Apps and Services with .NET 8: Build practical projects with Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL, 2nd edition [2 ed.] 9781837637133

Bestselling author Mark Price is back to guide you through the latest and most common technologies a .NET developer shou

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Table of contents :
Where to find the code solutions
What this book covers
What you need for this book
Get in touch
Introducing Apps and Services with .NET
Introducing this book and its contents
Companion books to continue your learning journey
What you will learn in this book
My learning philosophy
Fixing my mistakes
Finding the solution code on GitHub
Project naming and port numbering conventions
Treating warnings as errors
App and service technologies
Understanding .NET
Building websites and apps using ASP.NET Core
Building web and other services
Windows Communication Foundation
Common service principles
Summary of choices for services
Building Windows-only apps
Understanding legacy Windows application platforms
Understanding modern .NET support for legacy Windows platforms
Building cross-platform mobile and desktop apps
.NET MAUI alternatives
Understanding the Uno platform
Understanding Avalonia
Setting up your development environment
Choosing the appropriate tool and application type for learning
Using Visual Studio 2022 for general development
Using Visual Studio Code for cross-platform development
Using GitHub Codespaces for development in the cloud
What I used
JetBrains Rider and its warnings about boxing
Deploying cross-platform
Downloading and installing Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2022 keyboard shortcuts
Downloading and installing Visual Studio Code
Installing other extensions
Managing Visual Studio Code extensions at the command prompt
Understanding Microsoft Visual Studio Code versions
Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts
Consuming Azure resources
Using other project templates
Installing additional template packs
Exploring top-level programs, functions, and namespaces
What is automatically generated for a local function?
Writing static functions in a separate Program class file
What is automatically generated for a static function?
Making good use of the GitHub repository for this book
Raising issues with the book
Giving me feedback
Downloading solution code from the GitHub repository
Where to go for help
Reading documentation on Microsoft Learn
Getting help for the dotnet tool
AI tools like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot
Subscribing to the official .NET blog and announcements
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 1.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 1.2 – Review the online-only sections
Exercise 1.3 – Explore topics
Managing Relational Data Using SQL Server
Understanding modern databases
Using a sample relational database
Connecting to a SQL Server database
Installing and setting up SQL Server locally
Installing SQL Server Developer Edition for Windows
Visual Studio Code extension for working with SQL Server
Creating the Northwind sample database locally
Setting up Azure SQL Database
JetBrains Rider tool window for working with SQL Server
Creating the Northwind sample database in the cloud
Managing data with Transact-SQL
T-SQL data types
Documenting with comments
Declaring variables
Specifying data types
Controlling flow
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
DML for adding, updating, and deleting data
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Managing data with low-level APIs
Understanding the types in ADO.NET
Creating a console app for working with ADO.NET
Executing queries and working with data readers using ADO.NET
Outputting statistics
Working with ADO.NET asynchronously
Executing stored procedures using ADO.NET
Outputting streams with a data reader
Generating objects with a data reader
Managing data with Dapper
Dapper connection extension methods
Querying using Dapper
Cleaning up data resources
Removing Azure resources
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 2.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 2.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 2.3 – Alternatives for storing secrets
Building Entity Models for SQL Server Using EF Core
Managing data with EF Core
Understanding Entity Framework Core
Scaffolding models using an existing database
Setting up the dotnet-ef tool
Defining EF Core models
Using EF Core conventions to define the model
Using EF Core annotation attributes to define the model
Using the EF Core Fluent API to define the model
Understanding data seeding with the Fluent API
Defining the Northwind database model
Querying the Northwind model
Controlling the tracking of entities
A scenario using default tracking
The same scenario using no tracking
The same scenario using no tracking with identity resolution
Summary of tracking
Mapping inheritance hierarchies with EF Core
Table-per-hierarchy (TPH) mapping strategy
Table-per-type (TPT) mapping strategy
Table-per-concrete-type (TPC) mapping strategy
Configuring inheritance hierarchy mapping strategies
Example of hierarchy mapping strategies
Building a reusable entity data model
Creating a class library for entity models using SQL Server
Creating a class library for the data context using SQL Server
Calculated properties on entity creation
Creating a test project to check the integration of the class libraries
Writing unit tests for entity models
Running unit tests using Visual Studio 2022
Running unit tests using Visual Studio Code
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 3.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 3.2 – Practice benchmarking ADO.NET against EF Core
Exercise 3.3 – Review performance choices
Exercise 3.4 – Explore topics
Managing NoSQL Data Using Azure Cosmos DB
Understanding NoSQL databases
Cosmos DB and its APIs
Document modeling
Consistency levels
Hierarchy of components
Throughput provisioning
Partition strategies
Data storage design
Migrating data to Cosmos DB
Creating Cosmos DB resources
Using an emulator on Windows to create Azure Cosmos DB resources
Using the Azure portal to create Azure Cosmos DB resources
Using a .NET app to create Azure Cosmos DB resources
Manipulating data with the Core (SQL) API
Performing CRUD operations with the Cosmos SQL API
Understanding SQL queries
Exploring other SQL queries with Cosmos DB
Exploring server-side programming
Implementing user-defined functions
Implementing stored procedures
Cleaning up Azure resources
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 4.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 4.2 – Practice data modeling and partitioning
Exercise 4.3 – Explore topics
Exercise 4.4 – Download cheat sheets
Exercise 4.5 – Explore the Gremlin API for Cosmos DB
Exercise 4.6 – Explore NoSQL databases
Multitasking and Concurrency
Understanding processes, threads, and tasks
Running tasks asynchronously
Running multiple actions synchronously
Running multiple actions asynchronously using tasks
Starting tasks
Waiting for tasks
Using wait methods with tasks
Continuing with another task
Nested and child tasks
Wrapping tasks around other objects
Synchronizing access to shared resources
Accessing a resource from multiple threads
Applying a mutually exclusive lock to a conch
Understanding the lock statement
Avoiding deadlocks
Synchronizing events
Making CPU operations atomic
Applying other types of synchronization
Understanding async and await
Improving responsiveness for console apps
Working with async streams
Improving responsiveness for GUI apps
Improving scalability for web applications and web services
Common types that support multitasking
Using await in catch blocks
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 5.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 5.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 5.3 – Read more about parallel programming
Using Popular Third-Party Libraries
Which third-party libraries are most popular?
What is covered in my books
Working with images
Generating grayscale thumbnails
ImageSharp packages for drawing and the web
Working with text and numbers using Humanizer
Working with text
Humanizer case transformations
Humanizer spacing conversions
Humanizer’s Singularize and Pluralize methods
Exploring text manipulations with a console app
Working with numbers
Working with dates and times
Logging with Serilog
Structured event data
Serilog sinks
Logging to the console and a rolling file with Serilog
Mapping between objects
Defining models for an AutoMapper configuration
Defining mappers for an AutoMapper configuration
Performing tests for an AutoMapper configuration
Performing live mappings between models
Making fluent assertions in unit testing
Making assertions about strings
Making assertions about collections and arrays
Making assertions about dates and times
Validating data
Understanding the built-in validators
Performing custom validation
Customizing validation messages
Defining a model and validator
Testing the validator
Validating data with ASP.NET Core
Generating PDFs
Using QuestPDF on Apple silicon Macs
Creating class libraries to generate PDF documents
Creating a console app to generate PDF documents
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 6.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 6.2 – Explore topics
Handling Dates, Times, and Internationalization
Working with dates and times
Specifying date and time values
Formatting date and time values
Date and time calculations
Microseconds and nanoseconds
Globalization with dates and times
Complexities of Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Localizing the DayOfWeek enum
Working with only a date or a time
Getting date/time formatting information
Unit testing with a time provider
Working with time zones
Understanding DateTime and TimeZoneInfo
Exploring DateTime and TimeZoneInfo
Working with cultures
Detecting and changing the current culture
Temporarily using the invariant culture
Localizing your user interface
Defining and loading resources
Testing globalization and localization
Working with Noda Time
Important concepts and defaults in Noda Time
Converting between Noda Time date/time types
Exploring Node Time in a console app
Unit testing and JSON serialization with Noda Time
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 7.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 7.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 7.3 – Learn from expert Jon Skeet
Building and Securing Web Services Using Minimal APIs
Building web services using ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs
Benefits of Minimal API-based web services
Understanding Minimal API route mappings
Understanding parameter mapping
Understanding return values
Documenting a Minimal APIs service
Setting up an ASP.NET Core Web API project
Testing web services using Swagger
Testing web services with code editor tools
Excluding paths from OpenAPI documentation
Visual Studio 2022 scaffolding for Minimal APIs
Relaxing the same origin security policy using CORS
Configuring HTTP logging for the web service
Creating a web page JavaScript client
Creating a .NET client
Understanding CORS
Enabling CORS for specific endpoints
Understanding other CORS policy options
Preventing denial of service attacks using rate limiting
Rate limiting using the AspNetCoreRateLimit package
Creating a rate-limited console client
Rate limiting using ASP.NET Core middleware
Improving startup time and resources using native AOT
Limitations of native AOT
Reflection and native AOT
Native AOT for ASP.NET Core
Requirements for native AOT
Enabling native AOT for a project
Enabling JSON serialization with native AOT
Building a native AOT project
Publishing a native AOT project
Understanding identity services
JWT bearer authorization
Authenticating service clients using JWT bearer authentication
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 8.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 8.2 – Review Microsoft HTTP API design policy
Exercise 8.3 – Explore topics
Exercise 8.4 – Exposing data via the web using OData services
Exercise 8.5 – Auth0 project templates
Caching, Queuing, and Resilient Background Services
Understanding service architecture
What parts of a system are slowest?
Numbers every (developer) should know
Caching with ASP.NET Core
General caching guidelines
Building a controller-based Web API service
Caching objects using in-memory caching
Caching objects using distributed caching
A new abstraction for distributed caching
Caching web responses using HTTP caching
Fault tolerance with Polly
Understanding retry and circuit breaker patterns
Defining and executing policies
Defining wait intervals between retries
Applying policies to HTTP clients
Adding random faults to the web service
Building an MVC project to call the faulty web service
Implementing the Retry pattern for transient fault handling
Queuing with RabbitMQ
Setting up RabbitMQ using Docker
Sending messages to a queue using an MVC website
Consuming message from a queue using a console app
Implementing long-running background services
Building a worker service
Processing queued message using a worker service
Executing code on a timed schedule
Building a website to host Hangfire
Scheduling jobs using Hangfire
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 9.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 9.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 9.3 – Replace the Distributed Memory Cache with another distributed cache implementation
Exercise 9.4 – Replace Hangfire with Quartz.NET
Exercise 9.5 – Review the Reliable Web App pattern
Building Serverless Nanoservices Using Azure Functions
Understanding Azure Functions
Azure Functions triggers and bindings
NCRONTAB expressions
Azure Functions versions and languages
Azure Functions worker models
Azure Functions hosting plans
Azure Storage requirements
Testing locally with Azurite
Azure Functions authorization levels
Azure Functions support for dependency injection
Installing Azure Functions Core Tools
Building an Azure Functions project
Using Visual Studio 2022
Using Visual Studio Code
Using the func CLI
Reviewing the Azure Functions project
Implementing a simple function
Testing a simple function
Responding to timer and resource triggers
Implementing a Timer triggered function
Testing the Timer triggered function
Implementing a function that works with queues and BLOBs
Testing the function that works with queues and BLOBs
Publishing an Azure Functions project to the cloud
Using Visual Studio 2022 to publish
Using Visual Studio Code to publish
Cleaning up Azure Functions resources
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 10.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 10.2 – Explore topics
Broadcasting Real-Time Communication Using SignalR
Understanding SignalR
The history of real-time communication on the web
Introducing SignalR
Azure SignalR Service
Designing method signatures
Building a live communication service using SignalR
Defining some shared models
Enabling a server-side SignalR hub
Building a web client using the SignalR JavaScript library
Adding a chat page to the MVC website
Testing the chat feature
Building a .NET console app client
Creating a .NET client for SignalR
Testing the .NET console app client
Streaming data using SignalR
Defining a hub for streaming
Creating a .NET console app client for streaming
Testing the streaming service and client
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 11.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 11.2 – Explore topics
Combining Data Sources Using GraphQL
Understanding GraphQL
GraphQL query document format
Requesting fields
Specifying filters and arguments
Understanding other GraphQL capabilities
Understanding the ChilliCream GraphQL platform
Building a service that supports GraphQL
Defining the GraphQL schema for Hello World
Writing and executing GraphQL queries
Naming GraphQL queries aka operations
Understanding field conventions
Defining GraphQL queries for EF Core models
Adding support for EF Core
Exploring GraphQL queries with Northwind
Implementing paging support
Implementing filtering support
Implementing sorting support
Building .NET clients for a GraphQL service
Choosing GraphQL request formats
Understanding the GraphQL response format
Using REST Client as a GraphQL client
Using an ASP.NET Core MVC project as a GraphQL client
Testing the .NET client
Creating a console app client using Strawberry Shake
Implementing GraphQL mutations
Adding mutations to the GraphQL service
Exploring the add product mutation
Implementing updates and deletes as mutations
Implementing GraphQL subscriptions
Adding a subscription and topic to the GraphQL service
Exploring subscribing to a topic
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 12.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 12.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 12.3 – Practice building .NET clients
Building Efficient Microservices Using gRPC
Understanding gRPC
How gRPC works
Defining gRPC contracts with .proto files
gRPC benefits
gRPC limitations
Types of gRPC methods
Microsoft’s gRPC packages
Building a gRPC service and client
Building a Hello World gRPC service
Project file item configuration
Building a Hello World gRPC client
Testing a gRPC service and client
Implementing gRPC for an EF Core model
Implementing the gRPC service
Implementing the gRPC client
Taking gRPC further
Improving a gRPC service with native AOT publish
Getting request and response metadata
Adding a deadline for higher reliability
Handling dates, times, and decimal numbers
Defining a custom decimal type and using date/time types
Implementing the product and employee gRPC services
Adding product and employee gRPC clients
Testing decimal, date, and bytes handling
Implementing interceptors and handling faults
Adding a client-side interceptor
Exception and transient fault handling
Implementing gRPC JSON transcoding
Enabling gRPC JSON transcoding
Testing gRPC JSON transcoding
Comparing with gRPC-Web
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 13.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 13.2 – Compare gRPC services with HTTP APIs
Exercise 13.3 – Explore topics
Building Web User Interfaces Using ASP.NET Core
Setting up an ASP.NET Core MVC website
Creating an ASP.NET Core MVC website
Exploring the default ASP.NET Core MVC website
Understanding visitor registration
Reviewing an MVC website project structure
Referencing an EF Core class library and registering a data context
Defining web user interfaces with Razor views
Understanding Razor views
Prototyping with Bootstrap
Understanding Razor syntax and expressions
Understanding HTML Helper methods
Defining a strongly-typed Razor view
Localizing and globalizing with ASP.NET Core
Creating resource files
If you are using Visual Studio 2022
If you are using Visual Studio Code
Localizing Razor views with an injected view localizer
Understanding the Accept-Language header
Defining web user interfaces with Tag Helpers
Comparing HTML Helpers and Tag Helpers
Exploring the Anchor Tag Helper
Exploring the Cache Tag Helpers
Exploring the Environment Tag Helper
Understanding how cache busting with Tag Helpers works
Exploring Forms-related Tag Helpers
Output caching
Output caching endpoints
Output caching MVC views
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 14.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 14.2 – Practice building user interfaces with Boostrap
Exercise 14.3 – Explore topics
Building Web Components Using Blazor
Understanding Blazor
Blazor hosting models
Blazor components
Blazor routing to page components
How to pass route parameters
Setting parameters from a query string
Route constraints for parameters
Base component classes
Blazor layouts
How to navigate Blazor routes to page components
CSS and JavaScript isolation
Building Blazor components
Reviewing the new Blazor project template
Using Bootstrap icons
Referencing an EF Core class library and registering a data context
Building a static server rendered component for data
Building a component with server interactivity
Building a Blazor progress bar component
Building a Blazor dialog box component
Building a Blazor alert component
Building a Blazor data component
Making the component
Making the component a routable page component
Getting entities into a component by building a web service
Getting entities into a component by calling the web service
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 15.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 15.2 – Practice building Blazor components
Exercise 15.3 – Practice building an IndexedDB interop service
Exercise 15.4 – Explore topics
Exercise 15.5 – Explore Blazor WebAssembly topics
Exercise 15.6 – Explore Progressive Web Apps with Blazor
Exercise 15.7 – Leveraging Open Source Blazor Component Libraries
Building Mobile and Desktop Apps Using .NET MAUI
Understanding XAML
Simplifying code using XAML
.NET MAUI namespaces
Type converters
Choosing between .NET MAUI controls
Markup extensions
Understanding .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI and Xamarin support
Development tools for mobile first, cloud first
Installing .NET MAUI workloads manually
.NET MAUI user interface component categories
Shell control
ListView control
Entry and Editor controls
.NET MAUI handlers
Writing platform-specific code
Building mobile and desktop apps using .NET MAUI
Creating a virtual Android device for local app testing
Enabling Windows developer mode
Creating a .NET MAUI project
Adding shell navigation and more content pages
Implementing more content pages
Using shared resources
Defining resources to share across an app
Referencing shared resources
Changing shared resources dynamically
Using data binding
Binding to elements
Practicing and exploring
Exercise 16.1 – Test your knowledge
Exercise 16.2 – Explore topics
Exercise 16.3 – Implementing Model-View-ViewModel for .NET MAUI
Exercise 16.4 – Integrating .NET MAUI apps with Blazor and native platforms
Cloud-native development using .NET Aspire
Introducing the Survey Project Challenge
Third edition coming in December 2025
Next steps on your C# and .NET learning journey
Companion books to continue your learning journey
Other books to take your learning further
Good luck!

Apps and Services with .NET 8: Build practical projects with Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL, 2nd edition [2 ed.]

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