena athe ReaD NO See eaeRe Sea eeSee. RE ae a cpevieney > Regu Seccm a Rk pee¥eee Sere Si ape ae 2SS Snead aes ore Shae ooe tse DARREN etSe LCRA ee De, Ss.FESS Roeeeros -Sa. Seae NnSea PP Sesteaae oR a 2aeRs SSSeSa Ro ie aN Seta aanheae eS ce,aeeses>: :ie eae ‘ eae raugnmnemanienrs ane oN SiSSae aa sec a ee Sot oe Pies. oak See a abn Uk ae i a Taney seein i oe a 2 ae roa ene rae shoes Wnlnatned ene eee Book GO tS. sae OS » SpE. Sle Be COR etre pers en es RS ea Soe ane esa i a ae 4 oe BES Bee SS See: eae ae ee Geeneaeten ne Ree eee oe a ee Be one: a Re OR, ee ar a ERS a See Se RS Be ae

pakeiane Risen en nS Oe et A. ee, Riccar ae ce nor Soe ests os mm a SSG SSS a Re a> Reae seak a Se aa Sa RORMise ReetCSN Scions Laesee 3algae $. SSSR Satetare Ngee BaBea SEE. Sam ieee 5aeRe ORSo ae ae SRA essyoh ay Se SeRoane Bat pee Se iePS, ya SN: =Saooie * ae Sia aBeene RReS. a SE Ieee - SER 7. Hy Smaart as: RS Sn as nwkeSR Sgro nsaera ieSeAN Rigitub RRoe oeGe Se sh Aaa eee SS Lhe ee Srna TS mince RRS Soo eaRRR Sos Me PnSRR RS. SRS 6S SR aCiar ..ohR wo EOS PRB aksce eens A oeRube Wet Peaen cane eSRRR ooSRE MR aec: RR SS SRR See. See RE aR a Ne trom gatas eine aneNace | oe a“oe S OSES ESS orae Seti eeGears oe ae SO aeAe Se:Bag RRR Roteeecnenten SEC RR - SR PEenAAP ATRe See Se Se ee ee,cunning Sa ieee DRS ya ene SS) Na Sn SRR RS ec ee i See Sad heteataae on eae SERN TN Pain eae ata} ae aSOS eee gee: See zi.aaeRe a.aee Reem 2c ea see ots en a. Sea a ema ace te aR aase eae ae Se See ae RRS. Sc apasate SS et ee ea aeR SERS. oreAS BS.eR otFR Be UE Sega aan as>RR Sere ane a aa OS eeRS RAE RRR RR i,or ce aera 5ntx ies |

Se NS ONO OTE ae Lie Vor p= es a 2 el ae 35. Oratio. Relief on the Arch of Constantine, Rome, a.p. 312-315

separated from each other in order that each body may be

seen in itself as an organic unit and a corporeally beautiful whole; at the same time they are, by their position, movement, and gesture, placed in a certain rhythmic mutual relationship, a certain reciprocal contact which causes us to perceive them as an organic, living group. In the development which takes place during the critical third century, this classical composition is shattered. At the same time as the disintegration of the Empire and the general social and economic disorganization (pp. 39 ff.), there takes place in art a characteristic destruction of traditional form. One may choose examples of this among the circus, the Prometheus and Phaethon sarcophagi of that period (Figs. 32-34). The figures lose their corporeal beauty and no longer exist in organic groupings. They overlap and cover one another in such a way that they no longer appear as organic units but rather as parts of entwined tangles of figures. The organic groups of harmonically related figures are replaced by turbulent throngs of entwined but contrasting figures. The contours of the figures no longer flow rhythmically, but are formed by straight and jagged lines, somewhat spasmodically; characteristic are the abrupt, marionettelike movements. With distinctive exaggeration of gestures, movements, and mimicry, the confrontation of the individual figures is rich in contrast and drama. We are faced with singularly excited and harried, peculiarly dis88

Transformations in the -Art and ~Architecture integrated compositions with a strangely glimmering and flickering life.“* One may speak of anarchy of form.

Toward the end of the third century and during the first decades of the fourth, the disconnected pictorial elements are collected into a new compositional order. But, as in the contemporary tetrarchic reorganization of state and civic life, the new order in art is not, as in the classical tradition, an organic order based upon free figures in spontaneous groupings, but a mechanical order imposed upon objects from above, regulating their

mutual relationship—an order which is based upon a higher regularity than that of nature. If we look at the two well-known reliefs on the facade of the Arch of Constantine (312-315)—namely Orazio, i.c., Constantine’s

speech on the Rostra at the Forum Romanum (Fig. 35), and Liberalitas, i.e., Constantine’s distribution of a gift of money to the citizens of Rome (Fig. 36)—we will find this new mechanical order fully developed: the separate figures are not gathered in free, natural groups, but are 12 The art of the Tetrarchy and the late third century was, on the basis of then unpublished material, analyzed and characterized in my work Studien zur Geschichte des spatantiken Portrdts, Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Oslo, 1933. The sarcophagi of that period have, above all, been treated in German research, G. Rodenwaldt, F. Gerke, Fr. Matz, H. von Schoenebeck, cf. bibliography in L’Orange—von Gerkan, Der spdtanttke Bildschmuck des Konstantinbogens, Berlin, 1939, p. 207, note 4; cf. also Rodenwaldt, op.cit., CAH, XII, 1939, p. 558. In the work already mentioned on the Arch of Constantine, pp. 192 ff., I have presented the material on which my analysis of the stylistic development in that work and in the present study is based.

36. Liberalitas. Relief on the Arch of Constantine, Rome, a.p. 312-315

Fe ee

4 a thinissli ei tomcoonaemaagscete & tami meno aciiaale. EE Le ee eee

i oeBNE) Oe OBE||Ges Meae Qu Ee & eSae @ NS j.2° 220 ie SF ee oe Saf. VN a Rae ae

jig mercee. Sate eye ee 7 Fe meeife%ee. org Keeaeeee \ BPv VR ee Gere a. efi af SF ee a2 Sa ae wy 8 Re Pe Oe a cutee: eT Ae a Rg PANYelec AS Sh he Be Ee eo bg ee Hab 7U bi iel dy& hore rere es tor AEA Sg LtPOS ah A ae iw a UM eat TAR mehee ee teUe oy alerBGG) OOS Na Yo see SA Seay GiSN oe Clb 4h me fing We Ee Bae tt te ew So pas. 2 ag Oe ere ih Aa ay ey aay \4 " i a 7 ‘. i i ‘ Pete siia f a beg i. ge a me Fe |: hy ee ‘ 55 Ge ees


The Great Crisis and Its Solution arranged as uniform elements side by side in rows; neither

these rows nor the architecture that frames them are free, but everything 1s strictly subordinated to and sym-

metrized according to the dominating figure of the Emperor at the center of the relief; the compelling regularity which row and symmetry impose upon the figures, is increased by the fact that the axes of the whole com-

position conform to the horizontals and verticals of the framework. The main lines in the figures and architecture represented either coincide with or are parallel to the framework—for example, the line just above the head of the figures and that just under the feet. The new composi-

tional system is thus characterized by row formations, symmetry, and the total subordination to the ordinates of the framework: an organization of form that completely corresponds to the structure of the Dominate. At the same time that the individual figure loses its wellproportioned, organic integrity, and becomes straightened out according to the verticals of the framework the tradi-

Oe ee ee ee Cee = ———“‘ 6 ee ee 37. Detail of Oratio in Fig. 35

eae Sk ES Be RS Ee es Enee MEee sa el Ser—r—S=S

“ava 33 pees is SSeS es SE Bic BoasNES aaa ‘ ee es aeeeScSearts i(“‘(i‘“‘“COC‘CSONOOC

| aee er 5eeeieee ae ~~ Re: se a ee i eeSsEg ee=reeSeer ee

| _ Se : Si i we yee Be Oe ee ° 2S a ee ee gu — & 4. oe ee - PI Fae WR ieee re ee ;

Se et

ae eee ern (rr . es” Ste Pe oe ti—‘(iti Sasa ceSoSa :sein Sos Sewe oees aae :ae 4Lae on : ; ose. - :Se‘ahoipis Pr =ee-eePR. -SN tcornon ssa SRS SS — ee. a 33 ee =SsSe ss oo Pas ahaa ten et teaSee Sa sane Se ae ees —=© ssEee ot Sa sth

oe ae oe Bae iia Bea ne cote oF 8 . —— CS cee Se. - an

=8 oe ae : oe +kes ST oe er . sour =. oe ~~oe ‘ —— pa ih,Ss eeBi osii. is are Soe ee ee| Be ae a _..=- 2_ Giles i _eaeen SRE CY a 2Go” oe

=soe Sone $x mh:38 Rice SSEcoat SSSaeaSaerySee Se aee. 5 a Bees erea Se c Se pssaeSaaeces _ Bea Brees ae attaoe re pe Sitgates gee oe SesSoe Bs Hes 8 caeegatBae ee

ae etl ee - a oe 5. : 2.eeoe eetas£-— = Ee sf ee s “ o » oe ae ae -_ : — | : of — eS Ll. aes=| aes ee _eeao . 8— oe tg a 7: :iesosaR eeSe-— » i a2yeei oo : os a a — iti. Seam Se Se ee _ ie “, Basmas me Bates —Staee Bs eeSe agc's , . : = pees sae See Oy Ree oS CAS “ates Scape SS signed Bo sama oe ne Se Roe .

3 . = - = ; oe oe Se Saat Ss a ae Soe Sanaa SESS oo Ss Nite Se snare SS SSeS aes a = Sass Sarat os

Soe P 33 ae Bat Sicaee SartSs Sacre ee aesae on = Sancta = Shanes SanSe See See pos a ae ae Sacee a %ce, a Ree Be ae aaeeSeSe geSoeSee aeSeeSe -—. Seahaneca ieee:

Maasai sts'c Se Seahorse Renn See aha ee Seas ae Seen Sa Bae ee ae Soe oe Soe hae Seat Se pe ha She a kc

Bet oSpe a &semee oe se ; eee : eee=aSern aii ssSS ae -eemeee ooeepoa . " ae, o >=ee oe pOoe SgBe e3 fo Santa _ee Pas fe SF F oe Pe tks. a3 eee Ss Fe Ses Le Pe — t.. an es ce eeBek: Seer 6Ce @>: : Se Piete oo Sok Sa Sessag sh:St Se Pee es eaeeS Bi .Soa Se a ' .4)3ie RSS se eae te esa eeeS . ee ee: Se ae Cee a eee Se caa,Siar ‘aa .i=. a eg:aieae

e | i= |s

Re Se a se oo= “ eS a8A y: i é i? :kaa i&7— _ eeOe ER Scere anne r—C— Nee See & Se Na Seen ee

fo . =. le movement 1 ee ition, subord: cana ly ms see ps the figure life individ os ae im in dual rs ; uties, thei preps at 0 : state res iat haya place of thei a

* pedis a Eee ae ee ee: ee eS SO RS eS — : ae = : : oo eee PEGs :Re E a4 i sg 8ip BS SOS oS— See 8oe a— awe egSES eS|. aeaeoo —— —SE...ieS=ieiecox = ee aati es a Sk eee a Seana See ge See a Shas saeco eS SS een SSS pcs 8

BeboSy 2S Sead a ae a L-Ee _— .- oe. eS ..

: .Pero eee ae a ees Saree See SEN Seen Ses ae Se Seas SSS* es ENS Sec ae abe: Beers Za: re - Se isieSse E:Se Be ae es PANES SES aN = Pee aSseers : SSSSS SS SSS Sicseta Seas SS RS Bae ESaeES= SS otSeas a ae ee a es ‘ Ree ee Suess eheencens : somes PheaeS ECS SENSEN = SSA cee

“Se = jf FF ere eS en 3 a ee hl re, FR ae, Se : Migs Ng Ae

Le ec oO ao. * Gh Me 3 a...oT Wah Pe he 4. hl art Ce eS OU > Te a Se ses Ce TNO. ee.

ee “oo N.S

.. :eee” sie «a > * eee oe —,rr—~—~ up go 8 eae 2aeh .£SR Se & co Ree a eee BS 4ees, ae, SS ar 4 cer er hay oe ee oe ‘ . SES a =" oe a ot pak a ae ies [SPE ae aed to RR Ses ne>apes "3se—haeets= ;+ee¢oewo Peea.esSee paces ace OR Se RE . ee

oe. aaa. _% ek g¢Ay 5% See Raaee: - es *i ee Gee

eeSe eee, RR eS oe ee

Reateaoo a ‘it 3Te ae Tm a Se ee | ee =.At Sin,RFg gr ve fe OS aeAT eeSY c.see wa e. so Ee ¥ ee |. -— .. gS Pe . — — cr OS gtceeeER iSe>“eet ERE coe aa ee SSoo Pe Sa ks tf ee a Re a eal site Bees “Pees So. UN Se Se ee le % pats rene. ERS cae

eeaeot ® . ae St ee SR ee 5 Serre ar ag

ig ee ee SSR SR eRe ee BS a eee ¢ Se ae ae Beagrie sais penny

0 eea RS ee “eee fe eeSE ee a4 Sa fo OSoeaSBet es ees Se me = St Sa fo ae Me ee ee es aS a 0S eee re ee i Bo

Ne Clk Ree es sae “ye Ok \ i te ee ee eae FO Mo hs SO rr, TY en ee ae ds ee

Re el ee Se ev ee — re i . ee eee

;2.Bi Se ee RRS RSSes a Wept aeOe Re aRNSe aRRaee 8.PRES ee _— ae atRRaS SoaPo or esea FtSewee aeeSname

} Rae. at aoe Ee ©. Ra eee eee eee

ie ae | soe cs ee ee) SDeS gf2b Se re

SoyVie SS ‘Sa a iAS oRa4NG eeeSS ae ee 7 Bo , :Cs. SS ‘# = ae eioktsb adgee&MEee SRS SES ae ea ee oe ES? Se = RSS Se So SE SS Eg RRS ote Mee ete ae

a hae” ceUe oe yO ii er ee , a. » See Ae Peg : oe eee ee ge eas aes, aes

¢o 22 = geaa Oe=. ES~*~ e: PA rg 28 OMB Sle ee Pees. eo

s s 2 A Cc

47. River god on Arch of Constantine, a.p. 312-315

of the dominus is expressed in this arrangement: his central position in the state, the dependence and subordination of all citizens on him, his superhuman nature. Here is created a compositional scheme expressing the mazestas domini, which was to be of fundamental importance for the official art of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Let us choose as an example of this scheme the famous silver emperor-image in Madrid, representing the Emperor Theodosius enthroned between his co-emperors,


Valentinian and Arcadius (Fig. 24). It is not the laws of life and nature which are at work in the grouping of these figures and in their placement within architecture and space. A new order has replaced that of life and o


Transformations in the Art and Architecture nature, a kind of crystallic order: the whole complex of forms is symmetrized around the supernaturally large figure of Theodosius, the groups of figures on both sides

arise pyramidally towards him, and pyramidally the gable gathers the architecture around him. The whole Emperor-ideology of Late Antiquity, the sacred absolutism has become evident in this transformation and spiritualiza-

tion of natural form. The Emperor is God himself on earth. He is the center in a kind of superhuman symmetry, he is the apex of the pyramid of the hierarchy of the state. The emperor-image is a devotional picture. The church took over this compositional scheme from

the state. As an example we illustrate a sarcophagus in : Milan, from ca. 4oo (Fig. 50). Here it 1s Christ who is placed at the center, raised high above his surroundings, and here it is the Apostles who are disposed in symmetric rows beneath the central figure. And again this central figure breaks through human context: while the Apostles are facing Christ, Christ is facing frontally toward the viewer like a cult statue to be worshiped. The higher static order, which in the imperial images on the Arch of Constantine are imposed upon the human world, is in the image of ‘Christ sublimated into an expression of

the transcendent beauty and regularity of the Kingdom of God. Just as the Emperor in Ltberalitas made a donation to the people, so also Christ in our relief; but Constantine gave a gift of money to the Roman Citizens, Christ gives to all humanity the nova lex of the Christian world order (the book-roll in Christ’s left hand, presented to Peter). And as the citizens in Liberalitas receive the

gift with one hand lifted in acclamatiog, so also the Apostles around Christ: but the citizens are giving thanks for a gift of money, the Apostles are rejoicing in a celestial gift of grace. While, finally, the Emperor is raised up upon a historic tribune, so Christ is elevated 103

tt A i eR Coe

|| Wee a6 Ea ee en Oe PENS ae Saree ae Pe ET Oe ee a Py | ae? Sef Se aines ee SPA wit 4 tb Be an ramet TN ETERS VE Oat... EOS ee ee eee ee ee Aan ee ane. . "iieetpdite: Ce Wee ol te: ee ato Pda Pine gh acots 3“3a: eee PE a RR ie Ree t, 4 e i ie , i UU 1 = £4 a eS Teer cl 3 a Ss Be ; Fg RR en: we a Seed a . = * : Fa a Puce ct eaeieialiieet ee 3% ken 3: RS ee ees SE a ee. Se Bk oi Bee aR re Wee Eo OR ee Ro a SO ‘

Fa x a Rees. Be gt tel : ee ee od Sa et Br a3. 3 " ws 2 Nie sk e ES ad SS eS a3 Sets 5 oF cates edie 3

of angels in the apse vault below (817-824). o


(SEES 0 SNES SS ee eee ene CUR Leaner as e I res = ee eee Rr | tt ee URS ARN Seen GN 8 bs Soa : he : e Pe : 3 ES Mae ee oe sae Se sae ee aE aE Ra dapat : Ee, es

Seer ee eee ek Pee ane Lemar as aaaa eeeaBec ar eBi sco oakoe ae eee ren enaTaoe oa|6TRee gee eee ge. oS Sa eR = Re f Ne Re ae er ee (Se *— See eC ee eeeee ll he RO Sees a eeee Meeen Sy a Ce aaa 2 wee cee a ee ee eeIeee eereetlCi Oc OO a ee a oeee Se t=“ ye ICO Bl 1¢ *as Pe@ ee Pe = a93 = 3 zsYe ‘ * coeCU LO 5 e asLf). ae e , . ee, E oe igaes a ipsel 2 pa Cli‘ = Pe P Y oe ;— ndFo 2. ae8‘ ‘ éUlm Ue, aET Oler alee aeS CU

+ See er tid ee. es:

Re ee ee A a ee a eee ee eee Beg = fa Bi ee Ba se

lige =. ec ie Fn ee eeoS ee ee ee ee. ee TCUae ee eeeDF a eee anget bo ixelt ee ke | 3eeeeeeee ee.a eeEe eeee3eSeS ..befegeee ae en mn Gi ae eees Re ee ee Se | ee,ae Soe= ee 2 rrtrt~ suns ots y epenystine. fvgatant tunesetn So pain aN * :rove SEESrtatecmia Susseaaeeenpue yn cncennernennna ae som Sheen oan Se RAS AL ES ee es Mesa sees ss Seas ee SS is NOE «ee nna ermatecnenameneneees RR A CEMA seerany ee CRS Shao eetSSSoi hennaeees Roe pec ee Ron erievenertit eet axa Tan Can Ale eae eae eaees Ietecasnceteta ete eee eS SEESea : SaocS SERRE So siesta) sins s's. ss s-nlas hts ne istncastobeanecd. ech etnember tert natelniaals ei ecstoamnacehanasein nie PSD ISBOND LOLaLe a ES ee eee EAL EREMER REESERE EERSR ET OBE Paratetotetetes : See aa ea NEERE SSSR MSN MSSBEREMSRES |.bateseces yoo sisi yssic'e"cia'e arneininniate't tigimauatmaeeeutene . EUR LRRD SRE PRR ORD scmSesos ROO Ee:ees etreeMRNEN oa ee ©»es\cihvecnisece Meu aaeReMRER

eats AeA ee eee Dhan aon n Sit ntnny pant butane etna etna wh unre sa: SNe Sas nse atoreesetaeane oaSReRRSeeS kane oe MR ok LeeR ESSS aS aSRR a She aeaN cMMMMRRR Shots haetiy a sone Ar ntenon pak simaeun setunemcngnnteetenen ney 4

PSRs eeespent eeepam ee SERN Loa aS a cS aeseS.See EES oooh aMMERES Doon NTMEME ahieTSecs) Norapotas ebs ees nennines sunsets pacatnvenens ate en e a eaten Reena a ah | (eee ee eee eeeSRE Sy chasse camera reas Pe ah Seatocnee ne pean aRES UN pasnciatnncnany cn“ RES DNase Roc eee eeguttwaesarne Meenecette :oe;;-:i Shicnoumeawen rie eee Se Mamene inres ge hee a Sanam eee Soe eee eeeSee ER Pes Shadiee kerr en Unvaee Stu nkneuments inateees hatsss SEs Sate enone oy eee PE eo ke ee ee aOR. cs cen nn ceusnausecnuresresonaantaentea omen eee one oe macnn : Lo RE Se REN OE. OR OORN. aa ahhNe Eee SEO ROMER TE Sebienchte nr sing nbn ameioctennaner seRingienntnshanvanune SRS a nate cg a a as Sc cas Seeneky eather oteange eRpane ee seamen eee OSS eS a er a eS «Poe eon ssc attaes cain hueganunronaunncnnns ISTcee eae : LGah name nena annem nahee. nineShy SeasSee Cana SIS ee es SESS SEE eichSe ohEE NON auonatun tents taenaets Gran ear ition) toes anss meena he nunun neha nearer nnitn ny Egon aap cots oases spetehehsntehenoten-ohncoh Sa Sais saitconcnnc athe one cana re eae SSS Be tas Sian enseianenn cies ene ee ROR ROSY % weeny Peer eee me here ee. Suntec ee a ae ee ee La a. ce ; a te pean: ms we SEASOSS EAs oesSRR eonEES ene eee eee : SS pons Reena Soa oO reese te R; & Seo33 3 ; :ns: ;:eek on SARS ae ei Seer Baio Sas ss os Dobees “iboencann comonnn cr pacennn nn antanc, manent : Soannnoonn ann anaemrnsnnn anne. tad gi «S23 22 Sor ins Seah So eS ee Re hee RiNtarenr cate Seireroberer penn OR ORPOSO Tet te Shae eee a SEES RRR RR SSaNe Nan ENR Oe Se CRONN Bet On GaSe RRR TO Tas SA eR OT on te ain asa Jew yan eta aie an Sa ea aS ao SOON ea CC Ae

Spears eae ss EEE ea eR : : nas Sn aera aa a intstin ee seein Ww enc se anmeaeaa nies annie natn one snaucte tet tagnciven tan nene es wancan aki wade woamseun onaeke See Ao eeaTS eg

SRS ths acne ekSREP 2: Pesiccec tet arce ester a Sac esasGED NigNE isePYRE aan CTT ciestutcass GN Ghee SUR SRea PTT estrone SEAS a Eeea acopecans ae : SSaameranes RE Sacra meee ate LT RRR mGr NOE Pag SU ERY E PIN DAE CRY eee Se Rea SE CO, ptheantenanncuntcatngan Una n ee Deas SSE ee oa remeees «SSRN ORE RECO CCP ah oA Noh ERROR NUR aN A OR SOE SUSE TRIN NOP DS SRR ORE Bx

Sooo eae nn Sen te = - eee one Oe eR mn Saecrntar sca ae tos terete meena as Sic Oct cs atiyceen see det aik rennet Te ae erea nes tmeti magenta ee eee eee meee eae rate eeRee et orm Me ee

paste eceemencnan anenrainiam ee SES : Seco s SR Nn sent RRRSean cena nekLESS sumo snvioemmrnancna geananne aeeeaNceevaen Cemaeern eee cnyes LR RT pohanaccmencadaacionn cee eee am SSE : Srerneeee :Been pera.“ Sys ae. SeRS Seeeuenrune aesROR ee sueue een ohIetases sae ban Sear beens Seema Roan Ren a SERRE SS Sea Set RE Ee eps as SO SN Ee C RS Pn eRe Ntaeene SSNS CARO Soarene eet nse anna OR eo eama ne eee OEee SESee aioe SAAS Se ST ooCare Sa Sates igen wna nesacn ann wean RN ene REZ ANNES. Ronee Nenu eae ROR TNRTT R aSSLT Raga CREE

Rove aanaen SS Sie ee|,ER NN eee “ ca eee a se SSENaN Ocean RRS Se Seentn peecos annSSS acn apne ene eee aesSESS ene owe aeRO E ASRS RENNES SR aa a Sins. aanBat ae ke ee a : Shorea neeSo heenARR pO RENEE earns ad SaRE Sea ee SSE eeeeaie 1Se aaa eRAN EONS DNAS en noe MONS Sea emNtene oraReet ate obese SSOe SOSS i ane ei > 2A See a::SSO aesReopen paeaeae ren aucen eneCannes eananny annieages nat ia Suma eeRees ARAN SSSI heneee SRN EE ae nae ee Soke ee Re ea Se ee cnn SSScanconmanennan ER a ony en Roonaan pans onn cannes ns ce canton LMteeEEe Ste ohSRN wate eae ee a | n. | acces SS aaa ae Sees BAT isis saan rae Manne aca n ca tr Rene RAR ees 4 DORE TEOMA SESS cae eee eee a Sees Senses Rea : Se eo 33 a ‘x: se Gaeen Ses Geran nine hc eee er anes bhaiecnes ner coeentne cnr raninr ea)

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ee ei eee hee EES ee ae EROS. RB Ee ee Fees S SoS ae ae as ~ aitcanan sete:stats pomonembernch Seros atuhass cnungenscnmatronatnnronr nant SE onaaen ana Re ae Nae 33 oe iy arene ec eoSOAS eeSera Sear OO aaa one Sompbenaeee pairSNES en esnne eneonasSeana seshann ERE aRsn pene Ses Rae. A eneSEN ReneTn besortelcuvsmcnyia em oie aS ee NNN to ini cy wasn Doe Sawaeree >Se ROR Oe So Besa ane cass Sie erme tamebeeen As See Se

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: Stans aeons een ee ae ee Ne ae ae a a ae at saanren Onn at DA OSAD EN Seth D neh se Spe Ase nee nate ere Mens Pag ctt So ae — see i crn Soe ntact h tn Sie cos mapite Annes eetacaatne Sapeerne eae oe

upenrene ern prensa ne OORT TE ENE. Shah bP RN irons suhntsennopn scene Som amy se ee ae ne Se a3 Bearers ae : : coat cme se Seer naan paieaowocr sone: ee SSE SRRE EE coe ner pee see cine boone one Mae Ree he ROE REE cn RROD RADEON OOOO ee ROC Ral ; See as > : : : Sgr ceereece ee ; Sorerexterpen cen nen a: Sn Mia neine en ea eas aM ea Daag anna ere ener Pa: nastecinccnanncra gnc waniin een Nant ohne Seana ate ee a a F f Et > : . : Saree poe eae : sShexe Suk ee sieONE sacsSa gun can Soe entsace anne eneSone amgtee RES Ct Anshan he niopion ARONSON CNN SEND a MI Pen Seay RenyStent etna ite tenRg Gaia aden te Disa Sonamantes aaa meaSeaton Ee oem eeteny Oe : aaa Cpecattnnn Sa sobSes perpen ey ener fe Rain Ope en SARS NO ReanaTBE ES ETE Te OTD gigi tp ean poten crnianoeeee := :cfnos bat EMRE RE CR Ro RBS : SERIE SenNSN to oeeaReet ste ONAN BRT ORT eo RRaeRR OER SRS x : Mace ;: :378 mone Pantie theater iy otros Maa Ss Spo etan asain nnn ore nnn eran ane Mnnuncr Se eM Se ae ae Saws Shane anu OL aban e ANtue mept nna ce biel beta tanya veshnin haa htc paan ty oo es pba n a aa ati oe ie : or : Sar : 5 me ae SEG eee eee Laren okreneannnencenne cs Rhett ok aan anbie oan nian fe ANC RUN GIA Sohne inl a aeincnan aarp an uence en n rae gD neater Sisie sean aae = omer : . : ; ae : ‘ ; SHEE me EROS es eee ee ec icc eat taorune yar Suku ue co See ia oS ES ee Ree : Sree enas ent Srnec annum tinh = nen naan aude nieaniatnnis somincracnn Wacnnch cantare creonane tude pants hones Cuahiva swear ncuabev secretive stank aus coro nasie denen aa an eh aap x Saaaene ns ; : Wika sahien nes se nennnr ss Seakenan she bcos

Shiaaeenccathmnecinnnan on tena aeaan Seetna BC amat hie sates Nenana ASA NO SR pas a Mou : : ee eat Sic ane Sietataenens ae eeetent mee emiatnn eenonhanha ee eetseRCE MR Eeee a vane mSStab eeNORA och SME neeRIeee eee mes ee5 *ne ere eeaa ee

° rtral e Of Ili C °9 all a ) p

54 Po trait head from nd t ent N tion | Museum Na es


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Sige aN : sits :: >éa3: ype Shah SR

R ; ea aes: Sh SSS: See , mec: eae Cait Re a : Ie .: as oe YESS SSS

aes ss ae ag AS Bene RES See *s ates SS :‘:SoS fSe PPR TORRE T RRR LR :; . NS ‘ : y Ramat 4her : : SN ro : , : : Reena atk. SRT ee > : 2 Sent c e ae a ees : Peatcnns sess aN eS :‘“ oo ee aes x SES Se Bore dean saa GRO ie ee en a Soe ARN Re QR eo 3 COREE So SE ‘ SRE NEE eS SRS : be SS ee NS Sena SS 5 ‘ Sze ? maaan ce eames pr sts, ;.JCae BSS NG Sh era BER : : Bere Se SSNS Sunes re Naas SSS : os Soong nate SERS a 3 “ SL ae Sa ~ . a . RN on ‘ copa Sonn caan tees ements x SE ae ae ee, pee RRR ee as SES SR :ic. mie Sa PRR. gugaseehieremacns satay Seca PSSS SESS ES AS RERRO cScathe SERIES SSS ee pata eRe . : See eee SEA eeSESS SeesaSISEES Seas ott:aes eS RRee eecao Pee,oka LE ik ; e as

Se Saeee a eee oe Btiauss scan fess RG RR Rio Boe “ .;See SR REA SSE SRS BN Saks saeaA ee Sere , hens:care ::rater: Ss ‘-onoeSITS ;SRT $e eae SALAS Skee akSSE espeesictaaatah SSS 2S Sores aes o. See SS % 4 ernie Ba Bomecwne ct : seis encanto me : Sen . >ee ES SRA Sebdewouie: eensenenatene Srapeee omnes sa ae Sety ro~ cee eta SOSeta Stee eae ee

Seat Samed SREs SS. eerie Sy te ee. SeteeR TNs" Soa ee Soca SiS SS ERS. SS 3 Scere aa eae eae ae aes 2 ‘ SSS STccmaaeenen: Sas ania e sien: Pee SE ee ee eS SNS RAEN Sy ‘ Stas eee aa ssRCA Ree Ree Istaat TORE Bias ctnt ce RSS Ssses SNe denaNt Sy .SRO SRS SSN Se ae SARS Ree cS :Co Settee Becsosasnnth deena -_ Sees UNPhd Rete: SESe :Se Senate Sa ERR eee e RR MSS ae ranesothe SS eeeeee SE baRgaer a SRN ee SN 4> BS weemea ene LON itea eet: net eae BASIS Siaericinnie stant oOmee ta Se Bencontcont rocaa Sinn sentence tee. geCESS. BA Nice ct: saeent SS SkeLE Steere Bee “a oeaeBaste ge :eee Reto :R aa) Soe eae eR es SaaS REE SR Syeae = ina , e SoeSRS Uae|RSM sss meccnte a See ce »seas ERRORS NS : emsncenemreccra an Sea, Paes ee Bsn, 2 Re ERE WRN : : . Racers cn mass ad Simoes Seas) eons: Ree eS SER . :ones ts:Rennes theese ae . Seer werereetrs. Socks eebs ates “Shaina, aiesae a ky RS) Minos”. «i deemenaeereaes eet tet en eee Sy poe aaa: SRNR RoR BRO SONS Sea aSE Rta esSE an Steere aweeaR SAN Ss soy Sea Sow Behn Sepig Ray ‘ Soh Ree eee? sary aeSee SILaay ns ‘cats SERRE RRS eens Be3Sosa chiA Sere eeeeS neSaseseneerg SaRee Coney Pace eee eet, SE Sesean OS Sa Sessa cet ne SSR OS SAAR SePER Ras pees Bas SsSeSeorea,Saute 5 SSSR eater ee mre eee akighaktcaken aa Renee ae oe SI SSRRRRS nee Stern yr tigeeNE Dake eeet a, Lames wt een tecSSIS AROS penceERR Zoneas he sinensis ea So a SaaS OSsea PERE OSU sce antes Pes essabe oa, 3 _.ace RRS un yy =ER SRS NS SARSBON, bse:bees ot y's SREcuteeeere ae sennanes sarees mS eae Sere ettheBe aeal ~Sa Ch Gor ecco Sg

PS gamer actea Poon SSSSSAS SS RaeRoe. SRRee ccER Ss SSRI aREs Re23(> aieds “gies Season A ERT tuses PSone ois usecase : ae : Be go SSS eee Z 0py asaceca renee Re ae PROS rahe “SRS ne.ae2ae RS GRRE SO SEES igeen ee aaa 2; 2Sie Sot


BS i)Sateen Seen Bann 2S Ss Ses . Ss neo Dae TR aera :Same MOTO SSS eaPaaS 2s ee fs bien! Bos SRN erane - Sh. ween’ es aeREEN RRR eee Re ee SSS ote oe“pe eo Simoes nn ae SS _SEs |SARO” OO 5 ape sis anstall aeN erSS 3 4 ad sta Saeco RRR Ee ea Beets tS naam xboogie Nseas tance eee akeaaa Se Senne teen so Sa *Say Pe aeAe Se ne SNA Sy ees aR “4 nane hee ete .Shy -SSE ieee Pe SySeta, 7 ene Ped ens ane ae irco eeichcee me eeses nS =Se SSS ‘°Seatresne Senne :RENIN See Seg Bree pee Se Bett 2 PPP gatas SSE Sesto aa Se PEER re Sn RR LASS eae Ca ate Bstogi’ cuipeacemmnncnnnene ss Res a Bisateaeccce PATI EE SS NC > SS na Ee sarees cee on cane . Se NS Bese : Sones LESS aa Sigs apenas meee Re Bierce pats cunt SSEieee Guute ts Sa SRR SSS Saeres pono taatan teats eee Saoaes as cee pat ateeS en Sener ae Ri ota SoS SS SS .

akan ema eNate cs ates Sear? Eset Ree Sra esNee Sait SRR eerRoR. Pocd gasses Sec éeeSS SSeS vans Reactant Se oan TASER =SSeS : oes ERs eae stim eens Sen 3 See Sens CREEL Poy ee , Se Bees : See eee eT SSUES ZUR ce bata SOS pte Saeeeaere aeSees eet: ae¥4 y Ce SEES Se SP ake : SRS sae: aa i Ro eet ee ee pets cca Repo Pas She Soy SSE RR es Ss cid posi ae SES SEs Sega Seca ance SS Soo A ; Sa SESE Ae ae SEN : ee SA LSS Me See actos RES%SS. = SE Ler SE SSS= eae SEN Rene asta SESS RSES* aes 3 LIRR aa/ ras Sea : ge Sere RUE SS ae Samenenasanae a Seater © Shier sameSee SPteacterasec oepoe PEERS eee Re at SSSR onesie Sas EES Rae: Peweregeeesesss. ee >RO. ES Bes aSeen” eae ‘ Bers Gorse pains Rs Sh SS :essae Peete fecate aaaeeee ae 3 SysSansa sear Sane een satan SoeRE een BA “aae 2 Sete SRS cme eS Son:ee Sakae asient REE BtRRARS See papier ee Es ato yam Se etn tanner SosSa Baesecantnnnn oe Paes SaaS On eas SSSR Rimeesers Ss Lege gas eS Bass ae

LSS, SESS Seren Sau SRR “i Ries ate Bich: tice anaes, Saat RUSS = Se . : % Ghee SLNARA SRRE eeae ares : SS SenSs _errata Sone x Si Rrra Bao DRA Reenes seen, ee3 Se. SSS Soa ees nine a ar etc Ses Dae SO Re PR seis es See Sea SN pea Sets BenoSer ean een eRe Spey BS Roe Sc Dene ee :SeRe gaSS ae cateecnaan sa Sas Besse ae Bee BSeee SSS ARES BePE Stes Meare -SS, Re SK ae ‘ates etal See eee Se es geen ee Ree ad Somiaronenetans seam” segs e See. ee

. SERSata Ges ates SEieee Soe merit S coup a te eer ot eeBae ao Gogoer SRS chRRO ct ea ad eee 2 ae . SEN Boom Me SSR Set Soma eae . ee nae, dye eeaseenaemeneas. Shexsenctuncnsnh Re Sone REA Ss RR ee oo ee e te ys . AUR enema ogee tn Mi ee eee Sha rennet RS . SRRRSRBENSS BA sghrsememnee as CR eee. oe Bi ae SAC ee scone Gece ee SSR ee ss eS eiate aes, sete Shes et Birace came

Bape Scien sie. Ree Basset “aati aRsisast RS saa eS eR, sp:SEa Se aoe ORe = wags RRR Santen eS aeons ee yee - Bogen saroriine reenter ae Roa ete. we Bases aesneSE Sak SSRamee Sahat Seeega Saas SAaeeke aesaS F So Sea Re ceRake Soames Bas Brbcicieen wanna mSSees Rgnigaaumea 6 eae

Eo) Sage a Beers Se SS osRassikc Seah? Boe Pee SS Sean ¥ SR Same Me SN sent es Neen(aun ine as Bey Ace. Sigegam

REE >eeeBic aes . as SRSA : RRS i. ensaes SeeconePcie as SoS 4 ie “tae i :‘ _S Renee SeeOy eal Lee an, °ean ERReS SS a SSaeee Sessies Beaten KoehchaeRe ance Pasay ;

[SS ro 4SRS aeENe: ree assa pee tn eRoe Boeke eeeEeanSSeS ans LESSEE eae3 cme Sa esate SSS Sia See at peastiaee _4 ee See . ARS LS RS SESBa eae Se RRS SS aE reteeh hatte py ptRE ret ee eb a ereSESS re are SA eye na SOS eet Zz+ aeee eee . Sipe a ‘ . Ran eats SSR iepeeie eS Bee ; Tie aeARN Ricotta Secpmneeeg ates sey oe SESS beset .Bi FOac cn er a”ee ileSEO RaAanne esoi oan enBosra Soe BI ec Sek, eee Se ee ee : cS ee ee ee tee =es. ‘asSSS.era >a ese Seg a3 : : Srantans © oe x Ee | Soa aes SS SS SE am gt ' Se hs ‘SS Sees SS eS SISOS ae Sore Mey SSS Reeeeee 2 pe ean 1a eee Brana SR : Se Sse Se SE ae ey ieee ne PAS SS COS SNS ae rece aa Retest Beta ncn Ra Baa { eset. eee ™ eo aee 1% : SSS SSAA eke ete ARs Reso tee ae SSRs Sete y - SoS nomen ‘

;foeagpus aaf; ’ . » S20 PS RR ee re yeeen” aaa ee Na : ere CaratCs . REO RSE, SeS é “ SS, SSR esateen aeEe, Se Sere weSeren Secsae BaSoa 2 sy ReeR SueNe ene OS eccean Ses ee RRR aes 3 ONE tesSERS Sie sayCais tnaSarr SS 4| Aaa > REL coe. eeane miss

Siva SR. oe F. SOP Pee = Dt : .; : Rene ee sie ‘a*,: aeae Metre

"oe \ : $F, 2 ‘ mw, |‘5 °. ==/,F :> ae >. od ! a ] }) f> Re. -As Fs 5 ./4‘f> eR Hoe

ai 4cent ¢°4[ IN | a{Ya. ~) ‘ 2§CJL ~VDCLOLNEK ia‘P4 JI end 55. Portrait head fros ndofr 7- 5ITI \ , a\ I7S|Ee YT — | }mMNacen ( rie Ve ¥ OpDC


The Great Crisis and Its Solution burst, the nervous play stiffens into cramps and convulsions. One must compare the peculiar disintegrated compositions and the strange marionette-like: movements

in the contemporary art of sarcophagi (pp. 88 ff.; Figs. 32-34): a dissolving in the sphere of art which, as we have seen, coincides with the anarchic conditions of the spiritual and material existence of the period (pp. 39 f.). Contemporaneous with this disintegration of traditional organic form is a new feeling for the compact mass, the “stereometric” form.’ As examples we reproduce three portrait busts from the period around a.p. 300, one from the Latin, two from the Greek region of the Empire** (Figs. 56-60). The same blocklike simplification of the organic form asserts itself everywhere. At the same time there is a weakening of the individualizing facial features; they no longer evolve from deep within a thoroughly articulate head structure, but reside in their own layer on the outside of the block. As demonstrated by coin

portraits, this new portrait style first appeared in the eastern part of the Empire;”* it is first found on coins struck by the mints in Nicomedia, Kyzikos, Antioch, and Alexandria. But the style soon becomes common in all

the provinces of the Empire, even though the West Roman and, to an even greater extent, the local Greek portrait always preserves more of the traditional organic form structure. This new, immobile, blocklike form which strikes through physiognomic articulation has its striking parallels in the contemporary cubic palace style (pp. 70 ff.), in the massive wall formations that now absorb the traditional décor in architecture (pp. 16 ff.), in the compact row formations of figurative art (p. 96) —indeed, in the whole militaristic way of life character17 L’Orange, Studien, p. 37 18 [bid., figs. 51-58, 64. 19 Tbid., p. 25.


Transformations in the Art and -Architecture istic of the period, which makes individuals disappear into

columns and squares (pp. 7 f.). Characteristic of the development throughout the fol-

lowing decades is an increasingly regular and more statuesque block form as illustrated by a porphyry portrait

(Fig. 61) of an emperor in the museum in Cairo.”° The

structure of the head and the features of the face are confined within large, clearly defined flat or curved planes, individual forms, such as wrinkles, furrows, locks of hair, become more and more firmly symmetrized according to the vertical axis of the face. It is thus again, as we saw in the reliefs, a sort of mechanical way of plan-

ning the modeling which replaces the organic way that had already disintegrated.” The portrait in Cairo is of Eastern origin and more advanced in the new tendency than West Roman portraits. But these also follow, as has been indicated, the same

line of development. A late tetrarchic portrait in the Vatican (Fig. 62) and the famous Dogmatius portrait in the Lateran (Fig. 63), dated by an inscription to the late Constantinian period (A.D. 323-337), demonstrate two steps in the advancing process of stereometric crystallization in western Roman art. The impressionistic glim-

mer, the fleeting asymmetries in the skin and muscular surface are smoothed out. All the creases in muscle and skin are simplified in clear, regular strokes. The eye no longer flickers, but rests immobile upon a point in the distance. In the portrait of Dogmatius we find the full stereometric simplification of the whole complex of form

and the strict symmetric subordination of all the individual forms according to the central axis of the face. 20R. Delbriick, Anttke Porphyrwerke, Berlin, 1932, pp. 92 f., pls. 38 f. L’Orange, Studien, pp. 22 ff., figs. 42, 44. 21 T,/Orange, op.cit., pp. 21 £., 53 f£., 56, 64 f. A. Riegl, Spatroém. Kunstindustrie, pp. 48 f., Vienna, 1901-1923. 115

REESE can :

oc SEER = ERE SE aa ea : me ’ Sees see unas uinds negenncmananae na : : Peer ec nnn ce RE ee OE SS teseeee es Pewee nee ee Se peace pe ee eS : Sooke RE Siemens oe Soe oiton Sung cane RR ‘ Sheer ense Reeatees takanmee aes PSs RRS ne es ae ¥ SS SS Ecce eee ee eee Re SSE Seas Se eee eee oe eR SS = eee Soa ee eee See See SS ey eae SRE Seances NaS : Sage Seto > Senna eee :sSee : 3= ES See ee eee > Snir SRT Foran a : SS SOR SES Se eS ; Roncamma Sects Re? eR RN RN MN Se = Ee sa ee Ses aumento ae Se SO . oS s 2 Sao Rishi eectee gee coe aaa SSRs ase as actnsaadane ESO Shoe 2 sistas LE ae . a ee ae SIS ae ees aeSEE ise RENShae RR gs Se ae Se SSS uaiiane thanks geSee RoSSS =: :SSS SRS Sea Sa SSS ees SS ae OE : ee sar ee SERENE SS Saco age es Siac... PSNN aSS aeORNS EE ee Seen SS Sin Se = Se oe neso ee sn~Soe aries Sees se ee ee SSR SS,rota EeLoon ee aechien or uae Renata Denese. aSabet Se aS SS SESS Sees en ee Ss ie ohne aa ne IS SE Ssa Feok eeRie iain SE Rs 2SSee Se S22 SSR be. Sas picasa cannes Ss Se Sic. shine thn eas ea SS Seaemortre ts a Se SSS ae ea TR LR, : < SNS cn a CM ee : SSRs Soe SSSA CESS So Se Scape Cae 2 Seeis SSS SR ES tes ee Emm ERe Ne... cement Ss a : : eran. date ninaes Wateceie or aeesea pict SCSear ae Sgn She ee Seance tonscoe EeFd as oS SSoes: ee ay ae ae SaoaQeae 2 Se ‘ Soom, es Ste SSeae . mm RNs so SS p>See Se ee

ean ee :a& ae Pe a ae mr Sac ueeaens RS. Seats SRS ae eens. So eee “eee ibe gitar ae Si SS Se Boas iSas RR ERS RR setts “ha eae ee Se . = Rn ER SO ARR Sea caine ncaa Soe Seen oh i ; as om Bococnniie se SERRE eg po ee YE ete ees See SSSR Si. SA : Bie oe Se SANG Ss Ve SS Po Batista So ae eee Bee eR ‘ a ae : SSS Ra as RS ee SSS SSS : Sete, 8 SEA Site SSS SS ag Bresecricterscincare tte saabnc SSeS Pee ne SSS ese aes: 31. SERRE : : Basement oo tee : SSeS Res ae OR RR Boerenca SESS RS “Saar : SS SRR ateh es tor car Sc" *sFOLENS Ns" oh ahahaha ete hate hehesae :rs SSrte eee oe SSS ee ats ST 2-% lS SSN.S earns hin eee Beet = Petes ee Seep ak eieeee: Beier EER Rite Besemanmenna eaeae Ss Pees. ee” =“o> oo SEE aoe snes So ea SS ’ SSE Fe Geka grec cen ke SS ae & eee * Se ee ae nani couienaee : LER SS aS : SS SESS LOS RE a aa So a SRS SITS : Sees SESE ee M3 SSSR a Sane eT ESAS = : 5 = : Sos hc ae ee So TEE EEScoe SSSSRS SESS 5 SSESS eet ‘SSeS : ae Paes as : £7 < SEES Se SES Rapa ise

oS ean sa eee SS. a SRR

SSESEEP pr ein en Ra ed : oe See a SSCS Se Seéses ~t pera a OL * aioe nme "SERESR Se~ eeSES ee SSSR man aeore :ae eesSoar Sea SSepee Soeceieicameie Sate ATaes Bessa a S : Se eR SRR Te tateeeSen RS >See aeesSperere Se eae Es LS ae a. anes Se wsSg SRSS. . cee eR Seaaa SS CARRE ss)RS ENR tc “CONS eeeeee a ae = SES Saeteas aa? DREN eSeen cS ee NS :SoS ee 3pS Se 3teSie. Ss nae PERE, PON Secon. SR ee aisSSS aa SS Sea Ses :eaae onae 2 Ses = Ss : Resa SS Sos lay Sa ga 3::. ee eee ae a ERS aos aoa Se Se . Se ae Sen + ae ee ts Pg es SS ES ~ = Se WSR Sw merece ae. pe . . > Ee ae es “See te Bente n Ee S be a Se eee < Re: Bes hoe a oe Rm Sake sy. See : SS ag a Bes Seen ° SSE RS 3k Se Sec Sania. ert ee sae es a ;ne SES SEAS Saeeene > See Rae aSererrac SS a Sete SORES SRS

Bees L:5L.

Oh Pe 3+3_a Sete So : SA See pee ENCES % See es ee epee ns hteatee Seca oS Saas Sa RE: SS Sea , , SS = es Same eT 2. SR eee oS PO Bites et hc eae See Ss = ead ye RSS SRR ganas oe Map oeeA Ne KSNN aeCR Se eee Kotereanr eeeRoe ERNE FOREN So eos asese SES aS SS RE RR eeee oS ROR SERN SS SSSSSR ay e 2 PES Bee ERR RE, eS aRNReseR eS ‘seme. ; Bea atantent aaa van ae Se SR aea Be osPN SeONaa .= Richens ag eh OSES SACS 23 PO SeROR kicceagee : anna % Se ee SER aSS Ms eRte RES SSIS SEES SRE SE Se RR RAN Seer Bee S38 ponents asa g ogame cn SS = Seta senate Saas Se pee Ree RES 3 Rae Sr? oe. Se Rete NE Sere Soba ene Nhs Se es A ee a a Se. ee ee aah soaeameees e vs pee Sy Drees Nee SEER ORE SS Ss aS ee Soe Bek Pay SS NN TE |Sa aa es Rh.aes s SS SEsRA RS.eS: OOSS NRag ee ape eee Seee SEAS SSeS Stee Rae ER satayERS. Se eRooROSS: Se), a one Sea TERA BES SERENE suseRee tataOSResa Peas SBS ee ae:ae-SeGe 3 a eee eee s ntesate eae

BESS SCS BI GR ee RNR I aC SE EY SF Pe gt BER SASS Ss a RES RsSS RR SSS pe; re SSSe FPRE SO. Ree SERNSSSR cee agaRk, hee SeBese RSS ass SOR aPie, en eames a ieee ne BREA EE ORS OSES nS pena : aS ;RNR 3 ¢elie : Se SESS SO SA SEES ONS eS SSS ae Sa “Steep: osORES See naas See RNinternens ces SS SF RNS Rema Sates PESOS SOSRae: SOS EM ae Me ERsets SMRRS NeeRRS nah rr IR GE RRR AERA ARERR ERRSSS RR SRR ORR RO ER SeOS PLR cy. e Bes BRS Re SES SD WR SRKREE PRS. “S SSESEN EAST ESE BANSAN : : Saeko Soe ee {SSSR oes ee SiteSPSS nes che ee )aa ESSERE ee eS SS RE SASS ER EES : : PeRanNon oa Seah soneeeemet mn Re Ee Sas SRS ESR SSRN can SeSiGe Pee he aSRN iN aaa Rune eRANTit f= a : SSS a ne Gueeetee geo kere ean. *dened Ra Re VEC ETERS SKE eS a Ane ek SSS SS Pee SRE Sans Sates SSE ESS SSS SES SRO tt ae 3 OR Dae) Mme Cae naan LoneeR ee eeea >LEAT Te SERA SRE ieee oneness PEERS ERNS EE Soe SS aSoe Spo occas Te Nt Ss * DN, aneDE CeCena "i Be BERNER RR Psees SKA SEEN SSN ee Se RN oR eee NS OOS AES RA Oe erie ORLY SSRee Ree BERR . Se ees -OS SESS Shawne aecnee name pees LORNA SRO RE Shon eySERRE eeee os.SANS RAR Na ateeter as SoPORES RE LEE Lorne RES SORES See ae wnat * BS Swan Se TRB Ne et : Hae SHR aaa Sapper ess SRR ee cok as ee ae PE SBF PETRA See SESS ¥ x SAL a aeRenae Secs SONS SS nan > bares SER OHA RS Or ASN oRCN ea YRT Catekertenecoee Ree SE : +bee SNe BAEC Se Renee: Par ae aSee PRENVIRG CARE Le a TS a eeSoy ae ReBES FeeaSee hs RR RESSR oa Nagenewen

SASS ee Mgt RS SOS eG ee SRN SS aSeeeRe a oobiden” SSL Se Eisee a pn,SS ec NBR ET SEY RRR eoRee oan etna cnBais ae eke aa eee See BianSEERA NROE ONSS Re 3S) osaeRenta (Reé >) . hae SORE ae Reccnmutn eye Fae ee Gitar RS ae se ate ERR Re SaRS Sikes reer Pease ee Beats ees SSS PRS ee re Pgh Foeeoisaeen open eee SERGREND SSaaa Sony, RN SSRR Se 2 a os Ram aaamaminenacaias wees an la PRO RS Cian RE wt st:mer SAS oe AS a LS : Te= MpeiGRE Ree 0Ee Sree repat RAS Seat en Neoe:Sci eeae oeSS ee a7 ton Seas So ABT a aU css OR See Br tS we ae weeeceieas es we SS a SRL, GE ee patel Raha eae ey ae eR aaa oS |; Shep eee eeepc eaene ane) nasy esa : ae : é Sue iSES eens LN WE RR Rees ae ye ca te Mili oS sare SESE So 3 Se ae Rap setts Mah ee ESS es : ye RRO NES EE SeesNe Seek ty haeith iS ae Brammer San. ea ay est eas 2She ec SOS yu cheers ae ss Saas SEER tee a EEE See pee ee SSS RI SO ot 6 % SS Sets paniaransaun est aeee eee i ea oh RT ORS Ex SeeSee : . tes See ea ea ee Ree oe a Cecaches aGS Weneeaa, eer RR rhc oa ere = aR BS Sea es ae ee rian See ek Be SR ee aie Soyer = e erereieecnr maisSikes neat Shr tA ey Do es eeee Seees £5 CORSE SASS emai haaSah o> iain) aa eee ae neSeam ane ERE REE aSeRec EERE ON aa>. ane "& She oe * Re eee Sacet ate i 5ros Ree , Sh Page Ny Ree TSS Sate SAS Sg DRreSe cnc) .5PE ee Poe oeSE meeeeer eae >ons SACS oy SCM SPS a nes SORE SSS AReC SARS RO teint Ree & Sys Sat

ASRS Se : , gh oR : a Se Rees — 3M Peet: RES Eee Ma sa | Ease SRR ea et anes Ree eS BG »Seas a eg Lee ee ae tg way * RY. Be SSS peamatea Sea ee ee eat ea FNS Rhy ane RR rset % CERUtes ERROR RS 4 Peete BS ES SG rr a;a pe Perea Reo Sheena ba te

TES Sok eeeSe eeee Sioeco hae ; 2wt nh Se F Run Reece ee Raa Cae ae ; So RRS hi Rs . ¥4hee Pe Rae maecee reat Se eg Pas SRS Reker eR RI .NsSate Raotabrrey N Nta SontaNe tN NS ye’

ee SERRE RS ae tee Sen 5 PA Nation RAE cen ; : 3 RS ESSE SRC ee Me ‘ , % Pa Reps ee a i . ‘4: Slee OER Ca a CRONE A ses pao Se Reptrartstencnnccnnnacess ee eC i SACRE OS otk . : : ’ Oe Cro ess Sette Daten ha eee ee eS Sooner Soe a eet . 4 hy, Sescha teas eRe: a OSS Haina ny ee eR ROR ee ; . s nies STSeSSE RO ey ort SARIS nares pane i tAs pt; 4Lotte oy SSS ee BREE CRBenne ON pce.) Shes see unas Si Beata aty een AP een tae Sern pesteacnettessee ss tae >. Oe

esaa_ee Sl

Bases SES 3 RR ASO ERA erec eaent Wainge epee rome an Ee elle istoeye See SIE ASOA ee RS AG coc SRS sesence eile ke asp bo :wT, atte iSenensase, = Sepia eee SSR bie ahaa ais:cna SREP aa irycane .i Be ERE en nee ne ee, eee Se ayeee vceaneannens yn) Ses or Se Saatae teas >ie ean DER SR AR CRERR SCe .cany alba de, POS Rea Ss SEE SSS enon es ona Reoh earana neat Sn 6 RRS ; Roe Sires 2:eahad rEWena PRE oO SRNR eS.heSka aSchs SEat BERS SSE SSS etn bf he, whe: .Ad ; POCRRISSRS Gist Seca eriaer ISONIC ARS SooSS eee Sea vem SR PN ence aay On A SIM COR RAOAE See eNOS NS CeO pear SESS Oe Pe Sages BO ES he 3 SL at UE NOR SURO ee Seriya RES ¢ RS SSS Bs EOSRecs, eh em ees NN Dacsen eee ee SN Ne aS iapoe Reena oreo aacaneaninn Bc toner nr eenne ae eye san entts cenerat Sohoeran . 2 PIN Ab- temacomte ESS ae eeaae SERRE SSE A vh zs go is ae naar Be Senate Rear ecencaSarS Rastuck ORNS eRShea e" ss ieee sis convene naa Nat NS gis Cake Caen Sos SNRs a" Meenas BeSec GaceSEAR eras Ge rer x SePen Re eee shetgaes acceh utdee SeaerolenaiaaearamceeuanarneS PeeRory oe S Seta: RES SS Sana sen. eS Recaness SE Rater ae teeth 5 RS TRear pwn ER eetient el MR LRP RACE Seen, meoxorn a ae eeoan Sonny Saath Toaeensennt PaysaS Shaaten cae ao SORA lLeee SoU{eas sats sa anne ecweuraenases Saat Seacata pe RR Renmin sauce neta eit Mauna Sat coe ears reeset SRR enna eat ennai ea HORS” atitean ey eran ES Satin Sones Bee, Sh See paar eeSeen ee SR RN RRS NR Zens anOe eeEST oie Senet SA oe 2 othe Bere ereee SRE SRE RARER cok EENSSBRIE Se oe SR NE Sho ee ARSE RMON ee a rece) SEERNS Siete: RRS SENSOME SRSA ENNe agRe SEES Ea SO NS Reger: Bats aba aRRomney ak Saat aSee ia oR ER SRBae YAbbrJaks Ch ultomnte ee ERS SESS re Rees Se ES ia SIS RNR sreethsetenn oe a Ren SKE era ge Meee os UA aE Sota aie SR RIN Ren a aaa ena < cs aa a erage ea {RRS ong ina Sta Sees aSSoares BESS eee Rn cae OR ae teseececees ce Spratt SO ER TEN RRR eReam ra CRIES SSS SR a ee a RS RSeee SSSSPANE eos OD rN aoe Ce Pope SateEee Sac Seen ons tetie meme eee treet Sas cremasenteness eae al abe aay oN ate SOE PORE ekencae RNY AURRES. 714 Beeveremannecacnaae ntee UNE na Soot eae RR as eaneer atceaey obaereas sane ere ALE Seo aesSSCS Tere a se RE ae Th Re ALU OE eRe Pareere ey eee REE, Bite cose an NC Re Ca NR a ea iui nt ee Rcannurguryes chores aes Shabhoahesne Ss Shae enatn ren conan pane ne Seenbnrey wewmten ees Sans a ae = ies ee ee me MA Bs SS aera aptsae UCR ras TRB EIRENE eg eee eeae Stee Sonancmaesys Seceteneennctaes ce Si Ba Hoss RhGae ronsRR ee REN Sacguceet SR RE SERS Pematny aeESS Sek rebate way SSNS reece es BeetNS wicca wae Nana SERRE ao CRN UREicI PRS . SS anSee SReke SS. eee, Deen eee RO eeSate ER eeaSESS SERPS So Ear e Saeee SSS ee | eas Se pt Sere wD

SSS REESE SESS Re RUN Sonia gs aN a a ae Sian eae ana ares MAR RRS james

5~ :e=. ., =) “asPOW’) . ;:c ep/}-}“rt ¢ eo iyO|4 J Barc

) {ca.=A.D. \/) Lo, " =) bs 1. Portrait head from 300, ML

Sea eenRN AN es RR —— Santee ReNN gua EN rRNA cee RE RRR Ste RIA. NOR NO RCN RU

SogyartanaaspahientesAitoe aaa inners er ears

Eee an ea enna 7 sya Se ternBRR eee a SEN NE Ne LE CER eeeTU pee ee ee ny SEEE Pay PreeNn een eC ee, Dehn does ROR bao edoRRR boom RRL Beason Heese SEE CRE RRS SiLee RISA RRhore ROR naaEE TOE ee Ne NN PPO

Soe eee Saecoeanunenanamnn eae conte Reaeaat NonraNNEN uaancoer aan Bint teemweet om ee EeSSPE Sen tecMNT eee ERR Seen a eR AE OT Euan Boasts Gens SSS has ec eomR NR PLO eee EeeSSPE saataasano PRESSE ae aetotennmne ereeens e. SOR eesacneaetamhnans Sanna Seer eSseas Seeeernetete Senne anePPR ee tan a AEN Sa eogeraatacscoeat esetcantante Nesenaertnmneneerrees SerSake RERNS SILI SSSe reasoe Sans Sak Soot Seas Shae sheers ena Sees cen crenata eee esse Becnsinanty oe SoS poheer g aeeS Nusa iSeekers ea pastCae NGanes ROA OS Loe eS SUS ear eee RN AN SENG hana een Seabceaneennaen saan sRatewe eS Se pater aeLO SSE eee PRSARANS on CAS eee Re Sastre aan ee a a Sos SA eS aetna ee Lachman Paha PL nN Seas ses Sees SS eaten ene tag Shee Sn ARNE RI LER RR TRE ORR LR aR Se Rica ae LRTee ements SOLS ON I SPL ae tESe

SEScert Seen SSSR SRO paceman nenaSySS Sehcaneanionaae cone caSNES cae Sa Sakeaaeee Saas aS Seema neoeeeeT See Sages eI Se esnpnontnnnteseaenseen Nene eT PoemEE Se SS SSSheaiacaaeeanee Sess aN : Reheat ey ay Re nes seamen weet at rea a ee Bases EAN agg ann nomaamcnaann Sats ties SIN eRSSS SSeS Ae Sah oer ene resan eR oor SRNR Ne SS einen cate en at See ab SOS ORE RY EL aceRSae noe eee Suse Savane cea mene eee aero meee ee

ae eae Bair Neon cine ea NeSeBCR SERS osSOREN EEC SEs Ease 2SES aeaeBo Noe aan aeaScners eRe ens SEAN Ate ek TIN Sa SRS Nearmaae NSN beeen Retna BeeSoo eR eS eaten ne ae Saves aannN Saaseo SoSNR RaR SS SNS 5 Bae Ne Se tate IC eR yaasama ar NOR RRR EECCA ARR RANIuaaes as EEeae Sek ee Site Seaii)NN aN.ERR a sak ikwennanen tSpSSee me ecar strate ieee eee ne tnee SSE

So Sa ee ae SEE ees AUSES San eee RE RE ALN eM TRAE ME eRthER eR Risener anod Beem orOO ec ae re eeRSS Sita Res Re Baio eeeae eaoe IResERE aeS sae Ree: S23 Ree 1 PERC ALR Buia SaSteen See eaten geeaS ISSA AES es Srna eeBS ae RNS Re WES eeeREI NS picasa eneeePN aeee ee ie hake RN SEN RSE SEAN Saute house eS eo BESO SE eS naman cinco Rn Sa Se aSeca 3es ERE Re pe SESS Bene ere eREE SERS een eee aeetBERR Ne Ce eTPeesSA AO RRREINS Pree,REAis. eeeSES Rts“S88 a 8poneamnen Roa Seatac enone otoORR rome Paattu Na aN SSS SSeS See Seen as RON Se Sea NORE OEE 4 Gece & Shoes moe ewan teat aCe ernieronter en eee eR SO PE Ne ENR ye < es SRS se a SNe ea ee SS" > aaah SRN Oe nee SSSR ae a Son Ne en SS : on Reenter: SERS See siemens Mahe ARN Aaa ea NEARER SR CN RC RR Bye pee a a. “Seceemn ae ee SN To fs RRs Parana en SO Re Re Re : Dare tenrroe Ree em Shawnee aaSRR Aaa aSDae SASS oe x i on Saas Seen RRS a By mana SopSSE i SS SESE Rent SR em eSSSS aeonease ae ° Sennen ney . SORE eaSea ek ceeeeneecatenes ce aoe SSSA SENS Ras Ba a ger eee Re Sa ¥eeOSS SIS RES ERR ae cas 4 RESRR rie SES Rea ROLeEh Sentra come Reena REceeeseSNe Ne SRR Re Pe, aEER PRR RR Re re =eRe okRR 6RN ek ES Be. aeareca ae Pace aha NAN astute oar ee SSSR Saco Sa ae RSS SS ae. ss ae SEN Recep EO 2 os Ragan nnanen unoie pmeneeoeee SRINTIN SO eee ee REN a "ei eee eR eas nese CRS : Seieate : : ms SSE Eases SE Rosen no ate ae esSeeSEER RRR Los : erenteee Spee Le SRSOCSSXSSSRRER RRR RRR Penne en oN RSot See RSE SEaEN Avoness . : ERR tases Se netater seen mienantteneneete acen = q aeeiraearnatanentereecmrtanenne eters See ENE SEER Seromeo See 8 Shes RR aeSSyes aaeRe ne : : tener , Sseaneun sano RR ee eeS

SRR See i A RR as ee ae ee S SES SSS Sean een Re

SRE Ss Sk. Soc SENS a ate tteties Sennen soe ee) iSSS Dae —— Ye piv nuacaanu weno oeeee ee SE SSSSS Sa eae. SE Reena 2signs Sanos te RTS PER OS Sone Les * Se 7ccs eo ae .Ri MME eee eee ee eee ENR SRSS Fe aaa SE:On32B aePE 3SAS Bass Soe aereres ee re i ae BRR RNR ERROR SSSR SESS Se aaBeara aRRHERES BL, Re Bap RR eat eT, Se Pie SR UO PARRY NaSees a Boss AEs. Se Gs Re RN Bae SiaS > ee sitar Seee : ee ee =RR Bia en:ee PSNR SSRN SORES RESSNs RRR SN SERRE SS SSG Gs Be ae eR ee RR ee ee ee i he ee SE Sv ciatheneneae Sea: aoe cea sR Sa RCM cs Pe a SSSBg Ss aS pene ae % ee SEAR RAs nanRae Ne cee SANS SESS SSE a Sl eee ea Ro Ree eR RR Resear adae FeyRSS BSSSR : ce -ge SSaa. aes a SRS oonse > Sot os.2g SR SOS eee nn RR SRE. SEPe eeeetaae onreaas Shee SESE SEES SS ieee. tire SS SS RS Se eS Seniesa te SRR OR RRR Rockies eae tenes SP RE Se EE at TSS *s oe ~ a LE PISS SORES eee Be. CRM cn ch ay aSere fob sat SO SRR :esc . SS PREPARE MERTEN RARR RRO RRS ERE T ee eSSee SS Ron mR NT RS«cnc SS - a,TART | Se ees SSE sai eo aM ase a KES ES22Ee : phn eae naa SRR a OE oe oss oe SS Sx SSS gee Nee SS: ea Beee SAE “EeSSS CS Ema ead eee SRS ae *a »Lutes BE OS SRS TRssnsgn eee os ee SES esSe ae asaan SRE ES ENS RGN aRSES RS ge RR RR SRS. Ss aSeeeOR aeSaSate RS aSa Een eee

Sete aa taSeca PSE39 ..:SR: 4:Sa My eeSekaBR OP i es i atiees asaewae 3 Ss Sy. See SSA Seen LeSaaae se acca eee ARES, ~Sa Rae. SR Hecate eee a Sip eS SNee-ae ae aSe ae a aS RR Ba a aomeetee ° NR PE a enemea ae eta i i 3aie. F* ee Sesesa & SS SS re aaaNAan = Se Sa . aoeSaSage RES eesSSR saougeaataataa oa Sy PSGe > os eee oe SRS SO ae aCGS Se aeaR oeCe ar ‘Pi Bee SSRN RS eS Syste ee cR NG : aaa pe> eSS ee: oa rans SRS Ce 2. iBe oe ee a ae 3i SESE a:*.ae2S SSSR : Pan sitce can aRom nc 4 =4SERS "ase es=an as aSR. neat 2 OSS : —s. aSera aetetesaretennreateneneeee een. aSoe eS oes wes = So .en Sy ~Pe ts tee : .aAn - ed Saar hsRELI seRNY2 Beccaanmase tae as RR Sos = si We RR ae Seeet a on Sapa mein : eee TSR errs PERE RNS eS eee | ea Re 3 ‘7 ne! i $3 > : i i Sates iio se aan eae Vesa aa : ; ASS Rae ae aes EN ens a . SR * J ee ‘ oe : S es = ae eae come a SEREEE SS Ronee .NS See. , ®Se i.: y5aiee $onke ; 5.seein een Soe ee || Sa RSS : Rees BEB oes Semana SSE eeurea cae eee ‘S eae5 Pie SOME 2: ceneelnteteatenctstetennatene ;aaa 2a > SPE BEES eer Norco eR oa eS Sees: .SR oeRa i.*Se See hy ek Ort eee ctaten mint eSeek cnn at oh ees SANE NSN er =Pee =e Meena oe ee So) 3SAINT : :Se SAE Sop Repent See SESS eooe RRS . ne, x+a.aa 2- .Se BOO »ae: a SS Sas oe A2aese aSo Sees ESSE NSN RUS . So = aE! RS | ¥ e 3 ; "eae nee oe Sa RR Pears NNER : a i as a ae ae ed af gt ae Pa a : : FRR a Me ee ; sian a BEB ooo soyocne ce cesasosnencnSS eee Riot

S20 Ae= RO ae:Seen a ) SsARG SSeS PSE Soe a a : gee Se & Se , ee re Se : osSe ateese . etSa ~ eh ERS serSe eteratere eens Sere ee :ee. oe Sake Saat a> Eee ee EA ape 5oe ee SS aes Re . ‘aEe eeosaa6 eg hk Sr ES :3Se ‘ae BRR aerences cee nN SENN i eB ae cae %.9 ee: Pee RS Se eS SE Re: ae , er ee a ~9 ba : SSN Cg . Se eee OS : SEER BSRaves: eaiicertan ceeaRNR 4 Ree. ae % a ae SEF AEE pestome ; reeee Ra a a: See EE ae Seeae=Se a :se =:2: - EEE ao Soe RN oS Shes 8 ae wisirantaanione

Raton aes ci ba ae Po he ee aS Oa? a ee :e3= Se Bos MEER Bete 2sSSeS eS Saneeae tata ee : Snes ae a .gees aeaaee Se >NUNGRAS RESERS RSS SSRs Suntan eeehese SSar SSera eeenna a ae Ke .A Bassa P npre 3 ee a SORE Ree ee ate. eeAN eee Seo 2 ees RAR aaa CN cae SO 7SS RS Se a.aaAa sSS Be ae ER Ses ‘ cE eters assert pecans Ream oa A RN Sonn 1. ae oS See a “ os CRESS SESS e. Re ee RMR RS encase tn rcnsnststennste anaeotenersnenrmeneenes Sepetetereettet serene SRE SSS eee aSScna oySRR Reha cea Be=he ; RE ee eis Sona Bile ie SoS ee pene haat Bae RR EN ai: Se E:ORS SSS AR aang Sanco Siriaas Nanay cae ae ==ee"BOER es at FS ae aera SsSRS SsaaeS | SRRe wi Niinmacnccon suena iisa SRR ees here oe ee Pie age: aeee SoSS aeS —. Ris .OY aSS ae Ren >yee Sem BEER Ra RRR RRS ORR SESE a caesar See Soo ee a % ¥ Se RES RRR sess asses Reo sien ae SporttereeancS.hat ee Be ee sae Rae ee eae a eS Baring osetia ooteoe annem SRE cane coach io. meen: Sa OR RM es ae a > es on : ; Sr Seah a aa a Ritinrncwaeartameemeeseres Ray eee“Re. a NeLoe Sas SS dee oe ORS =Sa ; tae Sane ae ae Se eee =3 BeeeSe= Rapes eome ee neraseS erro eae Ses ee eS ee ee .ras ; net Sioa :< ecReas 2 ;Sane os otros tuna LM eS 3apaws =aps ean Oe es :=oe Renee "She :CoS : ooo. ei SRN Pecans taeSe Sa... ae Oe ere 2ae PER OR Be eee Bates Store: Beata ae ee PES” SER ec Lyshyaeae SS .aeeRe eSer SER ee aage ae Sm So CES 4ee MIEN ose eS Baers Sia an eeee Ce. caes REE e3gs aRen ”2; rear Brat Oe 2 SO ORS USN SRR sonceans seen Rihanna acca es fiaeea Senen Se ons Sec Sa aR "CPS came Retetheater asetana tenene LSA =nese e Re SER On > ae Bas SeaeAN soca. Sone, Nena Sa eS 5. SSeases aes SRNR eeeRRR oes

paneer ccsa en ay Sea BSg ere > 2 heaeSE ¢Bares BS: Ses ie a5“we Bratereee ae Se ; = : es 2 eeenahin Muay RO OR ROR eeceDR. a3Pps eeeSea ae aSe ae BRN: Satan oe Saachuaannnueh eae ees ERE eeeT < ee a.Pe esDe 3 SES a ay xJoe incatetatecetatatesepoeietstctens RIVA ae aE ————a- Se —Se es>.PO .& SS Po Mga # SaaS 5 i aecreates SE eetncreisteranateteteaeneets a Rite eS Tek ae > Nae pe Sees tna pas wewery geome ees

Bs etait RRoeRR erase eReSe, Re 5ooeB ee: aRes I Ea eS Oe prs Rtn = ee RO ean cnsneente Sine : aa: 6ees aeRa . Sook PE ys 3Sant >. SS sete soBS > Sea - eenero Se no;ane Ree eas Se a : SAS SahSee oem oe Se : Sees Rea. SS ene 3 Rb % oe ae ae = at BEES Bee Soe 3 a3 * Ste ae ae Waaannensou aR MNehea ae ea een ee eon “a * Se aes oe oon. * : rhe Je teed ee Se OO oe aa a A . een Pee RRS RENN eee RNase : Saket Pe Ses fe * “3 2 x ae Se ROS” SS Ps pee erent SS ee RR RR TES Seana Coane ae : SS Se So Bs. eS Se eS a ee RS ae SS Son SSee SR eon eaeaaa : kceaten Se ee eS aena esa>Re. costo Bit tes SRD Couette eee ect ee Seeernewan neti Eeee 3 amsaiesr -oe ee & Pttsz pretatctasatemos apees» SS ae So : : Bika ee p. Mipeciaes, aia : ; RS renee Re te mateant etetree nente ane Se EE—See ae xRename SSS, 3, SeaeBes .-:eea3 een :RSeoaaera rte> "oe - . es wiaraenteetane tiene erent

BSG ON rama Top NSBR RaeSe es. BOR eee ma ye he og RRR ee 2Naren Se ae ee Maa : Louies caper Seana oanaSeeERY ss SOR ETSNER ae ig2 OS i Se eeSak: :Saeeie et Ola AR MN

Re RN NNN oo eee es SN eee aeLI x nee : E:Soe * ey ang 2Ss ie a se eS Ky ee : a a pe x R .= eaten Sivsnsatenwintatersrarotenesenseoneeoeemeccnetenenyacnetetenetrnetete ote Setar AER wotaetecheenat =See e>4 oR ths. Se — Sete eee ot eA Seen oooaera eee eee Qe nance tate Nae tate A=ed as aI“ 3 "3 . .ee4a5. ee a=ey _—5gee . ee ~ .SES Soa ee ee eeBES PO Re Net apes NPR, ase Rater tanner ee ee once nesnNaN are 9 ey é$3 he a:2yp >: ‘sa .#. Be ee". So Beats etAte innsaunurnannnnin neanornne mee Scare aes eaeeRe Reever enene > Bone eae ee > ay,: sae z + ¥% * +3; we Beaoeon Ht 243 es ae i bed a SSR a . ees LOSES SS RRR eases setenncneaae Weouauceees Coane cuncmeneoie oe . Seo } * a eS Pages SOARS ESS onc ae ia ana ea aa ea a en Rea aoe eons meee ee mS . me . Se , > ; ne ‘¥ = ~ F i . cs . ie 3 5 SS Se RRMMEEE .& ==*ek d aeae%.. OS &soethoohennokiaeo ‘ So reaa ten See maanneenee ene eee SAAR SEE Se aaa RNR yaa tsScuoeea ees: Bat aieEo > >% >% - -Fo 1 Soo NeaS . Se. nny reeratinmeneenemneete ager Ronan nr cna aN~~Seems. ae ra se >3.4ce os 2% Pogres ae Se Ss NS Sioct. oeme SRRtenet eee hectareau cannon anaes

ee eee eeSe. Pearrs eAaeeSS ees nS 4 Ss. ”es : -+FRES a ea Se A Sinn RO eea pein PRP PS hSeen a cael dndias aveteretceteletersresetone SESE Season ORE ieee % "a % ee 5x% .SSS i= ae R02 43Cena Ss =. a:= i>, 4Sehgerapconninien _Se aaa ES Sophctanenm teen Brak Se aisnse RBBB sees a SKE BERSERRY ie saa tence cee Se ee So =Sewsenaes e.>ez %. 3:Ok >: 3ES ‘ oSeR ES ae BS. EER nea Sa aSENSES NS SSS

SHOeeeee Sscane Sentence ee ,ee PO .=~+ 5=ncne ; “* ean . ‘ee ae =enn RNa eR ER)SeeaSenin tecentetatetesntae Ty Beene ennates Naa: a Saacee git Ea ah ™% : $Se *Le ‘ ,ae Ease .SOSA Te ee Rib Bo cetacean SSNs oesionSitar etneaete ronan cance Re ey a— os _SRR Ta Sos — no RSTeeter Acama TSNR EESees es Encasrcueastantnnen tenn SaoServeware eewere. ena AS. SRS . < ig ys 4% nw tennenhenr ane :se= laatebicadnmnon SakeF os SenesnenramN Bann uaueRe caee cas Sae aesaeeeG Weer * PsSES iS Se ‘% > , Bee 3 See ae a y:aaa. MEE ME Sia ge Se Seat Sop a ea

Wensansunr eee eee BRON neaSees ee .Rs . OAS cae cae aSige. .% eoSe cane Laurens SARS Sea See ear aeaDears “BECO ait aaa Fos i>ag> be FFT pee SSeS BREET eeSCS eS Ss Ve bras i as Svcs senna Semmes oe oe. OS ee : & eetash ah oe he te hs 2 BP RO ee See SSeS ea OSS. ene thie Sites Sa ng sya %, ; — LF oe = = are Ne ane a ERTS RT CESSES renee enone aS.: See a eeitee . “s : saaegacy - ~~ ’ . aes Seer Sem RN Re ee RS eet oe So &.oe : Sed s %, .: :Ae ¥ Sage ; SNES seasSEN rona eae ee nen eee ee Se apapaca Snake meen a Bain cuneaRee ares5 Ra. ReeeaNvoreS s Se geeee Re‘ ae ‘ -a:pe : ‘:&Se ae: Subeinaratiou tuacsearanee sno caamemaemereee ase antnnntonncate Anne es pn SORA TROP ‘be} SRS RRR RO ESE SESE SCAR CSRS oases se ae Se < ;RN SESS Soe Seseaanou ee3See SRN ee hogete z :ae és :< *a ss PO£25 Ne3Soe REET RAE ARRces ba BRERA SSR cS es COS: _ee RRR annem : & =a= :: ae , iis eatin, Sharer Satie soaraunuaanniniuensangeie cS RE Oe See RE Bea SARA Re : Bee a" 3 3 s ere poe onsen rao NN NE oe BGS ERAN aeSee Riseseee Ro aa SES ae Sy Se rane a - Gerakan : S SESS oe SSSR sayaranneae meena te an Sk3CEE RE Seae neers Se aoe tp Sees : :c: ote : :Sentient OE soi BSNS ee aes aSURE ec ees CRN RRL a3 :Se : Re Sens Ristgrneec anno arepnmnnrenneemee ees LISS ee ee Seach an Nee aers Se SS Sw .oie.» oe :SEES AEs . .SAREE ARAARR AS Sonia an.> Sener howee pate coo BESS Seee ane atte ae pcan - : eee Sek ea ec eee SS ee a So SSEDD AAD oe AT ASAR RST AST Cee . “Be $ . seen Sot acotnternnternoentens eatetncanetenntntetnser eaten S = ERE RE NEES a ae SS ae Ce SxS 8 Fe Gees : ‘ ces : re SESE ae Sea ESSEC SESS SSG RR SRM Shae % Bc 2 ; S38 SRA REN ENN ERR RRS aRSSO es RO ONS NcPESOS SSN = RRS RANE SO RR RES Re a: := ; :Sh Re RNR RE RA RR RRO RO ROS SEES NE ENT SS SS See eae. cose ee ie So : : : . Seay SSS LES Neeteeoee ae SS eR ON RT oe ee Ra eae = . Nek : ; Peavarann ne RnnY ae NT 5S 33 BORNE PRES Nar Res REE ROR Sees Moats go sass ho Aho A SASS RRR GR 2 z Secasteses eR See Sane tala ctetomooe ae EER SSSAGS SS OeRese * ee eSteietatarehasecerenecsterchererereteter 2 ak : : Rohasan insane ESSERE SetT Lena PLR NR Sah oe ee SASSREE SAAD ESSE ORAS RR OS asES ae ae REE - Sas aSee ‘ = : mSSS ae nase st oecateaaierhnecatnte ERR aoa ee ens aEARS. ns RAS SS TS aS SRA SN aeSiS a. _Se Ok =ae Sy SS Stage .:"ier . . . ce :tee one hteriaeenconenee re et cer tetate thes PARE “eR RR Cortana saabRrae tees came Sire Sees ae me ae by 3 Seeeerecee rena ERR Sete ASAE SS Sea cicemmmn ae ee ae ; S : : ALESSI SS SS Nair nt ane oaRE ESSER Sec Ce ae : .reaae 5 se;cx .- .=. ;. .SRT Seat Rene NNT BS ESV ASN RS NAS BESc ok RRR ieeeRe enetate aa SESE 2:Cee >Be: > Tine ER ATS MERE EETMR ee BRR aint CrReesRR SS. Larner ae :OS ae oa ag “ aes Ree ae eae SSSSSSESISS TRE Socata tate neneR nrc na A NL RRS SSS SeRN ae ce eS SAAS Se oe: . - Sat SS eS neteteceratenenntnattateetoonateceeetstatneetans SS Sea 7ut en Naa SS TAS + ‘TSS RRS ss-RR oeSAissaags +; yy SSCTARSE = 2er. el;=e‘ 5: ESS i os A weitere . on Sees LEE LAS eee aaa TN SNS IIH RROD 3 RELEASE SESRARS ee Ne : a : Pe = ofOS : LY a SSESS SSNS, ERS pereretetterenataeannn ete nercennrnerenteeeets

Sah A See _ Ra A es Reveonnaen ; = >BRGURS aa : = SERRE . NateRRR . meinen Ieee ae SAAS SSS ASSpT eas SR Rae ieGna * terre. eR Sessa sos eS cee ee, “ :pete SS eeemon ‘ Benania oe nh Sree) RR OCRrates recenanecnen cee

peShakes eee ae ESS as eRaRRR eee"s RaeVea ee eSSEERA ake ee ae >SOS : 2 : : cai Ro ie snnre nares tomo eos SAS SRStaege aa :eg a ae aeinten ee :eeSe msSSaatasanoaRenso SER OER ET

Searssneer REN RRR Rraxeccye :SON Brocco Se SS eS =Se Sikes : tan RP NEES ce 2ey _. SRR setae mchenacomeeromen sepa =: sas 5 NeENS RN S_Noe Cor See ~ SLELADSSEAIAEAE DSSS DSSS DD. OS SRR > RRR Aris CSS SSeS Se eaaeres aPRESSE nal :ESESSNS . Peranean ; RRR aia Se ZR | ES Ss Se Seceein:.” --eeescessee Sane sateen nanan a sn SNe oN, Tp ieTORR as APE a Sa se . aie. : .“Ses ; : SRR SSRs SSS SSNReece SSresee see eee eG

Bears MN tet 5NS : Sse Se RRO a ee . =AieaRSeas : NSSaaeemeS ey SSRRaver Sos SERN eee CUR ms) TRECBS ENEN ee Ree nnn LEASe CSR OR Ss oeSuet x So ae Snearne etd te nae ass:| ae Sa Se SSERTSSKENES SR pak. Mea cosFo SiS. a ake 2Bsc PSs : Sanat :eN 5EE Sho: SRR eee: Panera eR eC ResBence SES aeBiden ae ce Sees ee Soeee epee A nae Re SS Pe Gack ree ee : Ma tee SRE Aaa

ERRORS RR ais ean ae oy Rae eee See Ree a Ss ae Sasah 3 Seehet ae ¥ BePea ees GSES nn : ee esLS SSO" SR Seaecccs ccsoe siateamncneee SSS aA SaaS” aeeprom ee es RaRoR ae RREe PC POs. eeeeoe ARMM Det Rea BAR ieee teeect Ro sore SNe Sens Seen OSS RS oR aSoa. ORR SoS ee. Se : eae ; : ep Se ROSononcnantait |e ae BE) SS ASR Rennie Seema BERR eS SROheRee RMS SSN SSeS Sees ie ne eSRE : pata. mines cos «compen rsSRR SSeS es BREA RES SORE A ee se pemaiereneneee “RSS as a » PORE aes. oa Be Sn a RR a se BARS: Be A a Ss RENEE aan ae eA eat. ee | Sek Ses SRO CN Se Siglo eae: aa eae Sans saa sR se So A EN SS SEES Sse enna Ee ane aba eae SUA TEE ae “3 = Ie aay ae a, poe esata a NY pS. es ae Sane ai oe a oe $7 SESE URE vey een TERE SSSR RR RR

Pacino Sire SESS Sciacca ei ee SS Soins sateen neem gas ‘igh oe=OER RRR ae a SaSS. +3 Gok A eee rena atrcs RRR 0 SRR SRN eee rE Ss eS ee teBess: SS SS SP. RSS Rook aR aa SSS Sinema pee >< eePRESS aSR RSE oa RE. eae Sa ee ee ae : Rc eeeSESeee es cas ae eae SRNR SSeS SS SSS Se TRS eee oe hsYR: x StBo aeee > Scone. Seca & Be SSee Seee 2p =ORR Soca Se SSS |_Sarah SCE LL eS aeeaa=ae Es"EL - ae eeBESS ~s Spree SERRA SAAT

aeSREP Se RARER SON SoS : ee . ,=a, Seas Stee *os. =ite Socata Se =fe SOLE TEE eee

Sees eS Sevenee Reae sae Seah eo asSe = Sees Sesh eS Reon: oyRE a eae ia "eee 4a ale Seae’;_:eo itrSanscie ae aEERE Bagi ees eoauaseatnaanncee Pa Oe Sapna So pemenaSSets ae Se SedeS aaSe .~See vat Perea SSS oes chapman SE Semen me : - ones Peto niente Sk LNsucanmnre Saas er La ~ eae ercenens URESN ateenmnaante SS. Sales = 5:Se ..SRG RS eer ;. ;Se SBEO Taal Sore erence Sepaoe Se

Sessaee ea BER So RES Soe. ee mg. Ns a . te SE ; * SS SS

;~UN eames oss aE Saga aka 2.cerSERN ps -ee “Ss SSee CARES te :»::21be SES Ree tes cnyecncnsanonnraenches RE OR ae ee . ekCoto a: ce a8 . oss oe revetment nr: ea”. RRR NSSSSS Rene Oseisys % °“Woe, ted : sPree, :“ine Po ne, anSs : irae “Saas oeeeemmmeren eesBes ae.aASerato aan 5 a3a=a> ae aee. wey aROR ~ 3aha aN°>en ee, RN SeeSson Soe: Soe MR ness Soap mone eR enn wae Stathers ,gee Q: oa =neee -*INoie oe“ie Sa caae ee. SES SSys ae Bae esspain a3 Sern Re aga Ss ésaeaeme Soe RN SSS See oe *SESS ihe ere Re: ee eo . Soe: Bead Sarees 3 i See ries: =3Roe oo fs ma a Se ee x bs a a “SS 7 a Ae SEE SeSe Ses aeNn pecs> SeRR SocaeT tate Soo See SOS

= Pee SS saat Soe a ~ > ey Sees be ‘ a . a: en Ppt

Sea Sees aaa a 5OTT ee aSoRe a.Meee er anectiennas eS SERS SES SESS Se pa areaSSS ences a “gitar o's eee cen eS eee Re Ms Se =.beet AMecca aSR ce So Seca [SESE SOS aes os SS eaten cn Stee cal -a Rae 3; aes.SS CPS ogeres BROS Oe SEN Bae i=>eens : "SS Se eea oe oO aeed ae 2SS=ee =eS saernits oss wisn SS Sea

. Forphyry portrait Dust of an emperor probably Licini °°

A.D ( )7 useu ‘ “ret 3 gfe 3’2 seum oO aliro

: ; . : ‘ : ae .SESS CeeSs PR RSENS > Sear ian onSe brs .Nee : Sash . ‘ er meeaebwm 3 ees om: : Ree

.,fie 5, SR pi ee... aSRS hints Satins Sane SNA SEC, ? Sarre pate oo seisa2; ,.naa ok Ee ;.Reber mRehaionp os; :gan SSUES a: ;“‘:fon !»::Ke SO > Se -, SEA “fSte aee Me atean te3SCR ne PMI :nS Osis Eigen tne iee j SRS ERO ;mee es Gath aetna : Serene. ::se anaes : os a : : SEA one BI ' ‘ Soo Se arene SG Sear Sa ae SOR : ; ; Seago Sats mK ARTS : . ae . f Noes SESS a aes: SST SS ASI perenne r i RRS BRS oes . ; SS ASSESS SSS Ria ae ea SO &! ae he aywtorniton Rees Rec See : Sey earns — YSaun err cae RSG : Seat Reena Sa ee i: *, Ss .Yoon Sa SS ss cane ee Ske rhe, es ee Sox ee re us Sr Samy r Oe a Ne SNS SSeS RUSS SOC SS~~ eens SR SS sino aki eh cee BethePaes Cot ons besserMe ts shecg cree . : , .. . Seer Breese eeSeeSans + tes, wees se Bt Sheen ‘ ge $ ‘ 4 Ses RRS Soy SRNSS reais TS SERRE See So Res See SSS Carne SS steee a. * Sonne re Oy) Ty y ors wie SNP one Reale. Sette aa

te :mene SCS SS SS eeSS peas San Seccunnans Soaks, Mbae, Pe tie SceSe SRR Sp cneerines SSSR SSSOARES See cries eR SEeres Sean Saka ane oe Sh fa Needs anki Get PERSSON NER ;3iNeen: ee ae Se ere SIS poate betas? Oe a hep Baas Rt > Resim cagesete “ . ;:: tcee ‘Soo SARS SSerge Serena Se aS SRA ona Ses Oe estan . ROR ‘ Bae > aen Be Re iene : 4 rotate eee sea So rcaeene ee reset Ns nt atate ON % . ot ‘ >See SoonSSO) cunts : Sarma ncoc SRS Seen ao . SESS Sorttestieaone er te eee ea a wae oe aoe eee Sede eters Seiietn es es s Se See 5 atest ee Ses ‘ Y ‘ it A) . re see ul 4 _

teat Peeeanahat careeacec nesta en te Ee eatecntensSA entra eh NES es heehee Se LS SS Seees Saeet SSay ShON ee SSS. aritalere's® . » ijPos “sy 3 ay ‘ee :D pee . 5ee iss yenacts eeBes sone Daseienseieeano REE “Ss RATS ests ey“te 3 SONS oS ng Nite re. SEs Sh mS =( peal eaeShae Ss Soe sane SESSSSNS See SSO TS ee SNS SEN 2kSSS See See SSeSBa SSERT pa aah a3 aeeney itrecee Ry Netty ear Rn sta ;5patter ees ;SS ha > See aSsere SEIS erPTE RES ER ilSea ents sa kanes et -.: 0CS Se :Se ee a etaneraes Seen senents ae RS Sy eresnitate nate Siaetnctee Saran ceaie Poehos ee . anni 8. eee wen tain HOSES Eere) wit eS : a a Speen ccac ieee eSaas eSSeS as . Sone icc Ses ae oS Beate ey "hy eee as one; se Pape neseSSeS ateie é 5 Saat Soe gonaschintenenmnearen sae Seaakoee sey Se Seataes Sars SSeS Se Sanaa etterctcnsee nce pation Shaehla ety ay FE Ms Sarai rene Seieihs Nas

; Res a epsSee Site :Se 3 Se ate = seats ene Se: ues SS SSSERN Sis temasSa SSSoe aR eeSa Mico maee Mehaasretigs 4 ; eae : :Usher ‘ Maes Soe aeeeaSeBhccseRRS SENS eaesaeaeasfe is re bs Pes

Ne may a:SMe SSS | : Soe) SS Se Neneh pusshetalcnn ce oer Sask SE Seance S Se sae eatste” Rertenasese ee SS*Sea . r nantes aoe A ‘i > .i WI ae ane Bia cnn onan SS paces Se ae :oSean Sas SSSnee SASS Seo :ees : SESS Se;SF porene eS SSS Soe Ss MSS Spice “es q :‘ite ntact Ybs ery . . ‘ we en Sess Ss Sen KS :occas See Riana wens : eee sieeaye ataansnnss .eracne es :Sn eee Ne : es ey :eth See sane Sot SSE Passer enon eaniees Ses SS enor Pe:Rea crea Sea ance ass :hie: PS S5k == ye ee Ssee : eae ae SSeS Sa Se aap poms Sa So Rea esmip Sees eo oe Rise ‘ ‘ Se SSRN es = Satannet |S Dees Rene eet ance bh hae Tana cogent ‘ as sobre heaane z 4Pes :>‘ :,UNy : 3 Sa Ec Se erento ch aire pee Aaa rs ‘ ee Eels ; sonra ‘ ay Bee Sconce seiner SSS SSR Sea Sore es ary ‘ Sy Faces sais rN oe ‘ Meurer : ee SS Sposetatane Sistemas Shen Ras SIRT Sennen: Secrest ash ae =ee

s. Sees Sse ; ; 3 : ¥ ‘ : *s 5 Sk. ie : SSihaeaaees Se pone Sit SE ae wore oes : ie eget 28 Sn SND RNS S Ani . Sates Sn Set enceee Stee ases esate ERR sian eeeSot SereSSS Ses Sen Sa nn ee ee catatonia PLA ho metsete Care 3;%\Spatioas eatenat cate SSSaSaute . See ts Sete coeORCS Skee, Sat: 2Sa : 3> ian ‘.y Reta se: ReSees eee eeee ge rae 3eonceheeee Re waa ng PERRY PM veslcg Ra Rae : yes‘ aacces :Shey :N: ‘:.:eS:.SS SOR ..Sea Sen see xSN Saar aes “s tate Satis SN FON RRR Went “Scenery [SeaeSe~~ SSR gees SR SoMa Cath Mees SON ceJSeas caret See ‘ca rSerene, BAT ON satiety 3as ASS he “ee SEES cameras Reena Syn eg ae Pay ak aes : : : Rian se < ae Serene PER ot oS ase ~ . ore Se Se bee Cts ne : : ae yvon :: ‘: :veces : ‘ tf) ‘ Bests Sa : os Besa Sora Sihaecemtn naan SORE at Pare ee So Re abs Shakes : Lint : od ‘ : Pah Seon ; : inesTRESS Sas: Besant Seeas Base Pano ae pe. es Sic Se Si Seas: ‘ 7 Seee . . 38;4* ’ moe ResShee be assSeSees Si ott :2rel: otAS Sot Sees aan ;Rares : ;Sater SES deccaees :Se erate eyne rset Ten aOe ateJrag 3tenant SEIS ean Retoanccasee Sica eee peu Sue ; pp te “Zvrehanee SoeSoS eyes: cap raimaR ,Seca = b Sees oo te ‘te ‘ .oc nea;: ae Mi oitgeen mars eels

;. et: 3he“Se.|ates SSS si ;oaROTATE Ses cae Res AR cae aaTyeh iss ;eh3‘ es SCN oe %6 q SS Se Os 3ahahateh eeSeen toSeta eiseterts mS :SENN Raion wa oa See ponhboaaenn Sane ee RRS sara toeteneentenn Seteeee SE Sete tenses se Seep my Be: “Naor G3i g :;SEES SRS: ae psnnaocte SESS Sao SRE LS Sue PES a RR Site eaernenct Set tt< vane SA ae; , .444:2*=Sa) > *‘- ‘, . . Bausscastmnnsucia SS SGA aeSG Na SESSA Sct RC aeons SSeS Paste ate ce ‘ us :{. -Sent SSESNN Ree Ste Siese neeSENET etoSSS RS eee Sah nates Se SRS sa ::x*,:ae ae Biss a SRS ee seas, ae : ears ‘ tape :; Ry .¢ % y S35 SN SNS ee ea SU ee SRS Sento aera St YE “ :. ger? Pra ale ‘ 4 ey SASS Se Ses SENS ee SE oe ae Se PRES m8 7 ; = SEES Ses aes Renae S SS Sate Ratner oe me : a Staats SSNESSIOT NSN RES AN Ne th Sates SStoe ose Sere est eae Setetatetetehetaa bo a‘phot RR eR SSS SSS Ree renee Doe A‘ ‘ }f;. ,oak ,:ESAS :ieSes cane LN LAR ERR : .SSeine 3oases SSS Sos SR Se Pa ; BRS So mae ce ;eeSSA GEREN Skee eR aae NS aN Sask Writs Bi Rit he SRR SSS Sev eae . %;;Sees Ss einae OeSan ee _Seinen «Crane " oT Sa Sateen’ ssease,tke 7» " ss: aa

Nn a: :°a; 7ces =7 s“- q\ atic: 2; -trarc

:; :: Dot Bat ;ees d$x SN nn again a Seat . }A, bee N; See ‘ sta tah es Seee Sea ene ohekieseeaas: Shauaenusiens scares BN Mes ;te e *Bie Sere Sue iene:Sten sie 2SS ae: . } SLADE SAMAR SSNS meee caes ee Bers oan = Sacaes * Sahes

‘ : it> head Oe | r|:ak agar the 6 ? I» Ortra at|from ta 1€aoo sat @

yerpee esPES eeeBOR Bae eee ; | : agg teBPP JSoebins aOR pote ahi Ss cg Sp. Shae St SeSPs ee So es SESSbcc Se ‘ SSS Sea : : { “ Jette Satter og pase. casper Soe ote ae eee

a ea See RS ye eee gk aS ee

onRigsBee Bioteaten c tie e SS PEceaSN Stoeae ee Pe er aan a eee a RSaSS Se ee ee BtSsae eae RRR RSS steREA seaSoe ns

Pre Sense se #3 eeesees SSeS PI Sidon na ae Sees, oe | See ees eeRRR sap ee Se Se POs Seca asos SeSee Sa eae aon aspm aptSaOni Sosets ashae Soe Pai sncae eas Sn Mes ° SSRs Se eee Sige essee omens es ae Se Scent ES Se oe Bae Bee re OS Seas Ss Sea aa SRS Sy sh. Seas = RS Se Pe ee Rate peau nee peace tae hath Soak Make co eas Re ees ae Sa Rien a

SR ee See eats gta SR ns eet LS Soe

. 22S Rae eeSR ge Raat aeothe Shae Cee See, < . ? Jes Sass ka Rhee eee SA Sa Sue ae aaa See *pan a PpaSee ee ok os Ricene ue can eaean as aete eS EK Spene reeatee Se Peers 3 gee sascha hate :ate eeeheSoo Betas Se ees a Ratha saeges ae SSSR ; Pe: ot Bas SE" Ee Beate, at aes Beas PEM eeetceases mao peace uae 33 See Soe saat ae Bg ae se Scan a SF Bee ss Sees Se BRS Re

Se Bape es Stee eae CRE ea Re ee Phe Sees Be uae Somes a ste ot Be eee RR SE ee Be A er ee ee Ste A

Aer SStet SS See: ae SeeeeSah eae ee Seon Sesa saan Seaman Soenae ee So tee eae. Py ee Ses Sere a ae Soa Soi nate em»Re~ms Boe ee SeSeSs SSO SeeSe eeSS Pe Brosscsntti cagSes aa Shama Eisen Soe eeROE Ss aseSSS SassoSes ee See as siBES = SEN eSee es Eee Be ee : a, Sas Soe rane Resse Ba Snes hyee SEB SS 3 See ue aren e: SESS ee3 PN ae aaa PeeeSRN nnSSS SSCS Oete me By


Sa ee Bga eae ery 2° . Set cane Seek aaes ER ees Se * SS Sl : ec masons SS eale eee sence aw hes eee SSS SS a pierce aes ae ae Bamaeen es Beet i=?>:< eae Si ae see Sees oe teers Gas eee ees ¢ See Bicones ne See pam Sas ee are spire a Sea Patera, Sn 2° ; SOR Sa eeCee ea ea Becs eS Seine Sata ' erin ae SSS inaSa ete See aBase SaosBien 1Rane SRSdSeres ere Sos ete era9*aan eee ae =e Scar ’ SS SS Soe ee ert ae Seca a: iSe Ss =acte Benin P xe as Sas eo ee SEE ee — a a SSeS See Seer Se See = Beste a ee r a B. = Pa ss ey | a- s¥: sae agen = Se Se~~BERS ennmetc tas sce eae Sonn pr lee A Ss Se POR SaSE “TS ;

Tf Sa Sees ae ee Ss | ge Be es eee ee Behe Sepa aSeta Sy :a: .on assay Sala See Seer eat oepea eaSa oemE ERS aeSSS oe Seca aos RS

Ds. ee SSSa Sepoe ee oe aeSaami Se “Te ase~ eS + eae tgSoe Poses i pe ary Shae =wong SS Se Pata Seno spec 3Se ae ats Fe ae St Pas Re yee Betis See Be cin Zee ae ft C= Se aente mS aa ese % =~_f oe me St cs Se 2 Soe Se oo an SS as = . Reece Be “3 Ss So SeSeg coeeS mney : SS ae aSae as Se:Sey She Shee eeee See beee Hs ‘FSS — :ED ee ae ae Se ES. a igi 4 rs PS3& Pgseenears SSeS —=bestest Sete See mates ho Sees oo .es S__-. — 3Soames = =— =—=—— Sechconnnes anes erence eer iaetnesar Ratan ences SaaS SS SNS ees 2 2 ntntehes —ers—se Ra Caen +Spats &~@&2@ ~=~—mL oe oe . _SS |.

Bapaopnaines asa, Sconeene 2.7eeFeRoe -enero —=—=CS=—S—~S~—sisiCO_N abereientsoaiennae Sennen Soo NONSRA ier samnne taae Seneca Saranac Reno Soames SeaoS - [os — sienna eeata Rect een Soe ee heSan inthe ee cS eee | ——_ : nnaSee saan sn eee eeEN—r—“——sSsSsSsSsh Baer ROO oeBoge Sac “oe — cS

Saenger Se nec nea Sear ametence a SScrenatat RSE RRS Sees Sienna — — . _ Co ean eee sae RE Ce SSN Se EES GSS .Pini Sea Site Noe eae Ce Soe G a:Seana SsSesh —r— Se a-SS:= Sea -. ose pi Ye Seer Nee SERS SSN Se oo entonneestnar So ss ereSat SSeS Pats ee aS Gee wane SS Seton Neen SN _Deer _Bence —ee — eS eeeSS Se sectaatansercnases 3 we ae Ss Soon NS SESES sare Se SESS Soa .ee oo SS es RE. fo i. See Shas Steines SES sais Shea senei Riese cee Sees SL Soc Seon =e “Se ponent .-:—EE See oe SSSR Sis Sees Secon Socrates eas bs SS . eee Sooner — Ss oe -—: SRN enna SRR Scene Be 3 Seok So ——rt~—~— — aSeamcnnge = a _ a — ee cst Se Spe Soneanne hranneeme a Stee Sane es Seaceecc Sores Sosa Punen ae ae ae teeSe tatatete So scien SSeS Rieke rr Bicosnamem her Souete eeewitaensncrese Schonnent Ghanem Sonne ents SNS acccearceenat Rinsho: Seen ee Sevens SeSeon Se sneocsssoe een Saeaeeaa See etter anesSes oaCANS |— | _ Oe Sentence ssetescesa Soames co 33 Sex: Biotec Seas SSeS oS Pacrere ees San Rosner See RrcrenS Sy Bocas eee = SSaiiaaeas eae See Re Speen sotto Speers ee Sod aS: SS tke Satis Bans ante te Scene seihuereceeen: SSEENSS Seen: pheenese EES Somes NN Sane Lene RatesSeen Sear bat ianSs nid>Pass Sees ee Seas Sak Serer te SeatsRite SRN ERR Saaremaa See SeeSERS = ERS 7Shon aS =caicaantie Spams os a Bunsen mee oa: SSern Se Se Sea Se Rn Ssae Sens eee *Ree greta Se “Se. Sete SS LS Seren :— _ : 2 og Bass Seca seinen Se ae Se Sees SERS eee Sema So Spee Scgeneannnnenns Skin as pa = acne Berean SS SRS SS : ce i _ _._|-Sy Steines SS Soe Arar ve peter Soenaeeas oS :: Ps SF eS ee - “Nae SRN ence Sec peaete Soe ae ‘. SS oo ::' _.: SS RN rates Seon Sa wz 2 a 3 ESSE ne ene es Sooner Ske . .oo . — | , : : SSS oe [SES SSS Soatocnes Seas cot ats See coos. Reena Ss See shahatctehase SS oo Ls ~ ome ea a ReneS Serena hehe eee Seas tae ROR OS 3 Se Se ee . : . - Se .KS coon Mere ee Rear See ; ps < Beet” ase 3 Saino Ntaicaeaencaets SEES Sha SS Se Scarce SES See SO — a ) : ae | fe ES 3 Se Sa eee SSeS See Seo eae SS 3 z SRE SESS Spano ees ss eSSee Ried iaeanes SSSam SNS PRESEN SSS SEES Be Ss— SRS nsSues TSSikes Soa eeoan aSS ;A 2BOSS SSS Rescaakens ae Sense oS rosacea SS Sees Saati omnes Siete ena ReeSe eessaa 2ee — _Se Be haan pons chest ens Se Se eS aa aReteenee oes SeeeaSes Lo SE SES RE AN a>-__:SS __-_-_:— Stone Scan sesSiSere Sahn secon Soe See ey Seca og Seapets ST ES : RG US oe .;7

. Seu i. Sy See oe BS RRs Se Ae : ee eS SS SS Se SE

Sheasas os Sore Spann Se Bee ReBeaten es ;Soca SSSeee llSee She Se ee CCR Seat — -.— __. _Puce St Spt ane tCSri Sos ee BRSiemnemeets SN see See Bais. >eaten “2S See So aeSS x goniteaneataat ‘Sean SSS aee SNS SEE hes Rear egchoaepti ORES SS ooee Sikes eames Seas Seo Ses =Stace =— .- _SS Geen es itnpeconcnaanas =Perenee See pipers RS SSE SS ERR SS oo ceSa Sesnes Senne. >Rovere Soi ants Re So. ae =eS Raeaea eet Ree Sg $aes Pe ema So SSS 2— SRS ie >Se Shenae eee SEEN .SSithesnsens Ses ae ronienatas aSe Sess so Tage So Sass sscere SPR Sa eo-SS .— - SSe oe RENSeaton SRS ete So cAe GN :Berman Sart Nae SSS atanere SaaS xSe SN 3S. .eS

Soe oo SER ons rete SR See Se Stenson Sag pete umeaae Ye Seeseo= sRs .: :: 7SE on Noe Notte Sanne Sent aaRites eeSSiaescea Steer SRSica Se Re Re Sane sec ees See ee SEES —adSa S— - _3:_SS SSRN CNS Scaeaaasseenaan eee, Sees Bestia ae thSac Roose eee nee Reese eee Perens rene nSS teen SS Ss Se Se Se acta Lye Sunes Spiraea SSS yaar oad:Si SSS Sees Renee tee Sees anes coat SSae EEE Se So Bea SEER eae Soke Bapicatie so ea Bes eae See Se oe | :oo _SS _ee -SESS Se = SSeS Sones aoa ee Sess Seeaeeese Beton sy tere Rectnentr sees oe — . _-.::|-: te SAe ss Soon ee enone Si See SSE “4 ERS ee SERS a Sete Ss Ra ecsicescotetnnns os SS oo a. FERRE aR Ss Se 5 Seen See Se at Seen my Seas Sek. BS,ene Soe Sas cones Ses 4 so aes EN Sa PLETE RENE SESe Saute BN a— — Seinen Sins Ss ee SSS oe“Siteecanesees osng Ng “Ea [SSS rate —SEN Renee Seen SeeSe eeSN Se: co — Sooke = =Soa Sa Spe Shoes SSSie, SSS ~,Beant Se EO Seen =Ree oesSenet SoeOES aae So [ees ENC — .— -ES . SEES ; SR : - :. SeSe SES 33 Ronen Be SS ees Soar Sea SS Seo SE % Sos eae sn!eas Susans Sos BSR 3Ss Semen SoeS sence SeLN een Sear Rpm 3papnanteene: ieee eae SSeS SS — ieeeNs Po RNG SESESS as Re aoe Seana SSAA, seunnaace peasants sSeamee oe psi aie Became ee — . -sC_C . _— 7 ._:RS SEN Pete Se Sees se cates ser So = Sees =a Ree Se ay Se = Semmes SSeS: SESS sae a — SURES SSSeens erica: pre ee ehSSS Sette eae Sea Se Se 2a eae eeOita 2g Sete eaSea RS AEN ESS SsaeSS SS beeen SS Senate ROP Se Se Sa SSS SoS oo Bs SRS Soe Sees SoU ae Sue career ee at” ee ae ae eS —Se _— _*— 7. SSS Seesseen scuuhannannan ee See See SE SeSak i Bae SSE SSS Reece en SEES Se -aSS Soe = Se ST Be BOS SEs Soran TN Sea. | ee See NS eR 3: NR RSs Sem 2S eS rate ERS SENS RR NS os Roti ee Be ctactapen carts Sane Se See SS Soe ER at Beas a Ee — _ | :st |SS : /San :Syne ./ .— .ssSSS _&Se oe es Seances ene mena Piensa a Se SR SES een Sata eens semen SS : Sa Sanne Se ee = Se Geiieeee aint erate eee eee Rare Te anaes SS ee Sher = SN ee = oS < Be a Se Nereratenk pte St eee Soe Pateeatatate See EGE Wann ate aes Se Bareutensw ates See Sees SSS Soe tates oe SSS = See (2 = o> SSsn see seas SF See ae SiaSSSA 2aSees ERR “aSonos Rasen semen See Se So 3: RNAS Sear SS eee asesensenenans aaeae See Seen Suan Saisie anos ceo etitena SS Sees ae _SRS -SEV . SS -: — Ae =Se Sana ae RRR Rosca summer SE ae.aes saboesaaen nsSSE Se Seishin SSS canaNaN 3ees asSeen Sains Sona Se ST .Se — ee Shine eiassesame om=eacenchcicamae satan Sensei: SSiaomaenes ERR. Sikes SESS SES Sees :7_.a _-— .& reee —s—~™ Sa oe eS CS Sea oe Ree ees SSS Ses SS :’.:oe ae Sitien hanes Bases sss Baie Eons eng aSo Sa SSSseemaeeas: Se sehen Rstiesnees Seen SARE SSS ETE .._ _— 4-— See Reroaenat oeSeas Seas cse SSoS RES Sateen SE Soe oea s =SOS eae Re SVSs SN Ss Se = Soo SRS Sreemmete ES SSS ate SES ob cS Reece POSES SSS Sa = Pe es a Sos ata pecan SR Stk eee RincehenGaas cue SS SSS SSVI EES = SRS Soe Seaseani ss ee ae Se Soma Seen aa Seat t eet sewn a: Sea Sh SAS Seen ea Sens eens cece een Sateen ee “> EN Ses a RR SS RS S33 ee : atRakeoeee Beers eros Bierretoe See SES =Snes sscammne BeaSES ca SER SESS Risen oe SSS Seer EES SS Se sreehagee naeSeo eeSiena Steen rien Bicoccn: Pee aN Nea SSeS esRS ae oe :SESS -< -Se . -SSa$=SS :: :SSS -See ee2ae SEE eS eeSeeek pee ees Sas gate So ss Bacceeees See Se . -- oe 2Siete Shes, Se osSree SS Senos Sees osaN Sonne omnes SES =— SSS — See Seana as nc aashania SSE Sees SER SEAR Sons Stes Seine as State henna Se SNS -3 : ea — See Boos Soo ae Se Soe Bo LE Se SS Reena Saae ees=cea Bierce aes Sk a Spot LcSe ‘IS eae he ee soeuseman sn Se See Sea aa RR 2se Ree ORES Sees Soa SESS Socemee meeatsnecroensceoes oops Sooty om ShSeca Se Sia on ete pteSee =Sas SEEN oe Sete SS SeSak eaten Y esSs SSSS =~ SENS Stes So=Sy Sd |— Se —r—r— a, Pa os Saas ees SSS ce Rae SSN Saree ee Se SSS SS SS eeee 3 Scone ee gets poten ee Sone eaSSaanueeSs SS Sete Rome ee Sas Spee Sethe oat SS Se SAR i.Soattean S pe Sec caSees os Bae ea SS SSeS SASS Sree ae oS es St [RR Sees Seams STS SES sea: Scenes ee oie a[SESS Sot Sn So See :Reet ee Saas SERN eaters Sets Se See SsSES sae Be: oeSES _ SN -SS OU he Seat ho SK Banas eae ucce Se Ee So aeBos SS SSN .a — Sreebo oa Resse sae BessSee Besant Shea 2aAN Soe Sena eames Sieswsee Eaten ste Senae Sawer ek ates SeSSN SS SS 8g—Seas Ses Seat oe Scenes ee SS Sees Nes pros Sea soe cones Aes ee pea Re SSeS Sess BENS See SoaS ._Senn — ss Faas het... See asSORES Sa Sane AN Sian PeSe [SS SSO ae Sones Sheers SAE ES :_sees SS eeeree r——C oe ae See * pega = ES Sienna “See Sasa Sha. See ae sae ae SE x a SSS eee SERS SS See Parma Shera Sines Mes ot pentane ss Sst Sate nas nto =e SS tear ate st Bearer hae a — — _ —r——OS oe ae See poten = Sea Ses SosesSeis ge eSEanes See a So — SRE Sa SES _ —s— Soe ee SS SSR : Nee = ones ees5 Ren ae 8Sees SS

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